THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE MICROSCOPE ITS REVELATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE AND ART. JOHN FERGUSON, MINISTER OP THK FREE CHURCH, BRIDGE OF ALLAN. " I can truly affirm of myself, that my studies have been profitable and availing to me, only so far as I have endeavoured to use nil my other knowledge as a. glass, enabling me to receive more light, in a wider field of vision, from the Word of God." CoLBRinoR. Appendix to the Statesman's Manual. EDINBURGH: THOMAS CONSTABLE & CO. HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO., LONDON. MDCCCLVIII. " The Lord of all, Himself through all diffused, Sustains, and is the life of all that lives. Nature is but a name for an effect Whose cause is God All are under One. One spirit His Who bore the platted thorns with bleeding brows- Rules universal Nature. Not a flower But shows some touch, in freckle, streak, or stain, Of his unrivall'd pencil. He inspires Their balmy odours, and imparts their hues, And bathes their eyes with nectar, and includes, In grams as countless as the sea-side sands, The forms with which He sprinkles all the earth. " PREFACE. THE following pages have been written chiefly with a view to exhibit the bearings of modern Microscopic research on the elucidation of the minute works of the Creator, and the illustration thereby given of the Divine perfections. It is well known that, in the present century, the advocates of infidelity have passed from the depart- ment of Metaphysics to that of Physics, in order to maintain their cause not a little damaged on the former field of conflict against Natural and Kevealed Religion. In many cases, with a professed reverence for the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, as displayed in the Volume of Nature, there has been a subtle opposition to His manifestations in the Book of Inspiration ; but between the Work and the Word of the Author and Lord of all, there can be no oppo- sition. Humble inquirers, therefore, after truth, alike on the field of nature and of revelation, may antici- pate, as the sure though perhaps slow result of such controversies, a more enlarged comprehension of the works of God in connexion with a clearer under- standing of His 'Holy Scriptures. Already this issue has been seen. Do not the strange discoveries re- cently made at Nineveh and Babylon strikingly illus- ft8 L.4 IV PREFACE. trate the Sacred Writings ? And do not these in return reflect the brighter light of the inspired page on Nineveh and Babylon these old enemies of Heaven's cause when they arise from their deep graves, after the silence of three thousand years, to emit their testimony before the world 1 For a time, too, not a few hoped that the Geology of our century would give the final death-blow to that Bible, which, for thousands of years, has maintained its place as the Creed of nations. But already Geology has been found to supply the most cogent and complete refuta- tion of Hume's boasted argument against miracles ; and perhaps the time is not far distant when it will appear that such works as the Testimony of the Rocks, or Sermons in Stones, will prove a closer agreement between the first page of Scripture and the many pages of the Earth's successive formations, than the most ardent advocate of Inspiration could, until recently, have hoped ever to discover. The conflict has extended to the field of Physio- logy ; and here, too, the friends of religion may anticipate an equally triumphant issue. The Micro- scope will certainly contribute its aid in no small degree to the result, as it reveals to us the (other- wise) " invisible things of God" in His minutest operations, and proclaims that " there was the hiding of His power." March 18, 1858. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. MODERN INVENTIONS, AND THEIR RESULTS. SECT. PAGE 1. The Steam-Engine, Electric Telegraph, 1 2. The Telescope, 3 3. The Microscope, . . , . . . ' . . . . 4 4. Chalmers on the Telescope and Microscope, .... 5 5. Imperfections, and their Removal, 7 6. Compound Achromatic Microscope, 10 7. Early Forms of the Microscope, 11 8. Recent Improvements, . . ..-.- . . . 14 9. Future Capabilities, . < r 16 CHAPTER II. EARLY DISCOVERIES BY THE MICROSCOPE. 1. Extent of Field, 19 2. Difficulty of Selection, . . .... . . 20 8. Trembley's Researches, The Hydra, , . . 21 4. Ehrenberg's Discoveries, 24 5. Classification : Vegetables or Animals ? 25 6. Berlin, ...,. 28 7. Extension of Microscopic Discoveries, 29 8. Minuteness of Organic Remains, 31 9. Agencies in Creation, 32 CHAPTER III. MICROSCOPIC VEGETABLES. 1. Extension of the Botanical Field, 36 2. Desmidieae, Diatomaceae, &c., 36 3. Their abundance, 38 4. Their uses, 39 5. Volvocinese, 41 6. Monas Crepusculum, ....;.... 43 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. MICBOSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. SECT. PAGE 1. Infusoria, 46 2. Polygastrica, 46 3. Cilia, 47 4. Rotifera, 49 5. Melicerta Ringens, 51 6. Interesting Spectacle, 52 7. Tenacity of Life, 54 8. Views of the Divine Benevolence, 57 CHAPTER V. MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. Difficulties, 60 2. Fossil Earths, 60 3. Red Snow, Green Snow, Red Rain, &c., 61 4. The Protococcus, 63 5. Ehrenberg's Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen 63 6. Prodigy of Blood, D'Aubigng's History of the Reformation, . 65 7. Variety of Microscopic Illustrations, 67 CHAPTER VI. THEORIES OF THE ORIGIN op LIFE. 1. Manifold Solutions, 71 2. Spontaneous Generation, &c., 72 3. Alternation of Generations, 73 4. Authorities, .......... 76 5. Professor Owen, 76 6. Professor Carpenter, .77 7. Professor James F. W. Johnston the Yeast Plant, . . 78 8. Dr. Prout, 80 9. Dr. Roget, 81 10. Professor Whe well, 82 11. Professor Sedgwick, 82 12. Professor James Buchanan, 86 13. Experiment of Professor Schultz 86 14. The Development Theory Genealogical Tree, .... 88 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER VII. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. SECT. p Afe . E 1. Palaeontology, . . , 90 (1.) Search for Coal, 92 (2.) Sir Roderick Murcbison, 94 (3.) Agassiz's Researches 95 (4.) Fossil Remains found at Stirling, 96 2. Botany, 98 (1.) Ancient Scottish Lignite, 98 (2.) Sections of Fossils, 99 (3.) Formation of Coal, 101 (4.) Fossil Dust from Crystal Palace, 101 (5.) Cedar from Nineveh, . 103 (6.) Living Plants 104 3. Antiquarianism, . 104 4. Chemistry, &c., . . 106 5. Anatomy, &c., 108 6. Criminal Jurisprudence 110 (1.) Trial for Murder in France .111 (2.) Trial for Murder in Cumberland, 113 (3.) Trial for Murder in Norfolk, 116 (4.) Detection of Robbers in Prussia 118 CHAPTER VIII. APPLICATIONS OP THE MICROSCOPE. 1. Lieu tenant Maury, and Telegraph to America 120 2. Bed of the Atlantic, 121 3. Atlantic Telegraphic Plateau, 122 4. Soundings, 123 5 Microscopic Dredging Trophies, 125 6. Their Testimony, 126 7. New Truths, 129 8. Novel Experiment, 130 9. Circuits of the Wind, 131 10 Tallies put on the Winds 136 11. Path of Infusoria, . 137 12. Results, ' 140 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES OF THE MICROSCOPE. SECT. PAGE 1. Microscopic Photographs, 142 2. Her Majesty Queen Victoria 142 3. The Arctic Council, . . . . . . . . .143 4. Crimean Photographs, 144 5. The Future of the Microscope, 147 habits, much resemblance to animals. These plants have the property of withdrawing silex from the water in which they exist, and thus their bodies, or at least their coverings, are in- destructible. Here, again, we are called to admire the wondrous operations of the Framer of the universe, and to observe how by the most minute agencies He accomplishes his mightiest plans. If man would obtain one small dwelling to shelter himself from the icy cold, or to shade himself from the burning heat, what a mighty preparation of means ! what an array of mate- rials ! what trenches and foundations ! what scaffolding and heaps of rubbish ! what a crowd of operatives of all classes ! But by the small drops of heaven's dew, or rays of heaven's light by the almost invisible particles of earth's frost, or the minute polypes of ocean's water, or by the countless agents of worlds of Desmidice and Diatomacece, the Great Master Builder rears and upholds the fabric of the material universe. Thus these Microscopic plants had their part in past ages in building up the walls of the world ; and still day by day, unseen by the naked eye, unknown to the millions of earth, they are in- 38 THE MICROSCOPE. creasing the soil of every land, and laying anew the foundations of every sea ! 3. The Naturalists of the United States' recent exploring expedition brought up thousands of Diatomacece by every cast of the deep-sea sound- ing apparatus, alike in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Australian oceans. According to Dr. "W. J. Hooker, these Microscopic vegetables abound throughout the South Polar Sea, between the parallels of 50 and 70 S. Diatomacece exist everywhere, stain the ice of a brown colour, or when put into water, render it cloudy like inilk, and take hours to subside. A deposit of mud, 400 miles long, and 200 miles in breadth, stretches along the shores of the Victoria Bar- rier, and wherever soundings were here made, the average depth of the water being 1800 feet, they were invariably charged with diatomaceous remains the immense deposit being thus proved to consist chiefly of these Microscopic organisms. 1 The Paris Basin, 180 miles long, and 90 miles in breadth, abounds in infusoria (so called) and other silicious remains. 2 1 Dr. Hooker's Flora Antarctica, vol. ii. pp. 503-505. 2 Hogg on the Microscope, p. 156. MICROSCOPIC VEGETABLES. 39 In all this there is a most wise and beneficent arrangement of Providence ; for, as Dr. Hooker remarks, the universal prevalence of this invi- sible vegetation throughout the South Polar Ocean serves a great end. There is a marked deficiency, he tells us, of the higher forms of vegetation, and were it not for these Diatomacece there would be no food for the aquatic animals ; nor, supposing these animals to exist by preying on each other, could the ocean waters, without the Diatomacece, be purified of the carbonic acid imparted to them by animals. " How wondrous is the scene ! where all is formed With number, weight, and measure ; all designed For some great end ! Where not alone the plant Of stately growth, the herb of glorious hue, Or food-full substance ; nor the labouring steed, The herb and flock that feed us ; nor the mine That yields us stores for elegance and arts ; The sea that loads our table, and conveys The wanderer, man, from clime to clime, with all Those rolling spheres, that from on high shed down Their kindly influence ; nor these alone Which strike e'en eyes incurious, but each moss, Each shell, each crawling insect holds a rank Important in the scale of Him who framed This scale of beings ; holds a rank, which, lost, Would break the chain, and leave a gap behind, , Which Nature's self would rue!" 4. We think much of the changes produced 40 THE MICROSCOPE. on the material universe by the earthquake, the volcano, the hurricane by rain, frost, and snow ; we mark the additions made to it by the decay of its thousand forests, and the degradation of its lofty mountain-rocks, and the interment of its gigantic inhabitants, the elephant, the rhino- ceros, the whale ; but how striking is it to find that vastly more ancient, and still more exten- sive changes have been wrought by those minute creatures, which the Microscope has for the first time presented to the eye of man ! And while such views should exalt our conceptions of the perfections of the Deity, how ought they to fill man's breast with humility and gratitude : with humility, as he thinks how his interests have been dependent on the agency of these least of all existences ; and with gratitude, as he realizes how much, in the mysterious economy of nature, he owes to the silent, secret, but ceaselessly ac- tive, invisible agents, who, by land and water, are thus ever elaborating the atmosphere neces- sary for man's existence, or soil for his occu- pancy, or higher vegetables and animals for his food ! Well may the author of that delightful little volume, The Sea-side Book" say" We MICROSCOPIC VEGETABLES. 41 know not what we owe to these Invisible Plants." " Sight could not trace their evanescent changes, Nor comprehend their motions, till minute And curious observation caught the clue To this live labyrinth, where every one, By instinct taught, performed its little task. Millions of millions, thus from age to age, With simplest skill, and toil unweariable, No moment and no movement unimproved, Laid line on line, on terrace terrace spread, To swell the heightening, brightening, gradual mount. Each wrought alone, yet all together wrought, Unconscious, not unworthy, instruments By which a Hand Invisible was rearing A new creation in the secret deep. Omnipotence wrought in them, with them, by them ; Hence what Omnipotence alone could do, Worms did. Frail were their frames, ephemeral their lives, Their masonry imperishable." 5. The Volvocinece are an extremely interest- ing class, both on account of the beauty and regularity of their forms, and their striking re- semblance in their movements to real animals. They derive their name from the manner in which they revolve upon their own axis. Thus Leeuwenhoeck, who described some of the group at the distance of 150 years, speaks of an ani- malcule (then so regarded) " a thousand times 42 THE MICROSCOPE. smaller than a louse's eye, which exceeded all the rest in briskness/' and turned itself round as it were upon a point, with the celerity of a spinning-top. The Volvox Globator, or " Globe Animalcule " is the most remarkable of the Volvocinece. It is frequently found in fresh-water pools during spring and summer, and being ^Vth of an inch in diameter may be seen by the naked eye, when the drop of water containing it is held up to the light. Viewed under the microscope, it is seen to consist of a hollow transparent sphere, which is studded at intervals with very small circular green spots. This circular creature was long supposed to be a single animal ; but the Microscope, with its higher powers, now proves it to be a composite vegetable structure, existing in clusters, under a covering or mantle, and separa- ted into cells to accommodate its many tenants. These cells often contain smaller cells, which are sometimes seen bursting through the side of the parent cell ; and thus the process of multiplica- tion is carried on. The Croniunij or " Tablet-Animalcule" is also an interesting microscopic organism ; especially MICROSCOPIC VEGETABLES. 43 iheGonium Pectorale, or "High Priest's Breast- plate" so called from its resemblance to the breastplate of the Jewish high-priest. It con- sists of sixteen bright green spherical bodies contained within a transparent mantle, like jewels reflecting light on both sides ; or, as Mr. Gosse observes, " like emeralds set in a plate of the purest glass." 1 These " emeralds" are dis- posed in quadrangular form, like the precious stones in the high-priest's breastplate, the four centre ones being generally larger than the others, and each " emerald" is joined to its neighbour by six links or cords. How many and beautiful are the archetypes of the Lord, both in Creation and ^Redemption ! 6. Ere we leave the vegetables, we would glance at one group among the Volvocinece at the Monas Crepusculum, or " Twilight Monad" It is the most minute and simple of all living beings which the Microscope, in the exercise of its highest powers, has yet discovered. This monad is r^oinrth of an inch in size ! Twelve thousand of these plants would be easily dis- posed of within the length of an inch, if they 1 Life, p. 21. 44 THE MICROSCOPE. were placed, like the beads of a necklace, side by side in contact with each other. One drop of water would contain a thousand millions of them, though each was separated from its neighbour by a space as large as its own dia- meter. Thus, that globule of water would con- tain as many Monads as the great globe has of human beings on its wide surface in our own day ! It is still contended that the Monad must be classed with animals. If so regarded, the " Twilight Monad" may supply a standard for comparing the size of different objects. If the Rorqual (whale), the largest animal, is one hundred feet in length, and the Monad 12 Q 00 th of an inch, then the common house-fly may be considered as occupying the middle place in creation. 1 But in that least, as certainly as in that largest, of organized material creatures, we have full proof of the presence and perfections of the Creator. " Are we struck with admira- tion," Coleridge asks, in one of his pregnant sentences, " at beholding the cope of heaven imaged in a dew-drop ? The least of the ani- 1 Gosse's Life, p. 10. MICROSCOPIC VEGETABLES. 45 malcules, to which that drop would be an ocean, contains in itself an infinite problem, of which God omnipresent is the only solution." l " I tell thee that those living things To whom the fragile blade of grass That springeth in the morn And perisheth ere noon, Is an unbounded world I tell thee that those viewless beings, Whose mansion is the smallest particle Of the impassive atmosphere, Enjoy and live like man ; And the mimitest throb That through their frame diffuses The slightest, faintest motion, Is fixed and indispensable As the majestic laws That rule yon rolling orbs." 1 Coleridge's Lay Sermons. 46 THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTEE IV. MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 1. WE would now introduce to our general readers a few of the Infusoria, these marvel- lously minute works of the Lord of the Uni- verse, " whose glory is no less displayed in the construction of an Animalcule than in the creation of a Solar System." 2. The Polygastrica, or " Many -stomached" as a very extraordinary race of beings, may well occupy our attention for a little. Ehrenberg observed in the bell or funnel-shaped body of this animalcule, numerous pellucid little globes or beads, and concluding these to be stom- achs, applied to it the designation, " Many- stomached." Later naturalists seem to agree in denying that these globules are to be regarded as stomachs, but the original appellation is con- tinued. The class comprises very minute forms MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 47 of life. A drop of water, it is said, may con- tain 500 millions of a certain kind. They are of various colours. They multiply themselves by buds, or by spontaneous division sometimes in the length, and sometimes in the breadth. Sometimes one parent is seen to contain many offspring, and the offspring often passes into a separate state of existence through the shell, or covering of its parent ! 3. To one singular feature in the history of the Polygastrica we must still more particularly refer. They have apparently no articulated limbs, yet by means of cilia (eye-lashes or fila- ments, resembling very small hairs), some of which are only 13 ^ 00 th of an inch in length, they can move with a velocity which the eye can scarcely follow ; ay, perform feats which the most famous performer at Astley's might well admire, but would hardly venture to imi- tate ; walking, running, jumping, wrestling, flying, swimming, creeping ; so that there is no kind of animal movement which they do not oc- casionally exhibit. Their gymnastics are truly extraordinary I One part of the frame, of some of them at least, the cilia, has attained what 48 THE MICROSCOPE. man's head and hand have long in vain sought to discover the perpetual motion. For these strange filaments, like our glohe itself, never cease to revolve : whether it be day or night, light or darkness, the cilia exhibit the same circling movements, which seem to cease only with life. Do these movements indicate consci- ousness ? The question has perhaps not yet been fully answered. Dr. Carpenter, though favour- ing the negative, speaks doubtfully. 1 Professor Owen's remarks on the subject are especially worthy of consideration : " If you watch the mo- tions of the Polygastric infusoria, you will per- ceive that they avoid obstacles to their progress ; rarely jostle one another ; yet it is difficult to detect any definite cause or object of their movements. The motions of the Polygastrica have appeared to me, long watching them for indications of volition, to be in general of the nature of re- spiratory acts, rather than attempts to obtain food, or avoid danger. Very seldom can they be construed as voluntary, but seem rather to be automatic, governed by the influence of stimuli within or without the body, not felt but reflect- 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, pp. 476, 478. MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 49 ed upon the contractile fibres, and therefore are motions which never tire. We may thus ex- plain the fact which Ehrenberg relates not without an expression of surprise namely, that at whatever period of the night he examined the living Infusoria, he invariably found them moving as actively as in the day-time ; in short, it seems to him that these little beings never sleep." 1 This life of ceaseless activity is indeed not long : but the watchful devotee of science has traced an infusoria through a course of exist- ence, extending to an old age of twenty-three days ! 4. To a true Animalcule, of high and com- plex organization, brought to view by the Microscope, we must still request our reader's attention ; namely, the Rotifer, or " Wheel Animalcule" These animalcules belong to the articulated division of the animal kingdom, and seem to constitute a class in that lower portion of it, to which the designation worm 1 Lectures on the Compar. Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals, p. 19. 1843. D 50 THE MICROSCOPE. is given. 1 The name Kotifera, or " Wheel Animalcules," was assigned to them from their having, in the anterior part of their body, little organs like wheels ; and which, like wheels, continually move upon their own axis. This appearance is as extraordinary, as if the head of a man ivere seen to be continually whirling round on the axis of his neck. Though the Kotifer is not the -^th of an inch long, it possesses tail and eyes, chin and mouth, jaws, teeth, and stomach. Mr. Gosse states that the muscular, the nervous, the digestive, and the reproductive systems of the " Wheel-bearers/' are particularly well deve- loped. 2 By their cilia, these Infusoria create a lilliputian whirlpool in the water, and by the movement suck their prey into their mouth. They produce their progeny by eggs, from which the young often pass while yet in the body of the parent ! And so rapid is the pro- cess, that, according to Ehrenberg, seventeen millions may be produced within twenty-four days from one individual ! They are evidently 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, p. 473. 2 Life, p. 198. MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 51 a decidedly anti-Malthusian race ! As the Ko- tifer is remarkably transparent, all these facts are easily observed with a good Microscope. 5. In this class, the Melicerta Ringens, or " Beaded Melicerta" claims special notice. It is called " Beaded " from the cylindrical tube, or house which it inhabits, being made up of little round pellets glued together, which give the tube a granulated or beaded character. The Melicerta builds its own house, and also makes the stones that are laid in its walls. It exudes, from a cup-like organ in its own body, a viscous matter for forming little beads or pellets, and with these it raises, course after course, and storey after storey, its tubular abode. Mr. Gosse tells us that he enjoyed the privilege of witness- ing the operations of the little mason, as it was rearing its tasteful mansion, after an order still more ancient than the Doric. He observed beneath the Melicerta 's chin a small disk-like organ, having the appearance of a revolving ventilator (" like that fixed in the upper pane of a kitchen- window for curing smoke"), when the wheels are at work. Towards this disk, through the action of the cilia, particles of 52 THE MICEOSCOPE. matter are drawn from the surrounding liquid into the vortex of the wheel organs, and so ac- cumulate there, until the pellet the stone for the wall is framed of the necessary materials. It requires about three minutes to prepare the pellet. Then the little architect, having popped up its head out of its tube (" like a sweep peeping out of a chimney-top "), bends down its body, seizes the pellet, and lays the stone in its bed in other words, attaches the newly formed pellet to its own niche on the edge of the gradually rising tubular structure. The head is then lifted up, and the same process of col- lecting materials and bringing them to the stone-manufactory, of making the pellets, and of raising the walls, commences anew. 1 This Architect-Mason animalcule is about two-thirds of a line in length ; 2 and when young has two eyes, teeth, and gizzard. Its teeth are like toothed hammers, fixed on the movable end of the jaw, to strike, or pound as on an anvil. Re- spiratory tubes are sometimes seen. Ehrenberg maintains that this creature has brains ! 1 Transactions of the Microscopical Society, ii. 3, 4, 5. 2 A line is one-twelfth of an inch. MICEOSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 53 6. If the contemplation of one animalcule pre- sents so marvellous a spectacle, what shall we say when we behold them in multitudes which no man can number ? Well has it been ob- served : " To see a shoal of these lively crea- tures in a drop of water, avoiding each other in their many courses, and performing a thousand mingled evolutions, is, perhaps, one of the most interesting spectacles which the reflective can contemplate ! But this delight gives way to astonishment when we perceive that these crea- tures are elaborately constructed ; that they are organized with an express relationship to their destined mode of life ; and that they enjoy their existence like the fishes of the sea, the birds of the air, or the wild beasts of the desert." Contemplating such a scene, we may well adopt the words of the poet : " Sec thro' this air, this ocean, and this earth, All matter quick, and bursting into birth. Above, how high progressive life may go ! Around, how wide ! How deep extend below ! Vast chain of being ! which from God began ; Nature ethereal, human, angel, man ; Beast, bird, fish, insect, what no eye can see, 54 THE MICROSCOPE. No glass can reach ; ,from Infinite to Thee, From Thee to nothing ! " " How wonderful are thy works, Lord ; sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." 7. The marvel of marvels regarding the Koti- fera still remains to be told ; their tenacity of life. They may be taken out of water, kept dry as dust, and retained in this condition for almost any length of time ; yet, when exposed to the influ- ence of moisture and heat, they may be restored again to all their former animation ! Fontana, an Italian naturalist, kept some Eotifera in dried sand for two years and a half ; but, after an application of rain-water for two hours, most of them appeared to return to life and motion. 1 Spallanzani, after keeping the creatures for four years in a torpid state, repeated these experi- ments with the same success. He further tried the power of revival after apparent death, by alternately drying and moistening the same individuals. At each trial some failed to re- cover ; some recovered many times ; one of them actually revived fifteen times, but died on the sixteenth trial. 2 Individuals of one 1 Paterson's Zoology, p. 8. 2 Owen's Comp. Anat., vol. i. p. 39. MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 55 tribe have been kept in a vacuum for thirty days ; they have been subjected to the most trying species of desiccation known, by the use of sulphuric acid and chloride of calcium, and yet they have revived again. 1 Professor Owen says, that he witnessed at Freiburg, in 1838, the revival of an Arctiscon which had been preserved by Professor Schultze in dry sand up- wards of four years. 2 Some have hence ventured to conclude that there is here a true and complete revivification a restoration of life ! The highest authorities, Ehrenberg and Humboldt, justly maintain that in such cases there had been no death; that the principle of life, though en- feebled and dormant, had never actually fled. 3 But even with this explanation, how startling the phenomenon, that an invisible animalcule, with an amazingly minute and delicate organi- zation of head, eyes, mouth, jaws, teeth, throat, stomach, should be dried up to dust, remain dormant, as if dead, for years, and yet revive again ! How strange such a sleep ! How 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, p. 497. 2 Owen's Comp. Anat., vol. i. p. 40. 3 Humboldt's Aspects of Nature, p. 240. 56 THE MICROSCOPE. strange such a waking ! Such an entombment and such a resurrection ! Yet the evidence is undoubted. Well, then, may we ask with the poet " And deems weak man tiie future promise vain, When worms can die, and glorious rise again ?" Well may we ask with Paul, and in words supplied by Him who is Himself the Eesurrec- tion and the Life, " Why should it be thought a thing incredible (with you) that God should raise the dead ?" 11 Can it be ? Matter immortal ? And shall spirit die ? Above the nobler, shall less noble rise ? Shall man alone, for whom* all else revives, No resurrection know? Here dormant matter waits a call to life ; Half-life, half-death, join there ; here, life and sense ; There, sense from reason steals a glimm'ring ray ; Eeason shines out in man. But how preserved The chain unbroken, upward to the realms Of incorporeal life ? Those realms of bliss SVhere death hath no dominion ?" " The time draws on When not a single spot of burial earth, Whether on land, or in the spacious sea, But must give back its long-committed dust Inviolate : And faithfully shall these MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 57 Make up the full account ; not the least atom Embezzl'd, or mislaid, of the whole tale. Each soul shall have a body ready furnish'd ; And each shall have his own. Hence, ye profane ! Ask not how this can be ? Sure the same power That rear'd the piece at first, and took it down, Can re-assemble the loose scatter'd parts And put them as they were. Almighty God Has done much more : nor is His arm impair'd Thro' length of days : And what He can, He will : His faithfulness stands bound to see it done." 8. The discovery of the existence and agency of these microscopic plants and animacules un- folds to us clearly the power, wisdom, and good- ness of the Almighty, as put forth in all nature around us. Before the invention of the Micro- scope, not a conception could be formed by man of the vast world of animated nature in every drop of water. But it is now known that if a few leaves or grasses are immersed in this ele- ment, and then left exposed to the sun for a little time, innumerable multitudes of micro- scopic forms, many of them evidently possessed of the most amazing powers of locomotion, are brought to light. We see this realized every day in every little stagnant pool which we pass by on the road-side. On the surface of that pool you observe a mass of apparently putrid 58 THE MICROSCOPE. matter ; but by and by, vegetable and animal life appears, and the putrifying process ceases. The water becomes pure and fit for use, and so continues as long as the vegetation is healthy. Professor Quekett tells us, in his interesting Lectures on Histology (published in 1852-4), that there was before him, on his lecture-table, a vessel with water, which had thus been kept pure for four years, and which, he stated, would still continue for any length of time in the same condition, so long as that water was tenanted with living plants and animalcules. 1 Shall we, then, any longer despise that little roadside pool, or count these microscopic plants and animals useless ? We are apt to be astonished, ay, disgusted, when we hear of these objects existing in water. But mark the beneficence of God. The plants require carbonic acid as their food, and the animalcules require oxygen to keep them alive. The plants obtain carbonic acid from the decomposition of animal matter, and again give out oxygen for animalcules. The animalcule receives this oxygen, and, in return, by breathing, liberates carbonic acid gas, to be 1 Lectures on Histology, vol. ii. p. 99. MICROSCOPIC ANIMALCULES. 59 again decomposed by the plants. The fact of oxygen gas being so produced was carefully tested by Liebig. In order to satisfy himself of its accuracy, he placed several kinds of Infusoria (Protophytes) in a jar of water, and found, as the result, that oxygen gas was rapidly manu- factured, and accumulated in the upper part of the jar. At the end of fourteen days, one-third of the water had been forced out, and the gas, which had taken its place, was capable of ignit- ing a glowing mass of wood. Thus these mi- croscopic plants and animalcules perform the office of scavengers to the important element of water, removing all dead and putrifying organic matter, and rendering the water bright and inodorous. And so exquisite is the balance between animals and plants, that the streams of a thousand rivers, and the waters of the great ocean itself, are thus kept in clearness and purity throughout their wide extent. Professor Owen has well and happily styled these minute crea- tures " Nature's invisible police." 1 1 Owen's Compar. Anat. vol. i. p. 27. GO THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTEK V. MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. THE marvels of the invisible world, as thus illustrated by the Microscope, may explain many perplexing passages that we meet with in the records of history, and in the events of every- day life. 2. In his Aspects of Nature, Humboldt states that the Otomacs, a tribe inhabiting the banks of the Orinoco, subsist by eating earth during a part of the year when they have no other food. They knead this earth into balls, bake them, and use them as their only sustenance during two or three months of the year. " If an Otomac be asked," says Humboldt, " what are his winter (the rainy season) provisions, he will point to the heaps of clay in his hut." 1 Nay, this race so much relish their earthen 1 Aspects of Nature, pp. 142-4. MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 61 balls, that, while other food aboun'ds, they eat them by way of dessert, or as a bonne bouche. Similar reports have prevailed as to men eating earth in Finland, Guinea, Java, and other places ; and the propensity of slaves in the West Indies to follow this practice, even to the injury or destruction of their health, is well known. 1 The Microscope explains the mystery, at least in some of these cases, and so confirms the state- ments. This earth, examined by our instrument, is found to consist of infusorial matter, i.e., is mainly made up of minute organized beings, either animal or vegetable. It is found in many places, in Algeria, Bermuda, Kichmond in Virginia, Dolgelly in North Wales, Mull in Scotland, Lough Mourne in Ireland, &c. The Swedes and Norwegians have deposits of this infusorial earth, and call it by the very appropriate name of Berg-mehl, or mountain meal. In times of dearth, in China, such earth has been used for food, and is called fossil flour. 3. Who has not heard, and, hearing, who has not smiled at apparently incredible stories of red 1 Aspects of Nature, pp. 145-6. Chambers's Paper on the Microscope, p. 13. THE MICROSCOPE. snow and green snow, red rain and black rain ? We thought, perhaps, that we were fully war- ranted to give up to the scoffer, Livy's old stories of showers of blood descending in the Forum and Capitol, and of earth being rained down upon the streets in Kome (Livy, xxxiv. 45) ; but the tidings of rain and snow red, black, and green came from so many quarters, and were vouched for by so many respectable autho- rities, that our early scepticism began to sit somewhat uncomfortably upon us. At length the Microscope has rendered a large portion of it perfectly untenable. Illustrations are here very numerous. Thus on January 31, 1687, a great mass of a black substance, said to be like paper, fell during a storm in Courland. The wise said it was meteoric matter, but most men wondered, and pronounced the event a mystery. Fortunately, a portion of the " black mass" was laid up in the Berlin Museum, to puzzle the learned for one hundred and fifty years. But more fortunately still, at the end of that long dark age, Ehrenberg one day applied his Microscope to the marvel, and found it to be a matted heap of minute MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 63 organisms, a few Confervce, and about thirty kinds of infusoria. Thus a glance with the Microscope solved a riddle which had perplexed Europe's philosophers for more than a century. Murray tells us, in his Handbook for Swit- zerland, that red snow is common among the high Alps. Rose-coloured snoiv fell to the depth of six feet in the Tyrol in 1808. Green snow has been collected in Spitzbergen. Sir John Koss collected red snow upon a range of Arctic hills 800 feet above the level of the sea. Black rain fell in Ireland in April 1849, over a surface of 700 square miles. Humboldt observed red hail near Bogota. 4. Again the Microscope unties the knot. It has been found that in such cases a minute red, sometimes green, coloured plant, called the Protococcus, penetrated and pervaded the snow, and so imparted the colouring. In other cases, vast numbers of microscopic animals, floating in the air, had descended with rain or snow, and so produced the phenomena. 5. In a work entitled Passat-Staub und Blut- Regen, Ehrenberg has investigated this whole subject very carefully, and records the occur- 64 THE MICEOSCOPE. rerice of no fewer than 340 showers of blood-rain and dust-rain. In this treatise he advances the remarkable position, " that there must exist some law of nature according to which these living organisms may develop themselves in the air." He also calls special attention to extraordinary cases, viz., the dust-shower at Lyons in 1846, where an immense mass of matter must have fallen, weighing 7200 cwt. ; the occurrence of red mist, and then a descent of blood-rain at Locarno, near Lago Maggiore in 1755, leaving a red de- posit, which must have covered forty German miles square ; and a shower of dust which fell upon the deck of a vessel in the Atlantic ocean, about 500 miles from the west coast of Africa. In this last case, the animalcules, fifteen species in all, which fell with the dust, when collected and examined by Darwin, proved that the wind must have floated the mass from the shores of South America. 1 This fact goes to support a remarkable theory stated by Humboldt in his Aspects, namely, that " many of these agglo- merations of silicious-shelled microscopic organ- 1 It is to be remembered, that not a few of the Infusoria are "to be found only in certain geographical areas. MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 65 isms may perhaps float for years in the highest strata of the atmosphere" P. 211. (See below, Chap. viii. Sect. 11.) 6. These facts cast light on a mysterious page in D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation. The scene to which we refer, is depicted with all the historian's graphic felicity in vol. iv. book xvi. ch. v. 3 where he treats of Zwingle and the Reformation in Switzerland. It is amusing to observe that while DAubigne makes a kind of apology for introducing the story, he carefully refrains from committing himself either to its truth or falsehood. " On the 26th July (the year was 1531), a widow, chancing to be alone before her house in Castelenschloss, suddenly beholds a frightful spectacle blood springing from the earth all around her. She rushes in alarm into the cot- tage, but oh, horrible ! blood is flowing every- where from the wainscot and from the stones ; it falls in a stream from a basin on a shelf, and even the child's cradle overflows with it. The woman imagines that the invisible hand of an assassin has been at work, and rushes in distraction out of doors, crying ' Murder, mur- E 66 THE MICROSCOPE. der !' The villagers and the monks of a neigh- bouring convent assemble at the noise they suc- ceed in partly effacing the stains ; but a little later in the day, the other inhabitants of the house, sitting down in terror to eat their meal under the projecting eaves, suddenly discover blood bubbling up in a pond, blood flowing from the loft, blood covering all the walls of the house, blood, blood, everywhere blood! The bailiff of Schenkeuberg, and the pastor of Dalheim arrive, inquire into the matter, and imme- diately report it to the lords of Berne and to Zwingle." By the help of the Microscope, we may safely conclude that the bloody omen, which three hundred years ago caused such consternation in the canton of Berne, and which doubtless im- mediately formed the topic of solemn delibera- tion in the council-chamber of the Lords of Berne, and in the circle of the Hero of the Swiss Reformation, was nothing more than an extraor- dinary descent of microscopic coloured plants or vegetables, which, as we have seen from Murray's Handbook, is often witnessed at this day in the higher regions of the Alps. Thus science, truly MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 67 applied, solves many a strange phenomenon explains many a fairy tale and destroys many a superstitious prejudice ; while it opens to us a fresh page in the book of nature, and con- strains us anew to say, " Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty ! " 7. These brief, and necessarily imperfect illustrations, must convince us that boundless and glorious as is that universe afar off, whose realms the Telescope has surveyed, and whose remotest depths it still vainly attempts to fa- thom, there is another universe at hand, which the Microscope brings under our ken, and whose beauties and glories it still more fully subjects to our gaze ! Yea, as we reflect how the Micro- scope conducts man into the hitherto inaccessible and most mysterious regions of this minute universe, lights up the darkest abodes of re- cently unseen and unsuspected existence, pre- sents forms of surpassing beauty and matchless delicacy to our view, and reveals to us new races of beings, new modes of production and new laws of organization, new powers of vital action and new functions in exercise ; we may almost venture to ask if this little Instrument, with its 68 THE MICROSCOPE. scarcely visible lenses, has not, in the hands of an Ehrenberg, or an Owen, achieved discoveries even more unexpected and marvellous, than when Herschel, with his Telescope, saw the broad milky way that belts the heavens as a vast girdle of blazing stars, lying like glittering dust along heaven's dark sky; or when Lord Eosse, traversing the firmament with his gigan- tic instrument, in a moment resolved the great Nebula in Orion into a cluster of glowing stars, or surveyed the planet Neptune in its far distant home ? Yet after all that those instruments have revealed to us after we have with the one penetrated to that remote heaven, and seen its stars in their brightness and grandeur ; or with the other pierced into the minutest fragments of matter, and surveyed the delicacy and beauty of its organized atoms, we are but the more im- pressively taught this lesson at once the highest and the most humbling that beyond the far distant Neptune which the Telescope has brought to our view, and beyond the little Monad which the Microscope has looked upon, there are worlds upon worlds above that planet, and beneath that animalcule ; and that the unknown infinities on MICKOSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS. 69 their farther sides may yet more fully display the wisdom, and power, and goodness, of their Author, than do all the known infinities that lie between them. For the infinite is everywhere, and in all things the infinitely great and the infinitely small. In the material as well as in the spiritual world, " eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things of God ! " What need then, even here, of the wisdom that cometh from above ! and of the teaching of that Spirit who searcheth all things, even the deep things of God ! And in a better world what boundless fields of en- nobling contemplation may await the student of nature instructed also in the still more pre- cious volume of inspired truth when, with a mind taught by the Omniscient, and a heart purified by the thrice Holy One, he enters upon the vision of the new Heaven and new Earth, amid the unclouded and full-orbed light of that land, of which Immanuel is at once the Sun and the Glory ! " What numerous tribes Evading even the Microscopic eye ! 70 THE MICEOSCOPE. Full nature swarms with life ; one wondrous mass Of animals, or atoms organized. And lives the man, whose universal eye Has swept the unbounded scheme of things, Mark'd their dependence so, and firm accord, As with unfaltering accent to conclude That this availeth nought ? Has any seen The mighty chain of beings, lessening down From Infinite Perfection to the brink Of dreary nothing, desolate abyss ! From which astonish'd thought, recoiling, turns ? Till then, alone let zealous praise ascend, And hymns of holy wonder to that Power Whose wisdom shines as lovely on our minds, As on our smiling eyes his servant Sun." THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 71 CHAPTEE VI. THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 1. DID space permit us fully to examine the wide field of observation and discovery over which the Microscope conducts us, we should find that while this tiny instrument may gratify curiosity to the uttermost, it will also aid us in the practical duties of every-day life subserve our best interests, even in matters affecting our prosperity, our health, our honour, our good name, ay, our very life and help us to solve great questions connected with the glory of God and man's destinies for eternity. Thus the theologian and the philosopher, the natur- alist and the antiquarian, the merchant and the manufacturer, the agriculturist and the chemist, the anatomist and the physician, the lawyer and the judge, may, in the most ordinary de- tails of business, or in the highest departments 72 THE MICROSCOPE. of their profession, oft summon this instrument to their help, and with rarest success. 2. In reference to that great, and in our day vexed, question, whence, and ivhat is the origin of living beings ? the Microscope aids us at least to detect and expose the fallacies, of men whose solution of this question seems as unphiloso- phical as it is evidently antiscriptural. The Microscope gives no countenance either to a generatio spontanea, or a transmutatio speciei. Notwithstanding the famous experiments of Mr. Crosse and Mr. Weekes, and their " Crea- tion" of the " Acarus" or certain hypotheses regarding the Entozoa, or recent speculations regarding the primitive production of Infusoria, or doctrines about " Creation by Organic Law," our instrument authorizes us still to maintain, that organic life can arise only from organic life ; that the very lowest of plants and animalcules are never produced from in- organic matter by any fortuitous combination of circumstances ; that while there may seem to be different stages of development in the same being, or in its descendants for one or two generations, there is never a final passing THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 73 away from the original type ; and that while all organized beings may be traced up to ele- mentary cells, the cell of every plant and animal is peculiar to itself, and never develops itself into that of another. 3. The " Law of the Alternation of Genera- tions," as it has been termed, may present us with facts which, at first sight, appear startling, and inconsistent with the generally received laws of organic life. But these phenomena, when fol- lowed out and fully considered, instead of shut- ting out the thought of the Creator and Pre- server of all living things, only give us new views of that Being whose works are as mani- fold as they are great. One fact connected with the " Alternation of Generations" seems undoubted ; namely, that whatever be the de- gree or duration of the alternation, the original type of existence eventually re-appears. We at once admit that the changes under this law are not to be explained satisfactorily, by com- paring them with the metamorphoses of certain insects and crustaceans. In the latter cases, as Mr. Gosse observes, one individual passes through a succession of forms by casting off a 74 THE MICROSCOPE. succession of garments that concealed, and as it were masked the final form. Thus the cater- pillar actually contained the butterfly. The new form was within the old. But in the alter- nation of generations, we have the appearance of repeated births or descents, where the pro- geny is different from the parent, and possibly quite dissimilar. But sooner or later there is a return to the likeness of the early branch of the family. The pages of Professor Carpenter sup- ply us with abundance of illustration and argu- ment on this point. In the Vorticella, for ex- ample, what a dissimilarity between parent and progeny ! The Vorticella passes into the form of an Acineta ; and this acquires a new stalk, which exhibits the appearance of a Podophrya. 1 And so great is this difference between the Vorticella and the Acineta, that Ehrenberg himself regarded them as of a different genus. 2 Similar metamorphoses are presented by another animalcule, as it passes through the various changes in which it is styled the Trychoda lynceus, Aspidisca, and Oxytriclia? The Pro- 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, pp. 481, 482. 2 Gosse's Life, p. 15. 3 Carpenter, pp. 483, 484. THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 75 tens Amoeba receives its very name from the great variety of forms which it assumes. 1 It is always changing its outline, and to such a degree, that not only are no two ever found alike, but the same specimen does not retain the same shape for two successive minutes. 2 And so we have the most extraordinary alterna- tions of forms in the same animalcule, Hydra, Strobila, Medusa, where the parent for the time does not produce its own likeness, but something wholly diverse, " each individual being alto- gether unlike its mother, or its daughter, but exactly resembling its grandmother or its grand- daughter." The school of naturalists who draw conclu- sions in favour of their law of development, from the circumstance of a microscopical ani- malcule passing into another form, or appa- rently giving origin to a totally different crea- ture, should carefully ponder the following words of a keen-eyed microscopic observer : " There is a very strong analogical probability, that many even of the most dissimilar forms of these animalcules will prove to be different 1 Carpenter, p. 464. 2 Gosse's Life, p. 22. 76 THE MICROSCOPE. states of one and the same ; for their multipli- cation, by binary subdivision, being not a true generative process, but merely (so to speak) the growth of an individual, we may be almost certain that sooner or later a new phase will present itself, consisting in the evolution of proper sexual bodies, which will perform a true generative act, the products of which may be very probably quite different from the forms we are accustomed to regard as peculiar to each species." l 4. It is pleasing to find that the highest authorities among naturalists (without a dis- cordant voice) oppose the conclusions in favour of the hypotheses of a generatio spontanea, or a transmutatio speciei, which some have recently attempted to draw from such phases of life and reproduction as the preceding. 5. " The hypothesis of equivocal generation," says Professor Owen, " has been deemed to apply more strongly to the appearance of internal parasites (Entozoa) in animal bodies, than to the origin of animalcules in infusions. But if a 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, pp. 18, 20. THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OP LIFE. 77 tapeiuorm might be organized from a fortuitous concourse of organic particles, or by the meta- morphosis of an organic cell in the animal it infests, why that immense complication and ex- tent of the organs for the production of normal fertile ova P" 1 6. " The universality," says Professor Car- penter, " of simple forms of fungi upon all spots favourable to their development, has given rise to the belief that they are spontaneously produced by decaying vegetables ; but there is no occasion for this mode of accounting for it, since the extraordinary means adopted by Na- ture for the production and diffusion of the genus of these plants adequately suffices to ex- plain the facts of the case." " A single indivi- dual of the puff-ball tribe has been computed to send forth no fewer than ten millions of sporules. Their minuteness is such, that it is difficult to conceive of a place from which they should be excluded. This mode of explanation has received further confirmation from the facts recently ascertained in regard to the great num- 1 Owen's Comp. Anat. vol. i. p. 54. The ova in one indi- vidual of the Entozoa amount to sixty -four millions. 78 THE MICROSCOPE. her of forms under which a single germ may develop itself." * Professor Carpenter elsewhere pursues a simi- lar course of argument in reference to the Infu- soria : " When we consider the extraordinary rapidity of the multiplication of these animal- cules, and the fact that a succession of different forms may be presented by one and the same being, the difficulty of accounting for the uni- versality of their diffusion, which has led some naturalists to believe in their ' spontaneous ge- neration/ and others to regard them as isolated particles of higher organisms set free in their decomposition, so as to constitute an equivocal generation,' is as easily got over as we have seen it to be in the case of the fungi/' 2 7. At one period the Yeast-plant was adduced as a striking example of the spontaneous pro- duction of cellular substances. A few lines from the pen of the late Professor James F. W. John- ston scatter such fancies to the winds : " The yeast with which we raise our bread is a minute plant belonging to the division of the Confervce. 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, p. 383. 2 Ibid. p. 485. THEOEIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 79 If we make a thick syrup of cane-sugar, and strew a few particles of this yeast upon it, they will begin to grow and propagate, will cause minute bubbles of gas to rise, and the whole syrup gradually to ferment. . . . In the juice of ripe grapes, it has a more favourable medium still. If we filter this juice, we obtain a clear, transparent liquid. Within half an hour this liquid begins to grow first cloudy, and after- wards thick, to give up bubbles of gas, or to ferment, and in three hours a greyish yellow layer of yeast has been already collected on its surface. In the heat of the fermentation the plants are produced by millions a single cubic inch of such yeast, free from adhering water, containing eleven hundred and fifty-two mil- lions of the minute organisms. . . . The cells, or globules, vary in size from y-gVcr to ^Vir of an inch. . . . Whence come the seeds of this yeast-plant, which propagates itself with such wonderful rapidity ? Do they exist already in the juice of the living grape ? Do they cling to the exterior of the fruit, or do they float perpe- tually in the air, ready to germinate and mul- tiply wherever they obtain a favourable oppor- 80 THE MICROSCOPE. tunity ? Whichever way they come, it would be too sloiv a process to wait for the natural appearance of these plants in the worts of the brewer and distiller/' 1 The juice of the grape propagates the seeds of the yeast with this won- derful rapidity, " because it contains the food which, in kind, in form, and in quantity, is best suited to its rapid growth. . . . The minuteness of the yeast-plant, consisting in its simplest form of only a single cell, long prevented it from being generally regarded as a form of living matter. But the changes it undergoes in the fermenting tub, day by day, as shown by the Microscope, prove it to be unquestionably a growing vegetable" 2 8. In his Bridgewater Treatise, Dr. Prout thus disposes of the theories we have been con- sidering : " All hypotheses assumed to explain organization by laws, whether by laws of matter, or by what are called laius of development, must be rejected. . . . We are drawn irresistibly to the conclusion, that when a new and specific organized being is required, a new and specific 1 Chemistry of Common Life, vol. i. pp. 84, 85. 2 Ibid., vol. i. pp. 298, 299. THEOEIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 81 act, equivalent to an act of creation, must be performed." 1 9. In his work in the same series, Dr. Roget, who was strangely represented by the author of the Vestiges to be in favour of his own peculiar views, as thoroughly condemns the " develop- ment theory." " Whatever may be the appa- rent similarity between one animal and another, during different periods of their respective deve- lopments, there still exist specific differences, establishing between them an impassable barrier of separation, and effectually preventing any conversion of one species into another, however nearly the two may be mutually allied. The essential characters of each species, amidst oc- casional varieties, remain ever constant and immutable." And alluding to Lamarck's pro- position, that there was originally no distinc- tion of species, but that each higher race had originally sprung from a lower, " and that infusorial animalcules, spontaneously formed out of original molecules, gave birth, by succes- sive transformations, to att other animals now existing on the globe," Dr. Roget justly con- 1 Prout's Bridgewater Treatise, pp. 409, 410. F 82 THE MICROSCOPE. eludes, " If this be philosophy, it is such as might have emanated from the college of Laputa" 1 10. Professor Whewell maintains similar views with equal earnestness, quoting the opinions of the most eminent . naturalists (Cuvier being specially named), as giving an " indisputable preponderance to that decision which rejects the transmutation of species," and which accepts the principle " that the changes of which each species is susceptible, though difficult to define in words, are limited in fact." 2 11. In Professor Sedgwick's invaluable Dis- course, we have a note on the " Alternate Gene- rations of Steenstrup," " Parthenogenesis of Owen," &c., well worthy of the careful study of those who would investigate these interesting questions. We select a few quotations : " In some of the lower families of the ani- mal kingdom larvae are incredibly fruitful, and for several successive generations (sometimes amounting to eight or ten) have an inherent power, without any new sexual union, of ma- turing and bringing forth new forms of larval life, till the specific organic cycle is complete ; 1 Roget's Bridge-water Treatise, vol. ii. pp. 636, 638. * Whe well's Indications of the Creator, pp. 97-101. THEORIES AS TO THE OKIGIN OF LIFE. 83 and then the two sexes are perfected, either in the same or in different individuals (as the case may be), by the union of which the same cycle may begin again, with similar successive changes of larval development. But in cases such as these, there is no specific change in the perfect animals. They are of the same species with the parents from which they originally sprang, and though they may originate once again a most complicated series of organic changes, yet all such changes are governed by stern laws, where- by they are resolved into cycles, and in the end produce but another repetition of the old animal forms." " If animals, from the first appearance of their nascent germs to their full specific ma- turity, exhibit a cycle of organic changes, what is the beginning of the cycle ? What are the conditions of generation ? It is the union of a spermatozoon with the germinal vesicle of an ovum. And these two (the spermatozoon and the ovum) are the organic products of two per- fect animals male and female. These condi- tions being satisfied, there commences that cycle of changes, which, however complicated, are de- fined by the constant laws of nature, whereby 84 THE MICROSCOPE. two beings are again produced identical in spe- cies with the two beings from which the two fecundating elements, above-mentioned, were first derived. " The first set of changes is, in all animals, of the same kind, and consists in the formation of a vital germinal cell, and its propagation of a numerous offspring by repeated spontaneous di- visions. . . . Among the higher vertebrate animals all the derivative germ-cells are employed in the formation of the foetal tissues and organs, and all the foetal changes up to the moment of full development are represented in one simple cycle. Not so, if we descend low on the organic scale. All the germ-cells are not employed in laying down the embryonic tissues. Part o them, with their full spermatic power, are en- tangled among the tissues, t and by virtue of their assimilatives and fissiparous forces lay the foundation of a new organism/ (Owen on Par- thenogenesis, p. 31.) In this way we not merely state a fact, but we give a physiological reason for it (compatibly with elementary vital laws), when we say that a new form of larval life may spring from a previous larva by Parthenogenesis i. e.j without sexual union : but at the same THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 85 time by an organic process actually dependent on, and directly derived from, a true sexual union ; out of which union sprang the first larval form in the complicated cycle of changes. Thus a pair of Aphides may produce, compatibly with this view, a larval progeny that is fruitful without any new sexual union, and this may go on, time after time, till out of one union spring a progeny amounting to millions of millions. Still, this cycle of transformed vitality has its termination ; and it ends inevitably with a brood of perfect animals, male and female, of identical species ivith the two out of ivhich the cycle was set in its complicated movement. . . It matters not whether, in speaking of the marvel- lous transformations in the larval forms of any given species, we tell of Parthenogenesis with Owen, or of Ammen or ivet-nurses with Steen- strup. Each set of phenomena is in a true organic cycle, and the perfect animal, with which the cycle ends, is but a repetition of the same species with which the cycle started. To this rule there seems to be no exception ; and the theory of transmutation from one perfect species to another, derives no support from mo- dern Microscopic observations carried on with 86 THE MICEOSCOPE. unwearied skill in illustrating the generative progress of the lowest animals onnatures scale" 1 12. " The experiments of Ehrenberg," ob- serves Professor James Buchanan in his excel- lent work. Faith in God, " instituted with the view of testing the doctrine of spontaneous ge- neration, may be said to have decided the whole question. They show that as far as our clear knowledge extends, the one uniform law, ' Omne vivum ex ovo,' universally prevails. As the doc- trine of spontaneous generation stands opposed to the maxim, that organic life can be pro- duced only by organic life ; so the doctrine of a transmutation of species stands opposed to the equally certain maxim, that like produces like both in the vegetable and animal kingdoms. There may arise changes of appearance or struc- ture, and some of these changes are transmissible to the offspring, but the mutations thus super- induced are governed by constant laws, and confined within certain limits. " 2 13. And now to conclude our list of authori- ties, we may quote Professor Schultz as deci- 1 Professor Sedgwick's Discourse, pp. 195-199. See also pp. xx. xl. 2 Professor J. Buchanan's Faith in God, vol. i. pp. 451-453. THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 87 sively disproving the hypothesis of spontaneous generation by subjecting it to the experimentum crucis. Two vessels were filled with distilled water, and in them were placed various animal and vegetable substances. One vessel was left uncovered, the other was firmly closed, and treated by a peculiarly trying process for de- stroying and excluding all life, by boiling, &c., while the air was renewed in it, after being filtered of any germs that might be in it^by passing through a red-hot tube, and strong sul- phuric acid. " Thus every living thing," says Schultz, " and all germs in the vessel all por- tions of living matter, or of matter capable of becoming animated, were destroyed/' The open vessel on the second day contained Vibriones and Monads, to which were soon added Poly- gastrica and Eotatoria. " From the 28th of May till the beginning of August/' says Schultz, " I watched the closed vessel, without being able, by the aid of the Microscope, to perceive any living animal or vegetable substance. When at last, I separated the different parts of the apparatus, / could not find in the whole liquid the slightest trace of Infusoria, of Conferva, or of Mould. But all the three presented them- 88 THE MICROSCOPE. selves in great abundance a few days after I had left the vessel standing open." l 14. The Microscope, then, in its widest range over the vast and varied worlds of organized beings which it submits to our study, gives no support to the philosophers of our day who would persuade us to believe in " spontaneous generation" in " physiological development" in the " transmutation of species" or in " organic creation by law" Whoever receives such un- philosophical hypotheses, can certainly with no propriety be called an " unbeliever" Of him it may rather be said in the words of the London wit of our own century : " Why, he is the most capacious believer that is to be found anywhere ! He believes almost more than any other man. He believes in no cause at all ; in the existence of all things from all eternity, without any beginning whatever that they could not be otherwise than as they are !" 2 The minute in- fusoria itself covers with ridicule the theories of those who would make the genealogical Tree of Creation to take root spring up bud blos- som and bear fruit, after this fashion,, Fire- 1 Pritchard's History of In f us. Animalcules, pp. 54-56. 2 Lord John Russell's Life of Moore, vol. vi. p. 284. THEORIES AS TO THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 89 Mist ! Mucus ! Monad ! Mussel ! Mite ! Mam- mal ! Monkey ! MAN ! ! ! We prefer to abide by the grand conclusion to which all Nature guides us that the same creative wisdom which regu- lates and governs the smallest satellite, and the largest starry world, through boundless space, " has established the same law for the develop- ment of every living atom, as is manifested in the largest animal that inhabits this planet/' " The mind indeed enlighten 'd from ahove Views God in all ; ascribes to the grand cause The grand effect ; acknowledges with joy His manner, and with rapture tastes His style. But never yet did philosophic tube, That hrings the planets home into the eye Of Observation, and discovers, else Not visible, His family of worlds, Discover Him that rules them ; such a veil Hangs over mortal eyes, blind from the birth, And dark in things divine. Full often, too, Our wayward intellect, the more we learn Of nature, overlooks her Author more ; From instrumental causes proud to draw Conclusions retrograde, and mad mistake. But if His Word once teach us, shoot a ray Through all the heart's dark chambers, and reveal Truths undiscern'd but by that holy light, Then all is plain. Philosophy, baptized In the pure fountain of eternal love, Has eyes indeed ; and viewing all she sees As meant to indicate a God to man, Gives Him His praise, and forfeits not her own." 90 THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTER VII. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 1. THE Microscope has been of inestimable value to the Palaeontologist. Who has not been astonished to find that Cuvier, lighting upon a few fossil bones, never before seen by man, lying scattered at Montmartre, could tell to what species of animals each of these bones had be- longed, and could reconstruct the animals of which these had formed a part, perhaps at the distance of millions of ages, and all this with the most perfect success, as was afterwards demonstrated when these fossil animals were found entire ? Not less striking have been the skill and the success of Professor Owen, as with a glance of the Microscope at fragments of fossil nail, or tooth, or joint, he has unerringly assigned each fragmentary part to the class of animals to which it belonged. Nothing but this instru- APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 91 ment, he himself states, could have conducted him to some of his most remarkable discoveries. By the Microscope alone, it was determined that the Sandstone of Warwickshire, and the " Keuper-Sandstein" of Wirtemberg, were equi- valent formations. 1 By the Microscope, it was determined that the teeth in the " Keuper- Sandstein," supposed by Jaeger to belong to a Saurian reptile, by him named Mastodonsaurus, or Pliytosaurus, were really the same as those in the Trias of Warwickshire ; that they had belonged to a primeval gigantic Batrachian a frog-like animal of five or six feet long to which, from its extraordinary teeth, the name Labyrintlwdon was given ; and that this Laby- rinthodon might almost to a certainty be re- garded as the Clieirotherium of the Trias in the Stourton quarries of Cheshire, whose strange footprints had so long exercised the skill and ingenuity of the Palaeontologist. 2 By the Micro- scope, the Basilosaurus, once the acknowledged monarch of the Saurian tribes, has been de- 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, p. 758. 2 Owen's Odontography, vol. i. pp. 196, 217 ; Lyell's Ele- ments, pp. 335-342 ; Morris's British Fossils, p. 350 ; Carpen- ter on the Microscope, p. 758. 92 THE MICROSCOPE. posed from its throne, but lifted up to a higher family ; since now, as the Zeugledon Cetoides, it takes its place among the lower orders of the mammalia. 1 By the Microscope, the Sauro- cephalus has been exiled from the class of rep- tiles to that of fishes ; 2 and, by the Microscope, doubts long entertained by the highest autho- rities as to the affinities and habits of the gigantic Megatherium have been satisfactorily determined. 3 (1.) Nor let it be supposed that such disco- veries affect only questions of abstract science. They often stand connected with matters of the highest importance in everyday life. Owen's dis- coveries supply us with a case strikingly in point. With his Microscope, our distinguished com- parative anatomist and palaeontologist finally settled a question of vast importance to the financial and commercial interests of a mighty empire. For recently, it was observed that a rock-formation spread extensively over Livonia and Northern Eussia, where the relative posi- 1 Lyell's Elements, p. 234. 2 Morris's British Fossils, p. 343. 3 Hogg on the Microscope, p. 375. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 93 tion of the rock to other strata left its own place in the series undetermined, and where the mineral characters seemed so indistinct as to be referrible either to the Old or New Bed Sandstone. Was the formation the Old Red Sandstone ? Then no coal-measures could be expected below it. Was it the New ? Then the precious mineral might exist below the rock. Until the question, New or Old Red Sandstone ? was determined, it was unsafe to expend money in mining, otherwise many for- tunes might be squandered in Russia, as they had been formerly thrown away in Great Bri- tain, in hopelessly digging for coal beneath the Old Red, or even still more ancient rocks. 1 " There is no science/' it is justly remarked by the distinguished author of the Old Eed Sand- stone, " whose value can be adequately estima- ted by economists and utilitarians of the lower order. Its true quantities cannot be repre- sented by arithmetical figures or monetary tables ; for its effects on mind must be as surely taken into account as its operations on 1 Murchison's Silurian System, vol. i. p. 328; Siluria, pp. 93, 388. 94 THE MICROSCOPE. matter ; and what it has accomplished for the human intellect as certainly as what it has done for the comforts of society, or the interests of commerce. Geology, in a peculiar manner, supplies to the intellect an exercise of this en- nobling character. But it has also its cash value. The time and money squandered in Great Britain alone, in searching for coal in districts where the well-informed geologist could have at once pronounced the search fruitless, would much more than cover the expense at which geological research has been prosecuted throughout the world." 1 From the peculiar circumstances connected with the case to which reference is now about to be made, geology could not determine whether coal was likely to be found or not ; but the Microscope, when appealed to, gave a certain answer. (2.) Sir Koderick Murchison states, that ma- nifestly " the place of the great upper coal- fields of England is unoccupied by any clue re- presentative in the Kussian empire." 2 But not so, once thought the palaeontologists of Eussia. 1 Miller's Old Red Sandstone, pp. 227, 228. 2 Siluria, p. 334. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 95 They were disposed to conclude that the great formation, above referred to, was the New Eed, for they found in it some gigantic teeth, which they at first concluded must belong to a Saurian reptile, as they bore a very close resemblance to those of crocodiles. But the teeth were sub- mitted to Professor Owen, and, examining them by the aid of the Microscope, he found that they did not belong to the Saurian order, as the Eussian paleontologists had unhesitatingly concluded, but to the Dendrodus, a fish exclu- sively Palaeozoic. " If other proofs had not been obtained of the age of these deposits, this tooth alone would have decided the question." 1 And the conclusion, thus farther reached, that this extensively deposited formation was the Old Red Sandstone, not only established an important point in geology, but perhaps also saved many a Eussian fortune. (3.) The value of the application of the Microscope did not stop here ; for Sir Rode- rick Murchison adds, " Whilst we write, Pro- fessor Agassiz acquaints us, that availing him- 1 Murcliison's Russia, vol. i. pp. 635, 636 ; Carpenter on the Microscope, pp. 757, 758 ; Agassiz's Monographic des Poissons, p. 83. 96 THE MICROSCOPE. self of the weapons which Professor Owen had so skilfully wielded, he has commenced a series of researches not^only into the teeth, but also into the structure of the hard-enamelled bones of the Eussian fossil-fish, and by which he will be enabled to show the same distinctions in the other bones of the different genera of this class, which Professor Owen has so successfully esta- blished in relation to the bones of the higher orders of animals." In proof of the justice of such an expectation, Sir B. Murchison calls special attention to three diagrams in his great work, Russia, representing the distinctive osteo- logical characters of the remarkable genera, Gfyptosteus, Chelonichthys, and Psammolepis. 1 Well might Owen declare, while such disco- veries were made by the Microscope, that it was indispensable to the Palaeontologist. (4.) A few weeks ago, some fossil remains of a large animal were discovered near to the shore of Stirling. They were embedded in clay at the depth of eight or ten feet from the sur- face of the ground, at the distance of two or three hundred yards from the Forth, and not 1 Murchison's Russia, vol. i. p. 67 ; plate ii. 7, 8, 9. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 97 many feet above the present level of the river. The remains are chiefly vertebral ; and it is believed that nearly the entire skeleton may yet be found, when, on the subsidence of the water presently covering the spot, the research can be prosecuted and completed. It was con- cluded that these fossil bones had belonged to a whale; but the conclusion was denied by some. To settle the question, the writer of this little work forwarded a fragment, of what he believed to be one of the cartilaginous vertebral disks of a whale, for examination by Professor Quekett of London. Of date 19th Feb. 1858, this distinguished Microscopist thus replies : " The piece of bone received this morning is certainly part of an intervertebral disk of a large whale, one which, no doubt, was stranded many years ago. From its size, it probably was a Rorqual, which, I think, is the species most commonly cast on shore, at least in the south of England, the Orkney whale not being so large. 1 Had you not told me what you suspected the bone to be, I could have told you at the first glance." 1 See below, Sect. 3. G 98 THE MICROSCOPE. 2. The instrument is an equally necessary auxiliary to the Botanist. It has aided him to determine many important or curious questions connected with fossil plants. Professor Nicol of Aberdeen, e.g., by subjecting the ashes of a Silurian anthracite, occurring in Peeblesshire, to the Microscope, detects in it minute tubular fibres ; and observes, that they seem to indicate a higher class of vegetables than was previously supposed to exist at that period. 1 (1.) Mr. Hugh Miller notices, that an organ- ism found by him at an early period of his geological discoveries, in a nodule of the ichthy- olite beds of Cromarty, although understood by him to be a vegetable remain, was only re- cently certainly determined to be a true wood. " Though I described it," says he, " in the first edition of my little work on the Old Ked Sand- stone in 1841, as exhibiting the woody fibre, it was not until 1845, that, with the assistance of the optical lapidary, I subjected its structure to the test of the Microscope. It turned out, as I had anticipated, to be the portion of a tree ; and, on my submitting the prepared specimen 1 Testimony of the Socks, p. 424. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 99 to one of our highest authorities, the late Mr. William Nicol, he at once decided that the 1 reticulated texture of the transverse section, though somewhat compressed, clearly indicated a coniferous origin/ A farther interest accom- panies the case, viz., that in this specimen the Microscope presented to our view the most an- cient of Scottish lignites." 1 (2.) Those who have not examined, under the Microscope, thin sections of fossil organized matter very fine slices of vegetable or animal remains prepared according to the ingenious plan first adopted, and with such success, by the late Mr. Nicol, can have no adequate idea either of the beauty so revealed in these specimens, or of the nature of the evidence supplied for the determination of nice and difficult questions connected with fossil organisms. In a treatise still unpublished, but destined, we would fondly hope, to be presented to the public eye at no- distant period recently written by the 1 Testimony of the Bocks, pp. 435, 436 ; Old Bed Sand- stone, p. 134. " One unique specimen, a true wood of the Araucarian family, the oldest which has yet presented its structure to the Microscope." From seventh edition (1858) of the Old Bed Sandstone, p. 361. 100 THE MICROSCOPE. late distinguished Professor of Natural Science in the New College, Edinburgh, the lamented Dr. Fleming, justice is done to the originality of Mr. Nicol's labours, and to the value of his invention as an aid to palasontological research. " In connection with organic remains/' Dr. Fleming writes, " we briefly refer to the disco- veries and labours of an individual who contri- buted towards the elucidation of the intimate structure of recent and fossil organisms to an extent of which few seem to be aware. To the late William Nicol, Esq., Inverleith, Edinburgh, the students of fossil organisms are indebted for the processes by which thin slices of petrifac- tions can be prepared, so as to permit the appli-* cation of the Microscope to the examination of their intimate structure. It is to the processes and the manipulations of this observer, that we are indebted for our knowledge of the relation of the fossil-trees of Craigleith and Granton quarries to the firs, or rather to the Araucarias of the present day. Indeed, without borrowing from the resources of Mr. Nicol, the work of Witham on Fossil Vegetables would have pos- sessed little interest, the Fossil Flora would APPLICATIONS OF THE MICEOSCOPE. J01 have been greatly limited, while the Odonto- grapliy might not have had a being." 1 (3.) The Microscope has unfolded to us the organization of many of those gigantic plants out of which the coal-measures have been ela- borated, and enabled us to ascertain that here the huge fern, there the quaintly-sculptured sigillaria, here the stately calamite, there the graceful lepidodendron played their parts, while the wondrous providence of God was, in the depths of past ages, and long before man ap- peared on the scene, preparing those inestimably precious stores of fuel, which were destined in the future to make our own island the work- shop of the world, and to aid in exalting Britain to the foremost place among the nations. (4.) The author of these pages has lying before him on his table, while he writes, a very minute but instructive proof of the value of the Micro- scope in the field of botany. In the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851, in the West Main 1 Dr. Fleming's LithoJogy of Edinburgh, pp. 13, 14. Mr. Nicol's valuable collection is in the possession of one who can both appreciate and increase its interest, Alexander Bryson, Esq., Edinburgh. 102 THE MICROSCOPE. Avenue, near to the well-known Crystal Foun- tain, a noble collection of woods from our colo- nies, called the '" Canadian Trophy," attracted much attention. An enormous petrified tree, from Yan Diemen's Land, lay at the base of the " Trophy." This trunk was about ten feet high, and three feet in diameter. The exterior was white and glossy, and the interior presented the appearance of opal. On some places of the tree there was a very fine white powdery dust, the debris of the petrified wood. The writer carried away a few pinches of this dust, and, after preparing it by the ordinary process, sub- jected it to the Microscope. Under the glass these scarcely-perceptible particles of dust exhi- bited the organic structure of the tree, and proved it to belong to the genus Araucaria. Though the tree had been completely converted into silex, yet the original tissues are so perfectly replaced by the silex, that they display the most minute features of the original organization. The characteristic disks or glands, arranged in alternate order, exhibit the well-known marks of the Araucaria. According to Mr. Nicol, the diameter of one of these disks does not exceed APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 103 the Two-th part of an inch ; whilst the smallest of these again is of enormous size, when com- pared with the fibres of the partitions bounding the vessels in which they occur. 1 (5.) The Microscope also pours its light upon another interesting section of wood on the writer's table. Mr. Layard tells us that while pursuing his remarkable discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh, he one day felt the sweet smell of burning cedar. The Arabs had dug a beam of wood from the mounds of Nimroud, and, as the weather was cold, had made a fire to warm themselves. The wood was cedar, and retained all its original fragrance. " It was probably/' says Mr. Layard, " one of the very beams which an inscription discovered on the walls mentions as having been brought from the forests of Lebanon by the king who built the edifice." 2 A piece of the cedar, thus strangely disinterred, was sent home to our distinguished India Missionary, Dr. Duff. The specimen in the writer's possession, prepared as a microscopic 1 Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i. pp. 484, 487 ; vol. ii. pi. 56 a. 2 Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, p. 357. 104 THE MICEOSCOPE. object, is only t^-ths by -f^th of an inch in size, yet under the instrument, it exquisitely repre- sents the partitions of the wood, and the disks in them placed side by side, and not alternately, as in the previously-noticed specimen of the Araucaria. (6.) In the examination of living plants, the Microscope traverses a boundless field, and un- folds to us, in every spray, and leaf, and flower, examples of previously unimagined and otherwise unseen manifestations of the power, and wisdom, and goodness of Him who created all " from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall." Justly, therefore, does Professor Balfour observe, that the structure of the cells and vessels of plants can only be fully seen by the aid of the Micro- scope, and that " for this study the Instrument is indispensable. 1 3. Who would expect that the Antiqua- rian's researches, as to events in the dark ages, would be facilitated by the Microscope ? But so it is. In 1847, Sir Benjamin Brodie asked Mr. Quekett if it was possible to determine 1 Balfour's Phyto- Theology, p. 50-58. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 105 whether skin, that had been exposed to the air for many years, " was human or not ?" " If there are any hairs on the skin/' was the reply, " their examination under the Microscope will at once determine the question/' The an- swer was tested, and passed through the ordeal with triumph. A tradition long existed at Worcester, that, centuries ago, a man had been seized in the very act of robbing the Cathedral, and that for this sacrilege the offender had been flayed alive, and his skin nailed to the door of the Cathedral. A few years ago, the old doors of the Cathedral being under repair, a portion of skin, with two hairs, was found under the rusty hinges of the door. This skin, to which Sir B. Brodie had referred, was placed under the Microscope, and it at once appeared that the old tradition was true, as the hairs on this frag- ment of skin were, beyond a doubt, those of a man ! The author of these pages is obligingly in- formed by Mr. Quekett, that there are no less than three other places where human skin has been proved by the Microscope so to exist, at Copford and at Hadstock (both in Essex), and 106 THE MICROSCOPE. at the door of the Treasury chamber in West- minster Abbey. Mr. Quekett farther states, that in January 1858, he has ascertained, by the assistance of the instrument, that certain bones found in a Pict's house in Orkney, were those of a whale ; adding, that scarcely a week passes during which he is not called upon to prosecute similar examinations. 4. Is the Chemist, the Merchant, the Parent of a delicate child, anxious to test the purity of arrowroot ? The Microscope may unerringly guide him in his inquiries. For, as the hair of every animal differs from that of another, as the blood of one living creature is unlike that of every other living creature, so the granules of the starch of wheat, rice, potatoes, tous-les- mois, tapioca, and arrowroot, all differ in ap- pearance under the Microscope, each present- ing its own peculiar form and proportionate size. The Microscope was called in to decide an important question in connexion with these articles, which arose a few years ago. An at- tempt was then made to import a large quantity of the starch of the Cassava or tapioca, which bore a duty, under the name of arrowroot (ma- APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 107 ranla arundinacea), upon which there was no duty. If the attempt had been successful, the revenue would have been defrauded to a large amount. Government employed a distinguished chemist. Dr. Ure, to examine into the matter, and to ascertain what was the real character of the cargo. The skill of the chemist failed to elicit the truth, but Dr. Ure called in the aid of the Microscope, when it was proved that the article was not arrowroot, but tapioca. 1 With- in a few years, the question of the comparative merits and characters of coffee and chiccory was discussed throughout the empire. It formed the subject of debate in Parliament. An exa- mination into the question took place before a Committee of the House of Commons, when three professional men, chemists, declared that it was impossible to detect chiccory if it was mixed loith coffee. But the Microscope's aid was employed, and wherever the mixture had taken place the fact was at once discovered. Who has looked into the pages and illustrations in the work of Dr. A. H. Hassall on Food and its Adul- 1 Professor Quekett's Lectures on Histology, vol. i. pp. 31, 32. 108 THE MICROSCOPE. terations, without being struck with the re- markable place the Microscope has occupied on this subject of national interest ? 5. The Microscope offers singular advantages to the Anatomist and the Physician. To this instrument, e.g., we owe the first proof seen by the eye of man of the truth of the theory which has immortalized the name of Harvey. He reasoned out the theory of the circulation of the blood, but never himself saw blood to circulate. The Microscope shows us the blood as it actually pursues its marvellous course. By examining the veins and arteries of transparent animals, such as the water-newt, eel, and especially the frog, under the Microscope, we can discern the exquisitely beautiful process; and we can scarcely imagine a more striking evidence of the Divine skill manifested in our physical conformation than that which is thus presented to us. In 1837, M. Audouin announced that the silk- worms, then for years widely perishing in the south of France, were destroyed by the growth of a fungous vegetation in the interior of their bodies ; and it appears that the farther propa- gation of the disease was at that time arrested APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 109 by appropriate remedies. " Wherever/' says Professor Carpenter, " the precautions obviously suggested by the knowledge of the nature of the disease afforded by the Microscope, have been duly put in force, its extension has been kept within comparatively limited bounds." 1 Pro- fessor Goodsir of Edinburgh stated some years ago, that a peculiarly severe and unmanageable affection (sarcina ventriculi), was connected with what appeared under the Microscope to be parasitic vegetables of low organization ; and Mr. Quekett recently remarked that remedies to destroy vegetable life might probably arrest a complaint hitherto almost always fatal. 2 Dr. Mantell, again, suggests that as the cell is the extreme point to which we can trace the life of animals and vegetables, and that, as their many important processes are performed through the agency of cells, there in the cell disease may probably be most early detected, and in the cell, too, remedial measures may be most beneficially employed. 3 1 Carpenter on the Microscope, p. 377. 2 Quekett's Lectures on Histology, vol. i. pp. 19, 20. 8 Mantell's Invisible World, p. 24. 110 THE MICROSCOPE. 6. Results still more important, even the honourable name, and the very existence of in- dividuals, have been found to depend upon the testimony of the Microscope ; and the Lawyer at the bar, and the Judge on the bench, have found its evidence all-powerful in deciding the most solemn questions. It is to be remembered that, as seen under the Microscope, the hairs and blood-globules (or red corpuscles of blood) of different kinds of animals are very dissimilar. The smallest blood-globule is that of the Java musk deer, being (on an average) 12 ^ 25 th of an inch ; the largest is that of the Proteus, an animal of the Batrachian family, being -^rth of an inch. The average dimension of the blood- globule of a sheep, is Woirth of a dog, ^T^-d of a mouse, ^rrth and of a man, ^roth of an inch. Differences in the form and colour, as well as in the size, of blood-globules, assist in the determination of the species to which they belong. There is an equally striking dissimi- larity between the hairs of different kinds of animals ; and not only does the hair of one species differ from that of another, but in the same species the form of the hair differs in dif- APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. Ill ferent parts of the body. Professor Quekett observes, that the minute structure of the hair of different species of the same genus or family is so constant, that a practised eye can readily discriminate between them. 1 A specific variety, with a general similarity, has been observed in the hair of sixteen species of the Bat tribe. The hair of the Indian Bat is well known as one of the most beautiful examples of microscopic illustration. The studies of the Microscope thus ever and anon reveal to us infinite variety, as well as exquisite uniformity, in the very smallest of the works of the Almighty, and suggest the question, " Who can by searching find out God ?" The apparently endless diversities of the struc- ture of the parts of animal bodies, as surveyed by the Microscope, have frequently in our own and foreign countries, determined the issues of life and death in cases of the last importance. (1.) A remarkable instance occurred in France in 1837. A savage murder was committed on a summer's eve, on the edge of one of the forests in Normandy. A labourer, returning from his daily toils, was stricken down by the hand of an 1 Quekett on the Microscope, p. 432. 112 THE MICROSCOPE. assassin, and from the nature of the injury in- flicted, it was concluded that the deadly blow had been dealt with a hatchet. Another indi- vidual had been seen on the same eve, and about the hour of the commission of the dark deed, near to the scene of the murder. Suspicion fell upon him, he was arrested, imprisoned, and in due course, tried. As witness appeared after witness, their evidence brought the foul deed more and more closely home to the accused, and when it was at length proved, that, upon this man's cottage being searched on the very night after the murder, a hatchet with some stains of blood, and with some hairs upon it, had been found in an outhouse the murmur went round the court that the evidence was complete the counsel regarded the conviction as certain the judge seemed ready to pronounce his doom, and the unhappy accused himself felt that he was lost. But in God's good providence one man was there, who had clearly watched the progress of the trial, and who by no means concurred in the otherwise unanimous opinion of the guilt of the pannel. It was M. Orfila, the distinguished toxicologist. He asked leave from the judge to APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 113 examine the hatchet ; and to such a man as Orfila his request was not refused. Orfila, on submitting the blood and the hairs to the scru- tiny of the Microscope, ascertained that the hairs were the hairs of a deer, and the blood the blood of the same animal, which the accused HAD SAID he had found wounded, and had killed with his hatchet, as he returned from his daily toils ! Orfila communicated the results of his microscopic trial a thrilling sensation ran through the audience the counsel were con- founded the judge felt himself constrained, at the eleventh hour, to find that the charge was not proved, and the pannel was released from the bar, and as from under the sharp axe of the guillotine. The worth of the testimony of the Microscope, and the justice of the decision of the court, were soon proved to the satisfaction of all, for the real murderer was thereafter dis- covered, acknowledged his guilt, and was exe- cuted. (2.) As in this last case the Microscope saved the innocent, so in our own country it has often condemned the guilty. Many melancholy proofs have recently appeared, that unprincipled mem- H 114 THE MICROSCOPE. bers of society are largely availing themselves of the facilities supplied by our marvellous pro- gress in art and science, for the more daring commission of enormous crime ; but, providen- tially, the same progress in art and science, which aids the criminal in the perpetration of the darkest deeds, assists the law, and in a still higher degree, in detecting the crime, and in bringing the guilty to condign punishment. The Microscope has played a very remarkable part in such cases. A few examples may prove interesting and instructive. 1 At the Cumberland Spring Assizes, in 1855, an individual named Munroe was tried for the murder of the paymaster of a colliery, who had been waylaid in a lonely spot, robbed of thirty shillings, and deprived of life, his throat being savagely cut from ear to ear. Munroe had been seen about the time of the murder in a field near to the spot ; he had changed a half-sove- reign soon thereafter, and had attempted to disguise himself, and altogether change his ap- pearance, by employing a blacksmith to cut off the whole of his whiskers. These, and many other striking points of circumstantial evidence, 1 Chambers's Papers on the Microscope. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 115 were deponed to ; but, after the trial had pro- ceeded for two days, and many witnesses had appeared, it was felt that the evidence was in- complete and unsatisfactory, though the actual guilt of the pannel could scarcely be doubted. But the Microscope was called into court, and its evidence adduced in support of the charge. A Microscopist had been employed to examine a pair of corduroy trousers and a razor, which belonged to the prisoner at the time of the commission of the murder. The Microscopist deponed, that he found on the trousers several small spots, the largest not so large as a swan- shot ; that he discovered, by the aid of the eye of the Microscope, that the spots were blood; that they were human blood; and that these spots of human blood had been made by small streams of blood " spirting" upward from the divided artery of a living human body. He farther deponed that particles of soap attached to the spots of blood ; that an attempt had been made to wash them out ; and that ink had been carefully poured over some of them. He declared, in conclusion, that the handle of the razor, which had belonged to the pursuer, was stained with blood, and that this blood also ivas human. 116 THE MICEOSCOPE. The counsel for the prisoner was prepared to dispute and to demolish all the previous evi- dence that had been adduced, but all his efforts failed to shake the testimony of the Microscope. A verdict of guilty was returned by the jury, and the prisoner paid the due penalty of his atrocious crime on the gibbet. (3.) In another case which occurred a few years ago, the question of guilt or innocence hung upon still more doubtful evidence, until the Microscope, bringing its powers to bear upon a few hairs, and upon a few drops of blood, determined a righteous issue. A girl, nine years of age, was found lying dead, her throat cut, in a plantation in Norfolk. Suspicion fell upon the poor murdered girl's mother, who had been seen by several persons to lead her child to that plantation on the day on which the murder was committed. But the accused coolly and confidently maintained her innocence, ad- mitted that she had been with the murdered girl near the spot where she had perished, but declared that the girl had wandered from her side in quest of flowers ; and that after long in vain searching for her, she (the mother) had left her child in the wood where her dead body APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 117 was afterwards found. No evidence could at first be discovered to support the early suspicion that the mother was a murderess. A long and sharp knife was indeed found upon her, but, after a keen scrutiny, nothing particular was observed about it, except that there were on the handle a few hairs, so very small as to be scarcely visible. " Here is hair on the handle of your knife !" was the remark made to the suspected mother, in whose presence the exa- mination was conducted. " Yes, very likely," was the immediate and composed reply ; " and perhaps there is blood on it, too ; for, as I re- turned from the wood, I found a rabbit in a snare, and cut its throat with my knife/' The knife was despatched to London for microscopic examination. It was there found that it had been washed. Alter very minute investigation, it was farther found that a fluid had penetrated between the horn-handle and the steel-lining. It was blood, but certainly not the blood of a rabbit rather, apparently, the blood of a hu- man being. After examining the hairs on the handle, the Microscopist, who had been inten- tionally kept from all knowledge of the special facts of the case, unhesitatingly declared that 118 THE MICROSCOPE. they were the hairs of a squirrel. This was a damning fact for the wretched mother ; for a tippet hung around her poor child's neck on the day of the murder ; over that tippet the weapon which did the cruel deed must have passed ; and that tippet was of squirrel's hair ! On the trial the jury deemed this one fact, in connexion with the circumstantial evidence, so conclusive, as to warrant them in finding the accused guilty ; and, before the day of execution, the mother-murderess fully confessed her crime. " The times have been That when the brains were out the man would die, And there an end : but now they rise again With twenty mortal murthers on their crowns, And push us from our stools : This is more strange Than such a murther is." (4.) In the summer of 1855, a large sum of gold belonging to the Prussian Government was forwarded, packed in a box, along one of the lines of railway in Prussia. On the arrival of the box at its destination, it was found that the gold had been abstracted, arid a quantity of sand substituted in its room. The national police detectives were immediately set to work, but all their efforts, backed by all the appliances of the wealth and power of the Government, APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 119 failed to lead to any discovery. At first, it was supposed that the sand might show at what station the robbery had been effected ; but there was sand at one station, and sand at another, and sand at all the stations along the railway line ; and so the trace seemed lost. But it was shrewdly suggested that the sand in the box should be submitted to the Microscope ; and when so examined, this sand was found to con- tain a peculiar minute organism. Specimens of sand were then brought from all the railway stations. On being examined, it was found that only the sand of one station contained the pecu- liar organism discovered in the sand of the box. At this station, then, the robbery must have been committed. The clue thus given was fol- lowed up ; and as the Microscope brought to light that little organism in the box, so that little organism brought to light the parties who had placed the sand in that box, and committed the robbery. " It will have blood ; they say, Blood will have blood : Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak ; Augurs, and understood relations, have, By magot-pies, and choughs, and rooks, brought forth The secret'st man of blood." 120 THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTER VIII. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 1 . WHERE is the use of the Microscope to ter- minate, whether we regard the past or the pre- sent ? the domain of air, or earth, or ocean ? Lieutenant Maury of the United States Navy, now Superintendent of the National Observa- tory at Washington, has lately called in this instrument to ascertain the nature of the bed of the Atlantic, and to determine the course of the great Electric Telegraph, shortly destined, we trust, despite of distance, and winds, and waves, to bind the Old and New Worlds closely together, and to place, as far as rapid intelli- gence is concerned, London and New York by each other's gate and market-place. Could a submarine plateau be found for the bed of the cable from shore to shore ? Was that plateau sheltered and safe from the roll of the Atlantic APPLICATIONS O*' THE MICROSCOPE. 121 water, or from the crush of the Arctic iceberg ? These questions demanded an immediate and satisfactory answer, in connection with the grand idea of effecting instantaneous communication between the two great nations of the Anglo- Saxon race. But could an answer be obtained ? 2. No eye of man had seen that sea-bottom, and it seemed, therefore, as if man would in vain expect the much-desired response. " It was found more difficult to sound out the sea than to gauge the blue ether arid fathom the vaults of the sky." But the little eye of the Microscope has scanned these otherwise unseen paths, and reported to us much of the geography and natural history of these hitherto untrodden and unknown regions ; for the dredgings brought up from the Atlantic's most profound depths, and subjected to the scrutiny of the Microscope, are found to consist of the most tender and delicate organisms, lying in their lowly bed all untouched and unscathed by the roll of the raging floods, or the pressure of the huge iceberg, as it floats resistlessly on its southern course from the Arctic circle towards the Equator. There, then, where the Microscope shows us the little 122 THE MICROSCOPE. shell or the minute animalcule reposing in tranquillity, may the great cable of the Inter- national Telegraph remain all undisturbed, however fiercely the war of the elements may rage above. 3. On this point, the researches and disco- veries of Lieutenant Maury are as interesting as they are original. In the second edition of that magnificent volume, Johnston's Physical Atlas, published so late as 1856, we read: " Between Cape Clear, in Ireland, and Cape Kace, in Newfoundland, there is said to be a remarkable steppe, or raised bottom, on which the sea is estimated to be probably no more than 10,000 feet in depth." 1 And in a note, it is added, " This has been, perhaps hastily, called the telegraphic plateau, from the pro- jected submarine telegraph across the Atlantic. The distance from shore to shore by the great circle route is 1600 miles" (1640, Maury's [1856] Physical Geography of the Sea) ; " and it is believed, that while the depth is not so great as to prevent the wires from sinking down and resting on it, it is yet sufficient to guard them 1 Physical Atlas, p. 43. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 123 from the disturbing effects of currents or ice- bergs. But the number of soundings is not yet sufficient to warrant this deduction"* 4. More recent investigations, however, set the question finally at rest. In the new edition (the sixth, issued December 1856) of his re- markable work, the Physical Geography of the Sea, Lieutenant Maury informs us that the so- lution of the question has been obtained, mainly through the use of Brooke's Sounding Apparatus and the Microscope. Former modes of sounding the depths of the sea, and of bringing up spe- cimens from the bottom, having proved uncer- tain and unsatisfactory, the idea of a small but strong twine for a sounding-line, and of a cannon ball of 32 or 68 Ibs. for a sinker, was suggested. The idea was improved by Mr. J. M. Brooke of the United States Navy, who proposed a con- trivance, by which the shot, on reaching the sea-bottom, detaches itself from the line, and sends up a specimen of the bottom ; for the shot, having a hole through its centre, is made to run easily on a rod (fixed to the end of the line), which passes through the centre of the 1 Physical Atlas, note, p. 43. 124 THE MICROSCOPE. ball, and has a cup at its base with a little soap or tallow on it for causing the specimens to adhere ; or, what has been found to answer better, the barrel of a common quill is attached to the bottom of the rod to receive these speci- mens. Thus the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean has certainly been reached at the depth of 25,000 feet, and the most delicate specimens safely raised from that depth. " What is to be the use of these deep-sea soundings ?" Mr. Maury asks, and quaintly follows it up with Franklin's question, " What is the use of a new-born babe ?" These deep-sea soundings, the moment they were announced to the world, assumed a prac- tical bearing in the minds of intelligent men, with regard to the plan of a submarine tele- graph across the Atlantic. First, the existence of the great plateau from Cape Clear to Cape Race, never probably at a greater depth than 10,000 or 12,000 feet, was ascertained ; and the farther remarkable geographical fact was no- ticed, that this plateau, now in the sea now on the dry land probably encircles the earth. Thus, between 45 and 50 north latitude, we have the British Islands ; then on the Conti- APPLICATIONS OF THE MICEOSCOPE. 125 nent, the great watershed between the Arctic Ocean and the south ; the Asiatic chain of steppes and mountains crossing that continent from west to east, until it disappears on the shores of the Pacific ; the chain of the Aleutian Islands ; and, finally, along America from west to east the watershed between the streams that run to the north and south ! 5. Along this submarine plateau, the Sound- ing Apparatus of Mr. Brooke brought up " its first trophies" from the bottom of the North Atlantic. They were submitted to an eminent Microscopist of the United States, Professor Bailey of West Point. He at once expressed his surprise arid delight. " The bottom of the ocean," he writes to Mr. Maury, " at the depth of more than two miles, I hardly hoped ever to have a chance of examining ; yet, thanks to Brooke's contrivance, we have it clean and free from grease, so that it can at once be put under the Microscope. I was greatly delighted to find that all these deep soundings are filled with microscopic shells; not a particle of sand or gravel exists in them. . . . The results al- ready obtained are of very great interest, and 126 THE MICROSCOPE. have many important bearings on geology and zoology." 1 6. The specimens, " bits of down from the bed of the ocean," gave microscopic Foramini- fera in abundance ; Diatoms, Polycistias, and Spongiolites. " The unabraded appearance of these organisms, and the almost total absence of the mixture of any detritus from the sea, or foreign matter, suggest most forcibly the idea of perfect repose at the bottom of the deep sea." Thus the appearance of these deep-sea remains, under the close examination of the Microscope, appear clearly to warrant the conclusion at which Mr. Maury arrives, as to the soft cha- racter of the bottom of the Atlantic, its quies- cent state, and its adaptation for a telegraphic cable. But this new and strange field of observation, subjected to the Microscope, might naturally be expected to disclose great truths altogether apart from the conclusions originally sought. So it has turned out. These little mites of organisms seem to form but slender clews for threading nature's mysteries, yet they suggest 1 Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea, pp. 254, 255. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 127 new views concerning the physical economy of earth and ocean, as any one may at once per- ceive on opening Maury's pages. We shall select one lesson thus taught as to the nature of the great ocean-bed, and the beneficent and wise ends thereby accomplished by Him, who, in the beginning, gathered together the waters into one place. Not only in the Atlantic, but from the Pacific and Coral Seas, have speci- mens been now brought up, and, on examina- tion, they all tell the same story, namely, that the bed of the ocean is a vast cemetery. " The ocean's bed, wherever Brooke's sounding-rod has touched, is found to be soft, consisting almost entirely of the remains of infusoria. . . . Some of the specimens are as pure and free from the sand of the sea as the snow-flake that falls, when it is calm upon the lea, is from the dust of the earth. Indeed they suggest the idea that the sea, like the snow-cloud, with its flakes, in a calm, is always letting fall upon its bed showers of these microscopic shells ; and we may readily imagine that the ' sunless wrecks/ which, strew its bottom, are, in the process of ages, hid under this fleecy covering, presenting the rounded ap- 128 THE MICROSCOPE. pearance which is seen over the body of the traveller who has perished in the snow-storm. The ocean, especially within and near the tropics, swarms with life. The remains of its myriads of moving things are conveyed by cur- rents, and scattered and lodged in course of time all over its bottom. This process, con- tinued for ages, has covered the depths of the ocean as with a mantle, consisting of organisms as delicate as the macled frost, and as light as the undrifted snow-flake on the mountain." What a marvellously wondrous result is effected by the entombment there of these unnumbered myriads of once living things, and by the deep unbroken silence of this universal ocean church- yard ! For let us again quote Maury's words, as he is about to close his volume : a Brooke's sounding-rod has brought up from the depth of more than 2000 fathoms, under the Gulf Stream, the remains of organisms so delicate, yet so perfect, that evidently they had never been rolled along the bottom of the sea by any cur- rent. At the depth of 2000 fathoms in the sea, the pressure is 6000 pounds upon a square inch. Suppose we imagine the currents of the Gulf APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 129 Stream, where it is four knots the hour, to be 2000 fathoms in depth, and to reach down, to the bed of the ocean with that velocity and pressure, the scouring action of water under such a weight and motion would fret and wear^ break and tear up the very bed and bottom of the sea." 7. " Many are the great truths of Nature, which, when once suggested, appear so obvious and simple, that we wonder why reason did not suggest them, or common sense point them out before. So it appears with this cushion ofstiU water, which seems to be everywhere interposed^ between the bottom of the deep sea and its cur- rents. We are surprised now that it never occurred to us that it must be so ; how, if it were not so, the scouring action of such cur- rents upon the bed of the ocean would have worn it into deep scores, furrows, and gashes, which, the deeper they grow, the faster they would wear, until finally the solid crust of oiw planet would have been worn through. Thus, while the deep places would grow deeper, the shallow places would grow shallower, the pro- portion of land and water surface would be I 130 THE MICROSCOPE. altered, and thus that beautiful system of ter- restrial economy which regulates the amount and kind of work to be performed by every one of the myriads of physical agencies that have been employed, under the guidance of Supreme Intelligence since the beginning, in bringing this world to the state in which we actually find it, would have been marred long ago." 1 ** So He ordained, whose way is in the sea, His path amid great waters, and His steps Unknown ; whose judgments are a mighty deep, Where plummet of archangel's intellect Could never yet find soundings, but from age , To age let down, drawn up, then thrown again With lengthened line, and added weight, still fails, And still the cry in Heaven is, " the depth !" 8. If it is passing strange that the little eye of the Microscope should thus pierce to scenes to which the eye of man never penetrated, and where even the light of the sun never shone, what shall we say if this Instrument can trace the very steps of the wind, and so unfold to us some of those great laws which guide the course of this proverbially fickle element, as certainly 1 Maury's Physical Geography of the Sen, pp. 358, 350. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 131 as the laws of gravitation unerringly direct the heavenly bodies in their orbits ? If Lieutenant Maury's theory can be maintained, even this seemingly hopeless achievement has been so far effected. To illustrate thoroughly his process of reasoning, we must at some length state his views, and after all, from lack of the diagrams represented in the Physical Geography of the Sea, perhaps very imperfectly succeed in ex- plaining the theory. 9. Currents of air or wind arise, it is well known, from causes which tend to disturb the- equilibrium of the atmosphere, such as changes of temperature, or amount of aqueous vapour contained in it. Two adjoining regions being unequally heated, an upper current of air will proceed to the colder region, and an under cur- rent in the opposite direction. The difference of temperature between the polar and equatorial regions, amounting to upwards of 82, of neces- sity produces a constant exchange of air between them. The cold and dense air of the polar re- gions seeks to replace the warm rarefied air of the equator, while it again ascends and forms a current towards the poles, in order to restore the 132 THE MICROSCOPE. equilibrium. 1 Two systems of currents, an up- per and an under, are thus ever travelling be- tween the equator and the poles, and the causes above-mentioned, in connexion with the rotary motion of the earth from west to east, produce permanent north-easterly or south-easterly cur- rents, forming the " magnificent phenomena" of the Trade Winds, perpetually extending round the earth, from the parallels of about 30 north and south, nearly to the equator. It is evident that these two currents of air, ever pouring from the poles to the equator, must return by some channel to the poles, otherwise, as Maury observes, the wind of the polar regions would soon be exhausted, and it would all be piled up about the equator. But if they return from the equator to the poles, two things follow ; first, this return current must be in a direction opposite to that wind the place of which it goes to supply ; and, secondly, this return current must be in tlie upper regions of the atmosphere, at least until it has passed over those parallels where the trade-winds are always blowing on the surface, and in a direction contrary to them. 1 Johnston's Physical Atlas, p. 61,. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 133 To explain this, and to meet the difficulties connected with these various currents meeting and crossing at the equator, the Calms of Cancer and Capricorn, and the North and South Poles, Maury, with the help of diagrams, traces the course of a hypothetical " particle of northern air" (or a particle of air supposed to pass from the north), and follows it in a round from the North Pole, onward across the equator to the South Pole, and back again to the North. This particle of air (" for reasons," says Mr. Maury, " not very satisfactorily explained by philoso- phers"), instead of proceeding on the surface all the way from the pole to the equator, travels in the upper regions of the atmosphere, until it gets near the parallel 30 N. Here it meets a "hypothetical particle" also in the clouds, that is passing in similar fashion from the south toward the pole. Here these two particles must press against each other, and produce a calm (the Calms of Cancer). From under this bank of calms, two currents of air are ejected, one to- ward the equator as the north-east trades, the other toward the pole, as the south-west passage winds. The barometer, it is noticed in support 134 THE MICROSCOPE. of these positions, stands higher in this calm region than it does either to the north or south ; a proof, Maury remarks, of the banking up of the atmosphere here from the meeting of the two currents, and of pressure from its downward motion. The imaginary northern particle having pass- ed the calm belt of Cancer, now moves on the surface, as the north-east trade wind. As such it proceeds until it arrives near the equator. Here it meets a similar hypothetical particle which has started from the south pole at the same time that the other left the north pole, and which blew as the south-east trade wind. Again then, there must be another collision of winds a pressure against each other, and an- other calm (" the belt of the equatorial calms"). Thus these two hypothetical particles pause in their course ; then, warmed by the heat of the sun, they begin to ascend. Our imaginary par- ticle (from the north) travels in the upper re- gions (counter to the south-east trades, which blow at the surface below), until, in nearly 30 s. latitude, it meets another particle from the south pole. As before, they must contend, then pro- APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 135 duce a calm (the Calms of Capricorn), when the northern particle will descend, and pass on as a surface wind from the north-west toward the south pole, where it finds a " vortex" or calm place, and finally ascends to the higher regions to commence a corresponding course back towards the north. 1 Having stated his theory, Mr. Maury ob- serves : " As our knowledge of nature and her laws has increased, so has our understanding of many passages in the Bible been improved. The Psalmist called the earth ' the round world,'' 2 yet for ages it was the most damnable heresy for Christian men to say the world is round ; and finally, sailors circumnavigated the globe, proved the Bible to be right, and saved Chris- tian men of science from the stake." 3 1 In a subsequent part of his volume, Mr. Maury supports his general theory by arguments derived from evaporation the rainy winds the dry winds the supply of moisture afforded by the waters on the south of the equator, to the land and rivers north of the equator. He regards 'magnetism as the motive cause of his hypothetical particles. 2 Ps. xcvi. 10, in English Church Psalter, ' the round world ;' in the Vulgate, ' orbs terrce? See Tsa. xl. 22, ' the circle of the earth.' 3 Physical Geography of the Sea, p. 79. 136 THE MICROSCOPE. " As for the general system of atmospherical circulation/' it is added, " which I have been so long endeavouring to describe, the Bible tells it all in a single sentence : i The wind goeth to- ward the south, and turneth about unto the north ; it whirleth about continually ; and the wind returneth again according to his circuits/ " (See the connection, Eccles. i. 7.) At the point where we have arrived, Maury admits, that while this theory of the winds seems " highly probable" from reasoning, proof is still wanting to establish it as a fact, that the north-east and south-east trades, after meeting and rising up in the equa- torial calms, do cross over and take the paths above described, and represented in his diagrams. 10. He proceeds to adduce the wanting proof, and it is supplied mainly by the testimony of the Microscope. " Were it possible/' he says, " to take a por- tion of air, representing, as it travels along with the south-east trades, the general course of at- mospherical circulation, and to put a tally on it, by which we could follow it in its circuits, and always recognise it, then we might hope actually to prove, by evidence the most positive, APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 137 the channels through which the air of the trade winds, after ascending at the equator, returns whence it came." The air is invisible, and even if it could be seen and seized, where is to be found the tally that is to be attached to the air ? and supposing it to be found, how is it to be placed upon the wings of the wind ? The task seems hopeless, and the very expectation utterly Utopian. But it has actually been done. The Footprints of the Wind may be traced through the region of the clouds. " Ehrenberg, with his Microscope, has established, almost beyond a doubt, that the air which the south-east trade-winds bring to the equator, does rise up there and pass over into the northern hemisphere." 1 " The Micro- scope, under the eye of Ehrenberg, has enabled us to put tallies on the wings of the wind, to learn of them something concerning its cir- cuits." 2 11. It occurred to Mr. Maury, that as Infu- soria are found in sea-dust, rain-drops, hail- stones, and snow-flakes, it might be possible to ascertain from what localities these organisms 1 Physical Geog. of the Sea, p. 117. * Ibid. p. 260. 138 THE MICROSCOPE. had been brought. " If by any chance it should turn out that the locus of any of the microscopic i Infusoria/ so falling, could be identified as belonging to regions travelled by the south-east trade-winds in their hypothetical northern course, strength would be added to many " clews which conduct us into the chambers of the wind, and tell whence it coineth, and whither it goeth." In a previous page we have called attention to Ehrenberg's Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen, and showed how microscopic infusoria, certainly originally belonging to South America, have fallen from the heavens along the western shores of Africa, and the northern shores of the Medi- terranean sea. 1 Maury observes that seamen tell us of " red fog," which they occasionally encounter, especially near the Cape de Verd Islands. Elsewhere they meet showers of dust. The Mediterranean precipitation has been called " Sirocco dust," or " African dust," because sup- posed to come from the deserts of Africa. But this dust, when microscopically examined, is found to consist of organisms whose habitat is not Africa, lout South America, and in the south- 1 See p. 64. APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 139 east trade-wind region of South America ! Professor Ehrenberg has examined specimens of sea-dust from the Cape de Verd Islands and neighbourhood, from Malta, Genoa, Lyons, and the Tyrol. Their similarity is as striking as if all the specimens had been taken from the same pile. Every specimen is found to consist chiefly of South American forms. How could the wind carry them from South America along this track ? Mark the prevailing course of the north-east trade-wind along the surface over all this direc- tion. It might carry dust to South America it could not possibly carry any from it. The many feathered arrows in Maury's Plate (vui.) show at a glance, how strongly and steadily the north-east trades bear down on South America to the south of the Calms of Cancer. But the supposed course of the south-east trades after they cross the equator, and as they travel north- ward, would carry the South American organ- isms directly along all the course in which they have been found the Cape de Verd Islands, Lyons, Genoa, Switzerland, the Tyrol. For proof, turn again to Maury's Plates (vn. and vui.) ; observe how the feathered arrows fly 140 THE MICROSCOPE. in clouds from the south-east toward the eastern shores of South America ; and then, mark how (Plate vn.) the arrows turn to the north-east in their upper current, and bear along the very course " the track of the Passat-Staub" from which the winds have dropped their infusorial visitors from the New World. 12. Well may Maury conclude that he has established the fact that there is a perpetual upper current of air from South America to North Africa, and that tallies have been put on the air, and labels placed on the wings of the wind, " to tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth." Thus the winds, uncertain and un- stable as they are, would, if we could fully fol- low them in their circuits, be found as obedient to the laws of God as the planets are in their paths ; and would as certainly proclaim to us their Maker's praise, as the morning stars when they " sang together." Who can tell what achievements are yet in the future of Science, when thus the waves in the lowest depths of Old Ocean, and the fickle winds in their most wayward course through the high heavens, can be called upon to reveal APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPE. 141 to us some of Nature's most deeply hidden secrets, and anew to proclaim the power and wisdom and goodness of Him " who walketh upon the wings of the wind, and measureth the waters in the hollow of His hand ?" " Acquaint thyself with God, if thou would'st taste His works. Admitted once to His embrace, Thou shalt perceive that thou wast blind before ; Thine eye shall be instructed ; and thine heart, Made pure, shall relish with delight divine Till then unfelt, what hands divine have wrought. The soul that sees Him, or receives sublimed New faculties, or learns at least to employ More worthily the powers she own'd before, Discerns in all things, what, with stupid gaze Of ignorance, till then she overlook'd, A ray of heavenly light gilding all forms Terrestrial, in the vast and the minute ; The unambiguous footsteps of the God Who gives its lustre to an insect's wing, And wheels His throne upon a rolling world.'' 142 THE MICROSCOPE. CHAPTER IX. APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES OF THE MICROSCOPE. 1. IN the most recent appliances of the Microscope, we find it, after traversing worlds after scanning heaven's heights, and fathom- ing ocean's depths, and digging deep into the bowels of the earth after penetrating to the remotest past ages, and making us acquainted with many a new form of existence, and many a new race of beings at length bringing us back to look again on old familiar faces, but' in an extraordinary and interesting way : We allude to the exquisitely beautiful microscopic photographs taken by Mr. Dancer of Man- chester. 2. Many as are the portraits of her Majesty Queen Victoria, our beloved Sovereign, we re- gard as among the most interesting and singu- lar of them all that little speck, that scarcely ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 143 visible point where the Koyal Mother sits with her two eldest-born in her arms. 3. What a marvel, again, is that other micro- scopic photograph, the " Arctic Council/' where, on a space not larger than a pin's head, you have thirteen distinct portraits where, with a table before them, and charts and despatches outspread in their hands, you look upon the great chiefs of the then living Arctic naviga- tors, Sir Edward Parry, Sir J. C. Koss, Sir J. Back, and others as illustrious, in anxious council, discussing the plan of search for Sir John Franklin, while, on the wall behind, alongside of the likenesses of Captain Fitz- james and Sir J. Barrow, is seen suspended the portrait of the illustrious though ill-fated Franklin himself! " It is indeed marvellous," as Sir D. Brewster remarks, " that 10,000 single portraits could thus be included in a square inch ;" and that, as he farther suggests, " Mi- croscopic copies of despatches and plans might be transmitted by post, and important secrets placed in spaces not larger than afull stop, or a small blot of ink!' l 1 Encyclop. Brit. vol. xiv. p. 802. 144 THE MICROSCOPE. 4. It was the good fortune of the author of this little work to have a recent opportunity of employing the Microscope in circumstances where its use led to a singular discovery, fraught to one individual at least with intelli- gence as interesting as it was unexpected. Two or three years ago, a large collection of photo- graphs, taken in the Crimea during the war, was exhibited in Edinburgh. They belonged to Mr. Fenton of London, amounted to about four hundred in number, and represented the most remarkable incidents and personages con- nected with the Crimean conflict. The writer, in course of an inspection of the photographs, was contemplating with solemnized feelings the memorable scene of Cathcart's Hill, studded with sepulchral monuments, beneath which sleep so many of Britain's noblest sons. As he passed onward from this photograph, his attention was immediately arrested by another, representing a single sepulchral monument. It occurred to him that this monumental stone was, in outline and appearance, exactly like one which he had just seen in the general group of monuments on Cathcart's Hill. He employed ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 145 his pocket Microscope to examine and compare these stones in both photographs, when he found that they were representations of the same scene, one side of the monumental stone being seen in the one photograph, and the opposite side of the stone in the other. But, on the face of the stone singly represented in the second photograph, the writer, by the aid of his Microscope, made a further discovery. He traced on that stone the handwriting of the sun, as, with unerring fidelity, it had painted the original scene on the far-distant shores of the Crimea ; for the Microscope revealed letters written by the light of Heaven, which the eye of man had not previously seen. It deciphered in the photograph the name of the noble sol- dier whose mortal remains the stone covered, Captain Edward Stanley, who had fallen on the bloody field of Inkermann ! When the atten- tion of the party who had charge of the collec- tion was called to the fact, he expressed his mingled surprise and delight in a very marked manner. The cause of his emotion at once ap- peared, when he stated that, during the period of the exhibition of the photographs in Edin- K 146 THE MICEOSCOPE. burgh, the bereaved widow of Captain Stanley had frequently visited the collection, and, with many a glance at the representation of Cath- cart's Hill, had earnestly, but hitherto in vain, inquired if there was any mark by which she could discover her husband's grave ? The ex- hibitor now longed for the next visit, when he could show to the mourner the very spot, with the inscription on its monument, where the dust of the departed lay. 5. While these pages are passing through the press, we read a few sentences of an article which evidently bears the impress of the genius of one who is well known as occupying one of the highest places in the ranks of the men of litera- ture and science of our day. These sentences more than justify our statements regarding the past, and our anticipations of the future results of Microscopic research. " The marvels of ani- mal and animalcuiar life now disclosed by the Microscope, stamp a high importance upon zoology, and justify us in regarding it as the most progressive of the sciences. The study of the living world, of the hitherto unrecognised tenants of the earth, the ocean, and the air, ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 147 must for centuries to come call forth all the resources of science, and summon to the Micro- scope intellects of the highest order. We can hardly look for discoveries of great novelty in the planetary and sidereal systems. Telescopes have nearly reached their limits in point of size, if not in point of perfection, and it would be presumptuous to hope that we shall ever acquire any knowledge of the structure, or of the inhabitants of the worlds above us. The sciences of optics, mechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics, have assumed, more or less, a sta- tionary character, and it must, therefore, be from the other departments of knowledge that a rich harvest of discovery is to be realized. " The Science of Life, however, the abode of instinct and intelligence, has a character essen- tially nobler than them all. Its objects are infinite in number, and exciting in interest ; and it will require ages to discover and to de- velop the countless organizations of being, and the strange functions of life, yet concealed from our view. The Microscope, imperfect though it be, is the instrument by which these great results will be achieved ; and when it has ac~ 148 THE MICROSCOPE. quired new powers of penetration and enlarge- ment, it cannot fail to reveal to us marvellous secrets, lifting the veil which shrouds the mys- teries of our intellectual nature, and throwing light on questions which human reason has not ventured to approach." * 6. When such have been the Applications of the Microscope, and such its Kevelations, we may be excused for repeating, that in this little instrument we behold one of man's most perfect inventions. Regarded only as a source of inno- cent recreation, its excellencies are manifold. Rightly used, it might save many a man from passing his hours in listless ennui, or in frivo- lous but degrading amusements. " I have seen." says Mr. Kingsley, u the cultivated man craving for travel, and for success in life, pent up in the drudgery of London work, and yet keeping his spirit calm, and perhaps his morals all the more righteous, by spending over his Micro- scope evenings which would too probably have gradually been wasted at the theatre." 2 The Microscope especially demands and deserves the 1 North British Review, No. LY. (Feb. 1858), p. 189. 2 Glaucu?, p. 49. ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 149 patronage of those who would promote the in- terests of youth, and advance the cause of en- lightened education in our land. The Christian poet, in his Tirocinium, has not failed to press upon a father " blessed with any brains," the duty and privilege of combining, in the education of his child, the contemplation of the works of the Almighty with the study of the writings of men : " To show him in an insect or a flower, Such microscopic proofs of skill and power, As, hid from ages past, God now displays To combat Atheists with in modern days." It is now indeed felt, with increasing force from day to day, that while the young should especially study the Bible, the study of the Works of God may be most advantageously combined with the study of the Words of God. Both are Jehovah's volumes; and while the Book of Inspiration alone reveals to us the glory of the gracious Redeemer, the Book of Nature especially reveals to us the glory of the Great Creator. And just as, with- out the Spirit's teaching, no one can savingly read the Scriptures, so we may be excused for remarking, that, without the aid of such instru- 150 THE MICROSCOPE. ments as the Telescope and Microscope, no one can adequately read the wonders of Creation and Providence. " C'est la Bible a la main que nous devons entrer dans le temple auguste de la Nature, pour bien comprendre la voix du Createur." We believe, accordingly, that the time will come when not only " every one of our more important educational Institutes will have its own Museum," but its own Telescope and Microscope, that the eye of the pupil may from time to time sweep across the firmament of heaven, and survey its vast globes ; and turn to the minutest creature in the particle of dust and drop of water ; and in them also see mighty worlds^ and marvellous races of organized beings. 7. Such an education, rightly conducted, may be blessed for turning the eye of many a young scholar, and of many an advanced saint, not only to the order and beauty and excellence of the Creator's works in this present material world, but upward to the higher things of spi- ritual life, and onward to the very glories of Immanuel's land. " What more prepares us for the songs of heaven ? Creation, of archangels is the theme ! What, to be sunjr, so needful ? What so Avell ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 151 Celestial joys prepares us to sustain? The soul of man, His face design'd to see, Who gave these wonders to be seen by man, Has here a previous scene of objects great On which to dwell ; to stretch to that expanse Of thought, to rise to that exalted height Of admiration, to contract that awe, And give her whole capacities that strength Which best may qualify for final joy. The more our spirits are enlarged on earth, The deeper draught shall they receive of heaven." Compare, under the Microscope, the most exquisite works which the combined wealth and power, skill and taste of man have ever formed, with the tiniest, humblest work of God, and at a glance the amazing difference is seen. Let the keenest-edged razor, or the sharpest -pointed needle that Sheffield ever sent forth, be placed side by side with the sting of wasp or bee, and while the former is seen to be unequal, rough, jagged as file or saw, the latter is found to be inconceivably fine and smooth. Take the rarest web, or the finest lawn that the looms of Glasgow or Manchester ever manufactured, and place it beside the web of the spider, or the thread of the silk-worm ; and the difference between the most delicate gossa- mer and the coarsest cable, or roughest door- 152 THE MICROSCOPE. mat, is as nothing, compared with the difference between the workmanship of the human and the insect weaver. Take the most elaborate ornament which the jeweller fashions from gold and silver, from pearl or diamond, and, placed under the Microscope, it is poor, rude, dim, as contrasted with the rainbow colours on shield of beetle, and wing of butterfly ; or with the ex- quisite carving and contour of flower, and in- sect, and animalcule. Looked at in this light, we find a new meaning in our Saviour's words : " Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin ; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these !" We feel a fresh power in the admonition to the Lord's people : " Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, ye of little faith ?" 8. Such lessons should at once teach deepest humility to poor ignorant man in his present state ; and exalt the conceptions of the child of God as to the glories of his home in a better world. If this world fallen as it is is yet so ITS APPLICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. 153 fair, and so full of the Divine glory, what must be that coining world, which no curse of God has blighted which no sin of man has ever sallied ; and which the Redeemer is now pre- paring to be the home and the heritage of his people ! For if we should ever remember that knowledge, and holiness, and love things spi- ritual and not material are to be the excelling glory of that other world, yet who can tell what may be the glory, even in things material, of that New Jerusalem, which the eye of the Seer saw shining with its streets of gold, and its gates of pearl, and its foundations of all manner of precious stones ? And this Instrument may at least aid us in attempting to form some faint conception of that material glory ; for in taking one glance with it at even a small fragment of (copper) pyrites, we have felt as if that one glance gave us a more exalted view of the new heavens and the new earth, than we had ever before received from the richest hue of the flower, or the most dazzling lustre of the dia- mond, or the varied colours of the rainbow, or the very light of the sun itself ! And surely the highest of all lessons should follow. If God's 154 THE MICROSCOPE. minutest creatures here are so glorious and if God's mightiest works yonder and above are so excellently glorious, what must be the Good- ness, Greatness, Glory of Him who is Maker, Preserver, King and Lord of All, " who is glorious in His holiness, fearful in His praises, ever doing wonders !" NOTE ON ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS AND PARTHENOGENESIS. THE theories of Spontaneous Generation, and of the Progressive Development of animals from lower to higher forms, wage open war with the great truths of Theology, and, as altogether untenable, seem now to be generally opposed by Naturalists. The theories (or theory) of Alternate Generations and Parthenogenesis do not maintain the same hostile attitude to religion ; and the final decision regarding them is accordingly of less importance. But they present deep and difficult questions for the considera- tion of the Naturalist, and seem destined for a time to lead to much discussion and diversity of opinion. They certainly present to us new and strange modes of reproduction of life. Trembley's researches in connexion with the Hydra, gave the first intima- tion of them, when, in 1744, he apprised the world of its singular and manifold powers of reproduction. " Imagine a lily producing a butterfly, and the butterfly producing a lily, and you would scarcely invent a marvel greater than the production of Me- dusae was to its first discoverers. Nay, the marvel must go farther still ; the lily must first produce a whole bed of lilies like its own fair self, before giving 156 NOTE ON ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS birth to a butterfly ; and this butterfly must separate itself into a crowd of butterflies before giving birth to a lily." l Trembley's discoveries were followed by the scarcely less astounding revelations of Bonnet as to the production of Aphides, or plant-lice. The aphis, a winged insect, deposits its eggs on the axils of the leaves of plants in the end of summer ; these eggs are hatched in the following spring ; the produc- tion is a wingless, sexless insect. This wingless insect, while a virgin mother, produces its young alive with marvellous rapidity, in repeated births, during the course of a few days. Within twenty-one days, one single aphis has been found to produce ninety-five young ones. These wingless aphides (virgins), so produced, give origin to broods of similar wingless aphides, the reproduction going on to the tenth or eleventh generation, until, in the course of a single season, according to Professor Carpenter, no fewer than ten thousand million millions are evolved. In the end, some of these lamal aphides are fully deve- loped into males and females, through whose agency ova are again produced, and the same cycle of deve- lopment is repeated the following year. Professor Carpenter regards the multiplication by the larvae as a process of gei*mination, analogous to the multiplica- tion of cells by sub-division ; while he holds that the true generative process, analogous to the conjugation of cells, is only performed when perfect aphides of distinct sexes are evolved. 2 The tabular view which Professor Owen gives of 1 Lewes's Sea-Side Studies, p. 281. 2 Carpenter on the Microscope, pp. 681, 682. AND PARTHENOGENESIS. 157 the viviparous increase of the aphides, is altogether overwhelming : Generation. Produce. 1st, .... 1 Aphis. 2d, . . . . 100, a hundred. 3d, .... 10,000, ten thousand. 4th, .... 1,000,000, one million. 5th, .... 100,000,000, one hundred millions. 6th, .... 10,000,000,000, ten billions. 7th, .... 1,000,000,000,000, one trillion. 8th, .... 100,000,000,000,000, one hundred trillions. 9th, .... 10,000,000,000,000,000, ten quadrillions. 10th, .... 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, one quintillion. If the oviparous be added to the viviparous generation, the result is thirty times greater ! l Forty years ago, it began to be observed that similar phases of reproduction were to be witnessed in the case of other animals. In 1819, Chamisso (the author of Peter Schlemil, the Shadowless Man) observed that the Salpa t one of the humblest of Molluscs, perpetuated its race by alternations, and he first gave to such a succession the name, Alterna- tion of Generations. When he announced his disco- very, Chamisso was " laughed at as a dreamer ;" but the accuracy of his statements is now no longer doubted. The Salpa is sometimes a simple, some- times a compound animal sometimes existing soli- tary, like a hermit in a wilderness ; at other times in long chains of many individuals, like the associated brotherhood of a thronged city. Each individual, however, is distinct from its brother, and is capable 1 Owen's Compar. Anal., p 414. 158 NOTE ON ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS of maintaining a separate existence, if this bond of brotherhood be dissolved. But the grand peculiarity is, that the solitary salpa produces chained salpse, and the chained salpse produce the solitary salpa ; nay, it has been ascertained, that invariably the ovum of one of the chained salpse produces a so- litary animal, while the ovum of a solitary salpa produces the compound animal ; J or, as Charnisso describes it, " A salpa-mother is not like its daughter, or its own mother, but resembles its sister, its grand- daughter, and its grandmother." The process of alternation exists among the En- tozoa. It has recently been established that Intes- tinal Worms, long regarded as specifically or generi- cally distinct, are but one and the same animal. Von Siebold was the first to announce, in' 1844, that these creatures assume quite different forms, and possess different habits, according to the kind of ani- mal in which they live. " For example, the micro- scopic egg or embryo of a Tcenia, evolved in the intestinal canal of a dog or cat, if taken with food into the stomach of a rat, finds its way invariably to the liver, and becomes a Cysticercus ; while, if it be swallowed by a sheep, it travels by some recondite road to the brain, and is transformed into that para- site so fatally known as producing the ' staggers,' Ccenurus. Let either of these now, in turn, be swal- lowed by the carnivorous quadruped, and a Tcenia, is the invariable result." 2 In 1856, Von Siebold published an account of experiments with Moths and Bees, in which he main- 1 Harvey's Sec.-Side Book, p. 234. - Gosse's Life, p 120. AND PARTHENOGENESIS. 159 tains that female virgin moths produced eggs, and that these eggs produced young caterpillars ; and that bees, in similar circumstances, produced eggs, which, however, invariably gave existence to male bees, the fertilized bee-egg alone developing into a female, either worker or queen. 1 Dr. Lankester stated at the meeting of the British Association, in 1857, that Parthenogenesis exists widely in the vegetable kingdom. 2 A remarkable example is said to exist in Kew Garden, where a certain solitary female plant, recently imported, con- tinues to produce descendants yearly, though no male plant has arrived in the land. Professor Owen thus explains Parthenogenesis. All organisms, plant or animal, originate in a cell. This cell spontaneously divides into two, these two into four, and so on, till, instead of a cell, a mass is present, called the " germ mass." In the animal, the cells are placed side to side, and form what is called the " mulberry mass," each cell carrying with it a portion of the yolk. The " germ mass" evolves the animal, and each cell reproduces the powers and capacities of the primary germ-cell. The cells have become transformed into tissues. But all the progeny of the primary germ-cell are not required for the formation of the body in all animals ; certain of the derivative germ-cells may remain unchanged, and be- come included in that body which has been composed of their metamorphosed and diversely combined or confluent brethren. So included, any derivative germ- cell may commence and repeat the same processes by 1 Lewes's Sea-Side Studies, p. U90. ' 2 Atherueum, 1857, p 1157. 160 NOTE ON ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS, ETC. imbibition, and of propagation by spontaneous fission, as those to which itself owed its origin. Owen maintains that this constitutes Partheno- genesis. Some of the cells, instead of being trans- formed into tissues, remain, unchanged as cells, in- cluded in the body, where they repeat the original process of sub-division, and produce offspring, as they themselves were produced. Professor Owen also states why this reproduction has its limits. The original cell, by frequent sub-division, gradually loses a portion of its plastic force. If at first starting it had a force of 100, after passing through 50 sub- divisions it is reduced to a force of 2. Thus Parthe- nogenesis is not indefinitely prolonged. To many, Owen's theory appears as satisfactory as it is ingenious, while others maintain that it leaves the subject unexplained. It may be regarded, there- fore, as still subjudice. 1 1 Owen on Partheiingt-iusis , Lewes's Sfa-Side Studies. KDISBCRGH : T. CONSTABLE, PRINTER TO HER MAJESTY. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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