Fight For Your Lire ! BY BEN HANFORD Recording Some Activities or Labor Agitator NEW YORK WlLSHIRE BOOK CO. 200 WILLIAM ST. 1909 To the Jimmie Higginses, and Those Choice Spirits of This Earth Who Did or Do or Shall Call One Another "Comrade" Copyright, 1909, by WILSHIRE BOOK COMPANY New York Biographical Sketch of Ben Hanford By JOSHUA WANHOPE. MOST people are familiar with the story of the little boy who, asked if his father was a Christian, replied that he was, but that 'Tie wasn't working at it." Some professing So- cialists might be similarly described, but fortu- nately for the cause there are thousands of notable exceptions. And perhaps among them all, for in- domitable, tireless energy and record of service, no name stands higher than that of Ben Hanford, the virile author of this volume. A sketch of his activities, therefore, well may form the contents of this introduction. Hanford was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1861. His mother died in his infancy, and some years later his father married Frances Jane Thompson, of Bangor, Maine. She is a woman of rich and cultivated mind and rare and beautiful character, and Hanford declares his debt to her is incalcu- lable. Under her instruction he acquired a taste for reading and study, and to her influence he attributes most of whatever may be good in his character. Having learned the printer's trade in the office 1.626839 3 4 FIGHT FOB YOUR LIFE ! of the Marshalltown (Iowa) "Republican," Han- ford went in 1879 to Chicago, and on February 26 of that year became a member of Chicago Typo- graphical Union No. 16. Since then he has never been a day without his card of membership in the International Typographical Union. For many years he has been a member of New York Typo- graphical Union No. 6 "Big Six" and for thirty years he has been a militant and active worker in the trade-union movement. Sixteen years ago he became a student of Social- ist economics and philosophy under that gifted and wonderful teacher, Fred Long, of Philadelphia, also a printer. Since then the Socialist movement has had no more indefatigable and persistent champion than Ben Hanford. He has been three times nominated as Socialist candidate for Governor of the State of New York in 1898 being the nominee of the Socialist Labor Party, and in 1900 and 1902 he headed the New York State ticket for the Socialist Party. In 1901 he was chosen as Socialist Party candidate for Mayor of New York City. In 1904 and again in 1908 he was nominated by the Socialist Party for Vice-President of the United States, in both campaigns the national ticket of the Party having been Debs and Hanford. His activity in both the Socialist and trade-union BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 5 movements has never ceased. He generally put in three months of each year on the lecture platform and in making political addresses before the an- nual election, but the day after the polls closed saw Hanf ord back in the printing office working at his trade. In addition to his activity as a speaker, Hanford has been a constant contributor to the labor press, and leaflets and pamphlets from his pen have been circulated by millions. When the New York "Sun" locked out its Union printers in 1899, Hanford wrote much of the literature of "Big Six," boycotting that paper, and openly defied Judge Bookstaver's injunction against him- self and other members of the Printers' Union. As a public speaker Hanford has always heen recognized as one of the most powerful and effect- ive on the Socialist platform. He possesses elo- quence, fluency, a power of piquant and effective illustration and a wide range of economic knowl- edge, with the ability to explain seemingly intricate problems in clear and simple terms. The reader of this volume will find many striking examples of this faculty in its pages. In addition to these qualifications, Hanford is an exceedingly formid- able champion in debate, and has on many occa- sions completely outclassed the ahlest apologists of capitalism that could be found to meet him. Though never a strong man physically, Hanford 6 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! possesses a nervous power and endurance which enabled him for many years to undertake and suc- cessfully carry out speaking campaigns which were beyond the strength of men his physical superiors. But for several years past his health has been so broken that he has been forced for a long time (and it is feared permanently) to abandon all public speaking. While his physical sufferings have been and still are most painful, he still employs his pen in the Great Cause. It has always been his pro- found belief that his work for Socialism has given him a stronger hold on life, and that had it not been for the inspiration and strength derived from working for the Cause, he would have long since been dead or a hopeless invalid. "Socialism is Life" has been Hanford's motto, and this point of vie*/ has undoubtedly influenced him in selecting the title under which the present work appears. Though these collected writings of this Socialist veteran have a high economic value as Socialist propaganda, a value which has indeed been prompt- ly recognized in the Socialist movement, as testified by the wide circulation many of them have enjoyed, they are perhaps as valuable in another respect, as displaying in the most marked degree the indom- itable spirit, the unbounded courage, faith and hope that makes the Socialist movement of the world invincible and irresistible. Preface IN 1904, when I was for the first time made the Socialist Party candidate for Vice-Pres- ident of the United States, Hermon F. Titus, in presenting my name to the Convention, spoke of my "sacrifices" for the Socialist movement. In accepting the nomination, I stated that it was lit- tle that I had been able to do for Socialism, but that it had done wonderful (almost miraculous) things for me. I even declared (and correctly) that work in the Socialist Movement had then prolonged my life some years, and that to that Movement I owed everything. In the five years since that time my obligation to the Labor Movement has been multiplied mani- fold. Most of the United States Comrades know of my broken health and acute physical suffering. A few Comrades know how heavy was the hand of personal and spiritual affliction that was laid upon me. Nothing is clearer to my mental vision than that I could not have lived those years ex- cept for the beautiful love and stalwart support of my Comrades the world over, and the strength which I derived from the hope of the return of such a. measure of health as would once more en- 8 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! able me to actively work in the Great Cause. Not only do I owe my life to the Socialist Movement. Until I joined that Movement I had never lived. In this work I have made no effort to make an exposition of Socialism. I have simply tried to show certain phases of Capitalism in such a way that all might understand. At the same time I believe that I have had a measure of success in voicing the Spirit of the Socialist Movement as understood and felt by one who all his life has lived in and been a part of the Class Struggle. If this publication shall cause any one to join the Socialist Movement, the author will be amply repaid. Next to Socialism, the grandest and best thing in this world is Working for Socialism. B. H. Brooklyn, N. Y., January, 1909. Contents BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF BEN HANFORD. By Joshua Wanhope 3 PREFACE 7 THE JIMMIE HIGGINSES 11 THE GOSPEL OF THRIFT; or, How MUCH MONEY DID JOHNNY SAVE? 14 THE WILD IRISHMAN .'.... 19 LABOR PRODUCES ALL WEALTH 23 CHICAGO. Address in Garrick Theatre, Chi- cago, May 3, 1908 27 THERE AIN'T GOIN' TO BE No SERVANT GIRLS 33 I. MOTHER JONES DEPORTED 37 II. CAPITALISM'S CONFESSION 43 "SEE THE BEAUTIFUL HOUSES AT PRIMERO !" A True Story of the Trinidad Coal Strike (1904) 47 DON'T BE A TOMATO 51 THE JAMES BOYS; or, MODERN LAW AND ORDER 60 "WE PROPOSE TO RUN OUR OWN BUSINESS IN OUR OWN WAY !" . . 66 10 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! THE FREE AMERICAN WORKINGMAN AND His SACRED RIGHT TO WORK 71 $1,318 $6,194 $120,000,000,000 76 SOCIALIST CONVENTION SPEECH. Address Before the New York City Convention, May 30, 1905 81 DEBS 86 OUR "IMPARTIAL" JUDICIARY. 88 His DIGNIFIED NOBS 94 YOUR UNCLE Is DEAD 98 I. WHERE ARE WE? 103 II. How TO ROB A MAN WHO Is BROKE . . 108 THE GRAND ARMY 115 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE !.. , 121 The Jimmie Higginses A COMRADE who shall be called Jimmie Higgins because that is not his name, and who shall be styled a painter for the very good reason that he is not a painter, has perhaps had a greater influence in keeping me keyed up to my work in the labor movement than any other person. Jimmie Higgins is neither broad-shouldered nor thick-chested. He is neither pretty nor strong. A little, thin, weak, pale-faced chap. A poor dys- peptic, asthmatic epileptic. But he is strong enough to support a mother with equal physical disabilities. Strong enough to put in ten years of unrecognized and unexcelled service to the cause of Socialism. What did he do ? Everything. He has made more Socialist speeches than any man in America. Not that he did the talking; but he carried the platform on his bent shoulders when the platform committee failed to be on hand. Then he hustled around to another branch and got their platform out. Then he got a glass of water for "the speaker." That same evening or the day before he had distributed handbills adver- tising the meeting. 12 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! Previously he had informed his branch as to "the best corner" in the district for drawing a crowd. Then he distributed leaflets at the meet- ing, and helped to take the platform down and carry it back to headquarters, and got subscribers for Socialist papers. The next day the same, and so on all through the campaign, and one campaign after another. When he had a job, which was none too often, for Jimmie was not an extra good workman and was always one of the first to be laid off, he would dis- tribute Socialist papers among his fellows during the noon hour or take a run down to the gate of some factory and give out Socialist leaflets to the employees who came out to lunch. What did he do? Jimmie Higgins did every- thing, anything. Whatever was to be done, THAT was Jimmie's job. First to do his own work; then the work of those who had become wearied or negligent. Jimmie Higgins couldn't sing, nor dance, nor tell a story but he could DO the thing to be done. Be you, reader, ever so great, you nor any other shall ever do more than that. Jimmie Higgins had no riches, but out of his poverty he always gave something, his all; be you, reader, ever so wealthy and likewise generous, you shall never give more than that. THE JIMMIE HIGGINSES 13 Jimmie Higgins never had a front seat on the platform; he never knew the tonic of applause nor the inspiration of opposition; he never was seen in the foreground of the picture. But he had erected the platform and painted the picture; through his hard, disagreeable and thankless toil it had come to pass that liberty was brewing and things were doing. Jimmie Higgins. How shall we pay, how re- ward this man? What gold, what laurels shall be his? There's just one way, reader, that you and I can "make good" with Jimmie Higgins and the likes of him. That way is to be like him. Take a fresh start and never let go. Think how great his work, and he has so little to do with. How little ours in proportion to our strength. I know some grand men and women in the Socialist movement. But in high self-sacrifice, in matchless fidelity to truth, I shall never meet a greater man than Jimmie Higgins. And many a branch has one of him. And may they have more of him. To that man, and to all who would be worthy to call him "Comrade" this book is humbly and affectionately dedicated. The Gospel of Thrift ; or, How Much Money Did Johnny Save? NOW, I am going to tell a story and ask a question. Once upon a time there lived a Con- necticut Yankee who was a very smart man. Any of you who have known any Connecticut Yankees will not doubt their smartness. This particular Yank had a son, and like a dutiful parent he did his best to bring up his son in the way he should go. It was his desire that his boy should grow into an- other very smart man like himself, so that as he went along life's journey he might be able to get a shade the best of every other man's son of course, none of the other Connecticut Yankees were teach- ing their sons to get the best of his son. Among other virtues the Yank sought to de- velop in his son was that of thrift he desired that the boy should be frugal and saving. One evening just before supper the old Yank said to his boy, said he : "Johnny, Johnny, why don't you save your money ?" "Save my money?" replied Johnny. "How can I save my money when I hain't got no money ?" THE GOSPEL OF THRIFT 15 "Well, Johnny, I'll give you some money, and then you can save it," said the old man. "All right, pop, you give me the dough, and I'll save it all right." "Well, I'll give it to you, Johnny. But you'll first have to do something for it; that is, you'll have to earn it." "All right, pop. What'll I have to do ?" "Well, now, Johnny, I'll tell you. You go with- out your supper to-night, and I'll give you a nickel, and you can save the nickel." Johnny was mighty hungry, hut he wanted the nickel badly, thinking of the fun he would have spending it, and so he spoke up bravely : "All right, pop. . Gimme the nick, and I'll save it." So Johnny went without his supper, went to bed hungry, but he had the nickel safely put away, and the unpleasant dreams caused by the painful knots in his empty little insides were from time to time relieved by visions of himself spending his hard- earned money. At last morning came, and Johnny, with his nickel in his pocket, and with an awful gnawing in his middle, came downstairs to breakfast. "Good morning, Johnny," said his father. "Morning, dad," said Johnny. "Hungry, Johnny ?" "You bet." 16 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! "Want breakfast?" "Yep." "Did you save your nickel, Johnny ?" "Yep." "Well, I'll tell ye, Johnny, you can eat breakfast if you like, but there's something you'll have to do first." "What's that, pop?" "Well, you see, Johnny, times have changed since last night. You see, you've got money now, and you'll have to pay board" "What'll I have to pay, pop?" said Johnny, weakly, feeling very faint in the stomach. "Well, son, you give me your nickel that you saved, and you can sit down and eat all the break- fast that you want to." And with sorrow, but without hesitation, Johnny paid over his nickel for breakfast. That's my story. Now for my question. If Johnny got a nickel for going without his sup- er, and had to pay a nickel for his breakfast, How Much Money Did Johnny Save? No. Don't you dare to laugh. Not if you are a workingman. If you will think for a moment you will see that THE GOSPEL OF THEIFT 17 Johnny saved just exactly the same amount that you workingmen can save out of your wages. How much is that? How much wages do you get? I can tell you to the cent. Not perhaps just what some particular workingman gets, but just exactly what we all of us get for our life's work. Yesterday we got just enough in wages to sup- port us in such a way that we could work to-day. Last week we received just enough in wages so that we could work this week. This month we will receive just enough so that we can work next month. This year we will receive just enough in wages so that we can keep ourselves in condition to work next year. In our lifetime we shall get just enough wages so that we can do the master's work and bring suffi- cient children into the world to take up our task and do our master's work after we are gone. As a class, we workers get what economists call the "living wage" neither more nor less. Ah ! say you, you know some workingmen who get $5 a day ! Surely that is more than the living wage. Yes, my friends, there are a few workingmen who get five dollars a day. But it is sometimes the case that a man with a high money wage does not receive more than enough to enable him to do his 18 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! work. And remember, that for every man who re- ceives above the living wage there are whole groups who receive below it who get a subsistence or a starvation wage. And think of those who have no work and get NO wage. Now, why is it that at this time, when those who do the world's work can produce more wealth with less labor than ever before in the world's history, why is it that a man who by his labor in a day can produce an amount of wealth equal in value to from two to twenty times the living wage, why is it that under these conditions a man, a woman, or a child works for the "living wage?" There is just one reason, my friends. It is because the workers do not own the means to employ themselves. In order to live they must work. In order to work they must sell themselves to those who own the things with which work is done. We Socialists want those who do the world's work to own the things with which their work is done. When those who work own the things with which they work they will own the wealth produced by their work. Then those who work will be rich and have all the wealth they are willing to work for and produce which will be just enough for them. And then those who do no work will have no wealth and that will be just enough for them. The Wild Irishman IT was 1902, the seventeenth week of the great anthracite coal strike. Several miners had told me about "The Wild Irishman." The wonderful things he had done. His boldness and bravery. Equally ready to go down the shaft in time of danger to rescue a comrade, or to demand of the boss a raise in wages for himself and fellow miners, or to assist in organizing his brethren into a union. "I'll lose me job if I talk unionism, will I? Well, then, I'll get another. If I can't get an- other, I'll go without." That was the way the Wild Irishman talked when he was told that he would be fired for his activity in union matters. He kept right on or- ganizing unions. Strange to say, his bosses did not fire him. As the Wild Irishman told me when I saw him: "If I lost me job, I'd have had all the more time to organize the men." I looked forward with interest to meeting the Wild Irishman. At last I went to his cabin, a company "house" in a mining camp near Wilkes- barre, Pa. I introduced myself, and he invited 20 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! me into the back yard, the afternoon being warm. His wife joined us. Notwithstanding all I had heard about him, the Wild Irishman took me by surprise. He was a man well along into the sixties, what with the diseases and accidents inci- dent to his trade, a rare old age for a miner. He had begun anthracite mining in the old days when something like decent wages were paid. I never saw such a remarkable looking man in my life. His scalp was scarred, and his face bore the blue and blue-black marks of powder explosions. For the rest, it seemed as though every bone in his body was either fractured or dislocated. During his many years in and about the mines he had met with every sort of accident. Premature and de- layed explosions. Fire damp. Pillars giving way. Roof falling. Pumping machinery out of order and flooding of the mine. Cables breaking. Every sort of mining accident had happened to him one or more times. Besides, he had gone looking for accidents, had both legs broken while digging to rescue some comrades when the "hill fell on them." Such a twisted, battered-up man I never saw. But somehow nothing had ever been able to "get him" in a vital spot. And regardless of the fractures, dislocations and scar-tissue scattered through and over his face and body, he was still a handsome man and a strong man, notwithstand- THE WILD IRISHMAN 21 ing his years. Heart and lungs as sound as ever. And an eye like an eagle. Crippled and disfigured in half a hundred places, grizzled, and gray, and weather heaten, but strong. He sat there on a bench in the little back yard, telling the story of the great strike and the causes of it. And his good wife sat by, the most beautiful old woman I have ever seen. Hair whiter than snow. A fine oval face. Wrinkled. Deep lines written there when her son was killed in the tipple. Other lines that told of want, then and in days gone by. And other lines that told of worry, and of the long sleepless nights and days while she was watching and nursing the Wild Irishman. And yet that seamed old face was cheerful. She was one of those women that made you feel better if she merely nodded to you. Her "good morning" would cheer you up for the day. The Wild Irishman told me the tale of the strike, what caused it and what it was for. He told me the low wages the men made when they had work. He told of the short time, the lay-offs, and the shut-downs. He told how the company stores robbed the men, charging them two and three prices for the staple necessaries of life; how the men were in debt, and were compelled to trade at the company stores; those who were not in debt being laid off. He told how the company charged 22 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! the miner two and three times the market price for powder. He told how the company sold coal on a basis of 2,240 pounds to the ton, and how they compelled the miner to give them a ton of 3,000 pounds or more. He told how the men were docked for trifling things, and how the companies fought against a check weighman a measure with no purpose except to insure the honest weighing of the coal. He told of the company doctor, the com- pany houses, and countless other grand and petty forms of robbery and extortion practised by the coal barons. As he concluded his story of the conditions under which he had labored for so many years, the Wild Irishman stood up. He raised one hand as if taking an oath and said : "And I and the boys will never go back under the old conditions never I'll ate the dirt in the street first!" Then the white-haired old wife spoke up. Said she: "Yes, and I'll cook it for him!" That's what I call Solidarity. I am one of those who throughout my life have been very fortunate in my friendships. But I never have and never shall meet a nobler man than the Wild Irishman, nor a grander, braver man. Why wouldn't he be with a wife like that ? Labor Produces All Wealth* OTHER than the resources of nature, Social- ists maintain that Labor of brain and brawn, Labor of mind and limb, produces all wealth. Because Labor produces all wealth, we maintain that those who do the Labor should have all the wealth produced. There are those who will tell you that capital produces wealth and that Money Makes Money. Let us consider it a moment. Good old pious Deacon Rockefeller no doubt has capital to the equivalent of a billion dollars. Now, suppose that Mr. Rockefeller could get a billion dollars in gold eagles coined at the United States mints. And suppose that he placed that billion dollars in gold down in New York's City Hall Park. How long would the pious old deacon's billion dollars in gold have to remain there before they added unto themselves another gold eagle? They never would do it, and you all know it. Nor would it change matters in the slightest if the money were silver instead of gold. * From lecture, "Socialism the Hope of the World," 1903. 24 FIGHT FOB YOUR LIFE ! Let Deacon Rockefeller get a billion silver dol- lars, every one of them coined at Mr. Bryan's sacred ratio of sixteen to one he is such a pious man, let him have "In God We Trust" stamped on both sides instead of one side of every last one of them how long would they have to remain buried in City Hall Park before they became two billion dollars? They'd never do it, and you all know it. Though that billion of silver dollars lay in the richest soil on earth for a billion years, they would not in all that time add to themselves a single dollar, or even a lead dime with a hole in it. Ah, you say, money is only potential capital. When Mr. Rockefeller puts his money into real cap- ital, then it creates wealth. Well, let us see. Suppose that the blessed old deacon put his billion dollars into the shoe indus- try. Let us imagine, if we can, that over in City Hall Park there is an immense shoe factory; that it is fully equipped with the latest and very best tools and machinery for the making of shoes; that his storerooms are filled nigh on to bursting with the raw materials of which shoes are made leather and findings, and eyelets and laces, and pegs and blacking the factory, tools, machines and raw ma- terials all together having a value of a billion dol- lars, and all Rockefeller's. LABOR PRODUCES ALL WEALTH 25 Now, then, how long will that shoe factory have to stand there before it makes a pair of shoes? How long before the leather and findings make themselves into shoes? They'll never do it, and you all know it. Another factor must be added to the raw mate- rial and the machines before we have shoes even from a billion-dollar shoe factory. We must have Labor in this case the Labor of the shoemaker. Only when the Laborer comes along and plies the tools, and operates the machines, and manipulates the leather then, and not before, we shall have Now, if the Labor of the men in the building trades erected the factory, if the Labor of the ma- chinists built the machines, if the Labor of the tan- ners made the leather, and if the Labor of the shoemakers made the shoes if Labor did it ALL, where is the reason in justice that those who did ALL the Labor are not entitled to ALL of its fruits ? The shoes in which we walk up Broadway in no way differ from the bull's hide tortured by flies on the plains of Argentina except in so far as the bull's hide has been the receptacle of Human Labor. Ah, but once again say you, when you put your money in the bank, then money makes money. 26 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! Some people seem to think that the first dollar placed in the bank is a male dollar, and the second dollar is a female dollar, and these male and female dollars get married, and then every year after the wedding ceremony these dollars have children in the form of nickels and dimes, or annual interest at five and ten per cent. But it isn't so. The dollar you put in the bank is simply the representative of wealth that was pro- duced by Labor; and when it is taken out of the bank it is exchanged for means of production (cap- ital, if you please), and that capital was itself pro- duced by Labor, and then a workingman comes along and uses that capital, and his Labor produces more wealth, and then that wealth produced by Labor is exchanged for other dollars, and those dollars that replace the principal and pay the in- terest are placed back in the bank. And Labor built the bank, and Labor made the safe in the bank, and Labor made the paper and printed, or Labor dug the gold and minted the dollars, all of them, male, female and neuter. And the only place where the wedding comes in is where the Very Eminent Gentleman who is president of the bank marries the money and takes it to Canada with him and that's a decree of di- vorce from yours. Chicago Address at the Garrick Theatre, Chicago, May 3, 1908 A MAN who had long resided in Chicago (he had never lived) died, and, as a matter of course, went to hell. But when he got there he did not know the place. He thought it was Heaven he found it so much pleasanter than Chicago. Chicago the place where all of Capital's dreams come true. Straight down from the first to the seventh hell. Then down, down to the bottom of the bottomless pit there is Chicago. Chicago an industrial penitentiary, the buildings and grounds covering hundreds of square miles. In- mates and keepers numbering more than two thou- sand thousand souls many of them dead, all others in fever and travail. Chicago the penal city. Rolling mill prisons. Factory prisons. De- partment store prisons. Reaper works prisons. Stock yards prisons. Factory prisons full of chil- dren. Factory prisons full of women. Factory prisons full of men. Some of them trusties but they can't escape. Prisons for all who work. All must work in prisons. None can 28 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! ever work out of prison in Chicago. All and each serving a life sentence. Inmates and keepers, all must work work, and hurry, in Chicago. Hurry or die hurry and die hurry to death the capitalist devils can't wait in Chicago. Primitive men utilized cliffs and caves for dwellings. Chicago people dwell in cliffs and caves. Not those made by nature. Nature's cliffs and caves are not high enough, not low enough, not dark enough. So the Chicago prison- ers made their own caves and cliffs and made them foul, and dark, and poisonous. Chicago peopled by souls that are dead, with hearts of lead, in their rotting flesh, hung on brittle bones. Chi- cago where the buildings shake and the streets rock and the whole place quakes always where they know no silence and hear no song where there are noises ever, and never music sounds. Chicago where most that is not crime or vice is humbug statues of plaster, pretense of marble; buildings of staff and sand, pretense of stone ; putty and paint, pretense of iron and steel ; men who are devils, smug-faced, clerical-clothed, pretense of virtue; pallid women, rouged, pretense of health; bejeweled women, hearts of flint ; perfumed women, fine ladies, disguising the stench of them. The hands on the clock say the hour is morning but they work all night in the night time, and there is CHICAGO <59 no day in Chicago. Hurry, hurry to work, pris- oners and keepers hurry all. Go faster, ever faster. Don't lose the step. If you lose the step, you fall. And if you fall you die in Chicago. Work, little child, work, and hurry. Work, little girl, work faster. Wear crash and rags ; mind not your withering, bending frame; work, little girl, and hurry. Your employer's little daughter as your cheeks pale, so hers shall bloom. She shall be swathed in silk and fine linen, and clothed in lace ; she shall be light and airy as a fairy and as she older grows she will thank the only God she knows she is not like you. Work, child, work, and hurry. Work, woman, work, and hurry; faster, faster, or you will lose your place in the prison; work, work, work. Mind not your bruised and faded flesh, your aching, all but breaking bones; work, woman, work ; faster, ever faster. Wear bur- lap and tatters over your shrivelling form. Your employer's wife she shall be a Juno, and arrayed in raiment that would shame a queen ; every thread shall be washed and dyed in your heart's blood. Your employees many mistresses not Venus, with full round breast and rosy lip, shall compare with them. They shall have the beauty that was yours, and your sister's, and your daughter's. In a year and a day you shall die, but they shall live the sum of life that belonged to you, and when they 30 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE ! are gorged with their cannibal feast they will pray their God of hosts for more, and thank their Holy Ghost they are not like you. So work, woman, work ; but hurry ; faster, faster, ever faster. Work, man, work. Hurry. Your keepers watch. The foreman's eyes are never closed. So bend your back, and hurry. The load is heavy never mind. 'Tis a load of gold, and gold is God God of your masters, God of your keepers, God of your City of Death. Chicago the sun may shine over, it never shines upon Chicago. Always covered with a gray- black pall of poison. Chicago where only the robbers and skinners live; where the workers and doers die. Chicago where profit blights like a pestilence. Chicago where inmates and keepers live on the hell-broth brew from the witches' cal- dron ; toads, and Crotalus, lizards, ordure, children, women, men heart of a girl, love of a boy, a fa- ther's spirit, a mother's joy all steeped together in the blackened pit, cursed by the forked tongue of the fanged and venomed and taloned hag. Chicago where railways steal their "right" of way, steal the lake front, steal part of the lake and are going to steal the rest. Chicago where the rulers sold the people's birthright for a mess of pottage and then they stole the pottage. Chicago city of saloons, dives, brothels, dens and joints. Chicago where Satan is blessed and the Saint is damned. CHICAGO 31 Chicago city of Godless churches, dedicated to the worship of devils and dollars. Chicago where Justice, with bandaged eyes, was slain in her own temple with her own sword. Chicago place of the levee where the soiled woman dies to live. Be- fore she reached there she worked long hours for a pittance bare to keep her body alive. But the Lord of the Factory made her sell her soul for the chance to work. And now on the levee, weak unto death, she still must tribute pay to the Lord of the Land. Worse still. The strongest men in this prison town, its finest, bravest, best guardians of its peace its Magnificent Police this poor woman, before feeding her child from her trade of death, must pay tribute blackmail to the noble execu- tors of the law. Oh, that monsters in the form of man could steal the babe's milk from the famishing mother's withered breast! But this in Chicago, where they pillage the poor, and rob the dead and club the unemployed. Into the cells of the bottom- less pit, into this prison with its two millions of souls, there penetrates one ray of light from a single Star of Hope. Here in this hell a Working Class Awakes. Maimed and mauled, battered and scarred, broken and twisted, almost deafened, they listen ; almost blinded, they see and their look is upward. They listen to the gospel of Brotherhood and they look for the Star of Socialism, and even 32 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE ! the prisoners of this penal colony love, and grasp each other's hands and they are going to make this Bedlam blossom as the rose. Long since the seed of truth was sown in this soil of sin. Wher- ever that seed falls there that seed shall grow even in the noisome gardens of Cannibal Capitalism. But, oh, how long the time! Yet shall there be rest for the weary even in Chicago. Chicago where men live like paupers, work like horses, and die like dogs. Even in Chicago, the heavy laden shall find relief; the naked shall be clothed; the famished prisoners fed; they that mourn shall be comforted ; and the souls that thirst shall drink of the waters of life, and love and Love is Life. In the Chicago that is to be. When Capitalism dies, then shall the Free Man rise, in the world that is to be peopled with brothers and sisters, and comrades and lovers a world that is Paradise. There Ain't Coin' to be No Servant Girls FEW and far between are the crumbs of com- fort seen as one looks over the world of capitalism. But there are two recurrent news items that cause me to chortle with glee and warm the cockles of my heart. One is the wail raised by the gentlemen of com- merce because it is so difficult to get American- born boys to be sailors. The other is the whining belch of our fine ladies because of the scarcity of servant girls. Generally speaking, a common sailor is treated a little better than a dog. Most servant girls are treated worse than dogs. "Domestics," they are called by their "mis- tresses," but few of them meet the kindness and consideration accorded domestic animals. They cook the best food, and eat the leavings. They set the table in the dining room, and eat in the kitchen. They sweep and dust the parlor, but they must not sit there. They empty the slops and make the beds in fine chambers, but they sleep in attic or cellar, or in a cubby-hole under the stairs. Every male member of the household has a right to insult her. No matter who or what he is raw and driveling youth, burly master, or drooling and senile grandpa. Driven to bay by these fine gentlemen, she may call for help. But there is no help. Only mistress can hear her cry. She knows "her boy" wouldn't do such a thing. "You are the brazen baggage." "Leave my house hussy !" No reference. No "character." When attacked by foreman or employer, the factory girl may save her soul at the price of her place and bread, but many times the "domestic" must give up all on the altar of slavery. One afternoon and one evening out every week. Last one to bed, first to get up. Fires, dishes, meals, slops, beds, sweeping, dusting, children, washing, mending, windows, scouring, scrubbing all to be done for others, all to be done in the way that others say. No, dear madam, my fine, fat old female with the double chin, there ain't goin' to be no servant girls in the world that is to be. It's a terrible thought. But take heart of hope. It may not be as bad as you fear. True, there shall be no serv- ants, but it does not follow that there shall be no service. First of all, tools and machines, organi- zation of labor, division and subdivision of labor, shall do many things now done by the domestic slave. And about machines and their labor there NO SERVANT GIRLS 35 shall be no smell of servitude or slavery, no taint of the "menial." True, brass and iron, cogs and levers and springs and steel can not do everything. There are left tasks that must be done, tasks that only human hands can do. That service shall be performed, dear lady. But not by servants, not by slaves. It will be the service one equal performs for an- other. The obligation will be on the side of the one who receives the service. Dear, dainty madam, in the day that is to be, if you want someone to take care of your dirty linen, you're going to be awful good to them. Yes, you really are ; indeed, you are. You can't believe it, but it's true. And you're not going to pay for their service with $3 a week, and meanness, and asperity, and airs of superiority. In the day that is to be not far off, dear, gentle lady you will find that if you want service you will have to render service. You will find there are things that may not be bought with a bank check, however large. Dear, pretty lady, do you know what you owe your servant girl? Do you know that your fine raiment is woven out of her rags? That your riches are coined out of her poverty? That your freshness and bloom are the health that was hers ? 36 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! That every minute of your leisure has been coined out of her life? Beautiful mistress, in the world that is to be things will be very different. There ain't goin' to be no servant girls. In that world you, pretty creature, will have to be useful as well as orna- mental. But, cheer up. It may not be as bad as you fear. You are going to lose your servant that is sure. Maybe you'll find a sister where once you had a slave. THAT would make it worth while, wouldn't it? No servant to obey you, no slave to fear you, but a sister who shall love you even you. I. Mother Jones Deported IN May, 1904, I was in Trinidad, Colo., center of the lignite coal region. For a long time the miners had been on strike. Their de- mands were for the enforcement of the eight-hour clause of the Colorado State Constitution, more air and better ventilation of the mines, abolition of the pluck-me company stores, payment of wages in money instead of checks, and the amelioration of other wrongs which have followed the miners in all the coal camps of the United States. Inasmuch as the miners demanded that the eight-hour mandates of the constitution be enforced for their benefit, they were at once declared to be in rebellion, the militia were ordered out, and Trin- idad was placed under martial law. Of the strik- ers, some were beaten, killed, jailed, bull-penned or deported. There was no outrage known to sav- age or civilized man that was not visited on the defenseless miners of Trinidad by the mine own- ers' detectives, deputy sheriffs or militia. In these outrages the mine owners were at all times aided, abetted and protected by Governor Peabody good friend of Theodore Eoosevelt and William H. Taft. Do not forget the latter, Mr. Work- 38 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! ingman. You have a right and a duty to hold him responsible for his friends. It was not a sufficient vindication of the "maj- esty of the law" and the power of the "good peo- ple" of Trinidad to deport men strikers and sym- pathizers. One day late one night, rather old, white- haired Mother Jones was taken from her bed- room in the hotel, placed in front of fixed bay- onets, marched to a train, and taken to the Terri- tory of Arizona. During my stay in Trinidad I met one of its leading citizens, a lawyer. Discussing the strike, I asked him if he did not think the mine owners might have limited their war to a fight on the men, and inquired if he did not regard it as pretty low down to use the militia to attack and deport a white-haired old woman like Mother Jones. At mention of the name of Mother Jones the fel- low's face turned fire red with excitement, and he swelled up like a poisoned pup. "Mother Jones !" said he. "Mother Jones ! We ought to have deported her long before we did." "Well, what did Mother Jones do?" I inquired as gently as I could. "What did she do?" howled the lawyer. "What didn't she do?" "Well, just mention what she did," said I. MOTHER JONES DEPORTED 39 "What did she do? She she talked!" he answered, and he was livid with anger. "Do you mean to say that you would take an old woman in the 60's and run her out of the state because she talked?" "By G d, you ought to have heard what she said!" he replied. "And -those d d miners be- lieved her, every word." "What did she say?" I questioned. "She said everything. She deserved to be de- ported." "Well, now, what was the very worst thing she said? What did she say that was not true?" "She she said that 'Labor produces all wealth.' I heard her myself right out in the street there, in front of this very hotel and a whole army of these d d strikers heard her, and believed her." "Is that the worst she said? Did you deport Mother Jones because she said that 'Labor pro- duces all wealth'?" "'No not entirely," said Mr. Lawyer. "She said other things and worse. She said 'Labor should have all it produces.'" "Do you deny that 'Labor produces all wealth' ? and that 'Labor should have all it produces'?" "Deny it? Certainly I deny it. Everybody knows it isn't so." 40 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! "And so you deported Mother Jones for saying what everybody knows isn't so?" "Well, d n her, it isn't so, but she made them think it was so !" "It seems to me," said I, "that you might have found a way to lessen Mother Jones' influence over the miners much more effectual than that of running her out of the state." "How?" he asked, anxiously. "How? What else could we do? We had to get rid of her somehow." "You are a lawyer?" I questioned. "Yes." "A college graduate?" "Yes." "Accustomed to addressing judges, juries able to make a public speech before your fellow citi- zens in a creditable way, doubtless?" "Well, my friends say so," he admitted, most genially. "Then," said I, "let us look at it this way: We'll just suppose that old Mother Jones is out on that street corner now, and that she is telling a lot of miners that 'Labor produces all wealth.' Now, you know that is not true. You know that labor does not produce all wealth. You are a man of learning. More you are a man of trained mind. Better still you are familiar with the MOTHER JONES DEPORTED 41 forum; it is a habit with you to reach the rea- son of a judge, to rouse the emotions of a jury. Now, then, if Mother Jones was out in the street tonight, telling people that 'Labor produces all wealth,' it would be absolutely foolish for you to deport her. There is a much better way than that a way in which you can destroy her influ- ence absolutely. Besides, it's legal and as a leader of the bar, of course you know that deporting women for talking out loud isn't legal that is, not strictly." "Well? Well? What is that way?" "Simplest thing in the world. Can't see how you overlooked it. Here you are : Mother Jones out there on an old soap box tonight. She's a stranger in Trinidad you are well known. She has no education while you, you belong to a learned profession. She has no standing here you are a leading, a distinguished citizen. Mother Jones goes on with her speech. She says 'Labor produces all wealth.' With your own ears you hear her say so. You know it's false. But you don't need to deport her for that. I can tell you a way by which you can beat her game to a frazzle. Just you" "What? What is that way?" said Mr. Lawyer in breathless interest. "Easiest thing ever was. Tonight Mother 42 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! Jones says 'Labor produces all wealth.' You know better. So tomorrow night, on that same corner, YOU speak to the people. YOU tell them that the statement by Mother Jones that 'Labor pro- duces all wealth' is not so. It is a lie. YOU not only tell the people it is not so. YOU prove it. YOU explain to them just how wealth is produced. YOU show them just what it is that does produce wealth, and how it is NOT labor. See? There you are. No soldiers, no deputy sheriffs. No need to deport Mother Jones. She'd just have to leave town her own self." "Oh, what's the use ? If I was to make a speech out on that street corner no one would come to hear me. Besides, it wouldn't make any differ- ence if they did. Everybody knows me around here. Nobody'd believe anything I said." Why should he not appeal to the police, the bad men, the thieves, thugs and militia? How else can his side win ? Can they win that way ? That is another story. II. Capitalism's Confession THE strong man fights fair. He relies on his strength to win. The man with a righteous cause fights fair. He relies on his cause to win. The brave man fights fair. He would rather lose with honor than win with honor lost. Cowards, weaklings, men with a cause unjust such men are ever ready to foul if hard pressed in a fight. The blow below the belt, the dagger in the back, the venomed arrow, the poisoned well, slander, lies foul fighting. These are the weap- ons of the man with a craven heart, the man who fears. FEAE the most terrible thing in the world. All this world's realities of wrong for all time do not total such an awful sum as FEAR. Truly, the man who fears is possessed of the devil. His life is a burning, living death beside which death itself is an angel of grace on a cloud of peace. Fear is a most prolific mother. Fear breeds greater Fear. Fear marches like the black plague, only faster. In all the world there are no walls so high or thick that Fear cannot mount them or raze them. Earth has no rock-bound citadel that Fear cannot enter. Man can make no door that 44 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE^. Fear cannot open. In a city of a million souls, if there be but one man who Fears, all are in dan- ger. One may calculate, measure, limit, the power and action of enemies, fools, scoundrels. None can forecast the actions of the man who Fears. Fire, fever, clubs, swords, wars there is no limit to the evil power of those who Fear. Their enemies, their friends, themselves all are endan- gered by those who Fear. Wherever there is a capitalist who grasps a part of the meaning of Socialism, there is a capitalist who Fears. He thinks that shrewdness is wisdom and that force is power, and, moved by the lever of Fear, he first tries to fight philosophy with sophistry, and to oppose science with cunning. Worsted in the test by argument, his Fear grows greater. Then his craven heart comes to the re- lief of his crafty mind they are always together. Craft tells him he cannot win by reason. Cow- ardice t-ells him he MAY win by force. Fear eats him like an acid. He cannot meet the arguments of Mother Jones. Bring on the militia. Deport the old woman. He confesses his weakness. He cannot answer the Socialist speaker on the street corner. "Police!" "Arrest him. Stop these agitators." He confesses his cause is un- just. CAPITALISM'S CONFESSION 45 The unemployed parade. "Police!" cries the Capitalist in a paroxysm of FEAR. "Club them !" "Arrest them. Disperse them !" Confession of cowardice. He dare not even look at the main prop of his prosperity the unemployed. Confession. Confession. Confession. Confession of Wrong. Confession of Weakness. Confession of Cowardice. Every anti-labor injunction, every suppression of the rights of free speech and a free press, every foul and unjust decision against labor by cap- italist courts, every deportation of union men, every call for militia all are Confession. The Capitalist's Confession that in opposing Social- ism he cannot win by argument, but may by force. Confession that he cannot win by fair means, but may by foul. Confession that Fear peace-de- stroying, death-dealing Fear is gnawing his heart like cancer. In madness, the man who Fears de- stroys himself. Socialists, as the Capitalist Fears, so shall we Hope. He will deal us some terrible blows foul blows, blows in the dark, blows in the back. We shall have to stand punishment. More than once we shall leave our dead and wounded on the field. We shall lose some battles, but we shall not lose the war. As the Revolutionary patriots lost their 46 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! Lexington and their Bunker Hill, so may we. But, like them, we shall win our Saratoga and our Yorktown and we shall dictate the terms of peace. The Man Who Fears has been a power for evil, but his sun shall set on the day when he meets the man who Hopes. " See the Beautiful Houses at Primero ! "* A True Story of the Trinidad Goal Strike (1904) IN the Trinidad coal field the employers would at no time confer with the officers of the union. As usual, they said they were at all times ready to listen to anything their employees had to say to them as INDIVIDUALS. But they absolutely refused to recognize the union. Individual employees repeatedly went to them and asked that ills be remedied. With what result ? With the result that so far from any of their grievances being remedied, the individuals who had the temerity to mention them were either dis- *This is a chapter from "The Labor War in Col- orado," by Ben Hanford, 1904, now out of print. It recorded many of the events of the strikes of the coal and metalliferous miners in Colorado, including the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, the confine- ment of strikers and their friends in bullpens by Governor Peabody's militia, the deportation of the miners, and other outrages of the ruling class which culminated in the kidnapping of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone two years later. 48 FIGHT FOB YOUR LIFE ! charged from their employment or placed in such unfavorable parts of the mines that they were worse off than before. The coal companies redressed the grievances of the men by the instant discharge of any man who had a grievance. Their method of securing contented employees was to "fire" every employee who was discontented. The managers of the coal companies could not recognize the union. They could recognize the militia, they could recognize the deputy sheriffs, they could recognize thugs and bad men, all in their employ and all obedient to their orders but they could not recognize the union. The men who owned the coal mines could recog- nize anything and anybody on earth except the coal miner. Some of the houses furnished the men by the companies were the worst of shacks. In some camps the companies did not have sufficient houses, and leased the men ground on which they built dwellings of their own the lease, however, re- quiring that they be vacated on five days' notice. But in one or two camps, notably that of Primero, the company had erected a group of houses that were nearly fit dwelling places for human beings. The demands of the men, as I have said, were for increased wages, the eight-hour day, honest "SEE THE BEAUTIFUL HOUSES !" 49 weight, wages to be paid in lawful money, and ventilation of the mines. So far as the employers through their flunkies and factotums made any answer to the demands of the men, it was one continued anthem in praise of the "houses at Primero." "Increase our wages," said the men. "Look at those houses at Primero!" replied the bourgeoise editor of the organ of the coal companies. "Give us the eight-hour day," said the miners. "What nonsense," said the agents of the compa- nies. "You men don't want the eight-hour day. Look at those beautiful houses at Primero !" "Give us a check weighman," said the men, "so that we shall not be required to mine 3,500 pounds of coal in order to get credit for 2,000 pounds." "Hogs !" responded the members of the Citizens' Alliance, every last man of them on the side of the coal barons. "You poor miserable children of darkness! It is not a check weighman that you want. A ton is a ton, isn't it, whether it weighs 3,500 or 2,000 pounds ? What can common people like you know about honest weight, anyhow? See the beautiful brick houses at Primero!" "Pay us our wages in money, instead of scrip on the company store," said the men. "Money! Money?" yelled the chorus of little business men in the Citizens' Alliance, who felt 50 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! themselves honored and flattered when a mine manager spoke to them. ''Money? For coal miners ? You're a lot of miserable foreigners ! It's not money you want. Look at the houses of those miners at Primero! Some of them are painted! Besides, we want all the money our- selves !" "Ventilate the mines as the law requires/' said the men. "We must have air or we can't work." "Anarchists!" yelled the bourgeoise chorus. "You are a lot of Dagoes and Mexicans. You want air? Look at those houses at Primero. Some of them have windows !" No matter what these thirteen thousand men asked for, sufficient answer unto all to point to the little group of cottages, and say, "Look at those houses at Primero !" Don't be a Tomato MR. MAN OUT OF A JOB, I want you to ask yourself one question. When your wife or you go to market to buy things, you are glad to find a large variety and plentiful supply of those things for sale, are you not? If there is a large variety, you can find things of just the grade and quality that you want, can't you ? And if there is a plentiful supply, and a number of dealers, you can get the things you want cheap, can't you ? The world over, you will find that when people huy things they want them to be cheap in price. For instance, suppose you go to market to buy tomatoes. If you find several marketmen with big supplies of all kinds of tomatoes, you know that you can get a bargain. If some of the toma- toes are so ripe that they will not keep for more than a day or so, you know that you can buy toma- toes cheap. Now, Mr. Man Out of a Job, just remember this one thing when you huy tomatoes you want tomatoes to be cheap. Remember that men the world over, when they buy things, want the price to be low. Remember, further, that so long as 52 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! you are going to buy tomatoes you would never do anything to raise their price, would you ? Mr. Man Out of a Job, this is to you. At times you have no doubt wondered why you are out of work. It has seemed to you cruel and unjust that a man able and willing to work at useful and productive labor should not be allowed to do so. You have wondered why the "rich" men of the country did not employ you and the millions of your unemployed fellows. You have wondered why Republican city officials did nothing for the unemployed except to have the Republican police club them, as in Chicago. Then you have wondered why Democratic city officials did nothing for the unemployed except to have the Democratic police club them, as in New York. These two parties are always (appar- ently) at war with each other. Why does not one of them help the unemployed, and so gain a great political advantage and victory over the other? But don't forget the tomatoes. If city officials will do nothing for the unem- ployed, why is it that state officials will not assist them? Don't forget the tomatoes. If neither city nor state officials will help the DON'T BE A TOMATO 53 hungry man out of work, why not the national government? Don't forget the tomatoes. The last session of Congress appropriated over a billion dollars for a single year's government expenses. But not a penny was appropriated for the relief of the unemployed. Don't forget the tomatoes. The national convention of the Eepublican Party met, adopted a platform, nominated can- didates for President and Vice-President but did nothing for the jobless man. The national convention of the Democratic Party met, adopted a platform, nominated candi- dates for President and Vice-President but did nothing for the jobless man. Mr. Man Out of Work, have you asked why city officials, state officials and national officials have done nothing to supply you with work? Have you asked why the national conventions of the Republican and Democratic Parties gave no consideration to you and six millions of others Avho are looking for work in this United States of Rockefeller prosperity? Don't forget the toma- toes. 54 FIGHT FOE YOUE LIFE! There is plenty of work that should be done in the United States public buildings, libraries, books, school books, roads, bridges, irrigation, docks, river and harbor improvements, canals things innumerable that need to be done all over this great land. And there is plenty of money to do it with. The Eepublican Convention solemnly declared that this country was worth $110,000,000,000 and nearly every dollar of it subject to taxation. Plenty of money to be had to employ every idle man in the whole nation. Mr. Man Out of a Job, why did not these offi- cials and parties do something to give you em- ployment? Do you remember the tomatoes? So long as you buy tomatoes, you would not do any- thing to raise their price, would you? Now, Mr. Man Out of a Job, just take a look at the men who control the Eepublican and Demo- cratic Parties. The influential men of both par- ties are employers of labor, are they not ? An em- ployer of labor buys labor, doesn't he ? Now, just remember the tomatoes, Mr. Man Out of a Job. So long as you could not get tomatoes unless you bought them, you would not help to raise the price, would you? DON'T BE A TOMATO 55 So with the capitalist. Some capitalists sell one thing, some sell another thing, and some sell many things. But there is one thing that all capitalists must buy. That is labor. One capitalist owns a coal mine and sells coal he wants the price of coal to be high. Another capitalist owns a railroad he wants the price of transportation to be high. Another capitalist owns a department store he wants the price of merchandise to be high. These capitalists sell coal, they sell transportation, they sell merchandise. But there is one thing the capitalist never sells there is one thing the capitalist always buys. The capitalist who owns the coal mine must buy the labor of the miners. The capitalist who owns the railway must buy the labor of the railway workers. The capitalist who owns the department store must buy the labor of the clerks and errand boys and girls and floor walkers. _ Always and everywhere the capitalist must buy labor. Now, Mr. Man Out of a Job, don't forget the tomatoes. When you buy tomatoes the price can- not be too low to suit you, can it? 56 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! So with the capitalist. He buys labor. The price cannot be too low to suit him. Mr. Man Out of a Job, you would think your- self a fool to raise the price of tomatoes when you buy tomatoes. So would the capitalist be a fool to raise the price of labor when he buys labor. Yet that is what you expect him to do. That is what you ask him to do. You are sur- prised when he doesn't do it. Mr. Man Out of a Job, if there are few toma- toes in the market, the price is high; if there are many tomatoes in the market, the price is low. If some of the tomatoes are so ripe they will not keep another day, the price is very low. When you go to market as a buyer of tomatoes you want to find lots of tomatoes there, some of them dead ripe, and the price very low. So with the capitalist. When he comes to mar- ket to buy labor, he wants to find many unem- ployed laborers (skilled and unskilled) ready to sell their labor, so that he can buy all the labor he wants. When the capitalist comes to market to buy labor, he wants to find some unemployed laborers dead ripe (hungry), so that he can buy all the labor he wants cheap. The man who can't eat until he gets work will take a job of work cheap. DON'T BE A TOMATO 57 Now, Mr. Man Out of a Job, do you understand why it is that the Kepublican and Democratic Parties will do nothing for the unemployed? I do not say that all the men in those parties are capitalists. But I do say that capitalists control both of those parties. And you know it. You need not take my word for it. There are working- men in both parties. The workingmen are al- lowed to furnish the votes. But employers of labor, big and little, absolutely control both old parties. And employers of labor are buyers of labor. And buyers of labor want labor to be cheap. And in the long run labor will be cheap in just the proportion that laborers are out of work. So, Mr. Man Out of a Job, why should you ex- pect political officials and parties who buy labor to help the unemployed ? Suppose the federal government gave work to all the unemployed. Where would the capitalist find labor when he wanted it? He would have to outbid the govern- ment to get men. He would have to pay a high price when he bought labor. He no more desires to pay a high price for labor than you desire to pay a high price for tomatoes. If the unem- ployed were supplied with work, not only would the capitalist have to pay a high price for any additional labor he might employ, but if there were no unemployed the men now at work would 58 FIGHT FOB YOUR LIFE ! immediately demand a raise in wages. And if there were no unemployed the capitalist would have to give the raise demanded or cease business. Now, Mr. Man Out of a Job, you really don't think the capitalist wants to raise wages, do you ? You know if he does want to raise wages, there is nothing to stop him now, is there ? Also, you know what it takes to make a capitalist raise wages, don't you? It takes power: the power of labor organized, and strong enough to beat him with strike and boycott. Mr. Man Out of a Job, there is a political party that, so far as it has and gains power, will at all times look out for the unemployed. But the polit- ical party which has at heart the interest of the unemployed is not controlled by capitalists. It is not controlled by men who buy labor. The only political party which will provide work for the jobless man is the political party which is con- trolled by workingmen men who sell labor. That party is the Socialist Party. Eead its platform and demands, Mr. Man Out of a Job, and you will find that you and your six million fellows were not forgotten by the men and women who composed the national convention of the So- cialist Party. DON'T BE A TOMATO 59 Don't forget the tomatoes, Mr. Man Out of a Job. A green tomato will keep good for two or three weeks in a cool, dark place, and it requires neither food nor drink. But a green (or ripe) working- man out of a job won't keep two or three weeks without food or drink. Next election you can vote for the party controlled by the men who sell their labor and want high wages, or you can vote for the parties controlled by the men who buy labor and want to buy it cheap. Don't be a tomato and vote the Eepublican or Democratic ticket for the benefit of the capitalists who buy labor. Be a man and vote for the ticket of the Socialist Party and work to bring about a day in which men and women will not be sold in the market like green, and ripe, and over-ripe tomatoes. Don't be a tomato, Mr. Man Out of a Job. The James Boys; or, Modern Law and Order* ONCE Upon a Time, said the Young Ob- server, there lived two men who were de- servedly notorious, if not famous. They were known as the James Boys, Frank and Jesse James, brothers, and both were strong-limbed, keen of eye, and had what is sometimes called Nerve. Each was a crack shot with rifle or revolver, and Jesse could with the latter weapon hit a nail on the head or a man in the heart at a distance of fifty paces easily, with certainty, and, if called upon, with most rapid succession. But he never practised much on nail-heads, preferring, like a True and Strenuous Sportsman, Live Game. In addition to their splendid physical qualities, the James Boys were great on morality, the Rights of Property, and such things, and took especial pride in themselves as Exponents of Law and Order. But, alas! Like many other great men, they lived behind their time, and their theories A chapter from "Railroading in the United States," by Ben Hanford, 1901, out of print. THE JAMES BOYS 61 were little understood and sadly unappreciated. Some of the Most Respectable People denounced their notion of Property Eights, and to practically carry out their Philosophy of Law and Order they were often compelled to resort to the most Strenu- ous measures. You see it was this way, continued the Young Observer. Frank and Jesse James were often in need of funds, and to supply themselves they sometimes resorted to what is called (most vul- garly, to be sure) Robbing banks, stages, railroad trains, and so on, by the most Crude and Plebeian methods. I do not mean that there is anything wrong in robbing a bank; everybody that is to say, all really Respectable people (and I flatter myself that I am so classified, said the Young Observer) recognizes the natural and inalienable right of a man and a gentleman to rob a bank or a railroad train. But he must always act in accord with the rules of the game. And the two primary rules are, first, before robbing a bank, a man must have properly qualified himself, either by having been born Respectable, by having Re- spectability thrust upon him, or by having achieved Respectability; no man has any right to rob a bank, or even a stage coach, unless he has received his degree from a high-class institution of learn- ing and taken a conspicuous part in at least one 62 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! campaign as an advocate of sound money. (It is easily to be seen by even the dullest mind that if a man is to be robbed of his money, it is of the highest importance that the money should be Sound money.) These institutions and opportu- nities, throughout the United States at least, are open to all alike on the same and equal terms, so that no citizen is prevented from acquiring these essential qualifications, and none of his Inalien- able rights are alienated. The second rule of the bank-robbing game requires that, in addition to his indubitable Respectability, the robber must do his Work from the Inside. Any other procedure is not only bad form, but can only be properly de- scribed as Vulgarity, and utterly unworthy of a true Gentleman. The education of the James Boys had been sadly neglected, went on the Young Observer, and, reasoning from their inner consciousness, and al- ways remembering that this was a Free Country, they proceeded to enforce their ideas of the Sacred Rights of Property and Law and Order by the methods most convenient to their hands generally six-shooters. This was the way of it : Frank and Jesse Jamts would board a passenger train at some convenient city, first taking care to purchase tickets. Both were scrupulously honest, and made it a point of THE JAMES BOYS 63 honor to pay their car fare. When the train was well under way, Jesse would go forward to the engine and request the engineer to stop the train, in order that he and his brother Frank might have an opportunity to give the passengers a little lecture, with practical illustrations, on Law and Order. The engineers always complied with any request made by Jesse, knowing that Law and Order was his strong point, and that he was not to be trifled with on the subject. Then Jesse would march the engineer back to a passenger coach, always giving him a front seat, that he might not miss any of the lecture. Having seated these gentlemen (I forgot to mention, said the Young Observer, that Jesse always invited the fireman and conductor of the train to join the engineer, and they never refused), as I said, hav- ing seated these gentlemen, Jesse would stand in the front door of the car, with a cocked six- shooter in each hand (Jesse never was able to make his lecture effective without his six-shooters for pointers and to give the proper punctuation), and deliver his justly celebrated lecture, as fol- lows: "Hands up! ladies and gentlemen. I am Jesse James. This is my brother Frank. We are here as Exponents of Law and Order. You all believe in Law and Order. I am the Law, and it is my 64 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! Order that you hold up your hands. If any gen- tleman (or lady) allows his (or her) hands to drop, I will blow the Top of his (or her) Head Off. You will understand that I am opposed to all violence, and if you keep order there will be no bloodshed. My brother Frank will pass through the car with a Bag, and any jewelry or money you have about you he will put in the Bag. It will be entirely Safe. I have no references with me, but I assure you that I am Jesse James, and I feel confident that you can trust me im- plicitly. No back talk. If you talk back, I will treat you just as I would if you took your hands down that is, I will blow the Top of your Head . Yes, this is a Free Country. I be- lieve in Free Speech. You can talk all you Wish when I am gone. No doubt, you would, one and all, like to make a few remarks. No; this is not a lecture on the Tariff ; though the Tariff is a Tax. Yes; the Money Question is an important One. But, friends, and I trust I may call you so, there is no good reason for antagonism between us; our interests are Mutual; you have my solemn assur- ance that there will be no trouble so long as You Obey the Law and Keep Order or Off goes the Top of Your Head. All right, Frank? So soon? This is such a splendid audience so Orderly, and inspired with such a Respect for the Law that I THE JAMES BOYS 65 hate to leave them. Ah, well every happy mo- ment has an end. Come on, Frank. Good-night, dear friends, good-night." Frank and Jesse gave this entertainment many times, and to audiences of the most varied char- acteristics. Jesse became very proficient in his Delivery, and wherever his lecture was delivered it made a Deep and Lasting Impression upon all who heard it. But, alas for the man who lives behind his time ! Some Eminent Gentlemen competitors of the James Boys who were in the Law and Order business on Their Own Private Account, offered a reward for Jesse, Dead or Alive, and one day he who had always striven to carry out his Crude theories of Law and Order, face to face, and Man to Men, was shot in the Back and instantly Killed. Think what Jesse James might have done had he adopted Modern Methods. But at least he died in the vigor of his manhood. He did not live to work the James in literature, nor was he ever elected to the United States Senate "as an inci- dent in his career as a railroad man." This, said the Young Observer, brings me to Law and Order and Modern Methods. The most important point about Modern Meth- ods is, before stealing from railway passengers, first Steal the Kailway. "We Propose to Run Our Own Business in Our Own Way!" ( ( "VII 7" E propose to run our own business in \\ our own way." So says the presi- dent of the big corporation when his thousands of employees ask an increase in wages. "We propose to run our own business in our own way." So says the senior partner in the firm when their hundreds of employees ask shorter hours. "I propose to run my own business in my own way." So says the little cockroach capitalist when his half-dozen employees ask half-way decent con- ditions. Then all together: "We propose to run our own business in our own way." St. George F. Baer, J. Pierpont Morgan, the president of the Typotheta?, the president of the Mine Owners' Association, the editor of every scab newspaper, the owner of a scab subway, the owner of every trolley line, railway, rolling mill, shoe factory, hat factory, bake shop every last one of them sits up on his hind legs and howls like a wolf "OUIl OWN BUSINESS!" 67 or whines like a coyote, "We are going to run our own business in our own way." Well, why don't you run it in your own way ? When could a boss have a better chance to run his business in his own way than while his em- ployees are on strike? If Mr. Baer wanted to run his business in his own way, why didn't he go right down under ground and dig his own coal out of his own mine when his miners were on strike in 1902? He would have been entirely safe. The eleven thou- sand militiamen of Pennsylvania could have "pro- tected" him and all the coal he might have dug. Why, when his men went on strike, didn't August Belmont go down to the subway and go to work, instead of going down to Florida to go fishing ? If all you union-hating gentry want to run your business in your own way, why don't you run it ? If you want to run your business in your own way, what do you hire scabs for ? If you want to run your own business in your own way, what do you hire any one for? If a member of the Typothetse wants to run his own business in his own way, why does he hire printers, pressmen, lithographers? If the owner of a newspaper wants to run his own business in his own way, why doesn't he sit 68 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! right down and write his newspaper, and edit his newspaper, and then make the paper his newspaper is printed on all in his very own way ? Then let him set the type in his own way, and read the proof in his own way, and make up the forms in his own way. Then let him put the forms on the press and wash and ink the rollers in his own way. Then he can fire the boiler, get up steam, run the press and print his precious paper all in his own way. And let him read it himself in his own way. Who or what would stop him? He would not need even a Gatling-gun injunction. "We propose to run our own business in our own way." So you say all you union-haters. And you lie you every one of you lie, and know you lie, when you say it. YOU do not propose to run your own business in your own way. You propose your business shall be run in YOUR way, all right. But you propose some one else shall run it, while YOU get the profit. That some one else that you propose to have run your business is a WORKINGMAN, and if HE does not willingly run YOUR business for you in your own way, and so far forgets himself as to ask for something it is not to your interest to give, and strikes in an effort to get what he "OUR OWN BUSINESS!" 69 asks for, you do not even try to run your own business. Quite the contrary. Instead of going to work and running your own business, you do your best to starve, club or shoot that workingman back into your shop to run it for you. So far, Mr. Union-Hater, you have had pretty fair success in making workingmen run your busi- ness for you in your own way. But there will come a day. You don't believe it? Ask the ghosts of ten thousand tyrants of ten thousand years that are past. If a man wants to run his business in his own way, the first necessary thing for him to do is to go to some place where there are no other men that means the desert. Then he can indeed run his business in his own way. He can do every- thing just as he likes. No one will interfere with him. No troublesome union workingmen will ask higher wages or shorter hours. Nor will they boycott his product for lack of the label. Only the isolated man can or should have a business of his own. Only the solitary man can or should run his business in his own way. Mr. Union-Hater, one of these days the work- ingmen who run your business will cease to ask you for better wages or shorter hours, or any of these things that trouble you so. 70 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! One of these days men who run your business FOR YOU will discover that if they can run it FOR YOU they can ran it FOR THEMSELVES. Then, instead of asking you for more wages, they will ask you for the business. Better still, they may TAKE IT WITHOUT THE ASKING. "I propose to run my own business in my own way." Such a man should go to the desert and run it. The Free American Working- man and His Sacred Right to Work* ME. FREE AMERICAN WORKINGMAN, you hear a great deal from time to time about your "sacred right to work." The talk generally comes from the learned editors of our great papers and from eminent judges of our Supreme Courts. You hear most of this talk about your precious "right to work" when you are on strike and refuse to work. Mr. Free American Workingman, did you ever stop to think for half a minute even about your "right to work." Let us be personal and speak plainly. The writer of this is a printer, a typesetter. He is one of those fellows who is supposed to be a "free American workingman," and like you to be in possession of that precious treasure, the "right to work." But though a printer, he does not own a print- ing office, or a typesetting machine, or a printing * From a leaflet written for Local New York sev- eral years ago. 72 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! press, or any of the machinery or tools essential in the printing industry. Now, if this man is to work at the printing trade, he must have the tools of the trade to work with. You can say that he has the "right to work" as a printer, and you can call him a "free American workingman," hut how can he exercise his "right to work" when he has nothing with which to work? Where does his "freedom" come in? His "freedom" consists in this if he does not work, he will starve, unless he can break into jail. And his "right to work" consists in this he has a "right to work" IF some one will hire him to work. This printer, being a free man in a free coun- try, is free to work or not, just as he pleases. But if he pleases not to work, he must live without eating, or go to jail to get fed. So you see, Mr. Free American Workingman, you have no freedom NOT to work. Work you must have in order to live. But you are not the owner of the things neces- sary to work with. You do not own mines, mills, factories, foundries, railways, land, machinery or tools you own none of the things which a man must have in order to work. Where, then, is YOUR "right to work"? Why, bless you, you have a sacred "right to FKEE AMERICAN WORKINGMAN 73 work" for anybody who will hire you. And the only people who can and will hire you to work for them are the people who do own mines, mills, fac- tories, foundries, railroads, workshops, land, ma- chinery and tools the people who own the things which a man must have to work with. So, you see, YOU are neither a "free American workingman/' nor have you the "right to work." First you have got to work or starve, and sec- ond you have got to work for another man on his terms a negro chattel slave had the same freedom to work or starve, and the same sacred "right to work" for another man on the other man's terms, that you free, sovereign American workingmen are possessed of. When you hear learned editors and eminent ju- rists talking ahout the "free American working- man" and his sacred "right to work," what do you suppose they mean? Do you think they mean that you are free to work or not? or that you really have a "right to work" as you will? Certainly not. By a "free" American working- man" they mean a man who is free to starve if he cannot get employment, and by the sacred "right to work" they mean a man's sacred right to be a scab and take your job when you go out on strike for better pay. 74 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE! The only people in "free" America who have a "right to work" are the fellows who own the mines, mills, factories, foundries, railroads, workshops, land, tools and machinery of production they have the "right to work," but they don't have to work because you have to work for them, and do your own work and theirs also and for payment you get enough to enable you to live (or exist) and bring enough children into the world to take up your task and do your work for them when you are dead and gone. Now, Mr. Free American Workingman, you have one advantage that the chattel slave never .had though he was always sure of a job, which is something you are never sure of. But you have in 'your hands a weapon with which you can free yourself from your slavery. You white and black wage slaves of the present day have the bal- lot in your hand, and each one of you can cast a vote as large and which will count as much as your master's and there are many of you and your masters are -few.* We Socialists want all of you workingmen to get into a workingman's polit- ical party, capture the political power, enact such * Since the leaflet was written many changes in the laws have deprived both white and black working- men of the franchise. If the great questions of to-day are to be settled by the ballot workingmen should hasten to make use of it. FREE AMERICAN WORKINGMAN 75 laws as will make the mines, mills, factories, foun- dries, workshops, land, railways, tools and machin- ery for the production of wealth your collective property and then, when you workingmen are the owners of the things with which you work, then you will be "free American workingmen," then you will indeed have a "right to work," and NEVER BEFORE. $1,318-$6,194-$120,000,000,000 LEGRAND POWERS, for years chief statis- tician of the United States Census Bureau, is the author of an article on the wealth of the United States in the "American Journal of Sociology" (September, 1908), published by Chicago (Rockefeller) University. Mr. Powers considers official statements of the property value of the country, and declares they are too small, giving facts and figures in detail for his opinion. The official Federal statement of the property values of the United States for 1890 was $65,000,000,000; for 1900 it was $88,000,000,000, and for 1904 it was $107,104,211,917. It will be recalled that Senator Burrows in his address as temporary chairman of the National Republican Convention at Chicago, in 1908, declared the value of our national wealth to be $108,000,000,000. Mr. Powers proves these figures too low, and states that the national wealth at the present time (1908) is certainly not less than $117,000,000,000, and is probably as much as $120,000,000,000. Taking $120,000,000,000 as the correct figure, and dividing that sum by the population of the United States at the present time (according to $1,318 $6,194 $120,000,000,000 77 the most reliable estimates) and we have $1,318 as the wealth of the country per capita. That is to say, if it could all be divided evenly and an equal share given to every inhabitant, there would be $1,318 for every man, woman and child. There would be $1,318 for the baby born last night. According to the census of 1900, the average size of families in the United States was 4.7 per- sons in each family. On that basis, if our nation- al wealth was distributed equally among all the different families, there would be $6,194 for each household. The wealth is here, Mr. Free American Work- ingman to the extent of $120,000,000,000. Your labor produced it. But it isn't yours. The wealth that your labor produced belongs to your landlord, it belongs to your employer, it belongs to the bond- holders and stockholders of the United States in short, to the capitalist class. Your labor, Mr. Free American Workingman, has given the country in which you work a value of $120,000,000,000 which belongs not to you who labor, but to those who do not labor. How does it come to be theirs? You must find the answer to that question, Mr. Free American Workingman. Your liberty and your life depend 78 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! on your being able to answer that question correctly. Mr. Free American Workingman, the wealth of this country belongs to the capitalist class through the power of the government the political power. The capitalists maintain their economic power through their political power. The capitalists get their political power through your vote, Mr. Free American Workingman. Take a look about you. Can't you see that the capitalists will vote for Republicans and Democrats? Doesn't Edward Henry Harriman say that he does not care which is elected? Whether the Republicans or Demo- crats win, Harriman, the Railroad King, is sat- isfied. Can't you see, Mr. Free American Work- ingman, that Standard Oil has subsidized both parties? Whether the Republicans win or the Democrats win, John Davidson Rockefeller, the Oil King, is satisfied. He owns wealth to a value of more than a billion dollars, and he owns the Republican and Democratic parties. When United States Senator Julius Casar Bur- rows (and other great men in the Republican party) talks about our national wealth of more than $108,000,000,000 he does not mean your wealth, Mr. Free American Workingman, nor mine. Senator Burrows says our wealth, but he means his wealth and Rockefeller's wealth and the wealth of the capitalist class. $1,318 $6,194 $120,000,000,000 79 Just as it was your labor that produced all that $120,000,000,000 of wealth, Mr. Free American Workingman, so it was your vote that gave it to Kockefeller, Burrows and the capitalist class. Just as your vote has given it to them in the past, so your vote can give it to yourself in the future. The capitalists get the country's wealth through their economic power, they keep it through their political power. You, Mr. Free American Work- ingman, hy an intelligent use of your vote, can take the capitalist's political power away from him and get it for yourself. Then you can use your polit- ical power to take the capitalist's economic power from him, and get that power yourself. Then you will be a free man. Never before. But, Mr. Free American Workingman, you will never take the political power from the capitalist by voting his ticket. If you want the political power for yourself you must vote your own ticket. Every vote for a Eepublican and every vote for a Democrat, Mr. Free American Workingman, is a vote that your family shall have less than $6,194, it is a vote that you, and your wife, and your child shall have less than $1,318 of the $120,000,000,000 produced by your labor. Every vote for a Eepublican and every vote for a Democrat, Mr. Free American Workingman, is a vote that Kockefeller, Eogers, Morgan, Baer, Van 80 Cleave, Comer, Peabody, Gooding, the slave- drivers, the dividend-lovers, the union-haters, the rent-lord, the money-lord, and the factory lord, the capitalists who do no work, shall have more of the $120,000,000,000 that was produced by your labor. A vote for the Socialist Party, Mr. Free Amer- ican Workingman, is a vote for yourself. It is a vote for better days for your wife and your child. A vote for the Socialist ticket, Mr. Free American Workingman, is a vote that you shall have more of the $120,000,000,000 produced by your labor. Socialist Convention Speech* IOMRADES: It is well that Socialists should hold their convention on Memorial Day. Not only every battlefield,, but shops and mills and mines the world over, have been sanctified with the blood of the working class. From the bondage of the Jews in Egypt, kneading their blood into the clay and making bricks without straw, and for centuries before that time; from the days of the 300,000 workingmen slaughtered with Spartacus; from the 6,000 rebellious work- ingmen crucified on the Appian Way in Borne; from the 33,000 workingmen and women and chik dren shot down like mad dogs in Paris within the lifetime of many of us here; and recalling in America our Pullman, our Homestead, our Coeur d'Alenes, our Brooklyn and our Colorado, it is indeed fitting that a party of the working class should observe Memorial Day. Every year in the railroad industry in the United States a larger number of men are killed and wounded than the entire list of killed and wounded * Address before the New York City Convention, May 30, 1905. 82 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! on both sides at the battle of Gettysburg, the most bloody conflict of the Civil War. Every year in this glorious United States, and in these piping times of peace, we kill a larger number of men in our mining and iron and building indus- tries than went to their death in yesterday's battle of the sea.* And nearly all of those sunk or slaughtered thousands were men of the working class, leaving workingmen's wives to be widows and workingmen's children orphans. But our Christian civilization is not content to make war on men. It drives the women to the factory and the children to the mill, robbing them of health and life. This is Memorial Day, comrades. There is not a hill on earth that has not beetf some working- man's Calvary. There is not a clod on this old ball that has not been wet with a workingman's blood. Nor do our masters propose to stop in their slaughter of our class. They propose to make of this world an industrial penitentiary, wherein you and I must work while they hold the keys and keep the product of our industry. Workingmen, look at these crimson banners, and remember that "the bluest blood is putrid, but the people's blood is * Battle of the Sea of Japan, Russian-Japanese War, in which the Russian fleet was destroyed or captured. SOCIALIST CONVENTION SPEECH 83 red." Consecrate yourselves anew to the task of liberating mankind from this last and worst form of slavery the slavery of the working class to the capitalist class. You are here to-day to nominate a city ticket, adopt a city platform, and make plans for the prosecution of our city campaign. Capitalism is hell, and New York is its capital city. Nearly four million people live within its municipal boundaries a larger number than the entire thir- teen colonies which rebelled against Great Britain and won the War of the Revolution. Last year our party polled 24,536 votes in this city. Not a large army, you may say. But large enough, fighting for the right, fighting in harmony with economic progress, to fight our Bunker Hill, which we may lose as the Colonists did, and later to fight our Saratoga and our Yorktown, which we shall win as the Colonists did. From time to time we meet those who declare they are "going our way," and in proof of their sincerity they ask us to drop our work for the Co-operative Commonwealth and join our forces to theirs that we may get something "right now/' Most of the people who think this way are entirely honest, but most of their spokesmen are entirely dishonest. They are not "going our way" or they would join our movement. And they profess 84 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! friendship for us only that they may bestow upon us the kiss of Judas and betray us. We Social Democrats* desire the working class to get something "right now" as earnestly as any- body. We desire the immediate municipalization of our street railways, gas and electric lights and many other things, and we know that the quickest way to get these things is to strike with our bal- lots at the very heart of the capitalist system to strike at the right of private property in the means of production. Many of those who declare that they are "going our way" not only are not going our way, but say they are for the sole purpose of thwarting the labor movement in its incidental and ultimate purposes. They are for reform solely because Socialism threatens revolution, and if they could sidetrack the Socialist movement they then would not grant even a measure of reform. So-called reformers promise remedial measures in order to MAINTAIN CAPITALISM. We Socialists desire such measures that the working class may gain strength to OVERTHROW CAP- ITALISM. In your deliberations here to-day do your best not to make mistakes, but if errors there must be, * In 1905 the present Socialist Party in New York was officially known as the Social Democratic Party. SOCIALIST CONVENTION SPEECH 85 then make sure that they are on the side of making our movement more rigidly a working-class move- ment then in the long run they will not prove to be errors. Our party welcomes honest men from all walks of life, intellectuals, professionals, men of the middle class, even capitalists, if they are willing to cast their lot with us and work for an emanci- pated humanity. But the first duty, the last duty, and the only duty of the Social Democratic Party is to safeguard and to promote the interests of the working class. No matter who joins our move- ment from other classes, they are of NO AVAIL, except as they can enlighten and inspire the work- ing-class itself. And in so far as we can arouse the working class to a knowledge of and action in their own interest ALL THE EEST OF THE WORLD SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST THEM. It is true that the Social Democratic Party wants votes but not votes for the votes' sake. Back of every vote we want a man, with a stal- wart arm to do, a heart that dares to do, and a mind that knows what to do. The Working Class! To awake, instruct and inspire and organize that class is your whole duty. Debs DEBS. Big. Big body. Big brain. Great heart. Lion heart. Indomitable courage. Unconquerable love of his fellowman. Spirit and Voice and Heart of the Working Class. Spirit of Freedom. Voice of Progress and Revolu- tion. Heart of Love. An eye that sees. A brain that comprehends. Intelligent. Educated. Grad- uated from the common school of the Class Strug- gle. Given his Bachelor's Degree by President George M. Pullman and the Federal Army. Given his Doctor's Degree by Judges Wood and Gross- cup after post-graduate work in the University of Woodstock Jail. Ever since enshrined in the hearts of the Working Class. Debs. Always in the front rank of the battle. A sword arm that has never been lowered. Debs and the Working Class. Bearing their cross and wearing their crown of thorns. Debs. Face to the light. Often mistaken for a day. Losing the path in the dark- ness. Back in the highroad with the first ray of dawn. Always face to the light. Often licked. Never defeated. Often knocked down. Never knocked out. Debs. For the Working Class of the World. In season and out of season. In jail DEBS 87 and out of jail. Debs. Heart that beats for the Working Class. Eyes that see for the Working Class. Head that plans for the Working Class. Hands that build for the Working Class. Arms that fight for the Working Class. That is Debs. Heart of the Lion Debs. Our "Impartial" Judiciary* THERE are beautiful and lovable but child- like spirits in the labor movement who, with admirable courage, but almost incon- ceivable folly, suffer under the belief that William D. Haywood and George A. Pettibone had fair trials before a stern but impartial and disin- terested judge. Such persons should read the re- marks made by the Hon. Judge Fremont Wood in passing sentence of death upon Mr. Harry Or- chard after reading the words of Judge Wood, one is tempted to say the Hon. Mr. Harry Or- chard. Orchard, having been convicted of murder in the first degree on his plea of guilty thereto, Idaho's statutes require that he be sentenced to death, which Judge Wood did. At the same time the Court recommended in the strongest terms that the Idaho State Board of Pardons remit the death penalty. For its recommendation that mercy be extended to Orchard the Court gave two reasons (not to call them excuses). One was that Orchard should not be executed by the State of Idaho because his testimony might be wanted in the courts of Colorado, should that Milwaukee Social Democratic Herald, April, 1908. OUR "IMPARTIAL" JUDICIARY 89 State make further efforts to convict members or officials of the Western Federation of Miners of the crimes charged against them by the powers that be in Colorado and in the Mine Owners' Association. A further reason given by the Hon. Judge Wood why the Hon. Harry Orchard should not pay the statute penalty for the honorable murders to which the right honorable gentleman, the prisoner at the bar, had made most honorable confession, was that his testimony before the juries which tried Hay- wood and Pettibone was TRUE. In other words, Judge Wood declares that Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone are guilty of a series of murders most foul. In a State whose every judicial and executive official was an economic and political enemy, the prosecution (read persecution, with murderous purpose), having indicted and charged him with the most infamous crimes, was unable to find enough evidence on which to call Charles H. Moyer to trial. But Hon. Judge Wood, who would gladly have presided at such trial (0 impartial Judge!), says Charles H. Moyer is guilty. In a State whose every judicial and executive official was an economic and political enemy, with thousands upon thousands of dirty dollars at their 90 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! disposal, with scores of dirty detectives proud of the dirty work they had already done, and anxious to do more (for more dollars), the prosecution brought Haywood and Pettibone to trial before two different juries. Neither jury was fair. Neither jury was disinterested. On each jury were men who declared they were prejudiced against the defendant. Yet an unfair and prejudiced jury did not find Haywood guilty. An unfair and prejudiced jury did not find Pet- tibone guilty. Neither did either of those juries fail to agree upon a verdict. Out of twenty-four men on those juries, not one was willing to hold out and insist on his belief in the guilt of the defendant, even to the extent of causing a disagreement of the jury. Twelve men on Haywood's jury declared him "Not Guilty." Twelve men on Pettibone's jury declared him "Not Guilty." Now comes Hon. Judge Wood, who presided at the trial of each of these men ; Hon. Judge Wood, who heard the jury in each of these cases declare the defendant "Not Guilty" ; that same Mr. Fre- mont Wood who as Judge is supposed to be and is OUR "IMPARTIAL" JUDICIARY 91 under oath to be impartial and disinterested that Hon. Judge Wood, asking mercy for the self-con- fessed murderer of nearly a score of men, declares to the world that Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone are guilty of all the crimes Orchard charged against them. The juries that tried Haywood and Pettibone did not require the prosecution to prove their guilt. They were tried by prejudiced juries juries that required them to prove their innocence. They did prove their innocence. Those juries de- clared they were "Not Guilty." Mindless of the evidence, regardless of the ver- dicts of acquittal, reckless of his judicial position, Hon. Judge Wood, pleading in behalf of Hon. Harry Orchard, declares that Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, who have been acquitted, are guilty of a long procession of foul and deadly crimes. Learned Judge. Impartial Judge. Upright Judge. Roosevelt, chief executive of the nation, practi- cally pronounced these men guilty before trial! Hon. Wood, presiding magistrate at their trial, declares them guilty AFTER ACQUITTAL! Governor McDonald of Colorado and Governor Gooding of Idaho, the chief magistrates of two States, and eight out of nine Justices of the Su- 92 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! preme Court of the United States, declared that stealing men and taking them from the State of their residence without an opportunity to appeal to the courts was legal and due process of law. Workingmen of America, what think you of the courts of your masters ? What of your chances of justice when you find yourselves involved in them ? How would you like to be tried before a judge who, on the word of a murderer and a monster, declared men guilty after a jury had declared they were not guilty? When an owner and master charged a slave with an offense, the slave had already been found guilty, because his master was his judge. So, American workingmen, when capitalists charge you with crime, you have already been judged and found guilty without trial because you workingmen are compelled to plead in the capitalists' court your employer's court, your master's court. In those rare cases where, notwithstanding a class-prejudiced judge, the workingman can wrest a verdict of acquittal from a jury of his enemies, thereby saving his neck from the hangman's noose, the capitalists' judge on the bench will proceed to gibbet his character and declare him "Guilty," de- spite a verdict of "Not Guilty." As to Hon. Judge Wood's desire to save Hon. OUR "IMPARTIAL" JUDICIARY 93 Harry Orchard from the gallows, no Socialist will complain. We do not believe in capital punish- ment, and the life even of an Orchard is sacred. But because we would not execute a murderer it does not follow that we would not restrain him from the commission of further murders. In this case, however, there is good reason to believe that one of the strongest motives for saving Orchard from paying the death penalty for his murderous crimes is that he may commit still further mur- ders using the courts of so-called justice for his purpose, bearing false witness therein against in- nocent men, to the end that those innocent men may swing from a scaffold for crimes which they did not commit, but which were planned and exe- cuted by Orchard and his defenders. Workingmen of America, you have to destroy capitalism or capitalism will destroy .you. Since the above was published, Steve Adams, an- other member of the Western Federation of Miners, was again tried and acquitted. Also, there have Deen numerous court decisions handed down against organ- ized labor. It is pitiful to see workingmen looking for justice in the courts of their employers, it is true that sometimes (at long intervals) a court renders a decision seemingly in the interest of the workingman. But careful study will generally show either that the decision is on a law that is unimportant or that it will not be enforced. His Dignified Nobs* FEEE workman, tread softly. Look solemn. Wear a reverent aspect. Think inwardly, and outwardly appear subservient, abject. We approach the holy of holies. We are at the threshold of a court of justice! Great men, who get paid for it, will tell you that this is the bulwark and the citadel of Your liberties. Whatever else is wrong in this land of the free, the courts are pure, unimpeachable so They say, the great ones of the earth. Some things in this country may not be exactly right (it is too hard and harsh to say that they are wrong); but there is one thing in which All can have, must have, and do have, confidence Our judiciary. Let no sacrilegious hand touch the bench. There is the Suprtme Court. That is the Su- preme Justice not the Supreme Being but the Supreme Justice of this Supreme Court. Look well at him. Note his dignity. Also his * First Printed in New York Worker, Sept, 8, 1901. HIS DIGNIFIED NOBS 95 dyspepsia. See how great he is; how wonderful it is that such a man is not a thousand feet high. How can so much greatness be contained in so sm*,ll a compass? Again, note his dignity, and hii gown. Let a feeling of awe come over you. Compared with him, think what a mere nothing you are in this world. Again and again, note his dignity, and never forget that his dignified nobs has a nose a little purple, mayhap, but a real hose, nevertheless. Wonderful being. What a great man is he. Some farmer had to plow the land, sow the teed, harvest the wheat; some miller grind the wheat into flour; some baker make the flour into bread; some boy deliver the bread at the house; some maid servant put the bread on the table and then the judge will eat; with dignity. Some miner will dig the coal; engineers, brakemen, con- ductors will transport the coal, a man servant will put the coal in the stove and make a fire and the judge will be warmed, with dignity. The rag-picker will send his rags to the paper mill, where they will be made into paper; the printer will set the type; the pressman will take the type from the printer, the paper from the papermaker, the press from the machinist and print words on the blank paper, which binders will make into a book and the judge will sit by His fire in His 96 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! upholstered chair, reading His book, taking His toast and tea and drinking His wine, all with due dignity. And you people who made the puppet bow down. Shall creators worship their creation ? Note the wisdom of his nibs. You people who made him have taken pains enough with him; you have not spared expense. On inspection of the job, or rather the job-lot, what do you think of it? Don't you see that in this day of shams the judge is the worst sham of the lot? Do you imagine he is there to do justice? Not so. He is there, now as aforetime, to Pretend to do jus- tice, but in reality to give you workingmen all the worst of it. All his learning is used, not to en- lighten the cause or parties to a controversy, but to make you workingmen think you are getting a "fair show." You get nothing of the kind. You get learned phrases from his nibs, and the capi- talist gets the decision. Do you imagine you workingmen are not com- petent to sit on the bench? When you go into court what do you most desire a throw-down ornamented with the choicest literary finish, or a decision that you win? You want a decision, of course, and when you elect men whose interests HIS DIGNIFIED NOBS 97 are your interests, you will get a decision in your favor not before. Obey the laws and the de- cisions of the judges, of course ; but as to respect- ing them phew, they stink! Your Uncle is Dead* AFTER an existence (it could not be called a "life") of ninety years, after having "made" ninety million dollars, Russell Sage is dead. Dead and buried in a steel coffin and in a steel vault, equipped with electric burglar alarms and other devices to safeguard his withered body from the attempts of those who might have designs upon it. Of course, no one wants his body for its own sake. But there are those who would like to steal it and use it as a means to extort from his widow a ransom for its return. Sage on his own account has passed the point of arousing acute human interest. Not so the ninety million dollars he has left behind. They are very interesting to the widow and to all those who for any reason "have hopes." The old man left to charity nothing. It is said that the widow will give to charity. Twenty- six nieces and nephews are to get $25,000 each. This is to be denied them if they make any effort to "break the will." There are those who harshly criticize the old *Rrst published in New York Worker, August 4, 1906. YOUE UNCLE IS DEAD 99 man because he made no bequests to schools, col- leges, hospitals, or other regular objects of ortho- dox charity. The criticism is undeserved. Pro- vided he work no injury to another, the question is not what a man DOES with, his money. The real question is, HOW DID HE GET IT ? How did Kussell Sage get his ninety millions? That is the question to be asked after his death, and it is the question that should have been asked, and answered, while he was alive. When a boy, Sage worked in a grocery store for his board and $12 a month. It is clearly to be seen that he never got ninety millions in that way. Later he had his wages raised, and received the sum of $4 a week and board. But even his long "life" of ninety years was not long enough to get ninety millions in that way, even for a man as "industrious" and "thrifty" as Eussell Sage. Where and how did he get it? He became a horse trader, but sharp as he was, Sage never got ninety millions trading horses. He went to Con- gress, but that was many years ago, before the days of the immense corporations of the present, and while he had a wonderful eye for the main chance, Sage never could have got ninety millions in Congress though in our present day there be those (Senator Bailey, for instance) who may crowd the ninety-million-dollar mark if they can 100 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE ! remain in Congress till they are as old as Sage at his death. Where and how did he get it? Mr. Workingman, Mr. Sage "got" his ninety millions hy robbing you. A man may become the possessor of wealth in one of three ways it may be given him, he may steal it, or he may labor and produce it. Away back in those days of $12 a month Sage labored and produced wealth. That was these many years agone. He only began to get wealth of consequence when he left the grocery store and took to the robbers' highway of high finance. He "invested" his means. He shaved notes. He sold money. He became the owner of rail- ways and robbed the men whose labor produced and operated them. When he shaved notes and sold money "on the Street" he robbed a robber who had already robbed a wealth producer a worker. When he became the OWNER of street cars and railways he became the MASTER of the men who were FORCED to work on those roads. We say FORCED to work on those roads. FORCED to work for Russell Sage as long as he lived and he lived a long time. And now that he is dead there is to be no change. They will still be FORCED to work on the same old YOUE UNCLE IS DEAD 101 roads. It is of no consequence whether the widow becomes the owner, or the twenty-six nephews and nieces become the owners. No difference will it make if his railways are given to charity and the best possible of benevolent societies becomes the owner. Still those men whose labor constructed and operates them will be FOKCED to work there, and while they work there they will be robbed. Why don't those workers quit ? If they quit they'll starve that's why. Why do they submit to work under conditions where they are robbed? Because there are thousands of other men who are starving because they have no chance to work and be robbed that's why. When an old chattel slave owner died his will sometimes freed his slaves. No will of the owner of wage slaves can do that. When he dies his property goes to another and that other by owning that property becomes the master of its slaves. The serf sticks to the soil, the wage-slave sticks to the job. Who owns the means of pro- duction owns the workers who use them. What can be done? One thing, and only one thing. Take the railways and all other means for the production of wealth and make them the col- lective property of all the people. That would be bad for the Kussell Sages. To be sure. But it 102 FIGHT FOB YOUR LIFE! would be good for the thousands of wage slaves whose robbery enriched him, and out of whose poverty was coined his ninety million dollars. I. Where Are We?* SEE where we are to-day. When darkness comes to-night, you strike a match ; and in striking that match you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Uould and Rockefeller and the Match Trust. The next thing you do is to wind up your little alarm clock, so that you will be sure to get up bright and early to-morrow morning and not be late to work and get docked; and when you wind up that alarm clock you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and the Ansonia or Ingersoll Clock Trust. Well, morning comes. Your wife, if you have the luxury of such companionship, gets up a half hour earlier than you to prepare breakfast. If she lights a coal fire, every moment that it burns you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Baer and the Coal Trust. Should she light an oil or gas fire, every moment that it burns you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Rockefeller and the Oil or Gas Trust. * From lecture, "Socialism the Hope of the World," 1903. 104 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! Next the wife will place a little tin pot on the stove, and you will pay tribute to Morgan and the Tin Plate Trust. She places a little coffee in the little pot, and you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Arbuckle and the Coffee Trust ; or, if she puts tea in the pot, you pay tribute in the form of profit to Sir Tommy Lipton and the Tea Trust. And before drinking that trust tea or trust coffee made in the little trust pot, you put a lit- tle sugar in, and for that sweetening you pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Have- meyer and the Sugar Trust. Well, likely as not, that drink of trust tea or coffee will make you sick. If so, you send for a trust physician. He comes, gives you a prescrip- tion (for a consideration), you send it to the drug store to be filled, and when you pay for that prescription yoi 1 pay tribute in the form of profit to Morgan and Park, Davis & Co., or to Morgan and the Potter Drug & Chemical Trust. Then it is easily possible that that dose of Trust medicine may kill you. If it does, your body will probably be placed in a coffin made by some casket company which Mr. Morgan owns. But it does not stop there. When your relatives, if they have money enough, go to buy you a grave they will no doubt discover that Mr. Morgan is WHEEE AEE WE? 105 interested in more than one cemetery, and you who have lived all your life working for Morgan will be placed in Morgan's coffin and buried in Morgan's cemetery. Nor does it stop even there. After you are dead and buried, let us hope that your enfran- chised spirit will go up and look for admission through the pearly gates; but if so, I very much fear that old St. Peter will meet you there, reach forth his hand, and ask you for a letter of recom- mendation from J. Pierpont Morgan before you can enter Heaven. And even this may not be the worst. Possibly you may have been a very wicked man, and failed to do penance for your sins, and instead of going up above you may go down below, in which case I feel confident you will find that Hell is all Mor- gan's and I'm not sorry for it. I can, however, with safety venture the predic- tion that before Morgan is in Hell for ninety days he will organize a Trust down there, and freeze the Devil off his own fire. See where we are to-day. This illustration is not extreme. Mr. Morgan is a director or trustee in scores of different corporations and he holds stocks in hundreds of others, while as a bondholder and banker he has an interest (often a controlling one) 106 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! in yet other scores and hundreds. I want you to see by this illustration that neither you nor your wife can spend a nickel, a dime, or a dollar with- out paying tribute in the form of profit to this trust, that trust and the other trust, and while these corporations may be separate legal entities, they are all owned or controlled by practically the same little group of men, with a master captain of industry and finance working his will with each. This, however, is but one side, and the bright- est side, of the picture. Not only must you spend your wages with Mor- gan, but if you work on a railway you must work for Morgan and Vanderbilt and Gould; if you work at coal mining, you must work for Morgan and Baer; if you work in the oil or gas industry, you must work for Morgan and Rockefeller; if you work in the iron or steel industry, you work for Morgan and Carnegie; if you work in cop- per or the precious metals, you work for Morgan and Rockefeller and Clark and Heinze. In my illustration to-day I have pointed out how you are exploited by monopoly in spending your money. You have only been robbed of what you had. You can scarcely believe me when I tell you that this robbery that you see so plainly is of lit- tle real importance. WHERE ARE WE? 107 The GREAT robbing of the working class is accomplished by taking from them what they haven't got. It, no doubt, seems strange to you, Mr. Work- ingman, to be told that c, penniless, propertyless, naked man can be robbed, and that the robbers can get rich off the spoils of him. But it is true. It can be done. It is done. What's more, it's the payingest kind of robbery that ever was. And the safest so far. How's the game worked? To know that you must read the next story, "How to Rob a Man Who Is Broke." II. How to Rob a Man Who Is Broke HOW to rob a man who is broke. How to coin wealth out of penury. How to get riches out of paupers. These things are not impossible, nor even diffi- cult. They are not even rare. They are every- day occurrences. They are habit, custom. They are almost the universal rule. So common they do not excite comment in themselves. It is the correct statement of them that is unusual. Ordinarily they appear in the form of "busi- ness," "finance," "industry/' "commerce," and the like, and are regarded as quite the thing, and quite the right thing as a matter of course. How to rob a man who is broke. Captain Kidd, Jack Sheppard, Dick Turpin and Jesse James were able men and truly great rob- bers. But that trick was beyond their powers. Their notion of robbery was, first of all, to find a man who had the coin. With all their craft and courage, they never were equal to the task of get- ting wealth from a man who had no wealth. That is the "business" of the modern Captains of Industry. And so rich are their rewards that HOW TO EOB A MAN 109 the old knights of the road, chevaliers de 1'in- dustrie, safe-crackers., counterfeiters and pirates of the past would ache in their graves could they but dream of the capitalist's swag. How to rob a man who is broke. A man who is broke in time becomes hungry, and must eat or perish. He possibly has five courses open to him he can beg, borrow, steal, work or starve. If he is caught begging, he is thrown into jail ; besides, he won't get much, anyway; regardless of Supreme Courts, and the Mendicants' Merger, there are beggars in plenty, and plenty of compe- tition between them. If the man who is broke and hungry is caught stealing, he is thrown into jail; besides, stealing isn't what it used to be; Eockefeller will soon have most everything worth stealing. Over in a New Jersey town three men worked hard all night cracking a safe and got twelve cents. Needless to remark that Mr. Eockefeller was not one of the three men. Mr. Eockefeller does not work nights. Besides, he knows that sooner or later he'll get the twelve cents, anyway. A man who is broke and hungry can borrow all he wants on good security. A man who is broke and hungry can starve but he must not be caught at it in New York 110 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE ! State. Suicide may or may not be a sin, but the statutes of the Empire State make it a crime pun- ishable by imprisonment. How to rob a man who is broke. There is just one door of hope that may or may not be open to the man who is broke work. There is nothing bad about work. It's the very thing, not only for the man who is broke, but for every man who would eat. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread/' And if you eat bread and do not work, then you eat it in the sweat of some other man's face. Work, by all means, for the penniless man. But to work, a man must have land to stand on. He must have unfinished or raw material to work upon. He must have tools, means of production, to work with. Our man who is broke has none of these things if he had he would not be broke. Without these things he cannot live except in the asylum or the jail. How to rob a man who is broke. To save himself from death, asylum or jail, the man who is broke must have work. To work he must have means of production. Who OWNS the means of production? The capitalist. The captain of industry. Who USES the means of production ? HOW TO ROB A MAN 111 Workingmen. So at last our man who is broke stands, hat in hand, face to face with the man who owns the means of production. The fear of the prison, the asylum and starvation have driven that penniless man along the path which led to the employment office of that owner of the means of production with a force as irresistible as that which drives the earth onward in its orbit. To be at all, he must be there. To continue to be, he must gain access to the means of production. How to rob a man who is broke. There stand face to face what legal fiction calls two free men. One free man the OWNER of the means of production, with money in his purse and money in the bank, with a comfortable and luxuri- ous home, and in no hurry. The other free man homeless, penniless, hungry, his only chance of life dependent on his USE of the other's means of production. These two men do not dicker, and argue and haggle. The man who is broke does not propose to buy or rent means of production. The FREE contract between these FREE men takes the form of one man hiring the other to work for him by the day, week or month. Suppose that our man who is broke if allowed to use the means of production can create new value equal to $10 in a day's work, how much will FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! his wages be if the OWNER of the means of pro- duction employs him ? Suppose that our man who is broke can create $20 of new value by a day's work, how much will his wages be ? Suppose he creates $40 by his day's work, how much will his wages be? You might not think it, but his wages will be about the same whether his labor produces wealth to the value of $10 a day, $20 a day, or $40 a day. What will his wages be? Given a man who is broke, given a FREE laborer, who must have work or perish, what will he work for? What must he work for? He will work for a wage sufficient to sustain life. That is all the FREE Captain of Industry will offer, and that the FREE laborer must take or perish. Every day that he storks for wages he must pro- duce wealth of a value GREATER than his wages otherwise he is discharged. The only purpose of the OWNER of the means of production is to have workmen USE his means of production, have their labor create a value GREATER than their wages, and himself pocket the DIFFERENCE between the value of the wealth their labor creates and the portion of that value returned to them in the form of wages. HOW TO EOB A MAN 113 That DIFFEKENCE the Captain of Industry calls PEOFIT. To the man who knows that Labor of brain and brawn produces all wealth, it is easily to be seen that what a politician or a confidence man calls "graft," what a gambler calls "velvet," what a thief calls "swag," that is what a capitalist calls "PROFIT." It is simply something for nothing. Wealth without equivalent. That is all Jesse James got, that is all Cassie Chadwick wanted, that is all the Captain of Industry is after. That PROFIT for the capitalists of the United States amounts to fully 100 per cent, on the amount they pay in wages, probably much more. In other words, for every dollar in value that the workman creates for the Captain of Industry, Mr. Captain gets 50 cents in profit and Mr. FREE Workman gets 50 cents. How to rob a man who is broke. Simply OWN" as your private property the means of production he must USE or perish. Not only can you rob him, but you can do BO with SAFETY. You need not even go out and look for him. Sit in your office and he will come to you as cattle to the salt lick, and beg you to rob him. And you shall wax mighty, and great, and be honored among men, and be very stiff-necked and 114 FIGHT FOE YOUR LIFE ! hold your head very high, for a time just about the time you are able to do that gracefully, per- haps some kind friends will come your way and stretch your neck a little, and raise your head just one little notch higher, just a little notch, but just enough. But no. All that is of the past. Nothing like that ever to be again. Nothing ever to be again except this continued story of robbing the man who is broke just that to-day, and to-morrow, and forever and ever. Nothing ever to be in all time except robbing him and his wife and children, and his children's chil- dren and their children unless Unless that man and his brothers learn that Labor of brain and brawn produces ALL wealth, and also learn that when those who USE the means of pro- duction OWN the means of production the product of Labor will be theirs. How shall the WORKERS become OWNERS of the means of production ? The Grand Army IN 1892 for the first time the Socialists of the United States entered national politics. They nominated Simon Wing for President and Charles H. Matchett for Vice-President, and their ticket received 21,512 votes. Sixteen years later, in 1908, Eugene V. Debs and Ben Han- ford, Socialist candidates for President and Vice- President, received 420,464 votes. IN" -SIXTEEN YEARS THE SOCIALIST VOTE IN THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN INCREASED NINETEENFOLD. More than four hundred and twenty thousand men voted the Socialist ticket in 1908. We all expected there would he more. In the heat of the battle we forgot how great was the cause for which the battle was fought. In looking for a million votes we forgot how much it takes to make a Socialist voter. We thought a million Socialists meant a million Socialist voters. But there is a Grand Army of 420,464 Socialist voters in the United States. Four hundred and twenty thousand voters who are unafraid of Big Stick Roosevelt. Who are unawed by Big Injunction Bill Taft. Who are 116 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! unswayed by Big Wind Billy Bryan. Who are undeceived by Big Bunco Billy Hearst. Who are unmoved by Big Bluffs or Big Humbugs. Truly, a Grand Army, if this world ever saw one. More than four hundred and twenty thousand voters in the United States who cannot be fooled by Big Booze, Big Booze Fighters, or Big Water Wagons. More than four hundred and twenty thousand voters who cannot be enslaved by the Big Superstitions of the Big Stiffs under the graveyard's sod, or the more dead Big Stuffs who officer our great universities. Four hundred and twenty thousand voters who cannot be humbugged by the Big Lies of the Big Dailies. Who can- not be bribed by Big Boodle, nor be bought by Big Business. Who cannot be cowed by the Big Bullies of the army, nor the Big Bludgeons of the police. Four hundred and twenty thousand men who stand erect and beard the Big Beast Capitalism in his own domain. Truly, a Grand Army, if this world has ever seen one. FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOU- SAND SOCIALIST VOTERS. And that is less than half the story of the Grand Army. For more than six hundred thousand others would have voted the Socialist ticket had not capitalist laws deprived them of the ballot. Few of the two THE GRAND AEMY 117 million men employed in the building trades and by the railroads are allowed to vote. The rail- way men cannot leave their work to go to the polls on election day. The men of the building and several other trades are always on the move "following the job." They are unable to ac- quire a "voting residence." Then, millions of black workingmen are disfranchised and millions of their white brothers along with them through- out the South. Still other millions of the work- ers are shut off from the exercise of all electoral rights by poll tax and other property qualifica- tions. When I say the number of men in the United States who desired to vote the Socialist ticket, but were prevented by unfair election laws, is two hundred thousand greater than the number who did vote the Socialist ticket, I am well with- in the mark. That means that the Grand Army of Socialist men in this country numbers 420,464 voters, to which must be added more than 600,000 others who were legally robbed of the ballot. So the real Grand Army numbers a million men at this moment not a man less than ONE MIL- LION. Truly, a Grand Army, if this world is ever to see one. To this Grand Army of a million Socialists, half of whom voted the Socialist ticket and half of whom would have voted the Socialist ticket had 118 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! they been allowed to vote at all, must be added not less than one million men who to-day are Socialists in every way but one. They have a fair understanding of Socialism, they believe in it and they agree with it. But they have not yet learned Socialist party tactics they expect to "get something now/' or live in the hope of getting "half a loaf." This million of men who to-day are Socialists, but do not vote the Socialist ticket, con- stitute the first reserve of the Grand Army. Every day sees more and more of them enlightened, and as their hopes of better things from the old parties are doomed to disappointment, they will of neces- sity see the correctness of the Socialist party tactics and vote the Socialist ticket. Some of these Socialists who are not Socialist voters can get their education only in the painful school of experience. Their lessons may come in the form of a strike or lock-out, or injunction. Some will learn in the school of hard times. The red flag of the sheriff's auctioneer will teach some sad to say. Or it may be that the Big Stick, the militia or the police are to be their teachers. Others will learn from hearing a Socialist speech or reading a Socialist leaflet or book. But in any event their ultimate destination is the Socialist party. To sum up, the present apparent strength of THE GRAND ARMY 119 the Socialist movement in the United States may be stated as follows: Socialist voters 420,464 Socialists, but disfranchised 600,000 Socialists, but do not vote the Social- ist ticket 1,000,000 Socialist women. . ? Total 2,020,464 This is a very conservative statement of the Socialist strength. Unquestionably it is greater, rather than less. It is difficult to make an esti- mate of the strength of Socialism among women. But it is considerable, and it is growing rapidly. Notwithstanding this army of Socialists and Socialist voters, we did not elect a single Con- gressman. But we will and that soon. Nor have we elected Socialists to the Legislature in any State except Wisconsin, nor to the Alder- manic chambers of any city of size except Mil- waukee. But we will and that soon. The growth of the Socialist Party is certain, and small gains will see Socialists in Congress, So- cialists in the Legislatures of many States, and in the city halls of many municipalities. Not only will the near future see Socialists in our legisla- tive bodies, but they will shortly be found in 120 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! executive and judicial positions as well judges, mayors of cities and governors of states. To-day two million men in the United States are Socialists. They constitute the Grand Army. It is not an army of murder, rapine and destruc- tion. It is a Grand Army of peace and progress, of enlightenment and brotherhood. It is an army that grows with every hour of the day. It is an army that has never known defeat and never will. It is an army that with the certainty of the rising and setting of the sun shall march with resistless force from one victory to another till every man, woman and child on earth shall be free. Truly, a Grand Army, if this world ever is to see one. Do you belong to that Grand Army, reader? If not, why not? No man has ever been drafted into this army. But volunteers are always wanted. Better enlist, reader. Fight for Your Life ! YOU Wage-Workers. You who must be Wage-Workers. You who cannot live except as Wage- Workers. Have you gotten anything from reading the fore- going pages? Have you learned Why you are Wage-Workers ? And Why you must continue to be Wage- Workers ? To live you must have Food, Clothing, Shelter. You Wage- Workers differ from the Wage- Payers chiefly in this you have no property. You Wage- Workers have just enough of the necessaries of life to last from hour to hour, from day to day from pay day to pay day. You Wage- Workers can only get Food, Clothing and Shelter by paying money for them. And you can only get money by getting Wages. In order to get Wages you must get a job. So, you see, it stands this way with you : Job means Wages; Wages means Money; Money means Food, Clothing, and Shelter; 122 FIGHT FOR YOUK LIFE ! Food, Clothing., and Shelter mean Life. So, you see, your JOB IS YOUR LIFE. Not always do you have a job. Then you have unfit food, unsanitary shelter, insufficient clothing or none. Sometimes when you have a job it is at such low wages that you are unable to supply yourself and family with proper Food, Clothing and Shelter. Of course, you know some Wage- Workers who get good wages sufficient to supply themselves with everything needful. But, if you will look around carefully, you will find that for every Wage- Worker who gets what you call good wages there are many who get poor wages, and some who are getting no wages the pitiful starv- ing army of the Unemployed. Pe it good or bad, a job of some kind you must have, for Your Job Is Your Life. How do you get that job, my fellow Wage- Worker? YoU get it from the Capitalists. You get it from the men who own the means of production. You get it from the men who own the mines, mills, railways, stores, factories, lands, buildings, tools, machinery and workshops. Your Job Is Your Life, my fellow Wage- Worker, and Your Job Is Owned by the Capitalist. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! 123 That means that Your Life Is Owned by the Capitalist. The man who owns your means of life owns you. You Wage- Workers cannot live without a job. The Capitalist owns your job. Your Job Is Your Life, and in owning your job the Capitalist Owns You, fellow Wage- Workers. Wage- Workers ! Would you Fight for Your Life? Would you ? Fight the Capitalists to make Yourselves Owners of Your Jobs. Fight the Capitalists to make Yourselves Owners of the Means of Life. Fight the Capitalists to make Yourselves Own- ers of the Means Necessary to Supply Yourselves and Families with Food, Clothing and Shelter. Wage- Workers ! You must fight the Capitalist Class and lick them. Your life depends on the outcome of the battle. Fight for Your Life! When I say you Wage-Workers must fight the Capitalist I do not mean that you are to gouge his eye out. Or that you are to knock his block off. Nor do I mean that you are to organize a dynamite club. Nor shoulder a musket. Nor join the militia. 124 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! No. All those are Capitalist methods of battle. I want you Wage- Workers to fight the Capitalist by more intelligent and more powerful methods. The Capitalist has his power over you, the Capi- talist owns you, the Capitalist owns your life be- cause he owns the tilings necessary to your life. The Capitalist owns the things necessary to your life, Wage-Workers, because the laws of property allow him to do so. In the United States, you Wage- Workers with the ballot can change the laws. You Wage- Workers can so change the laws of the United States that a Capitalist can no more have private property in a street railway than he can in a street. You Wage- Workers can so change the laws of the United States that a Capitalist can no more have private property in land than he can have private property in air. You Wage- Workers can so change the laws of the United States that a Capitalist can no more have private property in a mill, mine, store or fac- tory than he can have private property in a public school or the post office or the fire department.- Fight for Your Life! Wage- Workers ! You are not to take mine, mill, railway and fao- FIGHT FOE YOUE LIFE ! 125 tory from the Capitalist as his private property and make them your private property. You are to take them from the Capitalist and make them the common property of all the people that in- cludes you, and that includes the Capitalist. But neither you nor the Capitalist will be private own- ers of those things. Fight for Your Life ! Wage- Workers ! You must make this fight, and you must win this fight, or you will live and die a slave. Not only your freedom, but your very life, depend on the outcome of this battle. Fight for Your Life! How? What is the most effective method by which you can make this Fight for Your Life ? Wage- Workers ! Join the Socialist Party. Eead Socialist books and papers to inform yourself. Then instruct your fellow Wage- Workers, and get them to read Socialist books and papers and to join the Socialist Party. It is the only way. Fight for Your Life! Not only join the Socialist Party. Join the trade or labor union of your craft. If you already belong to a union get all your fellow workers to join your union; help in the fight for better pay and shorter hours. The Socialist Party carries on the fight to abolish the wage system, to overthrow 126 FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE ! the slave system, and make the workers the owners of the things with which they work. Join the Socialist Party, and work for a world of free men and free women among free men and free women. Fight for Your Life! Slow work, think you ? In 1892 the Socialists of the United States nom- inated a Presidential ticket and entered the field of national politics for the first time. Their can- didate received 20,512 votes. Sixteen years later, in 1908, the Socialist Party candidate for Presi- dent received 420,464 voes. Slow work? What would you call fast work? Fight for Your Life! Wage- Workers, join this great movement for the emancipation of you and I and every human being on the face of this earth. Join now. Share the burdens of the battle and share the glory of the victory. Fight for Your Life! FIGHT FOR YOUE LIFE ! ' , Header, if this little book has helped you to see the light, and if you think it might lie of service in helping your fellows to help them- selves, see that they have a copy. There are others, and will be more. Do something in this world besides getting something to eat and drink. An animal gets that. Have a Cause. Make sac- rifices for the Cause you think greatest and best. And be your Sacrifices never so great, the Cause will do more for you than all that you can ever do for it. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Due Two Weeks fTom Date of JAN 5 eceipt < H H O > o O 1-3 H O X CO g>gg097656 3 > NJ s o si O U) H M fi M M M CO M| CO tn CO n Q tr 1 o ^ o| M CD n O hh Q ES q z 1 c=> ^L s m o CO o o o LrJ i ? ^ O o &> rr H- o D CO ST7