PR K/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SOUTHERN BKANCH ^cTi FS CALIF. ^^S ANGELE5D. ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AUSTIN DOBSON BALLADE OF BALLADES TO AUSTIN DOBSON FroDi titc su7my climes of France^ Flying to the west, CiDiie ajlock of birds by c Jinnee , There to sing and rest : Of sotnc secrets deep in quest, — Justice for their wrongs, — Seeking one to shield their breast. One to write their songs. Melodies of old ronuince, Joy and gentle jest. Notes that nuide the dull heart dance With a merry zest ; Maids in matchless beauty drest, Youths in happy throngs ; — These they sang to tempt and test One to write their songs. In old London's 7uide expanse Built each feathered guest, — Mail's small pleasure to enhance. Singing him to rest, — Came, and tenderly confessed. Perched on leafy prongs. Life 7uere s^aeet if they possessed One to write their songs. ENVOY. Austin, it was you they blest : Fame to you belongs I Time has proven youVe the best One to ivrite their songs / FKANK DEMl'STER SUEKMAN. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AUSTIN DOBSON ATTEMPTED BY FRAN CIS EDWIN MURRAY J J J J J , Jjjjj>j,> J *.■>*. J J J ^ >J I J > i DERBY FRANK MURRAY 1900 r- f- o >^ '^•^ 6o5 4 ^ EDITION LIMITED TO JO Large Hand-made Paper copies for sale in England. 2j ditto for Presentation, lo ditto for sale in America, joo Orditiary copies for England. ^a>diii.q-\fi.KAmi'(ifa. \ .\ ''\ ':::''c \/t;/r° ^' The edition , for Anitrica bas _beep' {tcquirad,!)!' IMtissni.. Do-klj Mt-ad T.nd Company, '•' ' / I/; •'.'• V> •"; NeW'YOrk. '• ''; ' > ' '. ^' .'' * ^ I r PRINTED BY FRANK MURRAY, MORAY PRESS, DERBY. I TO ALL LOVERS OF BELLES-LETTRES V CONTENTS i 1 r\ n Part I. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. Part VI. Addenda Notes . . Original Works in Verse Original Works in Prose Section i „ •• ,, iii. Edited Works ,, iv. Works Contributed to Chronology of Original Works ... Section i. C'ontribulions to Periodical ,, ii. Contributions to Periodical Section i. Titles of Pieces in Verse ,, ii. Titles of Pieces in Prose Index of P>ooks and Periodicals Index of First Lines in Verse in Prose page I 21 39 65 109 115 153 167 269 303 315 333 345 ^ovewotb* ^^^HEN commencing, some years ago, a brief catalogue of a small collection of ApV Mr. Dobson's books, it was not intended to attempt anything so elaborate as the present Bibliography ; but a desire for accuracy, combined with a collector's mania for possession, have constantly conspired to enlarge the scope of the work, until it is now presented to the collector and librarian, not indeed as an infallible guide, but as an honest (if feeble) attempt to fill one of the gaps in the bibliographical shelf. The personal possession of the greater part of the works mentioned has possibly prevented the compiler from falling into some of those errors incidental to a work of this kind, as it has afforded opportunities of verifying over and over again almost every entry. It may be as well to give here some general idea of the scope and arrangement of this book, though it is hoped that the various sections are sufficiently clear to need no guide. In Part I., which divides itself naturally into four sections, the titles of the first issues (and of later issues when the alterations are considerable) are given verbativi, limit of lines being shown by the mark /. A novelty has been introduced in the repetition of the /i X. same style of type as that used in the title-pages (upper and lower case, italics, capitals, ^c.) ; but though adding greatly to the trouble given to the printer (not to mention the compiler), it is doubtful whether the reader will consider this an advantage. The impossibility of employing type the size of that used in the original titles i)robably qualifies any advantage that might have resulted from this novelty. Particulars of the illustrations (when not given in the title-page) are added below, as well as particulars of binding, number printed, &c. Failing the general adoption by bibliographers of an accurate method of denoting size, sizes are given in conventional terms, preference being given to the publishers' own nomenclature. The collations, except in the case of works of an encyclopaedic character, are given with great fullness, and it is hoped with accuracy. Probably many of the works thus elucidated are not worthy of such full treatment, but it lias appeared better to err in that way than to lack uniformity. Besides, a book which at the moment may have no particular interest or value may, at a future date, acquire by accident either or both these qualities. The word idem is used only when the title-page is an exact transcript of that of the item immediately preceding ; ditto being used when another edition is denoted. Part II. is given in order to briefly chronicle Mr. Dobson's literary career. Part III. does not pretend to be complete. The number and variety of the periodicals to which Mr. Dobsun has contributed from 1S64 to tlie present time render XI. the search an ahnost never-ending one ; and though, no doubt, it could be done with "time and patience," it must be left for other hands to fill in the lacuna;. On Part IV. a great amount of labour has been bestowed, and it is hoped that this part may be of considerable value and interest. It will be noted that the information about each piece is placed beneath the title under which the piece first appeared., but entries of the later titles, with cross references to the original titles, make reference an easy matter to those who know a piece by its later title only. In the few cases in which it has been impossible to discover iha provenance of a piece, it has necessarily been entered under the title under which it is now known, but it is only right to warn the reader that a few such pieces may have appeared under other titles. In consulting the Indices, their scope and intent must be borne in mind, or the reader may be disappointed. It is hoped that the imperfections of this book will be found to consist more of omissions than commissions. No doubt many books are omitted ; but those included have been carefully described, and it can be said of them, as Mr. Dobson himslllf says of the works enumerated in his Bibliography of the Vicar of Wakefield, " nearly all the copies here included have been examined de visuJ'' In a bibliographical work the difficulty is to know when to stop. In the present work, many of the minutioe of description inserted in other bibliographies are conspicuous by their absence — such as imprints, headlines, xn. letterings of bindings, published (or market) prices, &c. These may be faults, and it is right that, if they are, blame should be given. But, on the other hand, a greater fullness in other directions may perchance balance the scale, and the critic is requested to bear this in mind before pouring out the full vials of his wrath. No one is more aware of the incom- pleteness of his labours than the writer ; and now that his work is finished, many possible improvements are visible. Should a second edition ever be called for, an opportunity will be afforded of making these improvements, as well as any necessary additions, and to this end corrections and additions will be thankfully received. In conclusion, it is a pleasure to thank those who have assisted in this compilation, viz., most of the publishers of the works mentioned ; Mr. C. M. Falconer, of Dundee, who has revised several proof-sheets; and particularly Colonel W. F. Prideaux, C.S.I., who has given the greatest assistance and encouragement, entering into the compiler's labour with an enthusiasm which has served to lighten it, and a kindness which has made it sweet. F. E. MURRAY. (Wr. Mmtin ©oBeon'ff (poefrg. * ♦■•'» /^■^HE publication in England of three hundred and fifty copies of the edition de luxe of i^v Mr. Dobson's poems, under the title o{ Poems on Several Occasions (2 vols., 1895), was the occasion of an interesting paper in The Bookman (February, 1896) on The Poet>y of Austin Dobson, by Mr. Davenport Adams; and the present seems a fitting opportunity for correcting certain errors in Mr. Davenport Adams' article, in order to avoid the perpetuation of error when the pages of The Bookman are searched, at any future day, for bibliographical information. It would be presumption in the present writer to correct one who, like Mr. Adams, is thoroughly acquainted with the poetical literature of the nineteenth century (his Comic Poets of the Nineteenth Century has long been one of the writer's closest companions), were he not by a special study of the subject qualified to speak, and had he not almost every volume to which Mr. Dobson has in any way contributed at hand for verifying his corrections. 'Written for a periodical, and now printed with slight alterations. XIV, Before touching on Mr. Adams' article, it may not be out of place to give, roughly, the relationship to one another of the various volumes of poetry from Mr. Dobson's pen, thus : — Collected Foems, 1897, contains nine more poems than Poems 071 Several Occasions^ 2 vols., 1895, which contains eleven more poems than rMj IT/ ij jj II .u ^ cjQ A { which are provided with titles at the end Old World Idylls, 9th ed., 1S89, and r.t 1 .. r u- j- • 1 j A4 ^u c- Jc^i T ^^u A 00 A or the latter tor binding m 2 vols, under At tAe Stm of t//e Lyre, othed., iS8q, ,, . * -^ -^ ^ y> y ti^g name of Foems on Several Occasions, 2 vols., London, 1889, which is the same in contents as the American collection, Foems on Several Occasions, 2 vols. (New York), 1889. Old IJo rid Idylls, 9th ed., 1889, is the same in contents as Old Ilorld Idylls, 1883, which contains two poems not in the corresponding American volume. Vignettes in Rhyme and other Verses (New York), 1880, which contains the bulk of the pieces in Froverbs in Forcelain, 1877, and Vignettes in Rhyme (London), 1873, At the Sign of the Lyre, 6th ed., i88g, contains twelve poems which are not in the first edition. XV. At the Si^^n of the Lyre., 18S5, which contains nineteen poems not in the corres- ponding American volume, At the Sign of the Lyre (New York), 1885, which contains the principal remaining pieces in the Proverbs (iSj-j) and the Vignettes (1873), not reprinted in Vig?iettes in Rhyme, 1880, together with an entirely fresh collection of more recent verses. Selected Poems, Leipzig, 1892, contains considerably less than the first named in this list. We commenced this comparison by saying " give, roughly, the relationship," because though the additional pieces are noted, it is unnecessary here to note the variations in the way oi omissions (all these points are dealt with in the following "Bibliography"). Now, then, to correct Mr. Adams' slight mistakes. He says, with reference to St. PauVs Magazine: "Up to and including that date [July, 1870], Mr. Dobson had in- variably signed 'A. D.' From that time upwards his name was given in full." That is true, except that "Andre le Chapelain," in December, 1873, is not signed at all. From the fact that it was only during Anthony Trollope's editorship (as Mr. Adams points out) that Mr. Dobson used his initials only, notwithstanding that in 1865 and 1866 he appended " Austin Dobson " to at least three pieces published in The Englishivoman^s Domestic Magazine (not since reprinted), may we not infer that this use of initials only was counselled by the editor? XVI. Mr. Adams quotes the rhythmical preface to Vii::;netfes in Rhyme, i873) adding, "which has not been reprinted." It was, however, reprinted in the second and third editions (1874 and 1875) at the end as " L'Envoi (to the First Edition)." Of the contents he says, "A Short Vacation" and "Love's Quest" "have not, I beheve, been re- pubHshed in volume form." But neither of these pieces appear in \\\q. first edition, though they are included in the second and third. The latter piece has since been restored in the Collected Poems. Of another poem in St. PauPs he says, "'Andre le Chapelain ' was reprinted in At the Sign of the Lyre f but it was previously reprinted in the two editions (1877 and 1878) o{ Prove >■ lis in Porcelain. Probably by a printer's error Mr. Adams is made to say, " The poems which appeared in the Vignettes for the first time in book-form were," &c. What he evidently meant was "The (7//z^?- poems," i.e., other than those which had appeared in .S7. PauPs. In the list of these others he gives the provenance of all except "A Revolutionary Relic," " Incognita," and " The Peacock on the Wall." The last-named we have ourselves not been able to trace to any other source, and conclude, therefore, that it was written for the Vignettes; but the oilier two appeared respectively in Tlic Englislnvoman^s Domestic Magazifie, November, 1866, and October, 1866, over the signature " H. A. U." And here it would not be perhaps out of place to remark that it was in this periodical, and the same year, that those admirable papers on Mademoiselle de Corday, &c. appeared, which were not reprinted till 1890, under the title Four Frenchwomen. xvn. Of the four poems which, as Mr. Adams then correctly says, have not been reprinted since their appearance in Vv^nettes in Rhyme, one, " A City Flower," has been restored in the Collected Foe?ns, with a note by the author to the effect that it was his first contribution (as far as he remembers) to a magazine. [In the Collected Poems are also restored the dedicatory lines "To Frederick Locker" of Proverbs in Porcelain (iS-j-j), though they are merely printed amongst the "Notes."] Mr. Adams adds : "A second edition of Vignettes appeared in England in 1874 ;" l^ut omits to say that a third appeared in 1875. Of the contents of Proverbs in Porcelain, Mr. Adams remarks that certain of the "Rose Leaves" "Mr. Dobson has not reproduced in his collected works"; but they appeared in the American Vignettes in Rhyme (New York), 1880, though not in its English counterpart, Old World Idylls, 1883. Of this latter volume Mr. Adams says, "The chief pieces new to book-form were," &c. : but in reality he mentions the only pieces which were new. Of "The Ballad of Imitation " he remarks, it "had also been first seen in a periodical" — the periodical was Belgravia, March, 1878. Mr. Adams need no longer grudge the Continental public their Selected Poems, because every piece in that volume is included in Collected Poems. The reference in the following words to the illustrated volume published in 1893 under the title Proverbs in Porcelain is rather misleading, as it would give one the idea that XVlll. it was a reprint of the whole of Proverbs in Porcelain, ^^11, whereas it really only contained the six " Proverbs in Porcelain " from that volume (or, as the author says, from Old World Idylls), together with tlie piece, " Au Revoir." Mr. Adams did not probably mean that to be understood, but this is what he says: "To an illustrated re-issue of the 'Proverbs in Porcelain' in 1893, the author added a Vignette — ' Au Revoir' — which has already figured in At the Sign of the Lyre." In speaking o^ the Poe/ns on Several Occasions, 1895, Mr. Adams ignores the fact that the 1S89 editions of Old World Idylls and At the Sign of the Lyre were practically the Poems on Several Occasiotis of New York, 1889, and that not only was one of them provided with titles to enable purchasers to bind them up under the general title if they wished, but the English publishers themselves issued some copies so bound and lettered. Of the 1895 volumes he remarks that they contain "ten or eleven hitherto uncollected pieces." The exact number is eleven, or twelve if you count the "Prologue" and "Epilogue" to Abbey's "Quiet Life" as two, which is probably the correct thing to do. Of the verses, ' " Sat est Scripsisse,' " which appear in these volumes, he remarks, "which have already been read in a London periodical." The periodical was The Yellow Book, vol. ii., 1894, but the lines had previously been printed in the Catalogue of Mr. Gosse's Library, 1893. These may seem trifling matters, but in bibliography the merest trifles are essential. ERRATA. Pag 4, 12th line from bottom, for six xcvul five. 5, last line, after "reprinted" add "except in Gosse's Catalogue." 6, 6th line from bottom, dc/cte "sub-title, reverse, blank, i leaf." 8, 3rd line from top, for i8go read iSSj. 8, 5th ,, ,, add " 1883"' after "edition." 8, Sth ,, ,, add " 1886" after "edition." 8,9th ,, ,, add "1887" after "edition." 8, loth ,, ,, add " 1888" after "edition." 8, I2th ,, ,, transfer the description and collation of tenth edition to seventh edition. 10, 3rd line from bottom, for /SSj read 1SS6. 16, 1st line, for rS(p4 read iSgs- 17, 13th line from top, for tenth read ninth, and for seventh read si.vth. 17. Since printint; this portion, the compiler finds that " The A'irgin with the Bells "and " With a Volume of Verse," here stated as not having been previously collected, appeared in the first five editions of At the Sign of the Lyre {the latter under the title " L'Envoi."). ,, 19, 15th line from top, for j;v/ read 2nort>i, which, though included in the first six editions of ^.^ the Sign of the Lyre, has been omitted from subsequent collections, but two others are added, viz., A Short Vacation, p 129, and Love's Quest, p. 208. The former has never been in- cluded in any subsequent collection; the latter not until the issue of Collected Poems, 1897, in which it re-appears for the first time at p. 178. The " L' Envoi " to "Dorothy" was omitted in this edition, but again restored in Old World Idylls, 1883. .■\lso, the verses on the reverse of dedication of the first edition are here placed on the last page, while extracts from reviews are printed on the reverse of half-title. Ditto, third edition, 1875. Same binding as second edition. Exact reprint of second edition. (11.) PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN. 1877. PROVERB.S IN PORCELAIN / AND OTHER VERSES. / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON. / '■'■ MajoreS majora sonent.'' / henry s. king & CO., LONDON. / 1877. 5 Cr. 8vo. Pp. X. 4- 2IO. Brown cloth, lettered on back and side, edges untrimmed. Collation: Half title, with advertisement on reverse of "Vignettes in Rhyme," I leaf; title, "The Rights of Translation and of Reproduction are reserved" on reverse, i leaf; dedicatory poem to Frederick Locker, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank; the poems, 98 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; notes, 4 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; " Some opinions of the Press on 'Vignettes in Rhyme,'" 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. At the end is the publishers' list of 36 pp. Published June i6th, 1877. One piece — "Apple Blossoms"- — in this volume has never been reprinted. For other pieces omitted from subsequent collections see note to second edition. " Another volume of ' golden apples.' . . . He (the author) sings in triolets and rondels and rondeaus with the ease that a bird warbles its own wood-notes." — ll-^esi>ninster Revie'M. " One of the most e.vquisitely delightful of books. If Mr. Austin Dobson writes nothing but the two volumes he has already given to the world, he will have an enduring place of his own in poetic literature." — Contemporary Hcvieiv. " His verses do e.xactjy what they aim at doing, and many of them can hardly be excelled for gaiety, music, mastery of rhyme, and happy balance of sense and sentiment." — Pall Mall Gazette. "The author has amply fulfilled the promise he gave a long while ago of extraordinary excellence in the field he has chosen." — Illustrated London News, Ditto, second edition, C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Cr. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 216. Blue cloth, different design from first edition, edges untrimmed. Collation : Half title, with "Some Notices of the First Edition" on reverse, I leaf; title with " The Rights," &c. on reverse, i leaf; dedicatory lines to Frederick Locker, with verses on reverse, I leaf; contents, 1 leaf; the poems, 102 leaves; notes, 4 leaves, reverse of last leaf having printers' imprint ; "Some Opinions of the Press on 'Vignettes in Rhyme,'" 2 leaves. Bound at end is a 32 pp. catalogue of the publishers' publications. Messrs. C. Kegan Paul & Co. took over the publishing business of Messrs. Henry S. King & Co. Contains some pieces not in first edition, viz., 'A Loyall Ballade of the Armada' 'A Quartet from Horace,' (' " O F'ons Bandusiae ! " ' ' " Vitas Hinnuleo," ' ' " Persicos Odi," ' ' " Tu ne Quaesieris," '), and 'The Ballad of Prose and Rhyme.' The piece entitled '"Old Clo,'" in first edition, is here called '"Premiers Amours,"' the title under which it first appeared in St. Paul's A/a^i;azi>te, Sept., 1873. The two pieces printed in first ed. under the title ' Emblemata Amoris ' are here entitled ' Emblems.' Of the Rondels and Rondeaus [so spelt in this book] in the first edition, ' "Too Plard it is to Sing'" is printed here as a prefatory poem, but has never been reprinted. ' " Vou Bid me •\. \ \ X Try"' is relegated to the notes, "on the ground" (to quote from an article by Mr. Davenport Adams in The Bookman — On the Poetry of Austin Dobson) "that it is an adaptation from the French, and a species of poetical 'exercise'." And in all subsequent collections it has occupied the same position, while ' "When Finis Comes,"' which in the first edition was printed at the end, is in this placed amongst the Rondels and Rondeaus. In Old World Idylls, and Poems on Several Occasions (Vol. i) it is again printed at the end, as an 'envoi,' but in Collected Poems, 1897, it is once more placed amongst the rondeaux under ' Essays in Old French Forms.' Another rondeau, ' " To You I Sing," ' has been made very familiar as the prefatory poem to every subsequent collection except the English and American At the Sii;n of the Lyre. Two of the " Rondels and Rondeaus"—' Change' and 'Fair' — which appeared in first edition as well as here, have never been reprinted. Three of the 'Rose Leaves' ('These are Leaves of my Rose,' ' " Amari Aliquid,'" and 'Old Loves'), and the "huitain," "Love's Farewell," which appeared here and in the first edition, have not been reprinted in later English collections, though they were reprinted in the American Vignettes in Rhyme (next described). This edition also has " Some notices of the first edition " on reverse of half title. The residue of this edition was destroyed by the great fire at the publishers'. (in.) VIGNETTES IN RHYME AND OTHER VERSES. 1880. VIGNETTE.S IN RHYME / AND OTHER VERSES / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / " Majorcs majonx SOflCflt " / [publishers' device] / new york / henry holt and company / 1880.* Crown Svo. Pp. xx. + 278. Cloth gilt, gilt edges. Collation: One blank leaf; title, with notice as to contents on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Professor Oliver Wendell Holmes, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction by Edmund C. Stcdman, 5 leaves, with verses on reverse of last leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 139 leaves ; l blank leaf. This is not identical with the volume published in England under the same title, as the following notice testifies : — " The verses in this volume are selected by the Author for this edition, and, %vith some few exceptions, are from Vigneite.s IN Rmyme, 1873, ««(/ Proverbs in Porcelain, 1877." Ditto, reprinted, 1885. {IV. ) OLD-WORLD IDYLLS. 1883. Old-World / IDYLLS / and other verses / By / austin dobson / Apollinece helium puerile pharetrce / [publishers' device] / London / kegan paul, trench & co. / mdccclxxxiil 250. Sage green cloth, lettered on back and side, top edge gilt, Elzevir 8vo. Pp. x. + others untrimmed. Collation : Note about contents, reverse blank, i leaf (this, though forming part of signature 'A,' is not numbered with the preliminary leaves) ; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; dedicatory poem, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 122 leaves, with verses on reverse of last leaf; advertisement of work " by the same author " (" In preparation, At the Sign of the Lyre"), reverse blank, i leaf; printers' imprint, reverse blank, 1 leaf; i blank leaf. Published Nov. 3rd, 1883. This is substantially a reprint, though newly arranged, of the American volume issued in 1880 by Messrs. Henry Holt and Co., under the title Vignettes in Rhyme and other Verses (described immediately above) ; but the following pieces, which appeared in that work were omitted in this : — At the Convent Gate, The Cures Progress, An old Fish Pond, A Chapter of Froissart, A Revohitionary Relic, A Son7iet in Dialogue, Love' s Fare'vell , The Ballad of the Barmecide, and three of the ^ Rose Leaves.' (These were all included in the next volume. At the SiL^n of the Lyre, 1885, except Love's Farewell and the three ' Rose Leaves,' which have never since been reprinted.) And two pieces which are not in the American book are added to this, viz.. On a Nankin Plate, and " O Navts." The only pieces other than those from Vignettes in Rhyme (London), 1873, and Proverbs in Porcelain, 1877, are 'As to the pipe with rhythmic feet' (prefixed to the "Essays in Old French Forms"), 'The Wanderer,' 'To Ethel,' ' " V'ixi Puellis,'" 'On a Nankin Plate,' 'For a Copy of Theocritus,' 'On a Fan,' ' The Ballad of Imitation,' '" O Navis," ' and ' The Dance of Death.' Idem, large paper. Crown 8vo. With a frontispiece. Paper wrappers.* The variations in collation from small paper edition are: — (I.) T'refixed are i blank leaf, and i leaf, reverse blank, with this notice — *^* THE large pater edition of this book, consisting of FIFTY copies, ALL OF WHICH ARE NUMBERED AND SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, WAS PRINTED AT 8 THE CHiswicK PRESS IN SEPTEMBER, 18S3. This is No. , signed by the author, '■'■Austin Dob- son." (II.) A frontispiece by E. A. Abbey, being the author's book-plate, which first appears in the small paper issue in the edition of 1890. Ditto, second edition, 1883. Ditto, third edition.* Ditto, fourth edition, 1884. Ditto, fifth edition, 1885. Ditto, sixth edition.* Ditto, seventh edition.* Ditto, eighth edition.* Ditto, ninth edition, 1889.* Ditto, tenth edition, 1890. Pp. x. + 252. With frontispiece and tail-piece (book-plates). Collation: Same as previous editions up to page 246. Then come: — Title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 2 leaves. The frontispiece faces title, tailpiece faces p. 252. At p. 251 (notes) is the " I'ocket Version"' which was appended to " Davus, I detest," when it first aiipeared in Proverbs in Porcelain, second edition, 1878; and at page 252 the paraphase of Voiture, "You bid me try, Blue- Eves, to write." Ditto, eleventh edition, 1893. Protected by printed paper wrapper. Some idea of the increasing popularity of Mr. Dobson's poems may be gathered from the notice on reverse of half-title of this edition, which reads: — "First Edition (50x3), 1883. P'leventh edition (2,000), 1892." Except that the preliminary leaf is left blank, collation is same as tenth ed. The size and binding of all the subsequent editit)ns are uniform with the first edition. This book will not be reprinted. See Notes (p. 512) to Collected Poems., 1897, which volume includes the contents of this and At the Sign of the Lyre. (V.) AT THE SIGN OF THE LYRE (American Edition). 1885. At the Sign of the Lyre / by / austin dobson / — leviore plectro / [Publishers' device.] / new york / henry holt and company / 1885. Crown 8vo. Pp. x. + 240. Old gold cloth gilt, lettered back and side, gilt edges. Collation: One blank leaf; Advertisement of Austin Dobson's poems, reverse blank, I leaf; title, with note as to contents on reverse, i leaf; poetical dedication to E. C. Stedman, with verses on re- verse. I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub-title, I leaf, reverse Ijlank ; the work, 1 16 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 2 leaves; epilogue, reverse blank, i leaf. In this edition there are 13 pieces not included in the English volume, viz., " Navis,^^ On a Nankin Plate, and the ' Dixain ' ('As to the pipe with rhythmic feet '), which had appeared in Old World Idylls, 1SS3, the last-named as a prefatory poem to the ' Essays in Old French Forms' ; * A'otes of a Honey- vioon ; * The Street Singer; You Bid Me Try ; * To Brander Mattheivs (' In vain to-day I scrape and blot') ; * To H. C. Bunner (' Witness my hand and seal thereto') ; * To George H. Boiighton (' Spring stirs and wakes by holt and hill ') ; * To Richard Watson Gilder (' Old friends are best ! And so to you'); To Lawrence Barrett ('When Burbadge played'); * To Laurence Hutton ('There is no "mighty purpose" in this book'); and [Dedication] * To Ediniiud Clarence Stedman ('No need to- day that we commend "). Those marked with an asterisk have not been reprinted. The poems which appear in this edition under the respective titles, A Sermon in Stone, and To J. S., are in the English volume, entitled respectively To an Unknoivn Bust in the British AJuseum, and "■A Sabine Farm. " (VI.) AT THE SIGN OF THE LYRE (English Edition). 1885. At the Sign / of The Lyre / By / austin dobson / leviore plectro / [Publishers' de- vice] / LONDON / KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH & CO. / MDCCCLXXXV. lO Elzevir 8vo. Pp. x. + 232. Front, by E. A. Abbey, bookplate at end, by A. P. [arsons]. Sage green cloth, lettered on back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Collation: Notice as to contents, reverse blank, i leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title, in red and black, with notice as to rights of translation, &c. on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Edwin A. Abl)ey and Alfred Parsons, with verses on reverse, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub- title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, ill leaves; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 3 leaves, " L'Envoi " on reverse of last leaf; bookplate, reverse blank, i leaf. Published Nov. 14th, 1885. The contents of this volume differ from those of the American book with same title, though this would not be inferred from the author's reference to the two books in the notes to Collected Poems, 1897, where he says (page 511), " — in 1885 a second volume, entitled At the Sign of the Lyre, and mainly composed of later pieces, made its appearance, Ijoth at London and New York." In this there are the following 18 pieces, which are not in the New York edition : — The seven pieces, which were not reprinted in Old World Idylls, 1883, from Vignettes in Rhyme and other Verses, 1880, and which are enumerated under the former ((/. v.) ; Household Art ; A Fancy from Fontenclle ; Charles George Gor- don ; Victor Hugo ; The Maltwonn's Madrigal ; A New Song of the Spring Gardens ; Of his Mistress ; The Nameless Charm ; To Phidyle ; To a June Rose : To Daffodils. And, as stated under the American edition, that volume contains 13 pieces not included in this. Idem, large paper. Cr. 8vo. Hand-made paper. Wrappers, edges untrimmed. Has, prefixed, a blank leaf, and also an extra leaf, with this notice : — "The large paper edition of this volume, consisting of seventy-five copies, twenty-five of which are for America, all being numbered and signed, was printed in October, 1885. This is No. [Author's autograph]." Ditto, second edition, 1885.* Ditto, third edition, 1886. Ditto, fourth edition, 1886. II Ditto, fifth edition, 1887. Exact reprints of first edition. Ditto, sixth edition, 1889. Elzevir 8vo. Pp. x. + 252. Collation: Half-title, "sixth ediiion " on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title in red and black, notice as to rights of translation (S:c. on reverse, I leaf; verses, "At the Sign of the Lyre," reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; siih-title. reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 121 leaves; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 3 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last; tail-piere, or bookplate, reverse blank ; blank leaf; note about titles appended, reverse blank, i leaf; half-titles and titles for Poems on Several Occasions (under which title this volume and the ninth edition of Old World Idylls were also issued), 4 leaves, reverses blank. This edition, though in the same form as the previous five, is considerably altered in contents. Five pieces which ars in the first edition are omitted, viz., Tlie Bookworm, The Jessamy Bride, * The Virgin with the Bells, " Poor Miss Tox," * IJ Envoi ('About the ending of the Ramadan') [The two marked with an asterisk are again restored in Poems on Several Occasions, 1895, vol. II., pp. 155 and 247, and in Collected Poeins, pp. 347 and 435], and twelve additional pieces inserted, viz., A Song to the Lute, To the Mammoth Tortoise, A Broken Szvord, A Dialogue (Alexander Pope), The Toyman, The Climacteric, "The Screen, in the Lumber Room, To his Booh, For a Copy of Herri ck. To a Pastoral Poet, '■'■IVhen Burbadge Played," Prologue and Epilogue to Abbey's edition of "■ She Stoops to Con- quer." At the end, also, are the alternative titles and half-titles as noted above. Ditto, seventh edition, 1S90. I Ditto, eighth edition, 1890. Protected by printed paper wrapper. Exact reprints of sixth edition. The size and binding of the subsequent editions are uniform with the first. This book will not be reprinted. See notes (p. 512) to Collected Poems, 1897, which volume includes the contents of this volume and Old World Ldylls. (VII.) POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS (American Edition). 1889. [poems / ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS / BY / AUSTIN UOIiSON / IN TWO VOLUMES / VOL. I. [//] / NEW YORK / DODD, MEAD, AND COMPANY / 1 889.] \To the hinder : Cancel pp. 11 and 12, and insert this in place. '\ 12 2 vols. Crown 8vo. With portrait. Cloth, top edges gilt. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait; title, witli imprint and this notice on reverse — LONDON, March 2, 1889, Messrs. Dodd, Mead, and Company arc my .Inicriiaii publishers. AUSTIN DOBSON, I leaf; prologue, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 126 leaves; epilogue, reverse blank, I leaf; title ti> notes, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 2 leaves; i blank leaf. Vol. II. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, imprint on reverse, I leaf; prologue, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 135 leaves ; epilogue on reverse of last leaf; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; i blank leaf. The contents of these two volumes are identical with those of the 1SS9 editions of Old World Idylls and At tlic Sign of the Lyre, or (as these volumes were also issued as) Poems on Several Occasions, London, 1889. Ditto, reprint, 1894. Ditto, reprinted under the title Collected Poems [1S99]. 2 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Though the collation is not quite the same, the contents are identical with above. (VIII.) THE SUN-DIAL. 1890. [THE SUN DIAL I A POEM I BY AUSTIN DOBSON ] WITH DRAWINGS AND DECORATIONS / hy \ [illustrative design] george wharton edwards / i8go / new vork-dodd, mead, &^ COMPANY.] Roy. 4to. Pp. 54 (not numbered). 49 illustrations. Cloth, with printed wrapper.* Collation: One blank leaf; note as to number printed, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; copyright, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to Austin Dobson, reverse blank, i leaf; illustrated title, reverse blank, l leaf; list of drawings, &c., 2 leaves, reverse blank ; ornament, reverse blank, i leaf; plates and poem, 19 leaves, reverses blank ; 2 l)lank leaves. Idem, Ja[)an paper, with the following notice :- — "This edition, on Japan paper, is limited to 50 Numbered Copies, of which this is No. ." Vellum, extra gilt, top edge gilt. With printed wrapper, in a cardboard box. 13 (IX.) SELECTED POEMS. 1892. Selected Poems / by / Austin dobson / '■'Majores majora sonent" / Leipzig heinemann AND BALESTIER / LIMITED, LONDON / 1 892. "The English Library " Series. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 320. In a buff paper cover. Collation: Half-title, "Copyright Edition" on reverse, 1 leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; author's preface, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; dedicatory verses, "To you I sing," reverse blank, I leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 151 leaves, epilogue, "In after days," on reverse of last leaf; notes, 2 leaves. At the end is catalogue of "The English Library," 4 leaves. The cover has the following notice printed thereon : — The Volumes of the English Library are published by arrangement with the Authors, and enjoy Copyright in all Continental countries, but may not be introduced into Great Britain, Ireland, or the British Colonies. Two poems, viz., "The Poet's Seat" and "The Noble Patron," were here reprinted for the first time. In Collected Poems the author states that these two poems ^^evtjirst tepritited in Poems 011 Several Occasions, 1895, but he probably omits purposely any reference to this volume, as it was printed for Continental readers solely. (X.) BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE. 1892. The Ballad of Beau Brocade j and / ol/ier Poems \ of the xviiith Century j by / Anstiti Dobson I with / fifty Illustrations / by / Hu^^h Thomson / [device] London j Kegan Paul, / Trench / Triibner / er' Co. / mdcccxcii. Crown Bvo. Pp. xvi. + 92. Decorated electric-blue cloth, title on back and side, gilt edges. With paper wrapper repeating design of cover. Collation: Half title, with list of works "by the same author" on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedicatory poem to Lady Bowen [the author's cousin, since deceased], reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; list of illustrations, 2 leaves, reverse of stcond blank ; sub title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 42 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; title to notes, reverse lilank, i leaf; notes, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. Beside the frontispiece there are 25 full- page plates, the position of which is noted in the List of Illustrations (the rest of the illustrations are in the text). B 14 Idem, decorated ruby cloth, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. With paper wrapper. Idem, large paper. Royal 8vo. Printed on hand-made paper, the full-page plates on Japanese vellum, and the other illustrations on Japanese paper inlaid in the text. White buckram, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation: Same as small paper edition, except that prefixed are (i.) a facsimile of the cloth cover, reverse blank, I leaf; (2) I leaf (reverse blank) with this noiiCQ— The Lai-ge Paper Edition of this Volume, consisting of 2jo copies for Englatid, 200 copies Jor America, all of which arc nuniho-ed, was printed in October, iSgs. This is No. ; while the list of works by same author is omitted from reverse of half title. There are two peculiarities in the earliest issues of the first edition of this book which should be noted. In the first copies printed the sixth line of the introductory rondeau reads, ' The long day lengthens,' and the Beau's skirt in the plate facing page 18 has a bulging line. In the next copies the line reads, * Life's journey lengthens,' and the bulging line is still found. The last copies give the later reading of the sixth line, and the bulge is removed. The large paper copies are of the third issue, which ex- plodes a ' popular delusion ' that the ' large paper proofs ' are always the first copies struck off. As a matter of fact, the secrets of publishers' and printers' offices will generally reveal that they are the last ! The second and third editions are, of course, like the third issue. The alteration of the sixth line of the above rondeau is one among many examples 9f the fluctuation of Mr. Dobson's self- criticisms— for in his Collected Poems, 1897, where this rondeau is reprinted under the title, ' Leal Souvenir,' he restores the original reading of the line—' The long day lengthens.' Ditto, second edition, 1892, gilt edges. Idem, gilt top. Ditto, third edition, 1892, gilt edges'. Idem, gilt top. The last two editions are exact reprints of the first in its latest form, and the bindings of each style correspond with the bindings of the first edition. 15 (XI.) PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN AND AU REVOIR. 1893. Proverbs in Porcelain / to which is added / "au revoir" / a dramatic vignette / BY / AUSTIN dobson / ^^ Rteti en relief I London / kegan paul, trench, trubner, & CO , LTD. / paternoster house, charing cross road / 1893. Crown 8vo. Pp. 116, including 25 illustrations by Bernard Partridge Decorated cherry-coloured cloth, gilt edges. With paper wrapper reproducing design on cover. Collation : Half title, with list of works " by the same author," on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece, reverse blank, i leaf; illustrated title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to Charles B. Foote, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; list of illustrations, i leaf; the poems and illustrations, 47 leaves; illustrated title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, reverse blank, i leaf; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. This is a different work from that under a similar title which precedes it, containing in fact merely the six ' Proverbs in Porcelain ' from that work (which had afterwards been reprinted in Old IVor/d Idylh), and ' Au Revoir ' from At the Sign of the Lyre. Idem, decorated myrtle-green cloth, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. With paper wrapper as in preceding. Idem, large paper. Royal Svo. Hand-made paper, the full-page plates printed on Japanese vellum, and the vignettes on Japanese paper mounted. White buckram, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. On reverse of half title instead of list of works, "by the same author," is this notice : — •. • The Large Paper Edition of this Volume, consisting of z/j" Copies for Efiglaiid, /j Copies for America, All of which are mwil>eredy was printed in November, i8gj. This is No. B I i6 (XII.) STORY OF ROSINA. 1894. The Story of Rosi)ia / and / other Verses j by I Austin Dobson j Illustrated / by / Hugh Thomson / [device] / Lofidon / Kegan Paul, I Trench, / Triibner, / &= Co. / MDCCCXCV. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 120. With 49 illustrations. Decorated myrtle-green cloth, gilt edges. With a paper wrapper repeating design of cover. Collation: Half-title, list of books by same author on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; poetical dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; list of illustrations, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; sub-title, reverse blank, I leaf; the poems, 58 leaves, reverse of last blank; title to notes, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, i leaf. There are 31 plates excluding frontispiece, the position of which is indicated in the List of Illustrations, besides 17 illustrations in the text. Published Nov., 1895. Idem, decorated ruby cloth, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. With paper wrapper, as in preceding. Idem, large paper. Imp. 8vo. White buckram, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. The variations from the small edition are — (i) a blank leaf and an extra leaf containing this notice : This Edition, limited to 2^0 Copies, all of which are niitnbered, was printed in November, i8gj. This is No. , with portrait of Austin Dobson in miniature added, reverse blank ; (2) an extra half-title, reverse blank ; (3) extra leaf giving reproduction of cover design, reverse blank ; (4) the dedication is illustrated and engraved instead of merely printed. (XIII.) POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS (English Edition). 1895. POEMS / ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS / BY / AUSTIN D0B.S0N / NEW EDITION REVISED AND EN- LARGED / With Illustrations j in two volumes / Vol. I. [II.] / london / kegan PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER, & CO. LIE; / MDCCCXCV. n 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xii. + 274 and x. + 276. With portrait by W. Strang, and 7 etchings by Ad. Lalauze. Decorated electric-blue watered silk-cloth gilt, lettered on back and side, edges untrimmed. Collation : Vol. I., half-title, with this notice on reverse : Of this Edition, on Deckle Edge Paper, with Etchini^s on Haudi/iade Paper, Seven Hundred and Fifty Copies were printed for England a7id America No. , I leaf; portrait; title, reverse blank, i leaf; publishers' note, reverse blank, i leaf; dedi- catory verses, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 133 leaves; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 2 leaves; i blank leaf; Vol. II., i blank leaf; half-title, notice on reverse, l leaf; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; verses, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 132 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; verses, reverse blank, i leaf; title to notes, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 3 leaves. The other illustrations face pp. 32, 148, 210, and 248, in Vol. I. ; and pp. 10 and 136, Vol. II. These two volumes contain all the verses in the tetitli edition of Old World Idylls, and the seventh edition of At the Sign of the Lyre — the two editions for which the extra titles, ' Poems on Several Occasions,' are provided at the end of the latter — exxept one in the latter, ' " A Sabine Farm " ' ; and also the following, which had not previously been collected, with the exception of those starred (which appeared in the Leipzig volume — Selected Poems), 'A Greeting,' 'After Watteau,' 'The Water of Gold,' *'The Poet's Seat,' 'Alfred, Lord Tennyson,' 'The Virgin with the Bells,' *'The Noble Patron,' 'With a Volume of Verse,' 'For the Avery "Knickerbocker,"' '"Sat est Scripsisse," ' 'Prologue and Epilogue to Abbey's "Quiet Life."' Here for the first time all the pieces written in the French forms are brought together. Idem, hand-made paper edition. Post 8vo. Fawn-coloured buckram, with different design on cover, lettered on back and side, on reverse of half-title this notice : Of this Edition., on Hatidniade Paper, ivith Proof Impressions of the Etchings, T^uo Hundred Copies were printed for E fig/and and America. iVo. The etchings have " remarques," and the portrait has Mr. Dobson's autograph, in pencil. This edition had its origin in America, and, in addition to the above two forms, Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Com- pany, of New York, issued the following: — i8 [Idem, printed on Japan paper. Etchings in two states, and all signed by the artist. Only 50 copies.*] [Idem, printed on Japan paper. Etchings, with remarque. Only 50 copies.] The variations in collation are only slight : — (I.) The notices on reverse of half-titles run as follows — Of this Edition, on /apan Paper, having Etchings with Rcmarqnc, Fifty Copies were printed. No, . (II.) The imprint on titles reads — new york : dodd, meai:) /and company .... 1895, and they have the following notice on reverses — Copyright, iSgs, j By Dodd, Mead and Com- pany. / All rights reserved. (III.) The illustration, which is placed as a frontispiece to Vol, II. of the English edition, is here placed in its proper position. The binding is vellum, with the design which decorates the cloth copy mentioned above, worked in gold and green. (XIV.) VERSES AT THE OMAR KHAYYAM CLUB. 1897. Verses / read at the Dinner of the / Omar Khayyam Club / on Thursday, 25th March, 1897 / By / Austin Dobson / [Printer's Mark] London / Printed at the Chiswick Press / MDCCCXCVII.* Crown octavo. Pp. 12. Issued in a buff paper wrapper, with untrimmed edges, with copy of the title printed in red ink on the front page. Printed on hand-made paper. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; title in red and black, on reverse [All Rights Re- served], I leaf; Note: "The Edition of this Poem, consisting of one hundred copies (the first three copies only being on Japanese vellum), was printed for Edmund Gosse, in March, 1897, to be pre- sented to the members of the Omar Khayyam Clul) as a memento of his Presidency. This is No. ," quotations on reverse, i leaf; the poem, 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. 19 (XV.) COLLECTED POEMS. 1897. COLLECTED / POEMS / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / WITH A PORTRAIT / Majores majora souent / LONDON / KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD. / PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD / 1 897. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 528. With a photogravure portrait of the author. Crimson cloth, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Collation: Half-title, advertisement of " previous issues" on reverse, i leaf; portrait ; title in red and black, printers' imprint, &c., on reverse, i leaf; preface, reverse blank, i leaf; prologue (' To you I sing'), reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 4 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 253 leaves ; epilogue ('/w After Days'), reverse blank, i leaf; title to 'Notes,' reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 9 leaves, re- verse of last blank. This may be considered the author's final edition of his poems. In the preface he says, "This volume comprises all the verses written by me during the last thirty years which — in my opinion — seem worthy of preservation." It contains nine more pieces than the Poems on Several Occasions, 2 vols., 1895, viz., Love's Quest [reprinted for the first time from Vignettes in Rhyme (3rd ed.)]. The Collector to his Library, A Postscript to " Retaliation" (Samuel Johnson), A City Flower (this was the author's first contribution to a magazine, appearing in Temple Bar, Dec, 1864, and being re- printed in Vigftettes in Rhyme, 1873), ^^ ^"'^ "^^^ ^^'^^ '"^ ^^"g^ Dedication of " 77ie Story of Rosina" (which, of course, appeared previously in that volume). Prologue to Eighteenth Century Vignettes ( 'J hird Series), Epilogue to Eighteenth Century Vignettes ( Second Series) — which, besides appearing in that book, was printed previously in Longman's Alagazine, May, 1894, under the title, Apologia pro Scriptis Suis, Leal Souvenir (which appeared as the dedication to 7he Ballad of Beau Brocade). The 'Notes' are fuller than in previous volumes, and in several cases give interesting bibliographical and personal information, and with them are preserved the following verses : — Dedi- cation of Proveibs in Porcelain, " To Frederick Locker" ; The "Pocket Version" of " Persicos Odi " which was appended to that piece when it first appeared in the second edition of Proverbs in Porcelain ; the paraphrase of Voiture, " You hid me try, Blue-Eyes, to tvritc," which appeared in \\\it first edition of that book; and Verses to the late Lord De Tabley, commencing, "Still may the Muses foster thee, O P'riend," which Mr. Gosse reprinted in his Critical Kit-Cats, 1896. 20 "This collected edition— substantial yet excellently light, agreeable to the eye and touch, and appropriately 'Simplex munditiis' — ought greatly to enhance his popularity. Among living English poets Mr. Dobson holds an unobtrusive but uncontested place. In his own sphere he is without a rival. We quarrel over the merits of this poet and that, but Mr. Dobson's delicate talent commands the esteem of all who know literary craftsmanship when they see it. His work ma)' appeal more to some people than to others ; no one, perhaps, can share it to the full who does not share his love for the Eighteenth Century. But even those who take scant pleasure in it are forced to confess its polish and felicity of form, its unfailing humanity and refinement of spirit. Mr. Dobson would be the first to disclaim for a great deal of his work the august name of poetry. Much of it is only rhyming, but rhyming in its perfection." — Daily Chronicle. Ditto, second edition, 1897. Exact reprint of preceding. Ditto, third edition, 1898. There are two slight alterations in this edition : — (i) The advertisement on reverse of half-title is altered, and includes the new edition of ' William Hogarth ' ; (2) A French motto is printed on the reverse of dedicatory verses. SONG SET TO MUSIC. When Spring Comes Laughing / Song / the words by / Austin Dobson / The Music by / Charles Willeby. / Boosey & Co., / 295, Regent Street, London, W., /and / 3, East Fourteenth Street, New York. / this song may be sung in public without fee or license. / the public performance of any parodied version, however, is strictly prohibited. / Copyright^ 1 894, by Boosey cs^ Co. Foho. Pp. 8. Though not a 'book,' it seemed advisable to record in this place the existence of this musical rendering. (^iBfiograp^g of Mmtin ©oBeon* I. ORICxINAL WORKS IN PROSE. PART I. * * ii. Original Works in Prose. Those editions which are marked ivith an asterisk at the end are not in the compiler's library. A/nerican issues are contained in square brackets. (I.) HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1874. THE CIVIL SERVICE / HANDBOOK / OF / ENGLISH LITERATURE, / FOR THE USE OF / CANDI- DATES FOR EXAMINATIONS, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND / STUDENTS GENERALLY. / BY / H. A. DOBSON, / EDITOR OF 'THE CIVIL SERVICE HISTORY OF ENGLAND' AND / ASSISTANT- EDITOR OF ' THE CIVIL SERVICE GEOGRAPHY ' / [publishers' devicc] / WITH APPENDICES AND GENERAL INDEX. / LONDON : / LOCKWOOD & CO., 7 STATIONERS'-HALL COURT, / LUDGATE HILL. / 1 874. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. -f- 296. Cloth, sprinkled edges. Collation : Title, quotation on reverse, i leaf; preface, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; introduction, i leaf; the work, 147 leaves; publishers' catalogue at end, 8 leaves. "An excellent hand-book." — Athenanm. "A great deal of honest work been put into Mr. Dobson's book. It is chiefly biographical, and its dates have been verified with scrupulous care. It possesses the indispensable and rare merit of accuracy."— /S.rrtwf/wfr. Ditto, second edition, corrected and extended, 1880. \ 24 Ditto, new edition, extended by W. Hall Griffin, and published under following title : — A /handbook / OF / ENGLISH LITERATURE / ORIGINALLY COMPILED BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / New Edition j revised, with np:w chapters, and / extended to the present TIME / BY / W. HALL GRIFFIN, B.A. / PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERA- TURE AT / queen's COLLEGE, LONDON / [Publishers' device] / London / crosby LOCKWOOD AND SON / 7 STATIONERS'-HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL / 1 897. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 384. Buckram, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Collation : Half-title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse Ijlank, i leaf ; preface by A. D., I leaf; contents, 3 leaves; introduction, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; the work, 182 leaves; general index, 10 leaves. Vide also under " Civil Service." (II.) HOGARTH [G/-ea/ Artists]. 1879. " The whole world without Art ivould be one great 7vi/derness" / hogarth / by austin DOBSON / [device] / london : / sampson low, marston, searle & rivington, / crown BUILDINGS, fleet STREET. / 1879. "The Great Artists'" Series. Crown 8vo. Pp. xii. + 128. With 16 full-page plates and 4 woodcuts. Blue cloth, lettered back and side, cut edges. Collation : Half-title, list of the Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists on reverse, I leaf; portrait ; title, printers' imprint, &c. , on reverse, i leaf; preface, i leaf; contents, i leaf; list of illustrations, note about the same on reverse, i leaf; bibliography, i leaf; the work, 64 leaves. " We have already noticed several of these popular biographies. The best of the three now before us is Mr. Dobson's sketch of the most powerful of the old English moralist ))ainters. There may not be anything new in Mr. Dobson's book, but he has arranged the old materials neatly, and with honourable acknowledgments, availed himself of the most recent researches." — A then07-ary Reziiew. " Mr. Dobson's high appreciation of Bewick, and his innate love of art, together with his literary power, combine to make hi> book an extremely pleasant one for the reader. His coniinand of language never leads him either into prosiness or into fine writing. He has access to the best sources of information now available, and gives us many facts not previously known. Mr. Dobson's little volume is not only pleasant reading, but will be of great use to the collector and the student, .is it affords much assistance in identifying the engravers." — Satiiniay Review. Idem, large pai:)er. 4to. Half parchment, paper label, edges untrimmed, with the following notice on an extra leaf (reverse blank) :— Edition de luxf:. Only Tiuo htmdrcd Copies of this Edition de luxe have been printed., One hundred and Ten for sale in Eng- lafid, and Ninety for sale in America. This is No. of the Edition for England. [Ditto, Boston : James R. Osgood & Company. 1884.] Evidently this issue consisted of part of the English edition, with altered title page. 27 Ditto, a new edition [the second] 1889. An exact reprint of first edition, the only differences lieing that it does not contain the announcement of a new edition of Bewick's Works, and it is untrinimed in the hindinc;. (V.) STEELE {English IVortkies]. 18S6. English Worthies / Edited by Andrew lang / richard Steele / by / austin dobson / LONDON / LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. / 1 886 / All /ig/ifs reserved. Cr. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 240. French-grey cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrinimed. Collation: Half-title, with printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf: title, reverse t)lank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 117 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; index, 3 leaves. Ditto [second edition ?], 188S. ]>lue cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimnicd. Though printed by a different firm, this is evidently a reprint from the plates of the first edition, which can be ascertained by a comi)arison of the first "d" in "indebted," second line from bottom o( page 120. Idem, pictorial paper covers, cut edges. (VI.) GOLDSMITH [Great IFriters]. 1S88. LIFE I OF I OLIVER GOLDSMITH / RY / AUSTIN DOBSON / LONDON / WALTER SCOTT / 24 WARWICK LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW / 1 888 / {All rights rcservctl.) "Great Writers" series. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 214 + xxiv. Red cloth, cut edges.* c I 28 Collation: Half title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the life, 96 leaves; appendix, 2 leaves ; index, 4 leaves ; bibliography, by John P. Anderson, 12 leaves. At the end are 3 leaves of pul)lisher's announcements. Though dated 1888, was really published 15th Dec, 1887. "The story of his literary and social life in London, with all its humorous and pathetic vicissitudes, is here re-told, as none could tell it better." — Daily News. Idem, dark blue cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Idem, large paper. Demy 8vo. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Idem, reprmt of first edition from same plates (as is evidenced by malformation of letter S in "verse " in last line of page 31) on rather better paper. Ruby cloth, gilt top. At the end of this edition is an errata slip which applies equally to the preceding. (VII.) FOUR FRENCHWOMEN. 1890. Four Frenchwomen / by / Austin dobson / [publishers' device] / Londo7i j chatto & WINDU.S, PICCADILLY / 1890. Fcap 8vo. Pp. viii. + 208. Half roan, Roxburgh style, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation: Title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, contents on reverse, i leaf; sub-title, verses on reverse, I leaf; the work, 104 leaves, reverse of last blank. The casual reader of the " prefatory note," which speaks of " reprinting these papers " and the revision needed from " lapse of time," would hardly imagine that the work is one of the 7vry earliest of Mr. Dobson's writings. Published in 7 /le Englislfwoiiian s Domestic Magazine'm 1866, it lay hidden in those almost forgotten pages, unknown perhaps to even his most ardent admirers, till 1890. That, after the lapse of a quarter of a centurj-, papers in a magazine can be reprinted, almost verbatim, and run through four or five editions, is surely a lesson to publishers of magazines to reprint the early contributions of authors who have since "made a name," rather than print the productions of new and unknown .luthors, 29 of doubtful genius. The first three papers, "Mademoiselle de Corday," "Madame Roland." and " The Princess de Lamballe," are, in the magazine, unsigned; the last one, "Madame de Genlis," is signed H. A. D. {Vide Englisli- ■woinan's Domestic Magazine, under the date 1866, in Part II.) " It is many months since we came across a book that gave us so much pleasure. . . . Everyone should read it ; but he should not lend it to his friends, for of a certainty he will not get it back again." — Athentputn. "These short biographical papers have a care and finish which often suggest comparison with Mr. Dobson's Villanelles. They are a sort of cameos from eighteenth century memoirs ; and no praise is much too good for them." — Speaker. . " Mr. Dobson here is like an exquisite nenrc painter, called upon to depict the darkest scenes of human tragedy. And the genre painter, it must be avowed, comes admirably out of the ordeal. The artist that is in Mr. Dobson shows himself quite equal to this ne7u [oh, ignorant Academician !] task." — Academy. Idem, large hand-made paper. 4to. Half vellum, paper label, edges untrimmed. Differs from small paper in following particulars : — (i.) Has prefixed one blank leaf, and one leaf with this notice — O'llv Fifty copies of this large-paper edition ^four french- women have been printed. This is N'o. — — Austin Dobson [autograph], reverse blank; (ii.) a half-title, with printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; (iii.) a portrait of Corday; (iv.) "contents" is printed separately, on one leaf, reverse blank, leaving reverse of ' prefatory note ' blank. Besides these additions, title bears the words, " with a frontispiece," and reverse is blank ; the " signatures " are also different. Though dated 1890, the large paper edition was not really issued till 1891. Ditto, second edition, i8gi. Idem, another issue, zviih portrait of Corday. Ditto, "special paper edition," 1893, cr. 8vo, dark blue buckram, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. The last is uniform with Eighteenth Century Vignettes. This work was published in America by Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Co., and, I believe, the type was set there, and the English edition was printed from plates sent to England. This may account for the first edition differing somewhat in style from English books. The second edition has the alterations (ii. ) and (iv.) noted above in connection with the large paper issue. The half-title, or bastard title, 30 as it is termed by the older bibliographers, is not a feature of American books, and it is probable that in issuing tlie English edition the publishers did not at first notice its absence. The American editions are noted below : — [Ditto, lamo. AVith an etched portrait of Mile, de Corday. Dark blue cloth, gilt.] The " Giunta" series. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait; title page, as follows : — Four Frenchwomen / BY / AUSTIN DOISSON / NEW YORK / DODD, MEAD, AND COMPANY / 1895, with the following imprint on reverse — University Press: / John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, i leaf; dedication to Brander Matthews, reverse Ijlank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; sub-title, (|uotalions on reverse, i leaf; the work, 104 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; 2 blank leaves. [Ditto, illustrated edition. 8vo. A\'ith 14 photogravure portraits. Citron cloth, top edge gi't.] The collation differs little from the preceding. The title-page, which is in red and black, runs as fol- lows — Four P'renchwomen / mademoiselle de corday / madame roland / the princess de LAMBALLE / MADAME DE GENUS / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / Illustrated / NEW YORK / DODD, MEAD, AND COMPANY / PUBLISHERS. An extra leaf, with ' List of Illustrations,' follows the contents, re- verse blank. The illustrations are as follows : — Mademoiselle de Corday (after Siccardi), Marat, Assassination of Marat, Mile, de Corday (after Ilauer), Madame Roland, Jiuzot, Monsieur Roland, Madame Roland on the Scaffold, The I^rincess de Lamballe, Marie Antoinette and her Children, The Prison La Force, Madame de Genlis (young), Rousseau, Madame de Genlis (old). In other respects, the collation is same as preceding, the page merely having a larger margin. [Idem, large paper.*] (VIII.) HORACE WALPOLE. 1890. HORACE WALl'OLE / A MEMOIR / WITH AN APPENDIX OF BOOKS PRINTED AT THE / STRAW- BERRY HILL PRESS / BY / AU.STIN DOBSON / WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY / PERCY AND LEON MORAN / LONDON / JAMES R. OSGOOD, MC ILVAINE & CO. / 1890. 31 Royal 8vo. Pp. 370. Printed on Dickinson paper, half white cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation: The following notice on a leaf, reverse blank: — "This edition, consisting of 4 copies on vellum, 5 copies on Van (lelder paper, 50 copies on Japan paper, 425 copies en Dickinson paper, was printed from type in the month of Octolier, 1S90. Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. This copy is No. -." [As the copies are nuniliercd consecutively in the order named, the possessor can see which material his is printed on from that alone]; half title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title, printers' im- print on reverse, l leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 165 leaves, cut on reverse of last leaf; title to appendix, reverse blank, i leaf; appendix, 9 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to index, reverse blank, i leaf; index, 5 leaves; 3 blank leaves. The illustrations, with the exception of the frontispiece, are numbered witli the text. "All excellent specimen of ttie literary monograph, excellent in substance, attractive in style." — Times. " Those who desire to form a true estimate of Horace Walpole cannot do better than read Mr. Austin Dobson's delightful volume." — Spectator. "A great deal has been written on Horace Walpole ; but we almost think that this is the first study of him which is at once competent and fair." — Saitcnfay Review. Idem, printed on Japan paper, Japanese vellum gilt, paper label, edges untrimmed. [Ditto, printed on Van Gelder paper.*] [Idem, printed on vellum.*] This book was issued also in America by Messrs. Dodd, Mead, and Company, of New York. No copies of the vellum or Van Gelder paper issues came to England, so that of those two styles none bear the English publishers' imprint. Of the other two styles the English publishers imported 10 Japan and 130 Dickinson paper. Ditto, second edition, 1893. Cr. 8vo. Pp. .xii. + 328. W^ith 8 illustrations. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. \Vith printed paper wrapper. Collation: Half-title, with "Some notices of the first edition" on reverse, I leaf; portrait of Walpole ; vignette title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, with "second edition" on reverse, i leaf; prefatory note [relating to this edition], reverse lilank, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 147 leaves; title to appendix, reverse blank, i leaf; appendix, lo leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; 32 title to index, reverse blank, i leaf; index, 5 leaves. The illustrations, in addition to the frontis- piece portrait and the vignette (Strawberry Hill bookplate), are another portrait of Walpole, a view and two plans of Strawberry Hill, and two autograph letters. Idem, large paper. Demy 8vo. With the following notice on reverse of half-title, in place of 'notices of first edition': — '■'•Only Fifty copies printed of this Edition on Large Paper, of which this copy is No. ." Half vellum, paper label, edges un trimmed. Al the end is a leaf of three additional title-labels to replace that on book when soiled. (IX.) WILLIAM HOGARTH. 1891. WILLIAM HOGARTH / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / "Vice, if it «'er can be abash'd, / must be or Ridicurd, or LasKdP j ^^\yt. j London / samp.son low, marston and company/ LIMITED / ST, DUNSTAN's HOUSE, FETTER LANE / FLEET STREET, E.G. / 189I. Royal Svo. Pp. xiv. + 368. With 12 photogravures and t^t^ other full-page plates, besides 14 engravings in the text. Dark blue buckram, lettered on back, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Collation: One leaf, with "signature" A, reverse blank; half-title, quotations on reverse, i leaf; front.; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Cosmo Monkhouse, reverse blank, I leaf; preface, 2 leaves ; contents, 2 leaves ; the work, 176 leaves; index, 8 leaves. This is an extension of the volume in ' The Great Artists' series. " The most complete and the best-arranged literary monument to a great English painter which exists. Stately but not un- handy in its proportions .... this volume in outward presence, as well as inward arrangement, may well be t.aken as a model for future biographies of British .artists." — Ilhtstrated Loudon A^eivs. " The book, as it stands, must be accepted as the most important and valuable work yet issued on the subject, making another treatise almost impossible. It is the .author's tribute to the genius of the painter, and a testimony to his own powers as a writer and a critic." — Magazine 0/ A rt. " Mr. Dobson has succeeded in finally producing a biography so just and discriminating, so complete and exhaustive, that it is safe to predict for it the position of a standard work." — Critic {New York). Jl 33 Idem, large paper. Imperial 8vo. Half vellum, paper label, edges untrimmed. The variations from the ordinary edition are— (i) On the reverse of the first leaf is this notice : •. • Only Ofie Hundred copies printed for England ( Nos. i to loo)^ and Fifty copies for America ( Nos. loi to ^50)- Of One Hundred and Fifty copies printed this is No. . Austin Dobson [autograph] ; (2) the photogravures are faced by a Japan vellum leaf with the title printed thereon ; (3) the photo- gravures are printed on Japan paper and mounted ; (4) the other full-page plates are printed on Japan vellum ; (5) the engravings in the text are printed on Japanese paper and mounted ; (6) the book is printed on hand-made paper. Ditto, new and cheaper edition, 1893. Roy. Svo. Ruby cloth, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. This appears to be the 1891 edition with merely a new title. Ditto, new and enlarged edition. 1898. Roy. Svo. Pp. xx. + 338. 64 illustrations. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, top edge gilt. Collation: "Some notices of the previous edition," I leaf; half-title, quotations on reverse, i leaf; portrait of Hogarth, by himself; title, imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Cosmo Monkhouse, i leaf; preface, 2 leaves ; preface to 1891 edition, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; contents and list of illustrations, 2 leaves; drawing by E. A. Abbey (not included in ' list of illustrations'), "Part i., Memoir," reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 158 leaves, print on reverse of last leaf; index, 10 leaves ; I blank leaf. This edition is published by Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner, & Co., Limited. In the preface the author says — " Although, by the adoption of a different type, this volume is smaller in size than its predecessor, it actually contains much more matter." (X.) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. 1892. EIGHTEENTH / CENTURY / VIGNETTES / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / " Faute d'archangeS, / faut aimer des / creatures imparfaites." / London / chatto and windus / PICCADILLY / 1892 34 Crown 8vo. Pp. 262. French-grey cloth, cut edges. Collation: Portrait of the author ; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Hamilton W. Mabie, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 127 leaves, reverse of last blank ; i blank leaf. This, though limited to a few copies only, is in reality first (English) edition, as it is the American edition with the linglish publishers' cancel title, imported by them for copyrighting purposes. It differs materially from the following, which is considered the first edition. (X«.) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTE.S. 1892. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY / VIGNETTES / BY AUSTIN DOBSON / ' Faute cl'archanges, il faut aimer des / creatures imparfaites ' / London \ chatto & ^V1NI)US, Piccadilly / 1892. Crown Bvo. Pp. 262. Frontispiece. Dark blue buckram, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. CONTENTS: Steele's Letters Spence's ' Anecdotes ' ' The Female (Quixote ' Hanway's Travels Hogarth's Sigismunda An Old London Bookseller The New Chesterfield Goldsmith's Library The Quaker of Art A German in England Collation: Folding frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to " my wife," reverse blank, I leaf; preface (which is a variation of the prefatory note in former), reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 127 leaves, reverse of last blank. At the end is an advertisement of " Books by Austin Dobson," publishers' device on reverse, i leaf. Prior's 'Kitty" Captain Coram's Charity Fielding's ' Voyage to Lisbon ' A Garret in Gough Square ' The Citizen of the World ' Gray's Library A Day at Strawberry Hill In Cowper's Arbour Bewick's Tailpieces Old Vauxhall Gardens 35 "Charming, as is everything produced hy this graceful writer. Austin Dobson is, in fact, the lineal descendant of Addison, Goldsmith, and Gray. . . . To sit and bask in the sunshine of the eighteenth century, with Austin Dobson turning on the sun, is a rare and a holy joy. " — W.m/fk;;'t, in Tin: Author. "Mr. Austin Dobson has written a book instinct with vitality, abounding in delicate observation, its details artistically selected, its learning most pleasantly disguised." — T/ie I ablet, " These papers breathe the spirit of the philosophic century ; they speak its language ; they know where to find poetry and humanity beneath the powder and the patch ; but, most of all, they know its books and literary people, and write of them with a tender sympathy which to many readers will make these books and literary people more interesting than they would be in themselves." — Scotsman . Idem, large hand-made paper. 4to. Half vellum, edges untrimmed. The variations from the .small paper issue are (i.) an extra leaf prefixed with this announcement — Only Two Hundred and Fifty Copies of this specially illustrated large-taper edition of 'Eighteenth Century \'ignettes ' have been printed. THIS IS NO. Austin Dobson [autograph], reverse blank ; (ii.) six photogravure portraits ; (iii.) another extra leaf, list of plates, reverse blank. The portraits are Richard Steele, Samuel Johnson, William Hogarth, Lord Chesterfield, Oliver Gold- smith, and William Cowper. Ditto, second edition, 1897, cr. 8vo, pp. xii. (not numbered) -F 308, with 3 illustrations. This second and revised edition was printed at the Chiswick Press (instead of from American plates, as the first was) ; and, in order to make it correspond more exactly with the second and third series, an index was added. It also contains one more paper, viz., At Leicester Fields. Collation: Advertisement of third series, i leaf; half-title, "second edition " on reverse, i leaf; por- trait of .Steele; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication "to my wife," reverse blank, I leaf; preface to the first edition, with preface to present edition on reverse, I leaf; contents, with list of illustrations on reverse, l leaf; the work, 143 leaves; index, 9 leaves; publishers' device, reverse blank, i leaf. The illustrations are a photogravure of Steele as frontispiece, and facing p. 223 the folding plate of Vauxhall Gardens as in first edition, and view of " Leicester House" facing P- 255- (XL) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES {Sceond Series). 1S94. eighteenth century / VIGNETTES / SECOND SERIES / By AUSTIN DOBSON / HominCS 36 quidem pereunt : / ipsa humanitas permanet / London / chatto and windus, PICCADILLY / 1894. Crown 8vo. Pp. x. + 300. Dark blue buckram, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. CONTENTS : The Journal to Stella Richardson at Home Nivernais in England The Prisoners' Chaplain The Two Paynes Lady Mary Coke At ' Tully's Head ' 'Little Roubillac' The Topography of ' Humphry Clinker ' Johnson's Library The Berlin Hogarth Ranelagh Epilogue [in verse] Collation : Advertisement of works by same author, i leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, 1 leaf; the work, 142 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; epilogue, in verse (which appeared, with slight variations, in '' Longmaiis Magazine,^ ^lay, 1894, p. 43, under the title, '^Apologia pro Scriptis Siiis"), I leaf; index, 7 leaves. At end are 4 leaves of publishers' catalogue. " The characteristic of Mr. Dobson appears to be a singular power of perception and appreciation. It would be difficult to name another contemporary critic with such nicety of observation, and with such a happy faculty of discovering and pointing out the peculiar merits of works well known to all, but in whicli Mr. Dobson is able to point out some fresh beauties or a new charm of thought or expression." — Alhencpieiii. " .'\11 are good — some choicely good. . . . We find it hard to say, without foolish airs of enthusiasm, how good is this Vjook. " — Academy. " The good qualities which distinguished the first series distinguish the second. There is the same admirable mastery of facts, minute and complete. There is the same pleasant sympathy with the subject, and the same easy and sufficient power of exposition. . . . An admirable chronicler — in fact, admirable with the knowledge of an expert and the spirit of a scholar." — Pall Mall Gazette. Idem, large hand-made paper. 4to. Half vellum, edges untrimmed. The variations from the small paper issue are (i.) an extra leaf, with signature ' A,' reverse blank ; (ii.) a leaf stating — Only Two Hundred Copies of this %v%c\\\an illustrated large paper edition 37 of the SECOND SERIES OF "EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES " have been printed. This is No. , in place of the leaf containing advertisement of 'works by same author,' reverse blank ; (iii.) the title is in red and black ; (iv.) an extra leaf containing list of illustrations ; (v.) sixteen full- page illustrations. (XII.) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES r77^/W 5£;-/£5;. 1896. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY / VIGNETTES / THIRD SERIES / BY AUSTIN DOBSON / For detail, detail, most I care / (Ce supeyflu, si necessaire !). I London / chatto and windus / 1896. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xiv. + 364. Dark blue buckram, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Prologue [in verse]. ' Exit Roscius ' Dr. Mead's Library Grosley's ' Londres ' ' Polly Honeycombe ' Thos. Gent, Printer The Adventures of Five Days A Rival of Reynolds Fielding's Library ' Cambridge, the Everything ' The Oflicina Arbuteana Matthew Prior Puckle's ' Club ' Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey The Tour of Covent Garden Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to R. F. Sketchley, reverse blank, I leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf ; An Epistle to a Friend [in verse], 2 leaves, reverse of second leaf blank ; the work, 173 leaves ; index, 8 leaves, revere of last leaf blank ; publishers' device, reverse blank, I leaf; at the beginning is an advertisement of the two previous series, giving extracts from reviews, which forms part of signature ' A,' though it is not numbered with the preliminary matter ; preceding page i is a small slip of "errata" ; at end is a 4 pp. catalogue of the publishers' novels. Note. — No large paper edition of this series was published. This volume, therefore, marks an epoch in the "large paper craze." The decadence of these cumbersome and useless specimens of book "manufacture" may be roughly dated from this time, though it had set in some little time previously. D 38 "There are some subjects which individual writers have made peculiarly their own. Mr. Austin Dobson and the belles lettres of the eighteenth century afi'ord a case in point. It is doubtful whether anyone now living knows more than Mr. Dobson of the 'teacup times' of Queen Anne and the heady potations of the three (ieorges, and it is quite certain that no one can write of them with more ease and charm. The Third Series of his ' Eighteenth Century Vignettes' is as delightful and as impeccable as its predecessors, which is to say a great deal in the way of praise. In some of those polished verses, which are growing so unfortunately rare from his pen, Mr. Dobson well indicates his method. . . . This modest aim is most refreshing after the big books of needless biography that ' clutter up ' our shelves ; when executed with so artistic a hand, it may fairly be said to have given us a work already classic." — World. " The characteristic ingredients of the papers are as good as ever — a little gossip, a little bibliography, a little research (just the tit-bits picked for us out of long-hidden labours), a little criticism, a few telling circumstances of the age, and all mixed plentifully with quiet humour. Arduous work was never given so delightfully frivolous an air. Mr. Dobson hides the pains of his learning and offers us the sweets." — Sketch. 39* (XIII.) MISCELLANIES. 1898. [miscellanies / bv / AUSTIN DOBSON / /J>sd varietatc tcntamus efficerc, ut alia j a/h's, quaedajn fortasse omnibus placean [/] / pliny to paternus / new york / dodd, mead AND company / 1898.] Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 364. Frontispiece portrait of Goldsmith, protected by a tissue paper, with ' Oliver Goldsmith ' printed thereon in red. Myrtle green cloth gilt, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Protected by a paper wrapper, repeating design of cover. CONTENTS : Goldsmith's Poems and Plays. Old Whitehall. Angelo's " Reminiscences." LuttielTs " Letters to Julia." The Latest Life of Steele. Changes at Charing Cross. The Author of " Monsieur Tonson." John Gay. Bosvvell's Predecessors and Editors. At Leicester Fields. An English Engraver in Paris. Marteilhe's " Memoirs.'' The " Vicar of Wakefield " and its Illustrators. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait, with protecting tissue ; title in red and black, printers' imprint, &c. on reverse, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 160 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to ' General Index,' reverse blank, i leaf; index, 18 leaves. (XIV.) PALADIN OF PHILANTHROPY. 1899. A PALADIN OF / PHILANTHROPY / AND OTHER PAPERS / P,Y / AUSTIN DOBSON / Ipsa Varictate tenlatnus effi. / cere, ut alia aliis, quoedaju \ fortasse omnibus, placeant / london / chatto & windus / 1899. Crown 8vo. Pp. xii. (not numbered) + 364. Frontispiece portrait of General Ogle- thorpe (the 'Paladin of Philanthropy ') and plan of Old \Vhitehall facing page 194. Crimson buckram, lettered on back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. [ To the binder : I inert this star leaf at p. j(?. J 40* The contents arc the same as those of the foregoing volume, except that in place of ' The "Vicar of Wakefield" and its Illustrators,' and 'At Leicester Fields' (both of which had already appeared in book form in England), it contains : ' A Paladin of Philanthropy ' and ' The Grub Street of the Arts,' together with an Appendix (' The Burning of Whitehall '). Collation: Advertisement of Eighteenth Century Vignettes, i leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece ; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication 'to Edmund Gosse,' reverse blank, I leaf; 'prefatory note,' with list of illustrations on reverse, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, i68 leaves ; general index, 13 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf. At the end is the publishers' catalogue, 16 leaves. (XV.) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. [1899.] [eighteenth century / VIGNETTES / FIRST [SECOND AND THIRd] SERIES / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / [quotations as on the English titles] new york / dodd, mead and com- pany / PUBLISHERS {71. d., but 1899)]. 3 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 276, ii. + 304, x. + 364. With frontispiece portraits. Myrtle green cloth gilt, top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. With printed wrappers repeating design of cover. Collation: I. One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece, with protecting tissue paper, lettered ' Richard Steele, after Thornhill,' in red ; title in red and black, printers' imprint, &c. on reverse, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface to first edition, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf ; poetical prologue, 2 leaves, reverse of second leaf blank ; the work, 144 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. II. Frontispiece, protected by tissue paper, with 'Jonathan Swift, after Jervas,' printed in red thereon ; title as in I.; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface to first edition, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 149 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; i blank leaf. HI. One blank leaf; frontispiece, with protecting tissue, with ' Garrick as Abel Drugger' printed thereon in red ; title as in I.; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface to the first edition, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 182 leaves. tSftogtap^^ of Mmtin ®o6aon* I. . EDITED WORKS. PART I. iii. Works Edited or Translated, with Memoirs, Prefaces, Introductions, &c., by Austin Dobson. *:^* Those editions which are marked tvith aft asterisk at the end are not in the compiler's library. Afnerican issues are cofitained in square brackets. (I.) MANUEL'S CAPTAIN CASTAGNETTE. 1866. THE AUTHENTIC HISTORY / OF / CAPTAIN CASTAGNETTE, / NEPHEW OF THE / " MAN WITH THE WOODEN HEAD." / From the French of Manuel. / illustrated with forty- three PICTURES BY GUSTAVE DORE. / " OF ARMS AND LEGS, NOSE, EAR AND EYE, / RE- LENTLESS MARS BEREFT HIM, / MAIMED EVERY PART EXCEPT HIS HEART, / AND THAT THE WAR-GOD LEFT HIM." / [publisher's dcvice] / LONDON : / S. O. BEETON, 248 STRAND, W.C. / (ten DOORS FROM TEMPLE BAR). 4to. Pp. 68. Pictorial boards. Not dated, but published in 1866. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to A. D. and G. C. D. [mother and father of Austin Dobson] by the translator [Austin Dobson], re- verse blank, i leaf; preface [By the Translator], reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 30 leaves. The engravings are numbered with the text. 42 Idem, with an additional illustrated title-page (reproducing the engraving on p. 66 in colours), as follows: — captain castagnette : / his surprising, / almost incredible / ADVENTURES / [coloured engraving] London : / s. o. beeton, 248 strand, w.c. / (ten DOORS from temple BAR). Ditto, Derby, Leicester, and Nottingham : Frank Murray. 1892. Royal 4to. Half morocco, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; leaf with this notice: Limited to Two Hundred Copies of which this is No. — — (signed) Ballantyne, Hanson is' Co., reverse blank, i leaf; half-title, publishers' notice on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 34 unnumbered leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. AH the illustrations are on India paper and mounted. (II.) WHITE'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 1870. the civil service / history of ENGLAND : / BEING / A FACT-BOOK OF ENGLISH HISTORY / ARRANGED ESPECIALLY FOR EXAMINATION CANDIDATES, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND / STUDENTS GENERALLY / BY / F. A. WHITE, B.A. / REVISED THROUGHOUT AND ENLARGED BY / H. A. DOBSON / (BOARD OF TRADE) / With Foiir Maps and a General Index j LONDON: lockwood & CO., 7 stationers'-hall court. 1870. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 184. With 4 maps. Cloth, sprinkled edges. Collation: Map, reverse blank, i leaf; title, quotation, &c. on reverse, i leaf; preface and introduc- tion (both signed H. A. D.), 2 leaves; contents, i leaf; the work, 92 leaves; the frontispiece map, as well as the others at pp. 73, 95, and 107, are signed " H. A. D." ; at the end is the publishers' catalogue, 8 leaves. " It should, however, be stated that the textual alterations and additions throughout have been extensive, and that a con- siderable portion of the second part is wholly editorial." — Preface. " We do not remember to have seen anything of the kind so compendious, complete, accurate, and convenient for use.' — A the?tautn. 43 Ditto, second edition, 187 1. Ditto, third edition, 1878. Ditto, fourth edition.* Ditto, fifth edition, 1884. Ditto, sixth edition, 1887. Ditto, seventh edition, 1890.* (III.) SELECTIONS FROM HERRICK. 1882. Selections from / the Poetry of / Robert Herrick / with Drawings by / Edwin A. Abbey / HARPER & BROTHERS — PUBLISHERS / FR.^NKLIN SQUARE — NEW YORK 1 882. [This title in red on an illustrated title-page.] 4to. Pp. 14 (unnumbered) + vi. + 190. Decorated straw-coloured cloth gilt, gilt edges, lettered back and side, contained in a lettered box. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; title, copyright notice, &c., on reverse, I leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank; preface [signed Austin Dobson], 3 leaves ; the work, 94 leaves ; i blank leaf. The illustrations are all nurhbered with the text. (IV.) GAY'S FABLES. 1882. FABLES / BY / MR. JOHN GAY / WITH A MEMOIR BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / [Publishers' dcvice.] / LONDON / KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH & CO. / MDCCCLXXXII. 44 "Parchment Library." Elzevir 8vo. Pp. xlii. + 240. Portrait, etched by R. H. A. Willis. Parchment, lettered back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; half title, with note on portraits of Gay on reverse, i leaf; portrait ; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; memoir, 15 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; bibliographical note, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 119 leaves; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. Idem, vellum, ditto.* Idem, ruby cloth, ditto. Idem, large paper. Cr. 8vo. Paper wrapper.* Ditto, 1884. Exact reprint of first edition. Issued in parchment, vellum, and cloth. (V.) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ESSAYS. 1882. Eighteenth Century / essays / Selected and Annotated by / Austin Dobson j Colleda reviresciint j [Publishers' device] / London / kegan paul, trench & co. / MDCCCLXXXII. " Parchment Library." Elzevir 8vo. Pp. xxiv. + 2S4. Frontispiece by R. C.[aldecott]. Parchment, lettered back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Collation : Half title, verses (" With slower pen men used to write") on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to Mrs. Richmond Thackeray Ritchie, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; introduction, 7 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work 125 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; illustrative notes, 17 leaves ; 2 blank leaves. " To take the cream out of so many was not a light undertaking ; but it is only justice to say that he has done this very well. He has added a good many illustrative notes, which are in themselves excellent reading." — Daily paper (vaXs. not traced). 45 Idem, vellum do.* Idem, ruby cloth do.* Idem, large paper. Cr. 8vo. Paper wrappers.* [Ditto, New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1882. Parchment, gilt top.] Included in their series of " English Classics," and evidently printed from the English plates. Ditto, 1884. Ditto, 1889. The only difference between these two editions and the first is that a few typographical errors in the first edition are corrected. Both were issued in parchment, vellum, and cloth. Ditto, 1896. Re-issue, in same form as the "Parchment Library," but at a lower price, and bound in blue cloth gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed. The only difference in collation is that the verses " With slower pen " are printed on reverse of last page of contents, while an advertisement of " Works by Austin Dobson " occupies reverse of half title. Ditto, 1888. Fcap. 8vo. Re-issue in a cheaper form, with no front. i2mo. Cloth, edges uncut. (VI.) VICAR OF WAKEFIELD (Parchment Library). 1883. THE / Vicar of Wakefield / by / Oliver goldsmith / With a Preface and Notes by / Austin Dobson j Sperate mtseri, cavete felices j [Publishers' device] / London / KEGAN PAUL, trench & CO. / MDCCCLXXXIII. " Parchment Library." Elzevir 8vo. Pp. xx. + 308. Front., by R. C.[aldecott]. Parch- ment, lettered back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. 46 Collation : Two blank leaves ; half title, verses (" By Goldsmith's tomb the city's cry") on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; biographical note, with note on first edition on reverse, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; Goldsmith's "advertisement," reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 134 leaves; notes, 20 leaves; 2 blank leaves. Idem, vellum, top edge gilt.* Idem, ruby cloth, top edge gilt.* Idem, large paper. Demy 8vo. Paper wrappers.* Ditto, 1890. Exact reprint of first edition. Idem, vellum, top edge gilt.* Idem, cloth, top edge gilt.* (VII.) ROBINSON CRUSOE. 1883. THE LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRISING / ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON / CRUSOE OF YORK, / MARINER, / AS RELATED BY HIMSELF. / BY / DANIEL DEFOE. / BeING A FACSIMILE RE- PRINT OF THE First Edition / published in 17 19. / with an introduction by / AUSTIN DOBSON / ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW / LONDON E.C. / 1 883. Demy 8vo. Pp. xiv. + iv. + 364. Brown cloth, lettered on back, red edges, in imita- tion of leather. Collation: Publisher's device, reverse blank, i leaf; half title, advertisement of other reprints on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; introduction, 5 leaves; frontispiece ; original title, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, i leaf; the work, 182 leaves; original publisher's catalogue, 2 leaves. 47 (VIII.) BEAUMARCHAIS. 1884. Clarendon Press Series / beaumarchais' / le / barbier de Seville / edited / with in- troduction AND NOTES / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / Oxford j AT THE CLARENDON PRESS / 1884 / [Ail rights reserved\ Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 158. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, cut edges. Collation: Half-title, pulilishers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, reverse blank, i leaf; prolegomena, 26 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 48 leaves, reverse of last blank ; notes, 5 leaves, reverse of last blank. At end Clarendon Press cataloc;ue, 9 leaves. I (IX.) STEELE. 1885. Clarendon Press Series \ Steele / selections from the tatler, spectator / and guar- dian / edited / WITH introduction AND NOTES / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / Oxford / AT THE CLARENDON PRESS / MDCCCLXXXV. \All rights reserved.'\ Crown 8vo. Pp. lii. + 504. Dark green cloth, lettered on back, cut edges. Collation: Half-title, with publishers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; introduction, 19 leaves; chronology, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; the work, 224 leaves, vignette on reverse of last leaf; notes, 26 leaves, reverse of last blank ; index to the notes, 2 leaves ; at tlie end is the Clarendon Press list of school books, 8 leaves. Idem, vellum, lettered on back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Ditto, new and revised edition. 1896. Cr. 8vo. P{). lii. ■{■ 504. With portrait of Steele and facsimile of one of his letters. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, gilt top. "Although the bulk of alteration has not been great, I trust that the revision which the book has undergone will be found to have increased its value." — Preface. 48 (X.) VICAR OF WAKEFIELD (Facsimile of First EJitiou). 1885. THE / VICAR OF WAKEFIELD / BY / OLIVER GOLDSMITH. / Being a Facsimile Reproduction of the First / Edition published in iy66. \ with an introduction by / Austin dob- son, / AND A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF EDITIONS OF "THE VICAR /OF WAKEFIELD" PUBLISHED IN ENGLAND / AND ABROAD. / LONDON : / ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATER- NOSTER Row. / 1885. 2 vols. Fcap 8vo. Pp. xl. -f- 4 -f- 214, and 2 + 224. Boards, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation: Vol. I: Advertisement of " Rasselas," reverse blank, i leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; preface and bibliography, 17 leaves, reverse of last blank ; original title, reverse blank, i leaf; "advertisement," i leaf; the work, 107 leaves; Vol. II. : Original title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 112 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. Idem, large paper. 2 vols. Small 4to. Boards, edges untrimmed. Some copies of both the small and large paper editions were issued in boards from the panels of "Dolly's" Chop House. (XI.) BEWICK'S MEMOIR. 1887. A / MEMOIR / OF / THOMAS BEWICK, / WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. / EMBELLISHED BY / NUMEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS, / DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR FOR A WORK ON / BRITISH FISHES. / A NEW EDITION, / PREFACED AND ANNOTATED BY / AUSTIN DOBSON, / AUTHOR OF "Thomas Bewick and his Pupils" / [engraving] / newcastle-upon-tyne : / PRINTED BY R. WARD AND SONS, FOR / BERNARD QUARITCH, 1 5 PICCADILLY, / LONDON. / 1887. / \_The Right of Translation is Reserved^ Royal 8vo. Pp. xxxvi. -f- 396. With 56 illustrations. Brown cloth, paper label, edges untrimmed. 49 Forms Vol. 5 of the Memorial Edition of Thomas Bewick's works ; but lOO additional copies were printed tor separate sale. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, engraving on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; quota- tion from Leslie, reverse blank, i leaf; editor's preface, 6 leaves; original preface, I leaf; note, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 5 leaves, reverse of last blank ; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 197 leaves, reverse of last blank ; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. The illustrations are all numbered with the text, except one which faces page 50. (XII.) GOLDSMITH'S SELECTED POEMS. 1887. Clarendon Press Series / goldsmith / selected poems / edited / with introduction AND notes / BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / Oxford j AT THE CLARENDON PRESS / 1 88 7. [A// rights reserved. "] Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. -f 214. Dark green cloth, lettered on back, cut edges. Collatiou : Half-title, publisher's imprint on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note and contents, 2 leaves; introduction, 13 leaves; the work, 50 leaves; title to notes, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 43 leaves; advertisement of Clarendon Press Series, I leaf; at the end is catalogue of Clarendon Press, 8 leaves. Idem, vellum, lettered back and side, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. (XIII.) PRIOR'S POEMS. 1889. Selected Poems / of / matthew prior / With an Introduction and Notes by / AUSTIN doeson / Perciiiiis et fragrans , [Publishers' device] / London / kegan paul, trench & CO. / mdccclxxxix. D so "Parchment Library." Elzevir 8vo. Pp. Ixx. + 236. Portrait. Parchment, lettered back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. Collation: Half-title, with note on portraits of Prior on reverse, I leaf; portrait ; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; introduc- tion, 30 leaves ; sub-title, reverse blank, J leaf ; the poems, lOO leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to ' Notes,' reverse blank, i leaf; notes, 16 leaves ; printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf; i blank leaf. Idem, vellum, gilt top, others edges untrimmed. Idem, ruby cloth, gilt top, other edges untrimmed.* Idem, large hand-made paper. Cr. 8vo. Wrappers, lettered on side, edges untrimmed. An extra leaf is prefixed with this notice: •.•the large paper edition of this VOLUME, consisting OF FIFTY COPIES, ALL OF WHICH ARE NUMBERED AND SIGNED [by Charles Whittingham & Co.] was printed in December 1889. This is No. — (XIV.) GOLDSMITH'S POEMS AND PLAYS. 1889. THE / POEMS AND PLAYS / OF / OLIVER GOLDSMITH / EDITED BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / WITH ETCHINGS BY / JoHN Jellicoe & HERBERT Railton / [Publishers' device] / vol. I. [11.] / LONDON / J. M. DENT AND CO. / 69 GREAT EASTERN STREET / 1889. "The Temple Library." 2 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxx. + 200 and viii. + 236. With 6 illustrations. Pale lavender cloth, lettered on backs and sides, gilt tops, other edges untrimmed. Collation : Vol. I. : Notice as to number printed ("This edition is limited to Seven Hundred and Fifty copies for England, and Five Hundred copies for America .... "), reverse blank, i leaf ; 51 half title, with note on Canonhury Tower on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece; title, in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to Edward Ford, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, i leaf; introduc- tion, II leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, go leaves ; appendix, 9 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf; plates at pp. 31 and 49 [the list says 25 and 47, but this is evidently an error, and they are not so placed] ; Vol. II., half-title, with notice as to number printed on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, I leaf; the work, 113 leaves; appendix, 4 leaves; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf; plates at pp. 113 and 203. Idem, large hand-made paper. Cr. 8vo. Half parchment, lettered on back.s, edges un- trimmed. " Only One Hundred and Fifty copies of this large paper Edition have been printed for sale in England, and One Hundred copies for America This is No. of the English Edition." " It is fitting that Mr. Dobson, who has, perhaps, written the best Life of Goldsmith In the language, should edit his ' Poems and Plays,' and he has done this so thoroughly . . . that very little scope seems to be left for any future editor of the poet." — Spectator. Ditto, 1891. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxviii. -f 408. Cloth, edges untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; half title, with note on Canonbury Tower on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, printers' imprint on reverse, 1 leaf; contents, i leaf; introduction, II leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, 203 leaves ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf. Although there is not one word of explanation, this is evidently a reprint in one volume on thinner paper of the previous item, and probably the body of the work is printed from the same plates. Ditto, 1896, issued in separate volumes, with titles as follows : — The / Poems / of Oliver / Goldsmith / Edited by / Austin Dobson / London Published / by J. M. dent & Coy. / Philadelphia j. b. / lippincott Coy. Mdcccxcvi. [This title within engraved border.] Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxviii. -1- 180. With portrait and 2 etchings. Cloth gilt, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. With paper wrapper. D I 52 Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; portrait (by II. G. Weblj) ; title in red and black, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, i leaf; list of illustrations, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, ii leaves, reverse of last blank ; the poems, 90 leaves. The two etchings face pp. 25 and 47. The / Plays / of Oliver / Goldsmith / Edited by / Austin Dobson / London Published / by J. M. DENT & Coy. / Philadelphia j. b. / lippincott Coy. Mdcccxcvi. [This title within engraved border.] Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 228. With 3 illustrations (by J. Jellicoe and H. Railton). Cloth gilt, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. With a paper wrapper. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse lilank, i leaf; list of illustrations, reverse blank, i leaf; the plays, 1 13 leaves; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. These are substantially reprints of the Temple Library edition, and form part of the publishers' collected edition of Goldsmith, though that fact is only recorded on the paper wrapper and in the publishers' catalogue. (XV.) VICAR OF WAKEFIELD ( Cranford Edition). 1890. Hie / Vicar of Wakefield / By / Oliver Goldsmith / with a Preface by / Austin Dobson / and / Jl/iistrations by / Hii^h Thomson [engraving] / London / Macmillan &= Co. / ajid / New York I MDCC'CXC. "Cranford" Series. Cr. Svo. Pp. xxxvi. -f 306. 181 illustrations in the text, excluding frontispiece. Extra olive-green cloth, gilt edges, protected by paper wrapper with one of the illustrations reproduced on it. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Austin Dobson, reverse blank, I leaf; preface, 8 leaves, reverse of last blank ; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; list of illustrations, 3 leaves; "advertisement," reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 153 leaves, printers' colophon on reverse of last leaf ; list of Messrs. Macniillan's publications, 3 leaves. 53 Idem, olive-green cloth, paper label, edges untrimmed. Idem, large paper. Imp. 8vo. Hand-made paper. Red buckram, paper label, edges un- trimmed. The only variation in collation is that in place of the publishers' list there is one blank leaf. Ditto, second edition, 1891, gilt edges. In this a new illustration was substituted for the one in the first edition at page 95. Idem, uncut. Ditto, "reprinted" 1892, gilt edges. Idem, uncut. Ditto, "reprinted," 1894. "Of an illustrated edition of the 'Vicar' published at the end of 1890, we are credibly informed that 8,000 copies were sold within a twelvemonth. And where is 'Rasselas' now?" — Note to 'A Garret in Gougk Square^ in ^Eighteenth Century Vignettes,' iSgs. (XVI.) GOLDSMITH'S CITIZEN. 1891. THE / CITIZEN OF THE WORLD / BY / OLIVER GOLDSMITH / EDITED BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / WITH ETCHINGS BY HERBERT RAiLTON / [Publishers' device] / vol. i. [il] / London / j. m. DENT AND CO. / 69 GREAT EASTERN STREET / 189I "The Temple Library." 2 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxx. -h 260, and viii. + 300. With 6 illustrations. Pale lavender cloth, lettered on sides and backs, gilt tops, other edges untrimmed. 54 Collation : Vol. I. : Notice as to number printed (" This edition is limited to Four Hundred copies for England, and Three Hundred and Fifty copies for America " ), reverse blank, I leaf; half title, with note on Green Arbour Court on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece ; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication to J. W. Barnes, Esq., reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; introduction, 6 leaves ; copy of original title page, reverse Ijlank, i leaf; editor's preface, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 123 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; notes, 6 leaves, reverse of last blank ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf ; plates at pp. 46 and 176 ; Vol. H., half-title, with notice as to number printed on reverse, I leaf ; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf ; con- tents, 2 leaves; the work, 142 leaves; notes, 8 leaves, printers' colophon on reverse of last leaf; plates at jjp. 70 and 180. Idem, large paper. Cr. 8vo. Half parchment, lettered on backs, edges untrimmed. " Only One Hundred and F"ifty copies of this large paper Edition have been printed for sale in England, and Fifty copies for America .... This is No. ." Ditto, 1893. 2 vols. Fcap. Bvo. Pp. xxx. + 260 and x. + 300. With 6 etchings by H. Railton. Cloth gilt, top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. With a paper wrapper, on which is printed, besides the title, "The Works of Oliver Goldsmith." Collation: Vol. I. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece ; title in red and black, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; list of illustrations, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 6 leaves, reverse of last blank ; original title, reverse blank, i leaf; Goldsmith's preface, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 123 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; illustrative notes, 6 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. Vol. H. : Half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; frontispiece; title in red and Ijlack, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; list of illustrations, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 142 leaves ; illustrative notes, 8 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. The other four plates are at pp. 46 and 176, Vol. i, and pp. 70 and 180, Vol. 2. This is substantially a reprint of the Temple Library edition, and forms part of the publishers' collected edition of Goldsmith's Works, though that fact is only recorded on the paper wrapper and in the pub- lishers' catalogue. 55 (XVII.) FIELDING'S VOYAGE TO LISBON. 1892. THE . JOURNAL . OF . A / VOYAGE . TO . LISBON . BY / HENRY . FIELDING . WITH . IN- / TRODUC- TiON . AND . NOTES / BY . AUSTIN . DOBSON / [Publishers' . device.] / London . printed . AND . issued . BY / CHARLES . WHITTINGHAM . & . CO . AT / THE . CHISWICK . PRESS . MDCCCXCII. Crown 8vo. Pp. xxiv. + 280. Portrait. Half parchment, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation : One blank leaf; leaf with this notice : — " This Edition is limited to Five Htindred copies, viz. : 2J on Japanese Vellnin, nn inhered i to 2j. 4"/^ on Handmade paper, numbered 26 to ^oo. This is No. ," reverse blank ; half-title with note concerning portrait on reverse, I leaf; por- trait; title, reverse blank, l leaf; editor's introduction, 9 leaves, reverse of last blank; half-title to original edition, with quotation on reverse, i leaf; title to original edition, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; preface, 8 leaves, reverse of last blank ; author's intro- duction, 10 leaves ; the work, 96 leaves, reverse of last blank ; title to illustrative notes, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 21 leaves, reverse of last blank ; erratum, reverse blank, i leaf. Idem, Japanese vellum edition. Cr. Svo. Half vellum, lettered on back, edges un- trimmed. (XVIII.) DANCE OF DEATH. 1892. The Dance of Death / by Hans Holbein, with an / introductory note by / Austin Dobson / [Publishers' device] London : George Bell & Sons, York Street, / Covent Garden, & New York. Mdcccxcij. Imp. i6mo. Pp. iv. + i8 -f T04 (not numbered). Green silk-cloth, lettered back • and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. With a paper wrapper. Collation: Half title, with this notice on reverse: — " This Edition consists of ^00 ordinary copies y hnperial i6mo, and 100 numbered copies on Japanese Vellum, Demy 8vo,'' I leaf; title in red and 56 black, with printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 4 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; poem by A. D. [The Dance of Death (Chant Royal, after Holbein^, reprinted from the eleventh edition of 'CA/ WorU Idylls,^ 1892], 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; list of illustrations, 3 leaves; the work, 52 leaves, reverse of last blank ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf. Idem, large paper. Demy 8vo. Printed on Japan vellum. Japan vellum covers, lettered on back and side. In a box. The only difference in collation is that two blank leaves are inserted at each end of the volume. Ditto, 32mo, 1898. Pp. 44 + 104 (not numbered). Half parchment, top edge gilt, lettered on back. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 9 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; Chant Royal, 4 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; list of illustra- tions, 7 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; the work, 51 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; printers' imprint, reverse blank, i leaf. There is nothing in the volume to indicate that it is a reprint of the preceding. The principal variation is a different note to the Chant Royal. That and the necessary omission (on account of size) of the decorations which adorn the preliminary pages of the large edition, are the only important differences between the two editions. (XIX.) DURER'S LITTLE PASSION. 1894. The Little Passion / of Albert Dijrer, with / an Introduction by / Austin Dobson / [Pub- lishers' device.] / London : George Bell «Si Sons, York Street, / Covent Garden, & New York. Mdcccxciiij. Imp. i6mo. Pp. 18 -f 152 (not numbered). With photogravure portrait of Diirer; and 37 plates (including title), which are reckoned in the number of pages. Green 57 silk-cloth, lettered on back and side, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. With printed wrapper. Collation : Half title, reverse blank, i leaf ; portrait ; title in red and black, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; introduction, 5 leaves, note relating to portrait on reverse of last ; list of illustrations, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; original title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 74 leaves, reverse of last blank ; printers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf. Idem, large paper. Demy 8vo. With this notice on reverse of half-title : — "75 copies are printed on Japanese vellum, of ivhich this is No. ." Japan vellum covers, lettered back and side. In a box. (XX.) CORIDON'S SONG. 1894. coridon's song / And oilier Verses / from various sources / With Illustrations by I HUGH THOMSON / ,-/«(/ an Introduction by I AUSTIN dobson / London / macmillan AND CO. / AND NEW YORK / 1 894 Crown 8vo. Pp. xxxii. + 164. With 8g illustrations. Dark green decorated cloth extra, gilt edges. With paper wrapper reproducing one of the illustrations. Collation: Half title, with publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece, reverse blank, i leaf; title, with printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 9 leaves, with vignette on reverse of last leaf; contents, with vignette on reverse, l leaf; list of illustrations, 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; work, 82 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. All the illustrations are numbered with the text. One of the illustrations is repeated in gold on the cover, which is protected by a paper cover containing a repetition of another illustration. Idem, plain cloth, paper label, edges untrimmed. 58 Idem, large paper. Royal 8vo. Hand-made paper. Crimson buckram, paper label, edges untrimmed. On reverse of title, in addition to imprint, is printed as follows : — One HiDidred a7id Fifty-two Copies of this Large Paper Edition were printed, December, iSg4. (XXI.) MEMOIRS OF A TROTESTANT. 1895. THE / MEMOIRS / OF A PROTESTANT / CONDEMNED TO THE GALLEYS OF FRANCE / FOR HIS RELIGION / WRITTEN BY HIMSELF / TRANSLATED BY / OLIVER GOLDSMITH / WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / LONDON : J. M. DENT & CO. / AlDINE HoUSE, 69 Great Eastern Street, E.c. / new york : dodd,.mead & co. / mdcccxcv. 2 vols. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxii. + 266, and 290. Stone-coloured buckram, lettered on backs, top edges coloured, other edges untrimmed. Collation : Vol. I. , half-title, on reverse this notice : This Edition is liviited to One Thousand copies, of ■which Five Htmdred are for sale in America, i leaf; frontispiece (Goldsmith's receipt for his share for translating', reverse blank, i leaf; i blank leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; in- troduction, 9 leaves; original title, reverse blank, l leaf; translator's preface, 4 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, 128 leaves; i blank leaf. Vol. II., half-title, title, and original title, as in Vol. I., 3 leaves ; the work, 140 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; appendix, 2 leaves ; i blank leaf "Full of interest, intrinsic and associated, as Mr. Austin Dobson clearly shows in his lucid and scholarly Introduction." — Times. (XXII.) GOLDSMITH'S POETICAL WORKS. 1895. THE POETICAL WORKS OF / OLIVER GOLDSMITH / WITH A LIFE OF THE POET / By THE REV. JOHN MITFORD / REVISED AND EDITED / By AUSTIN DOBSON / [publishers' dcvicc] LONDON / GEORGE BELL AND SONS / 1 895. 59 " Aldine Poets " Series. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xcvi. + 192. Crimson cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. With printed paper wrapper. Collation : Half-title, publishers' imprint on reverse, l leaf; portrait ; title, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; preface by Austin Dobson, with 'advertisement' on reverse, l leaf; contents, l leaf; life, 44 leaves ; the works, 96 leaves. (XXIII.) AUSTEN'S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. 1895. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE / BY / J.\NE AUSTEN / ILLUSTRATED BY CHARLES E. BROCK / WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / MACMILLAN AND CO. / AND NEW YORK / 1895 / All rights reserved. "Illustrated Standard Novels" Series. Cr. Svo. Pp. xxx. + 352. 40 illustrations. Crimson cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. With a wrapper repeating one of the illustrations. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, re- verse blank, i leaf; introduction, 11 leaves, reverse of last blank ; list of illustrations, I leaf; the work, 176 leaves. At end are the pul)lishers' lists, 2 leaves. Idem, " Peacock " edition, decorated crimson cloth gilt, gilt edges. With paper wrapper repeating design of cover. (XXIV.) AUSTEN'S SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. 1896, SENSE AND SENSIBILITY / BY / JANE AUSTEN / ILLUSTRATED BY HUGH THOMSON / WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / MACMILLAN AND CO. LTD. / NEW YORK: MACMILLAN «& CO. / 1896 / All rights reserved. 6o " Illustrated Standard Novels " Series. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 342. Crimson cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. With paper wrapper repeating one of the illustrations. Collation : Half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 4 leaves ; list of illustrations, I leaf; the work, 171 leaves; advertisements, i leaf; at end are the publishers' lists, 2 leaves. Idem, " Peacock " edition, decorated crimson cloth, extra gilt, lettered back and side, gilt edges. With paper wrapper repeating design of cover. (XXV.) AUSTEN'S EMMA. 1896. EMMA / BY / JANE AUSTEN / ILLUSTRATED BY HUGH THOMSON / WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / iniacmillan and co., ltd. / new york : the macmillan CO. / 1896 / All rights reserved. "Illustrated Standard Novels" Series. Cr. Svo. Pp. xviii. + 438. Crimson cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. With paper wrapper repeating one of the illustrations. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, re- verse blank, i leaf; introduction, 5 leaves; list of illustrations, i leaf; the work, 219 leaves; advertisements, 3 leaves ; at end, publishers' lists, 28 leaves. Idem, " Peacock " edition, decorated crimson cloth, extra gilt, lettered back and side, gilt edges. With paper wrapper repeating design of cover. 6i (XXVI.) HOOD'S HAUNTED HOUSE. 1S96. THE HAUNTED HOUSE / BY THOMAS HOOD ILLUSTRATED / BY HERBERT RAILTON WITH AN / INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN / DOBSON [publishers' device] LONDON : LAWRENCE AND BULLEN / 16 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN / MDCCCXCVI. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 56 + 104 un-numbered pages, numerous illustrations. Decorated green cloth gilt, gilt edges, with printed paper wrapper. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, imprint on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 10 leaves; sul)-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poem, 15 leaves; i blank leaf; decorated title, reverse blank, i leaf; the illustrations with text repeated, 50 leaves. At the end is the publishers' catalogue, 16 leaves. (XXVII.) AUSTEN'S MANSFIELD PARK. 1897. MANSFIELD PARK / BY / JANE AUSTEN / ILLUSTRATED BY HUGH THOMSON / WITH AN INTRO- DUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED / NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY / 1 89 7 / All rights reserved. " Illustrated Standard Novels " Series. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xviii. + 430. 40 illustrations. Crimson cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. With a wrapper repeating one of the illustrations. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece; title, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 5 leaves, reverse of last blank; list of illustrations, i leaf; the work, 215 leaves, reverse of last blank ; list of novels, i leaf. Idem, "Peacock" edition, decorated crimson cloth, extra gilt, lettered back and side, gilt edges, with paper wrapper repeating design of cover. F 62 (XXVIII.) AUSTEN'S NORTHANGER ABBEY, &c. 1897. NORTHANGER ABBEY / AND / PERSUASION / BY / JANE AUSTEN / WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY HUGH THOMSON / AND AN INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED / NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY / 1 897 / All rights reserved. " Illustrated Standard Novels " Series. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 444. 40 illustrations. Crimson cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. With a paper wrapper repeating one of the illustrations. Collation : Half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 4 leaves; list of illustrations, i leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 221 leaves. Idem, " Peacock " edition, decorated crimson cloth, extra gilt, lettered back and side, gilt edges, with paper wrapper repeating design of cover. (XXIX.) THE SPECTATOR. 1897-8. The / SPECTATOR / No. I, Thursday, March i, 1711 / to / No. 80, Friday, June i, 1711 / VOLUME / I. [viii.] / The Text Edited and Annotated by / G. Gregory smith / With an Introductory Essay by / Austin dobson / london / j. m. dent & co., 67 s. james's ST. s.w. / mdcccxcvii-viii. 8 vols. F'cap 8vo. With miniature portrait frontispiece to each volume. Canvas (stone-coloured back and French-grey sides), top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. Collation: \'o\. I : One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; photogravure of a miniature of Addison ; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; preface [by G. G. Smith], 4 leaves ; introduc- tion by Austin Dobson, 9 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, 153 leaves; notes, 20 leaves, 63 printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. Vol. II. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; photogravure of a miniature of John Hughes; title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 170 leaves, imprint on reverse of last leaf. Vol. III. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; photogravure of a miniature of Richard Steele; title, reverse blank, 1 leaf; the work, 162 leaves. Vol. IV.: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; miniature of Pope ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 150 leaves, imprint on reverse of last leaf Vol. V. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; miniature of E. Budgell ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 150 leaves. Vol. VI. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; photogravure portrait of Thomas Tickell, from a miniature; title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 149 leaves; printers' im- print, reverse blank, i leaf. Vol. VII. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait of Thomas Parnell, from a miniature ; title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 162 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. Vol. VIII,: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait of Ambrose Phillips; title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 137 leaves; additional notes to the eight vols., i leaf; indices, 22 leaves, imprint on reverse of last leaf. • The issue, in monthly volumes, commenced on Oct. 25th, 1897, and concluded in Sept., 1898. (XXX.) WALTON'S LIVES. 1898. LIVES OF / JOHN DONNE / HENRY / WOTTON / RICH''- / HOOKER / GEORGE / HERBERT, &€. / BY / IZAAK / W.'\LTON / VOLUME ONE [xwo] / MDCCCXCVIIL . PUBLISHED . BY . J. . M. . DENT . / AND . CO. : ALDINE . HOUSE . LONDON, E.G. "The Temple Classics." 2 vols. F'cap 8vo. Pp. xvi. -f 206, and vi. + 332. Limp dark blue cloth, top edges gilt, others untrinimed, lettered on back. With printed paper wrappers. Vol. I. has portrait of Donne, and copy of 1670 title-page. Vol. II. has portrait of Hooker. Collation: Vol. I. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black within engraved border, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait; title-page of 1670 edition, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; quotation from E.\odus, reverse blank, i leaf; Walton's dedication, i leaf; 'To the F I 64 Reader,' 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, icx3 leaves, notice by general editor on reverse of last leaf; additional notes, 6 leaves; one blank leaf. Vol. II. : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 163 leaves; additional notes, 2 leaves, notice by general editor, reverse blank, i leaf ; one blank leaf. The notice by the general editor of The Temple Classics (of which the above forms part), referred to above, runs as follows : — This issue 0/'^ Walton's Lives" is based upon John Major's edition of \%7.^, 'which was printed from a copy of the edition of 1675, corrected by Walton's oto«/>^«. Major's " illustrative notes " have been pre- served, with some modifications by later hands. Mr. Austin Dobson has read the text, added the mar<^inalia, and contributed the supplementary ftotes. I[srael] G[OLLANCy], August 9, Walton^s birthday, 1898. r (^iBftogtap^g of Jluefin ©oBeon* I. WORKS TO WHICH HE HAS CONTRIBUTED. PART I. iv. Works to which Austin Dobson has Contributed. *^'* Those editions which are marked with an asterisk at the end are fiot in the compiler's library. Affierican issties are contained in square brackets. (I.) BEETON'S ANNUAL. 1866. beeton's / annual; / a / Book for the Young. / with illustrations printed in COLOURS, and many WOODCUTS / FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY EMINENT ARTISTS. / LONDON : / FREDERICK WARNE & CO., / BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN. / 1 866. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. i.-viii. (un-numbered) + 492. Red cloth, gilt, lettered back and side, edges gilt. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, imprint (Hertford: Printed by Stephen Austin) on reverse, i leaf; contents, i leaf; list of authors and artists, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 246 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; advertisements (unpaged), l leaf; note (unpaged), reverse blank, I leaf. Frontispiece and 21 full-page illustrations, some of which are printed in colours. Mr. Austin Dobson's contribution, entitled " Bob Trevor and I," occupies pp. 201-228. 68 Ditto, abridged and issued under following title : — beeton's annual : a book for boys. / STORIES OF / VALOUR & ADVENTURE. / BY / CLEMENT SCOTT, / AUSTIN DOBSON, w. H. DAVENPORT ADAMS / AND / OTHER POPULAR AUTHORS. / With Illustrations by tvell-kfioivti Artists. / ward, lock, bowden & co., / London : Warwick house, Salis- bury SQUARE, E.C. / NEW YORK: EAST I2TH STREET. / MELBOURNE: 3 & 5, ST. James's street. [1893.] Crown 8vo. Pp. iv. + 240. Red cloth extra, lettered back and side. Collation: Frontispiece; title, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, I leaf ; the work, 120 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the illustrations, except frontispiece, are numbered with the text. Though containing Mr. Austin Dobson's contribution, " Bob Trevor and I " (pp. 203-30), this is only a reprint of a portion of the preceding book. (II.) SPENCE'S GEOGRAPHY. 1867. THE / civil service GEOGRAPHY : / BEING / A MANUAL OF GEOGRAPHY, / GENERAL AND POLITICAL, / ARRANGED ESPECIALLY FOR / EXAMINATION CANDIDATES AND THE HIGHER FORMS OF SCHOOLS. / BY THE LATE / LANCELOT M. DALRYMPLE SPENCE / (OF H.M. CIVIL service). / REVISED THROUGHOUT BY / THOMAS GRAY, / ONE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARIES TO THE BOARD OF TRADE. / With JVofldciits, Six Maps, and a General Index, j London : / lockwood & co., 7 stationers' hall court. / 1867. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 136. Cloth, sprinkled edges. The author, in his preface, says he " must not omit to express the obligation he is under to his friend, Mr. H. A. Dobson, of the Board of Trade, forhaving undertaken the execution of those maps which were required to illustrate his system." On title-page of the Civil Service Handbook of English Literature he is also called "Assistant-Editor " of this book. 69 Ditto, second edition, 1869. Ditto, third edition, 1871.* Ditto, fourth edition, 1873. Ditto, fifth edition, 1875. Ditto, sixth edition, 1878. Ditto, seventh edition, 1881. Ditto, eighth edition, 1882. Ditto, ninth edition, 1884. Ditto, tenth edition, 1890. (III.) HOGARTH'S WORKS. 1872. THE WORKS OF / WILLIAM HOGARTH / REPRODUCED FROM THE ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS / IN PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHS / AND NEWLY DESCRIBED / WITH AN ESSAY ON THE GENIUS AND CHARACTER OF / HOGARTH BY CHARLES LAMB / Vol. I. [II.] / [Pub- Hshers' device] London : / bell and daldy, york street, / covent garden. / 1872. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. Pp. xviii. + 22 + 108 (not numbered), and iv. + 124 (not numbered). With 116 plates. Brown cloth, lettered backs and sides, gilt edges. Collation: Vol. I., half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait; title in red and black, printers' imprint on reverse, l leaf; preface, reverse blank, i leaf; list of plates, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; a few words about Hogarth, signed W. C. M[onkhouse], 3 leaves; Lamb's essay, II leaves; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; descriptive notices of the plates (preceding each plate, and un-numbered), 53 7° leaves, reverses all blank ; 50 plates and portrait. Vol. II., half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; descriptions (preceding each plate, and un-numbered), 62 leaves, reverses all blank ; 62 plates. In conclusion, it is proper to state that some of the descriptions of the prints have been reproduced, with but little variation, from such of the commentaries to Messrs. Bell and Dakly's ' Hogarth ' of 1872 as were contributed to that work by the author." — Extract from Preface to Dobson's " Hogarth " in " The Great Artists " Series. (IV.) MUSES OF MAYFAIR. 1874. THE / MUSES OF MAYFAIR / SELECTIONS FROM / VERS DE SOCIETE / OF / THE NINETEENTH CENTURY / BY / H. CHOLMONDELEY-PENNELL / AUTHOR OF " PUCK ON PEGASUS," "MODERN BABYLON," ETC. / [Publishers' device] / London / chatto and WINDUS, PICCADILLY / 1 874. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 382. Decorated brown cloth extra, gilt edges. Collation: Half-title, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, 1 leaf; dedicatory poem to Frederick Locker, reverse blank, i leaf; note by the editor, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 4 eaves, reverse of last Ijlank ; the poems, 191 leaves; advertisement of works by same editor, i leaf. At end is publishers' catalogue, 24 leaves. Contains three pieces by Austin Dobson, viz., " Avice," " Pot-Pourri," and "Tu Quoque."| Ditto, re-issue [Second edition] with cancel title. "The Mayfair Library." Post 8vo. N.D. [1879]. Stone-coloured cloth, edges trimmed. Ditto, reprint, 1882.* 71 (V.) COMIC POETS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 1875. THE COMIC POETS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Poems of Wit and Humour by Living Writers, selected by w. davenport adams. London : george routledge and SONS, BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL, E.G. [l^ys]- Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 400. Cloth extra, lettered back and side, gilt edges. Numerous illustrations. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title, advertisement on reverse, i leaf; dedi- cation to Frederick Locker, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, i leaf; contents, 4 leaves; the work, 185 leaves ; notes, 12 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; index to first lines, 3 leaves. Includes six pieces by Mr. Dobson, viz.. Outward Bound, p. 115 ; Tu Quoque, p. 117; An Autumn Idyll, p. 119 ; The Love Letter, p. 125 ; A Legacy, p. 127 ; Love in Winter, p. 128. Ditto, reprinted, with red lines round each page, 1878. (VI.) GRAPHIC PORTFOLIO. 1877. The Graphic / Portfolio / a selection from / the admired engravings / which HAVE APPEARED IN / THF. GRAPHIC / AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE ART OF WOOD ENGRAVING, / WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. / LONDON : / CHATTO AND WINDUS, PICCADILLY. / 1877. Atlas 4to. Pages viii. + ico + 4 (not numbered). Fifty plates. Half morocco, gilt edges. Mr. Dobson contributed the poem, " Daisy's Valentines," which accom- panies Miss M. Ellen Edwards' picture, "St. Valentine's Day." Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black, printer's imprint on reverse, i leaf; preface, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, reverse blank, I leaf; the plates, 50 leaves, reverses blank ; prefixed to each plate the descriptive notices, reverses blank, 50 leaves ; the "Art of Wood Engrav- ing," 2 leaves. 72 (VII.) AULD LANG SYNE. 1877. AULD LANG SVNE. / SELECTIONS FROM THE PAPERS / OF THE / " PEN AND PENCIL CLUB " / " Should auld acquaintance be forgot, / And never brought to min', / Should auld acquaintance be forgot, / And days o' lang syne!" / Burns / [device] / printed FOR private circulation. / 1877. Cr. 8vo. Pp. vi. + 176. Cloth, edges untrimmed. ^Vith 2 photographs of "Aubrey House." Contains 4 pieces by Mr. Dobson : — Chips [May, 1868], pp. 54-56 (not reprinted) ; Sketches [April, 1869I— (In a Garden). A Lady — a Poet, pp. 92-6 (Before the publication of this volume, this poem had appeared in Vignettes in Rhyme, 1873, under the title of "A Garden Idyll"); River [April, 1874], an Autumn Idyl, pp. 151-5 (Before this volume had appeared, this poem was printed as "An Autumn Idyll" — note the different spelling — in Vignettes in Rhyme) ; Footpath [April, 1874], p. 170 (not reprinted), but had previously appeared in The Saturday Journal, 1874, p. 78, under the title, " You Gave your Hand." This volume forms the Literary Album of the Club. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; frontispiece; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; contents, i leaf; photograph; the work, 88 leaves. The cover is lettered on the back, "Pen and Pencil," " London : G. Bell & Sons" ; and on side, "Auld Lang Syne." (VIII.) LATTER-DAY LYRICS. 1878. LATTER-DAY LYRICS / BEING / Focms of Senfi?nent and Reflection / By Living Writers / Selected and Arranged with Notes / by w. davenport adams / [publishers' device] / WITH A note on some FOREIGN FORMS OF VERSE / BY AUSTIN DOBSON / London / chatto and windus, PICCADILLY / 1 878 / [All rights reserved]. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 388. Decorated green cloth, lettered on back, edges trimmed. 73 Collation: Half-title, with advertisement on reverse, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; dedicatory poem, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; contents, 4 leaves ; the poems, 165 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to "Note," reverse blank, i leaf; Dobson's " Note," 9 leaves, reverse of last blank ; title to notes, reverse blank, i leaf; notes and indices, 18 leaves. At end publishers' catalogue of 18 leaves. Contains, besides the ' Note,' ten pieces by Mr. Dobson, viz. : A Song of the Four Seasons, p. 99 ; Before Sedan, p. 203 ; The Sick Man and the Birds, p. 277 ; A Kiss, p. 290 ; " With Pipe and Flute," p. 293 ; " When I saw you last. Rose," p. 308 ; The Prodigals, p. 316 ; Prose and Rhyme, p. 302 ; and amongst the Notes, "Oh, Love's but a dance," and " Rose, in the hedge-row grown," pp. 376 and 378. In a note the Editor says that ' The Prodigals' " has been slightly retouched for this volume." This is one of those cases in which re-touching is akin to a crime, and it is fortunate that in reprinting this exquisite ballade Mr. Dobson has seen this and restored the original readings. The subject is perhaps of sufficient interest to warrant noting here these unfortunale "retouches": — The fourth line of the first stanza instead of Beggars that come from the over-seas is changed to Prodigals driven of destinies. And the second and third lines of the second stanza instead of Hearken awhile to the prayer of us, — - Beggars that come from the over-seas ! are changed to Beggars are we that pray thee thus, — Beggars outworn of miseries ! Ditto, re-issue with cancel title [second edition], "Tlie Mayfair Library," n.d. [1881]. Post 8vo. Stone-coloured cloth, edges trimmed. (IX.) SONGS OF SOCIETY. iSSo. bONGS / OF / SOCIETY / FROM ANNE TO VICTORIA / EDITED, WITH NOTES AND / INTRODUC- TION, BY / W. DAVENPORT ADAMS / LONDON / PiCKERING AND Co. / 1880 [This title within engraved border]. G 74 Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xviii. + 236. Green cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, quotation from Swinburne on reverse, i leaf; engraved title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication (to Austin Dobson), reverse blank, i leaf; preface, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; introduction, 3 leaves ; the work, 1 1 1 leaves, reverse of last blank ; notes, 3 leaves ; index of authors, i leaf; index to first lines, 2 leaves ; publishers' colophon, reverse blank, i leaf. Includes eight pieces by Austin Dobson, viz., "To Q.H.F.," "Avice," " Tu Quoque," " Le Roman de la Rose," "In the Royal Academy," " The Last Despatch," " Outward Bound," " To Ethel," and is also dedicated to him. Idem, large hand-made paper. Cr. 8vo. Boards, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. (X.) WARD'S ENGLISH POETS. 1880. THE ENGLISH POETS / SELECTIONS / WITH CRITICAL INTRODUCTIONS / BY VARIOUS WRITERS / AND A GENERAL INTRODUCTION BY / MATTHEW ARNOLD / EDITED BY / THOMAS HUMPHRY WARD, M.A. I Late Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford] Vol. III. / addison to blake/ London / macmillan & co. / 1880 / [All rights reserved?^ Crown 8vo. Pp. xii. -!- 608. Dark blue cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. The contributions by Mr. Dobson are Congreve, Prior, Gay, and Green, pages 10- II, 17-19, 145-7, and 194-6. Ditto, reprmt, 1883.* With considerable corrections. Ditto, reprint, 1889.* 1892. 75 Ditto, Vol. IV., 1880. Pp. xvi. + 828. The contributions by Mr. Dobson are Bowles, Frere, Hood, and Praed, pp. 99, 240, 531-3, 544-5-* Ditto, reprint :, 1883.* >j jj 1887.* » >> 1891.* j> i> 1894. With additions. (XI.) THE GARLAND OF RACHEL. 1881. The Garland of Rachel by Austin Dobson and divers kindly hands. Printed at the Private Press of H. Daniel : Oxford. 188 1.* 8vo. Pp. 67. Vellum. Only 36 copies printed. The title-page of each copy bears the name of one of the individual authors. The whole of the printer's work was done by the Editor, Mr. C. H. Daniel, the miniation by his Wife. Mr. Alfred Parsons contributed the head-pieces and printer's mark. (Vide ' Gosse's Catalogue,' p. 34.) Mr. Austin Dobson contributed "To a Child," reprinted in The Sign of the Lyre, 1885, p. 75. (Xn.) LANG'S LIBRARY. 1881. THE LIBRARY / BY / ANDREW LANG / WITH A CHAPTER ON / MODERN ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS BY / AUSTIN DOBSON / [vignctte] / London / macmillan & CO. / 1 88 1 / The right of reproduction is reserved. G I 76 "Art at Home" Series. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 184. With 4 full-page plates (two of which are coloured), and 16 woodcuts numbered with the text. Slate-coloured cloth, cut edges. Collation: Half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece ; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Dr. John Brown, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, i leaf; con- tents, I leaf; list of illustrations, 2 leaves, poetical prologue by A. D. on reverse of second ; the work, 89 leaves; poetical epilogue by A. D., reverse blank, i leaf; index, 2 leaves. At end are advertisments, 4 leaves. The prologue and epilogue have not been reprinted. The chapter on ' Illustrated Books ' occupies 56 pp. Idem, ruby cloth, edges untrimmed. Idem, large hand-made paper. Demy 8vo. With this notice on reverse of half-title, in place of publishers' monogram :—" ONE hundred and eighty-five copies printed ON hand-made paper, may, 1881." Dark blue buckram, edges untrimmed. Ditto, second edition, 1892. Crown 8vo. Pp. xxii. -f- 192. With 4 plates and 21 wood- cuts. Stone-coloured buckram, edges untrimmed. In this the final chapter is enlarged by a Postscript of 9 pp., and further illustrations added. This edition does not form one of the " Art at Home " volumes. Collation: Half-title, publishers' monogram on reverse, i leaf; frontispiece; title, note about editions on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Dr. John Brown, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, i leaf; preface to sec6nd edition, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; contents, i leaf; list of illustrations, 2 leaves, with prologue by A. D. on reverse of second ; the work, 94 leaves, epilogue (or colophon) liy A. D. on reverse of last leaf; index, 2 leaves. Coloured plates facing pages 62 and 64, facsimile title facing page 94, as well as frontispiece. The other illustrations are numbered with the text. Idem, large hand-made paper. Imperial 8vo. Dark-coloured buckram, edges un- trimmed, protected by a printed paper wrapper. With this notice on reverse of 77 half-title in place of publishers' monogram: — "three hundred copies OF this LARGE PAPER EDITION WERE PRINTED, NOVEMBER 1 892. NO. ." (XIII.) ENCYCLOP.^DIA BRITANNICA. 1881. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA / NINTH EDITION / EDITED BY / THOMAS SPENCER BAYNES, LL.D., &C., &C., / PROFESSOR OF LOGIC, RHETORIC, AND METAPHYSICS IN THE UNIVER- SITY OF ST. ANDREWS / EDINBURGH : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK / Price "JS. 6d. [per Part]. Part 45. 4to. Pp. 224. With a map. Boards. [iS8i.] Contains an article on Hogarth by Austin Dobson, pp. 47-50. (XIV.) ENCVCLOP.EDIA BRITANNICA. 1882. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA / NINTH EDITION / EDITED BY / THOMAS SPENCER BAYNES, LL.D., &C., &C., / PROFESSOR OF LOGIC, RHETORIC, AND METAPHYSICS IN THE UNIVER- SITY OF ST. ANDREWS / EDINBURGH : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK / Price JS. 6d. [per Part]. Part 53. 4to. Pp. 224. With 2 maps. Boards. [1882.] Contains an article on Angelica Kauffman by Austin Dobson, p. 16. (XV.) LIVING ENGLISH POETS. 1883. LIVING / ENGLISH POETS / MDCCCLXXXII. / [publishers' device] / LONDON / KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, & CO., 1, PATERNOSTER SQUARE / MDCCCLXXXIII. 78 Post 8vo. Pp. XX. + 326. With a frontispiece. Vellum, lettered back and side, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. With printed paper wrapper. Contains three pieces by Austin Dobson, viz., "Good Night, Babette ! " "The Child Musician," " Dizain," (" As, to the pipe, with rhythmic feet "). Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece [by Walter Crane, introducing portraits of living poets into an allegorical picture]; title, in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; preface [by the Editors], 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; contents, 5 leaves, reverse of last blank ; the work, 160 leaves ; index of first lines, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; printers' imprint, reverse blank, I leaf. Idem, large paper.* Ditto, second edition, 1883. An exact reprint of the first edition, with exception of the words "second edition" on title-page. (XVI.) DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. 1885, &c. DICTIONARY / OF / NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY / EDITED BY / LESLIE STEPHEN [and Subsequently by SIDNEY lee], vol. ii.-[xlix.] / Annesley — [Russell] / lonuon / smith, elder, & CO., 15, WATERLOO PLACE, i885[97]. \All rights reserved.'] Roy. 8vo. Brown cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. The following biographies are contributed by Austin Dobson : — Vol. 2. Christopher Anstey, John Anstey. ,, 4. Nathaniel Beardmore, Lady Diana Beauclerk, Jane Bewick, John Bewick, Robert Elliot Bewick, Thomas Bewick, William Bewick. ,, 5. Louis P. Boitard. ,, 6. James Bramston. 79 Vol. 7. Henry William Bunbury. 8. Randolph Caldecott, Richard Owen Cambridge, Elizabeth Canning. 10. Princess Charlotte Augusta. 11. Luke Clennell, Christopher Codrington. 12. William Marshall Craig. 13. George Cruikshank, Isaac Cruikshank, Isaac Robert Cruikshank. 15. John Doyle, Richard Doyle. 21. John Cay, James Gillray. 22. Thomas Sword Good. 25. William Harvey. 27. William Hogarth. 30. Charles Samuel Keene. 32. John Leech. 40. Charlton Nesbit. 46. Matthew Prior. 47. Allan Ramsay. 49. Louis Francois Roubiliac, Thomas Rowlandson. 54. Sir Richard Steele. (XVII.) SONNETS OF THIS CENTURY. 1S86. Sonnets / Of This Century / Edited and Arranged / with a critical introduction / ON THE sonnet j ^y j WiLLiAM Sharp / Un sonnet sans defaut vaut seul tin long po'eme / Boileau / london / Walter Scott, 24, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, / and newcastle-on-tyne / 1886. 4to. Pp. Ixvi. + 334. Half morocco, gilt top. Contains one sonnet by Austin Dobson, viz., " Don Quixote." Collation: Title in red and black, reverse blank, I leaf; "authors and titles," 6 leaves; index to sonnets quoted in appendix, 2 leaves; dedication to D. G. Rossetti, reverse blank, i leaf; dedicatory 8o poem to D. G. R., reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 21 leaves ; i leaf; sub-title, verses on reverse, I leaf; the sonnets, 135 leaves; acknowledgment to copyright-holders, reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 31 leaves. Ditto, another edition. Crown 8vo. 1887. Ditto, another edition. "The Canterbury Poets" Series. i6mo. Pp. Ixxiv. + 336. Cloth gilt, edges trimmed. Collation: Half-title, notice on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; "authors and titles," 7 leaves ; " index to sonnets quoted in the appendix," 2 leaves ; dedication to D. G. Rossetti, ornament on reverse, i leaf; dedicatory poem to D. G. R., ornament on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 29 leaves ; sub-title, sonnet by Wordsworth on reverse, i leaf; the work, 135 leaves; editor's acknowledgment to copyright-holders, ornament on reverse, i leaf; notes, 62 leaves. At the end are the publishers' advertisements, 6 leaves. Idem, cloth, red edges. Idem, plain cloth, edges untrimmed. Idem, cloth gilt, gilt top, with photogravure portrait of D. G. Rossetti. Also issued in other forms. (XVIII.) UNWIN'S ANNUAL. 18S7. unwin's annual, 1887 / The / Witching / Time / Tales for the Year's End / Edited by HENRY NORMAN / " '7/'.^ iioiv the vcfj tvitchiug time." / Shakespeare / London / T. fisher UNWIN / 26 PATERNOSTER SQUARE / 1 886. Royal 8vo. Pp. 114. Paper wrappers. Contains a prologue, entitled "In Witching Time," by Austin Dobson, which has never been reprinted. 8i Collation: Title, advertisements on reverse, i leaf; contents, advertisements on reverse, i leaf; "In Witching Time," reverse blank, i leaf ; the work, 54 leaves. Printed cover, with title on first page and advertisements on the other three. (XIX.) GILDP:R'S RErRESENTATIVE POEMS OF LIVING POETS. 1886. [Representative Poems of Living Poets. Edited by Jeannette L. Gilder. With Introduc- tion by G. P. Lathrop. America. 18S6.] Contains ' A Dead Letter,' ' The Ballad of Prose and Rhyme,' and four other poems of Mr. Dobson's. This volume (which the compiler of this Bibliography has searched for in vain — hence the bald entry here) is peculiarly interesting, because the selections were all made at Miss Gilder's request, by the poets themselves, and are accompanied by facsimiles of their autographs. (XX.) ALMA MATER'S MIRROR. 1887. Speculum / universitatis / alma mater's / mirror / Edited by / thomas spencer BAYNES / AND LEWIS CAMPBELL, / Pfofessivs 1)1 tJic UuiversHy. \ Saint Andrews / 1887 / Printed by T. & A. Constable / at the Edinburgh University Press. 18S7. [This title within an engraved border.] i6mo. Pp. xii. + 252. Printed in red and black. With 8 illustrations. Calf, richlji tooled in gold, with silk ties, yellow edges. Austin Dobson contributed two pieces, viz., "The Ballad of the Bard," p. 173 [not reprinted]; and " To a Pastoral Poet," p. 227 [reprinted in the Seventh Edition of At the Sign of the Lyre, 1890]. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, l leaf; title, verses on reverse, i leaf; preface, i leaf; "T. S. B. " [In Memoriam], reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; the work, 126 leaves. Plates facing pages 3, 24, 103, 132, 143, 153, 192, 251. 82 (XXI.) VOLUNTARIES. 1887. VOLUNTARIES / FOR AN EAST LONDON HOSPITAL / BY / THE EARL OF LYTTON, BISHOP OF BEDFORD, E. M. ABDY-WILLIAMS / T. ASHE, C. CHESTON, MRS. W. K. CLIFFORD, AUSTIN DOBSON / ARTHUR GAGE, A. EGMONT HAKE, T. GORDON HAKE / MRS. HECK- FORD, W. E. HENLEY, MAY KENDALL / ANDREW LANG, WALTER POLLOCK / F. MABEL ROBINSON, EDWARD ROSE / CLEMENT SCOTT, R. L. STEVENSON / J. L. TOOLE. / LONDON / DAVID STOTT, 370, OXFORD STREET, w / 1887 / \All rights reserved?^ Crown 8vo. Pp. Hi. + 204. Frontispiece. Blue cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. Austin Dobson contributed a poem entitled, " To the Mammoth Tortoise of the Mascarene Islands," page 128, which is reprinted in the seventh edition of ''At the Sign of the Lyre,^ 1890, page 61. Collation: Frontispiece, view of the hospital; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; introductory note (by H. B. Donkin), list of patrons, &c. on reverse, i leaf; list of committee, &c., contents on reverse, i leaf; The Story of the East London Hospital, by Mrs. Heckford, 21 leaves ; appendix of "weights of children," reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 102 leaves, reverse of last blank. (XXII.) BALLADS OF BOOKS. 1887. [ballads OF BOOKS / CHOSEN BY / BRANDER MATTHEWS / [Publisher's device] / NEW YORK / GEORGE J. COOMBES / 275 Fifth Avenue / 1887.] "Books for the Bibliophile." Cr. 8vo. Pp. 174. Frontispiece. Dark blue cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. Contains three pieces by Austin Dobson, viz., " My Books," "To a Missal of the Thirteenth Century," " The Book-Plate's Petition," and also a " Final Word," written by him specially for this book. Collation: Half-title, frontispiece on reverse, i leaf; title, printer's imprint, &c. on reverse, i leaf; dedication to Frederick Locker, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory note, 2 leaves; "Proem," by A. Lang, I leaf; contents, 2 leaves; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the poems, 79 leaves; i blank leaf. 83 Ditto, English edition, issued under following title : — Ballads of Books / edited by / Andrew lang / london / longmans, green, and co. / AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST i6th STREET / 1 888 / Ali rights reserved. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. XX. + 158. Cloth, gilt top, other edges untrimmed. This is a recast of the American book, and differs considerably ; but Mr. Dobson's contributions remain the same. Collation: Half-title, with list of works by the same author (Lang) on reverse, i leaf; title in red and black, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; dedication to Frederick Locker, reverse blank, i leaf; editor's preface, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; prefatory note (by Brander Matthews), 2 leaves ; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; proem : " Ballade of the Bookworm" (by A. Lang), i leaf; the work, 79 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; i blank leaf. Idem, large paper. 8vo. Hand-made paper. Half morocco, gilt top, other edges un- trimmed. Has an extra leaf prefixed (reverse blank) with this notice : " Large Paper. Only One Hundred and Thirteen Copies of this Edition have been printed. This COPY IS number — " (XXIIL) BALLADES AND RONDEAUS. 1887. " ballades AND RONDEAUS, / CHANTS ROYAL, SESTINAS / VILLANELLES, &C., SELECTED / WITH CHAPTER ON THE / VARIOUS FORMS, BY GLEESON / WHITE / LONDON : / WALTER SCOTT, 24 WARWICK LANE, / AND NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. / 1 88 7. i6mo. Pp. Ixxx. + 296. Extra light brown cloth, lettered back and side, red edges. Contains 23 pieces by Mr. Dobson, viz.. Ballad of the Spanish Armada, p. 9 ; On a Fan, p. 10 ; Ballad of Imitation, p. 1 1 ; Ballad of Prose and Rhyme, p. 12 ; The Dance of Death, p. 98 ; In Town, p. 117 ; The Wanderer, p. 137 ; O F"ons Bandusia;, p. 158 ; On London Stones, p. 158 ; To Ethel, p. 159; With Pipe and Flute, p. 160; To a June Rose, p. 159; In After Days, p. 160; In Vain To- '84 Day, p. i6i ; When Burbaclt:;e Played, p. i6i ; Rose Leaves, p. 219 ; Oh Love's but a Dance, p, 220 ; Tu ne QiKEsieris, p. 245 ; When I saw you last. Rose, p. 246 ; For a Copy of Theocritus, p. 247 ; On a Nankin Plate, p. 24S ; July, p. 279 ; The Street Singer, p. 293. Collation : Title in red and black, printer's imprint on reverse, i leaf ; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf ; quotation from George Macdonald, reverse blank, i leaf; index, 4 leaves ; preface, 3 leaves ; title to " Notes on the various forms," reverse blank, I leaf; " Notes," 29 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; the work, 14S leaves. At the end is publisher's catalogue of 4 leaves. Idem, plain cloth edges, untrimmed. The publishers also issue it in at least eight different fancy bindings, one of which has added a portrait of W. E. Henley. (XXIV.) CHILDREN OF THE POETS. 1888. THE / CHILDREN OF THE POETS / AN ANTHOLOGY / FROM / ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WRITERS OF THREE CENTURIES, / EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION, / BY / ERIC S. ROBERT- SON, M.A., / Professor of English Literature in the University of the Piinjaub, Lahore. / LONDON: / WALTER SCOTT, 24, WARWICK LANE, / PATERNOSTER ROW; / AND NEW- CASTLE-ON-TYNE. / 1 888. Cr. 8vo. Pp. xxxvi. + 460. Dark green cloth, extra gilt, gilt edges. Contains two pieces by Austin Dobson, viz., " Daisy's Valentines" and "The Cradle." Collaticn : Half-title, quotation on reverse, i leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, 1 leaf; dedica- tion, reverse blank, I leaf; index, 7 leaves; introduction, 8 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank; the work, 230 leaves. Ditto, another edition. "The Canterbury Poets" Series. i6mo. Pp. xl. + 274. Cloth gilt, edges untrimmed. Collation: Half-title, notice on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, 5 leaves; dedica- tion, cut on reverse, i leaf; introduction, 10 leaves ; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; quotation from 85 W. Miller, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 137 leaves, cut on reverse of last leaf; the publishers' advertisements, 3 leaves. Idem, cloth, red edges. Idem, plain cloth, edges untrimnied. Idem, cloth extra, gilt top, with a photogravure frontispiece. Also done in other forms. (XXV.) POPE CENTENARY CATALOGUE. 18S8. Pope Commemoration 1888. Loan Museum. Catalogue of Books, etc. exhibited in Town Hall, Twickenham. Richmond 1888.* 8vo. Pp. 58. In this Mr. Dobson's poem, " A Dialogue to the Memory of Mr. Alexander Pope,'" made its first appear- ance in book-form. Idem, large paper, 4to, with Portrait after Jervas. Limited to 100 copies on Vellum paper.* (XXVI.) GOLDSMITH'S "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER." 1888. SHE / STOOPS / TO / CONQUER / A COMEDY HY / DR. GOLDSMITH / WITH DRAWINGS / BY EDWIN A. ABBEY / DECORATIONS BY ALFRED PARSONS / INTRODUCTION BY AUSTIN DOBSON / LONDON / SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON / ST. DUNSTAN's HOUSE, FETTER LANE / 1 888 / AH right s reserved. Folio. Pp. 178. With 10 full-page plates, as well as 70 illustrations (several full-page) numbered with the text. Brown calf extra gilt, gilt edges. In a lettered box. H 86 Collation: One blank leaf; title, copyright notice on reverse, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; poetical introduction [by Austin Dobson], 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; the work, 84 leaves ; I'envoi, by A. D., reverse blank, i leaf; i blank leaf. The ten full-page plates are printed on Japanese paper and mounted, and are protected by ily-leaves with the titles printed thereon. [Ditto, New York : Harper & Brothers.'*] (XXVII.) ENGLISH ART. 1888. ENGLISH ART / IN THE / PUBLIC GALLERIES OF LONDON / [national arms] LONDON : / P.OUSSOD, VALADON AND CO. (SUCCESSORS OF GOUPIL AND Co.) / 1 16 AND I I 7, NEW BOND STREET. / PARIS : / BOUSSOD, VALADON AND CO. (SUCCESSORS OF GoUPIL AND Co.), 9, RUE ChAPTAL. / LUDOVIC BASCHET, EDITEUR (LiBRAIRIE d'Art), 1 25, BOULEVARD SaINT- Germain. / 1 888. Royal folio. Pp. x. (not numbered) + 180. With 131 i)hotogravures, of which 79 are full-page, and are printed on toned paper and mounted on Dutch hand-made paper. The others are printed with the text, which is on Dutch hand-made paper. Mr. Dobson contributed the papers on Hogarth (pp. 1-12) and Good (pp. 118-20). Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black, with the following notice on reverse — ■" This work is limited to the follozviiii; : — 25 Copies, the page plates printed on Satin, text on Japanese. 50 Copies, the page plates printed on Parchment, text on Japanese. 100 Copies, plates and text printed on Japanese. 1,000 Copies, plates and text printed on hand-made Dutch paper," i leaf; contents, with engraved head and tail-pieces, i leaf; list of illustrations, wiih engraved head-piece, I leaf; the following notice — "English Art in 'iHE Public Galleries of London, the national gallery, the south Kensington MUSEUM, THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, Illustrated with more than one hundred PHOTOGRAVURES BY GoupiL & Co., Published under the Direction of thomas Humphry ward, 87 M.A., with the assistance of WALTER ARMSTRONG, G. H. BOUGHTON, A.R.A., AUSTIN LiOBSON, A. W. HUNT, W. B. RICHMOND, F. MABEL ROBINSON, FRANCES SITWELL, AND T. WOOLMER, R.A., reverse blank, i leaf; the text, 90 leaves. The full-page plates face the following pages (where the same page is noted twice it means that there are two plates facing that page. This information seems necessary because the list of illustrations does not distinguish which are full-page) : — I, I, 2, 2, 6, 6, 10, 10, 13, 14, 14, 18, 22, 25, 26, 30, 34, 34, 37, 42, 44, 44, 46, 46, 49, 50, 56, 58, 61, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 78, 78, 82, 82, 85, 87, 88, 91, 94, 97, 98, 102, 106, 109, no, 114, 121, 124, 126, 130, 131. I33> 137, 13!^, 139. 141, 142, I45> 149, .150. 154, 157. 158. 162, 164, 166, 166, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 178. There are two errors in the list, 'Windmills at Blackheath ' is indexed at page 171 instead of 173, ' The Battle of Trafalgar' at page 179 instead of 171. Idem, text on Japanese, plates on Satin.* Idem, text on Japanese, plates on Parchment.* Idem, text and plates on Japanese.* (XXVIII.) CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOP.EDIA. 1888, &c. Chambers's / encyclopaedia / a dictionary / of / universal knowledge / new edition / VOL. I [to 10] / A TO Beaufort, [&c.] / [publishers' monogram] / william and ROBERT chambers / LONDON AND EDINBURGH / J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, PHILA- DELPHIA, / 1888 [to 1892] / All Rights reserved. 10 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, edges triinmed. Austin Dobson contributed the articles on Fielding, Gay, Goldsmith, Hogarth, Praed, Prior, and Richardson. There is also a biographical notice of Mr. Uobson himself. H I 88 (XXIX.) REMINGTON'S ANNUAL. 1889. PRICE ONE .SHILLING / Remington's Annual / Christmas 1889 / contributors / earl of LYTTON / MARCHIONESS OF HUNTLY / H. RIDER HAGGARD / WALTER BESANT / EUSTACE BALFOUR / C. E. WESSLAU / WALTER HERRIES POLLOCK / EGERTON CASTLE / STEPNIAK / THEOD. WATTS / EDMUND GOSSE / EARL OF ROSSLYN / COUNTESS OF JERSEY / RT. REV. BISHOP WORDSWORTH / WM. EARL HODGSON / LORD GRANVILLE GORDON / AUSTIN DOBSON / ALICE MEYNELL / THOS. GORDON HAKE / ISAAC HENDERSON / A. J. DUFFIELD / w. H. MALLOCK / Edited by a. egmont hake / remington & co., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden / London, W.C. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 146. Crimson paper covers. Collation: Cover title, advertisements on reverse, I leaf; advertisements, I leaf; ditto, autographs of contributors on reverse, I leaf; contents, advertisements on reverse, I leaf; the work, 73 leaves. At end are 3 leaves of advertisements (including end cover). Mr. Dobson's contribution is " The Holocaust," p. 43, which has never been reprinted. (XXX.) THE QUIET LIFE. 1890. [the "quiet life" / certain VERSES BY VARIOUS / HANDS: the motive set forth in a / PROLOGUE & EPILOGUE by / AUSTIN DOBSON ; the whole / adorned with numerous Drawings / by edwin a. abbey & alfred / parsons / new york : harper & BROTHERS, PRINTERS & / PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. MDCCCXC] Roy. 4to. Pp. viii. + 98. With 83 illustrations. Richly decorated crimson calf gilt, gilt edges. With paper wrappers. In a lettered box. Issued in England with same title-page by Sampson Low & Co. 89 CollalioiJ : One blank leaf ; half-title, engraving on reverse, i leaf ; frontispiece ; title, copyright notice on reverse, i leaf ; contents, I leaf ; the work, 49 leaves, engraving on reverse of last. Though dated 1890, it was really published in 1889. (XXXI.) A BOOK OF DRAWINGS. 1891. A BOOK OF / DRAWINGS / By A. Bryan, / L. Davis, / A. T. Elwes, / Harry Furniss, / J. JelH- coe, / Louise Jopling, / J. B. Partridge, / Jo. Pennell, / R. H. Moore, / H. Railton, / Hugh Thomson, / L. Wain, / C. Wilkinson, & / W. Wilson : with / a prefaratory poen:i / by Austin Dobson. / London. / Privately Printed for Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Davies. m.d.ccc.xc.i 4to. Pp. 44. Paper wrappers, with title repeated thereon. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; title, notice on reverse, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, I leaf; prefatory poem, quotation on reverse, i leaf; illustrations, 17 leaves, with quotations on reverse of all except the last two ; notice about illustrations, printers' colophon on reverse, I leaf. The prefatory poem, entitled, "An Appeal (by Way of Preface)," is a facsimile of the poet's signed holograph. It has not been reprinted. (XXXII.) SAINTSBURY'S ESSAYS. 1891. ESSAYS / ON / FRENCH NOVELISTS / BY / GEORGE SAINTSBURY / PERCIVAL AND CO. / KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN / London / 189I. Crown 8vo. Pp. xiv. + 460. Crimson buckram, paper label, edges untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, advertisement on reverse, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 4 leaves, reverse of last blank ; contents, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 230 leaves. 90 In the essay on Anthony Hamilton, Mr. Saintsbury gives (p. 56) Mr. Dohson's translation of his beauti- ful chanson, " Celle qu'adore mon coeur n'est ni brune ni blonde," which commences, "She that I love is neither brown nor fair." Mr. Saintsbury introduces it with these words — " Of this last charm- ing piece my friend, Mr. Austin Dobson, our sole heir and single of the poets of the early eighteenth century, has given an admirable translation." But the version given by Mr. Saintsbury is not so good as that which appeared in the first edition of ^/ the Sig>i of the Lyre, 1885, under the title, ' Of his Mistress,' and has been repeated in all later collections. A comparison of the two versions of the third verse exemplifies the remarkable manner in which Mr. Dobson polishes his verses before leaving them as a legacy to his country. The Saintsbury version would satisfy the most fastidious critic, but Mr. Dobson is his own most fastidious critic, and it did not satisfy him— the result is absolute perfection. Saintsbury version — " Her wit, her wisdom are direct from Heaven ; And many a tender touch explains How with the Graces what remains Has thriven." General version — " Her wit, her wisdom are direct from Heaven : But the sweet Graces from their store A thousand finer touches more Have given." Whether Mr. Saintsbury's version is copied from one which appeared in a magazine, or whether it represents one of those unfortunate "re-touches" of which other examples are noted in this Biblio- graphy, the compiler has not discovered. Ditto, second edition, 1891. (XXXin.) LYRIC LOVE. 1892. LYRIC LOVE / AN ANTHOLOGY / EDITED BY / WILLIAM WATSON / AUTHOR OF ' WORDSWORTH's GRAVE, AND OTHER POEMS ' / [Vignette] / London / MACMILLAN & CO. / AND NEW YORK / 1892. 91 "Golden Treasury Series." Fcap. 8vo. Pp. xxii. + 238. Blue cloth, edges un- trimmed. With paper wrapper. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, quotation from Browning on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; poetical dedication to M. R. C, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 4 leaves ; contents, 4 leaves ; the work, ill leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; title to "Notes," reverse blank, I leaf; notes, 4 leaves; index of first lines, 3 leaves; advertisement of "Poems by William Watson," with list of "Golden Treasury Series" on reverse, i leaf. Includes one piece by Austin Dobson, viz., " A Song of the Four Seasons," p. 104. Ditto, 1892. Exact reprint of first edition. (XXXIV.) GOSSE'S CATALOGUE. 1893. A CATALOGUE OF / A PORTION OF THE LIB / RARY OF EDMUND GOSSE / HON. M.A. OF TRINITY COLLEGE, / CAMBRIDGE. BY E. J. LISTER. / PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE SUBSCRIBERS AT / THE BALLANTYNE PRESS, LONDON. MDCCCXCIII. Crown 4to. Pp. xxii. + 196. With ten facsimile plates. White buckram, lettered back and sides (including an impression in gold of Mr. Gosse's ex-libris), with orange silk ties, edges untrimmed. Collation : Leaf (not included in paging) with this notice— 77^5 impression of this hook^ is limited to sixty- five copies (numbered and signed in ink by Edmund Gosse), reverse blank ; half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; prefatory poem by Lord De Tabley, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank; Poem ('To Edmund Gosse') by Arthur Christopher Benson, reverse blank, 1 leaf; preface, signed E. G., 3 leaves, reverse of last blank ; ' The Subscribers' Names,' 2 leaves ; ' Note,' reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 96 leaves ; epilogue in verse (' Upon Perusal of this Work') by Austin Dob- son, reverse blank, i leaf; another ('On the Completion of this Catalogue') by A. C. Benson, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf. The plates face pages 3, 4, 5, 30, 37, 45, 141, 151, 166, 175. 92 The following verses from the pen of Mr. Dobson have not, with the exception of those starred, been printed in other book-form : — ' " Gossip, may we live as now' 'a verse of six lines written on a fly- leaf of a presentation copy of Bourne's Poems), p. 14 ; ' When Churchill wrote, th' Aonian maid' (a rondeau 'to E. W. G.,' written on a blank leaf of Churchill's Poems, 1763), p. 28, and repeated in facsimile on plate facing p. 45 ; * ' Let who has known nor Youth nor Error, cast the stone !' (lines from ' Henry Fielding' \At the Sign of Lyre, p. 100], written on fly-leaf of a presentation copy of the author's ' Fielding''), p- 41 ; ' " Book against book," " Agreed," I said : ' (six-line verse, 'Tot E. W. G.,' written on fly-k-af of a presentation copy of '■At the Siyn of the Lyre '), p. 42 : ' Had I bu Wal- POLe's wit, I'd write' (three four-line stanzas written on fly-leaf of a presentation copy of the author's ^Horace Walpole'), p. 43; On the Poetry of Artifice (a quatrain, commencmg 'Within this verse, said Dick, you see,' written on a fly-leaf of the author's ' Selected Poems''), p. 43 ; * ' When you and I have wandered beyond the reach of call ' (a poem of seven four-line stanzas, written on the fly-leaf of a presentation copy of ^Eighteenth Century Vignettes,'' and afterwards reprinted in The Yellow Book, Vol. H., p. 143, under the title. Sat est Scri/sJsse), p. 44 ; ' Grt/l> Street is Milton Street to-day' (an eight-line verse, ' For E. G. ,' written on the fly-leaf of a copy of the author's edition of Goldsmith's ' Selected Poems '), p. 70 ; a rondel ' To E. W. Gosse,' commencing * ' Too hard it is to sing ' (written on the fly-leaf of an edition of Johannes Secundus, Opera), p. 148 (this is from '■Proverbs in Porce- lain, 1877, p. 78) ; ' " If hipped, my G, or languid you should feel ' (a couplet written on half-title of the author's ' Selections from Steele '), p. 162 ; ' " At your pleasure here I hold ' (verses of 28 lines in- serted in a copy of .Swinburne's ^Atalanta in Calydon\ p. 169); Upon Perusal of this Work ('I doubt your painful Pedants who,' a four-lined epilogue), p. 193. (XXXV.) BOOK SONG. 1893. BOOK-SONG / AN / ANTHOLOGY OF POEMS OP' BOOKS AND / BOOKMEN FROM MODERN AUTHORS / EDITED BY / GLEESON WHITE/ Editor of ^'Bcil/ades and A'o/idcaus" " Garde Joyeuse " efC, etc. j LONDON / ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATERNOSTER ROW / J 893. "The Book-Lover's Library." F'cap. 8vo. Pp. xviii. -f 186. Green cloth, lettered back and side, edges untrimmed. 93 Collation: Publisher's device, with title of series on reverse, i leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, I leaf; poetical dedication to Richard Le Gallienne, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 6 leaves; the work, 90 leaves, reverse of last blank ; index of titles, 3 leaves, with publisher's colophon on reverse of last ; one blank leaf. Includes the following eight pieces by Mr. Dobson : — The Book- Plate's Petition, p. t,t, ; My Books, p. 36 ; The Bookworm, p. 34 ; The Collector to his Library, p. yj ; For a Copy of Herrick, p. 38 ; Don Quixote, p. 39; To a Missal of the Thirteenth Century, p. 39 ; To a Pastoral Poet, p. 38. Idem, large paper, 8vo, roxburghe binding.* (XXXVI.) OLD WORLD LYRICS. 1893. [old world lyrics: a / little book of I Tianslations \ '■'■ Tout finit par des C/mnsons." I Printed for Thofnas B. Mosher / and Published by him at j jy Exchange Street, Port- land, I Maine. Afdcaxciij.~\ "The Bibelot Series." Narrow 8vo. Pp. Ixiv. Parchment, edges untrimmed. Limited to 725 copies. Collation: Half-title, verses on reverse, i leaf; title, with note of number printed on reverse, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank; sub-title, with verses, reverse I)lank, i leaf; the poems, 27 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. Includes The paradox of time (a variation on Ronsard) (p. 27), and Ars victrix (after Theophile Gautier), (p. 57), by Austin Dobson. Idem, printed on Japan vellum. '* Of this book 25 copies are printed on Japan vellum. This is No. ." 94 (XXXVII.) SONGS OF ADIEU. 1893. [songs of adieu : a / little book of / " Finale and \ Faretvelir / Mais on sont les nntres d'antau I j Printed for Thomas B. Mosher \ and Published by him at / JJ Exchani^e Street, Portland, / Maine. Mjceexciij?\ "The Bibelot Series." Narrow 8vo. Pp. Ixiv. Parchment, edges untrimmed. Limited to 725 copies. Collation : Half-title, verses on reverse, i leaf; title, note as to number printed on reverse, I leaf; con- tents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; sub-title, with verses, reverse l)lank, i leaf; the poems, 27 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. Includes two pieces l)y Austin Dobson, viz., " Babette's Song," from "Good-night, Babette " (p. 57), and " Pot Pourri" (p. 17). Idem, printed on Japan vellum. " Of this book 25 copies are printed on Japan vellum. This is No. ." (XXXVIII.) THE YELLOW BOOK. 1894. The Yellow Book / An Illustrated Quarterly / Volume II July, 1894 / [illustration] Lon- don : Elkin Mathews & John Lane / Boston : Copeland & Day / Agents for the Colonies : Robt. A. Thompson & Co. Crown 4to. Pp. 364. Yellow cloth, edges untrimmed. Collation: Contents, i leaf ; half-title, with notice by the editor on reverse, I leaf; title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 179 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; at end are 8 pp. of publishers' announcements, and a i6pp. Catalogue of the publishers' books. The pagination includes the 23 illustrations. Includes a poem by Austin Dobson, entitled, "Sat est Scripsisse " (p. 142), which was first printed in the Catalogue of Mr. Gosse's Library, and afterwards reprinted in " Poems on Several Occasions," 1895. 95 Ditto, second edition.* Ditto, third edition.* (XXXIX.) BIBLIOGRAPHICA. 1S95, &c. BiBLio- / GRAPHiCA / VOLUME I. [ii., III.] [Publishers' device] London / kegan paul, TRENCH, TRUBNER / AND COMPANY, LIMITED / 1 895-7. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. Half brown morocco, roxburghe style, by Zaehnsdorf, top edges gilt, others untrimmed. Collation: Vol. I. — Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; illuminated frontispiece ; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; contents, l leaf; list of the plates, l leaf; the work, 256 leaves; at the end, the covers and advertisements issued with the first four parts ; 23 plates, and many woodcuts in the text. Vol. II. — Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printer's imprint on reverse, i leaf; contents, i leaf; list of the plates, I leaf; corrigenda slip ; the work, 252 leaves ; at the end, the covers and advertise- ments of parts v.-viii. ; 21 plates, and many woodcuts in the text. Vol. HI. — Half-title, reverse blank, I leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, I leaf; contents, I leaf; list of the plates, i leaf; corrigenda slip to list of plates ; the work, 256 leaves ; at end, the wrappers and advertisements of parts IX. -XII. ; 22 plates, and many woodcuts in the text. Mr. Dobson's contributions are: — -Two English Bookmen (ii.) Henry Fielding (vol. i. , p. 163-173) Re- printed in "Eighteenth Century Vignettes," 3rd Series, 1896, p. 164, under the \\\\it oi "■ Fielding s Library'''; The Bibliotheca Meadiana (vol. i., p. 404-17) Reprinted in "Eighteenth Century Vig- nettes," 3rd .Series, 1896, p. 29, under the title of"/?;-. Mead's Id/>raiy" ; Ruckle's Club (vol. ii., 407-21) Reprinted in "Eighteenth Century Vignettes," 3id Series, 1896, p. 270. (XL.) COSSE'S CRITICAL KIT-CATS. 1896. CRITICAL KIT-CATS BY / EDMUND GOSSE / HON. M.A. OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE / [publisher's device] London / william heinemann / 1896. 96 Cr. 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 302. Crimson buckram, lettered back and side, top edge gilt. Collation: Half-title, with list of author's works on reverse, i leaf; title in red and black, ^'' All rights reso-ved^' on reverse, I leaf; dedication to Thomas Hardy, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; pre- face, 2 leaves, reverse of second 'olank ; contents, with notice on reverse, i leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 151 leaves ; advertisement of works by same author, i leaf. In the article on Lord De Tabley (p. 193) Mr. Gosse prints, for the first time, the lines which Mr. Dobson sent to Lord De Tabley commencing, "Still may the Muses foster thee, O Friend," prefixing them with these words — " Mr. Austin Dobson had always been an admirer, and one of the latest tributes which cheered De Tabley was a copy of verses from this friend of twenty years, which I have the privilege of ]irinting here for the first time." The verses are printed in Collected Poems, amongst the Notes (p. 526). (XLI.) THE PAGEANT. 1897. THE PAGEANT / EDITED BY / C. HAZELWOOD / SHANNON AND / J. W. GLEESON / WHITE / PUB- LISHED BY / HENRY AND CO. AT THEIR / OFFICES 93 SAINT / MARTIN's LANE / LONDON / MDCCC / XCVII. Imp. 8vo. Pp. xii. + 266. 24 plates. Light brown decorated cloth gilt, edges un- trimmed. Protected by a decorated paper wrapper, printed in colours. Collation : Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, 1 leaf; foreword, reverse blank, i leaf; literary contents, reverse blank, i leaf; art contents, reverse blank, i leaf; title of frontispiece, re- verse blank, 1 leaf; frontispiece; the work, 133 leaves; publishers' advertisements, 4 leaves. The illustrations (except frontispiece) are numbered with the text. Besides the 24 plates (one of which is in colours) there are 9 other illustrations in the text. Mr. Dobson's contribution is A Postscript 10 ''Retaliation ' (page i), which was read for the author by the Master of the Temple at the dinner of the 'Johnson Society' in Pembroke College, Oxford, on June 22, 1896, and was first puljlished in this volume. In reprinting it in the Collected Poems, Mr. Dobson has omitted the greater part of the last two lines, with the following explanation in the 'notes': — " They then [when read] concluded with a coui)let appropriate to that occasion. In their present place, it has been thought preferable to leave them — like Goldsmith's epitaph on Reynolds — unfinished." 97 (XLII.) POEMS OF THE LOVE AND PRIDE OF ENGLAND. 1897. Poems of the Love / and Pride of / England / edited by / Frederick wedmore / and MiLLiCENT wedmore / [Verses by Wordsworth] London / ward, lock, & co., LIMITED / WARWICK HOUSE, SALISBURY SQUARE, E.C. / NEW YORK AND MELBOURNE / 1897. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 292. Decorated blue cloth gilt, top edge gilt, other edges untrinimed. Collation: Half-title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; decorated title in red and blacks reverse blank, I leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 3 leaves; contents, 3 leaves; the work, 143 leaves ; Index of first lines, 3 leaves, reverse of last blank. Includes Mr. Dobson's "Ballad of the Armada" (p. 255). (XLIII.) AMONG MY BOOKS. (1898.) Among My Books / Papers on Literary Subjects by / the following Writers / Augustine Birrell Herbert Paul Andrew Lang Earl of Crewe *Iaii Maclaren ' ''John Oliver Hobbes ' J. P. Mahaffy ' Vernon Lee ' Austin Dobson Stanley Lane- Poole Leslie Stephen Arthur Machen 'A ' Hon. Uonel A. Tolleinache Edmund Gosse George IV. Smalley Goldwin Smith D. H. Madden Percy Fitzgerald Reprinted from ' Literature.' / With a Preface by / H. D. Traill, D.C.L. [ornament] London / elliot stock / 62 paternoster row. [Not dated, but 1898]. J 98 Cr. 8vo. Pp. X. + 158. Green cloth, lettered side and back, edges untrimmed. Collation: One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black, with ruled borders, reverse blank, I leaf; preface, 2 leaves; contents, I leaf; the work, 79 leaves; one blank leaf. Mr. Dobson's contribution, entitled 'The Adventures of Cherubina,' occupies pp. 29-35. (XLIV.) LONDON IN SONG. 1898. London / in / Song / Compiled / By / Wilfred / Whitten / published by grant richards / 9 HENRIETTA STREET COVENT GARDEN [nOt dated — but 1898]. Crown 8vo. Pp. xvi. + 356. White buckram, with elaborate decorations in gold on side and back, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. With printed wrapper, reproducing design of cover. Collation: Engraved half-title, reverse blank, l leaf; coloured engraved title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication, 'To my Wife,' reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, dated ist June, 1898, 2 leaves; con- tents, 4 leaves; the work, 178 leaves; advertisement of two other anthologies, i leaf. At end is advertisement of Grant Richards" publications, i leaf. The ' end papers ' consist of two coloured views of London. Mr. Dobson's contributions are — ' On London Stones,' page 21 ; and ' A New Song of the Spring Gar- den,' page 56. (XLV.) NEW FRIENDSHIP'S GARLAND. 1899. A NEW / friendship's GARLAND / PRIVATELY PRINTED / MDCCCXCIX. 8vo. Pp. 88 (not numbered). Blue paper wrapper, lettered on side, edges untrimmed. Collation: Two blank leaves; half title, reverse blank, i leaf; portrait of Andrew Lang; title, with following notices on reverse : Sixty copies have been printed for presentation to the Contributors and a 99 few friends. There are no copies for sale. All reference to the book tJt the fress is deprecated. The authors reserve all ris^hts, I leaf; introduction, signed C. M. F[alconer], 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; contents, 2 leaves ; the ' Garland,' 27 leaves ; notes, 8 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; i blank leaf. At the end is inserted a corrigenda slip, headed ' Indulgent Reader.' This volume, compiled and privately printed by Mr. C. M. Falconer, of Dundee, is a poetical tribute to Mr. Andrew Lang, and includes contributions by R. L. Stevenson, W. E. Henley, W. H. Pol- lock, Edmund Gosse, V. Locker-Lampson, Robert Bridges, Richard Le Gallienne, May Kendall, Austin Dobson, and many others. Mr. Dobson's contributions are: No. xviii., Theocritus; No. xxi., Dizain ; No. xxiii., To the Reader ; No. xxxv. , A Broken Sword. No. xviii. is the third com- plimentary poem in Sptciiiiens of a Translation of Thcocrilits. No. xxi. was specially written for Lang's XXII. Ballades in Blue China. No. xxiii. is prefixed to Lang's Ballades and Verses Jain. No. xxxv. appeared in the sixth edition of At the Sign of the Lyre. Since printing off the previous sheet the following additional works, to which Mr Dobso7i has contributed, have come into the compiler'' s hands, and it seems better to place them here than in an Appendix. Though iiu?nbered on from the last entry (XL V.) for convenie/ice, they must be allotted by the reader to the particular year to which they properly belong : — (XLVL) LANG'S THEOCRITUS. 1879. Specimens / of a Translation of / Theocritus [By Andrew Lang] London, privately printed, 1879.* Extra crown 8vo. Pp. 44. Parchment (like the Ballades in Blue China.) Ji lOO Collation : Commendatory poems by Joseph Boulmier, Edmund W. Gosse, and A[ustin] D[obson], 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; the work, 19 leaves ; one blank leaf. Title in centre of front of wrapper in Italic capitals in red ink : no other title-page or author's name. Dutch hand-made paper, with water-mark in centre of sheet, visible only at top folding. Owing to its extreme rarity, the following particulars, given by the courtesy of a correspondent, may be of interest : — CONTENTS : Fly-leaf a Sheet of 4pp. : 1 Theocrite, by Joseph Boulmier 2 Theocritus, by Edmund W. Gosse 3 Theocritus, by A. D. 3-4 Idyl VI. 5 Ilah-title 6 Argument 7-1 1 Idyll VII 12 Blank pp. 19-20 Idyl VII. pp. 23-27 4 Blank B Sheet of 16 pp., numbered 2-16 : 1 Half-title : Idyl I. 2 Argument 3-8 Idyl I., pp. 3-8 9 Half-title : Idyl II. 10 Argument I1-16 Idyll II., pp. II-16 C Sheet of 16 pp., numbered 17-32 1 Half-title : Idyl VI. 2 Argument Idyl XV. Numbered 33-38 rp. 31-38 13 Half-title : 14 Argument 15-16 Idyl XV. D Sheet of 8 pp. : I -16 Idyl XV. 7-8 Blank Fly-leaf At foot of p. 38 is printer's imprint — Chiswick Press : — C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane (XLVII.) LOCKER'S PATCHWORK. 1879. PATCHWORK / BY / FREDERICK LOCKER / [vignettej LONDON / SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 1 5 WATERLOO place/ 1 879. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. viii. + 234. Green cloth, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; dedication, reverse blank, i leaf; preface, i leaf; the work, 117 leaves ; advertisement ol London Lyrics, reverse blank, i leaf. Contains 'A Rustic Love Letter,' which is the letter ixom the first poem in Vignettes in Rhyme, entitled, lOI ' A Dead Letter,' with this criticism of Mr. Locker's added : — " Surely, these are very happy stanzas, simple and not flat, tender and not sentimental. I see no reason why they should not be as accept- able fifty years hence as they are to-day, but certainly fifty years is a long time ! " Mr. Locker's prophecy seems likely to be fulfilled, for already twenty of the fifty years have elapsed, and Mr, Dobson's poems are more popular than ever. Idem, large paper, printed on hand-made paper, for members of the Philobiblon Society, and limited to fifty copies. Brown cloth. (XLVin.) THEOCRITUS, BION, AND MOSCHUS. 1880. THEOCRITUS / BION / AND / MOSCHUS / RENDERED INTO ENGLISH PROSE / WITH AN INTRO- DUCTORY ESSAY / BY / A. LANG, M.A. / Lately Fdhnv of Merton College^ Oxford / [vignette] London / macmillan and co. / 1880 / [Ail rights reserved]. Crown 8vo. Pp. xliv. + 200. Dark blue cloth, edges untrimmed, lettered on back. Contains, at p. xl., Mr. Dobson's Villanelle, commencing, "O Singer of the field and fold," which was previously printed in Mr. Lang's jirivately printed Specimens of a T7'anslation of Theocritus. It was afterwards included in the American Vignettes in Rhyme under the title, ' For a Copy of Theocritus.' Collation: Half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; dedication 'To Ernest Myers,' reverse blank, i leaf; preface, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, i leaf; introductory essay, Theocritus and his Age, 14 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; two 'lives' of Theocritus, Mr. Dobson's 'Villanelle' on reverse, 1 leaf; verses by E. W. Gosse, reverse blank, I leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 100 leaves. (XLIX.) LANG'S XXII. BALLADES IN BLUE CHINA. 18S0. A. LANG / XXII. Ballades / in Blue China / [vignette surrounded with this motto : Tout par Soullas] London / c. kegan paul & co., i, paternoster square / mdccclxxx. I02 Fcap. 8vo. Pp. 80. Title-page printed in blue. Parchment, with title repeated on it in blue, edges untrimmed. CoUaticn : One blank leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, quotations on reverse, i leaf; dedi- cation, 'To Austin Dobson,' reverse blank, i leaf; contents, i leaf; i blank leaf; the poems, 36 leaves. A curious feature in the collation of this book is that the first blank leaf and the half-title are not included in the pagination, while the second blank leaf is included ; thus pp. i. and ii. (un- numl)ered) form title ; iii. and iv. (un-numbered), dedication ; v. and vi. (the latter only nundjered), contents ; vii. and viii. (un-numbered) are blank, then the poems commence with pp. 9 and lO (Egyptian numerals — the latter only numbered). The signatures, too, are equally confusing, for the first blank leaf is marked a, counting 8 leaves brings us to A, which is at page 13 (that is, Xhejifth page of the work proper, not theyfr.?/ page, like most signatures are arranged), 2 leaves brings us to B, and from there we go on in eights. Mr. Dobson contributed the Dizain ("As, to the pipe, with rhythmic feet") at p. 57 (signed A. D.), this being its first appearance, the compiler believes. (L.) LANG'S XXXII. BALLADES. 1881. XXII. and X. A. LANG / XXXII. Ballades / in Blue China / [vignette surrounded with this motto : Tout par Soullas] London / c. kegan paul & co. ; r, paternoster square / MDCCCLXXXL Fcap. 8vo. Pp.112. Title-page printed in blue. Frontispiece. Parchment, with title- page repeated thereon in blue, edges untrimmed. 'Collation: One blank leaf; 'A Ballade of XXXII. Ballades; signed F. P. [Francis Palgrave], i leaf: half title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title, quotations on reverse, i leaf; dedication 'To Austin Dobson,' reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves, reverse of second blank ; one blank leaf ; the poems, 49 leaves ; one blank leaf. The first blank leaf is not included in the pagination, 103 while the second one is. The signatures are as confusing as in the XXII. Ballades ; the first blank leaf is marked A, counting four leaves brings us to a, eight more brings us to B, which is at page 23, that is, the ninth page of the work proper ; from there it goes on in eights, with six to finish up with. The pages are un-numbered from i. to ix., then x. and xi. follow, then un-numbered till 15, then 16 to 112 — the latter figures being in Egyptian. Mr. Dobson's ' Dizain ' is at p. 84. Ditto, 1892. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 120, cloth, top edges gilt, others untrimmed. Ditto, 1899. Ditto. In these editions, which n re enlarged by additional poems, Mr. Dobson's 'Dizain' comes at page 83 They no notice of what edition they are, and proliably there are several others between 188 1 and 1892. (The notice on reverse of ^Nlr. Dobson's introductory stanzas in Ballades and Verses Vain proves there was an edition dated 1883.) (LI.) LOCKER'S LONDON LYRICS. 1881. LONDON LYRICS / BY / FREDERICK LOCKER / LONDON / 1 88 1. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. X. + 108. Ruby buckram, lettered on back, with author's initials on side, edges untrimmed. Mr. Austin Dobson made the selection for this privately printed edition, and prefixed the lines com mencing, " Apollo made, one April day," .signed A. D. These lines have not been reprinted. Collation: One leaf containing signature A only ; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title, printers' imprint on reverse, i leaf; prefatory verse by A. D., reverse blank, i leaf; contents, i leaf; the poems, 51 leaves ; notes, 3 leaves ; i blank leaf. Idem, large paper, with an illustration by Kate Greenaway, and another by Caldecott.* Very few copies were printed. Some of them contain Caldecott's illustration in two states. I04 (LII.) SONNETS OF THREE CENTURIES. 1882. Sonnets / of / Three Centuries : / a selection / including / many examples HITHERTO unpublished / EDITED BY T. HaLL CaINE / LONDON : / ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATERNOSTER ROW. / 1 882. 4to. Pp. xxxviii. + 332. Blue cloth gilt, lettered on back, edges untrimmed. Contains ' Don Quixote,' by Mr. Austin Dobson, printed here for the first time, p. 229 (misprinted 292). Collation: PubHsher's device, reverse blank, i leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; title in red and black, reverse blank, I leaf; contents, reverse blank, I leaf; preface, 9 leaves ; authors and titles, 6 leaves ; sub-title, notice on reverse, i leaf; the sonnets, 134 leaves, ornament on reverse of last leaf; notes, 26 leaves ; indexes, &c. , 6 leaves, publisher's device on reverse of last leaf. (LIII.) WALNUTS AND WINE. [1883.] Walnuts / and / Wine : / A Christmas Annual / edited by / Augustus m. moore. / LONDON : / the strand publishing company, / 172, STRAND. [1883.] Royal Svo. Pp. vi. (not numbered) + 56. Limp vellum wrapper, printed in red and black. Mr. Dobson contributed 'The Street Singer,' p. 8, reprinted in Ai the Sign of the Lyre, American edition, 1885. Collation: Dedication, advertisement on reverse, i leaf; title, advertisement on reverse, i leaf; con- tents, advertisement on reverse, I leaf; preface, advertisement on reverse, i leaf; the work, 28 leaves. (LIV.) LANG'S BALLADES. 1884. ballades AND VERSES / VAIN / BY / ANDREW LANG / AUTHOR OF " HELEN OF TROY " / I05 " Bra?iks, Virelais, Ballades, and Verses Vain " / The Faerie Qiieene. / new york / CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS / 1 884. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. vii. + i66. Blue cloth, extra gilt, lettered on back, top edge gilt. Collation: One blank leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 2 leaves ; introductory stanzas signed A. D., with the following notice on reverse : Mr. Austin Dohson has been so kind as to superintend the nialdng of the following selection from '■^Ballads and Lyrics of Old France" (1872), ^'Ballades in Blue China" ( 18S0, iSSi, iSSjJ, and from verses previously nn printed or not collected, I leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, i leaf; the work, 82 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf. Besides the introductory stanzas commencing, " Laughter and song the poet brings," which have not been reprinted by the author, Mr. Dobson contril)uted the Dizain commencing "As, to the pipe, with rhythmic feet," p. 75, which had already appeared in Lang's " XXIL" and " XXXll." Ballades in Bine China, and in Old World Idylls, 1S83. (LV.) ENGLISH VERSE. 1884. ENGLISH VERSE / LYRICS / OF THE / XIXTH CENTURY / EDITED BY / W. J. LINTON AND R. H. STODDARD / [publishers' device] london / kegan paul, trench, & cc, i pater- noster SQUARE / 1884. Crown 8vo. Pp. xlvi. + 336. Cloth, lettered on back, edges untriiiimed. Contains Mr. Dobson's ' Before Sedan,' at page 303. Collation: One blank leaf; title, reverse blank, i leaf; introduction, 13 leaves; notice by the editors, &c., reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 7 leaves; sub-title, verses on reverse, i leaf; the work, 155 leaves ; notes, 9 leaves ; index of first lines, 4 leaves. \_English Verse was completed in 5 vols., but the above is the only one which contains anything by Mr. Dobson. The other volumes, which were all sold separately, are divided into the following sections : — Chaucer to Burns ; Translations ; Dramatic Scenes and Characters ; Ballads and Romances, io6 (LVI.) HAMILTON'S PARODIES. 1889. PARODIES / ON THE WORKS OF / ENGLISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS, / COLLECTED AND ANNOTATED F.Y / WALTER HAMILTON / Fclloiv of the Roval Geographical and Royal Historical Societies ; / Author of "A History of A^ational Patriotic Songs," ''A Memoir of George Cruihshanh," / " The Poets Lai/nate of England" " 2he Esthetic Movement in Eiigland" etc. / volume vi. / containing parodies of / A. C. Swin- burne, G. R. Sims, Robert Browning, / F. Locker-Lampson, Austin Dobson, Dante G. Rossetti. / oscar wilde, j. dryden, a. pope, martin f. tupper, / Ballades, Ron- deaus, Villanelles, Triolets, / nursery rhymes and children's songs. / parodies and poems in praise of tobacco / prose parodies, / slang, flash, and cant songs, / religious and political parodies, / Bibliography of Parody, and Dramatic Burlesques / [quotation from John Taylor] reeves & turner, 196, strand, London, w.c. / 1889. Crown 4to. Pp. x. -f 346. Green cloth, top edge gilt, other edges trimmed, lettered on back and side. Contains the following pieces by Mr. Dobson : — " For Mayfair's balls and ballets are over," p. 2 (not reprinted— and Mr. Hamilton omits to say where it appeared) ; On a Fan (followed by three parodies which appeared in Truth, 1S88), p. 61 ; 7'« Qiiotjite (followed by a parody), p. 62 ; Yon bid me Try, p. 68; That dear old Tune, p. 86. Also )>arodies of the following pieces of Mr. Dobson's : — 7 he Prodigal, p. 63 ; Too Hard it is to Sing; p. 68 ; / intended an Ode, p. 67 ; and a parody of his style on ' Mary had a little Lamb,' p. 88. Collation: Title, preface on reverse, i leaf; index, 4 leaves; the work, 173 leaves; advertisements, I leaf. (LVII.) MILES' POETS OF THE CENTURY. 1891-6. The / poets / and the / poetry / of the / century / / Edited by / alfred I07 H. MILES / HUTCHINSON & CO. / 25 PATERNOSTER SQUARE, LONDON. [1891, &C. Not all dated.] Fcap. 8vo. Green cloth, lettered back and side, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. These volumes are not numbered, but each is marked with the period it covers. The following volumes have contributions by Mr. Dobson, as noted : — John Keats to Lord Lytton [1S91]: Winthrop Mackwoith Praed, a biography of six pages, followed by six selections from his works. Charles Kixgsley to James Thomson [1892]: Frederick Locker-Lampson, a l)iography of four pages, followed by six selections from his London Lyrics. Humour, Society, Parody, and Occasional Verse [1894]: Austin Dobson, Ijy Alfred H. Miles, an appreciation of three pages, followed by these three selections from his poems — ' The Cap that Fits,' ' Incognita,' ' A Garden Idyll.' William Morris to Robert Buchanan, 1896 : Austin Dobson, by Alfred H. Miles, a biography of four pages, followed liy these eleven selections from his poems — ' A Dead Letter,' 'The Ballad of " Beau Brocade," ' ' " Good Night, Babette," ' ' The Idyll of the Carp,' ' A Fancy from Fon- tenelle,' ' A Song of the Four Seasons,' ' The Paradox of Time,' ' To a Greek Girl,' ' The Poet and the Critics,' ' A Ballad of Prose and Rhyme,' ' In After Days.' (LVIII.) FOUR PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF NEW YORK. 1892. HENRI PENE DU BOis / Four Private Libraries j of Neiv York / a contribution to the HISTORY of / bibliophilism IN AMERICA / First Series / preface by octave uzanne / [vignette] new york / duprat & co. / 1S92. Large 8vo. Pp. 120. Fourteen illustrations, some in colours, and several woodcuts in the text. Orange silk, lettered on back and side, edges untrimmed. Contains the poem Mr. Dobson wrote on a fly-leaf of the copy of the Grolier Club edition of Ir\ing's "Knickerbocker's History of New York," which was specially prepared for Mr. ^Vvery — being io8 elaborately bound by Zaehnsdorf, with original drawings by George H. Boughton (including water- colours on the edges beneath the gold) — and enriched with poems by Browning, Lang, Black, and Dobson. Mr. Dobson's verses commencing " Shade of Herrick, Muse of Locker," are at p. 66. They are reprinted in Poems on Several Occasions, 1895, vol. IL, p. 248, under the title, ' For the Avery " Knickerbocker." ' Collation : Three blank leaves ; the following announcement — Edition limited to one thousand copies, Nos. I to 200 on Japanese paper. Nos. 201 to 1000 on Holland paper. No. , reverse blank. I leaf; half-title, reverse blank, i leaf; frontispiece; title in black, red, and blue, copyright notice on reverse, l leaf; dedication 'To Octave Uzanne,' reverse blank, i leaf; preface, 2 leaves; list of chapters, reverse blank, i leaf; list of illustrations, reverse blank, i leaf; sub-title, reverse blank, I leaf; the work, 53 leaves, printers' imprint on reverse of last leaf; 3 blank leaves. Idem, on Japanese paper. (LIX.) A LONDON GARLAND. 1895. A / LONDON GARLAND / SELECTED FROM FIVE CEN- / TURIES OF ENGLISH VERSE / BY W. E. HENLEY WITH PIC- / TURES BY MEMBERS OF THK / SOCIETY OF ILLUSTRATORS / MAC- MILLAN AND COMPANY / LONDON AND NEW YORK / 1 895. 4to. Pp. xxii. + 204. Parchment, with design in rose-colour, extra gilt, lettered on back and side, gilt edges. Protected by a paper wrapper designed by G. C. Haite, the whole enclosed in a cardboard case. Contains ' An Autumn Idyll ' and ' The Maltworm's Madrigal,' pp. 154-63. Collation: Engraved half-title, monogram on reverse, I leaf; frontispiece; title, reverse blank, 1 leaf; note by the editor, with notice by the Society of Illustrators on reverse, I leaf; etched title to con- tents, reverse blank, i leaf; contents, 3 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank ; list of illustrations, 3 leaves ; list of artists and authors, i leaf; the work, 102 leaves, reverse of last leaf blank. The illustrations, with the exception of the frontispiece and plates at pp. i, 22, and 34, are numbered with the text. (^tBfiogtrap^^ of J^mtin ©oBaon* II. CHRONOLOGY OF ORIGINAL ISSUES OF ORIGINAL WORKS. PART II. Chronological List of Original Issues of Austin Dobson's Original Works in Verse and Prose. 1873- VIGNETTES IN RHYME. 1874. CIVIL SERVICE HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1877. PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN. 1879. HOGARTH ('Great Artists'). Kl 112 i88o. VIGNETTES IN RHYME AND OTHER VERSES. 1883. FIELDING (' English Men of Letters'). OLD-WORLD IDYLLS. 1884. THOMAS BEWICK AND HIS PUPILS. 1885. AT THE SIGN OF THE LYRE. 1886. STEELE ('English Worthies'). 1888 GOLDSMITH {' Great Writers '). 1889. POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 2 vols. (American Ed.) , Ditto Ditto. (English Ed.) FOUR FRENCHWOMEN. THE SUN-DIAL. HORACE WALPOLE. WILLIAM HOGARTH. 1890. 1891. 1892. SELECTED POEMS. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE. 1893. PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN AND 'AU REVOIR.' 1894. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. Second Series. 1895- STORY OF ROSINA. POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, 2 vols. (Edition de Luxe.) 114 1896. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. Third Series. POSTSCRIPT TO DR. GOLDSMITH'S RETALIATION. 1897. VERSES AT THE OMAR KHAYYAM CLUB. COLLECTED POEMS. MISCELLANIES. A PALADIN OF PHILANTHROPY. 1898. 1899. (^iBfiogtap^g of Mwtxn ©oBeon* III. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS IN VERSE. PART III. Chronological List of Periodicals containing Contributions by Austin Dobson; with Refer- ences to the Books in which any of the Pieces were first Reprinted. ( Their progress throtigh subsequent editioiis may be seen by reference^ ^mder their titles, to Part IV,) This List has no pretension to completeness (see Preface). i. Verse. *** The foUozving abbreviations of titles are used : — V. in R. for Vignettes in Rhyme; V in R. (A. e.) for Vignettes in Rhyme, American ed.; P. in P. for Proverbs ii8 IN Porcelain ; O. W, I. for Old World Idylls ; S. of L. for At the Sign of the Lyre; S. of L. (A. e.) for At the Sign of the Lyre, American ed.; S. P. for Selected Poems ; P. S. O., L or IL, for Poems on Several Occasions, 2 vols. ; C. P. for Col- lected Poems ; E. C. V., L, IL, or III., for Eighteenth Century Vignettes, 3 series ; F. F. for Four Frenchwomen ; M. for Miscellanies ; P. of P. for A Paladin of Phil- anthropy. TEMPLE BAR. Dec, 1864. A City Flower. P. 109. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 142. This was Mr. Dobson's first contribution to a magazine. TEMPLE BAR. March, 1865. The Sundial. P. 505. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 173. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 10, No. 68 {Dec, 1865). The Alchymist. P. 361. Not reprinted. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 6(^{Jan., i856). The Wooing of Daphne. P. 13. Not reprinted. "9 THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. ii, No. 70 {Fed., 1S66). The Painter's Masterpiece. P. 43. Not reprinted. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 72 (Jp-i/, 1866). A Legend of Purity. P. 122. Not reprinted. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 78 (OcL, 1866). Incognita. P. 312. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 146. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 70 (Nov., 1866). A Revolutionary Relic. P. 330. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- 47- THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 80 (Z'^.-., 1866). To Stella— at Home. P. 361. Not reprinted. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. jVarc/i, 1868. Une Marquise. P. 709. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 26. This was the first piece contributed to St. Paul's by Mr. Uobsou. 120 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. July, 1868. Avice. P. 416. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- S^- MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. July, 1868. A Dead Letter. P. 242, Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. i. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1868. A Song of Angiola in Heaven. P. 676. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- I99- THE NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. 1869. My Landlady. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 152. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1869. The Story of Rosina. P. 460. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 34. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1869. A Song of Angiola on Earth. P. 592. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- 187. 121 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. June, 1S69. The Death of Procris. P. 319. Reprinted in V. in R., 1S73, p. 182. UNDER THE CROWN. June, 1869. The Dying of Tanneguy du Bois. P. 5S5. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- 204. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. July, 1S69. Ad Rosam. P. 428. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 90, THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1869. The Sick Man and the Birds. P. 714. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- i?^- THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Dec, 1869. An Autumn Idyll. P. 302. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 67. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1S70. The Drama of the Doctor's Window. P. 557. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 156. 122 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. May, 1870. A Gage D'Amour. P. i79- Reprinted in V. in R, 1S73, p. 116. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. June, 1870. Outward Bound. P. 290. Reprinted in V. n R., 1873, p. 121. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE, /it/y, 1870. A Gentleman of the Old School. P. 367. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 10. MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1870. Before Sedan. P. 472. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 55. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Z'tr., 1870. A Garden Idyll. P. 294. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- 76. GOOD WORDS. Fed., 1871. Love in Winter. P. 128. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 1 33. 123 VICTORIA MAGAZINE. Feb., 1871 Palomydes. P. 355. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 185. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. March, 1871. A Virtuoso. P. 525. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 102. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. June, 1871. In the Porch. P. 220. Not reprinted. GOOD WORDS. Aug., 1871. A Flower Song. P. 553. Reprinted in V. in R., 1S73, p. 191, under the title 'A Flower Song of Angiola. GOOD WORDS. Sept., 1S71. An Unfinished Song. P. 641. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. i6g. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1871. Growing Grey. P. 44. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- I30- L I 124 EVENING HOURS. Nov., 1871. " Look, Mammy ; Look ! " P. 484. Not reprinted. GOOD WORDS. Z)gr., 1S71. A Gentlewoman of the Old School. P. 855. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. iS. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1872. To Lydia Languish. P. 200. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 125. THE NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. Feb., 1S72. An Old Man of the Sea. P. 96. Never reprinted. THE NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. May, 1872. Kitty. P. 393. Never reprinted. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Itinc, 1872. The Bookworm. P. 615. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 208. 125 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. July, 1S72. Le Roman de la Rose. P. 80. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. Z-]. THE ST. PAUL'S RLVGAZINE. August, 1S72. The Love Letter. P. 202. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 97. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1S72. Tu Quoque. P. 355. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 83. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1S72, Laissez Faire. P. 496. Reprinted in V. in R., 1S73, p. 107. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Dec, 1S72. A Dialogue from Plato. P. 692. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, ?• OS- GOOD WORDS. Feb., 1873. Pot Pourri. P. 132. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, P- I35- 126 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1873. Dorothy. P. 159. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 138. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. April, 1873. A Legacy. P. 402. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. IIO. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. May, 1873. ToQ. H. F. P. 575- Reprinted in V. in R., 1S73, p. 112. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. June, 1873. A Song of Angiola Dead. P. 662. Reprinted in V. in R., 1873, p. 195. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. July, 1873- A Short Vacation. P. 79. Reprinted in V. in R., 2nd ed., 1874, p. 129. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Aug., 1873- Love's Quest. P. 142. Reprinted in V. in R., 2nd cd., 1874, p. 208. 127 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1873 " Premieres Amours." P. 285. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 139, under title, ' "Old Clo'" '. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1S73. The Ambuscade. P. 453. Never reprinted. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Dec, 1873. Andre le Chapelain. P. 672. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 147. THE GRAPHIC. Dec 25, 1873. The Jester's Revenge. P. 25. Never reprinted. THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1874. The Lost Elixir. P. 39. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. igi- THE GRAPHIC. Feb. 14, 1S74. Daisy's Valentines. P. i Si- Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. II9- 128 THE ST. PAUL'S MAGAZINE. March, 1874. The Misogynist. P. 338. Reprinted in P. in P, 1877, p. 97. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. iMay 9, 1S74. ' You gave your hand.' P. 78. Reprinted in Atild Lang Syne, 1877, p. 170, under the title, ' The Footpath.' THE GRAPHIC. May 23, 1874. Rose Leaves. P. 503. These six Ivose Leaves (of which the following are the first lines — ' These are leaves of my rose,' ' There's a tear in her eye,' ' In the School of Coquettes,' ' I intended an ode,' ' Rose kissed me to-day,' ' Here's a present for Rose') were all reprinted in P. in P., 1877, pp. 65-9. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL, liine 6, 1874. The Robinsonia Rara. P. 138. Not reprinted. The Little Goose-girl. P. 144. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 167, under title of ' Lines to a Stupid Picture.' THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. June 13, 1874. Mademoiselle Lisette. P. 157. Never reprinted. 129 THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. Jime 20, 1874. On the Cards. P. 166. Never reprinted. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. June 27, 1874. The Beginning of the Season. P. 184. Never reprinted. GOOD WORDS. July, 1S74. A Nightingale in Kensington Gardens. P. 453. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 123. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL,////;/ 4, 1874. The Old Campaigner. P. 192. Never reprinted. The Pursuit of Pleasure. P. 202. Not reprinted. THE SATURDxW JOURNAL. July 18, 1S74. ' Rejected Addresses.' P. 221. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 13, under the title of 'The Song out of Season.' TliE SATURDAY JOURNAL. July 25, 1874. Coincidence. P. 239. Never reprinted. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. Se/^t. 5, 1874. A Love Song a la Prior. P. 313. Reprinted in P. in P., ICS77, p. 193, under the title, 'A Love-Song (a.d. 1700).' GOOD WORDS. Nov., 1874. A Chapter of Froissart. P. 737. Reprinted in P. in P., 1S77, p. ill. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. A^ov. 21, 1874. ' That dear old Tune ! ' P. 441. Never reprinted. THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. Dec. 5, 1S74. To the Fox under my Cloak. P. 471. Not reprinted. EVENING HOURS. Jan., 1875. The Serenade. P. 8. Not reprinted. GOOD WORDS. Jan., 1875. The Paradox of Time. P. 32. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 125. 131 THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. Jan. 23, 1S75. At Fontainbleau. P. 546. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 87, under the title, 'The Idyll of the Carp.' THE SATURDAY JOURNAL. Feb. 28, 1875. The Visit of Lady Gadabout. P. 610, Never reprinted. GOOD WORDS. April, 1875. 'Poor Miss Tox." P. 273. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 73. THE SPECTATOR. May 8, 1875. To a Greek Girl. P. 594. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 108. GOOD WORDS. Od., 1875. The Prayer of the Swine to Circe. P. 711. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 102. THE LONDON MAGAZINE. Nov., 1S75. In the Antechamber. P. i8. Not reprinted. 132 THE SPECTATOR. Nov. 13, 1875. A Roman Round Robin. P. 1424. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 116. TOM HOOD'S COMIC ANNUAL. 1876. A Fairy Tale. P. 43. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 73. A Taie of Polypheme. P. 103. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 153. GOOD WORDS. Jan., 1S76. The Forgotten Grave. P. 10. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 95. THE SPECTATOR. Feb. 26, 1S76. "Rose in the hedge-row grown." P. 273. Reprinted in Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, p. 378, but never by the author. This is a rondeau, of which the following are the first five lines : — Rose in the hedge-row grown, Where the scent of the fresh sweet hay Comes up from the fields new mown ; You know it, you know it — alone, So I gather you here to-day. 133 ^ EVENING HOURS. April, 1876. A Rondel and a Triolet : — i., "Too Hard it is to Sing;" 11., Old Loves. P. 275. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, pp. 78 and 68. EVENING HOURS. May, 1876. Verses in Old French Forms : — i., "On London Stones;" 11., Love's Farewell; in., The Beggars; iv., An Antique Gem. Pp. 309-10. I., II., and III. reprinted in P. in P., 1877, pp. 82, 143, and 70 (the last under the title, ' Tlie Prodigals ') ; iv. not reprinted. GOOD WORDS. May, 1876. A Case of Cameos: — i., Agate; 11., Chalcedony; iii., Sardonyx; iv., Amethyst; v., Emerald. Pp. 351-2. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, pp. 52-8, with the title of V. altered to " Beryl," and two others, "Cor- nelian" and "Jasper," interpolated between I. and II. EVENING HOURS. June, 1876. "Good night, Babette." P. 412. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 29. GOOD WORDS. June, 1876. In Town. P. 381. Reprinted in P, in P., 1877, p. 183. M 134 EVENING HOURS. Jtily, 1876. July. P. 44S. Reprinted in an altered form in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 279, but never by the author. I THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. AHg2tst, 1876. The Child Violinist. P. 192. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 50, under the title, 'The Child Musician.' LONDON SOCIETY. Sept., 1876. The Last Despatch. P. 258. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 175. BELGRAVIA. Od., 1876. Cupid's Alley. P. 470. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 59. EVENING HOURS. Oct., 1876. To my Friend Hicks. P. 663. Not reprinted. THE SPECTATOR. Od. 14, 1876. A Rondeau. P. 1282. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, \). 81, under title, "You bid me try," amongst ' Rondels and Rondeaus.' 135 EVENING HOURS. Nov., 1876. Rondeaus for Rhymers : — i., " Farewell, Renown ! " ; 11., " More Poets Yet ! " P. 762. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, pp. 83 and 8^. EVENING HOURS. Dec, 1876. Rondeaus for Rhymers : " A Sabine Farm "; A Dedication. P. 814. The former reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 222 ; the latter in P. in P., 1877, p. 84. HOOD'S COMIC ANNUAL. 1877. The Ballad of " Beau Brocade." P. 73. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 35. GOOD WORDS. April, 1877. A Song of the Seasons. P. 225. Reprinted in P. in P., 1877, p. 128, under the title, 'A Song of the Four Seasons.' THE ARCHITECT. July 14, 1S77. The Dance of Death. P. 17. Reprinted in V^ in R. {A. €.), 1880, p. 271. M I The Old Fishpond. P. 592. Reprinted in V. in R. (A. e.), 1880, p. 96. 136 GOOD WORDS. Sc/f., 1S77. ST. JAMES'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1877. A Loyall Ballade of the Armada. P. 405. Reprinted in T. in P., 2nd ed., 1878, p. 1 89. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. A'ov., 1877. A Quartet from Horace : — i., Extremum Tanain ; 11., Persicos Odi ; in., Vitas Hinnuleo ; IV., Tu ne Quaesieris. Pp. 618-20. I., reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 223 ; 11., in., iv., in P. in P., 2nd ed., 1878, pp. 193-7. GOOD WORDS. Dec, 1877. The Masque of the Months. P. 824. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 13. THE SPECTATOR. Dec. i, 1877. Fons Bandusise, and Vixi Puellis. P. 1507. The first reprinted in P. in P., 2nd ed., 1878, p. 192, amongst 'A Quartet from Horace,' under title, ' "O Fons Bandusiie ! '" the second in V. in R. (J. c), 1880, p. 246. 137 HOOD'S COMIC ANNUAL. 1878. Stray Notes of a Honeymoon. P. 92. Reprinted in S. of L. (A. e.), 1885, p. 203, under the title, 'Notes of a Honeymoon.' BELGRAVIA. Jan., 1878. The Ballad of Prose and Rhyme. P. 355. Reprinted in P. in P., 2nd ed., 1878, p. 198. In a note to Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, Mr. Davenport Adams says this is, ' up to the present time, the only one of its kind in English.' BELGRAVIA. March, 1878. The Ballad of Imitation. P. 56. Reprinted in V. in R. {A. e.), 1880, p. 267. THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. March, 1878. The Cure's Progress. P. 335. Reprinted in V. in R. [A. e.), 1880, p. 94. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. March, 1878. The Child Musician. P. 639. This is stated to be reprinted from Proverbs in Porcelain. {Fide 'Cornhill,' Aug., 1876.) 138 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. April, 1878. To Ethel. P. 508. Reprinted in V. in R. (^. c), 1880, p. 244, under the title, 'A Rondeau to Ethel.' BELGRAVIA. May, 1878. A Warm Admirer. P. 332. Not reprinted. THE SPECTATOR. June 29, 1878. To Phidyle. P. 828. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 210. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. July, 1878. Molly Trefusis. P. 96. Reprinted in S. of L. , 1885, p. 32. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. August, 1878. On a Fan that belonged to the Marquise de Pompadour. P. 235. Reprinted in V. in R. [A. c), 1880, p. 263. BELGRAVIA. Sept., 1878. A Ballad of Heroes. P. 297. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 213. 'Au Revoir.' P. 75. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 19. 139 BELGRAVIA. Nov., 1878. THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. Feb., 1879. At the Convent Gate. P. 231. Reprinted in V. in R. {A. e.), 18S0, p. 92. BELGRAVIA. Afarck, 1879. A Literary Fable. P. 73- Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 109, under title, ' The Poet and the Critics.' SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Afay, 1879. Two Sermons. P. 64. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 17. On a Fan that belonged to the Marquise de Pompadour. P. 160. Reprinted in V. in R. (A. e.), 1880, p. 263. BELGRAVIA. fime, 1879. In the Royal Academy. P. 421. Reprinted in Songs of Society, 1880, p. 147 ; and subsequently in S. of L., 1885, p. 174. y 140 BELGRAVIA. July, 1879. The Ballad of the Barmecide. P. 100. Reprinted in V. in R. {,A. e.), 1880, p. 261. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Jufy, 1879. The Water-Cure. P. 351. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 151. BELGRAVIA. Nov., 1879. A Sermon in Stone. P. 85. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 29, under title, 'To an Unknown Bust in the British Museum.' SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. JVov., 1879. For a Translation of Theocritus. P. 96. Reprinted in V. in R. {A. e.), 1880, p. 249, under the title, ' For a Copy of Theocritus' ; but, previous to its appearance in Scribncr, it had been printed, under the title ' Villanellc,' in Mr. Lang's privately printed Specimens of a Translation of Theocritus, of which fifiy-five copies were printed in July, 1879, and for which it was specially written ; and was again reprinted in Lang's Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, 1880. BELGRAVIA. Dec, 1879. A Sonnet in Dialogue. P. 250. Reprinted in V. in R. {A. e.), 1880, p. 253. 141 HOOD'S COMIC ANNUAL. iSSo. A Story from a Dictionary. P. 14. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 143. THE ANTIQUARY. Jan., 1880. Prologue. P. I. Not reprinted. BELGRAVIA. April, 1880. A Fable in the Manner of Dr. Swift. P. 165. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 112, under the title, 'The Successful Author. BELGRAVIA. July, 1S80. A Fable in the Manner of Mr. Gay. P. 73. Never reprinted. BELGRAVIA. August, 1S80. The Muse. P. 171. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 119, under the title, 'The Claims of the Muse.' THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. August, 1880. The Carver and the Caliph. P. 239. Reprinted in S. of L. , 1SS5, p. 26. 142 BELGRAVIA. Oct., 1880. The Dilettant. P. 425. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 115. BELGRAVIA. Dec, 1880. A Madrigal. P. 256. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 52. THE ANTIQUARY. Jan., 1881. Prologue. P. I. Not reprinted. ST. JAMES' MAGAZINE. Jan., 1881. The Virgin with the Bells. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 129. NOTES & QUERIES. Jan. 8, 1881. The Bookplate's Petition. P. 31. Reprinted in Lang's Library, 188 1, p. 59. THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. Feb., 1881. A Persian Apologue. P. 233. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 42, under the title, 'An Eastern Apologue.' M3 BELGRAVIA. April, i88i. An April Pastoral. P. 159. Reprinted in S. of L., 18S5, p. 203. BELGRAVIA. Nov., 1881. Jocosa Lyra. P. 74. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. So. THE ATHEN^UM. April i, 1882. H. W. Longfellow: \n Memoriani. P. 411. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 104, under title ' Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. June, 1882. The Two Painters. P. 340. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 117. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Jan., 1883. The Ladies of St. James's. P. 242. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 3. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. [an., 1883. The Ballad of the Thrush. P. loS. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 215. 144 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1883. My Books. P. 438. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 82. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. April, 1883. The Jessamy Bride. P. 644. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 61. BELGRAVIA. May, 1883. To an Unseavvorthy Ship. P. 340. Reprinted in O. W. L, 1883, p. 241, under title, '"O Navis.'" THE MAGAZINE OF ART. May, 18S3. Home-Beauty. P. 227. Reprinted in S. of L,, 1885, p. 77, under the title, * Household Art.' THE ATHEN.'EUM. Sept. 8, 1883. Henry F'ielding. P. 304. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 100. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Nov., 1883. At Last ! P. 908. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 65, under the title, ' Verses to Order.' Lady Bountiful. P. 14. Not reprinted. 145 THE IMAGAZINE OF ART. A'ov., 1S83. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Dir., 1SS3. The Milkmaid. P. loS. Reprinted in S. of L., 1SS5, p. 37. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Fd'., 1884. For rl. C. B[unner] (Witness my hand (and seal) thereto). For [R. W. GilderJ (Old friends are best ! And so to you). To L. H[utton] (There is no "mighty purpose" in this Book). For J. B[rander] M[atthews] (In vain to-day I serape and blot). To E. C. S[tedman] (Pleasant to get one's book from press). P. 640. The first four are reprinted in S. of L. (.-/. c), 18S5, pp. 225-31. The last has not been reprinted. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. A/aj', 1S84. "In after Day.s." P. 113. Reprinted in S. of L , 1885, p. 224. 146 THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Nov., 1884. The Old Sedan Chair. P. 10. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 6. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Dec, 1884. The Squire at Vauxhall. P. 139. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 122. THE SATURDAY REVIEW. Feb. 14, 18S5. Charles George Gordon. P. 203. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 105. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. March, 1885. The Maltworme's Madrigal. P. 209. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 201. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Juuc, 1885. To a June Rose. P. 59. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 219. 147 THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. July, 1885. A Fancy from Fontenelle. P. 422. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 92. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Jjtly, 18S5. A New Song of Spring Gardens (one of the ' Poems and Pictures '). Frontispiece. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 204, with slight alteration in title. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Auf^iist, 1885. A Love Song. a.d. 16 — . P. 374. Not reprinted, THE ATHEN.47.UM. August S, 1SS5. Victor Hugo. P. 176. Reprinted in S. of L., 1885, p. 106. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Jan., 18S6. The Screen in the Lumber Room (one of the ' Poems and Pictures '). Frontispiece. Reprinted in S. of L., 6th ed., 1889, p. 195. Ni 148 THE MAGAZINE OF ART. A7i,<^ust, 1886. A Broken Sword. P. 432. Reprinted in S. of L., 6lh ed., 1889, p. 94. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Jan., 1S87. The Water of Gold. P. 120. Reprinted in P.S.O., II., 1895, p. 95. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1887, In a Copy of the Lyrical Poems of Robert Herrick. P. 66. Reprinted in S. of L., 6th ed., 1889, p. 221, under the title, ' Yox a Copy of Ilerrick.' LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. March, 1SS7. On the Belfry Tower. P. 524. Not reprinted. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. July, 1887. When I saw you last, Rose. Translated into French by M. Boulmier. P. 334. Not reprinted. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. August, 1887. Poscimur (Horat. I., 32). P. 444. Not reprinted. M9 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1887. Albi', ne doleas (Horat. I., 33). P. 558. Not reprinted. \ SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. Dec, 1S87. A Song to the Lute. P. 722. Reprinted in S. of L., 6th ed., 18S9, p. 54. MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE PROLUSIONES. 1S88. The Bookworm. (With a Latin verse translation by H. M. Giveen.) P. 32. Originally appeared in St. Paul's Magazine, June, 1872. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. May, 1888. A Dialogue to the Memory of Mr. Pope. P. 548. Reprinted in Pope Conu/ieinoration Catalogue, 1888, pp. 7-10. THE LIBRARY. Feb., 1889. On the Poetry of Artifice. P. 55. Reprinted in Gosse's Catalogue, 1893, p. 43. / 150 THE CENTURY GUILD HOBBY HORSE. April, 1889. The Ballad of Bitter Fruit. P. 41. Not reprinted. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. August, 1889. Prologue and Epilogue to " The Quiet Life." Pp. 349-56. Reprinted in The Quiet Life, 1890, pp. 3 and 97. HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Oct., 1889. The Noble Patron. P. 661. Reprinted in S. P., 1892, p. 242. THE LIBRARY. Feb., 1890. The Author to his Book. P. 37. Not reprinted, SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. July, 1890. To the Fount Bandusia. P. 19. A reprint, by permission, of Mr. Dobson's rondeau, 'O Fons Bandusiae,' to accompany a drawing by Mr. J. R. Weguelin. 151 THE ATIIEN/EUM. Od. 8, 1892. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, P. 483. Reprinted in P. S. O., II., 1895, p. 122. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Dec, 1893. After Watteau. P. 51. Reprinted in P. S. O., I., 1895, P- 234. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. May, 1894. Apologia pro Scriptis Suis. P. 43. Reprinted as the "Epilogue" to E. C. V., II., 1894, p. 285 (with slight alterations). TEMPLE BAR. March, 1895. To One who bids me Sing. P. 334. Reprinted in C. P., 1897, p. 438. LITERATURE, ^/r// 15, 1899. For a copy of "The Compleat Angler." P. 393. Not reprinted. Mio^xajp^^ of J^mtin ©oBaon^ III. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS IN PROSE. PART III. ii. Prose. *^* For exphination of the abbreviations of titles used hereu?ider see note at head of Section i. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. ii, No. 69 [fan., 1866). Mademoiselle de Corday, I. -III. Pp. 8-13. Reprinted in F. P., 1890, pp. 1-27. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 71 [March, 1866). Madame Roland, I.-III. Pp. 71-7. Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 31-59- THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 74 (/«/w, 1866). The Princess de Lamballe, I.-II. Pp. 182-5. Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 61-104. 156 THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. ii, No. 75 {July, 1866). Princess de Lambelle, III.-IV. Pp. 203-8. Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 61-104. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 78 [Oct., 1S66). Madame de Genlis, I.-IIL Pp. 312-7. Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 107-207. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. 'jOfiXov., 1866). Madame de Genlis, IV.-VI. Pp. 343-9- Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 107-207. THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S DOMESTIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 11, No. So (Z;.v., 1866). Madame de Genlis, VII.-VIII. Pp. 375-80. Reprinted in F. F., 1890, pp. 107-207. THE NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. Feb., 1872. The Sailors of Smollett (first paper). Pp. 1 1 1-8. Not reprinted, and apparently never continued. ^57 NOTES AND QUERIES. April 3, 1880. " Marriage a la Mode," PI. V. P. 270. Not reprinted. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. fidy, 1882. Byways of Book Illustration. Jacob Cats. Pp. 3S4-8. Not reprinted. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Sept., 1S82. Thomas Bewick. Pp. 643-66. Reprinted in Thomas Bewick ami his Pii/'iis, 1884, pp. 1-170. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Sept., 18S2. The Normanton Hogarth. Pp. 441-3. Not reprinted. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. /Av., 1882. Hogarth's House and Tomb. Pp. 70-4. The two illustrations of this article, by Mr. P'rank Murray, v\x-re u.^ed in W'illiain Ho;^uiih, 1891, and some of the information incorporated in that hook. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. March, 1883. Two Old London Markets. Pp. 21 6-8. Not reprinted. O 158 THE MAGAZINE OF ART. July, 1883. The Taunton Bust of Fielding. Pp. 371-4. Not reprinted. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Oct., 1883. The Pupils of Thomas Bewick. Pp. 876-88. Reprinted in Thomas Bewick and his Pupils, 1884, pp. 171-221. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Oct., 1883. Calais Gate. Pp. 508-11. Not reprinted. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Nov., 1883. The Banqueting House and Old Whitehall. Pp. 76-83. Reprinted in M., 1898, pp. 183-202, \mder the title, 'Old Whitehall.' THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Apri., 1884 Changes at Charing Cross. Pp. 403-1 1. Reprinted in M., 1898, pp. 220-38. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Sept., 1884. The Tour of Covent Garden. Pp. 721-32. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 324-46. 159 THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Nov., 1884. Some Portraits of Hogarth. Pp. 40-4. Not reprinted. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. April, 1885. Peg Woffington. Pp. 256-9. Not reprinted ; but some of tiie information is incorpor.iteci in the Introduction to Reade's Pa:^ Woffington, 1899. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. Angjist, 1885. Daniel Chodowiecki. Pp. 402-8. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., pp. 204-25, under title, 'The Berlin Hogarth.' THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Jtnic, 18S6. A Literary Ramble : Along the 'rhames from Fulham to Chiswick. Pp. 175-86. Not reprinted. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. August, 1886. In Leicester Fields. Pp. 718-26. Reprinted in the second iid.\\.\oT\ of E. C. V., I., 1897, pp. 255-86, with the ' In ' of title changed to ' At.' SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. May, 188S. Alexander Pope. Pp. 533-47. Not reprinted. • o i i6o THE CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEW. Orf., iSSS. BoswcU and his Editors. Pp. 121-38. Reprinted in M., 1898, pp. 109-43, under the title, ' lioswell's Predecessors and Editors.' THE LH^RARY. Jan., 1889. A Forgotten Book of Travels. Pp. 1-8. Reprinted in E. C. V., I., 1892, pp. 211-29, under the title, 'A German in En.c;land.' SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. Feb., 1S89. Old Vauxhall Gardens. Pp. 185-99. Reprinted in E. C. V., I., 1892, pp. 230-61. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. Oc/., 1SS9. The Latest Life of Steele. Pp. 503-15. Reprinted in M., 1S98, pp. 57-86. THE LIBRARY. Ocf., 1889. Horace Walpole's Printing Press. Pp. 313-9. Reprinted in E. C. V., HI., pp. 206-22, under the title, 'The Officina Arbuteana.' THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW. August, 1890. Hogarth's Tour. Pp. 218-23. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 134-47, under title, 'The Adventures of Five Days. i6i THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Oct., 1890. The Vicar of Wakefield and its Illustrators. Pp. 18-27. Reprinted as Introduction to Vicar of Wakefield, 1890. THE NATIONAL REVIEW. May, 1892. The Female Quixote. Pp. 312-7. Reprinted in E. C. V., I., 1892, pp. 55-67. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Ju/y, 1892. Hanway's Travels. Pp. 257-63. Reprinted in E. C. V., I., 1892, pp. 79-92 THE ILLU.STRATED LONDON NEWS. ///// 2, 1892. The New Hogarth at the National Gallery. P. 14. Not reprinted. THE GRAPHIC. Oct. 8, 1S92. Dr. Johnson's Library. P. 422. Reprinted in an extended form in E. C. V., II., 1894, pp. 180-91, under the title, 'Johnson's Libr.iry. ' 1 62 TEMPLE BAR. March, 1S93. Silas Toll! : Mariner and Methodist. Pp. 363-71. Rcpiinlcd in E. C. V., II., 1894, pp. 161-179, under the title, 'The Prisoners' Chaplain. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE, ^ray, 1S93. I'he Journal to Stella. P[). 30-9. Reprinted in E. C. \'., II., 1894, pp. I -21. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. An.qust, 1893. The 'roi)ot^ra[)hy of Hinnphrey Clinker. Pp. 370 S3. Kepiinted in I'l C. V., II , 1S94, pp. 131-60. SCKIBNER'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1893. Rieluirdsun uc Home. Pp. 375-S3. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., 1S94, pp. 50-76. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Oct., 1893. Ranelagh (hardens. F[). 33-9. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., 1894, pp. 263-83, under title, ' Ranelagh.' i63 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1894. Nivernais in England. Pp. 297-310. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., 1894, pp. 100-130. THE STUDIO. Feb. 15, 1894. The Two Paynes. Pp. 155-8. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., 1894, pp. 192-203. THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Manh 10, 1894. Johnson's Houses. P. 295. Not reprinted. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. April & May, 1894. "Little Roubillac." Pp. 202-5, ^'"'d 231-4. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., pp. 77-99. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. April, 1894. At "TuUy's Head." Pp. 516-24. Reprinted in E. C. V., II., 1S94, pp. 22-49. THE MAGAZINE OF ART. June, 1895. A Rival of Reynolds. Pp. 309-13. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 148-163. 164 THE NATIONAL REVIEW. /////, 1895. " Polly Honeycombe." Pp. 623-31. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 83-103. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Oct., 1895. " Exit Roscius." Pp. 590-602. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 1-28. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1896. Grosley's " Londres." Pp. 244-56. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 51-82. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. April, 1896 Thos. Gent, Printer. Pp. 572-85. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 104-33. TEMPLE BAR. May, 1896. Cambridge, the Everything. Pp. 67-79. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1896, pp. 179-205. i65 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. SeJ^f., iSgb. Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey. Pp. 452-66. Reprinted in E. C. V., III., 1S96, pp. 293-323. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE, /u/y, 1897. An English Engraver in Paris. Pp. 242-51. Reprinted in M., 1898, pp. 144-64. LITERATURE. Nov. 20, 1S97. Among my Books : " The Adventures of Cherubina." Pp. i44-5- Reprinted in Among my Books, 189S, pp. 29-35. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1S98. The Author of ' Monsieur Tonson.' Pp. 246-55. Reprinted in M., 1898, pp. S7-108. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. April, 1S98. Angelo's Reminiscences. Pp. 503-13. Reprinted in M., 1S98, pp. 33-56. i66 THE SKETCH. Jmte 22, 1898. A House with a History [Newton Hall, Leicester Square]. Pp. 362, Not reprinted. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Jan., 1899. A Paladin of Philanthropy. Pp. 253-67. Reprinted in P. of P.', 1S99, pp. 1-32. THE NATIONAL REVIEW. Feb., 1899. The Grub Street of the Arts. Pp. 826-34. Reprinted in P. of P., 1899, pp. 293-314. THE SPECTATOR. June 24, 1S99. "Le Style c'est I'homme." A Letter. P. 913. Not reprinted. THE SPECTATOR. /Wj 8, 1S99. " Le Style c' rhomme." A Letter. P. 51. Not reprinted. (^iUio^xap^2 ^f ^^^^^^ ©oBeon* IV. TITLES OF PIECES IN VERSE AND PROSE. PART IV. Alphabetical List of Titles of Pieces in Verse AND Prose, with First Lines of the Former ; giving References (arranged in Chronological Order) to the several Books and Magazines in which they are found. i. Verse. *** The foUowiug abbreviations of titles are used : — V. in R. for Vignettes in Rhyme; V. in R. (A. e.) for the American book with that title; P. in P. for Proverbs IN Porcelain ; P. in P. (i. e.) for the illustrated book under that title ; O. W . 1. for Old World Idylls ; S. of L. for At the Sign of the Lyre ; S. of L. (A. e.) for the American edition ; S. P. for Ski,ected Poems ; B. of B. B. for Ballad oy Beau Brocade ; P. S. O., I. and II., for Poems on Several Occasions, 2 vols. ; S. of R. for The Story ob' Rosina ; C. P. for Collected Poems; E. C. V., I., II., and III., for Eighteenth Century Vignettes, 3 series ; F. F. for P'our Frenchwomen. p The numerals following the references refer to the pages of the works mentioned, and apply to all succeedifig editions of the same icork except zvhen otherwise stated. The references are in all cases placed beneath the original title (when knowji), though in many cases the later title may be the one an efiquirer ivould more naturally look under ; but cross references remove any difficulty. In cases -where a piece has (or, zvhen originally printed, had) no title, the first line is given. Titles are differentiated Jrom first-lines by the former being printed in capitals and the latter iti ' lower case.' .'. References to the American and English Poems on Several Occasions (1889) are purposely omitted, because those volumes are identical in contents with the 1889 editions (9th and 6th respectively) of Old World Idylls and At the Sign of the Lyre. AD ROSAM (I had a vacant dwelling—). 1869, St. Paul's, /r^/y, 42S. 1873, V. in R., 90. 1885, S. of L., 166 (6th to 8th ed., 176). ,, S. of L. (A. e.), 99. 1892, S. P., 196. 1895, P. S. O., II., 200. 1897, C. P., 390. AFTER WATTEAU (Embarquons-nous ! I seem to go). 1893, Harper's, Dec, 51. 1895, P. S. O., I., 234. 1897, C. P., 476. AGATE, vide 'CASE OF CAMEOS, A.' 171 •'AH, judge her gently, who so grandly erred." 1890, F. F., viii. (xii. in succeeding editions). Not reprinted. A stanza of four lines on reverse of title of the first section — ' Mademoiselle de Corday. ' AH, reader, ere you turn the page,' vide ' BEFORE THE CURTAIN.' ALBI, NE DOLEAS (Love mocks us all. Then cast aside). 1887, Longman's, Sept., 55S. Not reprinted. ALCHYMIST, THE (Six hours— six hours ! That's two before the light,). 1S65, Englishwoman's Domestic, Vol. 10, No. 68, {Dec), 361. Never reprinted. ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (Grief there will be, and may). 1892, Athenreum, Oct. 8, 483. 1895, r. S. O., H., 122. 1897, C. P., 319. AMBUSCADE, THE (Once more I dreamed a dream, in gentler wise). 1873, St. Paul's, Oct., 453. Never reprinted. 1' I 172 AMETHYST, vide 'CASE OF CAMEOS, A.' ANDRE LE CIIArELAIN ((^ueen Venus, round whose feel). 1873, St. Paul's, Dec, 672. 1877, P. in P., 147. 1885, S. of L., 88. ,, ,, {A. e.), 46. 1895, P. S. 0.,II.,9i. 1897, C. P., 189. ANTIQUE GEM, AN [one of ' Verses in Old French Forms "J (The stone thereof was green Chryso- prasus,). 1876, Evening Hours, May, 310. This piece, which evidently belongs to the 'Case of Cameos' series, has not been reprinted. APPEAL (BY WAY OF PREFACE), AN, ("Stand and Deliver "—niiglit one say,). 1891, A Book of Drawings, 7. Not reprinted. APPLE BLOSSOMS (In the young year, when through the cloudless mind). 1877, P. in P., 189 (omitted from second ed.). Never reprinted. This poem consists of fourteen lines, of which the following are the first four : — In the young year, when through the cloudless mind Hut light dreams float, and blossoms strew the ground Among mossed apple-trees a trunk I found. And carved a name I knew across the rind. 173 " APOLLO made one April day." 1 88 1, Locker's London Lyrics, vii. This prefatory stanza of six lines has never been reprinted. APOLOGIA PRO SCRIPTIS SUIS (' What is it then,'— some reader asks,). 1894, Longman's, May, 43. ,, E. C. v., IL, 285. 1897, C. P., 457. The title is changed to ' Epilogue ' in the first reprint, and ' Epilogue to " Eighteenth Century Vignettes" (second series)' in the Collected Poems. APRIL PASTORAL, AN (Whither away, fair neat-herdess ?). 1 88 1, Belgravia, April, 159. 1885, S. of L., 203 (6th to 8th eds., 211). ,, ,, {A. e.), 85. 1895, P. S. O., II., 236. 1897, C. P., 423. ARCADIA, vide 'STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON.' ARS VICTRIX (Yes ; when the ways oppose — ). 1877, P. in P., 186. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 275. 1883, O. W. I., 206. 1895, P. S. O., I., 214. 1897, C. P., 204. Also included in Old-World Lyrics, 1893, p. 57. (Vide Pt. i, sec. iv.). 174 *' AS to the pipe with rhythmic feet," vide ' DIZAIN.' AT A BOOKSTALL, vide ' STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON.' AT FONTAINBLEAU (These, Denise, are my Suitors !). 1875, Saturday Journal, ya;;. 23, 546. 1877, P. in P., 87. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 70. 1883, O. W. I., 146. 1892, S. P., 150. 1895, P. S. O., I., 148. 1897, C. p., 134. Also included in T/ie Poets and Poetry of the Cenlitiy : IVilliani Morris to Robert Buchanan^ 1896, P- 411- After its first publication in The Saturday Joiwiial the title was altered to ' The Idyll of the Carp.' AT LAST (How weary 'twas to wait ! The year). 1883, Harper's, Nov., 908. 1885, S. of L., 65. ,, ,, {A. 6'.), 65. 1895, P. S. O., II., 68. 1897, C. P., 267. After its firs publication in Harf>crs, the title was changed to 'Verses to Order.' AT THE CONVENT GATE (Wistaria blossoms trail and fall). 1879, Comhill, Feb., 231. 1880, V. in R. (./. 6'.), 92. 175 i885, S. of L., 35. 1892, S. P., 166. 189s, P. S. O., II., 36. ,, S. ofR.,97. 1897, C. P., 238. "AT the Sign of the Lyre." 1885, S. of L., vi. (v. in 6th to 8th editions). ,, ,, (A. e.), iv. 1895, P. S. O., II., V. 1897, C. P., 208. This poem has no heading, being used as a prologue to A( the Sign 0/ the Lyre, and the section under that title in the Col- lected Works. "AT your pleasure here I hold." 1893, Gosse's Catalogue, 169. This poem has no title, and has never been reprinted. It consists of twenty-eight lines, commencing — " At your pleasure here I hold 'Atalanta, snowy-souled.'" AU REVOIR (Tis she, no doubt, Brunette— and tall :) 1878, Belgravia, Nov.^ 75. 1885, S. of L., 19. „ ,, M. e.), 10. 1893, P. in P. (?. e.), 97. 189s, P. S. O., II., 19. 1897, C. P., 223. 176 AUTHOR TO HIS BOOK, THE (Witness my hand and seal thereto). 1890, The Library, Feb.^ 37. Not reprinted. This is not the same piece as ' For H. C. B.' (q. v.), though the first lines of each are identical. AUTUMN IDYLL, AN (Here, where the beech-nuts drop among the grasses,). 1869, St. Paul's, Dec, 302. 1873, V. in R., 67. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 10. 1883, O. W. I., 88. 1892, S. P., 104. 1895, P- S. O., I., 90. S. ofR.,31. 1897, C. P., 83. Also included m Aiild Laug Syne, 1877, under the title, 'River: An Autumn Idyl.' Also in The Comic Pods of the Nineteenth Century [1875], p. 119. {Vide Pt. i, sec. iv.). And in .-^ London Garland, 1895, p. 154. AVICE (Though the voice of modern schools). 1868, St. Paul's, /«/>/, 416. 1873, V. in R., 58. 1880, ,, {A. e.), 39. 1883, O. W. I., 116. 1892, S. P., 130. 1895, P. S. O., I., 118. 1897, C. P., 107. Also included in Muses of May fair, 1878, p. 119; and Songs of Society, 1880, p. 49. {Vide Pt. i, sec. iv.). 177 BABETTE'S. SONG, z/?V/.' '"GOOD NIGHT, BABETTE.'" BALLAD-A-LA-MODE, THE, vide 'IN THE BOUDOIR.' BALLAD OF " BEAU BROCADE," THE (Seventeen hundred and thirty-nine :— ). 1877, Hood's Comic Annual, 73. 1877, P. in P., 35. 1880, V. in R. {A.e.), 126. 1883, O. \V. I., 19. 1892, S. P., 31. „ B. of B. B., I. 1895, P. S. O., I., 20. 1897, C. P., 19. Also included in The Poets and Poetry of the Century : William Morris to Robert Bnrhanan, 1896, p. 400. In its first form and in Proverbs in Po7Cctaui the following couplet is prefixed to the ballad, but in the later reprints a notation from The Beggar s Opera is substituted : — This is the Ballad of '■'Beau Brocade " :— Hoiv he ivas trapped by a scnnng maid ! BALLAD OF BITTER FRUIT, THE (In the wood with its wide arms overspread,). 1889, Century Guild Hobby Horse, April, 41. Not reprinted. This is a ballade "after Theodore de Banville." BALLAD OF HEROES, A (Because you passed, and now are not). 1878, Belgravia, Sept., 297. 178 1885, S. of L., 213 (225 in 6th to 8th eds.). (A. e.), 207. 1895, P. S. O., I., 253. 1S97, c. r., 492. BALLAD OF IMITATION, THE (If they hint, O musician, the piece that you played). 1878, Belgravia, March, 56. 1880, V. in R. {A. £.), 267. 1883, O. W. I., 237. 1892, S. P., 307. 1895, P- S. O., L, 259. 1897, C. P., 498- Also inchuled in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 11. (l^ide Pt. I, sec. iv.) BALLAD OF PROSE AND RHYME, THE (When the roads are heavy with mire and wet,). 1878, Belgravia, /<2«., 355. ,, P. in P., 2nd ed., 198. 1880, V. in R. {A. €.), 269. 1883, O. W. L, 239. 1892, S. P., 309. 1895, P. S. O., I., 261. 1897, C. p., 500. Also included in Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, p. 320, and Ballades and Ixondeaiis, 1S87, p. 12. {Vide Pt. I, sec. iv. ) ; and in The Boets and Poetry of the Century : JVilliat/i Morris to Robert Buchanan , 1896, p. 423. After its issue in Belgravia, ' roads ' in the first line was changed to ' ways.' 179 BALLAD OF THE BARD, THE (I see him come from far,). 1887, Alma Mater's Mirror, 173. This ballad has not been reprinted. The following is the envoy :— Prince Phoebus, all must die, Or well- or evil-starred ; But why in this way — why? Defend us from the Bard. BALLAD OF THE BARMECIDE, THE (To one in Eastern clime 'tis said,— ). 1879, Belgravia,y«/y, 1 00. 1880, V. in R. (A. e.}, 261. 1885, S. of L., 217 (6th to Sth editions, 229). 1895, P. S. O., L, 257. 1897, C. P., 496. BALLAD OF THE THRUSH, THE (Across the noisy street). 1883, Magazine of Art, /an., 108. 1885, S. of L., 215 [227 in 6th to Sth editions]. „ ,, (.-i. e.), 209. 1895, P- S. O., L, 255. - 1897, C. P., 494- BALLAD TO QUEEN ELIZABETH OF THE SPANISH ARMADA, vide ' LOYALL BAL- LADE OF THE ARMADA, A.' i8o BEFORE SEDAN (Here, in this leafy place,). 1870, Macmillan's, Oct., 472. 1873, V. in R., 55. 1880, ,, {A.e.),%S- 1883, O. W. I., 160. 1892, S. P., 164. 1895, P. S. O., I., 163. 1897, C. p., 148. Also included in Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, p. 203 {vide Pt. I, sec. iv. ); and in English Verse: Lyrics of the XLXth Century, 1S84, p. 303. BEFORE THE CURTAIN (" Miss Peacock's called." And who demurs ?). 1877, P. in P., 172. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 99. 1883, O. W, I., 167. 1892, S. P., 187. 1895, P. S. O., I., 170. 1897, C. P., 154. The last stanza of this piece (commencing, ' Ah, Reader, ere you Una the page,') is printed on the first page of The Golden Grain Guide to the A.F.F.F.F., 1889. BEGINNING OF THE SEASON, THE (Past ten o'clock ! With smiling lips). 1874, Saturday Journal, /^//e 27, 184. Never reprinted. BEGGARS, THE [one of the 'Verses in Old French Form'] (Princes ! — and you, most valorous,). 1876, Evening Hours, May, 309. i8i 1877, P. in P., 70. 1880, V. in R. (A. e.), 259. 1883, O. W. I., 231. 1892, S. P., 301. 1895, P. S. O., I., 247. 1897, C. P., 486. Also printed in Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, p. 316. ( Vide Pt. i, sec. iv.) After its issue in Evening Hoiirs the title was changed to 'The Prodigals.' According to Mr. Davenport Adams (Latter Day Lyrics, p. 379) this was the first original piece of its kind in English. BERYL, wV^' 'CASE OF CAMEOS, A.' " ' BOOK against book.' ' Agreed,' I said " : 1893, Gosse's Catalogue, 42. These lines (six) were written on the fly-leaf of .4/ the Sign of the Lyre. They have not been reprinted. BOOK-PLATE'S PETITION, THE (While cynic Charles still trimm'd the vane). 1881, Notes and Queries, y^;;. 8, 31. ,, Lang's The Library, 59. 1885, S. of L., 84. ^;/i?, 615. 1873, ^ • i" R. , 208 (omitted from 2nd and 3rd editions). T885, S. of L., 54 (omitted from 6th to 8th editions). ,, ,, (^. e.), 61. In oniittinK this poem from the 6th ed. of Sign 0/ the Lyre, andall subsequent collections, Mr. Dol)son has reverted to the former judgment which led him to omit it from the later editions of r'/^wcZ/cj- in Rhyme, and yet it re-appears in 5oo,4 Sont;, 1893, p. 34. (I'idc Pt. i, sec. iv.) It is also printed, along with a Latin translation by II. M. Giveen, in the Marl- borough College Prolusiones, 188S, p. 3?. ROKEN SWORD, A (The shopman shambled from the doorway out). 1886, Magazine of Art, August^ 432. 1889, S. of L., 6th ed., 94. 1895, P. S. O., n.,99. 1897, C. P., 293. Also included in A New Friendship's Garland^ 1S99, No. xxxv. " BV Goldsmith's tomb the city's cry." 1883, Vicar of Wakefield (Parchment Library)^ ii. Not reprinted. i83 CAP THAT FITS, THE (Not young, I think). 1877, P. in P., 18. 1880, V. in R. (A. e.), i8i. 1883, O. W. I., 63. 1892, S. P., 79- 1893, P. in P. {/. e.), 59. 1895, P. S. O., I., 65. 1897, C. P., 59. Also included in TAe Poets and Poetry of the Century : Humour, Son'ely, and Oicasional P'erse [1894], P- 537- CARVER AND THE CALIPH, THE (We lay our story in the East). 1880, Cornhill, Aug., 239. 1885, S. of L.,26. „ ,, {A. e.), 41. 1895, P. S. O., II., 26. 1897, C. p., 230. CASE OF CAMEOS, A— AGATE (First, on an Agate-stone, a Centaur strong). 1876, Good Words, May, 351. 1877, P. in P., 52. 1880, V. in R. (A. e.), 256. 1883, O. W. I., 186. 1895, P. S. O., I., 191. 1897, C. P., 175- CASE OF CAMEOS, A— AMETHYST (Next came an Amethyst,— the grape in hue). 1876, Good Words, May, 352. Q i 1 84 1877, P. in P., 57. 18S0, V. in R. (A. e.), 258. 1883, O. W. I., 187. 1895, P. S. O., I., 192. 1897, C. P., 176. CASE OF CAMEOS, A— BERYL, vide iufm 'EMERALD.' CASE OF CA^NIEOS, A— CHALCEDONY (The next in legend bade, " Beware of show ! "). 1876, Good Words, May, 351. 1877, P. in P., 55. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 257. 1883, O. W. L, 186. 1895, P. S. O., L, 191. 1897, C. P., 175- CASE OF CAMEOS, A— CORNELIAN (Next was a Cornaline, in strange wise riven,). 1877, P. in P., 53. Not reprinted. This ' cameo ' was not included in the Good ! Fords ' case.' CASE OF CAMEOS, A— EMERALD (Lastly with " Plcasin-e" was an Emerald graven). 1876, Good Words, A/ay, 352. 1877, P. in P., 58. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 258. 1883, O. W. L, 188, 1^5 i89S, P- S. O., I., 193- 1897, C. P., 177- After the publication in Good ll^'ords, 'Emerald' in the first line was changed to'Berj'l,' and the title changed in accordance. CASE OF CAMEOS, A— JASPER (To this there followed a green Jasper stone). 1877, P. in P., 54. Not reprinted. Like ' A Cornelian,' this was not in the Good Words 'case.' The first four lines are as follows :— To this there followed a green Jasper stone, Writ, in a snake-ring, with the name of her Whom Vulcan fashioned out of earth alone, — Not less, to Earth, of woes the harbinger. CASE OF CAMEOS, A— SARDONYX (Then, on a Sardonyx the man of Thrace,— ). 1876, Good Words, May, 352. 1877, P. in P., 56. 1880, V. in R. [A. c), 257. 1883, O. W. I., 187. 1895, P. S. O., I., 192. 1897, C. P., 176. " CHANGE " [one of ' Rondels and Rondeaus'] (Freeze, freeze, O icy wind). 1877, P. in P., 79. Not reprinted. The first verse is as follows : — Freeze, freeze, O icy wind ! Lucilla's cap's awry ; No signal undesigned To hose that read the sky i86 CHAPTER OF FROISSART, A (Vou don't know Froissart now, young folks). 1874, Good Words, Nov., 737. 1877, P. in P., Ill (73 in 2nd ed.). 1880, V. in R. {A. 6-.), 122. 1885, S. of L., 58. 1892, B. of B. B., 79. 1895, P. S. O., II., 60. 1897, C. P., 260. CHARLES GEORGE GORDON ("Rather be dead than praised," he said). 1885, Saturday Review, Feb. 14, 203. ,, S. of L., 105 (112 in 6th to 8th eds.). 1892, S. P., 220. 1895, P. S. O., II., 120. 1897, C. P., 317. CHILD MUSICIAN, THE, z/A/,,- ' CHILD-VIOLINIST, THE.' CHILD-VIOLINIST, THE (He had played for his lordship's levee). 1876, Cornhill, August, 192. 1877, P- in P., 50. 1880, V. in R. {A.e.), 83. 1883, O. W. I., 158. 1892, S. P., 162. 1895, P. S. O., I., 161. 1897, C. p., 146. i87 Also printed in Harper's Mag., /l/an-/t, 1S7S, p. 639, 'and Living English Pods, 1883, p. 260. ( Viae Part i , sec. iv. ) After its first issue in Coriihill the title was changed to ' The Child Musician.' CHIPS (Chips ! Chips !). 1877, Auld Lang Syne, 54. Never reprinted. A poem of 67 lines, commencing : — Chips ! chips ! We had climbed to the top of the clifif that day, Just where the brow looked over the bay ; And you stood, and you watched the shifting ships Till I found you a seat in the heather. CITY FLOWER, A (To and fro in the City I go,), 1864, Temple Bar, Dec, 109. 1873, V. in R., 142. 1897, C. P., 381. Mr. Dobson's first contribution to a magazine. After its appearance in P'i^ncitcs in Rhyme it was omitted from all subse- quent collections until the publication o^ Collected Poems, 1897. CLALMS OF THE MUSE, THE, vide 'iMUSE, THE.' CLIMACTERIC, THE (When do the reasoning Powers decline ?). 1889, S. of L., 6th ed., 138. 1895, P. S. O., IL, 149. 1897, C. P., 341. i88 COINCIDENCE (Within this Gothic-looking glade). 1874, Saturday Journal, July 25, 239. Never reprinted. COLLECTOR TO HIS LIBRARY, THE, vide ' FINAL WORD, A.' COLOrHON (" Of making many books," 'twas said,). 1881, Lang's The Library, 179 (188 in 2nd ed. ). Not reprinted. CORNELIAN, vide ' CASE OF CAMEOS, A.' CRADLE, THE (How steadfastly she'd worked at it). 1877, P. in P., 152 (2nd ed., 78). 1880, V. in R. (.-i. e.), 84. 1883, O. W. I., 159. 1892, S. P., 163. 1895, P. S. O., I., 162. 1897, C. P., 147- Also included in Children of the Poets, p. 228. {Vide Part I, sec. iv.) CUPID'S ALLEY (It runs (so saith my Chronicler)). 1876, Belgravia, Oct., 470. 1877, P. in P., 59. i89 1880, V. inR. [A. e.), 66. 1883, O. W. I., 142. 1892, S. P., 146. 1895, P. S. O-, I., 144. „ S. ofR.,79. 1897, C. P., 130. After its first issue in Belgraz'ia the following lines were prefixed : — ■' O, Love's but a dance Where Time plays the fiddle ! See the couples advance, — O, Love's but a dance ! A whisper, a glance, — ' Shall we twirl down the middle?' O Love's but a dance. Where Time plays the fiddle ! This prefix verse is also printed separately in Latter Day Ly?-ics, 1S78, p. 376, and Ballades and Rondeaus, 1S87, p. 220. {Vide Pt. I, sec. iv.). CURE'S PROGRESS, THE (Monsieur ihc Cure down the street). 1878, Cornhill, March, 335. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 94. 1885, S. of L., II. 1892, S. P., 168. 1895, P. S. O., II., II. „ S. ofR.,91. 1897, C. P., 217. "CURLL, by the Fleet- Ditch nymphs caress'd." 1894, E. C. v., II., 192. Not reprinted. DAISY'S VALENTINES (All night through Daisy's sleep it seems). 1874, Graphic, Feb. 14, 151. 1877, P. in P., 119. ,, Graphic Portfolio, XXI. 1885, S. of L., 188 (197 in 6th to Sth eds.). {A. e.), 128. 1895, P. S. O., II., 221. 1897, C. P., 410. Also printed in Childreii of the Poets, p. 226. ( Vide Part i, sec. iv.) DANCE OF DEATH, THE (He is the despots' Despot. All must bide). 1877, Architect, July 14, 17. 1880, V. in R. {A. €.), 271. 1883, O. W. I., 243. 1892, S. P., 313. ,, The Dance of Death, 9 (2nd ed., 23). 1895, P- S. O., I., 265. 1897, C. P., 504. Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 9S. {I^ide Part i, sec. iv.) DEAD LETTER, A (I drew it from its China tomb;—). 1868, Macmillan's Magazine, Jidv, 242. 1873, V. in R., I. 1880, „ {A. e.), 105. 1883, O. W. I., 3. 1892, S. P., 15. ,, B. of B. B., 47. 1895, P. S. 0.,I.,3. ' 1897, C. P., 3. igi Also included in The Poets and Poetry of the Century: William Morris to Robert Buchanan, 1896, P- 395- The letter itself, commencing ' " Dear John," the letter ran, "it can't, can't be, — " ' is printed in Locker's Patchwork, 1S79, p. 90, under the title, ' A Rustic Love-Letter ;' but this title was evidently conferred by Mr. Locker-Lampson himself, when reprinting what he terms these " very happy stanzas " {-nde Locker's Patchwork in the Addenda to this bibliography). DEATH OF LOVE, THE, vide ' EMBLEMATA AMORIS.' DEATH OF PROCRIS, THE (rrocris, ihe nymph, had wedded Cephalus ;— ). 1869, St. Paul's, y>/w, 319. 1873, V. in R., 182. 1S80, ,, [A. e.), 203. 1883, O. W. I., 179. 1895, P. S. O., I., 183. 1897, C. P., 167. DEDICATION (What would our modern maids to-day ?). 1895, S. of R., V. 1897, C. P., 453, where the title is extended to ' Dedication of " The Story of Rosina." DEDICATION, A [one of ' Rondeaus for Rhymers'] (To you I sing, whom towns immure). 1876, Evening Hours, Dec., 814. 1877, P. in P., 84 (2nd ed., 83). 1880, V. in R. (A. e.), xiv. 1883, O. W. I., V. 1892, S. P., ii. 1895, P. S. O., I., vii. 1897, C. P., vii. 192 After Proverbs in Porcelain, in vvhicli il is enlitled '"To you I biiig," ' this has been always used as dedicatory verses, without any title. DEDICATION OF "THE STORY OF ROSINA," vide 'DEDICATION.' DIALOGUE FROM PLATO, A (I'd "read" ihree hours. The text— for me— ). 1872, St. Paul's, Dec, 692. 1873, V. in R., 63. 1880, „ {A. £.), 26 1883, O. W. I., 103. 1892, S. P., 119. 1895, P. S. O., I., 105. „ S. ofR.,53. 1897, C. P., 97- After its issue in Si. PaiiPs the first line was changed to ' I'd "read " three hours. Both notes and text.' DIALOGUE TO THE MEMORY OF MR. ALEXANDER POPE, vide ' DIALOGUE TO THE MEMORY OF MR. POPE, A.' DIALOGUE TO THE MEMORY OF MR. POPE, A (I sing of Pope). 1888, Scribner's, May, 548. ,, Pope Commemoration Catalogue, 7-10. 1889, S. of L., 6th ed., 99. 1892, S. P., 207. 1895, P. S. O., IL, 107. 1897, C. P., 301. After the appearance in Scribner's, ' Alexander ' was prefi.xed to ' Pope ' in the title. 193 DILETTANT, THE (The most oppressive form of Cant). 1880, Belgravia, Oct., 425. 1885, S, of L., 115 (6th to 8th eds., 126). 1892, S. P., 229. 1895, P. S. O., II., 136. 1897, c. p., 330. DISTRESSED POET, THE (One knows the scene so well,— a touch,). 1885, S. of L., 78. ^A. c), 82. 1895, P. S. O., II., 81. 1897, C. P., 280. DIXAIN, vide ' DIZAIN.' DIZAIN (As to the pipe with rhythmic feet). 1880, Lang's XXII. Ballades in Blue China, 57. 1881, Lang's XXXII. Ballades in Blue China, 84 (S^ in later eds.). 1883, O. W. I., 210. 1885, S. of L. {A. e.), 221 (called here 'Dixain'). 1892, S. P., 284. 1895, P. S. O., I., 218. 1897, C. P., 460. Also included in Living English Poets, 1883, p. 261 [vide Part i, sec. iv.) ; and LaN(;'s Ballades a>id Verses Vain, 1884, p. 75 ; and A New Friendship's Garland, 1899, No. xxi. Except in the American Al the Sign of the Lyre, this poem has, in the author's works, no heading, but is printed a,s a pro- logue to the section, ' Essays in Old French Forms.' K 194 DON QUIXOTE (Behind thy pasteboard, on thy battered hack,). 1882, Sonnets of Three Centuries, 229. 1885, S. ofL.,93- „ ,, (A. e.), 86. 1895, P. S. O., II., 98. 1897, C. P., 292. Also included in Sonnets of this Century, p. 64, and Book Song, 1893, p. 39. ( Vide Part i, sec. iv. ) DORA versus ROSE (From the tragic-est novels at Mudie's — ). 1877, P. in P., 179. 1885, S. of L., 163 (6tli to 8th eds., 173). ,, ,, (A. e.), 96. 1892, S. P., 193. 1895, P. S. O., II., 197. 1897, C. P., 387. DOROTHY (She, then, must once have looked as I). 1873, St. Paul's, Feb., 159. ,, V. in R., 138 (139 in 2nd and 3rd eds.). 1880, ,, {A. e.), 36. 1883, O. W. I., 113. 1892, S. P., 127. 1895, P- S. O., I., 115. ,, S. ofR., 59. 1897, C. P., 104. 195 DRAMA OF THE DOCTOR'S WINDOW, THE ('Well, I must wait ! ' The Doctor's room,). 1870, St. Paul's, Feb., 557. 1873, V. in R., 156. 1880, „ [A. e.), I. 1883, O. W. I., 79. 1892, S. P., 95- 1S95, P. S. 0.,I.,8i. 1897, C. P., 75- DYING OF TANNEGUY DU BOIS, THE (Yea, I am passed away, I think, from this). 1869, Under the Crown, June, 585. 1873, V. in R., 204. 1880, ,, {A. e.), 221. 1883, O. W^ I., 199. 1892, S. P., 270. 1895, P. S. O., I., 204. 1897, C. P., 193. EASTERN APOLOGUE, AN, vide ' PERSIAN APOLOGUE, A. EMBLEMATA AMORIS : THE DEATH OF LOVE (En Mors Amoris !— ran the text ; and lo !). 1877, P. in P., 137 (2nd ed., 142). Entitled ' Emblems (I.)' in 2nd ed. Not reprinted. R I 196 EMBLEMATA AMORIS : THE LOVE OF DEATH (Yet one more thing of Love the Hmner wrought). 1S77, P. in P., 138 (2nd ed., 143). Entitled ' Emblems (II.)' in 2nd ed. Not reprinted. EMBLEMS, vide ' EMBLEMATA AMORLS.' EMERALD, vide ' CASE OF CAMEOS, A.' EPILOGUE [to 'Eighteenth Century Vignettes,' H.], vide 'APOLOGIA PRO SCRIPTIS SUIS.' EPILOGUE TO "EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY VIGNETTES" (SECOND SERIES), vide 'APO- LOGIA PRO SCRIPTIS SUIS.' EPILOGUE [to ' Proverbs in Porcelain'] (Ileigho ! how chill the evenings get !). 1877, P. in P., 34. 1880, V. in R. {A. c), 194. 1883, O. W. I., 76. 1892, S. P., 92. 1893, P. in P. (/. e.)., 93. 1895, P. S. O., I., 78. 1897, C. P., 71. EPILOGUE [to 'The Quiet Life'] (Let the dream pass, the fancy fade!), vide 'PROLOGUE AND EPILOGUE TO "THE QUIET LIFE".' 197 EPILOGUE, vide 'L'ENVOI.' EPISTLE TO A FRIEND, AN (How shall a Writer change his ways?). 1896, E. C. v., in., xi. 1897, C. P., 454 [here called ' Prologue to " Eighteenth Century Vignettes" (third series)']. EXTREMUM TANAIN [one of ' A Quartet from Horace.'*] (Before thy doors too long oflate,). 1877, Gentleman's Magazine, Nov., 618. 1885, S. of L., 223 (235 in 6th to Sth eds.) ,, ,, A. e., 219. 1895, P. S. 0.,237. 1897, C. P., 480. * This quartet is not identic.^I with the one printed in second edition of P. in P., 1878. In that book another rondeau (" O Fons Bandusi.-e ") is substituted for above, and an enlarged version of " Davus I detest " is printed in addition to the other, while above was not reprinted till 1885, in S. of L., and the general title, 'A Quartet from Horace,' was not used after P. in P., 1878. FABLE IN THE MANNER OF DR. SWIFT, A (When Fate presents us with the bays). 1880, Belgravia, April, 165. 1885, S. of L., 112 (6th to 8th eds., 123). , „ „ {A. e.), 170. 1895, P- S. O., IL, 133. 1897, C. P., 327. After itb publication in Belgravia the title was changed to ' The Successful Author.' 198 FABLE IN THE MANNER OF MR. GAY, A (How much would end in mode abrupt,). 1880, Belgravia, July, 73. Never reprinted. " YWW " [one of ' Rondels and Rondeaus'] (Blow, blow, Etesian gale). 1877, P. in P., 80. This rondel has not been reprinted. It commences : — Blow, blow, Etesian gale ! Lucilla's cap is straight ; Fill fast the flowing sail Of happy man and mate. FAHvV TALE, A (Curled in a maze of dolls and bricks,). 1876, Hood's Comic Annual, 43. 1885, S. of L., 73. ,, ,, {A. c'.), 126. 1895, v. S. O., H., 76. 1897, C. P., 275. FA^HLIAR EPISTLE, A (Dear Cosmopolitan— I know). 1885, S. of L., 97 (104 in 6lh to 8th eds.) ,> ,, [A. e.), 191. 1892, S. P., 212. 1895, P. S. O., II., 112. 1897, C. P., 306. 199 FANCY FROM FONTENELLE, A (The Rose in the garden slipped her bud). 1885, Century, July, 422. ., S. of L., 92. 1892, S. P., 182. 1895, P. s. o., II., 97. 1897, C. P., 291. Also included in The Poets and Poetry of the Century: IVilliaiii Morris to Robert Buchanan, 1896. p. 416. In its first issue, in The Century, ' Fontenelle ' was mis-spelt Fontanelle "FAREWELL, RENOWN!" [one of 'Rondeaus for Rhymers'] (Farewell, Renown! Too fleeting flower,). 1876, Evening Hours, Nov., 762. 1877, P. in P., 83 (2nd ed., 82) [amongst ' Rondels and Rondeaus']. 1880, V. in R. {A. c'.), 241. 1883, O. W. I., 217. 1892, S. P., 292. 1895, P. S. O., I., 226. 1897, c. p., 467. FINAL WORD, A : The Collector to his Library (Brown Books of mine, who never yet). 18S7, Ballads of Books {American ed.), 173. 1888, „ (Englished.), 156. 1897, C. p., 2S6 (In this the sub-title only is used). Also included in Book-Son^"; 1893, p. 37. {Fide Pt. I, sec. iv.). FIRST WALK, THE, c'/^^ 'STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON.' 200 FLOWER-SONG, A (Down where the garden grows). 1871, Good Words, Augttsl, 553. 1873, V. in R., 191. 1880, ,, (A. e.), 214. 1883, O. W. I., 192. 1895, P. S. O., I., 197- 1897, C. P., 182. After its issue in Good }Vortis the title was altered to 'A Flower-Song of Angiola.' FLOWER-SONG OF ANGIOLA, A, j^'/f/e ' FLOWER-SONG, A.' FONS BANDUSL^ (O babbling spring, than glass more clear). 1877, Spectator, Dec. i, 1507. 1878, P. in P., 2nd ed., 192 (Under the general title of 'A (Quartet from Horace.' This general title was not used subsequently*.). 1S80, V. in R., A. e., 245. 1883, O. W. L, 221. 1892, S. P., 295. 1895, P. S. O., L, 236. 1897, C. P., 479. Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, 18S7, p. 158 {vide Pt. i, sec. iv. ) ; and reprinted in Scrili- nei's, July, 1890, p. 19, under the title, "To the hount Bandusia." After its publication in The Sfiectator the title was altered to ' " O Fons Bandusia; " ! * See also note to ' EXTREMUM TANAIN.' FOOTPATH, THE, wV/t' " YOU GAVE YOUR HAND." 201 FOR (Old F'riends are best ! and so to you). 1884, Century, Feb., 640. 1885, S. of L. {A. f. ), 22S (where the title is changed to ' To Richard Watson Gilder'). FOR A COPY OF MERRICK, vide ' IN A COPY OF THE LYRICAL POEMS OF ROBERT HERRICK.' FOR A COPY OF "THE COMPLEAT ANGLER" (I care not much how men prefer). 1899, Literature, April 15, 393. Not reprinted. FOR A COPY OF THEOCRITUS, vide ' VILLANELLE." FOR A TRANSLATION OF THEOCRITUS, vide ' YILLANELLE.' FOR H.C.B. (Witness my hand [and seal thereto]). 1884, Century, Feb., 640. 1885, S. of L. {A. e.), 226 (where the title is altered to ' To H. C. Bunner'). This is not the same piece as ' The Author to his Book ' (r/. v.), though the first lines are identical. FOR J.B.M. (In vain to-day I scrape and blot). 1884, Century, Feb., 640. 1885, S. of L. {A. e.) 225 (where the title is changed to ' To Brander Matthews'). Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 161. {Vide Part i, sec. iv.). 202 " FOR Mayfair's balls and ballets arc over," 1889, Hamilton's Parodies, vol. vL, 2. A stanza of eight lines in parody of the following lines of Swinburne's Atalanta : — " For winter's rains and ruins are over, And all the season of snows and sins ; The days dividing lover and lover, The light that loses, the night that wins." Mr. Hamilton omitted to give the source of Mr. Dobson's parody, and the compiler has been luiable to trace it. It has not been reprinted. FOR THE AVERV " KNICKERBOCKER," vide ' " SHADE of Herrick, Muse of Locker." ' FORGOTTEN GRAVE, THE (Out from the City's dust and roar). 1876, Good Words, y«//. , 10. 1877, P. in P., 95. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 87. 1883, O. W. I., 162. 1895, P. S. O., I., 165. 1897, C. P., 150. FROM THE HOTEL WINDOW, vide 'STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON.' GAGE D'AMOUR, A (Charles— for it seems you wish to know,—). 1870, St. Paul's, May, 179. 203 1873, V. in R., 116 (115 in 2nd and 3rd eds.)- 1880, ,, (.-1. e.), 62. 1883, O. W. I., 139. 1895, P. S. O., I., 141. 1897, C. P., 127. GARDEN IDYLL, A (Sir Poet, ere you crossed the lawn). 1870, St, Paul's, Dec, 294. 1873, V. in R., 76. 1880, ,, {A. e.), 17. 1883, O. W. L, 95. 1892, S. P., III. 1895, P- S. 0.,L,97. ,, S. of R., 43. 1897, C. P., 90. Also included in Auld Lan^ Sync, 1877, under the lille 'Sketches. (In a Garden),' p. 92. (Vide Pt. I, sec. iv. ) ; and in The Poets and Poetry of the Century : Iluiiioicr, Society, and Occasional Verse [1894], p. 543. GARDEN SONG, A (Here in this sequestered close). 1885, S. of L., 56. {A. e.), 37. 1892, S. P., 180. 1895, P- S. O., IL, 58. 1897, C. P., 258. In the American book "sequestered " in first line is changej to " secluded." 204 GENTLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL, A (He lived in " Farmer George's" day). 1870, St. Paul's, // 3- 1880, V. in R. {A. c), 169. 1883, O. W. I., 51. 1892, S. P., 67. 1893, P. in P. (/. e.), 23. 1895, P. S. O., I., 53. 1897, C. P., 49. After its appearance in Evening Hours the title was changed to ' The Ballad-a-la-Mode. IX THE PORCH (Across my neighbour's waste of whins). 1 87 1, St. Paul's, y«;/^, 220. Never reprinted. This poem consists of eight stanzas, of which the following is the first : — Across my neighbour s waste of whins For roods the ralibit burrows ; You scarce can see where first begins His range of steaming furrows ; I am not sad that he is great, He does not ask my pardon ; Beside his wall I cultivate — I cultivate my garden. IN THE ROYAL ACADEMY (They have not come ! And ten is past—). 1879, Belgravia, yifme 13, 157. Never reprinted. MADRIGAL, A (Before me careless lying,). 1880, Belgravia, Dec, T.'Cfi. 1885, S. of L., 52. ,, ,, {A. e.), 21. 1895, P. S. O., IL, 54. 1897, C. P., 254. MALTWORM'S MADRIGAL, THE (I drink of the ale of Southwark, I drink of the ale of Chepe :). 1885, Magazine of Art, March, 209. ,, S. of L., 201 (6th to 8th eds., 209). 1895, P. S. O., II., 233. 1897, C. p., 421. Also included in A London Garland, 1895, p. 161, 222 MASQUE OF THE MONTHS, THE (Firstly thou, churl son of Janus,) 1877, Good Words, Dec, 824. 1885, S. of L., 13. i,A. e.), 30. 1895, P. S. O., n.,13. 1S97, C. P., 219. MATILDA, A TRAGEDY (Beside the stream at eventide). 1875, Evening Hours, Feb., 141, A poem of six stanzas, not reprinted. METAMORPHOSIS, THE ("This shepherdess Dorine adored— "). 1877, P. in P., 8. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 173. 1883, O. W. I., 55. 1892, S. P., 71- 1893, P. in P. (/. e.), 35. 1895, P. S. O., I., 57. 1897, C. P., 53- MILKMAID, THE (Across the grass I see her pass). 1883, Harper's, Dec, 108. 1885, S. of L., 37- {A. eX 27. 1892, S. P., 176. 1895, P. S. O., II., 38. 1897, C. P., 240. 223 MISOGYNIST, THE (When first he sought our haunts, he wore). 1874, St. Paul's, March, 338. 1877, P. in P., 97. 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 46. 1883, O. W. I., 123. 1895, P. S. O., I., 125. ,, S. of R., 103. 1897, C. P., 113. MISGIVINGS (II ') ] ^''^'^ 'STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON.' MOLLY TREFUSIS (So he wrote, the old bard of an "old magazine" ;). 1878, Gentleman's Magazine, _/«{j', 96. 1885, S. of L., 32. ,, ,, {J. e.), 23. 1892, B. of B. B., 71. 1895, P. S. O., II., 32. 1897, C. P., 235. " MORE POETS YET ! " [One of the ' Rondeaus for Rhymers.'] (" More Poets yet ! " I hear him say). 1876, Evening Hours, Nov., 762. 1877, P. in P., 85 (2nd ed., 84). [Amongst ' Rondels and Rondeaus.'] 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 242. 1883, O. W. L, 218. 1892, S. P., 293. 1895, P. S. O., I., 227. 1897, C. p., 468. 224 MOSQUE OF THE CALIPH, THE (Unto Seyd the Vizier spake the Caliph Abdallah :). 1877, P. in P., 131. 1880, V. in R. (A. e.), 224. 18S3, O. W. I., 201. 1892, S. P., 273. 1895, r- s. o., I., 207. 1897, C. p., 198. MUSE, THE (Too oft we hide our Frailties' Blame). 1880, Belgravia, August, 171. 1885, S. of L., 119 (130 in 6th to 8th eds.). [A. e.), 179. 1895, P- y- 0-. n., 140. 1897, C. P., 334. After its first issue in Belgravia, the title was altered to ' The Claims of the Muse. MY BOOKS (They dwell in the odour of camphor). 1883, Longman's, Feb., 438. 1885, S. ofL., 82. „ ,, {A. e.], 72. 1892, S. P., 183. 1895, P. s. o., n., 85. 1897, C. P., 284. Also included in Ballads of Books, 1887, p. 40, and 1888, p. 43 ; and Book Song, 1893, p. 36. ( Vide Part I, sec. iv.) 225 MY LANDLADY (A small brisk woman, capped with many a bow ;). 1 8 — , Nautical Magazine. 1873, V. in R., 152. 1880, ,, (^. e.), 89. 1885, O. W. L, 164. 1892, C. P., 151. 1895, P. S. O., L, 166. 1897, C. P., 151. NAMELESS CHARM, THE (Stella, 'tis not your dainty head,). 1885, S. of L., 209 (6th to 8th ed., 217). 1895, P. S. O., IL, 242. 1897, C. P., 429. NEW SONG OF SPRING GARDENS, A (Come hither, ye gallants). 1885, Magazine of Art,y«/j', f/ie Frontispiece (Poems and Pictures). ,, S. of L., 204 (212 in 6th to 8th eds.). 1897, C. P., 424. After its appearance in The Magazine of Art ' the ' was inserted before ' Spring ' in the title. NEW SONG OF THE SPRING GARDENS, A, vide ' NEW SONG OF SPRING GARDENS, A. NIGHTINGALE IN KENSINGTON GARDENS, A (They paused,— the cripple in the chair,). 1874, Good Words, y^z/K, 453. 1877, P. in P., 123. 226 i88o, V. in R. (J. c), loi. 1883, O. W. I., 169. 1S95, P. S. O., I., 172. 1897, C. P., 156. NOBLE PATRON, THE (What is a Pairon ? Johnson knew). 1889, Harper's, Oct., 661. 1892, S. P., 242. 189s, P. S. O., II., 184. 1897, C. P., 372. NOTES OF A HONEYMOON, vide ' STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON. ' "O FONS BANDUSI^ !" vide ' FONS BANDUSI.^.' *' O, LOVE'S but a dance.'' 1878, Latter Day Lyrics, 376. 1S87, IJallades and Rondeaus, 220. This forms a prefix stanza, printed in italics, in all the editions of ' Cupid's Alley' (vide anic) except the first. _ In the above two volumes of varse it is given, however, separately, as a specimen of the ' triolet.' It is also reproduced in facsimile of Mr. Dobson's handwriting in Pen and Pencil, the Press Bazaar Book of 1898. "O NAVIS," vide 'TO AN UNSEAWORTHY SHIP.' 227 OF HIS MISTRESS (She that I love is neither brown nor fair). 1885, S. of L., 207 (6th to 8th eds., 215). 1890, Fortnightly Review, Oct., 609. 189s, P. S. O., II., 240. 1897, C. P., 427. Also included in Saintsbury's Essays on French Novelists, 1891, p. 56. {Vide Part I, sec. iv.) In a note to Collected Poems (p. 523) Mr. Dobson saj's, " This translation was made at the request of Professor Saintsbury, who included it in his study of the author oi Memoircs de Graiinnoni." As the Professor's article did not see the light till October, 1S90 (Fortnightly Revie'^v),_ it comes about that it was printed by Mr. Dobson /?-/OOK., vide 'TO HIS BOOKS.' T(J Ills BOOKS (For mart and street you seem to pine). 1887, Ballads of Books, 68. (Page 2 in the London edition, 18S8.) 1889, S. of L., 6th ed., 219. 1S95, P. S. O., II., 244. 1897, C. P., 431- After its appearance in Ballads of Hooks, tlie title is altered by changing ' Ij wks' to ' book. TO J. S., vide ' SABINE FARM, A.' 255 TO LADY BOWEN {'For old sake's sake !' 'Twere bad to choose). 1892, B. of B. B., 5. 1897, C. P., 475. [In this called ' Leal Souvenir'.] TO 1,. H. (There is no " mighty purpose'" in this Book). 1884, Century, /'17'., 640. 1S85, S. of L. (A. t'.), 231. In the reprint the name is given in full — 'To Laurence Hutton.' TO LAURENCE IIUTTON, vufe ' TO L. H.' TO LAWRENCE BARRETT, (When Burlmdge played, the stage was hare). 1885, .S. of L. {.-4. e.), 229. 18S9, ,, (6th ed., 236). 1892, S. P., 294. 1895, P. S. O., L, 232. 1897, C. P., 473. Also included in Ballades ai2d Rondeatis, 1SS7, p. 161. {Vide Part i, sec. iv. ) After its first issue the heading was changed to " When Hurli-idge Played." TO LVDIA LANGUISH (You ask me, Lydia, whether I). 1872, St. Paul's, Feb., 200. 1873, R., 125 (I24'in2nd and ;rd eds.)- 1S80, ,, {A. e.), 59. 1S83, O. YV. I., 136. 1895, P. S. O., I., 138. 1897, C. P., 124. ^ I 256 TO MV FRIEND HICKS (What, Hicks, ;w; too ! It can't be true !). 1876, Evening Hours, Oct., 663. Never reprinted. TO ONE WHO BIDS ME SING (You ask a "many-wintered" Bard). 1S95, Temple Bar, March, 334. 1897, C. P., 438. This piece was written in response to an expostulatory poem, signed ' Cecil Harlej-,' which appeared in the same magazine of the previous month. TO PHIDVLE (Incense, and flesh of swine, and this year's grain,). 1878, Spectator, yw/fc' 29, 828. 1885, S. of L., 210 (6th to 8th eds., 218). 1895, ]'. S. O., II., 243. 1S97, C. P., 430. TO Q. II. F. (" Iloratius Flaccus, B.C. 8,"—). 1873, St. Paul's, May, 575. ,, V. in R., 112 (2nd and 3rd eds., iii). 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 56. 1883, O. W. I., 133. 1892, S. P., 141. 1895, P. S. O., I., 135. 1897, C. p., 121. Also printed in Songs of Society, 1880, p. 17. {I'ide Pt. i, sec. iv. ) TO RICHARD WATSON GILDER, vide "FOR ." 257 TO STELLA— AT HOME (Weibchen mein, have you forgotten). 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. Ii, No. 80 {Dec), 361. Never reprinted. TO THE FOX UNDER MY CLOAK (Old Habitant beneath my Cloak,—). 1874, Saturday Journal, Dec. 5, 471. Not reprinted. TO THE MAMMOTH TORTOISE OF THE MASCARENE ISLANDS (Monster Chelonian, you suggest). 1887, Voluntaries, 128. 1889, S. of L., 6th ed , 61. 1895, P. S. O., II., 64. 1897, C. P., 263. TO THE READER, vide ' " LAUGHTER and song the poet brings." ' "TO YOU I SING," z/zV/t' ' DEDICATION, A.' " TO you I sing, whom towns immure," vide ' DEDICATION, A.' " TOO HARD IT IS TO SING " [one of ' A Rondel and a Triolet '] (Too hard it is to sing). 1876, Evening Hours, April, 275. 1877, P. in P., 78 (vi. in 2nd ed.). 258 Also included in Cossets Catalogue, p. 148. [Vide Part i, sec. 4.) In the second ed. of Proz'Crbs in Porcelain it was used as a prologue, without title, instead of being included amongst the ' Rondels and Rondeaus,' as in the first edition, lu. Evening Hours it is printed under the heading, 'A Rondel and a Triolet.' " TOO hard it is to sing," vide above. TOYMAN, THE (' With Verse, is Form the first, or Sense ?') 1889, S. of L., 6th ed., 120. 1892, S. P., 226. 1895, !'• S. O., II., 130. 1897, C. P., 325. 'TU NE Qa^SIERIS" [one of ' A Quartet from Horace-"] (Seek not, O maid, to know,). 1877, Gentleman's Magazine, Nov., 619. 1878, P. in P., 2nd ed., 196. 18S0, V. in R. [A. e.), 251. 1883, O. W. I., 229. 1892, S. J'., 300. 1895, ]'. .S. O., I., 245. 1897, C. p., 485. Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 245. ( Vide Pt. I, sec. iv. ) * The quartet printed in P. in P. 2nd ed., 1878, is not identical with tliat printed in Centlcntan's Mag., Nov., 1877 {viJc note to " Extreniuni Tanain"). 259 TU QUOQUE (If I were you, when ladies at the play, Sir,). 1872, St. Paul's, Sept., 355. 1S73, V. in R., 83. 1880, „ {A.e.),2Z. 1883, O. W. I., 100. 1892, S. P., 116. 1895, P. S. O., 102. 1897, C. P., 94. Also included in JMitscs of May fair, 1874, p. 126; So)ii;s of Society, 18S0, p. 117; The Comic Poets of the Nineteenth Century [1875], p. 1 17, and Hamilton's Parodies, vol. vi., 1889, p. 62, followed by a parody. {Vide Part i, sec. iv. ) TWO PAINTERS, THE (In Art some hold themselves content). 1882, Magazine oi Axi, June, 340. 1885, S. of L., 117 (128 in 6th to 8th eds.). [A. e.), i-]6. 1892, S. P., 232. 1895, P. S. O., II., 138. 1897, C. p., 332. TWO SERMONS (Between the rail of woven brass,). 1879, Scribner's, May, 64. 1885, S. ofL., 17. ,, (A. e.), 59. 1895, P. S. O., II., 17. 1897, C. P., 222. 260 UNE MARQUISE (As you sit there at your ease). 1868, St. Paul's, JMarch, 709. 1873, V. in R., 26. iSSo, ,, {A. e.), 141. 1883, O. W. I., 30. 1892, S. P., 42. 1895, P. S. O., I., 31. ,, S. of R., 19. 1897, C. P., 29. UNFINISHED SONG, AN (Ves, he was well-nigh gone and near his rest). 1 87 1, Good Words, Se/t., 641. 1873, V. in R. , 169. 1880, ,, (A. e.), 80. 1883, O. W. I., 155. 1892, S. P., 159. 1895, P. S. O., I., 158. 1897, C. P., 143. UPON PERUSAL OF THIS WORK (I doubt your painful Pcdan/s who) 1893, Gosse's Catalogue, 193. Not reprinted. VERSES IN OLD FRENCH FORMS, otV/.' 'ANTIQUE GEM, AN,' ' BEGGARS, THE,' 'LOVE'S FAREWELL,' and '"ON LONDON STONES.'" 26l VERSES READ AT THE DINNER OF THE OMAR KHAYYAM CLUB (Twas Swift who said that people " view). 1897, Verses, &c. [as above]. Not reprinted. VERSES TO ORDER, vide ' AT LAST.' VICTOR HUGO (He set the trumpet to his lip, and lo !). 1885, Athenaeum, August 8, 176. ,, S. of L., 106 (6th to 8th eds., 113). 1895, P- S. O., IL, 121. 1897, C. P., 318. VILLANELLE. 1879, Lang's Specimens of a Translation of Theocritus, iii. ,, Scrihner's, Nov., 1879, 96. 1880, Lang's Theocritus Bion and Moschus, xl. ,, V. in R. {A. c), 249. 1883, O. W. I., 227. 1892, S. P., 299. 1895, P. S. 0.,L,243. 1897, C. P., 484. Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 247 [vide Part i, sec. iv. ), and in .-/ New Frieiid- ship's Garland, 1899, No. xviii. In Scribner''s the title is ' For a Translation of Theocritus,' which was altered in Mr. Dobson's books to ' For a Copy of Theocritus. 262 VIRGIN WITH THE BELLS, THE (Much strcange is true. And yet so much). 1881, St. James's Magazine, y";?;/. 18S5, S. of L., 129 (omitied from 6lh, yih, and 8th eds.). (^- e.), 133. 1895, r. s. o., iL, 155. 1897, C. p., 347- In it>; first form, the 64 lines of which this poem consists are printed ahnost continuously, except the first four lines, which form a prefix in different type. In the reprints the prefix is included in same type, and the poem broken up into twenty- one three-line stanzas, with one concluding line. VIRTUOSO, A (Be seated, pray, "A grave appeal?"). 1 87 1, St. Paul's, Marr/!, 525. 1S73, V. in R., 102 (2nd and 3rd eds., loi). 1880, „ {A. e.), 50. 1883, O. W. I., 127. 1892, S. P., 134- 1895, P. S. O., I., 129. ,, S. of R., III. 1897, C. P., 116. VISIT OF LADV GADABOUT, THE ('Gadabout ! Gadalioul !' Sure, I've heard the name.). 1875, Saturday Journal, Feb. 28, 610. Never reprinted. " \TTAS HINNULEO" [One of 'A ()uartel from Horace.'*] (Vou slum me, Chloe, wild and shy). 1877, Gentleman's Magazine, A'ov., 619. 1878, P. in P., 2nd ed., 193. 263 l88o, V. in R. (A. e.), 239. 1883, O. W. I., 215. 1892, S. P., 290. 1895, P. S. O., I., 224. 1897, C. P. , 465- * The quartet printed in P. in P., 2nd ed., 1878, is not identical with that printed in Gentleman s Mag.^ Nov., 1S77 (cj'ide note to " Extremum Tanain "). VIXI PUELLIS (We loved of yore, in warfare bold,). 1877, Spectator, Da. i, 1507. 1880, V. inR. {A. 6'.), 246. 1883, O. W. I.,222. 1892, S. P., 296. 1895, P- S. O., I., 23S. 1897, C. P., 481. WANDERER, THE (Love conies back to his vacant dwelling—). 1880, V. in R. {A. c), 238. 1883, O. W. I., 214. 1892, S. P., 289. 1895, I'- S. O., I., 223. 1897, C. P., 464. Also included in Ballades and Rondeaus, i8S7) p- I37- [.Vide I'L. i, sec. iv. ) 264 WARM ADMIRER, A (She 'so admires our verse,' she writes). 1878, Belgravia, May, 332. Never reprinted. WATER-CURE, THE {Cardenio's fortunes ne'er miscairicd). 1879, Scribner's,yi;//j', 351. 1885, S. of L., 151 (161 in6lh to 8th eds.). (A. e.), 157. 1895, P. S. O., II., 178. 1897, C. P., 367. WATER OF GOLD, THE (" Buy,— who'll buy ?" In the market-place). 1887, Lippincotl's, /«"., 120. 1895, P. S. O., II., 95- 1897, C. P., 2S9. WHEN 13URBADGE PLAYED, vide 'TO LAWRENCE BARRETT. " WHEN CHURCHILL wrote, th' Aonian maid." 1893, Gosse's Catalogue, 28, and also in /aisimi/e, facing 45. Never reprinted. 265 "WHEN FINIS COMES" (When Finis comes, the Book we close). 1877, P. in P., 195 (86 in 2nd ed.). 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 278. 1883, O. W. I., 246. 1895, P. S. O., I., 26S. 1897, C. P., 478- In Vignettes in Rhyme (American ed.), Old World IJylU, and Poems on Several Occasions, vol. i, this was printed as an epilogue without any title. "WHEN Finis coxwQ^, the Book we close," vide ' "WHEN FINIS COMES."' "WHEN I SAW YOU LAST, ROSE" (When I saw you last. Rose,). 1877, P. in P., 144. 1880, V. in R. {A. ('.), 247. 1883, O. W. I., 223. 1892, S. P., 297. 1895, P. S. O., I., 239. 1897, C. P., 482. Also included in Latter Day Lyrics, 1878, p. 308, and l-Salladcs and Rondeaus, 1887, p. 246. {Vide Ft. I, sec. iv. ) A translation into French of this poem by I\I. Boulmier appeared in Longman's Magazine, J^ily, 1S87, page 334 WHEN you and I have wandered beyond the reach of call.' 1893, Gosse's Catalogue, 44. 1S94, Yellow Book, 142. 266 i895, P- S. O., II., 251. 1897, C. P., 439- After its publication in Gosse's Catalogue it was entitled " Sat est Scripsisse. WHO CAN DWELL WITH GREATNESS ! (Who can dwell with greatness ! Greatness is too high ;) 1899, Choral Songs, 60. Not reprinted. WITH A VOLUME OF VERSE, vide ' L'ENVOI. " WITH PIPE AND FLUTE " (With pipe and flute the rustic Pan). 1877, P. in P., 86 (2nd ed., 85). [One of ' Rondels and Rondeaus.'] 1880, V. in R. {A. e.), 243. 1883, O. W. I., 219. 1895, P. S. O., L, 228. 1897, C. P., 469. Also included in Latter Day Lyrics, 1S7S, p. 293, and Ballaaes and Koiidcaus, 1SS7, p. 160. {Vide Pt. I, sec. iv. ) " WITH slower pen men used to write."' 1882, Eighteenth Century Essays, ii. 1885, S. of L., 221 (6th to 8th eds., 233). ,, ,, {A. e.), 218. 267 i895, P. S. O., I., 231- 1897, C. P., 472. ^ When first printed as prefatory verses this piece had no title, but when reprinted it was called, ' On the Hurry of this Time WOOING OF DAPHNE, THE (Out sprang the runners, the God and the maiden,). 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. 11, No. 6(),/au., 13. Not reprinted. "YOU BID :me try," j'/V/e ' rondeau, a.' 'YOU GAVE YOUR HAND' (You gave your hand to me as through). 1874, Saturday Journal, I\lay 9, 78. 1877, Auld Lang Syne, 170 [culled here ' Footpath ']. Note. — // 7voiihi be interesting:; to point out the variations in the different reprints of numbers of the above pieces, but it 7Vould occupy far too much space, and must, therefore, be left for the ardent ' Dobsonite ' to do for himself an undertaking which it is hoped ivill be rendered all the easier by these references. Y I (^iBfiogtap^^ of jB^mtin ©oBaon* IV. TITLES OF PIECES IN VERSE AND PROSE. PART IV. ii. Prose. *^* For explanation of ihe abbreviations of titles used hereunder see note at head of See t ion i. "ADVENTURES OF CIIERUBINA, THE." [ContiibiUed under the series entitled, 'Among my Books'.] 1897, Literature, No7'. 20, 144-5. 1898, Among my Books, 29-35. ADVENTURES OF FIVE DAYS, THE, viJe ' HOGARTH'S TOUR.' ALEXANDER POPE. 1888, Scribner's, May, 533-47. Not reprinted. AMONG MY BOOKS, z'/^/t' 'ADVENTURES OF CHERUBINA, THE.' 272 ANGELO'S REMINISCENCES. 1898, Longman's, April, 503-13. 5. M., 33-56. 1899, P. of P., 61-84. ANSTEY, CHRISTOPHER. 1885, Did. of Nat. Biog., vol. ii., 38-9. Not reprinted. ANSTEY, JOHN. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. ii., 39-40. Not reprinted. AT LEICESTER FIELDS, vide 'IN LEICESTER FIELDS. AT "TULLY'S HEAD." 1894, Scribner's, April, 516-24. ,, E. C. v., II., 22-49. AUTHOR OF 'MONSIEUR TONSON,' THE. 1898, Longman's, y.^;;., 246-55. ,, I\I., 87-108. 1899, P. of P., 115-36. 273 BANQUETING HOUSE AND OLD WHITEHALL. 1883, English Illustrated, Nov., 76-83. 1898, M., 183-202. 1899, P. of P., 194-215. In the reprints the title is changed to 'Old Whitehall." BEARDMORE, NATHANIEL. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 16. Not reprinted. BEAUCLERK, LADY DIANA. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 35-6. Not reprinted. BERLIN HOGARTH, THE, vide ' DANIEL CIIODOWIECKE.' BEWICK, JANE. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 452. Not reprinted. BEWICK, JOHN. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 453. Not reprinted. 274 BEWICK, ROBERT ELLIOT. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 454. Not reprinted. BEWICK, THOMAS. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 455-60. BEWICK, WILLIAM. 1885, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. iv., 460. BEWICK'S TAILPIECES. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 200-210 (194-204 in second ed.). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD, THE. 1885, Vicar of Wakefield, vol. i., xxii.-xxxix. BIBLIOTHECA MEADIANA, THE. 1895, Bibliographica, vol. i, 404-18. 1896, E. C. v., III., 29-50 [here called ' Dr. Mead's Library. 275 BOB TREVOR AND I. iS66, Beeton's Annual, 201-208 (203-30 in laler ed.). Not rep'-inted. BOITARD, LOUIS PETER. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. v., 314. Not reprinted. BOSWELL AND HIS EDITORS. 1888, Church Quarterly Review, Oct., 121-38. 1898, M., 109-143. 1899, P. of P., 137-72. After its first issue the title was enlarged to ' lioswell's Predecessors and Editors BOSWELL'S PREDECESSORS AND EDITORS, vide 'BOSWELL AND HIS EDITORS.' BRAMSTON, JAMES. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. vi., 207. Not reprinted. BUNBURY, HENRY WILLIAM. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. vii., 267-8. Not reprnited. 276 BURNING OF WHITEHALL, THE. 1899, P. of P., 335-6. This is an Appendix to the paper on ' Old Whitehall.' BYWAYS OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION. JACOB CATS. 1882, Magazine of Art, /^//y, 384-8. Not reprinted. CALAIS GATE. 1883, Magazine of Art, Oct., 50S-11. Not reprinted. CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. viii., 239-40. Not reprinted. CAMBRIDGE, RICHARD OWEN. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. viii., 276-7. Extended into the article, ' Cambridge, the Everything ' (/]. z.). 'CAMBRIDGE, THE EVERYTHING.' 1896, Temple Bar, May, 67-79. ,, E. C. v., HI., 179-205. 277 CANNING, ELIZABETH. 1886, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. viii., 418-20. Not reprinted. CAPTAIN CORAM'S CHARITY. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 44 (37 in second ed.). CHANGES AT CHARING CROSS. 1884, English Illustrated, April, 403-11. 1898, M., 220-38. 1899, r. of P., 233-52. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, PRINCESS. 1887, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. x., 120-3. Not reprinted. CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, THE. New York Christian Union. 1891, The Citizen of the World (Temple Library), vol. I., i\.-.\.\ix. 1892, E. C. v., I., 115-24 (108-17 ''1 second ed.). CLENNELL, LUKE. 1887, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xi., 35-7. 278 CODRINGTOX, CHRISTOPHER. 1887, Diet, of Xat. Biog., vol. xi., 203-4. Xot reprinted. CRAIG, WILLIAM MARSHALL. 1887, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xii., 451-2. Not reprinted. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. 1888, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xiii., 252-8. Not reprinted. CRUIKSHANK, ISA.\C. 1888, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xiii., 258-9. N'ot reprinted. CRUIKSHANK, IS.\.\C ROBERT. 1888, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xiii., 259-60. Not reprinted. DANIEL CHODOWTECKE. 1885, Magazine of Art, August, 402-8. 1894, E. C. v., II., 204-25 [here called 'The Berlin Hogarth']. 2 79 DANCE OF DEATH, THE. 1892, Holbein's Dance of Death, 1-7 (2nd ed., 5-21) Not reprinted. DAY AT STRAWBERRY HH.L, A. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 15S-66 (151-60 in second cd. ). DR. JOHNSON'S LIBRARY. 1892, Graphic, Ocl. 8, 422. 1894, E. C. V , n., 180-91, extended and printed under the title, 'Johnson's Library.' DR. MEAD'S LIBRARY, otV/c; ' BIBLIOTHECA RIEADIANA, THE.' DOYLE, JOHN. 1888, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xv., 413-4. Not reprinted. DOYLE, RICHARD. 1888, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol, xv., 415-7. Not reprinted. ZI 28o EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. 1892, Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, v.-xxi. Not reprinted ; for, contrary to what might have been expected, this is entirely different from the paper entitled, ' Field- ing's " Voyage to Lisbon " ' (infra). EDITOR'S PREFACE. 1887, Memoir of Ttiomas Bewick, 1SS7, ix.-xx. Not reprinted. ]:Nr7LisH enCtRaver in paris, an. 1897, Longman's, y///j', 242-51. 1898, M., 144-64. 1899, P. of P., I73-93- 'EXIT ROSCIUS.' 1895, Longman's, Oct., 590-602. 1896, E. C. v., III., 1-28. FEMALE QUIXOTE, THE. 1892, National Review, May, 312-17. „ E. C. v., I., 55-67. FIELDING, HENRY. 18S9, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. iv., 61 1-2. Partly a resume of the Life in ' English Men of Letters ' series. 2gl FIELDING'S LIBRARY, vide ' HENRY FIELDING.' FIELDING'S ' VOYAGE TO LISBON.' • New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 68-78 (61-71 in second ecL). FORGOTTEN BOOK OF TRAVEL, A. 1889, The Library, /rt;;;. , 1-8. 1892, E. C. v., I., 211-29 (205-22 in 2nd ed.). In the reprint the title is changed to ' \ German in England. FREDERICK LOCKER-LAMFSON. 1892, Poets of the Century : Kingsley to Thomson, 49-52. Not reprinted. GARRET IN GOUGH SQUARE, A. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 93-103 (86-96 in second ed.). GAY, JOHN. 1889, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. iv., 11 7-8. An abridgment of the ' Memoir' in Gay's Fables^ 1SS2. 2»2 GAV, JOHN. 1890, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxi., 83-90. GERMAN IN ENGLAND, K,vidc 'P^ORGOTTEN BOOK OF TRAVEL, A.' GILLRAY, JAMES. 1890, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxi., 374-7. Not reprinted. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. 1889, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. iv., 287-8. An abridgment of the Life in the ' Great Writers ' series. GOLDSMITH'S LIBRARY. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 167-75 (161-9 in second ed.). GOLDSMITH'S POEMS AND PLAYS, vide ' INTRODUCTION.' GOOD, THOMAS .SWORD. 1890, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxii., 112-3. 283 GRAY MEMORIAL, THE. 1885, Art Journal, Sept., 265. With two illustrations. Not reprinted. GRAY'S LIBRARY. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 136-146 (129-39 in second ed.). GROSLEY'S 'LONDRES.' 1896, Longman's, yiz;/., 244-56. „ E. C. v., IIL, 51-82. GRUB STREET OF THE ARTS, THE. 1899, National Review, Feb., 826-34. ,, P. of P., 293-314. HANWAY'S TRAVELS. 1892, Longman's, y>//j', 257-63. „ E. C. v., I., 79-92. HARVEY, WILLIAM. 1891, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxv., 99-100. 284 HENRY FIELDING. 1895, Bibliographica, vol. i, 163-73. 1896, E. C. v., III., 164-78 [here called 'Fielding's Library']. In Bibliographica this article is printed with another (on .Samuel Pepys, by H. B. Wheatley), under the heading, ' Two English Bookmen.' HOGARTH. 1888, English An, 1-12. HOGARTH, WILLIAM. 1881, Encyclopaedia Britannica, part 45, 47-50. Not reprinted. HOGARTH, WILLIAM. 1889, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. iv., 731-2. Epitomised from Mr. Dobson's other writings on this HOGARTH, WILLIAM. 1 89 1, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxvii., 83-97. HOGARTH'S HOUSE AND TOMB. 1882, INIagazine of Art, Dec, 70-4. Incorporated in the author's IVilliain Hogarth. 285 HOGARTH'S SIGISMUNDA. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 104-14 (97-107 in second ed.). HOGARTH'S TOUR. 1890, Fortnightly, August, 218-223. 1896, E. C. v., HI., 134-47 [!iere called ' The Adventures of Five Days']. HORACE WALPOLE'S PRINTING PRESS. 1889, The Library, OcL, 313-19. 1896, E. C. v., HI., 206-22 [here called 'The Olilcina Arbuteana']. HOUSE V/ITH A HISTORY, A. 1898, The Sketch, y////^ 22, 362. Not reprinted. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. 1881, Lang's The Library, 123-7S (2nd ed., 123-S7, a 'postscript' being added). Not reprinted. IN COWPER'S ARBOUR. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 176-88 (170-82 in second ed.). 286 IN LEICESTER FIELDS. 1886, English Illustrated, August, 718-26. 1897, E. C. v., I. (2nd ed.),' 255-86. 1898, M., 275-305. The title is altered to ' At Leicester Fields' in the reprints. INTRODUCTION. 1896, Austen's Emma, vii.-xvi. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1897, Austen's Mansfield Park, vii.-xv. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1897, Austen's Northanger Abbey, &c., vii.-xiv. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1895, Austen's Pride and Prejudice, vii.-xxvii. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1896, Austen's Sense and Sensibility, vii.-xvi. Not reprinted. \ 2S7 INTRODUCTION. 1894, Coridon's Song, vii.-xxiii. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1882, Eighteenth Century Essays, xi.-xxiii. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1889, Goldsmith's Poems and Plays, vol. I., ix.-xxix. 1898, M., 7-32. 1899, P. of P., 33.60. Reprinted under tiie title ' Goldsmith's Poems and Plays.' INTRODUCTION. 1887, Goldsmith's Selected Poems, 1-21. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1896, Hood's Haunted House, v. -xxiv. Not reprinted. 288 INTRODUCTION. 1S95, Memoirs of a Protestant, vol. i., v.-xxii. 1898, M., 306-25. 1899, P. of P., 315-34- Reprinted under the title ' iNIarteilhe's Memoirs.' INTRODUCTION. 18S9, Prior's Selected Poems, xi.-lxx. 1896, E. C. v., III., 223-69. Reprinted under the title ' Matthew Prior." INTRODUCTION. 1899, Reade's Peg WoJJiiigion, ix.-xlvi. Some matter in this introduction is taken from the article in The Magazine 0/ Art, April, 1085, entitled, ' Peg Woffington ' (q. v.). INTRODUCTION. 1883, Robinson Crusoe, v.-xiv. Not reprinted. INTRODUCTION. 1897, Spectator, vol. i., xv.-xxxi. Not reprinted. ' INTRODUCTION. 1885, Selections from Steele, xi.-xlviii. Not reprinted separately, but vide ' Steele ' in this section. 289 INTRODUCTION [to Goldsmilli's 'Citizen of the World'], vide 'CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, THE.' JACOB CATS, z/zVe ' BYWAYS OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, JACOB CATS.' JOHN GAY. 1880, Ward's English Poets, vol. iii., 145-7. JOHN GAY, vide ' MEMOIR.' JOHN HOOKHAM FRERE. 18S0, Ward's English Poets, vol. iv., 240. Not reprinted. JOHN NEWBERY. 1886, Saturday Review, y^;/. 23, 129. Not reprinted in its entirety, but much of the infonualion is intorpoKiled in llie aitiLle 'An Old London liooksellcr,' m E. C. v., I., 1892. {Vide Preface to that book.) JOHNSON'S HOUSES. 1894, Illustrated London News, Alanh 10, 295. Not reprinted. 2A 290 JOHNSON'S LIBRARY, vide ' DR. JOHNSON'S LIBRARY.' JOURNAL TO STELLA, THE. 1893, Longman's, May, 30-9. 1894, E. C. v., II., 1-21. KAUFFMAN, or KAUFFMANN, ANGELICA. 1882, Encyclopaedia Brilannica, part 53, 16. Not reprinted. KEENE, CHARLES SAMUEL. 1892, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xx.\., 302-3. Not reprinted. LADY MARY COKE. 1894, E. C. v., II., 226-62 (printed here for first lime). LATEST LIFE OF STEELE, THE. 1889, Contemporary Review, Oct., SOj-lS- 1898, M., 57-86. 1899, P. of P., 85-114. 291 "LE STYLE C'EST L'lIOMME." (A Letter.) 1899, Spectator, y/Wi? 24, 913. 1899, ,, J"ly 8, 51. (A Second Letter.) Neither reprinted. LEECH, JOHN. 1892, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xxxii., 38S-91. Not reprinted. LITERARY RAMBLE, A. 1886, Century, y////c, 175-186. Never reprinted. LITTLE BASSION, THE. 1894, Durer's Little Passion, 5-13. Not reprinted. "LITTLE ROUBILLAC." 1894, Maijazine of Art, April ^wiS. May, 202-5 and 231-4. E. C. v., II., 77-99. LUTTRELL'S 'LETTERS TO JULIA.' 1898, M., 203-19. 1899, P. of P., 216-32. 2AI 292 MADAME DE GENLIS. 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. xi., llio. 78 (C^'.), 312-17; vol. xi., No. 79 {JVoz>.), 343-9; vol. xi.. No. 80 (Ddc), 375-80. 1890, F. F., 107-207. MADAME ROLAND. 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. xi., No. 71 (Alarcli), 71-7. 1890, F. F., 31-59. MADEMOISELLE DE CORDAY. 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. xi.. No. 69 (Jan.), 8-13. 1890, F. F., 1-27. " ^L\RRIAGE A LA MODE," PI. V. 1880, Notes and Queries, April 3, 270. Not reprinted. MARTEILHE'S ' MEMOIRS,' vide ' INTRODUCTION.' MARY LEPEL, LADY HERVEY. 1896, Ix)ngman's, Sept., 452-66. E". C. v., III., 293-323. 293 MATTHEW GREEN. 1880, Ward's English Poets, vol. iii., 194-6. Not reprinted. MATTHEW PRIOR. 1880, Ward's English Poets, vol. iii., 17-19. MATTHEW PRIOR, vid& ' INTRODUCTION.' MEMOIR. 1882, Gay's Fables, xi.-x.xxix. 1898, M., 239-74. 1899, P. of P., 253-92. Reprinted under the title ' John Gay.' NESBIT, CHARLTON. 1894, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xl., 223-4. NEW CHESTERFIELD, TPIE. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 147-57 (140-50 in second ed.). 294 NEW HOGARTH AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY, THE. 1892, Illustrated London News,y«/j' 2, 14. Not reprinted. NIVERNAIS IN ENGLAND. 1894, Longman's, y^;/. , 297-310. ,, E. C. v., II., 100-130. NORMANTON HOGARTH, THE. 1882, Magazine of Art, Sept., 441-3. Not reprinted. NOTE ON SOME FOREIGN FORMS OF VERSE, A. 1878, Latter-Day Lyrics, 333-49. Not reprinted. OFFICINA ARBUTEANA, vide ' HORACE WALPOLE'S PRINTING PRESS.' OLD LONDON BOOKSELLER, AN. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 125-35 (118-28 in second ed.). 295 OLD VAUXHALL GARDENS. 1889, Scribner's, Feb., 185-199. 1892, E. C. v., I., 230-61. OLD WHITEHALL, vide 'BANQUETING HOUSE AND OLD WHITEHALL.' PALADIN OF PHILANTHROPY, A. 1899, Longman's, yiz^., 253-67. „ P. of P., 1-32. PEG WOFFINGTON. 1885, Magazine of Art, April, 256-9. Not reprinted intact, but parts of it incorporated in the Introduction to Readc's Peg IVoJfllngton, 1899. «' POLLY HONEYCOMBE." 1895, National \<.Q\ncw,Jitly, 623-31. 1S96, E. C. v., HI., 83-103. PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH. 1 89 1, Chambers' Encyclopoedia, vol. viii., 375. Not reprinted. 296 PREFACE. 1887, Caldecott's Pictures and Songs, 9-10 (not numbered). Not reprinted. PREFACE. 1882, Selections from Heriick, i.-vi. Not reprinted. PREFACE. 1883, Vicar of Wakefield, v.-ix. Not reprinted. PREFACE. 1885, Vicar of Wakefield , vol. i., vii.-xxi. Not reprinted. PREFACE [to Vicar of Wakefield, 1890], vide 'VICAR OF WAKEFIELD AND ITS ILLUSTRA- TORS, THE.' PRINCESS DE LAMBALLE, THE. 1866, Englishwoman's Domestic, vol. xi.. No. 74 (Jitiu), 182-5 ! '^^- 75 {J"b')> 203-8. 1890, F. F., 61-104. 297 PRIOR, MATTPIEW. 1891, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. viii., 415-6. Abridged from the author's ' Introduction ' to Prior's Selected Poems, iSSg. PRIOR, MATTHEW, 1896, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xlvi., 397-401. PRIOR'S 'KITTY.' New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 19-30 (11-23 iri second ed.). PRISONERS' CHAPLAIN, THE, vide ' SILAS TOLD : MARINER AND METHODIST.' PROLEGOMENA. 1884, Beaumarchais' Le Barliier do Seville 1-51. Not reprinted. PUCKLE'S CLUI^. 1896, Bibliographica, vol. ii., 407-21. 1896, E. C. v., IIL, 270-92. PUPILS OF THOMAS BEWICK, THE. 1883, Century, Oct., 876-S8. 1884, Thomas Bewick and his Pupils, 171-221. 298 QUAKER OF ART, THE. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 189-99 (183-93 in second ed.). RAMSAY, ALLAN. 1896, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xlvii., 233-4. RANELAGII, vide ' RANELAGII GARDENS.' RANELAGH GARDENS. 1893, English Illustrated, Oct., 33-9. 1894, E. C. v., II., 263-83, under the title ' Ranelagh. RICHARDSON AT HOME. 1893, Scribner's, Sept., 375-83- 1894, E. C. v., II., 50-76. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. 1 891, Chambers' Encyclopedia, vol. viii., 70S-9. Not reprinted. RIVAL OF REYNOLDS, A. 1895, Magazine of Art, June, 309-13. 1896, E. C. v., III., 148-163. 299 ROUBILIAC or ROUBILLAC, LOUIS FRANCOIS. 1897, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xlix., 310-2. ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. 1S97, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. xlix., 357-9. Not reprinted. SAILORS OF SMOLLETT, THE (FIRST TAPER). 1872, Nautieal Magazine, Feb., iii-S. Never reprinted, and apparently never continued. SILAS TOLD : MARINER AND METHODIST. 1893, Temple Bar, March, 363-71. 1894, E. C. v., II., 161-79, under the title 'The Prisoners' Chaplain.' SOME PORTRAITS OF HOGARTH. 1884, Magazine of Art, Nov., 40-4. Not reprinted. SPENCE'S 'ANECDOTES.' New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 31-43 (24-36 in second ed.). 300 STEELE, SIR RICHARD. 1898, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. liv., 130-7. Not reprinted. It is, in fact, largely drawn from Mr. Dobson's previous writings on Steele, vuic Steele, Pt. I., sec. ii. ; Steele, Pt. I., sec. iv. ; Latest Life of Steele, present section. STEELE'S LETTERS. New York Christian Union. 1892, E. C. v., I., 9-1S (l-io in second ed.). TAUNTON BUST OF FIELDING, THE. 1883, Magazine of Art, /it/y, 371-4. Not reprinted. THOMAS BEWICK. 1882, Century, Sept., 643-66. 1884, Thomas Bewick and his Pupils, 1-170. THOMAS S. GOOD. 1S88, English Art, 118-20. TIIOS. GENT, PRINTER. 1896, Longman's, April, 572-85. „ E. C. v., HI., 104-33. 30I TOPOGRAPHY OF HUMPHRY CLINKER. 1893, Longman's, Augiist, 370-83. 1894, E. c. v., n., 131-60, TOUR OF COVENT GARDEN, THE. 1884, English Illustrated, Sept., 721-32. 1896, E. C. v., III., 324-46. TWO ENGLISH BOOKMEN, t'zafe ' HENRY FIELDING.' TWO OLD LONDON MARKETS. 1883, Magazine of Art, March, 216-18. Not reprinted. TWO PAYNES, THE. 1894, Studio, Feb., 155-8. ,, E. C. v., II., 192-203. VICAR OF WAKEFIELD AND ITS ILLUSTRATORS, THE. 1890, English Illustrated, Oct., 18-27. ,, Vicar of Wakefield, Preface, vii.-xxi. 1898, M., 165-82. 2B 30 2 WALPOLE, HORATIO or HORACE. 1899, Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. lix., 170-6. Largely abridged from the author's Horace W'alpolcy 1893 WILLIAM CONGREVE. 1S80, Ward's English Poets, vol. iii., 10- 11. Not reprinted. W'lLLIAM LISLE BOWLES. 1S80, Ward's English Poets, vol. iv., 99. Not reprinted. WINTMROP MACKWORTII PRAED. 1891, Poets of the Century : Keats to Lytton, 425-30. Note. — The compiler rej^tr/.s that he lias been iiuuble loi^n'e the refereuees for those articles 7uhich appeared in '■'■The Nciu York Christian Union'' (and were subsequently reprinted in the first series of Eighteenth Century Vignettes), as he has been unsuccessful in obtaininj^ files of that paper ^ cither here or in America. QStfifiogtapP^ of dtluefin ©oBe^on* V. INDEX OF BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. • 2 B I PART V. Index of Books included in Parts i. and ii. ; and of Periodicals included in Part iii. Alma Mater's Mirror, 8i. Among my Books, 97. Antiquary, The, 141, 142. Architect, The, 135. At the Sign of the Lyre, 9, 112. At the Sign of the Lyre {American ed.), 9. Athenaeum, The, 143, 144, 147, 151. Auld Lang Syne, 72. Austen's Emma, 60. Austen's Mansfield Park, 61. 3o6 Austen's Northanger Abbey, &c., 62. Austen's Pride and Prejudice, 59. Austen's Sense and Sensibility, 59. Ballades and Rondeaus, 83. Ballads of Books, 82. Beau Brocade, Ballad of, 13, 113. Beaumarchais, 47. Beeton's Annual, 67. Belgravia, [34, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144. Bewick and his Pupils, 26, 112. Bewick, Memoir of, 48. Bibliographica, 95. Blackwood's Magazine, 138. Book of Drawings, A, 89. Book Song, 92. Captain Castagnette, 41. Century Magazine, The, 145, 146, 147, 157, 15S, 159. Century Guild Hobby Horse, The, 150. 3°? Chambers' Encyclopedia, 87. Children of the Poets, 84. Church Quarterly, The, 160. Collected Poems, 19, 114. Comic Poets of tlie Nineteenth Century, 71. Contemporary Review, The, 160. Cornhill Magazine, The, 134, 137, 139, 141, 142. Coridon's Song, 57. Dictionary of National Biography, 78. Durer's Little Passion, 56. Eighteenth Century Essays, 44. Eighteenth Century Vignettes, i-, 33, 113. >> )) J) ^^-i 35» ^ ^ 3- » „ „ HI., 37, 114. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 77. English Art, 86. English Illustrated Magazine, The, 146, 158, 159, 161, 162. English Literature, Handbook of, 23, iii. 3oS English Verse, 105. Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 118, 119, 155, 156. Evening Hours, 124, 130, 133, 134, 135. Fielding (English Men of Letters), 25, 112. Fielding's Voyage to Lisbon, 55. Fortnightly Review, The, 160. Four Frenchwomen, 28, 113. Four Private Libraries of New York, 107. Garland of Rachel, The, 75. Gay's Fables, 43. Gentleman's Magazine, The, 136, 138. Gilder's Representative Poems of Living Poets, 81. Goldsmith (Great Writers), 27, 112. Goldsmith's Citizen of the World, 53. Goldsmith's Poems and Plays, 50. Goldsmith's Poetical Works (Aldine Poets), 58. Goldsmith's Selected Poems, 49. Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer, 85. 309 Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield (Cranford edition), 52. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield (Facsimile of first ed.), 48. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield (Parchment Library), 45. Good Words, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136. Gosse's Catalogue, 91. Gosse's Critical Kit-Cats, 95. Graphic, The, 127, 161. Graphic Portfolio, 71. Hamilton's Parodies, 106. Harper's Magazine, 137, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 151. Herrick, Selections from, 43. Hood's Comic Annual, 132, 135, 137, 141. Hood's Haunted House, 61. Hogarth (Great Artists), 24, iii. Hogarth (William), 32, 113. Hogarth's Works, 69. Holbein's Dance of Death, 55. Illustrated London News, The, 161, 163. 3IO Lang's Ballades and Verses Vain, 104. Lang's Ballades in Blue China, iot, to3. Lang's Library, 75. Lang's Theocritus, 99. Library, The, 149, 150, 160. Latter-day Lyrics, 72. Lippincott's Magazine, 148. Literature, 151, 165. Living English Poets, 77. Locker's London Lyrics, 103. Locker's Patchwork, 100. London Garland, A, loS. London in Song, 98. London Magazine, 131. London Society, 134. Longman's Magazine, 144, 148, 151, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166. Lyric Love, 90. Macmillan's Magazine, 120, 122. Magazine of Art, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 157, 158, 159, 163. 311 Marlborough College Prolusiones, 149. Memoirs of a Protestant, 58. Miles' Poets of the Century, jo6. Miscellanies, 114. Muses of Mayfair, The, 70. National Review, The, 161, 164, 166. Nautical Magazine, The, 120, 124, 156. New Friendship's Garland, A, 98. Notes and Queries, 142, 157. Old World Idylls, 7, 112. Old AVorld Lyrics, 93. Omar Khayyam Club, Verses at the, 18, 114. Pageant, The, 96. Paladin of Philanthropy, A, 114. Poems of the Love and Pride of England, 97. Poems on Several Occasions, 16, 112, 113. Poems on Several Occasions (American ed.), 12, 112. 312 Pope Centenary Catalogue, 85. Postscript to Retaliation, 114. Prior's Poems, 49. Proverbs in Porcelain, 4, iii. Proverbs in Porcelain (illustrated ed.), 15, 113- Quiet Life, The, 88. Remington's Annual, 88. Robinson Crusoe, 46. Rosina, Story of, 16, 113. St. James' Magazine, 136, 142. St. Paul's Magazine, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 128. Saintsbury's Essays, 89. Saturday Journal, 128, 129, 130, 131. Saturday Review, 146. Scribner's Magazine, 139, 140, 148, 149, 150, 159, 160, 162, 163. Selected Poems, 13, 113. Sketch, The, 166. 313 Songs of Adieu, 94. Songs of Society, 73. Sonnets of this Century, 79. Sonnets of Three Centuries, 104. Spectator, The (Original), 62. Spectator, The, f3i, 132, 134, 136, 138, 166. Spence's Geography, 68. Steele (Enghsh Worthies), 27, 112. Steele, Selections from, 47. Studio, The, 163. Sun-dial, The, 12, 1 13. Temple Bar, 118, 151, 162, 164. Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, loi. Under the Crown, 121. Unwin's Annual, 80. Victoria Magazine, 123. Vignettes in Rhyme, 3, iii. 2C 314 Vignettes in Rhyme (American ed.), 6, 112. Voluntaries, 82. Walnuts and Wine, 104. Walpole, Horace, 30, 113. Walton's Lives, 63. Ward's English Poets, 74. When Spring comes Laughing, 20. White's History of England, 42. Yellow Book, The, 94. (^iBftograp^^ of Mmtin ©oBaon* VI. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 2CI PART VI. * Index of First Lines of Poems, with cross references to the Titles of same contained in Part IV., Section i. * JF/ien there is no cross reference given, the First Line itself will be found in the Title Alphabet. About the ending of the Ramadan.— L'ENVOI. Above my mantleshelf there stands.— HOLOCAUST, THE. Across my neighbour's waste of whins. — IN THE PORCH. Across the grass I see her pass.— MILKMAID, THE. Across the noisy street. — BALLAD OF THE THRUSH, THE. A doughty knight was Hue le Beau. — PEACOCK ON THE WALL, THE. A gondolier stood at a gondola door. — SERENADE, THE. " Ah, judge her gently, who so grandly erred." "Ah me, but it might have been!"— ON A NANKIN PLATE. 3i8 Ah, Poslumus, we all must go : — LEGACY, A. ' Ah, reader, ere you turn the page.' Ah, yes, that " drop of human blood !"— LOST ELIXIR, THE. A little more toward the light.— GROWING GREY. All night through Daisy's sleep it seems.— DAISY'S VALENTINES. Among my best I put your Book.— TO A PASTORAL POET. "And you went once with myrtle crowned !" — JESSAMY BRIDE, THE. " Apollo made one April day." "A Sabine farm !" Ah, would I knew. — " SABINE FARM, A." A small brisk woman, capped with many a bow ; — MY LANDLADY. Assume that we are friends. Assume. — PROLOGUE [to ' Proverbs in Porcelain ']. As to the pipe with rhythmic feet. — DIZAIN. As you sit there at your ease.— UN E MARQUISE. At last we are free,— STRAY NOTES OF A HONEYMOON. " At the Sign of the Lyre." " At your pleasure here I hold." Baron, you doze.— IN THE BOUDOIR. Because you passed, and now are not. — BALLAD OF HEROES. Before me careless lying, — ^MADRIGAL, A. Before mine eyes.— PURSUIT OF PLEASURE, THE. Before thy doors too long of late,— EXTREMUM TANAIN. Behind thy pasteboard, on thy battered hack,— DON QUIXOTE. 319 Be seated, pray, "A grave appeal ?"— VIRTUOSO, A. Beside the stream at eventide.— MATILDA, A TRAGEDY. Between the berried holly-bush.— LOVE IN WINTER. Between the rail of woven brass,— TWO SERMONS. Blooming as a rose, — KITTY. Blow, blow, Etesian gale.— " FAIR." " ' Book against book.' ' Agreed,' I said " : '' Books, books again, and books once miM"e ! " Brown Books of mine, who never yet. — FINAL WORD, A : The Collector to his Library. But once or twice we met, touched hands. —GREETING, A. "Buy— who'll buy.?" In the market-place.— WATER OF GOLD, THE. " By Goldsmith's tomb the city's cry." Cardenio's fortunes ne'er miscarried. — W.VTER-CURE, THE. Charles— for it seems you wish to know, — GACjIC D'AMOUR, A. Chicken-skin, open-work, white,— ON A FAN THAT BELONG I'M) TO THE MARQUISE DE POMPADOUR. Chips: Chips!— CHIPS. Come hither, ye gallants.— NEW SONG OF SPRING GARDENS, A. Come, Laura, patience. Time an