yi_n_n__rL_n_ REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Deceived Accession No. 91390. Class No. Be sure to get the best, which is fully guaranteed by us, and which always has our trade mark Established J853 Incorporated J885 CAPITAL, $1,000,000 AD VKKTISEMKN TS The National Ammonia Go. GENERAL OFFICES: ST. LOUIS, MO. EASTERN AND EXPORT OFFICE : 90 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK CM. Addres..,] " MANUFACTURERS OF ABSOLUTELY PURE AND DRY Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia Aqua Ammonia For Refrigerating and Ice Making Purposes. Our Ammonia is entirely free from any impurities that can detract from refrigerating- effects or impair machin- ery, and those using- our products obtain best results with their machines. Our prices are always as low as others for goods of equivalent quality. Inquiries and orders solicited. UNEXCELLED GOODS. UNEQUALED SERVICE Our Ammonia can be had of the Following: NEW YORK PITTSBURGH The De La Vergne Ref. Mach. Co. Union Storage Co., Transfer Agts. W. M. Schwenker. NEW ORLEANS The National Ammonia Co., L N Brimswi* * m 1 OP .IT T) nv : n rn n * Theo. J. Goldschmid Co. W ' Davis O11 Co - BALTIMORE-Wm. Mitchell. T MaUinckrodt Chemical Work, WILMINGTON Larkin & Scheffer. Delaware Chemical Co. CHICAGO - BUFFALO-S. J. Krull. A. Magnus' Sons' Co BOSTON Fuller & Fuller Co ' The Lyons & Alexander Co. MILWAUKEE- KANSAS CITY S. J. Thomson. Baumbach, Reichel & Co. ' Herman Goepper & Co. " *J* ISMUM CLEVELAND Geo. Herrmann Co. Cleveland Brewers' Supply Co. Pacific Ammonia & Chemical Co. DETROIT LIVERPOOL, ENG. Michigan Ammonia Works. " Ja8 - Simpson & Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. SYDNEY, N. S. W. Indianapolis Warehouse Co. The Ammonia Co. of Australia. ADVERTISEMENTS CROSBY STEAM GAGE AND VALVE CO. SOLE MANUFACTURI CROSBY STEAM ENGINE AND AMMONIA INDICATOR Approved and adopted by the U. S. Govern- ment. It is the standard in nearly all the great Hlectric Light and Power Stations of the United States. It is also the standard in the principal Navies, Government Ship Yards and the most eminent Technical Schools of the world. When required it js furnished with Sar- gent's Eleetrieal Attachment, by which any number of diagrams from Compound Engines can be taken simultaneously. This attachment is protected by Letters Patent. The public is warned against other similar attachments which are infringements. ALSO SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Perfect in Design. Faultless in Work- manship. Crosby Improved Steam Gages, Pop Safety Valves, Water Relief Valves, Patent Gage Testers, Safe Water Gages, Revolution Counters, ORIGINAL Single Bell Chime Whistles and other standard specialties used on Boilers, Engines, Pumps, etc. MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS: BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. Stores: BOSTON, NEW YORK, CHICAGO and LONDON, ENG. COILS BENDS AND MANIFOLDS FOB Ice and Refrigerating Machinery AMMONIA VALVES AND FITTINGS. Hairisburo Pipe Bending Go., w. HARRISBURG, PA. The Harrisburg Copper Coil Feed Water Heater. CARBONIC ACID GAS AND ANHYDROUS AMMONIA RECEIVERS AND CYLINDERS INDICATING TtiE REFRIGERATING MACHINE THE APPLICATION OF THE INDICATOR TO THE AMMONIA COMPRESSOR AND STEAM ENGINE, WITH PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE INDICATOR AND READING AND COMPUTING INDICATOR CARDS BY GARDNER T. VOORHEES, S. B. MECHANICAL ENGINEER WITH THE QUINCY MARKET COLD STORAGE CO. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO H. S. RICH & Co. Copyrighted 1898, by H. S. RICH & CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Press of ICH AND REFRIGERATION, CHICAGO. PREFACE. Often while plotting- the adiabatic curve on an indicator card taken from an ammonia com- pressor, I have wished to shorten the time re- quired and simplify the process. This led to working- out the constants in Table No. 1. Having- these constants, Table No. 2 naturally sug-g-ested itself to still further simplify the work. In addi- tion to this I have added such other matter as seemed pertinent to a work of this character, hoping- to place before the reader all necessary references for one who may have to work up indicator cards taken from an ammonia com- pressor. If my reader appreciates the value of the adiabatic curve after looking- throug-h this work, and learns to use Table No. 2, I feel that my aim will have hit the mark. G. T. V. 91390 CONTENTS. PART I. INDICATING THE AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. Chapter I. The Elementary Indicator; a simple description of the principles involved 7 Chapter II. The Value of Indicating- a Compressor 11 Chapter III. The Adiabatic Curve 19 Chapter IV. The Isothermal Curve 25 Chapter V. Discussion of the Adiabatic and Iso- thermal Curves 29 Chapter VI. Finding the Horse Power of an Indi- cator Card 37 Chapter VII. Actual Displacement of a Compressor 39 Chapter VIII. Special Faults as Shown by Cards. . . 4 p .% to^. 9 , by substituting the corresponding- values of v^ , v , 2 to v, 9 in for- P t-=^ p-= -* P 6=: ~5v^ As = -=- T7 A 3 =-^4 A.= li # 22 INDICATING THE TABLE NO. 2. ADIABATIC CONSTANTS. l>> 15 16 17 IS 19 540 l & its 4 P-! 17 2 18.4 19.5 20 6 21.8 22.9 24.1 25.2 264 27.6 P.* 20.0 21.4 22.7 24.3 25.4 26.7 28.1 29.4 30.7 32.1 P. 7 24.9 25.4 27.0 28.6 1 30.2 31.8 33.4 35.0 36.5 38.1 l'. ( 29.2 31.1 33.1 35.0 36.9 38.6 40.8; 42.8 44.7 46.7 P.r, 37.0 39.5 41.8 44.4 46.8; 49.3 51.8 54.3 56.7 59.2 P. 4 49.3 52.7 56.8 59.2 62.5! 65.8 69.ll 72.4 75.7 79.0 P.3 71.7 76.5 81.3 86.1 90.8; 95.6 100.3' 105.2 110.0 114.8 I 1 . 2 122.0 130.0 138.2 146.3 154.5 162.7 170.6 178.9 187.U 196.1 P.. 300.0 320.0 340.0 360. 380.0; 400.0 420.0 440.0 460.0 480.0 l>. *5 26 x7 *8 * 30 31 tut 3 34 P- 8 28.7 29.8 31.0 32.1 33.2 34.4 35.6 36.7 37.9 39.0 I'- 33.4 34.7 36.1 37.4 38.8 4' 35 30 37 3 39 1 40 41 4 43 44 P- ; , 40.2 41.3 42.5 43.6 44.71 45.9 47.1 48.21 49.3 50.5 P-H 46.8 48.1 49.4 50.8 52.1! 53.4 548 56.1 57.4 58.8 P-7 55.6 57.2 58.8 60.4 62 63.6 65.2 66.7 68.3 69.8 I'M; 68.0 70.0 71.9 73.8 75.8 77 8 79.7 81.6 83.6 85.5 P-H 86.3 88.7 91.2 93.7 96.2 98.7 101.0 103.5 106.0 108.3 PM 115.1 118.4 121.7 125.0! 128 2 131.6 185.0 138.1 141.6 144.7 P-a 167.3 172.1 177.0 181.H 186.5 191.2 196.0 200.8 205.8 213.0 |., 284.7 292.7 300.7 309.0 317. (i 325.0 333.4 341.2 349.2 357.8 I'-i 7000 7200 740.0 760.0 780.0 800.0 820.0 840 0, 8600 880.0 !> 45 46 47 4* 49 50 51 5* 53 54 P'8 51.7 52.7 539 55.1 56.2 57.4 58.5 59.7 60.8 62.0 I'-H 60.2 61.5 62.8 64.1 65.4 66.8 68.1 69.4 70.8 72.1 P-7 71.5 73.1 74.7 76.3 77.8 79.5 81.0 82.6 84.2 85.8 !>. 87.5 89.4 914 93.3 95.2 97.2 99.1 101.0 103.0 105.0 P..-, 110.8 113.2 115.8 118.2 120.5 123.0 125.6 128.0 130.6 138.0 P- 1 148.0 1513 154.6 158.0 161.2 164.5 167.7 171.0 174.3 177.6 P-:t 215.0 220.0 224.8 229.5 234.2 239.0 243.8 248.6 253.5 258.1 P-2 366.0 3740 382.0 390.0 398.0 407.0 414.0 422.0 432.0 438.0 P., 900.0 920.0 940.0 960.0 980.0 1000.0 1020.0 1040.0 1060.0 1080.0 ! 55 56 57 58 59 60 j !' 63.2 64.3 65.4 666 67.7 68.8 P- 8 73.5 74.8 76.1 77.5 78.8 80.1 P-7 82.4 89.0 90.5 92.2 93.7 95.3 i P-G 107.0 10S.9 110.8 112.8 114.8 116.8' P-r, 135.5 138.0 140.4 142.8 145.2 147.7 P.I 181.0 184.2 187.5 190.7 194.0 197.3 P. 3 263.0 267.8 272.4 277.2 282.0 287.0 P. 2 447.0 466.0 461.0 472.0 480.0 487.0 P-. 1100.0 1120.0 1140.01160.0 1180.0 1200.0 AMMONIA COMPRKSSOK. 23 If now we give a value of 15 to p= fifteen pounds absolute back pressure, and substitute for z>. 9 1>3 to z*.! 1 ' 3 their values as given in table No. 1 we will have : A = .B\\ = 17 - 2 A = .^A= 20.0 A7 = .tf* = 24.9 Ae = .rfft = 29.2 As = . I'D 8 * = 37.0 A. = .#* = 49 - 3 As ^ .i 1 o 5 9 - 71.7 A. = . to =122.0 A i = -o^o =300.0 In like manner/. 9 to/., can be found for any other value of/. These values have been calcu- lated and are given in Table No. 2, up to p=60 pounds, advancing- by increments of one pound. To plot the adiabatic line by means of Table No. 2: Find in the horizontal line with p the number corresponding- to the absolute back pressure on your card. Then in the same verti- cal column that contains your absolute back pressure, and opposite/. 9 find the value of /. 9 . Lay this off on line .9 (Fig-. 5) from VVto the same scale as that of your indicator spring-. Do the same for /. 8 /. 7 to /.,. You then have a series of points throug-h which you draw the smooth curve c^ c (Fig-. 5). This line , c is the adiabatic line. If the ammonia gas were compressed from point c (Fig-. 9) up to the condenser pressure in a perfectly tig-ht and non-conducting cyl- inder without loss or gain of heat, then the adiabatic line would be the curve traced by the indicator pencil. Now if there is no leakag-e past the valves or piston, this adiabatic line will 24 INDICATING THK in all ammonia compressors, as used to-day, almost overlie the compression line of the card for its whole length (see Fig-. 9). The water jacket does not seem to affect the compression line to any great extent. The jacket of water may affect the relative positions of the adiabatic and compression curves, during the latter one-fourth or one fifth of the stroke (when the gas is very hot); then the adiabatic line will be seen to be slightly above the com- pression line (see Fig-. 9). If the compression line of the card does not follow very nearly the adia- batic you can make up your mind that something' is wrong in connection with the piston, valves or gaskets of the compressor. This is, of course, as- suming that the indicator is properly connected; that the pipe leading from the cylinder to the in- dicator is short and of small bore, say >^-inch diameter, and that this pipe is well insulated from the cooling effect of water in the jacket. One thing is certain, the compression curve can never lie above the adiabatic line if the compressor is working properly. I will take up and discuss the conclusions that can be drawn from the dif- ferent relations of the adiabatic and compression lines as soon as I have indicated how to draw the isothermal line on the indicator card. AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. CHAPTER IV. THE ISOTHERMAL CURVE. If there is no leakage to or from the cylinder during- compression, and if the cylinder walls, head and piston are perfect conductors of heat, surrounded by a suitable cooling- medium, then the temperature of the g-as will remain constant during- its compression, and we will have the iso- thermal line traced by the indicator pencil. No ammonia compressor is running- to-day that will give a compression line like this on the indicator card. I doubt very much if an ammonia com- pressor will ever be built that will give a card where the compression line will approach it in any great degree. There is such a great amount of heat generated during compression that about all that can be hoped for is to prevent too great an accumulation of heat in the metals of the cylinder. This is all that I believe is accomplished by the water jacket, even in the best compressors built. The isothermal line is more easily calculated than the adiabatic. It is represented by the formula ^^=^2^. That is, the initial pressure times the initial volume is equal to the final pressure times the final volume. Takings as 1, then pXl=-fi\ x Vi or Pi = ^-> Now take values of z>j from .9 to .1 as we did in the case of the adiabatic line; then as p represents the back pressure in pounds absolute, the different values of p^ as f, 9 p.% p^ to^. t , will be found by dividing the absolute back pressure p by the (3) 26 INDICATING THE TABLE NO. 3. ISOTHERMAL CONSTANTS. p. 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 3 4 P. 9 16.7 17.8 18.9 20.0 21.1 22.2 23.3 24.5 25.6 26.7 P. 8 18.7 20.0 21.2 22.5 23.7 25.0 26.2 27.5 28.7 30.0 P.7 21.4 22.8 24.3 25.7 27.1 28.6 30.0 31.4 32.8 34.3 P.6 25.0 26.7 27.3 30.0 31.7 33.4 35.0 36.7 38.4 40.0 P.B 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 P. 4 37.5 40.0 42.5 45.0 47.5 50.0 52.5 55.0 57.5 60.0 P. 3 50.1 53.4 56.7 60.1 63.4 66.7 70.1 73.4 76.7 80.1 P 9 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 XT 2 P.I 150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0 190.0|200.0 210.0 220.0 230.0 240.0 P* 5 6 7 8 9 3O 31 338 33 34 P-9 27.8 28.9 30.0 31.1 32.2 33.3 34.4 35.6 36.7 37.8 P. 8 31.2 32.5 33.7 35.0 36.2 37.5 38.7 40.0 41.2 42.5 P. 7 35.7 37.1 38.6 40.0 41.4 42.8 44.3 45.7 47.2 48.6 P. 6 41.7 43.4 45.0 46.7 48.3 50.0 51.7 53.4 55.0 56.7 P. 5 50.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 62.0 64.0 66.0 68.0 P. 4 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 72.5 75.0 77.5 80.0 82.5 85.0 P. 3 83.4 86.7 90.1 93.4 96.7 100.1 103.4 106.7 110.1 113.4 P. 2 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 145.0 150.0 155.0 160.0 165.0 170.0 P.1 250.0 260.0 270.0 280.0 290.0 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 340.0 p 35 36 87 3$ 39 4O 41 42 43 44 P-9 38.9 40.0 41.2 42.3 43.4 44.5 45.6 46.7 47.8 48.9 P'8 43.7 45.0 46.2 47.5 48.7 50.0 51.2 52.5 53.7 55.0 P. 7 50.0 51.4 52.8 54.3 55.7 57.2 58.6 60.0 61.4 62.8 P. 6 58.4 60.0 61.7 63.4 65.0 66.7 68.4 70.0 71.7 73.4 P- 5 70.0 72.0 74.0 76.0 78.0 80.0 82.0 84.0 86.0 88.0 P-4 87.5 90.0 92.5 95.0 97.5 100.0 102.5 105.0 107.5 110.0 P.3 116.7 120.1 123.4 126.7 130.1 133.4 136.7 140.1 143.4146.7 P. 2 175.0 180.0 185.0 190.0 195.0 200.0 205.0 210.0 215.0j220.0 P.I 350.0 360.0 370.0 380.0 390.0 400.0 410.0 420.0 430.0|440.0 p. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 P-9 50.0 51.2 52.3 53.4 54.5 55.6 56.7 57.8 58.9 60.0 P-8 56.2 57.5 58.7 60 61.2 62.5 63.7 65.0 66.2 67.5 P-7 64.3 65.7 67.2 68.5 70.0 71.4 72.8 74.3 75.7 77.2 P. 6 75.0 76.7 78.4 80.0 81.7 83.4 85.0 86.7 88.4 90.0 P. 5 90.0 92.0 94.0 96.0 98.0 100.0 102.0 104.0 106.0 108.0 P, 4 112 5 115.0 117.5 120.0 122.5 125.0 127.5 130.0 132.5 135.0 P.3 150.0153.4 156.7 160.0 163.4 166.7 170.0 173.4 176.7 180.0 p] 2 225.0230.0 235.0 240.0 245.0 250.0 255.0 260.0 265.0 270.0 P.'t 450.0|460.0 470.0 480.0 490.0 500.0 510.0 520.0 530.0|540.0 p. 55 56 57 58 59 60 P-9 61.2 62.3 63.4 64.5 65.6 66.7 P-8 68.7 70.0 71.2 72.5 73.7 75.0 P-7 78.5 80.0 81.4 82.8 84.3 85.7 P- 6 91.7 93.4 95.0 96.7 98.4 100.0 P. 5 110.0 112.0 114.0 116.0 118.0 120.0 P-4 137.5 140.0 142.5 145.0 147.5 150.0 P.3 183.4 186.7 190.1 193.4 196.7 200.1 P. 2 275.0 280.0 285.0 290.0 295.0 300.0 P.I 550.0 560.0 570.0 580.0 590.0 600.0 AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 27 volume z;. 9 , z>. 8 tox^. Let^> 15 pounds abso- lute; then /. 9 = |= 16.7 P.B- 15 = 18.7 A 7 = f 21.4 Ae- i- 25.0 As= 1= 30.0 />. 4 = \= 37.5 /.a= 1= 50.1 A S - 1= 75.0 /.!= if =150.0 In like manner ^. 9 to^. t can be found for any other value of p. These values have been cal- culated, and are given in Table No. 3, up to sixty pounds. To plot the isothermal line by means of Table No. 3, proceed the same as explained in regard to the adiabatic line. Fig". 6 shows a card upon which this has been done. 28 INDICATING THE AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 29 CHAPTER V. DISCUSSION OF THE ADIABATIC AND ISOTHERMAL CURVES. Now, let us discuss the conclusions that may be drawn by inspecting- a card having- these adiabatic and isothermal lines drawn on it. First, let us discuss the adiabatic line. Take the card shown by Fig-. 7. Here is seen that the compression line is above the adiabatic line. Something- is wrong-; what is it? Let us consider what conditions could exist that would cause this condition of affairs. It is evident that the press- ure in the cylinder increases faster than could be caused by the action of the piston. The same conditions that cause the compression line to lie above the adiabatic line during- compression will cause the cylinder to be cheated out of part of its full charg-e of g-as from the suction pipe. The reason is that the hig-h pressure gas from the condenser is leaking- into the cylinder, either through leaky discharge valves, their gaskets or the cylinder head gasket be- tween the cylinder and the discharge port. Therefore, we pump much less gas than we should. It also takes more power to run the compressor, as will be evident from the in- creased area of the diagram. It will not take long for a compressor to waste enough coal to buy a first-class indicator, if this condition of affairs is allowed to go on for any great length of time. In large machines the loss will be very great. 30 INDICATING THE AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 31 The engineer should take off the cylinder head and examine the cylinder head gasket. If it looks bad, replace it with a new one. Try the valves with the fingers, and see that no scale or foreign matter has attached itself to the valve or its seat. Also examine the valve cage gas- kets. After having done all that you can to remedy the trouble, by a careful examination, replace the cylinder head, and connect a press- ure gauge to the indicator connection. Allow the condenser pressure to act upon the outer faces of the discharge valves. If the pressure, as shown by the gauge, remains the same or in- creases very slowly you have remedied the difficulty. Otherwise, if the pressure increase rapidly, you have not. In nine cases out of ten the engineer will find upon his first careful examination of the gaskets and valves that the gasket is defective, or that there is some foreign substance in the valve seat. It may be that the valves need regrinding. This is a point that is rather difficult to deter- mine by a mere inspection, hence the pressure gauge test. Now let us examine the card as shown by Fig. 8. Here the compression line is some little dis- tance below the adiabatic line ec. It approaches the isothermal line dc. Some engineers might thoughtlessly say: "What a fine card! how effi- cient the water jacket must be!" etc. But, as I said before, compressors "are not built that way." By apparently being so good the card gives ample evidence of a very bad state of affairs within the compressor. Let us see what conditions could give this 32 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 33 result. It is evident that the pressure is not as great at any point on the curve as it should be. What is the cause of this? Some of the gas has leaked out of the cylinder, either by leaky suc- tion valves or their gaskets. The cylinder head gasket may be defective between the suction port and the cylinder, or you may have a leaky piston. It is evident that a sort of rubber ball action is going on in the cylinder. Part of the gas is compressed and expanded between the suction pipe and the cylinder, in place of being discharged into the condenser. The gas is in part pumped over and over again, thereby cut- ting down the capacity of the machine. Remove the cylinder head, examine the gaskets and valves. Do all that you can by a careful inspec- tion to make good the trouble. Then replace the cylinder head and connect a pressure gauge to the indicator connection. Compress the gas in the cylinder so as to have a high pressure. Note the pressureon the gauge. If it does not decrease, or if it decreases very slowly, you have remedied the trouble. If it decreases rapidly, either the valves need regrinding, the piston needs new rings or the cylinder should be rebored, or all these troubles may exist at once. After having had the valves reground if the pressure test, as indicated above, still shows a rapidly decreasing pressure, you would better call in the agent for your machine, and let him decide whether the piston rings or the boring of the cylinder are at fault. Fig. 9 shows the relations of the compression curve and adiabatic line, e c, that your compressor should give if in perfect condition. It has prob- 34 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 35 ably occurred to you while reading- the above that you might do all of your testing- with a pressure gauge, in place of bothering- with an indicator. This is true, in a way. Engineers who do not own an indicator may make all the above tests in regard to leaky valves, etc., by connecting a pressure gauge to the indicator cock and pro- ceeding as explained above. The indicator card is a valuable permanent record of what your compressor is doing. It should be taken every week, dated and filed away for future reference. A steel indicator is pre- ferred for ammonia work. However, you may use your composition indicator without fear of damage if you keep it well oiled, and thoroughly clean it as soon as you have finished your test. 36 INDICATING THE AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 37 CHAPTER VI. FINDING THE HORSE POWER OF AN INDICATOR CARD. To obtain the horse power, or work of com- pression, represented by the indicator card it is convenient to have a planimeter, and thus meas- ure the area of the card. Then divide the area thus found by the length of the card in inches, and multiply the result by the scale of the spring- used. The result is the mean effective pressure, expressed as M. E. P. The mean effective press- ure is the average pressure of the gas in the cylinder from the beginning of suction to the end of discharge. I will not go into the method of using the planimeter, as it is fully explained in the instruc- tions that are furnished with each instrument, and also in Parts II and III of this book. If you are not fortunate enough to own a planimeter, and cannot borrow one, you can obtain the M. E. P. as follows : In Fig. 10 you should already have your card divided into ten equal spaces, v l z'. 9 , z>. 8 z/. 7 , etc. All that is necessary is to find the average heights of these areas that are included between the vertical lines as ^. 9 ^. 8 and the ad- mission and compression or discharge lines. Divide each of these spaces, v^v, 9 toz'.jZ',,, into two equal parts, and draw through these divis- ions the dotted lines as shown, which are num- bered 1, 2 to 10. Measure the length of each line from the admission line to where it cuts the compression or discharge curve, using the same scale as that 38 INDICATING THE of the indicator spring- used. Add tog-ether these leng-ths and divide the result by 10. The quo- tient is then the average height or the M.E.P. Having the M. E.P., the horse power is readily found by the following simple formula: _ nXlXaX (M.E.P.) ' ' 7 33,000 Where 72 strokes (not revolutions) per minute. /=length of stroke in feet. tf=area of piston in square inches. M. E.P.=mean effective pressure. Every engineer should know the constant for his compressor. It is evident that in the above formula 33,000 is constant for all conditions or tests. This value, 33 ooo * * s ^ e cons ^ an ^ for your compressor, and is indicated by C. Therefore the horse power is H. P.= CX n X (M. E. P.) The horse power of the steam engine is obtained in the same way. Only remember that whereas your compressor may have been single- acting, as is assumed for the above formula, your engine is double-acting; therefore you should multiply your strokes by 2, and your engine con_ stant is approximately 33 ^ This is also the constant for a double-acting compressor. In a double-acting compressor or a steam engine the area of one side of the piston must have de- ducted from it the area of the piston rod, thus giving the effective area of the piston. The true constant for that side of the piston will then be ~~33 000 * ai b e i n " the area of the piston rod in square inches, The difference between the H. P. of the steam engine and that of the compressor is the friction of the machine. AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 39 CHAPTER VII. ACTUAL DISPLACEMENT OF A COMPRESSOR. The actual displacement of the compressor should be known. We know that the compressor does not pump the weight of gas that it should, as figured from its theoretical displacement, the reason being, as stated by Prof. Deiiton, that the gas is rarefied during suction by coming in contact with the hot walls of the cylinder. It is evident that if the gas is rarefied the weight of a given volume of gas would be less after rarefaction than before. Consequently our compressor may vary in its actual capacity from 70 per cent to 90 per cent of the theoretical capacity, these two figures, 70 per cent and 90 per cent, being extreme cases that are rarely if ever reached. The common value of the actual capacity is from 75 per cent to 80 per cent of the theoretical capacity. My theory in regard to this rarefaction is that as the gas enters the cylinder through the narrow annular openings between the hot valves and their seats, it is superheated and thus rare- fied. There is only a brief interval between the end of compression and the beginning of suction. When suction begins the cylinder head and valves are at their maximum temperature. Consequently I could think of no better way of heating a gas than that of forcing it through these narrow an- nular openings, having hot metal surfaces to pass by. The head and valves should be cooled by some means other than the gas to be pumped. 40 INDICATING THK The gas should arrive at the cylinder as near the temperature of the boiling- point of the liquid ammonia, due to its back pressure, as possible. Every degree of superheating- cuts down the actual capacity of the compressor. It is well known that a gas will expand T J- T of its volume at F. for every degree of increase of its temperature. The suction pipe to a com- pressor should be thoroughly insulated. The vapor from the expansion coils should not be used for any cooling purpose whatsoever. Cool- ing the liquid ammonia by means of the return vapor is poor practice. To be sure, it is an advantage to have the ammonia arrive at the ex- pansion valve as cold as possible, but it is more disadvantageous to warm up the vapor than not to cool down the liquid with it. It will be evident how poor the gas is in cool- ing power when it is remembered that one pound of vapor only has a cooling effect of .5 British thermal units for every degree F. that it warms up; while a pound of the liquid ammonia has while vaporizing a cooling effect of 555 B. T. U., on an average, or over one thousand times as much. (Cool the liquid ammonia by any other available means, but not by the return ammonia vapor.) If the expansion coils or receptacle are prac- tically built, if the coils are not too long, you will have no trouble with liquid ammonia coming over to your machine. Should you be unfortunate enough to have a brine tank or expansion coils that will squirt the liquid in the form of a spray over to the compressor, you would better put a separator in your suction pipe or else get a more efficient brine tank or expansion coils. fi UNIVERSITY J AMMONIA COMPRESSOR?**" 11 ""' 1^*^41 The talk about where the frost line should or should not stop on the suction pipe is all bosh. The frost should go right up to and around the compressor cylinder if it is uninsulated. But better still, the suction pipe and the cylinder should be thoroughly insulated from the effect of heat from outside sources. It is necessary to know the temperature of the boiling point of the ammonia in your expansion coils, and also the temperature of the gas at the suction entrance to your compressor. So long as the tem- perature of the gas at the compressor is 5 or 10 F. above that of the boiling ammonia, there will be no danger of getting liquid over to your machine. I would not let the gas get colder than 10 above that of the boiling point of the ammonia. Probably there are hundreds of plants that can- not follow this advice because they have squirt- ing expansion coils. But the time is not far distant when these plants will throw aside their squirting coils and substitute expansion devices which do not tend to squirt the liquid ammonia like an atomizer. The liquid ammonia should be allowed to boil in such a vessel that there is ample room for the vapor to escape without dragging along some of the liquid with it. I have tried both kinds, squirting coils and proper expansion vessels, and I would not take an or- dinary coil brine tank for a gift unless I could use it for some other purpose than for a brine tank. Now to determine the actual displacement of your compressor. If you use the brine system this can readily be done. Get the specific gravity (4) 42 INDICATING THK of your brine by means of a hydrometer. If you do not own a hydrometer, weigh equal volumes of your brine and water. Divide the weight of the brine by that of the water. The result is the specific gravity of your brine. Now look up in the tables (see Part IV) the corresponding specific heat. Take several readings of the tem- perature of your brine to tank and also of brine from tank. Average the readings of the inlet brine and also average those of the outlet brine. Subtract the results. This is of course the number of degrees that you have cooled your brine through. Find the weight of brine circulated per min- ute by your pump. To do this, multiply the strokes of your pump per minute by the length of stroke in inches by the piston area in square inches, and divide the result by 1,728; this gives the cubic feet pumped per minute ; multiply this by the weight of a cubic foot of your brine, to obtain the weight pumped per minute. If your pump is in good condition you should multiply this result by .95, .95 being the probable actual capacity of your brine pump. Having now the weight in pounds of the brine pumped per minute, multiply this weight by the degrees F. change in temperature of your brine in the brine tank, and multiply this result by the specific heat of your brine. Now, divide the above result by 200, and your final answer is the tons of refrigeration that you are doing per twenty-four hours. One ton refrigeration in twenty-four hours = 2,000 X 142 B. T. U. ; 142 B. T. U. is the latent heat of liquefaction of ice. 2,000 X 142 = 284,000 AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 43 B. T. U. per twenty-four hours = ^^ = 200, nearly, B. T. U. per minute. Twenty-four hours = 1,440 minutes. Expressed in the form of a formula, the above will read: 200 7? tons refrigeration per twenty-four hours. / = temperature warm brine; t^ = temper- ature cold brine. 5 = specific heat of brine. TV = weight of brine circulated per minute. Now, turn to your ammonia tables (see Part IV) and find the weig-ht of a cubic foot of vapor of ammonia at the back pressure at which you are running-. Also look up the latent heat of vaporization at this pressure, and the boiling- point of the liquid ammonia. Take the tempera- ture of your liquid ammonia just before it enters the expansion valve. If your liquid pipe is insu- lated, as it should be, this temperature will be about the same as that of the water coming- from your condenser. Subtract the boiling- point of the ammonia from this temperature. As the specific heat of liquid ammonia is 1, this gives the number of B. T.U. that the liquid must be cooled to bring- it to the boiling- point. As this has to come from the heat of vaporization, we subtract it from the heat of vaporization, leaving- as a result the available cooling- effect in B. T. U. of one pound of liquid ammonia under our conditions. Ex- pressed in the form of a formula, the above be- comes R X 200 200 X ~~ ~ ~ 44 INDICATING THK r = heat of vaporization. / 2 = temperature of ammonia at expansion valve. / 3 = temperature of ammonia at boiling- point. W= pounds of ammonia circulated per minute. Take the theoretical displacement in cubic feet of your compressor per minute = D; mul- tiply this by the weight of a cubic foot of vapor of ammonia at the back pressure you are using (see Part IV for tables). The result is the theo- retical number of pounds of ammonia pumped by your compressor = W l . Then D l the actual capacity of your compressor; J9, =jy EXAMPLES. JVo. i. Required the horse power of card (see Fig. id). The compressor has two single-acting cylin- ders, each twelve inches in diameter, stroke eighteen inches; forty revolutions per minute; scale of spring, 40. Solution. Measure height of lines 1, 2, 3 to 10, with a 40 scale. They measure 88, 88, 88, 58, 35, 22, 13, 7, 4, 1. The sum of these figures is 404. Dividing by 10, the result is 40.4 = M. E. P. The constant for this compressor is /Xfl 1.5 X 113 = 33,000 33,000 H. P. =CX XM. E. P. . . H. P. = .00514 X 40 X 40.4 = 8.3. As there are two cylinders, we must obtain also the horse power of the other card ; if it is the same as this card, then the horse power of both cylinders is 8.3 X 2= 16.6. AMMONIA COMPRKSSOR. 45 If the horse power of the steam engine is 20, then 20 16.6 = 3.4 = friction of machine = $# , 17 per cent of that of the steam cylinders. This is very good. The friction will usually be about 20 per cent. No. 2. Required the refrigeration per day. Brine pumped per minute = 667 pounds. Change in temperature of brine =3 F. t-t\. Specific heat of brine = .8. No. 3. Required the actual capacity of the com- pressor, the theoretical capacity being 100 per cent. Temperature of liquid ammonia to expansion va lve = 70 F.; r = 572, * 3 = 28 for an absolute back pressure of fifteen pounds. y?=8, r = 572, ^ =70F., * 8 = 28 G F. J~) vx O C\(\ '. W == - - r I / 8 =3.018 pounds per minute. r 2~r^ The theoretical displacement of the compres- sors is 113 X182X40 =94 cubic f eet er minute The weight of a cubic foot of vapor of ammonia at 15 pounds absolute is .056 pounds .*. 94X.056= 5.26 pounds^ W^ the theoretical capacity of the W ^ 3.018 _,_ compressor .*. jrr = D^ =--~-j =57.4 per cent = rr -^ O ^D the actual capacity of the compressor. This is too small, consequently you should find out by your adiabatic line where the trouble is. 46 INDICATING THK CHAPTER VIII. SPECIAL FAULTS AS SHOWN BY CARDS. Fig-. 11 shows a card when the suction valve has too strong- a spring- or a valve that is inclined to stick to its seat. (See distorted heel at a. } Fig-. 12 shows a card where the line a a is drawn to scale at a vertical distance above the atmospheric line A A, equal to the suction press- ure in the suction pipe. This shows that the suction valve spring- is too strong-. Fig". 13 shows a card where the line bb has been drawn by connecting- the indicator to the suction pipe and line a a by connecting- the indi- cator to the discharg-e pipe. These lines should be about as shown on the card. The lines a a and bb can best be laid off to scale above A A, corresponding- to the pressures in these pipes, as shown by the pressure g-auge, althoug-h they may be drawn by the indicator pencil if the suc- tion and discharg-e pipes are tapped and con- nected to the indicator. Fig-. 14 shows a card with a line, a a, drawn to scale at a distance above line A A equal to the pressure in the discharg-e pipe. This indicates too stiff discharg-e valve spring's. AMMONIA COMPRKSSOK. 47 48 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 49 50 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 51 CHAPTER IX. WET COMPRESSION SYSTEM INDICATING. Fig's. 15 and 16 are reproduced from cards furnished me by the Fred W. Wolf Co., from an 18X30 inch Linde (wet compression system) compressor, that were taken at the Western Cold Storage Co. plant, on November 9, 1898, on which I have drawn the adiabatic line c d* iso- thermal line a d and the curve of saturation /; d. The scale of spring- for these cards is 60. These diagrams were given me as representative cards, and seem to show that my reasoning-, as applied to the dry compression or water jacket machines, also applies to the wet compression machines, particularly in Fig-. 16. The wet compression machines differ from the dry compression machines in that the former injects liquid ammonia into the cylinder before compression to take up the heat of compression, while the latter surrounds the cylinder with a water jacket for the same purpose. THE CURVE OF SATURATION. If the ammonia in the cylinder at the begin- ning- of compression is a saturated vapor, and if this condition (the state of saturation) is main- tained throughout compression, then there will be a different curve from the adiabatic and iso- thermal traced by the indicator pencil. This is called the curve of saturation. Any point on this curve has its ordinate or vertical distance from V V equal to the pressure in the cylinder, and its abscissa or horizontal distance f rom d Fequal 52 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR 53 to the relative volume in cylinder, the initial or (cylinder full) volume being- 1. The ordinate being- obtained by looking- up in a table of the properties of saturated vapor of ammonia the pressure corresponding- to the weig-ht of a cubic foot of vapor at this point, this weig-ht being- the product of the relative volume at this point and the weig-ht of a cubic foot of vapor at the absolute back pressure of the card. Curves b d^ Figs. 15 and 16, are curves of saturation. This curve can be readily determined, approximately, from the tables of the properties of saturated vapor of ammonia in the following- manner: Find from the tables the volume in cubic feet per pound of the vapor at the absolute back pressure of the card. Multiply this value by .9, .8, .7, .6, .5, .4, .3, .2, .1, and note from the tables the absolute pressures corresponding- to these new volumes. These pressures are points on the curve of saturation for values, .9, .8, .7, .6, .5, .4, .3, .2, .1 of v. For example, let the absolute back pressure be twenty-one pounds per square inch. We find from the tables that the number of cubic feet of vapor per pound at this pressure is approxi- mately 12.834. Then it follows that 12.834 X. 9=11. 55 cu. ft. per Ib. = 23.5 Ibs. per sq. inch 12.834 X. 8=10.27 " = 26.5 12.834X.7= 8.98 " =310 12.834X.6= 7.70 " = 35.8 12.834X.5= 6.42 " = 43.0 12.834X.4= 5.13 " = 54.6 12.834X.3= 3.85 " = 59.7 12.834X.2= 2.57 " =113.7 12.834X.1= 1.28 =232.0 Laying- off these values of pressures found on the vertical lines to scale at volumes z;. fl , z>. 8 , v,^ 54 INDICATING THK AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 55 r .;> z '.5> r 4> v .$i ^.2* ^ i from the vacuum line, we have the desired points on the curve of satura- tion. LIMITS OF COMPRESSOR. From the above it follows that the adiabatic curve will be traced when no heat is taken from or given to the gas during- compression. The isothermal curve will be drawn if the gas is maintained at the same temperature that it has at the beginning- of compression. Theoretically, the g-as should be quite cold at the beginning- of compression, say from 10 below 0^ F. to 10 above F. It will be seen that compressors using water jackets could never maintain this line unless they had jacket water as cold or colder than these temperatures of gas at the beginning of compression. As the jacket water usually rang-es anywhere from 50 F. to 100 F., it is clear that no heat can be taken from the compressed g-as until it has reached this temperature. This will explain why the actual curve of com- pression follows the adiabatic curve part of the way, and then tends toward the isothermal curve. Where the actual compression curve leaves the adiabatic, is the point of the stroke where the jacket water is just beginning to "get in its work." Therefore, if any one shows you a card from a water jacketed dry compressor that approaches the isothermal line for the first half of the stroke, you would better make up your mind that the card is wrong. It will be seen in Figs. 15 and 16 that the curve of saturation b d follows very closely the isother- mal curve. In wet compression machines this curve (the curve of saturation ) is aimed at bv 56 INDICATING THE injecting enough liquid ammonia into the cylin- der to take up the heat of compression. If this works as well practically as it does by theory, then the curve of saturation is possible, and therefore quite a reduced area of card is obtained, indicating less power required to compress the ammonia. As it is not my desire to compare the relative merits of the wet and dry compressors, I will only add that to be fair when comparing one with the other the question should be thoroughly in- vestigated as to whether there are factors that enter into the value of each machine other than those shown by the indicator cards, and also to note that cards 15 and 16, which are taken as representative cards of the wet compression system, are almost identical with what is ob- tained from dry compression machines, particu- larly Fig. 16. AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 57 CHAPTER X. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONNECTING INDICATOR TO MACHINE. In regard to connecting- the indicator to the compressor and arranging* for the drum motion, I refer the reader to Chapters II and III of Part II; how to take the diagrams, to Chapter IV, Part II. I advise the use of a reducing- wheel, as explained in Chapters VII and VIII, Part III. The reducing- wheel will be found very accu- rate and simple, and can be used with any of the indicators described. Most of the indicator manufacturers have these reducing- wheels in stock, specially adapted to their particular make of indicator. In making- the ammonia connection with the compressor cylinder, I advise the use of a ^2-inch pipe connection, made from a solid piece of iron or steel, having- a hole Y% inch diameter drilled throug-h it. The reason for using- so small a bore is to reduce the clearance as much as possible. This connection can be capped when not in use, or, better still, fitted with a >^-inch cock, in which the hole in the plug- has been bushed down to Y% inch diameter. I advise the use of Coffin's averaging- instrument for obtaining- the mean effective pressure of cards. This instrument gives you the mean effective pressure direct without the intermediate steps of calculation necessary with the common plani- meter, and also a neat board upon which to measure the card. (5) INDICATING THE REFRIGERATING MACHINE PART II. INDICATING THE STEAM ENGINE.* CHAPTER I. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR. The steam engine indicator, invented by James Watt, and long- kept secret, was for many years after its secret became known, strangely neglected by most makers and users of steam engines. The earlier forms of the instrument, which preceded that invented by Richards, were so imperfect and so ill adapted to engines running at other than very low speeds, that their indi- cations were often misleading, more often unin- telligible, and seldom of much value beyond revealing the point of stroke at which the valves opened and closed a most valuable service, alone worth the cost of an indicator, but only a small part of the service to be obtained from a really good instrument. The general principles, on which the best type of steam engine indicator is designed, may be briefly stated as follows: A piston of carefully determined area is nicely fitted into a cylinder so that it will move *Reprinted by courtesy of Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Co. from their book on indicator practice. 59 60 INDICATING THE up and down without sensible friction. The cylinder is open at the bottom and fitted so that it may be attached to the cylinder of a steam engine and have free communication with its interior, by which arrangement the under side of the piston is subjected to all the varying pressures of the steam acting- therein. The upward movement of the piston due to the pressure of the steam is resisted by a spiral spring within the cylinder, of known elastic force. A piston rod projects upward through the cylinder cap and moves a lever having at its free end a pencil point, whose vertical move- ment bears a constant ratio to that of the piston. A drum of cylindrical form and covered with paper is attached to the cylinder in such a man- ner that the pencil point may be brought in contact with its surface, and thus record any movement of either paper or pencil. The drum is given a horizontal motion coincident with and bearing a constant ratio to the movement of the piston of the engine. It is moved in one direc- tion by means of a cord attached to the cross- head, and in the opposite direction by a spring within itself. When this mechanism is properly adjusted and free communication is opened with the cyl- inder of a steam engine in motion, it is evident that the pencil will be moved vertically by the varying pressure of steam under the piston; and as the drum is rotated by the reciprocating mo- tion of the engine, if the pencil is held in contact with the moving paper during one revolution of the engine a figure or diagram will be traced representing the pressure of steam in the STEAM KNGINE. 61 cylinder, the upper line showing- the pressure urging- the piston forward, and the lower the pressure retarding- its movement on the return stroke. To enable the engineer to more correctly interpret the nature of the pressures, the line showing- the atmospheric pressure is drawn, which indicates whether the pressure at any part is greater or less than that of the atmos- phere. From such a diagram may be deduced many particulars which are of supreme importance to engine builders, engineers and the owners of steam plants. WHAT IS THE GOOD OF AN INDICATOR? This question was asked by a young- engi- neer who had come to examine and purchase an indicator, with a view to rendering his services of greater value to his employer, by a knowledge and use of that instrument. His question was overheard by the proprietor of a large establish- ment, who took occasion to reply as follows: "I will tell you what good an indicator did at our works. Our steam engine was not giving sufficient power for our business, and we ex- pected to be obliged to procure a larger one. A neighbor suggested that we have our engine indicated to see if we were getting the best service obtainable from it. This was done, and the result was, that when the valves were prop- erly adjusted and other slight changes made, we had ample power, and the improved condition of the engine made a reduction in our coal bills during the following year of $500." 62 INDICATING THE Another case: An expert engineer was called to indicate several locomotives just completed by one of our prominent locomotive builders, who had in use a large Corliss engine, which had been running- only a few months. When the loco- motives were indicated, the proprietor proposed that the indicator be applied to the Corliss engine, the engineer of which remarked: "Guess you '11 find her all right, as she 's running- fine." \The first card showd that nearly all the -work ivas being done at one end of the cylinder. The valves were chang-ed and a great improvement was apparent in the running- of the engine, while the actual consumption of coal was re- duced from an averag-e of 3,370 pounds per day, before the chang-e was made, to 2,338 pounds afterward. These two instances are valuable in showing " the g-ood of an indicator." Items of Information to be Obtained by the Use of the Indicator. The arrang-ement of the valves for admission, cut-off, release and compression of steam. The adequacy of the ports and passages for admission and exhaust; and when applied to the steam chest, the adequacy of the steam pipes. The suitableness of the valve motion in point of rapidity at the right time. The quantity of power developed in the cyl- inder, and the quantity lost in various ways: by wire drawing, by back pressure, by premature release, by mal-adjustment of valves, leakage, etc. It is useful to the designers of steam en- gines in showing the distribution of horizontal STEAM ENGINE. 63 pressures at the crank pin, through the momen- tum and inertia of the reciprocating- parts, and the angular distribution of the tangential component of the horizontal pressure; in other words, the rotative effect around the path of the crank. Taken in combination .with measurements of feed water and the condensation and measure- ment of the exhaust steam, with the amount of fuel used, the indicator furnishes many other items of importance when the economical genera- tion and use of steam are considered. For every one of these purposes it is import- ant that the diagram traced by the indicator should truly represent the path of the piston and the pressure exerted on both sides of the piston at every point of that path. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. The degree of excellence to which steam engines of the present time have been brought is due more to the use of theindicator than to any other cause, as a careful study of indicator diagrams taken under different conditions of load, pressure, etc., is the only means of becom- ing familiar with the action of steam in an engine, and of gaining a definite knowledge of the vari- ous changes of pressure that take place in the cylinder. An indicator diagram is the result of two movements, namely: a horizontal movement of the paper in exact correspondence with the movement of the piston, and a vertical move- ment of the pencil in exact ratio to the pressure exerted in the cylinder of the engine; con- sequently, it represents by its length the stroke 64 INDICATING THE of the engine on a reduced scale, and by its height at any point, the pressure on the piston at a corresponding- point in the stroke. The shape of the diagram depends altogether upon the manner in which the steam is admitted to and released from the cylinder of the engine; the variety of shapes given from different en- gines, and by the same engine under different circumstances, is almost endless, and it is in the intelligent and careful measurement of these that the true value of the indicator is found, and no one at the present day can claim to be a competent engineer who has not become familiar with the use of the indicator, and skillful in turning to practical advantage the varied information which it furnishes. A diagram shows the pressure acting- on one side of the piston only, during both the forward and return stroke, whereon all the changes of pressure may be properly located, studied and measured. To show the corresponding press- ures on the other side of the piston, another dia- gram must be taken from the other end of the cylinder. When the three-way cock is used, the diagrams from both ends are usually taken on the same paper, as in Fig. 9. ANALYSIS OF THE DIAGRAM. The names by which the various points and lines of an indicator diagram are known and des- ignated are given below, and their significance fully explained. (See Fig. 1.) The closed figure or diagram, CD E F G H, is drawn by the indicator, and is the result of one indication from one side of the piston of an STEAM ENGINE. 65 engine. The straight line A B is also drawn by the indicator, but at a time when steam connec- tion with the engine is closed, and both sides of the indicator piston are subjected to atmospheric pressure only. The straight lines O X, O ^and/TT, when required, are drawn by hand as explained below, and may be called reference lines. Y H - B FIG. 1. DIAGRAM LINES EXPLAINED. The admission line C D shows the rise of pressure due to the admission of steam to the cylinder by the opening- of the steam valve. If the steam is admitted quickly when the engine is about on the dead center this line will be nearly vertical. The steam line D E is drawn when the steam valve is open and steam is being- admitted to the cylinder. The point of cut-off E is the point where the admission of steam is stopped by the closing of the valve. It is sometimes difficult to determine 66 INDICATING THE the exact point at which the cut-off takes place. It is usually located where outline of diagram changes its curvature from convex to concave. The expansion curve E F shows the fall in pressure as the steam in the cylinder expands behind the moving- piston of the engine. The point of release F shows when the ex- haust valve opens. The exhaust line F G represents the loss of pressure which takes place when the exhaust valve opens at or near the end of the stroke. The back pressure line ^^showsthe pressure against which the piston acts during* its return stroke. On diagrams taken from non-condens- ing engines it is either coincident with or above the atmospheric line, as in Fig. 1. On cards taken from a condensing engine, however, it is found below the atmospheric line, and at a dis- tance greater or less according to the vacuum obtained in the cylinder. The point of exhaust closure H is the point where the exhaust valve closes. It cannot be located very definitely, as the change in pressure is at first due to the gradual closing of the valve. The compression ctirve H C shows the rise in pressure due to the compression of the steam remaining in the cylinder after the exhaust valve has closed. The atmospheric line A B is a line drawn by the pencil of the indicator when its connections with the engine are closed and both sides of the piston are open to the atmosphere. This line represents on the diagram the pressure of the atmosphere, or zero of the steam gauge. STEAM ENGINE. 67 REFERENCE LINES EXPLAINED. The zero line of pressure, or line of absolute vacuum OX, is a reference line, and is drawn by hand 14 T \ pounds by the scale, below and parallel with the atmospheric line. It represents a per- fect vacuum, or absence of all pressure. The line of boiler pressure J K v& drawn by hand parallel to the atmospheric line and at a distance from it, by the scale equal to the boiler pressure shown by the steam gauge. The differ- ence in pounds between it and the line of the dia- gram D E shows the pressure which is lost after the steam has flowed through the contracted passages of the steam pipes and the ports of the engine. The clearance line O T is another reference line drawn at right angles to the atmospheric line and at a distance from the end of the dia- gram equal to the same per cent of its length as the clearance bears to the piston travel or dis- placement. The distance between the clearance line and the end of the diagram represents the volume of the clearance and waste room of the ports and passages at that end of the cylinder. DERANGED VALVE MOTION. Fig. 2 shows two diagrams, one from each end of the cylinder of a single-valve high press- ure engine. This valve admits the steam over its ends and exhausts inside. The derangement is caused by the valve stem being too long; con- sequently, at the back end the diagram shows that the steam was admitted late, cut off early, exhausted early and the exhaust valve closed late, so that there is little or no compression. 68 INDICATING THE The diagram at the crank end shows the opposite defects, viz.: Steam is admitted too soon and carried too far on the stroke, the exhaust valve is opened too late and closed too soon to get the steam well out of the cylinder, causing 1 excessive back pressure even greater than the boiler pressure as shown by the loop at the top. To remedy this derangement, the valve stem should be shortened by the screw threads at one end. It may then be found that the steam valve FIG. 2. opens a little too late at both ends, and it will therefore be necessary to turn the eccentric ahead on the shaft until both diagrams resemble the figures shown in the heaviest lines. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT AND TECHNICAL TERMS. All substances of whatever nature are meas- urable, and their measurements are referable to some established unit, to be properly ex- pressed and dealt with. An intimate knowledge of some of these is indispensable to the engineer; a few are here briefly defined: The unit of linear measurement is the inch or one-twelfth part of a foot. STEAM ENGINE. 69 The unit of superficial measurement is the square inch. The unit of so lid measurement'^ the cubic inch. The unit of fluid pressure is the pound avoir- dupois, consisting of 7,000 grains. The unit of elasticity, or the pressure exerted by elastic fluids, is, for popular use, one pound on one square inch. The unit of work or power is one pound lifted twelve inches, or in other words, one pound of force acting- through one foot of distance, and is called the foot-pound. Horse Power. The standard used for meas- uring- the power of a steam engine is the horse power. It was originally determined by James Watt from experiments made on London dray horses. It is considerably above the power of an ordinary horse and is now simply an arbitrary standard. It is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds ex- erted during- one minute of time, or 550 foot- pounds during- one second. As a foot-pound is the amount of work done in raising one pound through the distance of one foot, an equivalent amount of work would be raising half a pound two feet, or twelve pounds one inch. Indicated horse power is the horse power of an engine as found by the use of a steam engine indicator, and is thus expressed: I. H. P. Net horse power is the indicated horse power of an engine, less the horse power which is con- sumed in overcoming its own friction. Wire drawing, as applied to steam, is the re- ducing of its pressure, due to its flowing through restricted or crooked pipes and passages. Absolute pressure is pressure reckoned from 70 INDICATING THE absolute vacuum; in other words, it is the press- ure of any fluid as shown by a pressure gauge, with the weight or pressure of the atmosphere added thereto. Initial forward pressure in a cylinder is the pressure acting on the piston at or near the beginning of the forward stroke. Terminal forward pressure is the pressure above the line of perfect vacuum that would exist at the end of the stroke if the steam had not been released earlier. It may be found by continuing the expansion curve to the end of the diagram, as in Fig. 1 at F, or it may be taken at the point of release. This pressure is always measured from the line of perfect vacuum, hence it is the absolute terminal pressure. Mean effective pressure is the average of all the steam pressure which acts on one side of the piston to move it forward, less all the steam pressure which acts on the other side of the piston to retard it. It is expressed thus : M. E. P. Piston displacement is the space in the cylin- der swept through by the piston in its travel. It is reckoned in cubic inches, and is found by multiplying the net area of the piston in inches, by the length of stroke in inches, allowance being made for the piston rod. Clearance is all the waste room or space at either end of the cylinder, between its head and the piston when on a dead center, including the counterbore and the ports, up to the face of the closed valves. Sensible heat is the temperature of any body, as air, water or steam, which may be measured by the thermometer. STEAM ENGINE. 71 Specific heat is the quantity of heat required to raise one unit of weight of the substance through one degree of temperature, measured in thermal units.- When the pressure remains constant Regnault found the specific heat for superheated steam to be 0.4805 of a thermal unit. The unit of heat, or thermal unit, is the quan- tity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 62 to 63 F. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. It has been found by experiment that if one pound of pure water at 62 F. be raised to 63 F., that energy is exerted equivalent to lifting 778 pounds one foot high, or one pound 778 feet high. This energy is called the mechanical equivalent of one thermal unit of heat, and it is usually designated by the letter / and its reciprocal, or T fg, by A. Saturated Steam. When steam is formed in a closed vessel in contact with its own liquid, it is said to be saturated, and it will have a certain definite pressure and density corresponding to each different temperature. If, at the same time, the steam contains no liquid in suspension, it is said to be dry and saturated. Superheated Steam. If, after all the liquid has been converted into steam, more heat be added, the temperature will rise and the steam is said to be superheated, because its tempera- ture will be greater than that corresponding to saturated steam of the same pressure. The amount of superheating will vary according to the conditions under which it occurs that is to say, whether the volume of the containing vessel varies or remains constant. 72 INDICATING THE CHAPTER II. HOW AND WHERE TO ATTACH THE INDICATOR. The indicator should be attached close to the cylinder whenever practicable, especially on high speed engines. If pipes must be used they should not be smaller than half an inch in diame- ter, and as short and direct as possible ; if long- pipes are needed they should be slightly larger than half an inch, and covered with a non-con- ducting material. FIG. 3. Diagrams should be taken from both ends of the cylinder of an engine. If the diagram from one end is satisfactory it is not safe to assume that one taken at the other end will be equally so; it is often otherwise, owing to the varying conditions usually found; the lengths of thor- oughfares, the points of valve opening and clos- ing, and the lead, are variable and should be carefully adjusted to secure the best results, and this can only be done through the instrumen- tality of an indicator. When only one indicator is employed, it is generally attached to a three-way cock (Fig. 3), STEAM ENGINE. 73 which is located midway in the line of pipe, con- necting- the holes at either end of the cylinder; by this arrangement diagrams can be taken from either end simply by turning- the handle of the three-way cock. In such a case, the second diagram should be taken as quickly as possible after the first, so as to be under like conditions of speed, pressure and load. The indicator can be used in a horizontal posi- tion, but it is more convenient to take diagrams when it is in a vertical position, and this can gen- erally be -obtained, when attaching to a vertical engine, by using a short pipe with a quarter up- ward bend. No putty or red lead should be used in making any joints, as particles of it may be carried by the steam into the indicator, and great harm result therefrom ; if a screw fits loosely, wind into the threads a little cotton waste, which will make a steam tight joint. The indicator should never be set so as to communicate with thoroughfares where a current of steam will jlow past the orifice leading to the indicator, as the diagrams taken under such conditions would be of no practical value. The cylinders of most modern steam engines are drilled and tapped for the indicator and have plugs screwed into the holes, which can readily be removed and the proper indicator connections inserted. But when this is not the case, the engineer should be competent to do it under the directions here given. When drilling holes in the cylinder the heads should be removed if convenient, so that one may know the exact position of the piston, the size of ports and passages, and be able to remove (6) 74 INDICATING THE every chip or particle of grit which might other- wise do harm in the cylinder or be carried into the indicator and injure it. When the heads can- not be taken off, it can be arranged so that a little steam may be let into the cylinder, when the drill has nearly penetrated its shell, so that the chips may be blown outward, care being taken not to scald the operator. Each end of the cylinder should be drilled and tapped for one-half-inch pipe thread. The holes must always be drilled into the clearance space, at points beyond the range of the piston when at the end of the stroke, so as not to be ob- structed by it, and away from steam passages, to avoid strong currents of steam. By placing the engine on a dead center, it is easy to tell how much clearance there is, and the hole should be drilled into the middle of this space; the same process should be repeated at theotherendof the cylinder. On horizontal engines the most common prac- tice is to drill and tap holes in the side of the cylinder at each end, and insert short half-inch pipes with quarter upward bends, into which the indicator cocks may be screwed ; on some hori- zontal engines it may be more convenient to drill and tap into the top of the cylinder at each end, and screw the cocks directly into the holes. On vertical engines, for the upper end of the cylinder the cock may be screwed into the upper head or cover, and for the lower end, into the side of the cylinder, after drilling and tapping the necessary hole. It is preferable to drill the holes in the sides of a cylinder rather than the heads, because the former gives better results and requires less pipe and fittings. STKAM ENGINE. 75 Before deciding- just where to drill the holes it is wise to consider all the conditionsof the case and devise the whole plan for indicating 1 the engine. Sometimes a drum motion can be erected more advantag-eousry in one place or position in the engine room than another, or one kind may be better adapted for a given place than another. Again, the type of engine and position of the steam chest, the kind of cross-head and the best means for attaching to it, the position of the eccentric, its rods and connections, -all should be taken into account when determining- the best places to drill the cylinder and locate the indica- tor, in order to secure a proper connection with the reducing motion, a perfectly free passag-e for steam to the indicator and the most convenient access to the instrument for taking diagrams. 76 INDICATING THK CHAPTER III. THE DRUM MOTION. The motion of the paper drum may be derived from any part of the engine which has a move- ment coincident with that of the piston. In general practice and in a large majority of cases the cross-head is chosen as being- the most relia- ble and convenient part, and for this purpose it is drilled and tapped for an iron stud or pin to be screwed in to it. This stud should be long- enough, in most cases, to reach about six inches beyond the outer surface of the cyl- inder. The movement of the cross-head must be reduced from whatever it actually is, to about three inches, or the leng-th of the diagram to be taken, FlG - 4 - and this reduced motion must be in exact ratio to the motion of the piston. To obtain this reduced motion a variety of means may be employed, any one of which calls forth the ingenuity and skill of the engineer. The reducing lever in some one of its various forms is easily made, and can be adapted to suit almost any conditions. The slotted lever (Fig. 4) is a common form of this device, and answers very well for large STEAM ENGINE. 77 and quick running- engines. It should be made of straight grained pine, one inch or more in thickness, about six inches wide at the top, where there is a hole for a bolt, and tapering- to four inches at the bottom, where there is a slot about six inches long- and of the same width as the diameter of stud in the cross-head, which gives it a vibrating motion. This lever is suspended by a bolt from the ceiling or from a truss or frame overhead prepared for that purpose, in such a manner as to permit it to swing edgewise and parallel with the guides. It must hang plumb when the stud in the cross-head is in the slot and the piston is at mid- c stroke; in this position the slot should extend an inch or more above the stud, for play. To find the point at which to attach the cord, divide the length of the lever by the length of the piston stroke, and multiply the quotient by the required length of the dia- gram, and the product will be the proper distance from the pivot to the point of attachment. The slotted lever with a cord arm, which can be set at any desired angle to the main lever, is shown in Fig. 5. This is a convenient device when it is found necessary to attach the reduc- ing motion to the floor, which may be done by fastening down with lag screws or bolts a suit- able piece of timber, to which the lever is pivoted, so that it will vibrate edgewise with the move- ment of the engine. It may also be attached FIG. 5. 78 INDICATING THE overhead in the same manner as the plain slotted lever. The lever must stand plumb when the piston is at mid-stroke, at which time the cord arm, a, must be fixed at such an angle as to have the cord, c, draw at right angles to its longitu- dinal axis, and in the plane of its vibration; the direction of the cord may have any necessary angle with horizontal line, but it must be at right angles with the cord arm at mid-stroke. The point of attach- ment for the cord is found by the same arithmetical rule as given for Fig. 4. The Brumbo pul- ley, shown in Fig. 6, is another form of reducing lever, and one more generally used by engineers, especially on loco- { 1 motives. It can be FIG. 6. quickly and cheaply made, and can be used on almost any engine. The swinging lever, E, is a strip of pine board three or four inches wide, and at least one and a half times as long as the piston stroke. It is sus- pended by a bolt or screw from a frame or truss overhead, constructed for that purpose, and is connected at its lower end by the wooden link, F, of convenient length (say about one-half the length of stroke) to the usual stud or pin at- tached to the cross-head. The sector, S, also made of wood, with a groove in its lower circular STEAM ENGINE. 79 edge for the cord to run in, is screwed to the upper end of the pendulum, so that its center will exactly coincide with the center of the bolt on which it swing's. The radius of the sector, which is necessary to give the proper motion to the drum to obtain the desired length of the diagram, can be found as follows: Divide the length of the lever by the length of the piston stroke, and multiply the quotient by the length of the diagram desired, and the product will be the required radius, all the terms being expressed in inches. For example: If the lever is thirty inches long and the piston stroke twenty inches, and we wish to obtain a diagram three inches long, we have 30 inches -*- 20 inches = 1> inches; 1>2 inches X 3 inches 4j^ inches, the radius required to give a 3-inch diagram. When the conditions are favorable, the lever should be hung so that it will swing in a vertical plane, parallel with the guides and in line with the indicator, as this arrangement is the most simple, and the use of guide pulleys is avoided. It is not absolutely necessary, however, that the lever shall swing in a vertical plane, but it may swing in a plane at any angle thereto, where the conditions require it. In such cases, a man's ingenuity and inventive faculty must aid him. A link made of a thin strip of steel, that will twist a little, is in some cases very convenient. When the cross-head is at mid-stroke the lever must hang plumb, and the pin which connects its lower end to the link must be as much below the line of motion of the stud in the cross-head H, as it sweeps above that line at either end of the stroke. See cut for illustration of this point, 80 INDICATING THE which is important. The cord must lead from the sector in about the same plane with its swing*. Carrying pulleys should be avoided whenever possible, but whatever number is necessary should be firmly placed. The swing-ing- arm of the guide pulley on the indicator should always be adjusted in the direction from which the cord is received. Some engines are furnished with a drum motion of this kind, made of steel with nicely fitted joints, which can be readily attached to the engine, and are very convenient to use. FIG. 7. The pantograph, illustrated in Fig. 7, is another style of reducing motion. Although theoretically it gives a perfect motion, owing to its many joints it may soon become shaky and give erroneous results, unless it is very nicely made and carefully used. When the indicator is applied to the side of the cylinder the panto- graph works in a horizontal plane. The pivot end B rests on a post or other support set opposite to the middle of the guides, and the working end A receives motion from the cross-head to which STEAM ENGINE. 81 it is attached by a suitable iron with a hole drilled in it for the stud A to work in. By ad j usting the support for the pivot end to the proper height and at a proper distance from the guides, the cord may be carried directly from the pin E to the indicator without the need of carrying- pulleys. The reducing -wheel is another device for giv- ing the proper motion to the paper drum. Al- though old in principle, and as formerly made not highly approved by experienced engineers, this style is now coming- into more g-eneral use, and the superior manner in which it is desig-ned and constructed seems to warrant this chang-e especially on short-stroke engines which re- quire only a short cord. Its portability and con- venience of application also tend to make it a favorite, especially with young engineers. It is usually clamped to the frame of the engine, in a direct line from the indicator to the stud in the cross-head, thus avoiding the need of guide pul- leys. This is considered the only practical drum motion for an oscillating engine. Whatever drum motion mechanism is used, its accuracy can be easily tested in the following manner : Lay off on the guides, points at one- quarter, one-half and three-quarters of the stroke. Connect the indicator with the drum mo- tion in the same manner as for taking diagrams. When the cross-head is on either dead center, touch the pencil to the paper and make a vertical mark, and in the same way make vertical marks when the cross-head reaches each successive quarter point on the guides. If the marks are exactly at fourths on the card, the motion of the cross-head has been accurately reduced. 82 INDICATING THE The directions here given for constructing and arranging- drum motions are general; special cases may require modification of the forms and special adaptation of the means here described, all of which call forth the ingenuity and skill of the engineer. Fig. 8 X shows a pantograph device at mid- stroke. This is made of bar iron nicely riveted together. The indicator cord may be attached at b. The end a is attached to a pin on the cross-head. The fixed fulcrum is at c. a, b and c must always lie in the same straight line, and e d, b n, par- allel and equal to f g. Also, af : nf= stroke of piston to length of indicator diagram. Fig. 8 Y is a device used at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. f\<$> a rod mov- ing in a slide parallel to the piston rod. Link b d is at- tached toy, and link a e to the cross-head. , b and c must always lie in the same straightline. stroke of piston to length of indi- cator diagram. The cord is hook- ed on a pin at^; it is well to have a pin for each indi- cator used. STEAM ENGINE. 83 Fig-. 8 Z is a device by Armand Stevart for long- strokes, a and b are fixed ends of cord wrapped around pulley D. Indicator cord is attached to small pulley d and passes around g-uide pulley e. D and <^are attached to cross- head. Dia. D -*- dia. d = stroke piston -*- the difference between stroke of piston and leng-th of card. 84 INDICATING THE CHAPTER IV. HOW TO TAKE DIAGRAMS. When the indicator has been placed in posi- tion and a correct drum motion obtained, it is next necessary to adjust the length of the cord so that the drum will not strike the stops at either ex- treme of its rotation. Find about the length of cord required and make a loop at the end, so that when the hook on the short piece of cord connected with the indicator is hooked in, the cord will be a little too long. Take up the extra length by tying knots in the cord until the drum rotates without striking either stop. This method may seem rather primitive, but it has been adopted by many of our best engineers after trying the various devices for shortening the cord. The paper or card should be wrapped smoothly around the drum ; have the two lower edges come evenly together as they meet after being passed under the clip; when in this posi- tion, the paper may be slipped down as far as the shoulder in the clip; a little practice will en- able one to do this with facility. After the cord is adjusted and a paper wrapped on the drum, open the indicator cock and allow the piston to play until the instrument has been thoroughly warmed by the steam, then gently press the pencil on the paper by the wooden handle. After the pencil has remained on the paper during one or more revolutions, draw it back, close the cock and again gently STEAM ENGINE. 85 press the pencil on the paper and take the at- mospheric line. The pressure of the pencil on the paper can be adjusted by screwing- the handle in or out, so that when it strikes the stop there will be just enough pressure on the pencil to give a distinct fine line. The line should not be heavy, as the friction necessary to draw such a line is sufficient to cause errors in the diagram. After the diagram has been taken disconnect the cord, to avoid any unnecessary wear on the drum. On locomotives and engines, the speed of which is so great that it is difficult to hook in the loop, arrangements can easily be made so this will not have to be done. At the further end of the arc on the Brumbo pulley insert an ordinary screw eye. Drive another screw eye firmly into a small hole drilled in the center of the end of the bolt on which the bar swings. The cord from the indicator can then be carried through the eye at the end of the arc, and then through the eye in the end of the bolt and back to some conven- ient point near the instrument where it can be easily reached by the operator. Connect the cord with the instrument and draw it through the eyes until the drum will not strike the stops at its extreme positions. Then at the point of the cord just before the eye at the end of the arc, tie a small ring. When the cord is drawn taut by the operator, the ring stops the cord when it has been drawn through just enough to give the proper motion to the drum. As soon as the diagram and atmospheric line have been taken, slacken the cord and the drum will stop. This 86 INDICATING THE arrangement is very convenient on locomotives, as the cord can be drawn taut with one hand while the diagram is taken with the other. Make notes on the card of as many of the fol- lowing- facts as possible: The day and hour of taking- the diagram; the kind of engine from which the diagram is taken, which end of the cylinder and which engine, if one of a pair ; the diameter of the cylinder, the leng-th of the stroke, the diameter of the piston rod, the number of revolutions per minute and the position of the throttle; the atmospheric pressure; the steam pressure at the boiler and at the engine, by the g-aug-e ; the vacuum by the g-aug-e on condenser and the temperature of the feed at the boiler; if the engine is compound, the pressure in the re- ceiver; the scale of the spring- used in the indi- cator; the volume of the clearance at each end of the cylinder, and what per cent of the piston displacement each of these volumes is. (Direc- tions for ascertaining- the volume of the clearance and what per cent that volume is of the piston displacement, are given on pag-es 97 to 100.) It is often useful to make notes of special circumstances of importance, such as a descrip- tion of the boiler, the diameter and leng-th of the steam and exhaust pipes, the temperature of the feed water, the quantity of water consumed per hour, etc. On a locomotive, note the time of passag-e between mile posts in minutes and seconds, from which, when the diameter of the drivers is known, the number of revolutions per minute may be calculated. Note also the position of the throttle and the link, the size of the blast STEAM ENGINE. 87 s a ^ i8 ^ 8 R s; g .9 r ^> ^> I Co 'So is " !: $* r* r ^ O ^ ,;2 rt ^ v> ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 5-i _i OJ S O C C rt cti rt 3 3 3 O 5 rt ct u > rt ^ e ^ ^ e G V be .2 .2 orifice, the weight of the train, and the gradient. On diagrams from marine engines, note, in addition to the general facts, the speed of the 88 INDICATING THE ship in knots per hour, the direction and force of the wind, the direction and state of the sea, the diameter and pitch of the screw, the kind of coal, the amount consumed, and the ashes made per hour. STEAM ENGINE. 89 CHAPTER V. HOW TO FIND THE POWER OF AN ENGINE. To find the power actually exerted within the cylinder of a steam engine, it is necessary to ascertain separately three factors and the product of their continued multiplication. These factors are: The net area of the piston, designated by the letter a; the mean velocity or speed of the piston, designated by 5; and the mean effective pressure urging- the piston forward, desig-nated by M. E. P. The Piston Area. This, at the back end, is the same as the area of cross-section of the cyl- inder; at the crank end it is the same, less the area of cross-section of the piston rod. These areas may be found from their diameters in a table of the areas of circles, or be computed by multiplying- the square of the diameter in inches by the approximate number 0.7854. The Mean Piston Speed. The mean of the constantly varying- speed of the piston is found by multiplying- twice the leng-th of the stroke measured in feet, by the number of revolutions of the crank shaft per minute, which should be carefully ascertained by taking- the mean of many counting's, or the reading's of a speed counter during- a considerable time. The mean piston speed will be expressed in terms of feet per minute. 7^he Mean Effective Pressure. There are several approximate methods for computing- the mean effective pressure, one of which is to 90 INDICATING THB divide the diagram into ten equal parts, as shown in Fig*. 9. Then through the points of division draw lines, which are called ordinates, at right angles to the atmospheric line. The mean heights or pressures of the small areas thus formed are indicated by the dotted lines midway between the ordinates. The mean effective pressure of the whole (of each) diagram may now be found by measuring (on the dotted lines) the mean pressure in each of the small areas with the scale corresponding to the spring used in taking the diagram. FIG. 9. Diagrams from Hartford engine. Cylinder, 16X24 inches. Boiler pressure, 87 pounds. Vacuum per gauge, 23 l / 2 inches. 130 revolutions per minute. The sum of these mean pressures, divided by 10, the number of divisions, will give the mean effective pressure sought, in pounds per square inch. If a diagram has many irregularities of out- line, it may be necessary to divide it into twenty equal divisions to insure a correct measurement of the pressures; in such a case we divide the sum of the pressures by 20 instead of 10. In STEAM ENGINE. 91 other cases, when irregularities occur only in a part of a diagram, it is only necessary to subdi- vide one or more of the ten divisions to insure greater accuracy in that part; in such case we must measure the pressure in each subdivision and divide their sum by 2 to get the mean press- ure of that division. (See Fig. 11 for a full illus- tration of this method.) If the scale is not at hand the heights of the divisions may be pricked or marked off on a strip of paper, one after the other continuously until all are measured; then the distance from the end FIG. 10. of the strip to the last mark will represent the sum of all the measurements, which can be measured in inches with an ordinary rule. This quantity, divided by the number of divisions in the diagram or diagrams, if there are two and multiplied by the scale of the spring used, will give the average of mean effective pressure, the same as by the other method. When there is a loop in the diagram, as in Fig. 10, the area inclosed in the loop should be sub- tracted from the other part, as it represents loss of efficiency. The quickest and most accurate method for 92 INDICATING THE measuring' the diagram and finding the mean effective pressure is by the use of Amsler's Polar planimeter. With careful manipulation, the planimeter will give the exact area of a diagram in square inches and decimal parts thereof, to hundredths of a square inch, and the tedious process of dividing- the diagram into equal parts and measuring their average press- ures or heights, with the liability of making errors, is avoided. Measure the diagram with the planimeter, as directed in Chapter VII. Divide the number of square inches area thus found by the length of the diagram, expressed in inches and decimals, and the result will be the average heig"ht of the dia- gram. Multiply this average height by the scale corresponding to the spring used in taking the diagrams, and the result will be the mean effective pressure. It is better to multiply first and divide afterward, to avoid troublesome frac- tions. (A description of the planimeter and full directions for its use on indicator diagrams are given in Chapter VII, Part II, and Chapters X and XI, Part III.) Fig. 11 illustrates two diagrams divided first into ten equal spaces, and then each end space subdivided so as to more accurately measure those parts of each in which the greatest irreg- ularities occur. Observe that the pressures or heights of the subdivisions of each end space are measured, and the sum of these measure- ments divided by 2 to get the mean pressure or height of that one of the ten spaces. The pressures of Diagram No. 1, as meas- ured by the scale, are set in a column on the left, STEAM ENGINE. 93 DIAGRAM No. 1 Pressures. DIAGRAM No. 2 Pressures. FIG. 11. HEIGHTS OF DIVISIONS MEASURED ON A STRIP OF PAPER. DIAGRAM No. 1. DIAGRAM No. 2. 10)11.95 in. Divide by 10 10)11.93 in. 1.195 50 M.E.P. 59.750 Multiply by proper scale. 1.193 50 M. E. P. 59.650 PLANIMETER MEASUREMENTS. DIAGRAM No. 1. DIAGRAM No. 2. Square inches, 4.42 Square inches, 4.46 Length, 3.72 Length, 3.73 Average height, 1.188 Average height, 1.195 M. E. P. 59.4 Ibs. M. E. P. 59.75 Ibs. 94 INDICATING THE while those of No. 2 are set in a column on the right. The sum of each column divided by 10 gives the M. E. P. of that diagram. The heights of Diagram No. 1, marked off on a slip of paper continuously, measure 11.93 inches, while those of No. 2 measure 11.95 inches; these quantities, divided by 10 and mul- tiplied by 50, give the M. E. P. of each diagram respectively, and if accurately measured, will be the same as found by the scale. These diagrams, when measured by the planimeter, give results which are substantially the same as found by the approximate methods. These results are given at the bottom of page 93 with Fig. 11. Having now obtained, by one of the several methods given above, our three factors men- tioned at the beginning of this chapter, viz.: a = mean net area of piston in square inches. 5 = mean speed of piston in feet per minute. p = mean effective pressure in pounds on each square inch of the piston the product of their continued multiplication will give the indi- cated power of the engine in foot-pounds per minute; and this product divided by 33,000, which is the conventional number of foot-pounds in one horse power, will give a quotient equal to the indicated power of the engine in indicated horse power, commonly designated by the initial letters I. H. P. Thus : I. H. P. = ^X_X/ or as P 33,000 33.. 000 When there are a number of diagrams taken from the same engine to be worked up, the cal- culations may be simplified by multiplying the STEAM ENGINE. 95 area of the piston by twice the length of the stroke, and dividing- the result by 33,000. This gives the "constant of the engine," that is, the power that would be developed at one revolution per minute with one pound mean effective press- ure. Multiply this constant by the number of revolutions per minute, and then by the mean effective pressure, and the product will be the I. H. P. If the number of revolutions is the same for several diagrams, as is frequently the case with stationary engines, the calculation may be still further simplified by multiplying 1 the "constant of the engine" by the number of revolutions per minute. This will give the "horse power constant, " or the horse power developed per pound M. YJ. P. Multiply the horse power constant by the M. E. P., and the product will be the indicated horse power (I. H. P.). 96 INDICATING THK CHAPTER VI. THE HYPERBOLIC CURVE. This curve is frequently applied to indicator diagrams for the purpose of comparing- it with the expansion curve as drawn by the indicator, and if it coincides very nearly, this fact may generally be taken as evidence tending- to show that the steam and exhaust valves of the engine are properly closed and the piston tight. Without going into any discussion regarding condensation and re-evaporation in steam engine cylinders, it is a well known fact that indicator diagrams, taken from large engines, properly made and in good order, show expansion curves which are close approximations to the hyperbola. Before this curve can be drawn, it is neces- sary to ascertain the capacity of the clearance or waste room; that is, all the space between the cylinder heads and the piston at each dead cen- ter, including the counterbore and the ports up to the face of the closed valves. There are several ways of finding this: One, by direct calculation from sectional drawings, when accurate drawings can be obtained; another, by putting the engine at dead center with valves closed, and then filling the clearance space with water, which has been carefully weighed in a convenient vessel, then weighing what is left; and the difference between the weight of the whole and the remainder is the weight of water required to fill the clearance space. From this the number of cubic inches STKAM KNGINE. 97 occupied by the water may be computed. At ordinary temperatures (60 to 75 F.), for all practical purposes, we may call the weight of one cubic inch of water 0.036 pounds, and 27.8 cubic inches of water equal to one pound. Then the number of pounds of water, divided by 0.036 or multiplied by 27.8, will give the number of cubic inches. If accurate scales for weig-hing- the water are not at hand, it can be carefully measured in a quart or pint measure, and the number of cubic inches found directly. A g-allon contains 231 cubic inches, a quart 57.75 and a pint 28.875 cubic inches. The volume of the clearance will rarely be alike at the two ends of the cylinder, therefore the number of cubic inches in the clearance at each end must be divided by the net area of the piston at its own end; that is, the number of cubic inches in the clearance at the end nearest the crank must be divided by the number of square inches in the cross-section of the cyl- inder, less the number of square inches in the cross-section of the piston-rod; and the number of cubic inches in the clearance at the end farthest from the crank must be divided by the number of square inches in the cross-section of the cylinder. The quotient in each case will be the leng-th of clearance at the respective ends of the cylinder, expressed in inches. It is convenient to have the leng-th of the clearance expressed as a fraction of the piston displacement or stroke of the piston. To ob- tain this fraction, divide the number of cubic inches in volume of clearance by the number of cubic inches in the volume swept through by the 98 INDICATING THE piston at each end separately, taking* care to allow for the volume occupied at one end by the piston rod, and the quotient will be the decimal fraction that the clearance space is of the volume swept throug-h by the piston. In this instance (Fig-. 12) it is found to be .16 inches. Fig 1 . 12 illustrates a g"ood method for locating- points in the hyperbola throug-h which the curve may be drawn. First, draw the zero line V, at the proper Id -- v -- V- _^__ -- \i __ \f __ L _ U - -- ^Length of2jta.gro.7n 3.90 FiG. 12. distance, viz., 14-jV pounds by the scale below and parallel with the atmospheric line; next, draw the clearance line O, as computed, .16 of an inch from the end of the diagram; next, locate the point of cut-off X, and draw the perpen- dicular line number 3 through it; next, divide the space between this line and the clearance line into three equal parts; then, taking- one of these parts for a measure, point off, on the vacuum line, equal spaces toward the left hand until one or more falls beyond the end of the STEAM ENGINE. 99 diagram as shown, and erect perpendicular lines from each point. These lines are called ordioates and numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., beginning- with the one next to the clearance line. It is well to bear in mind the fact that vertical distance on a diagram represents press- ure, and horizontal distance volume. In this case we have started the hyperbola from the point of cut-off X, and its course is indicated by the short lines drawn throug-h the ordinates a little above the actual curve, with their calculated pressures written above; the actual pressures of the expansion curve are written below it. The properties of the hyper- bola are such, that if the distance of the point Jf from the clearance line O be multiplied by the heig-ht of X from the zero line V, the heig-ht of any other point in the curve can be found by dividing- this product by its distance from the clearance line. And on this principle we proceed to locate points on the ordinates throug-h which our hyperbola will run. We find the pressure at the point of cut-off to be 121 pounds, with a volume which we call 3, because there are three spaces or volumes between it and the clearance line. Then, 121 X 3 = 363, which is our dividend for all the other volumes. Therefore the height at which the hyperbola will cut ordinate 4 will be determined by dividing- 363 by 4, which is 90.8 (it is un- necessary to carry the division beyond one deci- mal), and of ordinate 5, 72.6; of ordinate 6, 60.5; and so on to the end. At ordinate 12 we find that the hyperbolic and the actual curves practi- cally coincide. In like manner we may extend 100 INDICATING THE the curve to the right: 363 -*- 2 = 181 pounds, which would be the pressure if the steam were compressed up to two volumes. If desired, the hyperbolic curve can be started just before the point of release, and projected in the op- posite direction by the same method. Instead of using- figures, which stand for pressures or volumes of steam, to locate the hyperbola, as in this instance, the distances from the base and perpendicular lines of any point may be expressed in inches and decimal parts, with the same result. A quick way to draw the hyperbola is to take the whole distance between ordinate 3 and the clearance line as a measure, and set off equal spaces to the left, as before directed. Then we would have but four ordinates, and would num- ber them as follows: 1 at 3d, 2 at 6th, 3 at 9th and 4 at 12th. At 1 we would have a pressure of 121 pounds; at 2, 121 pounds -*- 2 = 60.5; at 3, 121 pounds -* 3 = 40; and at 4, 121 pounds * 4 = 30. As a general rule, the near approximation of the expansion curve to the theoretical or hyper- bolic curve may be taken as evidence of good conditions, but should not be accepted for a cer- tainty, unless all the known facts and conditions tend in the same direction. GEOMETRIC METHOD OF FINDING THE HYPERBOLA. The hyperbola may be found by following the directions given below, in connection with Fig. 13. A is the atmospheric line; Zthe zero line, or line of no pressure; B the line of boiler pressure, and C the clearance line. Locate the STEAM ENGINE. 101 first point in the hyperbola at the point of release, X, and draw the vertical line, X E. Then draw diagonal line EH; then, from X, draw horizontal FIG. 13. line 5 to its intersection with EH, through which draw vertical line, F O. Now, mark off points between and E, as 1, 2, 3, 4 exact spacing is unnecessary and from these points draw di- agonal lines to H, and vertical lines down to, or ^-^. ^-inch area pis- ton, doubles the capacity of each spring-, thereby adapting- the indicator for indicating- pressures up to 500 pounds. From the above it will be seen that when an indicator is furnished with the regular ^2 -inch area piston, and an extra %'-inch area piston in addition, the instrument can be used to indicate all pressures from to 500 pounds. This indicator is constructed of steel for ammonia compressor work. FIG. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 133 CHAPTER VI. THE TABOR INDICATOR. The special peculiarity of the Tabor indicator lies in the means employed to communicate a straig-ht line movement to the pencil. This and other features of the instrument are shown in the appended cuts, and these are so clear that little explanation is needed. A stationary plate containing* a curved slot is firmly secured in an upright position to the cover of the steam cylin- der. This slot serves as a guide and controls the motion of the pencil bar. The side of the pencil bar carries a roller which turns on a pin, and this fitted so as to roll freely from end to end of the slot with little lost motion. The cur ve of the the slot is so adjusted and the pin attached to such a point, that the end of the pencil bar, which carries the pencil, moves up and down in a straight line, when the roller is removed from one end of the slot to the other. The curve of the slot just compensates the tendency of the pencil point to move in a circular arc, and a straight-line motion results. The pencil mechanism is carried by the cover of the outside cylinder. The cover proper is sta- tionary, but a nicely fitted swivel plate, which ex- tends over nearly the whole of the cover, is provid- ed, and to this plate the direct attachment of the pencilmechanismismade. By means of the swivel plate, the pencil mechanism may be turned so as to bring* the pencil into contact with the paper drum, as is done in the act of taking a diagram. 134 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. The pencil mechanism is attached to the swivel by means of the vertical plate containing the slot, which has been referred to, and a small standard placed on the opposite side of the swivel for connecting- the back link. The slotted plate is backed by another plate of similar size, which serves to receive the pressure brought to bear on the pencil bar when taking- diagrams, and to keep the pencil bar in place. The pencil mechan- ism consists of three pieces: The pencil bar, the FIG. 14. back link and the piston rod link. The two links are parallel with each other in every position they may assume. The lower pivots of these links and the pencil point are always in the same straig-ht line. If an imaginary link be supposed to connect the two in such a manner as to be par- allel with the pencil bar, the combination would form an exact pantograph. The slot and roller serve the purpose of this imaginary link. The connection between the piston and the OF CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 135 pencil mechanism is made by means of a steel piston rod. At the upper end, where it passes through the cover, it is hollow and has an outside diameter measuring- three-sixteenths of an inch. At the lower end it is solid and its diameter is reduced. It connects with the piston througti a ball and socket joint. The socket forms an in- dependent piece, which fits into a square hole in the center of the pis- ton, and is fastened by means of a central stem provided with a screw, which passes through the hole and receives a nut ap- plied from the under side. The nut has a flat sided head, so as to be readily oper- ated by the fingers. A number of shallow grooves are cut upon the outside of the piston, to serve as a so called water packing 1 . Purchasers of indicators have many import- ant points to consider carefully before buying- an instrument of such precision as an indicator should be, to be reliable. One of the most im- portant features of an indicator is the parallel motion. It is one that has engrossed the atten- tion of leading- engineers and inventors for the past quarter of a century : that the correctness of the parallel motion of the Tabor indicator is such that at all times and at every point on a diagram within the reacH of the pencil point, the FIG. 15. 136 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. extreme end of the pencil bar will record a ver- tical travel or movement of just five times that of the indicator piston. The spring's used in the Tabor indicator are of the duplex type, being 1 made of two spiral coils of wire with fitting's, as shown in the cut. The springs are so mounted that the points of connection of the two coils lie on opposite sides of the fitting. This arrangement equalizes the side strain on the spring, and keeps the piston central in the cylinder, avoiding the excessive friction caused by a single coil spring forcing the piston against the side of the cylinder. The thread by which the spring is attached is cut on the inside of the fitting, and suitable threaded projections on the under side of the cover and on the upper side of the piston, respectively, are provided for its attachment. The springs are adjusted under steam press- ure, and are, consequently, correct only when used for steam engines. If required for water or other purposes, either special springs should be obtained that are adjusted with reference to the required use, or the springs should be tested at the time, and the actual scale of the spring deter- mined. It should be borne in mind that a spring becomes impaired by continued use, and its scale changes. For important work, therefore, the accuracy of the spring should always be tested by comparison on the spot with a reliable steam gauge, employing, as nearly as possible, the con- ditions under which the instrument was used. For steam work, they may be tested by attach- ing to the main steam pipe, for this purpose, a half-inch pipe fitted with a globe valve, a tee for CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 137 the attachment of the indicator, another tee for the steam gauge, and finally a small drip valve. By keeping- the drip valve slightly open and regu- lating the globe valve, any desired pressures in the apparatus can be secured. The maximum safe steam pressures above atmosphere, to which the various springs made for the indicator can be subjected, are given in the following table: Scale of Spring. Maximum Safe Pressure to Which a Spring- can be Subjected. 8 10 10 15 12 20 16 28 20 40 24 48 30 70 32 75 40 95 48 112 50 120 60 140 64 152 80 180 100 200 120 240 150 290 FIG. 16. The paper drum turns on a vertical steel shaft, secured at the lower end to the frame of the indicator. The drum is supported at the bottom by a carriage, which has a long vertical bearing on the shaft. It is guided at the top by the same shaft, which is prolonged for this pur- pose, the drum being closed in at the top and provided with a central bearing. The drum is held in place by a close fit, in the usual manner, and is easily removed by the hand when desired. Stops are provided on the inside of the drum at the bottom, with openings in the outside of the (10) 138 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. carriage to correspond, so as to prevent the drum from slipping-. These are so placed that the position of the drum may be changed so as to take diagrams in the reverse position of the pencil mechanism, when so desired. The drum is made of thin brass tubing, so as to be ex- tremely light. Suitable strength is obtained by leaving a ring of thicker metal at the bottom and by employing the closed top. Steel clips are at- tached to the drum for holding the paper. The drum carriage projects below the lower end of the drum, where it is provided with a groove for the reception of the driving cord. This groove has sufficient width for two com- plete turns of the cord. The drum spring, by which the backward movement of the drum is accomplished, consists of a flat spiral spring of the watch spring type, placed in a cavity under the drum carriage encircling the bearing. It is attached at one end to the frame below, and at the other end to the drum carriage. In its normal position the drum carriage is kept against a stop by means of the pull of the spring. The lower hub of the drum carriage rests directly on the spring case, while the opposite hub is in contact with a knurled thumb nut, screwed and pinned to the drum stud, in a position to just give a slight amount of end motion to the drum car- riage. This thumb nut also serves as a con- venient means of regulating the tension of the drum spring, as by loosening the nut that screws the spring case to the arm of the instrument, said thumb nut can be turned in either direction until the desired tension is obtained, and then again tightening the nut. CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 139 A simple form of carrier pulley serves to operate the driving- cord from any direction. A single pulley is mounted within a circular per- pendicular plate, the center of which coincides with the center of the driving- cord. This center also coincides with the circumference of the pulley. The plate can be turned about its center so as to swing- the pulley into any desired ang-ular position, and thereby lead the cord off in any de- sired direction. The plate is held by a circular frame, which serves also as a clamp, and the pulley is fixed in position by the use of the same nut which secures the frame to the pulley arm. Some of the prominent features in the design and construction of the Tabor indicator, which are noticeable to one handling the instrument, may be mentioned: The instrument is attached by means of a coupling having but one thread. It is simple, like a common pipe coupling, and is operated by simply turning it in the proper direction, without exercising that care which the use of couplings having double threads requires. The indicator cock has a stop which limits its range in either direction to full open or closed, and also has holes provided for the release of all steam that may remain between the indicator piston and cock after operating. The pressure of the pencil on the paper drum is regulated by means of a screw, which passes through a projection on the slot plate, and strikes against a small stop provided for the purpose, which stands on the frame. This screw is operated by a handle, which is of sufficient size to be readily worked by the fingers, and which 140 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. also serves as a handle for turning* the pencil mechanism back and forth, as is done in the act of taking- diagrams. The handle may be intro- duced and worked from either side, so as to use the pencil mechanism on either side of the paper drum. The end of the pencil bar is shaped in the form of a thin tube for the reception of the pencil lead or metallic marking- point. The tube is split apart on the side and yields to the slig-ht press- ure required to introduce the pencil, which can be introduced from either side, so as to mark on either side of the paper drum desired. The outside of the instrument in all its parts, excepting- the pencil bar and links composing the pencil mechanism, is nickel plated. The pencil mechanism is made of steel, hardened and drawn to a spring- temper, with blue finish. Some of the dimensions of the parts in the instrument of standard size are as follows: Diameter of piston 0.7978 inches. Diameter of paper drum 2.063 Stroke of paper drum 5.5 Height of paper drum 4. Number of times pencil mechanism multiplies piston motion 5. Rang-e of motion of pencil point 3.25 A result of the care in designing- and con- structing- these instruments is a reduction of friction to the least possible amount. CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 141 CHAPTER VII. THE IMPROVED VICTOR REDUCING WHEEL. Recent improvements in the Victor reduc- ing wheel make it near absolute perfection. Every part is made of the material best suited to the work, and each joint is so admirably fitted that its lightness, accuracy and durability are only equaled by the convenience and facility with which it may be applied to any indicator, stroke or speed. It has no gears, therefore no grating- action. The cord wheel revolves on a polished spindle. The wheel is stationary, and the guide pulley is moved across its face a dis- tance equal to the thickness of the cord for each revolution, so that the cord will wind evenly, coil to coil, no matter in what direction it is led. The improved Victor aluminum reducing wheel is made in two patterns, large and small. The only difference in these patterns lies in the diameter of the main cord wheel. The large pattern is especially intended for strokes of four feet and over, and will give perfect satisfaction on strokes of eight feet. There are several in use on high speed engines, but for this work the smaller size is recommended, and guaranteed to operate perfectly to any speed met with in practice. Both patterns are carried in stock, with special arms D, Fig. 17, to fit all makes of indicators. A feature of the Victor wheel is its extreme simplicity, and the facility with which it may be taken apart for cleaning and replacing springs. 142 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. By actual timing- the instrument has been taken apart, a spring- replaced and assembled, ready for use in three minutes. One of the most important features in a re- ducing- wheel is smooth running-. In fact, with- out it an accurate diagram cannot be secured. After many experiments the arrangement em- ployed in the improved Victor, a heavy, braided linen cord, which connects the small pulley E to the spring- case F, Fig-. 17, was adopted. FIG. 17. This method transmits the power of the spring- without friction, and as the cord is always under a uniform tension, all stretch is soon elim- inated. When worn out it may be replaced in a moment and without cost. The spring case, F^ is made of aluminum, and is deeply grooved, so that the intermediate cord can never ride, and is perfectly guided at all times. The freedom from friction, which is one of the most pleasing and noticeable features of the Victor wheel, insures its operation with much CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 143 less spring- tension than others, which means longer life of the spring-. The cord wheel revolves on a polished steel spindle, so that a nice fit may be made and main- tained, even after years of ordinary use. The improved Victor wheel is provided with bushings for all strokes. These bushings, B, are quickly changed. It is manufactured by James L. Robertson & Son, 204 Fulton street, New York city. 144 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. CHAPTER VIII. THE IDEAL REDUCING WHEEL. The object of the reducing" wheel is to reduce accurately the motion of an engine cross-head to that required for a paper drum of an indicator, and to give the required length of diagram regardless of the engine stroke. If either the indicator or reducing- motion is not correct, the cards are useless and deceptive, hence the first step toward obtaining- the true state of affairs in a steam cylinder is an indicator that will show both the true pressure, or vacuum, and a cor- rect reducing- motion by which diagrams can be taken, so that an intellig-ent engineer can inter-, pret them, adjust the valves and figure the power developed. The Ideal reducing wheel is made of alumi- num, brass and steel, combining strength and lightness, two essential features, together with first-class workmanship. The wheel or drum, from which the cord passes to the cross-head is only two and three- quarters inches in diameter, and is made of aluminum. The coil spring for the take-up is in a case two and one-quarter inches in diameter, and connected by a 3 to 1 gear with the cord wheel spindle, so that while the light alumi- num cord wheel makes three revolutions, the spring makes but one. The spring can be ad- justed to any desired tension, to keep the cord taut on return stroke. The cord wheel revolves on a steel screw, the thread of which is the same CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 145 pitch as the cord, so that when the cord is drawn out the wheel travels as -it revolves. By this means the cord is wound smoothly on the drum and passes straight through the guide pulley. To use the reducing wheel on the indicator, remove the carrier pulley from the indicator, and put the wheel on in place of it. Pass the drum cord around the small disk through the hole and under the holder, being careful to see that the cord is wound around the bushing or disk from the left, as shown in Fig. 18. Before attaching hook see that cord on the wheel and indicator is taut at shortest part of the stroke, and that it will FIG. 18. pull out a little further than the longest part of vStroke. The reducing wheel can be used in any place where it is most convenient, bearing in mind that the cord from it to the cross-head should run in a straight line. In unhooking the cord, allow it to return slowly until the stop reaches the guide pulley. Bushings of various sizes are furnished so that cards can be taken from any length of stroke up to seventy-two inches. Theldealreducingwheel is manufactured only by John S. Bushnell, successor to Thompson & Bushnell, 120-122 Liberty street, New York city. 146 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. CHAPTER IX. SARGENT'S ELECTRICAL ATTACHMENT FOR STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS. In making- elaborate tests of power plants, it has heretofore been necessary to employ as many assistants as there were indicators used, but the difficulty of securing- simultaneous action on their part is so great that satisfactory work is rarely obtainable, and more certain means to that end are now considered necessary. Mr. Frederick Sargent, M.E., invented and patented an electrical device applicable to an in- dicator, by means of which any number of in- struments can be operated and diagrams taken at the same instant of time, simply by closing an electric circuit. Fig-. 19 shows a Crosby indicator fitted with a Sarg-ent electrical attachment. For the purpose of illustrating- the manner of operating- the attachment, assume that it is desir- able to procure simultaneous diagrams from a compound eng-ine, taking- cards from the ends of each cylinder. Attach the indicators to the en- gine and arrange the drum motion in the usual manner. On each indicator secure the electrical attachment to its plate. Make the connections with the battery, having all of the several magnets and the circuit closer in series. Place the paper upon the drum and bring the pencil arm into such a position as will allow the latch to drop into the screw eye. Press the armature firmly against the magnet CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 147 and adjust the marking- point to the paper in the usual manner. The sleeve handle must be un- screwed enough to allow the full operation of the armature. The circuit should be closed and the armature tension spring's adjusted, so that the connected attachment will work simultaneously. Everything- should now be in readiness to take diagrams. Connect the drum motions, open the indicator cocks, and as soon as desirable close FIG. 19. the circuit, and instantly all of the pencils will be broug-ht ag-ainst the papers and will remain there as long- as the circuit is kept closed. In order to put on new papers, diseng-ag-e the drum motions, lift the latch and swing- the pencil arm out of the way. The amount of battery power required will vary with circumstances and will-rang-e from one to two or more cells of a No. 2 Sampson battery, or its equivalent. 148 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. The battery for operating- the attachment is inclosed in a neat hardwood box with a suitable handle for carrying 1 it, and is sealed so as to pre- vent slopping-. It is very compact and portable, being- at the same time extremely active, long- lived and especially adapted to open circuit work. The connections to the indicator attachments can be made with the battery without opening the box, the binding- posts being- on the outside. This battery, with a quantity of suitable wire for making- connections, is furnished with the attachment. The Sarg-ent electrical attachment is manufactured by the Crosby Steam Gag-e and Valve Co., Boston, Mass. CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 149 CHAPTER X. AMSLER'S POLAR PLANIMETER, WITH DIRECTIONS FOR USING IT ON INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Fig-. 20 represents the No. 1 plani meter. It is the simplest form of the instrument, having but one wheel, and is designed to measure areas in square inches and decimals of a square inch. The figures on the roller wheel D represent units, the graduations on the wheel represent tenths, and the vernier gives the hundredths. The use of Amsler's polar planimeter in the measurement of indicator diagrams enables one - FIG. 20. to measure ten cards with it in the time which would be required to measure one card by any other method, and it insures the utmost accuracy in the work. The planimeter is a precise and delicate in- strument, and should be handled and kept with great care, in order that it may be depended upon to give correct results. After using, it should be wiped clean with a piece of soft chamois skin. The Amsler polar planimeter is manufact- ured by the Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Co., Boston, Mass. 150 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. CHAPTER XL THE LIPPINCOTT PLANIMETER. The accompanying engraving-, Fig. 21, repre- sents a new form of planimeter. It will be noticed that the wheel has a knife edge, and is free to move on its shaft, so that there can be no slipping- on the surface upon which it moves, giving- the same results when used upon the roug-hest table as upon the finest paper. As the rotary movement of this wheel does not register, it is apparent that the accuracy of FIG. 21. the instrument will not be affected by any re- duction of the diameter of the wheel or injury to the knife edge. This is one of the most im- portant points to be considered in the selection of a planimeter. It is evident, however, that this claim is only made possible by taking the reading from the hub and not from the edge of the wheel. The possibility of a vitiated reading CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS, 151 on account of the knife edge coming* in contact with separate scale, is also avoided thereby. With the Lippincott planimeter the sliding- is done entirely upon the shaft, and as this shaft is made of glass it is practically frictionless. The pivot screw is made hollow, and by means of a small knob a sharp point may be pro- truded for convenience in setting- to the card leng-th, while a small spiral spring- normally holds it in a protected position after the setting- opera- tion has been completed. It will thus be seen that any bending- in the tracer point would be compensated for in every setting-, and could therefore occasion no error. This is a most important improvement, and guarantees initial and continued accuracy. Inside the glass shaft is placed the scale, which is printed upon specially prepared paper, so that the greatest contrast and legibility may be insured. The ends of this shaft are then hermetically sealed under a partial vacuum, so that the scale can never become discolored or affected by the atmosphere. The plates employed in printing- these scales are engine divided and mathematically correct. Three of these scale tubes are provided with the instrument, each containing- two. different graduations, so that the mean effective pressure may be read direct, without computation, for the following- indicator springs: 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 32, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 150. For instance, if it is required to ascertain the M. E. P. of a card taken with an 80 spring-, insert a tube containing a 40 scale, and mentally double the reading 1 ; or if special accuracy is 152 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATOKS. desired, trace the diagram twice, without stop- ping, and the reading- will be correct for an 80- pound spring-. The correct reading- for a 20 spring- may be had from a 40 scale also, and in like manner other scales may be used with different spring's, which is more desirable than to encumber the case with a number of useless scale tubes. Any special graduation will be furnished to order. To use the instrument, select a tube contain- ing a scale corresponding to spring used in tak- ing the card, and insert same in the clamp, as in Fig. 21, after which the clamp screw is to be tightened sufficiently to prevent the tube from being easily moved. Loosen the set screw, and adjust the points to the exact length of the card. The set screw should then be firmly tightened, so that the tracer bar cannot be moved in the frame block. Having fastened the card upon the table with thumb tacks, place the instrument with radial bar at right angles to the tracer bar. After this move the tracer point down to point 7\ The left hand edge of the wheel hub may then be set at zero, either by moving the radial point /? to the right or left, or by moving the wheel on the shaft. After the instrument is properly placed, the tracer point should trace the line of the diagram to the left, in the direction taken by the hands of a watch, noting carefully that the wheel does not strike at either end of the shaft in making the circuit. If a reading is desired in square inches, use a 40 scale and set the points four inches apart. CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 153 The points may also set five inches apart and a 50 scale used, or six inches and a 60 scale. The latter is preferable in taking- the area of large figures. Use no oil on any part of the instrument, and keep the glass tube perfectly clean with tissue paper, or clean chamois skin. The wheel should slide with perfect freedom from one end of the tube to the other. This instrument is packed in a fine morocco velvet lined case, with nickel trimming's, and every one is guaranteed perfectly accurate. It is manufactured by James L. Robertson & Sons, 204 Fulton street, New York city. (ii) 154 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. CHAPTER XII. THE COFFIN AVERAGING INSTRUMENT FOR CALCU- LATING INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. When the mean effective pressure on a large number of diagrams is desired, time and labor may be saved by the employment of an averaging instrument or planimeter, an instrument de- signed to measure the areas of irregular figures. It is operated by moving a tracer, with which it is fitted, over the line of the diagram, and it records the area upon a graduated wheel. In using the Coffin averager, the grooved metal plate, /, is first connected to the board upon which the apparatus is mounted, in the position shown in the cut, being held in place by a thumb- screw applied from the back side. The indi- cator card is then placed under the clamps Cand K, which may be sprung away from the board a sufficient amount to allow the card to be intro- duced, and the card is moved toward the left into such a position that the atmospheric line is near to and parallel with the lower edge of the station- ary clamp, C, while the extreme left hand end of the diagram is even with the perpendicular edge of the clamp. The movable clamp, K, which is fastened at the bottom to a sliding plate, is then moved toward the left, till the vertical beveled edge just touches the extreme right hand end of the diagram. The diagram shown in the cut represents the proper location which should ex- ist when these preliminary adjustments have been completed. The slide at the bottom of CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 155 clamp A'fits closely, so- that the application of a slig-ht pressure with the thumb or finger is re- quired to displace it. FIG. 22. The beam of the instrument is next placed on the board, with the pin at the lower end resting- in the groove, /, and the weig-ht, Q, applied to the top of the pin so as to keep it securely in place. 156 CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. The tracer, O, is moved to the right hand end of the diagram and set at the point D, on the line of the diagram, where the clamp K and the diagram touch each other. Here a slight indentation is made in the paper by pressing the finger on the top of the tracer, and this serves as a starting point. The graduated wheel is next turned so as to bring its zero mark to the zero mark on the vernier. The instrument is now ready for operation. The tracer, O, is carefully moved over the line of the diagram, in the direction of motion of the hands of a watch, and continued till a complete circuit is made and the tracer finally reaches the starting point, D. Keeping an eye on the wheel, the tracer is now moved upward by sliding it along the edge of the clamp K, until the reading on the wheel returns to zero. Another light indentation is made in the paper to mark the new position which the tracer occupies. This point is represented at A in the cut. The in- strument is now moved away, the clamp pushed back, and the distance between the two points, D and A, is measured by employing a scale corre- sponding to the number of the spring used in the indicator. The distance thus found is the mean effective pressure, expressed in pounds per square inch of piston. The Coffin planimeter determines the desired result without computation, but it may be used also for determining the area inclosed- by the diagram. This area is given by the reading on the graduated wheel, when the circuit of the diagram has been made and the tracer reaches the starting point, D. The wheel has fifteen main divisions, each of which represents one CONSTRUCTION OF INDICATORS. 157 square inch of area. Each division has five sub- divisions, each sub-division representing- one- fifth, or two-tenths, of a square inch of area. The vernier scale enables the sub-divisions to be read in fiftieths, each of these fiftieths, therefore, representing- two-one-hundredths of a square inch. Having- obtained the area in this manner, the mean effective pressure may be computed by dividing- the number of the spring- represent- ing- the pressure per inch in heig-ht by the leng-th of the diagram (inches) and multiplying the quotient by the area (square inches). In first placing- the indicator card under the clamps, care must be observed that the ends of the dia- gram set a little away from the edg-e of the clamp, so as to allow for one-half the diameter of the tracer, and to bring- the center of the tracer over the center of the line of the diagram. PART IV. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 160 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED AMMONIA. CALCULATED FROM THE ORIGINAL FORMULA OF PROF. DE VOLSON WOOD, BY GEORGE DAVIDSON, M.E. Computed especially for and originally published in Ice and Refriger- ation for December, 1894. Tempera- Pressure, gd 41 oi 2s S_o 5 - ture. Absolute. 3 SB d o^" 5 0"* , 9 I 1 > >* 3|f fj s 3jJ S || C en Q l 1* OD a >! - i* !* *s 2 o U f I f& F fS-S |;, 3 &S 3 gj.2 o 0*0 pi '55. So 4> 4> HQ 40 420.66 1539.90 10.69 4.01 579.67 24.388 .02348 .0410 42.589 40 39 1 1584.43 11.00 3.70 579.07 23.735 .02351 .0421 42.535 39 38 2 16! JO. 03 11.32 3.38 578.42 23.102 .02354 .0433 42.483 38 87 3 1676.71 11.64 3.06 577.88 22.488 .02357 .0444 42.427 37 36 4 1724.51 11.98 2.72 577.27 21.895 .02359 .0457 42.391 36 -36 425.66 1773.43 12.31 2.39 576.68 21.321 .02362 .0469 42.337 35 34 6 18*3.50 12.66 -2,04 576.08 20.763 .02364 .0482 42.301 34 33 7 1874.73 13.02 -1.68 575.48 20.221 .02366 .0495 42.265 33 32 8 1927.17 13.38 -1.32 574.89 19.708 .02368 .0507 42.213 32 31 9 1980.78 13.75 0.95 574.39 19.204 .02371 .0521 42.176 31 30 430.66 2035.69 14.13 0.57 573.69 18.693 .02374 .0535 42.123 30 29 1 2091.83 14.53 0.17 573,08 18.225 .02378 .0519 42.052 29 28 2 2149.23 14.92 +0.22 572.48 17.759 .02381 .0563 42.000 28 27 3 2207.94 15.33 +0.63 571.89 17.307 .02384 .0577 41.946 27 26 4 2267.97 15.76 +1.05 571.28 16.869 .02387 .0593 41.893 26 25 435.66 2329.34 16.17 +1.47 570.68 16.446 .02389 .0608 41.858 -25 24 6 2392.09 16.61 1.91 570.08 16.034 .02392 .0624 41.806 24 23 7 2456.23 17.05 2.35 569.48 15.633 .02395 .0640 41.754 23 22 8 2520.46 17.60 2.8 568.88 15.252 .02398 .0656 41.701 22 21 9 2588.77 17.97 3.27 568.27 14.875 .02401 .0672 41.649 21 20 440.66 2657.23 18.45 +3.75 567.67 14.507 .02403 .0689 41.615 -20 19 1 2727.17 18.94 4.24 567.06 14.153 .02406 .0706 41.563 19 18 2 2798.62 19.43 4.73 566.43 13.807 .02409 .0725 41.511 18 17 3 2871:61 19.94 5.24 565.85 13.475 .02411 .0742 41.480 17 16 4 2946.17 20.46 5.76 565.25 13.150 .02414 .0760 41.425 16 15 445.66 3022.31 20.99 +6.29 564.64 12.834 .02417 .0779 41.374 15 14 6 3100.07 21.53 6.83 564.04 12.527 .02420 .0798 41.322 14 13 7 3179.45 22.08 7.38 563.43 12.230 .02423 .0818 41.271 13 12 8 3260.52 22.64 7.94 568. -82 11.939 .02425 .0838 41.237 12 11 9 3343.29 23.22 8.52 562.21 11.659 .02428 41 186 11 10 450.66 3427.75 23.80 +9.10 561.61 11.385 .02431 .0878 41.135 10 9 1 3513.97 24.40 9.70 560.99 11.117 .02434 .0899 41.084 9 8 2 3601.97 25.01 10.31 560.39 10.860 .02437 .0921 41.034 8 7 3 3691.75 25.64 10,94 559.78 10.604 .02439 .0943 41.000 7 6 4 3783.37 26.27 11.57 559.17 10.362 .02442 .0965 40.950 6 5 455.66 3876. &> 26.92 12.22 558.56 10.125 .02445 .0988 40.900 5 4 6 3972.62 27.59 +12.89 557.94 9.894 .02448 .1011 40.845 4 3 7 4069.48 28.26 13.56 557.33 9.669 .02451 .10H4 40.799 3 2 8 4168.70 28.95 14.25 556.73 9.449 02454 .1058 40.749 2 1 4269.90 29.65 14.95 556.11 9.234 .02457 .1083 40.700 1 460.66 4373.10 30.37 +15.67 555.50 9.028 .02461 .1107 40.650 +1 1 4478.32 31 10 16.40 554.88 8.825 .02463 .1133 40.601 + 1 2 4485.60 31.84 17.14 554.27 8.630 .0246H .1159 40.551 2 3 '3 4694.96 32.60 17.90 553.65 8.436 .02469 .1186 40.502 jj 4 4 4806.46 33.38 18.68 553.04 8.250 .02472 .1212 40.453 4 * For values at temperatures higher than 100 F. see Wood's table on page 163. MISCI<:LLAN?:OUS TABLES. 161 PROPERTIES OF SATURATED AMMONIA. CALCULATED FROM THE ORIGINAL FORMULA OF PROF. DE VOLSON WOOD, BY GEORGE DAVIDSON, M.E. Computed especially for and originally published in Ice and Refriger- ation for December, 1894. Tempera- ture. Pressure, Absolute. Gauge Pressure, Pouud per Sq. Inch. 111 id* iji j15 !&* W p n m Temperature. Degrees F. |l EL. Absolute. T, f* m | +5 465.66 4920.11 34.16 +19.46 552.43 8.070 02475 1240 40.404 +5 6 6 5035.95 4.97 20.27 651.81 7.892 02478 1267 40.355 6 7 7 5153.99 5.79 21.09 551.19 7.717 02480 1296 40.322 7 8 8 5274.28 6.63 21.93 550.58 7.553 02483 1324 40.274 8 9 9 5396.83 7.48 22.78 549.96 7.388 02486 1353 40.226 9 flO 70.66 5521.71 38.34 +23.64 549.35 7.229 02490 1383 40.160 +10 11 1 6649.48 9.23 24.53 548.73 7.075 02493 1413 40412 11 12 2 5778.50 4043 25.43 548.11 6.924 02496 1444 40.064 12 13 3 5910.52 1.04 26.34 547.49 6.786 02499 1474 40.016 13 14 4 6044.96 1.98 27.28 546.88 6.632 02502 1507 39.968 14 +15 475.66 6182.00 42.94 +28.24 546.26 6.491 02505 1541 39.920 +16 16 6 6321.24 3.90 29.20 545.63 6.355 02508 1573 39.872 16 17 7 6463.24 44.88 3048 545.01 6.222 02511 1607 39.872 17 18 8 6607.77 45.89 3149 544.39 6.093 02514 1641 23 6h 3.182 .02620 .3143 38 167 51 52 2 13314.43 92.4 77 7f >23 03 3 124 02623 3201 3 124 52 63 8 13572.52 94 2 79.55,522.39 3 069 0262fi .3258 3* 080 53 54 4 13834.6 96.0 81.3?|521.7fi 3.012 .0262S .3220 38 037 54 162 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED AMMONIA. CALCULATED FROM THE ORIGINAL FORMULA OF PROF. DE VOLSON WOOD, BY GEORGE DAVIDSON, M.E. Computed especially for and originally published in Ice and Refriger- ation for December, 1894. Tempera- Pressure, g a> g* 3 5 Si S -$ ture. Absolute. * || M JP. 2p "j a3 '-'ac .^_ c o P *~ ' CO 9 i !* |l %* *"% . **J la* M !r ||s & f 1 |* Ill o p 11 1 in III S.5w> Stt +65 515.66 14100.74 97.92 +83.22 521.12 2.958 .02632 3380 37.994 +55 6 6 14370.92 99.80 85.10 520.48 2.905 .02630 .344237.936 rxj 57 7 14645.18 101.70 87.00 519.84 2.853 .02639 .3505 37.893 57 58 8 14923.98 103.64 88.94 519.20 2.802 .02643 . 3568 07.835 59 9 15206.28 105.60 90.90 618.57 2.753 .02646 .3632 37.793 59 +60 520.66 15493.09 107.59 +92.89 517.93 2.705 .02651 .3697 37.736 +60 61 1 15784.23 109.61 94.91 517.29 2.658 .02654 .3762 37.678 61 62 2 16079.67 111.66 96.96 516.65 2.610 .02C58 .3831 37.622 62 63 3 16379.51 113.75 99.05 516.01 2.565 .02661 .3898 37.579 63 64 4 16683.76 115.86 101.16 515.37 2.520 .02665 .39(58 37.523 64 +65 525.66 16992.50 118.03 +103.33 514.73 2.476 .02668 .4039 37.481 +65 66 6 17305.70 120. 18 105.48 514.09 2.433 .026711.4110 37.43M 67 7 17623.45 122.38 107.68 513.45 2.389 .02675.4189 37.383 67 68 8 17946.89 124.62 109.92 512.81 2.351 .02678 .4254 37.341 (is 69 9 18272.81 126.89 112.19 512.16 2.310 .02682 .4329 37.285 69 +70 530.66 18604.53 129.19 +114.49 511.52 2.272 .02686 .4401 37.231 +70 71 1 18941.00 131.54 116.8* 510.87 2.233 .02689 .4479 37.188 71 72 2 19282.21 133.90 119.20 510.22 2.194 .02693 .4558 37.133 72 73 3 19628.32 136.31 121.61 509.58 2.153 .02697 .4645 37.079 73 74 4 19979.22 138.74 124.04 508.93 2.122 .02700 .4712 37.037 74 +75 535.66 20335.16 141.22 +126. 52 508.29 2.087 .02703 .4791 36.995 +75 76 6 20696.00 143. 72 129.02 507.64 2.052 .027 .4873 36.954 76 77 7 21061.85 146.26 131.56 506.99 2.017 .02710 .4957 36.900 77 78 8 21432.82 148.84 134.14 506.34 1.995 02714 .5012 36.845 78 79 9 21808.85 151.45 136.76 605.69 1.952 02717 .5123 36.805 79 +80 510-66 .32190.15 154.10 +139.40 505.05 1.921 02721 .5205 36.751 +80 81 1 22576.51 166.78 142.08 504.40 1.889 02725 .5294 36.696 81 82 2 22968 '.88 159.50 144.80 503.75 1.858 02728 .5382 36.657 82 83 3 23365.38 162.26 147.56 503.10 1.827 02732 .5473 36.603 K3 84 4 23767.81 165.05 150.35 502.45 1.799 02736 .5558 36.549 84 +85 545.66 24175.61 167.88 +153.18 501.81 1.770 02739 .5649 36.509 +85 86 6 24588.92 170.75 156.05 501.15 1.741 02743 .5744 36.456 86 87 7 25007.80 173.66 158.96 500.50 1.714 02747 .5834 36.407 87 88 8 25432.16 176.61 161.91 499.85 1.687 02751 .5927 36.350 88 89 9 25862.14 179.69 164.89 *99.20 1.660 02754 .6024 36.311 89 +90 550.66 26297.88 182.62 +167.92 498.55 1.634 02758 .6120 36.258 +90 91 26739.88 185.69 170-99 97.89 1.608 02761 .6219 86.219 91 92 2 27186.56 188.79 174.09 497.24 1.5H3 02765 .6317 36.166 92 93 3 27639.43 191.94 177.24 496.59 1 .558 .02769 .6418 35.114 93 04 4 28098.26 195 13 180.43 95.94 1.534 .02772 6518 36.075 94 +95 555.66 28563.00 198. 35 + 183. (15 95". 29 1.510 .02776 6622 36.025? +95 96 6 29033.86 201.62 186.92 94.63 1.486 .02780 6729 35 971 97 f 29510.69 204.94 190.24 93.97 1.463 02784 6835 55.919 97 98 8 9993.52 208.29 193.59 93.32 1.442 .02787 6934 35.881 98 99 9 {0482.52 211.68 196.98 92.66 419 .02791 7047 35.829 99" MOO 560.60 W977.78 215.12 +200.42 92.01 .398 .02795 7153 35.778 + 100 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 163 WOOD'S TABLE OF PROPERTIES OF SATUR- ATED VAPOR OF AMMONIA. Temperature Pressure i ' == o o W go Absolute. If tJ 2 * CD a r- \- X* '"D S || I! II H<5 S'l 51 * . f* 2 h k *^g f| "3 "5 s * j0 o w 3 o| a a ft (3 2a> S*^ a~ ^ * I I 2- .s 1= "*X3 ca ll ii So Q ^ H i_3 tf i > t> ? 40 420.66 1540.9 10.69 579.67 48.23 531.44 24.37 .0234 0410 35 425.66 1773.6 12 31 576.69 48.48 528.21 21.29 .0236 .0467 30 430.66 2035.8 14.13 573.69 48.77 524.92 18.66 .0237 0535 - 25 435.66 2329.5 16.17 570.68 49 06 521.62 16.41 .0238 .0609 -20 440.66 2657.5 18.45 567.67 49.38 518.29 14.48 .0240 .0690 15 445.66 8022.5 20.99 564.64 49.67 514 97 12.81 0242 .0779 10 450.66 3428.0 23.77 561.61 49.99 511.62 11.36 .0243 .0878 5 455.66 3877.2 26.93 558.56 50.31 508.25 10.12 .0244 .0988 460.66 4373.5 30.37 555.50 50.68 504.82 9.04 0246 .1109 + 5 465.66 4920.5 34.17 552.43 50.84 501.59 8.06 0247 .1241 + 10 470.66 5622.2 38.55 549.35 51.13 498.22 7.23 0249 .1384 + 15 475.66 6182.4 42.93 546.26 61.33 494.93 9.49 .0250 .1540 + 20 480.66 6905.3 47.95 543.15 51.61 491.54 5.84 .0252 .1712 + 25 485.66 7695.2 53.43 540.03 51.80 488.23 5.26 .0253 .1901 + 30 490.66 8556.6 59.41 536.92 52.01 484.91 4 75 .0254 .2106 ' + 35 495.66 9493.9 65.93 533.78 52.22 481.56 4.31 .0256 .2320 + 40 500.66 10512 73.00 530.63 52.42 478.21 3 91 .0257 .2583 + 45 505.66 11616 80.66 527.47 52.62 474.85 3.56 .0260 .2809 + 50 510.66 12811 88.96 524.30 52.82 471.48 3.25 .0260 .3109 + 55 515.66 14102 97.93 521.12 53.01 468.11 2.96 .0260 .3379 + 60 520.66 15494 107.60 517.93 53.21 464.72 2.70 .0265 .3704 + 65 525.66 16998 118.03 514.73 53.38 461.35 2 48 .0266 .4034 + 70 530.66 18605 129.21 511.52 53.57 457.85 2.27 .0268 .4405 + 75 535.66 20336 141.25 608.29 53.76 454.53 2 08 .0270 .4808 + FO 540.66 22192 154.11 504.66 53 96 450.70 1.91 .0272 .5262 + 85 545.66 24178 167.86 501 81 54,15 447 66 1.77 .0273 .5649 + 90 550.66 26300 182.8 498 ..11 54.28 443.83 1.64 .0274 .6098 + 95 555.66 28565 198.37 495.29 54.41 440.88 1.51 .0277 6622 +100 560.66 30980 215.14 491.50 54.54 436.06 1.39 .0271) .7194 +105 565.66 33550 232.98 488.72 54.67 434.08 1.289 .0281 .7757 +110 570.66 36284 251.97 485.42 54.78 430.64 1.203 .0283 .8312 +115 575.66 39188 272.14 482.41 54.91 427.40 1.121 .0285 .8912 +120 580.66 42267 293.49 478.79 55.03 423.75 1.041 .0287 .9608 +125 + 130 585.66 590.66 45528 48978 316.16 340.42 475.45 472.11 55.09 65.16 420.39 416.94 .9699 .9051 0289)1.0310 .0291 1.1048 +135 595.66 52626 365.16 468.75 55.22 413.53 .8457 .02931.1824 +140 600.66 56483 392.22 465.39 55.29 410.09 .7910 .02951.2642 +145 605.66 60550 420.49 462.01 65.34 406.67 .7408 .0297 1.349? +160 610. 6tf 64833 450.20 458.62 55.39 402.23 .6946 .0299 1.4396 +155 615.66 69341 481.54 455.22 55.43 399 79 .6511 0302I1.535S + 160 620.66 71086 514.40 451.81 55.46 39R.H5 .6128 .0304 1.6318 +165 625.66 79071 549. 04 1 448.39 55.48 392.94 .5765 .0306 1.7344 Thfe critical pressure of ammonia is 115 atmospheres, the critical temperature at 130 F. (Dewar), critical volume .00482 (calculated). 164 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. TABLE OF AMMONIA GAS (SUPER-HEATED VAPOR). TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES F. 11 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 No. of Cu. Ft., v, Approximately Contained in ILb. of Gas. 15 18.81 19.05 19.20 19.48 19.68 19.87 20.08 20.2520.544 20. 16 17.56 17.85 18.09 18.24 18.43 18.52 18.81 18.9019.20 19. 17 16.60 16.70 16.96 17.08 17.28 17.48 17.66 17.8518.09 18. 18 15.54 15; 84 15.93 16.12 16.32 16.51 16.70 16,8917.08 17. 19 14.78 14.97 15.18 15.26 15.45 15.64 15,84 15.93 16.12 10. 20 14.01 14.25 14.40 H.49 14. 6g 14.88 14.97 15.16 15.36 15. 21 13.34 13.53 13.63 13.82 14.01 14.11 14.30 14.40jl4.59 14. 22 12.76 12.86 13.05 13.15 1334 13.44 13.63 13.7213.92 14. 23 12.19 12.28 12.48 12.57 12.76 12 86 13.05 13.1513.34 13. 1 24 11.71 11.80 11.90 12.09 12.19 12.38 12.48 12.57jl2.76 12. 25 11.23 11.34 11.42 11.61 11. Til 11.80 11.90 12 0912.19 12. 26 10.75 10.84 11.04 11.13 11.23 11.32 11.62 11.6111.71 11. 27 10.36 10.46 10.56 10.75 10.84 10.94 11.01 11.2311.32 11. 2s 9.98 10.08 10.17 10.36 10.46 .10.56 10.65 10.75 10.84 10. 29 9.60 9.69 9.79 9.98 10.08 10.17 10.27 10.36 10.46 10. 30 9.2120 9.30 10.46 9.60 9.69 9.79 9.98 10.08 10.17 10. 31 8.84 9.12 9.21 9.31 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.69 9.KO 9. 32 8.83 8.93 9.02 9.12 .21 9.31 9.40 9.50 9. 33 8.54 8.64 8.73 8.83 8.91 9.02 9.11 9.21 9. 34 8.25 9.35 8.49 8.54 8.64 8.73 8.83 8.92 9. 35 8.16 8.25 8.35 8.44 8.54 8.64 8.64 8. 33 -. 7.87 7.96 8.06 8.16 8.2tf 8.35 8.44 8. 37 > 7.68 7.67 7.87 7.96 8.06 8.16 8.26 8. 38 7,48 7.58 7.68 7.77 7.77 7.8! 7.98 8. 3!) 7.39 7.48 7.48 7.58 7.68 7.77 7. 4(1 7.20 7.29 7.39 7.39 7.48 7.58 7. 41 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.20 7.29 7.39 7. 42 6.81 6.91 7.00 7.10 7.10 7.20 7'. 43 6.72 6.81 6.91 7.00 7.08 7. 44 6.52 6.62 6.72 6 81 6.91 45 6.43 6.52 6.62 6.62 6.72 6. I MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 165 TABLE SHOWING REFRIGERATING EFFECT OF ONE CUBIC FOOT OF AMMONIA GAS AT DIFFERENT CONDENSER AND SUCTION (BACK) PRESSURES IN B. T. UNITS. o . * Temperature of the Liquid in Degrees F. gfc g s.S 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 D (U 1J? -t-> be W* 1 a! $ a a |c Ifj Corresp'g. Condenser Pressure (gauge), Ibs. per sq. in. 8 H c^ 103 115 127 139 153 168 184 200 218 G. Pres. 27 1 27.30 27.01 26.73 26.44 26.16 25.87 25.59 25.30 25.02 20 4 33.74 33.40 33.04 32.70 32.34 31.99 31.64 31.30 30.94- 15 6 36.36 3B.48 36.10 35.72 35.34 34.96 34.58 34.20 33.82 10 9 42.28 41.84 41.41 40.97 40.54 40.10 39.67 39.23 38.80 5 13 48.31 47.81 47.32 46.82 46.33 45.83 45.34 44.84 44.35 16 54.88 54.32 53.76 53.20 52.64 52.08 51.52 50.96 50 40 5 20 61.50 60.87 60.25 59.62 59.00 58.37 57.75 57.12 56.60 10 24 68.66 67.97 67.27 66.58 65.88 65.19 64.49 63.80 83.10 15 28 75.88 75.12 74.35 73.59 72.82 72.06 71.29 70.53 69.76 20 33 85.15 84.30 83.44 82.59 81.73 80.88 80.02 79.17 78.31 25 39 95.50 94.54 93.59 92.63 91.68 90.72 89.97 88.81 87.86 30 45 106.21 105.15 104.09 103.03 101.97 100.91 99.85 98.79 97.73 35 51 115.69 114.54 123.39 112.24 111.09 109.94 108.79107.64 106.49 TABLE GIVING NUMBER OF CUBIC FEET OF GAS THAT MUST BE PUMPED PER MINUTE AT DIFFERENT CONDENSER AND SUCTION PRESSURES, TO PRODUCE ONE TON OF REFRIGERATION IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Temperature of the Gas in Degrees F. O . v ^ * q P .5 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 g| II? ft f|| Corresp'g. Condenser Pressure (gauge;, Ibs. per sq. in. 1" l j 103 115 127 139 153 168 184 200 218 27 G. Pres. 7.22 7.3 7.37 7.46 7.54 7.62 7.70 7.79 7.88 20 4 5.84 5.9 5.96 6.03 6.09 6.16 6.23 6.30 6.43 15 6 5.35 5.4 5.46 5.52 5.58 5.64 5.70 5.77 5.83 -10 9 4.66 4.73 4.76 4.81 4.86 4.91 4.97 5.05 5.08 - 5 13 4.09 4.12 4.17 4.21 4.25 4.30 4.35 4.40 4.44 16 3.59 3.63 3.66 3.70 3.74 3.78 3.83 3.87 3.91 5 20 3.20 3.24 3.27 3.30 3.34 3.38 3.41 3.45 3.49 10 24 2.87 2.9 2.93 2.96 2 99 3.02 3.06 3.09 3.12 15 28 2.59 2.61 2.65 2.68 2.71 2.73 2.76 2.80 2.82 20 33 2.31 2.34 2.36 2.38 2.41 2.44 2.46 2.49 2.51 25 39 2.06 2.08 2.10 2.12 2.15 2.17 2.20 2.22 2.24 30 45 1.85 1.87 1.89 1.91 1.93 1.95 1.97 2.00 2.01 35 51 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.77 1.79 1.81 1.83 1.85 166 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. ANHYDROUS AMMONIA. Ammonia is a compound of one volume of nitrogen with three volumes of hydrogen, and is therefore represented by the chemical form- ula NH 3 . It contains by weight 82.35 per cent nitrogen and 17.65 per cent hydrogen. Its mole- cular weight is 17. Ammonia is a colorless gas possessing a very characteristic pungent smell. It is much lighter than air, having a specific gravity (air 1) of 0.586, one liter of gas weighing, at the normal temper- ature and pressure, 0.76193 grams. By mechan- ical pressure and cooling, it is converted from a gaseous to a liquid state (liquid anhydrous am- monia) which boils under the ordinary atmos- pheric pressure at 28 T 6 below zero, or 240^ lower than the boiling point of water under the same conditions. One pound of the liquid at 32 will occupy 21.017 cubic feet of space when evaporated at the atmospheric pressure. The specific heat of ammonia gas, as determined by Regnault (capacity for heat), is 0.50836. Its latent heat of evaporation is about 560 thermal units at 32 Fahrenheit, at which temperature one pound of the liquid, evaporated under a pressure of fifteen pounds per square inch, will occupy twenty-one cubic feet. TESTING ANHYDROUS AMMONIA. Usually ammonia manufacturers sell their goods subject to the condition and agreement, on the part of the purchaser, that a sample be drawn from each cylinder upon arrival and sub- jected to a test before emptying the contents, MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 167 no reclamation being- allowed on account of de- ficiency in quality or strength after a cylinder has been emptied or partly emptied. Therefore it is important that the consumer satisfy him- self of the purity of the ammonia before drawing off the contents of the cylinder. EVAPORATION TEST. Any dealer in chemical supplies will furnish an 8-ounce, flat bottom, wide neck, Bohemian glass boiling- flask (in case of breakag-e it is well to have several of these). Fit in the neck a stopper having- a ^-inch vent hole punctured through for escape of the gas. Insert in this hole a short g-lass tube. Procure a piece of 3/8-inch iron pipe, threaded at one end; bend the pipe to such a shape that the threaded end can be connected with the cylinder valve; put the wrench on the valve of the cylinder and open it gently; allow a little of the ammonia gas to escape at first in order to purge the pipe and valve, then draw into the test flask from 2^ to 4 ounces of the liquid ammonia. When this is accomplished, remove the test flask at once, and insert in the neck the stopper with vent tube, then place it in such a position as will allow a small stream of water to flow over the sides of the flask. Under these conditions the ammonia will boil quickly and soon evaporate. Any residue remaining in the flask indicates impurities. Care is necessary in drawing off the sample, as a very little moisture in the test flask or in the pipe, or a brief exposure to the atmosphere, will at once affect it. OF 168 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. COMPARISONS OF THERMOMETER SCALES, SHOWING RELATIVE INDICATIONS OF THE CELSIUS, FAHREN- HEIT AND REAUMUR THERMOMETER SCALES. In the United States and England the Fahrenheit scale is generally used; in France and in all scientific investigations and treatises, the Celsius scale is uniformly used; and in Germany the Reaumur scale is the one generally adopted. c. F. R. C. F. R. C. F. R. 100 212.0 80.0 53 127.4 42.4 6 42.8 4. ^4 CO 4^ -4 en en en en 45>. *>. en 4^ to o -4 05 4 M 4^ CO CD CO O O5 tO CO O 4- -4 to 4 OS 05 05 I M -4 o: 4* en O5 O5 O5 to to ' -4 tO I 1 en co co Oi Oi en enC'irf^ CD -4 en co o oo oc oc o o * -4 co CD O5 O5 O5 -4 OO 00 O^ O5 O5 O5 O5 en en en en CO i > 00 O5 CO M GO M Oi CO 4i. tO Oi 05 CD o en OO tO M O5 4i> CD tO *> tO -4 O 4 Ol O CO O CO -4 -J -a 4-4-4- CO I 1 CD S 050 gencg CD M %%Z to oc oc CO M05 81^ ^SS OC sbe 00 05 *- 4^ O5 tO i O5 05 05 en en t 1 oo en to oo os O5 O5 Oi M OO M tO tO CO O5 O5 M 1 2 ajgg 00 OO -4 CO i 00 4 4 05 05 05 en en to oc en M oo h- ' r -j CD en 0000 00 O5 CO Oi OO CO CD O5 tO OO t ' : Oi M tO M 4^- O 4^ O p CO CD CD 4- CO M OC OO GO OO O5 tO 4 4 *4 O5 O5 O5 CD Oi tO OO 4^ O t * to en > > to tO CD CD CD ' CD M OO -4 O5 OO O O O CD I 1 4^ GO CO OO CD I 00 (12) 170 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM, Total pressure per square inch. Temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. Total heat, in Fahrenheit degrees, from water at 32 F. Latent heat, Fahrenheit degrees. Density, or weight of one cubic foot. Volume of one pound of steam. Relative vol- ume or cubic feet of steam from one cubic foot of water. Lbs. Fahr. Fahr. Fahr. Lbs. Cubic Feet Rel. Vol. 1 102.1 1112.5 1042.9 .0030 330.36 20600 2 126.3 1119.7 1025.8 .0058 172.08 10730 3 141.6 1124.6 1015.0 .0085 117.52 7327 4 153.1 1128.1 1006.8 .0112 89.62 5589 5 162.3 1130.9 1000.3 .0138 72.66 4530 6 170.2 1133.3 994.7 .0168 61.21 3816 7 176.9 1135.3 990.0 .0189 52.94 3301 8 182.9 1137.2 985.7 .0214 46.69 2911 9 188.3 1138.8 981.9 .0239 41.79 2606 10 193.3 1140.3 978.4 .0264 37.84 2360 11 397.8 1141.7 975.2 .0289 34.63 2157 12 202.0 1143.0 972.2 .0314 31.88 1988 18 205.9 1144.2 969.4 .0338 29.57 1844 14 209.6 1145.3 966.8 .0362 27.61 1721 14.7 212.0 1146. 1 965.2 .0380 26.36 1642 15 213.1 1146.4 964.3 .0387 25.85 1611 16 216.3 1147.4 962.1 .0411 24.32 1516 J7 219.6 1148.3 959.8 .0435 22.96 1432 18 222.4 1149.2 957.7 .0459 21.78 1357 19 225.8 1150.1 955.7 .0483 20.70 1290 20 228.0 1150.9 952.8 .0507 19.72 1229 21 230.6 1151.7 951.3 .0531 18.84 1174 22 233.1 1152.5 949.9 .0555 18.03 1123 23 235.5 1153.2 948.5 .0580 17.26 1075 24 237.8 1153.9 946.9 .0601 16.64 1036 25 240.1 1154.6 945.3 .0625 15.99 996 26 242.3 1155.3 943.7 .0650 15.38 958 27 244.4 1155.8 942.2 .0673 14.86 926 28 246.4 1158.4 940.8 .0696 14.37 895 29 248.4 1157.1 939.4 .0719 13.90 866 30 250.4 1157.8 937.9 .0743 13.46 838 31 252.2 1158.4 936.7 .0766 13.05 813 32 254.1 1158.9 935.3 .0789 12.67 789 33 255.9 1159.6 934.0 .0812 12.31 767 34 257.6 1160.0 932.8 .0835 11. U7 74fl 35 259.3 1160.5 931.6 .0858 11.65 726 36 260.9 1161.0 930.5 .0881 11.34 707 37 262.6 1161.5 929.3 .0905 11.04 688 38 264.2 1162.0 928.2 .0929 10.76 671 39 265.8 1162.5 927.1 .0952 10.51 655 40 267.3 1162.9 926.0 .0974 10.27 640 41 268.7 1163.4 924.9 .0996 10.03 625 42 270.2 1163.8 923.9 .1020 9.81 611 43 271.6 1164.2 922.9 .1042 9.59 698 44 273.0 1164.6 921.9 .1065 9.39 585 45 274.4 1165.1 920.9 .1089 9.18 572 40 275.8 1165.5 919.9 .1111 9.00 561 47 277.1 1165.9 919.0 .1133 8.82 550 48 278.4 1166.3 918.1 .1156 8.65 539 49 279.7 1166.7 917.2 .1179 8.48 529 50 281.0 1167.1 916.3 .1202 8.31 518 51 282.3 1167.5 915.4 .1224 8.17 509 62 283.5 1167.9 914.5 .1246 8.04 500 53 284.7 1168.3 913.6 .1269 7.88 491 54 285.9 1168.6 912.8 .1291 7.74 482 55 287.1 1169.0 912.0 .1314 7.61 474 66 288.2 1169.3 911.2 .1336 7.48 466 MISCELLANKOUS TABLES. 171 PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. CONT. Total pressure per square inch, j Temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. Total heat, in Fahrenheit degrees, from water at 32 F. Latent heat, Fahrenheit degrees. i Density, or weight of one cubic foot. Volume of one pound of steam. Relative vol- ume or cubic feet of steam from one cubic foot of water. Lbs. Fahr. Fahr. Fahr. Lbs. Cubic Feet Rel. Vol. 57 289.3 1169.7 910.4 .1364 7.38 458 68 290.4 1170.0 909.6 .1380 7.24 451 59 291.6 1170.4 908.8 .1403 7.12 444 60 292.7 1170.7 908.0 .1425 7.01 437 61 293.8 1171.1 907.2 .1447 6.90 430 62 204.3 1171.4 906.4 .1469 6.81 424 63 295.9 1171.7 905.6 .1493 6.70 417 64 296.9 1172.0 904.9 .1516 6.60 411 65 298.0 1172.3 904.2 .1538 6.49 405 - 66 299.0 1172.6 903.5 .1560 6.41 399 67 300.0 1172.9 902.8 .1583 6.32 393 68 300.9 1173.2 902.1 .1605 6.23 388 69 301.9 1173.5 901.4 .1627 6.15 383 70 302.9 1173.8 900.8 .1648 6.07 378 71 303.9 1174.1 900.3 .1670 5.99 373 72 304.8 1174.3 899.6 .1692 5.91 368 73 305.7 1174.6 898.9 .1714 5.83 363 74 306.6 1174.9 898.2 .1736 5.75 359 75 307.5 1175.2 897.5 .1759 5.68 353 76 308.4 1175.4 896.8 .1782 5.61 349 77 309.3 1175.7 896.1 .1804 5.54 345 78 310.2 1176.0 895.5 .1826 5.48 341 79 311.1 1176.3 894.9 .1848 5.41 337 80 312.0 1176.5 894.3 .1869 5.35 333 81 312.8 1176.8 893.7 .1891 5.29 329 82 313.6 1177.1 893.1 .1913 5.23 325 83 314.5 1177.4 892.5 .1935 5.17 321 84 315.3 1177.6 892.0 .1957 5.11 318 85 316.1 1177.9 891.4 .1980 5.05 314 86 316.9 1178.1 890.8 .2002 5.00 311 87 317.8 1178.4 890.2 .2024 4.94 308 88 318.6 1178.6 889.6 .2044 4.89 305 89 319.4 1178.9 889.0 .2067 4.84 301 90 320.2 1179.1 888.5 .2089 4.79 298 91 321.0 1179.3 887.9 .2111 4.74 295 92 321.7 1179.6 887.3 .2133 4.69 292 93 322.5 1179.8 886.8 .2155 4.64 289 94 323.3 1180.0 886 3 .2176 4.60 288 95 324.1 1180.3 886 8 .2198 4.56 283 96 324.8 1180.5 885.2 .2219 4.51 281 97 325.6 1180.8 884.6 .2241 4.46 278 98 326.3 1181.0 884.1 .2263 4.42 275 99 327.1 1181.2 883.6 .2285 4.37 272 100 327.9 1181.4 883 1 .2307 4.33 270 101 328.5 1181.6 882.6 .2329 4.29 267 102 329.1 1181.8 882 1 .2351 4.25 265 103 329.9 1182.0 881.6 .2373 4.21 262 104 330.6 1182.2 881 1 .2393 4.18 20 105 331.3 1182.4 880.7 .2414 ! 4.14 287 106 331.9 1182.6 880 2 .2435 ' 4.11 255 107 332.6 1182.8 879.7 .2456 j 4.07 253 108 333.3 1183.0 879.2 .2477 1 4.04 251 109 334.0 1183.3 878 7 .2499 4.00 249 110 334.6 1183.5 878.3 .2521 3.97 ?47 111 335.3 1183.7 877.8 .2543 3.93 246 112 336.0 1183.9 877.3 .2564 3.90 243 113 336. 7 1184.1 876.8 .2586 3.86 241 172 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. CONT. Total pressure]! per square inch. | Temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. Total heat, in Fahrenheit degrees, from water at 32 F. Latent heat, Fahrenheit degrees. 1 Density, or weight of one cubic foot. Volume of one pound of steam. mi Kl! Illll Lbs. Fahr. Fahr. Fahr. Lbs. Cubic Fest Rel. Vol. 114 337.4 1184.3 876.3 .2607 3.&3 239 115 338.0 1184.5 875.9 .2628 3.80 237 116 338.6 1184.7 875.5 .2649 i.77 2*5 117 339.3 1164.9 875.0 .2652 3.74 2:w 118 339.9 1185.1 874.5 .2674 3.71 231 119 340.5 1185.3 874.1 .2696 3.68 229 120 341.1 1185.4 873.7 .2738 3.65 227 121 341.8 1185.6 873.2 .2759 3.62 225 122 342 4 1185.8 872.8 .2780 3.59 224 123 343.0 1186.0 872.3 .2801 3.56 2^2 124 343.6 1186.2 871.9 .2822 3.54 221 125 344.2 1186.4 871.5 .2845 3.51 219 126 344.8 1186.6 871.1 .2867 3.49 - I ' 127 345.4 1186.8 870.7 .2889 3.46 215 128 346.0 1186.9 870.2 .2911 3.44 214 129 346.6 1187.1 869.8 .2933 3.41 212 130 347.2 1187.3 8*0.4 .2955 3.38 211 131 347.8 1187.5 869.0 .2977 3.35 209 132 348.3 1187.6 868.6 .2999 3.33 20S 133 348.9 1187.8 868.2 .3020 3.31 206 134 349.5 1188.0 867.8 .3040 3.29 205 135 350.1 1188.2 867.4 .3060 3.27 203 136 K50.6 1188.3 867.0 .3080 3.25 202 137 351.2 1188.5 866.6 .3101 3.22 200 138 351.8 1188.7 866.2 .3121 3.20 199 139 352.4 1188.9 865.8 .3142 3.18 198 140 352.9 1189.0 865.4 .3162 3.16 197 141 353.5 1189.2 865.0 .3184 3.14 195 142 364.0 1189.4 864.6 .3206 3.12 194 143 354.5 1189.6 864.2 .3228 3.10 193 144 355.0 1189.7 863.9 .3250 3 08 102 145 355.6 1189.9 863.5 .3273 3.06 190 146 356.1 1190.0 863.1 .3294 3.04 189 147 356.7 1190.2 862.7 .3315 3.02 18.H 148 35T.2 1190.3 862.3 .3H36 3.00 187 149 357.8 1190.5 861.9 .3357 2.98 186 150 358.3 1190 7 861.5 .3377 2.96 184 155 361.0 1191.5 859.7 .3484 2.87 179 160 363.4 1192.2 857 9 .3590 2.79 174 165 366.0 1192.9 856.2 .3695 2.71 169 170 368.2 1193.7 854.5 .3798 2.63 164 175 370.8 1194.4 852.9 .3899 2.56 159 180 372.9 1195.1 851.3 .4009 2.49 155 185 375.3 1195.8 849.6 .4117 2.43 151 190 377.5 1196.5 848.0 .4222 8.37 14S 195 379.7 1197.2 846.5 .4327 2.31 144 200 381.7 1197.8 845.0 .4431 2.26 141 210 386.0 1199.1 841.9 .4634 2.16 135 220 389.9 1200.3 839.2 .4842 2.06 129 230 393.8 1201.5 836.4 .6052 .98 123 240 397.5 1202.6 833. 8 .5248 .90 119 250 401.1 1203.7 831.2 .5464 .83 114 260 404.5 1204.8 828.8 .56K9 .76 110 270 407.9 1205.8 826.4 .5868 .70 108 280 411.2 1206.8 824.1 .6081 .64 102 290 414.4 1207.8 821.8 .6273 .59 99 300 417.5 1208.7 819.6 .6486 .54 93 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 173 MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE OF DIAGRAM OF STEAM CYLINDER. $553313 BaSSSRStS sis* The M. E. P. for any initial pressure not given in the table can be found by multiplying- the (absolute) given pressure by the M.E. P. per pound of initial, as given in the third horizontal line of the table. 174 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. HEAD OF WATER AND EQUIVALENT PRESS- URE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. II d .5 rti; w.s ' C 4J & M.S 1 Id' &* 1 0.43 ~41 17.75 81 35.08 121 52.41 161 69.74 2 0.86 42 18.19 82 35.52 122 52.84 162 70.17 3 1.30 43 18.62 83 35.95 >123 53.28 163 70.61 4 1.73 44 19.05 84 36.39 124 53.71 164 71.04 5 2.16 45 19.49 85 36.82 125 54.15 165 71.47 6 2.59 46 19.92 86 37.25 126 54.58 166 71.91 7 3.03 47 20.35 87 37.68 : 127 55.01 167 72.34 8 3.46 48 20.79 88 38.12 128 55.44 168 72.77 9 3.89 \ 49 21.22 ; 89 38.55; 129 55.88 169 73.20 10 4.33 50 21.65 90 39.98 130 56.31 170 73.64 11 4.76 51 22.09 91 39.42 131 56.74 171 74.07 12 5.20 52 22.52 92 39.85 132 57.18 172 74.50 13 5.63 53 22.95 93 40.28 133 57.61 173 74.94 14 6.06 54 23.39 94 40.72 134 58.04 174 75.37 15 6.49 55 23.82 95 41.15 135 58.48 175 75.80 16 6.93 56 24.26 96 41.58 136 58.91 176 76.23 17 7.36 57 24.69 97 42.01 137 59.34 177 76.67 18 7.79 58 25.12 98 42.45 138 59.77 178 77.10 19 8.22 59 25.55' 99 42.88 139 60.21 179 77.53 20 8.66 60 25.99 100 43.31 ,140 60.64 180 77.97 21 9.09 61 26.42: 101 43.75 141 61.07 181 78.40 22 9.53 62 26.85 102 44.18 142 61.51 182 78.84 23 9.96 63 27.29 103 44.61 143 61.94 183 79.27 24 10.39 64 27.72 104 45.05 144 62.37 184 79.70 25 10.82 65 28.15 1 105 45.48 145 62.81 185 80.14 26 11.26 66 28.58 106 45.91 ;146 63.24 186 80.57 27 11.69 67 29.02 107 46.34 147 63.67 187 81.00 28 12.12 68 29.45 108 46.78 148 64.10 188 81.43 29 12.55 69 29.88 109 47.21 149 64.54 189 81.87 30 12.99 70 30.32 110 47.64 150 64.97 190 82.30 31 13.42 71 30.75 111 48.08 151 65.49 191 82.77 32 13.86 72 31.18 112 48.51 152 65.84 192 83.13 33 14.29 73 31.62 l lll3 48.94 153 66.27 193 83.60 34 14.72 74 32.05 114 49.38 154 66.70 194 84.03 35 15.16 75 32.48 115 49.81 155 67.14 195 84.47 36 15.59 76 32.92 116 50.24 156 67.57 196 84.90 37 16.02 77 33.35 117 50.68 157 68.00 197 85.33 38 16.45 78 33.78 118 51.11 158 68.43 198 85.76 39 16.89 79 34.21 119 51.54 |159 68.87 199 86.20 40 17.32 80 34.65J 120 51.98 1160 69.31 200 86.63 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 175 TABLE SHOWING PROPERTIES OF SOLUTION OF SALT. (Chloride of Sodium.) Percentage of Salt by M Weig-ht. Pounds of Salt per Gallon of w Solution. 3 C !-> "|? Q$ rt Weight per Gallon at ^ 39 P.-4 C. 5 a o |T *!. 6 y -^ J) o) W Freezing- Point, -a Fahrenheit. 1 9 0.084 169 4 g 8.40 8 46 1.007 1 015 0.992 30.5 29 3 2 5 212 10 8 50 1 019 28 6 3 256 12 8 53 1 023 27 8 3 5 300 14 8 56 1 026 27 1 4 344 16 8 59 1 030 26 6 5 0.433 20 8.65 1.037 0.960 25.2 6 523 24 8 72 1 045 23 9 7 617 28 8 78 1 053 22 5 8 708 32 8 85 1 061 21 2 9 10 0.802 0.897 36 40 8.91 8.97 1.068 1.076 6 '.892 19.9 18.7 12 15 20 1.092 1.389 1.928 48 60 80 9.10 9.26 9.64 1.091 1.115 1.155 6 '.855 0.829 16.0 12.2 6.1 24 2 376 96 9 90 1 187 1 2 25 26 29 2.488 2.610 100 9.97 10.04 1.196 1.204 0.783 .5 1.1 4.7 To determine the weig-ht of one cubic foot of brine, multiply the values given in column 4 by 7.48. To determine the weig-ht of salt to one cubic foot of brine, multiply the values given in column 2 by 7.48. PROPERTIES OF SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF CALCIUM. Percentage by Weight. Specific Heat. Spec. Grav. at 60 F. Freezing Point, Degrees F. Freezing Point, Deg. Cels. 1 0.996 1.009 31 0.5 5 0.964 1.043 27.5 2.5 10 0.896 1.087 22 5.6 15 0.860 1.134 15 9.6 20 0.834 1.182 - 1.5 14.8 25 0.790 1.234 21.8 22.1 176 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. DIAMETERS, AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES. Diam. | Inches. Circumf. Inches. I- B QC b G b w *& QC S o 1.849 1 '4 3.53429 0.99402 1 12.9591 13.364 *4 2f>. 91 8 1 53.456 ft 3.73064 .1076 , 3 * 13.1554 13.772 % 26.3108 56.0b8 3.92699 .2272 k 13.3518. 14.186 l /2 26.7035 56.746 i s l 4.12334 .3530 i 5 f, 13.5481 14.607 X 27.0962 58.426 x 4.31969 .4849 % 13.7445 15.033 % 27. 4889 60.132 1 6 4.51604 .6230 J 7 6 13.9408 15.466 27. f 816 61.862 Va 4.71239 .7671 K 14.1372 15.904 9 28.2743 63.617 ," 6 4.90874 .9175 ft 14.3335 16.349 H 28. 6670 65.397 % 5.10509 2.0739 % 14.5299 16.1-00 H 29.0597 67.201 U 5.30144 2.236C {I 14.7^62 17.257 % 29.4624 69.029 a 4 5.49779 2.4053 14. 9226 17.721 % 29.8451 70.882 1 3 5.69414 2.5802 n 15.1189 18.190 % 30.2378 72.760 X 5.89049 2.7612 % 15.3153 18.665 % 30.6305 74.662 18 6.08684 2.9483 \i 15.5116 19.147 % 31.0232 76.689 2 6.2*319 3.1416 5 15.70PO 19 635 10 31 4159 78.540 ,!B 6.47953 3.3410 A 15.9043 20.129 y 32.2013 82.516 M 6.67588 3.546 % 16.1007 20.629 Yz 32.9*67 86.590 ft 6.87223 3.7583 A. 16.2970 21.135 \ 33.7721 90.763 J4 7.06858 3.9761 H 16.4934 21.648 11 3-4.5575 95.033 1 5 6 7.26493 4.2000 1*8 16.6897 22.166 1 A 35.3429 99.402 % 7.46128 4.4301 % 16.8861 22.6H1 36.1283 103.87 7.65763 4.6664 I 7 * 17.0824 23.221 K 36.9137 108.43 */2 7.85398 4.9087 K 17.2788 23.758 12 37.6991 113.10 1 9 8 8.05033 5.1572 : ! 9 8 17.4751 24.301 y* 38.4845 117.86 H 8.24668 5.4119 % 17.6715 24.850 % 39.2699 122.72 H 8.44303 5,6727 \l 17.8678 25.406 % 40.0563 127.68 \ 8.63938 5.9396 X 18.0642 25 967 13 40.8407 132.73 1* 8.83573 6.2126 tf 18.2605 26.535 H il.6261 137.89 % 9.03208 6.4918 % 18.4569 27 .'109 V4 42.4115 143.14 11 9.22843 6.7771 18 18.6532 27.688 M 43.1969 148.49 3 9.424:8 7.0686 6 18.8496 28.274 14 43.9823 153.94 iVs 9.62113 7.3662 H 19.2423 29.465 y\ 44.7671 159.48 H- 9.81748 7.6699 H 19.6350 30.680 Vz 45.5531 165.13 > 3 6 10.0138 7.9798 % 20.0277 31.919 X 46.3385 170.87 H 10.2102 8.2958 1 A' 20.4204 33.183 15 47.1239 176.71 IB 10.4065 8.6179 % 20.8131 34.472 H 47.9'093 182.65 %' 10.P029 8.9462 % 21.2058 35.785 54 48.6947 188.69 1 ? R 10.7992 9.2806 % 21.5984 37.122 49.48D1 194.83 H 10.9956 9.6211 1 21.9911 38.485 16 50.2655 201.06 ft" 11.1919 9.9678 y* 22.3838 39.871 y* 51.0509 207.39 11.3883 10.321 M 22.7765 41.282 H 51.8363 213.82 Ji 11.5846 10.680 % 23.1692 42.718 \ 52.6217 220.35 % 11.7810 11.045 l /2 23.5619 44.179 17 53.4071 226.98 ia I <> 11.9772 11.416 5jj 23.9546 45.664 k 54.1925 233.71 fe 12.1737 11.793 % 24.3473 47.173 l /2 54.9779 240.53 .18 12.3700 12.177 7 /9 24.7400 48.707 #5.7(533 247.45 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 177 DIAMETERS, AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES. CONTINUED. a| .2-3 Qfl Circumt". Inches. 1 ll Diam. Inches. Circumf. Inches. > . Diam. I Inches. Circumf. Inches. s 18 56.5487 254.47 J3 100 531 804 25 46 144.513 1661.9 57 3341 261.59 /4 101.316 816.86 /4 145.21)9 1680.0 H 58.1195 268 80 Yz 102.102 829.58 Yz 146 U84 1698.2 X 58.9049 276.12 % 102 887 842.39 3 4 146 86!) 1716 5 19 59.6903 283.53 33 103 673 855.30 47' ' 147 65.' 1734 9 60 47.37 291.04 104.458 868.31 /4 148.440 1753.5 Yz 61.2611 208.65 Yz 105 243 881.41 Yz 149.226 1772 J % 62.0465 306'. 35 ?4 106.029 894.62 % 150.011 1790.8 20 62.8319 314.16 34 106.814 907.92 48 150.796 1809 6 63.6173 322.06 107.600 921.32 151.582 1828.5 Yz 64.4036 330.06 Yz 108.385 934.82 Yz 152.367 1847.5 "X 66.1830 338.16 % 109.170 948.42 % 153.153 1866.5 21 65.9734 346.36 35' 109.956 962.11 49 153.938 1885.7 66.7588 354.66 X 110.741 975.91 Y\ 154.723 1905.0 V 67.5442 363.05 Yz 111.627 989. 80 Yz 155.509 1924.2 X 68.3398 371.54 112.312 1003.8 $4. 156.294 1943.9 69.1150 380.13 36 4 113.097 1017.9 . 50 157.080 1963.5 1 69.9004 388.82 \2 113.883 1032.1 \i 157.865 1983.2 % 70.6858 397.61 % 114.668 1046.3 Yz 158.650 2003.0 ^ 71 4712 406.49 % 115.454 1060.7 159.436 2022.8 23 72.2566 415.48 3? 116.239 1075.2 51 4 160.221 2042.8 73.0420 424.56 Y 117.024 1089.8 161.007 2062.9 /4 73.8274 433.74 M 117.810 1104.5 Yz 161.792 2083.1 24 74.6128 443.01 X 118.596 1119.2 % 162 577 2103.3 24 75.3982 452.39 38 119.381 1134.1 52 163.363 2123.7 76.1836 461.86 X 120.166 1149.1 164.148 2144.2 ^2 76.9690 471.44 120.951 1164.2 ~" Yz 164.934 2164.8 Jj 77.7544 481.11 % 121.737 1179.3 % 165.719 2185.4 25 78.5398 490.87 39 122.522 1194.6 53 166.504 2206.2 \,' 79.3252 500.74 123.308 1310.0 J4 167.290 2227.0 Yt 80.1106 510.71 Yz 124.093 1225.4 Yz 168.075 2248.0 80.8960 620.77 124.878 1241.0 94 168.861 2269.1 26^ 81.6814 630.93 40 4 125.664 1266.6 54 169.. 646 2290.3 82.4668 541. 19 126.449 1272.4 170.431 2311.5 i^ 83.2522 551.55 y* 127.235 1288.2 Yz 171.217 2332.8 2 ' 84.0376 562.00 128.020 1304.2 172.002 2354.3 27* 84.8230 572.66 41 4 128.805 1320.3 55^ 172.788 2376.8 85.6084 583.21 129.591 1336.4 X 173.573 2397.5 Yt 86.3938 593.96 X 130.376 1352.7 174.358 2419.2 94 87.1792 604.81 94 131.161 1369.0 94 175.144 2441.1 28 87.9646 615.75 42 131.947 1385.4 56 175.929 2463.0 J4 88.7500 626.80 J4 132. 732 1402.0 176.715 2485.0 !4 89.5354 637.94 133.518 1418.6 4 177.500 2607.2 a^ 90.3208 649.18 24 134.303 1436.4 178.285 2529.4 29 91.1062 660.52 43- 135.088 1452.2 57 4 179.071 2551.8 /4 91.8916 671.96 i 135.874- 1469.1 /4 179.856 2574.2 Yz 92.67 r <0 683.49 Y 136.659 1486.2 y* 180.642 2596.7 % 93.4624 695.13 X 137 445 1503.3 24 181.427 2619.4 30 94.2478 706.86 44 138.230 1620.5 58 182.212 2642.1 95.0332 718.69 139.015 1537.9 i^ 182.998 2664.9 8 95.8186 730.62 Yz 139.801 1555.3 252.113 5058.0 !/ 296.095 6976.7 V6 208.916 3473T2 H 252.898 5089.6 Yz 296.881 7013.8 9 209.701 3499.4 253.684 5121.2 % 297.666 7051.0 67 210.487 3526." 81* 254.469 5153.0 95 298.451 7088.2 /4 211.272 3552.0 H 255.254 5184.9 14 299.237 7125.6 i^ 212.058 3578.5 Yz 256.040 5216.8 i/ 300.022 7163.0 M 212.843 3605.0 256.825 5248.9 If 300.807 7200.6 68' 213.628 3631.7 82* 257.611 5281.0 96 301.593 7238.2 /4 214.414 3658.4 /4 258.396 5313.3 \A 302.378 7276.0 14 215.199 3685.3 Yz 259.181 5345.6 Yz 303.164 7313.8 3 i 215.984 3712.2 % 259.967 5378.1 303.949 7361.8 69 216.770 3739.3 83 260.752 5410.6 97 /4 304.734 7389.8 K 217.555 3766.4 y 261.538 5443.3 /4 305.520 7428.0 H 2I8.-341 3793-7 Yz 262.323 5^76 Yz 306.305 7466:2 219.126 3821.0 %. 263.108 5508.8 % 307.091 7504.5 70* 219.911 3848. 5 84 . 263.894 5541.8 98 307.876 7543.0 / 220.697 3876.0 264.679 5574.8 H 308.661 7581:5 Yz 221.482 3903.6 y* 265.465 5607.9 309.447 7620.1 % 222.268 3931.4 % 266.260 5641.2 % 310-232 7658.9 71 223.053 3959.2 85 267.035 5674.5 99 311.018 7697.7 "/ 223.838 3987.1 i/ 267.821 5707.9 M 311.803 7736.6 Va 224.624 4015.2 Yz 268.606 5741.5 Yz 312.588 7775.6 % 225. 409 4043.3 % 269.392 5775.1 % 313.374 7814.8 72 226.195 4011.5 86 270.177 5808.8 100 314.159 7854 /i 226.980 4099.8 /4 270. 962 5842.6 y 2 227.765 4128.2 Yz 271.748 5876.5 3 228.551 4156.8 % 272.533 5910.6 ""S 229.336 4185.4 87 273.319 5944.7 Ji 230.122 4214.1 274.104 5978.9 i4 230.907 4242.9 Yz 274.889 6013.2 231.692 4271.8 275.675 r>047.fi MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 179 TABLE OF PISTON SPEEDS. FEET PER MINUTE Stroke in Inches. s .00 co oo ) O X*. to 1 00 -4 O . *- O 00 Oi .>. OO tG O O 00 00 i oo O <> OU >U ; ' t* O OS M 00 >U O < > C O O O O O C i > o o o o ^ IS3SSI 4w Ci ^^C^ ;58l.i li_i-ii _M "to~to to - i-n liil i rf^. C5 OiiOOOO*i*OtC4X.O PllfSillilSSjggStSSfeSg! _o i 1 o_o ojo oa o o CT> oo o ? oo-o "tO >-*" M t-i i-i' i^Ti- i-i " " ~ ~co co"oo tototcrc>-'M> h^i-n-ii-i ^88g8S: !3 SS )o;ooo5>-'C5--iSo- : b< ADVERTISEMENTS. *jot3C:<3 f | S, 5 K- 5 I mm "1 C (D J 3 f" 1 *> SJBpBBP^S p-n g T CO IT" ~ PHHI W3 O P^ > ^^ / O ^PV *r _^t mifiB * s iiii a 05 O (t 2 S O & 1 ^B'-R* 1 09 p< i R) n i ADVERTISEMENTS. GARDNER T. VOORHEES, S. B Refrigerating engineer OPINIONS, ESTIMATES, PLANS, ETC., FOR Refrigerating^Ice Plants INDICATOR CARDS WORKED UP, ETC. 41 RICHMOND STREET BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. HOW DO YOU KNOW Whether your ENGINE is working- ECONOMICALLY and developing- FULL POW- ER for FUEL consumed ? NOTHING but an INDICA- TOR will give you this knowl- edge, and there is no INDICATOR su- perior to the IMPROVED ROBERTSON THOMPSON, and the price is about one- third lower than any other. works WET steam or BOILER foams, a HINE ELIMINATOR will correct both at trifling- cost. IF YOUR ENGINE WET steam or BOILER fc E ELIMINATOR will correct ing- cost. JAS. L. ROBERTSON & SONS, 204 Fulton Street, NEW YORK "BOYLE" ice Making and Refrigerating Machinery BUILT BY THE Pennsylvania Iron Works Company PHILADELPHIA New York Office, 621 Broadway A HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATION. Also Builders of the.... Qas and Gasoline Engines.... For Stationary and Marine Service. ADVERTISEMENTS. STflR BRflSS MFG. GO. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGHEST GRADE Ammonia Gages FOR Ice and Refrigerating Machines ALSO ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF "Non -Corrosive'' Pressure and Vacuum Gages OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ALSO Solid Nickel Seated Pop Satety Valves. NOTE Our gages are used exclusively by the Quincy Market Cold Storage Co.. Boston. SPECIFY THEM ON NEW EQUIPMENT 108-114 East Dedham Street, BOSTON, MASS. THIRD EDITION Compend of Mechanical Refrigeration BY PROF. J. E. SIEBEL. DnirwJ Bound in Cloth, - $8.00 ' ' v - 1 in Morocco, 3.50 ON RECEIPT OF PRICE H. S, RICH & CO., Publishers 206 BROADWAY 177 LA SALLE ST. NEW YORK CHICAGO ADVKRTISKMENTS. TUB BJCHELDER "ST IIDICBTOR AND IDEAL REDUCING WHEEL COMPLETE, COMPACT AND RELIABLE JOHN s. BUSHNELL,SOLE MANUFACTURER (SUCCESSOR TO THOMPSON &. BUSHNELL) 120 AND 122 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK Practical Ice Making and Refrigerating A practical, common sense treatise on the construction and operation of Ice Making- and Refrigerating- Machinery and Apparatus : : : : El LJ G E IM E: T. S K I IVJ K l_ El . "THE BOY" BOUND ix CLOTH, ........ $1.50 j BOUND IN MOROCCO, ........ 2.00 SENT PREPAID TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. & CO., Rutoli 177 La s : il I., st., CHICAGO 206 Broadway, NEW YORK 39 (402s) ml *-^/^ I OOUO THE FRED W. WOLF Co. Cable A Manufacturers Export and Engineers and Architects A. B. c. Code Used. MANUFACTUKKKS OK THE LINDE ICE MAKING in actual operation, and Refrigerating Machine 4 times as many as any other ice machine. For Durability, Simplicity and It Has No Equal Ammonia Fittings Ice Factory Supplies T^J-32 Ammonia Condensers, Ice Can Thawing Dumps, Baudelot Coolers, Ice Tools, Direct Expansion Piping, Pumps, Brine Piping, Derricks, Etc. General Offices, 139=143 Rees Street, Foot of Dayton Factory, 302-330 Hawthorne Avenue CHICAGO, U. S. A. Catalogs Sent on Application. : , ' ;" "'-', \