THE DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD ENGLISH SPEECH IN OUTLINE BY J. M. HART NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1907 COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY HENKY HOLT AND COMPANY PREFACE. This little book is the outcome of lectures which have been delivered for some years past to our students of Middle English. In preparing the manuscript for publication and in reading proof I have got much help of every sort from Assistant Professor C. S. Northup and Dr. B. S. Monroe. As a whole, then, the book may be said to represent Cornell aim and method. The book presupposes : (1). Students who have some knowledge of Old English, although this knowledge need not be extensive nor profound. Cook's First Book in Old English, or Bright' s Anglo-Saxon Reader (the general features of the grammar, with the reading of a few of the simpler prose texts), will be quite enough. (2). A thoroughly trained teacher, one conversant with Old and Middle English prose and verse, and equally conversant with grammatical and phonologi- cal investigation. Further, this book is not a history of the lan- guage, not even in the barest outline, but merely an iii 2207298 iy PKEFACE. attempt to show how the Englishman or American of to-day has come by his pronunciation. Only where there was need of explaining apparent incon- sistencies of pronunciation have I touched upon grammatical forms. And in handling the extremely difficult problem of Palatalization, 19, 20, I have felt constrained to go even beyond the limits of Old English grammar and introduce theories which belong in strictness to comparative grammar. Here the teacher's guidance is indispensable. On my part I have given, I trust, theory enough and data enough for fairly logical deduction. For the most profitable use of this book I would recommend two other works. The one is Skeat's Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (ed. of 1901), an inexpensive and most convenient book for ready reference. It is not wholly free from errors, the author does not always exhibit the courage of his best knowledge. Never- theless the book is a model of concise scholarship. The other work is O. F. Emerson's Middle English Reader, which offers the best collection of texts, the fullest annotation, and the fullest glossary. Of Professor Emerson's Grammatical Introduction my praise must be slightly qualified. With the purely grammatical part (declension, conjugation, &c. ) I PEEFACE. V have no fault to find ; but the author's treatment of the phonology is open to two criticisms. In the first place he tries to explain many phenomena which the beginner can afford to ignore ; in treating such an amorphous speech as Middle English, certainly amorphous until the coming of Chaucer, one should concentrate one's energies upon the most general phenomena and leave the rest to time. In the second place, Professor Emerson starts with Middle English sounds and harks back to Old English. This, it seems to me, is both awkward and unnatural. Surely no student in 1906 will begin his study of the language with Middle English, a procedure barely pardonable in the autodidacts of 1806. Towards Kluge and other German scholars my attitude has been in places decidedly conservative, not to say rebellious. Although my obligations to Kluge' s Geschichte der englischen Sprache are self- confessed on almost every page of this book, I must protest against his use of certain terms involving serious misconceptions. I mean the terms Ruckkehr and Ruckumlaut. They invite one to believe that k once palatalized to ch "goes back" to k, that u once umlauted to y "goes back" to u. Nothing of the sort ever happened or ever could have happened ! Next, in nearly all phonological dis- vi PKEFACE. cussions there is too much Ormulum ; the work of Brother Orm is viewed as if it were the norm of twelfth-century speech. This is to overlook the patent fact that it represented only one small dis- trict. Lastly, I am more than puzzled by the air of confidence with which the German school blocks out mediaeval England in squares like a checker- board and assigns each bit of writing, from Laya- mon's Brut to the "Alliterative Poems," to its. particular little square. I must confess to being deplorably deficient in this sense of the fourth dimension. A word or two upon some peculiar signs and abbreviations used in these pages. * denotes an assumed form. Either a form which may well have existed in the historical language, but which has accidentally not been preserved ; e. g., *drop, *dropp, 12. Or a purely conjectural form which philological theory postulates for pre- historic times in explanation of historical forms ; e. g., *layion, *layip, &c., p. 73. [] denotes phonetic spelling, the vowels having the so- called Continental value. i is both phonetic and grammatical ; it represents a genuine semi- vowel which may function either as a pure vowel i or as a pure consonant y. PREFACE. vii 6 represents the peculiar English diphthongal sound in law, saw, call, taught. 9 is used, somewhat loosely, to indicate any indis- tinct vowel sound outside of the regular scale : o-e-i-o-w, o-^u. In a strictly phonetic treatise I should have used more than one character ; for the present book the 9 seemed enough. 6 represents a k in the first stage of palatalization ; the complete palatalization of k is represented by ch or [[]. The corresponding voiced palatal, the j of joke, the g of giant, is here represented by [dIJ] ; the usual sign might be confounded with an O. E. d*. G. T. (General Teutonic) is a safer abbreviation than Germ. (Germanic), which might be mistaken for German, the language of Germany proper. General Teutonic is that purely hypothetical form of speech which lies back of English, German, Scandinavian, Gothic. Sievers refers to An Old English Grammar, by Eduard Sievers. Translated and Edited by Albert 8. Cook. Third edition. J. M. HART. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, November 20th, 1906. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION. English; Danish; French, . . 1 2. NOMENCLATURE. Old, Middle, Modern ; Northern, Midland, Southern ; Standard, . . 3 CHAPTER II. VOWEL CHANGES. 1. VOWEL-LENGTHENING. 3. BEFORE CONSONANT GROUPS: -Id, -nd, -mb, . . 6 4. IN OPEN STRESSED SYLLABLES, 11 2. VOWKL-SHOBTENING. 5. EARLY SHORTENING, 13 6. LATER SHORTENING, .... __^i^. . . 18 7. CERTAIN TERMINATIONS, 20 3. CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 8. LEVELLING, 22 9. THE VOWEL e, 25 10. THE VOWEL a, 28 ix x TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 11. OPEN-SYLLABLE LENGTHENING OF O. E. a, . 29 12. O. E. o (close) , 31 13. O. E. i, i; u, u, 33 4. DlPHTHONGIZATION. 14. DiPHTHONGING OF 1, U, 34 15. DlPHTHOBTGING BEFORE ff ; h ; W, . . . . 37 16. DIPHTHONGING BEFORE I and r, 44 CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VOWEL CHANGES. 17. SURVEY OF 3-16 ; CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, . 46 CHAPTEK III. CONSONANT CHANGES. 1. Loss AND INTRUSION ; VOICING, Ac. 18. hi-, hr-, hw-; en-, gn-; -s; ch-j, &c., 49 2. PALATALIZATION. 19. PALATALIZATION OF Jc, 56 20. PALATALIZATION OF gr, 68 THE DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD ENGLISH SPEECH CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. 1. Introduction. The history of the growth of modern English pronunciation is complicated. Certain features are puzzling ; some are obscure and even in the best light of our present knowledge appear arbitrary. The chief features, however, admit of systematic explanation and can be mastered by all who will take the pains. By way of comparison, it may be said that the development of modern English pronunciation is more difficult to account for than the pronunciation of any other modern Teutonic speech, e. g. , German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish. This difficulty may be explained in part as the result of foreign influences. For a century and a half before the Norman inva- sion, say from 880 to 1030, England was raided and in many places even occupied by Scandinavian in- vaders, usually called Danes, though probably the Norwegians were more numerous than the Danes proper. The distinction is of no value in this place, for in the ninth and tenth centuries the difference 1 2 GENERAL REMARKS. between Danish and Norwegian speech must have been almost imperceptible. At any rate, for a cen- tury and a half certain parts of England, chiefly along the east coast between the Wash and the Tyne and running back at least half way to the west coast, were officially designated the Danelagh, or land of the Dane Law. "With the conquest of the whole of England by William of Normandy and his immediate successors, English speech was again subjected to a foreign in- fluence, namely, French. This French influence was of much longer duration, was more extensive, inas- much as it affected the whole island, and also more intensive. French influence affected not merely Eng- lish speech but English ways of living and thinking. Still, after making ample allowance for Danish and French influences, many if not most of the changes in English speech since 950 can be regarded only as the result of innate causes. Evidently the language had certain tendencies of its own in certain directions, quite irrespective of Danes and Normans. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that one feature of modern English pronunciation, the diphthonging of [I] to [at], of [u] to [aw], is par- alleled in Mod. High German. We pronounce in English, just as in German, mine and house, mein NOMENCLATURE. 3 and halts. This diphthongization, however, though parallel in the two languages, was wholly indepen- dent. In Germany it began in the twelfth century and was completed in the fifteenth. In England it began in the fifteenth century but was chiefly an affair of the sixteenth. In Scandinavian speech there has been no diphthongization ; the old pronun- ciation mm and hus still survives. 2. Nomenclature. In its chronology the .an- guage is divided into three periods : Old (O. E. ), Middle (M. E.), and Modern (Mn. E.), or as some prefer New (N. E.). By O. E. is meant the language from the earliest recorded monuments (fragments and glosses, some of the seventh century) down to the year 1100 or per- haps somewhat later, say 1120. By M. E. is meant the language between 1100 (or 1120) and 1500 (approximately). By Mn. E., the language since 1500. In its topographical distribution the language is described as Southern, Midland, and Northern. The Southern division comprises those forms spoken south of the Thames and in a few counties to the north and west of the Thames, namely, Gloucester- shire and parts of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. 4 GENERAL EEMAEKS. Midland English comprises those forms spoken between the Thames and a line drawn somewhat irregularly between the Wash and the Humber and running N. "W. to the west coast above Liverpool. Northern English comprises those forms spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland, and in Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, Durham, and the northern parts of Lincoln, Nottingham, and Lancashire. These two classifications, the chronological and the topographical, overlap each other in every stage of the language ; that is to say, O. E. had its North- ern form (called Old Northumbrian), its Midland (called Mercian), and its Southern (called West- Saxon, of which Kentish was a variety). M. E. had its Northern, Midland, and Southern forms. And Mn. E. also exhibits the same general varieties. Concerning Mn. E. , however, there is this addi- tional phenomenon to be noted, namely, the existence of the so-called standard or literary speech, which is used in varying degrees of purity by the cultivated classes throughout Great Britain and forms the basis of American speech. This standard or literary English was in its origin Midland, One variety of Midland speech was trans- ferred in the fourteenth century to the court and to NOMENCLATURE. 5 the administrative, legal, cultivated, and fashionable circles of London. Here it was further developed and permanently established in the fifteenth century. From London as a centre this standard and conven- tional speech has spread as above indicated. It is not, however, the speech of the lower and uneducated classes of the city of London ; their speech, called Cockney English, is a variety of the Southern dialect. CHAPTER II. VOWEL CHANGES. These are of three general kinds : 1. Vowel- lengthening. 2. Vowel-shortening. 3. Change in the quality of the sound. 1. VOWEL-LENGTHENING. 3. Before Consonant Groups. An originally short vowel in a stressed syllable (stem syllable) was lengthened before certain consonant groups. This lengthening took place in late O. E. 1. A short vowel was lengthened before -Id. Exceptions: u and its umlauted sound y (some- times written i in O. E. and u, ui in M. E. ) were not lengthened. Thus, O. E. byldan, M. E. bulden, Mn. E. build, is still short. Caution. The -Id must be a genuine old group ; for instance, feld, feld (Mn. E. field, 9). The vowel was not lengthened when the I and the d were originally in separate syllables in O. E. and subsequently brought together through syncope of an intermediate vowel. 6 VOWEI^LENGTHENLNG. 7 Thus, contrast O. E. cald, cdld (genuine old group), M. E. CQld, Mn. E. cold ( 10) with late O. E. called, calld, pret. of W. S. ceallian, from Danish kalla (16. 1). Further caution. It is all-important to determine which dialect form of the vowel was lengthened. Inasmuch as most of our O. E. texts are written in the Southern (West-Saxon) dialect, the student must reconstruct many words in their Midland-Mercian form. This means that the peculiar West-Saxon ' broken ' and umlauted vowels must be reconstructed according to the Mercian type. Illustrations of vowel- lengthening. These are given both for vowels that do not need reconstructing and for vowels that do. Without reconstruction. feld (e in all O. E. dial. ) feld, 9. did (i in all O. E. dial.) did, 14, 19. gold, 12. With reconstruction. eald, W. S. ; aid, Merc. ; aid, 10. wieldan, W. S. ; weldan, Merc. ; weldan, 9. (Mn. E. weld, ' to beat metal together, ' is borrowed from Swedish). 8 VOWEL CHANGES. 2. i, u, and y (i-umlaut of w) are lengthened before -nd. Examples : O. E. bindan blndan ; M. E. binden ; Mn. E. bind, 14. hund hund ; M. E. hund ; Mn. E. hound, 14. gecynd gecynd ; M. E. i-cunde ; Mn. E. kind, 14. In M. E. the O. E. u is usually written ou but has the value of [u]. 3. i and a are lengthened before -mb. Examples : climban cllmban ; M. E. cllmbe ; Mn. E. climb, 14, 18. 1. c. cam6 cam6 ; M. E. cgrafc ; Mn. E. comb, 10, 18. 1. c. In Mn. E. limb, which has a short i, the final b is not found in O. E. ; it is an accretion in late M. E. ; consequently there was no -m b to lengthen the i. Exceptions to Vowel- Lengthening. The principle of vowel-lengthening did not apply in forms where the root was increased by a suffix, or in forms where the consonant group was immediately followed by r or I. Thus : O. E. tyndre is Mn. E. tinder (short t). O. E. elder (Mercian) is Mn. E. elder (short e). O. E. cildru (pi. of did), Scotch childer, stand- ard children. VOWEL-LENGTHENING. 9 Contrast under, wonder, hinder, with ivund (wound}, be-hlnd. The suffixes -en of the past participle and -an of the infinitive, however, did not prevent lengthening. Thus: O. E. bindan blndan ; M. E. bmden ; Mn. E. bind [ai]. O. E. bunden bunden ; M. E. bounden ; Mn. E. bound [au]. For the infinitive in -icm (2nd class weak) see 56. The lengthenings mentioned in 1. 2. 3 took place in O. E. They were fully established by 1000 A. D. Inasmuch as many O. E. texts are later than 1000, the student of O. E. should accustom himself to pronounce blndan, bunden, f eld, gecynde, did, etc., except in very old texts such as the Pastoral Care, Orosius, the Parker Chronicle. Certainly the length- enings should be introduced in reading the texts of Aelfric. The lengthenings are general ; they became per- manent in all M. E. and, with certain qualitative changes to be discussed hereafter have passed into standard Mn. E. There were in O. E. and M. E. other lengthenings 10 VOWEL CHANGES. which did not become generalized and consequently did not pass into standard Mn. E. Thus, from the spelling in the Ormulum we know that Orm pro- nounced : hard (O. E. hord). cerd (O. E. ard, eard, see 3). swerd (0. E. sweord*). forth (O. E. /or). erfte (O. E. eort5e). Orm's bcern denotes lengthening of O. E. barn, beam ; his barrn must be the Danish barn, borrowed. Orm's peculiar spelling enables us to determine usually the vowel quantity in the words used by him. For words not used by him, we have no such clue. Further, it is by no means clear that other writers in other dialects had the same lengthenings. This ques- tion is for the special student of M. E. ; the student who desires to know merely the history of standard Mn. E. need concern himself merely with the general lengthenings discussed in 1. 2. 3 of this section. It is quite certain that the other lengthenings did not exist in Chaucer's language. Only one or two traces have survived in standard Mn. E. Thus, O. E. bard, beard ; Mn. E. beard [I~] , 9. Occasionally a dialect form in Mn. E. illustrates VOWEL-LENGTHENING. 11 the difference between dialect and standard in his- torical evolution. Thus, O. E. wald ' forest ' was wald in Mercian ; in Southern (Kentish) it was weald. The form wald wald has given rise to wold, see 10, a word still used in poetry. Whereas the * form weald became weld, see 9 ; this word sur- vives in the ' "Weald ' [wild] of Kent. 4. Lengthening in Open Stressed Sylla- bles. A short O.E. a, e, o in an open stressed syllable was lengthened. 1 This lengthening took place much later than the one discussed in 3. It began in the 13th century and consequently is characteristic of the M.E. period. For example : O.E. O.E. O.E. O.E. macian mete 'food' stelan hopian M.E. M.E. M.E. M.E. maken mgte stolen hqpen Mn.E. Mn.E. Mn.E. Mn.E. make meat steal hope Even such O.E. monosyllables as he, me have been lengthened to he, me, now spoken [/u, ml] , 9. Orm's spelling (the Ormulum is of about the year 1200) indicates that he still pronounced the vowels short. Thus he writes ( v for short, ' for long) : 1 An open syllable is one which ends in a vowel. Where a single consonant occurs between two vowels, it goes with the second vowel. Thus nia-cian } me-te. 12 VOWEL CHANGES. t&kenn ' to take ' ; h%te ' hatred ' ; but tdkenn, O.E. tacen 'token' Unfortunately Orm, though persistent in his use of the double consonant to mark vowel-shortness, is anything but persistent in his use of the signs w and ' ; he uses them only occasionally. For other texts the student' s chief reliance is upon the rimes. Whenever in poetry we discover that the rime-couplet is composed of syllables one of which had in O. E. a long vowel and the other a short, we are safe in inferring that the poem was composed after lengthening had taken place, i. e., after 1250. Thus, Qre (O.E. are 'mercy') rimes with -lore (O. E. -lore ' lost ') ; see 10. In general the question of open-syllable lengthen- ing in M. E. presents more difficulties than the O. E. lengthening before consonant groups. One striking difficulty is to account for the subsequent change which took place in the quality of the lengthened vowel. See 11. Not infrequently we find in M. E. a lengthening due to the dropping of a single consonant followed by vowel crasis ; and occasionally such a lengthening survives in Mn. E. Thus, O. E. maced, M. E. malced, maad, Mn. E. made ; O. E. taken, Mn. E. la' en, pp. VOWEL-SHORTENING. 13 Lengthening in open syllables, as a process of the late thirteenth century, necessarily affected Danish loan-words ; for these were all introduced before 1200. Thus : Danish taka ; O. E. tacan ; M. E. taken ; Mn. E. take. Some exceptions are difficult to explain. Thus, O. E. hZofon is still short in Mn. E. Perhaps this is due to the heavy suffix -on. The O. E. deofol is d&vil (short e) in Mn. E. Orm writes heojfness, heffness (short e) but deofless, defless (long e"). See 7. M. E. roten, Mn. E. rotten (from Scand. rotinri) has remained short ; whereas, O. E. brocen, M. E. and Mn. E. broken, has been lengthened. 2. VOWEL-SHORTENING. Under this heading are treated two processes sim- ilar in method and result but distinct in time. The second process is in the main probably a century or two later than the first. 5. Early Shortening. This took place in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, i. e., in the border period between O. E. and M. E. Since the Danish loan-words were introduced mainly in the tenth and eleventh centuries, they have been affected like the native words. 14 VOWEL CHANGES. The process is best understood when the words affected are arranged in the following groups. a. Compound words. A long vowel is usually shortened when in the composition two consonants are brought together. For example : O. E. wisdom Mn. E. wisdom. Danish husbonde Mn. E. husband. O. E. gosling Mn. E. gosling. O. E. crlstendom Mn. E. [&mnefom.] O. E. clcenllc Mn. E. cleanly. O. E. Eddmund Mn. E. Edmund. O. E. hldfmcesse Mn. E. Lammas. O. E. Stratford Mn. E. Stratford. The Ormulum is not always in accord with standard speech. Thus, although Orm writes wiss- dom (short i), laffdi^, 'lady' (short a, O. E. hlcef- dtje), he retains long a in larspell. b. Words ending in a suffix or other termination prominent enough to bear a secondary stress in O. E. It is necessary to bear in mind that such suffixes and terminations not only shortened an originally long vowel but kept an originally short vowel short before the lengthening consonant groups mentioned in 3. The remarks in 3, Exceptions, are pecu- liarly applicable here. Thus the suffixes -an (infini- VOWEL-SHOBTENING. 15 tive), -en (past participle), did not prevent the lengthening of a short vowel before a consonant group ; still less did they shorten a long vowel. But the heavy infinitive ending -ian (O. E. ) of the second weak class did shorten a long vowel, as in O. E. hdlgian Mn. E. to hallow, contrasted with O. E. halig Mn. E. holy. As examples of suffixes and other terminations shortening a long vowel or keeping a short vowel short, may be noted : O. E. cerende Mn. E. errand. O. E. cild(e)ru Mn. E. childer, children. (contrast O. E. did did, Mn. E. child). Perhaps we should be safe in holding that all O. E. words of three syllables, of which the first syllable contained a long vowel, have shortened that vowel ; as in O. E. fireotene, Mn. E. thirteen, metathesis for threten. c. Before certain consonant combinations. 1. Before ht, whether the hi was an original group and formed an integral part of the root or stem, or was formed from the juxtaposition of a stem ending in a guttural followed by an inflectional syllable beginning with a dental. Thus : 16 VOWEL CHANGES. O. E. leoht late O. E. and early M. E. Uht. O.E. sohte " " " sohte. O. E. brohte " " " brtfite. O. E. tcehte, tahte, " " " tiehte, tahte. See 15 B. 2. Before -ft. For example : O. E. sofa M. E. s6jie. and before ss from t5s and is from ds. Examples : O. E. btiss M. E. btiss. O. E. milts M. E. m/lltse. Contrast O. E. bllZe Mn. E. blithe [ai] ; O. E. milde Mn. E. mild [ai] . Also before other O. E. ss. Thus : O. E. Icessa M. E. ttsse. and before -$8. Thus : O. E. stfftan, late O. E. seofiSan M. E. sffiS&n. O. E. cy%% M. E. ktth. O. E. rwaSSw M. E. ivrath. 3. In the preterite and pret. part, of weak verbs, whenever syncope has taken place. Thus : VOWEL-SHOKTEMNG. 17 O. E. cepan, cepte, M. E. k&pte (keppte, Orm. ) (note Scottish Jceepit, unsyncopated. ) O. E. heran, herde, M. E. herde. O. E. clcedde (Dan. kleifta), M. E. cl&dde. (compare claftian, claSede, Mn. E. clothed, unsyncopated). The old reduplicating verbs : slcepan, ondrcedan, wepan, swapan have, by the side of strong preterite forms, also weak preterites ; these latter have been shortened. Thus : sUpte, -drcedd, w&pte, swZpte. The operation or non-operation of syncope will account for such parallel forms in M. E. as dealt (short), dealed (long). Syncope will also account for the present tense drat (Chaucer), for O. E. drcsdeH*. 4. There are other shortenings, less uniform and consequently less easy to classify ; they seem to belong to this period ; at any rate, to the thirteenth century. a. Before st : O. E. breost Mn. E. breast, (but O. E. preost Mn. E. priest). O. E. fistor Mn. E. foster. O. E. dust Mn. E. dust. O. E. fyst Mn. E. fist. 18 VOWEL CHANGES. On the other hand, in many French words and even in English words, a short a before st has been lengthened into [g], like the change discussed in 11. For example, paste, taste, waste, haste 'hurry,' pronounced & in Chaucer's day, are now pronounced [/>|s<], &c. b. Before se (sA) : O. E. wyscan Mn. E. wish. O. E. ficesc Mn. E. flesh (flash in Orm. ) 6. Later Shortening. Some shortenings are to be set down as late M. E., possibly early Mn. E. Some took place after the changes in vowel quality mentioned in 9, 10, 12 ; others took place before. If there are any general principles governing this later shortening, they have not yet been discovered. For the present these changes seem arbitrary and inconsistent. For example : O. E. Mn. E. death death [] . hce$ heath [I] . dead dead [] . lead (metal) lead \e\. Icedan ' to conduct ' lead [I] . deaf deaf [either 2 or t] . VOWEL-SHOETENING. 19 O. E. Mn. E. heafod head []. Gdf leaf [TJ. fiod flood [si]. god good [ft] . fod food [u] . ofter other [a] . boc book [&] . bosm bosom [&, or u] hceftSu health [8]. gendg enough [9] . ruh (ruhh Orm. ) rough [a]. stlf stiff []. flf, M. E. five five [ai] . duce duck [9] . seoc sick [i]. monafi month [si] . teon ten []. In late M. E., especially in certain texts of the fourteenth century, there is a marked tendency to shorten the vowel and gemmate the consonant in comparative and superlative forms. For example, in Piers Plowman, derrest (deor), herre (heah), gretter (great), sonnest (sona). O. E. linen, M. E. linnen, linen, has become Mn. E. linen. 20 VOWEL CHANGES. The change of [u] to [9] in such words as flood, rough, duck, &c., is very late (eighteenth century). See 15 B. 7. Certain Terminations. Certain suffixes present many difficulties and require special treat- ment. a. -tig, Mn. E. -ty. This was originally an inde- pendent word used to form compounds. In Gothic tigus was used and declined as an ordinary noun, meaning a 'decade,' a unit of ten. In English it shortened a long stem vowel in accordance with 5 a. O. E. twentig Mn. E. twenty. Krltig thirty. This numeral suffix is mentioned here merely to dis- tinguish it more precisely from the following. b. -ig, Mn. E. -y. This syllable, even in O. E., stood for at least two different formations. 1. In the O. E. popig 'poppy,' Ifig 'ivy,' bodig ' body,' hunig ' honey, ' it is a noun-suffix which has not yet been explained. The word Ifig ' ivy ' is to be put in a class by itself ; the usual etymology treats it as lf-heg, the -heg being explained as the old form of the Mn. E. ' hay. ' The etymology is anything but satisfactory. VOWEL-SHOBTENING. 21 The other three words are equally puzzling. Popig is supposed to be borrowed from the Latin papdver; yet why papdver or evenpdpaver should become popig no one seems to know. In hunig the suffix -ig appears to come from an earlier -ang, -eng ; the stem hun- is still unexplained. The word bodig has not yet been explained in either of its syllables. 2. -ig as an adjective suffix is very frequent. It stands for a G. T. -ag, which is found in Gothic. Thus O. E. hdlig is Gothic hailag-s. Usually the -ig adjective does not shorten the stem vowel. Thus O. E. hdlig, Mn. E. holy. There is, however, one exception at least ; O. E. cenig is Mn. E. any []. Orm's anig is ambiguous. Perhaps the shortening of cenig is due to the influence of many. c. Some other suffixes need more investigation than they have yet received. 1. The -en of the pret. part and the -ian of the weak infinitive have been already mentioned, 5 b. There is, however, another -en used as an adjective termination, for example in O. E. hcefien. This -en does not shorten the stem. 2. The suffixes -el, -ol, -et seem to have the capacity of shortening a long vowel or keeping a short vowel short, contrary to the principle discussed in 4. For example : 22 VOWEL CHANGES. O. E. deofol Mn. E. devil (still long in Orm). O. E. hof Mn. E. hovel. bremel *6romtf) bramble. rynel runnel. bueet bucket. cemet emmet, ant. 3. For the effect of suffixes of comparison, see 6, end. The M. E. and Mn. E. pronunciation of such words as brcegen, flcegel, &c. , can be explained only in connection with the general diphthongization before the consonants g, h, w. See 15. 3. CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. It is impossible to discuss in this place all or even most of the changes which have taken place in the quality of the vowels. We must content ourselves with looking at a few of the most significant. 8. Levelling. 1. The distinction between ce and a in O. E. ceased to be maintained. In M. E. we find in general only a, for instance O. E. woes, M. E. was ; though occasionally we find ce, and in a few instances the ce survives as e in M. E., for CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 23 instance creft, foet in Kentish. Thus O. E. dwges (gen. sing. ) and dagos (nom. ace. pi. ) are in M. E. dages for both ; yet in dialect forms the old value of dagos survived in the now archaic daws ; compare also dawn, O. E. dagenian, 15. The ordinary plural days has evidently been modelled upon the singular day. This levelling of a, ce to a usually takes place even where the ce is a shortening of O. E. OB ; though not infrequently the ce is found as e in M. E. and Mn. E. For example : O. E. clcensian M. E. clcensien, clansian ; Mn. E. cleanse. O. E. fadde M. E. ledde, ladde ; Mn. E. led. 2. O. E. eo for G. T. a also appears as a in M. E. Here we must bear in mind the dialectic differences in O. E. In W. S. a was regularly ea before I -J- cons, and r -j- cons. In Northumbrian a remained a in both situations. In Mercian a remained a before l-\- cons, but became eo before r -\- cons. Consequently we find : W. S. feallan North, fallan Merc, fallan W. S. wearm North, warm Merc, wearm. 24 VOWEL CHANGES. Since standard Mn. E. is derived from Mercian, we should expect to find Mercian wearm appearing as wcerm, werm in M. E. In reality we find warm in M. E. The explanation seems to be this. The vowel sign ea in O. E. did not represent a sound e -\- a, but a sound ce -J- a or perhaps CK> ; the stress being on the ce. This ce became a like the ce in 1. 3. O. E. eo for e before h and before r -f- cons, is levelled to e in M. E. For example : O. E. feohtan M. E. fehten. 4. O. E. ea and ce (except when shortened to a, see 1) become |. For example : O. E. beam M. E. bgm. tear tgre. ~eac |&(e). sprmce spgche. deed d$de. street strgte. (Compare Eadmund, Edmund; Stratford, 5 a). 5. O. E. eo became e in M. E. For example : O. E. frebsan M. E. fresen leaf lef debp dep ,EL QUALITY. 25 steopfader, Mn. E. step- } vowel written e in were carefully distin- period and even well >ne is the open or un- ich meme ; in modern n I . The other is the snch bonte. Modern it with the sign $ ; necessary, sounds is not only .. illustrates an important point .~iy of the language. Although M. E. did ... , mark the distinction in writing, it kept the sounds apart. Thus Chaucer seldom makes the sounds rime. When, on the border line between M. E. and Mn. E. , printing was introduced into England, the early printers established the practice (though not a very consistent one) of using ea for the open sound and ee or ie for the close sound. Hence we get the spellings teach, O. E. t&cean ; deep, O. E. deop ; field, O. E. feld, see 3. 1. O. E. e in a few words, such as the adverb her, was an original close e. 24 VOWEL CHANC Since standard Mn. E. is derive* should expect to find Mercian wcerm, werm in M. E. In re? M. E. The explanation set vowel sign ea in O. E. did e -f- > but a sound ce -f- a or being on the ce. This ce beca 3. O. E. eo for e before h levelled to e in M. E. For O. E. feohtan M. " 4. O. E. ed and ce (e: see 1) become g. For O. E. beam M. E. bgm. tear tgre. eac p(e). sprcece spgche. dcsd dgde. street strgte. (Compare Eadmund, Edmund; Stratford, 5 a). 5. O. E. eo became e in M. E. For example : O. E. frebsan M. E. fresen leof lef debp dep CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 25 (Note the shortening in steopfceder, Mn. E. step- father, 5a). 9. The Vowel e. The vowel written e in M. E. had two sounds, which were carefully distin- guished throughout the M. E. period and even well into the Mn. E. time. The one is the open or un- rounded vowel, like the French meme ; in modern grammatical books it is written f . The other is the close or rounded e, like the French bonte. Modern grammarians usually designate it with the sign ; the subscript dot, however, is not necessary. The distinction between the two sounds is not only important in itself but illustrates an important point in the history of the language. Although M. E. did not mark the distinction in writing, it kept the sounds apart. Thus Chaucer seldom makes the sounds rime. When, on the border line between M. E. and Mn. E. , printing was introduced into England, the early printers established the practice (though not a very consistent one) of using ea for the open sound and ee or ie for the close sound. Hence we get the spellings teach, O. E. tcecean ; deep, O. E. deop ; field, O. E. feld f see 3. 1. O. E. e in a few words, such as the adverb her, was an original close e. 26 VOWEL CHANGES. O. E. e, the i-umlaut of 6, was close. O. E. e produced by lengthening before -Id was close. O. E. ce was open in M. E. O. E. 8 lengthened in open syllable, see 4, was open | in M. E. Old Mercian e, the i-umlaut of ea (the W. S. form was ie), was close e in M. E. Examples. 0. E. metan M. E. meten Mn. E. meet (verb). mite m%te meat. sttlan st$le deal. her an (W. S. hieran) hear. M. E. heren. In the matter of chronology, M. E. e went over to the [I] sound in late M. E. ; the change was com- plete by the end of the fifteenth century, as in the words deep, feel, and in the pronouns me, he, &c. ; see 4. Whereas the M. E. f still remained open and did not become e, [I] until near the end of the seventeenth century. Shakespeare, in 1 Hen. IV, ii, 4, 264, lets Falstaff say : "If reasons were as plentiful as blackberries, I would give no man a reason upon compulsion." Falstaff pronounces CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 27 reason with an evident pun on raisin. The O. French reson, borrowed in early M. E. , was already somewhat rounded but not wholly ; since Shake- speare's day it has been fully rounded into e [I]. But the Fr. raisin is still pronounced r&sin. In the days of Shakespeare the two words were still enough alike to justify Falstaffs pun. The open f survived, for the most part, in Dry- den's day. In fact, something like it is found even in Pope, in foreign words borrowed with the | sound. Thus Pope, Rape of the Lock, m, 296, rimes tea with obey. Obey, Fr. obeir, is still pronounced obei, but t g has become [ti] . Recognition of the fact that g remained open in the seventeenth century will explain the most striking peculiarity of the English pronunciation in Ireland. The English language was firmly implanted in Ireland by the great colonizing efforts of Queen Elizabeth and Oliver Cromwell. Now the Eliza- bethan and Cromwellian colonists still pronounced tgch, spgch, clgn, and this was the pronunciation which the Irish learned from them. Since that time all Englishmen have changed to [tlch, splch, cliri], and the educated Irish have partially learned to make the change ; but the uneducated Irish still cling to the older f . 28 VOWEL CHANGES. 10. The Vowel a. An O. E. a, whether originally long or the result of the lengthening of a before Id (see 3. 1), became g in M. E. The change took place in the first half of the thirteenth century ; consequently it affected Danish and Latin words borrowed in O. E. O. E. aid, did Mn. E. old. stdn stone, papa pope, frd (Danish) fro (adverb). Orm wrote before the change ; consequently we find in the Ormulum : an, stdn, got (one, stone, goaf). But in the poem entitled On God Ureison (thirteenth century) we find such rimes as : one, trone (0. E. an, Fr. trone) verses 21-22 ; ore, uerlore(n) (O. E. are, forloreri) verses 73-74. See 4.' In some MSS. the vowel is written oa. Sometimes we find two forms of the same word, the one original O. E., the other Danish. Thus : 1 Our Mn. standard pronunciation of the numeral [wan] was originally dialectic and is found in the dialectic pronun- ciation of such words as oath, oak, oats; see Wright, Engl. Dial. Grammar, 123. The earlier Q sound, however, sur- vives partially rounded in only, atone. CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 29 O. E. Icen, M. E. Igne ; Dan. Ian, M. E. l$ne, Mn. E. loan. In some instances the O. E. itself has two different vowels. For example : O. E. ddl, Mn. E. dole ; O. E. dcel, Mn. E. deal. O. E. -had, Mn. E. -hood; O.E. -hed, Mn. E. -head. (Compare knighthood and godhead. ) The M. E. vowel developed from the O. E. a was an open g. In the word O. E. brad, M. E. brqd, Mn. E. broad, the sound has remained wide open to the present day. In most words, however, it has been rounded as we now hear it in road, boat. Thus g (O. E. a) and g (O. E. o in open syllable, 4) are now equivalent in sound, as in the rime pope, hope. 1 When preceded by w the Q became fully rounded, in most words, after Chaucer's time, and like the original close o passed over into the [u] sound, as in two, who, [tu, hu] ooze, O. E. ivase. But in so (O. E. swd), woe (O. E. wa), the o sound remains. 11. Open-syllable Lengthening of O. E. a. In 4 it was said that O. E. a in an open syllable 1 The peculiar New England pronunciation of such words as coat, boat, may be a modified survival of the old open sound, but shortened. 30 VOWEL CHANGES. was lengthened in M. E. This lengthened vowel must have had a peculiar quality of sound, neither the a nor the e nor the o. It has always been writ- ten and printed a ; yet it must have had an e value. This e, however, can not have resembled the e in stelan, which has become [I] in Mn. E., whereas O. E. faran, M. E. fare is pronounced [/if] in Mn. E. The [g] sound is common in the sixteenth century ; whether earlier, we do not know. At any rate it must have differed from the e in tgche ; for the latter has become [I] . The lengthening of a to [g] is later than the change of O. E. a to o. This is evidenced by the treatment of French words borrowed at various times in the M. E. period. In French words having the French accent on the syllable containing the a, the a was lengthened. Thus age, sage, grace became age, sage, grace, Mn. E. [jj] . Some of these words must have been introduced quite late, certainly after the O. E. a had become M. E. [g] . In fact it is evident that the conversion of a, a to [|] did not take place before the fifteenth century. In Chaucer's language such words as face, grace, age have the [a], not the [f] sound. It is very important to note the part played by the French accent. Why do we pronounce face [g] but chapel ? The word face had the accent on the a in CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 31 French and also from the start in M. E. But chapel was borrowed with the accent chapel and continued for some time to be pronounced chapel in English. By the time the accent became chapel the principle or impulse of lengthening had ceased to operate. This will account for the short a in cabin, cattle, marry. 12. O. E. o (close). O. E. o remained 5 until the fifteenth century, when it was still farther rounded into an u sound. This it-sound (00) never was a perfectly pure u ; for it has not been diphthonged into au. See 14. The tendency to change o into oo has affected even French words ; for instance, faux pas, sometimes pronounced foopah. Examples. O. E. dom Mn. E. doom. col cool. gos goose. id% tooth. mona moon. It must be borne in mind, however, that in many O. E. words the o was shortened in early M. E. Where this shortening took place before ht there 32 VOWEL CHANGES. was a peculiar diphthonging of the oht. See 5 c, 15. There are other shortenings less easy to account for. Thus : O. E. 6Ser, broftor, modor, all now with the [si] sound. See 6. In certain words the oo has been shortened in Mn. E. to the u sound. For example, foot (versus food), book, good. In bosom the vowel is either short or long. In glove, blood, flood, and some others, the vowel has become [&] ; see 6. This [9] is found also in some words which had an O. E. u, or an O. E. u, in open syllable in M. E. For example : O. E. abufan Mn. E. above, dufe dove, lufu love. O. E. o when lengthened in open syllable became Q. Examples : O. E. Krotu M. E. Srgfe Mn. E. throat, hopian hypien hope, dropa drgpe. Chaucer, Tr. and Or., I, 941, rimes drgpe with hype. The modern drop can not be this word but must come from O. E. *drop, or *dropp. CHANGES IN VOWEL QUALITY. 33 Thus O. E. o lengthened and O. E. a have come together in vowel-quality. This is indicated by the Mn. E. spelling : throat (O. E. ftrotu); road (O. E. rod). Did O. E. o before Id become o or g ? The usual opinion is that it became g. Yet there are objections to this view. The only word in question is gold (gold in Mn. E. ). This pronunciation may be ex- plained, however, by assuming that gold, an isolated form, has been influenced by the very numerous words in -old from O. E. -aid, such as cold, bold, told, sold. Further, the word as a proper name is written Gould, Goold. This oo sound presupposes M. E. o. Finally, the pronunciation goold survived in the speech of old-fashioned persons in the early part of the nineteenth century. 13. O. E. t, /; u, u. These vowels remained unchanged throughout the M. E. period. The lengthening of i and u, y before nd is O. E. See 3.2. The vowels i, u, y are not lengthened in open syllables. All through the M. E. period -and even in Mn. E. there is a curious interchange of i and e. Thus we find Mn. E. hinge, singe, springe, for M. E. henge, 34 VOWEL CHANGES. senge, sprenge, see 20, D. 2 ; also Mn. E. wing for M. E. weng. But in drench, wrench, and other words, the M. E. e remains. In the Ayenbite (four- teenth century) the Mn. E. word sin is written zenne (initial z for s is Southern dialect). 4. DlPHTHONGIZATION. Under this heading are treated several groups of phenomena differing widely in their chronology and in their phonetic value. 14. Diphthonging of *, u. Every I, whether long in O. E., or lengthened according to 3. 2, or borrowed in M. E. from a foreign language, has become [ai] in Mn. E. O. E. y (i- umlaut of w) has also become [at]. This diphthonging process began in the fifteenth century, and continued through the sixteenth. The change affected also the peculiar I developed in late M. E. before h or g. See 15. The modern pronunciation of the diphthong is [ai] . But this is only the latest stage ; it must have been preceded by such earlier stages as [ei] and perhaps [oi]. DIPHTHONGIZATION. 35 Examples. O. E. mm Mn. E. mine, findan, findan find, fyr fire, bryd bride. Note also the very late diphthonging of either, neither. These were in O. E. cegfter, *ncegfter; in 3 M. E. Cither, neither. See 15, ^ I n the eigh- teenth century the pronunciation vacillated between [g] and p]. The pronunciation [ai] crept in late in the eighteenth century. In like manner O. E. u has become [aw] ; the intermediate stage was [era] . Examples. O. E. hus Mn. E. house. mu$ mouth, bunden, bunden bound. This change of u to [aw] is not parallel at every point with the change of I to [ai]. It has not affected foreign words, for example, Judas, sure or even the English words youth, uncouth. In youth, and in Judas, sure, and other words under French influence, the vowel did not have the pure [u] sound but was rather an [t'w]. The distinction is 36 VOWEL CHANGES. illustrated by the O. E. sur, which had a pure u and which is now pronounced sour [aw] ; with it com- pare the Fr. stir, which is the Mn. E. sure [ Jiwr] . Note also the Mn. E. duke, tube, pronounced cor- rectly with [iu] , not with [u] . The very late M. E. oo from O. E. 5 did not have the pure u sound either ; for it has not been changed to [aw]. See 12. The diphthonging of u to [aw] took place after the fifteenth century. In fact, there is evidence that the earlier u sound survived in the speech of old- fashioned persons as late as the end of the seven- teenth century. Thus, in Farquhar's Love and a Bottle (1698), Act 2, Scene 2, Rigadoon says : ' ' Zoons is only used by the disbanded officers and bullies ; but zauns is the beaux' pronunciation." In this connection it is worthy of note that the ordi- nary pronunciation of wound 'injury,' is [u] ; we pronounce [ait] only in poetry ; similarly wind, ' air, breeze,' has \ai\ only in poetry ; in prose the pro- nunciation is wind. In sound 'noise,' from French son, we have the [aw] ; also in the verb sound ' to test the depth, ' French sonder. In these words, however, the [aw] may be due to the analogy of sound l healthy, ' O. E. DIPHTHONGING. 37 sund, sund, and sound ' arm of the sea, ' O. E. sund, sund. 15. Diphthonging before g ; h ; w. A. Before g. 1. O. E. ce, M. E. a, before g produced [afj. This, [at] probably survives in the London Cockney pronunciation of day, daisy, may, &c. In Chaucer, however, and in modern standard English since Chaucer, the \ai\ has been levelled to \ei\ ; Chaucer and all modern poets rime way (O. E. weg*) and day (O. E. dceg~). Examples. O. E. brcegen Mn. E. brain, fagen fain, flcegel flail, wcegen wain. (Mn. E. wagon is from the Dutch. ) 2. O. E. e before g produced [ei] . Example : weg, Mn. E. way. 3. O. E. ce before g produced |i, which survived quite late in Mn. E. , but in the eighteenth century went over to [I] in such words as O. E. ce^er. Dr. Johnson pronounced either \i\; but in his day 38 VOWEL CHANGES. the pronunciation had already become [t] and was even becoming [a{] . See 14. N. B. O. E. eceg is Mn. E. key grceg gray 4. O. E. e (whether original or the Mercian i-umlaut of ea) and ea before g produced ei, which at the end of the M. E. and beginning of the Mn. E. period went over to \i\ and was still later diph- thonged to [at] . Examples. O. E. cage M. E. ege (a) Mn. E. eye. tegan (W. S. tiegan) M. E. tegen tie. degan M. E. degen die. deagian M. E. deyen dye. It is worthy of note that the Scottish pronunciation of eye ' oculus ' and die ' mori ' is still [i, dl~\ . 5. O. E. eo ; I, I ; y, y before g produced early M. E. ei, late M. E. [I] , which has been diphthonged to [at] in Mn. E. Examples. O. E. lebgan ' mentiri ' Mn. E. lie. dreogan ' to endure ' (Scotch) dree, flebgan fly. nigon nine, ligeft lieth. DIPHTHONGING. 39 dryge dry. tigofta tithe. 6. O. E. a before g produced the peculiar ou, aw sound () ; see 20 B. For example : O. E. lagu (Danish) Mn. E. law. dragan draw, sagu (a saying) saw. O. E. a before g produced gw, o. O. E. agan Mn. E. owe (verb). O. E. o before g produced QW, o. boga Mn. E. bow 'arcus.' O. E. ug, ttg produced M. E. uw, Mn. E. [au] . O. E. bugan Mn. E. (to) bow. fugol Mn. E. fowl. It is to be noted, however, that where in O. E. the g was final, it became h. Consequently words ending in g belong in subsection E. B. Before h. 1. O. E. eh, eoh ; Mercian eh, ceh (W. S. eah), became M. E. eig h eih, Mn. E. [I] . For example : O. E. feoh Mn. E. fee. O. E. seh (Mercian) Chaucer seigh. Mn. E. dialect see (for saw~). See No. 5. 40 VOWEL CHANGES. 2. O. E. eoh has become even [at] in Mn. E. O. E. SeoA M. E. />e&, frh Mn. E. thigh. 3. O. E. ceh before t of the weak preterite and preterite participle was shortened to ahte, elite : see 5. c. 1 ; 8. These became M. E. eighte, aughte. In Chaucer the eighte forms are still found. In Mn. E. we have only aught forms. Examples. O. E. rcshte (pret. of rojcetm) M. E. rehte, rahte ; Chaucer reighte, raughte ; Mn. E. raught [&] . O. E. tcehte Mn. E. taught. M. E. caeche (French cacher') Mn. E. caught. The modern distraught is a corruption of the French distrait, after the analogy of straught, old pret. of stretch. 4. O. E. eah became M. E. eigh, later [I], still later diphthonged to [at] . For example : O. E. heah; in Chaucer heigh\ei\ ; Mn. E. high. Chaucer also pronounces [i] , to rime with Emilie. 5. O. E. ah (Mercian for W. S. eah~) became augh [&] . For example : O. E. sah (preterite) M. E. saugh Mn. E. saw. DIPHTHONGING. 41 See No. 1, remarks on eh. Chaucer has both saugh and seigh. O. E. dhte was shortened to ahte and also became aughte. O. E. ahte, ahte Mn. E. ought. 6. O. E. ah became M. E. Qugh Mn. E. owe. O. E. dah Mn. E. dough. 7. O. E. o/ii, shortened to oht ( 5, c. 1), became ou [&] ; O. E. sohte, sohte, Mn. E. sought. 8. O. E. oA. ; uh, uh ; iiht, uht. Theoretically all these sounds must have been ugh or ugh in M. E. But in point of fact they have been so strangely developed in Mn. E. as to resist every attempt at classification. Thus : O. E. genog, genoh Mn. E. enough [9]. toh tough [9]. ruh rough [9]. ]nruh, \>urh through [u]. ploh plough [era]. bog, boh bough [au]. In such words as genog, toh, ruh we may assume that the h sound went over to the / sound, and before this / the vowel was shortened like the e in deaf; see 6. The change of [u] to [a] is not peculiar to this class of words ; it is a very late process 42 VOWEL CHANGES. (eighteenth century), occurring in but, us, punch, flood, &c. See 6. C. Before w. 1. O. E. aw before a vowel became the peculiar Mn. E. ou, aw [] . O. E. clawu Mn. E. claw. 2. O. E. aw before vowel became M. E. QU. O. E. ow before vowel became M. E. ou. In Mn. E. both sounds are o. O. E. cnawan Mn. E. know, growan grow. 3. O. E. eow, law, cew became M. E. g, ew [iu] . O. E. eowu M. E. gwe Mn. E. ewe. sceawian M. E. shgwen Icewed Mn. E. leivd. 4. O. E. eow, lw, lw became M. E. eu, ew [iii\ . O. E. cneow Mn. E. knew. In Mn. E. the words in both No. 3 and No. 4 are pronounced with an [iu] sound, or even with an [iu]. There is no Mn. E. verb shew with [_iu]. The verb show, even if written shew, is pronounced sho. This o must go back to an O. E. sc(e)awian, in which the O. E. stress [ea] has been shifted to the Danish ed [ia] . See No. 2. DIPHTHONGING. 43 D. Two other phenomena, very curious, are best treated in this connection. 1. Not infrequently we get in M. E. an ei diph- thong in the preterite and pret. part, of verbs the stem of which ends in a ch sound. Thus O. E. cwencan, pret. cwencte, has in M. E. a pret. queynte ; O. E. blencan has a M. E. pret. bleynte. Thus far no explanation of the phenomenon has been found. If we assume, for example, that blen- can is from *blankion, the preterite should be either *blanlde, *blanhte (syncope of the i, t) OT*blenchte (c palatal according to 19). See Sievers, 407. In other words, if j, i is syncopated, the stem vowel should not be umlauted to e, ei; if i, i remains, the c should be fully palatalized. 2. In some words the O. E. consonant / between vowels, pronounced v in O. E., has gone over to a w sound and produced diphthonging. O. E. hafoc Mn. E. hawk, ceafol jowl. In this last word the initial ch has become j ; see 18. 4). The diphthonging before g, h, and to is a difficult problem in the history of English vowels. Many of the features appear arbitrary. Of Chaucer's pronunciation in particular it may 44 VOWEL CHANGES. be said that the h and gh are not yet silent letters. The h closely resembled the German ch ; the gh probably resembled the German g in sagen, as that word is spoken in Midland Germany. 16. Diphthonging before I and r. 1. The vowel a before I final, or before II, I plus consonant (except the Id discussed in 3), was diph- thonged subsequent to the fourteenth century into an ou, aw [] sound. Some of the changes took place in the sixteenth century. Chaucer still has the original pure a sound. For example : alle Mn. E. all (). falle fall, talke talk, balled ' thin -haired ' bald. With the last word compare O. E. bald, bald M. E. b$ld Mn. E. bold. In such words as talk, chalk, &c., the I has become silent In calf the I is silent but the a is not diph- thonged. A similar diphthonging has taken place in the American pronunciation of certain words, for ex- ample, swamp, wasp. 2. The vowel o before I plus consonant (except DIPHTHONGING. 45 O. E. Id ; see 3 and 12) became after Chau- cer's time o. folk Mn. E. folk, bolt bolt. Before k the I has become silent, like the I in chalk. 3. The vowel changes before r can scarcely be reduced to a system. At this point the pronunciation usual in America differs from that in England. The difference shows itself in two directions. a. In England the r when final or before a con- sonant is not spoken as a consonant but is reduced to a mere 'glide', with the value of 9. For ex- ample, water pronounced [wQt 9] . b. In England the e often, if not usually, becomes a. For example, the word clerk may be pronounced cladk. Examples. O. E. beorcan (of a dog) M. E. berke Mn. E. bark, ba&k. (The pronunciation has coincided with that of M. E. barke of a tree, and of bark ' vessel,' from the French barque. ) O. E. steorra M. E. sterre star, feor fer t ferre far. clerk [cbrk, cloak.] 46 VOWEL CHANGES. birce birche [torch, bdch.~\ brid brid, bird \b&rd, bdd.~\ cursian curse [cars, cas.] The vowel o before r final or r plus consonant has become [&]. O. E. for Mn. E. for fort) forth With these compare the following : M. E. moral Mn. E. moral O. E. sorg M. E. sorwe Mn. E. sorrow sdrig M. E. syry Mn. E. sorry CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE CHANGES IN 3-16. 17. 1. The earliest change was that in 3, namely, the lengthening before certain consonants. This took place before 1000 and is wholly O. E. 2. Next in time was the earlier shortening dis- cussed in 5. Most of these shortenings took place in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, in the border period between O. E. and M. E. At any rate, the shortening of O. E. a, ce to a was earlier than the change of a to q, or of ce to g. This accounts for O. E. hdlig, M. E. hijlig, versus O. E. hdlgian, M. E. h&lwe, Mn. E. hallow. See 8. 1. DIPHTHONGING. 47 3. Next was the change of a to Q. See 10. This took place in the first half of the thirteenth century. 4. Next was the lengthening of a, e, o in open syllables. See 4. The change was not earlier than the second half of the thirteenth century. Certainly the a could not have been lengthened before a became Q ; since in that case we should have had an Mn. E. verb */ore, instead of the peculiar fare [/fr] which is discussed in 11 and which must be the lengthen- ing of some peculiar a or ce. 5. Still later in the main, at least are the diph- thongings discussed in 15. It is impossible to determine accurately the sequence in which these various diphthongings took place. Some of them are very early ; notably the diphthonging of e and ce, a before g. This is very early M. E. and even late O. E. In general the diphthonging tendency was at work all through the M. E. period. 6. The change of e (close) to []. This took place in the fifteenth century. See 9. 7. The change of o (close) to oo [u] ; also in the fifteenth century. See 12. 8. The diphthonging of I, y to [at]. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. See 14. 9. The diphthonging of u to [aw] . In the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. See 14. 48 VOWEL CHANGES. 10. The change of g (open) to [t] . In the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. See 9. 11. The changes before I and r. See 16. These can not be dated with accuracy ; certainly they were later than Chaucer. Probably they were not simul- taneous but scattered through the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries. Some were of the seventeenth. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF PRINCIPAL VOWEL CHANGES. 9TH-10TH C. 11TH-12TH C. 13TH C. 1st half 2dhalf. 14TH C. Early Lengthening : a, e, i -f- Id, i, u, y + nd, i, a + mb, 3. Early Shortening : in compounds, before suffixes, before cons, groups, a to Q 10. Length- ening of a, e, o in open syll., 4. Period of Chaucer, Gower, Church Plays ; no marked 5 - changes. 15TH C. 16TH C. 17TH C. 18TH C. e to 1, 9, i, y M to [au] Spread o to , 12, to 14. of the a to g in open [at'], gtop] 9 syllable, 11. 14. 9. sound, 15 B 8, 6. CHAPTER III. CONSONANT CHANGES. In general the consonant system of O. E. remained through M. E. and into Mn. E. That is to say, a consonant has usually in Mn. E. the sound which it had in 0. E. There are, however, two groups of changes. In the first group is placed the loss or on the other hand the intrusion of a consonant. With this phenomenon we may consider, for the sake of convenience, the phenomenon of voicing a consonant originally un- voiced, and some other changes. The second group comprises the changes involved in the palatalization of c [Jt] into ch [[] and g into Loss AND INTRUSION ; VOICING, &c. 18. 1. a. The initial hi-, hr-, hn- of O. E. became in M. E. 1-, r-, n-. This dropping of the h began about 1000 and was complete by the middle of the four- tenth century. Thus we get : 49 50 CONSONANT CHANGES. O. E. hldf Mn. E. loaf, hleapan leap, hrof roof, hrcefn raven, hnecca neck, hnutu nut. O. E. hw- is written wh- in M. E. and in Mn. E., but the sound is still hw-, at least in America ; in England the usual pronunciation is w-. Thus the Englishman usually confounds whales and Wales, while wile, which witch. O. E. hwd, now written who, is pronounced [hu] . See 10. O. E. hdl is now written whole (the writing dates from the sixteenth century) but the w is not sounded. In the extreme Northern (Scottish) dialect hw- is written qu-, quh- ; the pronunciation is [x^], the x having the value of the German ch in auch. b. O. E. en-, gn-. Both c and g are silent in Mn. E. en-, however, was still pronounced di- late in the seventeenth century ; gn- retained the gr-sound during the sixteenth century, but lost it early in the seventeenth. LOSS AND INTRUSION: VOICING. 51 c. In final -mb the b is silent ; e. g., climb, comb. 2. -s. Final s, in such words as is, his, as, was, was still s in Chaucer's speech, although it had the sound of [z] in the Southern dialect. The sound of [z] became general in the fifteenth century, although in the sixteenth the -s sound survived when followed by a word beginning with s or sh. In goose, mouse, us, hence, thence, the s sound remains. The -s in the plural of nouns and in the 3d sing. of verbs remains s when preceded by an unvoiced consonant, but has acquired the [z] sound when pre- ceded by a vowel, by a consonant not spoken although written, or by a voiced consonant. Compare : days with lips bows hats bougJis backs sighs sights In French words intervocalic s has the sound of z. For example, poison, cousin, reason. But where the word is written -ce-, the s sound remains ; as in face, grace. (For the g sound, see 11.) In many word-couplets the difference between s and \z\ marks the distinction between noun and verb. Thus : 52 CONSONANT CHANGES. Noun. Verb. excuse excuse. use use (but use 'to be in habit of,' with s). grease grease ; [s] is also heard. house house. glass glaze. grass graze. 3. In certain circumstances the [s] sound has become J. The phenomenon is chiefly noticeable in Lathi-French words ending in -tion, -tient. As long as these words were spoken with the French accent on the -on, -ent, the t was pronounced s, as in Chau- cer. For example : patient pron. pa-si-ent. salvation salva-si-oun. When, however, at the end of or soon after the Chaucerian period, the accent was wholly removed from the termination, the [s\ went over to [J] : pg\9nt salvffin (f, see 11). Note further the change of the s-sound to [ J ] in cherish, perish, nourish, &c. Chaucer still rimes cherice, [s] , with vice. Also note the change of the 2-sound to [z h\ in leisure, pleasure, treasure, dzure, &c., originally accented plezure, azure, &c. LOSS AND INTRUSION ; VOICING. 53 In question, combustion, &c., the st has become M3- 4. The ch sound [ (full pal. ) Ind. pret. *layida, *layida le^i~)de (part, pal.) Compare also, for the noun-formation : O. E. *Jiayis, he%e, Mn. E. hay, O. E. *hayia, hedge, Mn. E. hedge. The O.E. paradigm of /ec;$(e), $, as t + A. ] above, abufan 32 accent, see stress ach (German) 71 ocse 58 (Kff&er 35, 37 ci/c63 ^lf ric 9 cemc22 cemtig 54 ordlO oerende 15 again 75 againes, against 55 dgan 39 age 30 ah, ahte 41 ajar 53 aid 7, 28 all, alle 44 American 29, 44, 45, 50, 67 amidst 55 a?i 28 -an (infin. ) 9 anefen, anent 55 anig 21 ant 22 any 21 ardlO are 12, 28 as 51 osce, ashes 58 ask, askian 58 atone 28 oxen 58 Ayenbite 34 azure 52 bac, bach, back 62 backs 51 bcec, beech 62 bald, 'bold' 44 bald, balled ( ' thin haired ' ) 44 *banki 59 bard ' beard ' 10 bark (of tree), bark (ship), bark (of dog) 45 bask 59 batch 62 boSask 59 *beayion 72 beagiim 69 beam 24 beard 10 bece, beech <)0 79 80 INDEX. [References are to pages. be%an 72 behest 55 benc, bench 59 beorcan, berke 45 Berlin 69 beseech 68 betwix, betwixt 55 blegan 72 biqven 77 blndan 8, 9 birce, birch 46 bird 46 *blankion 43 blencan, blenchte, bleynte 43 bliss, UiKe 16 blood 32 boat 29 note boc 19 bodis, body 20, 21, 69 bog 41 boya 39, 71 bo^h, boh 71, 41 boil 61 *bokwn 60 bold 44 bolt 45 bonte 25 book 19, 32 bosm, bosom 19, 32 bough, boughs 41 , 51 bdun 55 bound (p. p. of 'bind') 9, 35 bound ( ' ready to go ' ) 55, 59 bow (to incline) 39 bow, bows ( ' arms ' ) 39, 51 brad 29 braegen, brain 22, 37 bramble 22 breast 17 bremel 22 brebst 17 brid 46 bride 35 bridegroom 55 bridge 72 bridgume 55 broad 29 brocen 13 brohle 16 broken 13 broKor 32 *bruyia, brycg 72 bryd 3~5 brydguma 55 buasfc 59 biicet, bucket 22 buch (German) 71 bu^an 39 build 6 buinn 55, 59 biilden 6 bunden 9, 35 fturAg 71 busk 59 but 42 byc%an 77 byldan 6 cabbache, cabbage 53 cabin 31 References are to pages.] INDEX. 81 cacche, cacher 40 cos 38, 65 cald 7, 65 calf 44, 62 called, callian 65 cdmb 8 Cantium 65 care 62 cartouche, cartridge 53 earn 62 carve 68 caseum 65 -caster, castra 62 cattle 31 caught 40 cea/62 ceaft, ceafol 43, 53 ceafor 62 cealc 62 ceaZ/62 ceallian 7 ceap 61 cear/68 cearig, cearu 62 ceos 67 *ceasi 65 ceaster 62 ceaw 68 cele 62 cene 65 ceorfan 68 ccor/ 60 ceosan 60, 67 ceowan 68 cepaw 61, 65 cepan (keep), cepte 17, 65 cese 65 -cester 62 l-etU 61 chafer 62 chaff 62 chalk 44, 62 chapel 30-31 char woman 53 chary 62 Chaucer 10, 17, 18, 25, 29, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43- 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 63, 68, 74 chaul, chavel 53 chaw 53 cheap, cheapen 61 cheese 65 chep 61 chepe, chepen 61, 65 cherice, cherish 52 chesen 60, 67 Chester 62 eheiel, Chettle 61 chew 68 chide 60 child 7, 15 childer, children 8, 15 chill 62 chin 60 choice, choix 61 choose 67 Christendom 14 Chronicle, Parker 9 Church Plays 48 82 INDEX. [References are to pages. churl 60 cool 31, 64 chiise 61 coquina 60, 65 cldan 60 coren 67 ciele 62 corf en 68 ciese 65 cousin 51 clld, cildru 7, 8, 9, 15 cow 64 cinn 60 cowen 68 els 61 *crangion 75 cl&dde 17 crasis 12 cZceree 64 cre/ 23 cl&nMc 14 crenge 75 clamsian, clansian 23 cri6664 cZdiSian 17 *cnn-jran 74 claw, cZaww 42 crlstendom 14 clean, den 27, 64 Cromwell 27 cleanly 14 cw64 cleanse 23 cuman 64 clerk 45 Cumberbatch 62 clif, clifl 64 ciinrede 54 cllmban 8, 51 curfon 68 clothed 17 curon 67 C(1i^^6 /~T cursian, curse 46 - yf O cuwan. 68 cnawleche 53 cweruxm, cwencte 43 cneow 42 cwice, CWICM 63, 64 cmfa 64 cycen 60, 65 coat 29 note cyn 65 cocc, cock 64 cynrceden 54 Cockney 5, 37 *cypan 61 col 31, 64 cy^S 16, 65 cold 7, 65 comb 8, 51 combustion 53 come 64 compound words 14 consonant groups 6 deed 24 ctej, da^es 23, 37, 71 dagos 23, 71 dagenian 23, 71 References are to pages.] INDEX. 83 darjes 23 ddh41 daisy 37 damne, dampned 54 Danelagh 2 Danish (includes Icelandic, Norwegian, Scandinavian) 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 28, 29, 39, 42, 55, 56-57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 75-76 daumen (Germ.) 54 dawn 23 daws 23 day, days 37, 51 dead, dead 18 dedf, deaf 18, 41 deagian 38 deal 29 dealed, dealt 17 deaft, death 18 dedeZI deemster 54 deep 25, 26 degan 38 deman 54 Dempster 54 dempt 54 deofol 13, 22 deap 24, 25 deor, derrest 19 devil 13, 22 deyen 38 die 62 die ( ( mori')38 dike 62 disc, dish 58 distraught 40 ditch 62 dossa 74 dole 29 domSl dormer (German) 54 doom 31 Dorchester 62 dough 41 dove 32 drcedd, drcedeft 17 dragan 39 *drankion 60 drat 17 draw 39 dream' t 54 dree 38 drempte 54 drencan, drench 34, 60 dreneium 66 drebgan 38 drop, *dropp 32 dropa, drope 32 droune, drown 56 drunen 56 dry 39 Dryden 27 dryge 39 duce, duck 19 dufe 32 duke 36, 67 dust, dust 17 Dutch 1, 37, 58, 62 dye 38 84 INDEX. [References are to pages. eoc24 Farquhar 36 each63 faux pas 31 Eddmund 14, 24 feallan 23 edge 38 feature 66-67 edd 7 fee 39 eard 10 feel 26 earoicgo 74 fehten 24 Edmund 14, 24 feld 6, 7, 9, 25 e#e38 feohm Egippte 77 feohtan 24 either 35, 37, 38 feor 45 ejie 24 /er, /erre 45 -eZ21 fersc 58 elder 8 field' 6, 7, 25 Elizabeth, Queen 27 /|f 19 emmet 22 Jindan 35 empti, empty 54 finger 74 -en (p. p.) 9, 21 fire 35 -en (adj. ) 21 ytsc, fish 58 English, divisions of 3 fist 17 enough 19, 41 five 19 eorSe 10 /cejci 25, 37 eowu 42 flcesc, flash 18, 58 errand 15 flail 37 er-SelO flebgan 38 escarmouche, escarn 58 flesh 18, 58 -e21 flod 19, 32 eu>e, ewe 42 flo^ettan 74 excuse 52 flood 19, 32 eye 38 fly 38 fod 19, 32 face 30, 51 folk 45 ftegen, fain 37 food 19, 32 faUcm, fall 23, 44 foot 32 far 45 for 46 faran, fare (vb.) 30, 47 Jorloren 28 References are to pages,] INDEX. 85 fofS 10, 46 German 1, 2, 44, 50, 54, 55, fostor, foster 17 59, 64, 68, 70, 71 fowl 39 gernan 70 /ra28 ges 69, 71 French 2, 18, 27, 30, 31, 35, ges< 75 36, 40, 45, 51, 52-55, 58, gefem 75, 76 61, 62, 75 gieZdan 70 freosan, fresen 24 gidlan 70 fresh 58 giernara 70 fro 28 gt/e, gifenra 76 /roggo 74 gS/re 76 -ftl 6 S^ ^^ fugol 39 give 75 /yr35 gted, glad 69, 71 fyst 17 glass, glaze 52 glove 32 y, & 3> & 9 69, 70, 76, 77 gnagan 69 gabe (German) 69 goat 28 gait, gata 76 god, God 71 got 28, 69 god 19 gate 68, 76 godhead 29 gear 70, 75 gold 7, 33 gea<70 good 19, 32, 68 geatu76 goold, Goold 33 geben (German) 69 goose, gos 31, 51, 69, 70, 71 geciynd 8, 9, 65 gosling 14 geese 71 yoten 70, 76 g/an 75 Gothic 20, 21 jeggn 76 Gott (German) 69 geWara 70 Gould 33 ge&m 70 Gower 48 Genesis-Exodus 54 grace 30, 51 genog 19, 41 gra/an 69 geoton 70 grass, graze 52 ger 70, 75 grease 52 86 INDEX. [References are to pages. great, gretter 19 growan 42 G. T. 72 (and Preface) guest 75 gum 68 guma 69 yutm 70 -had 29 MVSu 19 hces 55 hafoc 43 *hayis 73 hailags 21 hdl%ian 15, 46 Mil's 15, 21, 46 hallow, AaJwe 46 has 55 haste 18 hats 51 hawk 43 hay ('hedge') 73 Al(pron.) 11, 26 head 19 -head 29 heafod 19 hedh 19, 40 health 19 hear 26 heath 18 heaven 13 hec%e 73 -hed 29 hedge 73 Ae 5 ('hay')69 he&C hedge') 73 height heiser (Germ.) 55 hence 51 henge 33 heqfon 13 her (adv.) 25 Aeran, herde 17, 26 herre 19 hey-sugge 74 faeran 26 high 40 hina, hlne, hind ('servant') 55 hinder 9 hinge 33 his (pron. ) 51 hlaf, hlafmcesse, hlcefdi$e 14, 50 hleapan 50 hndgh 71 hnecca 50, 64 hnutu 50 hoarse 55 Ao/22 Aoii s , holy 15, 21, 46 homely, homelike 63 honey, 20, 21 -hood 29 hopian, hope 11, 29, 32 hord 10 hors 55 hound 8 References are to pages.] INDEX. 87 house 35, 52 keep, keepit 17, 65 hovel 22 Keltic 57-58, 70 hrcefn 50 Kent 65 hrof 50 Kentish 4, 11, 23, 73 -ht 15, 31-32 kepteVJ hund 8 kettle 61 Auru'g 20, 21 key 38, 65 hus 35- kilt 68 hiisbonde, husband 14 kin 65 husk 59 kind 8, 65 hwa 50 kindred 54 MS 01 kit68 kitchen 60, 65 I (pron. ) 63 kith 16, 65 -tan (infin.) 9, 15, 60 kleffia 17 ic, tcft(pron.) 62-63 knew 42 Icelandic (see Danish) knight 64 ich'UGZ knighthood 29 i-dinde 8 know 42 ife 20, 70 knowledge 53 -tg 20, 21 *koni 65 in mtddes 55 *kopian 65 Irish 27 is 51 laddeZZ ivy 20, 70 lady 14 Icedan, Icedde 18, 23 jaw 53 Ken, Zoinan 29, 55 Johnson, Saml. 37 Kessa 16 join 61 Eewed42 jowl 43, 53 lqffdi% 14 Judas 35 *layida t layis, &c., 73 *kaiyi 65 laid 74 kalla 7, 65 Lammas 14 *keapion 65 Ian 29 keen 65 Lancaster 62 88 INDEX. [References are to pages. IdrspeH 14 lavender 55 law 39 ky 74 lead (vb.) 18 lead, lead (metal) 18 leaf, leaf 19 leap 50 lec%an, kcge, &c., 73, 77 led, kddc 23 leggen, Zeggen 74, 77 legis, le^tiS 73 leisure 52 Zei-574 lend 55 l$ne, tgnen 29, 55 Kof 24 leogan 38 koht 16 Zesse 16 lewd 42 -li, -Re 63 liccian 60 lic^ean 74 fictan 60 lichen, lick 60 lie (vb. mentiri) 38 lie (noun 'falsehood') 72 Ksurh 41 Kymel 54 fiejan, tie 38 -iig 20 tigofta 39 tinder 8 tithe 39 fegan 38 {eon, ten 19 tere2A token 12 <6, tooth 31 tough 41 treasure 52 trone (Fr.) 28 References are to pages.] INDEX. 93 tube 36 weld(yb.) 7 Tuesday 66 weldan 7 twentis, twenty 20 weng 34 two 29 wepan, wepte 17 -ty20 West Saxon 4, 7, 23, 26, 38, tyndre 8 40 whales 50 uncouth 35 which 50, 63 under 9 while 50 us (pron.) 41, 51 whiles, whilst 55 use 52 who 29, 50 whole 50 verlore 28 wieldan, wield 7 wile 50 tea 29 wind (n. 'air') 36 wjcejen 37 wing 34 wees 22, 51 wisdom 14 *wayion 72 wish 18 wagon, wain 37 witch 50 wold 11 woe 29 Wales 50 wold 11 warm 23, 24 wonder 9 was 22, 51 wound (n. 'hurt') 36 wascan 59 vn-ctitfSu, wrath 16 wdse 29 wrench 34 wash 59 *wasken 59 wyscan 18 wasp 44 -y 20, 21 waste 18 yea 69 water 45 year 70 waxan (vb. ' wash ' ) 59 yearn 70 way 37 yell 70 Weald 11 yield 70 wearm23, 24 youth 35 weecan, wecchen, wecken (Ger- man) 64 zauns 36 wecg, wedge 72 zenne 34 u)5 37 zoons 36 Alden's Specimens of English Verse By RAYMOND M. ALDEN, Assistant Professor in Leland Stanford University, xiv + 459 pp. i6mo. (English Readings. ) $1.25. This book is well adapted to the needs of the be- ginner because it treats of the rhetorical effectiveness of given forms for given purposes and because it furnishes, in convenient arrangement, an unusual quantity of material. This material consists of illus- trative passages, arranged for each point in chrono- logical order, and, in addition, a large number of brief comments by various critics. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Professor in Princeton University: It seems to. me an excellent book, much needed and thoroughly well made. I venture to predict for it large usefulness. J. M. Hart, Professor in Cornell University: It is an excellent bit of work and ought to supersede all other text-books in the subject. C. B. Bradley, Professor in the University of California : The author, it seems to me, has admirably succeeded in what he attempted to do to bring together within small compass the essential facts of English verse, suitable and sufficient exemplification of these facts, and an unprejudiced statement of critical theories and opinions con- cerning those facts. Katherine Lee Bates, Wellesley College .-It is" the best presenta- tion, for students, of the subject yet known to me. W. S. 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