^m m m liiii.^ ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS EDITED BY VISCOUNT MORLEY pOCftCt JEOUlon ADDISON MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited LONDON . BOMBAY • CALCUTTA • MADRAS MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO DALLAS . SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO I ENGLISH ^lEN OF LETrE%S ADDISON BY W, J. COURTHOPE MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1919 COPYRIGHT First Edition 1884 Reprinted 1889, 1898, 1903 Pocket Edition 1909 ReJ>yinted 1916, 1919 CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Thk State of English Society and Letters after the Restoration 1 CHAPTER II. Addison's Family and Education 22 CHAPTER III. Addison on His Travels 40 CHAPTER IV. His Employment in Affairs of State .... 55 CHAPTER Y. The " Tatler " and " Spectator " .... 81 CHAPTER YI. "Cato" 115 vi CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VII. Addiso>''s Quaekel with PorE 131 CHAPTER VIII. The Last Years of His Life 146 CHAPTER IX. The Genius of Addison , 161 INDEX 193 ADDISON CHAPTEE I. THE STATE OF ENGLISH SOCIETY AND LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. Of the four English men of letters whose writings most fully embody the spirit of the eighteenth century the one who provides the biographer with the scantiest materials is Addison. In his Journal to Stella, his social verses, and his letters to his friends, we have a vivid picture of those relations with women and that protracted suffering which invest with such tragic interest the history of S^A-ift. Pope, by the publication of his own correspond- ence, has enabled us, in a way that he never intended, to understand the strange moral twist which distorted a nature by no means devoid of noble instincts. Johnson was fortunate in the companionship of i>erhaps the best biographer who ever lived. But of the real life and character of Addison scarcely any contemporary record remains. The formal narrative prefixed to his works by Tickell is, by that writer's own admission, little more than a bibliography. Steele, who might have told us more than any man about his boyhood and his manner of life in London, had become estranged from his old friend (& B 2 ADDISON. [chap. l:>efore, his death. No writer has taken the trouble to preserve any account of the wit and wisdom that enlivened the " little senate " at Button's. His own letters are, as a rule, compositions as finished as his papers in the Sjyedator. Those features in his character which excite the greatest interest have been delineated by the hand of an enemy — an enemy who possessed an unrivalled power of satirical portrait-painting, and was restrained by no regard for truth from creating in the public mind such impressions about others as might serve to heighten the favourable opinion of himself. This absence of dramatic incident in Addison's life would lead us naturally to conclude that he was deficient in the energy and passion which cause a powerful nature to leave a mark upon its age. Yet such a judgment would certainly be erroneous. Shy and reserved as he was, the unanimous verdict of his most illustrious con- temporaries is decisive as to the respect and admiration which he excited among them. The man who could exert so potent an influence over the mercurial Steele ; who could fascinate the haughty and cynical intellect of Swift; whose conversation, by the admission of his satirist Pope, had in it something more charming than that of any other man; of whom it was said that he might have been chosen king if he wished it ; such a man, though to the coarse perception of Mandeville he might have seemed no more than " a parson in a tye- wig," can hardly have been deficient in force of character. Nor would it have been possible for a writer distin- guished by mere elegance and refinement to leave a lasting impress on the literature and society of his country. In one generation after another men, repre- I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 3 seuting opposing elements of rank, class, interest, and taste, have agreed in acknowledging Addison's extra- ordinary merits. "Whoever wishes," says Johnson — at the end of a biography strongly coloured with the prepossessions of a semi- Jacobite Tory — " whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison." "Such a mark of national respect," says Macaulay, the best representative of middle-class opinion in the present century, speaking of the statue erected to Addison in Westminster Abbey, " was due to the unsullied statesman, to the accomplished scholar, to the master of pure English eloquence, to the consummate painter of life and manners. It was due, above all, to the great satirist who alone knew how to use ridicule without abusing it ; who, without inflicting a wound, effected a great social reform, and who recon- ciled wit and virtue, after a long and disastrous separa- tion, during which wit had been led astray by profligacy and ^'irtue by fanaticism." This verdict of a great critic is accepted by an age to which the grounds of it are perhaps not very apparent. The author of any ideal creation — a poem, a drama, or a novel — has an imprescriptible property in the fame of his work. But to harmonise conflicting social elements, *■ to bring order out of chaos in the sphere of criticism, to form right ways of thinking about questions of morals, taste, and breeding, are operations of which the credit, though it is certainly to be ascribed to particular individuals, is generally absorbed by society itself. Macaulay's eulogy is as just as it is eloquent, but the pages of the Spectator alone will hardly show the reader 4 ADDISON. [chap. why Addison should be so highly praised for having reconciled wit with virtue. Nor, looking at him as a critic, will it appear a great achievement to have pointed out to English society the beauties of Paradise Lost, unless it be remembered that the taste of the preceding generation still influenced Addison's contemporaries, and that in that generation Cowley was accounted a greater poet than Milton. To estimate Addison at his real value we must regard him as the chief architect of Public Opinion in the eighteenth century. But here again we are met by an initial difficulty, because it has become almost a com- monplace of contemporary criticism to represent the eighteenth century as a period of sheer destruction. It is tacitly assumed by a school of distinguished philo- sophical writers that we have arrived at a stage in the world's history in which it is possible to take a positive and scientific view of human affairs. As it is of course necessary that from such a system all belief in the super- natural shall be jealously excluded, it has not seemed impossible to write the history of Thought itself in the eighteenth century. And in tracing the course of this supposed continuous stream it is natural that all the great English writers of the period should be described as in one way or another helping to pull do^vn, or vainly to strengthen, the theological barriers erected by centuries of bigotry against the irresistible tide of enlightened progress. It would be of course entirely out of place to discuss here the merits of this new school of history. Those who consider that, whatever glimpses we may obtain of the law and order of the universe, man is, as he always r.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 6 has been and always will be, a mystery to himself, will hardly allow that the operations of the human spirit can be traced in the dissecting-room. But it is, in any case, obvious that to treat the great imaginative writers of any age as if they were only mechanical agents in an evolution of thought is to do them grave injustice. Such writers are above all things creative. Their first aim is to " show the very age and body of the time his form and pressure." No work of the eighteenth century, composed in a consciously destructive spirit, has taken its place among the acknowledged classics of the lan- guage. Even the Tale of a Tub is to be regarded as a satire upon the aberrations of theologians from right reason, not upon the principles of Christianity itself. The Essay on Man has, no doubt, logically a tendency towards Deism, but nobody ever read the poem for the sake of its philosophy ; and it is well known that Pope was much alarmed when it was pointed out to him that his conclusions might be represented as incompatible ^Wth the doctrines of revealed religion. The truth indeed seems to be the exact converse of what is alleged by the scientific historians. So far from- the eighteenth century in England being an age of des- tructive analysis, its energies were chiefly devoted to political, social, and literary reconstruction. ^^Tiatever revolution in faith and manners the English nation had undergone had been the work of the two preceding cen- turies, and, though the historic foundations of society remained untouched, the whole form of the superstructure had been profoundly modified. " So tenacious are we," said Burke towards the close of the last century, " of our old ecclesiastical modes and fashions 6 ADDISON. [chap. of institution that very little change has been made in them since the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries, adhering in this particular as in all else to our old settled maxim never entirely nor at once to depart from antiquity, "We found these institutions on the whole favourable to morality and discipline, and we thought they were susceptible of amend- ment without altering the ground. "We thought they were capable of receiving and meliorating and, above all, of pre- serving the accessories of science and literature as the order of Providence should successively produce them. And after all, with this Gothic and monkish education (for such it is the groundwork), we may put in our claim to as ample and early a share in all the improvements in science, in arts, and in literature which have illuminated the modern world as auy other nation in Europe. We think one main cause of this improvement was our not despising the patrimony of knowledge which was left us by our forefathers." All this is, in substance, true of our political as well as our ecclesiastical institutions. And yet, when Burke WTOte, the great feudal and mediaeval structure of England had been so transformed by the Wars of the Roses, the Reformation, the Rebellion, and the Revolution, that its ancient outlines w^ere barely visible. In so far, therefore, as his words seem to imply that the social evolution he describes was produced by an imperceptible and almost mechanical process of national instinct, the impression they tend to create is entirely erroneous. If we have been hitherto saved from such corruption as undermined the republics of Italy, from the religious wars that so long enfeebled and divided Germany, and from the Revolution that has severed modern France from her ancient history, thanks for this are due partly no doubt to favouring conditions of nature and society, but quite as much to the genius of great individuals who pre- pared the mind of the nation for the gradual assimila- i I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 7 tion of new ideas. Thus Langlaiid and Wycliffe and their numerous followers, long before the Reformation, had so familiarised the minds of the people with their ideas of the Christian religion that the Sovereign was able to assume the Headship of the Church without the shock of a social convulsion. Fresh feelings and instincts grew up in the hearts of whole classes of the nation without at first producing any change in outward habits of life, and even without arousing a sense of their logical incongruity. These mixed ideas were constantly brought before the imagination in the works of the poets. Shakespeare abounds with passages in which, side by side with the old feudal, monarchical, catholic, and patriotic instincts of Englishmen, we find the sentiments of the Italian Renaissance. Spenser conveys Puritan doctrines sometimes by the mouth of shepherds, whose originals he had found in Theocritus and Virgil ; some- times under allegorical forms derived from books of chivalry and the ceremonial of the Catholic Church. Milton, the most rigidly Calvinistic of all the English poets in his opinions, is also the most severely classical in his style. It was the task of Addison to carry on the reconcil- ing traditions of our literature. It is his praise to have accomplished his task under conditions far more difficult than any that his predecessors had experienced. "What they had done was to give instinctive and character- istic expression to the floating ideas of the society about them ; what Addison and his contemporaries did was to foimd a public opinion by a conscious effort of reason and persuasion. Before the Civil Wars there had been at least no visible breach in the principle of Authority 8 ADDISON. [CHAP. in Church and State. At the beginning of the eighteenth century constituted authority had been recently over- thrown ; one king had been beheaded, another had been expelled ; the Episcopalian form of Church Government had been violently displaced in favour of the Presby- terian, and had been \^dth almost equal violence restored. Whole classes of the population had been drawn into opposing camps during the Civil War, and still stood confronting each other with all the harsh antagonism of sentiment inherited from that conflict. Such a bare summary alone is sufficient to indicate the nature of the difficulties Addison had to encounter in his efforts to harmonise public opinion ; but a more detailed examina- tion of the state of society after the Eestoration is required to place in its full light the extraordinary merits of the success that he achieved. There was, to begin Avith, a vehement opposition between town and country. In the country the old ideas of Feudalism, modified by circumstances, but vigorous and deep-rooted, still prevailed. True, the military system of land-tenure had disappeared ^Wth the Restoration, but it was not so with the relations of life and the habits of thought and feeling w^hich the system had created. The featui-es of surviving Feudalism have been inimitably preserved for us in the character of Sir Roger de Coverley. Living in the patriarchal fashion, in the midst of tenants and retainers, who looked up to him as their chief, and for whose welfare and protection he considered himself responsible, the country gentleman valued above all things the principle of Loyalty. To the monied classes in the towns he was instinctively opposed ; he regarded their interests, both social and I.J LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 9 commercial, as contrary to liis own; he looked with dislike and suspicion on the economical principles of government and conduct on which these classes natur- ally rely. Even the younger sons of county families had in Addison's day abandoned the custom, common enough in the feudal times, of seeking their fortune in trade. Many a Will "Wimble now spent his whole life in the country, training dogs for his neighbours, fishing their streams, making whips for their young heirs, and even garters for their wives and daughters.^ The country gentlemen were confirmed in these ideas by the difficulties of communication. During his visit to Sir Eoger de Coverley the Spectator observed the extreme slowness with which fashions penetrated into the country ; and he noticed, too, that party spirit was much more violent there than in the towns. The learn- ing of the clergy, many of whom resided with the country squires as chaplains, was of course enlisted on the Tory side, and supplied it with arguments which the body of the party might perhaps have found it diffi- cult to discover, or at least to express, for themselves. For Tory tastes undoubtedly lay generally rather in the direction of sport than of books. Sir Eoger seems to be as much above the average level of his class as Squire \Yestern is certainly below it : perhaps the Tory fox- hunter of the Freeholder^ though somewhat satirically painted, is a fair representative of the society which had its headquarters at the October Club, and whose favourite poet was Tom D'Urfey. The commercial and professional classes, from whom the Whigs derived their chief support, of course 1 Spectator, No. 108. 10 ADDISON. [chap. predominated in the towns, and their larger opportuni- ties of association gave them an influence in affairs which compensated for their inferiority in numbers. They lacked, however, what the country party possessed, a generous ideal of life. Though many of them were connected with the Presbyterian system, their common sense made them revolt from its rigidity, while at the same time their economical principles failed to supply them with any standard that could satisfy the imagina- tion. Sir Andrew Freeport excites in us less interest than any member of the Spectator's Club. There was not yet constituted among the upper middle classes that mixed conception of good feeling, good breeding, and good taste which we now attach to the name of "gentle- man." Two main currents of opinion divided the country, to one of which a man was obliged to surrender himself if he wished to enjoy the pleasures of organised society. One of these was Puritanism, but this was undoubtedly the less popular, or at least the less fashionable. A pro- tracted experience of Eoundhead tyranny under the Long Parliament had inclined the nation to believe that almost any form of Government was preferable to that of the Saints. The Puritan, no longer the mere sectarian, as in the days of Elizabeth and James I., somewhat ridiculous in the extravagance of his opinions, but respectable from the constancy with which he maintained them, had ruled ever them as a taskmaster, and had forced them, as far as he could by military violence, to practise the asceticism to which monks and nuns had voluntarily submitted themselves. The most innocent as well as the most brutal diversions of the people were I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 11 sacrificed to his spiritual pride. As Macaulay well says, he hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectator. The tendency of his creed was, in fact, anti-social. Beauty in his eyes was a snare, and pleasure a sin ; the only mode of social intercourse which he approved was a seimon. On the other hand, the habits of the Court, which gave the tone to all polite society, were almost equally distasteful to the instincts of the people. It was inevitable that the inclinations of Charles II. should be violently opposed to every sentiment of the Puritans. "While he was in the power of the Scots he had been forced into feigned compliance with Presbyterian rites ; the Puritans had put his father to death, and had con- demned himself to many years of exile and hardship in Catholic countries. He had returned to his own land half French in his political and rehgious sympathies, and entirely so in his literary tastes. To convert and to corrupt those of his subjects w^ho immediately surrounded him was an easy matter. " All by the king's example lived and loved." Poets, painters, and actors were forw^ard to promote principles viewed with favour by their sovereign and not at all disagreeable to themselves. An ingenious philosopher elevated Absolutism into an intellectual and moral system, the consequence of which was to encourage the powerful in the indulgence of every selfish instinct. As the Puritans had oppressed the country with a system of inhuman religion and transcendental morality, so now, in order to get as far from Puritanism as possible, it seemed necessary for every one aspiring to be thought a gentleman to avow himself an atheist or a debauchee. \ 12 ADDISON. [chap. The ideas of the man in the mode after the Restora- tion are excellently hit off in one of the fictitious letters in the Spedatm' : — " I am now between fifty and sixty, and had the honoiu- to be well with the first men of taste and gallantry in the joyous reign of Charles the Second. As for yourself, Mr. Spectator, you seem with the utmost arrogance to undermine the very fundamentals upon which we conducted ourselves. It is monstrous to set up for a man of wit and yet deny that honour in a woman is anything but peevishness, that inclina- tion is not the best rule of life, or virtue and vice anything else but health and disease. We had no more to flo but to put a lady in a good humour, and all we could wish followed of course. Then, again, your Tully and your discourses of another life are the very bane of mirth and good humour. Pry'thee don't value thyself on thy reason at that exorbitant rate and the dignity of human nature ; take my word for it, a setting dog has as good reason as any man in England." ^ "While opinions, which from different sides struck at the very roots of society, prevailed both in the fashion- able and religious portions of the community, it was inevitable that Taste should be hopelessly corrupt. All the artistic and literary forms which the Court favoured were of the romantic order, but it was romance from which beauty and vitality had utterly disappeared. Of the two great principles of ancient chivalry. Love and Honour, the last notes of which are heard in the lyrics of Lovelace and Montrose, one was now held to be non- existent, and the other was utterly perverted. The feudal spirit had surrounded woman w^ith an atmosphere of mystical devotion, but in the reign of Charles II. the passion of love was subjected to the torturing treatment then known as "wit." Cowley and Waller seem to ^ Spectator, No. 158. 1.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 13 think that when a man is in love the energy of his feel- ings is best shown by discovering resemblances between his mistress and those objects in nature to which she is apparently most unlike. The ideal of Woman, as she is represented in the Spectator, adding grace, charity, and refinement to do- mestic hfe, had still to be created. The king himself, the presumed mirror of good taste, was notoriously under the control of his numerous mistresses ; and the highest notion of love which he could conceive was gallantry. French romances were therefore generally in vogue. All the casuistry of love which had been elaborated by Mademoiselle de Scudery was reproduced with improvements by Mrs. Aphra Behn. At the same time, as usually happens in diseased societies, there was a general longing to cultivate the simpHcity of the Golden Age, and the consequence was that no person, even in the lower grades of society, who pretended to any reading, ever thought of making love in his own pei'son. The proper tone of feeling was not acquired till he had invested himself with the pastoral attributes of Damon and Celadon, and had addressed his future wife as Amaranth a or Phyllis. - . The tragedies of the period illustrate this general inclination to spurious romance. If ever there was aT; time when the ideal of monarchy was degraded and the instincts of chivalrous action discouraged, it was in the reign of Charles II. Absorbed as he was in the pursuit of pleasure, the king scarcely attempted to conceal his weariness when obliged to attend to affairs of State. He allowed the Dutch fleet to approach his capital and to burn his o"\vn ships of war on the Thames ; he sold 14 ADDISON. [chap. Dunkirk to the French ; hardly any action in his Hfe evinces any sense of patriotism or honour. And yet we have only to glance at Johnson's Life of Dryden to see how all the tragedies of the time turn on the great charac- ters, the great actions, the great sufferings of princes. The Elizabethan drama had exhibited man in every degree of life and with every variety of character ; the playwright of the Restoration seldom descended below such themes as the conquest of Mexico or Granada, the fortunes of the Great Mogul, and the fate of Hannibal. This mono- tony of subject was doubtless in part the result of policy, for, in pitying the fortunes of Montezuma, the imagination of the spectator insensibly recalled those of Charles the Second. Everything in these tragedies is unreal, strained, and affected. In order to remove them as far as possible from the language of ordinary life they are written in rhyme, while the astonishment of the audience is raised with big swelling words, which vainly seek to hide the absence of genuine feeling. The heroes tear their passion to tatters because they think it heroic to do so ; their flights into the sublime generally drop into the ridiculous ; instead of holding up the mirror to nature, their object is to depart as far as possible from common sense. Nothing exhibits more characteristically the utterly artificial feeling, both of the dramatists and the spectators, than the habit which then prevailed of dis- missing the audience after a tragic play with a witty epilogue. On one occasion, Nell Gwynne, in the charac- ter of St, Catherine, was, at the end of the play, left for dead upon the stage. Her body having to be removed, the actress suddenly started to her feet, exclaiming, I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 15 " Hold ! are yoii mad ? you damned confounded dog, I am to rise and speak the epilogue ! " ^ By way of compensation, however, the writers of the period poured forth their real feelings without reserve in their comedies. So great, indeed, is the gulf that separates our own manners from theirs, that some critics have endeavoured to defend the comic dramatists of the Restoration against the moralists on the ground that their representations of Nature are entirely devoid of reality. Charles Lamb, who loved all curiosities, and the Caroline comedians among the number, says of them : — " They are a world of themselves almost as much as fairy- land. Take one of their characters, male or female (with few exceptions they are alike), and place it in a modern play, and my virtuous indignation shall rise against the profligate wretch as warmly as the Catos of the pit could desire, because in a modern play I am to judge of the right and the wrong. The standard of 'police is the measure of ijolitical justice. The atmosphere will blight it ; it cannot live here. It has got into a moral world, where it has no business, from which it must needs fall headlong ; as dizzy and incapable of making a stand as a Swedenborgian bad spirit that has wandered un- awares into his sphere of Good Men or Angels. But in its own world do we feel the creature is so very bad ? The Fainalls and Mirabels, the Dorimants and Lady Touchwoods, in their own sphere do not offend my moral sense ; in fact, they do not appeal to it at all. They seem engaged in their proper element. They break through no laws or conscientious restraints. They know of none. They have got out of Christendom into the land of — what shall I call it ? — of cuckoldry — the Utopia of gallantry, where pleasure is duty and the manners perfect freedom. It is altogether a specu- lative scene of things, which has no reference whatever to the world that is." 1 Spectator No. 341. 16 ADDISON. [chap. This is a very happy description of the manner in which the plays of Etherege, Shadwell, Wycherley, and Congreve affect us to-day ; and it is no doubt superfluous to expend much moral indignation on works which have long since lost their power to charm ; come- dies in which the reader finds neither the horseplay of Aristophanes, nor the nature of Terence, nor the poetry of Shakespeare ; in which there is not a single character that arouses interest, or a situation that spontaneously provokes laughter; in which the complications of plot are produced by the devices of fine gentlemen for making cuckolds of citizens, and the artifices of wives to dupe their husbands; in which the profuse wit of the dialogue might excite admiration, if it were possible to feel the smallest interest in the occasion that produced it. But to argue that these plays never represented any state of existing society is a paradox which chooses to leave out of account the contemporary attack on the stage made by Jeremy Collier, the admissions of Dryden, and all those valuable glimpses into the manners of our ances- tors which are afforded by the prologues of the period. It is sufficient to quote against Lamb the witty and severe criticism of Steele in the Spectator upon Etherege's Man of the Mode : — " It cannot be denied but that the negligence of every- thing which engages the attention of the sober and valuable part of mankind appears very well drawn in this piec€. But it is denied that it is necessary to the character of a fine gentleman that he should in that manner trample upon all order and decency. As for the character of Dorimant, it is more of a coxcomb than that of Fopling. He says of one of his companions that a good correspondence between tliem is their mutual interest. Speaking of that friend,, he declares I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 17 their being iniuli together ' makes the women tliink the better of lii.s understanding, and judge more favourably of my rei)Utation. It makes him pass upon some for a man of very good sense, and me upon others for a very civil person.' Tliis wliole celebrated piece is a perfect contradiction to good manners, good sense, and common honesty ; and as there is nothing in it but what is built upon the ruin of virtue and innocence, according to the notion of virtue in this comedy, I take the slioemaker to be in reality the fine gentleman of the play : for it seems he is an atheist, if we may depend upon his character as given by the orange-woman, who is herself far from being the lowest in the play. She says of a fine man who is Dorimant's companion, ' there is not such another heathen in the town except the shoemaker.' His pretension to be the hero of the drama appears still more in his o\\Ti descri]»tion of his way of living with his lady. ' There is,' says he, ' never a man in the town lives more like a gentleman with his wife than I do. I never mind her motions ; she never inquires into mine. We speak to one another civilly; hate one another heartily; and, because it is vulgar to lie and soak together, we have each of us our several settle-beds.' " That of ' soaking together ' is as good as if Dorimant had spoken it himself ; and I think, since he puts human nature in as ugly a form as the circumstances will bear and is a staunch unbeliever, he is very much wronged in having no part of the good fortune bestowed in the last act. To speak plain of this whole work, I think nothing but being lost to a sense of innocence and virtue can make any one see this comedy without observing more frequent occasion to move sorrow and indignation than mirth and laughter. At the same time I allow it to be nature, but it is nature in its utmost corruption and degeneracy." ^ The truth is that the stage after the Restoration re- flects only too faithfully the manners and the sentiments of the only society which at that period could boast of anything like organisation. The press, which now enables ^ Spectator, No. 65. C 18 ADDISON. [CHAP. public opinion to exercise so powerful a control over the manners of the times, had then scarcely an existence. No standard of female honour restrained the license of wit and debauchery. If the clergy were shocked at the propagation of ideas so contrary to the whole spirit of Christianity, their natural impulse to reprove them was checked by the fear that an apparent condemnation of the practices of the Court might end in the triumph of their old enemies, the Puritans. All the elements of an old and decaying form of society that tended to atheism, cynicism, and dissolute living, exhibited them- selves therefore in naked shamelessness on the stage. The audiences in the theatres were equally devoid of good manners and good taste : they did not hesitate to interrupt the actors in the midst of a serious play, while they loudly applauded their obscene allusions. So gross was the character of comic dialogue that women could not venture to appear at a comedy without masks, and under these circumstances the theatre became the natural centre for assignations. In such an atmosphere women readily cast off all modesty and reserve ; indeed, the choicest inde- cencies of the times are to be found in the epilogues to the plays which were always assigned to the female actors. It at first sight seems remarkable that a society inveterately corrupt should have contained in itself such powers of purification and vitality as to discard the literary garbage of the Restoration period in favour of the refined sobriety which characterises the wi'iters of Queen Anne's reign. But, in fact, the spread of the in- fection was confined within certain well-marked limits. \ The Court moved in a sphere apart, and was altogether I too light and frivolous to exert a decided moral influ- I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 19 ence on the great bod}' of tlie nation. Tlie country gentlemen, busied on their estates, came seldom to town ; the citizens, the lawyers, and the members of the other professions steadily avoided the theatre, and regarded with equal contempt the moral and literary excesses of the courtiers. Among this class, unrepresented at present in the world of letters, except perhaps by antiquarians like Selden, the foundations of sound taste were being silently laid. The readers of the nation had hitherto been almost limited to the nobility. Books w^ere generally published by subscription, and Avere dependent for their success on the favour with which they were received by the courtiers. But, after the subsidence of the Civil War, the nation began to make rapid strides in wealth and refine- ment, and the monied classes sought for intellectual amusement in their leisure hours. Authors by degrees found that they might look for readers beyond the select circle of their aristocratic patrons ; and the book- seller, who had hitherto calculated his profits merely by the commission he might obtain on the sale of books, soon perceived that they were becoming valuable as property. The reign of Charles II. is remarkable not only for the great increase in the number of the licensed printers in London, but for the appearance of the first of the race of modern publishers, Jacob Tonson. The portion of society whose tastes the publishers undertook to satisfy was chiefly interested in history, poetry, and criticism. It w^as this for w^hich Dryden composed his Miscellany, this to which he addressed the admirable critical essays which precede his Translations from the Latin Poets and his Versifications of Chaucer, and this which afterwards gave the main support to the Tatler 20 ADDISON. [chap. and the Spectator. Ignorant of the writings of the great classical authors, as well as of the usages of polite society, these men were nevertheless robust and manly in their ideas, and were eager to form for themselves a correct standard of taste by reference to the best authori- ties. Though they turned with repugnance from the playhouse and from the morals of the Court, they could not avoid being insensibly affected by the tone of grace and elegance which prevailed in Court circles. And in this respect, if in no other, our gratitude is due to the Caro- line dramatists, who may justly claim to be the founders of the social prose style in English literature. Before them English prose had been employed, no doubt, with music and majesty by many writers ; but the style of these is scarcely representative ; they had used the language for their own elevated purposes, without, how^ever, attempt- ing to give it that balanced fineness and subtlety which makes it a fitting instrument for conveying the complex ideas of an advanced stage of society. Dryden, Wycher- ley, and their followers, impelled by the taste of the Court to study the French language, brought to English composition a nicer standard of logic and a more choice selection of language, while the necessity of pleasing their audiences with brilliant dialogue made them careful to give their sentences that well-poised structure which Addison afterwards carried to perfection in the Spectator. By this brief sketch the reader may be enabled to judge of the distracted state of society, both in politics and taste, in the reign of Charles II. On the one side, the Monarchical element in the Constitution was repre- sented by the Court Party, flushed with the recent restoration ; retaining the old ideas and principles uf I.] LETTERS AFTER THE RESTORATION. 21 absolutism -which had prevailed under James I., without being able to perceive their inapplicability to the exist- ing nature of things ; feeding its imagination alternately on sentiments derived from the decayed spirit of chivalry, and on artistic representations of fashionable debauchery in its most open form — a party which, while it fortunately preserved the traditions of wit, elegance, and gaiety of style, seemed unaware that these qualities could be put to any other use than the mitiga- tion of an intolerable enmd. On the other side, the rising power of Democracy found its representatives in austere Republicans opposed to all institutions in Church and State that seemed to obstruct their own abstract principles of government; gloomy fanatics, who, with an intense intellectual appreciation of eternal principles of religion and morality, sought to sacrifice to their system the most permanent and even innocent instincts of human nature. Between the two extreme parties was the unorganised body of the nation, grouped round old customs and institutions, rapidly growing in wealth and numbers, conscious of the rise in their midst of new social principles, but perplexed how to reconcile these with time-honoured methods of religious, political, and literary thought. To lay the foundations of sound opinion among the people at large ; to prove that recon- ciliation w^as possible between principles hitherto exhi- bited only in mutual antagonism ; to show that under the English Constitution monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy might all be harmonised, that humanity was not absolutely incompatible with religion or morality with art, was the task of the statesmen, and still more of the men of letters, of the early part ot the eighteenth century. CHAPTER II. Addison's family and education. Joseph Addison was born on the 1st of May 1672. He was the eldest son of Lancelot Addison, at the time of his birth rector of Milston, near Amesbury, in Wilt- shire, and afterwards Dean of Lichfield. His father was a man of character and accomplishments. Educated at Oxford, while that University was under the control of the famous Puritan Visitation, he made no secret of his contempt for principles to which he was forced to sub- mit, or of his preferences for Monarchy and Episcopacy. His boldness was not agreeable to the University authori- ties, and, being forced to leave Oxford, he maintained himself for a time near Petworth, in Sussex, by acting as chaplain or tutor in families attached to the Royalist cause. After the Restoration he obtained the appoint- ment of chaplain to the garrison of Dunkirk, and when that town was ceded to France in 1662, he was removed in a similar capacity to Tangier. Here he remained eight years, but, venturing on a visit to England, his post was bestowed upon another, and he would have been left without resources, had not one of his friends pre- sented him with the living of Milston, valued at £120 a year. With the courage of his order he thereupon took CHAP. II.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 23 a wife, Jane, daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Gulston, and sister of William Gulston, Bishop of Bristol, by whom he had six children, three sons and three daughters, all bom at Milston. In 1G75 he was made a prebendary of Salisbury Cathedral and Chaplain -in -Ordinary to the King; and in 1683 he was promoted to the Deanery of Lichfield, as a reward for his services at Tangier, and out of consideration of losses which he had sustained by a fire at Milston. His literary reputation stood high, and it is said that he would have been made a bishop, if his old zeal for legitimacy had not prompted him to manifest in the Convocation of 1689 his hostility to the Revolution. He died in 1703. Lancelot was a writer at once voluminous and lively. In the latter part of his life he produced several treatises on theological subjects, the most popular of which was called An Introduction to the Sacrament. This book passed through many editions. The doctrine it contains leans rather to the Low Church side. But much the most characteristic of his writings were his works on Mahommedanism and Judaism, the results of his studies during his residence in Barbary. These show not only considerable industry and research and powers of shrewd observation, but that genuine literary faculty which enables a writer to leave upon a subject of a general nature the impression of his own character. While there is nothing forced or exaggerated in his historical style, a vein of allegory runs through the narrative of the Revolutions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco^ ^vhich must have had a piquant flavour for the orthodox Eng- lish reader of that day. Recollections of the Protectorate would have taken nothing of its vividness from the por- 24 ADDISON. [chap. trait of the Moorish priest who " began to grow into reputation with the people by reason of his high preten- sions to piety and fervent zeal for their law, illustrated by a stubborn rigidity of conversation and outward sanctity of life." When the Zeriffe, with ambitious designs on the throne, sent his sons on a pilgrimage to Mecca, the religious buffooneries practised by the young men must have recalled to the reader circumstances more recent and personal than those which the author was apparently describing. "Much was the reverence and reputation of holiness which they thereby acquired among the superstitious people, who could hardly be kept from kissing their garments and adoring them as saints, while they failed not in their parts, but acted as much devotion as high contemplative looks, deep sighs, tragical gestures, and other passionate interjections of holiness could express. ' Allah, allah ! ' was their doleful note, their sustenance the people's alms." And when these impostors had inveigled the King of Fez into a religious war, the description of those who " mistrusted their own safety and began, but too late, to repent their approving of an armed hypocrisy " was not more appli- cable to the rulers of Barbary than to the people of England. " Puffed up with their successes, they forgot their obedience, and these saints denied the king the fifth part of their spoils ... By which it appeared that they took up arms, not out of love for their country and zeal for their religion, but out of desire of rule." There is, indeed, nothing in these utterances which need have prevented the WTiter from consistently promoting the Revolution of 1688; yet his principles seem to have carried him far in the opposite direction ; and it is inter- II.] FAMILY AXD EDUCATION. 25 esting to remember that the assertor in Convocation of the doctrine of indefeasible hereditary right was the father of the autlior of the TFhig Examiner and the Frci- holder. However decidedly Joseph may have dissented from his father's political creed, we know that lie enter- tained admiration and respect for his memory, and that death alone prevented him from completing the monu- ment afterwards erected in Lancelot's honour in Lichfield Cathedral. Of Addison's mother nothing of importance is recorded. His second brother, Gulston, became Gover- nor of Fort St. George, in the East Indies: and the third, Lancelot, followed in Joseph's footsteps so far as to obtain a Fellowship at Magdalen College, Oxford. His sisters, Jane and Anna, died young ; but Dorothy was tAvice married, and Swift records in her honour that she was "a kind of wit, and very like her brother." We may readily believe that a writer so lively as Lancelot would have had clever children, but Steele was perhaps carried away by the zeal of friendship or the love of epigram when he said in his dedication to the Drumnw : " Mr. Dean Addison left behind him four children, each of whom, for excellent talents and singular perfec- tions, was as much above the ordinary world as their brother Joseph was above them." But that Steele had a sincere admiration for the whole family is sufficiently shown by his using them as an example in one of his early Tatlers : — " I remember among all my acquaintance but one man whom I have thought to live with his children with equan- imity and a good grace. He had three sons and one daughter, whom he bred with all the care imaginable in a liberal and 26 ADDISON. [chap. ingenuous way. I have often heard him say he had the weakness to love one much better than the other, but that he took as much pains to correct that as any other criminal passion that could arise in his mind. His method was to make it the only pretension in his children to his favour to be kind to each other, and he would tell tliem that he who was the best brother he would reckon the best son. This turned their thoughts into an emulation for the superiority in kind and tender affection towards each other. The boys behaved themselves very early ^vith a manly friendship ; and their sister, instead of the gross familiarities and impertinent freedoms in behaviour usual in other houses, was always treated by them with as much complaisance as any other young lady of their acquaintance. It was an unspeakable pleasure to visit or sit at a meal in that fcimily. I have often seen the old man's heart flow at his eyes with joy upon occa- sions which would appear indifferent to such as were strangers to the turn of his mind ; but a very slight accident, wherein he saw his children's good-will to one another, created in him the god-like pleasure of loving them because they loved each other. This great command of himself in hiding his first impulse to partiality at last improved to a steady justice towards them, and that which at first was but an expedient to correct his weakness was afterwards the measure of his virtue." ^ This, no doubt, is the set description of a moralist, and to an age in which the liberty of manners has grown into something like license it may savour of formalism and priggishness; but when we remember that the writer was one of the most warm-hearted of men, and that the subject of his panegyric was himself full of vivacity and impulse, it must be admitted that the picture which it gives us of the Addison family in the rectory of Milston is a particularly amiable one. Though the eighteenth century had little of that feel- 1 Tatler, No. 25. ir.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 27 ing for natural beauty which distinguishes onr own, a man of Addison's imagination could hardly fail to be impressed by the character of the scenery in which his childhood was passed. No one who has travelled on a summer's day across Salisbury Plain, with its vast canopy of sky and its open tracts of undulating downland, relieved by no shadows except such as are thrown by the passing cloud, the grazing sheep, and the great circle of Stonehenge, ^nll forget the delightful sense of refresh- ment and repose produced by the descent into the valley of the Avon. The sounds of human life rising from the villages after the long solitude of the plain, the shade of the deep woods, the coolness of the river, like all streams rising in the chalk, clear and peaceful, are equally delicious to the sense and the imagination. It was, doubtless, the recollection of these scenes that inspired Addison in his paraphrase of the twenty -third Psalm : — " The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary wandering steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow. Amid the verdant landscape flow." At Amesbury he was first sent to school, his master being one Nash ; and here, too, he probably met with the first recorded adventure of his life. It is said that, having committed some fault and being fearful of the conse- quences, he ran away from school, and, taking up his abode in a hollow tree, maintained himself as he could, 28 ADDISON. [chap. till he was discovered and brought back to his parents. He was removed from Amesbury to Salisbury, and thence to the Grammar School at Lichfield, where he is said to have been the leader in a "barring out." From Lichfield he passed to the Charter House, then under the charge of Dr. Ellis, a man of taste and scholar- ship. The Charter House at that period was, after Westminster, the l)est- known school in England, and here was laid the foundation of that sound classical taste which perfected the style of the essays in the Spectator. Macaulay labours with much force and ingenuity to prove that Addison's classical acquirements were only superficial, and, in his usual epigrammatic manner, hazards the opinion that " his knowledge of Greek, though doubtless such as was, in his time, thought respectable at Oxford, was evidently less than that which many lads now carry away every year from Eton anii Eugby." That Addison was not a scholar of the class of Bentley or Porson may be readily admitted. But many scattered allusions in his works prove that his acquaintance with the Greek poets of every period, if cursory, was wide and intelligent; he was sufficiently master of the lan- guage thoroughly to understand the spirit of what he read ; he undertook while at Oxford a translation of Herodotus, and one of the papers in the Spectator is a direct imitation of a jeu cV esprit of Lucian's. The Eton or Rugby boy who, in these days, with a normal appe- tite for ericket and football, acquired an equal knowledge of Greek literature, would certainly be somewhat of a prodigy. No doubt, however, Addison's knowledge of the Latin n.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 29 poets was, as Macaulay infers, fur more extensive and profound. It would have been strange had it been other- wise. The influence of the classical side of the Italian Renaissance was now at its height, and wherever those ideas became paramount Latin composition was held in at least as much esteem as poetry in the vernacular. Especially was this the case in England, where certain affinities of character and temperament made it easy for writers to adopt Roman habits of thought. I^atin ver?-'e composition soon took fiim root in the public schools and universities, so that clever boys of the period were tolerably familiar with most of the minor Roman poets. Pope, in the fourth book of the Dunciad, vehemently attacked the tradition as confining the mind to the study of words rather than of things ; but he had himself had no experience of a public school, and only those who fail to appreciate the influence of Latin verse composi- tion on the style of our own greatest orators, and of poets like jMilton and Gray, will be inclined to under^^alue it as an instrument of social and literary training. Proficiency in this art may at least be said to have laid the foundation of Addison's fortunes. Leaving the Charter House in 1687, at the early age of fifteen, he was entered at Queen's College, Oxford, and remained a member of that society for two years, when a copy of his Latin verses fell into the hands of Dr. Lancaster, then Fellow and afterwards Provost of the College. Struck with their excellence, Lancaster used his influence to obtain for him a demyship at Magdalen. The sub- ject of this fortunate set of verses was " Inauguratio Regis Gulielmi," from which fact we may reasonably infer that even in his ])oyhood his mind had acquired a 30 ADDISON. [cHAr. Whig bias. Whatever inclination he may have had in this direction would have been confirmed by the associa- tions of his new college. The fluctuations of opinion in Magdalen had been frequent and extraordinary. Towards the close of Elizabeth's reign it was notorious for its Calvinism, but under the Chancellorship of Laud it appears to have adopted, with equal ardour, the cause of Arminianism, for it was among the colleges that offered the stoutest opposition to the Puritan visitors in 1647-48. The despotic tendencies of James II., how- ever, again cooled its loyalty, and its spirited resistance to the king's order for the election of a Roman Catholic President had given a mortal blow to the Stuart dynasty. Hough was now President, but in consequence of the dispute with the king there had been no election of demies in 1688, so that twice the usual number was chosen in the following year, and the occasion was dis- tinguished by the name of the "golden election." From Magdalen Addison proceeded to his master's degree in 1693; the College elected him probationary Fellow in 1697, and actual Fellow the year after. He retained his Fellowship till 1711. Of his tastes, habits, and friendships at Oxford there are few records. Among his acquaintance were Boulter, afterwards Archbishop of Dublin — whose memory is un- enviably perpetuated in company with Ambrose Phillips in Pope's Epistle to Arbuthnot, " Does not one table Bavius Btill admit, Still to one Bishop Phillips seem a wit ? " — and possibly the famous Sacheverell.^ He is said to have ^ A note in tlie edition of Johnson's Lives of the Poets, published in 1801, states, on the authority of a "Lady in AViltshire," who II,] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 31 shown in the society of Magdalen some of tlie shyness that afterwards distinguished him ; he kept kite hours, and read chietiy after dinner. The walk under the well- known elms by the Cherwell is still connected with his name. Though he probably acted as tutor in the college, the greater part of his quiet life at the University was doubtless occupied in study. A proof of his early ma- turity is seen in the fact that, in his nineteenth year, a young man of birth and fortune, ^Ir. Eushout, who was being educated at Magdalen, was placed under his charge. His reputation as a scholar and a man of taste soon extended itself to the world of letters in London. In 1693, being then in his twenty-second year, he wrote his Account of the Greatest English Poets ; and about the same time he addressed a short copy of verses to Dryden, complimenting him on the enduring vigour of his poetical faculty as shown in his translations of Virgil and other Latin poets, some of which had recently appeared in Tonson's Miscellany. The old poet appears to have been highly gratified, and to have welcomed the advances thus made to him, for he returned Addison's compliment by bestowing high and not unmerited praise on the translation of the Fourth Book of the Gem'gics, which the latter soon after undertook, and by printing, as a preface to his own translation, a discourse written by Addison on the Georgics, as well as arguments to most of the books of the yEneicl derived her information from a Mr. Stephens, a Fellow of jMag- dalen and a contemporary of Addison's, that the Henry Sachevei-ell to whom Addison dedicated his Account of the Greatest English Poets was not the well-known divine, but a personal friend of Addison's, who died young, having written a Jlistory of the Isle of }fan. 82 ADDISON. [chap. Through Dryden, no doubt, he became acquainted with Jacob Tonson. The father of English pubHshing had for some time been a well-known figure in the literary world. He had purchased the copyright of Paradise Lost : he had associated himself with Dryden in publishing before the Eevolution two volumes of Miscellanies; encouraged by the success which these obtained, he put the poet in 1693 on some translations of Juvenal and Persius, and two new volumes of Miscel- lanies ; while in 1697 he urged him to undertake a translation of the whole of the works of Virgil. Observ- ing how strongly the public taste set towards the great classical -writers, he was anxious to employ men of ability in the work of turning them into English; and it appears from existing correspondence that he engaged Addison, while the latter was at Oxford, to superintend a translation of Herodotus. He also sug- gested a translation of Ovid. Addison undertook to procure coadjutors for the work of translating the Greek historian. He himself actually translated the books called Polymnia and Urania^ but for some unexplained reason the work was never published. For Ovid he seems, on the whole, to have had less inclination. At Tonson's instance he translated the second book of the MetaTnorp] loses, which was first printed in the volume uf Miscellanies that appeared in 1697; but he wrote to the publisher that " Ovid had so many silly stories with iiis good ones that he was more tedious to translate than u better poet would be." His study of Ovid, however, was of the greatest use in developing his critical faculty ; the excesses and want of judgment in that poet forced him to reflect, and his observations on the style of his II.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 33 author anticipate his excellent remarks on the difference ])etween True and False Wit in the sixty-second number of the Spectator. AVhoever, indeed, compares these notes with the Essay on the Georgks, and -with the opinions expressed in the Accmint of the English Poets, will be convinced that the foundations of his critical method were laid at this period (1697). In the Essay on the Georgics he seems to be timid in the presence of Virgil's superiority; his Account of the English Poets, besides being impregnated with the prin- ciples of taste prevalent after the Restoration, shows deficient powers of perception and appreciation. The name of Shakespeare is not mentioned in it, Dryden and Congreve alone being selected to represent the drama. Chaucer is described as "a merry bard," whose humour has become obsolete through time and change; while the rich pictorial fancy of the Faery Queen is thus described : ''Old Spenser next, warmed with poetic rage, In ancient tales amused a barbarous age — An age that yet uncultivate and rude, Where'er the poet's fancy led pursued. Through pathless fields and unfrequented floods, To dens of dragons and enchanted woods. But now the mystic tale, that pleased of yore, Can charm an understanding age no more; The long-spun allegories fulsome grow, "While the dull moral lies too plain below." According to Pope — always a suspicious witness where Addison is concerned — he had not read Spenser when he wrote this criticism on him.^ Milton, as a legitimate successor of the classics, is of course appreciated, but not at all after the elaborate ^ Spences Anecdotes, p. 50. D 34 ADDISON. [chap. fashion of the Spectator; to Dryclen, the most distin- guished poet of the day, deserved compliments are paid, but their value is lessened by the exaggerated opinion which the writer entertains of Cowley, who is described as a "mighty genius," and is praised for the inexhaustible riches of his imagination. Throughout the poem, in fact, we observe a remarkable confusion of various veins of thought; an unjust depreciation of the Gothic grandeur of the older English poets ; a just admiration for the Greek and Roman authors ; a sense of the necessity of good sense and regularity in writings composed for an "understanding age ;" and at the same time a lingering taste for the forced invention and far-fetched conceits that mark the decay of the spirit of mediaeval chivalry. With the judgments expressed in this performance it is instructive to compare such criticisms on Shakes- peare as we find in No. 42 of the Spectator; the papers on " Chevy Chase" (73, 74) ; and particularly the follow- ing passage : — "As true wit consists in the resemblance of ideas, and false wit in the resemblance of words, according to the fore- going instances, there is another kind of wit, which consists partly in the resemblance of ideas and partly in the resem- blance of words, which, for distinction's sake, I shall call mixed wit. This kind of wit is that which abounds in Cowley more than in any author that ever wrote. Mr. "Waller has likewise a great deal of it. Mr. Dryden is very sparing in it. Milton has a genius much above it. Spenser is in the same class vntli Milton. The Italians even in their epic poetry are full of it. Monsieur Boileau, who formed himself upon the ancient poets, has everywhere rejected it with scorn. If we look after mixed wit among the Greeks we shall find it nowhere but in the epigrammatists. There are indeed some strokes of it in the little poem ascribed to Musseus, which by that, as well as many other marks, betrays itself to II.] FAIMILY AND EDUCATION. 85 be a modern composition. If we look into the Latin writers we find none of this mixed wit in Virgil, Lucretius, or Catullus ; very little in Horace, but a great deal of it in Ovid, and scarce anything else in Martial." The stepping-stone from the immaturity of the early criticisms in the Account of the Greatest English Poets to the finished ease of the Spectator is to be found in the notes to the translation of Ovid.^ The time came when he was obliged to form a decision affecting the entire course of his life. Tonson, who had a wide acquaintance, no doubt introduced him to Congreve and the leading men of letters in London, and through them he was presented to Somers and Montague. Those ministers perhaps persuaded him, as a point of etiquette, to write in 1695, his Address to King William, a poem composed in a vein of orthodox hyperbole, all of which must have been completely thrown away on that most unpoetical of monarchs. Yet in spite of those seductions Addison lingered at Oxford. To retain his Fellowship it was necessary for him to take orders. Had he done so, there can be no doubt that his literary skill and his value as a political partizan would have opened for him a road to the highest preferment. At that 'time the clergy were far from thinking it unbecoming-to tKeir cloth to fight in the political arena or to take part in journalism. Swift would have been advanced to a bishopric as a reward for his political services if it had not been for the prejudice entertained towards him by Queen Anne ; Boulter, rector of St. Saviour's, South- wark, having made himself conspicuous by editing a ^ Compare the Notes 07i the Metamorphoses, Fab. v. (Tickell's edition, vol. vi. p. 183), where the substance of the above passage is found in embryo. 36 ADDISON. [chap. paper called the Freethinker, was raised to the Primacy of Ireland ; Hoadley, the notorious Bishop of Bangor, edited the London Journal; the honours that were awarded to two men of such second-rate intellectual capacity would hardly have been denied to Addison. He was inclined in this direction by the example and advice of his father, who was now Dean of Lichfield, and who was urgent on his son to rid himself of the pecuniary embarrassments in which he was involved, by embracing the Church as a profession. A few years before he had himself seemed to look upon the Church as his future sphere. In his Account of the Greatest English Poets, he says : — " I leave the arts of poetry and verse To them that practise them with more success. Of greater truths I'll now propose to tell. And so at once, dear friend and muse, farewell." Had he followed up his intention we might have known the name of Addison as that of an artful contro- versialist, and perhaps as a famous writer of sermons ; but we should, in all probability, have never heard of the Spectator. Fortunately for English letters other influences pre- vailed to give a different direction to his fortunes. It is true that Tickell, Addison's earliest biographer, states that his determination not to take orders was the result of his own habitual self-distrust, and of a fear of the responsibilities which the clerical office would involve. But Steele, who was better acquainted with his friend's private history, on reading Tickell's Memoir, addressed a letter to Congreve on the subject, in which he says : — " These, you know very well, were not the reasons which II.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 37 made Mr. Addison turn his thoughts to the civil world ; and, as you were the instrument of his becoming acquainted with Lord Halifax, I doubt not but you remember the warm instances that noble lord made to the head of the College not to insist upon Mr. Addison's going into orders. His argu- ments were founded upon the general pravity and corrup- tion of men of business, who wanted liberal education. And I remember, as if I had read the letter yesterday, that my lord ended with a compliment, that, however he might be represented as a friend to the Church, he never would do it any other injury than keeping Mr. Addison out of it." No doubt the real motive of the interest in Addison shown by Lord Halifax, at that time known as Charles Montague, was an anxiety which he shared with all the leading statesmen of the period, and of which more will be said presently, to secure for his party the services of the ablest writers. Finding his p'oUg6 as yet hardly qualified to transact affairs of State, he joined with Lord Somers, who had also fixed his eyes on Addison, in soliciting for him from the Crown in 1699 a pension of £300 a year, which might enable him to supplement his literary accomplishments with the practical experience of travel. Addison naturally embraced the offer. He looked forward to studying the political institutions of foreign countries, to seeing the spots of which he had read in his favourite classical authors, and to meeting the most famous men of letters on the Continent. It is characteristic both of his own tastes and of his age that he seems to have thought his best pass- port to intellectual society abroad Avould be his Latin poems. His verses on the Peace of Byswick, written in 1697 and dedicated to Montague, had already pro- cured him great reputation, and had been praised by 88 ADDISON. [chap. Edmund Smith — a high authority — as " the best Latin poem since the yEneicV This gave him the opportunity of collecting his various compositions of the same kind, and in 1699 he published from the Sheldonian Press a second volume of the 3fusce Anglicance — the first having appeared in 1691 — containing poems by various Oxford scholars. Among the contributors were Hannes, one of the many scholarly physicians of the period ; J. Philips, the author of the Splendid Shilling; and Alsop, a pro- minent antagonist of Bentley, whose Horatian humour is celebrated by Pope in the Dunciad} But the most interesting of the names in the volume is that of the once celebrated Edmond, commonly called " Eag," Smith, author of the Ode on the Death of Dr. Fococky who seems to have been among Addison's intimate acquaintance, and deserves to be recollected in connec- tion with him on account of a certain similarity in their genius and the extraordinary difference in their fortunes. " Eag " was a man of fine accomplishments and graceful humour, but, like other scholars of the same class, indolent and licentious. In spite of great indulgence extended to him by the authorities of Christ Church, he was expelled from the University in consequence of his irregularities. His friends stood by him, and, through the interest of Addison, a proposal was made to him to undertake a history of the Eevolution, which, however, from political scruples he felt himself obliged to decline. Like Addison, he wrote a tragedy modelled on classical lines; but, as it had no political significance, it only pleased the critics, without, like '' Cato," interesting the public. Like Addison, too, he had an opportunity of profiting ^ Dunciad, Book iv. 224. / II.] FAMILY AND EDUCATION. 39 by the patronage of Halifax, but laziness or whim prevented him from keeping an appointment which the latter had made with him, and caused him to miss a place worth £300 a year. Addison, by his own exertions, rose to posts of honour and profit, and towards the close of his life became Secretary of State. Smith envied his advancement, and, ignoring the fact that his own failure was entirely due to himself, murmured at fortune for leaving him in poverty. Yet he estimated his wants at £600 a year, and died of indulgence when he can scarcely have been more than forty years of age. Addison's compositions in the Musce Anglicance are eight in number. All of them are distinguished by the ease and flow of the versification, but they are generally wanting in originality. The best of them is the Pygmceo- Gerano-MacMa, which is also interesting as showing traces of that rich vein of humour which Addison worked out in the Tatler and Spectat(n\ The mock-heroic style in prose and verse was sedulously cultivated in England throughout the eighteenth century. Swift, Pope, Arbuthnot, and Fielding, developed it in various forms ; but Addison's Latin poem is perhaps the first composition in which the fine fancy and invention, after- wards shown in the Rajpe of the Lock and Gulliver's Travels^ conspicuously displayed itself. A literary success of this kind at that epoch gave a writer a wider reputation than he could gain by com- positions in his own language. Armed, therefore, with copies of the Musce Anglicance for presentation to scholars, and with Halifax's recommendatory letters to men of political distinction, Addison started for the Continent. CHAPTER III. ADDISON ON HIS TRAVELS. Travelling in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries involved an amount of thought and precaution which would have seemed inconvenient to the tourist accus- tomed to abandon himself to the authority of guide-books, couriers, and railway companies. By ardent spirits like Roderick Random it was regarded as the sphere of enterprise and fortune, and not without reason, in days when adventures were to be met with on almost every road in the country, and in the streets and inns of the towns. The graver portion of society, on the other hand, considered it as part of the regular course of education through which every young man of position ought to pass before entering into active life. French was the universally recognised language of diplomacy. French manners and conversation were considered to be the best school for politeness, while Italy was held in the highest respect by the northern nations as the source of revived art and letters. Some of the most distinguished English- men of the time looked, it is true, with little favour on this fashionable training. " Lord Cowper," says Spence, on the information of Dr. Conybeare, " on his death-bed ordered that his son should never travel (it is by the CHAP. III.] HIS TRAVELS. 41 absolute desire of the Queen that he does). He ordered this from a good deal of observation on its effects ; he had found that there was little to be hoped, and much to be feared, from travelling. Atwell, who is the young lord's tutor abroad, gives but a very discouraging account of it too in his letters; and seems to think that people are sent out too young, and are too hasty to find any great good from it." On some of the stronger and more enthusiastic minds the chief effect of the grand tour was to produce a violent hatred of all foreign manners. Dennis, the critic, for instance, who, after leaving Cambridge, spent some time on the Continent, returned with a confirmed dislike to the French, and ostentatiously displayed in his writings how much he held " dragoons and wooden shoes in scorn," and it is amusing to find Addison at a later date making his Tory fox-hunter declare this anti-Gallican temper to be the main fruits of foreign travel. But, in general, what was intended to be a school for manners and political instruction proved rather a source of unsettlement and dissipation ; and the vigorous and glowing lines in which Pope makes the tutor describe to Dulness the doings of the " young -^neas " abroad, may be taken as a faithful picture of the travelled pupil of the period. " Intrepid then o'er seas and land he flew ; Europe he saw, and Europe saw him too. There all thy gifts and graces we display. Thou, only thou, directing all our way ! To where the Seine, obsequious as she runs. Pours at great Bourbon's feet her silken sons ; Or Tvber, now no longer Roman, rolls. Vain of Italian arts, Italian souls : 42 ADDISON. — - [chap. To happy convents bosomed deep in vines, Where slumber abbots purple as their wines : To isles of fragrance, lily-silvered vales, Diffusing languor in the panting gales : To lands of singing or of dancing slaves, Love-whispering woods, and lute-resounding waves. But chief her shrine where naked Venus keeps. And Cupids ride the lion of the deeps ; Where, eased of fleets, the Adriatic main Wafts the smooth eunuch and enamoured swain. Led by my hand, he sauntered Europe round. And gathered every vice on Christian ground ; Saw every court, heard every king declare His royal sense of operas or the fair ; The stews and palace equally exf)lored, Intrigued with glory, and with spirit whored ; Tried all hors-cVosuvres, all liqueurs defined, Judicious drank, and greatly daring dined ; Dropped the dull lumber of the Latin store, Spoiled his own language, and acquired no more ; All classic learning lost on classic ground ; And last tui'ned air, the echo of a sound." It is needless to say that Addison's experiences of travel were of a very different kind. He left England in his twenty-eighth year, with a mind well equipped from a study of the best authors, and with the intention of qualifying himself for political emplojonent at home, after familiarising himself with the languages and manners of foreign countries. His sojourn abroad extended over four years, and his experience was more than usually varied and comj^rehensive. Crossing from Dover to Calais some time in the summer of 1699, he spent nearly eighteen months in France making himself master of the language. In December 1700 he embarked at Marseilles for a tour in Italy, and visited in succession the following places : — Monaco, Genoa, Pavia, Milan, III.] HIS TRAVELS. 43 Brescia, Verona, Padua, Venice, Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini, S. Marino, Pesaro, Fano, Sinigaglia, Ancona, Loreto, Rome (where, as it was his intention to return, he only visited St. Peter's and the Pantheon), Naples, Capri, whence he came back to Rome by sea, the various towns in the neighbourhood of Rome, Siena, Leghorn, Pisa, Lucca, Florence, Bologna, Modena, Parma, and Turin. Thus, in the course of this journey, which lasted exactly a twelvemonth, he twice crossed the Apennines, and made acquaintance with all the more important cities in the northern part of the Peninsula. In December 1701 he passed over Mont Cenis to Geneva, proceeding then by Fribourg, Berne, Soleure, Zurich, St. Gall, Linden, Insbruck, Hall, to Vienna, where he arrived in the autumn of 1702. After making a brief stay in the Austrian capital he turned his face homewards, and hav- ing visited the Protestant cities of Germany, and made a rather longer stay in Hamburg than in any other, he reached Holland in the spring of 1703, and remained in that country till his return to England some time in the autumn of the same year. During his journey he made notes for his Remarks on Italy, which he published immediately on his return home, and he amused himself while crossing Mont Cenis, with composing his Letter to Lord Halifax, which contains, perhaps, the best verses he ever wrote. Though the ground over which he passed was well trodden, and though he possessed none of the special knowledge which gives value to the observations of travellers like Arthur Young, yet his remarks on the people and places he saw are the product of an original mind, and his illustrations of his route from the Latin poets are remarkably happy and 44 ADDISON. [chap. graceful. It is interesting also to observe how many of the thoughts and suggestions which occurred to him on the road are afterwards Avorked up into papers for the Spectator. AVhen Addison landed in France in 1699, the power of Louis Xi\.^ so long the determined enemy of the Eng- lish Revolution of 1688, had passed its climax. The Peace of Ryswick, by which the hopes of the Jacobites were finally demolished, was two years old. The king, disappointed in his dreams of boundless military glory, had fallen into a fit of devotion, and Addison, arriving from England, with a very imperfect knowledge of the language, was astonished to find the whole of French literature saturated -sWth the royal taste. "As for the state of learning," says he in a letter to Montague, dated August 1699, *' there is no book comes out at present that has not something in it of an air of devotion. Dacier has bin forced to prove his Plato a very good Christian before he ventures upon his translation, and has so far comply'd with y® tast of the age, that his whole book is overrun with texts of Scripture, and y® notion of prse-existence, supposed to be stolen from two verses of y® prophets. Nay, y^ humour is grown so uni- versal that it is got among y*^ poets, who are every day publishing Lives of Saints and Legends in Ehime." Finding, perhaps, that the conversation at the capital was not very congenial to his taste, he seems to have hurried on to Blois, a town then noted for the purity with which its inhabitants spoke the French language, and where he had determined to make his temporary abode. His only record of his first impressions of Paris is a casual criticism of " y^ King's Statue that is lately III.] HIS TRAVELS. 45 set up in the Place Yendome." He visited, however, both Versailles and Fontainebleau, and the preference which he gives to the latter (in a letter to Congreve) is interesting, as anticipating that taste for natural, as opposed to artificial beauty, which he afterwards ex- pressed in the Spectator. " I don't believe, as good a poet as you are, that you can make finer Lanskips than those about the King's houses, or with all yo^' descriptions build a more magnificent palace than Versailles. I am, however, so singular as to prefer Fontaine- bleau to the rest. It is situated among rocks and woods that give you a fine variety of Savage prospects. The King has Humoured the Genius of the place, and only made of so much art as is necessary to Help and regulate Nature, without reform- ing her too much. The Cascades seem to break through the Clefts and cracks of Rocks that are covered over with Moss, and look as if they were piled upon one another by Acci- dent. There is an artificial wildness in the Meadows, Walks, and Canals, and y*^ Garden, instead of a Wall, is Fenced on the Lower End by a Natural Mound of Rock-work that strikes the eye very agreeably. For my part, I think there is something more charming in these rude heaps of Stone than in so many Statues, and wou'd as soon see a River winding through Woods and Meadows as when it is tossed up in such a variety of figures at Versailles." ^ Here and there, too, his correspondence exhibits traces of that delicate vein of ridicule in which he is without a rival, as in the following inimitable description of Le Brun's paintings at Versailles : — " The painter has represented his most Xtian Majesty 1 Compare Spectator 414. "I do not know whether I am singular in my opinion, but for my part I woukl rather look upon a tree in all its luxuriancy and diffusion of boughs and branches, rather than when it is thus cut and trimmed into a mathematical figure ; and cannot but fancy that an orchard in flower looks infinitely more delightful than all the little labyrinths of the finished parterre." 46 ADDISON. [chap. under y*' figure of Jupiter throwing thunderbolts all about the ceiling, and striking terror into y*' Danube and Rhine, that lie astonished and blasted a little above the Cornice." Of his life at Blois a very slight sketch has been preserved by the Abbe Philippeaux, one of the many gossiping informants from whom Spence collected his anecdotes : — " Mr. Addison stayed above a year at Blois. He would rise as early as between two and three in summer, and lie abed till between eleven and twelve in the depth of winter. He was untalkative while here, and often thoughtful ; some- times so lost in thought that I have come into his room and have stayed five minutes there before he has known anything of it. He had his masters generally at supper with him, kept very little company beside, and had no amour whilst here that I know of, and I think I should have known it if he had had any." The following characteristic letter to a gentleman of Blois, with whom he seems to have had an altercation, is interesting as showing the mixture of coolness and dignity, the " blood and judgment well commingled " which Hamlet praised in Horatio, and which are con- spicuous in all Addison's actions as well as in his writings : — " Sir, — I am always as slow in making an Enemy as a Friend, and am therefore very ready to come to an Accom- modation with you ; but as for any satisfaction, I don't think it is due on either side when y^ Affront is mutual. You know very well that according to y^ opinion of y® world a man would as soon be called a Knave as a fool, and I believe most people w^ be rather thought to want Legs than Brains. But I suppose whatever we said in y^ heat of discourse is not y® real opinion we have of each other, since otherwise you would have scorned to subscribe yourself as I do at present, S*-, y'^ very, etc. A. Mons"" L'Espagnol, Blois, 10^^ 1699." III.] HIS TRAVELS. 47 The length of Addison's sojourn at Blois seems to have been partly caused by the difficulty he experienced, owing to the defectiveness of his memory, in mastering the language. Finding himself at last able to converse easily, he returned to Paris some time in the autumn of 1 700, in order to see a little of polite society there before starting on his travels in Italy. He found the best company in the capital among the men of letters, and he makes especial mention of Malebranche, whom he de- scribes as solicitous about the adequate rendering of his works into English; and of Boileau, who, having now survived almost all his literary friends, seems, in his conversation with Addison, to have been even more than usually splenetic in his judgments on his contemporaries. The old poet and critic was, however, propitiated with the present of the Mnsce Anglicance ; and, according to Tickell, said "that he did not question there were excellent compositions in the native language of a country that possessed the Eoman genius in so eminent a degree." In general, Addison's remarks on the French character are not complimentary. He found the vanity of the people so elated by the elevation of the Duke of Anjou to the throne of Spain that they were insupportable, and he felt no reluctance to quit France for Italy. His observations on the national manners, as seen at Blois, are characteristic : — " Truly by what I have yet seen, they are the Happiest nation in the world. 'Tis not in the pow'r of "Want or Slavery to make 'em miserable. There is nothing to be met with in the Country but Mirth and Poverty. Ev'ry one sings, laughs, and starves. Their Conversation is generally Agreeable ; for if they have any Wit or Sense they are sure to show it. They never mend upon a Second meeting, but 48 ADDISON. [chap. use all tlie freedom and familiarity at first Sight that a long Intimacy or Abundance of wine can scarce draw from an Englishman. Their Women are perfect Mistresses in this Art of showing themselves to the best Advantage. They are always gay and s^Drightly, and set off y^ worst faces in Europe with y^ best airs. Ev'ry one knows how to give herself as charming a look and posture as S^' Godfrev Kneller c^ draw her in." 1 He embarked from Marseilles for Genoa in December 1700, having as his companion Edward Wortley Mon- tague, whom Pope satirises under the various names of Shylock, Worldly, and Avidien. It is unnecessary to follow him step by step in his travels, but the reader of his Letter to Lord Halifax may still enjoy the delight and enthusiasm to which he gives utterance on finding him- self among the scenes described in his favourite authors : — " Poetic fields encompass me around. And still I seem to tread on classic ground ; For here the Muse so oft her harp has strung, That not a mountain rears its head unsung ; Renowned in verse each shady thicket grows, And every stream in heavenly numbers flows." ^ The phrase "classic ground," which has become pro- verbial, is first used in these verses, and, as will have been observed. Pope repeats it with evident reference to the above passage in his satire on the travels of the "young ^neas." Addison seems to have carried the Latin poets with him, and his quotations from them are abundant and apposite. When he is driven into the harbour at Monaco, he remembers Lucan's description of its safety and shelter ; as he passes under Monte Circeo, ^ Letter to the Right Honourable Charles Montague, Esq.. Blois, lObr 1699, - Letter from Italy to Lord Hahfax. in.] HIS TRAVELS. 49 he feels that Virgil's description of Eneas' voyage by the same spot can never be sufficiently admired ; he recalls, as he crosses the Apennines, the fine lines of Claudian recording the march of Honorius from Eavenna to Rome ; and he delights to think that at the falls of the Velino he can still see the " angry goddess " of the j^neid (Alecto) " thus sinking, as it were, in a tempest, and plunging herself into Hell " amidst such a scene of horror and confusion. His enthusiastic appreciation of the classics, which caused him in judging any work of art to look in the first place for regularity of design and simplicity of effect, shows itself characteristically in his remarks on the Lombard and German styles of architecture in Italy. Of Milan Cathedral he speaks without much admiration, but he was impressed with the wonders of the Certosa near Pavia. "I saw," says he, "between Pavia and Milan the convent of the Carthusians, which is very spacious and beautiful. Their church is very fine and curiously adorned, but of a Gothic structure." His most interesting criticism, however, is that on the Duomo at Siena : — " Wlien a man sees the prodigious pains and expense that our forefathers have been at in these barbarous buildings, one cannot but fancy to himself what miracles of architecture they would have left us had they only been instructed in the right way, for when the devotion of those ages was much warmer than that of the present, and the riches of the people much more at the disposal of the priests, there was so much money consumed on these Gothic cathedrals as would have finivshed a greater variety of noble buildings than have been raised either before or since that tiuie. One would wonder to see the vast labour that has been laid out on this single cathedral. The very spouts are loaden with ornaments, the windows are formed like so S 50 ADDISON. [cuAr. many scenes of perspective, with a multitude of little pillars retiring behind one another, the great columns are finely en- graven with fruits and foliage, that run twisting about them from the very top to the bottom ; the whole body of the church is chequered with different lays of black and white marble, the pavement curiously cut out in designs and Scripture stories, and the front covered with such a variety of figures, and overrun with so many mazes and little labyrinths of sculpture, that nothing in the world can make a prettier show to those who prefer false beauties and affected ornaments to a noble and majestic simplicity." ^ Addison had not reached that large liberality in criticism afterwards attained by Sir Joshua Reynolds, who, while insisting that in all art there was but erne true style, nevertheless allowed very high merit to what he called the characteristic styles. Sir Joshua -svould never have fallen into the error of imputing affectation to such simple and honest workmen as the early archi- tects of Northern Italy. The effects of Addison's classical training are also very visible in his descriptions of natural scenery. There is in these nothing of that craving melan- choly produced by a sense of the infinity of nature which came into vogue after the French Revolution ; no pro- jection of the feelings of the spectator into the external scene on which he gazes; nor, on the other hand, is there any attempt to rival the art of the painter by pre- senting a landscape in words instead of in colours. He looks on nature with the same clear sight as the Greek and Roman writers, and in describing a scene he selects those particulars in it which he thinks best adapted to arouse pleasurable images in the mind of the reader. Take, for instance, the following excellent description of his passage over the Apennines : — ^ Addison's Works (Tickell's edition), vol. v. p. 301. III.] HIS TRAVELS. 51 " The fatigue of oiir crossing the Apennines, and of our whole journey from Loretto to Rome, was very agreeably relieved by the variety of scenes we passed through. For, not to mention the rude prospect of rocks rising one above another, of the deep gutters worn in the sides of them by torrents of rain and snow-water, or the long channels of sand winding about their bottoms, that are sometimes filled with so many rivers : we saw in six days' travelling the several seasons of the year in their beauty and perfection. We were sometimes shivering on the top of a bleak mountain, and a little while afterwards basking in a warm valley, covered with violets and almond trees in blossom, the bees already swarming over them, though but in the month of February. Sometimes our road led us through groves of olives, or by gardens of oranges, or into several hollow apartments among the rocks and mountains, that look like so many natural greenhouses ; as being always shaded with a great variety of trees and shrubs that never lose their verdure." ^ Though his thoughts during his travels were largely occupied with objects chiefly interesting to his taste and imagination, and though he busied himself with such compositions as the Epistle from Italy, the Dialogue on Medals, and the first four acts of Cato, he did not forget that his experience was intended to qualify him for taking part in the affairs of State. And when he reached Geneva, in December 1701, the door to a political career seemed to be on the point of opening. He there learned, as Tickell informs us, that he had been selected to attend the army under Prince Eugene as secretary from the King. He accordingly waited in the city for official con- firmation of this intelligence ; but his hopes were doomed to disappointment. William HI. died in March 1702; Halifax, on whom Addison's prospects chiefly depended, was struck oft' the Privy Council by Queen Anne ; and ^ Addison's Works (Tickell's edition), vol. v. p. 213. 52 ADDISON. [chap. the travelling pension ceased with the life of the sovereign who had granted it. Henceforth he had to trust to his own resources, and though the loss of his pension does not seem to have compelled him at once to turn home- wards, as he continued on his route to Vienna, yet an incident that occurred towards the close of his travels shows that he was prepared to eke out his income by undertaking work that would have been naturally irk- some to him. At Rotterdam, on his return towards England, he met mth Jacob Tonson, the bookseller, for whom, as has been said, he had already done some work as a translator. Tonson was one of the founders of the Kit-Kat Club, and in that capacity was brought into frequent and intimate connection with the Whig magnates of the day. Among these was the Duke of Somerset, who, through his wife, then high in Queen Anne's favour, exercised considerable influence on the course of affairs. The Duke required a tutor for his son. Lord Hertford, and Tonson recommended Addison. On the Duke's approval of the recommendation, the book- seller seems to have communicated with Addison, who expressed himself in general terms as mlling to under- take the charge of Lord Hertford, but desired to know more particulars about his engagement. These were furnished by the Duke in a letter to Tonson, and they are certainly a very curious illustration of the manners of the period. " I ought," says his Grace, " to enter into that affair more freely and more plainly, and tell you what I propose, and what I hope he will comply with — viz. I desire he may be more on the account of a com- panion in my son's travels than as a governor, and that III.] HIS TRAVELS. 53 as such I shall account him : my meaning is that neither lodging, travelling, nor diet shall cost him sixpence, and over and above that, my son shall present him at the year's end with a hundred guineas, as long as he is pleased to continue in that service to my son, by his personal attendance and advice, in what he finds necessary during his time of travelling." To this not very tempting proposal Addison replied : *' I have lately received one or two advantageous offers of y® same nature, but as I should be very ambitious of executing any of your Grace's commands, so I can't think of taking y^ like employ from any other hands. As for y^ recompense that is proposed to me, I must take the liberty to assure your Grace that I should not see my account in it, but in y® hope that I have to recommend myself to your Grace's favour and approbation." This reply proved highly offensive to the Duke, who seems to have considered his own offer a magnificent one. "Your letter of the 16th," he writes to Tonson on June 22, 1703, "with one from Mr. Addison, came safe to me. You say he will give me an account of his readiness of complying with my proposal. I will set down his own words, which are thus : ' As for the recompense that is proposed to me, I must confess I can by no means see my account in it,' etc. All the other parts of his letter are compliments to me, which he thought he was bound in good breeding to write, and as such I have taken them, and no otherwise ; and now I leave you to judge how ready he is to comply with my proposal. Therefore I have wrote by this first post to prevent his coming to England on my account, and have told him plainly that I must look for another, which I cannot be long a-finding." 54 ADDISON. [chap. hi. Addison's principal biographer, Miss Aikin, expresses great contempt for the niggardHness of the Duke, and says that " Addison must often have congratulated him- self in the sequel on that exertion of proper spirit by which he had escaped from wasting in an attendance little better than servile three precious years, which he found means of employing so much more to his o'vvn honour and satisfaction, and to the advantage of the public." Mean as the Duke's offer was, it is nevertheless plain that Addison really intended to accept it, and, this being so, he can scarcely be congratulated on having on this occasion displayed his usual tact and felicity. Two courses appear to have been open to him. He might either have simply declined the offer " as not finding his account in it," or he might have accepted it in view of the future advantages which he hoped to derive from the Duke's " favour and approbation," in which case he should have said nothing about finding the " recompense " pro- posed insufficient. By the course that he took he con- trived to miss an appointment which he seems to have made up his mind to accept, and he off'ended an influential statesman whose favour he was anxious to secure. To his pecuniary embarrassments was soon added domestic loss. At Amsterdam he received news of his father's death, and it may be supposed that the private business in Avhich he must have been involved in conse- quence of this event brought him to England, where he arrived some time in the autumn of 1703. CHAPTER IT. HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. Addison's fortunes were now at their lowest ebb. The party from which he had looked for preferment was out of office ; his chief political patron was in particular dis- credit at Court ; his means were so reduced that he was forced to adopt a style of living not much more splendid than that of the poorest inhabitants of Grub Street. Yet within three years of his return to England he was pro- moted to be an Under-Secretary of State, a post from which he mounted to one position of honour after another till his final retirement from political life. That he was able to take advantage of the opportunity that offered itself was omng to his own genius and capacity; the opportunity was the fruit of circumstances which had produced an entire revolution in the position of English men of letters. Through the greater part of Charles II. 's reign the profession of literature was miserably degraded. It is zme that the King himself, a man of wit and taste, was not slow in his appreciation of art; but he was by his character insensible to what was serious or elevated, and the poetry of gallantry, which he preferred, was quite within reach of the courtiers by whom he was surrounded. 56 ADDISON. [CHAP. Rochester, Buckingham, Sedley, and Dorset are among the principal poetical names of the period; all of them being well qualified to shine in verse, the chief require- ments of which were a certain grace of manner, an air of fashionable breeding, and a complete disregard of the laws of decency. Besides these "songs by persons of quality," the principal entertainment was provided by the drama. But the stage, seldom a lucrative profession, was then crowded with writers whose fertile, if not very lofty, invention kept down the price of plays. Otway, the most successful dramatist of his time, died in a state of indigence, and as some say almost of starvation, while playwrights of less ability, if the house was ill-attended on the third night, when the poet received all the profits of the performance, were forced, as Oldham says, "to starve or live in tatters all the year." ^ Periodical literature, in the shape of journals and magazines, had as yet no existence ; nor could the satiri- cal poet or the pamphleteer find his remuneration in controversial writing, the strong reaction against Puri- tanism having raised the monarchy to a position in which it was practically secure against the assaults of all its enemies. The author of the most brilliant satire of the period, who had used all the powers of a rich imagination to discredit the Puritan and Eepublican cause, was paid with nothing more solid than admiration, and died neglected and in want. " The wretch, at summing up his misspent days, Found nothing left but poverty and praise ! Of all his gains by verse he could not save Enough to purchase flannel and a grave ! 1 Oklham's Satii'e Dissuading from Poetry. IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 57 Keduced to want he in due time fell sick, Was fain to die, and be interred on tick ; And well might bless the fever that was sent To rid him hence, and his worse fate prevent." ^ In the latter part of this reign, however, a new com- bination of circumstances produced a great change in the character of English literature and in the position of its professors. The struggle of Parties recommenced. Wearied with the intolerable rule of the Saints, the nation had been at first glad to leave its newly-restored King to his pleasures, but, as the memories of the Commonwealth became fainter, the people watched with a growing feel- ing of disgust the selfishness and extravagance of the Court, while the scandalous sale of Dunkirk and the sight of the Dutch fleet on the Thames made them think of the patriotic energies which Cromwell had succeeded in arousing. At the same time the thinly -disguised inclination of the King to Popery, and the avowed opinions of his brother, raised a general feeling of alarm for the Protestant liberties of the nation. On the other hand, the Puritans, taught moderation by adversity, ex- hibited the really religious side of their character, and attracted towards themselves a considerable portion of the aristocracy, as well as of the commercial and profes- sional classes in the metropolis — a combination of interests which helped to form the nucleus of the Whig party. The clergy and the landed proprietors, who had been the chief sufferers from Parliamentary rule, naturally adhered to the Court, and were nicknamed by their opponents Tories. Violent party conflicts ensued, marked by such incidents as the Test Act, the Exclusion Bill, the intrigues ^ Oldham's Satire Dissuading from Poetry. 58 ADDISON. [chai'. of Monmouth, the Popish Plot, and the trial and acquittal of Shaftesbury on the charge of high treason. Finding his position no longer so easy as at his restora- tion, Charles naturally bethought him of calling litera- ture to his assistance. The stage, being completely under his control, seemed the readiest instrument for his purpose ; the order went forth ; and an astonishing dis- play of monarchical fervour in all the chief dramatists of the time — Otway, Dry den, Lee, and Crowne — was the result. Shadwell, who was himself inclined to the Whig interest, laments the change: ' ' The stage, like old Rump pulpits, is become The scene of News, a furious Party's drum." But the political influence of the drama and the audience to which it appealed being necessarily limited, the King sought for more powerful literary artillery, and he found it in the serviceable genius of Dryden, whose satirical and controversial poems date from this period. The wide popularity of Absalom and Achifophel, written against Monmouth and Shaftesbury ; of The Medal^ satirising the acquittal of Shaftesbury; of The Hind and Panther, com- posed to advance the Romanising projects of James II. ; points to the vast influence exercised by literature in the party struggle. Nevertheless, in spite of all that Dryden had done for the Royal cause, in spite of the fact that he himself had more than once appealed to the poet for assistance, the ingratitude or levity of Charles was so inveterate that he let the poet's services go almost un- requited. Dryden, it is true, held the posts of Laureate and Royal Historiographer, but his salary was always in arrears, and the letter which he addressed to Rochester, IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 59 First Lord of the Treasury, asking for six months' payment of what was due to him tells its own story. James II. cared nothing for literature, and was prob- ably too dull of apprehension to understand the incal- culable service that Dryden had rendered to his cause. He showed his appreciation of the Poet-Laureate's genius by deducting £100 from the salary which his brother had promised him, and by cutting off from the emolu- ments of the office the time-honoured butt of canary ! Under William III. the complexion of affairs again altered. The Court, in the old sense of the word, ceased to be a paramount influence in literature. William HI. derived his authority from Parliament; he knew that he must support it mainly by his sword and his states- manship. A stranger to England, its manners and its language, he showed little disposition to encourage letters. Pope, indeed, maliciously suggests that he had the bad taste to admire the poetry of Blackmore, whom he knighted ; but, as a matter of fact, the honour was conferred on the worthy Sir Eichard in consequence of his distinction in medicine, and he himself bears witness to William's contempt for poetry. " Reverse of Louis he, example rare, Loved to deserve the praise he could not bear. He shunned the acclamations of the throng. And always coldly heard the poet's song. Hence the great King the Muses did neglect, And the mere poet met with small respect." ^ Such political verse as we find in this reign generally consists, like Halifax's Epistle to Lmxl Dmset, or Addi- son's own Address to King William^ of hyperbolical 1 Blackmore, TU Kit-Kats. 60 ADDISON. [CHAP. flattery. Opposition was extinct, for both parties had for the moment united to promote the Revolution, and the only discordant notes amid the chorus of adulation proceeded from Jacobite writers concealed in the garrets and cellars of Grub Street. Such an atmosphere was not favourable to the production of literature of an elevated or even of a characteristic order. Addison's return to England coincided most happily with another remarkable turn of the tide. Leaning decidedly to the Tory party, who were now strongly leavened with the Jacobite element, Anne had not long succeeded to the throne before she seized an opportunity for dismissing the Whig Ministry whom she found in possession of office. The Whigs, equally alarmed at the influence acquired by their rivals, and at the danger which threatened the Protestant succession, neglected no effort to counterbalance the loss of their sovereign's favour by strengthening their credit with the people. Having been trained in a school which had at least qualified them to appreciate the influence of style, the aristocratic leaders of the party were well aware of the advantages they would derive by attracting to them- selves the services of the ablest writers of the day. Hence they made it their policy to mingle with men of letters on an equal footing, and to hold out to them an expectation of a share in the advantages to be reaped from the overthrow of their rivals. The result of this union of forces was a great increase in the number of literary-political clubs. In its half- aristocratic, half-democratic constitution, the club was the natural product of enlarged political freedom, and helped to extend the organisation of polite opinion beyond the IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 61 narrow orbit of Court society. Addison himself, in his simple style, points out the nature of the fundamental principle of Association which he observed in operation all around him. " When a set of men find themselves agree in any particular, though never so trivial, they establish themselves into a kind of fraternity, and meet once or twice a week upon the account of such a fantastic resemblance."^ Among these societies, in the first years of the eighteenth century, the most celebrated was perhaps the Kit-Kat Club. It consisted of thirty- nine of the leading men of the Whig party; and, though many of these were of the highest rank, it is a character- istic fact that the founder of the club should have been the bookseller Jacob Tonson. It was probably through his influence, joined to that of Halifax, that Addison was elected a member of the society soon after his return to England. Among its prominent members was the Duke of Somerset, the first meeting between whom and Addison, after the correspondence that had passed between them, must have been somewhat embar- rassing. The club assembled at one Christopher Catt's, a pastry-cook, who gave his name both to the society and the mutton -pies which were its ordinary entertain- ment. Each member was compelled to select a lady as his toast, and the verses which he composed in her honour were engraved on the wine-glasses belonging to the club. Addison chose the Countess of Manchester, whose acquaintance he had made in Paris, and compli- mented her in the following lines : — " While haughty Gallia's dames, that spread O'er their pale cheeks an artful red, 1 Spectator, No. 9. 62 ADDISON. [chap. Beheld this beauteous stranger there, 111 native charms divinely fair, Confusion in their looks they showed, And with unborrowed blushes glowed." Circumstances seemed now to be conspiring in favour of the Whigs. The Tories, whose strength lay mainly in the Jacobite element, were jealous of Marlborough's ascendency over the Queen; on the other hand, the Duchess of Marlborough, who was rapidly acquiring the chief place in Anne's affections, intrigued in favour of the opposite faction. In spite, too, of her Tory predilec- tions, the Queen, finding her throne menaced by the ambition of Louis XIV., was compelled in self-defence to look for support to the party which had most vigor- ously identified itself with the principles of the Eevolu- tion. She bestowed her unreserved confidence on Marlborough, and he, in order to counterbalance the influence of the Jacobites, threw himself into the arms of the Whigs. Being named Captain-General in 1704, he undertook the campaign which he brought to so glorious a conclusion on the 2d of August in that year at the battle of Blenheim. Godolphin, who in the absence of Marlborough occupied the chief j^lace in the Ministry, moved perhaps by patriotic feeling, and no doubt also by a sense of the advantage which his party would derive from this great victory, was anxious that it should be commemorated in adequate verse. He accordingly applied to Halifax as the person to whom the sacer vates required for the occasion would probably be kno-wn. Halifax has had the misfortune to have his character transmitted to posterity by two poets who hated him either on public or IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 63 private grounds. S^svift describes him as the would-be "Maecenas of the nation," but insinuates that he neglected the wants of the poets whom he patronised : " Himself as rich as fifty Jews, Was easy though they wanted shoes." Pope also satirises the vanity and meanness of his disposition in the well-known character of Bufo. Such portraits, though they are justified to some extent by- evidence coming from other quarters, are not to be too strictly examined as if they bore the stamp of historic truth. It is, at any rate, certain that Halifax always proved himself a warm, and zealous friend to Addison, and when Godolphin applied to him for a poet to cele- brate Blenheim, he answered that, though acquainted with a person who possessed every qualification for the task, he could not ask him to undertake it. Being pressed for his reasons, he replied "that while too many fools and blockheads were maintained in their pride and luxury at the public expense, such men as were really an honour to their age and country were shamefully suflfered to languish in obscurity;, that, for his own share, he would never desire any gentleman of parts and learning to employ his time in celebrating a Ministry who had neither the justice nor the generosity to make it worth his while." In answer to this the Lord Treasurer assured Halifax that any person whom he might name as equal to the required task, should have no cause to repent of having rendered his assistance; whereupon Halifax mentioned Addison, but stipulated that all advances to the latter must come from Godol- phin himself. Accordingly Boyle, Chancellor of the Exchequer, afterwards Lord Carleton, was despatched 64 ADDISON. [chap. on the embassy, and, if Pope is to be trusted, found Addison lodged up three pair of stairs over a small shop. He opened to him the subject, and informed him that, in return for the service that was expected of him, he was instructed to offer him a Commissionership of Appeal in the Excise, as a pledge of more considerable advancement in the future. The fruits of this negotia- tion were The Campaign. Warton disposes of the merits of The Campaign with the cavalier criticism, so often since repeated, that it is merely "a gazette in rhyme." In one sense the judg- ment is no doubt just. As a poem. The Campaign shows neither loftiness of invention nor enthusiasm of personal feeling, and it cannot therefore be ranked with such an ode as Horace's Qualem ministrum, or with Pope's very fine Epistle to the Earl of Oxford after his disgrace. Its methodical narrative style is scarcely misrepresented by Warton's sarcastic description of it; but it should be remembered that this style was adopted by Addison with deliberate intention. " Thus," says he, in the con- clusion of the poem, " Thus would I fain Britannia's wars rehearse In the smooth records of a faithful verse ; That, if such numbers can o'er time prevail, May tell posterity the wondrous tale. When actions unadorned are faint and weak Cities and countries must be taught to speak •, Gods may descend in factions from the skies, And rivers from their oozy beds arise ; Fiction may deck the truth with spurious rays, And round the hero cast a borrowed hlaze. Marlbro's exploits appear divinely bright, And proudly shine in their own native light ; Raised in themselves their genuine charms they boast, And those that paint them truest praise them most." IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 65 The design here avowed is certainly not poetical, but it is eminently business-like and extremely Avell adapted to the end in view. What Godolphin wanted was a set of complimentary verses on Marlborough. Addison, with infinite tact, declares that the highest compliment that can be paid to the hero is to recite his actions in their unadorned grandeur. This happy turn of flattery shows how far he had advanced in literary skill since he wrote his address To the King. He had then excused himself for the inadequate celebration of William's deeds on the plea that, great though these might be, they were too near the poet's own time to be seen in proper focus. A thousand years hence, he suggests, some Homer may be inspired by the theme "and Boyne be sung when it has ceased to flow." This could not have been very consolatory to a mortal craving for con- temporary applause, and the apology off'ered in The Camimign for the prosaic treatment of the subject is far more dexterous. Bearing in mind the fact that it was written to order, and that the poet deliberately declined to avail himself of the aid of fiction, we must allow that the construction of the poem exhibits both art and dignity. The allusion to the vast slaughter at Blenheim in the opening paragraph — ' ' Rivers of blood I see and hills of slain. An Iliad rising out of one campaign " — is not very fortunate ; but the lines describing the am- bition of Louis XIY. are weighty and dignified, and the couplet indicating through the single image of the Danube the vast extent of the French encroachments shows how thoroughly Addison was imbued with the spirit of classical poetry : 66 ADDISON. [chap. " The rising Danube its long race began, And half its course through the new conquests ran." With equal felicity he describes the position and inter- vention of England, seizing at the same time the oppor- tunity for a panegyric on her free institutions : " Thrice happy Britain from the kingdoms rent To sit the guardian of the Continent ! That sees her bravest sons advanced so high And flourishing so near her prince's eye ; Thy favourites grow not up by fortune's sport, Or from the crimes and follies of a court : On the firm basis of desert they rise, From long-tried faith and friendship's holy ties, Their sovereign's well-distinguished smiles they share, Her ornaments in peace, her strength in war ; The nation thanks them with a public voice. By showers of blessings Heaven approves their choice ; Envy itself is dumb, in wonder lost, Ajid factions strive who shall applaud them most." He proceeds in a stream of calm and equal verse, en- livened by dexterous allusions and occasional happy turns of expression to describe the scenery of the Moselle ; the march between the Maese and the Dan- ube ; the heat 'to which the army was exposed ; the arrival on the Neckar ; and the track of devastation left by the French armies. The meeting between Marl- borough and Eugene inspires him again to raise his style : " Great souls by instinct to each other turn, Demand alliance, and in friendship burn, A sudden friendship, while with outstretched rays They meet each other mingling blaze with blaze. Polished in courts, and hardened in the field, Renowned for conquest, and in council skilled, IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 67 Their courage dwells not in a troubled flood Of mounting spirits and fermenting blood ; Lodged in the soul, with virtue overruled, Inflamed by reason, and by reason cooled, In hours of peace content to be unknowTi And only in the field of battle shown ; To souls like these in mutual friendship joined Heaven dares entrust the cause of human kind." The celebrated passage describing Marlborough's con- duct at Blenheim is certainly the finest in the poem : " 'Twas then great Marlborough's mighty soul was proved That in the shock of charging hosts unmoved, Amidst confusion, horror, and despair Examined all the dreadful scenes of war ; In peaceful thought the field of death surveyed To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid, Inspired repulsed battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. So when an angel by divine command With rising tempests shakes a guilty land. Such as of late o'er pale Britannia past. Calm and serene he drives the furious blast ; And pleased th' Almighty's orders to perform, Rides in the whirlwind and directs the storm." Johnson makes some characteristic criticisms on this simile, which indeed, he maintains, is not a simile, but " an exemplification." He says : " Marlborough is so like the angel in the poem that the action of both is almost the same, and performed by both in the same manner. Marlborough 'teaches the battle to rage;' the angel ' directs the storm ; ' Marlborough is ' unmoved in peaceful thought;' the angel is 'calm and serene;' Marl- borough stands 'unmoved amid the shock of hosts;' the angel rides 'calm in the whirlwind.' The lines on Marl- 68 ADDISON. [chap. borough are just and noble ; but the simile gives almost the same images a second time." This judgment would be unimpeachable if the force of the simile lay solely in the hkeness between Marl- borough and the angel, but it is evident that equal stress is to be laid on the resemblance between the battle and the storm. It was Addison's intention to raise in the mind of the reader the noblest possible idea of com- posure and design in the midst of confusion : to do this he selected an angel as the minister of the divine pur- pose, and a storm as the symbol of fury and devastation; and, in order to heighten his effect, he recalls with true art the violence of the particular tempest which had recently ravaged the country. Johnson has noticed the close similarity between the persons of Marlborough and the angel ; but he has exaggerated the resemblance between the actions in which they are severally en- gaged. The Campaign completely fulfilled the purpose for which it was written. It strengthened the position of the Whig Ministry, and secured for its author the ad- vancement that had been promised him. Early in 1706 Addison, on the recommendation of Lord Godolphin, was promoted from the Commissionership of Appeals in Excise to be Under-Secretary of State to Sir Charles Hedges. The latter was one of the few Tories who had retained their position in the Ministry since the restora- tion of the Whigs to the favour of their sovereign, and he, too, shortly vanished from the stage like his more distinguished friends, making way for the Earl of Sun- derland, a staunch Whig, and son-in-law to the Duke of Marlborough. u:] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 69 Addison's duties as Under-Secretary were probably not particularly arduous. In 1705 he was permitted to attend Lord Halifax to the Court of Hanover, whither the latter was sent to carry the Act for the Naturalisa- tion of the Electress Sophia. The mission also included Vanbrugh, who, as Clarencieux King -at -Arms, was charged to invest the Elector with the Order of the Garter ; the party thus constituted affording a remark- able illustration of the influence exercised by literature over the politics of the period. Addison must have obtained during this journey considerable insight into the nature of England's foreign policy, as, besides estab- lishing the closest relations with Hanover, Halifax was also instructed to form an alliance with the United Pro- vinces for securing the succession of the House of Bruns- Avick to the English throne. In the meantime his imagination was not idle. After helping Steele in the composition of his Tender Husband, which was acted in 1705, he found time for engaging in a fresh literary enterprise of his own. The principles of operatic music, which had long been de- veloped in Italy, had been slow in making their way to this country. Their introduction had been delayed partly by the French prejudices of Charles II., but more perhaps by the strong insular tastes of the people and by the vigorous forms of the native drama. What the untutored English audience liked best to hear was a well-marked tune sung in a fine natural way : the kind of music which was in vogue on the stage till the end of the seventeenth century was simply the regular drama interspersed with airs ; recita- tive was unknown ; and there was no attempt to culti- 70 ADDISON. [CHAP. vate the voice according to the methods practised in the Italian schools. But mth the increase of wealth and travel more exacting tastes began to prevail : Italian singers appeared on the stage and exhibited to the audi- ence capacities of voice of which they had hitherto had no experience. In 1705 was acted at the Haymarket " i i Arsinoe, the first opera constiiicted in England on avowedly Italian principles. The words were still in English, but the dialogue was throughout in recitative. The composer was Thomas Clayton, who, though a man entirely devoid of genius, had travelled in Italy, and was eager to turn to account the experience which he had acquii'ed. In spite of its badness Arsinoe greatly im- pressed the public taste ; and it was soon followed by Camilla, a version of an opera by Bononcini, portions of which were sung in Italian and portions in English, an absurdity on which Addison justly comments in a number of the Spectator. His remarks on the conse- quences of translating the Italian operas are equally humorous and just. "As there was no great danger," says he, " of hurting the sense of these extraordinary pieces, our authors would often make words of their ovm which were entirely foreign to the meaning of the passages they preteuded to translate ; their chief care being to make the numbers of the English verse answer to those of the Italian, that both of them might go to the same tune. Thus the famous song in Camilla : * Barbara si t'intendo, ' etc. 'Barbarous woman, yes, I know your meaning.' which expresses the resentment of an angry lover, was tran- slated into that English lamentation — ' Frail are a lover's hopes,' etc. And it was pleasant enough to see the most refined persons IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 71 of the British nation dying away and languishing to notes that M'ere filled Avith the spirit of rage and indignation. It happened also very frequently where the sense was rightly translated, the necessary transposition of words, which were drawn out of the phrase of one tongue into that of another, made the music appear very absurd in one tongue that was very natural in the other. I remember an Italian verse that ran thus, word for word : ' And turned my rage into pity, which the English for rhyme's sake translated, ' And into pity turned my rage. ' By this means the soft notes that were adapted to pity in the Italian fell upon the word ' rage ' in the English ; and the angry sounds that were turned to rage in the original were made to express pity in the translation. It oftentimes happened likewise that the finest notes in the air fell upon the most insignificant word in the sentence. I have known the word 'and' pursued through the whole gamut; have been entertained with many a melodious ' the ; ' and have heard the most beautiful graces, quavers, and divisions be- stowed upon ' then,' ' for,' and ' from,' to the eternal honour of our English particles." ^ Perceiving these radical defects, Addison seems to have been ambitious of showing by example how they might be remedied. "The great success this opera (Arsinoe) met with produced," says he, "some attempts of forming pieces upon Italian plans, which should give a more natural and reasonable entertainment than what can be met with in the elaborate trifles of that nation This alanned the poetasters and fiddlers of the town, who were used to deal in a more ordinary kind of ware; and therefore laid down an established rule, which is received as such to this day, ' That nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense.' "^ The 1 Spectator, No. 18. ' Ibid. 72 ADDISON. [chap. allusion to the failure of the writer's own opera of Bosamond is unmistakable. The piece was performed on the 2d of April 1706, but was coldly received, and after two or three representations was withdrawn. The reasons which the Spectator assigns for the catas- trophe betray rather the self-love of the author than the clear perception of the critic. Rosamond failed because, in the first place, it was very bad as a musical composi- tion. Misled by the favour with which Arsinoe w^as received, Addison seems to have regarded Clayton as a great musician, and he put his poem into the hands of the latter, thinking that his score would be as superior to that of Arisinoe as his own poetry was to the words of that opera. Clayton, however, had no genius, and only succeeded in producing what Sir John Hawkins, quoting with approbation the words of another critic, calls " a confused chaos of music, the only merit of which is its shortness."^ But it may be doubted whether in any case the most skilful composer could have produced music of a high order adapted to the poetry of Bosamond. The play is neither a tragedy, a comedy, nor a melodrama. It seems that Eleanor did not really poison Fair Rosamond, but only administered to her a sleeping potion, and, as she takes care to explain to the King, " The bowl with drowsy juices filled, From cold Egyptian drugs distilled. In borrowed death has closed her eyes." This information proves highly satisfactory to the King, not only because he is gratified to find that Rosamond is 1 Sir John Hawkins' History of Music, vol. v. p. 137. IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 73 not dead, but also because, even before discovering her supposed dead body, he had resolved, in consequence of a dream sent to him hy his guardian angel, to terminate the relations existing between them. The Queen and he accordingly arrange in a business-like manner that Rosamond shall be quietly removed in her trance to a nunnery; a reconciliation is then effected between the husband and wife, who, as we are led to suppose, live happily ever after. The main motive of the opera in Addison's mind appears to have been the desire of complimenting the Marlborough family. It is dedicated to the Duchess; the warlike character of Henry naturally recalls the prowess of the great modern captain ; and the King is consoled by his guardian angel for the loss of Fair Rosa- mond -vnth a vision of the future glories of Blenheim : " To calm thy grief and lull thy cares Look up and see What, after long revolving years, Thy bower shall be ! When time its beauties shall deface, And only with its ruins grace The future prospect of the place ! Behold the glorious pile ascending. Columns swelling, arches bending. Domes in awful pomp arising. Art in curious strokes surprising, Foes in figured fights contending. Behold the glorious pile ascending." This is graceful enough, but it scarcely offers material for music of a serious kind. Nor can the Court have been greatly impressed by the compliment paid to its morality as contrasted with that of Charles II., conveyed 74 ADDISON. [chap. as it was by the mouth of Grideline, one of the comic characters in the piece — " Since conjugal passion Is come into fashion, And marriage so blest on the throne is, Like a Venus I'll shine, Be fond and be fine, And Sir Trusty shall be my Adonis." The ill success of JRosamond confirmed Addison's dislike to the Italian opera, which he displayed both in his grave and humorous papers on the subject in the Spectator. The disquisition upon the various actors of the lion in Hydaspes is one of his happiest inspirations ; but his serious criticisms are, as a ride, only just in so far as they are directed against the dramatic absurdities of the Italian opera. As to his technical qualifications as a critic of music, it Avill be sufficient to cite the opinion of Dr. Burney : — "To judges of music nothing more need be said of Mr. Addison's abilities to decide con- cerning the comparative degrees of national excellence in the art, and the merit of particular masters, than his predilection for the productions of Clayton and in- sensibility to the force and originality of Handel's compositions in Binaldo"^ In December 1708 the Earl of Sunderland was displaced to make room for the Tory Lord Dartmouth, and Addison, as Under-Secretary, f oUo-wdng the fortunes of his superior, found himself again without employment. Fortunately for him the Earl of Wharton was almost immediately afterwards made Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and offered him the lucrative post of Secretary. The Earl, who was ^ Burney's History of Music, vol. iv. p. 208. IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 75 subsequently created a Marquis, was the father of the famous Duke satirised in Pope's first Moral Essay ; he was in every respect the opposite of Addison — a vehement Eepublican, a sceptic, unprincipled in his morals, venal in his methods of Government. He was nevertheless a man of the finest talents, and seems to have possessed the power of gaining personal ascendency over his com- panions by a profound knowledge of character. An acquaintance with Addison, doubtless commencing at the Kit-Kat Club, of which both were members, had convinced him that the latter had eminent qualifications for the task, which the Secretary's post would involve, of dealing with men of very various conditions. Of the feelings with which Addison on his side regarded the Earl we have no record. " It is reasonable to suppose," says Johnson, "that he counteracted, as far as he was able, the malignant and blasting influence of the Lieutenant; and that, at least, by his intervention some good was done and some mischief prevented." Not a shadow of an imputation, at any rate, rests upon his own conduct as Secretary. He appears to have acted strictly on that conception of public duty which he defines in one of his papers in the Spedatm'. Speaking of the marks of a corrupt official, "Such an one," he declares, "is the man who upon any pretence whatsoever, receives more than what is the stated and unquestioned fee of his office. Gratifications, tokens of thankfulness, despatch money, and the like specious terms, are the pretences under which corruption very frequently shelters itself. An honest man will, however, look on all these methods as unjustifiable, and will enjoy himself better in a moderate fortune that is gained with honour and reputation, than 76 ADDISON. [chap. in an overgrown estate that is cankered with the ac- quisitions of rapine and exaction. Were all our offices discharged with such an inflexible integrity, we should not see men in all ages, who grow up to exorbitant wealth, with the abilities which are to be met with in an ordinary mechanic." ^ His friends perhaps considered that his impartiality was somewhat overstrained, since he always declined to remit the customary fees in their favour. "For," said he, "I may have forty friends, whose fees may be two guineas a -piece; then I lose eighty guineas, and my friends gain but two a-piece." He took with him as his own Secretary, Eustace Bud- gell, who was related to him, and for whom he seems to have felt a warm affection. Budgell was a man of consider- able literary ability, and was the writer of the various papers in the Spectator signed "X.," some of which succeed happily in imitating Addison's style. While he was under his friend's guidance his career was fairly successful, but his temper was violent, and when, at a later period of his life, he served in Ireland under a new Lieutenant and another Secretary, he became involved in disputes which led to his dismissal. A furious pam- phlet against the Lord-Lieutenant, the Duke of Bolton, published by him in spite of Addison's remonstrances, only complicated his position, and from this period his fortunes steadily declined. He lost largely in the South Sea Scheme ; spent considerable sums in a vain endeavour to obtain a seat in Parliament; and at last came under the influence of his kinsman, Tindal, the well-known deist, whose will he is accused of ha^^ng falsified. With his usual infelicity he happened to rouse the resentment 1 Spectator, No. 469. IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 77 of Pope, and was treated in consequence to one of the deadly couplets with which that great poet was in the habit of repaying real or supposed injuries : "Let Bndgell charge low Grub Street on his quill, And write whate'er he pleased, — except his will." The lines were memorable, and were doubtless often quoted, and the wretched man finding his life insupport- able, ended it by drowning himself in the Thames. During his residence in Ireland Addison firmly cemented his friendship with Swift, whose acquaintance he had probably made after The Campaign had given him a leading position in the Whig party, on the side of which the sympathies of both were then enlisted. Swift's admiration for Addison was warm and generous. When the latter was on the point of embarking on his new duties. Swift wrote to a common friend. Colonel Hunter : — " Mr. Addison is hurrying away for Ireland, and I pray too much business may not spoil le plus Jionnete homme du monde" To Archbishop King he wrote : — " Mr. Addison, who goes over our first secretary, is a most excellent person, and being my intimate friend I shall use all my credit to set him right in his notions of persons and things." Addison's duties took him occasionally to England, and daring one of his visits Swift writes to him from Ireland : — " I am convinced that whatever Government come over you mil find all marks of kind- ness from any parliament here with respect to your employment; the Tories contending with the Whigs which should speak best of you. In short, if you will come over again when you are at leisure we will raise an army and make you King of Ireland. Can you 78 ADDISON. [chap. think so meanly of a kingdom as not to be pleased that every creature in it, who hath one grain of worth, has a veneration for you ? " In his Journal to Stella he says, under date of October 12, 1710: "Mr. Addison's elec- tion has passed easy and undisputed; and I believe if he had a mind to be chosen king he would hardly be refused." On his side Addison's feelings were equally warm. He presented Swift with a copy of his Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, inscribing it — "To the most agreeable companion, the truest friend, and the greatest genius of his age." This friendship, founded on mutual respect, was des- tined to be impaired by pohtical differences. In 1710 the credit of the Whig Ministry had been greatly under- mined by the combined craft of Harley and i\Irs. Masham, and Swift, who was anxious as to his position, on coming over to England to press his claims on Somers and Halifax, found that they were unable to help him. He appears to have considered that their want of power proceeded from want of will; at any rate, he made advances to Harley, which were of course gladly received. The Ministry were at this time being hard pressed by the Emminer, under the conduct of Prior, and at their instance Addison started the JFhig Examiner in their defence. Though this paper was written effectively and with admirable temper, party polemics were little to the taste of its author, and, after five numbers, it ceased to exist on the 8th of October. Swift, now eager for the triumph of the Tories, expresses his delight to Stella by informing her, in the words of a Tory song, that " it was down among the dead men." He himself wi'ote the first of his Examiners on the 2d of the following Novem- IV.] HIS EMPLOYMENT IN AFFAIRS OF STATE. 7» , ber, and the crushing blows with which he followed it ^ up did much to hasten the downfall of the Ministry. ^'^ As was natural, Addison was somewhat displeased at his friend's defection. In December Swift writes to Stella: — "Mr. Addison and I are as different as black and white, and I believe our friendship will go off by this d business of party. He cannot bear seeing me fall in so with the Ministry; but I love him still as much as ever, though we seldom meet." In January 1710-11, he says: "I called at the coffee-house, where I had not been in a week, and talked coldly awhile with Mr. Addison ; all our friendship and dearness are off ; we are civil acquaintance, talk words of course, of when we shall meet, and that's all. Is it not odd f Many similar entries follow; but on Jjnte 26, 1711, the V record is : — " Mr. Addison and I talked as usual, and as if we had seen one another yesterday." And on September 14, he observes: — "This evening I met Addison and pastoral Philips in the Park, and supped with them in Addison's lodgings. We were very good company, and I yet know no man half so agreeable to me as he is. I sat with them till twelve." It was perhaps through the influence of Swift, who spoke warmly with the Tory Ministry on behalf of Addison, that the latter, on the downfall of the Whigs in the autumn of 1710, was for some time suffered to retain the Keepership of the Eecords in Bermingham's Tower, an Irish place which had been bestowed upon him by the Queen as a special mark of the esteem with which she regarded him, and which appears to have been worth £400 a year.^ In other respects his fortunes were greatly 1 Fourth Drapier's Letter. 80 ADDISON. [chap. iv. altered by the change of Ministry. "I have within this twelvemonth," he writes to Wortley on the 21st of July 1711, "lost a place of .£2000 per ann., an estate in the Indies worth £14,000, and, what is worse than all the rest, my mistress.^ Hear this and wonder at my philosophy ! I find they are going to take away my Irish place from me too ; to which I must add that I have just resigned my fellowship, and that stocks sink every day." In spite of these losses his circumstances were materially different from those in which he found himself after the fall of the previous Wliig Ministry in 1702. Before the close of the year 1711 he was able to buy the estate of Bilton, near Eugby, for £10,000. Part of the purchase money was probably provided from what he had saved while he was Irish Secretary and had invested in the funds ; and part was, no doubt, made up from the profits of the Tatler and the Spectator. Miss Aikin says that a portion was advanced by his brother Gulston ; but this seems to be an error. Two j^ears before, the Governor of Fort St. George, had died, leaving him his executor and residuary legatee. This is no doubt "the estate in the Indies" to Avhich he refers in his letter to Wortley, but he had as yet derived no benefit from it. His brother had left his affairs in great confusion ; the trustees were careless or dishonest ; and though about £600 was remitted to liim in the shape of diamonds in 1713, the liquidation was not complete till 1716, when only a small moiety of the sum bequeathed to him came into his hands.^ ^ Who the "mistress" was cannot be certainly ascertained. See, however, p. 154. - Egerton MSS., Britisli Museum (1972}. CHAPTER V. THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. The career of Addison, as described in the preceding chapters, has exemplified the great change effected in the position of men of letters in England by the Restora- tion and the Revolution; it is now time to exhibit him in his most characteristic light, and to show the remarkable service the eighteenth century essayists performed for English society in creating an organised public opinion. It is difficult for ourselves, who look on the action of the periodical press as part of the regular machinery of life, to appreciate the magnitude of the task accom- plished by Addison and Steele in the pages of the Tatter and Spectator. Every day, Aveek, month, and quarter, now sees the issue of a vast number of journals and magazines intended to form the opinion of every order and section of society. But in the reign of Queen Anne the only centres of society that existed were the Court, with the aristocracy that revolved about it, and the clubs and coffee-houses, in which the commercial and professional classes met to discuss matters of general interest. The Tatler and Sj^edator were the first organs in which an attempt was made to give form and consistency to the opinion arising out of this social G 82 ADDISON. [chap. contact. But we should form a very erroneous idea of the character of these publications if we regarded them as the sudden productions of individual genius, written in satisfaction of a mere temporary taste. Like all master- pieces in art and literature, they mark the final stage of a long and painful journey, and the merit of their inventors consists largely in the judgment with which they profited by the experience of many predecessors. The first newspaper published in Europe was the Gazzetta of Venice, which was written in manuscript, and read aloud at certain places in the city to supply information to the people during the war with the Turks in 1536. In England it was not till the reign of Elizabeth that the increased facilities of communication and the growth of wealth caused the purveyance of news to become a profitable employment. Towards the end of the sixteenth century newsmongers began to issue little pamphlets reporting extraordinary intelli- gence, but not issued at regular periods. The titles of these publications, which are all of them that survive, show that the arts with which the framers of the placards of our own newspapers endeavour to attract attention are of venerable antiquity : " Wonderful and Strange newes out of Suff'olke and Essex, where it rained wheat the space of six or seven miles," 1583 ; " Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire, containinge the wonderfull and fearfuU accounts of the great over- flowing of the waters in the said countrye," 1607.^ In 1622 one Nathaniel Butter began to pubHsh a newspaper bearing a fixed title and appearing at stated intervals. It was called the Weekly Newes from Italy and ' Andrews' History of British Journalism. v.] THE T A TIER AND SPECTATOR. 83 Germcmie, etc.; and was said to be printed for Mercurius Britannicus. This novelty provided much food for merriment to the poets, and Ben Jonson in his Staj^le of Neivs satirises Butter, under the name of Nathaniel, in a passage which the curious reader will do well to consult, as it shows the low estimation in which newspapers were then held.i Though it might appear from Jonson's dialogue that the newspapers of that day contained many items of domestic intelligence, such was scarcely the case. Butter and his contemporaries, as was natural to men who confined themselves to the publication of news without attempting to form opinion, obtained their materials almost entirely from abroad, whereby they at once aroused more vividly the imagination of their readers, and doubtless gave more scope to their own invention. Besides they were not at liberty to retail home news of that political kind which would have been of the greatest interest to the public. For a long time the evanescent character of the newspaper allowed it to escape the atten- tion of the licenser, but the growing demand for this sort of reading at last brought it under supervision, and so strict was the control exercised over even the reports of foreign intelligence that its weekly appearance was frequently interrupted. In 1641, however, the Star-chamber was abolished, and the heated political atmosphere of the times gene- rated a new species of journal, in which we find the first attempt to influence opinion through the periodical press. This was the newspaper known under the generic title of Mercury. Many weekly publications of ^ StaijU of News, Act I. Scene 2. 84 ADDISON. [chap. this name appeared during the Civil Wars on the side of both King and Parliament, Mercurius Anlicus being the representative organ of the Royalist cause, and Mercurius Pragmatims and Mercurius Foliticus of the Republicans. Party animosities were thus kept alive, and proved so inconvenient to the Government that the Parliament interfered to curtail the liberty of the press. In 1647 an ordinance passed the House of Lords prohibiting any person from " making, writing, printing, selling, publish- ing, or uttering, or causing to be made, any book, sheet, or sheets of news whatsoever, except the same be licensed by both or either House of Parliament, with the name of the author, printer, and licenser affixed." In spite of this prohibition, which was renewed by Act of Parliament in 1662, many unlicensed periodicals con- tinued to appear, till in 1663 the Government, finding their repressive measures insufficient, resolved to grapple with the difficulty by monopolising the right to publish news. The author of this new project was the well-known Roger L'Estrange, who in 1663 obtained a patent assigning to him "all the sole privilege of writing, printing, and publishing all Narratives, Advertise- ments, Mercuries, Intelligencers, Diurnals, and other books of public intelligence." L'Estrange's journal was called the Public Intelligencer ; it was published once a week, and in its form was a rude anticipation of the modern newspaper, containing as it did an obituarj^, reports of the proceedings in ParUament and in the Court of Claims, a list of the circuits of the judges, of sherifi"s, Lent preachers, etc. After being continued for two years it gave place first, in 1665, to the Oxford v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 85 Gazette, published at Oxford, wdiither the Court had retired during the plague; and in 16G6 to the London Gazette, which was under the immediate control of an Under-Secretary of State. The office of Gazetteer became henceforth a regular ministerial appointment, and was viewed with different eyes according as men were affected towards the Government. Steele, who held it, says of it: "My next appearance as a writer was in the quality of the lowest Minister of State — to wit, in the office of Gazetteer; where I worked faithfully according to order, without ever erring against the rule observed by all Ministers, to keep that paper very innocent and very insipid." Pope, on the other hand, who regarded it as an organ published to influence opinion in favour of the Government, is constant in his attacks upon it, and has immortalised it in the memorable lines in the Dunciad beginning : " Next plunged a feeble but a desperate pack," etc. In 1679 the Licensing Act passed in 1662 expired, and the Parliament declined to renew it. The Court was thus left without protection against the expression of public opinion, which was daily becoming more bold and outspoken. In his extremity the King fell back on the servility of the judges, and, having procured from them an opinion that the publishing of any printed matter without license was contrary to the common law, he issued his famous Proclamation in 1680 "to pro- hibit and forbid all persons whatsoever to print or publish any news, book, or pamphlets of news, not licensed by his Majesty's authority." Disregard of the proclamation was treated as a breach of the peace, and many persons were punished accord- 86 ADDISOI^. [CHAP, ingly. This severity produced the effect intended. The voice of the periodical press was stifled, and the London Gazette was left almost in exclusive possession of the field of news. When Monmouth landed in 1685 the King managed to obtain from ParHament a renewal of the Licensing Act for seven years, and even after the Revolution of 1688 several attempts were made by the Ministerial Whigs to prolong or to renew the operation of the Act. In spite, however, of the violence of the organs of " Grub Street," which had grown up under it, these attempts were unsuccessful ; it was justly felt that it was wiser to leave falsehood and scurrility to be gi'adually corrected by public opinion as speaking through an unfettered press, than to attack them by a law which they had proved themselves able to defy. From 1682 the freedom of the press may therefore be said to date, and the lapse of the Licensing Act was the signal for a remarkable outburst of journalistic enterprise and invention. Not only did the newspapers devoted to the report of foreign intelligence reappear in greatly increased numbers, but, whereas the old Mercuries had never been published more than once in the same week, the new comers made their appearance twice and some- times even three times. In 1702 was printed the first daily newspaper, The Daily Coiirant It could only at starting provide material to cover one side of a half sheet of paper ; but the other side was very soon covered with printed matter, in which form its existence was prolonged till 1735. The development of party government of course encouraged the controversial capacities of the journalist, and many notorious, and some famous names are now v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 87 found among the combatants in the political arena. On the side of the Whigs the most redoubtable cham- pions were Daniel Defoe, of the Review, who was twice imprisoned and once set in the pillory for his political writings ; John Tutchin, of the Observator; and Ridpath, of the Flying Post — all of whom have obtained places in the Dunciad. The old Tories appear to have been satisfied during the early part of Queen Anne's reign with prosecuting the newspapers that attacked them; but Harley, who understood the power of the press, engaged Prior to harass the Whigs in the Examiner, and was afterwards dexterous enough to secure the invaluable assistance of Swift for the same paper. In opposition to the Examiner in its early days the Whigs, as has been said, started the Whig Examiiier, under the auspices of Addison, so that the two great historical parties had their cases stated by the two greatest prose-writers of the first half of the eighteenth century. Beside the Quidnunc and the party politician, another class of reader now appeared demanding aliment in the press. Men of active and curious minds, with a little leisure and a large love of discussion, loungers at Will's or at the Grecian Coffee-Houses, were anxious to have their doubts on all subjects resolved by a printed oracle. Their tastes were gratified by the ingenuity of John Dun ton, whose strange account of his Life and Errors throws a strong light on the literary history of this period. In 1690 Dunton published his Athenian Gazette, the name of which he afterwards altered to the Athenian Mercury. The object of this paper was to answer questions put to the editor by the public. These were of all kinds on religion, casuistry, love, literature, and 88 ADDISON. [chap. manners, no question being too subtle or absurd to extract a reply from the conductor of the paper. The Athenian Mercury seems to have been read by as many distinguished men of the period as Notes and Queries in our own time, and there can be no doubt that the quaint humours it originated gave the first hint to the inventors of the Tatler and the Spectator. Advertisements were inserted in the newspapers at a comparatively early period of their existence. The editor acted as middleman between the advertiser and the public, and made his announcements in a style of easy frankness which will appear to the modern reader extremely refreshing. Thus in the "Collection for the Improvement of Husbandry and Trade" (1682) there are the following : — " If I can meet with a sober man that has a counter- tenor voice, I can help him to a place worth thirty pound the year or more. " If any noble or other gentleman wants a porter that is very lusty, comely, and six foot high and two inches, I can help. " I want a complete young man that will wear a livery, to wait on a very valuable gentleman ; but he must know how to play on a violin or flute. " I want a genteel footman that can play on the violin, to wait on a person of honour." ^ Everything was now prepared for the production of a class of newspaper designed to form and direct public opinion on rational principles. The press w^as emanci- pated from State control ; a reading public had consti- tuted itself out of the habitu4s of the coffee-houses and clubs ; nothing was wanted but an inventive genius to adapt the materials at his disposal to the circumstances ^ Andrews' Elstory of British Journalism. v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 89 of the time. The required hero was not long in making his appearance. Richard Steele, the son of an official under the Irish Government, was, above all things, " a creature of ebullient heart." Impulse and sentiment were with him always far stronger motives of action than reason, principle, or even interest. He left Oxford, without taking a degree, from an ardent desire to serve in the army, thereby sacrificing his prospect of succeeding to a family estate ; his extravagance and dissipation while serving in the cavalry were notorious ; yet this did not dull the clearness of his moral perceptions, for it was while his excesses were at their height that he dedicated to his commanding officer, Lord Cutts, his Christian Hero. Vehement in his political, as in all other feelings, he did not hesitate to resign the office he held under the Tory Government in 1711 in order to attack it for what he considered its treachery to the country; but he was equally outspoken, and with equal disadvantage to him- self, when he found himself at a later period in dis- agreement with the Whigs. He had great fertility of invention, strong natural humour, true though unculti- vated taste, and inexhaustible human sympathy. His varied experience had made him well acquainted with life and character, and in his office of Gazetteer he had had an opportunity of watching the eccentricities of the public taste, which, now emancipated from restraint, ,. began vaguely to feel after new ideals. That, under such ' ; circumstances, he should have formed the design of treating current events from a humorous point of view was only natural, but he was indebted for the form of his newspaper to the most original genius of the age. Swift 90 ADDISON. [CHAP. had early in the eighteenth century exercised his ironical vein by treating the everyday occurrences of life in a mock-heroic style. Among his pieces of this kind that were most successful in catching the public taste were the humorous predictions of the death of Partridge, the astrologer, signed with the name of Isaac Bicker- staff. Steele, seizing on the name and character of Partridge's fictitious rival, turned him with much pleasantry into the editor of a new journal, the de- sign of which he makes Isaac describe as follows : — " The state of conversation and business in this town having long been perplexed with Pretenders in both kinds, in order to open men's minds against such abuses, it appeared no unprofitable undertaking to publish a Paper, which should observe upon the manners of the pleasurable, as well as the busy part of mankind. To make this generally read, it seemed the most proper method to form it by way of a Letter of Intelligence, consisting of such parts as might gratify the curiosity of persons of all conditions and of each sex. . . . The general purposes of this Paper is to expose the false arts of life, to pull off the disguises of cunning, vanity, and affectation, and to recommend a general simplicity in our dress, our discourse, and our behaviour." ^ The name of the Tatler^ Isaac informs us, was "invented in honour of the fair sex," for whose entertainment the new paper was largely designed. It appeared three times a week, and its price was a penny, though it seems that the first number, published April 12, 1709, was distributed gratis as an advertisement. In order to make the con- tents of the paper varied it was divided into five portions, of which the editor gives the following account : — '' All accounts of Gallantry, Pleasure, and Entertainment, shall be under the article of White's Chocolate-House ; Poetry 1 Tatler, Ko. 1. v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 91 under that of Will's Coffee-House ; Learning under tlie title of Grecian ; Foreign and Domestic NeM's you will have from Saint James' Coffee-House ; and what else I have to offer on any other subject shall be dated from my own apartment." ^ In this division we see the importance of the coffee- houses as the natural centres of intelligence and opinion. Of the four houses mentioned, St. James's and White's, both of them in St. James's Street, were the chief haunts of statesmen and men of fashion, and the latter had acquired an infamous notoriety for the ruinous gambling of its halihies. Will's in Eussell Street, Covent Garden, kept up the reputation which it had procured in Dryden's time as the favourite meeting-place of men of letters ; while the Grecian in Devereux Court in the Strand, which was the oldest coffee-house in London, afforded a con- venient rendezvous for the learned Templars. At starting the design announced in the first number was adhered to with tolerable fidelity. The paper dated from St. James' Coffee-House was ahvays devoted to the recital of foreign news ; that from Will's either criticised the current dramas, or contained a copy of verses from some author of repute, or a piece of general literary criticism; the latest gossip at White's was reproduced in a fictitious form and with added colour. Advertisements were also inserted ; and half a sheet of the paper was left blank, in order that at the last moment the most recent intelli- gence might be added in manuscript after the manner of the contemporary news-letters. In all these respects the character of the newspaper was preserved ; but in the method of treating news adopted by the editor there was a constant tendency to subordinate matter of fact to the elements of humour, fiction, and sentiment. In 1 TatUr, No. 1. 92 ADDISON. [chap. his survey of the manners of the time Isaac, as an astrologer, was assisted by a familiar spirit, named Pacolet, who revealed to him the motives and secrets of men ; his sister, Mrs. Jenny Distaff, was occasionally deputed to produce the paper from the wizard's "own apartment;" and Kidney, the waiter at St. James' CofFee-House, was humorously represented as the chief authority in all matters of foreign intelligence. The mottoes assumed by the Tatler at different periods of its existence mark the stages of its development. On its first appearance, when Steele seems to have intended it to be little more than a lively record of news, the motto placed at the head of each paper was — " Quidquid agunt homines, nostri est farrago libelli." It soon became evident, however, that its true function was not merely to report the actions of men, but to discuss the propriety of their actions ; and by the time that sufficient material had accumulated to constitute a volume, the essayists felt themselves justified in appro- priating the words used by Pliny in the preface to his Natural History : — " Nemo apud nos qui idem tentaverit : equidem sentio peculiarem in studiis causam eorum esse, qui difiScultatibus victis, utilitatem juvandi, protuleruut gratiae placendi. Res ardua vetustis novitatem dare, novis auctoritatem, obsoletis nitorem, fastidits gratiam, dubiis fidem, omnibus vero iiaturam, et naturae suae omnia. Itaque non assecutis voluisse, abunde pulchrum atque magnificum est." The disguise of the mock astrologer proved very use- ful to Steele in his character of moralist. It enabled him to give free utterance to his better feehngs with- out the risk of incurring the charge of inconsistency or v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 93 hypocrisy, and nothing can be more honourable to him than the open manner in which he acknowledges his own unfitness for the position of a moralist : " I shall not carry my humility so far," says lie, "as to call myself a vicious man, but at the same time must confess my life is at best but pardonable. \Yith no greater character than this, a man would make but an indifferent progress in attacking prevailing and fashionable vices, which Mr. Bickerstaff has done with a freedom of spirit that would have lost both its beauty and efficacy had it been pretended to by Mr. Steele." ^ As Steele cannot claim the sole merit of having in- vented the form of the Tatler so too it must be remembered that he could never have addressed society in the high moral tone assumed by Bickerstaff if the road had not been prepared for him by others. One name among his predecessors stands out with a special title to honourable record. Since the Restora- tion the chief school of manners had been the stage, and the flagrant example of immorality set by the Court had been bettered by the invention of the comic dramatists of the period. Indecency was the fashion; religion and sobriety were identified by the polite world with Puritanism and hypocrisy. Even the Church had not yet ventured to say a word in behalf of virtue against the prevailing taste, and when at last a clergyman raised his voice on behalf of the principles which he professed, the blow which he dealt to his anta- gonists was the more damaging because it was entirelj^ unexpected. Jeremy Collier was not only a Tory but a Jacobite, not only a High Churchman but a Nonjuror, 1 Tatler, No. 271. 94 ADDISON. [chap. who had been outlawed for his fidelity to the principles of Legitimism ; and that such a man should have pub- lished the Short Vmv of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, reflecting, as the book did, in the strongest manner on the manners of the fallen dynasty, was as astounding as thunder from a clear sky. Collier, however, was a man of sincere piety, whose mind was for the moment occupied only by the overwhelming danger of the evil which he proposed to attack. It is true that his method of attack was cumbrous, and that his conclusions were far too sweeping and often unjust ; nevertheless the general truth of his criticisms was felt to be irresistible. Congreve and Vanbrugh each attempted an apology for their profession ; both, however, showed their perception of the weakness of their position by correcting or recasting scenes in their comedies to which Collier had objected. Dryden accepted the reproof in a nobler spirit. Even while he had pandered to the taste of the times he had been conscious of his treachery to the cause of true art, and had broken out in a fine passage in his Ode to the Memory of Mrs. Killigreiv : — " gracious God ! how far have we Profaned thy heavenly gift of poesy ! Made prostitute and profligate the Muse, Debased to each obscene and impious use ! " wretched we ! why were we hurried doMTi This lubrique and adulterous age (Nay, added fat pollutions of our own) To increase the streaming ordure of the stage ? " When Collier attacked him he bent his head in sub- mission. " In many things," says he, " he has taxed me justly, and I have pleaded guilty to all thought and ex- v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 95 pressions of mine which can be truly argued of obscenity, profaneness, or immorality, and retract them. If he be my enemy, let him triumph ; if he be my friend, as I have given him no personal occasion to be otherwise, he will be glad of my repentance." ^ The first blow against fashionable immorality having been boldly struck, was followed up systematically. In 1690 was founded " The Society for the Reformation of Manners," which published every year an account of the progress made in suppressing profaneness and debauchery by its means. It continued its operations till 1738, and during its existence prosecuted, according to its own calculations, 101,683 persons. William III. showed himself prompt to encourage the movement which his subjects had begun. The London Gazette of 27th Feb- ruary 1698-9 contains a report of the following remark- able order : — " His Majesty being informed. That, notwithstanding an order made the 4th of June 1697 by the Earl of Sunderland, then Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's Household, to prevent the Prophaneness and Immorality of the Stage ; several Plays have been lately acted containing expressions contrary to Religion and Good Manners : and whereas the Master of the Revels has represented, That, in contempt of the said order, the actors do often neglect to leave out such Prophane and Indecent expressions as he has thought proper to be omitted. These are therefore to signifie his Majesty's pleasure, that you do not hereafter presume to act anything in any play con- trary to Religion and Good Manners as you shall answer it at your utmost peril. Given under my Hand this 18th of February 1698. In the eleventh year of his Majesty's reign." It is difficult to realise in reading the terms of this order that only thirteen years had elapsed since the 1 Preface to the Fables. 96 ADDISON. [chap. death of Charles II., and undoubtedly a very large share of the credit due for such a revolution in the public taste is to be assigned to Collier. Collier, however, did nothing in a literary or artistic sense to improve the character of English literature. His severity, uncom- promising as that of the Puritans, inspired Vice with terror, but could not plead with persuasion on behalf of Virtue ; his sweeping conclusions struck at the roots of Art as well as of Immorality. He sought to destroy the drama and kindred pleasures of the Imagination, not to reform them. What the age needed was a writer to satisfy its natural desires for healthy and rational amusement, and Steele with his strongly-developed two- fold character was the man of all others to bridge over the chasm between irreligious licentiousness and Puri- tanical rigidity. Driven headlong on one side of his nature towards all the tastes and pleasures which absorbed the Court of Charles II., his heart in the midst of his dissipation never ceased to approve of whatever was great, noble, and generous. He has described him- seK Avith much feeling in his disquisition on the Rake, a character which he says many men are desirous of assuming without any natural qualifications for support- ing it :— "A Rake," says he, ''is a man always to be pitied ; and if he lives one day is certainly reclaimed ; for his faults pro- ceed not from choice or inclination, but from strong passions and appetites, which are in youth too violent for the ciu'b of reason, good sense, good manners, and good nature ; all which he must have by nature and education before he can be allowed to be or to have been of this order. . . . His desires run away with him through the strength and force of a lively imagination, which hurries him on to unlawful pleasures before reason has power to come in to his rescue." v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 97 That impulsiveness of feeling which is here described, and which was the cause of so many of Steele's failings in real life, made him the most powerful and persuasive advocate of Virtue in fiction. Of all the imaginative English essayists he is the most truly natural. His large heart seems to rush out in sympathy with any tale of sorrow or exhibition of magnanimity; and, even in criticism, his true natural instinct, joined to his consti- tutional enthusiasm often raises his judgments to a level with those of Addison himself, as in his excellent essay in the Spectator on Eaphael's cartoons. Examples of these characteristics in his style are to be found in the Story of U7inion and Valentine,^ and in the fine paper describing two tragedies of real life ; ^ in the series of papers on duelling, occasioned by a duel into which he was himself forced against his own inclination ; ^ and in the sound advice which Isaac gives to his half-sister Jenny on the morrow of her marriage.* Perhaps, how- ever, the chivalry and generosity of feeling which make Steele's writings so attractive are most apparent in the delightful paper containing the letter of Serjeant Hall from the camp before Mons. After pointing out to his readers the admirable features in the Serjeant's simple letter, Steele concludes as follows : — " If we consider the heap of an army, utterly out of all prospect of rising and preferment, as they certainly are, and such great things executed by them, it is hard to account for the motive of their gallantry. But to me, who was a cadet at the battle of Coldstream in Scotland when Monk charged at the head of the regiment now called Coldstream, from the victory of that day — I remember it as well as if it were yes- 1 Taller, No. 5. 2 Ih., No. 82. 3 Ih., Nos. 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39. ^ 76., No. 85. H 98 ADDISON. [chap. terday, I stood on the left of old West, who I believe is now at Chelsea — I say to me, who know very well this part of mankind, I take the gallantry of private soldiers to proceed from the same, if not from a nobler, impulse than that of gentlemen and officers. They have the same taste of being acceptable to their friends, and go through the difficulties of that profession by the same irresistible charm of fellowship and the communication of joys and sorrows which quickens the relish of pleasure and abates the anguish of pain. Add to this that they have the same regard to fame, though they do not expect so great a share as men above them hope for ; but I will engage Serjeant Hall would die ten thousand deaths rather than that a word should be spoken at the Red Lettice, or any part of the Butcher Row, in prejudice to his courage or honesty. If you will have my opinion, then, of the Serjeant's letter, I pronounce the style to be mixed, but truly epistolary ; the sentiment relating to his own wound in the sublime ; the postscript of Pegg Hartwell in the gay ; and the whole the picture of the bravest sort of men, that is to say, a man of great courage and small hopes." ^ With such excellences of style and sentiment it is no Avonder that the Tatler rapidly established itself in public favour. It Avas a novel experience for the general reader to be pro"\aded three times a week with entertainment that pleased his imagination without ofifending his sense of decency or his religious instincts. But a new hand shortly appeared in the Tatler, which was destined to carry the art of periodical essay-writing to a perfection beside which even the humour of Steele appears rude and unpolished. Addison and Steele had been friends since boyhood. They had been contemporaries at the Charter House, and, as we have seen, Steele had sometimes spent his holidays in the parsonage of Addison's father. He was a postmaster at Merton about the same time that his 1 Tatler, No. 87. v.] THE TATLER AND SPECTATOR. 99 friend was a Fellow of Magdalen. The admiration which he conceived for the hero of his boyhood lasted, as so often happens, through life ; he exhibited his veneration for him in all places, and even when Addison indulged his humour at his expense he showed no resentment. Addison, on his side, seems to have treated Steele with a kind of gracious condescension. The latter was one of the few intimate friends to whom he unbent in conver- sation ; and while he was Under-Secretary of State he aided him in the production of The Tender Husband^ which was dedicated to him by the author. Of this play Steele afterwards declared with characteristic impulse that many of the most admired passages were the work of his friend, and that he " thought very meanly of him- self that he had never publicly avowed it." The authorship of the Tatler was at first kept secret to all the world. It is said that the hand of Steele dis- covered itself to Addison on reading in the :^is and absurd princi^Dles of action to take root in their minds under the colour of virtues ! For my own part I must own I never yet knew any party so just and reasonable that a man could follow it in its height and violence and at the same time be innocent. " ^ As to party-writing, he considered it identical with lying. " A man," says he, " is looked upon as bereft of common sense that gives credit to the relations of party - writers ; nay, his own friends shake their heads at him and consider him in no other light than as an officious tool or a well- meaning idiot. When it was formerly the fashion to husband 1 Spectator, No. 399. 170 ADDISO^". [CHAP. a lie and trump it up in some extraordinary emergency it generally did execution, and was not a little useful to the faction that made use of it ; but at present every man is upon his guard : the artifice has been too often repeated to take effect."! Sir Eoger de Coverley "often closes his narrative with reflections on the mischief that parties do in the country." " There cannot," says the Spectator himself, " a greater judgment befall a country than such a dreadful spirit of divi- sion as rends a government into two distinct people and makes them greater strangers and more averse to one another than if they were actually two different nations. The effects of such a division are pernicious to the last degree, not only with regard to those advantages which they give the common enemy, but to those private evils which they produce in the heart of almost every particular person. This influence is very fatal both to men's morals and to their understandings ; it sinks the virtue of a nation, and not only so, but destroys even common sense." - Nothing in the work of Addison is more suggestive of the just and well-balanced character of his genius than his papers on Women. It has been already said that the seventeenth century exhibits the decay of the Feudal Ideal. The passionate adoration with which women were regarded in the age of chivalry degenerated after the Eestoration into a habit of insipid gallantry or of brutal license. Men of fashion found no mean for their affec- tions between a Sacharissa and a Duchess of Cleveland, while the domestic standard of the time reduced the remainder of the sex to the position of virtuous but uninteresting household drudges. Of woman as the companion and the helpmate of man, the source of all the grace and refinements of social intercourse, no trace 1 Speetatov, No. 507. ^ jn^., No. 125. IX.] HIS GENIUS. 171 is to be found in the literature of the Restoration except in the Eve of Milton's still unstudied poem; it is not too much to say that she was the creation of the Spectator. The feminine ideal, at which the essayists of the period aimed, is very well described by Steele in a style which he imitated from Addison : — " The other day," he writes, in the character of a fictitious female correspondent, " we were several of us at a tea-table, and, according to custom and your own advice, had the Spec- tator read among us. It was that paper wherein you are pleased to treat with great freedom that character which you call a woman's man. We gave up all the kinds you have mentioned except those who, you say, are our constant visitants. I was upon the occasion commissioned by the company to write to you and tell you ' that we shall not part ^^dth the men we have at present until the men of sense think fit to relieve them and give us their company in their stead.' You caimot imagine but we love to hear reason and good sense better than the ribaldry we are at present entertained with, but we must have company, and among us very incon- siderable is better than none at all. We are made for the cements of society, and come into the world to create relations amongst mankind, and solitude is an unnatural being to us." ^ In contrast with the character of the writer of this letter — a type which is always recurring in the Spectator — modest and unafi'ected, but at the same time shrewd, witty, and refined, are introduced very eccentric specimens of womanhood, all tending to illustrate the derangement of the social order, the masculine woman, the learned woman, the female politician, besides those that more properly be- long to the nature of the sex, the prude and the coquette. A very graceful example of Addison's peculiar humour is found in his satire on that false ambition in women which prompts them to imitate the manners of men : — 1 Spectator, No. 158. 172 ADDISON. [chap. " The girls of quality," he writes, describing the customs of the Republic of Women, " from six to twelve years old were put to public schools, where they learned to box and play at cudgels, with several other accomplishments of the same nature, so that nothing was more usual than to see a little miss returning home at night with a broken pate or two or three teeth knocked out of her head. They were after- wards taught to ride the great horse, to shoot, dart, or sling, and listed themselves into several companies in order to per- fect themselves in military exercises. No woman was to be married till she had killed her man. The ladies of fashion used to play with young lions instead of lap-dogs ; and when they had made any parties of diversion, instead of entertaining themselves at ombre and piquet, they wcaild wrestle and pitch the bar for a whole afternoon together. There was never any such thing as a blush seen or a sigh heard in the whole commonwealth." ^ The amazon was a type of womanhood peculiarly distasteful to Addison, whose humour delighted itself with all the curiosities and refinements of feminine caprice — the fan, the powder-box, and the petticoat. Nothing can more characteristically suggest the exquisiteness of his fancy than a comparison of Swift's verses on a Laihfs Dressing - Boom with the following, which evidently gave Pope a hint for one of the happiest passages in The Bape of the Lock: — " The single dress of a woman of quality is often the product of a hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the Pole. The brocade petticoat rises out of the mines of Peru, and the diamond necklace out of the bowels of Indostan." - To turn to Addison's artistic genius the cro^^^ling evidence of his powers is the design and the execution 1 Spectator, No. 434. - Ibid., No. 69. IX.] HIS GENIUS. 173 of the Spectator. Many writers, and among them Mac- aulay, have credited Steele with the invention of the Spectator as well as of the Tatler ; but I think that a close examination of the opening papers in the former will not only prove, almost to demonstration, that on this occasion Steele was acting as the lieutenant of his friend, but aWII also show the admirable artfulness of the means by which Addison executed his intention. The purpose of the Spectator is described in the tentli number, which is by Addison : — "I shall endeavour," said he, "to enliven morality witli wit, and to temper wit \Wth morality, that my readers may, if possible, both ways find their account in the speculation of the day. And to the end that their virtue and discretion may not be short, transient, intermitting starts of thought, I have resolved to refresh their memories from day to day till I have recovered them out of that desperate state of vice and folly into which the age has fallen." That is to say, his design was "to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature," so that the conscience of society might recognise in a dramatic form the character of its lapses from virtue and reason. The indispensable instrument for the execution of this design was the Spectator himself, the silent embodiment of right reason and good taste, Avho is obviously the conception of Addison. " I live in the world rather as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species by which means I have made my- self a speculative statesman, soldier, merchant, and artizan, without ever meddling with any practical part in life. I am very well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, business, and diver- sion of others better than those who are engaged in them ; as standers-by discover blots which are apt to escape those 174 ADDISON. [chaf. who are in the game. I never espoused any party ^vith violence, and am resolved to observe an exact neutrality between the Whigs and Tories unless I shall be forced to declare myself by the hostilities of either side. In short, I have acted in all the parts of my life as a looker-on, which is the character I intend to preserve in this paper." In order, however, to give this somewhat inanimate figure life and action, he is represented as the principal member of a club, his associates consisting of various representatives of the chief "interests" of society. We can scarcely doubt that the club was part of the original and central conception of the work, and if this be so, a new light is thrown on some of the features in the characters of the Sjpedator which have hitherto rather perplexed the critics. " The Spectator's friends," says Macaulay, " were first sketched by Steele. Four of the club — the templar, the clergyman, the soldier, and the merchant — were uninteresting figures, fit only for a background. But the other two — an old country baronet and an old town rake — though not de- lineated with a very delicate pencil, had some good strokes. Addison took the rude outlines into his own hands, retouched them, coloured them, and is in truth the creator of the Sir Boger de Coverley and the Will Honeycomb with whom we are all famiUar." This is a very misleading account of the matter. It implies that the characters in the Spectator were mere casual conceptions of Steele's ; that Addison knew nothing about them till he saw Steele's rough draft; and that he, and he alone, is the creator of the finished character of Sir Roger de Coverley. But, as a matter of fact, the character of Sir Roger is full of contradictions and inconsistencies ; and the want of unity which it presents is easily explained by the fact that it is the rx.] HIS GENIUS. 175 work of four different hands. Sixteen papers on the subject were contributed by Addison, seven by Steele, three by Budgell, and one by Tickell. Had Sir Eoger been, as Macaulay seems to suggest, merely the stray phantom of Steele's imagination, it is very unlikely that so many different painters should have busied themselves with his portrait. But he was from the first intended to be a tij^pe of a country gentleman, just as much as Don Quixote was an imaginative representation of many Spanish gentlemen whose brains had been turned by the reading of romances. In both cases the type of character was so common and so truly conceived as to lend itself easily to the treatment of writers who approached it with various conceptions and very unequal degrees of skill. Any critic, therefore, who regards Sir Eoger de Coverley as the abstract conception of a single mind is certain to misconceive the character. This error lies at the root of Johnson's description of the knight : — " Of the characters," says he, " feigned or exhibited in the Spectator, the favourite of Addison was Sir Eoger de Coverley, of whom he had formed a very delicate and discriminated idea, which he would not suffer to be violated ', and therefore when Steele had shown him innocently picking up a girl in the Temple and taking her to a tavern, he drew upon him- self so much of his friend's indignation that he was forced to appease him by a promise of forbearing Sir Eoger for the time to come. ... It may be doubted whether Addison ever fiUed up his original delineation. He de- scribes his knight as having his imagination somewhat warped ; but of this perversion he has made very little use. The irregularities in Sir Eoger's conduct seem not so much the effects of a mind deviating from the beaten track of life by the perpetual pressure of some overwhelming idea, as of habitual rusticity and that negligence which solitary grandeur naturally generates. The variable weather of the mind, the 176 ADDISON. [cH\r. flying vapours of incipient madness, which from time to time cloud reason without eclipsing it, it requires so much nicety to exhibit, that Addison seems to have been deterred from prosecuting his own design." But Addison never had any design of the kind. Steele indeed describes Sir Roger in the second number of the Spedaior as " a gentleman that is very singular in his behaviour," but he added that " his singularities proceed from his good sense, and are contradictions to the manners of the world, only, as he thinks, the world is in the "WTong." Addison regarded the knight from a different point of view. "My friend Sir Roger," he says, " amidst all liis good qualities is something of a humourist; his virtues as well as imperfections are, as it were, tinged by a certain extravagance which makes them particularly his, and distinguishes them from those of other men. This cast of mind, as it is generally very innocent in itself, so it renders his conversation highly agreeable and more delightful than the same degree of sense and virtue would appear in their common and ordinary colours." The fact is, as I have already said, that it had evi- dently been predetermined by the designers of the S])ectator that the Club should consist of certain recog- nised and familiar types ; the different -smters in turns worked on these types, each for his owm purpose and according to the bent of his own genius. Steele gave the first sketch of Sir Roger in a few rough but \'igorou3 strokes, which were afterwards greatly refined and altered by Addison. In Steele's hands the knight appears indeed as a country squire, but he has also a town-house in Soho Square, then the most fashionable part of London. IX.] HIS GENIUS. 177 He had apparently been originally "a fine gentleman," and only acquired his old-fashioned rusticity of manners in consequence of a disappointment in love. All his oddities date from this adventure, though his heart has outlived the effects of it. " There is," we are told, "such a mirthful cast in his behaviour that he is rather beloved than esteemed." kSteele's imagination had evidently been chiefly caught by the humour of Sir Roger's love affair, which is made to reflect the romantic cast of poetry affected after the Restoration, and forms the subject of two papers in the series ; in two others — re- cording respectively the knight's kindness to his servants, and his remarks on the portraits of his ancestors — the writer takes up the idea of Addison ; while another gives an account of a dispute between Sir Roger and Sir Andrew Freeport on the merits of the monied interest. Addison, on the other hand, had formed a far finer conception of the character of the country gentleman, and one that approaches the portrait of Don Quixote. As a humourist he perceived the incongruous position in modern society of one nourished in the beliefs, principles, and traditions of the old feudal world ; and hence, whenever the knight is brought into contact with modern ideas, he invests his observations, as the Spectator says, with " a certain extravagance " which constitutes their charm. Such are the papers describing his behaviour at church, his in- clination to believe in witchcraft, and his Tory principles : such, in another vein, are his criticisms in the theatre ; his opinions of Spring Gardens ; and his delightful reflections on the tombs in Westminster Abbey. But Addison was also fully alive to the beauty and nobility of the feudal idea, which he brings out with great N 178 ADDISON. [chap. animation in the various papers describing the patriarchal relations existing between Sir Eoger and his servants, retainers, and tenants, closing the series with the truly pathetic account of the knight's death. It is to be observed that he drops altogether Steele's idea of Sir Roger having once been a man of fashion, Avhich is indeed discarded by Steele himself when co-operating ■\vith his friend on the picture of country life. Addison also quite disregards Steele's original hint about "the humble desires " of his hero ; and he only once makes incidental mention of the widow. Budgell contributed three papers on the subject, two in imitation of Addison; one describing a fox-hunt, and the other giving Sir Roger's opinion on beards ; the third, in imitation of Steele, sho^ving Sir Roger's state of mind on hearing of the addresses of Sir David Dundrum to the widow. The number of the Spectator which is said to have so greatly displeased Addison was written, not, as Johnson says, by Steele, but by Tickell. It goes far to confirm my supposition that the characters of the Club had been agreed upon beforehand. The trait which Tickell describes would have been natural enough in an ordinary country gentleman, though it was incon- sistent with the fine development of Sir Roger's character in the hands of Addison. In his capacity of critic Addison has been variously judged, and, it may be added, generally unden'alued. We find that Johnson's contemporaries were reluctant to allow him the name of critic. " His criticism," Johnson explains, "is condemned as tentative or experimental rather than scientific ; and he is considered as deciding by taste rather than by principles." But if Aristotle is IX,] HIS GENIUS. 179 right in saying that the virtuous man is the standard of virtue, the man of sound instincts and perceptions ought certainly to be accepted as a standard in the more debatable region of taste. There can, at any rate, be no doubt that Addison's artistic judgments founded on instinct were frequently much nearer the mark than Johnson's, though these were based on principle. Again Macaulay says : " The least valuable of Addison's con- tributions to the Spectator are, in the judgment of our age, his critical papers;" but he adds patronisingly : " The very worst of them is creditable to him when the character of the school in which he had been trained is fairly considered. The best of them were much too good for his readers. In truth, he was not so far behind our generation as he was before his own." By *' the school in which he had been trained," Macaulay doubtless meant the critical traditions established by Boileau and Bouhom^s, and he would have justified the disparage- ment implied in his reference to them by pointing to the pedantic intolerance and narrowness of view which these traditions encouraged. But in all matters of this kind there is loss and gain. If Addison's generation was much more insensible than our own to a large portion of imaginative truth, it had a far keener perception of the laws and limits of expression; and, granted that Voltaire was wrong in regarding Shake- speare as an " inspired barbarian," he would never have made the mistake which critics now make every day of mistaking nonsense for poetry But it may well be questioned if Addison's criticism is only "tentative and experimental." The end of criticism is surely to produce a habit of reasoning 180 ADDISON. [cHAr. rightly on matters of taste and imagination ; and, with the exception of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, no English critic has accomplished more in this direction than Addison. Before his time Dryden had scattered over a number of prefaces various critical remarks admirably felicitous in thought and racy in expression. But he had made no attempt to write upon the subject syste- matically ; and in practice he gave himself up without an effort to satisfy the tastes which a corrupt Court had formed, partly on the " false wit " of Cowley's following, partly on the extravagance and conceit of the French school of Romance. Addison, on the other hand, set himself to correct this depraved fashion by establishing in England, on a larger and more liberal basis, the stan- dards of good breeding and common sense which Boileau had already popularised in France. Nothing can be more just and discriminating than his papers on the difference between true and false wit.^ He was the first to endeavour to define the limits of art and taste in his essays on the Pleasures of the Imagination; - and, though his theory on the subject is obviously superficial, it suffi- ciently proves that his method of reasoning on questions of taste was much more than " tentative and experi- mental." " I could w^ish," he says, " there were authors who, beside the mechanical rides, which a man of very little taste may discourse upon, would enter into the very spirit and soul of fine wTiting, and show us the several sources of that pleasure which rises in the mind on the perusal of a noble work." His studies of the French drama prevented him from appreciating the great Eliza- ^ Spectator, Nos. 58-63, inclusive. 2 Ibid., Nos. 411-421. inclusive. IX.] HIS GENIUS. 181 bethan school of tragedy, yet many stray remarks in the Spectator sliow how deeply he was impressed by the greatness of Shakespeare's genius, while his criticisms on Tragedy did much to banish the tumid extravagance of the romantic style. His papers on Milton achieved the triumph of making a practically unknown jDoem one of the most popular classics in the language, and he was more than half a century before his age in his appre- ciation of the beauties of the English ballads. In fact, finding English taste in hopeless confusion, he left it in admirable order ; and to those who are inclined to depreciate his powers as a critic the following observa- tions of Johnson — not a very favourable judge — may be commended : — "It is not uncommon for those who have grown wise by the labour of others to add a little of their own, and overlook their masters. Addison is now despised by some who perhaps would never have seen his defects but by the light he afforded them. That he always wrote as he would write now cannot be affirmed ; his instructions were such as the characters ul' his readers made proper. That general knowledge, which now circulates in common talk, was in his time rarely to ])e found. Men not professing learning were not ashamed of ignorance ; and in the female world any acquaintance with books was distinguished only to be censured. His purpose was to infuse literary curiosity 1iy gentle and unsuspecte■' ■ MAR i '•■'■'• j^yi / BECC1R.0CT 16 77 •/ JAN 13 1989 1 KM »8IKJArn4l988 ^WU| > dtp- Pa/- ?s ^68 1 -I5'i 21-100//-. LD2lA-60m-6,'69 (J9096sl0)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CaQt.2ME2flfl *•« * . M : X- ^•'f<#■ a*,^. - >4>> / I / 104 ■i. r • \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ■Qi^'v:-'-;-- ■SifKig *.*.va ::i\ ■ii?*fl