BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE BEQUEST OF ANITA D. S. BLAKE Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2006 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// CATERING FOR TWO COMFORT AND ECONOMY FOR SMALL HOUSEHOLDS BY ALICE L.- JAMES SECOND IMPRESSION G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON %^t Knickerbocker |prws 1899 Copyright, 1898 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS AGRICULTURE GIFT Zbc ftnicherbocker iprese, laew l^orft TXl/s AGRIC LIBRARY To MARY FRANCES HARMAN 134 PREFACE. THE difficulty of reducing the average rules of the cook books to meet the wants of a family of two or three, added to the urgent solicitations of friends, has suggested to the writer the need of this little book. Dining well on small means is an art only to be acquired by long experience, and the object of the following chapters is to give the result of sixteen years' labor and study, so that the way may be made easier for others just taking upon themselves the duties of a housewife. In the accompanying menus the directions are exact and absolutely reliable. There is no indefinite **a little" of this, or ** just enough " of that, to puzzle the beginner, and the dishes, which are nourishing and ap- petizing, are inexpensive as well, a considera- tion not always taken into account. Catering for Two is for the inexperienced cook, and while the proportions are limited to the needs of two, or at most three, it is only necessary to double the rules to make the quan- tities sufficient for the ordinary family. CONTENTS. PAGE DINNERS I COMPANY I^UNCHEONS . . . 183 BREAKFAST, TEA, AND I^UNCHEON DISHES. 1 92 FANCY DESSERTS 229 MISCEI,I.ANEOUS RECIPES . . . .245 HEI