UC-NRLF ELECTRO-TECHNICAL SERIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/electricityineleOOhousrich BY THE SAME AUTHORS Elementary Electro -Technical Series COMPRISING Alternating Electric Currents. Electric Heating. Electromagnetism. Electricity in Electro-Therapeutics. Electric Arc Lighting. Electric Incandescent Lighting. Electric Motors. Electric Street Railways. Electric Telephony. Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, Price per Volume, $1.00. Electro-Dynamic Machinery. Cloth, $2.50. THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 Broadway, New York ELEMENTARY ELECTRO-TECHNICAL SERIES ELECTRICITY IN ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS BY EDWIN J. HOUSTON, Ph. D. AND A. E. KENNELLY, Sc. D. new Tea ^^Lll!_i.^.^ i THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 Broadway 1896 Copyright, 1896, by THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY. CONTENTS. R/n and the E. M. F. which divided by 5,000 ohms gives jttt: = 50 volts, the voltage re- quired. A battery of fifty silver-chloride cells, each having an E. M. F. of 1.05 volts, and an internal resistance of 10 ohms per cell ; it is required to know whether a single cell or the whole battery of fifty cells in series ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 87 will give the greater current strength through a short stout piece of copper wire. The resistance of the short piece of cop- per wire being negligibly small compared with the resistance of a single cell, we may omit it altogether in the calculation. The current strength from one cell will, there- , 1.05 fore, be -j<7 = 0.105 ampere — 105 milliam- peres. With fifty cells we have 50 times as much E. M. F. and. also fifty times as much resistance, and therefore, by Ohm's .„ . 52.5 law, the current strength will be ^tjtj - = 0.105 ampere = 105 milliamperes, or the same as before, so that it is evident that through a negligibly small external resist- ance, or, as it is called, on short circuit, there is no advantage in adding similar 88 ELECTRICITY IN cells in series, since although each cell adds its E. M. F. to the circuit, it also adds a proportional amount of resistance. If the silver-chloride battery of the pre- ceding paragraph, is employed to send a current through an external resistance of 1,000 ohms, what will be the current strength with one cell and with fifty cells ? With one cell, the total resistance will be 1,000+10 = 1,010 ohms, and the E. M. F. 1.05 volts, so that the current strength will be jTyfA = 0.00104 = 1.04 milliampere. With fifty cells, the total resistance will be 1,000+500 = 1,500 ohms, and the E. M. F. 1.05X50 = 52.5 volts. The current 52 5 strength will, therefore, be .. 5QQ = 0.035 = 35 milliamperes. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 89 As another example, let us suppose that two Gravity-Daniell cells have each an E. M. F. of 1.05 volts, and a resistance of 4 ohms. Find the current strength which they can send through a resistance of one ohm externally; (a) When connected singly ; (b) In series ; (c) In parallel. 1.05 1.05 (a) jrrr = ^- = 0.21 = 0.21 ampere = 210 milliamperes. 1.05X2 2.1 (J) In series, ^^+1 = ~9~ = °- 233 = 233 milliamperes. (c) In parallel. Here the positive pole of one cell is connected to the positive pole of the other, and the negative pole of one cell, connected to the negative pole of the other. The E. M. F. of the combination will be that of a single cell, but the resist- ance of the combination will be that of two equal resistances in parallel, or one 90 ELECTRICITY IN half that of either; namely, 2 ohms, the current strength will, therefore, be ^xr = 1.05 — Q- =0.35 ampere = 350 milhamperes. An instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents is called an amperemeter, or ammeter. For electro- therapeutic purposes, since the current strength to be measured is usually ex- pressed in milliamperes, the instrument is frequently called a milliammeter. Milliammeters are made in a variety of forms. In nearly all cases, however, an index or pointer is moved over a graduated scale by the force exerted between a coil of wire carrying the current to be meas- ured, and a magnet in its vicinity. This movement is due to the fact that a wire & DfESR m ELECTRO-THERAPBI^ICS/ Kl »^BllTV Lf carrying an electric currentN&^mes tem- porarily invested with magnetic *fffe®|$ ! Fig. 30.— Form of Milliammetek. A simple form of milliammeter is shown in Fig. 30. In this a pair of coils of wire, situated beneath the horizontal face of the instrument, become magnetized by the passage of the current to be measured, and 92 ELECTRICITY IN deflect a magnetic needle, in the shape of a split bell, from the position it assumes under the influence of the earth's field at the place where the measurement is made. Fig. 31. — Vertical Form of Milliammeter. The scale is marked directly in milli- amperes. Another form of instrument is shown in Fio*. 31. Here a vertical needle is de- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 93 fleeted by the attraction of a coil of wire upon a magnetized needle placed inside the instrument. Fig. 32. — Form of Milliammeter. Still another form of instrument, differ- ing only in constructive details from those above described, is shown in Fig. 32. While the preceding instruments are simple in their construction, yet they are all liable to have their indications attended 94 ELECTRICITY IN by changes of magnetic force occurring in their neighborhood, and even when all magnets are carefully removed from their vicinity, their indications are often at- Fig. 33.— Weston Milli ammeter. tended by appreciable error, due to some difference between the strength of the earth's magnetic force at the place where the instrument is employed, and the place where it was originally calibrated. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 95 A form of instrument which is practi- cally free from the earth's magnet inilu- Fia. 34. — Working Parts of Weston Ammeter. ence is shown in Fig 33. This freedom is owing to the fact that the instrument has 96 ELECTRICITY IN no iron moving parts. The principal working parts are shown in Fig. 34. A horse-shoe permanent magnet MM, MM, only partly visible in the figure, has soft iron projections, or pole-pieces P, P, secured to its poles. These projections are shaped so as to enclose a cylindrical space. At the centre of this space is supported a soft iron, solid cylindrical core I I. Between this core and the pole-j>ieces, there remains a narrow annular gap, or space, which is permeated by the magnetic flux from the permanent magnet. In this space a deli- cately supported coil C, of insulated copper wire, is free to move. Coil springs S, S, carry the current to be measured into and out of the coil C. So long as there is no current through the coil, it is unaffected by the magnetic field in which it is placed, and the pointer remains at the zero point. When, however, a current passes through ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 97 the coil, the electromagnetic action of this current upon the magnetic field, causes a mechanical force to be exerted upon the coil, deflecting it against the spiral springs S, S } in such a manner that the pointer JS, moves over a scale beneath it through a distance, which is almost di- rectly porportional to the current strength. The permanent magnet's field is so very much more powerful than the earth's magnetic field, that the influence of the latter upon the coil is negligible by com- parison. The accuracy ojf the instrument depends upon the degree of permanence with which the magnetism in the horse- shoe magnet is retained. The instrument has the disadvantage that it will not read in either direction, so that if the current passing through the instrument has the wrong direction, the wires attached to the instrument must be reversed. 98 ELECTRICITY IN In several of the instruments just described, means are provided for varying their sensibility and the range of their indications. Thus, in Figs. 29 and 30, a screw button is seen projecting from the face of the apparatus, marked 10. If this screw be pressed forward, until it abuts strongly against its stop, a coil of wire will be brought into connection with the termi- nals, in such a manner that 9-10ths of the current passing through the instrument will pass through this wire, and only 1-1 0th will pass through the measuring coils. The instrument under these con- ditions is said to be shunted, or to have a shunt applied to it whose power is 10. The readings of the instrument in milliam- peres must now be multiplied by 10, in order to obtain the actual current strengths. In Fig. 33, three terminals are shown and the instrument is provided ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 99 with two sets of graduations on its scale. When the right hand and the corner left hand terminals are used, the lower scale is brought into use, by which the instrument reads up to 10 milliamperes only, but by using the right hand, and the inner left hand terminals, the upper scale is utilized, by which currents up to 500 milliamperes can be measured. Instruments of the preceding types are sufficiently sensitive for all the ordinary requirements of electro-therapeutic applica- tions. When, however, physiological re- searches have to be made, in which very feeble electric currents are measured, it is necessary to use a mirror galvanometer, as a form of ammeter. Such an instrument is made in a variety of forms, one of the simplest of which is illustrated in Fig. 35. A circular coil or spool of fine insulated 100 ELECTRICITY IN copper wire is mounted upon a tripod frame, and a small magnetized needle Fig. 35.— Mirror Galvanometer is suspended by a fibre of silk at the centre of the coil. A small glass mirror is attached to the suspension in such ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 101 a manner that any deflection of the little magnetized needle will cause an angular deflection of the mirror. Facing the instrument is a lamp and scale, shown in Fig. 36. The lamp, whose glass Fig. 36.— Mirrok Galvanometer Scale. chimney only is seen at G> throws a beam of light through the window W, on the mirror suspended in the galvanometer. The latter reflects the beam on the scale S. Since a deflection of the mirror through an angle of 45°, would be sufficient to deflect 102 ELECTRICITY IN the beam through a right angle, or 90°, and, therefore, to send the beam to the end of an indefinitely long scale, it is evident, that a veiy small angular deviation of the rnaomet under the influence of the current to be measured passing through the coil, will suffice to produce a marked displace- ment of the spot of light along the scale S. A current in one direction will deflect the beam to the right, and a current in the opposite direction, to the left. Such an apparatus has commonly a resistance of 500 ohms, and a current of one millionth of an ampere, on one micro-ampere, will deflect the beam through a distance of a millimetre on a scale one metre distant. In researches of very great delicacy, where exceedingly feeble currents have to be observed, special very sensitive mirror galvanometers are employed. One of these ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 103 is shown in Fig. 37. Here four sets of coils, one above another, act on four little mag- •""■TlUffll:" Fig. 37.— Sensitive Mirror Galvanometer. netic needles situated at their respective centres. A single mirror, attached to the upper part of the suspension, reflects its 104 ELECTRICITY IN beam of light through the window W. The terminals of the coils are brought to the connecting posts t, t. m, tn, are two con- trolling magnets employed for bringing the magnetic needles back to the same posi- tion after the application of the current to be measured. Such an instrument has a resistance of about 15,000 ohms, and has a sensibility such that one billionth of an ampere, or one bicro-ampere, i. e. one thousand millionth ampere, will produce a deflection of 15 millimetres on a scale dis- tant one metre. Except for delicate work, and very feeble currents, the Thomson galvanometer is undesirable, as the values of its indications have usually to be con- verted into amperes by careful measure- ments and computations. A form of galvauometer, very con- venient when the greatest sensibility is not "<«?CF^?ry Cf " required, is shown in Fig^&S-^and is called the D'Arsonval galvanonn ELECTRO-THERA»^J r Fig. 38.— D'Arsonval Galvanometer. coil of insulated wire C, is suspended between the poles of a permanent magnet M, and by means of the attached mirror, 106 ELECTRICITY. the deflection of this coil can be observed. It is evident that while in the preceding mirror galvanometers, the coil is fixed and the magnet is movable, in this in- strument the magnet is fixed and the coil is movable. CHAPTER V. VARIETIES OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. The voltaic or primary cell, and the secondary cell already described, will pro- duce an E. M. F. which, so long as the chemicals remain unchanged, does not vary in strength. Such an E. M. F. is, there- fore, called a continuous E.M.F. A con- tinuous E. M. F. is also produced by a variety of other electric sources, such, for example, as a continuous-current dynamo, which, so long as its speed of rotation remains the same, produces an E. M. F. which is practically continuous. Fig. 39, represents graphically a con- tinuous E. M. F. The straight line AB, is - 107 108 ELECTRICITY IN" drawn parallel to the base OS, at a dis- tance representing 1.1 volts. Time is measured along the base OS, and the fact that the line AB, remains parallel to the > 2.2C 1.1 A -LIE ■f S Fig. 39.— Continuous E. M. F. base, represents the constancy of the E. M. F., which might be that of a single Daniell cell. Two such cells, connected in series, would produce a continuous E. M. F. of 2.2 volts, represented by the straight line CD, twice as far above the line OS, as the line AB. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 109 An E. M. F. possesses direction, as well as magnitude; that is to say, it may tend to send a current through a circuit in one direction or in the opposite direction. All E. M. F.'s that tend to send the current in one direction may be regarded as positive, and all tending to send the current in the opposite direction, as negative. Positive F. M. Fh are represented graphically by distances above the line OS, and negative F. M. F.'s, by distances below. Thus, in Fig. 39, the line FF, would indicate a negative E. M. F. of 1.1 volts, or an E. M. F. oppositely directed to that of the line AB. Fig. 40, shows the E. M. F. produced by a continuous-current dynamo. Here the line AB, is parallel to the base as before, but instead of being straight, is a fine, wavy line. These little waves represent 110 ELECTRICITY IN variations in the amount of E. M. F. pro- duced every time that the bar in the com- mutator passes underneath the collecting brush. These wavelets exist in the E. M. F. of every continuous-current IIS mi 111 CO H10 £l09 m A B n T * SECONDS Fig. 40. — Type of E. M. F. Produced by a Contin- uous-Current Dynamo. dynamo. When they are very marked, as represented in Fig. 41, the E. M. F. is said to be pulsatory. Such E. M. F.'s are produced by some con- tinuous-current generators, usually for ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Ill supplying arc lamps. It is evident, that at different times the E. M. F. varies con- siderably in its magnitude, but never changes direction, the line AB, being always on one side of the zero line 08; that is to say, it always has the same direc- ± A L 10 10 2 SECONDS Fig. 41.— Pulsatory E. M. F. tion in the circuit, just as though a battery of voltaic cells were employed to send cur- rent through a circuit, and that at inter- vals, a certain number of these cells were cut out and re-introduced. 112 ELECTRICITY IN When the waves start each time from the zero line, the E. M. F. is said to be intermittent. Fig. 42, shows that, at cer- tain intervals, an E. M. F. exists in the cir- cuit in one direction, and that at interven- P TIME Fig. 42.— Intermittent E. M. F. Undirectional. ing intervals there is no E. M. F. The intermittent E. M. F. can be obtained by connecting a continuous E. M. F., say a voltaic battery, to a wheel interrupter, in such a manner that the E. M. F. will be periodically cut off and applied. In all cases, although the strength of the E. M. F. varies at different times, yet at no ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 113 time does it change direction, so that the curved line lies wholly above the base line. When an E. M. F. changes direc- tion, as well as magnitude, it becomes 4-10— 4-5 - m CO i- _i 3 £ . SECOKOS B - -5-£ t -10- A Fig. 43.— Alternating E. M. F. alternating. Thus, in Fig. 43, the E. M. F. is seen to alternate between 10 volts positive and 10 volts negative, the transitions in this particular case being made instantaneously. Such an E. M. F. might be produced by connecting a battery of .voltaic cells with a current 114 ELECTRICITY IN reverser, in such a manner, that by rotat- ing the handle, the E. M. F. would be periodically reversed without being with- drawn from the circuit. 4100- t 80- A 4 60- 4 40- tt+ 20- 7i n \B D / o O -.20- SECONDS 1 \ / 2 /lOO - 40- -60- - 80- >s *^iL^ -100- Fig. 44.— Symmetrical Alternating E. M. F. It is not necessary that an alternating E. M. F. should change abruptly from its maximum positive to its maximum nega- tive value. In most cases, in fact, the change occurs more gradually, as shown in Fig. 44, which represents a common # ^W? & DIESEL ^ '¥, ELECTRO-THERJ type of alternating E. M. l^'^Eigs. 45 and 46, represent the same alternating E. M. F., although the graphical appearance of the waves is changed, owing to the varia- 4100- A 80- £ 60- -J 40- 9. 20- \b d/ U -20- SECONDS 106\ - 40- - 60- - 80- ^-— Q— ^ -100- Fig. 45.— Symmetrical Alternating E. M. F. tions of the scale of time along the base, and the scale of E. M. F. alon^ the vertical. It will be observed that in all representations of alternating E. M. F. there is a motion in one direction, in which the E. M. F., begin- ning at the base line or zero, gradually in- creases in value, and then gradually falls 116 ELECTRICITY IN until it again reaches zero, then changing its direction and going through the same 100— A 80- /\ VOLTS 1 1 \ 1 20— / \ / 1 \B D/ „ SECONDS I ° -111 "If "-20- 1 I -40- \ / -60- \ / -80- \-->—>--> Fig. 58. — Electrostatic Flux Paths, Parallel Plane Spheres. minals connected with the E. M. F., has been reduced. Fig. 58, represents two parallel plane surfaces connected with an E. M. F, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 155 Here the left-hand plane A, is considered as positive ; i. e., the electrostatic flux is assumed to emanate from A, pass through the intervening space, and terminate at the surface of B. There will be a positive charge on A, an equal negative charge on B, and the same charge represented in dis- placement all through the mass of ether be- tween the plates. The amount of charge which will enter the system, will depend upon the E. M. F. brought to bear upon the plates A and B, the thickness of the stratum of ether, and the area of the plates or stratum. If the area of the opposed plates be increased, the elastic resiliency of the mass of ether between the plates is di- minished, and a proportionally greater charge enters the system. Similarly, if the plates be approached, so that the stratum of included air becomes thinner, its resili- ency is diminished, and the E. M. F. will 156 ELECTRICITY IN force more flux through the system, and a corresponding greater charge. In either case, therefore, we have what might be re- garded as an electrostatic circuit. The amount of flux which will pass through the circuit ; i. e., the amount of charge which can be communicated to the surface of the dielectric involved, will depend upon the E. M. F., and also upon the elastic resistance of the medium. E M F Electrostatic flux=-pn — ; ' . * — '- Electrostatic resistance. The greater the electrostatic resistance, the less the flux, and vice versa. This corre- sponds completely to Ohm's law for the voltaic circuit, except that the electrostatic resistance is not a resistance to the passage of electric current but is the resistance to the passage of electrostatic current or flux. Moreover, the same rules apply to the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 157 resistance offered by a wire to the passage of a current, and the resistance offered by a dielectric mass to the passage of an electrostatic flux. The longer the mass the greater the resistance ; the greater its area of cross-section, the smaller its resistance. The displacement lines, or lines of electrostatic flux, which may be drawn for any completely specified electrostatic system, and which can be experimentally determined in most cases, represent lines in the dielectric medium along which stress exists, by virtue of the electrostatic flux. This stress, which is developed in the ether, is dependent upon the energy absorbed by the ether during the existence of the electric charge. Along these curves, in fact, there is exerted a continual tension, or, in other words, the displace- ment lines are always tending to contract 158 ELECTRICITY IN and shorten. For example, the two charged plates A and B, shown in Fig. 58, being connected by a number of displace- ment lines, tend to attract each other. The real tendency is for the shortening of the lines of stress, or flux lines. The ordi- nary statement that positively and nega- tively' electrified bodies tend to attract each other, should more accurately be : positively and negatively electrified bodies, being connected by lines of electrostatic flux, tend to come together by reason of the contraction of the flux lines. If, as in Fig. 59, a small spherical con- ductor C, be introduced into the electrostatic flux, the effect is twofold ; first, the electric medium is thinned locally by the presence of the conductor, so that its resiliency is locally diminished, and a more powerful flux will pass through the system in its ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 159 neighborhood than elsewhere. Second, the flux will be intercepted by the con- ductor, which will form the termination of the flux on the entering side and a new starting point on the leaving side. A negative charge will, therefore, appear on the surface where the flux terminates, and a positive charge on the surface where the flux reissues. This appearance of posi- tive and negative charges, on opposite sides of an insulated body supported in an electrostatic flux, is commonly called electrostatic induction. It is merely a consequence of the fact that the body relieves from electrostatic stress the ether which it displaces, and that, in conse- quence of this relief, charges appear at the surfaces where the flux enters and leaves. If in Fig. 59, the small conductor C, is charged by having been connected with a 160 ELECTRICITY IN suitable E. M. F. it will do more than merely relieve ether of its duties; for, it "A + Fig. 59.— Diagrammatic Representation of Electro- static Flux Paths. will add flux of its own to the flux in which it is introduced. For example in Fig. 60, two spheres + and — , are shown, at A, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 161 which have been connected with the posi- tive and negative terminals of a high E. M. F. The electrostatic flux passing between them, through the surrounding ether, is partly represented diagrammati- cally by the dotted lines. These two spheres evidently behave as though they attracted each other, owing to the contract- ing forces of all the flux paths between them. If we suppose them fixed upon suitable insulating pillars, so that they cannot approach each other, and that a smaller conducting sphere is introduced between them, as shown, this smaller sphere will acquire a positive charge from the positive sphere, and will thus become the recipient of a number of flux paths which emerge from it, which tend to pull it across toward the negative sphere. Under the influence of these attractive forces, the smaller sphere, if it be free to move, 162 ELECTRICITY IN will move to the right. When it is in the position shown on the right, midway between the two spheres, it will be seen that many flux paths connect it with the negative sphere, while no flux paths con- nect it with the positive sphere. As soon / - — -« A Fig. 60.— Effect of Charged Sphere. as it reaches the negative sphere it will deliver up its charge, and reduce the po- tential of the negative sphere unless the latter be connected with an electric source. It will then acquire a negative charge and new flux paths will enter its surface from the positive sphere. Owing to the attrac- tion of these flux lines it will again be drawn to the left and thus a continual to- PROPERTY of' ELECTRO-THER and-fro motion will be set difference of potential or E. M. between the two large spheres. Fig. 61, represents at A, the effect of inserting, between the two large spheres, ^W^ j A B Fig. 61.— Effect of Uncharged Sphere. a small sphere in an uncharged condition. It will be observed that the effect is to intercept a larger number of flux paths, and thus to relieve from duty the ether contained within the space occupied by the small sphere. In this case the attrac- tions, on each side of the small sphere, are balanced. If, however, the small sphere be placed nearer one side than the other, 164 ELECTRICITY IN as shown at B, the stratum of ether between it and the positive sphere will be thinner than the stratum on the right ; and, consequently, a greater electrostatic flux will pass through the space on the left, thereby entailing the introduction of a greater number of flux lines, and a greater electrostatic force urging the sphere to the left. It will be seen, from a consideration of the preceding phenomena, that the follow- ing may be generalized as the laws of electrostatic charges, attractions and repul- sions; namely, (1) That every electrified body forms a locus or place where electrostatic flux enters or leaves a dielectric medium ; and, conversely, that all conducting surfaces, where lines of electrostatic flux terminate, are said to be charged surfaces, the flux ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 165 being assumed to leave at positively charged surfaces aud to enter at negatively charged surfaces. (2) Lines of electrostatic flux are the directions along which electrostatic stress exists in the ether, and accompany the temporary absorption of energy into the ether. (3) Dissimilarly charged bodies attract one another, because lines of electrostatic flux tend to contract. (4) That similarly charged bodies ap- pear to repel, owing to the fact that no flux paths connect them, but that flux paths connect each of them with neigh- boring objects, so that they are drawn to the neighboring bodies and are not repelled from each other. (5) Electrostatic induction accompanies the introduction of a conductor into the electrostatic flux, whereby charges are 166 ELECTRICITY IN caused to form upon orrposite sides of the interposed conductor. The principle of electrostatic induction is employed in influence machines. A Fig. 62.— Electrophorus. simple form of influence machine is called the elect rophoros, and is illustrated in Fig. 62. A disc £, of vulcanite, resin, or other suitable material, is vigorously rubbed, say with a cat skin, and thereby becomes negatively charged, under the influence of the powerful E. M. F. set ELECTKO-THERAPEUTICS. 167 up. If such an electrified disc be laid on a table, as shown in Fig. 63, so that its electrified surface is uppermost, the flux paths may be represented diagrammati- cally b}^ the arrows. Fig. 63. — Representing Action and Operation of electrophoru8. If now, an insulated metallic disc A, Figs. 62, and 64, furnished with round edges, be rested on the disc, there will be no great change produced in the electro- static system. There will only be a slight reduction in the dielectric resistance of the air, owing to the interposition of the con- 168 ELECTRICITY IN ducting disc across the electrostatic flux paths. When, however, the disc is touched with a finger, as shown in Fig. 62, or connected with the ground, as shown in Fig. 65, all the flux paths are shortened, until they exist only between ' „- — v , 1 ; r e/ A B Ctm&A' B C^%)f which A B 'c, is positively electrified ik^^ev outset aqd J.' ^' 0*, is negatively elec^Sisi^Bia^- outside plates carry only metallic buttons on their external surfaces, each button Fig. 67. — Electrophorus. consisting of a disc of tinfoil, with a small brass cap in the centre. Six of these tin- foil discs are represented as being carried on each outside plate. An electrostatic circuit will be set up from the positively electrified to the nega- 172 ELECTRICITY IN tively electrified surface as shown at A, in Fig. 69. The presence, however, of the metallic rod i?i?, which is supported in Fig. 68. -Triple-Plate Toepler-Holtz Electrical Machine. such a manner that the combs at its ex- tremities come in contact with the insu- lated discs on the outside plates as they revolve, limits the electrostatic circuit al- most entirely to the space between the ELECTKO-THERAPEUTICS. 173 central and outside plates, as shown at B, Fig. 69, so that the flux paths become more numerous and terminate on the inner VT4 vv^ -^tt^ ->*•• — *-^» B + a bT- za Fig. 69.— Electrostatic Circuits of Influence Machine. surfaces of the insulated discs as they pass by. Under these circumstances, a nega- tive charge will form on the disc a?, and a positive charge on the disc y. As soon as 174 ELECTRICITY IN the discs have been carried from beneath the combs on the rod HH, they retain these charges until they reach the opposite side of the frame, when the disc a?, comes in contact with the brush b', thereby com- municating its charge to the already nega- tively electrified surface A' B' C> on the central plate, and, passing with the re- mainder of its charge, delivers this re- mainder to the comb of points attached to the handle and main conductor IF. Simi- larly, the disc y, which retains its positive charge after quitting the comb on the lower extremity of the rod MR, is carried to the brush b, and communicates its charge to the already positively electrified surface A B C, the remainder of its charge being collected by the comb on the handle H. Consequently, during rotation, the half of the rotating plates on one side of the rod Hit, is positively, and the other half, nega- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 175 tively electrified. The charges on the electrified surfaces A B Cand A! B (7/ auto- matically increase, until a balance is main- tained between the further accession of charge, and the leakage which takes place between them. This leakage limits, there- fore, the maximum E. M. F. obtainable by the machine. When the discharging rods H, Hj are brought close together, the pres- sure obtained is lower, owing to the fact that a smaller E. M. F. is required to pro- duce a spark discharge across the air-gap, and a more rapid stream of discharges over this air-gap and a lower pressure may, con- sequently, be expected. On increasing the distance between the discharging rods, the pressure increases, but the frequency of discharge usually diminishes. A form of apparatus known as a con- denser consists essentially of an electro- 176 ELECTEICITY IN static circuit of low resistance, that is to say, of an electrostatic circuit of short length and large cross-sectional area. A condenser, therefore, offers a comparatively small elastic resistance to displacement of flux, and, under a given E. M. F., will re- ceive a correspondingly large charge. Fig. 70, shows a Ley den jar, which is the usual form of condenser employed with high E. M. F.'s. Here the active sur- faces are formed of inner and outer coat- ings of tin-foil, and the dielectric consists of the glass walls of the jar. The length of such an electrostatic circuit; i. e. y the thickness of the glass, may be about l/8th of an inch, and the cross-sectional area of the electrostatic circuit ; i. e., the area of the tin-foil surface, about a square foot. Moreover, glass offers less electrostatic resistance than air, and, therefore, the glass ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 177 Leyden jar makes a better condenser than an imaginary air jar of the same dimen- sions. The relative value of the glass de- II Fig. 70.— Leydes Jar. pends upon its quality, but it may readily offer five times less electrostatic resistance than air ; consequently, the* capacity of a 178 ELECTRICITY IN Leyden jar condenser may be five times greater than that of a similar air con- denser. Two small Leyden jars are shown in Fig. 68, having their inner coatings con- nected with the main terminals i7 and H\ and their outer coatings connected by a metallic strip not shown in the figure. The effect of these jars is to diminish the electrostatic resistance between the termi- nals, and, therefore, enables a given E. M. F. to accumulate -a greater electrostatic flux or charge between the terminals. The electric energy obtained from the discharge of an influence machine through an external circuit is supplied, mechanic- ally, in the effort necessary to revolve the machine against electrostatic forces. One electrostatic machine acting as a gener- ator, may readily be made to cause an- other electrostatic machine to run back- Fig. 71.— Holtz Influence Machine. wards, as a motor. The hand has, there- fore, to be applied with greater force to drive the influence machine, owing to the 180 ELECTRICITY IN fact that it is operating so as to furnish current to the circuit connected to it. Fig. 72. — Bonette Electrostatic Influence Machine. A number of forms of influence ma- chines are in existence. The principal difficulty in operating such machines is to maintain their insulation during all condi- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 181 Fig. 73. — Wimshurst Electrical Machine. 182 ELECTRICITY IN tions of weather, so that their charge shall not be lost. For this purpose they are often enclosed in glass chambers in which the air is kept dry by some hygro- scopic substance, such as calcium chloride. Such a form of machine driven ■ by a small electric motor is shown at Fig. 71. In some forms of influence machines, in order to ensure the presence of a small charge, a small frictional attachment is supplied, so that the proper charge shall be ensured by the friction set up. Glass plates are not invariably used in these machines. Sometimes plates of hard rubber are employed as shown in Fig. 72. Another convenient form of influence machine is shown in Fig. 73 called the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 183 Wimshurst machine. In this case two glass plates, supporting a number of small, separate tin-foil conductors, are rapidly driven in opposite directions. The action of the machine differs only in detail from that already described. In conclusion, we may observe that all electrostatic influence machines depend for their operation upon the principle of the electrophorus. The electrostatic circuit in such machines is periodically lengthened and shortened, and the charges so induced are separated and accumulated. CHAPTER VIII. MAGNETISM. Magnetism is the science which treats of the properties and laws of magnets whether artificial or natural. Although the nature of magnetism is not known, yet a certain relationship unquestionably ex- ists between magnetism and electricity, so that a knowledge of the nature of one must inevitably determine a knowledge of the nature of the other. Both are believed to be active conditions of the universal ether and are so related that the following laws appear to hold generally ; viz., (1) A motion of electricity invariably produces magnetism. 184 ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS. 185 (2) A motion of magnetism invariably produces an E. M. F. The nature of the action which exists between electricity and magnetism may Fig. 74.— Hydraulic Analogy op Relation Between Electricity and Magnetism. be illustrated by the following hydraulic experiment. Suppose that a large cy- lindrical tank, represented in Fig. 74, be completely filled with water, and that a plunger JP, is provided with a rod t, pass- 186 ELECTRICITY IN ing through water-tight packing in the centre of one circular end. It is evident that if the rod t, be moved forward, the plunger jP, will advance into the tank. In so doing it will displace the water in front of it, which will flow round to the back of the plunger in vortical paths, formed sym- metrically around the face of the plunger. These vortical paths, passing from the front to the back* of the plunger, are illus-. trated diagrammatically at A, Fig. 74. The vortical movement of the water will clearly be most marked in the immediate neighborhood of the eds*es of the advanc- ing plunger, gradually decreasing from the edges to the sides of the tank. Imagi- nary lines in the mass of the water, drawn so as to represent the intensity of the vortical movement, form circles, concentric to the axis of the plunger, and at right angles to the direction of its motion, as ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 187 represented at B 1 Fig. 74. Circles are marked with long arrows near the edge of the plunger where the vortical motion is most intense, and with shorter and shorter arrows at greater distances from it. If now, we remove the plunger from the tank, and artificially cause a system of electric currents to be produced in the mass of quiescent water, such as is represented at B, in Fig. 74, then accompanying this system of electric currents, would be pro- duced a magnetic distribution throughout the water, such as is represented by the stream lines at A, at right angles to the direction of the electric current. In other words, the relation of magnetic distribu- tion, to electric current distribution, in any space, is identical with the relation be- tween the stream lines of motion in a liquid, and the vortical distribution of motion accompanying the same. 188 ELECTRICITY IN It follows from the preceding that if the all-pervading ether were a non-com- pressible fluid, like water, and if electric currents consisted of vortices or whirls in this fluid, that magnetism would consist of a streaming motion in the ether. The prop- erties of the ether are not yet thoroughly- known, and it is by no means certain that electric currents are vortices therein. All that can be safely asserted is the existence of a relationship between electric activity and magnetic activity in the universal ether, of the general nature- we have here pointed out ; so that, if we should at any time, discover the nature of either electric- ity or magnetism, the nature of the other would be immediately deduced. Magnetism may be produced in two ways ; viz., (1) By permanent magnets of iron or ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 189 steel ; or, in a lesser degree, by other mag- netic metals such as nickel or cobalt ; and, (2) By electric currents. Magnetism appears to be an inherent property of the molecules, or ultimate particles, of iron or steel. In other words, if we could isolate and perceive a single molecule of iron, it is believed that we should find that it naturally and per- manently possessed magnetism, as a prop- erty inherent in it. If the ultimate par- ticles of iron are essentially magnetic, the question naturally arises, why all iron does not manifest magnetic properties? The reason is believed to be found in the fact that in iron, which is apparently un- magnetized, the molecules lack a definite arrangement of direction, and, pointing irregularly, mask or neutralize each other's magnetic influence. Such an undirected 190 ELECTRICITY IN system would, therefore, necessarily pos- sess no appreciable external magnetism. When a bar of iron is magnetized, it is subjected to a process whereby its molec- ular magnets are aligned, or similarly directed, and, acting in concert, are thereby enabled to manifest external mag- netic effects. The region surrounding a magnet is filled with what is called magnetic flux or magnetism, which is most powerful in the immediate neighborhood of the poles. If we assume, as a working hypothesis, that magnetism consists of a streaming motion of the ether, in accordance with the hydraulic analogue of Fig. 74, then we may regard a magnet as a device for pro- ducing such a streaming motion in the ether. The magnetic flux ; i. : / ^ Fig. 75.— Magnetic Flux Paths Surrounding a Straight Active Conductor. acquires magnetic properties, magnetic flux encircling the conductor in concentric paths. The direction of magnetic flux around an active conductor, depends on the direction of the current in the con- ductor. This is shown in Fig. 75, where, at J5, the current is supposed to be passing ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 193 through the wire, in a direction from the observer. Here the circles surrounding the wire show that the magnetic flux is passing in concentric circles in the direction of motion of the hands of a clock ; while at A 1 where the current passes through the wire in a direction towards the observer, the direction of the magnetic flux around the wire is opposite to the direction of motion of the hands of a clock, or counter- clockwise. A suspended magnetic needle, introduced into the neighborhood of the active wire ; i. e., into the influence of its circular magnetic flux, is deflected thereby, and tends to set itself parallel to the mag- netic flux, or at right angles to the direc- tion of the current, its north pole pointing in the direction of motion of the flux. The power possessed by an active con- ductor of deflecting a magnetic needle is 194 ELECTRICITY IN utilized in a number of ammeters, in which a magnetic needle is deflected by the pas- sage of a current through a number of turns of wire placed in its vicinity. When a wire carrying an electric current is bent into a turn or loop, all the magnetic flux linked with the wire enters this loop at one face and leaves it at the other face. Consequently, that face of the loop from which the flux emerges must correspond to the north magnetic pole, and that at which it enters, to the south magnetic pole, of an ordinary bar magnet. This is illus- trated in Fig. 76, both in the case of a permanent steel magnet, and of an active coil. In the case of a magnet, the flux is represented as coming out of the north pole, as indicated by the arrows, traversing the region or space outside of the magnet, re-entering the magnet at its south pole, and continuing through the body of the *s* ^U? & DIESfL f %/ magnet to its north pole,^^s completing the magnetic circuit. Simil§rfe?4n r ^ e case of an active loop, as showi current circulates around this loop clock- wise, as viewed by an observer at A, then C'R r S-^-lN -Z" B Fig. 76. — Diagram of Flux Produced by Permanent Magnet and by Coil of Active Conductor. the flux will enter at A, and emerge at j&, so that the face B, becomes a north pole, and A, a south pole, corresponding to the permanent magnet. In the case of an active loop, the flux paths form closed magnetic circuits as in the case of the mag- 196 ELECTRICITY IN net, although these are not shown in the figure. When the current in the conduct- ing loop ceases, the magnetic flux linked with the loop entirely disappears. Magnetic circuits are of three kinds; namely, (1) Those in which all parts of the path of the flux are completed through air, or other non-magnetic material, such as wood, copper, glass, etc. Such a circuit is called a non-ferric magnetic' circuit. (2) Those in which all portions of the path of the flux are completed through iron or steel. Such a circuit is called a ferric circuit. (3) Those in which parts of the circuital path of the flux are completed through iron or steel, and parts through air or other non-conducting material. This is called an aero-ferric circuit ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 197 Non-magnetic circuits are formed by active conductors, such as wires, loops or coils carrying electric currents in the ab- Fig. 77.— Ferric Magnetic Circuit. sence of iron. An example of such a cir- cuit is represented by the active coil shown in Fig. 77. Ferric magnetic cir- cuits are less frequently met with, from 198 ELECTRICITY IN the fact that the object of sending a mag- netic flux through a circuit is to employ such flux in the operation of some mechan- ism, generally placed in a gap in the circuit itself. There is, however, a compara- tively large class of apparatus called alter- nating-current transformers, which will be briefly explained later, and which almost always employ ferric circuits. An iron ring, or core, wrapped with a coil of wire connected to the terminals of a battery, is an example of a ferric magnetic circuit. Such a magnetic circuit is shown in Fig. 77. Here all the flux due to the active conductors is entirely confined to the iron ring. A practical form of a ferric circuit is represented in Fig. 78, which represents an alternating-current trans- former. The coil of active conductor is shown at AA, linked with a laminated or ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 199 sheet iron core BB. Aero-ferric magnetic circuits are commonly observed in the case 1 Fig. 78.— Alternating-Current Transformer, Ferric Magnetic Circuit. of permanent magnets. Thus the bar magnet shown in Fig. 76, has its magnetic circuit completed partly through the bar and partly through the air outside the bar. 200 ELECTRICITY IN A very common type of aero-ferric magnetic circuit is represented in Fig. 79, which shows an electromagnet, consist- ing essentially of a bar of soft iron AB, wound usually with a large number of Fig. 79.— Bar Electromagnet. turns of active conductor. Here the pres- ence of the iron core causes the flux pro- duced by the current passing through the coil, to be more powerful than that which the coil alone would produce. The polarity of the iron core AB, will, of course, depend on the direction of the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 201 current in the wire. If this direction be such that the flux enters the core at the end I>, and leaves at the end A, then the north and south poles of the electromagnet so formed will be as marked in the figure. The introduction of the iron core, has not, therefore, altered the polarity produced by the helix, but it has greatly increased the quantity of magnetic flux, so that the magnet exerts a greater influence at a dis- tance, and also a greater attractive power at its poles. Moreover, when the core is absent, the cessation of the magnetizing current is accompanied by a complete loss of the magnetic properties of the coil ; that is to say, the copper wire forming the coil possesses no permanent magnetism. If, however, a core be present, the magnet does not immediately lose its magnetism on the cessation of the current. A certain amount of flux called residual flux, or 202 ELECTRICITY IN ■remanent flux remains in the circuit. When the core of iron is very soft and carefully annealed, the amount of this residual magnetism is very small. When, however, the bar is formed of hard iron, a considerable portion remains on the cessation of the magnetizing current. In the case of a bar electromagnet, the magnetic circuit is largely formed of air, less than half of the circuit existing in the iron or steel. If we bend the bar shown in the pre- ceding figure, so as to bring the two poles nearer together, we get a form of electro- magnet called the horse-shoe electromagnet in which the length of the air path is con- siderably reduced. Instead of actually bending the bar, it may, for purposes of convenience, be made in three separate parts as shown in Fig. 80, which is the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 203 form ordinarily given to an electromagnet. Here the magnet consists of two separate iron cores, connected together at the ends by a bar of soft iron called a yoke. Each of the two cores is provided with a magnetizing coil. Fig. 80.— Electromagnet. The value of the electromagnet depends largely on the fact that its core being made of very soft iron, possesses the prop- erty not only of greatly increasing the strength of the flux produced by the mag- netizing coils, but also of readily losing nearly all its magnetism on the cessation of the magnetizing current; so that such a 204 ELECTRICITY IN magnet when small can readily acquire and lose its magnetism, many times in a second. Various forms are given to electromag- nets according to the purposes for which they are designed. Where it is desired that an electromagnet should possess the power of attracting or repelling magnetic bodies at a considerable distance from its poles, the circuit is necessarily of the aero- ferric type, since the flux must pass for a considerable distance through air; but where it is desired that the magnet shall possess the power of holding heavy weights attached to its armature, — the name given to the bar of iron completing the magnetic circuit, — this circuit approaches more nearly to the ferric type. A form of magnet capable of producing very powerful magnetic flux in the space ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 205 between the poles is shown in Fig. 81. It consists of two powerful magnetizing yiA BH^HB flJ£ Fig. 81. — Electromagnet. coils M, M, wound on iron cores, iron yoke Y y and iron pole pieces P, P. The 206 ELECTRICITY IN power of an active coil to produce a mag- netic flux is called its magnetomotive force, generally contracted M. M. F. This mag- netomotive force is proportional to the number of turns of wire, and also to the current strength passing through the same. Consequently, if we add more turns to a coil, or increase the current strength pass- ing through it, we will increase its M. M. F., and produce a greater magnetic flux through the circuit. In every magnetic circuit the strength of the magnetic flux depends on two quantities; namely, the resistance oppos- ing the magnetic flux, called the magnetic resistance or reluctance. A similar resist- ance to the passage of electrostatic and electric flux exists in the case of both the electrostatic and electric circuits. The value of the magnetic flux, like that of the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 207 electric flux may be expressed by the formula of Ohm's law, as follows; namely, _* Magnetomotive Force Magnetic Flux = ° p 1 — 7 , & Keluctance so that if we know the magnetomotive force in a magnetic circuit, and the value of the magnetic resistance or reluctance, by dividing the former by the latter, -we obtain the value of the magnetic flux. As in the case of the electric circuit, special names are given to the unit values of these quantities. The units of magneto- motive force are called the arrupere-t'ivrn, and the gilbert, the ampere-turn being greater than the gilbert in the ratio of approxi- mately 5 to 4. By an ampere-turn is meant the amount of magnetomotive force, which is produced by a turn of wire carry- ing a current of one ampere ; that is to say, if the magnetizing coils shown in Fig. 80 208 ELECTRICITY IN coDsisted of 200 turns in each spool, and if a current of five amperes passes successively through these spools, then the total M. M. F., urging the magnetic flux through the circuit, is 5 amperes x 400 turns = 2,000 2,000X5 - k „ .,, ampere-turns = - — = 2,o00 gilberts, approximately. The amount of magnetic flux produced in the circuit by this M. M. F. will depend entirely upon the reluctance of the circuit. If the air-gap is large ; i. e. 9 if the magnetic circuit contains a long air path, the magnetic resistance, or reluctance, of the circuit will be great, and the magnetic flux produced by the magnetomotive force will be comparatively small. If, on the other hand, the length of the air-path is small, the reluctance will be very small, and the amount of flux produced will be corre- spondingly great. This is for the reason that the reluctance of iron is very small as ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 209 compared with that of air, provided that the iron is not saturated; i. e., is not already conducting a large amount of flux per square inch or per square centimetre of cross-sectional area. As in the electric circuit, the resistance of a wire depends upon its length and cross-sectional area, as well as on the nature of the material of which it is com- posed, so, in the magnetic circuit,, the reluctance depends upon the length and area of cross-section of the circuit, and on the nature of the substance through which the flux is passing. In order to decrease the resistance of a wire, we may either decrease its length, or increase its area of cross-section. In the same way, in order to decrease the reluctance of a magnetic circuit, we may decrease its length or increase its area of cross-section. The 210 ELECTRICITY IN resistivity, or resistance in a unit cube, varies markedly with the nature of the substance, but does not vary with the current strength passing through the material, provided the temperature is con- sidered as remaining the same. In the magnetic circuit, the reluctivity, or reluc- tance in a unit cube (reluctance in one cubic centimetre measured between par- allel faces) is practically the same for all substances other than the magnetic metals ; in which the reluctivity is much lower. Unlike the case of the electric circuit, the reluctivity varies markedly with the strength of the magnetic flax passing through the circuit. When the magnetic flux passing through iron is feeble, the reluctivity may be a thousand times less than that of air, while iron magnetically saturated ; *. e., carrying a very dense ELECTRO-THER Jp^JTKJSrt L F L £M Y (, f magnetic flux, has a ikffetivity prac- tically equal to that of air/V3£&^fiWtn!*rff reluctance is called the oersted, and is eqtlaf" to the reluctance offered by a cubic centi- metre of air, or more strictly of air-pump vacuum, measured between parallel faces, and is, therefore, nearly equal to the reluc- tance of a cube of glass, air, wood, copper, etc., measured between parallel faces. The reluctivity of air is, therefore, taken as unity. The unit of magnetic flux is called the weber. One weber will flow in a magnetic circuit under a M. M. F. of one gilbert, through a reluctance of one oersted. If the reluctance of the magnetic circuit represented in Fig. 80, be 0.5 oersted, then since its M. M. F. has been assumed at 2,500 gilberts, the flux through the cir- cuit will be ^— - — 5,000 webers. 0.D 212 ELECTRICITY IN There are but two ways of varying the M. M. F. in a circuit ; L e., by increasing the number of turns, or by increasing the current strength circulating in them ; or, briefly, by increasing the number of am- pere-turns. It is necessaiy to draw a distinction between the total flux in a circuit meas- ured in webers, and the intensity of the flux per unit of cross-sectional area ; /. e., per square inch, or per square centimetre ; just as it is necessaiy to distinguish between the total current strength in an electric circuit, as measured in amperes, and the density of that current, as meas- ured in amperes-per-square-inch, or per- square-centimetre, of cross-sectional area in the wire conveying the current. Since, in the case of the magnetic circuit, the intro- duction of iron is invariably attended by ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 213 an increase in the magnetic flux, it is evident that by the introduction of a suf- ficiently great amount of iron, the amount of magnetic flux can be increased almost to any extent. Although this would neces- sitate a marked increase in the area of cross-section of the iron, yet the flux den- sity per square inch, or square centimetre, may not be increased. Since soft iron practically saturates at an intensity of 19,000 webers-per-square-centimetre, and its reluctance near saturation rapidly increases, it is difficult to obtain at any portion of the magnetic circuit, intensi- ties higher than .19,000 webers-per-square centimetre ; i. e., 19,000 gausses, the gauss being the wn/it of magnetic intensity, or the density of one weber-per-square-centi- metre of perpendicular area of cross- section. The intensity of the earth's mag- netic flux is, approximately, half a gauss, 214 ELECTRICITY IN while the highest experimental intensity on record is 45,350 gausses. It does not appear that magnetic flux produces any apparent physiological ef- fects on the human body. The human body, containing in its composition no appreciable quantity of magnetizable ma- terial, has practically the same reluc- tivity as ordinary air; that is to say, the interposition of the human body in a magnetic circuit does not appreciably affect the distribution of the magnetic flux. For example, if a delicately sus- pended magnetic needle be deflected by a magnet placed at a certain distance from it, the direct interposition of the body of a person between the magnet and needle is not found to produce any appreciable effect, although if the same person wears, for example, an iron rimmed pair of ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 215 spectacles, or carries a key in his pocket, the effect on the needle may be very marked. This is because the magnetic ilux, acting on the needle, passes through the body of the person as readily as through the previously intervening air, but the magnetic influence of the iron rimmed spectacles, or the key, may have a powerful influence on a delicately sus- pended needle even though twenty feet away from it. Not only is the reluctivity of the human body practically the same as that of other non-magnetic materials, but portions of the body subjected to powerful magnetic fluxes do not appear to have produced in them any appreciable physiological effects. Although experiments are still wanting concerning the physiological influence which long sustained powerful magnetic 216 ELECTRICITY IN flux may exert, yet it has been shown that human beings and dogs subjected for many minutes to intensities of magnetic flux of about 2,500 gausses, and, therefore, about 5,000 times that of the earth's magnetic flux, have not experienced any influence that could be observed. Simi- larly, experiments made both with con- tinuous and rapidly alternating magnetic fluxes have not shown any effect produced upon the circulation of the blood due to the iron it contains, upon ciliary or proto- plasmic movements, upon sensory or motor nerves, or upon the brain. It has been positively asserted that in a perfectly dark room certain individuals possess the power of observing faint luminous phenomena, around the poles of permanent or electro-magnets ; that is, that these persons actually possess the power ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 217 of being visually affected by magnetic flux. Investigations, however, have not only thrown doubt upon the original ex- periments, but repetitions of these experi- ments, with powerful electromagnets, have entirely failed to confirm the statements. So far, therefore, as we know at the present time, it would appear that mag- netic flux is absolutely without influence either upon the human body, or on any of its physiological processes, and that, conse- quently, if any therapeutic effects do attend the use of magnets, the causes must be of a psychic rather than of a physio- logical nature. It is to be remembered, however, that carefully conducted re- searches with very powerful magnetic fluxes may yet show lesser residual influ- ences, which the experiments up to the present time have failed to bring to light. 218 ELECTRICITY IN But up to the present time experiments made on human beings have failed to establish any physiological effects what- ever, even when such a delicate organ as the brain is placed in the direct passage of a powerful magnetic flux. When, for ex- ample, a person is placed with his head between the poles of a powerful dynamo- electric machine, from which the armature has, been removed, so that the flux passes directly through the head, even prolonged exposure has failed to produce any ob- served effect either on the pulse or respira- tion, whether the magnetic flux was inter- mittent or was steadily maintained. Or, take the case of a powerful electro- magnet, made by wrapping an iron cannon with a suitable magnetizing coil, and pro- ducing a flux sufficiently great to cause heavy iron bars or bolts to be sustained on ELECTRO-T Fl ER APEUTICS 219 the person of a soldier standing before the gun, as shown in Fig. 82. Under these Fig. 82. — Magnetic Gun Attraction through a Soldier's Body. circumstances, no sensations were experi- enced by the soldier other than those of pressure from the attracted masses of iron. 220 ELECTRICITY. It would appear evident from the pre- ceding observations that very little cre- dence can be placed on the extravagant claims as to the curative power possessed by small magnets carried or worn on the body. The magnetic flux produced by such magnets is necessarily comparatively feeble, and if the more powerful fluxes before referred to failed to produce any appreciable physiological effects, there are no reasons for believing that these feeble fluxes can produce any marked effects unless that due to a feeble influence, long sustained. In the case, however, of most of the magnetic nostrums, for which cura- tive effects are claimed, even the weak flux they produce usually fails to be properly directed, does not pass through any por- tion of the body, and can, therefore, have no physiological effect, except through the medium of the imagination. CHAPTER IX. INDUCTION OF E. M. F. BY MAGNETIC FLUX. When a conducting loop is filled with, or emptied of, magnetic flux, electromotive forces are thereby set up or induced in the loop. This is called the induction of M M. F. by magnetic flux. Four cases of such induction may arise ; namely, (1) Self induction. (2) Mutual induction. (3) Electro-magnetic induction. (4) Magneto-electric induction. We have seen that when an electric current circulates through a coil or loop, 221 222 ELECTRICITY IN all the flux produced by the current is caused to enter the loop at one face, and to emerge at the opposite face. When a cir- cuit is closed, so that the electric source begins to force electric currents through the circuit connected with it, some little time is required before the full current strength is established ; so that, during this time, the magnetic flux that is passing through the loop is increasing in strength. Also, when the circuit is opened, some time is required for the current to entirely cease flowing through the circuit, and, dur- ing this time, the magnetic flux passing through the loop is decreasing. Therefore, both at the moment of making and break- ing an electric circuit, a tendency will exist, if the circuit contains coils or con- ducting loops, for electromotive forces to be induced in the circuit. These E. M. Fs. continue only while the current strength is ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 223 varying; as soon as the current strength in the circuit becomes constant, they dis- appear. The amount of the E. M. F. induced at any moment of time in a conducting loop, by filling or emptying it with flux, depends upon the rate at which the loop is filled with, or emptied of flux. Sup- pose, for example, that 100,000 webers are passed through a loop, in, say two seconds of time: then if the rate at which this flux enters the loop is uniform, the E. M. F. generated in the 'loop will be main- tained during the entire two seconds, and will be equal to the rate of entry in i , 200,000 webers-per-second, or 1 = 100,000 webers-per-second = 100,000 units of E. M. F. The unit of E. M. F., the volt, has been so chosen that 100,000,000 webers, passing 224 ELECTRICITY IN through the loop per second, generate one volt; so that this E. M. F. is 100,000 H- 100,000,000 =_L-volt. If, however, the 200,000 webers, above mentioned, entered the loop in say 0.01 of a second, the E. M. F. induced in the loop would be 200 times greater, or 1 — = 8 0.01 20,000,000 units of E. M. F. = 0.2 volts, but this E. M. F. would only last for the 1/1 00th of a second. When, therefore, a loop is filled with and emptied of a given number of webers of flux, the E. M. F. which will be produced in the loop de- pends entirely upon the time in which the filling and emptying takes place. If the filling takes place very suddenly, the E. M. F. will be powerful, but of very short duration. On the other hand, if the fill- ing or emptying takes place slowly, the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 225 E. M. F. will be correspondingly weaker, but longer sustained. The direction of the E. M. F. induced by filling a conducting loop with flux, is opposite to that induced by emptying the same loop of flux. The direction of the E. M. F. induced by filling a conducting loop with flux, is readily remembered by the following rule : Regarding the loop as the face of a watch, held in front of the observer, then if the flux passes through the loop in the same direction as the light passing from the face of the watch to the observer's eye, the E. M. F. induced in the loop will have the same direction as that of the hands of the watch. Some general idea concerning the manner in which E. M. F. is generated in 226 ELECTRICITY IN a loop by the passage of magnetic flux through it, may, perhaps, be obtained from Fig. 83.— Mechanical Model Having Analogies with Electric Circuit. the mechanical model shown in Fig. 83. A cylinder AB, pivoted upon a vertical axis CD, mechanically represents a con- ducting loop of wire. The cylinder is con- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 227 nected with the axis by a number of radial spokes in the form of fan-blades, so that, if a stream of liquid, such as water, be poured through the cylinder or loop from above, the impact of the water on the blades will cause the cylinder to rotate in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a watch. If, however, the water be forced upward through the loop, its impact will cause the cylinder to rotate in the oppo- site direction. If a given number of gal- lons of water be passed through the cylinder, the driving impulse communicated to it will depend upon the time during which the water passes. If the water be delivered in a brief time, its rate of pas- sage through the loop will be great, and the driving impulse communicated to the cylinder will be great, though of brief duration. If, on the other hand, the time during which the water passes through the 228 ELECTRICITY IN loop be considerable, the driving impulse exerted on the cylinder will be prolonged, but correspondingly feeble. It will be observed that the driving impulse or force in this mechanical analogue stands for electromotive force in the electrical case. When the water is first poured through the cylinder, the inertia of the cylinder will prevent it from being immediately set in motion. Similarly, when the water has ceased to pass, the motion of the cylinder, owing to inertia, does not immediately- cease. In the electric circuit, this corre- sponds to the effect of self-induction ; for, the effect of pouring flux into a loop is to induce in the loop an E. M. F., and the effect of the current so set up, is to pro- duce in the loop a flux opposite to that of the inducing flux, producing thereby a C. E. M. F. retarding the development of the electric current. On the other ELECTRO-THERlt^BUTICSn C P ijffif Y f l hand, when the flux has \ffifecl the loop, the current does not imniMi^^^ftcea^e r > m n flowing, being prolonged by the ac^iofTTS^ the flux set up by the current ; in other words, the loop acts as though it possessed electrical inertia. When a number of turns are connected in series, as, for example, in the case of the coil of conducting wire shown in Fig. 77, the effects produced by each turn are added, so that the coil has induced in it an E. M. F. proportional to the number of its turns. When a conducting coil, contain- ing many turns, has its terminals connected to a voltaic battery, some little time elapses before the full current strength is established in the circuit. The reason is to be found in the C. K M. F. of self induction of the coil. Similarly, when the circuit of this coil is opened, the current 230 ELECTRICITY IN does not instantly cease flowing through it, -since the emptying of the coil of the flux, produces in it an E. M. F. which es- tablishes in the coil a current in the same direction as that sent through it by the battery. In other words, the E. M. F. produced in the coil by self-induction, at the moment of making, tends to oppose the establishment of the current, and that pro- duced at the moment of breaking, tends to aid the passage of the current. When the circuit of an electric source, such as a voltaic battery, is opened, a minute spark is frequently visible at the point of opening. If, however, a coil of many turns of wire be contained in the cir- cuit, the spark upon opening the circuit will, probably, be much greater, and a dis- tinct shock may be felt under favorable conditions by the person opening the cir- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 231 cuit. This spark is due to the self-induc- tion of the circuit. The current which has passed through the circuit has produced a magnetic flux linked with the turns ; i. e., the loops in the coil or coils of wire. On the opening of the circuit, this current is suddenly interrupted, and the flux, rapidly disappearing from the coils ; i. e. pouring out of them, induces a brief but powerful E. M. F., which, actiug in the same direc- tion as the current, tends to prolong it. If two coils A and £, Fig. 84, connected in separate circuits, are placed side by side, and an electric current be sent through one, say A, the passage of this current will produce a magnetic flux, part of which will pass through B. During the process of filling J3, with this portion of A'a flux, an E. M. F. will be set up in each turn of £, equal, at any moment, to the rate at which 232 ELECTRICITY IN the flux is entering in webers-per-second ; or, expressed in volts, to the rate at which the flux is entering in hundred millions of webers-per-second. As soon as the cur Fig. 84.— Diagram Illustrating Mutual Induction. rent in A, becomes stationary, the flux through B, due to this current, is also stationary, and, consequently, no further E. M. F. is induced in B. If, however, the current strength in A, diminishes, its flux through B, will be correspondingly dimin- ished, and an E. M. F. will be induced in ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 233 B, in the opposite direction to that origin- ally produced, and equal in volts to the rate of emptying in millions of webers-per- second. When the flux through J3, due to the current in A, has entirely disappeared, the E. M. F. induced in jB, has also disap- peared. If there be 100 turns of wire in the coil B, the E. M. F. induced in the coil will be 100 times as great as if it consisted of a single turn, assuming that the same quantity of A 1 a flux passes through all of B's turns alike. This inductive influence extending from one coil to another, whereby a current in one circuit induces an E. M. F. in another circuit, is called mutual induction. An example of mutual induction can be shown by means of the apparatus repre- sented in Fig. 85, in which A, represents the inducing coil ; L e., the coil in which the current flows; and B, the coil in which the current is induced. Or, as they are 234 ELECTRICITY IN generally called, A, is the primary coilaxiA JB, is the secondary coil. If the terminals of the primary coil A, be connected with Fig. 85.— Mutual Induction. the voltaic cell C\ as shown in the figure, and the terminals of the secondary coil B, be connected with an ammeter, or galva- nometer, G) then, as soon as the current ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 235 is established in A, no current will be induced in B, as long as A, remains at rest. If, however, A, be moved either toward or from B, currents will be pro- duced in the secondary coil, as will be indi- cated by the galvanometer, the current passing iu one direction, when A, is moved toward B, and in the opposite direction when A, is moved from B. It can be shown that the current induced in a secondary coil is induced in the opposite direction to that in its primary, on the approach of A to B, and in the same di- rection, on its withdrawal from B. The two circuits A and B y although electrically disconnected, are connected magnetically by the flux permeating the space between them, and the E. M. F. of mutual induction is caused by the flux proceeding from the primary coil being carried toward or from the secondary coil, during its motion, so as 236 ELECTRICITY IN to cause the secondary coil to be filled with more or less flux. That mutual induction may take place between stationary primary and secondary coils, may be experimentally demonstrated. For example, if as in Fig. 86, the primary coil A, is fixed at a constant distance from £ y then on completing the circuit of the primary coil, by closing the switch S, while the current is increasing in the pri- mary, the magnetic flux produced by it passes through the conducting loops on the secondary coil C, thereby inducing an E. M. F. and establishing a current, as is shown by the galvanometer G. The distinction between electro-magnetic and magneto-electric induction is seen in Fig. 87, where the motion of the magnet M, into or out of the coil of wire, pro- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 237 duces electromotive forces in the coil C, as shown by the galvanometer G. When the magnet is thrust into the coil, the Fig. 86.— Mutual Induction. galvanometer indicates a temporary cur- rent in one direction, and, on its with- drawal from the coil, it shows a current in the opposite direction. The introduc- 238 ELECTRICITY IN tion of the south pole into the coil pro- duces the same direction of current as the withdrawal of the north pole. Here, as in the other instances, E. M. Fs. are Fig. 87. — Magneto-Electric Induction. induced by the passage of magnetic flux through the coil ; the flux produced by the magnet, being advanced or moved so as to pass through, or link with, the turns in the secondary coil. A form of apparatus for producing E. M. Fs. by magneto-electric induction is ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 239 represented in Fig. 88. A permanent horse-shoe magnet, MM, is supported in - Elee. World Fig. 88.— Magneto-Electric Generator. a vertical position, and two coils of fine insulated wire GG, are supported on a horizontal axis, in such a manner as to be capable of rotation by the turning of the 240 ELECTRICITY IN handle JT, the rotary speed of the coils be- ing made greater than the rotary speed of the handle, by the interposition of suitable multiplying gear. The coils are wound on cores of soft iron, which are connected by a soft iron yoke y. The ends of the cores revolve in close proximity to the poles of a permanent magnet, leaving a small air gap or clearance of compara- tively small reluctance. When the two coils stand vertically, the flux from the magnet passes through the air gap, the cores and their connecting yoke, thereby filling all the turns of wire wound upon the core. An E. M. F. will be induced in each turn equal in volts to the rate of fill- ing it with flux, in hundred millions of webers-per-second ; and, since all the turns in each coil, and the two coils themselves, are connected in series, the total E. M. F. will be correspondingly multiplied. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 241 The condition of affairs in the preceding machine, is represented in Fig. 89, where Fig. 89.— Diagram Representing Changes in the Mag- netic Circuit of Magneto-Electric Generator. the coils are shown at A, as being imme- diately opposite to the magnet poles, and 242 ELECTRICITY IK in such a position as to be filled with flux, so that they cannot receive any further increase of flux by a further rotation in either direction. At £, the coils are leaving the pole pieces, so that the reluctance in the magnetic circuit is increasing, and the magnetic flux, which passes through the cores of the coils, is diminishing. In other words, the coils are becoming emptied of the flux they contain. An E. M. F. is, therefore, induced in them. At C % the coils are completely emptied of magnetic flux, and, therefore, have no E. M. F. At Z>, the coils are being filled with flux, but in the opposite direction to that which exists at A. Consequently, the E. M. F. induced has the opposite direction to that induced at B. ELECTRO-THEKAPEUTICS. 243 At jS 7 , the coils are full of flux in the opposite direction to that at A. t and the E. M. F. in the coils will have ceased. It will, therefore, be evident that dur- ing any half revolution, as from A to E, the E. M. F. induced in the coils has made a single alternation or reversal ; and that during the next succeeding half revolution, in which the coil returns to the position A, the E. M. F. induced will be of the same magnitude as above pointed out, but in the opposite direction. The revolving coils, therefore, generate alternating currents in the circuit con- nected with them, the E. M. F. being alternately in opposite directions, during successive half revolutions. One com- plete revolution of the coils produces one complete double alternation, or cycle of 244 ELECTRICITY IN the E. M. F. and electric current, con- sequently, the frequency of the alternat- ing currents produced; i. e., the number of complete double alternations, or cycles per second, is equal to the number of Fig. 90.— Diagram of a Possible Wave Form of Mag- neto-Electric Generator E. M. F. revolutions made by the coils per second. The alternating E. M. F. produced by this machine might be represented dia- grammatical ly in Fig. 90. The exact wave form, in each case, would depend upon the shape of the poles and of the iron cores. If, however, a commutator be employed on the armature, as shown in Fig. 91, whereby ^ {* ^ & WBFtflS ELECTRO-THER; "WC/fifty U at each half revolution flj|te6£onnections of v*. is c the coils with the extern versed, the current produced nating E. M. F. will be unidirectional in the external circuit. is re- ^9. Fig. 91.— Diagram op Two-Part Commutator. Fig. 92, represents the corresponding form of pulsating E. M. F. wave produced in the external circuit when the commu- tator is employed. It will be seen that the E. M. F. is now always above the line. If the E. M. F. were reversed, the waves 246 ELECTRICITY IN might be represented as being entirely below the line. Fig. 93, represents a form of magneto- electric machine, the current from which is capable of lighting a small incan- Fig. 92.— Diagram of a Possible Wave Form of Mag- neto-Electric Generator E. M. F. (when a Com- mutator is Employed). descent lamp. If an alternating mag- neto-electric generator, that is a magneto- electric generator not employing a commu- tator, is connected to the body of a patient by suitable electrodes, alternating electric currents will pass through the body. If, however, a commutator be employed, and the currents be of the wave form shown in Fig. 92, the physiological effects will be ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 247 somewhat different. The type of current of Fig. 93, possesses polar properties ; i. e. y possesses the characteristics of unidirec- Fig. 93. — Magneto-Electric Generator. tional currents, while symmetrical alterna- ting currents do not possess these proper- ties, since the polar effects produced by one wave, are neutralized by the following wave in the opposite direction. CHAPTER X. THE MEDICAL INDUCTION COIL. The medical induct ton coil, generally called the faradic coil, is very frequently employed in electro-therapeutics. It con- sists essentially of means whereby E. M. Fs. are induced by mutual induction, and, con- sequently, of a primary and a secondary cir- cuit. A simple form of induction coil is rep- resented in Fig. 94, where the terminals of the primary circuit are shown at P, P y and those of the secondary circuit at S, S. Fig. 95, shows a similar coil in longitudinal sec- tion. An inspection of the latter figure will show that the primary coil P, consists of a comparatively short length of fairly coarse 248 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 249 wire, wrapped around a hollow bobbin. The secondary circuit generally consists of a greater length of finer fire wrapped either directly over the secondary, or on a hollow bobbin capable of being moved over the Fig. 94.— Simple Form of Induction Coil. primary. When the current strength in the primary circuit is varied ; i. e., when either an alternating or a pulsatory current is sent through the primary, an alternating E. M. F. is induced in the secondary circuit by the influence of mutual induction. The amount of E. M. F. induced in the secondary circuit depends upon the num- ber of turns in its coil and the rate at 250 ELECTRICITY IN which the magnetic flux fills and empties these turns. The induced E. M. F. does not depend upon the number of yards or feet of wire in the secondary coil, except in so far as a greater length of wire pro- 's * Fig. 95.— Section of Simple Form of Induction Coil. vides a greater number of turns in the coil. If we double the number of turns in the coil without altering in any way the amount of flux which passes through each turn, we double the number of volts in- duced therein ; whereas, if we double the number of feet or yards in the secondary coil, we do not necessarily, and in point of fact very rarely, double the number of ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 251 turns, and, therefore, the number of volts, because the average length of turn in each successive layer increases. If we double the rate at which the flux threads or links with the turns of the secondary coil, we double the E. M. F. induced in the coil. An increased rate of filling and emptying conducting loops or turns with flux can be obtained in one or both of two ways ; viz., (1) By causing the same flux to fill and empty the loop a greater number of times per second ; i. e., increasing the frequency of oscillation of the flux in the magnetic circuit; and, (2) By increasing the amount of mag- netic flux in the circuit without increasing the frequency of oscillation, so that more flux enters or fills the coils at each alterna- tion. ELECTRICITY IN Consequently, for a given primary and secondary circuit, with a given geometrical relationship between them, we can only increase the E. M. F. in the secondary circuit either by increasing the magnetic flux, or by increasing the frequency of flux oscillation, or both. In order to increase the frequency of flux oscillation, we require to increase the frequency of the primary current. On the other hand, in order to increase the total amount of flux we must either increase the M. M. F. of the primary circuit, or diminish the reluctance of the magnetic circuit ; that is to say, we must either employ more ampere-turns at the same frequency, or employ such a form of iron core in the primary coil as will increase the magnetic flux from a given M. M. F. by diminish- ing the magnetic resistance of its circuit. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 253 The frequency required for the primary circuit may be obtained either by an al- ternating, or by a continuous, but pulsat- ing current. The ordinary farad ic coil Fig. 96.— Primary Connections of Medical Induction Coil. only employs the latter, the connections being represented in Fig. 96. As soon as the circuit is closed at the switch W, the current flows through the primary coil of the instrument, into the spring p, through 254 ELECTRICITY IN the contact c, and the screw stud S, in the support T. The M. M. F. of this current produces a magnetic flux passing through the core, and through the air outside, in circuital paths. This flux being produced within the magnetic circuit, sets up a C. E. M. F. of self-induction, tending to re- tard the development of both flux and current in the primary coil, so that the primary current does not instantly reach its full strength, but rises comparatively slowly to a maximum. As soon as suf- ficient magnetic flux has been produced in the magnetic circuit, to move, by magnetic attraction, a soft iron armature A, sup- ported at the extremities of the springy, the spring is forced to leave the contact c. and thus open the circuit. As soon as the circuit opens, the current strength would immediately fall to zero, but for the fact that the magnetic flux in the circuit, being ELECTRO-THER^EUTlJ 3.V/ I L flMPfy Q f unsupported by M. M/SEfo»M?id]y disap- ^ ^ pears, so that the primary l8^pg4^£8»pidly; XN ^-^ emptied of flux and become the seat of an 7 E. M. F. tending to prolong the current. This E. M. F. is comparatively powerful, owing to the rapid rate at which the flux is emptied; in fact, it may be sufficiently great to cause a spark to form between the spring and the contact c. In this manner both the making and the breaking of the primary circuit produce E. M. Fs. in the cir- cuit ; that on making, tending to oppose the establishment of the current, and that on breaking, tending to oppose its cessation. On the closing of the primary circuit, the time occupied in producing the full flux is comparatively great ; that is to say, it may amount to, perhaps, the one hundredth of a second ; the loops do not, therefore, fill so rapidly ; but when the cir- 256 ELECTRICITY IN cuit is opened at the contact c, the flux is necessarily withdrawn with great rapidity, and the E. M. F. induced at breaking, owing to this greater rate, is much in excess of the E. M. F. induced at making. The value of the E. M. F. on breaking will, therefore, be increased by any cause which will tend to diminish the time required for the complete cessation of the primary cur- rent. The spark which bridges the space between the contact point and the spring has, therefore, the effect of prolonging the current, since it provides a path, of heated air, through which the current may flow, even when the contact is broken. Conse- quently, any device which will stop the spark will result in the production of a higher E. M. F. of self-induction in the primary coil. This is sometimes effected by introducing a condenser into the pri- mary circuit, with its terminals connected ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 257 in shunt to the contact. As soon as the contact is broken, the current instead of following through the air in a spark, rushes into the condenser and charges it. As soon as the condenser is charged, the cur- rent ceases very suddenly, and is then unable to jump across the interval of air which has become interposed between the contact point and the spring. The result is, therefore, that the current in the pri- mary coil, being very suddenly arrested in the condenser, the rate at which the loops are emptied of flux is greatly increased, and the E. M. F. induced in the primary circuit is correspondingly increased. So far we have only considered the pri- mary coil as though the secondary coil were entirely removed from it. We may now consider the effects that are produced in the superposed secondary coil. If the 258 ELECTRICITY IN terminals of the secondary coil be opened so that its external resistance is practically infinite, it can, therefore, send no current. The E. M. F. induced in the secondary coil is the exact counterpart of that which is induced in the primary coil, except, that having more turns, the secondary E. M. F. is correspondingly greater. This is on the assumption that all of the mag- netic flux threading through the primary coil, also threads through the secondary. On closing the primary circuit, the en- trance of magnetic flux through the pri- mary and secondary loops together causes E. M. Fs. to be induced in both coils. This E. M. F. is a C. E. M. F. in the pri- mary circuit, since it acts against the E. M. F. impressed upon it, but it is the only E. M. F. which appears in the secondary circuit. If, for example, the primary coil consists of 100 turns of wire, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 259 and has induced in it a C. E. M. F. com- mencing at, say one volt, as shown in Fig. 97, this C. E. M. F. dying away, along the curved line bed; then, if the secondary — i -3- -4- — 5-J Fig. 97. — Diagram of Primary Induced E. M. Fs. coil consists of 5,000 turns, the E. M. F. induced in this secondary coil will be represented by the same curve on a scale 50 times as great; that is to say, com- mencing at 50 volts, instead of at 1 volt. 260 ELECTRICITY IN The moment that the primary circuit is broken at the contact if n Fig. 111.— Electro-Therapeutic Alternator. the coils C, C, C. There are 12 poles in the field frame, so that each revolution of the armature produces 12 complete periods, or 24 alternations. As soon as the teeth 308 ELECTRICITY IN bridge across adjacent poles, magnetic flux* is poured through the secondary circuits, or fine wire circuits, inducing in them an E. M. F. in one direction, and as soon as the teeth pass beyond this position, the mag- netic circuits are opened, and the secondary coils are emptied of flux, thus inducing an oppositely directed E. M. F. The advan- tage of such an alternator is that it fur- nishes alternating E. M. Fs. of approxi- mately sinusoidal type, and at a frequency which, within certain limits, is under con- trol. At the high speed of 4,800 revolu- tions per minute, or 80 revolutions per second, the frequency of alternation will be 80X12=960 complete cycles, or 1,920 alternations per second; while at lower speeds the frequency mil be correspond- ingly reduced. The E. M. F. obtainable from such a machine is about 50 volts, The E. M. F. at terminals is, however. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 309 considerably less than this when ordinary loads are applied. Alternating currents are frequently sup- plied from electric lighting stations to con- sumption circuits and buildings, at a com- paratively high pressure, 1,000 or 2,000 volts effective being the pressure com- monly employed. As this is a danger- ously high pressure to handle, it is never permitted to enter a house, the pressure being reduced at some point outside the house, by an apparatus called a step-dotvn transformer, which is a form of induction coil in which the primary wire contains a greater number of turns than the second-, ary. Alternating currents generated by large alternators, placed in the central sta- tion, are sent through the primary coils of the transformer, usually by overhead wires. The secondary coils of the transformers 310 ELECTRICITY IN generate a pressure of 50, 100 or 200 volts, according to circumstances, and wires from Fig. 112.— Alternating Current Transformer. the secondary coil enter the building to be supplied. A form of transformer is shown in Fig. 112, P, P, being the ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 311 primary, and S, S, the secondary wires. The ratio of the secondary to the primary pressure is called the ratio of transforma- tion. Thus, if the primary pressure be- tween the wires P, P, be 1,000 volts effec- tive, and the secondary pressure between the wires S, S f 50 volts effective, the ratio of transformation is 1 : 20, and this will be approximately the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary coil to the number of turns in the primary coil of the trans- former. The frequency of alternation employed in alternating-current electric lighting is not higher than 140~, or 280 alternations per second, and usually varies between this and 125~ or 250 cycles. In some cases, however, the frequency may be 60 ~ and even as low 25 ~ per second. A particular form of transformer, de- signed for supplying alternating electric 312 ELECTRICITY IN currents at the pressure required to operate a cautery knife, is shown in Fig. 113. PP, is the primary coil wound upon Fig. 113. — Alternating-Current Transformer for Cautery. an iron core, consisting of a bundle of straight iron wires and resembling, there- fore, in general form, the primary coil of a medical induction coil. The secondary coil S, consists of a short coil of thick wire, which, having a low resistance, enables ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 313 comparatively powerful currents of say 5 to 30 amperes to be produced in the secondary circuit. The apparatus is, therefore, a step-down transformer. The primary coil is wound for an effective alternating pressure of 50 or 100 volts, according to the pressure employed in the lighting circuits of the building. In order to regulate the E. M. F. and current in the secondary circuit, the secondary coil S, is moved from or towards the centre of the primary coil P, by the screw S, after the manner of the Dubois-Rayinond type of adjustment in the medical induction coil. The contact C\ is so arranged that by the closing of the box, the primary circuit is opened. In some cases, where continuous cur- rents are supplied to a building for light- ing purposes, at 110 volts pressure, it is 314 ELECTRICITY IN possible to dispense entirely with the use of batteries for the operation of a medical i lid notion coil, or for the production of Fig. 114. — Adapter for Continuous Current Circuits. feeble continuous currents in electro- thera- peutic work. An apparatus for this pur- pose called an adapter is shown in Fig. 114. It consists essentially of a rheostat, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 315 placed in the circuit of the electric light- ing; mains, in such a manner as to reduce the current required to the right strength without danger. A long cylinder RR SSS, of hard rubber, contains at the end RR, a number of resistances, which are connected with brass contact strips above. The sliding contact C, makes connection with one of these brass strips, so as to include any desired number of resistances in the circuit. At the end of these resistances, and connected with thein, is a long spiral of fine German-silver wire, wound in a fine groove on the cylinder, SS, so that the contact (7, in sliding over the cylinder to the right, makes contact in succession with each turn of German-silver wire, thus cut- ting out the resistance very gradually over this portion of the circuit. M, is a milliam- metre, and I, an induction coil, whose pri- mary circuit is operated by a current from 316 ELECTRICITY IN the electric lighting mains through the lamps Z, Z, Z. The connections of the adapter are shown in Fig. 115. It will be seen that Fig. 115. — Connections of Adapter. the current through the mains AB 1 passes through the lamps Zi, through the circuit of the patient at P, and through the ad- justable resistance and milliammetre. By connecting the middle lamp Z, in the cir- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 317 cuit, the pressure connected with the patient can be considerably reduced. It will be observed, that in no case can the circuit of the patient be connected to the mains without the interposition of two 110-volt electric lamps. The primary of the induction coil can be thrown into cir- cuit by the use of the switch S. The fact that an incandescent electric lamp can be entirely enclosed in a non- conducting air-tight glass chamber, renders it suitable for introduction into the cavi- ties of the body. Two miniature incan- descent lamps, suitable for such explora- tory purposes,-- are shown in Fig. 116. These give about half a candle, and are operated at pressures of between 2 and 4 volts, with a current strength of from 1 to 1 1/2 amperes. Care must be taken in the operation of such lamps, that the pres- 318 ELECTRICITY IN sure shall not exceed that for which they are designed, as otherwise the lamps will be destroyed. They can be supplied with either an alternating or a continuous cur- rent, but are usually operated by a battery. Since a 1/2 candle-power lamp i Fig. 116.— Incandescent Electric Lamps for Exploration. requires an activity of about 3 1/2 watts, or at the rate of 7 watts per candle, while a lamp of 8 candle-power requires to be supplied with about 30 watts, or at the rate of about 3 1/2 watts per candle, it is evident, that when the lamp has consider- able illuminating power, the heat it liber- * PRCFCEJY (/ [cs. 319 v ' f ELECTRO-THER\^EUTICS ates may be inconvenientlj^gd^f,., .Conse- quently, when the candle-power o^iamps^ for exploratory purposes exceeds a certain amount, it is customary to enclose the globe in a second glass chamber, through which water is circulated, so as to carry off the surplus heat. The heating power of the electric cur- rent is often applied in surgery for cauterizing purposes. Electric cautery knives consist essentially of suitably shaped platinum wires, heated by the elec- tric current. Fig. 117, shows several forms of such cautery knives. The amount of activity required to render the cautery knives white hot, depends upon the surface of hot platinum which they expose to the air. A broad, flat knife requires more activity than narrow blades. Either alter- nating or continuous currents are suitable 320 ELECTRICITY IN for cautery knives. Either primary or secondary cells are frequently employed for this purpose. For the broadest knife Fig. 117.— Electric Cautery Knives. in the figure, 25 or even 30 amperes, at a pressure of approximately one volt, may be required, representing an activity in the knife of from 25 to 30 watts. In the platinum snare cautery, a growth or part is ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 321 removed by causing a length of wire to en- circle the part and then drawing the loop tight, so that the glowing wire is pulled through the part to be removed. Here, owing to the length of wire which has to be heated, though the total activity may be comparatively small, yet the E. M. F. necessary to send the required current through the length of platinum wire may be considerably greater than that for a cautery knife. We have seen, that in accordance with Ohm's law, the current strength in any circuit may be altered, either by varying the E. M. F., or by varying the resistance. Both of these methods are employed in electro-therapeutics. Instruments for varying the resistance in a circuit are called rheostats. They consist essentially of resisting paths whose length or area of 322 ELECTRICITY IN cross-section may be adjusted, or varied at will. In most forms of rheostat, it is the length of resisting path and not the area of cross-section, which is varied. The form given to the resisting paths depends upon the strength of the current which has to be regulated. Currents for cauterizing, which may be as high as 20 or 25 amperes, require comparatively coarse wire coils ; for, each ohm through which a current of 25 amperes passes, liberates heat at the rate of 625 watts, or nearly one H. P., and, consequent!} 7 , if this one ohm consisted of fine wire of comparatively short length and, therefore, possessing a very limited radiating surface, the wire, being unable to dissipate this heat, would acquire a temperature, probably, sufficient to melt it. The comparatively feeble cur- rents generally employed in electro- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 323 therapeutics do not require an extensive radiating surface, and the rheostats through which they pass may be composed of fine wire or of water or of carbon. Fig. 118. — Carbon Rheostat. One of the simplest forms of rheostat for very feeble currents is shown in Fig. 118. Here the resisting column consists of a thin layer of graphite obtained by rubbing a soft graphite pencil in a circular path around the rim of a slate slab, CCC. By this 324 ELECTRICITY IN means a layer of fairly high resisting car- bon is obtained, and the length of this path in a circuit, determines the amount of resistance included. This length is ad- justed by altering the position of the brush B, attached to the milled-headed screw M. It becomes necessary in practice, to occa- sionally renew the carbon layer. Its resist- ance can be varied by rubbing more or less graphite over the surface. Another form of carbon rheostat is shown in Fig. 119. Here the resisting path is composed of pulverized carbona- ceous material pressed into a groove in an insulating plate. A number of brass studs, CCO, pass through the surface of the insulating plate and make contact with the carbon column in the groove beneath. The length of the carbon column inserted between the terminals, T, T, can be varied ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 325 by turning the handle H, so as to make contact with the brass studs at different portions of the circumference. Fig. 119.— Carbon Rheostat. Fig. 120, shows another- form of carbon rheostat depending upon a somewhat dif- ferent principle. Here powdered carbon is placed in a chamber provided with elas- tic sides CO. The resistance between the top and bottom surfaces of this mass of ELECTRICITY IN carbon depends upon the pressure which is brought to bear upon the layer. When the pressure is very light the carbon par- Fig. 120. — Carbon Pressure Rheostat. tides do not make good electric contact with each other and interpose a compara- tively great resistance to the passage of the current from one to another. When, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 327 however, the pressure is considerable, the particles are brought into more intimate electric contact and the resistance of the Fig. 121. — Water Rheostat. mass is thereby greatly reduced. The pressure in this instrument is varied by turning the milled-headed screw M. Fig*. 121 represents a form of water 328 ELECTRICITY. rheostat. Here the column of resisting material is composed of water, Avhich, as we have seen, possesses a high resistivity. The binding posts bb y constituting the terminals of the instrument, are connected each to a triangular mass of carbon, CO, armed at its extremity with the small sponge S. In order to vary the resist- ance, the milled head, M, is turned, which by means of a worm gear rotates the car- bon plates so as to move them into or out of the liquid, and thus vary both the length and cross-section of the liquid column between them. CHAPTER XII. HIGH FREQUENCY DISCHARGES. All the electric sources we have de- scribed produce E. M. Fs., and all E. M. Fs., when permitted to do so, pro- duce electric discharges or currents. The type and magnitude of E. M. F. determine the type and magnitude of the electric current. It is, therefore, to be remembered that, however different may be the appearance of the machine which produces an electric discharge, or however different may be the appearance of the discharge itself, the difference electrically is simply one of frequency, magnitude and wave type of E. M. F. 330 ELECTRICITY IN A high E. M. R, no matter how pro- duced, may discharge in three ways. (1) Convectively. (2) Conductively. (3) Disruptively. Either of the two last mentioned methods may be oscillatory or non-oscilla- tory. A convective discharge is the discharge which occurs in the neighborhood of points connected with a source of high electric pressure. A pressure of 20,000 volts, or upwards, will produce convective effects. Such a pressure is furnished by an electrostatic, or influence machine, so that if an upright metallic rod S, furnished with a sharp pivot point, be attached, as shown in Fig. 122, to the prime conductor of a machine, a wheel, formed of a number ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 331 of radially pointed spokes, supported on the pivot, will be set into rapid rotation by the reaction of the convective discharge of electrified air particles, that are thrown oif Fig. 122.- -Rotation Produced by Convective Discharge. from the points. This motion of the air produces a breeze, called a static or electric breeze, which is sometimes employed elec- tro-therapeutically. If a damp cord be made to connect the main terminals of a high-pressure ma- chine, a silent or conductive discharge .will 332' ELECTRICITY Iff pass through it, the resistance offered by- such a cord being a very great number of ohms. It might be supposed, that if a me- tallic wire were employed instead of a string, that the discharge would pass more readily than it would through a conduct- ing string; but, curiously enough, this is not the case, owing to the fact that the low resistance of the wire causes an enormous current strength to tend to flow through it under a high pressure at its termi- nals. Under the influence of this enor- mous, rush of current, the inductance or self-induction of even a short length of straight wire, is sufficient to produce a C. E. M. F. so great, that a disruptive dis- charge may take place across a consider- able air-gap, before any appreciable quan- tity can escape through the wire. When a knuckle of the hand is ap- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 333 proached to the rounded prime conductor of a high -pressure machine, a disruptive discharge or spark will pass through the air-gap, between the hand and the con- ductor. This appears to consist of a single discharge, but generally consists, in reality, of a number of separate discharges to-and- fro between the machine and the hand. In other words, the discharge is oscillatory, and the current oscillating. The difference between a quiet steady discharge, of a given quantity of electricity at high pres- sure, as compared with an oscillatory dis- charge of the same quantity, is shown in Fig. 123. At A, a steady discharge, com- mencing at say 100,000 volts pressure, falls steadily to zero ; that at B, starting at an equal voltage, falls more rapidly to zero and is slightly oscillatory ; that at C, rapidly changes direction and becomes oscillatory. The current strength in the 334 ELECTRICITY IN circuit has the same graphic type in each case. The frequency of oscillation of these discharges is often exceedingly high, reach- ing sometimes hundreds of millions of cycles per second. The total number of a \ A id \ B Ve \ j ° \ \ \ C\ n p / \ / Wo e 1 1 \J m \\ k i Fig. 123.— Oscillatory Discharge. oscillations, however, in any discharge is not very great, usually varying from 2 or 3 to 20 or 30, according to the condi- tions of the circuit. The entire discharge, therefore, is usually completed in a small fraction of a second. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 335 If a steel spring, such as is represented in Fig. 124, be clamped at its upper ex- tremity, while its lower end is loaded with Fig. 124.— Mechanical Vibrator, Side and End View. a weight W, and also carries a vane V, movable in a viscous liquid, then, if the spring be drawn aside from its position of rest, to the position S' W V , and then released, it will after a number of vibra- 336 ELECTRICITY IN tions or oscillations return to rest, in a manner which will depend upon the fric- tional resistance offered by the liquid, upon the elasticity of the spring, and upon the weight with which it is loaded. If the friction al resistance of the liquid is very great, relatively to the elasticity of the spring, such, for example, as might be offered by impulses to tbe motion of a large vane in molasses, then the spring will not oscillate, but will slowly return towards its position of rest. If, on the other hand, all frictional resistance could be withdrawn, not only in the vessel of liquid, but also in the air and in the mo- lecular structure of the spring, then the spring would perform oscillations which would continue for ever, as there would then be no means for dissipating the energy of the vibrating system. In a con- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 337 dition intermediate between the preced- ing, that is to say, when the frictional resistance offered to the motion is appre- ciable, but not excessive, the spring will execute, by reason of its elasticity, a cer- tain number of oscillations of successively diminishing amplitude before it comes to rest. The frequency of the oscillations ex- ecuted by the spring depends upon its elasticity, and the weight it carries. The weaker the spring ; i. n the resistance of the entire circuit in which the body is introduced, according to Ohm's law. The resistance of the human body may vary enormously, as already pointed out, so that it is almost impossible to say what the current strength will be in any particular case, but, generally speak- ing, the greater the surface area of skin coming into contact with the electrodes, and the moister the skin, the greater will be the danger of receiving a fatal shock from a powerful E. M. F. Generally speaking, a continuous E. M. F. of 20 volts, applied anywhere to the human body through the unbroken sur- face of the skin, may be regarded as harm- less, since the current strength that can be made to pass through any portion of the body by means of such an E. M. F. is very feeble. Alternating E. M. Fs., at frequen- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. cies commercially employed, may be pain- ful under certain circumstances at pres- sures as low as even 5 volts; as, for example, when the hands are immersed in a jar of saline solution, and these jars are connected with an alternating pressure of 5 volts effective. As the pressure is in- creased above 5 volts of alternating E. M. F., or 20 volts of continuous E. M. F., the physiological effects become more painful, and the continuance of such a cur- rent may produce serious effects. Fifty volts of alternating E. M. F. is capable of killing a dog, in two or three seconds, when suitably applied through large wet elec- trodes, in such a manner as to meet with a comparatively reduced resistance in the body of the animal. At ordinary commercial frequencies, it would appear, from experiments con- 370 ELECTRICITY IN ducted upon dogs, horses aud cows, that the danger of a given alternating-current pressure is two to three times as great as that of the same amount of continuous-cur- rent pressure, and, moreover, under the action of a powerful alternating current, the animal is deprived of volitional control of its muscles, which, are thrown into tetanic rigidity, a much greater strength of the. continuous current being necessary to produce a similar effect, even in a partial degree. At extremely high frequencies, however, far above those at present com- mercially employed, we have seen that the physiological effect of alternating currents is considerably less than that of continu- ous currents of the same strength. Under ordinary circumstances, a man re- ceives a shock from a wire through his hands and feet. A pressure of 100 volts ELECTRO-T] Co e than appre- contmuous is not rau ciable when the hands a same may be said of 50 volts 01 alterna- ting current. A pressure of 500 volts is capable of giving a very severe shock, especially when a man standing on the wet ground, touches a conductor in connec- tion with a trolley wire, at about 500 volts pressure. Rare instances are said to have occurred in which this continuous current pressure has been fatal to man. Such a pressure is very readily capable of killing a horse, partly owing to the fact that its skin is almost entirely unpro- tected. It would also appear from such' experimental knowledge as we possess that animals are more readily killed by electric pressures than human beings. The current strength which it is danger- ous to employ depends both upon its point c 372 ELECTRICITY. of application and upon its duration. A current of 250 milli amperes is, in some cases, harmless when conducted through por- tions of the human body for a short inter- val of time, while, in other cases, this strength of current, passed through vital organs, might produce fatal results. In continuous-current strength, however, any- excess of 25 milliamperes is usually at- tended with pain under normal conditions, and is, therefore, regarded as a strength of current that should only be administered with due precautions. Even this strength of current through delicate organs, such as the eye, might produce serious results. INDEX. Action of Electrified Sphere, Mechanical Model of, 149, 150. Active Conductor, Magnetic Flux Paths of, 192, 193. ■ Loop, Influence of, on Magnetic Needle, 193, 194. Activity, Definition, 125. , Electric, Unit of, 126. , Mechanical, Unit of, 125, 126. Adapter Connections for Continuous-Current Cir- cuits, 316, 317. for Continuous-Current Circuits, 314, 315. Aero-Ferric Magnetic Circuit, 196. Alternating, Current, 121. Current Dynamo, 119. Current Magneto-Electric Generator, 246, 247. 373 374 INDEX. Alternating-Current Transformer, 309, 310. Current Transformer for Cautery, 312, 313. E. M. F., 113, 114. Alternation, Definition of, 117. Alternator, Electro-Therapeutic, 307, 308. Alternators, 199, 299. Amalgam for Frictional Electric Machines, 141. Ammeter, Definition of, 90. Ampere, 81. , Definition of, 90. Ampere-Turn, Definition of, 207. Animal Electricity, Conclusions in Regard to, 9, 10. Anode, 357. Apparatus for High-Frequency Alternating Cur- rents, 352. Armature of Electromagnet, 204. B Battery, Chloride Storage, 57. of Silver Chloride Cells, 39. , Voltaic, Definition of, 50. , Voltaic Plunge, 52. Begohm, Definition of, 66. Bichromate Voltaic Cell, 41, 42. Bluestone or Gravity Voltaic Cell, 29, 30. Body, Human, Electric Resistance of, 76, 77, 78. INDEX. 375 Body, Human, Electrolytic Decomposition Pro- duced in, 349. , Human, Heat Produced in by Different Current Strengths, 135, 136, 137. Bonetti Electrostatic Machine, 180. Breeze, Electric, 331. , Static, 331. C C. E. M. F., Produced by Chemical Decom- position, 133. , Produced by Magnetic Activity, 133. , Produced by Resistance of Circuit, 132. Calculation of Resistance, 69, 10. Calorie, 19. , Lesser, 135. Calorimeter, 133, 134. Carbon Pressure Rheostat, 326. Rheostat, 323, 324. Cataphoresis, 361. and Electrolysis, 356 to 364. Cataphoretic Medication, 364. Cautery, Alternating-Current Transformer for, 312, 313. , Electric, Knives for, 319, 320, 321. , Platinum Snare, 320, 321. Cell, Charged, 54. , Exhausted or Run Down, 54. 376 INDEX. Cell, Primary, Definition of, 54. , Secondary, Definition of, 54. , Storage, Chloride, 56, 57. , Storage, Definition of, 54. , Voltaic, Bluestone or Gravity, 29, 30. , Voltaic Dry, 48, 49. , Voltaic, Exciting Liquid of, 30. , Voltaic, Leclanche, 27, 28. , Voltaic, Partz Gravity, 46, 47. , Voltaic, Silver Chloride Form of, 36, 37, 38. Cells, Voltaic, Double-Fluid, 30. , Voltaic, Single-Fluid, 30. — ' , Voltaic, Various Couplings of, 88, 89. Charged Cell, 54. Charging Current, 55. Chemical Decomposition or Electrolysis Produced in Human Body, 349. Chloride Storage Battery, 57. Storage Cell, 56, 57. Circuit, Aero-Ferric, 196. , Closed, Definition of, 34. , Electric, 333. , Electrostatic, 156. , Ferric Magnetic, 196. , Magnetic, 191. , Magnetic, Character and Dimensions, Effect of Reluctance of, 209, 210, INDEX. 377 Circuit, Magnetic Methods of Varying M. M. F. of, 212. , Non-Ferric Magnetic, 196. of Alternating-Current Transformer, 199. Classification of Electric Sources, 26. Closed Circuit, Definition of, 34. Coil, Faradic, 248. , Inducing, 233. , Induction, Simple Form of, 249. , Primary, 234. , Secondary, 234. Coils, Faradic, Adjustable Vibrator for, 274. Comb of Points of Frictional Electric Machine, 141. Commutator, Two-Part, Diagram of, 244, 245. Condenser, Definition of, 175, 176. Connections for Adapter, 316, 317. of Medical Induction Coil, 290, 291. Contact Theory, Volta's, 6, 7. Continuous Current, 121. Circuits, Adapter for, 314, 315. — Dynamo, 107. Generators, 303. Continuous E. M. F., 107. Convective Discharge, 330, 331, 332. Discharge, Rotation Produced by, 321. Convention as to Direction of Magnetic Flux, 191. 378 INDEX. Core of Medical Induction Coil, 267. Coulomb, 80. , Micro, 147. per second, 81. Counter E. M. F., 130. Couple, Voltaic, Definition of, 30. Couplings, Various, of Voltaic Cells, 88, 89. Current, Alternating, 121. , Charging, 55. , Continuous, 121. , Direct, 122. , Electric, 80 to 106. ' — , Electric, Definition of, 80. , Electrostatic, 156. , Endosmotic, 360. , Exosraotic, 360. , Pulsating, 121. Strength, Effective, 288. Strength Employed in Electrocutions, 82. Currents, Static-Induced, 344. Cycle, Definition of, 117. D D'Arsonval Galvanometer, 105, 106. Dangers in the Use of Electricity, 365 to 372. INDEX. 379 Decomposition, Chemical, or Electrolysis Pro- duced in Human Body, 349. , Electrolytic, 83, 34-9. Dielectric Medium, 15V. Resistance, 167, 168. Direct Current, 122. Direction of Induced E. M. F., Rule for, 225. Discharge, Conductive, 331, 332. , Convective, 330, 331. , Convective, Rotation Produced by, 321. , Disruptive, 333. , Impulsive, 344, 345. — , Oscillatory, 333. , Silent, 331, 332. Discharges, High -Frequency, 329 to 355. of Medical Induction Coils, Characteristics of, 298. Displacement, Electric, 148. » Lines, 157. Disruptive Discharge, 333. Dissociation, Molecular, 356. Dissymmetrical Alternating E. M. F., 119. E. M. F., 118. Double-Fluid Voltaic Cells, 30. Dr. Ohm, 64. Dry Voltaic Cell, 48, 49. Voltaic Cell, E. M. F. of, 49. 380 INDEX. Dubois-Raymond Type of Medical Induction Coil, 261, 262. Dynamo, Continuous-Current, 107. Dynamo-Electric Generator, 299. Dynamos, 299. , Alternating-Current, 119. and Alternators, Fundamental Principle Involved in Production of E. M. F. by, 300, 301. , Motors and Transformers, 299 to 328. , Self -Exciting, 302. , Separately-Excited, 302. E E. M. F., 25. , Alternating, 113, 114. and not Electricity Produced by Electric Sources, 24', 25. , Continuous, 107, 121. , Continuous-Current Dynamo, 110. , Continuous, Graphic Representation of, 107. , Counter, 130. , Dissymmetrical, 118. , Dissymmetrical Alternating, 119. , Effective, 288. , Effective Thermal, 288. INDEX. 381 E. M. F. in Dynamos and Alternators, Funda- mental Principle Involved in Production of, 300, 301. , Induction of, by Magnetic Flux, 221. , Intermittent, 112. , Methods of Discharge of, 329, 330. , Negative, Graphic Representation of, 109. of Continuous-Current Dynamo, Graphic Representation of, 110. of Dry Cell, 49. of Edison-Lalande Cell, 44. of Induction Coil, Methods of Varying Value of, 250, 251. of Partz Gravity Cell, 47. of Self-induction, Direction of, on Break- ing Circuit, 229. of Self-induction, Direction of, on Com- pleting Circuit, 229. of Silver-Chloride Cell, 38. of Zinc-Carbon Cell, 41. , Positive, Graphic Representation of, 107. Produced by Friction, 138, 139. Produced by Friction, High Value of, 139, 140. , Pulsatory, 110. , Sinusoidal, 121. , Symmetrical, 118. 382 INDEX. E. M. F., Symmetrical, Wave of, 119. , Unit of, 28. E. M. Fs., Franklinic, 144. Edison-Lalande Cell, E. M. F. of, 44. Voltaic Cell, 43, 44, 45. Effect, Skin, 350. Effective Current Strength, 288. Thermal E. M. F., 288. Electric Activity, Source of, 128, 12§. Breeze, 331. Calorimeter, 133, 134. Circuit, 333. Current, 80 to 106. Current, Definition of, 80. Displacement, 148. Osmose, 361. Resistance, 63 to 79. Resistance of Flesh, 75. Resistance of Human Body, 76, 77, 78. Sources, Classification of, 26. Unit of Work, 125. Electricity and Magnetism, Relation Between, 184, 185. and Magnetism, Transmission of, Through Vacua, 20, 21, 22. , Animal, Conclusions in Regard to, 9, 10. , Decomposition by, 83. INDEX. 383 Electricity, Nature of, 13, 14. , Unit of Quantity of, 80. Electrocutions, Current Strengths Employed in, 82. Electrode, Negative, 35 7. , Positive, 357. Electrodes, 357. Electrolysis and Cataphoresis, 356 to 364. , Definition of, 83. , Metallic, 364. Electrolyte, Definition of, 30. Electrolytic Decomposition, 83, 349. Electromagnet, 200, 201. , Aero-Ferric Circuit of, 200, 201. , Horse-Shoe, 202, 203. , Yoke of, 204. Electromagnetic Induction, 237, 238. Inrush, 338, 339. Motors, 304, 307. Electromotive Force, 13 to 62. Force, Abbreviation of, 25. Force, Nature of, 24, 25. Force, Varieties of, 107 to 123. Electro-Negative Ions, 357. Electropliorus, Description of, 166. , Operation of, 167 to 171. Electropoion Fluid, 41. 384 INDEX. Electro-Positive Ions, 35 7. Electrostatic Attraction and Repulsion, General Laws of, 164, 165, 166. Circuit, 156. Circuit, Application of Ohm's Law to, 156. Circuits of Toepler-Holtz Machine, 173. Current, 156. Flux, 148. Flux, Line or Curves of, 148. Flux Paths, Representation of, 160. Induction, 144, 145, 146, 159. Law, General, of Attraction and Repulsion, 164, 165, 166. Resistance, 156. Electro-Therapeutic Alternator, 307, 308. Electro-Therapeutics, Galvani's Contribution to, 9. Elements, Voltaic, 31. , Voltaic, Varieties of, 33. Endosmotic Current, 360. Ether, Luminiferous, 19, 20. , Transmission of Heat by, 16, 17, 18. , Universal, 14. Exciting Liquid of Voltaic Cell, 30. Exhausted or Run Down Cell, 54. Exosmotic Current, 360. External Damping Tube for Induction Coil, 281, 282. INDEX. 385 F Faradic Coil, 248. Coil, Adjustable Vibrator for, 274, 2*75. Ferric Magnetic Circuit, 196. Flesh, Electric Resistance of, 75. Flow, Electric, Unit of Rate of, 81. Fluid, Electropoion, 41. Flux Density, 213. , Electrostatic, 148. , Magnetic, 190. , Magnetic, Apparent Failure to Produce Physiological Effects on Human Body, 214, to 218. , Magnetic, Induction of E. M. F. by, 221 to 247. , Passage of through Human Body, 218, 219, 220. Paths, Effect of Shape of Body on Direc- tions of, 151 to 155. Paths, Electrostatic Representation of, 160. -, Remanent, 202. -, Residual, 201. Foot-pound, Definition of, 124. per second, Definition of, 125. Force, Electromotive, 13 to 62. , Electromotive, Abbreviation of, 25. , Electromotive, Nature of, 24, 25. 386 INDEX. Force, Electromotive, Varieties of, 107 to 123. , Magneto-motive, 206. , Magneto-motive, Unit of, 207. Franklin, 144. Franklinic E. M. Fs., 144. Frequency, Definition of, 118. of Oscillation, 337, 338. Friction, Development of E. M. F. by, 138, 139. Frictional and Influence Machines, 138 to 184. Electric Machine, Comb of Points of, 141. Electric Machine, Plate Form of, 141, 142. Electric Machines, 140, 141. - Electric Machines, Amalgam for, 141. Electric Machines, Rubber of, 141. Frog, Galvanoscopic, 2. G Galvani, Discovery of, 1 to 5. Galvanometer, D'Arsonval, 105, 106. , Mirror, 99, 100. , Mirror, Sensitive, 103, 104, 105. Galvanoscopic Frog, 2. Gauss, Definition of, 213. Generator, Alternating Magneto-Electric, 246, 247. , Dynamo-Electric, 299. , Magneto-Electric, 239. Generators, 299. INDEX. 387 Generators, Continuous- Current, 303. Gilbert, Definition of, 207. Graphic Representation of Continuous E. M. F., 107. Representation of Oscillatory Discharge, 334. Gravity or Bluestone Voltaic Cell, 29, 30. Grenet's Voltaic Cell, 41, 42. Grid of Storage Cell, 56. H Heat, Transmission of, by Ether, 16, 17, 18. High-Frequency Alternating-Currents, Apparatus for, 352. Discharges, 329 to 355. Discharges, Physiological Effects of, 347, 348. Electric Oscillations, Conditions Requisite for, 340, 341. Holtz Influence Machine, Form of, 179. Horse-Shoe Electromagnet, 202, 203. Human Body, Electric Resistance of, 76, 77, 78. Body, Electrolytic Decomposition Pro- duced in, 349. Body, Heat Produced in, by Different Current Strengths, 135, 136, 137. Body, Passage of Flux through, 218, 219, 220. 388 INDEX. I Impulsive Discharge, 344, 345. Impurities, Effect of, on Resistivity, 71, 72. Incandescent Lamps for Exploratory Purposes, 317. Induced E. M. F., Direction of, 225. Inducing Coil, 233. Inductance, 332. of Secondary of Induction Coil, 264. Induction Coil, External Damping Tube for, 281, 282. — Coil, Medical, 248 to 298. Coil, Rapid Interrupter for, 278, 279. Coil, Ribbon Vibrator for, 276, 277. Coil, Simple Form of, 249. Coil, Internal Damping Tube For, 281, 282. Coils, Medical, Relative Effectiveness of, 285, 286. , Electromagnetic, 237, 238. , Electrostatic, 144, 145, 146, 159. , Magneto-Electric, 238, 239. , Mutual, 232 to 235. of E. M. F. by Magnetic Flux, 221 to 247. of E. M. F. by Magnetic Flux, Varieties of, 221. ind: 7* Induction of E. M. F., Me 226,227, 228. Influence Machine, 144 Machine, a form of Electrophorus, 169, 170. Machine, Oscillatory-Current Circuit of, 345, 346. Inrush, Electromagnetic, 338, 339. Insulators, 68. Intensity, Magnetic, Unit of, 213. Interconnection of Primary and Secondary Wind- ings of Medical Induction Coil, 293, 294. Intermittent E. M. F., 112. Internal Damping Tube for Induction Coil, 280. Ions or Radicals, 357. j Jar, Leyden, 176, 177. Joint Resistance, 73. Joule, Definition of, 125, 126. per second, Definition of, 126. Julien Storage Battery, 59. K Kathode, 357. Knives for Electric Cautery, 319, 320, 321. 390 INDEX. L Lamps, Incandescent, for Exploratory Purposes, 317. Law, General, of Electrostatic Attraction and Repulsion, 164, 165. , Ohm's, 84 to 90. Leclanche Cell, E. M. F. of, 28. Voltaic Cell, 27, 28. Lesser Calorie, 135. Ley den Jar, 176, 177. Jar Discharge, Oscillatory Character of, 341. Light, Nature of, 23, 24. , Transmission of, by Luminiferous Ether. 19, 20. Lines, Displacement, 157. or Curves of Electrostatic Flux, 148. Luminiferous Ether, 19, 20. M M. M. F., 206. of Circuit, Methods of Varying Value of, 212. Machine, Frictional Electric, 140, 141. Machines, Frictional and Influence, 138, 183. Magnet, North Pole of, 191. , South Pole of, 192. INDEX. 391 Magnetic Circuit, 191, 192. Circuit, Ohm's Law applied to, 207. Circuit, Varieties of, 196. Field, Rapidly Oscillating, Apparatus for Producing, 354, 355. Flux, 190. Flux, Apparent Failure to Produce Physiological Effects on Human Body, 214 to 218. Flux, Convention as to Direction of, 191. Flux, Induction of E. M. F. by, 221 to 247. — Flux Paths of Active Conductor, 192, 193. Flux, Unit of, 211. Intensity, Unit of, 213. Needle, Influence of Active Loop on, 193, 194. Reluctance, 206. Resistance, 206. Magnetism, 184 to 220. and Electricity, Relation Between, 184, 185. and Electricity, Transmission of, through Vacua, 20, 21, 22. , Definition of, 184. Method of Producing, 188, 189. , Permanent, 201. 392 INDEX. Magnetism, Residual, 202. Magneto-Electric Generator, 239. Generator changes in Magnetic Circuit of, 241, 242. Induction, 238, 239. Magneto-Motive Force, 206. Force, Unit of, 207. Mechanical Analogue of Induction of E. M. F., 226, 227, 228. Analogue of Relation Between Electricity and Magnetism, 185 to 188. Model of Action of Electrified Sphere, 149, 150. Vibrator, 335, 336. Medical Induction Coil, 248, 298. Induction Coil, Characteristics of Dis- charge Produced by, 298. Induction Coil, Connection of Vibrator in, 269 to 275. Induction Coil, Connections of, 290, 291. Induction Coil, Core of, 267. Induction Coil, Diagram of Primary In- duced E. M. Fs., 259. Induction Coil Discharges, Characteristics of, 298. Induction Coil, Dubois-Raymond Type, 261, 262. INDEX. 393 Medical Induction Coil, Effect of Increasing Fre- quency of Vibration, Induction Coil, Interconnection of Primary and Secondary Windings of, 293, 294. Induction Coil, Methods of Increasing Frequency of Flux Oscillations Pro- duced by, 252. Induction Coil, Methods of Increasing Magnetic Flux of, 252. Induction Coil, Operation of, 254, 258. Induction Coil, Primary Connections of, 253, 254. — Induction Coils, Relative Effectiveness of, 285, 286. Medication, Cataphoretic, 361. Medium, Dielectric, 157. Megohm, Definition of, 66. Metallic Electrolysis, 364. Milliameter, Construction of, 94 to 98. , Definition of, 90. , Varieties of, 91 to 94. Milliampere, Definition of, 82. Mirror, Galvanometer, 99 to 102. , Galvanometer, Sensitive, 103, 104, 105. Molecular Dissociation, 356. Motors, Dynamos and Transformers, 299 to 328. 394 i:n t dex„ Motors, Electromagnetic, 304 to 307. Mutual Induction, 232 to 235. N Nature of Electricity, 13, 14. Negative E. M. F., Graphic Representation of, 109. Electrode, 357. Plate of Voltaic Cell, 31. Pole of Voltaic Cell, 34. Non -Ferric Magnetic Circuit, 196. Non-Polarizable Voltaic Cells, 32. North Pole of Magnet, 191. o i Oersted, Definition of, 211. Ohm, Definition of, 65, 66. Ohm, Dr., 64. Ohm's Law, 84 to 90. Law, Application of to Electrostatic Cir- cuit, 156. Law, Application of to Magnetic Circuit, 207. Oscillations, Frequency of, 337, 338. , High-Frequency, Electric Conditions Requisite for, 340, 341. Oscillatory Character of Leyden Jar Discharge, 341. INDEX. 395 Oscillatory Current Circuit of Influence Machine, 345, 346. Discharge, 333. Discharge, Graphic Representation of, 334. Osmose, 360. , Electric, 361. Pair, Voltaic, Definition of, 30. Parallel-Connected Resistances, 73. Partz Gravity Voltaic Cell, 46, 47. Period, Definition of, 117. Permanent Magnetism, 201. Physiological Effects of High-Frequency Dis- charges, 347, 348. Plate Form of Frictional Electric Machine, 141. Platinum Snare Cautery, 320, 321. Plunge Battery, Voltaic, 52. Polarization of Voltaic Cell, 32. Pole, Negative, of Voltaic Cell, 34. , Positive, of Voltaic Cell, 34. Portable Silver-Chloride Battery, 53. Positive E. M. F., Graphic Representation of, 109. Electrode, 357. Plate of Voltaic Cell, 31. Primary Cell, Definition of, 54. 396 INDEX. Pulsating Current, 121. Pulsatory E. M. F., 110. R Radicals, Electro-Negative, 357. , Electro-Positive, 357. or Ions, 357. Rapid Interrupter for Induction Coil, 278, 279. Rapidly Oscillating Magnetic Field, Apparatus for Producing, 354, 355. Ratio of Transformation, 311. Reluctance, Effect of Character and Dimensions of • Circuit on, 209, 210. , Magnetic, 206. of Human Body, 218, 219, 220. , Unit of, 211. Reluctivity, 208. Remanent Flux, 202. Residual Magnetism, 201, 202. Resistance, Calculation of, 69, 70. , Dielectric, 167, 168. , Electric, 63 to 79. , Electric, Definition of, 63, 64. , Electric, of Flesh, 75. , Electric, of Human Body, 76, 77, 78. , Electrostatic, 156. , Joint, 73. INDEX. 397 Resistance, Magnetic, 206. , Specific, 67. , Unit of, Electric, 64. Resistances, Parallel-Connected, 73. , Series-Connected, 72. Resistivities, Effect of Temperature on, 71. , Table of, 68. Resistivity, Definition of, 67. , Effect of Impurity on, 71, 72. of Water, 71. Rheostat, Carbon, 323, 324, 325. , Carbon Pressure, 326. , Water, 327, 328. Rheostats, 321 to 328. Ribbon Vibrator for Induction Coil, 276, 277. Rubber of Frictional Electric Machines, 141. Rule for Direction of Induced E. M. F., 225. S Scale, Mirror, Galvanometer, 102, 103.' Secondary Coil, 234. Induced E. M. F. of Medical Induction Coil at High Frequency under Load, 273. of Induction Coil, Inductance of, 264. or Storage Cell, Forms of, 55 to 62. Self-exciting Dynamos, 302. Self-induction, 222, 229, 230, 332. 398 INDEX. Self-induction, Counter Electromotive Force of, 229, 230. Sensitive Mirror Galvanometer, 102, 103, 104. Separately-Excited Dynamos, 302. Series-Connected Resistances, 72. Series Connection of Voltaic Cells, 50. Short Circuit, Definition of, 87. Silent Discharge, 331, 332. Silver-Chloride Cell, E. M. F. of, 38. Cells, Battery of, 39. Portable Battery, 53. ■ Voltaic Cell, 36, 37, 38. Single-Fluid Voltaic Cells, 30. Sinusoidal E. M. F., 121. Wave, 120, 121. Sources, Electric, Classification of, 26. Skin Effect, 350. Snare, Platinum, Cautery, 320, 321. South Pole of Magnet, 191. Sparking Distance Through Air-Gap, 140. Specific Resistance, 67. Static Breeze, 331. — Induced Currents, 344. Step-Down Transformer, 309. Storage Cell, Chloride. 56, 57. Cell, Definition of, 54. Cell, Grid of, 56. INDEX. 399 Storage Cell, Julien, 59. — - — or Secondary Cells, Forms of, 55 to 62. Symmetrical E. M. F., 118. Wave of E. M. F., 119. T Table of Resistivities, 68. Temperature, Effect of on Resistivities, 71. Therapeutic Uses of Electricity, Dangers in, 365 to 372. Toepler-Holtz Influence Machine, Construction of, 172. — Machine, Operation of, 173, 174, 175. Transformation, Ratio of, 311. Transformer, Alternating-Current, 309, 310. , Step-Down, 309. Transformers, Motors and Dynamos, 299 to 328. Tregohm, Definition of, 66. Two-Part Commutator, Diagram of, 244, 245. u Unit of E. M. F., 28. of Electric Activity, 126. of Electric Resistance, 64. of Electric Work, 126. of Magnetic Flux, 211. 400 INDEX. Unit of Magnetic Intensity, 213. of Magneto-Motive Force, 207. of Mechanical Activity, 125. of Quantity of Electricity, 80. of Rate of Electric Flow, 81. of Reluctance, 211. of Work, 124. Universal Ether, 14. v Varieties of Electromotive Force, 107 to 123. of Magnetic Circuit, 196. Vibrator, Adjustable for Farad ic Coil, 274. — ■ , Mechanical, 335, 336. Volt, Definition of, 28. Volta, 6. Volta's Contact Theory, 6, 7. Voltaic Battery, Definition of, 50. Voltaic Cell, Bi-Chromate, 41, 42. Cell, Edison-Lalande, 43, 44, 45. Cell, Elements of, 31. Cell, Exciting Liquid of, 30. Cell, Grenet, 41, 42. Cell, Leclanche, 27, 28. Cell, Negative Plate of, 31. Cell, Partz Gravity, 46, 47. Cell, Polarization of, 32. Cell, Positive Plate of, 31. INDEX. 401 Voltaic Cell, Silver Chloride Form of, 36, 37, 38. Cells, Connection of, in Series, 50. Cells, Double-Fluid, 30. Cells, Non-Polarizable, 32. ; — Cells, Single-Fluid, 30. Cells, Zinc-Carbon, 40, 41. Couple, Definition of, 30. Dry Cell, 48, 49. Elements, 31. Elements, Varieties of, 33. Pair, Definition of, 30. Volt-Coulomb, Definition of, 126. Voltmeter, Definition of, 129. , Description of, 131. w Water-Gramme-Degree-Centigrade, 135. , Resistivity of, 71. Rheostat, 327, 328. Watt, Definition of, 126. Waves, Sinusoidal, 120, 121. Weber, Definition of, 211. Wimshurst Electrical Machine, 182, 183. Work and Activity, Electric, 124 to 137. , Electric, Unit of, 125. Rate of Doing, 125. , Unit of Electrical, 126. 402 INDEX. Y Yoke of Electromagnet, 203. z Zinc-Carbon Cell, E. M. F. of, 41. Voltaic Cells, 40, 41. Elemeitftery 7 : - Electro - TechnMal Series. i.D. and Alternating Electric Currents, Electric Incandescent Light- Electric Heating, ing, Electromagnetism, Electric Motors, Electricity in Electro-Thera- Electric Street Railways, peutics, Electric Telephony, Electric Arc Lighting, Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, profusely illustrated. Price, $1.00 per volume. The above volumes have been prepared to satisfy a demand which exists on the part of the general public for reliable in- formation relating to the various branches of electro- technics. In them will be found concise and authoritative information con- cerning the several departments of electrical science treated, and the reputation of the authors, and their recognized ability as writers, are a sufficient guarantee as to the accuracy and reliability of the statements. 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