^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/ecclesiastesorcoOOIiarrricli HONOR LIST ■ ^-^Ki:p':^n^"^ - of - Snx fytr^i^« n'j^a MEMBERS spnri2« px Who advanced their subscriptions, and encouraged this publicatfon (Continued from the Yiddish section page XXXII) A. W. Caplan J. Rubenstein New Haven, Conn. Chief Rabbi J. Levenbcrg J. Bleckman Max Rosoff M. Shanok B. Sosensky M. Coleman B. Shapiro A. B. Steinbach ■ S. Goldblatt S. Gamer M. Shulman J. C. Goldbaum J. Press Jos. Botwick E. Wolfowitz J. Caplan J. H. Segaloff Bros. A. Hirsh J. Adler S. Konick Ch. Shneider A. W. Alderman W. Alderman W. Cohan J. Drabkin S. Shwartz H. Goldman Benj. D. Sand United Smelting & Aluminum Co. Satsu Bros, Jacobs Bror. Wm. Ammerman Wallack Rros. J. Kleiner & Son W. S. Starin S. Eskin E. L. Glouskin I. Kaufman II I Goidon A. Cohn Dr. A. Hershman Jack Weinstein Stamford, Conn. Jacob E. Berger M. Chausky H. Newstad J. M. Shalett M. Warshow A. Wofsey Morris Spelke Max Switt L. Nelson A. Kessler M. Perlman Dr. J. Nemoitin Samuel Philips J. Nelson Ab. Seegelbaum L. Brown Ph. Krumholtz Eli S. Troupin S. Rosenberg Silverman & Shanen A. Z. Cohen Levin Bros. A. Fodiman I. Linetzky & I. Kurtz H. Gruber H. Nelson A. Ginsberg A. Hymovich Ph. Rabinovitz M. Singer P. Silberman South Nor walk, Conn. E. Cans A. tarlov S. Roodner L. Golden H. Goodwin S. Levy J. Stul L. Prensky A. J. Miller S. Kantor M. Navasky J. Rosenfield Indianopolis, Ind. Rev. Dr. M. M. Feuerlicht Rabbi S. Levin L. H. Kaufman D. Fishberg H. Dorman 0. Baer I Ill H. Brill T. Cohen H. Barret Maine, Bangor Hev. L. Plotkin S. Karainsky Max Cohen N. Ginsberg H. Epstein :P. Stone E. Stern Max Clan« Jacob Wallace 1. Goldman •J. Horowits M. Blown Mrs. M. Bernstein A. B. Friedman Old Town, me. L. Golaberg S. Ginsberg E. Cutler Bar Harbor, Me. Frank Gr«en J. Kurson JSr. Povitz N. Hilson M. Pushinsky Auburn— Lewiston, Me, I. Goodkovsky J. J. Shapiro M. Brownston A. Singer Mendelson Bro^ N. Goldberg Jos. Sprinoe L M. Levin Biddeford, M«. L, Polak-ewitz H, Shapiro Portland, M^ Mh Rubinsky H. A. Ginsburg S. Rosenberg S. Bernstein A. Bernstein J, Robinson B. L. Shalit J, Judelsohii Holyoke, Mmss, L. M. P<3tolsky L. Muscat H. Muscat J. Gold I. Caplinsky M. Friedman IV J. .Gerstein M. Wolkowisky M. Wolman S. Bearg Nathanson A. Levine L. Ricklass J. Solin H. Zass A. Skolnik J. M. Judelsora M. Barowsky A. Barowsky D. H. Barowsky Ch. Belky Abe Moorblat S. Solin S. Goldstein M. A. Marks S. Weinberg L Satin S. Phelpert I. Rosenbloom M. Smith H. Kessler Rev. A. M. Caplan Mass., Boston B. I. Reinhertz Chelsea Eddie Ellison Miss Leah Bernsteip Jacob Goldman H. Feinstein, Maiden J. Miller, Everett Springfield, Mass. Rabbi S. Rapaport Rabbi S. Pessin Cantor P. H. Friedman Rev. S. Falk Rev. M. Kovalsky Rev. Joseph Free|iman B. Bearg B. Cooley Joseph Goldin ; M. J. ShaRJro t Moses Ehrlich , Hyman E. Ehrlich Louis Ehrlich Henry Lasker A. H. Slavin Eli Cohen Karl Shoob J. D. Kingsburg L Kooshner ^^ M. Brooslin J. Freedman A. I. Brown J. W. Gelfman M. Riner A. Gelfman Geo. Kimdali H. Gelfman H. Zirkin F. Zirkin Joseph Aronson G. Goldenberg Benj. Lipma« S. Sherman L. Rottner Rubin Kovarski Israel Cohen J. Fisher ^ S. L. Lasker L Kurnitzky M. Bassin H. Goodman S. Leavitt Allis Freedman L. Cohen ■ M. Sadovsky Wm. Gelin Israel Fox Joseph Buchwalter ' Bay State Candy Ge. J. Hurwitz Israel Richmond Barnet Frank Abraham Fein Samuel Rickl«s M. Spiser R. Sagalyn A. Shapiro Benj. Becker Simon Widlansky J. Freedman ' L. Bean H. B. Lynch • M. Barger Victor Radner '* H. M. Cohen Louis " i A. D, Rubinowite H. Eisenberg ' J. Rubinowitz M. H. Tanner H. Sossn^r J. Glazer ' Max Radding Sam Peresoff ■'■ Bernard Radding N. Lundy - ' '' Sam Kovarsky TI M. Maizor J. A. Cohen H. B. Goodman D. Cohen M. J. Kitteridge F. Kohn Samuel Sllfen I. Hirschen Max Browdy Albert Karp H. Blachar Chicopee Max Kitteridge E. Grans tein J. Brodinsky M. Solin Lu Canter M. H. Cohen J. Kleiman Chicopee FalJa A. Wolfson L. Wernick W. Solin H. Cohen Harris Cohen Samuel Wiener Cohen Bros. Worcester S. L Goldstein F. Gallen M. Goldstein A. Cheiffetz J. L. Coding N. Morrell A. Israel Ph. Shultz Abe Jasspon E. I. Abeles B. Wolkowitz J. Rosenthal D. Shapiro H. Rubin J. S. Seder B. Miller J, D. Queen Max Grefenberg; M. Price I. Rome J. Thurman A. S. Segel James Cotton I. Shreier A. Mirsky B. Greenberg: % WolfsOB. VII I. Gordon Joseph Berman A. Rubin Straus Bros. David Miller Max Cohen Baltimore, Md. Atlantic City, N. J. Rabbi Dr. S. Schaffer Rev. M. Gorfinkel Dr. L. M. Palitz E. Levine S. Siegel H. Lowinthal J. H. Mitnic Rev. J. Kaplan Israel Fine M. Sandman "ni)n^ p nir::„ -inno H. S. Peikin I. M. Singer M. Finkelstein Jacob Lewis L. Vilensky Abram Miller Wm. A. Gorson Joseph Joseph Ph. Markovitz S. Levinson Vinland, N. J. I. Frankil Frank Kritz I. Steine K. Shodovsky A. Sindler Dave Brotman I. Silberstein I. L. Cohen L. Aronson R. Gordon S. Malkin J. Rubinoff S. Todes M. Zukerman J. Meyerson L. Feitelman J. Levin E. Goldberg Mrs. Sol. Rosenbloom J, Cohen I. Lichtenberg M. Gordon N. Berkow M. Bayuk I. Kriger I Steinsneider VIII I. H. Bliznak, Norma N. J, E. M. Busch, New Bron. Woodbine N. J. Rabbi L. Haas H. Rosenfeld A. J. Jaffe J. Weis Rev. S. Hyman Benton Harbor, Mich. Rev. J. Novitz, Monroville New York Albany Rev. Dr. S. H, Goldenson Rabbi A. I. Horwitz Rev. J. Levensan Joseph Hershberg S. Drooz S. Steinberg M. Taub S. Pozefsky Buffalo N. Y, Cohen Bros. Louis MaiseT Max Schulta H. Silbert L Liebeskind- L. Laufer S. Jaeobson^ S. Ginsburg M. Etkow S. Risman M. Aronsoii L. Sukernek H. Harriton M. Bolben L. Wise Sol. Cohen R. M. Gildin Elmira Rev. Dr. A. Geller Rev. S. E. Eastman W. M. Spiegel Rochester Herman Simori Israel Selig J. Levy S. Myers S. Kaplan Troy L. Sapersteirf S. Rosenthal G. I. Dworsky M. Goldstein I. MofsoH Union Furniture C&, IX ^chenectad3% N. Y. & Vicinity Rabbi Joseph jasin Dr. I. Appelman E. Lifschitz & Son H. J. Gold Sol. Morris H. Freed Goldstock & Dworsky I. Sokolov A. I. Cohen J. J. Cohen W. Loew A. Friedman b. Sacharoff A. Gold M. L. Cramer Glovers ville, N. Yi S. Madora M. Lurie Co. P. I. Sackheim M. Haiger Johnston, N. Y. B. Galinsky M. Feldman S. Brown A. S. K. Co. Amsterdam, N. Y. Rabbi M. Lichtenstein J. ty. Wagenheim Marx Gray A. D. Lurie B. H. Lictman Syracuse, N. Y. Rabbi Adolph Cobleni H. & J. Serling Hyman Elstein Julius Rabinovitz Harris Flesher S. Burdick S. D. Solomon Hurwitz Bros. N. Cohen L. Shapiro D. Lavine L. winkelstein Si Shapiro A. Cooper Metal Co. Ferguson Grocery Co. M. D. Rubin William Rubin Gelbtuch Bros. J. B. Harrison Jacob Weiner 0. L. Rosenberg^ L. Manson 1. Kaplan Abrama Bros. I. Markson Ohio Clevelaad Rabbi S. Margolis S. Ulmer M. Bernstein Dr. I. J. Biskind M. Rabinovitz Dr. Garber Rev. Dr. Abel M. Lane S. Silverman H. Jacobs Joseph Novogroder Columbus Rabbi Dr. M. U. Taxon Jacob Schattenstein B. M. Shapiro Harry Weinberg J. M. Shattenstein Louis Mendel S. Bloom H. M. Stone Topper Bros. Sam Berman Louis Levenson U. Danziger W. Cohen L L. Goldberg H. J. Finkelstone M. Supran A. Goldberg J. W. Zilberman M. M. Levison Max Greenstein Sam Greenberg Max Young Louis Gilberg Ben. Stein M. M. Siegel Soloman Katz L. J. Seff Dave Amdur M. Cohen A. Arons L. Stetlinar M. Zirkin M. Markson Dave Baum Abe Seff S. Benson S. Friedman S. Horkin S. Kerstein J. Goldberg J. Bornstein J. Ackerman XI M. L. Bayer D. Simon A. Goodof M. Shayer B. Diamond Stoubenville Louis Ostrofsky Rev. M. S. Peirog Rev. S. Silverman Rev. I. Kaplan Sam Weiner A. S. Esakovitz J. Herman R. S. morris Dayton A. Greenberg Rev. S. Burick H. W. Weinstein S. & M. Margolis Wm. Kempler Margolis Bros, A. R. Bloom J. H. Margolis Boys Hebrew Club Morris Bessel U. B, Youngston W. Lapidea Rabbi Dr. I. M. Davidson S. Levison Rev. I. Forman N. Feinberg Rev. L. Bloch Kursworm Dr. J. Brody Sol. Margolis L. Ozersky Abe Shear L. Schayer S. Gutman E. Feingold L. Lapinsky Nat. Gersky I. Brownstein H. Henkin A. Emanuel Benn Giben L. S. Cantor I. Klivans Katz Bros. Jacob Klivans D. Zehring L. Shaflfer A. Singer I. Friedman Ph. Kohn Louis pome xil H. Davidson A. B. Cohen Joseph Brody Mrs. B. C. Levy H. B. Friedman A. Rosenbloom Harry Rome Smuelovitz Bros. Sam Schneir Akron A. Weisberger M. H. Weinberg Max Roth Canton 0. 1. Auslander Rabbi A. Pelkovitz Wm. Roth B. Levine A. L. Solomon M. Rapoport H. Conners H. Symon W. Glou S. Grossman H. Spatt I. Noll J. Hene M. Bobrof Louis Connor S. Cohen A. Grass M. C. Margolis U. Sunovitz R. Heller .A. L. Schiller J. Soskin Mechlovitz Scranton Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Rabbi N. H. Ebbin Rev. Dr. J. L. Levy Rev. Jacob Eisenstat Rabbi L Coffee H. Brandwein Dr. K. L Sanes J. I. Schloss G, Caplan J. I. Goldman Dr. S. Bloomberg M. Solomon Dr. M. A. Goodstone J. Meyer S. Musaff A. Goldberg 1. Bernstein '^*. H. T-evi M. Enelow ' - XIII I. Osgood M. H. Singer Sam Solow L. Baskin J. Sacklowskyj a- Mr. Swarch L. Ruttenberg Mayer Rosenbloom J. J. Broida G. Walk L. Edelstein .. W. N. Liber L. Miller S. Sigman S. BroriF.tein Harry J. Rivlin B. Levin W. Litman J. Braemer Joseph Stein B. Alpern Harry M. Caplan Frank Krantz J. Perovsky Jacob Faberman Harry Gorman L. Silk L. Crausfield D. Littman Joseph Gemwark Sam. Gross J. Liberman Sam. Marcosky M. Mauerberger Mr. Housman Joseph Gusky N. Colker Isaac Sachs J. Gold Mr. Tabachnick I. Shapira Jacob Steinberg I. Hirsh Mr. Weiss Ch. Hirsh D. Teper Rev. Harry Tolochky J. Tcherids Harry Krupp H. Weinberger Monesjpn, Pa, L. Rosenbloom H. Hollander •. , S. Mallin S. Weiss Abe Album I. Ginsbiirg XIV J. Feldman M. Shapiro Harry Feldman Washington, Pa» Hev. J. Goldfarb Samuel Siegel C. Landay J. H. Meyers Wilkes-barre, Pa» Rev. S. Sobol t)r. Albert Kaufman X. L. Peare Sol. Heller B. Samelson N. Finkelstein Jacob Grab A. Rifkin Y. Tischler I. Myers I. Isaacs M. Salzman S. Rothstein Farrel, Pa» A. Payne M. Greenberg A. Adler I. S. Horowitz N. M. Cohen Latrobe, Pa. H. Amdursky Ambridge, Pa, J. Breakstone Providence, R. I. Silberman Bros» M. Silverstein J Solomon M. Frank M. S. Alper A. Abrich H. Katz B. Flink J. Feinstein M. Markevson B Mittlein M. Hollander M. Abramoviti Simon Klein S. Priest W. Rabinovit* B. Tarn M. Levett J. Gertz S. Kapland M. K el nan I. Presser I. Michelovitl XV Central Falls B Cohen Ch. Coiman A. Goldman John Marks A. Cohen S. Stein L. Cohen I Brown L Cleinman Burlington Vermond Anna Wolpoflf L Kolodney W. L. Berenter H. Zaks M. L. Lazarow M. Rosenberg Simon Friedman M. Friedman L Levy B. Machanic A. Mendelson J. Frank J. Shapiro I M. Bregstein Colchester, Conn. Ph. A. Levin M. Mintz 2. Feinberg Rev. A. Gantrovitz M. H. Epstein Sumuel L. Stern S. Goldberg Chas Goldberg M. G. Rosenberg D. Goldberg M. Mazel B. Cuten S. Malnick L. Broder I. Rosenberg Cong. Ahavath Achim Geo. Saiger Harry Elyas A. Levin Norfolk, Va. L. Bernstein S. Levenson Westerley, R. I. I. Kirsner Hampton, Va. S. Soloveitzik Washington, D. C. Nathan Leibovitz S. Biron M. Augensicht L. Katz Ph. & Ch. Goldberg XVI MISPRINTS AND CORRECTIONS IN COHELETH Page Verse Wrong Right 4 3 until untill 7 21 inteligence intelligence If deminishing diminishing 16 M ■-. labprd labored 20 12 preeminece preeminence . 23 5 intelect intellect 24 11 promt pron.pt ,,,^ . 30 coniption cormptiou 31 20 course curse ,, 2 devide divide . 32 1 creater creator 83 3 wil will 33 5 hight height 34 11 gived given ECCLESIASTES COHELETH — IN METRICAL FORM — TRANSLATED DIRECT FROM THE HEBREW BY LOUIS HARRISON AUTHOR OF THE "BIBLE IN MODERN YIDDISH' NEW YORK All rig his reserved Copyright, 1916, by Louis Harrison Hebrew-American Press, 36 Ludlow Street. To my beloved daughter F. R. Harrison who encouraged me and assisted financially in this publication this volume is affectionately dedicated. C. DEUTSCH 3600 Wilson Ave. Cincinnati, O. Mr. L. Harrison, Dear Sir;— The printed specimen and also some manuscript specimens of the translation of the Bible into modern Yiddish was presented to me. "^ This literary enterprise must be divorced from the question whether Yiddish will survive, or whether its survival is to be encouraged. Yiddish is a language, or to be more pre* cise, a dialect, which is spoken by millions of Jews, to whom it is the only language that they are able to read and write. Such people deserve an apportuniny of reading the Bible. The old Yiddish translations, dating back for centuries are written in an antiquated style, and are more paraphrases than trans- lations. Therefore you ought to be commended for giving them a modern Yiddish which keeps up with the development of the language under modern environments. The specimens which you have submitted to me are also to be commended from the point of view of modern exegesis. In conclusion, I express the hope that your work will find the necesary support. G. Deutsch Hebrew Union College. Louis ttarnson Ee(|^ '•' Worcester, Mass-v Dear Sir:— I read proofs of your translation of the Bible into modem Yiddish and find it to possess merits in which it ex- cels other translations that have gone before. you are particularly to be commended on the ex- tensive use you have made of Hebrew commentaries, a source of valuable information frequently neglected by modern Bible students. Your translation will be a boon to many who understand the Yiddish language, and some of your original renderings will also make it invaluable to every lover of the Bible. I trust that God will prosper you in your under- taking, and that your translation will win the favor from the public of which it is deserving. Yours very faithfully H. Abramovitz Rabbi Shaar Hashomayim Cong. Montreal, P. Q. The Well kriGWti Rabbi M. M, Eichler, Boston, Mass.> in his letter of commendation, says, in part: * 'Should you succeed to publish it, it will fill a long felt want. you have my best wishes for the successful carry- ing 6ttt of ^ur project". The scholarly Rabbi P. Israely Roxbury, Mass. writes: *^It is probably the most scholarly translation of the Old Testament, and will be helpful indeed to every diiigeint student of the Bible,,. Rev. Dr. 1. M. Davidson, says": ,,The work being done by you in bringing before the public a popular yet scholarly translation of the Bible is de- serving the greatest commendation* While making extensive use of both earlier and modern Bible commentators you have nevertheles« succeeded in giv- ing it an originality of expression and felicity of language that will make it most welcome both to the scholar and lay- men, and it is Unqualifiedly deserving of assistance and fur- therance* Rabbi Cong. Bnai Israel, Youngstoun, Ohio. Mr. L. Harrison Worcester, Mass. Dear Sir:— I read parts of your translation of the Bible into ,, modern Yiddish" and found that you follow, in your render- ings of the Hebrew text, the latest commentators, in some passages you are quite original. A work of this kind will, in my opinion, help a great deal to the appreciation of the bible. There are millions of our people to whom the Bible is a book with seven seals, they do not know the Hebrew and a good translation into Yiddish, the only language they do understand, was not offered to them. Therefore you deserve the greatest commendation in offering them such a translation now and every one ought to assist in the pub- lication of this work. Jacob Z. Lauterbaeh, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Sub-Editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia. ECCLESIASTES Lectures of Coheleth Son of David, king in Jerusalem. - 1 - The introductory thought and constant refrain. Vanity of vanities, (says Coheleth:) Vanity of vanities. All — vanity. What profit has man of all his toil, That he toils under the sun ? Generations come, Generations pass; But the world abides forever. The sun rises, The sun sets; Racing to its place, There to shine again. ECCLESIASTES CH. 1. 6 The wind travels tx) the south, Then revolves toward the north; Whirling, whirling goes the wind, And returns to its circuit again. 7 All rivers flow to the sea, Yet the sea is never full; For into the place where the rivers flow, From there they return to flow again. 8 All speech fails: Man cannot utter it, The eye is not satisfid with seeing; Nor the ear filled with hearing. 9 What has been — shall be; What has been done will be done; And there is nothing new under the son, 10 If one should say of a thing: "See ! this is new!" It has already existed long ago. In ages passed, before us. 11 But of the former there is no remembrance, And of those to come shall also be no remembrance^ By a still later generation. ECCLESIASTES CH. 1. - 2 - MONOLOGUE M:si experience. The vanity of knowledge, 12 I, Coheleth, (^'was king over Israel in Jerusalem; 13 And I devoted my heart to investigate and to explore with wisdom, concerning everything that occurs undeiP heaven :--It is a difficult matter which God has imposed upon man to weary with. 14 I looked on all the wolrks performed under the suni and, behold, all is v&nity and vexation of spirit* 15 Crooked cannot be straightened; And wanting cannot be numbered. 16 Then said I in my heart, thus; Behold I have acquired a higher and greater wisdoifl than all who were in Jerusalem before me, and I have great experience in wisdom and knowledge. 17 Therefore I devoted my heart to knoW; Wisdom and knowledge. Madness and folly; And 1 perceived that this also is vexation of spirit, 18 For in much wisdom, Is much grief; And increase of knowledge> Increases the pain. ") being- in my Yiddish translation. ECCLESIASTES CH. 2. CH. II. - 3 - Second experience. Vanity of riches and pleasure. Consequently said I in my heart:— ,,Come now, I will try you with pleasure and enjoy happiness" And beheld this also is vanity. Laughter, I called, madness; And mirth— what does it accomplish? Therfore I resolved in my heart:— To cherish my body with wine; My mind guiding with wisdom, And lay hold of folly, untill I determine, What is best for mankind to practice In the few days of their life, under heaven? I undertook great works: I built palaces; Planted vineyards; Laid out gardens and parks; And planted there all kinds of fruit trees; I constructed reservoirs; To water the grove of young growing trees, I purchased men and women servants, And had servants born in my house; I also had great possessions of cattle and sheep; Surpassing all before me in Jerusalem. I also amassed silver and gold Precious treasures of kings and kingdoms; ECCLESIASTES CH. 2. Tratned men and women singers; — Oriental beauties — And all the luxuries of mankind. 9 Thus I became more wealthy and more influential, Than all who were in Jerusalem before me; My wisdom also remained with me. 10 All that my eyes wishd for, naught I refused, I did not deny my heart any pleasure; For my heart rejoyced in all my endeavors; And that was my reward for all my efforts. 11 But when I considered all the works that my hands had done, the things that I had striven to accomplish; And beheld: all is vanity — vexation of spirit, No advantage under the sun. Third experience. The wise man and the fool have the safne end. 12 Then I turned to consider: Wisdom, madness and folly; (For what can a man do who succeeds a king when he has done it already?) 13 And I observed: That wisdom excels folly, As light excels darkness. ECOLESIASTES CH. 2. 14 The sage has eyes in his head; But the ignorant walks in darkness. Yet I also know that one event awaits them alU 15 Then 1 mUsed:— If the fate of the ignorant will also happen to me> Why, then, am I the wiser? And I murmured: this also is vanity. 16 For there is no eternal rememberance either of the instructed or of the ignorant; In the days to come all will be forgotten; But why is it that the wise man die like the fool ? 17 Then I hated life; I had aversion to everything performed under the sUn» iFor all is vanity ^ vexation of spirit* 18 And I also hated all my toil, That I have toiled under the sUn; For I must leave it to my successor. 19 And Who knows if he will be wise or foolish ? Yet he will be the master over all my toil that I have toiled. And so wisely planned under the sun I This also is vanity. - 5 - The uS€iessness of great achievmeHh% ^0 Thus I have given up in despair; Concerning all the labor I performed undier the sUft. ECCLESIASTES CH. 2. 21 Here is a man whose laborious life has been A master-piece of wisdom, inteligence and skill; Yet he must leave it to one, who never toiled for it, as his portion. What vanity ! what abuse ! 22 For, indeed, what remains to a man for all his cares and troubles, which he has taken upon himself under the sun ? 23 All his days pain; his occupation grief; Even at night his mind has no rest. O vanity ! - 6 — No real pleasure. It is a divine ordinance, 24 No, there is no real happiness for man; Even what he eats, drinks and other pleasures that he gets out of his toil, I have concluded, that it is a divine ordinance. 26 For who may eat and indulge without him")?. 26 To whomsoever He pleases:— He gives wisdom, knowledge and pleasure; But to the offender. He assigns the task; To hoard and amass for the man He approves. Again vanity — vexation of spirit. C 'iOO emended to ^iao. ECCLESIASTES. CH. m. - 7 - Everything is gdod or bad according to the moment. Everything and every purpose under heaven, Has a fixed season and an appointed time. A time for birth, A time for death; A time to plant, And a time to uproot. A time to kill, A time to heal; A time to br«ak, And a time to build. A time to weop, A time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance. A time to scatter stones, A time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to repel. ECCLESIASTES CH. III. 6 A time to leek, A time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to spend. 7 A time to rend, A time to mend; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak. 8 A time to love, A time to hate; A time for war, And a time for peace. 9 What gain has a worker in planning ? {tf all is deleft mined beforehand) 10 I have examined the problem. Which God has given to mankind to exercise with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its proper time; Also the world-problem He presented in their mind, In such a way that, from one end to the other. They cann*t understand his intent. 10 ECCLESIASTES CH. III. - 8 - // is impossible to refor^n the world from the state in which God has made it. 12 Therefore I concluded that there is nothing better for them. Than the enjoiment of doing good in life. 13 And also that every man should eat and drink, And find pleasure in all his toil as God has given to them. 14 I clearly see that all God has done, will remain for eternity, No adding to it, And no deminishing from it; And this he does that men may fear him. 15 What was, is present now; The future will repeat the past, For God demands this pursuance. - 9 - New observations. Injustice reigns on the earth, Man's end is as that of an animal, 16 Again I observed under the sun; Wickedness takes the place of justice; And transgression — the place of righteousness. 17 Then I said in my heart: The righteous and the wicked God will judge; For there is a set time for every purpose — (here). And (a reward) for every {good) deed — there. ECCLESIASTES CH. 3. 11 18 I also reflected in my mind. About the chimera of mankind:— That thej^ only, are "God's chosen ones" And I have observed: ,,that they by themselves'* Are mere beasts^ 19 For chance are the sons of men; And chance is beast; One chance is to both of them; As one dies so dies the other; For both have one breath; Preeminence of men over beasts there is none; For both are vanity. ^ Both go to the same place; Both come from dust; And both return to dust, SI Who knows that the spirit of men when it goes, ascends ? And that the breath of the beasts when it goes, descends ? 22 Then I perceived that there is nothing better, Than that a man should rejoice in his work. For that is his reward; For who can bring him to see, What may happen after him? 12 ECCLESIASTES CH. 4. CH. 4. — 10 — Another observaHon. Oppression is everywhere triumphant. Life and activity conceived as an evil, 1 Then, again, I observed all th« oppressions; Whioh are practiced under the sun; And behold, the tears of the oppressed, who hafve no consolation; And the power on the side of the oppressors, who have no consciousness^) 2 Therefore I congratulated the dead, who died long ago, More than the living who now survive. 3 But better than both of them is he who has not been born yet, Who has not seen the suffering, That is produced under the sun. 4 I also turned and examined every effort. And every succeeful work; That it was the result of jealousy. The desire to surpass his neighbour, Another vanky — vexation of spirit. 5 Again, he who folds his hands. And lives on what he has — is a fool. 6 Better a handful of quiet happiness, Than both hands full with anxiety and vain cares. "j Dnao emended to on:. EOCLESIASTES CH. 4. 13 " 11 — Life is no value to the solitary man. 7 Again I turned about and looked under the sun; And behold another vanity. 8 There is one alone, no mate, no son nor brother; And yet there is no end to all his anxiety; Never satisfied with wealth; Nor asks: For whom do I toil and deprive myself of enjoiments ? This also is vanity and a poor judgment. 9 Two are better than one; For they have a good reward in their toil. 10 And if one falls his companion will lift him up, But woe to him who falls, when there is none to raise him up. 11 Again if two lie together they will be warm; But how can one be warm alone? 12 Jf one should be attacked, Two combine against him; And a threefold cord is not easily broken. - 12 - The vanity oj supposing that human affairs will make better progress under another governtHent. 13 Better a poor and wise child; Than an old and foolish king, Who will never learn inteligence:— 14 For one comes to govern even from a prison; While the other suffers a reverse even in his kingdom. 14 ECCLESIASTES CH. 4. 5. 15 I saw all the living who walk under the sun, With the second child — that is his successor. 16 There was no end to the enthusiasm of all the people — All whose leader he was — But also those who come after will not delight in him, Surely, this also is vanity and vexation of spirit. 13 Vanity of religion that does not demand a fear of God, 17 Guard your foot when you go to the house of God; To obey is nearer to divinity, Than the sacrifice of fools, Who know not that they practice evil. CH. V. Be not rash with your mouth; Nor hasty with your heart; To utter a word before God; For God dwells in heaven; And you here on earth, Therefore let your words be few. A dream comes with a multitude of business; And a fooVs voice with a multitude of words > When you vow a gift to God, delay not to pay it, For foob have no fixed purpose; Pay What you have promised. ECCLESIASTES CH. 5. 15 Better not vow, Than vow and not pay. Do not allow your mouth to make you sin; And do not say to the messenger: ,,it was an error", Why should God be angry at your voice, And destroy your handiwork. For in many dreams and words are many vanities. Better fear God. 14 Oppressed and oppressors. If you see in a province the oppression of the poor, And distortion of justice and right. Do not marvel at the matter; For one high officer is watching above another, And there are higher ones above them. But an advantage to a country on the whole. Is a king who is devoted to his country. - 15 - Vanity of monetary wealth. He who loves silver is never satisfied with silver; Nor he who loves many servants will profit by it, This also is vanity. 16 ECCLESIASTES CH. 5. 10 For when wealth increases the consumers increase, And what is the owners gain ? Except to see the fact with his eyes. 11 Sweet is the laborers slumber; whether he eats little or much, But the excess of the rich does not allow him to sleep. - 16 - The folly of hoarding up wealth. 12 There is a distressing misery which I have seen under the sun: Wealth guarded by its owner to his hurt. 13 That wealth may perish by a bad speculation, And there is nothing left for his own son. 14 As he came naked from his mothers womb. So shall he depart as he came, And will take nothing with him for all his labor. 16 Yes, indeed, this also is a distressing misery: Exactly as he came so shall he go away, And what advantage has he that he labord for the wind? 16 Also all his days are spent in darkness; Abundant sorrow, sickness and chafing wrath. - 17 - The ability to see good in anything w Gods own gift. 17 Therefore I have concluded: That it is better and fairer to eat, drink and enjoy. The fruit of his labor which he performed under the sun, During the number of days that God has granted him. For that is his true portion. 1 ECCLESIASTES CH. 5. 6. 17 18 Also every man to whom God hae given wealth, Great estate and empowered him to eat of it, To take his portion and rejoice in his work. Is Gods own gift. 19 For, then, he will cease to think on lifes brevity; As God occupies him with the joy of his heart, CH. 6. 18 The vanity of riches which one does not enjoy, 1 There is another misery that I have seen under the sun: And one that weighs heavily upon mankind. 2 A man to whom God has given riches, great estate and honor, So that all his desires are satisfied. But God has not empowered him to partake of it; For an entire stranger consumes it, This is vanity and a terrible misery. 3 Even if a man had a hundred sons, And lived as many years as he wished. But his soul unsatisfied with good. And had no burial: An abortion, I say, is preferable to him. 4 For it came into vanity. Departed into darkness; And its name is wrapped in darkness. 6 As it had not seen the sun nor known it, this has more rest than the other. 6 Though he lived a thousand years twice over. And yet never saw any good- Do not all go to one place ? 18 ECCLESIASTES CH. 6. 7. - 19 - Vanity of virtuous efforts. Puny man against fate. 7 All the labor of a man is for hia mouth, Yet his appetite is not satisfied. 8 What advantage has the wise man over the fool ? And what the poor, though knowing, how to walk before tne living? 9 Better the sight of the eyes; Than the wandering of the desire, This also is vanity and vexation of spirit. 10 What he is, long ago his name was called; And it is known that name was: Adam; And he cannot contend with one. So far in might excelling. 11 For many words increase vanity. What gain has man ? 12 For who knows what is best for man in life ? The numbered days of his worthless life which he spends like a shadow; Who can inform man what shall be after him, under the sun? - 20 - A variety of proverbs. 1 Better a good name than precious oil; And the day of death than the day of Birth. 2 Better to visit a house of mourning, Than a house of feasting; For that reveals the end of every man. And the living will take it to heart. 1 ECCLESIASTES CH. 7. 19 3 Better serious than wanton mirth; For an earnest face shows deliberation. 4 The heart of the wise seeks the house of grief; But the hearth of the foolish — the house of mirth. 5 Better to hear the reproof of the wise; Than the praise-song of fools. 6 For as the crackling of nettles under kettles, So is the laughter of fools. But this also is vanity. 7 Extortion makes a wise man mad; And ruins his good disposition. — 21 - Sundry maxims 8 The end is better than the beginning; And patience succeeds better than passion. 9 Be not hasty, then, to fly into a passion; for anger chooses its domicile in the bosom of fools. 10 Say not: why is it that the former times were better than these? For such questioning comes not from wisdom. 20 BOCLESIASTES CH. 7. 11 Wisdom is good with an estate; And an advantage for those who look at the sunny side of life. 12 For wisdom is a shelter as wealth is a shelter; But wisdom has preeminece, As it procures long life to its possessor. 13 Consider the work of God: Who can make straight, What he has made bent? 14 In the day of prosperity be joyful; , In the day of adversity be hopeful; For God has set one against the other In order that man may discover nothing after him. - 22 - Wisdani consists in avoiding all extremes. 15 All this have I seen in my aimless existence: A good man perishing by his goodness; And a bad man preserved by his crimes. 16 Therefore I said: Be not over good; Nor over wise; Why be desolated ? 17 Be not over wicked; Nor play the fool: Why die before your time ? ECCLESIASTES CH. 7. 21 18 Better hold fast the one, Nor withdraw your hand from the other; For he who fears God shall come out of them all. 19 Wisdom strengthens the wise man; More then ten rulers who may be in a city. 20 A righteous man, on earth, is never found, Who does always good and never sine. 21 Also give no heed to every word spoken; Less you may hear your own servants reviling you. 22 For many a times as you well know, That you, yourself, have reviled others. 23 The search of wisdom lexids to a severe judgment of women. 23 All this I have essayed by wisdom, I said: ,,I will be wise", But it was far from me, 24 That which exists is far off, And so exeedingly deep, who can find it? 25 Then I turned about to know, to explore. To search for wisdom and rationalism; And to know evil, folly, absurdities and madness. 22 ECCLESIASTES CH. 7. 8. 26 And I have found something more bitter than death: It is a woman whose hearth is traps and snares, And whose hands are bands; He who pleases God may escape her; But the sinner may be captured by her. 27 See this I have found, says Coheleth: Adding one to one to find out the account. 28 That which my mind was seeking though I found not: Out of a thousand one man have I found; Amidst all these one woman seek I still. But see what I have found:— That God made human nature right, But they invented art against nature. CH. VIII. - 24 - Danger of life at court. 1 Who is as the wise man? And who knows how to explain a thing? A man's wisdom illumines his face While impudence changes his face. 2 I say: keep the king's command; By reason, of the oath before God. 3 Be not hasty to go out of his presence; Persist not in an evil thing; For he does whatever he pleases. ECCLESIASTES CH. 8. 23 4 A kings mandate is supreme; And who dare say to him: what are you doing? 5 He who keeps a commandment will never know disgrace; A wise intelect discerns the favourable moment, And the right opportunity when to act. 6 For in every case there is a favourable moment, And a proper method of acting. - 25 - No resistance against dead. O, how great is the misery upon man I 7 For he knows not what it shall be, Nor when it shall be, who can tell him? 8 No man has power over the wind, To control the wind; He has no power over the day of death, Nor is there a furlough in time of war; Nor will villainy deliver its possessor. - 26 - Complete injustice of the world. 9 I observed all this when I applied my heart, To all the things that are done under the sun; At a time when man rules over man to his hurt. 10 Thus, I have seen the wicked buried:— The funeral proceeds in stately procession from the holy place {temple)) And are praised in the city for their good deeds. O vanity ! 24 ECCLESIASTES Cfi. 8. 11 Because promt judgment does not follow evil; Therefore men allow themselves t© practic* evil. 12 Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs life, Yet I know, that it shall be well with those who fear God; Who stand in awe before him. 13 but it shall not be well with the wicked, Nor shall he prolong his days, like a shadow; Because he feared not God. - 28 - No good exept to eat and be merry. 14 This is the enigma that occurs upon the earth: There are good men who are treated according the deeds of the wicked; And bad men who are treated according the deeds of the upright. And I exclaimed: this, certainly, is enigmatic ! 15 Then I extolled pleasure: Since there is nothing better for a man under the sun, Except to eat, drink and be merry; And that this should accompany him for his toil, During all the days of his life that God has given to him under the sun. - 29 - No human philosophy can solve the problem of life, yet he makes the effort. 16 When I applied my heart to know wisdom, And to comprehend the phenomena that are produced upon the earth; — Even if day and night one refuses sleep to his eyes — ECCLESIASTES CH. 8. 9. 25 17 I discovered in all the works of God, That man is not able to fathom the work which happen under the sun; Whatever effort a man may make to search he will not fathom it; And even if a sage will assert: ,,I know !" He, realjs has not been able to fathom it. CH. IX. 1 For all this I hare given my heart, To explain all this: That the righteous and the wise and their works, Are in the hand of God; Love as well as hatred men do not know, All is before them. 2 All come alike to all: one destiny; The just, the vile, the good, the pure, The one with sin defiled; The sacrificer as *o him who sacrifice not. The perjurer as to him who respects an oath. 3 This is the greatest evil of all that exists under the sun; That there should be but one destiny for all; Therefore the hearth of mankind are also full of evil; Polly dwells in their hearts while they live. And — after that — the dead. 26 ECCLESIASTES CH. 9. 4 For to him who is enjoined with the living there is hope, A living dog has greater worth than a lion dead. - 30 — No parOcipation iu this world's work after dead. 5 The living know that they must die. But the dead know not any thing; Neither have they any more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten, 6 Also their loves, their hatreds, and their rivalries, Have perished a long time since, And they have no more any portion, forever, In all that is done under the sun. - 31 - Get all the ^ood you caft in this world. No work or scheme in ,^SheoV\ 7 Come, then, eat your food with pleasure, And drink your wine with good humor; For God has already accepted your works. 8 Let your garments always be white; And your hair never lack ointment. 9 Enjoy life with the wife you can love, All the days of your vain life; Which God has given to you under the sun, That is all the days of your frivolous existence, For that is your only portion in life. The price of your labor which you have performed under the sun ECCLESIASTES CH. 9. 27 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, Do it with all your might; For there, in Sheol (^rave), where you are going. There is no activity, no skill, no knowledge and no philosophy. - 32 - No certainty in human affairs or in human efforts. 11 Again I saw under the sun: — That the race is not to the swift; Nor victory to the strong; Nor bread to the wise; Nor wealth to the skilful; Nor favor to the prudent; For circumstances and incidents rules them all. 12 - For man also knows not his oppcrrtunity: Like fishes caught in a cruel net, Or like birds caught in a trap; So are men caught at a cruel time, When it falls suddenly upon them. - 33 - Merit is not in its place. How little it is recognised A little folly may render it ineffectual. 13 Here is an example of wisdom. As 1 saw it under the sun, And which impressed me greatly. 14 A little city with a few men; . A monarch great invading; Besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it. 28 ECCLESIASTES CH. 9. 10. 15 A poor mse man was found in it, And he, by his wisdom, delivered the city; Yet, no one remembered that poor wise man. 16 Then I made the following reflections: — ,, Wisdom is better than strength. But a poor man's wisdom is despised; And to his counsels all ears are closed." 17 Words of the wise in quiet are heard, More than the shouts of him that rules over fools. 18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war: But one blunder destroyes much good. Ch. 10 1 A dead fly corrupts precious ointment; And a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. - 34 - Maxims* 2 Right lies the heart of the wise man; Left lies the heart of the foolish. 3 Even by the way as the fool walks, his understanding fails; And to every one he meets, his folly he proclaims. ECCLESIASTES CH. 10. 29 4 If the temper of the ruler rises up against you. Leave not your position; For soothing pacifies great offences. 5 Another evil that I have seen under the sun, Regarded as an error proceeding from the government. 6 Folly set in great dignity; While nobles are seated in humble places. 7 I have seen servants on horses; While princes, like servants, walking on foot. - 35 — Danger in the ordinary avocation of life* 8 Who digs a pit, may fall in it; And who breaks a wall, a serpent may bite him. 9 Who quarries stones may be hurt by them; And who fells trees is endangered by them. 10 If the iron is blunt, Edge not sharpened; Exert more strength, For real success — forethought. - 36 - speech of the wise — speech of the foolish, 11 If a serpent stings for lack of charming, Then there is no advantage in the charmer. 30 ECCLESIASTES CH. 10. 12 Words of the wise are graceful. But a fool's words are harmful. 13 His words in folly that began, In raving madness end; 14 A fool is full of words. A man can never know what shall be, Nor that which shall be after him, who can tell him ? 15 The labor of fools weary him. Who kno^s not how to go to town, {for education). - 37 - Coruption of the king and court. Fear of the police, 16 Woe to you, O land, whose king is a child, And whose princes revel till morning. 17 Happy are you, O land, when your king is of noble birth, And your princes eat in due season, For strength and not for revelry. 18 Through slothfulness the building goes to ruin, And through idleness, the house leaks. 19 For merriment they make a feast, Wine to gladden life; And {public) funds answers both. ECCLESIASTES CH. 10. 11. 31 20 Course not the king even in your thought, Nor the rich man in your bed-chamber; For a bird of the sky may carry your voice, And he who has wings may reveal your secret. Ch. 11 38 To understand how to speculate in business. To proceed without prevision when it is a question of the source of life. 1 Cast your bread upon the waters. For you shall find it after many days, 2 Devide a portion into seven, And even into eight. For you know not what evil may happen on the earth. 3 When the heavens are charged with clouds, A shower of rain will occur; When a tree falls southward or northward, Wherever it falls — there it will remain. 4 He that watches the wind will not sow. And he who looks for the clouds will not mow. 5 As you know not the cause of the wind, Nor the bones of the embryo in a pregnant woman. So you know not the action of God, Who makes all. ECCLESIASTES CH. 11. 6 Sow your seed in the morning, And let not your hand rest in the evening; For you know not which will prosper, This — that, or both alike will do well. 7 Truly light is sweet! And a pleasure for the eyes to see the sun. 8 If many years are man's, rejoice in them all, And let him remember the dark days, which will be many, All that coming vanity. - 39 - Old age. The dissolving of the earthly house* 9 Young man, enjoy your youth ! And delight your heart while young! Walk in the ways of your heart; According the caprices of your eyes. [But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.] 10 Remove sorrow from your heart; Put away suffering from your body; {Haste) for youth and freshness pass away quickly. Ch. 12 [Remember your cr eater in the days of your youth] Before the evil days come nigh, ECCLESIASTES CH. 12. And before the years draw near, when you will say; ,,I have no pleasure in them". Before sun and light are obscured, And the moon and stars are darkened, And the clouds return after the rain. When the ^ards of the house will tremble, And the strong men wil bow down, And the grinders will cease because they are few. And the light of the windows be dim, And the doors shall be shut in the street, For the sound of the grinding is low. When the chirp of a bird alarms; And singers — depress. Also afraid of a hight, Of terrors on the roadway; The almond tree blooms (whitest The grasshopper burdensome. And the caper-berry ineffectual For man goes to his eternal home. And the mourners walk around the street; 84 ECCLESIASTES CH. 12. 6 Before the silver cord is severed; The golden lamp broken; The pitcher shattered at the spring; And the wheel crushed at the cistern. 7 When dust returns to dust, As it was; And the spirit return to God, Who gave it, 8 Vanity of vanities; (says Coheleth) ( Vanity of vanities) ; All — vanity. - 40 - The compiler praising Coheleth. The grand conclusion, 9 And further, because Coheleth was wise. He continued to teach the people; While he tested, examined and arranged many proverbs. 10 Coheleth sought to find beautiful words; Uprightly written; maxims of truth. i 11 Words of the wise are as goads; As nails fastened — masters of assemblies; Gived by one shepherd. ECCLESIASTES CH. 12. 85 12 As for more (dooJts) than these^), my son, be warned, For many composed books have no aim, And much study is a weariness of the flesh 13 THE GREAT CONCLUSION HEAR ! 13 Fear God, Keep his command; For this is the whole duty of mankind. 14 For God will bring into judgement every actt — Concerning every secret thought — Whether good or bad. 13 Fear God, Keep his command; For this is the whole duty of mankind. ^) This is a warning against other books than the Bible. It may refer against rival writings as wisdom of Solomon and B. S. (so Krochmol), or against heathen writings, as the 300 volumes of Epicurus, or of his desciple Apolodorua, num- bering 400 vol. and other like writings, likely to unsettle the faith of a young man. Plumptre. 35 a-' nbnp ,|nn p^o /(24j n ^n ,ny3^a y-iynnyc pa lyn^ 12 ;t:^i pynv p^p lyaxn lya^a ytsD^Qiys y^y^a b'')) ,i]jLivp oyi 2^ i23»n6j' ty"»''i^t2B' !?y^B pK .isnyny^D^iK Dy!){$ ; 0^3 n^B «"»io 2^n ; i3^2y:i pv DSjyv3fi$j nyn tk d^i b'^m pn TD tx^^rna 10^2 oyii 5:1!)^:8^ yiy^ lyn U — yjyn^aiya d^t |y:tyn — .15 yK>"T ,240 B*7yn3'K nyt ^ 85 a^ nbnp ,Yp px T^^'in Dn£D niirs? ."iti^n ns?r n::iir{ an*?! ♦r^tp? 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D^oan pa lyiDiyii u pnyn n pa iyt:-iyii — t:-iyD»nyjj^''« oypyiiv ')) »jy"ij^D lyD^iiyaj?} pa fyayayjo^njc ,]yn^t3«'7'B»^tp ij^T^f r nbnp 34 lviv - viv I •• T" V "; - ;nnn n!p^ pn) nisn-^x bipsn PJ1. ,rnKn-S!? nam nu-'i 7 '1 V|TT - T T V T: • TT V : ' r v:t V T - I T : ' viv I - - T * T -; •• -; ** VIT - 40 - ;nDn nSnp n\n^ •nri^i 9 T T V |V| TT V •• • " ;min^'53 ci^^n n.?T 11 TV V I •• : • 33 D^ nbnp .*|yvo yr-'p ^-T ps piJ' a^n n^x, ;bypiiD o-iyii ,i33^S D^f /pn n lyn^N nVDors |y-iyi^ pyDfij* n px n^ni) n lyi^^K •pnix 1^)83 lyoip ,|yiyT j'a^j ^ojypb^ii n pK (^:y^) ;|y"iytD^v ly^ayn nn n |y)i (^y^^^^v) ; r^yi^yj^n ^n b^^ii /^i^ix |y-iyn Diyi)n^D n OyriK) .bypjiio Dnyii nycjDjys n p« ^oa^b d^jt pK (]VQ'b) ,]vo^b^Vi IV lyiyii |y-)^D-D«ii n : lyaKiiB' i3-iyii lyijn^D D^n W :ySy:i^iQyt ps ^^Q^as lya^x ci^i« onyoK^ •I^D |yK>''bKp^noj< 3y^i)iv ryiny^ taiyii p« ;tD^^p3^in»l IfcitB N-l^D D^H ; aasJK -ij^T ,:yis y-iyDD^s yn^yoip y^y^D n jypaynyi pK .oK'o -1^3 ]V^iVD)p |yv:x) oyi - 39 - ! o^Mi3^p yrnhe'JiK pn px m nv^s^ ,i8tD nyiiv 9 ! iri)nna pn px toiy^yis^N C3U "t ; TT DTDpn pnxn pn '•11 T-T in^D ; TT jyivnaxp |yriN yrn mi /[jjoyayn jynyn^a oybs nxB Dyii is^: d^t d»mi nya^] ,|yv">^n pn ps D'-^-iyny 2^ cisb' 10 ;iyB"iyp pn pa ijyby ii^o^tya .]^ ::^'? 00 t3b»n ^ir^nnc px n^yiv ir-Mi [! imv pn px -ryeyK^ya pn p^ynyal 1 oyt: yanyMnis n |^ jyD^p oy nyn^^K ,pi\i'^'i!3i eyn iys*R ttpyn dv 1H^^ ]p^^» tviva«''p '"^ (^ K^ nbnp 32 l|VT -- - V|V T : »D''?'ii2 nn«? 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I IV : •• • liv : V : T T T •• : T V -• » 31 K^ ^ nb.Tp J38^p {< lyj^noa^ \vp jytsaib nyi p« y!?y:i>i£) s b'')) .01^11 ^ lySiyviynn^ — (ytsosya) yiD^yrbcyj |i« - 38 - K^ oyoytn i'd^ix D^na pn c^n^ii l •lyrcyj DV iDDyii on^ d^^v j< ps b'^'ii ,|y3y^T pK b^\"il3iv (mntaayr'N) 2 ;D^ppn D3{$ p« nyoyn nyn^ lyoip |yp Dy p^i)jJiK |« n^s d^)) do dd^ii n b'')) '^^v nyn pi'iK — D^nray — my lyn fi^^« iy:iy"i lyoo oy Dyii ,PQV iyi{< Dm 1Jyi{ Dyoyii ! nj^b /"in iv ,nyii 16 .nna nyi p« rn jyiiyi^sin |y>fyia ovov)) px /ISD^yny |J< r« rjyp oyDyii ! iij oyoyii p« .|yiiyi>»3 IV 13^3 ,rDay-)p pn iv dik nsi lyn p^si t3:)«iQ i2^''pi)^is l-in is .rin pK pn{$ ^wv^ \nvi y^vb i"in pK ,|yt:ypi5<3 y:i^t2Diij d3^» jyo 19 ,]V2vb D^i |yv»n iv p^ii lopjnD jyo ♦(°D^yi (ytr^np) D^DjyD obn^v oy^s ii$D p« .16 p^DB 15? tDiiN'jyn pDU lyn (» •• nhnp 30 tm D3n-'a ^-^z'^ 12 iv : - : • : : • j -tonnn nsn'' ^ddhi 14 •T : V :- T T - : ' ... : • V - tt T -•• viv T -T 7 '•; - 37 - .ibD^" npsn •qnt?! jnni'jj^n "q?)^ D:r)^^S? 18 29 ^ nbnp jiny^jy-i "lyn pa inynys « d5)j§ Djy3''^vya my nyn ci^is p-iyj ;^ys&{^pB^ ')) ,|yv:nB p« - 35 - ijyb^ijBrnK d-i^i jvp anj 8 nn^iJ oy nyii 8 ^Jsti'K' 8 pa lyp DJ811 J^ i"in Dsyna oy lyii pN •jyiyii lyD^ayj ;iyiyn Dyiii«iny& |Vp *^yr^Dl5' Day-ii oy nyii 9 v'ln^sy:! pN t^K pp^n topNn oy iv)) |vk *- DSinr By — ^1^ DO oy laan^e' jyo p« bQ{ nyn px D^^an pa ny^nyii 17 ;jyD{n nniiD is T»: •• : • T : T t ^ns-nn nnitD nnx*" inx XDini ^ -I I" I v|v - r- • : -' v|T •• T : : • T • T : T •• ' I TT - 34 - • • T T •• T • 4" T T V : I V|V- /'mn h^D„ :^iDS n?i«5 jiiD 'sisTD snT Sd nmSs (" 27 a nbnp ,^Dnvi n pniKii (o^pi pr) /biKSj* px jvdi^t b^^^i •rs^T^^J^B pN D^3t3:yp /DDiip ,tD:»^^t5 cj^ik Diyn - 32 - ,tD^n3 t3^D on^nyD -lyDD-fx id^: jym yisnnyijyi ,D"py5j»yiipy3 d^d yD"!)'DDBjpyiiv [yvjsa pn /pn lyn nyiDJiK ^i Do^DK'ya nn ts^n ny bv'Si ,]V2vb jynjyK'^itojy pn p« ,]V2vb p« :iiiri5>yn pn r« d^i i^j !)^^ii .pn lyn iyD3iK ^i nn Do^yiip n d^ii m ly^jyiip pn -isd S3 nbnp 26 Jrinaa vf" n'"'nn-'?3 "jk "ins"' "ii:>« "D-'S i •• - •• : - T I • - viv : nn^^tr n^vi)^ D-^-nn •'3 5 •.TV • : . - - • T ; • : r " . .. - : T|T T T : / T : Y T I •• • vi" : - 30 - » I ••• : - T : • : •••: i •• I iv -:- ••• • v:t t t t : * T : I |VT : : • •• t : T : |- T V -; T • • • - " : v{T - -|- "T T- V -; I ; T-;- 25 an n^HD ;pn lyn iyD:i« ^t oy iDp-i^ii oy ^n^ ni lyrsyjiVDnx ^ivi:^^^:} d^j TT ^^^t K'jyo 8 bv'ti ^i> ;|yrDyjD^iK t:o yb^ ny oyii "lyyfiyjD^iN no t«// 'iy>^T Dyn ddh si \V)) i»i^r pfc« ,psin p^D Dynjyiiyji^ t« 3^n Dy^s Dyn lyjyi) !j''*ii i ;.|y38D IV nn^^p oy^^ d^t d^« ^yvay^DS^ix yiyn ta^o D^oan n pK D^pnv n d^t .C'jyD -lyn t3^j DD^n^yn Dsn lyn^ v:iV'b :iyioyb» nstc ^^Bvv lya^yr lyn pK p^K 2 ;yKn Dyn -i»q ^ii pnv Dyn nj^c ;DymjiK Dyi i^a ^ii ,Dyj"i nyi jyni: Dyi ;tD^j Djrnn D^ii -yyi ni ,"iyQQ^ toij^na d^^i oyi ;'>yt:Dny nyi ^i^ lyioDyi nyn ^lyuK^ K i23j$ D^ii nyi ^)) iy-iyiiE5^ iJ'bstD Dyn DTDDvpy D^ii "piyiDSj' D^yiu "ryi t^« d^t d^ s ;t31T tyi "lytDJIK ^T ! jyoyb^ "rjT i^i^T isiiDiv lyubyT >yi px px rs: ,r^2 D^T i)ijj!5 i3^D ^iD v"^^^ D'jytj'jyo DyT r^« lynnyT .jyayb ^^r :i:8i> ^t p^snyi ny^n Donynya t2"p:^3jnt:3^^!> .yD^IlD n IV 1W2 — |8T pK 13 ,1 nbnp 25 v:t •• -: - T V • • t: V -: - - V : • T T T - ;i<2i!3'' fcjyD i^t jyn^iijnj; lyanyn (Diysynanyc) D-iyiJin |ny:iya ij^r nyanjn J$ i8:i^T 12 ,|y3y!) 3:5yT« i^x pn ;yi"'i:D"i^Q-D'Dj:it3 n .Dn^K ->8a ^^{j'^^ lya^n v^bv)) n :i3ji - 28 - — :nn» lyi t^'iN ^^'t n^o ddip d^ii Dy:)yDyn si r« d^ 14 ;D^ye^i po |yDp8 n D^b D^jyij^tnyn |ynyii D'pnv ya^SDw ";D^pnv pa jyDpst n D^b D^jyT^etnya |ynyii d^ii D^y^j'i pK .DyjyDy^ 8 ]}p^t::i T^« d^t — tDpnyDys "i^« n^n ;D"prDDiij D3MijiyD yH 3^n nynnyn 15 ;piT "^yn iyDJi« ^do "ij;!t:i p« lyK'jyo p^a oynyoyn p^p ts /p^r T^ny-ia pn jypr-iD ,|yDy i^j,, /|y^y^ |yDnyDj<»y:i p^r pK |yD^^i>3yn dh^x Dyii d^t i^j ^^n •piT nyn lyDJix ^t Do^Dtj'ya dh^k d^h d^: Jjy^a - 29 - ,nD3n inynyn iv pj$n p^D Dyi^yi^y^j^ n^n i^k |yii 16 ?'ny lyn pj^K ^1 Dy "DpTiu d^ii ,piy oyn |yK^i^a-iy iv pw — D35$DyJlV DO ri« IfeU D^D D38J *11 3^D 1«t3^T — n nbnp 24 - 27 - >'h ^"""^^p^ nxr,? pn n'^j? «^n "nttrx 12 - 28 - I V|T T - T -;- V -; V|V .D''p''*n2in nt^raa Dn^« r'^s^^ D-'ri^n uii V|T V -V • :i- T :nni:?ts?n-nx •'jx •'rinn^j 15 V|V - -|- TTT I •• V -; ,nispt?Si nint?'?i ^b^'j'DH ■'? TIT - -|- • v:t I -t V -: - 29 - I V|T T - T -;- V -: It:* T v :• : ♦n^-i ^3r« vrr J n:^ n^^^s^ di*s da •'j » I* •• * "y Ti" t:i- - -= - -r 23 n nbnp ? iDDiniD D^^i :|v:iy-iE) an^s jyp nyii pw ;]V0')) ID^3 DviD^v^K^ l"P pD ^v)) bnyaya j< tD^j^^n oy lyii 5 tD:)yD^D lyrtoDJ^a pn o^n /iJiDnynyDiiK nyiy^ b^ii 6 ,D^^myiy^y3 yi^Dss pK - 25 — I *T3yi)y D^yc^jyio Dyi vh o^ni ^ii i n^ ^pn Dyii oy D^^i D^j D^^ii iy W 7 ?|yi^T Dn^N Dyii lyii ,pn tsyii oy |yii p« ;|yK'iynyn lo'-i na^ii Dyn |yp ,K^:)yD nyi ,ny 8 ;|y")5$BK'iyD D^3 nm Dyi |yp ny ijyK'iynyn D^i o^iid Dyi |yp ny :|y:inp la^j hdh^jd pa 3^ii)"iiN p^P |yp iy •lyabyn d^: dh^n |yp p^dk^'idb^ yj^^p pK - 26 - tjyiiyiiyi^^ n^n px inyryi i^« n^n oy^s d^t 9 iDbyn^smya pn nyn nyts^iK n^3 B>:yD nya^x ne^nyn {j>jy» jyii d^v s p« •tynsiK^ IV cy^y^ ;Drn-)yya ,m^inny av^V)) O'V^'^ ')) ,]nvm n^ n^n t:^ lo .fTysfiya) iD-1^ |yi^i)^\T D'Jia i^^oyv^iB pN in lan^v n^i^ n in jys^n ^v m:i ^n ,t32^ibya "T jynyii t^n^tsK^ px p«. .t:"in^By:ia''iK n nbnp 23 - 25 - T^ T- TTT "^T v; • V - ^1" IV •• • ;nnn-n« xibD'^ - T V : • T T : • - -I- : • I ••: - 26 - /:ab-nx rin:i "n'^xn nrba-nx 9 ' • • ... I t: • I* t y t ;t^Dtrn nnn nirra "nt^x nt^rto-b::'^ viT- -i- T -;- V -: V-:- t: - : T T : TTT - T V -: ;Dn?,? D'^5?^'^ ■'H'^xn 15^51 lo !•• - : It ' : • itt jT I •• « -: • T : - : •: VIT V ■ .n^3 inantr'i (1 22 n t nbnp ;}yD>^p n:yn ynn^« pK nn^« pa nb Diyii 1:^:1 Danneyn oy nyii .nn^K pD jynyii D3»3iyB :iyD nyjn^n nyT nyn^ :nbnp tJi^T ^lyjiayjD^iN 3^n tk d^ii nyr 27 :|y3^ByiD^iK D^3 pK DDirya n^K a^n oysy 1^3 28 .P}y3ifiyiD^i>5 D-j I^K n^n ,yi3^ n "iyt:3i« ,^nE) 8 lyn^ :|y3iByj a^n t^< d^)i nyt ts^ "1^3 29 "^nD nii:{§3y/ :|yB»S5'y3 jyK'jyo oyi i3^n d^j ."niDSij;, \vm *i3DJipAr ;y3iT ^n px - 24 - n ? Dsn lyroan nyi ^11 r« "lyii 1 ?18T St pB pn |yrt:3n oyT ^i^ik ddsd iyi^ pw ;D3nyi Djyc^iyD j< Dr^K'nya D^^po^nny^yj .yrv-DDanyi ym tDnyniyiya nevin n:y"inyii ^a^im^nye orjyp Dyn yDDj^n^yn ::i^r i^k 2 (;]V2y;iy;i tao^n n d^^O nyUK^ ya^ijioyi n ay^b >v ;Dn'K pa |ny:pyiife!t pn px ta^^^snya^K o^j ^n 3 .i)''ii "jy D^i^ i^nD i^n jyp ly i)^ni .D^jyoyi » T'K *n» tf ^"^i C^ n 1 nbnp 22 ■r v|t • •• J :nSnp ni^x ,^r\^:Lr:^ ni nxn 27 V |vl T : T • IT T V •• J ♦jinirn ^^r^h nmh nm • ITT ; •;- rl;* v-; ' • IT T I VlV •• TV TT • IT T vi" T : T » : |T T V •• : - J ' TT TTT V • v:t T T V ^; -- 24 - n ? 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'^^JgTix r5t?^n-«^ n^K ..... T f |-l; T - - V -; - 23 - tnto^nn •'H'^e: nt-^a 23 T T : V • :i- T •iv • It : • : ,n;rif -n^ pin^n 24 2o' t nbni5 !: iD^n yrjjn n f^nx |ypip VD^yii n tb tsa^imyrN .jyayb pa ,|>:^rD ^^1 i3i:i ^iT5§ tov^K'yn ts^ve^nnnyijy) 12 DyT t3D5<55'iys Dy ,iivi^Q » D^n noan nyax •lyayb |y3^!)p^bj » "iyD\nt2jyr^K ip"iy"ii Dyts^j t:38'ni:ya 13 ? T'b: jyasD |yp lyii .Dnp t:38Dy:i c^n iy d^ii H'^Jny-iQ "T lyto^v yroij p« 14 ;5i^n jyto^^v yt33yi){:' p« D^T |y:iy:i d^-'K Dyn-i^yjr>{ii ^tfeit oy ts^n d^j i)"ii ;y"mje{ "I^j D^ii lyrsyjD^iK D'} -i^j ^^T \^:v^ "lyi d^k - 22 - •;y2y^ lynjyK'^itDiy pD ps Djn^iiyj^^n Dvbts. pitJ* a^n "i^« 15 ;nip"iv yj^r ruyoas d^: ,dik tsDip D^n pnv 5$ .myfij^-i yj^»r p^iD ,ijsij Dsyi? d^ii yu^i k pK (r]*« ji^fT "lyanyn) ;DnD IV ^': ^'1 16 ;3i^p IV D^J pK ? 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Ti ■iyD3iK fy^sfs lyp^ys .nro Dr:yp ps jyvi^n p« jysyiD "t !)^"n nr2 n n'^bnn xx •»T T - - J : T : V 1 ;D^jtrir-br n^:i?^ 1 5nii?:??? .riT'T. "iT ^'?*^5 ;sito nnn i •'sS trnn 2 n^,?b ^'^ZJ^ 'in ^^^ n\nD naiD 1 isr •'Ji^S TT •• : • T r t: T ** .ch)pi D^:ibx 'Tipnn j^-br nisa "^ti;"^? ti^-^n nun 4 I viv t:- : vv: - ; .^y;n\ nix^iu •q'linj : • I 1^ : - XIX n Q^b.in my iyi fi^i&t }yo^ pn t^n T^"iy'"i 'I'J nbyo.M pN dvjs!j:i n K^nyooy^KD Mt \Mi ;iy^y'£5iy toons, ■^y^r{> yr-'^p ; DDstD yo^ni. pn |yTO{yn ob^ .D^B ym "lyoJiK DX-'^^yjpyii^ ovh^ p8 ^"^"ly^et ly-rjn p» ^t^b^ ; nr^ya ps nrn yn!?ni n t^^ "i^ rwom p« K^'B pN 5>yo^rT p« ■|y:'y:i^"iB 4»yp^ lyo^nj pain tyo^i^tr yD^^yii n D^'bnn xvm ;n''r)5n-br mrf^h i • t: : • •|T T - - I : T : V -; 'I t:it V -: • T : -i"t iv : : • • v: T ^ ivl: : • • TT I V !••:-: TT : t : I |VT ••-;-: 1" • : - .r'^n-nnn nntr "^b t : - -i- T|- T T -;- -; XVII DijyiJ^n Dy jyn -lya^ ^jyn^^b d^j i^a ^^r ^sir:n^ lyi ps -[{^nsK^ ■jnersyi ps \vbvo^ :i:iVDynyrx n |yp |»t p-iyirDD:ip» ps T^ |« ,rs -^yvynyB^j^ lyi |yii i^i .^5§m^ \)Q \2''p:nv^ n Tj$ D^-a^st pn o^D pyji^iDnst 'ii di3 ""it^ "»y toD''^i'i jsi /toD^Dis? D'JiB D^^pjnyK^ yv:5?3 n ::ivynyTN n p&< i^in -ly^x d^: ny I^'vpn^-it3r« po» PN ]v:iV'')^'v:i' ]V^^ri i^d d^ii ... bstrrn^ rx 3:ivynyn^K oyoyii ...jNoniyn .b p'^vn ps to^-'s-isi n ))s i3)'iV^')V2'ii vvi m n« i2'^3"»8< P^t^K' yjy:i3ibyj coDynsi T^pTn fye^^^n^a ps jyiy^ic n jyjysjy oy nyii rioiya jyvjetj ps pn t:yii 5iy33yTK"i .n .« -nyn nytDinybrJ nye^n^s -lytaonnya "lyi '^jy^n y^8 ps 53ir^» nyi ti« t^« d^t ps "pnyii tyioD^-DSi* n D^n ;-|j3yjj .jy^sy-iayn pK ^)) p^^^vi yn ps onsD v^v^:!^ n jyjyii Piynjya^^ |y2^n iv /: ps n''D /n D^^^nn ly'PD^BSp s XVI. pj-i^B-byn^3 px |yt3j<-iyD^!) e^D jyn^iiyj iDrnpyj pk ya^yii 3ii»nynyDJiK yrryn p^r tb ••T lypiyB^ ly^jyii jyi^K y^yn^j ynynix d^t lya^n to oi)^a-»y ."jjiDnyj-iyajix y^yi^^ j$t» tb iJijyp-iy^s ytDsr^^iiyj :i3ivt3ynyB^x y:yj:ibyj Doayn n ^11 ,1)-))))) oy^y^feitmy jtr^? 12^3 rx D^ii ,l«Dn-)yn .b pa /^jya^ii nyn pB K^^b:i3y p« K>n^N px DB-i8ny:i t2^n ,|yn^K b^aiyo'-n:! jSfeHB n^i ,p^^{< yianny^yj tb -113 --lys^s pn D^D /p^K-iya lyK^nsnyD^b^t pa |y-iyii lyayjyjD^nst l^bpTii r-x Dy ,|yB^-ia-iy3'K p^bfe§ in iy dnh nSnp pa jjivtsyr tD'>\T«nt:y: n itt T"i« ^ii ts^pa^^to^n n inn ,piyii t:DJip8 --lyn^K D1V lyT^S-iyn^K to^j |yD 5|-i^i dds:^ ^rj? .^^iii^Jn^* div -rK-iya Dyn px i^t Piistn |yn^K b^a -lyn n^3 p^i5j$ lyvDyr .Ct28by:i8t33 — .jyTDy-iytD XV. D^yii "T D^i ,t3J^T Dy -lyii -lys^ oy^^ oy^ya^my jyo^iiyis px "i^niytDK>3j< jyo^iy^ ^v ^11 n^j d^^)) dv "^yn /obyii y-iy^^tis n |y3y:i tsr^oyj oy la^n ni^n;? ?« n^^jyo px .nSnp taj^t d^t -lyi ps t:j^Ty33^ l^jya^n ya^yii ,to^^v yjy^ pa ,(DyiyDy) Dnn^ ,-iyi^yii n p« toay^jyi pR c^yti - 40 - D^D iDD^i)K' px ,t}byii nyn "»8b d-^iij? ya^^n^onyjix p^r i^d DO T'jn pw pD ij^jrr 24 n "n onao inyo Tin iJipnyoyas ni)np nsD iyi rs : tDp^iyoys i5N03^"ip jonj ^11 — ]VQnvi pn» jyiiy: TK by^i^D |s^ik px D^aina n p« ••w^'iv'p lyi lyiiyi rx i3-iyiJiKi"i (p":) ny |\« ^^imn ':3 nono nnvv/ : lyDiyii n lyanti^y):^ »« nttmDO// ''nono// : p:^iv^ pn iv nisi J rx c^iio nyi D^n ,in — (*i''n^ tmtt) *^n'an o^aso «^n nD^no ,n^^D too nnv o^aaon Ssir pntn .(n ,«' H'^ao) ,D'D>n3n SSd"? K^ntr ^nisTan no^nnn ibids «a nrSi .n^Ssn^ Yp p«a ontry Dneo nain--:io03 *yp yH nain nncD mtpy |yDt:^n -lynnyn .la-'i pyiiv p^p |ya^nDnsDyDDjitaiyayi)y^ai)^*ii irD^Jivnn DnuD,, jyayjyj lyo^a^ onso yiyDi^yarnj? do n •T'jn pa DnsD y^yay^ij^yajyo^iK ^ ,-i^ai?B PK ^yjiSD 2y^i)iv d^i ,|yp"iyio:^ 1^« Si yijy d» tyr^bo^K Dnoy:i t» jya^n ,d"i^t lyDsrriiy) oyn :iniyinp d^j -••npo^iD ym^ii n pa DD^b-|yiny n i^ik ni ,rV3«^^ m DiyBDpy'j{< .D-'na |n^ Dan^ .nyDjyin .Do^tsK^yn d^ik-i^b pk Dyi)5$ — ?— i— n .t:ny^"'^K'"iyB rs IHHD K-^ii ,]v:ivb px p^^i ny-iyoya ]''p —8— 12-15 .D''3 |yiD |yp D^yii xn jyaND-iyn^x .nd"'J rx yoyioia |yi2^''iivst jjii^DDyii D^-'v «n D:ii{^b"iyB to^j •lyDynanyB px D^\niym5$Biv .|yDi-iyn n ijya^^i): d^i p-is^^j^a px - 14 — 7-8 .lyto^B-iN Dyn ."lyt^'-iyn n ^^1 iv^'>r\)i db^^k^ nyL5"'''3-i5§ lyn lya^ — 15 — 9—11 .p'^JJiK ny-T ^^o{< PN DinD3''n b^^ii —16— 12— 16 DD^^n'D /D^j pa n:n»s pn» w^v"? -iy3''S'^'^-J< — 17— 17—19 .PK p^b:i D^ii pN t3D^\T 131J D^ii DnytaKnyB jyo |yii XI. Dy D^ii \vm) Jiib^^ntsa^ yiy^ i^eyn lypnyo^^ n^D |y^yii .m D^yn3j D^jyii n lyn^ ,i3nyj ij^jyo "lyn jyBBXj'yn jyr^r yaijyii ,-iii3S3 yvjj8 Dy^j< b^)) p« t3^j tDPsn n^« lyi t3"ii x^ii tDr^x d^t ,ypmD^i« yK'morjn PK irrijK ^n-i : lyj^t b^r 'bip n3„{< nstJ^r /^nyn iSap, pa (:Bi o'^a) ! ''b^ naa ]'nutrD i:k ]V// ysrin^ ^m D^^K tD^niJ^ ! t23y"iy; :i'in^b« i3:y-)D |n: ^3"i T8 px ,t)o i^i« b)p nas ^i^ix jypip i'd »3in»3 10^1 T'n »p// : iy onyBDjy ? tD"V {yQ pn piy^o ^n» lynytDK^-iya ya^jyii iyi5"»yii^P yay^^j lyjj'jyo D^8 px ]V^iVi^ lyj"^? "i^» /'»'n D^otrn «S nun// ,t'3iKii |y3ni3K'-"iyDp{<">fiy yD3n ly dyp^yn y-iynij< n^^i ytj'^anjs; t:*j) ^yc^n^x nniD yo^nyj n \vpVi^iV tjik S^n p« lytDjyonysiDpy dd»d •lynyb ps "D ,p\Dv p)i:iV,f /t3^3 D"ii ly T5< piK^ D^-'ii iy 1K11 nmo lyi lyasijp^ "ly t^k /D^^ii ny ts "lyj"^ d^^t nyc^ts px ? "i:nv»^ '>)) f]^^^:)!^ — "lyT L3^i Dy |yp |yo »«ivdS br «i?^ b'"\) ,D3n n^Kosj'iys lya^^u'^yDS *5)i:n ^re^D urcj'^ k^i„ : d^^t d"3Di nyi .jya^njya d^j oy ]vp IX. Dn^ii yj{$iB l»''p ]'^w rx Dy n^i)i3^^i |ik ^n^bp ovW ta-iyii tl^iK in n:i^!5pya •^v on^ii .yK^"'«y-inyn pn^? d^j rx isinBK^ n px px t^any: pt? lotj'-iynyj |8T ^^n d^ii D^^a^bnnyjix n t2^"'2"i{§yj |yD{§nv lya^n j^^j^byn iifc< p^D^bsv^^V^ ti)i:iV^pv: D^n p^^a d^i ijyinyii fWPVi^^i vm^'i^ V^V't td .(4,1) ,D^^pj'DDy*iyj w^tiV^ IV vjn^ t2D5§^ jynyiifi^ Dyi nytDiiK 1K11 ,ii:n^jy"i yK^^D^Boynj^ pa t2"i^i)^nDJ^p t2•^v)^ "^^^b n fiyayrj^D n pK -ly-in-a n jyrn yijyD^iiJi« px DDD^jyriD lyiiyiiK'-iyB p^ |yiiy^52 nyay^to px rtx yto^^i) ^11 ny^i) ^iTiit yn«<"i: m« r« t^oa^yr nbnp "ied lyn nynj:? ; "i^»n n»^K^ pB rx d^i T8 topjynyj D^n jyo lyii lynns .N^3: p-iK pB |yvj»:i p« t2*j rx oy |yii n^ytj^^ -n ny^? ^irs yi8"i3 ,t»D p^« PB L3^j TN oy Ts: jyo^^ii -i^D 1X11 D^bnn nyi ^11 yietiJ DoaH'T niD!?n nyn 1x11 nvx ^11 ynj^ij px ;d^^v p^« pa nyi^ ''Nnai nSi n\n x^ arx* :dj^t (lyp'tsnp byn^D lytoDyn: lyn) n lo^D Dni3s pa yoD^tj^yj n mi ay^b mts ynsn: ni« rx oy fDibns obj^ Dy Dnny^p-iy D'aon "lyi d^ii p^ita ,d^dja Dyn ]V'^Vi'^ IV tJix rx nyi? •'IT5? ynetiJ p^5 (3» o pSn ro) D'D"ao-i Dyi D^i to^yayj dh^n dj^ii pjy jya^yr D'rx {"ao"! d''jiq .|yjJit0BMny3 : iiLisnyis^b yK^n^N yv3^*j d^t ,3y^ij nix rx oy^x yOy^x p^: n D^D iv^^^ x^ n "pTno ^i)n n^ai piDix ^xt^r no,, "lyi ^ VIII. DnsD t"p ^nvi:> pifi^ |y» mri |8t b^^ii n^^JiVDiiK r« tsysj?^ jyo^pyj rx px to^vtsK^-iVD in ta^n (onnin) nxnyn ^11 (n a^oj pn iviyii t:p:yi "ly d{<"i^ /|ytj>"i^s d^i« Dn^t^ «Dn p «33 1^ lyoyii — |j$D nyri'T'inny -lyi px ,3iihJSin yK^^JSti^i: (DyDiiin) ^m yb» T"i« Dn^« D^n — DD{D5n^K tD^: n ^ly^t: ^11 ,is^^ii ^11 ,t5r^v d^i lyD^ .yjiinD yD^n:i»t n pK ,!)y3^3 lyi pK lyjjmyims jya^n -lyfiy-i^B-^jya^a |y3^n ^^T ytsnjj'-i^B yiy^iny:iiiN yabyii pK -in^^ 30— 40 vt^i'^vb pK "in^ijp jyrn ly^yoi^ ya^iinjyDij'nyBiiK yiy^s ^11 ,to38»y3 •lyi^i^yj t:-»ny5)p"iy yb^'^n ,t3^^v -lyn lyiyii ro^DB^r^K d^: yiDiny^y:i n lyo^r "lyiom ,nbj$iiy .|y"i^iiy3 jynynK^yj t^« n^np ynsnyD yD^y^i px l^iK Ml ynyi35§ j^k iv))''')'^ ^JJ'tD^byT ,t2yiiyn yiy^pyr ,nnDr: .ynxnyD -lytj'niys nyn iv |yt:^{ jyrn nijnp ps "iyD{5it n^jnp rs px .^n p nSnp nin : -lyDiy^i n '{^nviKJ ,]v^r{vbp))i d^ii «r:^j inyo i^t rj<,|niT« o'ln jyi^y: yi^et lytabfitn ^im pX/iny^Di n^prn ,y")ynj» oy jyn^n tobytoK'yiijyo .n3 /s pSn y^D .D"ao-i nyn i^iK ^)) ,D^^iD» ytsi^si ynytJiN ,y^y3^2 p»^p D^n pso lyn d^^i p^tonp n nTiipiyo nyn^ |yD^fe?ny3 tD^j""iivyN oytoia i^j ^n pn D^iiy:i pK nnin (nimn S) nne ; niD^n lyn DJmn "lyt^^'-ii .'^n^nya niy tr^tr tj^'ov/ nm pniD nnanty yn nb ? ni:nSDiD )^ ? nnttsn ]j< ! nabty nag na^i ! no^B^ n : t2:i^T Dinjn '■»„ ?//nt nx m )nniD insne' kS« t^^ nn D^n j^iyj t2^j 1^3 ?toD:iJ-iyD pn pn ik^i ?nD3n pn tn ikii yj''n lyo^DK^ /"lyonyii o-iyDxa pn ls^d ts^j |yD''t:K^ lyDnyii ym iVD^K D^ii vb^ lya^n ^it8 ls^ ? *oo i^is -lymyii y^yr-K t3"ii ^irs TK Dy pK ."lynyi -lyDKB-iye jyoy-i^ lyn lyjyj jyvtsyr I'nobtrpBiyDijyj pyii» |yvjj§3 px p-iyii oyoy^j^my oyn jy^^n r« "ly lyii tD^3 n^: d''''ii jyo d^ii oy-r^N iv |y3y:y:3^ oy ps .jy-i^i^y^ tDD8D-»yD rx oy |yii lyn^ IV "iyoK>"iy nyn |yiiyj r« ,D"iynjin -in{<^ lycie p« ,-iynDib ,nTD |3 ps lyan^'yJ n^J ,r\^bt' pe d'jpn nbnp,, ]^ ]vp^Vi:)V2 IV. .B^^i)3iy pK px jj'n^K p« n pD i)"nt3s m"v — 6 - 5 — fij'n^^a tyts^o px pya^v n .tD^^intsy^r^K rx nbnp ya^yii p« jy3Ji^^\nt:3K 40 |yi23«nt3y3 ri^^jyo /Oy jy^yii ]vi'h v^^'^ti yiyr^iN pa v:i^^o \VD "lyrjy^i D^ii Ts: |yp:yn ^n ^"ii ,y3«-iD ya^^D^yByi^f^i ob^ a Dy tspj^ny: lyii p« ,|yD rx lyono p« -lyoya ob^ ojy-ie p^x D^o |y:i8nD yi^x lynysioiy-iya to^yiiQ ^m nyn ^ii ,-nn pa D^n ny D^ii -iyst::y iyt2D-iy3''T "lyi \vw^ rx d^i b^^ii /"ftsKB^ lytsDynnyi rxiyjyna : Diyn^st tspiymiobn lyi nya^ ; iDD^Niiy; n^n (;i"S nstr) |'w n^M (t^b ,o"3) .«nyotr «mn hS'odi 'isi «n"B»ip onyii lyiyns iin "i^: tk d^^v dni .^n^c to '"sen n^S piuo .Ti'T^yt^fiynyB p« D-inyiipyie^iK 1^?^$ : i33Kr !)XiDD«"ip jDHi ciNTxb^B "lyty'-i^K "lyD^nj nyi n33Dn M^ithv nnnn nn^ntr ittDtr ,n"i3*i D'oye my natr^i ni3«3V/ "'y ^33 nSuon n» mid^S la^rnn nason nnv myi ]d ^noisDn n« m'jjtS /K^sntr tB^«^ *i^ ^^^ n:'nani nirmn n« mneS xn'S laS ]'«^ . . . nnnK .n p'D ,«"' nyiy )OTn onj ni^o /^i:n« mdh niim n in o yrtiv^K /^nj^ayj lyn ; pjsinyi ^y^y^^^JSt ybpr^) pk d^t |yijf ye'n^x 0^3 — yiyiis pa :iJ8^ V)^ o^')\ jyo d^^i d^t neta^r t5^3 «-iiD p7 1^3 jytr-i«B p« |y2^T -1KB pBiiin -i^D — jv^yiip III. 1 .yjsiD yrD3^ii yn |yjyii |y:iNT /^«n3 nr nn inn^va piDS onnon* : 1:3 i«T ni»^n lyi irni ,bxiB'^ M^s nx ixi^i pn : 'oinn c^n^a (.too ,vvMp) vby Pi''DiDni .nxnj n''3pn pxB> /xna nr nn ,^xiK^n xn^x ,Pi"iioi ^"^nD nt nn ,bK-ie^n xn^xi ndn^» n^ imi tiDJinoi no .i)K-i^n xnbx "ip"' n^ itni :Dnn^ kSk ^in^d nuDn r\mv^ .(Dnn iny) ."pjyn iinu p^^'b ^n pr^o npnyn pjy;, :Dinn t«in (onnny) ."imivD pios p^nsro,, (.02 nona) .p-'jnn |d oa^jn lyiD K^i njian p^ny^v. — yn^yr d«i id:ikt (341) y'^n px nxT p niyr^VQ''i« ai^y: jyrn lyDytanKta-'iK yto^KD-iyi^yTij^ n .*n^bon no Dy -iKJ i^biytaiyii pn d^j -ikd iJivtDynya^x'JK d«t Dyn p« pii^^iv^ Dy:yt3i)Knyn oyi ,13"? jyvoet: oyn lyayjo^nK ^K nn^K tsrsyj i^bp^ii dkt ps ,}*kt oyn pa tD^NnrN lysy^is jjiVDynyTN ytyn r« :i:ivi:ynyT« v^'b^^v P'» d^t jypnycya i^k b')\ ^n jynyj iY D1K ^NDK ^crn^K n ts^o :i3s;i)pjj$ p« b!?stiyn-K ts"": |yn^iiy:i pk tJ'^bi^y n bni — ij^Dj< p« JJir^D lyijs |st pa t:^'p3^^DMDjy:i^^«'j8 ypmo^ix nyD^si |8 "DNn^«/j8 .t3^3 |yD Diyijy ypmo^^x ya^jyij^ p« iNiatf' -lys^^^j^jy -lyn :r^biiy jyobx pK ^11 |yT«i)y: i^k a^n /o^bn bn,, : w"2)s ,, Vanity of vanities"; It is a great nothing; tt >> >» »» »> ♦» »> All — vanity. All — not at all. •tyaxiBSJ' yn^^3 }nynv3in DsrntD^tT p« iv^'iv^ jyn^yi^ND D^o /TiDn yn:y (1913) yyin -inx^ d'^k b^^^k pK yvj«j n px nionpnx /lyD^^T 32 |yo^«nt3iy dnh oy Dy DKi pJNiyi Dyn t3^» ; B^n^« oy^nytrw p« n'Sj'Kna nmo ^n |yJyp"ly3^? ]vhv)^ v:i^V)) D^rao :i:y:i jyrayi in |ybyii lybyii *n px i^ionynyiDaiN y^KOXtsKp vvi pe o^^prtsa^ii yi)K royD^yiy-i jyoip jy^jxr lyoeyn xn Dsn lyv^tsK' D^iiyi jyjKipyj i3^j yrtoB^ yr^^ij n Dyi3«n nyi^^b nyaK/tDsynK ikii .|y-iynE3^i« isnoyi oy i3«n jybia^D jnx px y-iyniK d«i i^k pikh ni^np jyayjD^ns! p^o d^)d ov^x -^ynyDJ1^? yjy3«my ntk jyvyi^ iv |nyt:B^")ys ixn \vbv)y jyi^N Dy |yp 1y^J^b35< iN:iKt dkt idSju ^itk p« 1«t n b^^ii ,3jid D^i^yj i^V)) r6r\p pa 5^^ip"iys nyn dkt fixn tk P« /jyBKtoJK la^'-niK "ly-T is^d jnyjivjK t3^^p3^i))y» n p« jy^JD^D n jyayi •Tan pw n^m *?"! pyn 'hn^: no '''t'X ::'''? «n*irT .DD«D iyi3D1K11 O^ym p^D MB tDSi553y:sti3 pK 1916 All rights reserved THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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