UC-NRLF tED MEb GIFT OF PROF. W.B. RISING -v- THE STUDENTS' GUIDE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS INTRNDED AS AN AID TO THE STUDY OF FRESENIUS' SYSTEM. BY H. CARRINGTON BOLTON, Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN. ILLUSTRATED. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SONS. 1882. COPYRIGHT, 1881, BY H. CARKINGTON BOLTON. CO O W OH O y w E u | D H 1 u _^ .2 15 W 237493 PREFA CE. A portion of the following pages originally appeared in the columns of the American Chemist, under the title: "Schemes of Analyses executed in tJie School of Mines, Columbia College!' Numerous applications for copies in book form have induced the author to publish the Schemes under a more general title. Since writing the articles the author has been called to another sphere of labor, and the circumstances which led to their compilation are explained in the following para- graphs, quoted from the prefatory remarks accompanying the original publication. " The system of instruction in Quantitative Analytical Chemistry, organized in the School of Mines, Columbia College, by Dr. C. F. Chandler, has been developed by the Assistants, who have had charge of the Laboratory for Quantitative Analysis, Mr. Alexis A. Julien, Dr. Paul Schweitzer, and the writer. The practical examples and the methods of analysis were originally selected by Prof. Chandler ; the latter have been modified by the Assistants, and from time to time they have introduced new processes, conforming to the advances made in this department of chemical science. VI PREFACE. The plan of the STUDENTS' GUIDE is similar to that in the excellent papers of Mr. Alexis A. Julien entitled : "Examples for Practice in Quantitative Analysis," the details, however, are the result of observing the needs of students during my five years' experience in teaching large classes. The fragmentary character of many portions of the notes is accounted for by the fact that they are intended to serve in part as lecture notes, and to indicate to the student the points to be ' studied. FRESENIUS' " System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis" (American edition, edited by Prof. S. W. Johnson; New York, 1870) is placed in the hands of each student on entering the laboratory, but many students are perplexed by the peculiar, though systematic, arrangement of this classic work, and are at a loss to know how to begin work, what to study, and where to find the information appropriate to particular cases. To aid the student in the study of Fresenius' work, and not to displace it, is one of the objects of the STUDENTS' GUIDE. It is then scarcely necessary to state that very free use has been made of Fresenius System; acknowl- edgment is, however, made in all cases. By occasional references to original papers the student's attention is directed to methods, as detailed by their authors, with the hope of encouraging the student in research." H. C. B. Trinity College. , LIST OF ANALYSES. List of Analyses. 1. Baric chloride, 2. Magnesic sulphate, 3. Ammonio-ferric sulphate, 4. Potassic chloride, 5. Hjdrodisodic phosphate, 6. Silver coin, 7. Dolomite, 8. Bronze, 9. Coal, 10. Copper pyrites, 11. Alkalimetry, 12. Acidimetry, 13. Chlorimetry, 14. Type metal, 15. Zinc ore, 16. Chromic iron ore, 17. Pyrolusite, 1 8. Feldspar, 19. Slag, 20. Hematite, 21. Titaniferous iron ore, 22. Pig iron, 23. Nickel ore, 24. Arsenopyrite, Constituents to be determined. Ba, Cl, H 2 0. MgO, SO 3 , H 2 O. SO 3 , NH 3 , Fe 2 O 3 by ignition, by pre- cipitation and volumetrically. K, Cl, Na 2 O, P 2 O 6 , H a O by direct weight. Au, Ag, Cu, Pb. CaO, MgO, SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , CO 2 by loss and by direct weight. Cu, Sn, Zn. H 2 O, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash, S. Cu, in duplicate. Soda ash, pearl ash. Vinegar, hydrochloric acid. Bleaching powder. Pb, Sn, Sb, Zn. Zn. Cr,0 8 . MnO,. Si0 2 , A1 2 8 , K,0, Na 2 0. SiO 2 , A1,O 3 , CaO, MgO, FeO, MnO, S, P 2 8 . SiO 2 , Fe, S and P. Complete analysis. Fe, Mn, graphite, combined C, P, S, Si. Ni, Co. As. vii Vlll LIST OF ANALYSES. List of Analyses. Constituents to be determined. P 2 O 5 , CaO, MgO, Fe 2 O 3 , SiO 2 , H 2 O, NH 3 , SO 3 , organic matter. P 2 O 5 soluble, precipitated, and in- soluble. CaO, MgO, Na 2 0, K 2 O, SO 3 , Cl, SiO 2 , organic matter. 28. Specific gravity of a solid, Heavier, lighter than, and soluble in water, minerals and alloys. " liquid, By the flask, by hydrometer, and by weighing a s6lid in the liquid. C, H, O. N by Willand Varrentrapp's, and Melsens' methods. C, H. Qualitative and quantitative. Water, butter, casein, sugar, ash. Water, crystallizable cane sugar grape sugar, ash. Fractional distillation, specific grav itjr, fire test. 25. Guano. 26. Superphosphate of lime, 27. Water, 29 30. Sugar, 31. Potassic ferrocyanide, 32. Oil of turpentine, 33. Urine, 34. Milk, 35. Raw sugar, 36. Petroleum, INTRODUCTORY NOTES. By means of Chemical Analysis we determine the com- position of any substance. The object of Qualitative Analysis is to determine the natiire of the constituents of a body. The object of Quantitative Analysis is to determine the amount of these constituents. Quantitative Analysis includes two methods, Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis. In Gravimetric Analysis we convert the known constitu- ents of a compound into such forms as will admit of their exact determination by weight. This is done chiefly in two ways : ist. By separating one of the constituents of a body as such (e.g., Cu by the battery). 2nd. By converting an existing constituent into a new form by exchange of elements (e.g., AgNO 3 -[-HCl AgC -j-HN0 3 ). The forms must fulfil two conditions: ist. Must be capable of being weighed exactly. 2nd. Must be of known and fixed composition. X INTRODUCTORY NOTES. The choice of form of precipitate depends on two consid- erations. The most preferable are ist. Those most insoluble in the surrounding liquid. 2nd. Those in which the proportion of the constituents to be determined is very small compared with the weight of the precipitate (e.g., S in BaSO 4 is only 13.7 per cent.). In Volumetric Analysis the amount of a constituent is estimated by the action of reagents in solutions of known strength and of determined volumes. (See Notes on Vol- umetric Analysis, p. 40). WORKS FOR REFERENCE AND FOR STUDY. Eresenius. A System of Instruction in Quantitative Chem- ical Analysis. Editions: Johnson's American, 1870; last English ; last German. Thorpe. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. New York, 1874. Rose, H. Traite* Complet de Chimie Analytique. Paris, 185962. 2 vols. Rose H., and Finkener. Handbuch der Anatytischen Chemie. Leipzig, 1867. Mohr. Lehrbuch der Chemisch-analytischen Titrirmeth- ode, vierte Auflage. Braunschweig, 1874. Sutton. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. London, 1871 (2d ed.). Rammelsberg. Leitfaden fur die Quantitative Chemische Analyse. Berlin, 1863. Crookes. Select Methods in Chemical Analysis. London, 1871. Bolley and E. Kopp. Handbuch der Technisch-chemischen Untersuchungen. Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1876. Wohler. Die Mineral Analyse in Beispeilen. Gottingen, 1861. Also translation by Henry B. Nason. Philadelphia, 1871. Prescott. Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis. Van Nostrand, N. Y, 1875. Caldwell. Agricultural Qualitative and Quantitative Chem- ical Analysis. New York, 1869. Xll WORKS FOR REFERENCE AND FOR STUDY. Wanklyn. Water Analysis, last edition. London. Bunsen. Anleitung zur Analyse der Aschen und Mineral- wasser. Heidelberg, 1874. Ricketts. Notes on Assaying and Assay Schemes. New York, 1876. Storer. First Outlines of a Dictionary of Solubilities of Chemical Substances. Cambridge, 1864. Heppe. Die Chemische Reactionen der wichtigsten anor- ganischen und organischen Stoffe. (Tabellen, etc.) Leipzig, 1875- Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie, Fresenius. Wiesbaden, 1862-1879. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Giessen, 1847-77. Bulletin de la Socie'te' Chimique de Paris. Paris, 1864-79. Chemical News. Crookes. London, 1860-79. American Chemist. Chandler. New York, 1870-79. American Journal of Science and Art. J. D. and E. S. Dana. New Haven, 1819-1879. THE STUDENTS' GUIDE IN QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, Analysis No. i. BARIC CHLORIDE. BaCl 2 + 2H 2 0. A. Determination of Chlorine. See Fres. Quant. Anal., 141, I, a, and pages 564 to 568. (References are to Fresenius' Quantitative Analysis, American edition, 1870.) Weigh out 0.8 to i grm. of powdered BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O and dissolve in cold water in a beaker ; add a slight excess of AgNO 3 previously acidulated with HNO 3 ; stir well, and warm. When the precipitate of AgCl has entirely settled, and the supernatant liquid is quite clear, pour off through a No. 2 filter; then add boiling water slightly acidulated with HNO 3 , to the precipitate in the beaker; stir, and, after the precipitate has settled again, pour off through the filter. Continue this washing by decantation three or four times ; then bring the precipitate on the filter by means of a glass rod or a feather ; wash it down into the point of the filter; wash lastly with a little non-acidified water ; cover the funnel with paper ; label properly, and set aside to dry. Weigh a clean porcelain crucible ; transfer 14 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. the precipitate to this crucible, removing the AgCl from the paper as completely as possible. Wrap a clean plati- num wire around the rolled-up filter, forming a "cradle" burn the filter in the cradle over the inverted crucible cover ; do not let the ashes fall into the crucible. Moisten the ashes with cone. HNO 3 (one drop); heat one minute; add a drop of cone. HC1; evaporate cautiously, and heat the contents of the crucible and cover until the AgCl is partly fused, avoiding carefully a higher temperature than necessary. See Fres., 82, b. Weigh the crucible and contents. For calculation, see D. AA. SECOND METHOD. Compare Fres., 115, 1, a, /?. Take to 0.2 to 0.5 grm. BaCl 2 -l- H 2 O; dissolve in warm water; acidulate with HNO 3 (free from chlorine); pour into a "parting flask;" add AgNO 3 in slight excess; cork the flask, and shake well. When well settled, wash the precipitate in the flask by decantation with warm water, without filtering. Invert the flask, covered with a watch- glass, over a weighed porcelain crucible, placed in a large porcelain dish, and filled with water. Withdraw the watch- glass carefully, allow the precipitate of AgCl to fall into the crucible, and remove the parting flask. Pour the water out of the crucible, remove the last portions with filter paper, and dry on a water-bath. Ignite to incipient fusion, and weigh. Note. The precipitate settles best in presence of an excess of AgNO 3 . B. Determination of Barium. See Fres., 132, 1, i, and 101, I, a. Dissolve i to 1.5 grm. substance in warm water ; acidulate with HC1 ; dilute to about 250 c.c.; heat to boiling ; when boiling hard, add dilute H a SO 4 in slight excess ; boil some minutes and then CALCULATION OF ANALYSIS 15 keep warm while the precipitate settles. Test with a drop of H 2 SO 4 ; wash with boiling water by decantation ; then bring the precipitate on a No. 2 filter ; wash well ; dry and ignite precipitate in a platinum crucible ; burn filter in a cradle as above, and add ashes to contents of crucible. See Fres., 71, a. Note. Wash until the filtrate gives no precipitate with AgNO 3 . When estimating barium in the presence of nitrates, chlorides, etc., these salts are sometimes carried down with the BaSO 4 . Since it is impossible to remove these by washing with water alone, treat the precipitate with very dilute HC1, or ammonic acetate. Cf. Crookes' Select Methods, page 3 1 2. C. Determination of Water (by Ignition). In a weighed crucible weigh out I to 1.5 grms. substance ; heat very gently at first over a small flame, and increase the temperature very gradually ; finally, heat to low redness ; then cool, weigh, and repeat the operation until the weight remains constant. Caution : avoid too high a temperature, else the Cl will be expelled. When substances contain large percentages of water, as magnesic sulphate, hydrodisodic phosphate, alum, etc., begin to expel the water at 100 C. in an air-bath. D. Calculation of Analysis. See Fresenius, page 568, also 196. Make two state- ments, the first to determine the amount of the desired constituent in the precipitate obtained : TVT i \\T4- f ) At. Wt. of the 1 Actual ) Actual ) Mol.Wtof I . constituent I = weight of V : weight of [ precipitate J degired J precipitate j constituent.! l6 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. The second statement determines the percentage of the desired constituent in the substance taken : Wt. of sub- stance taken }. Actual weight of ] _ . Percentage of the constituent constituent. To check work, compare with theoretical percentages when possible. Theoretical composition of crystallized barium chloride. C1 2 = 29.09 2H 2 O= 14.76 IOO.OO Use of Presetting Tables for the calculation of analyses. Compare Table III, Fres., page 608. Examples: Fe 2 O 3 X 0.7 = 2Fe. BaOSO 3 X 0.34335 = Consult Table IV, Fres., pages 610, et seq., also page 464. Example: 1.2685 grms. MgSO 4 yielded a precipitate of BaSO 4 , which weighed 1.2074 grms. From the table we have: .2 0.06867 .OO o.ooooo .007 . 0.00240 .0004 0.00013 1.2074 0.41455 =32.78 per cent. SO 3 1.2685 REPORTING ANALYSES. 1 7 E. Reporting 1 Analyses. Analyses may be reported on blank forms printed on let- ter paper 8" x 10", having following headings : HARTFORD, , 188 . REPORT OF . ANALYSIS OF . DETERMINATION OF . GRAMMES TAKEN . METHOD OF ANALYSIS . These headings are printed in vertical column ; in one horizontal line are placed following headings : PRECIPITATES, ACTUAL WEIGHTS, CONSTITUENTS, CALCULATED WEIGHTS, PER- CENTAGES, THEORETICAL PERCENTAGES ; under each a blank space is left of 2 1-2 inches. Under " precipitates " place formulae of precipitates obtained ; under " actual weights " place actual weights of precipitates ; under " constituents " place formulae of constituents to be reported ; under " cal- culated weights " place the amounts of constituents existing in precipitates; under "percentages" place percentages of constituents actually obtained in short, the results of analyses. The last column, " theoretical percentages," can be filled only in the case of few pure chemical salts. The words SPECIAL REMARKS are printed about two inches from the bottom of the sheet, leaving room for remarks on processes employed, etc.* Notes to the Analysis of Barium Chloride. Reactions, (i) BaCl 2 + H 2 SO 4 = BaSO 4 -f 2HC1. (2) BaCl 2 + 2AgNO 3 = 2AgCl + Ba(NO 3 ) 2 . The chloride of silver precipitate changes color on expos- ure to light, losing chlorine and forming Ag 2 Cl ; the change, however, is only superficial, but Mulder says the loss of weight is appreciable. * See specimen blank at the end of this book. 1 8 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. When one part of silver is thrown down as AgCl in 1,000,000 parts of water, a slight bluish milkiness may still be seen. This cloudiness disappears on adding an excess of HC1. Barium sulphate requires more than 400,000 parts of water for solution. The solubility is not perceptibly increased by the presence of NaCl, KC1O 3 or Ba(NO 3 ) 2 , but HC1 produces a sensible increase. (Cf. Storer's Diction- ary of Solubilities^) Barium sulphate thrown down in a solution containing ferric salts is often contaminated with iron. This becomes evident by the reddish color of the precipitate after ig- nition. The precipitate may be purified by washing with ammonium acetate, or by solution in cone. PLSO 4 , and re- precipitation by pouring into water. BaSO 4 dissolves in cone. H 2 SO 4 in the ratio of 5.7 parts to 100, and in Nord- hausen sulphuric acid as 15.9 to 100. Analysis No. 2. MAGNESIC SULPHATE. MgS0 4 +;H 2 0. A. Determination of Sulphuric Acid. See Fres., 132, I, I. Dissolve i to 1.5 grm. of sub- stance in warm water, acidulate with HC1, dilute to about 250 c.c. ; boil hard ; add BaCl 2 carefully, avoiding a large excess ; boil a few minutes ; let the precipitate of BaSO 4 settle ; wash by decantation and on the filter, and continue as in Analysis I, B. B. Determination of Magnesium. Fres., 104, 2. Dissolve about 1.2 grm. of substance in 150 c.c. cold water, in a beaker; add 30 c.c. NH 4 C1, DETERMINATION OF WATER. IQ 10 c.c. NH 4 HO, and a slight excess of HNa 2 PO 4 . (Should a precipitate form on adding NH 4 HO, add NH 4 C1 until it redissolves.) Stir the contents of the beaker well, avoiding touching the sides with the glass rod. Cover, and set aside for 12 hours, without warming. Filter and wash with cold water, to which one-fourth its volume of NH 4 HO has been added, until the filtrate acidified with HNO 3 gives only a slight opalescence with AgNO 3 . Dry thoroughly on the filter, ignite in a platinum crucible, gradually increasing the heat ; burn the filter on a cradle until quite white before adding the ashes to the contents of the crucible. If the pre- cipitate or ash is not white, moisten with a drop or two of cone. HNO 3 , evaporate, and ignite cautiously. (See Fres., 74, b and c.) Weigh the precipitate as Mg 2 P 2 O 7 . C. Determination of "Water. Heat i to 1.5 grm. salt in a weighed platinum crucible, and proceed exactly as in Analysis I, C. Notes to Analysis of Magnesia Sulphate. On the solubility of ammonio-magnesic phosphate in water and saline solutions. Cf. Fres. page 587, paragraphs 31-35. f 1 5300 parts of pure water. One part of | 443 " " ammoniated water, precipitate 4 7548 " " strong sol. of NH 4 C1. dissolves in 15600 " " water containing NH 4 HO [ ' andNH 4 Cl. Fresenius's proposed correction of o.ooi grm. magnesic pyrophosphate for every 54 c.c. of filtrate is stated to be incorrect. 2O QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Reactions. By precipitation we have : 2MgSO 4 + NH 4 C1 + 2NH 4 HO + 2HNa 2 PO 4 = Mg 2 (NH 4 ) 2 P 2 8 + NH 4 C1 + 2Na 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 O. On heating we have : (NH 4 ) 2 Mg 2 P 2 8 = Mg 2 P 2 7 + 2NH 3 + H 2 O. Theoretical Composition so, . . 12 ^2. 7H 2 O . ^1.22 IOO.OO Analysis No. 3. AMMONIA-! RON- ALUM. Fe 2 (NH 4 ) 2 (S0 4 ) 4 +2 4 H 2 0. A. Determination of Sulphuric Acid. Dissolve I gr. to 1.5 grms. in water, add 5 c.c., dilute HC1 to prevent ferric hydrate from precipitating with the BaSO 4 , heat to boiling, add BaCl 2 and proceed exactly as in Analysis 2, A. B. Determination of Ammonium. (Fres., 99, b, 2, 0.) (i.) Dry the salt, if necessary, before weighing, by press- ing the powder between folds of bibulous paper. Dissolve about 1.5 grms. in a little cold water in a casserole, add a little dilute HC1 and an excess of PtCl 4 . Evaporate nearly to dryness on a water-bath scarcely heated to boiling. Add DETERMINATION OF IRON 21 50 to 80 c.c. alcohol to the casserole while still warm ; do not stir ; let stand several hours. The supernatant liquid should be colored by an excess of PtCl 4 . (2.) Place a No. I Swedish filter in a small funnel, wash with very dilute HC1, then with water thoroughly; dry in the funnel, then remove the filter and place it on watch- glasses with clip; dry in an air bath 100 C. exactly, for one hour precisely ; then close glasses and weigh the whole. (3.) Bring the yellow crystalline precipitate on the weighed filter by means of a clean feather, wash with al- cohol carefully, not too much, dry on funnel. Then trans- fer to clip, dry at 100 C. as before, and weigh. Dry and weigh again, repeating until constant ; calculate results. Precipitate has the composition (NH 4 ) 2 PtCl 6 . [In the case of potassium determinations, wash with a mixture of alcohol and ether ; also concentrate filtrate and washings, filter from the secondary precipitate and add to the former.] (4.) Transfer the precipitate to a weighed crucible, burn the filter and add the ashes ; ignite gradually and strongly. Weigh the Pt remaining as a check on the first determi- nation. [In the case of potassium, add a little oxalic acid in pow- der to the contents of the crucible, ignite, wash residue with water, dry on water-bath, ignite, and weigh. (See Fres., 97, 3, ft.)] For solubility of ammonio-platinic chloride, see Fres. p. 584, paragraph 16. of Fres. Quant. Analysis (American edition, 1870), substituting aspirator for gasometer if more convenient. Heat cautiously, aspirating continually, and raise the tem- perature to a low red heat for three minutes. In driving the water into the CaCl 2 tube be careful not to burn the cork. Aspirate while cooling, not too rapidly. Weigh CaCl 2 tube after cooling and the ignition bulb as a check. Consult Fres., 36, page 45. Theoretical Composition : When water is determined by heating to redness, the calculation must be based on two molecules of the salt. 2Na 2 O 17.32 P a 5 = 19.83 =: 62.85 100.00 SILVER COIN. 3 cu O U o ge ia"! S "" 1^ CD t- . ^^ S ^ fe 8 5 * -ii s!i a ' xa ts "3 ^> !! g o 81 lei s s 1 = co d) 11 '5 w c JI il.s u ^ ~.=rO O g 0-J3 V- C ^H T3 ^^ 3 CO cj ^ c3 1 "^ 1 1 H O 1 H i v aJ H K c ^ C ftl 1 O fc SJ CJ ^ t^ 13 o H i c w >J a ^5 1 6 | 1? c s + o o fe / O ^ 2 - ^ I. 3 * ^ t> ^ .& ^ s i s ^ 4S g . ~g CJ CO HH CO CO HH . 0~ o _) >-> rt C <^ I I _ l H -M 73 3 W fi C X I &> c * e-So o c _ ,S > Is l*e o 60S (U oj? ^ DH Fj C/5" ** .5P S ci o o" O3 & ?5 ^ Sf ^ . U .ti K^^ ^ - i i 1 v-o 1 co K CJ o >^ *j C 8 |5 JS > ^ -^ %-i CJ Q) V ^ -75 ETERMINATION OF ZlNC. :ic\ 4- 5 c.c. HNO., 4- 10 arm and filter, wash thoroug E ^ ci ^ T3 C/} 1 --=3 7} M-.S? solution must be very car and striking as deep brown- f determining Zn, see artic Filtrate d. Examine carefully for n, and if present repeat 5 with Filtrate c. Q ^ r V jz g > CC J N i J3 ~ ^ > , o-S O'^H "^ r N O) & u "" n *^> 4-1 *o O ^ *" J3 O c . O3 ^ ^ "o rt ^ -2J 'O !^ i!*3 05 Cl ID ^ ^ CJ ^ -S ^ "O r* is S ^ H' . rt c 06 " "S *- g-q c c Ill II .^ ^ "i 0- J^S * 8 .ti be N S" S4-J ^> ^^ ^ O- C ^ |~{ rrt 3 X. -5 11 y "o TI ^ *^g |o Jz;.S *s fe *3 2i c "^ o3 "3 ^ ^ ^ -*5a 0*^ "DC 0.2 0^ Q." 1 ^ ,^V L< % C "^ *3 r ) ^ "** OJ o 9-1 ^ i ** ^ S i l cfl o^ ?*sffa ' = i 5 ^ " r '" :|il| 3 ^ ^00^3 % "^ ^ ^ "^ s OH- C/3 ^ EH > I T3 C OS 9V** S A. 1 -v ^ fc o ^ ^ "2 ^bct^ 'So bfi S o C i i S <-ri h-i ,3 rt^.tiSS C 8. CU < \meria w *T* In 83 N 1 1 3*3 Krt* J | a o c (U > 1 co J 1 ! ^ U | 9 S 3 tf t-j of H CO 1 5 6 ^ & "t fe Q W ^ I CL) CU X! t^ >-, i o 1 X! O Cfl C 'f CS OS c C/3 S C/3 13 .") I $ bo 10 6 . 8-d Q O C oS 1 *2 u- ^ 111 PH (U tyj C ^ \ oS OJ J< 1 fc *- 3 T3 M I < 8 c/T o U ^> 8 ^ o R C C 'O 3 o ox * * . g .2 cL N 1 m ^ I 5* O 1 > 3 o fY_^ * J aJ ^) 'ro 1-4 1 i $6 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Analysis No. 17. PYROLUSITE. Determination of MnO 2 . Employ Fresenius and Will's method as described in Fres. Quant. Analysis, edition of 1870, pages 509-12, 215, A. See also Mohr's Titrirmethode 215, pp. 617-638 (ed. 1874). Take 3.955 grms. of ore, and use Geissler's carbonic acid apparatus if available. Consult also the following article : " On the Estimation of Peroxide of Manganese in Manganese Ores," by E. Scherer and G. Rumpf, Chemical News, American Re- print, Vol. VI, page 82, February, 1870. Analysis No. 18. FELDSPAR. A- Determination of Alkalies. Prof. J. Lawrence Smith's method. See Am. J. Sci. [3] I, 269. Also Fres., 140, II, b, r> Pulverize well in an agate mortar. Weigh out one grm. of the silicate. Mix well in an agate mortar, first, with about one grm of NH 4 C1 (pure enough to sublime without residue), and, secondly, with about eight grms. C. P. pre- cipitated CaCO 3 ; add the latter in three or four portions, mixing well after each addition. Transfer the mixture by means of glazed paper to a platinum crucible. Apply the heat of a Bunsen burner to the upper portion of the crucible first and gradually carry the flame toward the lower part, until the NH 4 C1 is completely decomposed, DETERMINATION OF ALKALIES. 57 which ensues in four or five minutes. Then heat before the blast-lamp, not too intensely, for thirty to forty min- utes. This operation is greatly facilitated by using a special apparatus devised for the pur- pose by Prof. J. Lawrence Smith, and represented in Fig- 5- The stand H supports on its rod G a cast-iron plate B perforated by a hole large enough to admit the some- what elongated crucible A; the bottom of the crucible projects within the sheet iron chimney C which is held in its place by the hook N. When heat is applied to the bottom of the crucible by the flattened burner F the decom- position proceeds regularly and is completed in about one hour. Cool the crucible, place it in a porcelain casserole, and digest the semi-fused mass with boiling water until tho- roughly disintegrated. This may take some hours. Then filter from the residue (SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 , Mn 2 O 3 (?), CaO, etc.), and wash well with about 200 c.c. of water. All the alkalies of the silicate are converted into chlorides and are now in the water solution. Add to this solution NH 4 HO and (NH 4 ) a CO 3 with a few drops of (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 . Evaporate without filtering, on a water-bath, to about 50 c.c., add a little NH 4 HO, and filter through a small filter (No. 2) into a weighed platinum dish. Evaporate to dry- FIG 5. 58 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. ness on a water-bath, ignite very gently to drive off a little NH 4 C1, and weigh. If the residue is not perfectly soluble in water, and quite white, dissolve, filter off, evaporate, ignite, and weigh again. This gives the weight of the KC1 + NaCl. Next determine the K, either by separating it with PtCl 4 and alcohol in the usual manner, or by gravimetric or vol- umetric estimation of the total Cl in the weighed chlorides. For calculation, see Fres., 197, a. Consult also Crookes' Select Methods, pages 13 and 14. B. Determination of SiO 2 , A1 2 O 3 , Pe 2 O 3 , CaO, and MgO. Fuse two grms. mineral with six grms. K 2 CO 3 -f- six grms. Na 2 CO 3 . Moisten with water, digest, add excess of HC1, evaporate to dryness, expel HC1 in air-bath, add water and HC1, and filter from SiO 2 . Continue exactly as in Analysis No. 7. SOLUBLE SILICATES. 59 I ? s * 3 O rt || Q"| r ^ r^ o 91.1 pt, T3 'c-^3 tT X r T3 > c Wo" r . I ^os:*** * > o"'.2 - e U o> Sfg 3 5 S ^ 9 ~ 6O QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Analysis No. 19. IRON SLAG. To be determined: SiO 2 , FeO, MnO, A1 2 O 3 , CaO, MgO, S, P 2 5 . Pulverize finely; weigh out exactly five grms. ; mix on glazed paper, by means of a horn spatula, with fifteen grms. anhydrous Na 2 CO 3 and fifteen grms. K 2 CO 3 , together with one grm. NaNO 3 . These fluxes need not be accurately weighed. Put one-third the mixed slag and fluxes into a two-ounce platinum crucible, and heat over a Bunsen burner until by settling down room is made for more. Heat twenty minutes or more before the blast-lamp. Cool suddenly, place in a casserole, and treat with boiling water until thoroughly disinte- grated. Remove the crucible and add excess of HC1 little by little, avoiding loss of liquid by violent efferves- cence ; evaporate to dryness on water-bath, expel HC1 completely by drying (not above 1 15 C.) in an air-bath. Moisten with water, add HC1, digest, and proceed as per scheme on following page. IRON SLAG. 61 p 18 > ^ j ^ > U .M <^ l> jj- rt t - < - ^ Precip solve in strong HC two unequal portion Ckrt c .5 C/) > M - IcT^ rtC/} 3 5: ^ t.s ^) ^^ CJ ^N rn nT bjo,o. :QS a x o c II 8 :c o~ m - 8*1 !" .s a *-> c " -Jolt ', 0) C T3 ^g SoS" 62 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. J^ ,0 C "y 'G 3 OS 3 _, g & fi J5 ~ o c ttf " rO S N ^ ^J * O **H kj 3 M H I b ffi ^ 8 I | 8 g d i J5 C , ^ u ( j ! 1 o-8 o c g 2 I .2 2 ver asse d, l a c ample, pu er in a c xcess of a til !!?. :s g.sx r 2 S vn S rt ^ J* rt ri s*; it S OS TTl tJ3 ^ 15 5 s , II ^ ,/- rt ^ ^ . t? nat ible apes) halve the l II I 5 gS 51 o , e e i n o (CO vi d eta y d careful oo c.c.. See for d j_> J3 fl) "* " O -. S c 2 g | ^ * -S 8 o 02 *o M ^ 7:. I I rt -O d 02 tS I .b ^ o" * 3 .TH C oi QQ rt _r contain , heat i c O iH S -5 5 e a 5 .!_> OS vj/ ! I- S 1 *Q _ 7 p, *y t! E o3 s oj > '-Z'f* O ^3 TITANIFEROUS IRON ORE. 6 5 2 ^ H IpSiSfcitSrficSii, ^i*giFsi.^Pi s ii*F^iai ,0^5 4S O 4-g b .8*r^ s -s g e ; E -o g I 3 53 -CL-O .^ ^9, s ^ B^gS ^ * !^^M ^ '"^S^^ t^ I s ^0 >* w 1 5. a &s * - Q r &* rC- oe SS.2.-' ^aSulot < ^^ *- s ^ C" C T3 O C ^J ^J k "** O w -M -3 n>^ ca - < -^.ti , o M , i-g w e -> or Mn 2 O 3 ) the crucible be attacked and injured. Note 5. SEPARATION OF SiO 2 . In order to render the SiO 2 entirely insoluble, it must be perfectly dehydrated. The evaporation should be carried to dryness, the residue heated until odors of HC1 can no longer be detected, and the mass is hard and crumbly. Since the residue is to be re-fused with Residue b, the drying may be completed, at a temperature somewhat higher than 100 C., in an air-bath. Note 8. PRECIPITATION OF BaSO 4 . Avoid the addition of a large excess of BaCl 2 solution. Add only 5 c.c. at first, and then after complete subsidence of precipitate, add a few drops to determine if any H 2 SO 4 remains unprecipi- tated, etc. Then proceed as in Fres., 132, I, i. After decanting the clear supernatant liquid, boil the precipitate with water, allow to subside, decant, filter, and wash with hot water. These precautions are necessary to dissolve out any other salts of barium, which are always carried down on the first precipitation. If the precipitate of BaSO 4 is dark colored after ignition, dissolve in the crucible in 68 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Jiot cone. H 2 SO 4 , pour into cold water, and collect the pre- cipitate as before. Note 9. SEPARATION OF SiO 2 . Evaporate as in Note 5. Then add HC1 quite freely and warm for some time before adding any water, as the high heat may have produced anhydrous Fe 2 O 3 , forming an oxychloride which is very slow to dissolve, especially in dilute acid. Should the acid already added be too dilute, .concentrate by evaporation, add cone. HC1, and digest at a moderate heat. Note ii. PRECIPITATION OF THE BASIC ACETATES. Fil- trate f combined with Solutions ct and d v must be very carefully neutralized with sodium carbonate. (If ammonium carbonate were used, bromide of nitrogen might form in Filtrate g.) To neutralize the greater portion of the acid use crystallized sodium carbonate, and complete the neu- tralization with a very dilute solution of the carbonate, add- ing it drop by drop, agitating to dissolve the precipitate, until the liquid assumes a deep mahogany-red color. If a permanent precipitate forms, add a little hydrochloric acid, and repeat as above. Then dilute the solution to about i litre for each gramme of the sesquioxide present, add about 20 grammes sodium acetate dissolved in a small quantity of water, and heat the whole to boiling. It is sufficient to boil from ten to fifteen minutes for the complete precipitation of the acetates. The filtering should be done rapidly on a ribbed filter, keeping the fluid hot, and disturbing the settled precipitate as little as possible. When available the Bunsen pump may here be used with advantage. After the supernatant fluid has been poured through the filter, throw on the precipitate and wash it with boiling water containing a little sodium acetate. Should any basic acetate separate upon concentrating the filtrate, add some sodium acetate, boil, filter, dissolve the precip- itate in HC1, and unite to the solution cf the main body. NOTES TO THE PRECEDING SCHEME. 69 In boiling Filtrate e with KC1O 3 to oxidize FeO, be careful to decompose the whole of the chlorate by heat- ing with excess of HC1. Note 1 2. DETERMINATION OF P 2 O 5 . To remove the HC1 in Solution g 1 add NH 4 HO in large excess, wash the pre- cipitates of ferric hydrate and ferric phosphate by decanta- tion two or three times, and redissolve in hot cone. HNO 3 . Evaporate this solution down to small bulk (i5oc.c. to 100 c.c.), partially neutralize with NH 4 HO, and add about 50 c.c. of solution of ammonium molybdate in nitric acid. If the solution is very acid, ammonium nitrate is formed by the partial neutralization as above, otherwise add a small quantity of the salt. Warm the solution, do not boil, and let stand 24 hours or more. Then filter from the yellow granular precipitate of ammonium phospho-molybdate with- out bringing it all on the filter, and wash the precipitate with a solution prepared by mixing 100 parts of the precipi- tant with 20 parts of HNO 3 (sp. gr.= i.2) and 80 parts of water. Dissolve the yellow precipitate by pouring a small quantity of dilute NH 4 HO through the filter into the original beaker, and determine the phosphoric acid in the ammoniacal solution by means of magnesia mixture (5 c.c.) in the usual manner. Magnesia mixture is preferably made with magnesium chloride. If the crystalline ammonio- magnesium phosphate falls mixed with flocculent magne- sium hydrate, add HC1 until dissolved and reprecipitate with NH 4 HO. Reserve the filtrate and washings of the yellow precipi- tate, and test for phosphoric acid by adding a little more of the ammonium molybdate solution, heating and allowing to stand 12 hours. If a yellow precipitate forms, pour through a separate filter, dissolve in dilute NH 4 HO and add to the ammoniacal solution. If the yellow precipitate first obtained was not suf- 7O QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. ficiently washed, a red residue of oxide of iron may remain on the filter, in which case pour dilute HNO 3 upon it, allow it to pass into the ammoniacal solution, acidulate that with HNO 3 , warm, add more of the precipitant, and set aside as before; filter and wash several times with the diluted precipitant, then dissolve the precipitate on the filter and that adhering to the beaker in as little dilute NH 4 HO as possible. The yellow granular precipitate of ammonium phospho- molybdate is not sufficiently constant in composition to admit of directly weighing it in exact analysis ; it is there- fore dissolved in NH 4 HO and the phosphoric acid thrown down with magnesia mixture as just detailed. According to Nuntzinger's analysis, after drying at 100 C., it contains 3-577 P er cent - NH 4 HO 3.962 " P 2 5 92.461 " MoO 3 100.000 Lipowitz says the precipitate dried at 20 to 30 C. con- tains 3.607 per cent, of P 2 O 5 , and Eggertz 3.7 to 3.8 per cent. P 2 O S . When dried at 120 C., Sonnenschein found about 3 per cent. For properties of this precipitate see also Fres., 93, i, foot-ncte. Consult also Finkener's paper in Bericht d. d. chem. Ges XI, p. 1638 (1878), and Chem. News, XXXVIII, p. 63, (1878). Note 13. WASHING OF FE 2 O 3 3H 2 O. Wash this precipi- tate by boiling up with water and decanting until the wash water shows very little alkaline reaction with litmus paper, and gives very little precipitate with solution of AgNO 3 . Then transfer to filter, and wash thoroughly with boiling water. Note 1 6. DETERMINATION OF MN. (Gibbs' process, Am. NOTES TO THE PRECEDING SCHEME. /I your. Sci. [2] XLIV, p. 216.) To the HC1 solution add NH 4 HO in excess and solution of Na 2 HPO 4 in large excess. Then add dilute H 2 SO 4 or HC1 until the white precipitate redissolves, heat to boiling, and add NH 4 HO in excess. Digest near the boiling point about an hour, when the precipitate, at first white and gelatinous, becomes rose-colored and forms crystalline scales. Filter and wash with hot water. If tinged red, redissolve the precipitate in dilute HC1, and repeat the process. On ignition the pre- cipitate is converted into Mn 2 P 2 O 7 , a nearly white powder. If Zn is present, it must first be separated as in SCHEME I, Am. Chem., Vol. I, p. 323. Note 1 8. VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION OF FE. Put Solution k l , which must be completely free from the KC1O 3 used to oxidize Filtrate k, into a wide-mouthed reduction bottle holding about 250 c. c. Carefully let down into the bottle a lump of amalgamated zinc, free from iron, and a strip of platinum foil resting upon it, add about 10 c. c. cone. H 2 SO 4 , cover with a watch-glass and set aside over night. To ascertain if the reduction is complete test the solution with ammonium sulpho-cyanide, which should give only a trace of pink color. Then introduce into a flask holding about 200 c. c., and fitted with a Kronig valve, exactly 0.2 gramme iron piano- forte wire, add dilute H 2 SO 4 , and heat until complete solution of iron. Cool the flask, pour and wash out the contents of the flask into a large beaker containing about 400 c. c. cold water, add a little concentrated H 2 SO 4 and titrate with a solution of K 2 Mn 2 O 8 (13 grms. in 2 litres water) to determine its strength. Repeat, and average results. Now pour and wash out the contents of the reduction- bottle into a large beaker, add cone. H 2 SO 4 , and titrate with the standard K 2 Mn 2 O 8 as before. If the HC1 was not 72 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. properly removed from Solution fa the dark brown-red ferric chloride formed will interfere with the end reaction of the permanganate. In such a case reprecipitate with NH 4 HO, wash thoroughly, and proceed as with Solution k*. Treat Solution & in exactly the same manner, and aver- age the results. Cf. Analysis No. 3, C. III. For method of repeating the titration in the same solu- tion, see Crookes' Select Methods, p. 74. SUNDRY SUGGESTIONS. i. Solution a* may be used for duplicating the determination of S, provided the absence of Fe is proved by the proper tests. Duplicate determina- tions of Ca and Mg can be made, if desired, in the filtrate from the precipitate formed by ammonium hydrate in Solution b z , provided this precipitate be thoroughly washed. 2. Duplicate determinations of Ti and of Fe can be made in Solution b l \ the Fe can also be estimated volu- metrically by dissolving in acid the weighed precipitate resulting from the treatment of Solution g 2 . In the latter case, however, the presence of TiO 2 will impair the results. 3. The purity of the SiO 2 obtained in Residue d may be tested, after weighing, by heating with fluoride of ammon- ium and concentrated sulphuric acid in a platinum crucible, whereby all the SiO 2 is expelled and is determined by the loss in weight, the residue being TiO 2 probably colored by Fe. 4. In fusing Residue c or Precipitate k, hydro-sodium sulphate may be substituted for KHSO 4 , but since the for- mer contains water of crystallization it should be heated until the water is expelled before using in fusions. In either case avoid expelling the whole of the H 2 SO 4 , or if the mass is heated to redness, partially cool, add cone. H 2 SO 4 and heat again at a lower temperature. In this NOTES TO THE PRECEDING SCHEME. 73 way the TiO 2 will be held in solution by the excess of acid, and the resulting acid sulphate will dissolve out readily. For Special Determinations see NOTES TO SCHEME I in American Chemist, Vol. I, pp. 323 et seq. REACTIONS. A full discussion of the many and complex reactions which take place in the preceding scheme for the analysis of iron ores is superfluous. We add a few remarks and equations which may serve to throw light upon some points. A. The action of potassium permanganate on ferrous sulphate has already been formulated in connection with the notes to Analysis No. 3. This action, however, may be regarded as taking place in two stages, as follows : ist stage. 2KMnO 4 +H 2 SO 4 =K 2 SO 4 +2HMnO 4 . 2d stage. 2HMnO 4 +7H 2 SO 4 +ioFeSO 4 =2MnSO 4 . + 5 (Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 )+8H 2 0. Solution b z is treated with excess of NH 4 HO and the precipitate dissolved in H 2 SO 4 in order to remove the larger part of the HC1 which might vitiate the results of the titration as indicated in Note 18. The presence of HC1 is injurious also because it exerts a reducing action on the permanganate as shown in the equations following : 2HMnO 4 +i4HCl=2MnCl a +8H 2 O+ioCl, and 2FeSO 4 +H 2 SO 4 +2Cl=Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +2HCl. B. When KC1O 3 is employed in acid solution as an oxidizing agent (as in the case of Filtrate e), the reaction which takes place depends upon the acid used and partly upon the strength of said acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid is said to act thus : 6KC1O 3 +3H 2 SO 4 ^2HC1O 4 +2C1 2 O 4 +3K 2 SO 4 +2H 2 O and nitric acid thus : 74 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 8KC1O 3 + 6HNO 3 = 2KC1O 4 + 6KNO 3 + 6C1 + 130 + 3H 2 0. The action of hydrochloric acid on potassium chlorate is variously formulated ; Bottger gives the equation (i) and Odling (2): (1) 2KC1O 3 +6HC1=2KC1+C1 2 O 3 +4C1+3H 2 O. (2) 4KC1O 3 +I2HC1=4KC1+3C1O 2 +9C1+6H 2 O. In any of these cases the powerful oxidizing agency of KC1O 3 is evident. Appendix to Analysis No. 21. A. Method for the Estimation of Fe and Ti only. Sample, pulverize, fuse i grm. ore with 3 grms. NaFl-(-i2 grms. KHSO 4 . Dissolve in large quantity of cold water; if there is any considerable residue re-fuse. Neutralize with Na 2 CO 3 until a slight precipitate forms, then add H 2 SO 4 until the ppt. redissolves and the liquid is slightly acid. Saturate with H 2 S gas, boil some hours, occa- sionally adding H 2 S water. Filter from the precipitate of TiO 2 -f-S, dry, ignite, and weigh, if dark colored re- fuse, etc. To filtrate add a little KC1O 3 , boil to oxidize H 2 S. Reduce the iron with amalgamated zinc and plat- inum foil, and titrate with K 2 Mn 2 O 8 as usual. As a result of the fusion we have 4NaFl+SiO 2 +4H 2 SO 4 =4NaHSO 4 +SiFl 4 +2H 2 O. FLIGHT'S METHOD. c -o c . "c * *rt o ^ iH U -^ 3 | H C 3 ight's M PQ S ^ S co 3 II s^ g( C PJ 5 c I ^ ^ 11 fl I | *H "o A g OT^ 2 1 o 03 r i VC 2 S s *? J o s. "C j S 3 2 ^ .S fcJD si t3 3 ^00 3tl ^^x rsj (]J OQ I ^ > ^ w ^ s *-> M| ,0 C a .2'C o Q e = I? o rt ^ p S^IJ ESS* T3^ O C d, ,- rt SS'S Cf8i*fc <" 5 q,8 ^a = S^ ^ o 2 y ^ 4J S *"U c Xi ^ a .2 ,5 * s 5 5 c g ^ C^ -^'^ cc]^ 013 73 " u-i 5 .3 ^ *g k-s ^ 6 a o ^ N .S3 6 .< 3 " '5 c/. ^' ^3^. *> P rt Q r^ " CJ ^ jrf *%* \** w . i c3 *u = > : a = .0713 mgms. 14. J J oxygen J And if 100 c.c. of water under examination required 0.8 c.c. of K 2 Mn 2 O 8 , we have O.8X.O/I3X 10 = mgms. per litre of oxygen required to oxidize organic matter. This gives .5704 milligrammes and . 5 704 X. 05 831 8 gives grains of oxygen per gallon. See I, Calculation of Results. I. Calculation of Results. To convert grms. in a litre \X\\JQ grains in a gallon, multi- ply the number of milligrammes of each constituent by 0.058318; or use Dr. Waller's Table, published in Am. CJtcm., Vol. V, p. 278. Report results in two ways : the grains per gallon of uncombined constituents, viz., SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 , CaO, MgO, Na 2 O, K 2 O, Cl, SO 3 , together with " Loss by Ignition " and " Total Solids ; " and secondly 96 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. report the grains per gallon of the bases combined with acids in accordance with the following scheme. Combine " " Na as Na 2 SO 4 " excess of Cl " Mg C1 2 " SO 4 " Ca SO 4 " " " Mg " Mg CO 3 " " " Ca " Ca CO 3 " " " K " K 2 SO 4 " K " K Cl " " " Cl " Na Cl The sum of the combined salts -f- " Loss by Ignition " should equal the " Total Solids " very nearly. Example, showing method of calculation. A sample of potable water yielded on analysis the following results : Cl .215 grains per gallon. Na .291 " " " SO 3 .340 CaO .804 " " " etc. etc. Begin by calculating the amount of Na required to saturate the Cl found, thus : (i) I'd : Na = f Amount j J Amount of Na [of Cl found.} : {needed for the Cl. _35-5 23 = 0.215 : w w = 0.139 grains, hence 0.215 -f- 0.139 = 0.354 grains NaCl. But the water contains .291 grains Na, hence we have .291 .139 = .152 grains Na left over to combine with S0 3 . POTABLE WATER. 97 0.152 grains Na corresponds however to 0.204 grains Na 2 O making then a proportion similar to (i) we have (2) f Na 2 O : SO 3 = f Amount 1 f Amount of SO 3 1 j of Na 2 O - : j needed [ remaining, j [ for the Na 2 O. 62 : 80 = 0.204 : x x = 0.263 grains, hence 0.204 -f- 0.263 = 0.467 grains Na 2 SO 4 . But the water contains 0.340 grains SO 3 hence we have 0.340 0.263 = 0.077 grains SO 3 left over to combine with CaO. Accordingly we have the proportion (3) fSO 3 :CaO = f Amount of SO 3 | f Amount of CaO 1 { remaining, j ' [needed for the SO 3 . j. 1 80 : 56 = 0.077 : y \ y = 0.0539 grains CaO, hence 0.077 + 0.0539 = 0.130 grains CaSO 4 . Proceeding in like manner the CaO remaining is regarded as combined with CO 2 . 0.804 0.0539 = 0.7501 grains CaO ; and since. (4)J CaO : CaCO 3 = 0.7501 : z whence z = 1.34 grains CaCO 3 . j Collecting the results of the calculation we have (thus far) the following figures for the constituents combined: NaCl 0.354 grains per gallon. Na 2 S0 4 = 0.467 " CaS0 4 =0.130 " CaC0 3 = 1-34 " etc., etc. 98 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. The following will serve as a further example of the manner of reporting similar analyses. ANALYSIS OF CROTON WATER BY DR. C. F. CHANDLER. Grains per gallon. Soda 0.326 Potassa 0.097 Lime 0.988 Magnesia 0.524 Chlorine 0.243 Sulphuric acid . . . . . . 0.322 Silica 0.621 Alumina and oxide of iron trace Carbonic acid (calculated) . . . 2.604 Water in bicarbonates (calculated) . . 0.532 Organic and volatile matter . . . 0.670 6.927 Less oxygen equivalent to the chlorine . .054 Total . . . 6.873 These acids and bases are probably combined as follows Chloride of sodium . Sulphate of potassa . Sulphate of soda Sulphate of lime Bicarbonate of lime . . . Bicarbonate of magnesia . Silica . Alumina and oxide of iron Organic matter 6.8/3 SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. 99 Analyses No. 28 and No. 29. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. A Sp. gr. of a solid by direct weight. Weight of solid in the air = w " " " " water = w 1 w Sp. gr. = w w 1 B. Sp. gr. of a solid by the flask. Weight of solid = w " flask + water = w 1 " " " " " + solid = w" w Sp. gr. = (w -f- w 1 ) w 11 C. Sp. gr. of a body soluble in water. Weight of body in air w oil _ w , Sp. gr. of oil = a " " " water = i The liquid displaced being w w 1 w 11 then a: i = w 11 : w 1 " w Sp. gr. = w 111 D. Sp. gr. of a body lighter than water and insoluble in it, e.g., Cork. Weight of cork in air = w " " lead " water w 1 " " " and cork in water = w" IOO QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. W Q w /_ E. Sp. gr. of a Body lighter than Water and soluble in it. Weight of body in air = w " " " naphtha = w' w w' = w" Sp. gr. of naphtha = A " " " water = i A : w"= i : w'" c w S P- S r - - jnr P. Determination of the Proportion of two Metals in an Alloy. Sp. gr. of the alloy = S Weight of the alloy = A Sp. gr. of one of the metals = s' Sp. gr. of the second metal = s" Weight of one metal = w' Weight of the second metal = w" (s' s")S w" = A w' For proofs of this formula, see Galloways First Step in Chemistry, p. 74. G. Sp. gr. of a liquid by the flask. Weight of flask = F " " " and water = w " " " liquid = w' ORGANIC ANALYSIS. IOI H. Sp. gr. of a Liquid by weighing a Substance in it. Weight of substance = w " " " in liquid = w' Sp. gr. of the substance A w : (w w') = A : sp. gr. or Sp. gr. = ( w ~ w ) w Analysis No. 30, 31, and 32. Organic Analysis. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. The analysis of organic bodies comprises two branches ; PROXIMATE ANALYSIS which deals with the separation of proximate principles of organic bodies without altering them, and ULTIMATE ANALYSIS, by which the nature and quantity of the elements composing the organic bodies are determined. No systematic course of proximate analysis is possible in the present state of the science ; animal chemistry is in this respect more advanced than vegetable ; for a course of zoo-chemical analysis see article by Gorup-Besanez in the Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie, I, 551, and compare Watt's Dictionary, I, 249. See also Heintz Lehrbuch der Zoochemie and LeJimaris Physiological Chemistry. For general principles of proximate organic analysis, consult Dr. Albeit B. Prescotfs " Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis" a most useful manual, and the only one of its kind. For special methods of analyzing organic bodies, especially of commercial articles, consult " Bolleys Hand- buck der TechniscJi-cJiemischen Untersuchungen" of which the second edition by Emil Kopp is most valuable. TO2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. The method of conducting an ultimate analysis is suffi- ciently detailed in Fresenius* System, 171-189, yet the following summary may be of service in calling attention to the chief points. A. Determination of C, H, and O, in Sugar. Select a very pure well crystallized sample of sugar, rock- candy will do, but small crystals from a vacuum pan are better. Dry at 100 C, in powder. Provide the following articles : (1) The dried substance in a tared watch glass. (2) Combustion tube of hard glass drawn out as shown in Fres. 174, cleaned and carefully dried. (3) Liebig potash bulb filled with a KHO solution of Sp. gr. 1.27, or a U-tube filled with soda-lime. (4) Chloride of Calcium tube ; that of the form described by Thorpe in his Quant. Chem. Analysis page 347, fig. 80 is advantageous. (5) Small U-tube containing potash-pumice in one limb and CaCl 2 in the other. (6) Rubber tubing. (7) Fine wire for binding the tubing. (8) Good corks, free from holes, rolled and pressed. (9) Cupric oxide, granulated preferred, chemically pure, freshly ignited to remove organic matter and moisture, and contained in a corked holder. (10) A platinum boat to contain the substance, or if another process be followed, a mixing wire. (11) Combustion furnace. (12) If oxygen is to be employed, a cylinder of this gas and a system of drying U-tubes must be provided. ORGANIC ANALYSIS. IO3 (13) Sundry articles, such as glazed paper, agate mortar, towel, asbestus, a ramrod for cleaning combustion tube. etc. Process of the Combustion. (a) Weigh the substance (sugar) and preserve in a des- iccator until ready for use ; weigh also the KHO bulb to- gether with the U-tube (5), CaCl 2 tube. (b) Dry the combustion tube and fill with cupric oxide ; the substance may be inserted on a platinum boat if the combustion is to be conducted with oxygen, otherwise it must be intimately mixed with some powdered CuO in the agate mortar and transferred by the glazed paper to the combustion tube. Stir also with the iron mixer. Avoid introducing moisture. (c) Connect the apparatus, arranging it as shown in the cut on page 433 of FrescniuJ System. Test the joints by heating the air in that bulb of the KHO apparatus which is between the solution and the combustion tube ; drive out a few bubbles of air and let cool, if an unequal level of the solution is maintained, the joints are tight. (d) Conduct the ignition, heating gradually, and begin- ning at the end next to the CaCl 2 tube ; do not apply heat to the substance until several inches of CuO are red hot. Pass oxygen gas through the tube if that method is em- ployed. Fres. 178. The combustion of sugar may be completed in about half an hour, other substances require more time, especially those rich in Carbon. (/-) Aspirate air, or pass oxygen through the apparatus slowly. (/) Disconnect the weighed tubes, cool and weigh. From the CO 2 and the H 2 O found, calculate the C and the H respectively. The O is found by difference. IO4 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Theoretical Composition of Cane Sugar. Ci 144 .... 42.11 H.,2 22 .... 6.43 O u 176 .... 51.46 342 100.00 In the case of nitrogenous bodies introduce copper turn- ings or a spiral of sheet copper in the end of the combus- tion tube next to the absorption tubes ; the metallic copper at a red heat reduces any nitric oxide which may form, and the inert nitrogen passes through the absorption tubes without increasing their weight. See Fres. 183.2. The difficulty of effecting a complete oxidation of the carbon in organic substances increases, other things being equal, with the percentage of carbon contained in the sub- stance ; the richer the substance in carbon, the smaller the amount should be taken for combustion. Moreover, it is desirable to graduate the quantity used, to prevent the for- mation of too large a quantity of carbonic anhydride to admit of complete absorption by the potash solution ; hence the following Table, used in Prof. A. W. Hoffman's Labo- ratory, University of Berlin, is of service in determining the amount of substance which may be conveniently em- ployed. Table showing amount of Substances to be used in Ultimate Analysis. Of substances containing 80 percent carbon take o.2oogrms. " " 75 " " " 0.225 " " " 70 " " " 0.250 " " " 65 " " " 0.275 " " " 60 " " " 0.300 " U jj C ft O.32"5 " DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN. 105 Of substances containing 50 percent carbon take 0.350 grms. " " 45 " " " 0.375 " " " 40 " " 0.400 " " " 35 " " " 0.425 " " " 30 " " " 0.450 " " " 25 " " " 0.475 " " 20 " " " 0.500 " C. Determination of Nitrogen in Potassium Ferrocy- anide by Conversion into Ammonia. Method of Varrentrapp & Will. See Fres. 185. Purify about 50 grms. of the commercial salt by recrys- tallization ; dry the crystals on filter paper and preserve in a desiccator. The crystallized salt contains 3 molecules of water. Principle: When organic substances are heated with hydroxides of the alkaline metals the carbon is oxidized by the oxygen of the hydroxide, and hydrogen is set free ; if, however, nitrogen is present it combines with the nascent hydrogen, forming ammonia. (For an exception, see D.) By conducting the operation in such a way as to complete the reaction, and collecting all the ammonia by absorption in acid of known strength, the amount of nitrogen is easily calculated. Requisites : The apparatus needed is, in general, the same as that used in determination of C and of H, but a somewhat shorter tube (40 cm.) may be used ; the am- monia is absorbed by normal sulphuric acid placed in pear- shaped bulbs of the form shown in Fig. 92, or Fig. 94, pages 443 and 445 of Fres. System. The substance used to oxidize the carbon is soda-lime, at present a commercial IO6 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. article ; it should be heated in a porcelain dish to expel water and ammonia before using. Operation : Fill the combustion tube about one-third full of warm soda-lime and let it cool ; then mix this in an agate mortar with 0.2 to 0.4 grms. of the dry ferrocyanide of potassium, and introduce the mixture again into the tube ; rinse the mortar with a little soda-lime, and then fill the tube with the same nearly to the open end. Insert a small plug of asbestos loosely, attach the absorption bulb containing the sulphuric acid by a well-fitting cork, and place the tube in the combustion furnace. Begin to heat the tube at the end nearest the cork, and proceed gradu- ally towards the other end. The gas evolved should bubble quietly through the ab- sorption tube, and when it ceases to pass break the tail- piece of the combustion tube, and aspirate gently through the whole apparatus. Detach the absorption tube, empty its contents into a beaker, rinse well, add a little litmus, or cochineal solu- tion, and determine, by means of normal KHO, the amount of acid remaining unneutralized by the ammonia. For details of this process see Analysis No. 12. Theoretical Composition of Potassium Ferrocyanide : C 6 ; . . . 17-1 N 6 19.9 Fe 13.3 K 4 37.0 3H 2 12.7 IOO.O DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN. IO/ D. Determination of N from the Volume. Dumas' method modified by Melsens, Cf. Fres. 184. See also Watts' Dictionary, I. 242. When nitrogen exists in an organic substance in the form of an oxide, e. g. nitro-benzol CK 5 (NO 2 ), Varrentrapp & Will's method cannot be employed because the oxides of nitrogen are not completely converted into ammonia on heating with soda lime. Dumas' method consists in heat- ing the substance with oxide of copper, and measuring the nitrogen evolved by collecting over mercury. The process originally devised by Dumas necessitated the use of an air- pump to exhaust the combustion tube, but this may be obviated by following Melsens, who introduces hydro- sodium carbonate into the tube which gives up carbonic anhydride on heating, and drives out the nitrogen before it. For Melsen's process provide the following articles : (i) A combustion tube 70 cm. long. (2) Mercury trough. (3) Graduated cylinder. (4) Copper oxide. (5) Solution of potassium hydrate. (6) Hydrosodium carbonate. (7) Connecting tube. (8) Corks, asbestos, rubber tubing, etc. (9) Combustion furnace. In filling the combustion tube observe the following order: Insert, first, 15 cm. of hydrosodium carbonate, then 5 cm. of copper oxide, then 15 cm. of copper oxide mixed with the substance to be analyzed, next add about 28 cm. of copper oxide, insert a copper spiral 5 cm. long, and lastly a plug of asbestos in the remaining 2 cm. Insert cork with connecting tube, and arrange apparatus as shown in Pig. 91, page 441, of Fres. System. 108 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Conduct the operation as follows : Heat a portion of the NaHCO 3 until all the air is expelled ; test with a solution of KHO in an inverted test-tube ; then heat CuO to red- ness, arrange the graduated cylinder containing KHO solu- tion over mercury, and heat the mixed CuO and substance until gas ceases to come off; lastly, expel the nitrogen in the combustion tube by again heating the NaHCO 3 , some of which must have been left undecomposed. (Oxalic acid may be substituted for the HNaCO 3 . See Thorpe, page 332.) Transfer the graduated cylinder to a vessel of water, hold it so that the level of the water within the cylinder and without is equal, then read off the volume of the gas in cubic centimeters, and simultaneously the tem- perature of the water and the height of the barometer. Calculation of Results. To obtain the weight of nitro- gen from its volume employ the following formula : Let V = Volume of N observed, expressed in cubic centi- meters. And t= Temperature of the gas. " B = Height of the barometer expressed in millimeters. " f = Tension of aqueous vapor at the temperature t, expressed in mm. of mercury. Then if W = weight of nitrogen we have : W = .001 2566 V l - -^- i +.003671 760 The constant 0.0012566 is the weight in grammes of I c. c. of N at C and 760 mm. The constant 0.00367 is the coefficient of expansion of gas. Example : In an analysis of Butyramide C 4 H 7 ) H v N, the following data were obtained : H ANALYSIS OF URINE. 0.315 grms. of substance gave 43.9 c. c. N at /=i73 C and B = 753.2 mm. First look out in a table the value of /at I7 .3. (Fres. ! 95> P a e 4^1.) We find (calculating for the tenths of a degree) /= 14.7. Now V = 43.9 c. c. B f =753.2 mm. 14.7=738.5 mm. And i + .00367 X t= 1.0635. Substituting in equation : W = .0012566 V 1+-o ; 367t o we have : = .0012566x43.9x738.5 = . 0504 grms . 1.0635X760 . 0.0504 x 100 , And - = 1 6.00 per cent nitrogen. 0.315 Theoretical Composition of Butyramide : H 9 DD-* IO.3 O 1 8.4 N . . 16 1 IOO.O Analysis No. 33. URINE. For brief methods of analysis consult Dr. George B. Fowler's " Urine Analysis," Thudicutn's " Manual of Chem- ical Physiology," pages 178-192, and Button's " Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis," part vi. 78. For figures of sedimentary deposits examine Ultzmann & Hof- mann's "Atlas der Physiologischen und Pathologischen Harnsedimente." (44 plates.) The following works may also be studied : Legg's " Guide to the Examination of Urine," Attfield's " Chem- IIO QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. istry," F. Hoppe-Seyler's " Handbuch der Physiol. and Pathol. Chem. Analyse," Neubauer & Vogel's " Anleitung zur Qualitative und Quantitative Analyse des Harns," Gorup Besanez' " Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie," pages 576-580, Ultzmann & Hofmann's "Anleitung zur Untersuchung des Harns." Constituents of Urine. Urine, the secretion of the kidneys, in a healthy individ- ual, is a clear, yellowish, fluorescent liquid of a peculiar odor, saline taste, with a mean sp. gr. 1.020. The follow- ing are its normal constituents : 1. Water. H 2 O. 2. Inorganic Salts. K, Na, NH, Ca, Mg, combined with HC1, H 3 P0 4 , H 2 S0 4 , C0 2 , (HNO*) and SiO 2 . 3. Nitrogenous crystalline bodies. Urea, uric acid, hip- puric acid, creatine, creatinine, xanthine, (ammonia,) cystine. 4. Non-nitrogenous organic bodies. Sugar, lactic, succinic, oxalic, formic, malic, and phenylic acids, all in small quantities. 5. Pigments. Urochrome, urohaematin. 6. Albumenoid matters. 7. Matters derived directly from the food. Besides these, urine may contain, under varying cir- cumstances, as in disease, a large number of 8. Abnormal constituents. Blood, pus, mucus, albumen, fibrin, casein, fats, cholesterin, leucine, tyrosine, allan- toin, taurine, biliary pigments, indigo-blue, melanin, glucose, inosite, acetone, butyric acid, benzoic acid, oxaluric acid, taurocholic acid, glycocholic acid, and many others. (See Watts' Dictionary, vol. v. p. 962.) ANALYSIS OF URINE. Ill These substances do not occur simultaneously in all urine, and many of them but rarely. Only those com- monly determined are considered in the Scheme (page 112). Chemical Composition of Urine. (DALTON.) Healthy. Numbers Approximate. Water 938.00 Urea ." 30.00 Creatine 1.25 Creatinine 1.50 Urate of soda \ " potassia > 1.80 " ammonia ) Coloring matter and mucus 30 Bi-phosphate of soda Phosphate of soda potassa 12.45 magnesia lime Chlorides of sodium and potassium .... 7.80 Sulphates of soda and potassa 6.90 1000.00 Morbid urine may contain, also : Albumen, (Bright's disease.) Sugar, (Diabetes.) Bile, Excess of Urea, Oxalate of calcium. 112 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Action of Reagents on Urine. Boiling acid urine effects no change. Boiling alkaline urine makes it turbid if rich in earthy phosphates. HNO 3 or HC1 darkens the color, and throws down uric acid on standing. KHO or NH 4 HO throws down earthy phosphates. BaCl 2 or PbA, in acidified urine, yield a white ppt. of sul- phates. AgNO 3 white ppt. of chlorides, also coloring matter and some organic substances. Murexid Test. Collect some of the uric acid thrown down by HC1, remove supernatant liquid, add cone. HNO 3i and evaporate to dryness. When cold add a drop of NH 4 - HO. A purplish-crimson color shows formation of mur- exid (C 8 H N 6 6 ). Reactions of Urea. Hg (NO 3 ) 2 throws down a gelati- nous white ppt. containing COH 4 N 2 .2HgO. Boiling with KHO converted into NH 4 HO ; test with Nessler reagent. HNO 3 , nitrate of urea precipitates. NaCIO or NaBrO decomposes urea with evolution of N. Scheme for Analysis of Urine, i. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. (a) Odor. Certain peculiarities in odor indicate either nature of food or symptoms of disease. (b) Consistence. Viscous or fluid. (c) Color. When healthy, urine is amber-colored; when bilious, brown or greenish. (d) Specific Gravity. By the urinometer, 1015 to 1025 is marked H. S., signifying Healthy State. 4 c. makes a difference of about i in the reading. ANALYSIS OF URINE. 1 13 2. TEST WITH LITMUS PAPER, and note whether acid or alkaline. 3. POUR A SAMPLE into a stop-cock funnel, and let stand 12 hours. If a deposit forms, filter, and examine the filtrate and sediment separately. Filtered urine leaves a scum of mucus. (For sediments, see Schemes, page 117 and 118.) 4. DETERMINE TOTAL SOLIDS. Evaporate 4 to 6 c. c., weighed, to dryness in a weighed dish. Dry at 115 c. (In- accurate). 5. ASH. Evaporate 100 c. c. urine and ignite residue. 6. DETERMINATION OF UREA. CH 4 N 2 O. A. Liebigs Method. Principle : Mercuric nitrate added to a solution of urea gives a white, gelatinous ppt. containing i molecule urea, and 2HgO. (Absence of NaCl necessary.) Requirements : (a) Standard solution Hg (NO 8 ) 2 . (b) Baryta solution. (c) Carbonate of soda test paper. (a) Standard solution of mercuric nitrate. Dissolve 72 grms. pure dry HgO in strong HNO 3 , (50 grms.,) evaporate until syrupy, and dilute to I litre. If a yellow ppt. is produced by dilution, too little acid is present. It must be evaporated down, fresh acid added, and again di- luted, i c. c. = o.oi grm. urea. To test the strength of the mercuric nitrate dissolve 2 grms. cryst. urea in 100 c. c. water, i c. c. mercuric solution should equal o.oi grm. urea. (b) Solution of Ba(NO 3 ) 2 +BaH 2 O 2 . Mix i part cold saturated solution Ba(NO 3 ) 2 with 2 parts cold saturated solution BaH 2 O 2 , and add 3 parts distilled water. (c} Soda test paper. Dip a sheet white filter paper into cone. sol. Na 2 (CO 3 ) and dry. 114 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Process: Collect the urine passed during 24 hours, and measure carefully. Place 20 c. c. in a small beaker, add 20 c. c. barium solution, filter from the sulphates and phos- phates. Of the filtrate 20 c. c. (containing 10 c. c. urine) are measured off, a drop of AgNO 3 added to precipitate excess of chlorides, and then standard solution of mercuric nitrate is added until a drop of the mixed solutions gives a yellow stain (of mercuric hydrate) on the test paper. Byasson adds some of a solution of KHO (25 grms. to I litre water) from time to time to partly neutralize the acid set free. The solution must not be rendered alkaline, Calculation : Amount urine passed in 24 hours = A ; c. c. mercuric solution used = C ; each c. c. being equal A x C to o.oi grm. urea ; then - = grms. urea passed in 24 hours. Caution : The urine must be free from phosphoric and hippuric acids. Consult Caldwell's " Agricultural Analy- sis," page 220. Urine must contain 2 per cent. urea. Cf. Watts' Diet. vol. v. p. 967. B. Daveys Method of Estimating Urea. Pour a small quantity of urine into a graduated glass tube one-third full of mercury. Fill the tube with a solu- tion of sodic hypochlorite, close tube, and invert quickly over a saturated solution of NaCl. Let stand several hours while the following reaction ensues : CH 4 N 2 O+3(NaClO)=CO 2 +2H 2 O + 3NaCl+N 2 Read off the quantity of N. 1.549 cubic inches of N at 60 Fah. and 30" bar. = i grain urea. Method inaccurate since ammonia, uric acid, &c v are likewise decomposed. ANALYSIS OF URINE. 1 15 C. Heintz and Ragskys Method. First determine ammonia by precipitation with PtCL. Heat 2 to 5 c. c. with equal vol. H 2 SO 4 in a covered cap- sule to i8o-2oo. Cool, dilute with water, filter, and de- termine NH 3 formed by PtCl 4 . Calculate both amounts for 100 c. c., and take the difference ; this multiplied by 0.13423 gives per cent, of urea. Results very accurate. D.Apjokris Method. See "American Chemist," V. 431. Provide the following apparatus : (1) A glass tube 30 cm. long, subdivided into 30 equal parts, whose aggregate volume is 55 c. c. The end of the tube is drawn out like a Mohr's burette. (2) A wide-mouthed gas bottle of 60 c. c. capacity. (3) A test tube of 10 c. c. capacity, and long enough to be slightly inclined when introduced into the gas bottle. The principle of the process is based upon the following equation : H 4 ) + 3(CaBr 2 O 2 )=3CaBr 2 -f-2CO 2 +N 4 To make the hypobromite solution take loogrms. NaHO, 250 c. c. H 2 O, and add 25 c. c. bromine ; agitate and set aside for use. Process : Into a glass cylinder containing water the tube (i) is depressed till the zero mark and surface of water coincide. 15 c. c. hypobromite solution (100 grms. NaHO, 250 c. c. H 2 O, 25 c. c. Br) are placed in (2) and the test- tube containing the urine is introduced carefully to avoid spilling its contents. The flask is closed by a perforated Il6 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. stopper which is connected by tubing with the measuring tube. The urine is now mixed with the hypobromite, and the disengaged nitrogen is driven into the measuring tube. The tube is now levelled to relieve hydrostatic pressure, and the volume of nitrogen read off. Since 55 c. c. equal 0.15 grm. of urea, a single division corresponds to =0.005 g rm - urea. (0.15 grm. urea gives 55 c. c. nitrogen at 60 Fah. and 30 bar.) 7. DETERMINATION OF ACTUAL AMMONIA. Take 20 c. c. filtered urine and treat by Schlosing's method. The NH 3 is expelled by milk of lime, and absorbed by standard acid, in the cold under a bell jar. For details see Fres. 99, 3 b. p. 158. (Human urine contains 0.078 to 0.143 per cent.) 8. DETERMINATION OF ALBUMEN. Measure urine passed in 24 hours. Drop 50 c. c., one c. c. at a time, into I ounce boiling distilled water in a porcelain dish. If the urine was alkaline add a drop of acetic acid, avoid excess. Allow the coagulated albumen to settle, filter through a weighed filter, and wash well. Dry at 100 C, and weigh. 9. DETERMINATION OF SUGAR. Dilute urine 5 or 10 times, and apply Fehling's solution as in grape sugar. See Analysis No. 35, Raw Sugar. 10. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORIC ACID. To 50 c. c. filtered urine add 5 c. c. sodic acetate and titrate with uranic acetate. For details see Sutton's " Volumetric Analysis." 11. DETERMINATION OF URIC ACID. To 200 c. c. urine add 10 c. c. HC1, stand 48 hours in a cool place, DETERMINATION OF URINE. 117 filter on a very small weighed filter. Wash-water should not exceed 30 c. c. If more is necessary add 0.045 mgm. uric acid for each c. c. additional. (Albumen must first be removed by coagulation.) Dry at iooc. and weigh. 12. TESTS FOR BILE. (1) Place a little urine on a white plate, add HNO 3 . A peculiar play of colors green, yellow, violet, &c. occurs if coloring matter of bile is present. (2) Agitate concentrated urine with boiling ether. If bile is present the ether solution will be greenish-yellow. (3) Add baric acetate to urine, treat the ppt with alco- hol, decompose it with HC1, and evaporate the liquid to dryness. Water will dissolve out in the residue coloring matter of the bile. (4) Pettenkofers Test. Mix fluid with one-half vol. H 2 SO 4 , avoiding rise of temperature ; add a little powdered cane sugar ; mix and add more H 2 SO 4 . Liberation of cholalic acid produces a purplish-red coloration ; this gives a pecul- iar absorption spectrum. See Thudichum's " Manual." Scheme for analysis of Urinary Sediments. (ATTFIELD.) Warm the sediment with the supernatant urine, and filter. INSOLUBLE. Phosphates, oxalate of calcium and uric acid. Warm with acetic acid, and filter. SOLUBLE. Urates of Ca, N;i, and NH 4 , chiefly of Na. They are re-depos- ited as the liquid cools, and if suffi- cient in quantity may be exam- ined for uric acid and bases by usual tests. INSOLUBLE. Oxalate of calcium and uric acid. Warm with HC1, and filter. SOLUBLE. Phosphates. AddNH 4 HO, and exam- ine ppt. for P 2 O 5 , CaO and MgO. INSOLUBLE. Uric acid. Apply murexid test. SOLUBLE. Oxalate of cal- cium. May be pptd. by N!! 4 HO. Note. Urates are often of a pink or red color, owing to the pig- ment purpurine. This is soluble in alcohol. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Scheme for Determination of Urinary Sediments by Chemi- cal Tests. (ATTFIELD.) The sediment is white; warm with the supernatant urine and filter. The sediment is colored and crystalline uric acid. and amorphous easily soluble on heating urates. and amorphous, slowlv solu- ble on heat- ing. Urates colored by purpurine. Solution contains urates. Residue Treat with ammonia. Solution Residue contains Treat with cystine. acetic acid. Residue oxalate and oxa lit rate of calcium. Solution. Add NH 4 HO white ppt. of earthy phos- phates. Analysis No. 34. MILK. A. Determination of Water. Wash quartz sand thoroughly with HC1 and water, and ignite. Put about one-quarter inch of this sand in a plati- num pan, weigh, and pour on 3 to 5 grms milk. Dry at 100 C. to constant weight. B. Determination of Butter. Break up the cake from residue A and wash the butter out with ether into a weighed beaker, evaporate the ether and weigh the butter. C. Determination of Sugar. Collect the residue from B on a dried and weighed filter, dry it at 100 C., boil it four or five times with fresh por- tions (i5oc. c. each) of 80 per cent, alcohol, and dry the insoluble residue at iocT C. and weigh on a tared filter. The loss of weight gives the sugar approximately. Or determine sugar as under grape sugar, Analysis No. 35. DETERMINATION OF SUGAR. 119 A convenient apparatus for the extraction of sugar is described by Prof. S. W. Johnson, in Am. J. of Sci. (3)xiii. page 196(1877). D. Determination of total Non- volatile Matter. Evaporate 10 to 20 grms. milk to dryness, with the addition of a little acetic acid, and ignite the residue in a muffle furnace, at the lowest possible temperature. E. Determination of Protein Compounds. Subtract the sum of the butter, sugar, and ash from the total dry substance, and the remainder is chiefly casein. For other methods, see " A Method for the Analysis of Milk," by E. H. von Baumhauer, Am. Chem., Vol. VII., 191. Analysis No. 35. RAW SUGAR. A. Determination of Moisture. Heat a weighed amount of sugar at 1 10 until it no longer loses in weight. Loss = moisture. B. Determination of Ash. Weigh off ten grms. in a platinum dish. Either burn the sugar direct, or add a few drops of cone. H 2 SO 4 and heat very cautiously in a gas muffle. Weigh the ash. The two methods do not give results at all concordant ; the latter is the French method, and the results are called " the salts," after subtracting one-ninth, but this is seldom correct, though the ash burns very white. C. Determination of Grape Sugar. C 6 H 12 6 , H 2 (i) Qualitative reactions. Glucose is colored dark- I2O QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. brown when heated with a strong solution of sodic hy- drate. It dissolves in cold cone. H 2 SO 4 without being blackened. [Cane sugar blackens.] If a cone, solution of glucose is mixed with cobaltic nitrate, and a small quantity of fused NaHO, the solution remains clear on being boiled ; if very concentrated it de- posits a light-brown ppt. [Cane sugar solutions similarly treated give a violet ppt., which turns green on standing]. BaH 2 O 2 added to an alcoholic solution of glucose forms a white ppt. If a little caustic soda is added to a solution of glucose, and then drop by drop a dilute solution of CuSO 4 , a deep- blue liquid forms ; after some time in the cold, but imme- diately if heated, a yellowish or red ppt. of hydrated cuprous oxide is deposited. yooVoo f glucose may be easily de- tected ; y/oo^/oTo st ^ gives a red tint to the solution. Cupric acetate is similarly reduced. Potassio-tartrate of copper acts likewise. (2) Quantitative estimation, i eq. glucose will reduce 10 eq. of cupric oxide to cuprous oxide. Preparation of Fehlings Solution. (Fres., 250.) Dissolve exactly 34.639 grms. pure dry CuSO 4 in about 200 c. c. water. In another vessel dissolve 173 grms. C. P. Rochelle salts (C 4 H 4 K NaO 6 -f-4H 2 O) in 480 c. c. pure sodi- um hydrate solution having a sp. gr. 1.14. Mix the solutions and dilute to exactly 1000 c. c. loc. c. of this solution contains 0.34639 grms. CuSO 4 and corre- sponds to 0.050 grms. anhydrous glucose. Keep in the dark. On boiling with four vols. of water, it should give no precipitate. DETERMINATION OF GRAPE SUGAR. 121 The solution of glucose should not contain more than | per cent, glucose ; if stronger, dilute. Performance of Analysis : Run exactly 10 c. c. of the copper solution into a small flask, add 40 c. c. water, (or a dilute solution of NaHO.) heat to boiling and run into the solution the liquid con- taining the glucose, slowly and gradually, from an accurate burette. Continue until the last shade of bluish green disappears, and a small portion of liquid filtered, gives no reaction with H 2 S, nor with HC 2 H 3 O 2 and K 4 Fe 2 Cy 6 . Calculation. Since we took 10 c. c., Fehling's solution, corresponding to 0.050 grms. anhydrous glucose, we read ofif the number of c. c. of glucose solution taken ; this shows us how much of the substance contains 50 grms. grape sugar. Example. Used 9. 5 c. c. solution containing glucose : 9.5 : .05 = loo : x If solution was diluted, then .rX^=per cent, glucose. This method may be applied to cane sugar, by first con- verting it into grape sugar by boiling one to two hours with dilute H 2 SO 4 (i part acid 5 parts water). This is not very accurate, owing to formation of caramel. Milk sugar reduces Fehling's solution direct, but in another propor- tion, 100 glucose = 134 milk sugar. D. Determination of Crystalizable Cane Sugar. Weigh out x grms.* of sugar or syrup, add water so that the whole will form about 80 c. c. Dissolve and add for * The value of # depends upon the instrument employed. Instruc- tions usually accompany a sacchari meter. 122 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. syrup 5 to 10 c. c. basic acetate of lead ; for raw sugar less ; for pure sugar, none. Dilute to 100 c. c. ; pour into a beaker, and add pulverized bone-black, and filter ; do not wash. Fill the tube of a Soleil or Dubosq Saccharimeter with this solution, perfectly full, insert the tube, and observe the transition tint. For details, see Atkinson's translation of Ganot's Physics, '613. Cf. Fownes' Chem- istry, p. 84, and Watts' Diet. iii. 673-5. Analysis of a sample of RAW SUGAR. Water, ... . 2.07 Ash, 1.58 Grape Sugar, . . . . . 1.82 Cane Sugar, 86.00 Analysis No. 37. PETROLEUM. For information as to the composition and refining of petroleum, the products which it yields by distillation, and the methods of testing kerosene, see Dr. C. F. Chandler's " Report on Petroleum Oil " in the " American Chemist," Vol. II. pp. 409, 446, and Vol. III. pp. 20 and 41. A. Distillation of Petroleum. The method of examining crude petroleum for determi- nation of its commercial value, is not that of fractional distillation in its true, scientific sense, but consists in a process of distillation which separates the liquid into a certain number of al'quot parts, having determinable den- sities, and flashing points ; and the value of the sample depends upon the proportion of the light and heavy pro- ducts. The process of distillation is conducted as follows. Se- lect a tubulated retort of strong glass, free from flaws, and DISTILLATION OF PETROLEUM. 123 of about 500 c. c. capacity ; connect this with a Liebig's condenser, and arrange for distilling in the usual manner. Through the tubulus of the retort insert a thermometer. Provide ten glass cylinders of 50 to 75 c. c. in capacity, and mark each with a file, so as to show the volume occu- pied by 25 c. c. of liquid. These cylinders are to serve as recipients of the distillate. Pour 250 c. c. crude petroleum into the retort, and apply heat very gently at first, increasing gradually, and finally heating until the residue in the retort is coked. Collect 25 c. c. of the distillate in the first cylinder, and note the temperature indicated by the thermometer in the retort ; collect the second 25 c. c. in another recipient, note also temperature, and continue in this manner, changing the recipient for every 25 c. c. until the whole liquid has dis- tilled over. B. Examination of the Distillates. Determine the sp. gr. of each distillate by floating in it a small Baumo Hydrometer, note the color of each sam- ple, and determine its flashing point by means of Taglia- bue's "Open Tester," a figure and description of which are found on page 41, Vol. III. of the "American Chemist." To test the flashing point, proceed as follows : pour a small quantity of the sample to be examined into the open cup, which is surrounded by a vessel of water. Light the lamp beneath and apply heat very gradually ; the tempera- ture should not rise faster than two degrees a minute. The thermometer bulb should dip beneath the surface of the oil. . From time to time test the inflammable vapors which arise from the surface of the oil, using a small flame, flitting it quickly across the surface, and noting simultane- ously the height of the thermometer at the moment of Record results with each distillate. 124 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Example. The following report of an actual distilla- tion shows how the results may be reported. This distilla- tion was accompanied with the phenomena technically called " cracking," by which the heavier hydrocarbons split up into lighter ones. No. of fraction. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7 8. 9- 10. Colorless, Light yellow, Yellow, Dark yellow, Deeper " Green, Black, Temperature Sp. Gr. Flashing Point. Fahr. Beaume". Fahr. I42-224 64 20 22 4 -2 9 8 60 48 298 -404 55 102 404 -458 51 147 458 -532 45 208 532- ? 42 254 40 20 4 42 44 The tenth product was coke left in the retort. 82 Fig. 6 shows the disposition of apparatus at the commencement of the distillation ; so soon as the lighter products have passed over, the bulb tube a c must be removed and connection made with the condenser by a short bent tube. APPENDIX. TABLE I. THE ELEMENTS, THEIR SYMBOLS, AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Aluminium . . . Antimony .... Arsenic .... Barium .... Bismuth .... Boron . . Al Sb As Ba Bi Bo 274 [ 122. ; 75- 137- 210. 1 1 Manganese . . . Mercury .... Molybdenum . . Nickel .... Nitrogen .... Osmium Mn Hg Mo Ni N Os 55- 2OO. 9 6. 58.8 14. TOO ""> Bromine .... Cadmium .... Caesium .... Calcium .... Carbon ..... Br Cd Cs Ca c 80. 112. 133- 40. 12. Oxygen .... Palladium . . . Phosphorus . . . Platinum . . . Potassium . Pd P Pt K yy* 1 6. 106.6 31- 197.4 3Q T Cerium .... Chlorine . . . Chromium . . . Cobalt Ce Cl Cr Co 92. : 35-5 52.2 58 8 ! Rhodium . . . Rubidium . ." . Ruthenium . . . Selenium . . . Rh Rb Ru Se JV -1 1044 854 1044 Columbium . . . Copper Cb Cu 94- hi A Silicon .... Silver Si Ag 28. 108 Didymium . . . Erbium . ' . Fluorine .... Gallium .... Glucinum . . . Gold . . D E F Ga Be Au . u j 4 95- 170.5 19. 69.9 94 IQ7 Sodium .... Strontium . . . Sulphur .... Tantalum . . . Tellurium . . . Thallium Na Sr S Ta Te Tl . 23- 87.6 32. 182. 128. 1Q A Hydrogen .... I ndiuiYi H In y/' T -7-j A Thorium .... Tin . . . . . Th Sn 235- 118 Iodine Iridium .... Iron ...... Lanthanum . . . Lead . . T Ir Fe La Pb 127. 198. 56.. i 93-6 O7 Titanium Tungsten . Uranium .... Vanadium . . . Yttrium . Ti W U V Y 50. 184. 240. 51.2 61.7 Lithium .... Magnesium . . . Li Mg 7- 24. Zinc Zirconium Zn Zr 65.2 89.6 APPENDIX. TABLE II. PRECIPITATING VALUE OF COMMON REAGENTS. Solutions of reagents being prepared of the strength recommended by Fresenius (see Fres. Oual. Anal, 17 to 85, b, Johnson's edition of 1875), the amount of a reagent required for precipitation may be calculated from the following table : One cubic centimetre of Will precipitate Dilute sulphuric acid 0.231 grm. Ba. Barium chloride 0.032 " SO 3 . Hydrodisodic phosphate .... o.ou " MgO. Magnesia mixture 0.024 " P-Oj Ammonium molybdate o.ooi " PoO;. Ammonium oxalate 0.016 " CaO. Argentic nitrate o.oio " Cl. TABLE III. DIAMETER OF FILTERS AND WEIGHTS OF FILTER ASHES; SWEDISH PAPER. Weight of Ash. Filter No. Diameter. Acid. Alkaline. I . . . 70 mm. 0.0004 grm. 0.0014 2 . . . 104 " 0.0007 " O.OO27 3 , 122 " 0.00 1 1 " 0.0043 147 " 0.0016 " 0.0062 APPENDIX. TRINITY COLLEGE. HARTFORD,.... ... 188 Report of Analysis of Determination of Grammes taken : Method of Analysis. Actual Calculated Theoretical Precipitates. Weights. Constituents. Weights. Percentages. Percentages. Special Remarks. [This is a reduced fac-simile of the reporting blank, measuring S by 10 inches, de- scribed on page 17.] ERRATA. First table on page 96 should read as follows : Combine K as K, SO 4 " excess of K i; KC1 Cl " Na Cl Na " Na,SO 4 . " '< Cl " Mg CL S0 4 " Ca SO,. Ca " Ca CO,. " Mg " Mg CO 3 . Page 9, line 16, for Ag C read Ag Cl. Page ii, line 20, for Beispeilen read Beispielen. INDEX. Acidimetry, 45. Albumen, determination of, in urine, 116. Alkalies, determination of, in potable water, 92. in feldspar, estimation of, 56. Alkalimetry, 42. Alloys, determination of two metals in, 100. Alum, ammonia-iron, analysis of, 20. Alumina, iron and phosphoric acid, 75. Alvargonzalez, determination of total car- bon, 81. Ammonia-iron-alum, analysis of, 20. Ammonia, determination of, in guano, 88. Ammonio-magnesic phosphate, properties of, 19. Ammonium, gravimetric determination of, 20. phospho-molybdate, properties of, 70. Analysis, organic, 101. Analyses, calculations of, 15. reporting of, 17. Antimony, determination of, 51. Apjohn's method of estimating urea, 115. Arsenical nickel ore, analysis of, 86. Ash, estimation of, in coal, 37. Baric chloride, analysis of, 13. Barium, determination of, 14. sulphate, properties of, 18. Bell's determination of total carbon in pig- iron, 81. Bile, tests for, in urine, 117. Bleaching powder, constitution of, 47. reactions of, 48. valuation of, 49. Bronze, analysis of, 35. Butter, determination of, in milk, 118. Butyramide, estimation of nitrogen in, 107. Cairns' determination of graphite in pig-iron, 78. Calcium, determination of, 31. Calculation of results of analyses, 15. Calorific power of coal, 39. Cane sugar, analysis of, 101. determination of, 121. Carbon, estimation of, in coal, 39. total, determination of, in pig-iron, 79. ultimate determination of, in sugar, 102. Carbonic anhydride, determination by direct weight, 34. determination by loss, 33. Chandler's analysis of Croton Water, 98. Chloride of lime, valuation of, 49. Chlorimetry, 47. Chlorine, determination of, 13. determination of, in potable water, 92. Chromic iron ore, analysis of, 54. Clark's soap test for potable water, 93. Coal, proximate analysis of, 36. Cobalt, determination of, in nickel ore, 86. Combustions, process of conducting, 103. Copper, electrolytic estimation of, 35, 39. estimation of, in a silver coin, 29. pyrites, analysis of, 39. Davey's method of estimating urea, 114. Distillation of petroleum, 122. Dolomite, analysis of, 30. Drown's determination of sulphur in pig- iron, 83. Eggertz' determination of graphite in pig- iron, 77. determination of sulphur and phosphorus in pig-iron, 82. Elliott's determination of total carbon in pig-iron, 79. Fehling's solution, preparation of, 120. Feldspar, analysis of, 56. Ferrocyanide of potassium, determination of nitrogen in, 105. Flight's method of separating iron, alumina, and phosphoric acid, 75. Fusion of an iron ore, 66. 125 126 INDEX. Glucose, estimation of, 119. Grape sugar, determination of, 119. Graphite, determination of, in pig-iron, 76. Guano, analysis of. 88. Heintz and Ragsky's method of estimating urea, 115. Hematite, analysis of, 62. Hydrochloric acid, valuation of, 46. Hydrodisodic phosphate, analysis of, 27. Hydrogen, determination of, in sugar, 102. Iron and titanium, determination of, 74. basic acetate of, 53, 68. determination of, in ammonia-iron-alum, 21. determination of, in a titaniferous ore, 68, 7- determination of, by precipitation, 22. determination of, in hematite, 62. ore, titaniferous, analysis of, 63. slag, analysis of, 60. volumetric determination of, 22, 71. Koninck and Dietz' determination of sulphur in pig-iron, 84. Lead, estimation of, in a silver coin, 29. Liebig's method of estimating urea, 113. Liquids, specific gravity of, 99. Litmus solution, preparation of, 42. . Magnesic sulphate, analysis of, 18. Magnesium, separation from calcium, 30. Manganese, estimation of, 56. Gibbs' method of estimation, 70. Marguerite's method for determination of iron, 22. Melsens' determination of nitrogen, 107. Milk, analysis of, izS. Moisture, determination of, in coal, 36. Molybdenum, use of, in estimation of phos- phoric acid, 69. Nickel ore, arsenical, analysis of, 86. Nitrogen, determination of, by Varrentrapp and Will's method, 105. Melsens' determination of, 107. Normal solutions, 41. Organic analysis, 101. matter in potable water, 94. Pearl-ash, valuation of, 45. Penot's method for valuation of chloride of lime, 49. Permanganate of potassium, standardization of, 25. Petroleum, distillation of, 122. Phosphoric acid, determination of, 28. determination of, in guano, 89. determination of, by molybdenum, 69. Flight's method of separation from iron, 75- insoluble, determination of, in superphos- phates, 90. reduced, determination of, in superphos- phates, 90. Phosphorus, determination of, in pig iron, 76, 82. Pig-iron, analysis of, 76. Potassium chloride, analysis of, 26. ferrocyanide, determination of nitrogen in, 105. gravimetric estimation of, 26. permanganate, solution of, 22. Pyrolusite, analysis of, 56. Raw sugar, analyses of, 119. Reporting analyses, 17. Reverted phosphoric acid, determination of, 91. Salammoniac, action of nitric acid on, 32. Schlosing's determination of ammonia, 88. Silica, determination of, in soluble silicates, 59- determination of, in slag, 61. separation of, from titanium, 64. Silicates, analysis of soluble, 59. Silver coin, analysis of, 29. Slag, analysis of iron, 60. Soap test for potable water, 93. Soda ash, valuation of, 44. Sodium, determination of, 27. Specific gravities of solids and liquids, 99. Standard solutions, 42. Sugar, determination of ash in raw sugar, 119. determination of, in milk, 118. ultimate analysis of, 101. Sulphur, determination of, in pig-iron, 82. estimation of, in coal, 37. Sulphuric acid, gravimetric determination of, 18. INDEX. 127 Sulphuric acid in potable water, determina- tion of, 92. Superphosphate of lime, analysis of, 90. Testing petroleum, 122. Tin, determination of, in type metal, 51. determination of, in bronze, 35. Titaniferous iron ore, analysis of, 63. Titanium, estimation of, in iron ore, 74. Titration, residual method of, 45. Type metal, analysis of, 31. Urea, determination of, Liebig's method, 113. Apjohn's method, 115. Davey's method, 114. Urinary sediments, scheme for analysis of, 117. Urine, analysis of, 109. composition of, in. Varrentrapp and Will's estimation of nitro- gen, 105. Vinegar, analysis of, 46. Volatile matter, estimation of, in coal, 37. Volumetric analysis, general notes on, 40. estimation of nitrogen, 107. Water analysis, calculation of results, 95. determination of, by direct weight, 28. determination of, by ignition, 15, 28. determination of, in milk, 118. potable, analysis of, 91. Weyl's determination of total carbon in pig- iron, 82. Zinc, determination of, in bronze, 36. ore, analysis of, 53. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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