BANCROFT LIBRARY BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HEARING BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE MMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PURSUANT TO I; S. RES. 885 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS TO INVESTIGATE AS TO THE ALLEGED INVASION OF NICARAGUA BY ARMED SAILORS AND MARINES OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 SUBCOMMITTEE OF COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. UNITED STATES SENATE. HENRY CABOT LODGE, Massachusetts, Chairman. GEORGE SUTHERLAND, Utah. THEODORE E. BURTON, Ohio AGUSTUS O. BACON, Georgia. JAMES P. CLARK, Arkansas. 2 NICARAGUAN APFAIES. EL PASO, TEX., Tuesday October 8, 1912. The subcommittee met at 3 o'clock p. m. Present: Senator Fall. Present also: Mr. Fenton R. McCreery. Senator FALL. This testimony is taken under authority of Senate resolution 385, which is as follows: Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Relations, or a subcom- mittee thereof, authorized and appointed under S. Res. 335, passed July twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and twelve, to make certain investigations and report concerning influences connected with or inciting rebellion, insurrections, or disorders in Cuba and Mexico, be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed by said committee, or a subcommittee appointed or to be appointed, to further inquire, investigate, ascertain, and report as to the alleged invasion of the Republic of Nicaragua by the armed sailors and marines of the Navy of the United States during the month of August, nineteen hundred and twelve, or at any other time preceding or subsequent thereto during said year; and particularly to investigate and report to the Senate First. Under what authority of law and by the orders of what official of the United States said armed sailors and marines were at any time during said year ordered to invade the territory of the Republic of Nicaragua. Second. What armed officers and sailors and marines of the Navy and Marine Corps were under said orders sent into the territory of the Republic of Nicaragua. Third. What orders were issued to said forces of the Navy and Marine Corps to be executed by the same in the Republic of Nica- ragua, and what was done within the period named in pursuance thereof, and particularly what military operations were carried on within the Republic of Nicaragua by said forces in pursuance of said orders or otherwise. Fourth. The said committee or subcommittee is further directed to investigate and report to the Senate what citizen of the United States or other person or persons are now or have been during said year assuming to collect customs in Nicaragua, and assuming to be American customs officials, and particularly by whom said collector of customs has been appointed, by whose instigation, and the author- ity assumed to be exercised by said alleged American customs officials and all the acting and doings of the same under any authority, actual or assumed. Resolved further, That all the powers and authority conferred upon said committee or subcommittee by the said original S. Res. 335 of July twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and twelve, be, and the same are hereby, conferred upon said committee or subcommittee in making the additional investigation and report herein authorized and directed. 3 4 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. Senator FALL. Senate resolution 335 is the resolution under which Senators Smith of Michigan, McCumber, Borah, Shively, Hitchcock, and myself have been authorized to investigate Mexican and Cuban affairs. The following telegrams will be inserted in this record, as the authority for taking the testimony of Mr. Leets here to-day: EL PASO, TEX., October 1, 1912. Senator HENRY CABOT LODGE, Boston, Mass.: Following lettergram addressed to me just received from Juan Leetz, New Orleans, La. : " In compliance with the recent resolution of the United States Senate authorizing an investigation to determine the persons responsible for fomenting revolutions in, Nicarauga, Mexico, and Cuba, and to investigate the activity of American diplomatic agents and marines in Nicaraugua, I have just arrived in the United States for the pur- pose of presenting to your honorable committee certain important facts and documents relating to the Nicaraugan matter. Many of the documents I have are official and embrace correspondence between United States and Nicaraugan officials not heretofore made known in this country. I await the pleasure of the committee." If your com- mittee not prepared to take testimony and you desire I can wire Leetz meet me here or San Antonio and secure his statement under oath and forward same to you. Senator Smith and myself still actively engaged in hearings regarding Mexican affairs. ALBERT B. FALL. NAHANT, MASS., October 2, 1912. Senator ALBERT B. FALL, El Paso, Tex.: Telegram received. Impossible to get our committee together. Should be very glad if you would wire Leetz to meet you and take his statement under oath. Our committee will not meet before the beginning of the session. H. C. LODGE. TESTIMONY OF JUAN LEETS. [Fenton R. McCreery, interpreter.] Juan Leets, being first duly sworn by Senator Fall, testified as follows : Senator FALL. Of what country are you a citizen ? Mr. LEETS. I was born in Russia, but since young boyhood I have been living in Central America. I have held different high positions in Nicaragua, and am considered a Nicaraguan. Senator FALL. You have held governmental positions under the Nicaraguan Government, have you ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. More than once ? Mr. LEETS. Twice. Under Zelaya I was appointed as chief of all the customs, as the delegate of the Government on the Atlantic coast, and at another time I was chief of police of the Republic. Senator FALL. Have you the original documents certifying to your official appointments, to which you have referred ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; I have them. Senator FALL. Let me see them, if you please. This first instru- ment which you hand me is in Spanish, signed by J. S. Zelaya, dated Managua, November 19, 1908, certifying that Juan Leets is inspector general of the customhouses of the Republic. Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. The second instrument is a certificate executed in the City of Mexico on the 5th of April, 1911, certifying to the employ- ment of Mr. Leets, and signed by J. Madriz. Mr. LEETS. The original certificate of my employment was at the time in the department of the interior of Nicaragua, at Managua, and NICABAGUAN AFFAIRS. 5 Mr. Madriz was temporarily in the City of Mexico, Republic of Mexico, at the time when this last certificate was given. The documents referred to are as follows: PRESIDENCIA Y COMANDANCIA GENERAL, NICARAGUA. El portador de la presente, don Juan Leets, inspector general de las aduanas de la Republica, va a la cost a Atlantica como delegado del Gobierno y en ejercico de su cargo. En tal virtue! se order a a las autoridades civiles y militares de toda esa circunscripcion territorial, presten al expresado sefior las facili- dades y el apoyo que necesite para el mejor exito de la mision que lleva y para la mayor eficacia de sus disposiciones. Especialmente se ordena a los jefes de aduana y subtesoreros entreguen a al sefior delegado las cantidades de dinero que les pida, percibiendo el corres- pondiente recibo y dando aviso al ministerio del ramo ; y a las autori- dades militares que le presten el auxilio de la fuerza publica en la forma que el lo requiera. Managua, 19 de noviembre de 1908. J. S. ZELAYA. [SEAL.] REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA, COMMANDANCIA GENERAL DEL fijERCITO. [Translation.] LETTER GIVEN TO INSPECTOR GENERAL OF CUSTOMS JUAN LEETZ BY PRESIDENT J. S. ZELAYA. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT AND MILITARY COMMANDER, NICARAGUA. The bearer of this letter, Mr. Juan Leetz, inspector general of customs of the Republic, is proceeding to the Atlantic coast as dele- gate of the Government in the exercise of his functions. All civil and military authorities within these territorial limits are ordered to lend to the said gentleman such facilities and assistance as he 'may require to accomplish his mission and make effective his instructions. Collectors of customs and subtreasurers are especially ordered to deliver to said delegate the sums of money he may ask, taking the corresponding receipt and advising the corresponding department; and the military authorities to lend the assistance of their forces in such manner as he may require. Managua, November 19, 1908. J. S. ZELAYA. REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. [SEAL.] HEADQUARTERS OF THE COMMANDER OF THE ARMY. [Translation.] Jose Madriz. J ' MADRIZ TO JUAN LEETZ ' '- b x1878 - MEXICO, April 5, 1911. Mr. JUAN LEETS, Present. MY DISTINGUISHED FRIEND: I am glad to make known by this letter that I have known you well for many years, that I have had the pleasure of dealing with you as a client and as a friend, and that 6 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. by reason of your honesty, devotion to work, and sterling personal qualities you are entitled to my most hearty recommendation. You were also an employee of the Government over which I had had the honor to preside in Nicaragua, and in the exercise of your functions you were loyal, obedient to instructions, and truly patriotic. You may make of this letter, whatever use you desire, and should you need further references I beg that you will inform me, for I desire to serve you. With my especial consideration, I am, Your affectionate friend and servant, J. MADRIZ. J. MADRIZ TO JUAN LEETZ. [Copy.] Jose Madriz. Apartado 1878. MEXICO, 5 de abril de 1911. Sr. Dn. JUAN LEETS, P, Mi DISTINGUIDO AMIGO: Es grato para mi hacer constar en la present e que conozco a Vd. bien desde hace muchos afios, que he tenido el gusto de tratarlo como cliente y como amigo, y que por su honradez, dedicacion al trabajo y buenas prendas personales, que he tenido ocasion de apreciar, es U. una persona que merece mi mas amplia recomendacion, asimismo fue U. empleado publico del Gobierno que tuve la honra de presidir en Nicaragua y en el ejercicio de sus destines U. se condujo con lealtad, desciplina y verdedero patriotismo. Puede U. hacer de esta cart a el uso que le convenga, y si necesitare de mayores referencias sirvase indicarmelo, que estoy a sus ordenes. Con mi especial consideracion, soy de U. afmo. amigo y S. J. MADRIZ. Senator FALL. During what period of time were you employed under the Zelaya Government ? Mr. LEETS. A little over one year. Senator FALL. During what period of time were you employed under the Madriz administration ? Mr. LEETS. As soon as Zelaya got out of power I put in my resig- nation, which was accepted, and I was without employment for 15 days. Then I was called over again by President Madriz and asked to take charge of all the police of the Republic. Senator FALL. How long did you continue in that position ? Mr. LEETS. During all the time Dr. Madriz was president, until he left. Senator FALL. When did President Madriz leave ? Mr. LEETS. On the 20th of August, 1910. Senator FALL. 1910 or 1911? Mr. LEETS. 1910. Senator FALL. This certificate which was given to you by President Madriz Mr. LEETS. That was one year later. NICAEAGUA1ST AFFAIRS. 7 Senator FALL. It was simply a certificate to the effect that you had been employed. Mr. LEETS. A statement of my official position, to show that I have a good reputation, if I want any other employment. Senator FALL. What is your title ? Mr. LEETS. I have in Nicaragua the military rank of a general. Senator FALL. How long did you say you lived in Nicaragua? Mr. LEETS. I have been living there and made my home for 26 years in Central America. I was married there. Senator FALL. You understand the object of this examination, and the power which is possessed by the committee appointed by the Senate to make this examination, do you ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. You have requested to be allowed to come before the committee and make a statement as to Nicaraguan affairs gen- erally, and I would prefer that you proceed in your own language to make a statement in narrative form. When you have any docu- ments which you wish to present to the committee, please do so. Mr. LEETS. What I wish to demonstrate is that during the time Madriz was president of Nicaragua he was accepted by the whole people, and that his government was a good government. As chief of the entire civil guard of Nicaragua during the adminis- tration of President Madriz I wish to show from the orders that he gave to me that he was a man of character, a just man, and that he governed wisely. Dr. Madriz was called by the entire Nicaraguan people to defend their rights. He was constitutionally elected by the congress that accepted the resignation of Zelaya. This same congress elected Dr. Madriz. When he assumed power, he requested the revolutionary forces to enter into negotiations for peace, and I can prove by documents that the propositions which he made were the most just and liberal that ever had been made. Among the documents by which I can prove what I have stated, is a letter from Admiral Kimball, in which he states that the govern- ment of President Madriz is a just government, that he was willing to make liberal concessions to the revolutionists, offering to pay afl the expenditures that had been made by the revolution, and to recognize the military titles granted by the revolution, and that he would pay to the military officers of the revolution pensions, or pro- vide for their widows and children. All of these propositions were declined by the revolutionists. The revolutionists proposed that Madriz should resign and that the Gov- ernment of the United States should name a person to hold executive power pending the election, which proposition Dr. Madriz declined, on the ground that it would be unconstitutional. At this time the government of Dr. Madriz controlled all the depart- ments in every part of the Republic except the Atlantic coast, and he ordered his forces to the Atlantic coast to subdue the revolution. The forces of Dr. Madriz occupied all the military positions except Bluefields and Elarama, and in order to command the coast President Madriz purchased an English ship and sent it with a ship which he already nad in the navy to the Atlantic ports. 8 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. The forces of Maclriz took Cape Gracias, Prince Polca, Rio Grande, Laguna de Perles, and El Bluff, which is the key to Bluefields, where the customhouse is situated and where the principal forces are stationed. From this customhouse at El Bluff are distributed all the provisions and merchandise destined for the other ports which I have mentioned. So there remained in possession of the revolutionists only Bluefields, which has a population of 4,000. The Madriz Government being in possession of the customhouse at El Bluff, so that neither arms nor ammunition could enter Bluefields, it could be said that the revolution was practically suppressed. Then, owing to efforts of the American Navy and of Consul Moffatt in Blue- fields, a new customhouse was established in a place where there was no customhouse before, nor were there any buildings, and this action was approved by the Department of State, according to communica- tions from Secretary Knox, as I will show by documents. Senator FALL. Who established that customhouse ? Mr. LEETS. That customhouse was established by Consul Moffatt, the American consul at Bluefields, and approved by Secretary Knox, according to documents which I will present. Then the warships of President Madriz ordered that all the ships bringing in arms and ammunition and supplies for the revolutionists should pass by the customhouse and register. Commander Gilmer, of the American war vessel Paducali, sent a communication to the military commander of the forces of Madriz that he had no right to register any merchant vessel, even although it might carry munitions of war. All the merchant ships that came there carried the Norwegian flag and belonged to the Bluefields Steamship Co. In order to prove that these ships were American, when they appeared opposite El Bluff they hoisted the American flag, and Commander Gilmer put American marines aboard, and said to the military commanders that if anything was done against these ships it would be considered as a declaration of war against the United States, and that if they used force he w T ould employ the cannon of the United States against the ships of President Madriz. Senator FALL. Was this notice to the Madriz forces given by way of public notice? Mr. LEETS. I have the written documents which were exchanged between the Madriz commanders and the American commanders. At the eame time that the troops of President Madriz reached the outskirts of Bluefields, with the object of taking the last outpost or stronghold of the revolutionary forces, the marines were disem- barked from the American ships, with machine guns and cannon at Bluefields, and the leaders of the Madriz forces were notified that they could not enter Bluefields. Then President Madriz ordered the withdrawal of his troops into the interior, because he would not, under any circumstances, fire upon American troops, and he desired to prevent intervention. I have copies of notes from the Department of State, showing that Dr. Madriz notified the Government of Norway that the port of Bluefields was closed. Then the Government of the United States made an official effort to convince the Government of Norway that the port of Bluefields was not closed. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. The government of Dr. Madriz guaranteed protection to the in- terests of Americans in a firm and decided manner, as is shown by a large number of orders to his subordinates. I have many private documents; I have letters from a number of high officials and prominent personages, showing that the Govern- ment of the United States did not and would not recognize the government of Dr. Madriz. I suppose, judging from documents in the possession of the Nica- raguan minister in Washington, that the government of Madriz would not listen to a proposition from Wall Street bankers in connec- tion with a loan such as was made to Santo Domingo; and as at this time the revolutionists Estrada and Diaz did probably accept these propositions, this was the probable reason for the support they received from the Department of State. Regarding this matter Mr. Luis Felipe Correa could testify. He was the Nicaraguan minister to the United States at that time. Senator FALL. Where is he now ? Mr. LEETS. In New York. And Francesco Altschul, who was Nicaraguan consul in New Orleans at the time, could make a state- ment regarding this matter that is, relative to the documents which these gentlemen have possession of regarding the propositions referred to. Dr. Madriz turned over his power to Jose Dolores Estrada and left Nicaragua, owing to the intervention of the United States. The present revolution in Nicaragua is a continuation of the revo- lution of Estrada, because the Dawson convention was made, in which it was provided that the President of Nicaragua should be elected from only five members of the Conservative Party, all of whom were revolutionists against the Liberal government. Under this conven- tion no member of the Liberal Party can be President, and the Liberals compose a majority in Nicaragua. The persecution of the Liberals followed, which is shown by the expulsion from the country of a large number of Liberal leaders, which is unconstitutional in Nicaragua, because the constitution pro- vides that there shall be free elections, and that the majority shall rule, and this was the real reason why the Liberal Party has taken up arms. In order to assure the continuation in power of the Conservatives, a loan was contracted in the United States under the Knox-Castrillo convention, which convention has not been approved by the Senate of the United States. Notwithstanding the fact that the Senate of the United States has not approved this convention, the Department of State has proceeded exactly as though it had been approved. Senator FALL. One of the provisions of that agreement, with refer- ence to the financing by the American syndicate of Nicaragua, was that an official should be appointed, as I understand, under the pro- visions of the treaty, who should have authority to collect the cus- toms, and so forth, and handle the income derived in that way by the Nicaraguan Government, for the general purposes of providing for a sinking fund to take up these bonds, and to pay the interest on the bonds. Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Has such an official been appointed by any one? Mr. LEETS. Yes. 10 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Senator FALL. Do you know by whom ? Mr. LEETS. By the bankers who made the loan. The chief man is named Hamm. He is the representative of the bankers. He is now in Nicaragua, managing the customhouse. He is also managing the railroads and the steamships which belong to the Xicaraguan Govern- ment. Senator FALL. How is this man Hamm appointed ? Who recog- nizes him ? Is he appointed by the American syndicate of bankers ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And recognized by the Nicaraguan Government? Mr. LEETS. The government of Diaz. Senator FALL. Does he claim to have any authority from the United States Government ? Mr. LEETS. I do not know whether he makes that claim or not. I can not say. Senator FALL. He is not claiming then to represent the American Government directly, or to be authorized or empowered to act by the State Department of the American Government ? He does not make that claim ? Mr. LEETS. He does not say that he represents the United States, but he collects all the Government revenues. Senator FALL. Then, so far as the Diaz government is concerned, the Diaz government is proceeding along the lines suggested or agreed upon between the American syndicate capitalists and the Diaz Government, without reference to the fact that the proposed treaty, which was to embody the agreement between the capitalists and tne Diaz government, and by which the agreement was to be recognized and enforced by the United States, has not been ratified by the Senate of the United States ? Mr. LEETS. The Diaz government and these capitalists all proceeded to act just as though the treaty had been approved by the United States. Senator FALL. And you claim that the State Department of the United States is proceeding upon the same theory and is supporting the Diaz government and the acts of these bankers ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. In the appointment of Hamm, just as though the treaty had been agreed upon by the Senate of the United States ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; and for this reason the Government of the United States has disembarked its marines and its military forces, and is sustaining the government of Diaz just as though the treaty had been ratified by the Senate of the United States; and this action by the State Department of the United States is contrary to the desires or wishes of all the people of Nicaragua, as has been demonstrated by the citizens in all parts of the Republic taking up arms every- where, except in Managua and in other places which are garrisoned by forces of the Nicaraguan Government and the marines and military forces of the United States. Senator FALL. Going back to the Madriz administration and the final overthrow of that Government, or the substitution of some other government, who were the revolutionary leaders against the Madriz administration ? Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada, Chamorro, and Mena. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. It Senator FALL. You have testified concerning the establishment of another customhouse at or near Bluefields, and the controversy between the Madriz government and Mr. Gilmer, of the American Navy, and to the further fact that as you have said the American- consul, Mr. Moffatt, established a new customhouse ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. How do you mean that Mr. Moffatt established a new customhouse? Where was this new customhouse established? Mr. LEETS. It was on the coast on one side of the river in the in- terior. Every ship had to go by the old customhouse, the only cus- tomhouse that there was. They had to go right by it. Senator FALL. Who controlled the territory where this new cus- tomhouse was established ? Was it controlled by the revolutionists ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Who was in command of the revolutionists at that place ? Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada. Senator FALL. Then, do you mean to say that the American consul, Mr. Moffatt, established a new customhouse ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. The note of Mr. Knox says to make the mer- chandise pay only to Estrada, and to take all the merchandise right to the new customhouse, which was established the next day after they took the old customhouse from the rebel forces. Senator FALL. As I understand you, the old customhouse at El Bluff (that is at Bluefields) was occupied and controlled by the revo- lutionists ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. It was captured by the forces of Madriz ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Madriz was then the President of Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And the day after the capture of the regular cus- tomhouse by the forces of Madriz the American consul assisted m the establishment of a new customhouse, or established a new cus- tomhouse on territory controlled by Juan Estrada, who was iix revolution against the Madriz government ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And this last customhouse was the one recognized in the note of Secretary Knox to which you refer ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; in order to make the merchandise pay to the new customhouse and not to the old customhouse, which was the only customhouse known on the whole Atlantic coast where all the merchandise was separated for the other small ports. Senator FALL. Had Juan Estrada been recognized at this time by the Government of the United States ? Mr. LEETS. Not officially recognized; no. Senator FALL. Had the belligerency of the revolutionists, the Chamorro and Estrada factionists, been recognized officially by the Government of the United States ? Mr. LEETS. Not that I know of, but always mentioned as a defacto Government. Senator FALL. In this note of Mr. Knox to Zelaya, and the subse- quent note by Assistant Secretary Wilson, I see that he refers to the original note of Secretary Knox to the minister representing Zelaya, 12 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Did the revolutionists at Bluefields, after the establishing of this new customhouse, continue the revolution against the Madriz Government from that point ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; they continued, and they received ammunition and arms from different places, under the protection of the American official, Mr. Gilmer, in charge of the navy at Bluefields. I have cablegrams to prove that it was announced that ships were taking down arms and ammunition, and they were protected, and sailors from the warships were put on board of these merchant ships, and they were sent through to the new customhouse. Senator FALL. These were arms and ammunition sent from Guatemala by Cabrera, the president of that supposed Republic ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. I have telegrams where he says that he shipped them, and the Madriz forces tried to hold them, but the American officials protected them under the American flag, and took them through to the new customhouse. Senator FALL. How did they get to the new customhouse ? Mr. LEETS. In order to get to the new customhouse, they had to sail right by the old customhouse. Senator FALL. How long after the establishment of the new cus- tomhouse by the American consul was it before Madriz surrendered power and left Nicaragua, approximately ? Mr. LEETS. About two months and a half after that. Senator FALL. Did the Madriz forces hold the old customhouse at El Bluff all that time? Mr. LEETS. They held it all that time; but American marines were landed in Bluefields with their cannon and machine guns, and the forces of Madriz were ordered not to take Bluefields. That was the declaration of the American man-of-war. Then Madriz ordered his forces to go back to the interior, and after he got them all back to the interior then the 250 rebels followed to the interior, and then Madriz saw it was no use to fight any more, and he delegated his power to Dolores Estrada and left the country. Senator FALL. How long did Dolores Estrada hold the Government ? Mr. LEETS. He held it only about 10 or 12 days and then delivered the Government over to the revolutionary party. Senator FALL. What did the revolutionary party do with reference to forming a government ? Mr. LEETS. They of course sent different commissioners around the country and said that Madriz was gone, that it w r as no use to fight any longer, and to lay dow r n their arms, and all the people did lay down their arms, thinking the revolutionary government would make a good government; but they soon saw what kind of a government it was. Senator FALL. What kind of a government was it? You say Dolores Estrada turned it over to the revolutionary party? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. To whom did he deliver the presidency ? Was there a President recognized to succeed him ? Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada, his brother. Senator FALL. And then he continued to discharge the duties of President ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; without election. Senator FALL. Did he call himself President? NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 13 Mr. LEETS. He called himself President, and he was immediately recognized by the Washington Government as the President. Senator FALL. After his recognition, or before his recognition by the Washington Government, was he elected by the Congress of Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. No, sir; he was never elected by the Congress of Nicar- agua. There was no Congress. There was no election by Congress. Senator FALL. Then in so far as any election was concerned, neither he nor Dolores Estrada was ever elected President? Mr. LEETS. No, sir; never. Senator FALL. How long did Juan Estrada hold office as President ? Mr. LEETS. He held office but a very few months, and he tried to take out Mr. Mena, the minister of war, who had all the po^er in his hands. Mena was arrested by Estrada, but the American minister took Mena out, and as soon as Mena got out, Mena obliged Gen. Estrada to leave the country. Senator FALL. That is the Mr. Mena who had just recently been engaged in the last revolution? Mr. LEETS. Yes. He was minister of war. Senator FALL. Who was the American minister whom you say compelled the release of Mena ? Mr. LEETS. Mr. Weitzel. Senator FALL. He is the present minister? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. As I understand, Gen. Mena was secretary of war when Juan Estrada went in as President ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And he was afterwards arrested by Juan Estrada ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Why was he in revolution against him ? Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada wanted to take him out as minister, but he was afraid to take him out as minister, and he arrested him. Mena was arrested one night, but under the influence of the American minister, Mr. Weitzel, he was liberated, and as he had all the barracks and military quarters under his command, he immediately made Juan Estrada resign and transfer the power to Adolfo Diaz as the new President of Nicaragua. Mena had command of the army and of the artillery. Senator FALL. Mr. Mena, the minister of war, had under his control all the barracks, and the munitions of war, etc. ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Did the soldiers recognize Mena? Mr. LEETS. Yes; they recognized Mena. Senator FALL. And were for Mena and against Juan Estrada? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. So that when the American minister, Mr. Weitzel, caused Juan Estrada to release Mena from custody, Mena was able, through his control of the soldiers and of the barracks, arms, am- munition, etc., to compel Juan Estrada to flee the country? Mr. LEETS. Yes; and to deposit .the power with Adolfo Diaz. Senator FALL. About when was this ? Mr. LEETS. I do not remember exactly what date it happened. It was about May or June, 1911. Senator FALL. Where did Juan Estrada go ? 14 NICAKAGUAN AFFAIRS. Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada went from Nicaragua to Guatemala, and from Guatemala to New York, where he has been since. Senator FALL. What became of Dolores Estrada ? Mr. LEETS. He still stayed in Managua. He is a contractor. Senator FALL. After Mena succeeded in driving Juan Estrada out of the country and having the power of the Government delivered over to the hands of Mr. Diaz, what became of Mena ? Mr. LEETS. He still stayed in as minister of war, in control of the country. He has all the officials and the military barracks and every- thing in his power, and he had himself elected by the Congress, but he made the Congress. He said to one man, "You wi.ll be a congress- man/ 7 and to another, "You will be a congressman/' and that Con- gress elected Mena without popular vote as a future President, from 1913 to 1917. Senator FALL. You say this Congress was not elected ? Mr. LEETS. The Congress was simply appointed by Mena. Senator FALL. Was there an election of a Congress under Juan Estrada ? Mr. LEETS. No. Juan Estrada got together his own people as a Congress, and they discussed the making of a new constitution. Senator FALL. Was this the Congress which elected Mena ? Mr. LEETS. No; Mena did not like that Congress. Mena dissolved that Congress. Senator FALL. Mena dissolved the Estrada Congress ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And appointed one of his own ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; appointed his own Congress. Senator FALL. And his Congress met and elected him as the Presi- dent of the Republic ? Mr. LEETS. As the future President, from 1913 to 1917. Senator FALL. To take office in 1913 and hold until 1917? * Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And in the meantime Mena remained as the secre- tary of war ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And Diaz remained as the President, although he ihad never been elected ? Mr. LEETS. He had never been elected. Senator FALL. And has not yet been ? Mr. LEETS. Has not yet been. Senator FALL. The Government was simply turned over to him by Juan Estrada ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; because Mena told Juan Estrada to leave the country. That is the way Adolfo Diaz got in, who is now the presi- dent. Senator FALL. Did Mena agree to the appointment of this man Hamm as the collector of the port and manager of the different cus- tomhouse in Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. He had agreed as a minister, but after he saw the bankers' loan, he did not like that, Senator FALL. Mena, then, was not in agreement with the terms -of the proposed bankers' loan ? Mr. LEETS. He was not. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 15 Senator FALL. He first agreed to the convention or treaty concern- ing the loan ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. But disagreed after he understood the terms of the agreement? Mr. LEETZ. The terms of the loan; yes. Senator FALL. And then he did not agree to the appointment by these bankers of Mr. Hamm as inspector of the customhouses of Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. As chief collector of customs. Senator FALL. Did he make any public protest ? Mr. LEETS. He did not make any public protest, but the Conserva- tive Party did not want Mena. The two old families, the Chamorros and Cuadras, think they are the old families of Nicaragua, and that the power must be in their hands. Senator FALL. They form the Conservative Party ? Mr. LEETS. They form the Conservative Party, and they did not want to have Mena in there for the next presidential term. They wanted the Dawson treaty to be fulfilled, and to have a new election, but Mena did not agree. Senator FALL. When was this Dawson treaty or agreement entered into? Mr. LEETS. Just as soon as the Conservative Party came in. That was in August. Senator FALL. That was under Juan Estrada ? Mr. LEETS. That was under Juan Estrada; yes. Senator FALL. Who were the parties to that treaty? Mr. LEETS. Juan Estrada, Mena, Emiliano Chamorro, Hernando Solorzano, and Adolf o Diaz. . They are the five persons who were in the treaty. Senator FALL. How did it happen to be known as the Dawson treaty or agreement ? Mr. LEETS. It is known as the Dawson treaty because Mr. Dawson, as the envoy of the United States, was the prime mover in getting these parties together to sign this agreement, and he signed it also. Senator FALL. Was that Dawson agreement published in Nica- ragua ? Mr. LEETS. No, sir; it was kept secret. Senator FALL. Has it ever been published in Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. Afterwards it was published, because the Liberal Party got hold of it and published it. Senator FALL. What was the official position of Mr. Dawson at that time? Mr. LEETS. He was special envoy from Washington, or commis- sioner of the United States. Senator FALL. Mena was one of the signers of that agreement? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Have you ever known of that treaty or agreement being published in the United States ? Mr. LEETS. I have never seen it published in the United States. Senator FALL. Have you a copy of it with you ? Mr. LEETS. No, sir; I have not, because it was always kept secret. Senator FALL. Have you a copy of any publication of that treaty ? Mr. LEETS. No. 16 XICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Mr. McCiiEERY. I think Dr. Scott, who was then the Solicitor of the State Department, printed it in a publication which he got out. Senator FALL. You have read that agreement, have you, as it has been published ? Mr. LEETS. I read it, because the LiberaLParty of Nicaragua had it published. Senator FALL. You say that by the terms of this treaty it was pro- vided that the Presidency of Nicaragua should be confined to certain individuals, of a certain party ? Mr. LEETS. To the five men who signed it. No one else should be President. Senator FALL. It provided that the President of Nicaragua must be selected from one of those five men ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Did it provide that they should be selected by a general election ? Mr. LEETS. By a general election. Senator FALL. It provided that it should be done by a general election '? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. Was this before or after Gen. Mena named the Con- gress which had selected him ? Mr. LEETS. It was away before that. Senator FALL. And Gen. Mena violated that agreement ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. And caused himself to be elected by a Congress which he himself selected ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. I presume his action antagonized the other signers of this Dawson agreement, did it ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. It was contrary to the wishes of the other signers ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. I have seen it stated that the Dawson agreement disfranchised all the Liberals of Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. How did it disfranchise the Liberals ? Was it simply by providing that only those men who had signed the treaty, and who were members of the Conservative Party, should be elected to the Presidency ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. Senator FALL. In that way it deprived the Liberals of the oppor- tunity to elect their own candidate ? Mr. LEETS. Yes. and the proof is that the Liberal leaders who tried to interest the people in the matter were expelled. Senator FALL. Do you mean they were exiled; driven out of the country ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; they were exiled three times by an order of the Conservative Party. A large number of leaders of the Liberal Party have been exiled from Nicaragua by an order of the Conservative Party. Senator FALL. Under the administration of Diaz ? Mr. LEETS. Under the administration of Diaz and Juan Estrada, both. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 17 Senator FALL. What was the cause of this present revolution in Nicaragua against the Diaz government, if it was against the Diaz government ? Mr. LEETS. Because Diaz wished to sapp^nt Mena. who was minister of war, and because Mena had under his control the army, barracks, and so forth, and believed that he had been elected as the President by a Congress which he had appointed or des'gnated. Senator FALL. After Mena was arrested by Diaz, was he discharged from arrest ? If so, who. released him ? Who caused his discharge ? Mr. LEETS. He was released again, as in the former instance, by the efforts of the American minister, Mr. Weitzel, and he immediately left for Granada, where his son was in charge and had military forces, munitions of war, and so forth, and there he started the revolution. Senator FALL. About what date did he leave Managua for Granada*? Mr. LEETS. The 29th of July. Senator FALL. When were the first marines landed in Nicaragua ? Was it after or before Mena was released from arrest i Mr. LEETS. After he was released, as soon as he started his revolu- tion. Mena also called upon the liberal party to 1 arise and support the revolution in the west and in the other parts of the country. Then the liberal party, because of the landing of the marines of the LTnited States, believing that the United States was intervening with arras in the internal affairs in Nicaragua, unanimously took up arms all over the Republic. Senator FALL. Did they join Mena and fight with him? Mr. LEETS. They did not exactly join Mena, but took up arms against the action of the United States and Drotested against the action of the United States Government in landing marines, and also protested against the taking over of the customhouses by the syndicate of American bankers. Senator FALL. Under what leaders did the liberal party take up arms ? Mr. LEETS. Zeledon, Dr. Francesco Baca, who was one of the min- isters in the cabinet of Dr. Madriz, and under different leaders belong- ing to the liberal party, and also following other men of prominence. Their object in taking up arms was to fight for the independence of their country, that there might be free elections, free speech, and free press. Senator FALL. When this agreement was entered into between the American bankers and the Nicaraguan Government, was it favorably received by the Nicaraguan people in the first instance ? Mr. LEETS. No, sir; absolutely all protested against it. Senator FALL. What influence, if any 7 caused the agreement to be entered into by the Nicaraguan Government ? Mr. LEETS. Because the conservative government believed that in entering into this agreement they would receive the support of the United States Government in continuing them in power indefinitely. Senator FALL. Were the people of Nicaragua generally pleased, or were they displeased at the action of the United States Senate in refusing to ratify the agreement ? Mr. LEETS. They were all very much gratified, and received the news with enthusiasm, particularly as evidence to them that the peo- ple of the United States were in favor of justice, and in favor of the 7846713 2 18- NTCARAGUAN AFFAIRS, freedom of the Nicaraguan people. They saw in this action of the Senate, or in its refusal to act in this treaty, justice to themselves, and that they would not be tied up and delivered to the tender mer- cies of the American bankers. Senator FALL. As to the documents which you have informally handed to me, I wish to ask just which documents you are willing to have made a portion of the record in this hearing ? Mr. LEETS. All the documents and letters which have been handed you, with the exception of two letters from Admiral Kimball, which are private letters addressed to Dr. Madriz, and which I have handed to you simply in order that you might see in what estimation as a man and a patnot Dr. Madriz was held by Admiral Kimball himself. If, however, the Senate committee should insist upon it, I will, at their request, leave with you copies of these two letters from Admiral Kimball. Dr. Madriz is dead, and I have obtained these private and confiden- tial letters of Admiral Kimball from the widow of Dr. Madriz, and I would not care to have them made public unless with the consent of Mrs. Madriz and also of Admiral Kimball. Admiral Kimball was a high officer in the American Navy, and is now retired, and to give publicity to the contents of these letters might in some way embarrass him. I simply gave them to you in order that you might see that one who was thoroughly familiar with the conditions in Nicaragua at that time had confidence in President Madriz. Senator FALL. The first document which will be inserted in the record is a telegram under date of June 13, 1910, from President Madriz to President Taft, and attached to it is a copy of a note signed "Knox," and also a copy of a cablegram under date of June 23, to the State Department of the United States from Madriz. The documents referred to are as follows : [Copias.] NOTAS CRUZADAS ENTRE EL PRESIDENTE DE NICARAGUA Y EL DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADO DE WASHINGTON, 1910. [Copia.] CAMPO MARTE, 13 de junio 1910. Exmo Senor President e WILLIAM H. TAFT, Washington. Permitame V. E. referirme a ciertos hechos relacionados con nuestra guerra civil. El 27 de mayo ultimo las fuerzas de este Gobierno tomaron por asalto el Bluff, posicion fuerte que defiende a Bluefields. El jefe de esas fuerzas tenia orden de proceder inmediatamente a tomar la ciudad que se hallaba desguarnecida, lo que habria asegurado el termino de la campana. Esto'se frsutro por la actitud del Coman- dante del Crucero America Paducdh, que intimo al jefe de nuestras tropas que se opondria con sus fuerzas a la toma de la ciudad y que, al efecto, desembarco marinos americanos para ocuparla. Con esto la revolucion aseguro su base de operaciones, pudo sacar de la ciudad todas sus fuerzas, para oponerlas a una sola de nuestras columnas, y NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 19 se frustro una combinacion preparada ciudadosamente y de exito seguro. Este Gobierno compro en Nueva Orleans el barco ingles Venus, hoy Maximo Jerez, que salio para San Juan del Norte con licencia de las autoridades americanas, despues de exhibir bona fide todos los elementos de guerra que traia a bordo como articulos de libre comercio. En San Juan del Norte fue nacionalizado como buque nicaraguense, armado en guerra y destinado a bloquear el puerto de Bluefields. El bloqueo tenia por objeto impedir que la revolucion siguiera recibiendo, como antes, armas, provisioned y .recursos de Nueva Orleans. El Gobierno de V. E. ha negado a nuestro barco el derecho de bloqueo respecto de los buques americanos y ha quedado abierta a la revolucion la fuente de Nueva Orleans. La toma del Bluff dio a este Gobierno posesion de la aduana de Bluefields, con lo que esperaba privar a la revolucion de la renta de la aduana. El Gobierno de V. E. ha declarado que los derechos de aduana deben pagarse a la revolucion y esto ha frustrado en gran parte la victoria de nuestras armas en el Bluff. El Gobierno de V. E. nos ha negado el derecho de impedir el paso frente al Bluff de la naves americanas que vayan con destino a una aduana revolucionaria que acaba de establecerse en Schooner Key, sobre el rio Escondido, no obstante el decreto de este Gobierno que cierra el puerto y prohibe ese transito como medida necesaria de defensa y pacificacion. Un dia el Comandante del Paducah amenazo al del Maximo Jerez con hacer fuego contra este y hundirlo, si nuestras fuerzas intentaban atacar a Bluefields. Habiendo not ado el jefe de nuestras tropas en el Bluff, que embarca- ciones al servicio de la revolucion usaban la bandera americana para pasar frente a la fortaleza sin ser detenidos, notifico al Comandante del Paducah su resolucion de impedir el libre transito de esos barcos frente a sus posiciones. Los Comandantes del PaducaJi y del Du- buque contesaron que harlan respetar con los fuegos de sus canones el comercio americano, aunque consistiese en armas y municiones para la revoluci6n y que un duisparo contra esas embarcaciones significa- ria declarar la guerra a los Estados Unidos. Por ultimo se que en Bluefields, guardado aun por marinos ameri- canos, se prepara un ataque sobre nuestras posiciones del Bluff y Laguna de Perlas. La intimacion del Comandante del PaducaJi nos impide anticiparnos a la accion del enemigo como por legitima defensa tenemos derecho de hacerlo. Es mi deber decir francamente a V. E. que no hallo modo de conciliar los hechos enumerados con los principles de la neutr alidad proclamados por la ley de las naciones; y teniendo confianza en la alta rectitud del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, no vacilo en dirigirme a V. E. para pedirle respetuosamente la rectification de las ordenes dadas a sus autoridades navales en Bluefields. Asi podra este Gobi- erno concluir facilmente con una revolucion sangrienta y asoladora que carece de vida propia y que esta labrando la ruina de Nicaragua, PRESIDENTE JOSE MADRIZ. 20 NICAEAGUAN AFFAIRS. [Translation.] PRESIDENT MADRIZ TO PRESIDENT TAFT. CAMPO MARTE, June 13, 1910. His Excellency President WILLIAM H. TAFT, Washington: Permit me, Y. E., to refer to certain facts connected with our civil war. On May 27 last the forces of this Government took by assault El Bluff, a strong position that defends Bluefields. The commander of these forces had orders to proceed immediately to take the city, which was ungarrisoned, which would have assured the termination of the campaign. This was prevented because of the attitude of the commander of the American cruiser Paducah, who intimated to the commander of our troops that he would oppose with his force the taking of the city, and because, to that end, he landed American marines to occupy it. With this the revolution, assured of its base of operations, could draw from the city all its forces to oppose any one of our columns, and a carefully formed plan, assured of success, was frustrated. This Government purchased in New Orleans the English ship Venus, now the Maximo Jerez, which left for San Juan del Norte with permission of the American authorities, after exhibiting bona fide all the elements of war on board as articles of free commerce. In San Juan del Norte it was nationalized as a Nicaraguan boat, armed for war, and assigned to blockade the port of Bluefields. The blockade had for its object to prevent the revolution from continuing to receive, as it had before, arms, provisions, and resources from New Orleans. The Government of Y. E. has denied to our boat the right of blockade respecting American ships, and the fountain of New Orleans has remained open to the revolution. The taking of El Bluff gave this Government possession of the customhouse of Bluefields, with which it was expected to deprive the revolution of the revenues of the customhouse. Ihe Government of Y. E. has declared that the revenues of the customhouse should be paid to the revolution, and this has in great part frustrated the victory of our arms in El Bluff. The Government of Y. E. has denied us the right of preventing the passage in front of El Bluff of American ships destined to a revolu- tionary customhouse that has just been established at Schooner Key, on the River Escondido, notwithstanding the decree of this Govern- ment, which closes the port and prohibits this transit as a measure necessary for defense and pacification. One day the commander of the Paducah threatened to fire upon and sink the Maximo Jerez if our forces attempted to attack Bluefields. The commander of our forces in El Bluff, having noted that boats in the service of the revolution were using the American flag to pass in front of the fort without being detained, notified the commander of the Paducah of his determination to prevent the free transit of these boats in front of his positions. The commanders of the Paducah and the Dubuque replied that they would with their guns force American commerce to be respected, though it should consist of arms NICAKAGUAN AFFAIRS. 21 and munitions for the revolution, and that a shot fired against those boats would mean a declaration of war against the United States. Lastly, I understand that in Bluefields, still guarded by American marines, an attack is being organized against our positions at El Bluff and Laguna de Perlas. The intimation of the commander of the Paducah prevents us from anticipating the action of the enemy as we have a right to do as a means of legitimate defense. It is my duty to say frankly to Y. E. that I am unable to harmonize the acts enumerated with -the principles of neutrality proclaimed by the law of nations; and having confidence in the high sense of justice of the Government of the United States, I do not hesitate to address Y. E. to respectfully ask the rectification of the orders given to the naval authorities in Bluefields. Thus can this Government easily end a bloody and desolating revolution that lacks life in itself and is working the ruin of Nicaragua. PRESIDENT JOSE MADKIZ. WASHINGTON, June 19, 1910. The policy of the United States remains as set forth in the Secretary of State's letter of December 1, 1909, to Mr. Rodriguez, then charge d'affaires, whereby relations with the Zelaya Government were broken off. That letter and statements of the consistent applications of the same policy to conditions as they arose were duly published. As to the statements made in the telegram of Dr. Madriz to the President, the Government of the United States took only the cus- tomary step of prohibiting bombardment or fighting by either faction within the unfortified and ungarrisoned commercial city of Bluefields, thus protecting the preponderating American and other foreign inter- ests, just as the British commander had done in case of Greytown, where there are large British interests. The Government of the United States has acknowledged the right of each faction to maintain blockade, but has refused to permit vessels, illegally and clandestinely fitted out in American waters, to interfere with American commerce. The Government of the United States simply insists that each fac- tion shall collect duties only for the territory under its de facto control, and refuses to permit the collection of double duties. If any violation of neutrality has occurred, it was in connection with the sailing of the Venus from New Orleans as an expedition of the Madriz faction. KNOX. [Copia.] MANAGUA, 28 de junio de 1910. (Seal:) Correspondencia particular del Presidente Nicaragua. Por el derecho de gentes ningun Gobierno neutral puede impedir ni estorbar en tiempo de guerra las operaciones militares que los beligerantes ejecutan legitimamente. Los extranjeros estan sujetos a todas las contingencias de esas operaciones lo mismo que los na- cionales. En consecuencia, no puedo considerar legal el hecho de que marinos americanos hay an impedido las operaciones de muestro ejercito sobre Bluefields. 22 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Respecto de la salida del Venus de Nueva Orleans, tengo la con- viccion de que no ha habido violacion de las leyes de los Estados Unidos. Ademas, el zarpe dado por las autoridades de Nueva Orleans unicamente obligaba a la nave a guardar neutralidad durante el viaje, como sucedio en efecto. Terminado el viaje para el cual se habia dado el zarpe, entrada la nave en aguas agenas y nacionalizada conforme a las leyes nicaragiienses, las leyes y autoridades de los Estados Unidos nada ban tenido que ver con el destino ulterior del buque, el cual ha podido y puede de derecho ejercitar todas las operaciones de la guerra, entre las cuales figura el bloqueo Omito, por ahora, observar otros detalles de la nota de Mr. Knox; pero quiero hacer constar la seguridad que abrigo de que sin la interpo- sicion de las autoridades navales de los Estados Unidos en Blue- fields, en la forma que explica mi cablegrama al senor Presidente Taft, Bluefields estaria tornado, la revolucion vencida y Nicaragua en paz. MADRIZ. [Translation.] MANAGUA, June 23, 1910. (Seal:) Private correspondence of the President of Nicaragua. Under international law no neutral government can prevent or impede in time of war the military operations that belligerents carry on legitimately. Aliens are subject to all the contingencies of these operations as well as nationals. Consequently I can not consider legal the action of American Marines in preventing the operations of our army against Bluefields. Respecting the sailing of the Venus from New Orleans, I am con- vinced that there has been no violation of the laws of the United States. Moreover, the clearance given by the authorities of New Orleans only obligated the ship to remain neutral during the voyage, which it did. The voyage for which the clearance had been given terminated, the vessel entered foreign waters, and, nationalized in accordance with Nicaraguan laws, trie laws and authorities of the United States have nothing to do with the ulterior destiny of the vessel, which is able to, and of right can, carry on any operation of war among them the blockade. I will not at this time examine other details of the note of Mr. Knox; but I wish to state that I am convinced that without the interposition of the naval authorities of the United States in the manner set forth in my cablegram to President Taft, Bluefields would be taken, the revolution put down, and Nicaragua would be in peace. MADRIZ. Senator FALL. Next I will insert in the record a letter addressed to Don Jose" Madriz, President of Nicaragua, from Paris, France, the letter being written by Christano Medina under date of July 8, 1910, Dr. Medina being at that time Nicaraguan minister to France. Do you identify his signature ? Mr. LEETS. Yes; I am familiar with his signature. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS*. 23 The letter is as follows : Confidencial. Legacion de Nicaragua. Direcion telegrafica " Medina, Paris. 11 PARIS, 8 de Julio de 1910. Excmo : Senor Dr. DON JOSE MADRIZ, Presidente de le Republica, Managua. MUY DISTINGUIDO AMiGO: Sigo sin ninguna de sus gratas a que referirme y sin noticias import antes de la guerra. La prensa Europea de la pasada semana solo ha haplado del fusilamiento en Bluefields de un General Matumy ( 1) acus'ado de haber traicionado la causa de los revolucionarios, y de ciertos proyectos Maquiavelicos del Depar- tamento de Estado en union de un grupo de Banqueros Yankees. En corroboracion de esto ultimo le dire que he tenido conocimiento de dos cart as priyadas escritas por el Senor Hopkins a Mr. Fuerth, Presidente del Sindicado Ethelburga, que es mtimo amigo suyo. Lie van fecha 10 y 21 de Junio. Este Senor Hopkins es jefe de unacasa de abogados de Washington que actualmente goza de gran influencia en el Gobierno por la intima cprdialidad de sus relaciones con los Senores Taft y Knox, por con- siguiente debe suponerse que cuanto diga es por inspiracion de dichos Caballeros. El Senor Hopkins en esas cartas sostiene que V. esta perdido porque el Gobierno Americano esta perfectamente resuelto a mo permitir que siga V. en la Presidencia: y partiendo de este convencimiento pretende que la unica solucion pratica, patriotica y honrosa para V. es la de convenir con el General Estrada en deposit ar el Gobierno en persona idonea aceptable para los cjos, para que haga elecciones con- stitucionales; dice que si V. resulta electo el Gobierno Americano lo reconocera en seguida; que de otro modo nunca lo reconocera y seguira a la expectativa de que su Gobierno de el menor pretesto que permita a Mr. Knox de interyenir militarmente sin la autorizacion Legislativa que la Constitucion de los Estados-Unidos imp one al Ejecutivo. Me parecio que talvez fuera impertinente dar a V. cuenta de esto ; pero al fin pense que, estando todavia de Ministrp de Nicaragua, era mi deber tener al Gobierno al corriente de cuanto ilegara a mi noticia que, en mi concepto, pudiera interesarle. Cierto es que por escribir al General Zelaya con franqueza y lealtad, diciendole verdades que otrps le disimulaban, llego a cojerme ojeriza. Temo que me suceda lo mismo con V. pero no puedo permitir que ese temor influya en mi animo para impedir el cumplimiento de lo que considero un deber. Personalmente no se como apreciar lo que dice el Senor Hopkins. Pudiera ser que siis palabras solo nacieran de una combination fraguada en el Depart amento de Estado para que de aqui tembien se influya en el animo de V. en el sentido que eilos desean; y que ai mismo tiempo, y con identicas miras, negocien con el Gobierno Mejicano para procedcr de acuerdo. Por eso, auiique Mr. Fuerth estaba empenado en que yo le tele- grafiara a V. o en telegrafiarle el direct amente, yo me negue a lo primero y lo disuadi de lo segundo. Hasta dudaba escribirle; pero al fin las consideraciones expuestas me deciden. 2 IflCARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Hablan esos Senores, como si fuera posible, llegar a celebrar un convenio con Estrada para designar, de acuerdo, la persona respetable que debe ejercer el Gobiernp para efectuar las elecciones. Claro es que Estuada solo convendria en ello si logra que se designe algun Conservador de su confianza que haga las elecciones en su favor. Lo que se me figura que buscan es que, admitiendose por las partes la imposibilidad de un acuerdo, los Estados Unidos se presten generosa- mente a intervenir mandando a un Magoon cualquiera que presida nuestras elecciones. Yo no veo mas recurso que pelear hasta morir pues cualquier cosa es preferible a semejante humiliacion. En la esperanza de que no tomara V. a mal el contenido de esta carta, y que le hara justicia a los sentimientos que la dictan, soy de V. siempre affmo amigo y servidor. CRISANTO MEDINA. [Translation.] Confidential. Legation of Nicaragua. Telegraph "Medina, Paris." PARIS, July 8, 1910. His Excellency JOSE MADRIZ, President of the Republic, Managua. DISTINGUISHED FRIEND : I have received nothing from you and am without important news of the war. The European press has men- tioned during the past week only the shooting in Bluefields of a Gen. Matumy(?), accused of treason to the revolutionary cause, and cer- tain Machiavellian plans of the department of state in connection with a group of Yankee bankers. In corroboration of the latter I will say that I have knowledge of two private letters written by Mr. Hopkins to Mr. Fuerth, president of the Ethelburga Syndicate, who is an intimate friend of his. They bear date June 10 and 21. This Mr. Hopkins is head of a firm of lawyers in Washington which at present enjoys great influence with the Government through the intimate cordiality of their relations with Messrs. Taft and Knox and therefore it should be supposed that what he says is by inspiration of said gentlemen. Mr. Hopkins, in these letters, maintains that you are lost because the American Government is firmly resolved not to permit you to continue in the Presidency, and in view of this conviction he claims that the only practical, patriotic, and honorable solution for you is to agree with Gen. Estrada upon the deposit of the Government in a proper person acceptable to both for the holding of constitutional elections; he says that should you be elected the American Govern- ment would recognize you forthwith; that in any other case you will not be recognized and it may be expected that the slightest pretext will be awaited to permit Mr. Knox to intervene militarily without the legislative authorization that the Constitution of the United States enjoins on the Executive. It seemed to me, perhaps, impertinent ,to report this to you, but finally I thought that still being Minister of Nicaragua it was my duty to keep the Government informed of whatever came to my notice that could, in my opinion, be of interest to it. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 25 Certain it is that by writing to Gen. Zelaya, frankly and loyally telling him truths that others dissimulated, I gained his ill-will. I fear that the same will result with you, but I can not permit this fear to prevent my compliance with what I consider a duty. Personally, I do not know how to estimate what Mr. Hopkins says. It may be that his words emanate simply from a plan hatched in the Department of State to influence you in the sense they desire; and that, at the same time, and with the same object, they are negotiating with the Mexican Government to act with it. So, though Mr. Fuerth was insisting that I telegraph you or that he telegraph you directly, I refused the first and dissuaded him from the second. I^even doubted the wisdom of writing to you; but was at last decided by the considerations mentioned. These gentlemen talk, as though it were possible, of coming to an agreement with Estrada to designate the person to take charge of the Government in order that elections may be held. It is evident that Estrada would come to an agreement only on condition that a conservative was named whom he could trust to hold elections in his favor. It appears to me that they aim to bring about this the impossibility of an agree- ment once admitted by the two parties, the United States will generously consent to intervene and send a magoon to preside over our elections. I see no other recourse than to fight to the death, anything being preferable to such humiliation. In the hope that you will not take ill the contents of this letter, and that you will do justice to the sentiments that dictate it, I remain, Your affectionate friend and servant, CRISANTO MEDINA. Senator FALL. I next insert in the record carbon copies of various letters. From whom are these letters 1 Mr. LEETS. From the Nicaraguan Minister, Luis Felipe Correa, the representative of Nicaragua wjio was not received officially. He was special envoy from Madriz to Washington, but he was never received officially. Senator FALL. I introduce a copy of a letter dated Washington, D. C., February 3, 1910, which the witness states was written by Luis Felipe Correa, who was a special representative of the Madriz Government to Washington, but was not officially recognized. This letter is addressed to Hon. Philander C. Knox. Attached to this are cipher cablegrams with the translations thereof, and also a commu- nication under date of February 23, addressed to Hon. Philander C. Knox, which the witness testifies was addressed by the same party. All these are by the same party, are they ? Mr. LEETS. Yes.- The copies referred to are as follows: WASHINGTON, D. C., February 3, 1910. SIR: I have received from an authentic source copies of several cables exchanged by persons intimately associated with the present struggle in Nicaragua. As the knowledge of some of them may be of interest to the United States because of its policy concerning Cen- tral America, I have the honor to submit herewith the copies of 43 of them with corresponding translations. 26 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Please accept, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my highest con- sideration. Hon. PHILANDER C. KNOX, Secretary of State. (2 inclosures.) GUATEMALA, 28 octubre. ANDREA/ Bluefields: Imernopodi cassiculos y depilant birkwein. [Translation.] Inform me by telegraph immediately class and dimension of cartridges. PANAMA, octubre 28. DiAZ, 2 Bluejields: Informanos Rita seenetz adorcimes velinha cortez duetimus particao accumb. CHAMORRO. 3 [Translation.] Informanos Rita the vessel is now at Puerto Cortes awaiting orders* Detained by authorities. Shall I put in a petition ? Telegraph latest advices received. CHAMORRO. BLUEFIELDS, 29. RITA, Guatemala: Impassion vogue eleguises ignarium raligro nuestro adifano afge- togen eddering widgeon sobriete icelesia serotino bisesfiali birkwein derotimus paticoja cortes fageorum adinarisit sermyla. ANDREA. [Translation.] I thank you for the information. I can not too strongly urge upon you that if order is not executed immediately danger our army will be attack by enemy about end of next week. Success may be con- sidered certain if immediate shipment. Rifles, ammunition, detained by authorities Puerto Cortes. Should you fail then make necessary arrangements to duplicate shipment. ADOLFO DIAZ. ^BLUEFIELDS, 29. RITA, Guatemala: Tamacolin senkgarn remington bierwein rollick pederemus o sedavero roliseide maxima tanjasno. [Translation.] Have you received my telegram ? Awaiting reply. Ship as promptly as possible Remington cartridges 43. If it is possible please send two Maxims. Telegraph date of departure and probable date of arrival. 1 Revolution. a Secretary general. 3 Salvader, father of Emiliano (General). NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 27 PANAMA, October 30, 1909. DIAZ, Bluefields: Rita informanos imitara adoptaret dermalge situarias depolitum bocejas aetiniario mantihlia schlock deeretum. CHAMORRO. [Translation.] Rita informs us will most likely arrive six days steamer direct ta Bocas. We will send a good amount of ammunition. I send man. Will be of good service. Delay until arrive. CHAMORRO. BLUEFIELDS, 30. RITA, Guatemala: Nausearian seranca chocolade waenglein aduectunt senaduria pardevare sitfgeld aoptadas decripity. ANDREA. [Translation.] Very glad to receive news of shipment. I have every confidence victory after arrival ship. I can hold out until ship arrives. Please avoid delay. ADOLFO DIAZ. BLUEFIELDS, noviembre 1. CHAMORRO, Panama: Siryase transmitir lo siguiente a Rita: Elimiotis afgetap witterzig delictis serasker aceutuas Andrea. Todo bien. ADOLFO DIAZ. [Translation.] CHAMORRO, Panama: Please transmit the following to Rita : I expect to be attack by the enemy about end of the week. Will depend upon you for shipment. Advise. Everything all right. ADOLFO DIAZ. BLUEFIELDS, noviembre 2. RITA, Guatemala: Acerantos skegger Mobile chulan patrimes accustom see porto sensuos Mobile acerantos admireras Corinto sedalpa reginarium Sal- vador calciera. ANDREA. [Translation.] I am advised steamer has left Mobile consigned to our port. Advise me if you have sent ship via Mobile. Government agent is making all arrangements Corinto to send revolution to Salvador. ADOLFO DIAZ. BLUEFIELDS, noviembre 4- CHAMORRO, Panama: Pregunte a Rita fecha positiva cuando podemos esperar en este puerto embarque. Estamos atacados por el enemigo. Estamos muy escases de elementos. Se necesita contestacion inmediata. DIAZ. 28 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. [Translation.] Ask Rita positive date when we may expect shipment to this port. We are attacked by enemy and short of ammunition. Immediate answer wanted. BLUEFIELDS, noviembre 7, 1909. CHAMORRO, Panama. Diga Rita Gral. en Jefe tropas Zelaya Rio San Juan, Salvador Toledo asi avisa Andrea. Siempre lo mismo como dije Ud. cable de ayer. Conteste. [Translation.] Tell Rita commander in chief Zelaya's troops Rio San Juan is Salvador Toledo ; thus informs Andrea. Still the same as I told you cable of yesterday. Answer. BLUEFIELDS, November 8, 1909. GHAMORRO, Panama: Diga Rita puedo sostenerme hasta comienzo semana entrante. La razon es cartuchos agotados. Victoria depende enteramente del recibo de los embarques avisados en su telegrama el fin de la semana pasada. Chamorro esta atacado por el enemigo desde hace tres dias. DIAZ. [Translation.] Tell Rita can hold but until beginning next week. The reason is cartridges exhausted. Victory depends entirely upon receipt ship- ments mentioned in your telegram end of last week. Chamorro has been attacked by enemy for last three days. 15TH. CHAMORRO, Panama: Andrea abandono San Juan pero se mantiene un bloqueo muy estricta en dicho puerto. Si no recibo embarques prometidos por Rita, Castrillo y Abadengo no mas tarde que 19 Nov. es muy probable que la revolucion tiene que sucumbir. Puede Ud informarons positivamente Si Rita ha mandado los embarques avisados. DIAZ. [Translation.] Andrea abandoned San Juan, but very strict blockade is main- tained in said port. If I do not receive shipments promised by Rita, Castrillo, and Abadengo by Nov. 19th is very probable that the revolution must fail. Will you inform us positively if Rita has sent shipments mentioned ? DIAZ. NOVEMBER 16. CHAMORRO, Panama: Diga Rita buque no ha llegado esta costa procedente New York. DIAZ. [Translation.] Tell Rita ship from New York has not arrived this coast. NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 29 WASHINGTON, November 16. DIAZ, Bluefields: Dice Rita vapor llegara 20 Nov. con municiones. Antes no es posible. Aqui se ha recibidp el informe de la ocupacion del puerto, Velasquez conmigo. Sera distinto esto a lo de Abadengo. WILCOX. [Translation.] Rita says steamer with ammunition will arrive November 20. Not possible before. Report has been received here of occupation of the port. Velazquez with me. This will be different from that of Abadengo. COLON, Enero 12. GUERRA, Limon: Gobierno ordeno autoridades Bocas mandar auxiliar embarcacion tambien ordeno dejar salir lancha estaba detenida. Si no llega mandela buscar. Cable dando aviso rumor gran combate Acoyapa ganado por nuestros. CHAMORRO. [Translation.] Government ordered Bocas authorities to aid vessel. Also ordered to release launch that was detained. If it does not arrive send to search for it. Cable giving news of rumor of great battle at Acoyapa won by us. COLON, Enero 19. DIAZ, Bluefields: Aviseme llegada viajeros Wilhelmina. De Granada preguntan por Salvador Zelaya suponen murio battalia Rama. [Translation.] Let me know the arrival of Wilhelmina passengers. They inquire from Granada about Salvador Zelaya who is supposed to have died in the battle of Rama. BLUEFIELDS, October 23. ARAMBURU, ] New York: Diga Castrillo pida dinero Belanger necesitamos saber de manera positiva si ya envio mercaderia. Es grave esperar tanto. Conteste Usted. Muevase. Urgente contestacion. ADOLFO DiAz. 2 [Translation.] Tell Castrillo to ask Belanger for money. We need to know in a positive way if he has sent merchandise yet. It is grave to be wait- ing so long. Answer. Gey busy. Answer is urgent. i Commission agent. a Secretary general. 30 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. BLUEFIELDS, 25. ARAMBURU, New York: Recibo Castrillo dinero cuanto mas necesita. Barco no debe pasar por Honduras. Contesta. DIAZ. [Translation.] Has Castrillo received money? How much more does he need? Ship must not come via Honduras. Answer. BLUEFIELDS, 26. ARAMBURU, New York: Diga Castrillo pida otra vez dinero Belanger. Medina entregara dos mil. Conteste. DIAZ. [Translation.]! Tell Castrillo to ask Belanger for money again. Medina will deliver two thousand. Answer. DIAZ. BLUEFIELDS, October 26. ARAMBURU, New York: Castrillo preferible Remington calibre 43 como tenemos aqui. Haga lo mejor. Esperamos Corn Island. Urge contestacion. ADOLFO DIAZ. [Translation.]) Castrillo it is preferable Remington caliber 43 as we have here. Do the best. Expect at Corn Island. Answer is urgent. NEW YORK, October 28, 1909. ESPINOSA (EMILIO), l Bluefields: Gestionare Washington sentido terminar guerra. Rodolfo retirase. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Will endeavor Washington to the end to terminate war. Rodolfo retiring. (N. Y. VIA) COLON, October 29. ESTRADA, Bluejields: Llamado Washington salgo reserva informare Belanger ofrece seis Medina nada. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Called to Washington. Leaving. Keep secret. Will inform- Belanger offers six. Medina nothing. i Brother of Rodolfo. NICAKAGUAN AFFAIRS. 31 WASHINGTON, 29. ADOLFO DIAZ, Bluefields: Recibido casi oficialmente. Gestiono intervenir amigable. Ro- dolfo molestome antes anuncia periodicos es Ministro. Presentare conclusion justo avisarme. Amigo. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Received almost officially. Endeavor amicable intervention. Ro- dolfo (Espinosa) annoyed me at the beginning by publishing was Minister. Shall present conclusion just as advised. Friend, BLUEFIELDS, October 30. ARAMBURU, New York: Castrillo epatotomia Carlos Martinez Hullera America glotzen kernoofl Honduras Dromight hazanas territorio grotwerk. ESPINOSA. [Translation.] Have information from private sources Carlos Martinez has just sailed for America in order to prepare vessel to call at Honduras to redeem by all means territory. A protest should be entered at once. ESPINOSA. BLUEFIELDS, November 1. CASTRILLO : Carlos Martinez aduatote waswalf watchword. Whimbrel walrosse valhold. [Translation.] Carlos Martinez will arrive there. Watch him. Advise me that he is watched. He is going to buy a war vessel. NEW YORK, November 2. ADOLFO DIAZ, Bluefields: Sostenga Salvador siempre somos unos. ARAMBURU. [Translation.] Retain Salvador (Castrillo). We are all of the same breed. NOVEMBER 5. ESTRADA, Bluejields: Entendido obtendremos mejor pronto gobierno amigo ayudan. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] All right. We shall soon obtain better. Government friendly. They help. 32 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. BLUEFIELDS, November 5. ARAMBURU, New York: Situacion alarmante. Porque me engana. Porque no ha infor- mado la fecha de llegada a este puerto. Diga la verdad. Urgente. DIAZ. [Translation.] Situation alarming. Why deceive me? Why have you not informed the date of the arrival at this port ? Tell the truth. Urgent. BLUEFIELDS, November 6. ARAMBURU, New York: No puedo sostenerme mucho tiempo mas. Estoy muy corto de municiones. Su contestacion debe ser definitiva. DIAZ. [Translation.] I can not sustain myself much longer. I am very short of ammu- nition. Your answer must be definite. NOVEMBER 6. ESTRADA, Bluefields: Confidence digole Castrillo tiene conseguido auxilio eficaz pronto Gobierno amigo vale. ARAMBURU. [Translation.] I tell you confidentially Castrillo has obtained speedy efficacious aid friendly government. Valuable. BLUEFIELDS, November 6 ', 1909. ARAMBURU, New York: Castrillo vease en Wharton's International Digest las paginas sigui- entes 536, 537, 541, 542, 546, 549, y de acuerdo con ellos gestione Ud. en Washington Ud. nuestra independencia conteste cable anterior sobre este mismo asunto. Cite Ud. estas leyes que son claras ( ?) y de su propia legislacion. ESTRADA. [Translation.] Castrillo see Wharton's International Digest, following pages, 536, 537, 541, 542, 546, 549, and in accordance with them urge in Wash- ington our independence. Answer previous cable about same mat- ter. Quote these laws, which are clear and of their own legislation. NOVEMBER 7. ADOLFO DIAZ, Bluefields: Zelaya complicase sostengase llamado Washington. Refierome anterior. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Zelaya complicates it. Sustain yourself. Called to Washington. Refer to previous. NICARAGUAN AFPAIKS. 33 NOVEMBER 8. ARAMBURU* New York: Ask Castrillo what is the opinion of Washington with reference to new Republic. Has steamer sailed; if not, what is the cause? When will she sail ? Answer immediately by Western Union code. DIAZ. NOVEMBER 9. ARAMBURU, New York: Castrillo avisa de Mobile saco Zelaya expedicion contra nosotros. Proteste. ESTRADA. [Translation.] Castrillo informs Zelaya sent from Mobile expedition against us. Protest. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero IS. ESTRADA, Bluefields: Aceptar pago Emery y cuestion Grey town resolveran hoy favorable. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] They will to-day resolve favorably in the Emery payment and Grey town question. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero 13. ESTRADA, Bluefields: Aconsejan no escuchar Kimball. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] They advise not to heed Kimball. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero 14. ESTRADA, Bluefields: Departamento no autoriza Kimball. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Department does not authorize Kimball. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero 14. ESTRADA, Bluejields: Departamento informa Madriz debilisimo. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] Department informs Madriz very weak. 7846713 3 34 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. BLUEFIELDS, Enero 17. CASTRILLO, Washington: Ancioso esperando noticia emprestito pago Emery y Greytown hemos girado ppr veinte mill dollars contra Aramburu a cinco dios vista conforme instrucciones conteste. ESTRADA. [Translation.] Anxiously awaiting news loan, Emery payment and Greytown. Have drawn $20,000 against Aramburu at five days' sight, in accord- ance with instructions. Answer. WASHINGTON, Enero 18. ESTRADA, BluefieUs: Entendido Giro Tratando Opino Atacar Greytown Sin Miedo. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] All right about draft. Treating. I believe in attacking Greytown without fear. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero 19. ESTRADA, BluefieUs: Urge bat alia tomar Greytown para reconocimiento. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] For recognition it is urgent to give battle and take Greytown. WASHINGTON, D. C., Enero 25. ESTRADA DIAZ, BluefieUs: Todo bien soles proximo vapor. CASTRILLO. [Translation.] All well. Soles next steamer. COLON, Enero 25. President ESTRADA, BluefieUs: Regresado. Nuestra situacion Washington excelente. Felicitolos efusivamente. Espero ordenes. VELASQUEZ. * [Translation.] Have returned. Our situation Washington excellent. Congratu- late you warmly. Await orders. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 35 WASHINGTON, D. C., February 23, 1910. SIR : I have the honor to inform you that I have received to-day a cable from President Madriz, which translated reads as follows: Complete victory over revolution at Tisma. Many prisoners and ammunition cap- tured. Chamorro totally destroyed. He intended to force Tipitapa, but was repulsed and is being actively pursued. This means that the revolution is vanquished and that the Government is in readiness to reestablish order. Thus inform the State De- partment and endeavor to obtain recognition in order that tranquillity return to this Republic, devastated by so many misfortunes. Humanity claims conclusion of a desolating war. I trust to find a sympathetic echo in the generous spirit of the Ameri- can Government. Please accept, Mr. Secretary, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. Hon. PHILANDER C. KNOX ; Secretary of State. Senator FALL. Also a communication under date of March 8, 1910, addressed, as the witness testifies, by the same party, to Hon. Philander C. Knox, which is as follows: [Copy.] WASHINGTON, D. C., March 8, 1910. SIR: In confirmation of the news of the destruction of Chamorrp's army, as contained in a brief cablegram from President Madriz, which I communicated to you on February 23, I have the honor to submit the following translation of another cablegram which I have lately received from my Government: Chamorro, after his defeat at Tisma and Tipitapa, was able to join Mena at San Vicente,. The revolutionists on learning the. magnitude of the disaster, as they saw him returning with only 60 men of the 1,500 that he took with him, became panic stricken and the greater part of them disbanded. To the present time 251 have surrendered to Vasquez, among them 5 colonels, 8 sergeants major, and a great number of other officers. Chamorro and Mena with only 200 are fleeing to Rama, abandoning the wounded, medicine chests, arms and amunition. The rebellion in Nicaragua, therefore, has come to an end and President Madriz is working earnestly for the restoration of order throughout the Republic. Taking advantage of this opportunity I wish to present to your attention a few pertinent facts. On the 31st of last December I called at the State Department to present a cablegram from President Madriz, which read as follows : MANAGUA, NICARAGUA, December 30, 1909. Dr. Luis FELIPE COREA, Washington. The Government has resolved to invest you with the power of private and confiden- tial agent, to treat with the Department of State, in order to bring to an amicable conclusion the pending difficulties; to hear just demands; and to provide ways to reestablish friendship upon a basis of warmest cordiality and mutual confidence. Please convey to the Department of State the conviction that this Government aspires solely for the peace and order of Central America under the Washington con- ventions, and for the due fulfillment of international obligations. PRESIDENT J. MADRIZ. Unable to have an audience with you, I left a copy of the cablegram with the department, and four days later handed a copy of the trans- lation to Assistant Secretary Wilson, whom I asked, in view of the three points presented in the first paragraph, what the State Depart- 36 2TICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. raent wished, or what it could suggest, especially as a prerequisite to the resumption of cordial relations that I might be permitted to communicate to President Madriz. I was told that the State Depart- ment had no suggestion to make. I cited several precedents showing the attitude of the United States, tendering good offices in 1890 and 1906, during the wars between Guatemala and Salvador; in 1894 and 1907 during the wars between Nicaragua and Honduras; and in 1902, during the war between Panama and Colombia, and asked if a favor- able reply could be expected to a formal request that the United States use its good offices toward reestablishing peace in Nicaragua. It was repeated to me that the Department of State had no suggestion to make. As a messenger of peace I also presented to the State Department a cablegram. from President Madriz communicating the liberal terms proposed by him to Gen. Estrada for the restoration of order and the reorganization of the Government. So sincere was the desire of President Madriz to have peace that he manifested his willingness to order elections within the ensuing six months, and as a guaranty of free suffrage and impartiality, to forbid the use of his name as a candidate. It is of common knowledge that Gen. Estrada who, though repre- senting at that time less than 5 per cent of the population of Nicaragua, and controlling less than 10 per cent of the territory, or no more than had been placed under his charge as governor jand intendente by Presi- dent Zelaya, ignored these generous proposals and insisted that he, himself, be recognized as the de jure and de facto Government of the republic. Finding that the rebellion could not be suppressed by measures short of war, and that the United States withheld its good offices for the preservation of the Republic, which was rapidly drifting into anarchy, President Madriz entered upon a vigorous campaign which has been entiiely successful: Having been denied the privilege of appearing in person to dis- abuse your mind of any unfavorable impression, due to false or prejudiced statements, which you may have had concerning the char- acter, culture, ambitions, influence, and particularly the political relations of President Madriz, please permit me to say that President Madriz, since his induction into office in accordance with the second provision of article 78 of the constitution, has undertaken a larger program of reform than was dreamed of by those who fomented the rebellion. Immediately he began the execution of it by liberating political prisoners and summoning to Nicaragua all political refugees who had been exiled by his predecessor; by incarcerating public officials who were charged with plundering the public treasury; by instituting a rigid inquiry into the execution of the Americans, Groce and Cannon; by annulling monopolistic concessions; and by show- ing due respect and consideration for all American interests. President Madriz issued strict orders to the commanders of his troops to protect American property and to protect American lives; and to send any Americans taken with arms, as prisoners of war, to" Managua. On the 25th of February he sent a message to the gover- nors of the several Departments, in substance as follows: As certain parties are spreading reports to the effect that the United States Govern- ment is intervening in the domestic affairs of Nicaragua, I inform you that the Nica- raguan Government is thoroughly convinced of the neutrality of the United States as NICARAGUA!* AFFAIRS. 37 regards the present situation in Nicaragua. Prevent, therefore, all demonstration a against said Government. As a lawyer of large experience and international renown, who owes no obligation to Gen. Zelaya or to any persons that were affiliated with him, for his political or professional advancement, he has done for the mutual welfare of Nicaragua and the best interests of the United States all that, and, in view of the circumstances, more than could have been reasonably expected of him. He is a statesman of a high degree of intelligence, animated by the purest patriotism and love for his countrymen, courageous and resourceful. His induction into the high office 1 ' of President of Nicaragua was an immediate check upon the disintregrating forces which were working for the destruction of law and order and which, without his restraining hand, soon would have resulted in anarchy. He restored confidence at home and won the respect of all of the governments of Latin America. In view of the foregoing, and the complete failure of the rebellion in Nicaragua, I respectfully urge the recognition of Dr. Jose Madriz as the de jure as well as the de facto president of the Republic. He has demonstrated his strength and ability, and now stands ready to fulfill all of the obligations imposed by international law upon his Government, eagerly craving the restoration of most cordial rela- tions with the Government of the United States. If the United States, notwithstanding the developments of the past few days, does not consider this to be the opportune time to make such recognition, Nicaragua will sorely lament it, but Dr. Madriz will continue the work of the reorganization of the Govern- ment, confident that at no distant day will be renewed the relations of good will and cordiality which hertofore have obtained. Please accept, Mr. Secretary, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. Hon. PHILANDER C. KNOX, Secretary of State. Senator FALL. Also a communication from the same party, as testified by the witness to Mr. Knox, under date of May 23, 1910: WASHINGTON, D. C., May 23, 1910. SIR: I am in receipt of a cablegram of the 20th instant from President Madriz which in part is as follows; Secretary of State at Washington, through the American consul, has informed me that on account of Venus having deceived authorities at port of the United States, sailing from there as a merchantman, but to be destined as a man of war, she hj,s no right to blockade, visit, or search on high seas. I am advised further that Commander Gilmer, of the IT. S. S. Paducah, has forcibly raised the blockade of the port of Bluefields which had been lawfully instituted by President Madriz and effec- tively maintained by the Venus, a vessel of war of Nicaragua. I respectfully submit that this interference with the free move- ments of the Venus is not in accordance with the principles of inter- national law as interpreted by the honorable Attorney General and the Federal courts of the United States. 38 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. The Venus sailed under the British flag from the port of New Orleans on April 30 under contract of sale to be delivered at Greytown to the authorities of Nicaragua, for such use as President Madriz might order. For a period of 10 days following the application for clear- ance the vessel was detained at New Orleans by the authorities of the United States, while the fullest inquiry was conducted. The protest filed by the insurgents' representative against clearance was dismissed by the Department of Commerce and Labor. The crim- inal charge which was lodged against the captain of the Venus for alleged violation of the neutrality laws was dismissed by the United States commissioner after a prolonged trial. The libel filed against the vessel by an alleged informer, under section 5283 of the United States Revised Statutes, on motion of the United States attorney who had prosecuted the criminal charge, was immediately dismissed by the United States district judge. The motion for a new trial made in behalf of the alleged informer also was dismissed by the same United States district judge. For your information, as the facts may not have been reported to you, I submit herewith a memoran- dum of quotations from the reports of the proceedings in the Venus's case as published in the daily press of New Orleans. The honorable United States commissioner, in dismissing the criminal charge which had been made against the captain of the Venus, is reported to have said : It matters not what the condition may be hereafter, the case must be considered a s it exists on the day the vessel leaves this port. This satisfied the exigencies o^ neutrality. The Venus sailed from New Orleans with guns aboard, but not- mounted. She was delivered to the representative of President Madriz at Greytown, where, with the authority and assistance of the British consul, transfer to the Republic of Nicaragua was formally made. The Nicaraguan flag was raised and forthwith the vessel became a ship of war in the public service of Nicaragua, in which character she immediately became exempt from interference of the commander of the PaducaJi or of any other authority of the United ^States. If the Venus did not become a public vessel of Nicaragua, awfully engaged in military operations and in maintaining the block- ade at Bluefields, she would have been subject to seizure as a pirate. Attorney General E. R. Hoar, in a carefully prepared opinion (13 Op. Atty. Gen.) under date of December 16, 1869, upon the question of whether libel should be instituted by the United States against cer- tain gunboats building in New York for the Spanish Government, to be empk^ed against the colony claiming to be the Republic of Cuba, held that section 5283 of the Revised Statutes did not apply, for the reason that when a nation with which we are at peace, or the recognized Government thereof, undertakes to procure armed vessels for the purpose of enforcing its own recognized authority within its own dominions, although there may be evidence satisfactory to show that they will aid the Government in the suppression of insurrection or rebellion, in a legal view this does not involve a design to commit hostilities against anybody. Secretary Seward, writing to Mr. Wheelwright, under date of September 15, 1868 (Moore's Int. Law, v. 7, p. 1076), said: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, relative to the legitimacy of the Salnave Government of Haiti, and the sailing of the Haitian man- NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 39 of -war Galatea from the port of New York. The Salnave Government must, until some other has established itself de facto and has been recognized as such by the proper department of our Government, be regarded as the legitimate Government of Haiti, and such respect must be paid to its acts and rights as are due to its character. The Galatea is understood to be a regular Haitian man-of-war, which being disabled put into the port of New York for repairs. This Government had no authority to detain her; but on the contrary was bound in comity to allow her to refit and if need be to facilitate the same. You will perceive that the principles above stated apply equally to the case of the brig Esey, alleged by you in your telegram of the 12th instant to be about to sail with ammunition for Salnave. There is here no violation of neu- trality as there are no governments interested between which this Government should be neutral. The supplies in question are destined for the aid of the legitimate govern- ment in the maintenance of its integrity against insurgents. It was held in the case of the Carondelet (37 Fed. Kept., 799) that the Dominican consul in New York could charter a vessel and ship arms to a representative of his Government, possibly for use against one of the warring factions in Haiti, without violating the neutrality laws, because there can be no obligation of neutrality except toward some organized state or power, de jure or de facto. The court said, in part: The United States can hardly be said to be "at peace," in the sense of the statute, with a faction which they are unwilling to recognize as a government. Again, in the case of United States v. The Conserva (38 Fed. Rep., 431), the court held: In a proceeding instituted under section 5283, Revised Statutes of the United States, the fact must be shown that the Government against which it is alleged that the vessel is intended to commit hostilities has been recognized by the United States . The proceeding was for the forfeiture of the Conserva, a gunboat whose guns were not in place, which had been purchased by the Dominican consul under contract to be delivered to the Dominican Government at Samana and presumably to be used against an unrec- ognized faction in Haiti. In the light of these authorities, I respectfully submit, the insur- gents of Nicaragua can not be held to be a " colony, district, or peo- ple" with whom the United States are "at peace/' within the mean- ing of the neutrality laws of the United States, and the Venus could have sailed from the port of New Orleans in full panoply of war, under the Nicaraguan flag, with the avowed purpose of blockading the Nicaraguan port of Bluefields, without offending against any statute of the United States. I earnestly but respectfully request, therefore, that instructions be issued which will permit the Bluefields blockade to be maintained by the Venus, and that I may be favored with an answer to this request, in order that I may communicate the decision to President Madriz. Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. Hon. PHILANDER C. KNOX, State Department. Senator FALL. Also papers described as documents referring to American intervention, containing in Spanish copies of various com- munications from and to Mr. Gilmer and others; also printed procla- mations in Spanish, together with clippings from certain newspapers; 40 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. also translations of the Spanish of certain clippings from the San Francisco Call and other papers, as follows: DOCUMENTOS REFERENTES A LA INTERVENTION AMERICANA. [Copia.] NOTAS CRUZADAS ENTRE EL SR. DELEGADO DEL EJECUTIVO Y EL JEFE DE LA REVOLUTION DE BLUEFIELDS. En mi caracter de Delegado del Poder Ejecutivo y con funciones de Comandartte General en el Literal Atlantico de Nicaragua, de la manera mas formal intimo a U. la rendicion de la fortaleza del Bluff y de Bluefields ofreciendo a U. y a los suyos toda clase de garantias de acuerdo con las leyes de la guerra; y caso de no aceptar, categori- camente notifico & U. que le concedo el te"rmino de veinticuatro horas 6 sea hasta manana a las ocho pm para que los ancianos, mujeres y ninos y demas personas no combatientes desocupen los lugares indicados, pues vencido el te"rmino senalado procedere" al ataque y bombardeo correspondientes, dirigiendo los fuegos sobre los lugares ocupados por fuerzas militares y empenandome por que no sufra si fuere posible la propiedad particular y declinando desde la hora en U. toda la responsabilidad por la sangre derramada y por los intereses que se lesionen. No dudando que U. en cumplimiento de su deber ppndra en con- ocimiento de los subditos extranjeros y demas vecinos no com- batientes la presente notificacion para que se pongan a salvo, soy de U. atento s. s. J. IRIAS. . BLUEFIELDS, 17 de Mayo de 1910. Como el Gobierno del General Juan J. Estrada desconocio por inconstitucional al que presidia el General Zelaya, conforme a los deseos del pueblo nicaraguense y de acuerdo con la opinion de re- spetables hombres publicos entre ellos el Dr. Don Jose Madriz quien luminosos folletos demostro la inconstitucionalidad del Gobeirno de Zelaya y la inmoralidad de este; no puedo menos que resistir a las pretenciones de los continuadores de aquel mismo Gobierno que lo nan investido a U. como Delegado del Eject uivo con funciones de Comandante General en el Litoral Atlantico para intimar la rendi- ci6n de la fortaleza del Bluff y Bluefields y manifestarle en consecuen- cia, que el Gobierno provisional esta dispuesto no solo a defender estas fortalezas sino tambien esta Costa como la de todo el pais, a los usurpadores de los Poderes Publicos. ZENON RIVERA, Ministro General. JTranslation.] NOTES EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE AND THE CHIEF OF THE R-E VOLUTION AT BLUEFIELDS. In my character of delegate of the executive powers and com- mandant general in the Atlantic Littoral of Nicaragua, in the most formal manner I demand of you the surrender of the Fort of El Bluff and of Bluefields, offering to you and to all under you every guar- NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 41 antee in accordance with the laws of war; and in case of nonaccept- ance I notify you categorically that I grant a period of 24 hours, or until 8 p. m. to-morrow, for the aged, women, and children, and other noncombatants to evacuate the places indicated; the period mentioned having elapsed, I shall proceed to the correspondent attack and bombardment, directing the fire against the places occu- pied by military forces, endeavoring to prevent, if it be possible, damage to private property, and throwing upon you from the hour fixed all the responsibility for bloodshed and losses. Not doubting that, in compliance with your duty, you will bring the present notification to the knowledge of all foreign subjects and other noncombatant residents, that they may escape injury, I am, Your obedient servant, J. IRIAS. BLUEFIELDS, May 17, 1910. As the government of Gen. Juan J. Estrada held to be unconstitu- tional that headed by Gen. Zelaya, agreeable to the desires of the Nicaraguan people and in accordance with the opinion of respectable public men, among them Dr. Jose Madriz, whose luminous pamphlets demonstrated the unconstitutionality of the government of Zelaya and its immorality, I can do no less than oppose the pretensions of the continuers of that same government who have invested you with, the functions of commandant general in the Atlantic Littoral in order to demand the surrender of the Fort of El Bluff and Bluefields, and to inform you, therefore, that the provisional government is resolved not only to defend these fortresses, but also this coast and the whole country against the usurpers of the public authority. ZENON RIVERA, Minister General. [Copia.] SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, l/6 de 1910. COMANDANTE GENERAL! Trascribole a U. la comunicacion que recibi del PaducaJi En traduccion k> mismo que la respuesta que yo di a dicha comunica- cion las que respectivamente dicen N 314 U. U.- Ws S. Paducah anclado frente a Bluefields Mcoragno Mayo 25 de 1910- Senor: En referenda a mi proclama fechad 16 de Mayo de 1910; una copia de la cual tiene U. en su poder y otra le fue suministrada a pedimento verbal suya al Teniente Walson del vapor de guerra de Estados Unidos de America, defiendo la accion que el oficial mayor de marina presente, tomaria en el caso actual es, si se permitira 6 n6 al Venus que pare a los buques mercantes para revisarles su maniftesto dentro de limite de tres millas de la costa y en caso de llevar armas y muni- ciones apresarlo estuvieren dentro 6 fuera del limite de tres millas bajo que condiciones seria reconocido el bloqueo durante el sitio de ciudad de Bluefields y el probable bombardeo del Bluff- Si permitiera salir a los barcos mercantes de Bluefields si ser registrados por el Venus, me permito informarle que he recibido las ordenes siguientes del Srio de la marina La politica del Gobierno de los EE. Uu . en lo 42 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. tocante al bioqueo de Bluefields anunciado, cuyo bloqueo por el Gobierno de Madriz pareceria constituido, parte de est el recono- cimiento de la beligerancia de la faccion de Estrada corresponderia naturalmente a la politica observada durante el bloqueo de Grey- town Nicaragua por la faccion de Estrada cuando el Srio de Estrada resolyio que si el anunciado bloqueo 6 cierre del puerto se hacia efectivo y si se mantendria en la debida forma observando todos los requisites de la ley internacional (il) incluso el aviso a los vapores mercantes que se aproxiniaren el Gobierno de Estados no estaba dispuesto a intervenir para evitarlo pero se reservaba todos los derechos relacionados a la validez de cualquier procedimiento insti- tuido contra cualquier barco como presa de guerra en accion- Debo hacerle observar sinembargo que en las actuales circunstancias cual- quier vapor que como Venus Enganandp a la autoridad competente de un puerto de EE. UU. zarpo de el disfrazado de barco mercante pero en realidad habia sido destinado para usarlo como vapor de guerra habiendo perdido por este acto todos sus derechos como beligerante tales como el derecho de registro de vapores en altamar y el de bloqueo Firmado Meyer Muy respetuosamente V. V. Gilmour Comandante Marina de Estados Unidos. Comandante del vapor de EE. UU. Paducah Oficial Mayor presente Gral J. Irias, S. S. Venus. El Bluff 31 de Mayo de 1910 Senor me refiero a la atenta comuni- cacion de u. fecha 25 del mes en curso referente a la actitud de su Gobierno en relacion con el probable bloqueo de Bluefields y en lo cual entre otras cosas U. se sirve trascribirme lo siguiente que he recibido del Senor Srio de Marina- La politica del Gobierno deEE. UU. en lo tocante al bloqueo de Bluefields anuncia de cuyo bloqueo por el Gobierno de Madriz pareceria constituir por parte del recono- cimiento de la beligerancia de la faccion de Estrada U. corres- ponderia naturalmente la politica observada durante el bloqueo de Greytown Nicaragua por la faccion de Estrada cuando el secretario resolvio que si el anunciado bloqueo 6 cierre del puerto se hacia efectivo y se mantenia en hebida forma observando los requisites de la ley internacional, incluso el aviso de los vapores mercantes que se aproxiniaren el Gobierno de EE. UU. no estaba dispuesto a intervenir para evitario, pero se reservaba todos los derechos relacionados a la validez de cualquier proce- dimiento instituido contra cualquier barco como presa de guerra en accion. Debo hacerle observar sinembargo que las actuales circunstancias cualquier vapor que como el Venus enganando a las autoridades competentes de un puerto de EE. UU. zarpo disfrazado de barco mercante pero que en realidad habia sido destinado para usarlo como vapor de guerra habiendo perdido por este acto todos los derechos como beligerante tales como derecho de registro de vapores en alta mar y el del bloqueo-Firmado Meyer Verbalmente he explicado a U. como se hizo la negociacion del Venus y los distintos incidentes judiciales que ocurrieron con motivo de su salida de EE. UU. ademas mostre a U. el documento original que a solicitud mia extendio el senor Consul de su Magestad britanica en San Juan del Norte del que dejo U. una copia y el cual literalmente dice: a peticion del Senor NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 43 Delegado del Ejecutivo Dr. y General Don Julian Irias certifico que el vapor Venus que Ileg6 a este buerto con bandera inglesa pro- cedente de Nueva Orlean Estados Unidos de America consignado al Gobierno de Nicaragua fue entregado al mismo Gobierno por el capitan J. F. H. Nland y que el traspaso de la bandera se hizo con- forme la ley habiendose presentado el certificadp de venta y habien- dome entregado el capitan el certificado de registro y demas docu- mentos pertenecientes al barco y habiendome bajado la bandera inglesa con las formalidades debidas y para los fines de ley ex tiendo el presente en San Juan del Norte Nic. el 21 de Mayo de 1910-H. F. Bingham Consul de S. M. Britanica. Hay un timbre de cinco che- lines cancelado hay un sello del consulado Britanico en Greytown. El Senor Comandante comprendera muy bien por el documento trascrito que el Venus como vapor ingles salio legitimamente del puerto americano que en territorio nicaragiiense se efectuo el traspaso de dicho barco al Gobierno de Nic. el que ha tenido perfecto derecho para destinarlo al objeto que mas le convenga y que en consecuencia la Sria de Marina Americana siempre respetuosa a los derechos de una nacion soberana e independiente tan luego como U. de a conocer los conceptos anteriores reconocera que el vapor Venus goza de todos los privilegios de un barco de guerra Con toda consideracion soy de U. muy atento S. S. Delegado del Ejecutivo. J. IRIAS. El a Venus" no ha violado Las leyes de neutralidad Cable de New Orleans. El vapor Venus no ha violado la neutralidad y no ha hecho prepara- tives belicos sino despues de haber llegado a San Juan del Norte y haber arriado la bandera inglesa; lo declaran ocho hombres de su tripulacion, que desembarcaron en New Orleans el martes del vapor Turrialba. Todos dicen lo mismo, declarando que salieron de aqui para Cuba donde tomaron a bordo al general Altschul, y en seguida continuaron para San Juan del Norte, donde ei vapor fue entregado con la prac- tica ordinaria, y cambio, presencia del Consul ingles, Mr. H. J. Bingham, la nacionalidad inglesa por la de Nicaragua, izando la bandera de este ultimo pais, en el lugar donde antes estaba la inglesa. Estos hombres declaran que fueron muy bien tratados du rante toda la travesia, y que cometieron un error con no quedarse a bordo del barco para hacer con 61 la campana contra Estrada. The men who returned on the Turrialba were: William Kica, Charles Fitzsimmons, Peter Lumland, Fritz Hellman, C. Boville, A. Beberling, and Paul Flether. 44 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. [Translation.] DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE TO COMMANDER IN CHIEF. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, 6/11/1910. COMMANDER IN CHIEF: I transcribe to you a translation of the communication I received from the Paducah, together with my reply, which read, respectively: No. 314, U. S. S. "PADUCAH," ANCHORED IN FRONT OF BLUEFIELDS, NICARAGUA, May 25, 1910. SIR: In reference to my proclamation dated May 16, 1910, a copy of which, etc. permit me to inform you that I have received the following order from the Secretary of the Navy : "The policy of the Government of the United States regarding the announced blockade of Bluefields, etc., Very respectfully, ''MEYER." V. V. GILMOUR, Commander, United States Navy, Commanding U. S. S. "Paducah," Senior Officer Present. Gen. J. IRIAS, U.S.S. "Venus." EL BLUFF, May 31, 1910. SIR: I refer to your favor, dated the 25th instant, relative to the attitude of your Government in regard to the probable blockade of Bluefields and in which, among other things, you transcribed the following which you had received from the Secretary of the Navy: * * ***** MEYER. I have explained verbally to you the Venus matter and the several judicial incidents that took place in connection with its departure from the United States ; moreover, I showed to you the original docu- ment which upon my application the consul of His Brittanic Majesty in San Juan del Norte drew up, a copy of which was left with you and which reads literally : Upon the application of the Delegate of the Executive, Dr. and General Julian Iriae I certify that the steamer Venus which arrived at this Port under the British flag, proceeding from New Orleans, United States of America, consigned to the Gov- ernment of Nicaragua, was delivered to said Government by the Captain J. F. H. Nland and that the transfer of the flag was made in accordance with the law, the certificate of sale having been presented and the Captain having delivered to me the certificate of register and other documents belonging to the boat and having lowered the english flag with the proper formalities as required by law I grant the present in San Juan del Norte, Nic., the 21st of May, 1910. H. F. BINGHAM, H.B.M. Consul. Five shilling stamp, cancelled. Seal of British consulate, Grey town. The commander will very well understand from the document transcribed that the Venus as an English steamer legitimately sailed from an American port, that in Nicaraguan territory the transfer of said ship to the Nicaraguan Government was effected which has had a perfect right to employ it as it deems most advisable, and therefore the American Navy Department, always respectful of the rights of a sovereign and independent government, will, soon as you bring to its knowledge the above expressed opinions, recognize that the steamer Venus enjoys all the privileges of a vessel of war. With every consideration, I am, Your obedient servant, J. IRIAS, Delegate of the Executive. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 45 [Copia.] SAN JUAN NORTE, 2/6/19109 a. m. COMANDANTE GENERAL: Las comunicaciones que le he trascrito ya estara U. al tanto de la oposicion que sostiene la Sria de Marina Americana referente a que el Venus no puede usarse para mantener un bloqueo y tanto por eso como por siendo nosotros los poseedores del Bluff y por lo que dispone el Art. 5 de la oficina de Aduana prefer! cerrar el puerto en lugar de declararlo bloqueado. Trascribo a U. el decreto respective y el cual dice: Julian Irias, delegado del supremo ppder ejecutivo en uso de sus facultades con- siderando que el Gobierno de la Republica ha tornado posesion efectiva de la fortaleza de El Bluff y sus dependencias entre las cuales se encuentra la aduana. Que para destruir cuanto antes la insurreccion encabezada por el General Juan J. Estrada se hace necesario dictar medidas de caracter transitorio que conduzcan a tal fin. Que la mente del Gobierno es la de no restringir sino ayudar al comercio interior y exterior de la Republica hasta donde lo permitan los obstaculos que la insurreccion opone. Que el cierre temporal total de un puerto es facultad inherente a la soberania del pads, decreta: 1. Se cierra el puerto de Bluefields por el tiempo estrictamente indis- pensable para restablecer el orden en dicha ciudad. 2. Las pdlizas de marcaderias que hayan salido hasta la fecha 6 salgan del puerto de origen hasta el 1 del proximo entrante inclusive seran liquidadas y pagadas en esta aduana pero desde esa fecha en adelante no se recibiran mercaderias de ninguna especie destinadas a la expresada ciudad de Bluefields. 3. Todas las mercaderias que vengan a la aduana del Bluff entransito para Laguna de Perlas, Distrito de Rio Grande y Distrito minero de Prin- zapolka no sufriran atrazo de ninguna especie y pagaran los derechos fijados en la ley arancelaria desde el 15 de noviembre de 1902 y 4. Los consules respectivos no autorizaran factura de ninguna mercaderia con destine a la ciudad mencionada debiendo por el contrario facilitar por todos los medios posibles el ensanche del comer- cio con las otras secciones arriba mencionadas. Dado en El Bluff a los 29 dias del mes de mayo de 1910. JULIAN IRIAS, G. SABALLOS, Srio. [Translation.] DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE TO COMMANDER IN CHIEF. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, 6/2, 1910 9 a. m. COMMANDER IN CHIEF: The communications already transcribed will inform you fully as to the opposition of the American Secretary of the Navy to the employment of the Venus in maintaining a blockade, and for this reason and because we are in possession of El Bluff and in view of article 5 of the customs regulations I preferred to close the port rather than to declare it blockaded. I transcribe to you the respective decree, which reads: Julian Irias, delegate of the supreme executive power, in exercise of his functions, considering that the Government of the Republic has taken effective possession of the fort of El Bluff and its dependencies, among them the customhouse. That in order to put down, as soon as possible, the insurrection headed by Gen. Juan J. Estrada it is necessary to adopt measures of a transitory character to accomplish that end: That the disposition of the Government is not to restrict but to aid the domestic and foreign commerce of the Republic as far as the obstacles interposed by the insurrection permit. That the temporary closure of a port is a power inherent in the sovereignty of a country, decrees: 1. The port of Bluefields is closed for such time as may be absolutely necessary to reestablish order in the city. 2. The shipments of merchandise that may have left up to this date or that may leave the port of departure up to the 1st proximo, inclusive, shall be liquidated and paid in this customhouse, but from that date forward no merchandise of any kind whatever destined to the said city of Bluefields will be received. 46 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 3. All merchandise that may come to the customhouse of El Bluff in transit for Laguna de Perlas, district of Rio Grande, and mining district of Prinzapolka will suffer no delay, and shall pay the duties fixed by the tariff law of November 15, 1902; and, 4. The respective consuls will certify no invoice or merchandise destined to said city, and must, on the contrary, facilitate by every possible means the expansion of commerce with the other sections above mentioned. Done at El Bluff the 29th day of the month of May, 1910. JULIAN IRIAS, G. SABALLOS, Secretary. [Copia.] SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, del 3 de Jumo, 1910 5 p. m. Si*. COMANDANTE GENERAL. A las 6 p. m. de ayer el senor Comandante del vapor de guerra americano Paducah me ha notificado que su gobierno ha resuelto quitarnos el derecho de impedir que los vapores mercantes sean detenidos en esta aduana para su debido registro y pago de derechos, haciendolos pasar direct a men te a Schonnen Key para desembarcar. Al tomar nosotros esta fortaleza estaba muerta de manera practica la revolucion por fait a de element os de guerra y boca. No omito manifestarle que el referido Comandante del Paducah habia contes- tado con el Delegado del Ejecutivo que se encuentra en Greytown en que todo buque seria regustrado liquidada su rnercancia y paga- dos sus derechos en este puerto. Con esta disposicion, como U. comprendera el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos protege de una manera directa los intereses revolucionarios, puesto que impune- mente y bajo cualquier bandera les seguiran entrando element os de guerra a la revolucion y en ese caso el heroismo, las vidas de muchos de nuestros companeros de armas y la sangre derramada ha sido infructuosos. F. M. RIVAS, El Mayor General. [Translation.] GEN. RIVAS TO COMMANDER IN CHIEF. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, June 3, 1910 5 p. m. COMMANDER IN CHIEF : At 6 p. m. yesterday the commander of the American ship of war Paducah notified me that his Government has decided, in spite of our rights, to prevent merchant ships from being detained at this customhouse for entry and the payment of duties, compelling them to pass directly to schooner Key for unloading. When we took this fort the revolution was practically dead, without munitions of and provisions. I must inform you that the said commander of the Paducha replied to the delegate of the executive, who was in Greytown, that every boat would be entered, its merchandise liqui- dated, and its duties paid in the port. By this attitude, as you will understand, the Government of the United States protects directly the revolutionary interests, because with impunity and under what- ever flag munitions of war will continue to reach the revolution, and in such case the loss of the lives of many of our comrades in arms and the shedding of blood has been fruitless. F. M. RIVAS, The General in Command. NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 47 [Depositado en San Juan del Norte a las 6 p. m. del 3 de junio, 1910. Recibido en Campo de Marte a" las 7:30 'a. m. 4 de junio, 1910.] COMANDANTE GENERAL: La siguiente es la traduccion de una copia en que el Comandante del Paducah hace acompanada de una nota al Gral Rivas al dia siguiente de haber salido y la que me ha traido el Coronel Midence Irias : WASHINGTON, 31 de mayo de 1910. CONSUL AMERICANO, Bluefields: Para que U. quede enterado, la secretaria de marina ha cablegrafiado al Coman- dante Gilmor las ordenes siguientes: La actitud de los Estados Unidos es precisa- mente la misma que se expuso en la carta del secretario de Estado a Rodriguez, el 1 de Diciembre de 1909 la cual continua siendo aplieable enteramente a la situa- cion actual, la captura por la faccion Madriz de la antigua aduana del Bluff no afecta el hecho de que Bluefields con cierto territoria adyacente para el cual mercancias que hasta ahora han pasado por esa aduana se destinan, parmanezca como hasta ahora bajo la jurisdicion de facto de la faccion de Estrada. Este Gobierno por lo tanto permite a la faccion de Estrada el cobro de los derechos aduaneros de Blue- fields y niega este derecho a la otra faccion por la razon de que este Gobierno no reconoce a ninguna de las dos facciones como Gobierno de Nicaragua, sino simple- mente como Gobierno de facto dominando partes del pais y proclamas de cualquiera de las partes son inconstitucionales sin esta actitud. El consul en Bluefields nos informa que la balandra nacional Adelaida de propiedad americana ha sido detenida por la faccion Madriz y que la goleta de propiedad americana "Esfuerzo" fue detenida y su carga confiscada por aquellos que dominan el Bluff. Este Gobierno niega derecho de cual quiera de los contendientes para confiscar embarcaciones 6 propiedad americanas sin permiso y recompensa de sus dueftos. En tales casos U. inmediata- mente obrara de acuerdo con esta politica. listed no tificara inmediatamente a ambas facciones y a los empleados de lo que queda dispuesto. WILSON. Para su nejor inteligencia conviene que le advierta que, segun el consul americano Moffat, pocos dias antes de que nosotros tomaramos el Bluff, el Gral Juan Estrada habia trasladado la aduana del Bluff en donde legalmente esta establecida sin edificios que se llama Schooner Key, que solo sirve para reparar goletas, situada en el fondo de la bahia y a la entrada de Rio Escondido, y la que segun el criterio del comandante del Paducah y del consul Moffat es la que constituye "scrito" territorio adyacente para el cual mercanciss que hasta ahora han pasado para esta aduana se destinan. Como con- secuencia de lo trascrito, el senor comandante del Paducah, exigio que el vapor Imperator procedente de los Estados Unidos y del Cabo de Gracias a Dios entrara directamente en Schooner Key sin permitir que se le registrara y mucho menos que dejara la mercaderia en el Bluff. Precisa tener presente que en ese vapor iban los senores Sanchez revolucionarios y administrador de la aduana del Cabo de Gracias a Dios y el Dr. Alberto Lopez, revolucionario prodedente de New Orleans. La aseveracion relativa a la goleta Esfuerzo es absolutamente falsa y referente a la goleta Adelaida ha sido alterada maliciosamente por el Consul informante, pues esa goleta, el agente especial en Laguna de Perlas la cedio voluntariamente en virtud de la clausula respectiva del contrato de la empresa con el gobierno a nuestro representante en aquel puerto. Pero como el superintendente Gral de la empresa que reside en Bluefields Senor Piazza, la reclamo por medio del comandante del Paducah y en el acto se devolvio. JULIAN IRIAS, Delegado del Ejecutivo. 48 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. [Translation.] - DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE TO THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, June 3, 1910 6 p. m. (Received Campo de Norte, June 4, 1910 7.30 a. m.) COMMANDER IN CHIEF: The following is a translation of a copy which accompanied a note from the commander of the Paducah to Gen. Rivas the day after he had left and which Col. Midence Irias has brought to me: WASHINGTON, May 31, 1910. AMERICAN CONSUL, Bluefields: For your information, the Department of the Navy has cabled Commander Gilmor the following orders: # * * * * # * WILSON. For your better information, it is well to mention that according to American Consul Moffatt, a few days before we took El Bluff, Gen. Juan J. Estrada had moved the customhouse of El Bluff to a place called Schooner Key, where it is legally established without buildings, simply a place of repair for schooners and situated at the head of the bay, at the mouth of the Rio Escondido, and which in the judgment of the commander of the Paducah and Consul Moffatt is what constitutes contiguous "scrits" territory, to which merchandise, that until now had entered at that customhouse, is destined. In consequence of what has been transcribed, the com- mander of the Paducah insisted that the steamer Emperador, proceed- ing from the United States and Cape Gracias a Dios enter Schooner Key direct, without permitting it to enter, and much less to land its cargo at El Bluff. It should be observed that on board this steamer were a Senor Sanchez, revolutionist and collector of customs at Cape Gracias a Dios and Dr. Alberto Lopez, a revolutionist coming from New Orleans. The statement relative to the schooner Esfuerzo is absolutely false, and relative to the schooner Adelaide has been maliciously altered by the informant consul, for the special agent in Laguna de Perlas ceded the schooner voluntarily to our representative in that port by virtue of the contract of the company with the Government, but as the general superintendent of the company, who resides in Bluefields, Senor Piazza reclaimed it through the commander of the PaducaJi it was immediately returned. JULIAN IRIAS, Delegate of the Executive. [Depositado en San Juan del Norte 4 las 9 p. m. del 7 junio, 1910. Recibido en Campo Marte & las 8.50, 8 junio, 1910.] COMANDANTE GENERAL! Acabo de recibir un correo del Gral. Rivas y me envia copia de la siguiente nota que dice : AL COMANDANTE DEL "PADUCAH:" EL BLUFF, NICARAGUA, 5 de junio de 1910, Sirve la presente para poner on su conocimiento que teniendo pruebas de que el trafico de las embarcaciones que vienen con procedencia de Bluefields y salen para ciertos puntos de la costa Nicaraguense estan sirviendo para ayudar los planes de los revolutionaries circunscritos a la ciudad de Bluefields y con solo perjuicio de las NICARAGUAN AFFAIKS. 49 fuerzas de mi mando, no permitire por mas tiempo su libre transito ppr la parte de la bahia que tengo comunicado por los canones de mis fortalezas 6 fortificaciones. No hay ley htimana que pueda restringir esta medida que autoriza dar el fruto de esta victoria que tantos sacrificios costo. En consecuencia impedire la entrada 6 salida a cualquiera embarcacion mercante- que intente cruzar la parte que tengo dominada antes que sean registradps 6 hasta cerciorarme de que no se conduce a su bordo ele- mentos de guerra 6 individuos que hayan tornado armas en la revolucion, para mientras recibo instrucciones de mi Gobierno aclarandome esta situacion tan ambigua. Esta disposicion la hare efectiva con los vapores de la S. B. S. Co., las embarcaciones de la A. N. Co. las de belangers, Nic., de la Cuckra C y demas embarcaciones que segun documentos en mi poder han servido para atacar nuestras fuerzas. Entre otros el vapor Dacia que tres dias antes de pasar con bandera americana al frente de estra fortaleza habia atacado armado a un piquete de nuestras fuerzas en su comision, matando a uno de nuestros soldados. El caso del Marietta di Gorgio es del dominio publico y todavia anoche se me informo que etras de las embarcaciones que solo al pasar al frente de esta fortaleza enarbolan bandera americana, alegaba a una de mis avanzadas situadas en Half Way Key, armado en guerra. F. M. RIVAS. Al Seiior Comandante W. W. GILLMER, SS. "Paducah." La consecuencia de esa nota es que los comandantes del Paducah j Dubuque personalmente fueron a tierra y manifestaron al GraL Rivas que harian respetar con el fuego de sus canones la orden del departamento de Estado en que le instruian proteger al comercio amer- icano aunque este consistiese en armas y municiones para la revolucion. Que a cada barco que entrase 6 salie se de la bahia les pon drian marines americanos a bordo y que un disparo contra una de esas embarcaciones de nuestra parte significaria declarar la guerra a los Estados Unidos. JULIAN IRIAS, Delegado del Ejecutivo. [Translation.] DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE TO THE COMMANDER IN CHILE. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, June 7, 1910 9 p. m. (Received Campo de Marte, June 8, 19108.50.) COMMANDER IN CHIEF: I have just received a mail from Gen. Rivas and he sends me a copy of the following note: EL BLUFF, NICARAGUA, June 5, 1910. COMMANDER OF THE "PADUCAH": This letter is to inform you that, having proofs that the traffic of boats that come from Bluefields and sail for certain points on the Nicaraguan coast is aiding the plans of the revolutionists about the city of Bluefields, and prejudicial to the forces under my command, I will no longer permit their free passage of the part of the bay within the range of the guns of my forts or fortifications. There is no human law which can restrict this measure which authorizes giving to others the fruits of this victory which cost so many sacrifices. Therefore, I will prevent the entrance or departure of any merchant boat that attempts to cross the section that I dominate, until they are regu- larly entered or I am convinced that they do not carry munitions of war or persons who have taken up arms in the revolution, until I receive instructions from my Gov- ernment clarifying this very ambiguous situation. This disposition I shall make effective with the steamers of the S. B. S. Co., the boats of the A. N. Co., those of Belangers, Nic. de la Cuckra Co., and other boats that, according to documents in my possession, have served to attack our forces. Among others the steamer Dacia, which three days before it passed in front of this fort flying the American flag had made armed attack on a picket of our forces, killing one of our soldiers. The case of the Marietta di Gorgio is public and yet I was informed last night that it was stated to one 7846713 4 50 NICAKAGUAN AFFAIRS. of my olitposts that others of the vessels fly the American flag only when passing in front of the fort armed for war. F. M. RIVAS. Commander W. H. GILMOR, Steamship "Paducah." The result of this note was that the commanders of the Paducah and the Dubuque went personally ashore and informed Gen. Rivas that they would make respected, with the fire of their guns, the order of the Department of State instructing them to protect American commerce, though it should consist of arms and munitions for the revolution: that aboard every boat entering or leaving the bay they would place American marines, and that a shot at one of these boats coming from us would signify a declaration of war against the United States. JULIAN IRIAS, Delegate of the Executive. BLUFF, a las 5 p. m., del 23 de Julio de 1910. Al COM AND ANTE GENERAL, Managua: El Sr. Delegado del Ejecutivo me trascribip de San Juan del Norte el telegrama que U. le dirijio a el trascribiendole el cable del Sr. C6nsul General de Noruega en la Habana; tambien me trascribe los telegramas en que le habla de los vapores Hiriam y Ulstein y me dio instrucciones de lo que debia hacer a la llegada de dichos vapores. Cpmo se me anuncio que estaba a la vista vapor, crei fuera el Hiriam, hice dos comunicaciones, una dirijida al Capitan del vapor y otra al Comandante de las fuerzas navales de Estados Unidos frente a esta fortaleza. La primera dice: BLUFF, Zl de Julio de 1910. Sefior CAPITAN DEL VAPOR " HIRIAM," Frente al Bluff: Trascrfbole: " Aqui el cable trascrito por el Senor Delegado del Ejecutivo y dirijido por el Sr. C6nsul General de Noruega en la, Habana tengo informes fidedignos que U. trae elementos de guerra a bordo para la revoluci6n encabezada por el General Juan J. Estrada; en consecuencia y de confprmidad con la clausula del cable antes trascrito, prevengo a U. entegar a este mando dichos elementos y de no hacerlo asf , sera confiscado el vapor de su mando de conformidad con las leyes de mi pais, declinando en U. de una vez toda responsabilidad, y ademds, le advierto que la conducta que U. observe en este asunto, la pondre en conocimiento de mi Gobierno para que el a su vez la ponga en conocimiento del Gobierno de Noruega si asi lo estimare conveniente. "No dudo que U. penetradp de la justicia y derecho que nos asisten no opondra dificultad para la entrega de dichos elementos. El presente es duplicado para que al pie* de uno de los ejemplares, se sirva acusafme recibo. De U. SS., "F. M. RIVAS, "Inspector General de la Costa Atlantica." Y la seguna es como sigue: EL BLUFF, 21 de Julio de 1910. SENOR: Me permito trascribir a U. la comunicacion que con fecha 16 del mes y afio corrientes, he recibido del Sr. Delegado del Ejecutivo: SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, 16 de julio de 1910. Senor General don FERNANDO M. RIVAS, El Bluff. Con fecha 12 del corriente mes, me dice el Senor Presidente por telegrafo, que el Sr. Ministro General, Dr. Baca, ha recibido del C6nsul General de Noruega en la Habana el eiguiente cable: Aquf el cable, Este mando ha tenido noticias fidedignas que el vapor Hiriam trae elementos de guerra para la revoluci6n que encabeza el General NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 51 Juan J. Estrada. Dirijo ima comunicacion al Capitan de dicho vapor pidiendole la entrega de dichos elementos a este, apoyado en los conceptos del cable antes trascrito. No dudo que TL, impuesto de dicho cable, se convencera de la justicia y derecho que nps asisten, al expedir dichas ordenes a las cuales creo no pondra dificultades de ninguna especie y caso tuviera objecion que hacer, espero se servira participarmelo por escrito antes de que U. permita la entrada del vapor Hiriam para Bluefields, cosa que dudo por el convencimiento que tengo de la naturalidad (neutralidad) del Gobierno suyo y del modo como U. lo ha sabido interpretar. De U. atto. SS. F. M. RIVAS, Inspector General de la Costa Atlantica. AL COMANDANTE DE LAS FUERZAS NAVALES DE EE. UU. Frente al Bluff. Este me contesto lo siguiente: No. B, 61 LO U. S. A. "DUBUQUE," SRD RATE, Bluefields, Nicaragua, C. A., July 22, 1910.^ SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of July 21, 1910. I will require the steamers to anchor near my ship until status of her cargo is determined. I shall then take such action as the circumstances demand, in accord- ance with instructions from my Government in regard to protecting American com- merce and preserving neutrality. Very respectfully, H. R. RINES, Commander, United States Navy, Commanding Sailor Officer Present on the East Coast of Nicaragua. Gen. FERNANDO M. RIVAS, Commanding El Bluff , Nicaragua, C. A. Anoche llego el vapor Ulstein; inmediatamente le mande" un oficio igual al que diriji al Capitan del Hiriam; pero se nego & recibirlo, manifestando que si algo querian con 61, que se entendieran con el Comandante del Dubuque. La comunicaciones fueron entregadas a 6ste Jefe, el cual manifesto que no respondia de que el Capitan del Ulstein quisiera 6 no recibir la comunicacion, ni mucho menos firmar el duplicado que le mandaba como comprobante de que le habia enviado dicha comunicacion. Ademas, el Comandante del Dubuque manifesto a los senores General Francisco Altschul y don Ofilio Arguellp, que me sirve de interprete, que 61 era partidario de los revolucionarios, y que le habia dicho al Capitan del Ulstein que si queria no se pusiera en comunicacion con nosotros, que el lo aopoyaba de una manera incodicional, y al efecto le puso soldados y le orden6 entrara al puerto de Bluefields, lo que verifico hoy. He dirijido una protesta al representante del C6nsul de Noruega en Bluefields, encabezando dicha protesta con la trascripcion del cable del Consul General de Noruega en la Habana. Esta comuni- cacion sera remitida a su destino por medio del Comandante del Dubuque en caso quiera llevarla, dada la hostilidad de este oficial de la Armada Americana, dudo llegue a su destino. Mientras en esta no haya una embarcacion de guerra al mando de un Jefe neutral que permanezca (pertenezca) a otra naci6n, los intereses del Gobierno de U. estan a merced de los oficiales de la Armada Americana, que se inspiran en los consejos del Consul Americano en Bluefields, que es mas revolucionario que Estrada y Chamorro. Su subalterno. F. M. RIVAS. 52 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. [Translation.] GEN. RIVAS TO COMMANDER IN CHIEF. BLUFF, July 23, 19105 p. m, COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Managua: The delegate of the executive transcribed to me from San Juan del Norte the telegram that you sent him transcribing the cable from the consul general of Norway in Habana ; he also transcribed the telegrams speaking of the steamers Hiriam and Ulstein, and gave me instructions as to what I should do upon the arrival of said steamers. When I was advised that a steamer was in sight, which I believed to be the Hiriam, I addressed two communications, one to the captain of the steamer, the other to the commander of the naval forces of the United States in front of this fort. The first said: BLUFF, July 21, 1910. CAPTAIN OF THE STEAMER " HIRIAM," In front of El Bluff: I transcribe to you [here the cable transcribed by the delegate of the executive- and sent by the consul general of Norway in Habana] : I have reliable information that you have on board munitions of war for the revolu- tion headed by Gen. Juan J. Estrada; therefore, and in conformity with the terms of the cable above transcribed, I give you notice to deliver to me said munitions, and, in case of refusal, the ship under your command will be confiscated in accordance with the laws of my country, the entire responsibility being in you; and, moreover, I warn you that the course you pursue in this matter will be reported to my Government so that, should it be deemed advisable, it may in turn bring said course to the knowledge of the Government of Norway. I do not doubt that, convinced of the justice and right of our attitude, you will place no difficulty in the way of the delivery of said munitions. This communication is sent in duplicate so that at the foot of one original you will kindly acknowledge receipt. Your obedient servant, F. M. RIVAS, Inspector General of the Atlantic Coast. And the second is as follows: EL BLUFF, July 21, 1910. SIR: Permit me to transcribe to you the communication which, under date of tr^ 16th of the present month of this year, I have received from the delegate of the execu- tive: SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, July 16, 1910. Gen. FERNANDO M. RIVAS, El Bluff: Under date of the 12th instant the President telegraphed me that the minister general, Dr. Baca, has received from the consul general of Norway in Habana, the following cable [here the cable]: This office has received reliable information that the steamer Hiriam carries muni- tions of war for the revolution headed by Gen. Juan J. Estrada. I am addressing a communication to the captain of said steamer asking the delivery of said munitions to me, supported by the terms of the cable above transcribed. I do not doubt that you, having knowledge of said cable, will be convinced of the justice and right of our course in issuing said orders, in the way of whose execution I believe you will place no difficulties of any kind whatever; and in case objection is going to be made I hope that you will kindly inform me of it in writing before you permit the entrance of the steamer Hiriam into Bluefields, which I doubt, because of my conviction of the neu- trality of your Government and the manner in which you have interpreted it. Your obedient servant, F. M. RIVAS, Inspector General of the Atlantic Coast. COMMANDER OF THE NAVAL FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, In front of El Bluff. NICARAGUA!* AFFAIRS. 53 He replied to me as follows : No. B, 61, U. S. S. "DuBUQUE," SD RATE, Bluefields, Nicaragua, C. A. July 22, 1910. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of July 21, 1910. I will require the steamers to anchor near my ship until status of her cargo is determined. I shall then take such action as the circumstances demand in accordance with instructions from my Government in regard to protecting American commerce and preserving neutrality. Very respectfully, H. R. RINES, Commander United States Navy, Commanding Officer Present on the East Coast of Nicaragua. den. FERNANDO M. RIVAS, Commanding El Bluff, Nicaragua, C. A. Last night the steamer Ulstein arrived. I immediately sent an official communication identical with that sent to the captain of the Hiriam; but he refused to receive it, announcing that if anything was desired of him the commander of the Dubuque should be treated with. The communications were delivered to said commander, who stated that he would not say whether or not the captain of the Ulstein wished to receive the communication, much less sign the dupli- cate sent him as proof that said communication had been sent to him. Moreover, the commander of the Dubuque stated to General Francisco Altschul and Don Ofilio Arguello, who serves as my interpreter, that he was a partisan of the revolutionaries, and that he had said to the captain of the Ulstein that if he desired not to be placed in communication with us, he would assist him unconditionally and to that end he put soldiers aboard and ordered him to enter the port of Bluefields, which he did to-day. I have addressed a protest to the representative of the consul of Norway in Bluefields, beginning said protest with a copy of the cable from the consul general of Norway in Habana. This com- munication will be forwarded through the commander of the Du- luque, in case he cares to take it, though, in view of the hostility of this officer of the American Navy, I am doubtful that it will reach its destination. Meanwhile there is not here a vessel of war under a neutral com- mander of any other country, and the interests of your Government are at the mercy of the officers of the American Navy, who are inspired by the counsels of the American consul in Bluefields, who is more of a revolutionist than Estrada and Chamorro. Your subaltern, F. M. RIVAS. [Copia.l SAN JUAN NORTE, 1.15 del 24 de Junio de 1910. COMANDANTE GENERAL. El 11 nos apoderamos del Cabo sin ninguna resistencia, pues con mucha anticipacion el Administrador Quijano y el Inspector Fran- cisco Bolanos, se habian huido para Honduras dejando la plaza en poder del Director de Policia Arturo Enriquez, a quien le di toda ^clase de garantias, el Coronel Rafael Alvarez quedo como Inspector, 54 NICARAGUAN AFFAIES. Don Pedro A. Blandon como Administrador de la Aduana, Don Rafael Garcia Contador y Tenedor de Libros. En dicho lugar encon- tramos 59 rifles. El 18 nos apoderamos de Prinzapolka, despues de una ligera resistencia en la que tuvimos un herido por nuestra parte y varios los revolucionarios a quienes se les quit 6 un canon Parott con el que hicieron algunos disparos al San Jacinto. Ha quedado como Gober- nador de ese lugar el Coronel Don Enrique Espinosa quien fue junto* con los Coroneles Perdomo, Carter e Irias que tonm6 'dicho lugar. Corns Island fue tornado sin resistencia y quedo como Gobernador el Capitan Jesus Monterry. De Prinzapolka envie dos expediciones una sobre Wawa Rivers y otra sobre Rio Grande y no dudo que esos lugares estan en nuestro poder. El Coronel Gabriel Salamanca lo he dejado como Gobernador de Laguna de Perlas. Relativamente nos tardamos mucho tiempo en estas operaciones porque en el Cabo perdimos 6 dias debido a frecuentes tempestades, lo cual nos ocasiono demasiado trabajo y no escasos peligros, J. IRIAS, Delegado del Ejecutivo. [Translation.] DELEGATE OF THE EXECUTIVE TO THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE, June 24, 1910 1 .15. COMMANDER IN CHIEF: On the llth we took possession of the cape without resistance; in good tune the collector, Quijano, and the inspector, Francisco Bolafios, fled to Honduras, leaving the place in charge of Chief of Police Arturo Enriquez, to whom I gave every guaranty. Col. Rafael Alvarez became inspector, Pedro A. Blandon, collector of customs, Rafael Garcia, cashier and bookkeeper. In said place 59 rifles were found. On the 18th we took Prinzapolka, after a slight resistance, in which one on our side was wounded and several revolutionists from whom I took a Parott gun, which they used at San Jacinto. Col. Enrique Espinosa, who took said place with Cols. Perdomo, Carter, and Irias, has been made governor. Corns Island was taken without resistance, and Capt. Jesus Monterey became governor. From Prinzapolka I sent two expeditions, one against Hawa River and the other against Rio Grande, and I do not doubt that these places are in our possession., I have left Col. Gabriel Salamanca as governor of Laguna de Perlas. Relatively we are consuming much time in these operations, for we lost six days in the cape because of frequent storms, which brought us much work and many dangers. J. IRIAS, Delegate of the Executive*. [Copia.] [Dep. San Jose CR. 1 p. m. del 27 de junio de 1910. Rec. Managua 10 a. m. de 28 de junio do 1910.] Senor Dr. JOSE MADRIZ: Entendido de que se autorizara gasto para repatriation de los que han llegado; son verdaderos martires que han sufrido penalidades sin numero por no querer prestar sus servicios en Bluefields. Por todos son catorce y vienen sin recursos de ninguna clase. Nicolas NICAKAGUAN AFFAIKS. 55. Gadea h., me cuenta que despues del combate de Bluefields, los Americanos que tienen sus cuarteles en la cuidad y mandan alii como verdaderos duenos y despotas, se hicieron cargo de los avanzados de los tropas del gobierno. Estos infelices son empleados en los trabajos mas abyectos como criados en los cuarteles Americanos para limpiar pisos, botar la basura, etc., y que la escasa y mala alimentaci6n que reciben esta acabando con ellos. Dice Gadea que 61 y todos tienen la conviccion de que si los Americanos se retiran la revoluci6n se acabaria sin disparar un solo tiro. Su afmo amigo y S. S. ALCEO HAZERA. [Translation.] ALCEO HAZARA TO PRESIDENT MADRIZ. SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA, June 27, 1910 1 p. m. (Received Managua, June 28, 1910 10 a. m.) Dr. JOSE MADRIZ: Understand funds will be authorized for repatriation of those that have arrived. They are real martyrs, who have suffered numberless penalties for not lending their services at Bluefields. In all, there are 14, and they are without resources. Nicolas Gadea, jr., tells me that after the battle of Bluefields the Americans, who have their barracks in the city and command there like real owners and despots, took the outposts of the Government troops. These unfortunates are employed in the lowest kind of work as servants in the American barracks, cleaning floors, carrying put the refuse, etc., and the scanty and bad food they receive is finishing them. Gadea says that he and everyone is convinced that if the Americans retired the revolution would end without firing a single shot. ALCEO HAZERA. [San Juan del Sur, las 9 y 10 a. m. del 5 de julio de 1910. Managua, las 11 a. m. del 5 de julio de 1910.]' Sefior PRESIDENTS: En discurso que pronunci6 ayer en Filadelfia con motiyo de la independencia americana Mr. John Barrett refiriendose a Nicaragua, dijo: Se espera que concluira brevemente la revolution. Crece la opinidn favor de for- mation de una sola Republica Centro Americano compuesta de Guatamela, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica. Afmo. E. A. KELLY. [Translation.] E. A. KELLY TO PRESIDENT MADRIZ. SAN JUAN DEL SUR, July 5, 1910 9.10 a. m. (Managua, July 5, 1910 11 a. m.) Mr. PRESIDENT: In address delivered yesterday, American Independence Day, in Philadelphia, Mr. John Barrett, referring to Nicaragua, said: It is hoped that the revolution will soon end. Opinion grows favor formation of a. single Central American Republic, composed of Guatemala^ Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. E. A. KELLY. 56 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. [Copia. Cable.] COREA, Washington: Gobierno ha dado ordenes impedir manifestaciones antiamericanas y ha hecho mas riguroso sobre el particular censura de prensa. fcrobierno garantiza seguridad completa ciudadanos americanos. Recuerde cases de Fowler, Jorg. Cannon, y Pittman. Comuniquelo Departamento de Estado. MADRIZ. [Translation. Cable.] PRESIDENT MADRIZ TO NICARAGUAN MINISTER IN WASHINGTON. COREA, Washington: Government has given orders to prevent ant i- American manifesta- tions and has made censorship of press in this regard stricter. Gov- ernment guarantees complete security American citizens. Recall cases of Fowler, Cannon, and Pittman. Communicate to Department of State. MADRIZ. [Copia.] Todavia recuerdan los panamenos el cable de Roosevelt dirigido a Taft (entonces Ministro de la Guerra de los Estados Unidos) de visita en Panama, durante las ultimas elecciones presidenciales, en que con un descaro inaudito, le dijo: Se autoriza a Ud. para decir al Presidente Amador que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos considera cualquier tentativa de metodos fraudulentos para negar a una gran parte del pueblo la oportunidad de emitir su voto en la eleccion de Presidente, como un hecho que constituye perturbacion del orden publico el cual, conforme a la Constitucion de Panama, requiere la intervenci6n y que este Gobierno no permi- tira que el Gobierno de Panama pase a manos de quien sea elegido de ese modo. En caso que la intervention nos parezca necesaria, este Gobierno tendra que considerar que medidas tomara para corregir las faltas cometidas e impedir su repetition en adelante. Roosevelt. [Copia del aerograma que con fecha 18 del actual dirijrj'6 el Sefior S. Lewis al Senor Gobernador de Bocas del Toro.] Si barco llegado ese puerto procedente Bluefields tiene papeles en orden, permita desembarco pasajeros. Registrelo cuidadosamente, cerciorarse si no contiene contrabando de guerra. - Puede despacharlo cualquier puerto excepto Bluefields. [Translation.] Panamenos still remember the cable of Roosevelt addressed to Taft (then Secretary of War of the United States) on a visit to Panama, during the last presidential elections, in which, with extraordinary effrontery, he said: You are authorized to say to President Amador that the Government of the United States considers any attempt at fraudulent methods to deny to a large part of the people the opportunity to vote in the election for President as an act which constitutes a perturbation of public order which, under the constitution of Panama, requires intervention, and that this Government will not permit the Government of Panama to pass into the hands of whoever may be elected in that way. In case intervention appears to us necessary, this Government will have to consider the measures it will take to correct the abuses and prevent their repetition in the future. Roosevelt. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 57 {Copy of an aerogram which, on the 18th instant, Mr. S. Lewis addresed to the governor of Bocas del Toro.] If boat arrived that port, proceeding Bluefields, has papers in order, permit landing passengers. Inspect it carefully, making sure whether it carries contraband. Can clear it for any port except Bluefields. CABLEGRAM A DEL SR. MINISTRO GENERAL Y LAS CONTESTACIONES DE LAS CANCILLERIAS DE LAS NACIONES AMIGAS. [Copia. Cablegrams.] [Depositado en C. M. 5 p. m. del 15-6 de 1910.] Exmo Senor Secretario Relaciones Exteriores Londres, Berlin, Paris, Roma, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Santiago de Chile, Mexico, Bogota, Lima, Panama: Grave trascendental asunto para Nicaragua me obliga distraer su alt a atencion. Nuestra guerra civil estaba para terminar con la toma de Blue- fields por nuestro ejercito. Comandante Crucero Americano Paducah desembarco fuerzas Bluefields e intimo opondriase a nuestra ocupa- cion, no obstante estar alii centro y fuerzas de partido revolucionario. Ocupamos Bluff, Have Bluefields, venciendo resistencia armada e ibamos establecer bloqueo. Gobierno americano impidelo respecto de naves americanas; declara que impuesto aduanero debe pagarse revolucion que ha restablecido nueva aduana en schooner Key y exige se dejen entrar libremente dichas naves f rente nuestras posiciones aunque lleven municiones para revolucionarios. Comandante Padu- cah amenazo que hundiria nuestros barcos si nuestras fuerzas ataban Bluefields y que haria respetar con sus canones comercio americano aunque fuese municiones para revolucionarios. Estos aunque reducidos Bluefields preparanse alii impunemente para atacarnos. Presidente Madriz cable grafio estos hechos Presidente Taft, pidiendo neutralidad. Al informarlo Gobierno de V. E. solicito respetuosamente sus buenos oficios ante Cabinete de Washington para que se deje libre a este Gobierno en la pacificacion del pais sin aquellas restricciones que son verdadera causa de que guerra continue, con incalculables danos y grave peligro de este -Republica. Nicaragua invoca derechos soberania, principios universales de justicia y declaraciones Gobierno Americano a favor naciones debiles de este Continente. Confia ademas en apoyo moral de naciones amigas. Suplico V. E. urgente recibo y me firmo con toda consideracion atento servidor. F. BACA, Ministro General. [Copia.] MEJICO, 8-35 p. m. del 16 de junio de 1910. Sr. Emo Sr. MINISTRO GENERAL DE NIC., Managua: Urgente en respuesta al telegrama de Vuecencia fecha hoy, tengo la honra de trascribirle lo que el Senor Presidente Diaz se ha servido telegrafiar al Senor Presidente Taft : En la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de Mejico acaba de recivirse siguiente mensaje telegrafico precedente del Ministro General del Presidente Madriz de Nica- 58 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. ragua; aqui el mensaje de Vuecencia. Si los hechos son exactos en todos sus puntos- yo me permitiria encarecer amistosamente a Vuecencia que inspirandose una vez mds en el alto espiritu justiciero que siempre ha distinguido al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, se reconsideraran las disposiciones que Nicaragua lame'ntase d fin de permitir al Gobierno de Madriz dentro de prudencial plazo breve la completa pacificacion que ofrece, pues la prolongacion de aquel estado de guerra quizas per- judique a toda Centroamerica. Si en alguna otra forma cree Vuecencia que mis buenos oficios sean utiles d la paci- ficacion de Nicaragua estare siempre dispuesto a ejercitarlas. PORFIRIO DIAZ. Retorno a Vuecencia sus sentimientos de consider acion. ENRIQUE C. CREEL. [Copia.] PANAMA, 44$ P- in- del 18 de Junio de 1910. Senor F. BACA, Ministro General: Acuso a V. E. recibo de su comunicacion cablegrafica explicando situcion del Gobierno de Nicaragua, el panameno agradece la honra que el de V. E. le dispensa y prestara la mayor atencion a los deseos expresados por V. E. de que interponga sus buenos oficios con el Gooierno Americano a fin de que se deje libre al Gobierno del Presi- dente Madriz en la pacificacion del pais cuando las circunstancias lo permitan me sera grato comunicar a V. E. la resolucion que tome al respecto el Gobierno de Panama. Reiterome de V. E. atento servidor, S. LEWIS, Rio DE JANEIRO, a las 8 a. m. del 18 de Junio de 1910. Senor MINISTRO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES, Managua: Tiv, a, honra de receber, o, telegramma de vossa excellencia e logo encarregues a embaixada do Brasil em Washington de pedir informacoes sobre o caso e communical o desejo manif estado por vossa excellencia mas eston convencido de que esse Governo con- hecera melhor e mais rapidamente o pensamento do governo ameri- cano pela resposta que o Presidente Taft deter ao telegramma do Presidente Madriz de que vossa excellencia mos den noticia que ira vossa excellencia receber as minhas mais attentas sandacoes. Rio BRANCO. [Copia.] CARACAS, 6.20 p. m. del 18 de junio de 1910. Senor MINISTRO GENERAL, Managua: Recibido cablegrafiamos Ministro Venezuela Washington lo sigui- ente Nicaragua telegrafia ingerencia agentes Estados Unidos vea Srio Estado e informe. MATOS. SAN JUAN DEL SUR, 8.55 p. m. del 16 de junio de J9JO. Oficina. Nuestro N 357. Exmo Senor Ministro General, sirvase leer. " Gobierno de Estados Unidos. " Oficina del Cable.) NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 5$ [Copia.] LIMA, 5.30 p. m. del 17 de junio de 1910. Exmo Senor MINISTRO GENERAL BACA, Managua: Contestando el estimable cablegarma de Vuecencia me es honroso expresarle los sinceros votos del Peru por que cesen las perturb aciones que agitan hoy a ese pais hermano no obstante las graves preocu- paciones de caracter international a que actualmente atiende el Perl nos sera grato estudiar la gestion de Vuecencia una vez que obtengamos la informacion que corresponde de parte del Gobierno Americano con quien mantenemos la misma cordial amistad que con el de Vuecencia esperandp que Vuecencia reconocera la justicia de esta espectativa, me suscribo con atenta consideracion seguro servidor. M. F. PORRAS, Ministro de Relaciones Exterior es. HABANA, 6.20 p. m. del 17 de junio de 1910. Exmo Sr. MINISTRO GENERAL F. BACA, Managua: Recibido cable V E. y consultado sefipr Presidente me ordena manifestar V E. su disposicion a cuanto tienda restablecer armonia entre naciones amigas y afirmar la paz del continente saludo V E. MANUEL SANGUILY, Srio de Estado. [Copia.] MEXICO, 6-12 del 17 de junio de 1910. Exmo Sr. PRESIDENTS MADRIZ, Managua, Nic. : Correspondo atento telegrama de Vuecencia de ayer manifes- tandple que ayer mismo fue informado su Gobierno de mi inter- vencion amistosa cerca del Exmo Sr. Taft. PORFIRIO DIAZ. SANTIAGO, CHILE, 3.88 p. m. del 22/6 de 1910. Exmo MINISTRO RR. EE., Managua: He tornado not a de los sucesos que V E. me comunica en su tele- grama del 16 del cprriente y formulo votos porque las dificultades en que esa nacion amiga y hermana se encuentre, tengan pronta solucion que restablezca paz, interna de Nicaragua y satisfaga las aspira- ciones de cordialidad americana que animan a las naciones de este continente. Acepte V E. los sentimientos de mi mas alt a y distin- guida consideracion. AGUSTIN EDWARDS, Mtro de Relaciones Exterior es* 60 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. CABLEGRAM OF THE MINISTER GENERAL AND THE REPLIES OF THE CHANCELLERIES OF FRIENDLY NATIONS. [Translation. Cablegram.] MINISTER GENERAL OF NICARAGUA TO MINISTERS FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS AT LONDON, PARIS, ROME, ETC. [Deposited in C. M. 6/15, 1910.] His excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs, London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Santiago de Chile, Mexico, Bogota, Lima, Panama: Grave, transcendental matter for Nicaragua obliges me to claim your kind attention. Our civil war was about to be ended with the capture of Bluefields by our army. Commander American cruiser Paducah landed forces Bluefields and intimated he would resist our occupation notwith- standing that there was the center and army of the revolutionary party. We occupy Bluff, key to Bluefields, triumphing over armed re- sistance, and. we were going to establish a blockade. American Government prevents it respecting American vessels; declares that customs should be paid revolution, which has reestablished new cus- tomhouse at Schooner Key and requires allow freely to enter said vessels in front of our positions though they may carry munitions for revolutionists. Commander Paducah threatened to sink our ships if our forces attacked Bluefields, and that he would make American com- merce be respected with his guns, though it should be munitions for the revolutionists. These though Bluefields reduced preparing there with impunity to attack us. President Madriz cabled these facts to President Taft asking neutrality. Upon informing Government of Y. E., I respectfully solicit your good offices with the Washington Government tnat this Government be left free to pacify the country without those restrictions which are the real cause of the continuation of the war, with incalculable damage and grave danger to this Republic. Nicaragua invokes rights, sovereignty, universal principles of justice, and declarations American Government in favor weak nations of this continent. She trusts, moreover, in the moral aid of friendly nations. I beg Y. E. urgently acknowledge receipt and I subscribe myself, with every -consideration, Your obedient servant, F. BACA, Minister General. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF MEXICO TO MINISTER GENERAL OF NICARAGUA. MEXICO, June 16, 19108.35 p. m. His Excellency the MINISTER GENERAL OF NICARAGUA, Managua: Urgently replying to your excellency's telegram, dated to-day, I have the honor to transcribe what President Diaz has telegraphed to President Taft: The department of foreign relations of Mexico has just received the following telegraphic message from the minister general of President Madriz of Nicaragua: e message of your excellency.) If the facts are exact in every point, I would NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 61 permit myself to recommend in a friendly way to your excellency that being still inspired by the high spirit of justice that always has distinguished the Government of the United States of America, the dispositions that Nicaragua laments will be reconsidered to the end that the government of Madriz within a reasonably limited time be permitted to complete the pacification proposed, for the prolongation of this state of war may, perhaps, be harmful to all Central America. If your excellency believes that my good offices in any other form would contribute toward the pacification of Nicaragua, I shall always be disposed to exercise them. PORFIRIO DIAZ. Accept, your excellency, equal assurances of consideration. ENRIQUE C. CREEL. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF PANAMA TO MINISTER GENERAL OF NICARAGUA. PANAMA, June 18, 1910 44$ p. m. Mr. F. BAG A, Minister General: I acknowledge the cablegraphic communication of Y. E. explain- ing the situation of the Government of Nicaragua. That of Panama esteems the honor which the Government of Y. E. does it and will lend the closest attention to the desires expressed by Y. E. that its good offices be exercised with the American Government to the end that the Government of President Madriz be left free in the pacifica- tion of the country. When circumstances permit I will gladly com- municate to Y. E. the resolution which the Government of Panama may take. I subscribe myself Y. E.'s obedient servant, S. LEWIS. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF BRAZIL TO MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF NICARAGUA. Rio DE JANEIRO, June 18, 1910 8 a. m. MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Managua: I had the honor to receive the telegram of Y. E. and instructed the embassy of Brazil in Washington to ask information relative to the case and communicated the desire manifested by your excellency, but I am convinced that your Government will better and more quickly learn the views of the American Government through the reply of President Taft to the telegram of President Madriz, of which your excellency informed me, than your excellency would receive through my most attentive efforts. Rio BRANCO. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF VENEZUELA TO MINISTER GEN- ERAL OF NICARAGUA. CARACAS, June 18, 19106.20 p. m. MINISTER GENERAL, Managua: Received. We cabled minister Venezuela, Washington, the fol- lowing: Nicaragua telegraphs interference agents United States. See vSecretary State and report. MATOS. (Office. Our No. 357. Minister General, kindly read. " Govern- ment of the United States." Cable Office.) 62 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF PERU TO MINISTER GENERAL OP NICARAGUA. LIMA, June 17, 19105.30 p. m. His excellency MINISTER GENERAL BACA, Managua: In reply to the esteemed cablegram of your excellency I beg to express the sincere hopes of Peru that the perturbations which our brother country are now suffering will cease, notwithstanding the grave preoccupations of an international character which now appear. Peru will be pleased to study the matter presented by your excel- lency upon obtaining the corresponding information from the Amer- ican Government with which we maintain the same cordial friendship as with that of your excellency. Trusting that your excellency will recognize the justice of this attitude I subscribe myself, with every consideration. Your obedient servant, M. F. PARR AS, Minister for Foreign Affairs. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF CUBA TO MINISTER GENERAL OP % NICARAGUA. HAVANA, June 17, 19106.20 p. m. His Excellency MINISTER GENERAL F. BACA, Managua: Received Y. E.'s cable and consulted the President, who directs me to inform Y. E. of his disposition in favor of whatever may tend to reestablish harmony between friendly nations and secure the peace of the continent. I salute Y. E. MANUEL SANGUILLY, Secretary of State. [Translation.] PRESIDENT DIAZ TO PRESIDENT MADRIZ. MEXICO, June 17, 19106.12. His Excellency PRESIDENT MADRIZ, Managua, Nicaragua: I acknowledge the esteemed telegram of your excellency, dated yesterday, stating that yesterday your Government was informed of my friendly mediation with his excellency President Taft. . PORFIRIO DIAZ. [Translation.] MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF CHILE TO MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF NICARAGUA. SANTIAGO, CHILE, 6/22, 1910 8.38 p. m. His Excellency the MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Managua: I have taken note of the events which Y. E. communicated to me in your telegram of the 16th instant, and I hope that the difficulties in which this friendly and sister nation finds itself may have prompt NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 63 solution that will reestablish the domestic peace of Nicaragua and satisfy the aspirations of American cordially that animate the nations of the continent. Accept, Y. E., the assurance of my highest and most distinguished considerations. AGUSTIN EDWARDS, Minister for Foreign Affairs. BLUFF, 2 p. m. del 3 de agosto de 1910. Senor COMANDANTE GENERAL: Las comunicaciones que trascribi a U. dirigidas al Comandante de las fuerzas navales de Estados Unidos f rente a esta fortaleza, la dirigi al Consul de Noruega en Bluefields, y la dirigida al capitan del Utstein, no fueron contestadas por nimguno de ellos; y por la actitud agresiva que ha tornado el enemigo en estos ultimos dias, especialmente en los dias 30 y 31 del mes ppdo. que se sostuvo un verdadero comb ate de artilleria me prueba que las armas y parque fueron traidos y entregados a la revolucion y me afirma esta idea los proyectiles que recibira, que son absolutamente nuevos y distintos, y segun la opinion de entendidos en la materia, como el general Jacquillon, son americanos. Con fecha 31 del mes ppdo. recibi la comunicacion siguiente: ******* La que conteste" de la manera'siguiente : EL BLUFF, 2 de agosto de 1910. SENOR: He leido con detenimiento su comunicacion fecha 31 del mes ppdo. y de sus conceptos deduzco que U. me impone la obligacion de soportar con paciencia todas las agreciones que el enemigo me hace amparado de una u otra manera por el pabellon y soldados americanos, aunque para ello comprometa la accion que tengo empenada, bien sea asaltando al enemigo 6 repeliendolo, lo mismo que la amenaza que me hace de que capturara los vapores de guerra Maximo Jerez, que U. llama Venus y el San Jacinto, y que atacara esta fortileza. 1. Comunicacion anterior dirigida al Comandante del Paducah y que figuraba aquf como Comandante de las fuerzas navales de Estados Unidos, le suplique no pasara junto a la isla Half Way Jey proque mis artilleros no son tecnicos y carecen de instru- mentos para apreciar distancias y reconocer bien el o objeto a que le disparan. 2. Todas las embarcaciones, sin excepcionar una sola, que atracan a los muelles de la ciudad de Bluefields, han estado, y estan, y seguiran estando, al servicio de la revoluci6n encabezada por el general Juan J. Estrada lo mismo que las que hacen el trafico de cabotaje en solo costa. Para probar a U. lo anterior, le maninesto que el negro Adolfo Downs Ileg6 a Bluefields a bordo de la goleta welcome, a recoger unas armas, las que le fueron entregadas por el general Estrada, y conducidas en la misma lancha, cuyas armas serviran para atacar unos de los resguardos que el Gobierno constitucional de Nicaragua tenia en la costa. Estas armas cayeron en nuestro poder cuando ya las habian desembarcado. La lancha entro y salio protegida por la band era y soldados americanos. 3. El 29 del mes ppdo. uno de los vaporcitos gasolinas surtos frente a Bluefields, con pabel!6n y soldados amerkanos, con el pretexto de sacar practice para un vapor que iba a entrar despues de que el practice se dirigio en bote para dicho vapor, fondeo entre la isla San Demetrio, que esta en mi poder, y el campamento carbonera, donde perma- necio mas de una hora, examinando los tripulantes nuestras posiciones. Esto lo deduzco de que una vez despachado el practico en su bote, ya no tenia objeto su' permanencia allf. Este mismo vaporcito cuando venfa de Bluefields, atrac6 a la isla Half-way Key. 4. Ayer otro bote de gasolina con pabelldn y soldados americanos procedentes de Bluefields, fondeo en el lugar descrito el 2 anterior por mas de dos horas sin otro objeto quiza que" examinar los estragos que calcularon pudo haber hecho el bombardeo que el enemigo verified el dfa 6 dias anteriores contra esta fortaleza. Al regresar el bote, lo hizo caminandb lo mas cerca de la costa que le fue posible, y en ver de tomar la ruta 64 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. que U. sigue cuando va ii Bluefields en sus vaporcitos, se dirigi6 a la esquina del muelle pasando a unas 15 yardas y recorriendo el frente de el a esa distancia hasta llegar al extreme del muelle de donde hizo rumbo para Bluefields. 5. La goleta Hend que salio de Com Island con zarpe de la autoridad del Gobierno del doctor Madriz y con rumbo a esta fortaleza, entro con pabellon y soldados ameri- canos directamente a Bluefields. For los hechos relacionados desde el 2, 3 hasta el ultimo, en nombre del Gobierno constitutional de Nicaragua presidido por el senor doctor don Jose Madriz, y ante el mundo civilizado, hago a U. protesta de dichos hechos, y para concluir, tengo la honra de manifestarle que si U . encuentra pretexto para cumplir las amenazas que me hace, ni los vapores maximo Jerez, San Jacinto, ni yo, nos defenderemos, aunque tenemos medios para hacerlo, asegurandole que mas de al guna averia le hariamos; pero quiero que la responsabilidadde estos hechos, en caso lleguen a suceder, recaigan unicamente en U. Asi me doy el honor de contestar su comunicacion citada suscribiendome su atento 8. 8. F. M. RIVAS. Inspector Oral, de la costa atldntica Al COMANDANTE DE LA CANONERA "DUBUQUE," Frente al Bluff, Nicaragua, C. A. Su subalterno, F. M. RIVAS. De la comunicacion del Comandante del vapor de guerra Dubuque se desprende que no podremos atacar schooner Kay, donde na trasladado la aduana Juan Estrada y donde siempre hay embarca- ciones que entran y salen. Ademas schooner Kay se mantiene defendido por los vapores Blanca y Ometepe, los cuales deberan estar parados ya por falta de carbon, lo que no sucedera porque les entra de los Estados Unidos en los vapores que navagan con bandera noruega. La comunicacion que el Consul de S. M. B. residente en San Juan del Norte dirigida al viceconsul de la misma nacion residente en Bluefields, no ha tenido ningun efecto pues los negros y criollos de esta costa continuan al servicio de la revolucion debido a que el viceconsul es partidario de la revolucion, segun he sido informado por distintas personas. F. M. RIVAS. BUQUE DE GUERRA DE SA CLASE " DUBUQUE," En las afueras de la rada de Bluejields, Nic., 31 de julio de 1910. SENOR: El consul americano en Bluefields me informa que los proyectiles de sus canones disparados desee El Bluff, dirigidos apar- entemente sobre Halfway Cay, han caido dentro de las cien varas de la ciudad. Si cualesquiera se sus proyectiles cae dentro de los limites de los buques que estan anclados en los muelles de la ciudad de Blue- fields, 6 cerca de ellos, yo considerare esto como un bombardeo a la ciudad, lo, cual se ha avisado a U. no se permitira. Los muelles de Bluefields estan aproximadamente a 4 millas y Halfway Kay aprox- imadamente a 1.3 4 millas del Bluff, y no es probable que sus artilleros sean tan poco expertos que hagan punterias de 8,000 varas cuando disparan a un punto distante 3,500 varas. No permitire sea bom- bardeada la ciudad de Bluefields con el pretexto de hacer fuego sobre Halfway Kay. Cuando iba en camino para Bluefields como a la 1.30 p. m. del 30 de Julio, a bordo del Dubuque, sus canones en el muelle disparaban muy cerca de mi barco, y se me informa que sus canones dispararon por encima del buque mercante Imperator cuando NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 65 cruzaba El Bluff en la manana del mismo dia. No permitire disparos inconexos desde El Bluff 6 de Halfway Kay que han estado lanzan- dose por intervales desde hace varies dias con la mira de impedir el paso frente al Bluff a los botes de los buques bajo mi mando, 6 a las embarcaciones empleadas en el coniercio americano. Si se efectua algun ataque parcial 6 general por cualquiera de las dos partes, que impida el pasaje de las naves bajo mi proteccion, no sera permitido que entorpezcan las operaciones. Tengo el honor de informarle que si se bombardea la ciudad de Bluefields con el pretexto de atacar Halfway Cay, 6 si un disparo de sus canones da contra cualquier buque bajo mi proteccion, procedere inmediatamente a la captura del Venus y del San Jacinto, y si fuere necesario, apelare a la fuerza para atacar El Bluff. Respetuosamente, H. K. Kius, Comandante Naval de los Estados Unidos al mando del Dubuque en la costa oriental de Nicaragua. Al Genl. F. M. RIVAS. [Translation.] BLUFF, August 3, 1910 2 p.m. COMMANDER IN CHIEF: The communications that I transcribed to you addressed to the commander of the' naval forces of the United States in front of this fort, that addressed to the consul of Norway in Bluefields, and that addressed to the captain of the Utstein were not replied to by any of them, and the aggressive attitude assumed by the enemy in these last days, especially on the 30th and 31st ultimo, when an artillery engagement took place, proves to me that the arms and ammunition brought and delivered to the revolution, and convinces me that the projectiles, which are absolutely new and destructive, and according to the opinion of persons informed in such matters, as Gen. Jacquillon, are American. Under date of the 31st ultimo I received the following commu- nication : ******* To which I replied, as follows: EL BLUFF, August 2, 1910. SIR: I have read with attention your communication, dated the 3Tst ultimo, and from it I infer that you impose upon me the obligation of supporting with patience all the aggressions made upon me by the enemy, assisted in one way and another by the American flag and soldiers, although by so doing I would jeopardize the cam- paign that I have undertaken, whether it be assaulting the enemy or repulsing him, as well as the threat made by the enemy to capture the ships of war Maximo Jerez, which you call the Venus, and the San Jacinto and to attack this fort. 1. In a previous communication addressed to the commander of the Paducah and who acted here as commander of the naval forces of the United States, I requested him not to pass near Half Way Key Island, because my artillerymen are not technical men and lack instruments to estimate distances and to examine closely the object at which they discharge. 2. All the boats, without a single exception, that come to the docks of the city of Bluefields have been, are, and will continue to be in the service of the revolution headed by Gen. Juan J. Estrada as well as those that engage solely in coasting trade. To prove this to you, I mention that the negro Adolfo Downs arrived at Bluefields aboard the schooner Welcome to procure arms, which were delivered to him by Gen. 7846713 5 66 NICABAGUAN AFFAIES. Estrada, and carried in the same boat, which arms were destined to attack some of the coast guards which the constitutional Government of Nicaragua had on the coast. Their arms fell into our hands after being landed. The boat entered and sailed protected by the American flag and soldiers. 3. On the 29th ultimo one of the gasoline launches anchored in front of Bluefields, with American flag and soldiers, under pretext of taking a pilot out to a steamer that was about to enter after the pilot had left in a boat for said steamer, cast anchor between San Demetrio Island, which is in my hands, and Camp Carbpnera, where it remained more than an hour, the crew examining our positions. I infer that after the pilot had left in his boat there was no object in its remaining there. This same launch in coming from Bluefields passed close to Half Way Key Island. 4. Yesterday another gasoline launch with American flag and soldiers anchored in the placed described in two above, for more than two hours without other object, perhaps, than to examine the damage done by the bombardment which the enemy carried on the day or days previous against this fort. The launch on its return came as near the coast as possible, and instead of following the route that you follow when going to Bluefields in your launches, "came to within some 15 yards of the corner of the dock and passed along the front of it at this distance until it reached the end of the dock, from whence it set out in the direction of Bluefields. 5. The schooner Hend, which sailed from Corn Island with a clearance from the authorities of the Government of Dr. Madriz for this fort, entered Bluefields direct with American flag and soldiers. Because of the acts related from 2, 3, to the last, in the name of the constitutional government of Dr. Jose Madriz, and before the civilized world, I make protest to you against said acts; and, in conclusion, I have the honor to inform you that if you find pretext for carrying out the threats you make to me, neither the ships Maximo Jerez, San Jacinto, nor I will defend ourselves, although we have the means of doing it and are certain of our ability to do damage, but I desire that the responsibility for these acts, in case they come, shall rest solely with you. Thus I do myself the honor of replying to your said communication, and remain Your obedient servant, F. M. RIVAS, Inspector General of the Atlantic Coast. To the COMMANDER OP THE GUNBOAT "DUBUQUE," In front of El Bluff, Nicaragua, C. A. Your subaltern, F. M. RIVAS. From the communication of the commander of the vessel of war Dubuque it will be seen that we can not attack Schooner Key, to which point Juan Estrada has moved the customhouse and where boats are always entering and leaving. However, Schooner Key is defended by the steamers Blanco, and Ometepe, which should be unable to move, because they are already without coal; but this will not follow, for vessels sailing under the Norwegian flag bring it from the United States. The communication of H. B. M. resident in San Juan del Norte addressed to the vice consul of the same Government resident in Bluefields has had no effect, for the negroes and Creoles of this coast continue in the service of the revolution, due to the fact that the vice consul is a partisan of the revolution, according to information received from several persons. F. M. RIVAS. This is a translation into Spanish. VESSEL or NAVY, 3D CLASS, " DUBUQUE," Roadstead at Bluefields, Nicaragua, July 31, 1910. Gen. F. M. RIVAS. SIR: ******* H. K. KLUS, Commander, in command of " Dubuque," on the Eastern Coast of Nicaragua. NICARAGUA!* AFFAIRS. 67 COM AND AN CIA DE ARMAS, CoRINTO, NICARAGUA. En el puerto de Gorinto a las des de la tarde del nueve de marzo de mil naolciento diez. El suscrito, Comandante del puerto, en cumplimento de ordenes recibidas del Senor Comandante General de la Republica y a presencia de las Senores Don Enrique Palazio, Agente Consular Ingles, y Don Carlos Luis Hinckel, procedi a tomarle declaracion a un individuo, quien libre de prisiones y exportanea- mente, la evacuo del modo siguente. Preguntado por su nombre, edad, estado, profesion y nacionalidad, contesta que se llama George F. Cannon, de ocinticuato aiios, Fane- dor de Libro y ciudadano de las Estados Unidos. Preguntado si es cierto que durante la actual revolucion, ha acom- panaclo al General Emiliano Chamorro y en que caracter, contesta: que acompano al General Chamorro en calidad de ayudante. Preguntado si es cierto c[ue en el local de la Comandancia General en Managua y a presencia del senor Emerson, corresponsal de la Tribuna de Chicago y otras personas mas, el declarante aseguio que habia sido enviado por el General Chamorro, Jefe de la Revoluci6n para asesinar al Doctor Jose Madriz, Presidents de la Republica y lo demas que sega, contesta que es cierto lo (jue se le pregunta y que no lo lleno a efecto por que el Doctor Madriz es hermano mason, por que il Cannon, es tambien mason. Preguntado para dande piensa dirigerse en su proximo viaje, fuera de la Republica, contesta: que va para Mejico y de aUi a Es- tados Unidos y -expontaneamente declara que jamas se voluera & meter en Revoluciones en Centro America. Se le lejo su declaraci6n, la encontro conforme y firma a presencia del suscrito Comandante de Semes, su secretario y los Senores Enrique Palazio y Carlos Luis Hinckel no habiendo lo hecho en presencia de los Srs. Consul y Vice- Consul Americanos en este puerto, Senores Johnson y Leonard por haberse escusado. S. SALNIAL. GEORGE F. CANNON. Paloria : C. L. HINCKEL. Ante mi: M. MADRIZ, SEIO. NOTA. Se hace constar que el Senor Carlos Luis Hinckel, es Vice- Consul de Alemania y Vice-Consul de Suecia. S. SALNIAL. This might be headed : GEORGE F. CANNON TO PRESIDENT MADRIZ, COPY. CORINTO, March 9, 1910. President MADRIZ, Of Nicaragua, Managua. SIR: I just had a talk with Comandante Salinas, of Corinto, who said that you gave him orders to have me sent to the next port south. But when I get there, or when I should even get to Panama, I will be absolutely stranded, without shelter and without food; furthermore, in Panama I need to show $15 gold, money I do not possess just now. 68 NICARAGTJAN AFFAIES. Before I do make a declaration compromising myself and Gen. Chamorro, I do ask you if you can not send me north to any port of Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, or the United States, where I will always be nearer to home. I do ask you this, sir, because I like to be sure of myself, and I do not want to stand absolutely stranded south; therefore I would prefer to go north. I hope you will do this for me and I will always thank you hearty. Hoping that you will settle this matter in my favor, as you know very well that I never will put myself in any other revolution, and that I have no desire to return to Nicaragua, I remain, sir, Yours, most obediently, GEORGE F. CANNON. [Translation.] DEPOSITION OF GEORGE F. CANNON. [Office of the Commandant of Ar.ns, Corinto, Nicaragua. (Seal.)) In the port of Corinto at 2 p. m., on the 9th of March, 1910, the undersigned commandant of arms of the port, in compliance with orders received from the commandant general of the Republic and in the presence of Mr. Enrique Palazio, English consular agent, and Mr. Carlos Luis Hinckel proceeded to take the deposition of an individual, who of his own free will and spontaneously deposed as follows: Asked his name, age, circumstances, profession, and nationality, he answered: That he is named George F. Cannon, 24 years of age, bookkeeper, and citizen of the United States. Asked if it is true that during the actual revolution he had accom- panied Gen. Emiliano Chamarro, and in what capacity, he replied: That he accompanied Gen. Chamarro in the capacity of adjutant. Asked if it is true that in the office of the commandant of arms in Managua and in the presence of Mr. Emerson, correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, and other persons, the deponent asserted that he had been sent by Gen. Chamarro, chief of the revolution, to assassinate Dr. Jose" Madriz, President of the Republic, he replied: That what he had been asked is true and that he did not accomplish it because Dr. Madriz is a brother Mason, for he, Cannon, is also a Mason. Asked where he intends to go on his approaching journey from the Republic, he replied: That he is going to Mexico, and from there to the United States; and he spontaneously declared that he would never again take part in revolutions in Central America. His dep- osition being read to him, he found it correct and signs in presence of the undersigned commandant of arms, his secretary, and Messrs. Enrique Palazio and Carlos Luis Hinckel, not having done so in presence of the American consul and vice consul in the port, Messrs. Johnson and Leonard, on account of having declined. S. SALINAS. GEORGE F. CANNON. C. L. HINCKEL. E. PALAZIO. Before me: M. MADRIOS, Secretary. NOTE. It should be stated that Mr. Carlos Luis Hinckel is vice consul of Germany and vice consul of Sweden. S. SALINAS. NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 69 MEMORANDUM. [Office of Chow Aquai, dealers in general merchandise.] PRINCIPULCA, NICARAGUA, C. A., - , 19 . Como a mediados de octubre ppdo. el Gobierno revolucionario encarcelo al subdito ingles H. F. Salter, obligandolo bajo la amenaza de palos a firmar giros por valor de $12,000 oro como apoderado de la casa Lopez y Martinez, contra la casa H. T. Cottam de New Orleans. Salter firmo los giros pero pudo avisar al girado a tiempo para que este no pagase. El vice consul de Su Majestad Sr. Chaput, intervino para lograr la libertad de Salter. Mascunana era el director de Policia. A principios de Mayo el pseudo-Presidente Estrada, acompanado de u nos cuantos soldados se constituyo personalmente en el local de la imprenta de Mr. H. P. Salter y arrojo a la calle todo el material de dicha imprenta inclusive las prensas, revolviendo en un solo pastel todo el tipo. . El Senor H. P. Salter se present 6 inmediatamente ante el vice consul encargado, Mr. Wurr pidiendole ampare y este le manifesto que abriria una informacion sobre el particular. A fines de Mayo los senores H. P. Salter y H. F. Salter, padre e hijo fueron reducidos a prision por el mismo jefe de la Revolucion Estrada sin otra causa que la de que estos Senores no simpatizaban con ella. El Sr. Wurr vice consul ingles encargado en esta otra ocasion, no hizo nada para dar proteccion a los subditos ingleses referidos. N. B. Tomese nota de que el Sr. Wurr ademas de ser vice consul ingles es Gerente del Hotel Tropical y que como tal, tiene en su caja documentos para cobrar contra la Revolucion por un valor que aseguran no baja de cuatro e cinco mil dollars ($5,000). A fines de Abril el Gobierno revolucionario se apodero de las embarcaciones de muchos subditos ingleses de Jamaica,- residentes en Mahogany Creek y se nego a darles el recibo correspondiente. Los interesados se que jaron a Mr. Wurr sin ningiin resultado. Tambien a fines de Abril 6 principios de Mayo, el gobierno revolu- cionario, para favorecer los intereses de la Bluefields S. S. Co. y obtener al mismo tiempo ventajas y favores de la misma, embargo manumilitary el material flotante y remolcadores de la Asociacion de Plantadores, cuyo capital pertenece en partes a subditos ingleses de Jamaica, ocasionando a dicha compania la perdita de 10,000 racimos de bananos que habia comprado y tenia listo en las vegas del Rio Escondido para embarcar en el Bluff, lo que no pudo yerifi- cans e por falta de su material flotante. El Sr. J. Brooks, Presidente de dicha Asociacion y subdito ingles, fue encarcelado el mismo dia en que se perpetro este atentado contra la Compania. Mr. Wurr no hizo caso de las reclamaciones presentadas. Despues del desastre de Tisma en Febrero, el gobierno revolucio- nario con el fin de arbitrar fondos encontro el sencillo medio de obligar al gremio de Plantadores a que dejaran a favor y beneficio de la revolucion y sin ningun recibo, la mitad del producto de la venta de fruta a las Companias exportadoras ; por supuesto que todos los plantadores ingleses fueron sometidos a la misma memedida, y por tanto sufrieron la injusta e inexplicable exaccion. 70 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. Los Sres. Jose Percival Moody y Francis Thomas, ingleses y Jorge Jacquillon, ciudadano frances fueron reducidos a prision porque no simpatizaban con la revolucion; este ultimo se dirigio por escrito a Mr. Wurr pidiendole amparoy aim mas la senora Jacquillon hablo personalmente con Mr. Wurr para que interviniese. Todo resulto vano, declarando el mencionado Mr. Wurr que no podia. Los Sennores Totorica y Montero espanoles, fueron groseramente insultados y amenazados por Estrada y despue"s puestos en estado de arresto; por el simple necho de haber solicitado el pago de una parte del dinero que les debe la revolucion. La revolucion vendio el Capitan Crighton la goleta " Atlantic" de la difunta Emerta Compania Emery, perteneciente a la Republica de Nicaragua; Crighton la vendio a Piazza el cual la envio fuera del pais; la escritura de venta la hizo Don Segundo Calonge el cual hizo presente que la personeria estaba duodosa. Precio cinco mil dollars. Las canoneras norte-americanas Paducah y Dubuque tienen virtu- almente bloqueado el puerto del Bluff, porque no permiten a nin- guna embarcacion la entrada a la bahia sin registrarla y ponerle bandera norte-americana, cualesquiera que sea su nacionalidad; ademas se sirven de la bandera inglesa embarcaciones pequenas de esta localidad que no tienen derecho, ni pertenecen a subditos ingleses. [Translation,] MEMORANDUM. [On paper headed: Office of Chow Aquai, dealers in merchandise.] PRINCIPULEA, NICARAGUA, C. A., - , 19 . About the middle of last October the revolutionary government imprisoned the English subject, H. F. Salter, obliging him, under threat of whipping, to sign drafts to the value of $12,000 gold as attorney in fact of the house of Lopez & Martinez against the house of H. T. Cottam, of New Orleans. Salter signed the drafts, but was able to advise the drawee in tune to stop payment. The vice consul of His Majesty, Mr. Chaput, secured the release of Salter. Mascufiana was chief of police. ' The beginning of May pseudo-President Estrada, with a number of soldiers, occupied the printing establishment of Mr. H. P. Salter and threw into the street all the material and supplies of said printing establishment, including the presses, making one mass of the type. Mr. H. P. Salter 'immediately appeared before the vice consul in charge, Mr. Wurr, and applied for relief, and Mr. Wurr informed him that he would investigate the case. The end of May Messrs. H. P. Salter and H. F. Salter, father and son, were imprisoned by the same chief of the revolution (Estrada) for no other reason than that these gentlemen did not sympathize with it. Mr. Wurr, English vice consul in charge at this time, took no action to secure protection for the said English subjects. N. B. It should be noted that Mr. Wurr, besides being English vice consul, is manager of the Hotel Tropical, and that as such has in his safe uncollected accounts against the revolution to the amount of not less than four or five thousand dollars ($5,000) . At the end of April the revolutionary government took possession of trie boats of many English subjects from Jamaica, resident in NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 71 Mahogany Creek, and refused to give them the corresponding receipts. The interested parties complained to Mr. Wurr without any results. Also, at the end of April or beginning of May the revolutionary gov- ernment, in order to favor the interests of the Bluefields Steamship Co. and at the same time to secure favors and benefits from it, seized the lighters and tugs of the Association of Planters, two-thirds of whose capital belongs to English subjects of Jamaica, resulting in a loss to said company of 10,000 bunches of bananas which it had bought and had reaSy along the Rio Escondido for loading at El Bluff, which it could not do because of lack of lighters. Mr. J. Brooks, president of said association and an English subject, was imprisoned the same day that this outrage against the company was perpetrated. Mr. Wurr paid no attention to the claims presented. After the disaster of Tisma in February the revolutionary govern- ment in order to raise funds adopted the simple plan of compelling the planters' society to turn over to the revolution, and without any receipt, half of the product of the sale of fruits to the exporting com- panies, all the English planters being subject to this measure and suffering this unjust and inexplicable exaction. Messrs. Jose* Perciyal and Francis Thomas, English, and Jorge Jacquillon, French citizen, were imprisoned because they did not favor the revolution; the last mentioned requested assistance from Mr. Wurr in writing and Mrs. Jacquillon personally applied to Mr. Wurr for assistance. All in vain, Mr. Wurr replying that he could do nothing. Messrs. Totorica and Montero, Spaniards, were grossly insulted and threatened by Estrada, and later arrested, simply because they requested the payment of a part of the money that the revolution owed them. The revolution sold to ('apt. Crighton the schooner Atlantic, of the defunct Emery Co., belonging to the Republic of Nicaragua; Crighton sold it to Piazza, who sent it out of the country; the bill of sale was drawn by Mr. Segundo Calonge, who stated that the personality was doubtful. Price, $5,000. The North American gunboats Paducah and Dubuque have virtually blockaded the port of El Bluff, because they permit no boat to enter the bay without registering it and placing on it the North American flag, whatever its nationality; moreover, small boats in this locality fly the English flag, when they have no right to it and do not belong to English subjects. [La Prusu, Julio 5, 1910.]' EL DR. JOSE D. LOLA EN MANAGUA IMPORTANTES DECLARACIONES EL ESTADO DE LA REVOLUCION. Ayer por la tarde tuvimos el honor de saludar al senor Dr. don Jose" Dolores Lola, quien acaba de llegar procedente de la Costa Atlantica, donde desempenaba el cargo de Magistrado de la Corte de Apelaciones de Bluefields. El Dr. Lola sali6 de ese puerto el 15 de junio acompanado de su hermana la senorita Juana Lola, senores Jesus Garcia, Jose Maria Reyes, Francisco Silva, Vicente Castrillo, Nicolas Gadea, senora Lucia 72 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. N., Francisco Espinosa (hermano del Dr. -Rodolfo Espinosa R.), Rafael Morales, y un senor Matus, quien se quedo en San Jose de Costa Rica, lo mismo que el senor Gadea. A esta capital han lleagado el senor Jesus Garcia, y las senoritas Juana Lola y Amalia Zelaya. El Dr. Lola y companeros estuvieron tres dias a bordo en Bocas del Toro, a donde llegaron el 16 del mismo mes. Cuando desembarcaron supieron por algunas autoridades, que avi- saban de Bluefields, por aerograma, que en la lancha "Guillermina" iban muchos revolucionarios, entre ellos, el General Gordon y muchos americanos. Varios se quedaron en Limon y los otros continuaron para Panama. Venian en la " Guillermina " Fabio Guerra, de Rivas, coronel Zurrivas, Rafael Morales y algunos ticos. El General Gordon se quedo en Costa Rica. Refiere este americano que la revolucion no ha- correspondido a los trabajos que el con tanto empefio habia emprendido. Segun datos positives, desde Bluefields dirigio una cart a a la Prensa Asociada de New York, expresandose en terminos muy duros contra la revolucion. El General Gordon fue embarcado por dos policias americanos y de orden del consul americano senor Moffatt junto con C. J. Goddard, Lerris y D. Jordan, maquinistas del vapor Marietta Gordon fue expulsado de Bluefields por ex- presarse mal de la revolucion. A la senorita Amalia Zelaya, que era profesora de un colegio de Bluefields, le notifico el director do policia don Solon Lacayo, que inmediatamente desocupara la casa donde ella vivia. Los senores doctores Jose Leon Samayoa y Narciso Sotomayor, .deben estar en San Juan del Norte, porque fueron puesto en libertad cuando la toma del Bluff por las fuerzas del Gobierno. Tuyimos ocasion de ver una vista del dinamo que los americanos han sit u ado en el centro de la ciudad de Bluefields, Ese dinamo esta en constante comunicacion con las lomas Sandino, Pul, Belanger y demas fortificaciones donde se encuentran las minas que defienden el puerto. Hay dos hospitales de sangre : el Central y el Colon. En el prirnero asisten a los revolucionarios y en el segundo a los heridos del Gobierno, Ambos hospitales estan mal servidos, pero donde mas se admira abandono y odio es en el Colon. La situacion economica porque atraviesa la revolucion es penosa. demasiado precaria, pues los sueldos hace meses que no los pagan, Rendimos las gracias al senor Lola por la informacion que hoy pub- licamos, y le deseamos muchas felicidades en el seno de su famitia y de sus amigos. [Translation.] [From La Prensa, Managua, July 5, 1910. J DR. JOSE D. LOLA IN MANAGUA IMPORTANT STATEMENTS THE REVO- LUTIONARY SITUATION. Yesterday afternoon we had the honor to greet D. Jose Dolores Lola, who had just arrived from the Atlantic coast, where he served as judge of the court of appeals at Bluefields. DT. Lola left that port June 15, accompanied by his sister, Miss Juana Lola, Messrs. Jesus Garcia, Jose" Maria Reyes, Francisco Silva, Vicente Castrillo, Nicolas Gadea, Mrs. Lucia N., Francisco Espi- nosa (brother of Dr. Rodolfo Espinosa R.), Rafael Morales, and a NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 73 Mr. Matus, who remained in San Jose de Costa Rica, as did Mr. Gadea. Mr. Jesus Garcia and Misses Juana Lola and Amalia Zelaya have reached this capital. Dr. Lola and companions were three days aboard ship in Bocas del Toro, where they arrived on the 16th of the same month. Upon landing they learned from the authorities that an aerogram was received from Bluefields stating that on the launch Guillermina many revolutionists were coming, among them Gen. Gordon and many Americans. Several remained in Limon, others came on to Panama. There came in the Guillermina Fabio Guerra de Rivas, Col. Zurrivas, Rafael Morales, and several Costa Ricans. Gen. Gordon remained in Costa Rica. This American says that the revolution has not responded to the work w r hich he had so de- votedly undertaken for it. According to reliable data, he addressed a letter from Bluefields to the Associated Press of New York expressing himself in bitter terms against the revolution. Gen. Gordon was embarked by two American policemen, and by order of the American consul, Mr. Moffat together with C. J. Goddard, Lewis, and D. Jor- dan, engineer of the steamer Marietta Gordon was expelled from Bluefields for having spoken ill of the revolution. Miss Amelia Zelaya, principal of the college in Bluefields, was noti- fied by the chief of police, Solon Lacayo, to immediately vacate her residence. Drs. Jose Leon Samayoa and Narciso Sotomayan should be in San Juan del Norte for they were placed in liberty when El Bluff was taken by the Government forces. We had the opportunity to see a photograph of the dynamo which the Americans nave placed in the center of the city of Bluefields. This dynamo was in constant connection with the hills Sandino, Pul, Belanger, and other fortifications where mines are planted for the defense of the port. There are two hospitals, the Central and the Columbus. In the first revolutionists are treated and in the second the Government wounded. Both hospitals are badly managed, the Columbus being the worst conducted. The economic situation of the revolution is distressing, most pre- carious; salaries not having been paid for months. We thank Mr. Lola for the information that we publish to-day and we wish him happiness with his family and friends. [La Nacion, julio 5.] SENSACIONAL INGRATA LABOR. Procedente de Bluefields llegaron ayer a esta capital varias personas que estuvieron prisioneras en poder de la revolution y que a ultima hora consiguieron permiso para regresar al interior. Estas informan, entre otras cosas, que el 12 de junio ultimo hubo en Bluefields una reunion a que asistieron los Generales Juan J. Estrada, Emiliano Chamorro, Adolfo Diaz, Zenon Rafael Rivera, Mr. Beer, gerente dela Cat Company, Jacobo L. Colm, de la casa Weil y Compania y algunos americanos mas. 74 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. En la sesion se propuso y discutio el plan de proclamar la indepen- dencia de la Costa Atlantica, con el nombre de (Nueva Nicaragua) r bajo el protectorado de los Estados Unidos. El asunto se trato detenidamente. El General Estrada acepto desde luego la idea. Los senores Chamorro y Diaz la adyersaron al principio. For ultimo, bajo las instancias de los americanos, que amenazaron con retirar su apoyo a la revolucion si no se resolvia f avorablemente su propuesta, se convino en aguardar el resultado de la expedicion del General Mena a Chontales; y en caso de ser adverso, proclamar la independencia de la Costa. Estrada recibira 1,000,000 de dolares. Estan ademas preparados, segun se dijo alii, 15,000,000 de dolares para el fomento de la costa, bajo un plan administrative que esta ya combinado y que solo espera que se haga effect iva la secesion. Habra un gobierno presidido por el Gral. Estrada, quedando la administracion financiera de la nueva Republica, bajo el control del Gobierno Americano. La administraci6n de Justicia se bar a por una Corte compuesta de cinci Magistrados que puedan ser extranjeros residentes. Estrada y su partidp creen firmemente que ese plan sera apoyado por el Gobierno Americano, segun seguridades dadas por el Consulo Moff at, que ha sido el alma de la revolucion en los ultimos meses. Ase- guran los mismos informanantes que cuando la toma del Bluff por las fuerzas del Gobierno y la operation del (Venus) frente a Bluefields, los revolutionaries, creyendose perdidos, pensaron decididamente en proponer la paz, medlante garantias y pago de las deudas de la revo- lucion; pero el Consul Moff at se opuso, les asegur6 el apoyo americano y combino con el Comandante del Paducah la intervencion que frustr6 la accion pacificadora del Gobierno de Nicaragua. [Translation.] [From La Nacion, Managua.] SENSATIONAL. * Several persons who had been prisoners of the revolution and who were recently released reached this capital from Bluefields yesterday. They state, among other things, that on June 12 last there was a meeting in Bluefields at which were present Gens. Juan J. Estrada, Emiliano Chamorro, Adolfo Diaz, Zenon Rafael Rivera, Mr. Beer, agent of the Cat Co., Jacobo L. Cohn, of the house of Weil & Co., and some other Americans. The plan to proclaim the independence of the Atlantic coast with the name of New Nicaragua, under the protectorate of the United States, was proposed and discussed at the meeting. The matter was considered at length. Gen. Estrada at once accepted the idea. Messrs. Chamorro and Diaz were opposed at first. Finally, at the instance of the Americans, who threatened to withdraw their support from the revolution if its proposal was not accepted, it was agreed to await the outcome of the expedition of Gen. Mena against Chontales; and in case it be adverse to proclaim the independence of the coast. Estrada will receive $1,000,000. There are ready besides, accord- ing to what is said there, $15,000,000 for the development of the NICARAGUA^ AFFAIES. 75 coast under an administrative plan already formed and which only awaits the actual secession. There will be a government headed by Gen. Estrada, the financial administration of the new Republic being under control of the Ameri- can Government. Justice wfll be administered by a court composed of five justices, who may be resident foreigners. Estrada and his party firmly believe that this scheme will be aided by the American Government, in view of assurances given by Consul Moffat, who has been the soul of the revolution in these last months. The same informants state that when El Bluff was taken by the Government forces and the operations of the Venus before Blue- fields, the revolutionists believing that all was lost, thought of proposing peace on the basis of guaranties and the payment of the debts of the revolution; but Consul Moffat opposed it, assuring them of the assistance of the American Government, and with the com- mander of the PaducaJi brought about the intervention which defeated the action in the interests of peace taken by the Govern- ment of Nicaragua. **" [San Francisco Call May 3, 1910. [ TAFT PROUD OF CHOICE OF KNOX PRESIDENT ACKNOWLEDGES DEBT TO PENNSYLVANIA FOR HEAD OF CABINET TABLE CLAIMS MERIT ONLY FOR WISE SELECTION SECRETARY GIVEN FULL CREDIT FOR FRIENDLY RELATIONS WITH SOUTH AMERICA "BIG BILL" ROOTS AT THE PITTSBURGH-CHICAGO GAME. PITTSBURGH, May 7. President Taft ended his two days' stay in Pittsburgh with a speech at the Grant Day dinner of the American Club to-night, in which he dealt almost wholly with the foreign affairs of the Nation. The President paid a striking tribute to Secretary of State Knox, who was present. He vigorously defended and justified the Sec- retary's Nicaraguan policy and flayed those who invented the phrase 1 ' dollar diplomacy." Taft had an exceedingly busy day and was pretty well tired out when he retired to his private car to-night, preparatory to leaving at 2.30 a. m. for Cincinnati, where he is due at 10.25 a. m. to-morrow. Count von Bernstorff, who was in the presidential party all day, left with the President to-night for Cincinnati. TAFT ROOTS AT BALL GAME. The President's day began with a brief address to the students at the Pennsylvania State College for Women, and he next made an address at the Founders' Day exercises at Carnegie Institute. After luncheon at the University Club came the ball game between Pittsburgh and Chicago. The fact that the President was to attend brought an extremely large crowd. Taft had expressed a desire to "sit among the fans," but the local committee took him to a box on the second tier of the big grand stand. Count von Bernstorff sat with the President, and Secretary Knox sat in the next box. The President was preceded at the banquet by Senator W. E, Borah, of Idaho, who made an eloquent address on the life of Grant. Senator George T. Oliver, of Penns} r ]vania, was toastmaster- 76 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. PRAISE FOR KNOX. The President said: I am greatly indebted to the State of Pennsylvania, to the city of Pittsburgh, :and to the American Club for giving me that gentleman who site at the head of my cabinet table, and who, in the exercise of ability and learning which brought him to the head of your bar and distinguished his service as Attorney General of the United States and as a Senator from Pennsylvania, has given wise counsel of the utmost value in guiding the course of the administration. As the law officer of the Government who conducted to a successful issue the greatest of the cases in which the meaning and limitations of the antitrust act were considered, and who, by his successful advocacy, called a halt upon the movement which threatened a merger of all railroads in the hands of one syndicate, he took his place among the statesmen of the country; and, while respecting the rights of capital and the great advantage of its efficient organization, was alive "to the danger to the public wealth which lies in the suppression of healthful competition and in the abuse of the privilege of organization to secure private monopoly and excessive profit. PRESIDENT REFERS TO TARIFF. As the head of the great State Department, having in its charge our foreign relations, Mr. Knox has shown the same capacity foi guarding the interests of his client, the United States, and her people in dealing with foreign nations as he did in protecting their rights against the unlawful encroachment of domestic combinations of capital. The President referred to the successful culmination of the recent negotiations under the maximum and minimum provisions of the new tariff law and continued: The work has been done by Mr. Knox and the State Department and has been done well. Further complimenting Knox, the President said: I venture to affirm that never before in the history of the country have our relations with South America and Central American Republics been more friendly than they are to-day. ZELAYA TERMED A TYRANT. The great disturber of Central America in recent years has been Zelaya, the tyran- nical and unprincipled President of the Republic of Nicaragua. In every plan for the promotion of peace and friendly relations between the five republics he played the part of marplot. When his brutal and cruel exactions drove a part of the people of Nicaragua into rebellion and an extended civil war, he violated the laws of war and the rights of American citizens who had regularly enlisted in the ranks of the revolutionists by taking their lives. He thus gave a right to the Government of the United States to demand reparation and to withdraw all diplomatic relations. It is undoubtedly true that the attitude of the United States toward Zelaya so injured his prestige and brought him so clearly to the bar of the public opinion of the world as an international criminal that he was obliged to abdicate and leave the Government to a better man. WILL ASK REPARATION. The leaders of both factions, Madriz and Estrada, have admitted the unjust char- acter of the killing of Groce and Cannon. This Government must consider at the proper time calling upon the Government of Nicaragua, when one can be recognized, to make such reparation as shall seem to be just for this violation of American rights and to give adequate .guaranties for the future observance and strengthening on the part of Nicaragua of the Washington conventions. As a confirmation of the friendly relations between this country and all South America, Argentina has placed in the United States the contract for two battleships and certain additional naval armament, amounting in money value to about $23,000,000, and there is reason to believe that we shall have further contracts of a similar sort placed in the United States by other South American governments. The oppor- tunity to get this business was brought about directly by the untiring efforts of the Department of State. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 77 After praising the reorganization of the State Department, which made the contracts possible, President Taft continued: There is nothing inconsistent in the promotion of peaceful relations and the promo- tion of trade relations. "DOLLAR DIPLOMACY" PHRASE. To call such diplomacy "dollar diplomacy," and thus apply to it what is deemed by the authors of the phrase an expression of contempt, is to ignore entirely a most useful office to be performed by a government in its dealings with foreign governments. Our trade has grown quite beyond the limits of this country. With an annual for- eign trade exceeding $2,000.000,000, our State Department could not vindicate its existence or justify a policy which in any way withheld a fostering, protecting, and stimulating hand in the development and extension of that trade. In our agreements with China we have provisions whereby the Chinese Govern- ment promises to reform its currency and to abolish liken, a mode of internal taxation which weighs against our trade, and to give a share of railway loans to American capital . PRAISES "OPEN DOOR" POLICY. The policy of the "open door' ' was inaugurated by this Government while John Hay was Secretary of State, and had its inception in a note circulated among the powers by him. It has been the intention and purpose of this administration to conserve and maintain that policy as far as possible, and we can not look with satisfaction or quietly acquiesce in a silent defeat of that policy in the actual measures adopted by any of the governments interested. The President concluded: To the record of a year's accomplishments under Secretary Knox in our foreign affairs I think I may properly point with pride, and yet with becoming irodesty, for it is his work and not mine. All I can claim is the merit of selecting him for the task. FRUIT GROWERS AFTER TAFT. ST. Louis, May 2. "We shall have some pointed questions to ask President Taft when he speaks here Wednesday." Thus declared W. H. Wrightson, of Fresno, Cal., president of the California Fruit Growers' Association, in an address here to-day before the National Farmers' Union. "The people in our State are coining to the conclusion," said Wrightson, "that the tariff is no good to either the producer or the consumer. W T e producers do not get the high prices foi food products." [San Francisco Call., Mayo 3 de 1910.] TAFT ALOGIA A KNOX ANTE EL AMERICAN CLUB EL JEFE DEL EJERU- TIVO SE ALABA A SI MISMO POR SU SABIA ELECCION DE JEFE DE SU CABINETE EL PRESIDENTS GASTA DOS DIAS ESTRENUOS EN PITTS- BURGH, Y PARTE PARA CINCINNATI. El Presidente Taft termino sus dos dias de parada en Pittsburgh con un discurso pronunciado esta noche en la comida del Club Ame- ricano por el aniversario de Grant, en el que se concrete enteramente a las relaciones exteriores de la nacion. El Presidente rindio notable tribute al Secretario de Estado Knox, alii presente. Defendio y justifico vigorosamente la politica del Secretario respecto a Nica- ragua, j fustigo a los que inventaron la frase "Diplomacia de dollar.'' Taft tuvo un dia excesivamente ocupado y estaba muy cansado cuando se retiro esta noche a su carro privado antes de partir a las 78 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 2.30 para Cincinnati, a donde llegara manana a las 10.25 de la ma- nana. El Conde von Bernstoeff, que estuvo todo el dia entre el acompanamiento del Presidente, marcho con este para Cincinnati. TAFT COMIENZA EL DIA CON EL JUEGO DE LA PELOTA. ******* ELOGIO A KNOX. El Presidente dijo: Soy en gran manera dendor al Estado de Pennsylvania, a la ciudad de Pittsburgh, y al Club Americano, por haberme dado a ese caballero que ocupa el primer asiento en la mesa de mi Cabinete, y cuyos talentos e ilustracion lo colocaron aqui a la cabeza del Foro, e hicieron distinguidos sus servicios como prpcurador general de los Estados Unidcs, y como senador de Pennsylvania, y ha contribuido con sabios y muy valiosos consejos a guiar la marcha de la Administracion. Como empleado judicial del Gobierno que condujo a un resultado feliz el mayor de los asuntos en que hubieron de jugar su papel la significacion y restricciones de la ley contra los monopolies, mediante su eficar gestion, obligo a hacer alto al movi- miento que amenaraba con anegar a todos los ferrocarriles en el vientre de un sin- dicado, ocupo su puesto entre los estadistas del pais; y sin dejar nunca de respetar los derechos del capital, y la gran ventaja de su organization adecuada, tuvo muy presente el peligro que entrana para la riqueza publica, la supresion de la sana com- petencia, y el abuso de la ventaja de la organizacion, en favor del monopolio privado y de la excesiva ganancia. EL PRESIDENTE HACE REPERENCIA A LA TARIFA. En su calidad de jefe del gran Departamento de Estado, que tiene a su cargo nuestras relaciones estranjeras, el Seiior Knox ha dado muestras de la misma capacidad, para resguardas los intereses de su cliente, que son los Estados Unidos y su pueblo, al tratarse de naciones extranjeras; que habia dejado ver, contra los ilegales avances de las combinaciones domesticas del capital. Esta ha sido la labor de Mr. Knox y del Departamento de Estado; y ha sido bien ejecutada. Complimentando i, Knox todavia mas, el Presidentedyo : Me aventuro a afirmar que jamas en la historia del pais, han sido nuestras relaciones con Centro y Sur America mas amistosas que el dia de hoy. LLAMA TIRANO A ZELAYA. El gran perturbador de Centro America en los ultimos afios ha sido Zelaya, tirano inmoral, Presidente de la Republica de Nicaragua. En todo pensamiento dirigido a procurar la par y las amistosas relaciones entre las cirro republicas, el hacia el papel de enredador. Cuando sus exigencies brutales y crueles lanzaron a la rebelion a una parte del pueblo de Nicaragua, siguie'ndose una extensa guerra civil, vislo las leyes de la guerra y los derechos de los ciudadanos Americanos, alistadps en las filas de la revolucion, quitandoles la vida. Dio derecho, con esto, al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de pedir reparacion, y * * * cortar las relaciones diplomaticas. Es indudablemente cierto que la actitud de los Estados Unidos hacia Zelaya, de tal manora dano su prestigio, y tan claramente lo colsio ante la barra de la opinion publica del mundo como criminal internacional, que se vio obligado a abdicar y .dejar el Gobierno a un hombre mejor. PEDIR A REPARACION. Los jefes de ambas facciones, Madrfz y Estrada, han admitido la injusticia de la muerte de Groce y de Cannon. A su debida tiempo, cuando pueda reconocerse un Gobierno de Nicaragua, el nuestro le pedird que haga la reparacion que parezca justa por tamana violacion de los derechos Americanos, y que rinda garantia adecuada para la futura observancia y eficacia de las Convenciones de Washington. NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 79 En confirmacion de las amistosas relaciones existentes entre este pais y Sur Ame- rica, la Argentina ha colocada en los Estados Unidos el contrato para la construction de dos buques de batalla y otros armamentos navales, montando el valor de todo carno a $23,000,000, y hag razon para creer que otros Gobiernos Sud Americanos colocaran contratos de esta clase en los Estados Unidos. La oportunidad de hacer estos negorios ha sido obra directa de los incansables esfuerzos del Departamento de Estado. Despues de elogiar la reorganizacion del Departamento de Estado, que hizo posibles los contratos, el Presidente Taft continue: No hay ninguna incongruencia entra procurar relaciones pacificas y relaciones de negocios. LA FRASE "DIPLOMACIA DEL DOLLAR." Llamar esp " Diplpmacia del Dollar," y aplicarl a lo que entienden los autpres de esa frase, una signification despectiva es echar enteramente en olvido la utilidad de la mision de un Gobierno en su trado con los Gobiernos extranjeros. Nuestro comercio ha crecido mucho mas alia de los limites de este pais. Excediendo anualmente nuestro comercio extranjero el monto de $2,000,000,000, nuestro Depar- tamento de Estado no podria justificar su existencia, si su politica dejase de algun modo de infundir aliento, de dar protection, de impartir estimulo al desarrollo y ensanche de nuestro comercio. ELOGIA LA POLITICA DE LA Este Gobierno inauguro la politica de "la puerta abierta" siendo John Hay Secre- tario de Estado, y envio su comienzo en una nota circular que dirigio a las potencias. La presente Administration abriga la intention y tiene el proposito de conservar y mantener esa politica, en cuanto sea posible; y no podremos ver con satisfaction que se friistre esa politica mediante medidas de Gobiernos interesados, in asentir en ello quietamente y en silencio. El Presidente concluyo asi : La historia de lo alcanzado en un ano en nuestras relaciones exteriores dirigidas por el Secretario Knox, crespoder seiialarla con orgullo, y al mismo tiempo con modestia, porque es obra suya y no mia. Todo cuanto puedo pretender es el merito de haberlo esergido para esa tarea. fTraducci6n exacta de un artlcule publicado en el Daily Star & Herald de Panamd el 31 de Mayo de 1910.] ANTERPELARAN A KNOX LOS DEMOCRATAS QUIEREN INVESTIGAR EL ASUNTO DE NICARAGUA. PONDERAN AL SECRETARIO DE ESTADO EN EL BANQUILLO. WASHINGTON, 20 de Mayo. Mientras que la Conferencia de Lake Mohonk proclama el reinado de la ley y la supresion de la fuerza en asuntos internacionales y el Secretario Knox esta recibiendo f elicit aciones por haber propuesto este acuerdo entre las republicas Suramericanas que se ban ballado al borde de la guerra, un Senador de Estados Unidos esta ocupadisimo preparando una interpelacion sobre la politica de Knox en Nica- ragua, la cual puede darle tanta preocupacion al Presidente Taft como el asunto Ballinger-Pinchot. El Senador Stone de Missouri clurante el pasado invierno preparo una interpelacion parecida, poniendo en duda el, derecho del Departamento de Estado de resol- versi el Presidente Zelaya debia 6 no ser responsable personalmente a este Gobierno por la ejecucion de Groce y Cannon, pero, el Senador Money, jefe de la minoria logro persuadirlo a que no presentara el escrito referido para no ariadir complicaciones al trabajo del Depart a- 80 . NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. mento de Estado, hasta que tuvieran oportunidad de probar el efecto de la politica inaugurada. Hoy, sinembargo, la publicacion de la resolucion del Departamento de Estado, declarendo lo que piensa hacer y la politica que se ha resuelto a seguir respecto del bloqueo de Bluefields y del vapor "Venus" ha levantado una tempest ad de indignacion entre los Jefes Democratas de la Casa de Representantes y el Senador Money le ha pedido al Senador Stone una aclaracion de estos hechos y que preparen un resolucion la cual sera presentada menana. Hasta hace poco las simpatias del Secretario de Estado y de sus subalternos de la parte de de Latino-America que les corresponde han estado de parte de los rebeldes de Estrado, pero la or den a las autoridades na vales en el mar Caribe de echar al Venus al Oceano y de levantar el bloqueo, porque el Departamento de Estado sin previa investigation los habia de- clarado responsables de "enganara las autoridades de un puerto de E. E. U. U." habiendo zarpado "disfrazado de barco mercante" cuando en realidad estaba "destinado para vapor de guerra" perdiendo por lo tanto "todos sus derechos como beligerante, tales como derecho de registro en alta mar y el de bloqueo" es una barbara violacion del principio de Ley Internacional tal como se entiende en el Capitolio, y los Senadores desean saber quien es responsable por seme jante orden y sobre que se basan para haberla emitido. Al intervenir por fuerza con los movimientos del Venus y al alzar el bloqueo, los' oficiales de Marina de los Estados Unidos han cpmetido un acto de enemistad contra Nicaragua, violando el pri- cipio de neutralidad, y casi declarando la guerra. Al declarar que el Venus habia perdido sus derechos como beligerante por haber enganado a lass autoridades de Nueva Orleans, el Departamento de Estado ha cometido un error ridiculo que no tardara en corregir cuando sepa por medio del Departamento de. Justicia 6 por medio de alguna otra autoridad lo que ocurrio en las Cortes de New Orleans durante la semana que concluyo el 30 de Abril ppdo. El Depart- qamento de Comercio y trabajo y el de Justicia ambos resolvieron en favor del Venus, entendiendo claramente la Ley y los hechos, y el Fiscal General ordeno al Fiscal del Estqado de Mississippi que resolviera el asunto de acuerdo con la ley dejando ir al Venus si el Gobierno no tenia razon para procesarlo. Por lo tanto el Departa- mento de Estado 6 acusa a las autoridades Federales de Nueva Orleande f alta de inteligencia, y de f alta de actividad 6 atribuye a los jepresentantes de Nicaragua una astucia y habilidad en el arte diplomatico igual a los Orientales. Si el Venus fue traspasada al represent q ante de el Presidente Madriz en San Juan del Norte como reza el contrato de venta, y el Gral Irias del Gobierno Nicaraguense se hizo cargo de el, 6 el Venus se transformo en barco de la Marina Nicaraguense, con perfecto derecho a ejercer todos sus derechos de guerra, 6 se hizo pirata, exponiendose a captura. Una protesta sera presentada por Nicar- agua al Departamento de Estado por esta accion ilegal, y mas tarde sera la hase para un pleito por danos y perjuicios. En una conferencia que tuvo Mr. Knox recientemente con un Senador, miembro del Comite de Relaciones Exteriores, el Senador le pregunto que quien estabba deteniendo al Venus en Nueva Orleans. El Senador tambien le dijo claramente que no estando los revolu- cionarios reconocidos como, beligerantes no tenian por lo tanto NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. 81 ningun derecho segun la ley internacional a lo cual contesto Mr. Knox que era verdad y que el no habia dado orden de intervenir con el Venus, que oficialmente no sabia lo quepasaba en N. Orleans, f que suponia que la Oficina Fiscal de Louisiana investigaba el asunto por su propia cuenta. El fingio indiferencia al tratarse de Nicaragua j parece esperar que los problemas politivos se resuelvan por si solos sin intervencion extrana. Los oficiales de Marina en aguas de Nicaragua hasta hace muy poco tiempo por lo menos, han estado en completa ignorancia de los deseos de la Administration en este asunto. Es probable que la primer interpelaci6n sea por parte de los miembros Democratas del Comite de Relaciones Exteriores, tal como se discutio entre ellos hoy, pero talvez los Jefes Dem6cratas en el Senado se les adelanten. Tambien los Republicanos que han estudiado los asuntos de Latino America creen que el Departamento de Estado no ha obrado de acuerdo con los precedentes ni con las Leyes Internacionales, ni dadole la importancia a los asuntos de Nicaragua que debiera, 6 el Secretario Knox no hubiera cometido las barrabasada que ahora se le atribuyen. Un cable de ultima hora nos anuncia que el Secretario Knox fue interpelado en el. Senado sobre la intervencion de barcos de guerra americanos en Bluefields, Nicaragua. [From the weekly Star and Herald, Panama, June 6 1910.] WOULD INTERROGATE KNOX DEMOCRATS WANT NICARAGUA N AFFAIR OPENED MAY PUT SECRETARY ON THE RACK. WASHINGTON, May 20. While the Lake Mohonk conference is proclaiming the reign of law and abolition of force in international affairs and Secretary Knox is receiving congratulations for bringing about an understanding be- 'tween the South American Republics which have been on the verge of war, a United States Senator is busy penning a resolution of in- quiry into the Knox policy in Nicaragua which may give President Taft almost as much worry as the Ballinger-Pinchot affair. Senator Stone, of Missouri, last winter prepared a resolution questioning the soundness of the State Department's utterances that President Ze- laya should be held personally responsible by this Government for the execution of Groce and Cannon, but Senator Money, as minority leader, persuaded him to withhold it and not add to the administra- tion's troubles until they had an opportunity to test the new policy. To-day, however, the publication of a statement by the Depart- ment of State, declaring what its policy shall be toward the Blue- fields blockade and the steamer Venus, has aroused the indignation of the Democratic leaders of the House, and Senator Money then asked Senator Stone to look into the facts of the case and prepare a resolution which probably will be offered to-morrow. Heretofore the sympathies of the Secretary of State or of his subordinates in the Latin- American division for whom he is responsible, have been with 7846713 6 82 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. the Estrada insurgents, but the order to the naval authorities in the Caribbean to drive the Venus into the ocean and raise the blockade, because it had been found guilty by the department, without an in- vestigation into the facts, of ''deceiving the authorities at a port of the United States" by sailing therefrom "in the guise of a merchant- man/' when in reality she was "destined for use as a war vessel/' thereby forfeiting "full belligerent rights, such as the right of search on the seas and on the blockade," is such a flagrant violation of the principle of international law as understood at the Capitol that Sen- ators desire to know who is responsible for the order and on what it is based. In forcibly interfering with the movements of the Venus and lift- ing the blockade, the United States naval officers have committed an unfriendly act toward Nicaragua in violation of the principle of neutrality, if not an act of war. In declaring that the Venus has forfeited belligerent rights by deceiving the authorities of New Or- leans, the State Department has made a ridiculous misrepresentation of facts which no doubt it will be eager to correct when it hears from the Department of Justice, or learns from some authority what was happening in the New Orleans courts during the week ending April 30, last. The Department of Commerce and Labor and the De- partment of Justice both passed upon the Venus case with a clear understanding of the law and the facts, and the Attorney General instructed District Attorney Beatty to dismiss the libel against the vessel if, after a careful investigation, he was of the opinion that the United States could not ask for her forfeit. The State Department, therefore, either accuses the Federal authorities at New Orleans of a lack of intelligence and due diligence or attributes to the Nica- raguan representatives an astuteness and cleverness in the art of diplomacy equal to that of the oriental. If the Venus was transferred to the representative of President Madriz, at Greytown, as was provided in the contract of sale, and Gen. Irias, of the Nicaraguan Army took charge, either she became a vessel of the Nicaraguan Navy and was entitled to exercise all of the rights of war, or she became a pirate, subject to capture. A pro- . test will be lodged by Nicaragua with the State Department for this unwarranted act, which later may be made the basis of a counter- claim for damages. At a recent meeting between Secretary Knox and a Senator who is a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, the former was asked to state the authority on which the Venus was being held at New Orleans. The Senator stated very positively that the insurgents had not been accorded belligerent rights and therefore had no status whatever in international law. Secretary Knox admitted this to be true and said that he had not issued any instructions to interfere with the Venus, did not know officially what was being done in New Orleans, and supposed that the district attorney's office was conduct- ing an investigation of its own motion. He appeared to be indifferent as to conditions in Nicaragua and to be waiting for political affairs to adjust themselves without interference. The naval officers in Nicaraguan waters until very recently at least, have been in absolute ignorance of the wishes of the administration in this affair. It is possible that a resolution of inquiry may be offered by some Democratic Members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, as NICARAGIJAN AFFAIRS. 83 it was discussed among them to-day, but there is a disposition to let the Democratic leaders in the Senate have the first chance at it. There is a feeling among some of the Kepublicans who have studied conditions in Latin- America that the State Department has not given precedents of international law and to actual facts in Nicaragua which the present situation seems to demand or Secretary Knox would not have committed the blunders that are now attributed to him. Since the above was transmitted a cable dispatch has been received from Washington stating that Secretary Knox was interpolated in the Senate on the intervention of American warships at Bluefields, Nicaragua. Senator FALL. Were these translations in Spanish ever published in Nicaragua ? Mr. LEETS. No, sir. Senator FALL. I understand that these translations, together with the other newspaper clippings, and so forth, were collected and made by Dr. Madriz, or under his instructions, with the intent eventually of having the same published in book form, together with the other documents and so forth, in this collection of papers, in order that the entire history of the course of the United States in Nicaraguan affairs during the Madriz administration might be understood. The witness also presents a proclamation printed with many signa- tures, entitled " Latin America against the Imperialist Yankee/' and dated San Jose, Costa Rica, September 1, 1912, and addressed to Mr. Marshall Langhorne, minister of the United States to Costa Rica, as follows: LA AMERICA LATINA CONTRA EL IMPERIALISM*) YANKEE PROTESTA COLECTIVA POR LA OCUPACION MILITAR DE NICARAGUA. SAN JOSE, C. R., SAN JOSE, C. R., 1 de Setiembre de 1912. . September 1, 1912. A Su Excelencia el Seiior MAR- To His Excellency Mr. MARSHALL SHALL LANGHORNE, LANGHORNE, Ministro de los Estados Uni- Minister of the United States dos de America en Costa in Costa Rica. Rica. City. Ciudad. SENOR MINISTRO : Sois por vue- DEAR SIR : By your nationality stra nacionalidad el representante you are the representative of a de un pueblo gigantesco y mara- gigantic and wonderful Nation villoso v por vuestra posicion and by your official position the oficial, el Ministro de un Gobierno minister of a Government who is que se dice port a-est and art e de la said to be the standard bearer of civilizacion y de la justicia en el civilization and justice on this Continent e. continent. Como ciudadano de los Estados As a citizen of the United States Unidos y como Ministro del Go- and as a minister of the Washing- bierno de Washington, os pedi- ton Government, we pray you to mos que pongais en evidencia los bring into evidence the ideals of ideales de vuestro gran pueblo y your great Nation and the civi- los sentimientos civilizados y lized and equitable sentiments of 84 XICARAGUAN. AFFAIRS. justicieros de vuestro Gobierno, respecto a la horrible y desespe- rante situacion en que se encu- entra Nicaragua. La guerra civil que estallo hace un mes entre dos fracciones del partido conservador de aquel pals, se ha robustecido y au- mentado con la presencia en Nicaragua de soldados america- nos, que violan la soberania na- cional, aunque se invoque el pre- texto de c[ue esa ocupacion militar fue solicitada por el jefe de uno de los bandos contendientes. So- bre los extravios y las ambiciones nefandas de politicos de mala ley, estan los principios inviolables y serenos del Derecho Internacionai. El senor Adolfo Diaz no repre- senta la opinion publica de Nica- ragua, ni siquiera la autoridad desprestigiada de un gobierno sostenido por la fuerza: el Con- greso Nacional desconocio al senor Diaz como Mandatario y lo de- claro traidor a la Republica por haber solicitado, para sostenerse en el poder, el apoyo de soldados americanos. De modo, pues, que no deben ser atendibles para un Gobierno serio y poderoso como el vuestro, las humillantes solici- tudes de apoyo que le dirija, para violar el sagrado de la Patria y los principios del Derecho de Gentes un individuo desnaturalizado de un pais que le niega sus simpatias y hasta sus derechos de ciuda- dano, llamandole traidor. El anuncio que se ha hecho de nuevos desembarcos de tropas americanas en Nicaragua ha de- spertado hondos recelos y serias inquietudes en Centro America y probablemente en el seno de las otras republicas latinoamericanas. Y como se tiene ya noticia de la gran irritation que han producido tales hechos y rumores en Nica- ragua, es facil suponer que lejos your Government regarding the horrid and desperate situation of Nicaragua. The civil war that broke out a month ago between two factions of the conservative party of that country is now being augmented and made worse with the presence in Nicaragua of American soldiers who violate the national sover- eignty, notwithstanding that it is argued that such military occupa- tion has been requested by the leader of one of the contending factions. Above the deviations and nefarious ambitions of per- verse politicians, are the inviolable and serene principles of interna- tional law. Mr. Adolfo Diaz does not repre- sent public opinion in Nicaragua, not even the unpopular and dis- credited authority of a Govern- ment sustained by sheer violence; the actual National Congress has disowned Mr. Diaz as a ruler and declared him to be a traitor to the Republic for having request- ed, in order to support himself in the Presidency, the cooperation of American soldiers. Conse- quently, a powerful and honor- able Government, as is yours, must not pay any attention to the humiliating supplications for support addressed to it in order to induce it to violate the sovereign- ty and the principles of interna- tional law, by a spurious son of a country who denies him its sym- pathy and even his rights of citi- zenship, calling him a traitor. The announcement that has been made of new landings of American troops in Nicaragua has roused deep suspicion and serious anxiety in Central America, and Erobably also in the rest of the atin- American Republics. The aforesaid facts and rumors have already produced great irritation among the people of Nicaragua, and it is easy to forecast that, far NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. 85 de obtenerse la paz, lo que se lograra es que en aquel infortu- nado pais la guerra se generalice, feroz y sanguinaria, piles todos, unanimemente, pelearian contra un regimen que rechaza la opinion publica y que no podria sostenerse sino mediante el establecimiento de cuarteles permanentes de tro- pas americanos. $A que titulo interviene el Go- bierno de los Estados Unidos en Nicaragua? &Por sentimientos de humanidad? Pero entonces los medios no corresponden al fin. El Departamento de Estado de- biera saber que para tales casos el Derecho Internacional indica el recurso a los buenos oficios, a las gestiones puramente diplomati- cas. No es ultrajandole con el envio de soldados extranjeros como se ejercen, en favor de un pais autonomo, los sentimientos de humanidad. Centro America no se halla todavia bajo los aus- spicios de la Enmienda Platt. Washington, Libertador; Lin- coln, Redentor; Carnegie, Fi- lantropo; Edison, Inventor; Root, predicador en Sud America de la iraternidad continental, repre- sentan para nosotros la civiliza- cion americana. Pero con ella es incompatible la politica actual del Departamento de Estado, respecto a Nicaragua, que se nos antoja como la sombra de William Walker haciendo de la Casa Blanca su cuartel general. Pedimos a usted, Senor Mi- nis tro, que se sirva transmitir al Gobierno de Washington nuestra viva protesta contra la ocupacion militar de Nicaragua por soldados norteamericanos y nuestra solicitud humanitaria y patriotica de que los mande retirar del suelo centroamericano, para tranquilidad de estos paises angustiados por la guerra. from obtaining peace, the military coercion on behalf of the Ameri- can Government would only suc- ceed in propagating war, fierce and sanguinary war, as all unani- mously would fight to the end against a regimen which is repelled by public opinion, and which could not be maintained unless by means of the establishment of permanent quarters of American soldiers in the country. Under what pretense does the Government of the United States intervene ? For the sake of humanity ? But then the means do not cor- respond to the end. The State Department should know that in such cases international law indi- cates recourse to good offices or to proceedings of a purely diplo- matic order. Outraging a nation by landing foreign soldiers is not the way of showing sentiments of humanity toward that country. Central America is not yet placed under the auspices of the Platt amendment. Washington, the Liberator, Lincoln, the Redeemer, Carnegie, the Philanthropist, Edison, the Inventor, Root, the Preacher of Continental Fraternity in South America, represent in our mind American Civilization. But with it we deem incompatible the . present policy of the State De- partment regarding Nicaragua, policy which seems to us the phantom of William Walker es- tablishing his headquarters in the White House. We beg you, Mr. Minister, to transmit to the Washington Gov- ernment our vigorous protest on account of the military occupa- tion of Nicaragua by North American soldiers, and our patri- otic request that they be with- drawn from Central American soil for the greater tranquility of these war-beaten countries. 86 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. La paz sera imposible si se Peace will never be obtainable quiere obtener en la f orma violenta in the violent shape of military de una ocupacion militar. Haced occupation. Let the State De- saber, senor Ministro, al De- partment know, Mr. Minister, partamento de Estado, que las that the trampling of foreign pisadas del legionario extranjero legions upon ^ '~~ 1 A : en el suelo nacional de Centro America, repercuten en todo el Continente; que no queremos Central American land reechoes through the whole continent; that we do not want to be the Poland of America, and ser la Polonia de America y que el that the maintenance of amicable mantenimiento de las relaciones relations between both nations, amistosas entre pueblo y pueblo, demands from the United States exige, de parte de los Estados a respectful impartiality and ob- Unidos, una respetuosa imparci- liges them to discontinue pro- alidad y le obliga a no seguir pro- tecting with troops of the Amer- tegiendo, con fuerzas del Ejercito ican Army a Government which Norteamericano, a un gobierno has been disauthorized as traitor- desautorizado por traidor y cuya ous and the continuation of continuacion se lograria solo which could only be obtained ahogando en sangre y consumi- drowning in blood and exhaust- endo por el exterminio el senti- ing by extermination the senti- miento patriotico del pueblo que ments of patriotism of the people who repel such regimen. For the sake of humanity, jus- tice and righteousness, we hope that your Government will listen lo repudia. Por Humanidad, por Justicia y por Derecho, esperamos que su Gobierno escuchara nuestra voz de protesta y nuestro justo re- to our outcry of protest and our clamo, en esta hora de angustiosa just plea, in this hour of deep ansiedad para Centro America. anxiety for Central America. Somos del senor Ministro muy We remain Your Excellency's respetuosos servidores, obedient servant, J. Irias, Rodolfo Espinosa, Alejandro Bermudez, Alceo Hazera, Salvador Cerda, Emilio Espinosa, Clodomiro Urcuyo, Jose D. Portocarrero, L. Rodriguez, Fran- cisco Mayorga R., Virgilio Salazar, Victor Lopez Baltodano,Herm6genesAviles P., Manuel MayorgaH., Samuel Santos, Pedro Alvarado, Ecateo Torres, Jose M? Blanco, Salvador Gurdian, Transito Ampie, Alfonso Arcai, Daniel Artola, Constantino Jessel, Rafael Balde- lomar, Leonardo Montalban, Francisco Jimenez, Othon P. Torres, Rigoberto Cabezas L., Rodolfo Zamera B., Joaquin Baldelomar, MarceJino Arcia, Fermin Lara, Julio Perez, N. Vallecillo, Jose Tobias Mendez, D. Hernandez, Teodoro J. Marin, Bernardo Ortega, C. Hernaldo Ibarra, Ag. Herrera, Tomas Cabezas, Sal- vador Garcia, Gustavo Cabezas, Franco. Zapata, Nicasio Payan, C. Castillo, Julio Guillen, Manuel Romero, Juan P. Morales, Eliseo Martinez, Jesus Leza- ma, Arejino Acufia, Jose M> Lopez, Jose M? Abarca, M. Lindo, Jose Manuel Lopez, Ignacio Padilla, Manuel Cisneros, Samuel Guevara, Marcos Lezama, Manuel Mendoza, Pilar Mendez, Joaquin Cabezas, Filadelfo Ulloa, Romulo Sanchez, Lucas Cubillo, Alberto Lara, Juan M. Ramirez, Ricardo Salinas, Rafael Membreno, NICARAGUA]* AFFAIRS. 87 Hilario Guillen, Leopoldo Cisneros, Salomon Acuna, Laureano Leiva, Ricardo Noguera, Arturo Cabezas L., J. Antonio Barrios, Pedro Fernandez, Antonio Garreta, Francisco Rojas, Justo Rpcha, Leopoldo Delgado, Juan R. Torres, Emilio Alvarez, Manuel Moreira, Ramon Brenes, Jose Eugenio Chavarria, Basilio Guido, Panfilo Cortes, M. Salvador Salgado, Pascual Morales, Ramon Salgado, Antonio Roque, Juan Rafael Herradora (Nicaraguenses). Manuel Dieguez, Eduardo Vazquez Garrido, Teofilo Jime- nez, Jose Carter, Higinio Aguilera, Juan J. Rivera, Fabio Padilla R., Samuel Orantes, Jose Minera, Andres Yela, Amado Jimenez, J. Miguel Noguera, Ignacio Estrada, Manuel Lopez, Pedro Duarte, Nor- berto Jimenez, Aquilino Osorio, Lisandro Noguera, Antonio Sagastume, M. Chinchilla, Liberto Domin- fuez, Jacinto Bernal, Pedro Ruiz, Gregorio Lopez, ose Carpio, Segundo Sandoval, Gilberto Minera, Eduardo Mayora. Firmo la protesta que antecede de acuerdo con la salveded hecha por el senor don Jose Maria Zeledon, Julio Padilla (Guatemaltecos) . Abraham Perdomo Herrera, Rosendo Amaya, J. P. Rod- riguez, L. M. Anduray, Juan Ruiz, Francisco Mun- fuia, Ramon Aguilar B., Tiburcio Carrasco, P. Lopez, lanuel Zavaleta, Castulo Aguirre, Ernesto Canton, L. Cano, Juan Perez, Francisco Hernandez (Salva- dor enos). D. Gutierrez, h., Luis Cubero, Ruperto Lopez, F. Aguilar, J. M. Turcios, Antonio Ardon, L. M. Reina, Juan Rojas, R. Duran, Francisco Diaz F. (Hondurenos). Rosendo del Valle, Manuel Boloy, Enrique G. Lopez (Cubanos). Alejandro Rivas Vazquez, P. J. Jugo Delgado, L. Lopez Rivero, P. M. Caballero, Fremio A. Valarino, C6sar Rivero Trujillo, J. M. Lugo Diaz, I. Gonzalez P., Gregorio Martinez, Rafael Maldonado, Antonio Crespo, Victor Silva R angel, Antonio Rivas Duran, Rafael Diaz Altuve, Manuel A. Sanchez ( Venezolanos} . Miguel Macaya, M. Pena V., F. E. Beltran, Rafael Lafont, Hermogenes Rodriguez, h., Clemente Rodriguez, B., J. P. Rodriguez B., Arturo Rodriguez C., Julio Rodri- guez, Ramon Benedettis B., S. Arboleda Lemos, Jose" Maria Castillo, Abraham Gonzalez, Antonio J. Cas- tillo, M. Hernandez Nunez, F. Alvarez P., Ezequiel Bampante, Sebastian Pachon M., Alejandro Beleno J., Romualdo Roa E,, Manuel F. Palomo, Manuel Briceno, Alberto Calderon, F. Restrepo Gomez, H. Beltran, Roberto Rodriguez A., Nicolas Buitrago S., Heliodoro Carrasquilla A., J. E. Braddock, Daniel Acevedo, L. C. Rodriguez, Marco A. Carrillo, Higinio Beltran, J. Fonseca S., Joaquin Lopera Berrio, Mario Zamo- rano. (Colombianos.) F. Noboa, Alberto B. Ceballos. (Ecuatorianos.) Nephtali M. Castillo. (Peruano.) 88 NICARAGUAN AFFAIRS. Luis Cruz Meza, F. A. Tinoco, Manuel Goto Fernandez, Manuel Lujan, Ricardo Goto Fernandez, Octayio Castro Saborio, Jorge Morales Bejarano, Federico Zumbado, R. Cruz Meza, Jose Fabio Gamier, Juan Alfaro, Jose Fermin Meza, S. Pastor, h., M. Gamez Monge, J. Raul Marin Varela, J. Buenaventura Mora, J. D. Gamez Monge, V. Fernandez, Guillermo Casaola, Julio de Barruel, Ricardo Fournier Q., J. Castillo Castro, J. Montero, Federico Fernandez G., Maxi- miliano Gurdian, Manuel A. Verdesia, Domingo Monge, Raul Gurdian, Prospero Fernandez G., Raul M. Diaz, Julio A. Gurdian, J. Garcia Monge, Omar Dengo, Lesmes Saurez P., Manuel Angel Peraza, Guillermo Zuniga Z., Raul Fernandez Giiell, Rafael Salas, h., J. J. Valladares, Joaquin Viquez, J. F. Val- ladares, Procopio Castro, Jorge Rojas Z., Felix Borbon M., Leo. Montealegre, V. Trejos, Rafael Zamora G., Ramon Rivera, Enrique Brenes, Ramon Chaverri, Bernardo Gonzalez Alfaro, Tobias Fibres Castro, Juan C. Marin, Isaias Bermudez B., Abel Pani- agua, Ricardo Portilla, Gonzalo Sotela B., J. Joaquin Rios A., Domingo Aguilar, Guillermo Solano, Santi- ago Romero, Perdo Jimenez, Gabriel Munoz. Como latinoamericano, juzgo la intervencion armada un golpe artero a la soberania de estos pueblos y un ensayo de su futura con- quista. G. MATAMOROS. Viendo en la actual intervencion, no un acto de humanidad, sino de aspiracion puramente dominadora, me adhiero con todo gusto a la protesta que antecede. F. MUNOZ DIAZ. La intervencion yankee, armada, es por si sola motivo mas que suficiente para adherirme, como me adhiero, a la protesta que ante- cede. A. CHAVERRI MATAMOROS. Contribuyo con gusto a la protesta que aqui se hace, aun cuando no pueda aceptar sus terminos generates. La civilizacion nortearneri- cana esta representada para mi en sus pensadores y sus libertadores, no en sus politicps ni en sus falsos filantropos. Tan traidor es para mi el actual Presidente de Nicaragua, como el que trata de sustituirlo. Y no es para mi el mayor estigma que pueda lanzarse contra la inter- vencion americana el obedecer a la llamada de un gobierno 6 de un partido calificados de traidores. La intervencion armada es por si misma oprobiosa, sin necesidad de otros motives. JOSE MARIA ZELEDON. (Costarricenses.) [Translation.] LATIN AMERICA AGAINST YANKEE IMPERIALISM COLLECTIVE PRO- TEST AGAINST THE MILITARY OCCUPATION OF NICARAGUA. The English of the protest is seen on the right of the page. After the first group of signatures should be written (Nicaraguans) ; after the second (Guatemalans) ; after the third (Salvadoreans) ; after the fourth (Hondurans) ; after the fifth (Cubans) ; after the sixth (Venezuelans); after the seventh (Colombians); after the eighth (Ecuadorians) ; after the ninth (Peruvians). NICAKAGUAN AFFAIBS. 89 After thejjlast group of names the following should be written: As a Latin- American, I look upon armed intervention as a death- blow to the sovereignty of these peoples and a move in the direction of their future conquest. G. Matamoras. Seeing in the present intervention not an act of humanity but an attempt at domination, I gladly subscribe to the above protest. - F. Mufioz Diaz. Armed Yankee intervention is itself reason enough for my signing the above protest. A. Chaverri Matamoros. I gladly sign this protest, though I can not accept its general terms. North American civilization is for me represented by its thinkers .and liberators, not by its politicians nor its false philanthropists. The actual President to Nicaragua is, to my view, as much a traitor as the man who is trying to substitute him. And for me the greatest stigma with which American intervention can be branded is not that it obeyed the call of a traitorous Government or party. Armed intervention is in itself opprobrious, without giving other reasons. Jose Maria Zeledon. (Costa Ricans.) This protest was widely published in our press. M. C. Senator FALL. Also a clipping from a newspaper said to be the Independiente, printed in the Republic of Salvador, containing an interview with Mr. William Heimke, minister of the United States, with comment thereupon, the same being printed in Spanish, as follows : [El Yndependende, San Salvador, Sept. 10, 1912.] DECLARACIONES DEL MINISTRO AMERICANO. Un caballero digno de toda fe, nos ha referido que el 5 del mes en curso, visit aba Mr. William Heimke, ministro de los Estados Unidos, a cierta persona caracterizada, y que esta llevo la conversation a las noticias que circulaban en aquella tarde de que los americanos habian ocupado Chinandega. Leon y otros lugares del interior de Nicaragua, forzando las resistencias que les opusieron las fuerzas revolucionarios ; que entonces el Representante de los Estados Unidos le contesto que no era cierto cuanto se decia y que el tenia comuni- cacion cablegrafica con su Gobierno y con los buques que estaban en Corinto y podia asegurarle bajo su palabra de honor de caballero^y de funcionario que no habia un solo americano armado ni en Leon ni en Chinandega, ni en las demas poblaciones del interior de Nicara- gua, con excepcion de la guardia de marinos que custodiaba la legacion en Managua. Las fuerzas de desembarcque estan agrego en Corinto y San Juan del Sur solamente para garantizar las mercade- rias y valores de propiedad americana para mientras los revoluciona- rios pueden ser considerados con calma y energia bastantes para haceno. Los americanos no pueden dispar un solo tiro contra los nativos de un pais amigo sin el permiso previo del Senado, y este no puede darlo tampoco sin que antes le dirija un mensaje especial el rresidente de la Republica, cosa que no se ha hecho, ni creo se hara. Las fuerzas de desembarque en Nicaragua podran defenderse y repeler toda agresion, si desgraciadamente las acometiesen los revo- lucionarios; pero de alii no pasaran, y hasta esta fecha tengo seguridad de que nadie las ha agredido. 90 NICARAGUA^ AFFAIRS. No dudamos que lo afirmado por el senor ministro de Estados Unidos, sea cierto con respecto a la presencia de tropas de su pais en otras plazas que Managua, Corinto y San Jaun del Sur; pero en cuanto a la intervencion es un hecho. Por carta particular de una persona importante de Nicaragua a un amigo nuestro, sabemos que la situacion de aquel infortunado pais no puede ser mas calimitoso. Los viveres se ban escaseado de tai manera, que las personas regular- mente acomodadas gastan hoy diez veces mas de lo que antes gasta- ban, viviendo miserablemente ; que los americanos se ban apoderado completamente del gobierno de la Republica, y C[ue estan dispuestos a hacer triunfar a Diaz a despecho de la oposicion que le hace el pueblo entero de Nicaragua: que en esa situacion, hasta los que antes se mostraban indiferentes y no tomaban parte en asuntos politicos hoy simpatizan con los revolucionarios, teniendo casi por seguros que la autonomia de Nicaragua esta para concluir. Los marinos no dejan que los revolucionarios ataquen a Managua, haci6ndolos que permanezcan en sus campamentos, con el pretexto de que no se perjudiquen sus in tereses. Se ve clarament que estan propuestos a que ago ten no solo sus municiones de guerra sino princi- palmente los medios de subsistencia, para que se entreguen. Si esa no es intervencion, no comprendemos lo que sea. [Translation.] [From the Independiente, San Salvador, Sept. 10, 1912.] A gentleman worthy of credence has informed us that on the 5th instant Mr. William Heimke, minister of the United States, visited a person of standing who spoke of the report in circulation that after- noon that the Americans ha