THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THK CKNTURY ASSOCIATION, A CATALOGUE OF THE JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM LIBRARY. YORK: FOR THE: ASSOCIATION. 1896. NOTE. THE library here catalogued was a gift from James Lorimer Graham, who by his will left his books as a memorial of his membership in and his love for the Century Association. In appreciation not merely of the gift, but of the giver, a com- memorative meeting of the Association was held on January 2Oth, 1894, at which a biographical sketch of the donor and an account of the library were read. The proceedings of this meeting were printed, and thus make unnecessary further trib- ute here to either Mr. Graham or his books. As a further recognition of Mr. Graham's generosity it was suggested to the Committee on Literature that a catalogue of the library should be printed, and with its approval the present work was undertaken. A slight examination will show that the method has been distinctly eclectic, valuable or unique books being described with very considerable fullness, while works of less rarity have been more briefly catalogued. At the same time a card catalogue of the library was prepared, which included a subject as well as an author list. In consequence neither subject references nor an index have been considered necessary in the present catalogue, the purpose being to show, by a simple author list, the books given by Mr. Graham. Cotton Mather maintained that "unto those Three Things which the Ancients held Impossible, there should be added this Fourth, to find a Book Printed without Errata's. It seems, the Hands of Briareus, and the Eyes of Argus, will not prevent them." The present work undoubtedly contains numerous errors, but it is a pleasure to the compiler to acknowledge the 14725O1 iv NOTE correction of many by the librarian of the Association, Mr. J. EL Senter, who kindly compared the proof sheets with the books. Another debt of thanks is due to the Committee on literature, and especially to its former Chairman, Mr. Edward Gary, whose suggestion and encouragement were a principal cause in inducing the compiler to volunteer his services. PAUL LEICESTER FORD. (A. d'). Esquisses Americaines, ou Tablettes d'Un Voy- ageur anx Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Par Ad. d'A. Paris, Chez Ebrard, 1841. 161110. pp. 178. A (T. B.) See Aldrich, T. B. ABBOTT (Edwin A.), and J. R. SKELEY. English Lessons for English People. London. MDCCCLXXI. I2mo. pp. 292. [ABELIN (Jean-Philippe)]. Newe Welt / Und Americanische Historien. / Inhaltende / WarharFtiget nnd vollkonnnene Be- / schreibiuigen Aller West-Indianischen Landschafften Insulen / Konigreichen nnd Provintzien Seecnsten fliessendeu nnd stehen- / den Wassern Port nnd Anlandungen Gebiirgen Tha- lern Statt Flecken nnd / Wohnplatzen znsampt der Natnr und Eygenschafft dess Erdrichs der Lnfft der / Mineren nnd Metal- len der Brennenden Vnlcanen oder Schwefelbergen der / Sie- denden nnd anderer Heilsamen Qnellen wie anch der Thier Vogel Fisch / nnd Gewiirni in denselben sampt andern Wnn- derbaren Creatnren / nnd Miracnln der Natnr in diesem halben Theil / dess Erdkreyses. / Dessgleichen / Griindlicher Bericht von der Innwohner Beschaffen heit Sit-/ ten Qualitaten Policeynnd Got/.endienst Leben nnd Wesen Barbarischer Un- / w'issenheit nnd nnerhorter Gransanikeit dess meisten theils dieser Wilden Lente sainpt Un- / terscheyd der Nationen Sprachen nnd Gebrauchen. / Item, / Historische nnd Anssfuhrliche Relation 38. Fiifnembster Scliiffarten nnter- / schiedlicher Volcker in West-Indien von der Ersten Entdeckung dnrch Christopho- / ruin Colmnbum in 150. Jahren vollbracht. / Alles anss verscheidenen West-Indianischen Historien-Schreibern unnd man- / cherley Sprachen in it sonderm fleiss znsamen getragen extrahirt, in ein richtige Ordnnng/der Materien nnd Zeit nnd in diese Kanffliche Form gebracht / Dnrch Johann Lndwig Gottfriedt. / Mit zugfehorigen Landtafeln Contrafactnren und Gesciiichtinassigen Kupfferstucken / zum Lust nnd Nachricht- ung reichlich gezieret nnd verlegt / Dnrch Matthenm Merian Biichhandlern unnd Kunststechern zu Franckfurt am Mayn. / Franckfurt. Ben denen Merianischen Erben. / M. DC. LV. Folio, pp. (8), 661, maps.- 2 ^*# *' Jean-Philippe Abelin published this wotk under the assumed name of Jean Louis Gottfriedt. It contains a resume of the histories of Acosta, Oviedo, Peter Martyr, Herrera, Laet, &c. ; an account of 33 voyages to America, from Columbus to Spilbergen and Schouten ; notices of the expe- ditions of Lemaire and Peter Heyen ; the conquests of Brazil by the Dutch; and descriptions of Greenland and Spitzbergeii." ABERCROMBiE(John). Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. From the second Edinburgh edition. With questions for the examination of students. New- York: 1835. 161110. pp. 376. ABOUT (Edinond). Les Mariages de Paris. 46 ed. Paris: 1870. 1 2111 o. pp. 440. ABRIA (J. J. B.). De* Quelques Proprietes generales des Corps et en particulier de la Force Repulsive des Gaz. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 46. Voyage de la Lumiere au Travers des Cristaux on de la Structure des Corps etudiee a 1'aide de leurs proprietes optiques. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 47. AN / ABRIDGEMENT / of the / Laws / In Force and Use in / Her Majesty's Plantations; / (Viz.) Of / Virginia, / Jamaica, / Barbadoes, / Maryland, / New-England, / New- York, / Carolina,. &c. / Digested under proper Heads in the Me-/ thod of Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Washington's / Abridgements. / London / Printed for John Nicholson at the King's-Arms in / Little Brit- ain, R. Parker, and R. Smith, under / the Royal-Exchange, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle- / Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1704. 8vo. pp. (4), 304, 87, 104. *** See Hildeburn's Tower Collection of American Colonial Laws for a fuller collation, from which however the above copy varies somewhat. Absalom and Achitophel. See Dryden. ABU ISHAC. Liber Climatum auctore Abu Ishac el-faresi vulgo Ll-Issthachri. E codice Gothano edidit Dr. J. H. Moeller. Gothae, in officina Beckeriana MDCCCXXXIX. 410. 126 11. pis. ** Except for the title, the book is in Arabic character. ACTES / de ce qui s'est passe* / de plus remarquable / a la die*te / de Sude, des amides 1755 et 1756; / Tire's des Regitres de celte Die'te, / & traduits du Sue'dois: / Avec / Une Relation circonstantie'e de la / derniere re* volte, [n. p.] M. DCC. LVI.. 121110. pp. xxiv, 132. LIBRARY. 3 ADAMS (John). A Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- ment of the United States of America. London: Printed for C. Dilly,'in The Poultry. M.DCC.LXXXVII- 3 vols. 8vo. *% This so called "defence" of American State Constitutions was in truth a plea for Constitutional limitations and clogs on popular government, and was so undemocratic in its whole tone as later to be a most effective political argument against the author in the campaigns of 1796 and 1800. Defense des Constitutions Ame'ricaines, ou De la ne*cessite d'une balance dans les pouvoirs d'un gouvernernent libre. A Paris : Chez Buisson. 1792. 2 vols. 8vo. The Works of John Adams, second President of the United States: with a Life of the Author, notes and illus- trations, by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Boston: 1850- 10 vols. rl. 8vo. ports. ADAMS (John Quincy). An Address delivered at the request of a Committee of the Citizens of Washington; on the occasion of reading the Declaration of Independence, on the Fourth of July, 1821. City of Washington: 1821. 8vo. pp. 31. The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries and the Missis- sippi. Documents relating to transactions at the negotiation of Ghent. Collected and published by John Quincy Adams, one of the Commissioners of the United States at that negotia- tion. Washington: Printed by Davis & Force, (Franklin's Head) Pennsylvania Avenue. 1822. 8vo. pp. 256. #*x The negotiation at Ghent, which terminated the War of 1812, ranks among the most interesting episodes of American diplomacy. Especially difficult was the posilion of Adams, for the New-England attitude towards the war had been so cold as to savor of actual disloyalty. In consequence, the American commissioners, as a whole, ^vere not over anxious to save to that locality the fisheries; and to Mr. Adams were practically due the fishery clauses finally inserted in the treaty. His efforts for that purpose are set forth in full in these letters. The whole story is brilliantly told in the third volume of Mr. Henry Adams' History of the Administration of James Madison; but these original letters are still interesting, as much because of the individuality of the writer, as because of the constant reappearance of the main question in our diplomacy. Letters of John Quincy Adams, to his son, on the Bible and Its Teachings. Auburn: 1850. i6mo. pp. 128. Lettres sur la Silesie, e*crites en 1800 et 1801, durant le cours d'un voyage fait dans cette province; Divisees en deux parties. Traduit de 1' Anglais, parj. Dupuy. Paris: M. D. CCC. VII. 8vo. pp. 421. map. 4 GRAHAM ADAMS (R.)- The Narrative of Robert Adams, a Sailor, who was wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1810, was detained three years in slavery by the Arabs of Hie Great Desert, and resided several months in the city of Timbuctoo. lyondon: 1816. 4to. pp. 231. map. ADAMS (W.) See Rice, N. L. ADAMS (W. H. D.). The Buried Cities of Campania; or, Pompeii and Herculanenm, their history, their destruction and their remains. London: 1869. 121110. pp. 282. pis. ADDISON (J.). The / Works / of the / Right Honourable / Joseph Addison, Esq; / In four Volumes. / Volume the first / London: / Printed for Jacob Tonson at Shakespear's-Head, over / against Katharine-street in the Strand. / MDCCXXI. / 4 vols. 410. port, and pis. *** This beautiful edition of Totison's is not even mentioned in Allibone, though the first collected edition of the author's writings, and the basis of all subsequent ones. The Works of Joseph Addison, including the whole contents of Bp. Kurd's edition, with letters and other pieces not found in any previous collection; and Macaulay's Essay on his Life and Works. Edited, with critical and explanatory notes, by George Washington Greene. In five volumes. New York: 1853. 8vo. port, and pis. *% Only vols. i, n, and' m. A Letter from Italy, To the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Halifax. By Mr. Joseph Addison. 1701. Together with the Mourning Muse of Alexis. A pastoral. Lament- ing the Death of our Late Gracious Queen Mary. By Mr. Cougreve. 1695. To which is added the Despairing Lover. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water side, 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. The Campaign: / a / Poem, / To His Grace the / Duke of Marlborough. / By Mr. Addison. /..../ London: / Printed, and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryers, / near the Water-side, 1710. 8vo. pp. 16. ^* # The true story of the writing of this poem, which secured the author such contemporary fame, and won him his pension, can be found in any life of Addison. Yet even so modest a poet could hardly have dreamed that one day his poem, which sold a hundred thousand copies in three months, would be chiefly known by the fictitious account of its writing, purporting to be narrated by one Lieut.-Colonel Esmond, though penned by Thackeray. LIBRARY. . 5 ADDISON (J.) See Steele', R. Addisoniana in two volumes. Printed for Richd. Phillips, 71 St. Paul's Churchyard, By T. Davidson Lombard Street Fleet Street. [1803] 2 vols. 121110. ports, and facs. Address to the Clergy. See Parker, S. ADELAIDE, Princess. See Marie Antoinette. [ADOLPHUS (John)]. Biographical Anecdotes of the Found- ers of the French Republic, and of other Eminent Characters, who have distinguished themselves in the progress of the Revo- lution. London: 1797. 121110. pp. 432. ADRESSE a 1'Assemblee Nationale, par les Representants de la Commune de Rouen. [Paris: 1789?] 8vo. pp. 14. # *^ On the French Colonies; one of the minor problems of the "reign of reason," being a reasonable treatment of them, yet which should still retain to France the trade that any relaxation of the restrictive policy threatened to transfer at once to Great Britain and the United States. Advice to a Young Christian. See Bell, J. ALdes Walpolianez. See Wai pole, H. ^SCHYLUS. The Tragedies of ^Eschylus: literally translated. With critical and illustrative notes, and an introduction, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London: MDCCCXLIX. i2ino. pp. 234. port. The New Readings contained in Hermann's Posthu- mous Edition of ^Eschylus. Translated and considered by George Burges. Forming an appendix to the prose translation of ^schylus, published in Bonn's classical library. London: MDCCCLIII. I2mo. pp. 156. See Flaxman, J. AGASSIZ, (Louis), and A. A. GOULD. Outlines of Comparative Physiology, touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct. For the use of schools and colleges. Edited from the Revised Edition, and greatly enlarged, by Thomas Wright, M. D. With 390 illustrations. London: MDCCCLI. i2ino. pp. 442. pi. *** Agassiz was called an atheist because he declared that the races of man were too distinct to have been the descendants of one creation. An Essay on Classification. London: MDCCCLIX. 8vo. pp. 381. *% On the classification of animals, which the author's non-acceptance of the Darwinian theory still made (to him) a burning question. 6 GRAHAM AGINCOURT (G. B. L. G. Seroux d'). Storia dell' Arte di- mostrata coi Mommienti dalla sua decadenza nel iv secolo fino al suo risorgimento nel xvi. Tradotta ed illustrata da Stefano Ticozzi. Prato: Per I Frat. Giaclietti MDCCCXXVI- Fo. 5 vols. pis. AGRAIN (Charles d'). Captivite de La Fayette. Heroide, Avec Figures, Et des Notes liistoriques, non encore connues du Public, sur les Illustres Prisonniers d'Olinutz, en Moravie. A Paris, chez Cocheris, Imprimenr-Libraire, cloitre Saint-Benoit, no. 352, Section des Thermes. An cinquieme de la Repub- lique. (1797, vieux stylel Sm. 4to. pp. (3), 6, 60, (2). pi. [AIDE (Hamilton)]. Rita: An Autobiography. Boston: 1860. 121110. pp. 358. Aigle (L 1 ) et Ic Hibou.S^ Cerutti. [AiKiN (John)]. Essays on Song-Writing: with a Collection of such English Songs as are most eminent for Poetical Merit. The second edition, with additions and corrections. Warring- ton: MDCCLXXIV. I2ino. pp. xix, 286. The Works of the British Poets selected and chro- nologically arranged. With Biographical and Critical Notices. By Dr. Aikin. A new revised edition, Illustrated with Fine Steel Engravings. New York: MDCCCLII. 3 vols. 8vo. pis. and ports. #** Contains extracts from the following authors: Vol. I. Thomson, Beatlie. Ben Jonson, A. Philips, Vol. II Cowley, Collins, Robert Southey, Milton, Dyer, Charles Lamb, Waller, Shenstone, James Hogg, Dryclen, Churchill, Thomas Moore, J. Philips, Young, Walter Savage Landor, Parnell, Akenside, Thomas Campbell, Rowe, Gray, Henry Kirke White, Addison, Smollett, Lord Byron, Prior, Littelton, Ebenezer Elliott, Gay, Goldsmith, John Wilson, Green, Johnson, Bryan Waller Procter . Tickell, Armstrong, (Barry Cornwall), Hammond, J. Warton, Henry Hart Milman, Somerville, T. Warton, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Pope, Mason, John Keats, Swift, Cowper, Leigh Hunt, LIBRARY. 7 Allan Cunningham, Barbauld, Joanna Baillie, John Clare, Sir William Jones, Bloomfield, Thomas Hood, Crahbe, Wordsworth, Felicia Hemans, Chatterton, Bowles, Caroline Norton, Gifford, Coleridge, Robert Pollok, Burns, Montgomery, George Croly. Rogers, Sir Walter Scott. Vol. III. Grahame, Falconer, AIKIN (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Reprint of the Sixth Edition, revised and corrected. London: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 532. AIRMAN (James) See Buchanan, G. A INS WORTH (W. H.) See Home Companion. AKENSIDE (M.). The Poems of Mark Akenside. London: MDCCCLXXVI. 121110. port. -See Campbell, T. AKERMAN (John Yonge). Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Testament. London : 1846. 8vo. pp. 59. pi. An Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. London : M.DCCC.XLVIII. 121110. pp. 220. AKERS (Elizabeth) [pseud. Florence Percy]. Poems. Bos- ton : 1869. 161110. pp. 251. ALAMANNI (Luigi). La Coltivazione e gli Epigram mi di Luigi Alamanni, e Le Api, di Giovanni Rucellai, Gentiluomini Fiorentini ; colle Annotazioni del Signer Dottor Giuseppe Bianchini da Prato sopra la Coltivazione ; e di Roberto Titi Sopra Le Api, Con la Vita dell' Alamanni scritta dal Sig. Co. Giammaria Mazzuchelli Bresciano Accademico Delia Crusca, E con una dotta Lettera del Sig. Giovanni Checozzi Vicentino. Bassano, 1795. A Spese Remondini di Venezia. 161110. pp. 286. port. ** * Autograph of Leigh Hunt on title page. ALBERI . (Eugenic). Vita di Caterina de' Medici. Saggio Storico. Firenze : 1838. 4to. pp. 472. ports. ALBON (Comte d'). Discours politiques, historiques, et crit- iques, sur quelques gouvernemens de P Europe. A Neuchatel : M.DCC.LXXIX. 8vo. pp. 404. # * # Contains a study of the American Revolution, then in progress. 8 GRAHAM [ALBRIZZI (Giambatista)]. Forestiere Illuminate intorno le cose piu rare, e curiose, antiche, e moderne Delia Citta' di Venezia, e dell' Isole circonvicine; Con la descrizione delle Chiese, Monisterj, Ospedali, Tesoro di S. Marco, Fabbriche pubbliche, Pitture celebri, e di quanto v'e di piu riguardevole. Opera Adornata Di molte bellissime Vedute in rame delle fab- briche piu cospicue di questa Metropoli. Prodotta Sotto Gli Auspicj di S. A. R. Federigo Cristiano Principe Reale di Polo- nia, ed Elettorale di Sassonia ec. In Venezia MDCCXL. Presso Giambatista Albrizzi q. Gir. Con Licenza de' Superiori, e Privilegio. i6tno. pp. 343. pis. *** Thomas Moore's copy, with his autograph and hook plate. ALBRIZZI (I. ). Opere di Scultura e Di Plastica di Antonio Canova descritte da Isabella Albrizzi, nata Teotochi. Pisa: Presso Niccolo Capurro. MDCCCXXI- 4 vols. 8vo. pis. [ALDRICH (Thomas Bailey)]. The Bells : A Collection of Chimes. By T. B. A. New York: 1855. 8vo. pp. 144. 'The Ballad of Babie Bell and Other Poems. Third edition. New York: MDCCCLX. 121110. pp. 118. *** "One of James Lorimer Graham's unfortunate purchases, T. B. Al- drich," is written on a fly leaf in the handwriting of the author. The Poems of. Boston: 1865. 241110. pp. 240. " Aleph." See Harvey, W. ALEXANDER (J. W.) and OTHERS. The Man of Business, Considered in his Various Relations. By James W. Alexander, D. D., John Todd, D. D., William B. Spragne, D. D., Stephen H. Tyng, D. D., Isaac Ferris, D. D., Jonathan F. Stearns, D. D. New York: 1857. 121110. ALFIERI(V-). Tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti. Firenze, Presso Leonardo Ciardetti. MDCCCXX. 6 vols. rl. 8vo. port. Commedie di Vittorio Alfieri. Giovine, piansi ; or, vecchio omai vo'ridere. Italia MDCCCIX. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. pp. 219. ALFORD (Henry). The Poetical Works of. Boston. MDCCCLIII. lamo. pp. 42.4. Letters From Abroad. Second edition. London, 1865. 121110. pp. 269. A Plea for the Queen's English. Stray Notes on Speaking and Spelling. London, 1869. i6mo. pp. 278. LIBRARY. 9 Allgemeine Geschichte. See Schroter, J. F. ALGER (W. R.). The Poetry of the East. [Edited] by Wil- liam Rounseville Alger. Boston: 1856. 8vo. pp. 280. pi. ALISON (Archibald). The Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. New York: 1848. 8vo. pp. 410, maps. ALLAN, (John) See Duyckinck, E. A. ALLEN (Joseph). Battles of the British Navy. New Edi- tion, Revised and Enlarged. London: MDCCCLIII. 2 vols. 8vo. port. ALLEN (W.) See Titus, S. Four Letters, from the Rev. W. Allen, to the Right Hon. Admiral Lord Radstock, G. C. B., &c., &c., &c., on the Poems of John Clare, the Northamptonshire Peasant. Lon- don: MDCCCXXIII. 121110. pp. 77. *** There is a noticeable tendency, of by no means modern origin, to judge much work not by the quality of the work, but by the quality of the worker. Let a woman or an infant prodigy do anything, a blind or armless man play on the piano, etc., etc., etc., and the thing done is at once declassed, and judged on new grounds. One of the fortunate individuals so favored was John Clare, and in his time he created a great stir. What the merit of his work was, time has rated more truthfully. ALLENT (B.). Les Animaux Industrieux, on Description des ruses qu'ils mettent en ceuvre pour saisir leur proie et fuir leurs ennemis; des moyens qu'ils emploient dans la construction de leurs habitations; de leurs combats, de leurs jeux, et de toutes les ressources qu'ils out re9ues de la nature pourveiller a 1'entretien et a la conservation de leur vie. Huitime Edition. Paris [n. d.]. i2mo. pp. 286. plates. [ALLIBONE (S. A.)]. Great Truths by Great Authors. A Dictionary of Aids to Reflection, quotations of maxims, meta- phors, counsels, cautions, aphorisms, proverbs, &c., &c. From Writers of all Ages and both Hemispheres. Philadelphia: 1857. 8vo. pp. 564. Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. With copious indexes: authors, 550; subjects, 435; quotations, 13,600. Philadelphia: 1874. 8vo. pp. 788. ALLOM (Thomas). China, in a series of views, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of That Ancient Em- pire. Drawn, from original and authentic sketches. With 10 GRAHAM historical and descriptive notices by the Rev. G. N. Wright. .[London: 1843.] 4 vols. 4to. pis. ALMANACK deGotha. Annuaire Genealogique, diplomatique et statistiqne pour L'Auue'e 1870. Gotha: [1870.] 24mo. pp. 1106. ports. x*x Also copies for 1871, '2, '3 and '4. [ALMON (John)]. Examen du Ministere de Mr. Pitt, dedie au Roi de Prusse. Traduit de I'Anglois par le Colonel Che- valier de Champigny, Avec des Notes Interessantes. Son inten- tion est de souinettre aux lumieres du public, dont le jugement est toujours sur, les motifs qui ont ete le mobile de ses actions pendant le cours de son Ministere. A la Have, Chez Pierre Gosse Junior, et Daniel Pinet, M. D. cc. LXIV. 8vo. pp. viii, 346. [ ] An Asylum for Fugitive Pieces, in Prose and Verse, not in any other Collection, with several pieces never before published. A New Edition, including many pieces not in the former edition, and several never before printed. London: M DCC LXXXV- 4 vols. 8vo. y.*# To those unfamiliar with the poetry of the period a glance herein in- duces the thought that the editor was a subject for an asylum himself; but in truth he only obeyed the taste of his times in inserting in this collection such poems as: "On Celia killing a flea ;" " To Delia on seeing two cats ;" " Dialogue on a blade bone ; " " Extempore on a pig ; " "On an iuflaination in a lady's eye," and " Verses on a sheet of blank paper." [ ] The New Foundling Hospital for Wit. Being a collection of Fugitive Pieces, in Prose and Verse, not in any other collection. With several pieces never before published. A New Edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. In six volumes. London: MDCC LXXXVI. 121110. #%. Lacks volumes I, n and iv. Alonzo. See Home, J. Alzuma. See Murphy, A. AMATORY Poems, with Translations and Imitations from An- cient Amatory Authors. London: Printed forj. Bell, No. 148, Oxford-Street. 1805. i6uio. pp. xv, 64. #*# 24 plates inserted. [AMBROSE (Paul)]. The Slave Question a Pretext to Lead the Masses on to Revolution. (From the National Intelligencer, Washington, March 1863.) 8vo. pp. 24. LIBRARY. 11 AME, (Georges.) Le Libre-echange en Angleterre et en France. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 70. American Annual Register. See Callender, J. T. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Charter and By- Laws of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Incorporated, May 22, 1852. New York: 1852. 8vo. pp. 24. Statement of the Object and Organization of the Amer- ican Geographical and Statistical Society; with a Copy of its Charter, By-Laws, Formation of Sections, and List of Mem- bers. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 15. Annual Report of the Council and Officers, with ap- pendix. For the year ending third December 1857. New York: 1858. 8vo. pp. 50. Report of Committee on Recent Discoveries and Pub- lications, on Snb-Oceanic Geography. January 8, 1857. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 19. **# This is a report, made up of letters of M. F. Maury and Prof. J. W. Bailey. Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Volume I. New York: 1859. Sin. 4to. pp. 310. maps. American Eloquence. See Moore, F. AMERICAN Notes and Queries, edited by William Brotherhead. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo. pp. 160. *% Nos. i to 4, being all ever printed. AMERICAN Thanksgiving Dinner, at St. James' Hall, London. Thursday, November 26th, 1863. London: 1863. Svo. pp. 94. Amerique du Nord. t See Bellet. AMES (F.). Works of Fisher Ames. With a selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by his sou, Seth Ames. Boston: 1854. 2 vols. Svo. port. AMPERE (J. J.). Voyage en Egypte et en Nubie. Paris: 1868 Svo. pp. 577. Amymone. See Lynn, E. ANACHARSIS. See Barthelemy. ANACREON, Bion, and Moschus, with other translations. By Thomas Stanley. First printed 1651. A new edition, with a preface, critical and biographical. London: From the Private 12 GRAHAM Press of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1815. 121110. pp. xxvii, (4), 276. ANACREON. The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Moore. With fifty-four illustrative designs by Girodet de Roussy. Now first produced in England. London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly. [1869.] oblong 121110. pp. 225. pis. [ANBUREY (Thomas)]. Voyages dans les Parties Interieures De 1'Amerique, pendant le cours de la derniere guerre; Par un Officier de 1'Armee Royale. Traduit de 1'Anglois. Tome premier. A Paris, Chez Briand, Libraire, rue Pavee-Saint- Andre-des-Arcs, no. 22. 1790. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. *** Anburey was, or claimed to be, an officer in Burgoyne's army. His narrative is, however, so largely plagiaristic from Burgoyne's narrative, and from certain well known books of travel, that the probabilities are that the book was worked up in Grub street, without the author ever having been in this country. His account is as truthful, however, as most English travels in America. ANCELOT ( ?) and MAZERES. L'Espion, drame en cinq actes et en prose, par Mm. Ancelot et Mazeres, represente pour la pre- mie're fois sur le Theatre Frangais, le 13 Decembre 1828. Paris: 1829. 8vo. pp. 136. #** A dramatization of Cooper's "Spy." Ancient Poetry of Spain, See Bowring, J. Ancient Spanish Ballads. See Lockhart, J. G. ANDERSEN (Hans Christian). Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. Translated by Caroline Peachey. With a memoir of the author. Third Edition, Enlarged. With 120 illustrations, chiefly by foreign artists. London: 1870. i2mo pp. 456. pis. The Improvisatore: or, Life in Italy. From the Danish. By Mary Howitt. London: [n. d.] 121110. pp. 340. Tales and Fairy Stories. Translated by Madame de Chatelain. New edition. Illustrated by Henry Warren. Lon- don: [n. d.] i6mo. pp. 401. pis. ANDREW (John A.). Address of his Excellency to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, January 9, 1863. Boston: 1863. 8vo. pp. 80. ANDREWS (Israel D.). Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the Report of Israel D. Andrews, Consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on LIBRARY. 13 the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colo- nies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. Washington: 1854. 8vo. pp. 851. ANDREWS (J.). History / of the/War/ with /America, France, and Spain, / and Holland; / commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. / By John Andrews, LL. D. j f In four volumes with por- traits, maps and charts. I ... I London: / Published by his Majesties royal licence and authority. / For John Fielding, Pater Noster Row; and John Jarvis, in the Strand. MDCCLXXXV- 4 vols. 8vo. ports, and maps. Anecdotes Amcricaines. See Hornot, A. ANECDOTES du Temps de la Terreur. Paris: 1859. 121110. pp. 210. ANECDOTES, Historical and Literary; or a Miscellaneous: Selection of curious and striking passages, from Eminent Mod- ern Authors. London: 1/96. 8vo. pp. xiv (2), 464. ANECDOTES of Books and Authors. London: MDCCCXXXVI. i2ino. pp. 260. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. See Seward, W. An Elegy. See DeFoe. ANTHON (Charles). First Greek Lessons. New York: 1842. 121110. pp. 238. ANTOMMARCHI (F.). The Last Days of the Emperoi Napo- leon. By Dr. F. Antommarchi, his physician. London: 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. ANVERS (N. d'.) Elementary History of Art. An Introduc- tion to Ancient and Modern Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music. With a preface by T. Roger Smith. Illustrated with one hundred and twenty woodcuts, London: 1874. 8vo. pp. 646. ANVILLE (J. B. Bourguignon d'). Canada / Louisiaue / et / Terres Angloises. / . . . / Novembre MDCCLV. i sheet, ele- phant fo. APIANUS (Petrus). Cosmographia, / sive / Descriptio / Vui- versi Orbis, / avctoribvs / Petro A piano, et Gemma Frisio, / mathematicorvm insignivm. / Cuius huic editioni additus est 14 GRAHAM de Astrolabe Catholico libellus, / nunc primum a Martino Euerartho in Epitomen contractus. / Csetera vide pagima quinta. / Antverpise: / Ex officina Arnoldi Coninx. / M.D.LXXXIIII. Sm. 410. pp. (16), 209. map. #** Clement states that this is the best edition. APICIAN Morsels; or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen and Larder: containing A New and Improved Code of EATics; select Epicu- rean precepts; nutritive maxims, reflections, anecdotes, &c., illustrating the veritable science of the mouth; which includes the art of never breakfasting at home, and always dining abroad. By Dick Humelbergius Secundus. London: 1829. 121110. pp. 348. pi. Appletoii 1 s Cyclopaedia of Biography. See Hawks, F. L. APULEIUS. The Works of Apuleius. Comprising the Meta- morphoses, or Golden Ass, the God of Socrates, the Florida, and his Defence, or a discourse on Magic. A new translation. To which are added, a metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, and Mrs. Tighe's Psyche, a poem in six cantos. London: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 533. port. Les Metamorphoses: ou 1'Ane d'or d'Apulee. Philo- sophe Platonicien. Nouvelle Edition. A Chatillon-sur-Seine. L'an V. 8vo. See Marmion. [ARBELLE ( ?)]. Les Renards, les Dindons, et le Mexique. Bordeaux: 1863. 8vo. pp. 24. ARCO (Carlo d'). Istoria della Vita e delle Opere di Giulio Pippi Romano Con tavole. Mantova: A Spese Dell'Autore M. DCCC. xxxvin. Fo. pis. ARCULF. See Wright, T. AREY (Henry W.). The Girard College and Its Founder. Containing the Biography of Mr. Girard, the history of the institution, its organization and plan of discipline, with the course of education, forms of admission of pupils, description of the buildings, &c. &c., and The Will of Mr. Girard. Philadel- phia: 1856. 121110. pp. 85. pi. and port. ARGYLL (G. D. Campbell, Duke of}. Primeval Man. An Examination of some Recent Speculations. London: 1869. 121110. pp. 200. pi. LIBRARY. la ARIOSTO (Lodovico). L' Orlando Furioso di Lodovico Ari- osto. Totno I. Pisa. Dalla Tipografia Delia Societa Lette- raria. MDCCCix. 5 vols. Fo. port. *% For another edition of Orlando Furioso, see Harrington, J. The Orlando Furioso. Translated into English Verse r from the Italian of Ludovico Ariosto, with notes by Wil- liam Stewart Rose. New Edition. Illustrated with engravings on steel. London: 1858. 2 vols. 121110. port, and pis. ARIST^NETUS. See Propertius. ARISTOPHANES. The Comedies of Aristophanes. A new and literal translation, from the revised text of Dindorf, with notes and extracts from the best metrical versions. By William James Hickie. London: MDCCCLin. 2 vols. i2ino. port. ARISTOTELES. The Politics and Economics of Aristotle, translated, with notes, original and selected, and analyses. To which are prefixed an introductory essay and life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies. By Edward Walford. London: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 338. port. The Organon, or Logical Treatises, of Aristotle. With the introduction of Porphyry. Literally translated, with notes, syllogistic examples, analysis, and introduction. By Octavius Freire Owen. London: MDCCCLIII. 2 vols. 121110. The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Translated, with notes, original and selected; an analytical introduction; and questions for the use of students. By R. W. Browne. London: 1853. 121110. , pp. 347. Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek. With an analysis by Thomas Hobbes, and a series of questions. New edition, to which is added a supple- mentary analysis containing the Greek definitions. Also the Poetic of Aristotle, literally translated, with a selection of notes, an analysis, and questions. By Theodore Buckley. London: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 500. Arliquiniana. See Cotolendi. ARNE. See Plumstead. ARNOLD (Matthew). Poems. Third edition. London: 1857^ 121110. pp. 252. 16 GRAHAM ARNOLD (Matthew). Merope. A tragedy. London: MDCCO LVIII. i6mo. pp. 138. The Popular Education of France, with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. London: 1861. 8vo. pp. 294. A French Eton; or, Middle Class Education and the State. London and Cambridge: 1864. i6mo. pp. 122. Essays in Criticism. London and Cambridge: 1865. 121110. pp. 302. #*x Contains the following essays : The Function of Criticism at the Pres- Pagan and Mediaeval Religious Senti- ent Time. ment. The Literary Influence of Academies. Joubert. Maurice de Guerin. Spinoza. Eugenie de Gue'rin. Marcus Aurelius. Heiurich Heine. On The Study of Celtic Literature. London: 1867. i2ino. pp. 181. Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 272. Poems. London: M DCCC LXIX. 2 vols. i2mo. St. Paul and Protestantism; with an introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England. London: 1870. 121110. pp. 176. Friendship's Garland : being the Conversations, Let- ters, and Opinions of the late Arminius, Baron von Thunder- Ten-Trouckh. Collected and edited, with a dedicatory letter *to Adolescens Leo, Esq., of "The Daily Telegraph." London: 1871. i2ino. pp. 172. "Artemtis Ward." See Brown, C. F. ARTHUR, Prince. See History of the Renown. ARVINE (Kazlitt). The Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes of litera- ture and the fine arts; containing a copious and choice selection of anecdotes on the various forms of literature, of the arts, of architecture, engravings, music, poetry, painting and sculpture, and of the most celebrated literary characters and artists of different countries and ages, etc. With numerous illustrations. Boston: 1855. rl. 8vo. pp. 698. ASH (John). The New and Complete Dictionary of the LIBRARY. , 17 English Language. In which All the Words are introduced, The Different Spellings preserved, The Sounds of the Letters occasionally distinguished, The Obsolete and Uncommon Words supported by Authorities, And the Different Construction and Uses illustrated by Examples. To which is prefixed, a Com- pendious Grammar. In two volumes. London: Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly in The Poultry; and R. Baldwin in Pater-Noster Row. MDCCLXXV. 2 vols. 8vo. ASHK (Thomas). Travels in America, performed in 1806, For the purpose of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monon- ga'hela, Ohio, and Mississippi, and Ascertaining the Produce and Condition of their banks and vicinity. By Thomas Aslie, Esq. In three volumes. . . . London: Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge Street; By John Abraham, Clement's Lane. 1808. 3 vols. 121110. *** See Thomson's Bibliography of Ohio for an estimate of this work. Assess Life of Alfred. See Giles, J. A. Asylum for Fugitive Pieces. See Almon. Atalanta in Calydon. See Hough ton, Lord. ATHENJEUM Club. Commemorative proceedings of the Athenaeum Club on the death of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p. n. d.] 8vo. pp. 36. port;. ATHEN/EUS. The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned ot Athenseus. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. With an appendix of poetical fragments, rendered into English Verse by various authors, and a general index. London: MDCCCLIV. 3 vois. 1 2 mo. ATHOLE (Jane, Duchess of}. Letters of the Duchess of Athole and Lady Catherine Stewart, [n. p. n. d.] 8vo. pp. 20. *%. Privately printed by Lord Hough ton. ATKINSON, (Edward). On the Collection of Revenue. Bos- ton: 1867. 8vo. pp. 70. * [ATKINSON, (Thomas)]. The Chameleon. Second edition. London: MDCCCXXXII. 8vo. pp. 312. pi. The ATLANTIC Club-Book, being Sketches in Prose and Verse, by various authors. New-York: 1834. 121110. pp. 312, *** Vol. II. only. Stories, poems, etc., by the authors of the day. AUBERTEUIL (Hilliard d'). Essais / Historiques et Poli- tiques/sur'les / Anglo-Americains. / Par M. Hilliard d'Auber- 18 GRAHAM teuil. / Tome Premier. / Premiere Partie. / A Bruxelles. / M.DCC.LXXXII. 2 vols. 410. pp. xij, 135; map and port. ; xij,. 303; 3 maps, 2 plates and port. *% " The plates in this edition, by Le Barbier and others, are finely en- graved, and include the Assembly of Congress, Portraits of Hancock, Wash- ington, Franklin and Pitt, Death of Warren, Montgomery, Fire in New York, Plan of the Battle of Monmouth," etc. At the end of Vol. II. are a number of Epitaphs upon American officers, and the work contains a list of French officers who received commissions from Congress during the revolution. The second volume has a different title, as follows : Essais / Historiques et Politiques / sur la / Revolution / de 1'Amerique / septriouale. / Par M. Hilliard d'Auberteuil. / Tome second. / Premierre Partie. / A Bruxelles, / Et se trouve / A Paris. / Chez 1'Auteur, rue des Bons-Enfans-Saint-Honore. / M DCC.LXXXII. / 4to. pp. vj, 152, 2 maps, 2 ports, and pi. xii, 153-315, 3 maps. Histoire / de 1' Administration / de Lord North, / Ministre des Finances en Angleterre, / depuis 17/0 jnsqu'en 1782, / et de la Guerre de 1'Amerique septentrionale, jusqu'a la Paix: / Suivie du Tableau Historique des finances / d' Angleterre, depuis Guillaume III jus- / qu'en 1/84. / . . . / A Londres, / Et se trouve A Paris. / / M.DCC.LXXXIV. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xx, 276, map; (4), 180, 80. ^% The u Tableau," which forms the last 80 pages of the second volume, has a separate title, as follows : Nouveau / Compte Rendu / ou / Tableau / Historique /des Finances / d'An- gleterre, / Depuis / le regne de Guillaume III, /jusqu'eu 1784. / A Londres./ et se trouve A Paris. / /M.DCC.LXXXIV. #*# "The author says, that after having translated the ' View of the History of Great Britain during the Administration of Lord North,' he thought he might substitute in its place a less prolix and more complete history, preserv- ing all that was useful, agreeable, and interesting in the English work ; and adding a narrative of events which would comprise a complete account of the American War." AUBREY (John). Miscellanies upon various subjects. The fourth edition. London: 1857. 161110. pp. 227. port. Aucoc (Le'on). Notions sur 1'Histoire des Voies de Commu- nication en France. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 50. * AUDEBRAND (Philibert). Histoire Intime de la Revolution du 18 Mars Comite" Central et Commune. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 311. Un Petit- Fils de Robinson. Illustrations de G. Fath et Freeman.. Paris, [n.d.] 8vo. pp. 364. pis. AUDUBON (John James). The Birds of America, from draw- ings made in the United States and their territories. New York: 1840- 7 vols. il. 8vo. colored pis. LIBRARY. 19 AUERBACH (Berthold). Edelweiss. Eine Erzahlung. Stutt- gart. Cotta'scher Verlag. 1861. 161110. pp. 409. AUGUSTIN, Saint. Les Soliloqves, le Manvel, et les Medita- tions de Saint Avgvstin. De la Traduction du Sr de Ceriziers, Aumosnier du Roy. Auec les denotes pensees sur le Saint Sacrement. A Paris, La Venue lean Camisat. M. DC. Lin. 241110. pp. (22), 373 (8). Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. See Holmes. AUTOGRAPHS. 3 vols. 4to. #** A very valuable and interesting series of autographs, mounted and bound into volumes, chiefly of famous English people. The first volume is largely formed of authors and statesmen, while the other two are entirely theatrical. In most cases, biographical sketches, portraits, play bills, or other germane matter, accompany each letter. The whole forms a most rare and intrinsically valuable collection, the most notable being a letter from Nelson to "My Dear Emma" (Lady Hamilton), a "private" letter of Wellington's, one of Richard Cumberland, writing of his " new comedy," and three autograph poems of Thomas Moore. The following is a list of the contents, the figures in parenthesis indicating portraits: Volume I : Chambers, R., Ainsworth, William Harrison, Charles First (i), Alboni, Marietta Pepoli, Charton, A., Alison, Sir A., Clarence, Duke of, Anglesey, Henry William Paget, Mar- Clint, George (2), quessof(i), Arnold, S. J., Baugniet, Charles, Bayly, Thomas Haynes, Belletti, Giovanni, Bentinck, Lord G., Bernard, William B., Billington, Mrs. E. (i), Blessingtou, Lady, Boucicault, Dion, Bowdler, H. M., Braham, John (2), Brodrick. W., Brougham, Lord (2), Byron, Lord (2), Campbell, Thomas (i), Canning, George (i), Carew, Miss, Carlyle, Thomas, Castellan, A., Catzolari, Curio, Chalon, Alfred Edward, Cobden, Richard, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Coluian, George (i), Cook, Eliza, Cooke, E. W., Cooper, Thomas Sidney, Cope, C. W., Crabbe, George, Croley, George, Cruikshank, George, Cumberland, Richard, Cunningham, -Allan, Danby, Francis, Daniel, George (i), Dickens, Charles (i), Douro, Marquis of, Eastlake, Sir Charles (i), Egg, Augustus, Erskine, Lord, Etty, William, Formes, Carl, Frith, W. P., 20 GRAHAM Gardoni, T., George Second, George Third (r), George Fourth ([), Ginglini, Antonio, Gordon, John Watson, Graddon, Margueritta (i), Green, Charles, Grenville, George, Grisi, Giulia, Hall, Anna Maria, Mrs. S. C., Hardinge, Viscount, Haydou, Benjamin R., Hayes, Catherine, Heber, Reginald, Bishop, Hetnans. Felicia (i), Hervey, T. K., Hood, Thomas (2), Hook, Theodore E. (i), Horn, Charles E., Howitt, Mary, Hume, Joseph, Hunt, Leigh, Huskisson, William (i), James, G. P. R., Jerrold, Douglas (2), Kenuey, James, Knight, Charles, Knowles, James S. (2), Lablache, Louis (i), Lamlon, Lelitia E., Landseer, Edwin, Lansdowne, Henry Fitzmaurice Petty, Marquess of (i), Lawrence, Sir Thomas (2), Lee, Alexander, Leslie, Charles R., Lind, Jenny (i), Linley, William, Lover, Samuel, Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron (i), Lyttleton, G., Lytton, Edward Bulwcr (2), Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Maclise, Daniel, Mario, J., Marston, John Westland, Melbourne, Lord, Milford, Mary R., Millais, John Everett, Miller, Thomas, Milman, Henry H., Mitford, M. R., Molesworth, William, Moore, Thomas (ij, More, Hannah, Morton, Thomas, Nelson, Viscount (i), Opie, Amelia, Palmerston, Lord (2), Parry, John, Pasta, Madame Z., Peake, Richard B., Peel, Sir Robert, Pelham, H., Perceval, Spencer, Persiani, Fanny, Phillips, Henry, Piccolomini, Maria, Pickersgill, Frederick Richard, Pickersgill, H. William, Planche, J. R., Proctor, B. W., Rainforth, Elizabeth (i), Rede, William Lemau, Reeves, John Sims, Reynolds, Frederick, Roberts, David, Rogers, Samuel (2), Ronconi, Giovanni, Rossini, G. A., Russell, Lord John, Scott, Walter (2), Sheridan, Frances, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Shield, William, Smith, Albert, Solomon, Abraham, Sontag, Henrietta Rossi, Stan field, Clarksou, Stanley, Lord, Stone, Frank, Strickland, Agnes, Talfourd, Thomas N., Tamberlick, Eurico, Tamburini, A., Templeton, John, Tennyson, Alfred, Thackeray, William Makepeace, LIBRARY. 21 Tupper, Martin F., Uwins, Thomas, Viardot, Pauline, Victoria, Queen (i), Ward, E. M., Warren, Samuel, Waylett, Harriet, Webb, Jane, Webster, Thomas, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Of (2), West, Benjamin, Wilberforce, William, Wilkie, Sir David (i), William Fourth (i), Wilson, John, Witherington, W. F., Wordsworth, William (r). Volume II: Bannister, John (8), Barry, Spranger (4), Barrymore, William, Jr., Blanchard, William (i), Cooke, George Frederick (6), Davenport, Mary Anne (2), Dibdin, Thomas, Dowton, William (4), Ellar, Thomas, Elliston, Robert William (5), Emery, John (4), Fawcett, John, Junior (7), Garrick, David (12) Gnmaldi, Joseph (i), Harris, Thomas, Henderson, John (3), Holman, J. G. (2), Hull, Thomas (2), Incledon, Charles (3), Johnstone, John (2), Jordan, Mrs. Dora (3), Kean, Edmund (8), Kean, Mary, Kelly, Lydia, Kemble, Charles (9), Kemble, John Philip (12), Kemble, Stephen (2), King, Thomas (7), Knight, Edward (3), Lewis, William Thomas (3), Macklin, Charles (3), Macready, William, Senior, Mattock, Isabella (i), Mellon, Miss Harriot, Duchess of St Albans (3), ^ Mossop, Henry, Mountain, Mrs. Rose (i), Munden, Joseph Shepherd (3,, Oxberry, William (i), Palmer, John (7), Duke Petition signed by William Dowton, Maria Duncan, E. Brereton, John Johnstone, Benjamin E. Wrench. E. R. Edwin, J. Glover, Richard Wroughton, Maria Bew, William Lovegrove, Alex. Rae, Rose Mountain, Alexander Pope, John Bannister, J. B. Fisher. Pope, Alexander (i), Pope, Miss Jane (i), Reeve, John, Siddons, Henry, Siddons, Sarah (8), Smith, William (i), Talma, Francis J. (i), Weston, Mrs. Mary Anne ;i Wewitzer, Ralph (i), Wilkinson, Tate (i), Wrench, Benjamin E. (i), Wroughton, Richard, Young, Charles de (4). Volume III: Abbott, William (2), Anderson, James R. (2), Barnett, Morris, Bartley, George (3), Bennett, George T. (i), Bennett, Julia, Booth, Miss Sarah Anne (i), Brooke, Gustavus Vaughau (i Buckstone, J. B. (3), Bunn, Alfred, Celeste (Elliot) Madame, 22 GRAHAM Cerrito, Fanny, Chatterley, Louise, Compton, Henry (2), Cooke, Thomas P. (2), Cooper, Fanny (i), Cooper, John (2), Creswick, William (i), Cushman, Miss Charlotte (3), Emery, Samuel (i), Fairbrother, Louisa, Farley; Charles (i), Farren, William (6), Faucit, Helen (i), Fitzwilliam, Fanny (ne'e Copeland) (2). Foote, Miss Maria (Countess of Har- rington) (2), Foote, Samuel T. , Glover, Mrs. Julia (ne'e Betterton) (8), Glyn, Isabella (i), Grisi, Carlotta, Harley, John Pritt (4), Honey, Laura, Horton, Priscilla (Mrs. German Reed), Howard, Kate, Hudson, James H. (i), Jones Richard (2), Kean, Charles John (3), Kean, Ellen (r), Keeley, Mary Ann (ne'e Goward) (i), Keeley, Robert (i), Kelly, F. H., Kelly, Miss F. Maria, Kemble, Fanny (2), Lacy, Walter, Laporte, O. F., Le Clerc, Carlotta, Listen, John (3), Listen, Mrs. (Miss Sarah Tyre), (2), Mackay, Charles (i), Macready, William (4), Marston, Henry, Mathews, Charles (8), Mathews, Charles J. (5), Matthews, Frank, Meadows, Drinkwater, Murray, Leigh (2), Nisbett, Mrs. (Miss Mordaunt, ne'e Louisa Cranstoune Macnamara, later Lady Boothby) (2), O'Neill, Miss (2), Orger, Mrs. Mary Anne (2), Phelps, Samuel (4), Power, Tyrone (2), Raynor, Lionel B. (i), Reynolds, Jane L-, Ristori, Adelaide, Robson, Frederick (r), Sartoris, Adelaide, Smith, Richard John (O. Smith \ (2), Stanley, Emma, Stirling, Mrs. Fanny (2), Ternan, Frances E., Terry, Daniel (2), Thursby, Anne (nee Humby), Vandenhoff, John (2), Vestris, Eliza (Mrs. Charles Mathews), (6), Wallack, James William (i), Warner, Mrs. Mary Amelia (nee Hud- dart) (3), Webster, Benjamin (2), West, Sarah (i), Wigan, Alfred (r), Wilkinson, John B. (r), Woolgar, Sarah J. (i), Wright, Edward (2), Yates, Elizabeth (i), Yates, Frederick H. (2), AUTOGRAPHS. American Colonial autographs, mounted in scrap book. Fo. *** Contains : Hannah Arnold (body of letter in handwriting of Benedict Arnold); Deposition of sailors regarding Benedict Arnold's sloop, "The Charming Sally ;" Benedict Arnold; Daniel Boone ; Morgan Lewis ; C. Law- rence; Lambert Smith ; Joe Winslow ; Edward Antill; James Hamilton; A. Mascarene ; and I. Moncreffe. AVANT Pendant et Apre"s la Guerre Sixime Edition. De"cembre 1870. i2ino. pp. 27. L/edo: LIBRARY. 23 L? Avocat pour et contre. See Cerisier, A. M. Ayloff. See Rochester. [AvTOUN (William Edmondstonne).] The Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. A new edition, with several new bal- lads. With illustrations. New York^i852. 121110. pp. 216. [AYTOUN (William Edmondstone).] Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other poems. Eighteenth edition. Edinburgh and London. % MDCCCLXVI. 121110. pp. 359. Azeth, the Egyptian. See Lynn, E. II^ACHELET (Th.). *Dictionnaire General des Lettres, des Beaux-Arts et des Sciences Morales et Politiques avec la collaboration et la co-direction de Ch. Dezobry. Paris: 1862. rl. 8vo. pp. 1808. BACON (Francis, Lord, Viscount of St. Albans). The Moral and Historical Works of Lord Bacon, including his Essays, Apophthegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, and Life of Henry the Seventh. With an introductory dissertation, and notes, critical, explanatory, and historical. By Joseph Devey. London: 1854. 121110. pp. 504. port. - The Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon, including his Dignity and Advancement of Learning, in nine books; and his Novuin Organnm; or, precepts for the interpre- tation of nature. By Joseph Devey. London: 1853. 12 mo. pp. 567. BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE. Histoire de 1'Amerique Septenlrionale. Divisee en quatre Tomes. Tome Premier. Par M. de Bacqueville de la Potherie, ne a la Guadaloupe, dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, Aide Major de la dite Isle. Enrichie de Figures. A Paris: Chez Brocas, Quay de Conti, an Pavilion du College des Quatre-Nations, aux Armes de Mazarin. M. DCC. LIU. Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. 4 vois. 121110. maps and pis. **# The title of each volume varies. BAEDEKER (Karl). Belgique et Hollande. Coblenz: 1862. 1 2111 o. pp. 303. - Northern Italy. Coblenz: 1868. J2ino. pp. 430. - Die Schweiz. Coblenz: 1868. I2mo. pp. 427. BAII.EY (Isaac). American Naval Biography. Compiled by Isaac Bailey. Providence (R. I.). 1815. 121110. pp. 257. .*# Contains sketches of: Tl onias Truxton, Edward Prehle, Alexander Murray, John Rodgers, (24) Isaac Hull, Stephen Decatur, Jacob Jones, James Lawrence, LIBRARY. 25 William Bainbridge, William Henry Allen, John Barry, Oliver H. Perry, Nicholas Biddle, William Burrows, David Porter, Thomas Aylwin, Charles Morris, Thomas Macdonough. [BAILEY (Philip James)]. Festus. / A Poem. / London. / William Pickering. / MDCCCXXXIX. / 8vo. pp. (2) 360. # * # This is the first edition, suppressed by the author, and very much altered in the second edition. The Mystic and other Poems. Boston: M uccc LVI. 1 2111 o. pp. 159. The Age; a colloquial satire. Boston: MDCCCLVIII. 121110. pp. 208. BAILEY (William). Records of patriotism and love of country. Washington: Printed and published/ and may be had of all booksellers in the U. S. 1826. 8vo. pp. xiii, 216. **# Specially illustrated by the insertion of seventy portraits. BAILLY (J. S.). Lettres sur T Atlantide de Platon et snr 1'anci- enne Histoire de 1'Asie. Pour servir de suite aux Lettres sur 1'origine des Sciences, adressees a M. de Voltaire par M. Bailly. A Londres chez M. Elmsly et a Paris: M. DCC. LXXIX. 8vo. PP- (4), 443, ma P- See Franklin, B. BAIN (Alexander). A Higher English Grammar. London: 1875. i6mo. pp. 219. BAINES (Edward, Jr.). History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain; with a notice of its early history in the East, and in all the quarters of the globe; a description of the Great Me- chanical Inventions which have caused its unexampled exten- sion in Great Britain, and a view of the Present State of the Manufacture and the condition of the classes engaged in its several departments. London: [1835]. Svo. pp. 544. pis. and ports. Baked Meats. See Halpine, C. G. BAKER (George A., Jr.). Point-Lace and Diamonds. With illustrations by Addie Ledyard. New York: 1875. 121110. pp. 132. BALBO (Cesare). Vita di Dante scrittada Cesare Balbo. Edi- zione consentita dall'autore. Firenze: 1853. i2ino. pp. 496. GRAHAM BALDWIN, W. See Knapp (A.). BALFOUR (John Hutton). Phyto-theology; or Botanical Sketches, intended to illustrate the works of God in the struct- ure, functions, and general distribution of plants. London and Edinburgh. M.DCCC. Li. 161110. pp. 242. pis. BALLADS. [London and other places: 1790-1820.] 4to. **# A collection of over three hundred ballads, mostly narrow quarto, mounted in a volume. In the early part of this century these leaflets had an enormous sale all over England, being sold by itinerant chapmen, who advertised their wares by singing them in succession, thus selling tune as well as words to would-be customers. The concert hall has pretty well done away with the picturesque trade, but it is still occasionally to be met with in the "East End ;" and at the doors of certain variety-show places in London, it is still the vogue for the audience to purchase the songs to be sung, in order that they may join in the chorus, thus oftentimes supplying ^the best part of the programme. The following is a list of the ballads in this collec- tion, many of which will be recognized as works known even to-day to greater numbers, aud better loved, than many of the ''best hundred books": Richard of Taunton Dean. Whistle, My Love, and I'll Come Down. Funny Eye, or, Female Fashions. The Devil and Little Mike. Drum Major. Flashy Back and Hungry Belly. Pray Remember the Poor. The Lass wi' the Bonnie Blue E'en. The Thorn. Lovely Anne. From Night Till Morn I Take My Glass. The Smile and the Tear. The Nightingale. The Wounded Hussar. Spring Water Cresses. Howls of the Farmers. Liverpool Landlady. Harry Bluff. The Caledonian Maid. Fate of Poor Anna. Heaving the Lead. Heroes of England. The Lovely Sailor. The Answer to the Boatman. I'm Often Drunk and Seldom Sober. The Landing of Royal Charlie. Tlmrot's Defeat. I Love Somebody. Dear Mary, or, Farewell to Old Eng- land. Fairlop Fair. The Answer to Burn's Lovely Jean. The Fuddling Day, or, Saint Monday. Foot of the Hill. The Fox Chase. The Fighting Day. Christmas Day, and Plumb Pudding. Friendship Out of Fashion. Fairest Flower. O Never Fall in Love. Smiling Nan. Rodnev's Glory. Bewildered Maid, or, Slow Broke the Light. The Oyster Girl. City Carting ; or, The Charlies are Coming. The Bold Boatswain of Dover. Blackbird. The Oyster Girl. (No. 2). Fair Ellen. Answer to Chit Chat. The Old Woman and the Spanish War. Old Woman and Her Cats. Faithful Henry. Merry Piper. LIBRARY. 27 Marian's My Lily, and Flora's My Rose. The Merry Swiss Girl. A Three Part Parody on Cherry Ripe. The Trumpeter. Times are Altered, or, The Grumbling Farmers. Madam Sneak. My Lodging is on the Cold Ground. Mary-le More. Tom Moody. Plato's Advice. Fair Evelyn's Bower. Tally O the Hounds. Come Where the Aspens Quiver. The New Mariners. Colin and Phoebe. In My Cottage Near a Wood. Auld Lang Syne. The Turkish Lady. Cherry Ripe. My Heart & Lute. Careless Billy Second Thoughts are Best. Oh, No ! We Never Mention Her. Sandy and Jenny. Larry O'Gaff. The Lamenting Maid. Answer to The Lamenting Maid. The Grand Chorus of Huntsmen in Der Frieschutz. Love Has Eyes. Lovely Nan. In the Bay of Biscay O ! Oh! 'Cruel. The Answer to Oh ! Cruel. The Sequel to Britons. Strike Home. Greenland Whale Fishery. The Trotting Horse. The Sailor's Tear. I've Been Roaming. Isabel. Henry's Come from the Wars. Cold Winter is Past. The Curly Headed Boy. The Knight of the Golden Crest. The Minstrel Boy. Single Life for Me. Queer Little Man. Grog. The Queen's Ascension to the Throne of England. The Kiss, Dear Maid. What D'ye Think of the New Spanish War. The Queen of Hearts. The King ! God Bless Him. Draw the Sword, Scotland. The Sprightly Irishman. Love's Ritornella. The Gallant Sailor. The Gospel Provision. An Hymn. When Vulcan Forged the Bolts of Jove. New Version of Adam and Eve. When Bucks a Hunting Go. Grand Conversation Under the Rose. He Loves and He Rides Away. Sylvia's Request, and William's De- nial. Mary's Dream. Corinthian's Diary. Mrs. Monday. Cupid, the Pretty Plough Boy. Bowls and Rubbers ! or the Holiday Cobler. The Wild & Wicked Youth. Sweet Jane of Tyrone. The Sailor's Hymn. The Contented Wife. Sally Carter. The Forsaken Maid. Castle Hyde. The Lass of Dundee. The Willow Tree. The Winter's Evening, or Deploring Damsel. Sprig of Shillelah. Safely Follow Him. Sailor and His True Love. Delia's Complaint for the Loss of Her Shepherd, Gone to Fight in America. Woodland Mary. Highland Lad. Betsy of Dundee. The Redemption. An Hymn. Billy O'Rooke. The Gossiping Husband. Going to Chelsea to Buy a Bun. The Pilgrim. Sheep Shearing Over. 28 GRAHAM A Word of Advice. How Sweet in the Woodlands. Come Landlord, Fill a Flowing Bowl. Scots wha hae wi' Wallace Bled. The Coal-Hole. Conversation Betwixt the Old and New London Bridge. The Generous Farmer, or, Poor Sol- dier. Grageral Macgree. Winter Piece. Woodman. Johney Lowre. The Swaggering Man. The Unkind Shepherdess. Soldier's Life. Under the Willow Tree. Poor Dicky and His Scolding Wife. The Poor Man's Wish for a Wife. Howls of the Farmers. Helen the Fair. Curly Headed Plough Boy. Sally's Love for a Sailor. Gipsy Loddy. The Garden Gate. Poverty's No Sin. Poor Joe the Marine. I'll Stay for My Jack and He'll Wed Me. Tarpauhng Jacket. Sarah Wilson. New York Streets. Shipwreck'd Tar. While Pensive I Thought on My Love. The Golden Glove. Answer to The Light Guitar. The Cottage in the Grove. The Maid of Lodi. Mr. Walker, The Two Penny Postman^ The Roving Bachelor. The Gown of Green. The Highland Laddie. The Disabled Tar. Downfall in Beer. Drinking Song. The Dauntless Sailor. Affectionate Soldier. Duke William's Frolic. A Bit of the Brown. Answer to Sweet Home. An Appeal to the Benevolent. 1 he Arethusa. The Youth of the Garden. Merry Piper. The Orphan Wet with the Rain. I've been Roaming. Isabel. The Young May-Moon. Henry's Gone to the Wars. The Bold Cobler. Colin and Phoebe. In my Cottage near a Wood. Forecastle Sailor, or the Guardian Frig- ate. The Trumpeter. Feyther's Old Sow. Old England forever shall Weather the Storm. Brandy for ever shall Cheer up the Heart. A new Boxing Song. Away with Melancholy. A New Dialogue. Answer to the Garden Gate: Dick the Dustman. Ellen Aureen. Answer to Isabelle. The Lass of Richmond Hill. At Close of Day. Oh! 'Tis Love. Our Ship she lays in Harbour. Jemm5''s Farewell. On Board of The Victory. Beadle of the Parish. The Banks of the Dee. The Beggar. A Flounce to Your Gown. Jack's the Lad. Erin-go-Bragh. The Thumping Glass of Gin. Bonny Moon. Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue. The Blue Bonnets are over the Border. Great Flopping Bonnets are now ah the Order. The Banners of Blue. The Cuckoo. Battle of the Nile. The Disconsolate Lover. Fanny Blair. LIBRARY. 29 Daring Highwayman. Henry's couie from the Wars. The Curly Headed Boy.- Cold Winter is Past. The Knight of the Golden Crest. The Soldier's Gratitude. The Sequel to Britons, Strike Home. The Deep, Deep Sea. The Indian Maid. Poll of Wappiug Stairs. The Wounded Hussar. Lover's Meeting. The Country Girl. The Moon is on the Hill. Soldier's Boy. Mr. Simpkin. The Soldier's Orphan. Return, O My Love. The Banks of Allan Water. I'm his Only Daughter. Reform and King William Forever. In my Cottage near a Wood. Good Lord Fauconbridge's generous Irish Providence. Gift. The Gospel Provision. An Hymn. The Bold Forty-Second. Britain's Guardian Angel. Bung Your Eye. Poor Joe the Marine. Moses Number'd Men. Under the Willow Tree. The Maid of the Mill. My Nannie O. Englishman's Wife, God Bless Her. Love was Once a Little Boy. Oh! 'Tis Love. Blue Ey'd Mary. Bleak was the Morn. Or the Sailor's Return. The Bold Irishman. I'attle of Barossa. Bar net Races. Braham's Beautiful Maid. Listen 's Beautiful Maid. The Banks of Band. Brown Jug. Mary's Dream. Woodland Mary. Huzza for the Jacket so Blue. The Keel Row. The Merry Swiss Girl. The Queen of Hearts. Quite Politely. Going to Chelsea to Buy a Bun. The Pilgrim. The Milkman. Merry Piper. The Ghost of Maria. The Musing Lover. The Duke of Marlborough. Sailor and His True Love. Pensioner's Complaint Against I Wife. Death of General Wolfe. Parody on the Bee Proffer's Honey. The Cottage in the Grove. The Golden Glove. The Good Humoured Fellow. Times are Altered. Exploits of Teddy Blink and Bandy The Nightingale. For Tenderness Form'd. The Female Auctioneer. Four and Twenty Fiddlers. The Elopement of Pretty Polly. O Come to Me When Day Light Sets. Jack. Behold How Brightly Breaks the Morn. Woodman. Heroes of England. Pretty Polly Hopkins. Ballad Stories. -See Buchanan, R. BALLANTINE (James). Poems by James Ballantine. Edin- burgh: Thomas Constable and Co. London: Hamilton, Adams and Co. MUCCCLVI. 121110. pp. 312. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. BALLANTYNE ( ?). Refutation of the Misstatements and Calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter 30 Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. Second Edition. London: 1838. 8vo. BALZAC (H. de). Illusions Perdues. Bruxelles: 1837. 241110. pp. 298. La Peau de Chagrin, Roman Philosophique. Brux- elles: 1837. 2 Vols. 241110. Physiologic du Mariage, on Meditations de Philoso- phic Eclectique sur le Bonheur et le Malheur Conjugal. Brux- elles: 1839. 2 vols. 24mo. Petites Miseries de la Vie Conjugale. Bruxelles: 1846. 24mo. pp. 307. Les Contes Drolatiques Colligez et Abbayes de Tou- raine et mis en lumiere par le sieur de Balzac pour I'esbattement des pantagruelistes et 11011 aultres. Cinquiesme edition Illustree de 425 dessins par Gustave Dore. Se trove a Paris. MDCCCLV. 8vo. pp. 614. plates. BANCROFT (George). Poems. By George Bancroft. Cam- bridge: From the University Press. Hilliard & Metcalf. 1823. 121110. pp. 77. *% On a fly-leaf is written: "To James Lorimer Graham, Jr., these boyish follies, of no value in themselves, but a token of friendship and regard from George Bancroft." History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent. Twenty-fifth edition. Boston: 1874. 9 vols. 8vo. maps, ports and pis. Banker's Commonplace Book. See Johnson, A. B. [BARBAROUX (O.) and A. LARDIER]. Voyage du General Lafayette aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, en 1824 et J ^ 2 5' A Paris, 1826. 121110. pp. 364. port. BARBF, MARBOIS (Marquis de}. Complot d' Arnold, / et / de Sir Henry Clinton / contre / les Etats-Unis d'Amerique / et contre / le General Washington. / Septembre 1780. / Orne de deux portraits et d'une carte / Chez P. Didot, 1'aine, / . . . / A Paris, . . . / MDCCCXVI. 8vo. pp. (2), xliv, 184. map and 2 ports. **# Marbois was Secretary of the French legation in the United States at the time of Arnold's treason, and his account is still the best yet written. Histoire / de / la Louisiane / et / de la cession de LIBRARY. 31 cette colonie par la France aux / Etats-Unis cle PAmerique sep- tentrionale; / precedee / d'un discours sur la constitution et le gouvernment des Etats-Unis. / Par M. Barbe-Marbois, / Avec une carte relative a l'e*tendue des pays cedes. / Paris, / Iinprim- erie de Firmin Didot. / . . . / 1829. 8vo. PP- (6), 45- map. BARBIER (Antoine-Alexandre). Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Psendonymes Composes, tradtiits on publics en frangais, avec les noms des Auteurs, Traducteurs et Editeurs. Paris, M. DCCC. vi. 8vo. pp. 678. ***. Volume II. only. BARBIER (Auguste). ianibes et Poemes. Treizime Edition, revue et corrige'e. Paris: 1862. i2mo. pp. 291. BARDSLEY (Charles Wareing). Our English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations. London: [n. d.] 121110. pp. 543. [BARHAM (R. H.)]. The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby Esquire. Eleventh edition. London: MDCCCLV. 3 vols. 8vo. pi. -SeeStoddard (R. H.). [BARKER (Fordyce)]. The Rise in Harlem. A Comedy. In. Five Acts. New York: 1864. 8vo. pp. 67. # * # A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. BARKER (W. B.) Lares and Penates: or, Cilicia and Its Gov- ernors; being a short historical account of that province from the earliest times to the present day: together with a description of some household gods of the ancient Cilicians, broken up by them on their conversion to Christianity. Edited by William Francis Ainsworth. London: 1853. 8vo. pp. 394. map and pis. BARLOW (Joel). Advice to the Privileged Orders, in the Several States of Europe, resulting from the Necessity and Pro- priety of a General Revolution in the Principle of Government. Part I. London Printed: New- York Re-printed by Childs & Swaine. M.ncc.xcii. 8vo. pp. 118. # ** Mr. Barlow was for a self leveling of the ancient regime, and attempted to prove the advantage of his theory in this pamphlet. Though the "age of reason," neither classes nor masses paid much heed to his arguments, how- ever cogent and logical. But Mr. Barlow was as well one of the few Ameri- cans of his time who dabbled in inventions and experiments and by this, and by his aid of Fulton, unconsciously blazed the path, which, culminating in the American railroads and steam reapers of to-day, has "leveled" the land- holders of Europe more than all republican and democratic writings. 32 GRAHAM "Barry Cornwall". See Procter, B. W. BARTHELEMY (J. J.). Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian sera. By the Abbe Barthelemy. Translated from the French. In six volumes; and a seventh, in quarto, containing maps, plans, views and coins, illustrative of the geography and antiquities of ancient Greece. The sixth edition: carefully re- vised, corrected and enlarged, by the last improved Paris edi- tion prepared for the press by the author; with Memoirs of the life of J. J. Barthelemy, written by himself, and embellished with his portrait. London: 1825. 7 vols. 8vo. & 4to. *** Translated by \V. Beaumont, and first printed in 1806. BARTHOLDY (Felix Meldelssohn). Letters from Italy and Switzerland. Translated from the German by Lady Wallace. Fourth edition. London: 1867. 121110. pp. 356. BARTLETT (John). A Collection of Familiar Quotations, with complete indices of authors and subjects. Third edition, with supplement. Cambridge: 1860, 161110. pp. 446. Fourth edition. Boston: 1864. Fifth edition. Boston: 1870. BARTLETT (W. H.). The Pilgrim Fathers; or, The Founders of New England in the Reign of James the First. By W. H. Bartlett. With Illustrations. London: Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 25 Paternoster Row. 1853. 8vo. pp. 240. *% Ten plates inserted. BARTOLOZZI (Francisco). Engravings by. [v. p., v. d.] 4to. *** A collection of 139 prints by this famous engraver, from paintings or designs of Cipriani, G. Reni, Rigaud, Angelica Kauffman, Guercino, Benja- min West, E. F. Burney, F. Cotes, I. H. Bendell, P. Violet, Thomas Engle- heart, LaSigra Rosalba, H. Bunbury, H. Ramberg, Sir Joshua Reynolds, H. Walton, W. Hamilton, F. Wheatley, W. Harding, W. Palmer, Martin Marian, M. Cosway, Countess Spencer, Stothard, J. R. Smith, and Richard Cosway. For pure stipple engraving these have never been equalled, either in beauty or technique, and are now most eagerly sought for by collectors, making such a collection as the oresent almost impossible of duplication. The following is a list, as far as the knowledge of the compiler has enabled him to make it, for many of the engravings are without lettering, making their title purely hypothetical. The numbers in brackets refer to Tuer's lists, as printed in his Life of Barlolozzi, but several of the prints in this collection were apparently unknown to him, though the great authority on this subject. It is also obvious that certain of the impressions seen by Tuer were unlettered, and are here given a title, making some confusion in identi- LIBRARY. 33 fication with his lists. Especial pains have therefore been taken to make the following accurate, that it may be used to correct and enlarge his work : "Faith," (32). "Hope, "(65). "The elements " "Fire," (uS). "Water," (uS). "Air," (118). "Earth," (118). "Jupiter and Europa," (1502). Madonna and Child, (2016). "Jane Shore introduced to King Ed- ward IV." (1217). " King Henry II., andfair Rosamond," (1230). "The Dowager Queen of Edward the 4th, parting with the Duke of York to the two Archbishops," (1261), "The Duke of Northumberland and Suffolk praying Lady Jane Gray to accept the Crown," (1262). "Vortigern & Rowena, or The settle- ment of the Saxons in Britain," (colored) (1267). "Edward Prince of Wales presenting the Captive King John of France and his son to his father Edward the 3rd, after the Battle of Poictiers," (colored) (1257)-. "The King Psammetichus of Egypt in Love with Rhodope," (1238). "Telemachus and Mentor in the Island of Calypso," (1560). "Lais," (1676). "Lamia," (1330). "Perseus and Andromeda," (1546). "Perseus relating to Andromeda the Power of Medusa's Head," (1547). "Sylvia Overseen by Daphne." "A Naiad," (1391). "Jonah, an Oratorio," (897). Pour un Billet de Banque en Province en Bridgewater, (60). Ascension. " Miscuit utile dulci," (2167). "Nymphs after Bathing," (1534). "St. Cicilia," (1935). Actress [?]. "Hebe," (1480). "Ariadne," (1411). "Flora," (1472). "A Muse," (1472). Lady Beauclerc, (1627). "Serenity," (47). Woman's Head, (1044). Woman's Head. Woman Reading, (1032). "A St. James's Beauty." "A St. Giles's Beauty." "The Fair Alsacien," (1359). "Louisa Hammond," (1667). George III., (1495?). "Marie Antoinette, Queen of France," (1681). "The Unfortunate Louis i6th," (1837). "La Sigar. Rosalba, " (1702)". "Cecilia." "Adelaide first seen in the Gardens of Bagnieres," (197). "Doctor Primrose finds his Daughter Olivia in Distress," (219). " Esqr. Thornhill Perswades Olivia to Elope with Him," (270). "Love and Honour," (79). "Rural Innocence," (colored) (104). "Hope Nursing Love,-' (colored) (66). Illustrations to Orlando Furioso, (698). Fame [?]. "Beauty looking in the Mirror Prudence," (16). Tragedy [?]. "Comedy," (23). "The Nymph of Immortality." "The Daughter of Guercino in the dress of the Country near Bologna," (colored) (381). "Cupid and Psyche," (1347). Music Ticket, (Savoia). of Hercules, (1491). Vignette. Group, with Drawing, (1176). Nymphs Bathing. Tragedy [?]. Boys Playing, (939). Angel. Meditation [?]. "Painting." Hands. "Cherubins." "The Truth of Infancy." "Legs," (2). Sleeping Child. Sleeping Child with Doll. "Cicero." Classic Figure. "Jemmy's Farewell." "Jemmy's Return." " Genius and Beauty." "Prudence and Beauty." Woman at the Side of a Stream. Triumph of Venus. "The Young Maid and Old Sailor." "Romeo and Juliet," (265). "Hamlet and His Mother," (229). "Adelaide and Fonrose." "Fonrose and Adelaide." "The Water Cress Girl," (1377)- "The Prelude to Matrimony," (279). "The Libertine Reclaimed." " Louisa." "Ophelia." "Hands," (2). Two Women's Heads. "Angelica and Medora," (205). Woman with Book. Sleeping Child. Child with Dog. Eastern Woman's Head. "The Beautiful Rhodope," (1255). "Bacchanalian Nymph," (colored). " Dancing Nymph," (colored).* ***. See also Guercino for more of Cupid Persuading Woman. Tritons Carrying off Woman. Mansion House Ball Ticket, 1775. Giardini Benefit Ticket. "The Judgment of Paris," (1500). "Venus Attired by the Graces," (1594)- " Six Senates," by Bach. Cupid and Apollo with Lyre, (1410). Frontispiece of Catalogue. Venus Seated in a shell, (1606). Woman Playing Lyre, (1388). Minerva. " Nymphs Bathing." "Nymphs after Bathing," (1434). " Ceres," (20). " Pomona," (100). Woman's Head, 1775. [Same], 1776, (colored). "Contemplation," (colored) (42). "Attention," (colored) (40). " Psyche going to Dress," (1550). "Psyche going to Bathe," (1551). Nude Women and Children Sleeping, (1394?)- Cupid and Psyche. " Imogen's Chamber," (234?). "Tancredand Clorinda," (274). "Damon and Delia," (214). " Alcauder and Neriha," (200). "Tancred and Erminia," (275). " Elfrida's Vow." "A Lecture on Gadding." "The Fair Moralist and her Pupil." Bartolozzi's work. BASKERVILLE (A.). The Poetry of Germany. Consisting of selections from upwards of seventy of the most celebrated poets, translated into English Verse, with the original text on the opposite page, by Alfred Baskerville. New York: 1854. 121110. PP- 333- Third stereotype edition. Altoona: 1870. Batavian Anthology. See Bowring. BATTY (R.). Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery, from Draw- ings by Lieut. Colonel Batty, F. R. S. Member of the Impe- rial Russian Order of St. Anne. L/ondon, Robert Jennings, 1829. rl. 8vo. pis. LIBRARY. 35 [BAUDOUIN (J. M. T.)]. Washington, ou I'Orpheline de la Pensylvanie, melodrame en trois actes, a spectacle, par M. d' Aubigny [pseud. ] Paris : 1815. 8vo. pp. 51. BAUDRILLART (Henri). Vie Jacquard. Paris: 1866. 241110. pp. 69. La Propriety. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. L' Argent et ses Critiques. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Le Credit Populaire. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Le Salariat et 1'Association. Paris: 1867. 24010. pp. 52- Les Bibliotheques et les Cours Populaires. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Philippe de Girard. Paris: 1868. 24mo. pp. 70. Luxe et Travail. Paris: 1868. 24010. pp. 72. Des Habitudes d' Intemperance. Paris: 1868. 24010, PP- 5 1 - BAUDRY DES LOZIERES (L. N.). Second Voyage a La Louisi- ane, faisant suite an premier de 1'auteur de 1794 a 1798. Con- tenant la vie militaire du general Grondel, doyen des armees de France, qui commanda long-temps a Louisiana, et honorede cent dix ans deservice: un Detail sur les productions les plus avanta- geuses, les plus extraordinaires de cette belle Colonie, et sur ses quartiers les plus fertiles et les pins lucratifs: de nouvelles Re- flexions sur les Colonies en general, et le Regime necessaire aux personnes des Colonies pendant le premiere annee de leur ar- rivee. Par Baudry des Lozieres. Tome premier. A Paris,. Chez Charles, Imprimeur, Rue Guenegaud, No. 18. An xi, 1803. (Mars.) 8vo. 2 vols. pp. xv, 414; xvj, (i), folding table; 410 (2). BAXLEY (H. Willis). Spain. Art-Remains and Art-Reali- ties, Painters, Priests, and Princes. Being notes of things seen, and of opinions formed, during nearly three years' resi- dence and travels in that country. London: 1875. 8vo. z vols. map. BAYARD (Ferdinand-M.). Voyage dans 1'Interieur Des Etats- Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, etc., etc., Pendant 1'Ete de 1791. Seconde edition, Augmentee de descriptions et d'anecdotes *sur la vie militaire et politique 36 GRAHAM de Georges Washington. Par Ferdinand-M. Bayard, De la Societe libre des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Paris. A Paris, Chez Batilliot. An Vie. 8vo. pp. xxv, 349. [BAYLY (Lewis)]. The Practice of Pietie: Directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. Amplified by the Author. The last Edition, Newly overseene & corrected. Printed at Delf by Abraham Jacobs, for the good of Great Bri- taine. [n. d.] 321110. pp. (16), 553, (4). *** Contains an autograph poem of Samuel Butler on a fly-leaf. BAZAINE (Marechal F. A.). L'Arinee du Rhin depnis le 12 Aout jusqu'au 29 Octobre 1870. Paris: 1872. 8vo. pp. 308. maps. BEALE (Lionel S.). How to Work with the Microscope. A course of lectures on microscopical manipulations and the prac- tical application ' of the microscope to different branches of investigation, delivered during the winter session of 1856 and 1857. London: 1857. 121110. pp. 124. BEAUJOUR (F. de). Apergu des Etats-Uiiis, au commence- ment du xixe. siecle, Depuis 1800 jusqiren 1810, avec des tables statistiques. Par le Chevalier Felix de Beaujour, aiicien mem- bre du tribunat. A Paris, Chez L. G. Michaud. M.DCCC.XIV. 8vo. pp. 272. [BEAUMARCHAIS (P. A. C. de)]. Influence du Despotisme de 1'Angleterre sur les Deux Mondes. Les Rois & les Peuples out pour Juges leur siecle & la poste'rite; c'est a la fidelite de 1'His- toire de les accuser, come elle peut les absoudre. Prix, trente- six sols. Imprint a Boston: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 145. x*x "Attributed to Beaumarchais by Chardon de La Rochette, but not in- cluded in the 'CEuvres' of Beaumarchais." Querard. The imprint is purely fictitious, the work having been printed either in Holland or Switzerland, for surreptitious circulation in France. BEAUMONT (J.). Bosworth-Field: a Poem. Written in the year 1629, and Dedicated to King Charles I. By Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, with several Verses in Praise of the Author, and Elegies on his Death, by the greatest Wits then living. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, 1710. 8vo. pp. 39. BEAUMONT (Princess de). Le Magasin des Adolescents, ou Dialogues entre une sage gouvernanite et ses eleves, Pour servir LIBRARY. 37 de suite au Magasin des Enfans. -Avec figures. Paris: 1816. 4 vols. in 24. 241110. pis. BEAUMONT (Princess de}. Le Magasin des Jeunes Dames, ou Instruction pour les personnes fui entrent dans le monde et se marient; leurs devoirs dans cet e*tat et envers leurs enfans. Paris: 1820- 4 vols. 24mo. pis. The BEAUTIES of the Anti-Jacobin; or, Weekly Examiner; containing Every Article of Permanent Utility in that Valuable and Highly Esteemed Paper, literary and political; the whole of the excellent Poetry; together with explanatory notes, bio- graphical anecdotes, and a Prefatory Advertisement, by the editor. London; Printed by J. Plymsell, at the Anti-Jacobin Press, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street, for C. Chappie, No. 66, Pall Mall. 1799. 121110. pp. xii, 311. *** Chiefly by W. Gifford, Canning, Frere and Ellis, and directed against Fox and his party. Compared with the Anti-Jacobin, the mouthpiece of English toryism, the lowest political outpourings of to-day in America seem respectable. BEAUVOIR (L. , Marquis de). Australie. Voyage autour du Monde par le Comte de Beauvoir. Ouvrage enrichi de deux grandes cartes et de douze gravures-photographies par Des- champs. Sixieme Edition. Paris, Henri Plon, 1872. i2ino. pp. 363. maps, pis., and port. Java, Siam, Canton. Voyage autour du Monde par le Comte de Beauvoir. Ouvrage enrichi d'une grande carte speciale et de quatorze gravures-photographies par Deschamps. Sixieme Edition. Paris, 1872. I2mo. pp. 451. maps and pis. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Voyage autour du Monde par le Comte Beauvoir. Ouvrage enrichi de quarte cartes, et *de quinze gravures-photographies par Deschamps. Sixieme Edition. Paris, 1872. I2mo. pp. 355. maps and pis. BECHSTEIN (J. M.). Cage and Chamber-birds, their natural history, habits, food, diseases, management and modes of cap- ture. Translated from the German. With considerable addi- tions on structure, migration, and economy, compiled from various sources by H. G. Adams, incorporating the whole of Sweet's British warblers, with numerous illustrations. London: MDCCCLIII. i6mo. pp. 500. BECHSTEIN (Ludwig). As Pretty as Seven and other Popular 38 German Tales, collected by Ludwig Bechstein. With one hun- dred illustrations by Richter. A companion to Grimm's German Popular Stories. London [n. d.]. I2ino. pp. 367. pis. [BECKFORD (William)]. Vathek. / A Lausanne, / Chez Isaac Hignou & Compe. / M. DCC. LXXXVII. / i6mo. pp. iv, 204. [ ] Vathek, eine arabische Erzahlung. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersezt. Mannheim: 1788. 161110. pp. 235. [ ] Vathek. Translated from the Original French. Fourth Edition, revised and corrected. London: MDCCCXXIII. 121110. pp. 284. pi. Vathek : An Arabian tale. By William Beckford. With notes, critical and explanatory. London: 1849. I2mo. pp. 396. pi. *** Also contains: "The Castle of Otranto, " a Gothic story by Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, and "The Bravo of Venice:" a romance, trans- lated from the German by Matthew Gregory Lewis. [- -] The Story of Al Raoui, A Tale from the Arabic. London: 1799. i6mo. pp. 59. [ ] Italy; with sketches of Spain and Portugal. By the author of "Vathek." London: 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. BECKMANN (John). A History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins. Translated from the German, By William Johnston. Fourth Edition, carefully revised and enlarged by William Fran- cis and J. W. Griffith. London: 1846. 2 vols. 121110. port. BEDE (the Venerable). The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England. Also the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. With illustrative notes, a map of Anglo-Saxon England, and a gen- eral index. Edited by J. A. Giles. Second edition. London: M.DCCC.XLIX. i2ino. pp. 515. map. BEDFORD (Gunning S.). Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women and Children. Third edition, carefully revised and enlarged. New York : 1856. 8vo. pp. 602. " Bedott, Widow." See Whitcher, Francis M. BEECHER (Henry Ward). Star Papers ; or, Experiences of Art and Nature. New York: 1855. 121110. pp. 359. Life Thoughts, gathered from the Extemporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher. By one of his congrega- tion. Fifteenth thousand. Boston: 1858. 121110. pp. 299. # % Compiled by Edna Dean Proctor, the poetess. LIBRARY. 39 BEECHER (Henry Ward). Freedom and War. Discourses on Topics Suggested by the Times. Boston: 1863. 8vo. pp. 445. Report of the Speeches delivered at public meetings in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London; and at the farewell breakfasts in London, Manchester and Liv- erpool. Manchester: 1864. 8vo. pp. (4), 175. BEGER (L.)- Thesaurus ex Thesauro Palatine Selecttis, sive Gem in arum et Numismatum qvae in Electorali Cimeliarchio continentvr Elegantiorum sere expressa, et convenienti com- mentario illvstrata Dispositio avthore L. Begero, serenissimi electoris palatini antiqvario et bibliothecario. Heidelbergae, Typis Philippi Delborn, M. DC. LXXXV. Lg. folio, pp. (14), 421, (i). port, and pi. BELDING, KEITH & Co. United States Bonds and Securi- ties. What They Are Their Cost And the Interest They Pay. With illustrations of the Exchange of Sterling into American Currency, and vice versa; And many other Items which may be of interest to those desirous of information con- cerning American Finances and Exchange. By Belding, Keith and Co., American Bankers and Merchants, 80 Lombard Street, London. London: 1867. 8vo. pp. u, (12). BELL (A. N.). A Knowledge of Living Things, with the laws of their existence. New York: 1860. I2ino. pp. 318. pis. [BELL ( Jared)]. Advice to a Young Christian on the Import- ance of Aiming at an Elevated Standard of Piety. By a Village Pastor. With an Introductory Essay, by the Rev. Dr. Alex- ander. New York: 1854. i6mo. pp. 196. [BELLEGARDE (J. B. Morvan de)]. Histoire Universelle des Voyages faits par Mer et par Terre dans 1'Ancien & dans le Nouveau Monde,. Pour eclaircir la Geographic aucienne & moderne. A Amsterdam, Chez Isaac Elzevier, Libraire an grand Monarque. M. DCCVIII. 121110. pp. (12), 50, (6), 458. pi. BELLET (Louis). La Verite sur les Obligations Mexicaines. Paris: 1867. 8vo. pp. 14. BELLEW (C.). The Merry Circle. A book of New, Graceful, and Intellectual Games and Amusements. Edited by Mrs. Clara Bellew. With two hundred illustrations. London: [1872.] 161110. pp. 2831 pis. 40 GRAHAM BELI.EW (Frank). The Art of Amusing. A Collection of Graceful Arts, Games, Tricks, Puzzles, and Charades. Intended to amuse everybody and enable all to amuse everybody else. With two hundred illustrations. London: [n. d.] 161110. pp. 299. pi. BELLEYME (Adolphe de). La France et le Mexiqne. Paris: 1863. 8vo. pp. 23. BELLIER (A.). La Prevoyance et la Charite. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 71. BELLIN (Jacques Nicolas). [Cartes de la Nouvelle France. Paris: 1743-4]. 4to. 27 maps. #** A very scarce and valuable atlas, the maps being prepared by the offi- cial hydrographer of the French Department of Marine. ' Remarques / sur la Carte / de / 1'Amerique / Septentri- onale, / Comprise entre le 28e et le 726 dgre / de Latitude, / avec / une Description Geographique / de ces parties; / par M. Bellin, Inge'nieur de la Marine & du Depot des / Cartes, Plans & Journaux, Censeur Royal, de 1'Aca- / demie de Marine, & de la Societe Royale de Londres. / A Paris, / De 1'Imprimerie de Didot, Quai des Augustins, / a la Bible d'or. / M. DCC. LV. / 4to. pp. 131. Remarques sur le Detroit de Belle- Isle, et les cotes septentrionales de La Nouvelle France, Depuis la Riviere S. Jean, jusqu'au Cap Charles: Tirees des Journaux de Naviga- tion qui sont au Depot des Cartes & Plans de la Marine, pour le service des Vaisseaux du Roi ; par le Sieur Bellin, Inge'nieur de la Marine & du Depot des Plans; le premier Mars 1758. [at end: "De 1'Imprimerie de Didot."] 4to. pp. 16. 2 maps. BELOE (William). Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. London: 1807- 6 vols. 8vo. The Bells. See Aldrich, T. B. BEMIS (George). Precedents of American Neutrality, in re- ply to the speech of Sir Roundell Palmer, Attorney General of England, in the British House of Commons, May 13, 1864. Boston: 1864. 8vo. pp. viii, 83. *% A study of Genet's privateers in 1793, and of the cases of the ships Cassius, Santissima Trinidad, Armistad de Rues, and Alabama. American Neutrality: Its Honorable Past, Its Exped- ient Future. A protest against the proposed* repeal of the LIBRARY. 41 neutrality laws, and a plea for their improvement and consoli- dation. Boston: 1866. 8vo. pp. 211. BENEDETTI (Vincerite, Comte). Ma Mission En Prusse. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 446. BENNET (J. Henry). Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean: or, The Riviera, Mentone, Italy, Corsica, Sicily, Algeria, Spain, and Biarritz, As Winter Climates. Fourth edition. London: MDCCCLXX. 8vo. pp. 621. pis. and maps. BENJAMIN of Tudela. See Wright, T. BENNETT (W. C.). Songs by a Song-Writer. First hundred. London: 1859. 121110. pp. 142. The Worn Wedding-Ring, and other Poems. London,: 1861. 121110. pp. 192. BENJAMIN (Judah P.). The African Slave Trade. The Secret Purpose of the Insurgents to Revive It. No treaty stipu- lations against the slave trade to be entered into with European powers. Judah P. Benjamin's intercepted instructions to L. Q. C. Lamar, styled Commissioner, etc. Philadelphia: 1863. 8vo. pp. 24. [BENTON (Thomas)]. Thirty Years' View; or a history of the working of the American government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. Chiefly taken from the Congress debates, the private papers of General Jackson, and the speeches of ex- Senator Benton, with his actual view of men and affairs; with historical notes and illustrations, and some notices of eminent deceased cotemporaries: By a senator of thirty years. In two vols. New York: 1854- 2 vols. rl. 8vo. port, and pi. BERARD (E. Paul). Economic Domestique de 1'Eclairage. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 50. La Matiere des Vege'taux ou Cellulose. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. La Chaux. Paris: 1868. 24mo. pp. 51. BERJEAU, ( J. P. ) See Book- Worm. BERKELEY (Grantley F.). Fact Against Fiction. The Hab- its and Treatment of Animals Practically Considered; Hydro- phobia and Distemper; with some remarks on Darwin. In two volumes. London: 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. 42 GRAHAM BERNARD (A. H.). Legends of the Rhine. Translated by Fr. Arnold. Frankfort, 1847. i6mo. pp. 285. Lays and legends of the Rhine, to which are added: Translations of German poems and songs and a selection from Grattans' Rhenish legends. Mayence [186-?]. 161110. pp. 320. pi. BERNARD (Frederic). Bibliotheque des Merveilles. Les Evasions Celebres. Par Frederic Bernard. Ouvrage illnstre de 25 vignettes par Emile Bayard. Paris: 1869. 121110. pp. 358. pis. **.* Contains histories of the following cases : 2 ^8. Storia Delia Republica di Firenze. Firenze: 1875. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. CARCANO (G.). Angiola Maria. Storia domestica Di Giulio Carcano. Firenze: 1861. i2mo. pp. 534. CARDS left on Mr. Graham in the years 1871 and 1874. Mounted on sheets and bound in two volumes, folio. **# A curious collection, including many well-known names, titled and untitled. In some cases a few words in writing are added to the card, pre- sumably in the autograph of the leaver. CAREW (T.). Poems. / By / Thomas Carevv, / Esquire. / One of the Gentlemen of the / Privie-Chamber, and Sewer / in Or- dinary to his Majesty. / The second Edition revised and en- larged. / London, / Printed by I. D. for Thomas Walkley, / and are to be sold at the signe of the / flying Horse, betweene Brit- tains / Burse, and Yorke-House. / 1642. / i6mo. pp. (2), 219, (i). ** Contains: "Coelurn Brittanium," a "maske" at Whitehall, in 1633, by Carew and Inigo Jones, in which Charles ist took part. A Selection from the Poetical Works of. London: 1810. I2ino. pp. xvi, 95. CAREY (Henry). Poems on several Occasions. London: Printed and Sold by J. Kent, at the Black Swan in St. Paul's- Church-yard; A. Boulter, at the Buck, and J. Brown, at the Black-Swan without Temple bar; and by most Booksellers. 1713. i2mo. pp. (6), 86. ** A portrait inserted. CAREY (Phoebe). Poems and Parodies. Boston: M DCCC Liv. 1 2 mo. pp. 200. CARLEN (E. F.). The Bride of Omberg. From the origi- nal Swedish. New York: 1*853. 8vo. pp. 220. CARLI-RUBBI (G. R., Conte di\ Lettres Ame'ricaines, Dans lesquelles on examine POrigine, PEtat Civil, Politique^Militaire & Religieux, les Arts, P Industrie, les Sciences, les Mceurs, les Usages des anciens Habitans de P Ame"rique; les grandes Fpoques de la Nature, Pancienne Communication des deux Hemispheres, & la derniere Revolution qtii a fait disparoitre PAtlantide: pour servir de suite aux Me*moires de D. Ulloa. A Boston, M. DCC.- ixxxvm. 2 vols. 8vo. maps. 74 GRAHAM CARLIER (Auguste). Le Mariage aux Itats-Unis. Paris: 1860. 121110. pp. 264: [CARLYLE (Thomas)]. Sartor Resartus. Boston: MDCCC- xxxvu. 8vo. pp. 300. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadelphia: 1854. 8vo. pp. 568. Life of Robert Burns. Mostly by Thomas Carlyle. New York: 1859. 24mo. pp. 203. CARNARVON (Henry John George Herbert, 3d Earl of}. Rem- iniscences of Athens and the Morea. Extracts from a journal of travels in Greece in 1839. London: 1869. i2mo. pp. 230. map. CARON (E.). Tribunal Civil de La Seine (ler Chambre) Prdsidence de M. Benoit-Champy. Memoire pour les Etats- Unis d'Amerique centre MM. Annan, Erlanger, Voruz, Dubi- geon, Jollet et Babin, Mazeline, et la Societe des Chantiers et Ateliers de 1' Ocean. [Paris: 1867]. 4to. pp. 220. *"%. An argument on Confederate prizes of war. CARPENTER (J. E.). Routledge's Comic Reciter. London: [n. d.j 241110. pp. 248. Songs and Ballads. A new edition. London: 1844. i6mo. pp. 202. CARPENTER (William B.). The Microscope and its Revela- tions. Second Edition, illustrated by three hundred and seventy wood engravings. London: MDCCCLVII. i6mo. pp. 719. CARRERA (Pietro). A Treatise on the Game of Chess. Con- taining games of odds, various openings of even games, different methods of winning and drawing the game. Also Numerous Critical Situations on Diagrams. To which are added, the Art of Playing Without Seeing the Board, and an account of the most celebrated chess players of his time. First published in 1617. Translated from the Italian, with additional notes and remarks, by W. Lewis. London: 1822. 8vo. pp. 300. CARREY (Emile). Grandeur et Avenir des Etats-Unis. Paris: 1863. 8vo. pp. 48. CARRON (F.). See Janin, J. CARTWRIGHT (Thomas). The Diary of. Bishop of Chester, London: M.DCCC.XLIII. Sm. 410. pp. no. LIBRARY. 75 CARVER (J.). Voyage dans les Parties InteVieures de PAme'r- ique Septentrionale, Pendant les anne'es 1766, 1767 & 1768. Par Jonathan Carver, Ecuyer, Capitaine d'nne compagniede troupes provinciales pendant la gnerre dn Canada entre la France & 1' Angleterre. Onvrage tradnit sur la troisieme edition Angloise, par M. de C avec des remarqnes & quelques additions du traducteur. Yverdon: M. ncc. LXXXIV. i2mo. pp. xxxvi, 43 6 - GARY (Rev. Henry Francis). The Early French Poets, a series of Notices and Translations. London: MDCCCXLVI. i6mo. pp. Ixiv, 279. CASONI (G.). Ode / dell' ill vstre, / et eccellentissimo / signore Gvido Casoni / dedicate / All'illustrissimo, & Reuerendissimo / Sig. Cardinale / Cinthio Aldobrandino. / Con Privilegio. / In Venetia Appresso Gio. Battista Ciotti. MDCII. 4to. pp. (8), 179. The CASQUET of Gems: Choice Selections from the Poets. Edinburgh: [n. d.] i2mo. pp. 717. pi. CASS (Lewis). A Discourse pronounced at the Capitol of the United States, In the Hall o^f Representatives, before the Amer- ican Historical Society, January 30, 1836. To which are pre- fixed its constitution, and the names of its officers. Washington: 1836. 8vo. pp. 58. [ ] The Siege of New Orleans (from the American Quar- terly Review.) [A review of] "A Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815. By Captain John Henry Cook, late of the 43rd Regiment of Infantry. London: 1834." [New York: 1835]. pp. 57, map & folding table. [ ] Remarks on Stephens's "Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petraea, and the Holy Land." First published in the "North American Review," No. 102. Cambridge: 1839. 8vo. pp. 80. Castle of Otranto. See Wai pole, H. Catalogue of a Collection. See Evans. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits. See Evans. CATTERMOLE (R.). Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Cen- tury: including the whole of Giles Fletcher's Christ's Victory and Triumph; with copious selections from Spenser, Davies, 76 GRAHAM Sandys P. Fletcher, Wither, Bishop King, Quarles, Herbert, Milton, etc. In two vols. With an Introductory Essay and Critical Remarks, by the Rev. R. Cattermole. London: 1836. I2ino. 3 vols. port. [CATTON (Charles)]. The English Peerage. London : M,DCC,XC. 3 vols. 4to. *** Volume in only. CATULLUS CQ. V.). The works of Catullus and Tibullus, and the Virgil of Venus. A literal prose translation, with notes, by Walter K. Kelly. To which are added the metrical versions of Lamb and Grainger, and a selection of versions by other writers. London: MDCCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 400. port. GAUNTER (John Hobart). The Poetry of the Pentateuch. London: 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). See Crowe, J. A. CELLINI (B.). Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist; Written by Himself. Containing a Variety of Informa- tion respecting the Arts, and the History of the Sixteenth Cen- tury. Third edition. Corrected ajid enlarged from the last Milan edition. With the notes and observations of G. P. Car- pani, now first translated by Thomas Roscoe. London: MDCCO xxiii. 2 vols. 8vo. port. * Censura Liter aria. See Brydges, E. CENTURY ASSOCIATION. Twelfth-Night at the Century Club, January 6, 1858. New York: 1858. 8vo. pp. 93. See Bryant, W. C. [CERISIER (Antoine Marie)]. Histoire de la Fondation des Colonies des Anciennes Republiques, adapted a la dispute pre- sente de la Grande Bretagne avec ses Colonies Americaines. Traduite de 1' Anglais. A la quelle on a ajoute Trois Lettres inteVessantes sur la mme dispute & les Articles de i'Union d'Utrecht compare's aux Articles de I'Union des Colonies de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. A Utrecht, Chez J. van Schoon- hoven & Comp. MDCCLXXVIII. 8vo. pp. (8), 247, (i). [ ] Observations Impartiales d'Un Vrai Hollandois, Pour servir de R^ponse au Discours d'un soi-disant Bon Hollandois d ses compatriotes. A Arnhem, chez Nyhof; Amsterdam, Guerin; Dord, Blusse"; La Haye, Gosse; Leiden, Luzac & Van LIBRARY. 77 Damme; Rotterdam, Bennet Hake; Utrecht, B. Wild; & dans toutes les autres Villes des Provinces-unies. [1778.] 8vo. pp. (4), 60. *** Bound up with this is the following: Discours d'un soi-disant Bon Hollandois a ses compatriotes Pour servir de Reponse au Observations Impartiales d'Un Vrai Hollandois, a ses compa- triotes. Arnhem, chez Nyhof. [n. d.] 8vo. pp, 60. [CERISIER (Antoine Marie)]. Suite des Observations Impar- tiales d'nn Vrai Hollandais, Sur les interets & l'e*tat present des affaires politiqnes de la France, de 1'Angleterre, des Pro- vinces-Unies des Pays-Bas &des Etats-Unisde 1'Amerique avec des Reflexions stir les dernieres deliberations des Etats de Hollande & snr le memoire de Mr. 1'Amb. de S. M. B. a L. H. P. A Arnhem, chez Nyhof. [1779.] 8vo. pp. (4), 74. [ ] L'Avocat Pour et centre, ou resume* Historique et Philosophique De tout ce qti'on a e"crit sur la liberte" du Com- merce des munitions navales; suivi Du Jugement des Plaideurs. A Bruxelles & dans toutes les Villes des Pays-Bas. MDCCLXXIX. 8vo. pp. (4), 67. [ ] Le Destin de 1'Amerique ou Dialogues Pittoresques dans lesquels On developpe la cause des evenemens actuels, la politique et les interets des puissances de 1' Europe relativement a cette guerre, Et les Suites Qu'elle Devroit Avoir pour le bonheurde I'Humanite', Traduit fidelement de PAnglois. Lon- don: Printed for J. Bew, No 28 Paternoster Row; and may be %had of all Booksellers and News-Carriers in Town and Country. [178.2?] 8vo. pp. 124. [CERUTTI (J. A. J.)]. L'Aigle et Le Hibou, Fable. Ecrite pour un jeune Prince que 1'on osoit blamer de son amour pour les Sciences et les Lettres. A Glascow, Et se trouve a Paris, Chez Prault, imprimeur du roi, quai des Augustins, a rimmor- talite. 1783. 8vo. pp. 58. CERVANTES UE SAAVEDRA (M.). Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. Carefully revised and corrected. With Eight Hundred Illustrations, from designs by Tony Johannot. London: 1840. 3 vols. 8vo. [ ] Sancho Panza's Proverbs, and others which occur in Don Quixote; with a literal English Translation, Notes, and an introduction by Ulick Ralph Burke. London: 1872. i2ino. pp. 44. 78 GRAHAM CHAFFERS (William). Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern Periods; with Histor- ical notices of each manufactory, preceded by an introductory essay on the vasa fictilia of England, of the Romano-British, and mediaeval eras. With 2200 potters' marks and illustrations. London: cio. ioccc. LXX. 8vo. pp. 777. CHALKHILL (John). Thealma and Clearchus. A Pastoral Romance. First published by Isaac Walton, 1683. A new edition, revised and corrected. Chiswick: M DCCC xx. 121110. pp. xviii, 134. pi. CHALMERS (George). An Estimate of the comparative strength of Great-Britain, during the present and four preced- ing reigns; and of the losses of her trade from every war since the Revolution. To which is prefixed a dedication to Dr. James Currie, the reputed author of ''Jasper Wilson's Letters. " A new edition London: M.DCC.XCIV. 8vo. pp. (4), cxvi, xi, 254, (16). ***. The dedication is 96 pages long, and is really an answer to Jasper Wil- son's "Letter." CHALMERS (Thomas). On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. With the author's last corrections. To which is prefixed A Biographical Preface, by John Cumming. London: 1853. 8vo. pp.438, port. [CHAMBERLAYNE (John)]. L'Etat Present de la Grande. Bretagne et de 1'Irlande Sous le Regne de George II. A La Have, MDCCXXVIII. 3 vols. 121110. map, port, and pi. #** Translated by de Neuville. CHAMBERS (Robert). Traditions of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: 1825. 2 vols. 121110. History of the Rebellions in Scotland under the Mar- quis of Montrose, and others, from 1638 till 1660. Edinburgh: Constable & Co., 1828. 121110. %Only Volume II. It forms Volume XXXII. of "Constable's Mis- cellany." The Picture of Scotland. Edinburgh: MDCCCXXX. 121110. pp. 416. pis. Poems, by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh, Printed for Private Circulation, by T. Constable, i Thistle Street. M. DCCC. xxxv. 410. pp. 48. LIBRARY. 79 **# A presentation copy from the author, and an autograph letter of his concerning the book is inserted. [CHAMBERS (Robert)]. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. With a sequel. Cincinnati: 1858. 121110. pp. 288. The Chameleon. See Atkinson, T. CHAMPAGNAC (J. B. J.). Sagesse et Bonheur ou Le Toit Paternel. Histoire propre a servir a 1' Education morale de" la Jeunesse de notre siecle. Paris: [n. d.] 121110. pp. 288. pis. Champ-d" Astie. See L'He'riter. CHAMPFLEURY (J.). Histoire de la Caricature au Moyen Age. Paris: [1871.] i2mo. pp. 270. pis. CHAPIN (E. H.). Discourses on the Lord's Prayer. Boston: 1850. Characters in the Gospels. New York: 1852. Discourses on The Beatitudes. Boston: 1855. , Christianity True Manliness. New York: 1856. Duties of Young Men. Boston: 1856. Discourses on Various Subjects. Boston: 1856. Duties of Young Women. Boston: 1856. Extemporaneous Discourses. New York: 1860. Humanity in the City. New York: [n. d.]. The CHAPLET, a Collection of Poems; partly original and partly selected from the most approved authors. Ipswich: 1805. 321110. pp. 204. pis. CHAPMAN (G.). The Hymns of Homer; the Batrachomyo- machia; and two Original Poetical Hymns. By George Chap- man. With an introductory preface. By S. W. Singer. Chis- wick: MDCCCXVIII. 121110. pp. Ixiv, 153, 47. port. The Works of George Chapman: Poems and Minor Translations. With an introduction by Algernon Charles .Swinburne. London: 1875. 121110. pp. 435. See Marlow, C. Character of a Diurnal-maker. See Cleveland, J. Characteristicks. See Shaftesbury. Charides. See Quincy, J. CHARLETON (W.). Two Discourses I. Concerning the Dif- ferent Wits of Men: II. Of the Mysterie of Vintners. By 80 GRAHAM Walter Charleton D. M. and Physitian in ordinary to his Maj- esty. The second Edition enlarged. London, Printed by F. L. for William Whit wood at the Sign of the Golden-Bell in Duck- lane near Sinithfield, 1675. 161110. pp. (14), 235. ** Each discourse has also a separate title. On the main title is the sig- nature of Sir Hans Sloane, and a portrait of him is inserted. The CHARMS of Liberty: a Poem, By the late Duke of D . To which is added, Epigrams, Poems and Satyrs. Written by several Hands. London: Printed in the Year, MDCCIX. 8vo. pp. 1 6. CHAS (Jean). Histoire Politiqueet Philosophiqnede la ReV- olution de PAme*riqne septentrionale; Par les Citoyens J. Chas et Lebrun. A Paris, an ix. {1801]. 8vo. pp. (8), viij, 458, (2). CHASTELLUX (Francois Jean, Marquis de). Voyage / de Mr. Le Chevalier / de / Chastellux / en / Ame'rique. / [Cassel:] 1785. 8vo. pp. 228. # * # The second edition. Chastellux printed 24 copies of the first edition of this book, intending it entirely for private circulation. By some means copious extracts were obtained and published in a periodical. These were at once gathered, and printed as a surreptitious edition of the voyage, as above. Voyages de M. le Marquis de Chastellux dans I'Ame'r- iqne Septentrionale. Dans les anne'es 1780, 1781 & 1782. Tome Premier. A Paris, Chez Pranlt, Imprimenr du Roi, Quai des Angnstins, a P Immortal he". 1786. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 8, 390, map; (4), 362, (2), 2 maps and 2 plates. % The first authorized published edition. Travels in North- America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782. By the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the Forty Mem- bers of the French Academy, and Major General in the French Army, serving under the Count de Rochambeau. Translated from the French by An English gentleman, who resided in America at that period. With Notes by the Translator. Vol- ume I. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater- Noster Row. M DCC LXXXVII. 2 vols. 8vo. maps and pis. ,% An autograph of Washington inserted. Another copy belonged orig- inally to R. R. Livingston, and has his autograph and book plate. [ ] Discours sur les Avantages on les De*savantages qui re"sultent, pour 1'Europe, de la Dcouverte de PAmrique. Ob- jet du Prix propose* par M. PAbbe* Raynal. Par M. P. * * *, Vice-Consul, a E * * *. A Londres, Et se trouve a Paris, LIBRARY. 81 Chez Prault, Imprimeur du Roi, quai des Augustins, a 1'Im- mortalite. 1787. 8vo. pp. 8, 68. [CHATEAUVIEUX (J. Lullin de)]. Manuscrit venu de St Helene, d'une Maniere Inconnue. London: 1817. 8vo. pp. (4), IS'- [CHATTERTON (Thomas)]. Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, By Thomas Rowley, and Others, in the fif- teenth century; the greatest part now first published from the most authentic copies, with an engraved specimen of one of the MSS. To which are added, an introductory account of the sev- eral pieces, and a glossary. London: MDCCLXXVII. 8vo. pp. xxv, 307. CHAUCER (G.). The / Works / of / Geoffrey Chaucer, / Com- pared with the / Former Editions, and many valuable Mss. // Out of which, Three Tales are added which were never before Printed;/ By John Urry, / Student of Christ-Church, Oxon. Deceased: / Together with a / Glossary, / By a Student of the same College. / To the Whole is prefixed / The Author's Life, newly written, and a Preface, giving an Account / of this Edi- tion. / London, / Printed for Bernard Lintot, between the Tem- ple Gates. MDCCXXI. / Fo. pp. (50), 626, (81), 2 ports. CHEEVER (G.). Cyclopaedia of Moral and Religious Anec- dote, with an introductory essay by the Rev. George Cheever. London and Glasgow: [n. d.] larno. pp. 380. CHENIER (ANDRE\ Poesies. Precedees d'une notice par M, H. de Latouche. Paris: 1852. I2mo. pp. 283. port. CEwres en Prose. Precedees d' une notice litteraire par Eugene Hugo, et d' une notice historique contenant toutes les pieces relatives a son proces devant le Tribunal Revolution- naire, par Le bibliophile Jacob. Paris: 1840. I2ino. pp. 332. The CHESS Monthly, and American Chess Serial. Edited by- Daniel Willard Fiske. Volume I., 1857. New York: [n. d.} 8vo. pp. 393. [CHESSIETJX, [De La Grange de]]. La Couduite / des / Fran- ois / justifiee, / ou / Observations / sur un ecrit anglois, intitule: / Conduite des Frangois a Tegard / de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, depuis son premier / Etablissement jusqu'a nos jours. / Par le Sieur D. L. G. D. C. Avocat en / Parlement. / A Utrecht, / Et se 82 GRAHAM trouve / a Paris, chez Le Breton, Impremeur/ ordinaire du Roy, rue de la Harpe. 1756. / i2mo. pp. viij, 256. CHEVALIER (J. D.). Lettres a M. de Jean, Docteur-Regent de la Faculte de Medecine, en 1'Universite de Paris. I. Sur les Maladies de St. Domingue. II. Sur les Plantes de la meme ile. III. Sur le Remora & les Halcyons. Par M. Chevalier, Docteur- Regent, ancien Professeur de la meme Faculte, & ci-devant, Medecin du Roi a St. Domingue. A Paris: M. DCC. LII. i2tno. pp. (4), 224. CHEVALIER (Michel). Society, Manners and Politics in the United States: being a Series of Letters on North America. Boston: 1839. 8vo. PP- 4^7- CHEVREAU (Urbain). The Mirror of Fortune: Or, the true Characters of Fate & Destiny. Wherein is Treated of the Growth and Fall of Empires, The Destruction of Famous Cities, The Misfortunes of Kings, and other Great Men, And the ill Fate of Virtuous and Handsom Ladies. Whereunto is added Moral, Politick, and Natural Reflections upon several Subjects. Written in French by Monsieur Chevreau, and Newly Trans- lated into English by D. Decoisnon. In the Savoy: Printed by T. N. and are to be Sold by Sam. Lowndes, over against Exeter- liouse in the Strand. M.DC.LXXVI. 8vo. pp. 326. CHIABRERA (G.). Rime de Gabriello Chiabrera. Milano: Dalla Societa Tipografica de Classici Italiani. Anno 1807- 3 vols. 8vo. China, pictorial and aescriptive. See Corner, J. CHIVERS (T. H.). Eonchs of Ruby. A Gift of Love. By T. H. Chivers. New- York: Published by Spalding & Shepard. 1851. I2ino. pp. 166. [CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, E. F. due de\. Me"moire / Histor- ique / Sur la ne"gociation de la France / & .de TAngleterre, depuis le / 26 Mars 1761 jnsqu'au 20 / Septembre de la me'nie anne"e, / avec les Pieces justificatives. / A Paris, / de 1'Imprim- erie Royale. / M.DCCLXI. Sm. 8vo. pp. (2), iv, 196. [ ] Me'moire / historique / sur la ne"gociation de la France / & de 1'Angleterre depuis le / 26 Mars 1761 jusqu'au 20 / Sep- tembre de la meme ann^e, / avec les pieces justificatives. / a Paris, / de Tlmprimerie Royale. / MDCCLXI. i2mo. pp. (2), iii, 147. LIBRARY. 83 CHOTTEAU (Leon). Les Americains d'anjourd'hui. i. Le President Andrew Johnson. Paris: 1868. 8vo. pp. 31. CHRISTMAS (Henry). The Cradle of the Twin Giants, Sci- ence and History. London: M.DCCC.XLIX. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. Mesmeric Won- Vol. II. Alchemy, Astrology, ders, Clairvoyance, Transmutation, Medical Astrology, Magic, Homoeopathy, Pneumatology, Oneiromancy, Automata, Fairy Mythology, Apparitions, The Heroic, Arithmetical Talismans and Witchcraft. Ecclesiastical Romance, Magic. Charms, The CHRISTMAS Treat: or Gay Companion. Being a Collec- tion of Epigrams, Ancient and Modern. Dublin: MDCCLXVII. I2mo. pp. 192. CHRONOLOGICAL tables of modern history from the overthrow of the Roman Empire in the West to the present time. Con- taining all the great events of the Civil, Religious and Literary History of the European nations and of such others as are con- nected with them, in a series of parallel columns, so as to pre- sent to the reader at one view the transactions and condition of the-various states of the civilized world, together with synchro- nistical tables of modern civilization, science and literature, genealogical tables of the reigning houses in Europe, and a complete index. Oxford: M DCC XL. lg. Fo. pp. 86. #*x Preceded by: Annales antiquitatis. Chronological tables of ancient history synchronis- tically and ethnographically arranged. Compiled from the best authorities. Oxford : printed and published by D. A. Talboys. M DCCC xxxvm. lg. Fo. pp. 86. [CHRYSTIN (J. B.) and P. FOPPENS]. Les Delices des Pays- Bas, on Description Geographique et Historique Des XVII. Provinces Belgiques. Sixieme edition. A Liege, M. DCC. LXIX. I2ino. pp. 340. pis. and maps. *** The additions are by P. Henri Griffet. Vol. I only. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Articles of Religion of the Church of England in the reigns of King Edward VI. and Queen Eliz- abeth. London: 1811. rl. 8vo. pp. 80. port. The Booke of Common Prayer and Ceremonies of the Church of England. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1613. Sin. 410. The Book of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, 8-i GRAHAM According to the Use of the Church of England: Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. London: Printed by Thomas Bas- kett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett. MDCCLVI. 4to. port. The CHURCH of England's Complaints to the Parliament and Clergy against I. Careless Non-Residents. II. Encroaching Pluralities. III. Unconscionable Simony. IV. Loose Pro- phaneness. V. Undue Ordination. Now reigning among her Clergy. To which is added, A List of the Non-Residents in eve-ry distinct County of England and Wales: And the Number of young unqualified Persons, that, by a just Computation, are said to be admitted into Holy Orders. London: Printed for J. Torbuck, in Clare-Court Drury-Lane, and Sold at the Book- sellers, and Pamphlet Shops of London and Westminster. MDCCXXXVII. Price i s. 8vo. pp. xii, 52. pi. CICERO. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Literally Translated by C. D. Yonge. London: 1851- 8vo. 4 vols. port. The Academic Questions, Treatise de Finibus,' and Tusculan Disputations, of M. T. Cicero, with a sketch of the Greek philosophers mentioned by Cicero. Literally Translated by C. D. Yonge. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 474. Cato Major of Old Age, a Poem. By the Honourable Sir John Denham, Knight of the Bath. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryers, near the Water-side, 1710. (Price Three Pence). 8vo. pp. 32. Cicero's Three Books of Offices, or Moral Duties; also his Cato Major, an Essay on Old Age; Lselius, an Essay on Friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's Dream; and Letter to Quintus on the Duties of a Magistrate. Literally Translated, with notes, designed to exhibit a comparative view of the opinions of Cicero, and those of modern moralists and ethical philoso- phers. By Cyrus R. Edmonds. London: M.DCCC.LIII. 8vo. pp. 342. The Treatises of M. T. Cicero on the Nature of the Gods; on Divination; on Fate; on the Republic; on the Laws; and on Standing for the Consulship. Literally translated, chiefly by the editor, C. D. Yonge. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 510. LIBRARY. 85 CICOGNA (E.). Storia dei Dogi di Venezia scritta dai chiarissimi Emmanuele Cav. Cicogna, Giovanni Veludo, Fran- cesco Caffi, Giovanni Casoni e Giannantonio Cav. Moschini con centoventi Ritratti incisi in Rame da Antonio Nani. Edizione Seconda, corredata ed accresciuta. Colla serie incisa delle pin' pregevoli rnedaglie e monete per essi coniate. Venezia: 1859- 2 vols. 410. ports. The CIRCUS: or, British Olympicks. A Satyr on the Ring in Hide- Park. London: Printed: and Sold by lie Booksellers of London and Westminster. 1709. 8vp. pp. 15 (r). CIRODDE (P.-L.). Legons nd'Arithme'tiqiie. Paris: 1847. 8vo. pp. 280. CLARENDON (Edward Hyde, Lord). Characters of eminent men in the reigns of Charles I. and II. Including the Rebel- lion, from the works of Lord Chancellor Clarendon. London: MDCCXCIII. i6mo. pp. 201. ports. *** I. Mitford's copy, with MS. notes in his handwriting. CLARK (Jefferson). Address delivered at the anniversary celebration of the Franklin Typographical Society, January I7th, 1826. Boston: 1826. 8vo. pp. 31, (i). CLARKE (L. Lane). The Microscope: Being a popular de- scription of the most instructive and beautiful objects for exhi- bition. London: 1858. 121110. pp. 231. CLARKE (Mary Cowden). The Iron Cousin; or Mutual Influ- ence. New York: M.DCCC.LIV. I2mo. pp. 511. World-noted women; or types of womanly attributes of all lands and ages. Illustrated with seventeen engravings on steel from original designs by Charles Staal. New York: M.DCCC.LVIII. 4to. pp. 407. 17 pis. *** Contains biographies and portraits of the following somewhat diver- gent types: Sappho, Laura, Pocahontas, Lucretia, Valentine de Milan, La Valliere, Madam, Aspasia, Joan of Arc, Maria Theresa, Cleopatra, Margaret of Anjou, Catharine II., Saint Cecilia, Isabella of Castile, Florence Nightingale. Heloise, Lady Jane Grey, The Complete Concordance to Shakspere: being a ver- bal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. London: 1874. rl. 8vo. pp. 860. 86 GRAHAM [CLARKE (William)]. Three Courses and a Dessert; com- prising Three Sets of Tales, West Country, Irish, and Legal; and a melange. With fifty illustrations by George Cruikshank. Fifth edition. London: MDCCCLII. i2tno. pp. 432. "Claudius." See Ruelle, C. CLAVAUD (A.). De la Fecondation dans les Ve"getaux Sup- rieurs. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 82. CLAVIGERO (F. S.). The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by Charts and other Cop- per Plates. To which are added Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico. By Abbe D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero. Translated from the Original Italian, by Charles Cullen, Esq. In two volumes. London, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, No. 25 Pater-noster Row, MDCCLXXXVII. 2 vols. 4to. maps and pis. CLEMENT (Clara Erskine). A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art. With Descriptive Illustrations. New York: 1872. i2ino. pp. 510. pi. Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and their Works. A Handbook. With illustrations and monograms. New York: 1874. I2mo. pp. 661. pi. CLERE (J.). Les Hommes de la Commune. Biographic Complete de Tous $es Membres par Jules Clre. Quatrieme edition Revue etaugment^e. Paris: 1871. I2mo. pp. 215. pi. CLEVELAND (C. D.). Lyra Sacra Americana: or, Gems from American Sacred Poetry. London: 1868. 161110. pp. 328. [CLEVELAND (John)]. Poems / by / J. C. / With additions, never / before Printed. / Printed in the Year, / 1657. / i6mo. pp. (4), 107. port. Cleaveland's / Petition / To His / Highnesse / the / Lord Protector. / [n. p. 1657.] i6mo. pp. 15. [- -] A / Character I of a I Diurnal-Maker / by J. C. / London: / Printed in the Year, / 1657. / 161110. pp. 12. [ ] The / Character / Of / A London-Diurnall: / With severall select / Poems. By the same Author. / Printed in the Yeere cio IOC XLVII. Sm. 4to. pp. (2), 50. CLINTON (De Witt). An Introductory discourse, delivered LIBRARY. 87 before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, on the 4th of May, 1814. New York: 1815. 8vo. pp. 148. CLOQUET (Jules). Recollections of the Private Life of Gen- eral Lafayette. Embellished with numerous engravings, as in the original Paris edition. London: 1835. 8vo. pp. 339. port. *** 3 2 plates specially inserted. Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette. New York: 1836. 2 vols. i2mo. port. CLOUGH (A. H.). The Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough. With a memoir, by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston: 1870. 24mo. pp. 299. CLUSERET (G.). Mexico, and the Solidarity of Nations. New York: 1866. 8vo. pp. 109. CLUVERIUS (P.). Philippi Cluverii / Introdvc- / tionis / in / Universam Geo- / graphiam tain / Veterem quam / Novam Libri VI. / Accessit / P. Bertij Breviarium / Orbis terrarum. / Amstelo- daini: / Apud Elzevirios. 1677. / 321110. pp. 352, 70, (10), 4 folding diagrams. *** Bound with this is : Breviarium totius Orbis Terrarum. Una cum serie Romanorum Imperatorum. Auctore Petr. Bertio. COBB (S.). The Female reign: An Ode, Alluding to Horace, B. 4. Od. 14. Attempted in the Style of Pindar. Occasion'd by the wonderful Successes of the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies. With a Letter to a Gentleman in the University. By Samuel Cobb, M. A. London: Printed by H. Hills, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. 1709. 8vo. pp. 1 6. COBBE (Frances Power). Darwinism in Morals and Other Es- says. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 399. *** Contains : Darwinism in Morals. The Religions of the East. Hereditary Piety. The Religion and Literature of India. The Religion of Childhood. Unconscious Cerebration. An English Broad Churchman. Dreams, as Illustrations of Involuntary A French Theist. Cerebration. The Devil. Auricular Confession in the Church of A Pre-historic Religion. England. The Religions of the World. The Evolution of Morals and Religion. [COBBETT (William)]. Observations on the Emigration of. Dr. Joseph Priestley: to which is added, a comprehensive story of a Farmer's Bull. [Philadelphia: 1795]. Svo. pp. 81. SS GRAHAM #*% Cobbett was well styled "The Contentious Man." Though only a recent arrival in America, he threw himself into the party strifes of the time, and wrote the following series of pamphlets (besides others not in this col- lection) which would be most remarkable for their number, were they not more so for their ability as political arguments and their strength and clear- ness of English. [COBBETT (William)]. Second Edition. A New Year's gift to the Democrats; or Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, "A vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation." By Peter Porcu- pine. Philadelphia: Published by Thomas Bradford, Printer, Book-Seller & Stationer. No. 8, South Front-Street. 1796. 3vo. pp. 71. ***At the present time we recognize two great parties in the United States, which care much more for their own success than for the good of the country generally. But in the year 1795 the two great parties were openly termed the Anglican and French parties, and next to their own success, desired to drag their country into European politics as a make weight in the great struggle then in progress, whatever wreckage it might produce at home. As a result of this, officers high in the service of our government only too gladly told state secrets to the French and English Ministers, quite forgetting that they had been chosen for other purposes. Among these was Mr. Randolph, then Secretary of State. Unfortunately for him, a dispatch of the French Minis- ter, containing some of Randolph's statements, was captured in transit by the British, who communicated it to Washington. There is little doubt that others equally high had been equally guilty, but Randolph by implication, did it in hopes of obtaining money, and far worse, was found out. He promptly resigned, and published a pamphlet, which by a misnomer 'he called "A Vin- dication," and this produced the above pamphlet. [ ] The Scare-Crow; being An Infamous Letter Sent to Mr. John Oldden, Threatening Destruction to his House, and Violence to the Person of his Tenant, William Cobbett. With remarks on the same by Peter Porcupine. The Second Edition. Philadelphia: Printed for, and sold by, William Cobbett, North Second Street, opposite Christ Church. MDCCXCVI. 8vo. pp. 23. [ ] A Prospect from the Congress-Gallery, during the session begun December 7, 1795. Containing, the President's Speech, the addresses of both Houses, some of the debates in the Senate, and all the principal debates in the House of Repre- sentatives; each debate being brought under one head, and so digested and simplified as to give the reader the completes! view of the proceedings with the least possible fatigue. With occa- sional remarks, by Peter Porcupine. The Second Edition. Philadelphia: Published by Thomas Bradford, Printer, Book- LIBRARY. 89 Seller & Stationer, No. 8 South Front-Street. 1796. 8vo. pp. iv, 64. [COBBETT (William)]. The Political Censor, or Monthly Review of the Most interesting Political Occurrences, relative to the United States of America. Philadelphia: Printed for and sold by William Cobbett, No. 25 North Second Street, opposite Christ Church. MDCCXCVI. 8vo. *** The library contains the following issues of this snappy little political periodical: March, 1796. Third edition, pp. (2), 37-104. April, 1796. Third edition, pp. (2), 105-169. pi. May, 1796. Third edition, pp. (2), 173-240. September, 1796. pp. 79 (i). November, 1796. pp. 78. December, 1796. Second edition, pp. 64. [ ] A Little Plain English, addressed to the people of the United States, on the Treaty, negociated with His Britannic Majesty, and on the conduct of the President relative thereto; in answer to "The Letters of Franklin." With a supplement containing an account of the turbulent and factious proceedings of the opposers of the Treaty. By .Peter Porcupine. Second Edition. Philadelphia: From the Free and Independent Polit- ical & literary Press of Thomas Bradford, printer, bookseller and Stationer, No. 8, South Front Street, 1796. 8vo. pp. 5, 77. [ ] The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of All his Authoring Transactions; being a sure and infallible guide for all enterprising young men who wish to make a fortune by writing pamphlets. By Peter Por- cupine himself. Second edition. Philadelphia: Printed for and sold by William Cobbett, North Second Street, opposite Christ Church. Oct. 1796. 8vo. pp. 56. [ ] A Kick for a Bite; or, Review upon Review; with a critical essay, on the Works of Mrs. S. Rowson; in a letter to the editor, or editors, of the American Monthly Review. Sec- ond Edition. By Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Bradford. 1796, 8vo. pp. 31. [ ] A Bone to Gnaw, for the Democrats; or, Observations on a pamphlet entitled, "The political progress of Britain." The third edition revised. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, for William Cobbett, opposite Christ's Church. 1797. 8vo. pp. v, 66. 90 GRAHAM [COBBETT (William)]. Part II. A Bone to Gnaw, for the- Democrats; containing, ist, Observations on a patriotic pam- phlet entitled "Proceedings of the United Irishmen." 2dly, Democratic Memoires; or an account of some recent feats per- formed by the Frenchified citizens of the United States of America. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, for Will- iam Cobbett, opposite Christ's Church. 1797. 8vo. pp. (2),. 66. [ ] Letters of Sulpicius, on the Northern Confederacy. With An Appendix, containing the Treaty of Armed Neutrality, together with Other Documents Relative to the Subject. Lon- don: Printed by Thomas Baylis, Greville Street, Hatton Gar- den, For William Cobbett, No. 18 Pall Mall; And sold by the Booksellers in general. January 1801. 8vo. pp. 48, xxiii. A Collection of facts and observations, relative to the peace with Bonaparte, chiefly extracted from The Porcupine, and including Mr. Cobbett's Letter^ to Lord Hawkesbury. To which is added, an appendix containing the divers Conventions, treaties, State Papers, and Dispatches connected with the subject; together with extracts frorA the speeches of Mr. Pitt, Mr. Fox, and Lord Hawkesbury, respecting Bonaparte and a peace with France. Philadelphia: Printed for John Morgan. 1802. 8vo. pp. 172, viii. [ ] The Pride of Britannia humbled ; or, the Queen of the Ocean unqueen'd, "by the American Cock Boats." Or "The Fir built Things, with bits of Striped Bunting at their Mast Heads." (As the right Hon. Mr. Canning, in the British par- liament called our American Frigates.) Illustrated and Dem- onstrated by four letters addressed to Lord Liverpool, on the late American War. Philadelphia: 1815. i2mo. pp. 215. pi. A Grammar of the English Language in a Series of Letters. London: 1872. 161110. pp. 255. COGGESHALL (W. T.). The Poets and Poetry of the West: with Biographical and Critical Notices. Columbus: 1860. 8vo. pp. 688. * Selections from the work of over one hundred and fifty writers. CoiGNET (Madame). Association des Dames Franchises en faveur des Esclaves Affranchis d'Ame'rique. Rapport par Madame Coignet, Secretaire. Paris: 1867. 8vo. pp. 18. LIBRARY. 91 GOLDEN (Cad wallader D. ). The Life of Robert Fulton. New York: 1817. Rl. 8vo. pp. vi, 371. port, and folding table. *** Large paper copy. COLERIDGE (Herbert). A Dictionary of the first, or Oldest Words in the English Language: from the Semi-Saxon Period of A. D. 1250 to 1300. London: MDCCCLXII. 8vo. pp. 102. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). Poems / on / Various Subjects / by / S. T. Coleridge, / late of Jesus College, Cambridge. I ... I London: / Printed for G. G. & J. Robinsons, and / J. Cottle, Bookseller, Bristol. / 1796. / i6mo. pp. xvi, 188, (i). *** Allibone states that Coleridge first published his poems in 1794, but in this he erred, the above being the first edition. Poems, / by / S. T. Coleridge, / second edition. / To which are now added / Poems / By Charles Lamb, / and / Charles Lloyd. / Printed by N. Biggs, / for J. Cottle, Bristol, and Messrs. / Robinsons, London. / 1797. / i6mo. pp. xx, 278. Poems. Third edition. London: 1803. i2ino. pp. 202. Christabel: / Kubla Khan, /a vision; / The Pains of Sleep. / By S. T. Coleridge, Esq. / 'London: / Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, /by William Bulmer and Co. Cleve- land-Row, / St. James's. / 1816. / 8vo. pp. vii, 64. The Statesman's Manual; or The Bible the Best Guide to Political Skill and Foresight: A Lay Sermon, addressed to the Higher Classes of Society, with an Appendix, containing Comments and Essays connected with the Study of the Inspired Writings. By S. T. Coleridge. London: Printed for Gale and Fenner, Pater-noster Row; J. M. Richardson, Royal Exchange; and Hatchard, Piccadilly. 1816. 8vo. pp. 65, xlvii. *** Contains a long presentation note in Coleridge's handwriting. "Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters!" A lay Sermon addressed to the higher and middle classes, on the exist- ing Distresses and Discontents. . . . London: Printed for Gale and Fenner. . . . 1817. 8vo. pp. xxxi, 134. Zapolya: / A / Christmas Tale, / in two parts: / The Prelude / entitled / "The Usurper's Fortune;" / and / The Se- quel / entitled / "The Usurper's Fate." / By S. T. Coleridge, Esq. / London: / Printed for Rest Fenner, Paternoster Row. / 1817. / 8vo. pp. (4), 128, (8). 92 GRAHAM COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). The Works of. Philadelphia: 1852. 8vo. pp. 546. port. Biographia Literaria. New York: 1852. 8vo. pp. 804. [Works. Edited by his family.] London: 1847-53. 19 vols. 121110. *** Each volume has a separate title: Notes and Lectures on Shakespeare. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Biographia Literaria. Notes, theological, political and mis- The Friend. cellaneous. Essays on his Own Times. Notes on English Divines. Lay Sermons. Aids to Reflection. On the Constitution of the Church and Poems. State. Dramatic Works. Christabel, and the L/yrical and Imaginative Poems of S. T. Coleridge. Arranged and introduced by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: 1869. i6mo. pp. 150. A / COLLECTION / of / English Precedents, / relating to / the Office / of a / Justice of Peace. / Consisting of / Informa- tions, / Summonses, / Orders, / Examinations, / Warrants, / Recognizances, / Committals, and / Other Instruments. / In an Alphabetical Order. / To which is prefixed, / Copy of the Com- mission of the Peace; / with some Observations thereon. / Bel- fast printed: / New-York, Re-printed, by H. Gaine, in Hanover/ Square. MDCCLXXVI. / i2ino. pp. iv, 86, 10. A COLLECTION of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, ancient and modern, with an emblematical frontispiece. Lon- don: 1822. i6mo. pp. 320. pi. COLLECTION of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland. Glasgow: MDCCCXXXIV. I2mo. pp. 369. Collections . , . relating principally to New Hampshire. See Farmer, J. COLLECTIONS Relative to Claims at the Coronations of sev- eral of (he Kings of England, beginning with King Richard II. London: 1820. 8vo. pp. 96. COLLET (Stephen). Relics of Literature. London: 1823. 8vo. pp. xiv, 400. pi. # * # Extra illustrated by the insertion of 30 portraits. CoLLETTA (Pietro). The History of Naples, from the acces- sion of Charles of Bourbon to the death of Ferdinand I. Trans- LIBRARY. 93 lated from the Italian, with a supplementary chapter by S. Horner. Edinburgh: MDCCCLX. 2 vols. 8vo. COLLIER (J. Payne). The Poetical Decameron, or Ten Con- versations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Edinburgh: 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. **# Volume ii. ouly. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of J. Payne Collier. New York: 1866. 4 vols. 8vo. *** A large paper copy, of which only 75 copies were printed. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the plays of Shake- speare. London: Printed for the Shakespeare Society. 1846. 8vo. pp. xxxviii, 296. *** With numerous marginal notes, and two portraits laid in. COLLINS (John). Scripscrapologia; or, Collins's doggerel Dish Of All Sorts. Consisting of Songs Adapted to familiar Tunes, And which may be sung without the Chaunterpipe of an Italian Warbler, or the ravishing accompaniments of Tweedle-DUM or Tweedle-DEE. Particularly those which have been most applauded in the author's once popular performance, calTd The Brush. The Gallimaufry garnished with a variety of Comic Tales, Quaint Epigrams, Whimsical Epitaphs, &c., &c. Publishd by The Author Himself, and printed by M. Swinney. Birmingham: 1804. 121110. pp. 184. port. COLLINS (Wilkie). Hide and Seek. Leipzig: 1856. 2 vols. I2ino. Armadale. London: 1871. I2mo. pp. 661. The Crossed Path; or, Basil. Philadelphia: [n. d.] 1 2111 0. COLLINS (William). The Poetical Works of William Collins. London: 1830. I2mo. pp. 150. port. CqLLOT (A. G.). French Anecdotes & Questions. Philadel- phia: 1836. 121110. pp. 314. COLTON (J. O.) A Greek Reader. New- York: 1847. 8vo. PP- 395- COLUMBUS (Christopher). Eyn schon hubsch lesen von et- lichen insslen / die do in kurtzen zyten funden synd durch de / 94 GRAHAM kiinig von hispania. vnd sagt vo grossen wun / derlichen dingen die in de selbe insslen synd. L c lph n -] Getruckt zu strass- burg vfF gruneck vo neister Bartlomess / kiistler ym iar. M % CCCC.- xcvij. vffsant Jeronymus tag. Sin. 4to. 7 11. *** While still at sea, on his voyage from America, Columbus addressed a letter, narrating his discovery, to the Royal Treasurer, Sanchez. A copy of this was quickly in Rome, and was at once put forth in the form of an "Ital- ian ottava rima" by Giuliaus Dati, "one of the most popular poets of the day." The above is a fac simile of a German edition of this poem, of which a few copies were made by John Harris. COLUMBUS (Christopher). See Bourgeois: and Sportono, G. B. COLWELL (S.). See Wells, D. A. COMBE (George). The Constitution of Man considered in Relation to External Objects. Edinburgh: MDCCCXXXVI. i2mo. [COMBE (Taylor)]. A Description of the collection of An- cient Terracottas in the British 1 Museum; with engravings. London: 1810. 4to. pp. 39. 40 pis. COMBEROUSSE (C. de). Les Grands Ingenieurs. Paris: 1866. 24mo. pp. 72. La Femme dans la Famille. Paris : 1867. 24ino. pp. 70. La Cooperation. La Socie'te de Beauregard et les Equit- ables Pionniers de Rochdale. Paris: 1869. 24mo. pp. 72. The COMMONER, a Poem. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1710. 8vo. pp. 14. Common Sense. See Paine, T. The COMMUNE. Les 31 Seances Officielles de la Commune de Paris. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 280. COMTE (Auguste). Systeme de Politique Positive, ou Traite" de Sociologie, Instituant la Religion de I'Humanite'. Paris: 1851- 4 vols. 8vo. Cours de Philosophic Positive. Paris: 1835- 6 vols. 8vo. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences: being an exposi- tion of the principles of the Cours de Philosophic Positive of Auguste Com te. By G. H. Lewes. MDCCCLIII. i2ino. pp. 351. CONDE (J. A.). History of the Dominion of the Arabs in Spain, Translated from the Spanish by Mrs. Jonathan Foster. London: MDCCCLIV- 3 vols. i2ino. LIBRARY. 95 CONDER (Josiah). A Popular Description of Africa. Geo- graphical, historical, and topographical. Illustrated by maps and plates. London: [n. d.] 3 vols. i6mo. #\ Part of a series of 30 volumes containing descriptions of countries, the following being the other volumes of the set: America, 2 vols. Palestine. Arabia. Persia and China, 2 vols. Burmah, Siam and Anam. Peru and Chile. Brazil, 2 vols. Russia. Egypt, Nubia, etc., 2 vols. Spain and Portugal, 2 vols. Greece. Spain, 2 vols. India, 4 vols. Syria, 2 vols. Italy, 3 vols. Turkey. [CONDORCET, M. J. A. N. Caritat, Marquis de~\. loge de M. Franklin, Lu a la seance publique de 1' Academic des Sci- ences, le 13 Nov. 1790. A Paris, Chez Pyre I 79 I - 8vo. pp. (2), 42. Conduite des Frangois, See Chessieux. CONDY, J. W. See Marshall, S. CONFUCIUS and MENCIUS. Les Quatre Livres de philosophic morale et politique de la Chine traduits du Chinois. Par G. Pauthier. Paris: 1852. i2ino. pp. 465. CONGREVE. See Addison. CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Memoirs. Vol. I. Part I. New Haven, 1810. 8vo. *pp. 216. The Consolidator, See Defoe. "Constantia." See Murray, J. S. CONSTITUTIONS des Treize Etats-Unis de 1'Ame'riqiie. A Philadelphie; Et se trouve A Paris: 1783. 8vo. pp. (4), 540. Contemporaries of Burns. See Paterson, J. CONWAY (Moncure D.). The Earthward Pilgrimage. Lon- don: 1870. I2tno. pp. 406. #** A presentatiou copy from the author to Mr. Graham. COOKE (John Esten). Henry St. John, Gentleman, of "Flower of Hundreds," In the County of Prince George, Vir- ginia. A Tale of 1774-' 75. New York: 1859. i2mo. pp. 503. COOKE, P. St. George. See Emory, W. H. COOLIDGE (Susan, Miss Woolsey). The New- Year's Bargain. Boston: 1873. I2ino. pp. 231. 96 GRAHAM [COOMBE (William)]. The R tations Bv Another Hand. -L Register. With Anno- London: M, DCC, LXXX- 9 vols. 121110. *** This is a series of somewhat scandalous portraits of the leading men of the period in Great Britain, the danger of prosecution being avoided by print- ing all names in blank. In this copy a former owner has filled these in, and the list is of enough interest' to be published here : Vol. I. Earl Gower, Lord Scarsdale, Earl of Effingham, Duke of Leeds, Earl of Harrington, Duke of Grafton, Marquis of Carmarthen, Duke of Norfolk, Duke of Beaufort, Bishop of Durham (Eger- Lord Littleton (present), ton), Earl of vStamford, Lord Holland, Lord Grantham, Lord Le Despencer, Lord Bolingbroke, Lord Townshend, Duke of Northumberland, Earl of Northington, Archbishop of Canterbury Earl of Delaware, (Coruwallis), Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Moreton, Duke of Ancaster, Earl Temple, Earl of Sussex, Earl of Carlisle, Earl of March, Earl of Hertford, Duke of Portland, Earl of Pomfret, Duke of Richmond, Earl Coruwallis, Earl Pembroke, Duke Marlborough, Earl of Aylesbury, Earl of Harcourt, Earl of Radnor, Bishop of Baugor (Moore), Lord Milton, Earl of Thanet, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry (Hurd). Vol. III. Duke St. Albans, Earl of Egremont, Duke of Dorset, Earl of Northampton, Duke of Montague, Earl of Abingdon, Lord Abergavenny, Lord Amherst, Duke of Roxburgh, Lord Walpole, Bishop of Chester (Mark- Lord Edgecombe, ham), Lord Falmouth, Duke of Gloucester, Marquis of Lothian, Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Bedford, Lord Grosvenor, Lord Littleton date), Bishop of Oxford (Lowth), Duke of Manchester, Earl of Bristol. Vol. II. Earl Mansfield, Earl Talbot, Earl of Guilford, Earl of Chesterfield (late), Earl of Harborough, Earl of Hardwicke, Lord Dormer, Earl of Chatham, Duke of Rutland, Bishop of Landaff (Bar- Earl of Chesterfield (pres- rington), ent), Earl of Oxford, Lord Percy, Marquis of Rockingham, Bishop Carlisle (Dr. Law), Earl Salisbury, Lord Molesworth (when Lord Montfort), Duke of Bolton. Vol. IV. Bishop of Winchester (North), Bishop of Gloucester Bishop of Hereford (Beau- Lord Beaulieu, (Warburton), Earl of Egmont, Earl of Gainsborough, Earl of Cowper, Earl of Sandwich, Earl of Dartmouth, Earl of Huntingdon, Earl of Shelburn, Earl Spencer, clere), Lord Berkely, Duke of Bridgewater, Lord Hereford, Lord Camden, Lord Onslow (Earl of Suf- Lord Bathurst (Lord Chan- folk ), cellor), Earl of Cholmondely, Lord Craven, Earl of Derby (present), Lord Hawke (Admiral), Bishop of Chichester( Ash- Bishop of Peterborough burnham), (Hinchliffe), Lord Courtenay, ^LIBRARY. 97 Earl of Rochford (late), Lord Hillsborough, Lord Roseberry, Duke of Buccleugh, Bishop of Durham (Eger- ton), Lord Ferrers (Washing- ton Shirley), Earl of Buckinghamshire, Lord Archer, Earl of Orford (late), Earl of Orford, Earl of Powys, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Winchelsea, Earl of Cork and Orrery, Lord Ferrers, Lord Say and Sele, Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Foley (late), Duke of Chandos, Earl of Bute. Vol. V. Lord Torrington, Lord Boston, Earl Sussex, Earl of Essex, Earl of Peterborough, L,ord Harrowby, Duke of Hamilton, Bishop of Salisbury (Hume), Lord Byron, Lord Rivers, I^ord Mount Stuart, Lord Foley (present), Bishop of Bristol (New- ton), Lord Digbj 7 , Lord Maynard, Lord Bathurst, Lord Romney, Bishop of Winchester (Thomas), Lord Albemarle, Bishop of Exeter (Keppel), Lord Montague, Earl of Clarendon, Jvord Dacre, Lord Stormont, Sir John Rushout, Honorable Mr. Sandys, Mr. George Grenville, Sir Joseph Yorke (now Lord Dover). Vol. VI. Marquis of Tavistock, Right Hon. Chas. Town- send, Marquis of Granby, Sir Charles Saunders, Soame Jennings, Lord Clare, Lord Frederick Campbell, Sir George Saville, Hon. Charles Yorke, Sir Edward Bayuton flolt, Sir William Bagot, Sir Henry St. John, Alderman Beckford, Sir Samuel Fludyer, James Harris, Esq. (The Father of Lord Malms- bury), James Mansfield, Lord Barrington, Sir James Lowther (now Lord Lonsdale), Sir William Meredith, George Forester, Robert Gregory, Lord Irnham, Lord George Germain. Vol. VII. Thomas Bradshaw, Right Hon. R. Rigby, Alderman Harley, Hon. H. Walpole, Sir Chas. Frederick, Chase Price, Sir Fletcher Norton (Lord Gratitley), G. Hunt, General Con way, Lord Clive, Lord Mulgrave, John Scudamore, William Gerraid Hamil- ton, Lord Pigot, Sir George Colebrook, Sir Lawrence Dundas, Robert Macreth, vSir James Cockburn, John Dunning, Lord Petersham, General Fitzroy (Lord Southampton), Edmund Burke, Richard Witworth, Colgnel Barre, * Hon. Boyle Walsingham, Charles Turner, H. Herbert (Lord Por- chester), Sir Francis Sykes, Sir Thomas Rumbold. Vol. VIH. David Hartley, H. Hartley, John Cator, William Eden (Lord Auck- land), William Pulteney, George Byng, Alderman Bull, Fitzpatrick, William Baker, A. Wedderburn (Lord Loughborough), Mr. Serjeant Glynn, Thurlow (now Lord Thur- low), Admiral Keppel (Lord Keppel), Governor Johnstone, John Calvert, General Burgoyne, Edmund Gibbon, General Traver, Lord Mahon (now Lord Stanhope), Francis Page, Sir Sampson Guideon, Robert Polk, (now Sir Robert), Sir Watkin Lewis, Rt. Hon. Wolfran Corn- wall, Sir Charles Bampfylde, 98 GRAHAM Colonel Luttrel, Lord Beauchamp, George Stratton, Captain James Luttrel, Humphry Sturt, Sir John Borlase Warren, Hon. James Brudenell, Anthony Storer, John Crewe, Lord Melburne, Frederick Montague, Sir Ralph Payne, Sir John Irvin, William Hanger, Doctor Tucker (Dean of General Howe. Lord Surrey (now Duke of Gloucester), Vol. IX. Norfolk), William Dowdeswell, Lord Howe, General Smith, Sir Eyre Coote, Alderman Towushend, Sir Hugh Palliser, Lord George Henry Cav- Sir George Shuckburgh, Lord George Lenox, endish, Sir George Rodne}*, Richard Brindsley Sheri- Edwin Lascelles, Penuystone Powney, dan, Daniel Lascelles, Robert Child, Sir Abraham Hume, Sir William Gordon, K.B., Chief Baron Skinner, Colonel Fullarton, Alderman Newham, Sir Richard Simmons, Hon. George Hobart, Sir Richard Worseley, Humphrey Minchin, Bamber Gascoigne, Thomas Powys. Robert Vyner, 5 [COOMBE (William)]. The English Dance of Death, from the designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustrations, by the author of "Doctor Syntax." London: 1815- 2 vols. 8vo. pis. The First Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of the Picturesque; A Poem. By William Combe. Illustrated with eighty-one plates by T. Rowlandson. London: MDCCCLV. 3 vols. 8vo. 81 pis. COOPER (James Fenimore). [Works.] New York: 1856. #*. Townsend's edition, each volume having a separate title. The Spy. The Headsman. The Two Admirals. The Deerslayer. Home as Found. Wyandotte. The Last of the Mohicans. Wing-and-Wing. The Sea Lion. The Pathfinder. Jack Tier. The Wept of Wish-ton- The Pioneers. Lionel Lincoln. Wish. The Prairie. The Red Rover. The Water-Witch. The Pilot. Homeward Bound. The Bravo. Pages and Pictures from the writings of James Feni- more Cooper, with notes by Susan Fenimore Cooper. Illus- trated on steel and wood from original drawings. New York: 1861. 4to. pp. 400. pis. and port. *+ These were the frontispiece plates of Townsend's edition of Cooper, with excerpts of the text which each plate was intended to illustrate. See Ancelot. COOPER (T.). Renseignemens sur 1'Ame'rique. Traduits de 1'Anglois; A Paris: 1795. 8vo. pp. (xx), 292. map. COOPER (Wm. M.). Flagellation and the Flagellants. A LIBRARY. 99 History of the Rod in all countries from the earliest period to the present time. With numerous illustrations. London: 1869. I2mo. pp. 544. *** Cooper was the pseudonym of James G. Bertram. CORBELLA, (Carlo). Dizionario Italiano-Inglese ed Inglese- Italiano con pronuncia scritta. Milano: 1868. i6mo. pp. 1612. CORNEILLE (Pierre and Thomas). Theatre Corneille avec notes et commentaires. Paris: 1848. 2 vols. i2tno. port. [CORNER (Miss J.)]. China. With some account of Java and the Burmese, Siam, and Anam. London: MDCCCLIII. I2mo. pp. 521. map. [ ] India. London: MDCCCLIV. i2mo. pp. 494. map. "Cornwall, Barry." See Procter, B. W. CORTA (Charles Eustache). Mexique. Discours de M. Corta, Deput^ au Corps. Legislatif et de S. Exc. M. Rouher, Ministre d'Etat. Paris: 1865. 8vo. pp. 62. Correspondence of the American Revolution. See Sparks, J. The COSTUME of the Russian Empire, Illustrated by a series of Seventy-Three Engravings. With Descriptions in English and French. London: MDCCCIII. Lg. 4to. 73 pis. and text. *.*# Part of a series of National Costumes, others of it being catalogued in this list under Mason (G. H.), Moleville (B. de), and "Punishments." The COSTUME of Turkey, Illustrated by a series of Engrav- ings; with Descriptions in English and French. London: MDCCCIV. Lg. 4to. 60 pis. and text. #*. Also a separate volume: The Military COSTUME of Turkey. Illustrated by a Series of Engravings, from Drawings made on the Spot. London: [1818.] Lg. 4to. 30 pis. and text. COTHREN, William. History of Ancient Woodbury, Con- necticut, from the first Indian deed in 1659 to J 854> including the present towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Rox- bury, and a part of Oxford and Middlebury. Waterbury, Conn. : 1854. 8vo. pp. 833. pis., port., and map. #** At page 545 begins a genealogical sketch of the Graham family, with a plate of their coat of arms. From this it appears that the family is first traced to Sir David Graeme, k ' who held a grant of land from King William the Lion." His descendant, Patrick Graham, was created a "Lord of Parliament " about 1445, and his grandson, William, was created Earl of Montrose in 1504. Fourth from him in succession was the great Earl of Montrose, later made a Marquis. The fourth Marquis was created Duke in 1707. " A second son of 100 GRAHAM one of these Marquises" was Rev. John Graham, born in Edinburgh in 1694, and an emigrant to Boston in 1718, where he married Abigail, daughter of Charles Chauncey, and settled as minister at Stafford, Conn. His fourth son, Andrew, removed to Woodbury, Conn. Andrew's seventh child, Nathan B., married Jean, daughter of James Lorimer, of London, and settled in New- York in 1810. His fourth child was Nathan B., the. father of James Lorimer Graham, to whom belonged the library here catalogued. There is a second copy of this book in two volumes. [CoTOLENDi (Charles)]. . Arliquiniana, ou les Bons Mots, les Histoires Plaisantes & Agrdables. A Paris: M. DC. xciv. 241110. pp. 354. pi. COTTLE (Joseph). Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge and Robert Sou they. New York: 1848. i2mo. pp. 378. [CoTTON (Charles)]. Scarronides: / or, / Le Virgile Travesty. / A Mock-Poem. / Being the First Book of Virgils .neis / in Bnglish, Burlesque. / Non minimum est insigniter ineptire. / Plin. Ep. / Imprimatur, / Roger L/ Estrange. / London: / Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome at the Gun / in Ivy-lane. 1664. i2mo. pp. (4), 112. [ ] Scarronnides, or, Virgile Travestie. A Mock-Poem, On the First and Fourth Books of Virgil's ^nseis In English; Burlesque. London, Printed by T. R. for Henry Brome, at the Gun, near the West-end of St. Pauls. 1672. i2mo. pp. (4), 150. See Walton, Izaak. Court of . . . King James. See Williams, R. F. [COURTIER (P. L.)]. The Lyre of Love. London: 1806. 2 vols. i2tno. pis. *** A collection of amatory poems. COUSIN (V.). Lectures on the True, The Beautiful, and The Good. New York: M DCCC Liv. 8vo. pp. 391. COUTTS(W. G.). "The Games." A Nicht wi' Burns and Other Poems. By W. G. Coutts. Published by the Author. New York: 1860. 8vo. pp. 144. *** A. presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. There is another copy, pp. 160. CowLEY, (A.). Poems: / Viz. / I. / Miscellanies. / II. The Mistress, or Love Verses. / III. Pindarique Odes. / And IV. / Davideis, / or, a / Sacred Poem / of the / Troubles / of / David. / Written by A. Cowley. /.,../ London, / Printed for Hum- LIBRARY. 101 phrey Moseley, at the Prince's / Arms in St. Pauls Church- yard, M.DC.LVI. Folio, pp. (22), 41, 80, 154, 23. #*# Parts II. and in. have separate title pages. CowPER(W.). The Works of William Cowper. Comprising his poems, correspondence, and translations. With a life of the author. By the editor, Robert Southey. London: MDCCC- LIII- 8 vols. i2ino. ports, and pis. The Poetical Works. With life, critical dissertations, and explanatory notes. By George Gilfillan. New York: M.DCCC.LIV. 2 VOls. 8VO. The Task, A Poem. New York: 1850. i2tno. pp. 306. , COXE (William). Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence: collected from the family records at Blenheim, and other authentic sources. A new edi- tion, revised by John Wade. London: 1847. 2 v ^ s - 8vo. ports. History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218 to 1792. Third edition. London: 1852- 3 vols. 8vo. ports. *** For a continuation, see Kelly. COXE (Tench). View of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794. . . . Philadelphia: 1794. 8vo. pp. 513. [COYER, (Gabriel Francois)]. Nouvelles Observations sur 1'Angleterre, Par Un Voyageur. A Paris: M. DCC. LXXIX. I2mo. pp. (4), 366 (2). The Cozeners. See Foote, S. COZZENS (Frederic S.). The Sparrowgrass Papers: or, Liv- ing in the Country. New York: 1856. i2mo. pp. 328. CRABB (George). English Synonymes Explained in Alpha- betical Order. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 801. CRAIG (John). A New Universal Etymological, Technolo- gical, and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, embracing all the terms used in Arts, Science, and Literature. London: 1852. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. pi. 102 GRAHAM [CRAIK (Mrs. D. Mulock)]. Olive. A Novel. London: [n. d.] i2mo. [ ] Poems. Boston: M DCCC LX. 8vo. pp. 270. [ J Poems. Boston: 1869. 241110. pp. 260. CRAIK, (G. L.)> and C. MAC FARLANE. The Pictorial History of England: being a history of the people, as well as a history of the kingdom. London, Charles Knight, 1849. 8 vols. rl. 8vo. ports. Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England. London: 1844. 6 vols. 241110. CRANCH (Christopher Pearse). Poerns. Philadelphia: 1844. 24mo. pp. 116. **# Inserted is the following poem, in the handwriting of the author : Friend of my later years how strange it seems These leaves to turn dead rose leaves of a time When my heart dallied in imperfect rhyme- When thought was crude and my half boyish dreams Of beauty struggled with too timid wing. No wonder such a feeble book lay dead, Or by a few kind friends alone was read. Ah, what a fossil-flower! Yet give the thing A corner on your shelves no sign or test Of what you know me now. Place it among Your dry ferns gathered some long summer day When life was sunshine. Though not even best Of what I was yet since it once was young, And fragrant on my heart throw it not quite away! N. Y. June s'th. 1865 Half past 12. a. m. C. P. CRANCH. CRASHAW (Richard). Steps / to the / Temple. / Sacred Poems, / With other Delights of the / Muses. / By Richard Crashaw, some- / times of Pembroke Hall, and / late Fellow of S. Peters Coll. / in Cambridge. / Printed and Published according to Order. / London, / Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, and / are to be sold at his shop at the Princes / Armes in St. Pauls Church- / yard. 1646. / i6mo. pp. (10), 99. ** Followed by: The / Delights / of the / Muses. / Or, / Other Poems written on / severall occasions. / By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pern- /broke Hall, and late Fellow of St. Pe- / ters Colledge in Cambridge. / . . . / London, / Printed by T. W. for H. Moseley, at / the Princes Armes in S. Pauls / Church- yard, 1646. / i6mo. pp. (4), 103-138, (4). The Poetical Works of Richard Crashaw and Quarles' Emblems. With Memoirs and Critical Dissertations by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh: M.DCCC.LVII. 8vo. pp. xxi, 368. LIBRARY. 103 * CRAVEN (Dr. John J.) La vie de Prison de Jefferson Davis, ex- Fre"sident des I tats- Con fede"res au Fort Monroe. Scenes tiroes du Journal re"dige par le Dr. Craven, chirurgien de la garnison. Traduites de 1' Anglais, par Wallace S. Jones. Paris: 1866. 8vo. pp. 32. CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES (A. W. C. Lindsay, Earl of). Report of the speeches of Counsel, and of the Lord Chancellor and Lord St. Leonards in moving the resolution upon the claim of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, to the original Duke- dom of Montrose (created in 1488), as referred to the House of Lords by Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, for their advice and opinion thereupon: preceded by an address to Her Majesty, in humble remonstrance against the opinion reported to Her Majesty and by an analysis of the argument as between the claimant and the officers representing the Crown, with the opin- ions of the Committee of Privileges, point by point, throughout: and followed by an appendix, containing the leading documents adduced and referred to, and the oral evidence delivered, by and on behalf of the claimant and the crown, in this case. By Lord Lindsay. London: 1855. Folio, pp. xli, xcv, cxlv, 593. *** See Montrose. Etruscan Inscriptions Analysed. Translated and com- mented upon. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 323. "Crayon, Geoffrey." See Irving, W. [CREECH (William)]. Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces. Edin- burgh: M.DCC.XCI. 1 2 mo. pp. 300. CRESPEL (Emmanuel). Voyage / au / Nouveau-Monde, / et / Histoire Interessante / du Naufrage du R. P. Crespel. / Avec des Notes Historique* & Geographiques. / A Amsterdam. M. DCC. LVII. / i2tno. pp. x, 140. [CREVECCEUR (J. H. St. John)]. Lettres/d'un/Cultivateur/ ' Ame'ricain, / Ecrites a W. S. Ecuyer, / Depuis 1'annee 1770, jusqu' a 1781. / Traduites de 1'Anglois par * * * / Tome Pre- mier. / A Paris, / Chez Cuchet, Libraire, rue & hotel Serpente. M. DCC. LXXXIV. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 422, (2); (4), 392. Lettres / d'Un Cultivateur / Ame'ricain / addressees a Win. S . . .on Esqr. / depuis 1'Annee 1770 jusqu' en 1786. / Par M. St. John / de Creve Coeur, / Traduites de 1'Anglois. / Keen feelings inspire resistless thoughts. / Tome I. / A Paris. / >104 GRAHAM Chez Cuchet Libraire, Rue et H6tel Serpente. 1787. / 3 vols. 8vo. pp. (2), xxxij, 478, (2), 3 plates; (2), 438, (6), 3 maps; (2), 592, i map and pi. CREVECCEUR (J. H. St. John). Letters from an American Farmer; describing certain provincial situations, manners, and customs, not generally known; and conveying some idea of the late and present interior circumstances of the British Colonies in North America. Written for the information of a friend in England, By J. Hector St. John, a farmer in Pennsylvania. London, printed for Thomas Davies in Russel Street Covent- Garden, and Lockyer Davis in Holborn. M DCC LXXXII. 8vo. PP- (i5)> 3 l8 - 2 ma P s - [ ] Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans 1'Etat de New-York. Par un Membre adoptif de la Nation One"ida. Traduit et public par 1'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain. Tome Premier. De 1'Imprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris, Chez Maradan, Libraire, rue Pavee S. Andre-des-Arcs, no 16. An ix 1801. 3 vols. 8vo. maps and ports. Christophe Colomb. See Bourgeois. "Crito." See Millar, J. CROKER (T. C.). The Popular Songs of Ireland. Collected and edited, with introductions and notes. London: M.DCCC.- xxxix. 8vo. pp. 340. CROMEK (R. H.). Reliques of Burns. Original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish Songs. Philadel- phia: 1809. i2ino. pp. 294. CROOKS, G. R. See M'Clintock, J. CROWE (J. A., & G. B. CAVALCASELLE). A History of Paint- ing in Italy from the second to the fourteenth century. Lon- don: 1864- 3 vols. 8vo. plates. A History of Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century. London: 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. CRUDEN (Alexander). A concordance to the New and Old Testament, or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible. Edited by the Rev. C. S. Carey. London: [n. d.]. 8vo. pp. 572. LIBRARY. 105 CRUIKSHANK (George). Phrenological Illustrations, or An Artist's View of the craniological system of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim. London: Published by George Cruikshank, . . . . . MDCCCXXVI. Oblong 4to. Title, preface & 6 pis. Punch and Judy, with twenty-four illustrations. De- signed and engraved by George Cruikshank. And other plates. Accompanied by the dialogue of the puppet-show, an account of its origin, and of puppet plays in England. Fifth edition. London: 1870. i2mo. pp. 94. pis. See Smollett, T. ; Dickens, C. ; Fielding, H. ; Clarke, W. CRUISE (William). A Digest of the Laws of England, re- specting Real property. First American edition, carefully cor- rected from the London copy. New- York: 1808. 8vo. *** Vols. n. and in. only. CUMBERLAND (Richard). The Carmelite: a Tragedy. Lon- don: 177-? 8vo. pp. 71. **# Lacks title. GUMMING (John). Voices of the Night. Boston: 1854. i2mo. pp. 275. CUMMINGS (T. S.). Historic Annals of the National Acad- emy of Design, New- York Drawing Association, etc., with occasional dottings by the way side, from 1825 to the present time. t Philadelphia: 1865. 8vo. pp. 364. [CUMMINS (Maria S.)]. Haunted Hearts. A Tale of New Jersey. London: 1869. i6mo. pp. 342. CUNNINGHAM (Allan). The Gallery of Pictures by the First Masters of the English and Foreign Schools; with biographical and critical dissertations. London: [1834]. 2 vols. 4to. port, and pis. [CUNNINGHAM (J.)]. An Essay on Trade and Commerce. London: MDCCLXX. 8vo. pp. xiv, 302. CUNNINGHAM (Peter). London As It Is. London: [1860]. i6mo. pp. 316. map. Curiosities of Literature. See D' Israeli, I. [CuRRiE (Dr. James)]. A letter, commercial {and political, addressed to the Rt. Honble. William Pitt: in which the real interests of Britain, in the present crisis are considered, and 106 GRAHAM some observations are offered on the general state of Europe. The third edition corrected and enlarged. By Jasper Wilson. London: MDCCXCIII. 8vo. pp. 72. *** See Chalmers, G. [CuRTis (George William)]. Nile Notes of a Howadji. New York: 1852. i2ino. pp. 320. [ ] The Potiphar Papers." New York: M.DCCC.LIV. i2ino. pp. 251. Prue and I. New York: 1856. i2tno. pp. 214. CUSTINE (Adolphe Marquis de). Russia. Translated from New York: M.DCCC.LIV. i2mo. pp. 499. CUVIER (Georges). The AnimarKingdom, arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals and an in- troduction to comparative anatomy. London: 1851. 8vo. pp. 718. pis. Cyclopaedia of Moral . . , Anecdote. See Cheever, G. i AGRON ( ?). La Poste par Pigeons Voyageurs. Souvenir du Siege de Paris. Specimen identique d'une des pellicules de depeches portees a Paris par pigeons voyageurs. Photo- graphiees par Dagron. Tours-Bordeaux 1870-1871. I2mo. pp. 24. photograph. **# The photograph is a sample of the means by which, in connection with the carrier pigeons, Paris was kept informed of outside news, after the capi- tal was surrounded by the German forces. The photograph, of the thinnest gelatine film, and only one and a quarter by two inches in size, reproduces eight newspaper pages so that they can be read by a microscope. DALLAS (A. J.). Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Several Courts of the United States, and of Pennsylvania, held at the seat of the Federal Government. Philadelphia: 1799-. 8vo. *** Volumes in. and iv. only. DALLAS (R. C.). Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814; exhibiting his early character and opinions, detailing the progress, of his literary career, and including various unpublished passages of his works. Taken from authentic documents in the possession of the author. By the late R. C. Dallas. To which is prefixed, an account of the circumstances leading to the suppression of Lord Byron's correspondence with the author, and his letters to his mother, lately announced for publication. London: MDCCCXXIV. 8vo. pp. xcvii, 344. facs. DALLAWAY (James). Anecdotes of the Arts in England. 1800. 4to. pp. 526. DALSEME (A. J.). Paris Pendant le Siege et les Soixante- Cinq Jours de La Commune Avec un Plan detaiHe" et des Fac- simile. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 416. map. DANA (James D.). Corals and Coral Islands. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 398. maps and pis. DANA (R. H.,/r.). Enemy's Territory and Alien Enemies. What the Supreme Court decided in the Prize Causes. Boston: 1864. 8vo. pp. ii. (107) 108 GRAHAM [DANIEL (George)]. The Modern Dunciad. Virgil in Lon- don and other poems. London: 1835. i2mo. pp. 342. [ ] Democritus in London With the Mad Pranks and Comical Conceits of Motley and Robin Good Fellow, to which are added Notes Festivous, etc. London: 1852. I2mo. pp. 312. a** A presentation copy from the author to Peter Cunningham. Love's Last Labour Not Lost. London: 1863. i2mo. pp. 294. DANIEL (Louis). La Guerre aux Etats-Unis, Topographic Mceurs Histoire Documents diplomatiques et politiques. Avec une carte du theatre de la guerre. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 156. map. #** Pages 100-156 are filled with illustrative documents. DANTE ALIGHIERI. La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri Con Illustrazioni Tomo I. Pisa: Dalla Tipografia Delia So- cieta Letteraria. MDCCCIV- 4 vols. Fo. ports. La Divina Commedia di Dante Allighieri con tavole in. rame. Tomo I. Firenze: Nella tipografia all' insegna dell' ancora. MDCCCXVII. 4 vols. Ig. Fo. pis. L' Inferno di Dante Alighieri Colle Figure di G. Dore\. Parigi: M DCCC LXI. Fo. pp. (3), iv, 184. pis. and port. Dante,, translated into English Verse By I. C. Wright. Third edition. Illustrated with engravings on steel, after de- signs by Flaxman. London: MDCCCLV. 8vo. pp. 460. **# Also a copy of the fourth edition: 1861. The Comedy of Dante Allighieri. Part I The Hell. Translated into blank verse by William Michael Rossetti, with introductions and notes. London and Cambridge: 1865. I2ino. pp. 248. Seventeen Cantos of the Inferno of Dante Alighieri. Boston: MDCCCLXV. sm. 4to. pp. xi, 104. *** Translated by T. W. Parsons. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. London: 1867. 8vo. pp. 760. *** On fly leaves are a stanza from Spencer in Longfellow's handwriting, and two of his photographs. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Leipzig: 1867. Three vols. i6mo. See Esposizione. LIBRARY. 109 DAPHNIS: or, a 'Pastoral Elegy Upon the Unfortunate Death of Mr. Thomas Creech. With Poem on The Despairing Lover, and The Despairing Shepherd. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-side. [1709]. 8vo. pp. 16. [D'ARBLAY (Miss Frances Burney, Madame]\. The Wan- derer; or, Female Difficulties. London: 1814. 5 vols. i2ino. DARBOY (Georges, Monseigneur}. Du Gouvernement de Soi-Meme. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 50. DARLEY, F. O. C. See Key, F. S. DARWIN (Charles). The Origin of Species by means of nat- ural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the strug- gle for life. New York: M.DCCC. LX. i2ino. pp. 432. De la Variation des Animaux et des Plantes sous 1' action de la domestication. Traduit de 1' Anglais par J. J. Moulinie. Preface de Carl Vogt. Avec 43 Gravures sur bois. Paris: 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. DASENT (George Webbe, translator}. Popular Tales from The Norse. With an introductory essay on the origin and diffusion of popular tales. New York: 1859. 8vo. pp. 379. DAUBREE (G. A.). La Chaleur Interieure du Globe. Paris: 1866. 24mo. pp. 52. La Mer et les Continents Leur Parente. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 72. D'AvENANT(5Yr William). Gondibert:/ An Heroick/Poem;/ written by/ Sir William D'Avenant. / London, / Printed for John Holden, and are/ to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the An-/ chor in the New-Exchange, 1651. / i6mo. pp. 64, (4), (2), 243, (5)- *** Formerly Henry Kirke White's copy, with his autograph and MS. marginal notes. Madagascar; / With Other / Poems. / The second Edi- tion. / By / W. Davenant Knight. / London, / Printed for Humph- rey Moseley, and / are to be sold at his shop at the Princes/ Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard / 1648. / i6mo. pp. (12), 140. DAVIES (John). The Original, Nature, and Immortality of the Soul. A Poem By Sir John Davies, Attorney -General to Q. Elizabeth. Glasgow: Printed and sold by R. & A. Foulis. MDCCXUX. i6mo. pp. (6), 94. 110 GRAHAM DAVIS (Jefferson). Message au Senat et d la Chambre des Etats Confederes le 7 decembre 1863. [Paris: 1862]. 8vo. pp. 46. [DAVIS (S. M.)]. The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. Boston: M DCCC Lix. 8vo. pp. 281. port, and pi. DAVY (Sir Humphry). Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a course of lectures for the Board of Agriculture; delivered between 1802 and 1812. London: 1839. 8vo. pp. 422. pis. DAWSON (H. B.). Major-General Israel Putnam. A corres- pondence on this subject, with the editor of "The Hartford Daily Post." By "Selah " of that city, and Henry B. Dawson of White Plains, N. Y. Morrisania: 1860. 4to. pp. 169. DECOMBEROUSSK (Benoit-Michel). Asgill, ou le Prisonnier Anglais, Drame, En cinq Actes et en Vers. A Paris: AN iv. [1796]. 8vo. pp. 56. DECOURCY. See Francis. Defense des Recherches. See Pauw, C. de. [DE FOE (Daniel)]. The Consolidator: or, Memoirs of Sun- dry Transactions from the World in the Moon. Translated from the Lunar Language, By the Author of The True-born English- Man. London: Printed, and are to be Sold by Benj. Bragg at the Blue Ball in Ave-mary-lane, 1705. 8vo. pp. (3), 360. [ ] An Elegy on the Author of the True-Born-English- Man. With an Essay On the Late Storm. By the Author of the Hymn to the Pillory. London: Printed in the Year 1708. 8vo. pp. 24. ] A Hymn to the Pillory. London: Printed in the Year 1708. 8vo. pp. 15, (i). [ ] A / Hymn / to / Peace. / Occasion'd, by the Two Houses / Joining in One Address to the / Queen. / By The / Author of the True-born English-Man. / London: Printed in the Year MDCCIX. 8vo. pp. 32. [ ] Faults on both sides: or an Essay upon the Original Cause, Progress, and Mischievous Consequences of the Factions in this Nation. Shewing that the Heads and Leade/s on both Sides have always impos'd upon the Credulity of their respective Parties, in order to compass their own Selfish Designs at the Expence of the Peace and Tranquility of the Nation. Sincerely LIBRARY. Ill intended For the allaying the Heats and Animosities of the People, the Persuading all Honest, Well-meaning Men to com- pose their Party-Quarrels, and unite their Hearts and Affections, for the promoting the Publick Good, and Safety of their Queen and Country. By way of Answer to the Thoughts of an Honest Tory. The Second Edition. London: Printed and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. 1710. 8vo. pp. 541. **# Imperfect. [DE FOE (Daniel)]. History of the plague in London in 1665. And The Consolidates Oxford: 1840. i2mo. pp. 413. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Cru- soe, of York, Mariner, with a Biographical Account of Defoe, illustrated with seventy characteristic wood engravings, chiefly after designs by Harvey, and twelve engravings on steel, after Stothard. London: 1855. 121110. pp. 442. pis. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robin- son Crusoe, of York, Mariner. As related by himself. With upwards of One Hundred Illustrations. London: [1872]. Sm. 4to. pp. 394. port. [ ] Robinson Crusoe in words of One Syllable. By Mary Godolphin. With coloured illustrations. New York: [n. d.]. i2ino. pp. 161. pis. DE FOREST (J. W.). European Acquaintance: being sketches of People in Europe. New York: 1858. 8vo. pp. 276. DELAFIELD, E. See Mott, V. De la Revolution au Mexique, See Canedo. DELAFAYE-BREHIER (Mme. J.). Natalie, ou Les Dangers des Preventions. Avec gravures. Paris. [1842]. i2mo. pp. 288. pis. De /' Etat et du Sort des Colonies, See Sainte-Croix. Delices des Pays-Bas. See Chrystin. DELMAS (Abbe G.). La Terreur et 1'Eglise en 1871. Remits Historiques par TAbbe" Delmas. Paris: 1871. i2mo. pp. 176. DEMIDOFF (Anatole de). Travels in Southern Russia, and the Crimea; through Hungary, Wallachfa, & Moldavia, during the year 1.837. Illustrated by RafFet. London: 1853. 2 v l s - rl. 8vo. maps and pis. Democritus in London. See Daniel, G. DEMOSTHENES. The Olynthiac and other public orations of 112 GRAHAM Demosthenes. Translated, with Notes, &c. by Charles Rann Kennedy. London: 1852. 8vo. pp. 312. port. DEMOSTHENES. The Orations of Demosthenes On the Crown, and On the Embassy. Translated, with Notes, &c. by Charles Rann Kennedy. London: 1855. 8vo. pp. 401. [DENNIE (Joseph)]. The Spirit of the Farmers' Museum, and Lay Preacher's Gazette. Being a judicious selection of the fugitive and valuable productions, which have occasionally ap- peared in that paper, since the commencement of its establish- ment. Consisting of a part of the essays of the Lay Preacher, Colon and Spondee, American biography, the choicest efforts of the American muse, pieces of chaste humour, the easy essays of the Hermit, the most valuable part of the weekly summaries, nuts, epigrams, and epitaphs, sonnets, criticisms, &c., &c. Walpole (N. H.). Printed for Thomas & Thomas. 1801. i2mo. pp. 318. DENNIS (John). Julius Caesar acquitted, and His Murderers condemn'd. In a Letter to a Friend. Shewing, That it was not Csesar who destroy 'd the Roman Liberties, but the Corrup- tions of the Romans themselves. Occasion'd by two Letters in the London Journal, the one of the 2d, the other of the Qth of December. To which is added, A Second Letter, shewing, That if ever the Liberties of Great Britain are lost, they will be lost no other way than by the Corruptions of the People of Great Britain themselves London: Printed for J. Mack-Euen at Buchanan's-Head over-against St. Clement's- Church in the Strand: and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick- Lane. 1722. (Price Six-Pence). 8vo. pp. (8), 39. DE QUINCEY (Thomas). The Csesars. Boston: M DCCC LI. i2mo. pp. 295. Miscellaneous Essays. Boston: M DCCC LI. i2mo. pp. 276. Autobiographic Sketches. Boston: M DCCC Lin. 8vo. PP- 383- Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, and Suspiria de Profundis. Boston: M DCCC Liv. I2mo. pp. 288. port. Letters to a Young Man and Other Papers. Boston: M DCCC LIV. i2ino. pp. 300. Biographical Essays. Boston : M DCCC LIV. 8vo. pp.288. LIBRARY. . 113 DE QUINCEY (Thomas). The Works of Thomas De Quincey. Third edition. Edinburgh: MDCCCLXXI- 5 vols. 121110. port. *** The following volumes oiily : Autobiographic Sketches. Leaders in Literature. Coleridge and Opium Eating. Recollections of the Lakes. Confessions of an English Opium Eater. DESCRIPTION de la ville de Londres, en Anglais et en Fran- c,ais, Pour servir a 1' explication du Panorama de cette Ville actuellement expose Boulevart Montmartre. [Paris: about 1773?]. 8vo. pp. 24. Description of the Collection. See Combe, T. DES ESSARTS (Alfred). La Guerre des freres. A PAtne"rique. Paris: 1861. 8vo. pp. 30. *** A poem, in seven divisions. DESGRANGES (J. Poisle). La Mort du President Lincoln. Paris: 1867. i2ino. pp. n. Destin'de r Amerique. See Cerisier. DE VERE (Aubrey). Poems. London: 1855. I2mo. pp. 319. DEVEY (Joseph). Logic: or The Science of Inference. Lon- don: MDCCCLIV. i2ino. pp. 398. Diary of the Siege of Detroit. See Hough, F. B. DIBDIN (Charles). The Songs of Charles Dibdin, chrono- logically arranged, with Notes Historical, Biographical, and Critical; and The Music of The Best and most Popular of the Melodies, with new piano-forte accompaniments. To which is prefixed A Memoir of the Author, by George Hogarth. Lon- don: MDCCCXLIV. 8vo. pp. xxxii, 320, 368. port. DICKENS (Charles). Works of. London; MDCCCL- 9 vols. 121110. American Notes. Martin Chuzzlewit. Oliver Twist. Barnaby Rudge. Nicholas Nickleby. Pickwick Club. Christmas Books. Old Curiosity Shop. Sketches by Boz. A Tale of Two Cities. Leipzig: 1859. 2vols.ini. i6mo. Speeches literary and social. Now first collected. With chapters on u Charles Dickens as a letter writer, poet, and public reader." London: [n. d.]. i2mo. pp. 372. port. Pictures from Italy. London: Published for the Au- thor. MDCCCXLVI. i2ino. pp. 270. *** A presentation copy from Dickens to Barry Cornwall. 114 GRAHAM DICKENS (Charles), and W. COLLINS. No Thoroughfare. To which is added The Late Miss Hollingford. Leipzig: 1868. i2mo. pp. 315. See Taylor, T. : Household Words. DICKESON (M. W.). The American Numismatical Manual of the Currency or Money of the Aborigines, and Colonial, State, and United States Coins. With historical and descrip- tive notices of each coin or series. Philadelphia: 1859. rl. 8vo. pp. 256. port, and 19 pis. DICKINSON (Jonathan). Sermons and Tracts. Edinburgh: M.DCC.xcm. 8vo. pp. 483. DIDRON (A. N.). Christian Iconography, or, The History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages. Translated from the French by E. J. Millington. London: 1851. 8vo. *** Volume I. only. DIEZ (Frederic). La Poesie des Troubadours. Etudes tra- duites de 1'allemand & annotees par le baron Ferdinand de Roisin. Paris, 1845. 8vo. PP- 4 22 - [DiNGELSTEDT (F.)]. John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, By C. W. London: 1860. Sm. 4to. pp. 141. #** Only 100 copies printed. A portrait inserted. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 479. DISCUSSIONS Importantes, Debatues au Parlement d'Angle- terre, par les plus cele*bres orateurs. Ouvrage traduit de 1' An- glais. A Paris, Chez Maradan & Perlet. 1790. 4 vols.. 8vo. The Dispensary. See Garth, S. [DISRAELI (Isaac)]. Calamities of Authors; including Some Inquiries respecting Their Moral and Literary Characters. London: 1812. 2 vols. 8vo. Calamities of Authors; including Some Inquiries re- specting Their Moral and Literary Characters. New York: 1812. 8vo. *** Volume i. only. ] Quarrels of Authors; or, some Memoirs for our Liter- LIBRARY. 115 ary History, including Specimens of Controversy to the reign of Elizabeth. London: 1814. 3 vols. 8vo. [DISRAELI (Isaac)]. Curiosities of Literature. A new edi- tion. London: 1824. 3 vols. 8vo. facsimile. A Second Series of Curiosities of Literature: consisting of researches in literary, biographical and political history; of critical and philosophical inquiries; and of secret history. The second edition, corrected. London: 1824. 3 w>ls. 8vo. The Literary Character; or the history of Men of Ge- nius, Drawn from their own Feelings and Confessions. Liter- ary Miscellanies; and an inquiry into the Character of James the First. A new edition, edited by his son, B. Disraeli, London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 462. DISTURNELL (J.) United States Register, or, Blue Book for 1868. New York: [1867]. 8vo. pp. 114. The Great Lakes, or Inland Seas of America. Phila- delphia: 1871. 121110. pp. 237. New York Business Manual or Monetary Directory, for 1870. New York: [1869]. 8vo. pp. 52. *** A. presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. DOBELL (Sydney). Poems. Boston: M DCCC LX. 241110. pp. 544- Doctor Oldham. See Sprague, H. C. DODD (George). British Manufactures. London: 1844- 6 vols. in 3. 24mo. pp. 218. DODWELL (Edward). Views and descriptions of Cyclopian, or Pelasgic remains, in Greece and Italy; with constructions of a later period. London: Adolphus Richter & Co. MDCCCXXXIV. Fo. pp. 34. 13 pis. DOMENECH (Emmanuel). L' Empire au Mexique et la candi- dature d'un Prince Bonaparte au Trone Mexicain. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 154. DOMENECH (J. Passama). L' Empire Mexicain, la Paix et les Interets du Monde. Mexico: Septembre, 1866. 8vo. pp. 97. Don Quixote. See Cervantes. DONNE (John). A / Sermon / vpon / The xv. Verse / of the xx. Chap- / ter of the Booke / of Ivdges / Wherein occasion was iustly taken for the Publication / of some .Reasons, which his 116 GRAHAM Sacred Maiestie / had beene pleased to giue, of those Directions / for Preachers, which he had / formerly sent forth. / Preached at the Crosse the i5th. of September. / 1622. / By lohn Donne, Doctor of Diuinitie and Deane / of Saint Pavls, London. / And now by commandement of his Majestic / published, as it was then preached. / London / Printed by William Stansby for Thomas lones, and are to / be sold at his shop in the Strand at the blacke / Rauen / neere vnto saint Cle- / ments Church. / 1622. / Sm. 4 to. pp. (6), 68* **# A presentation copy from Richard Henry Stoddard to Mr. Graham. DONNE (John). Ivvenilia: / or / Certaine / Paradoxes, / and / Problemes, / Written By / I. Donne. / London, / Printed by B. P. for Henry Seyle, and are to be sold at the / signe of the Tygers head, in Saint Pauls Church- / yard, Anno Dom. 1633. Sm. 4to. 31 leaves. Poems, / By J. D. / with / Elegies / on the / Author's Death. / To which / Is added divers Copies under his own hand / never before in print. / London, / Printed for John Mar- riot, and are / to be sold by Richard Marriot, at his shop / by Chancery lane end over against the Inner / Temple gate. 1650. / i6mo. pp. (6), 392, (32). port. DORAN (John). Knights and Their Days. New York: 1856. I2mo. pp. 479. See Young, E. DORE, G. See Dante : Hood : Raspe, T. : Tennyson, A. DQRGAN (John A.). Studies. Second edition. Philadel- phia: 1864. 8vo. pp. 223. DORIS (Duchon, Jr.}. Lettre sur le M.exique et les conse"- quences de 1'expedition Franchise dans ces riches contrees. Bordeaux: 1864. 8vo. pp. 31. DORR (Ebenezer P.). A brief sketch of The First Monitor and its inventor: A paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, January 5, 1874. Second edition. Buffalo, N. Y. : 1874. 8vo. pp. 52. Douglas. See Home, J. DOWLING (John). The History of Romanism: from earliest corruptions of Christianity to the present time. Third edition. New York: 1845. ^vo. PP- 671. pis. LIBRARY. 117 [BOWLING (William)]. Poets and Statesmen: their Homes and Haunts in the neighbourhood of Eton and Windsor. Lon- don: 1857. 8vo. pp. 272. .*# Part I. Poets : Milton, Cowley, Denham, Waller, Pope. # % Part II. Statesmen : Burke, Fox, Canning, Lord Grenville, The Mar- quis of Wellesley. "Downing, Jack." See Smith, Seba. DOWNING (A. J.). The Architecture of Country Houses; in- cluding designs for cottages, farm-houses, and villas, with re- marks on interiors, furniture, and the best modes of warming and ventilating. New York: 1853. 8vo. pp. 484. pis. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, adapted to North America; with a view to the im- provement of country residences. With remarks on rural archi- tecture. Fifth Edition. New York: 1854. 8vo. pp. 532. pis. Dowse Library. See Everett, E. DOYLE, C. A. See Book of Humorous Poetry. . DOYLE (R.). Manners and Cvstoms of ye Englyshe. Drawn from ye Qvick by Rychard Doyle. To which be added Some Extracts from Mr. Pips hys Diary. Contrybvted by Percival Leigh. [London: 1849.] b- 4 to - PP- 4- P L DRAKE (Francis S. ). Dictionary of American Biography. Boston: 1872. rl. 8vo. pp. 1019. DRAKE (Joseph Rodman). The Culprit Fay, and Other Poems. New- York: 1835. 8vo. pp. (7), 84. port. and Fitz Greene HALLECK. The Croakers. First Com- plete Edition. New York: MDCCCLX. 8vo. pp. 191. 2 ports. *** Only 150 copies printed. Dream Life. See Mitchell, D. G. DRELINCOURT (Charles). The Christian's Defence Against the Fears of Death. Translated into English By Marius d'As- signy. The Twelfth Edition newly Corrected. London: M, DCC, XXVIIL 8vo. pp. 502. pi. DRUMMOND (William). The Poetical Works. Edited by William B. Turnbull. London: 1856. i2ino. pp. 346. port. [DRYDEN (John)]. Absalom and Achitophel. A Poem . . . London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, For the Benefit of the Poor. 1708. 8vo. pp. 24. 118 GRAHAM [DRYDEN (John)]. Eleonora: A Panegyrical Poem, Dedi- cated to the Memory of the Late Countess of Abingdon. Lon- don: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-side, 1709. Price One Penny. 8vo. pp. 16. [ ] The Medal. A Satyr against Sedition. By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-side, 1709. Price One Penny. 8vo. pp. 16. Religio Laici ; / or, a / Layman's Faith. / A / Poem. / Written by Mr. Dryden. / . . . / London. / Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fry ars / near the Water-side, 1710. 8vo. pp. 24. See Boileau, N. : Howard, R. : Waller, E. Df (Emile). La Chronique Veridiqne de la rue de la mi- chodiere et de la Cremerie du No. 6d'icelle. Le tout raconte* et illustre" pour 1' edification des mangeurs de pun King-pie par 1'un d'eux qui n'en mange pa. Mai, 1855. Oblong 121110. *** The cover is signed Emile Dt It is a humorous series of pen and ink sketches. [DuANE (William)]. Ligan: A Collection of Tales and Es- says. By W. D. Ninety-nine copies printed. Philadelphia: 1857. i2mo. pp. 75. # % A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from the author. [ ] Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his family and friends. 1751-1790. New York: 1859. 4to. pp. 195. ports. **# Six portraits, and two autograph letters of Jane Mecoin and Sarah (Franklin) Bache, inserted. [Du BELLET (Paul Pecquet)]. Amerique du Nord. Lettre au Corps Le*gislatif. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 24. DUBOCCAGE (Marie-Anne). La Colombiade, / ou / la Foi Por- te*e / au Nouveau Monde. / Poeme / Par Madame Duboccage. / A Paris, / Chez Desaint & Saillant, rue S. Jean de Beauvais. / Durand, rue du Foin, vis-a-vis les Mathurins. / M. DCC. LVi. Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi. / 8vo. pp. viij, (2), 184. 10 pis. and port. *** Madame du Boccage published a poem in imitation of Milton, and another founded on Gesner's Death of Abel. She also translated Pope's Temple of Fame ; but her principal work was " La Colombiade." It was at the house of this lady, at Paris, 1775, that Johnson was annoyed at her foot- man's taking the sugar in his fingers and throwing it into his coffee. " I was LIBRARY. 119 going," says the Doctor, "to put it aside, but hearing it was made on pur- pose for me, I e'en tasted Tom's fingers." She died in 1802. [Du BUISSON (Pierre Ulric).] Abre'ge' de la Revolution de 1'Ame'rique Angloise, depuis le commencement de 1'annee 1774, jusqu'au premier Janvier 1778. Par M. * * * Ame'ricain. A Paris: 1778. i2ino. pp. (2), 452, (4). [ ] Lettres Critiques et Politiques, Sur les Colonies & le Commerce des villes maritimes de France, Adressees a G. T. Raynal. Par M. * * * A Geneve, Et se trouve a Paris' M. DCC. LXXXV. 8vo. pp. (8), 264, 13. *** Unknown to Sabin. DUCHESNE (Jean, Aine). Museum of Painting and Sculp- ture, or Collection of the principal pictures, statues and bas- reliefs in the public and private galleries of Europe, drawn and etched by Reveil: with descriptive, critical and historical no- tices, by Duchesue Senior. London: 1829- 16 vols. i2mo. pis. DUGROT {General A.). La Journee de Sedan. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 159. maps. DUJARDIN ( ?). La Chaleur et PHumidite a la surface de la terre. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 96. DUMAS (Alexandre). Celebrated Crimes. London: 1843. 8vo. pp. 428. The Count of Monte-Cristo. London: 1854. 8vo. port. and pis. Impressions de Voyage de Paris a Cadix. Nouvelle Edition. Paris: 1861. 2 vols. i2ino. Marguerite de Valois. London: MDCCCXLVII. 8vo. pp. 472. DUMONT, Butel. See Butel-Dumont. DUPLESSIS (Georges). Les Merveilles de la Gravure. Ouvrage illustre" de 34 Vignettes par P. Sellier. Paris: 1869. i2ino. pp. 418. pis. DUPPA (R.), and Quatremere de QUINCY. The Lives and Works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Illustrated with fifteen highly finished engravings. London: M DCCC LVI. I2ino. pp. 474. port, and pis. *% Translated by William Hazlitt. DUVAL (Jules). Des Societe's de Cooperatives de consomma- tion. Paris: 1866. 24mo. pp. 65. 120 GRAHAM DUVAL (Jules). Les Societes Cooperatives de Credit. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Les Socie^s Cooperatives de Production. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 49. Un Ouvrier Voyageur Rene Caillie'. Paris: 1867. 24ino. pp. 52. Du VAL (P.). La Carte Generale du Monde dressee sur les Relations les plus recentes. Par P. du Val. Geogrhe. Ordre. du Roy: [Paris:] 1682. Fo. i sheet. DUYCKINCK (E. A. and G. L.). Cyclopaedia of American Lit- erature; embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and selections from their writings. From the earliest period to the present day; with portraits, autographs, aud other illustra- trations. New York: 1866. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. ports. [DUYCKINCK (Evert A.)]. Memorial of John Allan. New York: 1865. rl. 8vo. pp. 39. t port, and pi. # *^ 250 copies printed. DWIGHT (Theodore). History of the Hartford Convention: with a review of the policy of the United States government which led to the war of 1812. New York: 1833. 8vo. pp. 447- DYCE (Alexander). Specimens of British Poetesses; selected and chronologically arranged. London: 1825. i2mo. pp. 446. DYER (Charles George). Biographical Sketches of the Lives and Characters of Illustrious and Eminent Men, with their auto- graphs. Second edition. Illustrated with forty-eight whole- length portraits. London: 1828. 8vo. pis. AGLE and the Robin (The.) An Apologue. Translated from the Original of ^Esop, written Two Thousand years since, and now rendred in familiar Verse. By H. G. L. Mag. With an Old Cat's Prophecy. Taken out of an Old Copy of Verses, suppos'd to be writ by John Lidgate, a Monk of Bury. London. Printed, and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. EARLE (John). The Philology of the English Tongue. Sec- ond edition, revised and enlarged. Oxford: M DCCC LXXIII. i6ino. pp. 679. EAST (Edward Hyde). Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Court of King's Bench. Hartford: 1814. 8vo. #** Volumes v. and vi. only. The library also contains Volume xv., "New York, 1814." EASTLAKE (Charles Lock). Materials for a History of Oil Painting. London: 1847- 2 vols. 8vo. [EATON, Miss Charlotte Ann Waldie, Mrs.~\. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. In a Series of Letters written during a residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. Fourth edition. Edinburgh: 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. *** Also a copy of the fifth edition: London : 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. EATON (J. H.). The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the service of the United -States: comprising A History of the War in the South, from the commencement of the Creek Campaign, to the termination of hostilities before New Orleans. Commenced by John Reid. Completed by John Henry Eaton. Philadelphia: 1817. 8vo. pp. 425. port, and maps. EBELING (Christoph Daniel). Erdbeschreibung und Ge- schichte von Amerika. Die Vereinten Staaten von Nordamer- ika. Hamburg, bei Carl Ernst Bohn. 1793. 8vo. pp. (10), Ixxiv, 862, (2). *** Volume I. only. (121) 122 G R A H A M [EDGE ( ?)]. The Exploits and Triumphs in Europe, of Paul Morphy, The Chess Champion; including an historical account of clubs, biographical sketches of famous players, and various information and anecdotes relating to the noble game of chess. By Paul Morphy 's late secretary. New York : M.DCCC. LIX. 1 2 mo. pp. 203. ports. #** A letter of the Appletons to Morphy, sending him some copies of the book, is inserted, which shows that it was written without Morphy's knowledge. Ediifairgh Fugitive Pieces. See Creech, W. Edinburgh Miisical Miscellany. See Si me, D. [EDWARDS (Mrs. Annie)]. The Morals of May Fair. A Novel. London: [n. d.]. i2mo. pp. 320. EDWARDS (Arthur M.). Life Beneath the Waters; or, the Aquarium in America. New York: 1858. i2mo. pp. 170. pis. EDWARDS (Charles). The History and Poetry of Finger- Rings. New- York: 1855. i2ino. pp. 239. pi. EDWARDS (Edward). Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born in England; with critical remarks on*their produc- tions. Intended as a continuation to the Anecdotes of Painting by the late Horace, Earl of Orford. London: 1808. 4to. pp. VIII, xxxix, 327. [EDWARDS (J.)]- Bibliotheca Parisiana. A Catalogue of a Collection of Books, formed by a Gentleman in France, Not less conspicuous for his Taste in distinguishing, than for his Zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this Kind, was most perfect, curious, or scarce. It includes many first editions of the clas- sics; books magnificently printed on vellum, with illuminated paintings; manuscripts on vellum, embellished with rich min- iatures; books of natural history, with the subjects coloured in the best manner, or with the original drawings; and- books of the greatest splendour and rareness in the different classes of literature. To these are added, from another Grand Collection, selected Articles of high Value. The Whole are in the finest Condition, and in Bindings superlatively rich. They Will Be Sold by Auction, in London, On Monday the 26th of March, 1791, And the Five Days following, [n. p., n. d.]. i2mo. pp. viii, 164. *** The price and names of purchasers written in. Effect of Secession. See Lord, D. LIBRARY. 123 Effigies Poeticcs. See Procter, B. W. EGEDE (Hans). Description et Histoire Naturelle du Green- land, Par Mr. Eggede, Missionnaire & Evque du Gronland. Traduite en Francois par Mr. D. R. D. P. A Copenhague et a Geneve. Chez les Freres C. & A. Philibert. M DCC LXIII. 8vo. pp. (4), xxviii, (4), 171. pis. *% Translated by M. des Roches de Partheuay. EGGER (E.). Le Papier dans 1'antiquite et dans les temps modernes. Apergn historique. Paris: 1866. 24mo. pp. 52. Etude d' Histoire Ancienne: les projets de reforme so- ciale dans 1'antiquite. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Un Menage d'Autrefois: etude de morale etd'economie domestique. Paris: 1867. 24mo. pp. 49. L'Egypte Moderne et 1'Egypte Ancienne. A propos d'une visite au Pare Egyptien du Champ de Mars. Paris: 1868. 24ino. pp. 52. De 1' Histoire et du Bon Usage de la Langue FraiK^aise. Paris: 1868. 24mo. pp. 52. EHNINGER (J. W.). Autograph Etchings by American Art- ists, Produced by a new application of Photographic Art, under the supervision of John W. Ehninger. Illustrated by Selections from American Poets. New York: 1859. Fa 12 pis. ELDER (W.). How Our National Debt Can Be Paid. The Wealth, Resources and Power of the People of the United States. Issued by J. Cooke, General Subscription Agent of the Government Loans. (Prepared by Dr. William Elder, of the Treasury Department.) Philadelphia: 1865. 8vo. pp. 15. ELEGANT Epistles: being a copious collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters, selected for the Improvement of Young Per- sons, and for General Entertainment. A new edition, corrected and improved. London: 1822. rl. 8vo. pp. 812. ELEGANT Extracts: or Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry. London: 1824. rL 8vo. PP- 7^8. ELEGANT Extracts: or Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose. London: 1824. f l- 8vo. pp. 772. Elegies. See Lovelace, D. P. Eleonora. See Dryden, J. 124 GRAHAM ELLIOT (Daniel Giraud). A Monograph of the Pittidae, or,. Family of Ant Thrushes. New York: 1863. Ig. Fo. 31 pis. ELLIOT (Frances). Pictures of Old Rome. New edition. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 315. ELLIS (George). Specimens of Early English Metrical Ro- mances, to which is prefixed An Historical Introduction, on the rise and progress of Romantic composition in France and Eng- land. A new edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell. London: MDCCCXLVIII. 8vo. pp. 600. pi. '** Contains: 1. Analysis of Peter Alphonsus. Florice and Blauncheflour. 2. Marie's Lays. Robert of Cysille. Romances relating to Arthur. Sir Isumbras. Merlin, Parts I. and n. Sir Triamour. Morte Arthur. Lyfe of Ipomydon. Guy of Warwick. Sir Eglamour of Artoys. Sir Bevis of Hamptoun. Lay le Fraine. Richard Cceur de Lion. Sir Eger, Sir Grahame, and Sir Gray- Romances relating to Charlemagne. steel. Roland and Ferragus. Sir Degore". Sir Otuel. Roswal and Lillian. Sir Ferutnbras. Atnys and Amylion. The Seven Wise Masters. ELLIS (H.). Voyage de la Baye de Hudson. Fait en 1746 & 1747, pour la Decouverte du Passage de Nord-Ouest. A Paris: M.DCC.XLIX. 2 vols. i6mo. pp. (4), Ivj, 182 (4); (4), 319. Maps and pis. Eloge de M. Franklin. See Condorcet. Elvira. See Mallet, D. ELZE (Karl). Lord Byron. A Biography. With a critical essay on His Place in Literature. Translated with the author's sanction, and edited with notes. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. xxii, 516. port, and facsimile. [EMERSON (George B.)]. A Report of the Trees and Shrubs Growing Naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to an order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. Boston: 1846. 8vo. pp. 547. pi. *** A presentation copy to Alexander von Humboldt from the author. EMERSON (R. W.).' Essays. Boston: MDCCCXLI. i2tno. pp. 303- LIBRARY. 125 EMERSON (R. W.). Essays. First and second series. Bos- ton: 1865. 161110. pp. 515. port. The Conduct of Life. M DCCC LXI. 8vo. 288. Poems. Boston: 1865. 241110. pp. 254. port. Society and Solitude. Twelve chapters. London: 1870. 121110. pp. 284. Society and Solitude. Civilisation. Art. Eloquence. Domestic Life. Farming. Works and Days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old Age. u Eminent Physician." See Handbook of Medicine. EMORY (W. H.). Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, in- cluding part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. By Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory. Made in 1846-7, with the advanced guard of the "Army of the West." Washington: Wendell and Van Benthuysen, printers. 1848. 8vo. pp. 614. maps and pis. #*# At the end are added the reports of " Lieut. J. W. Abert, of his Exam- ination of New Mexico, in i846-'47;" of " Lieut.-Col. P. St. George Cooke, of his march from Santa Fe", New Mexico, to San Diego, Upper California," and of "Capt. A. R.Johnston." The EMPEROR of China's Palace at Pekin, and his Principal Gardens, as well in Tartary, as at Pekin, Gehol, and the Adja- cent Countries. With the Temples, Pleasure. Houses, Artificial Mountains, Rocks, Lakes, &c. As disposed in different Parts of those Royal Gardens. With an exact Elevation of the Great Mogul's Superb Throne. The Whole neatly Engraved on Twenty Copper-Plates Twelve Inches Square, from the original Views, correctly taken oiuthe Spot. London: Printed for and sold by Robert Sayer, Henry Overtoil, Thomas Bowles, and John Bowles and Son. M DCC Lin. ob. Fo. Title & 20 colored pis. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana : or, System of Universal Knowledge : on a methodical plan projected by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Second edition, revised. Third Division. History and Biography. London : 1850- 3 vols. 8vo. pis. ENDICOTT (William, Jr.}. On the Extinguishment of the National Debt. [New York:] April, 1868. 8vo. pp. (16). ENGEL (Carl). The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews; with 12fi GRAHAM special reference to recent discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt. Second edition. With numerous illustrations. Lon- don: 1870. 8vo. pp. 379. pis. [ENGEL (Samuel)]. Memoires / et/ Observations/ Geograph- iques / et Critiques / sur la situation des/ Pays Septentrionaux/ de 1'Asie et de PAmerique, / d'apres les relations les plus re- centes. / Auxquelles on a joint tin Essai sur la route aux Indes par / le Nord, & sur un Commerce tres vaste & tre"s riche / a etablir dans la mer du Sud. / Avec deux notivelles Cartes dres- sees conformement a cesysteme. / Par Mr. * * * / A Lausanne, / Chez Antoine Chapuis, Imprimeur. / MDCCLXV. 4to. pp. xxii, 268. 3 maps. Englandischen Pflanzstadte. See Burke, E. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. See Byron, Lord. English Dance of Death. See Combe, W. English Minstrelsy. See Scott, W. English Peerage. See Catton, C. ENNEMOSER (Joseph). The History of Magic. Translated from the German by William Howitt. To which is added an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenticated stories of apparitions, dreams, second sight, somnambulism, predic- tions, divination, witchcraft, vampires, fairies, table-turning, and spirit-rapping. Selected by Mary Howitt. London: MDCCCLIV. 2 VOls. 8vO. ERSKINE, (J.). See Grange, Lord. ERSKINE (Ralph). Gospel Sonnets: or Spiritual Songs. In Six Parts. First American Edition, from the Twenty-third British. Philadelphia: 1793. i6mo. pp. 384. Eschelskroon. See Hunter, W. ESLING (Mrs. C. H. W.). Friendship's Offering. 1842. .Boston: [n. d.] I2ino. pp. 320. 'EspiNASSE (Isaac). A Treatise on the Law of Actions on Penal Statutes, in general. First American from the last Lon- don edition. Exeter, N. H.: 1822. 8vo. pp. 188. ESPOSIZIONE DANTESCA. In Firenze: 1865. 8vo. pp. 112,. 70, 3 6 - ** # A catalogue. Essay on Mind. See Browning, E. B. LIBRARY. 127 Essay on Trade. See Cunningham, J. Essays on Song- Writing.-, See Aikin, J. ESTRADA (J. M. Gutierrez de). Lettres sur le Mexique Au Memorial diplomatique A la Gazette de France Au Journal des Debats. Suivies de Cadix en 1810 et Mexico en 1867. Paris: 1867. 8vo. pp. 46. Le Mexique et PArchiduc Ferdinand Maximilien d'Autriche. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 79. The Estray. -See Longfellow, H. W. Etat devant les Elections. See Bougy. ETAT / politique actuel / de / 1'Angleterre, / ou / lettres / sur les ecrits publics / de la Nation Angloise relativement aux / circonstances presents. /.../.../ M. DCC. LVII. [n. p.] i2ino. pp. vij (i), 176. Etat Present. See Chamberlayne, F. Etats Confederes. See Girard, C. Les Etats- Unis. See Lee, W. Ethelwerd's Chronicle. See Giles, J. A. [ETOFFE (Parson}~\. Free and Impartial Reflexions on the Character, Life, and Death of Frederick Prince of Wales. [London : 1863.] Svo. pp. 73. *% Privately printed by Lord Houghton. ETUDES Historiques sur le Mexique au point de vue politique et social d'apres des documents originaux Mexicains. par F. L. * * * Paris: 1859. Svo. pp. 95. EURIPIDES. The Tragedies of. Literally translated, with critical and explanatory notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London: MDCCCLIV. 2 vols. Svo. port. EUTROPIUS. See Justinus. EVAGRIUS. See Theodoret. [EVANS (A. E. )]. Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved Por- traits, the Largest ever submitted to the Public; comprising nearly twenty thousand portraits of persons connected with the history and literature of this country, from the earliest period to the present time. With an enumeration of the circumstances connecting the most eminent persons with the various counties of Great Britain, preferments of the clergy, &c. Alphabetically 128 GRAHAM Arranged, with the names of the painter and engraver, and the size of each plate. [London: 183-?]. 8vo. pp. 395. port. #*# A second volume was later issued, as follows: Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, comprising thirty thousand por- traits of persons connected with the History & Literature of Great Britain, the British Colonies, and the United States of America. Accompanied by Concise Biographical Notices, &c., &c., &c. London: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 431. pis. EVANS (Augusta J.). Beulah. New York: 1859. i2ino. pp. 510. EVELYN (John). Memoirs illustrative of The Life and Writ- ings of John Evelyn. Comprising His Diary, from the year 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters. The whole now 'published, from the original MSS. Edited by Wil- liam Bray. Reprint of second edition. London, 1819. Lon- don: 1870. I2mo. pp. 783. EVENING THOUGHTS. By a Physician. Second edition. London: M.D.CCC.LII. 8vo. pp. 143. *** By Joseph Bullar. EVERETT (E.). The Dowse Library. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society relating to the donations from Thomas Dowse; with The Eulogy by Edward Everett. Boston: Printed for Private Distribution. M.DCCC.LIX. 8vo. pp. 80. pi. and ports. The Great Issues now before the Country. An oration delivered at the New York Academy of Music, July 4th, 1861. New York: 1861. 8vo. pp. 48. EWING'S new general atlas; containing distinct maps of all the principal states and kingdoms throughout the world ; a new edition, including the most recent geographical discoveries, with preliminary illustrations, by Hugh Murray. Published by Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. [183-?] Fo. 28 maps. Examen du Gouvernement. See Livingston, W. Examen du Ministre. See Almon, J. Examination of the British Doctrine. See Madison, J. EXPLICATION des otivrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Architec- ture, gravure et lithographic des artistes vivants, exposes au Palais des Champs-I^lyse'es le 15 Avril 1867. Paris : 1867. I2mo. pp. 405. Exposition of the False Medium.. See Home, R. H. LIBRARY. 129 EXQUEMELIN (Alexandra Olivier). Histoire des Avanturiers Qui Se Sont Signalez dans les Indes, con tenant Ce Qu'ils Ont Fait de Plus Remarquable depuis vingt annees. Avec La Vie, les Moeurs, les Coutumes des Habitans de Saint Domingue & de la Tortue, & une Description exacte de ces lieux; Ou 1'on voit L'e"tablissement d'une Chambre des Comptes dans les Indes, & un Etat, tire de cette Chambre, des Offices taut Ecclesiastiques que Seculieres, ou le Roy d'Espagne pourvoit, les Revenusqu'il tire de 1'Amerique, & ceque les plus grands Princes de 1'Europe y possedent. Le tout enrichi de Cartes Geographiques & de Figures en Taille-douce. Par Alexandre Olivier Oexmelin. Tome Premier. A Paris, Chez Jacques le Febvre, au dernier pillier de la Grand' Salle, vis-a-vis les Requestes du Palais. M. DC. LXXXVI. Avec Privilege du Roy. 2 vols. i6mo. pis. and maps. a^What Mallory's Morte d' Arthur is to the Round Table literature, is Exquemelin to all stories dealing with that boy's pleasure ground, yclept the ' Spanish Main." EYTON (T. C.). A History of the Oyster and Oyster Fisher- ies. London: MDCCCLVIII. 8vo. pp. 40. pis. FABIOLA. See Wiseman, N. "Fabius." See Bowles, W. E. Faction Displayed. See Shippen, W. FAIRHOLT (F. W.). A Dictionary of Terms in Art. Edited and illustrated by F. W. Fairholt, with Five Hundred Engrav- ings on wood. [London: 1854?] 161110. pp. 474. pi. FAIRLEY (W.). Epitaphiana:. or, The Curiosities of Church- yard Literature. Being a miscellaneous collection of epitaphs. With an Introduction, giving an account of various customs prevailing amongst the ancients and moderns in the disposal of their dead. London: 1873. 121110. pp. 171. Falkland. See Bulwer Lytton. FAMILY LECTURES: or, A Copious Collection of Sermons, On Faith and Practice. Comprising, in one volume, many con- tained in the two former, with the addition of others, and of one never before printed, in recommendation of parochial and national schools. London: 1815. rl. 8vo. pp. 964. "Fanny Fern." See Parton, S. P. FARMER (J.) and J. B. MOORE. Collections, topographical, historical and biographical, relating principally to New-Hamp- shire. Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore. Concord: Pub- lished by Hill and Moore, 1822. Re-printed by H. E. & J. W. Moore. 1831. 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 296 (8); (2), 388, 100; iv, 388, (10), 88. port. # * # Vols. II. and in. have a different title, as follows : Collections, historical and miscellaneous : and monthly literary Journal, Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore. Vol. II. Concord : Pub- lished by J. B. Moore, 1823. Fatal Consequences. See Grange, Lord. FAU (J.). The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man; intended for the use of Artists, Painters and Sculptors. Edited (130) LIBRARY. 131 with additions by Robert Knox, M. D. With an Atlas of Twenty-eight Plates, Quarto. London: 1849. 8vo. PP- 3 3- *** The atlas is wanting. FAUCHET (C.). Eloge Civique de Benjamin Franklin, Pro- nonnce, le 21 Juillet 1790, Dans la Rotonde, au Nom de la Com- mune de Paris, Par M. 1'Abbe Fauchet, En presence de MM. les Deputes de 1'Assemblee Nationale, de MM. les Deputes de tous les Departemens du Royaume a la Confederation, de M. le Maire, de M. le Commandant-General, de MM. les Representans de la Commune, de MM. les Presidens des Districts, & de MM. les Electeurs de Paris. A Paris: Chez J. R. Lottin .... M.DCC.XC. 8vo. pp. (2), 50. FAURIEL (M. C.). The Songs of Greece, from the Romaic text, edited by M. C. Fauriel, with Additions. Translated into English verse by Charles Brinsley Sheridan. London: 1825. 121110. pp. 313. Faults on Both Sides. See De Foe. FEARON (Henry Bradshaw). Sketches of America. A Nar- rative of a Journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America; contained in eight reports ad- dressed to the thirty-nine English families by whom the author was deputed, in June 1817, to ascertain whether any, and what part of the United States would be suitable for their residence. With remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's "Notes" and "Letters." London: 1818. 8vo. pp. 462. The Federalist. See Hamilton, A. FELLTHAM (Owen). Resolves, divine, moral, political. With some account of the author and his writings. Cambridge: M DCCC xxxn. 1 2 mo. pp. 316. FEI/TON (Cornelius Conway). Familiar Letters from Europe. Boston: 1865. i2tno. pp. 392. FENZI (Sebastiano). English and Italian Fugitive Verses and Translations. Florence: 1870- 8vo. pp. (6), 380. port. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. [FERGUSON (A.)]. The Morality of Stage-Plays seriously Considered. Edinburgh: M,DCC,LVII. 8vo. pp. 29. FERGUSON (Robert). Swiss Men and Swiss Mountains. Lon- don: 1864. I2H10. pp. 143. 132 GRAHAM FERGUSSON (Robert). Poems. By Robert Fergusson. Ed- inburgh: Printed by Walter & Thomas Ruddiman. MDCCLXXIII. I2mo. pp. 132. The Poems of: In two parts. To which is prefixed, The Life of The Author, and a Sketch of His Writings, with a copious glossary annexed. Philadelphia: 1815. i2mo. pp. 331. The Works of Robert Fergusson. To which is pre- fixed, a Sketch of the Author's Life. Greenock: 1810. 8vo. pp. 364. port. Fern Leaves. See Parton, S. P. FERRIS (I.). See Alexander, J. W. Festus. See Bailey, P. J. FETRIDGE (W. Pembroke). The Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune in 1871; with a full account of the bombardment, capture and burning of the city. Illustrated with a map of Paris and portraits from original photographs. New York: 1871. 8vo. pp. 516. port, and map. A Few Verses. See Fields, J. T. FIELD (Henry M.). History of the Atlantic Telegraph. New York: 1866. i2tno. pp. 364. pis. FIELDING (Henry). The Miser. A Comedy. Taken from Plautus land Moliere. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. The Third Edition. London: MDCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 95. The Works of Henry Fielding, Complete in One Vol- ume, with a Memoir of the Author. By Thomas Roscoe. New Edition, Illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: 1853. 8vo. pp. 1116. port, and pis. [FIELDS (James T.)]. A Few Verses for a Few Friends. [Cambridge : n. d.] i2mo. pp. 78. *** Printed without title page, the above title being taken from the bind- ing. A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. FiGUiER (Louis). The Vegetable World; being a history of plants, with their botanical descriptions and peculiar properties. London: 1867. 8vo. pp. 576. pis. FILSON (J.). Histoire / de Kentucke, / nouvelle colonie / a 1'Ouest de la Virginie: /contenant, / 1 La De"couverte, 1' Acqui- sition, 1'Etablissement, la / Description topographique, 1'His- LIBRARY. 133 toire Naturelle, &c. / du territoire: 2 la Relation Historique du Colonel / Boon, un des premiers Colons, sur les guerres centre / les Naturels: 3 1'Assemblee des Piankashaws au / Poste Saint Vincent: 4 nn expose* succinct des Na- / tions Indiennes qui habitent dans les litnites des / Treize Etats-Unis, de leurs Mceurs & Coutumes, & / des Reflexions snr lenr Origine; & autres Pieces: / Avec Une Carte. / Ouvrage pour servir de suite aux Lettres d'un / Cultivateur Americain. / Traduit de PAnglois, de M. John Filson; / Par M. Parraud / De 1' Academic des Arcades de Rome. / A Paris, / Chez Buisson, Libraire, Hotel de Mesgrigny, / rue des Poitevins, No. 13. / M.DCC.LXXXV. Avec approbation et permission. / 8vo. pp. (4), xvj, 234. map. Fingal. See Macpherson, J. FISKE (Daniel Willard). The Book of the First American Chess Congress: containing the proceedings of that celebrated assemblage, held in New York, in the year 1857, with the papers rqpd in its sessions, the games played in the grand tour- nament, and the strategems entered in the Problem Tournay; together with sketches of the history of chess in the old and new worlds. New York: MDCCCLIX. 1 21110. pp. 563. pi. *** See also Chess Monthly. FISKE (John). Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with criticisms on the positive philoso- phy. London: 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. FLAMMARION (Camille). Les Heros du Travail. Paris: 1867. 24mo. pp. 51. FLATMAN (Thomas). Poems / and / Songs. / By / Thomas Flatman. / London, / Printed by S. and B. G. for Benjamin Took / at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, and /Jonathan Edwin at the three Roses in / Ludgate Street, 1674. / I2ino. pp. (38), 140. port. *** Two portraits inserted. FLAXMAN (John). Compositions from the Works and Days and Theogony of Hesiod. Designed by John Flaxman. En- graved by William Blake. London, Jan. i, 1817. Oblong 410. Title and 37 pis. Compositions from the Tragedies of ^schylus, designed by John Flaxman, engraved by Thomas Piroli and Frank How- ard. London: 1831. Oblong 4to. 2 Titles and 34 pis. 134 GRAHAM FLAXMAN (John). See Homer. FLEMING (I. P. ). Analysis of the English Language. Part I. Grammar. Part II. Etymological Derivations. Part III. Praxis. London: 1872. i2tno. pp. 306. FLETCHER (Alexander). A Guide to Family Devotion. London and New York: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 761. port. FLEURY(L-). L'Histoire de France, racontee aux Enfants. Paris: 1844. 2 vols. i6mo. FLORENCE [Monk'] OF WORCESTER. The Chronicle of Flor- ence of Worcester, with two continuations; comprising annals of English history from the departure of the Romans to the reign of Edward I. Translated from the Latin, with notes and illustrations, by Thomas Forester. London: MDCCCLIV. i2ino. pp. 512. *% According to his contemporary, "John of Worcester," the author's " acute observation and indefatigable industry have rendered this chronicle of chronicles pre-eminent." FLORUS. See Sallustius. FONTAINES (Louis). Eloge Funebre de Washington. [Paris: 1800.] 8vo. pp. 29. *** "Prononc dans le temple de Mars, . . . le 20 pluviose an 8." [FooTp (S.)]. The Cozeners. A Comedy of three acts, as it was Performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. Lon- don: MDCCLXXVIII. 8vo. pp. 79. FOPPENS, P. See Chrystin, J. B. [FORD (E.)]. The / Most Famous, Delectable, / and / Pleas- ant History / of/ Parismus, / The Most Renowned / Prince of Bohemia./ The First Part. / Containing His / Most Noble Atchievements and Triumphant Battels / Fought against the Persians: / His Love to the Beautiful Princess / Laurana, the King's Daughter of Thessaly. / The / Great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks; /and of/ His Strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. / The Fourteenth Impression, Corrected and Amended. / London, Printed by W. Wilde, and are to be Sold by / the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1696. Part first. / 4 to. pp. (4), 1 80 (2). #** The title to the second part is : The / Most Famous, Delectable, / and / Pleasant History /of/ Parismus, / The Most Renowned / Prince of Bohemia. / The Second Part. / Containing the Adventurous Travels, / and Noble Chivalry of/ Parismenos, The Knight LIBRARY. 135 of Fame : / with / His Love to the Beautiful and Fair Princess / Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. / The Fourteenth Impression, Corrected and Amended. / London : Printed by W. Wilde, 1696. / 4to. pp. (2), 248. pi. Forgiving Husband. See Ward, E. FORM AN (Charles). Mr. Forman's Letter to the Right Hon- ourable William Pultney, Esq; Shewing how Pernicious, the Imperial Company of Commerce and Navigation lately estab- lished in the Austrian Netherlands, is likely to prove to Great Britain, as well as to Holland. . . . London: MDCC.XXV. i2mo. pp. 71. . FORNEY (John W.). Anecdotes of Public Men. New York: 1874. i2ino. pp. 444. FORSTER (John). The Life of Charles Dickens. Tenth Edi- tion. London: 1872- 2 vols. 8vo. pis. and ports. FORSYTH (J. S-). The Antiquary's Portfolio, or Cabinet of Selection of Historical & Literary Curiosities, Great Britain. London: MDCCCXXV. 2 vols. 8vo. ports. FOSTER (John). Lectures. London: M.DCCC. Lin. 2 vols. I2tno. *% See Rylands, J. E. FOSTER (Lillian). Way-Side Glimpses, North and South. New York: MDCCCLX. 8vo. pp. 250. FowLER (O. S.). Love and Parentage, applied to the Im- provement of Offspring. New York: 1855. I2ino. pp. 144. Amativeness: or Evils and Remedies of Excessive and Perverted Sexuality. New York: 1855. 12 mo. pp. 72. Fox (EDMOND). Enthusiasm : a Poem. London : 1758. 8vo. pp. 26. FRANCE. Recueil / d' Edits, / Declarations et Arrets / de Sa Majeste, / Concernant 1' Administration de la / Justice & la Po- lice des Colonies Fran- / Daises de 1'Amerique, & les Engages. / A Paris, / chez les Libraires Associes. / M. DCC. LXV. 121110. pp. 193. Recueils / de / Reglemens, / Edits, Declarations / et Arrets, / Conceruant le Commerce, 1'Adminis- / tration de la Justice, & la Police / des Colonies Franchises de 1'Ameri- / que, & les Engage's. / Avec / le Code Noir, / Et 1' Addition audit Code. / Nouvelle Edition. / A Paris, / Chez les Libraires associes. / M. DCC. LXV. 121110. pp. 301. 136 GRAHAM FRANCIS and DECOURCY. Franklin a Passy, ou Le Bon- homme Richard, vaudeville anecdotique en un acte. Repre- sente, pour la premiere fois, a Paris, sur le Theatre du Palais- Royal, le 19 Mai 1832. Prix: i fr. 500. Paris, 1832. 8vo. PP- 34, (2)-' port. FRANCIS (John W.). New York during the last Half Cen- tury: A Discourse in commemoration of the Fifty-third Anni- versary of the New York Historical Society and of the dedica- tion of their new edifice (November 17, 1857.) New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 232. Old New York: or, Reminiscences of the past sixty years. By John W. Francis, M. D., LL. D. With a Memoir of the author, by Henry T. Tuckerman. New York: W. J. Wid- dleton, Publisher. MDCCCLXV. 4to. pp. 400, 2 ports, and pi. *^. One of 100 copies on large paper, with the portraits on india paper. FRANCK (A.). La Vraie et la Fausse Egalite. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Frankenstein. See Shelley, M. W. FRANKLIN (B.). Conseils pour Faire Fortune. Avisd'un vieil ouvrier a un jeune ouvrier et La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Paris: 1865. 161110. pp. 34. Correspondance. Traduite de 1' Anglais et Annotee. Par Edouard Laboulaye. Paris: 1866. 2 vols. 121110. Correspondance Inedite et Secrete. Publiee pour la premiere fois en France. Paris: M.DCCC.XVII. 8vo. 2 vols. ports. Experiences / et / Observations / sur / I'Electricite' / faites / A Philadelphia en Amerique / par/ M. Benjamin Frank- lin; / & communiquees dans plusieurs Lettres / a M. P. Collin- sou de la Societe / Royale de Londres. / Traduites de P Anglois. / Par M. Dalibard. / A Paris, / Chez Durand, rue St. Jacques, au Griffon. / M. D. cc. LII. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / 121110. pp. 24, Ixx, (9), 222, (30), pi. Experiences / et / Observations / sur / I'Electricite' / faites / A Philadelphie en Amerique / par/ M. Benjamin Frank- lin;/ & communiquees dans plusieurs Lettres a M. P. / Collin- son, de la Societe Royale de Londres. / Traduites de 1' Anglois. / Second Edition. / Revue, corrige'e & augmented d'un supplement conside*- / rable du meme Auteur, avec des Notes & des / Ex- LIBRARY. 137 periences nouvelles. / Par M. d'Alibard. / Tome Premier. / A Paris, / Chez Durand; rue du Foin, an Griffon. / M. DCC. LVI. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. / 2 yols. I2mo. pp. (6), 28, xc, (12), 245, pi.; (2), 349, (i), pi. FRANKLIN (B.). The literary remains of Benjamin Franklin. Forming a supplement to his memoirs and correspondence. Edited with notes by his grandson, William Temple Franklin. London: 1834. 4to. pp. 572. pis. Melanges de Morale, d' Economic et de Politique, pre- cede's d'une notice sur sa vie, par A.-Ch. Renouard. A Paris, 1826. 2 vols. 241110. port, and facsimile. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Frank- lin. Written by himself, to a late period, and continued to the time of his death, by his grandson, William Temple Franklin. Now first published from the original MSS. [London:] 1818. 3 vols. 410. port., pi. and facsimile. Memoires sur la Vie de Benjamin Franklin, ecrits par lui-meme. Traduction nouvelle. Paris. Jules Renouard, M DCCC xxviu. 2 vols. i6mo. pp. 346. ports. Memoires sur la Vie et les Ecrits. Paris, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. port, and pi. Memoires / de la Vie Prive'e / de Benjamin Franklin, / Ecrits par lui-rneme, / et adresses a son fils; / Suivis d'un Precis historiquede saVie/ politique, et de plusieurs Pieces, relatives/ a ce Pere de la Liberte. / A Paris, / Chez Buisson, Libraire, rue Haute-fenille, no. 20. / 1791. / 8vo. pp. (2), vj, 156, 363 [/'. e. 207]. **# The first edition of Franklin's Autobiography. CEuvres. Traduites de 1'Anglois sur la Quatrieme Edition. Par M. Barbeu Dubourg. A Paris, M. DCC. LXXIII. 2 vols. 4to. port, and pis. *** Portrait of Franklin inserted. Private Correspondence. Boston: 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. facsimile. [ ] Rapport des Commissaires charges par le Roi de 1'Examen du Magnetisme animal. Imprime par ordre du Roi. [Paris:] 1784. 8vo. pp. 48. ** # A report, signed by Franklin, Majault, Le Roy, Sallin, Eailly, D'Arcet, De Bory, Guillotin, and Lavoisier. 138 GRAHAM *** Mesmer came to Paris in 1778 and began the practice of his pretended cure-all with so much success that by 1784 the. delusion reached a point which required official interference, and the king appointed a Commission to investigate his theory. Franklin was made a member, and though prevented by illness from witnessing the tests made by his fellow-commis- sioners, he made a series of experiments at Passy, and signed the adverse report they made to the king. [FRANKLIN (B.)]. La Science / du Bonhomme Richard, /ou / Moyen Facile / de Payer les Impots. / Traduit de 1'Anglois. / A Philadelphie. / Et se trouve / A Paris, chez Ruault, Libraire / me de la Harpe. / 1777. / 161110. pp. 151, (4). *** The first French edition. [ ] La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Troisieme edi- tion. A Philadelphie. Se vend a Paris. M. DCC. LXXVIII, 161110. pp. 151. [ ] La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Quatrieme edi- tion. A Philadelphie. Se vend a Paris. M. DCC. LXXVIII. 161110. pp. 151, (5). La Science du Bonhomme Richard. A Philadelphie, Et se trouve a Paris. 1786. 161110. pp. 15, 151, 5. 1 La Science du Bonhomme Richard de Benjamin Frank- lin. A Paris, L'an II de la Republique franchise. [J794]- 161110. pp. xiv, 119. Vie / de / Benjamin Franklin, / ecrite par lui-meme, / suivie, / de ses CEuvres / morales, politiques et / litteraires, / dont la plus grande partie n'avoit pas encore ete publiee. / Traduit de 1' Anglais, avec des Notes, / par J. Castera. I ... I Tome Pre- mier / A Paris, / Chez F. Buisson, Imp. -Lib. rue Hautefeuille, No. 20. / An vi de la Republique [1798]. 2 vols. 8vo. Vita. Scritta da se medesimo. Nuovamente tradotta dall' edizione di Filadelfia del 1868, ricavata per la prima volta dal manoscritto dell' autore, da Pietro Rotondi. Seconda Edi- zione. Firenze, 1870. 121110. pp. xv, 296. port. [ ] The Way to Wealth, or Poor Richard Improved. By Benjamin Franklin. Paris: M. DCC. xcv. 241110. pp. (4), 181, (5), 28. port. The Works of Benjamin Franklin. [Edited] by Jared Sparks. Boston: 1840. 10 volumes. 8vo. ports, and facsimile. Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Lon- don: [1794]. 2 vols. 121110. LIBRARY. 139 FRANKLIN (B.). The Works of Dr. Benjn. Franklin. Lon- don: 1819. 321110. pp. xi, 310. pi. Correspondence with Francis Childs. 1785-1790. Fo. *** Fourteen autograph letters of Franklin, one of W. T. Franklin, two of John Jay, and one of Peter Freneau, all to Francis Childs. s.* # While Minister to France, Franklin continued to play at printing, by having in his home at Passy a small printing office, in which he cast type, and occasionally printed pamphlets. When he came to America in 1785, he brought the press aud types with him. Childs was a protege of Jay, and at his advice, set up a printing office in New York, shortly after the British evacuated the city. Through Jay he negotiated the purchase of this outfit of Franklin, and all but two of the letters relate to this matter. The letters have never been published, and throw interesting light on printing at that time, as well as on Franklin. Prankl iniana, on Recueil d' Anecdotes, bon Mots, Re- flexions, Maximes et Observations de Benjamin Franklin; Par un Americain. A Paris, Chez Tiger, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue de Petit-Pont St-Jacques, no. 10. 24ino. pp. 108, port. See Zinzendorf. Eloge de. See Condorcet. Letters to. See Duane, W. [FRASER (Patrick)]. Tytler's History of Scotland examined. A Review. Edinburgh: MDCCCXLVIII. i2mo. pp. (4), 246. ^* # An autograph presentation copy to Mr. Graham, from the author. FREILIGRATH (Ferdinand). Gedichte. Stuttgart : 1861. i2mo. pp. 355. ^*^ A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. FRENCH (Gilbert J.). Parallel Passages from Two Tales Elucidating the Origin of the Plot of Guy Mannering. Printed for presentation. Manchester: 1855. 8vo. pp. 61. French Anas. See Phillips, Sir R. FRERE (M.). Old Deccan Days, or Hindoo Fairy Legends current in Southern India. Collected from oral tradition, by M. Frere. With an introduction and notes, by Sir Bartle Frere. Philadelphia: 1868. i2ino. pp. 345. pis. FRIENDSHIP'S Offering; and Winter's Wreath: a Christmas and New Year's present, for MDCCCCXXXIV. London: 1834. i6mo. pp. 384. pis. Friendship' 1 s Offering. See Esling. 140 GRAHAM FROGER (Fr.). Relation d'Un Voyage Fait en 1695. 1696. & 1697. aux Cotes d'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles, par une Escadre des Vaisseaux du Roy, com- mandee par M. de Gennes. A Paris, M. DC. xcviu. Avec Priv- ilege du Roy. i2ino. pp. (14), 219, (i). maps, plan and pis. # *^ The first edition. FROUDE (James Anthony). Short Studies on Great Subjects. Third edition. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 440. FRY (Joshua) and Peter JEFFERSON. A Map of / the most Inhabited part of / Virginia / containing the whole Province of / Maryland / with Part of / Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. / Drawn by /Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson / in 1751. / London: [1751] One sheet, elephant folio. *** Jefferson was the father of Thomas Jefferson, and this official survey was one of the early moves in the English attempt to take possession of the Ohio Valley. FUGGER. Pinacotheca Fvggerorvm S. R. I. Comitvm ac Baronvm in Khierchperg et Weissenhorn. Editio Nova. Mvltis Imaginibvs Avcta. Vlmse. Apvd loan. Frid. Gavm. MDCCLIV. Coat of arms, title, 26 11 of text and 139 ports. *** A genealogy of the Fuggers, with an extremely interesting collection of portraits. FULLER (Andrew). The Principal Works and Remains. London: MDCCCLII. i2mo. pp. 543. port. [FULLER (Hiram)]. North and South. By the White Re- publican of "Fraser's Magazine. " London: 1863. 8vo. pp. 336. FULTON (Robert). A Treatise on the improvement of Canal Navigation; exhibiting the numerous advantages to be derived from Small Canals, and boats of two to five feet wide, con- taining from two to five tons burthen. With a description of the Machinery for facilitating Conveyance by Water through the most Mountainous Countries, independent of Locks and Aqueducts: including Observations on the great Importance of Water Communications, with thoughts on, and designs for, aqueducts and bridges of iron and wood. Illustrated with sev- enteen plates. By R. Fulton, Civil Engineer. London: Pub- lished by I. & J. Taylor at the Architectural Library, High Hoi born. 1796. 4to. pp. 144. 17 pis. *** A portrait of the author inserted. LIBRARY. 141 FURNESS (Mrs. Horace Howard). A Concordance to Shakes- peare's Poems: An Index to every word therein contained. Philadelphia: 1875. rl. 8vo. pp. 422. "Fuz-bus." See Mitchell, S. W. FYFE (Archibald). Poems and Criticisms. Paisley: 1806. i6mo. pp. 144. JpALIGNANI'S New Paris Guide for 1851. Paris, [n. d.] \|J 121110. pp. 626. pis. GALLATIN, Albert. See McKenney, T. L. GALLENGA (Antonio). Country Life in Piedmont. London: 1858. 8vo. pp. 279. GALEOTTI (Nicolo). Imagines Prsepositorum Generalium Societatis Jesu. Delineatse, & sereis formis expressse ab Arnold Van Westherhout. Addita Perbrevi Uniuscujusque Vitse De- scriptione a P. Nicolao Galeotti Sacerdote ejusdem Societatis. Romae MDCCXLVIII. Sumptibus Venantii Monaldini Bibliopolse in Via lata. Ex typographia Bernabo', et Lazzarini. Superi- orum Permissu. Fo. #**. 1 8 portraits and text with two titles and prefatory matter. Gallerie di Firenze. See Gotti. GALLOWAY (G.). Poems on Various Subjects, ^Scotch and English: to which are added, Songs and Jests, &c., &c. Edin- burgh. Printed for the Author. 1792. i6mo. pp. 76. The Fatal Effects of Duelling; or An Elegy on the much lamented death of Lieutenant William Graham, Pay- master to the Dunbartonshire Fencibles, Who was killed in a Duel, July 3Oth, 1795. To which are added, Dunbarton Castle. The Stirling Jug. An Epistle to R. G. H. Answer. Edin- burgh: 1795. i6mo. pp. 12. Poems. The Tears of Poland. To which are added, Songs On Various Subjects, Scots and English; with other Po- etical Pieces. Second edition. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author. 1795. i6mo. pp. 42. The Admirable Crichton, A Tragedy; in five acts. To which are added, Songs, and Other Pieces in Verse. Edin- burgh: 1802. i6mo. pp. 79. GAMURRINI (Eugenio). Istoria Genealogica delle famiglie nobili Toscane, et Vmbre. Descritta dal P. D. Evgenio Gam- vrrini. In Fiorenza, Nella Stamperia di Francesco Onofri. 1668- 4to. 5 vols. plate. (142) LIBRARY. 143 GARDEN (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War In America, with sketches of character of persons the most distinguished in the Southern States, for civil and military ser- vices. . . Charleston: Printed for the author, by A. E. Mil- ler. 1822. 8vo. pp. xi, 459. GARDETTE (Charles D.). The Fire-Fiend, and Other Poems. New York : M. DCCC. LXVI. 8vo. pp. 104. $.*# A presentation copy from the author. GARDNER (James). The Christian Cyclopaedia. Edinburgh: M. DCCC. LV. rl. 8vo. pp. 894. GARRICK (David). The Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the Most Celebrated Persons of His Time; now first published from the originals, and Illustrated with Notes. Second Edition. London: MDCCCXXXV. 2 vols. 4to. GARROW (Joseph). The Early Life of Dante Alighieri. To- gether with the original in parallel pages. Florence: 1846. 121110. pp. 159. port. [GARTH (Samuel)]. The Dispensary. A Poem In Six Canto's. The Sixth Edition, With several Descriptions and Episodes never before Printed. London, 1706. i2mo. pp. (30), 120. pis. GASKELL (Mrs. E. C.). The Life of Charlotte Bronte. New York: M.DCCC.LVII. 2 vols. i2mo. port, and pi. Right At Last, And other Tales. New York: 1860. I2mo. pp. 305. GASPARIN (Agenor, Comte de). L'Amerique devant 1' Eu- rope, principes et interets. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 556. Une Parole de paix sur le differeud entre L'Angleterre et les Etats-Unis. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 31. [GASSICOURT (C. L. de)\. Le Tom beau de Jacques Molai, ou Histoire secrete et abregee des Inities, anciens et modernes, des Templiers, Francs-Masons, Illumines, etc. Et recherches sur leur influence dans la revolution franchise; suivie de la Clef des Loges. Seconde edition. A Paris. Chez Desenne, Imprim.- Lib. Palais Egalite, Nos. i et 2. L'an V de 1'IJre fransaise. [1797] 24mo. pp. 162. pi. GASTINEAU (Benjamin). Histoire de la souscription populaire a la medaille Lincoln. La Medaille de La Liberte Avec des Lettres de Flocon, Edgar Quinet, Victor -Hugo, Schcelcher, 144: GRAHAM Louis Blanc, et la Vie d'Abraham Lincoln. Paris: [n. d.] i6mo. PP- 34- GAUSE, H. D. See Rice, N. L. GAUSSOIN, E. See Janin, J. GAUTRUCHE (Pierre). The Poetical History: Being a Com- pleat Collection of all Stories Necessary for a Perfect Under- standing Of the Greek and Latine Poets, And other Ancient Authors. Written Originally in French by the Learned Jesuit P. Galtrvchivs. Now Englished, and enriched with Observa- tions concerning the Gods worshipped by our Ancestors in this Island, by the Phoenicians and Syrians in Asia; with many useful Notes, and occasional Proverbs, gathered out of the best Authors. Unto which are added Two Treatises: One of the Curiosities of Old Rome, and of the difficult Names relating to the Affairs of that City. The other containing the most Re- markable Hierogliphicks of ^gypt. The Sixth Edition, cor- rected and amended. By Marivs d'Assigny, B. D. London- Printed by F. Collins, for Thomas Guy at the Oxford Arms in Lumbard-street, 1693. 8vo - PP- ( J 5)> 434- 0- * 45] ( X 4)- GAVARD (Ch.). Galerie des Marechaux de France. Dediee a PArmee de Terre et de Mer. Par Ch. Gavard, Capitaine d'Etat-Major, Editeur des Galeries historiques de Versailles. Paris: 1839. 4to. 41 ports. GAY(J.). The Beggar's Opera. The Sixth Edition: To which is Prefix'd the* Overture in Score: And the Musick to each Song. London: MDCCXUX. 8vo. pp. 76. GENS, E. See Janin, J. [GENTILLET, (Innocent)]. Discovrs sur les Moyens de Bien Govverner & maintenir en paix vn Royaume, ou autre Prin- cipaute*. Divisez en trois parties: asauoir, du Conseil, de la Religion, & de la Police que doit tenir vn Prince. Contre Nicolas Machiauel Florentin. A Tres-haut & Tres-Illustre Prince Francois Due d'Alencon fils & frere de Roy. Declara- tion de 1'Autheur des Discours centre Machiauel, pour satisfaire aux plaintifs d'aucuns Italiens. Troisiesme edition novvelle- ment reueue par 1'Autheur. M. D. LXXIX. 8vo. pp. 16, 636, (19)- GENTY (Abbe L.)- L' Influence de la Decouverte de 1'Ameri- LIBRARY. 145 que sur le bonheur du Genre-Humain. Par M. L'Abbe* Genty. Avec une carte et figure. A Paris, Chez Nyon laine & fils, rue du Jardinet. M. DCC. LXXXVIII. Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi. 8vo. pp. x, 352. pi. and map. *% "That the discovery in question was neither advantageous to America nor to Europe, is a proposition that many believe ; and this author illustrates it, and renders it striking ; but that it might have been, and may even yet be made useful to both, is equally creditable. The principal object of this ju- dicious writer is to point out the manner of diminishing the evils occasioned by the discovery of the New World, and of multiplying the advantages that may result from it. The work breathes a liberal spirit, and is worthy of attention.'.' GENTZ (Frederick). On the State of Europe before and after the French Revolution; being An Answer to the Work entitled De 1'Etat de la France a la Fin de 1'An VIII. Translated from the German by John Charles Herries, Esq. The fourth edition. London: 1803. 8vo. pp. cxxiv, 397. " Geoffrey Crayon." See Irving, W. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. See Giles, J. A. GERARD (A.). Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya. Edited by George Lloyd. London: MDCCCXLI. 8vo. pp. 308. map. GERARD (Jules). Le Tueur de Lions. Septieme edition. Paris: 1872. 121110. pp. 305. GERRY (E. T.). The Cruise of the "Norma," with some account of her crew, their perils and adventures during the month of September, 1864, by "The Historian." 4to. *** A humorous (?) MS. log book of a cruise in Long Island Sound, of Messrs. Sorchan, De Ruyter, Gerry, Wood and Graham. Mr. Gerry was the " Historian." GERSTACKER (F.). Gerstacker's Travels. Rio de Janeiro Buenos Ayres Ride through the Pampas Winter journey across the Cordilleras Chili Valparaiso California and the Gold Fields. London: MDCCCUV. 121110. pp. 290. pi. Geschichte den Englischen Kolonien. See Burke, E. GIANNONE (P.). Istoria Civile del regno di Napoli. Milaiio: M.DCCC.XXI. 9 vols. 8vo. GIBBON (Edward). The history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With notes by the Rev. H. H. Milman. Boston: 1853. 6 vols. 8vo. port. 146 GRAHAM GIBBONS (Thomas). An Elegy on the Death of the Reverend Mr. Peter Goodwin. London: M DCC XLVIII. 8vo. pp. 16. An Elegiac Poem to the Memory of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D. London: 1749. 8vo. pp. 27. GIBSON (A. C.). The Folk-Speech of Cumberland and some districts adjacent; being short stories and rhymes in the dialects of the West Border Counties. London: MDCCCLXXIII. 121110. pp. 208. GILBART (J. W.). A Practical Treatise on Banking. New York: 1851. 8vo. pp. 458. See Johnson, A. B. GILBERT (W. S.). The "Bab" Ballads. Much Sound and Little Sense. With illustrations by the author. London: [1868. J Sq. 121110. pp. 222. pi. GILCHRIST (O.). A Letter to the Rev. William Lisle Bowles, in answer to a pamphlet recently published, under the title of "A Reply to an Unsentimental Sort of Critic, the Reviewer of Spence's Anecdotes in the Quarterly Review for October, 1820." London: 1820. 8vo. pp. 42. A second Letter to the Rev. Wm. L. Bowles, in answer to his Second Reply . . . London: 1820. 8vo. pp. 36. GILDAS. See Giles, J. A. GILES (Henry). Christian Thought on Life. Boston : MDCCCLI. i2mo. pp. 286, Lectures and Essays. Boston: M DCCC LI. 2 vols. 1 6 mo. Illustrations of Genius, in some of its relations to Cul- ture and Society. Boston: M DCCC Liv. 161110. pp. 362. GiLES (J. A.). Six Old English Chronicles, of which two are now first translated from the Monkish Latin originals. Ethelwerd's Chronicle. Asser's Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth's British History. Giidas. Nennius. And Rich- ard of Cirencester. London: MDCCCXLVIII. 121110. pp. 512. GILFILLAN (George). A Third Gallery of Portraits. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 468. [GiLLiES (R. P.)]. Recollections of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. M. DCCC. xxxvii. 8vo. pp. xvi, 303. LIBRARY. 147 OILMAN (C). Oracles from the Poets: a Fanciful Diversion for the Drawing-Roora. New York: 1848. i2mo. pp. 242. x*x Merely a series of quotations, intended as a basis for a parlor game. GILPIN (S.). The Songs and Ballads of Cumberland and the Lake Country. With biographical sketches, notes, and glos- sary. First series. London: MDCCCLXXIV. 3 vols. i2tno. port. [GiRARD (C.)]. Les Etats Confederes d'Amerique Visites en 1863. Memoire addresse a S. M. Napoleon III. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 160. map. GIRAULT DE SAINT FARGEAU (Eusebe). Rite Oriental de Misraim Pour la France. Discours Funebre prononce a la memoire dn President Lincoln par Le Grand President Girault. [Paris: 1865.] 8vo. . pp. 3. GIVRE (Gaston Desmousseaux de). Discours sur la Constitu- tion des Etats-Unis. et notamment. sur la clause par laquelle elle tolere 1'esclavage. Prononce le 9 mai, 1865. Paris: 1867. 8vo. pp. 56. GLADSTONE (William Ewart). Speeches on Great Questions of the Day. London: [1869.] i6mo. pp. 359. Gleaner, The. See Murray, J. S. GLEIG (G. R.). The History of the British Empire in India. London: MDCCCXXX- 4 vols. i6mo. maps, pis. and ports. GOBINEAU (A. Comte de). The Moral and Intellectual Di- versity of Races. Philadelphia: 1856. i2mo. pp. 512. GODWIN (William). Adventures of Caleb Williams. New- York: 1831. 2 vols. i2mo. GOETHE (J. W. von). The auto-biography of Goethe. Truth and poetry: from my own life. Translated by John Oxenford. Thirteen books. London: 1848. I2ina pp. 520. port. The auto-biography of Goethe. The concluding books. Also letters from Switzerland and travels in Italy. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. London: 1849. i2mo. pp. 544. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret. Translated by John Oxenford. London: 1850. 2 vols. i2ino. Dramatic works: comprising Faust, Iphigenia in Tau- ris, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, translated by Anna Swanwick. And Goetz Von Berlichingen, translated by Sir Walter Scott, carefully revised. London: 1851. 121110. pp. 504. pi. 148 GRAHAM GOETHE (J. W. von). Egmont. Trauerspiel von I. .W. von- Gothe. London: 1840. 161110. pp. 108. *** Autograph of Adelaide A. Procter on title, and a presentation letter from Anne B. Procter to Mr. Graham inserted. Faust: A Tragedy. The First Part translated, in the original metres, By Bayard Taylor. Boston: 1871. rl. 8vo. pp. xviii, 405. ^* # A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from Bayard Taylor. Novels and Tales. Elective Affinities; The Sorrows of Werther; German Emigrants; The GoodJWomen; and A Nouvel- ette, translated chiefly by R. D. Boylan. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. 504. The Sorrows of Werter. Translated by William Ren- der. To which is annexed the Letters of Charlotte to a female friend during her connection with Werter. Boston: 1807. i6mo. pp. 319. Torquato Tasso. Dram ma in cinque atti del Sig. Goethe. Versione Italiana di Guido Sorelli. Firenze: 1820. i6mo. arbier, 1051. LINN (William). The Blessings of America. A sermon preached in the Middle Dutch Church, On the 4th July, 1791, being the Anniversary of the Independence of America: at the request of the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order. By William Linn, D.D. New York: Printed by Thomas Green- leaf, MDCCXCI. 8vo. pp. 39. . LIBRARY. L'lSLE (G. de). Carte du Mexique / et des Etats Unis / d'Amerique, / Partie Meridionale. / Dressee sur un grand nom- bre de Memoires, et sur les meilleures / Cartes du Pays. Assujetie aux Observations Astronomiques / de Mrs. de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences. / Par Guil. De 1'Isle, Jers Geogr. du Roi / Nou- vellement Revue et Augmentee / Par Dezauche. / Successeur des Srs. De 1'Isle et Phil. Buache / premiers Geographes du Roi. / A Paris Rue des Noyers / Anne"e 1783. / Avec Privilege du Roi. / 1783. Fo. i sheet. Catalogue des cartes & ouvrages ge*ographiques de MM. de 1'Isle et Buache, Premiers geogra'phes du Roi et de 1' Acade- mic Royale des Sciences. De celles de M. Jaillot, Geographe ordinaire de Sa Majaste. Qui composent le Fonds Geographique du Sieur Dezauche, Successeur des Sieurs de L'Isle & Buache ;. Ainsi que des Cartes de la Marine du Roi, dont il a seul 1' Entrepot general. A Paris, chez Dezauche, rue des Noyers r prs celle des Anglois, Avec Approbation, et Privilege du Roi. [Paris: 1780.] Fo. i leaf. L'lSLE (G. de) and BUACHE. Neptune Americo-Septentri- onal Contenant les C6tes, iles et Banes, les Baies, Ports, et Mouillages, et les Sondes des Mers de cette partie du Monde r depuis le Greenland inclusivement, jusques et compris le Golfe du Mexique avec les iles de Sous-le-Vent et du Vent, accom- pagne de Plans particuliers des Parts les plus fre'quente's. Ou Recueil de Cartes Hydcographiques a P usage des Vaisseaux du Roi, Redige d'apre's les Cartes Francoises et Etrangeres les- plus estimees; Rectifie d'aprs des Plans Manuscrits authen- tiques, et assujetti aux Observations astronomiques. Dresse au Depot General des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine, et Public par Ordre du Roi. [Paris: 1780.] Lg. Fo. 5 double maps and 21 pages of maps and plans. LITCHFIELD County Centennial Celebration, held at Litch- field, Conn., i3th and I4th of August, 1851. Hartford: 1851. 8vo. pp. 212. pi. LITERARY Letter. The Bibliography of State of Maine r and Other Papers of Interest; together with a Catalogue of A Large Collection of Works upon Bibliography and America, New York: 1859. Sm. 4to. pp. 45, 66, 50. *** No. 4 only. 214 GRAHAM A LITERARY Squabble, [n. p. n. d.]. Sm. 410. broadside. *** A humorous poem on the giving a peerage to R. M. Milnes, signed ''J. R. P." .Little Plain English. See Cobbett, W. LIVERPOOL (Charles, Earl}. A Discourse on the Conduct of 'the Government of Great Britain in respect to Neutral Nations. A new edition. London: Printed forj. Debrett, opposite Bur- lington-House, Piccadilly. 1801. 8vo. pp. in. [LIVINGSTON (W.)]. Examen du Gouvernement d'Angle- terre, compare" aux constitutions des Etats-Unis. Ou Ton refute quelques assertions contetiues dans 1'ouvrage de M. Adams, intitule: Apologie des Constitutions des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, & dans celui de M. Delolme, intitule: De la Constitution d'Angleterre. Par un Cultivateur de New-Jersey. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglois & accompagne de Notes. A Londres; Et se trouve a Paris, Chez Froulle", Libraire, quai des Augustins. 1789. 8vo. pp. viii, 291. LIVINGSTONE (David). Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa; including a sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. With portrait; maps by Arrowsmith; and numerous illustrations. Twenty- fifth edition, with copious index. New York: 1859. 8vo. pp. 755- LIVIUS (Titus). The History of Rome. London: MDCCCLIV. 4 vols. 8vo. port. LOBLEY (J. Logan). Mount Vesuvius; a descriptive, histor- ical, and geological account of the volcano, with a Notice of the Recent Eruption, and An Appendix, containing letters by Pliny the younger, a table of dates of eruptions, and a list of Vesuvian minerals. Illustrated with View, Map, and Section. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 55. pi. [LOCKE (John)]. Histoire de la Navigation, son Commence- ment, son Progress & ses De"couvertes jusqu'a present. Traduit de 1'Anglois. Le Commerce des Indes Occidentales. Avec Un Catalogue des meilleures Cartes Geographiques & des meilleurs Livres de Voyages, & le caractere de leurs Auteurs. A Paris: MDCCXXII. 2 vols. 161110. LIBRARY. 215 LOCKE (John.) The Works of John Locke. Philosophical Works. With a preliminary essay and notes, by J. A. St. John. London : 1854. 2 vols. 12 mo. port. LOCKE (Stephen). English Sympathies & Opinions regard- ing the late American Civil War. London: 1866. 8vo. pp. 26. LOCKHART (J. G.). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. New York: 1851. 4 vols. 8vo. Ancient Spanish Ballads; Historical and Romantic. Translated, with an introduction and notes. A new edition, revised. With a biographical sketch of the author. Boston: 1861. 8vo. pp. 154. port. LODGE (Thomas). Glaucus and Silla. With other Lyrical and Pastoral Poems. Chiswick: M DCCC xix. I2mo. pp. xvi, 152. LOLME (J. L. de). The Constitution of England; or, An Account of the English Government: in which it is compared both with the republican form of government and the other mon- archies in Europe. A new edition, with life and notes, by John MacGregor. London: MDCCCLIII. i2mo. pp. 376. London Pageants. See Nichols, J. G. London Scenes. See Harvey, W. The LONDON Stage; a collection of the most reputed Trage- dies, Comedies, Operas, Melo-Dramas, Farces, and Interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed At the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised. London: [1825-27]. 4 vols. 8vo. ports, illus. **a. Contains the following plays: Abroad and At Home: J. G. Holman. Belle's Stratagem (The): Mrs. Cowley. Adopted Child (The): S. Birch. Better Late than Never: M. P. Andrews. Alexander the Great: Nathaniel Lee. Bold Stroke for a Husband: Mrs. Cow- All for Love, or, The World Well Lost: ley. J. Dry den. Bold Stroke for a Wife (A) : Mrs. All in the Wrong:' A. Murphy. Centlivre. All the World's a Stage: I. Jackman. Bon-ton, or High Life Above Stairs: Animal Magnetism: Mrs. Inchbald. D. Garrick. Appearance is Against Them: Braganza: R. Jephson. Apprentice (The): A. Murphy. Brothers (The): R. Cumberland. Arden of Feversham: G. Lillo. Busy Body (The): Mrs. Centlivre. Barbarossa: J. Brown. Careless Husband (The): C. Gibber. Bashful Man (The): W. T. Moncrieff. Carmelite (The): R. Cumberland. Beaux' Stratagem (The): G. Farquhar. Castle of Sorrento (The): H. Heartwell. Beggar's Opera (The): J. Gay. Castle Spectre (The): M. G. Lewis. 216 GRAHAM Cato: J. Addison. Chances (The): Beaumont and Fletcher. Chapter of Accidents (The): Miss Lee. Cheats of Scapin (The): T. Otway. Child of Nature (The) : Mrs. Inchbald. Chrononhotonthologos: H. Carey. Citizen (The): A. Murphy. Clandestine Marriage (The): G. Col- man D. Garrick. Comus: J. Milton. Confederacy (The) : Sir John Van Brugh. Conscious Lovers (The): Sir Richard Steele. Constant Couple (The): G. Farquhar. Contrivances (The): H. Carey. Count of Narbonue: R. Jephson. Country Girl (The); Wycherly. Critic (The): R. B. Sheridan. Cross Purposes: Mr. O'Brien. Curfew (The): J. Tobin. Cymon: D. Garrick. Deaf and Dumb: T. Holcroft. Deaf Lover (The) : F. Pilon. Deserted Daughter (The): T. Holcroft. Deserter (The): C. Dibdin. Deuce is in Him (The): G. Colman, the Elder. Devil to Pay (The): C. Coffey. Distrest Mother (The): A. Philips. Doctor and the Apothecary (The): J. Cobb. Double Dealer (The): W. Congreve. Douglas: J. Home. Dragon of Wantley (The): H. Carey. Duenna (The): R. B. Sheridan. Duke of Milan (The): P. Massinger. Duplicity: T. Holcroft. Earl of Essex (The): H. Jones. Earl of Warwick (The): Dr. T. Frank- lin. Edward, The Black Prince: W. Shirley. Every Man In His Humour: B. Jouson. Every One Has His Fault: Mrs. Inch- bald. Fair Penitent (The): N. Rowe. False Impressions: R. Cumberland. Farm-House (The): J. P. Kemble. Farmer's Wife (The): C. Dibdin, Jr. Fashionable Lover (The) : R. Cumber- land. Fatal Curiosity: G. Lillo. First Floor (The): J. Cobb. First Love: R. Cumberland. Follies of a Day (The): T. Holcroft. Fortune's Frolic: J. T. Allingham. Foundling (The): E- Moore. Gamester (The): E. Moore. George Barn well: G. Lillo. Giovanni in London: W. T. Moncrieff. Good-Natured Man (The): Dr. Gold- smith. Grecian Daughter (The): A. Murphy. Guardian (The): D. Garrick. Gustavus Vasa: H. Brooke. Haunted Tower (The): J. Cobb. Heiress (The): General Burgoyne. Hero and Leander: I. Jackman. He Would be a Soldier: F. Pilon. He's Much To Blame: T. Holcroft. High Life Below Stairs: Rev. J. Town- ley. Honest Thieves (The) : T. Knight. Honey-Moon (The): J. Tobin. Hypocrite (The): I. Bickerstaff. Inconstant (The): G. Farquhar. Irish Widow (The): D. Garrick. Isabella: T. Southern. Jane Shore: N. Rowe. Jealous Wife (The): G. Colmau. Jew (The): R. Cumberland. Know Your Own Mind: A. Murphy. Lady Jane Grey: N. Rowe. Law of Lombardy (The) : R. Jephson. Liar (The): S. Foote. Lionel and Clarissa: I. Bickerstaff. Lodoiska: J. P. Kemble. Lord Of the Manor (The): J. Burgoyne. Love a la Node: C. Macklin. Love For Love: W.. Congreve. Love In A Village: I. Bickerstaff. Love Makes A Man: C. Gibber. Lovers' Quarrels: Sir J. Vanbrugh. Lovers' Vows: Kotzebue. Lying Valet (The): D. Garrick. Mahomet, The Impostor: Rev. Miller. Maid Of the Mill (The): I. Bickerstaff. Maid Of the Oaks (The): J. Burgoyne. LIBRARY. 21T Man Of The World (The): C. Macklin. Mayor Of Garratt (The): S. Foote. Merchant Of Bruges (The;: Beaumont and Fletcher. Midas: K. O'Hara. Midnight Hour (The): Mrs. Inchbald. Miller Of Mansfield (The): R. Dodsley. Miser (The): H. Fielding. Miss In Her Teens: D. Garrick. Mock Doctor (The): H. Fielding. Mogul Tale (The): Monsieur Tonson: W. T. Moncrieff. Mourning Bride (The): W. Congreve. My Spouse And I: C. Dibdin, Jr. Mysterious Husband (The): R. Cum- berland. New Way To Pay Old Debts (A): P. Massinger. No Song, No Supper: Prince Hoare. Oroonoko: T. Southern. Orphan (The): T. Otway. Orphan Of China (The): A. Murphy. Padlock (The); I. Bickerstaff. Panel (The): I. Bickerstaff. Paul and Virginia: J. Cobb. Pizarro: R. B. Sheridan. Polly Honeycombe: G. Colrnan, the Elder. Provoked Husband (The): Cibber and Vanbrugh. Provoked Wife (The): Sir John Van- brugh. Purse (The): J. C. Cross. Quaker (The): C. Dibdin. Recruiting Officer (The): G. Farquhar. Recruiting Sergeant (The): I. Bicker- staff. Register Office (The): J. Reed. Returned " Killed:" J. R. Planche. Revenge (The): E. Young. Richard Coeur De Lion: M. Sedaine. Rivals (The): R. B. Sheridan. Road to Ruin (The): T. Holcroft. Roman Father (The): W. Whitehead. Romp (The): I. Bickerstaff. Rosina: Mrs. Brooke. Rule A Wife, And Have A Wife: Beau- mont and Fletcher. Scape -Goat (The): J. Poole. School For Arrogance (The): T. Hol- croft. School For Scandal (The): R. B.Sher- idan. School For Wives (The): H. Kelly. Seduction: T. Holcroft. She Stoops to Conquer: O. Goldsmith., She Would And She Would Not: C. Cibber. Siege Of Belgrade (The): J. Cobb. Siege Of Damascus (The): J. Hughes.- Soldier's Daughter (The): A. Cherry. Spoiled Child (The). Stranger (The): B. Thompson. Such Things Are: Mrs. Inchbald. Sultan (The): I. Bickerstaff. Suspicious Husband (The): Dr. Hoadly^ Tailors (The): Tale Of Mystery (A) : T. Holcroft. Tamerlane: N. Rowe. Tancred and Sigismunda: J. Thomson^ Tender Husband (The): R. Steele. Thomas And Sally: Three Weeks After Marriage: A. Mur- phy. Tobacconist (The): Ben Jonson. Tom Thumb: H. Fielding. Trip To Scarborough (A): R. B. Sheri- dan. Turnpike Gate (The): T. Knight. Two Misers (The): K. O'Hara. Two Strings To Your Bow: R. Jephson_ Venice Preserved: T. Otway. Village Lawyer (The): Virgin Unmasked (The): H. Fielding. Votary Of Wealth (The): J. G. Holman, Waterman (The): C. Dibdin. Way Of The World (The): W. Con- greve. Way To Keep Him (The): A. Murphy. Ways and Means: G. Colman, the Younger. Wedding Day (The) : Mrs. Inchbald. West Indian (The): R. Cumberland. What Next? T. Dibdin. Wheel Of Fortune (The) : R. Cumber- land. Which Is The Man ? Mrs. Cowley. Who's The Dupe? Mrs. Cowley. 218 GRAHAM Wives As They Were, and Maids As Woodman (The): B. Dudley. They Are: Mrs. Inchbald. Zara: A. Hill. Wonder (The): Mrs. Centlivre. LONG(J.). Voyages chez Differentes Nations Sauvages de 1'Amerique Septentrionale; Renfermant des details curieux sur les mceurs, usages, ceremonies religieuses, le systeme militaire, &c. des Cahnuagas, des Indians des Cinq & Six Nations, Mo- hawks, Connecedagas, Iroquois, &c. des Indiens Chippeways, & autres Sauvages de divers tribus; sur leurs langues, les pays qu'ils habitent, ainsi que sur le commerce de pelleteries & four- rures qui se fait chez ces peuples; avec Un e"tat exact des postes situes sur le Fleuve S. Laurent, le Lac Ontario, &c &c. Par J. Long, tranfiquant, & interprets de langues Indiennes; traduits de 1'Anglois, avec des notes & additions iuteressantes, par J. B. L. J. Billecocq, Citoyen Fran^ais. A Paris, Chez Prault. II. annee del'Ere Republicaine. [1794]. 8vo. pp. (4), xxxvi, 320. map. LE LONG / Parlement / et ses Crimes; / rapprochemens faciles a faire. / . . . / A Paris, / de I'Imprimerie d'un Royaliste / 1790. 8vo. pp. 151. *** Attributed to Ange"lique Marie Darius du Taillis, comtesse du Montrond. The LONG Vacation: A Satyr, Address' d to all Disconlate Traders. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black- fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. LONGFELLOW (Henry Wadsworth). The / Belfry of Bruges / and / Other Poems. / By / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Cambridge:/ Published by John Owen. / 1846. / I2ino. pp. vii, I5 1 - The Estray: a Collection of Poems. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Co. 1847. i6mo. pp. xiv, 144. *** An almost matchless copy, in the original boards, uncut, and as clean as on the day it was issued. The Golden Legend. Boston: M DCCC LII. i2mo. pp. 301. Kavanagh, a tale. Boston: M DCCC LIII. 121110. pp. 188. Poems. Boston: M DCCC LIII. 2 vols. 121110. Poems. Boston: 1869. 2 vols. 241110. port. The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems. Boston: M DCCC LVIII. i2ino. pp. 215. LIBRARY. 219 LONGFELLOW (Henry Wadsworth). [Same]. Boston : MD- ccc LIX. Outre-Mer; a Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. Eighth edition. Boston: M DCCC LVI. i2mo. pp. 374. Hyperion, a romance. Twentieth edition. Boston: M DCCC LVIII. I2mo. pp. 382. The Song of Hiawatha. Boston: M DCCC LIX. 12 mo. pp. 316. Prose Works. Boston: M DCCC LXVI. 2 vols. 24mo. The Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Illustrated by John Gilbert. A New Edition. London: 1869. I2mo. pp. 506. pis. The Hanging of the Crane. With Illustrations. Lon- don: 1875. Sm. 4to. pp. 64. The Masque of Pandora and other Poems. London: 1875. I2mo. pp. 150. See Dante. [LONGFELLOW, S., and T. W. HIGGINSON.] Thalatta: a Book for the Sea Side. Boston: M DCCC LIII. I2mo. pp. 206. **# A collection of poems by many hands. LONGWORTH'S American Almanac, New- York Register and City Directory; for the fortieth year of American Independ- ence. New York: Published at the old established directory office, Shakspeare-Gallery. By David Longworth. July 6, 1815. i2tno. pp. 458. [Same.] New York: 1824. LONGWORTH'S American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory. New York: Published by Thomas Longworth, No. 15 Pine, corner of Nassau-Street. 1831. 121110. [LORD (Daniel)]. The effect of secession upon the commer- cial relations between the North and South, and upon each section. London: 1861. 8vo. pp. 78. map. ^*# Originally printed as a series of articles in the New York Times. The map shows the relative densities of slave population in the South, and also the area of the cotton belt. Lorgnette, The. See Mitchell, D. G. LORIMER (James). Constitutionalism of the Future or Parlia- 220 GRAHAM . ment the Mirror of the Nation. Edinburgh: 1865. ismo. pp. 188. #*# A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from the author. LORIMER (John G.). Aii Historical Sketch of the Protestant Church of France, from its origin to the present times. With parallel notices of the Church of Scotland during the same period. Edinburgh: MDCCCXLI. i6mo. pp. 597. LORING (Charles G.). Neutral Relations of England and the United States. Boston: 1863. 8vo. pp. iv, 116. LORNCOURT, (Oliver de). Love and Chi.valry. London: 1875. 8vo. pp. 220. port. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. and Mrs. Graham. LORNE (Marquess of). Guido and Lita: A Tale of the Riviera. Second edition. London: 1875. Sm. 4-to. pp. 124. pis. LOSSING (Benson J.). The Pictorial Field-book of the Revo- lution; or, Illustrations by pen and pencil, of the history, biography, scenery, relics, and traditions of the War for Inde- pendence. With several hundred engravings on wood by Loss- ing and Barritt, chiefly from original sketches by the author.. New York: 1851- 2 vols. rl. 8vo. pis. LOTHIAN (Marquess of). The Confederate Secession. Edin- burgh & London: MDCCCLXIV. 8vo. pp. 226. *% This contains MS. corrections and additions in the author's handwrit- ing, "to guide the French translator." Strongly Southern in its sympathies.. LOUVEL. See Le Suire. LOVEDAY (R.). Loveday's Letters, Domestick and Foreign,. To several Persons, Occasionally distributed in Subjects Philo- sophical, Historical and Moral. By R. Loveday, Gent, the late translator of the three first Parts of Cleopatra. The Sixth Im- pression. London, Printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Sign, of the Bear in St. Paul's Church Yard, near the Little North Door, 1677. i2tno. pp. (14), 271, (15). LOVELACE (Richard). Lucasta: / Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, / Songs, &c. / To which is added / Aramantha, / a / Pastorall. / By Richard Lovelace, / Esq. / London, / Printed by Tho. Har- per, and are to be sold / by Tho. Ewster, at the Gun, in / Ivie Lane., 1649. / i6mo. pp. (22) 104, (2). Engraved title, port.. and 2 pis. *** Has the autograph of S. Egerton Brydges on fly leaf. LIBRARY. 221 LOVELACE (Richard). Lucasta. / Posthume / Poems / of / Richard Lovelace, Esq. / London. / Printed by William God- bid for / Clement Darby. / 1659. / i6mo. pp. (2), 2, 107. pi. and port. ^*^ Followed by a collection of poems collected by his son Dudley Post- humus Lovelace, with a title as follows: Elegies / Sacred / To the Memory of the Author: / By several of his Friends. / Collected and Published / by / D. P, L. / London, Printed 1660. / pp. 14. pi. Lucasta. The Poems of Richard Lovelace. In Two Parts. The first, comprising Those Published by Himself; the second, his Posthumous Poems. Chiswick: M DCCC xvm. I2mo. pp. xxiii, 108, (2), vi, 120. port. LOVELL, R. See Southey, R. LOVER (Samuel). He Would Be A Genjtleman; or, Treasure Trove. A Romance. London: 1867. i2mo. pp. 400. LOWELL (James Russell). Poems. Sixth edition. Boston: M DCCC LIV. 2 VOls. I2II1O. [ ] Melibceus-Hipponax. The Biglow Papers, edited with an introduction, notes, glossary, and copious index, by Homer Wilbur, A. M., Pastor of the First Church in Jaalam, and (prospective) member of many literary, learned .and scien- tific societies, (for which see p?ge V.) Fourth edition. Boston: M DCCC LIX. 1 2 mo. pp. 163. Fireside Travels. Boston: 1864. 8vo. pp. 324. Poetical Works. Boston: 1869. 24mo. port. Among My Books. Six essays. London: 1870. 8vo. PP- 359- My Study Windows. Fifth edition. London: 1873. 121110. pp. 318. LOWENSTERN (Isidore). Les Etats-Unis et la Havane. Souve- nirs d'un Voyageur. Paris: 1842. 8vo. pp. xij, 372. *** With an autograph presentation from the author on the fly leaf. LOWENTHAL (J.). A Selection from the Problems of the Era Problem Tournament. With a Preface by Herr Lowenthal. London: 1857. i2mo. pp. 101. pi. Morphy's Games of Chess: being the best games played l>y the distinguished champion in Europe and America, with analytical and critical notes. London: 1869. i2mo. pp. 485. port. 222 [LowTH (Robert, Bishop of London)]. A Short Introduction to English Grammar: With tritical notes. A New Edition, Corrected. London: M D CCLXXV. i6mo. pp. 221. LOYAL Publication Society, No. 54. Our Burden and Our Strength, or a comprehensive and popular examination of the Debt and Resources of Our Country, present and prospective. [New York: 1864.] 8vo. pp. 39. LUBBOCK (Sir John). The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and social condition of savages. London: 1870. 8vo. pp. 380. pis. LUBKE (Wilhelm). History of Art Translated by F. E. Bun- nett. London: 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. LUCANUS. The Pharsalia of Lucan literally translated into English Prose, with bopious notes. By H. T. Riley. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 427. LUCILIUS. See Juvenalis. LUCRETIUS. Lucretius on the Nature of Things. A Philo- sophical Poem, In Six Books. Literally translated into English Prose, by John Selby Watson. To which is adjoined the poet- ical version of John Mason Good. London: MDCCCLI. 8vo. pp. 496. LUCRETIUS: A Poem against the Fear of Death. With an Ode In Memory of The Accomplish'd Young Lady Mrs. Ann Killigrew, Excellent in the Two Sister Arts of Poetry and Painting. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black- Fryars, near the Water-side, 1709. Price One Penny. 8vo. pp. 16. LUDOVICIANA, ou Recueil D' Anecdotes, Traits historiques et Reponses de Louis XVI. : precede d'un sommaire sur les princi- paux e've'ne'mens de sa vie. Par L. C . . . fils. A Paris: 1 80 1. 24ino. pp. 124. port. Luggie, The. See Hough ton, Lord. LUSINE (J. C.). A M. le Capitaine Tad Lincoln. A Mad- ame Lincoln. A Monsieur Bigelow en te*moignage d'une pro- fonde & douloureuse sympathie. A. d'Englehem. [Paris: 1865.] 8vo - PP- 7 2 - * # Preface signed J. C. Lusine. LUSSAN (R. de). Journal / du Voyage / fait / a la Mer de Slid / LIBRARY. 223 avec / les Flibustiers / de 1' Amerique. / Par le Sieur Raveneau de Lussan. / A Paris, / Chez Jacques le Febvre, Imprimeur- Libraire, / rue de la Harpe, au Soleil d'Or, vis-a-vis / la rue saint Severin, / M. DC. xcix. / Avec Privilege du Roy. i6mo. pp. 1 8, 448. LYELL (Charles). The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. London: 1863. 8vo. pp. 551. pi. [LYNN (Miss Eliza)]. Azeth: the Egyptian. A novel. Lon- don: 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. [ ] Amymone. A romance of the Days of Pericles. London: 1848. 3 vols. 8vo. Realities. A Tale. London: 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. LYON (Captain G. F.). A Narrative of' Travels in Northern Africa, in the years 1818, 19, and 20; accompanied by Geo- graphical Notices of Soudan, and of the Course of the Niger. With a chart of the routes, and a variety of coloured plates, illustrative of the costumes of the several natives of northern Africa. London: 1821. 4to. pp. 383. maps and pis. Lyre Frangaise. See Masson, G. Lyra Sacra Americana. See Cleveland, C. D. LYTTON (Robert, "Owen Meredith.") Poems. The Wan- derer and Clytemnestra. Boston: M DCCC Lix. a^mo. pp. 514. Lucile. Boston: M DCCC LX. 24ino. pp. 352. [Same]. Boston: 1869. 24ino. pp. 352. New Poems. Boston: 1868. 2 vols. 24mo. Chronicles and Characters. London: 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. port. Poems. Boston: 1869. 2 vols. 24ino. ABIRE (J. L.). The Guide, to French Conversation. Revised and improved by Gustave Chouquet. New York: 1845. i6mo. pp. 190. MABLY (Abbe Gabriel Bonnot de). Observations sur 'le Gouvernement et les Loix des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. A Am- sterdam, Chez J. F. Rosart & Com p. MDCCLXXXIV. 12 mo. pp. (2) 213. *** A portrait of the author inserted. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). The History of England from the Accession of James II. Boston: 1849. 2 v l s - 8vo. [Same]. New York: 1849. 2 vols. I2mo. port. [Same]. Boston: 1854. 2 vols. i2mo. port. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. New and Revised Edition. New York: M. DCCC. Lix. 6 vols. i2mo. Macaulay; the historian, statesman, and essayist. Anecdotes of his Life and Literary Labours, with some account of his Early and Unknown Writings. With a photographic portrait (The only one known to have been taken) by Maull and Polyblank. London: 1860. I2mo. pp. 128. M'CLINTOCK (John) and George R. CROOKS. A First Book in Latin; containing Grammar, Exercises, and Vocabularies. New York: 1856. I2mo. pp. 409. M'COMBIE (W.). Memoirs of Alexander Bethune, embracing -Selections from His Correspondence and Literary Remains, compiled and edited by William M. M'Combie. Aberdeen: 1845. 1 2 mo. pp. 390. MACDONALD (A.). Phingaleis, sive Hibernia Liberata, Epi- cum Ossianis Poema, e Celtico sermone conversum, tribus praemissis|disputationibus, et subsequentibus notis; Ab Alexan- dro|Macdonald. Edinburgh MDCCCXX. 8vo. pp. 228. *** A presentation copy from the author. MACDONALD (George). At the Back of the North Wind. London: 1871. i2ino. pp. 378. M'DouGAL, Helen. See Burke, W. MACFARLANE, C. See Craik, G. Lt (224) LIBRARY. 225 MACGOWAN (John). Death: A vision; or, the Solemn de- parture of Saints and Sinners, represented under the similitude of a dream. London: Printed for the author. MDCCLXVI. 8vo. PP- (4) 79- MACHIAVELLI (Niccolo). The History of Florence, and of the affairs of Italy, from the earliest times to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent; together with The Prince. And vari- ous historical tracts. A new translation. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. 522. port. The History of Florence, and of the affairs of Italy, from the earliest times to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Together with The Prince. And various historical tracts. A new translation. London: 1872. pp. 522. port. MclNTOSH (M. J.). Two Pictures; or, What We Think of Ourselves, and What The World Thinks of Us. New York: 1863. 8vo. pp. 476. MACKAY (A.). Facts and Dates or the leading events in sacred and profane history and the principal facts in the various physical sciences. Edinburgh: MDCCCLXIX. 121110. pp. 317. M'KAY (Archibald). Ingle-Side Lilts, and Other Poems. Kilmarnock: M.DCCC.LXI. i2mo. pp. 144. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. MACKAY (Charles). Voices From the Mountains, and From the Crowd. Boston: M DCCC Lin. I2ino. pp. 373. A Man's Heart. A Poem. London: M.DCCC.LX. 8vo. pp. 172. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Phila- delphia: 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. *** Vol I. The Thugs or Phansigars. The Mississippi Scheme. The Witch Mania. The South Sea Bubble. The Slow Poisoners. The Tulipotnania. Vol. II. Relics. The Crusades. Modern Prophecies. Haunted Houses. Popular Admiration for Great Philosophical Delusions Introductory Thieves. Remarks. Influence of Politics and Religion on The Alchymists, or Searchers for the the Hair and Beard. Philosopher's Stone and the Water Duels and Ordeals. of Life. lar Follies in Great Cities. Fortune telling. he O. P. Mania. The Magnetisers. 226 GRAHAM MACKAY (Charles). A Thousand and One Gems of English Prose. Selected and arranged by Charles Mackay. London: 1872. i2mo.' pp. 534. Lost Beauties of the English Language: an appeal to authors, poets, clergymen, and public speakers. London: [1874]. 8vo. pp. 322. McKENNEY (Thomas L.). Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. . . . Also A Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway language, formed in part, and as far as it goes, upon the basis of one furnished by the Hon. Albert Gallatin. . . . Ornamented with twenty-nine engravings, of Lake Superior, and other scenery, Indian like- nesses, costumes, &c. Baltimore: Published by Fielding Lucas, Jun'r. 1827. 8vo. pp. 493. pis. MACKENZIE (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; In the Years 1789 and 1793; with a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of The Fur Trade of that country; With original Notes and an Appendix by Bougainville, Member of the French Sen- ate; illustrated with maps. London; M.DCCC.II. 2 vols. 8vo. port, and maps. MACKENZIE (Colin). Tavern Anecdotes. London: 1825. i6mo. *** Lacks title page. [MACKENZIE (Henry)]. The Prince of Tunis: a tragedy. As performed at the Theatre-Royal of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: 1773. 8vo. pp. 75, (3). The Miscellaneous Works of Henry Mackenzie. Com- plete in one volume. New- York: 1837. ^ vo - PP- 5 12 - port. MACKENZIE (Robert). America and her army. London: 1865. 8vo. pp. 60. # * # "In the following pages an attempt is made to sketch the remarkable measures which America has adopted for the benefit of her army, with the re- markable results which have been gained." McLEHOSE, Mrs. See Burns, R. MACLEOD (Norman). Character Sketches. London: 1872. 121110. pp. 317. pi. ' + LIBRARY. 227 MACNEE, *J. See Burke, W. MACNEILI, (Hector). The Poetical Works of Hector Mac- Neill. Third edition, corrected and enlarged. Edinburgh: 1812. 2 vols. i6mo. port, and pis. MACPHERSON (James). Fingal, / an / Ancient Epic Poem, / in six books: / Together with several other Poems composed by / Ossian, the Son of Fingal. / Translated from the Galic lan- guage, / by James Macpherson. / London: / Printed for T. Becket & P. A. De Hondt, in the Strand. / M DCC LXII. / 4to, pp. (16), xvi, 270. *** The first edition of this remarkable imposture. The Poems of Ossian, translated by James Macpher- son, Esq. With dissertations on the aera and poems of Ossian; and Dr. Blair's critical dissertation. Leipzig: 1847. i2ino. pp. 382. MACPHERSON (John). The Baths and Wells of Europe; their action and uses. With hints on change of air and diet cures. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 336. map. [MADISON (James)]. An Examination of the British Doc- trine, which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade, not open in Time of Peace, [n. p. 1806]. 8vo. pp. 204. See Hamilton, A. MAFFEI (Gio. Pietro). loan. Petri Maffeii, Bergomatis, E Societate lesv, Historiarvm Indicarvm Libri XVI. Omnia ab Auctore recognita & emendata. In singula copiosus Index. Cadomi, Ex typographia lacobi Mangeant. M. DC. xini. i6mo. pp. (80), 718. MAGOON (E. L.). Westward Empire; or, the great drama of human progress. New York: 1856. 8vo. pp. 445. #*# Divided into four divisions: " Age of Pericles;" "Age of Augustus; " "Age of Leo X;" "Age of Washington." [MAHONY (Francis Sylvester, "Father Front")]. Facts & Figures from Italy. By Don Jeremy Savonarola, Benedictine Monk, addressed during the last two winters to Charles Dickens, Esq. Being an appendix to his "Pictures." London: 1847. '8vo. pp. 309. MAILLARD (Firmin). Histoire des Journaux Publies a Paris pendant le Siege et Sous la Commune 4 septembre 1870 au 28 mai 1871 Paris: 1871. i2mo. pp. 267. 228 GRAHAM MAJATJLT. See Franklin, B. MALCOLM (James Peller). Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century; including the chanties, depravities, dresses and amusements, of the citizens of London, during that period; with a Review of the State of Society in 1807. To which is added a sketch of the domestic ar- chitecture, and of the various improvements in the metropolis. London: 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. *** Vol. II. only, and lacking plates. MALESPINE (A.). Solution de la Question Mexicaine. Avec une carte coloriee indiquant les operations militaires. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 31. folding map. Les Etats-Unis en 1865. D'aprs les documents offi- ciels communiques au congres. Paris: 1865. 8vo. pp. 48. [MALLET (D.)]. Elvira: a Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. London: MDCCLXIII. 8vo. pp. 69. MALLET (P. H.). Northern Antiquities; or, an historical ac- count of the manners, customs, religion and laws, maritime ex- peditions and discoveries, language and literature of the Ancient Scandinavians, (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders). With incidental notices respecting our Saxon ancestors. Trans- lated from the French by Bishop Percy. New edition, revised throughout, and considerably enlarged; with a translation of the Prose Edda from the original old Norse text; and notes criti- cal and explanatory, by I. A. Blackwell. To which is added, an abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga, By Sir Walter Scott. Lon- don: 1847. 121110. pp. 578. pi. The MAN OF MANNERS; or, Plebeian Polish'd. Being Plain and Familiar Rules for a Modest and Genteel Behaviour, on most of the ordinary Occasions of Life. Whereby the many Vanities, Weaknesses and Impertinences incident to Human Nature, (which expose Persons to Contempt and Ridicule) may be easily avoided. Written chiefly for the Use and Benefit of Persons of Mean Births and Education, who have unaccountably plung'd themselves into Wealth and Power. The Manner of walking the Streets and other Publick Places. The usual Salutations and Greetings, down from the Complaisant Grin and Sneer of Quality to the honest, Porterly How-d'-ye, or the more homely Civility, How fares your best Body ? The Manner of a City Family's LIBRARY. 229 sitting at Dinner. Wholesale Traders, great Money-Jobbers and other rich Plodders, their Sentiments of Breeding and Good Manners. Common Conversation a meer Comedy. Rules recommended to Preachers for a modest and courtly Behaviour towards the Beau Monde. Scandalous Indecencies at Churches in Time of Divine Service; a Misfortune to the Church of Eng- land, that Farinelli and Senesino were not bred Protestants. Rudeness of the Cockaded Gentry to modest Tradesmen. Blaz- ing Beaus of the Towns, indebted for every Article of their wearing Apparel, from the Crowns of their Head, to the Soles of their Feet, except the Bath Metal Buttons at their Shirt- Sleeves. The Irishman's Caution and Modesty, in refusing to look at the Corpse of his dead Countryman, on Account of his having a Stinking Breath when, living. Street Hunchers, Jostlers, and Coach-Splashers taken Notice of. A notable Ver- bal Encounter between two Ladies that deal in Fresh Cod and Live Lobsters. With variety of other Matters, Moral, Serious and Comical. London: Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford- Arms in Warwick-lane; and sold by E. Withers, at the Seven Stars, against the end of Chancery-Lane in Fleet-street, and J. JollifFe, at the Bible in St. James-Street; and the rest of the Booksellers of London and Westminster. Price One Shilling. 8vo. pp. iv, 60. *** The following excerpts are typical: " There is nothing more unbecoming, than to lick one's Fingers, Knife Spoon or Fork, to wipe one's Plate with Bread or one's Fingers, to drink up the Sauce or Gravy." "Kissing, Toying, and Fooling between Men and their Wives at Table is vastly unbecoming." " Lying, indeed, is crept into every Part of Conversation, from the meanest to the highest ; in short it is grown so common, that I much wonder the Clergy and Quality don't leave it off, because it is practis'd by every Shop- keeper." " In all our Converse we are carefully to refrain Swearing, it being a Vice into which many People fall by an 111 Habit; supposing it vainly an Elegance and great Ornament to their Discourse; and when we forbid Swearing, we in- tend to exclude all little and trifling Oaths with the rest." "Ogling Fans, as well as Novels, Plays and Poems Bound and Gilt in the Form and Manner of Common-Pray er-Books, . . . ought to be restrained under severe Penalties." MANAZZALE (A.). Itineraire Instructif de Rome et ses Envi- rons. Avec une description generale tres-exacte de tous ses Monumens anciens, et une abrege de ses beautes les plus re- 230 GRAHAM marquables, en moderne, comme les meilleures Peintures, Sculptures, et Architectures. Dernier Edition augment^ et corigee. Par 1'Antiquaire Andre Manazzale. Rome: MDCCCII. ,i2mo. pp. 285. pis. ,^\ Contains the book plate of Cadwallader D. Golden. Vol. II. only. [MANDRILLON (Joseph)]. Le Voyageur Americain ou Obser- vations Sur 1'Etat actuel, la Culture, le Commerce des Colonies Britanniques en Amerique; les Exportations & Importations respectives entre elles & la Grande Bretagne, avec un Etat des revenus que cette derniere en retire &c. Adressees par un Negociant experiment^, en forme de lettres, an tres-honorable Comte de . . . Traduit de 1'Anglois. Augmente d'un Precis .sur 1' Amerique Septentrionale & la Republique des Treize- Etats-Unis. Par M. Jh. M . . . A Amsterdam, chez J. Schur- ing, Libraire sur le Rockin. MDCCLXXXII. 8vo. pp. viii, 197, 166. map, 3 folding tables. Le Spectateur / Ame'ricain, / ou / Remarques Generates / sur / 1' Amerique Septentrionale / et sur la Republique / des / Treize-Etats-Unis; / suivi / De Recherches Philosophiques sur la decouverte / du Nouveau-Monde. Par M. Jh. Mandrillon . . . / . . , / Seconde Edition revue, corrige'e, & augmentee de plusieurs / Articles & d'une Table Alphabetique des Ma- tieres. / A Amsterdam; / Et se trouve a Bruxelles, / Chez Em- manuel Flon, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue / des Frippiers. / M.DCC.- LXXXV. 8vo. pp. (2), xx, 519. map, & 2 folding tables. MANN (W. W.). What we are coming to. Or, The veil re- moved. Peace reconciliation, reconfederation. [n. p. Feb. 1863.] 8vo. pp. 8. *** A long and interesting letter of the author to W. H. Huntington on the war is inserted. [MANNING (Samuel)]. Italian pictures. Drawn with pen and pencil. London: [1876]. rl. 8vo. pp. 214. pis. MANSION (Hyppolite). Precis Historique sur la Colonie Franchise An Goazacoalcos (Mexique); Avec la Refutation des prospectus public's Par MM. Laisne* de Villeveque, Giordan et Baradre, suivi de plusieurs lettres autographes de MM. Laisne* et Giordan, et d'une dpitre" en vers a M. Laisne" de Villeveque. Par M. Hyppolite Mansion. Londres, Imprimerie de Davidson et Fils. 1831. 8vo. pp. viii, 260. LIBRARY. 231 MANTELL (Gideon Algernon). The Invisible World revealed by The Microscope; or, Thoughts on Animalcules. London: 1850. sq. i2ino. pp. 144. pis. Petrifactions and Their Teachings; or, a handbook to the gallery of Organic Remains of The British Museum. Lon- don: M DCCC LI. i2mo. pp. 496. pis. Geological Excursions round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire. London: MDCCCLIV. I2mo. pp. 356. pis. Manuscrit venu de St. Helene. See Chateau vieux. MANZONI (Alessandro). The Betrothed. London: MDCCO LXVII. i6ino. pp. 399. port. ^ MARBOIS. See Barbe-Marbois. MARESTIER (Jean Baptiste). Mmoire sur les Bateaux a Vapeur des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, avec un appendice sur di verses machines relatives a la marine; Par M. Marestier: Precede du Rapport fait a 1'Institut sur ce Memoire, Par MM. Sane, Biot, Poisson et C. Dupin; Imprint Par ordre de Son Excellence le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. A Paris, De 1'Imprimerie Royal. 1824. 4t- PP- 290. MARGARET, Queen of Navarre (nee d'Angouleme). The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. Translated from the French. With a memoir of the author. By Walter K. Kelly. London: MDCCCLV. 121110. pp. 427. port. MARGUERITTES (Julie de). The Ins and Outs of Paris; or, Paris by Day and Night. Philadelphia ; 1855. I2mo. pp. 400. MARIE, ADELAIDE and VICTORIE. Lettre de Mesdames Marie, Adelaide, et Victoire, a Louis XVI. 1791. From the Papers found in the Desk of the King after his Execution, and now in the possession of Henry Danby Seymour, Esq., M. P. [n. p., n. d.] 8vo. pp. 8. **# Privately printed by Lord Houghton. It is a joint letter written to the King during his imprisonment by his aunts. [MARIE (Peter)]. A Tribute to the Fair: containing a collec- tion of Vers de Socie*te. Published in aid of the Sanitary Com- mission. New York: 1864. i2mo. pp. xiii, 253. MARLITT (E.). The Second Wife. A Romance. From the 232 GRAHAM German. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia: 1875. 8vo. pp. 302. *** " E. Marlitt" is the pseudonym of Eugenie John. MARLOW(C). Hero and Leander. A Poem. By Christopher Marlow, and George Chapman. A new edition, revised and corrected; with a critical preface. Chiswick: M DCCC XXL I2tno. pp. 124. MARMION (Shakerley). Cupid and Psyche. A Legend. Chiswick: M DCCC xx. I2ino. pp. x, 124. x*x This is a metrical version of the original of Apuleius, written, as old Anthony Wood tells us, by "a goodly proper gentleman," early in the seventeenth century. MARRYATT (F.). Coinplete Works. Philadelphia: 1851. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. MARSH (George P.). Man and Nature; or, Physical Geo- graphy as modified by human action. London: 1864. 8vo. pp. 560. *% A presentation copy from the author. MARSHALL (C.). Passages From the Diary of Christopher Marshall, kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster during the Ameri- can Revolution. Edited by William Duane, member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol.1. 1774-1777. Phila delphia: 1839-1849. 8vo. pp. 174. *** Presentation copy from the editor to Mr. Graham. MARSHALL (Samuel). A Treatise on the Law of Insurance. In two volumes. Philadelphia, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. MAHfeiLLAC (J.). La Vie de Guillaume Penn, Fondateur de la Pensylvanie; Premier Le"gislateur connu des Etats-Unis de l'Ame"rique. Ouvrage contenant 1'Historique des premiers fon- demens de Philadelphie, des Loix et de la Constitution des Etats-Unis de 1'Amerique, des principes et actions de la Socie*te des Amis (vtilgairement connus sous le nom de Quakers, etc.). Par J. Marsillac. A Paris, 1791. 2 vols. 8vo. MARSOLLIER (B. J.). Arnill, on le Prisonnier Ame'ricain, comedie en prose, en un acte, Paroles de Marsolier. Musique de Dalayrac. Represented sur le Theatre de la rue Favart. A Paris: Chez Barba, Libraire, au Magasin de Pieces de Theatre, rue Saint-Andre'-des-Arts, No. 27. 1797. 8vo. pp. 44. MARSTON (John). The Works of John Marston. Reprinted from the original editions. With notes, and some account of LIBRARY. 23a his life and writings. By J. O. Halliwell. London: 1856. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. MARTELET (E.). Bernard Palissy. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 50. MARTIN (C.). See Kirkland, C. M. S. MARTIN (Henri). Martin's History of France. The Age of Louis XIV. Translated from the fourth Paris edition. By Mary L. Booth. Boston: 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. port. Martin's History of France. The Decline of the French Monarchy. Translated from the fourth Paris edition, By Mary L. Booth. Boston: 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. port, and map. MARTIN (R. Montgomery). China; "Political, Commercial,, and Social; in an official report to Her Majesty's government. London: MDCCCXLVii. 2 vols. 8vo. maps. MARTIN (Theodore). The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. London: 1875. Svo. pp. 516. ports. & pis. MARTINIERE (Bruzen de la). Introduction a 1'Histoire de 1'Asie, de 1'Afrique, et de l'Amerique. Pour servir de suite a 1' Introduction a 1'Histoire du Baron de Puffendorff. A Am- sterdam, M.DCC.XXXV. 2 vols. i2ino. maps. MARTINEAU (Harriet). The History of England during the Thirty Years Peace: 1816-1846. London: 1849- 2 vols. rl. Svo. ports. *** Preceded by an "Introduction to the History of the Peace from 1800 to- 1815, London: 1851," which forms a separate volume. "Marvel, Ik." See Mitchell, D. G. MARVIN (Henry). A Complete History of Lake George: em- bracing a great variety of information and compiled with an especial reference to meet the wants of the travelling commu- nity; intended as a Descriptive Guide: together with a complete history and present appearance of Ticonderoga. New York: 1853. i6mo. pp. 102. map. MARYLAND. Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of Maryland. April Session, 1792. Being the Second Session of the Fourth Senate, [n. p. n. d.] Fo. pp. 59-66. MASCHKA (Giuseppe). Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano e Italiano- Tedesco. Milano 1872. 2 vols. 161110. 234 GRAHAM [MASERES (Francis)]. Occasional essays on various subjects, chiefly political and historical; extracted partly from the publick newspapers, during the present reign, and partly from tracts published in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles L, King Charles II, and from Bishop Burnet's History of his Own Times. London: printed by Robert Wilks, 1809. 8vo. pp. 607. **# Essays on the American Revolution, the government of the Province of Quebec, Parliamentary Government, Libels, Slave-Trade, Toleration, and Romanism. MASON (C. P.). English Grammar. London: 1874. i6mo. pp. 266. MASON (G. H.). The Costume of China, illustrated by Sixty Engravings: with Explanations in English and French. Lon- don: MDCCC. Lg. 4to. 60 pis. and text. MASSACHUSETTS (Trees of). See Emerson, G. B. MASSEY (Gerald). Poems and Ballads. New York: 1854. 12010. pp. 228. Poems. Boston: M.DCCC.LXVI. 24010. pp. 423. port. MASSINGER (Philip). The / Great Dvke / of / Florence. / A Comicall Historic. / As it hath beene often presented with good / allowance by her Ma ties Servants at the / Phoenix in Drurie Lane. / Written by Philip Massinger. / London: / Printed for John Mar- riot. 1636. / Sm. 4to. 39 11. MASSON (Gustave). La Lyre Franaise. London: 1867. i6mo. pp. 440. Materials for History. See Moore, F. MATHEWS (Charles). Catalogue Raisonnee of Mr. Mathew's Gallery of Theatrical Portraits, Now exhibited for the first time, and forming a nearly complete dramatic record from the year 1659 down to the present time. London: 1833. 4to. pp. 74. [MATHIAS (T. J.)]. The Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem In four Dialogues With notes. The fourteenth edition with the citations translated and with a complete Index. Lon- don: Printed for T. Becket, 81 Pall Mall. 1808. 8vo. pp. 579. [ ] A translation of the passages from Greek, Latin, Italian, and French writers, quoted in the Prefaces and Notes to the Pursuits of Literature; a Poem, in four dialogues. To which is prefixed, a Prefatory Epistle, intended as a General Vindica- tion of the Pursuits of Literature, from various Remarks which LIBRARY. 235 have been made upon that Work. By the Translator. The third edition. London: Printed forT. Becket, Pall-Mali. 1798. 8vo. pp. 104. MATHIAS (T. J.). Canzoni Toscane di T. J. Mathias Londra 1808 410. Per la Morte di Federico North de'Pari dell'Inghilterra Conte di Guilford Cancelliere dell'Universita' delle Isole lonie Fondata Sotto la Protezione del Governo Britannico. Napoli 1827. i6mo. pp. 16. *** A presentation copy from the author, with a letter from him concern- ing the book inserted. Privately printed. Per la Morte dell' Onore-volissimo Cavaliero Gug- lielmo Drummond gia' Inviato Straordinario e Ministro Plen- ipotenziario di Sua Maesta' Britannica presso la Corte di Napoli. . . . Morto in Roma ai 29 di Marzo 1828. Napoli 1828. i6mo. pp. 13, (i). MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER. The Flowers of History, espe- cially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. From the begin- ning of the world to the year 1307. Collected by Matthew of Westminster. Translated from the original by C. D. Yonge. London: MDCCCLIII. 2 vols. I2mo. #*x The author was a Benedictine monk, who probably lived in the early part of the fourteenth century. The first part of the work is a mere abridg- ment of the Bible, and the Greek and Roman periods are very briefly treated. The fabulous stories of I/ear, Merlin, Vortimer and Vortigern then follow, after which, as the writer approaches the period of his own times, the nar- ration becomes valuable, though colored by monastic views. It is, however, in this period one of the most valuable authorities known. MATIHEW PARIS. Matthew Paris's English History. From the year 1235 to 1273. Translated from the Latin by the Rev. J. A. Giles. London: 1852- 3 vols. 121110. pi. *** Of great value for the period covered, for the author, a monk of St. Alban's Abbey, not merely spoke from his own knowledge, but as well had studied and condensed "from former writers" all that he could find. As most of these chronicles have not been preserved they are only known by this work. MAUNDER (Samuel). The Treasury of Knowledge, and Li- brary of Reference. London: 1851. 2 vols. 121110. pis. The Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. Revised throughout by B. B. Woodward, assisted by John Morris and W. Hughes. London: 1870. 161110. pp. 899. pi. 236 GRAHAM MAUNDEVILLE (Sir John). The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, Kt. which treateth of the way to Hierusalem . and of marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and countryes. Re- printed from the Edition of A. D. 1725. With an introduction, additional notes, and glossary, by J. O. Halliwell. London: M.DCCC. xxxix. 8vo. pp. xiv, xvii, 326. See Wright, T. MAUNDRELL. See Wright, T. MAURY (Sarah Mytton). The Progress and Influence of the Catholic Church in the United States of America; described in a memoir of John [Hughes], Bishop of New York. London: MD ccc XLVII. 8vo. pp. 40. port. MAYOR (William). Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period. Vol. xxv. London: 1801. i6mo. pp. 279. pis. #*# Consists of Wilds' and Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's travels in America. MAXWELL (W. H.). Life Military and Civil of the Duke of Wellington. Digested from the materials of W. H. Maxwell, and in part re-written, by An Old Soldier. With some account of his public funeral. London: 1852. I2mo. pp.497, pis. [ ] The Victories of Wellington and the British Armies. New Edition, completed to the present time. London: 1852. I2ino. pp. 528. pis. and ports. MAYER (Brantz). Captain Canot; or twenty years of an Afri- can slaver; being an account of his career and adventure on the coast, in the interior, on shipboard and in the Wesf Indies; written out and edited from the Captain's journals, memoranda and conversations, by Brantz Mayer. M.DCCC. LIV. i2mo. pp. 448. pis. MAYER (Charles Joseph de). Vie Publique et Prive'e de Charles Gravier, comte de Vergennes, ministre d'Etat; discours Couronne' par I'Acade'mie d' Amiens, le 25 aout 1788. Par Monsieur de Mayer. A Paris. Chez Maradan, Libraire, rue Saint- Andrd-des- Arcs, hotel de Chdteau-Vieux. 1789. 8vo. pp. (8), 226, (2). port. MAYHEW (Henry). London Labour and the London Poor; a Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will" LIBRARY. 237 Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work. London: 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. pis. and port. MAYNK (John). Glasgow. A poem. London: 1803. 121110. PP- 5 1 - M AZORES. See Ancelot. MAZZEI (Filippo). . Recherches / historiques et politiques / sur les Etats-Unis / de / PAmerique septentrionale, / Ou 1'on traite des e*tablissemens des treize Colonies, / de leurs rapports & de leurs dissentions avec la /Grande-Bretagne, de leurs gouverne- inens avant & / apres la revolution, &c. / Par un Citoyen de Vir- ginie. / Avec quatre Lettres d'un Bourgeois de New-/ Heaven \sic\ sur 1' unite* de la legislation. / Premiere partie. / A Colle, / Et se trouve A Paris, / Chez Froulle", libraire, quai des Augus- tins, /au coin de la rue Pavee. / 1788. / 4 vols. 8vo. pp. (4), xvj, 383, (i); (4), 259; (4), 292; (4), 366. MEADOWS (F. C.). A New French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. New- York: 1836. 121110. pp. 352, 376. MEADOWS (K.). Heads of The People, or Portraits of the English. Drawn by Kenny Meadows. London: [1838-]. 2 vols. 8vo. ^** A series of sketches, by Douglas Jerrold, Thackeray, Leigh Hunt, Wil- liam Howitt and others. Medal, The. See Dryden, J. Meditations. See Zschokke, H. MEDWIN (Thomas). Conversations of Lord Byron: noted During a Residence with His Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. London: 1825. 2 vols. I2ino. port. [MEHEE DE LA TOTJCHE (J. C. H.)]. Touquetiana, ou Bio- graphic Pittoresque d'un Grand Homme, En reponse a cette Question: Qu'estce que Monsieur Touquet? Par M. Molto- Curante, Biographe a demi-solde, Membre de trente ou quar- ante Societes plus ou moins savantes. Paris, 1821. i6mo. pp. 223. port. MELVIL-BLONCOURT (S.). Au Dernier Defenseur de 1'Escla- vage Reponse a M. Poussielgue Auteur de: Hamme ou Singe ou La Question de 1'Esclavage aux Etats-Unis. Paris: 1861. 8vo. pp. 14. *** A presentation copy from the author. 238 GRAHAM MELVILLE (Herman). Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas. Sixth edition. New York: 1852. I2ino. pp. 389. map. Typee; A Peep at Polynesian Life, during a Four Months' Residence. In a Valley of the Marquesas; the revised edition, with a sequel. New York: 1852. i2mo. pp. 307. map. MEMOIRE / contenant le / Precis des Faits / avec leurs / Pieces Justificatives, / Pour servir de Reponse aux Observations \ en- voyees par les Ministres d'Angleterre, / dans les Cours de P Eu- rope. / Sur 1'imprime. / De 1'Imprimerie Royale. / M.DCCLVI. 8vo. pp. 198, "Avis "(2), "Memoire," 17, "Ordonnance" (i), "Reponse," (2), 38, blank (i), " Avertissement" (i), "Declara- tion," 3-6, "Ordonnance" (2). *%. This edition is unknown to all bibliographers. Both QueVard and the British Museum Catalogue make J. N. Moreau the author, but if he had any- thing to do with the preparation, it could only be as editor, for the work is a compilation. #** " In 1754, Virginia, alarmed at the French occupation of the valley of the Ohio, sent a young officer, with a small body of men, to dispossess the French. They stole upon the intruders by night, fired on them, and drove away those they did not kill. There can be little doubt that the intention was to precipitate a war between France and England, and it quickly pro- duced it. The French in turn retaliated, and captured the Virginians, and as part of the prize of war, the journal of this young officer. Nations at that time went to war without justification, but were therefore doubly anxious to justify themselves ; and the French prepared this volume to prove how wronged they had been, and printed as evidence thereto the journal of this young officer, charging that this night attack, when the two countries were at peace, was absolute murder. That young officer was Major Washington, or as it is printed in this French journal, ' Wasinghton,' and this French translation is the only form in which his journal exists. Perhaps an even more curious incident connected with this matter was later added during the Revolution ; for when France came to our assistance in 1778, one of her rea- sons for declaring war against England, as printed in her M&moire justificatif, was this so-called ' assassination ' committed twenty-four years before by the Washington to whose assistance she was about to lend her aid." Memoire Hislorique. See Choiseul-Stainville. MEMOIRE / pour les Ministres /d'Angleterre, / centre / P Amiral Byng, /et centre l'aute f ur/du Peuple Instruit, / Otivrage traduit de PAnglois. M.DCC. LVII. I2ino. pp. (8), 103. *% Translated by K. J. Genet. Memoire sur la Conduit? . See Lesur, C. L. Alemoires et Observations. See En gel, S. Mem&ires Historiqitc. See Le Mascrier. LIBRARY. 239 MEMOIRES / sur la Louisiana / et la Nouvelle-Orleans, / Ac- compagne's d'une Dissertation sur / les avail tages que le Com- merce de 1' Empire /doit tirer de la stipulation faite par 1'article/ VII du Traite" de cession, du 30 Avril 1803, / Par M * * *. / Suivis d'une Traduction de diverses Notes sur cette / colonie, publiees aux Etats-Unis peu de terns apres / la ratification du Traite"; / Termines par un ^crit traitant cette question: / Est-il Avantageux a la France / de Prendre Possession de la Louisiane? A Paris, / Chez Ballard, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue / J. J. Rous- seau, no. 14. / AN xiu. 1804. / 8vo. pp. viij, 176. Memoirs of . . . Lord Byron. See Watkins, J. Memorial of John Allan. See Duyckinck, E. A. Memorials of Columbus. See Spotorno. Men before Adam. See Peynere, G. de la. Mencius. See Confucius. MENZEL (Wolfgang). German Literature, translated by C. C. Felton. Boston: M.DCCC.XL. 8vo. *** Vol. I and in. only. The History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. Translated by Mrs. George Horrocks. Lou- don: MDCCCLII. 3 vols. 8vo. ports. MERCATOR. Theatre du Monde. By ludocus Honius, Ger- ardi Mercatoris and loannes Mercator. [Amsterdam: 1609.] Lg. Fo. pp. 712, (38). maps. x*# Lacks title. MEREDITH (George). Vittoria. London: MDCCCLXVII. 8vo. "Meredith, Owen." See Lytton, Sir E. R. MERIMEE (P.). Letters to An Incognita With recollections by Lamartine and George Sand Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard New York 1875 i2ino. pp. 350. METEYARD (Eliza). The Hallowed Spots of Ancient London. Historical, biographical, and antiquarian sketches. London: 1862. Sin. 4to. pp. 291. pis. METZ. Campagne et Negociations par un officier superieur de 1'armee du Rhin *Accompagne d'une carte des environs de Metz. Paris 1871. 8vo. pp. 512. map. MICHAUX (F. A.). Voyage a P Quest des Monts Alleghanys, dans les Etats de POhio, du Kentucky et du Tennessee, et Re- 240 GRAHAM tour a Charleston par les Hautes- Carolines; Con tenant des details sur Petat actuel de 1' agriculture et les productions naturelles de <:es contrees, ainsi que des renseignemens sur les rapports com- merciaux qui existent entre ces Etats et ceux situes a Pest des montagneset la Basse-Louisiaue; Entrepris pendant 1'an x-i8o2, .sous les auspices de Son Excellence M. Chaptal, Ministre de 1'Interieur. Avec Une Carte Tres-Soignee des Etats dn Centre, -de 1'Ouest et du Sud des Etats-Unis. . . . De PImprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris, Chez Levrault, Schoell et Compagnie, Li- braires, rue de Seine, Hotel de la Rochefoucault. An XII 1804. 8vo. pp. (4), vi, 312. map. MICHAUX (F. A.). The North American Sylva, or a descrip- tion of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts, and their introduction into commerce; to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees. Translated from the French. Paris: 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN R. R. The Charter and Laws of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois, relating to the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Rail-Road Company. New- York: 1855. 8vo. pp. 218. *% Inserted is a legal opinion of Daniel Lord (autographic ?) on the famous "secret issue" case of the Michigan Southern, together with a letter from Edwin C. Litchfield, protesting against Mr. Garner (Mrs. Graham's brother) selling out some of the stock which had been pledged as collateral for notes. MIDDLETON (Conyers). The History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. London: MDCCCXXXIX. 8vo. pp. 330. MIGNET (F. A.). History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814. London: MDCCCXLVI. 8vo. pp. 424. port. Petits Traites publics par 1' Academic des Sciences Mor- ales et Politiques. Vie de Franklin, a P usage de tout le monde. Par M. Mignet, de la section d'Histoire ge'ne'raleet philosophique. Premiere partie. Paris: 1848. i6mo. pp. 230. MILFORT (LE CLERC, known as). Me"moire / ou / Coup-d'CEil Rapide / Sur mes difFe'rens voyages et mon se"iour / dans la nation Creek. / Par le Gal. Milfort, / Tastane"gy ou grand Chef de guerre de la / nation Creek, et Ge'ne'ral de brigade au service / de la Re"publique frangaise. / A Paris, / de PImprimerie de Giguet et Michaud, /Rue des Bons-Enfans, No. 6. / An XL (1802). 8vo. pp. (4), 331, (i). LIBRARY. 241 *** Signed on reverse of title-page by the author. "A very curious book. Gen. Milfort resided many years among the Creeks, was adopted into their nation, and was made their 'T&stanegy ' or Great War Chief." MILL (John Stuart). Autobiography London, MDCCCLXXIII. 8vo. pp. 325. MILLAIS (J. E.). The Parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: With pictures by John Everett Millais. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: 1864. 410. ff. 48. 20 pis. [MILLAR (John)]. Letters of Crito, on the causes, objects and consequences of the Present War. London: 1806. *** Lacks title page. MILLARD. See Hartmann. MILLARD (Henry B.). The Climate and Statistics of Con- sumption. A paper read before the American Geographical and Statistical Society. With extensive additions by the author. New- York: 1861. 121110. pp. 108. [MiLLER (Hugh)]. Poems, written in the leisure hours of a Journeyman Mason. Inverness: MDCCCXXIX. I2mo. pp. 268. port. The Old Red Sandstone; or, New Walks in an Old Field. Edinburgh: MDCCCXLII. 121110. pp. 311. pis. First Impressions of England and Its People. Edin- burgh: MDCCCLVII. I2mo. pp. 368. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, or the Traditional History of Cromarty. Edinburgh: MDCCCLVII. 121110, pp. 487. The Testimony of the Rocks; or, geology in its bear- ings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Edinburgh: MDCCCLVII. i2mo. pp. 500. pi. The Cruise of the Betsey; or, a summer ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist; or, ten thousand miles over the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. Edinburgh: MDCCCLVIII. i2ino. pp. 486. My Schools and Schoolmasters, or The Story of My Education. Edinburgh: MDCCCLIX. i2ino. pp. 562. Sketch-Book of Popular Geology; being a series of lectures delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edin- burgh. With an introductory preface, giving a resume of the 242 GRAHAM progress of geological science within the last two years. By Mrs. Miller. Edinburgh: MDCCCLIX^ i2ino. pp. 358. MILLER (Joaquin). Songs of the Sierras. London: 1871. i2tno. pp. 301. MILLER (Joe). See Mottley, J. MILLEVOYE (Charles Hubert). Poesies de Millevoye avec une notice par M. de Pongerville. Paris, 1851. i2mo. pp. 319. MILLON (Charles). Histoire des Descentes qui ont eu lieu en Angleterre, Ecosse, Irlande et Isles adjacentes, depuis Jules- Cesar jusqu'a nos jours; Suivie d' Observations sur le Cliinat, les Qualites du Sol; les Productions, la Population, 1' Agricul- ture, le Commerce, les Manufactures, la Litterature, les Sci- ences, les Arts, les Finances, la Marine, &c. &c. Avec Trois Cartes Geographiques. A Paris: 1798. 8vo. pp. xvj, 150. maps. MILLOT (Abbe C. F. X. ). Elements of general history. Trans- lated from the French. London. Printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, in the Strand. 1778- 5 vols. 8vo. MILLS (Abraham). The Poets and the Poetry of the Ancient Greeks; With an historical introduction, and a brief view of Grecian Philosophers, Orators, and Historians. Boston: 1854. 8vo. pp. 485. MILMAN (R.). The Life of Torquato Tasso. In two vol- umes. London: 1850. 8vo. MILTON (John). Paradise lost. / A / Poem / in / Ten Books. / The Author / John Milton. / London, / Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by / T. Helder at the Angel in Little Bfit- tain. / 1669. / Sm. 4to. A Defence of the People of England, by John Milton: In Answer to Salmasius's Defence of the King. [n. p.] Printed in the Year 1692. 121110. pp. (6), xxii, 246. *** On the title page is the autograph of William Walton, the old New York merchant. II Como favola boschereccia di Giovanni Milton, rap- presentata Nel Castello di Ludlow Nell' anno mdcxxxiy, alia presenza del Conte di Bridgewater, Presidente del Paese di Galles, Tradotta in Italiano Da'Gaetano Polidori Da Bientina. Terza Edizione Migliorata, e Corretta. Parigi, Da' Torch] di LIBRARY. 243 Firmin Didot, Tipographo dell' istituto Imperiale. MDCCCXII. 8vo. pp. xii, (i), 80. #*# The Masque of Cotnus. MILTON (John). Prose Works. With a preface, preliminary remarks, and notes, By J. A. St. John. London: [1848-]. 5 vols. 8vo. pi. and port. Complete Poetical Works. With life, critical disserta- tion, and explanatory notes, by George Gilfillan. New York: M.DCCC.UV. 2 VOls. 8vO. Poetical Works. A New Edition, carefully Revised, from the text of Thomas Newton. To which is prefixed a Bio- graphical Notice. With illustrations by William Harvey. Lon- don: 1867. i2ino. pp. 570. pis. MILTON'S Sublimity Asserted: In a Poem. Occasion'd by a late Celebrated Piece, Entituled, Cyder, a Poem; In Blank Verse, By Philo-Milton. London: Printed for W. Hawes, and Sold by J. Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, and Stephen Fletcher, Bookseller in Oxford. 1709. Price 3 d. 8vo. pp. 30, (2). MINIERES (Ernest Bellot des). La question Americaine, suivie d'un appendice sur le coton, le tabac et le commerce ge'ne'ral des anciens Etats-Unis. Deuxieme edition. Paris: 1861. '8vo. pp. 48. MIRABEAU (H. G. R., Comte de). Considerations sur 1'Ordre de Cincinnatus, on Imitation D'un Pamphlet Anglo- Americain. Par le Comte de Mirabeau. Suivies De plusieurs Pieces rela- tives a cette Institution; D'une Lettre signee du General Wash- ingjon, accompagnee de Remarques -par 1'Auteur Frangois; Et d'une Lettre de feu Monsieur Turgot, Ministre d'Etat en France, au Docteur Price, sur les Legislations Americaines. A Londres, Chez J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard. M. DCC. LXXXIV. 8vo. pp. xii, 203. Opinion du Comte de Mirabeau sur la Noblesse An- cienne et Moderne; Considerations sur 1'Ordre de Cincinnatus, ou Imitation d'un pamphlet Anglo-Americain, suivies De plusieurs Pieces relatives a cette Institution; D'une Lettre signee du general Washington, accompagnee de remarques par 1'auteur francais; Et d'une Lettre de feu M. Turgot, Ministre d'Etat en France, au Docteur Price, sur les legislation ameri- caines. Paris, Chez Chaignieau jeune, Libraire, rue Saint 244 GRAHAM Andre-des-Arcs, No. 40; Et chez tous les Libraires. 1815. 8vo. pp. xvi, 136. MIRVAL (C. H. de). L'Ermite du Chimborao, on Les Jeunes Voyageurs Colombiens. Voyage dans les deux Ainer- iques. Paris, 1850. i2mo. pp. 280. pi. Miscellaneous Pieces See Jenyns, S. [MITCHELL (D. G.)]. The Lorgnette or Studies of the Town. By an Opera goer. New York: MDCCCL. 24 numbers, in 2 vols. ' I2mo. *** A presentation copy from the author to W. H. Huntington. Inserted is a letter of Mr. Mitchell's, and the margins are crowded with his auto- graphic notes, explaining or elaborating the subject matter, and giving many curious glimpses of the time. There is a second copy, not quite complete, with the original covers, and some duplicate numbers bound in. This also belonged to W. H. Huntington, who has made a number of interesting mar- ginal notes in it in reference to the passing events or persons alluded to in the text. On number VI. of the Second Series he has noted: "Written mainly over a pint of coffee, at the New York Hotel." Dream Life: A Fable Of The Seasons. By Ik. Marvel. New York: 1854. i2ino. pp. 286. pi. Reveries of A Bachelor: or A Book of the Heart. By Ik. Marvel. New York: 1854. 8vo. pp. 298. Wet Days at Edgewood: with Old Farmers, Old Gar- deners, and Old Pastorals. New York: 1865. 8vo. pp. 324. MITCHELL (S. A.). A New Universal Atlas, Containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World. With a special map of each of the United States, plans of Cities, &c. Philadelphia: 1852. Fo. Maps. [MITCHELL (Silas Weir)]. The Wonderful Stories of Fuz-Buz the Fly, and Mother Grabem the Spider. Philadelphia: 1867. i2ino. pp. 79. pi. MITFORD (Mary Russell). Works, Prose and Verse, viz: Our Village, Belford Regis, Country Stories, Finden's Tableaux, Foscari, Julian, Rienzi, Charles the First. Philadelphia: 1854. 8vo. pp. 672. Moderation Display 1 d. See Shippen, W. Modern Dunciad. See Daniel, G. The MODERN Songster, consisting of a collection of the most admired American and English Songs, which have been sung LIBRARY. 245 with applause at the public Theatres. Also, some of the best and most favorite Scotch, Irish, and Welsh Songs, including a variety of scarce Old Songs not to be found in any other collec- tion. Baltimore: 1825. i6mo. pp. 211. [MoiR (George)]. Table-talk; or, Selections from the Ana. Containing extracts from the different collections of Ana, French, English, Italian and German. With bibliographical notices. Edinburgh: 1827. i2mo. pp. 326. MoiSE (Filippo). Storia dei Dominii Stranieri in Italia dalla Caduta Dell' Impero Romano in Occidente Fino Ai Nostri Giorni. Firenze: 1839- 6 vols. 8vo. ports. MOITHEY (M. A.). Atnerique / Meridionale. / A Paris chez le Sr. Moithey . . . 1788. One sheet, elephant Fo. Amerique / Septentrionale / Publiee / Par le Sr. Moithey, Inge"nieur-Geographe./ A Paris /Chez PAuteur . . . / 1789. One sheet, elephant Fo. MOLEVILLE (Bertrand de). The Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria, displayed in Fifty Coloured En- gravings; with Descriptions, and an Introduction. Translated by R. C. Dallas. London: 1804. Ige. 4to. 50 pis. and text. MoLiERE (J. B. P.). CEuvres de Molire, avec un coinmen- taire historique et litteraire, precede" du tableau des mceurs du dix-septieme siecle, et de la vie de Molire, par M. Petitot. Paris: 1821. 6 vols. 8vo. pis. CEuvres de Moliere, avec des notes de tous les commen- ta^urs. Paris, 1847. 2 vols. i2mo. See Fielding. MOLL (Herman). Atlas Minor: / or a new and curious Set of Sixty two Maps, in which are shewn all the / Empires, King- doms, Countries, States, in all the known parts of the Earth; / with their Bounds, Divisions, Chief Cities & Towns, the whole composed & laid down agreable to modern History. / By Her- man Moll Geographer. / London, Printed for Thos. Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, & John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill. / [1732.] 4:0. 62 maps, and title. MONJARDIN (Fernandez) and Frederic GAMBU. Memoires sur le Desamortissement des Biens du Clerge Mexicain. Paris, 1864. 8vo. pp. 80. 246 GRAHAM The Monk.Szz Lewis, M. G. MONROE (James). A / View / of the / Conduct of the Execu- tive, / in the / Foreign Affairs / of the /United States, / connected with the Mission to the / French Republic, / during the years 1794, 5, & 6. / By James Monroe / Late Minister Plenipoten- tiary to the said Republic: / Illustrated by his / Instructions and Correspondence, / and other / authentic documents. / Copy right secured according to law. / Philadelphia: / Printed by and for Benj. Franklin Bache, and to be had at the / Office of the Aurora, No. 112, Market-street. / M,DCCXCVII. / 8vo. pp. (3), Ixvi, 407. MONTAGU (Lady Mary Wortley). Letters and Works. Ed- ited by her great grandson Lord Wharncliffe. London: 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. port. MONTALEMBERT (Comte C. F. de). La Victoire du Nord aux Etats-Unis. Paris: 1865. 8vo. pp. 160. MONTGOMERY (Alexander). Poetical Works. Glasgow: M D cciviv. i6ino. pp. 134. MONTGOMERY (James). The Poetical Works of James Mont- gomery. Collected by himself. London: 1855- 4 vols, I2ino. pis. and port. MONTROND (Comtesse de). See Long Parlement. MONTROSE et Amelie, Drame en quartre actes en prose, Rep- re'sente pour la premiere fois par les Comediens Italiens ordi- naires du Roi, le Vendredi 19 Septembre 1783. A Paris, 1783. i2mo. pp. 115. MONTROSE (James, 4th Duke of). Case of James, Duke of Montrose. In opposition to the case of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, claiming the Title Honour and Dignity of Duke of Montrose. [Edinburgh: 1851]. Fo. pp. 55. *** See Crawford. MOON (G. Washington). Bad English Exposed. London: 1871. i6mo. pp. 227. The Dean's English: A Criticism on the Dean of Can- terbury's Essays on the Queen's English. London: 1874. i6mo. pp. 215. MOORE (F.). American Eloquence: A Collection of Speeches and Addresses by the most eminent orators of America; with biographical sketches and illustrative notes. New York: 1857. 2 vols. rl. 8vo. ports. LIBRARY. 247 MOORE (F.). Diary of the American Revolution. From newspapers and original documents. [Edited] by Frank Moore. New York: MDCCCLX. 2 vols. 8vo. port., pis. and maps. Materials for history, printed from original manuscripts, with notes and illustrations. [Edited] by Frank Moore. First series. New York, printed for the Zenger Club. 1861. 4to. pp. 136. port. *** Imperfect. MOORE (George H.). "Mr. Lee's Plan March 29, 1777." The Treason of Charles Lee Major General Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolution. (Read before the Society, on Tuesday evening, June 22, 1858.) New York: M.DCCC. LX. 8vo. pp. 115. ports, and facsimile. *** ii portraits inserted. MOORE (J. B.). See Farmer, J. MOORE (Joseph, Jr.). Outlying Europe and the Nearer Ori- ent. A Narrative of Recent Travel. Philadelphia: 1880. 8vo. PP- 554- ** # A presentation copy from the author. MOORE (S. S.) and T. W. JONES. The / Traveller's Di- rectory: / or, / a Pocket Companion, / shewing / the course of the main road / from / Philadelphia to New York; / and from / Philadelphia to Washington: / with descriptions of the places through which it passes, / and the intersections of the cross roads. / Illustrated with an account of such remarkable objects / as are generally interesting to travellers. / From actual sur- vey. / By S. S. Moore and T. W. Jones. / Second edition. / Philadelphia: / Printed for Mathew Carey, / 1804. / 8vo. pp. (2), 37, 19. 22 maps. MOORE (Thomas). Epistles, odes, and other poems. By Thomas Moore, Esq. London, Printed for James Carpenter. 1806. 4to. pp. xi, 341, (2). pi. Lalla Rookh, an Oriental Romance. London: 1837. i2mo. pp. 376. Notes from the Letters of Thomas Moore to his music publisher James Power (the publication of which were sup- pressed in London), with an introductory letter from Thomas Crofton Croker, Esq. New York: [1854]. 8vo. pp. 176. *** Power was Moore's musical publisher, and according to Moore's later view, cheated him on the sale of his songs. GRAHAM MOORE (Thomas). Poetical Works. Philadelphia: 1849. i2mo. pp. 518. The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. New York: 1853. IO vols. I2ino. port, and pis. Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. New York: 1853. 8vo. port. J Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Edited by the Right Honourable Lord John Russell. London: 1853. 6 vols. 8vo. port. Poetical Works. Edinburgh: 1873. i2mo. pp. 496. See Albrizzi: Anacreon: and Stoddard, R. H. Morality of Stage- Plays. See Ferguson. Morals of May fair. See Edwards, A. MOREAU (Henry). La Politique Franchise en Ame'rique.. 1861-1864. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 176. , [MoREAU (Jacques Nicolas)]. L'Observateur / Hollandois, / ou / Premiere Lettre / De M. Van. * * / A M. H. * * de la Haye. / Sur l'e"tat present des affaires de 1' Europe. / A la Haye: /I755. 4 vols. i2mo. Vol. L, pp. 32; 39; 32; 46; 45; 48; 48562; 64; 48; 445 48. Vol. II., pp. 54; 47; 44; 48; 51; 60; 64; 61; 37; 40; 39; 46. Vol. III., pp. 64; 51; 60; 47; 47; 40; 48; 45; 40; 52; 51; 55. Vol. IV., pp. 47; 47; 52; 47; 48; 47; 45, (3); 48; 48; 44; 0- *** A series of letters from one to forty-six, written from Paris, and relating to the war of 1755-1763, the last bearing date of 1759. Each letter was issued as a separate tract, having a title page. *** See also Mhnoire Contenant. [ ] Lettres / d'un Francois / a / un Hollandois, / Au sujet des Differends / survenus entre la France & la / Grande-Bre- tagne, / touchant leurs Possessions respectives dans /!' Ame'rique Septentrionale. [n. p.] MDCCLV. i2tno. pp. 174. MOREAU DE SAINT-MERY (L. E). Description Topographique et Politique de la Partie Espagnole de 1'Isle Saint-Domingue; Avec des Observations ge'ne'rales sur le Climat, la Population, les Productions, le Caractre & les Moeurs des Habitans de cette Colonie, & un Tableau raisonne* des diffe'rentes parties de son Administration; Accompagne'e d'une nouvelle Carte de la tota- lite' de 1'Isle. Philadelphie, Imprime' & se trouve chez L'Au- LIBRARY. teur, Imprimeur-Libraire au coin de Frtmt & de Walnut streets, No. 84. . 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. map. MOREAU DE SAINT MERY (L. E.). General View or Abstract of The Arts and Sciences adapted to the capacity of youth. And translated from the French by Michael Fortune. Philadel- phia: October 1797. i2ino. pp. 363. MORELL (Sir C.). See Horam. MORELL (J. R.). See Tennemann. MORGAN (Lady Sydney Owen). Italy. New- York: 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. The Life and Times of Sal vator Rosa. London: 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. port. *** A presentation copy from the author. MORIAC (Edouard). Les Conseils de Guerre de Versailles Pour faire suite a Paris sous la Commune. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 236. Paris sous la Commune 18 Mars au 28 Mai Pre- ce'de' des Commentaires d'Un Blesse" par Henry de Pe"ne. Trois^me Edition. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 435. MORIN (Ernest). Les Prix Montyon. Paris: 1867. 24010. pp. 72. : Montyon ou La Vie d'Un Homme de Bien. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 72. MORLEY (Henry). English Writers. The Writers before Chaucer; with an introductory sketch of the Four Periods of English Literature. London: 1864. 8vo. pp. 784. r The King and the Commons. Cavalier and Puritan songs. Selected and arranged by Henry Morley. London : 1869. 24tno. pp. 198. facsim. MORLEY (John). Voltaire. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 346. MORRIS (William). The Earthly Paradise. A Poem. Popu- lar edition. In ten parts. London: MDCCCLXXII. 10 vols. I2ino. MOSCHUS. See Anacreon: Theocritus. Most Famous, Delectable and Pleasant History. See Ford, E. MOTHERWELL (William). The Poetical Works of William Motherwell. With a memoir of his life. A new edition, con- 250 GRAHAM taining his posthumous writings. Boston: M DCCC LIII. I2mo. pp. 327, 187. MoTHERWELL (William). [Same]. Boston : M DCCC LXVI. I2mo. pp. 308. MOTLEY (J. Lothrop). The Causes of the American Civil War. A paper contributed to the London Times, [n. p. n. d.] 8vo. pp. 207-230. #*# A separate reprint from some larger work. [MoTT (Valentine)]. Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of United States officers & soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the rebel authorities. Being the report of a commis- sion of inquiry, appointed by the United States Sanitary Com- mission. With an appendix containing the testimony. Boston: [1864]. 8vo. pp. 86. 4 pis. Map. #*# A report of Valentine Mott, Edward Delafield, Gouverneur Morris Wil- kins, Ellerslie Wallace, J. I. Clark Hare and Treadwell Walden. It contains four copies of photographs of " Union soldiers after their return from im- prisonment at Belle Isle," and while the names of the committee vouch for the truthfulness of this report, yet its intention was largely political, to excite feeling against the South. It is, therefore, biased to the extent of dealing chiefly with the most shocking cases of brutality or physical wreckage the committee could find, and passes over without reference the thousands of Union prisoners who bore Southern imprisonment and returned in good health. [MoTTLEY (John)]. Joe Miller's Jests: or, the Wits Vade- Mecum. Being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests the most excellent Bon Mots, and most pleasant short Stories in the English Language; many of them transcribed from the mouth of the Facetious Gentlemen, whose name they bear. To which are added, A Choice Collection of Moral Sentences, and of the most pointed and truly valuable Epigrams in the British Tongue: with the Name of the Authors such as are known. Most hum- bly inscribed To those Choice Spirits of the Age, His Majesty's Poet Laureat, Mr. David Garrick, Mr. The. Gibber, Mr. Justice Boden's Horse, Tom Jones, the most Impudent Man living, the Rev. Mr. Henley, and Joe Baker, the Kettle Drummer. The twentieth edition. Glasgow: Printed by Peter Tait, Book- seller. M.DCC.LXXXIII. 161110. pp. 120. MOWRY (Sylvester). The Geography and Resources of Ari- zona and Sonora: An Address before the American Geographi- cal & Statistical Society. By Hon. Sylvester Mowry, of LIBRARY. 251 Arizona. New York, February 3, 1859. Washington: 1859. -8vo. pp. 48. MOXON (Edward). Sonnets. London: MDCCCXXX. 2 vols. -8vo. # *# A presentation copy from the author. MOYEN / de / population, / par / la suppression / des milices; / Avec un remplacement avantageux & / nos Armes. / A Avignon. M. DCC. LIX. i2mo. pp. (2), 24. MOZART. See Plumstead. MUDIE (Robert). The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands. Fourth Edition. Revised by W. C. L. Martin. Illustrated with twenty-eight plates, containing fifty-two figures of birds, and seven additional plates of eggs. London: MDCCCLIV. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. pis. MULGRAVE, Earl of. See Buckingham, Duke of. MtiLLER (C. O.). The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. Translated from the German, by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall Lewis. London: MDCCCXXXIX. Svo. 2 vols. maps. MtJLLER (Max). Lectures on the Science of Language. Lon- don: 1866. Svo. pp. 459. [Same]. Second Series. With thirty-one wood-cuts. London: 1868. Svo. pp. 600. Chips from a German workshop. London: 1868. 2 vols. Svo. *** Contains an autograph letter to Mr. Graham from T. Adolphus Trol- lope. MiJLLER (Niclas). Lieder. Eingeleitet von Gustav Schwab. Stuttgart und Tubingen. 1837. i6mo. pp. 238. #*# Given to Mr. Graham by Freiligrath. Contains also autograph inscrip- tion by Miiller. Zehn Gepanzerte Sonnete. Mit einer Widmung an Ferdinand Freiligrath, und einem Nachklang: "Die Union, Wie Sie Sein Soil." New York: 1863. Svo. pp. 17. #*# A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from the author. MuLOCK(D. M.). See Craik, D. M. MULSO (Thomas). Callistus; or, the Man of Fashion. And Sophronius; or, the Country Gentleman. In three dialogues. London: MDCCLXVIII. 12 mo. pp. 213. 252 GRAHAM MUNCH AUSEN, Baron. See Raspe. MUNN (L. C.). Autographs. The American Orator Appen- dix, containing The Declaration of Independence, with the fac- similes of the autographs of the signers; the Constitution of the United States; Washington's Farewell Address; and fac- similes of the autographs of a large number of distinguished individuals. Worcester: 1856. 121110. pp. 382-454. MUNSELL (J.), editor. Orderly book of the Northern Army, at Ticouderoga and Mt. Independence, from October iyth r 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with biographical and explanatory^ notes, and an appendix. Albany: 1859. Sm. 4to. pp. 224. port, and map. MURATORI (L. A.). Relation / des / Missions / du / Paraguai, / Traduite de PItalien de M. Muratori. / A Paris: / Chez Bordelet, Libraire, rue S. Jacques, / vis-a-vis le College de Jesuites, / a. Saint Ignace. / M. DCC. Liv. I2ino. pp. (2), xxiv, 402, (4). map. MURE (William). The Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. London: 1850. 4 vols. 8vo. [MURPHY (Arthur)]. Alzuma, a Tragedy. As performed at. the Theatre Royal in Coven t-Garden. London: MDCCLXXIII. 8vo. pp. 70. MURRAY (J.). A Hand-book for travellers. London: [v. d.].. i2mo. *** The following issues are in this collection: The Continent, 1860. Northern Italy, 1863. Egypt, 1873. Southern Italy, 1858. France, 1848. Paris, 1867. Southern Germany, 1863 and 1867. Sicily, 1864. Greece, 1854 and 1872. Switzerland, 1851, 1858, 1861 and 1863. Central Italy, 1862. Turkey, [1871]. [(MURRAY, Mrs. Judith Sargent).] The Gleaner. A Miscel- laneous Production. By Constantia. Printed at Boston, Feb.,. 1798. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. Muses Blossoms. See Leighton. The MUSES Farewel to Popery and Slavery, or, a Collection of Miscellany Poems, Satyrs, Songs, &c. Made by the most Eminent Wits of g the Nation, as the Shams, Intreagues, and Plots of Priests and Jesuits gave occasion. London, Printed for LIBRARY. 253 N. R. H. F. and J. K. and are to be sold by the Book-Sellers of London and Westminster, 1689. 8vo. pp. 144. *** Bound in the same volume is: A Supplement to the Collection of Miscellany Poems against Popery and Slavery. London: Printed in the year M DC LXXXIX. 8vo. pp. 95. The MUSES Library, and Young Gentlemen and Ladies Polite Instructor. Containing A Great Variety of original Pieces on Love and Gallantry, in Prose and Verse. The Whole in a Method entirely new, instructive and entertaining. Lon- don : Printed for Edward Cade, at his Circulating Library in Ave- Maria- Lane, the Third House from Ludgate-Street. [n. d.]. i2iho. pp. (32), 312. My Novel, See Bulwer-Lytton. Myrtle and Vine. See Wilson, C. H. I^Il ACK (James). The Immortal; A Dramatic Romance; and m|j other poems. With a Memoir of the Author, by George 4L"" P. Morris. New York: 1850. I2ino. pp. 172. NAPIER, (Mark). Montrose and the Covenanters, their char- acters and conduct, illustrated from private letters and other original documents hitherto unpublished, embracing the times of Charles I, from the rise of the troubles in Scotland to the death of Montrose. London: M.DCCC.XXXVIII. 2 vols. 8vo. Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose. Edinburgh: M.DCCC.LVI. 2 vols. 8vo. port, and facsim. NAPOLEON I. Precis des Guerres De Cesar par Napoleon, ecrit par M. Marchand, a Pile Sainte-Helene, sous la dictee de PEmpereur; suivi de plusieurs fragmens inedits. Paris: 1836. 8vo. pp. (4), 247. map. **# See also Antommarchi: Bonaparte: Chateauvieux: Las Cases: Vernet: Vite e ritratti. Prints relating to. [v. p., v. d.]. 9 vols. Fo. *** A large collection of portraits and prints relating to Napoleon, his family and his generals. NAPOLEON III. Napoleonic Ideas. Des Idees Napole"on- iennes, par le prince Napoleon-Louis Bonaparte. Brussels: 1839. Translated by James A. Dorr. New York: 1859. i2mo. pp. 154. CEuvres de Napoleon III. Paris: MDCCCLVI. 4 vols. 8vo. Narrative of Privations. See Mott, V. NASVI Al-Din. The Diary of H. M. the Shah of Persia, during his tour through Europe in A. D. 1873. By J. W. Redhouse. A verbatim translation. London: 1874. 8vo. pp. 427. port. NATTES (John Claude). Bath, illustrated by a series of views, from the drawings of John Claude Nattes; with descrip- tions to each plate. London: 1806. Fo. pp. 56. 30 pis. (254) LIBRARY. 255 NAYLER (Sir George). The Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty, King George the Fourth solemnized in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, upon the nineteenth day of July, mdcccxxi. Undertaken by his Majesty's especial com- mand, by the late Sir George Nayler and since his decease com- pleted from the official documents. London: Published by Henry George Bohn. MDCCCXXXVII. Fo.. pp. Ivi. 134, (9). 45 Pis. #*x Most of these plates, though nominally only illustrations of the cos- tumes worn at the pageant, are in reality portraits of the leading Peers, Bish- ops, Officers and Women who took part in the ceremony. They are beauti- fully colored by hand. NEAL (John). The Battle of Niagara: second edition en- larged: with Other Poems. Baltimore: 1819. i6mo. pp. 272. NEANDER (Augustus). History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by The Apostles. Translated from the third edition of the original German by J. E. Ryland. London: 1851. 2 vols. * I2mo. General History of the Christian Religion and Church: translated by Joseph Torrey. New edition, revised by A. J. W. Morrison. London: 1851. 8 vols. I2mo. The Life of Jesus Christ in its Historical Connexion and Historical Development. Translated from .the Fourth German Edition, by John M'Clintock and Charles E. Blumen- thal. London: 1853. i2mo. pp. 499. Memorials of Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages. Including his "Light in Dark Places." Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. London: 1852. 121110. PP- 538. NEANDER (Johann). Tabaco Logia: / hoc est / Tabaci, sen Nicotianse/descriptio/ / Ejus prseparatio et usus in / omnibus ferine corporis / humani incomodis. / Per / Johannem Neandrum Bremanum, / Philoso- phum et Medicum. / Lugduni Batavorum / Ex Officina Isaaci Elzeviri. / Jurati Academiae Tipographi / Anno 1626 / 4to. pp. (42), 257. port, and pis. NEELE (Henry). The Romance of History. England. With 21 illustrations by T. Landseer. London: [n. d.]. 121110. pp. 598. 256 GRAHAM NENNIUS. See Giles, J. A. NEPOS. See Justinus. New Foundling Hospital for Wit. See Almon. NEWELL (R. H.). The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. With notes and introduction by Edward P. Hingston. London: 1866. i6mo. pp. 223. NEWMAN (F. W.). Character of the Southern States of America. Letter to a friend who had joined the Southern In- dependence Association. Manchester: 1864. 8vo. pp. 18, (2). *%. A presentation copy from Thomas Bayley Potter, President of the "Union and Emancipation Society." At the end is a list of the officers of the society. NEWMAN (Cardinal], H.). Characteristics from the writ- ings of John Henry Newman. Being selections, personal, his- torical, philosophical, and religious, from his various works. Arranged by William Samuel Lilly with the author's approval. London: 1874. i2mo. pp. 447. port. fl NEWTH (Samuel). The Elements of Mechanics; including Hydrostatics: with Numerous Examples. London: 1871. i2mo. pp. 364. A First Book of Natural Philosophy. London: 1875. I2mo. pp. 136. Mathematical Examples: A Graduated Series of Ele- mentary Examples in Arithmetic, Algebra, Logarithms, Trigo- nometry, and Mechanics. London: 1861. i2mo. pp. 387. New Year's Gift to the Democrats. See Cobbett, W. NEW YORK. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly Of the Colony of New-York. Began the gth Day of April, 1691; and Ended the 27th of September, 1743. Vol. I. Published by Order of the General Assembly. New- York: Printed by Hugh Gaine, at his Book-Store and Printing Office at the Bible & Crown, in Hanover-Square. M,DCC,LXIV. Fo. pp. 840, (2). #* # Contains the Tveisler act, wanting in many copies. Laws of the State of New- York, comprising the Con- stitution, and the Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, from the First to the Fifteenth Session, Inclusive. In two volumes. New York-Printed by Thomas Greenleaf-M,DCC,xc,n. 2 vols. 8vo. LIBRARY. 257 NEW YORK. Laws of the State of New York. Vol. III. Con- taining All the Acts Passed from the Revision of 1801, to the End of the 27th Session of the Legislature, 1804. Albany: 1804. 8vo. pp. 655, 12. Laws of the State of New York, passed at the Thirty- Seventh Session of the Legislature, begun and held at the City of Albany, the twenty-fifth day of January, 1814. With refer- ences and explanatory notes; And also, in an abridged form, such of the Reports and Documents laid before the Legislature as are of public concern. The whole to be accompanied by a copious Index. Albany: 1814. 8vo. pp. 283. Laws of the State of New- York, passed at the Thirty- Eighth Session of the Legislature, begun and held at the City of Albany, the twenty-sixth day of September, 1814. Albany: 1815. 8vo. pp. 286, (i), index, 801-828. Laws of the State of New- York, passed at the Thirty- Sixth, Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth Sessions of the Legis- lature, commencing November, 1812, and ending April, 1815. Vol. III. Albany: 1815. 8vo. pp. 230. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the New York Historical Society, at the dedication of their Library, Tuesday, November 3, 1857. New York: M DCCC LVII. 8vo. pp. 27. [NiCHOL (John)]. Leaves. J. N. Edinburgh: 1854. i2mo. pp. viii., 163. #*^ A presentation copy from the author. [NICHOL, John Gough]. London Pageants. I. Accounts of fifty-five Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London; chiefly extracted from contemporary writers. II. A Bibliographical list, of Lord Mayors' Pageants. London: 1831. 8vo. pp. 121. pi. NICHOLS (John P.). The Architecture of the Heavens. Ninth edition. Entirely revised and greatly enlarged. Illus- trated with twenty-three steel engravings and numerous wood- cuts. London: 1851. 8vo. pp. 300. pis. NICHOLS (John). See Hogarth. NICOL (James). Guide to the Geology of Scotland; contain- ing an account of the character, distribution, and more interest- ing appearances of its rocks and minerals. Edinburgh: MDCCC- XLIV. I2ino. pp. 272. map and pis. 258 GRAHAM NICOLAS (Sir Nicholas Harris). History of the orders of knighthood of the British Empire; of the order of the Guelphs of Hanover; and of the medals, clasps, and crosses, conferred for naval and military services. London: MDCCCXLII. 4 vols. 4to. pis. NICOLINI (G. B.). History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs. London: 1854. I2tno. pp. 514. ports. NIDECK (A. van). Antiquitez Sacre*es & Profanes des Ro- mains Explique*es. Ou Discours Historiques, Mythologiques, & Philologiques. Sur divers monumens antiques, comme Stat- ues, Autels, Tombeaux, Inscriptions &c. Ouvrage enrichi d'un grand nombre de Planches, tire'es des plus ce"lebres Antiquaires. Par M. A. V. N. A la Haye, Chez Rutg. Chr. Alberts. M. DCC. XXVI. Fo. pis. *** "Ouvrage d'un faible inte'ret" Brunei. The work is in both French and Latin. Nile Notes of a Howadji. See Curtis, G. W. The NOCTUARY: or, an Address from the Tombs. A Poem in Blank Verse. To which is added, An Ode on the Last Day. London: Printed for W. Owen, near Temple-Bar. MDCCLII. 8vo. pp. 60. NODIER (Charles). Souvenirs de Jeunesse Suivis de Mademoi- selle de Marsan et la Neuvaine de la Chandeleur. Paris: 1850. J21110. pp. 366. Contes de la Veillee par Charles Nodier. Paris: 1850. j 2 mo. pp. 394. Contes Fantastiques. Accompagne'es de notes. Le ;Songe d'Or La Fe"e aux Miettes Tre"sor des Feves et Fleur des Pois Le G^nie Bonhomme Smarra. Paris: 1850. i2mo. pp. .380. Nouvelles suivies des Fantaisies du de*riseur sense par 'Charles Nodier, de I'Academie Franchise Nouvelle Edition ac- compagne'e de notes. Les Proscrits. . . . Trilby . . . L' Amour et le Grimoire. . . . Ines de las Sierras . . . Voyage dans le Para-guay-Roux. . . . Les Marionnettes . . . Leviathan-le- Long. . . . Hurlubleu. . . . Lydie ... La Vision. . . . IFranciscus Columna. Paris: 1850. i2ino. pp. 442. Remans de Charles Nodier de I'Academie LIBRARY. 259 Nouvelles Editions revues et accompagne'es de notes. Jean Sbogar Le Peintre de Saltzbourg Les Meditations du Cloitre Adele The"rse Aubert. Paris: 1850. 121110. pp. 385. NOEL (F. J. M.) and G. F. M. J. DE LA PLACE. Legons Francises de Litterature et de Morale, par MM. Noel et De la Place. Vingtime Edition, augmented de notes, d'nne liste biographiqne des auteurs cites, et d'un Re'sume' de 1'Histoire de la Litterature Frangaise, par A. Baron. Brnxelles, 1835. 8vo. pp. 264, 259. NOLIN (J. B.). L'Amerique / ou / le^Nouveau Continent/ dressed snr les Memoires les. plus / nouveaux et sur les Rela- tions / les plus recentes, rectifiez sur les / dernieres Observa- tions. / A Monseigneur Law. / Controlleur Genal. des Finances / par son tres humble et tres obisst / Serviteur I. B. Nolin. [A Paris: 1742.] Fo. i sheet. AmeVique / on / Nouveau Continent / Dre"ssee/Sur les Nouvelles Relations / Decouvertes et Observations / Par J. B. Nolin./ A Paris / Chez Daumont, rue de la Feronnerie / 1754. Fo. i sheet. NOLLET (J. A.). Lettres / sur / PE^lectricite. / Dans lesquelles on examine les dernieres / Decouvertes qui out e*te faites snr cette / Matiere, & les consequences que / 1'on en pent tirer. / Par M. P Abbe Nollet, de 1' Academic Ro- / yale des Sciences, de la So- ciete Royale de/Londres, de 1'Institut de Bologne, & Maitre/ de Physique de Mgr. le Dauphin. 1 / A Paris v /Chez Hippolyte- Louis Guerin, & Louis-Fran- / gois Delatour, rue S. Jacques, vis-a-vis les / Mathurins, a S. Thomas d'Aquin. / M. DCC. Lin. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. / i2ino. pp. xj,(i), 264. 4 pis. Lettres / sur / PElectricite, / Dans lesquelles on soutient le principe des / Effluences & Affluences simultane'es centre / la doctrine de M. Franklin, & contre / les nouvelles preventions de ses partisans. / Avec Figures en Tailledouce. / Par M. 1'Abbe" Nollet, de 1' Academic Royale / des, &c. &c. / Seconde partie. / A Paris, / Chez H. L. Guerin, & L. F. Delatour, / rue S. Jacques, vis-a-vis les Mathurins, / a St.' Thomas d'Aquin. / M. DCC^. LX. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. / I2ino. pp. xij, 284. 4 pis. NOLTE (Vincent). Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres, or, 260 GRAHAM Reminiscences of the Life of a Former Merchant. Translated from the German. New York: 1854. 8vo. p'p. 476. NORFOLK (Horatio Edward). Gleanings in Graveyards: a collection of Curious Epitaphs. Collated, compiled, and edited by Horatio Edward Norfolk. Second edition. London: 1861. I2ino. pp, 172. NORIAC (Jules). La Betise Humaine-Eusebe Martin. Paris, 1863. I2mo. pp. 283. [NORRIS (Henry)]. The / Royal Merchant: / or, / Beggars- Bush. / A / Comedy. / Acted at the /Theatre Royal in Drury- Lane, /by/Her Majesty's Servants./ London:/ Printed for H. N. and Sold by William Keeble, At the Black / Bull in Corn- hil; Thomas Atkinson, at the White Swan in / St. Paul's Church Yard; John Isted, over against St. Dun- /Stan's Church, Fleetstreet; Francis Faucet, at the Blue An-/chor in Salisbury Exchange, Strand; and Richard Stand- / fast, in Westminster- Hall. [1705 ?] Sin. 4to. pp. (6), 72. #*# Altered from Beaumont's and Fletchers's " Beggar's Bush." NORTH (Christopher). See Wilson, John. North and South. See Fuller, H. NORTON (Hon. Mrs. C. E. S.). The Undying One; Sorrows of Rosalie; and Other Poems. New York: M.DCCC. Liv. 121110. pp. 388. Notice of a Pavement. See Hough ton, Lord. Notice sur la Vie. See Poivre, P. NOUETTE-DELORME (Emile). Un Europe'en au president Abraham Lincoln. Re*ponse a son dernier message. Paris 1863. 8vo: pp. 1 6. NOUGARET (P. J. B.). Beaute's de 1'Histoire des Itats-Unis de I'Ame'rique Septentrionale. A Paris: 1817. 121110. pp. (4), 509. port, and pis. [Same.] Paris: 1824. 121110. pp. (6), 458. See Bourgeois. NouvELLES des Missions, Extraites des Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Missions de 1'Aineriqne. Paris: A la Socie'te' Catholiqtie des Bons k Livres. M.D.CCC.XXVII. 121110. pp. (4), 243 (2). Nouvelles Observations. See Coyer, G. F. BSERVATIONS des Negocians de Bordeaux, sur 1'Arret du Conseil du 30 Aout. 1784. I2mo. pp. 71. map. Observations Impartiales. See Cerisier. Observations on the Emigration. See Cobbett, W. Observations sur la Virginie. See Jefferson. O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.). The Documentary History of the State of New- York. By E. B. O'Callaghan, M. D. Albany: 1850. 4 vols. 4to. pis and maps. Orderly book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the State of New York until his surrender at Sara- toga, i6th Oct., 1777. From the original manuscript deposited at Washington's headquarters, Newburgh, N.-Y. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, M. D. Albany, M.D.CCC.LX. Sm. 4to. pp. xxxiv, 221, map and ports. Occasional Essays, See Maseres, F. OCKLEY (Simon). The History of the Saracens; comprising the Lives of Mohammed and His Successors, to the death of Abdalmelik, the eleventh Caliph. With an account of Their Most Remarkable Battles, Sieges, Revolts, &c. collected from authentic sources, especially Arabic MSS. London: 1847. i2mo. pp. 512. pi. An ODE Occasioned by the Decease of the Reverend, In- genious, Pious, and Learned James Hervey, M. A. Rector of Weston-Favell, Northamptonshire. Who departed this Life the 25th of December 1758, in the 45th Year of his Age. Lon- don: Printed for E. Dilly, in the Poultry. 1759. 8vo. pp. 6. **# By Joseph Lewis. ODELL (J.) and J. STANSBURY. The Loyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell; relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. Albany: 1860. Sm. 4to. pp. xxi, 199. Odes and Addresses. See Hood, T. OERSTED (Hans Christian). The Soul in Nature, with sup- plementary contributions. Translated from the German by (261) 262 GRAHAM Leonora and Joanna B. Homer. London: 1852. 121110.* pp. 465. port. OEXMELIN, A. O. See Exquemelin, A. O. OGDEN (E. D.). Tariff or Rates of Duties payable on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, imported into The United States of America, from and after the first day of December, 1846. Ar- ranged by E. D. Ogden, entry clerk, Custom-House, Port of New York. Fourth edition. New York: 1855. 8vo. PP- I 7^- Tariff, or Rates of Duties payable on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise imported into the United States of America, from and after the First Day of July, 1857. . Second Edition, Revised. New York: 1858. 8vo. pp. 168. OGILVIE (John). Poems on several subjects. London: M.DCC.LXIX. 2 VOls. 8vO. pis. OGILVY (George). Popular Objections to the Premillennial Advent and to the Study of the Prophetic Scriptures, Con- sidered. Edinburgh: [1842.] 121110. pp. 240. "Old Boy." See Hughes, T. OLD English Plays; being a Selection from the Early Dra- matic Writers. London: 1814- 6 vols. i2mo. *** The title of volume six varies from the above. *% This has the autograph of B. W. Proctor (Barry Cornwall) in two vol- umes, and some autograph annotations in his handwriting. Many of the notes, however, seem to be in a different hand, and to have been made with the object of writing a review of the work. Several of the volumes contain the book-plate of Benjamin Hopkinson. *** The contents are as follows: Vol. I. Christopher Marlowe :. Doctor Faustus, Lust's Dominion. John Lyly : Mother Bombie, Midas, Eudymion, or the Man in the Moon. Vol. II. John Marston: History of Antonio and Mellida, What you Will, Parasitaster; or, the Fawn. Vol. III. Thomas Dekker : The Wonder of a Kingdom, Old Fortunatus. George Chapman : Bussy D'Ambois, Monsieur D'Olive. Vol. IV. George Chapman : May Day. T. Middleton and W. Rowley: The Spanish Gipsy, The Changeling. Thomas Middleton : More Dissemblers besides Women, Women beware Women. Vol. V. T. Middleton : A Trick to Catch the Old One. William Rowley : A New Wonder, a Woman never Vext. John Webster : Appius and Virginia. Vol. VI. John Webster and Rowley : The Thracian Wonder. Thomas Hey- wood: The English Traveller, The Royal King and Loyal Subject, A Challenge for Beauty. Olio, The. See Grose. LIBRARY. 263 Olive. See. Craik, D. M. OLIVER & Boyd's Scottish Tourist: A Hand-Book to the Picturesque Scenery, Cities and Towns, Historical Places, Works of Art, and Antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh: 1860. i2mo. pp. 544. maps and pis. OLLENDORFF (H. G.). Ollendorff's New Method of Learn- ing to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language: New York: M DCCC L. i2ino. pp. 558. [OLMSTED (F. L.)]. Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England. New York: M. DCCC. LII. i2ino. pp. 246. Olympia Morata. See Smith, Mrs. G. Orderly Book . . . at Williamsburg. See Campbell, C. Orderly Book of the Northern Army. See Munsell. O'REILLY (Henry). Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester; with incidental notices of Western New- York. A col- lection of matters designed to illustrate the progress of Roches- ter during the first quarter-century of its existence. Including a map of the city and some representations of scenery, edifices, etc. Arranged by Henry O'Reilly. Rochester: 1838. 121110. pp. 416. map, pis and ports. "O'Reilly, Miles." See Hal pine, C. G. Orlando Furioso. See Aristo, L. ORSAY (H. A. F. G. Comtesse d'). L' Ombre du Bonheur. Paris: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 375. ORTS (A.). See Janin, J. "Ossian.V See Macpherson : Macdonald. OTIS (Mrs. Harrison Gray)^ The Barclays of Boston. Bos- ton: M DCCC Liv. 8vo. pp. 419. OTWAY (Thomas). .The Works of Thomas Otway, consist- ing of his Plays, Poems, and Letters. With a Sketch of His Life, enlarged from that written by Dr. Johnson. London: 1812. 2 vols. 8va port. "Ouida" See Rame, L. de la. Our American Cousins. See Light, B. OUR Resources. A series of articles on the Financial and Political Condition of the United States. London: 1864. Svo. pp. 32. *** By R. G. Hazard, edited by E. Cresy. 264 GRAHAM OVERBURY (Sir Thomas). The Miscellaneous Works in prose and verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, K nt - now first collected. Edited with notes, and a biographical account of the author, by Edward F. Rimbault. London: 1856. I2tno. pp. 311. port. OVIDIUS NASO PUBLIUS. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon of Ovid. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious notes by Henry T. Riley. London: MDCCCLI. 8vo. pp. 503. port. The Heroides or Epistles of the Heroines, The Amours, Art of Love, Remedy of Love, and minor works of Ovid. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious notes, by Henry T. Riley. London: MDCCCLII. 8vo. pp. 544. pi. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious notes and explanations, by Henry T. Riley. London: MDCCCLI. 8vo. pp. 554. OWEN (Richard). Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World. Described by Richard Owen. The animals con- structed by B. W. Hawkins. London: 1854. 121110. pp. 39. pis. OXENFORD (John). The Illustrated Book of French Songs. From the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Translated and edited by John Oxenford. London: 1855. i2mo. pp. 253. pi. OXFORD Essays, contributed by Members of the University. 1856. London: [n.d.j 8vo. pp. 311. Comparative Mythology. By Max Mtiller. The Growth of Laws and Usages of War. By Montague Bernard. The Raphael Drawings in the University Galleries, Oxford. By Rev. George Butler. The Land System of Ireland. By William O'Connor Morris. National Education. By Rev. Frederick Temple. Carlovingian Romance. By Richard John King. Review of Mr. Congreve's "Roman Empire of the West." By Goldwin Smith. lAGE (David). Handbook of Geological Terms and Geol- ogy. Edinburgh and London. MDCCCLIX. 8vo. pp. 4*5- PAGET (John). Paradoxes and Puzzles, historical, judicial and literary. Edinburgh and London. MDCCCLXXIV. 8vo. pp. 472. PAINE (Thomas). Common Sense ; / Addressed to the / Inhabitants /of / America, / On the following interesting / Sub- jects:/ I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in general, with / concise Remarks on the English Constitution./ II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs. / IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some miscellaneous Reflections. / A New Edition, with several Additions in the Body of /the Work. To which is added, an Appendix; together / with an Address to the People called Quakers. / N. B. The New Edition here given, increases the Work up- / wards of One-Third. I ... I London: Printed for J. S. Jordan. / M,DCC,XCI. / 8vo. pp. 90 (2). A Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North-America. In which The Mistakes in the Abbe's Ac- count of the Revolution of America are corrected and cleared up. By Thomas Paine, M. A., of the University of Pennsyl- vania, and author of a tract, entitled "Common Sense." The third edition. Philadelphia, Printed: London, Reprinted, For C. Dilly, in the Poultry. M.DCC. LXXXIII. 8vo. pp. viii, 76. *** A portrait of the author inserted. A Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal, on the affairs of North- America: in which the mistakes in the Abbe's Ac- count of the Revolution of America, are corrected and cleared up. London: M,DCC,XCI. 8vo. pp. viii, 88. Remarques sur les Erreurs de 1'Histoire Philosophique et politique de Mr. Guillaume Thomas Raynal, par rapport aux (265) 266 GRAHAM affaires de 1'Amerique-Septentrionale, &c. . . . Traduites de 1' Anglais & augmentees d'une preface & de quelques notes, par A. M. Cerisier. A Bruxelles, Chez B. Le Francq, Imprimeur- Libraire, Rue de la Magdelaine, M. DCC. LXXXIII. 8vo. pp. xvi, 128. . f PAINE (Thomas). Rights of Man: being an answer to Mr.. Burke's attack on the French Revolution. Fourth -Edition. London.: MDCCXCI. 8vo. pp. x, 7-171. Rights of Man: being an answer to Mr. Burke's at- tack on the French Revolution. Seventh Edition. London, MDCCXCI. 8vo. pp. 171. Rights of Man. Part The Second. Combining Prin- ciple and Practice. The fourth edition. London: 1792. 8vo. pp. 178. Droits de 1'Homme; en reponse a 1'attaque de M. Burke sur la Revolution Franchise. Par Thomas Paine, Sec- retaire du Congres pour le departement des Affaires e"trangeres pendant la guerre de I'Amerique', et Auteur de 1'Ouvrage in- titule: Le Sens Commun. Traduit de 1'Anglois, par F. S. . . . Avec des Notes et une nouvelle Preface de 1'Autenr. A Paris, Chez F. Buisson, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue Haute- feuille, No. 20. Mai 1791. 8vo. pp. xij, 227. [Works of.] London: 1817-19. 4 vols. 8vo. #*# Each pamphlet has a separate title and paging. The following is a list: A Letter to the English People. Prospects on the Rubicon. Dissertation on the first principles of Letter addressed to the Abbe" Raynal. government. Letter to the citizens of the U. S. Letter to George Washington. Age of Reason, 3 parts. Rights of Man, 2 parts. Letter to Erskine. Public Good. Essay on Freemasonry. Agrarian justice. Reply to Llandoff. Case of officers of the Excise. Discourse delivered to Society of the Decline and Fall of the English sys- Philanthropists. tern of Finance. Common Sense. Dissertations on government. The American Crisis. Letter addressed to the Addressers. "Painter, A." See Paton, J. N. PALAIRET (J.). Description Abre'ge's / des / Possessions / An- gloises / et / Fran9oises / du / continent septentrional / de / L'Ame>ique, / pour servir d'Explication a la Carte /publide sous LIBRARY. 267 ce meme Titre, / Par/J. Palairet / . . . / Seconde Edition. / A Londres. / . . . / 1755.7 8vo. pp. 62. PALGRAVE (F. T.). The Golden Treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. Selected and ar- ranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave. Cambridge : 1867. i2ino. pp. 332. PALISSOT (C.). Me"moires pour Servir a 1'Histoire de Notre Litterature, depuis Francois I er jusqu'a nos JOUPS. De I'lm- primerie de Crapelet. A Paris, An XI 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. PALMER (Henrietta Lee). The Stratford Gallery; or the Shakspeare Sisterhood: comprising forty-five ideal portraits, described by Henrietta Lee Palmer. Illustrated with fine en- gravings on steel, from designs by eminent hands. New York: M.DCCC.LIX. Rl. 8vo. pp. 302. pis. PALMER (J. W.). Up and Down the Irrawaddi; or The Golden Dagon: being Passages of Adventure in the Burman Empire. New and Revised Edition. New York: MDCCCLIX. i2mo. pp. 311. pi. Palmetto Dictionary. See Walker, J. Papers concerning . . . Hatfield. See Hough, F. B. Papers relating to Pemaquid. See Hough, F. B. Parables of our Lord. See Millais, J. E. PARDOE (Miss J.). The Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IV., and Regent of the Kingdom under Louis XIII. Second Edition. London: 1852. 3 vols. 8vo. ports, facsim. PARIS (Paulin). Li Romans de Berte aus Grans Pie's, pre"- ce"de d'une dissertation sur les Romans des Douze Pairs. Paris. 1832. 8vo. pp. Ix, 198. pis. #**. Only two hundred and twenty copies printed. Li Romans de Garin le Loherain, public pour la premiere ibis et precede de 1'examen du systeme de M. Fauriel sur les Romans Carlovingiens. Paris. Techener, Libraire, place du Louvre, No. 12. 1833- 2 vols. 8vo. *** Only four hundred and fifty copies printed. Part's mus, Prince. See Ford, E. PARK (James Allan). A System of the Law of Marine In- surance. With three chapters, On Bottomry, On Insurances on 268 GRAHAM Lives, On Insurances against Fire. 6th Ed. London: 1809. 2 vols. 8vo. #** Volume I only. [PARKER (Samuel)]. An address to the Clergy concerning their departure from the Doctrines of the Reformation. Dedi- cated to his Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury. London: MDCCLXVII. 8vo. pp. v, 80. *** "By Mr. Parker, at the Meuse, Charing Cross." Signed at end in ink "Sam. Parker, Meuse, April 1767." PARKINSON (Sydney). A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, In His Majesty's Ship The Endeavour: faithfully tran- scribed From the Papers of the late Sydney Parkinson, Draughtsman to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, in his Expedition with Dr. Solander round the World; and embellished With Twenty-nine Views and Designs, engraved by Capital Artists. To which is now added, Remarks on the Preface, By the late John Fothergill. London: Printed for Charles Willy. M DCC- LXX iv. 4to. pp. xxiii, 22, 353, xxi. pis., port, and map. PARKYNS (Mansfield). Life in Abyssinia: being notes col- lected during Three Years' Residence and Travels in That Country. With illustrations. New York: MDCCCLIV. 2 vols. I2ino. pi. PARLIAMENTARY LOGICK : to which are subjoined Two Speeches, Delivered in the House of Commons of Ireland, and other pieces: by William Gerard Hamilton. With an appen- dix, containing Considerations on the Corn Laws, by Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Never before printed. London: M.DCCC.VIII. i2mo. pp. xlvi, 253. port. PARNY (Chevalier^. D. de F.). Poesies Erotiques. A 1'Isle de Bourbon. M. DCC. LXXVIII. 121110. pp. (2), 64. PARSONS (T. W.). The Rosary. Eighty copies printed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1865. 4to. pp. 46. See Dante. PARTON (J.). The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. New York: 1858. i2mo. pp. 706. 2 ports, and pi. Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. New York: 1865. 2 vols. 410. ports. ** Only 100 copies printed on large paper, with the portraits on India paper. LIBRARY. 269 [PARTON (Mrs. S. P.)]. Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port- Folio. Second series. With Original Designs by Fred. M. Coffin. Auburn and Buffalo: 1854. I2mo. pp. 400. [- -] Ruth Hall: a Domestic Tale of the Present Time. By Fanny Fern. New York: 1858. 121110. pp. 400. The PASSIONS of Man. In Four Epistles. London: Printed for the Author. MDCCXLVI. 8vo. pp. xv, 7, 112. pis. PASSY (Fre'de'ric). L' Industrie Humaine. Paris : 1868. 241110. pp. 52. Le Principe de la Population, Malthus et sa Doctrine. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 52. PATER (Walter H.). Studies in the history of the Renais- sance. London; 1873. 8vo. pp. 213. [PATERSON (James)]. The Contemporaries of Burns, and the More Recent Poets of Ayrshire, with selections from their Writings. Edinburgh: M.DCCC.XL. I2ino. pp. 416. port, and pis. [PATON (J. Noel)]. Poems by A Painter. Edinburgh and London. MDCCCLXI. 121110. pp. viii, 159. **# With a long autographic inscription on a fly leaf from the author to Mr. Graham. Patriote Anglois. See Le Blanc, J. B. PATTERSON (Robert). The Natural History of the Insects mentioned in Shakspeare's plays. With upwards of eighty illustrations. London: 1842. 121110. pp. 270. port. PAU (Jules). La Delivrance de Paris. Recit complet des 8 Journees de Mai Operations Militaires Pillages. Incendies. Executions. Faits Curieux et Inedits. Paris, 1871. 8vo. pp. 69. [PAULDING (J. K.)]. Letters from the South, written during an excursion in the summer of 1816. By the author of John Bull and Brother Jonathan, &c. &c. In two volumes. New York: 1817. 2 vols. I2ino. *** See also Irving, Washington. PAULI (R.). The Life of Alfred the Great. Translated from the German. To which is appended Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Orosius. With A Literal English Translation, and an Anglo Saxon Alphabet and Glossary. By B. Thorpe. Lon- don: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 582. port and pi. 270 GRAHAM [PAULIAN (Aime* Henri)]. L'iSlectricite / soumise / a un Nouvel Examen, / Dans differentes Lettres Addressees / a M. 1'Abbe Nollet, / Et dans quelques Questions de Physique,/ presentees sous la forme Scholastique: / Le tout, selon une Theorie nouvelle, appuyee sur/les Experiences les plus in- contestables. / Avec Figures. / Par 1'Auteur du Dictionnaire de Physique. / A Avignon, / Chez la Veuve Girard & Frang. Seguin, / Imprimeurs-Libraires, Place S. Didier. / M. DCC.- LXVIII. / Avec Permission des Supe'rieurs. / 121110. pp. xlviij\ 286. 2 pis. [PAUW (Corneille de)]. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Memoires interessants pour servir a 1'Histoire de 1'Espece Humaine. Par Mr. de P * * * Avec une Disserta- tion sur I'Amerique & les Am^ricains, par Don Pernety. Tome I. A Londres, M. D. cc. LXX. 2 vols. I2mo. [ ] Defense des Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. Par Mr. De P * * * Tome III. A Berlin, M. DCC. LXX. I2tno. pp. 256. PAYEN (A.). L'Eclairage au Gaz. Paris : 1867. 241110. pp. 50. PAYNE (A. H.). Berlin and Its Treasures. Being a series of views of the Principal Buildings, Churches, Monuments, etc., with a selection of subjects from the Royal Picture Gal- lery and other collections of paintings; together with interior views of the New Museum and copies of the modern pictures which adorn its walls. Accompanied by an historical descrip- tive account of the Prussian Capital. Engraved in the first Style on Steel. Leipzig & Dresden, [n. d.] 410. pp. 252. pis. Payne's Book of Art. [Leipsic:] [n. d.] 4to. pp. 163. pis. Payne's Royal Dresden Gallery: being a selection of subjects engraved after pictures, by The Great Masters, Berchem, Bol, Cranach, Canaletto, Caravaggio, Carlo Dolce, Claude Lor- rain, Correggio, Guercini, Guido Reni, Metzu, Mieris, Netscher, Ostade, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens, Teniers, Vandyke, Wouvermann, etc. etc. With accompanying notices consisting of Tales, Biographies, etc. Dresden & Leipzig, [n. d.] 2 vols. 4to. pis. LIBRARY. 271 PAYNE (A. H.). The galleries of Munich. Published for the Proprietors by A. H. Payne, Dresden & Leipzig [n. d.] 2 vols. 4to. pis. PAYNE (J.). Select Poetry for Children: with brief ex- planatory notes. Arranged for the use of schools and families by Joseph Payne. London: 1858. 161110. pp. 310. pi. PAYNE (J. B.). Haydn's Universal Index of Biography from the creation to the present time, for the use of the statesman, the historian and the journalist. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. London: 1870. 8vo. pp. (84), 586. PEACOCK (Thomas Love). The Works of Thomas Love Pea- cock, including his novels, poems, fugitive pieces, criticisms, etc., with a preface by the Right Hon. Lord Houghton, a bio- graphical notice by his grand-daughter, Edith Nicolls, and por- trait. Edited by Henry Cole. London: MDCCCLXXV. 3 vols. 1 2 mo. port. PELLICO (Silvio). Le Mie Prigioni, Memorie di Silvio Pellico da Saluzzo. Torino: 1832. 8vo. p'p. (8), 339. *% Autograph writing of author inserted; also autograph of Piero Maron- celli; and letter from Emily Weld. Mes Prisons ou Memoires de Silvio Pellico. Traduc- tion Nouvelle Dediee a la Jeunesse. Par M. 1'Abbe" Bourasse. Tours: 1850. 121110. pp. 283. pi. CEuvres de Silvio Pellico. Mes Prisons suivies du Discours sur les Devoirs des Hommes. Traduction de M. An- toine de Latour. Huitieme edition revue et corrigee. Avec des chapitres inedits, les Additions de Maroncelli et des Notices Litteraires ou Biographiques sur Plusieurs Prisonniers du Spiel- berg. Ouvrage Adopte par 1'Universite. Paris: 1845. 8vo. pp. 442. PENHALLOW (Samuel). The History of the Wars of New- England with the Eastern Indians, or a Narrative of their con- tinued perfidy and cruelty, from the loth of August, 1/03, to the peace renewed i3th of July, 1713, and from the 25th of July, 1722, to their submission i5th December, 1725, which was ratified August 5th, 1726. Cincinnati: Re-printed from the Boston edition of 1726, with a memoir and notes, for W. Dodge, 1859. 4to. pp. 129. 272 GRAHAM PENNSYLVANIA. Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Commencing on Tuesday, the second Day of December, in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and of the independence of the United States of America the nineteenth. Philadelphia: Printed by Zacha- riah Poulson, Junior, Number eighty, Chesnut-Street. [n. d.J Fo. pp. 289. map. Report of the Register-General of the State of the Finances of Pennsylvania, for the year M DCC xciv. Philadel- phia: Printed by Zachariah Poulson, Junior, Number eighty,. Chesnut-Street. [1795-] pp- *9- Pensylvanie, Histoire . , . de la. See Surgy. PERCEVAL (Spencer). An Inquiry, or Delicate Investiga- tion, into The Conduct of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; before Lords Erskine, Spencer, Grenville, and Ellen- borough, The Four Special Commissioners of Inquiry appointed? by His Majesty in the year 1806. Reprinted from an authentic copy, superintended through the press By the Right Hon. Spen- cer Perceval. Fourth Edition. London: Printed by R. Ed- wards, Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, And Published by W. Lind- sell, Wigmore-street. Reprinted and published by J. Fairburn r Broadway, Ludgate-Hill. 1820. 8vo. pp. 246, no. 2 ports, and pi. *** The engraved title reads: Fairburn's Genuine Edition of The Book, including The Defence of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. As prepared by Mr. Spencer Per- ceval. London: 1820. *% Inserted are autographs of George III., Lord EHenborough, Sir Sid- ney Smith and Lord Grenville, and fourteen portraits. PERCIVAL (James Gates). The Poetical Works of James Gates Percival. With a biographical sketch. Boston: M DCCC- LXV- 2 vols. 24010. port. PERCY (Bishop Thomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets; together with some few of later date. By Thomas Percy. Reprinted entire from the author's last edition. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh: M. DCCC. LVIII. 3 vols. 8vo. PERDONNET (A.). Les Chemins de Fer. Paris: 1866. 241110. pp. 72. LIBRARY. 273 PERDONNET (A.). De l'Utilit de 1' Instruction pour le Peuple. Paris: 1867. 24mo. pp. 72. PERNETY (A. J.). Dissertation / sur / PAinerique / et les / Americains, / centre les / Recherches Philosophiques / de Mr. de P. / Par Dom Pernety, / Abb de 1'Abbaye de Biirgel, des Academies / Royales de Prusse & de Florence, & Biblio-the'caire de Sa Majeste* le Roi de Prusse. / A Berlin, / M.DCC.LXX. / i6mo. pp. 136. See Pauw, C. de. PERRAULT (Charles). Les Contes de Perrault prece'de's d'une preface par J. T. de Saint Germain. Paris: [1865]. not paged. 8vo. port, and pis. PERSIUS. See Juvenalis. PETERS (Richard). Admiralty Decisions in the District Court of the United States, for the Pennsylvania District, by the Hon. Richard Peters, comprising also Some Decisions in the Same Court, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq. To which are added cases determined in other districts of the United States. With an Appendix. Philadelphia: 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. *** Volume II. only. PETTIGREW (Thomas Joseph). Chronicles of the Tombs. A select collection of Epitaphs, preceded by an essay on epitaphs and other monumental inscriptions, with incidental observations on sepulchral antiquities. London: 1864. i2tno. pp. 529. PETRARCA (Francesco). Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Pisa Dalla Tipografia Delia Societa Letteraria MDCCCV. 2 vols. Fo. port. The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch. Now first completely translated into English Verse by Various Hands. With a life of the. poet by Thomas Campbell. Lon- don: MDCCCLIX. 8vo. pp. 416. pis. *** See Yomasini: Woodhouslee. PETRONIUS ARBITER. See Propertius. Peuple Instruit. See Shebeare. [PEYRERE (Isaac de la)]. Men before Adam. Or A Dis- course upon the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth Verses of the Fifth Chapter of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans. By which are prov'd, That the first men were created 274 GRAHAM before Adam. London: Printed in the Year 1636. i2mo. pp. (16), 61, (18), 351. map. PHLEDRUS. See Terentius. PHALARY (Lemolt). See Raphael. PHELAN (Michael). The Game of Billiards. New York: 1857. i2ino. pp. 237. PHILIPS (Ambrose). Pastorals, by Mr. Philips. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Blackfryars, near the Water- side, 1710. (Price Two-pence.) 8vo. pp. 24. PHILLIPS (Sir R.). The French Anas. London: Printed for Richard Phillips. 1805. 3 vols. i6mo. vign. ports. PHILLIPS (Samuel). Guide to the Crystal Palace and Park. London: 1855. i2mo. pp. 197. plans and pis. PHILO JUD^US. The Works of Philo Judaeus, the Contem- porary of Josephus, translated from the Greek, by C. D. Yonge. London: 1854- 3 vols. i2mo. PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL- VANIA. Report of the Committee appointed by the Philoma- thean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. Second Edition. [Philadel- phia: 1859]. pp. 152, (8). pis. 4to. 1859. PP- 24- #*# This book, the production of three collegians, was at the time of its printing one of the most scholarly and also artistic books of American pro- duction. Bound with this is a "Catalogue of Members." [PiCHON (Thomas)]. Lettres / et / Memoires / Pour servir a / THistoire / Naturelle, Civile et Politique Du. Cap Breton,/ depuis / Son e'tablissement jusqu'a la reprise de cette Isle par/ les Anglois en 1758. / A La Haye, chez Pierre Gosse, / et se trouve / a Londres, chez Jean Nourse, / MDCCLX. / 121110. pp. xvi, 327. PICKERING (Charles). The Races of Man; and Their Geo- graphical Distribution. New Edition. To which is prefixed an analytical synopsis of the 'Natural History of Man. By John Charles Hall. London: 1854. I2mo. pp.445, map and pis. PiCTET(C). Tableau de la Situation Actuelle des tats- Unis d'Ame'rique, d'apres Jedidiah Morse et les Meilleurs Au- teurs Ame'ricains. Par C. Pictet, de Geneve. Tome Premier. A Paris. Chez Du Pont, Imprimeur-Libraire, Rue de la Loi, LIBRARY. 275 No. 1232. L'An III de la R6publique. 1795. 2 vols. 8vo. maps. Pictorial Handbook of London. See Bohn, H. G. PICTURES OF SOCIETY. Grave and Gay. From the pencils of Celebrated Artists and the pens of Popular Authors. New York: M DCCCLXVI. 8vo. pp. 226. pls. % *** Reprints of the pictures from English periodical " London Society." PIERS PLOUGHMAN. The Vision and Creed of Piers Plough- man. Edited, from a contemporary manuscript, with a histori- cal introduction, notes, and a glossary, by Thomas Wright. Second and revised edition. London: 1856. i2mo. x*# Piers Ploughman is ascribed to a monkish pen, and with some authority to Robert Langlande, of Shropshire. It is an allegory chiefly aimed at the political and religious corruptions of the fourteenth century, and in its time achieved as great a popularity with the common people as did Bunyan's later prototype. Its chief interest to-day is due to the fine old Anglo-Saxon form, now best known in Chaucer; but unlike that poet the author has not adopted the poetic form, introduced by the Normans into England, of making the concluding words of lines rhyme, but retains the older poetic form of the northern nations, of a very regular alliteration, the rhythmic form being ob- tained by two rises and two falls in the voice, indicated by the alliterative words. PIKE (James S.). The Financial Crisis: Its evils and their remedy. Republished from the New York Tribune. New York: 1867. 8vo. pp. 38. Pilgrim of the Hebrides. See Hoyle, C. PILKINGTON (Matthew). A General Dictionary of Painters: containing memoirs of the lives and works of the most eminent professors of the art of painting, from its revival by Cimabue, in the year 1250, to the present time. With an introduction, historical and critical, by Allan Cunningham. A new edition, with supplement. Containing the names of Allen, Bonnar, Brockedon, Chalon, Clint, Daguerre, Delaroche, Etty, Field- ing, Hollins, Martin, M'lan, Nash, Prout, Shee, Waechter, and Turner. London: MDCCCLVII. 8vo. pp. ci, 631. port. PINDAR. The Odes of Pindar, literally translated into Eng- lish Prose. By Dawson W. Turner. To which is adjoined a metrical version, by Abraham Moore. .London: MDCCCLII. 8vo. pp. 434. port. "Pindar, Peter." See Wolcott. PISANO (Andrea). See Tre porte. 276 GRAHAM PITMAN (Robert Birks). A Succinct View and Analysis of Authentic Information Extant in Original Works on the Prac- ticability of Joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by a ship canal across the Isthmus of America. London: 1825. 8vo. pp. 229. map. PiTTi. Pitture del Salone Imperiale del Palazzo di Firenze. Si Aggiungono le Pittvre del Salone e Cortile delle Imperiali Ville della Petraia e del Poggio a Caiano. Opere di Vari Celebri Pittori Fiorentini in Tavole XXVI. Date ora la Prima Volta in Luce. In Firenze Anno MDCCLI. Elephant Fo. Title and advertisement, 2 11. 27 pis. The PLAGUE of Marseilles: a Poem. By a Person of Quality. London: Printed for J. Bateman, at the Hat and Star, and J. Nicks, at the Dolphin and Crown, both in St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1721. 8vo. pp. 30. PLANCHE (J. R.). The Pursuivant of Arms; or Heraldry Founded upon Facts. London; [1873] i2mo. pp. 299. pis. PLAUTUS (TiTus MARCIUS). The Comedies of Plautus, literally translated into English Prose, with notes, by Henry Thomas Riley. London: MDCCCLII. 2 vols. 8vo. See Fielding. The PLEASANT and Delightful History of Jack and the Giants. Part the first. Nottingham: Printed for the Running Stationers, [n. d.] 2 parts. i6mo. #\ A chap book. The PLEASANT History of Reynard the Fox. Translated by the late Thomas Roscoe. Illustrated with nearly one hundred designs by A. T. Elwes and John Jellicoe. London: 1873. 8vo. pp. 136. Pleasures of Memory. See Rogers, S. PLINIUS SECUNDUS (Caius). The Natural History of Pliny. Translated, with copious notes and illustrations by the late John Bostock, and H. T. Riley. London: MDCCCLV. 5 vols. 8vo. "Ploughman, Piers." See Piers Ploughman. PLUMSTEAD (W. H.). The Beauties of Melody; a collection of the most popular Airs, Duets, Glees, &c. of the Most Es- teemed Authors, Ancient and Modern: comprising those of LIBRARY. 277 Arne, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Winter, Weber, Bishop, &c. Also a selection of the best and most approved Irish Melodies; with appropriate words, written expressly for them. The Symphonies and Accompaniments Entirely New, and composed for this work. Interspersed with many of the beautiful Scotch Melodies, singing at the theatres, concerts^ &c. Arranged for the Voice, with an Accompaniment for the Piano-Forte, &c. To which is prefixed, observations and instructions on music, particularly Vocal and Accompaniment. The whole compiled, composed, selected, and arranged, by W. H. Plumstead, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. London, Printed and sold by Dean & Munday, Threadneedle-Street. [1827.] 8vo. PP- xxviii, 13-344. port. La PLUS grande question du sie"cle Que Vaut une Dette d'Honneur? Paris: 1868. 8vo. pp. 23. *** On the Mexican debt. " Plymley, Peter." See Smith, Sidney. POE (Edgar A.). The Raven and Other Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 161 Broadway. 1845. I2mo. pp. (8), 91. Tales. By Edgar A. Poe. New York: Wiley and Putnam. 1845. i2mo. pp. (6), 228. *** The above two works are bound together ; the first precedes. Poe's own copy, with many MS. marginal corrections and additions, evidently intended as the basis for a new edition. This was afterwards the property of R. W. Griswold, Poe's editor, and has his autograph on a fly leaf. The Works of the late Edgar Allan Poe with A Me- moir by Rufus Wilmot Griswold and notices of his life and genius by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell. New York: 1853. 3 vols. 8vo. port. The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated by Waller H. Paton, John M'Whirter, Clark Stanton, C. J. Staniland, J. Lawson, and other eminent artists. Engraved by R. Paterson. Edinburgh: [n. d.] 410. pp. 176. A POEM in Defence of the Church of England, In Opposition to the Hind and Panther written by Mr. John Dryrlen. Lon- don: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 24. A POEM On the Taking St. Mary's. [London 170-?] 8vo. pp. 8. 278 GRAHAM Poems by a Painter. See Paton, J. N. Poems by J. C. See Cleveland, J. Poems by J. D. See Donne, J. Poems by the Author of John Halifax. See Craik, D. M. POEMS on the Death of Her late Majesty, Queen Mary of Blessed Memory. 'London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1710. 8vo. pp. 15. Poems written in the leisure hours. See Miller, H. POESIES -Nationales de la Revolution Francaise. [n. p. n. d.] 8vo. pp. 192. x** Poems b)' lyebrun, Che"nier, Roucher, de Lilleferme, Dugazon, T. Rous- seau, Trouve", Rouget de Lisle, Desausois, Desorgues, and Valcourt. Poetic Mirror. See Hogg, J. Poetry of the East. See Alger, W. R. POETRY of the Woods: passages from the poets Descriptive of Forest Scenes, etc., etc. Philadelphia: 1859. i2mo. pp. 128. pis. POETRY of the Year: Passages from the poets descriptive of the seasons. With twenty-two coloured illustrations from draw- ings by eminent artists. New York: MDCCCLIV. rl. 8vo. pp. 104. pis. Poets and Statesmen. See Dowling, W. The POETS of the Elizabethan Age. A selection of their most celebrated songs and sonnets. Illustrated with Thirty Engravings. London: 1862. 8vo. pp. 83. *** Contains an autograph inscription and a letter of R. H. Stoddard. POGGIO (Imperial Villa del). See Pitti. Point de Vue. See Butel-Dumont. PQIVRE (Pierre). Notice sur la vie de M. Poivre, Chevalier de 1'Ordre du Roi, ancien Intendant des Isles de France & de Bourbon. Philadelphie, et se trouve a Paris chez Moutard. M. DCC. LXXXVI. 8VO. pp. 78, (l). Political Ballads. See Wilkins, W T . W. Political Censor. See Cobbett, W. Potiphar Papers. See Curtis, G. W. POLIZIANO (Angelo). Le Stanze di Angelo Poliziano. Firenze Presso Molini, Landi e Co. MDCCCV. Fo. pp. (3) iii., xxxi. i, 60. port. LIBRARY. 279 POLO (Marco). The Travels of Marco Polo, The Venetian. The translation of Marsden revised, with a selection of his notes. Edited by Thomas Wright. London: 1854. 121110. pp. 508. POPE (Alexander). Poetical Works. Edited by H. F. Gary. With a biographical notice of the author. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp f 478. PORCHAT (J. J.). Three Months Under the Snow. The Journal of a Young Inhabitant of the Jura. Translated from the French. Philadelphia: [n. d.] i6mo. pp. 178. pi. "Porcupine (Peter)." See Cobbett, Wm. PORTE (M. de la). La Science des Negocians et Teneurs de Livres, on Instruction Generale Pour tout ce qui se pratique dans les Comptoirs des Negocians, tant pour les affaires de Banque, que pour les Marchandises, & chez les Financiers pour les Comptes. Divise'e en trois traites, Dont le contenu est a la page suivante. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrige'e & augmente'e. A Paris, Chez David le Jeune, Quai des Augustins, au Saint Esprit. M. D. cc. Liv. Avec Privilege du Roy. Oblong I2mo. pp. 592. PORTER (Robert). An oration, to commemorate the Inde- pendence of the United States of North- America; Delivered at Zion Church in Fourth-Street, Philadelphia, July 4th, 1791; and published at the request of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. By Robert Porter, A. M. Philadelphia: Printed by T. Dobson, at the Stone-House, Second-Street. MDCCXCI. 8vo. pp. 23. [PouiLLY (Louis-jEAN LEVESQUE de)]. Theorie des Sen- timens Agreables, Ou apres avoir indiqud les regies que la Nature suit dans la distribution du plaisir, on e*tabiit les prin- cipes de la Theologie naturelle & ceux de la Philosophic inorale. A Paris. M. ncc. XLVIII. 321110. pp. 192. PoussiELGUE (E.). Ce Qui Va Arriver au Mexique. Par M. Poussielgue. Paris: 1863. 8vo. pp. 16. POWELL (Baden). The Order of Nature Considered in refer- ence to the Claims of Revelation. A third series of essays. London: 1859. i2ino. pp. 495. 280 GRAHAM POWELL (Thomas). The Living Authors of England. New- York: 1849. 8vo. pp. 316. POWNALL (Thomas). Memoire / Adresse aux / Souverains / de 1'Europe, / Sur 1'etat present des Affaires de 1'ancien & du / nouveau Monde, / Par Mr. Pownall, / Ci-devant Gouverneur, Capitaine-Gene'ral & / Commandant en chef des provinces Ame/ riquaines de Massachuset-Bay, nouvelle / Angjeterre & Caroline meridionale, & mem- / bre du Parlement d' Angleterre. / Traduit de 1'Anglois par M. * * * * * / A Londres, / Et se trouve a Bruxelles, chez E. Flon, /Imprimeur-Libraire, pre"s laMonnoie. / M. DCC. LXXXI. 8vo. pp. (3), 7, Hi., 82. Practice of Pie tie. See Bayly, L. PRAED (Winthrop Mackworth). The Poetical Works of Winthrop Mackworth Praed. Now first collected. New York: 1857. I2ino. pp. 311. PRAIRIEDOM: Rambles and Scrambles in Texas, or, New Estremadura. By a Suthron. With a map. New York: 1845. iamo. pp. 166. PRAROND (E.). La Mort du President Lincoln. (Concours de 1867.) Academic Franchise. Paris 1867. 8vo. pp. 28. PRATT (Seabred Dodge). Inklings: containing Sketches of Life, compositions, essays, disputations, poems, etc. Auburn: 1852. I2mo. pp. 402. PRENTISS (E.). Stepping Heavenward. New York: [1869] 8vo. pp. 426. PRESCOTT (William H.). History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortes. New York: MDCCCLI. 3 vols. 8vo. ports, pi. and maps. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view *>f the Civilization of the Incas. New York: MDCCCL- 2 vols. 8vo. ports, pi. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. New York: 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. ports, and map. PRICE (E.). Norway and Its Scenery. Comprising the Journal of a Tour by Edward Price, Esq. With considerable additions. And a Road-Book for Tourists, with hints to anglers LIBRARY. 281 and sportsmen. Edited and compiled by Thomas Forester. London: 1853. i2mo. pp. 470. pis. PRICE (Richard). Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and Justice and Policy of the War with America. To which is added An Appendix, Containing a State of the National Debt, an Estimate of the Money drawn from the Public by the Taxes, and an Account of the National Income and Expenditure since the last War. The third edition. London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. London: M.DCC.LXXVI. 8vo. pp. 128. Additional Observations On the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty, and the War with America: also Observations on Schemes for raising Money by Public Loans; An Historical Deduction and Analysis of the National Debt; And a brief Ac- count of the Debts and Resources of France. The Third Edition with Additions. London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. M.DCC.LXXVII. 8vo. pp. 176. PRICHARD (James Cowles). The Natural History of Man; -comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. Edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris. London: 1855. 2 A'ols. 8vo. pis. PRIM (Don Juan, Conde de Reus and Marques de los Cas- tillejos). Le General Prim le Senat, les Cortes et la Presse Espagnole Dans la Question dti Mexique. Paris 1863. 8vo. pp. 171. PRIME (William C.). Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 498. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Tent Life in the Holy Land. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 498. pis. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Prince of Tunis. See Mackenzie, H. PROBYN (J. W.). Essays on Italy and Ireland and the United States of America. Reprinted from the "Revue des Deux Mondes" and the "Westminster Review." London: 1868. i2mo. pp. 336. map. *% Contents: Milan and Venice since the war of 1859. 282 GRAHAM Italy, Venice and Austria. Italy and the war of 1866. Two temporal powers: the Anglican Church in Ireland and the Roman Church in Italy. The church system of Ireland and Canada. The United States Constitution and the Secessionists. PROCTER (Adelaide Anne). Legends and Lyrics. A Book of Verses. New York: 1858. i2mo. pp. 264. Legends and Lyrics. A book of verses. Second vol- ume. London: 1870. i2mo. pp. 223. [PROCTER (B. W.)]. Effigies Poeticse: or The Portraits of the British Poets. Illustrated by notes biographical, critical, and poetical. London: James Carpenter and Son, Old Bond Street. MDCCCXXIV. 2 vols. Fo. ports. x** Large paper copy, with india paper impressions of the plates. [ ] Mirandola / A Tragedy / by / Barry Cornwall. / Lon- don / John Warren, Old Bond Street. / MDCCCXXI. / 8vo. pp. vi, (2), no. [ ] English S^ongs, and other small poems. A new and enlarged edition. Boston: M DCCC LI. 121110. pp. 387. port. [ ] English Songs, and other small poems. By Barry Cornwall. London: 1856. 241110. pp. xl., 284. #** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. [ ] Dramatic Scenes. With other poems, now first printed. Illustrated. London: 1857. 8vo. pp. 404. *** A presentation copy from the author. [ ] Charles Lamb: A Memoir. By Barry Cornwall. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street. 1866. 8vo. pp. 252. ports. #** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. A letter of T. A. Trollope, about the book, is inserted. [ ] Charles Lamb: A Memoir. By Barry Cornwall. [n. p. n. d.] pp. 14. **# Privately printed by Lord Houghton. A review of the Memoir. [PROESCHEL (J. N.).] L'CEuvre d'un Grand Peuple. Par J. N. P. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 63. PROPERTIUS (Sextus Aurelius). Erotica. The Elegies of Propertius, the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and the Kisses of Johannes Secundus. Literally translated, and accompanied by poetical versions from various sources. To which are LIBRARY. 283 added, the Love Epistles of Aristaenetus. Translated by R. Brinsley Sheridan and Mr. Halhed. Edited by Walter K. Kelly. London: MDCCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 500. Prospect from the Congress Gallery. See Cobbett, W. "Protestant, A." See Houghton, Lord. "Prout, Father." See Mahony. PROUT (William). Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Func- tion of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural The- ology. Edited By J. W. Griffith. London: 1855. i2mo. pp. Psalmi Davidis. See Bible. Psalms of David. See Bible. PUBLIC Characters of 1800-1801. To be continued annually. London: 1801. 8vo. pp. 587. ports. PUCKLE (Jatnes). The Club: or, A Gray Cap for a Green Head. A dialogue between a father and son. [Edited by S. W. Singer.] Chiswick Press: M DCCC xxxiv. i6mo. pp. xii, 128. port and pis. [PuCKLER-MuRKAU (Hermann, Furst von)]. Tutti Frutti. By the author of "The tour of a German Prince." [Translated by Edmund Spencer.] New York: 1834. 8vo. pp. 226. PULLEYN (William). Church-Yard Gleanings, and Epigram- matic Scraps: being a collection of remarkable Epitaphs and Epigrams, compiled from the most ancient as well as modern sources, foreign and domestic, Serious and Facetious: to which are annexed Some Observations on Churches, Church- Yards, Rites of Sepulture, Tombs, and Mausoleums; with instructions for ascertaining the dates of ancient monuments. London: [n. d.] i2mo. pp. 264. The PUNISHMENTS of China, illustrated by Twenty-Two Engravings: with Explanations in English and French. Lon- don: Printed for William Miller. 1801. Lg. 4to. 22 pis and text. Pursuits of Literature. See Mathias. QUAIN (Richard). On Some Defects in General Education: being the Hunterian Oration of the Royal College of Surgeons for 1869. London: 1870. i2ino. pp. 112. 284 GRAHAM QUARLES (Francis). Emblemes. Divine and Moral. Lon- don: [1660?] i2tno. pp. 381. #*# Lacking title page. Emblems, Divine & Moral. London: 1845. 32ino. pp. 312. The School of the Heart; or, the heart of itself gone away from God; brought back to Him; and instructed by Him. With The Learning of the Heart; and Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man. London: MDCCCXLV. 321110. pp. 264. See Crashaw, R. Quarrels of Authors. See Disraeli. QUATREFAGES (A. de). Le ver a soie et la Sericiculture. Paris: 1866. 241110. pp. 51. Histoire de 1'homme. Paris: 1867- 5 Nos. 241110. Queene of Ar rag on. See Habington, W. QUEKETT (John). Lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, in the session 1850-51. Elementary tissues of plants and animals. Illustrated by one hundred and fifty-nine wood-cuts. London: 1852. 8vo. pp. viii, 215. [The Same:] delivered 1851-52. Vol. II. Structure of the skeleton of plants and invertebrate animals. Illustrated by two hundred and sixty-four wood cuts. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. viii, 413. A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope, in- cluding the different Methods of preparing and examining ani- mal, vegetable, and mineral structures. Third Edition, with additions. Illustrated with eleven plates and upwards of three hundred wood engravings. London: 1855. 8vo. pp. 556. pis. La QUESTION Mexicaine et la Colonisation Frangaise. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 40. [QuiNCY (J. P.)]. Charicles: a dramatic poem. By the author of Lyteria. Boston: MDCCCLVI. i2ino. pp. 106. QUINCY (Q. de). See Duppa, R. lABELAIS (Francois). The Works of Francis Rabelais. Translated from the French. By Sir Thomas Urquhait and Motteux; with explanatory notes, by Duchat, Ozell, and others. A new edition, revised, and with additional notes. London: 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. ports. CEuvres de Francois Rabelais. Contenant la vie de Gargantua et celle de Pantagruel augmente'es de plusieurs frag- ments et de deux chapitres du V e livre restitues d'apres un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Imperiale. Pre'ce'de'es d'une notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Rabelais. Augmentee de Nouveaux Documents Par P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile. Nou- velle Edition, revue sur les meilleurs textes et particulierement sur les travaux de J. Le Duchat et de S. de L'Aulnaye Eclaircie quant a 1'Orthographe et a la Ponctuation, et accompagnee de Notes succinctes et d'un Glossaire Par Louis Barre". Illustra- tions par Gustave Dore. Paris: 1857. rl. 8vo. pp. 339. pis. RACCOI/TA di Quadri dipinti dai piu' famosi pennelli, e posse- duti da S. A. R. Pietro Leopoldo Arciduca d' Austria Principe . . . &c., &c. Una parte dei quali stanno esposti nel suo R. Palazzo, e una altra parte nella sua R. Galleria di Firenze. Firenze MDCCLXXVIII. 2 vols. Large fo. Title. 147 pis. and RACCOLTA di Varj Esercizj di Pieta' ed Istruzioni. Edizione xxi. ricorretta ed accresciuta sopra 1' ultima di Roma. Venezia: 1829. 2 vols. 24ino. RACINE (Jean). CEuvres / de / Racine.,/ Tome Premier. / A Paris: / M. DCC. LX. / Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi. / 3 vols. 4to. port, and pis. CEuvres de Jean Racine. Paris: 1819. 4 vols. 321110. port and pis. Theatre comple%. Prece'de' d'une notice par M. Auger. Paris: 1845. 121110. pp. 663. port. RAFINA (Gesner). Une Mission Secrete a Paris pendant la (285) 286 GRAHAM Commune. Rapports Adresse*s au Gouvernement. Paris: 1871. i2mo. pp. 65. RAIKES(T.). See Stoddard, R. H. RAINSFORD (Marcus). An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti: comprehending a view of the Principal Transactions in the Revolution of Saint Domingo; with its antient and modern state. [London:] Albion Press Printed: 1805. 4to. pp. 467. pis. Geschichte der Insel Hayti oder St. Domingo besonders des auf derselben errichteten Negerreichs. Aus dem Englischen. Mit einem Kupfer. Hamburg, bei Adolph Schmidt. 1806. 8vo. pp. 427. RALKIGH (Sir Walter). The / Historic of / the World. / In five bookes. / i Intreating of the Beginning and first Ages of the same, from the Crea- / tion unto Abraham. / 2 Of the Times from the Birth of Abraham, to the destruction of the / temple of Salomon. / 3 From the destruction of Jerusalem, to the time of Philip of Macedon. / 4 From the Reigne of Philip of Macedon, to the establishing of that King- / dome, in the Race of Antigonus. / 5 From the settled rule of Alexanders Successors in the East, untill the Ro- / mans (prevailing over all) made Conquest of Asia and Macedon. / By Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight./ [At London: printed for Walter Burre, 1614]. Fo. PP- ( 6l )> 555, 669, (54)- Maps and pis. #* # The colophon is: London, Printed for G. Lath urn and R. Young. M.DC.XXXIV. The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh: now first collected. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction: by Sir Egerton Brydges, K. J. The second edition. London: From the Pri- vate Press of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Printed by T. Davisoa, Whitefriars. 1814. i2tno. pp. 79. See Wotton, H. Rambling Fuddle- Caps. See Ward, E. [RAME: (L. de la)]. Held in Bondage, or Granville de Vigne. Philadelphia: 1864. 2 vols. I2mo. 4 RAMSAY (Allan). The Ever Green, being a Collection of Scots Poems, Wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. Published by Allan Ramsay. Edinburgh; MDCCLXI. 2 vols. i6mo. LIBRARY. 287 RAMSAY (Allan). The Tea-Table Miscellany: or, a Collection of choice Songs, Scots and English. In Four Volumes. The Twelfth Edition, Being the Compleatest and most Correct of any yet published. London: Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand. MDCCLXIII. 4 vols. in i. i2mo. port. The Tea-Table Miscellany: or, a Collection of Scots Songs. The Fourteenth Edition, With large Additions, not printed in any former Impression. Dublin: Printed by T. Dyton, at Newton's Head, in Dame-street, Bookseller. MDCC- LXIX. I2tno. pp. 360. The Gentle Shepherd, A Pastoral Comedy; with illus- trations of the Scenary: An appendix, Memoirs of David Allan, the Scots Hogarth; besides original, and other poems connected with the illustrations: and a comprehensive glossary. To which are prefixed, an authentic life of Allan Ramsay, and an inquiry into the origin of pastoral poetry; the propriety of the rules prescribed for it; and the practice of Ramsay. Edinburgh: Printed by Abernethy & Walker. 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. port., pis., and map. The Gentle Shepherd, A Pastoral Comedy. With a life and portrait of the author, numerous illustrations, and a comprehensive glossary. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge. MDCCCLix. 161110. pp. 175. port, and pis. RAMSAY (David). The Life of George Washington, Com- mander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, throughout the war which established their Independence; and first President of the United States. New- York: Printed by Hopkins & Seymour. 1807. 8vo. pp. viii, 376. *** From the library of "John Randolph of Roanoke," with a copy of his rare book plate. The binding is a remarkably fine specimen of fancy Amer- ican binding of an early period. The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of The United States of America, throughout the war which established their Independence; and first President of the United States. Second Edition. Boston; Published by D. Mallory and Co., 1811. i2mo. pp. viii, 371. Vie de Georges Washington general en chef des armies des Etats-Unis pendant la guerre qui a e"tabli leur independance e.t premier President des Etats-Unis. Traduit de 1' Anglais. 288 GRAHAM Paris: A la Librairie franchise et e'trang^re de Parsons, Galig- nani et Cie, rue Vivienne, no. 17. 1809. 8vo. pp. 472. port. RANGES (F.). De la Navigation a Vapeur. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 51. RANDOLPH (John). See Washington, G. RANDOLPH (Thomas). Poems / with the / Mvses / Looking- Glasse: / and / Amyntas. / By Thomas Randolph, Master of Arts, / and late Fellow of Trinity Colledge in / Cambridge. / Oxford, / Printed by Leonard Lichfield, / Printer / to the Vniver- sity, for Francis Bowman:/ M. DC. xxxvin. / Sm. 4to. pp. (24), 128, (2), (6), 114. RANKE (Leopold). The History of the Popes, their Church and State, and especially of Their Conflicts with Protestantism in the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Translated by E. Foster. London: 1851-. 3 vols. 121110. ports. The History of Servia, and the Servian Revolution. With a sketch of the Insurrection in Bosnia. Translated from the German by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. To which is added, The Slave Provinces of Turkey. Chiefly from the French of Cyprien Robert. London: 1853. I2mo. pp. 520. RAFFAELO SANZIO. The Logge del Vaticano, drawn and etched on steel, by Reveil; from RafFaelle's Frescoes. London. To be had at the principal booksellers and printshops. 1833. I2mo. pp. li. 54 pis. The History of Psyche from Raphael's Drawings, etched on Steel by Reveil; with a new tale by M. Lemolt Phalary. London. 1832. 121110. pp. (4), iv, iv, 68. pis. Rapport des Cotnmissaires. See Franklin, B. [RASPE (R. E.)]. Aventures du Baron Miinchhausen. Tra- duction nouvelle par The*ophile Gautier Fils. Illustre'es par Gustave Dore. Paris. Charles Furne, Libraire-Editeur. 45, rue Saint- Andre*-des-Arts. [1862.] rl. 8vo. pp. 238. pis. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. A New and Revised Edition. With an introduction by T. Teignmouth Shore, M. A. Illustrated by Gustave Dore\ London. [1865.] 4to. pp. 216. pis. RAULIN (V.). Le Regne Mineral. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 65. LIBRARY. 289 RAYNAL (Abbe W. T.) Revolution de l'Ame"rique, par M. 1'Abbe Raynal, Auteur de 1'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablissemens, & du Commerce des Europeans dans les deux Indes. Supplement Pour servir de Tome VIII. a P Edi- tion qui a parue en sept Volumes. A Londres, Chez Lockyer Davis, Holbourn. M.DCC.LXXXI. 8vo. pp. viij., 183. Revolution de 1'Amerique, par M. L'Abb Raynal, Auteur de 1'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablisse- mens, and du Commerce des Europeans dans les deux Indes. A Londres, Chez Lockier Davis, Holbourn. M. DCC. LXXXI. 8vo. pp. xiv. (2), 183. port. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Isles Francoises dans les Indes Occidentales. A Lausanne, Chez J. Pierre Heu- bach & Comp. M. DCC. LXXXIV. 8vo. pp. xv., (i), 355. port, and fold. tab. Recueil de Diverses Pieces. Servant de Supplement 1'Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Establissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. A Neuchatel & a Geneve, Chez les Libraires Associes. M. DCC. LXXXIV. 8vo. pp. 430. *** This contains Paine's letter to Raynal, the Arret of the French Parlia- ment, condemning the work, and the " Censure " of the Theological Faculty of Paris. READ (Thomas Buchanan). The House by the Sea. A Poem. Philadelphia: 1855. 121110. pp. 152. Sylvia; or, The Lost Shepherd. An eclogue. And Other Poems. Philadelphia: 1857. 8vo. pp. 158. READE (Charles). Clouds and Sunshine. And Art: a dra- matic tale. Boston: M DCCC LV. 121110. pp. 288. 'It Is Never Too Late To Mend.' Boston: M.DCCC.LVI. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. "Love Me Little, Love Me Long." New York: 1859. I2ino. pp. 435. Peg Woffington. A novel. Boston : M DCCC LV. 121110. PP- 33- READE (W. Winwood). Savage Africa: being The narrative of a Tour in equatorial, southwestern, and northwestern Africa; with notes on the habits of the gorilla; on the existence of uni- corns and tailed men; on the slave-trade; on the origin, char- 290 GRAHAM acter, and capabilities of the negro, and on 'the future civiliza- tion of Western Africa. With Illustrations, and a Map. New York: 1864. 8vo. pp. 452. Realities. See Lynn, E. REASONS for the Inexpediency of Chartering a National Bank. Dedicated to the President of the United States. New York: 1841. 8vo. pp. 34. REBOUL (J.). Poesies Nouvelles. Paris: 1846. i2ino. pp. 227. REBOUL-DENEYROL (L. J.)- Apercu Historique stir PAsile et les Conferences. Paris: 1867. 24ino. pp. 71. RecueiL See France. Recueil des Loix Constitutives. See Regnier. Recherches Philosophiques. See Pauw, C. de. Recollections of . . . Scott. See Gillies, R. P. REDDING (Cyrus). A History and Description of Modern Wines. Third edition, with additions and corrections. Lon- don: 1851. 121110. pp. 440. pi. [ ] Memoirs of William Beckford of Fonthill, Author of "Vathek." London: 1859. 2 vols. 121110. port. REDFIELD (Amasa A.). A Hand-Book of The U. S. Tax Law (Approved July i, 1862,) with All the Amendments, to March 4, 1863: comprising the Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, together with Copious Notes and Explan- ations. For the use of tax-payers of every class, and the officers of the revenue of all the states and territories. Compiled from official sources. Fifth edition. New York: 1863. 121110. pp. 368. REED (Henry). Introduction to English Literature, From Chaucer to Tennyson. London: [n. d.J i2mo. pp. 234. [REGNIER [C. A. due de Nassd]). Recueil des Loix Consti- tutives des Colonies Angloises, coufe'de'rees sous la denomination d'Etats-Unis de' 1'Ame'riqiie-Septentrionale. Auquel on a joint les Actes d'Inddpendauce, de Confederation & autres Actes du Congrs ge'ne'ral, traduit de 1'Anglois. De'die' a M. le Doctetir Franklin. A Philadelphie, Et se vend a Paris, rue Dauphine, Chez Cellot and Jombert, fils jeune, Libraires, la secoude porte LIBRARY. 291 cochere a droite, an fond de la Cour. M. DCC. LXXVIII. i2ino. pp. 370. Regnier (J.) Le Robinson Chretien. Paris: 1838. i6mo. pp. 472. REGULA Placitandi. A Collection of Special Rules for Plead- ing, from The Declaration to the Issue, In Actions Real, Per- sonal, and Mixt; with the Distinction of Words to be used therein, or refused. Also Directions for Laying of Actions, of the Time for bringing them, and of the Persons to bring the same. Together with some Remarks and Observations touch- ing Averments, Notice, Request or Demand, Justifications, In- nuendos, Protestando, Traverse, Averment, Double Pleas, Abatements, Demurrers, Trials, Verdicts, Judgments, Writs of Error, Estoppels and Conclusions. With divers precedents, Illustrating and Explaining the same: Very useful and neces- sary for Clerks, Attorneys, Solicitors, &c. The Second Edition, Corrected. London: Printed by the Assigns of R. & E. Atkyns, Esquires; for Thomas Basset at the George by St. Dunstans Church, and Thomas Beaver at the Hand and Star betwixt the two Temple Gates, by Temple-Bar. M. DC. xciv. i6mo. pp. 310. REID (H). The American Question in a Nut-Shell; or why we should recognize the Confederates. London: MDCCCLXII. i2mo. pp. 31. REID (John). See Eaton, J. H. Relation Historique. See Smith, W. Remains of the late Mrs. Trench. See Hough ton, Lord. REMAK (Stephen S.). La Paix en Amerique. Paris: 1865. 8vo. pp. 112. #*+ The author was a Philadelphia lawyer, later U. S. Consul at Trieste. The pamphlet was written in Paris. Remarks made on a Short Tour. See Silliman, B. REMARKS on Dr. Cheyne's Essay of Health and Long Life. Wherein Some of the Doctor's Notorious Contradictions, and False Reasonings are laid open: together With several Observa- tions on the same Subject; Rectifying many of the Errors and Mistakes of that Performance. By a Fellow of the Royal Society. The Second Edition Corrected. London: Printed for Aaron Ward, at the King's Arms in Little-Britain, and sold 292 GRAHAM by T. Cox, the Corner of Swithin's- Alley, near the Royal Ex- change. 1724. (Price is.) 8vo. pp. xviij, 78, (2). Remarks on Stephens' 1 s. See Cass, L. Remarks on the exclusion of . . . Byron. See Hobhouse, J. Remarks which the Author. See Zinzendorff. Reminiscence of Cardinal Wiseman. See Hough ton, Lord. Renards, Les. See Arbelle. RENNELL (James). The Geographical System of Herodotus Examined and Explained, by a Comparison with those of Other Ancient Authors, and with Modern Geography. In the course of the work are introduced Dissertations on the Itinerary Stade of the Greeks, The Expedition of Darius Hystaspes to Scythia, the position and remains of ancient Babylon, the Alluvions of the Nile, and canals of Suez; -the Oasis and Temple of Jupiter Ammon, The Ancient Circumnavigation of Africa, and other subjects of history and geography. The whole explained by eleven maps adapted to the different subjects; and accompanied with a complete index. Second edition revised. London: MDCCCXXX. 2 vols. 8vo. port. A Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia, accompanied with an atlas of maps. With a complete in- dex. London: 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. REPONSE / de / Monsieur * * * , / Datee de la Haye du 5 Janvier 1756. A / la Lettre / de son Excellence / Monsieur ***** *** j Date"e de Londres du 14 Decembre 1755. [Paris:] M.DCC.LVI. 8vo. pp. 38. Report of the Committee. See Jackson, A. Report of the Special Commissioner. See Wells, D. A. Report of the U. S. Revenue Commission. See Wells, D. A. Report on the Trees. See Emerson, G. B. REPTON (H.). Designs for the pavilion at Brighton. Humbly inscribed to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. By H. Repton, Esq. With the assistance of his sons, John Adey Rep- ton, F. S. A. and G. S. Repton, Architects. London: 1808. Fo. pp. 41. 10 pis. RESTOUT (Jean Bernard). Galerie Fran^oise on Portraits des Homines et des Femmes Ce"lbres qui out paru en France,. LIBRARY. 293 Graves en Taille-douce par les meilleurs Artistes, sous la con- duite de M. Restout, Peintre ordinaire du Roi, de 1' Academic Royale de Peinture & de Sculpture; des Academies des Sciences, Belles- Lettres & Arts de Rouen; des Belles-Lettres de Caen; de Peinture, Sculpture & Architecture de Toulouse. Avec un Abre'ge' de Leur Vie par une Socie'te' de Gens de Lettres. A Paris, Chez Herissant le Fils, Libraire, rue des Fosse's de M. le Prince, vis-a-vis le petit Hotel de Conde*. M. DCC. LXXI. Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi. Fo. *** Portraits and biographical sketches. REUMONT (A. Von). The Carafas of Maddaloni: Naples under Spanish Dominion. Translated from the German. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. 465. port. Reveil. See Duchesne: Raphael. Reveries of a Bachelor. See Mitchell, D. G. LA REVOLUTION Americaine, De'voile's. Paris: 1861. 8vo. PP- 3 1 - x** Dedicated to Jefferson Davis. REYNOLDS (Joshua). The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the Royal Academy. To which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Author; with remarks on his profes- sional character, illustrative of his principles and practice. By Henry William Beechey. New and Improved Edition. Lon- don: 1851-. 2 vols. i2ino. port. RHYMES and Roundelayes in praise of a Country Life. Adorned with many pictures. New York: MDCCCLVII. Sm. 4to. pp. 192. RIANT (A.). L'Hygie"ne du Foyer. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Les Ennemis de la Sante\ Paris: 1868. 24mo. pp. 50. RICE (N. L.). The Christian Sabbath: Its History, Au- thority, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Relations. A Series of Dis- courses. By N. L. Rice, William Hague, Harvey D. Ganse, William Adams, Alexander H. Vinton. With a sketch of the Sabbath Reform by the Secretary of the New York Sabbath Committee. New York: 1862. i2tno. pp. 271. RICH (Anthony, Jr.\ A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities, with nearly 2000 engravings on wood. Represent- ing Objects from the Antique illustrative of the industrial arts 294 GRAHAM and social life of the Greeks and Romans. London: 1860. I2mo. pp. 754. pis. RICHARD OF CIRENCESTER. See Giles, J. A. RICHARDET (G.). Quatre Jours de Prison sous la Commune. Avec Une Preface par Emile de la Bedolliere. Troiseme edi- tion. Paris: 1871. I2ino. pp. 32. RICHARDSON (Albert D.). The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape. Hartford, Conn. : 1865. 8vo. pp. 512. ports, and pis. RICHARDSON (C. J.). The Englishman's House. A practical guide for selecting or building a house. Third edition, with nearly 600 illustrations. London: [1874?] 8vo. pp. 504. pis. RICHARDSON (G. F.). An Introduction to Geology, and its associate sciences, Mineralogy, Fossil Botany and Palaeontology. New Edition, Revised and considerably Enlarged, by Thomas Wright. London: 1851. i2ino. pp. 508. pi. RiLEY (H. T.). Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, A. D. 1188 to 1274. Translated from the original Latin and Anglo-Norman of the "Liber de Antiquis Legibus," in the possession of the Corporation of the City of London: at- tributed to Arnald Fitz-Thedmar, Alderman of London in the Reign of Henry the Third. The French Chronicle of London A. D. 1259 t A- D. 1343, Translated from the original Anglo- Norman of the "Croniques de London," preserved in the Cot- tonian Collection, (Cleopatra A vi.) in the British Museum. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by Henry Thomas Riley. London: MDCCCLXIII. Sm. 4to. pp. 319. Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, classical and mediaeval, including law terms and phrases. With a selection of Greek Quotations. Edited by H. T. Riley. London: 1866; i2mo. pp. 556. RIPLEY (G.). The Home Cyclopedia. Cyclopedia of Liter- ature and the Fine Arts; comprising complete and accurate definitions of all terms employed in belles-lettres, philosophy, theology, law, mythology, painting, music, sculpture, architec- ture, and all kindred arts. Compiled and arranged by George Ripley and Bayard Taylor. New York: 1857. I2mo. pp. 647. pis. *% A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from Bayard Taylor. LIBRARY. 296 Rise in Harlem. See Barker, Fordyce. Rita, An Autobiography.. See Aide*, H. [RiTSON (J.)]. A Select Collection of English Songs. Lon- don: MDCCLXXXIII. 3 vols. i2ino. pi. *** Vol. Ill contains airs of the song. ROBERT (Cyprien) See Ranke. ROBERTS (David). The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia T Egypt, & Nubia. After lithographs by Louis Maghe from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts. With historical descriptions by the Revd. George Croly. New York. [1855-.] 6 vols. Rl. 8vo. port, and pis. *** In Vol. VI. the descriptions are by Wm. Brockedon. "Robertson." See Voyage de. ROBERTSON (William). The History of America. Contain- ing the history of Virginia, to the year 1688; and the history of New England to the year 1652. A new edition. Basil: MDCCC. 8vo. pp. 1 60. ROBIN (Claude C.)., Nouveau /Voyage / dans / I'Amerique Septentrionale, / en 1'annee 1781; / et / Campagne / de I'arme'e / de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. / Par M. 1'Abbe Robin. / A Philadelphie, / Et se trouve a Paris, / Chez Moutard, Imprimeur- Libraire de la Reine, / de Madame, & de Madame Comtesse d'Artois, / rue des Mathurins, Hotel de Cluni. M. DCC. LXXXII. 8vo. pp. ix. , 222. *** Portrait of Rochambeau inserted. ROBIN HOOD: ballads and songs relating to that celebrated outlaw; with anecdotes of his life. From Ritson and others. Boston: 1866. 24ino. pp. 336. ROBIN HOOD'S Garland; being A Complete History of all the Notable Exploits performed by Him and His Merry Men. In which is given a Preface; containing A more full and particular Account of his Birth, &c., than any hitherto published. York: Printed by and for Thomas Wilson and Son, High Ousegate. 1811. 24mo. pp. 106. #*+ A chap book. "Robinson Crusoe." See De Foe. ROBINSON (Henry Crabb). Diary, Reminiscences, and Cor- respondence. Selected and edited by Thomas Sadler. London: 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. port. 296 GRAHAM ROBINSON (William Davis). Memoirs of the Mexican Revo- lution: including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina. With some observations on the Practicability of Opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, through the Mexican Isthmus in the province of Oaxaca, and at the Lake of Nicaragua; and on the future importance of such commerce to the Civilized World, and more especially to the United States. Philadelphia: 1820. 8vo. pp. 396. ROCHEFORT (H.). La Lauterne. Par Henri Rochefort. Prix 40 cent. Bureaux: 3 Rue Rossini & Rue Coq He*ron 5. Paris: 1868-. 8 vols. i6mo. ROCHESTER (John Wilmot, Earl of). The History of In- sipids, a Lampoon, by the Lord Roch r. With his Fare- well. 1680. Together with Marvil's Ghost. By Mr. Ayloff. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. ROCOLES (Jean Baptiste de). Introdvction generale / A 1'His- toire, / Contenant ses veri tables Cara- / cteres, &son parfait vsage./ Avec vn Ordre Svccinct / des Noms & Families de tons les Mo-/narques & Potentats du / Monde, viuans. / Par lean Bap- tiste de Rocoles, / Conseiller du Roy, son Historiographe, / Pro- thonotaire du S. Siege & Chanoine / de Paris en 1' Eglise Col- legiale / de Saint Benoist. / Troisiesme Edition. / A Paris; / Chez Denys Bechet, rue S. lacques au / Com pas d'Or, & a PEscu au Soleil. M. DC. LXIV. / Avec Privilege dv Roy. / i6mo. (34 11), PP- 477- *** Vol. I. only. ROGER (Charles). A Week at Bridge of Allan. Comprising an account of the Airthrey Spa, and a series of six excursions to the interesting scenery around this rising watering-place. Illustrated with numerous highly-finished engravings. Edin- burgh: 1852. I2mo. pp.228. Maps and pis. ROGERS (D). The New- York City-Hall Recorder, for the year 1816. Containing Reports of the most interesting trials and decisions which have arisen in the various Courts of Judi- cature, For the Trial of Jury Causes in the Hall, during that Year, particularly in the Court of Sessions. With notes and remarks, critical and explanatory. By Daniel Rogers, Coun- sellor at Law. Printed by Charles N. Baldwin, No. 49 Divi- sion-Street. 1817. 8vo. pp. iv., 204. LIBRARY. 297 ROGERS (Robert). A Concise Account of North America: containing A Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, &c. As to Their Situation, Extent, Climate, Soil, Pro- duce, Rise, Government, Religion, Present Boundaries, and the Number of Inhabitants supposed to be in each. Also of The Interior, or Westerly Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Laurence, the Mississipi, Christine, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined An Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians residing in those Parts, as to Their Customs, Manners, Government, Numbers, &c. Containing many Useful and Entertaining Facts, never before treated of. London: MDCCLXV. 8vo. pp. 264. See Hough, F. B. [ROGERS (Samuel)]. The Pleasures of Memory, a Poem, in two parts. By the Author of "An Ode to Superstition, with Some Other Poems." London: Printed by J. Davis. Sold by T. Cadell, in the Strand. M DCC xcn. 4to. pp. vi, 71. *** A four line stanza, in the autograph of the author, and signed, inserted. Italy, a poem. With cuts. Paris: 1840. i2mo. pp. 252. pi. Italy. A Poem. Illustrated with 12 elegant mez- zotinto engravings. Philadelphia: [n. d.] i2mo. pp. 272. pis. Poetical Works Illustrated with engravings executed "by the first artists, from designs by Lawrence, Stothard, Turner, and Vasan. Philadelphia: 1852. sq. i2tno. pp. 451. port. Poems. With a memoir. New York: 1853. 241110. pp. 340. pi. Poetical Works. London: Edward Moxon. 1856. i6mo. pp. 472. port, illus. Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers. To which is added Porsoniana. [By Wm. Maltby.] New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1856. I2mo. pp. 346. See Campbell, T. ROGET (Peter Mark). Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases; so classified and arranged as to facilitate the expres- 298 GRAHAM sion of ideas and assist in literary composition. Revised and edited, with a list of Foreign Words Defined in English, and other Additions, by Barnas Sears. Boston: 1855. I2mo. pp. 510. ROGRON (J. A.). Code Civil Explique par ses motifs, par des exemples et par la jurisprudence. Douzieme edition, aug- mentee du texte des arrets-principes. Paris, 1843. i6mo. pp. 1780. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. See Eaton, C. A. RONDELET (Antonin). L' Economic Politique dans la Vie Pratique. Paris: 1868. 2/ pp. 52. ' ROPER (Robert Wm.). Oration on celebration of the 66th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Moultrie, delivered at Sul- livan's Island, by request of the town council of Moultrieville, on the 28th of June, 1842. Charleston: 1842. 8vo. pp. 21. ROSCOE (Mrs. Henry). Vittoria Colonna: Her Life and Poems. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 371. ports. ROSCOE (Thomas). The Tourist in Spain and Morocco. Illustrated from drawings by David Roberts. London: MDCCC-' xxxvin. 8vo. pp. 292. ROSCOE (William). Additional Observations on Penal Juris- prudence and the Reformation of Criminals; containing re- marks on prison discipline, in reply to an article in the Edinburgh Review, and on the punishment of criminals by solitary confinement, as proposed in some of the United States of America. With an Appendix, containing a correspondence on that subject, and the latest reports of the state prisons of Philadelphia, New York, Massachusetts, &c. London: 1823. 8vo. pp. 141, 118. The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Sixth Edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. London: 1853. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. port. The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called The Magnifi- cent. Tenth edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. London: 1862. i2ino. pp. 564. port. ROSCOMON (W. D., Earl of). An Essay on Translated Verse. By the Earl of Roscomon. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. LIBRARY. 299 [ROSE (George)]. Mrs. Brown .at the Sea-side. By Arthur Sketchley. London: [n. d.] i6mo. pp. 126. [ ] Mrs. Brown up the Nile. By Arthur Sketchley. London: [n. d.] 161110. pp. 152. [ ] Mrs. Brown's Visits to Paris. By Arthur Sketchley. London: [n. d.] 161110. pp. 149. RossE (A.). A most Barbarous and Unprecedented Oppres- sion Exposed, for Necessary Self-defence; In a Letter from Andrew Rosse, One of the Professors of the University of Glas- gow, to all and sundry, whether his Countrymen, or English, or of Ireland, who have been his Scholars at any Time; with the Lybel, Defences, &c. (to be continued) of a Depending Pro- cess for wrongous Imprisonment and Defamation of the said Professor, against a pretended Rector of the said University and others. And Extracts of Original attested Writings, ready to be laid before the Justice of the Scots Nation, and of a British Kingdom, as irrefragable Documents for proving the said Lybel and for destroying all Defences offered, or that possibly can be offered by those pursued. Edinburgh, Printed, and to be sold at Mr. Rosse's Lodging at the Foot of the College- wynd; and in the Bookseller's Shops of Edinburgh, and Coffee-houses there. [1729?] 8vo. pp. (4), 48 [z. e., 64]. ROSSE (J. Willoughby). An Index of Dates. Comprehend- ing the principal facts in the chronology and history of the world, from the earliest to the present time. Alphabetically arranged. Being a complete index to the enlarged edition of Blair's Chronological Tables. London: 1859. 2 vols. i2mo. ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel). Poems. Sixth edition. Lon- don: 1872. 8vo. pp. 282. ROSSETTI (William Michael). Swinburne's Poems and Bal- lads. A Criticism. London: 1866. i6mo. pp. 80. Rossi (G. G. di). See Rubeis. ROTHSCHILD (C. and A. de). The History and Literature of the Israelites according to the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. With a map of Palestine, and a map showing the journeys of the Hebrews in the desert. Second edition. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & Co. 1871: 2 vols. 8vo. map. *** Vol. I. The historical books. Vol. II. The prophetic and poetical writings. BOO GRAHAM ROUCHE (Eugene). Le Systeme du Monde et le Calendrier. Paris: 1867. 24mo. pp. 52. ROUGE (Georges Louis le). Curiosites de Paris, de Versailles, Marly, Viiicennes, Saint-Cloud, et des environs. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee de la Description de tous les nouveaux Monumens, Edifices & autres Curiosites, avec les changemens qui out ete faits depuis environ vingt ans. Par M. L. R. in-i2, 3 vol. Prix. 9 liv. relies. Tome Premier. A Paris, Chez les Libraires Associes. M. DCC. LXXI. Avec Approbation & Priv- ilege du R. 2 vols. I2tno. pis. x*# The third volume is lacking. Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional Contenant les de- tails des differentes provinces, de ce vaste continent. Traduit des Cartes levees par ordre du Gouvernement Britannique. Par le Major Holland, Evans, Scull, Mouzon, Ross, Cook, Lane, Gilbert, Gardner, Hillock, &c. &c. A Paris. Chez le Rouge Ingenieur Geographe du Roi, Rue des grands Angus- tins. 1778. Avec Privilege du Roi. Fo. 24 maps and i pi. *** Besides the maps belonging to the work there are bound with it 4 others : Carte de 1'isle de Saint Christophe, par le S. Bellin. 1758; Carte de 1'isle Minorque; Plan du Fort St. Philippe (these 2 about 1782); and Nouveau plan du Port Mahon. Chez Dezauche. 1782. ROUHER (Engine). Discours de S. Exc. M. Rouher dans les Seances du Corps Legislatif des 10 et 12 mai 1864. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 112. ^% This and the following title relate to Mexico. Discours prononce par S. Exc. M. Rouher Ministre d'Etat et des Finances dans la seance du Corps Legislatif du 10 juillet 1867. Paris: 1867. 8vo. pp. 75. See Corta, C. E. ROUSSEAU (J. J.). The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau. Period First. New York: 1856- 2 vols. 8vo. port. Emile ou de 1' Education. Paris, 1848. i2mo. pp. 643. port. CEuvres de J. J. Rousseau. Nouvelle Edition. A Paris: Chez Ledoux et Tenre", Libraires. 1819. 20 vols. i6mo. port, and pis. ROUSSY (G. de). See Anacreon. Routledge's Comic Reciter. See Carpenter, J. E. LIBRARY. 301 ROUTLEDGE'S Illustrated Reading Book. With five hun- dred and twenty engravings. London, [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 158. pi. Rowlandson (T.). See Combe, W. "Rowley, Thomas." See Chatterton, T. ' The ROYAL Gallery of British Art. London: published by J. Hogarth, 5 Haymarket. 1851. Fo. 48 pis. and text. **# Proofs before titles on India paper. The ROYAL Literary Fund. Report of the Anniversary. Members of the Corporation. Donors Not Qualified as Mem- bers. Annual Reports. 1866. Corrected to October 24. Lon- don: Printed by John James Metcalfe, Grocers' Hall Court,. E. C. [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 109. *** Contains an address by the President, Lord Houghton. Royal Merchant, The. See Norris, H. R\_oya~\l Register. See Combe, W. ROYER (Ernest). Les Gaz Pernicieux du Foyer. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 46. RUBEIS (J. J. de). Insigniores Statvarvm / Vrbis Romae Icones: / Antiqvitatis / Stvdiosis / et virtutis amantibus / Liber Primvs/ loannes lacobus de Rubeis / Formis Romae/ Romae superioru permissu. [n. d.] Fo. 140 pis. [RuELLE (Charles)]. La Science Populaire de Claudius.. Simples Discours sur Toutes Choses. Sur la vie De Franklin. Paris: 1837. 24ino. pp. 214. RUFFINI (Giovanni Vincenzo). Doctor Antonio. A Tale of Italy. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 430. pi. RUSH (Richard). Residence at the Court of London. Third Edition. Edited, with occasional notes, by his son, Benjamin Rush. Also recollections of the court of Louis Phillippe, and the French Revolution of 1848, by the same author. With an, alphabetical index. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 595. port. RUSHTON (William). Rules and Cautions in English Gram- mar founded on the Analysis of Sentences. New edition. London: 1873. 121110. pp. 342. RUSKIN (John). The Elements of Perspective Arranged for the use of schools and intended to be read in connexion with the first three books of Euclid. London, 1859. 121110. pp. 144. 302 GRAHAM RUSKIN (John). Lectures on Art delivered before the Uni- versity of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870. Oxford M.DCCC.LXX. 8vo. pp. 189. The Queen of the Air: being A Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. London: 1869. i2ino. pp. 199. RUSSELL (A.). See Lefferts. RusSELL (John Earl}. Recollections and Suggestions 1813- 1873. London, 1875. 8vo. pp. 475. [RUSSELL (William)]. The History of Modern Europe. With an account of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and a view of the Progress of Society, from the rise of the mod- ern kingdoms to the Peace of Paris in 1763. In a series of letters from a Nobleman to his Son. A new edition, carefully corrected. London: 1789. 5 vols. 8vo. *** Although the author's name is not given on the title page, yet the dedication to the Duke of Bedford is signed. "The Epistolary Form was chosen, as best calculated in tracing the concatenation of Events, for uniting Accuracy of the Chronologer with the Entertainment of the Memorialist. And the Character of a Nobleman and a Father was assumed, in order to .give more Weight to the Moral and Political Maxims, and to entitle the Author to offer, without seeming to dictate to the World, such Reflections -on Life and Manners as are supposed more immediately to belong to the higher Orders in Society." RUSSELL (William Howard). My Diary in India, in the year 1858-9. By William Howard Russell, LL. D., special correspondent of " The Times." With Illustrations. London: 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. ports, and map. My Diary, North and South. London: 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. map. RUTTENBER (E. M.). Obstructions to the Navigation of Hudson's River, embracing the Minutes of the Secret Com- mittee, Appointed by the Provincial Convention of New York, July i6th, 1776, and other Original Documents Relating to the Subject. Together with papers relating to the beacons. By E. M. Ruttenber. Albany, N. Y. J. Munsell, 78 State St., MDCCCLX. sm. 4to. pp. v, 210. map. RYAN (Richard). Poetry and Poets: being a collection of the choicest Anecdotes relative to the Poets of Every Age and Nation. Together with specimens of their works and sketches of their biography. Written and compiled by Richard Ryan. London: 1826. 3 vols. I2tno. ports, and pis. LIBRARY. 303 RYCAUT (Paul). The History Of the present State of the Otto- man Empire. Containing The Maxims of the Turkish Polity, the most material Points of the Mahometan Religion, their Sects and Heresies, their Convents and Religious Votaries. Their Military Discipline, With an exact Computation of their Forces both by Land and Sea. Illustrated with divers Pieces of Sculpture representing the variety of Habits amongst the Turks. In three books. By Paul Rycaut Esq; Late Secretary to his Excellency the Earl of Winchilsea, (Embassadour Extra- ordinary for His Majesty Charles II. &c. to the Sultan Mahomet Han the Fourth, Emperour of the Turks) now Consul of Smyrna, and Fellow of the Royal Society. The Fourth Edi- tion. London, Printed for John Starkey and Henry Brome, 1675. 8vo - PP- (H). 38o, (4). pis. RYLAND (J. E.). The Life and Correspondence of John Foster: edited by J. E. Ryland. With notices of Mr. Foster, as a preacher and a companion, By John Sheppard. London: M.DCCC.LII- 2 vols. i2mo. port. SABINE (Lorenzo). Notes on Duels and Duelling, alpha- betically arranged, with a Preliminary Historical Essay. Boston: 1855. 121110. pp. 394. SACKVILLE (Thomas). See Surrey. S^WULF. See Wright, T. SAINTE BEUVE (Charles Augustin). Volupte". Paris: 1845. I2mo. pp. 422. [SAINTE-CROIX (G. E. J. Guilhem de Clermont-Lodeve) Baron de]. De 1'etat et du Sort des Colonies, des Anciens Peuples. Ouvrage dans lequel on traite du gouvernement des anciennes republiques, de leur droit public, &c. avec des obser- vations sur les Colonies des Nations modernes, & la conduite des Anglois en Ame"rique. Philadelphie. M. DCC. LXXIX. 8vo. pp. xiv, 336. SAINT-EDME (Ernest). La Science pendant le Siege de Paris. Paris 1871. 8vo. pp. 228. SAINT-GERMAIN (P. E. D. LEDUC, called}. Maitre Pierre, ou le Savant de Village. Par Saint-Germain. Entretiens sur Franklin. Paris, 1835. 241110. pp. (4), 174, (2). ST. JAMES'S PARK: a Satyr. . . . London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Waterside. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. ST. JOHN (J. A.). The Hellenes: the History of the Man- ners of the Ancient Greeks. London: 1844. 8vo. ST. JOHN (J. H.). See Crevecceur, J. H. St. J. SAINT-MESMIN (E. Menu de). L'Ouvrier Autrefois & Aujourd'hui. Paris 1866. 24mo. pp. 65. Les Habitations Econorniques. Paris: 1868. 241110. pp. 52. [SAINTE PALAYE (J. B. Lacurne de)]. Histoire Litte>aire des Troubadours, contenant Leurs vies, les extraits de leurs pieces, & plusieurs particularity sur les moeurs, les usages, & (304) LIBRARY. 305 1'histoire du douzieme & du treizieme siecles. A Paris, Chez Durand neveti, Libraire, rue Galande. 'M. DCC. LXXIV. 3 vols. I2ino. +* # The following authors are included : I. Berenger de Palasol, Guillaume IX, qomte de Poitou & due Blacas & Blacasset, d'Aquitaine, Bernard de Ventadour, Garin d'Apchier, Pons de Capdueil, Richard I, roi d'Angleterre, Arnaud de Marveil, Geoffroi Rudel, Bernard-Arnaud de Montcuc, Pierre Rogiers, Azala'is de Porcairagues, Pierre Raimond, Guillaume de Balaun & Pierre de Barjac, Pierre de la Mula, Alphonse II, roi d'Aragon, Guillaume de Cabestaing, Gavaudan le Vieux, Folquet de Romans. II. Giraud de Borneil, Pierre d'Auvergne, Giraud de Calanson, Boniface de Castellane, Izarn, missionnaire dominicain inquisi- teur, Sordel, Savari de Maule"on, Hugues de Mataplana, Guillaume de Saint-Gr^gori, Guillaume de Bergedan, Granet, Folquet de Lunel, Guillaume de la Tour, Rambaud d'Orange & la Comtesse de Lanfran Cigala & Simon Doria, Die, Hugues de Saint-Cyr, Pons Barba, Nat de Mons, Folquet de Marseille, e"veque de Tou- Bernard de la Barthe, louse, Giraud le Roux, Bertrand de Born, Guillaume Rainols d'Apt, Guillaume & Raimond de Durfort, Rambaud de Vaqueiras ou Vacheiras, Hugues de 1'Escure, Jean d'Aubusson, Le Comte de Provence, La Comtesse de Provence, Le Moine de Fossan, Durand, tailleur de Paernas, Le Dauphin d'Auvergne & 1'Eveque* Aimeri de Peguilain, de Clermont, Bertrand de la Tour, Deudes de Prades, Peyrols d'Auvergne, Albert, marquis de Malaspina, Ogier ou Augier, Elias de Barjols, Gaucelm Faidit, Elias Cairels, Bertraud d'Alamanon, Hugues Brunet, Ferrari de Ferrare, Cadenet, Perdigou, Gui ou Guigo, Guillaume Magret, Lombarda, & Bernard-Arnaud d'Ar- magnac, Marcabres, Mathieu de Querci, Pierre Vidal, Lanza, Bernard de Rovenac ou de Rovanas, Raimond Jordan, vicomte de Saint- Antoni, Aicarts del Fossat, Aimeri de Belenvei ou Belenoi ou Beauvoir, Aimeri de Belmont, Barthelemi Giorgi & Boniface Calvo, 306 GRAHAM Pierre Bremond-Ricas-Novas ou Rich- Raimond de Castelnau, ard de Noves, Richard de Barbesieu, Aubert de Puicibot ou le Moine de Guillaume de Montagnagout, Puicibot, Guillaume de Mur, Arnault de Carcasses, Raimond de Tor ou de la Tour, de Raimond de Miravals, Marseille, Guillaume-Pierre de Casals, Guillaume de Saint-Didier ou Saint- Aimeri de Sarlat, Leidier, Austau d'Orlhac, Bernard Marti ou Martin le Peintre, Bertrand Carbonel ou Bertrand de Paulet de Marseille, Marseille, Pierre Durand, Bertrand de Gordon, Pierre III. roi d'Aragon, Bertrand de Paris de Rouergue, Pierre de Buciguac ou Rosignac, Guillaume Figueira ou Figuira, Le Moine de Montaudon, Donna Castelloza, Maitre Bernard d'Auriac, Le Chevalier du Temple, Albert de Sisteron, Le Comte de Foix, Raimond Gaucelm de Be"siers, Cercamons, Amanieu des Escas, Clara d'Anduse, Bernard de Venzenac, Arnaud Daniel, Pierre de Corbian ou Corbiac, Giraud, Pierre & Austois de Maenzac, Giraud de Cabreira, Pierre Cardinal, Guillaume Adhemar. Guillaume Boyer de Nice, III. Thibaut de Bliuon, Gui d'Uisel, Raimond Vidal de Be"saudun, Gujbert Amiels, Hugues de Penna, FreVleric, roi de Sicile, & le Comte Pons de la Garda, d'Empurias, Rambaud, Arnaud Catalans, Gerveri de Girone, Guionet, Natibors, ou Madame Tiberge, Gui de Cavaillon & Bertrand d' Avignon, Raimond de Salas, Guillalmet, Pons de Montlaur, Tomiers & Palazis, Giraud Riquier, Guillaume de Baux, prince d' Orange, Arnaud de Tintiguac, Arnaud de Comminges, Jean Esteve de Be"siers. Arnaud de Marsan, [SAINTK PALAYE (J. B. Lacurne de].) The Literary History of the Troubadours. Containing their Lives, Extracts from their Works, And many Particulars relative to the Customs, Morals, and History of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Collected and abridged from the French of Mr. De Saint- Pelaie. By the Author of the Life of Petrarch. London, Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. MDCCLXXIX. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 495. ** Translated by S. Dobson. SAINT-PIERRE (J. B. H. de). Etudes de la Nature. Paris, 1848. 121110. pp. 563. LIBRARY. 307 SAINT-PIERRE (J. B. H. de). Pablo y Virginia, Traducido en Espanol Por D. Josef Miguel Alea. Madrid. Afio 1821. 241110. pp. 166. CEuvres choisies de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, contenant Paul et Virginie, La Chaumire Indienne, Le Cafe de Surate, Voyage en Silesie, A 1'Ile de France, L'Arcadie; De la Nature de la Morale; Vceux d'Un Solitaire. Paris, 1851. I2mo. pp. 492. port. 'SALA (Edoardo, Conte della). Messico Sotfo P Impero di Massimiliano 1. dal 1864 al 1867 Corredato da Bollettini, Pro- claim, Ordini del Giorno. Napoli: 1867. i6mo. pp. 115, (i). # *# A presentation copy from the author. SALA (George Augustus). Looking at Life; or, Thoughts and Things. London: 1860. i6mo. pp. 473. **# With characteristic scribbling of the author on title-page, being a long presentation note to Mrs. Graham. Quite Alone. London: 1864. 3 vols. 12010. #** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. My Diary in America in the midst of War. London: 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. *** On a fly leaf is written: "To James Lorimer Graham, Junior, Endeared to me for a hundred reasons: always tolerant of my infirmities, patient under my irritability, forbearing with my many madnesses, and my good friend anyhow and, let him be assured that had I not been pledged prior to my departure to dedicate my Book to ' Bull Run Russell,' it would have been to him that it would have been inscribed by George: Augustus: Sala. And I believe that (errors excepted) there is more good than evil to Amer- ica contained in its pages. London: January 26th, 1865." From Waterloo to the Peninsula. Four Months' Hard Labour in Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Spain. London: 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. *** On a fly leaf is written : "James Lorimer Graham Junior from his inimical friend and amicable foe George: Augustus: Sala. V. S. Paris March 1867." *V. S. may be understood to mean either "Victorious Scribe," " Villa nous Scoundrel" (see New York Tribune), " Vilipended Sufferer," or " Vanquished Secesh." 308 GRAHAM SALA (George Augustus). Notes and Sketches of the Paris Exhibition. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 396. ^*^. Dedicated to James Loriraer Graham, and a long letter of Sala inserted. Rome and Venice, with other Wanderings in Italy, in 1866-7. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 477. SALIGNY (Vicomte Dubois de). Question Mexicaine. En- quete et Sentence Judiciaire sur la Plainte de M. de Saligriy. Paris: 1861. 8vo. pp. 31. SALKELD (Joseph). A First Book in Spanish ; or A Prac- tical Introduction to the Study of the Spanish Language. New York: 1849. i2mo. [Same.] New York: 1857. I2mo. SALLIN. See Franklin, B. SALLUSTIUS (Caius Crispus). Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus. Literally Translated, with copious notes and a gen- eral index. By John Selby Watson. London: MDCCCLII. 8vo. pp. 560. SAMPSON (William). An Anniversary discourse delivered before the Historical Society of New- York, on Saturday, De- cember 6, 1823 5 showing the origin, progress, antiquities, curiosities, and nature of the common law. New York: 1824. 8vo. pp. 68. SAMUELSON (James). Humble Creatures. The Earthworm and the Common Housefly in Eight Letters. By James Sam- uelson, assisted by J. Braxton Hicks. With Microscopic Illus- trations, by the Authors. London: MDCCCLVIII. i2mo. pp. 78. Sancho Panza 1 s Proverbs. See Cervantes. [SANDS (Robert Charles)]. The Bridal of Vaumond; A Metrical Romance. New- York: 1817. 24ino. pp. 186. SANGER (William W.). The History of Prostitution. Its extent, causes and effects throughout the world. (Being an official report to the Board of Alms-House Governors of the City of New York.) New York: 1858. 8vo. pp.685. SANSON D' ABBEVILLE (Nicolas). L'Ameriqve, /en Plvsievrs Cartes / Novvelles, et Exactes, &c. / En Divers Traitez/de Geographic, et d'Histoire. / L& ou sont descrits succinctement, & auec vne / belle Methode, & facile. / Ses Empires, ses Monarchies, ses Estats, &c. / Les Moevrs, les Langves, les Re- LIBRARY. 309 ligions, / le Negoce et la Richesse de ses Pevples, &c. / Et ce qu'il y a de plus beau & de plus rare dans toutes/ses Parties, & dans ses Isles. / Par le S. Sanson d' Abbeville, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. / A Paris, /Chez 1'Avthevr, rue S. lacques, a 1'Esperance. / Avec Privilege du Roy pour vingt ans. [1657?] 4to. pp. (2), 112. 15 maps. SARGENT (F. W.). Les E^tats Confrere's et 1'Esclavage. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. (4), 176, (4). *% First -published in Philadelphia. Contains an autograph presentation copy from the translator, Elie Reclus. SARGENT (Nathan). Public Men and Events from the com- mencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. Philadelphia: 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. Sartor Resartus. See Carlyle. SAUVIGNY . (E. L. B. de). Vashington / ou la Libert du Nouveau Monde, / Tragedie, / En quatre Actes; / Par M. de Sauvigny. / Represented pour la premiere fois le 13 / juillet 1791, sur le theatre de la Nation. / Prix 30 sols. / A Paris, / Chez Maillard d'Orivelle, Libraire, quai / des Augustins, No. 43, au Contrat social. / 1791. / 8vo. pp. (2), 56. **. A portrait of Washington inserted. SAVAGE (John). See Gray, B. "Savonarola, J." See Mahony. A SAVOURY DISH for Loyal Men. Philadelphia: Printed for gratuitous distribution. 1863. 8vo. pp. 16. SAXE (John G.). Poems. Fifth edition, enlarged. Boston: M DCCC Liv. 1 2 mo. pp. 192. port. The Money-King, and Other Poems. Boston : M DCCC LX. 1 2 mo. pp. 1 80. port. Clever Stories of Many Nations. Rendered in rhyme by John G. Saxe. Illustrated by W. L. Champney. Boston: 1865. i2mo. pp. 192. SAY (Thomas). The Complete Writings of Thomas Say on the Entomology of North America. Edited by John L. Le Conte. With a memoir of the Author by George Ord. New York: 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. 310 GRAHAM SAYVE (Comte de). Etude sur la Revolution des Etats-Unis. Paris: 1863. 8vo. pp. 47. SCALIGER (Julius Csesar). lulii Caesaris Scaligeri Viri Clarissimi, Poetices libri septem. I Historicvs, II Hyle, III Idea, IIII Parasceve, V Criticvs, VI Hypercriticvs, VII Epinomis, Ad Syluium filium. Editio Tertia. Apud Petrum Santandreanum. M. D. LXXXVI. 8vo. pp. (24), 945, (67). *** With autographs of Joannes Priceus, S. Parr and W. C. Prime on title page. The former has written many marginal notes. Scare- Crow, The. See Cobbett, W. Scarronides. See Cotton. SCHERER (Georg). Illustrirtes Deutsches Kinderbuch. Alte und neue Lieder, Marchen, Fabeln, Spriiche und Rathsel. Leipzig, 1869. sm. 4to. pp. 200. SCHERER (Jean-Benoit). Recherches Historiques et Geo- graphiques sur le Nouveau-Monde. A Paris, * Chez Brunet, Libraire, rue des Ecrivains. M. DCC. LXXVII. 8'vo. pp. xii, (4), 352. SCHILLER (J. C. Friedrich von). The Robbers: a Tragedy. Translated from the German by the Rev. W. Render, teacher of the German language in the University of Cambridge. Lon- don: 1799. 8vo. pp. 195. pi. The Ghost- Seer! From the German of Schiller. London: 1849. 2 vols. i2mo. pp. 163. The Works of Frederick Schiller. 'London: 1853- 4 vols. 8vo. ports, and pi. SCHLEGEL (August Wilhelm von). A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, by Augustus William Schlegel. Translated by John Black. Revised, according to the last Ger- man edition, by A. J. W. Morrison. London: 1846. I2ino. PP- 535- P rt - SCHLEGEL (J. F. W.). Upon the Visitation of Neutral Ves- sels under Convoy; or, an Impartial Examination of a Judg- ment pronounced by The English Court of Admiralty, the nth June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish Convoy; with some additions and corrections. Translated from the Danish, under the inspection of the author, by Mr. De Juge; and thence into English. London: Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington- House, Piccadilly. 1801. 8vo. pp. 187. LIBRARY. 311 SCHLEGEL (K. W. Friedrich von). The Philosophy of Life, and Philosophy of Language, in a Course of Lectures. Trans- lated from the German by A. J. Morrison. London: 1847. i2mo. pp. 567. Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works: Comprising Let- ters on Christian Art An Essay on Gothic Architecture Re- marks on the Romance Poetry of the Middle Ages and on Shakspere On the Limits of the Beautiful On the Language and Wisdom of the Indians. Translated from the German by E. J. Millington. London: 1849. 12010. pp. 533. A course of lectures on Modern History; to which are added historical essays on the beginning of our history, and on Csesar and Alexander. Translated by Lyndsey Purcell & R. H. Whitelock. London: 1849. i2mo. pp. 423. The Philosophy of History, in a course of lectures, delivered at Vienna. Translated from the German, with a memoir of the author, by James Burton Robertson. Sixth edition, revised. London: 1852. I2mo. pp. 498. SCHOBERT (Baron). Paix a L'Amerique. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 32. ^** Presentation copy from the author, who was an "officier supe"rieur d'infanterie." School Days at Rugby. See Hughes, T. SCHOUW (Joachim Frederic). The Earth, Plants, and Man. Popular pictures of nature. And Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. By Francis von Kobell. Translated and edited by Arthur Henfrey. London: 1852. I2ino. pp. 402. pis. [SCHROTER (J. F.)]. Algemeine Geschichte der Lander und Volker von America. Nebst einer Vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens. Halle, bey Johann Justinus Gebauer. 1752- 2 vols. 4to. pis. and maps. SCHUBERT (F. L.)- Concordia. Anthologie classischer Volkslieder fur Pianoforte und Gesang. Herausgegebeu und bearbeitet von F. L. Schubert. Erster Band. Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, Verlag von Moritz Schafer. [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 351. SCHULTES (Henry). Flowers of Fancy, Exhibited in a Col- lection of Similes. Taken from various Authors and Alpha- betically arranged. London: 1829. 8vo. 312 GRAHAM Science du Bonhomme Richard. See Franklin. Science Populaire. See Ruelle, C. SCOTT (J.). The United States Gazetteer: Containing an authentic description of the Several States. Their Situation, Extent, Boundaries, Soil, Produce, Climate, Population, Trade and Manufactures. Together with the Extent, Boundaries and Population of their Respective Counties. Also, an Exact ac- count of the Cities, Towns, Harbours, Rivers, Bays, Lakes, Mountains, &c. Illustrated with Nineteen Maps. By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia: Printed by F. & R. Bailey at Yorick's- Head, No. 116 High Street. 1795. (Published according to Act of Congress.) i2mo. maps. SCOTT (Thomas). Letters and papers of the late Rev. Thomas Scott. Never before published: with occasional ob- servations. By John Scott. Boston: 1825. i2mo. pp. 324. [ScoTT (Sir Walter)]. English Minstrelsy. Being A Selec- tion of Fugitive Poetry from the Best English Authors, with some Original Pieces hitherto unpublished. In two volumes. Edinburgh: 1810. 2 vols. i6mo. [ ] Tales of the Crusaders. The Betrothed. Phila- delphia: 1825. 2 v l s - 8vo. The Lady of the Lake; A Poem. A new edition, with the author's latest corrections. New York: 1849. i2mo. pp. 300. port, and pi. Waverley Novels : Library Edition. From the last revised edition, containing the author's final corrections, notes, &c. Parker's edition. Boston: 1853- 27 vols. 8vo. See Burger, G. A. SCOTT (Winfield). Memoirs of Lieut. -General Scott, LL. D. Written by Himself. New York: 1864. rl. 8vo. pp. 653. port. *% A large paper copy. The SCOTTISH Minstrel A Valuable Selection of Popular Songs With Music adapted for the Voice, Violin, & German Flute. Edinburgh: [1813.] i2mo. pp. 220. pi. SCOTTO (I.). See Gozzini. SCRIBE (Eugene). CEuvres Illustre*es de M. Eugene Scribe De 1' Academic frangaise Dessins par Tony et Alfred Johannot, LIBRARY. . 313 Staal, Pauquet, etc. Vialat et Cie. Paris: 1854. rl. 8vo. pp. 319. SCROSOPPI (E}douard). L' Empire Ottoman Au Point de Vue Politique Vers le Milieu de la Seconde Moitie du XIX e Sie'cle Premiere Partie Des Elements Constitutifs. Exem- plaire N 17. Florence: 1875. rl. 8vo. pp. 277. SEARS (Barnas) and B. B. EDWARDS, and C. C. FELTON. Classical Studies: Essays on Ancient Literature and Art. With the biography and correspondence of eminent philologists. Boston: 1843. 8vo. PP- 4 J 3- SEARS (R.). The Wonders of the World, in Nature, Art, and Mind; comprising a complete library of useful and enter- taining knowledge; illustrated with several hundred engrav- ings. Carefully compiled by Robert Sears, from the best and latest sources. Eighth edition. New York: M DCCC XLV. 8vo. pp. 528. La SECESSION aux Etats-Unis et son origine par Un Journal- iste Americain. Paris: 1861. 8vo. pp. 30. *** The " avant-propos " is signed "J. M.," and dated Paris, September, 1861. SEELEY (J. R.). See Abbott, E. A. Select Collection of English Songs. See Ritson, J. SEMMES (R.). The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter. From the private journals and other papers of Commander R. Semmes and other officers. London: 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. ports, and pis. SENAULT (L.)- Hevres Nouvelles Tiroes de La Sainte Ecriture Ecrites et granges par L. Senault. A Paris Chez 1'Autheur rue du Petie Lion au Fauxboiwg St Germain en la Maison de Mr Frontie". Et Chez Claude De Hansy sur le Pont au Change a 1' Image St Nicolas, [n. d.] i2mo. pp. 260. pis. SERMENT (J. H.). Sur Une Gravure Stances. A Abraham Lincoln. Paris [1865], 8vo. pp. 32. SEVIGNE. (Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de). Lettres de Mme de Sevigne", pre'ce'dees d'une notice sur sa vie et du traite" sur le style e"pistolaire de Madame de SeVigne, par M. Suard. Paris: 1846. i2ino. pp. 651. port. [SEWARD (William)]. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 314 t GRAHAM chiefly of the Last and Two Preceding Centuries. Illustrated by engravings. London: 1804. 4 vols. 8vo. ports, pis. and music. [SEWARD (William)]. Biographiana. By the compiler of Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. London: M,DCC,XCIX. 2 vols. 8vo. ports., pis. and music. SEWARD (W. H.). Expose de la situation politique et militaire aux Etats-Unis. Circulaire addrese"e aux consuls des Etats-Unis en Europe. Protestation des habitants de la Caro- line du Nord centre la continuation de la guerre. Avec une carte coloriee indiquant les progres des armes federales depuis le commencement de la guerre. Paris: 1863. 8vo. pp. 32, map. William H. Seward's Travels Around the World. Edited by Olive Risley Seward. With numerous illustrations. New York: 1873. 8vo. PP- 7&8. port. SEWELL (Miss E. M.). The Child's First History of Rome. New York: MDCCCLI. i2tno. pp. 250. [Same.] New York: M.DCCC.LVI. i2mo. pp. 255. Thoughts for The Holy Week, For Young Persons. New York: 1858. i6mo. pp. 184. SEYBERT (Adam). Annales Statistiques des Etats-Unis, Par Adam Seybert. Traduit de P Anglais par C. A. Scheffer. A Paris: 1820. 8vo. pp. xv, vi, 455. [SHAFTSSBURY (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earlsi )]. Char- acteristicks. Printed in the Year M.DCC.XLIX. 3 vols. i6mo. #*# Volume I. A Letter concerning Enthusiasm. Sensus Comnmnis; an Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour. Soliloquy, or Advice to an Author. Volume II. An Inquiry concerning Virtue and Merit. The Moralists; .a Philosophical Rhapsody. Volume III. Miscellaneous Reflections on the Preceding Treatises, and other Critical Subjects. A Notion of the Tablature, or Judgment of Hercules. With A Letter concerning Design. Shakers See Summary View. SHAKESPEARE (W.). The Dramatic Works of William Shak- speare; illustrated: embracing a Life of the Poet, and notes, original and selected. Boston: 1850- 7 vols. rl. 8vo. The Plays of William Shakespeare, carefully edited by Thomas Keightley. Boston: 1866. 6 vols. 24mo. LIBRARY. 315 SHAKESPEARE (W.). The Poetical Works of William Shaks- peare ; with Notes illustrative and explanatory; together with a supplementary notice to the Roman plays. Boston: 1851. rl. 8vo. pp. 442. port, and pi. Shakespeare's Sonnets; reproduced in facsimile by the New Process of Photo-Zincography in use at Her Majesty's Ordnance Survey Office. From the unrivalled Original in the Library of Bridgewater House, by permission of the Right Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere. London: Lovell Reeve & Co., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. 1862. sm. 4to. **# A gift to Mr. Graham from R. H. Stoddard, with his name on title, and two presentation poems inserted. Shakespeare's Sonnets Boston Ticknor and Fields 1865 sq. i6mo. pp. 160. *** Contains a presentation poem from R. H. Stoddard to Mr. Graham. Songs and Sonnets of. Edited by F. T. Palgrave. London: 1865. i6mo. pp. 255. *** L/acks title. The Beauties of Shakspeare; Selected from his Works. To which are added, the principal Scenes in the same Author. The Seventh Edition, corrected, revised and enlarged. Lon- don: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. xii, 393. port, and pi. *** First published in 1784. Shakspeares Seven Ages of Man illustrated. Pub- lished January 24, 1799, by W. Bromley, Jessamine House, Hammersmith, [n. d.] Fo. pp. 14. 8 pis. *** Stothard's drawings, engraved^ by Bromley. The plates in this copy are colored by hand. See Cowden Clarke ; Collier ; Furness ; Illustrations ; Jephson ; Kenny ; Palmer ; Patterson ; White ; Wise ; Words- worth. Shakespeare Jests Book. See Hazlitt. "Shandy, Tristram." See Sterne, L. SHARPS (Samuel). The History of Egypt, from the earliest times to the conquest by the Arabs, A. D. 640. London: 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. and maps. [SHEBBEARE (John)]. Le peuple / instruit; / on / Les Al- liances dans lesquelles les Ministres/de la Grande-Bretagne ont engage la / Nation, & 1'emploi qu'ils ont fait de ses / Escadres & de ses Armees, depuis le / commencement des troubles sur 316 GRAHAM 1'Ohio, / jusqu'a la perte de Minorque, conside- / res dans une Quatrieme Lettre au Peu- / pie d'Angleterre. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglois. / . . . /M.DCC.LVI. igmo. pp. (2), xxiv, 212. SHEEPSHANKS (J.). Inventory of the Pictures, Drawings, Etchings, &c. in the British Fine Art Collections deposited in the new gallery, South Kensington. Being for the most part the gift of John Sheepshanks, Esq. London : 1859. 8vo. pp. 29. SHEFFIELD (John). See Buckinghamshire, Duke of. SHEFFIELD (John Baker Holroyd, Earlvt}. Observations on the Commerce of the American States. By John Lord Sheffield. With an Appendix; Containing Tables of the Imports and Exports of Great Britain to and from all Parts, from 1700 to 1783. Also, the Exports of America, &c. With Remarks on those Tables, on the Trade and Navigation of Great Britain, and on the late Proclamations, &c. The Sixth edition en- larged. With a complete index to the whole. London: Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly. M. DCC. LXXXIV. 8vo. pp. (4), xlvii, 345, (2); .''Contents," (4), Index (18), errata (2), xvi tables. The SHEKINAH. Edited by S. B. Brittan. New- York: 1852- 3 vols. 8vo. ports, and music. [SHELLEY (Mary W.)]. Frankenstein : or, The Modern Prometheus. Revised, corrected, and illustrated with a new introduction. By the author. London: 1849. I2ino. pp. 202. pi. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with notes. A new edition, revised and cor- rected, by G. Cuningham. Illustrated on steel by G. Stand- fast London: 1839. I2mo. pp. 498. The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a memoir. Boston: M.DCCC. LV. 3 vols. i2mo. port. The Revolt of Islam; a poem, in twelve cantos. By Percy Bysshe Shelly. London : Printed for C. and J. Oilier, Welbeck Street ; By B. McMillan, Bow street, Convent Garden. 1818. xxxii, (i), 270 (i). *** The revision of " Laon and Cythna." LIBRARY. 317 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Laon and Cythna; / or, / The Revolution / of / the Golden City: / A Vision of the Nineteenth Century. / In the stanza of Spenser. / By Percy B. Shelley. / . . . /London:/ Printed for Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, Pater- noster- / Row; and C. and J. Oilier, Welbeck-Street: / By B. M'Millan, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden. / 1818. / 8vo. pp. xxxii, 270, (i). ** # This is the first edition of the poem, published as the Revolt of Islam. A few copies were bound in this form but never published, Oilier the pub- lisher being frightened by the outcry made even by Shelly's friends. For an account of the book see the " Philobiblion," Vol. I. Rosalind and Helen, / a Modern Eclogue; / with / Other Poems: /by/ Percy Bysshe Shelley. / London: / Printed for C. and J. Oilier, / Vere Street, Bond Street. / 1819. / 8vo. pp. (vi), (i), 92, (4). The Cenci. / A Tragedy, / in five acts. / By Percy B. Shelley. / Italy. / Printed for C. and J. Oilier, / Vere Street, Bond Street. / London. / 1819. / 8vo. pp. xiv, 104. Shelley Memorials: From authentic sources. Edited by Lady Shelley. To which is added an Essay on Christian- ity, by Percy Bysshe Shelley: now first printed. Boston: M.DCCC.LIX. I2ino. pp. 308. Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Frag- ments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. London: 1852. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. See Trelawney. SHENSTONE (William). The Works in Verse and Prose; Most of which were never before printed. With Decorations. London: M DCC LXIV. 2 vols. 8vo. port., pi. and map. The Works, in Verse and Prose. Vol. III. Contain- ing Letters to particular Friends, from the Year 1739 to 1763. London: MDCCLXIX. 8vo. pp. 399. The Works in Verse and Prose of William Shenstone. Edinburgh: M DCC LXVIII. '2 vols. i2ino. ports, and pi. *** At the end of volume II., Mr. Graham has written " From the library of the French Poet Millevoye. " SHEPARD (James B.). An address delivered before the citi- zens, mechanics, and guards, of the City of Raleigh, July 4, 1839. Raleigh, N. C. 1839. 8vo. pp. 25. 318 GRAHAM SHEPARD (James B.). An address delivered before the two literary societies of Wake Forest College, June 17, 1841. Raleigh, 1841. 8vo. pp. 26. **# On the errors and defects of college training. SHEPHERD (Thomas H.). London and its Environs in the Nineteenth Century, Illustrated by a Series of Views From Original Drawings, by Thomas H. Shepherd, with Historical, Topographical and Critical Notices. Series the first, compris- ing the earlier edifices, antiquities, &c. London: 1829. 4 to - pp. 172. pis. Modern Athens! Displayed in a Series of Views: or Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: exhibiting the whole of the new buildings, modern improvements, antiquities, and picturesque scenery, of the Scottish Metropolis and Its En- virons, from original drawings by Thomas H. Shepherd. With historical, topographical, and critical illustrations. London: 1829- 4 to - (2), vi, (2), 88. 48 pis. #** Bound with this is : " Scotland illustrated ;" a series of 40 plates, drawn, except 2, by J. P. Neale ; with 86 pages of text ; 1830-31. SHEPHERD (William). The Life of Poggio Bracciolini. Liverpool, 1802. 4to. pp. 487. SHEPPARD, J. See Ryland, J. E. SHERIDAN, C. B. See Fariel, U. C. SHERIDAN (R. B.). The Dramatic Works of R. B. Sheridan. Containing, The School for Scandal. The Rivals. The Duenna. The Critic. Together with the Life of the Author. Also A Critic upon his Plays, and History of the English Drama. London: Printed for A. Millar, and R. Cater. 1798. i2ino. port. *** Each play has a separate title, as follows: The School for Scandal, a Comedy, in five acts; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London: Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater. 1797. I2mo. pp. 77. The Rivals, a Comedy, in five acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater. 1797. I2mo. pp. 85. The Duenna, or the Double Elopement. A Comic Opera, in three acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London: Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater. 1797. i2tno. pp. 42. The Critic, or A Tragedy Rehearsed, a Dramatic Piece. In three acts; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London: Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater. 1797. I2tno. pp. 50. LIBRARY. 819 SHERIDAN (R. B.). The Dramatic Works of Richard Brins- ley Sheridan. With a Memoir of his Life by G. G. S[igmund]. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. 563. port. The Speeches of the Right Honourable Richard Brins- ley Sheridan. With a Sketch of his Life. Edited by a Con- stitutional Friend. London: 1842. 3 vols. 8vo. port. See Kotzebue : Moore. SHERIDAN and His Times. By an Octogenarian, who stood by his knee in youth and sat at his table in manhood. Lon- don: MDCCCLIX. 2 vols. 8vo. port. SHERIDANIANA; or, Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Brins- ley Sheridan; his table-talk, and bon mots. London: 1826. 8vo. pp. xi, 334. Sherman (J.). See Willis, N. P. SHERMAN (W. T.). Memoirs. By himself. Henry S. King & Co., London: 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. map. SHERWIN (W. T.). Memoirs of The Life of Thomas Paine, with Observations on his Writings, critical and explanatory. To which is added an appendix, containing several of Mr. Paine's unpublished pieces. London: 1819. 8vo. pp. viii, 232, xlviii. [SHIPPEN (William)]. Faction Display'd. A Poem. . . . From a Corrected Copy. London. Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. [ ] Moderation Display'd: a Poem. . . . By the Author of Faction Display'd. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. Shipwreck, The. See Li Ho. Short Introduction to English Grammar. See Lowth, R. SIDNEY (Sir P.). See Davis, S. M. SIDNEY (Samuel). The Three Colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia; Their Pastures, Cop- per Mines & Gold Fields. With numerous engravings. Second edition, revised by the author. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 412. Siege of New Orleans. See Cass, L. SIGURD. See Wright, T. 320 [SiLUMAN (Benjamin)]. Remarks made on a Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819: by the Author of a Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scot- land. Second Edition, with corrections and additions. New Haven: Printed and published by S. Converse, 1824. 8vo. PP- (2), 443- P 1 *- SIME (D.). The Edinburgh Musical Miscellany: a Collec- tion of the most approved Scotch, English, and Irish Songs, set to music. Selected by D. Sime. Edinburgh: MDCCXCII- 2 vols. i2rno. pi. SIMONIN (L.). Les Cite"s Ouvrires de Mineurs. Paris: 1867. 241110. pp. 52. Le Mineur de Califofnie. Paris: 1866. 241110. pp. 50. SINDING (Paul C.). History of Scandinavia, From the Early Times of the Norsemen and Vikings to the present day. New- York: 1858. 121110. pp. 429. port. SISMONDI (J. C. L. Simonde de). Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe; translated from the original, with notes, and a life of the author, by Thomas Roscoe. Fourth Edition. Including all the notes from the last Paris Edition. London: 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. ports. A history of the Italian Republics', being a view of the origin, progress and fall of Italian freedom. London: 1832. 8vo. pp. 378. SKELTON (J.). Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate To King Henry the VHIth. . . . London : Printed for C. Davis in Pater-noster Row. MDCCXXXVI. I2U10. pp. xiv, 294. The Sketch-Dook. See Irving, W. Sketches from Venetian History. See Smedley. SKETCHES of Obscure Poets, with Specimens of Their Writ- ings. [By R. A. Davenport.] London: 1833. i2mo. pp. 208. Roberts, William Isaac. Bruce, Michael. Millhouse, Robert. Brown, James. Rushton, Edward. Franklin, Robert. Holland, Joseph. Story, Robert. Mitford, John. Hall, William. Crocker, Charles. Milne, Christian. Tannahill, Robert. Hutton, William. LIBRARY. 321 "Sketchley, Arthur." See Rose, G. The SKY-LARK: a choice selection of the most admired popular Songs, heroic, plaintive, sentimental, humourous, and bacchanalian. Arranged for the Violin, Flute, and Voice. London: [1825] i2ino. pp. x, 322. Slang Dictionary, See Hotten, J. C. SLATER (Samuel). Poems in Two Parts. First, An Inter- locutory Discourse concerning the Creation, Fall, and Recov- ery of Man. Secondly, A Dialogue between Faith and a doubting Soul. By Samuel Slater. Licensed, March 26th, 1679. London: Printed for Tho. Cockeril at the Three Legs in the Poultry, 1679. i6mo. pp. (4), 64, (7), 52. Slave Question. See Ambrose, P. [SMEDLEY (Edward)]. Sketches from Venetian History. London: John Murray, MDCCCXXXI- 2 vols. i2mo. pis. SMITH (Adam). The Theory of Moral Sentiments; or, an essay towards an analysis of the principles by which men naturally judge concerning the conduct and character, first of their neighbours and afterwards of themselves. To which is added, A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. New edition. With a biographical and critical memoir of the author, by Dugald Stewart. London: 1853. 121110. pp. 538. SMITH (Alexander). Poems by Alexander Smith. Third edition. London: MDCCCLIV. i6mo. pp. 248. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Poems. Boston: M DCCC uv. i2tno. pp. 190. City Poems. By Alexander Smith, author of "A Life Drama and Other Poems." Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. 1857. i2ino. pp. 190. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. City Poems. Boston: M DCCC LVII. i2ino. pp. 138. port. Edwin of Deira by Alexander Smith. Cambridge: 1861. 121110. pp. 185. fc** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Dreamthorp: a book of essays written in the country. Boston: 1864. 121110. pp. 299. Alfred Hagart's Household. Boston : 1865, 8vo. pp. 240. 322 GRAHAM \ SMITH (Alfred Charles). The Attractions of the Nile and Its Banks. London: 1868. 2 vols. I2mo. pis. SMITH (C. J.). Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages conspicuous in English History, from the reign of Richard the Second to that of Charles the Second; with Some Illustrious Foreigners; containing many passages from important letters. Engraved under the direction of Charles John Smith. Accompanied by concise biographical memoirs, and interesting extracts from the original documents; by John Gough Nichols. London: 1829. Fo. pp. xiv, (130). 55 P ls - Historical and Literary Curiosities consisting of fac- similes of original documents; scenes of remarkable events and interesting localities; and the birthplaces, residences, portraits and monuments of eminent literary characters; with a variety of reliques and antiquities connected with the same subjects. Selected and engraved by Charles John Smith. London: MDCCCXLVII. 4to. pp. (2), viii, (89). 94 pis. SMITH (George). A Collection of Designs for Household Furniture and Interior Decoration, in the most approved and elegant taste; with various designs for rooms, geometrical and in perspective, shewing the decorations, adjustment of the fur- niture, &c. Also some general observations, and a description of each plate. Engraved on 158 plates, from original draw- ings. By George Smith, Upholsterer Extraordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. London: 1808. 4to. PP- 33. 158- pis. SMITH (Goldwin). See Oxford Essays. SMITH (Horace and James). Rejected Addresses: or, The New Theatrum Poetarum. From the twenty-second London edition, carefully revised, with an original preface and notes by the Authors. Boston: M uccc LI. 121110. pp. 191. [SMITH (Horace)]. Horace in London: Consisting of Imi- tations of the first two books of The Odes of Horace. By the authors of Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Fourth Edition. London: 1815. i6mo. pp. 127. [ ]. The Tin Trumpet; or, Heads and Tails for the Wise and Waggish. A new American edition, with alterations and additions. New York: 1859. 121110. pp. 262. LIBRARY. 323 SMITH (H. W.). Nuts For Future Historians to Grack. Collected by Horace W. Smith. Philadelphia: 1856. 8vo. pp. (2), 90. SMITH (Horatio). Festivals, Games, and Amusements. Ancient and Modern. With additions, by Samuel Wood worth. New- York: 1831. i6mo. pp. 355. pis. SMITH (J. F. D.). Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de 1'Ame'ri- que, fait en 1784; Con tenant une description de sa Situation presente, de sa Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Con tu tries et Mceurs de ses Habitans, des Nations indiennes, et des prin- cipales Villes et Rivieres, avec quelques Anecdotes surplusieurs Membres du Congre"s et Officiers generaux de 1'armee Ameri- caine. Par J. F. D. Smith. Traduit de 1'Anglois par M. de B . . . . 'Tome Premier. A Paris, Chez Buisson, Imprimeur et Libraire rue Haute-Feuille, No. 20. 1791. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xii, 206, (4), 272. SMITH (J. J. and J. F. WATSON). American Historical and Literary Curiosities; consisting of Fac-Similes of Original Documents Relating to the Events of the Revolution, &c. &c. With a variety of Reliques, Antiquities and Modern Auto- graphs. Collected and edited by J. Jay Smith, and John F. Watson. Fifth edition, with additions. New York : 1852. Fo. 66 lithographic pis. SMITH (John Pye). The Relation between The Holy Scrip- tures and some parts of Geological Science. Fifth edition. With a short sketch of the literary life of the author, by John Hamilton Davies. London: MDCCCLIV. I2mo. pp. 468. [SMITH (Seba)]. Jack Downing's Letters. By Major Jack Downing. Philadelphia: 1845. 8vo. PP- IT 9- SMITH (Sydney). The Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith. Boston: 1854. rl. 8vo. pp. 480. port. [ ] Letters on the subject of The Catholics, to My Brother Abraham, who lives in the country. By Peter Plym- ley. Twenty-first Edition. London: 1838. 8vo. pp. 194. Wit and wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith, being selections from his writings and passages of his letters and table-talk with a biographical memoir and notes By Evert A. Duyckinck New York : 1856 i2mo. pp. 458. port, and facsim. 324 GRAHAM SMITH (William). Histoire de la Nouvelle-York, depuis la Decouverte de Cette Province Jusqu'a Notre Siecle, Dans laquelle on rapporte les demeles qu'elle a eus avec les Canadiens & les Indiens ; les Guerres qu'elle a soutenues contre ces Peuples; les Traites & les- Alliances qu'elle a faits avec eux, &c. On y a joint Une Description Geographique du Pays, & une Histoire Abre'ge'e de ses Habitans, de leur Religion, de leur Gouvernement Civil & Ecclesiastique, &c. Par William Smith. Traduite de 1'Anglois par M. E. * * * A Londres. M. DCC. LXVII. i6mo. pp. xvi, 415. [SMITH (Rev. William)]. Relation / Historique / de / 1'Expe"- dition, / contre / Les Indiens de 1' Ohio /en MDCCLXIV. / Com- mandee par le Chevalier Henry Bouquet, Co- / lonel d'lnfan- terie, & ensuite Brigadier-General en / Amerique; contenant ses Transactions avec les In-/diens, relativement a la delivrance des prisonniers / & aux Preliminaires de la Paix; avec un Recit/ introductoire de la Campagne precedente de 1'an 1763, / & de la Bataille de Bushy-Run. / On y a joint des Memoires Militaires contenant des / Reflexions sur la guerre avec les Sauvages; une Me- / thode de former des e*tablissemens sur la Frontiere : / quelques details concernant la contree des Indiens: avec une liste de nations, combattans, villes, distan-/ces, & diverses routes. / Le tout enrichi de Cartes & Tailles-douces. / Traduit de 1'Anglois, / Par C. G. F. Dumas./ A Amsterdam, / Chez Marc-Michel Rey, / M.DCC.LXIX. / 8vo. pp. xvi, 147, (10). 3 pis. and 3 maps. SMITH (William). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geog- raphy. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood. ' Boston: . 1854- 2 vols. 8vo. maps. SMOLLETT (Tobias). The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smollett, Complete in one Volume, with Memoir of the Author, by Thomas Roscoe. New Edition, illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: 1853. 8vo. pp. 966. port. The Comical Adventures of Roderick Random and his Friend Strap, With their Voyage to South America, &c. Adorned with curious Copper-Plates. London: Printed for H. 'Turpin, at No. 104, St. John's-Street, West-Smithfield. 1776. And sold by J. Bew, No. 28, and Fielding and Walker, No. 20. in Pater-noster-Row; and S. Chandler, No. i, Holborn-Bars. (Price bound six-pence.) sq. 32010. pp. 119. pis. LIBRARY. 325 SMOLLETT (Tobias). See Hume, J. SMYTH (Mrs. A. G.)]. Olympia Morata, Her Times, Life and Writings, arranged from contemporary and other authorities. Second edition. London : 1834. I2mo. pp. 383. pis. and music. SMYTH (William). Lectures on Modern History; from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution. London: 1854. 2 vols. I2mo. SOAMES, StrW. See Boileau. SOCIETE DES AQUA-FORTISTES. Eaux-Fortes Modernes Origi- nales et inedites Deuxieme anne. Deuxie"me Volume 1863- 1864. Public par Cadart & Luquet, Editeurs. Paris: [n. d.] Ig. Fo. pp. (4), 61. pis. SOCIETE EVANGIJLIQUE DE FRANCE. Assembles Generale de la Societe Evangelique de France Trente-troisieme Anni- versaire. Paris 1866. 8vo. pp. 54. Societes Secretes. See Washington, G. SOCRATES SCHOLASTICUS. The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, surnamed Scholasticus, or the advocate. Compris- ing a History of the Church, in seven books, from the accession of Constantine, A. D. 305, to the 38th year of Theodosius II., including a period of 140 years. -Translated from the Greek: with some account of the author, and notes selected from Valesius. London: MDCCCLIII. i2mo. pp. 449. SOLIS (Don Antonio de). Historia / de la Conqvista / de Mexico, / Poblacion, Y Progresses / de la America Septentri- onal, / conocida por el nombre / de Nveva Espana. / Escriviala / Don Antonio de Solis, / Secretario de su Magestad, y su Chronista / mayor de las Indias. / Y la pone a los pies del / Rey Nvestro Senor, / por mano del / Excelentissimo Seiior / Conde de Oropesa. / En Madrid. / En la Imprenta de Bernardo de Villa- Diego, Impressor de su Magestad. / Ano M. DC. LXXXIV. Fo. pp. (32), 548, (16). Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne. Traduite de 1'Espagnol de Don Antoine de Solis. A Paris, Chez Antoine Dezallier, rue Saint Jacques, a la Couronne d'Or. M. DC. xci. Avec Privilege dv Roy. 4to. pp. (30), 630. pis. and map. *** Portrait of the author inserted. 326 GRAHAM Sous (Don Antonio de). A History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. In two volumes. Translated into English from the original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis, Secretary and Historiographer to his Catholick Majesty, by Thomas Townsend; . . . The whole translation revised and corrected by Nathanael Hooke. London: Printed for John Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Paternoster Row. M. DCC. xxxvin. 2 vols. 8vo. port., pis. and maps. SOME Remarks On a late Letter to Thomas Burnet, Esq. ; Said to be Written by a Son of Dr. Beach. In a Letter to the Author of that Pamphlet. London: Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Paternoster-Row; and Sold at the Pamphlet Shops in London and Westminster. M.DCC.XXXVI. Price 6 d. 8vo. pp. 36. Something New on Men. See Hake, Mrs. L. SOPHOCLES. The Tragedies of Sophocles: in English Prose. The Oxford translation. New edition, revised according to the text of Dindorf. London: MDCCCXLIX. 8vo. pp. 339. port. SoRET (H.). Histoire du Conflit Americain de ses causes, de ses resultats. Tarbes: 1863. 8vo. pp. 46. SouLES (Frangois). Histoire / des Troubles / de / 1' Amerique Anglaise, / Ecrite sur les Memoires les plus autheutiques;/ De"diee / a Sa Majeste* Tres-Chretienne; / Tome Premier. / Avec des Cartes. / . . . / A Paris, / Chez Buisson, Libraire, Hotel de Mesgrigny, / rue des Poitevins, No. 13. / 1787. 4 vols. 8vo. PP- (8), 379, ( 6 ); (4), 3 6 5I (4), 420; (4), 272, 43. 3 maps. "Southern Lady." See Woes of War. SOTJTHEY (Robert). Poems:/ containing/ The Retrospect,/ odes, elegies, sonnets, &c. / By /Robert Lovell, /and / Robert Southey, / of Baliol College, Oxford./. . ./Bath, Printed by R. Cruttwell, / and sold by / C. Dilly, Poultry, London. / M DCC xcv. / i2mo. pp. viii, 131. The Life of Nelson. Boston: 1866. i6mo. pp. 324. The Doctor, &c. Edited by his son-in-law, John Wood Warter. New edition, complete in one volume. London : 1849. 8vo. pp. 694. ports, and pi. The Poetical Works of Robert Southey. Collected by himself. A new edition, including "Oliver Newman and LIBRARY. 327 other poems" now first published. Illustrated with eight fine steel engravings from drawings by Kenny Meadows, Corbould, Westall, and Middleton. New York: MDCCCXLVIII.. rl. 8vo. pp. 841. port, and 7 pis. SOUTHEY (Robert). The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Sou they. New York: MDCCCLI. 8vo. pp. 579. port. See Cottle Jones, J. SOUTHWELL (Robert). The Poetical Works of the Rev,, Robert Southwell, now first completely edited by William B.. Turnbull. London: 1856. lamo. pp. 168. SOVICHE (Doctenry). Lettre au Courrier de Saint-Etienne sur 1' Intervention Franchise au Mexique Saint-Etienne 1862 8vo. PP- 93- SOYER (A.). The Pantropheon or, History of Food, And its Preparation, from the earliest ages of the world. Embellished with forty-two steel plates, illustrating the greatest gastronomic marvels of antiquity. London : MDCCCLHI. 8vo. pp. 474. port, and pi. SOZOMENUS (S. H.). The Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen, comprising a History of the Church, from A. D. 324 to A. D. 440. Translated from the Greek: with a memoir of the author. Also the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius, as epitomised by Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople. Translated by Ed- ward Walford. London: MDCCCLV. i2mo. pp. 536. SPARKS (Jared). The Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from His Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers; detailing events in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and in the political history of the United States. Boston: 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. port. The Life "of Benjamin Franklin; containing the auto- biography, with notes and continuation. Boston: 1845. 8vo. pp. 612. ports, and pis. Correspondence of the American Revolution; being letters of eminent men to George Washington, from the time of his taking command of the army to the end of his Presidency. Edited from the original manuscripts by Jared Sparks. Bos- ton: 1853. 4 v l s - 8vo. 328 GRAHAM Specimens of British Poetesses. See Dyce, A. Specimens of Early English . . . Romances. See Ellis, G. SPENCE (Elizabeth Isabella). Sketches of the Present Man- ners, Customs, and Scenery of Scotland, with incidental remarks on the Scottish character. London: 1811. 2 vols. I2mo. SPENSER (Edmund). The Works of Edmund Spenser. With a Selection of Notes from Various Commentators; and a Glos- sarial Index: To which is prefixed, some account of the life of Spenser, by the Rev. Henry John Todd. London: 1852. rl. 8vo. pp. 562. port. Spirit of the Farmer 1 s Museum. See Dennie, J. SPOONER (Edward). Parson and People; or, Incidents in the Every-Day Life of a Clergyman. From the second London edition, with an introduction, by An American Clergyman. [Leonard Woolsey Bacon.] New York: 1865. I2ino. pp. 260. pi. SPOONER (Shearjashub). A Biographical and Critical Dic- tionary of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects from ancient to modern times: with the monograms, ciphers and marks used by distinguished artists to certify their works. New York: 1853. rl. 8vo. pp. 1131. port, and pi. SPORTORNO (G. B.). Memorials of Columbus: or A Collec- tion of Authentic Documents of That Celebrated Navigator, now first published from the original manuscripts, by order of the Decurions of Genoa; preceded by A Memoir of His Life and Discoveries. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. London: 1823. 8vo. PP- c ^ x ) 255. port, pi. and 2 facsim. SPRAGUE (W. B.). See Alexander, J. W. SPRAT (Thomas). See Waller. SPRENGEL (M. E.). Geschichte der Revolution von Nord- America. Frankenthal, Ludwig Bernhard Friederich Gegel. 1785. 8vo. pp. (10), 272, map. *% Contains a three page list of books on America, from which the author compiled his account. SQUIRE (Peter). Companion to the last edition of the British Pharmacopoeia, comparing the strength of its various prepara- tions with those of the London, Edinburgh, Dublin, United LIBRARY. 329 States, and other foreign pharmacopoeias. With practical hints on prescribing. Eighth Edition. London: MDCCCLXXI. 8vo. pp. 397. STACQUEZ (Ifacteur). L'Egypte la Basse Ntibie et le Sinai. Relation d'apres des notes tenues pendant le voyage que Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Due de Brabant fit dans ces centres, en 1862 et 1863, par le Docteur Stacquez. Liege: 1865. 8vo. pp. 390. pis. STAEL-HOLSTEIN (A. L. G. Neckar, Baronne de). Corinne ou 1' Italic. Paris, 1850. 121110. pp. 495. port. [Same.] Paris: 1866. 121110. pp. 495. port. Delphine. Nouvelle edition. Preceded d' line preface, par M. Sainte-Beuve. Paris 1851. i2mo. pp. 640. STANLEY (George). A classified synopsis of the principal Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, their scholars, imitators and analogists. Including an account of some of the Early German Masters, connected with those of Flanders and Holland. London: MDCCCLV. i2ino. pp. 416. STANSBURY (J.). See Odell, J. Star Spangled Banner. See Key, F. S. STAUNTON (Howard). The Chess-Player's Companion; com- prising a New Treatise on Odds, and a Collection of Games contested by the author with various distinguished players dur- ing the last ten years; including the Great French Match with Mons. St. Amant; to which are added a selection of new and instructive problems. London: 1870. 121110. pp. 510. pis. The Chess-Player's Handbook. A popular and scien- tific introduction to the Game of Chess, exemplified in games actually played by the greatest masters, and illustrated by nu- merous diagrams of original and remarkable positions. New Edition. London: 1870. I2ino. pp. 518. pi. Chess Praxis. A supplement to The Chess-Player's Handbook, containing all the most important modern improve- ments in the openings, illustrated by actual games; a revised code of chess laws; and a collection of Mr.-Morphy's matches, &c. , in England and France. London: 1871. 121110. pp. 622. The Chess Tournament. A collection of the games played at this celebrated assemblage, illustrated by copious 330 GR.AHAM diagrams, and notes, critical and explanatory. London: 1852. I2mo. pp. 377. STEARNS (J. F.). See Alexander, J. W. STEDMAN (Edmund C.). Alice of Monmouth. An Idyl of the Great War, with Other Poems. New York: M.DCCCLXIV I2ino. pp. 151. # * # A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Poems, Lyrical and Idyllic. By Edmund Clarence Stedman. News York: Charles Scribner, 124 Grand Street. 1860. 1 2 mo. pp. 196. #*# A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. STEELE (Sir Richard). The Tatler and Guardian, chiefly by Sir Richard Steele and Joseph Addison. And An Account of the Authors. By Thomas Babbington Macaulay. New York: 1852. 8vo. pp. 444, 244. pis. STEIN (Elias). Manuel de 1' Amateur du Jeu des Echecs, ou Nouvel Essai sur ce Jeu. Le tout revu et public avec 34 planches, Par Milbons. Paris [n. d.]. 12 mo. pp. 156. pis. STIELER (J.). Gallery of Beauties, a Collection of Thirty- eight Female Portraits in the Roya*l Palace at Munich, painted from life by order of H. M. King Lewis I. of Bavaria by Joseph Steiler, painter to H. M. the King and the Royal Family. Edited in reduced photographs. [Munich: 186-.] Sq. i2mo. Title, contents, and 28 photographs. STENHOUSE (William). Illustrations of the Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland. Originally compiled to accompany the "Scots Musical Museum," and now published separately, with Additional Notes and Illustrations. Edinburgh and London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. cxxxiv, 540, xxxiv. facsimile. STEPHENS (Mrs. Ann S.). The Old Homestead. New York: MDCCCLV. 8vo. pp. 435. [STERNE (Laurence).] The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pali- Mall, MDCCLXVII. 9 vols. i2mo. pi. ** Sterne's own copy, with his name in volumes v., vn., and ix. STERNHOLD(T.). The/ Whole Book / of /Psalmes:/ collected! into English meter / by Thomas Sternhold, / lohn Hopkins, / and others. / Conferred with the Hebrew: with / apt notes to sing" LIBRARY. 331 them withall / . . . /London, / Printed for the Companie of/ Stationers 1614. / 4to. fl.** Imperfect. STEVENS (G. A.). The Works of the late G. A. Stevens, Esq. Consisting of his celebrated Lecture On Heads, and Songs. A new and improved edition, To which is prefixed a Life of the Author. By W. H. Badham. London: 1823. i6mo. pp. 250. [STEVENS (Henry).] Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. To be sold by auction, By Messrs Puttick and Simpson, on Wednes- day, January 23, 1861, and Three following Days. 8vo. pp. 273- [STEVENSON (Mat.).] The / Wits: / or, / Poems & Songs / on / Various Occasions. / Made Publick for the Delight of / the In- genious. / By a Lover of the Muses. / London, / Printed for Donnan Newman, at the Kings / Armes in the Poultrey, 1685. i6mo. pp. (8), 126. STEWART (Lady C.). See Atholl. STEWART (Dugald). Elements of the Philosophy of the Hu- man Mind. In two parts. With references, sectional heads, synoptical table of contents, and translations of the numerous Greek, Latin, and French quotations, &c. By G. N. Wright. London: 1854. 8vo. pp. 602. STIRLING (J.). Letters from the Slave States. London: 1857. 8vo - PP- 374- ma P- STOCKHARDT (Julius Adolph). The Principles of Chemistry, illustrated by Simple Experiments. Translated from the Fifth German Edition. By C. H. Peirce. London: 1852. I2mo. pp. 520. STODDARD (Richard Henry). Foot-Prints. New York: 1849. 8vo. pp. 48. Poems. Boston: M DCCC LII. i2tno. pp. 127. Songs of Summer. Boston : M DCCC LVII. i2ino. pp. 229. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. The Loves and Heroines of the Poets. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. New York: MDCCCLXI. 4to. pp. 479, xviii. *** One volume extended to three by the insertion of the original MS. of 332 GRAHAM Mr. Stoddard, and many portraits and plates, a number of which are rare, unusually fine proof impressions, or on india-paper. STODDARD (Richard Henry). The King's Bell. London: 1864. i2ino. pp. 72. #*# Dedicated to Mr. Graham. The King's Bell. With illustrations by Alfred Fred- ericks. New York: M.DCCC. LXVI. i2mo. pp. 60. "Under Green Leaves." A Book of Rural Poems. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. New York: 1865. i2tno. pp. 96. pis. #** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Melodies and Madrigals; mostly From the Old Eng- lish Poets. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. New York: M DCCC LXVI. i2mo. pp. 206. The Book of the East, and Other Poems. Boston: 1871. i2mo. pp. 249. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. A second copy has inserted a letter from the author to " My Dear Lorri." (Editor). Bric-a-Brac series. New York: 1875-6. 10 vols. 161110. *** Namely: I. Personal reminiscences by Chorley, Planche", and Young. 1876. pp. xxiii, 297. II. Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. 1875. pp. xxiv, 305. III. Prosper Me'rime'e's letters to an incognita ; with recollections by La- martine and George Sand. 1875. pp. xvi, 350. IV. Personal reminiscences by Barham, Harness, and Hodder. 1875. pp. xvi, 335. V. The Greville memoirs. 1876. pp. xi, 346. VI. Personal reminiscences by Moore and Jerdan. 1875. pp. xvi, 293. VII. Personal reminiscences by Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes. 1876. pp. xvi, 339. VIII. Personal reminiscences by O'Keefe, Kelly, and Taylor. 1876. pp. xxi, 341. IX. Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. 1875. pp. xxii, 322- X. Personal reminiscences by Constable and Gillies. 1876. pp. xxx, 336. Vols. ii.-vn. are also here in another binding, and vi. and vn. have por- traits. STONOR (T. E.). Description of a copy of "Rationes Decem Campiani," printed at the private printing press, at Stonor, 1581. By the Hon. Thomas Edward Stonor. [London: 1854.] 8vo. pp. 6. ** Privately printed by Lord Houghton. LIBRARY. 333 STORER (J. and H. S.). Views in Edinburgh and its Vi- cinity; drawn and engraved by J. & H. S. Storer, exhibiting remains of Antiquity, Public Buildings, and Picturesque Scen- ery. Edinburgh: 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. pis. STORY (J.). ' Life and Letters of Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Dane Professor of Law at Harvard University. Edited by his son, William W. Story. Boston: 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. port. The Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story. Edited by his son, William W. Story. Boston: 1852. 8vo. pp. 828. STORY (W. W.).. Graffiti d' Italia. Edinburgh: MDCCCLXVIII. 121110. pp. 413. Story of Al Raoui. See Beckford, W. STOTHARD, T. See Shakespeare, W. STOW (John). The / Svrvay / of London: / Containing / The Originall, Antiquitie, Eucrease, and / more Moderne Estate of the sayd / Famous Citie. / As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasti- / call and Temporall) from time to time. / With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monu- ments, / and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about / the same Citie. / Written in the yeere 1598. By lohn Stow, / Citizen of London. / Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many / rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and / later memorie; such, as were neuer published before / this present yeere 1617. / London, / Printed by George Purslowe, dwelling at the East end of / Christs Church. 1618. / sin. 4to. pp. (12), 980, (4). *% Portrait of the author inserted. STOWE (Harriet Beecher). Dred; a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Boston: 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. Agnes of Sorrento. London: M. DCCC. LXVII. i2mo. PP- 352- STRABO. The Geography of Strabo.- Literally translated, with notes. The first six books by H. C. Hamilton. The re- mainder by W. Falconer. London: MDCCCLIV. 3 vols. 8vo. **# Vol. I. only. STRAFFORD (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of ). Private Letters from the Earl of .Strafford to his Third Wife. [London: 1854.] 8vo. pp. 24. # * # Privately printed by Lord Houghton. 334 GRAHAM STRANGE (Robert). An address delivered before the Peithes- sophian and Philoclean Societies of Rutgers College. New Brunswick: 1840. 8vo. pp. 36. Stratford Gallery. See Palmer, H. L. STRAZNICKY (E. R.). Catalogue of the Library of the Amer- ican Geographical and Statistical Society. Compiled by E. R. Straznicky. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 32. STREET (George Edmund). Some Account of Gothic Archi- tecture in Spain. Second edition. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 527. pis. STRODTMANN (A.). Die Arbeiterdichtung in Frankreich. Ausgewahlte Lieder franzosischer Proletarier. Nebst einem Anhang Victor Hugo'scher Zeitgedichte. London [186-]. I2mo. pp. Iv, 234. Lothar. Zeitarabesken. Philadelphia: 1853. J 6mo. pp. 1 06. H. Heine's Leben und Werke. Berlin: 1867- 2 vols. 8vo. STRUTHERS (John). Poems Moral and religious. Glasgow: 1814. 2 vols. i6mo. port. #** A presentation copy from the author. STRUTT (Joseph). The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England: containing the Representations of All the English Monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; and of many persons that were eminent under their several reigns; on sixty copper plates, engraved by the author: with a supplement containing twelve plates. The whole Carefully Collected from Ancient Illuminated Manuscripts. By Joseph Strutt. A new and improved edition, with critical and explanatory notes, by J. R. Planche". London: MDCCCXUI. 4to. pp. 152. pis. and ports. STUART (Carlos D.). lanthe: and Other Poems. New York: 1843. i2ino. pp. 222. [STUART, G.]. Lettre an Comte De Bute, A 1' occasion de la retraite de M. Pitt, & sur ce qui peut en re"sulter par rapport a la Paix. Traduit de PAnglois sur la troisime edition. A Londres: MDCCLXI. I2ino. pp. in. STUBBS (W.) and G. TALMASH. The Crown Circuit Com- LIBRARY. panion. The Sixth Edition, with several Additions, Improve- ments, and modern References. By Thomas Dogherty. Dub- lin: M.DCC.XCI. 8vo. The Student. See Bulwer Lytton. STURM (Christopher C.). Reflections on the Being and At- tributes of God, and on His Works, both in Nature and Provi- dence, For every Day in the Year. Corrected, translated, ar- ranged, and greatly enlarged, by Adam Clarke. London: 1859. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. SUARCE (Baron de). Le Monitor et Le Merrimac. Paris: 1862. 8vo. pp. 23. map. SUCKLING (Sir JOHN). Fragmenta Aurea. / A Collection of all / the / Incomparable Peeces, /written / By Sir John Svckling. / And published by a Friend to perpetuate / his memory. / Printed by his owne Copies. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Mosely, and are to be /sold at his shop, at the Signe of the Prin- / ces Armes in St Pauls Churchyard. / MDCXLVI. / sm. 8vo. pp. (6), 119, (6), 82, 64, (4), 52. # * # Each part and each play has a separate title-page. The first edition. The Works / of / Sir John Suckling. / Containing / All his / Poems, / Plays, / Letters, &c. / Published by / His Friends (from his own Copies) / to perpetuate his Memory. / London, / Printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the / Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1676. / i2ino. *** This is a general title-page to a collected ^et of Suckling's publications, and each part has a special title, as follows : Fragmenta / Avrea. / A Collection of all / the / Incomparable Pieces / writ- ten / By Sir John Suckling / And published by a Friend to perpe- / tuate his Memory. / Printed by his own Copies. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold / at his Shop at the sign of the Princes Arms / in St. Pauls Church-yard. / 1648. / I2mo. 2ll. Poems / &c. / Written by / Sir John Suckling. / Printed by his own Copy. / The Lyrick Poems were set in / Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes, Gent, of the / Kings Chappel, and one of His / Majesties Private Musick. / London, / Printed by Tho. Warren for Humphry Mosely, and are /to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the / Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard, / 1648. / I2mo. PP- 55- Letters / To divers Eminent / Personages : / Written on several Occasions / By / Sir John Suckling. / Printed by his own Copy. / London. / Printed for Humphrey Mosely at the Prince's Arms / in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1658. / I2mo. pp. 59-112. 336 GRAHAM An / Account /of / Religion / by / Reason / A discourse upon Occasion pre- / sented to the Earl of Dorset : / by / Sir John Suckling. / Printed by his own Copy. / London. / Printed for Humphrey Mosely, at the Prince's Arms / in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1658. / I2mo. pp. 117-135. Aglaura. / Presented at the Private-House / in / Black Fryers, / By his Majesties Servants. / Written by / Sir John Suckling. / London. / Printed for Humphrey Mosely at the Prince's Arms / in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1658. / 121110. pp. 82. The / Goblings / A Comedy. / Presented at the Private House in / Black- Fryers, by His Majesties / Servants. / Written. / By Sir John Suckling. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold / at his shop, at the sign 'of the Princes / Arms in St. Pauls Churchyard 1658. / 121110. pp. 1-12 and 81-134. Brennoralt / a / Tragedy. / Presented at the Private-House / in / Black- Fryers. / By his Majesties Servants. / Written by / Sir John Suckling. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Mosely, at the Princes Arms, / in St. Pauls Churchyard. 1658. / I2mo. pp. (i36)-i9O. The Last / Remains / of / Sir John Suckling. / Being a Full / Collection / Of all his / Poems and Letters / Which have been so long Expected, and / never till now Published. / With / The License and Approbation of his / Noble and Dearest / Friends. / London : / Printed for Humphrey Mosely, at the Princes / Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1659. / I2tno. pp. 37. Letters / to / Several Persons / of / Honor. / By / Sir John Suckling. / Lon- don, / Printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's Arms / in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1659. / izmo. pp. 19. The / Sad One. / A / Tragedy. / By / Sir John Suckling. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms / in St. Pauls Church- yard. 1659. / I2ino. pp. (5), 40. SUCKLING (Sir].). The Works of Sir John Suckling. Con- taining his Poems, Letters, and Plays. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's Head, over against Katharine- street in theStrand. 1719. i6mo. pp. (10), 420. port. # * # Leigh Hunt's copy, with several MS. notes in his handwriting. The Works of Sir John Suckling, containing his Poems, Letters, and Plays. London: MDCCLXX. 2 vols. i6mo. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (Cains). The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. By C. Suetonius Tranquillus; to which are added, his Lives of the Grammarians, Rhetoricians, and Poets. The trans- lation of Alexander Thomson, revised and corrected by T. For- ester. London: MDCCCLV. 8vo. pp. 557. Suite des Observations. See Cerisier. Sulpicia. See Juvenalis. "Sulpicius." See Cobbett, W. A SUMMARY View of the Millennial Church, or United So- LIBRARY. 837 ciety of Believers, commonly called Shakers. Comprising the rise, progress and practical order of the society. Together with the General Principles of Their Faith and Testimony. Second edition, revised and improved. Republished by the United Society, with the approbation of the ministry. Albany: 1848. 121110. pp. 384. SUMNER (Charles). The National Security and the National Faith; Guarantees for the National Freedman and the National Creditor. Speech at the Republican State Convention, in Wor- cester, September 14, 1865. Boston: 1865. 8vo. pp. 21. The Promises of the Declaration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the municipal authorities of the City of Boston, June i, 1865. Boston: 1865. 8vo. pp. 67. The SUNNY SOUTH; or The Southerner at Home, embracing five years' experience of a northern governess in the Land of the Sugar and the Cotton. Edited by Professor J. H. Ingraham, of Mississippi. Philadelphia: 1860. 8vo. pp. 526. *%. A series of le'ters, signed "Kate C," being an abbreviation for Kate Conynghant Ingraham. SUPERVILLE (Daniel de). Siemens du Christianisme, on Abrege Des Veritez et des Devoirs de la Religion Chretienne; A 1' usage des plus petits Enfans. A Amsterdam, MDCCVIII. 161110. pp. 45. Les Veritez et les Devoirs de la Religion Chretienne; on Catechisme, Pour 1' Instruction de la Jeunesse. A Amster- dam, MDCCVIII. ibmo. pp. 387. *% The author was a Walloon minister at Rotterdam. [SuRGY, (J. P. Rousselot de.)] Histoire / naturelle et politique / de la / Pensylvanie, / et / de 1'Etablissement / des Quakers / dans Cette Contree. / Traduite de I'Allemand. / P. M. D. S. Cen- seur Royal. / Precedee d'une Carte Geographique. / A Paris, / Chez Ganeau, Libraire, rue S. Severin, /aux Armes de Dombes. / M. DCC LXVIII. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. i6mo. pp. xx, 372, 4. map. *% Compiled from Kalm and Miltelberger. SURREY (Henry Howard, Earl of). Poetical Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Minor Contemporaneous Poets and Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst. Edited by Robert Bell London: 1854. I2ino. pp. 284. minor poets are Lord Vaux, Grimoald and " uncertain authors." 338 GRAHAM SWAINSON (C.) A Handbook of Weather Folk-lore. Being a collection of proverbial sayings in various languages relating to the weather, with explanatory and illustrative notes. Edin- burgh: MDCCCLXXIII. i2mo. pp. 275. The SWAN Tripe-Club: a Satyr, on the High-Flyers; In the Year 1705. London: Printed and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1710. 8vo. pp. 16. SWEDEN. See Actes. SWEET'S British Warblers. See Bechstein. SWIFT (Jonathan). The Works of Jonathan Swift. Con- taining Interesting and Valuable Papers not hitherto Published. With a Memoir of the Author by Thomas Roscoe. London: 1851- 2 vols. 8vo. port. Voyages de Gulliver Dans des Gentries Lointaines. Par Swift. Traduction nouvelle precedee d'une notice par Wal- ter Scott. Illustrations par J. J. Granville. Paris: M DCCC LXXIIL 8vo. pp. 508. SWINBURNE (Algernon. Charles). Atalanta in Calydon. A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: 1866. 1 2 mo. pp. xiv, 130. .*# A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Atalanta in Calydon, A Tragedy. Boston: 1866. i6mo. pp. 113. Chastelard; A Tragedy. London: 1866. 161110. pp. 219. x*# A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Chastelard. A Tragedy. New York: 1866. i6mo. pp. 178. Notes on Poems and Reviews. London: 1866. 8vo. pp. 23. *** A portrait inserted. The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. London: 1866. i2mo. pp. 217. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Mr. Graham has written on a fly leaf ''This is the last copy of the Queen Mother and Rosa- mond to be found in London." The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. Second Edition. London: 1868. 161110. pp. 233. LIBRARY. 339 SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles). The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. Boston: 1866. 121110. pp. 232, Poems and Ballads. London: 1866. 121110. pp. 344. # % Contains two title pages, one having the imprint of Edward Moxon, and the second that of J. C. Hotten. A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Poems and Ballads. London: 1866. I2ino. pp.344. A Song of Italy. London: 1867. i2mo. pp.66. William Blake. A Critical Essay. With illustrations from Blake's designs in facsimile, coloured and plain. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 304. Songs Before Sunrise. London: 1871. I2ino. pp. 287. Under the Microscope. London: 1872. 121110. pp.88. Both well: A Tragedy. Second Edition. London: 1874. 121110. pp. 532. # *jj. A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. In the " Graham Memorial ' is printed a poem by Swinburne on the death of Mr. Graham. SWINTON (William). The Monitor and the Merrimac, from "The twelve Decisive Battles of the War," by William Swin- ton. [n. p.]: 1867. 8vo. pp. 27. Swiss Family Robinson, See Wyss, J. D. SYMONDS (John Addington). Sketches in Italy and Greece. London: 1874. 8vo. pp. Sv\V\ 1 (C. K.). See Tuckerman. Table Ronde. See Lesser, A. C. de. Table Talk.Stz Moir, G. TACITUS (Cains Cornelius). The Works of Tacitus. The Oxford Translation, Revised. With Notes. London: 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. TAINE(H.). De 1' Intelligence. Deuxieme edition. Paris: 1870 2 vols. 8vo. Italy. Naples and Rome. Translated from the French by]. Durand. London: 1867. 8vo. pp. 356. Tales of a Traveller. See Irving, W. Tales of the Genii. See Horam. TALFOURD (T. Noon). Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Third American Edition. With additional articles never be- fore published in this country. Boston: 1854. 8vo. pp. 176. port. TALLIS'S Scripture Natural History for Youth. London: [n. d.]. 4 vols. 121110. pis. *** Vols III. and iv. are by W. I. Bicknell. TALMASH, (G.). See Stnbbs, W. TANCOCK (O. W.). An English Grammar and Reading Book. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Oxford: M DCCC LXXIV. i6mo. pp. 332. TANNAHILL, (Robert). Poems & Songs, Chiefly in the Scotish Dialect. A notice respecting the life and writings of the author is prefixed. Fourth edition, with considerable addi- tions. London: 1817. 121110. pp. 288. TAPPAN (Henry P.). The Growth of Cities: a Discourse de- livered before the New York Geographical Society, on the even- ing of March I5th, 1855. New York: 1855. vo. pp. 50. TASSO (Torquato). Aminta, / Favola Boscareccia / di / Tor- quato Tasso. / In AnTsterdam, nella Stamperia del S. D. Elsevier, / Et in Parigi si vende/ Appresso Thomaso Jolly, / Nel Palazzo. M. DC. LXXVIII. / 321110. pp. 85. pis. (340) LIBRARY. 341 TASSO (Torqnato). Opere. Milano : Dalla Societa Tipo- grafica de' Classici Italiani. MDCCCXXirr- 5 vols. 8vo. port.' *% Contents : Vol. I. n. La Gerusalemme Liberata. in. Discorsi del Poema Eroico e Rettere Poetiche [di] Tasso e d' Altri. iv. L'Armiuta e Rime Scelte. v. Prose Scelte. La Gerusalemme Liberata di Torqnato Tasso. Tomo I. Pisa : Dalla Tipografia Delia Societav Letteraria. MDCCCVII. 2 vols. Fo. port. Jerusalem Delivree, Poeme dti Tasse, traduit de 1'Italien; nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. A Paris: 1823. 2 vols. i6mo. The Jerusalem Delivered of Torqnato Tasso. Trans- lated into English Spenserian Verse, with a Life of the Author. By J. H. WifFen. Fifth Edition. London: MDCCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 500. port, and pis. TASSONI i(Alessandro). La Secchia Rapita. Pisa : Dalla Tipografia Delia Societa Letteraria. MDCCCXI. . Fo. pp. 303. TATK (N.). A Congratulatory Poem to His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark, Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, upon the Glorious Successes at Sea. By N. Tate, Esq; Poet-Laureat to Her Majesty. To which is added A Happy Memorable Song, on the Fight near Audenarde, between the Duke of Marlborough and Vendome, &c. London: Printed by Henry Hills, in Black- fryars, near the Water-side. 1708. 8vo. pp. 16. TAYLOR (Arthur). The Glory of Regality: an Historical Treatise of the Anointing and Crowning of the Kings and Queens of England. London: 1820. 8vo. pp. 424. TAYLOR (Bayard). A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs. Boston: M DCCC LIT. i2tno. pp. 153. Poems of The Orient. Fourth edition. Boston: M DCCC LV. 1 21110. pp. 203. ** # A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Poems of Home and Travel. Boston: M DCCC LV. I2ino. pp. 253. *** A. presentation copy from the author to Mr., Graham. A Journey to Central Africa, or Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the Negro Kingdoms of the White Nile. With a Map and Illustrations by the Author. Tenth edition. New- York: 1857. 121110. pp. 522. port. 342 GRAHAM TAYLOR (Bayard). At Home and Abroad; a Sketch-Book of Life, Scenery and Men. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 500. pis. a.* # This and the following eight titles form part of the collected "Prose Writings" of the author. Views A- Foot; or, Europe Seen With Knapsack and Staff. Caxton edition, revised. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 506. pi. At Home and Abroad: a Sketch-Book of Life, Scenery and Men. Second Series. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 509. pis. Eldorado; or, Adventures in the Path of Empire: com- prising a voyage to California, via Panama; life in San Fran- cisco and Monterey; pictures of the Gold Region, and experi- ences of Mexican travel. Eighteenth edition. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 444. pi. A Journey to Central Africa; or Life and, Landscape from Egypt to the Negro Kingdoms of the White Nile. With a Map and Illustrations by the Author. Eleventh edition. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 522. A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853. Sixteenth edition. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 539. pi. The Lands of the Saracen: or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain. Twentieth Edition. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 451. pi. Northern Travel : Summer and Winter Pictures* Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland. New York: 1862. 8vo. pp. 436. port. ** # On the fly-leaf of this volume is written : "To James Lorimer Graham, Jr., these prose performances of one whose only literary aspiration is that of a Poet are presented by his friend, Bayard Taylor." New- York, Nov. 29, 1863. Travels in Greece and Russia, with an Excursion to- Crete. New York: 1863. 8vo. pp. 426. pi. Hannah Thurston: a Story of American Life. New York: 1863. 8vo. pp. 464. John Godfrey's Fortunes; related by himself. A Story of American Life. New York: 1865. i2ino. pp. 511. *% Dedicated to Mr. Graham in the following words: "To J Lorimer Graham, Jr., Esq., " New York. "My dear Graham, I owe it to your kindness that the mechanical labor LIBRARY. 343 of putting this book into words has been so greatly reduced as almost to be- come a pleasure. Hence you were much in my thoughts while I wrote, and I do not ask your permission to associate your name with the completed work." # * # In this copy is a MS. poem in the handwriting of the author, as follows: To Jas. Lorimer Graham, Jr. Why unto you this book is dedicate, Dear friend, is in my words but half expressed, Because I atn not one of those who prate Of guarded sanctities of brain or breast: That which I tell the world has lightest weight Your conscious heart will whisper you the rest. Your friend ever, Bayard Taylor. New- York. Christmas, 1864. TAYLOR (Bayard). The Poems of Bayard Taylor. Boston: 1865. 241110. pp. 419. port. #*# A pen and ink sketch of Taylor, made by Chas. A. Barry in 1864, is in- serted, and on a fly leaf the author has written : " For you, oh Graham, I place my name Between these portraits two: Whether the book deserveth fame, Or brings its author shame and blame, I hope 'twill pleasure you. Bayard Taylor." "Cedarcroft, Oct. 16, 1864." The Poems of Bayard Taylor. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. 1866. 121110. pp. 419. port. ** Contains a long presentation poem to Mr. Graham on the fly leaf in the handwriting of Taylor. The Picture of St. John. Boston: 1866. 12 mo. pp. 220. *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. [ ] The Golden Wedding: Joseph Taylor, Rebecca W. Taylor, October 15, 1868. Privately printed. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. [1868.] i6mo. pp. 32. **.. A memorial to the father and mother of Bayard Taylor, with a presen- tation note from the poet to Mr. Graham. By- Ways of Europe. New York: 1869. 12 mo. pp. 470. pi. Beauty and the Beast: and Tales of Home. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 340. The Masque of the Gods. By Bayard Taylor. Boston: 344 GRAHAM James R. Osgood and Company, Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co. 1872. 121110. pp. 47. **3. An autograph of the author on title, and on a fly leaf is written in Taylor's handwriting: "I give mine own first copy of 'The Masque of the Gods' to my old and true friend, Jas. Lorimer Graham. Florence, March i, 1873." TAYLOR (Bayard). Lars: a Pastoral of Norway. By Bayard Taylor. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, Late Ticknor & Fields, Osgood & Co. 1873. 121110. pp. 144. #*.*. A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874. London: 1875. I2mo. pp. 282. See Ripley, G. TAYLOR (Henry). Notes From Life in Seven Essays. Money. Humility & Independence. Wisdom. Choice in Marriage. Children. The Life Poetic. The Ways of the Rich and Great. From the Third London Edition. Boston: M DCCC Lin. 121110. pp. 197. Philip Van Artevelde. A dramatic romance. In two parts. Boston: 1870. 241110. pp. 456. TAYLOR (J. W.). Report on the Mineral Resources of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Washington: 1868. 8vo. pp. 71. TAYLOR (Jeremy). Holy Living and Dying, together with Prayers containing The Whole Duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and furnished for all necessities. New edition, carefully revised. London: MDCCO LIV. 121110. pp. 525. port. TAYLOR (Theodore). Charles Dickens'. The Story of his Life. With illustrations and facsimiles. (Second edition.) London, [n. d.] 121110. pp. 367. *% "Theodore Taylor" is a pseudonym of John Camden Hotten. Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life and Literary Labours, including a selec- tion from his characteristic speeches, now for the first time gathered together. By Theodore Taylor. To which is added In Memoriam By Charles Dickens, and A Sketch, by Anthony Trollope. With portrait and illustrations. New York: 1864. 8vo. pp. 242. LIBRARY. 345 Tea Table Miscellany. See Ramsay, A. "Tell Truth (John)." See Le Blanc. TEMPLE (R). See Miiller, M. TEMPLE (Neville) and Edward TREVOR. Tannhauser; or The Battle of the Bards. A Poem. Fourth edition. London: 1862. 121110. pp. 117. Temple of Fame. See Yalden. TENNEMANN (W. G.). A Manual of the History of Philoso- phy. Translated from the German. Revised, enlarged, and continued, by J. R. Morell. London: 1852. I2ino t pp. 532. [TENNYSON (Alfred)]. In Memoriam. Boston: M DCCC LII. 121110. pp. 216. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. By Alfred Tennyson, poet laureate. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1852. 8vo. pp. 16. Poems. In two volumes. A new edition. Boston: M DCCC LIII. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. port. Maud, and Other Poems. Boston: MDCCCLV. I2mo. pp. 1 60. Idyls of the King. Boston: M DCCC LIX. I2mo. pp. 227. Enoch Arden, &c. Boston: 1864. i2mo. pp. 204. Enoch Arden. Boston: 1865. I2mo. pp. 78. pis. *** A presentation copy from Bayard Taylor to Mr. Graham. Enoch Arden. Boston: 1865. 121110. pp. 58. pis. and port. Enoch Arden, &c. Boston: 1869. 24mo. pp. 136. The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson. Boston: 1868. 2 vol. 241110. port. Queen Mary: A Drama. London: 1875. i2mo. pp. 278. Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated by Gustave Dore*. London: Edward Moxon and Co. [n.d.j Fo. pp. $4. pi. Vivien, by Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. London: Edward Moxon and Co. 1867. Fo. pp. 49. pis. TERENTIUS AFER (Plubius). The Comedies of Terence, 346 GRAHAM and the Fables of Phsedrus. Literally translated into English Prose, with notes, by Henry Thomas Riley. To which is added a metrical translation of Phsedrus, by Christopher Smart. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 535. pi. TERNAUX-COMPANS (H.). Notice Historiqne sur la Guyane Franchise. Paris: 1843. 8vo. PP- y i"> I 9 2 - ^*3. The last twenty-two pages are a "Bibliographic de la Guyane Fran- aise." TERRINGTON (William). Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. A collection of recipes for "Cups" and Other Compounded Drinks and of general information on beverages of all kinds. London: 1869. I2mo. pp. 223. THACKERAY (William Makepeace). Ballads. Boston: M DCCC LVi. i2ino. pp. 228. The Four Georges: Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. With illustrations. London: M.DCCC.LXI.. I2ino. 8vo. pp. 226. **# Contains quotation from lyandor in Sala's handwriting, and his signa- ture. See Meadows. Thalatta See Longfellow, S. THELOALL (Simon). Le digest des Briefes originals, et des~ choses concernantseux, compose per Simon Theloall. Londini. In ^dibus Richardi Tottelli. Octobris decitno quarto. 1579. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. i6mo. pp. (16), 424. THEOCRITUS. The Idylls of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, and the War-Songs ' of Tyrtaeus. Literally translated into English Prose, by J. Banks. With metrical versions by J. M. Chapman. London: MDCCCLIII. 8vo. pp. 343. port. THEODORETUS and EVAGRIUS. A History of the Church. Translated from the Greek: with memoirs of the authors. London: MDCCCLIV. 12010. pp. 480. THEODOROS et Juarez. Paris: 1868. 8vo. pp. 30. THEOPHRASLUS. See La Bruyre. Theorie des Sentimens Agreables See Pouilly. THIERRY (Augustin). History of the Conquest of England by the Normans; Its causes and its consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, & on the Continent. Translated from the LIBRARY. 347 Seventh Paris edition, by William Hazlitt. London: MDCCC- XLVII. 2 vols. 121110. ports. THIERS (Adolph). Histoire du Consulat et de 1' Empire. Bruxelles: 1845- 6 vols. rl. 8vo. ports. The History of the French Revolution. Translated^ with notes and illustrations from the most authentic sources, by Frederick ShoberL With engravings. New York: M.DCCC.- UV. 4 vols. 8vo. ports, and pis. The Mississippi Bubble: a memoir of John Law. To which are added Authentic Accounts of the Darien Expedition, and the South Sea Scheme. Translated and edited by Frank S. Fiske. New York: 1859. I2mo. pp. 338. Discours prononces au Corps Legislatif Les 9 and io> juillet 1867 par M. Thiers sur Le Mexique. Tours: 1867. 121110. pp. 64. A THIRD Letter to Dr. Mead, concerning A New Edition of Thuanus's History. London: Printed by S. Buckley in Amen- Corner, 1730. 8vo. pp. 40. *"% The letter is signed: S. Buckley. THOMPSON (H.). History of Roman Literature; with an In- troductory Dissertation on the sources and formation of the Latin language. "Edited by Henry Thompson. Second Edi- tion, revised and enlarged. London: 1852. 8vo. pp. 462. pis. and ports. THOMSON (James). Spring. / A / Poem. / By Mr. Thomson. / . . . / London, / Printed : and sold by A. Millar, at Buchanan's / Head over-against St. Clement's Church in the Strand; /and G. Strahan, at the Golden Ball in Cornhill. / MDCCXXVIII. / 8vo. pp. 57, (2). #*# The first edition. Autumn. A Poem. By James Thomson. The Second Edition. London: Printed by N. Blandford, for J. Millan,. Bookseller near Whitehall. M DCC xxx. 8vo. pp. 72. The Seasons. By James Thomson. From the Chis- wick Press, by C. Whittingham. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry,. London: 1818. 161110. pp. 158. *** 5 1 plates inserted. The Poetical Works of James Thomson. With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. New York: M.DCCC.LIV. 8vo. pp. xx, 372. 348 GRAHAM THOMSON (R.). A Faithful Account of the Processions and Ceremonies Observed in the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England: exemplified in that of their late Most Sacred Majesties King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte: with all the other interesting proceedings connected with That Mag- nificent Festival. Embellished with Elegant Engravings. Edited by Richard Thomson. London: 1820. 8vo. pp. 99. 2 pis. and folding pis. THORNTON (Henry). Family Prayers, and Prayers on the Ten Commandments, &c. To which is added, a Family Com- mentary upon the Sermon on the Mount. Edited by Manton Eastburn. Twentieth thousand. New York: 1855. 121110. PP- 354- *** Also a copy of the edition of 1860. THORPE (B.). Yule-Tide Stories. A collection of Scandina- vian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions, from the Swedish, Danish, and German. Edited by Benjamin Thorpe. London: MDCCCLIII. 121110. pp. 504. [THORPE (Thomas)]. Autograph Catalogue. London: 1839.- 8vo. pp. 181. [Same.] 1840. 8vo. pp. 205. Three Courses and a Dessert See Clarke," W. THRING (Edward). The Elements of Grammar Taught in English; With Questions. New edition. London: 1872. 161110. pp. 136. THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides. A new and literal version, from the text of Arnold, collated with Bekker, Goller, and Poppo. By Henry Dale. London: MDCCCLIII-. 2 vols. 8vo. port. TIBULLUS. The Elegies and Epic Poem of Albius Tibullus, translated into English Verse. By Laurence Reynolds. Lon- don: 1841. 121110. pp. 272. ** # A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from George P. Philes. See Catullus. TIMES (John). Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis; with Nearly Fifty Years' Personal Recollections. London: MDCCCLV. 1 2 mo. pp. 800. port. LIBRARY. 349 ? TIMES (John). Things Not Generally Known, Familiarly Explained. A book for old and young. London: MDCCCLVI. 161110. pp. 247. pi. Knowledge for the Time: A Manual of reading, refer- ence, and conversation on subjects of living interest, useful curiosity, and amusing research. Illustrated from the best and latest authorities. London: M D ccc LXIV. 121110. pp. 294. pi. Notable Things of Our Own Time. A supplementary volume of ''Things Not Generally Known." London: M DCCC Lxviri. i2ino. pp. 246. Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls of England and Wales; their legendary lore, and popular history. London: [1870?] 2 vols. I2ino. pis. The Year- Book of Facts in Science and Art: exhibit- ing the most important discoveries and improvements of the past year in mechanics and the useful arts; natural philosophy; electricity; chemistry; zoology and botany; geology and miner- alogy; meteorology and astronomy. London: MDCCCLXXI. 161110. pp. 288. port. Clubs and Club Life in London. With anecdotes of its famous coffee houses, hostelries, and taverns, from the seven- teenth century to the present time. With numerous illustra- tions. London: [1872]. 121110. pp. 544. pis. Anecdote Lives of the Later Wits and Humourists: Canning, Captain Morris, Curran, Coleridge, Lamb, Charles Mathews, Talleyrand, Jerrold, Rogers, Albert Smith, Hood, Maginn, Thackeray, Dickens, Poole, Leigh Hunt, Father Front, etc. London: 1874. 2 vols. 121110. Tin Trumpet See Smith, Horace. TIRABOSCHT (G.). Storia Delia Letteratura Italiana di Giro- lamo Tiraboschi. Milano MDCCCXXII-. 16 vols. 8vo. port. TISSANDIER (Gaston). En Ballon Pendant le Siege de Paris. Souvenirs d'un aeronaute Paris 1871 121110. pp. 318. TITUS (SilasX Killing / no / Murder:/ Briefly Discoursed/ In Three Questions./ By Col. Titus, alias .William Allen./ . . . / London:/ Reprinted in the year M. DCC. xxxiv. 8vo. PP- 34- TODD (John). See Alexander, J. W. .350 GRAHAM TOLLER (Samuel). The Law of Executors and Administra- tors. Philadelphia: 1803. 8vo. The Law of Executors and Administrators. The third edition corrected: with additions. New York: 1815. 8vo. pp. 522, (72). TOMASINI (J. P.). lacobi Philippi / Tomasini Patavini / Episcopi ^Emoniensis / Petrarcha / Redivivvs. / Integram Poetae celeberrimi Vitam Iconibus sere / caelatis exhibens. / Accessit Nobilissimae Feminae / Lavrae / Brevis Historia. / Editio altera correcta & aucta. / Cui addita Poetae Vita / Pavlo Vergerio, Anonymo, lannozzo / Manetto, Leonardo Aretino, / Et Lvdo- vico Beccadello / Auctoribus. / Item, V. C. Fortvnii Liceti ad Epist. Tomasini / de Petrarchae cognominis ortographia Re- sponsum. / Patavii clolocl. / Typis Pauli Frambotti Biblio- polae. / Superiorum permissu. / 4to. pp. (14), 270, (18). port. # ** A presentation copy to Mr. Graham from R. H. Stoddard. TOMLINSON (J. S.). A Discourse on the nature and advant- ages of a Liberal Education; delivered at the annual commence- ment of Augusta College, in August, 1838, at the solicitation of the Union and Jefferson Societies of the Institution; and, in October following, before the Kentucky Annual Conference in Danville, in compliance with a previous resolution of that body. Augusta, Ky. : 1838. 8vo. pp. 26. TOOKE (John Home). Epea pteroenta, or The Diversions of Purley. A new edition, revised and corrected by Richard Tay- lor. With Numerous Additions from the copy prepared by the author for republication : to which is annexed his Letter to John Dunning. London: 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. pi. *%. See also J. A. Graham. TOPFFER (R.). Nouvelles Ge"neroises. Precedees d'une lettre adressee a 1'editeur par le comte Xavier de Maistre. Paris: 1851. i2ino. pp. 439. Premiers Voyages en Zigzag on Excursions D'un Pen- sionnat en Vacances dans les Cantons Suisses et sur le Revers Italian des Alpes Illustre's, d'aprs les dessins de 1'Auteur, d'un grand nombre de vignettes dans le texte. Et de 54 grandes gravures hors texte Par MM. Calame, Girardet, Franc.ais, Dau- bigny, etc. Sixieme Edition. Paris: M DCCC LXXIV. rl. 8vo. pp. 474. pis. LIBRARY. 351 M (Edward)]. Letters from Edinburgh; Written in the "Years 1774 and 1775: containing Some Observations on the Diversions, Customs, Manners, and Laws of the Scotch Nation, during a six months residence in Edinburgh. Dublin: [n. d.] .2 vols. I2ino. The TOWN and Country Magazine; or Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction and Entertainment. Vol. XV; for the year 1783. London : [n. d.] 8vo. pi. *%So the title-page: but the numbers included are March, May-July, Dec., 11769; Feb., June-Aug., Oct., Nov., 1770; Nov., 1775; Jan., 1783, being those -.numbers which discussed the poet Chatteron. Bound with this are some pages of the "Monthly Visitor," Vol. I.. 1/97, containing a notice of Chatterton. Tracts^ written in the years See Leigh, Baron. TRAIN (George Francis). An American Merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia: A Series of Letters from Java, Singapore, China, Bengal, Egypt, The Holy Laud, The Crimea and Its Battle Grounds, England, Melbourne, Sidney, etc., etc. With an introduction by Freeman Hunt. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 512. Le TRE Porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze Incise ed Illustrate. [Ital. and French.] Firenze MDCCCXXI. Presso Luigi Bardi E Comp. Negoziantidi Stampe Borgo degli Albizi N. 460. Fo. pp. (3), 8, 12, 8. 45 pis. TRELAWNY (E. J. ). Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron. London: 1858. 8vo. pp. 304. port, and pis. TRENCH (Mrs. Richard). See Houghton, Lord. TRENCH (Richard Chenevix). On the Study of Words. Lectures addressed (originally) to the pupils at the Diocesan Training-School, Winchester Thirteenth edition revised and enlarged. London: 1869. i6mo. pp. 308. A Select Glossary of English Words used formerly in senses different from their present. New York: 1859. J2ino. pp. 218. TREVOR (E.). See Temple, N. A TRIBUTE to the Fair: comprising a collection of Vers de Societe. Published In Aid of the Sanitary Commission. New York: 1864. 121110. pp. 253. *** The author was Mr. Peter Marie. TROLLOPE (A.). See Taylor, T. 352 TROLLOPE (T. Adolphus). A History of the Commonwealth of Florence, from the earliest independence of the Commune to- the fall of the Republic in 1531. London: 1865. 4 vols. 8vo. *% A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. La Beata. A Tuscan Romeo and Juliet. London: 1866. 1 2 mo. pp. 329. *% Inserted is a MS. note by Mr. Trollope. Paul the Pope, and Paul the Friar. A story of an interdict. A new edition. London: 1870. 121110. pp. 392. In Memoriam. A Wreath of Stray Leaves to the Memory of Emily Bliss Gould, ob. 3ist Aug. 1875. Rome: MDCCCLXXV. 121110. pp. 277. port. TROLLOPE (Theodosia). Social Aspects of the Italian Revo- lution, in a series of letters from Florence, reprinted from the Athenaeum; with a sketch of subsequent events up to the present time. London: 1861. i2ino. pp. 309. TRUMBULL (John). M'Fingal: An epic poem. With intro- duction and notes by Benson J. Lossing. New York: 1860. rl. 8vo. pp. 322. port. # *# A large paper copy. TRUSLER (J.). See Hogarth, W. TUCKER (Josiah). A Treatise* concerning Civil Government, in Three Parts. London: Printed for T. Caclell, in the Strand. M.DCC.LXXXI. 8vo. pp. 428. TUCKERMAN (Henry T.). Thoughts on the Poets. Third edition. New York: 1848. 121110. pp. 318. Characteristics of Literature, illustrated by the Genius of Distinguished Men. Philadelphia: 1849. 8vo. pp. 269. Characteristics of Literature, illustrated by the Genius of Distinguished Writers. Second series. Philadelphia: 1851. 8vo. pp. 282. Poems. Boston: M DCCC LI. 121110. pp. 175. [ ] Miscellaneous Poems by C. K. T. London: [n. d.] 1 2 mo. pp. 1 68. # * # A presentation copy from the author to Mrs. Graham. [ ] Leaves from the Diary of a Dreamer. Found among his pipers. London: 1853. 12 mo. pp. viii., 165. A Month in England. New York: 1854. 121110. 8vo. pp. 243. LIBRARY. 353 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.). The character and portraits of Washington. New York: 1859. 4to. pp. 104. *** 'S^ copies printed. Extra illustrated by the insertion of a letter of the author and many portraits of Washington, including two of the rare Camp- bell prints, one of them being the folio Sept. 1775, print, which was the first engraved-portrait of Washington (fictitious) ever made. TUKE (Daniel Hack). Illustrations of the Influence of the Mind upon the Body in Health and Disease. Designed to elu- cidate the action of the Imagination. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 444. TURGOT See Mirabeau. TURNER (Wm. W.). Jack Hopeton; or, The Adventures of a Georgian. New York: 1860. 8vo. pp. 364. Tutti Frutti See Piickler-Murkau. "Two Brothers" See Hare. TYLER (Royall). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Vermont. Commencing with the nineteenth century. New York: 1810. 8vo. pp. 488. *% Vol. II only. TYMMS (Samuel). Camden's Britannia Epitomized and Con- tinued; being A Compendious Account of the Antient and Present State of the Counties of England. London : [n. d.] 5 vols. 161110. maps. *** Vols. I. -IV., and VII. Preface of Vol. VII.. dated 1842. TYNDALL (John). Contributions to Molecular Physics in the domain of Radiant Heat. London: 1872. 8vo. pp.446, pis. TYNG (S. H.). See Alexander, J. W. TYR-T^EUS See Theocritus. TYRWHITT (R. St. John). Christian Art and Symbolism, with some hints on the Study of Landscape. With illustrations. London: 1872. I2ino. pp. 292. pis. Tytler* s History of Scotland Examined. See Fraser, P. OFFORD (Hezekiah G.). An Elementary Treatise on Logic; comprising the Essential Principles and Different Modes of Reasoning, in the form of question and answer. New- York: 1823. I2ino. pp. 192. UNITED SOCIETY OF BELIEVERS. See Summary. UNITED STATES. Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX. And of the Independence of the United States, the thirteenth. Being the Acts passed at the first session of the First Congress of the United States, to wit, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South-Carolina, and Georgia; which eleven states respectively ratified the Constitution of government for the United States, proposed by the Federal Convention, held in Philadelphia, ou the seventeenth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven. New- York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the United States. PP- 93- Acts passed at the Second Session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the City of New- York, on Monday, the fourth of January, in the year M,DCC.XC: and of the Independence of the United States, the fourteenth. Published by Authority. New-York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the Congress of the United States, pp. 226, (2). An Act, establishing Rules and Articles for the Gov- ernment of the Armies of the United States; -with the Regula- tions of the War Department respecting the same. To which are added, The several Laws relative to the Army; the Militia when in actual service; Volunteers; Rangers; Ordnance De- partment, and the Quarter Master's and Commissary General's Departments. Albany: Printed by Websters and Skinners: 1812. 121110. pp. 1 1 8. Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the ( 354 ) LIBRARY. 355 United States of America, in force July I, 1813: Together with the Regulations for the Several Departments in the Army Thereof. To which is annexed a List of the General Staff, And Tables of the Pay and Emoluments Allowed to Officers and others attached to the Army; with the Fortifications in the U. States, Showing their distances from New-York. New York : July, 1813. 121110. pp. 214. The UNITED / STATES in general, and to the politicians of Connecticut and Massachusetts / in Particular. / A new edition. / Philadelphia:/ Published by William Reynolds,-Daniel Griffin, New York;-J. Campbell, Baltimore,- / and P. Boyle, New Jersey. / 1815. / A. Griggs & K. Dickinson, printers, White- hall. / 121110. pp. 215. ports. A rare portrait of Cobbett laid in. The UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. A sketch of its purposes and its work. Compiled from documents and private papers. Published by permission. Boston: 1863. 121110. pp. 299. *\ By Miss K. P. Wormeley. The UNIVERSITY College, London. Calendar for the Session MDCCCLXIII-LXIV. London: [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 483. URE (Andrew). The Philosophy of Manufactures: or, An exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the Factory System of Great Britain. Second edition, corrected. London: MDCCCXXXVI. 121110. pp. 480. pis. sACQUERIE (Auguste). Mes Premieres Annees de Paris. [Verse.] Paris, 1872. 8vo. pp. 352. Vade Mecumfor Malt Worms. See Ward, E. V^NIUS (Otho). See Veen. VALENTINE (D. T.). Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York For 1860. [n. p. n. d.] i2ino. pp. 630. maps and pis. VALORI (Prince Henry de). L' Expedition du Mexique Re*- habilitee an triple point de vne Religieux, Politique et Com- mercial. Paris: 1864. 8vo. pp. 39. VAN DYK (H. S.). See Bowring, John. VAN LENNEP (Henry J.). The Oriental album: twenty illus- trations, in oil colors, of the people and scenery of Turkey, with an explanatory and descriptive text. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph, 1862. Fo. pp. 48. 21 pis. VAN NEST (A. R.). Memoir of Rev. George W. Bethnne. New York: 1867. 8vo. pp. 446. port. *** A presentation copy from the author. VARNUM (Joseph B., Jr.}. The Seat of Government of The United States: a review of the discussions, in Congress and else- where, on the site and plans of the Federal City; with a sketch of its present position and prospects; also, remarks on monu- mental structures and the Smithsonian Institution. Second edition, with an alphabetical index. Washington: 1854. 8vo. pp. 121, v. map. *** A presentation copy from the author to his nephew, Mr. Graham. The Washington Sketch Book. By Viator. New York: 1864. 121110. pp. 273. pi. **. "A new edition in an abridged and more popular form " of Varnum's "Seat of Government," in connection with other articles and selections which had been published at various times in the Knickerbocke r Magazine and New York Observer. VASARI (Giorgio). Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects: translated from the Italian. With .notes and illustrations, chiefly selected from various commenta- (356) LIBRARY. 357 tors. By Mrs. Jonathan Foster. London: MDCCCL-. 5 vols. 1 2 mo. port #** Another copy is dated 1855. Vathek.Szz Beck ford, W. VATTEMARE (A.). Collection de Monnaies et Medailles de 1'Ame'rique du Nord de 1652 a 1858. Offerte a la Bibliotheque Imperiale tant au nom du Gouvernement Federal et des ci toy ens des divers e"tats de 1' Union Ame'ricaine qu' en son propre nom, par Alexandre Vattemare Catalogue avec notices historiques et biographiqnes. Par M. Alexandre Vattemare. Paris : Im- primerie de Ad. Laine'etJ. Havard. 1861. i2mo. pp. 134, (i). VAUGHAN (Henry). Olor Iscanus. / A Collection / of Some Select / Poems / and / Translations, / formerly written by / Mr. Henry Vaughan Silurist. / Published by a Friend. / . . . /Lon- don, / Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, / and are to be sold at his shop, at the / Signe of the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls / Church-yard, 1651. / i6mo. pp. (16), 158, (i). VAUGONDY (Robert de). Carte des pays / connus sous le nom de, Canada, / dans laquelle sont distingue*es, les possessions fran- oises, & angl, / Dedie*e et presente'e / a Monseigneur le Comte D'Argenson / Ministre Secretaire d'Etat / pour le departement de la guerre, / par le S. Robert de Vaugondy fils / Grographee ordinaire du Roi. Paris: 1753. / Fol. i sheet. VAUX (Calvert). Villas and Cottages. A series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. Illustrated by 300 engravings. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 318. pi. VAUX (Lord}. See Surrey. VAUX (Roberts). Memoirs of The Life of Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia: 1817. i2tno. pp. 136. VEDDER (David). Memoir of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. With critical notices of his writings. Compiled from various Authen- tic Sources. Dundee: 1832. I2tno. pp. 96. VEEN (Octaviovan). Amorvm / Emblemata, / figvris seneis incisa / stvdio Othonis VaenI / Batavo-Lvgdvnensis. / Antver- piae, / Venalia apud Auctorem, / Prostant apud Hieronymum / Verdussen. / M. DC. nx. / Oblong 121110. pp. 247. plates. *.** The text is in Latin, Italian and French. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS (Cains). See Sallustius. 358 GRAHAM "Vera." See Light, B. "VERACRUZANO (El)." Ligero Bosquejo de la Actual Situ- acion en Mejico. Articulo publicado For "El Veracruzano" en sus nurneros correspondientes a los dias 7 y 10 de octubre ultimo. Madrid: 1862. 8vo. pp. 49. VERGENNES (Charles Gravier, Comte de). Me"moire / His- torique et Politique / snr / la Louisiane, / Par M. de Vergennes, ministre / de Louis XVI. Accompagne" d'un Precis de la vie de ce Ministre, / et suivi d'autres Me'moires sur 1'Indostan, Saint- / Domingue, la Corse et la Guyane. / Orne du portrait de M. de Vergennes. / A Paris . . . An x- 1802. / 8vo. pp. 315. port. VERGIATE (A. Vismara da). Assassinio del Presidente Degli Stati Uniti Sig. Abramo Lincoln e del Segretario di Stato Sig. Guglielmo Enrico Seward con alctini cenni sulla loro vita Compilato su Atti Ufficiali e varii dispacci di Washington, ecc. ecc. per A Vismara da Vergiate Napoli : 1865. i2mo. pp. 38. LA VERITE / Revelee: / Ouvrage traduit de PAnglois. / .../.../ A Londres. / M. DCC. LV. / 161110. pp. 164. *% Ascribed by Querard to E J. Genet but he was only the translator. VERNET (C.). Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d'ltalie, depuis Pan IV jusqu'a la bataille de Marengo; suivis Du Precis des operations de PArmee d'Orient, des details sur les cere- monies du Sacre et du Couronnement de Sa Majeste* Imperiale Napoleon-le-Grand, Empereur des Franc.ais et Roi d'ltalie. Toutes les vues ont e"te" prises sur les lieux memes, et les Estampes sont gravees d'apres les dessins originaux de Carle Vernet. A Paris, Chez Auber. 1806. Fo. pp. x, 136, 63, 24. 3 port, 27 pi and i map. # % The two supplements relate to the campaign in Germany. Les VERTUS et Les Exploits de sa Majeste" Prussienne. Im- promptus par un Franc-Tireur. Bazeilles: 1870. 8vo. pp. 24. VERULAM (Lord}. See Bacon. Vestiges of the Creation. See Chambers, R. VETERIS Latii Antiquitatum amplissima collectio / in qua praeter ea quae hactenus vulgata sunt / vrbes villse templa balnea pontes piscinas sepulcra statuse / ant earum saltern rudera et fragmenta describuntur / et plusquam Cxi tabulis seneis LIBRARY. 359 graphice incisis delineata / exhibentur / Volumen primum / in quocontinentur/monumenta vetusta prsecipue Tiburtina Tnscu- lana et Setina / Romse Mdcclxxi. / Apvd Venantium Mon- aldini bibliopolam / in Via Ctirsus / superiorum pennissu. / Oblong 4to. 143 pi. *% These plates were first published by Ridolfine Venuti ; and were enlarged by a second volume. VEUILLOT (Louis). Qa et La. Quatrime edition. Paris: 1860. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. Le Parfum de Rome. Quatri^me Edition. Paris: 1862. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. VIARDOT (Louis). Les Merveilles de la Peinture par Louis Viardot Deuxiemeserie. Ouvrage illnstre de n vignettes par Paquier. Paris: 1869. 121110. pp. 335. (i). pis. Les Merveilles de la Sculpture Ouvrage illustre de 62 vignettes par Chapuis, Petot, P. Sellier, etc. Paris : 1869. 121110. pp. 300, (i). "Viator." See Varnum, J. B., Jr. VIAUD (P.). Naufrage et Aventures de M. Pierre Viand, Natif de Rochefort, Capitaine de Navire. Nouvelle edition. A Bordeaux, Chez les Freres La Bottiere, Libraires. Et a Paris, Chez Le Jay, Libraire, rue Saint Jacques, an Grand Corneille. M. DCC. LXX. Avec Approbation & Permission. i6mo. pp. xxiv, 307, (5). [VICTORIA (Queerij], Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861. To which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and yachting excursions. Edited by Arthur Helps. London: 1868. 121110. pp. 219. pis. ViCTORiE [de Bourbon] (Princess of France). See Marie. Victories of Wellington. See Maxwell, W. H. VILLERS. La Mort du President Lincoln (Concours de 1867) Academic Franaise. Paris : 1867. 8vo. pp. 45. ViLLERS (Emma de). See Janin, J. [ViNGUT (F. Javier)]. Gems of Spanish Poetry. New York. 1855. 8vo. pp. 120 [i. e. 240]. *** Collected by F. Javier Vingut, of the University of New York. The original Spanish is printed opposite the translations. 360 GRAHAM VINSAUF (G. de). See Devizes, Richard of. VINTON (A. H.). See Rice, N. L. VIRGILIUS MARO (P.). The Works of Virgil translated into English Prose. As near the Original as the different idioms of the Latin and English Languages will allow. With the Latin Text and Order of Construction on the same Page; and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical Notes, in English, from the best Commentators both Ancient and Modern, beside a very great Number of Notes entirely New. A new edition. Lon- don : r For T. Longman. MDCCXCIV. 8vo. #*# Vol. II. only. Usually called Davidson's edition. The Works of Virgil. Literally translated into Eng- lish Prose with notes, by Davidson. A new edition, revised, with additional notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley. London: MDCCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 404. port. Virginie, Histoire de. See Beverley, R. Virtue the Source of Pleasure. See Barnard. Vision of Piers Ploughman. See Piers Ploughman. Le ViTE Delli Piv Celebri et Antichi Primi Poeti Provenzali Che fiorirno nel tempo delli Re di Napoli, & Conti di Prouenza, liquali hanno insegnato a tutti il Poetar Vulgare. Raccolte dall'opere de diuersi excellent! scrittori, ch'in quella lingua le scrissero: in lingua Franzese da Gio: di Nostra Dama poster & hora da Gio: Giudici in Italiana tradotte, e date in luce. Per le quali, oltra le memorand' istorie contenute in esse, si dimonstra Pantiquita di molte illustri, & Nobil Case tanto di Prouenza, Linguadocha, & altre Protiincie della Francia, che d' Italia, & d'altroue. Con la Tauola delle cose pin notabili. In Lione, Appresso d'Alesandro Marsilij. L'anno M. D. LXXV. i6mo. pp. 254, 14. VITK e Ritratti di Illustri Italiani. Padova, Tipografia Bettoni MDCCCXII. 4to. % Engravings and descriptions of the medals struck to commemorate Napoleon's Italian campaign. VOLNEY (C. F.). Tableau / du / Climat et du Sol / des Etats- Unis / d'Ame'rique. / Suivi d'e"claircissemens sur la Floride, sur la colonie / Fran^aise au Scioto, sur quelques colonies Cana- diennes / et sur les Sauvages. / Enrichi de quatre Planches LIBRARY. 361 gravies, dont deux Cartes / Geographiques et line coupe figure*e de la chute de / Niagara. / . . . / A Paris, / . . . / an xn-i8o3. 2 vols. 4to. *** Beautiful uncut copy, with portrait of the author inserted. VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet de). La / Henriade / de / Mr. de Voltaire. / A Londres, MDCCXXVIII. / 4to, pp. (6), 202. pis. VOSE (Reuben). Wealth of the World Displayed. New York: 1859. 8vo. pp. 122. port. Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie. See Crevecceur, J. H. St. John. Voyage de Lafayette. See Barbaroux, O. VOYAGE de Robertson, aux Terres Australes, traduit sur le Manuscrit Anglois. A Amsterdam MDCCLXVII. i2tno. pp. 474. *% An imaginary voyage. "First ed. of this work was published in 1766. In that, pp. 145-154, was a tirade against parliaments, which it was necessary to suppress, in order to obtain entry for the book into France. M. Mercier substituted for this tirade a text against the authors of. the ' Encyclopedic,' designated under the name of 'pansophistes;' and the latter text is found in his edition." Ouerard. Voyages dans les parties. See Anburey, T. VOYAGES et Avantures du Chevalier de * * *. Aux Isles Carai'bes de Saint-Vicent, Sainte-Lucie & la Dominique, aux fins d'en faire eVacuer les Anglois & les Frangois qui y e*toient repandus; a la Barbade, Isle Antille du vent de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, appartenante aux Anglois; a la Grenade, Isle Antille Frangoise; a Curasao, Isle de la mer du Nord, apparten- ante aux Hollandois; a Cayenne, Isle de I'Amarique Meridionale, dans la Guyanne, appartenante aux Francois; a Surinam, pays de la Guyanne, en terre ferine, appartenante aux Hollandois; & Lisbonne, Capitale du Royaume de Portugal, & son troisieme voyage & la Martinique. Troisieme Partie. A Londres, Et se trouvent a Paris, Chez Dessain Junior, Libraire, Quai des Augustins, & la Bonne-Foi. M. DCC. LXIX. 2 vols. i6mo. *** Only volumes III. and IV. Voyages Interessans. See Bourgeois. Voyageur Americain, Le. See Mandrillon, J. "Un Voyageur." See Coyer, G. F. "Vrai Hollandais, Un." See Cerisier, A. M. yADDINGTON (Ch.). Des Erreurs et des Prejuge's Popu- yf laires. Paris: 1866. 241110. pp. 52. WAFER (Lionel). A new / Voyage / and / Description / of the/ Isthmus of America, /giving an Account of the/ Author's Abode there, / The Form and Make of the Country, / the Coasts, Hills, Rivers, &c. Woods, / Soil, Weather, &c. .Trees, Fruit, Beasts, / Birds, Fish, &c. / The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, /Complexion, &c. their Manners, Cu-/stoms, Employments, Marriages, Feasts, / Hunting, Computation, Language, &c. / With Remarkable Occurrences in the South / Sea, and elsewhere. / By Lionel Wafer. / Illustrated with sev- eral Copper-Plates. / London: / Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in / St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699. / 8vo. pp. (8), 224, (16). i map and 3 pis. WAINWRIGHT (Howard). Rhymings. New York: 1860. 1 21110. pp. 90. .** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Graham. WAINWRIGHT (Jonathan Mayhew). A Memorial Volume. Thirty-Four Sermons. Edited by his widow. New York: 1856. 8vo. pp. 565. port. WALDEN (T.). See Mott, V. WALFORD (E.). See Berville, G. de. WALKER (Alexander). The Anthropological Works of Alex- ander Walker. A new edition. New York: 1843- 3 v l s ' 121110. pis. Beauty illustrated by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in woman, with a critical view of the hypotheses of Hume, Hogarth, Burke, Knight, Alison, etc. And of the hypotheses of beauty in sculpture and painting, by Leonardo da Vinci, Winckelmann, Mengs, Bossi, etc. Illustrated by drawings from life by Henry Howard, Professor of Painting to the Royal Academy; drawn on stone by M. Gauci and R. J. Lane. London: MDCCCLII. 8vo. pp. xxiii, 372. 24 pis. WALKER (George). La Dette Ame'ricaine et Les Moyens de (362) LIBRARY. 363 1' Acquitter par George Walker, ancien Commissaire des Banques du Massachusetts. Paris: 1865. 8vo. pp. 31. WALKER (John). A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language. London: 1828. 8vo. pp. 813. [ ] The Palmetto Dictionary; in which the meaning of every word is clearly explained and the sound of every syllable distinctly shown; exhibiting the principles of a Pure and Cor- rect Pronunciation. A new edition, carefully revised, cor- rected, and enlarged. Richmond, Va. : 1864. 121110. pp. 730, (i). port. Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, adapted to The Present State of Literature and Science. By B. H. Smart. Seventh Edition. London: 1865. 8vo. pp. cxxviii. 792. A Rhyming Dictionary: answering at the same time the purposes of Spelling and Pronouncing The English Lan- guage, on a plan not hitherto attempted. To which is prefixed a copious introduction to the various uses of the work, with critical and practical observations on orthography, syllabication, pronunciation, and rhyme; and for the purpose of poetry, is added An Index of Allowable Rhymes, with authorities for their usage from our best poets. A New and Revised Edition. London: 1851. 121110. pp. xxiv, 684. The Rhyming Dictionary: answering at the same time the purposes of Spelling, Pronouncing, and Explaining the English Language, on a plan not hitherto attempted. Revised, enlarged, and prefaced By J. Longmuir. Third edition, im- proved. London: [n. d.]. i2tno. pp. Ixvi., 720. WALKER (Mary Adelaide). Through Macedonia to the Al- banian Lakes. With Illustrations by the Author. London: 1864. Svo. pp. 274. pis. WALKER (Robert J.). American Slavery and Finances. London: 1864. Svo. *** Contents : Jefferson Davis. Repudiation, Recognition and Slavery. Letter No. I. 3d ed., with appendix. 1863. pi. 70. Jefferson Davis [etc.] Letter No. II. 1863. pp. 14. American Thanksgiving Dinner, at St. James' Hall London, Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1863. pp. 94. 364 GRAHAM WALKER (Robert J.). American Finances and Resources. Letters No. I.-V. 1862-64. PP- 26, 45; 24; 26; 45; 26, 17. Walks and Talks. See Olmstead, F. L. WALLACE (E.). See Mott, V. WALLER (Edmund). Poems, &c. / Written by / Mr. Ed. Waller / of Beckonsfield, Esquire; Lately a / Member of the Honourable / House of Commons. / And Printed by a Copy of/ his own hand-writing. / All the Lyrick Poems in this Booke / were set by Mr. Henry Lavves, Gent. / of the Kings Chappell r and one of his Ma-/jesties Private Musick. / Printed and Pub- lished according to Order. / London, / Printed by I. N. for Hu. Mosley, at the Princes / Armes in Pauls Church-yard, / 1645. / 161110. pp. (8) 180, (4). A Panegyrick on Oliver Cromwell, and his Victories: By Edin. Waller, Esq. With Three Poems on his Death. Written by Mr. Dryden, Mr. Sprat, and Mr. Waller. London: Printed by H. Hills and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1709. 8vo. pp. 24. The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq. ; in verse and prose. Published by Mr. Fenton. London: Printed for J. Tonson in the Strand. MDCCXXX. i2mo. pp. (16) 295, clxiii. ports. WALLER (John Francis). Poems. Dublin: 1854. 121110. pp. 278. [WALPOLE (Horace)]. ^Bdes Walpolianae: or, a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton-Hall in Norfolk, The Seat of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Or- ford. The Second Edition with Additions. London: Printed in the Year M DCC LII. 4to. pp. 143. ports, pi. [- -] The Castle of Otranto; a Gothic Story. Edinburgh: Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for John Ballantyne and Company, Edinburgh; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London. 1811. 4to. pp. xliii, xii, 152. pi. #% A portrait and book-plate of the author and one plate inserted. The introduction was written by Scott. See Beckford. WALTON (Izaak). The Lives of Dr. John Donne; Sir Henry Wotton; Mr. Richard Hooker; Mr. George Herbert; and Dr. Robert Sanderson. Boston: 1866. 24ino. pp. 403. ports. LIBRARY. 365 WALTON (Izaak) and Charles COTTON. The Complete Ang- ler. Edited by "Ephemera." Second Edition. London: MDCCCLIV. 121110. 'pp. 309, (4). ports, and pis. # *a. " Ephemera" was Edward Fitzgibbon. WALWORTH (Mansfield T.). Lulu. A Tale of the National Hotel Poisoning. New York: M DCCC LXIII. 8vo. pp. 367. WALWORTH (Reuben H.). Hyde Genealogy; or the De- scendants, in the female as well as in the male lines, from Wil- liam Hyde, of Norwich, with their places of residence, and dates of birth, marriages, &c., and other particulars of them and their families and ancestry. Albany: 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. ports. The Wanderer. -See D'Arblay, F. B. "Ward, Artemus." See Browne, C. F. [WARD (Edward)]. The Forgiving Husband, and Adulter- ess, Wife: Or, A Seasonable Present to the Unhappy Pair in Fenchurch-Street. By the Author of the London- Spy. Lon- don: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, [n. d.] 8vo. pp. 12. [ ] The Libertine's Choice: or, The Mistaken Happiness of the Fool in Fashion. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 15. [ ] The Rambling Fuddle-Caps: or, a Tavern-Struggle for a Kiss. By the Author of Hudibrass Redivivus. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in the Black-fryars near the Water-side, 1709. 8vo. pp. 16. [ ?] A Vade Mecum for Malt- Worms: or, a Guide to Good Fellows. Being A Description of the Manners and Cus- toms of the most Eminent Publick Houses, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. With A Hint on the Props (or Principal Customers) of each House. In a Method so plain that any Thirsty Person (of the meanest Capacity) may easily find the nearest Way from one House to another. Illus- trated with proper Cuts. Dedicated to the Brewers. London: [n. d.] 2 parts. 8vo. pp. 56, 48. WARD (John). Experiences of a Diplomatist, being Recol- lections of Germany, founded on diaries kept during the years 1840-1870. By John Ward, Late Her Majesty's Minister- resident to the Hanse-towns. London: 1872. 8vo. pp. 279. WARE (Rev. William). Rome and the Early Christians.. London: 1869. 8vo. pp. 495. 2 ports and pi. x*x A novel. Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra. A Tale of the Roman: Empire in the days of the Emperor Aurelian. London: 1868. 8vo. pp. 494. 2 ports and pi. WARREN (Nathan B.). The Holidays: Christmas, Easter >. and Whitsuntide; their Social Festivities, Customs, and Carols.. Illustrated by F. O. C. Barley. New York: [1868]. sin. 410. pp. 198. pis. **.* Contains an autograph letter of George H. Boughton. WARTON (Thomas). The History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the i8th century. To which are prefixed, three dissertations: I. Of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe. 2. On the introduction of learning into England. 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. A new edition, carefully revised, with numerous additional notes by the late Mr. Ritson, the late Dr. Ashby, Mr. Douce, Mr. Park, and other eminent antiquaries, and by the editor [Richard Price.] London: 1824. 4 vols. 8vo. port. WASHINGTON (George). "To the Senate of Pennsylvania./ Gentlemen," / [n. p. 1794.] sm. I2ino. broadside. *** A reply to an address. Les Socie'te's Secretes Jugees par Washington et le Congres des Etats-Unis. Extrait du Journal de Paris, [n. p. n. d.] 8vo. pp. 16. Diary of Washington: From the first day of October, 1789, to the tenth day of March, 1790. From the Original Manuscript, now first printed. New York: 1858. rl. 8vo. pp. 89. #** Only 100 copies printed. Edited by B. J. I/ossing. Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Embellished with arabesque designs & illu- minations. Philadelphia: [1858.] 4to. 26 pi. The Writings of George Washington; being his Cor- respondence, Addresses, Messages, and Other Papers, Official and Private, selected and published from the original manu- scripts; with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations. By Jared Sparks. Boston: 1855. 8vo. 12 vols. port, maps, and pis. LIBRARY. 367 WASHINGTON (George). Epistles / domestic, confidential, / and official, / from / General Washington, / written about the commencement of the American / contest, when he entered on the command / of the army of the United States. / With an Interesting Series of his Letters, particularly / to the British Admirals, Arbuthnot and Digby, to / Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, / Sir Guy Carleton, Marquis de la Fayette, / &c., &c. To Benjamin Harrison, Esq. Speaker of / the House of Delegates in Virginia, to Admiral / the Count de Grasse, General Sullivan, respecting/-/ an attack of New-York; including many applica- / tions and addresses presented to him, with his answers: / Orders and Instructions, on important occasions, / to his Aids de Camp, &c. &c. &c. / None of which have been printed in the tw r o / Volumes published a few mouths ago. / New- York: / Printed by G. Robinson, corner of William and John Streets, / and J. Bull, No. 115 Cherry-Street, and sold by James/ Rivington, No. 156 Pearl-Street. / M, DCC, xcvi. / Copy- right secured. / 8vo. pp. xiv, 303. *% Principally made up of the famous "forged letters." See Irving; Lesguillon; Memoire content ant le precis des fails ; Ramsay; Sauvigny; Sparks; Tuckerman. Washington, on r OrpJieline See Daubigny. Washington Sketch Book See Varnum, J. B., Jr. The WASHINGTONIANA. Privately Reprinted. New York: E. Dexter & Son. 1865. 410. pp. 399, (7). port. ^ *** Large paper, 50 copies, quarto. First printed in Baltimore, 1800. WATERMAN (Catharine H.). Flora's Lexicon: An interpre- tation of the language and sentiment of flowers: With an out- line of Botany, and a Poetical introduction. Boston: 1863. I2mo. pp. 252. pis. [W ATKINS (JOHN)]. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Honourable Lord Byron, with anecdotes of some of his contemporaries. London: 1822. 8vo. pp. xvi, 428. WATSON (John F.). See Smith, J. J. WATTS (Alaric A.). Poetical Sketches: with Stanzas for Music, and other poems. London: Printed for Private Circula- tion. MDCCCXXII. 161110. pp. vii, 144, (7\ *** A presentation copy from the autl or. 368 GRAHAM ' WATTS (Isaac). Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Illus- trated. New York: 1866. sm. 4to. pp. 116. port. - Horse Lyricse and Divine Songs. With a memoir, by Robert Southey. Boston: M.DCCC. Liv. i2mo. pp. 348. port. WAYNE (Col. Anthony). Orderly book of the Northern Army. See Munsell, J. WEBER (C. M. F. E. von). See Plnmstead, W. H. WEBSTER (Daniel). An address delivered at the laying of the corner-stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. Second edition. Boston: 1825. 8vo. PP- 4- - Speech at Niblo's Saloon, in New York, on the March, 1837. New York: 1837. 8vo. pp. 35. - The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster. Boston: 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. ports. - The Works of Daniel Webster. Boston: 1851. 6 vols. 8vo. ports, pi. *** With Webster's autograph. - Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of the Hon. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, Secretary of State for the United States: delivered in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States, fourteenth and fifteenth December, 1852. Washington: 1853. 8vo. pp. 86. port. The addresses are by Senators Jefferson Davis, A. P. Butler, Lewis Cass, W. H. Seward and R. F. Stockton, and by Representatives G. T. Davis, J. Appleton,.W. B. Preston, Horatio Seymour, J. R. Chandler, T. H. Bayly, E. Stanley and J. L. Taylor. WEBSTER (Sidney). Duties of Neutrality. The United States vs. The Steamship 'Meteor,' &c., &c., &c. In Admiralty. Closing argument in behalf of the United States. Reported by Underbill & Warburton, Law Stenographers. New York: 1866. 8vo. pp. 94. WELD (Charles Richard). Florence the New Capital of Italy. London: 1867. i2ino. pp. 431. - Last Winter in Rome. London: 1865. 8vo. pp. 589. pi. WELD (Isaac, Jr.}. Travels through The States of North America, and The Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, dur- ing the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. Fourth edition. Illustrated r LIBRARY. 369 and embellished with eight plates. London: 1800. 8vo. pp. 552. 5 pi. 3 maps. *% See Mavor, Wm. WELLINGTON (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of). The Words ot Wellington. Collected from his despatches, letters and speeches, with anecdotes, etc. Compiled by Edith Walford. London: 1869. i6mo. pp. 207. See Maxwell, W. H. [WELLS, (D. A.)]. Report of the United States Revenue Commission. [Jan., 1866.] Treasury Department. 1866. 8vo. pp. 76. *% David A. Wells, Stephen Colwell and Samuel S. Hayes were the Com- mission. [ ] Report of the Special Commissioner of the Revenue. [December, 1866.] Treasury Department: 1866. 8vo. pp. 112, 32. WENDOVER (Roger, Monk of). Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History. Comprising the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A. D. 1235. Formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated from the Latin, by J ; A. Giles. London: M. DCCC. XLIX. 2 Vols. I2mO. #** An abridged history of the world, to 1235. The first portion is abso- lutely valueless. The second, beginning with 447 and extending to the year 1200, is of great value, a large part of the material from which the author drew his statements having perished. For the period of about fifty years preceding 1235, the author was practically writing a history of his own times. The earlier part (to 447) is not printed in this edition. It is now believed that the work previous to 1189 was written by John de Cella. WENTWORTH (T.). See Strafford, T. W., Earl ot. WEST (Tuffen). Half-Hours with the Microscope; being a popular guide to the use of the Microscope, as a means of amusement and instruction. Illustrated from nature, by Tuffen West. London: [1858]. i6mo. pp. 84. pis. WESTERHOUT (A. van). See Galeotti, N. WESTMACOTT (Richard). The Schools of Sculpture Ancient and Modern Adapted from the essay contributed to the Ency- clopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh: 1864. 8vo. pp. 380. pi. Wet Days at Edgewood.$>za Mitchell, D. G. WHARTON (Grace and Philip). The Wits and Beaux of So- ciety. With Illustrations from Drawings by H. K. Browne and 370 GRAHAM James Godwin. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. New York: 1861. 8vo. pp. 481. WHEATLEY (H. B.). Of Anagrams. A monograph treating of their history from the earliest ages to the present time; with an introduction, containing numerous specimens of macaronic poetry, punning mottoes, rhopalic, shaped, equivocal, lyon, and echo verses, alliteration, acrostics, lipograms, chronograms, logograms, palindromes, bouts rime's. Hertford: MDCCCLXII. I2mo. pp. 186. WHEATLY (Charles). A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England: being the sub- stance of everything liturgical in Bishop Sparrow, Mr. P Es- trange, Dr. Comber, Dr. Nichols, and all former Ritualists, Commentators, and. others upon the same subject. London: MDCCCLIII-. 121110. pp. 532. pi. WHEELER (David Everett). The New York Harbor, and the improvements necessary for its accommodation of commerce, and the removal of the dangers at Hell Gate. A Paper read before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, in the City of New York, May 15, 1856. New York: 1856. 8vo. pp. 20. map. WHEELER (W. A.). A Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction; including also familiar pseudonyms, surnames be- stowed on eminent men, and analogous popular appellations often referred to in literature and conversation. By William A. Wheeler. A new edition. London: 1870. 8vo. pp. 410. WHEWBLL (William). Astronomy and General Physics con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology. London: 1852. I2ino. pp. 328. port. WHIPPLE (Edwin P.). Essays and Reviews. New York: MDCCCXLVIII. 2 Vols. 8vo. [WHITCHER, Mrs. Frances Miriam (Berry)]. The Widow Be- dott Papers. With an introduction. By Frances M. Whitchen [sic]. New York : 1865. 8vo. pp. 403. pi. ***The introduction is by A[liceJ B. N[eal]. WHITE (George S.). Memoir of Samuel Slater, the Father of American Manufactures. Connected with a History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America. W T ith remarks on the moral influence of manufac- LIBRARY. 371 tories in the United States. By George S. White. Second edi- tion. Philadelphia: 1836. 8vo. pp. 448. ports, and pis. WHITE (Gilbert). The Natural History of Selborne; with observations on various parts of nature; also the Naturalist's calendar. With additions and supplementary notes by Sir Wil- liam Jardine. Edited with further illustrations, a biographical sketch of the Author, and a complete index, by Edward Jesse. With forty engravings. London: 1854. I2mo. pp. 416. pis. WHITE (Henry Kirke). Clifton Grove, / a sketch in verse, / with / Other Poems, / by / Henry Kirke White, / of Notting- ham. I ... I London. / Printed by N. Biggs, Crane-court, Fleet-street, / for Vernor and Hood, Poultry. / And sold by E. B. Robinson, J. Dunn, and other / Booksellers in Nottingham. / 1803. / i6mo. pp. xiv, iii, (2). ports. *** Contains an autographic marginal note in the handwriting of the author. The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White. London 1853. 1 2 mo. pp. 252. port. WHITE (Rev. James). The Eighteen Christian Centuries. Third Edition. Edinburgh: MDCCCLX. 8vo. pp. xvi, 511. WHITE (John Pagen). Lays and Legends of the English Lake Country, with copious notes. London: MDCCCLXXIII. 121110. PP- 334- WHITE (Richard Grant). Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, with An Essay toward the Expression of His Genius, and An Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama. Boston: 1865. 8vo. pp. 425. "White Republican." See Fuller, H. WHITING (William). The War Powers of the President, and the legislative powers of Congress in relation to Rebellion, Treason and Slavery. Seventh Edition. Boston': 1863. 8vo. pp. 151. WHITMAN (Sarah Helen). Edgar Poe and His Critics. New York: M DCCC LX. 8vo. pp. 81. WHITTIER (John G.). The Chapel of the Hermits, and Other Poems. Boston: M DCCC Lin. I2ino. pp. 118. Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. Boston M DCCC LIY- 1 2 mo. pp. 431. 372 G R A H A M WHITTIER (John G.)- The Panorama, and Other Poems. Boston : M DCCC LVI. 121110. pp. 141. Songs of Labor, and Other Poems. Boston : M DCCC LVI. I2mo. pp. 118. Home Ballads and Poems. Boston : M DCCC LX. I2mo. pp. 206. The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Bos- ton: 1869. 2 vols. 241110. port. Widow Bedott Papers. See Whitcher, Mrs. F. M. B. WIGHT (A.). A Catalogue of the Entire Library of Andrew Wight, of Philadelphia. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. To be Sold by Auction June 6th, 1864, and following days. N. Y. : 1864. 8vo. pp. 315. "Wilbur, Homer." See Lowell, J. R. WILD (R.). Iter Boreale, with large Additions of several other Poems being An Exact Collection of all hitherto Extant. Never before Published together. The Author, R. Wild, D. D. London, Printed for John Williams, in Cross-Keys-Court in Little Britain. 1670. i2mo. pp. 122, (14). WILDE (Jakob de). Selecta Numismata Antiqua; ex musseo Jacobi de Wilde. Amstelodami, Sumptibus Authoris. CID IDC LXXXXII. 4to. pp. (8), 212, (20). port. 30 pi. map. 2 vign. Signa Antiqua e museo Jacobi de Wilde veterum poe- tarum carminibus illustrata et per Mariam filiam seri inscripta. Sumptibus Auctoris Amstelaedami. MDCC. 4to. (14) pp. port. 67 pi. ..*. Two plates are wanting. WILKESON (Samuel). How Our National Debt may be a National Blessing. The Debt is Public Wealth, Political Union, Protection of Industry, Secure Basis for National Currency, the Orphans' and Widows' Savings Fund. Issued by J. Cooke, General Subscription Agent of the Government Loans. Phila- delphia: 1865. 8vo. pp. 16. WILKINS (G. M.). See Mott, V. WILKINS (W. W.). Political Ballads of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries annotated by W. Walker Wilkins. Lon- don: MDCCCLX. 2 vols. i2ino. WILKINSON (Sir J. Gardner). A Popular Accoifnt of The LIBRARY. 373 Ancient Egyptians. Revised and abridged from his larger work, by Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson. Illustrated with Five Hundred Woodcuts. New edition. London: 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. WiLLER (T. I.). La Question de PEsclavage aux E^tats-Unis. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff. Sept. 1862. 8vo. pp. 61. WiLLEY (Benjamin G.). Incidents in White Mountain His- tory. To which is added An Accurate Guide from Various Cities to the White Mountains. Boston: 1857. 121110. pp. 324, (6). pi. WILLIAM (Monk of Malmesbury). William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England. From the earliest period to the reign of King Stephen. With notes and illustrations. [Edited] By J. A. Giles. London: MDCCCXLVII. I2mo. pp. 544- **# According to Usher: "the chief of our historians;" and the Eucyc. Britau. says he is the first of "our historical writers in whom the critical faculty is to any extent discernible." WILLIAMS (Edwin). The Statesman's Manual: containing the Presidents' Messages, inaugural, annual and special, from 1789 to 1851. With their memoirs, and histories of their ad- ministrations. Together with a very valuable collection of national and statistical documents, &c. Compiled from official sources, by Edwin Williams. New York: [1853]. 4 vols. 8vo. ports. WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). Poems. The second edition. London: M. DCC. xci. 2 vols. I2mo. pi. [WILLIAMS (R. F.)]. The Court and Times of James the First; illustrated by authentic and confidential letters, from various public and private collections. Edited with an intro- duction and notes. London: 1848-49. 2 vols. 8vo. WILLIBALD. See Wright, T. WILLIS (N. P.). The Miscellaneous Works of N. P. Willis. New York: 1847. 8vo. PP- 2 5 I- 356, 220, 224. *** The inside title gives : "Dashes at Life with a free pencil." 4 parts. Trenton Falls, Picturesque and Descriptive: edited by N. Parker Willis; embracing the original essay of John Sh.r- man, the first proprietor and resident. The principal illustra- tions from original designs by Heine, Kummer, and Miiller. New York: 1851. i2mo. pp. 90, (i). 374 -GRAHAM WiLUS (N. P.). Paul Fane; or, Parts of a Life Else Untold. A Novel. New York: 1857. i2mo. pp. 402. WILLIS (William). Bibliography of State of Maine. See Norton's L/iterary Letter. WiLLMOTT (R. A.). The poets of the nineteenth century. Selected and edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Illus- trated with one hundred engravings, drawn by eminent artists, and engraved by the brothers Dalziel. London: 1857. 8vo. PP- 399- [WiLSON (Charles Henry)]. The Myrtle and Vine; or, Com- plete Vocal Library. Containing a Judicious Collection of the most popular and captivating Songs 6n every subject that can charm the ear, or enliven the heart. Selected from the Har- monic Treasures of the Sister Muses of the Three Kingdoms. Interspersed with many Originals and Translations. With an Essay on Singing and Song Writing. To which is added, Biographical Anecdotes of the most celebrated song writers. Ornamented with Twelve Portraits of Eminent Vocal Charac- ters. Dublin: [n. d.] 2 vols. 121110. ports. *** 6 portraits only, and 2 engraved title pages. WILSON (Henry). W T onderful Characters: comprising Mem- oirs and Anecdotes of the most Remarkable Persons of Every Age and Nation. Collected from the most authentic sources By Henry Wilson. London: 1821-22. 3 vols. 8vo. ports. "Wilson, Jasper." See Currie, James. WILSON (John). The Recreations of Christopher North. Complete in one volume. Boston: 1854. 8vo. pp. 307. port. WiLSON (John M.). Nelsons' Hand-Book to Scotland: For Tourists. Illustrated by Maps, Plans, and Views. London: MDCCCLX. iamo. pp. 536. Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland; Historical, tra- ditionary and imaginative. New York : [185*4]. 5 vols. 8vo. port, and pis. WILSON (Robert Thomas). History of the British Expedition to Egypt; to which is subjoined, a Sketch of the Present State of That Country and Its Means of Defence. Illustrated with maps, and a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby. Philadelphia: 1803. 8vo. pp. 317, 135. LIBRARY. 375 WIMPFFEN (Emmanuel Felix de). Sedan. Par Le Ge"ne"ral De Wimpffen. Deuxieme Edition. Revue et corrigee. Paris: 1871. 8vo. pp. 382. map. WINCKELMANN (Johann Joachim). The History of Ancient Art, Translated from the German by G. Henry Lodge. Boston: 1849. 2 v l s - 8vo. pis. *% Vol. II. only. WINDSOR-CASTLE: A Poem. Inscrib'd to the Immortal Honour of our most Gracious Soveraign, Anne, Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland. To which is added, Britain's Jubilee; A New Congratulatory Song, &c. . . . London, Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in the Black-fryars, near Water- side, For the Benefit of the Poor. 1708. 8vo. pp. 16. WINE, a Poem. ... To which is added, Old England's New Triumph: Or, the Battle of Audenard. A Song. London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills in Black-fryars, near the Water- side, 1709. 8vo. pp. 1 6. WINTER ( ). See Plumstead. WINTER (William). The Queen's Domain, and Other Poems. Boston: M DCCC Lix. i2tno. pp. 144. WINTERBOTHAM (W.). An historical, geographical, com- mercial, and philosophical view of the American United States, and of the European settlements in America and the West- Indies. London: 1795. 4 vols. 8vo. port., maps and pis. *** Two maps are but fragments. WlRT (William). Life of Patrick Henry. Fourth edition, corrected by the author. New- York: 1831. 8vo. pp. 443, (19). WISE (John R.). Shakspere: his Birthplace and Its Neigh- bourhood. Illustrated by W. J. Linton. London: M.DCCC. LXI. i2mo. pp. 164. *** Contains many MS. notes by Mr. Graham. [WISEMAN {Cardinal Nicholas)]. Fabiola; or The Church of the Catacombs. London: [pref. 1854]. i2tno. pp. 385. pi. Wit and Humour. See Hunt, L. WISHART (George). Memoirs of The Most Renowned James Graham, Marquis of Montrose. Translated from the Latin. With An Appendix, containing many curious Papers relating to the History of these Times; several of which never hitherto published. Edinburgh: M DCC LVI. 8vo. pp. xxvi, 412. 376 GRAHAM WISHART (George). Memoirs of the most renowned James Graham, Marquis of Montrose. Translated from the Latin. To which are added, sundry original letters, never before pub- lished. Edinburgh: 1819. 8vo. pp. 530. port. *% A presentation copy from James Lorimer Graham, Jr., to his brother, Robert M. Graham. WITHER (George). Speculum Speculativum: or, A Consid- ering-Glass; Being an Inspection Into the present and late sad Condition Of these Nations; With some Cautional Expressions made thereupon, by George Wither, Immediately after his Majesties Restauration: To preserve in himself and others a Christian Obedience to God's various Dispensations. Hereby also are some Glimmerings discovered Of what will probably ensue hereafter. London, Written June xm. MDCLX. and there imprinted the same year. i2ino.. pp. (12), 166. Hymns and Songs of the Church. With an introduc- tion by Edward Farr. London: 1856. i2mo. pp. 1, 304. port. 8 pp. music. Hallelujah, or Britain's Second Remembrancer; bring- ing to remembrance, (in praiseful and penitential hymns, spirit- ual songs, and moral odes,) meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practice of piety and virtue. Composed in a three-fold volume, by George Wither. With an introduction by Edward Farr. London: 1857. i2tno. pp. xxxii, 399. port. The Wits. See Stevenson, M. Wits Common- Wealth. See Bodenham, J. The WOES of War: a Letter of Sorrow. By a Southern Lady. Second edition. London: 1862. 8vo. pp. 25. *** With a preface signed "Pauline V. D. Vyver, London." The original letter purports to have been written from Louisiana. [WOLCOTT (J.)]. The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. With a copious index. London: [1825]. 8vo. pp. 330. port. WOLF (C.). See Hunter, W. WOLOWSKI (L.). De la Monnaie. Paris: 1868. 24010. pp. 72. Le Travail des Enfants dans les Manufactures. Paris: 1868. 24010. pp. 51. Wonderful Stories. See Mitchell, S. W. WOOD (J. G.). The Common Objects of the Country. With LIBRARY. 377 illustrations by Coleman, printed in colours by Evans. London: 1858. i6mo. pp. 182. WOOD (J. G.). Homes without Hands. Being a description of the habitations of animals, classed according to their prin- ciple of construction. With new designs by W. F. Keyl and E. Smith. Engraved by G. Pearson. London: 1865. 8vo. pp. 632. pis. WOOD (Shakspere). The new Cvriosvm Vrbis: a guide to Ancient and Modern Rome. London: 1875. ^vo. PP- 3^4- map. WOOD (William). A Survey of Trade. In Four Parts. I. The great Advantages of Trade in General, and the Particular Influence of it on Great-Britain. II. The Marks of a Beneficial Trade, and the Nature of our Commerce in its several Branches; with an Examination of some Notions generally received of the Prejudices we suffer by other Nations in Trade. III. The great Advantages of our Colonies and Plantations to Great-Britain, and our Interest in Preserving and Encouraging Them ; and how They may be further Improved. IV. Some Considerations on the Disadvantages our Trade at present labours under, and for the Recovery and Enlargement of it. Together with Consider- ations on our Money and Bullion. Its Exportation discuss' d. Scarcity of Silver Coin accounted for. The Means of procuring a Plenty and free Circulation of both Species. The Second Edition. London: Printed for John Walthoe, jun. over-against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill. M DCC xxn. 121110. pp. xiv, 373. [WOODHOUSELEE (Alexander Fraser Ty tier, Lord}']. An His- torical and Critical Essay on the Life and Character of Petrarch. With a translation of a few of his Sonnets. Illustrated with portraits and engravings. Edinburgh: 1810. 8vo. pp. 269, (i). WOOLSEY (Miss S. C.). See Coolidge, S. WORDEN (John L.). To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled: Washington, D. C. November 20, 1874. 4to. Broadside. *** A memorial in behalf of the officers and crew of the Monitor. With a presentation letter from Admiral Worden (John Lorimer Worden) to his cousin James I^orimer Graham. Bound with it are the pamphlets on the Monitor by William Swinton and E. P. Dorr, catalogued elsewhere in this list. 378 GRAHAM WORDSWORTH (Charles). On Shakspeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. London: 1864. 8vo. pp. 309. WORDSWORTH (Christopher). Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. A New Edition, carefully Revised. With numerous engravings illustrative of the scenery, architecture^ costume, and fine arts of that country. And A History of the Characteristics of Greek Art, by George Scharf. London: 1859. 8vo. pp. 452. pis. Journal of a Tour in Italy, with reflections on the present condition and prospects of religion in that country. Second edition. London: 1863. 8vo. WORDSWORTH (William). The Poems of William Words- worth. A new edition. London: 1851. rl. 8vo. pp. 619. port. *"% The illustrated title page is dated 1847. Poems. New York: 1851. i6mo. pp. 281. pi. Earlier poems. Corrected as in the latest editions. With preface, and notes showing the text as it stood in 1815. By William Johnston. London: 1857. i2mo. pp. 435. The Poetical Works. A new edition. London: 1857. 6 vols. i2mo. port. See Hoyle, C. WORMS (E.). Quelques Considerations sur le Mariage. Paris: 1867. 24mo. pp. 48. WORNUM (Ralph N.). Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery: with Biographical Notices of the Painters. Foreign Schools. Revised by Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. By Authority. Thirty-third edition. London: 1861. 8vo. pp. 287. WORTLEY (Lady Emmeline Stuart). &c. By the Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley. London: MDCCCLIII. I2ino. pp. 450. pi. WOTTON (Sir H.). Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others. Edited by the Rev. John Hannah. Lon- don 1857 I2mo. pp. 136. WRAXALiv (Lascelles). Hand-book to the Naval and Mili- tary Resources of the Principal European Nations. London: MDCCCLVI. 8vo. pp. 228. LIBRARY. 379 WRIGHT (Miss, Frances Mme. D'Arusmont). Voyage aux ^Etats-Unis d'Ame'rique, on Observations sur la socie'te', les moeurs, les usages et le gouvernement de ce pays, recneillies en 1818, 1819 et 1820. Par Miss Wright. Traduit de 1'Anglais sur la seconde Edition, Par J. T. Parisot, ... A Paris: 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. WRIGHT (Thomas). Four Pastorals, entitled Spring, Sum- mer, Autumn, and Winter. London: 1749. 8vo. pp. 46. WRIGHT (Thomas, M. A.}. Early Travels in Palestine, com- prising the narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Ssewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De la Broc- quiere, and Maundrell. Edited, with notes, By Thomas Wright. London. MDCCCXLVIII. i2mo. pp. 517. plan. Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, con- taining words from English writers previous to the nineteenth century which are no longer in use, or are not used in the same sense. And words which are now used only in the provincial dialects. London: MDCCCLXIX. 2 vols. 121110. WYATT (William Edward). Christian Offices, for the use of Families and Individuals; compiled from the liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and from the devotional writings of various authors; together with selections of Passages of Scrip- ture, and a calendar, pointing out a suitable portion of Scripture for the family worship of every day in the year. Fifth edition. New- York: 1858. i2mo. pp. 498. Wybor Poezyi Polskiey. See Browning, J. Wybor Z Bdsnictwi Ceskeho. See Browning, J. WYLIE (J. A.). The Road to Rome via Oxford; or Ritualism Identical with Romanism. London: 1868. 121110. pp. 300. WYNNE (James). Private Libraries of New York. New York: MDCCCLX. rl. 8vo. pp. 472. pi. ** One hundred copies printed on large paper. There is also a copy of the edition in small paper. The work contains a brief notice of Mr. Gra- liam's library. [WYSS (J. D.).] The Swiss Family Robinson: or Adven- tures in a Desert Island. With Twenty-four Page Illustrations. London: [n. d.] 121110. pp. 323. WYTFLIET (C.). Histoire / Vniverselle / des Indes / Occi- dentales / et Orientales, / et de la Conver- / sion des Indiens. / 380 GRAHAM Diuiseeen trois Parties, par Cor- / nille Vvytfliet, & Anthoine / Magin, & autres / Historiens. / Premiere Partie. / A Dovay, / Chez Francois Fabri, / L'An 1611. Fo. Part I. Title, 3 11., pp. 108, 4 11., 19 maps. II. Title, 5 11., pp. 66, 4 maps (on 2 pages). III. Title, pp. 54, 2 11. ENOPHON, the ATHENIAN. The Anabasis, or Expedi- tion of Cyrus, and the Memorabilia of Socrates. Literally translated from the Greek of Xenophon. By J. S. Wat- son. With a geographical commentary, by W. F. Ainsworth. London: MDCCCLIV. 8vo. pp. 518, (i). port. The Cyropaedia, or Institution of Cyrus, and The Hel- lenics, or Grecian History. Literally translated from the Greek of Xenophon. By J. S. Watson, and Henry Dale. With bio- graphical notice, chronological table, and index. London: MDCCCLV. 8vo. pp. 579. (381) [WALDEN (Rev. Dr. Thomas).] The Temple of Fame, a Poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Congreve . . . London. Printed 4L and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side. 1709. 8vo. pp. 15. YATKS (Edmund). Running the Gauntlet. A Novel. New Edition. London: 1867. I2mo. pp. 446. YONGE (Charles Duke). Parallel Lives of Ancient and Modern Heroes. London: 1858.- i2mo. pp. 269. [YONGE (Charlotte May)]. Heartsease; or, The Brother's Wife. By the author of "The Heir of Redclyffe." New York: 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. YONGE (Edward). The Complete Works, poetry and prose, of the Rev. Edward Young. Revised and collated with the earliest editions. To which is prefixed, A Life of the Author, by John Doran. With eight illustrations on steel, and a por- trait. London: MDCCCLIV. 2 vols. I2tno. port, and pis. Young's Night Thoughts. With Life, Critical Dis- sertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. New York: M.DCCC.LIV. 8vo. pp. 327. The YORKSHIRE RACERS, a poem. In a Letter from H S ton, to his Friend T P n. London. Printed for the Use of all Sorts of Jockeys, whether North, South, East or West. [1709?] 8vo. pp. 15. The YOUNG Clerk's / Vade Mecum: / or, / Compleat Law- Tutor. / Being a useful Collection of a great Variety / of the most approved Precedents in the Law, /and adapted to almost every Transaction in / Life wherein an Attention to legal Forms is / indispensably necessary. / And consisting chiefly / of Bonds, / Special Conditions, / Letters of Attorney, / Awards, / Articles of Ai>ree- / ment, / Bills of Sale, / Contracts, / Covenants, / Charter Parties, / Leases, / Proceedings upon Dis-/ tress for Rent, /As- signments, / Deeds, / Indentures, / Mortgages, / Marriage Arti- cles, / Wills, / Fines and Recoveries, / Writs, / Declarations and (382) LIBRARY. 383 Pro-/ceedings at Law./ To which is added, / A Collection of English; Precedents, / Relating to the / Office of a Justice of Peace. / Belfast Printed: / New- York, Re-printed by H. Gaine, / in Hanover-Square. M,DCC,LXXVI. / I2mo. pp. (12), 236. x*x A rare New York imprint. t&PPI (G. F.). Rime Dell' Avvocato Oiovambattista Felice Zappi e di Faustina Maratti sua consorte. Settima edizione. Espurgata, ed accresciuta d' altre Rime de' piu celebri dell' Arcadia di Roma. Divisa in due parti. In Venezia, MDCC- XLVIII. Presso Francesco Storti in Merceria all' Insegna della Fortezza. 2 vols. i6mo. pp. 348. ZARATE (Augustin de). Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou. Traduite de 1'Espagnol D' Augustin de Zarate, Par S. D. C. Tome Premier. A Amsterdam, Chez J. Louis de Lorme, Libraire sur le Rockin, a la Liberte. M. DCC. 2 vols. i6mo. pis and map. *** Zarate was sent to Peru by Charles V. as treasurer general. Prescott says that his work has taken a permanent rank among the most respectable authorities for a history of the time ; although ' ' his style can make but moderate pretensions to the praise of elegance or exactness." It has been shown by Muiioz, however, that the printed volume differs considerably from the original manuscript, and that it has been edited in passing through the press. " S. D. C." is S. de Broe", Seigneur de Citry et de la Guette. [ZINZENDORF (N. L. Reichsgraf von)]. The / Remarks, / which / The Author of the / Compendious Extract, &c. / In the Preface to his Book, / Has friendly desired of / The Rev. of Thurenstein, / For the Time Pastor of the Lutheran Congrega- tion / of J. C. in Philadelphia. / . . / Philadelphia: / Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, / M,DCC,XLII. / i2ino. pp. 24. ^** Inlaid to 4to. Four portraits and a fine letter of Franklin inserted. ZSCHOKKE (Heinrich). Histoire de la Nation Suisse, par Mr. Henri Zschokke. Traduite de 1'Allemand par Ch. Monnard. Nouvelle Edition revue par le Traducteur. Arau: 1830. i2ino. pp. 479. Tales from the German of Heinrich Zschokke. By Parke Godwin. Part I. New edition. New York: 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. [ ] Meditations on Life and its Religious Duties. Trans- lated from the German by Frederica Rowan. Boston: 1863. I2mo. pp. 394. (384) LIBRARY. 385 [ZSCHOKKE (Heinrich)]. Meditations on Death and Eternity. Translated from the German by Frederica Rowan. Boston: 1864. i2tno. pp. 414. # * # The original work was one of the favorite books of the English Prince Consort, and upon his death this translation was undertaken at the request of Queen Victoria. SUPPLEMENT. NSTIS (John). Chronological data of the Coronation Days of the Kings and Queens of England, from Alfred the Great to George the Fourth. London: July, MDCCCXXI. 8vo. pp. (12). BANKS (T. C.). An historical and critical account of the In- stitution of the Coronation Ceremony; its indispensability; the high and official services of the day. The Origin of Inunction. A disquisition upon the Kingly Office, and Right of Succession. With critical observations. London: MDCCCXXX. 8vo. pp. viii., xviii., 159. [BARNARD .(Edward)]. Virtue the Source of Pleasure. [Verse.] London: MDCCLVII. 8vo. pp. vii., 319. BOHN (Henry G.). A Guide to the Knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, and other objects of vertti. Comprising an il- lustrated Catalogue of the Bernal Collection of Works of Art, with the prices at which they were sold. . . . Added, An Essay on Pottery and Porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. 3d ed. London: 1872. 121110. pp. xxxviii., 504. pi. [ ] (Editor], Chronicles of the Crusades, being con- temporary narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf ; and of the Crusade of Saint Louis, by Lord John De Joinville. With illustrative notes. London: 1848. i2ino. pp. vi., 562. pi. BYRON. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: with notices of his life. By Thomas Moore. New-York: 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. port. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (M.). The exemplary novels of Mig- uel de Cervantes Saavedra: to which are added El Buscapie", or, The Serpent; and La Tia Fingida, or, The Pretended Aunt. ( 387 ) 388 GRAHAM Translated from the Spanish by Walter K. Kelly. London: 1855. i2mo. pp. xii., 484. port. CONFERENCES faites a la gare Saint-Jean, a Bordeaux. Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette et C ie - 1867-68. 2 vols. 24mo. il, #*# The lectures forming this and the following collection appear in this Catalogue under the names of their authors. CONFERENCES populaires faites a L'Asile Imperial de Vin- cennes sous le patronage de S. M. I'lmperatrice. Paris: Li- brairie de L. Hachette et C ie - 1866-69. ZI vo ^ s - 24ino. il. CONTE (Antoine). Biographic de M. Antoine Conte, directeur general des postes. Paris, 1839. 121110. pp. 24. COREAL (Francisco). Voyages de Francois Coreal aux Indes Occidentales, contenant Ce qu' il y a vu de plus remarquable pendant son sejour depuis 1666. jusqu' en 1697. Traduits de 1' Espagnol. Avec une Relation de la Guiane de Walter Ral- eigh, & le Voyage de Narbrough a la Mer clu Sud par le Detroit de Magellan, &c. Nouvelle 'Edition. Revile, corrigee, & aug- mentee d' une nouvelle Decouveite des Indes Meridionales & des Terres Australes, enrichie de figures. A Paris, Place de Sorbonne, Chez Robert-Marc d' Espilly, a Sainte Ursule. MDCCXXII. 2 vols. i6mo. pi. maps. [CowLEY (Mrs. H. P.)]. A Day in Turkey, or The Russian Slaves. Comedy, [n. p. n. d.] [London: 1792?] 8vo. pp. (2), 86, (i). DiEREViLLE ( ?). Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1'Acadie, ou de La Nouvelle France. Dans laqtielle on voit un Detail des divers mouvemens de la Mer dans une Traversee de long cours; la Description du Pai's, les Occupations des Fran- gois qui y sont e"tablis, les Manieres des differentes Nations Sauvages, leurs Superstitions & leurs Chasses; avecune Disser- tation exacte sur le Castor. Par Mr. DieVeville embarqne a la Rochelle dans le Navire la Royale-Paix. Ensuite de la Rela- tion, on a ajotite* le Detail d' un combat donne" entre les Fran- 9ois & les Acadiens, centre les Anglois. A Rouen, Chez Jean- Baptiste Besongne, rue Ecuyere, au Soleil Royal. M.DCCVIII. i6mo. pp. (14), 236, 7, (2). * # A narrative in prose and verse. This traveller has given his name to a variety of honeysuckle, named after him " Diervilla," by Tournefort. LIBRARY. 389 EGAN (Pierce). Life in London; or, The Day -and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and Corinthian Tom, accom- panied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. A new edition. Embellished with thirty-six scenes from real life, designed and etched by I. R. & G. Cruikshank. . . London: [1821]. 8vo. pp. xvi.,376. il. col. pi. 6 pp. music. FOURNEL (Henri). oup d'oeil historiqtie et statistique sur Le Texas. Paris. Avril, 1841. nar. 4to. pp. 57. map. Les FRANCS-Ma9ons et La Commune de Paris Du role qu' a jone" la Franc-Magonnerie pendant la guerre civile. Par Un Franc-Magon. Paris E. Dentu 1871. i6mo. pp. 64. GENUS (S. F. D. de S.-A., Comtesse de]. Theatre a 1' usage des jeunes personnes. A Maestricht, Chez J. E. Dufour & Ph. Roux. M.DCC.LXXXVII. 4 vols. i6mo. GESCHJCHTE und Handlung der franzosischen Pflanzstadte in Nordamerika, nebst' einer zuverlassigen Nachricht von deren Bevolkerung, ihren Einwohnern und der natiirlichen Beschaffen- heit des Landes, wie auch einer kurzen Einleitung in die jezige Strittigkeiten der Englander und Franzosen wegen Akadien. . . . Stutgart, 1756. vey Johann Benedict* Mezler. 121110. PP- (8), 37 6 - ma P- The INTERNATIONAL. Les my stores de L' Internationale. Son origine son but ses chefs ses moyens d' action son role sous La Commune. Paris: E. Dentu. 1871. i6mo. pp. 120. KANE (E. K.). Access to an Open Polar Sea in connection with the Search after Sir John Franklin and his Companions. Read before the Amer. Geog. and Statistical Society, Dec. 14, 1852. New York: 1853. 8vo. pp. 24. map. [LEWIS (John)]. On the Antiquity and Use of Seals in England. [London : 1740.] sq. 8vo. 31 pp. il. pi. and 2 seals inserted. NERSES (Saint\ Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeni- orum Patriarchae triginta tribus linguis editae Venetiis In Insula S. Lazari. 1862. 161110. (18), 566, (2) pp. port. NORTON'S Literary Letter. No. 4. The Bibliography of State of Maine [by Wm. Willis], and other papers of interest; With a Catalogue of A Large Collection of Works upon Bib- 390 GRAHAM liography and America. New York. 1859. sq. 8vo. pp. 41, 45, 66, 50 +. il. OGILBY (John). Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improv'd; Being a Correct Coppy of M r - Ogilby's Actual Survey of all y e Direct & Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales: Wherein are exactly Delineated & Engraven, All y e Cities, Towns, Villages, Churches, Seats, &c. , scituate on or near the Roads, with their respective Distances in . . . Miles ... By In- Owen of the Midd: Temple Gent. . . . Lastly Particular & Correct Maps of all y e Counties of South Britain ... By Eman : Bowen Engraver. The fourth Edition. Printed & Sold by Tho: Bowles, Printer & Map Seller in S*- Paul's Ch Yard. 1731. 8vo. pp. (6), 273. maps. [PERION (Joachim) and Henri ESTIENNE]. Conciones Ora- tiones ex historicis Latinis excerpta . '. Opus recognitum recensitumque in usum Scholarum Hollandise . & Westfrisise . . . [ab lobo Veratio]. Amstelodami, apud loannem lansson- ivm Anno M.DC.XXXXI. 24mo. pp. 549, (22). PORTRAITS. 21 vols. 4to. [v. d. v. p.] #** A series of four thousand engraved portraits, chiefly English. Some are rare, and many of them are proofs before letter, or proofs on India or Japan paper. The arrangement is intended to be alphabetical, but is not always carried out. SERIE degli uomini i piu illustri nella pittura, scultura, e architettura con i loro elogi, e ritratti incisi in rame cominci- ando dalla sua prima restaurazione fino ai tempi presenti. In Firenze 1' anno MDCCLXIX. LXXV. 12 vols. 4to. ports, pi. Supplement alia Serie dei trecento elogi e ritratti degli uomini i piu illustri in pittura, scultura e architettura o sia Abecedario pittorico dall' origine delle belle arti a tutto 1' anno MDCCLXXV. In Firenze MDCCLXXVI. i vol. in 2 parts. 4to. ' port. pi. *** The 12 volumes have long biographies of 300 artists, with portraits. Most of the first volume of the Supplement is given to short biographies of all artists : in the second follow brief notes of the most antient artists. An- other list gives engravers and their marks. The STUDENT of Padua. A Domestic Tragedy. In Five Acts. [London:] 1836. 121110. pp. x., 114. **# A presentation copy from the anonymous author to Wordsworth, and bearing Wordsworth's autograph. LIBRARY. 391 THACKERAY (Francis). A History of the Right Honorable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham: containing His Speeches in Parliament; a considerable portion of his correspondence, when Secretary of State, upon French, Spanish, and American affairs, never before published; with an account of the Principal Events and Persons of His Time, connected with his life, sentiments, and administrations. In two volumes. London: MDCCCXXVII. 2 vols. 4to. portrait, facsim. [WHITEFIELD (E.)]. Original drawings. #% A folio volume of 73 pages, so lettered, containing water-color pic- tures, and a few drawings, for the most part of wild flowers. The paintings are done on octavo drawing board, and pasted in; forty of them occupying single pages. The artist's name appears on 10 pictures, which are dated from 1840-51. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-Series 4939 tflp 896974