THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE DALLAS, TXAS PHONOGRAPHIC DICTIONARY CONTAINING THE REPORTING OUTLINES FOR UPWARD OF THIRTY THOUSAND WORDS ; EMBRACING EVERY USEFUL WORD IN THE LAN- GUAGE, AND A LARGE NUMBER OF PROPER AND GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES, LEGAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TERMS, ETC. BY BENN PITMAN AND JEROME B. HOWARD. CINCINNATI: PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. 1886. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1883, by BENN PITMAN and JEROME B. HOWARD, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C. KLECTROTYPED AT FRANKLIN TYPE FOUNDRY, CINCINNATI. i >^ r- :_, PREFACE. THIS work consists of a vocabulary of all the useful words of the language, printed in ordinary type, each word accompanied by the phonographic outline, which experience has shown to be the best for reporting purposes. These outlines are fully engraved, and placed in close proximity to their respective printed words on the same page an arrangement which will be appreciated by the re- porter and student of Phonography. There are two distinct theories for the formation of consonant outlines. The first, and that which has been most generally fol- lowed, is to consider each word as an independent individual, and to write it with what seems to be the most facile and flowing out- line, irrespective of other words to which it may have relation. The other theory is to consider all words as being either primitive or derivative, and to write the derived outlines in accordance with the forms used for their respective primitives. By the first method, the following words would be written mean, meaner, meanest, meanly, meanness, while according to the theory of derivation, the same words should be written \ I thus preserving in every outline the form ( ^~3 ) of its primitive, mean. (iii) A iv PREFACE. While we do not, unreservedly, embrace either theory, to the en- tire exclusion of the other, we believe that the principle of etymo- logical relation, should be adhered to whenever a serious loss of speed does not result therefrom. Not only is this method of for- mation more consistent and philosophical in itself, as representing the language more faithfully, but it also brings with it again to the reporter both in writing and reading. For, while many contractions may be made by the omission of those inflectional endings, which are not necessary to the decipherment of the sense, and thus, writ- ing made more expeditious, reading is made easier and more certain by the fact that the eye readily becomes accustomed to recognize the primitive forms, with or without their inflectional endings. This theory for the formation of outlines has been too little ap- preciated and too long neglected, and where outlines have been in- troduced into the following pages at variance with previous usage, they are such as tend to the establishment of this principle. When a serious retardation of speed would be the result of a change, we have retained the old form. It is our belief, however, that the ten- dency of the future will be to render outline-writing more uniform and consistent in this respect. Those words in the following pages, given with the dot con-, com- prefixed, may also be written without the dot, if the reporter deem it sufficiently legible, or if the con-, com- be expressed by proximity to the preceding word. When no form is given for the plural of a noun, it is to be written with the form given for the singular, with the circle J, or z, added. Irregular plurals are always given. When no outline is given for the present participle of a verb, it is to be written with that given for the present infinitive, with the dot -ing added, or omitted, at the discretion of the writer. It is usu- ally quite legible to omit it. Whenever the stroke form of ing is preferable, the outline is given. PREFACE. v When the outline of the imperfect or past tense, or the past par- ticiple of a verb of the weak inflection is not given, (written in the ordinary spelling with -d or -eet) } it is to be written with the same form as the present infinitive. If it is desired to make these forms complete, add the full length stroke t, or d, disjoined if neceesary, as educate L imitate "~1 end -' educated I imitated - ->,. ended When an outline is given with a portion dotted, it is to indicate that such portion may be omitted without destroying the legibility of the word. BENN PITMAN, JEROME B. HOWARD. THE PHONOGRAPHIC DICTIONARY. A ABS A X Abode . Aaron Aback IV. ^--v^- Abolish Abolition \ "\f N/ Abalienate v >-* V X^~ ''v Abolitionism Abalienation N/^ V N Abolitionist \/'" 5 ~~ N \j''~7 > \-~~c Abandon 1 Abomiiiable-y ^>v Abandoned Abandonment Abase > ^ Abominate Abominated Abomination v-^v-^v^ Abased Aboriginal Abasement A basli N> V> N Aborigines Abound \^ \4_j> ____. Abashed Abounding Abashment ^S ^^ ^Qp-*' * About N^ Abasing J J^ Above ^ s Abate Above-board Abated Abatement "1 > \ Above-mentioned Abraham Nsx V^^ N^< Abbot Abbreviate Abbreviated >, | N S ^ ?v 1 1 Abreast Abridge Abridged ^ > > Abbreviation Abridgment Abdicant N, N. \. Abroad O,. X <\^ Abdicate Vi Abrogate /I Abdication v v Abrupt ^ ,- Abdomen Abdominal XX ^ Abruptly Abruptness \^\^ \^J Abduct ^ Abscond Abduction Absconder v^ \ \ Abel - 1 Absconding Tro o-a^ <*~^s Aberdeen . ^t Absence Aberrant ^v ^^X 7 ^^^ ' Absent ^*w V ^^^ _ Aberration J Absentee 1 Abet S. \ S. ^ Absolute Abetment 1 1 1 ^ Absolutely -X. ^. f \. si- Abetted Absoluteness *Tf" Tb Ti~~"^ Abhor x^V /^ ^ sr Absolution Abhorrence >c ^^ ^^ Absolve _v ^-> \^\_ ^*^ X ^ >V - Abhorrent Absolved *\ t> Abide Ability ^ vn \ Absorb Absorbed N/NV^V^' Abject / Absorption Abjection Abjectly Abjeotness Abjuration Abjure Abjured ^N Abstain Abstained Abstainer Abstaining Abstinence Abstract \Np Xs 4_j? Able-y ^ ^ s. Abstractedly Able-bodied >^ ^s.J ^v Abstraction \^ i^^" \^ ^^5 Abler \ Abstractly Ablest ^ X. Abstractness Abnormal -If Aboard J/ Abstruse Abstrusely \ ^ ABS 8 ADA Abstruseness Absurd Absurdity Absurdly Absurdiiess Abundance Abundant Abundantly Abuse Abused Abusing Abusive Abusively Abusiveness Abut Abutted Abutment Abyss Academic Acadernical-ly Academician Academy Accede Acceded Accelerate Acceleration Accent Accentuate Accentuated Accentuation Accept Acceptability Acceptableness Acceptable-y Acceptance Acceptation Access Accessibility Accessible-y Accession Accessory Accident Accidental-ly Acclamation Accommodate Accommodation Accompaniment Accompanied Accompany Accomplice Accomplish Accomplished Accomplishment Accord Accordance Accorded Account Accountability Accountable-y Accountant Account-book Accounting Accredit Accretion Accrue Accrued ^ v y -..s s _ ~^~ ^ Accumulate Accumulution Accuracy Accurate Accurately Accuruteness Accursed Accusable Accusation Accuse Accused Accuser Accusing Accustom Accustomed Ache Ached Achieve Achieved Achievement Achieving Acid Acknowledge Acknowledged Acknowledge- Acoustic [ment Acoustics Acquaint Acquaintance Acquaintances Acquiesce Acquiesced Acquiescence Acquire Acquired Acquirement Acquiring Acquisition Acquit Acquited Acquittal Acre Acreage Acrimonious Acrimoniously Acrimony Across Act Acted Acting Action Active Actively Activeness Activity Actor Actress Actual-y Actuality Actuary Actuate Actuated Acute Acutely AruteneSS Adam /;..._..._ ^ e -^7 ^-^_*-^> - -/ -f f - ~T ~\ ~\ d : I v Adapt Adaptability Adaptable k ^ ^ Admitance Admixture Admonish L I J^_ Adaptableness Adaptation Add Added ,1 .+. Admonished Admonition Adolphus Adopc 1 \S" / \^^c c Addict L Adoption Addison - 1 Adorable-y Addition Adoration Additional-ly Address fr f l Adore Adored \ ^ Addressed Addressing Adduce l L-.-4- Adorn Adorned Adornment \^ \^ [^ Adduced A clown 1 1^" Adducing Adept tl Adroit Adroitly 1 V J Adequate Adequately Adhere \= -t -W Adroitness Adulniion Adulatory ^ V^ \s Adhered 1 fl 1 Adult Adherence > ' S_~ S Adulterate V~ P-' C/ 7 Adherent d Adulteration Adhesion o Adulterer '/ Ad liesi ve \^ l/^. 1 Adulteress ^r PX ^/* Adieu "" K Adulterine Ad iufinitum Adulterous Adirondack. L/2. D / Adultery $/ \/ 4_ Adjacent \s~~~- Advance "t" Adjective Adjoin Adjoined / / j ; Advancement Advantage Advantageous fe ' { Adjourn Adjourned Adjournment J J l Advantageously Advent Adventitious {- u b Adjudge Adjudgement Adjudicate / t L Adventitiously Adventure Adventured IA^J_ t l~ ";' Adjudication Adjunct Adjure * *r> *=, L- -?- Adventurer Adventuresome Adventurous U -v [ ^^ I <- Adjured Adjust Adjusted / / Adverb Adversary Adverse \v s 7 i Adjuster Adversely ^ - Adjusting Adjustment 6 f^ Adversity Advert r~V~ ~> ^ M Adjutant Ad libitum Administer / V^ - i * i ~ta" 4 Advertise Advertisement Advice 1- t t Administered \ - Advisability Administrate i i i. .- Advisable II 1 Administration Advise Vo v-0 V Administrator i A Advised ^^\ ^^S Administratrix Admirable-y t t****.^^ Advisedly Advisement tl J U^ f/ " t~fc Admiral Admiralty Admiration U^ 1^- \^/ Adviser Advisory Advocacy v-/ v^/ Admire Admired U/U/ \~/ Advocate Aerial L *v* / Admirer .Esthetic ^ i AFA 10 ATX* Afar Affability Affable -V ^ \ Aggrieve Aghast r-^ 1 r- 3 _ Affair Agitate Affect Affectation \ > ^ i i Agitation Agnes f ( -^ V"~^ \^-- VHL-. Affected U Agnostic Affection i _ \ V Agnosticism I ^CJ > " Affectionate NC^~ pj Ago "~~ Affectionately V v Agonize Affiance \ ^^^j **~jz> Agonized Allianced 9 Agony ^_p ^a - Affiant V s^ Agree Affiliate ^~"*^ Vj I Vj'' " Agreeable-y ^"^^ A Hi Hated Agreed Affiliation . -^ <~ Agreement Affinity Affirm 1 Agricultural Agriculture ^^ Affirmant Agriculturist Affirmation V-tt V^ i ^^^--^i Ague Affirmative (j ' All Affirmatively Affirmed Affix c-x e-v \ v , H .-S \ r Ahead Aid Aid-de-camp -A ' * * Affixed Affixing Afflict Aids-de-camp Aided Ail ^ ' 1 Afflicted ft f\ Ailed Affliction ^ , I j . Ailment 5^ ^-T~ Affluence | D X^_p Aim Affluent Aimed /- Afford Affright f \^/ _ ^h. Aimless Aimlessly - -^ ~r Affront Air Afloat ^ ^ Air-brake ~~^ ~\v ~^\ Afoot ""X Air-tight ^v Afore-mentioned Airy Afore-named ^> V. ^^_^< \^ Aislo ^N v /^~ /O Afore-said v~^_p^ ^ Aix-la-Chapelle ^/~ Afraid 1 Akin 3 Afresh ^N ^ i__ Alabama /^"^V- ^ t Africa " J Alacrity African -s Aladdin After "\_, V. v^, Alarm (J f \ * f \^ Afternoon Alarmed After-thought Afterward \S Alarming Alas r~\^^ ^ Afterwards ( ^^ Albert '-f- Again Albion Against -, -e / Alchemy ^^s ^~ - C- Age Alcohol f 'Aged Alcoholic Agedly Agency / S~ L^ Alcove Alderman r C^ c f~ \s-~> Agent __ Aldermen Aggrandize Aggrandized L a ) ^ Ale Alert ^ . r c ^pxj- -^ Aggrandisement ^ Alertness - Aggravate j-. e ~V ""Vj Alexander C f i 1 Aggravation Alexandria <_s> Aggregate Alexandrian ^^^ Aggregation -> -. Alfonso f v /^V_x f^ Ag-tression Alfred ^ Aggressive Aggressiveness e ~^- f ^-,,--S Algebra Algebraic ^ m w Aggressor Algeria _ > x_ ALG ,11 AME Algiers Alibi Alien Alienable Alienate Alienated Alienation Alight Alighted Alike Aliment All mental Alimentary Alimony Alive Alkali Alkaline All Allan Allay Allayed Allegation Allege Alleged Aileghany Allegiance Allegorical-ly Allegory Allen Alleviate Alleviated Alleviation Alley Alliance Allied Alligator Alliteration Allopathic Allopathically Allopathist Allopathy Allot Allotment Allotted Allottee Allow Allowable Allowance Allowanced Allowed Alloy Alloyed Allude Alluded Allure Allured Allurement Allusion Alluvial Alluvium Ally Alma Mater Almanac Almightily Almightiness Almighty r c C J ^-^ " i ^-u f f\ f\ ~~ "~ Almost Alms Almshouse Aloft Alone Along Alonzo Aloof Aloud Alphabet Alphabetic Alphabetical-ly Alphonzo Alpine Alps Already Also Altar Alter Altered Alteration Altercation Alternate Alternation Alternative Although Altitude Altogether Always Am Amain Amalgam Amalgamate Amalgamation Amanuenses Amanuensis Amass Amassed Amassing Amateur Amatory Amaze Amazed Amazement Amazing Amazingly Amazon Ambassador Ambassadress Amber Ambiguity 'Ambiguous Ambiguously ^. ?_.. ^ r c r^ /^N, r^ n (L. CS- /~_J r r f \ & ? ( u ^ ^^^ o r\ rl r\ t- L- r^ n n "" ^5 " &-^-- * *n / -~* S T' "^ ( & I s~ /i C^3 ' ' Ambiguousness Ambition Ambitionless Ambitious Ambitiously Ambrosia Ambrosial Ambrotype Ambulance Ambuscade Ambush Amelia Ameliorate ^> *c* ^ r2-^ AME 12 ANN Amelioration o Analogue f~^ Ameliorative jS ^_/\ Analogy c_^ Amen > ^ -f - i Analyses ^ *"" Amenability ^ ^~^ ^~it Analysis <-. Amenable-y \ x. ^^_j Analytic J ^^1 ^~1 Amenableness Analyiical-ly Amend Amendnble * *\ "^ Analyze Analyzed ^ <^> ^) Arnender Analyzing Amending Anarchical Amendment s-n, 1 Anarchy ^ -[__ Amenity ^~~* Anathema - Amerce Anathematize Amerced ^~s ^x ^_^/ < ^ Anathematized ^ ^ " L-^ Amercement Anatomic 1 li America Anatomical-ly American ^^ .^ ^^. Anatomist I-. L-^T 1 Americanism s . Anatomy Americanize ^^ , Ancestor Americanized *"* ? ? ^ Ancestral ' ^ Amethyst / Ancestry "r Amiability ^ Anchor Amiable-y ^S >* ~^N Anchorage "^ ^ ^""^ ^"^ Amicability Anchorite Arnicable-y ,. Ancient x ^_/ Amid ^k Anciently ^_^--^ ^ ^/^^ Amidst Ancillary Amiss And Amity ^ n Anderson -^-_^s^-' L Ammonia Andes Ammunition * ~- ? Andiron ^^,^ - Amnesty ^~-^y < ^~^_^ Andover "^^ Among Andrew Amongst x Andrews J, Amorous s~~^^ *~S ^-^/^ Anecdotal t rt "* ' 1 Amorously Anecdote ) Amount * \ ' \ Anew Amphibious Angel /" y Amphitheater ^ s Angelic ' r Ample X-s^J. 1 Angelical-ly Ampleness ^^v s~^S *~** i Anger ^/^ . ^ Ampler Angle v^^ Amplest Angled ^ ^ Amplification ^ */^-^~\ ^m*J*~ Angler ^_^_ " " " \ Amplified Anglicise Amplify Anglicised ^ .. Amplitude X -J \^- ^/^ *~*/^~ Anglo-Saxon ^f- - - Amply Angrily V ^Y' Amputate Angry v_^ ^ -, Amsterdam ^^ - -/~ Anguish _ __T-^ ^\ Amulet [ Angular ^_..y Amuse Amused Angularity Aniline ^V * "" 0> \ Amusement -6 '^S 'V* Animadversion 1 ' Amusing Animadversive An ' "AV Animadvert *A ^ -^ ^ v Anabaptism s~ 6^-- X. Animal V. Anabaptist Anachronism "X"- ^^n Animalcule Animalism _rv_ v^rv^n " Anaconda > - Animality Anesthetic - Animate ^ ^~~\ Anagram [ ^^ Animated i ^-^. **~~*] ^^^_^ Analogical-ly 1 ^~ Animation "^^ Analogism (- Animosity ^~-^~b Analogous (r~^ C " [^- ^^ Ankle i ^ ^ Analogously Ann ANN 13 APO Anna Annalist _ T T Antepenult Anterior -v / S Annals Anteriorly ^ -^.^...^yS. Annapolis Anteroom Anne S\^^STQ _ i *~~f' Anthem ' ^N^ 1^-^ Anneal ^~^ Anthony Annealed Anthracite Annealing Annex *T "~C Anthropology Antic 1 Annexation Antichrist Annexed _ a Anticipate ^<~> ~j: ^\ Annexing Anticipation * Annihilate Antidote Annihilation / ^/^ ^V' Antimony "t ~~1_^ ~\ Anniversary Antipathy 1 ( Anno Domini Antipodal Annotate i ^"i "y Antipode ^ ^V ^^"^ S* Annotation ' Antiquarian 1 I Announce Antiquated Announced Antique ^ . Announcement ~~^" ^~ f ^> Antiquity Announcing Antisabbatnrian Annoy ^_^_g^ * ' Antiseptic -^^ -^ ^/^ Annoyance Antislavery Annoyances Antitheses Annoyed U 1 v. ^^ Antithesis ^/ ^71 *~T Annoying _. Antithetic 1 Annual-ly Antitheiieal-ly Annuity Antoinette -J ^^ ^ , Annul f A Antony Annular Antwerp Annulled /^~ _. ~~f Anvil /^N, ^ "| Annulling 1 Anxiety Annunciation i Anxious Annunciator * -j -*-^ -7 ' 1 Anxiously ~~~7 ^^ Anodyne S 4 Any Anoint Anomalous - ^^r_^r\ Anybody Anyhow ^^ ^-/ Anywhere i Anon _ Aorta Anonymous =>- >> Apart X ^X| v ts^^ Anonymously Apartment NC7 Another Apathetic Answer ^^r/ 0/^V Apatheilcal N. N. \ Answerable-y Apathy ( i- ( Answered Ape L_ Ant V^ - - , .Apennines Antagonism ' Aperture >^ Antagonist Apex Antagonistic _ ~~-^~* ^*~~ J Aphorism S \ _c ^^-^ "^ AiHagonistical Aphoristic ] Antagonize Antagonized .. ^, Apiece Apocalypse N ^\ \ Antagonizing Apocalyptic NO * ^^ Antarctic Apocalyptical Ante ^^~x ' ^1 Apocrypha \. V *x Ante bellum 1 X Apocryphal > ^- ^- Antecedent Apollo . Anteciessor ^-f j *~?_ Apologetic ^y'C" \y^ *\/^I Antechamber s Apologetical-ly Antedate Apologist Antedated Ij ^ ^^ Apologize \^7 N ' s x/'7 ^*\/7f Antediluvial 1 Apologized Antediluvian vT ~-v"V-l /I Apologizing Antelope 1 \^ f NS, i ^^^ J Apology ^^ ^^// ^V Antemeridian Apoplectic J3_ Apoplexy Apostasy Apostate Apostatize Apostatized A posteriori Apostle Apostolic Apostolical-1 Apostrophe Apostrophize Apostrophized Apostrophizing Apothecary Appalachian Appall Appalled Appalling Apparatus Apparel Appareled Apparent Apparently Apparition Appeal Appealed Appealing Appear Appearance Appeared Appease Appeased Appeasing Appellant Appellate Appellation Appellative Appellee Append Appendage Appending Appendix Appertain Appertained Appetite Appetizer Applaud Applause Apple Appletree Appliance Applicability Applicable Applicant Application Applied Apply Appoint Appointee Appointing Appointment Apportion Apportioned Apportionment Apposite Apposition ...:>.. v <^- x J4 Appraisal N Appraise Appraised Appraisement Appraising Apprecialilf-y Appreciate Appreciation Appreciative Apptociatory Apprehend Apprehended Apprehensible Apprehension Apprehensive Apprehensively Apprehensive- Apprentice [ness Apprenticed Apprenticeship Apprise Apprised Apprising Approach Approachable Approached Approbation Appropria.e Appropriately Appropriation Approval Approve Approved Approving Approvingly | Approximate I Approximation - i;Appurtenance Appurtenances Appurtenant April A priori Apron Apropos Apt Aptitude Aptly Aptness Aquarium Aquatic Aqueduct Aqueous Aqueousness Aquiline Arab Arabesque Arabia Arabian Arabic Arbiter Arbitrarily Arbitrary Arbitrate Arbitration Arbitrator Arbor ARE -H^ -ARC 15 ART Arc Arm-chair Arcade ~ s \__ ~\ // Armed ~~V-^7 "~V, ~^V Arch 1 Armful / ^_ Archfeologist Armistice Archteolosy ~~i ~^ ~/^ Armor "s, ~\-^- ~\~f Arcli angel *" c ^~7 / Armorial T, Archbishop Armory Archdeacon Archdeaconry . "U Armpit Arms-end "X-/ 'X^..^w^ Archdiocese Arms-length ~\ si Archducal Archduchess i n 1 Arms-reach Armstrong ~w~^ >-* Archduchy J / Army Archduke % Y ^ Arnica "~\ ~\ ~~N Arched Arnold - c< Archibald / Aroma Archi episcopacy x/ // // Aromatic ~X~, ^\ Archiepiscopal S \ v __ N^ Arose Archiepiscopate \ \1 Around Archipelago // / ^ s . J ~\ Arouse ^ Architect X^ I Aroused "^ d di Architectural x Arousing 1 Architecture -^ -N^ ~\ Arraign v. ~X Archive I .- L n Arraigned --^-~ Archly Archness Archway \ ! <*~ /L> /L- Arraignment Arrange Arranged ^ ~} ^> Arctic N Arrangement Ardent ^. /lj ,^TJ Arrant ~"\ ^v --v. Ardently [__ ' Array >j V-. \ Ardor Arduous Arduously ^ A ,/t Arrayed Arrear Arrearage A .2^__IV^.. Are Arrest Area / ~\ ~^ u ~N Arrestation -v -~. -x Arena or Arrested \ Argentine Repub- j Arrival Argue [lie s4_^/*^. ^ Arrivfi S\ s^ Argued ^^ \_ A Arrived v_ Arguer Arrogance Argument ~x y ~\ ~v Arrogant ^X "^v ~"-^_,^- Argumentation \^s \^-* ^~ r ~? Arrogantly " ^* Argumentative Argumentatively ^^ Arrogate Arrogation ~\_ X_ X Ariau T "' "J ^^^B-jJ Arrow ^~^ Arianism L Y" Arsenal Arid ~N ,^1 /I Arsenic ~X *s. "~\ Aridity 1 Arsenical i' Aright >1 -x Arson Arise Arisen * d-_' Art Arterial "X- ^ %< Arising Artery Aristocracy Aristocrat * ' "^ ^ L t Artesian Artful-ly ^ 2 x Aristocratic Arthur Aristocratical-ly Aristotelian \ ~\ ^ Article Articled N, ^- s~ Aristotle --] Articular Arithmetic A "7L xU Articulate . Arithmetical-ly X H ^ ^^ x Vfc Articulated ^ ^ s- ^^ Arithmetician Articulation Ark /t 9 N. N 7X Artifice Arkansas "^3^^ ? Artificer /* ^ s\ s\ ^*~c Vc Arm Artificial \ Armada Armament ^ Artificiality Artificially ^J ^ ^ ART 1(5 AT Artillery , Assess . Artillery-man ^"^ -/^~^_ -v Assessable * oL Artisan Assessed ^^ Artist Assessinjr Artistic /I s\ SKT" Assessment J) ^ ) Ariis:ical-ly *f Assessor ^ "^ Artless Artlessly As r ~*s -v" o 'Assets Assiduity Assiduous I t I Asbestos Ascend Ascendant Ascendency S l ?- Assiduously Assign Assignable ) '; i r Ascending Assignation 4__^_ ") \ Ascension * \ *^^ * ' Assignee NT* Ascent Ascertain As-jerlainable J \~ ^ Ass gning Assignment Assignor p X X Ascertained Assimilate Ascetic V^ . i Assimilation i /" \-~f^ ^ Asceticism S i Assist Ascribj Assistance Ascription Ash )- >- J Assisiant Assisted ? ^ Ashamed Assize N Aslu-.s Ashore 1 J < Associate Association .1... 1 i; Ash-Wednesday Asia Assort Assortment > ^ >) Asian *i Assuage f Asiatic ' Assume Aside Ask; t Assumed Assuming s -, \ ) . L -'>' Asked Assumpsit Asleep N lx-\ *i Assumption ^ }- , o Asp 1 ' \ ^^ Assurance '^j ^^ ^ Asparagus 1 Assure Aspect X ) >L ~* Assured ? - ^~ Asperity N^ \^^ '\r. Assuredly y _j ^- Asperse Aspersed Aspersion V. k ^ Assyria Assyriiin Asterisk X V I_ Asphalt Asphaltura ^ ) ) Astern Asteroid ) ) Asphyxia Asthma ( Aspirant ) j Asthmatic Aspirate NX \ Astonish j ) Aspiration \x> X/ ^^ * Astonishment Aspire Astound Aspired Ass ^/ C -->- Astral Astray -u V Assail Astringency Assailant y V \ Astringent As-sailed r Astrolabe J Assassin Astrologer ^\ \ * 1 Assassinate \ \ \ Astrolo.'y ) / )^^ i-7 v/*"^ Assassination oi oC/ 0L=2 Astronomer Assault Astronomic Assay \ . Astronomical-ly J/ ^"V* * X^~ Assayed ~7* 7~ Astronomy Assemblage 1 Astute Assemble-y \_ , Assent ^< ^X Astutely Astuteness ? ^ L Assert / Asunder Assertion V V^ 1^ Asylum \ Vx-^ * Assertive v.-^ At t . ATE 17 AVE Ate Athanasian 'I U I . Austere Austerely J ^C ^ y^"' Atonement Atrocious Atrociously -fe J > Austerity Austerlitz Austin 2d I ) Atrocity Australia \ \ Attach 1 I L L _d. L. Australian r~ r^ ~\/~ Attached Austria ' Attachment / ' Austrian Attack Attacked I J |_. Authentic Authenticate y" t t- Attain Attainability Attainable L J ^ ^ Authenticity Author Authoress s } -I J ' ' Attaindr Authoritative Attained Attainment O j Authority Authorization \ 1 1. Attempt Attend Attendance u ; J Authorize Authorized Autobiographic V *S^=3 Attendant Attention Attentive ^ L, ^ Autobiographical- Autobiography [ly Autocracy Attenuate A ntnr^n t ^t- Attenuated Attenuation h U L, Autocratic Autograph U U^ M Attest Attestation Attested Automatic Automatical Automaton L- k_ U. Attire Attired Attitude k^ k_ 1, Autopsy Autumn Autumnal J L U. U^ Attorney Attorney-general Attract Attraction Attractive Attractively U l^ 4. n a __o. Auxiliary Avail Availability Available-y Availed Availing _)/ ^ Attractiveness Attribute Attrition T ___ C ___ J .^ t I Avalanche Avarice Avaricious ^^ w? Attune Attuned Auburn 4^ Avariciously Ave Maria Avenge w^ v^-v Auction Auctioneer Audacious Avenged Avenger Avenue W^ ^ AVE 18 BAI Aver Average Averaged >)) Baut- Babel Baboon x\ x Averred Averse Aversely . -> v Baby Babyish Babylon \ \, "v- Aversenesa Babylonia Aversion, '" X J~_* ^ ^ Babylonian Xv x~Xv. x-^Xv ^= Avert Babylonic >/ ^^v' >/ Aviary Avidity Avocatiou ^y _hj_ ^-^ Babylonish Baccalaureate Bacchanal X^/i^^ Avoid .1 Bacchanalian Avoidable i i i Bacchant \- ^v_, \__V f . Awaked 1 Backslide 1 1 Awaken 1 Backslider J>* Awakened X > ~N Backward \_ ^\_ 1 X__ I/ p Award Backwardness Aware Backwards --V Away 1 Backwater \ J> \__\-_ \__^ Awe (/ 1 Backwoods 4> Awful-ly .ft S~ Backwoodsman Awful ness ^- ^% 9 / Bacon \. \ Awhile - Bad L^ ^ Awkward j Bade Awkwardly I Baden **K" 1 / Awkwardness Badga Awl Awning r Badger Badgered N N ^ Awoke TUJ_ Badinage J Awry Ax Axes[pZ. of axis] -^ _, ^ Badly Badness Baffle * X ^v ~ ^i~i v_ Axiom Baffled Axis Axle -^ -o ^-C~ Bag Bagatelle \ \ N ^T Aye [Always] Aye [ Yes] Ayes 1- " ) Bagdad BaKgage Baggage-master ' ^O Aztec 4 Baggy Azure Ly Bagpipe \ \. \ Bagpiper \^ \- 4 Bail Bailable \y \/x x^ Bail-bond B Bailed Bailee X XT XT Bailey B BnilifT Baal Baal-zebub \ x^ xo Bailing Bailment \r^ ^x Babble Bailor Babbled Babbler x^ X Bait Baited V/^X \ X 1 BAI 19 BAR Baize Bake Baked Baker Bakery Balaam. Balance Balanced Balance-sheet Balcony Bald Balderdash Baldly Baldness Baldwin Bale Baleful Balk. Balked Ball Ballad Ballast Ballasted Ballet Balloon Ballot Ballot-box Balloted Balloter Ball-room Balm Balmy Balsam Baltic Baltimore Baluster Balustrade Bamboo Bamboozle Ban Banana Band Bandage Bandaged Bandana Bandbox Banded Banding Bandit Bandoline Bandy Bandied Bane Baneful-ly Bang Bangle Banish Banished Banishment Banister Bank-bill Bank-book Banker S v N/T > > !Bank-note .Bankrupt Bankruptcy Bank-stock Banned Banner Banquet Banter Bantered Baptism Baptismal Baptist Baptize Bar Barred Barb Barbarian Barbaric Barbarism Barbarity Barbarous Barbarously Barbary Barbecue Barber Barclay Bard Bare Ifiared jBarefaced Barefacedly Barefaced ness Barefooted Bareheaded Barely Bareness iBarga'n Bargained Barge Bark Barked Barley Barmacide Barn Barnacle Barnard Barnes Barn-yard Barometer Barometric Baron Baronage Baroness Baronet Baronial Barony Barouche Barrack H Barrel Barreled Barren Barren ess Barricade Barrier Barrister Barrow ^ V N S BAH 20 BKF Barter i; .id *^ N^ Bartered *NVI *NI ^N Beak N. ^ \. v Bartholomew \ C-^ Beam Bartlett Barytone ^ Baseness o~"5 a p ^ P Beastliness Y Bashful-ly Beastly N. N N. Bashfuluess N N. No, Beat Np^- N N Basin t"' <^ Beaten T 1 J Basing Basis Bask N^ No N- Beat or Beatification Beatify X N N I \ Basked Beatitude * 3 V Basket Bas-relief V V V Beatrice Beau > \ X l| b Bass [a fish] Bass [mus.] Bastard x, X N^ Beauteous Beautified Beautiful-ly -V V \. Bastardy Beautify o Baste Na N^ N^i Beauty X \. X^_ Bastion 1 J Beaver v_ ^t i Bat Becalm 1 Batavia Batavian > > ^ ' Becalmed Became V ^ N_^ Batch Because o Bate N* Beck N^ Nk__ Bated / l Beckon Bath 1 Beckoned Bathe >N. N^ Become Ni__ Vy ^^ Bathed ( C Becoming Bather Bed Bathing Ns N N, Bed-chamber XX v Bathos ' l Bedclothes ~-**. Bath-room ^** Bedfellow Baths Baton Rouge ^"^-^ ^^ Bedford Bedizen v- - X Battalion Bedlam Batter Battered Bedouin Bedrid ^ \ ^ ] Battery Bedridden Battle >\^ Bedroom x*/! ^^ ^^ Battled r Bedstead ^^u-^ Battlement ^ Bed-time Bauble Nfc ^^ ^v/ Bee Bavaria A^ Beech 1 Bavarian Bawd Ny" N \r Beecher Beef V, \, N. Bawl Beefsteak I_ Bawled Bawling ^ \ \ Bee-hive Bee-line N/ N^ N, Bay "Cil' Been Bayonet Beer ^ ^ Bayoneted N^ N^ N^.^ Bees-wax ^^~\ N,^ ]_ Bay-rum 1 ^ ^~\-~^ Beet \ ^__o r Bay-window Bazaar Bdellium \ \ ]/ % H Beetle BeHt Before > v Be Beach Beacon s > ^ Beforehand Before-mentioned Befriend ^ N BEG 21 BET Beg 1 . Benediction Began \ \_ Benefaction >NS< ""7 ^^- ^ r Benignity Benignly Benjamin V. ^^ Begun Bennett Behalf *v- **>* Bent \^-_-i ^ ^^^^ ^ Behave _> ^s Benumb 1 Behaved Behavior Behead V N/ \^1 Benzine Bequeath Bequeathed ^ X ^ Beheaded Bequeathing Beheld s s /' >v *^ Bequest \. V ^-. ''v^ Behind f Berate (^^ Behindhand Bereave BehoM N^ ^W ^V.^1 Bereaved ***\s^ ^\^ ^^^'^* Beholden ~~- r Bereavement Beholder Bereft Behoove ^^/ X. s* \^ Berlin X^x^- ^^v^ ^^ Behooved ~^\t^ ^v 5 Bernard Being Berry Belabor \. >v/^^s \/^L_^ Berth \/ \/( c \ * Beldam v.^ >>/ >/ ^ Bertha Beleaguer Beseech Beleaguered ^^^^ ^ ^vX^Vr Beset ^Va ^^rt "^^J Belfast J Beside / Belfry Besides Belgian Belgium "V^ \<7 N^~, Besiege Besieged \ > > Belie Besot . Belief Believe NT Y Bellevue s Bestiality Belligerent Bell-metal N^V^ ^ \f Bestir Bestow No| Nj Np. Bellow Bestowal Bellows \s~ x/^ \/- Bestowed S. >w v Belly Bestrew y^~ D| Belong c Bestrewed v^ | Beloved Bestride . TS1 ^^ Below Bestrode _>_ Belt Bestrewn Bemoan v ^ v^ Bet V^ ^^ ^ Bemoaned >f ^V- 5, ^-i Betake 1 Bemoaning Betaken Bench "*V- > V N Bethany >^ N^ ^>v Bend ;a ' /* Bethel (^ f C Bending Bothlehem Beneath ^. ^^ Betiine ?k ^^ ^ ^ Benedict ^ \ l_ Betimes C-, BKT 22 BLA Betoken Bin Betokened <^ ^. y Bind X ^ x Betokening <~r Binder Betook Bindery , Betray l;i inline X ^-^ V < Betrayal Biographer r/ Betrayed Biographic Betroth Betrothal X, \j Xj Biographlcal-ly Biography x-^-\ ^x-^^ Betted * c * Biological Better Bettered X, N/ N/ Biology Biped X^_ V^7 ..\ Bettermen Birch 1 Between \^ *^*> Vr-7> Bird *^v cv cv. Betwixt V. Bird-cage / ^"~7 Bevel Bird'snest Beveled V \ \; Bewildered Biscay Bewilderment N^x-^l \y^V-. \. Biscuit N s >v_ \ Bewitch / Bishop >- >- y Bewitched ' Bishopric Beyond V >y^ Bismarck X X / X Bias J Bismuth ^/ v~-~/ 0" Biased Bison Bible Biblical > x v Bisque Bit N^ V- > Bibliography Bitch Bicker Xw x. x^ Bite ^s ^ ^s Bicycle V^ Bitten ""/' I J Bid Bidden Bide > N \ j Bitter Bitterish Bitterly ^/ ^ ^ Biennial-ly Bier Big x^ X- ^- Bittern Bitterness Bitumen ^' ^~ X U^ Bigamist Bituminous Bigamy *^^^^^^S-^^^_^V^^^- Bivouac S. \^ \^ Bigelow Biweekly I ^_P Bigger Bizarre Biggest ^- \_^-i N^ Blab V t C Bigness * ~S> Blabber OX -^^- J^.. Bigot Black Bjgotry \_ X n r^^^ Blackball ^ ^. ^ Bijou J Blackballed ^ -Vlll^^ 7s> ^ Bile Bilge \^" \y \s? Blackberry Blackbird ^ Bilged Blackboard X ^" ->s^joC12\ Bilge-water Blacked ^^ Bilious Bilk X/Z^^X/^ 1 \^ Blacken Blackened C ^. .* ^x Bill Blackguard Bill-book Billet X/ \ / ^\ \-XA" Blackguardism Blackguardly -X^~XrB^----X^-- or Billetdoux Black-lead Billiard X^ X_ X Blackleg ^ c _/ Blacklettcr X"X; i -^...-^i Billion 1 Black-mail Billow X^" X/"" \^ Blackness *s. V ^. Bimetallic Blacksmith X -^V-^^..^ - Bimetallism Rlackstone ( Bimetallist Bimonthly Vr-X^x^^ Black-walnut Bladder S K=P- N BLA Blade Blain Blake Blamable-y Blame Blamed Blameful-ly Blameless Blamelessly Blameworthy Blaming Blancli Blanchard Blanched Blanc-mange Bland Blandish Blandished Blandishment Blandness Blank Blanket Blankly Blare Blarney Blase Blaspheme Blasphemed Blasphemer Blaspheming Blasphemous Blasphemously Blasphemy Blast Blasted Blast-furnace Blatant Blatherskite Blaze Blazed Blazing Blazon Blazoned Bleach Bleached Bleak Blear Bleared Blear-eyed Bleat Bled Bleed Blemish Blench Blenched Blend Blending Blent Bless Blessed Blessing Blest Blew Blight Blind Blindfold > 2.'! Blinding Blindly Blindness Blink Blinked Bliss Blissful-ly Blister Blistered Blithe Blithely Blithesome Bloat Block Blockade Blocked Blockhead Block-house Blonde Blood Blood-hound Bloodily Bloodless Bloodlessly Blood-relation Bloodshed Blood-shot Blood-stained Bloodthirsty Bloodvessel Bloody Bloody-minded Bloom Bloomed Bloomer Bloomfield Blooming: Bloomingdale Blossom [Blossomed 'Blossoming jBlot Blotch Blotched Blotter IBlonse 'Blow Blower Blown Blow-pipe .Blubber 'Blubbered Bludgeon Blue Bluebell Blneliird Blue-book Bine-grass Blue-pill Blue-stocking Bine-vitriol Bluff Bluish Blunder Blunderbuss i,Blundered BI,U N s BLU 24 BOB. ilunderer lUnnbastic Blunt ^ o ^ Bombay Xv^^x ^v^T** ^v t^-^ Blunting \ Bombazine 1 Bluntly A * Bombshell v / V V Bluntaeas cy* < p ^-^ Bon a fide v-^y x- x_^ Blur Bouunza ^i ^ Blurred Blurt Blush s v> Bonaparte lionapartist Bonbon i Blushed Bluster Blustered s ^ \ Bond Bondage Bondman > ^ ^2 Blusterer XV- VL/i Bond-servant v" >>^\. ^ 3 Sea-constrictor N L^ Bondsman Boar Bone Board Bonfire x^ ^ v ~ \ Boarder i ^i Boniface \ Boarding-house Boarding-school */ ^_ N Bonmot Bonner v^^ v v^ Boast Bonnet Boasted Bonny ^ Boaster ^V> ^X^ ^^O Bon Ton ! "^L-rt ^^* ^ Boastful-ly I Bonus ^ r \ J , Boastingly Boat Boat-house V N| < Bony Booby Book \ X^^ Boatman 3ook-binder Boatsman V-""~" 3 *V ^> ^VL ^ Book- bindery ^v X .f X. Boatswain 3ook-biudinjj \" V^ 5_> Bob Book -case J^ V Bobbin Book-keeper X ^y ^ ^ y^^ Bobolink Book-keeping X ^-^ Bobtail Book-seller > l*S\J> Bode X. N. X. Book-shelf \ NX ^^_ Boded \> 1 Book-shelves Bodice x' X x Bookstore N Bodiless 4_ t/ L^ Book-trade *V__\. r, X ^/ Bodily t 1 ' Bookworm 1 Bodkin Bodley Body ^z V -V Boom Boomed Boomerang \^\~\~y~ 1 1 Body-guard V ^ Booming Bog ^ ^V n Boon ^v -^^_^ _>. x^ Bogus """P Boor >j Bohemia \^/s~ Boorish Bohemian ^V^ ^^^_^ Boosy \ 1 S X- Boil -~~* Boot ^/V .... -v v Boiled \ xy'~ N \ x/" ^ Booted ' ' Boiler ^s x/ \ x/ ^ Booth v *v Boiler-plate Boot-jack s " iT~Z Boiling Boisterous Bold > ^ ^ Bootless Booty Borax \ ' ^ V^ ^| Bolder Bordeaux Boldest SL ^ V Border X/1- \A V, Boldly ^^ Bordered 1 Boldness Bore Bolivia Bolster \j, V^ Nr 7 Boreal Boreas V^ \Y V^l Bolstered Bored X /* s) Bolt *\f^ "\s~ "^V ^. Born x. r^f__ ^x/^ Bomb Borne Bombard Borneo *^s Bombardment \--^cv S V-~ Brace Bosporus B N ^^ 9 Braced x> ^ V Boss ^^ Bracelet Boston Bracing Botanic Xp X^ X. Bracket ^Xn ^X^ ^^ Botanical-ly J J L_<__ Brackish J Botanist X, \ X. Bract Botany 117 Brad | N V <> ^ Botch L L- / Bradford T^" M Botched Bradstreet Botcher >^ Brag o. ^X^ ^X^ Both \ Braggadocio ^^ Bother Bothered N X\ Nr, ^^N Braggart Bragged %- \_ " >^^ Bran X_i ^V^/ js^. Bound Branch Boundary ^. \:-7^- ^S:- Branched Bounded 3 1 pi Brand ~" Brave Bourgeois \^^ /A X^ ( Braved >^ c\j -X Bourgeois [Fr.] 6 -Bravely Bourse Bovine Bow fa salute] ^_ s^ _^. Braveness Braver Bravery '^'N ^ Bow [a weapon] Bravest ?v /^ Bowed ^\ N V-- Bravo X^^v Bowel f Brawl Bowen Bower Bowie-knife N ^~X s ^v Brawler Brawling Brawn < \^ % % Bow-knot ^ Brawny Bowl Bowlder \. \/ ^_ ^1 ^ Bray Brayed _^rr. \ ^ ^ Boxer V Bread Boxing > $ x a^' Breadstuff cv 'X, Boy Bread ih T ( B RE a } BUG Break Breakable Breakage ' V - ^ ^ Brigbtened Brighter J^ ^ .^. Breakdown Bri 1 ' litest X""* ^ Breakfast ^x^ ^X < -?x^ B Ightly c*^ >/ Breakfasted ' 3 ^ S 1 Breakwater Breast <\_1 'Ni Nn Brighton Brilliance >u.. 'V 9 NT? Breast-bone > Brilliancy j Breastpin Breastwork Breath ^ ( Brilliant Brim Brimful v x_ \^ Breathe Brimming Breathed ^> ^> ^ Brimstone \ x^_ ~^ Breathing ( L, Brindled J f Breathless Brine Bred Breech 1 " > Bring Brink > \^ \_ Breed Briny J. Breeder Breeze __jv _ Brisk Brisket ."^rrr.. "N^ ^ Brethren Breve Brevet cv Na % "~~3 X Briskly Bristle Bristled X._ ^ > Breviary Bristling Brevier "\ "Xx "Xl Bristol ^V_ ^"V ^^. Brevity VM/" 1 I Britain 1 p 1 Brew Britannia Brewage IN. CN. Britannic ^v <>< Brewed "X ~X~ v ' British (^ J s Brewer Briton Brewery -v ev^ s ""N^ Brittle "S % x B re water a^_^^ -^^- Broach j Bribe \ Broached Briber cv ^Xrs. ^w Broad _^3 ^^~7 Brickbat ~x Broader ( Brick-diiBt \ 'X. |;> V / N Broadest .. Brick-kiln 1^ 7" _ Broad-gauge 05, g^ Brick-layer b f Broadly / Brick-work ^-~- p Broadsword <>< f ^*^ J^7>. Bridal C 1 Broadway 1 1 Bride Brocade Bridegroom ?x ">< x ^V^- Brogue c \_ ''X. Bride-maid Broil Bridewell Broiled ,. Bridge "NA N "Si Broiling ^^ "^S l \_ Bridged Y-- f /i Broke c Bridgeport 4 Broken Bridget <>v ^^ Broken-hearted c \__ ^X. ^x Bridgewater / f 7 Broker S Bridle sT^ "^ "^ i Brokerage Bridled ^ j^ p Bromine ^S. . ^^*i ^v Brief 1 Bronchial ^f ^" *~ Briefer Briefest Sv-V A Bronchitis Bronze %_ % x Briefly V~ ~~K. Bronzed [^ Brier v Brooch Brig x_^ ^- ^.. Brood ^^v \ Brigade .... Y-- Brook 7 " ^ ^ Brigadier-general Brigand Bright w ^, a Brookfield Brooklyn Broom Cx. ^^ Bi:O Broomstick Broth Brothel Brother Brotherhood Brother-in-law Brotherly Brougham Brought Brow Browbeat Browbeaten Brown Browner Brownest Brownish Brownsville Browse Browsed Browsing Bruce Bruise Bruised Bruising Brunette Brunswick Brunt Brush Brushed Brush-wood Brusque Brusquenesa Brussels Brutal Brutalism Brutality Brutalize Brutalized Brutally Brute Brutish Brutishly Brutishness Bryant Bubble Bubbled Buccaneer Buchanan Buck Bucket Bucki-ye Buckingham Buckle Buckled Buckler Buckram Buckskin Buckwheat Bucolic Bud Buddha Buddhism Buddhist Buddhistic Badge Budged Buffalo Butter iBuflet Buffing-apparatus Buffoon I Buffoonery Bug Bugbear -V> urden urdened urdensome Burdock x- E I:B 2 s CAL Bureau Button-holed Burgess Burgher \X ^ " Buxom Buy \_ ^ x, Burglariously "^ Buyer * *^~ Burglary Burgomaster Boa Buzzard N. X ^ Burgoyne / n Buzzed Burgundy Burial *^ V/ V/] 4 Buzzing By x^ N ^^^^ Buried 7 By -gone Burke Burlesque i By-law By-path ^ \ X Burlesqued Burlington Burly % "N/" NX' By-paths Byron By-stander V \xi_> 2L. Burn /* By -street ^ Burned ^"3 By-way N. \_ No Burner ^vxj ^S^ ^ By -word ^^ ^^ Burnet > ^ Burnt-offering Burrow Burrowed Burst Cab . Bury s> v^ ? > \/ / *^*^^ Cabal x^ x^ ^5 Burying-ground Cabalistic Burying-pla Cabbage . Bush Cabin Bushel J Cabin-boy / \ Bushiness Cabinet Bush-whack Bushy \_ > Cabinet-council Cable ~X3jV_^^s Busied Cabled v Busier y "V ^ Cablegram % N-^ \/"' Busiest 1 l Cabool Busily ^ V Caboose Business T$ ^C_ 9 N^ Cabriolet v ^\l Buskin Cackle >o e Bust Cackled Bustle Bustled > > Cactus Cadaver - "l>~rC\- Bustling Busy NO ^ X Cadaverous Caddy _^ -, "1 Busybody C ' Cadence But Cartel j*^ Butcher Butchered > N Cadetship Cadvvallacler ~" ~} Butcherly Butchery Butler ^ Caesar Caf6 Cage ^ -V. -7 Butt Caged Butter Buttercup NI >y ,^~^~ Cai n Cairo ~i -* ^ Buttered Butterfly Sn V V, Cajole Cajoled ~r~ ~j ~r^ Buttermilk L -/" Cajolery ' Butternut \. Cake ^ Buttery fc^X" ^/^^ ^ Calaboose /^"NO Buttock Calamitous Button Calamitously ,. Buttoned \ ^\ ^S Calamity O^ 1 ~ Button-hole J H Calamus c AL, 2 9 ''AX Calcified Calcify Calcium c p c o '('ampaiKii Campbell Cam libel lite _^^^\-n Calculable r- Camphor Calculate \^ ( 'ainpin^ ' cs \ ^ _ Calculation ^~^~ ^~^> (^amp- meeting ^ Calculator ,- e Can Calculus c 'j c f Canaan 1 Calcutta Canaanite = -a Caldron Caldwell c^-1 Canada Canal 1 -^^ Caleb Canal-boat ^ ' Caledonia ,- c Canard Caledonian J J /"K Canary __/ y f> Calendar " 1 Cancel t^ J^ Calf Canceled Calf-skin v v " ^ Canceling "f ^7^ Calhoun V_ Vo = Cancellation *~f* C_/ (7 Caliber Cancer Calico f \ /" ^^ Cancerous i j /\ California Candelabra Calipers .- -. Candelabrum , Caliph / \3 /V (j D Candid /^^\^, f Calisthenics Candidacy ' ) Calk Candidate Calked _ | Candidly "T V^ Call Candied .._... Called ^ <^/ _!T Candle Caller = "" V^. 'Candlestick / ^ ^^N Calligraphy Candor Calliope Candy Callous Callow __^X /" 7^ |Cane ,Caned _ZI?__ _, _, Calm Canine Calmed / ^ ICaning ^-^ Calmer Canister ^~^ Calmest Canker Calming ^_/~ Canned Calmly -*5> s.^ Cannel-coal ^_^^ -= c Calmness Cannibal Calomel f ^ \ Cannibalism ^s/"" ^/^ Caloric Cannon ^_^ Calumniate ^ Cannonade ^ Calumniated ~~ 1 < _ Cannonaded "1 * 1 i ~^\/^' Calumniation Cannon-ball Calumniator Cannoneer Calumny 1 < ^~ C ^ Cannon-shot ' "^\ Calvary .Cannot ^~~J Calves jCanoe Calvin i c v ^ v Canon Calvinism. \0- *N_^- Canon ==^ 5 Z-^ Calvinist Calvinistic =-y^ t -vr~_y^ Canonical-ly Canonization Calyx Canonize ' < I 5__fi, ^__o Cambria Canonized Cambrian C \ ' ^^s ~\. Canonizing " \ Cambric Canopy ^~^> ' R_^ Cambridge 1 Cant Camden Can't Came 7 Cantankerous _.__. __, ^^ ^ Camel ;Cantata Cameo , ^ ^ ^ _^ Cantatrice 7 T "J2 Camera Canteen / Cameron Canter Camomile _^___/~ /^L_^-~ Canterbury ^\ x^X. x^ ~^S Camp .Cantered Canting o Canton Canvas Cinvass Canvassed Canvasser Canvassing Caoutchouc Cup Capability Capable Capacious Capaciously Capaciousness Capacity Cap-a-pie Cape Caper Capernaum Capias Capillary Capital Capitalist Capitalize Capitalized Capitation Capitol Capitulate Capitulation Capon Caprice Capricious Capriciously Capricorn Capsize Capsized Capsizing Capstan Capsule Captain Captaincy Caption Captious Captiously Captiousness Captivate Captivation Captive Captivity Captor Capture Captured Capuchin Car Caramel Carat Caravan Caraway Carbine Carbineer Carbon Carbonic Carboy Carbuncle Carcass lard ,'ard-board Cardinal Care Jared Jareen Careened 'areer Careful-ly Careless Jarelessly Carelessness Caress Caressed Caressing 3aret Jare-worn )argo Caribbean Caricature Caricatured Carlisle ;arlyle Carmelite Carmine Carnage Carnal Carnally 'arnation )arnelian Carnival )arnivora Carnivorous 'aroled Carolina Caroline Carotid Carousal Carouse larouscd Carousing Carp Carpenter Carpentry Carpet Carpet-bag Carpet-bagger Carriage Carriage-horse Carried Carrier Carrion Carroll Carroll ton Carronade Carrot Carry Carry-all Carrying Carson Cart Carte-blanche Carter Cartesian Carthage CAR 31 PAY Carthaginian Cart-horse Cartilage Cartilaginous Cart-load Cartoon ~^ ^23- Cauterizing Cautery Caution ^L_J_-lf Castrate Castration Casual-ly -^ ~l ?*u Cautionary Cautioned Cautious __5 ^3 Casualty Casuist- Casuistry ~^i ~? 7 Cautiously Cavalcade Cavalier v--^^/ Cat Catacomb Catalepsy ..._..-]_ S\ Cavalierly Cavalry Cave ~^Y ~VX_ Cataleptic Catalogue Catalpa / Caveat Caved Cavern -Xj - _^ Catapult Cataract Catarrh -^ ^-^/_- Cavernous Cavil Caviled _^- ^-t Catastrophe Oatawba Cat- bird X ~\" Caviler Cavity Cayenne Pepper ^/-s^^ CEA 32 CHA Cease Ceased ) , y. Cerebellum Cerebral <^N V 0\ Ceaseless Cerebration X- ^ >^ Ceaselessly Ceasing t V"* ^ < V' Cerebro-spinal Cerebrum XV \_^ Cecil Ceremonial ^^ /" Cecilia Cedar T } J Ceremonious Ceremoniously Cedarville v:~ Ceremony ^ Cede f f V Ceres v^ Ceded \ r r Certain o^ ' o^ Cedilla Certainly / Ceiling Celebrant O {** ^ Certainty Certificate o^\ X__ C V_ Celebrate Certificated i Celebration Celebrity r*\> r*N (^ Certification Certified \ _ -V \_ Celery i Certify ~* Celestial-ly Celibacy C) (\ C Cerulean Cervical "v ^V_ Ji Cell Cessation Cellar Cellarage Cellular (^r^^ Cession Cess-pool Ceylon j V <~ Celluloid /"~i Chafe . Celt Celtic I <** tL- Chafed Chaff ^ ~/- Cement Cemetery ~1 X tr* ' / Censured Chaise c f> e Census ** ' i ~S s^ Chalcedony Q^ [_ | Cent Chaldaic Centaur Chaldea c - c .- Centenarian 5 1_ ~~^ ~v Chaldean I- 1 Centenary > ^~y >^ Chaldee Centennial Chaldron C -1 /^> / Center ^~f Chalice J / =. Center-bit ^ ' " ^> Chalk Centigrade Chalked ^ / / Centigram Centiliter ** ^ - Y Challenge Challenger Centime Centimeter Centiped *n-.n^-C Chamber Chamberlain Chamber-maid / / s?/ Central Chameleon Centralization /* "T' ^- /^ Chamfer f *( /_.^ J. Centralize ** Chamois -^ Centralized Centralizing * a' ^-f ^r Champagne Champion A> /A Ai Centrally Championship / Centre Centreville -_>-A5 Champlain Chance j_^ . Centrifugal I Chanced y ^ Centripetal Century Cephalic <^^^f~ Chancel Chancellor Chancellorship / I / Ceramic Chancery / / -^ Cerate ^ ** cx^n o^/ Chandelier / r>/ < ^| /^^ Cereal iChandler ^"^S CHA 33 CHI Change / / / Chastity / i Changeable-/ / i / Chat 1 "I S Changel'ul-ly ' r r L, r Charity Charlatan ? n ^ Cheese Cliel-d'reuvre .L j /' Charlatanry Chelsea V > Charlemagne Charles f ' ' \ Chemical-ly Chemise ^^ ^ Charleston Chemist Charlotte 7 9 Chemistry . Charm S l^, 6~< Clienille J /^f Charmed V* Cherish T Charmer y y o Cherished //$ /S /A Charming i^ t~^s f-^_^ Cherokee r r r\ Charmingly T Cheroot Charnel ? ? ^ Cherry AX /j/^^. /j^\. Charnel-house Q/^ C^V -/ Cherry-bounce r r 7* r *$ Charred > Cherry-brandy I Chart Charter Chartered { 1 ? 1 1 Cherry-tree Cherub Cherubim ^ 4 C Chartism Chartist 7 ? // Chesapeake Chess < / ^ Chary a Chess-board N Charybdis Cham -N / / Chess-man Chest A / 6 Chased i Chester Chasing / / Chestnut / i Chasm 4_ ^ tf - " Chevalier L ^ /-- Chaste Chew v^ Chastely Chasten -L'"L Shewed "Miiarooscuro ^-/j Chastened ' Chicago Chastise Chastised Chastisement { { < Chicanery Chick Chickamausra >, Z_ L CHI 34 CID Chicken 1 Choler s~ .S , Chicken-hearted / / / Cholera ^ _ f ^ Chicken-pox ^ ^^S ^~^__c' c.holeric Chicory / / Choose / Chide / / \ " Jh nosing / / <. Chief 1 Chop u 6^^ Chief-Justice Chiefly / / < Jhopped Jhoral <(_ s Chieftain Y v j Chord Ob tenon t n 'horister Chilblain Child J *f Jhorus Chose[n.] *? Childbirth /> /i Chse[v.] Childhood Childish -&*\ \J- Chosen Cbowcliow I L -/- Childishly Chowder A Childishness Child-like Children /> Chrism Christ Christen y- -^ Chili f / ........ Christendom * ~"i__^ Chill Christened c -- c ^ Chilled 1-^0 1^- Christian Chilliness /) f^ v jr Christianity c - = Chilly Christianize Chime Christianized Chimed Chimera U ~S Christina Christmas cr"= = C <= * * Chimerical-ly Chiming , / Christmas-day Christmas-tree .-^^r~6| c-f Chimney Chrome-green c ' c ' China Chinaman L 6-2 ^ Chrome-orange Chrome-red _^^-7^/1^ China-ware Chrome-yellow c ' ~ - " Chine Chinese / 6. U- Chromo Chronic Chink Chronicle c ' * C 2 c Chinked .. Chronicled Chintz / ^ v Chronicler ^-^ ^z . "^~ f ~f Chip ' " X Chronoiogical-ly T <_ Chipped , Chronology Chippewa Chirp -^ C ^ Chronometer Chrysalis ^~/^^~-C Chirped 1 Chuck Chisel Chiseled I ^ ft Chucked Chuckle I- L * Clamored c __^ ^ c_-s c *^_^ Cimeter J Clamoiing Cincinnati Clamorous Cinder 15 $1 4. -s ^-^ Clamorously = f ^ .__ ,- ^_^ Cinnamon Clamp Cipher e \ Clamped Ciphered j ' r\ Clamping Circassia 7 Clan c ?z. c -^ j Circassian Clandestine r- if - Circle \ ^/* ^/*~ i'lanfleslinely J ~^f = Circled ~7 Clang f^t f Circuit Clank Circuitous / ~/ I ~/ i [/tanked Circuitously a as b f ^~ Clannish "7 Circular r'lap Circulate yS ^ 0/~ CyS ^ Dlapbonrd \ SSM V e ^ Circulation Clapped Circumcise C Clapper ( _ Circumcised c<\ 0^ 0\ Jlap-trap \^ \n ^ / Circumcision (J Clarence Circumference Circumflex ^ ^_ 7 Clarendon Claret \ Circumjacent Clariried Circumlocution -, Clarify Circumnavigate "f V \_ Clarion C__/V_ r- X^T- / ' Circumnavigated 1 1 Clarionet Circumscribe Clark ,_ Circumscribed 00 \ X 0\^ Clarke c ^T \ \_ Circumspect ' Clarksville V Circumspection - Clash ^ , ^/ Circumspectly Circumstance K--, K_r } flashed Clasp V ^ "X Circumstanced Clasped Circumstantial 1" / -V, 31 ass c ^ Circumvent Classed <= c Circus 31assic Cistercian Cistern \* iJ 3lassical-ly Classiflcation =-a --^_^-- D Citadel Citation I J r Classified Classify ^ ^L ^_ Cite f 31assing Cited p p Classmate Citizen Citizenship -L L L, Clatter Clattered c^^ M H Citron 3P Claude 1:1 1 = 1 *~ " City L ^_ Jlaudius i ' " Civic Clause Civil . Clavicle Civilian ^\ a w v^ Civility Jlawed Civilization Clay <- ,_ Civilize p^ (^ Clayton ^ Civilized TC Clean Civilizing Cleaned c Civilly t V Cleaner -V^ y Clack v^ f -^ Cleanest Clad Cleanliness ^ Claim Cleanly S^-P S~ * f Claimant "" t ~ ^ ^ ^ ^* Cleanness i < Claimed Cleanse e Claiming c ' Si ^ /^v Jleaused ^-^ Clairvoyance c ^ >-^_J> Clear "^ Clairvoyant Clearance / Clam ,. xV Jleared r /** " = > = ^_/^ Clamber c_^ .= ?" ^ Clearer c LE COB Clearest Clear! tig-booM Clearly Clearness Clear-sighted Cleat Cleave Cleaved ^^^"T Clot Cloth Clotiie ciothoa Clolhcs Clothes-basket C'lothes-l)rush Clothes-line -.. 1 ^ ^~~l t or<= o >- ^N ^ ^\ Clef Cleft clemency Clement Cleopatra Clergy c 5 ^-, ~\^^_// c^, Ciotlies-pln Clothier Clothing Cloths Cloud Cloudy ) ~ ^/ ^0 ^ =n Clergyman Clergymen Clerical Clerk Clerkship Cleveland Clove Cloven Clover Clown Clownish c_ i ^~ _ ^ -*> Clever Cleverly Cleverness Clew Click Client ~^y*~^ ^ *"V-~" <= ^^N Cloy Cloyed Club Clubbed Club-foot Cluck r y Cliff Clifton Climate ^Vr .r~^ Clue Clump Clumsier -^^ Climatic Climax Climb _J_ Clumsiest Clumsily Clumsiness ^^i^-wTO Climbed Climbing Clinch = ^-^ CL ~~7' ^~? Clumsy Clung Cluster = , e^O e -^ Clinched Cling Clinic = , ^_-^^- Clustered Clutch Clutched "7 -v -7 Clink Clinked Clinker *-^>-*^, ^ Coach Coachman Condjustment ^> ^ 7 Clinton Clio Clip ST- -\ -N Coadjutaut Coadjutor Coagulate j Clipped Clipper Clique Cloak Clock Clock-work ^~^2 Coal Coalesce Coalesced Coalescence Coalescent Coalescing 1 r ; C^ x -c Clod Clod-hopper Clog ^/\, ^ Coalition Coal-oil Coal-tar v n ^ Cloister Cloistered Close Closed Close-fisted Closely Closeness Closer Closest Closet Closeted Closing Closure ^^ ^ ^> ^> ^c ^^ -Y ^ ^ ~-f *^ *3 Coarse Coarseness Coarser Coarsest Coast Coasted Coat Coax Coaxed Coaxing Cob Cobalt Cobbler > c-A_^ "^ "5 _^ ~f ~1 Cobble-stone Cobweb Cochineal Cock ~> ~\^ Coin Coincide (Coincided J_ T , H Cockade 1 V Coincidence f i j Cock-fight Cockney Cockpit , s . /I Coincident Coined Coke , Cockroach Cocktail Cocoa r Cold Cold-blooded Cold-chibtl \ 2 ^ Cocoon Cod Coddle "I f -r Bolder Coldest Coldly 1> or ^= t./ =^_j. Coddled Code Codex Cod-fish Codicil Codified n ~l_ "^ ? v Coldness Coleridge Col fax Colic Coliseum Collapse Codify Coemption ro-equal-ly Collapsed Collapsing Collar c ^ s~ Coerce Coerced Coercing Coercion Co-eternal Coeval _^_^ Collared Collate Collateral-ly Collation Colleague Collect z_^4: Co-executor Co-executn Co-exist -L-j-f f Collectedly Collection Collective c^,* ,^-C Co-existed Co-existence Coffee f ^~^ Collectively Collector Collectorship 1 , -7 Coffee-house Coffee-pot Coffer = ^- 5 -^ College Collegiate Collier j-T^-s' Coffer-dam Coffin Collierly Collins \ Cog Va v Collision r" 3 - 1 Cogency Cogent Cogitate Cogitation Cognac Cognate Cognizable Cognizance Cognizant - J_l Collocation Colloquial iColIoquy Collusion Cologne Colon Colonel Colonelcy Colonial ^ Cognomen Cog-wheel Cohabit ^ ^ Colonist Colonization Colonize c-^,^^, . e Cohabitation Co heir Co-heiress -^ _)> Colonized Colonizing Colony *^0 -^ c Cohere Coherence Coherent Cohesion Cohesive Cohort Coiffure Coil Coiled -^ -^ Color Colorado Color-blind Colored Colorless Colossus Colt Columbia Columbus ^-^- c Coiling Column /I ( X)L 3 i COM Jolumnar 'ommodions i i L.'omb ' ^-^ ^ ^ '^ iommodlously Combat* jommodiouBnesB f Combatant 'ommod'ty Jombative ^_^^ 'i Mil modoro Combed iomotoo . Combination Combine N S N '(imiiKinality loramoner ^ ^ Combined .'nmmonest Bombing "ommonly S" Combustible 'NO NO 'o;ii rn*n i iess v^_ Combustion Some It 'ommonplaue 'ommon wealth Comedian J 1 Commotion (\ , Comedy Jommune ... .^__^- homelier ./"^o ,'ommiinpd Domellest ^~^S N ^j >)mmunicaMe-y ' " V Comeliuess Communicant ^, ^> ' --> Comely _ 'ommunlcate . Comet ^.^f '?\ /ommunlcation . ^^_ Comfort Communicative ' D Comfortable-y /*> 'ommunion Comforter \-t\ ' Communist ~y Comic ' , . .'ommunistic Comical-ly 1 lommunlty f ' 1 -t Comity Commutable 1 N Comma . Commutation Command Commute -i Commandant ^ ^^ Commuted U Commander Compact Commandment ^ ^/N, Jompactly \ " ^ 'N. Commemorable i^ -~^> Compactness Nz_ X^y x^^p Commemorate 2 Companion Commemoration :ompanionable-y "N. N. \. Commemorative \~ Companionship ^ Commence "Jompany Commenced Commencement '^-* -^ '-^ Comparable Comparative \ X Commencing ^, Comparatively Commend Commendable-y '^-*~' '~ ^ Jompare Compared x N N Commendation . Comparison Commendatory [y \j ' ^^ <^ IJompartment N V /^" X '\ ^ \,j Commensurable- N Compass Commensurate .. . Compassed Comment ^~^~ _ \r Jompassing N> N,.^ N^ Commentary Compassion Commentator Commerce Comtnercial-ly "~1i Compassionate Com passionately Compatibility > > \ Commingle Compatible-y N ' Commingled -, ^ Jompatriot N Nq _J^> Commiserate 3ompeer N Commiseration Commissariat Commissary [era _V^y ' "t Commissary-gen- ^ -^ ^ Compendious . Com mission rrs ^ +' Commissioned Compensate ; 1 - I Commissioner Commit -^ i u Compensated Compensation \ \. x Commitment Compete i Committal [^- ' 61 Competence . . . Committee ^ 1 Competency N N N Commixture Competent ; ( OM K CON Competition Competitive Competitor Compilation Compile ~! -N I -Nr i I/" I _ 1 '\S^> *> V Compulsory Compunction Computable Computation Compute ^ Compiled Compiler Compiling vr-> \, v Comrade Cou Concatenate -^ " Complacency Complacent Complacently Complain Complainant Complained S- V '% V \ '%. Concatenation Concave Concavity Conceal Concealed Concealment ^~* L f**" 6 | Complaint Complaisance Complaisant ^Q_^ P ^Q^ ^ s< ^- Concede Conceded Conceit f f 1 f Complaisautly Complement Complementary Complete Completely Completion ( Conceited Conceitedly Conceivable-y Conceive Conceived Concentrate ty' p t h^-. _ X. -i-j\ >Q - / 1 J Complex Complexion Complexity Compliance Complicate Complication Complicity Complied Compliment '_y_. V, 'v/ Concentration Concentric Concept Conception Concern Concerned Concert Concession Conuh V^-.> \ Complimentary Comply Component .'.!>. X 'N Conciiology Conciliate Conciliated n C C Compose Composed Composedly N 'N=- V Conciliation Conciliatory Concise s\ '") y Composer Composing Composite Y ^ Concisely Conciseness Conclave i. Compositor Composure r Conclude Conclusion Conclusive "" Compound Compounding Comprehend >x <~x S Condiment Condition Conditional-ly U, b L- or /nj Confuse Confused Confusedly A. \ \ ^ J " " ^ ^ Dondole r j Y 9 Jont'usin^ 1 Condolence Confute Vo- ^3 v Condoling ' Congg ^-t-i Condone , Condoned G J 'ongeal Congealed LJ f J Conduce Congenial / / Conduced i i I Congeniality C_^ f~~ ' f / Conducing . .^ . j__ Congested "T Conducive Conduct Conductor i L L- L ' Congestion UoiiKlomerate Conglomeration /^_^ .=_ Conduit v_ Congratulate / Cone j V Dongratulation _/- (^ _ __r Confectioner 3 3 Congratulatory s- Confectionery * Congregate r~ "^ S Confederacy V , v^^ V^A [/ongregation " Confederate 1 Congregational /***"* Confederation Confer Conference H ^ ^ ^ongregational- 3onj?rej?ii- [ism Congress[tionalist f=Z .^ Conferred . \ Congressional s- Confess <^ VD *=> Congressman S j -_^~~ Confessed Congruity c ' Confessedly V 'v V Congruous . Confessing i*x~ ^S^tf Conical-ly e^" \ ^ / n Confession V Conjectural-ly ' 1 Confessional Confessor Confidant Vj ^ v Conjecture Conjectured Conjoin U L* > ~ j i Confide \ Conjoined Confidence j v V^ Conjoint j 6 Confine Confined Confinement Vo 'i -V -- Conjuncture Conjuration Conjure L\ P * Confirm Conjured . Confirmation Confirmed ' c ^ v - -C V> irv Conjurer Connect i ^ _ Confirming Connected Confiscate ^^V V y^p Connecticut "^n ~^ Confiscation * -> Connection i_or Conflagration Connective , Conflict \ ~) t \^ Connivance "^^- VA ^ Conflicted ~i """ Connive Confluence Connived Confluent >I ^^ y^ Connoiseur C ^ ' X^/ Conform * ^^ ^^V-^ Connubial Conformable-y Conformation i -. Conquer Conquerable ^S Conformed *~"^v J \ x~\. Conquered Conforming \ Conqueror / Conformist Conformity V ^'^~x ^-s V-o^ -. Conquest Conrad - /I Confound 1 Consanguineous Confrere <c i Consanguinity ^^ < ^"^ < / Confront ,^....._ ^ Conscience c ON 4 1 CON Conscienceless Constantlne Conscientious Conscientiously ^\.-> * c -i < -j- b o/V-o/'s Construct Construction 1 V IT Conservative Vu Constructional Conservatory y Constructive i Conserve t (y\^n &r r Construe i i Conserved Construed X i Consider * 4 i Consubstantia- . Consid(;rable-y i Consul [tion \y> ~ ~\ Considerate S^ Consular T Considerately Consideration Considered JC. I i Consulate Consulship Consult ri R f Consign Q ' Consultation Consigned ^*^ Consume A 1 1 Consignee Contained .* .~- Consignment Consignor <2^ P Consuming Consummate n Consist Consummation .s- 1 -^' Consisted Consistence Consistency P P P Consumption Consumptive (/'on tact .(J^ j O Consistent Consistently P sP '%/ Contagion Contagious j J j Consistory ' Contain / / Consolation ^-) ^^0 s~ Contained Consolatory c c i r Contaminate j L-^.^ L-^^-t Console Contaminated i Consoled Consolidate <' ^ HJ Contamination Contemn l~^> U L Consolidation * Contemned Consols Consonance ^ ' /x '^ t 1 Conspicuous Conspicuously 1^ \~^ Contempt [rary Contemptible-y Consplcuo'isness Conspiracy Conspirator 1 Contemptuous Con temptuously Contend 4 4 ' b /^ Conspire Conspired Constable s s i 1 'on tent Contented Contention j L, b Constabulary Constancy (Jonstant - Context J Convalescent i_9 Contiguity Contiguous Continence i j -_ n ) Convalescing Convene Convened y L .->-... Continent C~ i Convenience V \ Continental Contingency ~^~^ "~zjy 1 Convenient Conveniently V / Contingent Convent _ Continual-ly j [ ^ p Conventicle Vi ^-v_<___ V ^) Continuance (~ Convention Continuant . Conventional ^t~~* ' Continuation L L L, Don ven tionalism ^-^ ^^^ *~> " ^^ Continue 7? Conventionality ~v^3 g/ Continued Continuity Continuous h ! ~i ' u Converge Converged Convergence ^ 1 ^ Continuously . j j o Convergent -c< \ -c> \ -c> \ Contort 1^ 1 ' \r Conversance J cs^9 d-^ Contortion IT Conversant * Contour Conversation '<^x s~ Contra 1 's Conversational j^ ^Vf "^ Contraband > Converse Contract n Conversely Contractible L L I, Conversion iT ^^ ^ Contractile ^ r Convert Contractility Contraction Contractor L, U L, Convertibility Convertible-y Convex *\ > v " Contradict Contradiction Contradictory t T_=> 1_n Convexity Convey Conveyed s ^ " 1 Contradistinction / : -. i Conveyable - Contralto Ij^P Y \ \/\ Conveyance ^~C ^V__J1 ^^.J^ Contrariety Conveyancer N^ Contrary Contrast V \ \ Convict Convicted 'v^_ v^_ 'v^_ Contrasted r Conviction 1 "^ Contravene ' i "f Convince Contravened ^^ _^_ ^^ --^ Convinced V2) Vj^-C? V_^ ^ Contravention Convincing Contribute Contribution Contributor I V, \ Convivial Convocation Convoke '\ ^0 '^- Contrite i i V Corpuscle ""V-f""^ ^ Copal 1 jCorral \ ' Copartner x Corral ed c c 3 Copartnership Cope ^_^ ^_^ N Correct iCorrection Coped - rv /Corrective = =c ^ ^J> Copenhagen Copernican Correctness Copernicus . s . Correlation c p Copied \x^_^ o ^-o correlative /*) ,/\ .... Copious .Correspond C/ IS Copiously . rx^ SN^ ^Correspondence i( 'nrrpsjfxiiulpn t. c ~\> "~^ ' r ~^ Copperas ' Corresponding J Copper-head Copper-plate ^ ,-1 ex \^ ^Correspondingly Xf I ^ Corridor ^ /> Cosmopolitan Cosmos ~^\ ,ZT Corned Cossack J Corner ^-^, c-^_ <^0 Cost Corner-stone Costliness hornet 3orn lee c __ /*\ Costly Costume -r -u ..- Corn-starch / Cot Cornucopia Cotemporaneous y~ *" s~f / Coronal Coronation /"-^r^^ ^ Jotemporaneous- Cotemporary [ly -^/-^/T / Coroner < e-/ *~ Coterie . n Coronet ^^ c ^x/ Cotillon 1- ^ L Corporal-ly Jo- trustee f Corporate ^ Cottage Corporation c "^ c >O C ^X/^" Cottager / / Corporeal-ly Cotton Corps c c V/" 9 Cotton-gin i 1 s " i Corpse Corpulence ",'ot ton -press Cotton-wool / ^ ^ con 44 en A Couch Couched Cough 7 Courteously Courtesan Courtesied 7 -L t "7 "" ~-^~ Couched Could Council ~ -r Courtesy Court-house Courtier ^ ^ ^ Councilman Councilor Counsel -n^-^-Y- Courtliness Courtly Court-martial <^ J- ^ Counseled Counseling Counselor ~^~c~^ Court-plaster < 'nurtship Courts-niiirtial ^ ^ ^ Count Countenance Countenanced -=r -^ -^-^ Court-yard Cousin Cove T Countenancing Counter Counteract ^^^-^X Covenant Covenanter Coventry ^-\^-^ Counteraction Counteractive Counterbalance \ 'Cover Covered Coverlet _^ _^ --v f_^^ \^ Counterbalanced Counter-evidence Counterfeit \ v^ ^- Covert iCovertly Coverture -^ -or-v Counterfeiter Counter-irritant Cou n ter-irritation / ...^ < - \s* ^c\j Covet Covetous Covetously -v -^ -\ Countermand Countermanding Countermarch ^ ^ Y~* Covington Cow Coward ^^3 - - Countermarched Countermine Countermined Counterpart Counterplot Counterpoise Counterpoised Counterpoising Countersign Countersigned Countersink Countess _S ^ ^ iCowardice Cowardly Cow-boy Cow-catcher Cowed Cower Cowered Cow.hide Cowl Cowlick Co-worker Cowper ... .71] _ 7 \ X. _^..__.^Z1 1 ^^r- ., Counting Counting-house Counting-room Countless Country , Country-man _ ? Cow-pox Cowslip Cox Coxcomb Coy Coyly 3 n . ^_r Country-men Country-woman Country-women County Coup d'etat Coupe ^ -* Coyness Cozen Cozened Cozier Coziest Cozily 7 -e q_-| -x ~\ ~> V Couple Coupled Coupling ^s ^ ^^ Cozy Crab Crab-apple ~>-N"y. Coupon Courage Courageous ~N "7 1 Crahbod Crabbedly Crablieduess Courageously Courier Course Court Court- dress Courteous 7 ^r Crack Cr.icker Crackle Crackling Cracknel Cradle --..-..-^...T CRA 45 CRO Craft Creed Craftiness ^ a , Creek = c c ^ Craftsman Creep """" Crafty Crag Craggy ""V 1 Creeper Cremation Cremona <^\_^>_~ _ Cram Creole Crammed ^ Creosote Y>- C-^P c ^ Cramming *""" Crept Cramp Crescent Cramped ^^ _^ _^^^ Cress Cramping C C "* C Crest c Q <= c V^^^ = ^ Crimination = *f ' ' c: ""* Crawford Crimp Crawl Crawled Crawling T ^ T Crimped Crimping Crimson .^^^.^^=L ^^ Crayon Cringe Craze Crazed c c- r-=- Cringed Crinoline "7 _IZ_ ^r Crazily Crazi ness /- "^ c b C_P c "5_x Cripple Crippled -v ^^ -* Crazing Crazy Creak Crises Crisis Crisp - -v ^v Cream Crisply ^^ Cream-colored ^ J Crispness Creamy c ^ c - ^ c Criteria C ^ C 1 S" c I .0 Crease Criterion N p I/ K Creased ^_^ Critic Creasing 1 Critical-ly c | =-e Criticise Creation = 1 t Criticised c | c ] c | Creative Criticism \ 1 ~^ ' Creator Critique Creature c M Croak c i Credence Croaker 1 C =T-= Credential Crochet Credibility )^ ^X. *^ Crock Cr-^ C C = Credible-y * ^ Crockery Credit f Crocket Creditable-y Creditmobilier fiL-f^_ru^" Crocodile Crocus C 1 C K^ Creditor Croesus Credulity '"X c 1 C ~J^ Cromwell ^f -T Credulous Crone ( ,'RO 4 B CUP Crony Crook Jrupper Crusade c-*\ -t -J Crooked ' <= t Crush Crookedness Croon Crooned -=^-5-^ ^ Jrushed Jrust Crustiness -* '.- -t, Crop Cropped Croquet ! ~\ JiZl- c _ Crusty Jrutch Crux "t "7 c = Crosier Cross Cross-bar Cross-bow Cross-cut 7 -^ -S Cry Crypt Crystal Crystalline Crystallization ^T~ ^ Crossed [tion Cross-examina- Cross-examine Cross-examined ==., Crystallize Crystallized L^rystallizing ^ 7 -^ Uross-eyed Cross-grained Crossing " "1 Cuba Duban Cubby-hole -v-V^ Crossly Cross-question *-C ^^ ^~^ Cube CnWc Cross-questio n ed Crosswise Crotch "-* -7 rz.. Cubical Cubit L'uckoo =S ^L_ Crotchety Croton Crouch 7 i ~-<7- Cucumber Cud Cuddle Cuddled n 1 -T Crouched Croup Crow _^_ _ Cudgel Cudgeled Cue -/ -r _ Crow-bar Crowd Crowed ^ -__- n Cuff Cuffed Cuirass - -^ Crown Ciowned Cuirassier Cuisine /-> ^-n Crowning = ^ <~ => = ^_^ Cul-de-sac s^ Crown-prince Crucial Crucible ^\ _y ^ Culinary Cull Culled z: ~ '- ' Crucified Crucifix Crucifixion ^sLK-rVa Culminate Culminated Culmination = i-z^p Crucify Crude Cruder c e . Culpability Culpable y Culprit "-NN^X *^ Crudest Crudely Crudeness . 5r __^__ Cultivate Cultivation Cultivator ^ X X Crudity Cruel-ly Cruelty ^-^ rS\ Culture Cultured Culvert M -> -> Cruet Cruise Cumber Cumberland _^-v^ Cruised Cruiser Cruising Crumb ^.^^ Cumbersome Cumbrance Cumbrous Cumulative ^^c^ Crumble Crumbled Crumple X-^v^r Cuneiform Cunning Cunningham ^^ ~^ Crumpled Crunch Crunched 22 I 2 Cunningly Cup Cupboard -V -\ v ( .UI> 4 7 DAM Cupid Cupidity \ Cuvler Oj-cle \._ - *-* Cupola ~~*\ Cyclone Cur Cyclopedia Curable Curate c r r Cyclops Cylinder | Curator Cylindrical Cuib c n c \ c v Cymbal /" c- -^f* Curbed f Cynic r* 1 Curb-stone Curd -> _ T Cynical-ly Cynicism --._ ^>^ ^ Curdle Cynosure Cure Cynthia Cured c p Cypress Q , &^ \- Curiosity = c ' Cyprus v Curious Cyril Curiously Cyrus **~\^ c/^ ^ Curl ~^3 c b~ C^ Cyst Curled Czar Curling Curmudgeon Curtained Curtly ^ -1 S Daft Dagger I ----- ^ Curtness Curvature Curve _ ^ ^ Daguerreotype Dahlia Daily r *' KK 1 K" ' Curved Cushion Cushioned -0 -3 Daintily Daintiness Dainty f L ^ Cuspidor Dairy 1 9 1 Custard Custodian "\^ e) Daisy Dakota ) 1 Custody p Dale Custom Customarily ~T U,~T--x/ Dallas Dalliance \s~ Y^ V s * Customary ' Dallied Customer Custom-house ~^v ~t^~t-X Dally Dalton n y n Cut Dam Cute Damage i Cuteness _ _____ Damaged ^7 ^7 Cuticle y Damascus ' Cutlass Cutlery ^ = . .T ^ Damask Dame 1 -., n 1 s I - Cutlet Dammed Cutpurse _/ *^\u 1 Damming 1 - i - ._ i _ Cutter Damn l^v U ; >|^^ t- Cut-throat Damnable-y Cuttle-fish f x^v y Damnation . Cut-water 1 Damned ~^^^^^t DAM IS DEB Damning Jamocles Jamp , - .Daughter i I U-. Daughter-in-law ~U^^7 :;Dauni 4 k_ ~/-v IT Damped Dampen Damper L Ui \^~^ ; Dauntless Dauntlessly Dauphin L A s* Dampest Damping Dampness U^> i^-x^ ' l--^~ ' Davenport David Davis ^\ L Damsel Dawn i Dan l_C i L, Dawned j j i Dana Day Dance Day-book ^,^ Danced Dancer i j i ' Day-break Day -laborer k_ k__ ^ 3 j ^_y Dandelion Daylight Dandle Dandled [! ^ r] Day-time Dayton ^ L J Dandling Daze Dandruff Dandy 6 ^ r Dazed Dazzle I I ^ Dandyish Dazzled Dane Danger Dangerous \ / L! Dazzling Dazzlingly Deacon fl /^ /~* 7 Dangerously Deaconry \ / i Dangle ) i* Dead ' 1 Dangled Dead-beat Danfel Danish u V- } Deaden Dead-head 1 J h Dank Deadlock X Dante Danube U_ |J L^ Deadly Dead- march V~ V l^ Danville Dead-weight Dapper i i Deaf j L I Dapple ^>. "\ X Deafen Dappled Dardanelles Dare -4- dp ^ Deafened Deafening Deaf-mute 1 (1~ v- -*^- I *i Dared Deafness Darien 1 I/' I/O Deal U- Y~ Y~^ Darius ^> 'Dealer Dark Dealt i i Darken 1 1 Dean v J Lt Darkened J D Deanery Darker Dear n n Darkest 1 1 1 Dearer 1 Darkly 1 c Dearest >j ) Darkness Dearly Darling Darn %_ 1 U* ^^ C Dearness Dearth Y \_* \A Darned ^^ Death Dart Dartmouth u u ^ [Death-bed Deathless I ( \r Darwi n Darwinian Darwmianism t! Dative i Debasement Daub 1 1 D-'hasing 1 Daubed L .Debatable V ^- \ I )EH 9 DEK Debate Debater ^ kn k [Decisively Decisiveness - ^ i - L ueuaucii ^ / Declc V-J ^-^_P Debauched 1 / ^1 1 Decked Debauchee Debaucher k S Deckhand Declaim L 1 J , Debauchery Declaimed i Debilitate 1 J Declaiming J J I Debilitation \7 S^ N^ Declamation ~ ' Deiiility Debit Deborah < i. c- Declamatory Declaration Declarative JL-nJ L^ N Debris Declare \_l Debt 1 L Declared J J J Debtor >> 1 j Declension ^ C ^ - J> Debut ki Declinable c.' Debutant Debutante Decade S S,: : Declination Decline ! Declined \ -U^ ;1* Decadence [_ | i Declivity 1 J ( Decagram I Decoct V Decaliter Decocted ^1 Decalogue i ^ ^ Decoction I ' 1 Decameter d-J| [Decompose i ^ Decamp Decomposed Decamped Decamping 1 -L-. 1 _ 'Decomposing Decomposition K 'N^ '\, Decanter Decapitate Decapitation K S S Decorate Decoration Decorative h u h Decatur Decay Decayed H L h l Decorous Decorum Decoy LS'\ - L Decease iDecoyed Deceased ( ( I Decrease | o 1 Deceit 5 \ IDecreased ". Deceitful-ly Deceitfulness Deceive v (J \ \ L t Decreasing Decree Decreed U~ t- i. Deceived Deceiver December b bx <****** Decrepit Decrepitude Decried u, l-^__k Decency Decent Decentralize L, L l^ Decry Dedicate Dedication U L ^ Decentralized Decentralizing Deception L_^ L J^ Dedicatory Deduce Deduced H 1 I 1 c D Deceptive Decern Decerned Decide .Decided Decidedly Jv <^ 4 Deducible Deducing Deduct Deduction Deed Deem ^ , L u L_J3 I Deciduous Deemed LI 1 Decigram L i _ i Deeming i~^ L DC Miter r Deep ^ Decillion Decimal-ly ) ' Deepen Deepened -k - ^ k Decimate xb 0^ Deepening ^s - x- Decimation J Deeper Decimeter Decipher l-s Defendant Defender V^ ' 1 v* ' u>^>^^ Delay Delayed r > k Defending Delectable-y Defense Defenseless Defenselessly U L~-^ l-v_<3 b /o Delectation Delegate Delegation L :L .L Defensible f Deleterious ^f r _ Defensive Defensively ^~\ ^v ^r Deliberate Deliberately t lr Defer Deliberation Deference Deferential K. V. K Deliberative Delicacy k 'v S Deferred Defiance 1^ U, V/ Delicate Delicately L ir Lj Defiant Delicateness Deficiency Delicious \r \^' I Deficient i Deliciously L L 1 Deficiently \^ / ^V_y r ~' ^JT* Delight Deficit Defied 1 I -I Delightful-ly Delineate x y y~~~ Defile , ^ ^_ Delineated ~^^r Defiled Defilement Delineation Delinquency ^ IL L- Defiling V 4 V Delinquent , Definable Define l^ U t Delirious Deliriously [/ [S [ Defined Delirium ^V-^ Definite Definition Definitive u u 4 Deliver Deliverance Delivery f I f Definitively 1 I Dell 1 Deflnitiveness Deflect Ht. L^^ Delta Delude + Deflected i * i , * Deluge Deflection j . Deluged \ f |^7 Is-y Deflour ^^^ V- X Delusion Y Deform i p Delusive * Deformity ki i^ Delusory \/-T> \^~* \^^- Defraud -~% ^^ ~ Delve "I ^ 1 Defray Defrayed Deft S k ' i iDolved D'-magogic Dem agog lam ^~ ,r~~ z_ Deftly 1 1 Demagogue Defunct Demand I 1 ^^ ^ Defy f <:~ Demarcation "" Degeneracy 1 1 1 Demean Degenerate Degenerately / / / Demeaned iDemeanor u u u_ ^ < DEM M DEH De men led Dementia Demerit U~, l~, U/ iDennnciator Denunciatory Denver *l -L-1 1 > Demi-god Demijohn Demi-monde 1 L, 1 ^ Deny Depart Department ^ ^ U Demise Democracy Democrat p D I' -v 1 c Departure Depend Dependence K k L Democratic . Dependency Democratical-ly [ v . [ I jDf-pendent 1 Deoiocritua Depict * "\ *- k Demoiselle / Deplete / Demolish \~~~ \~~J I /^ Depletion . Demolition Deplorab!e-y \ \^ Demon . . Deplore 1^ Demonetization I- ^ L ~^_ 1 i 'Deplored 1 N '- Demonetize Deploy \ NK. k Demoniac . Deployed 1 ^ 1 1 Demoniacal-ly Y- ^ [ [^ Deponent J Demonstrable-y J ^Depopulate SL-, N. Demonstrate i k Depopulation N/ 1 Demonstration (^ ^ i j i Deport ILL Demonstrative ^ j.Deportment ^v Demonstratively Demonstrator Demoralization L Si <} <"k C_ > Depose Deposed Deposing k, k k_ Demoralize Deposit ^* Demoralized 1^-^^ L^y^ 3 \_ Deposited i Demosthenes ( Deposition kp k^ *V Demur Demure t-'-t-^fri Depositor Depository L I ( Demurely Depot i t\ ^ Demurred Demurrer Demurring u, u/u/~ Depravation Deprave Depraved k^ C k Den 1 1 ! Depravity >0 Denial Deprecate L L L Denied ' 1 Deprecation ^N ^ K^ Denier Denizen Denmark -4... L^ (^~ Deprecatory Depreciate Depreciation k k k 1 > J Dennis Denominate Denomination u * j Depreciatory Depredation Depredator k i. L! Denominational Denominative Denominator A.L^.-.L,^ r Depredatory Depress Depressed ki k k_ \> ^ Denote Ji i Depressing Denotement L^^, Depression ! Denouement 1 U Deprivation ^5^ Nj \ Denounce Denounced Denouncing Jff -Lyy JA^s Deprive Deprived Depth k k 1 \> \ Dense Densely Denseness 1 l r L, Deputation Depute Deputy s k s Density Derange u . i Dent Dental LP > ^ Deranged Derangement 1 1 H / ^ ^ Dentist \ i Derby Dentistrv Denudation \ } .\. t \ \ Derelict Dereliction k Denude Denunciate Denunciation j A 'i 1 f- Deride Derision Derisive i i v DKll 52 liKT Derisively Deri-iiveiiess I I } 'Despoiled Des puller III Derivation ^- ^-*_^ ^~ Despoiling /* < N/^~ X \*>. Derivative 1 n Despond Jl i ^ ' D :nve Derived Despondency Despondent * JL J - V. Dernier Derogate Derogated U* L, 1-, Despondently Desponding Despot \ C i Derogation Derogatory u u i_ Despotic Despotical-ly iii Derrick 1 Despotism ^ ^ a ^> Dervish .Descant Descend } L L Dessert Dessert-spoon Dessert-spoonful ) Desertion \ ^ Detach I Deserve 1 / 1 XV 1 Detached * Deservedly Deshabille r ft V~ Detachment Detail > i V Desideratum 1 1 1 Detailed r i i Design ol_^ \ cT" "-^ Detailing Designate Detain Designation I L L Detainer r (~ Designed Designedly Detect Detectable L u 'v Designer i i Detection o Desirability Desirable-y ^N \ Detective Detention v L> Desire i i \ 9 Deter Desired J-^ JN Detergent L i/^^' Desirous 1 Deteriorate i Desist 1 L I Deterioration ? v Desisted P p J- Determinate I/ \ \ ^ Desk Determinate Dos Moines Ui v' Determinately ^~t I iN i Desolate 9 d Determination h \- I Desolater n Determinative \ 1 1 Desolation rl I Determine v- ^ -*^- u s - -i F u Despair tr\ x Determined L |, I Despaired X Determinedly J J r Desperado Desperate Desperately J\ Jx 1^" Deterred Detest Detestable-y Desperateness I'll Dete-tation D B^ Desperation Detested 1 Despicable-y *Sa V_,^ Dethrone *) Despise Despised Despising ^ J^ J N) ^s^. Dethroned Dethronement Detour 1 i L Despite Despiteful-ly Despoil * *^_ -.> Didst 1 I 1 De vested Die o 1 Deviate V^ V, 1 i Uied Deviated Deviation Device , i iDieresis L_ Diet \o IjDietary ^ \ Devil i i i Dietetic i | Devilish Deviltry J | , J V. v_y vn Differ Difference I I Devious 1 1 ' Different 1/7 1 Devise 1 I Differential ll ""N Devised Vo Differentiation J Devising 1 1 i Difficult **\ Devoid H UN I) Iliculty r_ ^_ L Devoir Vi_ 1 "^ Diffidence J Devolve | I Diffident i i i Devote Devoted L \ \ Diffidently Diffuse \ \ J >Js V / ^ Devotee Devotion Devotional \ U Ir Diffused Diffusely Ditfuseness ^* V" ^~^_9 Devour Diffusing Devoured Devout Devoutly i i i K l ^ 1 D illusion Diffusive Diffusiveness 1 *! 1 V_x ^ V 1 1 1- Dew i j i ^~> Dig 1 l_ Dexter V*" Digest ^? V Dexterity ' Digestibility ^~^_a Dexterous Diabolic 4,1 4 L Digestible Digesting c^ ff^ r** Diabolical-ly . . " , i.'i-restinrt . Diadem Diagnose ^ L U - C I' Digestive Digit 1 ) Diagnosis Dignify , Diagoiial-ly 1 ,-, 1 [ _ Dignitary L Lo L Diagram ^ ' Dignity Dial Dialect r r~] r Digraph Digress r -^ | T ^/> i^-^ Dialogue Digressed Diameter \ Digressing i Diametrical-ly i_^^ i ^ i Digression I n 1 "^ ' Diamond ' 5 Dike ( *^^ T Diana Dilapidate Diapason Li* L >~N Dilapidation [^ Diaphragm NQ_^. * - Dilate Diarrhea Dilation i -o P v r Diary [/ I/ Diatonic Dilatory Dilemma r \ u Dice Dice-box Dick I 1 L Diletante Diligence Diligent i ; J "'"N "" Dickens Dicker u i- u^ Diligently Dilute If Y* Dickinson liDilution r ~ H "~ I MM hi DIB Dim 1 1. in i u, |_ Disabuse i sod "S *%_, Diminish Disaccommodate ; Diminished Diminution \y U> _{__. ntage Dis advantageous Diminutive Dimity Disadvantageous Disaffect [lv > ( { Dimly I Disaffected r ^-i^ i Dimmed Dimmer L U U Disaffection Disagree L U U Dimmest Disas;reeable-y ^^ \ Dimming Dimness \, ,^x L ^_^ L""*/ Disagreed Dtaacreement I- U -^ Dimple Disallow Dimpled Din ^ J r Disallowed Disappear IT ' Dinah Disappearance j i N- Dine Dined J j L Disappeared Disappoint i. j, j^ Ding Disappointing Ding-dong Dingier Dingiest L^/l ^ Disappointment Disapprobation Disapproval i .i i^r Dinginess Dingy j ^j i Disapprove Disapproved i^ (fv Dinner C_P ^"""' Disarm Dint Diocesan Diocese - \ \ Disarmed Disarming Disarrange L J Diocletian Diociorus Diogenes ^ V L Disarranged Disarrangement Disaster k, *v Dip Diphtheretic Diphtheria -C- L I Disastrous Disastrously Disavow I 1 ! \ \- V Diphthong Diphthongal Diploma u \ \Y_ Disavowed Disband Disbanding ft \r \ L ^ ^ Diplomacy \ ***+ \ ^"t~ Disbelief 1 J 1 Diplomats Disbelieve V V V Diplomatic N \^ ^-^^_. Disbelieved Ng N^ Diplomatical-ly ) . i Disburse 1 1 1 Diplomatist Di pped N^_ X, Disbursed Disbursement No ^ *v, Dipper Dire 1 1 1_ Disbursiug Disc L J- i- Direct ~'^ \ Discard ^ M Disclaimed e_^->. f- s~*^ Dirty Disclaimer Disability Disable Disabled *V V x Disclaiming Disclose Disclosed t . ^_^ i_ DIS 55 DIS Disclosing lit x"~ Disembodied hi Disclosure LO k. J- Disem body- I, Discolor j Disenchant t/ Discoloration Disenchantment ii i Discolored Tf* \ - ll_ Disenfranchise L t_rv L_TN Discomfit ^ r 2 Discomfiture 1 1 1 1 Discngage [nient i \ * i Discomfort ll U li Disengaged L ,U- -,1-, Discommode Disengagement - 7 7 ^^^7 Discompose 1 1 1 Disentangle ~~s Discomposed Discomposing k k IN^ Disentangled Disfavor ^^_kx_l Discomposure Disconcert Disconnect k lN J-^ Disfigure Disfigured Disfigurement ULU Disconnected Disconsolate \L \-c \-f Disfranchise Disfranchised III Disconsolately Disfrancbisemenl \ ^> ^ Discontent i Disfranchising if / o4> Discontented Discontinuance w 4 k* Disgorge Disgorged 7 W Discontinue Discontinued Discord k. k u Disgrace Disgraced Disgraceful-ly 1 n 1 j^> \ o u (J (J y^ Discordance i i i Disgracing Discordant | U_. l_ J_ Disguise 1 ^ J q 1 ^ Discount 4 Disguised ^ ^^ Discountenance Discountenanced Discountenanc- kW T Diseased 1 Disjoint i i ix- Disembark _/ L/ Disk I Disembarked ? *^ r* Diaiike y o DIS 56 DIS Dislocate Y 1 i^ 1 L- Distiosa,! 1 1 1 Dislocated Jv Js^ Dislocation y Disposed N S SO ^^i Dislodge v VJ V^ Disposing 1 ' 1 1 Dislodged 17 d 7 Disptisiiion 1 J J Disloyal-ly U / u X~i Dispossess \<3_^ ^^p ^"N: Disloyalty K^ 1 ! /-< Dispossessed t 1 i Dismal-ly 1 J->T 3-- -i,- Dispossess! M'4' j j .j Dismantle y Q ^* Q i - Dispijssession ^No ^^Q-x^^p Dismantled Dismay Dismayed J -"I O~^ 1? (Js. (TS "^ X -s i Xi Dismissal Dismissed Dismissing f~i $-^ (T~b> Disputable Disputant Disputation t \ ^^ Dismount Disobedience Disobedient Disobediently Disobey Disobeyed ill i j r Disputatious Dispute Disqualification Disqualified Disqualify DlsquMtion ^-Jrk J * ^ . k k^ Disoblige i/ i i Disrieli 1 / \J~" \^\ Disobliged Disorder Disorderly Disorganization Disorganize ^ k, ^ b_^ ^ Disrespectful-ly Disruption Dissatisfaction y\....y\ _ Disparage Disparaged Disparagement Js ffx J\ Dissatisfactory Dissatisfy Dissect 44- I Disparity / / / Dissection Kj Dispassionate 1 Dissemble j Dispassionately t \/ i '^N ^S Dissembled > Dispatch 1 1 1 f Dissembler i Dispatched 1 Disseminate J~*f ^J~~~ 1 O~^_-1 Dispel d^ o^ ^ Disseminated Dispelled 1 1 Dissemination 1 1 1 Dispelling 1 Dissension J ~~~^ ^_^> L_- Dispensary \ t jf / Dissent Dispensation Dissenter ni Dispensatory 1 Dissertation "N Dispense "S^, C N^ '^^f Dissever \ Dispensed \/ Dissevered Ki Disperse J ^ Disseverance <7 Dispersed C7x ^\ VS. \S SQ ^, Dissimilar Dispersedly 1 1 1 Dissimilarity 1 1 1 /^> Dispersing L L L Dissimulate J-^ &-^S~ J / Dispersion %_ N^*S^ Dissimulation ,' Dispirit i r i Dissipate 1 1 r Displace Dissipation (f >> Displaced \ ^^N Dissoluble *s 'N^ Displacement Displacing Display c C ^ Dissolute iDissolutely Dissoluteness /t /* s*> i ft <-S> Displayed V ^o^x Dissolution Displease Dissolve Displeased ^Vi ^^ Dissolved (j Displeasing Displeasure Dissolvent Dissonance V y v-^ Disport ^^_ Dissonant DBS 57 DDL, Dissuade ti i [Diversely Dissuaded 1 I ILL Dissuasion P Diveibily Dissuasive i i i^-r Diversion 1 ^^ 1 V- D.ssyilubic n (J ^ 3 ^ Diversity |^ 1 Dissyllable \__ Divert i j A Distaff i i i iDivest i i 1 ! Distance Distanced \ b J a Divested Divine y w ^ "i Distant Divided Distantly ILL Dividend M L-^ 3 Distaste f x-u iDivinatio.l j Distasteful-ly ( U LI 1 'Divine i i i Distemper t t Divinely l -...-- (r^ lr 2; Distend V - Diviner ( Distention 1 Divinest 1 1 1 Distill H 3 \ \ iDi viniiy Distillation J Divisor i Lx Distilled Divorce i i i Distiller Distillery (1 f .{/ Divorced Divorcing S K 4_ Distinct Distinction I k-? t-i :Divulge Divulged Distinctive Dixie V. ^- ) Distinctively L L 1 Dixon / r Distinctly iT"^l v*~^* c^ ^ Dizzier [^ n D.stmctness *"" ' Dizziest Sx \ Distingue 1 l 1 Dizziness /^ Lt i Distinguish Distinguisiiable-y K-T- b-^ h\ Dizzy- Do Distort Distortion I,? o Docile Docility j, n L Distract Dock 1 Distraction Distress (r 3 1 1 tii Docked Docket L i ' I Distressed o 1) Dock-yard l f D:stressful-ly 1 L k Doctor 1 1 1 s D stribute 1 b^ (No Doclrinal-ly i j..- J D.stribution 1 Doctrine 7" Distributive District j> IT b Document Documental L_ |_ !__/ Dist. of Columbia Documentary i ^ Distrust i i i Dodse i i i D.strustful-ly Disturb \ l i (0 <. Dodged Dodger ) J > Disturbance Disturbed D.sturber Disunion Disunite Disunited 1 1 C G L, Q Doe Doer Doll- Doffed Dog Dog-cart i- K l J_ l_ U- Disuse \n] 1 1 1 Dog-day hi i Disused J 1 } Doge I L Di tch ) J / Dogged Ditto Ditty v^ Doggedly Doggeduess I L > U^ Diurnal-Iy Doggerel r Divan Dive u t i Dogma Dogmatic Dived Dogmatical-ly " Diver Diverge K IV K Dogmatism Dogmatist III -,L_ 1" 5-^ * * -1 Dowdy Dowel Dower Down _J_ J. ^ 1 Domination I | V 3 V --I Downcast 1 1 1 Dominative U Downfall J LlS J Domineer 1 Down fallen v_ Domineered *""t-* * ^ v__' : Downhearted 1 Lxd_ Domingo Downright ~"T ~J~ \/^~ Dorninic i Down-stairs Vi Dominical j^ s v -^ -* |^ ^ Downtrod i . i i Dominican 3 Downtrodden 1 L |_ Dominion I 1 Down w;: ill t Domino Don ">-* "-^ Downwards Downy 1 1_ _| ^ V I Donald i 1 Doxology . Donaldson 1 J Doze L^7 1 b Donate d, c^_ |- Dozed Donation Done Donkey U J U- Dozen Do/.ing Drab U L V Donna Drabble i i Donned Donor L -L L Drabbled Draft ^ J i Doom Draft-horse Doomed Dooming i i i Drag Dragged h t=~ L I U L-^x Doomsday Door Door-case Door-keeper Door-plate ~h ^ V i i i Draggle Draggled Dragon Dragoon Drai n L 1 U 1 rj Door-way ~ t \ * > Drainage - / Dora Doric i/ ^/ (] Drained Drake Lfl U- Dormant Dram Dormitory iDrama d d Dorothy T-- K I/ Dramatic T-^_ I Dory Dramatical-ly ^ Dose DramatisPersonse Dosed i i Dramatist T Dosing b 1_x ;Dramatize ~ 8>>Sv _^ v_^ Drummer /^ Dressing-gown (1 1 (1 Drumming 111 Dress-maker J ^ Drumstick L -^^ I' >, 1^ Dressy S^" 5 N Drunk ^\_ Drew Dribble Dribbled 4- I i Drunkard Drunken Drunkenness Dribblet Dried Drier 2 ^ - \ s \ Dry Dryad Dryden 1 J I 1 J Driest Drift Drill 1 Dry-dock Dryly Dual LlK" Y Drilled Dualism . Drink Drinkable p U 1 ^ Duality Dub --^^-n- k Drip LI 1 Dubbed Dripped k^ L Dubious i i Drive ^ Dubiously >0 1)^ Drivel i n T Dubiousness . . . Driveler Driven I I ~~^~- Dublin Dubois >Q__p ^V X Driver Un Dubuqne i l Driving ,4 Ducal J | Drizzle Ducat \ Drizzled 1 1 1^ Duchess 1 1 1 Drizzling Droll x-t X^ O / | Duchy Duck 7 / Droller Drollery Drollest Ducked Duct Ductile L L y Dromedary HI i Ductility i i Drone Droned J J Dudgeon Dudley J J V DVD fiO KAS Duds Dutchmen i Due Due-bill [ H \^ Dutlful-ly Duty L ~t j Duel Dwarf u I Duelist \' \^ Dwarfed I/' \y I /\ / Duet i i Dwarfish ^ ' Dug Duke L, [.- Dwell 1 ' Dwelled r \ ^ Dull im filing-house r Dullard Dulled Duller is-S i I/-~N Dwelling place \ V \ Dwelt r Dwindle r k ^ Dullest Dullness Duluth Duly r r-*Ki Dwindled Dwindling Dye Dyed J L J ^ i^ i Dumb Is" \, 1, Dyer L \> Dumb-bells ' ^v> Dye-stuff i L Dumbly Dumbness Dumb-show l~f I ^_p l~^ A Dynamic Dynamical-ly Dynamics M 6 _j Dnmb-waker Dynamite Dumbfound hi Dynastic 1 Dummy V. Dynasty ^~1 l" ^^ Dump Dumpish Dumpling u u> u iDysentery [Dyspepsia Dyspeptic hxkk Dumpy 1 1 ^^ ji Dun L -v J ^ ! Duncan ^"^ D Dunce Dundee J J L Dung v^ * Dungeon II sS 1 E .. / Dunghill /J L^ L_s Each 1 / "- Dunkirk J ^~^ Eager Donned Eagerly s Duodecimal j j j Eagerness ^ Earn Duress n i 9 Earned "x -^ S*^* Durham b l^^ Earnest During Durst -f- I J- Earnestly jEamestness /-f>/^^~^~ Dusk Ear-ring Dusky Dusseldorf Dust J- Y\ \ Earth Earthen Earthenware X X xl_x Dusted Eartliliness Duster L b Earthlv x x t/' s^f ^ty "~~ Dustier r f Earthly-minded Dustiest Dustiness Dust-pan I L C Earthquake Earthward Karthy X X/ ^ Dusty Dutch y * 9 L ) 1 Ear-trumpet Ear-witness J\ 2j ). Dutchman r / lEase i / " ^ KAS 61 EFF Eased v Eden . Easel ) Y_ ) ICdgar | y Easemeut Edge Easier Easiest Easily V~J. r. Edged Kdgewise Edibility / ^ k Easiness East ujLe ) ) Edible Edict 1 L ^_3 Easter j Edification x Easter-day Easter-egg Easterly } \ } Edifice Edify Edinburgh L L i/ { L Eastern Easternmost Eastlake. V ) d "J ' ' l^s "" Edison Edit Edith L [ Easton East River ] S. Edition Editor 1_ L L Eastward "J Ediiorial-ly S V Easy Easy-chair Eat ) ) Edmund Edna Educate L U. L / Eatable Eaten Eating-house J J L/ Education Educational Educator L> Lf L. ] >* Eaton . Educe Eau-de-Cologne Eaves _L. -\_r -^ Educed Edward \ IP- I/ Eavesdrop Eavesdropper _SiL_ Ak__\ Edwards Edwin. ]/ ^ __ Ebb 'N \ Eel Ebbed Efface , Ebb-tide Eben Ebenezer K N, X Effaced Effacing Effect "~* Ebony V^^^ ^S/ Effected v \^ V Ebulition Effective ' I Ecce homo Effectively Eccentric "^ "~*> * Effectiveness V_^v v Eccentricity 1 Or 7-pT- Effectual-ly L,, \) p r Ecclesiastes c D <= O r- Effeminacy Ecclesiastic EcclesiaMical-ly t L_ Effeminate Effeminately ^^1^ y Ecclesiasticus Echo = -t -^ n Effeminateness Effervesce v_ v^/^v^v Echoed Effervesced I Eclat ,- ^ Effervescence \^/\S~ Eclectic ^ . i^ Effervescent ^~/\J^ V_/\U! Eclecticism CT^- Effervescing A Eclipse Eclipsed Eclipsing ^N,^^^^ Effete Efficacious Efficaciously ^ sv Ecliptic Eclogue ^-x_ =->^-.. Efficacy Efficiency ox (X Economic Efficient ) Economical-ly Economist -^^jr-^ ~^-* Efficiently Effigy v^^r v^ SL_ Economize Effluent / Economized Economy Ecstasy --^ >-x f Effluvium Kflort Effrontery \_-N "^ ) Ecstatic Ecstatical-ly Ecuador f^ Effulgence Effulgent Effuse V v ^ Ecumenical P Efftased Eddied Eddy ^_^. 1 1 Eli'nsins Effusion _A 1 ! VS V5^,~" -C3 r ;FF e 2 ELM Effusive Electorate s~ s~ /" Eil'nsively ,11 Electric i - Lf\ ' n Etl'usiveness V^ ^P^ f\_ Electrical-ly 1 [_... j E"g N_ VJ . Electrician ;C'ged Egg-plant Esg-shPll Eglantine _ ^ -J ^7 ~~) Electricity Electrified Electrifv Electro-magnet ^^i\ Egoism X U Electro-may ne tit- 1 ^ Egoistic ~n Electro-motive v_ Egotism ~*^ "L^ Electromotor ^~ ^V^ f /^"_ Egotist Electro-plate J Ejotisti^ Egotist! cal-ly Egregious -H ~l_ 7 Electrotype Eleemosynary Elegance C ^ C. Eejregiously ^ Elegancy s^ s~ Egress jf n / Elegant *^ -' Egypt i ^ Elegantly y Egyptian Egyptology Eh C to .? Elegy Element Elemental-!}' / tf Eider Eider-down Eight 1 .1 j ~ Elementary Elephant Elephantine ~~1 / Eighteen Eighteenth Eighth i jf j Eleusinian Elevate Elevated c ^v ^\ I Eighthly . Elevation Eightieth d 1 Elevator IV) i\. ''^Va Eighty C ( Eleven Either c\ . . Eleventh Ejaculate Elf /^V_/ f^^_ r v Ejaculation _; Elfin v Eject Ejection L i^ U Elfish Elgin /V J f~vr[J , Ejectment Eli Eke Eked rw Eli as Elicit C C C Elaborate _ | Elicited ) Elaborated Eligibility Elaborately Elaboration Elapse ^ ^ /V Eligibie-y Elijah Eliminate t { a Elapsed /^^^NO ^^^ /^^^o Eliminated ^nr^ ^ -^^^^i ^--^_o Elapsing ^"^ Elimination * i Elastic ^^ Elinor Elasticity " h il Eliot /^ ri /^ Elate Elisha ^ y Elated P Elite Elation ^i ^" /^\- Elixir n ix o Elba Eliza Elbe Elizabeth XTX. x^X. /^ Elbow /^\ f^^\ 1^ Elizabethan (^S f^S ' Elbowed Elk C C Elbow-room Elder Elderly r^^^ ^ Ell Ella Ellen r r r Eldest Ellipse ^^ ^.^ El Dorado $ r( C ^Ellipsis l^a f ^O ' Elect Election Elliptic Elliptical-ly r Electioneer f f f iEllis ( ^ fe'V Electioneered ^ ^\ ^ [Ellsworth j Elective \ JElm ' Elector Electoral L . L A L r! lEhner Elmira f _ ^'' Elmwood Elocution Elocutionary Elocutionist itUo.igaUi Elongation Elope Eloped Elopement Eloquence Eloquent Eloquently Else ' Elsewhere Elsevvise Elucidate Elucidation Elude Eluded Elusive Elves Elysian Elysium Em Emaciate Emaciation Emanate Emanated Emanation Emancipate Emancipation Emasculate Emasculation Embalm Embalmed Embalming Embank Embanked Embankment Embargo Embargoed Embark Embarkation Embarked Embarrass Embarrassed Embarrassing Embarrassment Embassador Embassy Embed Embedded Embellish Embellishment Ember Embezzle Embezzlement Emblazon Emblazoned Emblem Emblematic Emblematical-ly Embodied Embodiment Embody Embolden O-C^ r Emboldened Embonpoint Emboss Embossed Embossing Embrace Embraced Embracing {Embroider ''Embroidered Embryo Embryonic Emeline Emendation Emerald Emerge Emerged Emergency Emerge Emersion Emerson Emery Emetic Emigrant Emigrate Emigration Emily Eminence Eminent Eminently Emissary Emission Emit Emitted Emma Emmanuel Emolument Emotion Emotional Empale Empaled Empalement Empanel Empaneled Emperor Emphasis Emphasize Emphasized Emphasizing Emphatic Emphatical-ly Empire Empiric Empirical-ly Empiricism Employ Employe Employed Employer Employment Emporium Empower EMP 61 ENK Empowered Empress EmplU'd ^^ -1 Endlessly Endorse Endunted I Emptier Emptiest Emptiness n^n> ~LP Bndoraee Endorsement Endorser -^ -i -^ Empyreal ***/ -X 5 ^-/~ Endow \'' 1 M I 1 IVVf > 1 "~1 "~1 Km pyrean Emulate | Endower ^ ~l V^ Emulation /"~ Endowment Emulous Emulously ^r ^r 3 ^s* Endue Endued i 1 k Enact Endnrable-y Enactment * . Endurance N__^J ^ 1\ N n Enamel -_^ T Endure <*^ 3 Enameled Endured ^^ Enameling Enamor -^ ^-^^^ Endways "^i\ ^^ Enamored ^^, Endymion ^^ ^ Encamp Encamping A "~~" Enemy Energetic t ^"^y Encampment Enceinte +-j Energetical-ly Energy s; -r/ ^~J Enchain ^S-s Enervate Enchained 1 Enervation ^ . . ^ ^^v Enchant *~~t/ *~~i7 C E n leehle ^^ ^-^ v^ Enchanter ' Enfeebled N. S Enchantment . * Enforce ^_^^ . ^_^^ Enchantress Encircle ^*~\ ^ Enforced Enforcement ^^^^^^ Encircled Enfranchise _^ Enclose . -yX^""^ ., . . ' Enfranchised /^ " /^ /^ Enclosed Enfranchisement 6 (A Enclosing Enclosure ^3?___ Enfranchising Engage ^> " 7 ? Encomium A Engaged i~ Encompass Encompassed Encompassing >o ^^ >^ ^ Engagement Engender Engine t^J Encore Engineer ^ ^ ^_^ Encored ^5 ^J^~ ~~ "^ Engineered ^/ ^7 Encounter "" . England Encountered Encourage Encouraged > ^7^r English Englishman Engrave ^ ^^~^ ^s- 8 Encouragement Encourager ^7 ^^? ^-fj Engraved Engraven ^j-*-\ a> _ s _/' Encroach Engraver Encroached ?^s Engraving Encroacher \_^ 7 ^ * /" >^-a Engross ^ ^ "^^^^^^ ^ *~'^^ Encroachment Engrossed Encumber ^ v - __ Engrossing Encumbrance Encyclopedia "N % "^ Engulf Engulfed ^^-^^^-^^^ Encyclopedic Encysted End ^_e_^_ ^p Enhance Enhanced Enigma ^^ ^ Endanger Endangered Endear n Enigmatic -^ ^ Enigmatical-ly .Enjoin ^_^ - y Endeared Endearment Endeavor Enjoined 1 U ^> Enjoy Enjoyable -? ^~? ^7 ^ Endeavored Endemic Enjoyed ^T> ' 1 Enjoyment ^-/ "?, -^" Endless r ' Enliludle E NK 6 5 EPI Enkindled s~~^s Entnroned Enkindling ^7 Enthronement ^ j) N *^ " I Enlarge Enthusiasm V Enlarged C^ Enthusiast Enlargement ^~y Enthusiastic i^~~~\ Enlighten "<_^~ 7^ Enth usias tical- ly J Enlightened Enlightenment ^ ^ T Entice Enticed Enlist Enticement Enlisted f^. Enticer ^_^^ ^ ^-s< Enliven ^~^^> ** ^> Enticing X N '!' ^r' Enlivened r Enticingly \ I En masse Entire Enmity Ennoble -T C> Entirely Entirety J "~T "} Ennobled tM-' ^ ' Entitle iOn iini * <^ Entitled ^-1 "-1 Enoch Entity \ t Enormity 5; 5. Entomology s- -*. ^ n ^ n Enough ^x^. ^_s Entrails / Enquire Entrance Enquirer C_< Entranced J, ^ - ^ . Enquiry ^_s: r ^~f Entrancing J I Enrage Entrap ' y^ Enraged "= x ^'X Entrapped ny ^ > (I Enrapture ^"^ N.-J Nfl Entreat Enraptured 1 Entreaty 1 Enricb Enriched ^ 1 ^ 7 ^_y / /L Entree Entre nous "Vi -v 7 ! ~^\ Enrichment Entry ^i Enroll Enumerate Enrolled / S**~' Enumeration __ ^ ^ Enrolling ^{/ ~~ ^v Enshrined ^ * ' /^\ Enviable-y Ensign ^ 1? TO ^^ Envied X^ ^fc > "V. Enslave Envious v^ Enslaved J-^ Enviously Enslavement ft? ** ^^S ^^ I Enviousness > ^W> ^ V_) ' \^ /** Enslaver Environ ( Ensue Environed Ensued *\ A Environment "*~ V^/ 7 >^ if ~ ^^ En .suing ' o tr Envoy Entail Entailed Entailment -V ^l ^V^ Envy Eocene Epact -v -0 \_ Entangle Epaulet , Entangled Ephemeral "^sy" Vj^v^ ^^ Entanglement < ^"^"^ "" Ephesian ~ty~~~ Enter ~-S\ ^-SV Ephesus Enterprise \o ^~O^ Epliod Vo V^ ' V-. Enterprising ^ Ephraim Enterprisingly (V ^-1 Epic Entertain \-, ^1 Epicure \ v N y X Entertained Y Epicurean Entertainer Epicurus Entertainment ^ Epidemic N. .^ v^ Enthrone Epidemical-ly EPI 66 ESQ Epidermis Epiglottis v \ \, s Eradicate Eradication ^ /Us /\ Epigram ^~ 1 Erudicative Epigrammatic Epi grammatical- Epilepsy [ly V-.-N^O) Erasable Eraee Erased ~\ ' * ^ *V^" Epileptic V v E racer -^ Epilogue Nf "\j. - Erasing "~"\ Os^ o~t Epiphany Erasmus ^N Episcopacy Episcopal \ V^\ Erastus Erasure tl Episcopalian ^\ \ ^ Ere J npalianism ( Erebus Eplscopally Episcopate V -V^ V ~^. NV ~ S - Erect Erection X v Episode Epistle Epistolary > > -v Erelong Ergo Erie c ^- '^ Epitaph Erin Epithalamlmu Epithelium N > > t, i -^ . v-x Ermine Ernest ^ V, /^ Epithet Ernestine ., / .^^ Epitome Eroa sr * \ ' > Epitomize v Err Epitomized x^^x^/c Errand Epltomizer N^/^^^j^^^-^ Errata "^ s/l .S\ E pluribus uuum Erratic Epocli Epsom Salt \ V-r ~'^ Erratically Erratum /}_ /U > Equable-y Erred Equal _ c. Erroneous Equaled 1 Erroneously *\ ^ ^\ Equality Erroneousuess ^_p y^. Equalization Equalize Equalized t_p <^-D c^o Error Eructation Erudite ^H "1 Equalizing Equally Equanimity ^^_ d_ ^^ Eruditely Erudition Eruption /^n ^ Equation Equator _3 ~~1 ~~V^ Eruptive Erysipelas /\ "N ') Equatorial e Esau I " ^ Equestrian Equestrianism Equestrienne -\ Q 61 ^ Escapade Escape Escaped Equidistant c n ,_ Escapement , Equilateral Equilibrium f "^^ Escheat Eschew X, / T Equinoctial Equinox Equip -^-T^-^-O T-X^ Escort Escritoire Esculaplus Equipage Equipment Equipoise -^-x,-^ Esculent Escurial Escutcheon L^W iy Equipped Equltable-y Equity "^ "\ 1 Esophagus Esoteric Especial-ly L- L v Equivalence Equivalent Equivalently Equivocally T. ~t ^ Espied Kspionage Esplanade Espousal ...L . j Equivocate ^ V^ x_. Espouse 1 T r Equivocation . 1 Espoused X ^> ^ Equivocator ^^ ,* Espousing f ^ Era Kspy ) V ^ Eradicable 1 ^ Esquimau V . . ~~ ^ Ksii ( >7 1 EVE Esquimaux Esquire Essay Essaved Essayist 1 } -\ Eunuch Euphemism Euphemistic Euphemize Euphonic ^ w^ Essence Essential-ly Essex L/ L* > Euphonical Euphonious Euphoniously J * " A ^~ Establish Establishment Estate Euphony Euphrates Euphuism ^2 Esteem Esteemed Esteeming U l-^s \ Euphuist Euphuistic Eureka t V J /\ Esther Estimable-y Estimate Estimation Estop Estopped ' ' ) i k V- Europe European Eurydice Eusebius Eustace Euxine 1^ ^ ) V- Estovers Estrange Estranged J N Eva Evacuate Evacuated 1 Estrangement Estray Et csetera Etch Etched Eternal-ly / J 3 Fvacuation Evade Evaded Evanescence Evanescent Evangelic 1 Eternity Ethan Ether I ) ') Evangelical-ly Evangeline Evangelist Ethereal Etherealize Ethereallzed 1 V- V- Evangelization Evangelize Evangelized Ethereally Ethical-ly Ethics Ethiopia Ethiopian Ethiopic Ethnic Ethnical Ethnologist Ethnology Etiquette Etruria v * i o /** n s) \__ y [/ Evangelizing Evans Evansviile Evaporate Evaporation Evasion Evasive Evasively Evasiveness Eve Eveline Even T / C Etrurian Etruscan Etymological-ly 1 ! /7 1 /7 ^j ^ t y^/ u y /) Evened Evening Evenly v_ ^r w Etymologist Etymology Eucharist Eucharistic Euchre Euclid L- // ^T-yo _n Evenness Event Eventful Eventual-ly Eventuate Eventuated , V^ Eugene Eugenia Eugenie Eulogist Eulogistic Eulogistically 1 ^ " <^^ r^ Ever Everett Everglade Evergreen Everlasting Everlastingly ^^ Eulogize Eulogy Eunice -/? -^ G Evermore Every Kvery-day Every-where ^ *} V ] LVI ( 8 EXE Evict Evicted ^ v_ n v_, ExchangcaViility Exchangeable 7 7 -/_ Eviction 1 Exchequer AS. n Excrete ^ ~ Exaction ~~O _) Excretion Exactly Excretory ^ A Exactness n ~~o Excruciate Exaggerate ( Excruciation Exaggeration Exaggerative Exalt ~l -7 .=- Exculpate Exculpation Excursion - T-^-NO-^* Exaltation s~\ - - Excursionist Examinable fa U u ^ ^^ Excusable *> n ^. ^^ Examination ti~~~~-' Excusableness ^s ">o Examine Excusably Examined _ ^_ Excuse ^ ^. Examiner u "^ 6 * ' Excused ^ Q D n Example _ _ Excusing Exasperate ~~^NX~~NV/~^ Execrable-y 6 ^ Exasperating tT^ Execrate 9^, Exasperation Ex cathedra -R^/o ^-i-*-^ Execration Executant -~-l " Excavate 1 Execute Excavation Exceed -v-f_i! Execution Executioner ^ Exceeded Executive -> ^ Exceedingly Excel -f _x- .^ Executor Execiuorshi; S/s _^ Excelled 7 Executrix Excellence Exegesis s Excellency _/^ S __/^? __7 Exegetical-ly f f-^r Excellent Exemplary Excellently Excelsior -^ C\ ^ Exemplification Kxemplified -rt-^V-^^ Except Exemplify Excepting D Exempt Q Exception ^- ^> ^ Exemption , .-^ ^ Exceptionable >^ Exercise Exceptional Excerpt Excess \ _/N ^^ Exercised Exercising Exert $ 5^ Excessive Excessively Exchange -t -^ -r Exertion Exeter Exeunt .-/ -1 _ EX II Exhalation Exhale Exhaled Exhaling Exhaust Exhausted Exhaustible Exhaustion Exhaustive Exhibit Exhibition Exhibitor Exhilarate Exhilaration Exhort Exhortation Exhume Exhumed Exhuming Exigency Exile Exiled Exiling Exist Existed Existence Existent Exit Exodus Ex-official Ex-officio Exonerate Exonerated Exoneratio Exorbitanc Exorbitant Exorbitantly Exorcise Exorcised Exorcising Exorcism Exordium Exotic Expand Expanding Expanse Expansibility Expansible-y Expansion Expansive Expansiveness Ex-parte Expatiate Expatiation Expatriate Expatriation Expect Expectance Expectancy Expectant Expectation Expectorant Expectorate Expectoration Expedience Expediency Expedient, Expediently Expedite Expeditely Expedition Expeditious Expeditiously Expediiiousness Expel Expelled Expelling Expend Expending Expenditure Expense Expensive Expensively Expensiveness Experience Experienced Experiment Experimental Experimentalist Experimentally Expert Expertly Expertness Expiate Expiated Expiation Expiration Fxpiratory Expire Expired Explain Explainable Explained Explainer Explanation Explanatory Fxpletive Explicable Explicate Explication Explicit Explicitly Kxplicitness Explode Exploit Exploration K-xplore Explored Explorer Explosion Explosive Explosively Ex potent Export Exportation Exporter Expose Exposg Exposed Exposing Exposition Expository 70 FAC Ex post facto Expostulate Expostulation Exposure Expound Expounder Expounding Express Expressagc Expressed Expressing Expression Expressive Expressively Express! veness Expressly Expulsion Expulsive Expunge Expunged Expurgate Expurgation Expurgaiory Exquisite Exquisitely Exqnisitenoss Extant Extemporaneous Extemporaneous- Extemporary [ly Extempore Extemporize Extemporized Extemporizing Extend Extension Extensive Extent Extenuate Extenuation Exterior Exteriorly Exterminate Exterminated Extermination External Externality Externally Extinct Extinction Extinguish Extinguishable Extinguisher Extirpate Extirpation Extol Extolled Extolling Extort Extorting Extortion Extortionary Extortionate Extortioner Extra Extract 61 | Extraction .Extradition Extrajudicial-ly Extraneous Extraordinarily Extraordinary Extravagance Extravagant Extravagantly Extravaganza Extreme Extremely Extremist Extremity Extricable Extricate Extrication Extrinsic Extrinsical-ly Extrude Extrusion Extuberance Extuberant Exuberance Exuberancy Exuberant Exuberantly Exudation Exude Exuded Exult xultant Exultation Exultingly Eye Eyeball Eyebrow Eyed Eyeglass Eyelash Eyelid Eyes Eye-sight Eye-sore Eye-witness Eying Ezekiel Ezra F Fabian Fable Fabled Fabric Fabricate Fabrication Fabulist Fabulous Fabulously Facade Face "V t V Faced Facet W So \*j Falcon Fall V , V , ^ Facetious 1 Fallacious < ^ Facetiously Fallaciously ^fl -^\ / Facetiuusness \j^? *\. / Vy Fallaciousness ^~J \*f ^~> ) Facial Fallacy Facile Facilitate Facilitation V V x"l V /~l ><> X, Si u Fallen Fallibility Fallible-y ^ V/x V^s Facility Falling V ,^ ^ ^ S Facing X/'l ^^v ^ ^ Fallow _^~ ^-V \ s Fac-simlle l> ~* Fall River c^_. Fact False o c A P Faction ^ ^ False-hearted Vo ^O^ Vo Factious V S "=^ D - -J Falsehood 1 Factiously Factiousness Falsely Falseness <: o ^-?_J> ^\ Factitious Factitiously ^~-J Falser Falsest / -^ .. Facto Falsetto Factor V^^i V-_;; ^ ^- Falsification r vc^ Factory 7 ' Falsified c t ^ Factotum I V Falsifier v ^z. ^^ ^~? Factuia ' [^/ [ _.J~~ ~~| ^ Falsify ^ ^ Faculty Falsity ? ^ v Fade *V ' Faistaff Vp -^-|> V^ Faded C 1 1 1 ] j Falter t 7- Fag Faltered V \ s~~1 Fag-end V^ v Fame VoW ISv^N V-*^ Fagged ~1 Famed / Fa-jot Familiar y -" ^ Fahrenheit v v /" i v Familiarity \^~f \^~^{ V^-- ~4 Faience | V s^, Familiarize Fail Familiarized & .?*-'' Failed Failing > v y Familiarizing Familiarly v^-v- L-JC^X Failure ' * Family Fain N*/* ^ S Vi Famine S-T ^x V^^-^ V^^_ Faint Famish ^^) Fainter Famous Faintest ^ vi -v/ 1 Fan S^- > \ v Faint-hearted Fanatic Vi ^_!> S. Fanciful-ly V. Vo, Vji Fair \ Fancy ' rJ 1 Fairer Fairest \y*\j? \ /v Fandango Fane \ V. v- Vi V Fairfield f" Faneuil Fair Haven >i Fans: Fairly \^/ V V Fanned y . Fairmount N/' >\ Fanning > / Tj \S^?" Fairness ^ Fanny Fair Play Vx^~ * v S^A^, Fantasm v s \ Fairview \ Fantastic Fairy Fairy-land Faith vx v ^ v Fantastical-Iy Fantasy Far 6 Fnithfnl-ly * Faraday & Faithfulness V ^ l Farce V /^ v V f~ Faithless 1 1 ^ Farcical-ly ^ Faithlessly Fare Faithlessness Falehfon ^ "^ ^7 Fared Farewell S v - v v FAR 72 FKL Far-fetched Farina Farinaceous Farm Farmed Farmer Farmersville Farm-house Farming Farmington Farm-yard Faro Farrier Farther Farthest Farthing Fascinate Fascination Fashion Fashionable-y Fashioned Fast Fasted Fasten Fastened Faster Fastest Fastidious Fastidiousness Fastness Fat Fatal Fatalism Fatalist Fatality Fatally Fate Fated Father Father-in-law Father-land Fatherless Fatherly Fathom Fathomed Fathoming Fathomless Fatigue Fatigued Fatness Fatten Fattened Fatter Fattest Fatty Fault Faultily Faultiness Faultless Faultlessly Faulty Faun Faust Fauteull Favor Favorable-y ^^^ Favored Favorite Favoritism Fawkes Fawn Fawned Fawner Fawning Fay Fayette Fayetteville Fealty Fear Feared Feart'ul-ly Fearless Fearlessly Fearlessness Feasibility Foasible-y Feast Feasted Feat Feather Feather-bed Feature Featureless Febrile February Fecundate Fecundation Fecundity Fed Federal Federalist Federalism Federalize Federalized Federation Fee Feeble Feeble-minded Feeble-minded- Feebleness Le ss Feebler Feeblest Feebly Feed Feeder Feel Feeler Feeling Feelingly Fee-simple Feet Feign Feigned Feigning Felicitate Felicitation Felicitous Felicitously Felicity Feline Felix ^ ^ V, *C_p ^ ^ x: ^v v; ^_^__^_ ^ ~\ 1 c V \J vv^v- ^v V v - N V .......... ^ ^ S V V VA. V~^^ V / ' V , v ' -X V S, ^ V/2^ L* V V; W"" . b/"~ i Vy Vr v. _ V^ ^ V 6 " v/1 V/a 0-vX^v7 ^~f i ^^ i V^ Vr-^ ^^N 73 Fell Felled Felling Fellow Fellow-creature Fellow-feeling Fellowship Felly Felo-de-se Felon Felonious Feloniously Felony Female Feminine Femme-sole Femur Fen Fence Fenced Fencing Fender Fenian Fennel Ferdinand Ferguson Ferment Fermentation Fern Fernando Ferocious Ferociously Ferocity Ferret Ferried Ferrotype Ferrule Ferry Ferry-boat Ferrying Fertile Fertility Fertilization Fertiliza Fertilized Fertilizer Ferule Fervency Fervent Fervently Fervid Fervidly Fervor Festal Fester Festival Festive Festively Festivity Festoon Festooned Festus Fetal Fetch Fetched v Fete Fete-champetie Feted Fetich Fetid Fetlock Fetter Fettered Fetus Feud Feudal Feudalism Fever Fevered Feverish Few Fewer Fewest Fewness Fiasco Fiat Fib Fibbed Fibber Fiber Fibrine Fibrous Fichte Fickle Fickleness Fiction Fictitious Fictitiously Fiddle Fiddled Fiddler Fiddle-stick Fiddle-string Fidelity Fidget Fidgety Field Fielding Fiend Fiendish Fiendishly Fiendishness Fierce Fiercely Fierceness Fiercer Fiercest Fiery Fife Fig Fight Fighter Figment Figurative Figuratively Figure Figured Figure-head Filament Filbert Filch s Ac- v ] ^IL 7 4 FLA Filched File S V V Fire-engine Fire-escape V V V Filed Fire-fly c/ 1 ^ ^ ^L Fllial-ly V V/-^s> V/ 7 " Fire-insurance Fireman V V ^ Filigree r Firemen &) ^~~ Wrx > Filing "K 1 ! 1 I v ^ v. Fire-place Fire-proof S \ v 1 111 Filled _^_ ^ Fireside ^ t\ Q NO NO 1 Fillet ITilltncr ^ V V/X Fire-work Fire- worship r iiiiiiET Fillip t Firkin I/ )rf~ Filliped Fillmore _ v ^2_Vy^^vy x " Firm Firmament . * + ~^~^ <^ ^ Film Firman Filter Filth Filthier ^\ S Firmer Firmest Firmly c ^- c v^^^ Filthiest Filthily Filthiness H V ^ Firmness First First-born *W. o -^ Filthy Filtration Fin n r> V^ ( MJ First-class First-day First-hand ^ 1 ^ Finable Final-ly Finance X. v, v^ Firstling Firstly First-rate ^n- -r ^ Financial-ly Financier v^yv^jx-v^ Firth Fiscal ^) Vo \^_s Finch ^^~7 Fish C i Find finder V, V/' V^ Fisher Fisherman. ^*~~0 ^*~^) Finding Fishermen Fine 1 \ ^. Fishery Fined NO VI ^-3;' Fishes V n \^J ^^ Finely Fish-hook y Fineness V-^J" V S V S Fish-woman 9 ^^ V^^^^ Fist Vn ^^ X 3 Finger ^^""^^ Fistic -J t-^ Finger-board Finical-ly Finikin ^_AS^f- Fisticufife Fistula Fit ^ y J_ Finis v . Fitful-ly . s- \ Finish ^^^~~^ ^^5 V^* Fitly V ^"^ ^^ P Finished Fitness V. Finisher Finite w / ^ v v Fitted Fitter S V i Finitely T Fittest ^ Finiteness Fitzgerald Finland \ ^ ^^ ^-* Fix Spjr^ \^ n N__(O Finn ~' > Fixed -f^T- Fir i Fixedly Fire v_ ^^\ Fixedness V V V^ Fire-alarm >i T A . Fixture V l_o ^ Fire-arm Kire-brand Fire-brick ^-.S^S^.^ Fizz Fizzle Flabby ^l>-_ ^ Fire-brigade Fire-clay Fire-company ^-^ t ^ c: Flaccid Flaccldtty Flaccidly H'H'H' Fire-cracker V ^ V. Flaccidness 1 _ Fired Fire-eater 1 Flag Flagellate ^L> ^- > 75 Flageolet Flagitious Flagitiously Flagitiousness Flagon Flagrancy Flagrant Flagraute (Jelicto Flagrantly Flail Flake Flambeau Flamboyant Flame Flamed Flaming Flanders Flange Flank Flanked Flannel Flap Flapjack Flapped Flapper Flare Flared Flash Flashed Flashy Flask Flat Flat-iron Flatly Flatness Flatten Flattened Flatter Flattered Flatterer Flattery Flaunt Flavor Flavored Flaw Flawless Flax Flaxen Flaxseed Flay Flayed Flea Fleck Fled Fledge Fledged Flee Fleece Fleeced Fleecing Fleecy Fleet Fleeter Fleetest Fleetly Fleetness Flemish Flesh Fleshed Fleshier Fleshiest Fleshiness Fleshly Fleshy Fletcher Fleur-de-lis Flew Flexibility Flexible-y Flicker Flickered Flight FlightlneM Flighty Flimsier Flimsiest Flimsily Flimsiness Flimsy Flinch Flinched Flinders Fling Flint Flint-lock Flinty Flippancy Flippant Flippantly Flipper Flirt Flirtation Flit Float Flock Flog Flood Floor Floored Flop Flopped Flora Floral Florence Florentine Florid Florida _ Florin Florist Floss Flotsam Flounce Flounced Flounder Flour Flourish Flourished Flout Flow Flowed Flower Flowered I - L0 7 i FOR Flowery Flown ^ Fondled Fondling Fondly vT" . v^ Flute Fluted Flutist P Fondues3 Font Food _V. i v Flutter Flux Fly Fly-blow Fly-blown Flying-ash "^ "C" V ^ c Fool Fooled Foolery Fool-hardily Fool-hardy Fooling ~T"T c^~ \ v v Fly-leaf Fly-trap Fly-wheel V. *_ V Foolish Foolishly Foolishness * t. Foal Foaled Foam v \ ' Foolscap Foot Foot-ball or ^ t^ Foamed Foaming Fob " > Foot-bath Foot-hold Footman ^ ^^ Focal Focalize Focalized ^^^ V^ Foot-mark Footmen Foot-pad y ^^ O^/^ Focua Focused Fodder Foe Foeman ^ g V.Q V^x Foot-path Foot-paths Foot-pound Foot-print Foot-sore Footstep ^C Fog Fog-bant Fog-bell Foggier Foggiest Fo^giness Foggy Fog-horn Fog-signal Fog-wiiistle Fogy Fogyism Foh Foible Foil \ > > Footstool Foot-worn Fop Foppish Foppishly Foppishness For Forage Foraged Foray Forbade Forbear Forbearance Forbes Forbid ^ X vj" ^X^v- Foiled S ( Forbidden J FOB, 77 FOR Forbore Forborne Force Forced Forceps Force-pump Forcible-y Forcing Ford Pore Fore-arm Fore-armed Forebode Forecast Forecastle Foreclose Foreclosed Foreclosing Foreclosure Fore lather Fore linger Forefoot Forego Foregone Foreground iead Foreign tner mess Forejudge Foreknew Foreknow Foreknowledge Foreknown Forelock Foreman Foremast Foreman Foremost Forenoon Forensic Fore-ordain Fore-ordained Fore-onliualiun Forepart Foreran Forerun Forerunner Foresail Foresee Foreseen Foreshadow Foreshadowed Foreshorten Foreshortened Foresight Forest Forstall Foi stalled Forester Forestry Forestville Foretaste Foretell Forethought Foretold s v^i w \s-i* W w \j> _ Forever Forewarn Forewarned Forewent Fore-woman Fore-women Forfeit Forfeited Forfeiture Forgave Forge Forged Forger Forgery Forget Forgetful-ly Forgetfulness Forgive Forgiven Forgot Forgotten Fork Forked Forlorn Forlornly Form Formal Formalism Formalist Formality Formally ormation Formative Formed Former Formerly Formidable-y Forming Formless Formula Formulae Formulary Formulate Fornicate Fornication Fornieator Forsake Forsaken Forsook Forsooth Forswear Forsworn Fort Forte Forth Forth-coming Forthwith Fortification Fortified Fortify Fortitude Fortnight Fortress Fortuitous Fortuitously Fortuitousness FOR 78 Fort mi ute Fortunately Fortunatus Fortune Fort Wayne Forum Forward Forwarder Forwarding Forwardly Forwardness Forwards Fossil Fo.ssiliferous Fossilist Fossilization Fossilize Fossilized Fossilizing Foster Foster-brother Foster-child Foster-father Foster-mother Foster-parent Foster-son Fought Foul Foulard Fouled Fouler Foulest Foully Foulness Found Foundation Founder Foundered Foundling Foundry Fount Fountain Fountain-pen Four Fourfold Fourfooted Four-o'clock Fourscore Fourth Fourthly Fowl Fox. Fox-hound Fox-hunt Foxy Fracas Fraction Fractional Fractious Fractiously Fractiousness Fracture Fractured Fragile Fragility Fragment V-- nt;iry Fragrance Fragraocy Fragrant Fragrantly Frail Frailer Frailest Frailness Frailty Frame Framed Framing Franc France Frances Franchise Franchised Franchisement Francis Franciscan Francisco Frangible Frank Franked Franker Frankest Frankfort Frankincense Franklin Frankly Frankness Frantic Frantically Fraternal-ly Fraternity Fraternize Fraternized Fraternizing Fratricidal Fratricide Fraud Fraudulence Fraudulency Fraudulent Fraudulently Fraught Fray Frayed Freak Freakish Freakishly Freakishness Freckle Freckled Fred Frederic Frederica Frederick Fredertcksburgh Fredonia Free Freebooter Free-born Freed Freedman ? ? *> FllK 79 FRO Freedmea ^v^ ^"v - c% \ Fretful ness _ Freedom J -J Fretwork ^> *~^\s v_ Free-handed Friability V_^_> Free-hearted ^\/l ^\y^ c ~^ Friable C\ C-x 5: \/ Free-heartedly V V (* Friar V. N Freehold Friary ^ T Freeholder Free-love Free-lover 2_ 'V^'V^N Fribble Fricassee Fricasseed ^ <^ *\ ^ n 1 >. Freely '^v" ^ c ^ Friction Freeman * ^ ' Frictioual ^ ^\ ^ ^\ Freemason Friday ^ Freemasonry Sv <^ ^ Fried c\ Freemen 'I Friend 4- i ^7^ Free- minded Friendless 1 " Free ness ^ ^N 'N Friendliness Freeport Freer _ " 'x V Friendly Friendship V^- 9 vj> > Free-soil v~ C Y~~\ ^^k " Friesland c ^v ^\ Free-soiler { 4 \ o Frieze J "^ Free-soilism Frigate Free-spoken N \ *"i Fright ^ V ^A Freest o-v j n Frighten -^ \^if Freestone "5> J Frightened Freethinker ^\ "^X Frightful-ly crx Free-trade / 1 *] Frightfulness h \ / Free-trader ^^ "\ Frigid ^8 ^lls Free-will Freeze Freezing V" ^ X^ Frigidity Frigidly Frigidness ^ V ^> i f^:. 4# Freezing-point Frill **\s~~ Freight Freightage x^ ^ ^ Fringe Fringed ^ ^ /* r Freight-car Freighted ^1 Frippery Frisian cv \ ev_ Freight-engine I/ Frisk *\ ~c7 o Freighter Frisked Freight-train Frelinghuysen \ ^ ^- Friskily Friskiness "VW ^-^ Fremont French French-horn C\ <5x ^\ ^ /^ /^J / / Frisky Frith Fritter V -> %_ Frenchified ?C~v C^. Frivolity Frenchify \ \ \ Aj Frivolous /\ c^ ^^ Frenchman / . ( ^> Frivolously y v> So Frenchmen V Friz ^\ 1 ^ ^ ^ Frenzy ^ ^ ^ Frizzed o ^ o*~s Frequence ^* ) Frizzing Frequency Frizzle ^\^~ ^\ ^^ Frequent Frequenter ^"^1 ^ "^N Frizzy Fro \ 1 7 Frequently rx Frock V Frere ^ s~ \^ ^v__ Frock-coat c ^ ^^ ^^ Fresco 1 Froebel 1 ^ Frescoed Frog Fresh Fresher -v *) -y Frolic Frolicsome C ^!V~ "V~ Freshest From C~ c^ Freshet i ^^Yy ^^ J Frond V^ _ ^ Freshly J Front Freshman Frontage Freshmen i ^^\ i Frontal ?C-v CN Freshness ^ 1 ) Frontier f Fresh-water T 3 Frontispiece ^\ <&\ Fret Frost ^\ C^ Fretful-ly <^ ^ \ Frost-bite __^ FRO ) FY Frost-bitten Frosted Frostier \ > ^ Fuming Fun Function .L_ Vs V. ^-^ i *X_*' ^^ * - 1 s Frostiest Frostiness Frosty v L_* Functional-ly Functionary Fund '^ -^ ^ Froth Frothy Froward 11% Fundamental-ly Funding Funeral V- v-.S, Frowardly Frowardness X-\ "*- Funereal-Iy Fungi 1 Frown * V_J> d Fungus ^ ^ Frowned Funnel Frowzy Froze Frozen Fructification \ V. X X Funnier Funniest Funny Fur V V ^ Fructified o* ^ *~\ I Furbelow ^^ N V" Fructify Cx ^\ **N Furbish Frugal Furbished ^\ ^\ \ ? Frugality \. Furious \ V W^ Frugally Fruit Fruitage V - p Furiously Furl Furled J J -^X- V V Fruitful-ly Fruitfulness Fruition x v, D Furlong Furlough Furnace > 'Vc Xo Fruitless s* Furnish ' Fruitlessly C^ ^N/~^ ( Fudge Furtive *-*s> \, Fuel Fugitive V ~~^ \ Fury Fuse 1 -^~ w Fugue _ p, Fused Fulcrum Fulfill X. Fusee Fusibility "~ xS x^- KL'ST" ' Fulfilled ' Fusible ) Fulfilling; V N, N. Fusillade \ Fulfillment ^>_^ ^-^> Fusion >v H^T "^ Full Fuss Fulled N^ \ ^*~/ Fussed Fuller V Fussier Fullest Fussiest Fullness ^ ^ ^ Fussily V ) V_ Vn Fully Fussing Vj/ >= x _- / Fu minute Fussy Fu minatfd Fu inination ^ ^ ^J, Fustian Fustier S V V Fu some Fustiest Fu somely ^~N ^~*r~f ^L Fusty \ Fulton o TS ^l Futile i? r r Fumble Fumbled V^^v v Futility Future f \ A Fume r "x^^ Futurity _V_ V~ Fumed Fumigate Fumigation ^ V _V_^ *' V' 1 G f il GAS Gamboled Game 1 ' *p* G Gamed Game-laws Gamester ^^i^ ^ Gaming ^^s G Gammon Gab Gabardine _ ~\ -*Sj Gammoned Gamut a ^> s Gabble Gabbled Gabbler "^ ~* "X Gamy Gander Gang > -- ^ Gable Ganges Gabriel Gad "^ -*^s~ -=- Ganglion Gangrene ^? ^^^ Gadded Gadny -./- Gangway Ganymede N I /- Gael ~~~\ ""^. Gaol Gaelic Gaoler Gag Gage r" "7 Gap Gape /^ .-TX....~~\ Gaged Gaily Gain -? r _., Gaped Garb N --V ^->w- Garbage ^t ^K~ Gained , Garble / Gainer Gainsaid - > T Garbled Garden ^ ^^ = . Gainsay Gait Gaiter "T n -1 Gardened Gardener Garden-stuff *- ^^ "^ Gala Galatians r n r~^\ Garfield Gargle ^ *-^ Gashed ^ -? Galveston Gas-light 1 Gamble ^^ ^ / l ^~> Gas-meter ^-^ Gambled V|5 __W Gasoline ^ rT "^ ^-to Gambler Gasometer Gamboge ^___f N "''/ _ /"" (iasp \_ *"^\ 5 Gambol Gasped GAS 82 GER Gastric Gas-works Gate -1--^- I Generously Genesee Genesis / / / ff? * . < O T ; Gateway __ . Geneva / / / Gather / ) Senevan ^__^ ^ ^--\ Gathered 1 Genevese V. ^> v* Gattling-gun Gaud ~1 "X Genevieve Genial / t J Gaudier * Geniality ^^V / ""i Gaudiest Genital ^>^ Gaudily jienitive / / / Gaudy Genius \^ Gauge -y Genoa . Gauge-cock / L -7 Genoese f~^- C^Si dj\ Gauged Gens d'armes U-o G auger Gaul Gaunt "7 -s~ ^ Genteel-ly Gentian Gentile ^ J 4 Gauntlet ~ "~> Gentility Senile / / y Gauzy ~ r Gentleman 1 f Gave Gentlemanly Gavel Gawky _ ~x -~HL Sentlemen Gentleness 4- ' L r Cs> Gay Gentler Gayer Gayest ' ~~> Gentlest Gentlewoman t f t Gayety Gentlewomen Gayly Gaze ' ^ - Gently Genuflection , f ^ Gazed r p Genuine Gazelle Genuinely '.A J J. n Gazette Genuineness Gazetteer Gazing Gear -f / Genus Geocentric Geoffrey L { ^ Gearing ,^^ o Geographer , . Geese ' f \ Geographic / s / - / Gelatine Geographical-ly \,_ Gelatinous Gelding Gem A- .__ A Geography Geologic Geological-ly ^ z z Gemini Geologist Gemmed Gemming A_ L A^ Geology Geometric / / *. Gendarme Geometrical-ly Gender J ' / / Geometrician ~ / Genealogical-ly \^^ C y Geometry ^ ^i Genealogy Genera General 4> J George Georgetown Georgia / / / Generalissimo Generality Generalization Georgian Georgiana Gerald! ne / Z ^ Generalize Generalized /^^* -^*' Generic \^ <^.^ 1-^ Germinal / i 7 ' Generical-ly Generosity Generous /__ ^ ^ Germinate Germinated Germination ^^ ^ G ER 8 3 GLI Germinative Girl-hood Gerrymander ? J Girlish /I /i /} Gertrude ^li \ Girondist ~"T/ 1 Gladder / Ghent r^ ~~T - Glade M c_ Ghost :., Gladiator c_n ^. Ghostly _3 ^\ -_-T5*l- Gladiolus \ s_l' i- / Ghoul ' Gladly Giant Giantess L ^ ^ Gladness Gladstone T ^.^ Giant-powder ~Nj Glamour fts^e Gib ' Glance Gibberish / ^^^ t Glanced ^ c_. ^, Gibbet X. ^/' ^ Gland o ^ J Gibbon / / Glandular - Gibe 'V _.....^__. ,-^_ Glare ^ /^ \ \ ^ r Gibed Glasgow Giblets Glass -_> Gibraltar / / /^~~~^*Q^ I ' Glass-blower >L Gibson Sr X' Glassful A Giddier Giddiest "T 1 ~r Glass-furnace Glassiness Giddily A Glass-work Giddiness __^ _., Glassy Giddy [ B I Glaze "^ - " r-^ Gift Glazed Gig . Glazier Gigantic / / Glazing ^~^f - "_- Gigantically Gleam Gifjgle ^ _ Gleamed Giggled r ^v Gleaming . ^.^^ ^ Gilbert Glean Gild <^t\ Gleaned Gilder \ f~l Gleaner "^ ^""^v Gilead Glee ~ Gill [ofaflsh] f~ i^- Gleeful 6 - Gill [a measure] f Glen V Gilt Glencoe =-3 <= = Gimcrack Gimlet ^- ^r Glimmering S_^ ^ ^ ^ n Girard l/ / Glimpse <- Gossiped Grandly "C r Got Gr,y.,arnother Goth ^ ^"^ *T Grandness /\fy Gotham Grand Kapids ^^^~~^ C^_p <^>S Gothic Gotten Gouge __ Grandsire Grandson Grange =7 J ^/ e-a r ' Gouged Gould -r Granger Granite i Gourd Grant ^^ Gourmand Grantee Gout n -^n Grantor (_ ^ C^^ / N. Gouty Granular r ^~" c Govern Granulate Governable Governed 5'" _/\ _^ Granulation Granville . r /^ """^ Governess Government /^-i"""^ Grape Grape-shot C ~ v \ t ^\ c ^x7" Governmental *** Grape-sugar ^ Governor Governorship Gown _/ _/^.___. Grape-vine Graphic Graphical-ly '^x,^^- Grab Graphite Grabbed Grace <- "^V __ r _ ri Grapple Grappled =~^ ^^N -^-X Graced Grasp n Graceful-ly ^^ =-f . Grasped Grate Grated X ei. e-l Gracing Gracious ^7 \J < Gratis Gratitude Graded Gradual-ly Graduate -. n^ n Gratuitous 3ratuitously Gratuity n, 7 n Graduated Gratulation Graduation Graft n c7 ^ Grave Gravel T^ C-J ^^ Grafton traveled ' - ^ jrrahum Grain trained =~v ^ Gravelly Gravel-walk Gravely /V- jram /" ji-aven ^ ^ ^_ Q Gramtnalogue e-3 7 Gravest Grave-stone ^ '^J' jrammatical-ly >ranada Granary e ^_ n 3 c->/ Jrave-yard Jravitate Gravitation ^ ^^l 'jrand Jravity Grandchild Gravy v^, V- __ Granddaughter e _ ) 5^. 1 j|Gray ' OR A 86 GRO Gray-beard Grayer Grayest Grayish Graze Grazed Grazier Grazing Grease Greased Greaser Greasier Greasiest Greasily- Greasiness Greasy Great Great Britain Greater Greatest Great-hearted Greatly Greatness Grecian Greece Greed Greedier Greediest Greedily Greediness Greedy Greek Greeley Green Greenback Greene Greener Greenest Greenlield Greengage Green-grocer Greenhorn Greenhouse Greenish Greenland Greenly Greenness Greenroom Greenville Greenwich Greenwood Greet Gregarious Gregariously Gregariousness Gregorian Gregory Grenada Grenadier Grenadine Grew Grey Greyhound Griddle Gridiron Qrler f -> c-f -' e-c Grietless Grievance Grieve Grieved Grievous Grievously Griffin Grilled Grim Grimace Grime Grimier Grimiest Grimly Grimmer Grimmest Grimy Grin Grind Grindstone Grinned Grip Gripe Griped Grisly Grist Gristle Grist-mill Grit Gritty Groan Groaned Groat Grocer Grocery Grog jtroin lirolned Groom Broomed Brooming Groomsman jJrope Groped Gross Grosser Grossest Grossly 3rossness Grotesque Grotesquely Grotesqueness Jrotto Ground Ground-floor jlroundless Groundlessly Ground -rent Groundwork Group Grouped 3 rouse Grove >rovel Jroveled Groveler e 3 <~~s^ c _^ e , c^ ^^ ^^ -\ c -\ ^ ^r ^ ^ s n _~ ,-r fe~^~ e- | *_.. C~"3 ^"5 C ^ ^"s ..r?... *? d <2 T^ .__ ( ^^^V g ** GRO 87 GYV Grow Gulf-stream Gr^ w' i_ ? Gull _ \ ^ f f Grow;rd ' <^T Gulled Growler Gullet Growling x- s c ~! r ^ Gulliver r /i /" Grown -^f ~T~ 1^, Gully Growth Grub ~T ^\ c-\ Gulp Gulped _f\ _/^-___ Grubbed Gum Grubber Gummed Grudge t ~~~ c \ f ~7 e~7 Gummier ^ ^-^/ Grudged Gummiest Gruel Gumminess Gruff ^ j? Gumming Gruffer " "" Gummy Gruffest Gruffly Gruffness r-i * ^ Gumption Gun Gun-barrel -^,^~V Grumble Grumbled Grunt ^~r ft Guttural-ly Qoldo Guild -i- ... Z. Guy Guzzle /-" -7^ Guile Guzzled Guileless Guilelessly Guillotine -.^-J^ ^ Guzzler Gymnasium Gymnast -S^t^l^, Guillotined C_ <^ , Gymnastic Guilt ^^J Gypsum f^Q / / Guiltier \ Gypsy L ZT--S ^v Guiltiest Guiltily Guiltiness '"i """v^ "n^. Gyrate Gyration Gyratory / /^ ^ Guiltless ,-0 x6 xo t^/ Cj O X. Hallam Hallelujah ' Habitable-y Hallow Habitat /fc S*\. _x >> v 'Hallowed S~ /I f~^ Habitation Hallucination Y Y I Habitual ly u Halo /" Habituate S^ <^\ -=^~\ Hair-brush ^>, ^~s ^N Handiwork , ^"^ Hair-cloth ( ^^ *^T Handkerchief _nj -_.,^^ ^ Hair-dresser ~/~-S> ^ Handle Hairiness \^r ^\^ Handled V -v Hairless * Handling T ^5 J^- Hair-line Hand-made Hair-pin S/ S. *^> Handmaid Hair-splitting N. Hand-organ ""'. ^^-* ---x Hair-spring Hand-rail * 3 Hair-trigger Hairy XJv / Handsaw Handsome .-.^- o-^ Halcyon Hale ^**r ^ Handsomely Handsomer ) Half / V \_.. Handsomest ~~~** J>-D-^/ O-tt Half blood Half-breed Half-brother r __^. , _ Handspike Handwriting Handy ^^^. Half-pence ") Hung ^ Half-penny A -V- i Hangdog /*., / . " Half-price "^ \1^ Hanged HAT Hanger Hanger-on Hangman Hanker Hannah Hannibal Hanover Hanoverian Hanseatie Hip Hap-hazard Hapless Happen Happened Happier Happiest Happily Happiness Happy Harangue Harauguer Harass Harassed Harassing Harbinger Harbor Harborage Harbored Hani Harden Hardened Harder Hardest Hard-fisted Hard-hearted Hardier Hardiest Hardihood Hardily Hardin Hardiness Hardly Hardness Hardship Hard-tack Hardware Hardy Hare Hare-brained Harelip Marelipped Harem Hark Harlem Harlequin Harlot Harlotry Harm Harmed Uannful-ly Harmless Harmlessly Harmlessuess HOvrmonic Harmonica! -ly Harmonious y vi Harmoniously Harmon iousness Harmonist Harmonize Harmonized Harmonizing Harmony Harness Harnessed Harnessing Harold Harp Harped Harper Harpoon Harpooned Harpsichord Harpy Harried Harriet Harris Harrisburg Harrison Harrisvilie Harrow Harrowed Harry Harsh Harsher Harshest Harshly Harshness Hart Hartford Hartshorn . Harum-scarum Harvard Harvest Harvested Harvey Has Hush Hashed Hasheesh Hasp Hassock Hast Haste [lasted Hasten Hastened Hastier Hastiest Hastily Hastiness Hastings Hasty Hat Hat-band Hat-box Hatch Hatched Hatchet Hatchway Hate Hated HAT 90 HEC Hateful-ly Hatefuluess A or A A^ 1 Healing Health .<.C-_ r\ ri Hater V, Uealthful-ly Hath Healthfulness Hatred Hatter (-- < -4- Healthier Healthiest f \^_ J > ^ ^ Haughtier Haughtiest /L A ST Healthily Healthiness (V f\_s> n, Haughtily Healthy Haughtiness Haughty Haul /L, A ^ Heap Heaped Hear /\ A ~^ Hauled 4 s Heard Hauling ^ ^\_, _....._. Hearer ^ ^^ ~^ Haunt Hearken ^ Hautboy .^ Hearkened ~\ ~\ '"N Havana <> ^^ <>^-^_^ ^- Hearsay Have Hearse \_, ^_ Haven Havened A, S* S- Heart Heart-ache ^ ^ Haversack Heart-broken ^^ -, Havoc Haw ^ / ^ Heart-burn Kearth ^ /^ A Hawaii Hearth-stone ^/^ Hawaiian V Heartier /v /\ sc Hawk / S .! Heartiest s / s Hawked s Heartily Hawser Hawthorn / X) / Heartiness Heartless A~^ -s* -^ Hay Heartlessly Haydn Heartlessness s-0~t> Hayes Hay-fever A / ,A^ Heart-rending Heart's-ease v*- ^ Hay-knife j Heart-sick /\ Hay-loft Hazy Heaven-born ^^*s He Head Headache /or' A A- Heavenly Heave-offering Heavier \r A^Xx Head-dress Headed Head-first s\ ^ 4 Heaviest Heavily Heaviness A- A/~ Avx Headland Headless Head-light A- /r A Heavy Hebe Hebraic A. X'.S- Headlong Head-quarters Headsman A A-^A~* Hebraism Hebraist Hebrew V^ s ^ Head-stone ^ Hebron Head-strong Headway A A A^ Hecatomb Hectare S ^ "\ Headwork Heal Healed A/~ r <* Hectic Hectogram Hectoliter ^ / <> i/ 81 H -"to meter Hector Hectored Hectostere Hedge II umd Hedgehog Heed Heeded Heedful-ly He dless Heedlessly Heedlessuess Heel Heeled Hegel Heuira Heidelberg Heifer Heigh-ho Height Heighten Heightened Heine Heinous Heinously Heir Heir-loom Heirship Held Helen Helena Heliocentric Heliogabalus Heliotrope Heliotype Helix Hell Hell-born Hellenes Hellenic Hellespont Hellish Helm Helmet Helmsman Help Helped Helper Helpful Helpfulness Helpless Helplessly Helplessness Helpmate Helpmeet Helvetia Hem Hemisphere Hemispheric Hemispherical Hemlock Hemmed Hemming Hemorrhage Hemp <-! ,/l /r ^ Hempen H-IJC tch Hemstitched Hen Henco Henceforth Henceforward Hondoroon Hen-pecked Henrietta Henry Heptarchy Her Herald Heraldic Heraldry Herb Herbage Herbert Herbivorous Hcrculaneum Herculean Hercules Herd Here Hereabout Hereabouts Hereafter Hereditament Hereditary Heredity Herein Hereinafter Heresy Heretic Heretical-ly Heretofore Hereunto Hereupon Herewith Heritage Herman Hermaprodite Hermes Hermetic Hermetical-ly Hermit Hermitage Hernia Hero Herod ITerodias Herodotus Heroic Heroical-ly Heroine Heroism Heron Herring Herring-bone Hers Hershel Herself Hesiod Hesitancy Hesitate HES /* vi "X HES 92 HOB Hesitation HeaperiM) j A/"A^ iHighwayuiau Hilarity *>^ f\ C. Hesperus Hill Hessian . /7 A Hillsborough Hester Sj y Hilisdale S ^^V^ v_< Hindustan Hinge S~~^~^ . L ^N Hidden Hireling ~c_^ Hide /\ /\ Hirsute n Hide-bound > ' s\ His /T Av^ Hideous Hispania Hideously- Hideousness A < /1 ^ Hispaiiiola Hiss s\ / / Hie *> *iS Hissed Hied Hierarch Hierarchical-ly Lv-v~ Hissing Histology Historian /-"". Y7 y" Hierarchy Hieratic v^'X^"/^ Historic Historical-ly \/~~ \ / *~~ \/ Hierocracy History Hieroglyph ./--}< ^ x^\ iHistrionlc j * Hieroglyphic [ly ' . - High-spirited iHob . High toned v ^ ^1* "^ iHohble & ^ ^ Highway jHobhled 93 Hobby Hobby-horse Hobgoblin Hobnail Hobnailed Hobnob Hoboken Hobson'a Choice Hock Hocus Hocus-pocus Hod Hodge-podge Hodman Hodmen Hoe Hoed Hog Hogarth Hogshead Hoiden Hoidenish Hoist Hoisted Hold Holdback Hoiden Holder Hole Holiday Holier Holiest Holily Holiness Holland Hollander Hollandish Hollo Hollow Holly Hollyhock Holmes Holstein Holster Holy Ftomag9 Home Homelier Homeliest Homely Home-made Homeopathic [ly Homeopatliical- Homeopathist Homeopathy Corner iomeric Homesick Homesickness iomespun Homestead lomeward Jomeward- Tpmicide [bound ioralletlca Hoiaiiy Hominy Homogeneity Homogeneous Homologous Homology Honduras Hone Honed Honest Honestly Honesty Honey Honey bee Honey-comb Honey-combed Honeysuckle Honolulu Honor Honorable-y Honorary Honored Hood Hooded Hoodlum Hoodwink Hoodwinked Hoof Hook Hooked Hooker Hoop Hooped Hooping-cough Hoop-skirt Hoosier Hoot Hooted Hop Hope Hoped Hopeful-ly Hopefulness Hopeless Hopelessly Hopelessness Hopewell Hopkins Hopped Hopper Horace Horatio Horde Horizon Horizoutal-ly Horn Horned Hornet Hornpipe Horny Horoscope Horrlble-y Horrid Horridly Horrified Horrify Horror / r ^f /" X s \ iron j>4 i-ri'^r Horror-stricken - ^ II(,11S('(I Hors de Combat ^* ^ //\ Jf _f> Horse f ""V^," Household ~6 (SL^.' "f Horseback A ., c ~\ ; Horse-dealer ^. "^\ <. House-rnaid Horse-doctor Horse-fly v' \ 1 ^^ House-warming Housewife /*^ -*r i^S-S*t r 1 1 n 3^ ^~N /I Howsoever Horsewomen ^x / 1 Hub /\^ >^v. Hortative ^^, * Hubbub x_ ^^ Hortatory /I Hubert n^ , Hortensia /} < Huckleberry ^V/y, ^ Horticultural < \f Huckster Horticulture Horticulturist ^ M ^ Huddle Huddled r r ^t_ Hosanua Hudson Hose O Hue Hosea /) ./ X. Huff / p H ose-company ^ ' Huffed '' f Hosier Hosiery Hospitable-y s9 & S\ Hufflness mulish Hufflshness xv/w^v_^ Hospital Hospitality fT /-. f Huffy Hug A*- L-. Sf Host Huge Hostage Hostess A A> A^ Hugely Hugeness sf~ sL, si Hostile Huger C_o Hostility Hostler A Jr\ .../. Hugest Hugged "/ /" Hot Hugh Hot-bed Hot-blooded ^ ^ / Hughes Hugo f - t Hot-house Huguenot ~~i~ ~T" Hotly s~ Hulk . Hotness o Hour-glass .... .-^ ^_, Humanitarian *-S> ^~ 1> f'~ Hour-hand Humanitarian- Houri / _,- Humanity [ism '~~~~-^\/ r ^^t Hourly \^ ^ Humanize \ * --_p House Humanized House-breaker House-breaking ^^-^- Humble Humbled ^_? HUM 95 HYS Humbler Humblest "~V "^xs, 'X Husband Husbandman A j Husbandry Humboldt Hush Humbug ****{" e /-~_ Hushed <^s /^ _ * Humphrey Hun Hunch *- ^__ \_ Hymen Hundred Hymeneal ^_^_^ ^_^ Hundredth Hung -A S~^ Hymn Hymnal < ~^- Hungarian s^^-} s*^~ Hymned / Hungary g^^^^ 6*** ^ ^ Hymning *^ ^^ X. Hunger Hyperbola >/" Hungrier Hyperbole Hungriest ^_""^ ' v> -f Hyperbolic / \^ '> v ">v Hungrily ^*^ Hyperbolical-ly N^ N/ ^N/^ 1 Hungry Hunker Hunt ^ S ' Hypercritical-ly Hypercriticism Hyperion ^ ^_/^" Hunter ? Hyphen /\^ / Huntington ^~\ '^ Hypochondria 6\ f*^*~f Huntress Hypochondriac Huntsman Hypocrisy \ V X Hunts villa ^ ^ S N- f- Hypocrite X \ ^c N-f Hurdle ( | Hypocritical-Iy / Hurdle-race . , . Hypodermic Hurl lit 9 ^Y^~ ^\ Hypothecate /^S^ s^\^ y^\ Hurled I/ r Hypothecation l_^_ (_ ( Hurling Hurly-burly Huron ^ ~^y ^ Hypothesis Hypothetical-ly Hyssop <*\/^j_A Hurra Hurrah Hurricane / / ^ Hysteric Hysterical 1- I Hurried /* /^ / Hurriedly g ^ ^ Hurry Hurrying /*~ ' Hurt <^ <. Hurtful-ly I ! * ILI> Idolized Idolizing J_ L r Idyl . If i "^ 7 ^~^~? Ignatius .-^ as ^^ Ignis-fatuus i I v '-**' / Ignite ~^ ""^ C~"^ ^_P Iambic ^*****s Ignoblp-y ^V Iberia Ignomin'ious Ibex Ignominiously ^5 -^-5> Ibis V ^S__jD V ^\3 Ignomy (^ " ^^^. ^ ^ Ice Ignoramus Iceberg V\ Vv w Ignorance ^y ^ ci Ice-cream Iced . \ Ignorant Ignorantly Ice-house Vv "V, V Ignore ^_^ ^ f} Icelander ) ) Iliad Icelandic \ v\ v\ 111 /" S** l^"- Icicle hi *) Ill-bred C- .. - Icier 1 Ill-breeding Iciest V.. y. Illegal f /" f* Icily / /o Illegality J ^ * Iciness lllegalize i Iconoclasm _, Illegalized f s- s~ Iconoclast C L_ lllegalizing -^-. ^ Immediate Immediately Immemorial-ly ~ ,JV Impeachment Impecunious Impede n ^ Immense Immensely Immenseness Immensity Immerse Immersed Immersing Immersion Immigrant Impeded Impediment Impel Impelled Impenetrability Impenetrable-y Impenitence Impenitent Imperative v^ Immigrate Immigration Imminence Imperatively Imperceptible-y Imperfect ' -^-x. Imminent Imminently Immoderate :rr ^ ^ Imperfection Imperfectly Imperial ^V Immoderately Immodest Immodestly V ^ Imperialism Imperialist Imperil Immodesty Immolate Immolation Immoral Immorality Immorally ^ ^~ Imperiled Imperious Imperiously Impenshable-y Impersonal-ly Impersonate Immortal Immortality Immortalization ^ . Immortelle rmmovable-y Immunity [mmure :\7rO Imperviously Impetuosity Impetuous Impetuously IMP 98 INA Impetus . , . > . | Impressionable Impiety o ) Impressive ' Cx ^v' ^^N^ ' ^^Na Impious Impressively x_ \^ Impiously ^~*. J Impressiveness Impiousuess */'"" ^J Impressment ""^^NJ ' Imprimis ^^^ Implacability Imprint Implacable-y Implant ^\ ^4 Imprison Imprisoned _.-z^._-^_r < N^ Implement Implicate Imprisonment Improbability ^N, <\ -^- Implication ^ Improbable-y '"~ N, N> implicit Impromptu Implicitly Implied "~\ 'y- -- Improper Improperly "^TXTN^ Impliedly Implore -^T ^^ ^* Impropriety Improvability t Implored '\ ' Improvable \ \ Imply , Improvableness Impolite ^v -~ -s~ **~~r Improvably -^~~. -~^ *-**. Impolitely Improve Impoliteness Impolitic Imponderable ^r^^TC^\ Improvement [mprovidence Improvident ' *v " c \ ****** N| \| Import [mprovidently Importance s~~s Improving ' ^\< ;***.' ^^N Important Improvisation A \ Importation Improvisator f ^ Importer ^~**s\i N -^^/^-"' [mprovise ^V * ^v ^ ^\^ Importing V ' Improvised Vb v^> V^ Importunate Improvising Importunately ^^^_-^_/y- ^-^s-~~~- V mprudence ' ^^s ' - ^-^_p Impost x Impure Impostor ^^ Cmpurely / s s~ C Imposture [mpureness ^^y ^-*, Impoverish 1 _x Inability 1 Impracticability Impracticable ,-jv j^ss- ^cx Inaccessibility Inaccessible-y ^T~^- 13 Impracticableness X\^ Inaccuracy / Impracticably ^ Inaccurate Imprecate 's. ' < ^v' C X. Inaccurately s~ Imprecation \. Inaction ~>~ *^Jr * ' D Impregnable-y ~ <>Ss O. Inactive Impregnate '^ ^.IT' ^ o Inactively ' 1 - ^TT ^~l Impregnation X Inactivity ^- vl V^ Impress Inadequacy 1 Impressed ' ^0^ ^^" ^^Ny Inadequate " 1 * 1 1 Impressibility Inadequately ) Impressible-y Inadequateness Impressing ' ^^ ^\o ' sCSs \!l Inadmissibility 1 1 1 Impression > Inadmissible-y X^N . J&IHLAS Inadvertence Inadvertency Inadvertent Inadvertently Inalieuable-y Inane Inanimate Inanimation Inanition Inanity Inapplicable-y Inappreciable Inapproachable-y Inappropriate Inappropriately Inappropriate- Inapt i ness Inaptitude Inaptly Inarticulate Inarticulately Inartiflcial-ly Inasmuch Inattention Inattentive Inattentively Inaudible-y Inaugural Inaugurate Inauguration Inauguratory Inauspicious Inauspiciously Inauspiciouaness Inborn Inbred Inca Incalculable-y Incandescence Incandescent Incantation Incapability Incapable-y Incapacitate Incapacity Incarcerate Incarceration Incarnate Incarnation Incautioiis Incautiously Incendiarism Incendiary Incense Incensed Incensing Incentive Inception Incessant Incessantly Incest Incestuous Incestuously Inch Incident Incidental-ly Incise Incised Incision Incisive Incisor Incite Incited Incitement Incivility Inclemency Inclement Inclination Incline Inclined Inclose Inclosed Inclosing Inclosure Include Inclusive Inclusively Incognito Incoherence Incoherent Incoherently Incombustibility Incombustible-y Income [able-y Incommensur- Incommensurate Incommode Incommoded Incommodious Incommodiously IncommodiousnesH Incommunicable-y Incommunicative Incommutable- jr Incomparable-y Incom passionate Incompatibility Incompatible-y Incompetence Incompetency Incompetent Incompetently Incomplete Incompletely Incompleteness Incomprehensibility Incomprehensible-y I n com press) bi 1 ity Incompressible Inconceivable-y Inconclusive Incongruity Incongruous Incongruously Inconsiderable-y Inconsiderate Inconsiderately Inconsideration Inconsistency Inconsistent Inconsistently Inconsolable-y J Y- I ] r NC 1( IND I n consonance Inconsonant Inconstancy Inconstant Inconstantly Incontestability Incontestable-y Incontinence , _ -P j f ^ ~k Indefeasible-y [ndel'ensii.iluy Indefensible Indeflnnblc-y Indelinite indeflnitely Ind(>finiteness Indelible-y ~y ~Va\~ - ^ - x -v : -v r Incontinent Incontinently fncontrovertible-y Inconvenience Inconvenient Inconveniently Inconvertibility Inconvertible Inconvertibleness Incorporate Incorporation Incorporeal- ly Incorrect Incorrectly Incorrectness ^~*i> '1 V L \o^_P ~^~V - \ "X.*\^ Indelicacy Indelirate Indelicately Indeninification Indemnified Indemnify Indemnity Indemonstrable Indent Indentation Indenture Indentnn il Independence Independent Independently N> t ^l "Is ""U ^ ^l ^ -* -"~> -*s, -% ~~t_ Incorrigibility Incorrigible-y Incorrupt Incorruptibility Incorruptible-y In corruption Increase Increased Increasing \ ^x Indescrihalilc-y Indestructiliiliiy Indestructible y Indeieniiinute Index Indexed Indexing India Indian > >. ~K ^K ^ r l u " *" ' Incredibility Incredible-y Incredulity Incredulously Increment Incrustation 2^3 Indiana Indianapolis India Kubber Indicate Indication Indicative Incubate Incubation Incubus Inculcate Inculcated Inculcation ^-^^ Indicator Indices Indict Indictable Indicted Indiction -fc -1 \ ..? ~1-^ X Inculpate Incumbency Incumbent Incumbrance Incur Incurability I ' ~^> ^ ^ -s "% ^^ r ~V ^"V Indictment Indifference Indifferent Indifferently Indigence Indigenous -i n ~i, 7 ~t* 7 Incurable-y Incursion Indebted Indebtedness Indecency Indecent ^-s^ 5 ~1 ~^-c ^V^ ^ ~~L Indigent Indigently Indigested Indigestibility Indigestible Indigestion c> 7 ^ 7^ >- ^~ Indecently Indecipherable-y Indecision ^ "V "1 ~t Indignant Indignantly Indignation Indecisive Indecorous Indecorously Indecorum Indeed Indefatigable \ L ^-1 -v -\^ v Indignity Indigo Indirect Indirectly Indirectness Indlscernible-y -T- ^ ^ Indefeasibllity ^ Indiscreet INF Indiscretipn Indiscriminate Indiscriminately Indispensable-y Indispose Indisposed Indisposing Indisposition ludisputable-y Indiss9luble-y Indistinct Indistinctly Indistinctness India tlnguish- ludite [able-y Indited Individual Individualism Individuality Individualize Individualized Individually Indivisibility Indivisible-y Indoctrinate Indo-Kuropean Indolence Indolent Indolently Indomitable In-door Indorse Indorsed Indorsee Indorsement Indorser Indubitable-y Induce Induced Inducement Inducing Induction Inductive Indue Indued Indulge Indulged Indulgence Indulgent Indurate Induration Indus Industrial-iy Industrious Industriously Industry indwell Inebriated Inebriation Inebriety Ineffable-y Ineffective Ineffectively 1 D n- n- Ineffectual-ly Inefficacious Inefficaciously Inefficacy Inefficient Inelastic Inelegant Ineligibility Ineligible-y Inequality Inerudicable-y Inert Inertia Inertness Inessential Inestimable-y Inevitable-y Inexact Inexactness Inexcusable Inexcusableness Inexcusably Inexhaustibility Inexhaustible-y Inexorable-y Inexpedience Inexpedient Inexperience Inexperienced Inexpiable-y Inexplicable-y Inexprussible-y Inexpressive In extenso Inextinguishable-y In extremis Inextricable-y Inez Infallibility Infallible-y Infamous Infamously Infamy Infancy infant Infanta Infante Infanticidal Infanticide Infantile Infantry Infatuate Infatuated Infatuation Infect Infected Infection Infectious Infective Infelicity Infer Inference fnferential-ly Inferior Inferiority Infernal-ly IXF 102 IN.r Inferred [Ingenious Infertile - *\ - tv *\ Ingeniously la ^7 ^~^-f^f Infertility Iiii;('iiiousness ~f Infest Infested Infidel Ingenuity Vi ^~Vp > Illngenuous T f [[Ingenuously ^~7 "~~/ ^~7 1 f-*i ^^y^" Infidelity Ingenuousness Infiltrate ' ^ Vji xji Ingersoll ~~7 ^ "i^ 1 Infiltration ^U Inglorious ^ Infinite ^- Ingloriously <0 Infinitely \> \i * *v t o Ingoing ^ -l Inttniteness Ingot ' 6 Infinitesimal-ly Ingraft Infinitive v ^ ^^'^\'~ "V_ Ingrain Infinitude ^-f- \ cr - x ^_- 1( Ingrate ^_f^ ~r-^ T Infinity Ingratiate Infirm "^ ^\ ^ S X ^/ Ingratitude ^_^~) *"). ^- v J Infirmary Ingredient Infirmity Ingress Infirmly ^^C^TX . ~f~ f \~^j> Ingulf In firmness 1 Ingulfed U 3 ^-J Inflame Inhabit Inflamed ~ ^_-^r^.^ ^-^ -^^ Inhabitable /^ /\. /\ Inflaming *~- Inhabitant J Inflammability Inhalation Inflammable-y ^ . ^~^-J ><'"* Inhale ,/ -/( ^_^ Inflammation \ ^^^\ Inhaled Inflammatory Inhaler (^~ Inflate ' ^~-^-*/ *~ V Vi inhaling / / ^V Inflation Inharmonious , ^J Inflect Inflected ~~^_rv_r\_ [nharmoniously Inliarmonious- -^\-^C3X^ Inflection i ' 3 luharmony [ness . ^> Inflexibility Inhere / x> / Inflexible-y ^ V__J V Inherence / ^/ ^^/ Inflict ^S X ^ Inherent Inflicted Infliction C r Inherently Inherit /I <= 1 "~~\ Influence 1 3 Inheritable \ Influenced / Inheritance lufluential-ly "~ a ~ ^ Inherited ^-1 <^ ^-^j Influenza \ Inheritor Influx Inheritress /^ Inform \^ ri~^V \^ ^ Inheritrix "^"^^ ^""l_D ^ Informal ^ N V ~ Inhibit Informality Informally Informant -Vc-s^-v^ Inhibition Inhospitable-y jlnhospitality ^W ^ Information Inhuman Informed "^ ' V. " V Inhurn'anity ^ 1 Informer ^~\~ ^\-~v Inhumanly Informing Infraction -^->v -\. Inimical-ly Inimitable ^^o^l Infractor Infrangible X-^, ~1 Inlmitableness Inimitably N V_, Infrequency ^_^\ v-^FX P^\ Iniquitous ^ ^ ll v ' ' Infrequent c ^ Iniquity x Infrequently X, ' Initial-ly Infringe ' ^^V- ^ ^A 1 Initiate " s Injudicial Injudicious J nsrj i )3 INS Injudiciously Imudicionauess Injunction Injure Injured Injurious Injuriously Injuriousiiess Injury Injustice Ink Inked Inkiness Inkling "2- "7 ^ * oL_o J -?_ ^ ^/" ^^> ^ \ " Inquisitiveness Inquisitor Inquisitorial-ly In re Inroad Insalubrious Insalubrity Insalutary Insane Insanely Insaneness Insanity Insatiable Insutiableness V~s ' ^y\ ^c ^S A^J^ -V^^>^i <^ ^ ^ v lukstand Inky Inlaid Inland Inlay Inlet ~r ^j i Insatiably Insatiate Insatiately Insatiateness Insorioe Inscriber < <_p < j f y I- r b Inmate In memoriam Inmost Inu Innate Innately -i -r ^ Inscription Inscrutability Inscrutable Inscrutableness Inscrutably Insect ^ 6 x ^^ *\ r Inner Innermost Innocence insecure Insecurely Insecureness *-f *~\ Innocent Innocently Innocuous Innocuously Innovation Innoxious Innoxiously Innuendo Innumenible-y Innutrition Innutritious Inoculate Inoculation Inodorous Inoffensive ^l ^"^^t Insecurity Insensate Insensibility Insensible-y Insensuous luseparable-y Insert Insertion Inside Insidious Insidiously Insidiousness Insight Insignia Insignificance -_a_j>-_ft_C -__H^ -^ \^ ^ ^ ^f ^ 7t -UJ1 Inoffensively [noffensiveness Inofflcial-ly } ^-C^ "~V7V^ ^S Insignificant Insignificantly Insigniricative ^^^/ Inoperative Inopportune Inordinacy ^-_ P ~-t-s ^__o U _. *~_- *~ Insincere Insincerely Insincerity ^s-^L*^ Inordinate [nordinately Inordinatene83 J Insinuate Insinuated Insinuation 1 ^_A_^ R^ Inorganic [norganical-ly Inquest ^__^^^= . ^ Insipid Insipidity Insipidness 1 5) J-^B "f Inquietude Inquire Inquired ^f~- ^_^ ^j Insist Insisted Insistence I" M 5 -f ^ Inquiring Enquiringly Inquiry ^-^-^- In situ [nsnare [nsnared Inquisition [nquisitional [nquisitive Inquisitively f Insobriety Insolence Insolent Insolently 1 /* if ^ INS 104 INT Insolidity Insulate Insolubility rf\ ifX. Insuperable-y , t^ ^"^Xx. Insolvency \ 1 Insupportable-y *r~~ ^x Insolvent Insurable \ Insomnia ^"^ """) Insurance v n *. A x ^ Insomuch * 5 *~J Insure \ Inspect Insured Inspection > ^* s ^V .^^^V Insurgent [y *~-j) -^_j/i a ~V^ Inspector i Insurmountable- V^ Inspiration ., Insurrection Inspirational **Si d xS ^s Insurrectionary t N i 3 \_^ / ^ *N Inspire Insurrectionist ^ ? Inspired Inspirit Inspirited -)- Insusceptible Intact Intaglio ^ -L -V- Instability Instable Install ^K ^ ^ Intangibility Intangible Intangibleness 7. 7 7 Installation Intangibly ^ ^ \^_s Installed v ~ *O *" f ^""^''"""'"^ Integer ^ "\ L f~ Installment r Integral-ly ' Instance Integrity *^s Instanced ^_P V__p v_j> Integument -* j "T" Instant Intellect "^ Instantaneous Intellectual Instantaneously Instantaneous- HL^ ^ -L.C-P Intellectuality Intellectually f r - F Instanter [ness Intelligence Instantly *f ^73 v_ ji Intelligent Instate \ Intelligently In statu quo Instead ""f "f "1 * Intelligibility Intelligible-y r r ^u Instep L 1 \ Intemperance / / Instigate Intemperate \ Instigation Instigator "~L ^t-, *~Lj In temperately Intern perateness f Instill Intenable Instilled Y~ *~"f f Intend * i Instinct / is_^ Intendant ^N> ^~~~' Instinctive ^^ Intended Instinctively L ' L, f Intense 1 - ~~~~f Institute 1 ^T; ' L Intensely Institution ' Intenseness Instruct -f ' t I Intensification ^-^-^ o Instruction J Intensified ^ 3 Instructive Intensify Instructively "jj 1| " p Intensity ' -\_ "^ f % Instructiveness / Intent Instructor Intention Instrument t I* U tntentional-ly f *~*7~ Instrumental 1 Intently 1J ^~ 3 Instrumentalist Intentness Instrumentality T-/^ T^a T [nter ^~^1 i Instrumentally Intercede Instrumentation . [nterceded Insubordinate U x ;> tntercept - f -A -\ Insubordination J7 Interception o Insubstantial . Intercession Insufferable-y Insufficiency "-%, "^ "~v^~1 J > Intercessor Interchange [y ^ ^-^ 7 Insufficient Tnterchangeable- y Insufficiently ^ ^^('V^^ 'ntercommunicable / ^~V^ Insular Intercommunicate J ] [NT 1 05 INT Intercommuuica- Interrupt Intercourse [tion Interdependence ^^ Interruption Intersect -X ~"S5 ^, Interdependency ^| Intersection Interdependent Interdict v, \. Interspace Intersperse - J >^ >O Interdiction _. ) Interspersed ^ ^ ^ p Interest ^ *""f Interspersing ^^^ ^ SS *Q_ J - ^~"o Interested Interstice Interfere Intertwine Interfered "V ~~v "\^y Intertwined ^^^ Interference ^\ ^N Interval Qd_^ Interim ^j) / S Intervene Interior \s-^r\s \r Intervened *~\ o ^"V> ~~-^^ Interiorly Intervention Interjection Interjectioual 7 ~T- ~$ Interview Interviewer -V_...rv^x- "X Interlace ^ Interweave Interlaced Interwove Interlacing r c ^ Interwoven ^v. ^ ^3 In toto 1 ^ Intermission. Intoxicate Intermit Intoxication o Intermittent ' ""~3 Intractability "* " i_ L Intermix Intractable \ \_ Intermixed Intractableness Intermixture Internal-ly ^ *~ | | Intractably Intransitive k s T'\ International-ly Intrench Interne Inter nos ^^^ -J Intrenched Intrenchment t * i ^i U A J / A Interpolate x .^^ Intrepid Interpolation \^ "s./oS Intrepidity ' 1 1 "1 /" Interposal Intrepidly 1 Interpose Interposed "So ^5 -*SJ Intricacy Intricate ^l _n _n Interposing Intricately ) ir Interposition Intricateness Interpret "-\ _r\ ~5\ Intrigue ' ^1 ^ -^ ^n Interpretation 1 Intrigued L^_B ^ L - Interpretative Intriguer Interpreter v ~^ s l "^^ -S*^ "* Intrinsic ' ^] ^ '1 n Interregnum v^. ^ Intrinsical-ly L_i L_e Interrogate Introduce Interrogation ^_^ Introduced I ^Iv Interrogative J Introducing ' ! Interrogatively Introduction Interrogator Interrogatory 2 H -i Introductory Introspect ^O^^V [NT . 1 OB IRR Introspection Introspective 0^ 0! _^ Invisible-y Invitation \ ~v v Intrude 3 ^X_ Invite U Intruder -JL M M Invocation Invoice --^ ^A^> "-^ Intrusive S L Invoiced 13 Intrusively Intrusiveuess Intrust * ^1 'I ^L p p D V_ ^"ViP Invoicing Invoke Involuntarily ^,^_^s Intrusted Involuntary Intuition Involuted * ^^* \*y^ * \*f^ Intuitive Involution Intuitively Inundate ~~1 "I "~~~1 Involve Invulnerable ~-\_ r Inundation ** Inward ^ v^ Inure 7 Inwardly S ^^P -*-T^> I nutility ""' ^\ * A Inwardness ' Invade T | Inwards Invader Invalid _, _. _,^ Iodine Ionia vj *** Invalidate V /" Ionian Invalidation Ionic Invalidity ^-/'ly vyi ^_/ loto ..^t I. ^\ Invalorous i Iowa Invaluable-y Invariable-y Invasion -^JrXx^-Xa Ipecac Ipsedixit Ipso facto > v X. Invasive ^ Ipso jure " r ^^ ' Invective Vp v V*_ Ira ^o ^\. Inveigh v. I Iranian t^ Inveighed Inveigle Inveigled ^~^-^ Irascibility Irascible-y Irate \ x v/1 Invent n Ire < Invention \0 ^-3 Vi Ireland ^^ ^~\^> ;J Inventive ^*" Irene Inventiveness . , Iridescence Inventor * 1\ ^"^5 ^~\3 Iridescent s\ia /\_* s\- ^ Inventory V~^_p Indium Inverse Iris vx v^N ~x Inversely Inversion -^ ^v -^ Irish Irksome 1 J 1-*- Invert Irksomeness -X ^x I nvest ,^_^f^ * ^^_ ^^rt Iron ^\ , ^ V c_ Invested T Ironclad a ^~ Investigate ^ 1_ " \ i__n Ironed -s "N _ -x Investigation ^5 ^^ v^^l Iron-gray > J ' Investigator ' Ironical-ly Investiture * -i ^ - ^ ., Irouton v-v ^~v Investment V ^=-^> ^-0 Irony r \ Inveteracy A ( Iroquois J T Inveterate ) Irradiate Inveterately Invidious ^~-v^- -v^ Irradiated Irrational-ly /] /\\ ^ Invidiously Invidiousness v ~~-v ~~v- Irrecognizable Irreconcilable-y '- r ^~^^, - Invigorate 1 \_p Irrecoverable-y ' Invigoration Invincible Irredeemable Irredeemableness ^~V^x !> ^ t Invincibleness ^^~\_o Irredeemably >: NCJ X Invincibly Inviolate , V^-^V/n Irrefragable-y Irrefutable-y X ^v ~\- Inviolated ^s Irregular _ \ Inviolately / Irregularity ^\ Inviolateness \^/ ^^^-^Vo'V Irregularly \^^ *\ / '(/\* Invisibility Irrelevancy J IRR 107 JAN Irrelevant ../\ -^ -c4 Italy Itch v / Irreligious i/ - Itched Irremediable-y Irreparable-y Irrepressiblu-y 'XXX Item Itemize Itemized VI \1 \1 v i-T) L-^) I rreproach able-y Irresistibility -V ^ -N Iterate Iteration U I/ 9 L_ Irresistible-y / "IN, Ithaca Irresolute ^ s~ ^ Itinerancy i i i /- Irresolutely ~V ~c ~^if^ Itinerant J J~ c_? Irresolution Itinerantly ; Irrespective Itinerate 1 \A S Irrespectively Irresponsibility K, Ny S^ Itself Ivanhoe i -i- V*" Irresponsible-y Irresponsive Ivory Ivy *^/ ^v Irretentive ^^"V ''w Irretrievable-y Irreverence Tl TS ^ >> C\ Irreverent Irreverently s ' J Irreversible-y ^^Vv ^"N-V -/\^ Irrevocable-y I J^ ^ Irrigate Irrigation Irritability VX., xlx J Jabber Jabbered / ^ t Irritable-y Irritant Irritate \ ' " Jaberer Jabez Jack ^ ^ *- Irritation Jackal . . . Irritative /\) /I /^s Jackanapes J_ L. I o Irruption L Jackass NO Irruptive o Jackdaw / / / Irving /*\ '\__^ Jacket f * Is ^>- Jackknife 1 ^ Isaac Jack-plane / / / Isabel ^ ^ ) Jack-screw / / c / n_ Isabella ^ x^~ Jackson ^ Isaiah Jacksonville / / / Iscariot /J 1_ /I J-~f~ Jack -straw * q f , Ishmael Jacob ^"^, | \ Isinglass Isis ") !) v^~^ Jacobin Jacobinical-ly / / / Islam <_c Jade o X^^ | Islamism Islamitic y^-~ y- Jaded / / / Island Jagged [ ~~t- T- Islander s~ \ Jaggedness . . Isle .__\ / Jaguar - / / r~ Ism Jail C_u \ Isolate Isolation \- Y> \ Jail-bird Jailer t^ f^~\ /-^ Isothermal t S~ Jam Israel Israelite y y y^~ Jamaica Jamb A_ A A Israelitic James Israeli tish y /j Jamesport / / / Issue Jamestown ~~*$^ ^~~$ ** Issued -^ -^ Jammed j Isthmus It ^ i y^ Jamming Jane l-^ J L Italian Janet Italic Italicize v k^ y^ Jangle Jangled C__ A_ /j) Italicized Janitor JAN 108 JOI January Janus MM f iijessamiue _, -0 / lj> Jest j Japan nese Japanned Japheth C < ( tested fester festingly J f> Irj- Japhetic Jar Jared <_ <, ^ Jesuit fesuitical-ly Jesuitism i i t Jargon Jarred Jasmine Jason Jasper Jaundice i, < .A C ^ (/ Jesus Jet Fet-black Fetsam Felted Jetty '< '' L < Jaundiced Few Jaunt I/ / Fewel / / /__ Jauntier b Few's-harp "7 "C Jaw / / / Jezebel / /"S Jaw-bone _ '_ _s >e . (~. Tib / >. ^ Jawed 3i 1 Jig \ Jay x Jilt LI / Jealous / /^> f^t> Jimmy ' l~. C Jealously Jingle Jealousness Jealousy t^-*f^> JorX Jingled Jingo .4=_ ^_ ^ Jean *+' Joan Jeannette Joanna / * / Jecldo / OT J w |" / Job ^\ jf ' \ Jeer ^ . Jobber 1 Jeered T / Jobbing-bouse / / o ^^*- Jefferson 1 d-^ Job-printer ^\. ^*^e; "^ i Jeffersonville Jockey / Jeliovah Jehovist *w,C 4 Jocose Jocosely ^ ^ Jehovistic f Jocoseness Jejune Jejunely 4- / / Jocular Jocularity /-0-J) /_, &- Jejuueness Jelly / Jocund Jocundity / / is- Jelly-fish -Lj> Jocundly \ Jemima Jenny Jeopardize Jeopardized Jeopardizing Jeopardy \\ s 1 Jocundness Joe Joel Jog Jogged Joggle C A / L. L J_ Jeremiah Jeremias z! zS / Joggled Johanna ^ l^ Judgment Judgment-day Judgment-seat / / L Jollilication Jolliness /^_ ) ./^~ ff /"] Judicator}' Judicature i 1 tf\ t- jj Jollity Judicial-ly 1 i Jolly i^- Judiciary Jolt Jonah A f^ Judicious Judiciously 1 J / Jonas Jonathan Jones ^ ^ * Judiciousness Judith Jug j; ( / - Jonesborough Jonesville / / / Juggernaut Juggle ^ ^ i Jonquil ^~\/ ^~y Juggled Jonson J Juggler / / / Jordan L*^ / (- Jugglery j -f / * Joseph Jugular -, ^ Josephine Josephus Joshua t -t r Va Xj> J Jugurtha Juice Juiciness A ~t+- Josiah M Juicy LJ> Josiaa 6 -4- Julep / r^~ r" Jostle ) 3 ' Julia 7 Jostled / / / Julian / Jostling ff_ /p / Juliana t* /** fa Jot V^" j Juliet Jounce - Julius " Jounced Journal ~i/' ~(f~ Ct> July Jumble f& k~ i~r Journal-box ? Jumbled Journalism r^ r* ^/ Jump I-? ^ ^ Journalist ^^\_o ^^ ^* Jumped Journalistic Journalize Journalized cLp CLP cdj Jumper Junction Juncture /- & ^ Journalizing _ June Journey Journeyman cia^ C- 0-, Jungle Junior ^, Journeymen Jove Jovial ^ / f Juniority Juniper Junius =-i ^*S Joviality Jovially Joy ^ f ' Junk Junket Juno c^ c^- t* Joved i / / Junta Joyful-ly / e l~.j> Junto J J' " / Joyfulness Jupiter \ \- \n Joyless Joylessly /^ /^^ y Jurisdiction Jurisdiction*] % J JL Joyous J" Jurisprudence < i Joyously Joyousness Jubilant L L C Jurisprudent Jurist Juror ^^ Juryman \, Judaic Jurymen Judaical-ly Judah ^- il / Just Justice *-* * { JUS 1 10 KIN Justiceship Justiciar . Justiciary Justifiable-y Justification Justified Justifler Jusiily Justinian Justly Justness Jut Jute Jutland i j f <( Y t ^ < ^ f {-> ( ./..... / / Kensington Kent .Kentucky Kepler 'Kept Kerchief Kerman Kernel Kerosene Ketchup Kettle Kettle-drum Key Key-board ^ -, H ~N ~^ ^ -*r- ^ ' ~\ ^ T. Juvenal Juvenile f K ^ ^ /_ Keyed Key-hole Key-note ^ -v ^ Juxtaposition j \ Khartoum Khedive Khiva Kick ^U~l ""V K Kickapoo Kicked Kicker Kid "I -i K Kaffer -S Kidd Kidnap Kidnaped Kalamazoo Kale Kaleidoscope Kanawha Kane Kangaroo Kansas Kant *^ Kidnaper Kidney Kilkenny Kill Killarney Killed Killer Killing Kiln ~L z_nJZ! -^ 7^ -- 1 Katharine Katheriue u * -i) -D ~1L Kiln-dried Kiln dry Kilogram Kean Kearny - _^- -1 K*loliter Kilometer Kiit ^ ^ _^" __ Keats Keel Keel-boat Z _/^N ZZ Kin Kind Kinder - -> 7 Keen Keener Keenest Keenly Keenness Keep i ^^ ZL__JzI. Kindergarten Kindest Kind-hearted Kindle Kindled Kindlier 3_^__^ Keeper Keepsake Keg ^v- -T- Kindliest Kindliness Kindling -r- ^-s- Kellogg Kelp Kemble _^X 1^ Kindly Kindness Kine -*_s> - Ken Kendall Kennebec Y~ s. Kinematic Kinetic Kin* ^ Kenned Kennel Kenneled : T - Kingcraft Kingdom Kingfisher -V-T Keuo -<^x ^ Kindliness -^ _ ] cm i 11 LAC Kingly __ _^o .- Knottier Kinsj'u Bench i~ " ^s *""v_ Knottiest ' 1 ' 1 1 King's-evil / Knottiness Ki ) Kingship Kingsluy ~~^ ~^f f Knotty Knout *1 Kingston Know =r- Kink Kinship ^ ^ ^_ j j Knowable Knowing Kinsman Knowingly ^ . _^ - ^ Kinsmen Kinswoman Kinswomen -z^TwX, Knowledge Knowles Known ^-1 *- x ^ Kip Kip-skin ^\~v^ Know-nothing Knox ,^_^, ^_, Kirk c Knoxville ^ 7" Kiss , Knuckle Kissed Knuck led ^ x = 1 Kissing Koordish Kit Kitchen - J -J Koordistan Koran =-1 /? Kitcheu-gard ^~> " Kosciusko if Kite 1 1 - ' Kossuth Kith 1 ^ Koumiss i ^ J Kitten Kraken Kleptomania Kreutzer Knack c s *" "N. Krishna A ^\ * j C \^ Knapsack - Krupp ' Knave Knavery ~-^_--^/-\_j Kuklux Kurd n n Knavish Kurdish c 1 Knead Kneaded -i Kurdistan --1 Knee r Knee-deep Knee-high ' i * * "~f' Knee joint Kneel Kneeled Y _r.... 'X. L Kneeling Knee-pan i, Knell *" ^N- /^ "^T* Laban /^ /^"^w /^V Knelled Label Knelt Labeled Fnew / v_ Labial x^ ^^/^ /^^^. Knife f -(%--..; Labor Knife-edge Knight ^\ ^ -1 Laboratory Labored ^v/ ^ ^. Knighted ' Laborer ^~^ Knight-errant Knight-errantry Knighthood sr v'^H - Laboring Laboi ious Laboriously ^0^^ Knightly Labor-saving Knit i ^^7" Labrador ^-^v^-^v. x^^v Knitting-needle " Laburnum f /^J^l' ^v^- Knives Knob ^\o ^^S S Labyrinth Lac - J V^ f r Knobbed Lace ' i Knobby Laced j Knock ^\ 1 Lacedemonla (^ it-.- i Knockdown Lacerate w Knocked Laceration y Knocker f ** Lachrymal i C^ f Kaock-kBMd Lachrymose JSnoll Lack Knot *~f *~ 1 Lackadaisical . (^ k__^ Knotted i Lackey ""'" ] LAC 1 12 LAR Lack-luster Laconia Laconic .^rr Lancet Lancing Lund r^ o^ ^ Laconically Lacquer Lacquered r~- S*/~ Lundau Landgrave Laudgraviate ^-i-^.^ Lacteal Lad Ladder -rrfy Land-holder Landlady ^_^_,/q_ Laddte Lade A- r & Landlocked Landlord , i Laded Laden Lading Ladle n n n Landlordism Landlubber Landmark Land-office .^^J. Lady Lady-bird Lady-like n TX nr Landscape Landseer Land's-End -S-^.--^ Lady-love Ladyship /TV C\ rV, Land-slide Land-warrant ^ <" Lafayette i Lane " ^\/> La Fontaine Lag Lager-beer r ^ =f ^\ Language Languid Languidly ^ C- C 7 Lagoon La Grange Laic .^...^7 *- Languish Languished Languor 9 Q o- Laical Laid Lain r- r r Lank Lanker Lankest C^- C- Lair Laity Lake C\ /q r- Lankly Lank i) ess Lansing 0_<^_G^ Lake City Lakelet Lake View Lam a Lamaism Lamb ^^? Lantern Lantern-jawed Lantern-jaws Laocoon Laodicean Lap ^^ ^ Lambant Lamb-like Lambrequin r^-^r-^-, Lapel Lapidary Lapland rx r^ ^ Lamb's-wool Lame Lamed r-f r~ s~ Laplander Lapp Lapped r^^=^p. Lamely Lameness Lament rr^t */"* Lapse Lapsed Lapsing r^r^r^ Lamentable-y Lamentation Lamenter r-^f~ \^\ Larboard Larceny Larch rx S~ ^ Lamer Lamest Laminated r^r- r~^ Lard Larded Larder c (^ C Laming Lamp Lamp-black r~?-^V- Large Large-hearted Largely ./-...- j*- / Lamp-light Lampoon Lampooner r^r^s-^ Largeness Larger Largess , o Lamprey Lancashire Lancaster ^~^C-^ Largest Lariat Lark /- ^' rsv - Lance Lanced Lancer r r- ^ Larrnp Larva Larvae ^r^-r^ i LAR 113 LEA Laryngeal Laryngitis Laryngoscope Larynx Lascivious Lasciviously Lasciviousneas Lash Lashing Lass Lassie Lassitude Lasso Lassoed Last Lasted Lastly Latch Latched Latch-key Late Lately Lateness Latent Later Lateral Lateran Latest Lath Lathe Lathed Lather Lathered Laths Latin Latin ism Latinist Latinity Latitude Latitudinal Latiturlinarian Latkudinarian- Latter [ism Lattice Laud Laudable-y Laudanum Laudation Laudatory Lauded Laugh Laughable-y Laughed Laugher Laughing-stock Laughter Launch Launched Laundress Laundry Laura Laureate Laureateshlp Laurel Laureled Laurence i^^S- Lava Lave Laved Lavender leaver Lavish Lavished Lavishly Law Law-book Law-breaker Law-calf Lawful-ly Lawfulness Lawgiver Lawless Lawlessly Lawlessness Law-maker Lawn Lawn-tennis Law-officer Lawrence Lawreuceburgh Lawrenceville Lawsuit Lawyer Lax Laxative Laxer Laxest Laxity Laxly Lay Layer Layman Laymen Lazar Lazar-house Lazarus Lazier Laziest Lazily Laziness Leach Leached Lead [n] Lead[u] Leaded Leaden Leader Leadership Lead-pencil Leadville Leaf Leafage Leafed Leaf-lard Leafless Leaflet Leafy League Leak Leakage Leakier HH n- ft ^ ^ ft~ n r^r^r^ ~s>~/ r ~s- r n_ r s~ S~ f S* A (\off A (\ f\*. n ^ /T r\ .___.:__ n - r n, ^- ^^^ __, _^- r r\ ^~* r n n> ^ .....c. n a .y. - \ -N ^\^ ^" r^' r^ r^ ^ r^rr^ r^ r~ r- r~7r 'r~~ Leakiest LEA 114 LEO Leakiness .-3 I.i^'iilized Leaky ' 1 ' Legalizing (^^ f~~ a ~-*' /*"* Lean Leffally Leander Leaned C' r ^ Legate Legatee r~\ r~\' r~~\j Leaner Legateship Leanest /? /"* * ^~\. Legal! ne -, Leanness .- Location x"^^ S^^ f3 Leap Legend Leaped s-^ -^S. f*. Legendary Leaper Leap-frog Iff ^c\ Legerdemain Legging ^ ^ ^~ T^- Leapt /~\ Leghorn / Leap-year f^^ ......_ /" Legibility f /^. fj Learn Legible-y ^S ^ Learned Learnedly Learner C" cr c\ Legion Legislate Legislation & ft- 4* Learning Legislative ^^~ Learnt f***~* f f? /^^\/^ Legislator rt\ /u s?'*''- Leasable Legislature ^- Lease Leased r f r Legitimacy Legitimate f~\ r 1 - f^r Leasehold ~~~~n Legitimately ) Leaseholder Leasing /** /"" ^ I 4_ ' Legitimateness Legitimation /^5_P /^T) /^-b Least Legitimize Leather ^ Legitimized Leathern ff tv ft Legitimizing /^"=> <^~o^ P Leathery Leicester Leave s\ Lei nster Leaven I V> f\~-. /^* Leipsic f*^ ,~N h __ s~2 ' Leavened Leisure Leavenworth , Leisurely Leaves f~\*^^ ' /^s Lemon ls~ f* * f*^\ Lebanon ^-' Lemonade Lecher Lend Lecherous Lecherous! y (f ft ft Lender Length < -^ c Lecherousness Lechery rt_ rf r 1 Lengthen Lengthened c c c Lecture Lengthier ^ i ^-% ^ r s Lectured Lengthiest Lecturer / ^ s ^1 f j Lengthily S~ s~- S~ Lecturn ^ Lengthinesa b '/^ \. Led Ledge (7 rt Lengthways Lengthwise C C C. Ledger Lengthy V Cy ^~\ Lee Leech (7 Lenience Leniency ^D / ^vJ ^ Leeds Lenient i Leek Leer f r\ ^^_ Leniently Lenity rr r~i <~ Leesburgh Lens i ' i Leesville /** Lenses Leeward /^^s- f^*~ Lent f~~~^ S 9 /^ ' Left f Lenteti Left-hand Lentil . Leg r^- c c ) Leo r~f /" ^ Legacy Leon Legal Leonard , Legalism Legalist r~ /**-* ^> Leonardo Leonidas r\ f-*\_ c~\ Legality Leonine */ .^ Legalization Legalize f^ r* r~ Leonora Leopard I ,KO 1 5 LIG Leopold Leper Leprosy - ^ ^N Liberalistic Liberality Liberalize ^0=uLJvi Leprous Le Roy .. ^ ^ r j Liberalized Liberally C X^"V^ C V^^^ Lesion Liberal-minded Less Liberate k Liberator r T" Lessened Liberia -SV Lesser Lessing C r\ C Libertine Libertinism rv^ /^ ^ Lesson Liberty 'N. ^X. Lest ^~ ' /^ f~ Libidinous /^X, i% Let Libra 1 Lethargic Lethargy Lethe /2 /7 Librarian Librarianship Library ^N^-V^V Lethean Letter ftl* f /" Nk -- Libretto Libya ^ ^^ r Letter-book s^^o A Lice 1 Letter-paper Letterpress Letter-writer / ^-/\ f^*\. f Li cen sable License Licensed &_Jj ^_ 9 U~jZ> Lettuce Licensee Levant Levantine n, r^ f^- Licenser Licensing C^ C^ C^ Levee Level Leveled r^. ^ ^ Licentiate Licentious Licentiously ^99- Leveler Licentiousness Lever Leverage ^\ ^ o Lick Lick-spittle ^. ^~ ^^T Lev! Licorice Leviathan ^L ^V C^ Lid ^-- r r Levied Lie Levite Lied ^J Leviticus ,-V S~\ s-\ Lief f / ' . ' / Levity ^~\ ^1 Liege Levy Lewd Lien Lieu fO Lewdly V ^ -^ Lieutenancy I ) Lewdness I Lieutenant Lewis s~ x' es s.__ Life ^1, ^^^ ^^ 1 Lewisburgh n \ ' Life-annuity 1 Lewiston , < ._ Life-blood Lexicographer /~\f s~ Life-boat /^ ^^>k._ / Ji. Lexicographic Life-estate ^< Lexicography Lexicon ^^^^^ Life-insurance Life-interest f\n C^S. '^ Vy * Lexington J Lifeless e-' 1 Levdenjar Liability ri /S___/S Lifelessly Lifelessness /^v^fv^-rv^~ ' Liable A Life-like Liaison ^ Life-long Liar /^- .^O- ^v Life-preserver ^V ^^X / '^^1 Libation Life-time ^, ^r p~ v Libel Lift Libelant ,-c /%-, .^S, Lifter /^ ^\ /" " J Libeleil ^ / x^ Ligament ^ Libeler Libeling ,^"v /X. /^s. Ligature Light ^1 r r 1 Libelous ^^ 1 ^^ / >0 Lighted Liberal Liberalism ey^es^-s ^> Lighten Lightened ^ ^ /" Llberalist Lighter LIG 116 LIT Lightest Light-fingered Light-footed Light-beaded Ligbt-headedness Light-hearted Light-heartedly Light-hearted- Light-horse [ness Light-house Light-infantry Lighting Lightly Light-minded Lightness Lightning Lightning-rod Ligneous Lignum-vitae Like Likelier Likeliest Likelihood Likeliness Likely Like-minded Liken Likeness Liker Likest Likewise Lilac Lilian Lilliput Lilliputian Lily Lima Limb Limber Limbo Lime Lime-burner Limed Limekiln Limerick Limestone Lime-water Liming Limit Limitable Limitation Limitedly LJmitedness Limitless Limn Limned 1,1 inner Limning Limoges Limp Limped Limpid Limpidity Limpidness Limping Liiupingly r~\ Llmpsy Limy Linchpin Lincoln Linden Line Lineage Lineal-ly Lineament Linear Lined Linen Linger Lingerer Lingo Lingual Linguist Linguistic Liniment Lining Link Linked Linnet Linseed Linseed-cake Linseed-oil Lint Lintel Linwood Lion Lionel Lioness Lionize Lionized Lionizing Lip Lippincott "lip-service Liquefaction Liquefied Liquefy ~ iqueur Liquid Liquidate Liquidation Liquidator .liquidity Liquidize Jquidized liquidizing * iquor Jsbon ..isle-thread Lisp lisped ,i8t Listed .Isten ,istened .istener .istless .istlessly listlessness ilszt ,it litany C C Y~* r C LitcMeld Liter Literal Literalism Literalist Literally Literalness Literary Literati Literatim Literature Litharge Lithe Litheness Lithesome Lithium Lithograph Lithographed Lithographer Lithographic Lilhographical-ly Lithography Litigant Litigate Litigation Litigious Litigiously Litigiousness Litre Litter Litterateur Littered Little Littleness Little Rock Littleton Liturgic Liturgist Liturgy Live Lived Livelier Liveliest Livelihood Liveliness Livelong Lively Live-oak Liver Livered Liverpool Livery Livery-man Livery-stable Lives Livid Lividity Lividness Living Livingston Lizard Llama Lloyd Lloyd's Load Loaded /I .c n Loadstone Loaf Loafed Loafer Loaf sugar Loam Loan Loaned Loath Loathe Loathed Loathful Loathing Loathingly Loath ness Loathsome Loathsoinly Loathsomeness Loaves Lobbied Lobby Lobbyist Lobe Lobster Local Localism Locality Localization Localize Localized Localizing Locally Locate Located Location Loch Lock Locked-jaw Locker Locket Lock-smith Lock-stitch Lock-up Loco-foco Locomotion Locomotive Locomotive car Locomotive-en- Lofust [gine Locust-tree Lodge Lodged Lodger Lodgment Loft Loftier Loftiest Loftily Loftiness Lofty Log Logan Logarithm Logarithmic Loggerhead Loggerheaded r r\ r? LOO 118 Log-house Logic Logical-ly Logician Logogram Logograpb Logos Logotype Log-roll Log-rolling Logwood Logy Loin Loire Loiter Loiterer Loll Lollard Lolled Lombard Lombardy London Londonderry Londoner Lone Lonelier Loneliest Loneliness Lonesome Lonesomely Lonesomeness Lonesomer Lonesomest Long Longer Longest Longevity Longfellow Longing Longingly Long Island Longitude Longitudinal-ly Long-measure Long-primer Long-winded Longwortn Look Looker Looking-glass Lookout Loom Loomed Looming Loon Loop Looped Loop-bole Loose Loosed Looser Loosest Loosely Loosen Loosened r f 1\ .-z:._...C_. S*~\ ____ .Q i i r Looseness Loosening Loosing Lop Lope Loped Lopped Lopsided Loquacious Loquaciously Loquaciousness Loquacity Lord Lordlier Lordliest Lord i ness Lordly Lordship Lord's Supper Lore Lorenzo Lorn Los Angeles Lose Loser Losing Loss Lost Lot Lotion Lottery Lotus Lotus-eater Loud Louder Loudest Loudness Louis Louis-d'or Louise Louisiana Louisville Lounge Lounged Lounger Louse Lousiness Lousy Lout Louver Louvre Lovable Love Loved Love-feast Loveless Lovelier Loveliest Loveliness Lovely Lover Love-sick Loving-kindness Low Low-born Low-bred r 119 Low-church Lowell Lower Lower-case Lowered Lowermost Lowest Lowland Low-lander Lowlier Lowliest Lowliness Low-lived Lowly Low-necked Low ness Low-pressure Low-priced Low-spirited Low-spiritedness Loyal Loyalist Loyally Loyalty Loyola Lozenge Lubber Lubricant Lubricate Lubrication Lubricator Lucerne Lucia Lucian Lucid Lucidity Lucidly Luckiness Lucifer Lucifer-match Lucius Luck Luckier Luckiest Luckily Luckiness Luckless Lucklessly Lucknow Luck-penny Lucky Lucrative Lucratively Lucre Lucretia Lucretius Lucubration Lucy Ludicrous Ludicrously Ludicrousness Lndlow Lug Lugubrious Lugubriously -7 ^ Luke Lukewarm Lull Lullaby Lulled Lumbago Lumber Luminary Luminiferous Luminosity Luminous Luminously Luminousness Lump Lumpier Lumpiest Lumping Lumpy Lunacy Lunar Lunatic Lunch Lunched Luncheon Lung Lunge Lupercal Lurch Lurched Lure Lured Lurk Lurking-place Luscious Lusciously Lusciousness Lust Lusted Luster Lusterless Lustful-ly Lustier Lustiest Lustily Lustiness Lustrous Lustrously Lustrum Lusty Lute Luther Lutheran Lutheranism Luxemburg Luxuriance Luxuriant Luxuriantly Luxuriate Luxurious Luxuriously I.uxm iuusness Luxury Lyceum Lycurgus Lydla Lydian O (\ LYE 120 MAI Lye /" '"> [adeline Lymph Lymphatic L~( ^' \_ [aclemoiselle lad-house *-< Lynch Lynched r-r r~* r~r [adison ladisonville ^-\ ^ Lynch-law Madly i ^* Lynn Lynx r 1 /~ i ' [adman [aw^ ^*> /" Magnetical-ly _ _ MacClellan Magnetism Mace ^~n ' 1 Magnetize _ Macedonia j j Magnetized " ~~^ _T* _c^ Macedonian Magnetizing "^j** Macerate Maceration ^_/ yj~ Magnificence Magnificent CT^ C Machiavelian Magnificently Machiavelll Magnified _ Machinate V/^~' ' -^ _ Magnifier ^ ^ "' V ^^ ^V Machination Magnify \ Machine Machinery Machine-shop 7? ^y o Magnitude Magnolia Magpie =rr v Machinist , - \ Magyar Mackenzie ~^ i / Mahogany / ' '^ ' Mackerel <& *~~ c/ Mahomet MacMahon Maid Macon ' j Maiden ' i *t/^* Macrocosm * ""^ ' "" Maid-servant ^. Mad Mail Madagascar Madam -T=r~-* ~ Mailable Mail-boat ^^-/ - v r -/~s Madden Mail-coach s^\ Maddened ' \ ' Mailed ^_/*". / "^~f ^^l^ Madder J ~ r 1 *5^ Mail-route Maddest Mail-train Made ./ Maim s~*\ Madeira 3C Maimed -J MAI 121 MAN Maiming Mall *J^~ ^"^ Main ^-^-^ - ^ ^T^ Mallard _ c^^ ^ Maine Malleability Main-land Malleable ,- ^ ^ Mainly , - ^ - Mailed ^V -- * s* Mainmast , "'"" T Mallet Mainsail ^^ 5k. Mailing ~p*- f Mainspring II ^\_^ '"5_- Mallow ^m~~ * _^i^- Maintain Malpractice Maintained ^a^-v Malt /1 /"I Maintainer ~^\ s-^_S> Malta -^ -s- , / 1 . / b Maintenance Maltese Maize Majestic -7- -TT* Malthns Maltbnsian c l ^^^ JE^L Majestical-ly Maltreat Majesty ,_ ,^-y Maltreatment c~^\^~ ^c~>^~ C~^l (~~-*f Manacle ^~~r Malaitroit [lion U Manacled ^ ^ ^ ^^_^___ ^__ / Mai adroitly Manage Maladroitness C~^\ s~l Manageability ^~f ' - j Malady _Sr_ *~J\^-J^ Manageable-y A^ ^ ' ~~~f Malaga Managed ^ Malaise -ti S~ Management 7 ~ . _^ - ~-fr~ Malapert ,,- J C~~<\ C~-cv/ Manager A> ' f Malapertly Managerial Malapropos Malaria C^\ ^ Mandolin ^TK^ -x_ji^ Mai con tented < -iT" J s** Mandrel i Y ^-& Malcontentedly ( Mane Malcontenteduess Male c Cj> ^T c3 Manege Manes ~^ __, ^-*^ Malediction Maneuver Malefaction c~> c Maneuvered ^-^ Malefactor ^ ^y \ V^/ Manful-ly ~-*"\ v^ ^_^_p Malevolence ^ 1 Manganese Malevolent C S~~(T~~\ Mange ^~r* ^ ^ i '^~f' Malevolently r ~ VyVy^ Vjj o Manger ' ' (^9 Malfeasance Manginess Malformation ' /^ Mangle ^-~, Malice * ~ V^ / ^~la^ Mangled ^ ^ f Malicious Mangy Maliciously Manhattan ^ ;, > Maliciousness ^~~f^^-~faL_o rjC* Man-hole U ^~S ^ Malign Manhood Malignanoe -^--f~^~ ~ \^~^ Mania Malignancy ' Maniac s -.^-^ -^~ ** ^ Malignant Maniacal Malignantly ^~ c ^__^_^ Manifest ' ~-^\' ^^\_" ~A Maligned ^/^ Manifestation x^ K>j Vp Malignity Manifested MAN 122 MAR Manifesto Margin r _ Muni told ' " '^t' *V T5 M^aruinal-ly - -*/3 , *s^i f ~s Manilla 1 r '^ Margravu ^-" Manipulate Margraviate ? v. s Manipulation Mankind ~X? NC^, Mana Mai lanne ^/ ^ ^/~~ Manlier Maria Theresa Manliest ^~f \ ^/^-^f Marie Antoinette ^~^/ / \/}^--j /f ~ Jr l'*/^\ Manlike Marietta \ Manliness Marigold Manly ^_^^ /"~*"""^ f _ _, Marine ^_jf jr -_^/^\ Manna Mariner Manner Marion , Mannered Marionette ^^ ^~/ r "^^f Mannerism <; ^- --^_p v Marital 1 Mannerist Mannerly Mannish _^ ^ -^ Maritime Marius Mark ~A ^~ Man-of-war Manor - ^ '- *_/ Marked Markedly ^s~,~sr^S~ Manor-house Marker Manorial Market s-c Mansard-roof Mansfield -y- ^/~~ J ^' Marketable Marksman -^ -^~ Mansion x-"* ^- Marksmanship / / Manslaughter Mantel f off *" I/*" Marl Marlborough ^^~^/~ y- ~^ " ^ Maroon f**~- * ^~S Mantua r Marque - '~ Manual '"^^ Marquis Manufactory Manufacture ^r^~- =i r^ -i Marquise Marred -^ ^^ -^ Manufacturer Manure '~^~V_JTN '^N Marriage Marriageable} ~^f ^4 ^y\ Manured *) Married \ Manuscript Many ^-*^ J_ c Marrow Marry _^> ^y _S Many-colored Mars Many-sided Map -~^-f '"X "X Marseillaise Marseilles ^/"^X ^/, Maple Marsh Mapleton Maple- tree Mar "S'Vl ^^ Marshal Marshaled Marshall <-J <- ^ Marat * Marslifield Marathon f~-^/' ^-^{^ *^/\ Marsh-mallow ^-~S$s~~/2-^*-~-/\ Maraud Marten V. Marauder Marble -S\ x ^ Martha Martial-ly ^A s->j ^~y\ Marbled Martin Marble-edged Marbleize Marbleized ^ *X 'S Marti neau Martinet Martingale _-^^^ Marcellus M.arch r~r> ^-^1 ^ Marti nsburgh Martinsville ^- ^-v"> < / Ni Matvicidal Matricide ;Matriculate ~V ~")^-, Masculine .s- 'Matriculation ^~^--r' Masculinely Masculineness s~ t r--+--*-^~ J> Matrlmonial-ly Matrimony ^~^-T^- ' Mash iMatrix j, / Mashed ^) r^J -f. Matron ^^ s-^S ^-*S Mask Matronal Masked Matronly f~ Masker _^^ Matter f ^/^ ^~~ -^ Mason - Matter-of-fact ^ Masonic Matthew Masonry Masquerade ^_ g _. ^"* 1 Mutting Mattock r -- ^ ^ Mass Mattress Massachusetts 7^-s Mature *~^^ .^ Massacre Matured ~^S~~~ ;^s Massacred Maturely , Massed Massier , s- ^ K _ Maturer Maturest -zyf ^/^ Massiest Maturity Massing ' V Maud ^ ' s*J^ Massive . -"^ - o " ^- Maudlin . SI Mass-meeting Mauger ^ ^- Massy N. Maul * r ' Mast 'V~* J x-o Mauled Master Maul-stick Mastered ***^ Maunder S? - *\ ^-s Master-hand -~Q *-^3 _ Maurice 1 Master-key ^ Mausoleum Masterly Masterpiece ^n. T' ^_ Maw Mawkish > 6 - -^ Master-stroke Master-work Mastery ^ ^^-n Mawkishly Mawkishness Maxim s~^ t*/' -7 Mast-head Maxima ,? Mastic S\ " ^ Maximilian ^ * ^^ Masticate >^> Maximum ^~-S~ Meadow I Materially Meager Maternal-ly Maternity Mat hematic - ft '~{__ Meagerly Meagerness Meal -~WZ-< _^_/' Mathematical-ly Mathematician -i (j _^j Mealiness Mealy -s^ ^~r ^ Matilda Mean Matin Q Meander ^_^^ Matinee ' 1 ' 1 -*/ Meandered * v 1 i \ Matrices Meaner MEA 124 MEN Meanest ileetins-house ^ ^_ > ^__^ Meaning Meaningless _1L_C5_ "Y ilelanctioly lelancuthon ""Z*'" c ^~- Meaningly Melange Meanly ^y '^/^^I^P Melee '3? sv*/"~ (T~*s Meanness Meliorate Meant Melioration Meantime ' ^u Melissa e~~*si s~f} ^^^-^, Meanwhile '~* Mellifluent Measles Mellifluous Measurable-y Measure -C -- -j- Mellow Mellowed "X. ^-S~ T Measured \ Mellower g Measureless 'y j- Mellowest ,~/~~\ ^_y^~ v Measurement 3 s ~* Mellowness Measurer Melodeon Measuring Meat ._J . _~2_ Meiodic Melodious *-/J wO_ ^-S\ Mealiness <-*\ ' 1 Melodiously Meat-offering Meaty \_P J Melodiousness Melodrama ^/^^/\^ c ~\^. Mecca Melodramatic Mechanic Melodramatist ^~~\-~. c ~\-** ^~J^~\ Mechanical-ly '~^~-' ' =~^ 2 Melody . Mechanician Melon o Mecbanicsville Melpomene ^_y^_y^\^ --' ' " Melrose Medal f Melt Medallion /^~ /^* /*" Member ^~s~ "^^ "^^y Meddle Membership ^ Meddled Membrane Meddlesome s6 " Membranous ^^^_^,/^^^/ Mede ' Memento Media Memnon * Mediaeval Medievalism n. x. v. Memoir Memorable-y ^ ^^ Medisevalist Memoranda Medial Memorandum /\ J ~~~ v ^^~^sS' Median Memorial - - | Mediate Memorialist , Mediated ~\ ~*\ f^s Memorialize ~~^-~^/fi' " ^4^ ^ Mediation Memorialized Mediator Memorializing t Medical-Iy ^fl Memorize ~^-^y(' ' ~^^~*' Medicate *% ^ Memorized Medication Memorizing Medici o **b~~l f Memory ^^/^~~*'^-^/ ^Vj Medici nal-ly ^__D ^ Memphis Medicine Men Medico-legal -*- Menace 5> Mediocre ^> ' ^ ' ^ Menaced a Mediocrity Menacing Meditate A Menage ~"^ ' *~~9 Meditation 1 lj Menagerie Mediterranean Mend Medium Medley tL -2H ^" Mendacious Mendacity - J 1 Medusa Mendelssohn Meed '~l "^ Mendicancy ^~^~^ ~~^~~^ ^^ Meek Meeker ; Mendicant Mendicity _, Meekest . t ,. ^= - & Mending P "J Meekly Mendon ) *^ Meekness Menial Meerschaum Meet '~ * ^ ^ Mennonite Menses ^^f '~ =x -] ^--^j? M EX V 5 MEY* Menstrual Mess Menstruate '~ l y ^~

S Merchandised Metamorphic Merchant ^~j ~^? ~y Metamorphose ^^**\ ~-S"~^\ '~^' 1 *\~s. Merchantable ) X Metamorphosed Merchantman Metamorphoses Merchantmen Merciful-ly o-* o^ "X Metamorphosing Metamorphosis -^v^'^x^rxo Mercifulness . Metaphor Merciless -' 1* ^-0 ^/~ Metaphoric ^C-v '~^\ ^^\ Mercilessly v.^__p tr-t. <^~6 Metaphorical-ly J Mercilessness VIetaphysic Mercurial-ly /~~ _^_y~ Metaphysical-ly ^~Vo^_ "V- ~Vo Mercury c ~^ f <- Metaphysician Mercy Mete Mercy-seat ^ x^ ^> ' Metempsychosis '^ -.- " -~/ Mere Meteor --' * Meredith , Meteoric sy f Merely tf"-/ ^^i Meteorologic ^/ _/ ^/ Merest ^ "\ Meteorological Meretricious Meteorologist STt S7 Meretriciously " ^1 <; ""l ^^1 Meteorology S / Meretriciousuess j ff~ ^LP Meter '" Merge .^-, Methinks Merged ^ o XI Method ' f ' J "" I Meridian Methodic l_ Merino Methodical-ly Merit /^ / /\s Methodism ? ~" f 7 Meritorious ' Methodist ] |j Meritoriously s~ Methodistic Meritoriousness Merlin ~sV~sv<-s' Methodistical-ly Methodization "V"L 1 Mermaid , Methodize Merman Merrier <-~ < / Methodized Methodizing 'lit Merriest f Methought Merrily ^4* ^/^ ~^/'~' Methuselah 7*" Merriment Metre Merriness Metric Merry ~/^ P ~/ s f~~^* Metrical -ly ^ N^j Mesalliance Metropolis ' * Mesrlames Metropolitan Mesh ^ Mettle ^\ / T' Steamer f - Mettled 3 Mesmeric Mettlesome Meftmerlcal ^_^_^-~~t -_^_^ Mew /^* Mesmerism Mewed s '"' Mesmerist Mewl Mesmerization ^s Mewled ^, Mesmerize *" ^^ ^^^ - * Mewling "\--f~ ^ <^T" Mesmerized Mexican Mesmerizing ^rs. __^^-^ -~o^_^ Mexico ' " " /\_ Mesopotamia ^ Meyerbeer ' " MEZ J26 MIN Mezzo-soprano Mezzotint Miami Miasm Miasma Miasmatic Mica Mica Michael Michael Angclo Michaelmas Michigan Microcosm Microcosmic Microphone Microscope Microscopic Microscopical-ly Microscopist Microscopy Mid Midday Middle Middle-age Middle-aged Middle-man Middle-men Middlemost Middletown Middling Middlingly Midland Midmost Midnight Midriff Midshipman Midshipmen Midst Midsummer Midway Midwife Midwifery Midwinter Midwives Mien Miff Miffed Might Mightier Mightiest Mightily Mistiness Mighty Mignon Migrate Migration Migratory Milan Milanese Milch Mild Milder Mildest Mildew Mildewed Mildly -x^C-xl Mililncss Mildred Mile Mileage Mile post Mile-run Mile-stone Milford Militant Military Militate Militia Militia-man Milk Milkily Milkiness Milkmaid Milk-sickness Milksop Milk-teeth Milk-tooth Milkweed Milky Mill Millbrook Mill-dam Milled Milledgeville Millenarlan Millennial Millennialist Millennianism Milieu uium Miller Millerite Millersburgh Millet Milligram Milliliter Millimeter Milliner Millinery Million Millionaire Millionth Millman Mill-race Millville Mill-wright Milton Miltonic Milwaukee Mime Mimetic Mimic Mimically Mimicked Mimicry Minaret Mince Minced Mince-meat Mince-pie Mincing Mincingly Hind I ~n _^ ^ "" *~~f~ n ^ ~v ^~7 ^^~\ ( ^r~] <^~^ ^^_^ ~| ~/7 ~^ ~s ~s ~v ~^ Vn ^*__ *^ ^r IL-__3_J3s: ~ ^^\ ^^-^_ ^-^-^_ 'f ~~~9 ---- ^S\ ^~ 7* _-r J ' ] tfIN i 7 MIS Minded Mindtul-ly Minding Mine Mined - X Mirth Mirthful-Iy Mirtlilulness Misadventure Misadvised ^- ^ o Miner Mineral Miuerulogical-ly Mineralogist Mineralogy Minerva ^7" 7 iMisalliance Misanthrope Misanthropic Misanthropical Misanthropist Misapplication \ & f\ "~*\ Mingle Mingled Miniature ~_^r-___^ Misapplied Misapply Misapprehend -\ ^^7^ Minie-ball Minie-rifle Minim _^_ ^~ Misapprehended Misapprehension Misappreheiisively --V^N^x Minima Minimum Mining ^-^-^ *~*1* Misappropriation Misbecome Misbehave -^^/-^ Minion Minister Ministerial-ly .^^ ^=> Misbehaved Misbehavior Misbelief -s/^pV, Ministration Ministry Mink * Misbeliever Miscalculate Miscalculation *y Minneapolis Minnehaha Minnesota Minnow Minor Minority - / ~- f - Miscall Miscalled Miscalling Miscarriage Miscarried Miscarry ^^ Minster Minstrel Minstrelsy Mint Mintage Minting f f X. Miscegenation Miscellaneous Miscellaneously Miscellany Mischance Mischarge - "~J Mint-julep Minuend Minuet Mischief Mischief-maker Mischievous ~2 7 1 Minum Minus Minute ~^^_- Mischievously Mischievousness Misconceive C ~\r b '-V Misunderstand Misunderstood -TK-p ^-^ Misinformed >^_^ ^"N^ Misuse \v\ 1 -)- Misinforming Misinterpret Misi n terpretatlon ^^e^^i Misuse (n] Misused Mitchell _^_ ^-.7 Misjudge jy Mite Misjudgment ~~J ' 9 s*> \ Miter s- ^ . ^ Mislead / A Mitered Misled Mitford Mismanage ^_/"|' ~f . B ^_^ Mitigant ~^ -~~> ^"~ Mismanaged Mitigate Mismanagement Mitigation Misnomer A s~*^ \o Mitrailleuse ' / Misplace Mitt Misplaced Misplacement '~^ ^ V?%_ Mittpn Mittimus 1 Misplacing Mix Misprint Mixed Misprinting ' ^5> ' ^^^ " *s. Mixing ' " 7 " " Mockery - < * ,- ^_>N Mission Mockiug-bird Missionary 's Mode Mississippi ^"^x ' \^. Model w" f Missive Modeled Missouri Modeler s~~~^ Misspell ^~S ' & \/^" *\ Modeling *~/ 'N fJ ^s Misspelled I Moderate Misspelt Misstate Misstatemeut ~*v~].~] Moderately Moderateness Moderation ^ ^ J> Misstep ' ^ '-^a Moderator Mist Modern J\ /* -*/^ * Mistake \ Modernism ' Mistaken ^^ , Q Modernist Mister Modernisation / ^ / & j^y~^~ ! Mistier B = k^ Modernize Mistiest , r , Modernized Mistily | \~ 1 Modernizing r*/~~^'~S ~^ Mistime 1 Modest Mistimed Modestly -. Mistiness ' ^ f 1- Modesty "& ] *** ^" Mistletoe L_ ^~o Modicum . Mistook Modification Mistreatment V^ ' 'i Modified "^^ V. "^ Mistress '~*~ Modify MOD 129 MON r Modiste Modulate "~i -s- ^ Money-changer Moneyed ' ? Modulation Money-order / Modus operand! > Monger Mosul Mohair "X ^_^~/ Mongol Mongolian ^_ Mohammed ^-^ '- -. - . Mongrel -^_i- Mohammedan i j j Monition /^ Mohammedanism i-. Monitor Mohamrnedism . Monitorial j. Mohawk j -,^~< * \ Monitory Moiety Monk Moire *-^* Monkery Moist ^ * Monkey p. Moisten Monkey-wrench Moistened ,~~~_y ' | Monkhood Moist ness &*^ | Monmouth Moisture Monochrome Molar Monocracy - -~~f Molasses ^-^i 1 ^~~f ' ^ Monocrat Mold Monody Molder S* Monogamist Moldier ^J *~-~J\ ^- jO Monogamous ^~ ^^_--- Moldiest Monogamy Moldy Monogram Mole ^^f~\ , y'" <= ^ t X Monograph Molecular Monolith Molecule cT~S /"" Monologue Mole-hill f J^ Monomania ^ i Molest Monomaniac Molestation Monometallism Molested . J ^f^ ^-^f ^\ Monometallist * ~-^ Moliere Monopolist Mollifiable Monopolize ' v Mollification --/^V^ f\^~/^- Monopolized Slollifled \' 3 Monopolizer Mollifier ^, Monopoly - -^^ Mollify Mollusk ^\ T^ Monosyllabic Monosyllable Molly Maguire Monotone ~~- Moloch f ^/ c J y Monotonous ~J Molt Monotonously Molten Monotony 1 Moment ' 1 . J ~^T ^-^s-^/f'' Monroe L Momentarily Mouseigneur Momentary . - -* '^>^ Monsieur v Momentous ^~/ ) Y Monsoon IT Momentously Monster Momentousness 3 Monstrosi ' ^ Momentum ^ Q ^-^sr. - , ^^ Monstrous b Monad Monstrously ' Monarch . . ^ - Monstrousness ^ Monarchal \ "^^ "\ Montague \_ Monarchic Montaigne Monarchical-ly Monarchy 'X_^\_~""-tf' Mont Blanc Monte ' -Vi Monasterial Monterey Monastary ^^ . f k f^~^_ff Montesquieu - j, Monastic \S \ ^~~~\^ Monteznma J Monastiual-ly Montgomery Monday 1 ' ~- / Month ' f Monde l^^^f^ [/ Monthly \ Monetary Monticello Monetization Moutpelier "X /" Money S 5\^ Montreal N/ Money-broker Montrose ir MON 130 MOU Monument Monumental-ly Mood ^^> =^ Morphology Morris Morris-dance -^ ~/~4 R Moodily Morrow / 9 S Moudmess - \/' "~~~\ -' i Morse ^S ^~~s e~i Moody l~ 1 ' Morsel Moon Mortal ^-, Moonlight ' . ^ ? Mortality ~j f' 1 fJ Moonrise -- => Mortally Moonshine '~f __n? Mortar ^ ^~~7 *~~- Moor f> T__ ^~y Mortgage Mortgaged Moore Moored _> Mortgage-deed Mortgagee 1 '- Mortify 3 Mooted Mop _J2\_ "~\ Mortise Mortised ^/\ ^^y\ , s\ Mope ^_^ Mortising Mopish _ , ._ Mortmain Mopishly S \ ^^x ^^s Morton i?~~~~& - ^X{] f*s Mopish ness <_ Mortuary Moral . Mosaic ^-^ Morale -^s/^" ^~*^~ tf*^ 1 Mosaical 2 ^) Moralist Moscow w 1 Morality . Moses s-~~^ ^ Moralization *~J 1 ^"^/^ ~~J^ Moslem Q ^ .. Moralize Mosque Moralized -~ v^_ Mosquito 1 ' f * Moral izer V^ t?-^l\f*f Moss 1 ._ ,' Moralizing Mossy Morally Most Morass ~~*~f f~-~S ** *jr**^ Mostly ^ ^( ^_x" Moravia Mosul Moravian xl Mote - - Moravianistn - v^\i' ^^ ^ sr ~I^-^/ > * Moth Morbid Mother Morbidity s- Mother-fn-law Morbidly ^/S ^-^X^^-^/^ " Motherless ^ ~f ^f^~~~/' Morbidness 1 Motherly Morceau Mother-of-pearl "^ X Mordant ^ /0~ ^^/* -*. Moilier-tongue ^\i More Mother-wit Moreover ^^ Moths ' -\ Moresque li ~ < ^ ^~^X Motion t ^ X--J Morgan Motioned Morganatic Motionless - ^ ,- Morganatically ^.-^ ^~^7~^~^ -^-~/ Motive (, ^^> Morgue Motley Mormon ^^-* f ~*~~~* f~~~- - Motor 1S~ ' i Mormonlsm j[ Mottle Mormoniie Motto Morn , Mound Morning ^-^XL^X;^/^ < X Mound-builder 3b>.--_.__ Morning-glory Mount " ^> Morocco / Mountain Morose /^ ^^^X ^^jr* Mountaineer Morosely Mountainous -** ^ ^^ -*-ff Moroseness Mountalnousness Morpheus r _^/' >X\-. -_^X^v. Mountebank *\. Morphia ' Mount Vernon ^X_li_^sJ^ ' ; Mount Zion Morphologic Morphological-ly "^^ 2L 2. Mourn Mourned i: s rou i H icua Mourner Mourntul-ly Mouse ^N^/V Multiplier Multiply Multitude ^ ;*S , Moused Multitudinous Mouse-holo _ Mul titudinously Mouse- trap , ^ Mum ' ' Mousing Mumble ~^>~ Mouth > Mu mbled r^ ^~^* (* Mouthed *> ^ ( Mumbling Mouthing Mummer / *~ * Mouth-piece 7 ' ^ ^~> Mlummery f ~~^~ * ^ \ Mouths ^ \> Mummification ' ' * D Movable-y \ ' \ Mummified ^-^^.^ - -^-1 Move Mummify V. V^ Moved \ Mummy Movement Mover Movingly ^05 ^ ^Y Mumps Munch Munchausen , 7* ~L Mow LH] Munched "~~i *--? Mow \v\ -A ,- -^. *** Mundane "^ J ^Tl Mowed Mundanely F Mower Munich Mowing Mown ~s __ ^ Municipal Municipality -^r-V*^^ Mozart A ^ ^_ Munificence ' ^ A Mr. Mrs. Munificently ^- p Y Much Muniment Mucilage Mucilaginous -/~ -^ ^ Munition Munson ^ '-^ - - _- Muck Munster Mucous ^ _ n , n Mural ^-^^7 *~-^/^' Mucus Murat *~ N **- 3 Mud Murder Muddied '~~ ^~~^ "*-x Murderer <#"~^ ~~**S *~^\ Muddier ^ Murderess Muddiest , Murderous Muddily Muddlueaa n ^^ L_P Murderously Murl'reesbo'rough i ^ b V-F^x/ Muddle Muddled ^r ? n Murkier Murkiest ^^/ ^_r Muddy Murkily tf-V X,;^ < s_ Mud-turtle Muffle Muffled 1 ^ Murky Murmur Murmured ^_ ^. ^ Muffler Mug 'X Murmuringly Murrain "^^T ^y^~y Muggy X Murray Mulatto Mulberry ^/1 WX/ - o Mulish ness f Muse Mii Her Mused ' Y_^ Mullet -^^ - " Museum - o ^-*a Mu 11 ion x~ Mush Multifarious Multifariously _r' c V/' c X/ ) Mushroom Music O '^^-^ Multiform Multiple Multiplicand P^JX c^ Mnsical-Iy Music-box Music-hall -"V^^^^/ Multiplication Multiplicity Multiplied ^^ r " Musician Musing Musk ^ ^ . - MUS 132 NAR Muskallouge '"~ 1 7- -> H Myth ^_, ^_, ^_, Musket ^ ^__^^^ Mythic ( C_ Musketeer ^7 Mythieal-ly Musketry Mythology Muskiness /^^^ ^ ^ ^\ Mskii>gum ^ a-^'t, ^~ / Musk-melon XI Musk-rat /-^~G ,-t. Musky Muslin Mussel _> N' Mussulman ~~6 b - T> Must N Mustache ~7** ' \^ Nab ^^ >^ ^ Mustang *~*a '*~s Nabbed Mustard Nabob Muster " ^ X ^^__ Nadir v^ Muster-book -^> Nag \ Mustered ea Nagged Muster-file ' \ *"^^ (S Nahum 1 Muster-roll i '* => Naiad " ^~ Mustier Nail Mustiest ' \ "~~\ Nailed V -r T Mustiuess \ Nailing (. * Musty Naive , Mutability *^S '^ NaivetS ^- v_ I Mutable-y Naked 1 Mutation Nakedly Mute * b i^- Nakedness np^ 1 ~ ^^x^- Mutely . ...- -zr Namby-pamby Muteness Name Mutilate ^~s~ ^~/~^ Named ~S~ Mutilation ~^_f Nameless - - ^_ . Mutineer Namelessly /" Mutinied ' ~) ' V_P Namely ^j* f ^ ^. Mutinous Name-plate - - - Mutinously Namesake Mutinousness ' 1 ' L ' L Nancy ) Mutiny Y^ Nankeen - - o ? => Mutter x Nankin Mutterer ^ -^/ ^u Nantes '-~p 1 Mutton " Nantucket 7 3 > Mutton-chop Mutual-ly Muzzle ^ ..-^- ^r Naomi Nap Naphtha " v \ ^^ . ( Muzzled N Napkin My /n Naples " \ \o ' *\f Myra Napoleon ^ _ Myriad XI ^- Napped Myriasram Myriaiiter -*- - ^ Narcissus Narcotic x ^ * "-L. Myriameter c~~~i Narcotical-ly Myrmidon Myrru *"* *^^ -^ Narcotize Narcotized ^~U L ""~l Myrtle Narcotizing Myself /^ _ \ Narrate ^"^ i ^"^i *^-^\ Mysterious Narrated ^ Mysteriously Narration Mysteriousness ' \ ' \ ' ^ Narrative *~*L "N Mystery xb t_ff Narrow **~^ Mystic Narrower Mystical-ly Mysticism 1_ I_ J- Narrowest Narrowing "^v. 1 ^ "~^Xx Mystification Mystified ^_ -^ -^_ Narrowly Narrow-minded v- ^CX~, Mystify N arrow-mindedness _^_^ NAK 133 NE Narrowness Neap Nasal ^\_o 1^^ " f \ Neapolitan \ - C <5 Nasality Near J Nasally ^. Neared Nascent ^ ^_a_-- Nearer <^. " ! ^*\ ^^ Nash Nearest Nashville . ^ - p x p Nearly ^^^ Nastier Nastiest tr ^\ Nearness Near-sighted / Nastily Nastiuess ^' ^^ ^ Near-sightedness Neat ^ ^ -_- Nasturtium J^ Neater Nasty Natal "t r ^ Neatest Neatly -) -^ _P Natchez Neatness "" Nathan . Nebraska Nathaniel V-*-> Nebuchadnezzar ^_5V~^\\__^ a? *^f Nation Nebula National s~ /U S~] Nebuke . Nationalism -j ^ ~> ^_P Nebular "* "^/^"^^^ ^\ ^^/^l Nationality Nebulosity * Nationalization /* S~ fZ> Nebulous Nationalize ^J v_3 -~2 Necessarily > V^\_J2/ X Q/ p Nationalized INecessaririess Nationally Native .. Nativity ^ ^ ^ 'Necessary Necessitate Necessity ^ ^ -f Natty Neck Natural * ^ Necklace f^*"* ' l v Naturalist __| r _y Neck-tie _ Naturalization Neck-wear Naturalize Necromancer / Js=^' J Naturalized T r T~ Necromancy 1 Naturalizing Natural-ly Naturalness ~C T' CT Nectar Nectarine Nee ^_- 1 1 Nature Need Naught Naughtier *-. i Needed Needful-Iy ~ 1 ~V ^ Naughtiest Needier . -. 1 1 Naughtily i * i/"~ *i Neediest 1^ ( 1 p Naughtiness . Neediness "'T Naughty Nausea Nauseate 1 7 Needle Needle book Needleful r c_ <^ Nauseation Needle-gun Nauseous "T^ ^T^ ^~ Needless Y Y Y Nauseously Needlessly ^ o A> Nauseousness llNeedlessness Nautical Nautilus ^, ~~l_ T Needle-woman Needle- women 4 9 ( a rrs Naval Needle-work Navarre ' ^. x^ ^. Needy 7/ " 1 s Nave \ Ne'er <- Navel Nefarious /* Navigability ^ V_ ~ V Nefariously ^~\^? ^'^v/'' P Navigable-y \ \ Nefariousness Navigate Negation ^ Navigated ^ "V ^V > \^ Negative -. ^^1 ^" ~ ; Navigation I Neglect - "~ ^ Navigator Neglectful-ly ^ _ ~_s~^ ^ (i_ Navy > \ "" *v \ Neglige ^^ ~^~7 Navy-yard "1 Negligence ~~ ** Nay Nazarene Nazareth ^ ^S ^A Negligent Negligently Negotiability ^ -f, -\ NFO 134 NIG Negotiable Negotiate Negotiation Negotiator Negotiatory Negress Negro Negus Heneml&b Neigh Neighbor Neighbored Neighborhood Neighboring Neigh boil in ess Neighborly Neighed Neither Nelson Nemesis Neophyte Neoplatonlc Neoplatonism Neopltttoriist Nephew Nepotism Neptune Nereid Nero Nerve Nerved Nerveless Nervous Nervously Nervousness Nest Nest-egg Nestle Nestled Nestling Nestorian Net Nether Netherlands Nethermost Nettle Nettled Net-work Neural Neuralgia Neuralgic Neuter Neutral Neutralist Neutrality Neutralization Neutralize Neutralized Neutralizing Neutrally Nevada Never Nevertheless New Newark Newburgh ""^7 -? ex 1 ^~3 -** Newcastle Newel New J'> u gland Newer Newest New-la ngled New-fashioned Newfoundland New Hampshire New Haven New Jersey New London Newly New Market New Mexico Newness New Orleans Newport Newsboy Newspaper Newt Newton Newtonian New York New Zealand Next Niagara Nib Nibbed Nibble Nibbled Nibbler Nibbling Nicaragua Nice Nicely Nicene Nice ness Nicer Nicest Nicety Niche Niched Nicholas Nick Nicked Nickel Nickname Nicknamed Nicodemus Nicolas Nicotine Niece Niggard Niggardliness Niggardly Nigger Nigh Nigher Nigliest Night Night-cap Night-clothes Night-dress Night-gown Nightingale y T \ ^-- , -..'- o S .s ^ ? 1 _xC 'i ~ ^ ^-V, - -- "1 ~^L T ^ ~^z> ^ / ^JV^SN^SS, "- -NT v ~- - v \~V^ V^ ^A ^\ ^V <=~v *^r *-\* > t ~Vr> -L. Y -r c *v - - ,_g. - X >^ r r ~s~ ~~^/ ^S^t- - y ^-f . ~ "S>- . > o y=> ^ -f ^ trCT: r=^._y - ( 6 ^3^-^f- ^ 7 ~ f * ^^ ^ ~^ ^ H k^. i -^ '^^ ~\ - *~ NIG 1 H NON Night- key ~7" ~f~- Noisily ^a.^ Nightly ' 1 Noisiness f^ ) Nightmare Noising Night-patrol Noisome ^_i> ^ ^_s>- yCcv-~-__ Night-shade ~\ ~~> ~~~y Noisomely Night-shirt r r Noisome ness Night-sweat ^-e "7 Noisy - -, Night-Unit; Night-watch Nolle prosequi Nolo contendere -^V-T^. Night-work . Nomad ~-*-i Niliil i/ s'^^/^ Nomadic ^ ._ ^. ^^ Nihilism Nora de plume ^^ . Nihilist --- Nomenclature Nihilistic S^ -^/ Nominal ^^s_^ Nil Nominalism ' ^- C 9- - Nile Nilsson y T /- ( > _f Nominalist Nominally -^ Nimble Nominate ~^Lz> "^L^ Nimbleness Nominated *- -^~7> - ^~ Nimbler ^_^~j^~~^~(~~~-^-^~~^ :y Nomination r_ ~ ^7" " ' f Nimblest Nominative Nimbly Nominee Nimbus s~ /\ Non-acceptance . 3 ^ Nimrod - - '"> -~- STon-acquaintance -~ > ~ Jr ~ Nincompoop Nineveh -*v , Non-admission Nonage ^ ^-^ 7-, Ninny N Nonagenarian Nip ^^^ Non-appearance -^J Nipped ^N. X N Non-assumpsit ^b i Jp Nipper Non-attendance T Nipple Nipt V x Nonce Nonchalance > 5> j' ^ Niter Nonchalant Nitrate Non-combatant Nitric J\ /] k. fl - 9 > N -^ -y Nitrogen ,/ Non-committal i Nitro-glycerine No M / Non compos mentis Non-conducting ^VT, ^L "^U Noah * 8 ~~~fi Non-conduction ^ ? Nobility Noble Nobleman \ Non-conductor Non-conforming Non-conformist ^H^S^bv, Noblemen Non-conformity --=> ^_y Nobleness Nobler 'X^^V^,^-V A Non-contagious Non-content V ; i. Noblest Non-delivery Noblewoman Noblewomen S. ^v^^Sr^ Nondescript Non-development r jn. ^ Nobly None Nobody "\ X ' Non-electric 2'" i Nocturnal-ly '"' Nonentity 1 Nocturne Nones ^_v Nod I/" *~ f Non-essential ^_s> ' ) Nodal Nonesuch Nodded Non-existence p n /^" Noddle 1 f Von-existent J ' J b Node ^ \ Nonillion Nodule Non-metallic Nog i r^~~".....^?... Nonpareil ^_ sr ^~ : ~ *^/*' ''^So Noise Nonplus Noised ^a' Nonplused p -, Noiseless _>_ T^ 'Jt Nonplusing N^ X^ ^^v s~ Noiselessly Nonprofessional \s Noiselessness Noisier Noisiest & ^ * Non-residence Non-resident Non-resistance ^A +jt ^ J NUM Non-resistant o o .Nothing Non-resisting Nonsense y* _/i ^*-* Nothingness Notice "X, ~^- Nonsenslcal-ly JNoticeable-y Nonsuit ^ j^ _0 * P ._^CL INoticed ^~~h ^ Is Nonsuited ( " r Noticing ^ t - Noodle Notification Nook <** Notified \^ ~\^^ Noon ' % ' "-* 'Notify " D Noonday Noontide Noose i cry] - Notion Notional Notoriety ^ n/i Noosed 'Notorious 9 ~ t o Nor 15 ' ' \. Notoriously [/ \s \r Nora Notoriousuess Norfolk Notre Dame Normal-ly ^"'V **- - 1 Northman ^ V^^- V--a Nowadays ^ N " Northmost Northward Northwardly ^=> \/ Y Noway Noways Nowhere ' a ^ Norway ,___^ Nubia Norwegian ti ^^ ^^ ^~/a^7 Nuclei \y Norwich Nucleus . i__ - __ Norwood Nude Nose *~^\ ^ Nudity ^ "* 1 Nosebleed Nuduiu Pactum ^y --J ^^ Nosed Nosegay Nosing ^ ^^-^^ Nugatory Nuisance Null ' ] ~_A_ ^7 Nostalgia Nullification Nostril i7 ^^ Nulliried c \ c ^ c -i Nostrum Nullitier 3 V ^ Not Nullify Notability ~ s. ^-\^ Nullity C_-^ C i Notable-y 1 Numb ' ' Notarial-ly Numbed Notary \/( * \/ *~~*\ Number Notation (J Numberless *^ -^\ ^V' Notch ^ -f Numbers Notched ". _ Numbness *^\ Note Numerable -^jj- 9 Note-book Numeral-ly Note-paper ;t Xu morale S Noteworthy ^^- ^x Numeration ^_<^ NUM 137 OBS Numerator Obedience Numeric s~ "^ .^*- ^-^ Obedient N\ N.. ^^ Numerical-ly Obediently J /^ Numerous Obeisance Numerously if^~" d~S *> Obeisant \n \o ^v" Nuinetousness i b - ^-fa-** Obelisk >Q_P >O^ Numismatic Oberlin Numismatical Obese C^/-~3 ^^D ^^L_P Numismatist - s-^^="~sa r>i Obeseuess Numskull Obesity Nun ^ -. A Obey \. ^^ >i Nuncio * "ft r- ' / Obeyed />D Nunnery Obfuscate ' Nuptial Nurse -^-^ \s Obfuscation Obit Xa. Xa_, ^i Nursed Obituary - 1 Nursery ,x ^^\ Object V^^ ^< Nursery-man ^0> - V-j Object-glass Nursing Nurture <^1 Objection Objectionable 1 - Nurtured <^_C - | <*~-J\ Objective ^^3 ^V^v ^^5 Nut Objectively Ntit-cracker 1 Objectiveness <^ >< p NyL Nutmeg ^ ~~ S ~^ ~~~ Objectivity Y" Nutrient Objectless Nutriment x A ~^ J ] 1 Object-lesson \x^> \ f ^V'^ Nutrition ^ U Oblation yr 4 Nutritious Obligate Nutritiously Nutritive Nutshell ~ A n ^. s\ S Obligee o Obligor Oblique Obliquity s v- . x / Oblivion Oblivious ^T- S S i W Vi o, Obliviously 0! i Obliviousness c c N. Oak Oblong Vyo Vj3> C~- Oak-bark Obloquy L~ Oakdale ~ ! ~ > vx' ~*~~y Obnoxious >S ^' N._^ ^v Oaken ^S/ 3 Oboe ' oJ Oakland O'Brien Oakley ,- Obscene ^ Obscured Obscurely V- V V^ Oases Obscureness Oasis ^ 4 -I Obscurer ^ \___x'\__ -= Oat 3 S> I Obscurest 9 ' W"^ Oaten Obscurity Oath Oaths -J ( * w l._9 Observant Observantly V^v^v-' TBS 13 8 OUR Observation Octavo Observatory o ~ a V^ Octillion ~^- ~*\ Observe o o o October Observer Octogenarian Obsolescent Sr No V Octoroon -j 1/5 - Obsolete o >o o Octuple / Ocularly f \ f y^ /^* Obstetric Ti y -^ Oculist Obstetrical Obstetrician C Odalisque Odd y 1 Obstinacy Obstinate 7 Odder Oddest Obstinately Obstreperous 7^Sp cl J^ ^-o Odd-fellow Oddity ' -4- 1 Obstreperously Oddly i * Obstreperousness Nn Ni No Odduess l_> -1 Obstruct fcv k I_ Ode Obstructer Tf' ^<3_P Odessa Obstruction V V ^ Odin III Obstructive o[ "i i5| Odious } ) Obtain f | Odiously Obtainable \^^ Odiousness If .j Obtained J Odium --% Ij p Obtrude Obtrusion Obtrusive N ^ X, Odor Odoriferous Odoriferously - 1 S V Obtrusively v_ Odorless Obtuse Obtuse-angled Obtuser ^__ -w Odorous Odorously Odorousness r> ] ^ Obtusest Obverse > > ^ Odyssey O'er \_s, ..._J_ ^ Obviate o-^ g Of Obvious \s. x, Off >s Obviously Obviousness x Y Offend Offender Occasion Occasional-] y v, - -^ Offense Offenseless ^ V. Vy Occasioned Offensive Occident $ s~S offensively V V V Occidental J _f Offensiveuess ^-^^~^/^~^^_ Occipital Offer ^^~* Occiput H^ Ogled t-i Octave Ogre 1 Octavia -v ~V u ~\j> Ogreish ^ ^ Octavius Ogress Oil 1 39 OPP Oh Onerously Oiiio v^ / One-self Stf=" ^ . ^ f Oil .......... One-sided o Oil-cake f~ One-sidedness Oil-cloth s~ ~S*- 7 f Onion 11 f__o s r- Oil-color * Only Oiled Onset _ Oilier r S~\ f Onslaught "f " l/f Oiliest Ontario Oil-painting / Onto Oil-well Onus 1 , S Oily ^ * Onward Ointment Onwards Old ^ r n Onyx. *^ Vl Olden Oolite Older Oolitic Oldest 1 Oolong /n s~ Old-fashioned X ) Ooze -_x(C.^. .^-. Oldish Oozed Oldness /I f /7 Opacity \ X^" Oleaginous J ^-S ' O> Opal Oleander Opaline Oleomargarine Olfactory 1 Opaque Opaqueness ^r ^_ x , Oligarch Ope Oligarchal Oligarchic f* T^V" Open Opened x % > Oligarchical Oligarchial Oligarchy f7^~ Open-handed Open-hearted Open-heartedness ^ X V- Olio Opening Olive s *^\ .r^*^. Openly N. N. S. - ^ Oliver ' Open-mouthed > . Y 5> Olivia Opera Olympia /^v y^"^ s^~*\ Opera-bouffe \/ X^XiXX* Olympiad Opera-glass Olympian ^^^ Opera-hat ^ / \ / Olympic ^ f^~^~ ~ /^""* Opera-house \s_ \/ ^ Olympus Operate Omaha Operatic Omega Omelet .-/ **- . -,-^1 Oiseration Operative S/L- ^ N I Omen Operator Ominous . ^_9 , ^ Operetta *^^ \^l \J^ Ominously ^ Ophelia \ ' Omission t Ophthalmia Omit ^~3 ' 1 *~1 Ophthalmologist V. V> V Omitted Ophthalmology C-^ C-/7 t-S7 Omnibus Ophthalmoscope Omnipotence Opiate v X ^-^ Omnipotency Opinion Uv-^ 1 Omnipotent Opinionated Omnipotently \' ^*-~ s\ Opinionatcly ^-^1 ^-~1/--^-l Omnipresence J ^1 ^ B Opinionative .-. :z^~..Z3^~ Omnipresent Opinioned Omniscience " ' ! \o ' ~3 ' ~3 Opium ^^. \ \^__ Omniscient ^-' *--" w Opossum Omnisciently Opponent On ' 1 / Opportune "^v s^ j**-^* ^v Once f- tL - B Opportunely ^/ Oudit Opportuneness One ^-f-1' c Opportunity x. t \^ One-horse 1 <: - i. Opposable >y Oneida Oppose Oneness v 1 *""""} Opposed \ \^ V Onerous ^ Opposer X < 3PP It 10 O8C 8pposln& pposlte Oppositely N_ .^ >= Oregon Organ Organ-builder >w ^=^ Opposition Organdie ^ -^ >, Oppress Oopressed >_ *s N Organic Organlcal-ly I Oppressing Organism ~s ~N ~ s - Oppression 'Ni^, _ Sx - N_ Organist - ' Y ^^ Oppressive \,> ^^ Organization Oppressively Oppressiveness Oppressor X X^X Organize Organized -^r-^b- Opprobrious Opprobriously OrgaU-pi pe Organ- stop A-,^-,\ j Opprobriousuesfi ^o T ^Q__p O.-fjy v Opprobrium Oriel > Optative X. x Orient "V" \- Octic ^V-^ 1 Oriental ?' Optical-ly Orientalism 1 Optician "^i ^) N /t_ Or Orinoco Oracle ' ~\ "A Oriole \ ~^s~ Oracular C -v Orion *. - Oracularly Oral-ly Orange V-^-v -} Orkneys Orlando Orleans ~\ * I~V* ~^S > V_^_p Y of Y Orangeman Ornament Orangemen "V ~N. ~V Ornamental-ly />-* /*^~* s~* Orang-outaiig yi /^ v*i Ornamentatior. ' ^ Oration ^* *^s ^ Ornamented Orator **N ~\ "~\. Ornate /*~? /~- sr Oratorical-ly 1 1 Ornately ' / SI Oratorio *~~ Ornateness Oratory "\/ "X "X Ornithologist S~ '"N "X Orb 1 N Ornithology v7 V7 Orbed Orphan Orbicular Orbit ^ X "\ Orphanage Orphaned /\ /"y /** Orbital *~ N Orpheus Orchard Orpiment -^ ~> ^/ Orchestra v^ Orrery Orchestral Orthodox Orchestration ~x^ "X-^i ^V Orthodoxical A A^ /I Orchid 'I/' ^-f* 1 Orthodoxly \ ' 1 ' | . Orchis Orthodoxness e b Ordain "X_e /* -^ Orthodoxy /{ /I 1 Ordained Ortboepist 1 I ' >% Ordeal Orthoepy Q ^ Order ^ ~*^\ ^\ Ortbographer /f Si ^ Order-book -f- n \r Orthographic ' \ /V /< = Orderless ^ Orthographical").'- Orderly "^\ ^\ Orthography ^ ^ Ordinal \* s ~ /-- ^^~ Osage ^^s- ^"V. X Ordinance Osage orange Ordinarily \^f 5_^ "i_^ Oscar "\ "N ^ Y^ Ordinary / OMMM / / Ordination Oscillate Ordnance Ore ^ - ^ Oscillation OsculaW V V* 1_- ( )SC 14 1 OVE Osculation Outlook Osculatory ) j^ } /-* ^ Out-of-door v i I Osier Out-of-doors Y |. i- Osseous Ossian Ossification } ^ L Out-of-the-way Dutpost Outrage ~^N I 1 1 1 ,/ t~ |//~ Ossified v - 1 3utraged Ossify Ostensilile-y i (^ ~=V Outrageous Outrageously ly/. \// \^f v yd TZ' ~ ' Ostentation . Outrageousness Ostentatious *~^ J-* i-J_ Outran 1 *f \-/* 1 /^^ Ostentatiously ~^~ i/ v Outrank ~l7^5 \/ [7 Ostentatiousness Outrfi ; Ostracism Ostracize ^- \ \ ()~~~ U Outride Outrider _> L4__ .^j... Ostracized Ostracizing Ostrich Oswego \ 1 Outrigger Outright Outrun Outset ^=-v\ * Othello 1 V* 'i Outshine -L- \ J \ Other Otherwise s^ Outside Outsider \ \ Otho Ottawa Otter V 4 -? Outspoken Outspread Outstanding .. \, i. i 1 S Ottoman i I a X Outvote t- rv. - i Ought Outward I P Ounce Outward-bound Our Ours ~^~ =\ ^~ Outwardly Outwards "~bs ]7 ~\S'~ Ourself Outwear ( Ourselves Outweigh I 1 ! Oust 4 d T Outwit ~V~~ "~C T- Ousted Outwore " 1 Out i 1 1 Outworn Outbid i N Ova ix Ix Outbreak Oval-ly Out-building Outcast -|^ 1=. Ovary Ovate k ^ ^ Outcome Ovation Outcry L. \ L_L Oven ^ ^ __JL Outdid r "^^ [ " i Over Outdo Overact Outdone L ,L Overalls \_ { **v \_ Outdoor 'A Over-anxious oX Outdoors J Overawe Outer |L 1 i Overbalance ' ^\. ^X. Outermost Overbalanced ^sr Outface Overbear Outfaced Vo |^= I^Vo Overbearing *\V '^V^^Tf.IjS Outfacing 1 1 ' Overboard \T N7 Outfit Overbore Outgeneral 1^ !(/ |__ Overborne '^V _^. ^ ^^V Outgrow T f 1 Overburden ^^\ ^^ ^*S Out- Herod A Overburdened J Outhouse \ S. L.2. L.... Overcame =^- __\ "~N ^ Outing Overcast ^J Outlandish Outlaw Overcharge Overcloud "\ "Y ">- Outlawed ~7""" '"\ 7T Overcoat / Outlawry Outlay Outline "1 ~Y m r Overcome Overcrowd Overdid ...^r..^l..__2l Outlined Overdo Outlive i l^\ i^y Overdone ^ "^ *^\ Outlived Overdose -1 Jj- fe OVK 142 PAC Overdraw Overdrawn Overdue Overestimate Overflow Overflowed Overgrown Overhang Overhaul Overhauled Overhead Overhear Overheard Overjoy Overlaid Overlap Overlay Overload Overloaded Overlook Overly Overmuch Overnight Overpaid Overpay Overplus Overpower Overpowered Overproduction Overran Overrate Overrated Override Overriding Overripe Overrule Overruled Overrun Overrunning Oversee Overseer Overshadow Overshadowed Overshoe Oversight Oversleep Overslept Overspread Overstatement Overstep Overstepped Overstock Overstocked Overstrain Overstrained Oversupply Overt 'Overtake Overtaken Overtax Overthrow Overthrown Overture Overturn Overturned Overvaluation _ s>. c^ ([Overvalue \ 1 1 Overvalued ^ ^ *"*,- 1 d k Overweeuing Overwoii.'ht Overwhelm Overwhelmed Overwhelming Overwork Overworked 'Overworn Overwrought Overzealuua Ovid Oviparous Ovoid Ovum Owe Owed Owen Owing Owl Own Owned Owner Ownership Ox Oxen Oxford Ox-goad Ox-hide Oxidation Oxide Oxidize Oxidizrd Oxidizing Oxygen Oxygenate Oxygenated Oxygenation Oyez Oyster Ozark Ozone P P Pabulum Pace Paced Pachyderm Pacific Pacification Pacific Ocean Pacified Pacify Pacing Pack Package Packed Packer VL. v, x, -v 4-,^-^ ^ Y7 *v -vi "y, -V v^ ^ ^ ^"Jl VI -Y- ^ 1 - A . S~ => ^ ^ V^, \^ V - ( - -^ ^ X X ^ ^-^ -J "VI V*"'Vl f f t 7> vi <>/\*vr ^^ y^ *\J 'V > T "^v^x C Y^ ^ X 1 1 N ^ -v" A_2^ , \ "\ "> ^ "\ - J -' \o ^- Packet Packet-ship Pack-horse Pack-saddle Pack-thread Pad Padded Paddle Paddle-box Paddled Paddle-wheel Paddy Padlock Padua Paean Pagan Paganini Paganish Paganism Page Pageant Pageantry Paged Pagoda Pah! Paid Pail Pailful Pain Paine Pained Painful-ly Painfulness Painless Painlessness Painstaker Painstaking Paint Painter Painting Pair Paired Pai ring-off Palace Palace-car Palanquin Palatable-y Palatal Palate Palatial Palatinate Palatine Palaver Palavered Pale Pale-face Paleness Paler Palest Palestine Palette Palette-knife Palfrey Palisade Palisaded Pall Palladium Pallas Pall-bearer Palled Pallet Palliate Palliated Palliation Palliative Pallid Pallidity Pallidness Pall-mall Pallor Palm Palmed Palmer Palmetto Palming Palmistry Pal moil Palm-sun day Palm-tree Palmy Palmyra Palpable-y Palpitate Palpitation Palsied Palsy Palter Palterer Paltrier Paltriest Paltriness Paltry Pamper Pamphlet Pamphleteer Pan Panacea Panama Pancake Pancreas Pancreatic Pandect Pandemonium Pander Pandered Pandora Pane Panegyric Panegyrical-ly Panegyrist 3 aneied anful D anic-stricken Pannier 'anoply "'anorama Panoramic -X/<2- ._>_ Sr \n \n PAN 1-14 PAR Pantaloon Parboiled Pantheism Pantheistic V "(L V Parcel Parceled ^ *> Pantheistical Pantheologist Pantheology e ^ ^ ^ ^7 Parceling Parch Parched s. ^? \/' Pantheon Parchment Panther x~~ \. Pardon ^~* ^\ ^S Panting C *) "^3^ Pardonable-y J J Pantomime ' Pardoned ^ Pantry X _. v_ Pardoner XXX Pap Pare J X ^ Papa I ^ N. X. Pared Papacy Papal Xr X "X Paregoric Pareut *v_ ^^ ^ ^ Papaw ) Parentage S~ 'v Paper x \ x^x^ > ^\^ '} ^x/^ 1 ' Papistical-ly x^ ^v Xx Parisian Papistry i_ Parity Papoose Park "x^/l ^^/^ ^^/ Papyrus \ x^ x/ Parked Par ' Parker Parable Parkville *x /^ Parodied Paragraph Parody Paragraphic ^\ ^\ Parol N \ /I X. / ^X / Paragraphical-ly ^ r ~ 3 ^ N ^"^ Parole I/ I/ Paraguay Parallax ^^^^-^r Paroxysm Paroxysmal C ^-o-^^- rN ^- Parallel Parquet C5~^ Paralleled s^\ S-G Jr ~* ' Parricidal Parallelism ^V f^. /^"^ f^ Parricide \/f^" \/f \/1 Parallelogram Nr N/ >/ Parried x/r x/i Paralysis Parrot Paralyze S\ /& ^\/^o Cv /& Parry \^ . / x 2_ Paralyzed \f N ^' V^ Parse *. ^y^ : **7* Paramount Parsed Paramour ^ , Parsee X /I \. /\ Parapet \-r, \ / \/ x Parseeism -X^i- ^Sl ^*s * Paraphernalia Parsimonious Paraphrase Paraphrased X/V ^^ NV ^ *x Parsimoniously Parsing <\. *x ^"N^ 2 ^ Paraphrasing C " Parsley Parasite ^V p v P Parsnip ^V . C>v Q f Parasitic N~^ \/l ^-^ Parson 1 Xi ^^rrl. Ptsrasltical-ly ' /- 'Parsonage Parasol /> i^ Part Parboil _> (Partake '" N7 ^"^ r ~ Kr=r PAR 145 PAT Partaken Paste-board \ \ X Partaker 5^ 'N- Pasted <\ > \, Parter *s, Pastern Parthenon Partial Partialist 1 Pastil Pastime Pastor \p -Ns~--^. Partiality Pastorage Partially Cx k *N. J ^s_ Pastoral N^ ^v- ^ Participant \y\ \s ^ Pastorate 1 y- ^ Participate Participation Participial-ly v . *v "X Pastry Pasturage Pasture y ) ^ Participal Particle Particular x *>- - Pastured Pastineless Pasty 1 V ^T Particularity *y- <\,_ Partnership Partook ^_ cxy/ Patent Patentable ^ N \ Partridge 5 Patentee / \ Parturjent Parturition. Party **~- *\/ N/^ >/l 5i"X Patent-leather Patent-office Patent-right /^ /\ ' * : - ^T^ ^^ Partyism Parveifh ^v/Kx/V^x Patent-rolls Paternal-ly Y 7 > > Paschal ** Paternity C-s Pasha Path \ \ \ ' Pasquin Pasquinade > V.^ Pathetic Patbetical-ly ^ ^ v Pass Pathless x. si v Passable-y Passage f^ X""""^ Pathologic Pathological-ly v r v Pass book Pathology ^f- ^4- Pass-check Passe X^-^^ Pathos Paths > ^ I Passed Passenger Passenger-car ^- > \ Pathway Patience Patient i ^ ^ Passe-partout Patiently Passer Pass'er-by X/rX"^ Patnios Patness N v^-> r* ^* -~^ Passible ' Patois / / Passing Passion -NS- N^--^s Patriarch Patriarchal > ^ Passionate >. Patriarchic / \ \ Passionately Passionateness Passion-flower -> "F~t; 1'atrician Patricide Patrick ^ \ b f Passion-week Passive ^_^ ss _^ : Patrimonial-ly Patrimony N i_ x u^X_ Passively Passiveness Passivity ^_^_-^- Patriot Patriotic Patriotical-ly N X_V_ Pass-key Patriotism \ V X Passover Passport -i^---^^-- Patristic Patrol >- V r Pass- word Past Paste Patrolled Ns ! Patrolman *\" Patron ^ N r -N PAT 146 PEL Patronage Pearl Patroness s, s. s. Pearlash \. ^< -^ \v /\>/*^ Patronize 111 f] J 1 9 Pearl-barley \S (T-\ If Patter /) Peasant V Pattered Peasantry \Q^ ^Nj^l Pattern 1 Peat 1 1 Patterned Patterson Paucity V ^ ^ Peat -bog Pebble Pebbled ^1 \ \ Paul Peccadillo Paulina X/ XT'" S/_ Peccancy X, \ \_ = Pauline Peccant \^~ T Paulinus _^0 Peck ' Paunch N/ V X Ns. Pecked x^ \^ N X___/' ^ Pauper /^ Peculiar Pauperism / Peculiarity -\/ Pauperize Pauperized X^ N^ NX Peculiarly Pecuniarily \_^x_\X^ Is ^o XI Pauperizing Pecuniary Pause Paused X\ NO Sj Pedagogic Pedagogism " ^ ^ ""<_ f Pausing Pedagogue Pave Paved S^ x^ ^ Pedagogy Pedal "7 > Pavement Pedant Pavilion X*\ Pedantic Paving - Pedanlical-ly Paw V \ ^ Pedantism Pawed Pawn \ N N Pedantry Peddle \ v > I Pawnbroker Peddled Pawned Pawnee Pawning Pay _SSs -_... Peddler Pedestal Pedestrian Pedestrianism N N^O Payable " ^v Pedestrianize 111 Pay-bill Pay-day Payee x. S X Pedestrianized Pedigree Pediment j tfj m \ Nr * V Payer Peek \_ > . ' v Pay-master Payment Si N^a \_ Peel Peeled \ X/ f Pay or Peeler Pea X \ X Peeling \/N > X^ Peace A Peep Q^ Peaceable Peeper X X J Peaceableness ^ ^> ^W Peer N^v ^^^ ^^/7 Peaceably -^ ^K^5 ^" Peerage X: ^ Peaceful-ly Peacefulness N N N Peered Peeress ^N X^ ^^v XT> Peace-maker Peace-offering Peace-officer s^ N N Peerless Peerlessly Peerlessness Peach Peevish ' T Peacock \ Peevishly s* Peafowl \ N. \__ Peevishness ;Xv / \.^y ""^^ Peak \ Peg XT N Penked Peal V_ X> > Pegasus Pegged Pekin X_x \_ X_ Pealed Pealin? Peanut v \_ pplapian i'elagianism x^7 x^^X/7 Pear G '^"" X PEL Pelf Pelican Pellet Pell-mell Pellucid Pellucidity Pellucidness Peloponnesian Pelt Pelvic Pelvis Pen Penal-Iy Penalty Penance Pence Penchant Pencil Penciled Penciling Pend Pendant Pending Pendleton Pendulous Pendulum Penelope Penetrability Penetrable-y Penetrate Penetration Penguin Peninsula Peninsular Penitence Penitent Penitential-ly Penitentiary Penitently Penknife Penknives Penman Penmanship Penmen Pennant Penned Penniless Pennsylvania Penny Penny-a-liner Penny-post Pennyweight Pennyworth Penobscot Pensacola Pension Pensioner Pensive Pensively Pent Pentagon Pentagonal-ly Pentameter Pentateuch Pentecost Penthouse 147 Penult \-|Penultima Penurious Penuriously PER VU ^1 Sri T \ .V uriousness Penury Peony People Peoria Pepper Pepper-box Peppered Peppermint Pepper-pot Peppery Pepsin Per Peradventure Perambulate Perambulation Percale Perceive Perceived Percentage Perceptible-y Perception Perceptive Perch Perchance Perched Percival Percolate Percolation Percussion Percy Perdition Peregrination Peremptorily Peremptoriness Peremptory Perennial-ly Perfect Perfectibility Perfectible Perfection Perfectly Perfectness Perfidious Perfidy Perforate Perforation Perforce ! Perform 'Performance Perfume Perfumed Perfumer Perfumery Perhaps Peri Pericardium Pericarp jPericles Peri see Perihelion iPeril \V % ^ N VyX PER 148 PES Periled Perilous Perilously Period Periodic Perlodical-ly Periodicity Peripatetic Periphery Perish Perishable-y Perished Peritoneum Periwig Periwinkle Perjure Perjured Perjury Permanency Permanent Permanently Permeable-y Permeate Permeated Permeation Perniissible-y Permission. Permit Permutation Pernicious Perniciously Peroration Perpendicular Perpendicularity Perpendicularly Perpetrate Perpetration Perpetrator Perpetual-ly Perpetuate Perpetuatio P rpetuity Perplex Perplexed Perplexing Perplexity Perquisite Perry Per se Persecute Persecution Persecutor Persepolis Perseus Perseverance Persevere Persevered Persia Persian Persimmon Persist Persisted Persistence Persistency Persistent Persistently Person Personage Personal Personality Personally Personalty Personate Personated Personation Personification Personified. Personify Personnel Perspective Perspicacity Perspicuity Perspicuous Perspicuously Perspicuqusness Perspiration Perspiratory Perspire Perspired Persuade Persuaded Persuader Persuasion Persuasive Persuasively Persuasiveness Pert Pertain Pertained Pertinacious Pertinaciously Pertinacity Pertinence Pertinency Pertinent Pertinently Pertly Pertness Perturb Perturbation Perturbed Peru Perusal Peruse Perused Perusing Peruvian Pervade Perverse Perversely Perverseness Perversion Perversity Pervert Pervious Pesky Pessimism Pessimist Pessimistic Pest Pester Pestered 110 Pi-surer Pestiferous Pestilence Pestilent Pestileatial-ly Pestle Pet Petal Peter Peter-pence Petersburgh Petit Petite Petition Petitionary Petitioned Petitioner Petit jury Petit larceny Petrarch Petrifaction Petrilied Petrify Petroleum Petticoat Pettier Pettiest Pettifog Pettifogger Pettifoggery Pettily Pettiness Pettish Pettishly Pettishnesa Petty Petulance Petulancy Petulant Petulantly Pew Pewter Phaeton Phalanx Phantasm Phantasmagoria Phantasmagoric Phantasmal Phantom Pharaoh Pharisaic Pharisaical-ly Pharisaicaluess Pharisaism Pharisee Pliarm iceutic Ph armaceu t ieal- Pharmaceutist[ly Pharmacist Pharmacopceia Pharmacy Pharynx Phase Pheasant Phelps V, Phenomena Phenomenal-ly Phenomenon Phial Phidias Philadelphia Philadelphia!! Philander Philanthropic Philanthropical- PhilanthropistLly Philanthropy Philemon Philip Philippa Philippine Philistine Philistinism Philologic Philological-ly Philologist ' Philology Philopena Philosopher Philosophic Philosophieal-ly Philosophize Philosophized Philosopbizer Philosophizing Philosophy Phineas Phlegm Phlegmatic Phiegmatically Phoebe Phoebus Phoenician Phoenix Phonetic Phonetically Phonic Phonogram Phonograph Phonographer Phonographic [ly Phonographical- Phonography Phonologist Phonology Phonotype Phonotypic Phono typical Phonotypist Phonotypy Phosphorescence Phosphorescent Phosphorus Photograph Photographer ^Photographic j Photography IPhotolithograph Photolithography Phrase |Phrase-book 150 Phrased Phrusc'ogram Phraseograph Phraseography Phraseology Phrenologic Phrenological-ly Phrenologist Phrenology Phthisic Phthisis Phyllis Physic Physiral-ly Physician Physicist Physicked Physics Physiognomist Physiognomy Physiography Physiological-ly Physiologist Physiology Physique PI Pianist Piano Piano-forte Piatt Piazza Pica Picayune Piccadilly Piccalilli Piccolo Pick Pickaninny Picked Picker Pickerel Picket Picket-fence Pickle Pickled Picklock Pickpocket Pickpurse Picnic Pict Pictorial-ly Picture Pictured Picture-frame Picture-gallery Picturesque Picturesquely Picturesqueness Pie Piebald Piece Pieced Piecemeal Piecing Piedmont Pier -'V' Pierce Pierced Piercing Pier-glass Piety Pig Pigeon Pigeon-hole Pigeon-toed Pig-eyed Pig-headed Pig-headeduess Pis-iron Pig-lead Pigment Pigmentary Pigmy Pigtail Pike Pi kestaff Pilaster File Piled Pile-driver Pile-engine Pilfer Pilfered Pilgrim Pilgrimage Piling Pill Pillage Pillaged Pillar Pillory Pillow Pillow-case Pillowed Pillow-slip Pilot Pilot-boat Pimp Pimple Pin Pinafore Pinch Pinched Pincher Pinchers Pincushion Pindar Pindaric Pine Pine-apple Pined Pine-tree Pin-feather Pin hole Pining Pinion Pinioned Pink Pin-money Pinnace Pinnacle Pinnacled si_ N PI IS" 1 PLA Pinned Pinning Pioneer ; : ^ V_ [Plagiarist Plagiarize Plagiarized X V V 777 Pioneered Pious \ \ v iPlagiarizing Plagiary } Piously Plague <_, r' Pip * Plagued Pipe N^ ^\ ^v Plaiil V- V \ Pippin *< ^r Plain 1 Piquancy V Plain-dealer Piquant Pique Pique Piqued Piracy Pirate \_ x. x/2 Plain-dealing Plained Plainer Plainest Plainfield Plain-hearted v^ > \ r \ Piratical-ly \/ >/* < Plaining ^ %_ %> Pisa > Plainly * ^~^ f~ Pistil Plainness Pistol Piston ^r ^T ^ Plain-spoken Plaint V, \ % Piston-rod Plaintiff Pit Pitch ^T" '" Plaintive Plaintively t v v- Pitch-dark Plait Pitched \ / x? Plan *s *S. *\ Pitcher ./._. Plane ~^~ * Pitch-fork ,L Planed Pitch-pine Piteous -$S__-^- \ ! Planer Planet % \ > Piteously Piteousness Pitfall N N _^ _. ,\d Q p f Planetary Planish Planished L/ J -^ Pith Plank Pithagoras N X \ . Planked '^v *^v Pithier Q_o (y Planned ^* r ^** ~1T Pithiest \ \ \ Planning Pithily > -- r > Plant 'v X Pithiness V) ^ Cj> Plantagenet Pithless v X. N. Plantain Pithy V" c j Plantation Pitiable-y Pitied Pitlful-ly Planter Planting Plaque "^ J \ Pitiless b i^ Plash ~\^ -> Pitilessly V X Plashed Pitilessness |^^-fo l^D~-f Vs ' i Plaster \-s-.s Pitman ' 1 Plastered -> 1 Pitt N \ \ Plasterer Pittance Plastic \, V- Pittsburgh J ^X=- Plat \ " Pity Platsea ^ ^ Pius Pivot '^ N \. Plate Plateau \ * ^ Pivotal Platen Placard X "%- V- Platform \ l> "^ Place > Platinum ^V v | Pliicebo f Platitude ^ Placed Placer ^ *N_ *s. x s X Plato Platonic \ \ V Placid Placidity "\ "v "\ Platonical-ly Platonism N N N Placidly r r v Platonist \r j J PI acid ness Platoon Placing \, ^ \ Platter \ N Plagiarism T oAv Plaudit ~1 J PLA 152 IDE Plausibility Plausible-y Play Play-bill Pluyed Player Playfellow Playful-ly Playfulness Play-goer Playground Play-bouse Playmate Plaything Playwright Plea Plead Pleader Pleadings Pleasant Pleasantly Pleasantry Pleasantville Please Pleased Pleasing Pleasurable-y Pleasure Plebeian Pled Pledge Pledged Pleiades Pleistocene Plenary Plenipotentiary Plenteous Plenteously Plentiful-ly Plenty Pleonasm Plethora Plethoric Pleurisy Pliability Pliable-y Pliancy Pliant Piled Pliers Plight Plinth Pliny Pliocene Plod Plodder Plot Plover Plow Plowboy Plowed Plow-land Plow-man Plowshare Pluck Plucked V % \, Pluckier Pluckiest Pluckily Pluckincss Plucky Plug Pluzged Plum Plumage Plumb Plumbago Plumbed Plumber Plumbing Plumb-line Plum -cake Plume Plumed Pluming Plummet Plump Plumper Plumpest Plum ply Plumpness jPlurn-pudding Plum-tree Plunder Plundered Plunderer Plunge Plunged Pluperfect Plural Plurality Pluralize Pluralized Pluralizing Plurally Plurisy Plus Plush Plutarch Pluto Plutocracy Plutonic Ply Plymouth Pneumatic Pneumonia Poach Poached Poacher Pocahontas Pock ! Pocket Pocket-book Ipocket-knife Pocket-money Pocket-pistol iPock-mark Pod !Poe Poem Poesy iPOPt 153 Poetess Poetic Poetical-ly Poetize Poetized Poetizing Poetry Poignancy Poignant Poignantly Point Point-blank Pointer Pointing Pointless Poise Poised Poising Poison Poisoned Poisoner Poison -ivy Poisonous Poisonously Poke Poked Poker Poland Polander Polar Polarity Polarization Polarize Polarized Pole Poled Polemic Polemical Pole-star Police Policeman Policemen Policy Policy-holder Poling Polish Polite Politely Politeness Politer Politest Politic Political-ly Politician Polity Polk Polka Poll Pollard Pol I -book Poll-clerk Polled Pollen Polling Poll-tax Pollute ND X ^X.^ v > VI Pollution. Pollux Polly Polonaise Poltroon Poltroonery Poltroonish Polygamist Polygamous Polygamy Polyglot Polygon Polygonal Polynesia Polynesian Polyp Polysyllabic Polysyllable Polytechnic Polytheism Polytheistic Pomace Pomade Pomegranate Pommel Pommeled Pomp Pompeii Pompey Pomposity Pompous Pompously Pouipousuess Pond Ponder Ponderable Pondered Ponderer Ponderosity Ponderous Ponderously Ponderousuess Pond-lily Pongee Poniard Pontiff Pomifical-ly Ponlilicate Pontoon Pony Pony-engine Poodle Pooh Pool Poop Poor Poor-box Poorer Poorest Poor-house Poor-laws Poorly Poorness Pop Pop-corn Pope POP 164 POT Popedom - \ Portugal Popery v \ ,x Portuguese ^ ^ n X ^ N Popishly /^ ^^) ^^^^ Position Poplar Poplin Poppy \^ X v-^- Positive Posi lively PosHivenesB X Xp Np t L L* Populace Positivism Popular x. x. x^ Positivist XX> ^N. Popularity N/*"* X/"XX^" Posse C'omitatus ;l Popularization ' Possess j Popularize *\ ' ^^x ""^V Possessed %,-. >y-. Xv^-l Popularized x^^^y^Y^/^^ Possessing X-^ Popularizing Possession Popularly SN S. ^\ X Possessive V ^^p Population Xfj^l( \^- Possessor "~T> > ~^ Populous Populously Porcelain X^NX^ Possibility Possible y Post \ x N Porch Porcine Porcupine X/NA-s^ Postage Postal Postal-card > >v Pore Pored Pork ^ X Postboy Post-card Post-coach Xo Xs Xrv Porker , . Post-date Porosity v x/ Ny^x^ ""N/ Posted X X Xi Porous Poster 1 Porousness QP .F\\ /V Posterior Porphyry Porpoise ^^/^ ^*\/ i^\^ Xa Posterity Postern ^ \] ^ Porridge Post-haste X ^v v Port \v/^ ^ ^X. Posthumous ^ / \ ^v ^s & \o NO ^^ Portability ^ Posthumously u, t^r Portable Postilion Portage \^v ^_ Postman 'X. X^ ^ ^^K^' Portal / 1 Postmark r* Port-crayon Portcullis ^ ^_^ ^ ^ Postmarked Postmaster Xr-^X^, V-*. * Porte Postmen Porte-monnaie Postmeridian Portend -X s _^ ^v ^^ Post-mortem *Xc"^*v^o ^ ' N> ^\ Portent J { Post-obit 1 Portentious Post-office Portentiously Porter *^\ 1 *^\ Post-paid Post-pone N "V x ^ x. x Porterage Port-folio J/ *.' vf Post-poned Post-ponement Port-hole \f Postscript % ^X-a Portico Postulate Portion <^ _ N/^ Xy? Posture X ^\ X^ Portioned i Postured P- 1 Portland s-~f> /- Posy Portliness "^f N/ *^J Pot ^v J_ Portly Potash ) Portmanteau Potassium Porto Rico Portrait Portraiture \^\ ^v Potation Potato Potency K L ^ Portray Portrayal i r 1 Potent Potentate )- x i ^ Portrayed Portress Portsmouth 1 *V- Potentlal-ly Potently Pot-hook > - Potion Pot-lid Pot-luck Pot-metal Potomac Pot-pie Pot-pourri Pot luge Potter Pottered Pottery Pouch Pouched Poughkeepsie Poultice Poulticed Poultry Pounce Pounced Pound Poundage Pound-cake Pounder Pounding Pour Poured Pout Poverty Powder Powder-box Powder -chest Powdered Powder-flask Powder-horn Powder-magazine Powder-mill Powder-miue Power Powerful-ly Powerless Power-press Powwow Pox Practicability Practicable-y Practical Practicality Practically Practice Practiced Practitioner Pragmatic Pragmatical-ly Prairie Prairie-dog Prairie-hen Praise Praised Praise- worthily Praise-worthy Praising Prance Pranced Prank Prate Prattle sX 7 155 - pPrattled Prawn Pray Prayed Prayer Prayer-book Prayerful-ly Prayer-meeting Preach Preached Preacher Pre-adamite Preamble Prebend Prebendary Precarious Precariously Precariou.sness Precaution Precautionary Precede Pieced ed Precedence Precedent Precentor Precept Preceptive Preceptor Precession Precinct Precious Preciousness Precipice Precipitance Precipitancy Precipitant Precipitate Precipitately Precipitation Precipitous Precipitously Precipitousness Precise Precisely Preciseiiess Precisiauist Precision Preclude Preclusion Precocious Precociously Precociousness Precocity Preconcert Preconcertedly Precontract Precursor precursory Predatorily Predatory 3 redecessor 'redestinarian Predestinate 'redestination r'redestine Predestined PRK ir>8 PRE Predicability Predicable Predicament Predicate Predication Predict Prediction Predilection Predispose Predisposed Predisposing Predisposition Predominance Predominant Predominantly Predominate Predominated Predomination Pre-eminence Pre-eminent P-re-emineatly Preempt Preempted Preemption Preemptor Pre-engage Pre-engaged Pre-engagement Pre-exist Pre-existed Pre-existence Preface Prefaced Prefacing Prefatory Prefect Prefecture Prefer Preferable-y Preference Preferment Preferred Prefix Prefixed Prefixing Pregnancy Pregnant Pregnantly Prehensile Prehistoric Prejudge Prejudgement Prejudlcat* Prejudication Prejudice Prejudiced Prejudicial-ly Prelacy Prelate Prelateship Preliminary Prelude Prematurely Promatnrenoss Prematurity Premeditate % V <\ NO >; NO Premeditation Premier Premiership Premise Premised Premising Premium Premonition Prenatal Preoccupance Preoccupation Preoccupied Preoccupy Preordain Preordination Prepaid Preparation Preparatory Prepare Prepared Preparing Prepay Prepayment Prepense Preponderance Preponderant Preponderantly Preponderate Preposition Prepositional Prepossess Prepossessed Prepossessing Prepossessingly Prepossession Prepossessor Preposterous Preposterously Preraphaelism Prerapliaelite Prerequisite Prerogative Presage [Presaged Presbyter Presbyterian Presbyterianism Prosbytership iPresbytery Prescience Prescient Presrott Preserihe Prescribed Prescriptive Prescription Presence F'resence-chamler Present Piesentable Presentntion Presentiment Presently Presentment Preservation Preservative "T Preserve Preserver Preside Presided Presidency President Presidential Press Pressed Pressing Pressing ly Pressman Pressmen Pressure Press-work Prest Prestidigitator Prestige Presto Preston Presumable- y Presume Presumed Presuming Presumingly Presumption Presumptive Presumptively Presumptuous Presumptuously Presumptuous- P res oppose [ness Presupposed Presupposing Presupposition Pretend Pretender Pretense Pretension Pretentious Pretentiously Pretentiousness Preterit Preternatural-ly Pretext Pretor Pretoriaa Prettier Prettiest Prettily Pre illness Pretty Pretzel Prevail Prevailed Prevalence Prevalency Prevalent Prevaricate Prevarication Prevent Preve i native Prevention Primarily Primaririess Primary Prim a to Prlmateshlp Prime Primed Primer Primeval Priming Primitive Primitively Primitiveness Primly Primness Primogeniture Primordial-ly Primrose Prince Princedom Prmceliness Princely Princess Princeton Principal Principality Principally Principle Prink Prinked Print Printer Printing Printing-house Printing-ink Printing-office Printing-paper Printing-press Prior 188 PRO Prioress Priority Priorship Priory PrlacllU Prism Prismatic Prisnmtical-ly Prison Prisoned Prisoner Prison-house Pristine Prithee Privacy Private Privateer Privately Privation Prjvative Privilege Privily Privily Privy Prize Prized Prize-fight Prize- tighter Prize-medal Prize money Prize-ring Prizing Pro i Probability Probable-y Probate Probation Probationary Probationer Probe Probity Problem Problematic Problematical-ly Proboscis Procedure Proceed Proceeded Process 'Procession Processional Proclaim Proclaimed Proclaimer Proclaiming Proclamation Proclivity Proconsul Proconsular Proconsulate Procrastinate Procrastination Procreate Procreated Procreation Procreative *x \\ N v> % Procreator Proctor Procurable Procuration Procurator Procure Procured Procurement Procurer Procuress Prod Prodigal Prodigality Prodigally Prodigious Prodigiously Prodigiousness Prodigy Produce Produced Producing Product Production Productive Productively Productiveness Proem Profanation Profane Profaned Profanely Profaneness Profaner Profanity Profess Professed Professedly Professing Profession Professloual-ly Professor Professorial Professorship Proffer Proffered Proflcience Proficiency Proficient Proficiently Profile Profit Profitable-y ProfitiiiK Profitless Profligacy Profligate Profligately Piofligatensss Profound Profoundly Profoundness Profundity Proiuse Profusely Profiiseness Prolusion ^_; 159 Progenitor Progeny Prognosis Prognostic Prognosticate Prognostication Programme Progress Progressed Progressing Progression Progression al Progressionist Progressive Progressively Progressiveness Prohibit Prohibition Prohibitive Prohibitory Project Projectife Projection Projector ' Proliferous I Prolific !Prolifical-ly Prolix Prolixity Prolixly Prolixness Prologue Prolong Prolongation Promenade Promenaded Promethean Prometheus Prominence Prominent Prominently Promiscuous Promiscuously Promiseuousness Promise Promised Promising Promisor Promissory Promontory Promote Promoter Promotion Prompt Prompter Promptest Promptitude Promptly Promptness Promulgate Promulgation Prone Pronely Proneness Prononce Pronoun > Pronounce Pronounced Pronouncing Pronunriamento Pronunciation Proof Proof-sheet Prop Prepayable Propaganda Propagandist!) Propagandist Propagate Propagation Propel Propelled Propeller Propensity Prop?r Properly Property Property-man Prophecy Prophesied Prophesy Prophet Prophetess Prophetic Prophetical-ly Propitiate Propitiation Propitious Propitiously Propitionsness Proportion Proportionable-y Proportional-ly Proportionate Proportioned Proposal Proposed Proposer Proposing Proposition Propositional Propound Propounded Propounder Proprietary Proprietor Proprietorship Proprietress Propriety Propulsion Propulsive Pro rata Prorogation Prorogue Prorogued Prosaic Prosaical-ly Proscenium Proscribe Proscribed Proscriber Proscription Proscriptlve Prose Prosecutable Prosecute Prosecution Prosecutor Proselyte Proselytism Prosier Prosiest Prosiuess Pro-slavery Prosody Prospect Prospective Prospectively Prospectus Prosper Prospered Prosperity Prosperous Prosperously Prostitute Prostituted Prostitution Prostrate Prostration Prosy Protean Protect Protection Protectionist Protective Protector Protectorate Prottige Protegeef/em.] Pro teinpore Protest Protestant Protestantism Protestation Proteus Protocol Protoplasm Protoplasmic Prototype Protozoan Protract Protraction Protrude Protrusion Protuberance Protuberant Protuberantly Protuberate Proud Prouder Proudest Proudly Proudiiess Prove Proved Proven Provencal Proveuder PRO ' f PSY X, A. i "l iLProvur Proverb Proverbial-ly Provide Providence Provident Providential-ly Providently Providentness Provider Province Provincial Provincialism iProvincialist Provincialize Provincializing Proving Provision Provisional-ly Provisioned Proviso Provocation Provocative Provoke Provoked Provokingly Provost Provost-marshal Prow Prowess Prowl Prowled Prowling Prowler Proximate Proximity Proximo Proxy Prude Prudence Prudent Prudeutial-ly Prudently Prudery Prudish Prune Pruned Prunella Pruning Priming-hook Prurience Pruriency Prurient Prussia Prussian Pry Psalm Psalmist Psaluiistry Psalmody Psalter Psaltery Pseudo Pseudonym Pshaw Psyciie S NT- Psychic Psychical Psychologic Psych ological-ly Psychologist Psychology Psychomancy Ptolemaic Ptoletny Puberty Pubescence Public Publican Publication Public-house Publicist Publicity Publicly Public-spirited Public-spiritedly Public-spirited- Publish ruess Publisher Puck Pucker Puckered Puckery Pudding Puddle Puddled Puddler Puddling Pudgy Pudicity Pueblo Puer Puerile Puerility Puerperal Puff Puffed Puffer Puffiness Puffing Putty Pug Pugh Pugilism Pugilist Pugilistic Pugnacious Pugnaciously Pugnacity Pug-nose Puissance Puissant Puke Puked Pulaskl Pule Puled Puler Puling Pull Pulled Pullet V. Vj> Puiley IPulling Pullman , Pullman-car ||Pulinonary Pulmouic Pulp Pulpiness Pulpit Pulpy Pulsate Pulsated Pulsatile Pulsation Pulse Pulverization Pulverize Pulverized Pulverizing Puma Pumice Pumice-stone Pump Pumped Pumping Pumping-engine Pumpkin Pun Punch Punch-bowl' Punched Punchinello Punctilio Punctilious Punctiliously Punctiliousness Punctual Punctuality Punctually Punctuate Punctuation Puncture Punctured Pungency Pungent Pungently Panto Punier Puniest Puuiness Punish Punishable Punished Puuislier Punishment Punjab Punic Punned Punuing Punster Puny Pup Pupil Puppet Puppet-show Puppy 7a PUP QUA Puppyism Pur I'urima Purblind Piirbliiully Purblindness Purchasable Purchase Purchased Purchaser Pure Purely Pureness Purer Purest Purgation Purgatory Purge Purged Purger Purification Purified Purifier Purify Purism Purist Puritan Puritanic Puritanical-ly Puritanism Purity Purl Purled Purlieu Purling Purloin Purloined Purloiner Purple Purpled Purplish Purport Purportless Purpose Purposed Purposeless Purposely Purposing Purred Purse Pursed Purse fill Purse-proud Purser Pursing Pursuance Pursuant Pursue Pursued Pursuer Pursuit Purulence Purulent Purulently Purveyor Pus %> X y > S / 6 X^^r A Quaffed Quagmire Quail Quailed Quaint Quaintly Quivintness Quake Quaker ~~Y [Queried Querulous Querulously Query Quest [Question Questionable-y Questioner Quibble .__,_ Quakerish Quakerism c ^ Quibbled jQuiboler "^S ^ """ . rt - <- i "^ v Quick s^ Qualifletlly Qualify ^> ^x -i :Quicken Quickening Quicker -^ / = Qualitative Quality Qualm * i Quickest Quicklime Quickly _^Zyi_^ Quandary Quantitave Quantity "*1 ~~1 ~^l~ Quickness Quicksand Quickset ^__ o p Quarantine Quarantined b ' Quick-sighted Quick-siguted- Quicksilver [ness LO ^T Quarreled Quarreler ^ _j-. Quicksilvered Quick-witted Quick- wittedness ^ . Quarrelingly Quarrelsome Quarrelsomeness Quarried Quarry Quarry man Quart Quarter Quartered Quarterly Quartermaster /^/^ -^XV -r ^|'-> ~V~\ ^ Quid Quiddity Quidnunc Quiescence Quiescent Quiescently Quiet Quieted Quieter Quietest Quietly Quietness 1 ' ) l_^^ C_P ~L ~) ~l r -v^Hv 3 "^^ ^P K Quarto Quartz ' 1^3 1 -^ Quietude Quietus Quill "I _ _-^k Quashed Quasi -__ "I "I. Quill-driver Quilling Quilt Quatrain Quaver -3 -^ - Quince Quincunx Quincy Quay Quean Quebec Quinine Quinsy Quintal "^-^ ~y ~~^) Queen City Queenliness Queenly Queen's Bench Queer Queerer Queerest Queerly "^ "x^ ^_e i/ i/ r~~ z/ t/T - ?/ Quintessence Quintet Quintilian Quintillion Quintuple Quintupled Quip Quipped Quire / / z_p Quell Quelled ^ ^ Quirk Quit Quitclaim _^ , , _^_ QFI 104 RAM Quitclaiming -c _ _ 'Racket Quite ^ /) A Quito Radial-ly ' Qultrent _/> 'Radiance Quii tance 1 'Radiant A /j ^J Quitti'iJ jRadiantly ' Quiver Radiate Quivered Qui vive "^ J V Radiation X Radiator A> A\ Quixote p f vp Radical QUlXOtiC T -1 |d .Radicalism A xj ,-j Quixoti'^al-ly jRadicality <- = 15~~ 1 ' Quixotism n o * p ' Radically Quiz J-^ ' \ , Radicalness xj A J'" Quizzed j Radii s /^ S '""" /~~ *r Ragman Ragmen R Ragout Raid Rail Railed s~ x "" /** A Ratchet Rate Rated Ranger Ran ic Ranked > J} /^^ / *" Rather Ratification Ratified Banker Rankest Rankle /// Ratify Ratio Ratiocinat3 RankieJ Rankl.v /^-/^-/^ Ratiocination Ratiociiiaii\ -i Ration Ransac'.: Ransack }d Ransom / / /- Rational Rationale Rationalism Ransomed Ransoming Rant A- / -^ Rationalist Rationalistic nationality Ranter Ranting Rap Rationally Rat-tail Rattan /v /i / x Rapacious Rapaciously Rapacious ii ess Rapacity Rape Rape-seed Raphael Rapid Rapidity Aj> xx /NO Rattle Rattle-brained Rattled Rattle-pated Rattlesnake [Ravage Ravaged Rave Raved Rapidly Rapiduess Rapier ^X^ /N^ Ravel Raveled Raven Rapine Rapped Rapport /S ^ ^ Ravenna (la venous Ravenously Rapscallion Rapt Rapture ^ ^Sj Ravine Ravisli Kav isher KAV -V /) /L RAV 166 REC Ravishment Raw Rawboued /v X X^ Heaper Re-appear Re-appearance X^N. /,\ /<^ 7 Rawer Rawest X^ X X Re-appeared Re-appoint X- /S /\^ Rawhide Re-appointing Rawly Rawness / /~- / Re-appointment Rear /^ / / A^f Ray Rear-admiral 5--" Raymond Rear-guard s / Raze ~\_^ / p Reargue /^\ Razed Rearing Hazing yS Re-arrange S~~f / / / ~t Razor He-absorb S~ X XV\ Re-arranged Re-arrangement / / / Reach j . Re-ascend Readied -X*"^ Re- ascension X) /} o s"' React ' Reason Reaction / \ Reasonable Reactionary x ^ x ... s~?L Reasonableness / ^V / \.X^ *V Reactionist / 7 / Reasonably V P ^ Read > A _\_. Reasoned Rt'iisoner ^ x^ XT Readable-y Reasonless * o Reader Re-assemble /i r\ Headier ~W y\ /\ He-assurance / * r /^ /* Headiest 1 S^ Re-assure Readily Readiness /Y~ Xl_p XU Re-a&sured Rebate /> X s X^ Heading[aci7.y] Rebatement Reading-room Rebecca Re-adjourn "^~% /$ /& Rebel ^X\ ^C /s Re-adjust v^. Rebelled Re-adjusted > He-adjuster He-adjustme rf yfi <& Rebellion Rebellious Rebelliously X\ XV X^, Re-admission Rebelliousness Ready Ready-made /K A A~ Rebound Rebounding Xv Rebuffed X\i X s5 X- Re-affirmed T Rebuild Re-affirming / Rebuilt Re-agent /\^^ /l^ _^__ Rebuke X^ /^N^ /S^_ Real Rebuked ~ Realism /S~~* ff . xf Rebukingly Realist / X C/ 1 Rebus /x^ X\o X^* Realistic Rebut "rr' Reality /\ e fi. Rebuttal ^~ Realizable c/l C/X Recover X ^s ^ Recklessness / / fC / ~ Recoverable / y' / Reckon Q_P Recovered Reckoned Recovery x Reclaim ^/~^> A . - > ^N Recreant x/ J^ ^ 5 ] Reclaimed Recreate Reclaiming Recreated 3 Recline /^ ^"^X^" 3 /^ Recreation X ' X X L Reclined Recreative Recluse Recriminate -a . . -2, Recognition S /C_J2 /*^0 Recriminated ^ \ / / Recoguizable-y ^ Recrimination ' * Recognizance Recruit Recognize ^/^_C_P / " /^^ Rectangle / S ~ ^"^ / ' Recognized Rectangled Recognizee a/ Rectangula'r Recognizing /-* ~\ /" ^ "* /~ Rectifiable / ' /^""Vf. / V^ Recogmzor Rectification \ s Recoil Rectified Recoiled /~T~ / r /"~ Rectifier s ^ / V / V, Recoin ' Rectify X- ^ Recolned Rectilineal /^f f^^ Recollect /^^ /* 1 /^ o Rectilinear / /~^ / ' Recollection 1 Rectitude Recombine Rector Recombined / \. /*$ /"^ P Rectorship /~ \ / 1 1 ./ Recommence ' Rectory -^ Recommenced Rectum Recommencing /~~> / S_^ /*^ Recumbent x ' "" X^ /^ Recommend Recumbently i Recommendation Recommenda- /-I /1 /I Recuperate Recur X^ N /" X~ Recommit [tory Recurred Recommitment Recurrence P _, P Recommittal XXX Recurrent / / / ^^0 Recommitted /U - r / Recusancy Recompense Recusant Recompensed X' x s. X"v X\, Recusation / / e /I Reeompose o Red Recomposed Redbird Decomposing Reconcilable-y x^ /^/K Redcoat Redden /k XL X RED 168 RKO Reddened , i Keuiif.netil . Redder J 1 1 /''Vj^ /Xiv S~ Iteddesi Rt-tit 1 EtwMteb K ll <-t U>'d lis'i I.-* ; K-'divm 4 1 K n >-ied H il.vtion /^ |X\ ^ iledeen. K ll -. tivo Kedeemablottess ~V- > "^ fr K il -.-lor Xv /^ iX^ Hi'deemt'd >C ^^v 1 K ll \ L i Ue leemer X'-v -v_ A Kfili-xive 1111^ Redempt > i """i Uclo: ination '^"^.^-^^ lifd-hot Ilelornuitory ii.-d letter 1 A/^~ A a Keformed xV x\ xv-v Red ness HeloniKT v-o V Redolence . _ Helorining l Redolent Redouble \ /\* /\ Hefraction x-V^/V x^V. Redoubled U fnu-t'iriness >-* CN x 5N lt> doubt j /\ /^ ; ')ry y/_X^~/' < X/ J Redoubtable X Refrain Redound Kedraft . 1 i: I'rained /!l /* U rrau-ihillty X^ X> /^ Redraw Refrangltua A. v Redrawn Uedress Redressed it.-fresli /[, /[, H ireshnient Kefrigerate x*) x^ A Red toning Redraw .A^_^\^. A-> l: liberation X*\ x% /V Hod-ski r. ' \ / Red-tape Reduce Reduced ;ble 1 A> A Refugee ;RetuTi{enee Refulgeiu-y Refulgent xV xV xV ; Reducing Reduction A Ai_, A, Refulgent!? Refund /> -^ /Vi Redundancy Refusal Redundant /^-^\ S*~ A* Refuse /A. /V^> /^^ " Redundantly Refused Hofusing Re-echoed / /- __?._ Refutable x'Vo^ X\ Reed Refutal ^ Reef ? -__ Refutation Reefed / ? / Refute x\ X^~ / Beet Regain Ij Reeked Regained Reel A jf Regaining X^ / ^-^ Re-elect ~~" Rasa] Re-election , , Regale __ Reeled S^ XC^x. Regaled S^l / ^ / Reeling 3 Regalia iV>ark Regaling Murtced He-enact ,t^/~Z-^/^- Regard X^C /~ -J--r Re-enactment Re-en force Re-enforced /_-^^/-v 'Regar tful-ly Regardless Regardlessly sv X* -x*-^ jX 7^ Re-enforcement S Regatta Re-exchauge s \^ / / Regency ' / 1 ^=a_ x^. Refer JK x Regeneracy 7 Referable Referee Reference x / /" Regenerate Regeneration Regenerative ^ ^ / Referred [Regent * Refine Refined XV x^ Regicide Rugiuie xf ^- REG Regimen Regim -nt Regimental Reginald Region Register Registrar Registration Registry Regret Regretful-ly Regular Regularity Regularly Regulate Regulation Regulator Regulus Rehabilitate Rehabilitation Rehash Rehashed Rehearsal Rehearse Rehearsed Rehearsing Reid Reign Reigning Re-ina burse Re-imtiursed Re-im burse inent Re-imbursing Rein Reindeer Reined Reining Reins Re-instate Re-insnranc; Re-iusure Re-insured Reiterate Reiteration Reiterative Reject Rejection Rejoice Rejoiced Rejoicing Rejoin Rejoinder Rejoined Rejoin t Rejuvenate Rejuvenescence Rekindle Rekindled Relaid Relapse Relapse'l Relapsing Related ^ / - / /~r~ AS> /L i .. (/ NO 6/1 v im I Relation Relationship Relative . Relatively ' Relax Relaxation , Relaxed Relaxing l^lelay _ Release sing Relegate rRelent IjRelentless 'Relentlessly Relentlessness Relevance .'Relevancy Relevant Reliability Reliable Reliableness Reliably Reliance Reliant Relic Relict Relief Relieve Relieved Religion Religionist Religious Religiously Relinquish Relinquished Relish Relished Reluctance Reluctancy Reluctant Reluctantly Rely Relying Remain Remainder Remained Remaining Remand Remanding Remark Remarkable Remarkableness Remarkably Remediable-y Remedial-ly Remedied Remedy Remember Remembrance Remembrancer Remind R"mindin;j URemingtou REM _P~V Repast Repay /\ /~ Remit Repeal Remittance _ Repealable /\ f^**. / /s s. /\ Remittent ^^V V*~"*i I*" ^ Repealed ^^ r f Remitter .J Repealing .. ^ ' Remnant Remodel Remodeled ~v Repeat Repeatedly Repeater /^ ^ /^~\ Remonstrance ^ V ^""b Repel Remonstrate ^~* x~, / Repelled / /NS / /^^ s*^ Remorse Repelling ' (~^ Remorseful-ly ^*~b t~~ ~*b Repent S^> //"s^p S^*-s Remorseless f \ / Repentance Remorselessly Repentant Remote Remotely Remoteness vi"~v VP Repentantly Repe liter Repenting /) /\ /^ Remoter _ Repertory ts,/ /^*~ .^. Remotest Repetition / 1 ' Removable Repine Li Removal Repined /*$ ,/s s ^ , Remove ^ "Y \ Repining -i s /^\o Removed C " ^_ v. Replace Remunerate Replaced .. ! Remuneration ~ X V- \ ^^V--~x Replacing /^^ ,/^^Q / Remunerative ^ t i_? ^"V Replead ' Renaissance Renard /^^ /S /> Repleader Replenish /N /\ /\ Rend Replenished ^ Render Replenisher . Jt Rendezvous /"*** *s^*^~- / U Replete /**\ /^ / ^ Rendition Repleteness r Renegade Renegade /^~- | /*-* Repletion Replevied Renew Replevin V- V^j Renewable Replevy ,< A /V Renewal / / >^ /^T^ /^~* Replication /N /\^ Renewed Replied X. Rennet Reply ji Reno /* / /~~*' /""^ Report ^^ / ^^^/^^^ Renounce Reporter \ Renounced Reporting Renouncing /*-^ /^ ^-*'/* ^- Reportorial /^^/?\^c^^\^ Renovate Reposal [ Renovation Repose /\_ Renovator r* VO^ \ /* Reposed /^^Q / ^^ ^/N-j Renown ^^ Reposeful X Renowned s^* /^~ Reposing Rent / /> S Repository S /f ^ / /S>S C Rental Repossess ^<^- p/ Renter / Repossessed Rent-roll Renunciation /S^ ** /*& Repossess! n ;; Repossession I Re-open He-opened Re-opening /XA /\^ Repousse Reprehend Reprehended Reorganization Reprehensible xJ\X^\ CV Reorganize Reorganizing / / / Reprehensibleness Reprehensibly />-_ Safely ^ \J^~ \~^ Ruthlessness Cj> Safeness \ Rutland Safer p Rye /\~3 .__ safest V^ ^5> V. Safety ^ Safety lamp - *~^ P X> Safety valve Wv^^ Saffron Sag Saga f^y Sagacious cC^. S Sabbata-ian Sabbatarianism },r^A ^*- Sagaciously Sagaciousness Sagacity ^~ ^ "t Sabbath Sabbath breaking Sabbatic S S *- c v Sagamore Sage Sagely c_^ f F~ Sabbatical Sabbatism Saber ^ V x Sageness Sager Sagest t, ; / Sabered Sabian Sabianism - s v Sagged Sagfnaw Sagitarius -*-< Sabine 3a Sable %> \. Sahara ./ r Sac Said T" Saccharine . Sail Sacerdotal Sachel <^A Sack-cloth c 7 Saint Augustine Sacked Sackful Sacque ' Saint Bernard Saint (Jlair Sainted ^V ^^^ Q Q .. r Sacrament Sacramental ly /> Saint George Saint Helena *7 ^/""^ y Sacra tnentarian a ^^o ^, a Saint John / Sacramento Sacred Sacredly ^j^ S Saint Joseph Saint Lawrence Saintlier t "^"^ S Sacredness Sacrifice 1 C 1 Saintliest Saintlike r t... t- Sacrificed Saintliness 5 Sacrificial Saint Louia ~~ Saleratus s~^\> ^t-~!> -*f~^> Sanction 5_^l ** ' / Salesman 6 6 b Sanctity op Salesmen Sanctuary Salic . Sanctum Q_rl Salient C b o^ Sand ^i^^ *V Salina Sandal 5^ "(~ Saline Salisbury C C^ (\.- Sand-bag Sand glass - Salt Lake City f Sanguineous Q ^Q / . Saltness 6 6^~^ f\ Sanhedrim 1- Ti' Saltpeter ^i Sanitarium Salt water ^ r\ Sanitary ,J Q Salty ^X b ' ^--^w. Sanity \S O Salubrious ^ . %^ San Joaquin * 3 Salubriously San Jose Q 3 Q ^^ Salubriousness r^ rv . San Juan S ^ or iX Salubrity "fc^Rrj^^Siy^ ~ T" pank q^=- Salutary i 1 bans Salutation ^i /j-^ /T/ San Salvador Q /'"Vji /^ Salutatory "b~lX bU b Sans-culotte J Q-^, Salute Sanskrit Saluted s~\ S~\ /n Santa Barbara a ^ > v / /v^ / / D Salvation 01 b b VJ Santa Cruz a s- c_s- Salve Salved X^ Santa Fe Sap X J \ Salver "^- C Sapience ..--N^_ Salvo Samarcand Samaria rv ^-^^^ Sapient Sapiently Sapless C \ \ <^ x-o Samaritan Same Sameness .r-Xl ^ -^ Sapling Saponaceous Sapped 1 Sample Sampled Sampson ^ ^ ^^ Sapper Sapphire Sappho ^Xr- S ^ Samson -~_i Saracen Q ^ a^^ ,. Samuel ^_y""~ Saracenic San Antonio Sarah Sanative Saratoga Sanatory 1 ^ r *lx^ '""'V Isarcasm n/\ ' I ^\ ~\ Sanctincation iSarcastic tr^ SAR Sarcastical-ly Sarcophagus Sardine Sardinia Sardis Sardonic Sarsaparilla Sasli Sassafras Sat Satan Satanic Satauical-ly Sate Sated Satellite Satiate Satiated Satiety Satin Satinet Satin-wood Satiny Satire Satiric Salirical-ly Satirist Satirize Satirized Satirizing Satisfaction Satisfactorily Satisfactory Satisfied Satisfy Satrap Saturate Saturation Saturday Saturn Saturnalia Saturnalian Saturnine Satyr Sauce Saucebox Sauced Saucepan Saucer Saucier Sauciest Saucily Sauciness Saucy Sauerkraut Saul Saunter Saunterer Sausae Sauterne Savage Savagely Savageness Savagery Savannah Savaut Saved Savings-bank iSavior ;Savouarola jSavor 'Savored iSavoriness Savory Sawdust Sawed Saw-fish Saw-mill Sawn Saw-pit Sawyer Saxon Saxony Say Saying Scab Scabbard Scabbincss Scabby Scatlbld ale Scaled Scalene Scaling Scallop Scalloped Scalp Scalped Scalpel Scaly Scamp Scamper Scan Scandal Scandalize 'Scandalized 'Scandalous jScandalously Scandinavia Scandinavian Scanned Scant Scanter |Scantest Scantier Scantiest Scantily Scantiness Scantling Scantly Scantness Scanty Scape-goat Scape-grace Scapula iScar i 5CA 1 w SCR Scarce o , o School-teucner .. Scarcely Scarceness i d- o Schooner Schottish "^ _y_. Scarcer , ,, Schurz / " ,- \ Scarcest i~- \ o_/| Schuylkill j9* \ ) Scarcity Sciatica Scare ! Q Science \ \ \ Scarecrow Scared "^-^ Scientific Scientilical-ly <-i L* Scarf Scientist x a -O Q i ^ -M t-i Hari / S^ S\^ Sci miter / ' r>(- 0,1 1 1 n u Scarify a ~~ Scintillate ' Scarlatina Scarless ^r r=v^ - Scintillation Scion *~T L )" Scarlet Y Sciolo Scarred Q Q Scission j \ ^ > Scathe \ \ Scissors ^X XJ> ' Scathed ' ^ Sclavonian a Scathing : Q ^ o r. Sclavonic e Q ^ CL= Scoff Scatter ^* - Scoffed Scatter-brained a_n Q i Scoffer / o *~,^ Scattered k Q ~ /1 ^-4 Seoflingly n r Scavenger Scold Scene Q ^ Q_^~ Sconce Q D Q Scene-painter A^ ^1^^ Scoop Scenery 1 Scooped X V Scene-shifter Scenic *3? Scope Scorch Q // // \^ Q_^_/f Q r Scent \ ~^ Scorched Scented >. Q Q Score n Scepter Sceptered -i \4j N,j Scored Scorn ' > o_/ Schedule Scheldt *~Y~ ^r ^ Scorned Scorn t'ul-ly x^-XL x\ Scheme Scorpion Schemed Q__--N o s ^ o . ._. Scot Q_ Q _ Q Schemer Scotch / Scheming Scotched Schenectady Schiller ~^\ ^ y Scotchman Scotchmen Q ^ Q -^ ^ Schism * Scot-free Schismatic Schismatical-Iy Schlegel \_\_S~ Scotia Scotland Scott ^ _1_.._...._. Schmidt Scottish a_. o_p Schneider JL. ^ j\ " ' Scottsville V. Q-,/ Scholar i Scoundrel I Scholarly /^~ /-^ -^ Scoundrelism Scholarship Scholastic a_/ o_L a^^- Scour Scoured ^/^-^^-T^ Scholiast Scourge School f* Scourged / o 7 School-board e e cs Scout ^~ School -boy Scow School-district Scowl -^ Schooled * e e_ Scowled ' T School-fellow ^ V Scowling School-girl Scrabble a -- '' S^ o ^ School-house ~ ^ % iS & Scrabbled ~^_^ Schooling School-man Scrabbling Scraggier -v^^^ / School-master ^=* ^ t=> - l f ^ & ^--^ Scraggiest School-mate Scragginess School-men [Scraggy ^ ^^/^" School-mistress j ^ ^ ^^~^> e___^- -^ Scramble ' J ' u k SCR IS! SEA Scrambled Scran toa Scrap Scrap-book Scrape Scraped Scraper Scratch Scratched Scrawl Scrawled Scrawling Scrawny Scream Screamed Screaming Screech Screeched Screech-owl Screed Screen Screened Screw Screw-driver Screwed Screw-jack Screw-propeller Scribble Scribbled Scribbler Scribe Scrip Script Scriptural . Scriptural 1st Scripturally Scripture Scrofula Scrofulous Scrofulously Scroll Scroll-saw Scrub Scrubbed Scrubbier Scrubbiest Scrubby Scruple Scrupled Scrupulosity Scrupulous Scrupulously Scrutinize Scrutinized Scrutinizing Scrutiny Scud Scutlded Scuffle Scuffled Scull Sculled Sculling Scullion Sculptor Sculptress G > gT7 _..... ^ ""^ ~C 'Sculptural Sculpture Sculptured Scum Scummed Scumming Scurf Scurrility Scurrilous Scurrilously Scurrilousness Scurvier Scurviest Scurvily Scurviness Scurvy Scutch Scutched Scutcheon Scuttle Scythe 'Scythe-stone Scythia Scythian Sea Sea-beach Sea-board Sea-breeze Sea-captain Sea-coast Sea-fight Sea-going Sea-green Sea-gull Seal Sealed Sea-legs Sea-level Sealing Sealing-wax Seam Seaman Seamed Seamen Seaming Seamstress Seance Sear Search Searched Searcher Search-warrant Seared Sea-robber Seasalt Sea-serpent Sea-shell Seasick Seasickness Sea-side Season Seasonable-y Seasoned Seat Seated Seaward ^^^N *? *-eA*-^ ^/o^^ Q ^7 *T Jt S-. c c o -a a" / 7 O 7^- O 1 cr^ *^ .1. L k , zp ^ B ^-_ / -\ -\ -s -^-----^ a -v a \ o \ T" r^ T "~xr\/~ v ~\r ^- ^f eS ^ ^- 2- ^ ^ *-j "-i "~V ^ T ^ c ^r 6 ^^ If y^ if y_ ^^ x 13* J < .r. ^ \ e EA It i BEL - , . \ \.i \s Seduction f P P Sea-worthiness .._ 1 -.-.Sr?. Seductive 1 ^ L l_ Sea-worthy Seductively v_ V^_ Sebastian Secede s ? ? Sedulous Sedulously ^ p* Seceded 7 I ' bee Seceder 1 5 3 Seed Seeded r f c. Secessionist 1 y Seedier ' Seclude Seclusion Seediest Seediness L L '' Second **- e D Seedling Secondarily Secondary a^f o^X Seedsman Seed-time l~,_ f [ Seconder ^^~N Seedy u~~ Second-hand 0^~ Seeing Seek ~ ~ Secondly < I Seeming Secretary Secrete x o a 1 Seemingly Seemiiigiic-ss 6 ^T*' <1 ^*-^-^9 Seer I < Sectarian ~~ Seesaw ' )' Sectarianism Seethe C f Sectarianize /^ ^"^ jr\ / x/ ^ Seethed Sectary ' Segment Section /^" /^ Segregate Sectional L L Segregated U | -> Sectionalism D Segregation ''' Sectlonally x- o n ^__ Seignior Q ^ Sector ^ L^ j ^ f ^ Seine 1 Q Secular Seize Secularism f~\ /--. Seized Seizure Secularize <. Seldom Secularized Select . 1 x 1 ^ Secure f* "\\ Selected D O D Secured .......... ...... Selection Securely Security ^_ | B^ Selectman Selectmen r~^r~urx Sedalia o ' i Self Sedan Solf-abasement Sedate Sedately J or U- U- Sell-abnegation Self-acting >V> 3 _ 3 _.._ Sedate ness Sedative Sedentary Sedge Sediment Sedimentary ,L t [ ^ Self-admiration Self-aggrandizement Self-asserting Self-assertion .Self-command Self-communion U^ 1, - Sedition o P Self-complacency \ r P Seditious ,f f f Self-conceit Seditiously J > Self-conceited x^ .._ Seditiousness Sedlitz Powders Seduce f f f- J ^ r Self-conceitedness Self-condemnation Self-confidence jLfL "I > ^ Seduced < P t Self-conscious ) i Seducer Seducing ^- ^ 1 Self-consciousness Self-contradictory ' U '"" 1 iEL 1 83 8EI' Pelf-control ^ f' i 1 ;Send s- Self-defense r t^_o l jSeneca i, Q_9^ Self-denial y" Seneschal , Self-esteem. Senile Qs s~l Self-evident c -j I Q ^ Senility ( Q ' ' *^-^ Self-government V^ 3 Senior Selfhoo-1 Seniority _ Self-importance ,-4 ^ ^ Senna "~1 Q_^ 0_- Self-important cTI Sensation Self-imposed Sensational CJ_O QO , n Self-indulgence Selfish ^5> J -X Sensationalism Sensationalist T t~ TT r~> 6 Selfishly Sense Selfishness jLf *"~7 Senseless 5 9 i, Self-knowledge i Senselessly ( Self-love Senselessness Self- made i\. \r\ Sensibility <3_a "^>v Self-possessed ^ Sensible-y ^i Self-possession Sensitive Self-preservation c Vs/' /Vy"" Sensitively ^~L ^~? L_ Self-registering o^p " Sensitiveness A Self-reliance Self-reluint Self-reproach '^^ ^> Sensory Sensual Sensualism SS^ 1<-J Q+S Self-reproached Sensualist Self-respect / ^) ^N. " V /, Sensuality 1 Self-seeking l Sentenced Self-sufficiency Sentencing Self-su indent / " ""'. ^ /" O/r> Sententious * ^ ^ -^^ Self-willed ov.^ - o\_y r Sententiously 1^_2 . oV (? Sell . Sententiousuess Selma / /f /^3^ Sentient Q--^_--1 Q Q 2 Seltzer Water 6 ^X Sentiently oC_9 <^ ^^ Selvage ^\ Sentiment xrf^ Selves /^~v /f\- c %, Sentimental 0--, a^ i^~! Semblance ' / Sentimentalism "^ Semen Sentimentalist Semi-annual-ly Semi-barbarian ^.r^r ir ^ s vx / % Sentimentality Sentimentalize Q^-J a^^ Q_^-J Semi-barbarism xv Sentimentally Semi-barbarous <5~^*v x^^^I ^O/-^ Sentinel x*~ | Q ^1 Semicircle ^^ o ^t? o Sentry <1^-/ (-^ Semicircularfence CX Separable-y Semi-circumfer- /^ ^ 0~^l) X Separate XC-s\ Ov Semicolon (5if ^ (J * * Separated | 1 Semi-diameter tf^l Separately 1 Seminal l^ Separateness <>V \ ^^ S \^ Seminary V^*> /-- Sewage Seward _v.__ ; f Serenade , o/ Sewed Serene s Sewer / Serenely y oX cvX^ s Sewerage \ ^ 4 o . Sereueness Sewn L. ' sf Serenity Serf Serge X-1 y ^ Sexagenarian Sexagesiiim \ {_? jE* Sergeant Sergeant-at-arms Sergeantship * ^\^ Sextant Sextillion Sextet I Serial-ly Series -"'( &X oX sexton Sex ton ship C_3 Q_o J J Q J Serious Sexual ly Seriously ^" ft_J> Seymour Seriousness o/V o/~ "\---a Shabbier a^/ ^ -J Sermon Sermonize I Shabbiest Shabbily ^^1 Sermonized ~\_^ "^^ oX Shabbiness ) i ) Serous \ ^y ~~~"~~ Shabby *\s \^ \ Serpent ' Shackle P Serpentine X^ o/^-^'.iX^ Shackled J ) i Serrated Shad <=__ c; >- Serration Shade I Serried rv/^ n/1 "^V^-^ iShadier Shadowed , j ) Serve Shadowy i ' f> Served / V Shady ' 1 Server Servetus Shaft Shaggier (^ C/ ^ Servla ^haggiest ii / Service o/^V o/Xj o/V*> ShagKiness Serviceable -y ^^^ Shaggy *~^$) Servile ly Servility Servitor ~~ 1 Shah Shake Shaken 1 +- -^ Servitude 1 Shaker Sesame ^>A ^V_ "* Shakerism j / Session Shakespeare ~^~ J *\/ Set P /o oV P Shakespearean Seth C 1^2* j Shaktness J n J Set-off .- bhaky "^^^/^ ' 9 "* Settee Setter r 1 r Shale Shall .-/" J J\ Settle Shallop Settled Settlement Settler f L C Shallow Shallow-brained Shallower f -TS^ Set-to D V Shallowest ,> / ^~^-ff s-\ Sevastopol lv T L Sliallowness J J J Nj Seven S J ^O Shallow -pa ted s HA If c SHI Shalt X ,. Sheep-fold i 1 i Sham Shamble /^$i*&e^JS' Sheepish Sheepishly < < <0 Shambled Bheepishncss i _X, 1 Shambling Shame ^ 4 ^ Sheep-ski u Sheer ^ ^ Ir Sheffield Shelby J c/S c^S. Shameless v>^- Shelbyville v v_ Shamelessly Shameless ness T/ J ^E0 } s**> ^ I Sheldon Shelf cA ^^~ ^A_ Shaming Shelfy Shammed Shell f r r~ Shamming ) j __)_ Shellac -J cJ -J Shammy ^ -i ^ ^*5 Shelley Shampoo 1 ) > ) / Shell- fish r^J r^ r^ Shamrock J+. ^L/^L/ Shelter j j j Shang-Hai ***f Sheltered Shank Sha'n't Shanty <-* -3 "^ Shelve Shelved Shelves \_ ^^ Shiloh Shimmer Shin # T^. Sharp-sighted Shatter Shattered Shave Shaved Shaven * rr ; ^ V v_ ^ x- -v* Shinar Shindy Shine Shi ned Shingle Shingled ^ ^ + ** ^- ~ Showier Showiest Showily > ^ > Shirt Showinpss Shiver s\ -^ Show mail _A p ^ J Shivered ' Shown Shoal r > Showy Shoat J j Shrapnel } Shock Shred \s Shocked j ) \ Shredding ^-' Shocking ' *** *- ~_ - Shrew D ^ Shockingly Shrewd ** "ZT* ~j Shod i i Shrewder Shoddy r s J Shrewdest Shoe Shoe-maker i 1 -y Shrewdly Shrewdness \ * r Shone J~^ J AjU. * ish n Shook Shriuk _^_ _y. Shoot Shooling-star Shop Shop-keeper ^ St^xru. ^ Shrieked Shrill jShriller 'shrillest J ) ; ~ f } Shop-lifter ^L ^. s~\ s Bhrillnei i Shop-man \ \ Nf N^X^a Shrimp ( f Shopped " , Shrine ). ^ Shopworn < SL s- ) Shrink CS , y' Shore \/ ~\ Shrinkage <- J Shoreless Shrivel Shorn Short Y^ J Shriveled Shroud ' t 9 Short-coming Shrove-tide n 1 1 Shorten -2 }_^ < Shrove-Tuesday s ) < Shortened .Shrub c v. \ Shorter Shrubbery i nt 5 Shortest r <*" Shrubby y I y I Short-hand .^. ) Shrug s^ \ Short-horn Short-horned Short-lived ^_ j r2: Shrugged Shrunk Shrunken 1 Silence ;Silenced Silent Silently Silhouette Silicon Silk ;Silken >Silkier Silkiest Silkiness .Silk-worm Sillier Silliest Silliness Silly Silt Silurian Silver Silvered Silversmith Silvery Silvester Simeon Similar Similarity Simile Similarly Similitude Simmer Simmered Simon Simony Simoon Simper pimple ISimple-heartod wimple-minded ^ ^ ^__^, _ 0^=, ^ o../^ ^ / "^ "/^ *s r c. t j K i C c ^ Y L L ^ c rv^ L_ r r i L lt ^-s'. f ^ ?. ) f'"^ r r { <-^ *~s- p p- ^C ^ F ^ ir ( \ Simple-minded- Simpler [ness Simplest Simpleton Simplicity Simplified Simplify Simply Simulate jSimulation 'Simultaneity Simultaneous (Simultaneously Sin Sinai Since (Sincere Sincerely Sincereness 'sincerer jStncerest Sincerity Sine Sinecure Sine die Sinew .Sinewy ,Siuful-ly ^r^ ^r^n Q ^ G ~T_-' Q - <5 -M 9__9 H^^5C **< 4-> i, Q_^ = : ^<^^- f ^Xl^o_^1 n n ^ e^ ^> Q_^ Q_P <^|V Signiflcatively Signify Signer Silas J. -, r ^ _ -v f- IN 11 1 SLA Sing Singapore Singe "> Skeptical-ly Skepticism Sketch _ Singed Singing-book V <^~ N Q^^_ Sketched Sketchily c_^ ^ -7 Singing-school Sketchiuess Single Sketchy ^ Singled Single-hand 'd Skewer skewered / _^_ n ___. Singleness Single- tree o-*-^_s,*-^*-<. Skid Skiff ~n ^^ Singly skill Sing-song Singular Q_fl^ ^ ^<^- Skilled skillful-ly - e-o e^-P Singularity skilltulness Singularly Sinister Q -^- v - ^=> 9- Skim Skimmed - <^^~~-f~~ Sink bkim-milk Sink-bold Or ^~ * Skimming Sinless _ ^ ^~~r Skin Sinlessly i Skin-deep Sinlessness - Skinned Q Q Sinned Sinner XP Skip Skipped ~\ Sin-offering Sinuosity Sinuous .^._^ *-} Skipper Skirmish Skirmished ^^ a __^ Sinus " ~\ ^klrmisher _ Sioa Q ? l \ u ^~22 _/ Sioux ) Sip Siphon \ ^ ^ Skittishly Skittiishness ^ 5, _ Sipped Skulk Sir Skull _ Sire 0^ ^\ 0^ Skull-cap ^ \ Sired Skunk "'"^ Siren Sirloin Sirocco <.. -v- ,Sky Sky-blue SUy-lark .!z_ a ~xlf - Sirrah Sirup */ \ i 'Sky-light .Sky-rocket o__r <^_^ Sister V Slab Sisterhood Sister-in-law Slabber Slabbered ^x /^ ^- Sisterly ( b Sistine Sit ,p r r Slacken Slacker __ ^ c-f> Site b 6 fe Sitter Situate 1 r f Slackly Blackness _ Situated i Slag o b Situation Six Slangy 'Slain /" /- Sixfold J ^ Slake ~e~ Sixpence Six-shooier Sizable a o a D <\ 2" x. Slam Slam-bang Slammed r~r^w^ Size \ Slamming c\ a y^~ Slander /^ " ^*^ "^ ^r 1 ^ Sizzled Slanderer ^1 XH Skate Slanderous /~ Skedaddle 1 Slanderously ^X g^^ ^ Skein 7* P "-TO Slang <> ' Skeleton f Slant Skeleton-key Skeptic n J2*2^ Slanting Slantwise . 189 Slap Slap-dash Slap-jack Slapped Slash Slat Slate Slate-pencil Slating Slattern Slatternly Slaughter Slaughter-house Slave Slave-catcher Slave-hunt Slaver Slavery Slave-ship Slave-trade Slave-trader Slavish Slavishly Slavish ness Slavocracy Slavonic Slay Sleave Sled Sledge Sleek Sleeker Sleekest Sleekly Sleep Sleeper Sleepier Sleepiest Sleepily Sleepiness Sleeping-car Sleepless Sleeplessly Sleeplessness Sleepy Sleet Sleetiness Sleety Sleeve Sleeveless Sleigh Sleight Slender Slenderer Slenderest Slenderly Slenderness Slept Sleswick Sleuth-hound Slew Slice Sliced Slickness Slid Sliddeii c (I Slide Slide-rail Slight Slighter Slightest Slightly Slightness Slim Slime Slimier Slimiest Slimmer Slimmest Slimness Slimy Sling Slink Slip Slipped Slipper Slipperiness Slippery Slipshod Slit Sliver Sloe Slogan Sloop Slop Slope Sloped Sloping Slopped Sloppiiipsa Slopping Sloppy Slot Sloth Slothful ly Slothfulnesa Slouch Slouched Slough Sloven Slovenliness Slovenly Slow Slower Slowest Slowly Slowness Slug Sluggard Sluggish Sluggishly Sluggishness Sluice Slum Slumber Slung Slung-shot Slunk Slur Slush Slushy [Slut r / .. r\ c ^ -- SI>Y 190 SXO Sly Slvpr S~\ /" o (> ^ \ Smuggle Smuggled _ Slyest s Smuggler N Slyly r /^P Smut ^" 1 Slyness ,-r~^ Smuttier 1 Smack Smuttiest ' Smacked x-~x Smuttiness *~1 "~^l ~ /^ Small - ^_ 1 er~~f ^ ^ Smutty L p ' ff~^s Smaller Smyrna Smallest ^^-0 Snack C C f Stnallness ^ '^ Snaffle __ v_ V^^ Small-pox Snuffle-bit >< Smart , Snag ^f Smarter ^ a ^-^ e~*/\ Snagged a c_^ ' Smartest ^N Snail Smarting Smartly ^^ e ^_^ Snail-paced Snake YN, ^J^> Smart-money ( Snakish Smartness Smash x^o S ~) Snaky Snap K a \ _^ Smashed Snapped Smaller f~+S Snappish Q_^\ Q__ l -\ Smattered a Snappishly \. \./ \- Smear a' a \ Snappish ness J ^T 3 * Snatched q Q ._ Smiled ! ' _^ ( ' Sneak 1 Smiling Sneaked Smilingly ^ // Sneer -""^ 1_^ cu Smirch. Smirk --f e ~^ / ^ a Sneeze Smirked "~7 Sneezed Q _ jC> _a_, _5 Smite ./ Sneezing Smith 3 jSnicker Smithfleld a g- Snickered __ _A 5 Sniff Smithsonian ^_ V-r '-' Sniffed Smithville Snip " >. " ^^ Q \ Smitten Snipe Smoke V. Snipped Smoked Snivel Q Q 0_ ^V Smokeless ~_/^-~c-^ Sniveled v ^ Smoker g~>,^ !|Snow-drop T""~" v Smoothness V^" V V_" :Snowed L Smooth-spoken Smote .r--. ,Snow-flake Snow-plow _1 _ Smother \ " ^~" Snow-shoe Q TZ Soggy Snuff Snuffed Q 'V ^ -f* V_ * v V. Soi-disant Soil L ^~~ Snuffle Soiled Snuffled Soiree a Snug ^^ c * ? Sojourn eS J 9 Snugger Sojourned Snuggest Snugly ^- c _^_ a _ Sojourner Sol L C --C Suugness Solace So Solaced /? Soak ) Q Q Soiar SL O r Soaked Sold Soap Solder ,i\ 1 s^\ q 1 Soap-bubble x^S^ O^ Soldered o 1 r," ' o or lC 1 Soaped \ Soldier Soap-stone Soap-suds Soapy V, V V I I x Soldierly Soldiery Sole ' cY a^ c Soar Solecism ^r~ ^/ -S~ Soared ^ "\ ..... Sole-leather o (> h Sob Solely Sobbed Solemn . ~.^ -^ .. , ^_tt Sober ^> '"X. s v^ ^V Solemnness 66 61 Sobriety r Solicit Sobriquet So-called ^_ J J Solicitation Solicited a ^ c\ Sociability fi- \ Solicitor Sociable Sociableness j 5 ; Solicitous Solicitously a a c Sociably X X^_p ^\ Solicitude ( Social Socialism Socialist J J^J* Solid Solidified Solidify nan 1 ~ v Socialistic f**-~ f~ Solidity n f\ /i Socially 1 / ^ Solidly o I 6 r ^ I. p Society 1 Solidness 1 u ~ o Sock Socket 0-1 1 Soliloquize Soliloquized C ___. Socrates 9 Soliloquizing Socratic o 1 P Soliloquy /* /n ^n / Sod Solitaire b D L l/^ Soda Solitary "*\ Sodality Soda water Sodded Sodium n f ...t p P \ Solitude Solo Solomon Solon X ^-y S^\ Sodom Solstice (> b b 6V, Soev . ^_ Solubil.ty Sofa Soluble Soft ? ?_ V-, Solution c^ c rv Soften Solve Softened Solved Softer ^> \ ?= Solvency b^ ^ Vi b Softest Solvent f, OM 1 v> SPA Somber _ iSore Somberly rf*"~ ""*- rf*~^^ j~~^-J> Sorely r^ "A/" ~\c, Somberness Soreness Some Sorer Somebody v X. jv Sorest "~V ^i *\ Somehow 1 * Sorghum > Somersault / p Sorrel Somerset f~**Stf- -^/\ a *~s>. Sorrier If or Sorriness &/ &/^ o/ Sometimes Sorrow Somewhat Sorrowed Somewhere ./ g-^_^^j Sorrow 1'u 1-ly Source ^x "^ Sooth ^ __j ,= Soured \ y\ Soothe Sourer Soothed f f Sourest cr~* ex. crv Soothing Soothingly Soothsayer A ? O f -f f Sourish Sourly Sourness Sootier Sootiest \ ~t K Souse Soused ^r -^o Sootiness -f P _f South ft p Sooty Tj o p Southampton > \ *p Sop o South-Down Sophia Sophism _>._. ^L V^ South-east jSouth-easterly H S &- Sophist Sophistic Sophistical-ly ^5i \J)' ^.-*' South-eastern Southerly Southern */> rs e^ e- - Oi v/ ^ Sophisticate Sophistication Sophistry ^ ^ ^ Southerner Southernmost Southward __. Sophocles Sophomore Sopor ^, ^ v South-west South-westerly South-wester Q. Jy~ B?y- Soporific Sopped Soprano "N^A- %^ South-western Souvenir Sovereign P ?/> Sorcerer s Sovreignty Sorceress *** r \ f "^x^ jSow^jil ^/f > ) Sorcery Sow f v] k Sordid .s- + 'Sowed fa Sordidly a/^ t*r^ Q/*- c Sown \ Sordidness Space Spacious Spaciously Spaciousness Spade Sparled Spadeful Spain Spake Span Spandrel Spangle Spangled Spaniard Spaniel Spanish Spank Spanked Spanned Spar Spare Spared Sparely Spareness Sparer Spare-rib Sparest Spark Spark-arrester Sparkle Sparkled Sparred Sparrow Sparse Sparser Sparsest Sparseuess Sparta Spartan Spasm Spasmodic Spasmodical-ly Spathe Spatter Spattered Spatula Spavin Spawn Spawned Speak Speaker Speakership Spear Speared Special Specialist Speciality Specially Specialty Specie Species Specific Specifical-ly Specification Specified Specify Specimen -SJ Specious Speciously jSpeciousuess ,Speck ,Specked iSpeckle [Speckled (Spectacle Spectacular Spectator .Specter .Spectra Spectral Spectroscope Spectrum Speculate Speculation Speculative Speculatively Speculator Sped [Speech Speechified iSpeechify [Speechless Speech-maker Speed Speedier Speediest Speedily Speedy Spell jSpell-bound Spelled speller Spelling Spelling-book ;spek Spencer Spend Spend iliri ft ppensei Spent Sperm Spermaceti Sperm-oil Spew Spewed iSphere iSpherical-ly rtSpberotd Sphinx Spice .Spiced Spicier iSpiciest .Spicily Spiritless Spicy Spider ! Spied Spisrot Spike ; Spiked Spill Spilled \ \ _J JW \ \ \ X ^-1 1 V SPI J 94 SPK Spilt Spin V- \ > Sponged Bponglnen ^ % V Spinach Spinal Spindle > ^ % spongy Sponsor Spnritaneity /_ ' X ^ Spine Spinner Spinning-jenny 7 ' 1 |S|)ontaneous (Spontaneously sponiaueousiiess ^ w.. Spinning-wheel Spinster Spiral . \> \x \/ jSpook iSpool Spoon .-V , !k...- Spirally Spire Spirit [Spoonful Spore > ^ x^^^ / Spirited Spirit-lamp Spiritless Spirit-level Spiritous Spiritual Spiritualism Spiritualist Spiritualistic > 1 ^f ^f ^/ ^ v, oj <*J Sport iSporting Sportingly Sportive Sportively Sportsman Sportsmanship iSpot Spotless x.' ^ ^ V^" V^^ Spirituality Spiritualize Spiritualized ^ ^ Spotlessly Spot ti ness Spotty -\ \ Soiritually Spirituel S( N/ v [Spout Sprague s. % Spirituous Spit Spite Spiteful-ly Spittle Spittoon I > \ \ Sprain Sprained ISprang Sprat Sprawl Sprawled <^ Splash Splashed Splasher Spleen Splendid Splendidly Splendidness Splendor Splenetic J -> \ \ \ > >' C^ \ \ Sprawling Spray .Spread Spread-eagle Spree sprig ^prlght Sprightlier Sprightlleat ^ ^- i Splice Spliced Splicing Splint Splinter Splintered , L_ " A % ^ Sprightliness SpriKhtly Spring Springdale Springe Springfield CP ^-S^ "N^. Split Splurge Splutter Spluttered Spoil Spoiled \ ( Springier Springiest Springiness iSpring-Iot'k Spring-tide ^Spring-time ^S Spoilt Spoke V V. \ Spring-wheat SprinL'.v OOxI^ Spoken Spokesman Spoliate Spoliated Spoliation Sponge v^vnv, Sprinkle Sprinkled Sprinkler Sprite Sprout Spruce ^^ Sponge-cake A / iSpruced SPR 195 STA Sprucely '.Slabbed p P Spruceness Ov O\ ^X^. Stability -- '^ rl Sprung r Stable "1 1^"- \ (^ Spry Spryer Spryest Stabled Stiibleness Stably < c ^c ^ p N ^i Spun Spunk Spunkier Vv^-V^-' Stack Stacked Staff Spunkiest (Stafford Spunky X, *-3y \ s _^ JStag Spur ^^ Stage cS_ Spurious o l(~o S. Stage-coach f) fl /) Spuriously X^_/ ^X/'^ ^^~s* Stage-coachman r r f Spuriousness Stage-driver x 7 ^~l~. \- Spurn Stager ' ~r^ ^j Spurned Spurred ^^S 7 ^X/? ^W Stage-struck Stagger S {_ ~- Spurt Vn Q Staggered Sputter V, \n Stagnant Sputtered 1 Stagnate e*- -^ Kpy Spy-glass Squab %_<, ^ \ Stagnation Staid Staidly \ V Squabble Squabbled Squad -x i_ n Staid ness iStain Stained L. Squadron Squalid ^} -r a _f-\ Stainless 'Stainlessly T T ^ Squalidity I Stair i Squalidly Q n taircnse Squalidness j~ -C-P y~~ tair-way ^ c= \_ ~ Squall ( ptake ^\ Squalled a Staked Squalling ' f /" n (^~ Stake-holder Squalor ^^ Stalactite ~Ny I Squander Stalagmite Square \ ^ Stale /f* Squared Squarely Z^ ^ Stalk Stalked Squareness '^~ n /~~~~^ ' J Stall <= ^~ o f Squash Stalled Squat 3_ / 0- Stall-fed ,-, J-. Squatter > Q 3 Stall-feed i i (T Squaw Stallion 1 i Squeak a_ Q_ ! Stalwart Squeal ,^" " Stamen /f^ 1 ^ Squealed ""hStamina C7-^ <&-~ Squealing o_ o__ ,0^-^ ' Stammer Squeamish L . ) Stammered -*/ / -r-^/ Squeamishly Stammerer ' Squirrel i Stand Squirt Ny^~ ^ - standard Stab -X-i Standing I " ^ ^ STA 196 STE Stand-point, Stay PaT Stand-still (f *^*T Stayed r r f Stanley ~< T Stead Stanton Steadfast Stanza Staple "3 *~> ^ Steadfastly Steadfastness L L L. Star Steadied Starboard Starch .sv -^V ^ Steadier Steadiest f \ Star-chamber Starched Starchy ^^ X Sf Steadily Steadiness Steady c L. r Stare Steak Stared ^N ^ ^\ Steal (\. Stark Stealth Starlight Stealthier Starling ^^^ Stealthiest ft\ /" ftn ff (f^~ Starred -Sy Sy>-^ ^_ Stealthily Starry Stealth iness Star-spangled ^. s Stealthy fT lf[ t= ^~- Start ~zr~ ^V^~*~ Steam Starter Steam-boat Starling Startle "S ^ V ' Steam-car Steamed ^ ~^ :: - ~ Startled Steam-engine / Starvation ^ :7/ \o f^ Steamer *^/ ^_ 7 Starved r Steam-guage State Steam-pipe <*-^ Stated P P Steam -plow ^~>. ^^>v J State-house ) Steam-ship \ \ Statelier / Steam-vessel er~^ Stateliest y ~\ K^ Y~^ Steam-whistle '^V^, ^^^r" f^ Slateliness ' Stearine V= I w Stately ., Steed Pf Statement v~ P P Steel V f Staten Island !- d . Steeled State-prison Steel -trap ^, State-prisoner L C L Steelyard I C ^ State- room ^2^%. S Steep \ Statesman ~ >! \- ^ Steeped Statesman-like p p f o^ Steeper \ ^\ ^5> Statesmanly o ~"> ^^~ Steepest Statesmanship Statesmen Static Jk JU .L Steeple Steeple-chase Steepness __!__ _S___^s Station ^ Steer 4* Stationary Stationed J V o Steerage Steered _^__ / Stationer Steersman Stationery r r/^^ Stella ^ * f~' /( \ Station-bouse LT\ u \J Stellar Station-master Stellate Statist Statistic r K s U'O o Stem Stemmed ^f Statuette b <>- Stenciling ( ^1 V_^ Stature 1 Stenograph Status P P Stenographer '""^^"N Statute L Stenographic ***-> < =^-'' Statute-book ^ Stenography Stave B v t o Stentorian t ^*^\ /* ^\ Staved r > v v Step ^ 1 >TE 1< )7 STO Step-brother Step-child Step-daughter N % ^i Still-life Stillness Stillwaier /"^r- 1 Stilt Stimulant Stimulate Stimulation Stimulative Stimulus Sting Stinger Stingier Stingiest Stingily Stinginess Stingy Stink XO XT) \ 5 ^~ ^-" Sterility Sterling Stern Sterner Sternest Sternly Sternness Sternum Stethoscope Steuben Stevedore Stevens Stevenson Stew Steward y ^^- 4^_P X^_f\ NO x^__^ P P P Stint Stipend Stipendiary Stipple Stippled Stipulate Stipulation Stir Stirred Stirrup Stitch Stitched Stock. Stockade Stock-broker ^ ^ x / / t=- Stewardess Stewardship Stewart Stewed Stick Stickier s ~ T p P Stocked Stock-exchange Stock-farmer Stockholder Stockholm Slocking / ~~N "^" Stickiest Stickiness Stickle / Stock jobber Stock-market Stock still _^-^.- n Stickled Stickler Sticky _r^ - v Stock-taking Stockton Stock-train "^ -M f> Stiff Stiffen Stiffened 1, v V Stoic Stoical-ly Stoicism Stiffer Stiffest Stiffly \ Stole Stolen Stolid r n / Storminess Straw-color LjC 1_p Storming "^^-~ ^\ ^^^X , Straw-cutter " I Stormy Stray Story Story-book Strayed Streak 1 - l 5= Story-teller s Streaked 1 Stout Streaky 1 T =U Stouter n n p Stream 1 1 . ^ Stoutest 1 t) Streamed Stoutly Streamer 1 1 Stoutness b^_ Streaming r^ L -^_ Stove Street Stoved P P Strength O>- Stow Stowage ^ / Strengthen Strengthened \ ^ ^ Stowe Stowed Strabismus ~~6 Strenuous Strenuously Strenuous n ess l-j \> UP Strabo ill Stress \Q =1 Straddle Straddled V. \ J Stretch Stretched ) Straggle Straggled Straight L L i Stretcher .Strew Strewed \ 1 T / ' ~r Straighten Stricken Straighter 1 "U \ Strict i _, Straightest Stricter Straightforward 1 V. **f~ 1 'strictest Strictly L \f "_. Strarghtnesp ' \f Strictness Straightway Strai n Strained S ' ' Stricture Stridden Stride U]___] ." Strainer Strait Straiten Strident Strife Strike \ 1 L Straiter 'string (~^, <^>f ^~f Strai test a o 9 Stringency Strait-jacket S ' / Stringent ) Strait-laced Strait ness y i o Stringently Stringy Q Strand r Strip "^ STK 109 SUB Stripe 111 Stunned Striped Stripling L L s! Stunner Stunt *" "^ *" ^\_^ Stripped Strive I 1 U Stupefaction Stupefied V-3 \ X Striven Stupefy X Strode Stupendous Stroke 11 1_- Stupendously <\ ^ o Stroked Stupendousaess J r* ) Strokesman Stroll Strolled ~^> ^ r Stupid Stupidity Stupidly ^ "] ^ Stroller Strolling Strong V^ 1 ^^ c Stupor Sturdier Sturdiest y\ f^\ Stronger Strongest Sturdily Sturdiness ^ - ^i^ ^| Stronghold Sturdy Strongly Strophe Strove <^ , a V 1 .Sturgeon Stutter Stuttered ^ \ \ Struck Structural L I r \/ f ~ ' o Stutterer Stuttgart \ I I Structure Sty ^ Struggle Struggled Strumpet L 1 1~! Stygian Style Styled f f P J Strung Strut 1 l_i: Stylish Stylishly o o^ o^ Strychnine p Stylishness Qf no rr Suasion Stub Stubbiness ___ \ V^ Suave Suavely tr N l7 ^ ^^N Stubble p / Suavity Stubborn Stubbornly ^ V^ XX Sub Subagency "V * ti Stubbornness Stubby Stucco V^ X ^ Subngent Subaltern Subcommittee V V" M' Stuccoed ^^ Subcontract Stuck '"J 1 Subcontractor ^.1 ^vl ^. Stuck-up =^- ...c^^__ Subcutaneous fj . Stud Subdivide P Studded Student f p 1 Subdivided Subdivision S S S Stud-horse Studied p p ^ Subdue Subdued \ \ \ Studio a 1 Subject ll Studious Studiously Stucliousness Study Stuff 5 5^ L f V v Subjected Subjection Subjective Subjectively Subjectivenesa ^ s ^ Staffed I v_ x_ Subject-matter c Stuffiness Stutfy V Subjoin Subjoined \ \ \ Stultified s> Subjugate SUG 201 SUP Sugar _. -, _ Sunday -school g a Sugar-cane Sugared -J J J 7 Sunder Sun-dial k_ *_^ ~3 Sugar-loaf >\, /~ Sundown q Sugar-maple Sugar-mill J 3 x Sundry Suniisli -^ Sugar-plum / f> Sunflower Suggest Suggested \-/ T Sung Sunk q Suggestion Suggestive Suggestively A- < Sunken Sunlight Sunned < V v - Suggestiveness Sunnier Suicidal-ly f ~) ~) Sunniest ~~^ a , Suicide ^^-_p \~ Sunny Suing Sunrise 9 Suit Suitable-y bP P Sunset Sunshine c / f 1 *1^ Suite T Sunshiny Suited Sun-stroke Q_-L V Suitor p Sup ^~~} Sulk / t=i Super < ~~' Sulkier f /" /" Superabundance :2 \^ ^\N o \S Sulkiest Superabundant Sulkily f~ Superadd Sulkiness Sulky C~ ( superadded Superb N- N- X Sullen r Superbly f- Sullenly C^ L (^~~ 9 Supercilious cv S V^ D ^ > Sullenness Superciliously N^/^ Sullied Supererogation -, /' Sullivan Sully fl <\ . C Superficial Superficiality 5 ^\ > Sulphurous [Superfluous 1 Sultan /jf*^ ^] bl liSupeiheat X^^X ON. / 1 Sultana b d o - Superheated Sultrier Superhuman Sultriest ^*l /^"^l /*! Superimpose ^v ^ *\ Sultriness > ) Superimposed N ^^> ^~ ^ \^i Sultry Sum rl .r-ly Survival Survive Survived Survivor Susan Susanna Mi *pn : :r Snaceptible-y Swuggered Swain SWHllOW Swallowed Swallow-tailed Swam Swamp Swamped Swamping Swan - L_>^ > ?- 1 "* f. L ^ L/- I t * i ; of bCT" 6 > F L L, r JL fs ^ _L*25 SYN 204 TAN Synecdoche Synod Synodal -L-M *-r Tacked Tackle Tackled - \ 1 1 ^- J_ L Synodic Tact Synodical-ly Synonym ^- ~^~- Tactics Tadpole 1 i 1 L 1 i Synonymous Synonymously , ,? --^""^-ft Taffeta Taffy i i r Synopses Tag i ^ _ t .. Svnopsis Tagged i \^ Syntax ft_--N. c " " f Tail _ L_ K r^ Syntheses Tailor Synthesis Taint .Synthetic Q ~~t-\ q r o_* Taintless . i Synthetieal-ly 1 ^__ Take (^ Syphilis Syphilitic Syracuse ^r VL <*\^ Take-in Taken Take-off 'U_U L^ Syria Talbot Syriac S~ ./ ./> Tale k^*v r~ Y~^^/ Sy rian Tale-bearer ^ ^^ Syringa Talent Syringe "N '^ *\ Talisman f^O ^ Syringed *** f * Talk Syrup Talkative 1 1 ( System ~\ [_^ L Talked I, L Systematic N. Talker y Systematical-ly ppp Tall /^) Systematize Tallahassee r Y * * Systematized 1> \ Taller - Systemless p Tallest i^ \^~~y t- f Tallness \ < \s~ Tallow \ Tallow-candle Tally \s~ /^~ \s~ y^~^ T Talmud Talmudic Talmudieal ~~~Y^^_ Taimudistic T Talon Tab Tabby k k Tamarack Tamarind Y~' L/~ 'v-^ Tabernacle Tambourine Table Tableau l v_ < _\ "x Tame Tamed ^ U L Table-cloth Tameless Tabled Table-d'hote < i i Tamely Tameness UV^UT u_p Table-land it Tamer Table-spoon J J Tamest f * L^i U~~^^ Table-spoonful ^V" >5 ^ Taming Tablet 1^ ^ Tamp Table-talk J 1 1 Tamper i _ , Taboo < '~ J ^" li - J ~v Tangil>le-y Tangle /' j* "-* Tacit Tangled \ \ Tacitly Taciturn \ V V Tank Tankard L<_ i Lr- Taciturnity Tanned Tacitus 1 Tanner Tack v^\ I _J- Tannery -3 i^~ _ TATS* 2(15 TEE Tansy Tantalization Tantalize Tantalized Tantalus Tantamount Tan-yard Tap Tape Tape-line Taper Tapered Tapestry Tape-worm Tapioca Tapir Tapis Tapped Tar Tarantula Tardier Tardiest Tardily Tardiness Tardy Tare Target Targnm Tariff Tarlatan Tarnish Tarnished Tarpaulin Tarred Tarried Tarry Tart Tartan Tartar Tartar-emetic Tartarus Tartary Tartly Tartness Task Tasked Task- master Tassel Tassel ed Tasseliug Tasso Taste Tasted Tasteful-ly Tasteless Tatter Tatterdemalion Tattered Tattle Tattled Tattler Tattoo Taught Taunt Taurus Taut I ,-J W Tautulogical-ly Tau (o logy Tavern Tawdrier Tawdriest Tawdriness Tawdry Tawnier Tawniest Tawny Tax. Taxable Taxation Taxed Taxidermist Taxidermy Taxing Taylor Taylorsville Tea Tea-canister Teach Teachable Teacher Tea-chest Tea-cup Tea-cupful Tea-dealer Tea-drinker Tea-kettle Teal Team Teamster Tea-pot Tearfu] Tear[n] Tearf'ul-ly Tearless Tearlessly Tease Teased Teasel Teasing Tea-spoon Tea-spoonful Teat Tea-table Teclmic Technical Technicality Technically Technique Technological Technology Tedious Tediously Tediousnesa Tedium Teem Teemed Teeming iTcens Teeter Teeth Teething Teetotal t^ \ (0 b r 1 ^ I \ \ ' ,?- *j . ii \_ L U u < k ^ k k \v-^ a ts k k"L I- ' \ U 1 ! ts- -b^ ! i I t; L=- t= ~ Ue 1 1 ^~~\ \ \ \o i; ,. ^ Ixl ^r~ 1 1 ^ S s ' \^\ ixr i/u, i/l L^ 4, l^ VI 1 3 1 } * V" L_ LX| |x 1 1 --1 n ? J -4 JTSZ ir ^ i_ ,..._k '^ I I t - L-^3 L K S k k- kX 1 " Ix J | l_ \ I ' 1 r ,. 1 ^ Y - " ^ L_l _A - i - / L J. 1, If V M=f J_ ! I 1 u_ J- ol --0 ^ c 1 - ( < u_ S k. ^^S l , i t t, us 2 ^ > i P k h \ \ \ 1 H j ^ U^ I i j j j "o ] ~" e 1 TEE 206 TES Teetotaler Teeiotally Teetotum I ' Tendril Tenement Tenet L -'Y *-* t Teheran Telegram L V i f- Tenfold Tennessee i ^ ^ Telegraph Tennis V ' ^ Telegraphic Telegruptiical-ly Telegraphist lr L^rf M Tennyson Tenor Ten-pins L_A_^ ^ Temperateness Term i native . . ,, Temperature ^^^^ P \s ' yn L*^ Termini [, ^ L ^ i >- Tempest 1 Terminology ~^ Tempestuous Tempestuously Templar T r Terminus Terpsichore Terrace 1 T [^ Nr- Temple . . Terraced 1 JO- 1 f\ Temporal l*~*f U^v S l*"s /] Terracing \/ \s~^ ^r V ~ Temporality I/ dX 1 Terra firuia Temporally . s Terrapin > Temporary S \^'^\r-^^ Terre Haute [^X^- \s \r\ Temporize ^\S Terrestrial -ly Temporized 1 */ Terrible-y ./ Temporizer U^U^xu^- Terrier ./^^ \s L^y Temporizing Terrific Tempt Temptation Tempter L U, U, (j Terrifical-ly Terrified Terrify UA_ X- X\- Ten Territorlal-ly ^ Tenability J L< L< Territory L Terror Tenacious Tenaciously Tenaciousness J / JL Terrorize Terse Tersely ^ Sr Tenacity Terseness i i Tenancy Terser L L L x Tenant -f ^ Tersest *- \ Tenantless Tertiary i i i Tenantry I . j Tessellate \ < j ' Tend 1 Tessellation J Tendency Tender i i Test Testament \ j^ J-v/ Tenderer ) ^ ^ Testamentary Tenderest Testate 1 Tender-hearted i i i Tested L I k Tenderloin -^> ^ ^> ^ f Testier P r P Tenderly Tenderness \ ^ ^^ J Testiest Testified I ^ Tendon Testify r ^^~ ( ) TES 157 THT Testimonial Testimony Testiness r ~~ T L> Theolosical-iy Tbeologist Theologue L i Theoretic / Tete-a-tete Tether , .,. L L Theoretical-ly Theorist ^ (S C/ Tethered ) ' Theorize Tetrarch / / ' Theorized / f? Tetrarchy \r \/r \ Theorizing i f^ { ^*** ( / \/ \/ \/ Tetter 1 Theory Teuton I Theosophic Teutonic Texas J- L L- Theosophical Theosophist \ r ^ Text Theosophy Text-book ^ j ] Therapeutic L ^ ] Textile \ r Therapeutical V ^ a Texture There Thackeray Thaddeus "1 'l S Thereabout Thereabouts ^ ^ I Thaler Thereafter ^(\ r\ Thalia Thames 1^ V l~i Thereat Thereby ? V Than . ^Therefore Thane / Therein / D < ) N Thank t" -(r Thereof V Thankful-ly Thankless r ^ ( ^ Thereon Theresa ) t/*> ) Thank-offering Thereto ~~^ Thanksgiving That Thatch / ..1 ( Thereunto Thereupon Therewith \ \ r Thatched / ( ( Thermal Thaw V x Thermometer \~~f~ \-^-~. Thawed ^ I.. These Thawing The (^ ( Theses Theseus (a ( Theirs ( i\ Thicker Theism ^ i Thickest C L- L Theist *-^. Thicket Theistic / / Thickly i Theistical M ^A / Thickness ^ ( ( Them Thickset 1 Theme C-^ r' Thick-skinned Themistocles Thief ( n ( L^ Themselves *i Thiers v_ Then Thence Thenceforth \j ko Vo 4 Thievery Thieves Thievish S L 'w Thenceforward Thievishly / Theocracy Theodolite V t-1 ^ S/ J Thievishness Thigh V/ ^-^^ Theodora Thimble .- / Theodore C c (. Thin / ll \i Theodorus \s \ \s Thine ^"^ ' Theogony Thing Theologian C V Think ^ c l Theologic _____ __ f Thinker S s 1 HI 2( 18 TIA Thinly Thinned C- t k Threw Thnce ) 2 <) Thiuner i ' i Thrift / V Thinness Thinnest L_J> ^ C, Thriftier Thriftiest ^ I *> Thin-skinned Thriftily S Third Thrifiiness Thirdly 5 y~~ y Thriftless ) ) ) Thirst Thriftlessness ^ p f" /* Thirsted Thrifty Q t_j> ^ t\s- ^ Thirstier 535 Thrill < ' P Thirstiest Y 1 b Thrilled V. Thirstily S Thrilling ' Thirsty Thrive r / / This v~ 1 Thrived ^__ Thistle Thither / ( ^ Thriven Throat ) -> _L Thomas { \ "T> Throb Vi Thompson Thomson / Throbbed Tli roe L_ *) 5 Thong Throne Tbor D Throned Thoracic (/ t/ I/ Tbronx 3 ") n) Thorax Throttle *^ r Thoreau Throttled Thorn ! / F s 9 ( /*~ Tnrottle-lever (5 t) ^y^V. Thorny ThrotUe-vulve r\ i Thorough Thorough-base Thorough-bred (/ r/^ Thrum Thrummed A *\ *S Tborwaldsen "" Vz^ Thrumming Those Thrush , Thou ( ( ( Thrust V J ( Though Vo V \ ThucyUides Thought Thud i Though tful-Iy < ^ > Tiiuur ( C_ p Thoughtless t Thule 1 Thoughtlessly Thoughtlessness > ; Thumb Thumbed \ V>* V- -^ Thousand Thousand-fold Thousandth Thrace r Thumb-screw Thump Thumped U_ U L Thracian Thrall y V YV^ Thumping Thunder ^^-^ C C Thralldom Thunder-bolt ""N^ Thrash Thunderer Thrashed Thread >s_/ !)_. 5 ~LX i^^ Thunderous Thunder-shower C ^L_ } C_^ Threadbare Thunder-storm ^ Threat 'Thunderstruck ^ '''V %( Threaten V Thursday v - ^ >. -- "1 Threatened ^^N Thus Three Threefold 1 5 1 Thwack Thwacked C- ^ Threepence r Thwart / Three-ply ^ ^) V Thwarting (, (/^^ Thresh N, \ Thy Threshed ij Thyme I d ' Thresher ^ l TL/ Thyself ^^__ _ ^/ Threshold j Tiara ri3 2( 1 TOB Tiber Tiberius Tick N lv> U Timothy Tin Tincture 4 j- q Ticked Ticket L L Tinctured Tinder Tickle Tinder- box T ** >. Tickled \ \ \ Tine i i Ticklish L- cJ Tin-foil J d j Ticklislmess .. ^_ _=g. Tinge r ' Tidal Tide -i 1 .-. - k Tinged Tingle Tide-table l\ Tingled / <__ <_ Tidier Tidiest 1 -V Tinier Tiniest . . L.^) i Tidily Tinker i "" ^^-^ Tidiness Tidings Tidy n _^_.. ^ Tinkle Tinkled Tinned I i j Tie Tied Tier L, Tinsel Tinseled Tinseling L_x=> 1 e> ^-/^ Tierce Tiff k [ u Tint Tiny ^ L r Tiger d Tip Tight 1 1, Tipeart i i i Tighten !- Tippecanoe k L k Tighter J Tipped ^- ^ ^ Tightest I 1 Tippet 1 1 J Tightly Tightness [ _x: J & " L_9 Tipple Tippled _k 4 i.. Tigress Tigris lo I" ^ Tippler Tipsy < k k Tile Tiptoe "S ) "1 Tiled Tiling ,1 J r Tirade Tire Till c? Tired i Tillage Tiresome I Tilled P 'Tis i-^ ) Tiller y S Tissue v^ Tilling Tilt Timber f V I Titan Titanic Titbit _j 4_ L Timber-man Tithe i Timber-yard Timbrel Time Time-ball U ^^V Tithed Tithing Titillate Titillation 1 ^ \ Time-book Title \ \ \ Timed Time-honored L 1- l-*\ Titled Titter \ \ \ Time-keeper Tittered Timelier X"~N| .^l X Tittle j j i Timeliest 1 7 )l- J I -/ Titular - r f Time-lock Titus 1 t- t Timely Time-piece V IX ^/ To Toad j Time-server Toad-eater i Time-table I Toiid -stool 1 Timid 1 1 Toady -, Timidity \ Toadyism J-^ Timidly I 1 Toast !/ L^ | ^ ^ Toasted L 1 .TT^s Timing Toast-master r Timorous Timorously Timorousness .^u/u^ Tobacco Tobacconist Tobacco-pipe ^^ Q\ r roc 2 10 TOU Tocsin 1 j Topaz 1 1 1 To-duy 1 , . . I 1 Topeka L Toddle 1 Toper X V_ *\ Toddled 1 Top-heavy 1 Toddy f V Tophet ^A ( I Todo 1 Topic ^^ 1 \_ Toe Topmast Toed [- i TOpograpbM J Toga Topographic \_ ^\ < v^ -. Together v~ Topographli-iil-ly i Tosgery / Topography I I s Toll Topple Nr^T N " Tolled Toilet L_ t -)- Toppled Topsy-turvy J 1 Toiling Torch "~ \ s ^ Toilsome \f* " Torch-lijjht /^ Tokay 1 1 = Tore \/2~ Token Torment ^~^ Told Tormentor Toledo Tolerable-y r n i>x Torn Tornado l^ V l/~1 Tolerance Toronto Tolerant t/ C" \' Torpedo Sv^ Tolerate Torpid Toleration Toll {/> v" y*y Torpidity Torpidness ^ ^^ J^K Toll-bridge * Torpor 1 Tolled Tolling j j r^ Torrent Torrid U M L, Tollman Tomahawk Tomato , u Torsion Torso Tort ^ t- t^L Tomb n Tortoise Tombed Tortoise-shell s~ Tombing i I ^C: Tortuous ^J V\ 1/1 Tomboy ~U lv^ """ ^ Tortuously Tombstone i Torture * Tomcat 1 ^ Tortured \/\ \/\ 1/1 Tome "^ Torturer , Tomfool J Tory i Tomfoolery U, i-. ^ -^s (Toryism v V*~" To-morrow \*\f Toss Ton [Fr.] Ton r U/ J J Tossed Tossing \ t^ ! Tone Tost Toned Tongs Tongue j -U. L, Total Totality Totally J J J Tonic Totter i i Tonnage Tonsil / L> Tottered Touch -1 L J Tonsilitis Touched Tonsorial Tonsure La LX L^ Touch ily Touchiness j L ^ Tonsured Touch-stone * e Tontine i i Touchy i ! i Too L^ |l N Tough J / Took 11 Toughen J i Tool Toot ^..... Toughened Tougher th U< J"v Tooth [Toughest Toot ti ache Tooth-brush Toothed j" t 6 Tons lily Toughness Tour L 1 * i Tooth-pick Tourist i | ^? \r* Top ( , Tournament S ^ rou 11 TRA Tout-ensemble Tow Toward L 1 fl'ruitorly Traitorous Traitorously V \ 1 Towards ^f*-s-c Trajan ( Towed o ^ I Tram 1 s~ Towel ~r Trammel J ~l^ p=q~ Tower f Trammeled Towered 1 1 ' Tramp 1-1 Towering ~v^ Tramped ~tp ~~i^ U Town ' ,/ Tramping Town-hall Town-house _} jj_ -\-/- Trample Trampled J ! .^...._L /i r..._'U.. Town-meeting Towns-folk v Tram-way Trance i i I Township _J _J_ Tranquil l^~ a * < Townsman Tranquilize > r Town -talk Tow-path 1- - J 1 5> ( ... , Tranquiliy.ed Tranquilizing u^JLJL-.^^ Tow-rope 1 ~l ( Tranquillity Toy x' /x \ 1 * Tranquilly n Toyed Transact ^** i ^'^ ""1 _"* r Trace Transaction 1 Traced 1 1 V Transatlantic q |L Tracery o U ir Transcend fZS~ ** Trachea Tracing Tracing-paper L, I 1 * ^M^ 1 -^\. Transcendence Transcendent Transcendental L^ o lj^_ L~... c Track ^\ Transcendentalism Tracked Trackless .1 <].._. l^.. Trail scendentalist Transcenden tally Lj, L lw Tract Transcribe - o Tractability Tractable-y L L \ Transcribed Transcriber i-^ i^ ] \ Traction | Transcript Trade LJ i 1.L Transcription Trade-dollar Transept Trade-mark Transfer . Trade-price Trader t-*/~~ S. S Transferable Transfer-paper >j( L-* ^-^*\ Trade-sale Transferred \ Tradesman Trades-union J, 3- =. \_y Transfiguration Transfigure 1 1 v M. ^j 1 -^ Trade-wind Transfigured ^ Tradition L 1 1 Transfix 1 I 1 Traditional-ly 1 Transfixed 1 f L ? ' f X^ V D V 3 Traditionary Traduce Traduced V \ \ Transfixing Transform Transformation 11 1 k_J * ^ >^_f V- n X. V^ Traducing Transformed ^^ V-. X Trafalgar Traffic L I \- Transforming Transfuse 1 1 ^ 1 o ^ k ^ Trafficked Transfused X A . Tragacanth I- } 1 Transfusing Tragedian L / Transfusion ^> ^L^^-f Tragedienne Tragedy Tragic } ( / i ; 2 Transgress Transgressed Transgressing Vj Tragical-ly Trail Trailed 1 , J ; Transgression Transgressor Transient 1 -i J ^ 1 Trailing Transiently Train dj O Transit i Train-band * Transition J "I Trained Transitional f Trait Prai tor 3 V i Transitive Transitively V ] 3 1 1 U U^- Tit A 212 TRI Transitorily Transitory Translate r, ft Q is TrcasuriMl Treasurer In-aoury 1 1 J Translation Translator Translucence r f \^ Treat Treatise Treatment i P -u b Translucent Treaty I n Transmigrate \*~ 3-~*""^ Treble J Transmigration 1C Trebled >w Transmigratory Transmissibility Transmissible 3 <-^3-6 l~e^ \ "^>* Trebly Tree Treed ^ .! .] Transmission Transmit Transmutable-y n n Trefoil Trellis Tremble 'Y 1 T ^ Transmute Transom Transparency t ^ C^ Trembled Tremendous Tremendously ^ h V Transparent Transparently Transpire ^I^U^ Tremor Tremulous Tremulously u/ urur Transpired Transplant Transplanting 1 1 1 L_s L_< ^_< \x * > - Trench Trenchant Trenched /3 J ; Transport Transportable Transportation Transposal Transpose ] ] 1 Trend Trenton Trepidation Trespass Trespassed ( i ^ Transposed X, X, "X Trespasser X,, C N 5> "^r^ Transposing Transposition Transubstan tiate r C ^ ^ \o _ ^. >> Trespassing Tress Trestle 1 I 1 ><_ , ( Transubstantia- Transverse [tion Transversely Trap Trap-door Trapeze x " ^> 1 T 1 ~^ t^ 4TX ^\* ^y> d A n , . Triad Trial Triangle Triangled Triangular Triangularly In L i r ^-< Trapezium, N \n > Triangulation 11 Tribe Trapper l^ .Jj. !|__.._ Tribulation ^_ x _^ x^ ->>^c.^. Trappist Trash Trashier V J J Tribunal Tribune Tributary 'L 1 lx c^ 3 Trashiest ^ Tribute Trashiness ] I/-* V Trice ! I \ Trashy Trick ^. Travail Travailed Travel i V l Tricked Trickery Trickle 'L L/ L Traveled Traveler / 1 L Trickled Trickster L L= U Traverse V d Tricky Traversed Travesty Tray S I Tricycle Trideut Tried L_ | _J r Treacherous Treacherously Treachery I V 1 /// Trier Trifle Trifled I j 3 * ^ Treacle Tread Tread-mill Treason 1 f 1 i u^ Trifler Trigger Trigonometry Trilemma -k ^ H Treasonable-y b . ^ Trill ^ _/; c. Treasure ^ iTrilled r fKI 2 13 TUF Trilling Trillion J_ I'* V- Trough Trousers 1 3, I Trim , c Trousseau ^ )- Trimly Trimmed u/~ "L U Trout Trover s ] ~ Trimmer Trow Trimmest Trimming i 1 i U-^, L ^^ L - P Trowel Troy r L i - S- Trimuesa Trinitarian Troy-weight Truant ?"'" 1 Trinitariauism Trinity L^Uj^-^ l^ Truce Truck t '^" Trinket Trio Trip L- 1- X- Trunk le Truckled Truculent 1_ L L^ Tripe 1 i Trudge Triphammer Triphthong ^ - 1 - L Trudged True / ) 1- Triphthougal True-blue Triple Tripled \^ ^ ^ True-hearted True-love d ~\/\ r"vr' Triplet "~ 1 Truer v-\ Tripoli Tripped < v- - Truest Truffle -1" ^ i Trisyllabic n Truism Trisyllable Trite i '^ ^ Truly Trumbull -k- -I"- ^ Tritely Triteness y i 1 ' L^P Trump Trumped U- L UX Triton J Trumpery Triturate Trituration 1 1 1 _L<2_ L , Trumpet Trumpeter u u, ; Triumph .y ^^ Truncheon ] 1 S Triumphal Triumphant Triumphantly K -K W" Trundle Trunk Trunnion L 1 L Triumphed n Truss Triumvir Triune K1 L_s L- <^v Trussed Trussing ft n 1 b b^^ Trivial Trust Triviality Trust-deed 1 1 1 I 1 b Trivially f Trusted r ' Tri-weekly Troche Trod V 1 ..^ t_ 4 Trustee Trustful-ly Trustier i i v Trodden i Trustiest Trojan Troll J- j r Trustiness Trustingly \ L v Trolled Trustworthiness ; Trolling Trollope 1 1 1^\ r C, Trustworthy Trusty ix^^V^^p e^N P Trombone Truth n 1 1 Troop Trooped t~^ \- -^ Try Tub 1 k Trooper > Tube Trope n Tuber i l i Trophy ~K" \ \^_ Tubercle L k/ >/ Tropic ^ Tubercular \ ^ a Tropical 1 1 ^ Tuberose 1 1 1 Trot N^ \ Tuberosity *\ C j> "V jt Troth Tubular a^_^^\/ N/l Trotter Tuck i 1 1 Troubadour Tucked .|_,_ U Trouble Tudor >/ 1 Troubled J J J Tuesday 1 1 t Troublesome "\ ^ S^ Tutt i T TUG 214 TYK Tag Tugged L L Tusk Tussle i- 1 1 Tuition Tussled SV p Tulip Tumble Tumbled r\ L X u^ Tussling Tutelage Tutelary d ^7 K Tumbler Tutor J Tumblerful L i- 1*-*>V. L-~ev S~ Tutored 1 1 f Tumbrel ^~^^">v ^^V/ Twaddle T \ ' Tumefaction ^~^ ^^ Twain 1 Tumefied Tumefy b=~ -U- 1~- Twang TWM 1' ._ i_ Tumid V _^ V^ Tweak |C 1C Tumidity Tumor i I i Twee/.ers Twelfth i=i b r V l^ K l^*. Tumult Tumultuous Tumultuously l~r U/T, U-/L Twelve Twelvemonth Twicu r f r l- u L \ Tun Twig | |> J^- Tune 1 i Twlngbt Tuned Twill Tunic Twilled | C l c | c Tunis Tunker i t-u Twilling Twin ^ ^ ( Tunnel Twine |<- 1C Tunneled Turban ^ i V, Twined Twinge u J L yo ' Turbid Twinged r Turbine kn Twinkle ji Turbot *V Twinkled < <_ Turbulence 1 Twirl Turbulent i i _^ Twirled I x' 1 xf jxf' Turcoman X/" 3 \^' ^ Twirling fi ' Turgeseent Twitch c Turgid ill Twitched 1 Turgidity / / t Twitter / / Turgidly (L- Twittered Turgidaess Turin V* r~ Lt Twist Two 11 1 -^ N Turk Twofold Turkey t- 1 1^ Two-ply v v k^^\ Turkey-buzzard Tylor >- \ Turkistan } Tympanum 1 Turmoil 'i/' i/* Tyndall l_^ 1 Turn j Type "^"^ p^ \ Turncoat Type-foundery 1 1 1 Turned Turner u ^ Type-metal Type-writer -XTT-W^-'W^ Turning-point Turnip Turnkey ^ l_^ l^- Typhoid Typhus Typic L ' L L i Turn-out Typical-ly ii i Turnpike '/T l/\ I/"* Typified k k -L Turnstile 1 N Typify \_ \ ""N Turn-table Turpentine Turquois 1 k L Ty pograph ical-ly Typographer Typography v. Turret ^ Tyrannical-ly ^ ^ Nji Turtle f* Tyrannize \jr [/^ \^f^~^ Turtle-dove Tyrannized Tuscaloosa i Tyrannizing ^j,. Tuscan j_/~) j 1 Tyranny [/ \/~ " i/ 7 Tuscany __ Tyrant Tyre Tyro - Tyrol Tyrolese IT u Ubiquitous Ubiquity Udder Uglier Ugliest Ugliness Ugly Ukase Ulcer Ulcerate Ulceration Ulcerous Ulster Ulterior Ulteriorly Ultima Ultimate Ultimately Ultimatum Ultimo Ultra Ultraism Ultramarine Ultramontane Ulysses Umber Umbilicus Umbrage Umbrageous Umbrageously Umbrella Umpire Umpireship Unable Unabridged Unacceptable Unacceptableness Unacceptably Unaccomplished Unaccountable I'naccountablenesr* Unaccountably Unaccustomed Unacquainted Unadvisable-y Unadvised Unadvisedly Unaffected Unaffectedly Unalloyed Unamiable Unanimity Unanimous n Unanimously Unansvverable-y Unapt Unaptly Unaplness Unarmed Unassuming Unavailing Unavoidabie-y Unaware Unawares Unbalanced Unbar Unbarred Unbecoming Unbecomingly Unbeknown Unbelief Unbeliever Unbend Unbending Unbendingly Unbent, Un biased Unhid Unbidden Unbind Unblushing Unbolt Unborn Unbound Unbounded Unbrace Unbraced Unbracing Unbred Unburden Unburdened Unbutton Unbuttoned Uncalled-for IJnceasing Unceasingly Unceremonious Unceremoniouslj Uncertain Uncertainly Uncertainty Unchain Unchained Uncharitable-y Unchaste Unchristian Unchristiunly Uncivil Uncivilized Uncivilly Unclasp Unclasped Uncle Unclean Uneleanness Uncoil Uncoiled Uncoiling Uncomfortable-y : V 1 X 216 UXF Uncommon Uncommonly Uncompromising Unoom prornis- Cnconcern [iugly Unconcerned Unconcernedly Unconditional-ly Unconformable-y Unconscionable-y Unconscious , Unconsciously Unconsciousness Unconstitutional Unconstitutionally Unconstitutionally Uncoil trollable-y Unconverted Uncork Uncouple Uncoupled Uncouth Uncouthly Uucouthness Uncover Uncovered Uncreated Unction Unctuous Unctuously Uncut Undated Undaunted Undauntedly Undeceive Undeceived Undemonstrative Undeniable-y Under Underbid Underbmsh Under-clothing Under-current Underdone Underestimate Undergo Undergone Under-graduate Under-ground Undergrowth Underhand Underlay Underlie Underlying Undermine Undermined Underneath Underpinning Underrate Underrated Underscore Underscored Undersell Undershirt Unders : gn Undersigned I r [Undersold nderstand nders landing nderstate ,'nderstood udertake Undertaken Undertaker iUnder-tone [Undertook iUiidenv<-nt ll'ndesipning Undetermined I'ndevialiug Cndid Undignified Undisciplined Undivided MB Undone Undoubted Undoubtedly Undress Undressed Undressing , Undue Undulate Undulation Undulatory Unduly Undying I Unearth Unearthed Unearthing Unearthly Uneasily Uneasiness Uneasy (Unembarrassed Unequal Un equaled ['Unequally I Unequivocal Unequi vocal -ly Unerring Unessential-ly Tj Uneven ^Unevenly _ Unevenness ' Unexampled . TnexceptionaMe-y UnexhanslPd ~ Unexpected Unexpectedly Unfailing Unfair Unfairly /! Unfairness Unfaithful-ly ^Unfaithfulness Unfashionable-y [ ~ Unfathomable-y T*nfavorable-y Unfpeltnjt ~" Unfeelingly ~ - _ I -L ^i- UNP 217 UNM Unfeigned Unfeignedly Unfertile Unfetter Unfllial-ly Unfinished Unfit Unfitly Un fitness Unfix 'Unfixed Unfixing Unfold Unforeseen Un forgiven Unforgiving Unfortunate Unfortunately Unfounded Un frequent Unfrequented Unfrequently Unfriendliness Unfriendly Unfruitful-ly Unfurl Unfurled Unfurling Ungainliuess Ungainly Ungenerous Ungenerously Ungodliness Ungodly Ungovernable-y Ungiaceful-ly Ungracious Ungraciously Ungratoful-ly Unguent Unhandily Unhandiness Unhandsome Unhandsomely Unhandy Unhappily Unhappiness Unhappy Unharmonious Unharnioniously Unhealthiness Unhealthy Unheard Unhesitating Unhesitatingly Unhinge Unhinged Unhitch Unhitched Unholiuess Unholy Unhook Unhooked Unicorn Unification Unified >;>:: Uniform Uniformity Uniformly Unify Un im peach able-y Unimproved Unincumbered Uninterested Uninterrupted Uninterruptedly Union Unionist Unionvllle Unique Uniquely Unison Unit Unitarian Unitarianism Unite United Unitedly Unity Universal Universalism Universal ist Universality Universally Universe University Unjust Unjustly Unkind Unkindliness Unkindly Unkindness Unknowable Unlace Unlaced Unlacing Unladen Unlawi'ul-ly Unlawfulness Unlearn Unlearned Unlearnedly Unless Unlike Unlikelihood Unlikely Unlimited Unlimitedly Unload Unloaded Unlock Unlocked Unlooked-for Unlovely Unluckily Unluckiness Unlucky Unmade Unmake Unman Unmanly Unmannerly ~v \ \ ' \ v ~~ ' ?^1 < / ", ^f * -I v -j /) Oy^tS * ^\^ C \^l 'V > "^ Odd - _^_ S ^ ^^ / ^ f ^/] =L ^TL r. ^ ^^ ^ r ^ 7 - '^V -^2?-~ Unmask Unmasked Unmeaning Unmerch an table Unmerciful-ly Unmistakable Unnatural Unnaturalized Unnaturally Unnecessarily Unnecessary Uiiueigliborly Unnerve Unnerved Unobtrusive Unobtrusively Unobtrusiveness Unorganized Unostentatious Unostentatiously Unpack Unpacked Unparalleled Unparliamentary Un passable Unpaved Unpin Unpinned Unpleasant Unpleasantly Unpleasantness Unpopular Unpopularity Unpopularly Unprecedented Unprecedentedly Unprejudiced Unpretending Unpretendingly Unprincipled Unproductive Unproductively Unprofessional-ly Unprofltable-y Unpromising Unprosperous Unprosperously Unqualified Unqualifiedly Unquestionable-y Unravel Unraveled Unreal Unreality Unreasonable-y Unreconcilable-y Unrelenting Unreliable Unremitting Unremittingly Unreproved Unreserved Unreservedly Unrighteous Unrighteo\isly Unrighteousness Unripe I'lmpenoss Unrivaled Cnroll Unrolled Unrolling Unruliness Unruly Unsafe Unsafely Unsaleness Unsafely Unsavory Unscrew Unscrewed Unscr!ptural-ly Unscrupulous Unscrupulously Unscrupulousness U i) -t-iil Unsealed Unsealing I'nsrusoimble-y Unseawoithy Unseconded Unseemliness Unseemly Unseen Unsettle Unsettled Unshackle Unshackled Unshaken Unsheathe Unsheathed Unsightly Unskilllul-ly Unsociable Unsociiibleness Unsociably Unsophisticated Unsound Unsoundly Unsound ness Unsparing Unsparingly Unspeakable-y lUnspotted Unst..alily Unslcadiness Unsteady Unsnccessful-ly Unsuitable Unsuilableness Unsuitably Unsyiiiinetrlcal- Untungle - Uy Untangled Unthinking Unthinkingly Unthrifty Untie Untied Until Untimely Untiring UNT 219 USU Unto ,. Uprear Untoward ^q_ ^l v-^r Upright v ^r \^X X | N ^/]' Untowardly 1 Uprightly ^^ Untraveled n Uprightness a^* / Untrue \ _v I= J] ^AC... Uprising N^^l fc^' N^' Untruly v. | 1 Jproar /' Untruth Jproarious /") /(* x' Untwine * 2_^ "~ r i- Jproariously NX N/'^ ^^-^ Untwined . Jproariousness Untwist Jproot Untwisted b ^2 Jprooted V^x^] ^Vx^ "^v, Unusual-ly Jpset T Unutterable Jpshot Unvarnished ^"5 ^^s- Jpside N N> ^^ Unveil \ f Jpstairs j Unveiled Jpstart Unveiling ^> " \> **-*/f jpstroke N \ N Unwarily f (* Jptown U L_ JA (Jn wariness Jp-train Un warrantable-y Unwary -^\^s Upturn Upturned "i V \ Unwearied s* Upward Unweave X ~_<^~ Upwards NX N/* "X^, Unwell Urania 2X ?/ * -v Unwholesome Uranus Unwieldiness ^^/^ S ~^-^^~\a ^_^\ Urban ^\ "~\ ^\ Unwieldy Urbana \ x_. Unwilling Unwillingly Unwillingness ^rr-T-* Urbane Urbanity Urchin \ \ Unwind "~ ^^^ '^^^V'" Urge 1 Unwise < 3 a Urged /f /I ^J Unwisely Urgency j Unwonted Urgent Unvvontedly * ^ V ^ **~*-*/\ Urgently s* /r ^ Unworthily Uriah v Unworthiness Urinal Unworthy /\. ^^/\ Urinary ~~^ ~~^ Unwound v - p ! <^ Urinate e_- ^-^ Unwrap Urination i Unwrapped /\^_^/ N ^^' X ' Urine "N A ~*^ Unwritten Uru \^_S> ^ Unyielding Urn -shaped Unyieldingly Unyoke r ^~r ~~TL Ursa Ursuline ~) \ ^f. Unyoked Uruguay N Up Upbraid " N Nv Us Usage v ) -;- Upheave 2 Usance Upheaved Upheld ^ Use Used ->IP ) 5 ')- ) Uphill Usefully Uphold Upholder Vf' N. \ r e Usefulness Useless . N. ^~, \ \ Upholster \ Uselessly s~ > Upholsterer \. /^? ^\f^ *^^/\ Uselessness \S~V \r^O*~-P \> Upholstery \ Usher "f -/- ' Upland Ushered Uplift \f V^- \ Usual-ly j N Upon Usufruct 1_ Upper Usurer Uppermost 's. *X ^v Usurious i*' A^ ^^^ Upper-ten s ^^a N Usuriously ' s -^ Uppish Upptshly Uppishness > V ^ Usurp Usurpation Usurped y\ ;/Xj x^ 1 JSU .0 VAS Usurper \ x^V J^- l~ Valenciennes ,. Usury r^ ^r nl Valentine I C l /^^ Utah Valerian r 1 Utensil Valet C^_fl^, ^ J Uterine 1 ,7 1 y Valetudinarian Vj or\^~ ^, ^, Uterus \' Valetudinarian - ^_^ %^t Utica Valiant [ism Utilitarian [ f Valiantly ^/> \*JT V^ Ulilitariauism k' [X^ Valid f Utilitv n n n Validity Utilize Utilized f I Validly Valise ^] v v ^ Utmost Valkyria Utopia Valley (^ y^ i s- \^f N Utopian Valor \cr Utter n Valorous Utterable Utterance 1 J ^ J Valorously Valparaiso ^r^^r"^'^^^ Uttered Utterly i T U Valuable Valuation Uttermost Value ^i ^S> ^ Uvula Valued \ Uxorious -v-^_ / Valueless i. ^ V^/X. Valve x fca ~~ Vamose Vamp v^_^ V ) _ ^ ^^^^v. V Vampire Van Van Buren ^ i Vandal ^N^/ V Vacancy Vacant L S ^~ Vandalism Vandyke Vane ^ *. V. Vacantly Vacate v ^ (, Vanilla Vanish v ^ y^ Vacated T 1 ' Vanished ^^ Vacation Vanity Vaccinate ^ V , ^__ a j_p Vanquish y_^^ ^ ^^_^ Vaccination 3 Vanquished - -| j ^^** ; Vaccine Vacillate I n _ W- W^ Vanquisher Vapifl , I ^ Vacillation Vapidly ~y ^\ ^M Vacuity . . Vapid ness Vacuum ^ V^ ^-^.^ Vapor Vade-mecum 1 1^ ^_ Vapor- bath Vagabond Vaporize Vagary ^ V / \^ j Vaporized , ^^ Vagrancy 'S j Vaporizing ^\/ ! '^\X^\/^ Vagrant , Vaporous Vas?ue Vrn V^-a v^ Variable-y ^, ^^X^S. \*^*/^ Vaguely Variance ^\/ Vagueness Variation o Valuer '^^ o V^^~ V Varicose ^^^ V_ ^ ^-X^l Vaguest Varied Vail ' Variegate -, Vain Vainer v ^ s Variegation Variety \<_X~ ^X LX1 Vainest Varioloid Vainglorious Vaingloriously ^ ^**- ^^ Variorum Various ^X ^x^^^X Vainglory Vainly ^os.. ^r *<>_!> Variously Varlet V^x> "V. "^ Vainness Varnish ^1 Vale S- S S Varnished Valedictorian Vary ^X X Vo /^ Valedictory i i i n Vascular VAX :i VEB. Vase iV'enous Vassal ^o V= ^^7 Vent \^ o \o v~ Vassalage ( Ventilate Vassar Ventilation ,-- Vast W W> t> Ventilator vi vi k/T Vaster ^S Central Vastest Ventricle , . Vastly Vastness ^ ^ Vr" Ventriloquism Ventriloquist ^~^L-^^L^ Vat Venture Vatican Vaudeville S V. V Ventured Venturesome ^ ^ V f ^** Vaughan ,- ! /^ Venturous Vault Vs I ,- ^3 Venturously \& ^t \4! Vaunt Venturousness Vauntlngly II Venue Veal ^7^ /^ i Venus ^^ ^^ {^j$ Veda t < \ Veracious ^^_ ^%J Vedette I i . Veraciously Veer \. X 2ZL. Veracity ^^/^s~ ^ S\ ^^/ ^ Veered Veranda Vegetable Verb Vegetarian Vegetarianism > V^ S^~ Verbal-Iy Verbatim V\ V Vegetate ^ Verbena Vegetation Vegetative s s s Verbiage Verbose X^X X Vehemence u Verbosely / Vehement ^^^_^ ^^-^ V^^y^ Verboseness ^ "^ \ Vehemently Verbosity V \^ N> Vehicle Veil W_ S- S- Verdancy Verdant Veiled f < Verdantly ^~^> Veiling 1 Verdict Vein Veinel b > - Verdigris Verdure ^ c v- 8 *\ Vellum Vergei Velocipede Velocity \j^ ^^ wn Verged Verification 7 1 ^^ Velvet Verified Velveteea v^ v, v. Verify V^x^ ^_x^^_ *^V Velvety ^^^"^ 1 Verily Venal ' Verisimilitude Vena'.ity V^ Vy V_ Veritaole-y C V^ 1 ^/\ ^-/\ VenaUy > - | X_^ Verity Vend Vermicelli Vender ^> W ^ v Vermicular ,->* Venlal-ly Vprsi.led Venice V^ ^_ N^ ' Versify X^\ Venison ^~~^~r ~^ Version Venom Veisr.a Venomous \. . i i _ / Verteora c^ Venomously Vertenral "N. Xr VIP Vertebrate Vertex Vertical-ly Vertigo Verve Very Vesicle Vesper Vessel Vest Vesta Vestal Vested Vestibule Vestige Vestment Vestry Vesture Vesuvian Vesuvius Vetch Veteran Veterinary Veto Vetoed Vex Vexation Vexatious Vexatiously Vexed Vexing Via Viaduct Vial Viand Vibrate Vibratile Vibration Vibratory Vicar Vicarage Vicarious Vicariously Vice Vice-admiral Vice-chamberlain Vice-chancellor Vice- consul Vicegerant Vice-presidency Vice-president Vice-regal Viceroy Vice versa Vicinity Vicious Viciously Viciousness Vicissitude Victim Victimize Victimized Victimizing Victor Victor Emmanuel Victoria Victorious 'Victoriously Vicloriousuess Victory {Victual Victualed Victualer Videlicet Vie Vied Vienna Viennese View Viewed Vigil Vigilance Vigilant Vigilantly Vignette Vigor Vigorous Vigorously Viking Vile Vilely Vileness Viler Vilest Vilification Vilified Vilify Village Villager Villain Villainous Villainously Villainy Vim Vincennes Vincent Vinci Vindicable Vindicate Vindication Vindicator Vindicatory Vindictive Vindictively Vine Vinegar Vineyard Vinous Vintage Viol Viola Violate Violation Violator Violence Violent Violently Violet Violin Violinist Violoncello Viper VjS V^-T t ... VIR 223 VOU Virago Vividness i l v Virgil ? c> \ Vivification Virgin J Vivified **GS> V^' V^ Virginal Vivify V V Virginia ^ c *s Mviparous Virginity J Vivisection V v V,. - Virginias \ Vixen Virgro Virile L ^ Vizier Vocabulary ^~^s^^^ Virility Virtual-ly Virtue Tl ^ ^ Vocal Vocalist Vocality ^_ k- ^ Virtuosity Vocalization Virtuoso Virtuous } \ i Vocalize Vocalized W_ e s^, *s^= Virtuously Vocalizing i Virulence "f ""y^ cr ~V Vocally Vy V^ V _j Virulent Vocation Virulently Virus Visage v ^ V Vocative Vociferate Vociferation C VJD v^ ^ L ^ ^^ / Vis-a-vis Vociferous Viscera Viscid Vn \*o^ ^^f Vociferously Vogue ^S \^~^ Viscidity Viscou nt . i ^ Voice Voiced ^ ^ L, Viscountess Viscountship I ^~T Voiceless Voicing . Viscous I V^5 D ^" Void _5*^ ^/ Vise ~^J Volatile Visibility 111 Volatility f] f . /=> Vislble-y ^P \? P f Volatilize VJ VJ Vj Visigoth >C X v.' Volatilized Vision i 1 i / i Volcanic I/O Visionary NO v5 ^P Volcano ^^ _^ \^ ^^\>j Visit \ Volition Visitant i i Volley {f I A Visitation T 3 ^. r 5 Volleyed , f V_ Visited u Voltaic 1 Visitor Visor Vista V S V Voltaire Volubility Voluble-y V S ^ Visual Volume p ^ ' Vital I i L I Voluminous V.^ ^ V_^ ^^_p V^-^^^P Vitality T T Voluminously ( Vitalize i i 1 Voluntarily -/ / Vitalized Vitalizing Vitally i I V Voluntary Volunteer Volunteered tf' If \ Vitiate Voluptuary <> (L / Vitriol ) 1 N Vomit y^ f. /\-9\sfi Vituperate Vituperation r \ \ Voracious Voraciously Vituperative . , j)i Voracity Vortex \^f V_o -. Vivaciously |^ \^ \ i Vortices V Vivaciousness Vivncity Viva voce ^-^ \ ^ Votary Vote Votive V S S Vivian Vivid Vividly ^ .S\ Sv Vouch Vouched Voucher V ^ V X 1 VOU 224 WAR Vouchsafe Waitress Vouchsafed Vow 7 S -Vc- Waive Waived \ X \ Vowed ^ N. 1 Wake 1 Vowel 1 ^ Waked > "V. ^ Voyage f Wukefleld - Voyaged Voyager Vulcan > V < - Wakeful-ly Wakeful ness Waken > , x_p x. Vulcanize Wakened Vulcanized S^ c Wuldenses x o -v ^ Wanness Want Waggish Wanted . Waggle -^ ^x ~^ Wanton v ] -| Waggled ^J i. Wantoned " Wagner Wantonly Wagon ~^N Qr i ^x "^ Wantonness ^ 1 v/ Wagoned *~J>*-^s = ^ iWar ^T. 4_P Wagoner Warble Waff ~^ I f Warbled /V. s^ /V^ Wail \-. tx - 6 Warbler '' ^^~\ Walled Ward ' Wain War-dance y^ ^ Wainscot - Warden Waist Warder Waistband ^ "^l "V Warding ^/l ~^~^ *" N^ Waistcoat dw d Wardrobe yr ^ Wait Walter ,^ 'wardship Ware / S Waiting-maid ! 1 - Warehouse WAR 225 WAY Warehoused Watch-glass / / / Warehouseman S ,f f Watch-guard J n f I? Warehousing / / / Watch-house Wareroom / Watch-maker / / / Warfare Warier r- ' Watchman Watch-tower x i / j s Wariest Watch-word / ^"N. ~>v Warily s> / /^ Water ' > \ Wariness Water-cart i Warlike ( ^ Water-cement "^x. ""^ ~^v Warm *r -s */^ Water-closet ^\ ^\ ^N Warm-blooded Water-cock j^" j ~'~ i Warmed X"> f~^ , -^ Water-color ^X ^v ' ~-x. 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Whatever {, Whirling /{ "^C^ -. s~ What-not Whirlpool >/ Whatsoever Wheat i "i -i Whirlwind Whisk ^ V V Wheaten ^__ Whisked Wheatland Wheedle V } > Whisker Whisky V- V- X Wheedled ' Whisper Wheel Wh eel barrow C (TV/ r> Whispered Whist X o cT" Wheeled Whistle Wheel-horse C s. /" ^^^ Whistler /^_^ 1 Wheel-house Jf It ^\ Whit jC \ Whelp V White When Whence <= - f~J> <= 'I White-cap White-livered u v* 1 . ] Whenever Whiten ^N Whensoever Where ^ s y^ Whitened Whiteness ^ "L, "b. Whereabout White Oak Whereabouts Whereas Whereat S* X) .1 Whiter Whitest Whitewash 1 1 Whereby Wherefore Whitleather j Whereof Whereon ^ ^ ^x\ Whitlow Whitnev * L L, Whereupon Whitsunday Wherever /I Whittier s **. ^ Wherewith 6< / > ^ ^ C/ Whittle i i Wherewithal Whittled ^ Wherry / Whiz , , Whet ^/ ^ ^v Whizzed d 4 ' Whether ^ Who J Whetstone .Whetted ^ \ ^ Whoever Whole r Whey Wholesale ' I Which ,1 Wholesome f- Whichever / / Wholesomely :^ff ~^ '' ' /< "^ Whichsoever i Wholesomeness * ' Whiff Whiffed V ^ VI Wholesomer Wholesomest /^ S^ S Whiffle tree Wholly ( ' ' Whig / X" xp Whom While Y 6 Whomsoever XV . Whilst Whoop ' ' "s^v & ^ Whim Whimper <^ -^ N ^ s Whooped Whooping-cough ^ /N S Whimpered Whore Whimsical -ly Whine tfl^r- *-* Whoredom Whorem aster s s s Whined Whoremonger U 1 ^ ^^ Whinny Whorish Whip Whip-lash S S J \ XT Whorl Whortleberry V ^f / Whipped Whlpper \ V V Whose Whosoever . > Whipper-snapper ^ N ^^^ Why 5 \ VIC 2 28 WIT Wick Wicked Wickedly Wickedness Wicker A_ ~\- _ ^L/ Windiest Windincss Windlass Wiiiflmill Window 1 *-u r *^s *-i ^ Wicket Wide Wide-awake Widely Widen Widened Wideuess Wider Widest Widow Widowed Widower Widowerliood Widowhood Width i V Y 1 -1... U 1 l l 1 *- l^ Vl 1- J Window-blind Window- frame Window glass Window-sash Window-shutter Window sill Windpipe Windrow Windsor Windy Wine Wine-bibber Wine cask Wine-cellar Wine-cooler s *\^L ^ ^O ^ ^ ^/ i Wife Wig 1 C V >- ">- Wine-grower Wine-merchant \, ^ *-s~z ^^ Wigged Wiggle Wiggled Wight Wigwam Wild > Ik 1 "^ / - f c Wine-press Wine-vault Winfield Winfred Wing Wink *~\r ^\ J=!L Wilder Wilderness Wildest Wild-flre Wildly Wildness r r ' s.. :\ x- &(* Winnebago Winner Winnipeg Winnow Winsome I^^r Wilhelmina Wilier Wiliest 2L_T r Winter-green Winter-wheat ^2 ^-j M Will Willed Willful-ly William Williamsburgh Williamson Williarnsport Williamstown Williamsville Willing Willingly Willis ..1 ^ (T^ nr~y c~ rr c c- Wipe Wiped Wire Wired Wire-gauze Wire-puller Wire-pulling Wiriness Wiry Wisconsin Wisdom \ j^ L ^ ~ ^^\^ ^ ^ ^, Wilmington Wilson c^~l (L f Wise Wisely j ( ^ V \ Wilt Wilton Wily (i C -- Wisest Wish ^ < Win Wince Winced t_P ^<= c_- Wished Wisp >> i X 1 Winch Winchester Wincing ^ ^^ v Wistful ness Wit "T 5 i ; Wind Windfall Windliam Windier y- ^ Witchcraft Witchery With L.-B WIT 229 WOR Withal C ( ( Wood-work Withdraw \ Vj V|^ Woody 1 1 1 Withdrawal 1 1 Wooed sj/* al >l Withdrawn Withdrew Wither <: _C, ^ Woof Wool Woolen .\_ (p. (2-. Withers Withheld Withhold J Wool-gnthering Wool -grower Wool-sack .^.-f^^. Within Without Withstand L. c JL Wooly Worcester Word ~(F~ Withstood f e Wordier Witless Witness r .i=L Wordiest Wordily *\A<* Witnessed t Wordiness Witnessing ^^ ^^ a Wordy y\ t/\ c/ Witticism Wore 9 Wittier ( <- Work Wittiest 1 Y Work-box t/ 1/ < \__ao/ Wittily ^ Worked Wittiness LC L Worker /r Willy I \e Work-house *? /^ /^ 1 Wives Working-day Wizard Working-man ^ ^^" Wizened ~\ ^^ ~~5 Workman s/ ^"^/ Wizen-faced ~Vs Workman-like Wo ad Workmanly Woden ~"\ "\ ""^ Workmanship / ^(/- J>S : Woe 1 Workmen \ Woe- begone Woful-ly Woke \_ V ^- Workshop World Worldlincss ^7 " *G Wolf Worldly Wollstonecraft Wolsey (TV ^ O Worldly-minded Worm f fL ^ Woman , Wormed *f~ -__/" Woman-hater ~^ - cr^>- Worm-hole _^/*^ (/ / r i / Womanhood ' : \ Wormier Womanish Wormiest Womankind ^^ , p Worming t/ /* **~ f ^e/' 1 Womanliness ~cy>~ -. *-, f- - Wormwood Womanly tf Wormy Womb -,/-~ Worn jr^ t/^ *S\ Women I ' ~'<^^- Worn-out ' Won Worried Wonder ;, <: ^ ^ - Worrisome /\ c/^^ I/ Wonderful-ly ;> Worry Wonderstruck I Worse Wonder-working Wondrous *^--^~ := ~ J \> Worship Worshiped c7 ^ <^ Wondrously Won't Wont Js ^-^ *x^ Worshiper Worshipful-ly Worst "\ ^ ^ Woo Worsted Jt>] Wood Woodcock "^\ 1 1 Worsted [n] Worth L_s > )l" >U-S Woodpecker Woodstock 1 Worthlessness Worthlessly cA L 2 1 z ;: Yolk: Yonder C- C ^ Zany Zeal L. 1 ) Yore ^~~ -' Zealot York A ~~\ ^\ Zealous s~ York town 1 T Zealously r^ ' r*. YurkviHe J > Zebra ^^ You Youghiogheny Yuunj; - C^ -^- Zend Zenith Zeno > t L Younger Youngest Zenobia Zephyr ) x^ Y Youngster -_5 ^~ " -~^> Zero Youngs town Your __ r c Zest Zeus ^ ) Yours Zigzag o* Yourself * Zigzagged 1 Yourselves YoutU r g- .-(- Zinc Zinc-white i-s- -L cJ-1 Youthful-ly Youths ( C Zion Zithern ^- ") > Yucatan ^ * a Zodiac ' L_ Yule ^_ Zodiacal Zone Zoological-ly ) > >2_ z Zoologist Zoology Zoroaster >7 X/ VI Zoroastrian fl a Zoroastrianism Zouave y \ y\-^ ) 7, Zachary Zauesville > ,o i_^^ K Zounds ZUrich \/ or \/~*~ "3 CATALOGUE Phonographic Works, BENN PITMAN AND JEROME B. HOWARD. Published at the PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, CINCINNATI, O. It sp tern of Jilillttiry, 1886. The Manual of Phonography. By BENN PITMAN and JEROME B. HOWARD. Tliis work is designed for self-instruction in the Phonographic art, and is the proper book for the beginner. It contains a complete exposition of the system from its simplest principles to the Reporting Style, arranged in alternate and op- posite pages of explanation and phonographic exercises. Every principle is copiously illustrated with engraved examples for read- ing, and 'exercises in the ordinary type for writing practice. A large number of pages of engraved reading matter are appended to the book. Boards $ 80 Extra cloth I oo eaks well for the completeness and satisfactory features of Pitman's sys- Phonography that, after thirty years, the author's "Manual" appears in a revised edition with comparatively few changes, and still recognized as the standard text-book of shorthand writing. Where the present edition differs from the preceding edition is in points approved by the experience of the best reporters and phoneticians. Boston "Advertiser." It has been the standard text-book in America. The present edition contains many improvements, and is quite abreast of phonographic progress. . . . The subject has been logically developed, following phonetic principles and in- troducing as little empiricism as possible. . . . The volume is compact and well made, the phonographic characters being particularly clear and intelligi- ble. Scientific American. The very best book for studying this useful accomplishment. Every thing is made as plain as simple language can make it, and there is no one who can not learn shorthand from its pages who is possessed of ordinary capacity and who is willing to show some application. Philadelphia "Saturday Evening Post." It has the merit of simplicity, which many of the other systems lack, and the phonographic exercises are beautifully printed. San Francisco "Chronicle." This is the best work there is with which to acquire a knowledge of short- hand, whether for class or private students. Neiv Orleans "States." It is in the power of any intelligent person to learn Phonography by a care- ful study of this work. Kansas City "Times." The simplest and best of the innumerable hand-books on shorthand writing in the market. Boston " Transcript." The reader will find this a standard authority on the subject. St. Paul "Pio- neer Press.". The standard text-book of Phonography in America. Troy (N. V.} "Times." The best work of the kind ext,ant. Indianapolis "Journal." A very complete little hand-book. Philadelphia "Times." The standard text-book for students. Toledo "Blade." The Phonographic Reader. By BENN PITMAN and JEROME B. HOWARD. This work is designed as a companion to the Manual and affords the necessary reading practice in the Corresponding Style. The selections are taken (by permission) from McGuffey's Fifth Reader, which may be used as a Key. Paper 25 The Phonographic Copy-Book. Made of double-ruled paper, such as is used by most Reporters, but with the lines wider apart for the learner. The utility of this paper for the beginner is unde- niable, assisting him, as it does, to acquire a neat and uniform style of writing. Paper, 150., postpaid ' 17 The above three books form a set, from which a perfect knowl- edge of this time and labor-saving art may be acquired by any one without the aid of a teacher. The set will be sent, postpaid, with Manual bound in boards i 20 Manual in cloth ^ I 40 The Reporter's Companion. By BENN PITMAN. A Guide to Verbatim Reporting; for Professional Reporters and those who desire to become such. This work takes up the Corresponding Style, and, without a perceptible break, conducts the student to the briefest Phonography necessary for reporting the most rapid speakers. The book is arranged in easy, progressive style, en- tirely adapted for self-instruction. It contains abundant reading matter for practice in the Reporting Style, with a Key, and a Vo- cabulary of several thousand words in the ordinary type, with their Phonographic outlines engraved in the Reporting Style. Thousands of Reporters have acquired their ability to write verbatim with no other instruction than that afforded by this and the preceding set of books. Boards i oo Extra cloth I 25 The Phonographic Dictionary. By BENN PITMAN and JEROME B. HOWARD. Containing the Reporting Outlines for upward of 30,000 words ; embracing every useful word in the language, and a large number of proper and Geographical names, Legal, Scien- tific, and Technical terms, etc., fully engraved with parallel Key in the ordinary type. It is believed that this work is the first Dictionary of Phonog- raphy ever published, which will fully meet the wants of the stu- dent and practical reporter. Specimen pages sent to any address on application. Extra cloth, gilt top. 2 50 Half morocco 3 oo The reputation of the authors and the completeness and popularity of Mr. Pitman's books upon Phonography make the work of the reviewer light. It is sufficient to say that they are the best authority within the reach of the stu- dent. Toledo "Blade." It is not saying too much to claim for this volume that it will be of greater use than any other similar publication. . . . It is exhaustive and contains all the best devices that experienced writers have found of use. N: Y. "World." This book supplies a want long felt in the phonographic world, and especially to the followers of the Pitman system of phonography, which system is most generally used in the United States. Richmond (Va.) "Christian Advocate." It is a work which has been awaited with much eagerness by phonographers, nnd they will not be disappointed in its contents or typographical appearance. Cincinnati " Commercial." The Dictionary has long been needed by those using Benn Pitman's phono- graphic text-books, and will prove to them a great convenience. New York , "Christian Advocate." The completeness of the book is surprising. We have looked it over care- fully and are delighted with it. Express Gazette. Students and reporters who follow the Pitman system will find the work ;i very welcome assistant "Home Jauuti." A most valuable work for shorthand reporters. London (Can.) "Advertiser." The Phrase Book. BY BENN PITMAN. A very valuable book to the practical reporter, as it contains over 6,000 of the most fre- quently occurring and useful phrases written in the briefest and most legible manner. Extra*cloth I oo The Phonographic Second Reader. [New.] By BENN PITMAN and JEROME B. HOWARD. Containing reading exercises en- graved in Easy Reporting Style, and, like the Phonographic Reader, keyed by McGuffey's Fifth Reader. Paper 25 Plain Talk. By SPURGEON, of L,ondon. A book of apt and racy talk, containing more practical sense than any thing written since the days of Franklin. Engraved on stone, by BENN PITMAN, in the corresponding Style. Boards 50 Rip Van Winkle. [In preparation.} In Easy Reporting Style. Pa. 25 The Reporter's First Reader. By BENN PITMAN. Contains in- teresting and valuable tables of alphabetic strokes, with their combinations of initial and final appendages; also reading exer- cises in Reporting Style, with Key in ordinary type. Paper.. 25 The Battle of Waterloo. A compilation and arrangement from Creasy's "Fifteen Decisive Battles,"- by BENN PITMAN, engraved in the Reporting Style, with three maps. No Key. Paper... 25 The Declaration of Independence. In the Reporting Style. An ornamental sheet, 19 x 22 in., finely printed in colors, with floral border. Mailed, rolled for framing.. ;.... 15 Reporting Paper, double line, for pen, I7c. per quire; postpaid 20 Double line, for pencil, I5c. per quire ; postpaid 18 Single line, for pencil, I5c. per quire ; postpaid 18 Special rates on quantities. Letter Paper, double line, I5c. per quire; postpaid 17 Reporting Case, a- leather cover adapted for holding one or two quires of reporting paper, which can be removed when used and the case replenished. Indispensable when the reporter, having no table is obliged to rest his paper on his knees. Sheep, $1.00; morocco i 5 Gold Pen, manufactured by John Holland especially for Phono- graphic writing and reporting I 5 With gold mounted, reversible holder 2 oo The above works are for sale by all booksellers, or will be forwarded, post- paid, on receipt of the marked price, except when postage charges are specified. Teachers of the art, and the trade, supplied at a liberal discount. All orders must be accompanied by a remittance. Address: PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, P. O. Box 158. CINCINNATI, OHIO. UNIVERSITY ot CALIFORNIA AT Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 Z56 Pitman - P682p The phono- graphic dictionary. A 000573612 9 Z56 P682p 1886