A TEXT- BOOK OF LOGIC A TEXT- BOOK OF LOGIC ' BY ARTHUR ERNEST DA VIES PKOFEMOX or PHILOSOPHY IN THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY R. G. ADAMS AND COMPANY 1915 COPYRIGHT. 1915 BY ARTHUR ERNEST DAVIES TO MY FATHER 339514 PREFACE The time has not arrived when it is possible or desirable to write a text-book of logic for elementary students which departs very considerably from the course that has been defined by university require- ments in various parts of the world. Both in Eu- rope and in America instruction in this subject has to a large extent been controlled by what may be called the classical tradition of which Aristotle and Mill are the two fountain heads. In some quarters this fact has operated as a hardship, and has led to open, if rather one-sided, criticism of the subject's educational usefulness, on the one hand, and has directed attention to and aroused interest in the real and supposed defects of the traditional logical doctrine, on the other. The position both of those who maintain the conservative attitude, and of those who would substitute for the old some new kind of logic, is capable of defence up to a certain point, and there is no doubt that the stirring of the aca- demic waters on this subject will result at some time in a larger freedom in the choice of the mate- rial and methods of logical instruction, and to that extent will reduce the possibility of attributing to the subject the imperfections of temper and under- standing of those who teach it. I hold no brief for traditionalism in logic, and while I sympathise with and, according to my vii Vlii PREFACE ability, appreciate the value of much that the advo- cates of the newer logics have contributed to our knowledge of the methods by which the human mind reaches truth, I have never been able to dis- possess myself of the belief that the older logic in some measure had enabled me to understand what the newer logic had to say. Were I an artist, it would be my desire to paint the ocean, just because, I imagine, it is so constantly changing and withal so eternally the sama A similar interest may stimulate one to observe, in all the ways that modern logic is making familiar to us, the wonderful change- fulness and practical resourcefulness of the mind's approach to truth ; but if one were to identify logic with the observation and description of these shift- ing phenomena, he would be in the position of the man for whom the ocean was no more than the waves that rose and fell and broke upon its bosom. The human mind has a determinate structure, and it is with that structure, so far as it is displayed in the field of knowledge, that logic aims to make us acquainted. And I do not believe that it has been reserved for our own times to utter the only true words on this subject, nor that we can afford to neg- lect the teaching of the ancients. Aristotle defined logic and formulated many of its methods in a way that has given life to the subject for over two thou- sand years, and much that is modern takes its point of departure, either by way of criticism or refining, from what he wrote in the beginning of the science's existence. It is not to be understood, of course, PREFACE IX that the traditional doctrine stands in no need of critical examination. The reverse is the fact. The enormous increase of knowledge in the modern era makes it necessary. But how are criticism and revision possible if the subject is, as some seem to think, wholly illusory, or if we remain in absolute ignorance of the doctrine upon which criticism and revision are to be directed? It seems, therefore, that for some time to come logic will continue, in the main, to be traditional, and that books of logic will have to conform to the requirements that are determined by that fact. But there are all sorts and degrees of conformity, and I confess to a liking for that kind and degree which is not inconsistent with the exercise of the largest liberty of one's academic conscience. It would not be surprising, consequently, if it were discovered that I had allowed the present situation in logic to sit lightly upon me, and that, where it seemed desirable, I had departed in method and doc- trine from traditional views. It is I believe in some such way as this, rather than in assuming a critical, not to say captious, attitude toward the whole of traditional logic that the best interests both of the subject and of those who study it can be advanced. It is hardly necessary to say that the present book as a whole is the product of experience in teaching logic to elementary and advanced students of the subject, No one, I am convinced, should attempt to write a text-book in any subject, and certainly not in logic, who has not learned in the X PREFACE practical way of teaching it where its main difficul- ties are found, and who has not had an oppor- tunity afforded him of devising methods of overcom- ing them. For, in the first place, a text-book must be written for the student, that is, for one who is presumed not to know anything about the subject of which it treats and, for him, the greatest service that it can render is to stimulate an interest in the problems with which it deals. But also it should be an instrument in the hands of the teacher which facilitates the task of teaching, and adapts itself to the purposes that he may hold before himself and the class. However far my book may be from completely fulfilling these objects, I hope it has entirely escaped the capital offence of substituting itself, in the regard and thought of the student, for the teacher, and that it can not be accused of helping to degrade the teaching function to the mere level of hearing a recitation. I trust, there- fore, that there are many sections that will be found to require the generative touch of the teacher, and that what in his hours of preparation may appear to the student as a valley of dry bones will be vitalized by the teacher into living forms in the hours spent in the lecture room. I have given to the judgment a prominence in the order of topics which I think is required for a true comprehension of the problem of logic, and have distinguished between it and the proposition for the purpose of indicating the class of questions which any attempt to express our judgments in PREFACE XI words quite naturally suggests. If I am not mis- taken, current controversy in philosophy would sometimes have been simplified, if indeed the occa- sion for it were not entirely removed, if it had been distinctly recognised that the judgment is not the proposition, and that the problems of each are quite distinct. A close relationship must, of course, be recognised between judgments and propositions, but I am not without hope that the separate treatment of these topics will meet with the approval of my colleagues, although it results in placing at the very beginning what must be regarded as one of the difficult chapters of the book. I do not believe that the judgment chapter is insuperably difficult; it is not more difficult, for example, than is the neuro- logical material to which the psychologist introduces his students at the very outset of their studies. And I may say that the effort has been made to present the subject in a manner as simple as is consistent with the real complexity and difficulty of the prob- lem. With a simplification which falsifies a topic in the interests of easing the task of student or teacher I have as little sympathy as I have with the reverse method of creating or magnifying difficulties for the good of the learner's academic soul. But we must cultivate in ourselves and in those we teach the ability to recognise a difficulty when and where it exists, and to face it with determination, and this requires from teacher or pupil neither apology nor praise. Xli PREFACE With respect to other features of the book, I may, perhaps, be expected to say something in justi- fication of the relatively detailed account that has been given of the fallacies. There is, in fact, little to say, and that little I trust will appear quite super- fluous to any one who has read the chapters in question. Both the mode of treatment and the amount of space given to the subject have been determined by the belief that the problem of falla- cies has not received as a rule the recognition that it deserves, and that it has not been correlated to the main logical doctrines in a sufficiently organic way. I do not wish to be understood to mean that the chapters given here are at all adequate in these respects to the importance I conceive the subject to have. I have, however, sought to avoid leaving the impression that the subject has no practical or pos- itive significance, and have endeavoured to keep the whole discussion in close relation to the body of logical doctrine developed in the preceding chapters. To leave the student with some degree of respect for the topic as a whole seems to me to be decidedly worth attempting, especially when the student is one who is making acquaintance with the subject for the first time. It will also be found, I think, that the two chapters in which the fallacies are dis- cussed lend themselves readily to the purposes of a review of the main logical problems, and that the new point of view from which these problems are considered, the point of view, namely, of the sources of error that lurk in the processes of logical thinking, PREFACE Xlll will not only relieve the review from the banalities that usually attach to a twice performed task, but may be found to make the problems themselves more articulate and significant. At any rate, if we begin our logical studies with the object of finding out what is meant by truth, and what are some of the forms in which truth exists, one would think that a discussion of error or at least an examination of some of the forms in which error exists, would serve to emphasise the importance and the character of logical problems. And, I confess, it seems to me that no amount of technical skill in the manipulation of technical formulae can compensate for any failure to perceive that the problems of logic originate in the effort to think and to express ourselves clearly and correctly, and that, therefore, the science that is devoted to the study of the principles of clear and correct thinking is one in which any person that has any pretense to education should have an interest. And in this connection I may add that the questions on the text appended to each chapter are designed as much to stimulate such an interest as to test a student's acquaintance with the details of the dis- cussion; and if any apology for printing them or for making them so numerous is needed, I can only reply that my own students say that they have found them useful. I confess to a certain compunction in offering to the public a book on logic which fails to discuss in a systematic way the so-called laws of thought, although I have never felt the necessity of apolo- Xiv PREFACE gising to myself for failing to expound to my ele- mentary students so recondite a subject. I really have never found that any attempt to interest be- ginners in logic in this problem was satisfactory either from my own or from their point of view. The book, therefore, does in this particular conform to my practice, and the justification that may be offered is that it is pedagogically and scientifically preferable for the student to discover some problems for himself in the course of his studies than to force them in a more or less artificial manner upon his attention. There are places in the text where the subject here in question is quite near the surface, and if it happens to break through, the wise teacher will surely not fail to take advantage of his oppor- tunity. With respect to the general outcome of such a course in logic as is outlined in this book, it is enough to say that I should be exceedingly disap- pointed if the way had not been prepared for an intelligent study of the larger treatises on the sub- ject, and if the door had not been opened, though only a little way, through which the student might pass to a study of the perennial problems of phil- osophy itself. About the former point, it is only necessary to say that the lists of advanced refer- ences at the end of the chapters, limited as they necessarily had to be, are intended to invite indi- vidual students and whole classes to read more widely and on a more elevated plane discussions of the problems which are considered in the text, and PREFACE XV to which reference is also made in the first lists of books. An experiment on the possibility of profit- ably using books of an advanced character might be made by the student himself in connection with those parts of the text which fail to interest or profit him. I shall not be surprised if very often the presumably .more difficult reference turns out in the end to be the simpler statement. If any one should doubt the value of logic as an introduc- tory approach to the problems of philosophy, which is the second point mentioned above, I can only say that so long as those problems continue to depend, to the extent that they actually do, upon logical construction, there is absolutely no possibility 01 understanding what the problems are, much less of contributing to their solution, if one has not ac- quired a mastery of the instruments of logical think- ing. But not only is this true in respect of philos- ophy narrowly interpreted; an acquaintance with logical methods is also important if we who are not philosophers in the techincal sense of the word are to take an intelligent attitude toward our own lives. Toward such an end, I hope some contribution has been made by the mode in which the logical problem has been conceived, and by the manner in which it has been worked out. For those who are acquainted with the liter- ature of the subject, it is not necessary for me to name the sources of my chief indebtedness, and for those who are not, such a proceeding would savour of a vain parade. I shall, therefore, content myself XVI PREFACE with the statement that I have learned from the masters of many schools, and have retained a grate- ful affection for them all. As I am not conscious of being a partisan, I presume that even those who have taught me most would hardly recognise me as one of their disciples. The public, consequently, will be in no doubt when it comes to /apportioning praise or blame for what is here set down, although it is evident, so that he who runs may read, that it is not all made up out of my own head. I have quoted when necessary, I have also paraphrased, I have refused neither suggestion nor illustration when any of these methods furthered the object I have can- stantly held before me in writing these pages. I want, therefore, to thank all who by their published writings have rendered themselves liable to this sort of -literary piratage. I am also indebted to col- leagues for particular services which it is a pleasure to acknowledge. Professor Rudolph Pintner has read many of the chapters in the first half of the book, and made suggestions which have improved the form over that in which they were originally cast. Mr. A. P. Weiss made the drawings for all the figures, and also read some of the sections on induction. Professor David R. Major has read all the chapters in manuscript and in proof. I feel that his criticisms and suggestions have been invaluable. It is certainly not for the want of friendly and intelligent advice that I may sometimes have erred in aim and execution. The final stages of the proofs PREFACE XVll have been entirely in Dr. Major's hands. I take this opportunity to acknowledge assistance that has been generously rendered. Eltham, Kent. A. E. D. Feb. 25, 1915. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC. pAG The Starting Point 1 Each Science has a Different Subject-Matter 1 The Thought Element in Knowldge 2 What we Mean by Knowledge 5 Knowledge is Systematic 6 Logic and the Knowledges 9 The Subject-Matter of Logic. 10 Logic as Scientia Scientiarum 11 The Humanistic Influence in Logic 12 Relation of Logic to Psychology 14 Logic as an Art 16 What Logic is 18 References 22 Questions 22 Exercises 23 CHAPTER II. THE JUDGMENT. The Meaning of Thought 24 Judgment and Thought 28 Other Mental Attitudes Akin to Judgment 31 Judgment and Groundless Statements 33 Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Thought 35 Relevant Assertion 36 The Interest Factor in Knowledge 44 The Object of Judgment 47 The Universe of Discourse 50 xix XX CONTENTS PAGE Truth, Probability and Error 58 References 70 Questions 70 Exercises 74 CHAPTER III. THE PROPOSITION. Judgment and the Proposition 76 The Import of Propositions 79 Formal Analysis of Propositions 84 Terms 85 Names and Words 88 The Copula 91 The Relational View 92 The Existential View 95 Kinds of Propositions 98 Relations of the Main Types of Propositions 99 References 104 Questions 104 Exercises 105 CHAPTER IV. TERMS. Proposition and Terms 107 Connotative and Denotative Use of Terms 107 Relation of the Connotative and Denotative Use of Terms 110 Distribution of Terms 114 Some Other Characteristics of Terms ,- 117 Concrete Meaning 118 Individual Meaning: Proper Names and Designa- tions 120 General Meaning 124 Collective Meaning: Individual and General 126 CONTENTS XXI PAGE Abstract Meaning 130 References 136 Questions 136 Exercises 138 CHAPTER V. TERMS (Continued). The Purpose of the Chapter 139 The Basis of the Distinctions to be Studied 139 Absolute and Relative Meaning 140 Positive and Negative Meaning 143 The Conditions of Negative Meaning 145 The Logic of Negation 149 Privative Meaning 153 Disparate and Contrary Meaning 155 References 155 Questions 156 Exercises 157 CHAPTER VI. DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES. The Questions of this Chapter 158 Non-Ambiguity 160 Ambiguity 162 Translation 165 When Translation may be Employed 166 When Definition is Required 167 The Method of Definition 168 Definition per genus et differentiam 170 Verbal and Real Definition 173 The Relation of Purpose to Definition 175 Tests of a Definition 176 The Problem and Classification of the Predicables 181 The Commensurable Predicables.. . 183 xxii CONTENTS PAGE The Non-Commensurable Predicables 185 References 186 Questions 187 Exercises 189 CHAPTER VII. DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION. Relation of Definition and Division 190 What is Meant by Logical Division 191 Other Kinds of Division 193 Fundamentum Divisionis 195 Questions of Terminology 199 Rules of Logical Division 200 Dichotomy 205 The Tree of Porphyry 210 Clasification Defined 211 Classification and Definition 212 Classification and Division 213 Kinds of Classification 215 References 218 Questions 219 Exercises 220 CHAPTER VIII. CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS. Types of Propositions 222 Classification of Categorical Propositions 223 Quantity of Propositions 225 The Singular Proposition 228 The Universal Proposition 229 Kinds of Universal Proposition 230 The Particular Proposition 230 The Indesignate Proposition 232 CONTENTS xxiii PAGE Quality of Propositions 234 The Affirmative Proposition 235 The Negative Proposition 236 The Relation of Affirmative and Negative Propo- sitions 238 Exceptive and Exclusive Propositions 240 Compound Propositions 244 Modality of Propositions 246 The Assertoric Proposition 247 The Problematic Proposition 248 The Apodeictic Proposition 250 References 251 Questions 252 Exercises 253 CHAPTER IX. IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS. Relation of Quantity and Quality in Categorical Propo- sitions 255 Structural Formulae Indicating the Quantity and Qual- ity of Propositions 256 Distribution of the Terms of the Four Categorical Propo- sitions 259 Meaning and Classes of Implication 263 The Opposition of Propositions 265 Contrariety 266 Subalternation 269 Contradiction 272 Subcontrariety 273 The Square of Opposition 275 Nature and Methods of Eduction 278 Obversion 279 Conversion 283 Contraposition 288 Inversion . . 290 xxiv CONTENTS PAGE Summary of Eductions 291 References 293 Questions 293 Exercises 296 CHAPTER X. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS. The Problem of the Chapter 297 Two Preliminary Questions 298 Nature of the Syllogism 301 Structural View of the Syllogism 303 Rules of the Syllogism 305 Figures of the Syllogism 310 Special Rules of the Four Figures 312 The Moods of the Syllogism 315 The Valid Moods of the Syllogism ' 316 Relation of Moods to Figure 318 References 322 Questions 323 Exercises 324 CHAPTER XI. OTHER FORMS OP CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT. Their Relation to the Syllogism 326 Enthymeme 328 Polysyllogism 329 Types of Polysyllogism 331 Sorites 332 Epicheirema 335 References 336 Questions 337 Exercises . . 338 CONTENTS XXV CHAPTER XII. DISJUNCTIVE AND HYPOTHETICAL PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS. pAGE The Disjunctive Proposition 340 The Nature and Classes of Disjunctive Syllogism 343 The Moods of the Disjunctive Syllogism 344 The Validity of Disjunctive Arguments 345 The Hypothetical Proposition 347 The Hypothetical Syllogism 348 The Moods of the Hypothetical Syllogism 350 Dilemmas 354 Classes of Dilemma 357 The Validity of the Dilemma 359 References 361 Questions 362 Exercises 364 CHAPTER XIII. INDUCTION AND METHODS PRELIMINARY TO INDUCTION. General Statement of the Problem 366 What is Meant by Fact 367 Nature of Reality 370 Induction by Simple Enumeration 372 The Value of Simple Enumeration 375 Empirical Generalisation 376 Colligation of Facts 378 Parity of Reasoning 380 References 381 Questions 382 Exercises 384 CHAPTER XIV. SOME DESCRIPTIVE METHODS OF INDUCTION. Relation of Numbers of Instances to an Induction 385 Logical Significance of Statistical Methods 389 Qualitative Methods of Observation 393 XXVI CONTENTS PAGE The Nature of Scientific Observation 395 Experimental Observation 400 References 403 Questions 404 Exercises 405 CHAPTER XV. SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION. The Nature of Scientific Explanation 406 The Meaning of Analogy 409 The Logical Character of Analogy 411 The Function of Analogy in Induction 416 The Nature of Hypothesis 419 Objections to the Use of Hypothesis 422 Verification of Hypotheses 427 Hypothesis and Theory 429 References 431 Questions 432 Exercises 434 CHAPTER XVI. CAUSATION. General Statement of the Problem 435 The Practical Aspect of the Problem 436 The Theoretical Aspect of the Problem 438 The Genetic Relation of the Practical and Theoretical Views 440 The Origin and Nature of the Causal Problem 442 The Course of Our Further Discussion 444 The Time Relations of Causal Events 445 The Complex Character of Causal Events 449 The Necessity of Causal Events 456 The Plurality of Causes 461 References 4^7 Questions 468 Exercises . 470 CONTENTS XXVii CHAPTER XVII. MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. Their Historical Position 471 The Nature of the Problem to Which These Methods Apply 473 Elimination as a Method of Causal Inquiry 474 The Method of Agreement 477 The Method of Difference 482 The Joint Method of Agreement and Difference 486 The Method of Concomitant Variations 492 The Method of Residues 496 References . 501 Questions 501 Exercises 504 CHAPTER XVIII. FALLACIES. Fallacy Defined 508 Classification of Fallacies 511 Fallacies of Interpretation 514 Verbal Ambiguity 515 Equivocation 515 Accent 517 Composition 518 Division 519 Accident 520 The Converse Fallacy of Accident 521 Structural Ambiguity 522 Amphibole 522 False Parenthesis 524 Fallacies of Implication 525 Fallacies of Opposition 526 Fallacies of Eduction . . .529 XXV111 CONTENTS PAGE Fallacies of Inference 531 The Deductive Fallacies 533 Categorical Fallacies 533 Fallacies of Four Terms 534 Fallacies of Insufficient Premises 537 Hypothetical Fallacies 539 Disjunctive Fallacies 544 References 548 Questions 548 Exercises 550 CHAPTER XIX. FALLACIES (Continued). \ Inductive Fallacies 552 Fallacies of Language 553 Fallacies of Observation 555 Fallacies of Explanation 563 Fallacies of the Context 567 Fallacies of Assumption 569 Petitio Principii 570 Complex Questions 572 Ignoratio Elenchi 573 Non Sequitur 576 Fallacies of Interest 578 References 584 Questions 585 Exercises . 587 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC The Starting Point. It is customary to begin the exposition of a branch of knowledge with a state- ment and explanation of its definition. This is a useful mode of procedure when it can be presumed that those for whom one writes have previously acquired an elementary knowledge of the subject to which the definition relates. But since no such pre- sumption is made in regard to those who may be expected to read this book, we shall postpone for the present the task of formulating a definition of logic. Meanwhile, we shall discuss a number of topics, all of which throw light upon some feature of the problem of logic, and each of which will con- tain suggestions as to the nature of the subject to the exposition of which this book is devoted. And we shall find it convenient to begin our discussion of these topics by asking what is the subject-matter of which logic, in all its various stages and branches, is the study. Each Science has a Different Subject-Matter. It will, perhaps, help to emphasize the importance of this inquiry if we recall, first, that a science presup- poses the existence of a special kind of material, called its subject-matter; and, second, that each science has a different subject-matter. For example, in geology we learn about the structure of the earth's (i) 2 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC surface ; in physiology, about the functions of living organisms. Physics is a study of bodies in motion ; and geometry, of figures in space. In these, and in similar cases, the subject-matter of the science is the material which the scientist observes and de- scribes. The Thought Element in Knowledge. If we con- sider further how the several sciences are con- stituted, it soon becomes evident that the mate- rial selected for study is only one condition of the existence of a science. The scientist must also think about his material before his knowledge con- cerning it can have the characteristics of scientific knowledge. He must, for one thing, arrange, or, as it is said, classify, the material that he has collected. It is not, however, the purpose of this section to describe the methods that the scientist employs in studying his material. At present, we wish to call the student's attention to the fact that the attainment of any kind of knowledge is impossible without an active exercise of the thinking processes, and to warn him that the passive flow of images and ideas through consciousness must not be mistaken for thinking. It is true that without images and ideas there can be no thought; but thinking consists in comparing objects with one another, in differen- tiating the like from the unlike, in combining them into more complex wholes, in relating in many and diverse ways these wholes to each other, etc. Think- ing, in other words, is a specialised sort of mental activity, an activity that taxes to the utmost, and THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 3 frequently brings into play, all the abilties with which the human mind is endowed. It is the supreme task to which the many have been called; but if we regard it lightly, or presume that it can be accomplished without toil, or if we erect our own incapacity or indolence into a reason for the useless- ness of the endeavor, we must abandon the hope of joining the company of the few who are chosen. It is, therefore, with good reason that logic directs attention to the function of thought in human knowl- edge, for thinking is the one way, the only royal road, to the goal of an educated life. To think about the objects of one's experience is, then, necessary if knowledge is to exist; but thinking, it must also be borne in mind, is "not a passive suffering of some- thing, but a doing of something with" these objects. Or, as Wundt has expressed it, "jedes denken ein Wollen." Not only, then, must we think if we are to attain scientific knowledge ; we must also think in order to attain knowledge that, in the strict sense, cannot be described as scientific. Illustrations of the truth of this statement may be found in history, economics, jurisprudence, as, indeed, it may be in all those other studies which, like these, are interested in the ways in which the various needs of men are met in a social organisation. It would seem, then, that wherever we have knowledge, whether it be in the form of the natural or the historical sciences, as these others may be called, we have a witness to the ways in which the demands for thought have been met. In 4 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC brief, unless we think about the material that obser- vation brings, knowledge cannot exist ; and, further, it is what we think that converts this material into definite species of knowledge. The following illustration may throw additional light upon the statements of this section, and empha- sise the importance of thought for all forms of human knowledge. We all know what a picture puz- zle is, a collection of odd-shaped and variously coloured pieces of cardboard which, when put to- gether in their proper relations, form a complete and consistent whole. All of us, moreover, have experienced difficulty in putting the pieces of card- board together so that the hidden pattern or picture is made evident. If, now, we study a case like this, we may observe that the difficulty we had in bring- ing out the pattern was not due to the lack of any- thing in our material, all the pieces, we shall sup- pose, were before us, and were capable of being fitted to one another in an appropriate way. But the task of putting them together in the proper way was by no means easy. Where was the source of our difficulty ? We cannot attribute it to our material ; and most of us would agree that it was due to our inability to see which parts should come next and next and next. If anyone chanced to observe us at our task, he probably would have heard us exclaim, 'How stupid I am!' 'What's the matter with me!' 'Why can't I see it!' That is to say, he would have heard us blaming ourselves, and finding fault with the things we were doing to the material with which THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 5 we were working. What bearing, one may ask, does this have upon the question before us? Just this, that if we are to solve the simplest problem, thought must be brought to bear upon the material which constitutes the subject-matter of that problem. When we do not succeed in doing this, and when, for any reason, we are baffled in our endeavour to make out the nature and relations of the material we are studying, a special emphasis is thrown upon the thought factor, the one which, under more favor- able conditions, is liable to be lost sight of entirely. In this we are like children who look about their world delightfully oblivious of the fact that the eyes provide them with the light of all their seeing. It is only when the eyes fail that one becomes conscious of their existence. Similarly, when knowledge fails an unsuspected factor of knowledge gains promi- nence, and to this factor, to which attention is thus drawn, we give the name thought. What we mean by Knowledge. The student who has read carefully the foregoing paragraphs will understand what we mean when we say, we are always thinking about something. The italicised words call attention to the two factors in knowledge. There is the object, the million-starred heavens, or the one solitary maiden, on the one side : and, on the other, our thoughts about this object. Both these elements object and thought are neces- sary to knowledge. Objects that no one thinks about are only the materials of knowledge, and thoughts that are not thoughts - about something in par- 6 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ticular can hardly be called thoughts at all. It is only when our thoughts are thoughts-about-objects that we give them the name of knowledge. This statement holds so generally that by knowledge of any sort whatsoever poetry or legend or history or science or just every-day opinion we may be understood to mean our thoughts-about-objects. Accordingly, from the standpoint of our analysis, knowledge=object-f thought. In later sections, we shall have more to say about these two factors of knowledge. Knowledge is Systematic. If we consider our thoughts-about objects with some care, we shall ob- serve that they tend constantly to become fixed, orderly, and systematic. This is not an accident ; it is rather of the nature of a demand that we make upon ourselves and our fellows, so much so that we dismiss with a shrug of the shoulders the thoughts of any one who fails to meet it with a fair degree of success. We may say, then, that we are all alike in having ordered thoughts ; we differ only with respect to the degree of success that we attain in intro- ducing that particular kind of order that makes our thoughts most effective. For example, there is a great difference in the coherence of the thoughts of an insane or feeble-minded person and those of the average normal person. In the former case, we observe both a frequent change of the subject of his thought, and an obvious looseness of connection be- tween one thought and another, even when these refer to the same subject. Sometimes the only con- THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 7 nection that can be observed between one thought and another is the similarity in sound of the words in which the thoughts are expressed. On the other hand, we expect to find the average normal person able to think in such a way that the connection be- tween one thought and another follows the line of the essential connections of one part and another of the subject about which he thinks. When this is the case, we call the person's thinking 'systematic', systematic, that is, in the sense that the order of his thoughts is warranted by the nature of the subject to which his thoughts refer. Now it may be interesting and profitable to note what are the conditions of systematic thinking. There are three that, from the logical standpoint, require mention. First, there is the difference, native and acquired, in the ability of individuals sys- tematically to develop by thinking any subject in which they may be interested. We recognise the fact that one person is more highly endowed in this respect than another in such every-day expressions as: 'He's just smart'; 'All there is to say is, he's got brains.' But we also recognise the fact that we are all capable of improvement, however excellent or mediocre our native endowment may be. The great national organisations for the education of the young are a recognition of this fact. But, of course, all that we can hope to do by education is to diminish the difference between one individual and another; we do not expect to overcome the advantage that lies on the side of the person who adds to a high 8 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC native endowment a careful and industrious train- ing. The second condition of systematic thinking is found in the fact that not all the subjects about which we think seem capable of being systematised with the same degree of completeness. For example, we do not find in the social sciences the same degree of coordination that we find in the natural sciences ; and, in a general way, we may attribute this to the greater complexity of the subject-matter of the for- mer as compared with the latter. It may be observed, thirdly, that not every occasion that calls for thought is met best with the strictest and most thorough exercise of our thinking ability. If we compare, for example, the thoughts of the man of business with those of the economist, or the thoughts of the politician with those of the political scientist, we shall see that they differ, not necessarily in proportion to the abilities of the indi- viduals to think, nor directly with respect to the difficulties of the subject-matter about which they think ; but the occasion that sets the thinker his par- ticular task sets also the limits within which the task is to be carried out. The same thing is true up and down the line of our every-day observation and experience. The man, for example, who carried over into social life the passion for precision, accu- racy, and completeness that properly belongs to a scientific publication would be voted a bore, just as surely as the man who worked in his laboratory with the leisurely and lax methods of a man of the world would be pronounced a failure. Circumstances alter THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 9 cases ; and logic observes that in any of the depart- ments of human life where thought is called for, it is only the degree of systematic thinking appro- priate to the circumstances that it is ever necessary to attain. Logic and the Knowledges. In our discussion of what knowledge is we have seen that knowledge may exist in many different forms, varieties, depart- ments, or branches. For example, engineering, psy- chology, bacteriology, literature, biology, etc., are so many different forms of the one tiling we call knowl- edge. For this reason, it would be better, simpler, and more concrete if we were to accustom ourselves to speak of these subjects as ^knowledges' whenever we wished to refer to the plurality of the depart- ments of knowledge. We have a precedent for this usage in that we speak more often of the sciences than we do of science. By knowledges, therefore, we mean the several varieties, forms, or kinds into which knowledge has been observed to falL Now we may observe that, historically, most of the other subjects of knowledge existed before logic was for- mulated into a science. Mathematics, astronomy, physics, zoology, political and social philosophy, for example, are must older branches of knowledge than logic. And if to this we add the fact that logic came into existence as a result of a study of the methods of these sciences, we shall see that it was the exist- ence of the knowledges that made logic possible rather than the existence of logic that made them possible. Hence, it would seem to be true that while 10 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC every form of knowledge may be cultivated and may flourish independently of logic, logic cannot even begin to be unless some of the forms of knowledge have already established themselves. The Subject-Matter of Logic. What, now, we may ask, is the relation of logic to the two factors of which all knowledge is comprised? And, first, what is its relation to the subject-matter of the other sciences? The question needs only to be asked to be answered ; for it is obvious, in the light of what has already been said, that no two departments of knowledge study the same material. Logic, there- fore, cannot study the same subject-matter as any other science without losing its identity by becoming absorbed in that science. For example, if logic were to study the origin, growth, and function of political institutions, the result would be, not a new knowl- edge, but an old one under a new name. Political science and logic would then be the same things. In like manner, if logic were the study of plants it would be identical with botany. Further illustra- tion is not necessary. The subject-matter of logic is not identical with that of any one of the other knowledges. What, secondly, is its relation to the thought factor which, as we have seen, is present in all knowledge? Our answer is that it is this thought factor in the various knowledges that logic makes the direct object of its study. But logic's relation to this thought element is different from that of any of the other sciences. In the several knowledges, thought is the means by which the THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 11 qualities and relations of objects are described and explained. Ordinarily, we are no more aware of its presence, than we are of the pane of glass through which we look out upon the landscape that lies out- side our window. But if, for any reason, we become curious to know how thought does its work, to find out whether it follows any method, we should then set thought before our minds as a distinct object of study, and the resulting knowledge would be called logic. That is to say, logic arises when the thought factor which is present in all knowledge is set before the mind as a subject of investigation. Thought then becomes the material of a special study, and the name of that study is logic. Logic as Scientia Scientarium. We have just seen that logic is the science that is interested in the way in which thought does its work in the several fields of knowledge. Now we have previously seen that we are not everywhere equally successful in system- atising our thoughts-about-things. Some branches of knowledge are more loosely, and some are more closely, organised. This fact we may attribute in part to the greater complexity of the subject-matter of some of the knowledges. History, for example, is a less exact science than is physics just in propor- tion to the greater complexity of the material that it studies, and to the difficulty of bringing its mate- rial under controlled observation. Now, in this con- nection, the question arises Do the several depart- ments of knowledge equally well provide guidance for the formulation of logical doctrine? If some 12 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC branches of knowledge are better articulated than others, should we not expect that the former would illustrate the methods of thinking more perfectly than those branches that have not taken on the same degree of coordination; and, further, if we can find any group of knowledges that stands pre-emi- nent in this respect, should we not save time and trouble by making it the basis of our study of logical doctrine? Such questions have been asked, and it has been customary to answer them in the affirm- ative. Thus logicians, from the days of Aristotle to the present time, have expounded the subject of logic with their eyes on the methods adopted by the better articulated sciences ; and, by some, the study of logic has been confined to an examination of the methods that have proved useful in reaching the truth in such sciences. From this point of view, logic has been looked upon as a science that lies hid- den in the various sciences, very much as the pattern lies hidden in a picture puzzle. All that needs to be done, according to this view, is to bring logic into the light that it may direct the labors of future workers in the field of the sciences. It is in this sense that logic is spoken of as scientia scientiarum : it is the science of sciences in the sense that it under- lies and gives direction to all the work that science undertakes to do. The Humanistic Influence in Logic. That view of logic which identifies it with the study of scientific method has always been considered a little partial and extreme, and it is doubtful if Aristotle, who THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 13 was the first and greatest of the formulators of logical doctrine, and whose authority has been ap- pealed to in support of this position, would subscribe to it. It is probable, as Minto has shown, that in organising his logic, Aristotle had in mind, as much the formulation of the rules of dispute in the social life and court procedure of his times, as the systematisation of the methods of thought in the body of the scientific knowledge of his day. How- ever that may be, it is certain that our own times are witnessing a marked humanistic reaction against a stiff and formal view of logic, and modern logi- cians are looking to the less exact forms of knowl- edge for enlightenment as to the way in which the business of thought is carried on ; indeed, their study now extends to the ways in which difficulties arise and are overcome in our everyday life. This exten- sion of the field within which the logician pursues his studies cannot be taken as an evidence of indif- ference to a strictly logical doctrine ; rather must it be viewed in the light of what is taking place in other departments of knowledge where an investigation of the simpler, more primitive, forms has been found to elucidate much that was obscure in the more com- plex forms of the subject-matter studied by these departments. In zoology, for example, interest in the simpler organisms has flooded with light our understanding of the more complex ones, and in psy- chology the study of the mental processes of young children and of the feeble minded has added to our understanding of the adult, normal mind. Hence it 14 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is felt that if we consider those methods of thought which, in some of the sciences and in the ordinary business of life, have not taken on a strictly rigid form, we shall be able to understand the nature of thinking in a more satisfactory manner than if we confined our observation to those sciences in which the highest degree of precision in methods had been attained. Relation of Logic to Psychology. We have used the term 'thought' in the foregoing pages in a some- what broad way. It has meant, in general, the men- tal factor which is never absent from the knowledge experience. Now the question may arise whether in claiming thought, in this sense, as the special sub- ject-matter of logic we have not confused logic with psychology. For what is psychology if it is not a study of mental processes? Now there are two ways in which we may dis- tinguish between logic and psychology. In the first place, we may remark that there is a quantitative difference between the two. Grant, for the time being, that the subject-matter of both these sciences falls within the field that we usually designate as mental, it may, nevertheless, be said that not all that is mental is included in the scope of logical inquiry. Logic is interested mainly, if not exclusively, in what are called the cognitive processes; that is, in those processes in and through which we either affirm or deny something. But cognition in the strict sense, cannot claim to be more than a very small part of one's mental life. The latter, and so THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 15 the field of psychological inquiry, includes, in addi- tion to knowledge or cognition, other kinds of men- tal processes, e. g., feelings, emotions, volitions. The whole field of the conscious life lies open to the in- vestigation of psychology; but logic is interested chiefly in that part of it that is called cognition, and in the other parts only so far as they help us to understand what human knowledge is. In the second place, we may remark that although logic and psychology both study the cognitive proc- esses, they do not study them from the same point of view. Psychology is satisfied when it has de- scribed and explained the mental changes that take place in a cognitive process. Logic is concerned, not with the natural history of cognition, but with cog- nition as an instrument by means of which the world of reality minds and things is understood. That is, the images and ideas which make up any cognitive process, and which psychology endeavours merely to describe and explain, are, from another point of view, taken to represent objects in the real world; and it seems to be the function of these images and ideas to place those who have them in communica- tion or contact with objects which exist in some sort of independence of these images and ideas. It is this character of images and ideas as affording us a knowledge of a world of objects that is the stand- point of logic, and which enables us to distinguish the logical from the psychological method of dealing with the cognitive processes. Logic is not interested to know what images and ideas are present in con- 16 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC sciousness, but whether the images and ideas that we entertain are true, that is, afford us accurate knowledge of the objects which they represent and to which they point. Or, to put it more succinctly, logic studies the conditions of the truth or falsity of our ideas, a problem which, for psychology, is quite indifferent or non-existent. Logic as an Art. It is sometimes said that logic is an art as well as a science. The meaning of this statement can be made clear, if we bear in mind that the term 'art' is used in two senses. In the first and most common meaning, it refers to the developed skill that one acquires through practice of a set of more or less mechanised movements. If, for example, you go into a machine shop and watch the workmen at their tasks, you will find them en- gaged in different activities, and displaying varying degrees of skill. It is this ability to do a given task with some degree of proficiency that we call the workman's art. Art is, then, a specialised ability to do. On the other hand, there is an ability, much more specialised than the mechanic's, which con- sists in the perception of how a task should be done, but which does not necessarily carry with it an ability to perform it. The engineer, for example, is able to plan and superintend building enterprises, although he does not have the ability of the work- men upon whom he must rely if these enterprises are to be translated into steel and brick and stone. The skilled workman and the engineer display two different orders of practical ability, and we may THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 17 speak of each one of them as possessing and prac- ticing an art. Now, when logic is spoken of as an art, it is well to be clear whether we are using the term art in the first or in the second of the two meanings just dis- tinguished; whether we are thinking of logic as giving to its students the ability to think correctly, or whether we are thinking of it as giving its stu- dents the ability to detect the correctness and incor- rectness of arguments. We are inclined to the opinion that, in the case of logic, these two meanings cannot be separated, and that in learning the regu- lative principles of logic we are at the same time acquiring the ability to order our thoughts in a log- ical manner. The reason for this opinion, briefly stated, is that the study of logic is and must remain unprofitable to anyone who, while he is studying it, does not practice the methods of logical thinking. The meaning of this statement will become clearer as we proceed, but it should be taken by the student as a suggestion that the way to gain a knowledge of this subject is to think each step logically as it is unfolded in the successive chapters. For example, we shall presently be speaking about terms, and we shall call such things as, 'the Sultan of Turkey/ 'good,' 'H 2 S0 4 ,' 'man/ terms. Now, it is obviously impossible for anyone to memorise, or even to make, a list of the things that logic calls terms. The only alternative, therefore, is for the student to acquire the ability to think term, to understand what a 3 18 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC term is. When he has done this, he will have to employ this acquired ability in all his subsequent study, so that it never becomes rusty through dis- use. The same remark applies to all the topics of which logic treats. In this sense, therefore, the study of logic is at the same time practice in the methods of logic; and it is because we cannot ac- quire a knowledge of the correct methods of thought without at each step practicing these methods that logic may be said to be an art in both of the senses defined in the beginning of this section. What Logic is. We may now, with a summary of the foregoing discussion in mind, undertake a statement of what logic is. We have seen (1) that logic presupposes the existence of knowledge in one or more of its several forms, and that it has sus- tained this relation to the other knowledges from the very beginning. Aristotle, as we said, was prompted to write his treatises on logic from the desire that, along with the improvement in the sciences and arts, there should go the consciousness of the method by which, in these fields, conclusions were being reached. Logic, therefore, was not an invention of new instruments of research and knowl- edge, but the formulation and systematisation of those that in use had already proved their effective- ness. Consequently, we said (2) that when logic sets about its task, it distinguishes between the sub- ject-matter and the thought element in the knowl- edges, and erects the latter into a separate object of study. Logic, therefore, is a study of the relation THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 19 of thought to human knowledge. But, in this con- nection, we had to point out (3) that the interest of logic in thought is different from that which the several knowledges have in it. The knowledges aim to reach conclusions that increase our understanding of the nature of the objects they select for study. It is true that this increased understanding is reached by thinking; but, so long as results are reached, the scientist is no more concerned with thought than is a farmer with the engine that drives the machine that threshes his grain. This is not the case with logic. It studies thought with a view to finding out its methods of work. From this point of view, therefore, we may say that logic is a science of the methods of correct thinking. But (4) if logic is to be guided by the best examples, it will naturally be interested in the methods of the natural sciences. The influence of this interest of logic in the natural sciences has been to restrict unduly the scope of log- ical inquiry, and thereby to give to logic an impor- tance that originally did not belong to it. The restriction is seen in the definition of logic as a study of scientific method, and the new importance it thus assumes is expressed in its claim to be the scientia scientiarum, the science that makes all the other sciences possible and real. In this connection, we pointed out (5) that this view could not claim the support of the earliest writers on the subject, and that in our own times a positive reaction against it has set in. The form that the reaction has taken is to extend the field of logical observation so as to in- 20 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC elude not only the more highly specialised sciences, such as physics and chemistry, but also those that are less fully developed, such as the biological, social, and historical sciences. From this standpoint, logic is a study of the methods of human knowledge of whatever kind the knowledge may happen to be. In the section on psychology and logic we saw (6) that thought may be studied in two quite different ways. We may study thought, for example, as a series of consciousnesses made up of various elements and possessing various attributes. This is psychology. If, however, we study the function of thought in affording us a knowledge of the real world, we are led to a very different result, and the kind of knowl- edge thus reached will be logical rather than psycho- logical in character. For logic, that is to say, thought has a meaning over and above what thought is as an item in a stream of consciousness. What thought is or is like is one thing, and what thought means and does it another. It is from the latter point of view that logic studies it. If, therefore, meaning, as one writer says, is a "product of thought in its relation to reality, or of reality in relation to thought," logic may be defined as a science of the development of meaning, or, more briefly, as the science of meaning. Only one more point need be raised, namely, in what sense logic is a science at all. In the last sec- tion we saw that logic is an art in the sense that engineering is an art, but we also saw that as such THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 21 it is an art in a somewhat special sense. It is, if we may say so, an intellectual art, an art that con- sists in knowing how certain things should be done. In this respect, logic, to use Minto's illustration of the Aristotelian logic, may be likened to "Cavendish on Whist," a book that states the rules and illus- trates the methods of playing the game. We have done ample justice to this feature of logic, and the student is not likely to lose sight of its importance as we proceed. But we now ask whether it is also, in any sense, a science; in the sense, for example, that physics and chemistry are sciences. Now we ought to be clear that these sciences do not exist for the purpose of providing rules that students may follow in performing laboratory experiments. If this were the whole extent of the scientific character and purpose of these subjects, they would differ in no respect from the practical sciences in which we learn how certain things are done. If, however, we consider these sciences more carefully we shall see that they ^aim to formulate principles or laws, and that it is only as the experiments enable us to ascer- tain these principles that they have their perfect work. So we may say with respect to logic. It has its experimental side, and it formulates rules and states the methods of correct thinking ; but it goes beyond this and tries to express the laws or the principles to which every concrete case of thinking actually conforms. In the light of this fact, we may conve- niently bring this chapter to an end with the state- 22 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ment that logic is a study of the methods of correct thinking and of the principles on which these meth- ods are based. REFERENCES B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Ch. I. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. I. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Introduction I. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. I. W. Minto, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Introduction I. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. I. ADVANCED J. M. Baldwin, Thought and Things, Vol. I, Ch. I. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Introduction. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. I. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. I., Introduction. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Ch. I. C. Sigwart, Logic, Vol. I, Introduction. J. Welton, Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Ch. I., II. QUESTIONS 1. How do the various sciences differ from one another? Illustrate. 2. What function has thought in the several sciences, and what reason can you give for your answer? 3. What do you understand by knowledge, and into what two factors may all knowledge be analysed? 4. What is meant by calling knowledge systematic? 5. Upon what three factors does the systematisation of knowledge depend? 6. Is all knowledge equally systematic? Illustrate. 7. What is meant by 'knowledges'? 8. "It is the knowledges that make logic possible." Ex- plain. THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC 23 9. What is the subject-matter of logic? What is the rela- tion of this subject-matter to the other sciences? 10. What is meant by calling logic scientia scientiarum? 11. Describe the humanistic reaction in logic, and how does it affect our view of the subject? 12. In what two ways do logic and psychology differ from one another? 13. What two meanings may be given to the term art? 14. Is logic an art as well as a science? Explain. 15. Summarise the various definitions of logic in this chap- ter, and state clearly the points of view from which these definitions are made. EXERCISES 1. Point out the subject-matter in the case of any six subjects with which you may be acquainted. 2. Show the relation that thought has to each of the sub- jects chosen for your answer to the previous question. 3. Cite concrete instances of the way that thought be- comes a problem in the pursuit of various kinds of knowledge. 4. Illustrate how observation of the ordinary modes of conversation may advance our knowledge of the log- ical processes. 5. Use concrete examples to show the limitations to which logic would be subject if it confined itself to the study of the scientific mind. 6. Give instances of the practical value that is claimed for an acquaintance with logical doctrine. CHAPTER II THE JUDGMENT The Meaning of Thought. Before carrying our study of the logical character of the thought proc- esses, begun in the last chapter, into greater detail, we wish to call attention to two simple and obvious considerations. In the first place, we may observe that the objects that come before us in the course of our experience present a great variety of charac- teristics. The object of which we are aware may be part of the material world, the starry heavens ; it may be part of the common human life that today we share with our fellows, the rush of the ambu- lance in its race with death; it may be part of the inner individual life, the secret and incommuni- cable thing that a man sees when he sits down face to face with himself. In short, the object may be anything from "the choir of heaven to the furniture of earth ;" but whatever it is, it is an object because, and in so far as, we have experience of it. We shall use the term object, then, to denote that of which we have experience, without respect to the kind of object it is, or the kind of experience in and through which it may be said to exist. But this leads to a second remark. There are, as we intimated just now, a variety of ways in which we experience, or react to, or are aware of objects. The terms per- ception, memory, imagination, feeling, volition, are (24) THE JUDGMENT 25 the names of some of the more familiar ways of reacting to objects. Thus we may perceive an object, or remember it, or imagine it, or be affected pleasantly or unpleasantly by it, or do something because of it. All these are, of course, familiar experiences, and we do not need to be psychologists to be aware of the fact that the object assumes a somewhat different character for the different activ- ities through which it is experienced. That is to say, the object as we perceive it, or remember it, or imagine it, or are pleasantly or unpleasantly affected by it, or do something because of it, has a slightly altered aspect in these several modes of reacting to it. Now it will probably help us to understand the problems of this chapter if, at the outset, we observe that the recognition of this implication of objects in all or most of our conscious processes has led to a certain looseness in our use of the term thought. By some, especially among the psychologists, thought is the name that has been employed to denote the various kinds of mental processes, perception, imagination, feeling, desire, emotion, etc. James, for example, speaks of the 'stream of thought/ a phrase in which the term thought, as he tells us, is used for "every form of consciousness indiscrim- inately." In a somewhat more restricted sense, the term thought or cognition is used, in distinction from feeling and conation or striving, with which it is intimately associated, as the name for one of the ultimate modes of consciousness. It appears in 26 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC this sense in the writings of Stout and Ladd. When employed with this meaning, it denotes all those mental activities, such as perception, memory, con- ception, etc., in which we are, in one way or another, concerned with the nature of objects. "It covers," as Stout says, "all modes and degrees of being aware of or cognisant of an object." A still more special- ised use of the term is that which limits its appli- cation to those processes whereby we designate objects merely as the objects that are, at the present moment, under consideration. To think, to use James' definition of conception, with which the term thought in this sense is practically synonymous, is to "identify a numerically distinct and permanent subject of discourse;" to mark it off from other objects, and to make it the bearer of whatever attri- butes or relations that our 'thoughts-about' it may show that it actually possesses. The three meanings just distinguished of the term thought are doubtless closely connected from the psychological point of view. For if psychology be regarded as "the science of the processes whereby an individual becomes aware of a world of objects and adjusts his actions accordingly," and it is so regarded by Stout, it is perfectly obvious that the several mental processes must be viewed, in them- selves and in their relations to one another, as modes of conscious activity which further, more or less directly, that acquaintance with objects which all the three statements of the meaning of thought alike emphasise. We need not consider whether, THE JUDGMENT 27 and, if so, in what sense all the fundamental mental processes serve the purpose of establishing- and im- proving our acquaintance with things; whether, for example, the so-called affective processes are cor- rectly interpreted in this way. It will be enough if we recognise that certain processes can be grouped together, and can be regarded as having for their distinctive function the discriminating and relating of the objects of experience. If we approach the problem of thought from this point of view, we see that the term thought, in the second and third mean- ings distinguished above, have a peculiarly close relation. According to the second meaning, thought is a continuous process which, beginning in percep- tion, culminates in what the psychologist calls judg- ment and reasoning. Without denying that thought is dependent upon the more elementary processes of perception, the third meaning limits the application of the term to the later processes in which, more particularly, we acquire what was described in the previous chapter as 'knowledge-about' objects. For the one, thinking is the name for a process in which perception, memory, imagination, conception and judgment may be found to function; for the other, it is a name by which conception and judgment are specifically signified. In whichever of these two contrasted senses the term is used, each implies, what is undoubtedly the fact, that there is no unique faculty of thought, that thought is a complex process in which a number of mental activities combine to give us a knowledge of objects, and that, while some 28 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of these activities enable us to identify distinct and permanent subjects of discourse, others carry us beyond this to the knowledge of a system of existing things in which numerous terms and relations are discernible. Judgment and Thought. Now when we consider the subject of thought from the standpoint of logic, it is in the third of the meanings already distin- guished that, in the main, we shall use the term. Thought will thus signify the processes of judgment and reasoning, those processes in which the cogni- tive process as a whole culminates. Logic, that is to say, is particularly interested in the terminus ad quern of the thought-process, in the goal toward which our desire for knowledge points; and it studies the process of reaching the goal only when a knowledge of such process enables it to determine the nature and grounds of the validity that is claimed for thought. Thinking thus comes to be regarded by logic as having a character which is liable to escape notice so long as we keep strictly to the psychological point of view, the character of assertion. And in order to give prominence to this feature of thought, logicians are more apt to speak of judgment than they are of thought. Thinking, as we have seen, is a mental process in which the psychologist distinguishes a number of constitutive processes, perception, memory, etc. Judgment, as it is used by the logician, regards the thought process as being concerned with the specification of a content, the assertion of which is logically the THE JUDGMENT 29 characteristic thing about a judgment. The content of the thought process is taken up by the judgment and constituted the subject-matter of assertion. Thus the experience, say, of red calls from the psy- chologist the statement that, like all sensational experiences red cannot be described, but must be experienced if any one is to know what the word signifies, that it is produced by the action, on the rods and cones of the retina, of ether waves of a certain length, and that these changes are continued, by way of the optic nerve, in a manner that is little understood, to the occipital lobe which is the cortical centre of the visual consciousness. For the logician, the particular patch of colour called red merely exists, and the acknowledgment of it as existing, by the individual who experiences it, is what is meant by assertion or judgment. The red is the content of the processes which are described by the psychologist, and it is this content that is asserted as the subject-matter of the judgment. Whatever, then, exists as content of thought, may become the subject-matter of a judgment; and we may, there- fore, define a judgment, broadly, as an assertion of the qualities and relations of the object of thought. A word or two may be necessary at this point to guard against a possible misunderstanding of what is meant by assertion as the central fact of the logical judgment. In current usage, to assert means to express in words the thoughts and opin- ions that we entertain about things. It is commonly employed as the equivalent of 'to say something.' 30 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC In logic, assertion has nothing to do with speech. We may, of course, express what we assert, but we can assert without putting into words, or into any other set of social symbols, the qualities and relations of the object of thought. The question we are now considering, moreover, has nothing to do with the problem whether, as individuals, we can think without words. It is a simpler matter than that; and all that we say is that no one, merely because he judges, is bound, in order to give his judgment the character of assertion, to put into language the truth or fact that his judgment em- bodies. On the contrary, by assertion we mean the attitude of mind in which, for that mind itself, there consciously exists such an acquaintance with an object that, in itself and its relations, it is dis- tinguished from other objects with which it occurs in a common field of knowledge. For example, I may be looking over a collection of curiosities that a friend has accumulated from the four corners of the earth. I look at the objects one after the other, and find that each is a strange and unintelligible thing, and, as I put it back into its place, it is soon lost in the mass of the other strange and unintel- ligible things. If, however, I should find in the col- lection an object that is familiar, there would be, under the circumstances supposed, a mental tang and 'feel' toward it that would make it, as I put it, too, back in its place, stand out from the rest, - its identity would not get lost in the multitude of strange things. What makes the difference in this THE JUDGMENT 31 case is my mental attitude toward it, a mental attitude that, in this instance, is called recognitive judgment. In logic, the mental attitude in which we find the characteristic feature of the judgment is described as assertion. Whenever we judge we assert, and whenever we assert we put marks upon the objects that come before us by which they attain unique distinction. Other Mental Attitudes Akin to Judgment. It may help to emphasise the assertive character of the judgment if we distinguish certain other attitudes which, like assertion, have received, in the develop- ment of language, definite verbal forms. Judgments, it should be observed, are always expressed in the indicative mood, and what they assert is always true or false. On the other hand, interrogatives, imper- atives, optatives, and exclamations do not assert, and therefore are not judgments, but express either an inquiry, a command, a wish, or an emotion. Of the wishes that optatives express we can say that they are reasonable or unreasonable. The com- mands of imperatives can only be obeyed or dis- obeyed. Our interrogatives formulate inquiries and call for an answer. Exclamations are word ges- tures that express our emotional attitudes toward situations. But while interrogatives, imperatives, optatives, and exclamations are not judgments, they imply attitudes of mind which, if asserted, would be judgments. The rhetorical question, 'Is thy ser- vant a dog?' doubtless implies an assertion, and is equivalent to 'Thy servant is not a dog.' But not 32 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC only the rhetorical, but any question may be inter- preted in a similar way. For to ask a question would be meaningless unless we thereby implied that something can be asserted of its subject, and it is to this something that the question, in a general way, points. If, for example, I ask, 'Is that a fire?' I imply that it is a fire, but not in the way that would warrant me in asserting it as a fact. With imperatives the case is different. 'Come,' 'Do this,' cannot be said to be either true or false, and they imply assertion only if imperatives are indicated actions that have reference to a situation which they either help or hinder. Imperatives, that is, get their meaning from a context that exists in the mind of the person issuing the command, a context which must rely for its development upon the action of the person to whom the command is addressed. The implied judgment, therefore, may be thrown into the hypothetical form thus: 'If you do the thing commanded, such and such things will happen.' Commands, that is, are abbreviated antecedents of hypothetical judgments. Optatives express a desire for some state or condition which is thought of as possible, though not, at the moment the wish is entertained, as actual. They imply the assertion of definite objects as the objects of desire. In this way we must interpret, for example, 'Would that I were dead!' It implies that 'to be dead at this moment' is really a desired object. Such exclama- tions as 'Absurd!' 'Impossible!' are predicates of implied judgments, and by them, besides expressing THE JUDGMENT 33 our personal attitudes, we are also characterising situations. Judgment and Groundless Statements. Before proceeding to develop other features of the judg- ment, as this has been defined in the previous sec- tions, there is a class of statements about which we are called upon to say something if only for the sake of clearing our exposition of the subject under discussion from unnecessary ambiguity. We have seen that assertion is the main characteristic of judgment, and that what a judgment asserts is some quality or relation of the objects about which we think. It would seem quite obvious, therefore, that unless we think about some object or other, there can be, for us, no such thing as judgment. Judg- ment implies thought, and thought implies some- thing thought about. In contrast to judgment, as thus understood, we are confronted with a class of statements which simulate judgments, but which fall short of being true judgments because they are not based on the thinking of the person who makes them. We may cite in illustration not only the parrot-like state- ments of the class-room recitation, but the ill- informed and often misleading expressions of opin- ion that many of us allow ourselves to make with confidence on all sorts of subjects about which we know relevantly nothing. The certainty that at- taches to such statements has little or nothing to do with their subject-matter; it usually rests upon the 34 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC confidence we have in 'authority' of some kind or other. For instance, students rarely call in question the statements they find in their text-books, and consequently they are ready to state as true any- thing they read in them for no better reason than that it is 'in the book.' Indeed, most of us entertain, and express to others, beliefs that are based solely upon statements we have read in some magazine or newspaper, or have heard in a public address or in private conversation. To communicate, in this way, the opinions of others is doubtless a valuable social function, but the statements in which another's views are given currency should not be confused with judgments in the sense in which this term has been defined. We may, for want of a better word, distinguish these statements as groundless asser- tions, for what enables us to distinguish them from true judgments is the fact that, in respect of the latter, we are always more or less conscious of the reasons for what the judgment asserts. Our judg- ments are, as it is said, grounded judgments, and the grounds of the judgment are the reasons that thought can give for the particulars asserted by the judgment. For, as we have seen, the asserted par- ticulars are always what thought reveals as true of the subject thought about. The distinction that we have drawn in this sec- tion between groundless statements and judgment corresponds, in a general way, to that which appears in the history of Greek speculation as the distinction between 'opinion' and 'knowledge.' THE JUDGMENT 35 Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Thought. Whether we use the term thought in the broadest of the meanings already distinguished, or in one of its more restricted senses, it is undoubtedly true that we cannot fully describe the experience that the term denotes without recognising the fact that, along with those differentiations which the object of thought undergoes, for example, in perception, in ideal representation, and in ideational thought, tendencies of a practical sort are aroused which not only accompany the thinking process, but, in part, give it the character and direction which it undoubt- edly possesses. Thus the psychologists have been accustomed to recognise that instinctive impulses are present in perception which tend to place the percipient subject in relation to external objects; that in ideal representation active tendencies of the kind called desires are directed toward objects which, not being actually present, are held before consciousness as an end to be realised; and that in ideational thought the process of generalisation for- mulates ideals which are sometimes of so complex a character that, while they may become the objects of individual desire, they are attainable only as the result of social cooperation. Whether, therefore, in its simpler or more complex forms, thought seems to have, not only an aspect which is directly con- cerned with the definition of an object, a theoretical aspect, but also a practical aspect, a certain conative tendency whose function it is to direct the process 36 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of thinking and to give its content a definite charac- ter and objective. Relevant Assertion. From the point of view we have now reached, we may indicate certain features of the logical judgment which correspond, in a gen- eral way, to this distinction in the nature of think- ing itself. The function of judgment we have said is assertion. We have now to point out that when- ever assertion satisfies the logical conditions of truth, and is not mere or groundless assertion, it is seen to have two characteristics both of which are included under the single term 'relevant.' More explicitly stated, judgments, in the logical sense of that term, are always relevant assertions, and their relevancy is based upon, and is the logical expression of, the theoretical and practical aspects of the though process which were indicated above. Judg- ments, in other words, always refer to some object, and fulfill some need of the person asserting the judgment. Whenever they do either or both of these things, our judgments are said to be relevant asser- tions. Briefly stated, judgments are assertions that are relevant (1) to the motives that operate to produce them, and (2) to the material by which they are called forth and to which they refer. To consider the first meaning of relevancy, that which refers to the motives that operate to produce our judgments, we may say that this is concerned with the reasons why any one judges at all. If, then, it were asked why any one judges, the answer would be that one cannot 'get along' without it. In THE JUDGMENT 37 a broad way, the life of thought is based in and grows out of our practical needs. As an illustration of what this statement means, we may refer to the development of agriculture in the history of civil- isation. Before agriculture had become one of the institutions of human society, men no doubt were confronted with the problem of food supply, and they met this problem in a way that was fairly satisfactory until the accumulation of various forms of wealth made a predatory and wandering life both irksome and unprofitable. When, for instance, the domestication of animals had become an accom- plished fact, this not only made a wandering life more difficult, but it also exposed the primitive com- munity to greater loss through drought, long jour- neys, and marauding attacks from hostile and mer- cenary tribes. But unless fruits and cereals could be domesticated, as animals had been, there was before the primitive community the necessity of seeking food where it grew, whatever the risks and losses that might be incurred. Now it takes but a little imagination to see that the great difficulties that beset tribes advancing from a wandering to a settled mode of life would act as a stimulus to their thought, and would engage their thought in the direction of these difficulties themselves. It may seem to us who have grown up under settled con- ditions of life a simple matter to perceive the prob- lem and the solution of which it was capable. But before the food supply of man and beast could be raised, within a restricted area, by man's efforts 38 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC from seeds, there was required exactly that develop- ment of the thought processes which the mainte- nance of the institution of agriculture calls for at the present day. What, therefore, we may say is that the principle of this illustration, namely, that our needs stimulate the judging activity and direct it toward an understanding of whatever threatens the satisfaction of these needs, is capable of indefi- nite extension ; and that the incentives to knowledge become more numerous and diverse as, with the growth in complexity of our social life, obstacles are multiplied, and needs increase in number or change their form. Thus, over the whole course of our experience, thought not only interprets the environment, but determines the particular adjust- ments that, under change of environment, are neces- sary if the varying needs of life are to be met. The relevancy of our judgments to the varying needs by which they are called forth may be further illustrated, and, for this purpose, let us suppose that we have a hundred books, and that our problem is what we are going to do with them. It is very probable, first, that we shall want to have them all in one place. Within the space allotted to them, we are likely to arrange them under some scheme of classification, authors, subjects, or what not. Now why do we do this? Is it needless? By no means. We are simply obeying in our manner of dealing with the books a fundamental need for order. But what particular order we impose upon the books will depend upon the particular form that THE JUDGMENT 39 the demand assumes. Thus, in the first instance, we bring all the books together in one place; place is the principle of our classification. In the second instance, we have carried the matter further, and have arranged the books, let us say, according to subjects, subject-matter is a more specialised form of the need for order which operates through- out all our classifications. But if it is asked why any order is necessary, we can only say that when classified objects are more easily handled and used. The point of the illustration is that, when we have to deal with a hundred books, we are bound to think about the books in terms of our interest in them. Thus the first classification according to place might be satisfactory to the housekeeper whose interest in the books is aesthetic, as articles of furniture in a room. The classification according to author would satisfy the interests of the man whose manner of speaking about books is, 'Oh, yes, I have Dickens, Eliot, Thackeray, etc.' The scholar's interest is most likely to be met by the arrangement according to subjects. In each case, what we think about the books, whether as articles of furniture, or as the works of such and such authors, or as dealing with given subjects, depends upon the interest we have in them. And what is true in this particular in- stance is true in every case of judgment. Our judg- ments, in a word, are assertions that are relevant to the interests out of which they are born. The foregoing statement and illustrations of the conditions under which the judging activity comes 40 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC into play indicate clearly enough what is meant by the practical nature of all our thinking. But be- cause the word practical is, in ordinary speech, so intimately associated with the getting of material goods, or with the removal of material hindrances, the exact meaning of the statement that all judgment is conditioned by the presence of practical needs is liable to be given too narrow an interpretation. By a practical need, it is true, we mean one that is con- cerned with getting an anticipated good, or with removing a present hindrance to further goods. But the goods in question need not be material, and in many cases are not material. We have no wish to deny that man is an economic animal, and that what we call property is based in and grows out of his need for 'things/ But it is no less true that man is a social animal, and that the various organ- isations in which he is associated, the family, the shop, the club, etc., have their foundation in the needs which prompt men to associate with their kind. The social is, no less than the economic, a practical need. A similar line of remark applies also to our science, art, and religion. There are, doubt- less, intellectual, emotional, and volitional needs, complex in their nature, and variously combined in the instances just given, which impel men to seek their satisfaction in the formulation of the objects to which these needs point. Over the whole range of life, then, situations are constantly arising in which unsatisfied demands impel us to think, and to think with reference to these demands. Nowhere THE JUDGMENT 41 can this practical aspect of the judging activity find more or more pertinent illustration than in a study of the ways in which the human race has advanced in the arts of civilised life. But to bring the truth of this view home to ourselves, we need only to ask if we, as individuals, ever think when the situations in which we find ourselves are entirely satisfactory. Even a student, very often, will not think until a failure stares him in the face. Turning now to the second meaning of relevancy, we may say that judgments are assertions about the material by which they are called forth and to which they refer. In the development of knowledge, our interests never become so one-sided that our judgments are freed from the control of the mate- rial through which these interests are to receive their satisfaction. If, for instance, we were con- scious of nothing but compelling interests, be those interests psychologically never so definite, or if we were moved by a vague catholicity of mind that went out to everything in general, but took hold on nothing in particular, judgment would be impos- sible. There are states of mind that correspond more or less closely to those just described, states that are definite as to interests but indefinite, vague, or empty as to their objects; and others that are vague and indefinite in both respects; but no one would think of calling these states cognition, or the reactions they may involve judgments. What we aim at in the judgment is to characterise an 42 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC object in such a way that it becomes better known. The study of the judgment, therefore, is a study of the relation of thought to its object. Now, when one attempts to study the relation in which thought stands to its object, one is partic- ularly prone to two kinds of error. In the first place, he is apt to think of the mind as a passive mirror that reflects indifferently whatever is held up before it. That is to say, he is liable to overlook the presence in all knowledge of the interest factor of which we have already spoken. If, however, he escapes this pitfall, he is prone to go to the other extreme and think of the mind as a magic mirror that transforms out of all likeness to their own nature the objects that pass in front of it. That is to say, he is liable to overlook or underestimate the material factor to which attention is now being directed. Interests, as we have seen, do make our judgments significant; but if they are to reach truth they must also be brought under the control of objective fact. No judgment can be regarded as having reached truth which does not open to us the nature of the object about which it undertakes to inform us. The fact, therefore, about the judgment is that, within the sphere of the interests that stimulate the judging process, the character of our assertions is limited by the nature of the mate- rial or subject with which we are dealing. For example, in writing this section of logic, I am prompted by the desire to write in such a way that the student who reads shall be able, with ordinary THE JUDGMENT 43 attention, to understand the doctrine. But what the doctrine is does not depend upon this interest; what I say must be true of the subject we are dis- cussing. However, this must be said, that what I include and what I omit, what form the sentences take, and what illustrations are used, are deter- mined by the purpose and needs the section is in- tended to serve. I cannot say anything I please about the judgment, but I can examine it to see how far it lends itself to the satisfaction of the interests that lead me to write about it. We may take any other illustration we please, and the same thing will be found true. The difference, for ex- ample, between history and romance, other things being equal, is the difference between the way the historian and the novelist feel themselves bound by the character and order of the occurrences which they narrate. The historian's purpose is to describe a complex social situation as it actually existed, and to develop the consequences, in the way of cause and effect, of the situation thus depicted. The novelist's treatment of the same material is much freer from the control of the objective events within which, as in a framework, his romance is made to move. But it is only in the former of these two cases that truth is the aim; the relative unimportance of this aim in the novel accounts for the looser handling of the historical material. We may, therefore, conclude that interest or purpose sustains and directs the whole process in which our judgments are formed, and that what the judgment asserts, since all judg- 44 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ments claim to be true, must derive its character from the material which constitutes the subject- matter of the process of judgment. The Interest Factor in Knowledge. In the pre- ceding section, we have seen that judgments are assertions that are relevant to the interests or pur- pose of the person who judges, and also to the material or body of facts which, in the judgment, receive a particular characterisation. Now it will serve to further emphasise this distinction, if we call attention more particularly to the way in which these factors of knowledge are related to one an- other. We may in general distinguish two cases. There is first the case in which our interest in the objects which we are led to observe is extrinsic to the objects themselves, and, secondly, the case in which it is primarily intrinsic. To consider the former case, we may remark that we are often led to observe and make asser- tions about objects, not because of any particular interest in the objects themselves, but because of the relation in which these objects stand to other objects in which we are interested. Let us take as an example my observation of the shape, colour, and arrangement of the roses in the vase that stands upon the table at which I write. It is true, of course, that I may be induced to observe them, and to study their particular characteristics by reason of an interest that is rooted in my knowledge of floriculture. But, on the other hand, the attention that I give to the flowers may be due, for example, THE JUDGMENT 45 to my interest in the person who picked them and placed them where, as I now write, they become the object of my perception. Or, if this is not the fact, my interest may grow out of my liking for a patch of colour of any kind, or for the particular combination of colours that the flowers present. In the former of these suppositions, the interest is social, and in the latter, it is aesthetic. In in- stances like these, we may say that the object sustains an interest that is extrinsic to itself, and gives to the interest a longer life than it would otherwise have. If, from this point of view, we speak of the flowers at all we should say that they were pretty, a judgment it is true, but one which expresses one's feelings for the flowers rather than one which tells anything about the flowers them- selves. Such judgments are usually called value judgments, judgments which express the value or worth of the objects for the individual expressing the judgment. We express multitudes of such judg- ments in the course of our lives, and of a great deal that is noblest and best in our experience we can speak in no other way. The student will find that most of the judgments that he expresses on morals, art, and religion are what are called value judg- ments ; judgments, that is to say, that are stimulated by interests that are extrinsic to the objects about which he judges. If, now, we consider knowledge in the more scientific meaning of the term, we shall find that here the interest factor is intrinsic, that it is 46 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC grounded in the object in a way we have seen not to be the fact in the class of cases just studied. Scientific interest, in other words, is an interest in objects for their own sake. Of course, it is some- times said that interest or purpose is altogether absent from our scientific activities, and that it is this fact that distinguishes science from all other kinds of knowledge. If all that has been written about the disinterested nature of scientific study were true, science would have been destroyed, before this, at the hands of its friends. The fact is, how- ever, as our study of the nature of knowledge has shown, there is no knowledge which does not spring from some form of human interest. It is not true, therefore, that what we mean by science, in con- tradistinction to what is not science, can be stated in terms of its freedom from interests which direct the course and prescribe the goal that science aims to reach. What is true, on the negative side, is that certain kinds of interests are detrimental to the existence of science. But to deny the useful- ness of certain kinds of interest, is certainly a very different matter from denying all interest whatever. For science, as was pointed out by Plato and Aris- totle, would have no existence were it not for that curiosity and wonder which is awakened very early in all of us by the changing appearances in the course of nature. It is this curiosity which, when specialised, is the source of scientific interest, and which, in its developed form, is an interest which centres in the objects which it prompts us to study. THE JUDGMENT 47 In other words, the interest which is the motive of scientific effort appears in the form of a desire to comprehend the nature and relations of the objects of our experience. The better we understand these objects, the more alive does our interest in them become; and the more alert this interest, the more keen do we become in our study of these objects. The interest and the object of scientific work are thus keyed to each other in a way that makes them mutually supporting; and the further we study their relations, the clearer does it become, as was intimated above, that they are different aspects of a single process. Scientific interest, then, is an interest in objects for their own sake; it is an in- terest that prompts us to ascertain all that can be truly known about these objects. The Object of Judgment. If we now pass from the study of the relations of interest and subject- matter upon which we have been dwelling, and regard the judgment as an assertion about its subject-matter, certain other features of the judg- ment come into view. In our previous discussions, we have had occasion to specify what is meant by the subject-matter of the judgment, and this, it will be remembered, was found to be identical with what, from the psychological point of view, is denominated the content of thought. Thought and judgment are thought and judgment about some thing. Without, therefore, the challenge of some thing neither thought nor judgment takes place. But while thought and judgment imply the existence of a 48 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC subject, neither, in the strict sense of these terms, is identical with the existence of its subject. There seems to be, therefore, some other feature of the judgment which distinguishes it from mere aware- ness, and it is this feature that we have now to consider. We may perhaps bring the question of discussion distinctly forward by the aid of an illustration. Let it, therefore, be supposed that I am gazing out of the window while thinking about the distinction, within the logical judgment, that it is now my desire to state. I turn the subject about which I am thinking this way and that, experimenting with it until my interest in it begins to wane. What I find, under the supposed conditions, is that the more interest in the original subject wanes, the more insistently do factors from other parts of my environment obtrude on consciousness; and by and by I find myself wholly engaged with some of these, -the sloping hill side, the frozen lake, and the lively company of girls and boys skating upon its surface. In such an experience, what one observes is that not only has there been a change from one subject to another, from a logical problem to a physical object, but also that changes of another kind have accompanied those already indicated. The two consecutive contents of the thought processes, that is to say, have been followed by changes in the character of what, in each instance, is asserted. I do not find, in other words, that what I am thinking when engaged with the logical problem fits in with, THE JUDGMENT 49 or can be carried over to, the scene in the distance which has now become the content of my thought. Each content has its own appropriate set of asser- tions. To assert of its subject significant qualities and relations is what we understand to be the object of the logical judgment. It will serve to emphasise the distinction between the subject and the object of judgment if we recall that Bradley discriminates in the judgment between what he calls the 'that' and the 'what.' By the 'that' of a judg- ment we may mean the content or material of a thought process, that is, the subject of the judgment as we have used that term. By the 'what' may be understood the complex asserted by the judgment. For instance, the joyful scene upon the frozen lake, of an illustration already used, is the subject-matter of any judgment that I may make about it. In Bradley 's terminology, it is the 'that' of the judg- ment. If, however, I assert that there is danger from the ice because of a thaw, and the children should be warned, this would be the object or the 'what' of the judgment, the complex whole that it is the business of the judgment to assert. More recently a similar distinction has been drawn by the Austrian psychologist, Meinong. Meinong insists that we must not confuse in any act of judgment that concerning which we judge, and what we judge about it. The distinction that is thus drawn for all judgments is that with which we are familiar in the case particularly of legal 50 , A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC judgments. Let us say that a person is accused of a crime. In such a case, we may ask, What is it that the judge and jury are expected to judge? In one sense, the object of their judgment is the prisoner, and in another, it is, let us say, that he is not guilty of the offense with which he is charged. There seems, then, to be two objects of judgment, and, as this inevitably leads to confusion, Meinong thinks it important that they should be clearly dis- tinguished. For that purpose, he proposes to use the term 'object' to denote what we have described as the subject-matter of the judgment, that is, in the case supposed, the prisoner; and the term 'objective* to denote what we have called the object, that is, in the case supposed, the verdict of the judge and jury. Now Meinong is perfectly right in saying that the object peculiar to the judgment is what he calls the 'objective,' that the judgment exists for the purpose of asserting something about a definitely apprehended subject-matter, and he is also right in calling attention to the importance of fixing this distinction in an appropriate terminology, because, in the absence of such terminology, of the tendency to confuse the two kinds of objects. The Universe of Discourse. In view of the course that our discussion has taken up to this point, the logical judgment may be defined as an assertion of, or of something about, the objects of our experience. We may, for example, assert that so and so is the object of which, at the time the assertion is made, we are thinking, or we may assert certain other THE JUDGMENT 51 things, besides its existence, of such an object. In each of these cases there is judgment because the object is apprehended as having a particular char- acter, of existence or something else. The judg- ment, consequently, always implies a relational content of some sort, that is, an object qualified in a particular way, and it is such relational contents, as we have seen, that it is the specific aim of the judgment to ascertain and assert. If, for example, the words 'dog,' 'automobile,' 'zeppelin,' are not mere sounds, but significant terms, they must mean some- thing more than they express ; either that something not specified is 'dog,' 'automobile,' 'zeppelin ;' or that the objects denoted by these terms exist ; or that they have characteristics which distinguish them from all other objects ; or that they stand in an indefinite number of relations to each other, and to numerous other objects. Each of these alternatives illustrates the peculiar character of the judgment, since each of them specifies a content of thought in which relations of some sort are involved. The special object of the judgment, as we have seen, is to assert just such relational contents as these. The question may now be raised whether this is the whole story of the judgment, whether, that is, the asserted content embodies the whole meaning of an act of judgment. To this a negative reply must be given. Such an answer is necessitated in part by the fact, as we have seen, that our concrete acts of judgment are not satisfied with the assertion of any content, but only with those that are ger- 52 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC mane to the motives by which the acts of judgment are controlled. But the negative answer is ren- dered necessary also by the fact that the subject qualified in the judgment, distinguished as the log- ical subject, is only a part of the actual subject, distinguished as the real subject, which the judg- ment, taken as a whole, is understood to qualify. If this is true, a judgment asserts only part of what it means, and we must understand that the unas- serted part of its content is related to the judgment as the judgment's presupposition. On this view, every judgment must be presumed to involve or presuppose, besides and as part of what it asserts, a wider range of fact in the light of which the particulars which form the content of the judg- ment's assertion are to be interpreted. The range of fact presupposed by any of our judgments is described in logic as a universe of discourse. The meaning and truth of this statement will be readily seen in a simple illustration. Any proposi- tion which contains, for example, the term 'style' is at once recognised to mean one thing if the topic of conversation is current modes of dress, and that when the topic of conversation is literature it means something quite different. Thus, if we take the fa- miliar saying, Le style c'est I'homme, in abstraction from all contexts, its meaning is certainly ambig- uous ; and the only hope of removing this ambiguity is to restore the saying to a context in relation to which it can be significantly asserted. Or, to borrow an illustration from Major in discussing a closely THE JUDGMENT 53 related topic from the psychological point of view, we may say that "if one is engaged with astronom- ical matters, the word 'star' means a heavenly body. . . . But if the general topic of our discourse is theatres or ball games or decorations, the meaning . . . of 'star' will likely be very different." From these and similar illustrations it is evident that the meaning of what is asserted in any judgment is rendered particular as much by virtue of what it presupposes, that is by its universe of discourse, as by what it definitely asserts. We may say, conse- quently, that it is the intention of every judgment to acknowledge the truth of what it asserts in the sphere of what the judgment presupposes, that is, in some definitely implied universe of discourse. To apply this view to another case, we may say that the statement, 'Mr. Wilson was elected by the pop- ular vote of the people,' asserts a fact that qualifies in a unique way the political history of the United States, and not a fact that sets Mr. Wilson, by virtue of his election to the presidential office, apart from his fellow citizens. Mr. Wilson's citizenship is unaffected by his election, and, therefore, it can- not be in respect of this that our judgment is sig- nificant, but the election does determine in a par- ticular way the political history of the Republic, and this, therefore, must, in logical terms, be the universe of discourse within which our judgment of the election must be understood to fall. It follows from this view of the j'udgment that the universe of discourse implied by any judgment 54 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC exists always in a relatively indeterminate and incomplete form. This statement does not mean, although it is sometimes true, that particular judg- ments indicate only vaguely the universe within which their meaning is asserted. It means rather that, in the particular which the judgment asserts, the universe is found to be either not determined at all, or not to be determined with an explicitness that renders it serviceable for an immediately con- trolling purpose. Whatever degree of determinate- ness the general field or subject presupposed by any of our judgments may have, that field or subject can be used as a universe only if it is thought capable of receiving, through judgment, a more concrete and determined form. But it also follows from the view we are developing that judgments themselves are incomplete and point beyond them- selves. They are, as it were, fragments torn from their contexts; but, even so conceived, they carry with them, as a rule, evidence of their connection with the contexts from which they have been torn. Unless this were so, single judgments would always remain ambiguous. But if this were the case, if, that is, there existed even a considerable number of judgments from which we are unable to remove their ambiguity, because they do not point with sufficient definiteness to an interpreting context, the fact that, apart from such contexts, they remain ambiguous is in itself evidence that they lack some- thing which is characteristic of significant asser- tions. The meaning, therefore, of any judgment is THE JUDGMENT 55 the meaning that it comes to have by virtue of its pointing relevantly to something which is not iden- tical with the relational content asserted by it. In so far then as a judgment has to be supplemented by what its context supplies, so far is it incomplete; and if this incompleteness is to be overcome, it must be by what the judgment enables us to add through its presuppositions. If, in view of this discussion, we now define the judgment, more fully than we have done hitherto, as an assertion of, or of something about, the reality presupposed by the judgment, we are immediately confronted with a question concerning the kinds of reality presupposed by our various judgments. In respect to this question, it has been maintained, for example by Bradley, that the real subject of which the thought-contents asserted by all our judgments are predicated is the totality of really existing things which we call the universe. Whatever any judg- ment asserts, just that, so it is maintained, is as- serted of reality in the sense of the system of inter- related existences known as the universe. Reality, according to this view, is always that about which we judge, and our particular judgments assign to it, as its subject, the concrete details which such judgments assert. On this view, no question as to what is the universe presupposed by any judgment could arise, or if it did, it would be answered before it was asked. Now, in considering this view, we do not need to inquire whether in the end we should be obliged 56 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC to take some such position as has just been stated, although there seem to be difficulties in the way of its adoption; what rather is more to our present purpose is to remark that such a statement does not represent the actual circumstances in which many of our concrete acts of judgment are made. For instance, the series of judgments in which the ancient mythologies state the relations of the gods and goddesses to one another, and to natural events and human history, cannot be said to be made of the universe of really existing objects in the sense that the series of judgments which constitute the body of one of the natural sciences can be said to be made of that universe. If, further, we consider the judgments in which we express social, ethical, and aesthetical facts and relations, judgments, as we have seen, which are not descriptive in the sense that scientific judgments are descriptive, but which refer human behaviour and natural phenomena to a norm or standard, it is difficult to maintain that these are made with immediate reference to the universe which sums up in itself all that may be called real. Whether the facts and relations that constitute the subject-matter of mythology, of soci- ology, ethics, and aesthetics can be asserted of the universe of which the facts and relations of the natural sciences are asserted, is not the question that confronts us; the question rather is whether, in the acts of judgment which give definite form to our knowledge of these subjects, they are so asserted, or whether they are asserted of other THE JUDGMENT 57 universes than the one which is existentially real. If we admit, as we must, the latter alternative, if, that is, we admit the existence of a number of uni- verses, other than the real, within which judgments may fall, the question whether the real universe includes all these, as is sometimes maintained, is still left open, and we do not need to close it, for the reason, if for no other, that the problem involved belongs to metaphysics rather than to logic. Logic is interested in the question only for the purpose of emphasising the importance of ascertaining the universe in relation to which, as a matter of fact, particular judgments are asserted as the condition of correctly interpreting such judgments. Thus if we were confined to the view we are criticising, the assertion that 'Fishes are animals which get their oxygen from the water in which they live through gill slits/ and The Royal dragon of China has five claws' would have to be taken as qualifying a single universe ; but surely no one not blinded by a theory could fail to observe that in the former case we are asserting in the world of zoological fact, and in the latter in the world of Chinese heraldic design. The view, therefore, that seems most serviceable, and the one which keeps closest to the facts of our ordi- nary experience, is the view that emphasises the importance of bringing particular judgments into relation with their immediate contexts whatever these may be, and warns us against resolving the distinctions by which these contexts are character- ised into a single context about which the only 58 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC intelligible thing that can be said is that, in some sense, it is real or exists. In this connection it may be remarked that for logic the important question is in what sense the reality or truth of an assertion is to be understood. Truth, Probability and Error. Truth, probability and error, as employed in logic, are terms which describe characteristics that belong to assertions, they are never employed, as they sometimes are in popular speech, to designate qualities of the objects about which the assertions are made. From the standpoint of logic, objects exist, and they are only the assertions which are made about particular existing things that are said to be true, probable, or erroneous. Truth, probability, and error, then, can never be predicated of things, but only of our judgments of, or about, things. Now, since all judgments claim to be true, we have to inquire what we mean by truth, and how there can be such things as probability and error. With regard to the meaning of truth, it is pretty generally agreed that the notion is so nearly ulti- mate that we find it difficult, if not impossible, to offer a definition which does not involve the notion itself as one of the terms. But if truth cannot be defined, we can describe, in a more or less satis- factory manner, what we mean when we use the word. We may say, then, that an assertion is true when it assigns a character to the elements and relations of a subject-matter which are found to be verified when this subject-matter is investi- THE JUDGMENT 59 gated by appropriate methods. Thus the judgment, 'The fire is hot/ is true, if, when I put myself into sufficiently close proximity to the fire referred to, I experience the sensation called heat. Truth, then, is not a quality of judgments merely as such ; it is a quality that belongs to judgments ad hoc, that is, as assertions of definitely specified contents. When, in other words, the ideas conveyed by a judgment are such that, in the universe presupposed by the judgment, there are facts which exist in the manner it asserts, the judgment is said to be true. Truth, that is to say, is always a claim that is set up on behalf of a judgment's object, in behalf, that is, of what Meinong called the judgment's 'objective.' In view of this general statement, it may be asked whether any judgment is true, or whether judgments are at best only probable. The answer to this question obviously depends upon whether we ever need to go beyond a judgment's assertion to ascertain whether the facts and relations asserted by it are as they are asserted. When, for example, we assert that The sun is the source of the world's heat,' it is obvious that the verification of the asser- tion must be sought in astronomical physics, that, in other words, the judgment is true conditionally upon our being able to verify, in the appropriate universe, the facts and relations asserted in the judgment. But not all our judgments are, in this sense, assertions about a given subject; judgments are also assertions of a given subject. If, for ex- ample, we say, 'The subject about which we are 60 A TEXT-BOOK OP LOGIC thinking is the sun as the source of the world's heat/ it is obvious that, whatever physics may have to say about this particular subject, it can have nothing to say that throws doubt upon the fact that, at the time the assertion is made, we are actually thinking about this particular subject. We select an illustrative example from the world of physical objects because arguments for the absolute contin- gency of truth have sometimes been framed on the supposition that contingency can be removed only when all the factors of the judgment are merely states of one's own mind. It is often said, for instance, that the certainty that belongs to mathematics is rendered possible by the fact that the fundamental notions of mathematics are concepts and not really existing things. Whether this view of mathematics is correct or not, it is certain that the judgments which assert these fundamental notions are no more indubitable than are those judgments which assert some object in the physical world as the object of thought's activity. It would seem to follow, there- fore, that all judgments which are assertions of particular objects as the objects of thought are true in the sense that it is not possible for those who entertain them to be in any doubt that those are the objects with which thought is engaged. Judgments which make assertions about, and are not merely assertions of, their subject-matter are in a different position from those just considered. The chief difference is that in their case we have to go outside the judgment's assertion for the veri- THE JUDGMENT 61 fication of the truth of what such judgments assert. The grounds, that is to say, on which the truth of these judgments rest are to be found in the universe to which what the judgment asserts is known to belong. The fact to which attention is in this way being directed is that the assertions we make about the objects of our experience do not derive their truth from the fact that they are asserted, but from the fact that there can be shown to exist in a given universe facts and relations of the kind that our judgments assert. This interpretation of the truth of our judgments should not come as a surprise to those who have followed the discussions of this and the preceding chapters, for the demand for a test of truth is after all merely a challenge to refer one's judgments back to the conditions which, in the first place, made them possible. In this way we are enabled to show that, when all the motives that, in the first place, conditioned the judgment are operative, the assertion contained in it is just the assertion that that situation compels us to make. Thus when the chemist's assertion that the liquid contained in a particular bottle is sulphuric acid is called in question, he does not attempt to prove the truth of his judgment by an emphatic restatement of it, nor by any form or number of reiterations; what he does, if he wishes to remove the doubt that the question has raised, is to apply the tests for this substance which, in the first place, convinced him that it was sulphuric acid and not something else. We may conclude, therefore, with reference 62 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC to the class of judgments under consideration that their truth is conditional upon our ability to apply tests of a kind suitable to the character of the subject-matter about which the assertions are made, for it is only when tested that we are able to com- pare what is asserted with what happens in situ- ations similar to those in which the judgments in question originated. In the absence of such tests, judgments of this class can only be said to have more or less probability. There are situations, however, in which we are either unable or unwilling to verify our judgments, and are thus precluded from determining the par- ticular degree of credibility that properly belongs to them. In these cases, the claim to truth which all judgments maintain on their own behalf can be acquiesced in as little as it can be dissented from. There belongs, consequently, to the judgments in question the probability that attaches to any unver- ified assertion from whatever cause it may arise. It is because so large a number of our social judgments are incapable of the strict proof that can be insisted upon when the subject of the judg- ment is some part of the material universe that, as a class, they have generally been regarded as possessing a lower degree of certainty than that which seems to belong to some of the established conclusions of the natural sciences. We cannot revive in the form of actually existing situations, for example, the circumstances which determined our actions of a week ago, and we cannot, therefore, THE JUDGMENT 63 verify the judgments of which these actions are the practical expression. That at the time indicated and in relation to the situation then existing we did judge so and so, is as certain as any judgment can be; but that the judgment at which we then arrived was true is, in the nature of the case, beyond the possibility of strict proof. It would certainly be a very gratuitous form of scepticism to repose no confidence whatever in any social judgment, because all such judgments labour under this disadvantage; and to suggest its possibility is sufficient to expose the absurdity of such a course. For it may be affirmed that the disadvantage in question is not confined to the social judgments we are now con- sidering. It may be urged that some of the judg- ments that are made about the material universe are incapable of the experimental proof to which our exposition has pointed as the test of truth. Our belief that the sum total of physical things is a universe, is, that is, a sphere of material existences whose changes are all subject to law, is not beyond question; and when the belief is challenged, as it has been recently, we cannot put the material uni- verse itself in evidence on either side of the ques- tion. Such a belief, and the judgment in which the belief is asserted, can have no other kind of cer- tainty than that which belongs to the social judg- ments of which we have in particular been speaking. Current belief undoubtedly regards the moon as a sphere, but, on account of the particular configura- tion of the solar system, it can never be a practically 64 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC demonstrated fact that the side which is always turned away from our earth is not flat. Ether, ions, centres of force, and atoms themselves are all subject to the same kind of doubt, whenever any one, for what seems to him sufficient reasons, is inclined to call them in question. In view of these instances, it is only fair to conclude that judgments about any sort of material must be regarded merely as probable whenever we are unable to show that facts and relations of the kind asserted do exist in the universe that is presupposed by these judgments. Again, judgments must be classed as probable whenever we are unwilling, for a reason that seems sufficient to us, to apply the test of truth. When, for example, one refuses a cup of coffee of one's hostess with, 'No, thank you; coffee always means a sleepless night/ the judgment by which we excuse or explain our refusal has no doubt a certain prob- ability derived from past experience, but it is one that, for prudential reasons, we are unwilling to verify in the particular circumstances which are the occasion of its assertion. Sleepless nights, we may admit, have followed the drinking of coffee in the past, and it is anticipated that a similar result will follow on the present occasion. In a case like this, which is typical of many others that involve future consequences rather than past acts, we should be going beyond the bounds of necessity if we ac- ceded without reservation the certainty that the judgment claims on its own behalf. We feel, per- haps, that the judgment in question has a high THE JUDGMENT 65 degree of probability, but whether it deserves the confidence, say, that is commonly reposed in the prediction of a solar eclipse, is a matter upon which it is not necessary to dogmatise. It is more to the point to observe that the class of judgments that we are discussing is conditional, and, consequently, that it is only if we suppose the present situation is in all essential respects similar to those in which the consequence has followed in the past, that we have sufficient reason for believing that a like con- sequence will follow on the present occasion. But it is exactly this supposition of which the judgment itself is unable to give assurance, and which there- fore renders the judgment less, than certain until it is submitted to the process of proof. We may now pass to the meaning of error. And, in the first place, error must be distinguished from mere irrelevance. Irrelevance may exist in either of two forms. It may exist, first, as an in- compatibility in the content of what a judgment asserts. If, for example, Shylock's bond had been drawn for a pound of justice, and not for a pound of flesh, there would have been an irrelevance of the kind in question, because the avoirdupois scale can- not in any sense be made the measure of justice. The universe suggested by the assertion, *I will have a pound of justice/ is one in which the content, on account of its internal contradiction, cannot pos- sibly get realised. Irrelevance in this form, then, arises whenever we predicate of a subject qualities 5 66 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC and relations which cannot be realised in the uni- verse to which the subject is thought to belong. Instances of this occur whenever we attribute to purely natural events moral or aesthetic significance, or when we explain any of our ideals in terms of mechanical causation. Secondly, irrelevance may exist as an incompatibility between what is asserted and the purpose by which the assertion is controlled. What in these instances is asserted may be true, as, for example, 'Mont Blanc is snow-capped all the year round,' but no one would think of making or entertaining the assertion in a discussion on the value of Rotterdam as a Dutch port of entry to the German Rhine. Failure to understand the limita- tions that a guiding purpose or interest imposes on what may and what may not be significantly asserted about a given subject-matter is one of the most fruitful sources of confusion in discussions of all sorts, and it is to this form of irrelevancy that we look for the origin of those half-truths which do more mischief in the world than frank and un- blushing error. The comment is worth while in this connection because it is to the avoidance of such irrelevance that the student may look as one of the means of hastening his academic and prac- tical efficiency. In either of the two forms which we have now distinguished, then, irrelevance is not to be identified with error. Error, in contrast with the second of the two forms of irrelevance just distinguished, is an asser- tion which is relevant to a purpose, and, in contrast THE JUDGMENT 67 to the first, is an assertion whose contents are com- patible. Unless it possessed both these marks of a true judgment, error could not possibly exist. To emphasise the former contrast, we may say that error is ascribed to any judgment which, if true, would satisfy the purpose for which the judgment is made. There follows from this statement a con- sideration which is important for all our judgments, namely, that the range of assertion about any subject-matter is determined at the outset by the character of the purpose which stimulates and directs the judging process. In other words, to expect our judgments to be true is a perfectly rea- sonable expectation, but to expect that they will assert the whole truth is to convict our expectation of being either unmeaning or false. The latter expectation is indefensible for the same reason that the former is maintained, namely, that we do not as a rule, nor can any reason be advanced why we should, encumber our judgments by asserting non- significant features of the subject-matter to which these judgments refer. And if it is asked, 'What is and what is not significant?' we can only reply that that all depends upon what the judgment* is wanted for. The truth of this statement can be readily seen in what occurs when all interest in a question vanishes. In such a situation nothing whatever can get asserted. But when an assertion is made, it must be made, not merely of something, but for some purpose, and it is the character of the purpose that determines what feature of that 'something' 68 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is selected for assertion. There is, for example, no doubt that the grass is green and, let us say, that it is long, but it is only the latter assertion that is pertinent when one has to decide what instructions to give the gardener about the day's work. What one thinks about any object, say a house, depends upon whether we are considering it architecturally, domestically, or as an investment. These interests, no doubt, overlap, but they are sufficiently distinct to make quite irrelevant certain assertions that might be made from one of these points of view when, as a matter of fact, we are considering it from one of the other points of view. But we do not call judgments false which bear no relation to the interest by which the judging process is initiated. Error as well as truth exist only in those judgments which claim to fulfill the purpose of the individual by whom they are asserted. The second contrast stated above calls attention to the fact that the contents of erroneous judgments are, as we said, compatible. That is to say the judgment must assign its content to a sphere in which it is possible for that content to be realised. The absence of incongruity between the elements of what is asserted is a characteristic of error as it is of truth. When, for example, we judge that an object is elliptical when in reality it is round, we are in error, but the error does not consist in assigning it a shape, but in attributing to it the wrong shape. The wrong shape, however, is an antecedently possible shape, and it is upon this ante- THE JUDGMENT 6$ cedent possibility that the erroneous character of the judgment rests. If instead of asserting that the object was elliptical we had asserted that it was blue, we should not regard that as an error; we should regard it either as a misunderstanding of the motive of the judgment or as nonsense. We are now in a position to state what error is. The problem of error is greatly simplified when it is observed that no judgment which fails to assert those features of its subject-matter which are perti- nent to the purpose in hand could by any possibility be regarded as true or erroneous. They are, as we saw, merely irrelevant. It is only when judgments offer themselves as the means of satisfying a pur- pose that they are ever entertained. There is, there- fore, from the standpoint of the interest involved, little chance for error. All that we can say about a judgment, from this point of view, is that it does more or less completely fulfil a present purpose. It is, therefore, to the character of what is asserted that we must look finally for the detection of error. And here, as in the coresponding case of truth, we are confronted with a simple question of fact. Is it a fact, we must enquire, that there exist in the universe presupposed by the judgment qualities and relations of the kind asserted in the judgment? If there are, we call the judgment true; if there are not, we call the judgment erroneous. Error, then, may be defined as some discrepancy between asser- tion and fact. 70 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC We have been speaking in this section of error as a failure of the judgment to assert the significant qualities and relations of the object upon which thought is directed. The term is also used to denote those mistakes of judgment which depend, for ex- ample, upon inference. In this sense it is preferable to speak of fallacies. A discussion of this subject will be found in the concluding chapters of this book. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Ch. I., II. B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lect. II., III. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. XXI. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Part I., Ch. III. W. S. Jevons, Lessons in Logic, Lessons VI., VII. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. I. ADVANCED J. M. Baldwin, Thought and Things, Vol. I., Ch. XI., 4-8; Vol. II., Ch. II., VI., 1-4. B. Bosanquet, Logic, Book I., Ch. I. F. H. Bradley, The Principles of Logic, Book I., Ch. I. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Ch. IX. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introductory Logic, Ch. VII. H. Lotze, Logic, Book I., Ch. II. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book I., Ch. II. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Ch. VIII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Ch. I., II (ii). QUESTIONS 1. What general meaning may be given to the term object? 2. In what several ways may we be acquainted with objects? THE JUDGMENT 71 3. Is the character of an object affected by the way in which it is apprehended? 4. What do you understand by objects being implicated in all mental processes? 5. Distinguish three senses in which the term 'thought' has been used, and state how they are related to each other. 6. To which of the meanings already distinguished is thought, from the logical point of view, most closely related? 7. What particular aspect of thought does logic emphasise in its use of the term judgment? 8. What is meant by saying that the subject-matter of judgment is the content of a thought process? Illus- trate. 9. Explain: 'Judgment is an assertion of the qualities and relations of the objects of thought.' 10. Is language necessary to give thought the character of assertion? Explain. 11. State clearly what you understand by assertion. Illus- trate. 12. Show in what ways judgments are implied, but not ex- pressed, in interrogatives, imperatives, optatives, and exclamations. 13. Describe what is meant by groundless statements, and in what respect do they differ from judgments? 14. Define and illustrate the practical and theoretical as- pects of thought processes. 15. 'Judgments may be defined as relevant assertions.' How does this view of the judgment agree with and differ from that stated in Question 9? 16. In what two respects may all judgments be said to be relevant? 17. Explain what is meant by saying that judgment is based in and grows out of our practical needs. Illus- trate. 72 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 18. Define what you understand by 'practical,' and show how unsatisfied needs of the sort here in question con- dition the formation of judgments. 19. How is your answer to the preceding question affected by the fact that judgments are assertions about a sub- ject-matter of some sort? 20. To what two kinds of error is one exposed in trying to show the relation of thought to its object? 21. Explain and illustrate what is meant by saying that the interest that conditions a judgment may be extrinsic. 22. What do you understand by a value judgment? 23. Describe the nature of scientific interest, and explain why it may be called, in contrast to other kinds of interest, intrinsic. 24. Is judgment to be distinguished from awareness of an object? Explain. 25. What difference, if any, do you recognise between the subject and the object of judgment, and illustrate by referring to Bradley's distinction between the 'that' and the 'what.' 26. Explain what Meinong means by the 'object' and the 'objective' of logical judgments. 27. How may Meinong's distinction be correlated with the view taken in the text? 28. 'Judgment may be defined as an assertion of, or of something about, the objects of our experience.' Explain this statement, and correlate it with the definitions of judgment in Questions 9 and 15. 29. "Why is the definition of judgment given in the preceding question not completely satisfactory? 30. What do you understand by a universe of discourse? Illustrate. 31. Why must any universe of discourse have a more or less indeterminate character? 32. Why must single judgments be regarded as incomplete, and, therefore, as being to some extent ambiguous? 33. How may this ambiguity be overcome? THE JUDGMENT 73 34. 'Judgment may be defined as an assertion of, or of something about, the reality presupposed by the judg- ment/ Explain and compare with other definitions given in Questions 9, 15, 28. 35. What, according to Bradley, is the universe presup- posed by all our judgments? 36. What objections can you urge against Bradley's view? 37. Is there a plurality of universes? Justify your answer and illustrate. 38. Of what are truth, probability and error predicated in logic? 39. In what respect does the logical differ from the popular use of these terms? Illustrate. 40. What is the logical meaning of truth? Illustrate. 41. Of what class of logical judgments can you say that they are certainly true? Illustrate. 42. Can the truth of any of our judgments about a given subject-matter be maintained? State reasons for your answer, and illustrate. 43. What two conditions compel us to regard certain of our judgments as probable, not true? 44. Why do we generally regard judgments about social material merely as probable? 45. Do similar reasons apply to any of our judgments about the material world? Explain and illustrate. 46. How does unwillingness to verify an assertion affect its claim to be true? 47. In what two forms may irrelevance exist? Explain and illustrate each. 48. How do you distinguish irrelevance from error? 49. Why do we not call those judgments which fail to fulfil a purpose erroneous? Illustrate. 50. What is meant by saying that in order to be erroneous judgments must assert contents that are compatible? Illustrate. 74 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 51. Wherein consists the nature of error? 52. Can you frame a definition of error? 53. In what respect does error differ from fallacy? EXERCISES 1. In what sense is the word, thinking, used in the follow- ing statements: (1) All human beings are thinking beings. (2) There is no truth or error but thinking makes it so. 2. State at least two judgments about each of the follow- ing subjects: (1) Mathematics as a required subject for college grad- uation. (2) Inter-collegiate football as a desirable form of stu- dent activity. 3. What are the grammatical forms of the following, and show in what sense they may be said to involve judg- ments : (1) O wad some power the giftie gie us To see ourselves as others see us. (2) How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds Makes deeds ill done. (3) Can one desire too much of a good thing? (4) Are things what they seem? Or is visions about? (5) Give me that man That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him in my heart's core, ay, in my heart of hearts, As I do thee. 4. Give six illustrations of what are called groundless statements. 5. State six judgments on subjects of your own choosing that show the influence of purpose on the judging activity. 6. Give six illustrations of the way that judgments are controlled by the nature of the subject-matter about which one thinks. THE JUDGMENT 75 7. Take three instances of judgment from your answer to Question 5, and the same number from your answer to Question 6, and show in each case the relation of interest to subject-matter. 8. Take the remaining instances from your answers to Questions 5 and 6, and state what is the subject and the object in each case. 9. What can you say about 'water' in each of the following universes of discourse: domestic life; chemistry; phys- ics; art; physiology. 10. Examine the following judgments, and state whether, and under what conditions, you regard them as true, irrelevant, probable, or erroneous: (1) Everything comes if a man will only wait. (2) For a man's house is his castle. (3) The many still must labour for the one. (4) Thought is free. (5) Virtue is its own reward. CHAPTER III THE PROPOSITION Judgment and the Proposition. In text-books of logic, it is usual to discuss the judgment and the proposition in the same chapter, and to emphasise the points of similarity between them. In the pres- ent chapter, we are to consider the proposition by itself, because in this way we shall be able not only to distinguish between it and the judgment, but to group together certain problems that arise out of the nature of the proposition which are more or less distinct from those of the judgment which were dis- cussed in the previous chapter. In its most general meaning, a proposition may be defined as the verbal expression of a judgment. As we proceed, this statement will be made more explicit; but it will suffice for our present purpose if it enables us to understand the importance of put- ting into verbal form the truths that are asserted in our judgments. The necessity of finding a suit- able medium for expressing our judgments is forced upon us when it is realised that explicit statements of our meanings are, sometimes, if not frequently, important factors in our search for truth. We often find, for example, that ideas with which we had sup- posed ourselves perfectly familiar suddenly take on a penumbral haze when we are required to use these ideas in working out new problems, for instance, (76) THE PROPOSITION 77 in solving an 'original' in geometry or in finding an 'unknown' in chemistry ; or when we try to commu- nicate these ideas to other people, for instance, in a class recitation. In both these cases, we have before us the task of setting the ideas in question in a different context, and it is the new context into which they are to be fitted that reveals to us defects in the ideas themselves of which we were hitherto unaware. In order to succeed in the problem that is thus presented, it often becomes necessary to give verbal expression to our ideas, and our search for the suitable form is not infrequently found to re- act upon the ideas themselves to make them more exact. It may also be noticed that when we have once expressed our ideas in accurate verbal forms, we are able to analyse these ideas, and thus to ad- just them to other ideas with which they have various relations. For it must be admitted that our interest in ideas is not merely to know that they are true, but, concurrently with this, to use them in en- larging the boundaries and directions of our knowl- edge. And it contributes to both these objects to secure for our ideas an adequate verbal expression. The statement of our judgments in the form of prop- ositions both clarifies the meaning and renders the application of our ideas possible. We may bring out the difference between the judgment and the proposition if we refer to the way that each originates in our ordinary experience. In the foregoing chapter, we have had occasion to indi- cate in a general way the conditions under which our 78 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC judgments arise. Judgments were there described as completed solutions of problems set by the situ- ations in which one finds himself from time to time. That is to say, judgments arise out of whatever is problematical, undetermined, baffling, whether this falls in the sphere of perception, or in the sphere of the social, scientific, ethical, sesthetical, or relig- ious life. Whatever sets a barrier to the satisfac- tion of wishes, whatever hinders, arrests, or makes impossible the carrying out of cherished plans, chal- lenges and stimulates the life of thought, and forces us into a judgment. Judgments arise out of our needs for knowledge, and this need is stimulated when the situation which instigates the need is of such a character that our way to the successful con- duct of the theoretical or practical life is blocked. When we have unravelled the tangle, and see the total situation in its bearing upon our arrested pur- suits so that we either modify or change our aims, or they are given an open field, we may be said to have judged. It is another story when we ask what are the conditions that determine the rise of proposi- tions. In the proposition we are not seeking to extricate ourselves from an embarrassment, because no embarrassment is present, and we are not seeking knowledge, because that already exists. A proposi- tion, as we have already said, is the verbal statement of what we already know ; it is a statement in which something is either affirmed or denied of something else. It is, consequently, not an instrument of the search for knowledge, but of its communication. THE PROPOSITION 79 When we put our judgments into propositional form, we are making them socially available, and present- ing them for acceptance or rejection. The Import of Propositions. A proposition may be interpreted from either or both of two points of view : from the point of view of the person speaking, and from the point of view of the person spoken to. In each of these cases, the proposition has a different import or meaning. In the former, where the person speaking is expressing a judgment concerning a sub- ject about which he has reached a conclusion, the proposition means what the judgment which it ex- presses means, and must be interpreted as a judg- ment. That is to say, the truth of the proposition is also the truth of its corresponding judgment, and vice versa. The meaning of the proposition, inter- preted from the point of view of the speaker, is designated in logic as the truth-import of the propo- sition. In the other case, when we consider the proposition from the standpoint of the hearer of it, the proposition and the judgment which it expresses are not the same, and the truth they express may not be identical. The reason why the proposition may mean one thing to the hearer and another to the speaker must be looked for in the differences of the relations that the hearer and speaker have to the knowledge that the proposition embodies. Or, to put the matter more definitely, the speaker's rela- tions are with the knowledge which the proposition expresses, while the hearer's are with the terms of the proposition itself. When we interpret a propo- 80 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC sition from the standpoint of the person spoken to, we have what is called in logic the statement-import of the proposition. The statement-import is, conse- quently, a structural interpretation of the proposi- tion ; it is the meaning that a proposition has when it is considered from the standpoint of its factors or terms. We may look at this distinction between the statement-import and the truth-import of proposi- tions a little more in detail. It is obvious that the question before the speaker is one of selecting the words that will adequately convey his meaning. When one wishes to make a judgment socially avail- able, one has to express the judgment in words, or in some other recognised means of communication. When, on the other hand, we listen to what is said, or read what is written, the question before us is to ascertain the meaning that the words were originally intended to convey. This is not always as simple as it may sometimes seem. Because, for example, the words in which we are addressed are familiar, it does not follow that the idea that the words express is at all understood. The common misunderstandings of ordinary life, and the more serious difficulties that we meet with in the course of our studies, are due very often to our failure to interpret aright the meaning, not to our inability to understand the words, of the propositions that are laid before us. In such a case, the proposition means for us some- thing that it does not mean for the speaker; it has THE PROPOSITION 81 for us, that is to say, a statement-import but no truth-import. It will help our understanding of this statement if we throw the essential factors of our problem into the form of a diagram : Speaker Hearer f \ f > Idea Proposition * Idea V J V, J ^Y" ~~Y~~" Truth-import Statement-import If, reading the above diagram, our interpretation of the proposition is made from the standpoint of the speaker, we start with the idea or judgment that has to be expressed in the proposition; the proposition is then the verbal expression of the judgment or idea from which we set out. For the speaker, the proposition does express his judgment, and so inter- preted it embodies the truth of his judgment. If, on the other hand, our interpretation is made from the standpoint of the hearer, we start with the prop- osition, the verbal expression of the speaker's judg- ment, and the words of the proposition have to be interpreted so as to render an idea or judgment pos- sible. But what is the guarantee in such a case that the meaning derived from the proposition will be the meaning expressed by it? The idea in the hearer's mind may be different from the idea in the speaker's mind. It is this idea, the idea or meaning that the hearer of a statement gets from what is said 82 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC to him, that we designate the statement-import of the proposition. The truth-import and the state- ment-import of a proposition, therefore, may not be the same. But, it may be asked, does not our interpretation of a proposition, even when it is taken from the standpoint of the hearer, aim at an identity of mean- ing between its truth-import and the statement- import? This is doubtless true. But we should miss a great deal in our understanding of the life of thought if we did not see the possibility of the same statement meaning different things for speaker and hearer. It is this fact that we have been emphasis- ing. And it is as desirable to ascertain how this difference may arise as to see how it may be over- come. For if we understand the origin of such dif- ferences, we shall know how to avoid or overcome them. In either case, we are concerned with the context of the idea or judgment that we are trying to understand ; and it is obvious that when the con- text is different for speaker and hearer, the idea the proposition conveys must, in some measure, be different for both. For, as we have seen, the con- texts in which our ideas occur give part of the mean- ing that ideas may have. If, therefore, you change the contexts you change also in part the ideas them- selves. Thus, whenever we fail to get the meaning of what is said to us by reason of our failure to understand the universe of discourse within which the thought of the speaker is moving, we do not naturally ask for a repetition of the sentence or THE PROPOSITION 83 proposition, but require, for its comprehension, a larger section of the context, and, in some cases, the revival of the whole universe within which the truth of the judgment is, by the speaker, presumed to exist. In other words, it is the fragmentariness of all our judgments, to which reference has been made, that is the ground of the difference between the truth-import and the statement-import of proposi- tions ; a fragmentariness that can be overcome only if it is supplemented by a larger portion of the inter- preting context than is frequently implied by the single proposition. We may further elucidate the important distinc- tion just made between the truth-import and the statement-import of propositions if we consider it as a special instance of the difference, first drawn by the English historian, Grote, and made current by the American psychologist, James, between "knowledge of acquaintance" and "knowledge about." An illustration sometimes used to indicate the contrast between these two kinds of knowledge is the difference between the normal child's expe- rience of light, and the experience of light that a child, blind from birth, has through the reports of seeing adults. The knowledge of the two children, without doubt, is at different removes from the real character of light. That is to say, the contrast be- tween "knowledge of acquaintance" and "knowledge about" calls attention to the fact that the knowledge that any one has is sometimes immediate and direct, and sometimes mediate and indirect. Now, the dis- 84 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tinction between the truth-import and the statement- import of propositions seems to be contingent upon whether propositions express either the one or the other of the above-mentioned kinds of knowledge. We are all aware that much that we ordinarily call knowledge is based upon nothing more certain than our ability to understand the words in which this knowledge has been communicated, while a much smaller fraction of our knowledge rests on direct acquaintance with the facts, and a study of the rea- sons by which such knowledge is supported. In the one case, propositions embody judgments, and are to be interpreted as judgments; in the other case, propositions are statements to be understood, whether they introduce us or not to the facts out of which the judgments which they express have come. To understand what is told us is a first step in knowl- edge; but it is only a first step, and should lead us beyond itself to a more intimate and personal ac- quaintance with the truths and facts that are the material of advancing knowledge. In other words, we must proceed from the statement-import to the truth-import of the propositions which convey to us so large a proportion of the material upon which the educative processes as a whole depend. Formal Analysis of the Proposition. The propo- sition was defined above as the verbal expression of a judgment; it is the logical instrument by which what is true for judgment gets a simple and un- equivocal expression. But not every verbal expres- sion of a judgment is a proposition; it may be, for THE PROPOSITION 85 example, a sentence. A sentence may be a proposi- tion, as, for example, 'The book is on the table ;' but this is not necessarily the case, as, for example, 'A friend of mine has gone abroad/ From the formal side, the essential difference between the sentence and the proposition lies in the number of the factors present in each. A sentence always requires the presence of a subject and a predicate; the proposi- tion cannot exist without a subject and predicate, which are called terms, and also a copula. If we compare the sentence and the proposition in these respects, we shall see that the predicate of the sen- tence is, by logic, broken up into two parts, the copula and the predicate of the proposition, and that the subject remains the same. The following dia- gram represents these relations to the eye : Sentence: Subject Predicate A Proposition: Subject Copula Predicate The doctrine of formal logic depends upon the struc- tural difference between the proposition and the sen- tence as thus outlined. In the following sections, therefore, we shall dwell on the meaning that logic assigns to the several parts of the proposition. Terms. The subjects and predicates of proposi- tions are called terms. Now, since the proposition is a statement in which, as we have seen, something is predicated affirmed or denied of something else, we may define the predicate term as that which is predicated, and the subject term as that of which 86 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the predication is made. If, as is usual, we use the symbol S for the subject term, and the symbol P for the predicate term, the structural proposition may be written S P. In such a proposition, P is said to be predicated of S. We may observe that the subject term of a proposition is always written first, and the predicate term last. The reason for this seems to be that since the proposition is deter- mined by the interests of communication, it is im- portant, at first, to call attention to that about which we wish to speak. If the student remembers this he will avoid the difficulty that is sometimes expe- rienced in distinguishing between S and P. For example, if we wished to express in prepositional form the statement, 'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,' it would not be accurate to say that 'Un- easy' is the subject. The rule that may be followed, whenever we are in doubt as to what our terms are, is to ask: What am I speaking about? The answer to this question will give us the subject term. The predicate term may be found by asking, What am I saying of this? If we apply these tests to the example just cited, we shall find that we are speak- ing about 'The head that wears a crown/ and this, consequently, is the subject term of the proposition ; and that what we are saying of this is that it is 'uneasy,' and this, consequently, is the predicate of the same proposition. It should be remarked that we are frequently at a loss to know which is the subject, and which the predicate, term of given statements. The reason THE PROPOSITION 87 for this seems to be that in order to know what any statement means we require sometimes to have be- fore us a larger section of the whole context of thought than the particular statement itself pro- vides. This takes us back to what we said above about 'the universe of discourse/ and the function it serves in giving to our particular judgments the meaning they are intended to have. Propositions express judgments which are torn loose from their contexts, and they sometimes do, and sometimes do not, retain sufficient of the original context to make our interpretation of them certain. The example that was quoted above illustrates the former case; we were doubtless talking about 'crowned heads.' A more difficult case, taken from Jevons, is the fol- lowing: 'Life is held dear by every man.' In this statement, are we talking about 'life,' or about 'things that are held dear,' or about 'every man'? Grammatically, 'life' is the object of the verb 'holds dear,' and cannot, therefore, be the subject. The meaning of the statement, consequently, is : 'Every man holds life dear.' We are speaking in the uni- verse of values ; and, in the statement, we are nam- ing one of the objects of value. If, however, to take an illustration from Sidgwick, we say that 'Newman wrote the Grammar of Assent,' we have no means of determining whether 'Newman' or The Gram- mar of Assent' is the subject, because, as Sidgwick says, "the statement is regarded in isolation from all context. Regarded in this abstract way, it may equally well be called a statement about Newman, 88 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC or about the book, or again about both the man and the book." It would seem, then, that back of all particular statements there lies a universe of fact or idea which flows over into these statements to give them the determinate meaning they may prop- erly have. Names and Words. Another question, closely connected with the foregoing, arises when we ask whether terms can exist outside the propositions in which they are found. We may ask, for example, whether The head that wears a crown/ which, as we saw, was the subject term of the proposition which was studied above, is always a term, and in what- ever connection we may meet the phrase. Or, we may inquire, is it a term only when it occurs in a proposition? To this question we reply that terms are terms only in relation to the proposition in which they occur. For example, we may write down the following : Silver Conductor of electricity Comets Plants Without weight Roses But neither this, nor any similar list, is a list of terms. In logical terminology, this is a list of Names. By a name, therefore, we understand a word, or a collection of words, which has a complete meaning, and which may be used as the subject or predicate of a proposition. In the following, 'Silver/ 'Without weight/ 'Plants/ etc., names from the above list, are terms : THE PROPOSITION 89 Silver is a conductor of electricity. Comets are without weight. Roses are plants. Now it may seem that the distinction between terms and names is over-drawn, and that it does not correspond to any real difference. This is not the case. For observe that although the words in the list of names, and the words that appear in the propositions are the same, the meaning in the latter case is much more precise than in the former; it has changed from being vague, general, and loose, to being specific, particular, and fixed. In so far as our propositions express judgments, this is the re- sult that we should expect to find. For the sake of emphasis, the difference between a name and a term may be stated in the following way: A Name is a word, or a collection of words, with a complete meaning, which may be thought of as the S or P of a proposition. A Term is a word, or collection of words, with a complete meaning, which is thought of as the S or P of a proposition. Both terms and names are ordinarily expressed in words, but it is not because they are words, but because they have meaning that they are so called. Terms and names are significant words. We are not confined, however, to the study of words from the standpoint of their significance or meaning. Grammar, for example, studies words with respect to the uses they have in sentences. Substantitives, 90 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, etc., are the names of various classes of words that are recog- nised by grammar when their use is made the basis of classification. Logic also finds it convenient to classify words with respect to their uses as terms in the proposition, disregarding, as does grammar, the meaning that particular words may have. But the logical classification is simpler than the gram- matical, because the logical requirements are nar- rower and more precise than the grammatical. Words, for logic, are arranged in two main groups, according as they are or are not able to stand by themselves as S or P in a proposition. Words which by themselves are capable of being thought of as S or P of a proposition are called Categorematic words. Words, on the other hand, which require the assistance of other words before they can be thought of as the S or P of a proposition are called Syncategorematic words. 'Metal/ 'laws/ 'elements/ 'custom/ are categorematic words, since they may stand by themselves as terms in a proposition. For example : All metals are elements. Some laws arise from custom. The words 'of/ 'the/ 'always/ 'a/ in the following statements, are syncategorematic words, because by themselves they cannot be thought as S or P in a proposition. THE PROPOSITION 91 Mistakes are not always a proof of ignorance. Bismarck is the man of iron. A burnt child dreads the fire. The only apparent exception to the statement of what should be understood by a syncategorematic word is illustrated by such instances as the follow- ing: 'Good is an adjective,' 'Of is a preposition/ But it should be observed that it is not the use of the word in a logical proposition, but the word as an example of a group of words in grammar that is the subject term of such propositions. They are for logic categorematic words. If we examine the logical classification of words, we shall see that the terms of propositions in which categorematic words occur are single-worded terms, while the terms of propositions in which syncatego- rematic words occur must necessarily be many- worded terms. On the basis, therefore, of the kinds of words that enter into them, we may classify terms as either single-worded or many- worded terms. The Copula. The most distinctive element of the proposition is the copula. It is always expressed by 'is' or 'is not,' 'are' or 'are not,' depending on whether the subject term of the proposition is sin- gular or plural, and whether the judgment is affirm- ative or negative. From the standpoint of the hearer, the proposition tends to fall apart into its terms; and it is the function of the copula to hold them together in the concrete unity of a single idea, 92 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC and thus .to preserve in the proposition a quality that is characteristic of the judgment itself. The copula must not be looked upon as a coupler be- tween the subject and predicate terms, nor is there any separate and distinct element in the judgment corresponding to it, and coming between the idea of the subject and that of the predicate. Its function is to express the act of judgment by which the S and P are really held together in the way that the proposition expresses. The copula has been a much debated subject of logic. It will help us to a better understanding of it if we consider some of the views that have been advanced concerning it. We may distinguish two such views, the relational and the existential, and these we shall touch upon briefly in order. The Relational View. This view is based upon the assumption that each term of the proposition has a distinct meaning, and it holds that the copula brings these terms together in the unity of a single statement. If we -adopt this view, we are required to admit that our concepts or terms are independent of our judgments, and .that is -to deny that judgment is the starting-point of knowledge. The discussions of the logicians of the Middle Ages over Univer- sals were concerned with this subject, and they were divided in their opinion as to whether concepts ex- isted apart from our knowledge of them. The views developed by the Schoolmen, as the great thinkers of the Middle Ages were called, are three, and these wei may enumerate and describe briefly. The real- THE PROPOSITION 93 istic view, held by Anselm and Aquinas r was that universals or concepts have an existence before and independently of the particular objects through which we become aware of them. Briefly expressed, this position was summarised in the Latin state- ment: Universalia ante rem. The view of the Nominalists was that universals or concepts owe their existence to the prior existence of the par- ticular objects of our experience, or, as they said, Universalia post rem. This view was held, among others, by Roscellinus. A conceptualist view, which aimed to embody the truth of each of the for- mer views, was developed by Abelard. This view called attention to the fact that universals or con- cepts have no meaning apart from the particular objects in which they are embodied, and that par- ticular objects have no meaning apart from the uni- versal or concept which gives them their significance. These ideas are expressed in the Latin statement: Universalia in re. Outside the official teaching of the Roman Church, which is realistic, some form of conceptualism quite generally prevails at the present day. At any rate, it would be agreed by most logi- cians that concepts are elements of our knowledge, and that it is our ability to judge, to assert like- nesses and differences of the objects of our expe- rience, that gives existence and life to the things we call concepts. Psychology and logic both teach that the objects of our experience are inextricably connected, and that our knowledge grows by dis- tinguishing now one aspect and now another of the 94 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC inter-related world of men and things around us. If this is true, there is no object that is merely itself, or that exists in isolation from everything else. Every object with which we are in any way concerned is always becoming for us something else, showing some new quality or entering into some new relation. This state of affairs is expressed in logic by saying that there are no S's that are not P's, that the P predicated of any S is not a foreign thing that is added to it by the copula, but some quality that it already possesses, or some relation that it actually sustains. In other words, we never start with a bare S, with an S that is an unrelated unit, but with an SP that is a relational unity, and it is this fact that becomes explicit in the judgment, S is P. Unless S were already P, judgment would be impossible, and the proposition could not exist. The proposition makes explicit what is already present in knowledge, and since knowledge, whatever its form, is a qualification of an S by a P, there does not seem to be any separate meaning for the copula when knowledge is expressed in a proposition. That is to say, we do not need the copula for the estab- lishment of the knowledge relation; but it is used in the proposition, as Mill asserts, as "a sign of predication." In other words, the copula must be understood as serving notice upon the person who undertakes to interpret the proposition that S and P are not separate and distinct things, but, for the purposes for which the proposition is expressed, one and inseparable. The proposition, that is, does THE PROPOSITION 95 not tell us about any S, but only about the S that is P. The Existential View. This view arises out of the fact that 'is,' besides serving as "a sign of pred- ication," has also a meaning of its own, namely, existence. Thus, if we say that, 'Aristotle is the father of formal logic,' it may seem that we are not merely stating the relation of Aristotle to the science of logic, but are also asserting the existence of Aris- totle. For if we do not believe in the reality of Aris- totle, what significance, it may be asked, can belong to the statement that he is the founder of formal logic? To preserve the proposition, therefore, from evaporating into mere nonsense, we seem forced to admit that the reality of the subject term must be secured by the structural character of the proposi- tion itself. Thus, if we consider the structural for- mula, 'S is P,' we must, from this point of view, interpret it as meaning, 'S is, and it is P.' That is to say, the significance of the predication, 'S is P,' depends upon our right to take the copula twice over, and in each case with a different meaning. In the first case, 'S is' is equivalent to 'S exists ;' in the second, 'S is P/ 'is' is "a sign of predication," in the sense already explained. This, in brief, is the existential view of the copula. It is evident that we can accept this view only if we take the copula in the same double way in all propositions. But this we can not do. There are some propositions whose terms forbid this interpre- tation of their copula. When, to take Mill's example, 96 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC we say that 'A centaur is a fiction of the poets,' existence is explicitly denied, but it is no less ex- cluded when, explaining a name, we say, 'A couch is an article of furniture used for reclining/ Fur- ther, if we say that 'Shakespeare's Henry V is nobly drawn/ we are obviously moving in the sphere of fiction, as we are moving in the realm of mythology when we say that 'Zeus is king of all the gods.' In cases like the foregoing, the existential interpreta- tion of the copula seems to be without meaning; but this is so not because 'is' has lost the meaning of existence, but because the terms of the proposi- tion will not support such an interpretation. Thus we see that the effort to give the copula a distinctive sense, over and above what it has as "a sign of predication," breaks down before the controlling influence of the terms which constitute our proposi- tions. As we have seen, propositions are statements of the relationship of terms, and the relations are determined not by any special meaning carried by the copula, but by the character of the terms that enter into propositional statements. To meet these difficulties, it is sometimes pointed out that, for speaker and hearer alike, all motive for judgment is taken away unless we presuppose the reality of the subject-matter of our judgments. We do not express judgments, it is said, about sub- jects which we believe do not exist. This may be readily granted ; but we should remark, at the same time, that it is one thing to admit that existence is presupposed by our judgments, and quite another THE PROPOSITION 97 to affirm that reality is asserted by the copula of the propositions in which our judgments are ex- pressed. Judgments may imply reality without as- serting reality. Belief in the reality of Columbus, for example, is implied in the statement that 'Co- lumbus is the discoverer of America ;' but what the statement asserts is that he discovered America. And what is true of this case, is substantially true of every case of the judgment. If, then, we must hold that belief in reality is presupposed by every judgment, it is obvious that we cannot mean the same thing by existence in every case of judgment. In the examples, 'Utopia is the ideal commonwealth as depicted by More/ and The sun is the centre of our solar system,' we can not be supposed to imply that 'The sun' and 'Utopia' belong to the same sphere of existence or reality. In other words, we must recognise different spheres of reality, and it is existence within one or other of these spheres that is implied in every judgment that we make. Thus, 'Utopia' belongs to the world of the imagination ; 'The sun' to the world of phys- ical objects. This is a doctrine of logical importance, for we may remark that ambiguity, misunder- standing, and error arise when what a judgment asserts as true within one sphere of reality is taken as true within another with respect to which the judgment has not been determined. If, for example, I say that 'I believe in the reality of Santa Claus,' I am, of course, asserting a belief which falls within 98 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the world of ideas; but if you understand me to imply the corporeal and individual existence of Santa Glaus, you only emphasise your misunder- standing 1 of what I asserted if you challenge me to produce him, or to have him as my guest on Christ- mas Day.. We may, then, sum up this discussion in the fol- lowing statements : (1) the copula does not express existence, but is only 'a sign of predication;' (2) reality of their subject-matter is presupposed not expressed by all our judgments; (3) there are different spheres of reality within which the mean- ing of our several judgments is to be determined; and (4) a failure to refer any judgment to its proper or intended sphere of reality leads to ambiguity, misunderstanding, and error. Kinds of Propositions. There are three main types of propositions; the categorical, the dis- junctive, and the hypothetical. In this section we shall limit ourselves to the task of characterising each kind of proposition, reserving for other chap- ters the discussion of the logical problems which are connected with these forms of statement. In the first place, however, it should be remembered that we are considering propositions in general, and that, however the categorical, the disjunctive, and the hypothetical propositions differ from each other, they all share the common characteristics of propo- sitions. It is, we have seen, the business of propo- sitions to express the affirmative or negative rela- tions between the objects of our experience when THE PROPOSITION 99 these relations have become explicit in judgment. This function of the proposition is called in logic 'predication.' In every proposition P is predicated of S, and as we have seen, the copula is the sign of such predication. With respect, therefore, to the three types of proposition we may say that they differ, if they differ at all, by reason of the differ- ence in the forms of their predication. And this is the usual way of distinguishing them. Thus, in the categorical proposition we have simple predication ; in the disjunctive proposition, alternative predica- tion; and in the hypothetical proposition, condi- tional predication. The structural formulae for these three kinds of proposition respectively are: 'S is P ;' 'S is either P or Q or M ;' 'If S is P, it is M.' We may also illustrate each kind by the fol- lowing examples : 'The way of the transgressor is hard ;' 'Today is either Monday or Tuesday or Wed- nesday or etc.;' 'If Caesar was ambitious, he de- served to die.' Relations of the Main Types of Propositions. Prop- ositions have been distinguished as either categor- ical, disjunctive, or hypothetical. These different forms of proposition correspond to the different de- grees of certainty or explicitness of the judgments they express. Now, since we know more about same subjects than we do about others, and our knowledge of some parts of some subjects is more exact than it is about other parts, we should expect that this fact would be reflected in the propositions in which we express our several judgments. In 100 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC other words, the difference in the forms of preposi- tional statements corresponds to a difference in the explicitness of the knowledge asserted by our judg- ments. There is pretty general agreement among logicians as to the foregoing statement. There is not, however, the same harmony among them on the question of the precise order in which the several types of propositions should be arranged. We would suggest that they may be taken, in the order of their increasing exactness, in the following way : the disjunctive, the hypothetical, and the categor- ical. That is to say, the disjunctive and the cate- gorical propositions, respectively, express the least and the most explicit forms of knowledge, and the hypothetical, to which class most of our judgments belong, will appear as a form of statement that ex- presses, in the majority of cases, the maximum at- tainable certainty in our quest for knowledge. To consider each case separately, we may say of the disjunctive proposition that it expresses uncer- tainty as to the details of a subject-matter which is explicitly under consideration. For instance, we may not be in doubt that there will be students whose task it will be to read this paragraph, but we may not be certain how far they will understand it. If, in such a case, we tried to make the details of judgment as precise as possible, our proposition would then assume this form: 'The student who reads this paragraph will either understand it, or not understand it, or misunderstand it.' Such a statement, or the judgment presupposed by such a THE PROPOSITION 101 statement, does not carry us far on the way to knowledge. It leaves us in doubt at the point where, if we are to have probable knowledge, uncertainty can not exist, namely, in respect to the details of the judgment's content. In other words, the disjunctive proposition starts with a belief in the reality of an S, but is uncertain as to what S is, that is, whether it is one or other of a number of alternatives which are possible of realisation in the sphere of existence or reality covered by S. All that, in such a case, we can say is that 'S is either A, or B, or C, or D.' If now we consider the hypothetical proposition, we find that the defect of the disjunctive propo- sition has been overcome, and we are no longer in doubt as to what we are asked to believe. But we also notice that the greater explicitness of the rela- tions expressed by the proposition has been secured by a corresponding loss. To consider the latter point first, we may observe that the hypothetical proposition does not imply, as does the disjunctive proposition, a definite belief in the existence of the sphere of reality within which the relations ex- pressed by the proposition are understood to fall. In the case cited, for instance, the disjunctive prop- osition started with belief in the existence of The student who reads this paragraph/ In the hypo- thetical proposition the relations involved in this belief are used as a condition of the ensuing judg- ment. Thus, The student who reads this paragraph' becomes, in the hypothetical proposition, 'If a stu- dent reads this paragraph/ a form of statement 102 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC which, of course, leaves us uncommitted as to whether there is any such student or not. So far, therefore, as the hypothetical proposition is con- cerned, belief is never definitely implied in the exist- ence of the sphere of reality within which the rela- tions asserted by the judgment find their possible realisation. This, however, is not an uncompen- sated limitation. For, to consider the other point mentioned above, the meaning expressed by the hypothetical proposition is specific; the details with which the judgment is concerned have become de- fined in such a way that the conditions on which belief rests form part of what the judgment asserts. Thus, fully expressed, the hypothetical proposition reads, 'If a student reads this paragraph, he will understand it.' In this case the internal structure, the organic relations, of the elements of thought are more highly specialised than they are in the disjunc- tive proposition, and what we are told is that an understanding of 'this paragraph' is definitely grounded in the sphere of belief implied, although indefinitely, by the proposition itself. If we may hold that knowledge grows by the definition of de- tails, we shall have to say that the hypothetical proposition expresses a higher type of knowledge than the disjunctive proposition. The categorical proposition, if it exists, carries us outside the boundaries of probability into the field of certainty. The categorical proposition com- bines certainty as to the existence of the sphere of reality which is characteristic of the disjunctive THE PROPOSITION 103 proposition, and certainty as to the detailed rela- tions of the matter of the judgment which is charac- teristic of the hypothetical judgment. Hence our proposition reads, 'The student who reads this par- agraph, will understand it.' But in order to under- stand the categorical proposition, we should observe that our knowledge of any subject-matter is so rarely, if ever, complete, and that, in those cases where it is, the material of judgment is likely to be so insignificant, that, from the logical point of view, the categorical proposition must be held to express either an ideal limit of knowledge, the goal toward which knowledge is constantly advancing but never quite reaches; or that it is the least serviceable, because least significant, form for the expression of truth. We may, perhaps, roughly indicate the meaning of this remark by the commonplace obser- vation that an examination of the forms of state- ment of the poorly educated reveals a predominance of categorical propositions; and, that, as we rise in the scale of educated intelligence, the other forms, and especially the hypothetical form, predominate. Dogmatic statements, in other words, are character- istic of the man who does not know, or of the man who knows things about which no one particularly cares. In either case, we should have to say that such statements, from the logical point of view, are pseudo-categoricals, that they express a belief which either goes beyond or falls below the range of our knowledge of significant reality. But this perver- sion of the categorical proposition by the ignorant, 104 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC need not obscure for us its proper logical position. It does express the form into which knowledge, when it is perfect, would naturally fall. The cate- gorical proposition implies belief in the existence of a sphere of reality within which certain ex- pressed relations are fulfilled. It, however, remains an ideal because, our knowledge being finite, we can never get beyond the possibility of doubt as to whether one or other of the conditions of the judg- ment has been completely satisfied. REFERENCES B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lect. V., VI. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. VI. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Ch. IX. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. IV. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Part III., Ch. I. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. II. ADVANCED J. M. Baldwin, Thought and Things, Vol. II., Part II., Ch. VI. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. IX., XL, XII. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. VII. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book I., Ch. IV., 1, V., VI., 5. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Ch. IX. C. Sigwart, Logic, Vol. I., Part I., 5, Ch. II., 17, VII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Book I., Ch. I. QUESTIONS 1. In what respect does the proposition differ from the judgment? 2. What is meant by the import of a proposition? THE PROPOSITION 105 3. Distinguish between the truth-import and the gtatement- import of propositions. 4. What light does this distinction throw upon the inter- pretation of propositions? 5. Why do we always write the subject term of a proposi- tion first? 6. How may we distinguish between the subject and pred- icate terms, and is it always possible to make this dis- tinction? Explain. 7. What is the logical difference between terms, names, and words? 8. Give a logical classification of words. 9. What is meant by single-worded and many-worded terms? 10. What is meant by saying that the copula is the most distinctive element of the proposition? 11. State and criticise the relational view of the copula. 12. What are the realistic, nominalistic, and conceptualistic views of the concept? 13. What is the existential view of the copula, and what objections can be brought against it? 12. What do you understand by predication? Characterise the various kinds of predication, and show how these give rise to the several types of logical proposition. 15. What are the conditions under which we give a disjunc- tive expression to our judgments? 16. Discuss the nature of hypothetical propositions, and show their relation to disjunctive propositions. 17. Discuss the nature and limits of categorical proposi- tions. EXERCISES 1. Illustrate, from your own observation preferably, the possibility of confusing the truth-import with the state- ment-import of a proposition. 2. Write the following sentences in the form of proposi- tions, indicating the subject and predicate terms in each: 106 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC (1) Over the mountains poured the barbarian horde. (2) The moonlighh plays fitfully upon yonder rippling stream. (3) Happy is the man that findeth wisdom. (4) All is not misfortune that seems at the moment un- endurable. 3. Write six sentences in which you think it difficult or im- possible to distinguish the subject and predicate terms. 4. Make a list of twelve categorematic words. 5. Write six statements which show the error of an exist- ential interpretation of the copula, and explain the rea- son in each instance. 6. Write disjunctive propositions about the following sub- jects: (1) Your presence at a concert to be given, say, next week. (2) The result of a particular political election. 7. Write hypothetical propositions about the following sub- jects: (1) Tomorrow's weather. (2) The study of the biological sciences. CHAPTER IV TERMS Proposition and Terms. In the last chapter, we defined a proposition as the verbal expression of a judgment in which something (P) is predicated of something else (S). We also analysed the propo- sition into its constituent factors terms and the copula and saw that the relation which these ele- ments sustain to one another is determined by the meaning of the proposition taken as a whole. The proposition, that is to say, was considered as deter- mining the existence and character of its terms, and not the existence and character of terms as deter- mining the existence and character of the proposi- tion. Terms are different aspects of the meaning of the proposition in which they occur. Expressed otherwise, they are functions of their propositions. The further discussion of terms which we begin in this chapter must be carried on in light of these general positions, and it must be considered as a more detailed consideration of certain important features of the proposition. The separate chapter headings are employed merely for pedagogic con- venience. Connotative and Denotative use of Terms. We are to consider at the outset a distinction in the use of terms upon which hinge many of the problems that will come before us in the succeeding pages. It is, (107) 108 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC therefore, important to give special attention to the precise logical significance that the distinction has, and to get clearly before ourselves the scope of its application. The latter point will be discussed in the next section; we shall, therefore, confine our- selves here to a statement and illustration of the uses connotative and denotative to which terms, whatever their character, may logically be put. It is part of our common knowledge that words are frequently used as labels by means of which we identify things, and distinguish these things from other things. Many illustrations will come to mind : 'the Rocky Mountains,' 'the Amazon River/ 'my old bay horse,' etc. There is hardly any end to the number of words which have this use of pointing to objects, and which put us in contact with par- ticular things, or groups of things. Now it is this fact of our common speech that logic describes when it talks about the denotative use of terms. Terms are used to point out, refer to, or indicate objects. For instance, in the statement, 'When it comes to packing, books are a nuisance,' the term 'books' re- fers to the individuals of a class of objects, and it is, therefore, said to be used denotatively. In the same way, the term 'lion' in the proposition, 'Lions are carnivorous animals,' is used to point out this, that or the other particular lion, and the proposition means that any individual lion will be found to possess the specified characteristics. Since the term 'lion* points out the individual objects one has in TERMS 109 mind when the term is used it is said to be used denotatively. We may also go to our ordinary employment of language to ascertain what logic understands by the connotative use of terms. Words, as we know, not only point out objects, but they also have meanings. When, for example, we hear a strange word spoken, or meet with it in our reading, we ask what the word means. If no one can tell us, we go to the dictionary for the information. Now we do this, because we have been trained to expect that the words we meet will arouse some sort of mental image, and because experience has taught us that, when they do not, we fail to understand what is said to us. That words should have a meaning is just as important as that they should indicate indi- vidual objects. Unless such words as Violin,' 'art/ 'mathematics/ 'landscape/ 'ocean' aroused within us quite different images or ideas, we should be at a loss how to use them, or to understand them. Now logic indicates this aspect of words, their meaning aspect, when it speaks of the connotative use of terms. Terms, from this point of view, are used to call up the qualities or attributes of objects. When we use a term connotatively, it must be understood, consequently, that we are speaking about its dic- tionary meaning. But, it should also be observed, the particular dictionary meaning of any term can be determined only from the standpoint of the par- ticular proposition in which the term occurs. For example, in Shakespeare's Coriolanus we read, 'She 110 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC will but disease our better mirth/ a passage in which the term 'disease' means 'disturb.' When Locke writes, 'Although great light be insufferable to our eyes, yet the highest degree of darkness does not disease them,' he is using the same word in the sense of 'cause suffering to.' When, further, in Thomson's Summer we read, Then wasteful forth Walks the dire power of pestilent disease, 'disease' is used in the more usual sense of 'a phys- ical or physiological disorder.' This dependence of the meaning of terms on their propositions is of capital importance, and should be kept constantly in mind. Relation of the Connotative and Denotative use of Terms. The difficulty that is usually experienced in understanding the doctrine of connotation and denotation is due to the fact that we do not have one group of words whose use is always connota- tive, and another group of words whose use is always denotative. Most, if not all, terms are capa- ble of being used in either the one or other of these ways. But this is not all. The most important fact to remark is that in whichever of the ways mentioned a given term is employed, it is so em- ployed with the other use more or less distinctly in mind. It would be quite a fair statement of the case to say that there is always a reference of the one to the other, and that in any particular instance the one implies the other. It is not difficult to see, TERMS 111 for example, that the identification of the individ- uals which are denoted by any term depends upon their possession of the qualities that are connoted by the same term. It is also clear that the qualities that a term connotes are the qualities of the individ- uals which the term denotes. Let us, for example, examine the subject term of the proposition, 'Man is a rational animal.' If the term 'man' is used denotatively, that is, to point out 'Tom, Dick, Harry, etc.,' the proposition must mean that 'Tom, Dick, Harry, etc.,' are the individuals in whom are found realised the qualities expressed by the pred- icate term. If the term 'man' is used connotatively, the proposition must mean that the qualities, 'ra- tional animal,' will be found present in each indi- vidual, that is, in 'Tom, Dick, Harry, etc.' Let us take, as another case, 'Man is a being who volun- tarily sets himself tasks.' If, in this proposition, the term 'man' is used to denote individual men, then our identification of the individuals who set themselves tasks depends upon our knowing what the qualities are which the term 'man' connotes ; and if it is used to connote certain qualities, our under- standing of the proposition depends upon the sup- position that these qualities can be found in a num- ber of discoverable individuals. These illustrations serve to emphasise the general rule that the con- notative use of a term does not break away entirely from its denotative use, or vice versa; and the sole logical distinction between them is that, in the one;, we lay the primary emphasis on the 112 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC which possess the qualities, and, in the other, on the qualities possessed by the individuals. Another inquiry which conies before us here is whether this relation between the connotative and the denotative use of terms is realised in all terms whatsoever. We can give an answer to this ques- tion only by anticipating certain features of the dis- cussion of terms contained in the following pages. We may, however, at this point call attention to the generally accepted position that no term is ever so exclusively denotative as to lose all connotation whatsoever, and that no term can be said to have developed on the side of meaning, i. e., connotatively, so one-sidedly as to have lost all reference to objects. The discussion of this question has been brought to the study of proper names as to a test case; and it is thought that if the position can be maintained with respect to these terms, it will be possible to maintain it with respect to other kinds of terms. The question is not a theoretical one, and we shall gain nothing by considering it as such. It is a question of fact, and can be determined only by a study of each kind of terms as it comes before us in this and the following chapter. We may express the opinion, however, that it is quite possible that, in the course of time, the employment of particular terms may shift from a predominantly connotative to a predominantly denotative use, and there is no reason, except one of convenience, why all meaning should not drop away from some terms, and that they should stand in our vocabulary merely as sym- TERMS 113 bols of the existence of things. Whether there are any such terms cannot be decided now; it is more important to see that the possibility of this being the case does not obscure for us the more general relation which was expounded in the preceding para- graph. A subject that is usually discussed in this con- nection relates to the changes that take place in the connotation and denotation of terms when either of these is increased or decreased. Under these conditions, the changes in the connotation and deno- tation of terms are said to vary inversely. More fully stated, when the connotation of a term is in- creased, its denotation is decreased, and vice versa. For example, the denotation of the term 'man' is 'the total population of the earth/ and its connotation, we may say, is 'rationality and the upright position.' If we increase the connotation by specifying 'white man,' the connotation of which term is 'white, ra- tionality and upright position,' we decrease the de- notation which then refers to 'the white population of the earth.' If a further increase in connotation is made by specifying 'European white man,' the denotation is decreased still more, and indicates 'the white population of Europe.' The process thus begun can be carried as far as interest or ingenuity allows. The general truth to which such illustra- tions point is that the denotation of a term is dimin- ished as its connotation is made more definite by the addition of new attributes ; and, conversely, that 114 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC when the connotation is decreased by dropping at- tributes the number of individuals to which the term applies is increased. This statement holds good as a general rule, but there is no numerical ratio between the increase or decrease of connota- tion and the accompanying decrease or increase of the denotation. Indeed, the denotation of a term may be increased greatly without any change in its connotation, as actually happened, for example, when the British government annexed some mil- lions of Africans at the close of the Boer war with- out making thereby any change at all in the conno- tation of the term, 'British subject.' Distribution of Terms. If we carry our study of the denotative use of terms a step further, we shall find that the purposes which prompt our statements sometimes require us to refer to a determinate num- ber of the individuals denoted by the term, and that sometimes our purpose is satisfied if we indicate an indeterminate number of the individuals included under the term. Let us suppose, for example, that we are discussing the theory of kingship, and that I express the belief, after Hobbes, that the king can do no wrong. If this belief were thrown into a propositional form, it would become clear that I am thinking of all the individuals who have exercised, or at some time may exercise, the functions of king- ship. What I mean is that 'No king can do any wrong/ that is, wrong doing cannot be predicated of any king, of this, that, or of any other indi- vidual who is or may be a king. If such a state- TERMS 115 ment does not recommend itself to your judgment, and you express dissent from it, you are not re- quired, by the conditions of the situation which determine your judgment, to concern yourself with each and every king; it will be sufficient, if wrong doing by kings has ever occurred, for you to limit your statement to any of the cases which contradict the theory you oppose. Expressed in a proposition, your judgment will be 'Some kings can do wrong,' or more definitely, 'Some kings have done wrong.' You are obviously speaking of a number of indi- viduals, not definitely specified, who belong to the group denoted by the term 'king.' The distinction, thus indicated, in the denotation, width, or extent of terms, is known in logic as the 'distribution' of terms. By the distribution of terms we mean the consideration of terms from the standpoint of their quantity. Now, in respect of quantity, we are lim- ited in logic by the contrast between a definite and an indefinite number, and the terms which denote these quantities are said to be distributed and un- distributed respectively. A term is 'distributed' when, from the form of the proposition in which it occurs, it is known to refer to a determined number of individuals of the class denoted by the term; it is said to be 'undistributed' when, from the form of the proposition in which it occurs, it is known to refer to an undetermined number of the individ- uals of the class denoted by the term. The tech- nical sign of a distributed term, in an affirmative proposition, is 'All,' and, in a negative proposition, 116 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 'No.' The technical sign of an undistributed term, in both affirmative and negative propositions, is 'Some.' We have just said that the difference between distributed and undistributed terms is that in undistributed terms the exact number of in- dividuals referred to is left indefinite, as, for example, 'Some birds are blue;' while in distributed terms the number is made definite, as for example, 'No man is free from the defects of his qualities,' and 'Half my goods I give to feed the poor.' We shall have occasion to discuss this distinction again when we study the interpretation of propositions; but for the present, it is enough to remark that neither in the case of a distributed, nor in that of an undistributed, term can we say, from the form of the proposition, what the arithmetical number of the individuals denoted by the term is. It may, perhaps, help to make the matter clear if we recall that in the study of algebra we are taught to use the first letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, to represent the known quantities of a problem, and the last let- ters of the alphabet, x, y, z, to represent the un- known quantities. The mathematical difference be- tween these two classes of quantity, the known and the unknown, is the difference between the dis- tributed and the undistributed use of terms in logic. In the former case, the known objects are deter- minate; in the latter, the unknown objects are inde- terminate. TERMS 117 Some other Characteristics of Terms. In the fore- going paragraphs, we have considered mainly those features of terms which are important from the point of view of their denotation. There are cer- tain questions which arise from the standpoint of the connotation of terms to which we shall direct attention in the remainder of this and in the fol- lowing chapter. The questions to which we refer must not be confused with those that will engage us in a later chapter, and which relate particularly to the problem of definition, that is, to the problem of how the meaning of terms receives logical formu- lation. What, rather, we have to consider at pres- ent is the fact that there are certain general charac- teristics of terms which do not depend upon the par- ticular meaning that terms have, but upon the nature of the interest which stimulates our judging activity. The interests under which we are led to judge any subject-matter may require us to express what we wish to say either concretely, abstractly, absolutely, relatively, positively, or negatively. That is to say, our meaning may be either concrete, abstract, absolute, relative, positive, or negative. These distinctions are not coordinate, and they are not at all of equal importance; but the particular relations which they sustain to one another become apparent only when it is clear what each signifies. We shall, therefore, confine ourselves, in the main, to stating how each of these distinctions is to be understood, and we shall begin with the broadest 118 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC among them, the distinction between concrete and abstract meaning. Concrete Meaning. One of the most familiar facts of our every day life is that we distinguish from one another the various objects that come under our observation. When, for example, we go into the city, we perceive the houses, the shops, the traffic on the streets, and the people on the side- walks as quite different things. We also carry over into our academic studies the endeavor to make dis- tinctions, and to regard different things as different. Thus, the student of zoology learns to discriminate between the blood vessels, the supporting tissue, and the characteristic cells of the specimens he observes under the microscope. Indeed, so general and im- portant is this ability on our part that there is no interest that is not served by it, and no limit to which it may not be carried. For instance, we may mark off in this way not only the objects of the material world, but the qualities and relations of these objects, and set them before us as distinct ob- jects of our thought. Thus, 'green/ 'heavy,' 'but/ 'cause/ may become for us objects as distinct as are the chairs and tables of our domestic life. Now whatever we set off as a distinct object of percep- tion or thought is in logic considered as a concrete object, and the term that denotes such an object is called a concrete term. It may be observed that the significance for logic of the term concrete depends upon the significance of the word 'thing' in the body of our common TERMS 119 knowledge. By a thing we ordinarily mean some part of the physical world which is perceived as dis- tinct from other parts with which it coexists. Thus, the pictures on the walls of our room, the articles on display in the shop widows, the mountains and streams of the landscape, the cattle on a thousand hill, are all called 'things' whenever we think of them as distinct from other objects with which they are associated in the same common environment. But the word 'thing' is not confined to objects of the material world. We also designate as things what- ever can be thought of as having a distinct exist- ence of any kind. Thus, if I am trying to recall something in particular that has been told me, I may express my impatience at not being able to do so by saying, 'Why can't I remember the thing?' What I refer to here as a thing is an idea. A similar usage is found in the commandment against idolatry among the Hebrews when it is forbidden them to make a graven image "in the likeness of any thing in the heavens above," where the word 'heavens' has a quasi-spiritual meaning. Instances might be multiplied of the very wide and varied use to which we put the word thing in popular speech, but those given are enough to emphasise the connection be- tween it and the logical meaning of the term con- crete. While, however, there is this general connection between the two words, the meaning of the term concrete is more precise than is the meaning of the word thing. It is true, for instance, that we do not 120 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ordinarily refer to persons as things, but logic would have no hesitation in calling the terms, by which they were denoted, concrete terms. On the other hand, we should describe as a thing any object of which we could say only that it was in our con- sciousness, but unless we knew some of its attri- butes or relations, we should not be warranted log- ically in calling it a concrete object, or the word used to denote it a concrete term. These cases are suggestive of the truth that it is not mere existence, but significant existence that logic, in the main, de- notes by the term concrete. Whenever an object is thought of as having a definite kind of existence, that is, as possessing certain qualities or standing in such and such relations, it is called a concrete object, and the words we use to denote such objects are concrete terms because they are used to connote these qualities and relations. There are, as we shall see, varying degrees of definiteness in the ways in which significant existence is asserted, and there are, consequently, several degrees of explicitness in the meaning of the terms used for denoting such existence. This matter we shall discuss in the fol- lowing sections; it will be sufficient, meanwhile, if the broad meaning of the term concrete has been made clear. Individual Meanings: Proper Names and Desig- nations. The first class of concrete terms that we shall consider is that which denotes particular indi- vidual objects. To be able to point out individual objects, we must have in mind, as a general rule, TERMS 121 some attribute, or group of attributes, which is thought of as belonging to the one object we desire to single out, and to make the subject of further consideration. The names of such objects, when they are used as terms in a proposition, are definitely denotative and explicitly connotative; they point to their objects by means of the attribute or attributes which the term connotes. Such terms are called individual, or singular, terms. Individual concrete terms are of two kinds: proper names and designations. A proper name, to consider that first, is the name given to an object - person, place, or thing as a special means of dis- tinguishing this object from all other objects. We give names to the members of our families, Tom, Dick, Mary, Sue, etc., to continents, mountains, rivers, towns etc. We also give names to the horses in our stables and the cattle in our barns. There is no limit, except its usefulness, to the process of naming the objects of our acquaintance in order to distinguish them from others with which we do not wish them confused. In all such instances the names are proper names, and they serve to individ- ualise the particular objects to which they belong. When such names are made the subject of pred- ication they are singular or individual terms. Now, about proper names, as thus defined, we may ask whether their designation of particular objects is made possible because they imply an attri- bute or attributes, that is, because proper names are connotative. In answer to this question, Mill, 122 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC for example, replied that proper names are non- connotative, they can be used only, he said, to sig- nify an subject. This is, in many quarters, consid- ered an extreme position, and it may be due to the failure to see that significance may belong to a sub- ject not only because of the qualities that it pos- sesses, but also because of the relations in which it stands. "The very fact," as Creighton points out, "that a proper name is given to an object implies that is possesses a certain marked individuality," and the intelligent use of the name surely implies a reference to the qualities or relations by which that individuality is defined. However, be that as it may, we may admit that the connotation of proper names is ordinarily quite general and often vague, without thereby refusing to grant them any significance whatever. If the application of such terms is un- ambiguous, it is quite natural that their meaning should drop into the background of consciousness; but if its application should become uncertain or be misunderstood, we should then feel the need of mak- ing the connotation of the term more definite. Individual concrete meaning may be expressed, in the second place, by a designation. Logic regards as a designation any phrase that describes an object by its qualities or relations, when such phrase is used for the purpose of definitely pointing out this object. The assassin of Franz Ferdinand of Aus- tria/ 'my winter overcoat/ 'the centre of the mate- rial universe/ 'my partner/ all these are designa- tions in the sense defined. It is clear that a desig- TERMS 123 nation depends upon the appropriateness of the de- scription it embodies for the accurate identification of the object to which it points. That is to say, a designation must be explicitly connotative as well as definitely denotative. The wide usefulness of this method of express- ing our individual concrete meanings is very evi- dent. It is true that, in ordinary life and in scien- tific pursuits, we need a number of terms which shall have the specialised function of designating particular individual objects, that is, terms that are definitely proper names. But neither in science nor in daily life is it necessary to assign proper names to all the objects that engage attention, and yet some method of referring to these objects is neces- sary if we are to develop the interests that prompt us to take note of them. It is under such circum- stances, as a general thing, that the designation becomes of use. We should be on our guard, how- ever, against supposing that the objects to which proper names are assigned are necessarily of more importance than those to which we refer by means of designations. While it is true that some of the objects which we denote by designations are rela- tively insignificant, this is not always the case. In science, for instance, we speak of 'the law of grav- itation,' 'the law of diminishing returns/ 'cen- trifugal force,' etc.; and in daiy life we use such phrases as 'the President of the United States,' 'the Secretary of State,' etc. These phrases are, accord- ing to the definition, designations; they point out 124 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC definite objects by means of a brief description of the objects' characteristics. They have, moreover, a higher importance than some of the objects to which proper names are given. General Meaning. The second class of concrete terms, which we have now to consider, is character- ised by the fact that the meaning conveyed by such terms is applicable to more than one object. Now, it is true that, if we were to list all the attributes of all the objects of our acquaintance, it would be found that no one object possessed in every respect precisely the same qualities as any other. Every object, in this sense, is a unique object; and, if there were no other interest in things than that which leads to the observation of their uniqueness, we should have to use, when speaking of such objects, either proper names or designations. It frequently happens, however, that our practical or theoretical interests require us to distinguish among the attri- butes of individual objects those that belong to only one individual, and those that are possessed in common by a number of individuals. On the basis of this distinction, we are able to group together the objects which possess a common set of attri- butes, and, conversely, to make the common attri- butes the basis of our inclusion of other individuals within particular groups. For example, we classify certain animals as quadrupeds, and certain others as bipeds, on the ground that, amid an indefinite number of differences, certain animals are alike in the fact that they walk on four feet, and that cer- TERMS 125 tain others are alike in the fact that they walk on two feet. Stated otherwise, in constructing such classes of objects, each of the individuals belonging to any one class is thought of as possessing exactly the same characteristics as any other individual of that class. Now the names which embody a meaning that can be applied to any one of an indefinite number of individuals are known in logic as 'general' or 'com- mon' terms. Of such terms we may say, in view of the foregoing discussion, that they are explicitly connotative, but indefinitely denotative. In other words, the attributes that a general term connotes belong equally to each and every individual of a group; but we cannot tell which one or more of these individuals is denoted, merely by knowing the connotation of the term. The characteristic fact about a general term is, then, that while its conno- tation or meaning is concrete, its application is always general; the meaning, that is to say, can be applied to an indefinite number of individuals. It should be observed, however, that the meaning of any such term does not exist apart from some or all of the individuals in which this meaning is con- cretely embodied. That is to say, it is the existence of the individuals which form the group that deter- mines the meaning that any general term may have. Apart from these individuals, indefinitely denoted though they are, the general term would lose all its meaning. One reason for remarking this fact is that the interest, which leads us to observe the com- 126 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC mon characteristics of numbers of objects, is an interest that still recognizes the differences that exist among the objects which it groups together. When, therefore, these common characteristics are expressed in general terms, it is not to be supposed that the differences that distinguish one object from another are thereby denied. What our general terms imply is that the presence of individual dif- ferences is not inconsistent with the possession, by a number of objects, of certain characteristics in common. Collective Meaning: Individual and General. We have traced the development of meaning from the singular concrete to the general concrete, and we have seen that, in this development, we have been concerned with some feature or features of the indi- vidual or individuals which our interests prompt us to study. For instance, our interest in the differ- ences that exist between one object and another is embodied in the meaning that singular terms have ; our interest in the likenesses which exist along with these individual differences is expressed in the mean- ing that general terms have. That is to say, the de- velopment of meaning which leads from the individ- ual to the general term has been guided by the con- sideration that we must not do violence to the differ- ences that exist between one individual and another while seeking for the common ground of their like- ness. We have now to consider whether, neglecting the differences between individuals, we may start with their common likeness, and carry the develop- TERMS 127 ment a step further. Or, to state the inquiry more definitely, we may ask what alteration in our mean- ing is made if and when, in our study of individuals, we ignore their differences, and take note only of their likenesses. We have seen that we may take account of both likenesses and differences, and still be able to define a meaning which applies to each of a number of otherwise dissimilar individuals. What we have now to see is that if we pay attention only to likenesses, or, what amounts to the same thing, consider only similar individuals, we are able to de- fine a meaning which applies to no one of the indi- viduals, but can be intelligently used of all these in- dividuals taken together as a whole. To illustrate, let us suppose that we bring together in one place a number of animals lions, tigers, elephants, jaguars, ibexes, zebras, etc. Such a collec- tion we should call a menagerie. If, again, we were to bring together a number of children for the purpose of educating them we should call such a collection a school. There are many such collective groups of individuals; and we can say that the meaning of the word by which each is indicated applies to none of the individuals which constitute the group, but only to the group which is constituted by the individuals. Thus, 'a menagerie' is the name for a particular group of animals, 'a school' is the name for a particular group of chil- dren under instruction ; 'the United States of Amer- ica' is the name for a particular group of political organisations, etc. 128 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Now a name which embodies a meaning that can be applied to a number of similar individals, taken together and thought of as a whole, is called in logic a collective term. It is obvious, from what has been said, that the connotation or meaning of collective terms is determined for us by the points of observed similarity between the individuals which constitute the groups which these terms denote. Thus, we call a particular group of individuals a nation when we think of all the individuals belong- ing to the group as citizens, citizenship is the one attribute that all have in common. We call another particular group of individuals a legislature when we think of all the individuals belonging to the group as makers of laws, making laws is the one common task in which all its members are engaged. The same thing, mutatis mutandis, will be found true of all collective terms whatever: the connota- tion of such terms embodies certain observed sim- ilarities between the individuals which belong to the groups which the terms denote. When, on the other hand, we consider the deno- tation of collective terms, it is evident that the groups which such terms point out constitute a new kind of individual, and must be distinguished from the individuals which are denoted by the general term. The individuals which general terms, as a rule, denote are objects of our ordinary perception and thought; they are the things which, in the course of our daily life, we are accustomed to take as distinct objects; such things, we may say, as TERMS 129 each of us has been trained to observe in the course of the education that the community provides. On the other hand, the individuals which collective terms denote are individuals of a higher order, so to speak; they result from a definitely conscious effort on our part to bring together under a single view a number of diverse things, and to regard these things as one object. The objects which collective terms denote are more complex than those denoted by the general term, and should be carefully dis- tinguished from the latter. Collective concrete terms may be either individ- ual or general. The individual collective term is used to point out a particular group of objects which we wish to distinguish from all other objects what- ever. The Rough Riders/ 'the Gordon Highlanders,' 'the Allies,' (in the present war in Europe) are examples of collective terms used in this way. It may be observed that the individual collective term always contains the definite article, 'the,' as part of its verbal form. Thus, 'the committee,' 'the library,' 'the family' are collective terms used to point out particular distinctive groups. The denotation of these terms is definite. The general collective term is used to indicate a particular kind or class of grouped objects, and, therefore, may be applied to any particular group of objects which has the char- acteristics of the class which the term denotes. For example, when the military and naval forces of two or more nations act together for the purpose of de- 9 130 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC feating a common enemey, these nations are called allies. 'Allies' is a collective term, and, in this case, is general, since we apply the same name to each of the many combinations of this character which his- tory records. Other illustrations of collective terms which have a general application are, 'family,' 'li- brary,' 'committee.' It is sometimes said that the individual collective can be changed into a general collective term by substituting the indefinite article, 'a,' for the definite article, 'the ;' or by omitting the article without sub- stitution. Thus, 'the allies,' which is an individual collective term, becomes a general collective term by omitting 'the;' 'the committee,' 'the family,' 'the library' become general by substituting 'a' for 'the' in each instance, 'a committee,' 'a family,' 'a li- brary.' Sometimes, however, the connotation of a collective term has become so highly specialised that it is capable of being applied to only a single object, and in that case it cannot be used, by any change whatever, as a general term. Examples of this are : 'the Congressional Library at Washington,' 'the family of King George IV,' 'the Committee on For- eign Relations in the Sixty-third Congress.' Abstract Meaning. In the foregoing sections, we have studied how concrete meaning develops, and have seen that such meaning may assume one of three forms, or, as we may say, indicate one of three kinds of objects : individual, general, or collective. We have said that, in these instances, the meaning is concrete because, in each of them, TERMS 131 the connection between attribute and object is particularly direct and intimate, although the con- nection is in differing degrees of intimacy. Any meaning is considered concrete which conveys the idea that 'these are the attributes which such or such an object has/ or that 'this is the object which has such or such attributes/ It has been shown that the object, in some instances, is a material ob- ject; in others, it is mental. But so long as the meaning we wish to express is concrete, we always suppose that we can pass from object to attribute, or from attribute to object, without a break, or that the connection between attribute and object is un- equivocal. In other words, whenever we take an object in connection with its attributes, or think of attributes only in connection with their objects, our meaning is concrete. If, however, we were to con- sider attributes apart from objects, we should con- front a new situation, and one which would involve a new set of problems, the consideration of which, in the end, would lead us to define a new kind of meaning which, in contrast to concrete, might ap- propriately be called 'abstract.' For by abstract meaning we commonly understand the idea of an attribute quality or relation thought of inde- pendently of the particular object or objects of which it is the attribute. Now, when we look at the possibility of the ex- istence of such meanings as this, we are confronted with the danger of meaning less than we actually say. For instance, some logicians have defined the 132 A TEX r "*' LOGIC terms in which jstract meanings are expressed 'abstract te ,, as they are called as those which apply to objects thought of apart from the whole to which they belong, or to attributes which are thought of apart from the objects of which they are the attributes. Thus, a 'leaf thought of apart from the tree on which it grows is, according to this definition, an abstract term, and 'green/ if it is not thought of as the color of this particular leaf, or of any other particular green object, is likewise an abstract term. In our view, this is a very mislead- ing statement of what abstract meanings and terms are. For instance, in the cases just mentioned, both 'leaf* and 'green' are concrete general terms. The one is the name of an object, the other of an attri- bute, and although these terms are not thought of as belonging to any one particular object, still they are thought of as belonging to any one of an in- definite number of particular objects; unless we think of them in this way we cannot think of them at all. But if this is what we are to understand by an abstract term, then abstract are not distinct from general terms, and have to be classed as such. Although the view we have just criticised is apt to be misleading if it is taken as providing a defin- ition of what abstract meaning is, it may neverthe- less serve a useful purpose if it indicates how such a meaning is developed. It is true that in order to make our meanings abstract, we have to take attri- butes and objects apart from their mutual impli- cation of each other; but merely to take objects or 133 attributes in isolation is not, , if, sufficient to secure a new logical product. Tht Difficulty of such a view as we are criticising can be seen if we observe what would follow from its acceptance. For if, according to this view, only a meaning were retained, the thing meant by it being ig- nored, we may ask about this meaning whether it is a detached meaning, a meaning that is not the meaning of any object. If we answer this ques- tion in the affirmative, as we are required to do, we have opened the door to all the absurdities that be- long, in the popular understanding of the word, to 'abstract' thought, to thought, that is, that has nothing to do with any definable reality. To illus- trate, if from a student who comes for the first time to the study of philosophy, we were to elicit by care- ful questioning what his uninstructed understand- ing of philosophy is, we should probably find that for him philosophy is a set of ideas more or less connected with one another, but having little or no connection with anything else; and if, by further questioning, we were to get him to state why he had undertaken its study, we should probably find that he looked upon it either as a good mental gymnastic, or as a field in which, since no one can ever be right, he at least can never be wrong, whatever opinions he may hold. Such views are held merely because it is supposed, by those who entertain them, that philosophy is a set of ideas dissociated from all objects whatever, that it is, in the popular under- standing of the word, an 'abstract' subject. But 134 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ideas which do not make some object more intelli- gible cannot be saved from the fate of oblivion by giving them a name ; and we may neglect, as falling below the minimum of what knowledge requires, this understanding of the term abstract. Having rejected the popular interpretation of the expression 'abstract idea/ we have to ask whether, in fact, such ideas exist, and if they do, under what conditions their meaning is developed. In answering these questions, we may remark that the situation with respect to abstract ideas is some- what as follows : If, concerning these ideas, we say that they are true of the objects in connection with which they have been formulated already in our experience, then they are not abstract ideas at all ; they are, as we have seen, general ideas ; and if we say that they are ideas which mean nothing, we are talking nonsense. To illustrate, let us suppose that in the spring of the year, we are looking out upon the landscape, and that you remark, 'How green everything is!' Here 'green/ as you use it, is a general idea. If, however, in the midst of a conversation on monometallism, or of an unbroken silence, I were to say 'green/ you would naturally ask, 'Green what?' And if I replied, 'Green nothing, just green/ you would have a right to suspect my sanity. I can only rehabilitate myself in your re- gard by pointing out that 'green' is as possible an object of thought as 'trees' or 'grass;' and this is, without doubt, the course that, under such circum- stances, one would take. Now, in this illustration TERMS 135 we have a clue to what happens when a concrete general idea has broken away from its moorings in the world of concrete fact: the meaning conveyed by the general idea becomes at once a new object of thought, which is capable of further considera- tion and characterisation. In brief, it is only when a general idea has, in this way, been dealt with as a subject of predication that we arrive at a true abstract idea. For instance, if we take our former illustration we may observe that although the grass, the oak, maple, sycamore, and elm trees, the wind- ing river, etc., are all 'green,' they are not the same greens; they vary, as the psychologist tells us, in tint and saturation. Now if we ask, with respect to this fact, what we mean by calling things admit- tedly different by the same name, we shall have to say that there is something, whether we can state definitely what it is or not, which is common to all these objects, something which we express by the word 'greenness/ 'Greenness' is the abstract qual- ity by virtue of which any object is called green, it is that which belongs as an attribute to all greens whatsoever. If, to take another illustration, we sort out the skeins of yarn for testing colour blind- ness, and ask what it is that leads us to consider objects which give so many different sensory im- pressions as belonging to a single group, we should doubtless, answer colour. 'Colour' (=colouredness) is the abstract quality by virtue of which objects are classified with regard to the common visual im- pressions that they make. Again, 'triangle' is an 136 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC abstract idea, because it implies the quality (tri- angularity) by virtue of which three-sided plane figures are grouped together. These illustrations indicate with sufficient clearness the answer that must be given to the question we are considering. Any idea which denotes certain attributes common to a group of concrete objects is abstract if, at the same time, it connotes the underlying ground of the similarity which exists between these attributes. REFERENCES SEE THE END OF THE NEXT CHAPTER QUESTIONS 1. What is the relation of terms to propositions? 2. What is meant by the connotative and denotative use of terms? Illustrate. 3. Are terms ever used exclusively in a connotative or ex- clusively in a denotative sense? Explain your answer. 4. In case a term is both connotative and denotative, are the connotation and denotation always equally promi- nent? Explain. 5. How does any increase in the connotation of a term affect its denotation, and vice versa? 6. What is the relation of the distribution of terms to the connotative and denotative use of terms? 7. Explain what is meant by the distribution of terms, being careful to distinguish between distributed and undistributed terms. 8. What is the relation of the meaning of terms to the connotative and denotative use of terms? 9. What general characteristics of terms may be mentioned from the standpoint of connotation? TERMS 137 10. Upon what do these characterictics particularly depend? 11. How is the problem of definition distinguished? 12. Upon what fact of our common experience does concrete meaning depend? 13. In what respects does the term concrete differ from the word thing? 14. What do you understand by an individual or singular term? 15. Name the kinds of individual terms. 16. Define and illustrate proper names. 17. Are proper names used connotatively? Explain and illustrate your answer. 18. Define and illustrate designations. 19. Are designations used connotatively and denotatively? Explain. 20. What is the importance of designations? 21. Explain how meaning becomes general, and show that in doing so it remains concrete. 22. What is a general, or common, term? Illustrate. 23. Discuss the connotative and denotative use of general terms. 24. Explain how meaning becomes collective, and yet re- mains concrete. 25. What is a collective term? Illustrate. 26. Discuss the connotative and denotative use of collective terms. 27. What is an individual collective term? Illustrate. 28. What is a general collective term? Illustrate. 29. What is the relation between individual and general collective terms? 30. Does this relation always hold? Explain. 31. How does abstract, differ from concrete, meaning? 32. Distinguish carefully between abstract and general terms. 33. Discuss the connotative and denotative use of abstract terms. 138 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC EXERCISES 1. What are the connotation and denotation of the follow- ing terms: Gentlemen my typewriter logic George Washington gratitude the University 2. Show by an illustration that the denotation of a term may decrease if its connotation is increased. 3. Classify in a table all the terms discussed in this chap- ter, showing which are coordinate and which are sub- ordinate. 4. Write a list of twelve concrete individual terms, and indicate which are proper names, and which, if any, are designations. 5. What kind of term is 'goodness' in each of the following statements? (1) Goodness knows what we shall do. (2) He did it out of sheer goodness. 6. Write a list of six general terms. 7. Derive, if possible, abstract terms from each of those that occur in your answer to the previous question. CHAPTER V TERMS (CONTINUED) The Purpose of the Chapter. In the previous chapter we have traced the development of meaning from its concrete to its abstract form, and in doing so we have touched upon the main principles that control the logical use of terms. There are, how- ever, a number of other interests that lead us to consider objects and their qualities in ways slightly different from those already described, and thus to give our doctrine of meaning, in each case, a slightly different emphasis. In this chapter we shall define and illustrate some of these more common interests, and point out the varying emphasis that our mean- ings come to have under their guidance. The Basis of the Distinctions to be Studied. The distinctions in meaning that we are to study in this chapter, like those studied in the last, have a basis in common linguistic usage. The basis of the dis- tinction of concrete and abstract meaning is the fact that we distinguish between an object and its qualities, between the object that is the possessor of qualities, and the qualities possessed by the ob- ject. The distinctions studied in the present chap- ter are based on this broad contrast between objects and their qualities, but are not identical with it. When, for example, we have distinguished between an object and its qualities, so that we can think of the object merely as having existence, and can think of qualities as possible characteristics of objects without at the same time identifying the objects (139) 140 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of which they are the qualities, we can take a fur- ther step in regard to objects, and consider whether they do or do not stand in relation to other objects, and, in regard to qualities, whether they do or do not belong to certain objects. In the former case, we ask whether the relation that objects sustain to other objects affects the meaning that such objects have; and, in the latter, we ask whether the pos- session or non-possession of certain qualities by ob- jects in any way modifies the significance that such objects have for us. In the first question, we are concerned with what are known, in logic, as abso- lute and relative terms; and in the second, with what are known as positive and negative terms. Absolute and Relative Meaning. This distinction is one that concerns the existential character of objects, that is, objects considered with respect to whether they do or do not depend for the meaning they have upon the relations in which they stand to other objects. Stated otherwise, we are asking whether it is possible and useful to study objects independently of the connections they may have with other objects, and whether the terms we use to denote objects do or do not get part of their meaning from the relations which these objects sus- tain to other objects that fall outside the denotation of these terms themselves. The answer to this inquiry is quite obvious. Objects whose connection with other things is for the time being neglected may certainly be held before the mind as subjects of investigation. These objects may be quite simple, TERMS 141 as a chair, or they may be quite complex, as the solar system. But whenever a simple or complex object derives its importance for consciousness from the fact that we ignore the connections it may have with other existential things, it is said to be an inde- pendent object. Now when the names of such objects are used as terms in a proposition, they are called absolute terms. Thus, all individual terms, whether they denote single individuals, or single groups of objects, are, in the sense explained, absolute terms. What we should understand by a relative term is more difficult to state. We shall first consider the most general aspect of this question. It is quite clear, in the first place, that since the whole prob- lem of meaning rests, as we have seen, upon the connection between the connotative and denotative use of terms, that there can be no object entirely devoid of qualities, and no quality which is not the quality of some object. There is always a relation between these two aspects of a term's meaning. Further, it is clear that all our meanings, whether concrete or abstract, singular or general, are also relative in the sense that the objects denoted by such terms stand in relation to objects denoted by other terms. Used in the broad way, indicated by these illustrations, the word 'relative' does not point out a particular logical distinction, but describes a common characteristic of all human knowledge whatsoever. The term relative is used in logic, in contrast to absolute, to indicate the fact that part of the meaning that a term has is derived from the exist- 142 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ence of an object that the term itself does not denote. Stated another way, a relative term is one that implies the existence of some other object than the one that the term itself denotes. It is obvious that no concrete individual term can be relative in this sense. But some concrete general terms are. For example, the term 'father' is a concrete general term since it is a name which applies to an indefinite number of individuals in whom the relations implied by the name are present; it is also relative because these relations are such that they depend for their application not only upon the existence of the indi- vidual to whom the name is given, but also upon the existence of either a son or a daughter. A sim- ilar double relationship exists in all family connec- tions: uncle, grandfather, niece, etc. We may ob- serve the same thing in other than the family type of social organisation: political, king-subject; economic, debtor-creditor; juridical, -- plaintiff- defendant; commercial, employer-employee; do- mestic, master-servant, etc. Whether this type of relationship is ever found outside of social organ- isations, or if found, whether they are common, has been questioned. We may point out that some logi- cians have been inclined to find the meaning of such a word as 'mountain' in the reference that it is said to contain to the plain from which it rises. There may be other words whose meanings are of this relative sort, such as, right-left, heavy-light, up- down, etc. In deciding whether any term is rela- tive, it should be borne in mind that the only clue TERMS 143 that is of logical value, is the sense in which it is actually used in carefully guarded and intelligent speech. And by this test it appears that the words whose meanings are determined by the existence of other objects than those which such words denote are chiefly those that indicate the relations that we, as human beings, have with one another in some type of social organisation. One other point remains to be mentioned. It is sometimes found that when one object derives part of its meaning from the existence of another, the latter also derives part of its meaning from the first. Not only, for example, does uncle or aunt imply nephew or niece, but nephew or niece implies uncle or aunt. That is to say, each term of the relation implies, and is implied by, the other. Re- lationships of this kind are called reciprocal. The terms between which such relationship holds are also called correlatives. Thus, when we regard the creditor-debtor relation from the standpoint of creditor, we say that 'debtor' is a correlative term, and when we regard it from the standpoint of debtor, we say that 'creditor' is a correlative term. By a correlative term, therefore, is meant that one of a pair of relative terms which is implied by the other. Positive and Negative Meaning. The distinction between positive and negative meaning rests upon the answer we give to the question whether a given object has or has not a certain attribute or set of attributes. In a general way, it is true that every object has or has not the attributes which the word 144 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC we use to point it out implies; otherwise, it may be asked, how can we identify any subject of dis- course? It may, however, be said that it is some- times necessary to state emphatically that the ob- jects we are speaking about have or have not cer- tain attributes, and that when this is the case, the meaning of what we express is either positive or negative. A positive meaning, to consider that first, calls special attention to the fact that an object has the attributes which are implied by the term which is used to point it out; and it is necessary some- times to emphasise this fact, because the meaning of what we affirm, without such emphasis, is liable to be misunderstood. Whenever the denotation of a term is unambiguous, or when its popular mean- ing does not render it equivocal, we do not need to call special attention to its precise connotation. For example, the term 'rent' is popularly understood as a fixed sum of money that is paid or received for the occupancy of a house or of land. It is primarily a denotative term, and many judgments may be ex- pressed which are perfectly intelligible about the object, the fixed sum of money which this term denotes. We may say, for example, that 'Rent is a constant drain upon a poor man's wages/ To pay rent all one's life is an indication of improvidence,' etc. In all such instances, the sense of our asser- tions is carried easily by the denotative use of the term 'rent.' However, when what we assert is dependent, not upon the object's existence, but upon its meaning, we are in a different position. In that TERMS 145 case, the meaning of the term by which the object is denoted must be made precise if we are to have an intelligent understanding of what a proposition affirms. Thus, for the economist, the term rent is 'the remuneration that is derived from the concrete things that have the value of capital,' and this mean- ing of the word must be kept in mind in any discus- sion which involves the idea for which the term stands. In this instance 'rent' is used connotatively, and, so used, it limits whatever can be said intelli- gently on any subject that implies the idea. It is a positive term because it is used to indicate the fact that any object to which it is applied must have the qualities which the term connotes. The Conditions of Negative Meaning. In discuss- ing negative meanings, we shall inquire, in the first place, into the conditions under which such mean- ings arise. We call attention to three situations in which knowledge is forced to assume a negative form. First, whenever, for any reason, we fail to reach a positive conclusion on any subject of inquiry, we may map out the progress of the inquiry by a series of negations. For example, let us suppose that a physician is called to see a patient who has a serious illness. As the examination of the patient proceeds, a number of prominent and secondary symptoms are noted and the possibility of typhoid, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, etc., suggest themselves in turn, only to be rejected one after the other; and the physician concludes his visit with a confes- sion, to himself if not to the family of the patient, 10 146 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that he has reached no positive knowledge of the disease, or complication of diseases, from which the patient is suffering. The physician's knowledge, in such a case, is made up of a series of negative judg- ments ; not typhoid, not scarlet fever, etc. Through what has been denied, that is, through what the physician calls his differential diagnosis, he has come nearer to, but has not succeded in making, a positive diagnosis. Negations thus mark out the limits within which the positive characteristics of an object are to be found. No doubt, in new and com- plicated situations, business and professional men are often in the position where the only thing that is clear to them is what not to do or think. In such cases, we have negative but not positive meanings ; but the former exist, not as something opposed to the latter, but as stages in our progress toward it. Our subject-matter refuses, one after the other, a number of suggested qualifications, and often we have to stop our investigation of the matter in hand before we have found the particular qualifi- cation which fits. Secondly, negative meaning arises when we safe- guard a positive meaning from misunderstanding or falsification. Let us take, as an example, the case where a new truth is presented for the first time for our understanding. We are more often in this relation to truth, as students, than in any other. The teacher, let us say, is expounding the psycho- logical doctrine of perception. We follow him atten- tively as step by step he enumerates and explains TERMS 147 the various factors in the problem, and their relation to each other. Now the important question for us as students is whether we have really understood what the teacher has said. Class-room experience shows that a student's reaction to the subjects of his study comes most often in the form of a ques- tion, or a statement, which, from the teacher's stand- point, is the suggestion of a predicate or series of predicates, for the topic of discourse, in the ex- ample, the psychological doctrine of perception ; and the teacher's problem is to determine whether the proposed predicates are compatible with those by means of which his own exposition has been carried on. Now, since our first apprehensions of any new truth are liable to be uncertain, vague, or partial, our proposed predicates not infrequently endanger our grasp of the new truth, and have to be eliminated from the list of those attributes which, when taken together, constitute the positive meaning of the sub- ject under consideration. Now, this elimination of incompatible predicates is performed by the teacher whenever he refuses to accept our statements or questions as elucidations of the subject-matter in hand. And his refusal is given in the form of a negation which means, from his point of view, that he is defending a positive meaning from misunder- standing or falsification. Thirdly, negative meaning arises whenever, in carrying forward a special line of work, our prob- lem is to see how far, and in what directions, our subject is capable of development. The starting 148 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC point, in a case like this, is the body of knowledge we have already acquired about our subject. We do not become possessed of the truth that lies beyond our grasp by a method that implies disloyalty to the truth that lies within it. The working criterion of the truth of any thing new must be the truth that we already possess. And this means that nothing becomes true which contradicts what is already true. Truth is a system, systematic and coherent, one part of which supports and supple- ments every other. However, this position should not be held in such a way that the limitations of the truth in hand are allowed to make us inhospit- able to the constantly increasing and enlarging body of truth. Truth, it should be borne in mind, grows from less to more; and, in the process, not only do we come into possession of new truths, but the old truths are transformed, and sometimes the entire system of truth changes its character. A familiar instance of this is the change from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican astronomy. The particular use of the statement and illustration in this place is to call attention to the fact that such changes in the character and system of truth is effected by nega- tion working within the field of established truth. For what is the recognition of truth's limitations but the admission that negation not only erects a barrier against outside error, but also against that hardening process in the heart of truth itself which, unchecked, steels it against the recognition of out- side truth? When, therefore, we are endeavouring TERMS to extend the boundaries of a particular subject, or when we have to consider the truth of any subject in its relations to other fields of knowledge with which it may be correlated, we are often forced into the position of either denying all outlying truths, or modifying, in the interest of the systematisation of truth, the knowledge that we already possess. Development of knowledge takes place only when we follow the latter course. But, we should remark, the modification of established truths, which is necessary if what is new is to find a place in the developing field of knowledge, is made possible by the elimination of what is erroneous in it ; or, stated otherwise, the limitations of existent truth are brought to light by negation working within the area of our established beliefs. The Logic of Negation. That there is such a thing as negative meaning is not open to serious question, and what the conditions are under which it arises we have already seen. The inquiry that confronts us now is, How are negative meanings to be interpreted? We may approach this question by remarking that negative meanings are developed out of the interests that lead us, in our inquiry into the nature of things, to affirmative conclusions. By this statement we mean that negation must be inter- preted as a form of knowledge, and not merely as an assertion of the absence of knowledge, and that, as such, it satisfies, in the particular instances in which negative meanings arise, the motives that sustain all our cognitive endeavours. Stated other- 150 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC wise, we may say that since in all knowledge thought is, as we have seen, in some particular relation to its object, we must hold either that this is true of negative as well as of positive meanings, or that negative meanings fall outside of the field of logical inquiry. The only alternative to this position would be to deny the existence of negation altogether. But this we cannot do. And we cannot do it for the simple reason that if we did succeed in getting rid of negation in one form, it would break out in an- other, a fact that is significant of the distinctive function of negation in our search after the truth of things. An illustration of the fact just referred to may be found in the endeavour to get rid of neg- ative meanings by reducing all propositions to a common affirmative type. Thus, it is contended, the meaning of the statement, 'Some men are not Cau- casians/ is not, 'Some men are-not Caucasians,' a negative proposition, but, 'Some men are not-Caucasians,' an affirmative propostion. But, if this is true, it is obvious that, in the latter case, the predicate term has been burdened with the negative that belonged, in the former case, to the copula. And, what is more important, this way of escape from the difficulties of negative statements seems to have rendered affirmative ones equivocal. For, it will be remembered, in all affirmation we are sup- posed to predicate a positive characteristic, quality, attribute or relation of a subject; but when we affirm by means of negative terms, we seem to be saying that the subject does not possess the attri- TERMS 151 butes connoted by the predicate of the proposi- tion which expresses our meaning. So far then from escaping the problem of negation, this attempt to reduce all statements to an affirmative type forces upon us the question of how we are to interpret negative terms. To this question we shall now give attention. Let us be perfectly clear what our problem is. When we say 'not-Caucasian/ 'not-typhoid,' etc., it is quite possible, as we have said, that we mean nothing more than that our knowledge is falling short of what knowledge, strictly regarded, requires. This, however, is a different thing from saying that we have attained the full measure of knowledge when all that we can affirm is that a subject has some quality or relation vaguely expressed by neg- ative terms. When, for example, we say of an in- dividual that he is not-Caucasian, or of a disease that it is not-typhoid, what, we should like to know, are the positive attributes, which these terms con- note? And we can ask such a question just because we are dealing with an affirmative statement. Now one way of answering this question has been to say that, by the exclusion of a particular group of attributes, expressed by the negative term, we include within the meaning that the negative term must have all other attributes whatsoever. In other words, the negative term, or, as it is sometimes called, the indefinite, indesignate, or infinite term, is one which divides all existing things into two groups, in one of which there is placed definitely 152 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the excluded meaning, and in the other all other ex- istences and meanings. According to this view, it is the function of the negative term to denote the latter group ; it is the name of a miscellaneous num- ber of things, such as "accidence and adjectives and names of Jewish kings." Thus, as Bosanquet says, "not-Christian literally interpreted includes not only heathen humanity, but the fixed stars, the sea, and indeed, in Aristotle's words, 'every thing whether existent or non-existent' except Christian. It refers to no one sphere in preference to another, and thus says nothing definite enough to be intelligible." It is an example of what we may call bare negation, that is, of negation unlimited by any reference to a positive sphere of reality; and, because it includes so much, succeeds, in the end, in denoting nothing in particular. Now it may be doubted whether, out- side the field of a purely formal logic, there are any such infinite terms as this; that is, whether bare negation, a negation which is not a stage or step in our acquisition or development of positive knowl- edge, is ever rooted in the purposes or motives which, in our relation to things, give birth to rele- vant assertion. But if these infinite terms do not 'express meanings that are the outgrowth of the motives that control our knowledge processes, if, that is, they have no relation to the purposes that guide and determine the life of judgment, they lose all interest for logic ; they may have a psychological, but can have no logical, significance. TERMS 153 Another way of meeting the question we are considering is to point out that the meaning of any proposition must be sought within the universe of discourse which the proposition implies, and that, consequently, this places a limitation upon the meaning that the proposition's terms can have. If from this point of view we consider the statement, 'Some men are not-Caucasian/ it is obvious that we are speaking of men from the standpoint of their racial characteristics, and that the group of men which now interests us, the 'Some men' of the proposition do not have the characteristics of the Caucasian. But if we are making the statement at all intelligently, we mean more than this; we mean that they have the characteristics of either one or other of the remaining divisions of the human fam- ily looked at from the racial point of view. That is to say, the positive meaning of the negative term 'not-Caucasian' can be expressed by 'either Negro or Mongolian or American Indian.' Thus, the whole meaning of our statement is, 'Some men are not- Caucasian, but are either Negro or Mongolian or Indian.' Likewise the other statement, 'This dis- ease is not-typhoid,' means that a pathological con- dition is present, but it is not typhoid and it is either scarlet fever or tuberculosis or diphtheria or one or other of an indefinite number of the ills to which the human body is subject. Privative Meaning. Closely connected with nega- tive terms are those called privative, terms which indicate the absence of an attribute naturally or 154 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC usually belonging to the object which such terms de- note. 'Blind/ 'maimed/ 'orphaned/ 'deaf/ are ex- amples. Because they are so closely connected, it may help us to understand both negative and priva- tive terms if we indicate wherein they seem to differ from each other. The negative term, as we have seen, indicates a number of positive alternatives by means of a negative characterisation of the object which such term is made to qualify. It is, there- fore, not a term that is negative in meaning at all ; it is only its form that has this characteristic. The reverse seems to be true of privative terms, their meaning is negative, and what is negated is defi- nitely the attribute or attributes which such terms connote. Thus, 'The boy is an orphan/ must be understood to mean that he has no parents, 'the absence of parents' being what the term 'orphan' connotes. A further difference between these terms may be indicated. In the case of negative terms, we are able, through what is denied, to affirm cer- tain alternative qualities, that is, to go beyond what is definitely stated by such terms. In the case of privative terms, this is not true. Of the boy who is an orphan, all that we can positively affirm is that he has no parents; we cannot say whether he has either a brother, or sister, or uncle or aunt. If of any one we can say, 'He is deaf/ we do not find in this statement any ground of assertion with respect to the presence, absence, or degree of acuteness of any of his other faculties. In view of these charac- teristics, privation must be interpreted as an ex- TERMS 155 treme case of negation ; that is, of a negation which arises under conditions that make defect of quality a differentia of the meaning we intend to convey. Disparate and Contrary Meaning. We may touch upon two other related distinctions which have neg- ative significance. Whenever we can divide a class of objects into a number of mutually exclusive classes, as, for example, the class animal into lions, tigers, etc., these subordinate classes are said to be disparate. If, further, we can arrange the exclusive classes of a group of objects with respect to their possessing more or less of some quality, for ex- ample, organisms in a series from amoeba to man, and if we can say of two of these classes that, with respect to the common quality, they differ from each other in a greater degree than either does from any other, the relationship between these two most differing classes is said in logic to be that of contrariety. A contrary relation is one form of negative meaning, and indicates the greatest degree of exclusion, actual or possible, within a single genus. In other words, contraries are the extreme limits of the universe of discourse within which the meaning of any proposition falls. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Ch. V. B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lect. V, 4-7. J. E. Creighton, An Elementary Logic, 3d Edition, Part I., Ch. IV. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Chs. III-V. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. II. 156 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Part I., Ch. I. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Chs. III., IV. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Ch. II-IV. ADVANCED J. M. Baldwin, Thought and Things, Vol. II., Part II., Ch. VII. B. Bosanquet, Logic, Vol. I., pp. 46-71. F. H. Bradley, The Principles of Logic, pp. 155-173. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. I., VII., VIII. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Chs. II., VI. J. N. Keynes, Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic, 4th Edition, Part I., Chs. I., II. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. I., Ch. I. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book I., Ch. II. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Ch. VII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Book I., Chs. I., II. QUESTIONS. 1. How are the logical distinctions of absolute and rela- tive, positive and negative terms, related to those dis- cussed in the previous chapter? 2. Upon the answer to what question does the distinction of absolute and relative depend? 3. State and illustrate the meaning that belongs to abso- lute terms. 4. What senses of the term relative are excluded from our discussion of relative terms? 5. What is meant in logic by a relative term? 6. What class of experience provides most of our illustra- tions of relative terms? 7. What are correlative terms? 8. Upon the answer to what question does the distinction of positive and negative depend? 9. What is a positive term? 10. Under what conditions do we express our meaning pos- itively? TERMS 157 11. State and explain the conditions under which our knowl- edge has to be expressed negatively. 12. Are the motives that lead to negative statements differ- ent from those that lead to affirmative ones? Explain. 13. How have some logicians tried to get rid of negative meaning? 14. Criticise this effort. 15. State and illustrate two views of the logical significance of negative terms. 16. What do you understand by privative meaning? 17. How are privative related to negative terms? 18. What do you understand by disparate and contrary meaning? EXERCISES 1. Write three propositions to illustrate the absolute mean- ing of terms. 2. Discuss each absolute term in your answer to the pre- vious question to show whether it is concrete or abstract. Write new propositions to illustrate your results. 3. Write new propositions to illustrate concrete and ab- stract terms. 4. Write three propositions to illustrate the relative mean- ing of terms. 5. Discuss each relative term in your answer to the pre- vious question to show whether it is concrete, abstract, absolute. Illustrate. 6. Write three propositions to illustrate the positive mean- ing of terms. 7. Discuss each positive term in your answer to the pre- vious question to show whether it is concrete, abstract, absolute, relative. Illustrate. 8. Write three propositions to illustrate the negative mean- ing of terms. 9. Discuss each negative term in your answer to the pre- vious question to show whether it is concrete, abstract, absolute, relative, positive. Illustrate, CHAPTER VI DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES The Questions of this Chapter. In our study of terms, in the two preceding chapters, we saw first, that a term may be used either to point out par- ticular existing things or to convey some meaning. When a term is employed to point out particular existing things it is said to be used denotatively; when it is employed to convey some meaning, it is said to be used connotatively. Arising out of this distinction of the denotative and connotative use of terms, certain problems were forced upon us for consideration. For instance, our study of the deno- tative use of terms brought before us the problem of the distribution of terms, and our study of the connotative use of terms brought to our attention certain general characteristics of terms the study of which, as we may now say, involved the problem of the classification of terms. In our statement of this latter problem, we were led to recognize another problem, the (problem of definition, and this problem was said to be concerned with the way in which the particular meaning of terms receives logical formulation. The facts and relations em- bodied in this statement of the logic of terms may be expressed in a tabular form as follows : (158) DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 159 Standpoint Problem Denotation Distribution of terms Terms f Classification of terms Connotation ^Definition of terms This table may be read as follows: Terms studied from the standpoint of their denotation give rise to the problem of the distribution of terms ; studied from the standpoint of their connotation, they give rise either to the problem of the classification of terms or to the problem of the definition of terms. Of the two problems connected with the conno- tative use of terms, the problem of the classification and of the definition of terms, the former may be said to be concerned with the question, What are the various kinds of terms that form the S and P of logical propositions ? And the latter is concerned with the question, What, irrespective of the kinds that terms may be, are the meanings that terms may have? We have considered the first of these ques- tions in the two previous chapters. The second question we shall study in the first part of the pres- ent chapter. In this part, we shall try to show how to make the particular meanings of the terms we employ definite, how to formulate them in such a way that no doubt remains as to the sense in which they are used. We hope, as the result of our study, to learn how to proceed when we are required to make the meaning of any of our terms explicit. 160 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC After we have concluded this study, we shall be in a position to ask and answer the question, What kinds of things can be predicated of a subject? The convenience of discussing this question here is that doubt has been cast upon the possibility of predicating of any subject its own definition. But it is more than a question of convenience; for, as we shall see, our whole view of the nature of defini- tion is involved in the position we take with respect to the predicables. There are, then, two problems to be discussed in this chapter, the problem of defi- nition and the problem of the predicables, and of these the first to be considered is the problem of definition. Non-Ambiguity. We may approach the study of this question by calling attention to the fact that in the fields of science, more than anywhere else, our ideas must be accurate, and the language in which these ideas are expressed must definitely convey the meaning intended. That is to say, the natural fluid- ity of language must not be allowed to go in the sciences to the point of ambiguity. Whenever, that is, we wish to express our ideas in words, there is a limit to the indefiniteness that can be allowed to the forms of our speech, and if we really convey the sense of what we mean our words must be definite in what they connote. This demand for precision in the use of words may be easily misunderstood, and it may lead to an effort after the impossible or undesirable. The aver- age man's impatience with over-primness of speech DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 161 is a healthy protest against pedantry ; but the same man's laxness in the use of words bears witness quite often to the vagueness of his ideas. These are the extremes against which it is desirable to guard : the extreme, on the one hand, of an accuracy of speech out of all proportion to the character and importance of the subject-matter of our thought; and the extreme, on the other hand, of being tyran- nised over by words and of using them as substi- tutes for ideas. There is always an appropriate exactness that we should strive to realise in our use of language, and nothing more than this can be demanded of us by the strictest logic. We must aim to make our speech non-ambiguous, but non-ambi- guity is relative to the purpose of the speaker and to the subject of his thought. Non-ambiguity changes with the change of purpose and subject, and the degree of exactness that is requisite on some occasions and with respect to some subjects might be altogether inadequate if these were differ- ent. There is no one standard of explicitness that we are required to attain ; the most that can be de- manded is that on all occasions, and with respect to all subjects, our language be made a fitting ve- hicle for the expression of the ideas we wish to convey. We have called attention to these somewhat obviaus considerations, because, through their neg- lect, the importance of the problems with which we are here concerned has frequently been obscured. 11 162 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC This, we think, is unfortunate; for whatever can help us to avoid misunderstanding, whatever can strengthen our reputation for saying what we mean and meaning what we say, cannot be of indifference to any one of us, in a world where intellectual integ- rity is coming to play an increasingly important part. These considerations may also enable us to see that whenever we are in danger of being misunder- stood, whether in science or literature or business, on account of the indefinite meanings of the words we employ, there is required some method by which the misunderstanding can be avoided, some method by which words can be moulded to the uses of ideas. Life is one, and the occasions when it is necessary to state explicitly the meaning of the words we use arise all along its way, and are not confined to, even if they are more frequent and more urgent in, the various departments into which our human knowl- edge has been organised. In other words, ambiguity may be as undesirable in the drawing-room or counting-house as in the laboratory, and whenever and wherever it is a hindrance, we naturally try to get rid of it. But before we consider how this may be done, a word may be added on ambiguity itself. Ambiguity. The traditional doctrine of ambi- guity may be briefly stated. Any term is ambig- uous if it is given a meaning in a proposition which it does not have in the judgment which the prop- osition expresses. For example, 'He was a man who DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 163 always chose a mean line of action.' Terms that have more than one meaning, and which, therefore, lead to ambiguity of statement, are called ambig- uous or equivocal; and, in contrast to these, those that have only one meaning are called unambig- uous or univocal. There are two respects in which this view of ambiguity does not seem to be satisfactory. First, it implies too formal or mechanical a view of logic. It leaves the impression that words are like counters in a game to be pushed here and there as the exi- gencies of the game demand, that no difference is made to the words themselves by their change of relation in different propositions. Second, it sup- poses that there are certain words which have a fixed meaning, and that the statements in which they occur are, therefore, free from ambiguity. This is difficult to maintain for any class of words, and if it were true of particular words there is no guarantee that it must remain so. The principle that should guide us in a discussion like this is that it is not words that make a language, but language that moulds words and fits them to the uses for which the language exists. For example, the word 'Democrat' has a definite historical meaning, as also has the word 'Republican' ; but as names of political parties they no longer mean what they meant origin- ally, and have become vague and indefinite through the growth within each party of sub-classes or varieties of democracy and republicanism, each of which would deny to the other the right to the name. 164 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC This process of splitting off from a perfectly clear centre of meaning is going on all the time in the living languages of the world, and is giving rise to conflicting meanings in the uses of words. The problem of ambiguity may be viewed in a broader way still. Instead of considering it as hav- ing to do with the indefiniteness that arises from the vague or shifting meaning of words, we may view it as in some sort the central or fundamental prob- lem of the science of logic itself. For logic, as we have seen, is a study of the methods by which mean- ings can get asserted, and how asserted meanings can get expressed in propositions. It is because meaning tends to elude us, and because words are not always, if they are ever, faithful representatives of ideas, because, that is to say, ideas and words are both equivocal, that we are compelled, if the aims of thinking are to be attained, to study the sources of this uncertainty, and to derive guidance from the knowledge that we thus obtain. Ambi- guity, therefore, is a term that describes a natural condition of human thinking, as well as a natural indefiniteness of human speech. But, as we all know, vagueness in an idea and indefiniteness in speech, have many sources ; and it will not be until we have reached the end of our studies that we shall have reviewed even the more important ones. Ambiguity in the meaning and application of words, therefore, is part of a much larger problem ; but in this chapter we shall consider only the ambiguity that arises in connection with our use of words. DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 165 Translation. One of the most common means for the removal of ambiguity is translation. Thus, if what we say is not understood, or is in danger of being misunderstood, we often translate the same idea into another set of words in the hope that the ambiguity may be removed. This is a common prac- tice both in literature and in ordinary conversation. When, for example, Shakespeare makes Hamlet say, O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew; Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! he is putting into Hamlet's mouth words that ex- press a single idea twice over, namely, the longing for death as a means of escape from his troubles. If, again, a teacher should ask his class a question which fails to elicit the correct answer, he would probably restate the question in the light of the difficulties that the answers had thrown upon the class's understanding of the question as first stated. If further, to take an illustration already used, we were to say of a given individual, 'He was a man who always chose a mean line action,' and we were misunderstood to say that he was a man 'devoid of a generous disposition', we should probably substi- tute for the word 'mean,' the word 'moderate' in a re-statement of what we had intended, in the first place, to say. There is no doubt that this habit of translating into a variety of forms the ideas we wish to express is so inveterate that most of us talk more 166 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC than is necessary for understanding, and many of the books we ordinarily read are much longer than they need be. But the care we exercise in making our meaning clear is grounded in a healthy instinct ; it is the respect we pay to the demand for unambig- uous statements. When Translation may be Employed. If we look at the class of cases illustrated in the preceding paragraph, we shall discover that the source of their ambiguity does not lie in the fact that our words have a vague fringe of meaning, but that the centre or core of meaning has been misunderstood. When- ever ambiguity arises from our unfamiliarity with the meaning of the words in which ideas are ex- pressed, what is needed is that the same idea be translated into a set of words with the meaning of which we are familiar. In translation, then, ambiguity arises from the fact that the central meaning of a word is not pre- cisely determined, either because the word carries no meaning at all, or because it carries a meaning that renders the whole sentence indefinite. If, for example, you do not know what the word 'com- mandeer' means, you are not likely to understand any statement in which the word occurs, for example, 'My motor has been commandeered.' To meet such a situation it is obvious that some other word or explanatory statement would have to be sub- stituted for the meaningless 'commandeered.' If, to take another case, a class in logic were given the task of stating the meaning of the assertion 'Non DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 167 omnis moriar (I shall not all die),' and it proved difficult or impossible, the reason would be that am- biguity spreads over the whole sentence from the indefiniteness of the word 'all/ an indefiniteness that is not due, as in the former illustration, to the absence of meaning, but to the conflict of two mean- ings that are not clearly distinguished. In this ex- ample, the Latin word omnis has a distributed mean- ing, and if the Roman had wished to express the collective meaning of 'all/ he would have written cunctis. We have only, therefore, to point out the distributed use of the word 'all' to enable the student to see that the meaning of the statement is 'some part of me is immortal/ When Definition is Required. The conditions un- der which definition is required are different from those under which translation is most effective. Definition is called for when the work-a-day mean- ing of the word that requires defining is already known, but is becoming obscured by the fact that, through the similarity of its meaning to other words, its distinctive characteristics are in danger of being overlooked. For instance, the most obvious common characteristic of the violin, viola, 'cello, and bass viol is their shape, and it is this that leads one to regard all of them, on first ac- quaintance, as, let us say, violins. Our knowledge, that is to say, emphasises the common likeness that exists between the several instruments named, and there is confusion of one thing with another because the differences which give to these objects a distinct place in the universe of musical instruments have 168 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC been overlooked. The confusion does not arise from what is included, but from what is omitted, and what is omitted, in this case, lies, outside the centre, at the boundaries of the words' meanings. To state it generally, the meanings of closely related words encroach upon one another when the boundaries that keep their meanings distinct are overlooked or broken down. Now it often happens that the sense of what we say depends to a large extent upon a word's ability to suggest just such differences as, in the illustration used, we persistently ignored. When this happens ambiguity is sure to result, an ambiguity, let it be observed, that is due to the con- fusion of closely related things. In such a case, the practically important problem is to find some method by which ambiguity of the kind here in question can be overcome when it exists, or be avoided when it does not. The Method of Definition. In any case of ambi- guity that can be overcome by definition, the indefi- niteness of the word's meaning which occasions the ambiguity is due to our failure to mark off the boundaries of this meaning from those of other re- lated meanings. Indefiniteness of this sort in the meanings of words may be illustrated if we ask our- selves, for example, what we understand by a bal- loon and an air-ship. The conspicuous central mean- ing of the two words is doubtless the fact that they are machines that travel in the air ; but if they mean no more than this, we shall very soon be calling each by the name of the other, or we shall be calling all DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 169 machines that travel in the air by the name of the one or the other. It is in cases like this, as we have seen, that the definition of words is necessary. How, then, shall we go about the task of defining? Obviously, by the way of comparison, by the com- parison of the things which our words denote. Thus, if we wish to make our meanings of the words bal- loon and air-ship precise, we compare an air-ship with a balloon, and this comparison will lead to the discovery that they differ from one another in the method of their locomotion: the air-ship is driven by an engine and the balloon is not. We shall, then, call anything an air-ship which travels in the air and is driven by an engine, and the word balloon will be reserved for any air-traveling machine which depends for its locomotion upon the air-currents. This method of definition is for all ordinary purposes the most practical, and it lends itself to the require- ments of the specific occasions which make defini- tion imperative. We get, that is to say, the mean- ing that suits the purpose of the statement. Con- stant practice in the comparison of what words denote will not only render our meanings more pre- cise, but free us from that indefiniteness which comes from an exclusive familiarity with the dic- tionary meanings of words; for what a dictionary cannot do, and what comparison does, is to render the meanings of words appropriate to the particular contexts in which they occur. By the method of comparison we find the relevant meaning, the mean- ing that is required by the universe of discourse 170 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC within which our thought is moving, and by the purpose which controls our particular assertions. Definition per genus et differentiam. By defini- tion, as we have seen, we aim to substitute definite- ness for indefiniteness in the meaning of our words, and thus to avoid ambiguities of statement. We have seen, also, that not all cases of ambiguity are overcome best by definition, but only, or particularly, those cases in which the vagueness of the boundaries of a word's meaning obscures the sense of what we wish to say. In definition, therefore, we seek to limit the range of a word's meaning, by giving an appropriate degree of definiteness to its fringe or outlying area. Now it is quite obvious that we cannot limit the meaning of our words in the way required by definition if these words are used or understood by us with no meaning at all. We cannot talk about limiting the extent of our words' meanings unless these words are used, and are understood, in some, however vague, sense. Hence, as we said above, the central meaning of words is not in question in these cases of ambiguity ; it is only the range of the word's meaning that is in doubt. It would seem, therefore, that the limitations that we put upon our meanings in defining them must have some rela- tion to these meanings themselves, but the particular direction in which the limitation is made depends upon the purpose for which we are seeking the defi- nition. To take a simpler illustration, if the purpose for which we need a definition of 'water' is domes- DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 171 tic, we may say that it is a liquid which is useful for cleansing; but if our interests are chemical, we must say that the liquid is composed of two mole- cules of hydrogen and one of oxygen. In both in- stances, we start with the central idea of water as a liquid, and in both we limit the range of this meaning in a direction which is determined by the purpose or interest that the definition is to serve. It would seem, consequently, that every definition has two parts, a central and a peripheral, and that these are different, though related, aspects of a word's explicit meaning. Now the two parts of which, as we have seen, the meaning of words is comprised are called in logic the genus and the differentia respectively. By the genus we mean the clear centre, and by the differentia the vague periphery of a word's conno- tation. The connection between the two is obvious if we remember that both are specifications of a single meaning. Since, therefore, in defining a word's meaning we start with the recognition of its genus, the differentia cannot add to that meaning anything inconsistent with what the genus already connotes. That is to say, we must look within the range of meaning broadly marked out already by its genus for the marks that make the meaning of a word distinct. The differentia must lie within the genus, and not outside it, if we are to mark off from encroaching meanings the one that, by definition, we are trying to make distinct. For what lies out- side any genus belongs to another genus, or is that 172 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC genus itself, and is not likely to threaten us with ambiguity; but the distinctions that lie within a genus are likely to be overlooked because of the com- mon meaning that pervades all that belongs to the genus. For example, no one is in any danger of confusing a typewriter with the table on which it stands because each belongs, in our common ac- quaintance with it, to a different genus, the one to the genus 'objects for writing with,' and the other to the genus 'objects for placing things upon/ But if, to take another illustration, the poet or philosopher or scientist were to mistake the world of his imagi- nation for the world of his actual experience, this would be because he had failed to observe the marks that keep the two worlds distinct. If, again, the student were to use the words 'university* and 'col- lege' synonymously, this would be because he had failed to notice, within the meaning that both have in common, the specific difference by which the one is distinguished from the other in the same genus. From these statements and illustrations it is obvious not only how genus and differentia are related to each other in a logical definition, but also what the terms themselves signify. Thus, by a genus is meant a group of qualities belonging to a number of par- ticular objects in common. The word is also used to denote any group of objects when these objects are thought of as possessing common qualities. By a differentia, on the other hand, is meant the specific difference by which a distinct place is given to an object within a genus by reason of its possessing a DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 173 quality, or group of qualities, that does not belong to any other member of its genus. Hence, in looking for the differentia of an object we must look for some quality, or group of qualities, that does not belong to any other object of the group to which this object belongs. When this quality or group of qualities is not clearly apprehended we are liable to confuse one thing with another. Verbal and Real Definition. The distinction be- tween real and verbal definition, or, as it is some- times stated, between scientific and nominal defini- tion, is as old as Aristotle, although in the case of verbal definition modern writers do not seem agreed as to how it should be understood. By a real or scientific definition is meant a definition that is based upon and gives a description of the essential nature of the object which the word to be defined denotes. Far example, a 'liquid' is defined as that form of matter in which the molecules move with perfect freedom without changing their size. Verbal or nominal definitions, on the other hand, have received at least two different interpretations. The first, or Aristotelian, interpretation bids us regard as ver- bal definitions the current or popular meanings of words. For example, the definition of a house as 'a building in which people live' would be, on this in- terpretation, a verbal definition. The second inter- pretation would make any definition verbal when the word in question is used to indicate what any- thing is called. For example, the definition of the word 'dog' is verbal when it fails to convey any 174 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC information about the essential qualities of the ob- ject that the word denotes, and connotes only those qualities which make the use of the word appro- priate. Now the distinction of real and verbal definition, and the variations of the sense in which verbal defi- nitions are understood, are interesting, from a log- ical point of view, because they raise the question whether in definition we are dealing with thoughts or things, with the nature of objects, or with our interests and purposes in their relation to objects. According to the view of logic which we are ex- pounding, no answer can be given to this question which ignores the intimate connection of thoughts and things. In the pursuit of knowledge, we are not interested exclusively in either thoughts or things; knowledge, as we have shown, exists in the form of thoughts-about-things. If this is borne in mind, it will be evident that in all our efforts to avoid ambiguity we strive to bring our thoughts into rela- tion with things, and things into relation with thoughts; and in definition it is sometimes the one and sometimes the other of these factors of knowl- edge that requires to be made explicit. In the light of this statement, the distinction of verbal and real definition is not an absolute but a relative one, and were it not for the fact that our words need to be wedded to fixed meanings, and meanings to be fixed and made definite by the use of words, the distinc- tion would have no particular logical interest, and might vanish entirely. The distinction, however, DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 175 persists and is likely to persist, because our knowl- edge is always in different stages of development, and because with the improvement of knowledge old words receive more precise meanings, and new terms are constantly taking their place in the vocab- ulary of the people. But while this is true, it is quite clear that the goal toward which we move in definition is a truer insight into reality, and the preservation of this insight in terms that adequately express it. The Relation of Purpose to Definition. We have said that the aim of every definition is to make our knowledge of things more precise, and to fix this knowledge in words. So far as this is true, we are emphasising the relation of definition to the objects of our knowledge. But what objects and what fea- tures of objects are of importance for knowledge, depends upon the purpose for which the definition of these objects is sought. A change in purpose is liable to produce a corresponding change in the defi- nition. For example, if my purpose is to ascertain the structural character of a circle, my definition will call attention to the fact that a circle is a plane figure bounded in such a way that all straight lines drawn from a fixed point, called the centre, to this bounding line are of equal length. If, on the other hand, my purpose is to enable one to draw a circle, it will then be defined as the plane figure described by a point moving at a given distance around an- other fixed point. This is called, in contrast to the structural, a genetic definition. It should be ob- 176 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC served that the distinction between structural and genetic definition is not confined to mathematics; the distinction, that is, does not depend on the sub- ject matter, but upon the purpose for which the definition is sought. But every case of definition whether structural or genetic is per genus et differ- entiam, a form of definition which we must take as typical of all definition whatsoever. Tests of a Definition. In text-books of logic, it is customary to enumerate a number of other rules of definition than the one to which our attention has been exclusively directed. There results from this mode of presenting the subject an impression of complexity and difficulty that is really foreign to it, and the student is deprived of the incentive that comes from a simple and unencumbered statement to make a practical use of that rule. We, therefore, emphasise again the fact that all definition is to be sought per genus et differentiam, and that this rule, when properly applied, relieves of ambiguity any statement that is caused by indefiniteness in the meaning of words, and that it is the only one where- by this result can be accomplished. The only question remaining on our hands is, then, how we are to know whether the rule has been properly applied. It is as an answer to this ques- tion that the other so-called rules have their value; and because they provide us with an answer to this question they are not rules of definition at all, but tests of the accuracy of definitions reached in some other way. We shall consider them in this light in DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 177 the following paragraphs, and thereby make the one rule of definition itself more definite. In the first place, let us recall the fact that the object of definition is to limit the extent of a word's meaning, and in limiting it to make it more exact. Omnis determinatio limitatio est: we make our knowledge of objects definite by limiting the range of the object's nature of which our knowledge, at any time, takes account. Nowhere more than in the intellectual life does the proverb 'grasp all lose all' have a more pertinent application. Only if we are willing to let some things go, can we gain anything at all. But in order to gain something, we must systematically eliminate what does not have a bear- ing upon the purpose for which knowledge is being sought. And, as we have shown, definition is a means of systematically eliminating encroaching meanings which are threatening the definiteness of our assertions. It would seem, therefore, that one of the dangers to which our definitions may be ex- posed is to be found in their particular range: our definitions may be either too broad or too narrow. We shall examine each of these cases separately. If the genius of a definition is not proximate our definition is likely to be too broad. For example, if we define a square as a quadrilateral figure (genus) whose angles are right-angles (differentia), it is obvious that we are in danger of confusing a square with an oblong which is also a quadrilateral rec- tangular figure. The definition is too wide. To 12 178 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC rectify the definition we shall have to compare the square with an oblong, and then we shall observe that while both are quadrilateral, this is not their nearest genus, that is, it does not contain all the qualities that they have in common. Besides being quadrilateral they are both rectangular. The class, therefore, to which they both belong is quadrilateral rectangle. Now, within this class, the differentia of the square will be equilateral, having all its sides equal. Our finished definition of a square will, therefore, be 'a quadrilateral rectangle having all its sides equal/ If the differentia of a definition is not exact our definition is likely to be too narrow. By the differ- entia being exact we mean that it must be such that only the objects denoted by the term we are defining possess the attribute in question. Suppose we were to define man as a civilised animal, the differentia 'civilised' would not be exact, and the definition too narrow, because it excluded from the class, man, all individuals who had not reached a certain stage of culture. To test the accuracy of our differentia we may ask ourselves the question : Do all and only the objects denoted by the term we are defining possess the quality connoted by the differentia by means of which we are seeking to mark off the meaning of the term from that of other closely related terms? If not, the definition will be too narrow. After we have done the best we can to secure the accuracy of our definition in the ways mentioned, DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 179 we may then examine the definition as a whole. We can do this if we remember that a true definition can always be simply converted. If it is true, for example, that 'a house-dog is a domestic animal that barks/ then, if our definition is accurate, it must be true that 'a domestic animal that barks is a house- dog/ That is to say, the object defined (the defini- endum) and the definition must be commensurate. Or, to state the same fact another way, whatever can be relevantly predicated of the object defined must be predicable of the definition, and vice-versa. This rule guards against anything superfluous in definition. Further, the terms of the definition must be of the same order as the term defined. If, for example, we defined the body as 'the visible garment of the soul/ it is obvious that the word soul belongs to the order of spiritual facts, and is transferred to the physical order, the order of the term defined. The uselessness of definitions of this kind may be over- come if we take our clue to the order of the terms in which our definition must be stated from the order of the term to be defined. Hence, to satisfy this requirement, we may ask ourselves the ques- tion : Are all the terms of the definition homo- geneous with the term defined? In this way we avoid the indefiniteness that arises from the use of figurative language. Another requirement of a good definition is that the terms of the definition should be more ele- mentary than the term defined. The elementariness 180 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of a term is determined with reference to the uni- verse within which the term to be defined belongs. For example, the terms 'rational' and 'animal' are more elementary than the term 'man' of which they are predicated as the definition; and in the same way the terms 'mammal' and 'living in the ocean' are more elementary than the term 'whale.' By ele- mentary, that is, is meant elementary in the field of knowledge to which the term to be defined re- fers, and not to the range of information that may at any time be current. Hence, for one who has no acquaintance with the field of knowledge with which the term is connected, we may remove the ambi- guity that exists in the meaning of the term better by pointing out a specimen of the class or kind of thing that the term denotes than we can by a definition. Again, a term must not be defined by the use of the term itself or by one of its synonyms. If this occurs we have what is called a circular defini- tion. For example, if we define a power as 'a force that tends to produce motion,' we are obviously guilty of a breach of this requirement since the word force has the same meaning as the word to be de- fined. Finally, the form of our definition must be pos- itive if the term to be defined is positive, and neg- ative if the term to be defined is negative. For example, the term 'gentleman' has a positive mean- ing, and, therefore, it would be a breach of this requirement if we were to define it as 'a man who DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 181 has no definite means of support.' But if we were to define an alien as 'a man who is not a citizen of the country with respect to which he is declared an alien,' we should satisfy the requirement, because the term alien carries with it a negative meaning. The Problem and Classification of the Predicables. Whatever can be predicated of a subject is called a predicable. Now if we ask ourselves the ques- tion, What sort of things can be predicables, i. e., can be predicated of a subject? we have definitely placed before ourselves an inquiry that engaged the attention of Aristotle, and again of Porphyry six hundred years after Aristotle's time. The answers that Aristotle and Porphyry gave to this question may be placed in two separate columns thus : ARISTOTLE'S LIST OP PORPHYRY'S LIST OF PREDICABLES PREDICABLES Definition Genus Genus Species Differentia / Differentia Proprium Proprium Accident Accident The various kinds of things that can form the pred- icates of logical propositions are the kinds of things indicated by the names in these two lists. An examination of these lists will show that they differ in the substitution by Porphyry of 'species' for Aristotle's 'definition/ the other four predi- cables being the same. But although apparently only a slight difference, this change indicates a dif- 182 *A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ference in the doctrine of definition of sufficient sig- nificance to demand a word or two of explanation. The significance of this difference in the two lists can, perhaps, be seen if we remark that the question, What sorts of thing can be predicated? is not un- connected with the question, What kinds of thing can be defined? We have seen, for example, that in logical propositions we are concerned with both subject and predicate terms, and it has been made clear that our predicate terms must not only be predicable, but predicable of the objects denoted by our subject terms. If, for example, there should be anything indefinable, such a thing would correspond to what is called an individual ; and of such individ- ual it is obvious that we cannot affirm a genus and a differentia. Now, it is the difference between the views of Aristotle and Porphyry as to the kinds of thing that are capable of definition that accounts for the difference in their lists of predicables. Aristotle held that it is only as a universal or species that anything could be defined. Porphyry held that the subject of predication might be not only a species, but also an individual. It was, therefore, reason- able to include species in his list of predicables, for, doubtless, its species can be predicated of an indi- vidual ; but it would have been a mere tautology to predicate species of itself as would have happened if this predicable had been included in Aristotle's list. Our exposition of the doctrine of the predicables will follow in the main the Aristotelian view. We DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 183 shall assume that the subject terms of logical prop- ositions denote objects, or groups of objects, that are thought of as possessing attributes which ex- press the common nature of all the objects to which the subject term can be applied. Now if it is asked what can be predicated of objects so conceived, the answer is given in the list of Aristotelian predi- cables. Before, however, we consider in detail what each of these predicables means, we may point out that they are not all related to a subject in exactly the same way. Some of the predicables are com- mensurate with their subjects, and some are non- commensurate. To the former class belong defini- tion and proprium; to the latter, genus, differentia, and accident. The Commensurable Predicables. By a commen- surate predicable is meant one that is found wher- ever the subject of which it is predicated is found. It is an attribute, or group of attributes, that is always present when the object is present, and ab- sent when the object is absent. This class of pred- icables we shall explain briefly in this section. The definition we have considered already. It is, as we have seen, an answer to the question, What is it? and this question may be asked of anything, of an attribute as well as of a substance. For ex- ample, if we ask what acceleration is, and the phy- sicist were to answer, change of velocity per second, he is offering this as a definition, that is, a state- ment of what it is that makes anything the kind of thing called acceleration. Similarly, when an 184 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC organism is defined as a material body of which the parts are reciprocally related as ends and means, we should refuse to recognize as an organism any object which did not manifest these particular char- acteristics. The propositions, therefore, in which the predicate terms claim to be definitions are those in which the predicates also claim to be commensu- rate with their subject terms. This is only another way of saying, as we said above, that the state- ments which embody definitions must be capable of simple conversion. The definition states what is essential to the existence of the objects denoted by the term that is defined. A proprium or property is an attribute peculiar to or characteristic of an object, and is commen- surate with its existence, but it is not an essential part of its definition. We may state the relation between the proprium and definition by saying that by means of the proprium we develop the meaning of a term from the point at which its definition stopped. From this it will be obvious that whether we go beyond the meaning that is assigned to a term in its definition will depend upon a motive other than that which makes definition necessary. In other words, the propria of terms are those char- acteristic features of an object's nature which re- main after definition has removed any existing am- biguity; and whether these are predicated as part of the term's meaning will depend upon whether special motives operate to make them explicit. For example, an equilateral triangle may be defined as DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 185 a three-sided plane figure having all its sides equal. This statement is sufficient for the purpose of dis- tinguishing this kind of triangle from all other kinds. But if we were interested further in equi- lateral triangles, we should find that they are also equiangular, and this fact of being equiangular is called a property of the kind of triangles in ques- tion. Likewise, contractility, irritability, assimilat- ing food, reproduction after its kind, are properties of an organism as this term was defined above. The Non-Commensurable Predicables. By a non- commensurate predicable is meant any quality which alone does not exhaust the nature of an object, or which belongs to an object in some only of the ob- ject's relations. In neither case is the nature of the objects denoted by the term made entirely ex- plicit. The following illustrations will make this clear. We may, in the first place, predicate of any sub- ject the genus to which it belongs. That is to say, we may affirm the area of clear meaning of a term, and this may be all that is necessary to convey our meaning. It is obvious that we are here dealing with the class of cases that were considered above under the head of translation. But, as we saw there, the genus alone does not tell us all that is necessary for a complete understanding of any object's nature. The genus is, therefore, an incommensurable pred- icable. We may, in the second place, predicate of a subject its differentia, that is, that part of the es- sential nature of the subject which distinguishes it 186 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC from other species of the same genus. If, therefore, we are in danger of ambiguity from a tendency to confuse species, we may, to make our meaning clear, resort to the method of calling attention to the specific differences of the objects that we have hith- erto failed to distinguish. But the differentia alone, as we have seen, does not exhaust the nature of any object, and it is not, therefore, a commensurable predicable. In the third place, we may predicate some attribute not included in the definition of a subject, that is to say, an attribute that may or may not belong to the subject. For example, there is nothing in the nature of a pen that it should be made by a particular firm, or that it should belong to a particular person. These are accidental rela- tions, and belong to the pen merely as an individual. All such attributes, not contained in the definition or proprium, are called accidents. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Ch. II., III. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Pt. I., Ch. V. J. G. Hibben, Logic Deductive and Inductive, Chs. IV., V. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lesson XII. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. V. W. Minto, Logic Inductive and Deductive, Pt. II., Chs. I., II. C. Read, Logic Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. XXII. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Chs. III., VI. DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 187 ADVANCED R. W. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. II., III. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Chs. IV., V. H. Lotze, Logic, Bk. II., Ch. I. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Bk. I., Chs. VII., VIII. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. V., VI. C. Sigwart, Logic, Pt. II., 44. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Ch. XI. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Bk. I., Chs. III., V. QUESTIONS 1. From what two standpoints may the logical discussion of terms be carried on, and to what new problems does such a discussion give rise? 2. Define each of the problems enumerated in your answer to the previous question. 3. Define the nature and limits of the demand for non- ambiguous statements. 4. What is the practical importance of being able to make non-ambiguous statements? 5. State and criticise the traditional doctrine of ambiguity. 6. In what sense can ambiguity be said to be the funda- mental problem of logic? 7. Explain the nature of translation as a method of over- coming .ambiguity. 8. What conditions call for the employment of translation in the removal of ambiguity? 9. What conditions call for the employment of definition in the removal of ambiguity? 10. Explain and illustrate: The method of definition is comparison. 11. What is meant by: Logical definition is per genus et differentiam? 188 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 12. What do you understand by real and verbal definition? In what two senses may verbal definition be understood? 13. What is the logical significance of the distinction of real and verbal definition? 14. What is the relation of purpose to logical definition? 15. In what two ways may our definitions fall short of being strictly accurate? 16. Explain and illustrate how a definition may be too broad. 17. Explain and illustrate how a definition may be too nar- row. 18. How does the simple conversion of a definition guard against introducing anything superfluous into the defi- nition? 19. How may we guard against figurative language in defi- nitions? 20. Explain: The terms of a definition should be more elementary than the term to be defined. 21. What is meant by a circular definition, and how may circular definitions be avoided? 22. What do you understand by a predicable? 23. How many predicables are there, and what is the dif- ference between Aristotle's and Porphyry's lists of the predicables? 24. What is the relation of the problem of the predicables to that of definition? 25. Explain why Aristotle's and Porphyry's lists of the predicables differ? 26. What is meant by a commensurable predicable? 27. Which of the predicables are commensurable? 28. In what sense is a definition a predicable? 29. What is a proprium? 30. What is meant by a non-commensurable predicable? 31. Explain genus, differentia, and accident as non-com- mensurable predicables. DEFINITION AND THE PREDICABLES 189 EXERCISES 1. Write three ambiguous statements whose ambiguity can be removed by translation. 2. Write three ambiguous statements whose ambiguity can be removed by definition. 3. Define, and state, in each case, the purpose that the definition is intended to serve: anger, river, house, em- peror, metal, justice. 4. Criticise the following definitions, and show what rules, if any, are violated by them: (1) Thunderbolts are the winged messengers of the gods. (2) Round is a quality that belongs to any rotund object. (3) Man is a vertebrate animal. (4) An inflammation is some abnormal condition of one of the body tissues. (5) An absentee is a person who does not live in his own country, or who does not look after his own property. (6) Prudence is the ballast of the moral vessel. 5. Construct three definitions for the purpose of showing how definition depends upon comparison. 6. To which of the Predicables does each of the following predicates belong : (1) The whale is a mammal. (2) The whale is a vertebrate. (3) The whale lives in the ocean. (4) The whale was caught and brought to land. (5) Logic is a good mental discipline. (6) The tiger is a predatory animal. (7) Englishmen are keen sportsmen. (8) Lord Shaftesbury was a great philanthropist. 7. Give the genus, differentia, proprium, and accidens of (a) peninsula, (b) triangle, (c) affirmative statement, CHAPTER VII DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION Relation of Definition and Division. Whenever ambiguity threatens any statement on account of the vagueness of the outlying range of a word's meaning, we may remove the ambiguity by defining the word's meaning. The method of definition, as we saw in the last chapter, is comparison. By this method we distinguish a meaning from one or more others with which we are in danger of confusing it, and our result is a division of the genus into two or more species. There is, however, nothing in the nature or conditions of definition that, in principle, assures us that all the distinguishable meanings of a genus have been discovered, and nothing, there- fore, that assures us that we have examined all the species which belong to the genus from which our definition starts. If, therefore, instead of asking how one species differs from another, we wished to know how many species there are in a given genus, we should be confronted with a new problem which it is the business of logical division to consider; for by division we mean, in general, the method that must be employed to develop systematically all the species which belong to a genus. Now, if it is asked why any one should raise such a question as this, we can only say that the demand for non-ambiguous statements may be left unsatisfied after making the (190) DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 191 meaning of our words as clear as possible. Ambi- guity, in other words, may be occasioned not only by uncertainty in the connotation of terms, but also by uncertainty in their denotation; and whenever there is vagueness in either respect there is likely to be a corresponding vagueness in the other. From this point of view, logical definition and division are closely connected problems, and they differ merely as one stage differs from another in a single process. In logical division we carry further the process that begins in logical definition, and the object is to re- move any remaining uncertainty in a word's mean- ing. What is Meant by Logical Division. The word 'division' is not well chosen to designate the process that we have now to describe. If it should suggest, as it ordinarily must, that it is the method by which we split up a genus into its component parts, in much the same way that a house-wrecker separates the doors, windows, joists, etc., of the building he is dismantling, we should be misled entirely in our understanding of what the term means or the proc- ess implies. If this were the sense in which we were required to understand the word, its application would not give us a clearer apprehension of a term's meaning, but would result in the destruction of the meaning altogether. It will, perhaps, set the mat- ter in a clearer light if we say that logical division, like logical definition, starts with species or con- cepts, and that in both cases we are concerned with the kinds in which the species is found realised. 192 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC This being the case, we cannot say that a genus is the sum of its species; we can only say that it is differentiated into its species. In logical division, we are concerned with the relation of a genus and its species. But that rela- tion, as we have just seen, cannot be one of a whole to its parts; it is rather a relation in which the species disjunctively enumerate the alternatives which, when taken as an enumeration, denote the range of a term's meaning. That is, by division we analyse the denotation of a term's meaning. For example, if we should divide the genus 'rectangle' into two species, one with its adjacent sides equal, and the other with its adjacent sides unequal, we cannot mean by rectangle, in such a case, the sum of these two species. 'Rectangle' does not mean the square plus the oblong; it means either the square or the oblong. That is to say, the genus is realised in each of its species ; the species of any genus ex- hibit distributively, not collectively, a word's mean- ing. If, now, we should seek to derive from these statements about the nature of logical division a rule which, when applied to any case, will serve as a test of the accuracy with which the division has been carried out, we may perhaps say that we must be able to predicate the genus, or whole that is di- vided, of each of the species of a logical division. Thus, in the previous example, we called the oblong a rectangle, and also the square a rectangle. Each js the whole of what a rectangle is. To take another DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 193 illustration. The genus 'human being' may be log- ically divided into 'man,' 'woman,' etc., and the genus -human being of which they are the species, may be predicated of each one, thus : 'a man is a human being,' 'a woman is a human being,' etc. In this discussion of the nature of logical divi- sion we have seen (1) that logical division is the process by which the range of a term's meaning can be exhaustively determined. It follows from this that the process of logical division can be ap- plied only to what is in its nature general, in other words, to a species or concept. The genus, species, or concept to which the process of division is applied is called the totum divisum. We have seen also (2) that the sub-species of the whole that is divided enumerate disjunctively the kinds into which the whole is differentiated, that they are not the parts which when taken together constitute the whole. From this it follows (3) that we must be able to predicate of each kind the qualities connoted by the genus or whole that is divided. When this is not possible logical division has not taken place. Other Kinds of Division. It will help to keep the meaning of logical division distinct, if we describe the characteristics of other operations that go by the same general name of division. Of these, there are in particular three : metaphysical, physical, and verbal division. These are, like logical division, mental operations, but each serves a distinct pur- pose. The purpose of logical division, as we have 13 194 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC seen, is to enumerate the kinds or species into which a genus is differentiated, or, what is the same thing, the kinds or species in which the qualities of the genus are realised. The purpose of metaphysical division is to distinguish the several attributes which are capable of being predicated of a genus. This kind of division obviously lies at the founda- tion of the problem of the predicables which was considered in the last chapter. For the problem of the predicables, as we saw, was concerned with the character of the attributes that could be predicated of any species. When, therefore, we divide a spe- cies into its genus, differentia, proprium and acci- dens, we are not employing what is technically known as logical division, but a method that is known as metaphysical division. The difference between these two methods may be brought out in the statement that in metaphysical division we must be able to predicate of the genus the species which our division has been the means of distin- guishing; whereas in logical division the converse statement holds true, that is, it is the genus which must be predicable of the species. For example, if we divide 'organism' into 'animals/ 'birds/ 'fishes' and 'reptiles/ we have a logical division, a divi- sion which makes it possible to predicate of each species the genus which has been divided. If, on the other hand, 'organism' is divided into 'living creature/ 'capable of locomotion/ 'quadruped/ etc., this is called a metaphysical division, a division which makes it possible to predicate of the genus DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 195 each of the attributes which the division distin- guishes. The purpose of physical division is to anal- yse a whole or aggregate into the parts of which it is composed. Thus, we may divide 'horse' into head, legs, ears, tail, etc. This process is sometimes called physical partition. It is distinguished from the other kinds of division by the fact that neither parts nor wholes can be predicated of each other. For example, it is obvious that 'horse' is neither head, nor legs, nor ears, etc.; nor can we say of any one of these that it is horse. Verbal division is sometimes mentioned as a separate form of division. It is used to denote the act of distinguishing the homonymous meanings of a word. For example, the word 'hand' may mean either 'a labourer' or 'an organ of the human body.' Fundamentum Divisionis. We have seen that the motive to logical division is found in the interest we have in determining the whole denotation of a term's meaning. Logical division is, therefore, the method by which we systematically develop the de- notation of terms whose meanings have been fixed by definition. It follows from this that we cannot divide a term whose meaning is unknown to us. This fact is frequently overlooked by the student, and he is apt to make the effort to put the method into operation in a case in which his knowledge of the totum divisum, or term to be divided, makes his failure a foregone conclusion. Logical division pre- supposes that the totum divisum has been given a meaning by logical definition. If, consequently, we 196 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC are required to determine the denotation of a term with whose connotation we are unacquainted, we must first determine the meaning of that term by the method of logical definition. While, therefore, logical division and logical definition are, as we have seen, closely related processes, each has a dis- tinctive role to play in the development of meaning. With this caution in mind, we pass to a statement of certain features of the method of logical division which throw light upon the significance of the proc- ess itself. What, we may ask, is the basis of divi- sion? On what principle or principles are we to proceed in any given case? By what are we to be guided in working out a logical division? The answer to such questions as these is usually given in an exposition of what logicians call the fundamen- tum divisionis. By a fundamentum divisionis is meant some characteristic of the totum divisum which, when systematically applied, develops differ- ences among its members. Or, as it is sometimes said, it is that aspect of the genus in respect of which its species are differentiated. If, now, the purpose of logical division is to develop differences in respect of which species may be differentiated, we shall have to seek in our definition of the totum divisum for some indeterminate attribute which can serve as the basis of our division. Now that there should be something indeterminate in a defini- tion will become perfectly clear if we recollect that all that a definition aims to give is a meaning relevant to the situation and purpose which made the defini- DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 197 tion necessary. There is no such thing as a complete definition in any other sense than a relevant defini- tion. The only other sense in which we can speak of definitions being complete is that we are ac- quainted with all the known meanings of a word. But in that case we should not have a single defini- tion but a series of definitions; and, of course, all that we could say about that is that the series is complete, not that the definition is. If, consequently, our definition of a term enables us to make unam- biguous statements, that is all that we can expect of it; but it does not follow that the definition will be sufficiently determinate for carrying out a logical division. For example, 'man* has been defined as a rational animal, and, as a definition, it serves its purpose well enough. But if we consider the deno- tation of the term's meaning thus defined, we shall find that there is something indeterminate in the word rational, for rationality, as we all know, ad- mits of degrees. When, therefore, we assert of any individual that he is a man, that is, a rational ani- mal, we cannot be understood to imply a definite degree of rationality, but only some degree. If, however, we asked what degrees of rationality exist, we should have to adopt some standard of ration- ality, or state more carefully what we mean by rationality in our definition of man. This standard or statement would be, for the purpose of logical division, our fundamentum divisionis. With respect to this fundamentum divisionis, some individuals will meet the requirements it lays down, and these 198 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC we call normal ; others will fail to meet it, and these we call abnormal. In the latter class, we find some who fall below, and some who fall above the stan- dard : the sub-normal and the super-normal respect- ively. The sub-normal, again, may be divided into dements, those in whom mental deficiency appears subsequently to mental development, and aments, those who have never attained normal mental devel- opment. The aments may be divided, according to the degree in which they depart from the normal, into feeble-minded, imbecile, idiot. This division may be shown in tabular form as follows: Man A Nrmal Abnormal A Sub-normal Super-normal Dements Aments Genius ^_ A f \ Feeble-minded Imbecile Idiots We may point out in this connection that every division reacts upon the definition from which it starts to make it more exact. For example, we found the definition of man as a rational animal defective because it neither stated what is meant by rationality, nor what degrees of rationality were to be recognised. . Both these deficiencies are made good in logical division. Thus, to make our funda- mentum divisionis clear, we may say that by ration- ality we mean 'a degree of intellectual capacity suffi- DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 199 cient to enable its possessor to perform his duties as a member of society in that position of life to which he is born/ and the classes of those who ful- fill these standard requirements or depart from them either by way of excess or defect are the normal, dements, feeble-minded, imbecile, idiot, genius. When, therefore, we look back upon the original definition from the standpoint of our completed division, it has taken on a more definite meaning. We now know not only what is specifically meant by calling any man rational, but we also know what are the different degrees in which rationality may in any case be realised. In other words, our division enables us to say that the concept 'man,' when determined with respect to rationality, may be realised in either one or the other of the forms specified in the division. Questions of Terminology. We shall postpone further discussion of the problems of logical divi- sion until we have explained the technical terms in which the discussion must be carried on. For the sake of completeness, we may recall that the term totum divisum was used above to denote the whole that is divided; it is the genus with which any division starts. When viewed in relation to all the species to which logical division gives rise, the totum divisum is called the summum genus. The species with which a division ends are called in- firmae species. If, as in the illustration used in the last section, our division is carried through a number of stages, the intermediate species, that 200 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is, those that fall under the summum genus, are spoken of as subaltern genera. When, however, we wish to point out the relation that any one of the subaltern genera has to the next below it in the series, we designate this subaltern genus the prox- imum genus. It will be observed that the totum dioisum is a proximate genus with respect to the next below it in the series, but a summum genus with respect to all, whether one or more, that lie below it in the series. The constituent or co- ordinate species are those which are differentiated at any single stage in the process of logical division. These distinctions, it should be noted, are purely relative, and the student will have no difficulty in mastering the terminology if he observes that they all hinge upon the meaning assigned to genus and species. A genus is anything considered as a sub- ject of division, and a species is always the end- product of a division. The same thing, therefore, may be both a genus and a species, but whenever that is the case, the same thing is being looked at from different points of view. Rules of Logical Division. There are other fea- tures of logical division than those that have been already considered with which it is important that the student should become acquainted. These we shall state and illustrate in connection with our enumeration and exposition of the rules of logical division. The first rule is that a logical division must pro- ceed in all its stages upon one fundamentum divi- DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 201 sionis. The reason for this, of course, is found in the nature of the problem that logical division is set to solve. That problem is to develop the mean- ing of a term so as to make determinate whatever may have been left indeterminate in its definition. If we did not keep within that aspect of a term's meaning with which our logical division starts, we should fail to develop this meaning from an in- determinate to a more determinate form. In the example used above, we found that a number of de- grees of rationality exist, and that these must be included in our definition of 'man' if this concept is to be completely determined. If we had found, in our division of the term, species of another kind, let us say red man, yellow man, it would be evi- dent that we had gone outside the fundamentum divisionis, rationality, and that we had consequently failed to determine that aspect of the term's meaning with which we were concerned. Whenever this hap- pens, whenever, that is, we fail to carry the division through on a single principle, we are said to have a cross division. All the species to which a logical division gives rise must be the same in kind; and this is possible only if we retain the same principle of division throughout. Again, in carrying out a principle of division, we aim to make our species exclusive, to include, that is to say, in any one species only that which is definitely excluded by the other co-ordinate species. The constituent species of a genus must not overlap. This requirement is ob- viously related to that feature of a logical definition 202 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC which emphasises the difference between two or more conflicting meanings (differentia), as the former requirement connects logical division with the other aspect of definition which emphasises the common likeness of these conflicting meanings (g enus). It is not difficult to apply the first rule of divi- sion when the fundamentum divisionis is completed in a single step. For example, if 'man' is defined as 'a rational animal possessing a skin-color of some kind/ the latter part of the definition may become for us a principle of division. Dividing man then according to skin-colour we find the denotation of the term to be as follows : Man ^ A ^ f >\ White man Black man Yellow man Brown man Red man When, however, the division is carried through several stages, as it frequently is, it may not be apparent how a single principle can control the whole series of divisions. If, for example, we were to divide 'human being' into 'male' and 'female,' and were then to divide 'female' into 'brunette' and 'blonde,' it is obvious that the fundamentum divi- sionis in the first division is sex difference, and in the second, complexion colour. In cases like this, we cannot look upon the division as a series which develops a single theme; we must regard it rather as a chain of discontinuous divisions which contains as many separate divisions as there are distinct fundamenta. The fact that they can be written DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 203 consecutively does not have any logical significance ; the reason for giving this form to them is econom- ical; it saves time, when the end product of one division is the starting-point of a new one, to con- tinue in the serial order. If, however, our practice were guided by logical requirements, we should re- write our term whenever we intend to apply to it a new principle of division. Let us now consider the case of a division which has the characteristics of a continuous series, that is, a series which develops a single idea through a number of stages. The significance of this case is that it emphasises the importance and illustrates the method of systematically developed knowledge, of knowledge, that is, which proceeds at each step by the smallest possible degrees of relevant difference. Thus, in carrying out a division which develops its meaning in a continuous series, we are counselled to make the steps of the series as small as possible. This is the purport of the Latin injunction, Divisio ne fiat per saltum: you must not make your division go by leaps. A division that is not systematically de- veloped is useless for the purpose that put it in oper- ation. But since, throughout all the stages that we carry our division, we need to be guided by a single principle, it is evident that at each stage of the divi- sion we must use a fundamentum divisionis that is some modification of the principle with which we began the division. That is to say, each subordinate fundamentum must fall within the meaning of the original fundamentum. An illustration, borrowed 204 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC from Gibson, will make this evident. Let us take as our fundamentum divisionis, the side-relations of 'quadrilateral figures,' understanding by quadrilat- eral figure 'a plane rectilinear quadrilateral figure.' Our purpose is to develop the number of types which belong to this class. According to their side-rela- tions, 'quadrilateral figures' are either 'parallelo- grams/ that is, figures whose opposite sides are parallel and equal, or 'non-parallelograms.' Divid- ing these species further according to the inclination of their sides, a special form of the original funda- mentum, we get, in the case of the parallelograms, rectangle and non-rectangle ; and in the case of the non-parallelograms trapezium, a figure in which there are no parallel sides, and trapezoid, a figure in which two of the sides are parallel but not equal. Another specification of the original fundamentum would be relative side-length. If we apply this to rectangle we get square and oblong; and to non- rectangle, rhombus and rhomboid, oblique figures which correspond to the square and oblong respect- ively. All these relations expressed in the form of a genealogical tree are as follows: Quadrilateral Figure Parallelogram Non-parallelogram Rectangle Non-rectangle Trapezium Trapezoid Square Oblong Rhombus Rhomboid DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 205 The second rule is that a logical division must be exhaustive. The reason for this rule is connected obviously with the purpose that controls such divi- sion, namely, to denote in orderly relation whatever belongs to a certain genus. What the rule states is that a place must be found, when the division has been made, for everything that belongs to the genus in one or other of the constituent species. It is only another way of stating the purport of the rule to say that the constituent species together must be coextensive with the whole genus. The rule is in- tended to guard against too narrow and too broad division. When the division is too narrow some- thing is omitted from, and when the division is too broad something is added to, the genus, and which- ever fault we may fall into, the division is rendered useless. Instances of too narrow division are : 'men' into 'good' and 'bad;' and 'objects' into 'useful' and 'ornamental.' Too broad division is likely to occur whenever there is an indistinct apprehension of the connotation of the terms we employ in our divisions. Unless, therefore, a division is exhaustive, that is, neither too narrow nor too broad, we have not really divided at all ; for when the division is too narrow, the constituent species are equivalent to only part of the genus, and when it is too broad, they are equiv- alent to the genus and something else. Whenever a genus has been properly divided, the denotation of genus and species must exactly coincide. Dichotomy. Our discussion of logical division has emphasised two things: (1) that our ability to 206 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC use the method depends upon our knowledge of the subject to which it is applied, and (2) that to insure against omitting anything that really belongs to a genus we must make our division exhaustive, and that when this requires us to carry the division through several stages, the steps between one sub- division and another must be made as small as pos- sible. Division is not, consequently, an easy method to apply, although it is not difficult to understand; but the difficulty is due primarily to the great com- plexity of the material that nature presents for our study. Dichotomy is a traditional method of division which has been supposed to relieve us of the diffi- culties to which we have just referred, and to make it possible, in the absence of any considerable knowl- edge of the subject under investigation, to deter- mine the species which may belong to it. If this were true, we might omit the consideration of it entirely on the ground that it is a merely formal process ; if it is not true, we must consider its value in relation to our effort to make our knowledge of things systematic. That it is not true is the position of modern logicians as it was of Aristotle. We must, therefore, place this method in its relation to our foregoing discussions. First, let us inquire how dichotomy differs from the form of division which we have just considered. The characteristic of a dichotomous division is, as the name implies, that it proceeds at each step of the division by dividing a genus into two alternative DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 207 species. Now, if each step of such a division ex- hausts the genus we are dividing, it is apparent that one of the terms must be an indefinite or so-called negative term. Thus, if we divide 'triangle' accord- ing to the relations of the sides, we shall have at the first division, if we take equality of all the sides as the fundamentum, two species, 'equilateral' and 'non-equilateral.' Dividing the 'non-equilateral' term with reference to the equality of two of the sides, we shall have once more two species, 'isosceles' and 'non-isosceles.' If we divide now the 'non- isosceles' term on the basis of the only remaining possibility, namely, the equality of one side with itself, we get also two species, 'scalene' and, if there are any, 'non-scalene.' The arrangement of these divisions in a tree will illustrate the typical form of division by dichotomy. Thus: Triangle A Equilateral Non-equilateral Isosceles Non-isosceles "N Scalene Non-scalene From the foregoing statements and illustration, it will be apparent that we cannot begin to divide a term by dichotomy without having before our minds some definition of the genus that we wish to divide. Unless we knew, for example, that a tri- angle was 'a plane figure bounded by three straight lines,' we should not be able to divide it to determine 208 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC its species. Dichotomy, as much as any form of divi- sion, presupposes definition. Now, the connection between dichotomy and definition per genus et differ- entiam, may be expressed by saying that every such division suggests a definition of the class we are dividing, and that every definition implies a division by dichotomy. Thus, to take the illustration already used, a 'triangle' may be defined as 'a three-sided plane figure whose sides have a certain relation to each other;' and if we wish to make the indeter- minate part of this definition determinate, we divide by dichotomy in order to bring out the specific rela- tionship of the sides to each other. We may observe, further, that, applied to rela- tively simple cases, dichotomy is a rather cumber- some method of doing what can be accomplished more expeditiously at a single step. There is no reason, for example, why we should not divide tri- angle into its constituent species at once ; for, in such a case, it is not by the method of division, but by reason of our acquaintance with the subject-matter, that we know the species that our division is a means of classifying. We may also observe that it is un- avoidable in division by dichotomy that the end- product should be a hypothetical term, 'non- scalene' in the case above on the existence or non- existence of which the division itself can throw abso- lutely no light. What now, it may be asked, is the value of a division by dichotomy? It is valuable in the first place as a test of the accuracy and exhaustiveness DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 209 of our analysis of a term's meaning. To take an illustration from Aristotle, we may classify the Predicables as follows: Predicables Commensurable Non-commensurable f \ r Essence Not essence Part of essence Not part of essence (Definition) (Proprium) (Genus or Differentia) (Accidens) It will be noticed in this case that the fundamentum divisionis, or, as we may say, the differentia, is the relation of the species according to the degrees of the essential connection that they severally have to the genus, and that the division is throughout dich- otomous. But, of course, the Predicables were al- ready known before they could serve as an illustra- tion of how dichotomy may verify a classification. We may also point out that a division by dich- otomy is also valuable if we wish to ascertain the position of a particular species in the class to which it belongs. Thus, to quote Welton, "in the Analytic Key prefixed to Bentham's British Flora, which is intended to enable anyone who has a specimen of a certain plant before him to discover its species and its technical name, the arrangement is nearly en- tirely dichotomous, and, for such a purpose, this form is the most useful. But to adopt dichotomy as a final arrangement would be absurd. A botanist, for example, starts at once with three classes of the sum- mum genus plant, viz., exogens, endogens, and acro- H 210 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC gens, and each of these is sub-divided into varying numbers of orders, and these again into still further varying number of genera, and so on, with little or no regard to dichotomy, the object being to make the classification agree with the distinctions existing in the plants themselves." The Tree of Porphyry. In a typical division by dichotomy, as we saw in the last section, it is the negative or indeterminate term that lends itself to further division. If, now, the division proceeds through all its stages by the dichotomous division of the r^oaitiy^L or determinate term, we have a spe- cies of division which is illustrated by what is tech- nically known as the 'Tree of Porphyry/ An illus- tration will show not only the possibility of such a division, but exhibit the form that is characteristic of it. Thus: Substance Corporeal Incorporeal f \ Animate Inanimate Sensible Insensible Rational Irrational In any case of division by dichotomy whether of this type or not, the indeterminate or negative term and the determinate or positive term, in their rela- tion to each other, are sometimes referred to as Contradictory Opposites, Contradictory Relatives, or Contradictories. This designation is apt to be DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 211 misleading unless it is pointed out that contradic- tion can be logically postulated of terms only when these have a common or underlying basis. There is no contradiction, for example, between virtue and beef-steak, because they do not belong to the same universe of discourse, that is, because they have no common basis. Animate and inanimate are contra- dictories because they are the alternative ways in which corporeal substance is capable of getting itself expressed. The alternative species, therefore, to which a dichotomous division gives rise may be spoken of as contradictory in the sense that they are the definite and exclusive forms in which the genus to which they belong is realised. It would, perhaps, avoid all ambiguity if we spoke of the rela- tion between the determinate and indeterminate terms of a logical division as Complementary* If we did so, we should have to mean that the indeter- minate term included within it all of the denotation of the genus that was not definitely included in the determinate term. Only on this interpretation can these terms be regarded as the names of alternate species. It will be observed that in a division of the type illustrated by the Tree of Porphyry the indetermin- ate term is rejected at each of the subordinate steps. This fact is technically known as an abscissio in- finiti. Classification Defined. One does not need to go to text-books of logic to become acquainted with the process that is denoted by the term classification. 212 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Before he has entered the university, nay before he has entered the common school, the normal child has learned to arrange the objects with which he is brought daily into contact into groups, and to do this on the basis of their observed likenesses and unlikenesses. Whenever anyone groups objects to- gether on the ground of their likenesses, and dis- tinguishes between groups on the ground of their differences, he is employing the method of classifi- cation. Classification, therefore, may be defined as the process of thinking together a number of objects on the ground of their common attributes, and of thinking apart groups of objects whose attributes are different. Classification and Definition. It will be seen that classification, as thus defined, is closely related to definition. Definition completes the process that is begun in classification. Classification underlies the defining process. This relationship will become evi- dent if we recall that definition aims to place the object whose meaning is not clear in a class with other objects which share with it a common set of attributes. When, therefore, we ask how we can find the genus of any term we wish to define, the answer will point us to the method of classification which we are now studying. This is only another way of saying, with a slightly different emphasis, what was said in the last chapter, namely, that the method of definition is based upon the comparison of the object we are defining with other objects that are in danger of being confused with it. Compar- DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 213 ison is common both to definition and to classifica- tion. But we compare objects with each other in clas- sification for the purpose of ascertaining their com- mon attributes; in definition, we compare the ob- jects of a class for the purpose of discovering the differences which keep the sub-classes distinct. This statement has important practical and philosophical bearings. It enables us to see, for instance, how groups of objects can be considered as a single ob- ject, a fact that gives significance, as we have seen, to the general concrete term. Whenever we over- look the differences between the objects of which a class is composed, and emphasise the points of likeness by which each object retains its place in the class, we have constituted of the class a distinct kind of object. In such a class the individuals are no longer important, there is no discernible differ- ence between one and another ; they are, as Leibnitz would say, identical. But if, for any reason, the statements we make were dependent for their clear- ness upon the differences in the class, we should have to go beyond the method of classification by which our classes are constituted, and we should be forced, as we have pointed out, to adopt the method of definition. In classification, we are interested in the likenesses, in definition, in the differences of objects. Classification and Division. Whenever we are in danger of overlooking the distinctions that exist within a genus, whenever, that is, we are in danger of making ambiguous statements through our fail- 214 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ure to keep in mind the whole denotation of a term, there exists a situation that may be relieved by the employment of the method of division. The starting point of a logical division is the genus, the whole which is possessed of a number of common qualities ; and the purpose of division is to mark out within the genus the species which realise, in different ways, these common qualities. The movement of thought is downward from the more general to the less general. If now we consider the characteristics of a classification, we shall find that they are the reverse of this. The situation in which we feel obliged to classify is one in which we are in danger of failing to observe the likenesses of objects on account of the prominence that their individual attributes have come to assume. Popularly ex- pressed, we are exposed to the danger of "missing the wood for the trees." The starting point of all classification, therefore, is the particular, the objects which are kept distinct and apart on account of their differences ; and the purpose that classification is intended to serve is to detect within these differ- ences certain relatively permanent groups of qual- ities. Our most available method for doing this is comparison; but that in respect of which the com- parison is made is determined by the interest that our classification is to promote. For instance, we may classify objects with respect to their use or with respect to their sense-attributes. It is the character of our interest in things that determines which of these principles of classification we choose ; DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 215 but, in any case, the movement of thought in class- ification is upward from the particular to the gen- eral. Classification is the beginning of a process that we shall study more in detail when we come to the problem of induction. Kinds of Classification. It has been customary to distinguish two kinds of classification, the arti- ficial and the natural. By an artificial classification is usually meant one in which the grouping of ob- jects takes place on the ground of their possessing some attribute or group of attributes which does not serve as the basis of any further statement about these objects. We may, for example, classify cer- tain objects of domestic furniture as chairs; but having done so, we are not able, on that basis, to predicate anything further of the objects to which the name chair is given. By a natural classification is generally meant one that groups objects on the ground of their possessing an attribute, or group of attributes, which serves as the basis of further pred- ication. For example, if we classify a group of ani- mals as mammals, we are able to say, by virtue of the fact that they are mammals, that they are also vertebrates. This view has received, among modern writers, a classic expression by Mill. It is based upon the supposition that there exist in nature classes of objects which are distinct from each other, and that if we make the differences of these classes the basis of our classification, we shall thereby mark off the 'natural kinds' from others which by way of contrast may be called artificial kinds. 216 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Since the spread of the doctrine of evolution, it is no longer possible to maintain, in all fields of knowledge, the distinction of natural and artificial kinds. We no longer think of species of animals, for example, as marking fixed and distinct differ- ences between groups of objects; we have to think, according to the doctrine of evolution, of the whole animal series, from amoeba to man, as having sprung from a common ancestor. Species are not, in the meaning of the distinction we are now con- sidering, separate and distinct kinds. But while we no longer find it possible to classify objects in the way just considered, the distinction between natural and artificial suggests a truth of which we may take advantage in our discussion of this topic. The fallacy that underlies the separation of classes into natural and artificial seems to be, from the logictl standpoint, that it denies that rele- vancy to purpose is a factor in all classification. The classification of objects, for example, as natural is based on the supposition that the attributes of spe- cies are determined wholly by the nature of the ob- jects themselves, and that they are in no way and to no extent determined by the interest which prompts us to classify; while the classification of objects as artificial is predominantly, if not wholly, determined by the interest that controls the classification. This can not be maintained. For, as we have seen, knowl- edge is always the product of both kinds of factors, of both subjective purpose and objective fact. And it is this analysis of what we mean by knowledge DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 217 that gives us the clue to the distinction of natural and artificial kinds, and which enables us to under- stand the two main kinds of classification. Our classification does not depend upon the presence or absence of interest, but upon the particular kind of interest which we seek to satisfy. We may be in- terested, for example, in grouping objects according to their essential attributes, that is, according to the attributes which constitute them members of a class. We may also be interested in grouping ob- jects according to their non-essential attributes, that is, according to the attributes which are either implied by their essential attributes, or which are only accidental ones. In view of our discussion of the Predicables, this statement means that we may make the qualities which characterise the genus the principle of classification; or the qualities which characterise the proprium, or the accidens, the basis of classification. Classification according to the essential attri- butes of the objects compared gives a theoretical classification; and classification according to the non-essential attributes, a practical classification. In the former case, the theoretical interests which prompt us to study the nature of things are upper- most ; and in the latter, the practical interests wkich are concerned with the uses of things are in control. To take an illustration usually found in text-books of logic, the Swedish botanist, Karl Linnaeus (1707- 1778), based his classification of plants upon the comparison of the sexual organs of plants. The 218 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC distinct advantage of this method was that it made possible the indexing of plants in a convenient way into genera and species so that their relative posi- tion to each other in a series could be made out. This must be taken not as a theoretical, but as a practical classification, and, in principle, is not differ- ent from the arrangement of words in a dictionary in their alphabetical order. If, on the other hand, we make a classification according to the natural relationships of the species, we shall have an illus- tration of a theoretical classification. It will be obvious that many variations are possible within these two divisions ; but for the details, the student is referred to the larger books on logic and the principles of science. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Ch. IV. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Ch. VI. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. V. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Ch. IV. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. XXI. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Pt. II., Ch. V. ADVANCED R. W. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. IV., V. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Chs. III., V. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. IV., VI., 6-10. C. Sigwart, Logic, Pt. II., 42-43. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Chs. XII., XIII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Bk. I., Ch. VI. DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 219 QUESTIONS 1. In what way is logical division related to logical defini- tion? 2. Name one way in which logical division may not be in- terpreted. 3. Explain: By division we analyse the denotation of a term's meaning. 4. What is meant by saying that the species enumerated in a logical division are to be read disjunctively? 5. What is the test of a logical division? 6. What is a metaphysical division, and how does it differ from a logical division? 7. What do you understand by a physical division? Illus- trate. 8. What is a verbal division? 9. Define a fundamentum divisionis. 10. Explain how one discovers for a particular division an appropriate fundamentum divisionis. 11. In what respects can a logical definition be improved from the standpoint of logical division? 12. Explain the following terms: genus, species, totum di- visum, summum genus, infirmae species, subaltern genera, proximate genus, constituent species. 13. What is the first rule of logical division? 14. What is a cross division? Explain how it occurs. 15. What is meant by saying that the species to which a logical division gives rise must be exclusive? 16. What are the character and importance of a continuous series? 17. How can we keep within a single fundamentum when our division is carried through a number of stages? 18. State and explain the second rule of logical division. 19. What difficulties in the method of logical division are supposed to be met by dichotomy? 20. What are the characteristics of a dichotomous division? 21. What is the relation of dichotomy to definition? 220 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 22. What advantages are sometimes claimed for a dich- otomous division? 23. What is the Tree of Porphyry? 24. What do you understand by contradictory opposites? 25. Explain absdssio infiniti. 26. What is classification? 27. How are classification and definition related? 26. What is the relation of classification and division? 29. State Mill's doctrine of classification. 30. Why has the distinction of natural and artificial kinds broken down? 31. What is the relation of purpose to classification, and what effect does this have upon the distinction of nat- ural and artificial classification? 32. What bases of classification may be recognized as im- plicit in Mill's doctrine of classification? 33. Explain theoretical and practical classification. EXERCISES 1. Divide logically the following terms, stating in each in- stance (a) the definition and (b) the fundamentum di- visionis. psychology gun culture European student government 2. Examine the following divisions, and point out which rule of logical division, if any, is broken by them: (1) Substances into material and spiritual. (2) Books into scientific, philosophical, and literary. (3) Religions into true and false. (4) Students into those who are diligent, female, and athletic. 3. What is the metaphysical division of the following terms? landscape philosophy toy capital child amusement DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION 221 4. Divide physically six terms of your own selection. 5. Give six illustrations of verbal division. 6. Illustrate a cross division, and explain how it is brought about. 7. Give two examples of dichotomy. 8. Illustrate by two examples the Tree of Porphyry. 9. Give examples which illustrate the characteristics of (a) a theoretical and (b) a practical classification. CHAPTER VIII CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS Types of Propositions. In a former chapter we saw that predication is the act of affirming or deny- ing something (P) of something else (S). Any statement which rests upon predication, that is, which affirms or denies something of something else, is called in logic a proposition. Predication may be of various degrees of directness or explicitness, ac- cording to the degree of our knowledge of the sub- ject of predication. For example, if my knowledge of natural history is only slight, I shall probably be able to say of a given animal merely that it is either a lion or a tiger or a leopard or something else. If a further study of animals makes me acquainted with the characteristics of the species lion, I shall then be able to say that if a given animal has these characteristics, it is a lion. If, again, the examina- tion of a particular animal showed that it does or does not have these distinguishing qualities, I should then be able to say that it is or is not a lion. The forms of predication illustrated in these instances we have learned already to call alternative, hypo- thetical, and categorically respectively. The state- ments in which these forms of predication are ex- pressed are called disjunctive, hypothetical and cate- gorical propositions. The classification of proposi- tons into disjunctive, hypothetical, and categorical (222) CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS is said to be made from the standpoint of relation, of the relations, that is, that obtain between the ele- ments that enter into the proposition. It is quite obvious, for instance, that the predicate and subject of each of the above propositions dealing with what, under given conditions, can be predicated of a par- ticular animal, are related in quite distinct ways. The predicate term is asserted differently in each case, and it is this difference in our manner of asserting that lies at the foundation of the distinc- tion we make between disjunctive, hypothetical, and categorical propositions. The form of assertion corresponds to a real element in the knowledge that an assertion claims. We have shown this in detail in the chapter on propositions. Our present task is to study the various kinds of propositions and the logical problems to which they give rise. In the present chapter, we shall consider a number of ques- tions which relate to simple predication and which throw light upon the nature of categorical state- ments ; in the next, we shall consider problems con- nected with the other forms of the proposition. Classification of Categorical Propositions. The possibility of a classification of categorical proposi- tions, that is, propositions which predicate P of S simply, rests upon the fact that unconditional state- ments (1) do not always, but sometimes do, apply to a determinate part of the subject-matter of such statements; or (2) do not always, but sometimes do, unite the predicate with the subject of such state- ments; or (3) do not always express the same de- 224 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC gree of certainty. We shall illustrate each of these cases in the order in which they have been named. As an illustration of the first case, where the state- ment applies to an indeterminate part of the subject- matter of the statement, let us take 'Not all men are honest who say they are.' This is a proposition in which honesty is predicated of some only of the men who declare their honesty. As an illustration of the second case, where the statement does not unite the predicate with the subject of the proposition, let us take the illustration just used and observe that hon- esty is denied of some of the individuals who assure us that they are honest. As an illustration of the third case, where our statements express different degrees of certainty, let us take the following : 'He may be honest though poor;' 'He is honest but poor;' 'He must be honest.' The three characteristics of propositions just mentioned and illustrated are so constant, and they occur in such a wide range of our knowledge, that early in the history of logic it was found necessary to distinguish them by the use of technical terms, that is, by terms which mean, whenever they are used, just these characteristics of propositions. Thus, when we wish to call attention to the fact that our statements do or do not apply to a determinate part of the subject-matter of the proposition, we are said to be dealing with the proposition from the standpoint of its Quantity. When, on the other hand, we wish to emphasise the fact that the pred- icate does or does not belong to the subject, we are CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 225 said to be dealing with the proposition from the standpoint of its Quality. When, thirdly, we wish to distinguish the degree of certainty that attaches to our statements, we are said to be dealing with the proposition from the standpoint of its Modality. If to this statement we now add what was said in the first paragraph of the present chapter about the degrees of explicitness in predication being made from the standpoint of Relation, we have before us the four ways in which propositions may be class- ified. We shall now write down, for reference, the classification of propositions when looked at from each of the above-mentioned points of view. RELATION Categorical Hypothetical Disjunctive QUANTITY QUALITY Singular Affirmative Universal Negative Particular Indesignate MODALITY Assertoric Necessary Problematical Quantity of Propositions. The problem of the quantity of propositions is one which is concerned with the question whether we intend our statements to be true of a determinate or indeterminate part of the subject-matter of such statements. It is, for 15 226 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC example, quite clear that when any one says, 'I have seen Paris/ he is ordinarily understood to mean that he has been to Paris, and visited some of its im- portant boulevards, churches, galleries, etc. No one would understand him to mean that he had become acquainted with the whole of Paris. The truth of the claim to have seen Paris would be that some unspecified parts of Paris had been visited. Again, no one who made the above statement would ordi- narily wish to be understood that he had a thorough acquaintance with those parts of Paris which had come under his observation. The statement is in- tended to claim an acquaintance, such as it is, with certain parts of the French capital. From these considerations, it is quite evident that the statement, 'I have seen Paris/ leaves undetermined both the range and the thoroughness of the observation that is claimed by the statement. Now, although a great number of the statements we make about even the most familiar and ordinary events of life are, in the sense of these illustrations, quite undetermined, we sometimes make statements which we intend to be understood with no such limitation. To take a sim- ple illustration, if one were asked, 'What is the most direct route from Chicago to London?' the answer, if one were given, would claim to be determinately true of the subject of the inquiry, either of a speci- fied part of the inquiry or of the whole of it. For instance, the reply might take this form, 'Go by way of the New York Central lines to New York, and then inquire/ or it might take this form, 'Go to CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 227 New York, and then take passage with the Cunard Line to London via Liverpool/ Let us take another illustration. A mathematical problem is an inquiry of a definite kind, and we may work the problem up to a certain point quite sure that all the steps we have taken lead us toward the true solution of the whole problem. We may or we may not be able to proceed beyond that point. The fact that we can- not, does not invalidate the claim that we may make of having solved a definite part of the problem. That is to say, if the answers we make to questions, and the statements in which we express our knowledge contain in them a distinct reference to the extent of the subject covered by such answers and state- ments, they are called determinate whether th whole or some definite part of the whole subject has been considered. We have seen that statements may be deter- minate or indeterminate in what they assert. Our thought, that is to say, may refer to a definitely specified area of a given subject, or it may refer to an indefinitely specified area. In the former case, the definitely specified area may be either the whole, or an indicated part of the whole. In the latter case, we cannot tell whether the knowledge expressed in the statement is true of the whole or of only a part of the whole. Now these distinctions in the ordinary use of language lie at the foundation of the logical consideration of propositions from the standpoint of quantity. Hence, the question of the quantity of propositions is whether what a statement connotes 228 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is true of a specified or unspecified part of what its subject denotes. When, consequently, we speak about the quantity of a proposition, we must be understood to be interested in the meaning of a state- ment from the standpoint of the number of the ob- jects to which the statement applies. It is obvious that the subject terms of all propositions which ex- press quantity must be read in denotation. If now we ask, To how many objects can we in- tend our statements to apply? we may answer to one, to more than one but less than all, and to all. These are all the possible cases, and they afford a clue to the classification of propositions from the standpoint of quantity. The Singular Proposition. When a statement is made of one specified individual, that statement, in logic, is said to be a singular proposition. 'Hannibal was a great Carthagenian general' is, in this sense, a singular proposition. It is a proposition that ex- presses what an examination of a single instance of the genus 'general' has led us to affirm. This is not an exceptional case, for we are frequently led, in the course of our experience, to examine single ob- jects and to attempt some classification of them. The child's questions, 'What is this?' 'Who made that?' and the like are illustrations of the impor- tance of this class of judgments in the progress of intelligence and the advancement of knowledge. Singular statements are concrete, or keep us in close connection with what is concrete, and for this reason are of great help in making exact, particular, and CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 229 precise the knowledge that, in one way and another, we are daily acquiring. The examination of indi- vidual objects is, also, a large part of the work of any science, and much of the knowledge that science has consists of the singular judgments it is able to assert. We may say in passing that the student's danger is that he will get away from the observation of particular things, and that his education will force him to premature generalisation in which a form of words is substituted for a face to face acquaintance with the facts of his special subjects of study. If such should be the case, it is hardly possible that he will appreciate the importance of this type of proposition. The Universal Proposition. Another class of propositions is met with when the subject terms of such propositions are general instead of individual. 'All democratic governments tend to issue in despot- ism' is a statement expressing a judgment that pur- ports to be based upon the common character of the individuals that the general term signifies. Greek, French, British, American, etc., are the governments of which such a statement is held to be true, and yet not as Greek, French, etc., but as democratic. Statements of this kind are made because there is conceived to be a necessary connection between what the predicate and subject terms connote, and they apply to all individual or particular instances which possess the attributes of the subject term. In other words, whenever we affirm or deny of each of a total number of instances the meaning that attaches to 230 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the predicate terms of propositions, we have what, in logic, is called a universal proposition. Kinds of Universal Proposition. A question may arise as to whether there is any logical difference between a singular and a universal proposition, since in both cases, the subject term must be understood to be distributed, that is, to apply to the whole num- ber of the instances that the connotation of the term implies. There can be no objection to taking these two cases as illustrating the same logical principle, namely, that from the standpoint of their quantity we intend our statements to apply to all the in- stances, whether to a specified one or to all, to which, in the nature of the proposition, the subject term can apply. The singular proposition may thus be taken as a particular form of the universal proposition. Another type of proposition which, like the singular proposition, has a concrete subject term, and which, on account of the definiteness of its denotation, has to be interpreted as a universal proposition may be considered in this connection. For example, in the proposition, 'A part is always less than the whole/ a part is a perfectly determined idea of quantity from the logical point of view, and the proposition in which it serves as a subject term must, therefore, be treated as a universal proposition. The Particular Proposition. Whenever the num- ber of instances denoted by the subject term oi; a proposition is, from the logical standpoint, unde- termined, we are said to have a particular proposi- tion. The question for us to bear in mind in decid- CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 231 ing the quantity of a proposition is simply whether the number of instances of the kind connoted by the subject term is a determined number or not. For example, if we say that 'Five per cent of all college students fail in their work,' it is clearly not meant that we know the exact number of college students, and therefore that we know the exact number who fail ; the statement, if it is true, must be based upon the examination of large numbers of students work- ing under a great variety of conditions, and, when so based, we feel warranted in saying, even with respect to those students who have not had an oppor- tunity to pass or to fail in any subject, that in the period covered by their college course five per cent of these will fail. Now what we wish to illustrate by this example is that the statement is a universal one because, although arithmetically we have no idea of the number of failing students, we do have in the subject term of our proposition, 'five per cent of all college students,' an idea logically determined from the standpoint of its quantity. 'Five per cent' is just as definite as 'this one* of a given number, and both are as definite as 'all' of the given number. But if, on the contrary, in the absence of all knowl- edge of any such statistical study as we have sup- posed, we were required to express our judgment as to the number of failures likely to be incurred at any given time, we could not logically go beyond the statement that 'Some students will fail in their work.' This statement is true of an undetermined number of students, and 'some,' as a sign of quantity 232 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC in propositions, means this. The propositions that express judgments that have not determined the quantity of their subject-matter are called particular propositions. The Indesignate Proposition. Whenever we ex- press judgments of quantity, our statements, as a rule, bear upon their face some definite indication of the extent of their subject terms. From the standpoint of quantity, all our statements are offered as true of a number of determined or undetermined individuals, and when a statement is made without specifying which of these two possibilities is meant, we are left in doubt as to how the statement is to be taken. Now sometimes this occurs. The popular wisdom of an age which gets itself hardened into groyerbs is frequently defective in this respect. 'Dead men tell no tales,' is an illustration in point. Are we to understand this of all dead men or only of some dead men? Is there, that is, a necessary connection between being dead and being unable to appear as a witness in a trial, for example; or are we to suppose that there is only an accidental con- nection between them, and that in some cases the testimony of dead men is admissible? 'Virtue is to be rewarded/ is a proposition that is defective in the same respect. Are we to understand this of each and all the virtues, of the ordinary virtues of our daily life as well as of the more heroic virtues that are called out in exceptional circumstances; or are we to limit the statement to the latter class of cases ? If the latter, then the same set of questions recurs, CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 233 and we should wish to know whether a reward must be attached to all of them or to only some of them. These illustrations are sufficient to indicate a kind of statement we sometimes meet with even in com- mon life, statements that are quantitative by impli- cation but are not explicitly so. How are we to deal with them logically? Our first inclination is to receive all such statements, according to the charac- ter of their subject-matter, as universal or par- ticular propositions. But if it is remembered that all propositions are expressions of the judgments of the person who states the proposition, and that they are, from the standpoint of the person who hears them, proposals for his acceptance or rejection in the sense in which they are made, it will be obvious that we are not allowed to interpret these statements in any sense we wish ; our business is to understand them in the sense they have for the person who makes them. But, as we saw, these propositions create a doubt that is based upon the possibility of understanding the statements in either of two ways. Whenever a statement raises a doubt of this kind, a doubt that may be resolved by accepting either the one or the other of alternative possibilities, without indicating which alternative is to be adopted, it is called an indesignate proposition. An indesignate, or as it is sometimes called, an indefinite proposition is one which implies the existence of a determined or undetermined number of individuals of which the statement is offered as true, but which fails to state explicitly whether it is made of the 234 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC number of the determined or of the undetermined instances. Quality of Propositions. Our study in a previous chapter has shown that terms always intend more than they express, that they are aspects of a whole meaning which as terms they do not fully bring out. We have also learned that in order to get at the full meaning of any term we must find it functioning in some way in a proposition. It is only in a prop- osition that we discover the full meaning of a term ; the proposition is the express statement of the whole meaning within which the meanings of terms may properly be sought. In other words, it is the way that terms function in propositions that gives the key to the meaning of the proposition and of the terms themselves. That is to say, we have to inter- pret terms from the standpoint of their propositions and proposition from the standpoint of their terms. The reason is that each implies the other, and neither can exist alone. Coming now to the particular problem of this section, we may see, in the light of what has just been said, that terms may be related to one another in propositions in one or the other of two ways, in the way of inclusion or of exclusion. The fact that terms are elements of the meaning expressed by the proposition, is indicated, as we have already seen, by the copula. The copula, we said, is the sign of predication, the sign that S and P are to be taken in the way required by the whole meaning expressed in the proposition. One of the ways in which prop- CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 235 ositions require us to take their terms is, as we said, with respect to whether they are inclusive or exclu- sive of each other. And this requirement is indi- cated by the copula, which according as it has or has not the negative particle 'not,' distinguishes for us the two kinds of Quality of prepositional state- ments. When the terms are inclusive, this is indi- cated by the copula 'is' or 'are;' when they are ex- clusive, by the copula 'is not' or 'are not.' The propositions that have respectively these two kinds of copula are called affirmative and negative prop- ositions. Affirmative and negative propositions, therefore, are statements that give expression to the inclusive and exclusive relationship of the terms through which our meanings are expressed. The Affirmative Proposition. Affirmative propo- sitions, formally considered, are those in which the copula is either 'is' or 'are.' From the standpoint of the character of the thought expressed in them, affirmative propositions may be defined as the ex- pression of our positive meanings. By a positive meaning we understand one which combines in a whole content of thought two or more features of the object thought about. Stated differently, a pos- itive meaning is one that may be analysed into ele- ments each of which expresses some feature of the meaning which the proposition as a whole expresses. For example, the meaning of the proposition, 'All mammals are vertebrates' is, that there is a genus which, when looked at from the standpoint of an- atomy, must be described as a vertebrate, but which 236 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC if looked at from the standpoint of physiology must be described as a mammal. Let us call the genus, or the whole meaning of any proposition, SP. Then our positive meaning, SP, may be analysed into S and P, and these terms may be used to express the intended meaning in the proposition 'S is P.' To develop the significance of affirmative predication further, we may say that in any statement of the form 'S is P/ S and P are not isolated or independent terms ; S is not merely S, nor is P merely P. What the proposition affirms is that the S that is P is an SP, and only because it is SP can we say that it is P. But P can be predicated of S only if it also is SP. SP underlies both terms, and gives to the mean- ing that the proposition 'S is P' expresses its posi- tive character. The Negative Proposition. Negative proposi- tions, formally considered, are those in which the copula is either 'is not' or 'are not.' Materially, that is, from the standpoint of the character of the thought expressed in them, negative propositions may be defined as the expression of our exclusive meanings. By a negative meaning, therefore, we understand one which excludes from a whole con- tent of thought one or more attributes of the object thought about, either because it does not at all, or because it does not now, form part of the connotation of the whole content of thought. Stated otherwise, a negative meaning is one which may be analysed into elements one or more of which is incompatible with some fact or truth which we have already accepted. CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 237 In the chapter on terms we discussed negative meaning, and the conditions under which such mean- ings arise were explained. These conditions can be reviewed profitably in the present connection, and they will be found to throw light upon the general statement in the present parapragh of what we understand a negative meaning to be. We shall pass on to other aspects of the same problem. We may call attention then to the fact that the predicate terms of negative propositions are to be read in connotation. The reason for this is that logical negation expresses incompatibility in the meanings of terms. For example, 'Apples are- not pears/ does not express merely the perceptual differences of the things we call apples and the things we call pears ; what the proposition means is that if we know what attributes pears have, they will be found not to be the attributes which apples have. Now, as we see by this illustration, the difficulty about negative statements is that they seem to break the connection that, as we said, must bind S and P together in logical propositions. For example, we have shown that, in order to make any statement of the kind S-P, we have to suppose that P is predi- cated of S on the ground of the common likeness that underlies the differences of S and P. It is, in other words, because S and P make a reference to the same subject, although to different aspects of it, that pred- ication can take place at all. Can we say that in neg- ative propositions there is the same identity in dif- ference that is the ground of every logical state- 238 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ment? It would seem that we can; only the differ- ences, in this case, have come in our thought to be a special motive for the judgment we assert. In other words, in affirmative propositions we express like- nesses amid differences, while in negative proposi- tions we express differences amid likenesses. The negative proposition has this characteristic because, by making difference the motive of our assertions, we can sometimes best conserve the unity of idea that every prepositional statement requires. The Relation of Affirmative and Negative Prop- ositions. A study of the relation of affirmative and negative statements will throw still further light upon the meaning of negation. In affirmative state- ments, thought moves between two extremes, the extreme of tautology on the one hand, and the ex- treme of nonsense on the other. If we take affirma- tion in one extreme way, we can only express iden- tical meanings, 'A boy is a boy/ and this is taut- ology. If we take affirmation in another extreme way, we can only express incompatible meanings, 'A stove is a gold mine/ and this is nonsense. Now it is the function of negation to save us from mean- ingless tautological or nonsensical assertions. For instance, the case of tautology, when taken absolutely, is a denial of the minimum of difference which must exist if we are to make our assertions significant. Merely to predicate an object's exist- ence of itself, or to affirm a meaning of itself, is nothing but trifling. If we should mean by the CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 239 predicate only what we mean by the subject of a proposition, we should state in the whole proposi- tion no more than we stated in either of its terms. Thus, 'A is A' has exactly the meaning of A, whether A is read denotatively in both terms, or connota- tively in both terms. If A is A is a significant state- ment, we must at least read A denotatively in one term, and connotatively in the other. In other words, the identity which unites the subject and predicate of logical propositions must not go to the extreme of eliminating all differences from the meaning which logical propositions state. The affirmative proposition, because its chief interest is in identity, is particularly open to the danger of overlooking the differences that make the subject and predicate of such propositions distinct terms. Now, when this happens, when identity usurps the whole functions of assertion, we can be saved from the fatuity of tautology by resorting to negation as the only means at our disposal for opening the way to some significant statement. Thus, if we oppose any tautology with a denial, the burden of the proof of what we assert is thrust upon us, and this con- sists in showing the grounds on which our negation rests. For example, if we deny that 'A boy is a boy/ we may do so because, as we may point out, he is also a son, and that this relationship is compatible with the fact of boyhood from which, in the tauto- logical statement, we were unable to get away. Negation serves, in such a case, to prevent us from 240 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC standing intellectually stock-still; and, as we often find, the denial of truism may sometimes be the open way to the truth. The other extreme to which affirmative judg- ments may lead us consists in the development of differences to such an extent that the unity of the judgment is threatened or completely destroyed. This may occur, for example, when the material of the judgment is forced to render so many predicates that the universe of discourse, which in all logical judgment sets the limit to which differences can be carried, is in danger of being superseded, and the qualities which the material may have in other uni- verses of discourse are brought in to satisfy the demand for differences which has, so to say, got out of hand. When, for example, the student of psy- chology speaks of auditory sensations being brought in over the auditory nerve, and when the text-books of physiology speak about the striated muscles being under the control of the will, there is a confusion of universes of discourse, and we can only force the statements within their respective bounds again by a refusal to accept them as significant assertions. The statements are incompatible with the body of knowledge of their respective sciences, and the nega- tion is in each case in the interests of this body of accepted knowledge. Exceptive and Exclusive Propositions. Whenever a subject of discourse is qualified by such words as except, only, but, unless, alone, none but, etc., it immediately becomes uncertain to what, in such CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 241 cases, the predicate applies. For example, if we say, 'All free persons know how to obey,' it is quite ob- vious that we are predicating 'the knowledge of how to obey' of 'the persons who are free.' If, however, we were to say 'None but the free know how to obey,' we should be saying something quite different, al- though most persons would understand that we were still predicating 'the knowledge of how to obey' of 'the persons who are free.' If, again, we said, 'Only the free know how to obey,' it might be asked whether we had said something identical with one of the other statements, or something different from both. And, further, if we said, 'No one unless he is free knows how to obey,' the problem would become still more complicated. In view of the difficulties of interpretation occa- sioned by such statements as those to which atten- tion has just been called, it is customary for logic to point out that all propositions whose subject terms are qualified by such words as except, only, but, are either exceptive or exclusive propositions. In the exceptive and the exclusive proposition the subject term is an infinite or non-S term, because all the qualifying words, except, but, only, etc., are understood as carrying a negative signification. Examples are : 'All except honor' = 'All that is not honour;' 'None but the free' = 'No one who is not free ;' 'Only natives' = 'No one who is not a native.' It should be observed, moreover, that exceptive and exclusive propositions are always universal, there are no particular propositions of either kind. That 16 242 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is to say, the subject terms of these propositions denote always a determinate number of individuals. But while the exceptive and exclusive propositions distribute their non-S terms, they differ from each other in quality. That is to say, all propositions which qualify their subjects in the manner indicated are either affirmative or negative. In the light of these statements we may consider these classes of propositions separately. The exceptive proposition is affirmative. It ha& the genera] form, SaP. Examples are : 'All planets except Venus and Mercury are beyond the earth's orbit' = 'Any planet that is not Venus or Mercury is beyond the earth's orbit;' 'All members but the Irish voted for the measure' = 'All the members who do not belong to the Irish party voted for the measure/ In an exceptive proposition the individuals de- noted by the subject term are determined by taking out of a class a certain number of individuals to which the predicate term is meant not to apply. It will be seen that if the part of the class to which the predicate term does apply is to be distributed, the part taken out must be distributed also. What an exceptive proposition says, therefore, is that a statement is true of that part of a class which re- mains when stated exceptions to it are definitely re- moved. The truth of such a statement is maintained of everything that cannot be brought under the ex- ception, that is, of everything that is not the speci- fied exception. Consequently, what we are talking CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 243 about, in an exceptive proposition, is anything, within the universe of discourse, that is definitely non-S. Thus, if a circle represents a universe of discourse, and any shaded portion of it the excepted part, which may be called S, the unshaded part will then represent the denotation of the subject of predication, that is, non-S. The exceptive proposi- tion may in these terms be represented thus : SaP The exclusive proposition is negative. It has the general form, SeP. Examples are : 'None but the brave deserve the fair' = 'No one who is not brave deserves the fair;' 'Only graduates are eligible' = 'No one who is not a graduate is eligible.' The exclusive proposition determines its subject term in the same way as the exceptive proposition, that is, by taking out of a class some determinate number of individuals, and making all other indi- viduals of the class the subject of predication. Thus, if S be the excluded individuals, non-S will be the subject of which predication takes place. But since exclusive propositions are negative, the individuals denoted by non-S will necessarily have qualities which are incompatible with their possessing those connoted by the predicate term; incompatibility of qualities is what we mean by negation. Hence, the 244 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC exclusive proposition definitely denies P of every individual which does not have the qualities also of S ; nothing that is not S is P. If, now, we represent any excluded part of a class by the shaded portion of a circle, the exclusive proposition may be shown as follows: SeP Compound Propositions. We have said that ex- ceptive and exclusive propositions are always uni- versal. This is not because particular propositions do not qualify their subject terms by such words as only, except, etc., but because when they do, they must be treated as compound propositions. By a compound proposition, or, as the older logicians called them, exponible propositions, is understood one whose meaning requires a number of distinct propositions for its complete expression. 'Milton and Dante -wrote religious poetry of the highest merit,' is a simple example. The meaning of the statement obviously is, (a) 'Milton wrote religious poetry of the highest merit,' and (b) 'Dante wrote religious poetry of the highest merit.' A more com- plex example is, 'Men who are honest though poor will be respected and helped.' The whole sense of this can be expressed in the two statements (a) 'Poor men who are honest will be respected,' and (b) 'Poor men who are honest will be helped.' From CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 245 these examples we can see that a separate expres- sion must be given to each significant idea of any complex of ideas. Bearing in mind what a compound proposition is, let us turn to the particular propositions which qualify their subject terms by the use of exclusive words or phrases. These propositions, we have said, are compound. An example is, 'Some only who en- list will find their way to the firing line/ This obviously cannot mean, 'Some who do not enlist will find their way to the firing line;' that is, it cannot be treated as a particular exclusive proposition. What the statement means is (a) 'Some who enlist will find their way to the firing line/ and (b) 'Some who enlist will not find their way to the firing line.' The following must also be treated as a compound proposition, 'Excepting a few, all these answers are wrong.' What the proposition states is (a) 'Some of these answers are wrong,' and (b) 'Some of these answers are not wrong.' From these examples it seems obvious that whenever we qualify, in the way indicated, the subject terms of particular proposi- tions, that is, whenever 'some' is used in its exclusive sense, the proposition must be resolved into two independent particular propositions, the one affirm- ative and the other negative. In the light of these cases, we may also understand why the particular proposition which has no such exclusive significance must be interpreted as either affirmative or nega- tive, and not as both. For instance, 'Not all for- eigners are to be mistrusted' means 'Some foreigners 246 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC are not to be mistrusted;' and if any one were to add to this interpretation, 'Some foreigners are to be mistrusted/ he would be going beyond what is said to a secondary implication of what is said. The latter statement is doubtless implied in the original statement, but it is not what that statement asserts. Modality of Propositions. The knowledge we have of different subjects, as we are all aware, varies not only with respect to the nature of these subjects themselves, so that one kind of knowledge we call history, and another science, and another phil- osophy, but also with respect to the degrees of our attainments in any of these departments of knowl- edge, so that we speak about these several subjects with differing degrees of confidence. If, for ex- ample, the student has diligently pursued the study of bacteriology for a number of years he will not only know a great deal about the nature and condi- tions of the changes that microscopic organisms produce in their hosts, but he will have developed, with his increasing knowledge of the subject, a cer- tain degree of confidence in his ability to describe these changes, to prepare cultures, and to do many things besides. If the same student has not given a good deal of time to the study of history, he will not feel the same degree of confidence that we ob- served in the former case, if he were asked to name, for instance, the causes that produced the French Revolution. There are, then, different degrees of knowledge, and these get reflected in the degrees of confidence with which we express what we know. It CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 247 is this fact that logic refers to under the term Mo- dality. The meaning of this statement may become clearer if it is pointed out that the term modality does not refer to any uncertainty that may exist as to the nature and relations of the object of judg- ment, but only to the degrees of certainty of our knowledge of the object. Modality, that is to say, is a logical distinction; it characterises our thoughts about things, and not the things themselves. Whether there is any uncertainty in things themselves can- not be discussed in an elementary logic, but that varying degrees of certainty and uncertainty attach to our knowledge of things is a fact well known to all. It is usual, in logic, to distinguish three degrees of certainty, and to throw these into typical preposi- tional forms when we wish to express the modality of our thought. The propositions which set forth the modality of our judgments are called assertoric, problematic and apodeictic. We may state what is to be understood by each of these in order. The Assertoric Proposition. An assertoric prop- osition has the same form as the affirmative cate- gorical proposition, and yet is not to be understood in the same way. The categorical proposition ex- presses the way that S and P are related in the uni- verse of discourse that defines the limits of the judg- ing activity, and, therefore, relates to the matter of the judgment. The assertoric judgment, on the other hand, expresses one of the degrees of certainty of our knowledge about the subject-matter. For 248 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC example, if we were to say, 'All men are biped/ we should most likely be understood to express a judg- ment founded upon common observation, and that is what the categorical proposition of the form, *S is P,' usually does. If, however, with respect to this judgment, we were asked, 'What makes you think so?' we should possibly hunt around the var- ious corners of our knowledge for a reason for think- ing that walking on two feet is characteristic of all men. If from such an excursion and search we were to return without anything that threw light upon the question, we should probably reply, 'I don't know, but he is a biped.' We should, that is, assert with emphasis our original statement, and thereby express our confidence in the correctness of the original statement. What, therefore, an assertoric proposition does is to assert that S is actually P, or, stated another way, that 'S is P' is actual, whether any reason, other than perception or memory sup- plies, can be given or not. The Problematic Proposition. A problematic proposition states that 'S is possibly P,' or the fact expressed by 'S is P' is possible. The possibility does not imply any uncertainty in the fact expressed, but only an uncertainty in the state of our knowl- edge about the fact, an uncertainty that makes it impossible for us to state with any higher degree of confidence the correctness of what we say. For example, the student who is reading this section of logic may say, 'My understanding of the subject is possibly correct.' What he means by this is not CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 249 that his understanding may be described as possibly correct, for there is no such thing as 'possibly cor- rect,' but that the statement, 'My understanding of this subject is correct' is a possibility in his own case. If we take a simpler case this will become clear. 'The rose is possibly white' does not mean that 'possibly white' is the colour that the rose has, for there is no such colour. We are to understand the adverb to qualify not any part of the statement, but the whole assertion 'The rose is white,' and then, as in the other case, this statement expresses a possibility. If this is the view that we must adopt of prob- lematic propositions, what, we may ask, is the ground of the implied uncertainty? The uncertainty is not due, as in assertoric propositions, to the fact that there are no discoverable reasons for the state- ment, but that the discovered grounds of the state- ment are of such a nature that we can never be sure that we have all the elements necessary to give our statement any higher degree of certainty. To illus- trate : the student's understanding of this paragraph must, as we know, be correct or incorrect, just as the rose must have any one or other of the colours that belong to the species rose. If we have not seen the rose in question, we know only that it is either red or pink or white or yellow, and because it may be something else than what we assert, we merely say that it is possibly white. So in the case of the stu- dent: his understanding is either correct or incor- rect, but because the alternatives have not been de- 250 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC termined with respect to the case in hand, he can only say that his understanding of the paragraph is possibly correct. A possibility, therefore, means the presence of alternatives between which no ground of decision has as yet been found. Judgments which involve human volition as one of their factors, even when these judgments involve no alternatives, are said to be problematic. For example, 'I may go tomorrow,' means that 'I will go tomorrow' is the statement of a fact that is pos- sible. Here we have not a series of alternatives as the ground of the uncertainty of the judgment, but the absence of some of the factors that are neces- sary for a more positive statement. All actions that depend on human volition are said to be contingent, and therefore a judgment that involves volition as one of its factors must always be problematic. The Apodeictic Proposition. Apodeictic judg- ments are necessary : 'S must be P.' There exists, in this case, necessary grounds for the matter of fact judged. 'S is P' is necessary. Necessity is a word that must be used carefully. This is obvious if we call attention to the different kinds of neces- sity upon which our apodeictic statements depend. Mathematical statements, although not expressed in the form of apodeictic propositions, are necessary. For example, 'A straight line is the shortest dis- tance between two points.' What the mathematician understands by this statement is that the shortest distance between two points must be what we mean by a straight line. The idea of a straight line CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 251 carries that meaning necessarily. Here, then, we have necessity ' resting upon the clearness with which an idea itself is conceived or apprehended, and not on anything else. Another class of neces- sity is met with when our judgments rest upon other judgments which may or may not be neces- sary. For example, the equality of triangles on equal bases and between the same parallels is a case of necessity resting upon grounds that are themselves necessary. In all truly apodeictic judg- ments there is presumed to be an inter-connection of fact that makes the fact asserted by the judg- ment necessary. REFERENCES B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lect. VII. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Chs. VII., VIII. W. S. Jevons, Lessons in Logic, Lesson VIII. J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 2d Edition, Part II., Ch. I. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. III., Part I. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. V. ADVANCED J. M. Baldwin, Thought and Things, Vol. II., Part II., Ch. VIII. B. Bosanquet, Logic, Vol. I., Book I., Chs. II-IX. F. H. Bradley, The Principles of Logic, Book I., Chs. VI- VIII. R. W. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Ch. VII. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. VIII. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. I., Ch., II. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book L, Ch. IV. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Ch. XI. 252 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC C. Sigwart, Logic, Chs. IV-VI. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Book II., Ch. I. QUESTIONS 1. What is the ground of the difference between the three types of propositions? 2. Describe* the four main classes of categorical proposi- tions. 3. Explain and illustrate what you understand by the quantity of propositions. 4. What is a singular proposition? Illustrate and state its importance. 5. What is a universal proposition? 6. What is the relation of the singular and universal prop- osition? 7. What is a particular proposition, and with what form of universal proposition is it most likely to be confused? 8. Describe and illustrate the indesignate proposition. 9. What do you understand by the quality of propositions? 10. What are the characteristics of affirmative propositions? 11. Describe and illustrate a negative proposition. 12. Why must the predicate of negative propositions be read connotatively? 13. What is the relation of tautology to affirmative state- ments? 14. In what way can tautological statements be overcome? 15. What is the logical status of nonsense? 16. In what respects are exceptive and exclusive proposi- tions alike? 17. State and illustrate the characteristics of exceptive propositions. 18. What is an exclusive proposition? Illustrate. 19. Why are there no particular exceptive or exclusive propositions? 20. What is a compound proposition? By what other name is it known? Illustrate. 21. Explain what is meant by the modality of propositions. CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 253 22. What is an assertoric proposition, and how does it differ from the categorical proposition? 23. Explain and illustrate the problematic proposition. 24. How will you classify judgments which involve human volition as one of its factors? 25. Describe and illustrate the apodeictic proposition. EXERCISES. 1. Write in parallel columns a list of six singular and six general propositions, and be ready to defend the as- signed character of these propositions. 2. What kind of proposition is, 'Water is a liquid composed of one part oxygen and two parts hydrogen.' Give rea- sons for your answer. 3. What is the distribution of the predicate term of the proposition in the preceding question? 4. Give three illustrations of indesignate propositions. 5. What kind of proposition is, 'Oxygen is necessary for the maintenance of life'? 6. Without using the sign of quantity 'some,' give three illustrations of particular propositions. 7. Classify the following propositions from the standpoint of quantity, and in each case state the reason for your classification : (1) Each of the hunters shot a bird. (2) Rivers generally run into the sea. (3) Blood is thicker than water. (4) Afflictions are often salutary. (5) Can the leopard change his spots? (6) Veteran soldiers are the steadiest in battle. (7) Suspicion ever haunts the guilty mind. (8) Knowledge is power. (9) The longest road has an end. (10) Almost any Turk hates a Greek. (11) Philosophy and Psychology are necesary to a well- rounded education. (12) Only those who know are in the end to be trusted. 254 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 8. Illustrate how affirmative statements can be made either tautological or nonsensical. 9. Write a complete account of how one negative state- ment of your own selection may conceivably have come to be made. 10. Write a list of three assertoric propositions, and show how they differ from affirmative categorical proposi- tions. 11. Explain the problematic nature of six propositions of your own selection. 12. Write a list of three apodeictic propositions. CHAPTER IX IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS Relation of Quantity and Quality in Categorical Propositions. When the subject term of a proposi- tion is read in denotation, it refers to a determined or undetermined number of individuals, and when the predicate term of a proposition is read in conno- tation, it either affirms or denies the meaning of the predicate term of the individuals denoted by the subject term. Now, since every proposition under- takes to set forth both these relations of its subject- matter, there are no propositions which do not pos- sess both quantity and quality. From the standpoint of their quantity, categor- ical propositions, as we have seen, are either univer- sal or particular; that is, logical statements are always about a determinate or indeterminate part of the subject-matter of such statements. From the standpoint of their quality, categorical propositions are either affirmative or negative; that is, logical statements either affirm or deny an attribute of some determinate or indeterminate part of their subject. Combined in a single statement, these facts and relations may be expressed thus : Propo- sitions with distributed, as also those with undis- tributed, subject terms are either affirmative or negative in quality. There are thus four proposi- tions, the universal affirmative, the universal neg- (255) 256 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ative, the particular affirmative, the particular neg- ative, whose relations may be shown in a table as follows: QUANTIT\ QUALITY {a. Affirmative b. Negative Propositions , f a. Affirmative Particular [ b. Negative This table may be read: Propositions may be universal in quantity and either affirmative or neg- ative in quality ; or they may be particular in quan- tity and either affirmative or negative in quality. Structural Formulae indicating the Quantity and Quality of Propositions. The problems that we are to study in this chapter arise out of the fact that propositions involve the relations both of quantity and quality. Whatever else the student can or can- not do with a proposition, it is of fundamental im- portance that he should be able to determine it both with respect to its quantity, and also with respect to its quality. The student will find ic entirely possible to acquire a considerable degree of facility in thus determining the propositions that come before him for study ; and, moreover, a little additional industry in this matter will carry him a long way toward overcoming some of the difficulties that he will meet farther along the road. When he has become prac- tically familiar with these distinctions, it will be a IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 257 great convenience if, for the propositions that em- body these distinctions, he write formulae which indicate their quantity and quality. The value of such formulae is that they enable one to deal only with the essential aspects of assertions, and they shorten the method of referring to these essential aspects. Like any other formulae, those used in logic are more or less arbitrary devices, and are to be justified by their usefulness. They are in no sense a substitute for the logical facts and relations which they are merely the means of expressing. Our first aim then will be to distinguish by a convenient symbol the four typical propositions mentioned above. This is usually done by taking the first vowel of the Latin word for affirmation (affirmo), and the first vowel of the Latin word for negation (nego) to denote the universal propo- sition of the quality indicated by the word, and the second vowel of each word in like manner to indi- cate the respective particular propositions. Thus, A and E, the first vowels in the words affirmo and nego, are used to indicate the universal affirmative and universal negative propositions respectively. The second vowels in the same Latin words are I and 0, and these are used to indicate respectively the particular affirmative and particular negative propositions. If, now, we add these facts to the table printed above, we have the following result : 17 258 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC QUANTITY QUALITY SYMBOL f a. Affirmative A 1. Universal [ b. Negative E Propositions - {a. Affirmative I b. Negative O Whenever, in the foregoing pages, we have had occasion to refer to the structure of a proposition without respect to its quantity, we have written 'S is P,' or 'S is-not P.' Whenever we have wished to indicate the quantity as well as the quality of prop- ositions, we have written 'All S is P,' 'No S is P,' 'Some S is P,' 'Some S is-not P.' This, however, is too cumbersome a method when a simpler one is possible. And, therefore, logicians have adopted the device of substituting for the copula in proposi- tions of the general form S-P, one or other of the four vowels by which the four kinds of categorical propositions are distinguished. In this way we get the following structural formulae: SaP, SeP, SiP, SoP, which are read 'All S is P/ 'No S is P,' 'Some S is P/ 'Some S is-not P.' The following table summarises the important facts : QUANTITY AND STRUCTURAL QUALITY FORMULA READ f 1. Universal Affirmative SaP All S is P 2. Universal Negative SeP No S is P Propositions PREDICATE U D e D U i U U D STANDPOINT Quality This table may be read as follows : From the stand- point of quantity, the subject term of an A or uni- IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 263 versal affirmative proposition is distributed; from the standpoint of quality, the predicate term of an A or universal affirmative proposition is undistrib- uted, etc. Another way of stating the same set of facts is to say that the subject terms of propositions that are universal in quantity are distributed, and those that are particular in quantity are undistributed; that the predicate terms of propositions that are affirmative in quality are undistributed, and those that are negative in quality are distributed. The following table represents these facts : QUANTITY DISTRIBUTION (Universal D Subject terms J [Particular ^U QUALITY DISTRIBUTION f Affirmative U Predicate terms 1 [Negative D Meaning and Classes of Implication. The group of topics that are now to be discussed, and to which the preceding pages are an introduction, is by some writers brought together under the title of 'imme- diate inferences/ and by others under the title 'in- terpretation of propositions/ The objection that is usually urged against 'immediate inferences' is that an inference always involves the use of a middle term, and is therefore mediate; and, consequently, 264 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that it is a contradiction to speak of 'immediate' in- ferences. The objection that may be brought against 'interpretation of propositions' is that it tends to confuse two different things, namely, the import or meaning of propositions, and the question of what other statements we are committed to in making any statement whatever. We shall speak of the 'implications of propositions,' since the ques- tions that are to be considered in this chapter relate to the various methods of determining the relations that exist between our formally expressed proposi- tions, and other unexpressed propositions with which they are immediately connected. Implication etymologically means 'folded-in,' so that the idea the topic suggests is that folded within any state- ment we make there are other statements that may be brought to light by the use of appropriate meth- ods. The practical value of this chapter consists in the opportunity it affords of finding out that our statements ordinarily mean much more than we actually express in them. We have to consider two main classes of impli- cations : (1) The Opposition of Propositions. By op- position of propositions is meant the relation that the truth or falsity of one proposition has to the truth or falsity of other propositions dealing with the same subject-matter, that is, having the same subject and predicate. (2) Eductions. By eductions is meant the relation that one proposition accepted as true has IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 265 to other propositions dealing with the same subject- matter from other points of view. The Opposition of Propositions. The term oppo- sition applied to propositions would strictly mean that propositions could stand in this relation only when the truth of the one involved the falsity of the other, and vice versa. This was the original meaning and use of the term in logic. But it was found convenient to include under the same title a consideration of propositions that are not incompat- ible with one another. Opposition, as it is now used, embraces, therefore, a study of the relations of any two propositions referring to the same subject- matter whether the truth expressed by one is or is not compatible with that expressed by the other. Thus, propositions relating to the same subject, but differing in quantity, or quality, or both, are said to be opposed to each other. Since there are only four categorical proposi- tions, it is evident that each stands in relation to three others. Thus: SaP is related to SeP, SiP, SoP. SeP is related to SaP, SiP, SoP. SiP is related to SaP, SeP, SoP. SoP is related to SaP, SeP, SiP. If we examine this list of possible oppositions, we shall see that each proposition is related to (1) a universal proposition, (2) a particular proposi- tion, (3) an affirmative proposition, (4) a negative proposition. In other words, all propositions are related to others (1) of the same and (2) different 266 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC quantity, and (3) of the same and (4) different quality. There are, consequently, four kinds of opposition in which any proposition may stand. Thus, the relation between 1. Universal propositions of different quality is said to be one of contrariety : SaP, SeP. 2. Universal and particular propositions of the same quality is said to be one of subalternation : SaP, SiP; SeP, SoP. 3. Universal and particular propositions of dif- ferent quality is said to be one of contradiction: SaP, SoP; SeP, SiP. 4. Particular propositions is said to be one of subcontrariety : SiP, SoP. We shall consider each of these kinds of opposi- tion in the order in which they have been named; and since any statement we make may be either true or false, we shall have to examine the propositions that stand in opposition on the supposition both of their truth and falsity. Contrariety. Contrary opposition exists between universal propositions of a different quality; that is, between SaP and SeP. Thus, contrary proposi- tions differ in quality only. If what any universal proposition states is true, what its contrary states must be false. For example, if it is true that 'All men die/ it is false that 'No men die.' If it is true that 'No men are angels,' it is false that 'All men are angels.' If, therefore, we accept the truth of what either SaP or SeP states, the falsity of what its contrary states follows as a IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 267 matter of course, for the reason that the same pred- icates or qualities cannot belong, and not belong, to the same subject. On the other hand, if what any universal proposition states is false, what its con- trary states is left in doubt. If, for example, it is false that 'All men are six feet tall,' we are left in doubt as to whether 'No men are six feet tall,' be- cause some men may be. Let us connect these facts with what we have already learned. We saw, in the chapter on terms, that if two species of a genus differ from one an- other more than they do from any of the other co- ordinate species, the relation in which they stand is one of contrariety. If, for example, within the genus G the species S have the characteristic P, then how- ever great and numerous the increasing differences between one species and another, they cannot be so great and numerous that, within the genus, P can be denied of any of the species. Based upon the degree of their variation from the genus, all the species, as we have seen, have a recognised place within the genus. But whatever the variations that occur, the species are held together by their common likeness, and so long as predication is concerned with this common likeness, so long can we not en- tertain any proposition which denies it of any or of all the species of the genus. If SaP is true, the proposition that denies that S is P, SeP, must be false, and vice versa. Let us look at the other case where something is falsely predicated of all the species. Now what is 268 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC thus predicated cannot be the genus, for the genus can only be predicated truly. If anything is falsely predicated, it must be something that is either an- other genus, when the statement would be abso- lutely false, or something that is or may be a differ- entia, when the statement will be partially false. If, for example, 'All flesh is grass' were to be inter- preted literally, the statement would be false, be- cause it predicates a genus that is wholly mislead- ing; and if one were to say that 'All vertebrates live in the water,' that would be false, because it predicates what is or may be a differentia, some- thing that belongs to one of the species though not to all of them. In order to detect the falsity in these instances, we must know that what is predicated is either a wrong genus or a differentia, and this is not possible without going beyond what is given in a false statement. Hence, if all we know is that P is wrongly predicated of S, we cannot say whether P belongs in part or not at all to S, and, therefore, can- not infer the truth of the contrary of the original proposition. The contrary of a false universal, that is to say, is involved in doubt. Again, the relations of contrary propositions may be studied from the side of the denotation of their terms. Thus, it cannot be true that 'All' and 'None' of the objects denoted by the subject term of a proposition have the qualities connoted by the predicate term ; the truth of the one excludes the truth of the other. That the falsity of one prop- osition involves its contrary in doubt may be shown IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 269 as follows: If some of the objects denoted by the predicate term of an affirmative proposition, and none of the objects denoted by the same term in a negative proposition, belong to the group of objects denoted alike by the subject terms of these proposi- tions, then it is obvious that in the one case P falls partly within, and in the other wholly without, the group of objects denoted by the subject terms of the two propositions. If, now, we make the state- ment falsely that 'All S falls within P without ex- hausting it/ we connot affirm truly the contrary of this statement, 'No S falls within P/ because there is another alternative to the one offered by the con- trary, namely, the case where S falls partly within and partly without the class of objects denoted by P; and which of these two cases is true cannot be determined without examining the cases themselves. Representing these facts diagrammatically thus : we must say that if SaP is false, SeP cannot be true without disposing of the alternative case SiP. But this cannot be done formally, but only by an examination of the subject-matter of these propo- sitions. Subalternation. Subaltern opposition exists be- tween a universal and a particular proposition of the same quality; that is, between SaP and SiP; 270 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC SeP and SoP. Thus, subaltern propositions differ in quantity only. If what the universal proposition states is true, what its subaltern states is also true. This follows from the fact that universal propositions distribute their subject terms. Thus, if something is true or false, as the universal states, of each of a class of objects, it is true or false of any number of them, since these must be identical with some of the for- mer. The truth, therefore, of the particular is in- volved in the truth of the universal proposition. Hence, as may be seen by studying the accompany- ing diagram, if any part of the S that falls wholly SaP SiP SeP SoP within P, (SaP), or wholly without P, (SeP), were to fall partly without or partly within P, some part of S would, in the one case, fall partly within (SiP) , and, in the other, partly without (SoP) P, and it is of these parts that the statements of the respective subaltern propositions is made. On the other hand, if what the universal proposi- tion states is false, what its subaltern states is left in doubt. The truth of the particular is not involved in the falsity of the universal, and cannot, there- fore, be the ground of the latter's falsity. But, as we shall see, it may be. We have studied already one ground of falsity of universal statements. We IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 271 have seen, for example, that when the contrary of any proposition is true, that proposition is abso- lutely false. But we have also seen that if we start with the falsity of a universal statement, nothing can be affirmed as to the truth or falsity of its con- trary. Now, in contrast to the falsity involved in the contrary relation, that involved in the subaltern relation is only relative, that is, the falsity may be due not to the fact that S-P asserts something con- trary to fact, but that it is asserted without regard to existing limitations. In other words, since there are degrees of error, as well as of truth, SaP and SeP may owe their falsity to the fact that only SiP and SoP are true respectively. But, here again, if we start with the falsity of the universal, we cannot say that its subaltern is true or false; truth or falsity, in this case, simply remain possible alter- natives between which we can decide only by going outside wha't is given in the original proposition. And this is equivalent to saying that the subaltern is always involved in doubt when all that we know is that the universal or subalternans is false. What we have seen is that the truth of a univer- sal involves the truth of its subaltern ; but that the falsity of a universal involves its subaltern in doubt. Let us now consider how the universal is affected by the truth or falsity of its particular, subaltern, proposition. And, first, let us take the case where the subaltern is true. If the only thing we know about a group of objects is that some of them are in a particular place, it is obvious that we cannot 272 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC say that they are all in that place; and the reason is not that some are in another place, for that ex- ceeds the knowledge contained in the original prop- osition, but that some may be. For a similar reason, we cannot affirm that 'No trees are in leaf/ if all that we know is that 'Some trees are-not in leaf/ From the truth of a particular proposition, there- fore, we can only conclude that its subalternans the universal of the same quality is doubtful. Let us take, secondly, the case where the subaltern is false. Here the falsity of the subaltern involves the falsity of the subalternans. Thus, if 'Some apples are blue' is false, it is likewise false that 'All apples are blue/ and if 'Some apples are-not red' is false, it is likewise false that 'No apples are red/ The reason for this case is found in the fact that par- ticular propositions affirm or deny a predicate of certain unspecified objects of a class, and not of the class as a whole. If, therefore, we know that a statement is false in some case, we know that it cannot be true of all cases, since all cases must in- clude the case in which it is known to be false. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. We are dealing here with the exception under which a rule breaks down. Contradiction. Contradictory opposition exists between a universal and a particular proposition that differ from each other in quality; that is, be- tween SaP and SoP, SeP and SiP. Thus, contradic- tory propositions differ both in quantity and quality. If what any universal proposition states is true, IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 273 what its contradictory states must be false. If it be true that 'All men are willing to give their lives for a cause/ it is false that 'Some men are-not will- ing to give their lives for a cause.' If it is true that 'No men are utterly selfish/ it is false that 'Some men are utterly selfish/ If, on the other hand, what a universal proposition states is false, what the con- tradictory opposite states must be true. For ex- ample, if it is false that 'Every man has his price/ it is true that 'Some men cannot be bought/ and if it is false that 'None of the candidates were suc- cessful/ it is true that some were. Further, the truth or falsity of particular propositions involves the falsity or truth of their contradictories. If 'Some one is going to get hurt/ is true, it is false that 'No one is going to get hurt/ but if the state- ment is false, then 'No one is going to get hurt* is true. If 'Some people are short sighted' is true, it is false that 'No people are short sighted / but if it is false that 'Some kinds of ignorance promote vir- tue/ it is true that 'No kinds of ignorance promote virtue/ We may express these results in the single state- ment that the truth of one of the propositions in contradictory opposition involves the falsity of the other ; and the falsity of one, the truth of the other. Of any pair of contradictory propositions, one must be false, and the other true. Contradiction is, there- fore, the most complete form of logical opposition. Subcontrariety. Subcontrary opposition exists between particular propositions of different quality ; 18 274 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that is, between SiP and SoP. Thus, subcontrary propositions differ in quality only. If we make the two statements that 'Some men are blue-eyed' and 'Some men are-not blue-eyed,' each of these statements is true, and they are in subcontrary relation to each other. But the truth of either one of them is not sufficient to establish the truth of the other. If, for example, we repre- sent our two propositions thus : SiP SoP it will be evident that in each case P, in part or whole, is predicated of a different part of S. If, consequently, we know that 'Some indeterminate number of men are blue-eyed,' (SiP), this is not a sufficient ground for saying that the rest are, or are not, blue-eyed. The fact that we are dealing with particular propositions which have undistributed subject terms, that is, terms that do not take into account a determinate number of instances of the class, but only more or less of them, prevents us from saying anything definite of the rest of the class with respect to their being or not being blue-eyed. Of the propositions, therefore, that exist in subcon- trary opposition, we may say that the truth of the one leaves the truth of the other in doubt. Propositions in the subcontrary relation cannot IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 275 both be false. In other words, the falsity of one in- volves the truth of the other. For example, if it is false that 'Some men are four-footed,' it is true that 'Some men are-not four-footed.' That is, it is only on condition that some men are not four-footed that we can deny the truth of the statement that 'Some men are four-footed.' This view of subcontrary opposition is required by the fact that if both par- ticular propositions were false, their contradictories would both be true; but, as we have seen, SaP and SeP cannot both be true, for if one is true the other is proved to be false. But if, as we have seen, the falsity of the universal 'All men are four-footed/ for example involves its contrary in doubt, we can at least say that its contradictory 'Some men are-not four-footed' is true. The Square of Opposition. The accompanying diagram, called the Square of Opposition, is a me- chanical devise which has long been traditional in logic, and is intended as an aid to the better under- standing of the doctrine of opposition. The univer- sal propositions are placed at the top, the particular propositions at the bottom of the diagram; the affirmative propositions are placed on the left, and the negative ones on the right. The lines connecting any two propositions indicate the kind of opposition that exists between them. The top and bottom lines which are horizontal and parallel to each other con- nect propositions of the same quantity ; the side lines which are perpendicular and parallel connect prop- ositions of the same quality. The long diagonal lines 276 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC connect propositions that are different in both quan- tity and quality. Let us now see how it may be used to throw light on the doctrine of opposition. It will be ob- served at once that every proposition has its con- tradictory, and in contradiction, it will be remem- bered, we have the most complete form of logical opposition. To work the relations of opposition out under the control of the contradictory relation seems to simplify the whole matter for most students. We summarise the doctrine of opposition below, and the IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 277 student is required to follow the statements out on the Square of Opposition. Thus, if SaP is true, its contradictory and its contrary are false, and its subaltern is true. SaP is false, its contradictory is true, and its contrary and its subaltern are doubtful. SeP is true, its contradictory and its contrary are false, and its subaltern is true. SeP is false, its contradictory is true, and its contrary and its subaltern are doubtful. SiP is true, its contradictory is false, and its subcontrary and subalternans are doubtful. SiP is false, its contradictory and sub-contrary are true, and its subalternans is false. SoP is true, its contradictory is false, and its subcontrary and subalternans are doubtful. SoP is false, its contradictory and sub-contrary are true, and its subalternans is false. It may be helpful to represent these facts and relations diagrammatically. This we may do by drawing only so much of the Square of Opposition as embodies the relations in which a given proposi- tion stands, utilising the arrow head to indicate the direction in which given relations are to be read. For example, the lines _^J diverge from a common point and indicate, according to their direction, the propositions we are considering and the relations in which they stand. It is obvious that the example chosen is the proposition. Since, then, the direc- tion of the lines tells us what propositions we are 278 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC dealing with, and in what relations of opposition they stand, we may indicate at the ends of the lines whether, in those relations, the proposition is true (T) , false (F) , or doubtful (D) . Further, we may indicate the original proposition by writing its given truth or falsity in a circle. Following these direc- tions, we have the accompanying result : A summary of the doctrine of opposition is given in the table on page 279. Nature and Methods of Eduction. In the course of our study, we have seen that all our judgments are related to other judgments referring to the same subject-matter, and, consequently, that every judg- ment implies more than it asserts. Put more directly, every judgment commits us not only to what we assert, but also to the acceptance of all the other judgments which are implied in what we assert. Now when these implied judgments involve a change in the point of view from which the sub- IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 279 ject-matter of the original judgment is viewed, they are called eductions. We may classify the methods of eduction as ob- version, conversion, contraposition, and inversion. But only two of these methods, obversion and con- version, are fundamental. In the following sections, we shall study the fundamental methods first, and follow this with a consideration of the derived methods, contraposition and inversion. Given SaP SeP SiP SoP F T F ""I F D D T ScP ? F F T f F D T D D F D { F F T T RnP ) F D D I F T F T TABLE OF OPPOSITIONS Obversion. Other terms by which this method is sometimes known are Permutation, Aequipollence, Immediate inference by Private Conception. Obver- sion is the logical form of the double negative with which we have all become acquainted in the study 280 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of grammar. Like the double negative, it has the force of changing an affirmative statement into a negative one, and a negative statement into an affirmative one. Obversion_effects no change in the meaning of what is assertednbuT~onTy in its em- phasis. For example, 'Barkis jgL.willin* ' by obver- sion becomes 'Barkis is-not unwillin';' 'To do this is-not unnecessary' becomes by obversion To do this is necessary.' In obversion only the quality of the original proposition, called the obvertend, undergoes change ; the quantity and the meaning remain the same. But if the quality changes, the predicate term of the obvertend must also undergo modification if the meaning is to remain unaffected. What exactly is this modification? It cannot be enough to say that the characteristic of the obverse of a proposition is that it has for its predicate term the negative of the predicate of the proposition from which it is de- rived, although, of course, this is, from the formal point of view, true. Nor can we say that the con- notation of the obvertend is affected, for that is the question we are raising. If we are to understand the particular significance of obversion, we shall have to interpret it as a method that affects the meaning of a proposition by a change in what the proposition denotes. That is to say, the particular range of the objects signified by the obvertend is different from that of its obverse. For example, in the illustrations used above, it is obvious that Barkis' attitude must be one of willingness or un- IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 281 willingness; and of any action we may say that it is necessary or unnecessary. Now, since obversion is, in part, a matter of negation, we carry over into that process all the characteristics that make nega- tion significant. We have seen that negation is very largely a matter of the emphasis that we give to our knowledge, and of the definiteness or indefinite- ness of our acquaintance with what we assert. Thus, if we are not sure of the degree of Barkis' willingness, we may express the actual state of our information or opinion by saying that he is not- unwilling. If we wish to suggest, but not to state explicitly, the degree of necessity of the things we do, we may say that they are not-unnecessary. A guarded statement of the latter kind, it will be ob- served, becomes more emphatic by obversion, for we are thereby led to assert without qualification the necessity of our actions. There are two steps in the process of obversion ; the first consists in changing the quality of the original proposition without changing its quantity; the second consists in negating the predicate term of the original proposition. To consider the first step we should observe, with respect to quantity, that if the original proposition is universal the de- rived proposition is universal, and if the original proposition is particular the derived proposition is particular; and, with respect to quality, that if the original proposition is affirmative the derived prop- osition is negative, and that if the original proposi- tion is negative the derived proposition is affirm- 282 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ative. Combining these two considerations, we find that, in obversion, an A proposition always changes to an E, an E to an A, an I to an O, and an to an I. With regard to negating the predicate term of the original proposition, the second step in obver- sion, we may observe that if we use a short horizon- tal stroke over the symbol of an affirmative predicate term to indicate that that term has been negated, it will be obvious that obverted propositions are characterised generally by having for their predicate terms the so-called infinite or non-P term. It fol- lows that if the predicate term is already a negative or infinite term, the effect of negating it will be to remove the sign of negation. The method of indi- cating negation by the short horizontal stroke over the symbol of an affirmative term is used throughout this book, and this fact should be noted; a horizon- tal stroke over any term, whether predicate or sub- ject term, will have the meaning of negation. Thus, U will mean non-S, M will mean non-M, just as P* means non-P. With these explanations the method of obversion should be sufficiently clear. In the fol- lowing table we illustrate the method of obversion in each of the four categorical propositions : Obvertend SaP SeP SiP SoP First Step Second Step Obverse SeP SaP SoP SiP SeP SaP SoP SiP TABLE OF OBVERSIONS IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 283 Conversion. This is a process by which we affirm or deny of the predicate term of an original prop- osition, called in this relation the con vertend, what was asserted by the subject term of the same prop- osition. If, for example, we know that 'JMlocarpin when taken internally is followed by a slowing of the heart beat,' we are able, by conversion, to place pilocarpin among the agents which have the effect of slowing the heart beat in any investigation we may make about the conditions under which the heart beat is slowed. In other words, the terms by which in one proposition we qualify a subject, may themselves become of direct interest to us, and in looking about for predicates which shall qualify them, we find in the original' proposition something that is serviceable for this purpose. To state gen- erally the fact that conversion denotes, we may say that if we make any statement in the S-P form, conversion is the answer to the question whether we are able, because we have made this statement, to make another which will have the form P-S. Hav- ing said something about S, can we, therefore, say something about P? That this is a very reasonable inquiry will ap- pear if we recall what was said about the possibility of predicating of any term S another P. We saw that this possibility rests upon the fact that S is not merely S, and that P is not merely P. In any judg- ment we are dealing with a complex phenomenon, and our statements reflect this fact. We, therefore, said that the S that in any proposition is P is an 284 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC SP, and, as we also saw, the P that is predicated of S has its roots running down into, and derives its character from, the same ground that makes of S a significant term. In other words, the P of any proposition is also an SP. It is this fact that under- lies the process and problem of conversion. If S is P at all, then the conditions of its being P are those that will enable us to reverse the relation, and to declare that P is S. This is the general statement of the fact of conversion, but what the limitations are under which conversion may legitimately take place must be ascertained from the study of con- crete cases. In other words, conversion is not a wholly formal process, it is not a mere manipulation of symbols; but a study of the formal relations of the terms of the proposition brings to light some of the limits of this type of thinking. Formally considered, conversion is the method by which the predicate term of one proposition, called the convertend, becomes the subject term of another, called the converse, and the subject term of the former proposition becomes the predicate term of the latter. It will be seen, then, that the terms of the converse must be the same as the terms of the convertend. Stated simply, the terms of the converse are derived from the convertend by the transposition of its terms : S-P becomes P-S. Again, we should observe that in conversion there is no change in the quality of the proposition : an affirm- ative proposition remains affirmative, and a neg- ative proposition remains negative. And, further, IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 285 the quantity of propositions sometimes is, and some- times is not affected by their conversion. This will be shown in our examination of the four categor- ical propositions, and the reason for it will then be- come clear. But before we examine each kind of proposition to ascertain whether and in what form it is capable of conversion, we wish to call attention to the rule which governs all cases of conversion, namely: If a term is distributed in the converse it must have been distributed in the convertend. Practical direction for applying this rule may be laid down thus : Quantify the predicate, and trans- pose terms. The simplest cases of conversion are met with in the universal negative and the particular affirm- ative propositions: SeP and SiP. The universal negative proposition has two distributed terms, and the particular affirmative proposition has two un- distributed terms. It follows from these facts that if we transpose the terms of each proposition, with- out changing the quality, no term in the converse is distributed that was not distributed in the con- vertend. If, for example, the whole of P, in the universal negative proposition, lies outside the whole of S, then the whole of S falls outside the whole of P. In the case of the particular affirmative prop- osition, some of S is identical with some of P, and, therefore, it follows that the same part of P is identical with the same part of S. Under these conditions, it is possible not only to say that 'S is P,' but also that T is S.' When, as in these two 286 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC cases, we convert a proposition without changing its quantity, we are said to convert simply, or, as the Latin word has it, simpliciter. Conversion by limitation, or per accidens, that is, conversion that involves a change in the quantity of a proposition, is necessary in the case of the uni- versal affirmative proposition, SaP. The reason for this is that, being an affirmative statement, the predicate term is undistributed, and when this be- comes the subject term of a new proposition, it does not present a determinate number of objects for the predicate to qualify. For example, 'All the books are on that shelf cannot imply that 'All the things on that shelf are books ;' there may be other things on the shelf than books. All, therefore, that we are warranted in saying is that 'Some of the things on that shelf are books,' a statement that differs in quantity from the original proposition. The stu- dent may find examples of universal affirmative propositions which, on account of the nature of their subject-matter, admit of simple conversion; but the form of the proposition does not show this. 'A straight line is the shortest distance between two points/ that is to say, definitions, may serve to show what is meant. So long, however, as we confine attention to the form of the proposition, SaP con- verts by limitation to PiS. A particular negative proposition cannot be con- verted at all. In such a proposition the subject term is undistributed, and the predicate term is dis- tributed. If, therefore, we transpose the terms, we IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 287 have a proposition with a distributed subject and an undistributed predicate, that is a proposition of the form 'All S some P.' Now the only proposi- tion that we have of this form is the universal affirmative, and we should be required to take this as such a proposition. But this we cannot do, be- cause the converse of a proposition must be of the same quality as the convertend, and, moreover, no negative proposition has an undistributed predicate term. But if, in order to overcome this difficulty, we were to distribute this term, we infringe the rule of conversion which states that if a term is distributed in the converse it must have been dis- tributed in the convertend. In no way, therefore, can we convert a particular negative proposition. It may sometimes be true that SoP and PoS are both true, but we must go outside the formal rela- tions of S and P in the propositions to see this. For example, 'Some anarchists are-not Italians/ and 'Some Italians are-not anarchists' are both true. But we do not always get a like satisfactory result merely by transposing the terms of particular nega- tive statements. For example, 'Some men are-not professors' is true, but 'Some professors are-not men' is false, so long, that is, as we only mean by men membership in the human race. These cases depend upon a knowledge of more than the original proposition states, and there is no possibility of ascertaining the precise nature of that knowledge from a study of the formal relations of S and P in a particular negative proposition. 288 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC We add below a table of all possible conversions : Convertend SaP SeP SiP SoP Converse PiS PeS PiS TABLE OF CONVERSIONS Contraposition. Sometimes called Conversion by Negation, and Contrapositive Conversion. The con- trapositive of a given proposition may be described, according to the method by which we arrive at it, as the converted obverse. The rule, consequently, that we should follow to reach the contrapositive of any proposition is: First obvert the original proposition, and then convert the proposition thus obtained. If we follow this rule, the contrapositive will be seen to be a proposition that has for its subject term the negative of the predicate of the original proposition, called in this case the obver- tend. S-P becomes P-S- Now, since obversion is involved in the process of reaching a contrapositive, and conversion does not change it back again, the contrapositive differs in quality from the original proposition. And since the quantity of a proposi- tion, as we have seen, is sometimes affected by con- version, namely, when the proposition is a univer- sal affirmative proposition, the quantity of the con- trapositive will, in that case, be changed, but in all other cases it will be unaffected. The contrapositive of any proposition may be obverted, and the proposition thus obtained will have the characteristics that we have enumerated IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 289 in the section on obversion. Such a proposition is called the obverted contrapositive. In this case P^-S, the contrapositive of S-P, becomes by obver- sion P-& The results of the above statements, expressed symbolically, are given in the following table of contrapositives : Original Proposition SaP SeP SiP SoP Obverse SeP SaP SoP SiP Contrapositive PeS PiS PiS Obverted Contra positive PaS PoS PoS TABLE OF CONTRAPOSITION Not many examples of contraposition are neces- sary if the student has mastered the fundamental processes of obversion and conversion. We confine ourselves to one: Original Proposition SaP All acids are substances that turn blue litmus paper red Obverse SeP No acids are substances that do not turn blue litmus paper red Contrapositive PeS No substances that do not turn blue litmus paper red are acids Obverted Contrapositive PaS All substances that do not turn blue litmus paper red are non-acid 19 EXAMPLE OF CONTRAPOSITION 290 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Inversion. The inverse of a proposition has for its subject the contradictory of the subject of the original proposition (invertend). S-P becomes "S-P. Like contraposition, inversion is arrived at indi- rectly through the use of the two fundamental forms of eduction. And since we can obtain by obversion the contradictory of a term only when that term forms the predicate of a proposition, S must be made the predicate of a proposition before its contradictory can be ascertained, that is, con- version must have taken place at some stage in the process of inversion. In other words, S must have been made the predicate of a proposition, and then that proposition must have been obverted if we are to get a non-S term. Inversion can apply only to the two universal propositions, SaP and SeP, and in each case we get a particular proposition of the gen- eral form ST-P. We must follow a separate rule in each of these cases. To invert a universal affirmative proposition, the rule reads: Obvert and convert alternately until a proposition of the required form is found. The rule for the universal negative prop- osition reads : Convert and obvert alternately until a proposition of the required form is found. We show the necessary steps in each of these cases in the following table : IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 291 Original Proposition SaP Obverse SeP Converse PeS Obverse PaS Converse SiP Inverse SoP Original Proposition SeP Converse PeS Obverse PaS Inverse SiP TABLES OF INVERSION , We may obvert these inverses, and thus obtain the obverted inverses. Thus, SoP will give SiP, and 5iP will give ~SoP. It will be "observed that from the universal affirmative proposition we get, by in- version, a particular negative proposition, and from the universal negative proposition a particular affirmative proposition, and that by obversion these inverses are given the same quality as their re- spective original propositions. Summary of Eduction. In this section we give first an outline schema of the characteristics of the propositions arrived at by eduction, that is, we show the character and relations of the terms of all the eductive propositions. Thus: 292 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Original Proposition S-P Obverse S-P Converse P-S Contrapositive P-S Obverted Contra positive P-S Inverse S-P Obverted Inverse S-P SCHEMA OF EDUCTIVE PROPOSITIONS In the following table we show, secondly, all the eductions of each of the four categorical proposi- tions in a form which indicates throughout the quantity and quality of the propositions : Original Proposition SaP SeP SiP SoP Obverse SeP SaP SoP SiP Converse PiS PeS PiS Obverted Converse PoS PaS PoS Contrapositive PeS PiS PiS Obverted Contra positive PaS PoS PoS Inverse SoP SiP Obverted Inverse SiP SoP TABLE OF EDUCTIONS IMPLICATIONS OF CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 293 REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Chs. IX., XI. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. VII. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Part I., Chs. XII., XIII., XIV. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lessons IX., X. J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 2d Edition, Part II., Chs. II., III., IV., V. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. III., Parts ii., iii. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Part III., Ghs. II., III. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Chs. VI., VII. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Ch. VIII. ADVANCED B. Bosanquet, Logic, Ch. VII. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. XIX, XX. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Chs. IX., X. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. I., Ch. II., 75 to 82. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. XII., XIII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Book III., Chs. II., III., 102, 103. QUESTIONS. 1. Classify categorical propositions from the standpoint (1) of their quantity and (2) quality. 2. What are the quantitative and qualitative characteris- tics of logical statements. 3. What symbols are used to distinguish the four categor- ical propositions, how are they derived, and what exactly do they represent? 4 Explain what is meant by a structural formula.. What is the general structural formula of a categorical prop- osition? 294 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 6. Write the structural formulae of all the categorical prop- ositions, and explain how they are derived. 6. What do you understand by the distribution of terms? 7. What determines the distribution of the subject terms of propositions? 8. From what standpoint is the distribution of the pred- icate terms of propositions determined? 9. What is the distribution of each of the terms in each of the four categorical propositions? 10. Explain why the predicate terms of affirmative propo- sitions are undistributed. XI. Explain why the predicate terms in SeP and SoP are distributed. 12. Classify in any suitable way the distribution of all the terms of all the categorical propositions. 13. What is meant by the implication of propositions? 14. What other terms have been used to describe the fact of implication, and why are these not suitable? 15. What are the main classes of implication? 16. What do you understand by the Opposition of Proposi- tions? 17. Name all the relations of opposition of categorical propositions. 18. Between what propositions can the relation of con- trariety exist? 19. How do contrary propositions differ from, and in what respects do they argee with, each other? 20. If one of the propositions existing in a contrary rela- tion is true, what can you say of the other? 21. Explain why a proposition is doubtful if its contrary is false. 22. Between what propositions can the subaltern relation exist? 23. How do subaltern propositions differ from, and in what respects do they argee with, each other? 24. Why does the truth of the subalternans involve the truth of the subaltern? IMPLICATIONS OP CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 295 25. Explain why a proposition is doubtful if its subaltern is true. 26. Why is a proposition false if its subaltern is false? 27. Between what propositions can the contradictory rela- tion exist? 28. How do contradictory propositions differ from, and in what respects do they argee with, each other? 29. Explain why the truth or falsity of a proposition in- volves the falsity or truth of its contradictory. 30. Between what propositions can the subcontrary relation exist? 31. How do subcontrary propositions differ from, and in what respects do they argee with, each other? 32. Why is a proposition doubtful if its subcontrary is true? 33. Explain why a proposition is true if its subcontrary is false. 34. What is the Square of Opposition? 35. What are Eductions? 36. Classify the Eductions. 37. Explain and illustrate the method of obversion. 38. Upon what characteristics of propositions does the method of conversion rest? 39. Explain and illustrate the method of conversion. 40. What is the rule of conversion? 41. Name and illustrate the classes of conversion. 42. Why cannot SoP be converted? 43. Are there any particular negative propositions that can be converted? Illustrate. 44. If your answer to the previous question is in the affirm- ative, explain why logic says that SoP cannot be con- verted. 45. What is contraposition? 46. What steps must be taken to securj the contrapositive of a proposition? 47. Why is the contrapositive of a proposition sometimes called the converted obverse? 48. What is inversion? 296 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 49. What is the method of finding the inverse of SaP? 50. How do you proceed to find the inverse of a universal negative proposition? EXERCISES NOTE State propositions in logical form when answer- ing a question, and write the formula for each proposition involved in your answers. 1. Write all the relations of Opposition of: (1) We are not all college professors. (2) Few books in logic are easy reading. (3) The old paths are best. (4) Improbable events happen almost every day. (5) The longest road comes to an end. (6) Unasked advice is seldom acceptable. (7) Only ignorant persons hold such opinions. (8) Infallibility is a myth. 2. Give the converse of: (1) Mercy but murders, pardoning ( = if it pardons) those that kill. (2) We cannot all command success. 3. Give the obverse of: (1) Not every advice is a safe one. (2) Rivers generally run into the sea. 4. Give the contrapositive of: (1) No one is altogether reliable. (2) Every mistake is not a proof of ignorance. 5. Give the inverse of: (1) He that bridleth his tongue is greater than he that taketh a city. (2) Natives alone can stand the climates of Africa. CHAPTER X CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS. The Problem of the Chapter. In the previous cnapters we have studied mainly the three following problems: (1) the nature of simple assertion or the judgment, (2) the logical expression of these judgments or the proposition, and (3) the problem of logical implication. In the next two chapters, we shall still be occupied with judgments and their propositions; and, although the new problems that are to come before us are more complex than those we have studied, they will appear simpler, because everyone may be presumed to have already some acquaintance with them. The fact of common ex- perience that underlies the topics of these chapters is, that we connect statements of various kinds with one another in numerous ways, and that we do this with a view to making other assertions that, it seems to us, could not be made as surely in any other way. Often the actual statements we make are not debatable, they are readily accepted by the person to whom we are speaking, and may, therefore, be re- garded merely as reminding him of certain points of common agreement; and if, beyond this simple function, they have any use, this must be found m what they suggest, and not in what they actually state. In other words, we are accustomed to use certain significant statements for the purpose of (297) 298 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC making them the bases of certain other significant statements which we wish the person to whom we are speaking also to accept. Now it is quite obvious that about such a general fact as this we may ask whether there are any rules of procedure that may be followed, if the suggested truth is to be accepted. We may ask, that is, whether there are any service- able ways of connecting statements when these are used as the basis of others the truthfulness of which we wish particularly to recommend. This is the question we are to consider in this and the following chapters, a question that is technically known as the problem of the syllogism. To state the problem somewhat technically, we are now to enter upon a study of the combination of propositions, and of the laws of their inter-connection. Two Preliminary Questions. Before taking up the specific topics to which the present chapter is devoted, there are two questions to which some at- tention must in the first place be given, a ques- tion about the syllogism, and a question about the particular kind of syllogism that we are immediately concerned with. About the syllogism we may ask whether it is a problem that is set by the judgment, by the nature and limitations of human thought, and one, therefore, that reveals the structure of the thinking or knowing mind ; or, if this is not the case, whether it is a problem that grows out of our effort to communicate what we know. In the latter case, the syllogism is not a problem that is set directly by the judgment, but one that arises out of the CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 299 nature of the proposition. Now it is not possible, nor perhaps is it necessary or desirable, to enter into a full discussion of the question thus suggested ; but, because of its bearing upon our understanding of the nature and function of the syllogism, we may point out more specifically that the question really asks whether the syllogism is a method by which the human mind thinks when it is seeking to gain knowl- edge; or whether it is a method by which we lay bare, for ourselves and others, the grounds on which our knowledge is supposed to rest. That is, we are asking whether the syllogism is, as in the one case, an instrument for acquiring knowledge; or, as in the other, an instrument for the exposition of knowledge. In making this statement disjunctive, we are not to be understood to mean that the syllo- gism may not serve both functions, nor to deny that the two functions may be inter-dependent. In- deed, what we have seen to be true of the relation of the proposition to the judgment, namely, that the former, being the expression in words of the latter, is controlled by motives that grow out of our desire to communicate what we know, may be expected to be true also of the syllogism a series of inter- connected propositions in its relation to the more complex process of reasoning. The view that the syllogism is a method by which we expound and communicate the knowledge that is acquired by reasoning seems to have a high degree of probability, and it may be allowed, in the main, to determine our discussions in the following sections. From this 300 A TEXT-BOOK OP LOGIC point of view, the syllogism will come before us as a series of problems connected with the nature and connection of propositions, and we must consider the present chapter as a continuation of those imme- diately preceding it in which we were developing the character of prepositional statements. Turning now to the second inquiry, we may raise the question whether we are to study in this chapter the connection between any kinds of state- ment, and any kinds of connection between state- ments. The answer to both parts of the question must be, No. There are forms of statement that, so long as these forms are retained, do not belong to logic at all. We pointed this out above when we were studying imperatives, inter rogatives, optatives, and exclamations. There are also, as we have seen, forms of logical statement that are not categorical, and which, as we shall see later, present problems quite distinct from those that are. Such, for ex- ample, are the hypothetical and disjunctive prop- ositions. We exclude from the scope of this chap- ter both classes of statement, and consider only the relationships that hold between categorical propositions. There are also kinds of connection between categorical statements that are not logical in the restricted sense in which we are using the word here. Such, for instance, are the connections between ideas that the psychologist discusses under the head of association. Such, also, are the con- nections between ideas based upon the mathematical principle of proportion: A is greater than B, B is CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 301 greater than C, therefore, A is greater than C. Whatever the logical character of these cases may be, they do not, on any strict interpretation, belong to the present chapter which is confined to a study of the connection of categorical propositions which is illustrated in the Aristotelian syllogism. Nature of the Syllogism. We may describe a syllogism as a series of three propositions which are related to each other in such a way that the truth expressed in one of them, called the conclusion, de- pends upon the truth expressed in the other two, called the premises, taken together. Let us -illus- trate this statement in the following simple case: All insects are arthropods. All bees are insects. All bees are arthropods. In this syllogism, there are three inter-related prop- ositions, each one of which has been written sepa- rately. It is obvious to first inspection that the truth of the last written statement, 'All bees are arthropods/ avowedly rests upon the truth of the other two taken together. That is to say, the truth of every conclusion is a truth that rests upon a con- nection of facts that it requires two propositions, at least, completely to express. Our understanding of this type of argument will be facilitated if we learn to think about the syllo- gism from the standpoint of the conclusion it states, and not from the standpoint of the premises it ex- presses. The reason for doing so is found in the 302 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC nature of the thought processes themselves. In these processes, as we saw when studying the judg- ment, emphasis is laid primarily upon the answer to the cognitive question, What is it? and only sub- ordinate importance is attached to the method by which the answer is reached. Whether the process of thought is relatively simple or complex, sub- stantive emphasis is laid upon the solutions that are found to the problematic situations that stim- ulate the judging activity, and it is the function of the conclusions of syllogisms to express such solutions. From this point of view, the premises must be looked upon as expressing the grounds of the fact or truth stated in the conclusion of the syllogism. Indeed, it is only as stating the grounds of what is expressed in the conclusion that the prem- ises are premises at all. In like manner, a con- clusion can be a conclusion only if it is regarded as the statement of a grounded assertion. The grounds of assertion may be relatively simple as in our judg- ments of perception; they may be relatively com- plex, as in the syllogism; but every judgment is a grounded assertion, and when such assertions are referred to their grounds, when, that is, the reason for holding the assertions is in any way appealed to, such assertions are properly called conclusions. Premises and conclusions are thus correlative terms, and can be understood only from the standpoint of their mutual implication. Further light is thrown upon the nature of the syllogism if we recall that the mental process under- CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 303 lying the syllogism is a process of reasoning. The mental process underlying the proposition, as we have seen, is called a judgment. When, for example, we discern the aspects in which objects differ from, and are like, each other, directly, that is, by having the objects before us and comparing the one with the other, this mental process, involving discrim- ination, abstraction, and synthesis, is called judg- ing, and the mental attitude in which the results of such a process is asserted is called a judgment. Now the mental process underlying the syllogism is not essentially different from that underlying the judg- ment. Like the judgment, reasoning rests upon com- parison, but unlike it, there is no means of direct comparison of one object with another. In this case, we compare each of the objects we are trying to relate with a third object in order to detect whether they have anything in common with it. That is, we compare objects, through the observed likeness or difference that each has to a third. This is called indirect comparison, and the process of reasoning in which this is carried out is called me- diate reasoning. In contrast to the so-called imme- diate reasoning or judgment, mediate reasoning is a process underlying the Aristotelian syllogism, and we may call the stated results of such a process an argument. It is such an argument that gets ex- pressed in the syllogism. Structural View of the Syllogism. We may, now, point out certain characteristics of the syllogism that are conditioned by the fact that it is composed 304 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of a series of interrelated propositions. Proposi^ tions, for instance, may be said to bear the same relation to the syllogism that terms do to the prop- osition, that is, they may be regarded as its con- stituent elements. But as terms do not form prop- ositions by being brought together by the copula, so, we may say, the syllogism is not built up by the union of propositions. The propositions of a syllogism express distinguishable features of a complex process of thinking, and it is the purpose of the syllogism to make clear the inter-connection between the several aspects of our thoughts-about- things. In other words, the movement of thought in syllogistic reasoning turns upon a common ele- ment represented in the syllogism by the middle- term, and it is only through this common element that there exist grounds for the truth of any medi- ated judgment. From this point of view, the middle term is as characteristic a feature of the syllogism as the copula is of the proposition. Certain other features of the syllogism come into prominence when we consider it from the stand- point of its structure. For instance, every syllo- gism has three and only three propositions, the conclusion, and two premises. The conclusion is a statement of the relation between two terms which are named, from the place they occupy in the syllo- gism, the major and minor terms. The subject 1 (S) of the conclusion is the minor term of the syl- llogism, and the predicate (P) of the conclusion is jthe major term of the syllogism. Since now the CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 305 premises of a syllogism are propositions, they also state a relationship between terms, but not a rela- tionship between any terms. Their function is to state the relationship that the major and minor terms have respectively to a common or middle term (M). The proposition that states the rela- tionship between the major and middle terms is known as the major premise. The proposition thall states the relationship between the minor and the! middle terms is known as the minor premise. Ill should be observed that the nature and validity of categorical arguments do not depend upon the order in which the propositions are named, but upon the connection between the propositions of which they are comprised. It is usual, however, to write the major premise first, the minor premise second, and the conclusion last. With these facts in mind, it is possible to give a definition of the syllogism that emphasises the con- nection of the elements that are always present in these kinds of arguments. From this point of view, the syllogism is a method by which we relate two terms (S and P) through the relation that each has to a common or middle term (M). Rules of the Syllogism. In the previous section, we pointed out that the syllogism has a definite structure which is determined by the fact that its three constituent propositions are related to each other through a middle term. The rules of the syl- logism may be classified with respect to these facts, 20 306 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC -with respect to the terms, and with respect to the propositions of the syllogism. With respect to its terms, the rules are definitely rules of distribu- tion. With respect to its propositions, the rules refer to the quantity and quality of the propositions. RULES OF DISTRIBUTION I. The middle term must be distributed in one, at least, of the premises. II. If a term is distributed in the conclusion, it must have been distributed in one of the premises. The reason for the first rule is, that the validity of the syllogism depends upon the reference of the major and minor terms unambiguously to the same common term, and this is done with certainty only if the middle term is distributed, at least, once. If the middle term is undistributed in each premise, the major term might be related to one part in the major premise, and the minor term to another part in the minor premise. Whenever this is the case, we have four and not three terms in the two prop- ositions, and thus the syllogistic character of the argument is destroyed. For example, from the statements that 'All rash men are confident,' and 'All brave men are confident/ we cannot conclude that 'All brave men are rash/ for the reason that the confidence that each has is or might be a differ- ent kind of confidence; there is, in other words, no middle term or common factor to serve as a basis of comparison. If, however, the middle term is dis- tributed in one, at least, of the premises, the part CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 307 of the term denoted by the undistributed middle in the other premise is included in this distribution, and there is thus a common basis of comparison for the major and minor terms. Thus, we can affirm that 'No Americans are Englishmen' on the ground that 'All Englishmen are Europeans/ and 'No Amer- icans are/ The fallacy involved in breaking the rule for the distribution of the middle term is called the fallacy of Undistributed Middle. The reason for the second rule is, that we must not make a statement, in the conclusion, about a determinate number of the objects denoted by a term when, in the premises, our statement has been about an indeterminate number of these objects. In other words, we must not go beyond our accepted facts. Stated conversely, to support a conclusion which denotes, in either of its terms, a determinate number of the objects to which the term applies requires that all these objects shall have been denoted in one of the premises. When this rule is not ob- served by the major term, the fallacy that results is an Illicit Process of the Major, and when it is not observed by the minor term an Illicit Process of the Minor Term. RULES OF QUALITY I. If the conclusion is affirmative, both prem- ises are affirmative ; and conversely. II. If the conclusion is negative, one premise, and only one, is negative; and conversely. In discussing these rules, which refer to the relation of identity, or of non-identity, of two classes, on the ground of their identity or non- 308 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC identity with a third, it is important to observe that we can argue a relation of identity only on the basis of an identity of relation, and a relation of non- identity only on the basis of a non-identity of rela- tion. In other words, the relation of S and P to M must be either so far identical as to warrant the statement of the complete or partial identity of S and P; or so far non-identical as to warrant the statement of the complete or partial non-identity of S and P. If the conclusion is a statement of identity, the grounds for such a statement cannot be found in a relation of non-identity; nor can we find grounds for a statement of non-identity in a relation of identity. Hence, if the conclusion is affirmative both the premises must be of the same quality ; and if the conclusion is negative, one of the premises must be of that quality. Why can we not ground any statement upon two negative propositions? Because, in that case, there is no identity of relation between S and M and P and M, on which to base such a statement. From the ex- clusion of both S and P from M, we cannot argue to the identity of S and P, nor can we argue to the non-identity of S and P. Two negative premises cannot, therefore, support any conclusion, nor can any conclusion be inferred from them. RULES OF QUANTITY I. A particular conclusion cannot be supported by two particular premises. II. If a conclusion is particular, one, and only one, of the premises supporting it can be particular. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 309 With regard to the first rule, let us suppose that the particular affirmative, and the particular neg- ative, conclusions, SiP and SoP, can be supported by two particular propositions. In the former case, the premises must be both particular affirmative, and then the middle term is undistributed whichever place it occupied in the premises. This would give the fallacy of the undistributed middle. In the sec- ond case, one premise must be particular affirmative, and the other particular negative, and then there can be only one distributed term, namely, the pred- icate of the negative premise. If this is the middle term, the major term will be of wider extent in the conclusion, which is a negative proposition, than in the major premise, the fallacy of illicit process of the major. If, on the other hand, the middle term is not the predicate term of the negative premise, the argument fails on account of the fallacy of undis- tributed middle. With regard to the second rule, the particular conclusion must be either affirmative or negative. If it is affirmative, the premises will both be par- ticular affirmative, II., that is, propositions whose terms are all undistributed. A syllogism whose premises were both particular affirmative would be fallacious on account of undistributed middle. If, on the other hand, the conclusion were particular negative, one of the premises would have to be par- ticular negative, 01, 10, that is, propositions only one of whose terms is distributed. If this were the middle term, then, all the other terms being undis- tributed, the conclusion being negative would involve 310 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the syllogism in an illicit process of the major; and if that term were not the middle term, the syllogism would involve an undistributed middle. Only one premise, therefore, of a particular conclusion can be particular. Figures of the Syllogism, The propositions that together constitute the premises or grounds of a syllogism are characterised, as we have seen, by the fact that they have a common or middle term. Now since each premise has two terms, a subject term and a predicate term, and one of these is the middle- term of the syllogism, it is obvious that the middle term may be either the subject term or the pred- icate term of the major premise, and either the subject term or the predicate term of the minor premise. That is to say, the middle term of a syl- logism may occupy four different positions in the propositions which, when taken together, are the premises of the argument which the syllogism is the means of stating. Now the fact that the middle term of a syllogism may occupy different positions in the premises of different arguments is referred to by the term Figure. The Figure of a syllogism, in brief, is determined by the position of the middle term in its major and minor premises. The number of Figures depends upon the num- ber of different positions that the middle term may occupy alternately in the premises of a syllogism. Theoretically, there are four. Thus : 1. The middle term may be the subject term of the major, and the predicate term of the minor premise. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 311 2. The middle term may be the predicate term of each premise. 3. The middle term may be the subject term of each premise. 4. The middle term may be the predicate term of the major, and the subject term of the minor premise. In the order named, the syllogisms whose form corresponds to the alternative possibilities just named are said to be in the First Figure, the Second Figure, the Third Figure, and the Fourth Figure re- spectively. Written in outline, syllogisms in these Figures will present the following appearance: First Figure S P Second Figure P-# S $, S P Third Figure M P M S S P Fourth Figure P M M S- S P As an aid to the retention of the positions of the middle terms in each of the Four Figures, we may add the following suggestion. If we connect by a line the middle terms of the premises in the Four Figures as just shown in outline, we shall get this result: II M M III M M 312 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC The upper point of these lines is the position occu- pied by the middle term of the major premise, and the lower point of the lines is the position occupied by the middle term of the minor premise in the Four Figures respectively. If now to these lines we add dotted lines to represent the major and minor premises, our diagram will assume this as- pect: M III M M/ A diagram like this, of course, may mean something or nothing according as the student can bring to it an interpreting idea. A student informed me that, for a number of a class in logic, the two end figures were thought of as snakes fighting or hissing at each other. The two middle figures were thought of as people sitting back to back because they were cross with each other. As this information came to me two years after the course was taken, it may be presumed to have, for one at least, some mne- monic value. Special Rules of the Four Figures, Each of the Four Figures has its own special rules, which are applications of the general rules of the syllogism to the specific form that categorical arguments as- sume in these Figures. We shall state and prove the rules for each Figure in order. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 313 FIRST FIGURE RULE 1. The minor premise must be affirmative. Let us suppose the minor is negative. Then, M P the major must be affirmative, and the S M conclusion negative. Therefore, the major term will be undistributed in the major S P premise, and distributed in the conclusion ; illicit process of the major. Hence, the minor premise cannot be negative, and must be affirmative. RULE 2. The major premise must be universal. If the minor premise is affirmative, the middle term is undistributed, and must, therefore, be distributed in the major premise. And since the middle term is subject of this premise, the proposition must be universal. SECOND FIGURE RULE 1. One premise must be negative. Since the middle term is the predicate of P M each premise, one of the premises must be S M a negative proposition to avoid the fallacy of undistributed middle. S P RULE 2. The major premise must be universal. The major term being the predicate of a negative proposition in the conclusion, is distributed. It must, therefore, be dis- tributed in the major premise. But since 314 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC there it is the subject of the proposition, the major premise must be universal. THIRD FIGURE RULE 1. The minor premise must be affirmative. Let us suppose that the minor is negative. Then, the major premise must be affirm- ative, and the conclusion negative. There- fore, the major term will be undistributed S P in the major premise, being the predicate of an affirmative proposition, and distrib- uted in the conclusion, being the predicate of a neg- ative proposition. This involves illicit major. Hence, the minor premise must be affirmative. RULE 2. The conclusion must be particular. Since the minor premise is affirmative, the minor term, being predicate, is undistrib- uted, and must, therefore, be undistributed in the conclusion also. But the minor term is the subject of the, conclusion which, therefore, must be particular. FOURTH FIGURE RULE 1. If either premise is negative, the major is universal. P M If either premise is negative, the conclu- M S sion is negative, and the major term of the conclusion must be distributed. It must, S P therefore, be distributed in the major premise. But since there it is the subject, the premise must be universal. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 315 RULE 2. If the major premise is affirmative, the minor must be universal. If the major premise is affirmative, its middle term is undistributed. It must, therefore, be distributed in the minor premise. And since there the middle term is the subject, the premise must be uni- versal. RULE 3. If the minor premise is affirmative, the conclusion is particular. If the minor premise is affirmative, the minor term is undistributed. In the con- clusion, therefore, this term must be un- distributed. The conclusion, therefore, is particular. RULE 4. If the minor premise is negative, both premises are universal. If the minor premise is negative, the minor term is distributed. It must, therefore, be distributed in the conclusion which will then be universal. But a universal con- clusion requires two universal premises. The Moods of the Syllogism. If now we con- sider the structure of the syllogism from the point of view of the quantity and quality of the proposi- tions which enter into it, we meet with the facts which are denoted by the term the Moods of the syllogism. By the Moods of the syllogism is meant the character of a syllogism as determined by the quantity and quality of its constituent propositions. There are, as we have seen, four categorical prop- 316 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ositions, SaP, SeP, SiP, SoP, and any combination of three of these, theoretically, may form the con- stituent propositions of a syllogism. For example, a syllogism may have in its premises and conclusion only universal affirmative propositions. But it may have in its major premise a universal affirmative, in its minor premise a universal negative, and in its conclusion a universal negative proposition. Every syllogism must express itself by the use of the four categorical propositions three at a time, and, there- fore, no syllogism can fail to have a Mood. That is to say, each of the constituent propositions of a syl- logism has both a quantity and a quality, and when we have named the quantity and quality of each proposition, in the order of major premise, minor premise, and conclusion, we have named the Mood of the syllogism. Thus, in the examples just used, the mood of the first is said to be AAA, that of the second, AEE. The Valid Moods of the Syllogism. The Mood of a syllogism, we have said, is determined by the quantity and quality of its constituent propositions. The question that now comes before us is, How many of the possible combinations of three out of the four categorical propositions, taken as major and minor premise and conclusion, will give us valid moods, that is, syllogisms whose conclusions logically de- pend upon the premises on which they are said to rest? In answering this question, it will simplify our task if, leaving the conclusions out of consider- ation, we ascertain the combinations of propositions CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 317 which are possible as premises. Since, as we have seen, there are four categorical propositions, each of these may serve successively as the major prem- ise of a syllogism, and each may serve successively as the minor premise of the same syllogism. Thus, writing the major premise first and the minor sec- ond, we shall get the following sixteen combina- tions : AA EA IA OA AE EE IE OE AI El II 01 AO EO IO OO If, now, we examine this list of possible prem- ises, it is apparent that some must be rejected by the rules of the syllogism that we have stated in another section. Certain combinations are disqual- ified because they violate the rule against negative premises, for example, EE, EO, OE, and 00; cer- tain others must be eliminated because they offend against the rule about particular premises, for ex- ample, II, 10, and 01. There remain, after the dis- qualified members have been eliminated, the follow- ing combinations : AA EA IA OA AE IE AI El AO These we must consider as the only premises that can be appealed to in support of any conclusion which we may be concerned to maintain. 318 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Relation of Moods to Figure. There is, however, a further question that requires an answer, namely, whether we can throw the defence of a conclusion upon any of the above-mentioned premises in any of the Figures without affecting the validity of the argument. Or, to state the same question con- versely, Is each of the above pairs of premises ca- pable of rendering a valid conclusion in each of the Four Figures? We are asking, what effect, if any, the statement of a syllogism in either of the Four Figures has upon the validity of the argument. There are two methods that may be adopted in seeking an answer to this question. And first we shall examine each of the above combinations of premises in the light of the special rules of each Figure, accepting those that conform, and rejecting those that do not conform to the requirements of the particular Figure. In the First Figure, the major premise must be universal, and the minor affirmative. The only com- binations of premises that stand these tests are, AA, AI, EA, and El. If we draw the proper conclusion in each case, we may write the four valid moods for this figure as follows : AAA All EAE EIO It will be observed that in this figure we are able to support by premises a conclusion stated in any one of the four propositions A, E, I, and O. In the Second Figure, the major premise must be universal, and one premise negative. The only I CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 319 combinations of premises that satisfy these require- ments are AE, AO, EA, and EL With their respect- ive conclusions, these premises give the following Moods : AEE AGO EAE EIO The conclusions in the Second Figure, it will be ob- served, are negative propositions, either E or 0. In the Third Figure, the minor premise must be affirmative, and the conclusion particular. The fol- lowing are the combinations of premises in which the minor is affirmative : AA, AI, EA, El, IA, and OA. From each of these we may draw, as required, particular conclusions, and the valid Moods will be as follows: AAI All EAO EIO IAI OAO In the Fourth Figure, if either premise is neg- ative, the major is universal; if the major premise is affirmative, the minor is universal; if the minor premise is affirmative, the concluson is particular, and if the minor is negative, both premises are uni- versal. The only combinations of propositions which satisfy these conditions are: AA, AE, EA, El, IA. To draw conclusions from these premises, we must remember that when, in this figure, the minor premise is affirmative, the conclusion must be particular. The valid moods are : I AAI AEE EAO EIO IAI 320 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC In this figure, we may support conclusions stated in each of the four propositions, excepting the univer- sal affirmative. The second method of determining the valid Moods is to examine each of the combinations of premises in each Figure, and observe whether it satisfies the requirements of a valid argument. Since we have eliminated those combinations of premises which do not meet the rules of quantity and quality as stated above, the validity of the argu- ment will depend upon its satisfying the rules of distribution. We shall give examples below foryall the Figures, and the student is urged to work out the entire list. This will be a review exercise, and it will help him to fix definitely the .essentials con- nected with the Figure and Mood of syllogisms, and the distrbution of terms. To begin, we may write the structural formulae for the Figures in which we are to examine the given combination of premises. Thus: I II III IV M-^-P P M * M P P M S M S M ' M S M S S P S P S P S P In the vacant spaces of each premise may be written the combination of premises we are wishing to ex- amine, and in the vacant space of the conclusion, the conclusion that these premises support. When this has been done, our first question will be : Is the middle term distributed in one, at least, CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 321 of the premises? The second question will be: Is each distributed term of the conclusion, when there is one, distributed also in one of the premises? We give the following examples chiefly as a guide to the student in working out the entire list. AE in all the Figures. I II III IV MaP PaM MaP PaM SeM SeM MeS MeS SeP SeP SeP SeP In the First Figure, this argument is invalid be- cause the major term is distrbuted in the conclusion and is not distributed in the major premise: Illicit process of the major. In the Second Figure the argument is valid. In the Third Figure the argument is invalid be- cause the major term is distributed in the conclusion and is not distributed in the major premise : Illicit process of the major. In the Fourth Figure, the argument is valid. AI in all the Figures. I n III IV MaP PaM MaP PaM SIM SdM I MiS MiS SiP ^Sf SiP Si 3 In the First Figure, the argument is valid. In the Second Figure, the argument is invalid because the middle term is not distributed in either premise : Undistributed middle. 21 322 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC In the Third Figure, the argument is valid. In the Fourth Figure, the argument is invalid because the middle term is not distributed in either premise: Undistributed middle. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Chs. XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Chs. VIII., IX. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Part I., Chs. XV., XVI. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lessons XV., XVI. J. N. Keyes, Formal Logic, 2d Edition, Part III., Chs. I., III., V. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. VI. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Part IV., Chs. I., II., III., IV. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Chs. IX., X. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Chs. IX., XI. ADVANCED F. H. Bradley, The Principles of Logic, Book I., Chs. III., VII., VIII. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. XXL, XXII., XXIIL, XXIV., XXV. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Chs. XII., XIII., XIV. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. I., Book I., Ch. III. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book II., Chs. II., III. P. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. XIV., XV., XVI. C. Sigwart, Logic, Vol. I., Part II., Ch. III., 54, 55, 59. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Ch. XV. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Book IV., Chs. I., II., III. CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 323 QUESTIONS 1. In what respects are the problems of this and the im- mediately following chapters related to those of the pre- ceding chapters? 2. What general view of the syllogism is assumed in the discussions of this chapter? 3. What particular forms of statement are and what are not studied in this chapter? 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of viewing the syllogism from the standpoint (1) of its premises and (2) of its conclusion? 5. What mental process underlies the syllogism, and how does it differ from that which underlies the judgment? 6. What do you understand by the major, minor and mid- dle terms of the syllogism? 7. Define the syllogism from the standpoint of its con- tained terms. 8. Define and illustrate the following: Premise, Conclu- sion, Major premise, Minor premise, Undistributed mid- dle, Illicit process. 9. With respect to what aspects of its contained proposi- tions are the rules of the syllogism determined? 10. Explain why the middle term of a syllogism must be distributed in at least one of the premises. 11. Why is there no separate rule relating to a term in the conclusion that is undistributed? 12. Why must the premises of an affirmative conclusion be affirmative? 13. Explain why a negative conclusion can be supported only if but one of its premises is negative. 14. Why cannot a particular conclusion be supported by two particular premises? 15. What is meant by the Figure of a syllogism? 16. Describe the formal characteristics of each of the Fig- ures. 17. What do you understand by the Special Rules of the Four Figures? 324 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 18. What is meant by the Moods of the syllogism? 19. How do you determine all the theoretically valid Moods of the syllogisms? 20. What is the relation of the Moods to the Figures of the syllogism? 21. What two methods may be adopted to determine whether a particular argument is valid in a given Figure? EXERCISES NOTE Write the formula for each proposition and syl- logism in your answers to the following questions. 1. Point out (1) the conclusion, (2) the middle term, (3) the major term, (4) the minor term, (5) the major pre- mise, (6) the minor premise in the following argu- ments : (1) The receiver of stolen property should be punished; you have received stolen property, and, therefore, should be punished. (2) Theft is crime; theft was encouraged by the laws of Sparta, therefore, the laws of Sparta encouraged crime. (3) Only those messages which have been prepaid will be delivered; this message has been prepaid, and, therefore, will be delivered. 2. Name all the rules of the syllogism which are broken by each of the following Moods: AIA, EEI, IEA, 101, IIA, AEI. 3. Prove from the rules alone, irrespective of Figure, that IE can yield no valid conclusion. 4. In what Figures do the following premises yield a valid conclusion : AA, AI, EA, OA. 5. Why cannot a particular negative proposition stand (1) as a premise in the First, (2) as a major in the Second, (3) as a minor in the Third, or (4) as a premise in the Fourth Figure? CATEGORICAL ARGUMENTS 325 6. Arrange the following arguments in the order of major and minor premise, and conclusion, and determine their Figure, Mood, and validity: (1) All colours are physical phenomena, but no sounds are colours, and therefore no sound is a physical phenomenon. (2) Whatever is given on the evidence of sense may be taken as a fact; the existence of God, therefore, is not a fact, for it is not evident to sense. (3) Every candid man acknowledges merit in a rival; every learned man does not do so; therefore, every learned man is not candid. 7. What can be determined respecting a syllogism under each of the following conditions: (1) That only one term is distributed, and that only once. (2) That only one term is distributed, and that twice. (3) That two terms only are distributed, each only once. (4) That two terms are distributed, each twice. CHAPTER XI OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT Their Relation to the Syllogism. The syllogism may be considered from either of two points of view, from the point of view of its premises, or from the point of view of its conclusion. If we attend par- ticularly to the premises, we shall think of the syllo- gism as a method by which from given data we arrive at a conclusion; if we attend particularly to the conclusion, we shall think of the syllogism as a method by which we state the grounds on which a position already arrived at is held to rest. These two ways of regarding the syllogism are not con- tradictory, nor is our view of the nature of the syl- logism affected by the possibility of this two-fold approach to its problems. There results only a slightly different emphasis in one's exposition; in the one case, the conclusion, in the other, the prem- ises, come to be the focus of our logical interest. The reason why we may alter, in the way just indicated, our exposition of the syllogism is that the syllogism does not express a series of consecutive steps by which the judgment actually proceeds for- ward from data to conclusion, or backward from conclusion to grounds; but it represents, in a con- ventional form and order, the simplest inter-connec- tions of a complex process of reasoning. It is some- times brought forward as an objection to syllogistic (326) OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 327 reasoning that it is not an instrument of the dis- covery of truth ; but the objection rests upon a mis- understanding. The truth about any subject-matter is discovered by thinking, and the syllogism is not, and does not affect to be, a substitute for thinking. We may even say that unless truth already exists, unless some kind and degree of thinking has taken place, the syllogism has no function to perform. The syllogism presupposes the existence of truth, and is not the condition of its existence. It repre- sents the results of our reflection upon the truth that is already in our possession, a reflection that is directed towards finding out the reasons why truth assumes a demonstrative character. Now this is not a small nor an easy thing. It is, however, an eminently practical thing. For when thought takes itself to task, and, by reflection upon its own proc- esses, demands that the conditions of truth be erected into principles of demonstration, we may be led to see how far from being demonstrative are many of the beliefs that we hold most confidently. These remarks have a practical bearing upon the subjects of this chapter, and may prepare us to understand why our thoughts-about-things can be thrown into a variety of forms which conform in principle only to the Aristotelian syllogism. The discussion of these arguments should lead us to see that even in logic we are not bound in the state- ment of our thought to the formal primness of the three-term syllogism. 328 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC Enthymeme. This is the name of a categorical argument which omits, in statement, one of the con- stituent factors of the syllogism. Now since there are three propositions, two premises and a con- clusion, in a categorical syllogism, the omission of either one of these from the syllogism results in an enthymeme. But it must not be supposed that the omission of one member of a syllogism destroys the syllogistic character of the reasoning, for, as the term itself implies, the omitted member still func- tions in the mind of the person who states his thought in this particular form. The enthymeme, consequently, is a particular way of stating a cat- egorical argument, it is not a new form of categor- ical syllogism. According as the omitted member of the syllo- gism is the major premise, the minor premise, or the conclusion, the resulting enthymeme is said to be of the First Order, the Second Order, and the Third Order respectively. An enthymeme of the First Order, consequently, is a syllogism which is abbreviated by the omission of the major premise. For example, Those who have no occupation have nothing in which to interest themselves, and are, therefore, unhappy.' An enthymeme of the Second Order is a syllogism which is abbreviated by the omission of the minor premise. For example, Those who have no occupation are unhappy, because they have nothing in which to interest themselves.' An enthymeme of the Third Order is a syllogism which is abbreviated by the omission of the conclusion. OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 329 For example, 'Those who have nothing in which to interest themselves are unhappy, and those who have no occupation have nothing in which to interest themselves/ In the enthymeme, as in the fully expressed syllogism, the order in which the propositions are stated is wholly a matter of convenience, and does not affect the nature or validity of the argument. In case of the enthymeme, however, it must be made obvious by the use of such words as 'and,' 'because/ and 'therefore,' which members of the syllogism we are undertaking to express. It may be questioned whether the enthymeme has both Mood and Figure. Perhaps the best answer to this inquiry would be that a syllogism in any Figure and Mood may be stated as an enthy- meme by the omission of one of its constituent prop- ositions. But since Mood and Figure are character- istics of arguments only when fully expressed in the three-term syllogism, the most that we can say is that an enthymeme implies a Figure and Mood, and not that it has either. Polysyllogism. In the enthymeme, we have an example of the elliptical character of thought. Think- ing, indeed, is ordinarily carried on by means of the smallest number of factors necessary to its success definitely present to consciousness. When the thought is a simple one, and the inter-connection of its parts consists of a relation of three terms, any one of the relations may fall into the background without invalidating or making doubtful its truth. 330 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC This is, as we have seen, the case of the enthymeme. When, however, thinking becomes complex, and the inter-connection of its parts involves relations of many terms, it is much more necessary to simplify our methods, if thinking is not to break down under the weight of the terms into which the subject- matter of thought is analysed. In this case, what we do is to build up a series of enthymemes or abbreviated syllogisms, and such a series is called a polysyllogism. A polysyllogism is, therefore, a series of inter-connected enthymemes representing a continuous chain of reasoning. It is customary to denote the syllogisms into which a polysyllogism may be analysed by the terms prosyllogism and episyllogism. The application of these terms depends entirely upon whether we are thinking of the constituent syllogisms in the for- ward direction, that is, of the first syllogism as being connected with the second, and the second with the third, etc. ; or whether we are thinking of them in the reverse order, that is, of the second syllogism as being connected with the first, the third with the second, etc. When we think of the constituent syllogisms in the former way, each syl- logism is called a prosyllogism; and when we think of them in the latter way, each syllogism is called an episyllogism. The terms prosyllogism and epi- syllogism, consequently, are used relatively, and any syllogism in a train of reasoning may be both a pro- and an episyllogism. It is obvious that the first OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 331 syllogism in such a series can be only a prosyllogism, and the last only an episyllogism. Types of Polysyllogism Trains of reasoning of the type just described fall into two main classes, progressive and regressive. We shall describe each of these briefly, and merely for the purpose of show- ing their logical structure. A progressive, synthetic, or episyllogistic train of reasoning proceeds from the premises of a pro- syllogism to the conclusion of an episyllogism. A polysyllogism of this character develops progress- ively the consequences of the premises which form its starting point. Stated otherwise, the progressive polysyllogism advances from the conditions to what is conditioned, from causes to effects. Probably the most familiar illustrations of this class of poly- syllogism for the student are to be found in the direct proofs of geometrical propositions. A re- gressive, analytic, or prosyllogistic train of reason- ing proceeds from the conclusion of an episyllogism to the premises of a prosyllogism. In such cases we go back from a conclusion to show the grounds upon which it rests. Stated otherwise, we are said to reason from the conditioned to its necessary con- ditions, from effects to causes. Illustrations of these two classes of polysyllo- gisms will be found in the following sections in which we consider the various forms that such trains of reasoning may assume. In this and the preceding section we have been considering the general charac- teristics of a group of syllogisms; in the sections 332 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that follow we are to study the cases that fall under one or other of the two main classes of the group. Sorites. This is a polysyllogism whose constitu- ent syllogisms are all in the First Figure, and from which all the conclusions, except the last, are omit- ted. Or, since a syllogism which omits one of its propositions is an enthymeme, we may regard a sorites as a series of enthymemes from each of which, except the first, one premise is omitted, and from each of which, except the last, the conclusion is omitted. There are two forms of sorites, progressive and regressive, which are usually distinguished as the Aristotelian and the Goclenian respectively. An ex- amination of each of these will serve to set the nature of this class of arguments more clearly in the light. An Aristotelian sorites is a progressive series of enthymemes in which the omitted conclusion of each prosyllogism forms the minor premise of the suc- ceeding episyllogism. A familiar example may be taken from Rom. VIII., 29, 30 : 'For whom he fore- knew, he also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his Son, . . . and whom he foreordained, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified/ A Goclenian sorites so called from Pro- fessor Goclenius of Marburg (1547-1628) its dis- coverer is a regressive series of enthymemes in which the omitted conclusion of each prosyllogism forms the major premise of the succeeding episyl- OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 333 logism. For example: 'One must take pains if he is to be a successful man; industry is necessary to taking pains ; health is necessary to industry ; a reg- ulated diet and sufficient recreation and rest are necessary to health ; and, therefore, a regulated diet and sufficient recreation and rest are necessary if one is to become a successful man/ The symbolic expression and analysis of each of these forms of sorites may be given thus : ARISTOTELIAN SORITES GOCLENIAN SORITES S is A Z is P A is B Y is Z B is C X is Y C is P S is X S is P S is P Analysis : S is A ) Z is P ^| A is B C Y is ^ I f (S is B) ) ('(Y is P)J j B is C J Z is Y ( (S is C) -) ( (X is P;"| C is P C S is X V S is P ) S is P J Each of these forms is subject to special rules which we shall proceed to state and prove, l THE SPECIAL RULES OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SORITES RULE 1. Only one premise, and that the last, can be negative. Let us suppose that two of the premises are neg- ative. Then the conclusion of the syllogism in 334 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC which the first negative premise occurs will be neg- ative. But since this negative conclusion is neces- sarily a premise of the next succeeding syllogism, its concluson will be negative, and so on, until a negative conclusion enters as a premise into a syl- logism which has the second negative premise. But as we have seen, from two negative premises no conclusion can be inferred. Only one premise, there- fore, can be negative. This negative premise must be the last. Let us suppose that some other premise is negative. In that case, the conclusion of the syllogism into which it entered would be negative. This conclusion, serv- ing as the minor premise of the following episyllo- gism, would give a conclusion that is negative, that is, one in which the major term is distributed. But since the major term in the affirmative major prem- ise is undistributed, the argument would fail on ac- count of an illicit process of the major. No premise, therefore, except the last can be negative. RULE 2. Only one premise, and that the first, can be particular. Since every premise, except the last, must be affirmative, it is evident that the conclusions of the constituent syllogisms, except the last, must be affirmative. If now the first premise is particular, the conclusion of the first prosyllogism will be par- ticular. And if any other premise, except the first, were particular, there would occur somewhere in the series two particular affirmative premises, and this, OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 335 in the First Figure, involves the fallacy of undis- tributed middle. THE SPECIAL RULES OF THE GOCLENIAN SORITES RULE 1. Only one premise, and that the first, can be negative. If more than one premise were negative, one of the constituent syllogisms would be involved in the fallacy of negative premises. And since, if any premise is negative, the conclusion must be negative, that premise must be the one which contains the predicate term of the conclusion, that is, the first premise in this particular case. RULE 2. Only one premise, and that the last, can be particular. If any premise is particular, the conclusion of the syllogism in which it occurs would be particular ; and if this conclusion became a premise of another syllogism whose premise was already particular, there would be involved, in the First Figure, the fal- lacy of undistributed middle. Only the last premise, therefore, can be particular. Epicheirema. This is a regressive chain of reasoning in which one, or both, of the premises is expanded by the addition of a reason. In other words, it is an argument in which one of the prem- ises is an enthymeme, but in which both may be. If only one of the premises is supported by a reason, the epicheirema is called single, and when both are so supported, double. A single epicheirema, there- 336 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC fore, is a regressive chain of reasoning in which one of the premises is supported by a reason. For example : All rational beings are to be treated with respect, inas- much as they are made in the image of God. Slaves are rational beings. Therefore, slaves are to be treated with respect. Father Clarke. A double epicheirema is a regressive chain of reasoning in which both premises are supported by a reason. For example : All Malays are cruel, because all savages are. All the aboriginal inhabitants of Singapore are Malays, because all the natives of that part of Asia are. Therefore, all natives of Singapore are cruel. Welton. The formulae for these two kinds of epicheirema may be written as follows : SINGLE DOUBLE Every M is P, because it is X Every M is P, because it is X Every S is M Every S is M, because it is Y Every S is P Every S is P REFERENCES J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. X. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Part I., Ch. XVIII. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lesson XVIII. J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 2d Edition, Part III., Ch. VI. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. VI., 11-13. OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 337 W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Book I., Part IV., Ch. V. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. XI. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Ch. XIII. ADVANCED W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Ch. XXIX. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. XVI. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. I., Book IV., Ch. VI. QUESTIONS 1. What characteristic of human thinking underlies the forms of argument studied in this chapter? 2. What is an Enthymeme? 3. Name and illustrate the distinct types of Enthymeme. 4. How do we know whether any expressed proposition of an Enthymeme is major or minor premise or conclusion? 5. Do Enthymemes have Figure and Mood? Explain. 6. What is a Polysyllogism? 7. Under what conditions does human thinking assume a polysyllogistic form? 8. Explain and illustrate the meaning of the terms Pro- syllogism and Episyllogism. 9. Describe and illustrate the general characteristics of a Progressive Polysyllogism. By what other names is it known? 10. Describe and illustrate the general characteristics of a Regressive Polysyllogism. By what other names is it known? 11. What is a Sorites? 12. Describe and illustrate the character of an Aristotelian Sorites. Write also its structural formula. 13. Describe and illustrate the character of a Goclenian So- rites. Write its structural formula, 22 338 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 14. What is an Epicheirema? 15. Explain and illustrate each type of Epicheirema, and write the formula. EXERCISES NOTE Write the formula for each of the propositions and syllogisms contained in your answers to the following questions. 1. What is the logical character of the following argu- ments : ( 1 ) He must have committed the murder, for he was the only person present with the deceased at the time. (2) Nations are justified in revolting when badly gov- erned, for every people has a right to good govern- ment. (3) Death cannot be an evil, for it is universal. (4) The planet Mars resembles the earth in possessing atmosphere, water, and moderate temperatures, and these conditions on the earth are necessary to its being inhabited. (5) He must be mad to do such a thing. 2. What is the logical character of the following argu- ments : (1) Misfortunes sometimes are circumstances tending to improve character, circumstances tending to im- prove character are promoters of happiness, what tends to promote happiness is for the general well- being, therefore, misfortunes sometimes promote general well-being. (2) A wise man is one who seeks to gain knowledge, the man who seeks to gain knowledge must be indus- trious, the industrious man has to make sacrifices, to make sacrifices is always a hardship, and, there- fore, a wise man always lives a life of hardship. 3. Prove that in an Aristotelian Sorites only the last prem- ise can be negative, and only the first particular. OTHER FORMS OF CATEGORICAL ARGUMENT 339 4. Construct an Aristotelian Sorites with a particular negative conclusion. 5. Prove that in a Goclenian Sorites only the last premise can be particular and only the first negative. 6. Construct a Goclenian Sorites with a particular negative conclusion. 7. Give one example of each class of Epicheirema. CHAPTER XII DISJUNCTIVE AND HYPOTHETICAL PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS The Disjunctive Proposition. We have already distinguished the various types of logical proposi- tion, and discussed their relation to each other. We have seen that in the categorical proposition P is affirmed or denied of S simply. The disjunctive proposition, on the other hand, is the expression of an alternative predication. In the disjunctive prop- osition, the character of S seems to waver between a number of alternative possibilities, P or Q or M, and we are not able to determine which of these really, or for our purpose, belongs to S. 'S is either P, or Q, or M,' is a typical disjunctive proposition. Before proceedings to the discussion of the dis- junctive syllogism, there are several questions about the disjunctive proposition which require attention. And, first, we may note that the alternatives which form the predicates of such a proposition, are not any alternatives, but are usually alternatives that have something in common. We have met the con- verse of this statement in the chapter on division, where we saw that the species of a genus were to be understood as a series of alternatives which had a common nature. What we mean to express in our disjunctive propositions, is, therefore, not unfa- miliar; and the formal statement 'S is either P or Q (340) PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS 341 or M' may be interpreted to mean that P and Q and M are predicates which are, or may be, contained under the wider predicate R which can be asserted of S. For example, 'He is either a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, or a clergyman,' may be expressed in the simpler statement, 'He is a member of a learned pro- fession/ The alternatives of disjunctive proposi- tions are usually of this class, and fall within a single domain or universe of discourse. They con- form, as do all other statements, to the limitations of relevant assertion. But whether every instance of alternative predication is actually thought of in its relation to a limiting universe is what we cannot affirm. All we hold is that logical alternatives imply a common basis, and that it is this common basis that gives to disjunction its distinctive meaning. Second, the question whether the alternatives of a disjunction should be treated as mutually exclusive or not has aroused a good deal of discussion, and there seems to be no simple answer to it. The meaning of the question may be made plain if we give it a formal expression. When it is said that 'S is either P or Q or M,' is it necessarily implied that S cannot be both P and Q and M? There can be no doubt that in a great many instances the alter- native predicates do, as a matter of fact, exclude each other. For example, we may say that 'Plato was born in either 429 or 427 B. C.' About the in- surrection in Mexico we may say, 'It will either suc- ceed or be crushed.' Some logicians maintain that this is the only sense in which disjunctive predica- 342 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tion can be understood in logic, and that the in- stances in which this does not occur are due, as Bradley says, to "our slovenly habits of expression and thought," and are "no real evidence against the exclusive character of disjunction." On the other hand, attention may be called to the fact that we do express our meanings in disjunctive forms which cannot or need not be interpreted in this exclusive manner. For example, ' He is either a fool or a knave' may mean that he is the one or the other, but it is quite possible for a knave to be a fool, and a fool, a knave. In such cases as this, where the truth-import and the statement-import are not neces- sarily the same, we are following the line of least error if we choose the less determinate meaning, in the absence of any indication that the more deter- minate meaning is the one intended. What the statement *S is either P or Q or M/ therefore, means is that S cannot be neither P nor Q nor M ; it must be one, and, unless otherwise indicated, it may be more than one. We must be guided in our interpre- tation, not by the form of the proposition, but by the nature of its subject-matter. Third, the series of alternatives that constitute the predicates of disjunctive propositions must be exhaustive. That is, they must determine com- pletely the alternative possibilities in the given in- stance. If we say The water is either hot or cold/ the statement is misleading, if we assume that all the alternatives of the disjunction are ex- plicitly stated. But if we say The water is either PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS 343 hot or cold or of some mean temperature/ the state- ment is true, and, in principle, exhaustive. It would seem, therefore, that to secure an exhaustive enu- meration of alternatives were more fundamentally important than to make them exclusive ; and in any case we can say that the latter is sometimes im- possible where the former presents no particular difficulty. The Nature and Classes of the Disjunctive Syllo- gism. The syllogism whose major premise is a dis- junctive proposition is called a disjunctive syllo- gism. The significance of such a syllogism consists in the fact that conclusions may be inferred from premises that are indeterminate in content; or, that the truth of any proposition may rest upon a number of conditions, one or more of which may be undetermined in character. We may distinguish two classes of disjunctive argument, according as the nature of the subject of the disjunctive major premise requires two, or more than two, terms to state exhaustively the alter- native possibilities. If the major premise of a dis- junctive argument has two alternatives in its pred- icate, the argument is called a simple disjunctive syllogism; if the predicate term of such an argu- ment presents more than two alternatives, the argu- ment is called mixed. The reason for this distinc- tion is that the character of the other two proposi- tions of the syllogism is affected by the consider- ations to which we have adverted. For in such arguments as we are at present concerned with, it 344 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is evident that we can only affirm or deny one or more of the alternatives presented by the major premise, such affirmation or denial giving us the minor premise; and deny or affirm the remaining alternative, or alternatives, such denial or affirma- tion giving us the conclusion of the syllogism. Thus, the general rule to which disjunctive arguments must conform is that to affirm or deny one or more of the members of a series of alternatives is to deny or affirm the remaining member or members. Now if the disjunctive major premise presents only a pair of alternatives, the minor premise and con- clusion of the syllogism are both categorical prop- ositions; there is, in other words, only one disjunc- tive premise, and that the major. Such an argu- ment is called a simple disjunctive syllogism. If, on the other hand, there are more than two alter- natives in the disjunctive major premise, one, or both, of the other propositions of the syllogism must be disjunctive also. In such a case, we call the argu- ment a mixed disjunctive syllogism. The Moods of the Disjunctive Syllogism. Each class of disjunctive argument has two moods, de- pending upon whether the minor premise affirms or denies one or more of the alternatives presented by the major premise. The names of these moods, like those that we shall meet with in our study of the hypothetical syllogism, are derived from the Latin words which denote the quality of the propositions which constitute the minor premise and conclusion respectively. For example, if the minor premise is PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS 345 negative, and the conclusion is affirmative, the mood of the syllogism is called the Modus Tollendo Ponens, that is, the mood which by denying affirms. If, on the other hand, the minor premise is affirmative, and the conclusion is negative, the mood is called the Modus Ponendo Tollens, that is, the mood which by affirming denies. These statements will be understood if read in connection with the formulae for the two classes of disjunctive syllogism in each of these moods which follow : DISJUNCTIVE SYLLOGISM MOOD Ponendo Tollens Modus Tollendo Ponens SIMPLE A is either B or C. A is B. A is either B or C. A is not B. A is C. MIXED A is either B or C or D. A is B. A is not either C or D. A is either B or C or D A is not B. A is either C or D. The Validity of Disjunctive Arguments. A fur- ther question relates to the validity of these moods. We have seen that disjunctive propositions are required to state their alternatives exhaustively, that is, to enumerate alternately all the possibilities presented by the subject-matter under consideration. We have also seen that in some cases the alternatives are at the same time exclusive, that is, incompat- ible. Thus, 'A is either B or C' may mean (1) 'A is either B or C, but not statedly both;' or it may mean (2) 'A is either B or C, but statedly not both/ 346 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that is, the equivalent of 'A is either B or else C.' Now in whichever way we understand the disjunc- tive proposition, an argument based upon it is valid in Modus Tollendo Ponens, because all disjunctive arguments imply the presence in the subject of one or more of the alternatives specified in the predicate of the major premise. That is to say, the subject cannot be neither of the predicated alternatives. The meaning of the subject professedly is to be found within the number of enumerated predicates. Hence, whether the predicates are exclusive or not, to deny one or more of a subject is to bring the subject nearer to one or more of the remaining predicates. That is, the Modus Tollendo Ponens em- phasises the exhaustive character of the disjunctive major. On the other hand, the Modus Ponendo Tol- lens is valid only when an exclusive reading of the major is understood. For example, when we say of any one that 'He is a fool or a knave/ we cannot infer that because 'He is a fool/ that 'He is not a knave/ unless it is distinctly understood that the individual case precludes the possibility of him being both. Thus, if we wish to state this meaning unam- biguously, we should have to say 'He is either a fool or else a knave/ thereby implying that he is not both together. When, therefore, the disjunctive major takes the form of 'statedly not both or all the predicates/ the Modus Ponendo Tollens is a valid mood for disjunctive arguments. This mood empha- sises the exclusive character of the disjunctive major. PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS 347 The Hypothetical Proposition. Any proposition which states a connection between two possibilities is hpyothetical. For example, 'If water is heated at standard pressure, it will boil at 100 C.' There are two characteristics of a hypothetical proposition to which attention should be given. _JThe firat_is_that it isjhe form of statement in which w_a express our judgments when the material of these judgments is possible^ not actual. This does not mean that the material dealt with may not be actual, it means only that we are not concerned with it as existing, but with the situations in which it is possible for it to exist. Thus, to take the judgment which is ex- pressed in the proposition 'If eggs are scarce, they will be dear.' In this proposition we are not assert- ing that 'eggs are scarce,' nor are we affirming that 'they are dear;' we are merely stating that 'when- ever eggs are scarce, they_ are_ &t_:the same time dear.' In other words, we are stating a connection between 'it is possible for eggs to be scarce,' and 'it is possible for them to be dear.' The second characteristic of hypothetical prop- ositions relates to the kind of connection that they affirm. This may be brought out if we regard the judgments underlying hypothetical statements to be concerned with the development of the consequences that follow from a supposition. What leads to the erection of a supposition is, doubtless, some feature of an actually existing situation which cannot be brought under direct observation; but the supposi- tion itself is not part of the situation in the same 348 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC sense that the feature itself is. Any supposition is a suggestion which is based upon a wider range of ex- perience than the circumstances which calls it forth, and we fall back upon this broader experience to guide us in dealing with a situation that is proble- matical. Now problematic situations can be de- veloped only in a series of possibilities, and possi- bilities are expressed in hypothetical propositions: 'If A is B, it is C.' The part of the hypothetical proposition which states the supposition or condition is called the antecedent, the part which states the result of the supposition is called the consequent. is thus affirmed by hypothet- ical propositions is a relation of dependence between antecedent and consequent, such Jhflt the truth ?* lishment of the_ antecedent. The hypothetical proposition thus states a rule under which we may bring for testing any fact or situation about which we are at all doubtful. It should be observed that it is the nature of the thought expressed, and not the form of the expression that constitutes any proposition hypothetical. While usually we intro- duce hypothetical statements with 'if,' they may be prefaced by 'granted that/ 'suppose that,' 'allowing that,' 'whenever,' 'wherever;' and sometimes there is no verbal sign to indicate that our thought is hypothetical, as, for example, 'Trespassers will be prosecuted/ 'Deserters will be shot on sight/ etc. The Hypothetical Syllogism. Any syllogism in which the major premise is a hypothetical proposi- PROPOSITIONS AND ARGUMENTS 349 a hypothetical syllogism. In hypothet- ical arguments the minor premise and the conclusion are both categorical propositions. Now since the major premise states a connection between two possibilities, the. ^jnin^r^premise must state some- thing about one or other of these possibilities cate- ^gorically if there is to be an inference. The only things that can be stated are that either of the pos- sibilities has or has not been verified. Theoretically, this would give four kinds of hypothetical syllo- gism, the minor premises of which would affirm and deny separately the antecedent and consequent of the major premise. Two of these, however, fail to give the proper basis for an Inference, .namely, when minor premise HpmVfl thfii but as a suggestion of a specific connection between the two instances which is not brought out ex- plicitly by the analogy. It is this characteristic of suggesting more than it can possibly make clear, that renders analogy of service in an inductive proc- ess. The following remarks are intended to make this point clear. Two things are characteristic of analogy. In the first place, the comparison of instances, as we have seen, rests upon what are called their essential attributes, but, in the second, the degree of the resemblance always remains more or less undeter- mined. When we have assured ourselves that the resemblance depends upon essential features of the compared phenomena, we are, however, still in doubt about the precise factor or factors in the re- semblance upon which the inferred characteristic really depends. Thus any two phenomena, P and P', may resemble each other in possessing the attribute x, a resemblance which seems to warrant us in expecting that if P also shows the character- istic y, P' will likewise show the same characteristic. To take a concrete example. The chemist classifies 27 418 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC a number of elements together under the head of alkaline metals because all these elements potas- sium, sodium, caesium, rubidium, and lithium, - possess certain characteristics in common; for in- stance, their active combination with oxygen to de- compose water at all temperatures; their forming strongly basic oxides, highly soluble in water, yield- ing powerful caustic and alkaline hydrates from which water can not be expelled by heat; the solu- bility of their carbonates in water; and the forma- tion by each metal of only one chloride. Now, if in the progress of the chemistry of any one of these metals a new property is discovered, it is natural to infer by analogy that the other members of the group will display under appropriate conditions the same property. But beyond the suggestion of a connection of the new property with the character- istics of the alkaline group analogy cannot go; it cannot point out on which attribute, or combination of essential attributes, the new property really de- pends. Thus an argument by analogy presumes a connection between x and y, but it cannot show that y depends on x rather than on some other property in P which may not belong to what we have called its essential attributes. However strong the pre- sumption may be that x and y are causally related, there always remains the possibility that y is condi- tioned in some other way. Analogical arguments for this reason are never conclusive, and in an in- ductive process they are valuable only because they suggest lines of further observation which may SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 419 either verify or discredit the analogical inference. Mill, therefore, is right when he regards an analogy as "a mere guide post, pointing out the direction in which more vigorous investigations should be prosecuted. It is in this last respect," says Mill, "that considerations of analogy have the highest scientific value. The cases in which analogical evi- dence affords in itself any very high degree of prob- ability are, as we have observed, only those in which the resemblance is very close and extensive; but there is no analogy, however faint, which may not be of the utmost value in suggesting experi- ments or observations that may lead to more posi- tive conclusions." With this view, to which Mill does not consistently adhere, Jevons is in agree- ment, and he has made it the foundation of his chap- ter on analogy in the Principles of Science. Nature of Hypothesis. An hypothesis is an at- tempted explanation of an occurrence, a supposition about the connection of particular phenomena. To get the meaning of this general statement before us, let us consider a particular case. Malaria is a dis- ease which has a set of characteristic symptoms, the chief of which are chills and fever occurring at more or less definite intervals of time. When the physician has become familiar with the character- istic symptom complex of the disease, he is able to diagnose the new cases that come under his obser- vation by means of the similarity that they bear to this complex ; all the cases that show the diagnostic marks of the disease he calls malaria. The logical 420 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC procedure in this instance is analogical. If, how- ever, instead of taking the physician's attitude which requires him to diagnose only for the purpose of selecting the proper remedies, we approach the dis- ease from the standpoint of the scientist who wants to know what malaria is, we shall have to go beyond the similarities which figure in the physician's diag- nosis, and, by a series of suppositions or hypotheses, work our way among the antecedents and concomi- tants of the cases of the disease for some clue to the agent which is responsible for the production of the disease. It is not enough to say that similar symp- toms mean the same disease, the question we are now asking is what produces the similar symptoms in all the cases that occur. We are looking for something more than similarity, we are searching for an iden- tity among the conditions under which the disease is contracted. Thus, for example, night air, damp places, exhalations from marshy ground have been proposed as the antecedent condition which is capable of producing malarial fever. It is only within comparatively recent times that, for these hypotheses, another has been substituted which con- nects the disease with the bite of the Anopheles mosquito, and this is the view that is held at the present day. The bite of the Anopheles mosquito* is our hypothesis for the occurrence of malaria. In the light of this illustration, we may observe that not any supposition about phenomena is an hypothesis. It is only when the supposition points us to phenomena of the same order as the event SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 421 that we are trying to explain that it satisfies the conditions of a tenable hypothesis. In medicine, for example, we no longer entertain theological ex- planations of disease, and for devils we are substi- tuting bacteria and their toxins, and in those dis- eases which cannot be shown to be of bacterial origin, as for example many of the occupational diseases, we assign either a chemical cause, as in lead poisoning, or a mechanical one, as in the dis- ease characteristic of the Sheffield steel grinders. When made with regard to the requirement we are now considering, namely, that the supposition should be stated in terms of the same order as the phenomenon to be explained, hypotheses differ from one another only in the degree of their probability; and it seems to us to be quite misleading to speak of them as guesses, as is done by some logicians, as if they were altogether uncontrolled by the nature of the phenomena for which an explanation is being sought. The truth of this statement is apparent when we recognise that the demand for an hypoth- esis is only a particular form of the demand for a careful analysis of the phenomena under observa- tion. Our acquaintance with objects becomes more minute as well as more accurate under the stimulus that comes from the call for explanation ; and if one step in the process of explanation is hypothetical, that step must still be controlled by the nature of the observed material if we are to safeguard the in- ductive process against useless and irresponsible guesses. The satisfaction of this requirement by 422 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC science may be briefly illustrated. To account for the phenomena of sound, the physicist, starting with the sound experience, connects this with the undu- lations of the air which occasion it, and these undu- lations, again, he connects with a vibrating body, a stretched string, the vocal cords, an organ pipe. When the scientist asks what is the source of the phenomena of light which occasion the sensation of vision, although he cannot point definitely to the material bodies which produce the undulations in the ether, he forms his hypothesis in terms of the same order as the phenomena that he has under in- vestigation; and he does so because the "scientific imagination," to quote Tyndall, "demands, as the origin and cause of a series of ether-waves, a par- ticular vibrating matter quite as definite, though it may be excessively minute, as that which gives origin to a musical sound. Such a particle we name an atom or a molecule. I think the intellect, when focussed so as to give definition without penumbral haze, is sure to realize this image at last." Objections to the Use of Hypothesis. Although the history of modern science furnishes so many illustrations of the value of hypotheses, and al- though the methods in use at the present day for the advancement of scientific knowledge depend also upon their employment, there is, nevertheless, among scientific men either only a half-hearted recognition of their services, or a misleading rejec- tion of their claims to a place in scientific procedure. This interesting fact is not difficult to understand, SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 423 and we refer to it here because it enables us to explain some aspects of the formation of hypoth- eses which as yet have not been mentioned. The hesitancy of men of science to recognise that the advancement of scientific knowledge is, in any re- spect, dependent upon hypotheses, may be attrib- uted to their effort to exclude from all parts of their work influences and additions that are derived from the nature of the mental processes through which that work is carried on. The aim of science is throughout objective in the sense that its task is to describe and explain the facts of observation, to arrive at judgments about these facts that are inde- pendent of the idiosyncrasies of the individual mind. "The scientific man," as Karl Pearson says, "has above all things to strive at self-elimination in his judgments, to provide an argument which is as true for each individual mind as for his own." The life of science depends upon loyalty to this aim. The intellectual integrity of every scientific man is involved in his efforts to maintain this aim. All this may be granted; it may even be admired and praised. And yet we cannot avoid the impression that if the spirit of loyalty to professional ideals which is displayed by workers in the fields of the particular sciences were supplemented by an ac- quaintance with the history of scientific achieve- ments, the objections to hypothesis would be miti- gated, and in time might entirely disappear. For the admission of hypothesis in no way interferes with keeping the work of science objective, and 424 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC their practical rejection may often render impos- sible of realisation the aims which stimulate scien- tific effort. The situation that has just been described may be made more explicit by saying that without an active and fertile imagination, it is impossible to formulate a satisfactory hypothesis. It is, in part, because the scientist does not take the pains to ascertain what are the nature, conditions, and limits of the imagination that he looks askance upon the formation of hypotheses. This is not the place to state and develop a doctrine of the imagination; it is enough for our purpose to call attention to the fact that many of the leading men of science have borne eloquent testimony to the value of the imagi- nation in advancing the interests of scientific truth. In his address on 'Scientific Use of the Imagination/ Tyndall writes: "Bounded and conditioned by co- operant reason, imagination becomes the mightiest instrument of the physical discoverer. Newton's passage from a falling apple to a falling moon was, at the outset, a leap of the imagination." Tyndall prefixed to his essay the following passage from an address to the Royal Society by Sir Benjamin Brodie. "Lastly, physical investigation, more than anything besides, helps to teach us the actual value and right use of the Imagination of that wonderful faculty which, left to ramble uncontrolled leads us astray into a wilderness of perplexities and errors, a land of mists and shadows; but which, properly controlled SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 425 by experience and reflection, becomes the noblest attribute of man; the source of poetic genius, the instrument of discovery in Science, without the aid of which Newton would never have invented flux- ions, nor Davy have decomposed the earths and alkalies, nor would Columbus have found another continent." In his Methods and Results, Huxley writes : "It is a favourite popular delusion that the scientific inquirer is under a sort of moral obliga- tion to abstain from going beyond that generalisa- tion of observed facts which is absurdly called 'Baconian' induction. But any one who is practically acquainted with scientific work is aware that those who refuse to go beyond fact rarely gets as far as fact; and any one who has studied the history of science knows that almost every great step therein has been made by 'anticipation of nature/ that is, by the invention of hypotheses which, though veri- fiable, often had little foundation to start with, and not infrequently, in spite of a long career of useful- ness, turned out to be wholly erroneous in the long run." These quotations are sufficient to illustrate the importance of the imagination in the construction of scientific hypotheses, and to indicate the reason why many men of science look with suspicion upon the use of hypotheses. "Scientific men fight shy of the word (imagination) because of its ultra-scien- tific connotations," because its use is often uncon- trolled, and because under the best conditions it sometimes leads us astray. But to reject an instru- 426 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ment of research because of its limitations is no more reasonable than would be a physician's refusal to employ strychnine in the cure of a patient, be- cause that drug is on the commercial market in the form of 'Rough on Rats.' We are not advocating an indiscriminate exercise of the imagination, nor the substitution of it for the careful and painstaking observation of phenomena. What we are pointing out is that there are conditions of physical investi- gation which render all known instruments of pre- cision inadequate and clumsy tools, and that if observation is not to be hindered its range must be extended as far beyond that of our instrumental world as this is beyond the world made known by our natural organs of perception. We cannot, for example, bring under observation by the most powerful microscope the particles of matter which are the media in our atmosphere of reflected light. By what means has the existence of such particles scattered throughout our space come to be believed in? Tyndall cites this example as an illustration of the use that science may make of the imagina- tion, as he does also Darwin's hypothesis of a pri- mordial germ as the source of all the variety of organisms now upon the earth's surface. These in- stances, and many others that are among the most brilliant achievements of science, lead us to look upon the imagination as itself an instrument of observation, and in the form of carefully stated hypothesis, it leads to an explanation of many ob- SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 427 served facts which without its aid would postpone indefinitely important lines of research. Verification of Hypotheses. If we are to carry our explanations of events to a successful termina- tion, the hypotheses by means of which the rela- tions of particular phenomena are brought under an intelligible view need to be tested and not merely stated, to be verified, not merely formulated. There are two steps in the process of verification to which we may give attention. "To prove or disprove (an) induction we must have resort," says Tyndall, "to deduction and experiment." Mill's definition of an hypothesis, that it is "any supposition which we make (either without actual evidence, or on evidence avowedly insufficient) in order to endeavour to deduce from it conclusions in accordance with facts known to be real," points to the same two require- ments. An hypothesis which is not capable of be- ing verified would serve no immediate purpose, and whether it serves any purpose at all need not con- cern us. We are now studying living hypotheses, those which answer questions, and render intelli- gible the particular facts of observation. And it is about these that we are warned that it is not their intelligibility merely, and not the fact that they answer questions, which recommends them finally to our acceptance. It is only if our hypotheses are true, if they make us acquainted with the actual relations which objects sustain to one another, that they are received as part of our scientific knowledge. The formation of hypotheses takes us beyond what 428 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is actually known and observed, and for this reason there is in every hypothesis an element of risk ; but they must at the same time make it possible for us to return to fact and the observation of fact, and it is this that renders them useful in the advancement of human knowledge. The return to fact is made in the two steps of deduction and experiment. Let us take as an illustration of these two stages in the process of verification the well-known fact that water rises to a certain height in a pump, and the explanation of this fact on the ground that "Nature abhors a vacuum." The story goes that in trying to raise water to a great elevation, some Florentine gardeners found that the column of water ceased at the height of thirty-two feet. The matter was referred to Galileo who, embittered by the reception that had been accorded to his science, said that he supposed that Nature abhorred a vacuum only at the height of thirty-two feet. It was left for Toricelli, Galileo's pupil, to provide an answer to the inquiry. He supposed that water might be forced into a tube by pressure on the sur- face of the liquid outside. After much thought, it occurred to Toricelli that the atmosphere might exert such pressure, and that the column of water thirty-two feet in height might be the exact weight necessary to equalise this atmospheric pressure. This supposition was Toricelli's hypothesis. Was it true? This was the next question that the physicist confronted, and it is exceedingly instructive to ob- serve the way he went to work to verify his hypoth- SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 429 esis. He deduced certain consequences from the hypothesis. He argued that if thirty-two feet of water will hold the atmospheric pressure in equili- brium, a shorter column of a heavier liquid should do the same. According to his calculations, mercury, which is thirteen times heavier than water, should be able to balance the pressure of the atmosphere at thirty inches. The next step in the process of verifying the original hypothesis was an experi- ment. Toricelli filled a glass tube a yard or so in length, open at one end and closed at the other, with mercury. Placing his thumb over the open end, he inverted it in a bath filled with the same metal. When he removed his thumb, the mercury began to sink, and continued to sink until the height of thirty inches had been reached. The proof of the hypothesis was complete. Hypothesis and Theory. The difference between an hypothesis and a theory is a relative one merely. To bring out this feature of the terms' meanings, we may say that a theory is a completely verified hypothesis, and that an hypothesis is an incom- pletely verified theory. This statement will have served its purpose if it remind us that hypothesis and theory both spring out of the demand for explana- tion, that they both involve the use of the creative imagination for their formation, and call for verifi- cation in the way that has been described. It is these similarities which justifies the popular use of the terms as synonymous. It will be useful for us, how- ever, to look at the matter a little more closely. We 430 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC may observe, for instance, that we advance from hypothesis to theory, not by leaving our hypothesis behind, but by developing it in the light of further experiences so as to make it accord with facts hith- erto not known or not understood. In this sense, the hypothesis becomes a theory. To illustrate, when ice- cold water is poured into a glass on a hot summer day, little drops of water collect and trickle down on the outside of the glass. How do we account for this phenomenon ? The sudden cooling of the glass takes place by radiation of its heat, and the water-vapour of the atmosphere condenses on the cooled surface of the glass. The same hypothesis may be extended to account for the formation of dew, and a number of other phenomena. An hypothesis that can be used to explain a variety of facts which were not thought of when the hypothesis was formulated, can justly be regarded with greater confidence than one which explains only a single phenomenon. Every new fact which fits into an hypothesis strengthens it. At first, an hypothesis has an explanatory value only for the particular phenomenon with respect to which it is framed. But if an hypothesis is ca- pable of growth, both in respect to the number and variety of the facts which it is capable of explain- ing, and in the simplicity of the form which it as- sumes, the conditions are present for the develop- ment of the hypothesis into what is known as a theory. We speak, for example, of the Darwinian hypothesis, because the supposition it states is still in a condition of growth, and because the modifica- tions which are being introduced into Darwin's SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 431 statement are intended to make his view harmonise more fully with progressive experience and recent discovery. When, however, we regard the idea of growth throughout the known world as a confirmed doctrine of science, we no longer speak of the Dar- winian hypothesis, but of the theory of evolution. In the same way, and for similar reasons, we speak of the theory of gravitation, the Copernican theory, the theory of the conservation of energy. What we mean by such designations is that the evidence for the particular hypotheses which lies back of them is ample and varied, that the exceptions within the fields of their application are either insignficant or are absent altogether, that newer experiences and discoveries tend to confirm these views. When lines of evidence tend to converge and to be f ocussed on an hypothesis, that hypothesis has no longer the tentative position of a supposition, but the firmer and surer foundation of a confirmed belief. The formulation of such a confirmed belief is called a theory. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Ch. XXV. B. Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lecture X., Ch. I., e-b, 3. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Chs. XIV., XV., XVIII., XIX. J. G. Hibben, Logic Deductive and Inductive, Part II., Chs. IIIc, XL, XII., XIII., XIV. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lessons XXVI., XXVII. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. VIII., 4-8. 432 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Chs. IX., X. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Chs. XV., 5-7, XVIIL, XIX., XX. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Chs. XV., XVI. ADVANCED B. Bosanquet, Logic, Vol. II., Book II., Chs. II., III., IV., V. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. XXXVIII., XLII. W. S. Jevons, The Principles, of Science, Chs. XVIIL, XIX., XXIII., XXIV., XXVI., XXVII., XVIIL H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. XXI. H. Lotze, Logic, Vol. II., Book II., Chs. VIII., IX. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book III., Chs. VII., XIV., XX., XXIII. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. XIX., XXII. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Chs. XVI., XXI. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. II., Book V., Chs. III., 147, 149, IV., V., 153, 154, VII. QUESTIONS 1. Is there necessarily any irreconcilable opposition be- tween the view that the aim of science is complete ob- servation, and that it is explanation? Explain. 2. To what simple type does all scientific explanation con- form? Illustrate. 3. What is meant by saying that explanation consists in discovering the conditions of the occurrence of phe- nomena? 4. Are all the circumstances attending the occurrence of an event conditions of its occurrence? 5. What is meant by saying that the phenomena of ob- servation and those of explanation are continuous with each other? 6. What bearing, if any, do the facts included in your answer to the previous question have upon the dis- tinction between a phenomenon and its conditions? SOME EXPLANATORY METHODS OF INDUCTION 433 7. In what sense can it be said that scientific explanation is a process by which what is given in observation is supplemented by what is not so given? 8. Can you connect the conception of scientific explanation implied in the previous question with the conception of knowledge stated in Chapter I? 9. State and illustrate three senses in which the word analogy is used. 10. Why is not any kind or degree of resemblance a safe principle of inference? 11. What is meant when it is said that analogical reasoning depends upon important resemblances? . 12. In what way does the validity of reasoning by analogy depend upon the attitude one takes toward differences? 13. What light does the saying that analogy 'sticks in the particular instances' throw upon the character of ana- logical argument? 14. In what sense can analogy be regarded as a method of explanation ? 15. What are the limits of analogical argument? 16. What does Mill mean by calling analogy 'a mere sign post'? 17. State and illustrate what you understand by an hypoth- esis. 18. Why must hypotheses be stated in terms of the same order as the phenomena they attempt to explain? 19. Is there any objection against calling hypotheses 'guesses,' and, if so, what is the ground on which it rests? 20. What reason may be given for the scientists' objection to the use of hypotheses? 21. What is the relation of imagination to the task of for- mulating scientific hypotheses? 22. What are some of the 'facts' which we owe to the exercise of imagination in the field of the natural sciences? 38 434 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 23. State and explain the two steps involved in the veri- fication of hypotheses? 24. Illustrate by the use of concrete example the process of verifying an hypothesis. 25. How do hypothesis and theory agree with and differ from each other? Illustrate. EXERCISES 1. Examine the explanations of three simple events with which you are acquainted, and state whether they con- form or not to the fundamental form of explanation as stated in the text. 2. Give three instances in which explanation consists in the statement of the conditions of a phenomenon's occur- rence. 3. Give two llustrations, one from literature and one from science, of analogy. Examine each with a view to show- ing to which meaning of the word it conforms, and whether it satisfies the conditions of a valid inference. 4. Upon what logical principle does each of the following statements depend, and what can you say as to their validity as arguments: (1) It is said that a general resemblance of the hills near Ballarat in Australia to the California hills where gold had been found suggested the idea of digging for gold at Ballarat. (2) There are no great nations of antiquity but have fallen to the hand of time; and England must join them to complete the analogy of the ages. Like them she has grown from a birth-time of weakness tutelage to a day of manhood and supremacy, but she has to face her setting. Everything that grows must also decay. 5. Construct an hypothesis to explain some fact of your experience, and explain how it may be verified or over- thrown. CHAPTER XVI CAUSATION General Statement of the Problem. The fact that underlies the problem of causation is the observed regularity in the order of the particular phenomena which occur in the course of our ordinary expe- rience, and in the fields of the several sciences. That our ordinary and scientific experience is char- acterised, within ascertainable limits, by some kinds and degrees of regularity is a fact about which there is universal agreement. Indeed, this is a fea- ture of experience so generally recognised that it constitutes the starting point not only of the theo- retical interest which leads us to the more accurate forms of human knowledge, but also of the practical interests which lie at the foundation of the political, commercial, and social relations by which human individuals are held together in a community. A world from which all order were absent would be a world in which all thought and action would be im- possible, and to which all thinking and active agents would ultimately succumb. The institutions of society and the organisation of the sciences pre- supposes that some sort of unity and order belong to the world ; and it is the business of all our sciences to study the regularities of the phenomena and events of the world for the purpose of endowing our notion of such regularities with greater pre- (435) 436 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC cision. The problem, then, that confronts us in view of this regularity of the world's order is : How shall we conceive this regularity so as to make intelligible to ourselves the principles or laws by which it is maintained and upon which it depends? The Practical Aspect of the Question. There is no doubt that this is not a theoretical question merely, a question only of the sciences, and unim- portant or superfluous in the absence of theoretical interests. The way in which the world in which we live may be expected to behave is a broadly practical interest; and the man who in the morning starts off to his office, as well as the one who goes to his laboratory, begins the day's work with the ex- pectation that the uniformities upon which he has relied in the past will be maintained in the present. Indeed, we may say that, in the history of the indi- vidual and of the race, interest in the regularity of the course of observed events was practical before it was theoretical; and it would not be difficult to show that the practical motive has never been divorced from the theoretical when, in the progress of the sciences, these uniformities have become the subject of very specialised study. No one, for instance, who has the least knowledge of primitive peoples can fail to be impressed with the fact that the origin and development of their insti- tutions is closely interwoven with their struggle with the forces of nature. Upon his understanding of the physical world has depended the primitive man's ability to maintain himself in existence. We CAUSATION 437 see the relationship thus indicated between the growth of intelligence and the economic struggle illustrated in a broad way if we contrast, for ex- ample, the peoples of the northern and southern latitudes. Whenever, as in the latter case, the food supply is plentiful and relatively independent of the cultivation of the domestic arts, intelligence is com- paratively low ; but when, as in the former case, the food supply is scanty or precarious, it becomes increasingly important to understand the physical environment from which has to be won the means of physical support, and, if the community is to perpetuate itself, to socialise this knowledge in the domestic arts. There are many concrete illustrations of the way in which, at the present time, observation of natural occurrences, and inferences drawn from such observation, are allowed to affect our prac- tical life. From the character of the sunset we infer that it will be a fair or stormy day to- morrow, and, therefore, that it will, or will not, be possible to take a day's outing in the country. What the farmer calls 'good growing weather' is an infer- ence, based upon observed connections in the past, of the same practical sort. Now about the facts that underlie such practical inferences as these, we may observe that they are selected, often by the cooper- ative labours of many generations of observant men, from a very complex mass of details, and that no effort is made, as a rule, either to determine the pre- cise nature and connection of the facts themselves, 438 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC or to enumerate exhaustively the other factors with which, in our experience, they are associated. For example, what constitutes 'good growing weather' may be for one man a matter of temperature, for another a matter of humidity, and for a third a matter of both ; but neither of these factors, nor both together, can be regarded as a sufficient explanation of the term, and many other elements of the situ- ation in which it is relevant to talk about growing weather must be taken account of such, for in- stance, as the nature of the particular crop, the particular stage of its growth, its condition at that stage, the nature of the soil, the location of the field in which the crop is growing, etc. if the phrase is to have for us any practical significance. When, therefore, we examine the character of those uni- formities which our practical interests lead us to observe, we find that they are made up of certain striking or important features of a complex situ- ation, which are connected together in such a way that, on their recurrence in our experience, we are led to expect the recurrence of other features of the situation with which they have been associated in our past experience. In other words, one part of an experience is taken as a sign of the recurrence of another part with which it is usually connected. Beyond such empirical connections as are found in experience, the practical view of causation does not enable us to advance. The Theoretical Aspect of the Question. If we compare the theoretical with the practical way of CAUSATION 439 dealing with the observed regularities in the occur- rence of natural events, we shall see that it differs from the latter in two respects. In the first place, the theoretical view, in Venn's suggestive phrase, 'screws up' the antecedent or cause and the conse- quent or effect of an event into close juxtaposition, so that they come to be regarded as nearly as pos- sible concurrent. The possibility of doing this, it is obvious, depends upon our ability to eliminate from the phenomenon we are examining all the disturb- ing or irrelevant elements. If, therefore, it is re- membered that no two natural events are exactly alike in all their details, that some of the attendant circumstances are peculiar to the instance of the phenomenon we are examining, and form no part of the phenomenon itself, it is evident that the omission of these, by whatever means it is brought about, can serve only to give greater precision to the fac- tors that are involved in the orderly sequence, and to make it possible to determine with greater accu- racy the details which are involved in the causal relation. We pass from the practical to the more theoretical view of causation, that is to say, when we devise means of eliminating from our observa- tion of natural events what is irrelevant to our. search for the conditions of the occurrence of such events. In the second place, the theoretical view insists upon the importance of a careful analysis of the antecedents of an event as a condition of establish- ing a causal relation. Mill insisted on this point 440 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC with some emphasis, and he criticised the practical view for the unregulated way in which it picks out some one event or circumstance, and calls it the cause. There is just ground for Mill's contention, if our study of the observed regularities in the occurrences of natural phenomena is made from the point of view of the requirements of accu- rate knowledge; but if we admit the legitimacy of the practical point of view, if, that is, the order of nature's changes are taken as a clue to the kinds of conduct that are likely to be efficient, we may say that the more refined analysis that Mill had in mind, and which is required by science, would in large measure defeat this latter purpose. It is because the interests of science are so intimately bound up with a detailed knowledge of the conditions of phe- nominal occurrences that, in contrast with those of the practical life, its requirements are satisfied only by the minute analysis of the phenomena with which it is particularly concerned. In emphasising this point Mill has directed attention to an important difference between the practical and theoretical views of the causal relation. The Genetic Relation of the Practical and Theo- retical Views. While the theoretical view of caus- ation differs, as we have said, from the practical in important respects, we should be departing from the truth if we supposed that the differences between these views expressed the whole truth about them. There is between the two views no such opposition in fact as an examination of their differences alone CAUSATION 441 would lead one to think. We must regard them, rather, as earlier and later stages in the progressive efforts of the race to make clear to itself the rela- tion in which it stands to the changing environment under which its life has to be lived. It was doubt- less useful for the theoretical view that practical interests had led to the observation of large numbers of uniformity in the occurrence of natural events. In this way, material was already prepared for it, and to this material it could apply the stricter methods which a change in interests was the means of defining. But in developing and applying these methods the sciences have not freed themselves alto- gether from practical considerations and, moreover, have themselves contributed very largely toward a new and broader conception of the practical itself. By this statement we do not merely mean that, in its history, scientific progress frequently has been determined by difficulties encountered in a narrowly practical way, nor merely that scientific truth has so often been found capable of a like practical application; the more important fact is that, as scientific aims and methods have become established, our conception of what is practical has been broad- ened to include any kind of activity that is directed toward the attainment of an end. In the sense in which nowadays we use the word, any regulated or consciously controlled process is practical, and it would seem that science has not only contributed to this conception but is itself, in this meaning of the term, preeminently a practical affair. And just be- 442 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC cause the scientific man approaches his problems with definite questions in his mind, because, as Bacon said, he interrogates nature, there is a limit set, by the nature of the questions themselves, to the amount of analysis that is necessary in arriving at the solution of particular problems. It is not, therefore, in the amount of analysis performed that we can find the distinguishing mark of a theoretical view of the causal question. For if we insist that our analysis in any field whatever must be relevant, in kind and amount, to the purpose for which it is undertaken, it becomes at once obvious that the practical and theoretical views are brought together under a single view, and that the differences enu- merated above must be understood, not as placing the views in question in different classes, but as indi- cating different species of activity which belong to a single class. The Origin and Nature of the Causal Problem. In view of the foregoing considerations, two facts may be said to be fairly well established. In the first place, there is good reason for believing that the causal problem arises from the importance that the presence of order in human experience has for the practical no less than for the theoretical life. The problem of causation is of such general interest, as we have seen, not because the world in which we live is unregulated and disordered, but because, being regulated and- ordered, we can adjust our- selves to it better if we know the principles and laws according to which, in the future as in the CAUSATION 443 past, things and events may be expected to happen. It is well to be perfectly clear on this point, because frequently its neglect has led to a somewhat one- sided, if not misleading, view of the problem itself. We have called attention to the impossibility of considering the causal problem as in any essential respect different for the scientist than for the prac- tical man. For both, it is the fact that experience presents us with certain regularities in the order of our experience that directs attention to the prob- lem, and that leads to a study of these regularities. We do not study the causal problem, that is to say, to escape from a world of chaos to a world of order, but, starting with the world of order, we seek to understand its laws, and to ascertain how far these laws are capable of being extended to new and larger areas of life. In the second place, it is clear that the problem of causation has nothing whatever to do with the question why things happen as they do, if by that question is meant an inquiry into the reasons why our experience has the distinctive characteristics that it is known to have. Science, and the same thing is equally true of philosophy, starts with the acceptance of the world as it is known in human experience, a world, as we have seen, that has a cer- tain determinate character. Now about such a world, it would be futile to ask ourselves why it has this rather than some other character, since the very problems which confront us in our everyday life, and in our sciences and philosophy as well, arise out 444 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of the world's character as made known by human observation. The facts about the world in which we live, as these are observed and reported in in- creasing numbers and with improving accuracy, constitute the material of all human knowledge, and if there are any further questions that arise, these must concern the way in which such facts are con- nected in the unity of an ordered system. Instead, therefore, of conceiving the causal problem as an inquiry into the reason why facts are what they are, we must view it rather as demanding of us an exposition of the nature of the connection that binds the various parts of human experience together. Put simply, the causal problem is concerned, not with the question why things are what they are, but with the question how things happen as they do. The Course of Our Further Discussion. Our fur- ther study of the causal problem will bring before us particularly three closely related questions. We shall examine, in the first place, the time relations of causal events; in the second place, the complex character of such events will demand attention; and in the third place, we must try to make clear what is meant by the necessity that is always recog- nised as belonging to such events. In our discussion of each of these topics, we shall make Mill's 'treat- ment, in Book III., Chapter V., of the Logic, our point of departure. It will be advantageous, there- fore, for the student to read the whole of Mill's CAUSATION 445 chapter in connection with the following para- graphs. The Time Relations of Causal Events. The first characteristic of a causal relation that Mill enu- merates is the 'invariable antecedence' of certain of the factors involved in the causal relation. He says that "invariability of succession is found by observa- tion to obtain between every fact in nature and some other fact which preceded it. ... The invariable antecedent is termed the cause; the in- variable consequent, the effect. And the universal law of causation consists in this, that every conse- quent is connected in this manner with some ante- cedent or set of antecedents. . . . For every event there exists some combination of objects or events, some given concurrence of circumstances, positive and negative, the occurrence of which is always followed by that phenomenon." He points out that we may not have discovered what the particular concurrence of circumstances may be in a given case, "but," he adds, "we never doubt that there is such a one, and that it never occurs without having the phenomenon in question as its effect or conse- quence." In this passage, Mill definitely raises the ques- tion of the time relations of causal events. In lay- ing emphasis on the antecedence of the cause, Mill takes the view that for any event to be considered as a cause at all, it must exist in time before the event which is, or may be regarded as, its effect. This, doubtless, is the conception of the time rela- 446 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tions of cause and effect that prevails generally at the present day, and it may be worth while to ask how far it is an accurate description of the facts that are involved in causal events. There are, without question, many examples of the causal rela- tion that lend themselves quite naturally and easily to this interpretation, examples, that is to say, in which the fact that we call the cause and the fact that we call the effect appear to be temporally dis- tinct events. A blow on the head, for instance, may be followed by the loss of consciousness, and may be said to be the cause of the loss of con- sciousness. The explosion of a powder magazine may follow the application of a lighted match or fuse to the powder. Diphtheria makes its appear- ance ten days after the ingestion of the Klebs- Loeffler bacillus which, the physicians tell us, is the cause of the disease. In all these cases we have, or seem to have, undoubted examples of the necessary temporal priority of the cause, and the necessary posteriority of the effect, in causally related phe- nomena. It may be doubted, however, whether all causally related events can be made to fall so easily and naturally within this scheme or view. It would be difficult, for example, to detect in the explanation offered by the chemist of the formation of rust the temporal discontinuity of cause and effect which is an essential part of Mill's doctrine of causation. Rust formation, so we are told, is due to the combi- nation of iron with the free oxygen of the air; but, if that is so, it is quite obvious that the chemical CAUSATION 447 combination of oxygen and iron does not precede, but is contemporaneous with, the formation of rust itself. There are innumerable instances of a similar character, and we may even say that the example chosen is typical of most of the chemical processes with which we are at all familiar. The case is im- portant because of the large field of application of chemical laws, not only in the inorganic, but in the organic world as well. To take only one such example, we now know that bacterial action is largely, if not wholly, due to the toxins generated by microscopic organisms; and, if that is true, the final explanation of their action and results is, as is coming to be seen, a highly specialised branch of the science of chemistry. If, as seems probable, the results of bacterial action are not separable in time from the production of their toxins, an overwhelm- ing list of examples can be appealed to to throw doubt on the necessary temporal antecedence and consequence of the events involved in the causal relation. It is owing to some such considerations as these that the position has sometimes been taken that there is no distinction whatever between the cause and the effect of a phenomenon, in other words, that the cause and effect are identical. There seems no sufficient reason in the nature of causal phe- nomena why we should adopt so paradoxical a view. Cause and effect do stand for distinct things in our experience of causal events, and if, as we have said, this distinction is not necessarily one of temporal 448 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC discontinuity, we need to inquire further what the distinction is. When we say that the relation of cause and effect is not necessarily one of antecedence and consequence in time, we must not be understood to affirm that causal phenomena have no relation at all to time. That would be not only a paradox, but exceedingly difficult to maintain. It is no doubt true that all causal phenomena are events in time, that they are constituted by a number of facts which come before and after one another in a series. That the whole number of facts in a causal phe- nomenon have a definite sequence and order in time there is no need to deny, and that the order and sequence can be determined is the permanent ex- pectation and belief of science. From this fact, however, it does not follow that, within the series, the cause and effect are separated by a necessary tem- poral interval. What rather we seem warranted in saying with respect to the causal series is that their factors are continuous, temporal continuity, not temporal discontinuity, seems to be the charac- teristic of all such events. But whether within the causal series the cause antedates the effect, or is contemporaneous, at least in part, with it, as it must be, for example, in the circular reactions of chemistry, is a fact to be determined in the par- ticular instance. But whatever may be true of any particular instance, temporal discontinunity cannot be regarded as an essential feature of the causal relation. The utmost that we can say, from the CAUSATION 449 standpoint of their temporal relations, is that the cause and effect are continuous with one another. The Complex Character of Causal Events. It is seldom, if ever, according to Mill, that an invariable sequence subsists between a consequent and a single antecedent. Usually, the causal relation exists between "a consequent and the sum of several ante- cedents ; the concurrence of all of them being requi- site to produce, that is, to be certain of being fol- lowed by, the consequent." If, for example, "a per- son eats of a particular dish and dies in consequence, that is, would not have died if he had not eaten of it," the death is usually attributed to eating of the dish although, as Mill points out, there were other factors contributing to the result, such as the bodily constitution of the individual, the particular state of his health, and, perhaps, a certain state of the atmosphere. These taken in conjunction with eat- ing of the dish are, according to Mill's view, the 'invariable antecedent/ When we select one among the antecedents of a phenomenon and call this the cause, our selection, Mill says, falls generally on the one which came last into existence. But, he also points out, there is hardly any one among the num- ber of antecedents that may not serve in this special sense as the cause "according to the purpose of our immediate discourse." This tendency "to associate the idea of causation with the proximate antece- dent event, rather than with any of the antecedent states, or permanent facts, which may happen also 450 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC to be conditions of the phenomenon," Mill regards as not at all necessary to the common notion of cause. The conclusion, then, at which he arrives is that by a cause is meant "the sum total of the conditions, positive and negative, taken together; the whole of the contingencies of every description which being realised, the consequent invariably fol- lows. The negative conditions . . . may be all summed up under one head, namely, the absence of preventing or counteracting causes." The essential contentions of Mill in this passage are, first, that the antecedent of any fact is a com- plex group of facts, and, second, that the cause, popularly considered, is taken to be some one fact among the antecedents selected arbitrarily or for some special purpose. With regard to the first point we may quote Jevons. He says : "By an ante- cedent we mean any thing, condition, or circum- stance which exists before or, it may be, at the same time with an event or phenomenon. By a conse- quent we mean any thing, circumstance, event, or phenomenon, which is different from any of the antecedents and follows after their conjunction or putting together. It does not follow that an ante- cedent is a cause, for the effect might have hap- pened without it. Thus the sun's light may be an antecedent to the burning of a house, but not the cause, because the house would burn equally well in the night; but a necessary or indispensable ante- cedent is identical with a cause, being that without which the event would not take place. . . . There CAUSATION 451 are usually many different things, conditions, or circumstances necessary to the production of an effect, and all of them must be considered causes or necessary parts of the cause. Thus the cause of the loud explosion in a gun is not simply the pulling of the trigger, which is only the last appar- ent cause or occasion of the explosion ; the qualities of the powder, the proper form of the barrel, the proper arrangement of the percussion-cap and pow- der, the existence of the surrounding atmosphere, are among the circumstances necessary to the loud report of a gun ; any of them being absent it would not have occurred." In this passage it may be observed that what is popularly regarded as the cause, the second point mentioned by Mill, Jevons calls the occasion of the event, that is, that which, in connection with the other necessary antecedent or coexisting conditions, is effective in bringing these latter into active operation. What Jevons here speaks of as the occasion is sometimes called the immediate cause, the other necessary attendant circumstances being referred to as the conditions or causal conditions of the event in question. That the cause of any event is some complex group of facts or circumstances is undoubtedly true. Indeed, this seems to follow as a matter of necessity from the general character of human experience. As we have pointed out frequently, objects and events are experienced by us, not as separate and individual things, but as subsisting with other ob- jects and events with which they are connected in 452 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC a variety of ways. It is this feature of experience that was said above to be the starting point of the casual problem. Now it is no doubt true that within any experienced complex we can, and in fact do, isolate, by an act of discriminative attention, a given fact or event which we regard, for reasons special to the case, as the effect or result of other perceived or discoverable facts, and that, in this way, a certain uniqueness, a certain independence, comes to be regarded as the distinguishing mark of all effects whatever. But while no objection can be brought against thus isolating an effect, since in this way it is rendered more capable of exact descrip- tion, and the particular causal relation that has to be determined is made more capable of exact defi- nition, a similar line of remark does not apply to what we understand as a cause. For, in the first place, it is only because what we call the effect has a definite character that the search for a cause becomes a problem at all. Unless the fact or event of which we wished an explanation were made definite, there would be no point of starting for the establishment of a causal relation. It is owing to the fact that some part of the experience of which the effect is only a fragment remains indefinite that the cause is characterised at first by an indeter- minateness that would be quite fatal if it attached to the effect. But, not to press this point, we cannot be sure, in the second place, that, in any particular case, all the conditions which will make the oc- CAUSATION 453 currence of an effect intelligible fall within our experience of that case. As we have seen above, experimental and theoretical observation are val- uable chiefly because they bring within experience factors, material to our understanding of a phe- nomenon, that are not included in our ordinary perception of it. An example, usually cited, is the discovery of the planet Neptune by Galileo in 1846. The observed fact which led to its discovery was the deviation of the planet Uranus from the course determined for it by the attractive forces of the sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. It was suggested, first by Adams and later by LeVerrier, that this devia- tion could be accounted for if we supposed that some hitherto unknown body, situated external to it in a particular position and at a given distance, were affecting the movement of the planet. Such a body, situated where Adams and LeVerrier had suggested, was later discovered by Galileo, and exists in our solar system as the planet Neptune. In the third place, we may observe that, whether all the factors necessary to a causal relation are or are not parts of our ordinary perception of it, as indeed the illustration just used is sufficient to show, the effectiveness of any given fact, the planet Neptune, for example, seems to depend as much on its relations to other facts, the sun, Jupiter and Saturn, as it does on its own existence. It is no doubt true that if the fact, the planet Nep- tune, did not exist, it could be neither a cause nor any part of a cause ; but if it is a cause or part 454 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of a cause at all, it owes this character, not merely to its existence, but also to the way it acts and is acted upon by other facts in the system of facts in which the effect, the course of Uranus, is in- cluded as an important, and, indeed, a necessary ele- ment. To take another illustration, we cannot re- gard death as the result of a gun shot, poison, or any other single fact, but as the result of a net- work of facts which includes the gun shot or what not in a system which extends to and embraces the stated effect. From this point of view, it is evident that the problem of causation is one in which, start- ing with some fact or event, we endeavour to build up by observation and experiment a system of facts within which the fact or event with which we started is necessarily included. Causes, conse- quently, must always be complex, and the difficulty of determining causes is the difficulty of including within the system only those factors that are mate- rial to it. Few words are necessary to make our position clear on the second point raised by Mill, namely, the importance usually given to one of the conditions of an event and naming this the cause. Prac- tically, as Mill pointed out, the fact selected is usually the one which is nearest in time to the effect. But, as we have seen, the immediate temporal ante- cedence of the cause is not necessarily an essential feature of the causal relation. What rather, even for the practical view, is needed is the selection of an agent on which reliance can be placed to bring about CAUSATION 455 the desired result. Certainty as to the cause seems to be the desideratum, whether the causal factor is the immediate temporal antecedent of the effect or not. When, for example, we wish to rid the prem- ises of rats, to borrow an illustration, we may choose either traps, strychnine, phosphorus, or ter- riers, and doubtless the one selected will be the one that, under the circumstances, is regarded as most efficient. And by efficient, in this connection, we mean the one that, with due regard to the circum- stances of the case, realises best the purpose for which it is chosen. Now when the purposes, for the satisfaction of which causal relations are sought, become specialised as they do in science, when, that is, they are directed toward the attainment of knowledge, and not toward the improvement of the material conditions of life, the situation, so far as the causal relation is concerned, is not greatly dif- ferent, for in science the search for a cause is determined by a purpose which the ascertainment of the cause itself is expected to satisfy. In the field of science, as was pointed out before, the pur- pose that directs an inquiry does not lie outside of, but is one with, the attainment of scientific truth. In this the chief difference between the theoretical and practical life is to be found. But when we have said that, it remains true that the conditions of knowledge are more rigid than those of practice, and the goal of inquiry requires more strict defini- tion. Hence we find that what passes for a cause in practical life may seem, from the scientific point of 456 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC view, altogether inadequate, if not false, and, con- sequently, that a more thorough analysis of the antecedent and concurrent circumstances has to be undertaken if the end of scientific truth is to be reached. Now, whether or not, for the purpose of science, all or only part of the circumstances and conditions of an event are included in its cause will depend on the particular and immediate purpose it is intended to satisfy. No doubt, the ultimate goal of science is to discover laws of connection which are capable of extension to other than the observed phenomena, but, at the same time, we should observe that it can reach this end only by the determination of the particular connections of one empirical event with another in human experience. But even in this more restricted field of scientific effort, a cer- tain rigid demand is usually made and observed, namely, that all and only those factors which can be regarded as essential conditions of a fact or event should be enumerated as its cause. It is only when there is a lapse from strict scientific precision that any thing less is possible ; and even when such lapse takes place, the scientist feels himself obliged to fill out, on demand, the scantier statement by restoring all the enumerated elements that are of material importance to our understanding of the case. The Necessity of Causal Events. The two fac- tors of Mill's view of Causation that we have con- sidered are, first, that causes are invariable ante- cedents of the facts or events we call effects, ani CAUSATION 457 second, that causes are always complex groups of fact, the sum total of conditions, as Mill says, requisite to bring the effect into existence. There is still a third factor to which we may now give attention, a factor, it would seem, that occupies, in Mill's total view, a place which gives it a peculiarly special prominence. For, according to Mill, you may have a sequence displaying the features of com- plexity and invariability and not have one that is definitely causal. That is to say, B may have fol- lowed A invariably in our experience, and yet the ground or cause of the sequence A-B may really not be in A at all. The illustration, borrowed from Reid, that Mill uses is the sequence of night and day, in neither of which can the cause of the other be found, although there is no doubt that the em- pirical connection extends throughout human expe- rience. Some other factor, therefore, is required to complete the idea of cause, for, as Mill says, "it is necessary to our using the word cause that we should believe not only that the antecedent always has been followed by the consequent, but that as long as the present constitution of things endures it always will be so." Unless the sequence can also be regarded as 'unconditional,' we are not war- ranted, by Mill's view, in considering it to be caus- ally determined. "This is what writers mean when they say that the notion of cause involves the idea of necessity. . . . That which is necessary, that which must be, means that which will be, whatever supposition we may make in regard to all other 458 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC things. . . . That which will be followed by a given consequence when, and only when, some third circumstance also exists, is not the cause, even though no case should ever have occurred in which the phenomenon took place without it. Invariable sequence, therefore, is not synonymous with caus- ation, unless the sequence besides being invariable, is unconditional." It will be seen, at once, that in this statement, and only here, do we come, in Mill's view, face to face with the question, crucial for our comprehen- sion of causal relations, of what we must mean when we say that one event is necessarily connected with another. Now it should be remarked that this statement of Mill's raises questions which for their adequate discussion would require us to go outside the limits of inductive logic into the field of general metaphysics ; and this is true, not only for a student of the theory Mill proposes, but it is admitted as necessarily so by Mill himself. For, as he says, it is only so long as we can believe that the "present constitution of things endures," only so long, that is, as "the ultimate laws of nature (whatever they may be) as distinguished from the derivative laws and the collocations" remain unchanged, that what happens in experience can become a clue to what is true outside experience. In other words, it is only so long as the nature of reality is and remains what it is that we can argue from what has been to what will be in human experience. But the determination of the nature of reality, and of the CAUSATION 459 relation that we as thinking and active individuals sustain toward it, is the definite problem of meta- physics, and only indirectly does this problem come into view in the discussion of logical questions. But even incidentally it is worth while to remark that the relation of logic to metaphysics that the position of Mill raises is such that, unless we can presuppose an ordered system of reality of some sort, our con- fidence in human knowledge is ultimately shaken, and the distinction between truth and error to a large extent is obliterated. For, as we have seen throughout, the nerve of human knowledge is to be found in the confidence we have that in all science and philosophy, and, we should say, in all art and religion as well, we are interpreting, not the empty shadows of a merely temporal experience, but the real nature of the world which is not only the sub- stance of all our knowing, but the very centre and core of the being which we as individuals possess. Turning, now, from these rather abstruce con- siderations, we must try to interpret Mill's position with respect to its logical implications. In order that we may understand exactly what Mill had in mind to say, it will be necessary to gain and secure a correct notion of the term in which he translates the necessity that belongs, as he and Hume before him admit, to our notion of cause. According to Mill, the necessity that we ascribe to a causal sequence has its foundation in the unconditional character of the causal sequence. What, then, does Mill mean by unconditional? The meaning that Mill attaches, 460 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC in a general way, to this word is perhaps not diffi- cult to detect, although he does not state definitely the sense in which it is understood. Most of his statements about it are negative. He says, for in- stance, that "that which will be followed by a given consequent when, and only when, some third cir- cumstance exists, is not the cause," the meaning evidently being that it is a cause only when the consequent follows without such mediation. And, again, he says that "if we adopt the convenient modification of the meaning of the word cause which confines it to the assemblage of positive conditions without the negative, then instead of "uncondition- ally," we must say, "subject to no other than neg- ative conditions," where, again, the absence of some third circumstance is necessary for determining an unconditional sequence. The point that Mill seems to make is that a sequence is unconditional when the consequent is seen to follow from the totality of conditions which constitute its cause, without any aid from any other circumstance which falls outside its cause as thus determined. Two remarks may help to make the meaning of this statement clearer. In the first place, Mill's view leaves out of account, as indeed it has a right to, such metaphysical considerations as were re- ferred to a little while ago. However impossible such a procedure would be if Mill were discussing the causal problem from the standpoint of the phil- osophy of knowledge, it is quite possible and even necessary when he is concerned merely with the CAUSATION 461 invariable connections that are built up in the course of human experience. The denial, therefore, that any "third circumstance" operates in an uncondi- tional sequence cannot be meant, by Mill, to refer to the "constitution of things" which, as we saw, is in some sort the foundation on which all human knowledge in the long run depends. In the second place, we may remark that the "third circumstance," on the absence of which from any sequence the unconditionality of the cause is determined, must be interpreted to mean some third phenomenal circum- stance, some further fact or event of human expe- rience the same in kind as those that enter into the causal relation. What this statement amounts to is the declaration that whenever any causal se- quence has been determined, it will be found to include all those positive factors on which the occur- rence of the phenomenon depends, and that it is only when all such factors are present that the sequence is necessary, or, in Mill's term, uncondi- tional. It may help to bring out the significance of such a statement if we say that when the stated conditions are satisfied in any given case, we can argue not only from the occurrence of the cause to the occurrence of the effect, but also from the occur- rence of the effect to the occurrence of the cause. The presence of either the cause or effect necssarily implies the presence also of the effect or the cause. The Plurality of Causes. In view of the fact that the aim of science is to point out a connection be- tween a particular event and the totality of condi- 462 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tions on the presence of which the event takes place, and on the absence of which it does not take place, we may ask how this conception of the aim of science is affected by the fact that the same event may occur for very different reasons. Now about such a fact there is no qusetion. It was fully recog- nised, for instance, by Mill who tersely remarks that "it is not true that the same phenomenon is always produced by the same cause." The fact, then, is that an event M may be caused now by A, and, again, by B or C or D. This fact is known, in the terminology of Mill, as the plurality of causes. What effect, we may ask, does the recognition of such a plurality of causes have upon our view of the nature of causation as expounded in the pre- ceding paragraphs? If we consider this question strictly from the point of view of what we have seen the relations between cause and effect in a causal sequence must be, it is obvious that we can not regard those events whose occurrence depends on a possible plurality of antecedents as causally related events at all. It was said just now that in a causal sequence we must be able, not only to argue from the occurrence of the antecedent to that of the consequent, but also to argue from the occurrence of the consequent to that of the antecedent. Now the significance of such a connection between antecedent and conse- quent in a causal sequence is that it goes far beyond what, in an earlier chapter, we saw was formally possible when we were considering merely hypo- CAUSATION 463 thetical statements of fact. The rule concerning hypothetical statements, 'If A then B' for example, made it clear that from the occurrence of B we could say nothing with respect to the occurrence of A, and the reason assigned was that B might have occurred for some other reason than A. In other words, we had to recognise the possibility of what Mill calls the plurality of causes. Now the necessity for such a rule for dealing with the facts of our general experience is quite obvious when we consider that, with the development of science, there has come to be recognised a marked difference be- tween empirically connected events and causally related events, and, consequently that until the causal character of a particular sequence has been established, we cannot be certain that one rather than another group of possible antecedent condi- tions, as a matter of fact, has been the occasion of any given consequent. We may also point out that the recognition of a plurality of causes, if we emphasise the word cause in Mill's phrase, would necessarily throw our whole conception of cause into confusion, and there would remain for us no means of distinguishing between those events which were really connected 'as cause and effect, and those whose connections depended, in MilPs words, on some "third circumstance," events, that is to say, which are connected merely after the manner of an empirical juxtaposition. The distinction between causal sequences and em- pirical ones is important, it marks one of the gains 464 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that have been acquired as the result of much labour, and it serves the distinctive purpose of map- ping out the fields with respect to which we may claim to have different degrees of knowledge. It is certainly true, for instance, that the inferences drawn from our ordinary experience are enter- tained much less confidently than are those that rest on the foundation of a scientific induction. In the latter case alone do we have certainty; in the former, we reach only a higher or lower degree of probability. And the difference between certainty and probability rests, in part at least, on the fact that in the case of certain knowledge all the factors material to it are known, and in the case of prob- ability we have no reason for believing that this requirement has been satisfied. And this statement enables us to see why it is that analysis plays so large a part in the method not only of the sciences but of philosophy as well, and why it is that, from the times of the Greeks, the distinction, based on the application of a method of analysis to the facts of experience, between opinion and knowledge, be- tween the popular beliefs of an age on the one hand, and carefully established truths on the other, has been regarded as a condition of intellectual culture and progress. We cannot, therefore, entertain any suggestion of treating the two classes of connection, the causal and the empirical, as if no distinction had been made between them, and we cannot do so be- cause all scientific advancement depends on it, and CAUSATION 465 because it would leave us without any adequate conception of what we should mean by a cause. The result of our consideration of the conception of a plurality of causes amounts to this, that when we look at the conception from the standpoint of a carefully stated view of what causation implies, it seems to be a quite misleading, if not mischievous, conception. But, it may be objected, this result can be reached and maintained only if we allow a some- what strict interpretation of the causal relation to determine the view we take as to the possibility of a plurality of causes. That is exactly true. But the recognition of its truth does not require us to alter our notion of the causal relation, but to indicate the field within which the operation of more than a single set of antecedents as a condition of the occur- ,rence of a given fact or event may be said to occur. What we have seen is that the field of causally estab- lished relations is not such a field. For science in the strict sense of that term there is only one group of conditions that can be inferred from the occurrence of any given event. But when we remark that, as compared with the broad extent of our ordinary experience, the causal field is only a very small area, we see at once that, when we go outside this field, there must be possible some other than a causal interpretation of the sequences that occur. It follows, therefore, that we must go outside the field of the natural sciences if, looking at our expe- riences from the standpoint of their temporal rela- 466 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tions, we wish to emphasise and illustrate the possi- bility and nature of a plurality of causes. Nowhere, except in the sciences, can we argue from conse- quent to antecedent. The relations of antecedent and consequent, therefore, that occur in our ordi- nary experience, are not, in the strict sense, causal relations at all. And because they are not, it seems altogether misleading to speak of these relations as involving a plurality of causes. What a discussion of the possibility of a plurality of causes forces on us is, then, the recognition of a type of experience which implies no more than a plurality of ante- cedent or concurrent conditions. To call these con- ditions, in their relation to the event with which they are connected in our experience, causal is to go beyond what we know about them; for, as we have said, the test of a causal relation is that we can argue, not only from a given set of conditions to the conditioned, but also from the conditioned to a particular set of conditions. It is exactly the impossibility of doing this latter that led Mill, in the class of cases we are now considering, to speak of a pluarlity of causes, and which leads us to speak of a plurality of conditions. If, by our terminology, we can keep clearly before ourselves the fact that the relations which we are now considering are not causal, in the strict sense of that word, but that they are connected empirically merely in our experience, it will be passible to set over against each other the two types of experience, and to entertain the prob- lem, which the non-causal relations certainly sug- CAUSATION 467 gest, whether these latter can all be reduced to a single causal type. Although it takes us outside the limits of our present inquiry, we may hazard the remark that perhaps human life and experience are too rich and complex to be capable of interpretation throughout in terms of any single class of relations. REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Problem of Logic, Chs. XXVI., XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Chs. XVI., XVII. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Chs. IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lessons XXVIII., XXIX. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. IX. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Chs. III., IV., V., VI., VII. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Chs. XIV., XVI. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Ch. XVII. ADVANCED B. Bosanquet, Logic, Vol. I., Book I., Ch. VII. F. H. Bradley, The Principles of Logic, Book. II., Part II., Ch. III., Book III., Part II., Ch. II. W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Chs. XLII., XLIV., XLV., XLVI. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction of Logic, Chs. XIX., XX., XXII. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book III., Chs. V., VI., VIII., IX., X., V. 468 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Chs. XX., XXI. J. Venn, Empirical Logic, Ch. XVII. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. II., Book V., Chs. I., 143, 144, V., 155. QUESTIONS 1. In what general fact of observation does the problem of causation originate? 2. How, in view of this fact, may the causal problem be stated? 3. Explain what is meant by saying that the causal prob- lem is practical before it is theoretical. Illustrate. 4. In what way does the practical aspect of the problem of causation tend to develop human intelligence? 5. Describe as accurately as you can the precise nature of the regularities in experience which we are led to ob- serve from the practical point of view. 6. In what two respects does the theoretical differ from the practical view of causation, and what advantages are thereby secured? 7. State and illustrate Mill's criticism of the practical and theoretical conceptions of cause. 8. Show, by means of illustrations, that the practical and theoretical conceptions of cause are genetically related. 9. In what way has the theoretical notion of cause reacted upon the practical to give it a more definite and extended meaning? 10. What is meant by saying that the causal problem arises from the importance of order in human experience? 11. 'The causal problem is concerned with the question of how things happen as they do.' Explain. 12. What, according to Mill, is the first characteristic of a causal relation? 13. What is meant by the time relations of causal events? 14. How far do you agree with Mill that the cause of an event is its invariable antecedent? CAUSATION 469 15. What can you say with respect to the view that there is no essential difference between a cause and an effect. 16. Explain what is meant by the temporal continuity of causal events. 17. What, according to Mill, is the second characteristic of causal relations, and to what two facts of importance does it direct attention? 18. What does Jevons mean by the occasion of an event as contrasted with its cause? What other term is some- times used for Jevons' 'occasion'? 19. Give three reasons for emphasising the complex charac- ter of causes. 20. What can be said for and against selecting one of the conditions of an event and calling that the cause? 21. In what way would your answer to the previous ques- tion be affected by the consideration that one's interest in the causal relation is practical and not theoretical? 22. What, according to Mill, is the third characteristic of causal relations? 23. Does Mill recognise the 'necessity' of causal relations, and, if so, what does he mean by necessity? 24. Does Mill's view of causation imply an appeal to meta- physics, and, if so, in what respect? 25. Explain what Mill means by unconditional. 26. Is it possible, on Mill's view of causation, to argue from the occurrence of an effect to that of the cause? 27. What is meant by the plurality of causes? 28. If in any particular instance we admit a possible plu- rality of causes, how does that admission affect our con- ception of its strictly causal character? 29. What is the difference between causally and hypothet- ically connected series of events? 80. Why would it be preferable to speak of a plurality of eonditions instead of a plurality of causes? 470 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC EXERCISES 1. Enumerate six instances of regularity in the order of particular events which are of importance for the prac- tical life. 2. Develop, from the theoretical point of view, the in- stances mentioned in your answer to the previous ques- tion in order to show to what question of scientific in- terest each may lead. 3. Examine six instances of scientific causation for the purpose of showing how each satisfies the three condi- tions of a cause mentioned in the text. 4. Examine the following and show in what respects they are, and in what respects they are not, statements of strictly causal relations. (1) In myexperience A has been invariably preceded by B, and we may therefore conclude that B is the cause of A. (2) Scarlet poppies, scarlet verbenas, the scarlet haw- thorne and honeysuckle are all odourless, there- fore we may conclude that all scarlet flowers are destitute of odour. 6. Mention six instances which illustrate, what Mill calls, a plurality of causes. State for each instance the pos- sible causes. CHAPTER XVII MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Their Historical Position. The publication of Mill's System of Logic in 1843 gave, no doubt, a great impetus to the study of what is commonly known as inductive logic, and especially to the con- sideration of the principles that underlie the meth- ods by which, in the several sciences, causal relations are determined. Prior to Mill, however, interest in the inductive inquiry had had a somewhat long his- tory, and the reader will find in Minto's Logic (pp. 243-272) an account of the course that this interest took from the time of the Franciscan monk, Roger Bacon (1214-1292), to the modern era which was ushered in, and whose development was determined by the progress of experimental science. That the advancement of learning, of which Francis Bacon (1561-1626) may be taken as the modern herald, should have maintained itself successfully for over two centuries, and that during that period natural science should have extended its scope as well as secured its position, could not be without its in- fluence upon the conception that was held of the nature and value of logical inquiries. In the pres- ence of such a solid body of achievement as came rapidly to the credit of the natural sciences, it was inevitable that interest should be aroused in the methods by which such results were gained. Con- (471) 472 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC sequently, we find that men of learning in this period gave considerable attention to the study of scientific methods, and in the first half of the nine- teenth century HerscheFs discourse On the Study of Natural Philosophy, (1831), and Whewell's two large volumes on the History of the Inductive Sci- ences, (1837), and his Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, (1840), stand out prominently as contri- butions of capital importance to our understanding of the inductive procedure. Based as they are upon the facts of experimental science, and containing a description and analysis of the methods by which conclusions had been reached in the sciences, they constitute a repository of great value for any one who would study the theory of inductive science. With these books before him, Mill set out in his Logic, as he says, to "generalise the modes of inves- tigating truth and estimating evidence, by which so many important and recondite laws of nature have, in the various sciences, been aggregated to the stock of human knowledge." In the chapter on The Four Methods of Experimental Inquiry/ Mill gives an account of the various ways in which causal relations are or may be determined. In what fol- lows, we propose to describe these methods briefly, and shall limit ourselves chiefly to the task of stating and illustrating them. To determine the view that Mill took of them as a whole, or to estimate their value in detail, falls outside the scope of an elemen- tary study of logical problems. MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 473 The Nature of the Problem to which these Methods Apply. In the foregoing chapter, we have seen that the causal relation, strictly interpreted, is reciprocal, that is, it is a relation between phenomena of such a kind that from the presence or absence of either term of the relation we can argue to the presence or absence of the other. The rise and fall of the mercury in a thermometer, for example, are recip- rocally related to the varying degrees of tempera- ture. To the establishment of such relations the sciences doubtless aspire in their investigation of the processes of nature. And that a considerable degree of success in this particular has been achieved in those sciences, such as physics and astronomy, which rest upon a mathematical foundation is suffi- cient to suggest, to those who are interested in the logic of the sciences, an inquiry to which the meth- ods of Mill are the direct answer. Mill's methods, in other words, are a statement of the processes which have been found useful in the establishment of those causal relations in which the antecedent and conse- quent reciprocally imply each other. But since recip- rocal relations have not been established between the antecedent and the consequent of all known phenomena, we should be putting an unnecessary strain upon these methods if we did not regard them as applying, in the strict sense, only to those special cases in which a relation of the kind in question had been determined. We may also remark that these methods are not offered by Mill as a substitute for the specialised modes of investigation which are 474 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC developed by each special science according to its needs. Indeed, the methods are quite general in nature, and could not have been formulated had not relations of the kind they imply been already suc- cessfully established. They must be understood, therefore, as revealing the logic of causal inquiries, when these inquiries have led to the determination of reciprocal relations between causes and effects. Elimination as a Method of Causal Inquiry. We have just seen that Mill's methods aim to state the general modes of procedure in those instances in which reciprocal causal relations have been estab- lished. In the light of this statement, it might seem superfluous to ask whether the causal inquiry rests upon the process of eliminating from the cause, or effect, those data whose presence or absence from a phenomenon makes no difference either to its occur- rence or non-occurrence. This is, indeed, the posi- tion that we should be inclined to adopt were it not for the fact that a difference of opinion exists as to whether, and in what sense, the methods, as Mill expounds them, depend upon such process of elimination. Joseph, for example, takes the view that "the causal circumstances are indicated by a process of exhaustive elimination." His position, more fully stated, is that, in view of the nature of causal rela- tions, certain particular requirements must be satis- fied by any instance which claims to involve a causal relation, and that the failure to satisfy any one of these requirements disproves that relation between two given phenomena. These requirements he enu- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 475 merates as grounds of elimination, and are as fol- lows: 1. Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon in the absence of which it nevertheless occurs. 2. Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon in the presence of which it nevertheless fails to occur. 3. Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon which varies when it is constant, or is constant when it varies, or varies in no proportionate manner with it. 4. Nothing is the cause of a phenomenon which is known to be the cause of a different phenomenon. These grounds of elimination are said by Joseph to be the foundations of Mill's inductive methods. The first is the foundation of the Method of Agree- ment ; the second, of the Method of Difference ; the first and second combined, of the Joint Method of Agreement and difference; the third, of the Method of Concomitant Variations; and the fourth, of the Method of Residues. It thus comes about, according to Joseph, that "Mill has not formulated four (or five) but one "Method of Experimental Inquiry" ... of which the essence is that you establish a particular hypothesis about the cause of a phe- nomenon by showing that, consitently with the nature of the relation of cause and effect, the facts do not permit you to regard it as the effect of any- thing else (and mutatis mutandis if you are inquir- ing into the effect of anything) ." Thus if I know that S must be caused by L or M or P or Q, because these are the instances in which the phenomenon occurs, then by testing each instance by the canons 476 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC of elimination I am able to discover the one rela- tion in which S stands that is reciprocally causal. Against this position Gibson argues that there is in Joseph's account a confusion between physical and logical elimination, and that when Mill speaks of the Methods of Agreement and Difference as methods of elimination he must be understood to mean the former and not the latter kind of elimina- tion. The meaning of this contention is quite clear if by physical elimination is understood the method of excluding from a phenomenon certain elements which are found not to have an effect upon the occur- rence or non-occurrence of the phenomenon. By logical elimination, on the other hand, is meant the rejection of certain hypotheses as, for example, some of the alternatives in a disjunctive proposi- tion with respect to the causal connection. In this case, we are rejecting the non-causes as a means of discovering the true causes. There is a certain presumption in favour of Gibson's conten- tion, for Mill himself says that elimination is a term "well suited to express the operation . . . which has been understood since the time of Bacon to be the foundation of experimental inquiry namely, the successive exclusion of the various circumstances which are found to accompany a phenomenon in a given instance, in order to ascertain what are those among them which can be absent consistently with the existence of the phenomenon." But whether any or all of Mill's Methods are based upon a single type of elimination can be decided only by exam- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 477 ining the methods themselves. For the present, it is enough to have stated the nature of the difference between the views that are held of the relation of elimination to the Methods that we are about to study. The Method of Agreement. Mill states the prin- ciple upon which this Method rests as follows: If two or more instances of the phenomenon under investigation have only one circumstance in common, the circumstance in which alone all the instances agree is the cause (or effect) of the given phenomenon. The requirement that the instances in question shall have only one circumstance in common can not be satisfied unless all the other circumstances that are relevant to the phenomenon are different. Not any enumeration of instances, therefore, would sat- isfy the conditions of this Method, but only one in which all the instances, however much they may differ from one another, are alike in only a single particular. When, then, two or more instances of a phenomenon are shown to have only one circum- stance in common, that circumstance, according to Mill, is the cause or the effect of the phenomenon. For this reason, the Method has been called the Method of Single Agreement, and is formulated by Jevons as follows : The sole invariable antecedent of a phe- nomenon is probably its cause. An illustration bor- rowed from Bain, may be given. "The North-East wind," Bain writes, "is generally detested in this country ; as long as it blows, few people are at their best. Occasional well known causes of a wind being 478 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC injurious are violence, excessive heat or cold, ex- cessive dryness or moisture, electrical condition, the being laden with dust or exhalations. Let the hypo- thesis be that the last is the cause of the North- East wind's unwholesome quality; since we know it is a ground current setting from the pole toward the equator and bent westward by the rotation of the earth; so that, reaching us over thousands of miles of land, it may well be fraught with dust, effluvia, and microbes. Now, examining many cases of North-East wind, we find that this is the only circumstance in which all the instances agree; for it is sometimes cold, sometimes hot; generally dry ; but sometimes wet ; sometimes light, sometimes violent; and of all electrical conditions. Each of the other circumstances, then, can be omitted with- out the North-East wind ceasing to be noxious ; but one circumstance is never absent namely, that it is a ground current. That circumstance, therefore, is probably the cause of its injuriousness." It will be observed from this illustration that the Method is essentially a method of elimination; its use depends upon the possibility of analysing the phenomenon into its constituent parts, and of select- ing from among them the one that is causal. It is evident, therefore, that the method cannot begin to be put into operation until we have before us at least two instances of the phenomenon, and that the reliability of the Method is much increased with an increase in the number and variety of the in- staces that are examined. In view of such facts MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 479 as these, Mellone has formulated the method as follows: When observation shows that two events accompany one another (either simultaneously or in succession), it is probable that they are causally con- nected; and the probability increases with the number and variety of the instances. When this Method speaks of causes as single antecedents, it is evident that it presupposes that the phenomenon under investigation has been sub- jected to analysis, and that in this way its elements have been distinguished. Now, with respect to the supposition that causes are to be discovered among the elements into which the phenomenon is anal- ysed, there are two question to be asked. The first is, are we certain, in view of the inter-connection of all parts of the known universe, that single events ever do act in isolation from all the rest? But not to press the point in that form, are we certain that within particular universes, that is, with reference to particular groups of events, we can analyse a point for point concomitance between causes and effects? For instance, is the "ground current" of the illustration used above, on any supposition, a single antecedent? Is it not merely another name for "dust, effluvia, and microbes"? If, however, it be replied that the object of science is to establish causal connections between single antecedents and consequents, we may ask, in the second place, whether there exists any means of assuring our- selves that the analysis of a particular phenomenon, however complete it may seem, has succeeded in 480 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC detecting all of the factors present in the event that we call its cause? For a long time, for example, air was regarded as an element; and even since its analysis into oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc., modern chemistry has discovered still other elements in certain quantities. It may very well happen, therefore, that any supposed single antecedent is really complex. In most cases, it is only a relative simplicity that can be attained, a simplicity that is met with at the point where our methods of analysis are unable to carry us any further. We conclude, therefore, that the Method states an ideal that, in practice, is difficult to attain, and, when attained, to definitely certify. What degree of confidence, we may ask, may be reposed in the results that are attained by the use of this Method ? In other words, what are the limits of its usefulness? To be more specific still, is it distinctively a method by which we are able to ex- plain the occurrence of phenomena? This question we must answer in the negative. The Method of Agreement is, as one has said, "a mode of recon- noitering," a method for delimiting the area. within which causal relations may, with some degree of confidence, be expected to exist. But for the estab- lishment of such relations we should have to pass beyond the method itself. Let us suppose, for example, that three instances of a phenomenon may be analysed in the following schematic way: MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 481 [ABC x / z] Antecedents 1 A E' C x/wj- Consequents Are we certain, in such a case, that A, the circum- stance in which all the antecedents agree, is the cause of the phenomenon ? Starting with the obser- vation of x, does it follow, because our analysis of all the instances of x shows A to be the one element that is common to these instances, that A is, there- fore, the cause of x ? Mill has pointed out in answer to such questions that their affirmative answer would take us beyond the limits of this Method, when and so long as we are obliged to consider, in our interpretation of the instances, the possibility of a plurality of causes, the possibility, that is, that x may be produced by more than one cause. If the instances of the phenomenon were known to be reciprocal, or if we were certain that we had all the instances before us, the situation would be different; but so long as neither condition is guar- anteed, it only remains probable, as Jevons' and Mellone's formulations of the Method indicate, that the "one circumstance in common" is the cause of the phenomenon in question. It thus appears, to quote Mill, that the Method of Agreement "leads only ... to unifomities, which either are not laws of causation, or in which the question of causation must for the present remain undecided. The Method of Agreement is chiefly to be resorted to as a means of suggesting applications of the Method of Differ- 31 482 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC ence, ... or as an inferior resource in case the Method of Difference is impracticable; which . . . generally arises from the impossibility of artificially producing the phenomena/' that is, when experi- mentation is not possible. The Method of Difference. The Method of Agree- ment, as we saw, is a method of systematic obser- vation, and its object, negatively stated, is to elim- inate from the occurrences of a particular phenom- enon those elements which, because they are not constant in all the instances, cannot be regarded as being the cause, or part of the cause of the phenom- enon, and thus, affirmatively stated, to map out the area within which the cause may probably be found. Turning now to the Method of Difference, we find that it is a method of scientific experiment, and the formulation given it by Mill is as follows: If an instance in which the phenomenon under inves- tigation occurs, and an instance in which it does not occur, have every circumstance in common save one, that one occurring only in the former, the circum- stance in which alone the two instances differ is the effect, or the cause, or an indispensable part of the cause, of the phenomenon. Let us suppose, for ex- ample, that two instances of a phenomenon can be analysed schematically as follows : f A B C x y zl Antecedents } I Consequents B C y z MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 483 then we may say, according to this Method, that A is the cause of x. Thus, let us suppose that in two glasses equal quantities of lemon juice and water are mixed, and that in one of them a given quantity of sugar is dissolved. The taste of the liquid which contains the sugar, we shall say, is pleasant, and the taste of the liquid which does not contain sugar is unpleasant. What is the cause of the pleasant taste? The circumstance, says Mill, in which alone the two instances differ, namely, the sugar. In calling the Method of Difference a method of scientific experiment, we may observe that scientific experimentation, as this was defined above, involves a definite control of the conditions under which a phenomenon occurs, and a definite inquiry to which the experiment is expected to give an affirmative or negative answer. Scientific experiment is like a shafted arrow, it is aimed at a mark, and its course toward that mark is controlled, as is the arrow which is sped from the bow. To illustrate, let us suppose that we wished to know why a feather, dropped simultaneously from the same height as a coin, reaches the ground after the coin. Our ques- tion will be, Is the greater resistance offered by the air to the feather the cause of the observed phe- nomenon? To answer this question, we must insti- tute an experiment, and to do this, as we said, it is necessary to bring the phenomenon under controlled conditions. Thus, we first drop the two objects from the same level and at the same time in, let us say, the receiver of an air-pump. The feather is 484 A TEXT-BOOK OP LOGIC observed to flutter to the base of the pump after the coin. We perform the same experiment again, with the exception that we take care to remove all the air from the receiver. Under these conditions, the coin and the feather reach the base of the re- ceiver at the same time. The conclusion is that the only circumstance in which the two instances differ, namely, the presence of air in the former, is the cause of the phenomenon. Because, as in this ex- ample, the Method proceeds systematically by changing one condition at a time, it is known as the Method of Single Difference, and the following formulation has been given by Mellone: When the addition of an agent is followed by the ap- pearance, or its subtraction by the disappearance, of a certain event, other circumstances remaining the same, that agent is causally connected with the event. Or, to state the principle on which any formulation of the Method relies, we may say that the circum- stance in the absence of which a phenomenon fails to occur is the cause, or part of the cause, of the phe- nomenon. It will add to the clearness of our apprehension of the meaning of this Method, if we distinguish the instances of the phenomenon that are success- ively observed. For this purpose, let us call the instance in which the suspected cause occurs the positive instance, and the one in which it does not occur the negative instance. By this terminology is meant that, in what is called the positive in- stance, we have the occurrence of the observed phe- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 485 nomenon along with the occurrence of its supposed cause, and, in the negative instance, the absence of the phenomenon together with the absence of the supposed cause. In view of this distinction, it will be seen that the Method depends, for its validity, on the negative instances through which a suspected cause is either proved or disproved. And, for this reason, it rightly insists on the importance of varying only one condi- tion of the phenomenon at a time. For if we were to vary simultaneously two of a phenomenon's condi- tions, and found that some change resulted, we should be unable to tell whether this change was due to one of the altered conditions, or to the other, or to the joint action of both. And if no change en- sued, we could not safely conclude that neither con- dition was affective, for the action of the one may have been neutralised by that of the other. And even when only a single condition is varied at any one time, it is important, as Mill pointed out, that the experiment should be conducted with dispatch, and its entire process brought as rapidly as possible to an end. The reason for this caution is that if the experiment is to serve the purpose for which it was instituted, the effect must be the effect solely of the one altered condition. If, on the contrary, during the course of an unusually prolonged experiment, the original conditions of the experiment were mod- ified by the development of changes which deter- mined in part the character of the observed effect we should have, what Mill called, an inter-mixture of 486 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC effects ; and this would be as destructive of the value of the Method as any unsystematic variation in the conditions themselves. It is a well known fact that not all problems are capable of experimental handling, and that those that are, are liable to have their results affected by the operation of conditions which we can in no wise eliminate. In the former case, the Method of Difference cannot be used. In the latter, the condi- tions referred to are those that belong to the struc- ture of the universe to which the particular phenom- enon belongs. Such conditions Mill called perma- nent causes. "The pendulum, for example, has its oscillations disturbed by the vicinity of a mountain." What, in such a case, can be done to make the Method applicable? It is evident that we cannot remove the mountain, but, as Mill points out, we can take the pendulum to a locality where the mountain's intereference is reduced to a minimum. In this way, it ceases to be an "influencing agent," and becomes merely a "co-existing fact." When an experiment cannot be removed outside the sphere of the operation of such permanent causes, recourse may be had to the Method of Concomitant Variations which is discussed below. The Joint Method of Agreement and Difference. There is, no doubt, something ideal in the require- ments that are laid down as conditions of the use of the Methods of Agreement and of Difference. It is rarely that in the course of common life or scientific investigation a number of instances are given which MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 487 agree or differ in only a single instance. There seems to be, therefore, a breach between experience, on the one hand, and these modes of establishing causal relations, on the other. Either, then, we shall have to say that the Methods of Agreement and of Difference are of only limited application, and that causal connections cannot be established in a great deal of our experience, or that, with re- spect to that part of experience which does not come directly within the scope of these Methods, some other means of determining causal connections must be used. It is to meet the latter of these alternatives that the Joint Method of Agreement and Difference is particularly useful. The formulation of this Method by Mill was made necessary in view of the fact, as he says, that there are "many cases in which, though our power of producing the phenomenon is complete, the Method of Difference either cannot be made available at all, or not without a previous em- ployment of the Method of Agreement. This occurs," says Mill, "when the agency by which we can pro- duce the phenomenon is not that of one single ante- cedent, but a combination of antecedents, which we have no power of separating from each other and ex- hibiting apart." Besides those cases in the natural sciences which Mill had in mind, the Joint Method will be found applicable, as Creighton has pointed out, when we try "to reach generalizations regard- ing the behaviour of human individuals or human societies in looking for moral, or social or eco- nomic laws." 488 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC The Joint Method is formulated by Mill as fol- lows: If two or more instances in which the phe- nomenon occurs have only one circumstance in com- mon, while two or more instances in which it does not occur have nothing in common save the absence of that circumstance, the circumstance in which alone the two sets of instances differ is the effect, or the cause, or an indispensable part of the cause, of the phenomenon. Thus, we are concerned, in this Method, with two sets of instances, one set of posi- tive instances, in which thei phenomenon with its suspected cause is present, and one of negative instances, in which the phenomenon with its sus- pected cause is absent. When these conditions are satisfied, the Method affirms that the circumstances in which the two sets of instances differ is causally connected with the phenomenon. Let us suppose, for example, that two sets of instances, positive and negative, can be, schematically, analysed as follows : Antecedents POSITIVE INSTANCES ABCD xyzw x y v u A B E F A C F G X Z U t Consequents Antecedents NEGATIVE INSTANCES B C D E y z C F G H z E H J K v z w vl u t s L s r qj Consequents A comparison of these instances shows that when x is present A is present,' and that when x is absent MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 489 A is absent, and this suggests that A and x are causally connected. But we cannot prove this by the Method of Agreement, because there are no two instances which agree in having only a single cir- cumstance is common; and we cannot prove it by the Method of Difference, because there are no two instances which differ in no respect except in the presence of A and x in the positive instances, and their absence in the negative ones. Moreover, it will be observed that the instances supposed do not conform strictly to the requirements of Mill's state- ment, and that it is exactly this divergence that sets the problem which this Method is intended to solve. In other words, the agreements and differences are greater in the instances we have supposed than they have any right to be on a strict interpretation of Mill's statement. The reason for this divergence is that Mill's statement of the Method, as Mellone remarks, "is vague, and it is incorrect in more than one point; two positive instances would never be enough, still less could two negative instances ; and it is not necessary that the negative instances should have 'nothing in common'," and, as our illustration shows, it is not necessary that the positive instances should agree in only a single circumstance. With these amendments in view, we may quote Mellone's proposed formulation of the Method : Whatever is present in numerous observed instances of the pres- ence of the phenomenon, and absent in observed instances of its absence, is probably connected caus- ally with the phenomenon. 490 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC How, now, can we proceed to apply the Method? If we examine the positive instances, employing for that purpose the general principle of the Method of Agreement, we shall see that in the first two cases A or B or AB is the cause of the phenomenon x, since A and B are the only conditions present in both. For a similar reason, we see that A or C or AC is the probable cause of the phenomenon in the first and third cases; and that the cause in the second and third cases is probably A. Now if the probable cause in all these instances is the same, that cause must be A, since that is the only particular in which they all agree. If, now, we examine the neg- ative instances, employing for that purpose the gen- eral principle of the Method of Difference, we note that they all agree in the absence of A and x, and that this is the only relevant circumstance in which they do agree. The absence in the negative instances of the supposed cause of x along with the absence of x, when taken in connection with the relative unimportance of the other circumstances, greatly strengthens the supposition that was reached as the result of examining the positive instance, namely, that A is the cause of x. Such a Method as the one here outlined has been called by various names. Mill spoke of it sometimes as "a double employment of the Method of Agreement," whence it is often called the Method of Double Agreement. Mill also spoke of it as the Indirect Method of Difference. But the name by which it is commonly known is the Joint Method MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 491 of Agreement and Difference, a name which Mill also used in referring to the method. The following application of the Joint Method to a social problem illustrates so well, not only its usefulness in this class of problem, but the nature of the Method itself, that we shall quote it entire. "We may suppose," Creighton writes, "that in a certain part of the country it was noticed that a considerable difference existed in the number of criminal offenses committed, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, in the various towns. In several towns the percentage was high, while in others it was relatively small. This being so, a question naturally arose as to the cause of the high percentage. Now there were among the people various opinions concerning the matter. . . . Not being able to agree about the matter, it was decided to appoint a committee to investigate the circum- stances existing in various towns where the same general conditions prevailed, and upon the basis of this comparison to decide. The towns with a high criminal percentage were examined first. The re- port of conditions there was as follows : Town A: Small police force efficient schools severe pen- alties inactive churches licensed saloon. Town B: Small police force efficient schools light penal- ties active churches licensed saloons. Town C : Large police force inefficient schools severe pen- alties active churches licensed saloons. Town D: Large police force inefficient schools light pen- alties inactive churches licensed saloons. 492 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC "This report revealed the fact that in each of these towns having a high criminal percentage there was one circumstance, and only one, invariably present, the licensed saloon. This rendered it probable that the saloon was the cause of the high percentage of crime. Still, before finally deciding, it was thought well to investigate negative instances as well ; that is, towns in which the high percentage of crime did not occur. The report of conditions there was as follows: / Town E: Large police force efficient schools light penal- ties active churches no licensed saloons. Town F: Large police force inefficient schools light pen- alties active churches no licensed saloons. Town G: Small police force efficient schools light penal- ties inactive churches no licensed saloons. Town H : Small police force inefficient schools severe pen- alties active churches no licensed saloons. "This table showed that in the absence of the phenomenon (high criminal percentage) one and only one of the conditions concerned was invariably absent ; namely, the licensed saloon. This confirmed the previous report and established to the satisfac- tion of all that the saloon was, at least, the main cause of the high criminal percentage in the cities concerned." The Method of Concomitant Variations. Mill states this Method as follows : Whatever phenom- enon varies in any manner whenever another phe- nomenon varies in some particular manner, is either MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 493 a cause or an effect of that phenomenon, or is con- nected with it through some fact of causation. The Method presupposes two classes of cases. Whenever, for example, any variation in one phenomenon ac- companies a variation in another, these phenomena may either be related directly as cause and effect, or they may be "two different effects of a common cause." The Method itself, however, does not enable us to decide, in any particular instance, which of these alternative possibilities is realised. In order to decide that point, as Mill says, we should have to determine whether one set of the variations in ques- tion were capable of being produced by means of the other. In that case, the relation is one of cause and effect. If, on the other hand, the variations in ques- tion were not capable of being produced in the man- ner indicated, we should have to regard them as effects of a cause that is common to both. In both cases the principle on which the Method rests is that "anything on whose modifications, modifica- tions of an effect are invariably consequent, must be the cause (or connected with the cause) of that effect," As an example, "let us suppose," to quote Gibson, "that an electric bell is placed ringing under the receiver of an air-pump. The air is now grad- ually exhausted, and it is noticed that, parri passu with the exhaustion of the air, the sound of the bell grows fainter and fainter, until a point is reached at which it is no longer heard at all. The air is now allowed to pass back gradually into the receiver, and, as it does so, the sound of the bell is heard, at first faintly, then more and more loudly, 494 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC until the clearness of the original note is repro- duced." The Method of Concomitant Variations, as Mill himself indicated, is applicable particularly to those cases in which the Method of Difference, on account of the impossibility of removing the phenomenon under observation from the influence of permanent causes, entirely fails. Let us suppose, to take one of Mill's illustrations, that we wished to know what influence the moon exerts on the surface of the earth. "We cannot try an experiment in the absence of the moon, so as to observe what terrestrial phe- nomena her annihilation would put an end to; but when we find that all the variations in the position of the moon are followed by corresponding varia- tions in the time and place of high water, the place being always either the part of the earth which is nearest to, or that which is most remote from, the moon, we have ample evidence that the moon is, wholly or partially, the cause which determines the tides." Sometimes it is not the mere concomitance of varying phenomena, but the varying quantities of the associated phenomena, that leads to the deter- mination of a causal relation between these phenom- ena. If, for example, a connection between heat and expansion is suspected, we can increase or diminish the amount of heat, and observe whether, under the varying conditions, any corresponding varia- tions occur in the expansions of a heated body. That increase of heat is followed by increased expansion, and decreased heat is followed by decreased expan- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 495 sion, is all the evidence we need that there is a causal connection between the two occurrences. It is by the use of a method such as this in cases like the last that precise quantitative variations between phenomena may often be made out. We may, that is to say, measure the increases and decreases in amounts of accompanying phenomena, and deter- mine the exact correlation between them. Some- times only one of the quantities can be measured, as, for instance, the correlation between the inten- sity of a stimulus and the resulting sensation which is formulated in what is known as Weber's law. Whenever we experiment with variations of quantity in accompanying phenomena, it should be observed, in general, that the greater the number and variety of the instances in which the correlation is known to hold, the greater the certainty that attaches to a given conclusion. The desirability of extending our observation of accompanying variable phenomena over a considerable range of instances is further emphasised by the fact that only in this way can we determine the limits within which their correla- tion holds good. In this way, for example, the upper and lower limits of the correlation between intensity of stimulus and sensation in each of the sense fields has been ascertained. Beyond these limits, the cor- relation no longer holds good either because the phe- nomenon changes its character or ceases altogether. Notwithstanding the necessity for exercising care in the use of this Method, it is particularly service- able in those cases in which the amounts of varia- 496 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tion can be measured. "Although," as Mill re- marks, "the most striking applications of the Method of Concomitant Variations takes place in the cases in which the Method of Difference, strictly so called, is impossible, its use is not confined to those cases; it may often usefully follow after the Method of Difference, to give additional precision to a solution which that has found. When by the Method of Difference it has first been ascertained that a certain object produces a certain effect, the Method of Concomitant Variations may be usefully called in to determine according to what law the quantity or the different relations of the effect fol- low those of the cause." The Method of Residues. Most of the phenomena with which the sciences have to deal are complex. The experimental methods, as they have been for- mulated by Mill, are, as we have seen, statements of ways that have been devised for the purpose of analysing various kinds and degrees of complexity in the material facts that constitute the subject- matter of the particular sciences. We have seen that when particular phenomena do not conform to the requirements of either of the fundamental Methods of Agreement or of Difference, the joint use of these Methods is then often necessary if we are to determine whether and, if so, in what respects, phenomena are causally connected. Sometimes our analysis of phenomena by this Method enables us merely to show that complexes are probably con- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 497 nected together in a causal way. We may find, for example, in the series of instances: POSITIVE INSTANCES fA B C D x y z wl Antecedents J i Consequents [A B E F x y v uj NEGATIVE INSTANCES {BCDE yzwu] ) Consequents CFGH zutsj that the negative instances confirm what the positive instances suggest, namely, that AB and xy are, in all probability, causally related. But the Method itself does not, in this case, enable us to analyse the phe- nomenon further to determine whether A is causally connected with x or not. If, however, we supple- ment the Joint Method by the Method of Concom- itant Variations, we may be able, by varying A or x, to ascertain whether the two phenomena are related as cause and effect. It is obvious, further, that we may employ the same Method for the purpose of ascertaining whether, in the above instances, B is causally connected with y, and C with z. Now, if experiment should show that A and x, B and y, C and z are causally connected then, the Method of Residues, which we have to discuss, assures us that the remaining phenomena, namely D and w, are also causally connected. Thus, 32 498 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC the Method virtually says that any remainder which is left over after other portions of a complex phe- nomenon have been explained, are themselves causally connected. Mill's statement is as follows: Subduct from any phenomenon such part as is known by previous inductions to be the effect of certain ante- cedents, and the residue of the phenomenon is the effect if the remaining antecedents. The Method of Residues, as it has just been stated, is constantly employed in the sciences. To take one illustration only, as this is given by Jevons. "In chemical analysis," he writes, "this method is constantly employed to determine the proportional weight of substances which combine together. Thus the composition of water is ascertained by taking a known weight of oxide of copper, passing hydro- gen over it in a heated tube, and condensing the water produced in a tube containing sulphuric acid. If we subtract the original weight of the condensing tube from its final weight, we learn how much water is produced; the quantity of oxygen in it is found by subtracting the final weight of the oxide of copper from its original weight. If we then sub- tract the weight of the oxygen from that of the water, we learn the weight of the hydrogen which we have combined with the oxygen. When the experiment is carefully performed ... we find that 88.9 parts by weight of oxygen unite with 11.11 parts of hydrogen to form 100 parts of water." Mill calls our attention to the fact that the Method of Residues is specially serviceable in those MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 499 cases where several causes acting together produce an effect which is the joint result of all the causes taken together. In such cases, we have, what Mill calls, an "intermixture of effects." What is meant by an intermixture of effect has been explained by Jevons as follows: "If in one experiment friction, combustion, compression, and electric action are all going on at once, each of these causes will produce quantities of heat which will be added together, and it will be difficult or impossible to say how much is due to each cause separately. We may call this a case of the homogeneous intermixture of effects, the name indicating that the joint effect is of the same kind as the separate effects. There are several causes, each producing a part of the effect, and we want to know how much is due each." What is here called by Jevons a homogeneous intermixture of effects, Mill also called a Composition of Causes. He writes : "I shall give the name of the Composition of Causes to the principle which is exemplified in all cases in which the joint effect of several causes is identical with the sum of their separate effects." In contradistinction to the case just mentioned, the intermixture of effects may also be heterogeneous when, as Mill says, "the agencies which are brought together cease entirely, and a different set of phe- nomena arise: as in the experiment of two liquids which, when mixed in certain proportions, instantly become, not a larger amount of liquid, but a solid 500 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC We may remark, further, that the Method of Residues is significant because it operates in the interests of thoroughness in scientific observation. It sets a barrier against carrying over into science the popular attitude towards what is small and insignficant, and its use has taught the scientist that what appears small and insignficant if often the hinge upon which scientific discoveries of the first important turn. "Almost all the greatest dis- coveries in astronomy," says Herschel, "have re- sulted from the consideration of residual phenomena of a quantitative or numerical kind. . . It was thus that the grand discovery of the Procession of the Equinoxes resulted as a residual phenomenon, from the imperfect explanation of the return of the sea- sons by the return of the sun to the same apparent place among the fixed stars." The discovery of the planet Uranus, to which we have referred in an- other connection, and the invention of the steam engine, are other instances of the importance of paying attention to residual phenomena. What one calls 'luck' in ordinary life, what one calls 'genius' in scientific life, and what one calls 'success* in commercial life are all of them very often merely the result of giving heed to details that the average person passes lightly by. In this regard, the fol- lowing quotation from Darwin's 'Life and Letters' has its value. "A point apparently slight and un- connected with his present work is passed over by many a man almost unconsciously, with some half- considered explanation, which is really no explana- MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 501 tion. It was just these things that he (Darwin) seized upon to make a start." REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Chs. XXVI., XXVII., XXIX. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Chs. XVI., XVII. S. H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edi- tion, Ch. IX., 3-9. W. Minto, Logic, Inductive and Deductive, Book II., Chs. IV., V., VI. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. XVI. ADVANCED W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Ch. XLV. L. T. Hobhouse, The Theory of Knowledge, Chs. XIII., XIV., XV. D. Hume, Treatise of Human Nature, Book I., Part III., XV. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. XX. H. Lotze, Logic, Book II., Ch. VII. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book III., Chs. VIII., IX. C. Sigwart, Logic, Vol. II., Part III., Ch. V., QUESTIONS 1. State briefly the relation of Mill's 'Logic' to the history of inductive logic in the modern era. 2. With what problem does Mill's chapter on 'The Four Methods of Experimental Inquiry' deal? 3. What is meant by calling causal relations reciprocal? 4. Are all causal relations reciprocal? Explain. 5. What relation have Mill's Methods to the special modes of inquiry developed by each science to meet its own problems? 502 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 6. Explain as well as you can exactly what Mill's Methods undertake to do. 7. In what sense can it be said that Mill's Methods rest upon a process of elimination? 8. What is Joseph's view of elimination as applied to causal problems? 9. What view, according to Gibson, does Mill take of the nature of elimination? 10. What is the characteristic feature of the Method of Agreement? 11. What is Jevons' formulation of Mill's Method of Agree- ment? 12. What criticisms may be passed on this Method for de- manding a point of single agreement among the phe- nomena which it examines? 13. Is the Method of Agreement one of observation or explanation? Give reasons for your answer. 14. What degree of certinty attaches to the conclusions reached by the Method of Agreement? 15. What are the chief features of the Method of Differ- ence as formulated by Mill? 16. What is meant by calling the Method of Difference a method of scientific experiment? 17. How does Mellone formulate the Method of Difference? 18. What two kinds of instances are presupposed by the Method of Difference, and by what names are they called? 19. Why is it necessary to vary only one condition at a time in a series of scieintific experiments? 20. What does Mill mean by a permanent cause? 21. How does the operation of permanent causes affect the applicability of the Method of Difference? 22. Under what conditions does the Joint Method of Agree- ment and Difference become effective? 23. To what two classes of problems is the Joint Method applicable? MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 503 24. What are the chief features of the Joint Method as formulated by Mills? 25. Show, by the enumeration of supposed instances to which the Methods of Agreement and of Difference do not apply, the conditions which call for the use of the Joint Method. 26. What criticism can be made of the way in which Mill formulates the Joint Method? 27. What statement has been given by Mellone of this Method so as to avoid such criticism? 28. Explain carefully and in detail how you would apply the Joint Method. 29. Verify each step of your answer to the previous ques- tion by using the analysis of the social example given in the text. 30. What is the Method of Concomitant Variations? 31. What two classes of cases are presupposed by Mill's statement of the Method of Concomitant Variations? 32. How can you determine which of these two cases is present in any particular instance? 33. On what general principle does the Method of Concom- itant Variations rest? 34. What is the relation of this Method to that of Differ- ence? How is it affected by the operation of permanent causes? 35. In what way does the Method of Concomitant Variations enable us to determine causal relations between quan- titative phenomena? 37. Illustrate how the measurements of quantitative phe- nomena enable us to determine causal relations, first, in instances where both antecedent and consequent can be measured, and, second, where only antecedent can be. 38. What, according to Mill, are the chief uses of the Method of Concomitant Variations? 504 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 39. State briefly the relations of the Methods of Agreement and Differences, the Joint Method, and the Method of Concomitant Variations to one another with a view to shrow what Mill means by the Method of Residues. 40. Illustrate the Method of Residues. 41. What does Mill mean by the intermixture of effects? 42. Why should the Method of Residues be specially applic- able to cases which involve an intermixture of effects? 43. In what way does the Method of Residues operate in the interests of thoroughness in scientific observation? EXERCISES 1. Examine each of the examples of inductive reasoning given below, and state by what method or combination of methods the conclusion in each case is reached. (1) It is found that sun-lit air has been the means of eliminating some diseases, and of diminishing the severity of a number of others; whence it seems to follow that for maintaining a high degree of health sun-light air is essential. (2) Other conditions remaining the same, children who are taught in classes which average from twenty to twenty-five in number attain in the same amount of time a higher degree of proficiency than those taught in classes which average from forty to fifty, or attain the same degree of proficiency in a shorter amount of time. (3) Sachs maintained, in 1862, that starch is formed by the decomposition in chlorophyl of carbon- dioxide gas under the influence of light. He found that when all other conditions were constant, and light was excluded from a plant, no starch was formed; the single circumstance of readmitting light was accompanied by renewed formation of starch. Further, he found that if certain portions MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 505 of the leaves of an illuminated plant were covered with black paper, no starch was found in these portions. (4) Tyndall found that of twenty-seven sterilised flasks containing infusion of organic matter, and opened in pure Alpine air, not one showed putrefaction; while of twenty-three similar flasks, opened in a hay loft, only two remained free from putrefaction in three days. He concluded that putrefaction is due to floating particles in the air. (5) In 1675 Leeuwenhoek discovered infusoria, or ani- malculae under the microscope, and it was thought that such minute organisms as these might be spontaneously generated, even if the larger were not. About 1745 Needham performed a number of experiment to test this conclusion. He extracted the juices of meat by boiling, enclosed them in bottles, which were carefully corked and sealed with mastic, then subjected the closed bottles to heat and set them away to cool. In due course of time, the fluids thus treated became infected with microscopic life, and inasmuch as he believed that he had killed all living germs by repeated heating, he concluded that the living forms had been pro- duced by spontaneous generation. (6) Spellanzi, however, thought that Needham 's ex- periments had not been conducted with sufficient care. He, therefore, made a great number of sim- ilar experiments, using different kinds of infusions. But he placed them in thin flasks with slender necks, which were then hermetically sealed in flame, after which he immersed the flasks in boil- ing water for three-quarters of an hour, in order to destroy all germs that might be contained in them. Under these conditions no infusoria ap- 506 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC peared in them. Needham was not satisfied with these results, however, and objected that such pro- longed boiling would destroy not only germs, but the generative force of the infusion itself. Spell- anzi easily disposed of this objection by showing that when the infusions were again exposed to the air, no matter how severe or prolonged the boiling to which they had been subjected, the infusoria re- appeared. (7) Goldschn eider proved that muscular sensations play no considerable part in our consciousness of the movement of our limbs, by having his arm sus- pended in a frame and moved by an attendant. Under these circumstances, where no work de- volved on his muscles, he found that he could dis- tinguish as small an angular movement of the arm as when he moved and supported it himself. (8) The case has been supposed of a man who, having a taste for cucumber, attributes his chronic indi- gestion now to the salmon, now to the cheese, now to the pastry no one of which is an invariable feature of his evening meal but never to the cucumber, which he takes every evening. However, after having dined without cucumber on several consecutive evenings, whilst taking salmon one evening, pastry the next, and so on through the whole list of suspicious dishes, he cannot but notice that on no one of these evenings did any indiges- tion occur, and is thus brought to confess that the cucumber, after all, must have been the offending cause. (9) Frri, in his Criminal Sociology, writes: I have shown that in France there is a manifest corre- spondence of increase and decrease between the number of homicides, assaults and malicious MILL'S EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 507 wounding, and the more or less aboundant vintage, especially in the years of extraordinary variations, whether of failure of vintage (1853-5, 1859, 1867, 1873, 1878-80), attended by a remarkable diminu- tion of crime (assault and woundings), or of abun- dant vintages (1850, 1856-8, 1862-3, 1865, 1874-5), attended by an increase of crime. CHAPTER XVIII FALLACIES Fallacy Defined. The earliest systematic account of fallicies was given by Aristotle in his treatise Was On sophistical arguments (-n-epl O-O^HO-TIKWJ/ eAeyx^)- The aim of this treatise was to name and examine the various tricks that were relied on by many of the sophists to win the applause of their audience. We may say, therefore, that it contains an exami- nation of the various forms of 'sophistry' current among the Greeks of the fourth century B. C. To this practical employment of the term corresponds, in a general way, the meaning that must be assigned to it when, at the present day, it is used in a popular sense. From this point of view, a fallacy may be said to be any error of statement or belief. If, for example, any one should believe that the sun revolves around the earth, such a belief would be called fal- lacious, and the statement of that belief would be called a fallacy. This meaning of the word, however, is too indefinite for the purposes of logic, and it covers too miscellaneous a group of cases to be of much service in directing its inquiries. It is customary, therefore, to narrow the interpreta- tion of the term by confining its application to any breach of the principles and rules of logical pro- cedure. In the foregoing pages, we have become acquainted with a number of the principles and (508) FALLACIES 509 rules to which we must submit our thought and our speech if what we assert and what we express are to carry logical conviction. And, doubtless, our study of these principles and rules, and our effort to put them into practice, have convinced us both of the necessity and of the difficulty of conforming our thought and speech to their requirements. Now whenever our thinking fails to conform to such principles and rules, we are said, in the strict sense in which the term is used in logic, to be guilty of a fallacy. A fallacy, therefore, may be defined as any breach of a logical principle or rule. This statement of what we understand in logic by a fallacy needs to be safeguarded in one par- ticular. As it stands, and especially if one does not regard strictly the context in which it occurs, it will seem capable of including, not only those breaches of logical procedure to which the definition is intended to confine it, but also those errors which arise from other than logical sources, and to which the term fallacy can be applied only in a popular and conventional sense. There are, no doubt, nat- ural limitations of mind which prevent all of us at some time from attaining, in the character of our intellectual life, anything that can be called with propriety logical exactness. Indeed, the ordinary course of life, as we have so often said, does not depend for the attainment of its objects on the strictness with which logical requirements are met in the field of the interests by which that life is controlled. And, doubtless, mistakes occur here 510 A TEXT-BOOK OP LOGIC which have their roots in the mental process by means of which that life is carried on. We have pointed out, for instance, that perception does not provide a secure foundation of knowledge, and if we were to add that the organisation of our ordi- nary experience proceeds very largely upon prin- ciples of association, it would be evident, in the light of our previous studies, that association cannot guarantee against logical error the conclusions to which it is the means of conducting us. In so far, then, as we have regard to the mistakes that arise in this field, it would be quite misleading to apply the term fallacy to these mistakes, and they must be considered as falling outside the scope of our definition. We may point out also that lapses into this more usual method of procedure are likely to occur in the course of our efforts to reach more strictly scientific results. The exclusion of these cases from the field of the fallacies is made on the principle that such cases do not involve ignorance of the methods of logical procedure, but carelessness in their application; just as, for example, ignorance of a mathematical rule would not be attributed to one whose mistake was obviously due to haste or inattention in its application to a given case. We must regard as logical fallacies, therefore, only those instances of erroneous conclusions which rest upon grounds which are demonstrably false. It is in this sense, then, that a fallacy was defined above as any breach of a logical principle or rule. FALLACIES 511 Classification of Fallacies. Although Aristotle was limited in his treatment of fallacies by the practical purpose to which reference has been made, and although he had before him chiefly those errors to which the Sophists were exposed by their desire for popular favour, his classification of fallacies has remained the basis of what may be regarded in logic as the traditional position on this subject. In the work referred to, Aristotle divided fallacies into two main classes, a division which corresponds, in a general way, to the distinction on which we have in- sisted in our discussions of logical doctrine, the dis- tinction, namely, between truth in the form of judg- ments, and truth expressed in the form of proposi- tions. According to this distinction, fallacies may arise from the way in which we express or interpret propositions, or, as Aristotle said, they may be due directly to language (napa T^V Ae'&v; in dictione) ; or they may exist in the thoughts or judgments that we assert, or, as Aristotle expressed it negatively, they may not be due to the language we employ (ew IT/? Ae'^ews; extra dictionem). Under the first class Aristotle enumerates six kinds of fallacy, some of which are trifling and dependent wholly on the syntax of the Greek language ; and under the second class, he enumerates seven. Beyond the distinction of these two main classes we are not directly inter- ested in Aristotle's classification. There is, perhaps, no entirely satisfactory class- ification of fallacies, and the most that can be attempted here is to bring under some practical and 512 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC intelligible scheme the various errors to which log- ical thinking is exposed. It will help us to do this if we recall, in the first place, that the proposition was said to be an expression in words of the truth asserted in a judgment. We saw that, for the per- son speaking, the problem was to find words which express adequately the thought that he desires to convey, and, for the person spoken to, it was to interpret the words in which a judgment is ex- pressed in the sense that they had for the person who first used them as the embodiment of an idea. In either case, the logical value of a proposition depends to a large extent on language, on the fitness of the verbal forms which are chosen as the medium of ideas. If one realises the great difficulty, which the masters of literature alone have at all adequately overcome, of choosing words that reveal the mean- ing their employment is intended to convey, he will understand why logicians, since Aristotle, have con- tinued to regard language as one main source of logical fallacy. The study of the fallacies which beset our interpretation of propositions through the ambiguous use of language will form for us the first group of fallacies. Our second main group of fallacies will comprise those mistakes which threaten our comprehension of the full meaning of propositions. It will be remembered that we pointed out that our relation to propositions is two fold. In the first place, prop- ositions need interpreting, and, as we have just now intimated, the difficulties in the way of interpreting FALLACIES 513 propositions constitutes the first main class of fal- lacies. But, in the second place, it was pointed out that propositions contain implications which limit in certain determinate directions what we can think about the subject-matter of their assertion. For instance, we said that if we admit the truth or falsity of a given proposition we are thereby com- mitted to the truth or falsity of a number of other propositions. An examination of the possible sources of error in this region, the region of logical implication, will enable us to avoid one of the most frequent pitfalls in the way of that accuracy and precision that is the desideratum of the intellectual life. The fallacies that are included under the two heads just mentioned refer to the meaning of prop- ositions taken singly, they are the fallacies which arise in the field of simple, unmediated assertion. When, however, we go beyond this region, and our assertions take the more complex forms that we have studied in the syllogism and induction, a special group of fallacies has to be recognised, be- cause here thought is guided in its efforts to reach logically sound conclusions by special principles and rules. The mistakes that occur in connection with the control of thought by these principles and rules will constitute a third main group of fallacies. A fourth group of fallacies may be recognised if we recall that no logical assertion, whether simple or complex, is ever a wholly detached unit, and 33 514 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that, if such assertions are to be interpreted cor- rectly, they must be brought into relation to the contexts out of which their original meaning was forged. Every assertion, we have said, implies a certain universe of discourse. Now we often find that the plausibility of statements and arguments depends on suggestions derived from their contexts which are not directly related to the truth char- acter of the statements and arguments themselves, and for these extrinsic reasons are frequently, though fallaciously, accepted as true. They are cases of this kind that we shall classify under the present head. For the sake of convenience, we shall refer to the four main classes of fallacy that have just been distinguished, in the order in which we have con- sidered them, as fallacies of interpretation, of im- plication, of inference, and of the context. A cer- tain latitude must be allowed in the use o*f this classification, as indeed it must of any classification, of fallacies. The only justification that any scheme can receive is that it brings together, in a way that connects with the development of logical doctrine, the errors to which we are exposed in our efforts to think accurately and convincingly. If, in addi- tion, it groups the fallacies in a way that is easily remembered, it has a still further advantage. Fallacies of Interpretation. These are due, as we have said, to the deceptiveness of the language in which propositions are expressed. They all, there- fore, fall under the defect of ambiguity. But since FALLACIES 515 ambiguity may attach either to the words or to the structure of our statements, we may distinguish two classes of error to which our interpretation of propositions is exposed. Among the fallacies due to verbal ambiguity we may include equivocation, accent, composition, division, accident, and converse fallacy of accident; and among those due to struc- tural ambiguity, amphibole and false parenthesis. Verbal Ambiguity. In discussing the fallacies that are due to verbal ambiguity, we may remind ourselves that ambiguity is not identical with mere indefiniteness in the meaning of words, and that, in view of a certain unavoidable indefiniteness in the meanings of the words we employ, propositions can attain only a non-ambiguous signification. The principle of non-ambiguity, we said, controlled all our efforts after logical exactness both with respect to terms and propositions. We cannot, therefore, convict of any of the verbal fallacies a proposition whose terms are indefinite, if this indefiniteness does not spread to the meaning of the proposition taken as a whole. When, however, the indefiniteness of the parts affects the meaning of the whole prop- osition, we have a case that falls under the class of fallacies that we are now considering. With this reminder, we take up seriatim the several fallacies that originate in verbal ambiguity. Equivocation, or indefiniteness in the denotation or connotation of a term, gives rise to a fallacy when either term of a proposition is interpreted in a different sense by the speaker and by the person 516 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC spoken to, and this affects the meaning of the prop- osition as a whole ; or when, for the same individual, any term which appears in a continuous discourse fails to retain the same meaning in the various propositions in which it occurs, and this affects the conclusion to which one is led. The latter is, perhaps, the more usual, as it is, certainly, the more insidious, form of the fallacy of equivocation. Any form of continuous address, and especially of public address, exposes one to the danger of equivocation, and the most careful writers sometimes fall into it. A familiar example is the following taken from Mill's argument in support of the position that hap- piness is the chief aim or good of life. He says, "The only proof capable of being given that an object is visible is that people actually see it. The only proof that a sound is audible is that people hear it. And so of the other sources of our expe- rience. In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evi- dence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable is that people do actually desire it." For the purpose of his argument, the word desirable must have the meaning 'worthy to be desired/ but this is a meaning that is not analogous to visible and audible in the context. Visible and audible mean able to be seen or heard, and/ therefore, all that Mill has a right to argue is that desirable means 'able to be desired/ But from this meaning he could not argue that happiness is the summum bonum or chief good of life, for the fact that a person desires an object is no proof that it is, in the FALLACIES 517 sense Mill uses the word, the most desirable. Against committing or being imposed on by the fallacy of equivocation we may submit the meanings of our terms to the methods of translation and defi- nition, as these terms have been explained above. Accent. The fallacy of accent is any misconcep- tion due to the emhasis placed on a word or group of words in a sentence. It was for Aristotle the mistaken accentuation of a word in writing Greek. "A ludicrous instance of this fallacy," to quote Jevons, "is likely to occur in reading Chapter XIII of the First Book of Kings, verse 27, where it is said of the prophet, 'And he spake to his sons, say- ing, Saddle me the ass. And they saddled him.' The italics indicate that the word him was supplied by the translators of the authorised version, but it may suggest another meaning. The commandment, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour/ may be made by a slight emphasis of the voice on the last word to imply that we are at liberty to bear false witness against other persons." We may, however, give certain words or groups of words a prominence that does not really belong to them in another way. For example, in quoting an author we may separate a word from its context, italicise a word which was not italicised in the original, or, by leaving out qualifying words and phrases, we may give certain ideas a prominence which they did not have for the author himself. Connected with this latter interpretation, the fallacy, as Creighton 518 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC observes, "appears in connected arguments of any kind in which, while the facts are not actually mis- stated, certain aspects of them are so disproportion- ately dwelt upon and emphasised, at the expense of the rest, that a false idea of the subject in its en- tirety is the result. In this wider form, this fallacy is one that may be described as the particular vice of special pleading; and the caution that may be suggested against it is, in the language of the astronomer, to make allowances for the 'personal equation' both in one's own thinking and in that of others." Composition. The fallacy of composition, like its converse, the fallacy of division, turns on the distinction between the distributive and collective use of terms. This distinction, it will be remem- bered, is based on the fact that we may predicate qualities and relations of a class without at the same time predicating those qualities or relations of the individuals that constitute the class; and, conversely, we may predicate qualities and relations of the individuals that constitute a class without at the same time predicating those qualities or rela- tions of the class. Now, we are guilty of the fal- lacy of composition when, having predicated some- thing of a' term used distributively, that is, of each of the individuals that fall under the term, we sup- pose that the predicate belongs to the term in its collective sense, that is, of the individuals taken as a group. "We must not argue," to use Jevons' illus- FALLACIES 519 trations, "that because every member of a jury is very likely to judge erroneously, the jury as a whole is also very likely to judge erroneously; nor that be- cause each of the witnesses in a law case is liable to give false or mistaken evidence, no confidence can be reposed in the concurrent testimony of a number of witnesses. It is by a fallacy of Composition that protective duties are still sometimes upheld. Be- cause any one or any few trades which enjoy pro- tective duties are benefited thereby, it is supposed that all trades at once might be benefited similarly; but this is impossible, because the protection of one trade by raising prices injures others." Division. The fallacy of division is, as was said, the converse of the fallacy of composition. It was so considered by Aristotle. It occurs when we sup- pose that a statement that is true of a group is true of the individuals of the group. If, for example, it is true that a particular class of college students are bright, it does not follow that this is true of each or any particular one of the members of the class, any more than it follows that because a jury can be relied on to reach a just verdict that a sim- ilar confidence can be placed in any one of the jury- men. Gibson has called attention to an interesting illustration of this fallacy to be found in Thomas a Kempis' Imitatio Christi. In the paragraph refer- red to, the writer is exhorting the 'good monk' not to seek any earthly delight, but to remain alone in his cell. The argument by which this advice is sup- ported reads: "What canst thou see elsewhere 520 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC which here thou seest not? Behold the sky and the earth, and all the elements, for of these are all things made." Expressing this argument syllogis- tically, Gibson detects the fallacy of division in the middle term. Thus: The elementary substances (in organised combination) are the whole material world. The objects included in the prospect from your cell are the elementary substances (not so combined). Therefore, the objects included in the prospect from your cell are the whole material world. As this ilustration suggests, the fallacy of division, in common with many others, is most liable to occur in continuous discourse, and the value of putting the subject-matter of such discourse into the logical forms suitable to them is that we may the more easily detect any fallacy lurking in our thought, or in the forms in which that thought is expressed. Accident. The fallacy of accident occurs when we suppose that what is true of a term used in a relatively indeterminate or unconditioned sense, is true of the term when used in a relatively deter- minate or conditioned sense. The Latin name of the fallacy is, Argumentum a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid. It is, that is to say, a tran- sition from what is true of an indeterminate state- ment to what is true of the same statement 'with a modification/ In other words, it consists in secur- ing assent to a statement in a general form, and then proceeding as if it held under some special FALLACIES 521 circumstance. If we supposed, for example, that because it is right for a man to inculcate his own opinions, it is, therefore, right for a magistrate to use his position to enforce his own political views, we should be guilty of this fallacy. For, as Mellone, from whom this illustration is taken, remarks, "we cannot infer of his special powers as a magistrate what is only true of his general rights as a man." We may often detect the fallacy in our thoughts about moral questions. Thus, in discussing such questions, "one may insist that all men by nature seeks after the good, meaning that each man acts sub specie boni, and is therefore seeking after some kind of good, even when he is pursuing his own pleasure. But, in continuing the argument, he may use the term 'good' in a differentiated sense e. g., in the sense of the common good, or the good of humanity and come thereby, through a fallacy of accident, to the conclusion that all men by nature seek the general good." The Converse Fallacy of Accident occurs when we suppose that what is true of a term used in a determinate or conditioned sense is true of the term when used in an indeterminate or unconditioned sense. The Latin name of the fallacy is, Argumen- tum a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter. The following illustrations will be sufficient to make the nature of this fallacy obvious. For example, let us suppose that it can be shown that the syllo- gism is of no use in the discovery of new truth, are we warranted in supposing, as the early modern 522 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC critics of the syllogism seem to have done, that it is, therefore, of no use whatever ? Or, if philosophy 'bakes no bread/ is it, therefore, useless? The affirmative answer to both these questions involves the converse fallacy of accident. Structural Ambiguity. In the chapter on the proposition, it was pointed out that particular statements are often ambiguous, not because the terms in which they are expressed are ambiguous, but because the structure of the sentences in which ideas are expressed are so. It is to the grammatical structure of sentences, for example, that we must attribute, in part, the difficulty sometimes expe- rienced in determining the subject and predicate terms of given propositions. Whenever syntactical relations obscure the meaning of sentences or para- graphs, there is presented a hindrance to the correct interpretation of propositions. Difficulties of the kind in question are more possible in the classical languages where the word order in sentences is more variable, and where oblique constructions are more common, than in English; but something of the same sort is seen in English poetry in which a departure from the relative simplicity of the ordi- nary prose sentence is often made necessary by the demands of metrical composition. Amphibole. Now, whenever the structure of the sentences in which ideas are expressed, in prose or in poetry, leads to opposed interpretations of such sentences, we have the typical fallacy of amphi- bole. Sometimes sentences whose structure renders FALLACIES 523 their interpretation difficult, although not neces- sarily ambiguous, are spoken of as amphibolic. This is a view similar to that sometimes taken of words, when any degree of indefiniteness is thought sufficient to render them equivocal. This seems to us too loose an interpretation of these fallacies. As we have pointed out in regard to words, there is also a certain freedom in the use of syntactical relations that is allowable and necessary if partic- ular shades of meaning are to get expressed in the sentences we employ. The object that the transla- tion of sentences into propositions keeps in view is, not to give all statements an equal clearness, but to bring out the exact degree of clearness that be- longs to each of our statements. A certain indefi- niteness of meaning may be characteristic of propo- sitions, therefore, without involving them in the fallacy of amphibole. Before we can convict any statement of being amphibolic, we must have ex- hausted all the means at our disposal to interpret the statement, and to give it an expression which truly represents its meaning. If it then remains ambiguous, if, that is, our attempt to give the state- ment a prepositional form is defeated on account of its equivocal syntax, we may properly regard it as an example of the fallacy of amphibole. An illus- tration of this statement may be found in the often quoted lines of Shakespeare, The Duke yet lives that Henry shall depose.' We are baffled in any attempt to put this sentence into the form of a proposition, because its structure does not enable 524 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC us to determine whether it means, The Duke yet lives who shall depose Henry/ or, The Duke yet lives who shall be deposed by Henry/ Such a statement, therefore, is essentially amphibolic. The student will recall, in further illustration, many of the utterances of the oracles, for instance, 'If Croesus should wage war against the Persians, he would destroy a mighty empire/ As further ex- amples we may cite, 'It is possible for thee the enemy to overcome/ The lion David slew/ False Parenthesis. Closely connected with the foregoing, is the fallacy of false parenthesis. It consists essentially in an uncertainty with regard to the relations of the main and subordinate clauses of a sentence. For example, 'I ruined the cause and injured my own prospects which I deeply re- gret/ a statement that may mean either, 'I ruined the cause, and injured my own prospects which I deeply regret/ or, 'I ruined the cause and injured my own prospects, which I deeply regret/ A sim- ilar fallacious statement is 'I will begin and finish the task tomorrow/ The advertising columns of our newspapers are sometimes said to provide us with humorous illustrations of the fallacy of paren- thesis. For instance: LOST A valuable silk umbrella belonging to a gentle- man with a curiously carved head. WANTED A groom to look after two horses of a pious frame of mind. FOR SALE A Newfoundland dog ; will eat anything, particularly fond of children. FALLACIES 525 We introduce these instances, not in order to subscribe to the view that they are amphibolic in character, but to point out that if these are to be admitted as examples of amphiboly, then any badly constructed sentence would have to be included whether or not their meaning was involved in am- biguity. This is a view to which, as we said above, we cannot subscribe. Fallacies of Implication. The second main class of fallacies which we have now to consider com- prises those that occur when for any reasons we mistake the implications of prepositional state- ments. The difficulties that confront our efforts to give to any statement a prepositional form have been considered already, and in contrast to these, the ones with which we are now concerned presup- pose that those difficulties have been overcome, and that we know unequivocally the significance that particular statements have. Until we are sure what the asserted meaning of a proposition is, tre cannot raise the question whether, and if so what, further or implied meaning it can have. It will be remembered that by implication is meant the unexpressed signification of a logical proposition, and that implications may assume one or the other of two forms. In the first form, the unexpressed or implied propositions may be related to the given proposition in the way of opposition, in the second form, they may be related to the given proposition in the way of eduction. These 526 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC distinctions will provide us a natural and easy method of classifying the fallacies of implication. Fallacies of Opposition occur when, from state- ments accepted as true or false, other statements dealing with the same subject-matter are derived, the truth or falsity of which is, mistakenly, sup- posed to rest upon the principles that determine the relations of opposed propositions. It has been shown above that there are four kinds of relation between propositions in opposition, contrariety, subcontrariety, subalternation, and contradiction. These relations have been studied, and the propo- sitions between which each obtains have been indi- cated. ' In view, therefore, of what we have learned with respect to this class of implication, it is readily seen that, in respect to this class, our thought be- comes fallacious when we suppose that the prin- ciples of opposition justify a statement which, as a matter of logic, they are incapable of support- ing. Or, to put it another way, any statement which avowedly rests upon the principles of opposi- tion is fallacious if it can be shown that those prin- ciples fail to give it the necessary support. In general, it is quite obvious that there are as many fallacies of opposition as there are pairs of propositions between which relations of opposition may hold. Some of these relations are in themselves so obvious, the relation of contradiction, for in- stance; and others lose so readily whatever obscur- ity they may have when they occur between certain pairs of propositions, that it is not necessary to FALLACIES 527 consider all the possible fallacies of opposition. All, therefore, that we shall attempt is to point out some of the difficulties that may be experienced in the effort to conform our thinking to the principles of opposition. And, in the first place, we may consider the fallacy of contrariety which occurs when we sup- pose that the falsity of one universal proposition, A or E, involves the truth or falsity of the other, E or A. It may be false, for example, that 'None of the members of the team are bona fide students/ but it does not , therefore, follow that 'All the members of the team are bona fide students,* and it does not follow because, it might still be true that 'Some of the members of the team are not bona fide students.' It is certainly very easy for the untrained mind to proceed from the falsity of a universal to the truth of its logical contrary, and one is particularly exposed to this error when the latter statement is separated in our discourse from the former by an appreciable lapse of time. But, as we saw above, the statement of what is false in a universal form does not enable us to say anything with respect either to the truth or falsity of its contrary. In such cases the contrary is always in- volved in doubt. In the second place, we are exposed to a fallacy of sub contrariety when we attempt to argue from the truth of a particular proposition, I or O, to the falsity of another particular proposition, or I. We run into this error when we forget 528 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC that two particular propositions dealing with the same subject-matter, one of which is affirmative and the other negative, may both be true. From the statement, for example, that 'Some of those who have given their word are keeping it faithfully/ it does not follow that 'Some of those who have given their word are not keeping it faithfully' is false, since this latter statement might be true of any of those not included in the original statement. In the third place, fallacies of sub alternation may arise when we argue either from the falsity of a universal propostion, or from the truth of a par- ticular proposition. The falsity of a universal propo- sition, 'All that I have done for you has gone for nought/ might very well seem to involve the falsity of the particular subaltern, 'Some of the things I have done for you have gone for nought;' but this would not necessarily be the case, because the truth or falsity of the subaltern proposition depends in this case upon the degree of falsity of the original proposition, and it is exactly this that we cannot de- termine from that proposition itself. Unless it were so common, one would hardly think it necessary to call 1 attention to the other fallacy of subalternation, the fallacy, namely, that is involved in proceeding from the truth of a particular statement to the truth of its corresponding universal. It may, for example, be quite clear that from the statement that 'Some books are dull/ we cannot proceed to the statement that 'All books are dull/ but we dare say, it is not equally obvious that we cannot proceed from the FALLACIES 529 statement, 'Some planets move in their own orbits', to, 'All planets move in their own orbits.' The rea- son why we cannot argue from the truth of a part- ticular statement to either the truth or falsity of the universal of the same quality seems to be that we have no means of determining, by an examina- tion of the original statement, the precise' amount of truth that is claimed by it, that is, whether it states the whole truth about its subject, or only part of it. Fallacies of Eduction. Eductions were defined above as those relations which propositions dealing with the same subject-matter have to one another when they express what is true about this subject- matter from different points of view. There are, as we said, two fundamental methods for deter- mining these relations, obversion and conversion, and it is with respect to these methods, therefore, that fallacies are likely to occur. An eductive fal- lacy may, consequently, be defined as an error of implication due to a misunderstanding of obversion, of conversion, or of both. The fallacy of obversion is most likely to occur when for the contradictory of the predicate of an original proposition we substitute its contrary in the obverse proposition. Now by contrary terms we mean those which, although opposed to one an- other, do not exhaust between them the particular universe of discourse to which they both belong. Black and white are, in this sense, contrary, but they are not contradictory, terms. By a contra- 34 530 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC dictory term we mean one that, together with the original term, does exhaust the universe of discourse to which both terms belong. Thus, black and not- black are contradictory, but they are not contrary, terms. It is, then, a confusion of contrary with contradictory terms, in the sense in which these have been defined, that gives rise to the fallacy of obversion. Thus, it would be quite fallacious, for the reason already assigned, if we supposed that we were warranted in saying of a particular indi- vidual that he was bad, if all we knew was that he is not good; good and bad are contrary, they are not contradictory, terms. Again, if we supposed that the obverse of the proposition 'He is not happy, was 'He is unhappy/ there would be as complete misunderstanding of what was implied in the first statement as if we supposed that because a certain object was not red that it was, therefore, green. Fallacies of Conversion are most likely to occur in the case of the universal affirmative, and the particular negative propositions. In the latter case, the fallacy occurs when we suppose that from a particular negative proposition anything can be asserted merely by converting it. It is quite true, for example, that 'Some elements are not liquid/ and also that 'Some liquids are not elements/ but the one statement does not follow from the other by simple conversion. Again, a fallacy of conver- sion occurs when we suppose that the universal affirmative proposition can be simply converted, a supposition that is based on the false assumption FALLACIES 531 that both terms of the proposition are distributed. In universal affirmative propositions, as we have seen, the predicate terms are undistributed; and, consequently, when, through conversion, these terms become the subjects of new propositions, these prop- ositions must be particular in quantity. The neg- lect of this consideration leads directly to a fallacy of conversion. Fallacies of Inference. The class of fallacies to which we now direct attention includes the errors to which our thinking is exposed when it is con- fronted by the difficulties that are involved in the more complex logical processes known as argu- ments. The two classes of fallacy already con- sidered, the fallacies of interpretation and implica- tion, are concerned with the errors to which thought is liable when it deals with single statements; but it is not until these simpler errors have been avoided, not until single statements have been given a strictly logical form and content, that there comes into view the class of fallacy that is connected with our at- tempt to put into their logical relations such logically determined propositions. For, in an argument, not only must the constituent propositions be free from ambiguity, but the relations between these proposi- tions must be precisely determined. It is perfectly obvious, therefore, that the avoidance of the fal- lacies of interpretation and implication is essential, if we are to meet and overcome the difficulties that are occasioned by the more complex character of our thinking in the process of argument. We may, 532 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC therefore, say that just as the avoidance of the fal- lacies of interpretation are presupposed by any attempt to avoid the fallacies of implication, so the avoidance of both these classes of fallacy is presup- posed by any attempt to overcome the fallacies of inference. Arguments, from the time of Aristotle, have been recognised to be of two kinds: those, namely, that start with the recognition of some general principle, and those that start with the collection of a number of particular facts. In the former, the aim is to bring, through the mediation of a middle term, some particular fact under the principle which constitutes what is called the major premise of the argument; in the latter, it is, through an analysis of particular facts, to state a principle that shall exhibit what is common to all the facts examined, and, if possible, to extend that principle to other facts which either have not been examined, or which are not known to exist. It is usual to call the former kind of argument deductive, and the latter, inductive; and, although there is a danger of sup- posing, falsely, that they constitute quite separate logical processes, we may use these names, deductive and inductive, for the purpose of classifying the fallacies of inference. The deductive fallacies will include those errors that arise in connection with the syllogism, and the inductive fallacies will include those that arise in connection with the various steps through which it is necessary to pass in our efforts to establish causal connections. FALLACIES 533 / The Deductive Fallacies. Whenever an argument starts from the conscious acceptance of a general truth about its subject-matter, and proceeds to show that some particular fact is a special instance of that truth, it is said to be a deductive argument. Now, since we accept such general truths as are the starting points of deductive arguments in either one or the other of three forms, in the forms, namely, of categorical, hypothetical, or disjunctive propositions, these arguments, as we have seen, assume a form and character which corresponds to the difference in the method and principle by which thought, in each case, proceeds to its conclusion. In consequence of this fact, we found it necessary to consider categorical arguments, hypothetical arguments, and disjunctive arguments separately, and to give special attention to the rules by which thought, in each type of argument, is controlled. It follows, from this statement with respect to the various forms of deductive arguments, that the deductive fallacies can be classified most conve- niently by following the line of cleavage between the arguments in connection with which they are likely to occur. In the following sections, therefore, we shall pass in review what we may call the cate- gorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive fallacies, the fallacies which occur, or are liable to occur, in those types of argument to which similar descriptive names have been given. Categorical Fallacies may be defined as those mis- takes in reasoning which render the conclusions of 534 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC categorical arguments erroneous. These fallacies fall conveniently into two groups, according as the error lies in the terms, or in the character of the proposition of the syllogism. To the former group we may assign the fallacies of four terms, and to the latter, the fallacies of insufficient premises. Fallacies of Four Terms occur as a breach of the rule which states that a syllogism must contain three, and only three, terms. Their occurrence is due to a failure to rid the terms of a syllogism of ambiguity. Now, since ambiguity may occur either in the connotation or in the denotation of a term, and may attach to any one of the terms of a syllo- gism, it is evident that the fallacies of four terms are of two kinds ; those, namely, which occur when the meaning of any of the terms of a syllogism is ambiguous, and those which are due to a mistaken distribution of any of the terms of a syllogism. Among the former, it is usual to call special atten- tion to the case of the middle term, but it should be remembered that the ambiguity of the major or of the minor term may also invalidate an argu- ment by giving rise to the fallacy of four terms. When the fallacy of four terms invalidates a syllo- gism on account of the connotative ambiguity of the middle term, it takes the special name of ambiguous middle; when an argument is invalid on account of a similar ambiguity of the major term, the fallacy is called ambiguous major; and when ambiguity in the meaning of the minor term destroys the validity of an argument, the fallacy is called ambiguous minor. FALLACIES 535 It is not necessary to give illustrations of all these fallacies. The following will serve to show the form in which they are likely to occur. If, as Jevons remarks, we argue "that 'all metals are elements and brass is a metal, therefore it is an element/ we should be using the middle term 'metal' in two dif- ferent senses, in one of which it means the pure sim- ple substances known to chemists as metals, and in the other a mixture of metals commonly called metal in the arts, but known to chemists by the name alloy." Or, if we argued "that 'what is right should be enforced by law, and that charity is right and should be enforced by law' . . . it is evident that 'right' is applied in one case to what the conscience approves, and in another use to what public opinion holds to be necessary for the good of society." The other type of fallacy which results in break- ing an argument under the weight of four terms, is due to a disregard of the denotation or distribu- tion of the terms of a syllogism. In these cases, the erroneous conclusion results from a neglect of the extent of a term's meaning, rather than to a dis- regard of the meaning itself. In other words, it is a fallacy of the division, not a fallacy of the defi- nition, of a term. Now, as we have seen, the dis- tribution of the terms of a syllogism is subject to special rules. In respect of the middle term, the rule states that this term must be distributed in one, at least, of the premises ; and in respect of the major and minor terms, the rule states that if either of these terms is distributed in the conclusion, it must 536 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC have been distributed in the corresponding premise. When the rule relating to the middle term is dis- regarded, the resulting fallacy is known as undis- tributed middle; and when the rule relating to the terms of the conclusion is disregarded, the resulting fallacy, in the case of the major term, is known as illicit process of the major, and, in the case of the minor, as illicit process of the minor. The fol- lowing illustrations will throw light on these state- ments. If we should argue, for example, that be- cause "all rash men are confident, and all brave men are confident," therefore, "all rash men are brave," we should be guilty of the fallacy of undistributed middle. Again, if we argued "that 'because many nations are capable of self-gvoernment, and and that nations capable of self-government should not receive laws from a despotic government, therefore no nation should receive laws from a despotic gov- ernment/ we should be clearly exceeding the con- tents of our premises. The minor term, many nations, was undistributed in the minor premise," and must not, consequently, be used in a distributed sense in the conclusion. While it is comparatively easy to detect an illicit process of the minor, it is much more difficult as a rule to detect an illicit process of the major. The following from Creighton is an example of the latter fallacy. "All rational beings are responsible for their actions ; brutes are not rational beings; therefore, brutes are not re- sponsible for their actions." FALLACIES 537 Fallacies of Insufficient Premises. These consti- tute the second class of categorical fallacies, and they may be described as breaches of those rules of the syllogism that were considered and illustrated above as rules of quality and rules of quantity. The rules of quality refer to the grounds on which affir- mative and negative conclusions can be based, and the rules of quantity to the grounds on which uni- versal and particular conclusions can be based. In the main, we apprehend that these rules have caused the student no great difficulty, and that he will have become familiar with their application. But because limiting instances are liable to cause more or less confusion, because, that is, we find it difficult to keep strictly within the boundaries within which any set of rules applies, we direct attention again to the fact that there are conditions which preclude certain prepositional statements from rendering valid con- clusions. It is a general fact that conclusions do not follow from any combination of propositions. If we wish to support a conclusion by premises or grounds, those premises must have a character from which the conclusion can be shown to follow, and that means that a certain other character is strictly forbidden. Now, if this is true of particular con- clusions, we may go further and ask whether there are any combinations of propositions which support no conclusion whatever, that is, whether there are any limits of strictly categorical argumentation. Now such limits to all categorical inference we find in the two cases that are included here for con- 538 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC \ sideration, the cases, namely, of negative and par- ticular premises. We have shown above that any attempted reasoning on the grounds of particular or negative premises involves us in one or other of the fallacies of distribution; but what is more impor- tant to remark now is that the study of these two cases enables us to insist upon certain character- istics of syllogistic reasoning which are fundamental to our understanding and employment of this type of argument. The syllogism, it should be observed, rests upon the possibility of making with respect to the subject-matter of the argument an affirmative and universal statement. The universal statement need not be affirmative, and the affirmative state- ment need not be universal ; but unless the premises contain the statement of universal affirmative rela- tions, no conclusion whatever can be drawn. Con- versely, if we wish to ground a belief on premises from which it can be shown to follow, these prem- ises, considered as a combination of propositions, must be universal and affirmative. Indeed, this is only to say that any categorical argument must con- form to the character of syllogistic reasoning. For, to speak of syllogistic reasoning at all, is to imply that conclusions are inferred from, or rest upon, statements about a given subject-matter which are affirmative and universal in the sense in which those terms have been explained. Now, if this is the true character of the syllogism, it follows that particular premises, whether they be both negative, or both affirmative, or one negative and the other affirm- FALLACIES 539 ative, cannot express the structure of a syllogistic argument, because they do not contain the note of universality; and that negative premises also fail to do so, whether both premises are universal or only one is, since they fail to express the note of affirmation. To ground a conclusion upon premises which fulfil only one of the conditions of a cate- gorical -argument, that is, upon propositions which are affirmative without being universal, or upon propositions which, although universal, are not affirmative, is to fall into one or the other of the fallacies of insufficient premises. In the former case, we have the fallacy of particular premises, and in the latter, the fallacy of negative premises. Hypothetical Fallacies may be defined as those mistakes in reasoning which render the conclusions of hypothetical arguments erroneous. Hypothetical arguments, as we have seen, derive their character from the relation of antecedence and consequence which is expressed in their major premise. Two observations only need to be made to remind our- selves of the nature and limits of hypothetical arguments. The first is that the major premises of such arguments are always hypothetical proposi- tions, that is, propositions which state a relation between two possibilities. From the fact that a relation of antecedence and consequence is always affirmed between these two possibilities in hypothet- ical propositions, it follows that the acceptance of a hypothetical statement commits us to the belief that the possibility which is expressed as the consequent 540 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC can be regarded as an actual fact, only when the possibility expressed as the antecedent states a con- dition which is known to be fulfilled. We cannot argue in the reverse order, that is, from the known existence of the consequent to the existence of the antecedent. The second remark is that the major premise affords no guarantee that the condition it states is anywhere fulfilled, and, consequently, no guarantee that the fact stated in the consequent is any where to be met with. Whether the antecedent or consequent is a fact that the minor premise can affirm or deny, depends upon whether either has been observed. Thus, the possibility of a hypothet- ical argument rests upon our ability to affirm or deny, for some other reason than the major premise itself affords, one or other of the possibilities be- tween which the major premise postulates a rela- tion; but within these limits the validity of such arguments depends upon a proper interpretation of the relation between antecedent and consequent as- serted by the major premise. It is, consequently, to a misunderstanding of this relation that we must look for the source of the fallacies which render the conclusions of hypothetical arguments erroneous. The hypothetical fallacies are due, as we said just now, to a wrong interpretation of the relation between antecedent and consequent asserted in a hypothetical proposition. Now, since there are two terms in a hypothetical proposition each of which we may affirm or deny, the relation between ante- cedent and consequent may be interpreted, theo- FALLACIES 541 retically, in any one of four possible ways. It might be interpreted to mean that (1) if the antecedent is affirmed, the consequent may also be affirmed; (2) if the antecedent is denied, the consequent may also be denied; (3) if the consequent is affirmed, the antecedent may also be affirmed; (4) if the con- sequent is denied, the antecedent may also be denied Now, as we pointed out before, it is only when the minor premise either affirms the antecedent or denies the consequent that the relation asserted in the major premise is interpreted correctly; only two, therefore, of the alternatives enumerated above represent truly the relations involved in a hypo- thetical proposition. When either of the other rela- tions is asserted in the minor premise of an argu- ment, that is, when the minor either affirms the con- sequent or denies the antecedent, ; the argument must be rejected as fallacious. The fallacy of deny- ing the antecedent leads to an eroneous denial of the consequent, and the fallacy of affirming the con- sequent leads to an erroneous affirmation of the antecedent. Both fallacies, as we shall see, arise from the neglect of an underlying material fact of considerable importance for a correct understanding of the hypothetical syllogism. In general, it may be remarked that the hypo- thetical fallacies are due, on the material side, to a failure to recognize the complexity and interconnec- tion of natural events. It is true that the object of our study of nature is to determine, in the strict sense, causal connections, that is, relations between 542 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC phenomena of such a nature that, not only does the consequent follow from the antecedent, but the stated antecedent is implied in the occurrence of the consequent. Our knowledge of natural events, however, frequently falls below this standard, and we have to be satisfied with the affirmation of a one- sided relation, that is, with the statement of a rela- tion between antecedent and consequent of such a nature that while the former is always followed by the latter, it does not always and necessarily pre- cede the latter. There are large areas of knowl- edge, in other words, in which the relations involved fail to display the characteristics of causal con- nections, and in reference to them we are bound to recognise what Mill called a plurality of causes. Now it seems to be the neglect of this consideration that is really at the foundation of the fallacies which befall hypothetical arguments. For, as Mel- lone states, "if we deny the antecedent, we cannot, therefore, deny the consequent, for the latter may be true for other reasons, and if we affirm the con- sequent, we cannot affirm the antecedent, for the consequent may result from other reasons." In either case, that is to say, we must recognise the possible existence of more connections between antecedent and consequent than the one which is made the subject of statement by the major premise, and this possibility places limitations upon the interpretation which we can give to hypothetical statements. It is true that, if the major premise states a causal connection between the FALLACIES 543 antecedent and consequent, we may argue from the affirmation or denial of the former to the affir- mation or denial of the latter, and vice versa. In any other case, the possible operation of a plurality of causes must be allowed to determine the limits which we place upon hypothetical arguments. From this point of view, it seems quite clear that when we argue, "If a man's character is avaracious, he will refuse to give money for useful purposes; this man refuses to give money for useful purposes, therefore, this man's character is avaracious," the conclusion is erroneous, not merely because the minor premise affirms the consequent, but because, as we all know, there are other reasons, not at all connected with a man's character, which may make a refusal of the kind in question the necessary and right course for him to pursue, And it seems equally obvious that when we argue, 'If some agree- ment is not speedily arrived at between employers and workmen, the trade of the country will be ruined, an agreement will not be arrived at and therefore the trade of the country will be ruined/ the conclusion is erroneous, not merely because the antecedent is denied, but because the prosperity of a country depends upon other conditions than the one specified in the antecedent of the major premise. In both these instances we see that the breach of the formal rule of hypothetical arguments is tanta- mount, on the material side, to the neglect of the plurality of causes, that is, to the failure to recog- 544 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC nise the complexity and interconnection of natural events. Disjunctive Fallacies may be defined as those mis- takes in reasoning which render the conclusions of disjunctive arguments erroneous. Disjunctive argu- ments, as we have seen, derive their character from the fact that the major premises of such arguments state a series of alternative predicates any one or more of which, as a matter of fact, may be found to qualify their subjects. Any conclusion which is reached on the basis of a disjunctive major premise is valid or erroneous according as the enumerated alternatives do or do not conform to the conditions of disjunctive statements, and as the inference is or is not warranted by the premises on which it is made to rest. With respect to the nature of dis- junctive statements, it is sufficient to recall that these must satisfy three conditions. First, the alternatives must all fall within a single universe; not any set of terms that we can state in the form of 'either or' are, in the logical sense, disjunctive. Second, the terms of the disjunction must be ex- haustive; all the species that fall within the uni- verse must be enumerated disjunctively. Third, we saw that the alternatives do not necessarily, although they sometimes do, exclude each other; it does not follow, therefore, that only one of the predicates can belong to the subject under the conditions that determine a particular argument. Whenever we fail to observe either one of these requirements of disjunctive statements in the process of argument, FALLACIES 545 we are guilty of one or another of the disjunctive fallacies. The fallacy of false disjunction occurs when we proceed to a conclusion on the ground of a major premise in which the presented alternatives do not all belong to a single genus. The neglect of the first positive condition of disjunctive statements leads necessarily to fallacious arguments, because, where it is not satisfied, there is no common field within which the systematic connections of things, as set forth in disjunctive statements, may be said to fall. A failure to keep clearly before oneself the fact that disjunctive alternatives are definitely alter- natives within a single field of knowledge, reveals an .entire misapprehension of the nature of disjunc- tive statements, and leads unavoidably, therefore, to erroneous conclusions. When, for example, we are prepared to find in a stranger to whom we have been introduced all sorts of social virtues merely on the ground that he has come from our home town, or when race prejudices make us blind to the vir- tues that individuals of a particular race display, we are, in all probability, guilty of the fallacy of false disjunction. The logical process underlying social attitudes of the kind in question may be illus- trated as follows : 'Either from my home town or devoid of all or certain current social virtues ; from my home town, therefore not devoid, etc/ The fallacy of incomplete disjunction occurs when we proceed to a conclusion on the ground of a major 35 546 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC premise in which the presented alternatives are not exhaustively enumerated. It is true, of course, that the observation of single facts may lead to a disjunctive statement which does not meet the con- dition of complete enumeration. We may say, for example, This tree is an oak or an ash/ But prop- ositions of the kind just illustrated, while they may serve as minor premises of disjunctive arguments, cannot serve as major premises, for the reason that, although the universe within which the alternatives fall has been accurately determined, the alternatives within that universe have not been completely enu- merated. The necessity of a complete enumeration of the alternatives is due to the fact that the dis- junctive syllogism is intended to show, not only what a thing is, but also to determine, within the genus to which it belongs, what it is not. Let us suppose that a particular tree is either an oak or an ash. Then, if we argue, This tree is an oak or an ash, it is an oak, and therefore it is not an ash/ the argument would be formally valid, and the conclu- sion would be true ; but if we supposed that the con- clusion stated the whole truth about the subject, we should fall into error due to the incomplete disjunc- tion of the major premise. Or, to take another illus- tration, let us suppose that a particular ore is not either gold or copper. If, then, we were to argue, This specimen of ore is either gold or silver or copper or antimony ; it is not either gold or copper, and therefore it is either silver or antimony/ we have fallen clearly into a conclusion which is not at FALLACIES 547 all necessarily true, for the specimen in question might be none of those enumerated in the major premise. Such a conclusion is erroneous because all the species of the genus to which the particular specimen belongs were not enumerated. But, some one may say, we cannot always meet this require- ment of complete enumeration, and are we, there- fore, precluded from arguing validly to a disjunctive conclusion ? The answer is that we must express the indeterminate state of our knowledge about objects in a complete enumeration if we are to reach valid conclusions, and we may do this without necessarily possessing an exhaustive knowledge of the subject to which the argument refers. Thus, to state the above argument in a form from which a valid con- clusion may be drawn we may say, This specimen of ore is either gold or silver or copper or antimony or some other species/ a statement which does not claim complete knowledge of the subject-matter of the argument, but does rest upon a complete deter- mination of the knowledge that is possessed about it. The fallacy of ambiguous disjunction occurs when we proceed to a conclusion on the ground of a major premise in which the presented alternatives are not precisely determined with respect to their exclusion. We have seen that any proposition of the form *S is either A or B' strictly interpreted means *S is either A or else B,' but we also saw that the alternatives do not necessarily preclude the possibility that *S may be both A and B.' Unless, therefore, we take special pains to make clear, in particular instances, 548 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC in which of these two ways the disjunctive major is to be interpreted, we are likely to be led to a con- clusion which leaves us in doubt as to the meaning of that conclusion. If we argue, for instance, that 'Because all male students of the university either drill, or play football, or baseball or tennis, and be- cause X drills, therefore, he does not play football or baseball or tennis/ we are stating a conclusion of the individual which may be true, but it is not true for the reason assigned; for there is nothing in the universe of physical education as conducted by the university that makes an exclusive -interpre- tation of the enumerated alternatives necessary. If, then, we give an exclusive interpretation to a non- exclusive series of alternatives, or a non-exclusive interpretation to an exclusive series, we are guilty of the fallacy of ambiguous disjunction. REFERENCES SEE THE END OF THE NEXT CHAPTER QUESTIONS 1. What is the name and character of Aristotle's treatise on fallacies? 2. In what senses is the term fallacy used at the present time? 3. In what two main groups did Aristotle classify the fal- lacies? 4. To what distinctions drawn in the text do Aristotle's main groups correspond? 5. Describe the chief features of each of the four main classes into which the text divides fallacies, and by what names are they distinguished? FALLACIES 549 6. Into what subdivisions, and according to what prin- ciple, may the fallacies of interpretation be divided? 7. What do understand by verbal ambiguity, and how does it differ from mere indetterminateness in the meaning of words? 8. Describe and illustrate the fallacy of equivocation. 9. What is the fallacy of accent, and in what respect does the corresponding Greek fallacy differ from it? 10. In what several ways may one fall into a fallacy of accent? Illustrate. 11. Describe and illustrate the fallacies of composition and division. 12. What is the Latin name for the fallacy of accident? Illustrate the fallacy. 13. Give an illustration of the converse fallacy of accident, and by what Latin name is it known? 14. Describe the character of structural ambiguity. 15. What is the fallacy of amphibole, and from what other kinds of ambiguity must it be distinguished? 16. State and illustrate the fallacy of false parenthesis. 17. What do you understand by fallacies of implication, and into what two classes may they be divided? 18. What is a fallacy of opposition? 19. To what fallacies are the following logical relations particularly liable: contrariety, subcontrariety, subal- ter nations? 20. What is a fallacy of education? 21. State what is meant by a fallacy of obversion. 22. What is a fallacy of conversion, and in respect of what propositions, and why, is it likely to occur? 23. What are fallacies of inference, and into what two classes may they be divided? 24. What is a deductive fallacy, and how are such fallacies classified? 25. What is a categorical fallacy? 26. What is meant by a fallacy of four terms, and state in what two ways such fallacies arise 550 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 27. Classify and describe each of the fallacies of four terms. 28. What are fallacies of insufficient premises, and what rules of the syllogism do they break? 29. Show, in relation to the nature of syllogistic reasoning, how the fallacies of particular and of negative premises occur. 30. Describe as fully as you can the character of an hypo- thetical fallacy. 31. State and illustrate the two hypothetical fallacies. 32. How does the fact that natural events are complex affect our interpretation of hypothetical statements? 33. What do you understand by a disjunctive fallacy? 34. Into what classes, and according to what principle, may disjunctive fallacies be divided? 35. State and illustrate the fallacy of false disjunction. 36. Describe the fallacy of incomplete disjunction. Illus- trate. 37. What is the fallacy of ambiguous disjunction? Illus- trate. EXERCISES Examine the following arguments and state in what respect, if any, they are fallacious, the technical name of the fallacy of which each is guilty, and the class to which the fallacy belongs: (1) It is sometimes argued that the communication of an infectious disease to another person should be punished by law, since the law exists for the pur- pose of protecting people from harm. (2) I have made thee free a slave. (3) How can you argue that it is wrong for me to assist my friend to obtain the office by offering business or financial considerations to the voters of my acquaintance if you agree that it is right for a man to do what he can for his friend's good? (4) A commercial traveller wrote to his chief: Dear Sir, On Wednesday next I want you to allow me FALLACIES 551 the day off. My wife having lost her mother is being buried on that date and I should like to at- tend the funeral. (5) A, B, C, are all the known instances of the class X, and since they are all found to possess the characteristic p we may conclude that All X is p. (6) Large numbers, though not all, of the instances of the class X have invariably been found to ex- hibit the character p, therefore, All X is p. (7) If it is false that no men are immortal, it must certainly be true that all men are mortal, since there is no middle position between mortal and im- mortal. (8) If you perform an unfriendly act, I may certainly conclude that your attitude is hostile. (9) He who is content with what he has is truly rich, but the covetous man is not content with what he has, no covetous man, therefore, is truly rich. (10) All Parisians are Frenchmen indeed, when the only reason you have to advance for that statement is that all Parisians and all Frenchmen are Euro- peans ! (11) What is not compound is an element, gold is not compound, and is, therefore, not an element. (12) If a substance is a metal, it is a good conductor of heat and electricity, but this substance does not conduct either well, and so it cannot be a metal. (13) If man were not capable of progress, he would not differ from the brutes, but since he does differ he must be regarded as capable of progress. (14) What you speak of must be either blue or green or yellow, but since you say that it is neither of these it must be devoid of colour. (15) That happened on Monday or Thursday or in April, but it was not in April for I remember that it was Harvest; it must, therefore, have happened on Monday or Thursday. CHAPTER XIX FALLACIES (CONTINUED) Inductive Fallacies. By fallacies of induction, as was stated above, we understand those errors to which thought is exposed in its endeavour to deter- mine the principle of connection between a number of particular facts. Now, since induction requires, as a condition of the explanation of the particulars of experience, that the facts of experience be care- fully observed, it is obvious that we are exposed mainly to two classes of inductive error, to those, namely, which arise in connection with our obser- vation of facts, and to those which arise in connec- tion with our explanation of facts. But since lan- guage is an indispensible instrument both for record- ing what we observe, and for stating the methods and results of the explanations that we have to offer of what is observed, we may include in the present discussion a brief statement of the nature and sources of the fallacies into which a careless use of language may be the means of leading us. The fal- lacies of induction will, then, be studied under three heads ; first, those which originate in our use of lan- guage; second, those which involve errors of obser- vation; and third, those which occur in connection with the so-called inductive inference, the errors, that is to say, which invalidate explanation. (552) FALLACIES 553 Fallacies of Language. Readers of Plato cannot fail to have remarked that the difficulties that he sometimes experienced in making clear to himself and to others the character of some of the more elementary logical distinctions was due, in great measure, to the fact that the nature of even simple grammatical distinctions was not clearly under- stood by him and his contemporaries. The fact that Aristotle attributed, as we have seen, a large number of the fallacies to the influence of language, also points to the close connection that there is between thought and human speech. In more mod- ern times, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, and others, have remarked upon the dangers to which we are liable through the words that we employ to express our ideas, and Mill wrote two chapters in which he discusses the requirements and principles of what he calls a "philosophical language." These refer- ences, which might be indefinitely extended, are enough to show that while our acquired speech may be sufficient for the ordinary purposes of life, it must be carefully employed if, in regard to the subjects of scientific investigation, it is not to become a source of embarrassment and error. Bacon gave the name of Idols of the Market- place (Idola fori) to the fallacies which were due to language, and he puts the sum of the matter as follows: "Men imagine that their reason governs words whilst, in fact, words react upon the under- standing; and this has rendered philosophy and the sciences sophistical and inactive." The same truth 554 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC is dwelt upon at length by Locke, and the general nature of the influence that language is capable of exerting prejudicially upon thought, the only point with which we are here concerned, is evident from the following quotation: "Men," he says, "having been accustomed from their cradles to learn words which are easily got and retained, before they knew or had framed the complex ideas to which they were annexed, or which were to be found in the things they were thought to stand for, they usually con- tinue to do so all their lives; and, without taking the pains necessary to settle in their minds deter- mined ideas, they use their words for such unsteady and confused notions as they have, contenting them- selves with the same words other people use, as if their very sound necessarily carried with it con- stantly the same meaning. . . . This inconsistency in men's words when they come to reason concerning either their tenets or interest, manifestly fills their discourse with abundance of empty, unintelligible noise and jargon, especially in moral matters, where words, for the most part, standing for arbitrary and numerous collections of ideas not regularly and permanently united in nature, their bare sounds are often only thought on, or at least very obscure and uncertain notions annexed to them. Men take the words they find in use amongst their neighbours; and, that they may not seem ignorant what they stand for, use them confidently, without much troubling their heads about a certain fixed meaning ; whereby, besides the ease of it, they obtain this FALLACIES 555 advantage: That, as in such discourses they seldom are in the right, so they are as seldom to be con- vinced that they are in the wrong; it being all one to go about to draw those men out in their mistakes who have no settled notions, as to dispossess a vagrant of his habitation who has no settled abode." Fallacies of Observation. Observation may be defective chiefly in two respects. It may be insuffi- cient in amount, or incomplete or imperfect in detail. If we consider these two cases separately, it must not be forgotten that, frequently and perhaps usually, the fallacies which depend upon observation occur as the result of both kinds of defect. Induc- tion, as we have seen, depends upon the collection of data sufficient in amount to suggest a law of con- nection; but, more important than the number of the facts observed, is the degree of thoroughness with which we are able to analyse them. Mere col- lections of fact, if such a thing were possible, have, as we have seen, no special value for science, and alone can lead to the formulation of no general principles of connection. The particular data which are the material of science are brought under obser- vation by the exercise of discrimination, comparison, synthesis, in a word, judgment; and this differs in no essential respects from the process by which we detect, within collected groups of fact, the fea- tures that are common, and the connections that are causal. But while this should be kept clearly in mind, it is nevertheless true that we may be led into an inductive fallacy, either because the amount of 556 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC data available does not warrant an inference, or because, although sufficient in amount, our analysis of the data has not been carried out with sufficient care and thoroughness. Observation, then, is defective, in the first place, when the number of the observed data is not suffi- cient in amount to guarantee the conclusion that is based upon it. In view of the situations which this statement has in view, we are particularly inter- ested, in logic, to ascertain what are the conditions that lead to insufficient observation. One important condition is the general tendency to neglect the observation and collection of what are called nega- tive instances. By a negative instance is meant an instance in which a given phenomenon is observed not to occur. If we take, for example, the popular superstitions, such, for instance, that it is un- lucky to begin any new task or undertake any new enterprise on Friday, for people to be associated together in groups of thirteen, or to walk under a ladder that is inclined against a wall, we are seriously expected, by those who entertain them, to share these superstitions in view of the instances that these persons are able to enumerate in which some untoward result has occurred. An enumer- ation of the instances in which no such consequence has followed, it would seem, is sufficient to show that the superstitituous conclusion is defective if not fallacious by reason of the failure to observe these negative instances. FALLACIES 557 To have called our attention to this tendency to neglect the evidence afforded by negative instances is one of the merits of Bacon. The following quo- tation from the Novum Organum, not only states the nature of the fallacy, but indicates also its scope. Bacon writes: "The human understanding, when any proposition has been once laid down (either from general admission and belief or from the pleasure it affords), forces everything else to add fresh support and confirmation; and although most cogent and abundant instances may exist to the con- trary, yet either does not observe or despises them, or gets rid of and rejects them by some distinction, with violent and injurious prejudice, rather than sacrifice the authority of its first conclusions. It was well answered by him who was shown in a temple the votive tablets suspended by such as had escaped the peril of shipwreck, and was pressed as to whether he would then recognise the power of the gods : But where are the portraits of those who have perished in spite of their vows? All super- stition is much the same, whether it be that of astrology, dreams, omens, retributive judgment, or the like, in all of which the deluded observers observe events which are fulfilled, but neglect and pass over their failure, though it be much more common. But this evil insinuates itself still more craftily in philosophy and the sciences, in which a settled maxim vitiates and governs every other cir- cumstance, though the latter be much more worthy pf confidence. Besides, even in the absence of that 558 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC eagerness and want of thought (which we have mentioned), it is the peculiar and perpetual error of the human understanding to be more moved and excited by affirmatives than by negatives, whereas it ought duly and regularly to be impartial ; nay, in establishing any true axiom the negative instance is the more powerful." The testimony of Darwin is to the same effect. He says : "The success of the 'Origin' may, I think, be attributed in large part to my having long before written two condensed sketches, and to my having abstracted a much larger manuscript, which was itself an abstract. By this means I was enabled to select the more striking facts and conclusions. I had also, during many years, followed a golden rule namely, whenever a published fact, a new obser- vation or thought, came across me, which was op- posed to my general results, to make a memorandum of it without fail and at once; for I had found by experience that such facts and thoughts were far more apt to escape from memory than favourable ones. Owing to this habit, very few objections were raised against my views which I had not at least noticed and attempted to answer." Another condition of insufficient observation that may be mentioned is education. Whatever our conception of the aim of education may be, there is no doubt that a large part of the educative process, as we actually experience it, is taken up with an effort to gain familiarity with a body of knowledge that is regarded as traditionally important and fun- FALLACIES 559 mental. This statement is true for all grades of education from the grammar school to the univer- sity. Now it is not only inconceivable, but contrary to experience, that the acquisition of any con- erable body of knowledge should be without its effect upon our mental habits; for acquaintance with any class of facts means, in terms of men- tal habit, a trained ability to perceive with in- creasing facility other facts that are the same in kind as these, and a corresponding inability to per- ceive facts that differ considerably from them in kind. A particular illustration of this general truth is found in the case of those individuals whose edu- cation assumes a special character, as it does, for instance, in law, medicine, theology, engineering, etc. And even if we consider the case of those whose common school education is not followed by a university training, but by apprenticeship in some business, it is quite apparent, even then, that the knowledge of the business, of its material, methods, and aims, acts exactly in the same way to sharpen the perception to observe a specialised group of facts, and to limit the facility with which facts dissimilar to these are perceived. The truth is that all of us perceive what we are educated to perceive, and that we are limited in respect to the kinds of things that we perceive by the education that we have received. Bacon referred to the errors into which we are led as the result of the limitations that education and inherited beliefs may have upon the range of 560 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC our perceptions as Idols of the Theatre (Idola The- atri) . Doubtless, as is shown by his illustrations, he had in mind the cramping effect of the traditions of the Schoolmen upon the new learning in his day. Bacon lived at the dawn of the modern scientific era, and he was acquainted with some of the ob- stacles that it had to encounter on account of theo- logical prejudice (odium theologicum) of the times. But if we have passed beyond the stage where the prejudices which come from a one-sided theological position and training are allowed to interfere with the freedom of thought and investigation, it is still possible that prejudices the same in kind, though different in form, may hamper the human mind in its search for truth. The fact that these hindrances are not officially administered, but are grounded in that specialisation, upon which our modern educa- tion lays so much importance, would make the ten- dency to which we are referring the more insidious, and hence more difficult to detect and avoid or over- come. "The success of modern scientific methods," as Creighton remarks, "has sometimes led investi- gators to despise and belittle the work of those who do not carry on their investigations in laboratories, or do not weigh and measure everything." Thus the mechanical conceptions which were worked out successfully in the realm of physics and astronomy, have been extended to psychology, ethics, and polit- ical science, without any consideration being given to the differences in the material which is the sub- ject-matter of this latter group of sciences. In our FALLACIES 561 own day, the evolutionary hypothesis has provided us with a point of view for looking at all the details of human experience; but it is not impossible that the limitations of this point of view and the errors of observation to which it has led, may, at some future time, be as clear as today are the insufficiencies of the notion of mechanism as employed by the thinkers of the eighteenth century. In the second place, observation may be defective either because it is incomplete or imperfect in detail. The instances of fallacious inference which belong in this group are those which arise from the fact that the collected data, upon which the inferences rest, have not been examined with sufficient thor- oughness. Defects of the kind here in question may be due either to the fact that only part of the mate- rial has been studied, or to the fact that, while all the material may have been studied, this has not been done for all or parts of the material with suffi- cient minuteness. In either case, the inference will be erroneous on account of a failure to carry our analysis of the phenomenon under observation into sufficient detail. A number of conditions may operate to arrest our analysis of observed data at a point which falls short of that at which it is possible to determine with some degree of accuracy the law of their connection, but two are, from the logical point of view, of sufficient interest to require brief men- tion. There is no doubt, in the first place, that great 562 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC differences exist in the ability of different investi- gators to perform the task of analysing a group of collected facts. Some individuals, it is found, are splendid collectors, and are exceedingly fertile in devising ways and means of bringing under obser- vation specimens that entirely escape the notice of others not gifted as themselves. But it sometimes happens that among these born collectors there are many who can go but a little way toward that com- plete analysis of their collected material upon which alone any general conclusion can safely be based. The recognition of this fact has led, in practice, to the introduction of a large amount of cooperation between workers in the same line of research, and has tended to make the laboratory a workship in which there is found employment for a great variety of talent. It is only the exceptional man who, like Darwin, combines the collector's skill with a keen analytic mind that brings to light the common fea- tures that lie hidden under a mass of differences in any group of facts. Natural limitations, then, of the sort we are discussing operate frequently to render the observation of details incomplete, and to throw doubt upon any conclusion which rests upon such imperfectly analysed data. Another condition which tends to make analysis defective is an imperfectly developed technique or method. We have spoken above of the importance of the construction and use of apparatus if the work of scientific observation is to be successfully carried on. Indeed, we may say that the progress of modern FALLACIES 563 science has been dependent, in large measure, on the success that has attended the development of special methods for bringing the structure of col- lected data under detailed observation. In the bio- logical sciences, for example, the methods of hard- ening, embedding, and staining the various tissues have gone a long way toward placing these sciences on the same experimental plane as physics and chemistry. The further progress of these, as of the other, sciences depends upon the adaptation of the methods already in vogue to new material, and the development of new methods to meet new conditions and situations as they arise. But whenever we speak of improvement, and recognise the possibility of new discoveries, we at the same time imply that our present knowledge is defective in just those respects in which advancement may be expected. This, however, is only to say that so long as the technique of any science is capable of improvement, the conclusions of that science must be entertained with caution and subject to certain reservations. Fallacies of Explanation. There are two sources of error in inductive processes of reasoning to which we shall direct attention: hasty generalisation and false analogy. It is exceedingly difficult to give a concise statement of what is meant by hasty general- isations, since any explanation may be rendered erroneous by undue haste at any of the stages of the inductive process. For instance, an inductive con- clusion may be fallacious on account of haste at either the stage of what was called above empirical 564 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC generalisation, or at the stage of hypothesis, or at the stage of verification. Whenever, therefore, any part of the task of explanation is not thoroughly performed, our conclusion, resting as it does upon an incomplete or imperfect acquaintance with the details of the phenomenon, may be called a hasty or premature generalisation. The essential nature of the fallacy consists, then, in the absence of an analytic thoroughness requisite for a true explana- tion, without respect to the part of the explanatory process in which the failure to be sufficiently thor- ougs occurs. We may remark, however, that we are not guilty of this fallacy when we consciously arrest our anal- ysis of a phenomenon to be explained at a point which falls short of completeness, or when imper- fectly observed or analysed data are generalised, but are not offered as an explanation. The fallacy occurs only when an incomplete analysis is presumed to be complete, or when a preliminary generalisation is mistaken for a final one. As has been said, the value of logic consists in calling attention to the fact that, not only must conclusions be true, but the reasons for the truth of conclusions must be defi- nitely ascertained, if science is to exist. Science, as we have seen, is a consciously controlled process, a process of arriving at a certain conclusion, by means of a method; which is definitely regulated at all the stages through which it passes from the earliest observation to the finally accepted explanation. When the control of the method by which conclu- FALLACIES 565 sions are reached gets out of hand, when we become careless in the use of the methods we adopt for the examination of phenomena, our explanation of such phenomena is erroneous, because it involves, in the sense in which the term has been explained, a hasty generalisation. Such conclusions are fallacious be- cause they do not rest upon a sufficiently detailed basis of fact. Analogy may give rise to erroneous conclusions when it is supposed that the phenomenon under observation has all the characteristics of the instance which provides us with the analogical resemblance. We have seen that analogy is a useful method, or step in the method, of scientific explanation, but unless it is strictly guarded it is likely to arouse all sorts of distracting associations which lead to mis- understanding and error. When considered as a possible source of error, analogy has certain affin- ities with figurative language, on the one hand, and with the disregard of negative instances, on the other. With respect to its relation to figurative language, analogy leads us astray when the illustra- tion which provides us with the analogical resem- blance engages the whole attention, and we are thereby led to predicate of the phenomenon under investigation qualities that have been actually ob- served only in the illustration. It was with the dan- gers of analogical reasoning in mind that a professor was wont to say to his students that they should not try to make the parables of the New Testament "go on all fours," that is, they must not try to find 566 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC a point for point resemblance between the truth of the parable and the story which provided the basis of the analogy. It is neglect of such counsel that leads in the sciences to the fallacy of false analogy. With respect to its relation to negative instances, analogy is likely to lead us into error if the points of difference between a phenomenon and its illus- tration are lost sight of, and only the resemblances are retained. "For instance," to borrow an illus- tration from Sidgwick, "during the recent Boer War various analogies were appealed to by various people as helping to throw light on the situation. It was compared to the operations of America in the Philippines, to the Armenian massacres, to the American Civil War, and even to the high-handed action of Spain in the Netherlands in the time of Elizabeth. Our action in South Africa was sup- posed (by different people) to be analogous to those and other historical precedents, and the analogies were used to support the various judgments passed by these various people on the rights of the war and its probable outcome. It is easy to see that in all these comparisons there is some likeness and also some difference, and that the justice of the analogy depends upon the relevance of the likeness and the difference." But if the difference is a relatively important one, and we proceed nevertheless to build up an explanation on the ground of the likeness alone, we are guilty of the fallacy of false analogy. The fallacy assumes the converse form if we are led to underestimate the value of a resemblance because FALLACIES 567 it is accompanied by striking differences. In any case, the fallacy arises when we forget that analog- ical reasoning depends upon what Sidgwick calls "the relevance of the likeness and difference." Fallacies of the Context. The fallacies that we have considered in the foregoing pages arise out of a failure to determine precisely the nature and rela- tions of the subject-matter which constitutes the contents of particular arguments. The group of fallacies to which we have now to direct attention arises from the fact that the meaning of particular arguments, as we have shown, is determined in part by their relation to a context which they imply with varying degrees of clearness. Now when we say that the context supplies part of the meaning that an argument may rightly be said to have, it is im- portant to bear in mind that the context may be said to refer, not only to the undetermined aspects of the subject-matter under discussion, but also to the interests or purposes which sustain, as we have seen, our inquiries into truth and our search for knowledge. Any discussion of what knowledge or truth is cannot fail to be inadequate, as we have shown, if attention is not given to the part played by the complex character of the material about which knowledge is desired, and also to the character of the interest which knowledge is intended to sat- isfy. Because, therefore, of its relation to a context, every argument is liable to errors which do not arise directly out of the facts and relations which are expressed by its constituent propositions. There 568 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC may be imported, that is to say, into the meaning of arguments elements from their contexts which lead to conclusions which are at variance with what the premises, logically interpreted, really support. Whenever this happens, whenever, that is, we accept arguments on the ground of suggestions, derived from their contexts, which are not related to the truth character of the arguments themselves, there ensues a fallacy of the context. A fallacy of the context may be defined, therefore, as an error in reasoning which is due to the influence that some feature or features of a context, not related to the truth character of the argument, has upon our inter- pretation of the subject-matter of the argument, such influence inducing us to accept a statement about the subject-matter of the argument as true for reasons which, apart from the influence referred to, would fail wholly or in part, to justify its accept- ance. The nature of these fallacies may be made still clearer, if we observe that in arguments of the kind under consideration the context may contribute irrelevant elements derived from either of the fac- tors by which, as was pointed out, human knowledge is determined, from the world of relatively inde- pendent objects on the one hand, and from the world of our interests, on the other. An imperfect deter- mination of the universe within which an argument is intended to be considered leads to a group of fal- lacies of which Petitio Principii, Ignoratio Elenchi, Non Sequitur, and Complex Question are the chief; FALLACIES 569 and a failure to confine the interests by which we are guided in our search for truth to those which have a direct relation to that end leads to another group of which Post Hoc, Argumenta ad Hominen, ad Populum, ad Verecundiam, ad Misericordiam, may be taken as the most important. In the former group, we are considering how the relations which a given object has to other objects may become a source of error in our knowledge of the world of relatively objective things, and to these we may give the name, fallacies of assumption. In the latter, we are studying the ways in which knowledge may be deflected by reason of the operation of certain nat- ural and acquired characteristics of the mental life ; and to these we may give the name, fallacies of interest. In both cases the fallacy is due to the admission into our reasoning of elements which have no direct bearing upon the truth character of the judgments in which our knowledge is asserted. Fallacies of Assumption are those errors in rea- soning which occur when the assumptions on which an argument rests are not clearly distinguished from the judgments of which the argument consists. ^ An. ^assumption, in this connection, is anything we take for granjejL-but do not assert, about the subject- matter of anjirgument. It is the equivalent of what we have had occasion hitherto to speak of as the universe of discourse. Interpreted from this point of vtew f it is readily seen that an assumption is not <^afl-assertion. and forms no part of the asserted con- tents of an argument, although, as we have seen, it 570 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC has a relation to the argument, a relation which is indicated with sufficient clearness by saying that it points out the sphere of reference in which what is asserted may or not be accepted. Now it is a misin- terpretation of the relation betweeji what an argu- ment assumes and what it asserts that lies at the foundation of the fallacies that we have here to con- sider. Thus, when what is taken for granted or as- sumed is allowed to function in any part of an argu- ment as an assertion or judgment, or when the as- sumption on which an argument proceeds is ambig- uous, the resulting fallacy is one of assumption. Petitio Princpii is the name of an argument which assumes the conclusion that is to be proved. It is, as Sidgwick says, "the surreptitious assumption of a truth you are pretending to prove." Since, then, the fallacy is one of assumption, it is evident that its source must be found, not in what is definitely asserted, but in the world of reality or existence in which what is asserted has a definite meaning or fulfillment, that is to say, in the universe of dis- course from the standpoint of which the argument is interpreted. The nature of the fallacy is seen in the confusion that exists, for the person guilty of it, between the asserted grounds of a conclusion, and the assumptions that thought postulates with respect to the subject - matter of an argument, Whenever it exists, the fallacy directs attention to the fact that the truth of what an argument asserts depends in part upon what assumptions the argu- ment makes ; and, in view of the nature of an argu- FALLACIES 571 ment, it follows that when assumptions are put forward as reasons we necessarily fail to establish a conclusion, and fall into the merest dogmatism unless we are willing to have these assumptions called into question. "When," for instance, "Galileo maintained that the earth goes round the sun, he fully believed it and yet was willing to treat it as a disputable question ; but when Pope Urban VIII and his cardinals maintained that the earth stood still, they shut their eyes to the arguments, and said their view was only disputable by any one who chose to be burnt alive." Now, with respect to the right to call into question any of the grounds on which con- clusions are supposed to rest, we can only say that this right must be conceded, or that the fallacy we are now considering can have no logical standing. But further, if we cannot go behind the premises, nor consider ^e rights of assertions to stand as premises, but must accept any set of assertions at their face value as grounds of argument, then the whole of logic has been reduced to a mere formal science, and its processes are valuable only as they enable us to secure consistency of statement. Either this, or we must admit that there is a real difference between assertions and assumptions, between judg- ments and postulates, that the human mind is likely at times to fail to keep the distinction clearly before it, and, consequently, that the one may sometimes slip, in the course of argument, into the place of the other. Now, when this happens, when in the course of argument assumptions take the place of reasoned 572 A TEXT-BOOK OP LOGIC judgments, the argument is fallacious because, for the reason assigned, it involves a petitio principii. The English language, as Whately pointed out, is peculiarly "suitable for the fallacy of Petitio Principii, from its being formed from two distinct languages, and thus abounding in synonymous ex- pressions which have no resemblance in sound, and no connection in etymology, so that a Sophist may bring forth a proposition expressed in words of Saxon origin, and give as a reason for it the very same proposition stated in words of Norman origin ; e. g. To allow every man an unbounded freedom of speech must always be, on the whole, advantageous to the State ; for it is highly conducive to the inter- ests of the community, that each individual should enjoy a liberty perfectly unlimited of expressing his sentiments/ * When the fallacy of petitio principii is com- mitted in a single step it is called vvrepov irporepw (hysteron proteron) ; and when it involves more than a single step it is called circulus in probando or reasoning in a circle. Closely connected with the foregoing is the fal- lacy of the Complex Question. By a complex ques- tion, in the broadest meaning of that term, is meant one that suggests its own answer. Any question, for instance, that forces us to select, and assert in our answer to it, one of the elements of the question itself, while some other possibility is really open, is complex in the sense in which that term is here em- ployed. If, for example, one were to ask whether FALLACIES 573 you were going to New York or London, or if your favourite colour were red or blue, or if you had given up a particular bad habit, he would be guilty of the fallacy of the complex question, if, in each case, the alternatives, as a matter of fact, were more numerous than, or were in any way different from, those stated in the question. Any leading question which complicates an issue by over simplification is fallacious for the same reason. Now, in the light of what we have said with respect to the petitio principii, it is not difficult to see that the fallacy of the complex question is occasioned by the character of the assumption on which the question rests. In the petitio principii an assumption with respect to the subject-matter of an argument functions as a premise, in the complex question it is a similar as- sumption that shuts out some of the material possi- bilities of a situation and confines an issue within too narrow limits. As in the former case, so here, the only way of meeting the difficulty is to raise the previous question, that is, to call the assumption which lies back of the fallacy into question. Ignoratio Elenchi, according to Aristotle, is a fallacy which arises from "ignorance of the nature of refutation." In order to refute an assertion, Aristotle says we must prove its contradictory; the proof, consequently, of a proposition which stood in any other relation than that to the original, would be an ignoratio elenchi. Since Aristotle, the scope of the fallacy has been extended to include all cases of proving the wrong 574 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC point. Thus, when H. Spencer, in arguing against the advocates of a classical education, says that "Throughout his after career, a boy, in nine cases out of ten, applies his Latin and Greek to no prac- tical purposes," he is guilty of an ignoratio elenchi, for the argument, as Welton points out, "ignores the fact that the advocates of a classical education do not claim that Latin and Greek are of direct use in practical life. What they do urge is that the study of the classics furnishes an unrivalled mental training; and it is this proposition which a true cAcyxo? (elenchus) must disprove." With this inter- pretation of the fallacy Whately is in agreement. He writes : "I am required to prove a certain con- clusion ; I prove, not that, but one which is likely to be mistaken for it; in that lies the fallacy. . . For instance, instead of proving that 'this person has committed an atrocious fraud/ you prove that 'this fraud he is accused of is atrocious / instead of prov- ing, as in the well-known tale of Cyrus and the two coats, that 'the taller boy had a right to force the other boy to exchange coats with him/ you prove that 'the exchange would have been advantag- eous to both/ instead of proving that 'a man has not a right to educate his children or dis- pose of his property in the way he thinks best/ you prove that 'the way in which he educates his chil- dren or disposes of his property is not really the best;' instead of proving that 'the poor ought to be relieved in this way/ you prove that 'they ought to be relieved.' " The fallacy usually occurs, as Jevons FALLACIES 575 remarks, "in the course of long harangues, when the multitude of words and figures leaves room for confusion and forgetfulness." Hence, an ignoratio elenchi has been called by Aikins the fallacy of the forgotten issue. Thus it is frequently necessary, for example in debate, to call the discussion back to the point at issue. For example, in a speech in the House of Commons, Canning is reported to have said, in reply to Mr. Percival, that "The question is not, as assumed by my opponent, whether we shall continue the war in the Peninsula, but whether it is essential to our success in the war that our present system of currency remain unchanged." The nature of the fallacy, then, consists in sub- stituting for a certain issue another which is more or less closely related to it, and arguing the substi- tuted issue. The fallacy does not take into account whether the arguments do or do not really support the substituted issue, it only calls attention to the fact that they do not constitute a proof of the orig- inal one. Sudents are quite often guilty of an ignoratio elenchi when in reply to questions they substitute some other though related question and allow their answers to be guided by it. It is a par- ticularly prevalent and subtle fallacy and it assumes a great variety of forms. But whenever it occurs and whatever form it takes, it is brought about by an assumption that leads the person guilty of it to substitute for a definite subject of inquiry another which is in close relation with it. In the petitio principii the fallacy may be described as an assump- 576 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC tion of the premises ; in the complex question, as an assumption of the answer; and in the ignoratio elenchi, as an assumption of the question at issue. Whenever, for any reason, a conclusion does not follow from the assigned premises, we have, in the literal sense of the term, a Non Sequitur. When used in this sense to include all the errors in reason- ing which leads to erroneous conclusions, the term is generic, and must be understood as synonymous with 'fallacy.' Any kind of loose or inconsequential argument, from this point of view, would be a non sequitur. More particularly considered, the fallacy of non sequitur, as was indicated by Aristotle, is the name we apply to the erroneous conclusion of a hypo- thetical syllogism. Aristotle regarded it as an "argument from the affirmation of the consequent," and for this reason it is sometimes called the fallacy of the consequent. If, for example, we argue that a particular individual who has no visible means of support must be a prefessional thief, because "if a man is a professional thief, he will have no visible means of support," the argument will be fallacious because, as we have seen, no conclusion can be reached by affirming the consequent of hypothetical propositions. The term non sequitur may also be applied to the other hypothetical fallacy of denying the antecedent. In both the cases to which the term has been said to apply, the assumption is made that the relation between antecedent and consequent of the major premise is causal, an assumption which FALLACIES 577 we have no right to make in view of the complex interconnection of the facts with which our human knowledge has always to deal. But if it is made, the only way we can avoid a possible fallacy is to call into question the assumption, and thereby to raise definitely the question whether antecedent and consequent are causally connected or not. The attempt has sometimes been made to apply the name non sequitur to the fallacies which occur in connection with categorical arguments. This cannot be considered a useful employment of the term. For if the term applies to any and all of these errors, it must be regarded, as we have said above, as a generic term, and loses all particular significance, and if it is used of a particular kind of categorical fallacy, it immediately takes its place as a synonym of the name of that fallacy. Some logicians, however, do not take this view of the case, and they assign the term to a group of cate- gorical arguments of which the following may be said to be fairly representative : 'Episcopacy is of scriptural origin, the Church of England is the only established church in England, therefore the church established in England is the only church that should be supported.' Again, 'Pennsylvania contains rich coal and iron mines, Pennsylvania has no sea coast, therefore the battle of Gettysburg was fought in that state/ These examples are so flimsy, as examples of argument, that the only sensible course to take with regard to the class of reasoning 37 578 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC for which they stand is to deny that it can have any logical recognition at all. Logic presupposes at the least some development of common sense on the part of those to whom it addresses itself, and one can hardly be expected to take so low an estimate of logic as to think that it can be of any possible service to the individual upon whom such so-called argu- ments would have the least chance to impose. The logician has absolutely nothing to do with such an individual who, in the interests of society, had much better be placed in the care of an alienist. We conclude, therefore, that non sequitur is a name that can be applied only to fallacies of the kind that occur in the course of hypothetical arguments. The fallacy consists in misinterpreting the implica- tions of the relation of antecedent and consequent stated in the major premise of hypothetical syllo- gisms. Fallacies of Interest. Knowledge, as we have shown, depends for one of its conditions upon what we call interest. But knowledge is not secured and advanced by any or any kind of interest. It is only when, as we have seen, the interest is directed toward, and is accompanied by a desire to ascertain, the nature and relations of the objects by which it is stimulated that it can be considered to be of service in the establishment of knowledge in the strict sense of that term. The interest that must be recognised as an indispensable condition of all knowledge whatever is specifically an interest that points toward and terminates in the establishment FALLACIES 579 of the knowledge relation. Whenever any other interest than this is allowed, consciously or uncon- sciously, to influence the steps we take toward knowledge, or the conclusions we accept, the process and the conclusion are for that reason fallacious. Instances of the kind of argument just indicated will be considered in the following paragraphs, and they are grouped together because they all imply that some other interest has been substituted for the one which alone, as we have said, can be of service in the attainment of truth. Perhaps the most reputable of the fallacies of the kind in question is that which is known as post hoc, ergo propter hoc. In discussing the problems connected with the establishment of causal relations, we have seen that a succession of events is to be interpreted always as containing the suggestion of a possible causal connection between the events in question, or with other with which they are con- stantly associated ; but we saw also that the succes- sion itself is never to be taken as evidence of such connection. If, therefore, neglecting this latter con- sideration, we should argue from an observed suc- cession of events to the causal connection of the events, the conclusion would be fallacious because the only reason that could be assigned for the infer- ence, namely, that, since the one event had followed the other, it was, therefore, caused by that other, is never sufficient to establish a causal relation. The fallacy arises, then, from neglect of the negative criterion of causal relations to which we have just 580 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC referred, namely, that mere succession is never a sufficient reason for a causal inference. The relative prevalence of this fallacy, and the charitable attitude most of us take toward those who are guilty of it, suggest that the error which it implies lies somewhat deeper in the mental life than some others that have come before us. If this is true, the explanation and full exposition of the nature of the fallacy belong to psychology rather than to logic. In a general way, however, we can see that whenever the scientific interest, which seeks to safeguard conclusions from possible sources of error, is not strictly emphasised, or when it is for some reason temporarily weakened, it is easy for the human mind to slip into one of the more usual or conventional attitudes toward the objects of its ex- perience, and thus to arrive at conclusions which, to the extent that this has taken place, are fallacious. In these fallacies, we observe a tendency to confuse associative combinations with causal connections, a tendency which is emphasised whenever the prac- tical takes the place of the theoretical interest in determining our relations to the objects of our ex- perience. An example of this fallacy, frequently met with in educational circles, is the contention that because students who are handicapped by the necessity of earning their livelihood usually manage to pass their examinations, while others who are not so handicapped sometimes fail, the handicap is part of the cause of their success. In similar fashion, we have heard it argued that because Spur- FALLACIES 581 geon, who never went to college, was a great preacher, that this was due to the fact that he never attended college. There is more common sense and logic in Spurgeon's remark, referring to the above contention, that the result was accomplished in spite of his lacking a collegiate training. There are a number of fallacies which are due still more obviously to the way in which arguments connect themselves with interests which are distinct from the one with which our search for truth is more particularly associated, and in which the con- clusion assumes a character in conformity with these interests. When, for instance, an argument makes an appeal to the character, principles, pro- fession, or interests of an individual, and it is ac- cepted or rejected for that reason, there results a fallacy which is called an argumentum ad hominem. If, for example, the evidence for the movement of the earth round the sun is rejected because it is inconsistent with one's religious convictions, the rejection is fallacious because the argument reaches its conclusion by the substitution of the religious for the scientific interest. If, again, the fact that one owns stock in a brewery is allowed to influence his judgment as to what conclusion, with respect to the sale of alcoholic beverages, is warranted by the scientific evidence that is available on the physio- logical effects of alcohol on the human system, he is guilty of the fallacy under consideration. When, once more, the demands of religion upon the indi- vidual are rejected because preachers or church 582 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC members are not free from obvious faults, or when they are accepted because thereby business will be helped, the position in each case involves an ad hominem fallacy. The admission, by courts of law, of testimony bearing upon the character of witnesses, requires a word of explanation, because it seems to be in contravention of the recognised fallacious nature of the arguments we are now considering. The difficulty created by this instance is removed when we observe that courts of law do not admit testi- mony as to the character of witnesses for the pur- pose of deciding whether the verdict shall be for or against the plaintiff, but for the purpose of eliminating, from the evidence that comes before it, testimony that is irrelevant to the issue, that is, testimony which, because it is prejudicially affected by the character of the individual who gives it, involves an argumentum ad hominem. Prejudiced or perjured evidence is fallacious in exactly the sense in which any ad hominem argument is falla- cious. When an argument is accepted because it enlists on one side or other of the question at issue, our feelings, passions or prejudices, it is called an argu- mentum ad populum. This is essentially the fallacy of public address. Any cause, as we all know, that can bring impressive oratory and brilliant metaphor to its aid is very likely to secure the support of many upon whom the cause itself and the arguments which really support it, would have little or no influence. FALLACIES 583 Conspicuous examples of fallacious reasoning of this kind may be found on almost every page of the voluminous writings of the late Robert Ingersoll. A somewhat similar fallacy is that which is known as argumentum ad misericordiam. In this case, our judgment is determined by the appeal that is made to our pity or sympathy. Whenever, for example, we recommend a cause by emphasising the plight of those whom it is intended to benefit, or give our sup- port because of our interest in the individuals who advocate it, or give alms to a beggar because he is in rags, we are guilty of letting our sympathy inter- fere with our judgment, and this is exactly what occurs in any argumentum ad misericordiam. The influence of a great name or of long estab- lished customs is pretty generally recognised as serv- ing a useful purpose in the development of the indi- vidual and the race. When, however, our reverence for individuals or institutions leads us to accept, without consideration of the arguments which may be advanced for and against them, positions which receive the support of or are in conformity with any established authority, we are said to be guilty of the fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam. This is a fallacy to which the conservatives among us are particularly prone. Our interest in order, in things as they are, unless balanced by a due regard for change, may lead us to accept a position merely because it is in agreement with some established custom, or to reject another merely because it re- quires the rejection of some accepted authority. A 584 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC peculiarly aggravated form of the fallacy comes to light in those instances where an individual's right to speak with authority in one field of knowledge is taken as the ground of our acceptance of that indi- vidual's opinion in another field with respect to which he has no special acquaintance. "The pres- tige of a great name," as Creighton remarks, "is thus irrelevantly invoked when no significance prop- erly belongs to it. Thus, for example, a successful general is sometimes supposed to speak with author- ity upon problems of statescraft, and the opinions of prominent clergymen are quoted regarding the latest scientific or political theories." REFERENCES H. A. Aikins, The Principles of Logic, Chs. XVIII., XIX., XX. J. E. Creighton, An Introductory Logic, 3d Edition, Chs. XII., XX. J. G. Hibben, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, Part I., Ch. XIX., Part II., Ch. XVI. W. S. Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Lessons XX., XXI. S. ' H. Mellone, An Introductory Text-Book of Logic, 3d Edition, Ch. X. C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 3d Edition, Ch. XXIV. W. J. Taylor, Elementary Logic, Ch. XVIII. ADVANCED W. R. B. Gibson, The Problem of Logic, Ch. XXVIII. H. W. B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, Ch. XXVII. J. S. Mill, A System of Logic. Book V. F. C. S. Schiller, Formal Logic, Ch. XXIII. FALLACIES 585 A. Sidgwick, Fallacies. J. Welton, A Manual of Logic, Vol. II., Book VII. QUESTIONS 1. What is an inductive fallacy, and into what classes may such fallacies be divided. 2. What testimony can you quote showing the importance of a careful and accurate use of language for logical thinking? 3. What did Bacon mean by Idols of the Market Place? 4. How does Locke explain the fact that language often renders thought fallacious? 5. In what two ways may the observation of facts be fallacious? 6. State and illustrate the fallacy of insufficient observa- tion. 7. What do you understand by a negative instance? 8. What is the testimony of Bacon and Darwin as to the importance of negative instances? 9. In what respect does education predispose one to the neglect of negative instances? 10. What does Bacon mean by Idols of the Theatre? 11. In what form is the fallacy described by Bacon in these terms likely to appear at the present day? 12. What is the fallacy of incomplete or imperfect obser- vation? 13. Explain how the personal factor may lead to incomplete or imperfect observation. 14. In what way does technique affect the thoroughness of observation? 15. What are the two fallacies of explanation considered in the text? 16. Explain what is meant by a hasty generalisation. 17. To what consideration of scientific importance does the possibility of hasty generalisations point? 18. What is the fallacy of false analogy? 586 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC 19. In what respect is the fallacy of false analogy similar to the fallacy of figurative language? 20. In what respect does false analogy resemble the fallacy of negative instances? 21. What is the general character of the fallacies of the context? 22. Into what two classes may fallacies of the context be divided? Describe each class, naming the particular fallacies that belong therein. 23. What do we mean by a fallacy of assumption? 24. Describe the essential character of a petitio principii. 25. How may we proceed to break down a petitio principii? 26. How may a verepov irporepov be distinguished from a circulus in probando, and how are they related to a petitio principii? 27. What is the fallacy of the complex question? 28. What, according to Aristotle, is an ignoratio elenchi? 29. What is an ignoratio elenchi according to modern logic? 30. What is Aikin's term for an ignoratio elenchi, and dis- cuss its appropriateness. 31. From the standpoint of the assumptions involved, how do the petitio principii, the complex question, and the ignoratio elenchi differ from one another? 32. What is the genereic meaning of the non sequitur? 33. What, according to Aristotle, is a non sequitur, and what, accordingly, is another name for the fallacy? 34. With what meaning is the term non sequitur now used in modern logic? 35. Discuss the relation of the non sequitur to categorical arguments. S6. What are the fallacies of interest? 37. Describe the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. 38. What is understood by an argumentum ad hominem? 39. Does the admission of evidence as to the character of accused persons, or of those giving evidence, by courts of law involve the verdict in the ad hominem fallacy? Explain. FALLACIES 587 40. What is the argumentum ad populum? Illustrate. 41. State and illustrate the argumentum ad misericordiam. 42. Show by means of illustrations the nature of the argu- mentum ad verecundiam. EXERCISES Examine the following arguments, and state in what re- spects, if any, they are fallacious, the technical name of the fallacy of which each is guilty, and the class to which the fallacy belongc: (1) In the act of landing on the African coast, Caesar accidentally stumbled, and, as he did so, he ex- claimed, 'Africa! I embrace thee.' Against what fallacy on the part of his followers was this ex- clamation intended to guard? (2) It is a dictum of the Cartesian philosophy that whatever can be clearly conceived exists. Is this fallacious, and if so, why? (3) The opponents of the Copernican system argued that if the earth moved, a stone let fall from the top of a tower would not reach the ground at the foot of the tower, but at a point some distance from it, in a direction opposite to the earth's movement. Such, however, is not the fact. (4) It is reported by travelers that the negroes among whom coral is worn as an amulet affirm that it is always affected by the state of health of the wearer, becoming pale in disease. This is not true. (5) Women, as a class, are supposed not to have hitherto been equal in intellect to men, therefore they are necessarily inferior. (6) The twenty-five years of Republican tariff legis- lation have been a nera of unparallelled prosperity. Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg? 588 A TEXT-BOOK OF LOGIC (7) The metropolis of a country may be compared to the heart of a living body, hence we may infer that any considerable increase in size of the metropolis is evidence of a diseased condition of the body politic. (8) The early Teutonic societies were held together by ties of kinship, because all societies were so held together originally. (9) It is sometimes contended that because punishment can only intimidate it is brutalising, and therefore, it should not be employed, but that only shows that there are persons who are so brutalised that they can be influenced only through fear. (10) The apologists of Charles I., McCaulay complains, defend the king by urging that he was a good judge of pictures and indulgent to his wife. (11) This is a party measure and therefore we must vote for it. (12) A religion which elevates the soul above the body can survive persecution, and since the Christian religion has survived persecution, it enables its devotees to prefer the interests of the soul to those of the body. (13) It is frequently assumed, because the animals and men native to countries of inclement climates, where the conditions of life are severe, are usually robust, that the hardships they are forced to undergo in youth are the cause of their hardiness. (14) I do not know that you will approve it, but I gave him a pair of shoes, an old coat, and something to eat. I felt so sorry for him. INDEX Abelard, on universals, 93 Accent, fallacy of, 5l7f Accident, as predicable, 186 converse fallacy of, 521 fallacy of, 620f Acquipollence, education by, 279f Affirming the consequent, fallacy of, 540f Agreement, Method of, 477f a method of observation, 480, 482 elimination and, 478 Jevon's formulation of, 477 Kmits of, 480f Mellone's formulation of, 479 method of single. 477 method of double, 490 Mill's formulation of, 477 states an ideal, 479f Agreement and Difference, Method of, 486f application of, 490f conditions of its use, 486f, 496 field of application, 487 Melone's formulation of, 489 Mill's formulation of, 488 Aikins, on the forgotten issue, 575 Ambiguity, as fundamental logical problem, 164 criticism of traditional view of, 163f fallacy and, 614 judgment and, 54 structural, 522f traditional view of, 162f translation and, 165f verbal, 515f of terms, fallacies of, 534f Ambiguous disjunction, fallacy of, 547f Amphibole, fallacy of, 522f Analogy, conditions of, 413f, 41"f false, fallacy of, 565f function of, in induction, 416f limits of, 412f, 418 logical character of, 411f, 419f meaning of, 409f translation and, 165f Anselm, on universals, 93 Aquinas, on universals, 93 Arguments, basis of categorical, 297f categorical, 297f, SOlf, 326f circular, 572 constructive hypothetical, 361f deductive, 532 destructive hypothetical, 353f dilemmatic, 354f disjunctive, 343f, 644f hypothetical, 348f, 539f inductive, 532 logical problem of cate- gorical, 298 mixed disjunctive, 343f simple disjunctive, 343f validity of disjunctive, 345f Argumentum, a dicto secundum quid, 521 589 590 INDEX a dicto simpliciter, 520 ad hominem, 581 ad misericordiam, 583 ad populum, 582f ad verecundiam, 583f Aristotle, list of Predicables, 181 on analogy, 409 on fallacies, 508 on ignoratio Elenchi, 573 on logic, 12, 18 on non seguitur, 576 on the categories, 369 on the classification of fal- lacies, 511 on the fallacy of division, 519 on what can be defined, 182 Assertion, conditions of relevant, 36f grounded, 302 grounds of, 302 judgment as, 28f relevant, 36f truth and, 58 Assumption, fallacies of, 669f B / Bacon, on Idols of the Market Place, 653f on Idols of the Theatre, 559f on imperfect induction, 375 on negative instances, 375, 567f on perfect induction, 374 on the interrogation of nature, 442 the herald of modern learning, 471 Bosanquet, on negative terms, 152 Bradley, on disjunction, 342 on the real subject of judg- ment, 55 on the 'that' and the 'what* of judgment, 49 Brodie, on scientific imagination, 424 Categories, defined, 369 predication and, 369 Causation, analysis and, 455f complex characts, of facts of, 449f elimination as a method of, 474f hypothetical statements and, 462f metaphysics of, 458f Mill's Methods and, 473f necessity and, 457f practical aspect of, 436f problem of, 435f, 442f, 451 { purpose and, 4.55 reciprocal, 461, 473f relation of practical and theoretical aspects of, 440f relation of purpose to, 449 temporal sequence and, 445f theoretical aspect of, 438f Cause, analysis, 4i55f certainty and, 455 complex character of, 449f, 453f conditions and, 451 effect and, 447f, 453f indeterminateness of, 452 necessity of, 456f occasion and, 461 probability and, 464f purpose and, 449, 455 reciprocity of effect and, 461f temporal antecedence and, 445f Causes, composition of, 499 criticism of plurality of, 466f permanent, 486 plurality of, 461f, 542f Classification, artificial, 215 comparison and, 212f, 377 conditions of, 214f defined, ffllf definition and, 212f INDEX 591 division and, 213f induction and, 216 kinds of, 2l5f Mill's doctrine of, criti- cised, 216 natural, 215 practical, 2l7f purpose and, 214, 216f scientific and popular, 377f statistical methods and, ml theoretical, 217 Colligation, nature of, 378f value of, 380 Comparison, classification and, 214 definition and, 169, 190 relation of judgment and reasoning to, 303 Complex Question, fallacy of, 572f Composition, converse fallacy of, 519 fallacy of, 518f Concept, conceptualist view of, 93 logical view of, 98f nominalist view of, 93 psychological view of, 93 realist view of, 92f Conclusion, as grounded assertion, 302 denned, 304 Concomitant Variations, Method of, 486, 492f conditions of its use, 493, 494f, 497 field of its application, 496 Mill's formulation of, 492 quantitative phenomena and, 494f the principle of, 493 Conditions, cause and, 461 essential, 456 Context, relation of judgment and proposition to, 54, 82, 87 Contradiction, basis of, 211 fallacy of, 627 meaning of, 272f Contradictories, meaning of, 210 Contraposition, education by, 288f table of, 289 Contrariety, meaning of, 266f Connotation, meaning of, 109f, 158 of collective term, 128 of general term, 125 of individual term, 122f of positive term, 144f problems of, 117, 158 relation to denotation, llOf Conversion, contrapositive, 288f fallacies of, 530f meaning of, 283f method of, 284f per accidens, 286 rule of, 285 simple, 285f table of, 288 Copula, as "sign of predication", 94, 234 existential views of, 95f function of, 91f, 234 how expressed, 91 relational view of, 92f Creighton, on argumentum ad vere- cundiam, 684 on fallacy of accent, 618 on the Joint Method, 487f, 491f on the connotation of proper names, 122 Darwin, on theorising, 399 on negative instances, 658 Definition, classification and, 212f comparison and, 109, 190, 212f conditions of, I67f convertible with definien- dum, 179 592 INDEX dichotomy and, 207f elementariness of, I79f genetic, 176 homogeneity of terms in, 179 indeterminateness of, 196f negative, 180f per genus tt differentiam, 171f positive, 180 problem of, 159, I80f real, 173f relation of division to, 190, 198f relation of purpose to, I76f structural, 175 synonyms and, 180 tests of, 176f too broad, I77f too narrow, 178 verbal, I73f when employed, 167f, 170, 190 Denotation, meaning of, 108f, 114f of collective term, 128f of general term, 125 of individual term, 122f of positive term, 144f problems of, 117, 168 relation to connotation, HOf Denying the antecedent, fallacy of, MM Designation, as concrete term, 121 meaning of, 122f, 124 Dichotomy, definition and, 207f division by, 205f nature of, 206f, 210 value of, 208f Difference, Method of, 482f a method of experiment, 482 grounds of validity, 485f indirect method of, 490 intermixture of effects and, 486 Hellene's formulation of, 484 Mill's formulation of, 482 single method of, 484 Differentia, as predicable, 185f meaning of, 172f Dilemma, classes of, 357f constructive, 357f denned, 355 destructive, 8&8f nature of, 354f structure of, 356f validity of, 359f Distributed, meaning of, 114f terms in categorical prop- osition, 259f Disjunction, basis of, 340f exclusive, 341f exhaustive, 342f Division, by dichotomy, 205f classification and, 213f conditions of, 213f cross, 201 fallacy of, 519f logical, exhaustive, 205 meaning of logical, 191f, 198, 196 metaphysical, 194 physical, 195 principle of, 195, 196f rules of logical, 192, f, 200f terminology of logical, 199f verbal, 195 Eductions, by aequipollence, 279f by contraposition, 288f by conversion, 288 by inversion, 290f by negation, 288f by obversion, 279f by permutation, 279f classes of, 279f fallacies of, 529f meaning of, 278f INDEX 593 schema of, 292 summary of, 291 table of, 292 Effect, cause and, 447f conditions and, 461 intermixture of, 485f, 499 nature of, 452 occasion and, 461 reciprocal character of cause and, 461f temporal sequence and, 445f Enthymeme, denned, 328 elliptical nature of, 329 Figure of, 329 Mood of, 329 Orders of, 328 syllogistic character of, 328 Enumeration, generalisation and sim- ple, 386 simple, 376f Episyllogism, polysyllogism and, 330 Epicheirema, nature and classes of, 335f Equivocation, fallacy of, 515f Error, characteristic of assertion, 58 compatibility of asserted con- tent in, 68f conditions of, 82, 97 not irrelevance, 66f purpose and, 66 Exclamations, logic of, 31f Experiment, controlled conditions, 403 limitations of, 401 nature of scientific, 400, 402f, 483f observation and, 400 relation of purpose to, 402f scientific 402f, 483 Fact, a coexistent, 486 colligation and, 378f meanings of, 367f 38 relation to judgment, 368 relations of, 370f world of, 37lf Fallacies, categorical, 533 classification of, 511f deductive, 633f defined, 508f disjunctive, 544f hypothetical, 539f inductive, 552f a dicto secundum quid, 521 a dicto simpliciter, 520 ad hominem, 581 ad misericordiam, 583 ad populum, 582f ad verecundiam, 583f categorical, 533 classification of, 511f deductive, 633f defined, 508f disjunctive, 644f hypothetical, 539f ignoratio elenchi, 573 inductive, 652f non sequitur, 576f of accent, 517f of accident, 520f of accident, converse, 521f of ambiguous disjunction, 547f of amphibole, 522f of assumption, 669f of complex question, 672f of composition, 518f of contrariety, 627f of conversion, 530f of division, 619f of eduction, 529f of education, 529f of equivocation, 615f of explanation, 563f of false analogy, 565f of false disjunction, 646 of false parenthesis, 524 of four terms, 534f of hasty generalisation, 663f 594 INDEX of incomplete disjunction, MM of implication, 625f of inference, 631f of insufficient premises, 637f of interest, 578f of interpretation, 614f of language, 663f of observation, 655f of obversion, 529f of opposition, 526f of subalternation, 628f of subcontraiety, 627f of the consequent, 676 of the context, 667f petitio principii, 670f post hoc, 679f structural ambiguity and, 522 verbal ambiguity and, 615 Generalisation, causal sequence and empirical, 463f classification and, 377f empirical, 376f, 385f hasty, fallacy of, 663f Mill on, 376 presuppositions of, 377 simple enumeration and, 386 statistical methods and, 391f value of empirical, 378, 385 Genus, meaning of, I72f as predicable, 185f Gibson, on elimination in causal in- quiries, 476f on experimentation, 403 on statistical method, 391 Green, on colligation, 379 Grote, on knowledge of acquaintance and knowledge about, 83 H Hegel, on the syllogism of analogy, 412 Herschel, his contributions to induc- tive logic, 472 on residual phenomena, 600 Huxley, on intellectual observation, 400 Hobbes, on language, 553 on the scientific imagination, 425 Hypothesis, analysis and, 421 imagination and, 426f limits of, 420f living, 427 nature of, 420 objections to, 422f theory and, 429f truth and, 427 verification of, 427f Imagination, science and,424f Imperatives, logic of, Slf Implication, classes of, 264f fallacies of, 526f meaning of, 263f, 278, 626f Induction, analogy and, 416f explanatory methods of, 406f ground of truth of, 387f hypothetical statements and, 389 imperfect, 373 number of instances and, 386, 386f, 665 perfect, 372, 376f problem of, 366f, 372 simple enumeration and, 372f two factors of, 386f Inference, by private conception, 279f fallacies of, 531f immediate, 263f. Instances, negative, 875, 484f, 556f positive, 484f INDEX 595 Intelligence, nature and development of, 395f Interest, assertion and, 36f cansation and, 449, 455 classification and, 214, 216f designation and, I23f error and, 66 experiment and, 402f general term and, 125f judgment and, 44f, 67, 117 knowledge and, 44f, 578f meaning and, 117 and opinion, 464 observation and, 397, 402f. Interrogatives, logic of, 31f Inversion, method and nature of, 290 obversion and, 291 tables of, 291 Irrelevance, nature and forms of, 65f James, definition of conception, 26 on knowledge of acquaintance and knowledge about, 83. on the meaning of term thought, 25 Jevons, on analogy, 419 on ignoratio etenchi, 674f on imperfect induction, 374f on the antecedent of causal events, 450f on the dilemma, 359 on the fallacy of accent, 517 on the intermixture of effects, 499 on the Method of Single Agreement, 477 on the occasion of an event, in Joseph, on elimination in causal in- quiries, 474f Judgment, actual subject of, 52, 55 ambiguity of, 54f as assertion, 28f, 29f, 36f as grounded assertion, 302 belief and, 97 comparison and, 303 conditions of, 36f content of, 29, 82 defined, 29, 50, 55 difference and, 240 empirical, general, 385f enumerative, 374 error and, 65f fact and, 368 fragmentariness of, 83, 87 groundless statements and, 33f identity and, 239 incompleteness of, 54 interest and, 44f, 67, 117 limits of, 67 logical subject of, 52. mental attitudes akin to, 31f nature of, 28f, 35f, 51, 55, 303 object of, 47f, 50, 368 objective of, 50 origin of, 77f practical aspect of, 357 presupposition of, 52, 97 probable, 62f proposition and, 76f, 84, 94, 303 scientific, and probability, 62f social, and probability, 62f subject-matter of, 29, 47f theoretical aspect of, 35f, 41f thought and, 28f truth of, 58f K Knowledge, about, 83 error and, 65f interest and, 44f, 578f meaning of, 5f method of, logic as, 20 of acquaintance, 83. opinion and, 464 596 INDEX relation of syllogism to, 298f systematic, 6f, 391f truth and, 58f , 60f, 366 .Knowledges, logic and the, 9f, 18 meaning of, 9 thought and the, lOf Language, Hobbes on, 553 judgment and, 76, 84f, 96, 98f Locke on, 554f the sciences and, 160 Locke, on language, 664f Logic, as an art, 17f, 20f. as method of thinking, 19 as science, 21f as science of meaning, 20 as scientia scientiarum, llf as scientific method, 19 Herschel's contributions, 472 humanistic influence in, 12f Mill's historical position of, 472 psychology and, 14f, 20 subject-matter of, If, lOf the knowledges and, 9f the sciences and, lOf thought and, lOf Lotze, on observation, 400 M Major, ambiguous, fallacy of, 534 illicit process of, 536 Marketplace, idols of, 553f Mathematical proportion, analogy and 400f syllogism and, 300f Meaning, absolute and relative, dis tinction between, 140f abstract, 130f abstract, development of 134f abstract, partial views of, 131f collective, 126f concrete, 118, ISOf concrete and abstract, basis of distinction between, 139 contrary, 155 disparate, 155 general, 124f, 126 incompatible, 238 individual, 124f individual concrete, kinds of, 121f interest and, 117 negative, 143f, 236f negative, conditions of, 145f negative interpretation of, 149f, 154 positive, 143, 2S5f privative, 143f, 236f Meinong, on object and objective of judgment, 49f Mellone, on analogy, 416 on denying the antecedent, 542 on induction, 416 on the Joint Method, 489 on the Method of Agree- ment, 479 on the Method of Differ ence, 484 Methods, experimental, their historical position, 47lf problem to which they apply, 473f, 496 statement of, 477f Middle, ambiguous, fallacy of, 534 undistributed, 536 Mill, his meaning of unconditional, 459f historical position of his Logic, 47lf on analogy, 419 on a philosophical language, 553 INDEX 597 on causation, 444f on colligation, 378f on empirical generalisation, 376 on hypothesis, 427 on imperfect induction, 375 on invariable sequence, 445f on parity of reasoning, 381 on perfect induction, 374 on permanent causes, 486 on purpose and cause, 449 on the complex character of causal events, 449f, 457 on the composition of causes, 499 on the connotation of proper names, 12f on the copula, 95f on the intermixture of effects, 48Sf on the Joint Method, 486f on the necessity of causal events, 456f on the plurality of causes, 461f on the relation of metaphysics to causal problems, 458f on the Method of Agreement 477f on the Method of Concomitant Variations, 492f on the Method of Difference,. 482f on the Method of Residues, 496f on the Methods of Experimen- tal inquiry, 47lf Minto, on Aristotelian logic, 13, 21 on the history of logic ,471 N Names, connotation of proper, 112, 121f denotation of proper, 121 meaning of, 88f terms and, 88 Necessity, causal, 457f Negation, bare, 152 conditions of, 145f double, 279 eduction by, 288f function of, 238 meaning of, 149f, 153f, 238 Non-ambiguity, division and, 190f fallacy and, 515 language and, 160 limits of, 161f Nonsense, logical status of, 238 Non sequitur, fallacy of, 576f Object, affected by mode of apprehen- sion, 24f implication of, in conscious process, 24f meaning of, 24 Observation, analytic character of, 398f development of, 395f experimental, 400f, 453 experimental, limits of, 401 imagination and, 426 limits of, 556, 556f perceptual, 396f qualitative methods of, of, 399f scientific, 397f scientific and Method of Residues, 500 selective character of, 399f theoretical, 401f, 453 Obversion, fallacy of, 529f meaning of, 279f method of, 281f rules of, 290 table of, 282 Occasion, meaning of, 451 Opposites, contradictory, 210 Opposition, contradictory, 272f contrary, 266f fallacies of, 526f 598 INDEX kinds of, 266 meaning of, 265 subaltern, 269f subcontrary, 273f square of, 276f table of, 279 Optatives, logic of, 31f Pearson, on the objectivity of science, 423 Permutation, education by, 279f Petitio principii, fallacy of, 570f, 573 575f Polysyllogism, defined, 330 progressive, 331 prosyllogism and, 330 regressive, 331 types of, 33lf Post hoc, fallacy, 679f Porphyry, list of Predicables, 181 on the subject of predica tion, 182 Tree of, 210f Predicables, Aristotle on, 181f commensurate, 183 lists of, 181 meaning of, 181 non-commensurate, 183 185f Porphyry on, 181f problem of, 160, 181f Predication, basis of, 239 categories and, 369 degrees of, 222 kinds of thing and, 160 181f meaning of, 85f, 222 Premises, as grounds of assertion, 302 function of, 305 major and minor, 305 negative, fallacy of, 537f particular, fallacy of, 537f propositions as, 304f Probability, causation and, 464f characteristic of assertion, 58 conditions of, 62f scientific judgments and, 62, 64f Propositions, affirmative, 235f, 238f affirmative and negative, relation of, 238f ^analysis of, 84f apodeictic, 250f as premises, 304 assertoric, 247f categorical, 99, 102f categorical, classification of, 222f categorical, implications of, 255f causation and hypothet- ical, 462f compound, 244f compound hypothetical, 355f context and, 82 contraposition of, 288f degrees of certainty of, 247 distribution and the cate- gorical, 259f disjunctive, 99, lOOf eductive, 278f eductive, fallacies of, 529f eductive, schema of, 292 eductive, table of, 292 exclusive, 241, 243f exceptive, 241 f exponible, 244 hypothetical, 347f hypothetical, and causa- tion, 462f ideas and, 77 import of, 79f indesignate, 232f induction and hypotheti- cal, 389 INDEX 599 x interpretation of, 263f inversion of, 290f judgment and, 76f, 84, 308 kinds of, 98f ^meaning of, 76, 85, 96, 98f modality of, 225, 246f negative, 236f opposed, 265f opposed, fallacies of, 526f opposed, table of, 279 opposition of, 265f origin of, 78f particular, 230f problematic, 248f quality of, 224f, 234f, 259f quality and quantity, re- lation of, 255f quantity of, 224, 225f, 259 relations of, 222f, 225 simple hypothetical, 99, lOlf singular, 228f statement import of, 79f, 84 structural formulae of, 256f terms and, 84f, 107 the sentence and, 85 truth import of, 79, 84 types of, 222f universal, 229f universal, kinds of, 230 Proprium, meaning of, 184f Prosyllogism, polysyllogism and, 330 Psychology, definition of, 26 logic and, 14f, 20 of thought, 25f, 35f Purpose, see Interest Pythagoras, on the mathematical in- terpretation of nature, 393 "C Quantity, of propositions, 224, 225f, 269 Quality, of propositions, 224f, 234f, 259f Reality, belief in, 97 judgment and, 52, 55 meaning of, 370f spheres of, 97f Reasoning, parity of, 380f Residues, Method of, 496f intermixture of effects and, 498f Mill's formulation of, 498 scientific observation and, 600 Roman Church, realism of, 93 Roscellinus, on universals, 93 Schoolmen, on universals, 92 Sciences, aims of the, 406f, 423 co-operation in the, 562f imagination and the, 424f language and the, 160 method of, logic as, 19 nature of the, 21 objectivity of the, 423 starting point of the, 443f subject-matter of, If thought and the, 2f Series, causal, 448f continuous, 203 Sidgwick, an analogical reasoning, 566 on petit io principii, 570 on subject and predicate terms, 87 Sorites, Aristotelian, 332 defined, 332 Goclenian, 332f rules of, 335f Statistical Methods, as methods of observation, 393 600 INDEX empirical generalisation and, 391f induction and, 391f logical character of, 389f quantitative, 392f Subalternation, fallacies of, 528f meaning of, 269f Subcontrariety, fallacies of, 526f meaning of, 273f Syllogism, as method, 209, 305 categorical, 297f, 326f categorical, Figures of, 310f categorical, Moods of, 315f disjunctive, 343f disjunctive, Moods of, 344f disjunctive, validity of, 345f hypothetical, 348f, 539f hypothetical, Moods of, 350f judgment and, 298f major term and, 304 mathematical proportion and, 300f minor term and, 304 mixed disjunctive, 343f nature of, 301f, 326, 538f problem of, 298f propositions and, 304 place of conclusion in, 301f quality of propositions in, 307f quantity of propositions in, 308f relation of Moods to Fig- ure in, 318f relation of premises to, 302 rule of disjunctive, 344 rules of categorical, 305f rules of Figures in cate- gorical, 312f simple disjunctive, 343f structural view of cate- gorical, 303f two ways of regarding, 326f valid Moods of categori- cal, 816f, 34 Tautology, logical status of, 238, 240 Terms, absolute, 141 abstract, 130f classification of, 169 collective, 128f common, 125f complementary, 211 concrete, 118, 119f connotative use of, 109f contradictory, 529f contradictory opposite, 210 contrary, 155, 529 correlative, 143 definition of, 159 denotative use of, 108f, 114f designations as, 122f disparate, 155 distribution of, 114f, 116 extent of, 115 fallacies of, 534f general, 125f, 213 indefinite, 151 indesignate, 151 indeterminate, 211 individual, 120f, 126, 141 individual collective, 129 infinite, 151 many worded, 91 names and, 88f negative, I51f, 154, 237f positive, 144 predicate, 85, 86f, 237 privative, 153f problems of the connotative and denotative use of, 117, 158 proper names as, 121f propositions and, 85, 107, 234 relation of connotative and denotative use of, HOf relation of individual to gen- eral collective, 130 relative, 141f sign of distributed, 115 sign of undistributed, 116 INDEX 601 single-worded, 91 singular, I20f, 126 subject, 85, 86f syllogism and, 304 thing and concrete, 118f width of, 115 Theatre, idols of, 569f Theory, hypothesis and, 429f Thing, concrete term and, 118f meaning of, 119 predication and kinds of, 160, 181f Thorndike, on statistics of individuals, 390f Thought, as assertion, 28 comparison and, 303 conditions of systematic, 7f content and, 29 immediate, 303 judgment and, 28f knowledge and, 2f logical meaning of, 26f, 28 logic and, lOf mediate, 303 method of, logic as, 29 nature of, 2f, 28 practical aspect of, 35f syllogistic, 304 theoretical aspect of, 35f uses of the term, 26f Translation, ambiguity and, 165f when employed, 166f Truth, assertion and, 58 fact and, 366f grounds of, in induction, 387f hypothesis and, 427 nature of, 58f systematic, 367 syllogism and, 327 tests of, 59, 60f the proposition and, 76f Tyndall, on the proof of an induc- tion, 427 on the scientific imagination, 422, 424, 426 u Unconditional, meaning of, 459f necessity and, 456f Undistributed, meaning of, 115 Universals, problem of, 92 Universe of Discourse, indeterminate- ness of, 53f nature of, 52f plurality of, 57f relation of judgment and proposition to, 54, 82, 87 vvrepov Trporepov, fallacy of, 572 Verification, of hypothesis, 427f the test of truth, 59, 60f w Welton, on ignoratio elenchi, 574 on experimentation, 403 Whateley, on ignoratio elenchi, 574 on petitio principii, 572 Whewell, his contribution to inductive logic, 472 on colligation, 378f on practical inferences, 397 Words, categorematic, 90 indefiniteness in meaning of, 161f logical classification of, 90 significant, as terms, 89, 160 syncategorematic, 90 GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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