GIFT OF ^^*"*^ OSCILLATING -CURRENT CIRCUITS AN EXTENSION OF THE THEORY OF GENERALIZED ANGULAR VELOCITIES, WITH APPLICATIONS TO THE COUPLED CIRCUIT AND THE ARTIFICIAL TRANSMISSION LINE BY V. BUSH ABSTRACT OF A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECH- NOLOGY IN PART FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING JUNE, 1916 OSCILLATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS AN EXTENSION OF THE THEORY OF GENERALIZED ANGULAR VELOCITIES, WITH APPLICATIONS TO THE COUPLED CIRCUIT AND THE ARTIFICIAL TRANSMISSION LINE BY V. BUSH ABSTRACT OF A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECH- NOLOGY IN PART FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING JUNE, 1916 CONTENTS. PAGE LIST OF SYMBOLS EMPLOYED . . 4 INTRODUCTION 5 THE COUPLED CIRCUIT 8 APPLICATION TO THE ARTIFICIAL LINE 1 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR A CONTINUATION OF THE WORK 14 SUMMARY 14 333554 LIST OF SYMBOLS EMPLOYED IN THESIS. i The instantaneous oscillating current in a branch of a network am- peres n A generalized angular velocity of oscillation hyperbolic radians per second Z Z Generalized impedance ohms Z E Initial potential volts Naperian base 2.718 .... twi 2 Roots of the equation Z =o, hyperbolic radians per second Z C Total capacitance farads L Total self inductance henries M Total mutual inductance henries R Total resistance ohms Constants of the primary and secondary of a coupled circuit are dis- tinguished by subscripts a, /3, 7, 5, 77 Coefficients of the equation Z = o for the coupled circuit q Correction to be applied to the absolute values of the free angular velocities of a resistanceless coupled circuit to obtain the absolute values of the angular velocities of the complete circuit. numeric p A correction to be added and subtracted to - to obtain the decrements 4 of the complete coupled circuit. hyp. rad. per sec. s, t Sum and difference respectively of the squares of the angular velocities of the resistanceless coupled circuit. /hyp. rarl \2 >. rad.V sec. / \ sec j The pure imaginary, V i A A generalized amplitude of current oscillation amperes Z m Number of sections of an artificial line h Auxiliary constant numeric .Z This sign appended to the units of an equation denotes that the expres- sion contains, in general, complex quantities OSCILLATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. INTRODUCTION. Heaviside,* and since then several others,! have shown that for the free oscillations of a network the generalized impedance, formed from the con- stants of the network and the complex angular velocity of oscillation, is zero for any complete circuit. This principle enables the frequencies and decrements of the free oscillations of a network to be readily found. There is a similar principle which enables the finding of the amplitudes of free oscillation at the several frequencies, which is also in Heaviside, derived from a series of theorems concerning the distribution of energy during subsidence. It is the purpose of the thesis, of which this is an abstract, to demonstrate the application of this second principle to practical engineering problems. The principle may be stated as follows: If Z is the generalized impedance of a branch of the network initially containing a store of energy, corre- sponding to the initial voltage E, and if n is the complex angular velocity of oscillation, so that Z= /(), then the first order term in the Taylor ex- j rj pansion of Z, namely, n , will be of the nature of an impulsive impedance ; d n and the oscillatory current will be of the form : E nt , amperes Z --^ dz n dn where the summation extends over the roots i, n^, - - of the equation Z =o. It will be convenient to call the expression n the "threshold im- d n pedance."* The equation, as given, applies to the current in the branch initially charged, where the generalized and threshold impedances are formed for that branch. The discussion of the application of this principle to various typical net- works has indicated the truth of the following additional propositions which will be found useful in attacking particular problems: * Heaviside. Electrical Papers, Electromagnetic Theory, Vol. II. t Campbell, Proc. AIEE, 1911; Kennelly, Proc. IRE, 1915; Eccles & Makower, Electrician, 1915. (1) In determining the amplitude of oscillation at some point of the net- work distant from the branch initially charged, the generalized impedances of the elements combine in the manner of simple resistances. Upon com- bining with the generalized impedance of an element, each term of a cur- rent or voltage expression is combined with the generalized impedance of the element formed for the free angular velocity of the term considered. (2) When several stores of energy are simultaneously discharged they may be considered separately and the results added. (3) In order to ensure that the correct free angular velocities be ob- tained, the generalized impedance should be formed for the branch under examination; as in special cases certain free angular velocities may be absent in particular branches of the network. (4) The threshold impedance is formed always from the generalized impedance which considers the initially charged element as the main branch. (5) The sudden application of a steady electromotive force may be treated as the inverse of the discharge from the final state attained. (6) The sudden application of an alternating electromotive force may be treated in similar manner, the unbalanced stores of energy being in this case the differences between the initial stores of energy in the network, and the energies at the same points of the network corresponding in the steady state to the point of the voltage wave at which it was suddenly applied. The method of applying the threshold impedance is shown by various examples. One of these, the series circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacitance is included here for illustration. Resistance f\ o/ims. Inductance L_ henries. C farads. P/g. / . 5imf)le Series Osci/latin