UC-NRLF *B 33S SbS x^NV'^\"S>:^«;v'$\\\\'?^\\\KC-A;>^>^"i' FOR OFFICERS OF THE UNION CLUB FOR 1886. John Lowell. Charles R. Codman J. Orne Green Edward D. Hayden William Bliss. §xuctox^: Hugh Cochrane Robert C. Heaton Frederic Dexter Thomas L. Livermore Merriweather H. Griffith John T. Wheelwright Herbert L. Harding Henry Whitman. Wxtunxtt: William Simes. Henry W. Swift. COMMITTEE Henry Lee Henry P. Bowditch George B. Chase Charles Devens Alfred D. Foster Charles C. Jackson George P. King OJ^ ELECTIONS: Caleb Wm. Loring Henry Parkman Edward B. Robins Daniel Sargent S. Lothrop Thorndike Henry Van Brunt Roger Wolcott. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CERF LIBRARY PRESENTED BY REBECCA CERF '02 IN THE NAMES OF CHARLOTTE CERF '95 MARCEL E. CERF '97 BARRY CERF '02 # # Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/constitutionbylaOOuniorich THE CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS AND HOUSE RULES UNION CLUB OF BOSTON WITH A LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS July 1885. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Union Club as printed in this edition are the same as in the edition of 1883, which was verified and corrected by comparison with the original records. HENRY W. SWIFT, Secretary, July, 1885. VX'-V'^*' I5(^VS INDEX. PAGE Preamble 5 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Name 7 II. Members 7 III. Property 8 IV. Government 8 BY-LAWS. I. Executive Committee 10 II. Meetings of Executive Committee 11 III. Treasurer 11 IV. Secretary 12 V. Election of Members 13 VI. Non-resident Members 14 VII. Army and Navy Members 15 VIII. Resignations 16 IX. Forfeiture of Membership 16 X. Strangers 17 XI. Assessments 18 XII. Meetings of the Club 19 IV1570720 4 INDEX ARTICLE PAGE XIII. Proxies 20 XIV. Annual Meetinc; 20 XV. Special Meetings 21 XVI. Nominations and Elections 21 XVII. House open 22 XVIII. Servants 22 XIX. Payment of Dues 22 XX. Injury to Club Property 23 XXI. Amendments of Constitution and By-Laws .... 23 HOUSE RULES. I. Hours of Opening and Closing 25 II. Books and Pamphlets 25 HI. Smoking 25 IV. Dogs 26 V. Games 26 VI. Complaints 26 VII. Dining-room * . 26 LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. Former Presidents, Treasurers and Secretaries 29 Executive Committee 30 Committee on Elections 31 Resident Members 32 Non-resident Members 52 Army and Navy Members 55 PREAMBLE. niHE Union- Club of Boston was founded in the year i86j JL for " the encouragement and dissemination of patriotic sentiment and opinion^^'' and the condition of membership was " unqualified loyalty to the Constitution a?id the Union of the United States, and unwavering support of the Federal Govern- ment in efforts for the suppression of the Rebellion ^ Its organization is continued to promote social intercourse and to afford the conveniences of a Club House. CONSTITUTION. NAME. This Club shall be called the Union Club of Boston. II. MEMBERS. Any person duly elected a member shall, upon sign- ing an agreement to observe the Constitution and By- Laws, and paying his entrance-fee and the annual assessment, or, if elected after the first day of July in any year, the entrance-fee and half of the annual as- sessment, become thenceforth entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership, provided such acts shall be performed within three months from the date of such election. Persons elected members of the Club during the month of December in any year shall not be required to pay any assessment for that year. The number of members of the Club, resident and non- resident, shall not be increased by election so as to exceed five hundred at any one time. 8 CONSTITUTION III. PROPERTY. The title to the real estate held for the use and benefit of the Club shall remain in the Trustees to whom the same was conveyed by deed dated Feb. i, 1868, and recorded in Suffolk Registry of Deeds, Lib. 919, Fol. 148, for the uses and purposes set forth in their Declaration of Trust recorded in the said Reg- istry with the deed aforesaid. The legal title and ownership of all the other property, effects, and assets of the Club shall be in the Executive Committee for the time being, in trust for the benefit and enjoyment of the members. IV. GOVERNMENT. The officers of the Club shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, eight Directors, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, who shall constitute the Executive Commit- tee of the Club. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting in December, and shall hold office for one year from the first day of January following, and until their successors shall have been chosen and shall have accepted office. The President, or in his absence the Senior Vice-President in the order of election, shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Execu- tive Committee ; and, if the President and all the Vice- CONSTITUTION 9 Presidents shall be absent, a chairman shall be chosen by vote. If the office of the President or of the Treasurer shall become vacant, the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the Club to fill such vacancy. If any other vacancy shall occur, the Executive Com- mittee may fill the same. BY-LAWS. I. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall have the manage- ment and control of the Club and of its property, and shall exercise a general superintendence of its interests and affairs. They may make or authorize all necessary contracts, but shall have no power to make the Club liable for any debt beyond the amount of money which shall, at the time of contracting such debt, be in the Treasurer's hands, and not needed for the discharge of prior debts or liabilities. They shall have power to make such regulations and rules for the domestic and internal economy, comfort, and success of the estab- lishment as they shall think proper; and, generally, to do all things which may be necessary for the proper management of its concerns. They shall appoint from their number a House Com- mittee of five, who shall control the expenses and charges of the Club, regulate prices, receive and re- dress complaints, and have the immediate charge and B Y-LA WS 1 1 superintendence of the Club, subject, however, at all times, to the direction of the Executive Committee. The House Committee shall have power, subject al- ways to the control of the Executive Committee, to engage and discharge the servants of the Club, to make necessary purchases and sales, and to enforce the pres- ervation of order, and obedience to the Constitution and By-Laws. 11. MEETINGS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee, of which five shall be a quorum, shall hold stated meetings during the first week of every month, — July, August, and September excepted, — for the transaction of business ; and special meetings may be called by the Secretary, on request of the President or any Vice-President, or of any two Directors, upon notice, printed or written, to be given to each member at least twenty-four hours before the time appointed for such meeting. The House Committee shall hold meetings on Mon- day evening of each week, at eight o'clock. HI. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and custody of the funds of the Club, and their disburse- ment under the direction of the House Committee. He shall keep the accounts of the Club in books belonging 12 B Y-LA WS to it, and shall exhibit his account at the Annual Meet- ing, and shall present a copy thereof to such auditors as shall be appointed by the Club to examine it, who shall make their report thereon to the Executive Com- mittee at their next stated monthly meeting, or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be ; and, if the same shall be approved by the Committee, such account shall be deemed thenceforth conclusively settled. If it be not approved, the same shall be submitted to the Club at any subsequent stated meeting, or special meet- ing called to act thereupon. His books shall be at all times open to the inspection of any member of the Executive Committee ; and he may be removed by the Club or the Committee, at any time, for refusal to exhibit them, or for any misconduct in the affairs of his office. The Committee may authorize him to employ such assistance as it shall think proper, at the expense of the Club, in the keeping of his books and preparing of his accounts and reports. He shall be exempted from payment of the annual assessment. IV. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the meetings of the Club, and of the proceedings of the Executive Committee, and of the Committee on Elections ; and shall have the custody of all the documents of the Club, shall conduct its correspondence, and have the superin- BY-LAWS 13 tendence of its library, magazines, and newspapers. He shall be exempted from payment of the annual assessment. V. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. There shall be a Committee on Elections, consisting of the Secretary and fourteen other members of the Club, who shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting, and any vacancy in whose number may be filled by the Committee. Meetings of the Committee shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Satur- day of every month, except July, August, and Sep- tember. Whenever any person shall be proposed for member- ship, written application must be made by a member of the Club to the Committee on Elections, subscribed by him, setting forth the name and place of residence of the person proposed, and the date of such proposal. If a majority of the Committee shall deem him a suitable person for membership, they shall cause his name to be placed on the notice-board, as a candidate for admission, for the space of ten days. All elections shall be by secret ballot : thirty votes shall be necessary to constitute a ballot on each nomi- nation ; and one-fifth part of the votes being in the neg- ative shall constitute a rejection. The ballot-box shall be kept in the custody of the clerk at the office. Printed or written lists of the candidates to be balloted for shall be placed in the hands of the clerk, for the 14 B Y-LA WS use of the members ; which ballots may be deposited in the box at any time after the nomination, until the ballot shall be closed. Each member may write Yes or No against any names on his ballot ; and his vote shall not be counted for or against any candidate not thus marked. The balloting shall be closed at seven o'clock of the evening of the tenth day thereof, and the votes shall be counted by two members of the Execu- tive Committee, who shall report the result of the election to the Committee on Elections, and the Secre- tary shall enter the same on the records of the Club, and shall post on the notice-board a list of the candi- dates elected. No one but the Committee who count the votes, the Secretary, and the clerk shall, on any account, see the list of members who have so voted. No candidate who shall have been rejected shall be again proposed within six months. VI. « NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Persons who do not reside within forty miles of Bos- ton, and have no place of business there, may be ad- mitted to membership in the Club upon payment of half the rates of entrance-fees and annual assessments ; provided that it shall be set forth, in the application to the Committee on Elections for the nomination of a non-resident candidate, that he belongs to such class ; and provided also that, when any non-resident member shall cease to belong to that class, by residing within BY-LAWS 15 forty miles of Boston or having a place of business there, he shall thereupon be liable to pay the residue of the entrance-fee, and, thereafter, to pay full annual as- sessments. Non-resident members shall have all the rights and privileges of resident members, except that, in the event of a dissolution of the Club, the interest of a non-resident member in its property and assets shall be a. half share only. After Oct. i, 1883, there shall be no further election of non-resident members under this By-Law. VII. ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. Any officer of the Army or Navy of the United States on duty within the New England States may be admitted to the use of the Club, in the manner pro- vided for the election of members, upon his paying half the annual assessment, which shall entitle him to the privileges of membership for six months, and a like sum in advance for each additional term of six months, or part thereof, during which he shall so remain on duty and continue to use the Club ; and he will be assessed at the beginning of each term of six months, unless he shall have previously given notice to the Treasurer of his intention to discontinue using the Club ; but he shall not have the right of voting, and, in the event of the dissolution of the Club, he shall have no interest in its property. l6 BY-LAWS VIIL RESIGNATIONS. All resignations shall be made in writing, addressed to the Executive Committee, on or before the thirty- first day of December ; and any resignation made sub- sequently thereto shall not discharge the member pre- senting it from his assessment for the ensuing year. Such resignation shall operate as an assignment and release to the Executive Committee, as Trustees of the Club^ of all the right, title, and interest of such member in and to the property and assets of the Club. IX. FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP. Any three members may present to the Executive Committee written charges subscribed by themselves against any other member ; and, if it shall appear to the Executive Committee on inquiry, after notice to the member so charged and an opportunity given him to be heard in his defence, that his conduct has en- dangered or is likely to endanger the good order, wel- fare, or character of the Club, or is at variance with the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws, the Executive Committee may, by vote of two-thirds of its members, suspend such member, or declare his mem- bership forfeited. The member thus suspended or expelled shall have the right, within one month after BY-LAWS 17 receiving notification of such action, to appeal to the members of the Club. The President, or, in case of his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, shall thereupon call a special meeting of the Club, to be held within one month after he is notified of such appeal. If two- thirds of the members present at such meeting shall by secret ballot reverse the action of the Executive Committee, the appellant shall be restored to member- ship ; but, until such reversal, he shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of a member. A forfeiture shall operate to vest in the Executive Committee, as Trustees of the Club, all the right, title, and interest of such expelled member in and to the property and assets thereof. X. STRANGERS. All persons not members of the Club, who reside forty miles or more beyond the limits of the city of Boston and have no place of business therein, shall be deemed strangers. The Executive Committee may, by vote, extend the privileges of the House to any stranger during his visit to the city, and any member of the Committee may, at the written request of any member of the Club, issue a written invitation to any stranger, conferring such privileges for not more than one month ; but no such invitation shall be issued to a stranger who has re- ceived a similar invitation within three months, unless 1 8 BY-LAWS by a vote of either the Executive Committee or House Committee. Any member may introduce a stranger into the Club House for one day only, but such introduction shall not confer a right of entrance except on that day. Other persons not members may be introduced into the House not oftener than once in three months, unless to an entertainment given by a member in a private room. The member introducing or requesting an invitation for any person not a member shall register, in a book to be kept in the office of the Club for that purpose, his name and residence and the date of the introduc- tion or request, and shall add thereto his own name ; but this provision for registration shall not apply to a person introduced into a private room. No guest shall have the right to bring any person into the House ; and it shall be in the power of either the Executive Committee or House Committee to exclude any person not a member, whenever they may consider it advisable to do so. XL ASSESSMENTS. To defray the current ordinary expenses of the Club, and to provide for the payment of the certificates of indebtedness issued for the purchase of the Club House, there shall be an entrance-fee of one hundred BY-LAWS IQ dollars paid by each new member, and an annual as- sessment of fifty dollars paid by each member. The annual assessment shall be payable on the first day of January, of which written or printed notice shall be given by the Treasurer to each member, through the post-office, on or before that day ; and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to report the names of all mem- bers delinquent on the first day of March to the Execu- tive Committee at their next monthly meeting for such action thereon as they may deem expedient ; and the Committee may declare the membership of any such delinquent member forfeited. XII. MEETINGS OF THE CLUB. The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be holden on the third Saturday of December, at eight o'clock P.M., for the choice of officers, and all other business that may be brought before it. Notices of meetings shall be posted on the notice-board by the Secretary for at least ten days before the times assigned for them re- spectively ; and written or printed notice of the Annual Meeting, addressed to each member, shall be deposited in the post-office at least ten days before the time thereof. At any meeting of the Club for an alteration of the Constitution or By-Laws, or for action on an appeal from a decision of the Executive Committee suspend- ing or expelling a member, sixty members shall con- 20 B Y-LA WS stitute a quorum ; for the transaction of any other business, thirty members shall be a quorum. At all meetings, discussions shall be limited to mat- ters affecting the interests of the Club ; and it shall never be called upon or permitted to act, in its official or associate capacity as a club, upon any political ques- tion or subject. No stranger or visitor shall be present at any meeting. XIII. PROXIES. Voting by proxy shall be allowed in the transaction of any business of the Club, except in elections and on appeals from the action of the Executive Committee. XIV, ANNUAL MEETING. At the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee, Treasurer, and Secretary shall make full reports of their proceedings for the past year, and recommend such measures as they deem advisable. The order of business shall be as follows : — 1. Reading the minutes of the preceding meeting. 2. Report of the Executive Committee. 3. Report of the Treasurer, and appointment of Auditors. BY-LAWS 21 4. Report of the Secretary. 5. Election of officers for the ensuing year. 6. Any further business regularly before the meeting. Provided, however, that the order may be changed by a vote of the majority of those present. XV. SPECIAL MEETINGS. A special meeting shall be called whenever the Exec- utive Committee shall consider one expedient, or when- ever twenty-five members not of the Committee shall, in writing, setting forth the purpose thereof, request the President or any Vice-President to call one ; and notice of any such meeting shall be posted on the notice-board for at least ten days before the time as- signed therefor, setting forth the matter intended to be acted upon ; and no business other than that speci- fied in the notice shall be acted upon at such special meeting. XVI. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS. A meeting of the Club shall be held on the third Saturday of October in each year, at eight o'clock P.M., when a committee of seven members shall be chosen to nominate candidates for office for the ensuing year. The Committee shall make their report to the Secre- 22 BY-LAWS tary on or before the third Saturday of the following month, and he shall cause a printed list of the candi- dates nominated to be placed upon the notice-board at least ten days before the Annual Meeting. All elections of officers shall be by ballot, unless otherwise ordered by two-thirds of the members pres- ent ; and a plurality of votes shall constitute an elec- tion. XVII. HOUSE OPEN. The House shall be open for the reception of mem- bers every day, under such rules and regulations as the Executive Committee may prescribe. XVIII. SERVANTS. No member or visitor shall give any money or gra- tuity to any servant of the Club ; and no servant shall be employed by any member on any business of his own, out of the Club House, without permission of the superintendent or clerk. XIX. PAYMENT OF DUES. All indebtedness of members to the Club, other than for assessments, shall be paid on or before the first day of every month. And if, at the expiration of the four- BY-LAWS 23 teenth day of any month, any member shall not have paid his dues to the Club for the preceding month, he shall receive no further credit until such dues are paid. It shall be the duty of the clerk, upon the fifteenth day of each month, to post in some conspicuous place in the Club House the names of all members whose dues are then unpaid, together with the amount due from each member, there to remain until the same are paid. The Executive Committee may at any meeting declare forfeited the membership of any member whose name and the amount due from him having been posted as aforesaid shall have remained posted forty-five days, provided such amount or some part thereof shall re- main unpaid at the time of such meeting. XX. INJURY TO CLUB PROPERTY. Any destruction of the property of the Club, or in- jury to it, shall be paid for by the member who shall have caused the same ; and the amount to be paid shall be determined by the House Committee. XXI. AMENDMENTS OF CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Alterations of the Constitution and By-Laws may be made at the Annual Meeting, or at the regular October meeting, provided written notice of the proposed alter- ation shall have been given to the Secretary, and a 24 BY-LAWS copy thereof filed with him, and posted by him on the notice-board for at least ten days before the meeting. They may also be made at any special meeting called for the purpose, and notified in the manner directed in Article XV. In either case, the assent of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary. HOUSE RULES PRESCRIBED BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. I. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. The House shall be open for the reception of mem- bers every day from eight A.M. until half-past one A.M., except on Sunday, when the House shall be closed at midnight. The dining-room shall be open for meals to be served, daily, from eight A.M. until midnight. II. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. No person shall take from the Club House any book, pamphlet, newspaper, or other article belonging to the Club, or mutilate or destroy the same. III. SMOKING. Smoking is prohibited in the dining-room, and in the smaller front drawing-room. 26 HOUSE RULES Pipe-smoking is not permitted in any part of the House. During the meetings of the Club, no smoking is per- mitted in the rooms in which the meetings are held. IV. DOGS. No dog shall be allowed in the Club House. V. GAMES. No game shall be played in the Club House on Sunday. VI. COMPLAINTS. Complaints of any deficiency in the service of the Club, of over-charges, mischarges, mistakes, or defects, must be made in writing to the House Committee only. VII. DINING-ROOM. No member shall bring into the dining-room between the hours of five and seven P.M. more than one person who has not a card of invitation to the Club. LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Former Presidents, Treasurers and Secretaries. EDWARD EVERETT 1863-1865 CHARLES G. LORING 1866-1867 RICHARD H. DANA 1868-1870 HENRY LEE 1871 ENOCH R. MUDGE . 1872-1874 LEMUEL SHAW 1875-1879 ROBERT W. HOOPER 1880-1881 WILLIAM G. RUSSELL 1882-1884 SAMUEL G. WARD 1863 FRANCIS E. PARKER 1864 JOHN C. ROPES 1865 THORNTON K. LOTHROP 1866 ARTHUR J. C. SOWDON 1867 GEORGE B. CHASE 1868-1870 JOSIAH F. GUILD 1871-1873 ALFRED B. HILL 1874-1879 WILLIAM P. KUHN 1880-1884 Secretaries. CHARLES W. STOREY 1863 ROBERT E. APTHORP 1864-1867 LEMUEL SHAW 1868-1869 JAMES C. DAVIS 1870-1874 CHARLES E. STRATTON 1875-1881 OFFICERS FOR 1885. HENRY LEE WILLIAM G. RUSSELL GEORGE W. BALDWIJ^ €xttuti\)t Committee JOHN LOWELL }Jice#re0tti£nt0 : JOHN C. ROPES THORNTON K. LOTHROP CHARLES R. CODMAN EDWARD D. HAYDEN HERBERT L. HARDING JAMES R. OSGOOD ROBERT C. HEATON GEORGE H. RICHARDS JOHN P. LYMAN FRANCIS S. WATSON RICHARD S. MILTON JOHN T. WHEELWRIGHT Exzmuxzt : J. D. HENLEY LUCE Secretarg : HENRY W. SWIFT ft}on^t Committee: RICHARD S. MILTON, Chairman, ROBERT C. HEATON J. D. HENLEY LUCE HERBERT L. HARDING HENRY W. SWIFT COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS. HENRY LEE, Chairman HENRY P. BOWDITCH GEORGE B. CHASE CHARLES DEVENS ALFRED D. FOSTER CHARLES C. JACKSON GEORGE P. KING CALEB WM. LORING HENRY PARKMAN EDWARD B. ROBINS DANIEL SARGENT S. LOTHROP THORNDIKE HENRY VAN BRUNT ROGER WOLCOTT HENRY W. SWIFT, Secretary. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Edward Augustus Abbot 1875 Marshall Kittredge Abbott . . 1877 Brooks Adams 1879 Charles Allen 1863 Roger Newton Allen 1876 Samuel Seabury Allen 1880 Frederic Lothrop Ames 1867 Frederic Amory 1868 Henry Hersey Andrew 1882 John Forrester Andrew 1S79 Walter Edward Andrews 1873 William Sumner Appleton 1863 Charles Follen Atkinson 1867 Edward Atkinson 1863 William Parsons Atkinson 1865 George William Baldwin 1863 John Chandler Bancroft 1869 MEMBERS 33 Robert Hale Bancroft 1872 Francis Bartlett 1875 George Bartlett 1874 John Bartlett 1867 Nelson Slater Bartlett 1882 Alfred Hubbard Batcheller 1870 Albert Grinnell Baxter 1883 Edward Pierson Beebe 1867 Charles Vose Bemis 1864 Stephen Dexter Bennett 1873 William Henry Bent 1873 William Sturgis Bigelow 1878 Arthur Welland Blake 1868 Edward Dehon Blake 1885 Francis Blake 1880 James Henry Blake 1882 Samuel Parkman Blake 1868 Stanton Blake 1873 William Bliss 1874 Edwin Augustus Boardman 1867 George William Bond 1863 William Sturgis Bond 1864 Alfred Bowditch 1882 Charles Pickering Bowditch 1863 34 MEMBERS Ernestus William Bowditch 1^79 Henry Pickering Bowditch 1863 Jonathan Ingersoll Bowditch 1863 George Hillard Bradford 1882 Thomas Gamaliel Bradford 1863 John Frederick Flemmich Brewster 1884 William Brewster 1885 Lincoln Flagg Brigham 1864 Martin Brimmer 1863 Edward Brooks 188 1 Francis Brooks 1863 Henry Brooks 1883 Edward Jackson Brown 1874 Francis Perkins Browne 1864 Henry Bryant 1881 John Bryant 1881 Henry Hall Buck 1882 Howard Mendenhall Buck 1884 James McKeller Bugbee 1874 Nathan Willis Bumstead 1865 Robert Manton Burnett 1877 Benjamin Franklin Butler 1863 Arthur Tracy Cabot i MEMBERS 35 Benjamin Shreve Calef 1872 George Hyland Campbell 1875 John Wilson Candler 1863 William Latham Candler 1865 Edward Montagu Cary 1864 Horace Parker Chandler 1872 Parker Cleaveland Chandler 1876 Peleg Whitman Chandler 1863 Walter Channing 1885 Horace Dwight Chapin 1885 John Henry Chapman 1882 George Bigelow Chase 1863 George Harvey Chickering 1865 Charles Francis Choate 1863 George Albert Clark 1866 Alexander Cochrane 1882 Hugh Cochrane 1881 Charles Russell Codman 1863 George Winthrop CofBn 1863 Harrison Gray Otis Colby 1884 Horace Hopkins Coolidge 1863 Joseph Randolph Coolidge 1863 Charles White Copeland 1877 Charles Edward Cotting 1879 36 MEMBERS Charles Uriah Getting 1864 George Glover Crocker 1877 Uriel Haskell Crocker 1874 John Cummings 1873 Edward Francis Daland 1865 Charles Henry Dalton 1863 Henry Rogers Dalton 1880 Isaac Warren Danforth 1863 Bancroft Chandler Davis 1885 George Gilbert Davis 1884 James Clarke Davis 1866 Joseph Muenscher Day 1865 Thomas White Deland 1875 Hasket Derby 1864 Charles Devens 1863 Franklin Gordon Dexter 1863 Frederic Dexter 188 1 George Dickenson 1865 John Calvin Dodge 1863 Ellerton Lodge Dorr 1868 George William Webster Dove 1873 Eben Sumner Draper 1885 George Draper 1865 MEMBERS 37 George Albert Draper 1885 William Franklin Draper 1881 Loren Griswold DuBois 1882 William Frederic Duff 1877 Thomas Dunnell 1878 Henry Dorr Dupee 1885 William Richardson Dupee 1868 Benjamin Franklin Dwight 1863 Edmund Dwight 1863 Louis Dyer 1882 James Thomas Eldredge 1865 John Wheelock Elliot 1882 William Rogers Ellis 1879 Nathaniel Henry Emmons 1864 George Munroe Endicott 1879 William Endicott, Jr 1863 William Ellery Channing Eustis 1882 William Everett 1863 Charles Francis Fairbanks 1875 William Gilson Farlow 1882 Charles Frederick Farrington 1867 Clement Kelsey Fay 1884 38 MEMBERS Benjamin Faxon Field 1865 Benjamin Faxon Field, Jr 1878 Walbridge Abner Field 1864 Eustace Carey Fitz 1875 Desmond FitzGerald 1880 George Luther Foote 1868 John Murray Forbes , . 1863 William Hathaway Forbes 1863 Edward Jacob Forster 1874 x\lfred Dwight Foster 1873 Burnside Foster 1883 Charles Henry Wheelwright Foster 1882 Charles Orin Foster 1865 Nathaniel Foster, Jr 1863 Charles Francis 1864 Horace Vinton Freeman 1879 James Goldthwait Freeman 1870 Aaron Davis Weld French 1868 John Davis Williams French 1868 Lyman Pruden French 1874 William Abrams French 1879 Henry Walker Frost 1870 Robert Oliver Fuller 1872 MEMBERS 39 William Sewall Gardner 1881 William Gaston 1864 Joseph Mackean Gibbens 1863 Horatio James Gilbert 1867 Frederick Huntington Gillett 1879 Daniel Angell Gleason 1863 John Murray Glidden . 1864 George Augustus Goddard 1869 William Benjamin Goldsmith 1882 George Henry Gordon 1866 Richard Hinckley Gorham . 1881 Horace Gray 1863 William Gray, Jr 1865 John Orne Green 1869 George William Gregerson 1879 Merri weather Hood Griffith 1871 William Oren Grover 1863 Charles Fox Guild 1874 Frederick Guild, Jr 1879 George Augustine Haines 1873 George Silsbee Hale 1863 Henry Larned Hallett 1863 Richard Price Hallowell 1863 40 MEMBERS Asa Gustavus Hapgood 1881 Edgar Harding 1880 Herbert Lee Harding 188 1 Alpheus Holmes Hardy 1872 George Ropes Harris 1884 William Tennant Hart 1875 William Gushing Haskins 1875 Franklin Haven, Jr 1865 Edward Daniel Hayden 1866 Henry Williamson Haynes 1878 Charles Dudley Head 1863 Robert Carter Heaton 1877 Alfred Hemenway 1884 John Augustus Higginson 1863 Waldo Higginson 1863 Clement Hugh Hill 1865 Hamilton Andrews Hill 1865 James Edward Radford Hill 1885 Edwin Augustus Hills 1880 William Hilton 1863 Howard Hinckley 188 1 Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar 1863 Samuel Hoar 1878 John Hogg 1874 MEMBERS A\ George Henry Homans 1863 John Homans 1882 Edward William Hooper 1864 John Prentiss Hopkinson 1881 Charles Paine Horton 1867 Henry Stone Hovey 1866 Elmer Parker Howe 1882 James Murray Howe, Jr 1878 James Frothingham Hunnewell 1865 Charles Whiting Huntington 1863 Francis William Hurd 1864 Charles Lewis Hutchins 1880 Constantine Foundoulaki Hutchins 1880 Henry Clinton Hutchins 1868 Charles Cabot Jackson 1867 Edward Jackson 1863 Frank Jackson 188 1 Arthur Earl Jones 1881 Walter Ingersoll Jones 1878 Charles Archibald Kidder 1882 Henry Purkitt Kidder 1863 Nathaniel Thayer Kidder 1885 42 MEMBERS George Parsons King 1865 Lincoln Newton Kinnicutt 1885 William Putnam Kuhn 1865 Horatio Appleton Lamb . 1881 William Thomas Lambert 1884 John Lathrop 1867 Daniel Warren Lawrence 1881 Elliot Cabot Lee 1883 Francis Wilson Lee 1879 Henry Lee 1863 McPherson LeMoyne 1880 Arthur Lincoln 1877 Solomon Lincoln 1876 Thomas Leonard Livermore 1880 Henry Cabot Lodge 1879 Harry Vinton Long 1882 John Davis Long 1877 Caleb William Loring 1863 William Caleb Loring 1879 Thornton Kirkland Lothrop 1863 John Lowell 1863 John Lowell, Jr 1882 John Dandridge Henley Luce 1879 MEMBERS 43 George Hinckley Lyman 1883 John Pickering Lyman 1879 Henry Lyon 1875 Thomas Mack 1863 Edward Benjamin Maltby 1882 Austin Agnew Martin 188 1 Henry McLean Martin 1876 Frederick Mason 1873 Mortimer Blake Mason 1883 William Frederick Matchett 1870 Frederick Warren Goddard May 1863 William Walker McKim 188 1 James Henry McMullan 1869 William Andrew Mehaffey 1881 James Morris Meredith 1882 Charles Merriam 188 1 Frank Merriam 1875 Herbert Merriam 1867 Arthur Mills 1881 Richard Sweet Milton 1866 Thomas Minns 1869 William Minot, Jr 1876 Henry Lee Morse 1881 44 MEMBERS Robert McNeil Morse, Jr 1867 Samuel Torrey Morse 1863 David Nevins 1882 Benjamin White Nichols 1863 Lyman Nichols 1874 George Augustus Nickerson 1882 Frederick Russell Nourse 1880 Henry Kemble Oliver, Jr 1868 Joseph Pearson Oliver 188 1 Francis Augustus Osborn 1865 George Laurie Osgood 1877 James Ripley Osgood 1866 John Felt Osgood 187 1 Walter Joseph Otis i; Charles Jackson Paine 1866 Robert Treat Paine 1863 Ebenezer Francis Parker 1865 Edmund Morley Parker 1883 Francis Edward Parker 1863 William Lincoln Parker 1879 John Parkinson 1867 MEMBERS 4^ Francis Parkman 1863 Henry Parkman 1S79 Gilbert Russell Payson 1863 Samuel Russell Payson 1863 Frank Everett Peabody i88i Oliver White Peabody 1865 Charles Callahan Perkins 1869 George Hamilton Perkins 1880 George Gorham Peters 1884 Willard Peele Phillips 1863 Henry Lillie Pierce 1863 Jacob Willard Pierce 1877 Alexander Sylvanus Porter 1868 Edward Ellerton Pratt 1866 John Carroll Pratt 1863 Thomas Parker Proctor 1876 George Putnam 1863 Edmund Quincy 1867 Henry Parker Quincy 1865 Josiah Quincy 1884 Samuel Miller Quincy 1869 James Russell Reed 1884 46 MEMBERS John Reed 1866 Alexander Hamilton Rice 1863 Henry Allen Rice, Jr 1878 Francis Cedric Richards 1881 George Henry Richards 1863 William Reuben Richards 1885 Thomas Oren Richardson 1866 William Lambert Richardson 1875 George Ripley 1875 William Roberts 1873 Edward Blake Robins 1876 Alfred Perkins Rockwell 1870 Henry Munroe Rogers 1874 John Codman Ropes 1864 Matthias Denman Ross 1863 Waldo Ogden Ross 1875 Edward Baldwin Russell 1874 Le Baron Russell 1863 Thomas Russell 1863 William Goodwin Russell 1863 Daniel Waldo Salisbury 1863 William Gurdon Saltonstall 1884 George Partridge Sanger 1863 MEMBERS 47 George Partridge Sanger, Jr 1882 Daniel Sargent 1867 Horace Binney Sargent, Jr 1879 Barthold Schlesinger 1863 Sebastian Benzon Schlesinger 1863 Joshua Montgomery Sears • . 1879 George Otis Shattuck 1863 Henry Russell Shaw 1883 John Oakes Shaw, Jr 1880 Robert Gould Shaw 1882 Samuel Savage Shaw 1866 Harvey Newton Shepard 1880 Edward Sherwin 188 1 William Simes 1879 Frank Ernest Simpson 1883 Jacob Henry Sleeper 1868 Edward Melancthon Smith 1870 Francis Hill Smith 1872 Robert Dickson Smith 187 1 George Snell 1868 George Henry Snelling 1866 Augustus Lord Soule 1873 Arthur John Clark Sowdon 1864 John Perrin Spaulding 1874 48 MEMBERS Mahlon Day Spaulding 1882 Edwin Loring Sprague 1879 Henry Harrison Sprague 1875 Benjamin Franklin Stevens 1863 Charles Edward Stevens 1873 Charles Storrow 1864 Charles Storer Storrow 1863 Charles Edwin Stratton 1869 Solomon Piper Stratton 1877 George Blake Sullivan 1877 Henry Dorr Sullivan 1882 Richard Sullivan 1863 Thomas Russell Sullivan 1875 Eben Sutton 1870 Paul Mitchell Swain 1878 William Willard Swan 1867 Walter Howard Sweet 1878 Frank Eliot Sweetser . . . . • 1884 Henry Walton Swift 1879 Lewis William Tappan, Jr. . . • 1867 George Grosvenor Tarbell 1882 George Thacher 1884 Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer 1881 MEMBERS 49 Nathaniel Thayer 1881 John Babson Thomas 1885 Albert Harris Thompson 1875 Francis Thompson 1872 George Washington Thompson 1881 Robert Means Thompson 1877 Samuel Lothrop Thorndike 1863 Joseph Gilbert Thorp, Jr 1885 Charles Linzee Tilden 1868 George Horton Tilden 1872 David Townsend 1868 Edward Britton Townsend 1878 Charles Russell Train i866 Samuel Putnam Train 1877 Ezra Prentiss Treadwell 1884 Nathaniel Dana Turner 1869 William James Underwood 1872 George Bruce Upton 1863 Theodore Newton Vail 1882 Henry Van Brunt 1865 Benjamin Vaughan 1879 William Warren Vaughan ... 1880 ^O MEMBERS Alexander Fairfield Wadsworth 1867 George Gorham Walbach 1885 Henry Pickering Walcott 1880 Nathaniel Wales 1877 Francis Amasa Walker 1882 Henshaw Bates Walley 1864 Isaac Chapman Bates Walley t88o Samuel Dennis Warren 1863 William Warren 187 1 Alexander Calvin Washburn 1863 Francis Sedgwick Watson 1882 Robert Sedgwick Watson 1863 William Edward Welch 1880 Benjamin Rodman Weld 1870 Charles Goddard Weld 1884 Otis Everett Weld 1866 William Fletcher Weld 1882 Samuel Wells 1870 Henry Clay Weston 1881 Alexander Strong Wheeler 1877 Henry Wheeler 1885 Edmund March Wheelwright 1882 George William Wheelwright 1884 John Tyler Wheelwright 1882 MEMBERS 5 1 John William Wheelwright 1868 Charles Goddard White 1878 Charles Joyce White 1875 Harold Whiting 1885 Henry Whitman 1870 William Henry Whitmore 1867 Edward Herbert Whitney 1865 Henry Austin Whitney 1867 William Fiske Whitney 1878 David Weld WilHams 1882 Jacob Lafayette Williams 187 1 John Davis Williams 1868 Sydney Augustus Williams 1876 William Cross Williamson 1868 Walter Thaxter Winsor 1880 Roger Wolcott 1882 Edward Stickney Wood 1885 William Barry Wood 1870 Alexander Young 1865 Charles Loring Young 1863 James Holden Young 1884 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. George Potter Barrett 1882 Edward Julius Berwind 188 1 Henry Lincoln Breed 1872 Frederick Turner Brown 1880 John Marshall Brown 1869 Philip Henry Brown 1877 Ira Bursley 1864 John Church 1875 Joseph Horace Clark i88i Charles Warren Clifford 1874 Walter Clifford 1874 Francis Davis Cobb 1883 John Lewis Cutler 1875 William Everett Cutter 1883 Edward Augustus Dana 1876 Edward Livingston Davis 187 1 William Wanton Dunnell 1880 Samuel Coffin Eastman 1879 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS 53 Arthur Brewster Emmons 1880 Francis Fessenden 1882 Henry Greene Bronson Fisher 1883 George Augustus Flagg 1874 John Holmes Goodenow 1880 Francis Bunker Greene 1882 John Greenough 1880 Edmund Grinnell 1878 Clemens Herschel 1880 Alfred Bryce Hill 1866 George Frisbie Hoar 1870 Thomas Sterry Hunt 1872 John LaFarge 1879 Francis Lathrop 1883 George Shattuck Morison . 1878 Lewis Pierce 1872 Charles Warner Plummer 1882 Charles Sturtevant Randall 1883 William Rotch Robeson, Jr 1867 Morgan Rotch 1882 Stephen Salisbury 1870 Joseph Sargent, Jr 1875 John Schouler 1870 Hamilton Barclay Staples 1872 54 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Titus Salter Tredick 1863 Joseph Curtis Tyler, Jr 1882 William Robert Ware 1865 John Davis Washburn 1875 Charles Storey Wheelwright 1877 William Dana Wheelwright 1881 Resident Members 451 Non-resident Members 48 Total of Resident and Non-resident Members . . 499 ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. William Crozier John Franksford Tarbell Hamilton Perkins Gilbert E. Thornton Charles Walker Raymond Fletcher A. Wilson