IC-NRLF GENERAL RAILROAD LAWS STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ACTS RELATIVE TO CORPORATIONS AFFECTING RAILROAD COMPANIES. ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, FROM 1820 TO 1874, WITH A COMPLETE ANALYTICAL INDEX. COMPILED BY GEO. W. I. BALL. n PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT, No. 233 South Fifth Street. I875- ft& Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. NOTE. In several instances acts and parts of acts repealed or supplied, and so noted, are introduced in their proper order, so that comparisons and references may be made in this book. GENERAL RAILROAD LAWS STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. AN ACT TO REGULATE PROXIES. Passed 28th March, 1820. (Smith's Laws, vol. 7 , page 320.) SECTION I. All power to vote by proxy in any association incorporated by any authority in this Commonwealth, or by the former proprietary government, shall be obtained and dated within six months previously to the time of holding the election or meeting of stockholders at which such proxy shall be presented, and shall not be used for any purpose or pur- poses except those therein expressed, nor shall any such proxy be given in blank, nor substitution thereof to a third person be admitted, any law or usage to the contrary notwith- standing : And provided, also, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to alter or affect the provisions of the act entitled " An act regulating banks," so far as relates to the dates of proxies. SEC. 2. In all elections of officers in an association or com- pany (incorporated as aforesaid) hereafter to be held by virtue of any law of this Commonwealth, whenever any person shall offer to the judges of such election any vote or votes, as attorney, proxy, or agent for any other person, such person being required thereto by any judge of such election, or any stockholder in such association or company, shall, before his vote or votes shall be received, take and subscribe the follow- ing oath or affirmation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have no interest, directly or indirectly, in the share upon which I shall vote at this election; that those shares are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, truly and in good faith (3) M2036S4 owned by the persons in whose names they now stand, and that in voting at this election I have not transferred any of the said shares, or caused them to be transferred in trust or other- wise, for the purpose of increasing the votes at this election, and that I shall not violate in any manner, directly or in- directly, any provision of the act of incorporation which limits the number of votes a stockholder may give in his own right;" and the judges of such election are authorized to administer the aforesaid oath (or affirmation), and the said oath and all authorities or powers of attorney to vote by proxy, or as agent, shall be filed and preserved in the office of such association or company, and if any person shall willfully and absolutely swear or affirm falsely in taking any oath or affirmation pre- scribed by this act, such person so offending shall, upon due conviction thereof, be subject to the pains and penalties which are by law prescribed for the punishment of willful and corrupt perjury. AN ACT REGULATING LATERAL RAILROADS. Approved $th May, 1832. (P. L., 1831-2, pages 501 to 506.} SECTION I. That if any owner or owners of land, mills, quarries, coal-mines, lime-kilns, or other real estate, in the vicinity of any railroad, canal, or slack-water navigation, made or to be made by any company or by the State of Pennsyl- vania, and not more than three miles distant therefrom, shall desire to make a railroad thereto over any intervening lands, he or they, their engineers, agents, and artists, may enter upon any lands, and survey and mark such route as he or they shall think proper to adopt, doing no damage to the property ex- plored, and thereupon may present a petition to the court of common pleas of the county in which said intervening land is situated, setting forth his or their desire to be allowed to construct and finish a railroad in and upon the said route, and the beginning, courses, and distances thereof, and place of intersection of the main railroad, canal, or slack-water naviga- tion, which shall be filed and entered of record in the said court, whereupon the said court shall appoint six disinterested and judicious men, resident in the said county, who shall view the said marked and proposed route for a railroad, and examine the same, and if they or any four of them shall deem the same necessary and useful for public or private purposes, they shall report in writing to the subsequent term of said court what damages will be sustained by the owner or owners of the said intervening land, by the opening, constructing, completing, and using the said railroad, and the report of the said viewers and appraisers shall be filed of record in the said court, and if not appealed from, be liable to be confirmed or rejected by the said court, as to right and justice shall apper- tain ; and if either of the parties shall be dissatisfied with said report, he or they may appeal therefrom to the said court of common pleas within twenty days after such report has been filed in the prothonotary's office, and not after; and after such appeal, either party may put the cause at issue, in the form approved of by the court, and the said issue shall be placed first on the trial list of the next regular term of the said court, and be there tried and determined by the court and jury, and the verdict so rendered, and judgment thereon, shall be final and conclusive, without further appeal or writ of error; and it shall be the duty of the said viewers and jury to take into consideration the advantages which may be derived by the owner or owners of land passed by the said railroad when making up their report or forming their verdict thereon. SEC. 2. That the said court shall tax and allow such fees to the viewers and appraisers and officers of the court as are chargeable for such services under the existing fee bills, which shall be paid by the petitioners for the said railroad, and if necessary, their payment shall be compelled by attachment; and it shall be at the option of the petitioner or petitioners for the said railroad, either after the report filed or after the ver- dict of the jury, after paying the legal costs to be taxed as aforesaid, to abandon the further prosecution of the said rail- road, and, as evidence thereof, shall file his or their declaration of that intent in writing, in the said court, which shall termi- nate all further proceedings on the said petition. SEC. 3. That the said railroad shall not exceed in breadth twenty feet, nor pass through any burying-ground or place of public worship, nor any dwelling-house or out-buildings, without the consent of the owner thereof; it shall be of single or double track, and formed of wood, stone, and iron, each or all of them, as the proprietors of the said road shall adopt; the streams of water over which it may pass shall be bridged with stone or wood, and the right of property in the said railroad shall be vested in him or them, his or their heirs and assigns, who shall have subscribed the said petition for the said rail- road, and whose funds shall have been contributed and paid for the construction thereof, in such just proportions as each contribution and payment shall bear to the whole amount ex- pended in the formation and completion of the said railroad, and the satisfaction of damages for lands and materials appro- priated thereto ; and the said railroad shall be jointly and severally enjoyed and used by the proprietors thereof; the proprietors of the said railroad, their workmen and agents, shall not break ground, or commence the construction of the said railroad, until the damages reported by the viewers, or awarded by the verdict of the jury, shall be tendered or paid to the party or parties entitled thereto, except in cases of their being unknown to the petitioners. SEC. 4. That fifteen days' notice shall be given of the inten- tion to file a petition for a railroad, in the court of common pleas, and of the time of viewing the premises by the viewers, to the owner or owners of the lands over which the route of the contemplated railroad shall pass, if the said owners shall be resident in this Commonwealth ; and if in any case the owner or owners of said lands shall be unknown, an affidavit thereof being filed by any petitioner for said road, notice shall be given in one public newspaper, printed in the county where the land lies, for three successive weeks; and if there is no newspaper printed in the county where the land lies, then publication in any newspaper printed in the adjoining county shall be sufficient. SEC. 5. That he or they who shall construct the said rail- road, after having paid the damages ascertained as aforesaid, shall be entitled to use and apply all the said gravel, timber, and other materials on the route adopted, and within the breadth of twenty feet, to and for the formation and comple- tion of the said road and bridges; and it shall be lawful for the petitioners for, and the proprietors of, the said railroad, his or their heirs and assigns, and their agents and persons em- ployed by or under him or them, to enter upon any land near or adjoining said railroad, to search for stone, gravel, sand, wood, or other materials to be used in the construction of the said road; but no stone, gravel, sand, wood, or other materials shall be taken from any land for the purposes aforesaid until the rate of compensation therefor shall be ascertained and settled with the owners of the said lands ; but if the parties cannot agree thereon, each party shall choose a man, who, if they cannot agree, shall choose an umpire, all of whom shall, under oath or affirmation, fairly and impartially estimate the same, and such award shall be final and conclusive ; but if the owner or owners of such land, out of which the said materials shall be designed to be taken, shall be a femme couverte, non compos mentis, out of the State or unknown, the court of com- mon pleas of the proper county shall, in writing, appoint three impartial men, who, on oath or affirmation, shall fairly and impartially estimate the same materials, the amount of which said valuation shall be paid or tendered to the owner or owners thereof, if within the State and known, before they are removed or applied to the construction of the said railroad. SEC. 6. That the proprietor or proprietors of the said rail- road, on the completion of the same, shall file in the court of common pleas a full statement and account of all the expenses incurred in the formation and completion of the said road, under the oath or affirmation of some one or more who shall have had knowledge of the same, within three months after the same shall be completed and put in use, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, to the end that the said road, and the privileges appurtenant thereto, may be resumed by this Com- monwealth whenever the legislature shall enact the payment to the proprietors of such railroad, their heirs and assigns, of the principal money expended in the construction of the same. SEC. 7. That the said railroad shall and may be used by any person or persons transporting anything thereon, in such cars, wagons, and vehicles as are adapted to and used thereon by the proprietor or proprietors of the said railroad or their agents, and no other, he or they using the same paying four 8 cents per mile on each and every ton weight of the article transported thereon ; and on all single articles weighing less than a ton, it shall be lawful to charge and receive an advance not exceeding twenty per cent, on the rate as above estab- lished. SEC. 8. That the said railroad shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or impede the free use and passage of any public road or roads which may cross or enter the same, being now laid out or hereafter to be laid out ; and in all places where the said railroad may cross or in any manner interfere with any public road, the proprietors of the said railroad shall make, or cause to be made, a good and sufficient bridge or bridges, causeway or causeways, to enable all persons passing or travel- ing such public road to cross and pass over said railroad; and if the proprietor or proprietors of said railroad shall refuse or neglect to make such bridge or bridges, causeway or cause- ways, or when made to keep the same in good repair, they shall be liable to pay a penalty of ten dollars for every day the same shall be so neglected, or refused to be made or repaired, to be recovered by the supervisor of the township, with costs, for the use of the township, as debts of like amount are by law recoverable, and the service of process on any one of the proprietors of the said railroad shall be as good and effectual as if made on all of them. SEC. 9. That for the accommodation of all persons owning or possessing land through which the said railroad may pass, and to prevent inconvenience to such persons in crossing or passing over the same, it shall be the duty of the proprietors of the said railroad, if required, to make, or cause to be made, a good and sufficient bridge or bridges, causeway or cause- ways, whenever the same may be necessary to enable the occupant or occupants of said land to cross or pass over the same with wagons, carts, and implements of husbandry, as occasion may require : Provided, That the proprietors of the said railroad shall in no case be required to make, or cause to be made, more than two such causeways through each planta- tion or lot of land, for the accommodation of any one person owning or possessing land through which the said railroad shall pass: and where any public road shall cross the said railroad, the person owning or possessing land through which the said railroad shall pass shall not be entitled to make such requisition on the proprietors of the said railroad ; and the said bridge or bridges, causeway or causeways, when so made, shall be maintained and kept in repair by the proprietor or proprietors of the said railroad; and if they shall refuse or neglect to make such bridge or bridges, causeway or cause- ways, or when made to keep the same in good repair, the said proprietors shall be liable to pay any person aggrieved thereby all damages sustained by such person or persons, in conse- quence of such neglect or refusal, to be sued for and recovered before any magistrate or court having cognizance thereof, and the service of process on any one of the proprietors of the said railroad shall be as good and effectual as if made on all of them. SEC. 10. That no suit or action shall be brought or prose- cuted by any person or persons, for any penalties incurred under this act, unless such suit or action shall be commenced within twelve months after the offense committed or the cause of action shall have accrued; and the defendant or defendants in such suit or action may plead the general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence, and that the same was done in pursuance and by authority of this act. SEC. II. That if any person or persons shall willfully and knowingly break, injure, or destroy the said railroad, or any part thereof, or any work or device, or any part thereof, to be erected by the proprietors of the said railroad, or shall will- fully place any obstruction in and upon the said railroad, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay to the proprietor or proprietors of the said railroad three times the actual damages so sustained, to be sued for and recovered with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace or court having cognizance thereof, by action of debt, in the name and for the use of the proprietor or proprietors of the said railroad. SEC. 12. That the provisions of this act shall extend to the counties of Lycoming, Luzerne, Schuylkill, and Northumber- land only : Provided, That if any lateral railroad so constructed as aforesaid, shall be disused or suffered to remain out of re- pair for the space of two years, all right of way or other 10 privilege therein shall cease and revert to the original owners of the land, their heirs and assigns. SEC. 13. That the legislature reserve the right to repeal or alter this act, either in whole or in part, as may respect any railroad constructed under the provisions of this act. (Limitation to counties repealed nth April, 1848.) A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT PASSED THE 22d MARCH, 1817, ENTITLED "AN ACT RELATIVE TO SUITS BROUGHT BY OR AGAINST CORPORATIONS." Approved i6th March, 1833. (P. L., 1832-3, pages j8 and 79.) SECTION i. That the service of any civil process upon the toll-gatherer of any corporation, in the proper county, and next to the place where the damage or damages shall have been committed, shall be held as good and valid in law as if served on the president or other principal officer, or the cashier, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk of the corporation, as aforesaid; and upon such service the like proceedings shall be had as is directed by the aforesaid act, to which this is a supplement: Provided, That where a suit shall be commenced and the process served on the toll-gatherer, it shall be the duty of the plaintiff, his agent or attorney, to cause reason- able notice to be given to some one of the officers of the com- pany aforesaid of the commencement of any such suit before trial and final judgment. AN ACT RELATIVE TO SUITS BROUGHT BY AND AGAINST CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved 1 4th April, 1834. (P. L,, 1833-4, pages 395 and 396.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for either party, in any suit or action now pending or that may hereafter be brought in any of the courts of this Commonwealth, by or II against any canal or railroad company, to remove the same into the court of any other adjacent county through which the canal or railroad of such company is not located, which suits, so removed, shall be proceeded in by the proper court, in like manner, and subject to like rules and proceedings as if it had remained in the court in which it was originally com- menced, and upon final judgment, tcstatem executions may issue as in other cases : Provided, That the party so removing shall first take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, to be filed of record with the cause, that such removal is not made for the purpose of delay, but because he firmly believes a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in the county through which such canal or railroad may pass: And provided further, That the provisions of this act shall not be so construed as to interfere with the existing laws relative to the assessment of damages to property, occasioned by the construction of such canals or railroads, nor with the right and privilege heretofore granted to any canal or railroad company, to have suits against them tried in any particular county or counties. AN ACT RELATING TO INSPECTIONS. Approved i$th April, 1835. (P. L., 1834-5, page 399.) SECTION 41. Every person who shall unload or discharge any flour, corn, or meal designed for exportation at any land- ing-place or other place, shall cause the same forthwith to be put in a store, or under a shelter sufficient to keep it dry. SEC. 42. If the carrier of any flour, corn, or meal, designed for exportation, shall cause or suffer the same to be wet or to take damage for want of due care, or for want of sufficient shelter or covering as before required, such carrier shall for- feit and pay to the owner thereof twenty-five cents for every cask of flour, cornmeal, bread, and biscuit, over and above the damage actually sustained. 12 AN ACT FOR THE PREVENTION OF INJURIES TO INDK VIDUALS BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF STAGE-DRIVERS AND OTHERS. Approved ist April, 1836. (P. L., 1835-6, page 427.} SECTION I. That from and after the first day of July next, if any person within this Commonwealth shall become injured, either in person or property, through or by reason of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the driver of any public stage, mail-coach, coachee, carriage, or car employed in the conveyance of passengers, or through or by reason of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any engineer or conductor of any locomotive-engine engaged in the transpor- tation of passengers, or of goods, wares, merchandise, or produce of any description, such driver, engineer, or con- ductor shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall for every such offense be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and imprisonment in the jail of the county wherein such offense shall have been com- mitted for any length of time not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not interfere with the civil remedies against the proprietors or others to which the party injured may by law be now entitled. (Repealed and supplied 3 ist March, 1860.) AN ACT RELATING TO ROADS, HIGHWAYS, AND BRIDGES. Approved i^th June, 1836. (P. L., 1835-6, pages 565 and j66.) SECTION 74. If any person shall willfully set fire to any wooden bridge within this Commonwealth, with intent to destroy the same, or shall be accessory thereto before the fact, such person shall, for every such offence, be liable to indictment, and to the punishment provided by law in cases of arson, and also shall forfeit and pay a sum not more than two thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of such offence, for the use of the county, town- ship or townships, corporations, or persons aggrieved. (Repealed and supplied 3 1st March, 1860.) 13 AN ACT RELATING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ACTIONS. Approved ijth fane, 1836. (P. L., 1835-6, pages 579 and 580.) SECTION 41. Every corporation, aggregate or sole, shall be amenable to answer upon a writ of summons as aforesaid, and in the case of a corporation aggregate, except counties and townships, service thereof shall be deemed sufficient, if made upon the president or other principal officer, or on the cashier, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk of such corporation, in the manner hereinbefore provided. SEC. 42. In actions for damages, occasioned by a trespass or injury done by a corporation, if the officers aforesaid of such corporation, or any of them, shall not reside in the county in which such trespass or injury shall be committed, it shall be lawful to serve the summons upon any officer or agent of the corporation, at any office or place of business of the corpora- tion within the county; or if there be no such office or place of business, it shall be lawful to serve the summons upon the president or other principal officer, cashier, treasurer, secre- tary, or chief clerk, in any county or place where they may be found. AN ACT RELATING TO EXECUTIONS. Approved idth Jime, 1836. (P. Z,., 1835-6, pages 77^ and 775".) SECTION 72. All executions which shall be issued from any court of record, against any corporation, not being a county, township, or other public corporate body, shall command the sheriff, or other officer, to levy the sum recovered, together with the costs of suit, of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of such corporation, and such execution shall be executed in the manner following, to wit: I. The officer charged with the execution of such writ shall go to the banking-houses, or other principal office of such corporation, during the usual office hours, and demand of the president or other chief officer, cashier, treasurer, secretary, chief clerk, or other officer having charge of such office, the amount of such execution, with legal costs. 14 II. If no person can be found on whom demand can be made, as aforesaid, or if the amount of such execution be not forthwith paid, in lawful money, after demand as aforesaid, such officer shall seize personal property of said corporation, sufficient to satisfy the debt, interest, and costs, as aforesaid. III. If the corporation against which such execution shall be issued be a banking company, and other sufficient personal property cannot be found, such officer shall take so much of any current coin, of gold, silver, or copper, which he may find, as shall be sufficient to satisfy the debt, interest, and costs as aforesaid. IV. If no sufficient personal property be found, as aforesaid, such officer shall levy such execution upon the real estate of such corporation, and thereupon proceed in the manner provided in other cases for the sale of land upon execution. SEC. 73. In every case in which judgment shall have been obtained against such corporation, except as aforesaid, and an execution issued thereon shall have been returned unsatisfied, in part or in whole, it shall be lawful for the court in which such judgment shall have been obtained, upon the bill or petition of the plaintiff in such judgment, to award a writ to sequester the goods, chattels, and credits, rents, issues, and profits, tolls and receipts, from any road, canal, bridge, or other work, property, or estate of such corporation. SEC. ,74. The court shall, upon the awarding any such writ, appoint a sequestrator to execute the same and to take charge of the property and funds taken or received by virtue of such writ, and to distribute the net proceeds thereof among all the creditors of such corporation, according to the rules established in the case of the insolvency of individuals, and such sequestrator shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties of trustees appointed under the law relating to insolvent debtors : Provided, That in the case of any work in the maintenance or repair of which the public may be inter- ested, and which may from time to time require a portion of the revenue thereof, as aforesaid, to be expended thereon, the court which awards such writ shall make such allowances for such purpose, and otherwise take such order thereon as the public good shall require. SEC. 75. The said court shall have power, at the time of awarding any such writ, or afterwards, to make such orders and decrees as may be necessary to carry the same into full and complete effect, and they may also make all such other orders and decrees in the premises, for the purpose of giving full and effectual relief to all the creditors of such corporation, as shall be agreeable to equity, and they may enforce all such orders against all persons neglecting or refusing to comply therewith, or obstructing the execution thereof, or of such writ, by attachment or by a writ or writs to the sheriff or coroner, in aid of the sequestrator, or other- wise, as fully as a court of chancery might do. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE AUDITOR-GENERAL TO INSTITUTE SUIT FOR THE COLLECTION OF ANY BAL- ANCE WHICH MAY BE FOUND DUE FROM LAWRENCE L. MINOR, LATE CLERK OF THE SENATE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved ijth April, 1838. (P. L., 1837-8, page 396.} SECTION 5. That from and after the passage of this act, all and every suit or action now pending, or that may hereafter be brought by or against any canal or railroad company, in any of the courts of this Commonwealth, and which now are or hereafter shall be removed into a court of any other adja- cent county, by virtue of the act of the I4th April, 1834, relative to suits brought by and against canal and railroad companies, the costs and expenses thereof shall be borne and paid by the county in which such suit or action was brought ; and that in all cases where the venire of any suit now depending has been or may be changed, and where the venire of any suit hereafter to be instituted may be changed, and where suits are directed to be brought in any particular county, the costs of summoning the jury and the pay of the jurors shall be borne by the county in which the cause of action originated. SEC. 6. It shall and may be lawful for the county commis- sioners of the county into which any suit or action now is or hereafter may be removed, by virtue of the above-recited act, i6 to ask, demand, sue for, recover, and receive of the commis- sioners of the county from which the same may or shall be removed, all the costs and expenses incurred by the county to which the same may have been removed as aforesaid. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MIDDLEPORT AND PINE CREEK RAILROAD COMPANY," AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved i6th April, 1838. (P. L., 1837-8, pages 462, 463, and 464.} SECTION 5. That the president and directors of Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the presi- dent and directors of any other railroad company, are hereby authorized and empowered to unite such railroads as are constructed and terminate in the county of Philadelphia, the location of which is hereby confirmed, by curves, switch, turning-platforms, or otherwise, so as to form a continuous line of railroad with railroads of other companies in this Commonwealth : Provided, That each company is entitled to all the privileges and immunities which such company now possess, have, and enjoy under their respective charters: Provided, That no change shall be made in the location of the curves, switches, turning-platforms, or other appurtenances of said railroads, or any of them, within the county of Philadel- phia, without the consent of the judges of the Quarter Sessions of the County of Philadelphia. SEC. 8. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously set fire to, destroy, or injure any part of a locomotive or stationary engine, engine-house, bridge, culvert, trestle-work, or other building or structure belonging or appurtenant to any rail- road constructed or located by this Commonwealth, or by any company authorized by law to construct a railroad; or shall willfully and maliciously obstruct any such railway, or do any damage to the materials or any part thereof, or shall put any timber, stone, iron, or other matter thereon, or do any other act in relation to such railroad, whereby the lives of persons or property employed or transported on the same shall be endangered, such person or persons shall, upon conviction of such offense, before any court of competent jurisdiction, be sentenced to pay the damages caused by such offense, and to be imprisoned in the jail of the proper county, or in one of the penitentiaries in the State, for any term not exceeding five years. (Section eight repealed and supplied 3ist March, 1860.) SEC. 9. That if any person shall wantonly derange or dis- place the fixtures or machinery of any locomotive or stationary engine or inclined plane, used or employed on any railroad as aforesaid, or shall put in motion any machine, engine, car, or other vehicle, upon or belonging to any such railroad, without the consent of the person having the charge of the same, or shall destroy or injure any fence or wall or cross- road passing over or under such railroad, such person or persons shall forfeit any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and pay all damages caused by such offense; such person or persons may also be prosecuted criminally, and on conviction of the said offenses, or either of them, be sentenced to imprisonment, not exceeding twelve months, in the jail of the proper county. (Section nine repealed and supplied 3ist March, 1860.) SEC. 10. That if any person shall willfully and wantonly, with- out the consent of the person having charge of any such railroad, lead, drive, or cause to be led or driven, any horse, mule, ox, sheep, swine, or other cattle on such railroad, or upon the banks or sideways thereof, or haul any other vehicle than railroad cars upon any such railroad, except at places con- structed for crossing the same, or use any animal or vehicle on such railroad, contrary to the regulations of the canal commissioners, or of the board of managers or directors, as the case may be, such person or persons shall forfeit twenty- five dollars, and pay all damages arising from such offense. SEC. 1 1. No person shall construct any building, wharf, plat- form, switch, sideway, lateral railroad, or crossing-place, or make or apply any device whatever on the ground set apart for, or belonging to or forming part of, or on the banks or excava- tion of any railroad as aforesaid, without permission given under the authority of the canal commissioners, or of the managers 18 of the proper railroad company, as the case may be, which permission shall only be given in writing, by a person duly authorized for that purpose; and if any person shall commence or make any such construction or device without such per- mission, or shall not conform to the direction of the proper officer or agent in the case, in the construction of such building, wharf, platform, switch, sideway, lateral railroad, crossing-place, or device, as aforesaid, such person shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and the officer or agent having charge of such railroad may, at the expense of such person, remove and destroy every such structure or device as aforesaid: Provided, That nothing in this act shall prevent any corpora- tion authorized to make a railroad, or individual owning land contiguous to a railroad, from laying rails on his or their land and connecting the same with such railroad, in such manner as shall be directed by the managers thereof. RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO CHANGING THE LOTS AT- TACHED TO CERTAIN LOCK-HOUSES ON THE JUNIATA DIVISION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL, AND RELA- TIVE TO OTHER PURPOSES. Approved ijth April, 1838. (P. L., 1837-8, pages 695 and 696.) Resolved, That all companies hereafter incorporated for the construction of canals, railroads, or other works of internal improvement in the State of Pennsylvania, shall cause correct topographical maps to be made, showing accurately the loca- tion of their works, together with accurate profiles of the ground; the said maps and profiles shall be made on a uniform scale, to be designated by the canal commissioners, and shall be deposited in the office of the said commissioners, at Harris- burg; and the said companies shall further cause a complete and correct set of drawings to be made, exhibiting the plans, profiles,' and elevations of all important constructions upon their respective works, accompanied by the proper specifica- tions and bills of materials ; the plans shall be of uniform size, and bound together in the form of a book, which shall be 19 deposited in the office of the canal commissioners, and that the canal commissioners be directed to request all canal and rail- road companies heretofore incorporated to furnish and deposit in their office, as far as practicable, similar maps, profiles, and drawings, as is herein provided in relation to companies here- after to be incorporated. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGU- LATING LATERAL RAILROADS." Approved 28th March, 1840. (P. L., 1839-40, pages 196 and 197.) SECTION i. That the several provisions of the act entitled "An act regulating lateral railroads," passed May 5th, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, shall ex- tend to the counties of Northampton, Lehigh, and Cambria ; also, to the owner or owners of land, mills, quarries, coal or other mines, lime-kilns or other real estate in the vicinity of any railroad, canal, or slackwater navigation made or to be made hereafter by any company, individuals, or by the State of Pennsylvania : Provided, That if the parties interested cannot agree upon the mode, manner, or point of connection with such railroad, canal, or slackwater navigation, the same shall be determined by the jury to be appointed by virtue of the pro- visions of the first section of the act to which this is a supple- ment. SEC. 2. That from and after the passage of this act it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons, company or companies, now or hereafter to be incorporated in this Common- wealth, to construct railroads with one or more tracks, under the surface, over any intermediate lands, not exceeding six miles in length, to or from any coal or iron or other mines, quarries, lime-kilns, or other real estate, and connect the same with any railroad or railroads belonging to any individual or individuals, company or companies, now or hereafter to be incorporated in this State, and also with any highway or public improvement: Provided, That the parties interested shall in* cases be subject to the same proceedings required under * " Such" evidently being omitted from original act. 2O the act of May 5th, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, an act regulating lateral railroads : Provided fur- ther, That if the parties interested cannot agree upon the mode, manner, or point of connection with such railroad or railroads, the same shall be determined by the jury to be appointed by virtue of the provisions of the first section of the act last afore- said: Provided, That so much of the act to which this is a supplement as prohibits a writ of error or appeal shall be and the same is hereby repealed. (Repealed as to Cambria county, 2ist April, 1846.) AN ACT TO REPEAL PART OF AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT LIMITING THE TIME DURING WHICH JUDGMENTS SHALL BE A LIEN ON REAL ESTATE, AND SUITS MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST THE SURETIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS," AND TO RENDER CER- TAIN APPEALS FROM AWARDS OF ARBITRATORS VALID, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved nth February, 1841. (P. L., 1841, page 24.} SECTION 3. That so much of the act entitled "An act relative to suits brought by and against canal and railroad companies," approved the fourteenth day of April, 1834, as is applicable to actions brought on contracts, express or implied, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and all such actions as have been removed in pursuance of such act and still pending be returned for trial to the court in which they were respectively com- menced. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGULATING LATERAL RAILROADS." Approved 1 2th February, 1842. (P. L. t 1842, page 18.} SECTION i. That the several provisions of the act entitled "An act regulating lateral railroads," passed May 5th, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and of the several supplements thereunto, shall extend to the counties of Tioga and Columbia. 21 AN ACT AUTHORIZING JOHN PRALL TO SELL AND CON- VEY CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN BUCKS COUNTY. Approved 2ist March, 1842. (/. L., 1842, pages 145 and 146.) SECTION 8. That hereafter, when any action is commenced by any person or persons, or bodies corporate, against an in- corporated railroad or canal company, in any county in which the corporate property of such company is wholly or in part situated, it shall be lawful, if the president, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk of such corporation does not reside or cannot be found in such county, for the sheriff or other officer to whom such process is directed, to serve the same on any manager or director of such company, being in such county, and the ser- vice so made shall be deemed sufficient, and in case no director or manager can be found in the county, it shall be lawful for such officer to go into an adjoining county to serve the process as hereinbefore stated. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY TO APPOINT AUDITORS IN CER- TAIN CASES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved i6th July, 1842. (P. L., 1842, page 395.) SECTION 13. That in all cases for the assessment of damages caused by the construction of canals or railroads by incorpo- rated companies in this Commonwealth, if the viewers or a jury shall find for the plaintiff any sum of damages, such award or verdict, on the rendition of judgment, shall carry costs, unless there may be some provision in the act incorpo- rating such company to the contrary. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LIBERTY FIRE COMPANY, OF HOLMESBURG, IN THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Approved 26th July, 1842. (P. L., 1842, page 434.} SECTION n. That whenever any railroad or canal company has borrowed money, and given to the lender thereof a bond 22 or other evidence of indebtedness in a larger sum than the amount actually received, such transactions shall not be deemed usurious, or in violation of any law of this Common- wealth prohibiting the taking of more than six per cent, interest AN ACT ANNEXING THE COUNTY OF SCHUYLKILL TO THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF THE SUPREME COURT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved 2d August, 1842. (P. L., 1842, page 459.} SECTION 3. That the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to pass ordinances to require the owners or agents of cars traveling on the railroads in Broad, High, Third, and Dock streets, in the city of Philadelphia, to deliver a certificate of the contents of each car and the number of passengers con- veyed therein and of the distance they have been conveyed on said railroads, and to require the owners or agents of such cars to pay toll for the same : Provided, That the toll charged shall be the same toll as may be charged on the Pennsylvania Railroad (and that all distances under half a mile shall be charged as half a mile, and all distances over half a mile and under one mile shall be charged as one mile). SEC. 4. That it shall be lawful for the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of Philadelphia, to provide for the punishment of any person or persons who shall refuse or omit to comply with the provisions of the ordinances which may be enacted by virtue of this act, by imposing a fine, to be recovered in the same manner as penalties for the violation of the ordinances of the city of Philadelphia are now by law recoverable. (Mileage changed I3th May, 1856, to actual distance.) RESOLUTION TO PROTECT LABORERS AND CONTRACTORS, Approved 21 st January, 1843. (P. L., 1843, page 36"].} Resolved, That from and after the passage of this resolution, it shall not be lawful for any company incorporated by the 23 laws of this Commonwealth, and empowered to construct, make, and .manage any railroad, canal, or other public inter- nal improvement, while the debts and liabilities, or any part thereof incurred by the said company to contractors, laborers, and workmen employed in the construction or repairs of said improvement remain unpaid, to execute a general or partial assignment, conveyance, mortgage, or other transfer, of the real or personal estate of the said company, so as to defeat, postpone, endanger, or delay their said creditors, without the written assent of the said creditors first had and obtained ; and any such assignment, conveyance, mortgage, or transfer shall be deemed fraudulent, null, and void, as against any such con- tractors, laborers, and workmen, creditors as aforesaid. AN. ACT TO CONFER UPON THE ORPHANS' COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY CERTAIN POWERS IN RELATION TO THE REAL ESTATE OF JOHN LINDEMUTH, DECEASED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved 4th April, 1843. (P. L., 1843, page 132.} SECTION 3. That the several courts of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth are hereby empowered, on petition of the parties in interest, to change the corporate name, style, and title of any corporation within their respective counties. (Repealed 2Oth April, 1869, and common pleas authorized.) AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BUTLER COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved 24th April, 1843. (P. L., 1843, pages 361 and 362.} SECTION 10. That when the owners of any railroad, consti- tuted under an act of this Commonwealth, possess the landing at the termination of the said railroad, where it joins any canal or other navigation, and. any lateral railroad shall be con- structed to connect with said railroad for the purpose of con- veying any mineral or other productions to the said navigation, 24 and the owners of the said landing shall refuse to permit the trade of the said lateral railroads to make use of the said landing, upon the payment of a suitable compensation, it shall be the duty of the court of common pleas of the proper county, upon application of the party aggrieved, to direct the sheriff to summon a jury of five disinterested men from the proper county, who, being duly sworn or affirmed, shall examine the premises, and if they shall find that the landings are of suffi- cient capacity to accommodate the trade of the lateral railroad, in addition to the trade of the main railroad, they shall mark off a portion of the land to be allotted thereto, and fix upon a compensation suitable therefor, either in fee simple or as an annual rent, or a price per ton for the use of the same, and shall make return thereof to the court, who shall thereupon, if the report be approved by them, direct the said landing to be opened to the use of the public, upon the payment of the price assessed by the said jury, an appeal to the superior [court] being allowed as in other cases ; and the jury shall be allowed the same compensation as jury upon county roads, to be paid by the party applying for the landing. AN ACT FURTHER TO REGULATE PROCEEDINGS IN COURTS OF JUSTICE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Approved 6th May, 1844. (P. L., 1844, page 565.} SECTION 5. That in all cases where acts creating railroad or canal companies, security to the owners of lands through which any canals and railroads may pass is required to be given, and approved by any of the courts in the counties where such lands lie, said security may be given and approved of by any two of the judges of said courts during vacation : Provided, That at least five days' notice shall first be given to the owners of such lands, or their known agent or attorney, of the time and place of offering such security, and the names of the sureties to be offered. 25 AN ACT FIXING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN ACTS OF ASSEMBLY IN RELATION TO THE RIGHTS OF PRI- VATE PROPERTY. Approved loth March, 1845. (P. L., 1845, page 126.} SECTION i. That the fourth section of the seventh article of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which directs that the legis- lature shall not invest any corporate body or individual with the privilege of taking private property for public use, without requiring such corporation or individual to make compensa- tion to the owners of said property, or give adequate security therefor before such property shall be taken, shall be deemed to apply to all acts of assembly passed, or that may be passed during the present session of the legislature, as fully and effectu- ally as if the same were incorporated in said act. AN ACT CONCERNING BAIL AND ATTACHMENTS. Approved 2Oth March, 1843. (P. Z,., 1845, page 188.) SECTION i. That in lieu of the bail heretofore required by law, in the cases herein mentioned, the bail in cases of appeal from the judgments of aldermen and justices of the peace, and from the awards of arbitrators, shall be bail absolute, in double the probable amount of costs accrued and likely to accrue in such cases, with one or more sufficient sureties, conditioned for the payment of all costs accrued or that may be legally recovered in such cases against the appellants. AN ACT CONCERNING BAIL AND ATTACHMENTS. Approved 2Oth March, 1845. (P. L., 1845, page 189.} SECTION 4. That so much of the act of assembly passed sixteenth day of June, 1836, entitled "An act relating to executions," as provides for the levy and recovery of stock, deposits, and debts due to defendants by process of attach- ment and scire facias, is hereby extended to all cases of attach- ments to be issued upon judgments against corporations 26 (other than municipal corporations), and from and after the passage of this act all such process which hereafter may be issued may be proceeded in to final judgment and execution, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as are directed against corporations by the provisions of the act of 1 6th June, 1836, relating to executions; and that so much of the thirty-sixth section of the act of i6th June, 1836, as requires service of the attachment on any defendant, be and the same is hereby repealed, except where the defendant is a resident of the county in which the attachment issued. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE OBSTRUCTING OF THE CROSS- INGS OF PUBLIC ROADS BY LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS. Approved 2oth March, 1845. (P. L., 1845, pages iqi and 192?) SECTION i. That it shall not be lawful for any railroad com- pany to block up the passage of any crossings of public streets or roads, or obstruct the said crossings with their locomotives or cars ; and if any engineer or other agent of any such rail- road company shall obstruct or block up such crossings, he or they shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered with costs, in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, before a justice of the peace; one-half of such penalty shall be paid to the informer or informers, and the remaining half shall be paid into the treasury of the Common- wealth : Provided, That in the event of the said engineer or agent being unable to pay the said penalty, then and in that case the said railroad company employing the said engineer or agent shall pay the penalty aforesaid. AN ACT TO RELIEVE CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANIES FROM PENALTIES FOR NOT PERFORMING CERTAIN ACTS ON THE SABBATH DAY. Approved nth April, 1845. (P. L., 1845, page 364.} SECTION i. That no part of any act of assembly heretofore passed shall be construed to require any canal or railroad 27 company to attend their works on the Sabbath days, for the purpose of expediting or aiding the passage of any boat, craft, or vehicle along the same; any clause or clauses in their respective charters, imposing a penalty for not aiding boats, crafts, or vehicles to pass within a certain time, to the con- trary notwithstanding. AN ACT TO INCREASE THE REVENUES AND DIMINISH THE LEGISLATIVE EXPENSES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Approved i6th April, 1845. (P. L., 1845, page 535.) SECTION 12. That hereafter it shall be lawful to commence and prosecute to final judgment and execution, in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, suits against any and all persons who are or may hereafter be officers of any description whatsoever within this Commonwealth, appointed by the governor or by the board of canal commissioners or elected by either house of the legislature or by both houses in joint ballot, and who shall become defaulters in not paying over or accounting for money in their hands due and belong- ing to the Commonwealth, and against their sureties, in the same manner and with like effect as if the said defaulting persons and officers and their sureties were residents of the said county of Dauphin; and for this purpose, all necessary writs of summons, writs of fieri facias, writs of fieri facias with clause of attachment, to attach debts owing and stocks, as practiced in other cases, and writs of venditioni exponas, and alias and pluries writs of the same kind, may issue from the said court into any county, and at the same time, if deemed necessary, into the several counties of this Common- wealth, there to be transmitted by mail to the sheriff or coroner, as the case may require, whose duty it shall be to execute the same, and make return thereof in the same manner as is now practiced in relation to testatum writs. 28 AN ACT FIXING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN ACTS OF ASSEMBLY IN RELATION TO THE RIGHTS OF PRI- VATE PROPERTY. Approved 2oth April, 1846. (P. L., 1846, page 407.} SECTION i. That the fourth section of the seventh article of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which directs that the legislature shall not invest any corporate body or individual with the privilege of taking private property for public uses, without requiring such corporation or individual to make compensation to the owners of said property, or give adequate security therefor, before such property shall be taken, shall be deemed to apply to all acts of assembly passed, or that may be passed, during the present session of the legislature, as fully and effectually as if the same were incorporated in said act. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE LAW RELATING TO DEFAULT- ING PUBLIC OFFICERS. Approved 21 st April, 1846. (P. L., 1846, page 414.} SECTION 4. That in all suits hereafter brought in any court, under the provisions of this act, or the act to which this is supplementary, the attorney officiating for the Commonwealth shall file a declaration along with the prczcipe, and judgments shall be entered therein, and the sums be liquidated by the respective prothonotaries, as aforesaid, immediately after thirty days from the return of the writ in each case, unless before that time the defendants shall have filed an affidavit of defense and shall have put the cause to issue, as is directed in the second section of this act in suits heretofore brought ; and all causes so put to issue shall be put down for trial at the next succeeding court of common pleas in each county, and shall, until the same are tried or ended, be placed on the trial list, and have the preference over all other causes. 2 9 A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RE- LATING TO ROADS, HIGHWAYS, AND BRIDGES." Approved 2ist April, 1846. (P. L., 1846, page 417.} SECTION 3. That the act of the 5th of May, 1832, entitled "An act regulating lateral railroads," and the supplement thereto of March 28th, 1840, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as they relate to the county of Cambria. AN ACT RELATING TO ARBITRATIONS. Approved 24th February, 1847. (f- > I 847*P a e I 53-} WHEREAS, Great inconvenience and embarrassment are often experienced in the trial of suits between contractors and laborers and workmen employed in the construction or repairs of railroads and canals, by companies incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth and empowered to construct such railroads and canals, and such incorporated companies, by reason of the want of power in arbitrators in actions depending before them, to compel the production of books and papers which contain evidence pertinent to the issue; therefore, SECTION I. That from and after the passing of this act, arbitrators shall have power in any action depending before them, between any contractors, laborers, or workmen, and any company incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth, and empowered to construct, make, and manage any railroad, canal, or other public internal improvement, to require either party to produce any books or writing, in their possession or power, which contain evidence pertinent to the issue; and if such party shall fail to produce such books or writings, or to satisfy said arbitrators why the same is not in their power so to do, it shall be lawful for the said arbitrators to find an award against such party, if plaintiff, of no cause of action ; if defendant, for such sum as the plaintiff, his agent or attorney, shall make oath or affirmation is justly due, according to the best of his knowledge and belief: Provided, That before such 30 requirement shall be made by such arbitrators, it shall be proved to their satisfaction, on oath or affirmation, that clear and distinct notice in writing shall have been given to pro- duce such books or writings at least ten days previous thereto. AN ACT REQUIRING BANKS AND OTHER CORPORATIONS TO GIVE NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS, DEPOSITS, AND BALANCES IN CERTAIN CASES. Approved 6th March, 1847. (P. L., 1847, pages 222 and 223.) SECTION i. That each of the banks, savings institutions, loan companies, and insurance companies, and each and every other of the companies, institutions, or associations incor- porated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, and legally authorized to declare and make dividends of profits amongst the stockholders thereof, shall, in the month of December of the present year, and annually thereafter, cause to be published, for four successive weeks, in one or more public newspapers having the largest circulation, printed in the city or county in which such bank, savings institution, loan company, insurance company, or other company, institu- tion, or association may be located, or in which its principal office or place of business may be situated, a true and accurate statement, verified by the oath or affirmation of the cashier or treasurer thereof, of all dividends or profits declared on its capital stock, which, at the date of such settlement, shall have remained unclaimed by the person, copartnership, or corpora- tion authorized to receive the same for the period of three years then next preceding; which said statement shall set forth the names, and if known, the residence and business of the persons, copartnerships, or corporations in whose favor said dividends or profits may have been declared, the amount of such dividends or profits and the number of shares in the capital stock upon which the same had accrued. SEC. 2. That each of the said banks, savings institutions, and loan companies, and each and every saving fund society, insurance, or trust company, or other company, institution, or association, incorporated as aforesaid and legally authorized to receive deposits of money, shall, in the said month of December of the present year, and annually thereafter, cause to be published in like manner and for the same period, a statement, verified as aforesaid, of the names, and, if known, the residence and business of all persons, copartnerships, or corporations who have made deposits therein, or have balances due them, and who have not, within the three years then next preceding the date of said statement, either increased or diminished the amount of such deposits or balances, or re- ceived any interest thereon, with the dates when such deposits were made or balances accrued, the amount thereof, and the amount of interest, if any, accruing thereon. SEC. 3. If any such bank, savings institution, loan company, insurance company, or other banking institution or associa- tion, incorporated as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to pub- lish the statement hereinbefore required to be published, the same, and the cashier or treasurer thereof, in his individual capacity, shall be liable to the party in whose name such unclaimed dividend, profit, deposit, or balance may stand, or to his, her, or their legal representatives for the amount there- of, with interest thereon, at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum from the date of such dividend, profit, deposit, or balance until paid, recoverable by action of debt, as in other cases: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to require the publication of any such unclaimed dividends or profits amounting to less than five dollars, nor such unclaimed deposits or balances amounting to less than ten dollars. SEC. 4. That at the expiration of three years after the first publication of any particular dividend or profits, balance or deposit, with the interest that has accrued thereon, as provided for by the first and second sections of this act, such dividend or profit, balance or deposit, with the interest that has accrued, if not demanded within that time by the rightful owner or owners thereof, or their legal representatives, shall escheat to the Commonwealth, and shall be paid into the treasury there- of, without discount or deduction for commissions, fees, or expenses of any description, by the cashier, treasurer, or other 32 proper officer of said bank, savings institution, loan company insurance company, saving fund society, or other company, institution, or association in which such dividend or profit, balance or deposit, shall have remained without being de- manded, as aforesaid, or without being increased or diminished for the length of time aforesaid; and the said bank, savings institution, loan company, insurance company, saving fund society, or other company, institution, or association, as the case may be, shall thereupon be discharged from any obliga- tion or liability to pay over such dividend or profit, balance or deposit, or interest thereon, to the owner or owners thereof; that the said owner or owners, or their legal representatives, upon application to the State treasurer for the time being, and producing satisfactory proof to that officer of his, her, or their right to such dividend or profit, balance or deposit, with the interest thereon, paid into the treasury, as aforesaid, or any part thereof, shall receive from the Commonwealth the amount he, she, or they shall be found legally or equitably entitled to : Provided, That the expense of the publication or publications required by this act shall be paid out of such dividend or profit, balance or deposit, so published. AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS. Approved i^th March, 184.7. (^ -> I 847>P a g es 333 an ^ 334'} WHEREAS, Certain corporations deriving their charter from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in cases where a majority of the board of managers are resident out of the State, or the chief officer for the transaction of the business of such corporation is located out of the State, have it in their power to evade, and in some cases have evaded, the laws of this Commonwealth, subjecting the stock and property of such corporations to taxation ; and to escape and evade their amena- bility to the laws of this Commonwealth, for misuser or neglect of their corporate duties and liabilities, and other violations of th'e provisions of their charters ; therefore, 33 SECTION i. That it shall be the duty of any and every railroad or canal company, incorporated by this Commonwealth, whose works and property are principally located within this State, in all elections for president, managers, directors, or other officers of said companies, having the control and direction of the works or affairs of such company, held at any time after the passage of this act, to hold their elections at some place, to be determined upon by the board of managers, in this State, and to elect a majority of citizens, resident within this State, as managers or directors of their said companies respectively, of which majority the president shall in all cases be one; and it shall be the duty of the respective boards of such corpora- tions so elected to establish their principal office for the transaction of their corporate business in some convenient place within this State, and not elsewhere, within one month after their election as aforesaid ; and any election not made in conformity to the directions of this act shall be void. SEC. 2. That upon the failure of any company, incorporated and situated as aforesaid, to elect officers in accordance with the provisions of this" act, and to establish their office as herein directed, it shall be the duty of the governor to nominate to the canal commissioners seven persons, stockholders of such company, resident within this State, fitted to conduct the affairs of the said company failing as aforesaid; and if the said com- missioners shall approve of the persons so named, they shall confirm their appointment as directors of such company; and if any of the persons so nominated shall not be approved by the said commissioners, others shall be nominated in such case by the governor aforesaid, till the required number shall be approved; and the like course shall be pursued if any stock- holder so appointed shall refuse to serve; in such case a proper person, not a stockholder, may be nominated and ap- pointed as aforesaid in his place; and when the number is complete as aforesaid, the directors so appointed shall elect one of their number president of the board, and shall also elect a treasurer of the said company; and it shall be the duty of the directors aforesaid to take charge of the works and property, books, papers, and documents of the said company, and con- duct the business thereof, under the provisions, regulations, 34 and directions of the charter thereof, and with the same liabilities, duties, and responsibilities as a board regularly elected under the provisions of the charter would be liable to do, and with like powers and authorities ; and the said directors shall continue to hold possession of the works of said com- pany, and to execute their duties as aforesaid, until a board shall be regularly elected by the company, in accordance with the provisions of this act; and upon such election, the said directors appointed as aforesaid, in charge of the works as aforesaid, shall deliver up to the said board elected as aforesaid, within one month after they shall, by resolution, have deter- mined to comply with the requirements of this act, a copy of which resolution shall be delivered to the directors aforesaid, all and singular the works, property, books, papers, arid documents of the said company, or having any connection therewith, and all funds not necessarily expended in the dis- charge of the expenses incident to the conducting of the affairs of the said company, and in payment of its liabilities : Provided, That the person who shall act as treasurer of such company shall give bond with security, to be approved by the court of common pleas of the county in which the works of the com- pany shall be principally situated, in such sum as the said court shall direct; and shall keep books, in which the whole receipts and disbursements of the company shall be fully set forth and exhibited. AN ACT IN REFERENCE TO RUNNING OF LOCOMOTIVE- ENGINES AND CARS ON CONNECTING RAILROADS. Approved i^th March, 1847. (P. L., 1847, P a g e 337-} SECTION I. That in all cases where two railroads in this Commonwealth are or shall be connected, it shall be lawful for the company owning either of the said railroads (with the con- sent of the company owning the other of the said railroads) to run its cars and locomotive-engines upon the said other railroad, and to erect water-stations and other buildings for the due ac- commodation of the cars and engines employed thereon: 35 Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed or interpreted to release or exonerate any company owning a railroad from the obligation and duty which may be now imposed by existing laws, of transporting, subject to the rules and regulations of said companies, by locomotive steam- engines, the cars, whether loaded or empty, of all persons and companies who may require such transportation over and along so much and such parts of their railroad as locomotive steam-engines shall be run upon, whether they be run by the company owning the road or by any other company. AN ACT TO REQUIRE CORPORATIONS TO GIVE BAIL IN CERTAIN CASES, AND RELATIVE TO THE COMMENCE- MENT OF SUITS AGAINST FOREIGN CORPORATIONS, TO THE ACCOUNTS OF JOHN SLOAN, LATE TREASURER OF LYCOMING COUNTY, AND PITTSBURG AND CONNELLS- VILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. Approved i$th March, 1847. (P. L., 1847, pages j6f and 362.) WHEREAS, Doubts have arisen in regard to the effect of the first section of the act entitled "An act concerning bail and attachments, passed 2Oth March, 1845, an d as to the bail re- quired to be given by corporations in cases of appeal and writs of error since the passage of the said act; therefore, SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this act, when any corporation (municipal corporations excepted), being sued, shall appeal or take a writ of error, the bail requisite in that case shall be taken absolute, for the payment of debt, interest, and costs on the affirmance of the judgment. SEC. 2. That in all cases where any company has been incor- porated by this Commonwealth, and the principal office for the transaction of business thereof shall be located out of this State, or where the president, treasurer, cashier, or other prin- cipal officer of such company shall reside out of this State, it shall be lawful to sue such company in any county of this State where the works of such company shall be located, or adjoining thereto, or where any director, manager, or other officer of such company shall reside; and service of legal 36 process upon such director, manager, or other officer shall be valid and effective upon said company, and such company shall be taken, both in law and in equity, for every purpose of legal proceeding, to be located in this State; and shall also be liable to the writs of quo warranto, mandamus, attachment, and execution ; and service of such writ upon any manager, director, or other officer of such company shall be, to all intents and purposes, as effective as if served upon the president of such company, and he resident of this State, and as if the locality of such company's office were within this State; and any property of any description of such company, which would be liable to attachment or execution, if the same were located in this State, shall be taken to be in this State for such purpose ; and shall be liable to levy and sale, in the same manner as if the officers of said company were located in the county of this State in which the same is made liable to be sued by the provisions of this act. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT OF 5th MAY, 1832, ENTITLED "AN ACT REGULATING LATERAL RAILROADS." Approved 6th January, 1848. (P. L., 1848, pages i and 2.) SECTION I. That the provisions of the act of the 5th of May, 1832, entitled "An act regulating lateral railroads," and the supplement thereto, passed twenty-eighth day of March, 1840, be and the same is hereby extended to the counties of Dauphin, Allegheny, Bedford, Blair, and Washington, and shall be so construed as to authorize the construction of lateral railroads, either under or over the surface of any intervening lands, subject to the restrictions of the act to which this is a supplement. SEC. 2. The rights and privileges conferred by the act to which this is a supplement are hereby extended to the owner and owners of coal and iron mines, situated in the township of Denison, Luzerne county, more than six miles from the Lehigh navigation, and not more than ten miles from the same. 37 SEC. 3. The rights and privileges as to the acquisition of landings and wharves conferred by the tenth section of the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Butler County Mutual Insurance Company, and for other purposes," passed the twenty-fourth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, upon certain persons therein men- tioned or described, shall be extended to all persons proceeding to procure the right to make a lateral railroad under the authority of the act to which this is a supplement, so that they shall be enabled to procure landings or wharves for a compen- sation, of the owner or owners of land, whether said owner or owners of land have any interest in any railroad or not; and the powers and duties conferred upon the jury authorized by the said tenth section are hereby conferred upon the viewers which may be appointed under the authority of said act, to which this is a supplement: Provided, That no landing, wharf privilege, or franchise shall be taken from the owner thereof, if in the opinion of the viewers aforesaid such landing, wharf privilege, or franchise is necessary to the use and enjoy- ment of the owner of any mill, quarry, lime-kiln, coal-mine, or other real estate adjoining any navigable stream or slackwater navigation. AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF WILLIAM BURNS AND OTHER SOLDIERS AND WIDOWS OF SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY AND INDIAN WARS, AND IN REFER- ENCE TO ACTS OF INCORPORATION AND SUPPLE. MENTS THERETO, PASSED AT THE PRESENT SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. Approved nth April, 1848. (P. L., 1848, page 509.) SECTION 7. That nothing contained in any act passed during the present session incorporating any company or extending the powers of any incorporated company, shall be construed to authorize any such company to take private property with- out making compensation therefor, or securing it agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution ; and the said act shall be taken and construed as if the constitutional provision was expressly inserted therein. 38 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE MARGARET PARTHEMORE * * AND RELATIVE TO LATERAL RAILROADS, &c. Approved nth April, 1848. (P. L., 1848, page j"/<5.) SECTION 4. That so much of the twelfth section of the act regulating lateral railroads, passed the fifth day of May, 1832, as limits the provisions of said act to the counties of Lycoming, Luzerne, Schuylkill, and Northumberland, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and the provisions of the act aforesaid, and the several supplements thereto, be and the same are hereby extended throughout the Commonwealth, as well to all lands lying in the vicinity of any navigable river as to lands lying in the vicinity of any railroad, canal, or slackwater navigation. AN ACT REGULATING RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved iqth February, 1849. (P- > T ^9, P a e 79-) SECTION i. That whenever a special act of the general assembly shall hereafter be passed, authorizing the incorpora- tion of a company for the construction of a railroad within this Commonwealth, the commissioners named in such act, or any five of them, shall have power to open books for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of such company, at such time or times, and at such place or places, as they may deem expedient, after having given at least twenty days' notice in one or more newspapers published in the county where books of subscription are to be opened ; and at the times and places so designated and named in the public notices to be given, as aforesaid, the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall attend and furnish to all persons duly qualified, who shall offer to subscribe, an opportunity of so doing; and it shall be lawful for all such persons, and for all firms and copartnerships, by themselves or by persons duly authorized, to subscribe for shares in said stock; and the said books shall be kept open at least six hours in every day, for the term of three juridical days, or until there shall have been subscribed the whole 39 number of shares authorized by the special act ; and if, at the expiration of three days, the books aforesaid shall not have the number of shares therein subscribed, the said commissioners may adjourn from time to time, and to such places as they may deem proper, until the whole number of shares authorized, as aforesaid, shall be subscribed ; of which adjournment, the commissioners aforesaid shall give such public notice as the occasion may require ; and when the whole number of shares shall be subscribed the books shall be closed: Provided always, That no subscription for such stock shall be valid unless the party or parties making the same shall, at the time of subscribing, pay to the said commissioners five dollars on each and every share subscribed, for the use of the company. SEC. 2. That when ten per centum on the capital stock, as provided by any special act of incorporation, shall have been subscribed, and five dollars paid on each and every share, as aforesaid, the said commissioners, or such of them as shall have acted, shall certify to the governor, under their hands and seals, the names of the subscribers and the number of shares subscribed by each, and that five dollars on each share have been paid, whereupon the governor shall, by letters patent, under his hand and the seal of the Commonwealth, create and constitute the subscribers, and if the subscription be not full at the time, those who shall thereafter subscribe to the number of shares aforesaid, their successors and assigns, into a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style, and title designated by the special act of assembly ; and by the said name, style, and title the said subscribers shall have perpetual succession, with all the privileges, franchises, and immunities incident to a corporation, and be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of record and elsewhere, and to purchase, receive, have, hold, use, and enjoy to them and their successors, goods, chattels, and estate, real and personal, of what kind and nature soever, and the same from time to time to sell, exchange, mortgage, grant, alien, or otherwise dispose of, and to make dividends of such portion of the profits as they may deem proper ; and also to make and have a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at pleasure, and also to ordain, establish, and put in 40 execution such by-laws, ordinances, and regulations as shall appear necessary or convenient for the government of said corporation, not being contrary to the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this Commonwealth, and generally to do all and singular the matters and things which to them it shall lawfully appertain to do for the well-being of said corporation and the due ordering and management of the affairs thereof: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any way giving to such corporation any banking privileges whatever, or any other liberties, privileges, or franchises but such as may be necessary or convenient to the procuring, owning, making, maintaining, regulating, and using the railroad, the locomotives, machinery, cars, and other appendages thereof, and the conveyance of passengers, the transportation of goods, merchandise, and other commodities thereon : And provided further, That such company shall not purchase or hold any real estate, except such as may be necessary or convenient for the making and constructing of their railroad, or for the furnishing of materials therefor, and for the accommodation of depots, offices, warehouses, machine- shops, toll-houses, engine and water stations, and other appro- priate appurtenances, and for the persons and things employed or used in and about the same. SEC. 3. That the commissioners named as aforesaid, or such of them as shall have acted, shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the said letters patent shall be obtained, appoint a time and place for the subscribers to meet to organize the company, and shall give at least two weeks' notice thereof in the manner provided for in the first section of this act ; and the said subscribers, when met, shall elect, by a majority of the votes present, to be given in person or by proxy, a presi- dent and twelve directors, the president and a majority of whom shall be resident citizens of this Commonwealth, and shall be owners, respectively, of at least three shares in the stock of such company ; and the said president and directors shall conduct and manage the affairs and business of said company until the second Monday in January then next ensuing, and until others are chosen ; and may make, ordain, and establish such by-laws, rules, orders, and regulations, and perform such other matters 41 and things as are by this act authorized : Provided, That in case of the resignation, death, or removal of the president, the directors shall, by a majority of votes, supply the vacancy until the next annual election. SEC. 4. That the stockholders of such company shall meet on the second Monday in January in every year, at such place as may be fixed on by the by-laws, of which notice shall be given at least two weeks previously by the secretary, in the manner before mentioned, and choose, by a majority of the votes present, a president and twelve directors, qualified as aforesaid, for the ensuing year, who shall continue in office until the next annual election, and until others are chosen ; at which annual meeting the said stockholders shall have full power and authority to make, alter, or repeal, by a majority of votes given, any or all such by-laws, rules, orders, and regulations as aforesaid, and do and perform every other cor- porate act authorized by their charter ; the stockholders may meet at such other times and places as they be summoned by the president and directors, in such manner and form, and giving such notice as may be prescribed by the by-laws ; and the president, on the request in writing of any number of stockholders representing not less than one-tenth in interest, shall call a special meeting, giving the like notice, and stating specifically the objects of the meeting; and the objects stated in such notice, and no other, shall be acted on at such special meeting. SEC. 5. The elections for directors provided for in this act shall be conducted as follows, to wit : At the first election the commissioners shall appoint three stockholders to be judges of the said election, and to hold the same ; and at every suc- ceeding election the directors for the time being shall appoint three stockholders for the like purpose ; and the persons so appointed by said commissioners and directors shall not be eligible to an election as a director at said election, and shall respectively take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before an alderman or justice of the peace, well and truly, and according to law, to conduct such election to the best of their knowledge and ability; and the said judges shall decide upon the qualifications of voters, and when the election is closed, 42 shall count the votes and declare who have been elected; and if, at any time, it shall happen that an election of directors shall not be made at the time specified, the corporation shall not for that reason be dissolved ; but it shall be lawful to hold and make such election of directors on any day within three months thereafter, by giving at least ten days' previous notice of the time and place of holding said election in the manner aforesaid, and the directors of the preceding year shall in that case continue in office, and be invested with all powers belonging to them as such until others are elected in their stead. In case of the death or resignation of a director, or a failure to elect in case of a tie vote, the vacancy may be filled by the board of directors. At all general meetings or elections by the stockholders, each share of stock shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote, and each ballot shall have endorsed thereon the number of shares thereby represented; but no share or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding any election or general meeting of the stockholders shall entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote at any such elec- tion or general meeting, nor shall any proxy be received or entitle the holder to vote, unless the same shall bear date and have been duly executed within the three months next pre- ceding such election or general meeting. SEC. 6. That the president and directors of such company for the time being are hereby authorized and empowered to exercise all the powers granted to the corporation ; they shall meet at such times and places as shall be by them deemed most convenient for the transaction of their business, and when met, seven shall be a quorum to do business; the presi- dent, if present, shall preside at all meetings of the board, and when absent, the board shall appoint a president pro tern.; they shall keep minutes of their proceedings fairly entered in a suitable book to be kept for that purpose ; they shall choose a secretary and treasurer, and may appoint or employ all such officers, engineers, agents, superintendents, artisans, workmen, or other persons, as in their opinion may be necessary or proper in the management of the affairs and business of said corporation at such times, in such manner, and under such regulations as they may from time to time determine ; they 43 shall fix the amount of the salaries and wages of such officers and persons employed by them, and they may require bond, with security in such amounts as they may deem necessary, of each or any of said officers or other persons by them appointed or employed, for the faithful discharge of their duties, and generally to do all such other acts, matters, and things as by this act and the b'y-laws and regulations of the said company they may be authorized to do. SEC. 7. That the president and directors of such company first chosen shall procure certificates or evidences of stock for all the shares of such company, and shall deliver one or more certificates or evidences, signed by the president, countersigned by the treasurer, and sealed with the common seal of the cor- poration, to each person or party entitled to receive the same, according to the number of shares by him, her, or them re- spectively subscribed or held ; which certificates or evidences of stock shall be transferable, at the pleasure of the holder, in a suitable book or books to be kept by the company for that purpose, in person or by attorney duly authorized, in the presence of the president or treasurer, subject, however, to all payments due or to become due thereon; and the assignee or party to whom the same shall have been so transferred shall thereupon be a member of said corporation, and have and enjoy all the immunities, privileges, and franchises, and be subject to all the liabilities, conditions, and penalties incident thereto, in the same manner as the original subscriber would have been : Provided, That no certificate shall be transferred so long as the holder thereof is indebted to said company, unless the board of directors shall consent thereto : And provided, That no such transfer of stock shall have the effect of discharging any liabilities or penalties theretofore incurred by the owner thereof. SEC. 8. The capital stock of such company shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and shall be called in and paid at such times and places, and in such proportions and installments, not, however, exceeding five dollars per share in any period of thirty days, as the directors shall require, of which public notice shall be given for at least two weeks next preceding the time or times appointed for that purpose, in the 44 manner above mentioned; and if any stockholder shall neglec to pay such proportion or installment so called for at the tim and place appointed, he, she, or they shall be liable to pay, i addition to the proportion or installment so called for, at th rate of one per cent, per month for the delay of such payment and if the same and the additional penalty, or any part thereo shall remain unpaid for the period of six months, he, she, o they shall, at the discretion of the directors, forfeit to th use of the company all right, title, and interest in and to ever and all share or shares, on account of which such default i; payment may be made as aforesaid, or the directors may, a their option, cause suit to be brought before any competen tribunal, for the recovery of the amount due on such shares together with the penalty of one per cent, per month as afore said ; and in the event of a forfeiture, the share or shares s< forfeited may be disposed of at the discretion of the presiden and directors, under such rules and regulations as may b< prescribed by the by-laws. . No stockholder shall be entitlec to vote at any election, nor at any general or special meeting of the company, on whose share or shares any installment o arrearages may be due more than thirty days next preceding said election or meeting: Provided, That no forfeiture of stocl shall release or discharge the owner thereof from any liabilitie or penalties incurred prior to the time of such forfeiture. SEC. 9. That the dividends of so much of the profits of sucl company as shall appear advisable to the directors shall b< declared in the months of July and January, in each and ever} year, and be paid to the stockholders or their legal represent atives, on application at the office of such company, at an} time after the expiration of ten days from the time of declaring the same ; but the said dividends shall in no case exceed th< amount of the net profits actually acquired by the company so that the capital stock shall never be impaired thereby ; anc if the said directors shall make any dividend which shal impair the capital stock of the company, the directors con senting thereto shall be liable, in their individual capacities, tc such company for the amount of the capital stock so divided recoverable by action of debt as in other cases ; and each director present when such dividend shall be declared shal 45 be considered as consenting thereto, unless he forthwith enter his protest on the minutes of the board, and give public notice to the stockholders of the declaring of such dividend. SEC. 10. That the president and directors of such company shall have power and authority, by themselves, their engi- neers, superintendents, agents, artisans, and workmen, to survey, ascertain, locate, fix, mark, and determine such route for a railroad as they may deem expedient, not, however, passing through any burying-ground or place of public wor- ship, or any dwelling-house in the occupancy of the owner or owners thereof, without his, her, or their consent, and not, except in the neighborhood of deep cuttings or high embank- ments or places selected for sidelings, turnouts, depots, engine or water stations, to exceed sixty feet in width, and thereon to lay down, erect, construct, and establish a railroad, with 'one or more tracks, with such branches or lateral roads as may be specially authorized, and with such bridges, via- ducts, turnouts, sidelings, or other devices as they may deem necessary or useful between the points named in the special act incorporating such company, commencing at or within, and extending to or into any town, city, or village named as the place of beginning or terminus of such road ; and in like manner, by themselves, or other person by them appointed or employed as aforesaid, to enter upon and into and occupy all land on which the said railroad or depots, warehouses, offices, toll-houses, engine and water stations, other buildings or appurtenances hereinbefore mentioned, may be located, or which may be necessary or convenient for the erection of the same, or for any purpose necessary or useful in the construc- tion, maintenance, or repairs of said railroad, and therein and thereon to dig, excavate, and embank, make, grade, and lay down and construct the same ; and it shall in like manner be lawful for such company, their officers, agents, engineers, contractors, or workmen, with their implements and beasts of draught or burden, to enter upon any lands adjoining or in the neighborhood of their railroad so to be constructed, and to quarry, dig, cut, take, and carry away therefrom any stone, gravel, clay, sand, earth, wood, or other suitable material necessary or proper for the construction of any bridges, 46 viaducts, or other buildings which may be required for th< use, maintenance, or repairs of said railroad : Provided, Tha before such company shall enter upon or take possession o any such lands or materials, they shall make ample compen sation to the owner or owners thereof, or tender adequate security therefor : Provided further, That the timber used ir the construction or repair of said railroad shall be obtainec from the owner thereof only by agreement or purchase : Am provided further, That whenever any company shall locate it: road in and upon any street or alley, in any city or borough ample compensation shall be made to the owners of lot fronting upon such street or alley for any damages they ma) sustain by reason of any excavation or embankment made ir the construction of such road, to be ascertained as othei damages are authorized to be ascertained by this act .SEC. II. That when the said company cannot agree witt the owner or owners of any lands or materials for the com- pensation proper for the damage done or likely to be done tc or sustained by any such owner or owners of such lands 01 materials which such company may enter upon, use, or take away, in pursuance of the authority hereinbefore given, or by reason of the absence or legal incapacity of any such ownei or owners, no such compensation can be agreed upon, the court of common pleas of the proper county, on application thereto by petition, either by said company or owner or owners, or any one in behalf of either, shall appoint seven discreet and disinterested freeholders of said county, neither of whom shall be residents or owners of property upon or adjoining the line of such railroad, and appoint a time, not less than twenty nor more than thirty days thereafter, for said viewers to meet at or upon the premises where the damages are alleged to be sustained, of which time and place ten days' notice shall be given by the petitioner to the said viewers and the other party ; and the said viewers, or any five of them, having been first duly sworn or affirmed faithfully, justly, and impartially to decide, and true report to make, concerning all matters and things to be submitted to them, and in relation to which they are authorized to inquire in pursuance of the provisions of this act, and having viewed the premises, they 47 shall estimate and determine the quantity, quality, and value of said lands so taken or occupied, or to be so taken or occu- pied, or the materials so used or taken away, as the case may be, and having due regard to and making just allowance for the advantages which may have resulted, or which may seem likely to result, to the owner or owners of said land or materials in consequence of the making or opening of said railroad and of the construction of works connected therewith ; and after having made a fair and just comparison of said advantages and disadvantages, they shall estimate and determine whether any and, if any, what amount of damages has been or may be sustained, and to whom payable, and make report thereof to the said court ; and if any damages be awarded, and the report be confirmed by the said court, judgment shall be entered thereon ; and if the amount thereof be not paid within thirty days after the entry of such judgment, execu- tion may then issue thereon, as in other cases of debt, for the sum so awarded, and the cost and expenses incurred shall be defrayed by the said railroad company; and each of said viewers shall be entitled to one dollar and fifty cents per day for every day necessarily employed in the performance of the duties herein prescribed, to be paid by such railroad company. SEC. 12. That whenever, in the construction of such road or roads, it shall be necessary to cross or intersect any estab- lished road or way, it shall be the duty of the president and directors of the said company so to construct the said road across such established road or way as not to impede the passage -or transportation of persons or property along the same ; and that for the accommodation of all persons owning or possessing land through which the said railroad may pass, it shall be the duty of such company to make or cause to be made a good and sufficient causeway or causeways, whenever the same may be necessary, to enable the occupant or occupants of said lands to cross or pass over the same with wagons, carts, and implements of husbandry, as occasion may require; and the said causeway or causeways, when so made, shall be maintained and kept in good repair by such company; and if the said company shall neglect or refuse, on request, to make such causeway or causeways, or when made, to keep the same 4 8 in good order, the said company shall be liable to pay an} person aggrieved thereby all damages sustained by such persoi in consequence of such neglect or refusal, such damages t< be assessed and ascertained in the same manner as provide* in the last section for the assessment of damages : Provided That the said company shall in no case be required to mak' or cause to be made more than one causeway through eacl plantation or lot of land, for the accommodation of any on< person owning or possessing land through which the saic railroad may pass; and where any public road shall cross sucl railroad, the person owning or possessing land through whicl the said public road may pass shall not be entitled to requir< the company to erect or keep in repair any causeway or bridg< for the accommodation of the occupant of said land. SEC. 13. That if any such railroad company shall find i necessary to change the site of any portion of any turnpike or public road, they shall cause the same to be reconstructs forthwith at their own proper expense, on the most favorable location, and in as perfect a manner as the original road : Pro -vided, That the damages incurred in changing the location o any road authorized by this section shall be ascertained am paid by such company in the same manner as is provided fo in regard to the location and construction of their own road. SEC. 14. That in all suits or actions against such company the service of process on the president, secretary, treasurer engineer, agent, or any director of the same, shall be goo( and available in law; but no suit or action shall be prosecutec by any person or persons, for any penalties incurred unde this act, unless such suit or action shall be commenced withii two years next after the offense committed or cause of actioi accrued; and the defendants in such suit or action may pleac the general issue, and give this act and the special matter ii evidence, and that the same was done in pursuance and b) authority of this act. SEC. 15. That if any person or persons shall willfully am knowingly break, injure, or destroy any railroad authorizec by special act of assembly, or any part thereof, or any edifice device, property, or work, or any part thereof, or any machinery engine, car, implement, or utensil erected, owned, or used b) 49 such company in pursuance of this act, he, she, or they so offending shall forfeit and pay to such company three times the actual damage so sustained, to be sued for and recovered, with full costs, before any tribunal having cognizance thereof, by action in the name and for the use of the company. SEC. 1 6. That if any person or persons shall willfully and maliciously remove or destroy any part of the road, property, buildings, or other works belonging to such company, or place, designedly and with evil intent, any obstruction on the line of such railroad so as to jeopard the safety of or endanger the lives of persons traveling on or over the same, such person or persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the county jail or penitentiary, at the discretion of the oourt, for a term not more than three years : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the company from pursuing any other appropriate remedy at law in such cases. SEC. 17. That at each annual meeting of the stockholders of any such company, the president and managers of the preceding year shall exhibit to them a full and complete state- ment of the affairs and proceedings of the company for such year, with all such matters as shall be necessary to convey to the stockholders a full knowledge of the condition and affairs of said company; and the said president and directors of every such company shall, whenever required, furnish to the legislature, or either branch thereof, a full and authentic report of their affairs and transactions, or such information relating thereto as may be demanded of them. SEC. 1 8. That upon the completion of any railroad author- ized as aforesaid, the same shall be esteemed a public highway for the conveyance of passengers and the transportation of freight, subject to such rules and regulations, in relation to the same, and to the size and construction of wheels, cars, and carriages, the weight of loads, and all other matters and things connected with the use of said railroad, as the president and directors may prescribe and direct: Provided, That the said company shall have the exclusive control of the motive- power, and may from time to time establish, demand, and receive such rates of toll or other compensation, for the use 50 of such road and of said motive-power, and for the conveyance of passengers, the transportation of merchandise and commodi- ties, and the cars or other vehicles containing the same, or otherwise passing over or on the said railroad, as to the president and directors shall seem reasonable: Provided, how- ever, nevertheless, That said rates of toll and motive -power charges so to be established, demanded, or received, when the cars used for such conveyance or transportation are owned or furnished by others, shall not exceed two and one-half cents per mile for each passenger, three cents per mile for each ton of two thousand pounds of freight, three cents per mile for each passenger or baggage car, and two cents per mile for each burden or freight car, every four wheels being computed a car; and in the transportation of passengers no charge shall be made to exceed three cents per mile for through passengers and three and a half cents per mile for way passengers. SEC. 19. That if any company incorporated as aforesaid shall not commence the construction of their proposed railroad within three years, and complete and open the same for use, with at least one track, within the term prescribed by the special act authorizing the same, or if after completion the said railroad shall be suffered to go into decay, and be im- passable for the term of two years, then this charter shall be null and void, except so far as to compel the said company to make reparation for damages. SEC. 20. That if any company incorporated as aforesaid shall at any time misuse or abuse any of the privileges granted by this act, or by the special act of incorporation, the legis- lature may revoke all and singular the rights and privileges so granted to such company; and the legislature hereby reserves the power to resume, alter, or amend any charter granted under this act, and take for public use any road con- structed in pursuance of such charter: Provided, That in resuming, altering, or amending said charters no injustice shall be done to the corporators, and that in taking such roads for public use full compensation shall be made to the stock- holders. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE PAVING OF THE GRAY'S FERRY ROAD, FROM CEDAR STREET TO FEDERAL STREET, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL RAILROADS, &c. Approved 5th April, 1849. ( P ' L -> * 8 49> P a e 3 8 9-} SECTION 2. That it shall be lawful for any individual, or association of individuals, to construct a railroad or plank road from his or their premises, to connect with any railroad or plank road which may be constructed, or to any stream of water which has been or may hereafter be declared a public highway: Provided, Such railroad or plank road shall not exceed three miles in length; and any individual or in- dividuals making any such improvement shall be subject to all the provisions and restrictions of an act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, approved the twenty-sixth day of January, 1849: And provided further, That this act shall only extend to the counties of Warren, McKean, Elk, and Potter. NOTE. The turnpike and plank road act of 26th January, 1849, ^ s given in full on the succeeding pages. AN ACT REGULATING TURNPIKE AND PLANK ROAD COMPANIES. Approved 26th January, 1849, (P* ^-> f8 49> P a g e IO -) SECTION I. That whenever a special act of the general assembly shall be passed, authorizing the incorporation of a company for the construction of a turnpike road, or for the construction of a plank road, within this Commonwealth, the commissioners named in such* act, or any five of them, shall have power to open books for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of such company, at such time or times, and such place or places, as they may deem expedient, after having given at least twenty days' previous notice in one or more newspapers published, or having circulation within the county where books of subscrip- tion are to be opened ; at which times and places two or more of the said commissioners shall attend, and permit and suffer 52 all persons of lawful age, who shall offer to subscribe in such books, in their own names, or in the name of any other person who shall duly authorize the same, for any number of shares of stock; and the said books shall be kept open, respectively, for the purpose aforesaid, at least six hours in every juridical day, for the space of five days, or until the said books shall have the whole number of shares authorized by such special act therein subscribed ; and if, at the expiration of the said five days, the books aforesaid shall not have the said number oj shares authorized as aforesaid therein subscribed, the commis- sioners respectively may adjourn from time to time, and transfer the books from place to place, until the whole num- ber of shares shall be subscribed; of which adjournment and transfer the commissioners aforesaid shall give such public notice as the occasion may require, and when the whole num- ber of shares subscribed shall amount to the number authorized as aforesaid, the same shall be closed : Provided always, Thai every person offering to subscribe in such books, in his owr or any other name, shall at the time of subscribing pay to the attending commissioners any sum not less than one dollai nor more than five dollars (as shall be fixed and determinec by said commissioners, previously to the opening of books for every share to be subscribed, out of which shall be de frayed such incidental charges and expenses as may be neces sary for taking such subscription, and the remainder shall be paid to the treasurer of the corporation, as soon as the same shall be organized and the officers chosen as hereinaftei mentioned. SEC. 2. When twenty persons or more shall have subscribec ten per centum on the capital stock provided for by sucl special act of assembly, the said commissioners respectivel} may, or when the whole number of shares authorized as afore said shall be subscribed, they shall certify under their hand: and seals the names of the subscribers, and the number o shares subscribed by each, to the governor of this Common wealth, whereupon it shall and may be lawful for the governor by letters patent under his hand and seal of State, to creab and erect the subscribers, and if the subscription be not full a the time, then those who shall afterwards subscribe to th< 53 number aforesaid, into one body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style, and title designated by such special act; and by such name the said subscribers shall have perpetual succession, and all privileges and franchises incident to a corporation, and shall be capable of taking and holding the capital stock, and the increase and profits thereof, and of enlarging the same by new subscription, in such manner and form as they shall think proper, if such enlargement shall be found necessary to fulfill the intent of such special act; and of purchasing, taking, and holding to them and their successors and assigns, and of selling, transferring, and conveying, in fee simple, or for any less estate, all such lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and estate, real and personal, as shall be neces- sary to them in the prosecution of their works ; and of suing and being sued, and of doing all and every other matter and thing which a corporation or body politic may lawfully do. SEC. 3. That the commissioners aforesaid, as soon as conve- niently maybe after the said letters shall be sealed and obtained, shall give notice, in the manner provided for in the first sec- tion of this act, of the time and place by them appointed; at which time and place the said subscribers shall proceed to organize such corporation, and shall choose, by a majority of votes of the subscribers by ballot, to be delivered in person or by proxy duly authorized, one president, five managers, and one treasurer, and such other officers as may be necessary to conduct the business of such company until the first Monday of November next ensuing, and until such other officers shall be chosen ; and shall and may make such by-laws, orders, and regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this Commonwealth, as shall be neces- sary for the proper management of the affairs of such company: Provided always, That each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock not exceeding ten, and one vote for every five shares exceeding that number: And pro- vided, also, That no stockholder, whether the original subcriber or assignee, shall be entitled to vote at any election or meeting of said company, unless the whole sum due and payable on the share or shares by him or her held at the time of such election shall have been fully paid and discharged. 54 SEC. 4. The stockholders of such company shall meet or the first Monday in November in every year, at such place as shall be fixed by their by-laws, for the purpose of choosing officers as aforesaid for the ensuing year, and at such othei times as they shall be summoned by the managers, in sucr manner and form as shall be prescribed by their by-laws ; a' which annual or special meetings they shall have full powei and authority to make, alter, or repeal, by a majority of votes all such by-laws, rules, orders, and regulations made as afore said, and to do and perform any corporate act. SEC. 5. The president and directors of such company firs chosen shall procure certificates or evidences of stock, for al the shares of the said company, and shall deliver one or mon certificates or evidences, signed by the president, countersignec by the treasurer, and sealed with the common seal of the cor poration, to each person or party entitled to receive the same according to the number of shares by him, her, or them re spectively subscribed or held ; which certificates or evidence. 1 of stock shall be transferable, at the pleasure of the holder, h a suitable book or books to be kept by the company for tha purpose, in person or by attorney duly authorized, in th( presence of the president or treasurer, subject, however, to al payments due or to become due thereon; and the assignee o party to whom the same shall have been so transferred shall b< a member of said corporation, and have and enjoy all the immu nities, privileges, and franchises, and be subject to all the liabili ties, conditions, and penalties incident thereto, in the sam< manner as the original subscriber would have been : Provided That no certificate shall be transferred so long as the holde thereof is indebted to said company, unless the board c directors shall consent thereto. SEC. 6. It shall be lawful for the said president and mana gers, their superintendents, surveyors, engineers, artists, an< chain-bearers, to enter in and upon all and every the lands tenements, and enclosures in, through, and over which sucl intended turnpike road or plank road may be thought prope to pass, and for that purpose to examine the ground and quai ries of stone and gravel, and other materials that may b necessary in making and constructing such road, and to cu 55 or open such drains through the same as they shall judge necessary to drain the water from the turnpike road or plank road, with the same rights and under the same penalties as the supervisors of highways; and the said road shall be constructed between the points named in the special act incorporating such company. SEC. 7. The president and managers of such corporations, three of whom shall for that purpose be a quorum, shall keep minutes of all their proceedings, fairly entered in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall have full power and authority to appoint, agree, and contract with such engineers, superin- tendents, artists, laborers, and other persons, as they may think necessary, to make and construct such road, and collect the tolls hereinafter authorized, and fix their compensation.; to ascertain the times, manner, and proportions in which the stockholders shall pay the amount of their respective shares, in order to carry on their work; to draw orders on the treasurer for all debts contracted by them, which orders shall be signed by the president, or, in his absence, by a majority of the managers, and attested by their secretary ; and to do and transact all other acts, matters, or things as by the by- laws, orders, and regulations of such company shall be entrusted to them. SEC. 8. If any stockholder, whether the original subscriber or assignee, after twenty days' notice, as aforesaid, of the time and place appointed for the payment of any installment or proportion of the capital stock, shall neglect to pay such pro- portion, at the place appointed, for the space of thirty days after the time appointed for the payment thereof, any such stockholder shall, in addition to the installment so called for, pay at the rate of one per centum per month for every delay of such payment; and if the same and additional penalty shall become equal to the sum before paid in part on account of such share, the same may be forfeited by and to the said com- pany, and may be sold by, them for such price as may be obtained therefor; or in default of payment of any stockholders of such installments as aforesaid, for the space of sixty days aforesaid, the president and managers may, at their election, cause suit to be brought in the same manner as debts of a like 56 amount are now recoverable, for the recovery of the same, together with the penalties aforesaid. SEC. 9. It may be lawful for the president and managers of such company, incorporated as aforesaid, by and with their superintendents, engineers, artists, workmen, laborers, their tools and instruments, carts, wagons, and other carriages, and beasts of draught or burden, to enter in and upon the lands contiguous and near to which the said road shall be made or constructed, first giving notice of their intention to the occu- piers thereof, and doing as little damage thereto as possible, and making amends for damages upon a reasonable and equi- table agreement by the parties ; or if they cannot agree there- upon, a just and equitable assessment to be made upon oath or affirmation by three disinterested freeholders, or any two of them, two of whom shall be mutually chosen by the parties, and said two thus chosen shall choose a third ; or if either party, upon due notice, shall neglect or refuse to join in the choice, then to be chosen by a justice of the peace of the county wherein the land lies, who shall not be interested therein; and upon the tender of the assessed value, to dig and carry away any timber, stone, sand, earth, or other materials, necessary or suitable for making said road: Provided, That no part of this act shall authorize the taking of any property by such company, unless the same be previously paid for, or adequate security given to the owners for the payment thereof. SEC. 10. The president and managers of every such com- pany, incorporated as aforesaid, shall keep fair and just accounts, as well of all moneys received by them as of those paid out and expended in the prosecution of the work ; and shall, at least once in every year, submit their books and accounts to a general meeting of the stockholders ; and when- ever it shall be ascertained that the capital stock of such com- pany is not sufficient to complete their road, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the president and managers, at a stated or special meeting, convened according to the provisions of this act or their own by-laws, to increase the number of shares to such an extent as they shall deem sufficient to accomplish the work, and to 57 demand and receive the moneys subscribed for such additional shares, in like manner and under like penalties as are provided 'by this act in the case of the original subscriptions. SEC. 1 1. The president and managers of such company shall have power to erect good and sufficient bridges over all the streams of water crossed by their road, whenever the same shall be found necessary; and shall cause a road, if a turn- pike, to be laid out, not exceeding fifty feet in width, and cause at least eighteen feet of said width to be made an arti- ficial road of wood, stone, gravel, or other proper and conve- nient materials, such as the nature of the ground may require and will afford, to be constructed in such manner as will admit an even surface, and so nearly level in its progress, that it shall at no place rise or fall more than will form an angle of four degrees from a horizontal line ; and if a plank road, the same shall be opened of any width not exceeding forty feet, and shall be graded in such manner as may be necessary for either a single or double track, as may be determined upon by the president and managers of the said company, each track being not less than eight feet in width, and so nearly level in its progress that it shall in no place rise or fall more than will form an angle of three degrees with a horizontal line : Provided, That if any part of the ground on the route of said road shall be so hard and compact as to make a good road without any covering of wood, gravel, stone, slate, or other hard substance, the said president and managers are hereby authorized to construct such part of said road without any such covering, and shall forever maintain and keep the same in good repair: Provided, That in all deep cuts the said road need not be of greater width on the surface than thirty feet: And provided, That said bridges shall not be constructed so as to obstruct the navigation of any stream declared a public highway. SEC. 12. Whenever such company shall have finished five miles or more of road, the president thereof may give notice to the governor, who shall appoint forthwith three skillful, judicious, and disinterested persons to view and examine the same, and report, on oath or affirmation, to him whether the said road is so far executed in a competent and workmanlike 58 manner, according to the true intent and meaning of this act; and if their report shall be in the affirmative, then the governor shall, by license, under his hand and the seal of the State, permit and suffer said company to erect and fix such and so many gates upon and across the said road as will be necessary and sufficient to collect from all persons, otherwise than on foot, the same tolls as hereinafter authorized and granted. SEC. 13. When such, company is licensed in manner afore- said, it shall and may be lawful for them to appoint such and so many toll-gatherers as they shall think proper, to collect and receive, of and from all and every person or persons using the said road, the tolls and rates hereinafter mentioned; and to stop any person riding, leading, or driving any horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, coach, coaches, sulky, chair, chaise, phae- ton, cart, wagon, wain, sleigh, sled, or any other carriage of burden or pleasure, from passing through the said gate until they shall respectively have paid the same that is to say, for every five miles in length of the said road completed and licensed as aforesaid, the following sums of money, and so in proportion for any lesser distance, or for any greater or lesser number of sheep, hogs, or cattle, to wit: For every score of hogs, five cents; for every score of sheep, five cents; for every score of cattle, ten cents; for every horse and his rider, or led horse, three cents; for every sulky, chair, or chaise, with one horse and two wheels, six cents; with two horses, nine cents; for every chariot, coach, phaeton, or dearborn, with one horse and four wheels, ten cents; for every coach, phaeton, or chaise, with two horses and four wheels, twelve cents; for either of the carriages last mentioned, with four horses, twenty cents; for every other carriage of pleasure, under whatever other name it may go, the like sums, accord- ing to the number of wheels and horses drawing the same; for every stage-wagon, with two horses, twelve cents; for every such wagon, with four horses, twenty cents; for every sleigh, three cents for each horse drawing the same; and for every sled, two cents for each horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon, whose wheels shall be less than four inches, four cents for each horse drawing the same; and for 59 every cart or wagon whose wheels shall be four inches, and not exceeding seven inches, two cents for every horse ' drawing the same ; for every cart or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than seven inches, one cent for every horse drawing the same; and if any person or persons shall represent to the said company or any of their officers that he, she, or they have traveled a less distance than he, she, or they have actually traveled along said road, with intent to defraud the said company of its toll or any part thereof, such person or persons shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay to the use of said company the sum of five dollars; and if any toll-gatherer shall demand and receive toll for a greater dis- tance than the person of whom such toll is demanded shall have traveled along said turnpike road or plank road, or shall demand and receive greater toll from any person or persons than such toll-gatherer is authorized to demand and receive by virtue of this act, such toll-gatherer shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for every such offense, to the super- visors of the township in which the forfeiture is incurred, to be expended in repairing township roads, and for the payment of which the said company shall be responsible; and all such penalties and forfeitures shall be recoverable, with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace of the county in which the offense is committed: Provided, That no toll shall be demanded from any person or persons passing and repassing from one part of his, her, or their farm to any other part of the same; and all persons, with their vehicles or horses, going to or from funerals or places of public worship, or of military trainings or elections, shall be exempt from the payment of toll when traveling on such turnpike road. SEC. 14. If such company shall neglect or refuse to keep their road in good traveling order and repair for the space of thirty days, and information thereof shall be given under oath or affirmation to any justice of the peace of the neighborhood and county, designating particularly where and in what respect said road is defective, such justice shall issue a precept to any constable of the county, requiring him to notify the gate- keeper nearest whose gate the part or parts of the road com- plained of is situate, that on a certain day and at a certain 6o hour therein mentioned, not less than three nor more than si> days thereafter, three freeholders will be chosen at his office to hold an inquest to inquire into the truth of the matten specified in said information, an attested copy of which shaL be furnished by said justice to said gate-keeper, at the time o: serving said notice. SEC. 15. The three freeholders mentioned in the preceding section shall be chosen as follows : If the gate-keeper, or any other officer or agent of the company, and the informant, shall attend at the time and place of choosing, they shall commence with the complainant, and nominate alternately to the justice a list of nine freeholders of the neighborhood, from which list the complainant and the officer or agent of the company shall alternately strike out a name until three names are left, which three shall be the persons chosen to hold said inquest. Should either party be unrepresented at the time of choosing said free- holders, the justice shall act for him or them, and should both parties be absent, the justice shall appoint three disinterested freeholders to form said inquest. SEC. 1 6. The inquest thus chosen shall, after having been duly sworn or affirmed, proceed to view the parts of the road complained of, and shall report to the said justice, in writing, under their hands and seals, or the hands and seals of a majority of them, within five days after said view, whether the said road be out of order and repair, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act; and if so found, the said justice shall adjudge the said company to pay a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars, at his discretion, one- half thereof for the use of the supervisors of the roads in the township in which the portion of the road so found defective is situate : Provided, That the said company shall have the right of appealing, within twenty days after judgment, to the court of common pleas of the proper county, from the finding of said inquest, and the judgment of the justice thereon, as in other cases : And provided further, That no proceedings shall be commenced or prosecuted under the last three sections of this act, unless the informant or some other person shall have given twenty days' previous notice, in writing, to the gate- keeper nearest to whose gate the part or parts of the road 6i complained of is situate, specifying particularly the part or parts of the road alleged to be out of repair, and the nature of the defect alleged, and notifying him that unless the proper repairs be made in thirty days after the service of the notice, proceedings will be commenced before a justice and three freeholders. SEC. 17. Should the said company not appeal from the find- ing of the said inquest and the judgment of the justice thereon, and continue to neglect and refuse to repair the part or parts of the road thus found out of repair, new proceedings may be commenced and prosecuted against said company for such neglect or refusal ; and should said parts of said road continue out of repair until the holding of the next general court of quarter sessions for the proper county, it shall be the duty of the said justice to certify and send copies of the finding of the said inquests and the judgments thereon to the judges of the said court; and the said judges shall thereupon cause process to issue, and bring in the body or bodies of the person or per- sons intrusted by the company with the care and superin- tendence of such part of the said road as shall be so found defective, and shall proceed thereon as in cases of supervisors of highways for neglect of their duty; and if the persons intrusted by the said company as aforesaid shall be convicted of the offense by the said inquisition charged, the said court shall give judgment according to the nature and aggravation of the neglect, as according to right and justice would be proper in the case of supervisors of the highways neglecting their duties; and the fines and penalties so to be imposed shall be recovered in the said court, and shall be paid to the super- visors of the highways of the township wherein the offense was committed, to be applied to repairing the public roads within such township ; and like proceedings may be instituted from time to time, until the said road is put into proper repair. SEC. 1 8. In all cases of complaint made or suit instituted, under the provisions of this act, against any corporation, if the complainant shall fail to sustain his complaint, or the plaintiff to sustain his suit, as the case may be, the corporation shall be entitled to recover costs as in other cases, from the complainant 62 or plaintiff, as the case may be; and in all cases when anj corporation which may have been chartered under and subjec to the provisions of this act, shall be adjudged to pay an) penalty, or the cost of any proceedings authorized by this act the party plaintiff or complainant shall have all the remedies for recovering of the same, with costs, against the said corpor ation, that are provided for the recovery of debts or judgment; of like amount in other cases; and if the said corporatior shall fail to make payment in any case within twenty day.' after final adjudication, the court of common pleas of the proper county, on application of the plaintiff, or some othei person on his behalf, shall direct sequestration, and appoint sequestrator, who shall have like powers, and be subject tc all the regulations and requirements provided in the seventy- third and seventy-fourth sections of an act of the genera' assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An act relating to executions," passed June i6th, 1836: Provided, That where the judgment is final before the justice, or is not appealed from as provided in this act, the complainant, before proceed- ing to sequestration, shall file in the court of common pleas oi the proper county a transcript of the proceedings and judg- ment before the justice, which transcript shall be entered oi record in the said court, as under existing laws for the filing and entering of transcripts of judgments in other cases; and from such filing and entering shall have the effect of a judg- ment originally entered in the said court. SEC. 19. If any person or persons whosoever, owning, riding in, or driving any sulky, chair, chaise, phaeton, cart wagon, sleigh, sled, or other carriage of burden or pleasure, riding or leading any horse, mule, or gelding, or driving any hogs, sheep, or other cattle, shall therewith pass through any private gates or bars, or along or over any private passage-way or other ground near to or adjoining any gate erected, or which shall be erected in pursuance of this act, with an intent to defraud the company and avoid the payment of the toll or duty for passing through any such gate, or if any person or persons shall, with such intent, take off or cause to be taken off, any horse, mare, or gelding, or other cattle, from any sulky, chair, chaise, phaeton, cart, wagon, sleigh, sled, or 63 other carriage of burden or pleasure, or practice any other fraudulent means or device, with the intent that the payment of any such toll or duty may be evaded or lessened, all and every person or persons, in all and every or any of the ways or manners offending, shall, for every such offense, respect- ively forfeit and pay to the president and managers of such turnpike road or plank road, as the case may be, any sum not exceeding ten dollars, to be sued for and recovered, with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace, in like manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as debts of a similar amount are by law sued for and recovered. SEC. 20. The legislature shall have power to alter the rate of toll fixed by this act ; and the managers of any such com- pany may lessen the same whenever they shall believe it necessary for the well-being of the company or the community at large. SEC. 21. The legislature hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal the charter and privileges granted by special act, as aforesaid, whenever in their opinion the same may be injurious to the citizens of this Commonwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corporators. AN ACT TO RESTRAIN CORPORATIONS FROM ISSUING OBLIGATIONS REDEEMABLE OTHERWISE THAN IN GOLD AND SILVER [OR IN CURRENT BANK-NOTES]. Approved 2ist April, 1849. (? SECTION I. That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any corporation within this Common- wealth, directly or indirectly, either by itself or through any agent or agents, individual or individuals, to make, issue, or re-issue, pay out, or circulate, or cause to be issued, re-issued, put out, or circulated, any certificate, check, order, or due-bill, or acknowledgment of indebtedness of any description, for any purpose whatsoever, payable or redeemable in any goods, property, or effects, or payable or redeemable in anything except in gold and silver, and that any violation of the pro- visions of this act shall be held and deemed to be a forfeiture 64 of the charter of any company so offending, and any privat citizen may by quo warranto proceed, according to law, t have such forfeiture declared: Provided, That this act shai not be construed to authorize any corporation or individua not expressly authorized by existing laws, to issue any not< bill, check, or certificate whatever, in the nature or similitud of a bank-note, and intended for circulation, and that all law inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed And provided further, That this section shall not be construe- so as to prevent any corporation from drawing orders in th ordinary course of business, not intended for circulation o in payment of interest, and that such orders shall not b negotiable. AN ACT AUTHORIZING INDIVIDUALS TO CONSTRUCT. RAILROADS AND PLANK ROADS IN THE COUNTY Ol VENANGO, RELATING TO ROAD TAXES, &c. Approved zzd March, 1830. (P. L., 1830, page 258.) SECTION i. That the second section of an act entitled "Ai act authorizing the paving of the Gray's Ferry road fron Cedar street to Federal street; providing for the constructioi of lateral railroads; relating to the appointment of auctioneer, in the counties of Erie, Mercer, and Bradford; extending th< Southwark Railroad; and in relation to the collection of poo: taxes in the city of Pittsburg," passed the fifth day of April 1 849, be and the same is hereby extended to Venango county AN ACT TO SECURE THE CITIES OF PITTSBURG ANE ALLEGHENY, AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD THEREOF FROM DAMAGE BY GUNPOWDER; TO INCORPORATE AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF / HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND RELATIVE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE LUNA- TIC HOSPITAL. Approved 2zd April, 1850. (P. L., fSjo, page 539.) SECTION 9. That it shall be unlawful for any person to trans- port gunpowder over any railroad, canal, or slackwater ir 65 this Commonwealth, unless the keg, barrel, box, or other vessel containing the same shall be distinctly and conspicuously marked by having the word "gunpowder" written or printed thereon; and every violation of this section shall subject the person or persons so offending to be prosecuted by indictment in the court of quarter sessions of the proper county, and punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and im- prisonment not exceeding six months, or either of them, at the discretion of the court; and it is hereby made the duty of the canal commissioners to give notice of the provisions of this section along the lines of the public works of this Com- monwealth. AN ACT RELATING TO THE BAIL OF EXECUTRIXES; * * TO THE LIMITATION OF ACTIONS AGAINST CORPORA- TIONS; * * * TO APPEALS FROM AWARDS OF ARBI- TRATORS BY CORPORATIONS, &c. Approved 2$th April, 1850. (P. L., 1850, pages sjo and 571.} SECTION 7. That the provisions of the act passed the 2/th March, 1713, entitled "An act for the limitation of actions," shall not hereafter extend to any suit against any corporation or body politic which may have suspended business, or made any transfer or assignment in trust for creditors, or who may have at the time, and after the accruing of the cause of action, in any manner ceased from or suspended the ordinary business for which said corporation was created. SEC. 12. That so much of the first section of the act passed on the twentieth day of March, 1845, entitled "An act con- cerning bail and attachments," as pertains %o appeals from the awards of arbitrators, shall from henceforth be construed to extend to all such appeals, whether made by persons natural or artificial. NOTE. The act of 1713 provides that actions upon the case other than for slander, actions upon account other than such as concern trade between merchants, &c., actions for trespass, debt, detinue, replevin, and trespass quare clausum fregif, shall be brought within six years next after the cause of such action or suit (accrues) and not after, (i Smith's Laws, page 76.) 66 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCE OF LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA RELATIVE TO RAILROADS AND CANALS IN MIFFLIN COUNTY, &c. Approved 26th April, 1850. (P. L., 1831, page 820.) SECTION 10. That in all cases where canals and railroad' may be located through towns and boroughs in Mifflin county and passing through lanes, streets, or alleys, it shall be lawfu for the courts of quarter sessions of said county to appoin viewers to lay out, vacate, or change lanes, streets, or alley with like effect as if the same had been so laid out by th< original proprietor of such town or borough; and that saic viewers shall have power to assess damages: Provided, Tha a report of said viewers shall be confirmed by the court o quarter sessions of said county. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT INCORPORATIN( THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY; AND RELA TIVE TO LATERAL ROADS IN LYKENS VALLEY, II DAUPHIN COUNTY. Approved 26th April, 1850. (P. L., 1850, page 584.} SECTION 4. That authority is hereby given to the owner o owners, lessee or lessees, of coal lands in Lykens, Williams, o Bear valley, in Dauphin county, to make a lateral railroa* from any convenient point on the Lykens Valley Railroac not exceeding in distance one mile from the western terminu of said Lykens Valley Railroad, to the Wiconisco canal; an have and use a landing on said canal of such capacity as ma be necessary for the accommodation and shipment of coal. SEC. 5. That the said owner or owners, lessee or lessees a aforesaid, may apply by petition to the court of quarte sessions of the peace of the county, whose duty it shall be t appoint three disinterested persons to view the premises, asses whatever damages, if any, which may have been sustained b the owner or owners of the ground to be used and occupie 6 7 by said lateral railroad and landing; which valuation made by the viewers shall be reported to the court, shall be conclusive: Provided, That security, to be approved by the said court, shall be given before the ground shall be broken for the construc- tion of said lateral railroad and landing. AN ACT FIXING THE GUAGES OF RAILROADS IN THE COUNTY OF ERIE. Approved nth March, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 155.) WHEREAS, The guages or width between the rails of the several railroad tracks in the State of New York are four feet eight and one-half inches, or six feet. AND WHEREAS, By the general railroad law of the State of Ohio, the guages of the railroads of that' State are fixed at four feet ten inches ; therefore, SECTION i. That the guage or width between the rails of any track of any railroad running from the borough of Erie, in the county of Erie, westwardly to the Ohio State line, or of any part of any railroad, which shall or may be located between a line running due south from the town of Erie to the Ohio river and the Ohio State line, or of any railroad, any part of which shall or may be used in connecting any railroad leading eastwardly from the town of Erie, or from any point in the aforesaid due south line with any railroad leading westwardly to the Ohio State line, for the constructjpn of which, or either of which, a company now r is or may hereafter be incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth, shall be of the width of four feet and ten inches, and no other. SEC. 2. That the guage of any railroad running from the New Y^frk State line westwardly shall, as far as the town of Erie, or as far as the line running due south from the town of Erie to the Ohio river, be constructed either of the guage of six feet or of the guage of four feet eight and one-half inches : Provided, That nothing in this. act contained shall be so con- strued as in any way to enlarge the privileges or franchises of 68 any company now incorporated by the laws of this Common wealth, except so far as regards the guage or width betweer the rails. (See act 6th February, 1852, fixing guage in other parts o State.) (See act I ith April, 1853, allowing guage to be of any widtl that directors may deem expedient.) AN ACT RELATING TO COUNTY PRISONS, * * * AN! RELATIVE TO THE SERVICE OF PROCESS ON FOREIGI^ INSURANCE COMPANIES AND OTHER CORPORATIONS Approved 8th April, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 354.} SECTION 6. That in any case when any insurance compam or other corporation shall have an agency, or transact an} business in any county of this Commonwealth, it shall am may be lawful to institute and commence an action agains such insurance company or other corporation in such county and the original writ may be served upon the president cashier, agent, chief, or any other clerk, or upon any director or agent of such company or corporation within such county and such service shall be good and valid in law, to all intent and purposes. AN ACT CONSTRUING THE FIFTH SECTION OF THE AC: ENTITLED "A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT T( INCORPORATE THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY," AND RELATIVE TO THE OBSTRUCTION Ol PRIVATE ROADS BY RAILROAD COMPANIES, &c. Approved 1 2th April, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 518.} SECTION 2. That any chartered railroad company in thi Commonwealth obstructing or impeding the free use o passage of any private road or crossing-place, by standing burden cars or engines, or placing other obstructions on an; railroad wherever any private road or crossing-place may b necessary to enable the occupant or occupants of land o 69 farms to pass over any railroad with horses, cows, hogs, sheep, carts, wagons, and implements of husbandry, shall for every such offence, after any agent or other person in the employ- ment of any railroad company shall have received at least fifteen minutes' verbal notice to remove burthen cars, engines, or other obstructions from any private road or crossing-place that may pass over any railroad, be liable for a penalty of thirty dollars, which shall be for the use of the person or per- sons aggrieved, and which shall be recovered before any justice of the peace in the same manner that debts not exceeding one hundred dollars are by law recoverable. And in all suits or actions that may be brought against any railroad company for the recovery of said penalty of thirty dollars, the service of legal process on any agent or other person in the employment of any railroad company shall be as good and available in law as if made on the president thereof. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT TO IN- CORPORATE THE LEWISVILLE AND PROSPECTVILLE TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, * * * AND RELATIVE TO LATERAL RAILROADS AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY, &c. Approved 1 2th April, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 5J<5.) SECTION 3. That it shall and may be lawful for the proprie- tors of lateral railroads, in the county of Allegheny, to charge and receive from all persons using their respective roads such toll as is charged by the railroads throughout this Common- wealth in addition to the tolls they are now empowered to receive. AN ACT RELATING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ACTIONS * * * TO THE PROTECTION OF FENCES, &c. Approved itfh April, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 615.) SECTION 12. That if any person or persons, from and after the passage of this act, shall maliciously or voluntarily break down any post and rail or other fence, put up for the enclosure of lands, and carry away, break, or destroy any post, rail or other material of which such fence was built, within thi: Commonwealth, every person or persons so offending, am being legally thereof convicted before any justice of the peact or alderman within this Commonwealth, shall, for every sucl offence, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, one half thereo to be paid to the informer, and the other half to the support o the poor of such county, township, borough, or ward when the offence has been committed, together with costs of prose cution; and in default of payment, such person or person: shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty day for the first offence, and sixty days for the second : Provided That either of the parties shall have the right of appeal in tht same manner as in civil cases. (This act has no special reference to railroads, and wa: repealed 23d March, 1865.) AN ACT TO INCORPORATE A COMPANY TO ERECT / BRIDGE OVER THE SCHUYLKILL RIVER AT SPRING MILL, * * * TO ACTIONS FOR DAMAGES SUSTAINS! BY INJURIES DONE TO THE PERSON BY NEGLIGENCE OR DEFAULT, &c. Approved i $th April, 1851. (P. L., 1851, page 674.} SECTION 18. That no action hereafter brought to recove: damages for injuries to the person by negligence or defaul shall abate by reason of the death of the plaintiff; but th( personal representatives of the deceased may be substitutec as plaintiff, and prosecute the suit to final judgment anc satisfaction. SEC. 19. That whenever death shall be occasioned by unlaw ful violence or negligence, and no suit for damages be brough by the party injured during his or her life, the widow of an) such deceased, or, if there be no widow, the personal repre sentatives, may maintain an action for and recover damage.' for the death thus occasioned. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SUSQUEHANNA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. Approved i$th April, 1851. (P. L., 1852, page 722.) SECTION 7. That it shall not be lawful for any private indi- vidual or association of individuals, or any company or com- panies, to construct a private railroad, connecting with any railroad authorized to be constructed by the laws of this State, with the Ohio and New York State lines, or with any railroad constructed, or to be constructed, in the States of Ohio and New York; and it shall not be lawful for any railroad company authorized by the laws of this State to connect with any such private railroad, and any violation of the provisions of this act shall subject all individuals or associations of individuals vio- lating the same to the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, and to such forfeiture as the legislature may hereafter direct. 'AN ACT REGULATING RAILROAD GAUGES, AND SUPPLE. MENTARY TO THE ACT INCORPORATING THE CATA- WISSA AND TOWANDA RAILROAD COMPANY, WITH AN EXTENSION TO THE NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD AT SOME CONVENIENT POINT ON THE STATE LINE. Approved 6th February, 1852. (P. L., r8$2, page 35.} SECTION 3. That said company shall have the right to locate, biiild, or construct a railroad of one or more tracks, beginning at some convenient point in the village of Catawissa, in the county of Columbia, thence up Fishing creek, or some of its branches, and through the counties of Sullivan and Bradford to a point at the State line which may give a proper and con- venient connection with the New York and Erie Railroad : Provided, That the time of commencing the said road be extended to five years from the passing of this act, and the time for completing to ten years from the same time : And provided further, That the gauge of the track of said railroad shall be the same as the gauge of the track of the railroads built and owned by the State; and any and every railroad hereafter constructed through any portion of Pennsylvania, from any point eastward of a line running due south across the State from the State line beginning at the east line of Erie county, shall be of the same gauge as the railroads built and owned by the State, and no other ; and if any company shall hereafter build or construct a railroad, having a southern or eastern connection with any railroad leading to or towards Philadelphia or Harrisburg, of a different gauge from the gauge of the railroads built and owned by the State, then and in such case all and singular the rights, powers, and privileges con- ferred on such company by its charter, or by any supplement thereto, shall be adjudged null and void : Provided, That nothing contained herein shall be construed to apply to the New York and Erie Railroad, to the Tioga Railroad, to the Lackawanna and Western Railroad already constructed and in operation, nor to the act fixing the gauges of railroads in the county of Erie, passed the eleventh day of March, 1851. (Repealed nth April, 1853, as respects gauges.) AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY TO RUN THEIR CARS OVER CONNECTING AND CONTINUOUS RAILROADS. Approved jd March, 1853. ( p > L >> fS 53< P a g e *37*} SECTION i. That the Pennsylvania Railroad Company be and they are hereby authorized to run their cars and locomo- tives over all connecting and continuous railroads, with the consent of the companies owning the same, and also, their cars over the railroads belonging to this Commonwealth, for the transportation of freight, (passengers, their baggage, and the United States mails,*) with the right of attachment to the motive-power of the State, employed for these respective pur- poses, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the canal commissioners and said Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, or in case of failure to agree, then upon terms * Repealed I3th May, 1855. 73 and conditions that shall not be less favorable to said company than those that may be established from time to time, by the canal commissioners, for the government of individuals doing business on said railroads, except those engaged in the trans- portation of freight passing the whole distance between Phila- delphia and Pittsburg, over the public works : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to affect or impair the contract made with Bingham and Dock, for the transportation of passengers and mails over the Phila- delphia and Columbia Railroad by said commissioners, which contract is hereby confirmed : Provided, That the legislature hereby reserves the right to repeal this act of assembly, in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the parties : And provided, That the canal commissioners shall at all times be required to run a sufficient number of engines between Lancaster and Philadelphia to accommodate the local and way freight. AN ACT REPEALING THE ACTS REGULATING THE GAUGE OF THE TRACK OF RAILROADS. Approved nth April, 1833. (P. L., 1853, page 366.} SECTION I . That every railroad company heretofore chartered, or which may hereafter be chartered, is hereby authorized to construct or change their gauge or gauges of road to such width as the directors of such railroad company may deem expedient, and all laws inconsistent with this provision be and they are hereby repealed. AN ACT RELATIVE TO SUITS IN EJECTMENTS. Approved i8th April, 1853. (P. L. t 1853, page 467.) SECTION i. That any person wishing to bring ejectment for land claimed adversely to him by any person or corporation not resident or being within the county where such land lies, 74 may bring his action and serve the writ on any person withii the county having charge or superintendence of the land, ii behalf of or as agent of such party claiming adversely Provided, That before any trial or judgment shall be had ii such suit, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of th< court that the defendant has had notice, in fact, of the suit ii time to appear and defend it, and if the defendant be a corpor ation, this notice may be given to the president or othe chief officer of it. AN ACT TO APPOINT COMMISSIONERS TO RUN ANE MARK THE COUNTY LINES BETWEEN YORK, CUMBER- LAND, AND ADAMS COUNTIES; * * * RELATIVE TC RAILROADS AND PLANK ROADS IN CLARION COUNTY &c. Approved i8th April, 1853. (P. Z,., fSjj, page 528.) SECTION 23. That the provisions of the second section o the act entitled " An act authorizing the paving of Gray'i Ferry road," &c., approved the fifth day of April, A. D. 1849 are hereby extended to the county of Clarion, and that in the cases mentioned in said section, lateral railroads may be con- structed in said county, not exceeding four miles in length, tc connect with any streams in which logs can be floated in the time of freshets, instead of plank roads, under and subject tc all the provisions of the act regulating lateral railroads, ap- proved the fifth day of May, Anno Domini eighteen hundrec and thirty-two, and that it may be lawful for any person 01 persons owning or using saw-mills on Mill creek, or at the mouth thereof, to float logs in said creek from his or theii lands to their mills on said creek, or at the mills at the mouth of said creek : Provided, This act shall only extend to that part of said creek in Clarion county from the forks to the mouth thereof. 75 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF MECHANICS AND LABORERS. Approved 22d April, 1854. (P. L., 1854, page 480.) SECTION I. That in all assignments of property, whether real or personal, which shall hereafter be made by any person or persons, or chartered company, to trustees or assignees, on account of inability at the time of the assignment to pay his or their debts, the wages of miners, mechanics, and laborers employed by such person or persons, or chartered company, shall be first preferred and paid by such trustees or assignees, before any other creditor or creditors of the assignor : Provided, That any one claim thus preferred shall not exceed one hundred dollars. AN ACT TO EXEMPT CERTAIN LOANS AND BONDS FROM TAXATION. Approved ist May, 1854. (P- i$54> pages 535 and 536.) SECTION i. That all certificates of loan now issued, or which may be hereafter issued by the city of Philadelphia, or any of the incorporated districts of the county of Philadelphia, in pay- mf nt of subscriptions already made, or which may be hereafter made, by the municipal authorities of said city or incorporated districts, to the capital stock of any railroad company, and all bonds or certificates of loans of any railroad company incor- porated by this Commonwealth, be and the same shall be liable to taxation for State purposes only. AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE THE MANNER OF COLLECTING CERTAIN TAXES. Approved sth May, 1854. (P. L., 1854, page 569.} SECTION i. That whenever a tax is charged upon the ton- nage of any railroad in this Commonwealth, the distance shall be estimated by taking the nearest whole number of miles, 7 6 rejecting fractions not greater than a half a mile, and adding one to the whole number when the fraction is more than hal: a mile. SEC. 2. That the tax shall be charged on the whole distance from the place of shipment to the place of delivery, whethei the shipment be made upon a siding or branch belonging tc the company which pays the tax, or upon the main line, subject to the provisions of section one of this act. AN ACT RELATIVE TO WEIGHMASTERS OF RAILROADS IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Approved ^th May, 1854. (P. L., 1854, pages 570 and 571.) SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the collector or weighmaster on each, and every of the several railroads within the county of Schuylkill, to weigh separately, each and every consignment of coal passing over said railroads, and keep a correct record of such consignments in a book, or books to be kept for that purpose, and on application, shall furnish monthly to each, and all the owners, (or their agents,) of coal lands lying in the county of Schuylkill, a certified copy of the record of the weights of each kind of coal, and each and every separate consignment of coal passed over the scale of each of said railroads, respectively mined from lands of said owners, and for each and every cer- tificate so furnished, the said collectors or weighmasters shall be allowed to charge the sum of twelve and a half cents, and any collector or weighmaster refusing to furnish such certifi- cate on application as aforesaid, shall be subject to a fine or penalty of fifty dollars for each, and every such refusal, to be recovered as sums of like amount are now recoverable by law : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall alter, or change the authority of any of the said railroad companies to charge the rates now allowed to be charged for weighing coal. 77 AN ACT SUPPLEMENTAL TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURG RAILROAD COMPANY." Approved 2d March, 1855. (P. L., fSjj, page 63.) SECTION i. That the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company be and it is hereby authorized to sell any bonds held by it in payments for subscriptions made to the capital stock of said company, by the counties of Beaver and Alle- gheny, at such rates below par as may be agreed upon be- tween said company and the parties purchasing the same : Provided, That no sale shall be consummated until the com- missioners of the county which issued the bonds shall have by resolution, determined the lowest price at which said rail- road company may sell the same, said resolution to be recorded in the minutes of their proceedings ; and so much of any act or acts of assembly as is hereby altered or sup- plied, be and the same is hereby repealed. AN ACT RELATING TO THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF ALLE- GHENY COUNTY TO CERTAIN RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved 2jth March, 1855. (P. L. t fSjj, page 129.) SECTION i. That the provisions of an act, entitled "An act supplemental to an act, entitled ' An act to incorporate the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company,' " approved the second day of March, 1855, be and the same are hereby extended to all railroad companies, to the capital stock of which companies subscription has been made by the county of Allegheny, on special contract or agreement with the county commissioners. 78 SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT RELATING TO THE COM- MENCEMENT OF ACTIONS, APPROVED THE THIR- TEENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1836. Approved izth April, 1833. (P. L., jSjj, page 213.) SECTION I. That no person or company engaged in the business of forwarding or transporting goods, wares, and merchandise shall be made liable in any proceedings in attach- ments as garnishee or otherwise, when such goods, wares, or merchandise are in transitu, and at the time of service of pro- cess beyond the limits of this Commonwealth, without default, collusion, or fraud on the part of such person or company. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE ERECTION OF BRIDGES OVER CANALS AND RAILROADS. Approved 1 2th April, fSjj. (P. L. } 1855, page 220.) SECTION i. That the provisions of the laws of this Com- monwealth relative to the erection of bridges over rivers, creeks, or rivulets, be and the same are hereby extended to the erection of bridges over canals and railroads : Provided, That bridges erected under the provisions of this act shall not obstruct any canal or railroad over which such bridge may be erected: And provided further. That nothing in this act shall release railroad, or other companies, or the Commonwealth, from the requirements of existing laws. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT CONSOLIDATING THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Approved 2ist April, s8jj. (P. L,, 1855, pages 264-66,} SECTION 10. That hereafter no railroad company, whose road does or shall terminate within the city of Philadelphia, shall have the right or power to locate and construct that part of said road which shall extend within the limits of said 79 city, without first submitting the plans and surveys thereof, exhibiting the grades and routes, to the board of survey of said city, who shall have the power to conform the same as far as may be practicable, to the general plan and regulations of said city, as adopted at that time ; and all charters author- izing the construction of any railroad within said city, shall be taken to be subject to the above restriction : Provided, That this shall not be construed to apply to any railroad already graded or laid with rails in said city, unless the route or grade thereof shall be altered. AN ACT RELATING TO DAMAGES FOR INJURIES PRO- DUCING DEATH. Approved 26th April, fSjj. (P. L., 1855, page 309.) SECTION i. That the persons entitled to recover damages for^any injury causing death shall be the husband, widow, children, or parents of the deceased, and no other relative; and the sum recovered shall go to them in the proportion they would take his or her personal estate in case of intestacy, and that without liability to creditors. SEC. 2. That the declaration shall state who are the parties entitled in such action ; the action shall be brought within one year after the death, and not thereafter. AN ACT RELATING TO CORPORATIONS, AND TO ESTATES HELD FOR CORPORATE, RELIGIOUS, AND CHARITABLE USES. Approved 26th April, ^855. (P. L., fSjf, pages 328 and 329.} SECTION I. That it shall not be lawful for any councilman, burgess, trustee, manager, or director of any corporation, municipality, or public institution to be at the same time a 8o treasurer, secretary, or other officer, subordinate to the presi dent and directors, who shall receive a salary therefrom, or b the surety of such officer ; nor shall any member of an corporation or public institution, or any officer or agent there of, be in anywise interested in any contract for the sale o furnishing of any supplies or materials to be furnished to o for the use of any corporation, municipality, or public institu tion of which he shall be a member or officer, or for whicl he shall be an agent, nor directly nor indirectly interestec therein, nor receive any reward or gratuity from any persoi interested in such contract or sale ; and any person violating these provisions, or either of them, shall forfeit his member ship in such corporation, municipality, or institution, and hi; office or appointment thereunder, and shall be held guilty o a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall forfeit an) sum not less than three times any advantage he may have derived by such offence, if any, and if no such advantage have been received, then any sum in the discretion of the court of quarter sessions of the proper county, not exceeding five hundred dollars for each offence: Provided, That private corporations heretofore incorporated, with any right or privi- lege in conflict with this section, shall not be affected thereby until such corporation shall, by resolution, agree to adopt the provisions hereof, which it is hereby authorized to do. SEC. 2. That any person who shall contract for the sale or sell any supplies or materials as aforesaid, and shall cause to be interested in any such contract or sale any member, officer, or agent of any corporation, municipality, or institu- tion, or give or offer any such person any reward or gratuity, to influence him or them in the discharge of their official duties, shall not be capable of recovering anything upon any contract or sale, in relation to which he may have so practiced or attempted to practice corruptly, but the same shall be void; and such party shall be liable to conviction for a misdemeanor in the court of quarter sessions of the proper county, and shall be fined three times the amount so given or offered corruptly, if ascertained, and if not ascertained, any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the discretion of said court. I AN ACT EXTENDING THE RIGHT OF TRIAL BY JURY TO CERTAIN CASES. Approved 27 th April, 1855. ( P. L. , fSjf, page 365. ) SECTION i. That in all cases that may hereafter arise under the act of assembly regulating railroad companies, approved the nineteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, any party or parties who may be aggrieved by the report or award of viewers appointed under said act, may at any time, within thirty days after the confirmation of such report, appeal from the same to the court of common pleas by which said viewers were appointed. AN ACT RELATING TO CORPORATIONS. Approved jd May, 1855. (? ^SS> pages 423 and 424.} SECTION I. That every charter of incorporation granted or to be granted shall be deemed and taken to be subject to the power of the legislature, unless expressly waived therein, to alter, revoke, or annul the same, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the Commonwealth ; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corporators, and as fully as if the reservation of said power had been therein expressed. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF CANADA THISTLES AND OTHER NOXIOUS WEEDS, AND THE MAINTAINING OF DITCHES ON THE BANKS OF RAILROADS IN THE COUNTY OF ERIE. Approved jth May, 1855. (?* L. t '855, pages 476 and 477.} SECTION* I. That it shall be the duty of the several railroad :orporations owning or working railroads within the county )f Erie, wherever water accumulates along the same to the njury of the adjoining land, to excavate and maintain, on 82 both sides thereof, ditches, of sufficient width and depth am of suitable grade to drain off the water in such manner as t( protect the adjoining land from wash or soakage ; and it shal further be the duty of the several railroad companies aforesai( to cause all Canada thistles and other noxious weeds growing on any lands owned or occupied by such corporation to b cut down twice in each and every year, once between th< fifteenth day of June and first day of July, and once betwee: the fifteenth day of August and the first day of September. SEC. 2. That if the said corporations, or any or either c them, shall neglect to make and maintain good and sufficien drains or ditches to carry off the water, so as to prevent was] or soakage on the adjacent land, or shall neglect to cause t be cut down all Canada thistles and other noxious weeds a the times mentioned in this act, it shall be lawful for an; person to cut the same between the first and fifteenth days c July and between the first and fifteenth days of Septembei and to make, open, and repair said drains and ditches, at th expense of the corporation on whose lands said drains an< ditches are to be made and on which said Canada thistles o other noxious weeds shall be so cut, at the rate of one dolla per day for the time so occupied in doing the same, to b recovered as debts of like amount are recoverable, in an court of justice within the county of Erie. AN ACT DECLARATORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF TH: ELEVENTH SECTION OF AN ACT PASSED ON TH! TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OF JULY, ANNO DOMINI ON THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO. Approved 2$th February, 1856. (P. L., 1856, page 61.) SECTION i. That it is hereby declared to be the true inter and meaning of the eleventh section of an act to incorporal the Liberty Fire Company, of Holmesburg, in the county ( Philadelphia, approved the twenty-sixth day of July, Ann 83 Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and its true and legal effect shall be, that in all cases where any railroad or canal company, authorized by existing laws to issue bonds, certificates of loan, or evidences of indebtedness secured by mortgage, may have issued or shall hereafter issue any such bonds, certificates of loan, or evidences of indebtedness, executed by such company, and has disposed of or may hereafter dispose of the same at less than their par value, such transactions shall not be deemed usurious or in violation of any law of this Commonwealth prohibiting the taking of more than six per cent, interest. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGU- LATING RAILROAD COMPANIES," APPROVED THE NINETEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE. Approved qth April, 1856. (P. L., 1856, pages 288 and 289.) WHEREAS, Some doubts and difficulties have arisen in regard to the intention and proper construction of the first section of a certain act, approved the twenty-seventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, entitled "An act extending the right of trial by jury to certain cases;" now, for the removal of said doubts and difficulties and for certainty in the premises SECTION i. Be it enacted, c., That the true intent and meaning of the said act was, that it should apply to and embrace cases pending at the time of the passage of the said act. SEC. 2. That hereafter in all cases where the parties cannot agree upon the amount of damages claimed, or by reason of the absence or legal incapacity of such owner or owners, no such agreement can be made, either for lands, water, water-rights, or materials, the company shall tender a bond, with at least two sufficient sureties, to the party claiming or entitled to any 8 4 damages, or to the attorney or agent of any person absent, or to the guardian or committee of any one under legal in- capacity, the condition of which shall be, that the company will pay or cause to be paid such amount of damages as the party shall be entitled to receive, after the same shall have been agreed upon by the parties, or assessed in the mannei provided for by this and the act to which it is a supplement Provided, That in case the party or parties claiming damages refuse or do not accept the bond as tendered, the said com- pany shall then give the party a written notice of the time when the same will be presented for filing in court; anc thereafter the said company may present said bond to the court of common pleas of the county where the lands, water or materials are, and if the bond and sureties are approved the bond shall be filed in said court for the benefit of those interested ; and recovery may be had thereon for the amoun of damages assessed, if the same be not paid or cannot b< made by execution on the judgment in the issue formed tc try the question. SEC. 3. That the viewers provided for in the eleventl section of the act to which this is a supplement, may b< appointed before or after the entry for constructing said roa< or taking materials therefor, and upon the report of sai( viewers, or any four of them, being filed in said court, eithe party, within thirty days thereafter, may file his, her, or thei appeal from said report to the said court ; after such appea either party may put the cause at issue in the form directe* by said court, and the same shall then be tried by said coui and a jury ; and after final judgment, either party may have writ of error thereto from the supreme court, in the manne prescribed in other cases. The said court shall have powe to order what notices shall be given connected with any pai of the proceedings, and may make all such orders connecte with the same as may be deemed requisite. If any exception be filed with any appeal to the proceedings, they shall b speedily disposed of; and if allowed, a new view shall b ordered ; and if disallowed, the appeal shall proceed as befoi provided. 85 SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACTS RELATING TO INCORPO- RATIONS BY THE COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS. Approved gth April, 1856. (P. L., 1856, page ZQJ.) SECTION i. That it shall be lawful for any court of common pleas of the proper county to hear the petition of any corpo- ration under the seal thereof, by and with the consent of a majority of a meeting of the corporators, duly convened, pray- ing for permission to surrender any power contained in its charter, or for the dissolution of such corporation; and if such court shall be satisfied that the prayer of such petition may be granted without prejudice to the public welfare or the intq^ests of the corporators, the court may enter a decree in accordance with the prayer of the petition, whereupon such power shall cease or such corporation be dissolved : Provided, That the surrender of any such power shall not in anywise remove any limitation or restriction in such charter, and that the accounts of the managers, directors, or trustees of any dissolved company shall be settled in such court and be approved thereby, and dividends of the effects shall be made among any corporators entitled thereto, as in the case of the accounts of assignees and trustees : Provided further, That no property devoted to religious, literary, or charitable uses shall be diverted from the objects for which they were given or granted : Provided, That the decree of said court shall not go into effect until a certified copy thereof be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. (By the title of this act it appears to apply only to charters granted by courts of common pleas.) AN ACT RELATING TO THE SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CERTAIN CASES. \ Approved ijth March (April), 1856. (P. L., 1856, page jSS.) SECTION i. That hereafter when any action is commenced by any person against any corporation in any county in which the property of said corporation was wholly or in part situated, 86 it shall be lawful, if the president, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk do not reside or cannot be found in such county, for the sheriff or officer to whom any process may be directed to serve the same on any manager or director in such county, and the service so made shall be deemed sufficient ; and in case no director or manager can be found in such county, it shall be lawful for the sheriff or other officer to whom such process is directed to go into any county to serve the process aforesaid. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORDINARY EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT, THE REPAIRS OF THE PUBLIC CANALS AND RAILROADS, AND OTHER GENERAL AND SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS. Approved ijth May, 1856. (P. L., 1856, page 560.) SECTION 41. That so much of the act entitled "An act authorizing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to run their cars over connecting and continuous railroads," approved the third day of March, 1853, as relates to carrying passengers and baggage and mails on the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and the canal commissioners are hereby authorized to contract with responsi- ble persons, or companies incorporated by any law of this commonwealth, for carrying passengers, their baggage, and United States mails, on the Philadelphia and Columbia rail- road, for a period not exceeding five years from and after the expiration of the contract now existing between the canal commissioners and Bingham & Dock, on such terms and conditions as will best promote the interest of the Common- wealth : Provided, That from and after the first day of May next it shall not be lawful for the city of Philadelphia to charge and collect tolls on the city railroad for any greater distance than that actually used, including the bridge over the Schuyl- kill river, at Market street. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT RELATING TO DAMAGES FOR INJURIES PRODUCING DEATH. Approved zoth December , 1856. (P. L., 1857, P a S e 79^0 SECTION i. That the act, approved the twenty-sixth day of April, 1855, entitled "An act relating to damages for injuries producing death," shall not be construed retrospectively, either as to rights of actions accrued or actions pending, but that the limitation of one year therein named shall be restricted to cases accruing from and after the passage of said act. AN ACT RELATIVE TO ASSIGNEES AND TRUSTEES OF RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved i6th May, 1857. (P. L., 1857, page 538.} SECTION i. That hereafter no assignees or trustees who, in the discharge of the duties of their trust, have entered or shall enter into the possession and management of any railroad under any deed of assignment or mortgage, shall be personally responsible for any damage which may occur to any passenger or other person by collision, force, or violence occurring in the operation of the railroad and locomotives so in their manage- ment, without any default or misconduct of such assignees or trustees ; and if any case of damages shall occur by reason aforesaid, for which the railroad company if managing the road would be liable, the damage may be recovered against the assigning or mortgaging company, and execution therefor shall be levied of the property and effects held in trust by such assignees or trustees, or of any trust funds in their hands, by execution or attachment of execution, and be paid as part of the expenses of administering the trust, in preference to the creditors of the company, and the assignees and trustees shall accordingly have credit therefor in their accounts ; and it shall be lawful for such assignees or trustees to make settle- ment of such claims for damages by compromise, approved by any court having jurisdiction of their accounts. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT REGULATING RAILROADS Approved soth May, 1857. (? J 857> P a e 629.) SECTION i. That no lateral or private railroad leading fron any ore mine, coal mine, or limestone or other quarry, no\ having the right to cross, at grade, the track of any railroa* authorized to be built by any special charter granted by thi Commonwealth, shall be permitted to cross such track of sue! chartered railroad at more than two crossings, or with mor than a double track; and the proprietors of any such latera or private railroad leading from any such mine, opening, o tunnel, shall, at the point of crossing such chartered railroad be confined to a double track; and the company owning sue! chartered railroad shall have the right, in any case, to enfora compliance with the provisions of this section, by refusing tc permit more than a double crossing, as aforesaid. AN ACT FOR THE BETTER SECURITY OF LABORERS MECHANICS, AND OTHERS, IN CERTAIN CORPORATIONS. Approved ijth October, 1857. (P. L., 1858, pages 615 and 616.} SECTION i. That for the purpose of providing additional security for the payment of miners, laborers, operatives, and mechanics for services rendered or which may be hereafter rendered, supplies and materials furnished or hereafter to be furnished, to any coal, iron, canal, navigation, railroad, or turnpike company, incorporated in whole or in part by the laws of this Commonwealth, it shall be lawful and competent for any such company to execute a lien or liens, or instrument of writing sufficient thereto, with inventory attached, and attested by the common seal of said company, if said company have such common seal, and if such company have no common seal, then said instrument of writing to be signed by the president of the board of directors or managers, attested by the secretary, to a trustee or trustees, upon any or all their wagons, teams, horses, mules, cars, carts, boats, equipments, engines, tools, and machinery used in conducting the business of any such company, to be held by said .trustee or trustees 8 9 as a lien for the sole purpose or purposes aforesaid, until said debts herein contemplated are fully discharged, by the sale thereof or otherwise : Provided, That the said instrument or instruments of writing be first acknowledged as other deeds are and recorded in the office for recording deeds, in the res- pective counties wherein said companies transact business, within thirty days from the execution thereof: And provided furthcr^\va\. this act shall continue in force until the first day of February, 1859, and no longer, unless extended by a sub- sequent legislature. (This act does not appear to have been extended.) AN ACT RELATIVE TO BONDS ISSUED BY THE COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY FOR STOCK IN RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved ijth April, 1858. (P. L., r8$8, pages 252 and 253.) SECTION I. That the commissioners of the county of Alle- gheny be and they are hereby authorized to exchange with any one or more holders or owners or trustees, or guardians of any holder or owner of bonds of said county, issued in payment for stock in any railroad company, any amount of said stock now owned by said county, for an equal amount of the said bonds, each at their par value : Provided, That no stock shall be exchanged except for bonds issued in payment for stock in the same company; and within one month after effecting any such exchange, said commissioners shall publicly cancel any bonds received for stock, in the presence of one or more judges of the court of common pleas, who shall sign a certificate of "such cancellation upon the minutes of the board. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGULATING LATERAL RAILROADS," PASSED MAY 5th, 1832. Approved 2oth April, 1858. (P. L., 1858, page 361.} SECTION I. That hereafter, in all cases where a petition has been presented for the appointment of viewers, under the pro- visions of the said act and its supplements, it shall be the duty 9 o of the viewers so appointed to report in writing whether tl: road asked for is necessary for public or private use, as we as the damages which will be sustained by the owner c owners of intervening lands ; and when, in the opinion of th court, the road is necessary for public or private use, it sha be lawful for the petitioner or petitioners, upon giving bom with one or more sureties, to be filed with the petition, and t be approved by the court to which such petition shall ha\ been presented, conditioned for the payment of such damage as shall be assessed under the provisions of the acts to whic this is a supplement, to proceed in the opening, constructing completing, and using the said railroad, with one or moi tracks, as prayed for in said petition. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT INCORPORATIN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Approved 2ist April, 1858. (P. L., 1858 page 385.} SECTION i. That the offices, depots, car-houses, and othe real property of railroad corporations situated in said city, th superstructure of the road and water stations only exceptec are and hereafter shall be subject to taxation by ordinances fo city purposes. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT OF i6th JUNE, 1836, ENTITLE] "AN ACT RELATING TO EXECUTIONS." Approved 22d April, 1858. (P. L., 1858, page 458^.} SECTION i. That so much of the act to which this is a sup plement as relates to the appointment of sequestrators in case where judgments have been obtained against corporation.' executions issued thereon and returned unsatisfied, is hereb; declared not to apply to any unfinished railroad: Provider That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as t< prevent a sequestrator from taking custody of the receipts an< revenues of any portion of any such road that may be so fa completed as to be in running order. iN ACT TO ENABLE THE CITY OF PITTSBURG TO RAISE ADDITIONAL REVENUE. Approved 4th January, 1859. (P. L., 1859, P a S e 828.) SECTION 3. That all real estate situated in said city, owned >r possessed by any railroad company, shall be and is hereby nade suoject to taxation for city purposes, the same as other eal estate in said city. \ SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT IN REFERENCE TO RUNNING- OF LOCOMOTIVE-ENGINES AND CARS ON CONNECTING RAILROADS, APPROVED isth MARCH, 1847. Approved zgth March, 1859. (? ) f $59> P a g e 290.} SECTION i. That the act passed on the I3th day of March, \nno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, mtitled " An act in reference to running of locomotive-engines ind cars on connecting railroads," shall be so construed as to- luthorize companies owning any connecting railroads in the State of Pennsylvania to enter into any leases and contracts .vith each other in respect to the use, management, and working of their several railroads : Provided, That the company >o contracting for or leasing any such railroad may have the ight to fix the tolls thereon, but not at a higher rate than s authorized by the charter of either of the said railroad :ompanies. A.N ACT TO CONSOLIDATE, REVISE, AND AMEND THE PENAL LAWS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH. Approved jsst March, 1860. (P. L., i86o t pages 391, 412, 416, and 417.) SECTION 29. If any person shall be maimed, or otherwise injured in person, or injured in property, through or by reason :>f the wanton and furious driving or racing, or by reason of :he gross negligence or willful misconduct of the driver of any public stage, mail coach, coachee, carriage, or car employed 9 2 in the conveyance of passengers; or through or by reason the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any engineer conductor of any locomotive-engine or train of railroad Cc or carriages ; or any captain or other officer of any steambc employed in the conveyance of passengers, or of goods, war< merchandise, or produce of any description, such driv engineer, conductor, captain, or officer, shall, on convicti thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundr dollars and undergo an imprisonment, by separate or solita confinement, or by simple imprisonment, not exceeding fi years : Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not i terfere with the civil remedies against the proprietors ai others to which the injured party may by law be now entitle SEC. 126. If any person, engaged in carrying or transportii coal, iron, lumber, or other articles of merchandise or proper whatsoever within this commonwealth, shall fraudulently s< or dispose of or pledge the same, or any part thereof, witho the consent of the owner thereof, such offense shall be deem< a misdemeanor, and the offender shall, on conviction, be se tenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, ai to undergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year; or any person shall knowingly buy and receive the said me chandise, knowing the same to have been sold, disposed < or pledged fraudulently, he shall, on conviction, be sentena to the like punishment. SEC. 142. If any person shall willfully and maliciously pi place, cast, or throw upon or across any railroad any woo stone, or other matter or thing; or shall willfully and ma ciously take up, remove, or displace any rail, sleeper, or oth matter or thing belonging to any railroad; or shall willful and maliciously turn, move, or divert any switch or oth machinery belonging to any railroad; or shall willfully ar maliciously make or show, hide or remove any signal or lig" upon or near any railroad; or shall willfully and malicious do, or cause to be done, any other matter or thing, with inter in any of the cases aforesaid, to obstruct, upset, overthrow injure, or destroy any tender, carriage, car, or truck used c such railroad, or to endanger the safety of any person trave ing or being upon such railroad, every such offender shall I 93 guilty of felony, and, being thereof convicted, shall be sen- enced to pay a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, and o undergo an imprisonment, by separate or solitary confine- nent, at ^bor, not exceeding ten years. SEC. 143. If any person shall willfully and maliciously cast, :hrow, or cause to fall or strike against, into, or upon any mgine, tender, carriage, car, or truck used upon any railroad, my wood or stone or other matter or thing, with intent to endanger the safety of any person being in or upon such engine, tender, carriage, car, or truck, every such offender shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and being thereof convicted shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment not exceeding three years. SEC. 147. If any person shall unlawfully and maliciously break, injure, or otherwise destroy or damage any part of any locomotive or stationary engine, inclined plane, engine-house, station, or depot, bridge, culvert, trestle work, or other build- ing or structure belonging to any railroad, or any other part of such railroad; or shall wantonly and maliciously derange or displace the fixtures or machinery of any locomotive or stationary engine used or employed on any railroad; or shall willfully and maliciously destroy or injure any fence or wall, cross-road passing over or under such railroad; or shall un- lawfully and maliciously break, injure, or otherwise destroy or damage any of the posts, wires, or other materials or fixtures employed in the construction and use in any line of an elec- trical telegraph, or shall willfully and maliciously interfere with such structure so erected, or in any way attempt to lead from its uses or make use of the electrical current, or any portion thereof, properly belonging to and in use, or in readi- ness to be made use of, for the purpose of communicating telegraphically from one station of a telegraph company to another established station of the same, or a connecting tele- graph line; or shall unlawfully and maliciously break, injure, or otherwise destroy or damage any bridge, river, or meadow bank or mill-dam ; or willfully and maliciously take down, injure, remove, or in any manner damage or destroy any flag, flag-staff, beacon, buoy, or other way or water marks which 94 now are or hereafter may be put, erected, or placed, by lav authority, near or in any streams that are or may be decla public highways ; or shall unlawfully and maliciously c break, or otherwise destroy any lead, tin, copper, or iron sp affixed to any house or other building, public or private ; shall unlawfully and maliciously daub, paint, or otherv, deface any dwelling-house, such offender shall be guilty c misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a i not exceeding five hundred dollars, and undergo an impris ment not exceeding twelve months, or both, or either, at discretion of the court. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT REI TIVE TO BONDS ISSUED BY THE COUNTY OF ALL GHENY, FOR STOCK IN RAILROAD COMPANIES," / PROVED THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, ANNO DOMI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT Approved sd April, 1860. (P. L., 1860, page 589.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any execute administrators, guardians, and trustees holding bonds of t .said county of Allegheny, such as are mentioned in the ; to which this is a supplement, to exchange the same for sto in the several and respective railroad companies, in the nic ner mentioned in the said act, and to hold or dispose of t said stock so taken in exchange, without responsibility on th part for any loss which may be occasioned by any depreciati in the value of the said stock or the non-payment of any di dend by the said companies. AN ACT TO ENABLE CITIZENS TO HOLD TITLE WHIG HAD BEEN HELD BY ALIENS AND CORPORATIONS. Approved qth January, 1861. (P. L., 1861, pages 2 and j.) SECTION I. That whensoever any alien, or any foreign cc poration, or corporations of another State, or of this Stal shall have held title to real estate within this State, which 1 95 or they were not by the laws of this Commonwealth authorized to hold, a*id shall have heretofore conveyed such title to any citizen of the United States, before any inquisition shall have been taken against the real estate so held to escheat the same, such citizen shall hold, and may convey such title and real estate indefeasibly, as to any right of escheat in this Common- wealth, by reason of such real estate having been held by an alien, or corporation not authorized to hold the same, or to the extent in which it had been held. AN ACT CONCERNING THE SALE OF RAILROADS, CANALS, TURNPIKES, BRIDGES, AND PLANK ROADS. Approved 8th April, 1861. (P. L., i86i t pages 259 and 260.) SECTION i. That -whenever any railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge, or plank road of any corporation created by or under any law of this State, shall be sold and conveyed under and by virtue of any process or decree of any court of this State, or of the circuit court of the United States, the person or persons for, or on whose account such railroad, canal, turnpike, or plank road may be purchased, shall be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, and shall be vested with all the right, title, interest, property, possession, claim, and demand in law and equity, of, in, and to such railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge, or plank road, with its appurtenances, and with all the rights, powers, immunities, privileges, and franchises of the corporation as whose the same may have been so sold, and which may have been granted to or conferred thereupon by any act or acts of assembly whatsoever, in force at the time of such sale and conveyance, and subject to all the restrictions imposed upon such corporation by any such act or acts, except so far as the same are modified hereby; and the person for or on whose account any such railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge, or plank road may have been purchased, shall meet within thirty days after the conveyance thereof shall be delivered, public notice of the time and place of such meeting having been given at least once a week for two weeks, in at least one news- paper published in the city or county in which such sale may 9 6 have been held, and organize said new corporation, by electin a president and board of six directors, (to continue in offk until the first Monday of May succeeding such meeting, whe: and annually thereafter, on the said day, a like election for president and six directors shall be held, to serve for one year and shall adopt a corporate name and common seal, determir the amount of capital stock thereof, and shall have power an authority to make and issue certificates therefor to the pu chaser or purchasers aforesaid, to the amount of their respectrv interests therein, in shares of fifty dollars each, and may thei or at any time thereafter, create and issue preferred stock t such an amount and on such terms as they may deem nece< sary, and from time to time to issue bonds, at a rate of intere.' not exceeding seven per cent, to any amount not exceedin their capital stock, and to secure the same by one or mor mortgages upon the real and personal property and corporat rights and franchises, or either or any part or parts thereof. SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of such new corporatior within one calender month after its organization, to make certificate thereof, under its common seal, attested by the sig nature of its president, specifying the date of such organizatior the name so adopted, the amount of capital stock, and th names of its president and directors, and transmit the sai< certificate to the secretary of State at Harrisburg, to be file< in his office, and there remain of record; and a certified cop^ of such certificate so filed shall be evidence of the corporat existence of said new corporation. AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT, PASSED i4th APRIL 1834, ENTITLED "AN ACT RELATIVE TO SUITS BROUGHT BY AND AGAINST CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANIES/ Approved ijth April, 1861. (P. /,., 1861, page 385.} SECTION I. That the act to which this is a supplement shal be and hereby is extended to all suits, actions, and proceeding; instituted against any canal or railroad company, as well fo] the assessment of damages occasioned by construction of sucl: canals or railroads as for any other cause. * AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS. Approved 2jd April, 1861. (P. L., 1861, pages 410 and 411.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any railroad company created by and existing under the laws of this Com- monwealth, from time to time to purchase and hold the stock and bonds, or either, of any other railroad company or com- panies chartered by or of which the road or roads is or are authorized to extend into this Commonwealth; and it shall be lawful for any railroad companies to enter into contracts for the use or lease of any other railroads, upon such terms as may be agreed upon with the company or companies owning the same, and to run, use, and operate such road or roads in accordance with such contract or lease: Provided, That the roads of the companies so contracting or leasing shall be directly, or by means of intervening railroads, connected with each other. AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE, REVISE, AND AMEND THE PENAL LAWS OF THIS COM- MONWEALTH, PASSED THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF MARCH, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- DRED AND SIXTY. Approved ist May, 1861. (P. L., 1861, page 465.) SECTION i. That whenever any person in the employ of any railroad company, whether such company is incorporated by this or any other State, shall fraudulently neglect to cancel or return to the proper officer, company, or agent, any coupon or other railroad ticket, with the intent to permit the same to be used in fraud or injury of any such company; or if. any person shall steal or embezzle any such coupon or other railroad ticket, or shall fraudulently stamp or print or sign any such ticket, or shall fraudulently sell or put in circulation any such ticket, iny person so offending, shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, md to undergo an imprisonment, by separate or solitary con- inement, at labor, not exceeding five years. 9 8 A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT IN REFERENCE TO RUNNING LOCOMOTIVE-ENGINES AND CARS ON CONNECTING RAILROADS, APPROVED isth MARCH, 1847 Approved ist May, 1861. (P. L., 1861, page 485.} SECTION i. That where any railroad company, incorporatec under the provisions of the act of February I9th, 1849, entitlec "An act regulating railroad companies," shall have leasec their road to another company owning a connecting railroac in this State, as authorized by the supplement of March 29th 1859, to the act to which this is a further supplement, anc when the terms of such lease shall specify that the road is tc be kept in repair by the lessees, the said lessees shall enjo) the same rights and privileges, in regard to the repairs anc maintenance of said road, as are conferred upon the compan) owning the same, by the tenth and eleventh sections of the sau act of February I9th, 1849; and the said lessees shall alsc be entitled to the benefit of the penalties provided in th< fifteenth section of said act, and may sue for and recover th< same for their own use and advantage. AN ACT RELATING TO RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved i6th May, 1861. (P. L., 1861, pages 702 to 704.) SECTION I. That it shall be lawful for any railroad compan 1 chartered by this Commonwealth to merge its corporate rights powers, and privileges into any other railroad company, s< chartered, connecting therewith, so that by virtue of this ac such companies may be consolidated, and so that all th property, rights, franchises, and privileges then by law veste in such company so merged, may be transferred to and veste in the company into which such merger shall be made. SEC. 2. That such consolidation and merger shall be mad under the following conditions and restrictions, to wit: I. The directors or managers of each corporation may ente into a joint agreement, under the corporate seal of each coir pany, for the consolidation of the said companies and of sue merger, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and th 99 manner of converting the capital stock of the said company so to be merged into the stock of the company into which such merger shall be made, and all other such provisions as they shall deem necessary to perfect the said consolidation and merger. II. Said agreement shall be submitted to the stockholders of each of such companies, at a meeting thereof, called separately; of the time, place, and object of which meeting due notice shall be given by publication once a week for two successive weeks, before said meeting, in one newspaper published in each of the counties through or into which the railroads of said companies respectively shall or may be authorized to extend ; and at said meeting the said agreement shall be con- sidered, and a vote by ballot, in person or by proxy taken for the adoption or rejection of the same, each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote; and if a majority of all the votes cast at each of such meetings shall be in favor of said agree- ment, consolidation, and merger, then that fact shall be certified by the secretary of such company, and said certificate, together with a copy of the agreement, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth; whereupon, the said agree- ment shall be deemed and taken to be the act of consolidation of said companies. SEC. 3. That upon the filing of the said certificate and copy of agreement in the office of the secretary of the Common- wealth, the said merger shall be deemed to have taken place, and the said companies to be one corporation, possessing all the rights, privileges, and franchises theretofore vested in either of them ; and all the property, real, personal, and mixed, and debts due, and rights of action, shall be deemed and taken :o be transferred to and vested in the company into which such merger may have been made, without further act or deed; ind all property, all rights of way, and all other interests shall )e as effectually the property of such company or corporation nto which such merger may have been made, as they were of either of the former corporations, parties to said agreement: Provided, That all rights of creditors, and all liens upon :he property of either of said corporations, shall continue un- mpaired, and the respective corporations may be deemed to 100 be in existence to preserve the same; and all debts, duties and liabilities of either of said companies shall thencefortl attach to the consolidated company, and may be enforce( against it to the same extent and by the same process as : said debts, duties, and liabilities had been contracted by it And provided further, That in case of any differences or incon sistencies of any nature, between the acts regulating sai< companies respectively, then the said consolidated compan shall in all respects be regulated by the laws then governing an< applicable to that company into which such merger may hav been made: And provided further, That a certified copy of th said certificate and copy of agreement so to be filed in th office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, shall be evidenc of the lawful holding and action of such meeting and of th consolidation of such companies and of the said merger: An t provided further, That if any stockholder or stockholders c any railroad companies shall be dissatisfied with or object t< any such consolidation, then it shall and may be lawful fo any such stockholder or stockholders, within thirty days afte the execution of said agreement for consolidation, to appl by petition to the court of common pleas of the county i which the chief office of the said companies may respectivel be held, to appoint three disinterested persons to estimat and appraise the damage, if any, done to such stockholde or stockholders by said proposed consolidation, and whos award, or that of a majority of them, when confirmed b the said court, shall be final and conclusive; and the person so appointed shall also appraise the share or shares of sai stockholders in the said company at the full market valu thereof, without regard to any depreciation in consequenc of the said proposed consolidation ; and the said company ma) at its election, either pay to the said holder the amount c damages so found, or the value of the stock so ascertainec and upon payment of the value of the stock, as aforesaid, th said stockholders shall transfer the stock so held by then to said company, to be disposed of by the directors of sai company, or retained by them for the benefit of the remainin stockholders. (Supplied but not repealed by act of 24th March, 1865.) 101 AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF COAL AND MINERAL LANDS IN THE COUNTIES OF HUNTING- DON, CAMBRIA, AND BEDFORD. Approved 2ist March, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 149 and 150.} SECTION i. That in all cases where the owner or owners of coal or mineral lands, situated in either of the counties of Bedford, Cambria, or Huntingdon, has or have obtained, or may hereafter obtain, the right to construct a lateral railroad, under the act of assembly of 5th May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, relating to lateral railroads, and the several supplements thereto, or may desire to construct such lateral railroad from the line of the established railroad of any incorporated company over his, her, or their own lands, it shall and may be lawful for any incorporated company in this Commonwealth to aid such owner or owners, whether an individual, an association of individuals, or another incorpora- ted company, by furnishing money, labor, and materials, or either or all of them, for the construction of such lateral railway, sidings, et cetera, not exceeding three miles in length. SEC. 2. That it shall be lawful for any incorporated company in this Commonwealth, which shall agree to aid any individual or association of individuals, or other incorporated company, in pursuance of the first section of this act, to take a mortgage upon such lateral railroad, its sidings, turnouts, and appurte- nances, and upon the real estate intended to be developed thereby, or upon either or all of them, to secure all advances of money, labor, and materials intended to be made, within twelve months from the date of such mortgage, setting out clearly in such mortgage the purpose and intent for which it is given ; and such mortgage shall be prior in lien to any incumbrance that may be entered between the recording of such mortgage and the expiration of twelve months from the date of the mortgage. SEC. 3. That within one month after the completion of such lateral railroad, or at the expiration of twelve months from the date of the mortgage, if such lateral railroad be not then completed, it shall be the duty of the president of the company mortgagee to have recorded in the office of the 102 recorder of deeds, and to file in the office of the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the proper county, statements verified by his oath or affirmation, setting forth the advances actually made, and the dates when made, of money, labor, 01 materials, or either or all of them, intended to be secured by saic mortgage, which statements shall be indexed by the recordei among mortgages, and by the prothonotary on the judgmenl docket; and at any time after such statements shall be so re- corded and filed, it shall be the right either of the mortgagee 01 mortgagees, or any lien creditor of the mortgagor or mort- gagors, upon application to the court of common pleas or any judge thereof in vacation, with notice to the mortgagee, when application is made by the mortgagor, and to the mortgagee and mortgagor, when application is made by lien creditor, upon cause shown, to have issued, by order of said judge or court; a scire facias, upon such mortgage, to determine the amount actually advanced by such mortgagee, whether the same be then due and payable or not, which amount so ascertained shall stand as the amount of incumbrance by virtue of said mort- gage, upon the railroad or lands described therein, and may be collected by due process of law, at such time or times as the same may be due and payable by the terms and conditions of said mortgage : Provided, That unless the statements hereinbefore provided for be recorded and filed as herein- before directed, such mortgage shall lose its lien as against all lien creditors or bona fide purchasers subsequent to the date of such mortgage. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE DESTRUCTION AND TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF CANADA THISTLES. Approved 22d March, 1862. (P. L., 1862, page 164.} SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of every person or persons, and of every corporation holding lands in this Commonwealth, either by lease or otherwise, on which any Canada thistles, or weed commonly known as Canada thistle, may be growing, to cut the same, so as to prevent such weeds or thistles from going 103 to seed, and the seed of the same from ripening; and any person or persons, or corporation as aforesaid, who shall or may have land as aforesaid, in the said counties, and who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifteen dollars, one-half to the county treasurer, and the other half to the use of the person suing for the same, who shall be a competent witness to prove the facts, to be recovered as other debts of the like amount, before any justice of the peace, or in any court of record in said county. SEC. 2. That if any person or persons or corporation so holding land as aforesaid, on which Canada thistles, or the weeds commonly known as such, shall be growing and likely to ripen seed thereon, shall neglect or refuse to cut and de- stroy the same, so as to prevent the seed thereof from ripening, it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons who may consider themselves aggrieved, or about to be injured by such neglect or refusal, to give five days' notice in writing to such person or persons or corporation, to cut and destroy such weeds or thistles ; and on their neglect or refusal to cut and destroy the same at the end of five days, it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons so aggrieved, or believing themselves about to be injured thereby, to enter upon or hire other persons to enter upon such premises, and cut down and destroy such Canada thistles ; and the person or persons so employed shall be entitled to recover from such person or persons or corporation owning or holding such land, com- pensation at the rate of two dollars per day, to be sued for and recovered as debts of like amount, before any justice or court in said counties. A SUPPLEMENT TO A RESOLUTION TO PROTECT LABOR- ERS AND CONTRACTORS. APPROVED JANUARY aist, ANNO DOMINI 1843. Approved ^th April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 235 and 2j6.) WHEREAS, It frequently happens that incorporated companies, by assignment, conveyance, mortgage, or other transfer, divest themselves of their real and personal estate, in contravention IO4 of the provisions of the resolution of January 2ist, 1843 therefore, SECTION i. Be it enacted, That whenever any incorporate! company, subject to the provisions of the above resolution shall divest themselves of their real or personal estate, con trary to the provisions of said resolution, it shall and may b< lawful for any contractor, laborer, or workman employed ii the construction or repair of the improvements of said com pany, having obtained judgment against the said company, tc issue a scire facias upon said judgment, with notice to an} person or to any incorporated company claiming to hold 01 own said real or personal estate, to be served in the same manner as a summons upon the defendant, if it can be founc in the county, and upon the person or persons or incorpo- rated company claiming to hold or own such real estate ; and if the defendant cannot be found, then upon the return of one nihil and service as aforesaid, on the person or persons or company claiming to hold or own as aforesaid, the case to proceed as in other cases of scire facias on judgment against terre tenants. AN ACT FOR THE MORE EFFICIENT COLLECTION OF DEBTS DUE THE COMMONWEALTH. Approved 7th April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 304 andjoj.) SECTION i. That the several provisions of the twelfth sec- tion of the act of i6th April, 1845, entitled " An act to increase the revenues and diminish the legislative expenses of the Com- monwealth," and of the fourth section of the act of the 2 1st April, 1846, entitled "A supplement to the law relating to defaulting public officers," are hereby extended to all suits by the Commonwealth against counties, corporations, and persons whatsoever ; and the said fourth section of the said act of the 2 1st April, 1846, shall be so construed as to require that the affidavit of defence shall set forth specifically the nature and character of the defence : Provided, That a county shall not be required to file an affidavit of defence. 105 AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT CONCERNING THE SALE OF RAILROADS, CANALS, BRIDGES, AND PLANK ROADS." APPROVED APRIL, A. D. 1861. Approved nth April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 450 and 451.} SECTION i. That in all cases in which any railroad, canal, bridge, or plank road may be sold in the manner contemplated by the act to which this is a supplement, and a debt or debts may be due to the Commonwealth from the company, as whose property such railroad, canal, bridge, or plank road may have been sold, the purchaser or purchasers of such roads, canal, or bridge shall not be entitled to the benefits and privileges conferred by said act, or any of them, until he or they shall have paid such debt or debts to the Commonwealth, or until the payment of the same, with interest, shall be secured by bond or bonds and first mortgage upon all the real and personal property, corporate rights and franchises, which shall pass to the said purchaser or purchasers by such sale. AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO REQUIRE CORPORATIONS TO GIVE BAIL IN CERTAIN CASES, AND RELATIVE TO THE COMMENCE- MENT OF SUITS AGAINST FOREIGN CORPORATIONS, &c., &c." APPROVED isth MARCH, 1847. Approved nth April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 449 and 450.} SECTION I. That in all cases where any company has been incorporated by this Commonwealth, and the principal office for the transaction of business thereof shall be located out of this State, and where none of the officers upon whom process can be served, under the existing laws of the Commonwealth, reside in the State, it shall be lawful to sue said company, in any county in this State where the said company, at any time, transacted the business thereof, or where the works or real estate of such company were located ; and such legal process may be served on such company, by publication of a copy of io6 the process in such newspaper as the court may direct, for s weeks previous to the return day; and for every purpose legal proceeding, such company shall be taken, both in Is and equity, to be located in this State, and shall be liable writs of quo warranto, mandamus, attachment, and executio and service of such process, by publication as aforesaid, sh; be, to all intents and purposes, as effective as if served up< the president of such company, or other officer of the sam and he or they resident of the proper county of this State, ai as if the company's office were within the State; and ai property, of any description, of such company, within the Stai shall be liable to attachment and execution ; and any sue property, which would be liable to attachment or executic if the said office were located in this State, shall be taken be in this State for such purpose, and shall be liable to ICA and sale, in the same manner as if the officers of said compai resided in the county in this State in which the same is liab to be sued by the provisions of this act. AN ACT GRANTING TO THE SUPREME COURT JURISDI TION OF A COURT OF CHANCERY IN ALL CASES C MORTGAGES, ET CETERA. Approved nth April, 1862. (P. Z,., 1862, page 477.} SECTION i. That the Supreme Court of this Commonweal shall have and exercise all the powers and jurisdiction of court of chancery in all cases of mortgages given by corpor tions. AN ACT TO PROTECT THE WAGES OF LABOR IN CE1 TAIN COUNTIES OF THIS COMMONWEALTH. Approved nth April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 479, 480, and 481.} SECTION i. That in all assignments of property, whether re or personal, which may hereafter be made by any person < persons, firm, company, or association, whether chartered < not, to trustees or assignees, on account of inability or pre- tended inability, at the time of such assignment, to pay his, her, their, or its debts, the wages and salaries of persons employed by such person or persons, firm, company, or association, shall be preferred and paid, by such assignees or trustees, before any other creditors of such assignor or assignors. SEC. 2. That in case of the death of any person, resident within this Commonwealth, the wages or salaries of any person employed by him shall be first paid out of his estate, before any other debts, except necessary funeral expenses, and medicine and attendance furnished in the last sickness ; and in case of the dissolution of any firm, company, or association, as aforesaid, or of the private sale or transfer, or determination whatsoever, of the business of such firm, company, or associa- tion, the wages and salaries of persons employed by them shall be a lien upon their property, and shall be first paid out of the estate, effects, and assets of such firm or company. SEC. 3. That in all cases of executions, landlords' warrants, venditioni exponas, levari facias, and writs of a like nature, hereafter to be issued, for the sale of real or personal property, against any person or persons, firm, company, or association, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, or other officer executing such writ, to give to the persons employed by the defendant in said writ notice of the issuing thereof, by ten written or printed handbills, put up in public places in the neighborhood of the property to be sold, at least ten days before the proposed sale, requiring them to make known to him, before the sale of said property, the kind and amount of their respective claims against such defendant; and such claims, when so made known, shall be first paid out of the proceeds of such sale, by the officer or court making distribu- tion ; such claims being subject, however, to all legal objec- tions which may be made as to the amount or existence thereof. SEC. 4. The claims for wages, or on account of salaries, mentioned in the foregoing sections, shall be a lien on the real estate of the person, firm, company, or association liable to pay the same, prior and superior to all other liens upon io8 said real estate, except the lien of judgments and mortgag given for the purchase-money of the property on which the are liens, and the liens of judgments and mortgages enten prior to the commencement of the work for which such wag are due, and the liens of mechanics and material-men, fil( under the act of i6th June, 1836, and its supplements, ar except as may be in the foregoing sections excepted : Provide That the persons who may be entitled to demand the clain intended to be preferred by the provisions of this act shall, every case, first exhaust the proceeds of the personalty, there be such, before resorting to the realty, and that no 01 claim so preferred, or hereby made a lien, shall exceed tl sum of one hundred dollars : Provided further, That the Ik provided for shall not continue beyond the period of si months from the end of the time during which the work < service was rendered, unless judgment for the amount di shall, before that time, have been received, and a transcri] thereof filed and docketed in the office of the prothonotary the court of common pleas of the proper county. SEC. 5. The provisions of the foregoing sections shall on] apply to cases for the recovery of wages of labor done an performed, within six months immediately preceding tr. assignment, death, or levy by execution mentioned therein. SEC. 6. In all cases in appeals, by defendants, from tr. judgment of justices of the peace or award of arbitrator obtained in any suit brought or to be brought, for th recovery of wages or salaries, by any miner, mechanic, h borer, or clerk, against any person or persons or chartere company, engaged in the mining of coal or manufacture ( iron, either as owner of the soil or having a lease of coa mine or mines, furnace or rolling-mill, the said defendan or his agent or attorney, shall, before any such appeal b granted, declare, on oath or affirmation, in writing, that th appeal is not for the purpose of delay, but that the judgmer to be appealed from is unjust, and for more money than : justly due. SEC. 7. The provisions of this act shall extend only to th counties of Schuylkill, Bedford, and Blair. io 9 AN ACT AUTHORIZING RAILROAD COMPANIES TO RE- LOCATE THEIR ROADS IN CERTAIN CASES. Approved nth April, 1862. (P. L., 1862, pages 497 and 498.} SECTION i. That whenever any portion or portions of any railroad, which has been or may hereafter be constructed by any railroad company, under the authority of this Common- wealth, shall be found to pass over or in proximity to any workable vein or veins of iron-ore, coal, or other mineral, so as to interfere with the ordinary method of mining the same, or with the safety of said road, then, and in every such case, it shall be lawful for such railroad company to relocate the said road, in such manner as they may deem best; said relocation shall not exceed five hundred yards from their old location, so as to avoid the interference aforesaid ; and for this purpose every such company shall have all the powers and authorities conferred, and be subject to all the liabilities im- posed, by its charter of incorporation, as existing at the time such relocation is made : Provided, That all rights of such company, over the location so abandoned by them, shall cease from and after the relocation and occupation of the new route selected. AN ACT TO PREVENT ACTIONS AT LAW OR PROCEEDINGS IN EQUITY IN CERTAIN CASES. Approved nth April, 1863. (P. L., 1863, page 334.} SECTION i. That if it shall appear in any proceeding at law or equity, heretofore instituted and now pending, or hereafter instituted in any of the courts of this Commonwealth, by or in the name of any sequestrator, county, city, or borough, to recover or compel payment of any subscription or subscrip- tions, or part or parts thereof, made by any person or persons to the capital stock of any railroad company incorporated by the general assembly of this Commonwealth, subject to the provisions of the act entitled "An act regulating railroad com- panies," approved the nineteenth day of February, 1849, tnat before such proceeding was instituted the act incorporating such railroad company had been repealed, or the charter thereof no revoked by an act of the general assembly of this Commor wealth, no judgment or decree shall be entered or mad against the person or persons aforesaid, but he or they sha have judgment, or an order for his or their reasonable an proper costs. AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE THE EXTENSION OF LATERA RAILROADS. Approved 22d April, 1863. (P. L., 1863, pages 532 and 5JJ.) SECTION i. That any railroad company heretofore or here after authorized to build any branch, lateral, or diverging lin of railroad, or extension of such railroad, may, to encourag the construction thereof, specially mortgage any such brand: lateral, or diverging line, the road-bed and other real estate ac quired, or to be acquired therefor, the income thereof and th franchise, so far as they are specially applicable thereto, an< may issue plain or coupon bonds secured by such mortgage and may negotiate them on such terms, as to rate of interes and price and place of payment, as they may deem advisable Provided, That such mortgage shall not exceed fifteen thou sand dollars for each mile of road it covers, and that no bon< for a less amount than one hundred dollars shall be issue< under this act: And provided further, That every such mort gage shall be recorded in the county or counties in or througl which such branch, diverging, or lateral line is or shall b< constructed : And provided, Such mortgage shall not operatt against the lien of laborers and material-men, on work am labor done, and materials furnished in the construction o said road. AN ACT TO REGULATE RAILROAD GAUGES. Approved 22d April, i86j. (P. L., 1863, page 534.) SECTION i. That the gauge of all railroads heretofore 01 hereafter authorized to connect with the Philadelphia and Erk Railroad, and on which the track is not now wholly or parti} laid, shall conform to and be the same as the gauge of th< said Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Ill AN ACT AUTHORIZING NOTARIES PUBLIC IN THIS STATE, AND IN ANY STATE OR TERRITORY IN THE UNITED STATES, TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF DEEDS AND LETTERS OF ATTORNEY, AND TO CONFIRM ACKNOWLEDGMENTS HERETOFORE MADE. Approved 22d April, 1863. (P. L., 1863, page 549.) SECTION 3. That where any deed of conveyance, mortgage, or other instrument of writing has been heretofore executed or acknowledged, or both, by any corporation, under any power sufficiently authorizing the same, and shall have been informally executed or acknowledged by any officer de facto of such corporation, or shall have been executed or acknowl- edged by the officers of such corporation, in the manner prescribed by law for the acknowledgment of deeds and mortgages by individuals, such deed, mortgage, or instrument shall be taken to be of the same validity and effect as if executed and acknowledged in the manner prescribed by law for the execution and acknowledgment of deeds, mortgages, and other instruments by corporations : Provided, That no case heretofore judicially decided shall be affected by this act. AN ACT TO PREVENT FRAUDS UPON TRAVELERS. Approved 6th May, 1863. (P. L., 1863, pages 582 and 583.} WHEREAS, Numerous frauds have been practiced upon un- suspecting travelers, by means of the sale, by unauthorized persons, of railway and other tickets; and also upon railroads and other corporations, by the fraudulent use of tickets, in violation of the contract of their purchase; now, therefore, with the view of preventing and punishing such frauds SECTION i . That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of any railroad, steamboat, or other conveyance for the trans- portation of passengers, to provide each agent who may be authorized to sell tickets, or other certificates entitling the holder to travel upon any railroad, steamboat, or other public conveyance, with a certificate, setting forth the authority of such agent to make such sales ; which certificate shall be duly attested by the corporate seal, if such there be, of the owner of such railroad, steamboat, or other public conveyance, and 112 also by the signatures of the owner or officer whose name signed upon the tickets or coupons which such agents may se SEC. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any person, not po sessed of such authority so evidenced, to sell, barter, or tran fer, for any consideration whatever, the whole or any part any ticket or tickets, passes, or other evidences of the holdei title to travel on any railroad, steamboat, or other public co veyance, whether the same be situated, operated, or owm within or without the limits of this Commonwealth. SEC. 3. That any person or persons violating the provisioi of the second section of this act shall be deemed guilty misdemeanor, and shall be liable to be punished, by a fine n< exceeding five hundred dollars, and by imprisonment not e: ceeding one year, or either or both, in the discretion of tr court in which such person or persons shall be convicted. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of every agent who sha be authorized to sell tickets or parts of tickets, or other ev dences of the holder's title to travel, to exhibit to any perso desiring to purchase a ticket, or to any officer of the law wh may request him, the certificate of his authority thus to sel and to keep said certificate posted in a conspicuous place i his office', for the information of travelers. SEC. 5. That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners ( railroad, steamboat, and other public conveyances, to provid for the redemption of the whole or any parts or coupons c any ticket or tickets, as they may have sold, as the purchase for any reason, has not used and does not desire to use, at rate which shall be equal to the difference between the pric paid for the whole ticket and the cost of a ticket between th points for which the proportion of said ticket was actuall used; and the sale, by any person, of the unused portion c any ticket, otherwise than by the presentation of the same fc redemption, as provided for in this section, shall be deemed t be a violation of the provisions of this act, and shall be pun ished as is hereinbefore provided : Provided, That this act sha! not prohibit any person who has purchased a ticket from an; agent, authorized by this act, with the bona fide intention c traveling upon the same, from selling any part of the same t( any other person, if such person travels upon the same. AN ACT RELATING TO THE LIENS OF COMMON CARRIERS AND OTHERS. Approved ijth December, fS6j. (P. L., 1864, pages ri2j and 1128.} SECTION I. That in all cases in which commission mer- chants, factors, and all common carriers, or other persons shall have a lien under existing laws upon any goods, wares, merchandise, or other property, for or on account of the costs or expenses of carriage, storage, or labor bestowed on such goods, wares, merchandise, or other property, if the owner or consignee of the same shall fail or neglect or refuse to pay the amount of charges upon any such property, goods, wares, or merchandise, within sixty days after demand thereof, made personally upon such owner or consignee, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for any such commission merchant, factor, common carrier, or other person having such lien, as aforesaid, after the expiration of said period of sixty days, to expose such goods, wares, merchandise, or other property to sale at public auction, and to sell the same, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge said lien, together with costs of sale and advertising : Provided, That notice of such sale, together with the name of the person or persons to whom such goods shall have been consigned, shall have been first published for three successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county, and by six written or printed handbills, put up in the most public and conspicuous places in the vicinity of the depot where the said goods may be. SEC. 2. That upon the application of any of the persons or corporations having a lien upon goods, wares, merchandise, or other property, as mentioned in the first section of this act, verified by affidavit, to any of the judges of the courts of common pleas of this Commonwealth, setting forth that the places of residence of the owner and consignee of any such goods, wares, merchandise, or other property are unknown, or that such goods, wares, merchandise, or other property are of such perishable nature, or so damaged, or showing any other cause that shall render it impracticable to give the notice as 114 provided for in the first section of this act, then and in sue case it shall and may be lawful for a judge of the city ( county in which the goods may be to make an order, to be b him signed, authorizing the sale of such goods, wares, merchai dise, or other property, upon such terms as to notice as it nature of the case may admit of and to such judge shall see; meet: Provided, That in cases of perishable property, tl affidavit and proceedings required by this section may be ha before a justice of the peace. SEC. 3. That the residue of moneys arising from any sue sales, either under the first or second sections of this act, aft* deducting the amount of the lien, as aforesaid, together wil costs of advertising and sales, shall be held subject to tf order of the owner or owners of such property. SEC. 4. That an act of the general assembly, entitled "A act in reference to liens of common carriers and others approved the sixteenth day of March, Anno Domini or thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, be and the same hereby repealed. AN ACT IN RELATION TO FEEDING S.TOCK WHIL AWAITING TRANSPORTATION ON RAILROADS. Approved -i6th of December, 1863. (P. L., 1864, pages if 24 and 1125.} SECTION I. That it shall be lawful for drovers, owners, shippers of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and other anima upon the several railroads of this Commonwealth, and they either of them, by themselves or their agents, shall have t) right at all seasonable hours to enter any of the stock cattle yards of any of said companies, used in connection wi said railroads, for the purpose of feeding and taking care said animals while in said yards waiting transportation ; ai when the cars have been designated by railroad companies their agents to receive any of said animals for transportati* on said roads, it shall be lawful, and the said drovers, owne or shippers of said animals, or their agents, shall have t right to provide suitable and customary bedding for the ki of animals to be transported, and place same in said cars before said animals are put into the same for transportation : And provided, That said bedding shall be of the usual and customary kind used for that purpose, and shall not increase the risk or hazard of said companies in the said transportation. AN ACT RELATING TO RAILROAD AND CANAL COMPANIES. Approved nth April, 1864. (P. Z,., 1864, pages jgj and 394.) SECTION I . That it shall and may be lawful for any canal company incorporated by this Commonwealth, to enter into any contract or contracts with any other canal or railroad company with reference to the traffic to be carried on their respective works, the proportion thereof, the rates to be paid therefor, and for paying a proportion of the expenses of operating any railroads, transporting freight, using either of the improvements ; and all contracts heretofore made with respect to the matters aforesaid are validated and confirmed : Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall author- ize either of the parties to said contract to make higher or greater charges than are now allowed by law, nor to affect in any way the right of companies, individuals, and the public to use the respective works and to pursue, without interference, their lawful employments on the same respectively, under existing laws. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT CONCERNING THE SALE OF RAILROADS, CANALS, TURNPIKES, BRIDGES, AND PLANK ROADS, APPROVED THE EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1861. Approved i8th April, 1864. (P. L., 1864, page 452.} SECTION I. That whenever any railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge, or plank road of any corporation created by or under any law of this State, shall be sold and conveyed by an assignee or trustee of the property of such corporation as such, constituted for the use or benefit of all the creditor thereof, such sale and conveyance shall confer the same privi leges and impose the same duties and restrictions upon th< person or persons for or on whose account the same may b< purchased, and otherwise operate in all respects as is provide* in the said act to which this is a supplement in regard to an; sale or conveyance under or by virtue of any process or decre< of any court. AN ACT RELATIVE TO RAILROADS USING STEAM IN THI CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Approved 2jd April, 1864. (P. L., 1864, page 550.) WHEREAS, The public safety and convenience require tha the railroads using steam should, whenever it is reasonabb convenient, pass over or under the public highways; therefore SECTION i. That the tenth section of the act, approved th twenty-first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eigh hundred and fifty-five, entitled " A supplement to the act con solidating the city of Philadelphia," shall not apply to an; railroad chartered, or which may hereafter be charterec authorized by law to use steam as a motive-power, and shal only apply to passenger railways using public streets laid ou according to law. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT RE LATING TO RAILROAD COMPANIES," PASSED MA' i6th, 1861. Approved 27 th April, 1864. (P. L., 1864, pages 6ij and 6i8.~) SECTION i. That whenever any merger or consolidatio shall take place between two or more railroad companie. under and by virtue of the act of assembly to which this is supplement, the company into which such merger shall tak place shall have power and authority to make such increas in its capital stock and shares as may be expedient in carryin such merger or consolidation into effect : Provided, however, That such increase shall not be more than the amount of the capital stock and shares of the company or companies so merged and consolidated. AN ACT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REVENUE FOR THE USE OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Approved 2^th of August, 1864. (P. L., 1864, pages 988 and 9 other railroad company, then, and in each and every sucr I2 9 case, it shall be lawful for the company, the road, bridge, or tunnel of which it is so used, to charge a sum equal to one- half the interest, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, upon the cost of the bridge, tunnel, and part of the road so used, and one-half of the cost of repairing, working, and maintaining the same : Provided always, That if the company so using the said roadway, bridge, or tunnel shall transport or have transported thereon a greater amount of freight and passengers than are transported thereon by the company owning the same, then and in such case it shall be lawful for the company so owning such roadway, bridge, or tunnel to- require payment of such amount of interest at the rate afore- said, and of the expenses of repairing, working, and main- taining the same, as shall be in proportion to the amount of business so done thereon by the company using the same :. And provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the right of any company to enter into a contract with respect to such use, nor to affect any contract already made. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE BY RAILROAD COMPANIES OF BRANCH OR CONNECTING ROADS. Approved 2ist June, 1865. (P. L., 1865, page 832.} SECTION i. That when any railroad shall be sold and con- veyed by virtue of any mortgage or deed of trust, or under and by virtue of any process or decree of any court of this State, or of the Circuit Court of the United States, it may be lawful for any company of which the railroad connects there- with to purchase and pa'y for the same, to issue their own stock for such amount as the purchasers may deem the full and fair value thereof, and to hold and enjoy the railroad so purchased, with all the rights, privileges, and franchises, and with the same rights to charge for tolls, transportation, and car service, and subject to the same restrictions as were held, enjoyed, and limited by and in respect to the company of which the road may be so sold. 1 3 o AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND MEE r INGS OF CERTAIN CORPORATIONS INCORPORATE UNDER THE LAWS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH. Approved 2jth November, 1865. (P. L., 1866, page 1228.) SECTION i. That in all cases where any company has bee incorporated under the laws of this State, and a majority the directors, corporators, or stockholders thereof are citizei of any other State, said corporation may be organized ar all the meetings of such corporators, directors, or stockholde held in such place, whether in this State or elsewhere, as sue majority may from time to time appoint : Provided, how eve That the annual election for officers of such corporation sha be held in the State of Pennsylvania, at such time and plac and upon such notice by publication in the newspapers < this State, as the by-laws of such corporation may from tin: to time determine. AN ACT RELATIVE TO DUTIES AND POWERS O CONSTABLES AND RAILROAD CONDUCTORS IN TH COUNTIES OF ERIE, CRAWFORD, LUZERNE, SUSQUE HANNA, AND PIKE. Approved izth March, 1866. (P. L., 1866, pages 182 and 183.} SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the constables, and ( the several police constables, officers, or detectives, appointe by the proper authorities in the counties aforesaid, and the are hereby authorized and required to arrest any profession! thief, pickpocket, or burglar who may be found at any stean boat landing, railroad depot, church, banking institutioi broker's office, place of public amusement, auction-room, c common thoroughfare, in the city of Erie, in Corry, in th county of Erie, and in Meadville or Titusville, in the count of Crawford, and carry them forthwith to the mayor of th city or burgess of the borough, or a police magistrate, t be appointed by the mayor, burgess, or city or town counc respectively; and if it shall be proven, to the satisfaction c the mayor, burgess, or other police magistrate, by sufficient testimony, that the person so arrested was attending or fre- quenting such place or places for an unlawful purpose, he or she shall be committed by the said mayor, burgess, or police magistrate to the jail of the proper county, for a term not exceeding ninety days, at hard labor, or, at his discretion, require the person to give security for his or her good behavior, for a period not exceeding one year, and require the person to pay the costs incident to his or her arrest, examination, and commitment. SEC. 3. That the conductors on the several railroads, while passing through either of the counties aforesaid, shall have like power to arrest any one who may be found stealing or picking the pockets of passengers or others, or committing any breach of the peace on the cars, and detain him or her till reaching any one of the places, Erie, Corry, Meadville, or Titusville, and then deliver him or her to a constable or other police authority, to be taken before one of the authorities mentioned in the preceding section, to be dealt with in like manner as is there provided for real or suspicious offenders; and the several magistrates before named shall have power to order the detention of the person or persons so arrested, for a period not exceeding ten days, if it shall be deemed necessary to obtain the requisite testimony of absent witnesses to establish their guilt. AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT PASSED THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN, RELATIVE TO VAGRANTS. Approved 2ist March, 1866. (P. L., 1866, pages 259 and 260.) SECTION i. That if any person shall be found by any constable, police officer, or detective, staying or loitering in or around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, gambling or drinking saloon, restaurant, banking-house, broker's office, or 132 any place of public amusement, crowded thoroughfare, o other place of public resort, in any city or incorporate* borough within the counties of Erie, Crawford, Venango, am Warren, having no apparent business, trade, or occupatior and without any visible avocation or means of subsistence, i shall be the duty of said officer to arrest such person, an< take him or her, as soon as may be, before the mayor of an* city, the burgess of any borough, or any convenient magis trate of the place where the arrest is made ; and upon du proof of the fact, by one or more witnesses or by confessior and upon the party arrested failing to furnish any reasonabl or satisfactory account of his or her name, residence, charactei or business at that place, he or she shall be deemed and takei to be a vagrant, and shall be subject to all the existing law respecting vagrants now in force in this Commonwealth; an< the mayor of any city and the burgess of every borougl within the said counties are hereby vested with full authority and jurisdiction to execute all the provisions of this act am all existing laws relative to vagrants. SEC. 2. That the burgess and town council of each of th< boroughs in said counties shall have power to appoint one o more special policemen or detectives, whenever they shal deem it necessary for the protection of their citizens o strangers against the depredations of thieves, burglars, pick pockets, gamblers, or other disorderly persons, and appropri ate public funds of said boroughs or levy tax for payment o the same, who, after being duly sworn to discharge the dutie thereof, shall have and exercise all the powers of constable in the execution of all process in criminal cases and under thi act, and shall be entitled to the same fees and perquisites a are now allowed to constables for similar services SEC. 3. That on the application of any railroad company having depots or stations at any places not incorporated int( boroughs, or upon application of a respectable number of th< inhabitants of any borough, when the burgess and counci have neglected or refused to make the appointment, it shal be lawful for the courts of quarter sessions of the severa counties named to appoint special policemen and detective for such localities, who shall be sworn and give bail, i 133 required by the court, and shall hold their said offices one year, unless the appointment be sooner revoked by the court. SEC. 4. That after the arrest of any such person as is here- inbefore described, and upon the oath or affirmation of the arresting officer or other person that he has reason to suspect and does suspect such person of being a gambler, burglar, thief, or pickpocket, it shall be lawful for the mayor, burgess, or jus- tice before whom such person is brought, to direct the officer, in his presence, or that of some disinterested person named by him, to search the person, the baggage, and place of residence or resort of such suspected person, and return to the presiding magistrate everything he may find or take deemed confirm- atory of such suspicion, and everything not so deemed shall be left with or returned to the owner; and if, upon said examination and search, such mayor, burgess, or other magis- trate shall be satisfied such suspected person is a professional gambler, thief, pickpocket, or burglar, he shall have power so to render his judgment, and then to sentence such party to pay a fine of any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, and to undergo imprisonment in the county jail for any period not exceeding three months, or to require such party to enter into recognizance and give bail for his or her appearance at the next court of quarter sessions, in such sum as he may fix; and upon the failure of any such party to comply with said sentence or give the required recognizance and bail, to commit him or her to the jail of the county; of all of which doings the said magistrate shall keep a record, and transmit a certified copy of the same to the clerk of the quarter sessions at or before the next succeeding term. SEC. 5. If any person shall feel him or herself aggrieved by the final adjudication of any mayor, burgess, or justice, under this act, he shall have the right to sue out a writ of habeas corpus before any judge of the county in which he shall be so arrested, and have a rehearing of his case, or by giving satis- factory security, in the usual form, shall have the right to have a writ of certiorari to remove the proceedings to the next court of quarter sessions for review, which shall suspend the further execution of the judgment or sentence until the case is heard and finally determined by the court. 134 SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGU LATINO RAILROAD COMPANIES," APPROVED FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGH' HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE. Approved ifth April, 1866. (P. L., 1866, page 106.) SECTION I . That no suit or action shall be brought against an^ railroad company incorporated by the laws of this Common wealth, for damages for right of way or use and occupancy of any lands by said company for the use of their railroad unless such suit or action shall be commenced within fiv< years after said lands shall have been entered upon for th< purpose of constructing said road, and within three years afte said road shall be in operation: Provided, That any persoi who would be sooner barred by this act shall not be thereb} barred for two years from the date hereof. AN ACT RELATING TO RAILROADS. Approved ijth April, 1866. (P. L., 1866, page 106.) SECTION i. That whenever any judge or judges of election appointed in accordance with the provisions of the fifth sectior of the general act regulating railroad companies, approvec February nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, shall fail to attend the meeting of stockholders, anc whenever any board of directors shall neglect or refuse tc appoint such judges, then and in such case it shall be con- sistent for the stockholders of any railroad company, at thei: annual meeting, to supply any vacancy, or to select prope; persons to conduct the election for officers of the corporatior for the ensuing year. AN ACT COMPELLING RAILROAD AND OTHER CORPO RATIONS TO PAY COUNSEL FEES OF PLAINTIFFS IIv CERTAIN CASES. Approved jd May, 1866. (P. L., s866, page 116.) SECTION i. That in all cases where railroad or other cor porations, not municipal, shall be liable, either as principal* 135 or guarantors, to pay the interest on bonds, the validity of which bonds shall have been established by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, and such corporations subject the holders of such bonds to the necessity of bringing suits to recover the said interest, the said corporation shall, in addition to the ordinary costs of suit, pay the fees of plaintiff's counsel, not exceeding ten per cent, on the amount recovered. AN ACT RELATING TO THE QUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECT- ORS OF RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved jth January, 1867. (P. L., 1867, page fj68.) SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this act all citizens of the United States shall be eligible to election to the office of director of any railroad company chartered under the laws of this Commonwealth, although they may not be residents of the State of Pennsylvania: Provided, That they shall be stockholders of the company to be directors of which they may be so elected: And provided further, That a majority of the board of directors of every such railroad company shall be citizens of Pennsylvania. AN ACT TO EXTEND THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT CONCERNING THE SALE OF RAILROADS, CANALS, TURN- PIKES, BRIDGES, AND PLANK ROADS TO SALES MADE OR TO BE MADE UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF A POWER OF SALE IN MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST, WITHOUT JUDICIAL PROCESS OR DECREE. Approved iqth February, 1867. (P. L., 1867, page 28.) SECTION I. That all the provisions of the act entitled "An act concerning the sale of railroads, canals, turnpikes, bridges, and plank roads," approved the eighth day of April, Anno 1 3 6 Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, sha extend and apply to sales and conveyances heretofore c hereafter made under or by virtue of a power of sale cor tained in any mortgage or deed of trust, without any prc cess or decree of court in the premises; and the perso or persons, for or on account of whom such railroad, cana turnpike, bridge, or plank road shall have been or hereaftc may be purchased shall have and enjoy all the rights an privileges granted and conferred by the said act upon th person or persons purchasing under judicial process c decree, as in said act mentioned. AN ACT MAKING IT AN OFFENSE FOR RAILROAD COR PORATIONS WITHIN THIS COMMONWEALTH TO MAK] ANY DISTINCTION WITH THEIR PASSENGERS ON AC COUNT OF RACE OR COLOR, AND PUNISHING SAI1 CORPORATIONS AND THEIR AGENTS AND EMPLOYEE! FOR THE COMMISSION OF SUCH OFFENSE. Approved 22d March, i86j. (P. L., i86j, pages 38 and jp.) SECTION I. That on and after the passage of this act an] railroad or railway corporation within this Commonwealtl that shall exclude, or allow to be excluded by their agents conductors, or employees, from any of their passenger cars, an] person or persons on account of color or race, or that shal refuse to carry in any of their cars thus set apart any persoi or persons on account of color or race, or that shall for sucl reason compel or attempt to compel any person or persons t< occupy any particular part of any of their cars set apart fo the acommodation of people as passengers, shall be liable, ir an action of debt, to the person thereby injured or aggrieved in the sum of five hundred dollars, the same to be recovered ii an action of debt as like amounts are now by law recoverable SEC. 2. That any agent, conductor, or employee of any rail road or railway corporation within this Commonwealth whc shall exclude, allow to be excluded, or assist in the exclusion 137 from any of their cars set apart for the accommodation of passengers, any person or persons on account of color or race, or who shall refuse to carry such person or persons on account of color or race, or who shall throw any car or cars from the track, thereby preventing persons from riding, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not exceed- ing three months nor less than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. AN ACT DECLARATORY OF THE STATUTES OF LIMITATION. Approved 2$th March, fS6j. (P. L., fS6j, pages 48 and 4q.) WHEREAS, Doubts have been raised as to the proper con- struction of the statutes of limitation; AND WHEREAS, It is just that suits for supposed claims should be speedily brought before the lapse of time destroys the evidence of defense or impairs the recollection of wit- nesses; therefore, SECTION i. That it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the statutes of limitation, that no suit at law or in equity shall be brought or maintained against any stock- holder or director in any corporation or association to charge him with any claim for materials or moneys for which said corporation or association could be sued, or with any neglect of duty as such stockholder or director, except within six years after the delivery of the materials or merchandise, or the lending to or deposit of money with said corporation or association, or the commission of such act of negligence by such stockholder or director. 138 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF ANY RAILROAD COMPANY TO DETERMINE B RESOLUTION THE MANNER IN WHICH AND TH PERSONS TO WHOM THE INCREASED CAPITAL STOC THEREOF MAY BE SOLD, AND THE AMOUNTS OF TH INSTALLMENTS THEREON AND THE TIMES AND MA^ NER OF THEIR PAYMENT. Approved roth April, 1867. (P. L., 1867, page 61.} SECTION i. That in all cases where any railroad compan is authorized to increase its capital stock, and such increas has been or may be authorized by the stockholders, it sha and may be lawful for the president and directors to determin by resolution in what manner and by whom the same shall b subscribed or to whom the same shall be issued or sold, an the amounts of the several installments to be paid thereo and the times and manner in which the same shall be paid. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE CARRIAGE OF BAGGAG: BY RAILROAD COMPANIES, AND TO PRESCRIBE TH] DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF CARRIERS AND PAS SENGERS IN RELATION THERETO. Approved nth April, 1867. (P. L., i86j, pages 69 and 70.) SECTION. I. That each passenger upon a railroad shall hav the right to have carried in the car or place provided for tha purpose, in the train in which he or she may be a passengei his or her personal clothing, not exceeding, inclusive of th trunk or box in which it may be contained, one hundre< pounds in weight and three hundred dollars in value. SEC 2. That no railroad company shall, under any circum stances, be liable for loss or damage to any baggage or propert belonging to any such passenger beyond the said sum c three hundred dollars, unless it shall be proved that the exces in value thereof over that sum was truly declared to the agent of the company at the time of its delivery for transportatior and the sum charged by the railroad company for such trans portation over and above passage fare was paid: Provider J 39 however, That the said declaration shall not relieve the claimant from proving the actual value of the articles alleged to have been lost or damaged ; but in no event shall there be any recovery beyond the value thus declared. SEC. 3. That no railroad company providing a car or other place for the deposit of passengers' baggage shall, under any circumstances, be liable for loss of or damage to any articles or property whatsoever not there deposited by the passenger, or which are placed by him or her in the car in which he or she is to be transported. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGULATING RAILROAD COMPANIES," APPROVED FEBRUARY igth, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE. Approved i $th April, 1867. (P. L., r86?, page 84.) SECTION i. That the provisions of the first section of an act passed the seventeenth day of April, Anno Domini one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-six, entitled " Supplement to an act entitled 'An act regulating railroad companies,' approved February nineteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun- dred and forty-nine," shall not apply, or be deemed or taken to have applied, to any action or proceeding pending at the time of the passage of the said act of the seventeenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty- six, nor in any way to affect the parties to such action or proceeding. AN ACT IN RELATION TO TAXATION UPON THE STOCK- HOLDERS OF CORPORATIONS. Approved jd January, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 13 r 8.) SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this act the shares of stock held by any stockholder in any institution or company incorporated under the laws of this State, which in its corporate capacity is liable to and pays into the State 140 treasury the tax on capital stock imposed by the act approve April twelfth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred ai fifty-nine, entitled "An act to equalize taxation upon corp rations," shall not be taxable in the hands of said stockhold personally for State, county, or local purposes; and so muc of the thirty-second section of the act approved April twent ninth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-foi entitled "An act to reduce the State debt and incorporate tl Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad Company," as imposes a t; for State or county purposes upon any stockholder in h individual capacity as aforesaid, is hereby repealed: Provide That this act shall not be construed to relieve said corporatioi from any tax now imposed by law, or the real estate belongir to said corporations from the State, county, or local tax which they are now or may hereafter be subject. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT RELA r ING TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS," APPROVED MARC i3th, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRE AND FORTY-SEVEN, AUTHORIZING THE GOVERNOR T APPOINT DIRECTORS FOR CERTAIN CORPORATIONS I CERTAIN CASES. Approved ijth February, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 40.) SECTION i. That any company heretofore incorporated ar organized under and subject to the act approved Februai nineteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred ar forty-nine, regulating railroad companies, shall likewise I subject to the provisions of the act approved March 13! Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-seve entitled "An act relating to certain corporations," in lil manner as if such company were a railroad or canal compan except that all persons appointed by the governor shall ha^ full power and authority to act in the premises without tl: approval or confirmation of the canal commissioners. AN ACT TO SECURE FARMERS AGAINST LOSSES CAUSED BY RAILROADS IN ERIE COUNTY. Approved 2jd March, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages 424 and 425.} SECTION i. That it shall be the duty of each company owning or operating a railroad in the county of Erie, to erect, where not already erected, and to keep and maintain on each side of the track or tracks of said road, at all places in said county, except where said road or roads pass through a village, borough, or city, or a public road crosses the same, a suitable fence five feet high, to prevent cattle, sheep, and swine from going upon said tracks ; and in case any company referred to in this act shall neglect to perform the duty herein imposed, the company so offending shall be answerable to the owner or owners of any horses, cattle, sheep, or swine, the value of the property injured upon said roads in consequence of such neglect ; said company or companies shall further be liable to the penalty of fifty dollars for each place along said roads in said county where the fence or fences required by this act to be built, kept, and maintained are destroyed or broken down and permitted so to remain for a period of three days ; the penalty herein imposed to be recovered one-half to the use of the informer and the other half for the use of the school districts of the township in which said offense or offenses shall be committed. SEC. 2. All damages and penalties in this act to be sued for and recovered as debts of like amount are now by law made recoverable : Provided, That this act shall not go into effect until the first day of July, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. 142 AN ACT TO EXEMPT THE COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY FRO: THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT CON PELLING RAILROAD AND OTHER CORPORATIONS T PAY COUNSEL FEES OF PLAINTIFFS IN CERTAI CASES," APPROVED THE THIRD DAY OF MAY, ANN DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXT^ SIX. Approved 2$th March, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 470.} SECTION i. That the county of Allegheny shall be an hereby is exempted from the provisions and operations of tr act of assembly entitled " An act compelling railroad ar other corporations to pay counsel fees of plaintiffs in certa; cases," approved the third day of May, Anno Domini or thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and that the sai county of Allegheny shall not be subject to the provisions < said act, directly or indirectly. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF FARMERS AN OWNERS OF CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, AND SWIN ALONG THE LINE OF RAILROADS IN THE COUNTY O WARREN. Approved z8th March, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 314.} SECTION i. That for the protection of farmers and ownei of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, residing along the line ( any railroad now constructed or that may hereafter be cor structed in the county of Warren, all railroad companie: when railroads are completed, and on which they are no 1 running trains in said county, shall, before the first day ( September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty -eight, cor struct and keep in repair a good and sufficient fence, at lea; four feet high, along their track, except through incorporate boroughs; and also construct sufficient cattle-guards at a road crossings, sufficient to prevent orderly cattle, horse; sheep, and swine from straying upon any railroad track i said county; and all railroads that may hereafter be con structed in said county are hereby required to construct sue fences and cattle-guards before running trains thereon. 143 SEC. 2. If any railroad company in said county shall neglect or refuse to comply with the first section of this act, then any person, after giving the president, any director, the superin- tendent, or chief clerk, fifteen days' notice, may, if said rail- road company continue to neglect and refuse to build the fences and cattle-guards as by this act required, build the said fence and cattle-guards, or any portion of the same; and any person so building any fence or cattle-guards in said county, which by this act such railroad companies are required to build, may sue and recover the cost of making such fence or cattle-guards off any railroad company neglecting arrd refus- ing to comply with the provisions of this act, together with ten per centum additional to the actual cost of building such fence and cattle-guard, to be sued and recovered in said county of Warren in the same manner as debts of like amount are now recoverable. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE INCORPORATED COMPANIES TO INVEST AND REINVEST SURPLUS FUNDS IN MORT- GAGES, STOCKS, AND OTHER SECURITIES, AND FIXING THE TIME FOR HOLDING ELECTIONS FOR DIRECTORS. Approved jj st March, 1868. (P. L., s868, pages 50 and 51.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any and all companies incorporated or organized under the laws of this Commonwealth, including those authorized thereby, to trans- port merchandise or other property, and also for the directors, managers, or trustees thereof, with the approval of the stock- holders, to invest the surplus or other funds or earnings of such companies in mortgages on improved real estate, in ground-rents, in the loans of the United States, in the purchase from holders thereof [of] any of the shares of the capital stock of the respective company, and also in the public debt of the State of Pennsylvania or of the city of Philadelphia, Dr in other good stocks or securities, and to sell and transfer the same, and to reinvest the proceeds of such sales in securities or stocks of like kind, and to prescribe, by resolution of the 144 directors or by the by-laws of the company or otherwise, th mode of making such investments, purchases, and sales, wit the approval of the stockholders, and the amount or amounl thereof to be purchased, and the price or prices to be paid c received therefor, and the reinvestment of the proceeds then of, and to make such compensation as the said director managers, or trustees may deem proper to any directo manager, trustee, treasurer, or other agent or officer of sue company, for the keeping, receiving, paying, investing, c reinvesting of any of the moneys belonging to the said corr pany, or for any other services performed by him or ther as agents of the company or otherwise ; and that any sue companies may change and fix the time of holding the annual election for directors to such a day as they may selec a certificate of such change, duly authenticated by the prope officers of the company, .shall be filed with the auditoi general of this Commonwealth within thirty days after sue change shall have been made. AN ACT RELATING TO THE CONSOLIDATION OF RAIL ROAD COMPANIES. Approved 2d April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page sj.) SECTION I. That whenever any merger or consolidation c two or more railroad companies shall have taken place c been made, by virtue of any act of assembly of this Commor wealth, prior to the sixteenth day of May, one thousand eigr hundred and sixty-one, the company into which such merge shall have taken place shall have all the powers and author; ties, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities conferre* upon railroad companies into which such merger shall hav been made, under and by virtue of the act passed May six teenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, entitle' "An act relating to railroad companies," and the sever? supplements thereto, regulating the conditions and restriction upon which such consolidation and merger shall be made. H5 AN ACT RELATING TO RAILROAD COMPANIES AND COM- MON CARRIERS, DEFINING THEIR LIABILITIES, AND AUTHORIZING THEM TO PROVIDE MEANS OF INDEM- NITY AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE AND PERSONAL INJURY. Approved 4th April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages 58 and 59.) SECTION I. That when any person shall sustain personal injury or loss of life while lawfully engaged or employed on or about the roads, works, depots and premises of a railroad company, or in or about any train or car therein or thereon, of which company such person is not an employee, the right of action and recovery in all such cases against the company shall be such only as would exist if such person were an employee : Provided, That this section shall not apply to passengers. SEC. 2. That in all actions now or hereafter instituted against common carriers, or corporations owning, operating, or using a railroad as a public highway, whereon steam or other motive-power is used, to recover for loss and damage sus- tained and arising either from personal injuries or loss of life, and for which, by law, such carrier or corporation could be held responsible, only such compensation for loss and damage shall be recovered as the evidence shall clearly prove to have been pecuniarily suffered or sustained, not exceeding, in case of personal in-jury, the sum of three thousand dollars, nor in case of loss of life, the sum of five thousand dollars. SEC. 3. That it shall be lawful for such carrier or corpora- tion to insure the lives and persons of passengers against loss or injury from accidental causes, and however happening, while in their charge, and for that purpose to issue and sell, to such passengers applying for the same, tickets or policies of insurance, specifying the name of the insured, the premium charged, the particular trip or time covered by the policy, and the amount insured, not exceeding (except at the option of the said carrier or corporation) the sum of twenty-five dollars for each week of disability for a period not longer than twenty-six weeks in case of personal injury, nor more than ten thousand dollars in case of death ; and all premiums so received shall be kept separate and apart from the other 146 receipts of said carrier or corporation, and shall not be liable for any other claim, debt, or demands against such carrier 01 corporation than those arising out of said policies; and the amount of said premium, and the securities in which the same are invested for the benefit and protection of such policy- holders, shall be reported to the auditor-general annually, a< a part of the operations of such carrier or corporation, as is now provided for by the act entitled " An act requiring rail- road companies to make uniform reports to the auditor- general," approved the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine: Provided, nevertheless ', That it shall be lawful for any such carrier or corporation, in lieu of issuing tickets of insurance as aforesaid, to keep on sale at their ticket office the policies of insurance or indemnity against personal injury or death resulting from accidental causes issued by insurance companies incorporated for any such purposes as shall have an actual bona fide cash capital, invested in securities approved by the governor, State treas- urer, and auditor-general of this Commonwealth, of at least two hundred thousand dollars : Provided, That a recovery upon any policy issued or sold under the provisions of this act shall be no bar to a recovery under the provisions of the second section of this act. SEC. 4. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed ; and any provisions in the acts incorporating such common carriers or corporations inconsistent herewith shall be repealed upon the acceptance of the provisions of this act by such carriers or corporations and upon the acceptance of the provisions hereof by any carrier or corporation, the same shall become a part of its act of incorporation. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE FORMATION AND REGU- LATION OF RAILROAD CORPORATIONS. Approved 4th April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages 62 and 65".) SECTION i. That any number of citizens of Pennsylvania, not less than nine, may form a company for the purpose of 147 constructing, maintaining, and operating a railroad for public use in the conveyance of persons and property, or for the purpose of maintaining and operating any unincorporated rail- road already constructed for like public use, and for that purpose may make and sign articles of association, in which shall be stated the name of the company, the number of years the same is to continue, the places from and to which the road is to be constructed or maintained and operated, the length of such road as near as may be, and the name of each county in the State through or into which it is made or intended to be made, the amount of the capital stock of the company, which shall not be less than ten thousand dollars for every mile of road constructed or proposed to be constructed, and the number of shares of which said capital stock shall consist, and the name and places of residence of a president, and not less than six nor more than twelve directors of the company, who shall manage its affairs for the first year and until others are chosen in their places ; each subscriber to such articles of association shall subscribe thereto his name, place of residence and the number of shares of stock he agrees to take in said company ; on compliance with the provisions of the second section of this supplement, such articles of association shall be acknowledged by at least three of the directors before some officer competent to take acknowledgments of deeds in the county where the principal office is designed to be located, and may be filed in the office of the secretary of the Common- wealth, who shall endorse thereon the day on which they were filed, and record the same in a book to be provided by him for that purpose ; and thereupon the said articles of associa- tion shall become and be a charter for the said company, and the persons who have so subscribed such articles of associa- tion, and all persons who shall become stockholders in such company, shall be a corporation by the name specified in such articles of association or charter, and shall possess the powers and privileges following, to wit : First. To have succession by its corporate name for the period limited in its articles of association. Second. To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any court of law or equity. 148 Third. To make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. Fourth. To hold, purchase, and convey such real and per- sonal estate as the purposes of the corporation shall require, not exceeding the amount limited in the articles of association. Fifth. To appoint such subordinate officers and agents as the business of the corporation shall require, and to allow them a suitable compensation. Sixth. To make by-laws, not inconsistent with any exist- ing law, for the management of its property and regulation of its affairs and for the transfer of its stock. SEC. 2. Such articles of association shall not be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth until at least nine thousand dollars of stock for every* mile of railroad proposed to be made is subscribed thereto, and ten per centum paid thereon, in good faith and in cash, to the directors named in said articles of association, nor until there is endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, an affidavit, made by at least three of the directors named in said articles, that the amount of stock required by this section has been in good faith subscribed, and ten per centum paid in cash thereon as aforesaid, and that it is intended in good faith to construct or to maintain and operate the road mentioned in such articles of association ; which affidavit shall be recorded with the articles of association as aforesaid. SEC. 3. A copy of any article of association filed and recorded in pursuance of this act, or of the record thereof, with a copy of the affidavit aforesaid endorsed thereon or annexed thereto, and certified to be a copy by the secretary of the Common- wealth or his deputy, shall be evidence of the incorporation of such company and of the facts therein stated. SEC. 4. When such articles of association and affidavit are filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Com- monwealth, the directors named in said articles of association shall, in case the whole of the capital stock is not before subscribed, keep open books of subscription at their general office, and at such other places as they may deem expedient, to fill up the capital stock of the company, giving such notice as they may deem expedient, and shall continue to receive 149 subscriptions until the whole capital stock is subscribed ; at the time of subscribing, every subscriber shall pay to the directors ten per centum of the amount subscribed by him in money, and no subscription shall be received or taken without such payment. SEC. 5. Whenever the foregoing provisions have been com- plied with, the persons named as corporators in such articles of association are fully authorized to carry into effect the objects named therein, as fully as any corporation heretofore created under any special act of the legislature, and said cor- poration thus created shall be entitled to exercise all the rights, powers, and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of the act regulating railway companies, approved the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the several supplements thereto, as fully and effectually as if said powers were specially incorporated in said charter ; and the said company shall commence the pro- posed railroad, if not more than fifty miles in length, with at least one track, within two years from their organization as aforesaid, and prosecute the work on the same with due diligence, and complete and open the same within five years, and shall have an additional six months to complete their road for each twenty-five miles more than the fifty miles afore- said : Provided, That the road shall be opened for use, in all cases, when fifty miles in length of track are laid. SEC. 6. Whenever any railroad company created or incorpo- rated under the provisions of this act shall, in the opinion of the directors thereof, require an increased amount of capital stock in order to complete and equip their road and carry out the full intent and meaning of their charter, they shall, if authorized by a majority of the stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose, file with the secretary of the Com- monwealth a certificate setting forth the amount of such desired increase, and thereafter such company shall be entitled to have such increased capital as is fixed by such certificate : Provided, That the original amount of stock and increased capital shall in no case exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars per mile. 150 SEC. 7. The number of managers of any company incorpo- rated in pursuance of this act shall be a president, and not less than six nor more than twelve directors, as shall be fixed by the corporators thereof at their first meeting to choose direct- ors of said company, a majority of whom shall be citizens of this Commonwealth. SEC. 8. The president and directors of any railroad company created under this act shall have power to borrow money, not exceeding the amount of capital stock subscribed, and issue the bonds of the company therefor, in such amounts as shall not exceed double the amount actually paid up of the capital stock subscribed, the proceeds whereof shall be actually expended in the construction and equipment of their road ; these bonds to be payable at such time, not exceeding fifty years after the date thereof, and at such place and at such rate of interest, not exceeding seven per centum, as said directors may deem best, and may secure the payment of said bonds and interest by a mortgage on the said road and franchises. SEC. 9. Any company incorporated under this act shall have authority to construct such branches from its main line as it may deem necessary to increase its business and accommo- date the trade and travel of the public. SEC. 10. Companies formed under the provisions of this act shall have the right to construct roads so as to cross at grade the track or tracks of any other railroad in this Commonwealth : Provided, however, That the cost of making and keeping such crossing in repair shall be borne by the company whose road crosses the track or tracks of another: And provided further, That the company whose road crosses the track or tracks of another shall keep at such crossing as many persons as may be requisite to give the necessary signals to prevent accidents. SEC. 1 1. Companies whose roads shall be constructed under the provisions of this act shall have the right to connect their roads with roads of a similar character within this Common- wealth, or at the line thereof, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by those who have the management of said roads ; and in case of failure of an agreement on the part of those having the management of said roads, then and in that case either of said parties may apply to the court of common pleas within the jurisdiction in which said connection is pro- posed to be made, whose duty it shall be to appoint a jury of three disinterested men, who shall determine and fix said terms, which, when approved by said court, shall be conclusive. SEC. 12. This act shall not be so construed as to authorize the formation of street passenger railway companies to con- struct passenger railways, under or by virtue of its provisions, in any city or borough of this Commonwealth, nor to authorize any corporation formed under this act to enter upon and occupy any street, lane, or alley in any incorporated city in this Commonwealth, without the consent of such city having been first obtained. SEC. 13. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, so far as they may affect any corporation that may be organized under this act; and the legislature hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act at any time, in such manner, however, as to do no injustice to corporators. AN ACT TO SECURE FARMERS AND OTHERS AGAINST LOSSES OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, AND SWINE BY RAILROADS IN THE COUNTY OF CENTRE. Approved gth April, 1868. (P. L. t 1868, pages 779 and 780.) SECTION I. That it shall be the duty of each company own- ing or operating a railroad in the county of Centre, to erect, where not already erected, and to keep and maintain on each side of the track or tracks of said road, at all places in said county, except where said road or roads passes or pass through a village, borough, or city, or a public road crosses the same, a suitable fence, five feet high, and to build, erect, and main- tain such suitable cattle-guard or guards, at all crossings on said railroad, as will prevent horses, cattle, sheep, and swine from going upon said tracks ; and in case any company own- ing or operating said road or roads shall refuse or neglect to 152 perform the duties herein imposed, the company or companies so offending shall be answerable to the owner or owners ol any horses, cattle, sheep, or swine to the full value of the property injured upon said road or roads in consequence 01 such neglect. Said company or companies shall be furthei liable to the penalty of fifty dollars for each place along said road or roads in said county where the fence or fences required by this act to be built, erected, kept, and maintained are destroyed or broken down and permitted so to remain for a period of ten days ; the penalty herein imposed to be recov- ered one-half to the use of the informer and the other hall for the use of the public schools of said county of Centre. SEC. 2. All damages and penalties in this act to be sued for and recovered as debts of like amount are now by law made recoverable : Provided, That this act shall not go into effect until the first day of August, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. AN ACT RELATIVE TO INCORPORATED COMPANIES. Approved loth April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages So and 81.) SECTION i. That it may be lawful, from and after the pas- sage of this act, for any corporation chartered or existing by the laws of this State to determine by the vote of its stock- holders, at a meeting duly called for that purpose, the number of directors that shall thereafter govern their affairs : Provided always, That said number shall in no event exceed fifteen nor less than five directors : And provided further, That a majority of said directors and officers shall be and remain residents of the State of Pennsylvania during the discharge of their duties : And provided further, This act shall in no way be construed as interfering with or impairing any of the obligations of the corporation accepting its provisions due or to become due to this Commonwealth. 153 A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT TO SECURE FARMERS AGAINST LOSSES CAUSED BY RAIL- ROADS IN ERIE COUNTY," APPROVED ON THE TWENTY- THIRD DAY OF MARCH, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT, EXEMPTING CER- TAIN LANDS FROM ITS OPERATIONS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR CASES WHERE FARMERS MAY BE HARMED BY SAID RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved ijth April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 1022.} SECTION i. That the provisions of an act entitled "An act to secure farmers against losses caused by railroads in Erie county," approved on the twenty-third day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, shall not apply to or upon lands in said county in regard to which con- tracts exist by virtue of which the owners thereof are bound to build and maintain fences thereon along the line of the rail- road passing through or along the same : Provided, That in all cases where fences along the line of any railroad are destroyed by fire caused by the running of trains, or by the employees of any railroad, the said railroad company shall be liable to the penalties specified in the first and second sec- tions of an act entitled " An act to secure farmers against losses caused by railroads in Erie county," approved the twenty-third day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE RAILROAD COMPANIES LEASING OR USING OTHER RAILROADS TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF LIENS THEREON. Approved fjth April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, page 100.} SECTION i. That whenever any railroad in this Common- wealth which has been or may hereafter be used or leased by a railroad company whose railroad may connect therewith, under any contract, lease, or agreement, shall be or may here- after become subject, in whole or in part, to the lien of a mortgage or other incumbrance securing or intended to secure the payment of bonds or other obligations given or to be 154 given by or on behalf of the owner or owners of such railroa so leased or used as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful fc such railroad company so leasing and using such railroad t indorse, guarantee, or otherwise become liable for or assum the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds c other evidence of indebtedness, in such manner and upon sue terms as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties theret< or by the officers and directors of the respective companies. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS I] NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Approved 14th April, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages 1108 and 1109.} SECTION i. That all proceedings for the assessment c damages caused to real estate by the construction of railroad shall be had in the county in which the said real estate i situate, and not elsewhere; and all laws heretofore passe authorizing the removal of such proceedings to the courts c other counties are hereby repealed, so far as regards Northum berland county. AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND, AND CONSOLIDATE TH] SEVERAL LAWS TAXING CORPORATIONS, BROKERS AND BANKERS. Approved ist May, 1868. (P. L., 1868, pages 108 and 114.} SECTION i. That hereafter no institution or company incoi porated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, genera or special, or of any other State, and authorized to do busines in this State, shall go into operation without first having th name of the institution or company, the date of incorporatior the place of business, the amount of capital paid in, and th names of the president and treasurer of the same registered i the office of the auditor-general ; and any such institution c company which shall neglect or refuse to comply with th provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty c five hundred dollars, which penalty shall be collected, on a 155 account settled by the auditor-general and State treasurer, as taxes on capital stock are settled and collected. (Repealed, but supplied by act of April 24th, 1874) SEC. 2. That hereafter it shall be the duty of the president or treasurer of every company incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, except banks and savings institu- tions, and of all companies incorporated by any other State md lawfully doing business in this Commonwealth, who are taxable under the laws of this State, to make report in writing to the auditor-general annually, in the month of November, stating specifically the amount .of capital paid in, the date, amount, and rate per centum of each and every dividend declared by their respective corporations during the year end- ing with the first Monday of said month ; and in all cases where any such company shall fail to make and declare any dividend during the year ending as aforesaid, the treasurer and secretary thereof, after being duly sworn or affirmed to do and perform the same with fidelity, according to the best of their knowledge and belief, shall, between the first and fifteenth days of November of each year in which no dividend has been declared as aforesaid, estimate and appraise the capital stock of such company at its actual value in cash, and when the same shall have been so estimated and appraised, they shall forthwith forward a certificate thereof to the auditor- general, accompanied by a copy of their said oath or affirma^ don, by them signed, and attested by the magistrate or other person qualified to administer the same. (Repealed, but supplied by act of April 24th, 1874.) SEC. 3. That if the said officers of any such company or corporation shall neglect or refuse to furnish the auditor- general, on or before the thirty-first day of December in each and every year, with the report aforesaid, or the report and appraisement, as the case may be, as required by the second section of this act, it shall be the duty of the accounting officers of the Commonwealth to add ten per centum to the tax of said corporation for each and every year for which such report or report and appraisement were not so furnished, which percentage shall be settled and collected with the said tax in the usual manner of settling accounts and collecting 156 such taxes : Provided, That if said officers of any such co pany or corporation shall fail to comply with the provisic of the second section of this act for three successive years, 1 auditor-general may, if he deems it conducive to the pub interest, report the fact to the governor, who shall thereup< by proclamation, declare the charter of said company or c< poration forfeited and their chartered privileges at an end. (Repealed, but supplied by act of April 24th, 1874.) SEC. 4. That the capital stock of all companies whate^ incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, incorporated by any other State and lawfully doing busin< in this Commonwealth, or that may be hereafter incorporat except banks and savings institutions and foreign insurar companies licensed in -pursuance of the general acts in relati thereto, shall be subject to and pay a tax into the treasury the Commonwealth, annually, at the rate of one-half mill each one per cent of dividend made or declared by such co pany ; and in case of no dividend being made or declared such company, then three mills upon a valuation of the capi stock of the same, made in accordance with the provisions the second section of this act : Provided, That compan liable to tax on dividends, in addition to tax on capital sto< prior to the act approved April twelfth, one thousand eig hundred and fifty-nine, entitled " An act to equalize taxati upon corporations," shall, from the said date, be exempt frc any tax on dividends : Provided further, That building assoc tions, plank road or turnpike companies, shall not be lial for any tax to the Commonwealth when such companies ma or declare no dividends. (Repealed, but supplied by act of April 24th, 1874.) SEC. 5. That the amount of tax on capital stock impos by the preceding section of this act shall be retained a deducted, by the treasurer or other officer having charge any company or corporation as aforesaid, from the divider or profits made or declared as aforesaid, and he is here authorized and required, on or before the fifteenth day January then next, to transmit to the treasury of the Co monwealth the amount of said tax ; and if, in case where dividend has been made or declared, the funds of su 157 ompany, subject to the control of the treasurer, at the period yhen the value of said capital stock shall be appraised as equired by the second section of this act, shall be insufficient o pay the tax aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the said treas- irer or other officer forthwith to give notice to the stock- lolders of such company of the amount required on each hare of stock by them respectively held to enable the said reasurer to pay the tax aforesaid ; and if any such stock- lolder shall neglect or refuse to pay the amount so required or the period of thirty days from the time of such notice, the ;aid treasurer shall, after giving two weeks' public notice hereof in one or more newspapers published in or nearest to :he county in which said company or its principal place of )usiness is located, proceed to sell at public sale, and transfer :o the purchaser, so many shares of the stock of such delinquent stockholder as may be necessary to pay his portion )f the tax required to be paid as aforesaid; and if any com- pany incorporated as aforesaid shall neglect or refuse to pay ;he tax hereinbefore required to be paid, the directors, man- igers, or treasurers thereof for the time being shall be jointly md severally liable, in their individual capacity, for the pay- ment thereof, and the same may be sued for and recovered, under the direction of the State treasurer, as debts of like amount are recoverable. SEC. 6. That every private banker and broker, and every unincorporated banking and saving institution and express company, and all corporations incorporated by or doing business in this Commonwealth, except those liable to a tax on tonnage under the provisions of this act, and foreign insurance companies licensed in pursuance of the several acts in relation thereto, except banks and savings institutions incorporated by this State, shall annually, upon the first day of November of each year, make report to the auditor-general, under oath or affirmation, setting forth the entire amount of net earnings or income received by said individuals, company, or corporation from all sources during the preceding year; and upon such net earnings or income the said individuals, company, or corporation, as the case may be, shall pay to the treasurer, for the use of the State, within sixty days thereafter, 158 three per centum upon such annual net earnings or income, addition to the taxes imposed by the preceding sections this act; and in case any corporation, company, or individu shall neglect or refuse to make the report required by th section to the auditor-general on or before the thirty-fir day of December, such corporation, company, or individu shall be liable to a penalty of ten per centum for such negle( which shall be added to the amount of tax found due in tl settlement of their account. ( Repealed by act 2ist March, 1873.) SEC. 7. That the president, treasurer, cashier, or oth financial officer of every railroad company, steamboat compan canal company, and slack-water navigation company, and other companies now or hereafter doing business in this Stat and upon whose works freight may be transported, whetht by such company or by individuals, and whether sue company shall receive compensation for transportation, f( transportation and toll, or shall receive tolls only, exce] turnpike, plank road, and bridge companies, shall, within thirt days after the first days of January, April, July, and Octobi of every year, make return in writing to the auditor-genera under oath or affirmation, stating fully and particularly th number of tons of freight carried over, through, or upon th works of said company for the three months immediatel preceding each of the above-mentioned days; and each ( said companies, except as aforesaid, shall, at the time of makin such return, pay to the State treasurer, for the use of th Commonwealth, on each two thousand pounds of freight s carried, tax at the following rates, viz.: First. On the produc of mines, quarries, and clay beds, in the condition in which sai products may be taken therefrom, two cents. Second. On hew timber, animal food, including live stock, also on the product of the forest, vegetable and other agricultural products, th value of which has not been increased by labor, three cent Third. On all other articles, five cents. When the same freigr shall be carried over and upon different but continuous line of transportation, said freight shall be chargeable with tax 2 if it had been carried but upon one line; and the whole ta shall be paid by such one of said companies upon whos 159 works the freight originated, but in such case the tax shall be 3orne by the several corporations upon whose works the said :onnage was transported, each in proportion to the distance carried, as may be adjusted among themselves; corporations whose lines of improvement are used by others for the :ransportation of freight, and whose only earnings arise from :olls charged for such use, are authorized to add the tax hereby imposed to said toll and collect the same therewith ; out in no case shall tax be twice charged on the same freight carried on or over the same line of improvements. ( Repealed by act of April 24th, 1874.) SEC. 8. That in addition to the taxes provided for as aforesaid, every railroad, canal, and transportation company liable to a tax upon tonnage, under the preceding section of this act, shall pay to the Commonwealth a tax of three-fourths of one per centum upon the gross receipts of said company ; the said tax shall be paid semi-annually, upon the first days of July and January, and for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the same, it shall be the duty of the treasurer or other proper officer of said company to transmit to the auditor-general, at the dates aforesaid, a statement, under oath or affirmation, of the amount of gross receipts of the said company derived from all sources during the preceding six months; and if any such company shall neglect or refuse, for a period of thirty days after such tax becomes due, to make said return or to pay the same, the amount thereof, with an addition of ten per centum thereto, shall be collected for the use of the Commonwealth, as other taxes are recoverable by .aw from said companies : Provided, That the revenue derived under this section shall be applied to the payment of principal ind interest of the debt contracted under the act of the fifteenth :>f May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty- 3ne, entitled "An act to create a loan and to provide for irming the State." ( Repealed by act 3ist March, 1873, as to companies liable :o tonnage tax ; but companies exempt from tax on tonnage by special law to pay a tax of three-fourths of one per cent, on ^ross receipts.) ( Repealed by act of April 24th, 1874.) i6o SEC. 9. That every railroad, canal, or transportation compan doing business in this State which possesses the right to mir anthracite coal, or to purchase and sell the same, or to leas from or to other parties the land or mines from which sai coal is taken, shall, quarterly, on the first days of Januar April, July, and October, make report, under oath or affirmatioi stating the amount of coal mined by them from propert owned and leased by them, and also the amount of co; purchased by them, or mined from property owned by thei that may be leased to other parties, during the precedin three months, and shall pay to the State treasurer, for the us of the Commonwealth, within thirty days thereafter, a tax ( four cents upon each and every ton of anthracite coal s purchased or mined: Provided, That the amount of co; consumed in the transaction of their business shall not h included in their return: And provided further, That sai corporations shall be exempt from the payment of the ta upon tonnage, imposed by the seventh section of this ac upon all coal upon which a tax shall be paid under th provisions of this section, and also from the tax on m earnings or income imposed by the sixth section of this ac and also from the tax upon gross receipts imposed by th eighth section of this act, so far as their net earnings an gross receipts are derived from the mining, transportatioi and sale of the said coal: And provided also, That if an corporation shall fail to make the return required by thi section, within thirty days after the time herein specified, the shall be liable to a penalty often per centum for such neglec the said penalty to be added to the amount of tax found du under the provisions of this section, upon settlement made b the auditor-general and State treasurer in accordance wit law. (Repealed by act of April 24th, 1874; but re-enacted b same act.) SEC. 10. That it shall be the duty of the cashier of ever bank and savings institution incorporated under the laws ( this State, to collect annually from every shareholder of sai bank or savings institution a tax of one per centum upo the par value of the shares held by said shareholder, an to pay the same into the State treasury on or before the first day of July in every year; and the said shares shall be exempt from all other taxation under the laws of this Com- monwealth. (The act 3d January, 1868, P. L., 1318, provided that the shares of stock held by any stockholder in any institution or company incorporated under the laws of this State, which in its corporate capacity is liable to and pays into the State treasury the tax on capital stock imposed by the act approved April 1 2th, Anno Domini 1859, entitled "An act to equalize taxation on corporations," shall not be taxable in the hands of said stockholders personally for State, county, or local purposes; and so much of the thirty-second section of the act approved April 29th, Anno Domini 1844, entitled "An act to reduce the State debt and incorporate the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad Company," as imposes a tax for State or county purposes upon any stockholder in his individual capacity, as aforesaid, is hereby repealed: Provided, That this act shall not be construed to relieve said corporations from any tax now imposed by law, or the real estate belonging to said corporations from the State, county, or local tax to which they are now or may hereafter be subject) SEC. ii. That the president, treasurer, or cashier of every company, except bank or savings institution incorporated under the laws of this Commonwealth, doing business in this State, which pays interest to its bondholders or other creditors, shall, before the payment of the same, retain from said bondholders or creditors a tax of five per centum upon 2very dollar of interest paid as aforesaid; and shall pay over the same semi-annually, on the first days of July and January n each and every year, to x the State treasurer, for the use of :he Commonwealth; and every president, treasurer, or cashier is aforesaid, shall, annually, on the thirty-first day of each December, or within thirty days thereafter, report to the luditor-general, under oath or affirmation, stating the entire imount of interest paid by said corporation to said creditors during the year ending on that day; and thereupon the luditor-general and State treasurer shall proceed to settle an iccount with said corporation as other accounts are now 1 62 settled by law; and in the settlement of said accounts th persons aforesaid shall be allowed the same commission o compensation as is now allowed by law to county treasurers and in case the said president, treasurer, or cashier shal neglect or refuse to make the report required by thi section within sixty days after the time specified, he shal forfeit to the State the amount of his commission for sue! failure or neglect: Provided, That the principal sums from th interest of which the said tax is deducted shall not b assessed and taxed for State purposes in the valuation c personal property, or returned by county commissioners t< the board of revenue commissioners. (Repealed by act 2ist March, 1873. Same tax imposed 01 the company without right to retain tax by section four o said act, but repealed by act April 24th, 1874.) SEC. 12. That in the settlement of all accounts for taxes du< the Commonwealth, under the preceding sections of this act by corporations or individuals, the auditor-general and Stat< treasurer shall charge interest upon the balance or balance: found due the Commonwealth by such corporations o individuals, at the rate of twelve per centum per annum /ron the time said taxes became due and payable to the tim< of the settlement of the same; and all balances due th< Commonwealth by the corporations or individuals aforesaid on accounts settled agreeably to the provisions of the act o March thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and eleven or any other act of assembly, shall bear interest from sixt} days after date of settlement, at the rate of twelve pe centum per annum, until the same are paid: Provided, Tha the payment of interest, as aforesaid, shall not relieve sai< corporations or individuals from any of the penalties pre scribed for neglect and refusal to furnish reports to th< auditor-general. SEC. 13. That the auditor-general and State treasurer, o any agent appointed by them, are hereby authorized to examin* the books and papers of any corporation, association, company private banker, or broker, to verify the accuracy of any retun made to them, or either of them, under the provisions of thi. act. SEC. 14. That the revenue derived from tax on net earnings :>r income, under the sixth section of this act, and from ronnage, under the seventh section, and from coal mined, jnder the ninth section, shall, so far as it is necessary, be irst applicable to the payment of the ordinary expenses of government, and the residue not needed for such purpose shall be transferred to the sinking fund, as directed by the act }f the twenty-second of April, one thousand eight hundred ind fifty-eight. (Sections 12, 13, and 14 are supplied by act of April 24th, 1874, and, though differently worded, are not repealed.) SEC. 15. That hereafter every company incorporated by or ander any general or special law of this Commonwealth, except railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge, or cemetery companies, md companies incorporated for literary, charitable, or religious purposes, shall pay to the State treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth, a bonus of one-quarter of one per centum upon the amount of capital stock which said company is authorized to have, in two equal installments, and a like bonus upon any subsequent increase thereof. The first installment shall be due and payable upon the incorporation of said company, or upon the increase of the capital thereof, and the second installment one year thereafter; and no company, as iforesaid, shall have or exercise any corporate powers until :he first installment of said bonus is paid ; and the governor shall not issue letters patent to any company until he is satisfied that the first installment of said bonus has been paid :o the State treasurer; and no company incorporated by any special act of assembly shall go into operation or exercise my corporate powers or privileges, nor shall said act be mrolled among the laws of the State, until said first installment )f bonus has been paid as aforesaid. SEC. 1 6. The following acts of assembly and parts thereof, ;o far as the same are altered and supplied by this act, be md the same are hereby repealed: Section first of the act approved June eleventh, one thousand nght hundred and forty, to create additional revenue, to be ipplied towards the payment of interest and extinguishment >f the debts of the Commonwealth. 164 Section thirty-three of the act approved April twenty-ninth one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, to reduce th State debt and to incorporate the Pennsylvania Canal an< Railroad Company. Sections seventy-one and seventy-two of the act approve< May seventh, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, t< provide for the ordinary expenses of government, the repair of the public canals and railroads, and other general am special appropriations. An act approved April twenty-first, one thousand eigh hundred and fifty-eight, for the better securing to th< Commonwealth the payment of taxes due by incorporate* companies. An act approved April twelfth, one thousand eight hundrec and fifty-nine, to equalize taxation upon corporations. The first, second, third, fifth, and sixth sections of an ac approved April thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred am sixty-four, imposing additional taxes for State purposes, am to abolish the revenue board. The first, second, and third sections of the act approvec February twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred am sixty-six, to amend the revenue laws of the Commonwealth. An act approved April ninth, one thousand eight hundre( and sixty-seven, regulating interest on public accounts. An act approved March twenty-second, one thousand eigh hundred and sixty-seven, to increase the revenues of th< Commonwealth. AN ACT RELATING TO TONNAGE TAX ON COKE ANI CRUSHED ROCK SAND. Approved 26th February, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page j.) SECTION I. That from and after the passage of this act th< rate of tonnage tax to be paid by railroad and other trans portation companies on coke and crushed rock sand shall no be greater than the rate fixed by law upon the product o mines. 1*5 AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS, APPROVED THE TWENTY- THIRD DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1861. Approved ijth March, r86g. (P. L., 1869, page //.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any railroad company or companies created by or existing under the laws of this Commonwealth, from time to time to purchase and hold the stock and bonds, or either, or to agree to purchase or guarantee the payment of the principal or interest, or either, of the bonds of any other railroad company or com- panies chartered by it or existing under the laws of any other State. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OR MANAGERS OF RAILROAD COMPA- NIES, AND TO GIVE STOCKHOLDERS THE POWER TO LOCATE THE GENERAL OFFICE OF SUCH COMPANIES. Approved ijth March, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages n and 12.) SECTION i. That the directors or managers of any railroad company incorporated by or under the laws of this Common- wealth be and they are hereby authorized to add to their number, by selecting from the body of the stockholders, from time to time, an additional member or members, who shall act as a vice-president or additional vice-president of such corporation, and who shall have such powers and receive such compensation as the board of directors or managers, by its by-laws or by resolution, may establish and direct: Provided, however, That the number of directors or managers of such corporation shall not be thereby increased beyond seventeen. SEC. 2. That it shall be lawful for any such corporation, by resolution of its stockholders, to determine where the general office of such company shall be located, and where the meetings of its board of directors or managers, and also the meetings of its stockholders, and where also its elections for directors or managers shall be held : Provided always, That no place shall be selected which is not within 1 66 the limits of this Commonwealth : And provided also, Th this act shall only apply to such railroad corporations shall, by resolution of its president and board of directo or managers, duly accept the same. AN ACT TO ENABLE RAILROAD, CANAL, AND SLAC] WATER NAVIGATION COMPANIES TO STRAIGHTE: WIDEN, DEEPEN, AND OTHERWISE IMPROVE THE! LINES OF RAILROADS, CANALS, AND SLACK-WATE NAVIGATION, AND THE BRIDGES, AQUEDUCTS, PIER AND STRUCTURES THEREOF. Approved ijth March, 1869. (P. L., f86g, pages 12 and ij.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any rai road, canal, and slack-water navigation company now < hereafter incorporated by or under any law of this Commo] wealth, to straighten, widen, deepen, enlarge, or otherwi: improve the whole or portions of their lines of railroad canals, and slack-water navigation, and the bridges, cros ings, sidings, aqueducts, piers, and structures thereof, ar make new feeders, whenever, in the opinion of the board directors of any such company, the same may be necessai for the better securing the safety of persons and property ar increasing the facilities and capacity for the transportation traffic thereon, and for such purposes to purchase, hold, ar use, or enter upon, take, and appropriate land and materia Provided, That before any such company shall enter upon < take possession of any such lands and material, they she make ample compensation to the owner or owners thereof < parties interested therein, or tender adequate security therefc SEC. 2. That where any such company cannot agree wil the owner or owners, or parties interested in such land ar materials, for the compensation proper for the damage dor or likely to be done, or where, by reason of the absence ( legal incapacity of any such owner or owners or parti< interested therein, no such compensation can be agree upon, the same shall be ascertained and paid in the mann< provided in the eleventh section of the act regulating railroa companies, approved February nineteenth, Anno Domini or thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. A SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENTAL TO AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL RAILROADS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, APPROVED THE FIFTH DAY OF APRIL, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE, EXTENDING THE SAME TO NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Approved 3d April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages 697 and 698.) SECTION I. That the provisions of the second section of the act providing for the construction of lateral railroads and for other purposes, and approved the fifth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, be and the same are hereby made to extend to the county of North- umberland. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT REGULATING LATERAL RAILROADS, APPROVED THE FIFTH DAY OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO. Approved 6th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page 77.) SECTION i. That it shall be at the option of the petitioners, or the legal representatives of the petitioners, for any lateral railroad located or to be located under the act to which this is a supplement, upon payment of all costs, at any time before ground shall be broken, and within two years from the confirmation of the right of way, to abandon the right of construction; and, as evidence thereof, shall file their declara- tion of that intent in writing in the court having jurisdiction, which court may set aside and terminate all previous proceed- ings, upon terms equitable and just to all parties in interest. AN ACT RELATING TO THE SETTLEMENT OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Approved 8th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page 19.} SECTION I. That the auditor-general, State treasurer, and attorney-general be authorized to revise any settlement made 1 68 with any person or body politic by the auditor-general whe it may appear, from the accounts in his office or from otht information in his possession, that the same has been errom ously or illegally made, or to resettle the same according t law, and to credit or charge, as the case may be, the amour resulting from such resettlement upon the current accounts c such person or body politic. AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT RELATING T( RAILROAD COMPANIES, APPROVED MAY SIXTEENTH ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ANI SIXTY-ONE. Approved zoth April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages 24 and 25.) SECTION i. That whenever any merger of the corporate rights, powers, and franchises of a railroad company shal hereafter be made into any other railroad company, undei authority of the act relating to railroad companies, approvec May sixteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, it shall and may be lawful for said companies to specify in the joint agreement for such consolidatior and merger what corporate rights, powers, obligations duties, and franchises created by the charter, or existing under or in pursuance of or by force of any act of assembly relating to either of said companies, shall be transferred to or become vested in or shall continue in the company into which said merger is made; and the said consolidated company shall be subject to and be regulated and governed only by the corporate rights, powers, duties, obligations, and franchises so specified in and vested by said agreement; and upon the filing of the same in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, it shall thereupon be deemed and taken to be its act of incorporation for all purposes whatsoever: Provided, however, That the consolidated company so formed shall not acquire by said agreement any powers, franchises, or privileges that were not theretofore granted to them, or either of them, by law; and due notice of any such merger shall first be given, by publication, to the stockholders of the respective companies, i6 9 and shall not be valid or effective until ratified or approved by them, as required by said act of May sixteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one ; and all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with this act, and with the corporate and other rights which may be defined in and acquired under any agreement of consolidation or merger made in pursuance hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed. A SUPPLEMENT TO "AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS," APPROVED THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF APRIL, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- DRED AND SIXTY-ONE. Approved loth April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages 25 and 26.) SECTION I. That when, in pursuance of the act to which this is a supplement, any railroad company shall make, or has made, a contract with any other railroad company chartered by another State, but authorized by law to extend its road into this State, by which it shall obtain a right to connect the roads of the two companies, or run its cars and engines thereon or on any other railroad, it shall not be lawful for any person, in any manner, or by color of any authority, to interfere with or interrupt the enjoyment of said right, according to the terms of the contract, until the right so to interfere shall be finally established by the highest judicial tribunal of the State in which the railroad, for the use of which the contract was made, is located. SEC. 2. That if any company chartered by this State, or authorized by law to extend its road into this State, shall be interfered with, interrupted, or enjoined, contrary to the pro- visions of the first section of this supplement, and thereby prevented from enjoying the rights stipulated for in such contract, it shall be lawful for the company so interfered with, interrupted, or enjoined, to apply, by bill in equity, to the Supreme Court, or any judge thereof, setting forth the facts; whereupon it shall be the duty of the court or judge, if satisfied that the complainant has been so interfered witi interrupted, or enjoined, to issue a writ of injunction, withoi security, against the railroad company with which the con plainant contracted, forbidding it, its agents or employees an all other persons, to exercise any corporate privileges or us its own railroad within this State until the further order of tr said court or judge. SEC. 3. That thenceforward such complaint shall procee as other cases in equity; and if, on first hearing, said cou shall be of opinion that the interference, interruption, or ii junction complained of was without sufficient cause, it sha decree a continuance of the injunction theretofore granted, s long as the interruption or injunction complained of sha continue. AN ACT REQUIRING A MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTOR OR MANAGERS OF CORPORATIONS TO CONSTITUTE QUORUM. Approved i$th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page 29.) SECTION i. That whenever the number of directors or mai agers of any corporation may be increased under authority < law, a majority of the whole number shall be necessary t constitute a quorum; and all laws inconsistent with this a< be and the same are hereby repealed. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE RAILROAD AND CANAL COMP/ NIES TO AID IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COA1 IRON, LUMBER, AND OTHER MATERIAL INTEREST OF THIS COMMONWEALTH. Approved i^th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages jf and 32.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for railroad an canal companies to aid corporations authorized by law 1 develop the coal, iron, lumber, or other material interests ( this Commonwealth, by the purchase of their capital stoc and bonds, or either of them, or by the guarantee of or agret ment to purchase the principal and interest, or either, of sue bonds: Provided, That this act shall not apply to the stock and bonds of any corporation possessing mining or manu- facturing privileges in the county of Schuylkill. AN ACT TO REPEAL AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY OF ANY INCORPORATED COMPANY UPON THE BONDS SECURED BY A MORTGAGE GIVEN BY IT, WITH LIKE EFFECT AS IF SOLD UPON THE MORTGAGE." I Approved r^th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869 1 page J2.) SECTION i. That the act entitled "An act to authorize the sale of the property of any incorporated company upon the bonds secured by a mortgage given by it, with like effect as if sold upon the mortgage," approved the tenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, be and the same is hereby repealed. AN ACT TO CONFIRM THE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF DEEDS, MORTGAGES, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF WRITING HERETOFORE MADE BY CORPORATIONS. Approved ijth April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page 68.) SECTION i. That the provisions of the third section of an act entitled "An act authorizing notaries public in this State, and in any States or territory in the United States, to take acknowledgments of deeds and letters of attorney, and to confirm acknowledgments heretofore made," approved the twenty-second day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, be and the same is hereby extended to all deeds, mortgages, or other instruments of writing informally acknowledged by any corporation since the passage of said act: Provided, That no case heretofore judicially decided shall be affected by this act. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT FO THE PROTECTION OF FARMERS AND OWNERS O CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, AND SWINE ALONG TH LINE OF RAILROADS IN WARREN COUNTY," APPROVE. MARCH TWENTY-EIGHTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGH 1 HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT, AND EXTENDING TH! SAME TO THE COUNTIES OF BRADFORD, McKEAI* AND VENANGO. Approved ijth April, 1869. (/*. L., r86g, pages 1125 and 1126.) SECTION i. That if any company referred to in said ac shall neglect to perform the duties imposed by said act, th company so offending shall be answerable to the owners c cattle, horses, sheep, or swine, to the value of the propert injured upon said roads in consequence of such neglect. SEC. 2. The provisions of said act and this supplement b< and the same are hereby extended to the counties of Brad ford, McKean, and Venango, and that the several courts o said county shall have like jurisdiction. AN ACT TO ENABLE COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH TO CHANGE THE NAME, STYLE, ANI TITLE OF CORPORATIONS. Approved zoth April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, pages 82 and Sj.) SECTION i. That it shall be lawful for the several courts o common pleas of this Commonwealth to change the name style, and title of any corporation within their respective counties, with the same proceedings and in the same mannei as they are now authorized to improve, amend, and altei charters : Provided, That no proceedings for such purpose shal be entertained by the courts until notice of such application is given to the auditor-general, and proof of such fact is pro- duced to the courts; and upon final decree in such proceeding before using such name, the parties in interest shall file with the auditor-general a copy of the decree making such change. SEC. 2. That the third section of the act approved fourth April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, giving authority to courts of quarter sessions to change the name style, and title of corporations, be and the same is hereby repealed. 173 A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT TO REVISE, AMEND, AND CONSOLIDATE THE SEVERAL LAWS TAXING CORPORA- TIONS, BROKERS, AND BANKERS, APPROVED MAY ONE, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT. Approved 2jth April, 1869. (P. L. t 1869, pages 94 and 95.) WHEREAS, The legislature, in repealing the various laws in force, so far as they were supplied by the act to which this is a supplement, to wit, the acts of April twenty-one, one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-eight; April twelve, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine ; April nine, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven ; March twenty-two, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven ; and portion of the acts of June eleven, one thousand eight hundred and forty; April twenty-nine, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four; May seven, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five ; April thirty, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four; and February twenty-three, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, inad- vertently failed to make positive provision for the collection and payment of the taxes falling due and payable under those laws : to remedy which SECTION i. That the general repeal of those laws or parts thereof shall read " so far as the same are altered and supplied, except so far as shall be necessary to enforce the collection and payment of all taxes assessed or falling due and payable under said acts or any of them." A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO ENABLE CITIZENS TO HOLD TITLE WHICH HAD BEEN HELD BY ALIENS AND CORPORATIONS," APPROVED THE NINTH DAY OF JANUARY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE. Approved 26th April, 1869. (P. L., 1869, page 96.) SECTION I. That the provisions of the act entitled "An act to enable citizens to hold title which had been held by aliens and corporations," approved the ninth day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, be and hereby are extended to all sales and conveyances of real estate which had been made prior to the passage of this act. 174 AN ACT AUTHORIZING CORPORATIONS TO INCREASE THEIR BONDED OBLIGATIONS AND CAPITAL STOCK. Approved 2gth December, f86y. (P. L., 1870, pages 1374 and 1375.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any corporation created by or existing under the laws of this Commonwealth to increase its bonded obligations and secure the same by mortgage, and also to increase its capital stock, from time to time, to any amount not exceeding fifty per cent, of the amounts heretofore authorized, and to sell or dispose of the same on such terms and conditions as to said corporation may seem proper : Provided, however, That this act shall not apply to any corporation until it is duly accepted by it, where- upon it shall be taken and deemed to be a part of its act of incorporation and be made under its authority ; and a certifi- cate, duly attested by the president and treasurer of said com- pany, under its corporate seal, setting forth the acceptance of the act, with the amounts and character of the increase, shall be filed in the auditor-general's office of the Commonwealth, and a copy thereof be filed with the secretary of State : And provided further, That on all such increase the State shall be entitled, pro rata, to the same bonus or tax that is now assessed by law on like amounts of the existing capital of the respective corporations. AN ACT TO PREVENT THE INJURY OR DESTRUCTION OF BAGGAGE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Approved 12th February, 1870. (P. L., 1870, page yj.) SECTION i. That any baggage-master, express agent, stage driver, hackman, or other person whose duty it is to handle, remove, or take care of the baggage of passengers, who shall willfully or recklessly injure or destroy any trunk, valise, box, package, or parcel, while loading, transporting, unloading, 175 delivering, or storing the same, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars : Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not be so construed as to release railroad or other transportation companies from their liabilities under existing laws. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE RAILROAD COMPANIES TO LEASE OR BECOME LESSEES AND TO MAKE CONTRACTS WITH OTHER RAILROAD COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS, AND PARTIES. Approved 17 th February, i8jo. (P. L., 1870, page jf.) SECTION I. That it shall and may be lawful for any railroad company or companies created by or existing under the laws of this Commonwealth, from time to time to lease or become the lessees, by assignment or otherwise, of any railroad or rail- roads, or enter into any other contract with any other railroad company or companies, individuals, or corporations, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, whether the road or roads embraced in such lease, assignment, or contract may be within the limits of this State or created by or existing under the laws of any other State or States; and any railroad company or companies of this Commonwealth may agree to guarantee, in whole or in part, the payments and covenants of any such lease, assigned lease, or contract: Provided, however, That such road or roads, so embraced in any such lease, assignment, contract, or guarantee, shall be connected either directly or by means of intervening line with the railroad or railroads of said company or companies of this Commonwealth so entering into such lease, assignment, contract, or guarantee, and thus forming a continuous route or routes for the trans- portation of persons and property : Provided, further, That the provisions of this act shall in no wise, nor by any construction whatever, apply to the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE CANAL COMPANIES TO BUILI LATERAL RAILROADS. Approved z8th March, i8jo. (P. L., 1870, pages 41 and 42.} SECTION i. That it shall be lawful for any canal company now or hereafter incorporated by or under the laws of thi Commonwealth, to construct and operate lateral railroads am branches therefrom, not exceeding, respectively, ten miles ii length, with the necessary appurtenances, from suitable point on the line of their canals to any mines, quarries, or othe desirable points for the procurement of traffic for said canals and shall have and enjoy, and be subject to all and singular th provisions and restrictions of an act of assembly regulating railroad companies, approved the nineteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the supple ments thereto, necessary for the location, construction, am operation of the said roads and branches. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, UPON COMPLAINT MADE BY PARTIES WHOSI INTERESTS ARE THEREBY AFFECTED, TO INSTITUTI PROCEEDINGS, ACCORDING TO LAW, AGAINST CORPO RATIONS ALLEGED TO HAVE VIOLATED DUTIES IM POSED UPON THEM BY LAW. Approved ist April, 1870. (P. L., 1870, pages 45 and 46.) SECTION i. That in all cases in which heretofore any privi leges or immunities have been granted to any corporation b} any act of the general assembly of the Commonwealth, upoi terms and conditions in such act prescribed, for the knowing and intentional neglect or refusal to perform and comply witl which terms and conditions a forfeiture or determination of sucl privileges and immunities is provided for in the act, it shal be the duty of the attorney-general of the Commonwealth upon complaint made to him by any party whose rights o: interests are affected by such neglect or refusal, to institutt forthwith procedings, in a court of competent jurisdiction, tc ascertain the fact of such neglect or refusal ; and if sue? 177 neglect or refusal shall be adjudged by such court to have occurred, then and in such case all the rights, privileges, powers, and immunities granted to said corporation upon such terms and conditions shall forthwith cease and deter- mine ; and thereupon the governor of the Commonwealth shall provide such organization as may be needful to manage any such property, until otherwise directed by the legislature : Provided, however, That all expenses incident to the manage- ment thereof shall be paid from its own proceeds; and nothing in this act contained shall be deemed as authorizing any liability against or expenditure by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Provided, That when proceedings under the provisions of this act are commenced in any court other than the Supreme Court, the right of appeal to the Supreme Court shall exist to either party, as in other cases: Provided further, This act shall not apply to bridge companies. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RELAT- ING TO EXECUTIONS," APPROVED THE SIXTEENTH OF JUNE, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX. Approved jth April, r8jo. (P. L., 1870, pages $8 and 59.) SECTION I. That in addition to the provisions of the sixty- second section of the act of the sixteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, relating to executions, and in lieu of the provisions or proceedings by sequestration under said act, plaintiff or assigns, in any judgment against any corporation not excepted by said act, may have execution fieri facias issued from the court wherein said judgment is entered, which shall command the sheriff or other officer to levy the sum of said judgment, with interest and costs of suit, of any personal, mixed, or real property, franchises, and rights of such corporation, and thereupon proceed and sell the same, excepting lands held in fee, which latter shall be proceeded against and sold in the manner provided in cases for the sale of real estate; I 7 8 the proceedings on judgment under the aforesaid provision of this supplement shall be without stay of execution : Pn vided, That the purchaser or purchasers of any or all of sai property, real, personal, or mixed, together with the franchise and rights, shall take the same clear of all encumbrance: excepting any mortgage or mortgages which may legall exist at the time of levy thereupon, the lien of which sha not be affected in any manner by said sale. SEC. 2. That by virtue of any execution issued under thi act, the levy may extend to the property, franchises, and right of said corporation, in any and every county of this Commor wealth wherein the same may be, and shall be endorsed o said writ ; the levy and sale thereof shall be as effective a though all said property, franchises, and rights were locatec used, levied upon, and sold in the county wherein said writ c execution was issued, and shall fully divest the defendants ( all interest therein. AN ACT REQUIRING RAILROAD, CANAL, NAVIGATION AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES TO MAKE UNIFORM RE PORTS TO THE AUDITOR-GENERAL. Approved qth April, 1870. (P. L., 1870, page 61.} SECTION i. That the auditor-general of this Commonwealt be .and is hereby directed to make out, and cause to b printed, a blank form for the annual reports of the seven railroad, canal, navigation, and telegraph corporations of th State, referred to in the second section of this act ; and th said auditor-general shall forward, by mail or otherwise, on c before the first day of October in each year, to each of tfc said corporations, copies of the said form ; and when the sarr shall have been received from the several aforesaid corpon tions, he shall cause the same to be filed in his office, copi< of which shall be transmitted to the legislature on or befoi the fifteenth day of February in each year. SEC. 2. That it is hereby made the duty of each railroa- canal, navigation, and telegraph company whose works c 179 lines are in whole or in part within the limits of this State, to make out and return to the auditor-general an annual report, within thirty days after the expiration of their financial year, according to a form to be prescribed by the said auditor- general, embracing in detail the operations and affairs of the said corporations during the financial year, and such other information as the auditor-general shall direct ; said report to be attested by the oath or affirmation of the president, super- intendent, or sequestrator, and the treasurer of the company : Provided, That companies whose financial year end after December thirty-first shall make approximate reports to December thirty-first, and forward the same on or before the thirty-first day of January. SEC. 3. That every such railroad, canal, navigation, and telegraph corporation which shall refuse or neglect to make such report as before provided, shall be liable to a penalty of five thousand dollars to the use of the Commonwealth, for every such refusal or neglect, to be sued for and recovered as debts of like amount are or may be by law recoverable. SEC. 4. That all acts or parts of acts of assembly inconsistent with the provisions of this act be and they are hereby re- pealed ; saving, however, to the Commonwealth the right to collect any penalty heretofore incurred. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT REGULATING RAILROAD COMPANIES, APPROVED FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE. Approved ijth April, i8jo. (P. L., 1870, page /j.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any two or more railroad companies incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth to jointly endorse or guaranty the bonds or other obligations of any other railroad company for the payment of money, and such company or companies so endorsing or guaranteeing may take such securities and indemnity from the company whose bonds or obligations may thus be endorsed or guaranteed as aforesaid, as may be agreed upon by the several companies respectively, to and with each i8o other, either jointly or separately; and it shall further be lawfi for such companies, so endorsing or guaranteeing as aforesaic to apportion and limit their liability as between themselve or as between themselves and the company or compank whose bonds or obligations may be endorsed or guaranteec as may be respectively agreed upon. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RE LATING TO RAILROAD AND CANAL COMPANIES," A! PROVED APRIL ELEVENTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGH HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR. Approved i^th April, 1870. (P. /,., 1870, page 75.) SECTION I. That it shall be lawful for any canal or navig; tion company incorporated by this Commonwealth, to pui chase and hold the stock and bonds, and to lease the roa and property of, or become consolidated and merged with, an railroad company so incorporated, and for any such railroa company to purchase and hold the stock and bonds, and t lease the canal, navigation, and property of, or become coi solidated and merged with, any such canal or navigatio company in the same manner as such purchases, lease consolidation, and merger are now allowed by law by an between railroad companies, and all the provisions of exis ing acts relative to such purchases, leases, consolidation, an merger by and between railroad companies are, whenevt applicable, hereby extended so as to embrace the purchase leases, consolidation, and merger hereby authorized. JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF TH RIGHTS OF CORPORATIONS CHARTERED BY THIS CON MONWEALTH. Approved ijth April, 1870. (P. L., 1870, page 1334.} SECTION I. That the attorney-general of this Commoi wealth be instructed to commence proceedings against s corporations which have constructed or may hereafter coi struct railroad or telegraph lines within this State witho* authority of law : Provided, That this act shall not apply to telegraph lines used by corporations solely for their private purposes. AN ACT FURTHER SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN ACT REGU- LATING RAILROAD COMPANIES, APPROVED THE NINE- TEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE. Approved 26th April, 1870. (P. L., 1870, page 1274.') SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any railroad company or corporation duly organized under the laws of this State, for the purpose of constructing a railroad, either wholly within, or partly within and partly without, this State, under authority of this and any adjoining State, to merge and con- solidate its capital stock, franchises, and property with any other railroad company or companies or corporations organ- ized under the laws of this or any other State, whenever the two or more railroads of the companies or corporations so to be consolidated shall or may form, when constructed, a con- tinuous line of railroad with each other, or by means of any intervening railroad ; and such consolidation may be effected in accordance with the laws of this Commonwealth, either under special or general statutes of other States. AN ACT RELATIVE TO CHANGES OF VENUE. Approved 28th April, 1870. (P. L., 1870, page 1293.) SECTION 2. That it shall and may be lawful for either party in any suit or action, real or personal, now pending or that may hereafter be brought in any of the courts of this Com- monwealth, by or against any incorporated company, to remove the same into the court of any other adjacent county indicated by the president judge of the court in which the suit was originally brought; which suits so removed shall be proceeded in by the proper court, in like manner and subject to like rules and proceedings as if it had remained in the 182 court in which it was originally commenced, and upon fin judgment testatum executions may issue as in other case Provided, That the party so removing shall first take ar subscribe an oath or affirmation, to be filed of record with tl cause, that such removal is not made for the purpose of dela but because he firmly believes a fair and impartial trial cann be had in the county in which such suit is brought or orig nated. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE CORPORATIONS TO SUBSCRIE FOR OR PURCHASE THE CAPITAL STOCK, AND TO PU1 CHASE THE BONDS OF THE AMERICAN STEAMSH] COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Approved ijth February, 1871. (P. L,, i8"ji t page j<5.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for priva corporations, created by or doing business in this Commo wealth, to subscribe for or to purchase the capital stock ai bonds of the American Steamship Company of Philadelph: AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE ACTS RELATING 1 LATERAL RAILROADS. Approved ijth February, 1871. (P. L., 1871, page j6.) SECTION I. That in all proceedings now pending or whi< may hereafter be instituted, to procure the right to constru lateral railroads, or for the acquisition of wharves or landing or for either of said purposes, the appeal to court from report of the viewers shall extend, not only to the assessme of damages, but to the question of the necessity of the pr posed lateral railroad, wharf, or landing, and shall also extei to the question whether such landing or wharf is necessary the owner thereof, for his own uses or purposes ; and if tl jury shall so find, the same shall not be taken from him. 1*3 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE MEANING OF AN ACT COM- PELLING RAILROAD AND OTHER CORPORATIONS TO PAY COUNSEL FEES OF PLAINTIFF IN CERTAIN CASES, APPROVED MAY THIRD, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- DRED AND SIXTY-SIX. Approved 1 6th March, 1871. (P. L., i8ji,page 231.) SECTION i. That the true intent and meaning of an act entitled "An act compelling railroad and other corporations to pay counsel fees of plaintiffs in certain cases," approved May third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, is and is hereby declared to be that corporations named in said act shall only be liable to pay the plaintiff's counsel fees in case said corporations have contested the validity of the bonds for the recovery of the interest on which suit has been brought, and such validity has been established by a court of competent jurisdiction. AN ACT RELATING TO NON-USED AND ABANDONED FRANCHISES OF TURNPIKE, PLANK ROAD, CANAL, AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION COMPANIES, OR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, PROVIDING WHAT SHALL CONSTITUTE EVIDENCE OF ABANDONMENT. Approved 22d March, i8jr. (P. L., i8ji, pages 231 and 232.) SECTION I. That whenever any turnpike, plank road, canal, or slack-water navigation, or public highway of any company or corporation incorporated by the laws of this Common- wealth for the purpose of making, operating, or using the same, has been or shall have been, for the period of five suc- cessive years or upwards, decayed, out of repair, and unused for the purposes mentioned in the charter of such company, the same shall be deemed and held to be abandoned, together with all the easements and servitudes incident thereto; and all the rights, privileges, and franchises of such company in respect to the same shall cease and determine; and such con- dition and non-user for the period aforesaid may be given in 1 84 evidence in any suit or proceeding wherein the facts of suet abandonment may be material, and shall be conclusive proo thereof: Provided, That this act shall not apply to any sucr company, heretofore incorporated, unless the right is reservec in its charter to resume its corporate privileges and franchise.' in case of the misuse or abuse thereof: Provided, That the provisions of the bill shall not apply to any canal in the counties of Schuylkill, Wyoming, Bradford, and Berks, nor tc any turnpike or plank road in the county of Carbon. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ACT OF APRIL FOURTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT, RELA- TIVE TO THE FORMATION AND REGULATION OF RAIL- ROAD CORPORATIONS. Approved 28th April, i8ji. (P. L., 1871, pages 246 and 247.) SECTION i. That any number of persons, not less than three all of whom must become stockholders, may form a company for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a railroad for public use, as provided for in the act to which this is a supplement: Provided, Said railroad shall not be of a greater length than five miles ; and its stockholders may exercise all the powers granted in the act to which this is a supplement, under such rules and regulations as they may adopt, in the election of officers and the appointment of agents for carrying on the business of the corporation, not incon- sistent with the act to which this is a supplement. SEC. 2. That any corporation formed under the act to which this is a supplement, having constructed a road, or having partially constructed one, of no greater length than that fixed by this act, electing to organize under the provisions hereof shall have the power to do so if a majority of its stock so determines, and shall, within thirty days, file in the office oi the secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate of its action and a copy of its articles of association, under forms fixed by said secretary; and any corporation failing, refusing, or i8 5 neglecting so to do shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars, to be collected as other fines are by the proper officers of the Commonwealth. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT TO ENABLE RAILROAD, CANAL, AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION COMPANIES TO STRAIGHTEN, WIDEN, DEEPEN, AND OTHERWISE IMPROVE THEIR LINES OF RAILROADS, CANALS, AND SLACK-WATER NAVIGATION, AND THE BRIDGES, AQUE- DUCTS, PIERS, AND STRUCTURES THEREOF, APPROVED THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF MARCH, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE. Approved zd May, i8ji. (P. L., 1871, page 248.} SECTION I. That in addition to the remedies and proceed- ings provided by the second section of the act to which this is a supplement, all and singular the provisions of the second and third sections of the act of assembly approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act regulating railroad companies/ approved the nineteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine," and of the first section of the act of assembly approved the twenty-seventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, entitled "An act extending the right of trial by jury to certain cases," are hereby made applicable to all cases arising and proceedings instituted under the said act to which this is a supplement. AN ACT RELATING TO LEASES OR CONTRACTS FOR THE USE OF CANALS OR OTHER NAVIGATION WORKS BY RAILROAD COMPANIES. Approved jd May, iSji. (P. L. t i8ji, pages 248 and 249.} SECTION I. That the authority conferred upon railroad companies by the act approved the seventeenth day of Feb- ruary, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy, 1 86 entitled "An act to authorize railroad companies to lease o become lessees and to make contracts with other railroa< companies, corporations, and parties," shall extend to and em brace leases, assignments of lease, or other contracts relating to canal and other navigation works, situated either in this o any other State : Provided, That neither the provisions of th< said act approved the seventeenth day of February, on* thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, nor of this act shall authorize the leasing or merging of or entering intc contracts with the Susquehanna Canal Company, or the pur chase in whole or in part of the said canal, its capital stocl loans, or securities by any railroad company. AN ACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF MINERAL STATISTICS Approved qth May, 1871. (P. L., 1871, pages 261 and 263.) SECTION I. That in addition to the information now requirec to be furnished to the auditor-general by the several railroac and canal companies of this Commonwealth, each of said rail- road and canal companies, when their railroad or canal passe.' through any of the coal regions of this State, shall report foi the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, anc annually, as soon after the first day of January in each year or the close of the fiscal year of said companies, as the information can be procured under oath of one of the officers of said company, to the auditor-general, the quantity of coa: of each kind and of coke, in tons of two thousand pounds each, received for transportation at each station on every such railroad and at each coal-shipping point on said canal distinguishing in said report the quantities received direct from the mines from that received from other railroad 01 canals, giving the name of said connecting railroad or canals in such a manner that the amount of the production of coal on the line of said railroad or canal may be correctly ascer- tained; the Monongahela Slack-water Navigation Company, and all other slack-water navigation companies engaged in conveying coal or coke, are also hereby required to make 1 8 7 returns in the same manner as is hereinbefore required of railroad and canal companies. SEC. 2. It shall also be the duty of each of said railroad companies to report the quantity of coal purchased or mined for their own use in this State by them during each year, and which was produced along the line of said railroad, and stating at what place or places the same was mined, and which was not included in the reports of coal received for transportation before mentioned of said railroad, or of any other railroad or canal. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of all coal-mining companies or firms and individuals working mines, and of all State and county officers, to furnish to the auditor-general, in answer to his letters or circulars, all information in their possession in regard to the quantity of coal mined that is sent to market direct by any navigable river, or used by any rolling-mill, blast furnace, salt works, or otherwise, and which is not transported on any railroad, canal, or slack-water navigation company, and also to inform him when and of whom correct information as to the coal production of any such locality can be procured; and further, to inform him of all accidents in mines in counties where there is no mine inspector appointed by law, and how the same was caused. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the auditor-general, on receiving said reports and such other authentic information as he shall collect, to collate said reports and information, and make a report, giving the results only, in tabular form, showing the quantity of coal mined during each year in each county and in each important coal-producing region, in a perspicuous form, separating the several kinds of coal into anthracite, semi-bituminous, bituminous, and splint or block coal, suitable for smelting iron, giving also from time to time the statistics of each region, from the beginning of its coal trade, so far as it can be ascertained; he shall also specially report the number of accidents resulting in death or injury in coal mines in those counties where there is no mine inspector, classifying them according to the cause thereof, whether occa- sioned by fire, explosions, falls of roof or coal in shafts or slopes, or other causes, under ground or at the surface. i88 SEC. 5. The auditor-general shall also, in the same mannei collect statistics, collate, classify, and report, at the same tirm the quantities of petroleum, salt, iron ore, zinc, and othe mineral productions of the Commonwealth ; also, the pig iroi and merchant or wrought iron manufactured in the Common wealth. SEC. 6. Eight thousand copies of said report of the auditor general, together with his suggestions on the workings o existing laws and his propositions as to new enactments shall be published for distribution, annually, as soon as it i prepared, with the title of the " Mineral Statistics of Pennsyl vania;" and one copy thereof shall be sent by mail, by th< auditor-general, to each person who shall have furnishec him with information as aforesaid, and the balance shall b( delivered to the legislature for distribution. SEC. 7. Any railroad or canal or slack-water navigatior company, or coal-mining company, firm, or individual en- gaged in mining, or any county officer, who shall neglect o: refuse, for thirty days, to make report or give the informatior required by this act, shall be liable to a penalty of om hundred dollars, to be recovered by order of the auditor- general, in an action of debt, in which the Commonwealtr shall be plaintiff, by the district attorney of the proper county the one-half thereof to go to said district attorney and the other half for the use of the poor of the proper poor district AN ACT RELATING TO CERTAIN RAILROAD, CANAL, AND INCORPORATED COMPANIES AUTHORIZED TO CON- STRUCT RAILROADS, AND AUTHORIZING SUCH COM- PANIES TO PURCHASE AND HOLD STOCK AND BONDS, TO LEASE ROADS AND PROPERTY OF, AND CONSOLI- DATE WITH, EACH OTHER IN THE COUNTIES OF SUS- QUEHANNA, WYOMING, WAYNE, AND LUZERNE. Approved i8th May, 1871. (P. L., i8ji, pages 942 and 943.) SECTION I. That it shall be lawful for any railroad, canal, or navigation company incorporated by or exercising within this Commonwealth, and under and in pursuance of the laws I8 9 thereof, corporate privileges, within the counties of Susque- hanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Luzerne, to purchase and hold the stock and bonds, and to lease the road and property of, or become consolidated and merged with, any other incorporated company authorized by the laws of this Commonwealth to construct a railroad or possessing railroad privileges, and for any such [any] incorporated company so authorized to con- struct a railroad or, possessing railroad privileges, to purchase and hold the stock and bonds, and to lease the road, canal, and property of, or become consolidated and merged with, any such railroad, canal, or navigation company, in the same manner as such purchases, leases, consolidation, and merger are now provided or allowed by law and by and between railroad companies incorporated by this Commonwealth ; and all the provisions of existing acts relative to such purchases, leases, consolidation, and merger by and between railroad companies incorporated by this Commonwealth are, when- ever or so far as applicable, hereby extended so as to embrace the purchases, leases, consolidations, and mergers hereby authorized, and so that the authority by this act conferred may be effectually and lawfully exercised; and when any merger and consolidation shall be made in accord- ance with the provisions of this act, all the property, rights, franchises, and privileges of the company so merged shall, by virtue of such merger, be thereby transferred to and vested in the company into which such merger shall be made : Pro- vided, That any consolidated company formed by merging of two or more companies, under the provisions of this act, shall not charge any higher rates for transportation than the rates now allowed by law over the respective roads so merged. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE MARRIED WOMEN OWNING CAPITAL STOCK OF ANY RAILROAD COMPANY TO SELL AND TRANSFER THE SAME. Approved zd June, rSji. (P. L., i8jr, page 283.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any married woman, owning any share or shares of the capital stock of any railroad company, to sell and transfer the same with like effect as if she were unmarried. 190 AN ACT RELATING TO LEGAL PROCEEDINGS BY AN! AGAINST CORPORATIONS. Approved iqth June, 1871. (P. L., 1871, pages 1360 and 1361.} SECTION i. That in all proceedings in courts of law o: equity of this Commonwealth, in which it is alleged that th( private rights of individuals or the rights or franchises o other corporations are injured or invaded by any corporatior claiming to have a right or franchise to do the act from whicl such injury results, it shall be the duty of the court in whicl such proceedings are had to examine, inquire, and ascertair whether such corporation does, in fact, possess the right o: franchise to do the act from which such alleged injury tc private rights or to the rights and franchises of other corpo- rations results, and if such rights or franchises have not beer conferred upon such corporation, such courts, if exercising equitable power, shall, by injunction, at suit of the private parties or other corporations, restrain such injurious acts; anc if the proceedings be at law for damages, it shall be lawful therein to recover damages for such injury, as in other cases SEC. 2. When such legal proceedings relate to crossings ol lines of railroads by other railroads, it shall be the duty oi courts of equity of this Commonwealth to ascertain and define by their decree the mode of such crossing which will inflict the least practical injury upon the rights of the company owning the road which is intended to be crossed, and if, in the judgment of such court, it is reasonably practicable to avoid a grade-crossing, they shall by their process prevent a crossing at grade. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RELA- TIVE TO CHANGES OF VENUE." Approved 2ist February, 1872. (P. L., 1872, page 79.) SECTION i. That all the expenses incurred in the trial of any suits by the county to which they may be removed under the provisions of the act entitled "An act relative to the change of venue," approved April twenty-eighth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy, shall be paid by the county from which such suits have been removed. AN ACT TO PREVENT TRESPASSING. UPON RAILROAD CARS IN THE COUNTY OF BERKS. Approved 2ist February, 1872. (P. Z,., 1872, page 131.) WHEREAS, Minors and other persons frequently enter upon and into and be upon railroad cars in the county of Berks, contrary to the rules of the corporations owning such cars, and for the purpose of being, riding, and traveling thereon without any payment of fare, and by entering upon and leaving such cars serious and fatal accidents have occurred; therefore, SECTION I. That any person being in or upon or entering in or upon any railroad car in the county of Berks, whether the same be passenger, freight, coal, or other car, with the inten- tion of being, riding, or traveling in or upon such car, con- trary to the rules of the person, persons, or corporation owning the same, and with the intention of being in or upon, riding, or traveling upon such car without paying fare, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than five dollars, which penalty shall be paid to the treasurer of the school district in which said offense was committed, for the use of said district. SEC. 2. Any constable or police officer having knowledge of the violation of this act may forthwith arrest such offender, and take him before any judge, alderman, or justice of the peace, or such offender may be arrested by a warrant or capias issued by such magistrate, upon information duly made on oath or affirmation ; and said magistrate shall proceed to hear and determine the matter in issue, and if he shall convict the person so charged with the violation of the provisions of this act, he shall proceed to pronounce the forfeiture which he shall adjudge against the person so convicted; and if the per- son so convicted refuse or neglect to satisfy such forfeiture immediately, with costs, or produce goods and chattels where- on to levy the said forfeiture, together with costs, then the said justice shall commit the offender to the Berks county prison for a period not exceeding ten days. (Extended to several other counties, 2/th February, 1873.) AN ACT RELATING TO STRAIGHTENED OR IMPROVE] LINES OF RAILROAD. Approved jd April, 1872. (P. L., 1872, pages 35 and j6.) SECTION i. That it shall be lawful for the president an< directors of any railroad company to retain the possession an* use, either in whole or part, of any portion of the origins railroad for which an improved or straightened line has bee substituted, if in their opinion the abandonment of the sai< portion would be inconvenient or injurious to the interests c the public and of the railroad company. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE CORPORATIONS TO ISSUE PREFERRED STOCK. Approved jd April, 1872. (P. L., 1872, pages 37 and j f8 7J' P a S e ()2 4>} SECTION i. That the provisions of an act entitled " An act to prevent trespassing upon railroad cars in the county of 208 Berks," approved the twenty-first day of February, Anr Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, t and the same is hereby extended to the county of Delawan Provided, That any commitment under this act shall be 1 the Delaware county prison. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AT. THORIZE CORPORATIONS TO ISSUE PREFERRED STOCK APPROVED THE THIRD DAY OF APRIL, ANNO DOMIIv ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TW( Approved 28th April, 1873. (? f ^73> P a e 79-) SECTION I. That any company authorized by the act t which this is a supplement to issue preferred stock ma issue the same in different classes, to be distinguished in sue manner as the directors of such company may prescribe ; an they may give to the various classes such order of preferenc in the payment of the dividends or in the rate of dividenc thereon or in the redemption of the principal thereof as ma be approved by the holders of a majority of the stock of th company ; and the company shall have the right to redeer its preferred stock upon such terms as may be prescribed i the issue thereof; and it may specifically appropriate for th payment of the dividends upon any class of stock, or for th redemption of the principal thereof, the revenues from an specific department of its business or the proceeds of an specified portions of its assets or property : Provided, That n injustice shall thereby be done to the existing rights of othe stockholder or creditors of the company. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE REGISTRY OR TRANSFE] OF CERTAIN BONDS. Approved ist May, 1873. (P. L., i8j3,page 87.) SEC. I. That bonds issued or which may be issued by th State of Pennsylvania, or by any county, .city, municips authority, or corporation therein, payable to bearer, may, at th 209 option and at the expense of the holder thereof, be returned, and new registered bonds, of the same or of a larger denom- ination, to the aggregate amount thereof, be issued, payable at the same time and place as the bonds so retired, to the order of the holder of said registered bonds, and transferable only by assignment executed before and attested under the hand and seal of some officer authorized by law to take the acknowl- edgments of deeds, which transfer shall only become opera- tive against the corporations aforesaid when noted on the transfer-book of the party or corporation issuing the bond, and which book of transfer all parties or corporations issuing such bonds are hereby required to keep ; and for the interest due or to become due on the bonds so retired as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the obligors to issue interest certificates, at the same rate of interest, due at the same time and place as the original coupons corresponding with the denominations of the registered bonds, and payable to the order of the holder of said registered bond. SEC. 2. And it shall further be lawful for any corporate body as aforesaid, which shall issue or may have issued coupon bond or bonds payable to bearer, to register any such original bond or bonds in the name of the holder thereof and upon his or her request and at his or her expense, and stamp or print in large type, or write upon the face thereof, that the same will only be paid to the order of the registered holder thereof; and from and after such stamping, printing, or writing, such bonds shall only be transferable in the manner provided for in the first section of this act, unless the holder shall make them payable to bearer by a properly attested assignment to that effect; such bond shall continue subject to successive registrations, limitations, or transfers to bearer, at the option of each holder; and the word registered stamped, printed, or written upon the coupon of such bonds shall be legal notice that they are no longer payable to bearer, but to the order of the party in whose name the bond to which the coupon is attached shall be registered, unless the last assignment thereon, duly executed, shall be to the bearer, in which event the coupon shall be payable, as in other cases of coupon bonds, to bearer. SEC. 3. It shall be lawful for the holder or holders of any 210 such coupon bonds or bond payable to bearer to stamp, prir or write on the face thereof " Payable to endorsed holder and to endorse thereon "Pay to order of ," signing hi her, or their names thereto in the presence of some offio authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, who sha attest the same under his hand and seal, and said bond trier after shall only be payable to the legal holder thereof, or tr legal representative of such holder; such bond or bonds sha continue subject to successive transfers in the same manne and with like force and effect, by the person thus legall holding the same ; and the holder of such bond may stam print, or write on the coupons thereof, " Endorsed," and sue stamping, printing, or writing on the face and coupons of sue bond shall be notice that they are no longer payable to beare but to the endorsed holder or order or the legal represen atives thereof, unless the last endorsement shall be to beare when they shall be payable as other coupon bonds, to beare SEC. 4. Registrations made, or to be made, of such bone in the manner herein provided, or in such other manner i may have been adopted between the makers and holde: thereof, shall be valid ; and the provisions of this act shall n< be construed as repealing special enactments in regard to tf transfer of bonds of any corporation, nor shall the transfer < any bond or bonds in the manner herein provided impair an security or the lien of any mortgage which may have bee given to secure the payment thereof, or the rights, duties, an powers of any trustee in relation thereto. AN ACT AUTHORIZING DIRECTORS OF RAILROAD CON PANIES TO ELECT VICE-PRESIDENTS. Approved $th June, i8?j. (P. L., 1874, page 331.*) SECTION i. That it shall be lawful for the directors of an railroad company incorporated by the laws of this Commoi wealth to elect from among their number a vice-president ( vice-presidents and prescribe their duties. 211 A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGU- LATING LATERAL RAILROADS," APPROVED THE FIFTH DAY OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO, IN THE COUNTY OF ARMSTRONG. Approved 6th June, 1873. (f- > f ^74t P a S e 4*7') SECTION i. That the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement shall be extended to embrace owners of furnaces and all kinds of manufacture of iron, so that such owners may erect lateral railroads from their works to their mines, in the same manner as if they were connecting their mines with a railroad. SEC. 2. That the provisions of said act shall also apply to navigable streams, so that owners of land may construct lateral roads from their mines to all navigable streams under the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall only apply to the county of Armstrong. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE MARRIED WOMEN OWNING LOANS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH OR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, OR CAPITAL STOCK OF ANY CORPORA- TION OF THIS COMMONWEALTH, TO SELL AND TRANS- FER THE SAME. Approved ist April, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 49.} SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any married woman owning any of the loans of this Commonwealth or of the city of Philadelphia, or any share or shares of the capital stock of any corporation created by or under the laws of this Commonwealth, to sell and transfer the same with like effect as if she were unmarried. 212 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANNER OF INCREASINC THE CAPITAL STOCK AND INDEBTEDNESS OF COR PORATIONS. Approved i8th April, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 61.) SECTION I. That the capital stock or indebtedness of an; corporation may be increased from time to time by the con sent of the persons or bodies corporate holding the large amount in value of the stock of such company, to such amoun as such corporation is by law authorized to increase its capita stock or indebtedness: Provided, That no corporation sha increase the amount of its indebtedness beyond the amour of its capital stock subscribed until the amount of its capita stock subscribed shall be fully paid in. SEC. 2. That any corporation desirous of increasing it capital stock or indebtedness as provided by this act shall, b a resolution of its board of directors, call a meeting of it stockholders therefor, which meeting shall be held at its chit office or place of business in this Commonwealth, and notic of the time, place, and object of said meeting shall be publishe once a week for sixty days prior to such meeting in at lea.' one newspaper published in the county, city, or boroug wherein such office or place of business is situate. SEC. 3. At the meeting called pursuant to the second sectio of this act, an election of the stockholders of such corpo] ation shall be taken for or against such increase, which sha be conducted by three judges, stockholders of said corporatioi appointed by the board of directors to hold said electioi and if one or more of said judges be absent, the judge c judges present shall appoint a judge or judges who shall a< in the place of the judge or judges absent, and who shall r< spectively take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before a officer authorized by law to administer the same, well an truly and according to law to conduct such elections to th best of their ability; and the said judges shall decide upon th qualification of voters, and when the election is closed coui the number of shares voted for and against such increase, an declare whether the persons or bodies corporate holding tt 213 larger amount of the stock of such corporation have con- sented to such increase or refused to consent thereto, and shall make out duplicate returns of said election, stating the number of shares of stock that voted for such increase and the number that voted against such increase, and subscribe and deliver the same to one of the chief officers of said company. SEC. 4. Each ballot shall have endorsed thereon the number of shares thereby represented, but no share or shares trans- ferred within sixty days shall entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote at such election or meeting, nor shall any proxy be received or entitle the holder to vote Xmless the same shall bear date and have been executed within three months next preceding such election or meeting; and it shall be the duty of such corporation to furnish the judges at said meeting with a statement of the amount of its capital stock, with the names of persons or bodies corporate holding the same, and number of shares by each respectively held, which statement shall be signed by one of the chief officers of such corporation, with an affidavit thereto annexed that the same is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. SEC. 5. That it shall be the duty of such corporation, if consent is given to such increase, to file in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, within thirty days after such election or meeting, one of the copies of the return of such election provided for by the third section of this act, with a copy of the resolution and notice calling the same thereto annexed, and upon the increase of the capital stock or indebt- ness of such corporation, made pursuant thereto, it shall be the duty of the president or treasurer of such corporation, within thirty days thereafter, to make a return to the secre- tary of the Commonwealth, under oath, of the amount of such increase, and in case of neglect or omission so to do such cor- poration shall be subject to a penalty of five thousand dollars, which penalty shall be collected on an account settled by the auditor-general and State treasurer as accounts for taxes due the Commonwealth are settled and collected. And the secre- tary of the Commonwealth shall cause said return to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and furnish a certi- fied copy of the same to the auditor-general. 214 SEC. 6. That every corporation shall within sixty days, when requested by the auditor-general, render to him a report under the oath of its president or treasurer, of the amount oi capital stock or bond indebtedness issued pursuant to the provisions of this act, showing, in case ' of stock, to whom issued and the price or consideration received therefor, amount received, and from whom in money, in labor, and in other property, and, if so requested, a detailed statement of the character, value, and situation of the property so received, and in case of refusal or neglect so to do, shall be subject to a penalty of five thousand dollars for each and every thirty days thereafter such corporation shall refuse or neglect to make such report, which penalty or penalties shall be collected on an account or accounts settled from time to time by the auditor-general and State treasurer as accounts for taxes due the Commonwealth are settled and collected. SEC. 7. That every company, except railroad, canal, turn- pike, bridge, or cemetery companies, and companies incor- porated for literary, charitable, or religious purposes, which shall increase its capital stock under the provisions of this act, shall pay to the State treasurer, for the use of the Common- wealth, a bonus of one-quarter of one per centum upon the amount of said increase, in two installments, the first to be due upon the filing of the certificate required by the preceding section of this act to be filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, and the second installment one year thereafter : Provided, That nothing in this act shall be con- strued to reduce the amount of bonus to be paid by any company having in its charter a special provision requiring the payment of a bonus at a higher rate than one-quarter of one per centum. SEC. 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 215 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE OFFICERS OF DISSOLVED COR- PORATIONS TO CONVEY REAL ESTATE HELD BY SUCH CORPORATIONS. Approved zoth April, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page fso.) SECTION I. That whensoever it has occurred or shall happen that any corporation has been or shall be dissolved, owning lands or other real estate in this Commonwealth at the time of dissolution, whether by decree of court or expiration of time or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the officers last in office, if in life, or any trustee to be appointed for the purpose by the court of common pleas of the county where the real estate is or shall be located, on the petition to such court by majority in amount and value of all the shareholders or corpo- rators, and upon giving security in double the probable value of the real estate to be sold, (said security to be approved by the court), together with such notice as the said court may require to be given to all not represented by petition or answer, by actual service or advertisement, to make conveyance of such real estate in absolute fee simple, under such decree as the said court may make for the sale, either public or private ; and the proceeds of sale shall be applied or distributed by the party or parties so making sale, as part of the effects of the defunct corporation, to creditors or shareholders, as the said court may adjudge them to be entitled. And if such corpo- ration had made sale of real estate and had not conveyed the same, such court may decree conveyance in specific execution of such contract in manner aforesaid. AN ACT TO PROHIBIT FOREIGN CORPORATIONS FROM DOING BUSINESS IN PENNSYLVANIA WITHOUT KNOWN PLACES OF BUSINESS AND AUTHORIZED AGENTS. Approved 22d April, 1874. ( p - L - l8 74< P a S e IoS -} SECTION I. That from and after the passage of this act no foreign corporation shall do any business in this Common- wealth until said corporation shall have established an office or offices and appoint an agent or agents for the transaction of its business therein. 216 SEC. 2. It shall not be lawful for any such corporation to dc any business in this Commonwealth until it shall have filed ir the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth a statement under the seal of said corporation and signed by the presi- dent or secretary thereof, showing the title and object of saic corporation, the location of its office or offices, and the name or names of its authorized agent or agents therein; and the certificate of the secretary of the Commonwealth, under the seal of the Commonwealth, of the filing of such statement shall be preserved for public inspection by each of said agent 4 in each and every of said offices. SEC. 3. Any person or persons, agent, officer, or employee of any such foreign corporation who shall transact any business within this Commonwealth for any such foreign corporatior without the provisions of this act being complied with shal be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereo shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days and by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or either, at the discretion of the court trying the same. AN ACT FOR THE TAXATION OF CORPORATIONS. Approved 24th April, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 68.} SECTION i. That hereafter no institution or company incor- porated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, general or special, or of any other State and authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, shall go into operation without first having the name of the institution or company, the date oi incorporation, the act of assembly under which incorporated, the place of business, the amount of capital paid in, and the names of the president and treasurer of the same, registered in the office of the auditor-general. And any such institution or company which shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of five hundred dollars, which penalty shall be collected on an account settled by the auditor-general and State treasurer in the same manner as taxes on stock are settled and collected. SEC. 2. That hereafter it shall be the duty of the president or treasurer of every company now or hereafter incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, except banks and saving institutions, and of every company now or hereafter incorporated by any other State and doing business in this Commonwealth, which is taxable under the laws of this State, to make report in writing to the auditor-general annually, in the month of November, stating specifically the amount of capital paid in, the date, amount, and rate per centum of each and every dividend declared by their respective corporations during the year ending with the first Monday of said month; and in all cases where any such company shall fail to make and declare any dividend upon either its common or preferred stock during the year ending as aforesaid, the treasurer and secretary thereof, after being duly sworn or affirmed to do and perform the same with fidelity according to the best of their knowledge and belief, shall, between the first and fifteenth days of November of each year in which no dividend has been declared as aforesaid, estimate and appraise the capital stock of such company upon which no dividend has been made or declared at its value, not less than the average price which said stock sold for during said year, and when the same shall have been so truly estimated and appraised, they shall forthwith forward to the auditor-general a certificate thereof, accompanied by a copy of their said oath or affirmation, by them signed, and attested by the magistrate or other person qualified to administer the same : Provided, That if the auditor- general or State treasurer, or either of them, is not satisfied with the valuation so made and returned, they are hereby authorized and empowered to make a valuation thereof, and to settle an account upon the valuation so by them made^for the taxes, penalties, and interest due Commonwealth thereon; and any corporation dissatisfied with such settlement may appeal therefrom, as is now provided by law for appeals, from the settlement of accounts by the auditor-general and State treasurer. SEC. 3. That if the said officers of any such company or corporation shall neglect or refuse to furnish the auditor- general, on or before the thirty-first day of December in each 218 and every year, with the report aforesaid or the report and appraisement, as the case may be, as required by the second section of this act, it shall be the duty of the accounting officers of the Commonwealth to add ten per centum to the tax of said corporation for each and every year for which such report or report and appraisement were not so furnished, which precentage shall be settled and collected with the said tax in the usual manner of settling accounts and collecting such taxes : Provided, That if said officers of any such company or corpo- ration shall intentionally fail to comply with the provisions of the second section of this act for three successive years, the auditor-general shall report the fact to the governor, who, if he shall be made satisfied such failure was intentional, shall thereupon by proclamation declare the charter of said com- pany or corporation forfeited and its chartered privileges at an end, whereupon the same shall cease, end, and be determined. SEC. 4. That every railroad company, canal company, steam- boat company, slack-water navigation company, transportation company, street passenger railway company, and every other company, now or hereafter incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, or now or hereafter incorporated by any other State and doing business in this Commonwealth, and owning, operating, or leasing to or from another corpo- ration or company any railroad, canal, slack-water navigation, or street passenger railway, or device for the transportation of freight or passengers, or in any way engaged in the transporta- tion of freight or passengers, shall be subject to and pay a tax into the treasury of the Commonwealth, annually, at the rate of nine-tenths of one mill upon its capital stock for each one per cent, of dividend made or declared by such company ; and in case of no dividend being made or declared by such com- pany upon either its common or perferred stock, then six mills upon a true valuation of the capital stock of the same upon which no dividend has been made or declared, made in accordance with the provisions of the third section of this act. SEC. 5. That every company whatever now or hereafter incorporated under any law of this Commonwealth, or now or hereafter incorporated by any other State and doing business in this Commonwealth, except those upon which a tax is 2I 9 imposed by the fourth section of this act, and excepting also banks and savings institutions, building associations, and foreign insurance companies licensed in pursuance of the general acts in relation thereto, shall be subject to and pay a tax into the treasury of the Commonwealth, annually, at the rate of one- half mill upon its capital stock for each one per cent, of dividend made or declared by such company; and in case of no dividend being made or declared by such company upon either its common or preferred stock, then three mills upon a true valuation of the capital stock of the same upon which no dividend has been made or declared, made in accordance with the provisions of the third section of this act. SEC. 6. That it shall be the duty of the treasurer or other officer having charge of any company upon which a tax is imposed by either of the fourth or fifth sections of this act to transmit the amount .of said tax to the treasury of the Commonwealth within fifteen days from the thirty-first day of December in each and every year; and if any company shall neglect or refuse to pay the tax hereinbefore required to be paid, the directors, managers, or treasurer thereof for the time being shall be jointly and severally liable in their individual capacity for the payment thereof, and the same may be sued for and recovered, under the direction of the State treasurer, as other debts of like amount due the Common- wealth are recoverable : Provided, That the remedy against the directors, managers, or treasurer in their individual capacity shall not prevent the Commonwealth from proceeding against the corporation by any process provided by law. SEC. 7. That every company incorporated or organized by or under any law of this Commonwealth, or incorporated or organized by or under any law of any other State and doing business in this Commonwealth, which possesses the corporate right or privilege to mine or to purchase and sell coal, shall, semi-annually, upon the first days of July and January in each and every year, make report, under oath or affirmation, to the auditor-general of the number of tons of coal mined during the six months preceding the said first day of July and January by such company, and also of the num- ber of tons of coal that shall be mined by any incorporated 220 association, partnership, or individual under any lease, con- tract, grant, or mining privilege, upon the property of which the company making such report is the owner or lessee or has any mining or coal privilege or interest therein, and also of the number of tons not mined as aforesaid which shall have been purchased during the same period by the said company, and shall pay into the treasury of the Common- wealth an additional tax upon its corporate franchises created by or used within this Commonwealth, at the rate of three cents upon each and every ton of two thousand two hundred and forty pounds of coal so mined or purchased as aforesaid : Provid-ed y That the amount of coal consumed in the trans- action of its business by any such company shall not be included in its return : And provided further, That said tax shall not be payable more than once in respect of the same ton of coal : And provided also, That if any such company shall neglect or refuse for a period of thirty days after such tax becomes due to make said return or to pay the same, the amount thereof, with an addition of ten per centum thereto, shall be collected for the use of the Commonwealth as other taxes are recoverable by law from said companies. SEC. 8. That the taxes imposed by the fourth section of this act, and the revenues derived therefrom, shall be* assigned to the sinking fund of this Commonwealth, and all other taxes imposed by this act, and the revenues derived therefrom, shall be applicable to the payment of the ordinary and current expenses of the government. SEC. 9. That the auditor-general and State treasurer, or any agent appointed by them or either of them, are hereby authorized to examine the books and papers of any corpora- tion, institution, or company, to verify the accuracy of any return made under the provisions of this or any other act of assembly. SEC. 10. That in the settlement by the auditor-general and State treasurer of all accounts for taxes due the Common- wealth, they shall charge interest upon the balance or balances found due the Commonwealth at the rate of twelve per centum per annum, from the time said balances became due and payable to the time of the settlement of the same, and all 221 balances due the Commonwealth on accounts settled by the auditor-general and State treasurer shall bear interest from sixty days after the date of settlement at the rate of twelve per centum per annum until the same are paid, and any judg- ment recovered thereon shall bear interest at the rate of twelve per centum per annum until paid, and the payment of interest as aforesaid shall not relieve any corporation from any of the penalties or commissions prescribed by law for neglect or refusal to furnish reports to the auditor-general or to pay any claim due to the Commonwealth from such corporation. SEC. 1 1. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith, and the first, second, third, fourth, seventh, eighth, and ninth sections of an act entitled "An act to revise, amend, and consolidate the several laws taxing corporations, brokers, and bankers," approved -the first day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and the fourth section of an act entitled "An act relating to the revenues of the Commonwealth," approved the twenty-first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, be and the same are hereby repealed; saving, reserving, and excepting unto the Commonwealth the right to collect any taxes accrued or accruing under any of said sections or acts prior to the repeal of the same : Provided, however, The repeal of the aforesaid first, second, third, fourth, seventh, eighth, and ninth sections of the act entitled "An act to revise, amend, and consolidate the several laws taxing corporations, brokers, and bankers," approved the first day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and the repeal of the aforesaid fourth section of an act entitled "An act relating to the revenues of the Commonwealth," approved the twenty-first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, shall not have the effect of reimposing any tax heretofore repealed by any of said sections : Provided further, That on all payments made of taxes accrued under the aforesaid fourth section of the act approved the twenty-first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, entitled "An act relating to the revenues of the Commonwealth," no interest or penalty shall be charged, and an abatement of five per centum shall be 222 allowed when such payment shall be made within thirty days after the date of the approval of this act, and the repeal of the said fourth section mentioned in this proviso shall take'efTect as of the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, reserving, however, unto the Commonwealth the right to collect any and all taxes accruing under said fourth section prior to the date of repeal as aforesaid. AN ACT RELATING TO THE TRANSPORTATION OF EX- PLOSIVE OR DANGEROUS MATERIAL. Approved 6th May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, P a e 121.} SECTION i. That if any person shall knowingly deliver or cause to be delivered to any canal, railroad, steamboat, or other transportation company, or to any person, firm, or corpo- ration engaged in the business of transportation, any nitro- glycerine, dualih, dynamite, gunpowder, mining or blasting powder, gun cotton, phosphorus, or other explosive material adapted for blasting or for any other purpose for which the articles before mentioned, or any of them, may be used, under any false or deceptive invoice or description, or without informing such person, firm, or corporation in writing, at or before the time when such delivery is made, of the true nature of such, and without having the keg, barrel, can, or package containing the same plainly marked with the name of the explosive material therein contained, together with the word " dangerous" article, such person shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to imprisonment for thirty days and to pay a fine of one hun- dred dollars, and shall be responsible for all damages to persons or property directly or indirectly resulting from the explosion or combustion of any such article. SEC. 2. It shall and may be lawful for any officer or agent of any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of transportation, upon affidavit made of the fact that any pack- age tendered for transportation, not in compliance with the provisions of the first section hereof, is believed to contain explosive material such as aforesaid, to require such package 22 3 to be opened, and to refuse to receive any such package unless such requirement be complied with ; and if such package be opened and found to contain any explosive material, the said package and its contents shall be forthwith removed to any lawful place for the storing of gunpowder ; and, after convic- tion of the offender, or after three months from such removal, the said package, with its contents, shall be sold at public sale, after the expiration of ten days from notice of the time and place of such sale published in one newspaper in the county where such seizure shall have been made ; and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting therefrom the expenses of removal, storage, advertisement, and sale, shall be paid into the treasury of the said county. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PRO- TECTION OF THE WAGES OF MECHANICS, MINERS, LABORERS, AND OTHERS, APPROVED THE NINTH DAY OF APRIL, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- DRED AND SEVENTY-TWO. Approved 8th May, 1874. ( p - L ~> l8 74> P a S e I2O >} SECTION i. That the proviso to the fourth section of an act entitled " An act for the better protection of the wages of me- chanics, miners, laborers, and others, approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two," shall not hereafter be so construed as to in any manner apply to coal-lease mortgage or mortgages, or to make the same a lien preferred to the lien of the wages of labor mentioned in said act, but that such claim of wages shall be a lien preferred thereto. SEC. 2. That the last proviso of the first section of said act, which is as follows : " No such claim shall be a lien upon any real estate unless the same be filed in the prothonotary's office of the county in which such real estate is situated, within three months after the same becomes due and owing, in the same manner as mechanics' liens are now filed," be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 224 AN ACT RELATIVE TO SERVICE OF PROCESS UPON THE STOCKHOLDERS OF CORPORATIONS IN ACTIONS BROUGHT TO CHARGE THE STOCKHOLDERS FOR DEBTS OF THE CORPORATION OR FOR UNPAID INSTALLMENTS UPON THEIR STOCK. Approved ijth May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 146.) SECTION i. That in all actions or proceedings now or here- after brought or instituted in any county within this Common- wealth to charge the stockholders of .any corporation with any of the debts of such corporation or to enforce payment of installments due upon stock, service of summons or other process may be made upon the stockholders resident within such county in the same manner as writs of summons are now directed to be served, and upon those residing in other counties of this Commonwealth by the sheriff of the county in which they may respectively reside, and upon those non- residents of this Commonwealth by publication for four successive publications in a newspaper published within the county where such action or proceeding is brought or insti- tuted and also in the State in which such non-residents may reside, as the court from which such action or proceedings shall issue may direct, and a copy of such publication shall be mailed to the post-office address of such non-resident stock- holders, if such address can be ascertained. AN ACT TO ENFORCE THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE SEVENTEENTH ARTICLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS COMMONWEALTH, PROVIDING THAT NO PRESI- DENT, DIRECTOR, AGENT, OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY RAIL- ROAD OR CANAL COMPANY SHALL BE INTERESTED IN THE FURNISHING OF MATERIAL OR SUPPLIES TO SUCH COMPANY OR IN THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPOR- TATION AS A COMMON CARRIER OF FREIGHT OR PAS- SENGERS OVER THE WORKS OWNED, LEASED, CON- TROLLED, OR WORKED BY SUCH COMPANY. Approved i$th May, 1874. (P. Z,., 1874, page 178.) SECTION i. That no president, director, officer, agent, or employee of any railroad or canal company of this Common- wealth shall hereafter be interested in any contract for the 225 furnishing of materials or supplies to any such railroad or canal company, and it shall not be lawful for such president, director, officer, agent, or employee to institute or maintain any action at law or suit in equity to recover under such con- tract for his or their interest therein : Provided, however, That all rights under bona fide contracts made prior to the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, shall not be in anywise thereby affected. SEC. 2. No president, director, officer, agent, or employee of any railroad company or canal company of this Common- wealth shall hereafter be engaged in the business of trans- portation as a common carrier of freight by any express or other freight line, or in the transportation of passengers by any sleeping or parlor car or other line, over the works owned, leased, controlled, or worked by such company, and any profit realized by such president, director, officer, agent, or employee in violation of the provisions of this section shall belong to and be recoverable by such railroad or canal company : Pro- vided, Suit therefor shall be commenced within one year after the discovery of such violation. SEC. 3. Nothing, however, in this act contained shall prevent any president, director, officer, agent, or employee from being a shareholder in any incorporated or joint stock company or association : Provided, however, That no director interested as a shareholder as aforesaid shall vote upon any contract for furnishing material or supplies to be entered into with any other incorporated or joint stock company or association in which he is likewise interested as a shareholder, and no con- tract shall be made by any officers, agent, or employee for furnishing material or supplies with any incorporated or joint stock company or association in which such officer, agent, or employee is likewise interested as a shareholder, unless in pursuance of an order of the board of directors or of a proper disinterested superior officer of such railroad or canal com- pany. Any violation of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. SEC. 4. This act to take effect January first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. 226 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADJUSTMENT, SETTLE- MENT AND COLLECTION OF COMPENSATION FROM RAILROAD COMPANIES FOR RAILROADS LOCATED OR THAT MAY BE LOCATED ON COUNTY BRIDGES, AND TO EMPOWER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO MAKE CON- TRACTS RELATING THERETO. Approved isth May, 1874, (P. L., 1874, page 185.} SECTION I. That any railroad company which has hereto- fore located or may hereafter locate its railroad upon any county bridge in this Commonwealth is hereby authorized to contract and agree with the commissioners of said county for the use, purchase, removal, replacing, or exchange of such bridge, or for the compensation proper to be paid to said county by said company for the use and occupancy of said bridge or such parts thereof as may be used and occupied by said railroad company, and for that purpose the said com- missioners are hereby authorized and empowered to contract and agree with said company, and empowered to do all such acts as may be necessary and proper to effectually carry out such contract; and any such contracts and agreements made by any county commissioners, and all rights, property, and privileges granted thereby to any railroad company, are hereby fully approved, ratified, and confirmed. SEC. 2. That all moneys due or hereafter becoming due, and all obligations that have been heretofore or hereafter may be incurred by said companies, under said agreements and contracts heretofore made or hereafter to be made, may be collected and enforced in the same manner as debts of like amount are now recovered in this Commonwealth. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF LETTERS PATENT TO CERTAIN CORPORATIONS. Approved i^th May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, pages 186.) SEC. i. That upon the application of the president and secretary of any corporation heretofore or hereafter created under any general or special law of this Commonwealth, ac- companied by due proof that said corporation has complied 22 7 with all the conditions provided by law and the Constitution to enable it to have a corporate existence and transact business, it shall be lawful for the governor to issue letters patent, under the great seal of the Commonweaith, in such form as he may prescribe, to such corporation, declaring it to be and erecting it into a body corporate or politic in deed and in law. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE CORPORATIONS TO INCREASE THE SECURITY OF THEIR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Approved r^th May, 1874. (** *874> page fS6.) SECTION i. That it shall and may be lawful for any corpora- tion existing by or under the authority of any law of this Commonwealth which shall have mortgaged any part of its estate, corporate property, and, franchises for the security of all or any portion of its bonded indebtedness, to mortgage its remaining estate, corporate property, and franchises, or any part of the same, as a further and additional security for the same bonded indebtedness : Provided, however, That no lien then existing upon such remaining estate, property, and franchises shall be thereby impaired or affected. AN ACT RELATIVE TO FORFEITURES OF CHARTERS OR GRANTS OF SPECIAL OR EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES TO RAILROAD, TURNPIKE, AND PLANK ROAD CORPORA- TIONS. Approved isth May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 188.) SECTION I. That railroad corporations heretofore chartered by the legislature subject to the provisions of the general rail- road act, approved the nineteenth day of February, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the several supplements thereto, and all turnpike and plank road companies, duly incor- porated and under which a bona fide organization has been made and business commenced in good faith and an expenditure of at least five thousand dollars has been made for construction, 228 but whose charters or grants of special or exclusive privileges may have been forfeited or may hereafter be subject to forfeit- ure by limitation by reason of the limitation of time fixed in such charters or grants of privileges, such forfeiture or limita- tion fixed for completion shall be remitted or extended, and shall be held and taken to be remitted or extended, if such corporations so organized as aforesaid shall, within one year from the passage of this act or within one year from the expiration of the time limited for completion, elect to pros- ecute to completion the public works which were originally authorized to be constructed by their charters as aforesaid, and shall at the time of such election consent, in such a manner as shall be prescribed by law, to such charters or grants of special or exclusive privileges, to the provisions of the Constitution of this Commonwealth : Provided, That all such public works shall be prosecuted to completion within five years from the date of the election aforesaid. SEC. 2. The board of directors of any such corporations shall, by resolution, elect to prosecute the public works authorized to be constructed by their charters, and shall cause the same to be recorded on the minutes of the board, and a copy of the same, duly certified, shall be attached to and, with the instrument by which consent is given to subject such charters to the provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth, be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. AN ACT REQUIRING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, RAILROAD AND OTHER CORPORATIONS TO MAKE ANNUAL RE- PORTS TO THE SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS IN LIEU OF SIMILAR REPORTS HERETOFORE MADE TO THE AUDITOR-GENERAL. Approved i$th May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, P a e *93-} SECTION i. That the county commissioners of each county of the State, including the board of revision of the city o) Philadelphia, shall, upon the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and upon the same day 22 9 annually thereafter, make out in tabular form, by assessment districts, a full statement of all property taxable for county purposes, showing the real and personal in separate columns, the amount of tax assessed for county purposes, and also the debt of said county ; the same to be enclosed by mail to the secretary of internal affairs at Harrisburg; and in case of refusal or neglect to make such returns, the same may be enforced by mandamus. SEC. 2. The secretary of internal affairs, in lieu of the auditor-general, shall, after the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, transmit to the railroad and other corporations named in the act of fourth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and also in the act of ninth April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, the blanks required, and upon the reception of such returns he shall arrange the same for publication ; and in case of neglect or refusal to make such returns each of such corporations thus refusing shall be subject to the penalties in said acts. SEC. 3. That hereafter the secretary of internal affairs, in lieu of the auditor-general, shall send out the blanks required by the act of May ninth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, entitled " An act for the collection of mineral statistics," and said secretary shall do and perform all the duties enjoined in said act in regard to the collecting, com- piling, and publishing a report of the same number of copies ordered to be published by the auditor-general. SEC. 4. Until the secretary of internal affairs shall be duly qualified, the returns required by the provisions of the first and third sections of this act shall be made to and the duties thereby imposed performed by the chief of the bureau of statistics. AN ACT TO FACILITATE THE TRANSFER OF STOCKS AND LOANS. Approved 2jcf May, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 222.) SECTION i. That all certificates of stocks and loans which have been or may hereafter be issued by this Commonwealth 230 or by any municipal or other corporation shall be transferable by the legal owner thereof, without any liability on the part of the transfer agents of the Commonwealth or the municipal or other corporation permitting such transfers to recognize or see to the execution of any trust, whether expressed, implied, or constructive, to which such stocks or loans may be subject, unless when such transfer agents of the Commonwealth or officers of such municipal or other corporation charged with the duty of permitting such transfer to be made shall have previously received actual notice in writing, signed by or on behalf of the person or persons for whom such stocks or loans appear by the certificate thereof to be held in trust, that the proposed transfer would be a violation of such trust. AN ACT TO ENABLE RAILROADS, CANALS, OR OTHER TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES TO ACCEPT OF THE TERMS OF THE SEVENTEENTH ARTICLE OF THE CONSTITUTION, ADOPTED THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE. Approved $th June, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 275.) SECTION I. That it shall be the duty of the board of directors of any railroad, canal, or other transportation com- pany in existence on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, desiring to accept of the provisions of the seventeenth article of the Constitution of the State, adopted on the sixteenth day of December, one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-three, to file in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate in writing, signed by the president and secretary and attested by the corporate seal of the company, stating that at a regular or special meeting of said board of directors a resolution, in pursuance of the consent of the stockholders, was adopted, accepting of all the provisions of said article, and all the powers and privileges and limitations and restrictions mentioned there- in shall be deemed and taken for all purposes to apply to said 231 corporation. The said certificate shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth in a suitable book to be by him kept for that purpose. SEC. 2. No such certificate shall be made by the officers aforesaid without the consent of the stockholders of the corporation, to be obtained by an election to be held in the same manner as prescribed by law for increasing the capital stock of a corporation. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE FORMATION AND REGULATION OF RAILROAD CORPORATIONS." Approved 8th June, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 2 77-} SECTION I. That from and after the passage of this act articles of association, authorized by an act entitled "An act to authorize the formation and regulation of railroad corpora- tions," approved April fourth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, may be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth when five thousand dollars of stock for every mile of railroad proposed to be made is subscribed and ten per centum paid thereon in good faith, in cash, to the director named in said articles of association. SEC. 2. Section fifth of the act to which this is a supplement is hereby amended so as to allow each company organized under said act one year to complete their road for each twenty-five miles more than the fifty miles required to be finished within two years, as provided in said section. SEC. 3. On filing of the articles of association provided in this act aforesaid and the act to which this is a supplement, the governor shall issue his letters patent creating the associa- tion aforesaid a body corporate, with power to use and enjoy all the powers and privileges conferred by the act aforesaid and the several supplements thereto. SEC. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 232 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTIES, CITIES, TOWNS, OR TOWNSHIPS OF THIS STATE, RESPECTIVELY, TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH RAILROAD COMPANIES WHOSE ROADS ENTER THEIR LIMITS, WHEREBY SAID COMPANIES MAY RELOCATE, CHANGE, OR ELEVATE THEIR RAILROADS. Approved yth June t 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 282.) SECTION i. That the proper authorities of any county, city, town, or township of this State, respectively, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts with any of the railroad companies whose roads enter their limits respectively, whereby the said railroad companies may relocate, change, or elevate their railroads within said limits, or either of them, in such manner as in the judgment of such authorities respectively may be best adapted to secure the safety of lives and property and promote the interest of said county, city, town, or township, and for that purpose the said authorities shall have power to do all such acts as may be necessary and proper to effectually carry out such contracts ; and any such contracts made by any railroad company or companies as aforesaid with said authorities, or either of them, are hereby fully ratified and confirmed : Provided, That nothing in this proviso contained shall affect any contract made or hereafter to be made with any railroad company from apportioning the expenses of altering and adjusting the grades of existing railroads and intersecting streets in any city or borough so as to dispense with grade crossings. AN ACT FOR FURTHER REGULATION OF APPEALS FROM ASSESSMENTS OF DAMAGES TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY TAKEN FOR PUBLIC USE. Approved ijth June, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 283.) SECTION i. That in all cases of damages assessed against any municipal or other corporation or individual or indi- viduals invested with the privilege of taking private property for public use, for property taken, injured, or destroyed by the construction or enlargement of their works, highways, or 233 improvements, whether such assessment shall have been made by viewers or otherwise than upon a trial in court, and an appeal is not provided for or regulated by existing laws, an appeal may be taken by either party to the court of common pleas of the proper county within thirty days from the ascer- tainment of the damages or the filing a report thereof in court pursuant to any general or special act, and not after- wards. SEC. 2. Any appeal taken pursuant to this act shall be signed by the party or parties taking the same or by his or their agent or attorney, and shall be accompanied by an affi- davit of the party appellant or of his or their agent or attorney, that the same is not taken for the purpose of delay, but because the affiant firmly believes that injustice has been done. SEC. 3. That any party entitled to an appeal under the eighth section of the sixteenth article of the Constitution, or who would be entitled to an appeal in any future case under this act under the same circumstances, shall have the right to to take an appeal from any assessment of damages, or reassess- ment or ascertainment thereof as aforesaid, made or filed on or after the first day of January of the present year and before the passage of this act ; but such appeal shall be taken within thirty days after the passage of this act, and in conformity with the second section thereof. AN ACT REQUIRING EVERY RAILROAD OR CANAL COR- PORATION ORGANIZED IN THIS STATE TO MAINTAIN AN OFFICE THEREIN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF ITS BUSINESS. Approved 1 4th June, 1874. (P. L., 1874, page 289.) SECTION i. That every railroad or canal corporation organ- ized in this State shall maintain an office therein for the transaction of its business, where transfers of its stock shall be made and books kept for the inspection by any stock or bondholder or any other person having any pecuniary interest in such corporation, in which shall be recorded the 234 amount of capital stock subscribed or paid in and by whom, the names of the owners of its stock and the amounts owned by them respectively, the transfers of said stock, and the names and places of residence of its officers. AN ACT TO CARRY INTO EFFECT SECTION EIGHT OF ARTICLE SEVENTEEN OF THE CONSTITUTION, IN RE- LATION TO GRANTING FREE PASSES OR PASSES AT A DISCOUNT BY RAILROAD OR OTHER TRANSPORTA- TION COMPANIES. Approved 1 4th June, 1874. (^ L., 1874, page 2 ^9-) SECTION I . That no railroad, railway, or other transportation company having accepted the provisions of the seventeenth article of the Constitution, or hereafter organized, shall grant free passes or passes at a discount to any person, except to an officer or employee of the company issuing the same, and any person signing or issuing any such free passes or passes at a discount, except to officers or employees as aforesaid, shall be subject to pay a fine to the Commonwealth not exceeding one hundred dollars : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be held to prevent the use of passes granted previous to the adoption of the present Constitution, the limited time whereof has not expired, nor to prevent the use of passes granted for a valuable consideration under contracts made between corporations and individuals or between one cor- poration and another. AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF RAILROADS AUTHORIZED TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY RAILROAD OR RAILWAY CORPORATIONS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH UNDER ANY GENERAL LAW. Approved i-jth March, 1875. (P. L., 1875, page 7.) SECTION i. Be it enacted, c. t That the time for completing all railroads in this Commonwealth, commenced by railroad 235 or railway companies incorporated under or in pursuance of any general law of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby extended for the further period of five years from and after the time limited for the completion of the same by any general law under and by virtue of which any such corpora- tion may have been incorporated : Provided, Any railroad or railway company enjoying the benefits and privileges of this act shall hereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of the Constitution of this Commonwealth. A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE FORMA- TION AND REGULATION OF RAILROAD CORPORATIONS, APPROVED APRIL FOUR, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT. Approved i8th March, 1875. (P. L., 1875, page 28.) SECTION i. Be it enacted, c., That whenever, under the the provisions of the act approved the fourth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, entitled "An act to authorize the formation and regulation of railroad companies," any number of citizens of Pennsylvania, not less than nine, may be desirous of forming a company for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a railroad, having a gauge not exceeding three feet, for public use in the conveyance of persons and property, they may state in the articles of association which they are required to make and sign the capital stock of the company at six thou- sand dollars, or any greater amount, for every mile of road proposed to be constructed; and that said articles of associa- tion may be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth when three thousand dollars of stock for every mile of railroad proposed to be made is subscribed, and ten per centum paid thereon in good faith and in cash to the directors named in said articles of association. 2 3 6 A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RELA- TIVE TO FORFEITURE OF CHARTERS OR GRANTS OF SPECIAL OR EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES TO RAILROAD, TURNPIKE, AND PLANK ROAD CORPORATIONS," AP- PROVED MAY FIFTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR, PRESCRIBING THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID CORPORATIONS SHALL CON- SENT TO HOLD THEIR CHARTERS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION ADOPTED DECEM- BER SIXTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE. Approved ^oth March, 1875. (P. L., 1875, page 37.} SECTION i. Be it enacted, $c. y That the stockholders of any railroad corporation, turnpike, or plank road company men- tioned in the act of assembly entitled "An act relative to forfeitures of charters or grants of special or exclusive privi- leges to railroad, turnpike, and plank road corporations," approved May fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, shall, in order to obtain the benefit of said act of assembly, consent, at a special meeting to be called in accordance with its charter and by-laws, to accept the Con- stitution of the State adopted December sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and to thereafter hold its charter subject to all the provisions thereof, and shall cause an instrument in writing, under the seal of the company, and signed by the president and secretary, testifying to its consent as aforesaid, to be filed and recorded in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. SEC. 2. The action of the stockholders of any railroad company under this act shall be taken to be of the same force and effect, for the purpose of also accepting the terms of the seventeenth article of the said Constitution, as the action of the directors of such company prescribed in the act of assembly entitled "An act to enable railroads, canals, or other transportation companies to accept the terms of the seven- teenth article of the Constitution adopted the sixteenth day of December, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three," approved June fifth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. INDEX. PAGE ABANDONMENT. Petitioners for lateral railroad may abandon, after report of viewers or after verdict of jury, on payment of costs 5 petitioners for lateral railroad may abandon before ground broken and within two years of confirmation of right of way, on payment of costs 167 roads decayed, out of repair, and unused for more than five years shall be deemed to be abandoned 183 ACCEPTANCE of provisions of act 4th April, 1868, defining liabilities of common carriers for injury and death 146 of provisions of act i-jth March, 1869, authorizing increase in number of directors, &c... 165 of provisions of act agth December, 1869, authorizing increase of bonded debt and stock.. 174 of provisions of Constitution of 1874 on remission of forfeiture of charters 227 of provisions of Constitution of 1874, act to enable companies to accept seventeenth article 230 of provisions of Constitution of 1874 to extend time for completion five years 234 of provisions of Constitution of 1874 to obtain benefit of act May isth, 1874, to remit forfeiture 236 ACCOUNTS. In settlement of accounts, auditor-general to charge interest on balances and interest on settlements 162 auditor-general, treasurer, and attorney -general to revise settlements erroneously or illegally made, and to charge or credit the differences 167 to be made and stock valued by auditor-general when not made and valued by corpora- tions 217, 220 ACKNOWLEDGMENT of deeds, mortgages, rations and informally executed, validated and other instruments, by officers of corpo- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Provision of act 226 April, 1863, extended to all deeds, mort- gages, and instruments informally executed by corporations since passage 171 ACTIONS for penalties under lateral railroad act of 1832 to be brought within twelve months 9 for damages under act 22d March, 1817, when process served on toll-gatherer, notice must be given the company defendant 10 pending or thereafter brought may be removed to adjacent county through which rail- road is not located 10 for damages service may be made on president or other principal officer, cashier, treas- . urer, secretary, or chief clerk; if officers not found in county where injury committed, summons may be served on any officer or agent, at any office or place of business within the county, and if no such office or place of business, then in any county 13 removed to adjacent county costs shall be paid by the county in which suit originated 15 brought on contracts and removed under act i4th April, 1834, to be returned to court where they originated ao brought in county where property of company situate, may be served on manager or director, if president, treasurer, &c. not in county ax to determine whether any landing sufficient to accommodate the trade of lateral railroad besides the trade of owner 23 against defaulting officers for not paying over moneys, and against their sureties 27 against defaulting officers declaration to be filed with prcecipe and judgment by pro- thonotary, &c 28 by attachment and scire facias and levy, to secure stock deposits and debts, extended to corporations 25 by contractors, laborers, and workmen vs. railroad companies arbitrators may require production of books and papers 29 (237) 2 3 8 PAGE ACTIONS may be brought in any county where works of company located, when principal office, president, &c. are located out of the State 35 under general law of 1849, process may be served on president, secretary, treasurer, engineer, or any agent or director 48 under act 27th March, 1713, not to be brought against corporations suspended, made assignment, or ceased operations 65 against corporations having an agency in any county writ may be served on president, cashier, agent, clerk, directors, or agent of such company within such county 68 for penalty for obstructing crossings process may be served on any agent or employee.. 68 for injuries resulting in death, may be brought or prosecuted by widow or personal repre- sentatives of deceased 70 of ejectment may be brought in county where land lies, and writ served on person having charge of land 73 attachment shall not bind carrier when goods are in transitu and beyond limits of Com- monwealth , 78- for damages for injuries resulting in death persons to recover shall be husband, widow, children, or parents of deceased ; action must be brought within one year 79 in county in which property of corporation is situate ; if president, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk not found in such county, sheriff may serve writ on manager or director in county; if no manager or director, then sheriff may go into any county and serve... 85 for damages under act 26th April, 1855, may be brought within year of cases accruing after passage of that act 87 under act i4th April, 1834, shall extend to assessment of damages as well as any other cause 96 by Commonwealth, under fourth section act 2ist April, 1846, construed to require affidavit of defense 104 against non-resident corporations, may be brought in any county where business trans- acted or works or property located, and service of writ made by publication 105 to compel payment of subscriptions to stock after charter revoked no judgment or decree to be entered against defendant 109. for damages for right of way under general law of 1849, to be brought within five years after land entered on or within three years after road in operation 134 to recover interest on bonds the validity of which has been established defendant to pay counsel fees 134 of debt for recovery of $500 for excluding persons from cars on account of color or race... 136 against stockholders or directors for money or neglect of duty, to be brought within six years of delivery of goods or neglect 137 under act i7th April, 1866, for damages for right of way act not to apply to actions pending at passage 139 on bonds in which counsel fees are to be paid Allegheny county exempted 142 for damages for injury to persons rightfully on road or cars to be same as for employee... 145 for damages for injury or loss of life to be only for pecuniary compensation $5000 death, $3000 injury 145 or proceedings for assessment of damages for right of way shall be held in county where real estate is situate, and laws passed for removal of such proceedings to other counties repealed as to Northumberland county 154 to inquire into neglect or refusal of corporation to comply with terms of incorporation, and forfeiture of privileges 176 in lieu of sequestration under act i6th June, 1836, fieri facias may issue and franchises and property be sold 177 to be commenced by attorney-general against corporations constructing railroad or tele- graph lines without authority 180 or suits, real or personal, by or against any corporation, may be removed to any adjoin- ing county on affidavit made 181. or proceedings to procure right to construct lateral railroad or acquire wharves and landings appeal shall extend to question of damages and to necessity of such road, wharf, or landing 182 meaning of act 3d May, 1866, for payment of counsel fees, declared to be that such fees shall only be paid where validity of bonds has been tested and established 183 in which it is alleged private rights or franchises of corporation are invaded duty of court to inquire whether such corporation does in fact possess such franchise 190 239 PAGE ACTIONS relating to crossing of lines by other railroads duty of court to decree which mode of crossing will inflict the least injury, and prevent crossing at grade 190 removed under act 28th April, 1870 costs of trial shall be paid by the county from which suit was removed 190 removal of, under act 28th April, 1870 Lancaster, Venango, and Berks counties exempt from provisions 192 against stockholders for installments due on stock service of process provided for 224 ADMINISTRATORS, executors, &c. holding Allegheny county bonds issued for subscrip- tion to railroad stock, may exchange same for such stock 94 executors, &c. under foreign authority to be allowed to transfer stock, &c., and receive dividends, &c., upon filing copy or certificate of will or other authority 193 AGENT or employee neglecting to cancel and return tickets or coupons, who shall steal or embezzle or fraudulently stamp, print, sign, or sell or put in circulation any such coupon or ticket, fine not over $1000 and imprisonment not over five years 97 or conductor excluding persons from cars, or occupy any particular part of car, on account of color or race, liable to fine and imprisonment 136 AGENTS obstructing public street or road crossings^ by engines or cars, subject to penalty of $25 26 authorized to sell tickets, to be provided with a certificate of their authority to sell not lawful otherwise in of foreign corporations to be appointed and business office located in State 215 not to be interested in contracts to furnish company with materials or supplies 224 not to be interested in transportation by any line or cars over railroad 224 AGREEMENT of consolidation to be made and filed, under act 24th March, 1865 123 AID TO RAILROADS. Any incorporated company may aid in the construction of lateral railroads from their line, in labor, money, or materials 101 railroad companies may aid companies to develop coal, iron, lumber, or other material interests, by purchase of capital stock and bonds 170 ALIENS. Citizens holding real estate the titles to which have been held by alien or foreign corporations, may hold and convey the same 94 provisions of act gth January, 1861, extended to all sales and conveyances made prior to passage of this act 173 ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Provisions of lateral railroad law and supplement extended to Allegheny and other counties, and to roads under or over surface of land 36 proprietors of lateral railroads in Allegheny county authorized to charge same tolls as charged by railroads throughout Commonwealth, in addition to the tolls now em- powered to receive 69 Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company authorized to sell any bonds held in pay- ment for subscriptions to its stock by counties of Beaver and Allegheny 77 provisions of act 2d March, 1855, extended to all railroad companies to capital stock of which Allegheny county subscribed 77 commissioners of Allegheny county authorized to exchange bonds of county issued for railroad stock for an equal amount of such stock 89 executors, administrators, &c. holding Allegheny county bonds issued for subscription to railroad stock, may exchange same for such stock 94 exempted from provisions of act 3d May, 1866, compelling corporations to pay plaintiff's counsel fees In certain cases 142 AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Private corporations to subscribe for or pur- chase capital stock and bonds of American Steamship Company of Philadelphia 182 APPEAL from report of viewers to common pleas in lateral railroad cases 5 so much of act of 1832 (lateral roads) as prohibits appeal and writ of error repealed 20 bail absolute for costs in appeals from judgment of aldermen, justices, and award of arbitrators 25 act 2oth March, 1845, to extend to all appeals from awards of arbitrators 65 may be made within thirty days in all cases of report of viewers under act of igth February, 1849 81 either party may appeal from report of viewers under act igih February, 1849, section n, 84 defendant may appeal from judgment or award for wages due, on affidavit that appeal is not for delay, &c 108 240 FAGR APPEAL from report of viewers in lateral railroad cases shall extend to necessity for rail- road, wharf, or landing , 182 from settlement of accounts by auditor-general and State treasurer 217 from assessment of damages by viewers regulated, in cases not already provided for 232 ARBITRATION. Arbitrators in suits between contractors, laborers, and workmen and incorporated company to make railroads, &c., may require production of books and papers 29 ARRESTS. Thieves, pickpockets, and burglars found at any railroad depot, &c. in Erie, Corry, Meadville, or Titusville, may be arrested, &c 130 vagrants loitering in or around any railroad depot, &c. in Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Warren counties, to be arrested and subject to vagrant laws 131 persons trespassing or found upon cars, in Berks county, without payment of fare, to be arrested and fined or committed for non-payment 191 act of February 2ist, 1872, relative to trespassing on cars in Berks county, extended to York, Huntingdon, Union, Philadelphia, Westmoreland, Perry, Bucks, Montour, Schuylkill, Delaware 198, 207 ARSON. Any person setting fire to any wooden bridge liable to punishment for arson, and forfeit not over $2000 12 any person setting fire to engine-house, bridge, trestle-work, &c. shall pay the damages caused and be imprisoned 16 ASSIGNMENTS. Corporations may not execute any general or partial assignment, &c., so as to defeat debts, &c. of contractors, laborers, and workmen 22 provisions of act 2jth March, 1713, not to extend to any suit against corporation which has made assignment for benefit of creditors '. 65 in all assignments on account of inability to pay debts, the wages of miners, mechanics, and laborers shall be first paid 75 when any company divest themselves, by assignment or otherwise, contractor, laborer, and workman having judgment may issue scire facias, &c 103 in all assignments on account of inability to pay debts, the wages and salaries of persons employed shall be paid first 106 wages of laborers and others protected and a lien on property assigned, sold, or levied on, 195 ASSOCIATION. Articles of association to be made, executed, &c. under general railroad law of 1868, and filed in office of secretary of State 147 under act 28th April, 1871 lateral railroad by three persons five miles 184 articles under act 4th April, 1868, for narrow gauge railroads 235 ATTACHMENT. So much of act i6th June, 1836, as provides for levy and recovery of stock, &c. by attachment, extended to all attachments against corporations 25 property in the*State, of a company located out of the State, shall be liable to levy and sale, as if located in the State 35 no company transporting goods shall be liable in attachment while goods are in transitu and beyond the Commonwealth 78 ATTORNEY-GENERAL to institute proceedings to ascertain neglect of companies to comply with terms of incorporation, and proceed to forfeiture 176 to institute proceedings against companies having constructed unauthorized lines 180 AUDITOR-GENERAL. Transportation companies to make returns to auditor-general of number of tons carried, &c. (Supplied but not repealed.) 117 companies not to go into operation until name, date, place of business, capital paid in, &c. registered in auditor-general's office 154, 216 companies to make return to auditor-general of capital paid in and dividends declared, and when no dividend, value of stock *55 217 companies not liable to tonnage tax to make report of net earnings or income received from all sources 158 companies transporting freight to return to auditor-general the number of tons of freight carried over, through, or upon their works 158 companies liable to tax on tonnage to make return of the amount of gross receipts from all sources . 159 companies having the right to mine, purchase, and sell anthracite coal, to make return of coal mined and coal purchased 159 companies paying interest to bondholders or other creditors to make report of the entire amount of such interest paid 161 241 PAGB AUDITOR-GENERAL to charge interest on balances due, at twelve per cent, per annum, from time tax due, and interest from sixty days after settlement of account, at twelve percent, per annum 162 and treasurer to appoint agent to examine books and papers to verify returns i6a treasurer, and attorney-general to revise settlements erroneously or illegally made, and to charge or credit the differences 167 to make out blank form of annual reports and mail them to companies, who are required to report on said blanks 178 companies to report to auditor-general quantity of coal and coke and other mineral products received and transported 186 companies to report to auditor-general amount of indebtedness and interest paid 201 companies having the right to mine, purchase, and sell coal, to make return of coal mined and purchased 219 and State treasurer to appoint agent to examine books and papers to verify returns 220 BAGGAGE. Passengers entitled to have carried one hundred pounds weight and $300 value ; companies not to be liable for baggage not placed in baggage car 138 baggage masters and others injuring or destroying baggage, guilty of misdemeanor, and liable to fine not over $100 174 BAIL, in appeals from judgments of justices of peace and from awards of arbitrators, shall be absolute for all costs 25 in appeals from judgments of justices of peace and from awards of arbitrators, shall be absolute for debt, interest, and costs 35 BEAVER COUNTY. Bonds of Beaver county held by Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company may be sold below par, rate to be fixed by commissioners of county 77 BEDFORD COUNTY. Provisions of lateral railroad law and supplement extended to Bedford and other counties, and roads under or over surface 36 in cases of assignments on account of inability to pay debts, wages and salaries of em- ployees to be paid first, before other creditors 108 BERKS COUNTY. Act 22d March, 1871, for determination of rights when highway abandoned, not to extend to Berks county 183 trespassing on cars in Berks county and riding without payment of fare, penalty of $5 and arrest 191 Berks and other counties exempt from act 28th April, 1870, relating to change of venue.. 192 BLAIR COUNTY. Provisions of lateral railroad law and supplement extended to Blair and other counties, and roads under or over surface 36 in cases of assignments on account of inability to pay debts, wages and salaries of em- ployees to be paid before other debts 108 BLANKS. Auditor-general to prepare and forward blanks to be used by corporations in making returns 178 secretary of internal affairs to forward blanks to be used by corporations in making returns 229 BOARD OF REVISION of Philadelphia to report to auditor-general taxable property and county debt... . 228 BONDS. When money borrowed and bond given for a greater amount than received not usury 21 bonds and certificates of loan of railroad companies and of Philadelphia and districts to be subject to taxation for State purposes only 75 bonds of Allegheny county held by Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company may be sold below par, rate to be fixed by commissioners of county 77 act 2d March, 1855, extended to all railroad companies to capital stock of which Allegheny county subscribed 77 242 p/ BONDS. Where companies have issued or may issue and dispose of bonds for less than par, not to be deemed usury , commissioners of Allegheny county to exchange stock of railroad companies for bonds of the county issued for stock bond to be filed with petition for appointment of viewers to assess damages for right of way executors and others may exchange bonds of Allegheny county for stock of railroad companies for which bonds were issued.. any railroad company may purchase and hold stock and bonds of any other railroad company in the State bonds may be issued and mortgage given to secure same on any branch, lateral, or diverging railroad bonds may be issued and mortgage given to secure same for payment of debts of consolidated roads corporations to pay plaintiff's counsel fees in cases where validity of bonds contested and established Allegheny county exempted from provision of act sd May, 1866, for payment of plaintiff 's counsel fees may be issued for borrowed money and mortgage given to secure same, under general railroad law of 4th April, 1868 and stock of any railroad company of this or any other State may be purchased and held by companies of this State and stock of coal, iron, and lumber companies may be purchased or guaranteed by any rail- road or canal company act of loth April, 1867, authorizing sale of corporate property on a bond same as on mortgage, repealed bonded debt and capital stock may be increased by any corporation fifty per cent any two or more railroad companies may jointly endorse or guarantee bonds of any other railroad company any canal or navigation company may purchase and hold stock and bonds of any rail- road company private corporations may subscribe for and purchase stock and bonds of American Steamship Company act 3d May, 1866, for payment of counsel fees, to mean only cases where validity of bonds contested and established companies in Susquehanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Luzerne counties may purchase and hold stock and bonds of any other railroad company executor, &c. holding stock and bonds of any company authorized to consolidate may exchange them for stock and bonds of consolidated company and obligations of any railroad corporation may be secured by mortgage upon property, rights, and franchises interest on bonds and evidences of debt subject to State tax of five per cent may be registered in name of holder and transferable only on company's books may be further secured by mortgage on remaining estate, property, and franchises BONUS OR TAX to be paid to State one-fourth of one per cent, on stock increased BOOKS AND PAPERS may be examined by auditor-general and State treasurer or an agent, to verify returns made 162, BRADFORD COUNTY. Act 28th March, 1868, for protection of farmers and owners of cattle, &c., and supplement extended to Bradford and other counties act 22d March, 1871, for determination of rights when highway abandoned, not to extend to Bradford county BRANCHES may be constructed from main line by companies, under general railroad law of 4th April, 1868 BREACH OF PEACE. Conductors may arrest persons committing breach of peace on cars passing through Erie, Crawford, Warren, and Venango counties BRIDGES to be constructed by proprietors of lateral railroads to enable all persons to pass over railroads at public roads to be constructed by proprietors of lateral railroads to enable occupants of land to pass over railroads on their lands 243 PAGE BRIDGES. Persons setting fire to wooden bridges to be punished for arson, and forfeit not more than #2000 Ia not required to be erected for accommodation^ owner or occupant of land when public road runs through such land 48 act regulating turnpike and plank-road companies and bridge laws introduced in connec- tion with act sth April, 1849 $i provisions of laws relating to bridges over rivers, &c. extended to bridges erected over railroads and canals bridges not to obstruct 78 bridges used by connecting roads shall be paid for (use of) at rate of one-half the interest on cost of bridge 128 BUCKS COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespassing upon cars in Berks county, extended to Bucks 198 BURGLARS found at any railroad depot, &c. in Erie, Corry, Meadville, or Titusville, to be arrested and committed to jail 130 policemen to be appointed in Erie, Crawford, Warren, and Venango counties, to protect citizens and strangers from burglars, &c 131 BY-LAWS, under general railroad law of 1849 4 may be made by companies, under general railroad law of 4th April, 1868 148 CAMBRIA COUNTY. Provisions of lateral railroad law of 1832 extended to Cambria and other counties 19 provisions of lateral railroad law of 1832 repealed as to Cambria county 29 CANADA THISTLES and noxious weeds to be cut down by railroad companies in the county of Erie 81 every person and corporation holding lands to cut down Canada thistles, to prevent their going to seed penalty $15 102 CANAL COMPANIES may construct and operate lateral railroads and branches from points on their lines to mines, quarries, &c 176 CAPITAL STOCK. The mode of making subscriptions to stock, under general railroad law of 1849 38 at all general meetings and elections by stockholders, each share of stock entitled to one vote (general law of 1849) 42 certificates of stock to be delivered to each person entitled, and may be transferred in a book at office of company (general law 1849) 43 provisions as to calling for payments for stock and forfeiture of stock if not paid when called (general law 1849) 44 any railroad company in this State may purchase and hold stock and bonds of any other company 97 when any merger or consolidation takes effect, company into which merger takes place to have right to increase capital stock, &c 116 companies authorized to issue such additional shares as may be necessary to construct and fully equip their railroad * 2 3 of companies consolidated may be merged and converted into stock of new company see terms and proceedings. I2 3 each share of stock held in any railroad company shall entitle the holder to one vote ia8 when any railroad sold by decree of court, any connecting company may purchase and issue their own stock for same I2 9 when company authorized to increase stock, president and directors to determine how and by whom subscribed, installments, &c X 38 shares held by any stockholder in any company liable to pay tax on same shall not be liable to tax in hands of holder X 39 subscription, issue, and increase of stock under act 4th April, 1868, regulated 147, 149 244 p, CAPITAL STOCK. Capital paid in, name of corporation, place of business, to be reported to auditor-general before going into operation capital paid in, date, amount, and rate of all dividends declared, to be reported to auditor-general; when no dividend, stock to be valued capital stock to pay a State tax of one-half mill for each one per cent, of dividend declared; when no dividend, three mills on value except railroad, &c., shall pay a bonus of one-quarter of one per cent, on amount of capital authorized companies chartered in this State may purchase and hold (or guarantee) the stock and bonds of any other railroad company companies may aid to develop iron, coal, and other interests, by purchase of capital stock and bonds, &c companies authorized to increase bonded obligations and capital stock fifty per cent, over amounts heretofore authorized canal companies may purchase and hold stock and bonds, and lease the road, or become merged with railroad companies private corporations authorized to subscribe to or purchase capital stock and bonds of American Steamship Company companies in Susquehanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Luzerne may purchase and hold stock and bonds, and lease or become merged and consolidated with other companies... married women may sell and transfer any stock owned by them the same as if unmarried, companies, with consent of stockholders, may issue preferred stock not exceeding one- half the capital stock of the corporation , held by executor, &c., acting under authority of other states or kingdoms, &c., may be transferred, when copy of will or other authority filed in register's office ; held by executor, &c. in consolidated companies, may be exchanged for new stock of the consolidated company preferred, issued underact April 3d, 1872, may be in classes, &c. may be sold and transferred by married women as if unmarried., manner of increasing capital stock provided capital paid in, name of corporation, and place of business to be reported to auditor- general before going into operation : capital paid in, date, amount, and rate of all dividends declared, to be reported to auditor-general; when no dividend, stock to be valued : capital stock to pay a State tax of nine-tenths of one mill for each one per cent, of dividend declared; when no dividend, six mills on value service of process to enforce payment of installments due may be transferred without liability on part of company to see to execution of trust : CARBON COUNTY. Whenever any highway, &c. of any company not used for five years, to be deemed to be abandoned and rights of company to cease CATTLE, HORSES, &c. Drovers, owners, and shippers to enter stock-yards to feed and take care of animals and enter cars to place bedding companies owning or operating railroads through Erie county to keep fences on each side, to be liable for damages to cattle, and fine of $50 companies running trains through Warren county to keep fences ; if not, any person may build and recover from company, with ten per cent, added companies owning or operating railroads in Centre county to keep fences on each side, to be liable for damages to cattle, and fine of $50 provisions of act 23d March, 1868, shall not apply to lands in Erie county, where owner contracted to fence along railroad companies neglecting to perform duties of act 28th March, 1868, relating to fencing roads in Warren county, liable to owners for damages , relating to fencing provisions of act 28th March, 1868, and supplement ijth April, 1869 roads in Warren county, extended to Bradford, McKean, and Venango CAUSEWAYS. Proprietors of lateral railroads to construct causeways to enable persons to cross railroads at public roads proprietors of lateral railroads to construct causeways to enable persons to cross railroads passing through their lands causeways to be made at public roads and at places where road passes through land (general law 1849) 245 PAGB CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. Passenger railways in Philadelphia to pay tax for 202 CENTRE COUNTY. Companies owning and operating railroads in Centre county to keep fences on each side, to be liable for damages to cattle, and fine of $50 151 CERTIFICATES. Certificates of stock to be delivered to each person entitled, and may be transferred in a book at office of company (general railroad law 1849) 43 CERTIFICATE. Agents to have certificate showing authority to sell tickets for trans- portation, to keep posted in office, and show it m of increase of capital stock to be filed in office of secretary of Commonwealth 213 of acceptance of Article XVII. of Constitution to be recorded in secretary's office 230 CHANGE OF NAME. Courts of quarter sessions empowered to change names of corporations within their respective counties + 23 common pleas authorized to change names of corporations within their respective counties authority of quarter sessions repealed 172 CHANGE OF VENUE. Either party in suits by or against railroads may remove them to an adjacent county through which road not located 10 the costs of suits removed to an adjacent county to be borne by county where suits originated 15 act of i4th April, 1834, repealed as to actions on contracts, and such actions to be returned to county where originated 20 proceedings to assess damages for land shall be held in the county in which land is situate, and not elsewhere 154 either party in any suit by or against any corporation may remove same into any adjacent county, on making affidavit, &c 181 expenses of suits removed under act z8th April, 1870, shall be paid by county from which suits removed , 190 Lancaster, Venango, and Berks counties exempt from act 28th April, 1870, relating to removal of suits 192 CHATTEL MORTGAGE. To secure payment of wages of miners, laborers, &c., authorized for a limited period, till ist February, 1859 88 CHECKS. Certificate or obligation not redeemable in gold or silver not to be issued 63 CITY RAILROAD. Councils of Philadelphia to pass ordinance requiring the delivery of certificate of contents of cars passing over city railroads 1 22 CITY LOANS. Certificates of loan issued by city of Philadelphia and districts for capital stock in railroad companies liable to taxation for State purposes only 75 CLARION COUNTY. Lateral railroads may be constructed in Clarion county under act 5th May, 1832 74 CLERK'S WAGES, for any period not exceeding six months before any assignment, shall be a lien on mine, manufactory, &c., and first paid 195 CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURG RAILROAD CO., authorized to sell bonds received from counties of Beaver and Allegheny in payment of subscriptions to capital stock, at rates below par 77 act noted above extended to all companies to the capital stock of which Allegheny county subscribed 77 COAL WEIGHED. Weigh-masters of railroads in Schuylkill county to keep a record of all coal passing over their lines, and give certificates of same 76 COAL MINED AND PURCHASED. Anthracite to be reported to auditor-general, and to pay a tax of four cents per ton for every ton mined 159 anthracite to be reported to auditor-general, and to pay a tax of three cents per ton for every ton mined 2I 9 COAL. Companies whose roads pass through any coal region of State, to report to auditor- general quantity of coal and coke received for transportation 186 COAL MINING COMPANIES to pay tax of three cents per ton mined or purchased 219 COAL LEASE MORTGAGES. Section 4, proviso of act April 9 th, 1872, not to apply to... 223 COKE. Tonrtage tax on not to be greater than on product of mines 164 companies whose roads pass through any coal region of State, to report to auditor- general quantity of coal and coke received for transportation 186 COLUMBIA COUNTY. Lateral railroad law of 1832 and supplements extended to Columbia county and Tioga county 20 COLOR OR RACE. Companies allowing conductors to exclude persons from cars on account of color or race liable to action for $500 *3 246 PA< COMMENCEMENT. Construction not commenced within three years charter to be null and void, except as to damages (general law 1849) roads to be built under act 4th April, 1868, to be commenced within two years from organization i COMMISSIONERS of counties to adjust compensation for bridges used by railroads 2 to make return of taxable property and county debts 2 COMPENSATION. No stone, gravel, sand, wood, or other material to be taken under lateral law until compensation settled section 4, Article VII., of Constitution, relative to taking private property for public use, to apply to all acts passed at present session (1845) section 4, Article VII., of Constitution, &c., as above (1846) acts passed present session (1848) not to authorize any company to take land without compensation, &c to be made for land and materials, or ample security tendered (general law 1849)... viewers to be appointed to assess damages where railroad passes through lanes, streets, or alleys in Mifflin county viewers to be appointed to assess damages in Lykens, Williams, or Bear valley, Dauphin county, for lateral railroad where parties cannot agree upon compensation for land, company may tender a bond or file same in court viewers to report whether road asked for is necessary for public or private use, as well as the damages sustained act i4th April, 1834, extended to all suits, as well for damages for construction as for any other cause .'. to be made to owners of lands, wharves, docks, or piers, by companies requiring same when crossing or reaching navigable streams i companies authorized to widen, straighten, enlarge, &c. lines, and take property therelbr, and make compensation or tender security i provisions of act gth April, 1856, and 27th April, 1855, applicable to all cases arising under act ijth March, 1869 i for use of county bridges by railroads to be adjusted with commissioners 2 COMMON PLEAS. Authorized to change names of corporations within their respective counties authority of quarter sessions repealed i COMPLETION. Road not completed within time fixed by special act, or suffered logo into decay, charter to be null (general law 1849) roads to be built under act 4th April, 1868, to be completed within five years i. time extended five years charter to be subject to Constitution of 1874 2 CONDUCTOR. Any person injured through negligence of any conductor of cars, fine not over $500, imprisonment not over five years any person in employ of railroad company neglecting to cancel and return tickets, fine not over $1000, imprisonment not over five years of trains passing through Erie and Crawford counties to have power to arrest persons for stealing, picking pockets, or breach of peace i excluding any person from cars on account of color or race, fine $100 to $500, and imprisoned thirty days to three months i CONNECTIONS. The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company to unite with other railroads in county of Philadelphia to form continuous line two railroads connecting with each other may run their cars and locomotives upon each other with consent, &c Pennsylvania Railroad Company authorized to run their cars and locomotives over all continuous and connecting railroads so much of act of 3d March, 1853, as relates to Pennsylvania Railroad Company carry- ing passengers, baggage, and mails over Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, repealed, : act i3th March, 1847, construed to authorize companies to enter into contracts for use, management, and working of roads connecting railroads may enter into contracts for, use, lease, and operate said railroads.. < road leased to a connecting road, and to be kept in repair by lessees, the latter to have same rights and privileges as company owning road < 247 PAGE CONNECTIONS. Connecting railroads, bridges, and tunnels used by each other to be paid for at rate of one-half interest on cost, at seven per cent 128 companies formed under act 4th April, 1868, may connect with other roads of a similar character 150 railroads used or leased by company whose road connects therewith, company using or leasing may endorse, &c. bonds of leased road ' 153 when any company contracts for right to connect with any other road, no person shall interfere until right established by highest tribunal 169 companies connecting authorized to lease and become lessees, or enter into any other contracts (Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad excepted) 175 CONSOLIDATION. Any company chartered by this Commonwealth may merge into any other company upon the terms fully specified 98 when any merger or consolidation takes effect, company into which merger takes place to have right to increase capital stock, &c 116 company into which merger takes place to have the right to issue bonds and create mortgage for debts of companies consolidated 121 companies may merge and consolidate stock, franchises, &c., when they form a con- tinuous line, terms specified in full 123 when merger or consolidation has taken place, company into which merger takes place shall have all the power of company into which merged 144 when merger made, companies to specify in agreement what rights, powers, &c. shall be vested or merged 168 canal companies may purchase and hold stock and bonds and lease the road or become merged with railroad companies 180 any company may merge and consolidate its stock, franchises, and property with any other company whose road lies within or partly within State 181 companies in Susquehanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Luzerne may purchase and hold stock and bonds and lease or become merged or consolidated with other companies.... 188 capital stock held by executors, &c. in consolidated companies may be exchanged for new stock of the consolidated company 197 CONSTITUTION. To enforce section 6 of Article XVII., in relation to contracts and trans- portation lines 224 acceptance of, in connection with remission of forfeiture of charters 227 to enable companies to accept terms of seventeenth article 230 to carry into effect section 8 of Article XVII.. in relation to free passes 234 time for completion extended five years charters held subject to 234 remission of forfeiture under act May isth, 1874, to subject companies to 236 CONSTRUCTION. Companies to have the right to construct railroads under the surface over any intervening lands 19 provisions as to locating and constructing road, entry upon land, taking material, &c. (general law 1849) 45 no railroad terminating in Philadelphia shall locate and construct in city without sub- mitting plans, &c. to board of surveys 78 CONTRACTS. Officers, directors, agents, or employees not to be interested in any contract for materials or supplies 79, 224 railroad companies may enter into contracts with canal companies in respect to traffic to be carried on their respective works 115 companies connecting authorized to lease and become lessees, or enter into any other contract (Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad excepted) 175 authority of act i7th February, 1870, in regard to leases and contracts by railroad companies, extended to contracts and leases relating to canals 185 for relocation, changing, or elevating railroads may be made with county authorities 232 CONTRACTORS. Companies not to make assignments to defeat or delay payment of wages to contractors, laborers, or workmen 22 arbitrators in actions between contractors, laborers, or workmen and corporation may require production of books and papers 29 whenever any company divest themselves of estate, by assignment or otherwise, con- tractors, laborers, and workmen to have scire facias, &c 103 248 PAGE COSTS. The costs of suits removed to an adjacent county to be borne by county where suits originated * 15 award or judgment in favor of plaintiff in cases of assessment of damages to land shall carry costs 21 bail taken in cases of appeals from judgments of justices or award of arbitrators shall be absolute for all costs 25 in addition to costs, plaintiff's counsel fees shall be paid in cases where validity of bonds contested and established 134 expenses of suits removed under act 28th April, 1870, shall be paid by county from which suits removed 190 COUNSEL FEES. In addition to costs, plaintiffs counsel fees shall be paid in cases where validity of bonds contested and established 134 Allegheny county exempted from provisions of act 3d May, 1866, in relation to paying counsel fees in cases where bonds contested 142 corporations named in act 3d May, 1866, shall only be compelled to pay counsel fees in cases where validity of bonds established 183 COUNTY BRIDGES used by railroads, compensation to be adjusted with commissioners... 226 CROSSINGS. Crossing or causeway not to be made on land where such land borders on public road (general law 1849) 48 engineer or agent obstructing crossings of public streets or roads liable to penalty of $25.. 26 companies obstructing free passage at any private road or crossing liable to penalty of $30 68 lateral railroads, having right to cross other roads at grade, not to cross at more than two crossings or with double track 88 preamble, that whenever convenient, railroads using steam should pass over or under public highways 116 companies formed under act 4th April, 1868, may cross other railroads at grade, keep in repair, and flagmen , 150 duty of courts to ascertain and define mode of crossing inflicting the least injury and to prevent grade-crossing when practicable 190 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Professional thieves, pickpockets, and burglars found at any depot in Erie or Crawford county, to be arrested and committed 130 professional thieves, pickpockets, and burglars may be arrested by conductors on cars in same counties 131 professional thieves, pickpockets, burglars, and vagrants loitering about depots in Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Warren to be arrested 131 CRUSHED ROCK SAND. Tonnage tax on, not to be greater than on product of mines... 164 DAMAGES FOR CATTLE. Companies to erect fences on both sides railroad in Erie county, or to be liable to owner for damages to cattle, and penalty of $50 141 companies to erect fences along tracks in Warren county ; if neglected, any person, after notice, may construct, and collect from company 142 companies to erect fences along roads in Centre county ; answerable to owner of cattle for damages, and to penalty of $50 151 act of 23d March, 1868, for fencing in Erie county not to apply where owner contracted to fence, but company to be liable when fence burned by locomotive 153 companies neglecting to perform duties (fencing) imposed by act March 28th, 1868, in Warren county, to be answerable to owner of cattle injured 172 DAMAGES BY FIRE. Companies in Erie county to be liable to penalties in act 23d March, 1868, when fences destroyed by fire from locomotives 153 DAMAGES TO GOODS. Carriers allowing flour, corn, or meal to be wet or damaged for want of care, to pay owner twenty-five cents for every cask over and above damage... n 249 PAGE DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, caused by negligence of engineer or conductor, guilty of misdemeanor, fine $50, imprisonment six months 12 DAMAGES TO LAND, for the construction of lateral railroads, shall be assessed by six men of the county, appointed by common pleas 4 ground shall not be broken nor construction of lateral railroad commenced until damages awarded are paid or tendered .... 6 if the viewers or a jury shall find for plaintiff any sum of damages for construction, such award or verdict shall carry costs 21 in all cases where security is to be given for damages to land, such security may be approved by any two judges during vacation 24 the fourth section of seventh article of Constitution shall apply to all cases of land to be taken, as if incorporated in each act (1845) 25 the fourth section of seventh article of Constitution shall apply to all cases of land to be taken, as if incorporated in each act (1846) 28 the fourth section of seventh article of Constitution shall apply to all cases of land to be taken, as if incorporated in each act (1848) 37 compensation to be made or security tendered under general railroad law of 1849; court to appoint viewers to assess, if parties cannot agree 46 in cases where railroads located through towns in Mifflin county, quarter sessions to appoint viewer to assess damages 66 in application for right to build lateral railroad in Lykens, Williams, or Bear valley, Dauphin county, quarter sessions to appoint viewers 66 where parties cannot agree upon damages, bond to be filed in court, and either party may appeal from award and have trial by jury 83 viewers appointed to assess damages for lateral railroads to report whether road is necessary for public or private use, as well as damages 89 act i4th April, 1834, (change of venue,) shall extend to all suits against railroad companies, as well for damages for construction as for any other cause 96 act 5th May, 1832, for lateral railroads, construed to authorized single or double track, with necessary sidings, wharves, &c., damages to be ascertained and paid as under general railroad law 127 no suit for damages for construction unless brought within five years after entry upon land or within three years after road in operation 134 act i7th April, 1866, (next above,) shall not apply to actions pending at the time of passage of said act 139 all proceedings for assessment of damages to land for construction shall be had in county where land situate 154 companies to widen and straighten lines, make compensation before entry, or tender security ; damages to be ascertained as in act February igth, 1849 167 in actions for right to construct lateral railroads, wharves, and landings, appeal to court shall extend not only to damages but necessity of the proposed, &c 182 second and third sections of gth April, 1856, and section one of act 2yth April, 1855, are extended to all cases arising under the act of i7th March, 1869 185 appeal from assessment by viewers when not otherwise provided 232 DANGEROUS MATERIAL. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 DAUPHIN COUNTY. Act of sth May, 1832, construed to apply to construction of lateral roads under or over surface of intervening lands 36 owner or lessee of coal lands in Lykens, Williams, or Bear valley, Dauphin county, to have authority to construct lateral roads 66 DEATH. No action for damages for injuries to the person shall abate by reason of death of plaintiff, but personal representative may be substituted 70 persons entitled to recover damages for injury causing death shall be husband, widow, children, or parents of deceased 79 limitation of one year for commencing suit in act 26th April, 1855, restricted to cases accruing after passage of that act 87 if injury or death result from refusal or neglect of employee to observe any rule of com- pany, fine $5000, and imprisonment five years "9 whenever injury or loss of life occur to any person employed on or about railroad, right of action same as if employee 145 in all actions to recover for injury or loss of life, compensation only for pecuniary loss not over $3000 for injury, nor #5000 for death *45 250 PAGE DECEDENTS. Executors, &c. acting under authority of other States, &c. may transfer stock, on filing copy of will, &c 193 DEEDS, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF. Deeds executed or acknowledged by any cor- poration, or informally acknowledged by any officer de facto, validated as if executed according to law in third section of act 22d April, 1863, relative to acknowledgments by notaries, extended to all acknowledgments by corporations since passage of that act 171 DEFAULTERS. Public defaulters to be sued and prosecuted in Dauphin county, and writs may issue into any county 27 in suits against defaulters, declaration to be filed with prezcipe, and judgments entered in thirty days 28 provisions of section twelve of act i6th April, 1845, and section four of act 2ist April, 1846, extended to all suits by the Commonwealth against corporations 104 DELAWARE COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, extended to Delaware county 207 DETECTIVES. Detectives, constable, or police, to arrest vagrants around depots in Erie, Crawford, Warren, and Venango counties 131 DIRECTORS. Companies whose works and property are principally within State to hold elections within State, and elect majority of directors citizens of State 33 stockholders, under general law of 1849, to elect a president and twelve directors on second Monday in January 41 president and directors, under general law of 1849, to exercise all the powers granted to the corporation 42 directors consenting to declare dividends which shall impair capital to be liable for amount of capital divided 44 director shall not be an officer receiving a salary, or surety for an officer, nor interested in any contract 79 the number of directors to be elected by any railroad company may be increased to any number not over thirteen 123 where a majority of directors or stockholders are citizens of another State, company may be organized and meetings held wherever majority shall appoint 130 all citizens of United States eligible to be directors, though non-residents of State, but must be stockholders, and majority citizens of Pennsylvania 135 no suit against a director unless brought within six years after delivery of materials or commission of act of negligence 137 persons appointed by governor to act as directors to act without approval of canal commissioners 140 may invest surplus or other funds or earnings in mortgages, ground rents, United States loans, their own shares, debt of Pennsylvania or Philadelphia, &c 143 president and not less than six nor more than twelve directors, under general law of 1868, majority citizens of Commonwealth 150 stockholders to determine by vote the number of directors, not over fifteen nor less than five, and majority residents of Pennsylvania 152 directors to add to their number by selecting from stockholders an additional member or members, who shall act as vice-presidents 165 whenever number of directors increased under authority of law, majority of whole number to constitute a quorum 170 may elect from their number vice-presidents, and prescribe their duties 210 to be individually liable for neglect of company to pay tax on capital stock 219 not to be interested in contracts for furnishing material or supplies to company 224 not to be engaged as a common carrier for transportation over his railroad line 224 DISSOLUTION. Common pleas may decree dissolution of corporations praying to sur- render their charter 85 the "proper county" intended by act 9th April, 1856, for dissolution, shall be either county in which principal operations conducted or principal office located 193 whenever corporation dissolved by judgment of ouster upon quo ivarranto, all property shall vest in officers of corporation for benefit of stockholders and creditors 194 whenever corporation dissolved, officers last in office or trustee to be appointed to make sale of real estate 215 DISTINCTION AS TO COLOR OR RACE. Companies and conductors excluding persons from cars on account of color or race, fine $500, conductor imprisoned 136 251 PAGE DITCHES. Companies owning or operating railroads in Erie county, where water accumu- lates, to maintain ditches on both sides of road 81 DIVIDENDS UNCLAIMED. Companies authorized to make and declare dividends to publish statements of dividends unclaimed for three years 30 DIVIDENDS. Dividends of profit, under general law of 1849, to De declared in January and July in each year .' 44 companies to make return to auditor-general of capital paid in, date, amount, and rate of dividends declared, and when no dividend, to value stock *55 216 companies to pay tax of one-half mill for each one per cent, of dividend, and when no dividend, then three mills upon value of stock 156, 219 companies to pay tax of nine-tenths of one mill for each one per cent, of dividend declared; when no dividend declared, six mills on value of stock 2i& upon preferred stock may be paid holders not exceeding twelve per cent, out of net earnings ; holders not liable for debts of company 192 DOCKS, WHARVES, &c. Companies whose roads reach or cross navigable streams, to erect docks, piers, wharves, or take and hold lands, wharves, piers, &c., giving security, &c 120 DROVERS. Drovers, owners, and shippers of cattle to enter stock-yards to feed and care for cattle and place bedding in cars 114 DUALIN. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 DUE BILLS or checks not redeemable in gold or silver not to be issued 63 DYNAMITE. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 EJECTMENT. In ejectments against non-residents of county, writ may be served on person in charge of land 73 ELECTIONS. Proxies to vote shall be obtained and dated within six months of election (under general law of 1849, within three months) 3 by corporations chartered by State to be held within the State 33 directions for holding elections for directors under general railroad law 1849 41 at all general meetings or elections of stockholders each share to be entitled to one vote, 128 annual elections of non-resident corporations shall be held in the State 130 when judges of election fail to attend, stockholders' to appoint and fill vacancy 134 companies organized under act igth February, 1849, to be subject to act i3th March, 1847 I 4 C * time for holding annual election for directors may be changed and certified to auditor- general ff .......................... 143 to be held by stockholders to determine upon increase of stock 21* ELEVATION, relocation, and change of roads to be contracted for with county authorities, 232 ELK COUNTY. Individuals may construct railroad from premises to any railroad, plank road, or stream 51 EMBEZZLEMENT by persons engaged in transporting goods by selling or disposing, fined $500, imprisoned one year 92 of coupons or tickets by agents and conductors, fine $5000, imprisonment five years 97 EMPLOYEES neglecting to cancel or return coupons or tickets, fine $5000, imprisonment five years 97 neglecting to obey rules, and thereby injury or death result, fine $5000, imprisonment five years "9 excluding persons on account of race or color, fined $500, imprisoned three months 136 not to be interested in contracts for supplies or in transportation lines on road 224 252 PAGE ENDORSE BONDS. Companies may endorse or guarantee bonds of company whose road they lease or use . 153 any two companies may jointly endorse and guarantee the bonds of any other company, 177 ENGINEERS obstructing public street or road-crossing by engines or cars, subject to penalty of $25 26 to be fined $500 and imprisoned five years, if any person injured through his negligence, 91 ENLARGEMENT. Companies may widen, deepen, enlarge their lines, and take land, &c. for same 166 section second and third of act gth April, 1856, and section one of act 2jth April, 1855, to apply to straightening and improving lines 185 companies to retain original road when improved or straightened line substituted 192 ERIE COUNTY. Guages to Ohio State line four feet ten inches; from New York State line to Erie or Ohio river, six feet, or four feet eight and one-half inches 67 ditches to be constructed by side of roads, and Canada thistles and weeds to be cut down 81 companies operating in Erie county to maintain fences, or be liable for cattle injured 141 act 23d March, 1868, not to apply to lands where owner of land is bound to fence 153 thieves, &c. found at any railroad depot in Erie county may be arrested, &c 130 vagrants found loitering at any depot may be arrested and subjected to vagrant laws 131 EXCHANGE OF BONDS, &c. Executors, &c. holding stock or bonds of any company consolidated, may exchange for bonds of new company 197 EXECUTIONS. Directions for levy and sale under execution against corporations 13 provisions of act i6th June, 1836, for levy and recovery of stock, &c., extended to all attachments 25 plaintiffs in judgment against corporations may have execution and sell property, franchises, &c 177 when property sold under execution, wages due miners, mechanics, laborers, and clerks shall be first paid 195 EXECUTORS holding Allegheny county bonds, issued for railroad stock, may exchange for such stock 94 under foreign authority, to transfer, &c. on filing copy of will or other authority 193 holding stock or bonds of any company consolidated, may exchange for stock or bonds of new company 197 EXPLOSIVES. Gunpowder not to be transported unless distinctly marked " gunpowder," 64 delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 FEEDING CATTLE. Drovers, owners, or shippers to enter stock-yards to feed cattle and cars for bedding 114 FENCES. Penalty for breaking down (repealed and supplied) 69 any person breaking down fences and carrying away materials, punished for misdemeanor 122 to be built and maintained on both sides of railroads in Erie county 141 to be built and maintained on both sides of railroads in Warren county 142 to be built and maintained on both sides of railroads in Centre county 151 act relating to fencing railroads in Erie county not to apply where owner contracted to fence ; 153 companies referred to in act for fencing in Warren county answerable for cattle injured.. 172 acts relating to fencing in Warren county extended to Bradford, McKean, and Venango.. 172 253 PAGE FLOUR, CORN, AND MEAL, when unloaded, to be put in store and kept dry FOREIGN LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Copy of will or other authority to be filed in register's office IO ^ FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. Property located in State to be liable to levy and sale as if corporation in the State 35 not to do business in State until place of business and agent appointed in the State 215 to file certificate of name, objects, location of office, and name of agent 215 FORFEITURE of stock if installments of subscriptions unpaid for six months 44 attorney-general to proceed to forfeiture when companies neglect to fulfill terms of charter jyg charters to be forfeited of companies neglecting to make returns of dividends and stock 155, 218 of charters, remission provided for, and acceptance of Constitution 236, 227 FORMATION. Supplement to act of 4th April, 1868, articles of association and letters patent 231 FRAUDS ON TRAVELERS. No person, except authorized agent holding certificate, to sell tickets, and company to redeem unused portions of tickets in act of 6th May, 1863, amended in respect to sale and redemption of tickets 197 FREE PASSES not to be issued by any companies having accepted Article XVII. of Constitution 234 FUNDS, SURPLUS, maybe invested in mortgages, ground-rents, loans of United States, Pennsylvania, or Philadelphia, &c 143 GAMBLERS to be arrested about depots, &c. in Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Warren counties 131 GENERAL OFFICE. Companies whose works are principally in the State to locate general office in the State 33 where principal office located out of State, company may be sued in county where works located or officer resides.. 35 governor to appoint directors, &c. when office not established in State 140 location to be registered in auditor-general's office 154 stockholders to determine where general office to be located 165 GENERAL RAILROAD LAW, 1849 Title, "An act regulating railroad companies" 38 1868. To authorize the formation and regulation of railroad corporations 146 GRADE-CROSSING. Section 10 act aist April, 1855, not to apply to steam railroads in Philadelphia 116 companies formed under act 4th April, 1868, to cross other railroads at grade 150 may be prevented by injunction, when reasonably practicable to avoid it 190 GROSS RECEIPTS to pay a tax of three-fourths of one per cent., and return to auditor- general.... *59 tax of May ist, 1868, repealed in part only 201 of passenger railways, Philadelphia, to pay tax for Centennial Exposition 205 GUAGES of railroads in Erie county four feet ten inches to Ohio line, six feet or four feet eight and one-half inches to New York line 67 of railroads east of Erie county and leading east or south, same guage as State roads 71 of every railroad to be of such width as directors may deem expedient 73 of railroads authorized to connect with Philadelphia and Erie Railroad to be same as Philadelphia and Erie Railroad no not exceeding three feet to be constructed under act 4th April, 1868 235 254 PAGE GUARANTEE. Companies leasing other roads may guarantee bonds, &c. of roads leased.. 153 companies chartered by State to guarantee or purchase bonds of any other company 165 companies may aid in development of coal, iron, and other interests, and guarantee bonds 170 companies may lease or take assignments of lease of other roads and guarantee payments 175 any two companies may endorse or guarantee bonds of any other company, and take security, &c 177 GUARDIANS may transfer shares of minor when authority under foreign laws filed in register's office 193 may exchange stock and bonds of consolidated company for stock and bonds of new company 197 holding bonds of Allegheny county issued for railroad stock may exchange for such stock 94 GUN COTTON. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 GUNPOWDER not to be transported unless distinctly marked "gunpowder" 64 delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 HOSPITAL, Pennsylvania State Lunatic. Railroad and other works forbidden upon grounds of. .... iQQ HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, extended to Huntingdon 198 INCOME or net earnings to be returned to auditor-general and pay tax of three per cent... 157 tax of May ist, 1868, repealed 201 IMPROVED LINES. Companies to retain original lines when improved or straightened lines substituted 192 INJUNCTION to be issued by Supreme Court to restrain interference with rights 169 to prevent invasion of rights and grade-crossing, if otherwise practicable 190 INJURY TO BAGGAGE by baggage-master, express agent, stage-driver, or hackman, punished by fine 174 INJURIES TO PERSONS, occasioned by negligence or recklessness of driver, engineer, or conductor, misdemeanor 12 actions not to abate by death of plaintiff; personal representatives maybe substituted... 70 widow or personal representatives may sue after death of person injured 70 husband, widow, children, or parents only may sue ; action to be brought within one year 79 limitation for one year for suing to be restricted to cases occurring after act 87 trustees under assignment or mortgage not to be personally liable for damages 87 caused by negligence or recklessness of driver, engineer, or conductor, fined and imprisoned 91 caused by neglect of employee to obey rules of company, punished by fine and imprison- ment 119 right of action to be same as if employee, $3000 for injury, $5000 for death 145 255 PAGE INJURIES TO PROPERTY, occasioned by negligence or recklessness of driver, engi- neer, or conductor, misdemeanor 12 INJURIES TO RAILROADS by fire, obstruction, displacement of machinery, or other- wise, pay damages and fined 16 machinery, &c. shall be punished by forfeiture of three times the damage 48 machinery, works, cars, signals, &c. to be punished by fine, imprisonment, &c 92 INSURANCE. Companies may insure lives of passengers against injury 145 INTEREST. Money borrowed and bonds given for larger amount than received not usury.. 21 not usury to sell bonds, certificates of loan, &c. at less than par value 82 to pay a tax of five per cent., to be retained from creditor 161 on balances, twelve per cent, per annum from time tax due to settlement of account, and twelve per cent, per annum from sixty days after settlement till paid 162, 220 on bonds and indebtedness, tax to be paid by company and not deducted 201 INTERFERENCE. Injunction to be issued by Supreme Court to restrain interference with rights .. 169 INVASION OF RIGHTS to be inquired into and restrained by court, and damages recovered .' 100 INVESTMENTS of surplus funds to be made in mortgages, ground-rents, loans, &c 143 IRON ORE. Statistics to be collected, collated, and published by auditor-general 186 IRON, PIG AND WROUGHT.-Statistics to be collected, collated, and published by auditor-general 186 JUDGES OF ELECTION failing to attend or directors failing to appoint, stockholders to select...... 134 JURY TRIAL. After appeal to court from report of viewers for damages to land, &c 84 LABORERS' WAGES not to be defeated or delayed by any assignment for creditors 22 in actions for, arbitrators authorized to require production of books and papers 29 and mechanics, and miners, to be first paid in cases of assignment 75 may be secured by chattel mortgages 88 when judgments obtained for, scire facias may issue, &c 103 in case of any sale or assignment, to be first paid 195 LABORERS. Proviso to section 4 act of April 9th, 1872, not to apply to coal lease mortgages 233 LACKA WANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD excepted from act 6th February, 1852, regulating guages 7* LANCASTER COUNTY exempt from act 2 8th April, 1870, relating to changes of venue, 193 LANDINGS. Jury to determine whether landings sufficient to accommodate main and lateral roads 2 3 the right to procure, extended to persons building lateral railroads 36 2 5 6 PAG LATERAL RAILROADS. General law of 1832, "An act regulating lateral railroads," extended only to Lycoming, Luzerne, Schuylkill, and Northumberland counties !.. jury to determine mode of connection, if parties cannot agree I( act of May sth, 1832, extended to Northampton, Lehigh, and Cambria counties i< act of May sth, 1832, extended to Tioga and Columbia counties & when owners of landing refuse to permit lateral road to use it, jury to be summoned 2 act of May sth, 1832, and supplement repealed as to Cambria county 2< act of May sth, 1832, extended to Dauphin, Allegheny, Bedford, Blair, and Washing- ton counties 3 < act of May sth, 1832, extended to construction of roads under or over surface of inter- vening lands 3< act of May sth, 1832, repealed as to limitation to and extended throughout State 38 railroads of three miles to be constructed by individuals in Warren, McKean, Elk, and Potter counties 5: railroads of three miles to be constructed by individuals in Venango county viewers to assess damages in Dauphin county to be appointed proprietors in Allegheny county may charge tolls received throughout Commonwealth, in addition to tolls now charged ........................ .................................................... 6c act sth April, 1849, extended to Clarion county ........................................................... 74 having the right to cross other railroads at grade, not to cross with more than two tracks.. 88 viewers under act of May sth, 1832, to report on necessity of road as well as damages.. 89 companies may aid owners of coal or mineral lands constructing lateral roads in money, labor, or materials ...................................................................................... 101 companies building branch, lateral, or diverging lines may specially mortgage same and issue bonds ..................................................................................................... no may be constructed with single or double track, with sidings, wharves, &c .................... 127 section 2 act sth April, 1849, f r lateral railroads, extended to Northumberland .......... 167 may be abandoned before ground broken, and within two years of confirmation of right of way ................................................................................................................. 167 canal companies may construct from their lines, often miles in length .......................... 176 appeal may extend to necessity of road, wharf, or landing, as well as to damages .......... 182 any three persons may construct a road of five miles, under act 4th April, 1868 ............ 184 owners of furnaces and manufactures of iron may construct from works to mines ........... 211 owners of land may construct from mines to navigable streams ..................................... 211 LEASING OF RAILROADS. Act i3th March, 1847, to authorize connecting roads to lease and contract for use of, &c ............................................................................. 91 connecting railroad companies may enter into contracts for use or lease of roads .......... 97 when road leased to be kept in repair by lessee, lessee to have privileges of lessor, &c... 98 companies leasing railroads may endorse or guarantee bonds, &c. of leased road ........... 153 companies may become lessees by assignment or otherwise, and guarantee payments in lease ............. ..... ..... ............. ................................ ............................ .......... . . ......... J 75 railroad and canal companies may lease works of each other, or become consolidated with each other ...................................................................................................... i8a act i7th February, 1870, to embrace leases or contracts of works in this or any other State ................................................................................................................... 185 companies in Susquehanna and other counties may lease or become consolidated ............ 188 LEHIGH COUNTY. Lateral railroad act May sth, 1832, extended to, with other counties ................................................................................................................ 19 LETTERS PATENT to issue under general railroad law of 1849, when ten per cent. subscribed and five dollars per share paid in ........................................................... 39. to be issued to any company, upon proof of compliance with conditions of law, &c.... 226 may be issued to companies organized under act April 4th, 1868 .................................... 231 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, under foreign authority, to be filed in register's office ..... 193. 257 PACK LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS. When they consent to dividend out of capital stock 44 suit to be brought within six years from goods delivered or act done 137 and treasurer for neglect of company to pay tax on capital stock 219 LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS. Suit to be brought within six years from goods delivered or act done Iry 1 1 37 holders of preferred stock not to be liable for debts of company 102 LIABILITY OF TRUSTEE. Trustee under assignment not to be liable for injuries received 8 7 LIEN ON GOODS. Carriers having a lien on goods for carriage, &c. may advertise and sell II3 LIMITATION. Suits under act May sth, 1832, to be brought within twelve months 9 suits under act February igth, 1849, (general,) to be brought within two years 48 act of 27th March, 1713, for limitation of actions, not to be extended to suspended corporations 65 suits for injuries to persons on railroads to be brought within one year 79 suits for injuries to persons on railroads to be brought within one year after act 87 suits for damages for right of way to be brought within five years 134 suits against stockholders or directors to be brought within six years, &c 137 act of i7th April, 1866, not to apply to actions pending at time of passage 139 of time for completion, forfeiture of charter may be remitted after 227 LOANS. City, issued for subscriptions to capital stock, taxable for State purposes only 75 and securities in which surplus funds of companies may be invested .. 143 State and city, and stock may be sold and transferred by married women an may be transferred without liability to see to execution of any trust 229 LOCATION of railroad and change of location, under general law of 1849 45, 48 of railroads on streets, lanes, or alleys in Mifflin county 66 of railroad in city of Philadelphia not to be without submitting plans, &c 78 roads interfering with mining veins may be relocated 109 section 10 act April 2ist, 1855, not to apply to steam-power railroads 116 LUZERNE COUNTY. Lateral railroad act May sth, 1832, extended to, with other counties 9 lateral railroad act May sth, 1832, extended to Denison township 36 railroad, canal, and navigation companies in Luzerne and other counties may purchase, consolidate, &c 188 LYCOMING COUNTY. Lateral railroad act May sth, 1832, extended to, with other counties 9 MAPS, PLANS, AND PROFILES of railroads, canals, &c. to be deposited in canal com- missioners' office ** MARRIED WOMEN may sell and transfer stock in railroad companies as if unmarried.... 189 may sell and transfer State and city loans and stock as if unmarried 211 MECHANICS' WAGES. Laborers and miners to be first paid in cases of assignment 75 for any period not exceeding six months before any assignment, &c. shall be first paid... 195 MECHANICS. Chattel mortgage authorized to secure wages of laborers, miners, and mechanics proviso to section 4 act April Qth, 1872, not to apply to coal-lease mortgages 3 2 5 8 PAGE MEETINGS of stockholders, under general railroad law, on second Monday in January.... 41 each share of stock to have one vote at all general meetings and elections 128 majority of non-resident directors, corporators, or stockholders to have right to deter- mine where meetings to be held 130 when judges of election fail to attend, stockholders to appoint judges 134 McKEAN COUNTY. Individuals authorized to construct railroads not over three miles in.. 51 act 28th March, 1868, and supplement, for protection of farmers, &c., extended to McKean county 172 MERGER. Any railroad may merge with any other connecting therewith 98 when companies merged, the consolidated company to issue stock to carry merger into effect 116 when two companies merged, company to have power to issue bonds and mortgage to to secure 121 any railroad company may merge into another and consolidate on terms specified 123 the company into which merger takes place to have all the rights of companies merged... 144 consolidated companies to be regulated by powers, duties, &c. specified in agreement of merger 168 canal and railroad companies may consolidate with and purchase stock and bonds of each other 180 companies may consolidate with those of any other State forming continuous lines 181 companies in Susquehanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Luzerne authorized to consolidate... 188 stock and bonds held by executors, &c. may be exchanged for stock and bonds in con- solidated companies 197 MIFFLIN COUNTY. Viewers to lay out new streets, &c. when railroads located on streets, &c. in 66 MILEAGE on city railroad shall be same as on Pennsylvania Railroad 22 distance for tonnage to be estimated by nearest whole number of miles 75 on city railroad not to be charged for any greater distance than used. 86 MINERS. Chattel mortgage authorized to secure wages of laborers, miners, and mechanics, 88 proviso to section 4 act April pth, 1872, not to apply to coal-lease mortgages 223 MINERS' WAGES. Laborers and miners to be first paid in cases of assignment 75 for any period not exceeding six months before any assignment, &c. shall be first paid.... 195 MINERAL STATISTICS to be furnished to, and collected, collated, and published by auditor-general 186 returns to be made to secretary of internal affairs instead of auditor-general 229 MINUTES of corporations under general railroad law to be kept in suitable book 42 MONTOUR COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, ex- tended to Montour 198 MORTGAGE. General power to mortgage, under general railroad law 39 trustees under mortgage not to be personally liable for injuries received 87 chattel mortgage authorized to secure wages of laborers, miners, and mechanics 88 companies may aid owners of coal and other mines, and take mortgage as security 101 Supreme Court to have chancery power in cases of mortgages by corporations 106 companies building branch or lateral lines may specifically mortgage same and issue bonds........ ... no deeds, mortgages, &c. informally acknowledged by officers of corporations, validated in when two companies merged, company to have power to issue bonds and mortgage to secure 121 provisions of act 8th April, 1861, relating to sales of railroads, to apply to sales under power in mortgage 135 companies may invest surplus funds or earnings in mortgages, ground-rents, &c 143 companies formed under act 4th April, 1868, to secure bonds by mortgage on road and franchises 150 companies leasing railroads may endorse or guarantee bonds secured by mortgage on leased road 153 259 PAGE MORTGAGE. Act zoth April, 1867, authorizing sale of property upon bond same as upon mortgage, repealed ................................................................................................ t j t bonded obligations and stock may be increased fifty per cent, of amounts heretofore authorized. ........................................................................................................... IJA lien of mortgages not to be affected by sale of property and franchises under act 7th April, 1870 ............................................................................................................ I77 coal-lease, proviso to section 4 act April 9th, 1872, not to apply to ............................... 223 companies may increase surety of bonds by mortgaging their remaining property and franchises .............................................................................................................. 227 may be executed by individuals and companies to banks to secure notes, bills, and re- newals .................................................................................................................. xgg may be taken by banks from individuals and companies to secure notes, bills, and re- newals .................................................................................................................. 198 may be made by any railroad company to secure bonds and obligations ........................ 199 NAMES CHANGED. Authority to quarter sessions to change names of corporations repealed 2oth April, 1869 23 common pleas authorized to change names of corporations within their respective counties 173 NARROW GUAGE roads to be constructed under act 4th April, 1868..... 235 NET EARNINGS to be returned to auditor-general, and pay three per cent, tax 157 tax of May ist, 1868, repealed 201 NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. Act 6th February, 1852, regulating railroad guages, not to apply to 72 NITRO-GLYCERINE. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 NON-RESIDENT CORPORATIONS. Property in the State of a company located out of State liable to levy and sale as if in State 35 not to do business until place of business and agent established in the State 215 to file certificate of name, objects, place of business, and name of agent 215 NON-RESIDENT DIRECTORS. All citizens of United States eligible as directors, though non-residents of the State 135 NON-RESIDENT STOCKHOLDERS. Majority of non-resident directors or stock- holders to determine where meetings to be held 130 service of process for enforcing payment of installments for stock 224 NON-USER. Roads decayed, out of repair, and unused for five years to be deemed abandoned 183 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Act sth May, 1832, regulating lateral railroads, to extend only to Northumberland and other counties 9 proceedings to assess damages to land to be held only in county where land situate 154 act 5th April, 1849, section 2, for lateral railroads, extended to Northumberland county... 167 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Act sth May, 1832, lateral railroads, extended to, with other counties 19 NOTES AND BILLS held by banks may be secured by individuals and corporations, by mortgage on their real estate 198 NOXIOUS WEEDS and Canada thistles to be cut down by railroad companies in Erie county. 81 260 PAGE OBLIGATIONS not redeemable except in gold or silver not to be issued .' 63 OBSTRUCTING CROSSINGS. Agent or engineer obstructing crossings liable to penalty of $25 26 companies obstructing free passage of any private road or crossing liable to penalty of $30 68 OFFICE. General or principal office for business to be established within the State 32 general or principal, when located out of State, company may be sued where property located 35 governor to appoint directors, &c. when office not established in State 140 no corporation to enter into business until place of business reported to auditor-general... 154 general or principal, location to be determined by stockholders 165 location of, to be reported to auditor-general before going into operation 216 foreign corporations not to do business in State until office established and agent appointed \ 215 every railroad company to keep office for business and transfer stock in the State 233 OFFICERS. Companies whose works are principally within State to hold elections within State 32 stockholders, under general law of 1849, to elect president and twelve directors second Monday in January 41 president and directors, under general law of 1849, to exercise all powers granted the corporation 42 not to be directors, receiving salaries, nor surety for officer, nor interested in contracts... 79 ^ not to be interested in contracts for supplies or transportation lines on road 224 OPERATING CONTRACTS for traffic and rates and use of road to be entered into 115 when interfered with, court to enjoin 169 ORGANIZATION. How to be effected under general law of 1849 40 after sale under process or decree of court 95 of company under act 28th April, 1871 184 PAPERS AND BOOKS may be examined by auditor-general and State treasurer to verify returns made 162 PASSES. No railroad company having accepted Article XVII. of Constitution to grant free passes 234 PASSENGER RAILWAYS in Philadelphia to pay tax on gross receipts for Centennial Exposition 205 PENALTY for not filing statement of cost of road, under general law of 1849, $ IO 7 for not constructing bridges and causeways over railroad, all damages sustained 8 for injuring railroad, placing obstructions, &c., three times actual damage 9 for allowing flour, corn, and meal to be wet and damaged, twenty-five cents per cask and actual damage n for injury to passenger by driver, engineer, or conductor, $50 and imprisonment la for setting fire to wooden bridges, punishment for arson and $2000 fine xa for not reporting passengers and contents of cars on city railroad, fine 22 for obstructing crossing of public street or road by locomotives or cars, $25 26 for injury to railroad, car, implements, engine, &c., three times actual damage 48 for removing or destroying railroad, so as to injure passengers, imprisonment not over three years 49 26 1 PAGE PENALTY for transporting gunpowder without marking it "gunpowder," $50 fine and imprisonmeat 64 for issuing checks, orders, or due bills, not redeemable in gold or silver, charter to be forfeited. 63 for obstructing private road or crossing by cars or engines, $30 68 for breaking down and carrying away fences, $10 (repealed) 69 for not weighing coal received for transportation in Schuylkill county, $50 76 for a director to act as an officer under salary, forfeit office and fine $500 79 for causing injury to passenger by driver, conductor, or engineer, $500 and imprison- ment 91 for selling or disposing goods entrusted for transportation, $500 and imprisonment 92 for casting obstructions, removing rails, switches, lights, machinery, &c., $10,000 and imprisonment 92 for throwing missiles at engine, car, tender, or truck, $1000 and imprisonment 93 for not canceling or returning tickets, embezzling, or stamping, $1000 and imprisonment... 97 for not cutting down Canada thistles and noxious weeds, $15 102 for selling tickets without lawful authority as agent, $500 and imprisonment in for not obeying rules of company, and injury or loss of life results, 55000 and imprison- ment 119 for breaking down or carrying away fences or material, $50 and imprisonment 122 for excluding persons from cars on account of color or race, $500 and imprisonment 136 for not erecting and maintaining fences along tracks in Erie county, $50, besides dam- ages to owner 141 for not erecting and maintaining fences along tracks in Warren county, persons may recover cost of erecting 142 for not erecting and maintaining fences along tracks in Centre county, $50, besides damages to owner 151 for not erecting and maintaining fences along tracks (when destroyed by fire) in Erie county, $50, besides damages to owner 153 for not reporting to auditor-general name, date, capital, &c., $500 154 for not reporting to auditor-general capital paid, date, amount, and rate per cent, of divi- dends, ten per cent, added to tax 155 for not retaining and paying over tax on capital stock from dividends, directors, man- agers, or treasurer liable 15? for not reporting net earnings to auditor-general, ten per cent, added to tax 157 for not reporting and paying tax on gross receipts, ten per cent, added to tax 159 for not reporting amount of coal mined and purchased, ten per cent, added to tax 160 for not reporting amount of interest paid, treasurer shall forfeit amount of commission allowed 162 for neglecting to fence roads in Warren and other counties, answerable to owners 172 for recklessly injuring or destroying trunk, valise, box, &c., $100 174 for not making report to auditor-general of operations and affairs, $5000 178 for not filing articles of association, under act 28th April, 1871, $50 184 for not reporting to auditor-general mineral statistics, $100 186 for trespassing on cars in Berks county, riding without paying fare, $5 191 for vagrancy about railway property in Susquehanna depot, $10 and costs 207 for neglecting to file certificate of increase of stock, $5000 213 for neglecting to report to auditor-general amount of stock, bonds, &c 214 for neglecting to report to auditor-general name, place, stock, &c 216 for neglecting to report to auditor-general dividend declared or value of stock 218 for neglecting to report coal mined and pay tax on same, ten per cent, added 220 for doing business in State before establishing office and appointing agents 216 for delivering explosive or dangerous material for transportation without information and marking 222 262 FAGB PENALTY for violations of act May isth, 1874, prohibiting interest in contracts and transportation lines 225 for granting free passes by companies having accepted Article XVII. of Constitution 234 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY authorized to run their cars and locomo- tives over connecting roads 72 act 3d March, 1853, repealed as to carrying passengers and baggage on Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad 86 PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Railroad and other works forbidden to be constructed or built upon lands of. 199 PERISHABLE GOODS may be sold, under order of court, where consignee not known... 113 PERRY COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, extended to Perry 198 PETROLEUM. Production of, to be reported to, collected, and published by auditor- general 186 PHILADELPHIA. City councils to require returns of passengers and freight on city rail- roads 22 loans of city and incorporated districts liable to taxation for State purposes only 75 no railroad terminating in city to be constructed without submitting plans to board of surveys 78 city of Philadelphia not to charge tolls on city railroad for greater distance than used.... 86 offices, depots, and other property, except superstructures, liable to taxation for city purposes 90 act 2ist April, 1855, section 10, not to apply to railroads using steam-power 116 wharves, docks, or piers not to be constructed in Philadelphia without consent of port wardens 120 PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. Act February 2ist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, extended to Philadelphia 198 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. The guage of railroads authorized to connect with Philadelphia and Erie Raiload to be of same guage no PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD to connect with other railroads in Philadelphia county 16 PHOSPHORUS. Delivery for transportation, storage, and sale regulated 222 PICKPOCKETS found at any railroad depot in Erie or Crawford counties, to be arrested and committed for ninety days 130, 132 PIERS, DOCKS, WHARVES. Companies whose lines reach or cross streams to have right to acquire piers, docks, wharves 120 PITTSBURG. All real estate of railroad companies subject to taxation for city purposes... 91 PITTSBURG AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD excepted from act i 7 th February, 1870, authorizing leases and contracts 175 PLACE OF BUSINESS. Companies, when works are principally in the State, shall locate their principal office in the State 140 to be reported to auditor-general before commencing to do business 154, 216 to be established and agent appointed in State by foreign corporations 215 to be maintained in the State by every railroad company, for business and transfer 233 PLANK ROADS AND RAILROADS. Law of 5 th April, 1849 not over three miles 5* PLANS, MAPS, AND PROFILES of projected roads to be filed in canal commissioners' office 18 PLANS AND SURVEYS. No railroad terminating in city to be constructed without sub- mitting plans to board of surveys 78 POLICE FOR RAILROAD, to be appointed by governor on application of railroad company 118 POLICEMEN to be appointed in Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Warren counties for pro- tection against pickpockets, &c 131 POTTER COUNTY. Plank roads and railroads (law of 5th April, 1849) not over three miles 51 POWERS AND PRIVILEGES of companies organized under general railroad law of 1849.. 39 of companies organized under railroad law of April 4th, 1868 146 26 3 PAGE PREFERRED STOCK may be issued to extent of one-half of capital ; dividends, twelve percent I9 a holders of, not to be liable for debts of company ^a issued under act April 3d, 1872, may be issued in classes and order of preference 208 PRESIDENT and twelve directors to be elected, under general railroad law of 1849 41 and directors to exercise all the powers, under general railroad law of 1849 42 not to be interested in contracts for supplies nor in transportation lines on road 224 PRIVATE RAILROADS not to be constructed to connect with roads in Ohio or New York 7I PROCESS may be served on toll-gatherer of any incorporation, same as if on president, &c.. 10 may be served on president or other principal officer, cashier, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk 13 may be served on manager or director officer may go into adjoining county to serve 21 service valid on director, manager, or other officer, where office located and president, &c. reside out of State 35 under general law of 1849, service may be on president, secretary, treasurer, engineer, agent, or director 48 n pres ght where suit brought ................................................................................................ 68 in cases against company for obstructing private road or crossing, process may be served on agent ..................................................................................................... 69 in ejectment may be served on person having charge of land as agent or on behalf of claimant ............................................................................................................... 73 may be served on director, when president, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk not in county .................................................................................................................. 85 may be served in any county, if president, &c. not found in county where suit brought... 85 scire facias on judgment for laborers' wages may be by one service and one return of nihil habet ............................................................................................................ 104 when office located out of State, and officers not found in State, service may be by publication ........................................................................................................... 105 how served on stockholders to enforce payment of installments for stock ....................... 224 PROXIES. Proxies to vote shall be obtained and dated within six months of election ........ 3 proxies to vote shall be obtained and dated within six months of election (general railroad law of 1849) ........................................................................................................... 42 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. On settlements, twelve per cent, interest charged, and twelve per cent, on balance, if not paid in sixty days ............................................................... 162 erroneously made up, may be revised and restated ........... '. .......................................... 167 PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. Railroads constructed under general law of 1849 to be ............... 49 PURCHASES OF STOCKS AND BONDS.-Companies may purchase stock and bonds, and contract for use or lease of other roads ............................................... ~ ............ 97 of companies of this or any other State may be made by companies in this State ............ 165 railroad and canal companies may purchase stock and bonds of coal, iron, and other companies ............................................................................................................. 17 canal, navigation, and railroad companies may purchase stock and bonds and lease works of each other ............................................................................................... 180 private corporations may subscribe for or purchase stock and bonds of American Steam- ship Company ...................................................................................................... 182 authorized between canal, navigation, and railroad companies in certain counties ....... 188 PURCHASE OF RAILROAD, when sold under process or decree of court, regulated, and organization of new company provided ............................................................ 95 debts due Commonwealth by railroad sold by decree of court, to be secured before purchasers organize ............................................................................................... IO 5 where railroad sold by assignee or trustee, same privileges conferred as in act 8th April, 1861 ............................................................................................................ "5 company purchasing any railroad sold under authority, to issue stock for value of road... 129 company purchasing any railroad sold under authority, to have rights of company whose road was sold .............................................................................................. I2 9 264 PACK PURCHASE OF RAILROAD. Act 8th April, 1861, to apply to all sales under power in mortgage, without process of court 135 purchasers of railroad property under judgment and execution to take clear of liens, except mortgages 177 QUARTER SESSIONS authorized to change names of corporations (repealed) 23 act 4th April, 1843, authorizing quarter sessions to change names, repealed, and court of common pleas authorized ... 172 QUORUM of directors, under general railroad law of 1849, to consist of seven directors 42 when directors increased under authority of law, majority to constitute a quorum 170 QUO WARRANTO. When corporation dissolved upon proceedings of quo ivarranto, property to pass to officers in trust, &c 194 RAILWAY POLICE to be appointed by governor when requested by railroad companies.. 118 RACE OR COLOR. Penalty for refusing to carry or excluding persons on account of race or color 136 REAL ESTATE to be purchased, held, and sold by companies under general railroad law of 1849 39 to be purchased, held, and sold by companies under general railroad law of 1868 148 and other property of dissolved corporations to vest in persons in office at dissolution, in trust for stockholders and creditors 194 of dissolved corporations to be sold by officers last in office or trustee to be appointed 215 RECEIVER, to be appointed by Supreme Court, of assets of corporations dissolved under quo warranto '... 194 REDEMPTION OF TICKETS by railroad companies when not used, paying difference between whole fare and rate for distance traveled 112 proviso of act 6th May, 1863, amended to prohibit sale of unused tickets except to railroad company 197 REGISTRATION OF BONDS may be made in name of holder, and transferred on books.. 208 REGULATION of railroad corporations, articles of association, letters patent, &c 231 RELOCATION of railroads to be contracted for with county authorities 232 REMISSION of forfeiture of charters; acceptance of Constitution 227, 236 REMOVAL OF ACTIONS may be made to any adjacent county through which works do not pass 10 costs of suits removed shall be borne by county in which suit was brought 15 actions brought on contracts, expressed or implied, not to be removed 20 act i4th April, 1834, for removal, extended to all suits for damages as for other cause... 96 all proceedings for assessment of damages to be held in county where real estate situate.. 154 authorized to any adjacent county, on filing affidavit that removal not intended for delay, &c 181 expenses of trial of suits removed underact 28th April, 1870, to be paid by county from which removed _ 190 Lancaster, Venango, and Berks counties exempt from act 28th April, 1870, relating to change of venue 192 26 5 PAGE REPEAL. Reservation by legislature of right to repeal or alter lateral railroad law of 1832, 10 act of i4th April, 1834, for removal of actions, repealed as to suits on contracts 20 act of 5th May, 1832, prohibiting writ of error, repealed 20 act of i6th June, 1836, repealed as to requiring service on defendant not resident of county 25 act of sth May, 1832, and z8th March, 1840, repealed as to Cambria county 29 act of sth May, 1832, repealed as to limitation of act to certain counties 38 of all laws regulating guages of railroads 73 of laws relative to sale of Allegheny and Beaver county bonds below par 77 act 3d March, 1853, so far as relates to passengers and baggage over Columbia railroad... 86 actofi6th March, 1858, in reference to liens of common carriers 113 act imposing a penalty for throwing down fences, and enacting another 122 act i2th April, 1859, as to tax on shareholder for shares on which corporation pays tax.. 139 of acts inconsistent with act of 4th April, 1868, for formation of railroad companies 151 of all laws authorizing removal of proceedings for assessment of damages, as to North- umberland county 154 of all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with general tax law of ist May, 1868 163 of act toth April, 1867, authorizing sale of property upon bonds same as upon mortgage.. 171 of act 4th April, 1843, giving authority to quarter sessions to change names of corporations 172 amended, of acts inconsistent with tax law of ist May, 1868 173 of acts and parts of acts inconsistent with act of gth. April, 1870, for reports to auditor- general 179 of State tax on earnings, stock, gross receipts, &c., act of May ist, 1868 201 of parts of acts of May ist, 1868, and March 2ist, 1873, relative to State taxes 221 of last proviso of first section of act April gth, 1872, relating to wages 223 REPORT to legislature, and statement to stockholders, under act 1849 (general railroad law) 49 REPORT TO AUDITOR-GENERAL of name, date, place of business, capital paid in, and names of president and treasurer 154, 216 of amount of capital paid in, date, amount and rate per cent, of dividends declared..iss, 217 of number of tons of freight carried over, through, or upon works of company 158 of gross receipts derived from all sources during preceding six months 159 of net earnings received from all sources during preceding year 157 of amount of coal purchased or mined during preceding three months 160 of amount of interest paid creditors or bondholders during preceding year 161 of operations and affairs of corporations at end of fiscal year, 9th April, 1870 178 of mineral statistics coal, coke, petroleum, salt, iron ore, zinc, &c 186 of interest paid on bonds and other indebtedness aox of name, place, capital, officers, &c. before doing business 218 of amount of coal purchased or mined during preceding six months 220 REPORT TO SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, in lieu of auditor-general, mineral statistics 22 9 RESERVATION by legislature of right to repeal or alter lateral railroad law of 1832 10 by legislature of right to resume, alter, or amend charter under act of 1849 (general railroad law) 5<> by legislature of right to repeal act 3d March, 1853, for running locomotives and cars on connecting roads 73 by legislature of right to alter, revoke, or annul charters 81 by legislature to alter, amend, or repeal act of 4th April, 1868, for formation of railroad companies I 5 1 RESUMPTION by State of railroads constructed under act of 1832, on payment of cost 7 RETAIN OLD TRACK. Companies to retain possession of old railroad track when line straightened or improved *9 a 266 PAGE RETURNS TO AUDITOR-GENERAL of number of tons of freight carried and tax on same (supplied) '. 117 REVOCATION. Every charter granted subject to be altered, revoked, or annulled by legislature 81 RULES OF RAILROADS, when not obeyed, and injury or loss of life results, penalty $5000 and imprisonment , 119 SABBATH DAY. Companies not required to attend their works on Sabbath day to expedite passage of boat, craft, or vehicle . 26 SAFETY OF TRAVELERS. Persons injured or killed through disobedience of rules, penalty $5000 and imprisonment 119 SALES OF GOODS upon which carriers have lien for carriage, storage, or labor 113 SALES OF RAILROADS. Provisions for, and organization of companies when railroad sold under decree of court 95 purchasers of railroads sold under decree of court to secure debts due Commonwealth... 105 and conveyance by trustee or assignee, to confer same privileges as if under order of court.... 115 companies may purchase connecting roads sold and issue stock to pay for same 129 purchasers of roads sold under power in mortgage to have rights conferred by act 8th April, 1861 135 act loth April, 1867, for sale of railroad on bonds same as on mortgage, repealed 171 and franchises under judgment authorized, all liens divested except mortgages 177 SALE OF RAILROAD PROPERTY by companies organized under general railroad law of 1849 39 SALE OF REAL ESTATE of dissolved corporations by officers last in office, or trustee... 215 SALT to be included in returns to auditor-general, for mineral statistics 186 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Lateral railroad law extended only to Lycoming, Luzerne, Schuylkill, and Northumberland counties 9 coal received at stations for transportation to be weighed 76 act nth April, 1862, to protect wages of labor, limited to Schuylkill and other counties.. 108 companies to aid coal, iron, and other companies in development of material interests... 170 railroads not used for five years, decayed, and out of repair deemed abandoned 183 act February zist, 1872, to prevent trespass on cars in Berks, extended to Schuylkill 198 SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS to issue blanks and receive and publish returns 229 SEQUESTRATION to be awarded when execution returned unsatisfied in whole or in part , 13 act of i6th June, 1836, as respects sequestration, not to apply to unfinished railroads.... 90 in lieu of sequestration, sale of railroad and franchises under judgment authorized 177 SERVICE OF PROCESS may be made on toll-gatherer same as if on president, &c 10 may be made on president or other principal officer, cashier, treasurer, secretary, or chief clerk 13 may be on manager or director ; if no manager or director, officer to go into adjoining county 21 valid on director, manager, or other officer, when office located, and president, &c. reside out of State 35 under general law, on president, secretary, treasurer, engineer, agent, or director 48 in any county where agency, on president, cashier, agent, chief clerk, director 68 in suits for obstructing private road or crossing, made on agent or other employee 69 267 PAGS SERVICE OF PROCESS in ejectment may be made on agent or superintendent in charge of property -. 74 may be made on director or manager, if president, &c. not found 85 may be made in any county, if service cannot be made where suit brought 86 scire facias on judgment for laborers' wages, one service and one nihil return 103 where office of company located out of State, made by publication of writ 106 on stockholders to enforce payment of installments due for stock 224 SHIPPERS, DROVERS, to enter stock-yards to feed cattle and cars to place bedding 114 STATEMENTS, under general law, to be made annually to stockholders of affairs and proceedings 49 STEAM-POWER. Act 2ist April, 1855, section 10, not to apply to railroads using steam- power 116 STOCKHOLDERS, under general railroad law of 1849, to meet annually on second Monday in January 41 under general law, to have one vote for each share ; proxies to be signed within three months 42 under act 24th March, 1865, to approve of agreement for consolidation 124 under act 24th March, 1865, refusing to convert stock to be paid damages or value 126 entitled to one vote for each share at all general meetings or elections 128 directors, or corporators, not citizens, majority to determine where meetings to be held.. 130 to appoint judges of election when they do not attend or directors do not appoint 134 directors must be stockholders ; citizens of United States eligible to office of director 135 suits against stockholders or directors to be brought within six years of neglect, &c 137 not to pay tax on stock on which a tax is paid by the corporation 139 to determine by vote the number of directors that shall govern affairs 152 to determine where general office located and where meetings and elections held 165 to ratify agreement of consolidation and merger 168 of preferred stock not to be liable for any debts of the company 192 may petition for a receiver when corporation dissolved under quo -warranto 194 to hold election to determine upon increase of stock 212 service of process on non-residents to enforce payment of installments due on stock 224 to consent to acceptance of Article XVII. of Constitution 230 STRAIGHTEN. Companies authorized to straighten, widen, deepen, enlarge, or improve lines 166 acts 9th April, 1856, sections i and 2, and 27th April, 1855, section i, extended to straightening, widening, and improving lines = 185 original railroad may be retained when an improved or straightened line substituted 192 SUPREME COURT to have chancery powers in all cases of mortgages by corporations 106 to restrain, by injunction, interference with right to connect with other roads 169 may appoint a receiver when corporation dissolved under quo -warranto 194 SURPLUS FUNDS may be invested in mortgages, ground-rents, loans, shares, public debt, &c 143 SURRENDER OF CHARTER. Common pleas may grant applications for surrender of charters 85 SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY exceptedfrom operation of acts authorizing leases and contracts for use of roads 185 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY AND OTHER COUNTIES. Railroad and canal com- panies to consolidate with each other 188 vagrancy about railroad property in Susquehanna depot to be punished 207 268 PAGE TAXATION. Loans of Philadelphia City and districts liable to State tax only 75 mileage for tonnage tax, nearest whole number of miles, adding or rejecting fractions.... 75 all railroad property in Philadelphia to be liable to city taxation, except superstructure.. 90 all railroad property in Pittsburg to be liable to city taxation, same as other real estate... 91 tonnage tax to be paid (supplied by act ist May, 1868) 117 stockholders not liable for tax on stock upon which tax is paid by the corporation 139 general State tax law, ist May, 1868 154 capital stock paid in to be reported to auditor-general before business commenced.. ..154, 216 capital stock paid in to be reported to auditor-general with dividend declared 155, 217 capital stock to pay tax of one-half mill per one per cent, of dividend declared ; three mills when no dividend 155 on net earnings to be three per cent, upon annual net earnings 157 on tonnage to be two cents, three cents, and five cents per ton on articles specified 158 on gross receipts to be three-fourths of one per cent, upon gross receipts 159 on coal to be four cents per ton of anthracite on coal-mined or purchased 160 on bank shares to be one per cent, on par value of shares held by shareholders 160 on interest paid to be five per cent, on each dollar of interest paid 161 on capital stock (not railroad stock) to pay bonus of one-fourth of one per cent, on amount authorized 163 on tonnage on coke and crushed rock sand not greater than on products of mines 164 repealing clause in act ist May, 1868, amended 173 on increase of fifty per cent, of stock to be same bonus or tax as now assessed on capital.. 174 for State purposes, repealed and revised as to earnings, receipts, interest 200 for Centennial Exposition of gross receipts of passenger railways 205 general tax law of 1874, April 24th 216 capital stock to pay tax of nine-tenths mill per one per cent, of dividend declared; six mills when no dividend 218 for State purposes on franchises of coal mining companies 220 TAXABLE PROPERTY to be returned by commissioners and board of revision 228 TELEGRAPH. Proceedings to be commenced against companies constructing unauthor- ized lines 180 THIEVES found at railroad depots in Erie and Crawford counties to be arrested and com- mitted 130 policemen to be appointed in Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Warren, for protection against 131 THISTLES. Companies operating in Erie to cut down Canada thistles and noxious weeds.. 81 Canada thistles to be cut down all over State, penalty $15 102 TICKETS REDEEMED by paying difference between whole fare paid for ticket and fare for distance carried 112 proviso in act 6th May, 1863, amended to allow sale of unused tickets only to company, 197 TICKETS NOT CANCELED or returned by employee, tickets fraudulently stamped and sold, penalty, $1000 and imprisonment 97 TIOGA COUNTY. Lateral railroad act sth May, 1832, extended to Tioga county 20 TIOGA RAILROAD excepted from acts regulating guages of railroads 72 TITLES held by aliens and conveyed to citizens may be held and conveyed not subject to escheat 95 provisions of act gth January, 1861, relative to titles held by aliens and corporations, extended to sales prior to this act 173 TOLLS to be charged under lateral railroad law of 1832 7 on city railroads established and distances regulated 22 to be charged under general railroad law of 1849 5 on lateral roads in Allegheny county same as by other roads, in addition to lateral tolls, 69 269 PACE TOLLS on city railroads not to be charged for any greater distance than used 86 on connecting railroads, leased or contracted, not to be higher than authorized by charter of either company