CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS FORMED BY The Rev, ARTHUR C. HEADLAM, D.D. or WHOULTOX HALL, liAUXAPxD CASTLE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, PA' MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODOE Auctioneers of ^itn-nrn |lropertn x't Morks illustnittlTr of tljr jFtnc Arto. AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, AV.C. On MONDAY, the 8th of MAY, 1916, and Two following Days AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PllIOll. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. Dryden Press : J. Davy & .Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2$. 6(7., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10^. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased will be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. Vl. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SoTHEiiY, Wilkinson & Hodge will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. \'1I. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, a7id if any loss is sustained in the re selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid /or, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale may have their Commissions htithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. Telef/raphic Address : " Abinitio, Rand, London." Telephone: ^S52 Gerrard. In sending Commissions please refer to this Catalogue as " GETA." Commissions cannot under any circumstances be accepted by Telephone. 0^01/ Ht PEEFACE. THE Collection of Coins now offered for sale was made with the purpose of illustrating the development of Greek life, whether political, social or artistic. With that aim in view the Collection was not confined to coins of artistic beauty and rarity, but included series such as the copper coins of Sicily, often historically of great im- portance, and an attempt was made to arrange them on a system somewhat different from that usually adopted — a system which has been followed in this Catalogue. The traditional method of describing Greek coins according to geographical divisions, many of which did not come into existence till long after the coins themselves — a method which goes back to Eckhel's great work — has certain advantages of simplicity and custom, but is not founded on any scientific principle and does not exhibit the growth and development of the coinage. It groups together coins which have little relation to one another and separates those which are closely connected. A less artificial arrangement will be more difficult to work out, it must necessarily have many imperfections, it can never be entirely symmetrical, but it will greatly increase the historical value and interest of a collection or a catalogue. Such an arrangement would start with the electrum coinage of Asia, and would trace the progress of coinage across the ^Egean to the mainland of Greece, where the tortoises of ^gina would head the series. It would pass north to Macedonia and Thrace, west to Sicily and Magna Gnecia, south to Cyrene. Later would come the new departure under Alexander and the Diadovhi, and later still the coins struck under lioman influence. In this Catalogue only the beginnings of such an arrangement are attempted, but its advantages may be illustrated from the coinage of zrzr^ t^c-^f^^ ( iv ) Sicily, where the arrangement is based on Holm's " Geschichte Siciliens." For example, there is much utility in exhibiting together the coinage struck by Gelon in the three allied cities of Syracuse, Gela, and Leontini ; in showing the gradual development of Sicilian art through the transition period ; in grouping the coins of all the Sicilian cities (often the work of the same artists) during the brilliant period at the close of the fifth century, or the interesting bronze series with the free horse recording the expeditions of Timoleoii, and then at the end the debased coinage struck under the Eomans. It had been hoped that at any rate this section of the collection migh£ be kept together to form the nucleus of a more complete collection based on the same principles. So in the case of Magna Grascia it is of great advantage that the very singular early coinage which has been connected with the Pythagorean League should be exhibited together. Then comes, as in Sicily, the growth of artistic power, and the beautiful coinage of the period of finest art ; and then the development of the coinage of the semi-barbarous Italian cities leading to that of republican Eome. Eome appears to the numismatist as a half barbarous Italian city gradually acquiring civilisation under Greek influence. The collection was not complete enough to allow the same system to be worked out elsewhere, but there is a considerable advantage in having the early electrum and gold coinages grouped together as in IJr. Percy Gardner's interesting paper ; and the coinage of the Macedonian kings and the Diadochi forms a class by itself, as do the barbarous imitations. In a larger collection the same principles might be worked out more fully in a very interesting manner. It is hoped that the change thus made in arrangement will add to the interest both of the collection and the catalogue. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Tlie names uf Provinces, Districts^, etc., are in capital letters ; Mints in ordinary tjpe ; Dynasts in italics. The tigures refer to the numbers of the lots. Ahacaenum, 125 Acanthus, 404 AcAKNANiA, 37(5-378, 392 Acragas, 9-11, 44, 45, 90-101. 119-12^ 129, 154, 167, 169, 178 Aegina, 349-356 Aenus, 406-408 Aeolis, 332 Aetna, 153, 179 Aetolia, 390 Aiiathodes, 156-164 Agyrium, 132 Alexander I Bala (Syr.), 444 Alexander II Zebiiia (Syr.), 449 Ale.mnder III (Maced.), 416-41S, 469 Ambiani, 463, 464 Amyntas (Gal.), 428 Anactorium, 377, 378 Anaxilas, 41-43 Antigonud Gonafa-v, 421 Anliochm I, 433 Autiochus II, 433 Autiochus Hierax, 435 Antiorhm III, 437 Auliochu.^ IV, 439 AntiocliUff V, 440 Antiochus VI, 447 Antiochii!^ VII, 448 AntiodiKs VIII, 450-452 ApoUonia Pontica, 413 Apulia, 273 Arcadia, 381, 382 Arcadian League, 381 Argos, 379 Arpi, 273 Aspendus, 340 Athens, 357-364 Audoleou, 425 Bactria, 429 BiTHYNIA, 334 BoEOTiA, 389 Boii, 468 British, Early, 454-460, 467 Bruttii, The, 275-277 Bruttium, 186-189, 192, 202-205, 207, 216-218, 224-229, 260-267, 273, 275- 277 Calabria, 200, 201, 219-223, 279 Calchedon, 334 Cales, 273 Calynina, 342 Camarina, 81, 116, 131 Campania, 214, 215, 258, 259, 273, 274, 278, 279 Capua, 278, 279 Caria, 339, 342 Carnutes, 466 Carthage, 183-185 Catana, 65-67. 117, 132, 178 Caulonia, 192, 207 Celenderis, 343 Celtic cinns, 454-471 Centuripae, 153, 179 Cephaloedium, 178 Chalcis, 389 Cilica, 343-346 Clazomenae, 329, 330 Cleopatra Thea, 450 Cnidus, 339 Cnossus, 388 Corcyra, 393 Corinth, 365-375 Corone, 382 Cossura, 185 Crete, 385-388 Croton, 186-189, 202-205, 224-229 Croton and Zancle, 205 Cumae, 214, 215 Cunohelinus, 458 Cyme, 332 Cyrene, 383, 384 Cyzicus, 297, 333 Danubian district, 469-470 Demttrhis Polioixetes (Mac), 419, 420 Demetrius I (Syr.), 441-443 Demetrius II (Syr.), 445, 446 Dion, 133-142 Dionysos, 113-115 Dyrrhachiuni, 393 Egypt, 430 Eioii, 404 Elis, 380 Elyrus, 388 Emia, 155 Ephesus, 328 Eretria, 389 Eryx, 47 Etrcria, 268-270 EuBOEA, 389 Euthydcmuti ( Badr. ), 429 Galatia, 428 Gaulish, 461-467 Gela, 28-36, 56-64, 130, 155 Gelon, 12-24, 28-37 Graxa, 279 Hadranuni, 153 Heracleia (Lucan. )> '-^71, 272 Heraeus, 382 Hicetas, 166 Hieron and Thrasylndus, 25-27 Hieron II, 172-175 Himera, 4, 5, 46, 83-84, 132 Histiaea, 389 Hybla Magna, 179 Illykia, 393 Ionia, 280-291, 317-326, 328-331 Itanus, 387 Laconia, 382 Lamia, 402 Lampsacus, 296 Larissa, 394-401, 470 Laus, 208 Leontini, 37-40, 68-73, 178 Lesbos, 298-316, 335-337 Lete, 404 Leucas, 376 Locri Epizephyrii, 273 Locri Opuntii, 391 LocRis, 391 LucANiA, 190, 191, 193-199, 206, 208- 213, 230-257, 271, 272, 279 LYCia, 338 Lydia, 292-294, 327 Lysimachus, 426, 427 Lyttus, 385, 386 Macedon, 404, 405, 414-423 Macedon, Kings of, 414-423 Mameitini, The, 167 Maroneia, 409 Massilia, 471, 345 Megalopolis, 381 Melita, 185 Messana, 41-43, 74-80, 121-124, 131, 155 Metapontuni, 195-198, 210, 211, 230-244 Miletus, 328 Morini, 467 Motya, 126, 132 Mysia, 296, 297, 333 Mytilene, 298-316, 336, 337 Nagidus, 346 Naxos(Sieil.), 1, 88, 89, 118 Neapolis (Camp.), 258, 259 Neapolis (Maced.), 405 Nervii, 465 Paeonia, 424, 425 Paestum, 279 Pamphylia, 340 Parium, 333 Patraus, 424 Persia, 295 Phamahazus, 344 Pharsalus, 402 Phintias, 167 Philip II (Maced.), 414, 415, 469 Philip V (Maced.), ^22 Philip Philadelphus (Syr.), 453 Phocaea, 290, 291, 317-326 Pjiocis, 390 Phoenicia, 347, 348 Pictones, 461 PisiDiA, 343 Populonia, 268-270 Poseidonia, 190, 191, 206, 209 Psophis, 381 Piolemy I [Egypt), 430 I'yrrkm 165-168 Rhegium, 216-218, 260 Rhodus, 341 Romano Campanian, 273 Samos, 331 Segesta, 102 Seleucidae, 431-453 Sehucus /, 431, 432 Sehiicn.^ II, 434 SelencHs III, 436 Selencm IV, 438 Se/eucKS VI, 452 Selge, 343 Selinus, 7, 8, 85-87 Sicily, 1-185 Siculo-Punic, 180-182 Sieyon, 379 Sinope, 334 Suessa Aurunea, 274 Sybaris. 193, 194, 209 Syracuse, 6, 12-27, 48-55, 103-115, 127, 128, 133-152, 156-166, 168, 172-177, 179 Syria, Kings of, 431-453 Taientuni, 2(X>, 201, 219-223 Tarsus, 344-346 Tauromeniuni, 170, 171 Terina, 261-267 Thasos, 410-413 Thebes, 389 Thermae Himerenses, 132 Theron, 44-47 Thessaly, 394-403 Thessalian Confederacy, 403 Thrace, 406-413 Thracian Kings, 426, 427 Thurium, 250-257 Timoleon, 144-152 Treviri, 462 Tyndaris, 178 Tyre, 347, 348 Velia, 199, 212, 213, 245-249 Verica, 459, 460 Zancle, 2, 3 Zanele and Crotoii, 205 Zeugitana, 183-185 CATALOGUE CO LLECTION OF GREEK COI NS /X liOLD, ELECTRILV, SILVER AXD COFFEE FORMED BY THE REV. AF.THUB C. HEADLAM. P. ]). of Whoiiton Hall, Barnard Castle. FIRST DAY'S SALE ^ {A COINAGE OF SICILY. The coins are arranyed mainlij acnjrdiny to their chronological mj_ncnce. il). PERIOD OF ARCHAIC ART, c. 550-485 r,.c. LOT 1 Naxos. M Drachm, of earliest type, vt. 82-5 grs., Head of Dionysos to left, with pointed beard, and wearing ivy-wreath ; a dotted border within double linear circle ; ^ NAXION, Bunch of grapes with tendrils and leases {B. M. Cat. 2), fine and cerij rare ; from the Benson sale, lot 242. Also M Obol, ivt. 7*8 grs., of similar type, but with border of dots only {B. M. Cat. 5), rare [Pl. I] ' 2 Zancle. JR Drachm, wt. S5-2 grs., DANK, Sickle-shaped harbour of Zancle, with four equidistant projections, within it a dolphin to left; ^ Incuse square of peculiar pattern, containing scallop in centre (B. JJ. Cat. 1), veri/ fine and very rare: from a sale at Munich, May, 1907, lot 2253 [PI. I] 1 r x? S' First Dan d /cf' 10 &, Zancle. M Drachm, xvt. 85"7 gr?., DANK, Sickle-shai-ed harlwur, but without the projections, within it a dolphin to left, l)oi(ler of (lots : ^ Incuse square, as on last coin (/?. M. ('at. 3), fine 1 Himena. M Drachm, rrt. 85'6 grs., Cock .staiiding to left, circle of large beads, around ; \i Shallow incuse of mill-sail pattern with ^5?^ eight divisions, four of which are in relief {B. 31. Cat. l). Another, u-t. 87 grs., Cock standing to right, within eiicle of large beads ; J,i as on last coin, very fine. JR Obol, ivt. 13"8 grs.. Cock to right . {B.M. Cat. 10) 3 Himera. M Drachm, irt. 89 "o grs.. Cock standing to left, border /^a^^ of dots; ]^ .Shallow incuse si|uare with ornamental border, within which a hen standing to light {B. M. Cat. 15). Anothei-. irt. 89*4 grs., similar type, but cock standing to right {B.M. Cat. 14). A third specimen, vt. 87 "5 grs., as last, but of different design and workmanship, all three good coins 3 Sypacuse. JR Tetkadrachm of the C4eomori oligarchy, u-t. 259 grs.^ 5VRA?0 ^lON, Quadriga to right driven by beardless chario- teer, holding reins in both hands, horses in slow action ; 1^ Incuse square divided into four parts, in the centre a circular sinking with aichaic head of nymph or goddess to left {B. M. Cat. 2), a very rare coin in very good state of x>reservation [PI. I] 1 Selinus. M Djdrachm, ict. 136 grs., Leaf of wild jiarsley, a pellet on either side of stem : IJ Incuse square of eight divisions, the alternate ones deeper {rf. B.M. Cat. 10 and rev. <>/ no. •"), fmnt a sale in Vienna, January, 1912, lot 87. Another, vt. 115 grs., Leaf of wild parsley ; ^i Incuse square regularly divided into eight triangular divisions by diagonal bands, an uncommnn variety, jh,nf the Bunhnry collection, the first very fine 2 Selinus. A\ Didrachm, wt. 125 grs., Leaf of wild parsley, a iiellefc on either side of stem (mark of value) : |i Incuse square irregularly divided into twelve divisions, the alternate ones deeper {B. M. Cat. 10). Another, wt. 134"7 grs., Leaf of wild parsley finely veined, a pellet on either side of central lol)e above ; li Incuse .scpiare of ten divisions {B. M. Cat. 1 1 ), hath coins very fine 2 Acragas. JR Didrachm, vt. 130 grs., AKRAC i ZOTI/IA, Eagle standing to left on ornamental base ; J^ Crab (struck on a plain level field), {B. M. Cat. 3), a very fine coin [PI. I] 1 Acragas. M Didrachm, wt. 133"5 grs., similar type to coin in / last lot {B.M. Cat. 3). Another, vt. 133-5 grs., AKRAC | "^ ANTOZ ; ^ Large crab filling the whole field irf. B. M. Cat. 3), bi'th interesting varieties in very gi.od state 2: ^^^^ 7 First Bay 11 Acpagas. A\ Didkachm, wt. 130 ^?>-., AKRA (left) CANT.. (right), Eagle standing to left with clu.sed wings; 1,{ Circular incuse, within which a crab {H. M. Cat. 5), very fine and an uncomnion variefy [PI. I] 1 J^ Z^ /o a-a ^ 13 14 (//). PERIOD OF THE TYRANTS, c. 485-465 li.c. 12 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 li.c., A\ Tetradkachm, irt. 262'8 grs., Quadriga to right driven by male charioteer, above, Nike with spread wings about to crown the horses ; ^J ZV-RA?- OZI ON, Linear circle enclosing head of goddess to right, wearing plain diadem, hair indicated by parallel rows of dots ; around, four dolphins {B. M. Cat. 4 ; Du Chastel, 4), sligld defect under chin, othervise fine, very rare ; from the Sandeman sale, 1911, lot 49 [PI. I] 1 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Didrachm, ict. 128 grs., Naked horseman to right, leading a second horse; ^ ZV-RA9~OZI-ON, Linear circle enclosing head of goddess to right, as on last coin ; around, four dolphins {B. M. Cat. 5), fine and rare [PI. I] 1 Syracuse. Tyraiuiy of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Tetradrachm, y^-^cc^t-t^^f^ wt. 253'5 grs., Slow quadriga to right, horses crowned by Nike; ^ ZVRAKO ZION, Head of goddess to right, plain broad diadem around head, hair indicated by dots and falling to a point at back of neck ; around, four dolphins {Du Chastel, 5), fine and a very uncommon variety ; from the Benson sale 1 /7 15 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Tetradrachm, UPayi/ly ^'^t. 260'5 grs., similar type to coin in last lot ; hair of goddess represented by parallel lines of dots, falling at back of neck, the ends tied together in a small bunch {Du Chastel, 5), of fine style and an uncommon variety [PI. I] 1 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs., Slow (juadriga to right, horses crowned by Nike ; \^ ZVRAKOZrON, Head of goddess to right, hair indicated by parallel lines of dots, looped up behind beneath a beaded diadem; around, four dolphins {Du Chastel, 11), fine and rare; from the Bunbury and (yUagan sales [PI. I] 1 /^ /- 17 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., ^l Tetradrachm, wt. 265'3 grs., similar type to coin in lot. liut inscription ZVR-AK OZ I ON and varied design {cf. Du Chastel, 11), fine and rare 1 J B 2 ^ ^ / /. ^ First Day ^ /O ^\/^ J ^ / /o / /o / /o 18 Syracuse. Tyranny of (lelon, v. 485-478, ]'..c., M Tetradrachm, | wt. 269 6">'-, 'Slow (|ua(lriga to I'ight, horses crowned by Nike ; [ \% ZVRAKOZIO-N, Head of goddess to light, hair indicated by dots above forehead, and wavy lines behind, falling at back of neck and bound with diadem of beads ; around, four dolphins {Du Chastel, 6). Another, with ^ Small head of goddess to right, hair in dots over forehead, and wavy lines behind, the ends tied together in a small bunch under diadem {cf. ])u ChasfcJ, 12^), both very good coins 2 19 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 i;.c., ^v Tetradrach.m, wt. 267"2 grs., Quadriga to right, horses advancing slowly, Nike above about to crown them; ji ZVBAKO XION, Head of goddess to right, hair in wavy lines, turned up behind under diadem of large beads {Du Chastel, 16), a eery fine example [PI. I] ' ' 1 20 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., A\ Tetraduachai, vt. 266-9 grs.. Victorious quadriga to right ; ^ XYRAK OZI O N, Head of goddess to right, hair indicated by parallel waved lines, except over forehead, where it is shown by straight lines, at back it is turned up beneath the beaded diadem {cf. Da ('haiifcl, 16), eery fine [PI. I] I 21 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 267" 7 grs., types similar to preceding coins, hair wavy, the ends in a bunch behind turned up under beaded diadem {Du Chastel, 19). Another, ict. 267'7 grs., of similar type to coin in lot 19, but larger head {cf. Du diastel, 16), the second coin very fine 2 22 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., A\ Didrachm, wt. 1 30 grs., Hovseman to right leading a second horse; ^ ZVR AKO- ZION, Head of goddess to right, hair in wavy lines gathered uj) behind under beaded diadem ; around, foui- dolphins {B.lSl. ('at. 46). M Drachm, ivt. 64'8 grs., Horseman to right ; IJ similar head of goddess to right, wearing beaded diadem {B.M. Cat. 47), both fine and very rare ; the first from the Bunbury collection, later O'Hagan 2 j !23 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., Al Didrachm, wt. \ 117 gr^., a variety of coin in last lot, ZVRA KOZ ION, hair j ■ indicated by dots instead of wavy lines {B.M. Cat. 20), very rare. , Al Drachm, ivt. Qi'Sgrs., Horseman to right ; yi Head of goddess j to right, hair wavy turned up behind under diadem {B. 31. Cat. 47), I the second coin fine ; from the Philipsen collection, 1906 2 ' ayryly /j^cytyi^ /^of>^ 7^ First Day /f^^\ '* <3^ 26 (Pa^^t^^ / CK.^C.^C<.0~cyz^ (^ t/ ccyCtf ^^i^^yO-c-^ul 29 Syracuse. Tyranny of Gelon, r. 4,^5-478 i;.c., M LiTRA, wt. 11 "2 grs., ZVBA, Head of goddess to right, wearing beaded diadem; il Cuttle-fish {B.M. Cat. 49); and other varieties (3), irt)t. ire, W?, andWI grs. ; from, the Strozzi, Fhilipsen and other collections. Al Obol, trt. 11*2 grs., similar head ; ^ "Wheel of four spokes {B. M. Cat. 55). M Pentonkion, wt. 2 '8 grs., similar head ; ^ :•: {Hist. Num. p. 172), very rare; also^OBOL, wt. 9'2 grs., of the Demareteion type commemoi-ating the victory at Himera, c. 480-479 B.C., Head of goddess to right ; 1^ ZV I RA in angles of wheel of four spokes (B. 31. Cat. 62), a7i interesting lot of fine little coins 7 Syracuse. Reigns of Hieron and Thrasybulus, c. 478-466 B.C., M Tetradrachm, ivt. 266 grs., Slow quadriga to right, above Nike tlyingand crowning horses, in exergue pistrix to right ; ^. ZVRA- KOZIO-I/I, Head of goddess to right, hair indicated by wavy lines, looped up behind under beaded diadem ; around, four dolphins {Du Chastel, 21), fine [PI. I] 1 Syracuse. Reigns of Hieron and Thrasybulus, c. 478-466 B.C., ^ Tetradrachm, ivt. 267 g7-s., Slow quadriga, etc., as on last coin ; li ZVRAKOZ-IO-N, Head of goddess to right, hair waved and rolled up at back in separate coils beneath diadem ; around, four dolphins (Du Chastel, 29^), fine and rare 1 Syracuse. Reigns of Hieron and Thrasybulus, c. 478-466 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 262'6 grs.. Victorious quadriga and pistrix; 1^ SVRAKOZI-O-N, Head of goddess to right, hair over fore- head rolled, at the back in separate coils over which passes a narrow cord tied at top of head ; necklace with pendant ; around, four doljihins {Dii Chastel, 34), fine and rare ; from a Distinguished Artist's, London, 1899, and Philipsen's collections. Ai Litra, iff. 11 grs., Head of goddess to right ; 1^ ZVRA, Cuttle-fish {B. 3J. Cat. 48). JR Obol, ivt. 10 grn?., similar head ; ^ Wheel of four spokes ; and a variety, wt. lO'S grs., with small supporting spokes distinctly shown, all three last coins vei'y fine : from the Strozzi sale " 4 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, r. 485-478 B.C., ^v Tetradrachm, I't. 264 grs., Quadriga to right, horses advancing slowly and crowned by Nike flying above ; li CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right {B. M. Cat. 3), fine 1 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M TETRADRACHM, irt. 256'8 grs., types as on last coin {B. M. Cat. 3). Another, u't. '/ ^ X ^ r ^ /o ?^ First Dai/ .: ^^ X Lot 29 — continued. 268'7 grs., similar types but inscription CEAAZ above forepart of bull, which fills the field of the coin {B. M. Cat. 6), the .second coin fine '2 30 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Tetradkachm, tvt. 260"7 grs., Quadriga to right driven by bearded charioteei7r/o//V?f/ back ; ^ CEAA, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right {Holm III, 1)1. 1, 12), a very rare and interesting variety in fine state of i^reservation ; from Mnnich sale, Xor. 1907, lot 133 [PI. I]" 1 31 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 4S.5-478 B.C., M Tetradrachm, ivt. 257 '2 grs., 81ow quadriga to right driven 1iy youthful charioteei', horses crowned by Nike ; ii • • EA • • Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right; in front, a plant (^. J/. Cat. — ), an in- teresting and very rare variety: from Bhinich sale, Xnc 1907, lot 134 [PI. I] 1 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., M Didrachm, irt. 126'5 grs.. Bearded horseman helmeted holding spear aloft to right; ^ CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right (B.M. Cat. 17), very fine. Another, vf. \3Ab grs., of similar type, with inscription CEAAZ beloAv bull, very fine 2 Gela. Tyranjiy of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., ^Didrachm, irt. l2f<-8 grs., similar type to coins in last lot, with CEAA in front of bnlT.s head {B. M. Cat. 17), fine style and excellent state of preservation. M, LiTRA, wt. 12 grs., Horse walking to right with bridle hanging down, above wreath ; 1^ CEAA, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right {B. M. Cat. 28) : others (2), ivt. 7 grs., similaj-, of archaic style and inscription • • A30 : ^''^- ^'5 grs., of later fabric, with TEA above bull, all fine 4 34 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, r. 485-478 B.C., M LiTRA, vt.V2grs., ^ types of coins in last lot, CEin front of bull, A A above and ^ behind {B.M. Cat. 2%), extremely fine. Another, ^vt. 10'2 grs., ABO above, A behind and Z below bull, very fine. A third, nt. 15 grs., of hard style, lAA above bull, very fine. A\ Obol, vt. 5 grs.. Wheel of four spokes ; li Forepart of man-headtd Ijull swimming to right {cf. B. 31. Cat. 34/35), fine 4 35 Gela. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 B.C., JR Tetradkachm, irf. 267 '2 grs.. Slow quadriga to right crowned by Nike : \i CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right (r/! B. M. Cat. 3), very fine and an uncommon reverse variety; from the McClean collection, April, 1907 [PI. I] 1 y. 32 33 X. 2 Z First Day , /(7i 4 /^. (^/Uu^ ^ ^ 36 Gela. Reigns of Hieroii aiulThrasybulus. c. 478-466 B.C., ^Tetra- '^^^**i DRACHM, ivt. 267 gra., Slo\viiua(lii,;;a to left, beyond cliariot, meta, in exergue pistrix to left ; K CEVVX in front of forepait of man- headed bull swimming to right (//.J/. Cat. — ), a rery rare variety in fine state [PI. I] 1 37 Leontini. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 4S5-478 r,.c., Al Tetradrachm, ' wt. 269 grs., .Slow quadriga to right driven by male charioteer in long chiton, horses crowned by Nike ; IJ AEON Tl-N ON, Lion's head to right with open jaws and protruding tongue ; I around, four corn-grains {B.M. Cat. 7). Another, ivt. 269'5g'rs., types similar to last coin, lion's head unusually large and inscrip- j tion in minute characters, the second coin very fine and an uncommon 1 variety [PI. I] 2 3.^ Leontini. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-478 i;.c., JR Tetradrachm, wt. '265'7 grs.. Slow rjuadriga to right, horses crowned by Nike, in exergue [A]EONTINON ; ^ Lion's head with open jaws and protruding tongue to right; around, four corn-grains {B.M. Cat.i), fine and rare . 1 39 Leontini. Tyranny of Gelon, c. 485-47S b.c, M Didrachm, wt. 132 grs., Naked horseman to right holding whip and reins ; ^^ AEONTI NO (retrograde). Lion's head to rightwith open mouth ; around, four corn-grains {B. M. Cat. 12), very fine ; from the Warren sale, 1905, lot \0b [P\. \] 1 ^ 2 ^ ,^ J /Z :2 Z c^ 40 Leontini. Victory at Himera, h.c. 4.^0, Ai Tetradrachm, wt. y 16\'h grs.. Slow quadriga to right driven ])y a youthful male chai'ioteer ; Nike Hying to left crowning him ; in exergue, lion running to right; ^ AEO-NTIN O-N, Laureate head of Apollo to right, hair cut short over forehead and tightly braided around back of head ; around, three laurel-leaves ; beneath, lion running to right {B.M. Cat. 10), of very fine late archaic style and in fine state of preservation [PI. I] 1 /2>cytyC^ 41 Messana. Tyranny of Anaxilas, c. 493-476 B.C., ^31 Tetradrachm, wt. 265'S cjrs., Biga of mules {apene) to right, in exergue, oli^•e- leaf ; li ME88ENIOI/I, Hare running to right (c/".Z)'. J/ Ca^. 11). Another, wt. 264 grs., Biga of mules to right, Nike flying to right crowning mules; in exergue, olive-leaf; ^ MESSA-l/llOI/i, Hare running to right, beneath, a sprig of Howeriiig laurel {cf. B. M. Cat. 18), both fine, the second an uncommon variety : from the Benson sale 2 ^/. First Day 8 ^ 4:2 Messana. Tyranny of Anaxilas, c. 493-476 li.C, ^i Tetradrachm/ ivt. 26b'S grs., Biga of mules to right; in exergue, large oliven wreath; \i ME33EN-ION, Hare running to right {cf.B.M. (.'at. 12). Another, wt. 266'S grs., similar obverse type, mules crowned by Nike; ^ MES3AN-I ON, Hare running to light,' above D {B. M. Cat. — ), the first fine and the second a rare variety : from the McClean collection, April, 1907, lot 74 2 43 Messana. Tyranny of Anaxila.«, c. 493-476 B.C., ^ Tetradkachm, ivt. 267 grs., Yictoriou.s biga of mules to right; I^ MESSE NION, Hare running to light, above A (B. 31. Cat. 16), /vr// fine : from a Paris sale, June, 1906, lot 469 [Pl. II] 1 44 Acragas. Tyranny of Theron, c. 488-472 B.C., M DiDRACHM, irt. 137 grs., AKRA, Eagle standing to left, wings closed ; ^ Crab (B. M. Cat. 11). Another, ivt. 134 grs., of similar type, the crab beautifully modelled. A third, wt. 1352 grs., similar, but with inscription AKR above eagle, and ZAQA in front of eagle, all fine 3 45 AcPagas. Tyranny of Theron, c. 488-472 B.C., JR Didrachm, trt. 135"7 grs., types of last coins, AKPA above eagle standing to left, the crab finely modelled {cf B. M. Cat. 11). Others (3), u-t. 116 grs., similar, eagle very small, crab of fine design ; irt. 129 grs., AK above, RA beneath eagle {B.M. Cat. 17); irt. Vi-Tb grs.. Eagle to right, above AK, and below AJI ; 1^ Crab ; beneath CAZ {B. M. Cat. 34), all very fine, except third coin 4 46 Himera. Tyranny of Theron, c. 482-472 B.C., -31 Didrach.m, ict. 1347 ^/x, HIM ERA, Cock to left; ^ Crab, in circular incuse (B.M. Cat. 24), unusually fine and nncommon [Pl. I] 1 47 Eryx. Tyranny of Theron, c. 480-472 B.C., M Litra, ivt. 9*7 grs., ERVKI I NON, Eagle to left, wings closed ; R Crab {B.M. Cat. 2), fine and eery rare [PI. II] 1 (///). TRANSITIONAL PERIOD, r. 465 420 c-.c. 48 Sypacuse. First Democracy, r. 466-420 B.C., Al Tetradrachm, Slow quadriga to right, horses croAvned l)y Nike, A on front of chariot ; in exergue, pistrix to right ; {i ZVRAKOZI ON, Head of goddess to right, hair arranged in a sphendone, the long ends of which are wound three times round the head ; around, four dolphins (B. 31. Cat. 108), a rare coin, hut only veil preserved ; from the O'Hagan sale 1 /^ tiC^ oCo c^^ First Day / ^^L.// f^^w^ 49 50 51 ^tPcc-z^y 9 ?< Chastel, 37), fine and rare : from the Philipseii sale, 1006 [PI. II] 1 Syracuse. First Democracy, c. 466-420 B.C., A\ Tetradrachm, ivt. 263-5 grs., same oln'. type as last; \i ZVPAKOZI-O-N, Head of goddess to right, hair bound with i)lain broad diadem fastened with a cord, back hair turned up under diadem and pro- truding in bunch above ; four dolphins {Du Chastel, 38), fi'ne and rare; from the Philipsen sale [PI. II] 1 Syracuse. First Democracy, c. 466-420 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 266'3 grs.. Quadriga to left driven by male charioteer, crowned by Nike, horses galloping ; in exergue, pistrix ; |i ZVPA- KOZION, Head of goddess to right, hair dressed to crown of head in korymbos, close-fitting torque aiound the neck ; around, four dolphins (i>» Chastel, 46), of pleasing style, fine and a rare rariety [PI. II] 1 Syracuse. First Democracy, c. 466-420 B.C., Al Tetradrachji, iiH. 256-2 grs.. Slow .luadriga to right; \). ZVPAKOZI, Head of goddess to right, wearing embroidered sakkos drawn up at top of head, necklace with lion's head pendant ; around, four dolphins {Du Chastel, 57) ; from the Fhll/psen sale, 1906. Anothei-, ict. 259-5 grs., obv. as last ; 1^ ZVPAKOSI, Head of goddess to right, hair bound with a narrow diadem wound four times around head {Du Chastel, A^), fine 2 Syracuse. First Democracy, c. 466-420 B.C., M Tetradrachm, ivt. 262 grs., Quadriga to right, horses walking, above Nike crown- ing the horses ; in exergue, an olive-branch ; 1^ ZVPA ■ OZ • • N, Head of goddess to right with spiial .earring, the hair in pointed sakkos; around, four dolphins {published by Dr. IJead/arn, Num. Chron., 1908, p. 1, pi. i, 2), fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 '** The olive-branch symbol which occurs in the exergue here and at Grela may be coiuiected with the Congress of Gela in B.C. 424 {Hist. Nwn p. 17 1). /^ / r J-' ^ ¥^ J <^' ^ /2^/C' :2^i^ 3 J . ^ FiMDoy 10 55 5C Syracuse. First Democracy, r. 466-420 B.C., ^E Trias, 15 mill., | y^ . x. irt. 59 8 grs., ZVPA, Head of goddess to right, hair in korymbos : /J^yf^ around, dolphins : 1^ Cuttle-fish and three pellets {B. M. Cat. 126); ■A\n\ two other specimens, v^ts. 54 and 55 <7r,<;., fine 3 Gela, c. 467-420 fi.c, M Tetraprachm, u-t. 2^2 grs., Slow (luadriga to 1 iglit, behind horses, meta ; IJ, CEAAZ, Forepart of man- ^-'^^ headed bull swimming to right, beard turned up, foreleg bent, truncation of body shown by a row of beads and straight line (B. M. Cat. \\), fine and an uncommon rariety [PI. II] 1 r^. 57 Gela, c. 467-420 B.C., M, Tetradrachm, ivt. 262 grs., Slow (luadriga to right driven by Nike in long chiton, aboA-e olive-wreath ; 1^ . . EA . . . Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right, foreleg bent under him ; below, crane to right {obr. B. M. Cat. 46, rev. B. M. Cat. 54), of fine style, very rare : Jrom Munich sale, Xor. 1907, lot 153 [PI. II] 1 58 Gela, c. 467-420 b.c, Ai Tetradrachm, u-t. 25S'8 c/rs.. Slow quad- riga to riglit driven l>y aged charioteer, above olive- wreath : li y^,^^ CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right; beneath, goose to Mt(B. M. Cat. 44), fine and rare ; from Munich sale, Xor. 1907, /o^ 143 [PI. II] 1 59 Gela, c. 467-420 B.C., ^Tetradrachm, u-t. 2dS'o g)-s., types similar /7 to coin in last lot ; .';yml)ol, goose to left (B. M. Cat. 44), fine and i f^ctyZ^ Z 60 Gela, c. 467-420 B.C., M. Tetradrachm, vt. 265'2 grs.. Slow (juad- riga to left driven by Nike, above olive-wreath : ^ CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull of broad design : 1)etween legs, crane standing to )-ight (c/' B. M. Cat. 46), of good style and a rare rariety ; from Munich sale, Xov. 1907, lot 145 [PI. II] 1 61 Gela, c. 467-420 v..c., M Tetradrachm, wt. 266 grs.. Slow ,|uadriga to right driven by Nike, above olive-wreath ; \i Forepart of man- headed bull swimming to right ; in front, crane standing to right, a very rare variety of fine style, struck from a faurd die {cf. sale Distinguished Artist, 1899, fo# 38) [PI. II] 1 62 Gela, c 467-420 b.c!, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 260 grs., Slow (luadriga to right, horses crowned by Nike ; in exergue, device con.sisting of honey-suckle between two volutes: 1,1 CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right {cf H. M. Cat. 36), nj fine style and in very good state of preservation [PI. II] 1 11 First Da II ^3S' // m^/ 63 /. 64 7 cc/{.^>lyf.^irz.''y^ 9' 66 (/e/ ayiy^ 6K ^-.^..^69 Gela, r. 467-420 i;.c., A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 262"5 grs.. Slow vic- torious quadriga to right; Ji CEAAZ, Forepart of man headed bull swimming to right ; below, tunny-fish to right {vf. B. M. Cat. 41). Another, irt. 26r7 grs.. Slow (luadriga to left ; above, olive-wreath ; li CEAAZ, type of last coin ; beneath bull, goose to left {B. M. Cat. 45), both rare and in very good state 2 Gela, c. 467-420 b.c, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 267 '2 grs., Slow (juad- riga to right ; beyond horses, meta ; in exergue, ear of corn ; ^ CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right, fore- leg bent under him, truncation shown by row of beads {Num. Cliron. 1894, p/. VII, 3), very fine and a rare rariety \ from Dr. White-Alng's sale, 1909 [PI. II] 1 Catana, c. 466-420 b.c, M Obol, vt. 12-2 grs., Bearded head of Silenus to right, with pointed ear, border of dots ; 1^ KAT ANE, Winged thunderbolt {B. 3J. Cat. 8), fine and uncommon 1 Catana, r. 466-420 B.C., Ai Tetradrachm, wt. 258'3 grs., Slow quadriga to right driven by charioteer in long chiton ; li traces of inscription KATANAION, Head of Apollo to right laureate, hair turned up behind {r/. B. M. Cat. 17), in very good state and rare 1 Catana, c. 466-420 b.c, Al Tetradrachm, ivt. 267 '9 grs., (^)uad- riga to right, horses advancing slowly and crowned by Nike ; 1^ KATANAIO . . Head of Apollo to right laureate, hair lolled behind {<■/. B. M. Cat. 23), fine and rare [PI. Ill 1 Leontini, c. 466-422 b.c, Al Tetradrachm, h'^;. 2638 grs., Head of Apollo to right wearing laurel-wreath with thiee rows of leaves, hair indicated by irregular wavy lines, turned up behind, several locks falling down the cheek and neck; ti VEO NT I NO N, Lion's head with open jaws and protruding tongue to right; around, four corn-grains {B.M. Cat. 29), very fine ; from the Bvnbvrysale (1S96), lot 329 [PI. II] 1 Leontini, c. 466-422 b.c, A^, Tetradrachm, wt. 262*2 grs., types similar to coin in preceding lot ; lettering on rev. and type larger {B.M. Cat. 29), very fine, hut rev. not so well centred as last coin. 1 //^ f ¥- Leontini, c 466-422 B.C., A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 263 grs.. types • similar to last coin, but below chin of Apollo, scallop-shell ( //. J/. /cP ^^^ Cat. — ), fine and a very rare variety [PI. 1 1] 1 ,/ First Bay 12 A /o 71 7 /t 72 1/2! 74 2 / /^' ,X- 75 76 ^ /(? /f/6> Leontini, c. 466-422 b.c, M. Tetradrachm, wt. 262"2 grs.. Laureate [ ,^ head of Apollo to right, hair rolled at back of head, the tie of the \^^^%^ wreath showing ; p, V EON Tl N O N, Lion's head to right with open jaws and protruding tongue ; on three sides a corn-grain, at j back of head, a tripod-altar {B.M. Cat. 41), in very good state and a rare variety ; from the Von Wotoch and Benson collections [PI. II] 1 Leontini, c. 466-422 b.c, A\ Tetradmchm, ^ct. 259'6 grs., Laureate head of Apollo to left, hair rolled behind; IJ VEONTINON, Y^ Lion's head to right with open jaws and protruding tongue; around, three corn-grains, and below, lyre ou its side {B. M. Cat. 40), a very rare variety, in very good state : from the Prowe sale, 1904, loflOb [PI. Ill] 1 Leontini, c. 466-422 b.c, M Litra, v:t. 9-6 grs., VE ON, Lion's ^'^ ^^^^^ head to right ; IJ River-god, naked, to left, holding patera over altar, and in left laurel-branch; behind, corn-grain (B. 31. Cat. 45). Another, tvt. 9 "8 grs.. Laureate head of Apollo to right ; 1^ V EO N , Corn-grain {B. 31. Cat. 50), both very good and uncommon 2 Messana, c. 476-422 b.c, Al Tetradrachm, tct. 266'2 grs.,B\ga of y^ ■ mules to right, driven Itymale charioteer, mules crowned by Nike; ^^A^-c^- in exergue, olive-leaf; 1^ MEZZ-AI/1 lOl/l, Hare running to / right; beneath, spray of olive {B. 31. Cat. 18). Another, wt. 266 grs., of similar type, but diflerent workmanship {B. 31. Cat. 1 8), both in very good state of preservation 2 Messana, c. 476-422 b.c, M Tetradrachm, wt. 260"5 grs.. Vic- torious biga of mules to right ; in exergue, corn-grain ; li ^ MEZZA l/IIOI/i, Hare running to right; beneath, sprig of laurel (three leaves and two berries) {B. 31. Cat. — ), very fine and a very rare variety : from the O Hagan sale, lot 144 [PI. Ill] 1 Messana, c. 476-422 b.c, A\ Tetradrachm, tvt. 2638 grs., Biga of ! mules to right, driven by female charioteer (Messana), standing I ^ upright in the car ; above, Nike flying to right, holding pendant i fillet in her left hand and crowning the mules with the right ; in exergue, two dolphins meeting; ^ ME ZZ ANION, Hare running to right; beneath, dolphin to right {li. 31. Cat. 36), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 Messana, c. 476-422 r..c., M Tetradrachm, ivt. 266 grs., Biga of ^ mules to right ; ^ MEZ Z A N . . ON, Haie running to right ; beneath, fly to right {B. 31. Cat. 44), fiite and a rare variety; from the Warren sale, 1905 [PI. Ml] 1 13 6 79 80 fyayCoC.oo-t.^'T^ A- 81 ,\'e to right; beneath, laurel-leaf; IJ MEZ, in wreath {B. M. Cat. ■ — ), all interesting coins, chiefly from the Martinetti collection 5 Camai^ina, c. 461-420 b.c, M Litra, ivt. 10-7 grs., KAMA . . . N AION, Athena, helmeted, etc., standing to left ; \^ Nike, flying to left ; at her feet, swan to left ; within olive-wreath (B. M. Cat. 3). Another, n-t. 12 grs., KAMAPINAION, and similar tyY>GS, fine. A Third, ivt. 11*3 grs., IflAMAM, on obv , otherwise, similar to the last two coins ; all from the Strozzi sale 3 Himera, c. 472-420 b.c, ^i Tetradrachm, wt. 2623 grs., Quadriga to right, Nike crowning charioteer; in exergue, IMEPAI (indistinct) ; ^ Nymph standing to left, holds jiatera over conical altar; to right, a Seilen bending backwards in trough, and receiving on his chest a jet of water from the thermal springs of Himera ; above, corn-grain {B. M. Cat. 33), very rare and very well preserved : from the Martinetti sale. Home, 1907, les on stalk, with leaves and tendrils (/y. M. Cat. 14) ; from Vienna sale, Dec. 1906 ; irt. 1 1 grs., IX Al/I, Bunch of grapes in ivy-wreath {B. M. Cat. 13), all uucmnmon varieties 4 90 Acragas, e. 472-420 k.c, A\ Tetradrachm, ivt. 266-2 grs., AKRAC ZOTI/IA, Eagle with closed wings to left; t{ Craii (H. M. Cat. 38},, fine 1 Acragas, c. 472-420 j;.c., A\ Tetradrachm, irt. 26tc5 gr.'i., AKPAC 20TI/1A, Eagle with closed wings to left; Iji Crab (B. M. Cat. 38), an excellent example of this coin [PI. Ill] 1 AcPagas, r. 472-420 B.C., M TETRADRACHiM, irt. 267 4 grs., AKRAC ZOTI/IA, Eagle with closed wings to left; 1,{ Crab {B. M. Cat. 38), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 Acpagas, c. 472-420 B.C., M Tetradracmi, ?/Y. 268 grs., AKRAC ZOTI/IA, Eagle with closed wings to left ; ^ Crab ; above, .'. below, archaic female head to right {B. M. Cat. — ), of great rarity, rev. fine : from 3Iun ich sale. May 1 9 1 0, /o^ 37 [ PI . Ill] 1 Acpagas, c. 472-420 B.C., Al Tetradrachm, ivt. 263-8 grs., AKRAC ZOTI/lA, Eagle standing to left with closed wings; ^ Crab, unusually large {B. 31. Cat. 38), fim 1 Acpagas, c. 472-420 b.c, Al Tetradrachm, wt. 264-4 grs., AKRAC 20TI/1A, Eagle Avith closed wings to left ; ^o Crah (B. 31. Cat. 38), rery fine 1 96 Acragas, c. 472-420 B.C., Ai Tetradrachm, ivt. 257 grs., AKRAC ZOTNA, Eagle with closed wings standing to left on cajtital of Ionic column; |i Cral), beneath, spray in the shape of two volutes, one curled upwards, the other dowuAvards (B. 31. Cat. 46). Another, wt. 262 grs., with symbol on rev. Kose between two volutes {B.31. Cat. 42), both rare varieties, the former in very good state ; from 3[unich sale, xix, 1907, lot 106 2 ^ 97 Acragas, c. 472-420 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 266 grs., AKRAC 20TI/IA, Eagle with closed wings to left ; ^ Ciab : beneath, eagle standing to left (/?. 31. Cat. — ), fine and eery rare ; fnnn the Bhousopoulos collection [PI. Ill] 1 ^i-^ / ^^ J /o 2- /■ /3 ^x/ ■2/. S^ First Drill 16 / / 98 /// ^/^ ^ J ^ 100 101 ^ lOi /2 /^ 03 9' Acragas, c. 472-420 B.c.,^DiDKACHM,?r#. 129*8 g-rs., A KR A, Eagle, ^ to left ; 1^ Crab in circular incuse {B. M. Cat. 11), reryfine; from\^^f2yCa^i.*f~e>«- the Benson sale. Others (2), wf. I^Q-q grs., AK-RA, Eagle to right ; ^iCral) ; beneath, corn-grain (B. 31. Cat. 27) ; irf. 1315 grs., AKRA, Eagle to left; symbol on rev. Corinthian helmet without crest to left {B. 31. Cat. 31), the last tivo uncommon rar'ieties 3 Acragas, c 472-420 b.c, M. Didrachm, wt. 132 grs., type of second coin in last lot, with symbol corn-grain (B.3I. Cat. 27) : from the Benson sale, rev. very fine. Others (2), ^vt. 134 grx., AK | RA, Eagle to right ; U Crab, beneath which, CA Z and youthful male head to right {B. 31. Cat. 36), rery fine; vt. 131 "S grs., AKRA, Eagle to left ; ^ Crab of peculiar design in incuse circle, rev. very fine, all intei'esting varieties 3 Acragas, r. 472-420 B.C., M Drachm, ict. 647 grs., FEN, P]agle with closed wings standing to left on capital of Coi'inthian column; ^ AKRA, Crab {cf. B.3I. Cat. 47), fine and of great rarity [PI. Ill] 1 Acragas, c 472-420 b.c, A\ Litra, tct. 12 grs., AK ] Aa, Eagle with closed wings standing to left on Corinthian capital : \{ A I, Crab {B. 31. Cat. 50), very fine. Others (2), wt. 11 grs.. AKflA and rose beneath crab (B. 31. Cat. 48) : irt. 6 '4 grs., similar, nat fine; M Pentonkion, wt. 2'5 gr., AKRA, Eagle's head; [{ :•: (Holm, 66a), fine and very rare 4 Segesta. c 479-430 b.c., Ai Didrachm, irt. 1255 grs.. Hound to right; li ZAFEZTAll B, Head of nymph Segesta to right wearing necklace ; hair turned uji behind under broad diadem (cf. B. 31. Cat. 2). Another, irt. 128'8 grs.. Hound on the scent to right ; behind, three stalks of corn 1,1 ... ON, Head of nymph Segesta to right, the back hair rolled u]) over a narrow fillet {B. 31. Cat. — ), of unusually good style, fine and rare ; the second coin {illustrated) from the Benson sale, lot 179 [PI. Ill] 2 i^ ^ ^ {IV). PERIOD OF FINEST ART, c. 425-356 b.c. Sypacuse, c. 425-412 b.c, M Tetradrachm, hy Eucleidas (.'), tvt. 267"5 grs.. Fast quadriga to left ; over horses, Nike Hying to right: in exergue, dolphin to left ; 1,1 ZV .... Head of goddess to left, bound with sphendone, a number of .tresses loose and Hying lip- wards ; around, four dolphins (/);« Chastel, 94), very fine \ from Paris-sale, Dec. 1907, lot 350 [PI. IV] 1 ^ (yf . //' ^ 17 ? A /o c ayf-er quarters of a wheel of four spokes, in the lower quarters two dolphins (2?. il/. <'at. 237), all fine and uncommon 3 '^ /.:. cC ^■ ^^ 19 First Day iZ/t y- ^ ^ 116 Camapina, c. 420-405 b.c, M Litra, ivt. 10'2 grs., Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet to right; 1,1 KAM . . . Swan flying to left over waves {B. M. Cat. —). Anothei-, vt. 10'7 grs., of similar type. A Third, ivt. 12-5 grs., KAM A PIN A, Head of nymph Camarina to left, hair bound with sphendone ; ^ similar to last {B. M. Cat. 24), interesting types ; tivo from the ^Strozzi collection 3 117 Catana, c. 420-403 b.c, M Drachm, ivt. 62 grs., KATANAIXl in exergue ; fast quadriga to right, Nike flying to left crowning charioteer; p. [AMENAJNOZ, Head of river-god Amenanos to left, diademed and horned ; around, two river-fishes and cray-fish (cf. B. M. Cat. 38), attributed to Euainetos, a very rare variety, in fine state \ from the R. H. Smith Hobart collection, 1909, lot 16 [PI. IV] 1 11^ Naxos, c. 420-403 B.C., M Didrachm, ivt. 121 grs., NAEIXIN, Laureate head of Apollo to right ; behind, laurel sprig ; p, Silenos seated to front holding thyrsos and cantharos ; to left, vine ; to right, terminal figure {B.M. Cat. 22), a very rare coin but oxy- dized;from the Warren sale, 1905, lot 162 [PI. IV] 1 119 Acragas, c. 420-406 b.c, N, 20 grs.. Eagle with closed wings, standing on rocks, devouring serpent to left ; ^ Crab, beneath, 1 -7^^ ,/ ZIAA i 20I/I {B.M. Cat. l), very fine [Pl. IV] 120 Acpagas, c. 420-406 b.c, M Hemidrachm, wt. 29*2 gr?-^., Eagle standing to right on supine hare ; behind, corn-grain ; ^ Crab and pistrix {B. M. Cat. 63). Others (3), wt. 32 grs., similar to last; wt. 30'4 grs., obv. similar, but fish instead of pistrix on rev. (B. M. Cat. — ) ; ivt. 30'7 grs., as last, but obv. type to left, and AKRA on rev. {B.M. Cat. 65), three fine 4 121 Messana, c. 420-396 b.c, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 247'2 grs., Biga of mules to left, charioteer crowned by Nike ; in exergue, dolphins meeting; \^ MEZ . . . NION, Hare running to left; beneath youthful head of Pan to left {B.M. Cat. 51), a rare variety, but not fine ; from the Martinetti sale, 1907, lot 708 1 122 Messana, c. 420-396 b.c, M Tetradrachm, wt. 2Q7 grs., Biga of mules to left, driven by female charioteer; in exergue, two dolphins meeting; ^ MEZZANIflN in exergue, Hare running to left; above, dove flying to left; below, ear of corn with leaves {B. 31. Cat. — ), fine and a rare type ; from the Copp and O'Hagan collections [PI. IV] 1 C 2 / /?:7 ^ /^ /J ^' S ^^S' - First Day 20 ^ /Vr) 12-t 125 123 Messana, c 420-396 B.C., M Tetradkachm, wt. 26r3 grs., typel similur to coin in preceding lot, xcell preserved -.from the Mart'inetti\/7 sale, lot 709. Another, ivt. 261 grs., Biga of mules to left, driven j y by female charioteer, Nike with wreath flying to right ; in exergue, two dolphins meeting ; ^ Hare running to right ; beneath, head of Pan to right {B. M. Cat. 51), rare, but not fine 2 Messana, c. 420-396 b.c, M Tetradrachm, ict. 261 "5 grs., Biga of mules to left, Nike crowning charioteer ; li M EZZA . . . Hare running to right; beneath, sea-horse to left {B. 31. Cat. 52), ve7-y rare, but not fine ; from Munich sale, Kov. 1901, lot 210 1 Abacaenum, c. 430-405 b.c, JR, wt. 67 grs., Laureate and bearded male head to right; 1^ II/lIA ! ABAK, Boar standing to right; in front, acorn {B. 31. Cat. 2), rare. A\ Litra, tct. 10"5 grs.. Head of water-nymph, three-quarter face to left; ^ ABA, Sow walking to left; at her feet, pig to left {B.3I. Cat. 6), fine and very rare 2 126 Motya, c. 420-397 B.C., M Didrach.m, irt. 118-2 grs.. Hound standing to right; beneath, plant; ^ Head of nymph to right, hair rolled {cf. B. 31. Cat. 4), very rare, and in very good state^ but coin has been fractured and repaired. M. Litra, irt. 10 grs., Head of water-nymph, three-quarter face towards right ; K Punic inscription, crab {B.3I. Cat., p. 244, 10), eery rare, fine 2 127 Syracuse, c. 412-356 b.c, ^E Hexas, signed by Eukleidas (?) u-t. 56'1 grs., Head of goddess to left, hair bound with sphendone ; on the ampyx EY ; behind, a dolphin ; ^ "Wheel of four spokes, in upper quarters ZYPA, and in the lower ones two dolphins {cf. B. 31. Cat. 243), very fine and very rare ivith the signature ; from Paris sale, Dec. 19, 1907, lot 447 [PI. IV] 1 128 Syracuse, c. 412-356 b.c, ^E Hexas, Female head to left : \{. Star /, within incuse in quadripai'tite square {B. 31. Cat. 242), and tAvo other varieties. J£. of types of coin in preceding lot, but without signature {B.3I. Cat. 243), very fine. ^, vt. 41 grs., ZYPAKOZI, Horned head of Pan to left; li Syrinx within wreath {Nu7n. Chron. 1908, p. 14), and a variety of rev. type, without wreath. ^, ^vt. 17 "6 grs., Female head to right; ^ Cuttle-fish (B. 31. Cat. 132). ^, wt. 504 grs., Head of Athena; y^o Star between two dolphins {B. 31. Cat. 287), and a variety. ^E, tct. 112 g/'s., similar head; 1^ Hippocamji (B. 31. Cat. 289), and two other varieties. ^E, ret. 62 grs.. Female head in sphendone ; ^ ZYPA, l)oli)hin and mussel-shell {B. 31. Cat. 301), a7i interesting lot, some fine 13 / / ^ /^^ c^ 21 First Day ^^- ■l/^,J'' 130 ^, 131 <><-

rt. 55'5 grs., Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; behind, lyre ; ]^ ZYPAKOZIflN, Tripod-lebes with neck and three handles {B. M. Cat. 260), fine ;from April 29, 1907, London sale, lot 91 1 134 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50 Litrae, wt. 55'8 grs., types similar to coin in preceding lot ; symbol, thyniia- ^ terion behind neck of Apollo {B. M. Cat. 255), very fine and of\ excellent style ; from the sale of an American artist, 1910, lot 113 | [PI. IV] 1 I 135 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50, irt. 57 '2 grs., similar types; no symbol on obv.; ^ [ZYPAKIOSIXIN {B.M. Cat. 253), of very j^leasing style, and rery fine: fnim the Ashhurnham sale 1 136 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50 Litk.\e, vt. 53'9 grs., similar types; symbol, Coi-inthian helmet Avithout ciest to left {B.M. Cat. 259), in very good state of pre^^erration ; from the O'Hagan sale 1 137 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50 Litrae, wt. 54" 1 grs., similar types; symbol, star of eight rays {B.M. Cat. 258), very fine and of excellent style ; from the (YHagan .^ale [PI. IV] 1 138 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50 Litrae, u-t. 56 grs., similar types; symbol, cantharos {B.M. Cat. 262), fine; from Munich sale, June, 1906, lot 1204 1 139 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 50 Litrae, wt. 55 grs., similar types ; symbol, pilos {B. M. Cat. 261), fine 1 140 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 25 Litkae, u-t. 28"8 gr^., Laureate head of Apollo to left, hair long ; ;{ ZYPA- KOZIHN, Lyre with four strings {B.M. Cat. 266), rery fine and uncommon ; from the May sale, \^QQ [PI. IV] 1 141 Syracuse. Period of Dion, c. 356-350 B.C., Elect. 10 Litkae, ivt. 11*2 grs., Head of goddess to right, hair bound with sphendone ; ^c Cuttle-fish {B. M. Cat. 270), rare, and in very good state [PI. IV] 1 Afa/C^^of^tyt^ ^ r^ /^^ 7^ .^ 'cc/t4y M^^<^ y. ^ r' ^^/^'■■ 23 First Day ^2 S' .^^ Syracuse. Period of i>ioii, c. 356-350, l'..('., J% irt. S3"5 f//>'., ZYPAKOZII2N, Laureate head of Apollo to left: l)ehind, thunderbolt; ^ Fegasos ; above, PI {B. M. Cat. — ). AL, wt "il grs., similar, with symbol, pilos {B.3I. Cat. 321). JE, wt. 90 gr.-<., symbol, lion's head {B. M. Cat. 328) ; and other varieties (4), the first three from Vienna sale, Jan. 1912, lots 104-106, several fine and uncommon 7 J A 143 Leontini, c. 356-350 B.C., M Corinthian Didrachm, wt. 1-28 grs., ^ Pegasos flying to left; ^ AEONTINON, Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet; behind, corn-grain {B. M. Cat. 1), fine and reri/ rare 1 /^. 144 Syracuse. Period of Timoleon, c. 345-317 d.c, A' 30 Litrap:, wt. 31-5 grs. [l EYZ E]AEY0EPIOZ, Head of Zeus Eleutherios /J to left, laureated; IJ ZYPAKOZinN, Pegasos flying to left; in front, /P, and beneath .'. ( = 3 Corinthian Staters), fi'ne and venj rare; from London sale. 27 Feh. 1908, lot 37 [PI. IV] 1 /\7ct^ -cCeyt^-t>'Z^ 145 Syracuse. Period of Timoleon, r. 345-317 B.C., 2i\. Corinthian DiDRACHM, wt. 129 grs., Pegasos flying to left; I,^ ZYPA- KOZIHN, Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to right (7?. J/, (.'at. l), fine, and of good style 1 ^j 146 Syracuse. Period of Timoleon, c. 345-317 B.C., JR Coi'iiithian Didrachm, ict. \'d\ grs., types similar to preceding coin. Anothei-, tvt. 129'5 grs., similar, but Al behind head of Athena {B.M. Cat. — ), the first fine, the second a very rare variety 2 :^ ^£ ^ , u: Syracuse. Period of Timoleon, c. 345-317 B.C., M. 3 Litrae, wt. 397 grs., Pegasos flying to left; ^ ZYPAKO, Head of Arethusa to left, laureate; around, three dolphins {B. M. Cat. 272), rare. M l\ Litrae, u-t. 31 grs., ZYPAKOZIHN, Head of Athena nearly facing in triple-crested helmet ; around, three dolphins ; ^ Naked horseman to right, hair in krobylos ; behind, star of ten rays {B. M. Cat. 280), rare, both coins in very good .I ; around, three dolphins; li ZYPAKOZIX2N | Al in exergue. Fast quadriga to left; above, triskeles {B. M. Cat. 348). A\ Corinthian Didrachm, wt. 132'7 grs., Head of Athena in Corin- thian helmet to right; ^ ZYPAKOZIHN, Pegasos flying to left; above, triskeles; beneath, ear of corn (B. j\l. ('at. 11), both coins in very good state 2 Syracuse. Agathocles: First Period, r. 317-310 B.C., M Corinthian Didrachm, irt. 129"3 grs., types as second coin in last lot {B. M. Cat. U),fine [PI. V] 1 1 Syracuse. Agathocles: First Period, r. 317-310 B.C., ^E, irf. 165"5 grs.. Head of Persephone to left; 1^ Bull butting to left ; above and beneath, dolphin {B. 31. Cat. 356), and other varieties (5) of lesser weights and sizes. ^E, u't. 98'6 gi's., Laureate head 1 of Apollo to left ; ^ Triskeles {B. 3J. Cat. 354), rare, some fine and (if best style 7 '^2 27 /J , ^-^ Second Day 161 16- ^> 163 164 -^'-^-t^-Zz^ Syracuse. Agathocle.s: Second Period, c. 310-306 B.C., M Tetra- DKACHM, wt. :^62 grs., KOPAZ, Head of Persephone wearing corn wreath to right ; l> [B]A AFAGOKAE . . Nike standing to right, fixing hehiiet to a trophy ; in the field, tiiskeles {B. M. Cat. — ). Another, ict. 253'2 gm., of simihir type, but with ArA0OKAEI . . in exergue {B. M. Cat. 3S7), both of "African'' ■■tt rated), very fine and iftre in this state. ^E, ivt. 49'8 grs., Head of Apollo ; li Eagle, l (B.3I. Cat. 133). jE, wt. 109-4 grs., Head of Persephone to left; ii BAZIAEnZ i <1>INTIA, Hoar at bay to left (i?. J/. Cat. 135, three varieties) The Mamectini, c. 282-210 f;.c., ^E Hexas, ivt. 165-5 gis., Head of Ares laureate to right; ]^ Eagle to left (B. M. Cat. 3), very fine. JEj, ivt. 68-2 gr.v., Head of Adranus hehneted ; ^. Hound to right {B. M. Cat. 1) [PI. V] 7 /2^yty^ {VIII). PYRRHUS IN ITALY, c. 276 B.C. /•^ 168 Syracuse. M, tvt. 172 grs., M, wt. 11%'bgrs., Head of Persephone to left ; ;i Long torch flaming, within oak wreath {B. M. Cat. 492). .E, ivt. 172-7 grs., ZYPAKOXinN, Head of young Herakles to left in lion's skin ; l,t Athena in fighting attitude {B. 31. Cat. 493), and three other varieties. vE, ivt. 112 grs., similar type, but head of Herakles to right {B. 31. Cat. 506), very fine. M, tvt. 124-2 grs., of similar obv. type to left, but overstruck on rev. with eagle standing to left, .'several fine 7 /^ ^ A^ 169 Acragas, c. 279-241 b.c, M Tetrobol, tvt. 45'5 grs., Head of Zeus to right, laureate; ^i AKPATAN | TINUN, Eagle standing to left ; in field, T {B. 31. Cat. 76). .E, ivt. 130 grs., Head of Apollo ; ^ Two eagles to left standing on supine hare {B. 31. Cat. 140, two varieties). M, wt. 122 grs.. Head of Apollo; \y tripod \b. 31. Cat. 148), well preserved 4 ^ 170 Tauromenium, c. 275-210 b.c, M 4 Litkae, wt. 50 grs. Head of Apollo to right, laureate; behind, star; l,i TAYPOMEl NITAN, Trijiod with neck and three handles; in field to left, API (/y. 31. Cat. 11), very fine; from the IlazUtt collection [PI. V] 1 ^ OL-e? X. /' 29 Seco7id Day e^ /^ z \/ (y?<^. 171 Taupomenium, c. 275-210 B.C., yE, wt. 100 grs., APXATETA, Head of Apollo, laureate, to left; p, TAYPOM | ENITAN, Tripod {B. M. Cat. 29), very fine, and two other varietie.s. ^■E, ivt. 132"6 grs.. Head of bearded Herakles to' right, bound with taenia; 1^ TAYPOMEN ITAN, Furious bull buttin.o to right {B.M. Cat. 33), eery fine 4 {IX). HIERON II and his Successors, c 276-214 b.c. 172 Syracuse. Hieron H, c. 276-216 B.C., Class C with portrait and name of Gelon, M 4-Litkae, irt. 48 "9 grs., Diademed head of Galon to left; ^i ZYPAKOZIOI rEAHNOZ, Eagle with closed wings standing to right on thunderbolt ; in field, left, BA, and right <1> {B.M. Cat. 537), fine ; from Paris sale, June, 1906 [PI. V] 1 173 Syracuse. Hieron H, c. 276-216 B.C., Class d with portrait and name of Philistis, M 16-LiTKAE, wt. 207 '2 grs., Veiled head of the queen to left ; behind, thyrsos ; p> BAZIAIZZAZ <|>IAIZTIAOZ, Nike driving slow quadriga to right ; above, crescent-moon {B. M. Cat. 554), fine and of pleasing ^tyle [PI. V] 1 ^ef^C^/'X'^^^ y\L^cyiyCo 174 Syracuse. Hieron H, c. 276-216 b.c. Class d with portrait and name of Philistis, M 16-Litrae, wt. 208'5 grs.. Head of (jueen to left, stalk of corn behind ; ^ BAZIAIZZAZ IAISTIAOZ, Fast quadriga driven by Nike to right; in field, cre-scent-moon, above, KIZ, and stalk of corn {(f. B.M. Cat. 549), very fine, but ohv. of careless ivorhnanship ; from the Benson sale 1 175 Syracuse. Hi n. c. 276-216 B.C., JE, wf. 272-2 grs.. Head of Hieron diademed to left; ^ lEPHNOZ (in e.v.). Horseman to right ; in front, {B. 31. Cat. 595), and two other varieties ; M, tvt. 144"5 gj-s., Head of Poseidon wearing taenia to left; ^ lEPnNOZ, Trident between two dolphins {B.M. Cat. 603), and another of smaller size {B.M. Cat. 606); M, wt. 92'2 grs., Head of Persephone ; ]^ Furious bull to left {B. M. Cat. 620), and another variety; M, xct. 70'2 grs.. Head of Apollo ; l/ Free horse {B. M. Cat. 634), and another variety Hieronymos, c. 216-215 B.C., yE, ivt. 135"o grs., Head of Hieronymos diademed to left; ^ BAZIAEHZ | IEPI2NYMOY, Winged thunderbolt {B. M. Cat. 647), several fine, some uncommon 10 V^ /(y Second Day 30 iX). SYRACUSE. DEMOCRACY, c. 215-212 B.C. ^ / /J\ 176 Syracuse. Democracy, c. 215-212 B.C., JR .^-Litkae, irt. 105"2 grs., Head of Athena to left wearing crested helmet, and aegis fastened^ round throat with snakes, hair at back of neck tied in the centre ; K ZYPAKOZin[N], AVinged thunderbolt; in field below, YAS {B.M. fat. 656), very fine and rare; from Paris sale, Jime, 1906 [PI. V] 1 177 Syracuse. Democracy, c. 215-212 B.C., JB. 2^-Litrae. wf. 33"2 gis., Head of Apollo laureate to left ; ^ ZYPAKOZIflN, Tyche(?) with inflated veil, scroll and branch {B. M. Cat. 664), rare ; ^v li-LiTRAE, ivt. 15'5 grs.. Head of Artemis to right ; IJ ZYPA- KOZinN, Owl standing to right, in field (B. M. Cat. 667) ; .E, irt. 182"2 grs., Head of Apollo to left ; ^ the Dioscuri {B. M. Cat. 678); M, Head of Apollo; ^ Tripod {B.M. CW^ 681) ; .E, ivt. 22 grs.. Female head to right ; ^ Tri])od {B. M. Cat. 683), all very good and uncommon 5 ■/^u/eA (^/A Horse standing to right, head turned back, very fine [PI. V] 1 Carthage, c. 241-146 b.c, M Didrachm, tvt. 114-6 grs., Head of Persephone to left, |i Horse to right and palm-tiee ; M LiTRA, tvt. 9 "8 grs., Head to left, ^ ziz. Bull to left, rare ; Carthaginian issues: M, wt. 28"6 grs.. Head of Persephone to left, ^ Horse standing to right, very fine ; JE., Head of Per.sephone, 1^ Horse and palm-tree, etc. Melita, yE, wt. 41 '5 grs., Veiled female head, ^ Ram's head. Cossura, JE, wt. 207'5 grs., Female head with Egyptian head-dress, crowned by Nike ; I^ COSSVRA and monogram within laurel-wreath ; countermark REG on oLv., seme uncnmmnn 8 ^ ^ c5^ / /^ ■. Second Day 32 [B). COINAGE OF MAGNA GRAECIA. (/). PERIOD OF ARCHAIC ART. The PythaitOREan League. ^ z 2-/^ Z Z- 33 186 Croton, c. 540-480 B.C., M Stater, ivt. 124-5 grs., ? PC, Tripod lebes with three handles attached to rim, legs ending in lion's feet, between the legs two serpents facing each other : ^ Tripod incuse {B. M. Cat. 3). Another, ivt. 128 grs., of similar type, but between ring handles the upper parts of two sei-pents, no serpents between legs {B. 31. Cat. l), the second very fine 2 187 CPOton, c. 540-4S0 B.C., M Stater, vt. 122-7 grs., ? PC, Tripod lebes with three ring handles ; to right, stork to left ; ^ Tripod incuse, handles, stork and 9 PO raised icf. B. M. Cat. 9), fine and rare 1 188 Croton, c. 540-480 b.c, M Stater, ict. 113-5 grs., Q-S-?- Tripod, with stork to left ; ^ Tripod incuse. Another, wt. 117-8 grs., of thick fabric, O*^?, Tripod and stork to right; U Tripod incuse (^. M. Cat. 18) ; and a variety, wt. 115 gr$.. Stork to left. M Third Stater, of similar type, poor. M Stater, u-t. 123-7 gr$., ?'10, Tripod; ^ Eagle incuse flying to right {B. M. Cat. 33), the first coin from the Stiavelli sale, Rome, tvo fine 5 189 Croton, c. 540-480 B.C., JR Stater, u-t. 124 grs., 0«^0, Tripod : to left, crab; ^. OS? to left and dolphin to right of incuse tripod (B. M. Cat. — ), an uncommon variety, very fine ; from the Trist and CHagan collections [PI. V] 1 190 Poseidonia, c. 540-480 n.c, ^x Stater, ict. 108-4 ^r.*., MOn, Poseidon to right thrusting with trident ; the ends of ehlamys hanging from the arms, cable guilloehe border: ^ MOfl, similar type incuse {cf. B. M. Cat. 1), ivell preserved and rare; from oth July sale, 1910, lot 98 1 191 Poseidonia, c. 540-480 b.c, M One-third Stater, u-t. 53-5 grs., nOM, Poseidon standing to right and brandishing a trident, a ehlamys hanging from the arms; R MOFI, similar type incuse {<-f. B. M. Cat. 14), fine and rare ; from the Bunbury and OHagan sales [PI. V] . 1 l/^/c^C >^ /- -^ /^7Z? -^O 33 Second Day /^^y? /'O ?Z/i<^. C ay<-^( ^yC't^-Cy^' ^ 192 Cau Ionia, r. 540-480 b.c, M Stx\ter, wt. 124-1 grs., KA\f/\, Apollo mide standing to right, holding lustral branch in raised right hand, small figure running on his extended left arm ; before him, a stag to right looking back, raised border ornamented with cable and pellet guilloche ; ]^ similar type, incuse (B.31. Cat. 1), a very fine e.vample of this interesting coinage ; from the Stiavelli sale [PI. V] 1 193 Sybaris, c. 550-510 B.C., M Stater, wt.l24:'5 grs., Bull standing to left looking back; dotted exergual line, beneath which VM, border of dots ; ],{ Incuse figure of bull to right {B.M. Cat. 1), verijfine [PI. V] . 1 194 SybapJs, c. 550-510 B.C., M Stater, ivt. 113"3 grs., similar to coin in last lot, with YM over the bull ; M One-third Stater, wt. 46 '4 grs., type of coin in preceding lot (two varieties), in very good state 3 Jt /^ / ^ ^ 195 Metapontum, c. 540-480 b.c, M Stater, wt. 97 grs., ME~TA, Ear of bearded corn ; P: similar type, incuse {cf. B.M. Cat. 11), very fine [PI. V] 1 2 ./c 196 Metapontum, c. 540-480 b.c, M Stater, u^t. 126-7 grs., MET, Ear of bearded corn ; |^ similar type, incuse, a variety of last coin, eery fine [PI. V] 1 97 Metapontum, c. 550-480 b.c, M Stater, wt. \\ FIOMEZ, Bull to right; Al Twelfth Stater, similar but bull to left {B. M. Cat. 57) ; and another, ivt. 6'2 grs.^ bull to right ; M Twenty-fourth Stater, v-t. 3'7 grs., .similar types, bull to left, all in very good state and uncommon, the first illustrated [PI. VI] 5 l^UC V^-V y 9- A :/. 208 209 ^ ^ o-OS" ^*Z>ey^yCv . . '^^ Second Day 207 Cau Ionia, c. 480-388 k.c, ^i Stater, tvt. 122-5 ^r.^., AVA>|, Nude Apollo to right holding lustral branch, small figure running on his extended left arm ; in field, stag; ^ AVA>|, Stag standing to right, upright branch of laurel in front {B. M. ('at. 18), fine \ M Third Stater, ivt. 35-5 grs., of similar type to last {B.M. C'at.U\ eery good ^ Laus, c. 480-390 b.c, Al Stater, wt. 121 grs., 5AA, Man-headed bull to left turning head back ; in exergue, acorn ; ^ ^AA, Man- r^ headed bull to right {B. M. Cat. 3) ; from theMaddalena, Philip- sen and White-King sales, in nry good state and very rare [rl. VIJ . Sybapis and Poseidonia, c. 453-448 e.g., M Sixth Stater, tvt. / / l^grs., Poseidon to right; ^ VM, Bull to right {B. M. ('at^ 23). Another, wt. 19-5 grs., of similar type, with VBAW on obr. and MYBA on rev. {B. M. Cat. 28) ; r. 443 b.c, M Sixth Stater, wt. 17-6 grs., Head of Athena to light wearing laureated crested helmet; ^ Bull to right looking back ; in exergue, ZYBA (8. M. Cat. 33), two fine; from the Benson sale 3 210 Metapontum, c. 480-400 b.c, .51 Stater, ivt. 122-^ grs., META, /'^ Ear of corn without leaf ; cable border ; ^ Herakles nude, to front looking to left, holding club over right shoulder, left hand resting on hip {B. M. Cat. 50), of fine transitional style and eery rare, in nnusually good preservation ; from Munich sale, Maii 1910 lot 221 [PI. VI] ■' ' ^ Metapontum, c. 480-400 b.c, M Drachm, wt. 59 grs.. Ear of corn ; to right, META ; ^ Apollo, nude, standing towards right ^ holdn.g bow in left, his right hand resting on hip ; around, laurel wreath {B.M. Cat. 52), eery good and very rare; from the Hart- wig sale, Rome [PI. VI] ^ Velia, c. 500-450 b.c, A\ Didrachm, wt. 118-2 grs.. Female head to right, of fine early transitional style, hair indicated by parallel ^ / hues of dots, looped up at back of neck under beaded diadem ; )^ ^ YEAHTEX2N, Lion prowling to right ; above, owl flying to left KB. M. Cat. 6), a very rare coin, in good preservation ; from Pari< sale. May, 1910, lot 83 {230 frs.) [PI. VI] i 213 Velia, c. 450-400 b.c, Ai Drachm, wt. 634 grs.. Female head to / right wearing broad diadem, hair rolled at back ; ^ YEAH Owl standing on olive branch to right {/i. M. Cat. 13). Another, wt. ^'igrs., similar head to left; ^ Owl to right, inscription on right {B. M. Cat. — ), hoth fine 2 D 2 "^ I 211 212 /y^ .^c Second Day 36 /O /2^ // /-^ /^> 2U Cumae, c. 480-423 e.g., M Didrachm, wt. 109"5 grs.. Female head to right, hair wavy and rolled at back ; ^ KY . . . N, Mussel- shell and corn-grain {Sambon, 281), transitional style, very fine and rare ; from the O'Hagan sale [PI. VI] 1 215 Cumae, c. 480-423 B.C., M Didrachm, wt. IVTb grs., Female head to right, hair rolled and bound with a diadem ; I^ K . . . ON, Mussel-shell and corn-grain (Sambon, 281), obv. damaged ; from the Benson sale, lot 3. Another, ^ct. 87 grs., similar type, KVMAIO, possibly four ree ; from London sale, 3 July, 1906 2 216 Rhegium, c. 494-480 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 87*5 grs.. Lion's scalp facing : \^ REGION [retrograde), Calf's head to left {B. M. Cat. 1). fine and rare: JR Obol, ivt. 11 '9 grs.. Hare running to right; Jl 03 R (the R retrograde) in circle of dots (B. 31. Cat. 7), rery fi?ie 2 217 Rhegium, c. 480-466 B.C., JR Tetradrachm, wt. 266-5 grs., Mule- car driven by bearded charioteer to right ; in exergue, olive leaf ; ^ NONI03R (the R retrograde) Hare running to right (B. M. Cat. 3), rev. very good, tincommon type 1 21S Rhegium, c. 480-466 B.C., M Tetradrachm, wt. 261 grs., Lion's scalp facing; I:i RECI-NOS, Male figure, bearded, naked to waist, seated to left, resting on staff, left hand on hip : the whole within olive-wreath (B. J[. Cat. 19), fine and rare : from July 5, 1910 sale, lot 100 [PI. VI] 1 OyL^ /vWS» ^S>^CitA(y»^ ^ ./a (III). PERIOD OF FINEST ART AND EARLY DECLINE. 219 Tarentum, c 400-272 b.c, ^v Drachm, wt. 50 grs., Head of Athena to right in crested helmet adorned with Scylla hurling stone; J^ Owl standing to right; behind, NEYMHNIOZ; in front, no AY [B.M. Cat. 314), very fine; M LiTRA, tct. 9 grs.. Cockle-shell ; P: Dolphin ; beneath, dog ; others (3), with symbols, thunderbolt (B. 31. Cat. 396), etc.; JR Litra, wt. ll'l grs.. Cockle-shell ; R Female head to right within ciicle (B. 31. Cat. 391); and another variety; JR LlTRA, v:t. 10'4 grs., Kantharos on either side with five dots around ; JP\ Hebii-Litra, ict. 5 grs.. Cockle-shell ; 9> Female head to left, some fine ; ^L Two horses' heads on either side 10 220 Tarentum, c. 330-272 B.C., X Sicilian Litra, wt. Vi grs., Head of j'oung Herakles to right wearing lions skin ; 1^ TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left (cf B. 31. Cat. 27) ; from London sale, Feb. 4, l^m ; fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 ^c cvO^^ ^{/U^ / /O 37 Second Day^^^ ^^ tyCfi ^ 7- {^'/T-'CtA.'. C^^ / 221 Tarentum, c 380-345 i;.c., A\ J)ii)RAC1i:\i, vf. 1 17"() ^/r.^., ^■olulg• hoiseiuaii with shield to left; beneath, Y; 1,1 'J'ara.s seated side- / , ^5" ways on dolphin to left ; beneath, A | TAPAZ (r/. Evans, p. 59, C 3), venj good and uncommon ; c. 330-302 B.C., A\ Didrachm, irt. 119'2 grs., Horseman to right; beneath AAI : 1,1 Taras on dolphin to left with shield and trident (Er. p. 102, 5); c. 302- 281 B.C., Campano-Tarentine, DiDRACHMS (2), wf. 108'5 gts., the olhei-yo^rr^' 4 222 Tapentum, c. 281-272 B.C., Ai Didrachm, vf. 119-3 ^r,s-., Boy rider crowning horse ; ^ Taras on dolphin holding bunch of grapes {Ev. p. 132, 3) ; others (4), ivf. 9G'S grs., The Dio.scuri on horseback to left ; ]^ Taras holding Nike and shield {Er. p. 159, Dl), wt. 98'5 grs., Helmeted horseman carrying shield to left; 1^ Taras holding distaff (Ev. p. 160, r l), wt. 96*8 grs., Youthful horseman to right ; beneath I A AO and capital of Ionic column ; yc Taras holding distaft' (Er. p. 161, cl), two varieties, f/i(' last three fine 5 223 Tarentum, c. 272-235 B.C., ^l Didrachm, tvt. 968 g?^.. Boy rider to left, <|>IAnTA; ^ Taras holding kantharos and trident {cf. Ev. p. 177, 5) ; others (5), wt. 99'9 grs., Horseman crowning horse to left, AYKI | NOZ ; ^ Taras wielding trident, owl behind {Ev. p. 177, 8), 2vt. 98"5 grs., HorsemaJi lancing down- wards to right ; IJ> Taras holding kanthaios ; behind, head of nymph {Ev.p. 179, D 1), tAvo varieties ; wt. 97 grs.. Boy rider on stationary horse; 1^ Taras holding tripod and trident; in field, bucranium {hJi\ p. 179, El), ict. %'f> grs., Helmeted horseman to right; I^ Taras to left, head facing, holding trident, ehlamys flowing behind him {Ev. p. 180, H l), all fine 6 224 CPOton, c. 420-390 B.C., M Didrachm, irt. V2Q-S) grs., Head of Hera Lakinia facing, wearing lofty Stephanos adorned Avith honey- suckle ornament and griffins' heads, hair fiowing, necklace with pendants ; in field, right A ; 1^ Herakles naked leclining to left on rocks, holding w-ine cup ; in field to left, tripod ; above, bow and club, A {B. M. Cat. 90), fine and very rare, the rev. not so good ■ from sale at Genoa, Aj^ril, 1909, lot 1025 [PI. VI] 1 225 Ci-oton, c. 420-390 B.C., JR Didrachm, wt. 118*8 grs., Eagle with | ^ raised wings standing to left on branch of laurel ; 1> Tripod lebes with domed cover and fillets attached to side handles ; in field to left, ear of corn ; to right, python {B. M. Cat. ■»?>), fine and very rare, illustrated ; from the Benson sale, lot 120; and another, fourre, of type of Hera Lakinia facing head and Herakles [PI. VI] 2 ^ JVJ- ^ ■A-^ n^^ Second Day H8 226 :. !('?); ^ Tripod lebes; to right, Xike flying to left about to crown tripod {B. M. Cat. — ), two InterestiJig coins in good state, rare 2 Metapontum, c. 400-350 b.c, M D[drachm, wt. 11 To grs.. Female head to right, hair waved and rolled at back bound with diadem ; I^ M ET, Ear of corn with leaf to right ; in field to right, grass-hopper {B. M. Cat. — ; cf. Carelli, T. CLi, 4), of fine style, in very good jxreservation and very rai-e ; from Munich sale, May, 1910, lot 227 [PI. VI] 1 Metapontum, c. 400-350 b.c, M Didrachm, ict. 1207 grs., Female head to right, hair Avavy and looped up at back, bound with a narrow fillet passed twice round the head ; in field below, long curved branch of laurel ; ^ M ET, Ear of corn with leaf to left ; above leaf A {cf. B. M. Cat. 62-4), of pleasing style, in very good preservation and ra?-e [PI. VI] 1 Metapontum, c. 400-350 h.c, M Didrachm, wt. 1245 g7-s., Female head to right, wearing sphendone covered by hair in wavy locks at front, earring and necklace : 1^ M ET, Ear of corn with leaf to right ; in field to right K {Beg ling, JVarren, 79) ; fro)n the Stiavelliand Philipsen cabinets, very rare and very fine [PI. VI] 1 ^ .X^-i^i ^^^^/ A. ^ d ^ (TyiU^ 39 ^I'coiul hay Xc/d /^. ^< 233 Metapontum, r. 400-350 b.c, A\ Didkachm, ivt. \W'2 grs.. Laureate young male head to right with ram's hoin and ear ; ^ ME . . . Ear of corn with leaf to left {B. M. Cat. 67), in good state of preservation and rare ; from the O'Hagan sale [PI. VI] 1 234 Metapontum, c. 400-350 b.c, JR Didrachm, wt. 119-2 ^?>-., Female Dionysiac head to left wearing broad diadem, ornamented with maeander pattern, from which rises row of ivy leaves ; Ji, META, Ear of corn with leaf to left (B. M. Cat. ^\), a beautiful example of this very rare coin \from the Philipsen (£22) and Paris, May, 1908 (£20) sales [PI. VI] { 235 Metapontum, r. 400-350 b.c, JR Didrachm, ivt. 116 grs.. Laureate head of Apollo to right : ^ M ETA, Ear of corn {cf B. M. Cat. 93); M DiDpACHM, ivt. Ul-2 grs., Head of Zeus to right with traces of EAEY0E.. . ; ^ Ear of corn with leaf to left {cf. B. M. Guide, pi. xxxiv, 18) ; from the Caprotti sale, Milan ; rery rare ; neither in good state 9 236 r^ 23; ■y^z^-ifi 23S -^L^OtA-c^'j. /t.^'' 239 Metapontum, c. 400-350 b.c, M Didrachm, %vt. W^'Z grs.. Head of Persephone to right crowned with corn, and with pendant veil behind neck ; ^ META to right of ear of corn with leaf to left, on which a mouse; beneath, <|> {B.M. Cat. 122), very fine and rare ; from Paris sale, May, 1908, lot 56 [PI. VI] l Metapontum, c. 400-350 b.c, M Sixth Stater, ivt. 20-1 grs.^ Bearded male head to right with ram's horn (possibly Zeus Ammon); li Ear of corn with leaf to right; to left ME, and right, tripod {B. M. Cat. 155), of emellent style and ]}reservation, very rare ; from Munich sale, Xov. 1909, lot 2261 [PI. VIJ] i Metapontum, c. 350-330 b.c, Al Distater, wt. 242 grs., Head of Leukippos to right bearded and helmeted ; behind neck, AflH and forepart of lion ; ^ [ME]TAnONTINnN, Ear of corn ; to left, club and AMI {B. M. Cat. 75), rery rare and ivell pre- served ; from the Benson sale \ Metapontum, c. 350-330 B.C., M Stater, wt. 1205 grs., AEY- KinnOZ, Head of bearded hero Leukippos to right in Corinthia?i helmet ; 9. Ear of corn with leaf to right ; to left, META ; to right, dove on leaf about to fly ; beneath, AMI {B. M. Cat. 79), very fine; another, wt. 120*5 grs., of similar types; behind head of hero, lion's head, and in front, AFl ; ^ Symbol, club {B. M. Cat. 76), fine, both uncommon 2 /:y/o ^ / 2}^0 3 /'J /I ^ ^ ^ Second Day 40 c\/a / ^ 241 243 244 /, above, fl ; ti YEAHTflN, Lion prowling to right ; above, bunch of grapes between <1>-I {B.M. Cat. 9S), extremehj fine ; from the HazUtt collection [PI. VII] 1 Velia, c. 400-268 p..c., M Didrachm, v-t. 116-5 gr^.. Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet adorned with grittin to left; ^ [YJEAHTHN in exergue, lion walking to right; above, owl flying to front; beneath, T {B. M. Cat. 47), fine and a rare cariety 1 Velia, c. 400-268 b.c, ^ Didrachm, ivt. 1 14-2 gr.*;., Head of Athena to left as above ; above, A ; behind, IE in square ; \^ YEAH, Lion seizing stag to left {B. 31. Cat. Ill), fine. Another, yr^J. Hi grs., similar head, on flap of helmet, ; 1^ YEAHTflN, Lion to right; above, trident between -l {B. M. Cat. \00),in very good state. A third, wt. 110 grs., similar head, helmet adorned with wing; behind head, K ;.^ Symbol, triskeles between -! {B.3I, Cat. 95), well preserved 3 Thurium, c. 443-390 b.c, M Didrachm, wt. 120 gr.^.. Head of Athena to right wearing crested helmet adorned with olive- wreath, the front hair in three small waves and a larger one at the temple ; I^ ©OYPIHN, Ball to light, with head lowered, standing on plain bar ; in exergue, tunny-fish (Corolla, pi. \U], l), fine and rare, Illustrated [PI. VII] 1 Thupium, c 420-390 B.C., M Didrachm, n-t. 120 grs., Head of Athena helmeted to right as in last lot ; ^ ©OYPIflN, Furious bull butting to right ; between hind-legs, O ; in exergue, tunny- fish {B. 31. Cat. — ), an unpublished variety, fine, and of excellent style; Jrom 3'Iunich sale, 3Iay, 1910, lot 281 [PI. VII] 1 ThupJum, c. 420-390 B.C., ^51 Didrachm, u-t. W.) grs., Head of Athena to right in helmet ornamented with olive-wreath and an ivy-leaf; li ©OYPIXIN (above) Young bull advancing to right, head lowered ; under exergual line, tunny-fish to right {B.3I. Cat. 6), of extremely fine style, very fine and very rare ; from the Berlin 3Iuseum duplicates, and later 3Innich, 31ay, 1910, sales, lot 30 [PI. VII] 1 Thuplum, c. 390-350 B.C., JR Tetradrachm, ivt. 24r8 grs., Head of Athena to right in Athenian helmet, with crest and figure of Scylla with rudder on shoulder; behind head, Nike and I PI ; / y S^c^. cT-^ Second Jhn/ 42 Lot 253 — am tinned. 1 ti [0]OYPinN, Furious Imll butting to right ; above, torch on its side; in exergue, two tunny-fishes to right {B.M. Cat. 35), of very fine style, bold relief ; an excellent coin of high merit and very rare ; from Munich sale, May, 1910, ^;^ 32 [PI. VII] 1 /// r f V' / cfT 254 Thurium, c. 390-350 u.c, M Tetradrachm, wt. 217'7 grs.. Head of Athena to right in crested Athenian lielniet, adorned with figure of Scylla holding trident on side ; 1^ 0OYPIX2N, Furious bull butting to right ; double exergual line, one dotted {B. M. Cat. — ), of finest style, very fine and very rare; from the Hartwig rabinet [PI. VII] 1 255 Thupium, c. 390-350 B.C., M Didrachm, vt. 121 grs., Head of Athena to right wearing crested Athenian helmet, with figure of Scylla holding trident; ^ ©OYPIHN (above), Furious bull butting to right ; in exergue, tunny-fish to right {B. M. Cat. 57), of very fine style and in excellent state of j^reservation, very rare ; from Munich sale, May, 1910, lot 33 [PI. VII] 1 256 Thurlum, c. 390-350 B.C., M Didrachm, wt. 120*5 grs.. Head of Athena to right, as before, with Scylla hurling stone ; ^ ©OYPIIiN, Bull butting to right; above, HPA ; in exergue, tunny-fish {B.M. Cat. 76); from the Hartivig sale. Another, ict. 118 grs., similar type, Scylla holding trident ; no adjunct on rer., both in very good preservation 2 257 Thurlum, c. 390-350 B.C., M Diobols (4), one with EY4>AN, and another with 11 AP above bull on rev. {B.M. Cat. — ); c. 350-300 B.C., M Diobols (4), all varied ; c. 300-268 B.C., M Diobols (2), one with Nike fiying above bull, an interesting lot or small coins, chiefly from the Hartivig collection, some fine 10 258 Neapolis, Camp. c. 370-340 b.c, M Didrachm, wt. 90-8 grs.. Female head to right wearing broad diadem ; I^ Man-headed bull to right crowned by Nike ; beneath, O {Sambou, 362). M Obols (2), Head of Athena to right in Athenian helmet ; ^ Forepart of bull swimming to right {cf Sambon, 411 ; two varieties); c. 325- 280 B.C., JR Didrachm, wt. 112-2 grs.. Female head to right, of pleasing style ; ii Man-headed bull crowned by Nike ; beneath, 0E. Another, ivt. 11 8'3 grs., with symbol on obv., bunch of grapes, and inscription AIOANOYZ; on rev. monogram FlAP Ijeneath bull {Sambon, 438), fine, the last from the Von Wotoch and Benson sales 5 '^ ■ /^ ^- ,^ /c/i^-^.^'l ^J.c^i/C^ £/. 259 .^/ce/'cyu' i Second Day Neapolis, c. 325-280 i;.c'., A\ I)ii»KA(ini, vf. IH grs., similar types, symbol on obc. pileiis and IZ ; l;l monogram (J5. J/. Cat. 449). Others (4), ivt. 114'5 gj-x.. Head of goddess to right, sur- rounded by thiee dolphins {Samboii, 455) ; tvt. 108'8 grs., Head of different style, iu» dolphins ; synil^ol, Artemis lunning to right holding torch (Sanih. 473) ; fct. 102*5 grs., symbol, Athena Pro- machos (*S'awz^. 481) ; irt. 110'9 ST.s., Head to left ; symbol, anchor {Samb. — ), all fine; c. 340-268 B.C., JE (3), Head of Apollo, ^ Foie- part of man-headed bull ; and another, small, v:t. 30 gr-s. (Samb. 584:), fine \ Laureate head of Apollo to left, fi Mau-headed bull {Samb. 683) 8 Rhegium, r. 415-387 b.c, Al Oi-.ol, wt. 11 (/y>.. Lion's scalp facing ; yi PH between two olive-leaves {B. M. Cat. 32). ^, wt. 53 grs., Lion's scalp ; ^ Head of Apollo, hair turned up ; c. 350-270 B.C., JE, wt. 127"5 grs., Lion's scalp; y. PHFINIIN, Laureate head of Apollo to right; behind, spear-head ; another, with monogram behind head {B. M. Cat. 56), and smallei- JE, Lion's scalp and lyre ; c. 203-89 B.C., JE Tetras, Heads of Apollo and Artemis jugate, y. PHTINnN, Tripod . . . . (B. M. Cat. 98), and another of reduced weight 68'8^r.v., Conjoined busts of the Dioscuri ; ^ Naked male figure to left resting on knotted staff, on wrist bird with closed wings ; marks of value iiii and tripod {B. M. Cat. 1 1 2), the last tiro very fine, all good 1 0^^^. _^ / A Y X (y/?«^fz '2(31 Tei-jna, c. 440-388 b.c, M Djdkachm, wt. 119"8 grs.. Head of nymph Terina to left, "hair rolled around the head and turned up at back, Avithin laurel-wreath ; y. [TEPIN]AION, Nike-Terina winged seated to left on overturned hydria, a laurel-wreath in her right hand, a caduceus in her left {cf. B. M. Cat. 7), an unusually fine specimen and a very rare variety ; from the Hunbury, Benson and 3Ierzbaclier, Nov. 1909, sales [PI. VII] 1 /V /^^ A 26: ZZy^yt^^ Terina, (-.440-388 b.c, ^{ Didrachm, wt. lli)^r.s'.,TEPINAION, Head of nymph Terina tcj right wearing sphendone and necklace, hair in korymbos ; li TEPINAION, Winged Nike to left seated on square stool, holding caduceus upwards resting on knee ; in field to right, 4> and P {cf. B. M. Cat. 14/15), very well jyreserred and rare ; from the Benson sale, lot 144 [PI. VII ] 1 Terina, c. 440-388 B.C., A\ Didrachm, wt. 120-2 grs.. Head of nymph Terina to right looking up with narrow diadem in hair, which is rolled and wavy and tied in a bunch at the crown, within //-^ r A / Second Day 44 Lot 263 — continued. " ' i olive-wreath ; IJ TEPI • • Winged Nike seated to left on stool, holding in raised right hand a wreath, left hand resting on seat {B. M. Cat. 4), obv. very fine, rare ; from the Merzliacher sale, i\7yr. 1909, /o# 2405 [PI. VII] 1 ^ ^ 264 Terina, c. 440-388 nymph Terina to am pyx B.C., M DiDRACHM, irt. 119 grs., Head of 'ight, hair wavy, en chignon, over forehead, the whole within olive-wreath; behind head, 4>; li Nike ■^- to left, seated on square cippus and drawing water in a large hydria resting on her knees, the water flows from a lion-head spout fixed in the side of a wall before her: at her feet a large trough in which swims a swan {B. M. Cat. 12), a very fair example of thin rare type, of ichich no perfect specimen is knoirn [PI. VII] 1 ^ ^ 265 Tepina,c. 440-388 B.C., ^v DiDRACHM, ict. 115 ^r.s-., TEPI NAION, Head of nymph Terina to left, wearing sphendone over which several locks escape at the side ; behind, PI ; ]^ Nike seated to left on square cippus, holding in I'ight hand a laurel wreath {Regling, 58), well preserved and rare ; from the Heuson sale 1 /^ 266 Terina, r. 440-388 B.C., A\ One-third Stater, irt. 35 grs., TEPINAII2N, Head of nymph Terina to left ; behind, triskeles; ^ cP " 1^ Nike seated to left, bird ))erched on right hand : beneath, star. Four varieties, one with TE, instead of star. Another, vt. 34"5 grs., with head to right and Nike holding caduceus, chiefly fine and uncommon : from the Benson sale 5 (yt-a / 26- 3 / A 268 Terina, r. 440-388 b.c, M One-sixth Stater, wt. 18-5 grs.. Female head to right, wearing sphendone ; behind, fl ; ^ Nike seated to left on S([uare stool, holding caduceus; in field, Fl. Another, vt. 14"8 grs.. Head to left; ^ Nike with right hand extended, both very good and rare. Phistelia, c. 420-400 B.C., M Obol, wt. 8'4 grs.. Head of Athena, facing; ^ Lion to left ; in exergue, serpent. Another, ict. 7"7 grs., Young head, facing: l,i ZIVVT^IS, Mussel, corn grain and dolphin. A third, ivt. 9'3 grs., type of the first, but lion to right, all fine 5 Etruria, c. 450-400 B.C., N wt. 8'8 grs. left ; in front, X ; plain border ; Ji pla Sambon, 6), very fine and very rare : [PI. VII] , Young male head to in {cf B. M. Cat. 29 ; from the Strozzi sale 1 /^Z^ sy ■ ^ ^. A.^i-ty>^^> 45 Second Dai/ ^^S''7 Etruria, c. 400-350 i;.c., N 25 Litrae, wt. 20 grs.. Female head j to light, hair curly ; behind, XXV ; l,i plain {Samb. 5), very fine \ yj and of great rarity [PI. VII] 1 ^ lA ^. Z^'-' 270 Etruria. Populonia, A\ Didrac;hm, wt. 12S"2 grs^., Head of Gorgon, bound with diadem ; beneath, OX : XO ; border of dots ; '^^ f^^^g j.^re. Uncertain, JE (Valley of Chiana), tvt. 87*6 grs.. Head of Nubian, to right; 1^ Elephant to right {Sainb. lid), fine 2 271 Heracleia, Lucan. c. 380-300 B.C., M Didrachm, wt. 122 grs., / HHPAKAHinN, Head of Athena to right, wearing crested I Corinthian helmet with figure of Scylla hurling stone; ^ I-HPAKAHII2N, Heraldes, nude, standing to front, holding club in right hand, and in left a bow and arrows ; the lion's skin slung over his left fore-arm ; in field to left, small cup and A0A (i?. M. Cat. 33), eery fine and rare: from the Benson sale [PI. VII] 1 Heracieia, Lucan. c. 380-300 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 57 2 grs., Head of Athena, almost facing, helmet adorned with figure of Scylla ; behind neck, monogram HPA; p, h HP . . . Owl on olive branch ; in upper field, to right, l, to left club {B. M. Cat. —), fine and rare ; from sale, 5 July, 1910, lot 32 ; c. 300-268 B.C., M 20-5 grs., Head of Apollo ; 1^ h H P, Club between bow and quiver. Another, Helmeted head of Athena, facing ; l^l hHPAKAHinN, Trophy {B. M. Cat. 60), fine 3 273 Locri Epizephyrli, c. 326-300 B.C., M Corinthian Stater, irt. t/o 132 grs., AOK, Pegasos to right ; "^ Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to right {B. M. Cat. l), fine and uncommon. Arpi, Apul. c. 32e--Jl3 B.C., M wt. 122 grs., AAlOY, Head of Zeus; ^ APnANHN, Calydonian boar {H. M. Cat. 4). Gales, Camy. c. 334-268 B.C., M Didrachm, ivt. 106 grs., Head of Athena to right in crested Corinthian helmet; 1^ CALENO, Fast biga driven by Nike to left {/i. M. Cat. 6), in very good state 3 274 Suessa Aurunca, c. 313-268 B.C., M Didrachm, wt. 104-5 grs., c/o Laureate head of Apollo to right; behind, triskeles; IpL^VE^ANO, One of the Dioscuri on horseback to left and leading a .second horse {B. M. Cat. 1), pleasing style, fine and rare ; from Paris sale, May inO, lot ir) [PI. VII] 1 / ^ / / /c^ ^^^ Second Day 46 275 Period JV. ITALIAN AND ROMAN. \ The Bputtii, r. 282-203 b.c, M ivt. 69-2 grs.. Bust of winged Nike ' /^ / , to right; li BPETTinN, Nude male figure, facing, placing ^^"^^'^^^^ diadem upon his head ; in field, to right, thymiaterion (c/. B. M. Cat. 23). Another, ict. 75"9 grs., Head of Thetis to right, veiled and diademed ; ^ BPETTIX2N, Poseidon to left, holding long sceptre, his right foot resting on top of Ionic column ; in field, to left, crab (ii. M. Cat. 9), both fine 2 276 The Bruttil, c. 282-203 B.C., M wt. IVh grs., Head of Thetis to '^ ^ right, wearing veil and Stephanos, earring and necklace ; over left shoulder, sceptre; behind head, fly; p> BPETTII2N, Poseidon to left, as on preceding coin ; in field, to left, eagle, wings open (cf. B. M. Cat. 12), extremehjfine [PI. VII] 1 X /o 277 The BPUttIi, c. 282-203 B.C., M ivt. 35-2 grs., Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, adorned on upper part with griffin ; ^ BPETTinN, Eagle standing to left ; in field, to right, rudder {B. M. Cat. 34), very fine and rare ; JE wt. 255 "8 grs., Helmeted head of Ares, bearded ; li Athena fighting ; ^-E wt. 141 grs.. Head of Zeus ; ^ Ares fighting ; M wt. 63 grs.. Head of Nike ; ^ Zeus thundering; ^E wt, 26'4 grs., Helmeted head of Athena to left ; l^ Owl, all very fine, the last a little gem, beauti- fully patinated, bluish green colour {illustrated) [PI. VII] 5 278 Capua, c 216-211 B.C., Electrnm, vt. 44*3 grs., Janiform female ^ /'^ head, wearing Stephanos; ^ Jupiter driving quadriga to right {Babelon, 26), fine and rare 1 ^r'- // / ^!C^ (^ c/^, 279 Romano-Cam pan ian, c. 268-211 b.c, Quadrigatus, wt. 102 grs., ; X Laureate and beardless head of Janus; p, ROMA, in incuse cP / 7 K? letters ; Victory driving quadriga to right, in which Jupiter '^^^ / thundering {Bab. 23), very fine. Graxa, c. 203-89 B.C., ^ Cockle-shell ; I^ Eagle on thunderbolt. Paestum, c. 89 B.C. to 30 A.D., M MINEIA M.P., Head of Juno Moneta to left; |j> PS I SC, Temple or house oi two storeys {B. M. Cat. 77), fine green patina ; from the l)r. Imhoof-Blumer sale, rare ; JSj Head of Athena, and rudder ; ^E, l^ Two hands clasped {B.. M. Cat. 51), two varieties; .E BONA MENS, Female figure seated to left; ^ MARCI • N • CA • ii • VIK, and in field, I'AES {B. M. Cat. 56) 7 47 Second Da If (C). EARLY ASIATIC COINAGE. IONIA. EARLY ELECTRUM. f>fr€^ 280 ^ -»«. 287 ^ /W^^< 288 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c, iiY^cif. Euhoic Hemi-Stater, wt. 66-3 •., Irregular lum]) ; 1^ Calf's head, incuse {B. M. Cat.—, Bab. — ), fine and of great rarity ; from Munich sale, Bee. 1906, lot 645 (£8 8s.) [PI. VIM] l- Ionia, r. 700-600 b.c, Meet. Euhoic Trite (?), wt. 42 gr.'<., Irregular lump of uncertain type; y. Irregular incuse (cf. Bal>. Traite, pi. I, \), very rare [PI. VIM] 1 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c, Elect. Euhoic Hecte, ivt. 22 grs., Boar's head to right ; ^ Irregular incuse {cf. Bab. pi. Ill, 16), fine and very rare [PI. VIM] 1 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c, Elect, ^h Stater, ^vt. 18 grs., Uncertain object, rosette shaped ; p. Irregular incuse. Elect. 4V Stater, ivt. 57 and 4*5 grs., •'•.: ^ Quadripartite incuse {cf Bab. 365 sq. (2) and 370), rare ; from the Philipsen sale . 3 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c. Elect. A Stater, wt. 9-4 grs., and Vs Stater, wt. 47 grs., Bird standing to left looking back; three crescents and two pellets in centre ; li Quadripartite incuse square {cf B. M. Cat. 52/56, Bab. 102 car.), fine and rare: from the Philipsen sale o Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c. Elect. ,'. Stater, ivt. 20-1 grs., Calf's head to left ; ^ Incuse square, in which 3P {cf. Bab. 162), fine and very rare ; from the Philipsen sale [PI. VIM] 1 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c. Elect. A Stater, ivt. 18 grs., () on striated field ; ^ Irregular incuse {Bab. — ), fine and rery rare ; from the Philipsen sale [Pl. VIII] 1 Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c, Elect, -h Stater, wt. 9-2 grs., Tetraskeles (or swastika) ; il Irregular incuse. Another variety, wt. 10 grs., both fine and rare Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c. Elect, -h Stater, wt. 9-2 grs., Lion's head to right ; ^i Irregular incuse {Bab. — ). ,,'.; Stater, wt. 2"5 grs., Goat's head ; ^ Incuse {cf. Bab. pl. Ill, IS), both fine and very rare o ^/C7 J Z- / X ^ / / J? A ^ Second Day 48 2^ 289 290 291 29: 293 294 295 296 29' Ionia, c. 700-600 b.c, Elect. A Phocaean Stater, wt. 6 grs., Stellate flower of five petals ; ^ Quadripartite incuse square {cf. B. M. Cat. Ionia, pi. Ill, 14) ; another, ivt. 4'2 grs., of similar type ; a Third, irt. 5 grs., varied, with central part in high relief (or possibly some other uncertain object), all fine and rare 3 Phocaea, c 700-600 B.C., Elect, h Stater, wt. 9*5 grs., Head of seal to left ; ^ Incuse square {B. 31. Cat. 9), very fine and rare ; from the Rhousopotilos sale [PI. VIII] 1 Phocaea, c 700-600 b.c. Elect. ^V Stater, wt. 10"2 grs., Head of seal to left ; ^ Incuse square (B. M. Cat. 9), fine and rare ; from the Strozzi sale; Elect. oV Stater, ivt. 2-7 grs., Square in relief (or swastika) ; p Irregular incuse {cf. Bah. 239), fine and rare 2 Lydia, c. 600-560 b.c, Elect. I Stater, wt. 72"3 grs., Lion's head to right with open jaws ; p. Oblong bipartite incuse {cf. Bah. 2^1. II, 4), also assigned to Miletus, fine and rare 1 Lydia, c. 600-560 b.c, Elect. tV Stater, ivt. 17 "7 grs., Lion's head to right with open jaws, globule over forehead ; p> Incuse square {Bah. pi. II, 9), rerij fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 Lydia, time of Croesus, c. 561-546 B.C., A" Babylonic Stater, ivt. 124 grs., Foreparts of lion and bull face to face ; ^ Oblong incuse irregularly divided {Bab. pi. x, 2), verp fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 Persia, c. 523-330 b.c. A'" Daric, wt. 128*2 grs.. King kneeling on one knee to right crowned with kidaris, holding bow and spear, quiver at his back ; li Irregular oblong incuse, fine 1 Lampsacus, c. 450-412 b.c. Elect. Stater, tvt. 233"5 grs., Fore- l)art of a winged sea-horse to left in vine-wreath ; 1^ Quadripartite incuse square {B. M. Cat. Mysia, pi. XYiii, 3), fine and rare ; from the Hazlitt sale [PI. VIII] 1 Cyzicus, c. 480-330 b.c, Elect. Hecte, ^vt. 42 grs.. Boar to left standing on tunny ; ^ Quadripartite incuse square {cf B. M. Cat.l 90), of fine archaic style and an iin usually fine specimen, very] rare ; from the O'Hagan sale, 1908 [PI. VIII] 1 ^ ^t:>C(Ar~c^ ^--^ k^/.^ THIRD DAY'S SALE, /^fx^A A iu^ t^ c/. ^c/aX^'i^ (C). EARLY ASIATIC COm ^aE~ccmtinued. 298 Lesbos, c 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, ivt. 39'4 grs.. Lion's head to right, with open jaws ; 1^ Calf's head to right (in intaglio) {cf. B. 31. Cat. 20), fine and uncommon [PI. VIII] 1 299 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c, Elect. Hecte, ivt. 38'2 grs., Lion's head to right, as on preceding lot ; p= Calf's head (in intaglio) to right, different design, very fine and uncommon [ PI . V 1 1 1 ] 1 300 Lesbos, c 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, ivt. 38"6 grs., Eam's head to right ; beneath, cock to left ; ^ Lion's head (in intaglio) to right; behind, oblong incuse {B. 31. Cat. 7), fine and rare; front the Weber sale, 1908, lot 2688 [PI. VIII] 1 301 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 39'5 grs., Forepart of bull to left ; in front, M ; p, Lion's head to right (in intaglio) ; behind, small incuse {B. 31. Cat. 6), fine and rare ; from the Phihpsen sale, 1909, lot 1994: [PI. VIII] 1 302 Lesbo§, c. 480-330 b.c. Elect. Hecte, wt. 38'8 grs.. Youthful male head to right, bare ; I^ Calf's head within incuse square {cf. B. 31. Cat. 34). Another, ivt. 39'5 grs., with Kam's head and Calf's head, incuse, on rev., as in lot 300 {B. 31. Cat. 7), very well preserved 2 303 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c. Elect. Hecte, ivt. 39 '2 grs., Laureate head of Apollo to right ; behind, serpent ; ^ Female head to right, hair in sphendone {cf. B. 31. Cat. 88), fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 ^ / 304 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 39'5 grs., Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; p, Female head to right, hair in sphen- done ; linear square, within incuse squaie {B. M. Cat. 85), very fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 305 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. He'CTE, wt. 39"4 grs.. Bearded male head to right, laureate (Asclepios) ; ^ Upper part of serpent to right; linear square {B. 31. Cat. 115), not very well centred, otherwise fine an d rare [ P I . V I II ] ._ L "A / ^\/\ J /^ _ /-. / Third Day 50 ^ ^ /z /x 3 f ' / / 309 2 /z- 306 Lesbos, c-. 480-330 B.C., ^/^c^. Hecte. %vt. 39'2 g^rs., Head of Hermes to right, wearing petasos tied under chin and on back of head ; ^ Panther to right, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 68), fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 307 Lesbos, c. 480-33Q B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 38'4 grs., Head of one of the Dioscuri to right, wearing wreathed pileos, star on either side ; p, Female head to right, hair rolled, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 98), very fine and rare ; from the Carfrae and OHagau cabinets [PI. VIII] 1 308 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 38'4 grs., Similar type to coin in preceding lot {cf. B. M. Cat. 99), fine and rare ; from the Berlin Museum Duplicates sale, 1907, fo^ 311 [PI. VIII] 1 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c. Elect. Hecte, ivt. 39 grs., Bust of Maenad to right, breast bare, head thrown back, hair in sphendone flowing behind ; ^ Race-torch, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 122), fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 39"2 grs.. Head of Demeter, veiled and wreathed with corn, to right; p, Tripod with fillets attached, linear square (B. M. Cat. 118), fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c, Elect. Hecte, ivt. 39*4 grs.. Head of Athena to right, wearing close-fitting crested helmet; p> Owl standing to right, head facing, wings closed ; linear square {B. M. Cat. 109), fine and rare [PI. VII I] 1 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c. Elect. Hecte, wt. 39"2 grs.. Head of Zeus Ammon to right, horned and beardless ; p, Eagle standing to right, looking back, wings closed ; linear square {B. M. Cat. 110), very fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 313 Lesbos, c. 480-330 b.c, Elect. Hecte, wt. 39 grs.. Head of Ai)ollo to right, laureate ; 1^ Head of Satyr, facing, with animal's eais, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 77), fine and very rare; from the Philijjsen sale [ PI . V II I ] 1 314 Lesbos, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, ivt. 397 grs.. Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; p, Female head to right, hair tied in bunch behind, drapery on neck, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 90). Another, ivt. 38'5 grs.. Bearded male head to right, wearing crested helmet; |l Female head to right, hair in .sakkos, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 95), both from the Strnzzi sale, veil preserved and rare 9 311 31: /W>^ 7' ^ /. T ^ fjg^ 7a ■7 51 Third Day y^ . A^«J-r^i 315 316 ■ Ut^'C^r-c^' ^ c yC^!6■^y<^'^^ t 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 Lesbos, c. 480-330 r..c., iiY«?c^. Hecte, wt. 38'3 g^/'s., He;id of bearded Satyr to right, with pointed ear ; it. Two rams' heads facing one another, within incuse square {B. M. Cat. 41). Another, wt. 39 grs.. Laureate head of Apollo to right ; ^ Female head to right, hair tied in a bunch behind, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 92) both well preserved and rare 2 Lesbos', c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, ivt. 39"5 grs.. Laureate head of Apollo to right; ^ Female head to right, hair tied in a bunch behind, in linear square {B. M. Cat. 93). Another, wt. 38"5 grs.. Similar head ; p. Head of Silenos to right {B. M. Cat. — ). A third, ivt. 38"5 grs., Head of Athena, helmeted, to right ; 1^. Female head to right, with long flowing hair {B. M. Cat. — ), the last two from the Strozzl sale, and very rare, neither fine 3 Phocaea, c. 480-330 e.g., Elect. Hecte, wt. 39 grs., Calf's head to left ; behind, seal ; p. Irregular incuse square {B. M. Cat. — , cf. no. 26), fine and very rare \jrom the Philipsen sale [PI. VIII] 1 Phocaea, c. 480-330 e.g.. Elect. Hecte, wt. 32'3 grs., Head of seal to left; beneath, seal; ^ Licuse square {B. M. Cat. 1),from the Strozzi sale ; rare, and in a very good state [PI. VIII] 1 Phocaea, c. 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, tvt. 39'3 grs., Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Athenian helmet, on side of which, griffin ; beneath, seal ; ^ Licuse square {B. M. Cat. 45), very fine and rare [PI. VI 1 1] 1 Phocaea, c 480-330 e.c. Elect. Hecte, wt. 39"5 grs.. Female head to left, the hair rolled up and bound with a double fillet ; beneath neck, seal ; ^ Quadripartite incuse square {B. M. Cat. 60), very fine; from the* London sale, May, 1900, and Benson cabinet [PI. VIII] 1 Phocaea, c. 480-330 e.c. Elect. Hecte, tvt. 39'2 grs.. Head of youthful Pan to left, wearing ivy-wreath and flowing hair ; }^ Quadripartite incuse square {B. M. Cat. 38), fine and rare; from the Philipsen sale [PI. VIM] 1 Phocaea, c. 480-330 b.c, PJlect. Hecte, ivt. 39'3 grs., Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet, to left; beneath, seal; li Quadripartite incuse square {B. M. Cat. 45), very fine and rare ; ''rom the Montagu and Benson collections [PI. VIM] 1 Phocaea, c 480-330 B.C., Elect. Hecte, wt. 39'4 grs.. Head of young Dionysos to left, wearing ivy-wreath ; ^ Quadripartite incuse square {B. M. Cat. 36), fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 X J '/■ /a :?. \/a /aof . / Bee with straight wings ; ^ Forepart of kneeling stag to right, head turned back ; behind, date palm tree ; name of magistrate, KAYTIOZ {B. M. Cat. —), fine. Miletus, c. 478- 390 B.C., p. wt. 15"5 grs.. Forepart of lion to left ; ^ Incuse s(iuare containing ornamental star, very fine 2 Clazomenae, c. 387-300 b.c, M Drachm, ict. 63"8 grs.. Head of Apollo, laureate, three-quarter face to left, chlamys fastened around neck ; ^ KAA, SM'an standing to left, pluming its breast ; magistrate's name, ANTI<|>ANHZ {B. M. Cat. 20), of very fine style, and in excellent condition : from the Bunbury and Benson cabinets [PI. VIM] 1 Clazomenae, c. 387-300 b.c, M Hemidrachm, wt. 31 '2 grs.. Head of Apollo, three-quarter face to left, laureate, with chlamys fastened round neck ; ^ KAA, Swan standing to left, wings open ; magis- trate's name, [AnO]AAAZ, in field to left, ram's head {B. M. Cat. 23), a very fine and rare little coin ; from the sale of an American artist, 1910, lot 40 [PI. VIII] 1 Samos, c. 439-408 b.c, M Drachm, wt. 55 '8 grs., Forepart of winged boar to left ; ^ Incuse square, with lion's scalp within a beaded border {B. M. Cat. 42). Another, wt. 55 grs., with boar to right {B. M. Cat. 45), both fine and uncommon •,from the Benson sale; c. 205-129 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 4r5 grs.. Lion's scalp; ^ ZAMIXIN, Forepart of bull to right {cf B. M. Cat. 175) 3 •■l'^ PA | PI, Bull standing to left looking back ( B. M. Cat. 1 4 ), extremely fine [ PI . V 1 1 1 ] 2 BiTHYNiA. Calchedon, c 400-350 b.c, M Drachm, wt. 76"5 grs., KAAX, Bull standing to left on ear of corn ; ^ Quartered incuse square of mill-sail pattern {B.M. Cat. b), fine. Sinope, c. 330- 306 B.C., M Drachm, wt. 89"6 grs., Head of Sinope to left, hair in sphendone, in front, aplustie ; |J ZINI2, Sea-eagle to left on dolphin ; beneath eagle 0EOT {B. M. Cat. 16), fine. M Hemi- DRACHM, wt. 46"5 grs., Head of Sinope to left, hair in sphendone, Avearing earring and necklace; ^ ZINI2, Eagle facing, wings spread; in field to right, fl {B. M. Cat. 21), extremely fine; illustrated [PI. VII I] 1 Lesbos, c. 550-440 b.c, billon Stater, wt. 173 grs., Two calves' heads facing one another ; between them, olive tree ; ^ rude incuse square {B. 31. Cat. 46) ; wt. 19"8 gts.. Two calves' heads as before, omitting the olive tree. Another, wt. 14"8 grs., similar; wt. 8 grs., similar type ; wt. 5'5 gj's.. Two eyes, IJ, Quadripartite in- cuse square {B. M. Cat. 28) ; and another, similar, U't. 4 "5 grs., with rude incuse, all fine 6 Lesbos. Mytilene, c. 350-250 b.c, M, wt. 42-5 grs.. Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; 1^ MY-T-I, Lyre with fillet attached ; whole in linear square (r/. B. M. Cat. 33), Kalathos; Tetartemorion, wt. 2 grs., ^ Crescent ; an interesting set, chiejiy fine ; from the Sandeman sale . 9 Athens, c 369-339 B.C., M Tetradrachm, ivt. 26 r7 grs., of similar type to coin in previous lot ; JR Triobols (2), DiOBOL, Tritarte- morion, Obol, Tetartemorion (2) of similar types to last, chiejiy fine 8 Athens, c. 405-322 B.C., .E, Head of Athena, ^ Two owls {B. M. Cat. 214); Owl in wreath {B.M. Cat. 229), and variety {B. M. Cat. 23S) ; others {B.M. Cat. 240, sqq) ^ Sow {B. M. Cat. 248) ; c. 220-83 B.C., .E, of varied types {B. M. Cat. 523, 531, 533, 537, 561, 564, etc., 760, 766, 779), including some interesting coins of the Imperial period Eleusis, c. 350-300 B.C., ^E, Triptolemos in serpent chariot, ^ Sow {B.M. Cat. \0 and U), and other varieties {B.M. Cat. 12, 14 and 21), all from the Berlin Museum Duplicates sale, March, 1906 43 Corinth, c. 585-500 d.c, A\. Stater, tvt. 109 grs., Pegasos with curled wing prancing to left ; beneath, ? ; ^ Incuse of swastika shape {B. M. Cat. pi. I, 4), an early and very fine coin ; f'om the Warren sale, 1905, /o^ 74 [PI. IX] 1 / / / J/^ /-/ .//./ TJiird Day 58 ^ / /o z^ / / /X- /o 366 Corinth, c. 570-560 B.C., M Stater, wt. 135*5 g^rs.^ Pegasos with curled wing flying to right ; ^ Incuse square, in which helmeted head of Athena, hair in queue, indicated by lines and knotted at the end (c/. B. M. Cat. pi ii, 3), very fine [PI. IX] 1 367 Corinth, c. 570-560 B.C., M Stater, wt. 1386 grs.. Types of last coin ; and another variety, ict. 136*5 grs., both fine 2 368 Corinth, c. 400-338 B.C., M Stater, ivt. 128 -2 gr.^., Pegasos with curled wing walking to left ; IJ. Head of Athena to left in Corin- thian helmet ; behind, nude figure to right, an uncommon type hut not fine; oihevs, {'2), wt. 132*8 g'rs., Pegasos flying to right, beneath ? ; 1^ Head of Athena to right in Corinthian helmet; to left, tri- dent ; to right, dolphin {B. M. Cat. — ) ; u-t. 130*3 grs., Pegasos to left : ^ Head of Athena to left ; in front, A ; behind, cock to left on club {cf. B. 31. Cat. 351), bot/i fine 3 369 Corinth, c. 400-338 B.C., M Stater, u-f. 130 grs., 9 Pegasos flying to left; ^ Helmeted head of Athena to left; behind, dove flying to left (B. 31. Cat. — ), t/ie head a little double struck, othe^-- wise very fine. Another, ict. \'2^ grs., p, symbols, above head, dolphin ; behind, cock to left {B. 31. Cat. 151), fiiie 2 370 Corinth, c. 400-338 B.C., M Stater, wt. 132*5 grs., of similar types ; behind head of Athena, mask of Silenos facing ; below, AA {B. 31. Cat. 244), very fine. M Drachm, ivt. 38 grs., Pegasos to left ; p Head of Aphrodite to left, hair falling loose down neck; to right, palm {B. 31. Cat. 189). Another, wt. 42*5 grs., ^ Head of Aphrodite to right, hair in saccos {B. 31. Cat. 419), both fine 3 371 Corinth, c. 400-388 b.c, M Hemidrachm, ivt. Pegasos to left with curled wing ; beneath, ? dite to right, hair rolled and with long tress hanging behind neck {B. 31. Cat. 193), of fine style and very fine [PI. IX] 1 372 Corinth, c. 400-350 b.c, M Hemidrachm, ict. 21*5 grs.. Forepart of Pegasos to left; p, Head of Aphrodite to left wearing earring and necklace, hair rolled {B. 31. Cat. 393), extremely fine; from the Delbecke sale [PI. IX] 1 373 Corinth, c. 350-338 B.C., M Stater, ict. 131 grs., Pegasos to left; :^ Head of Athena to left, helmet laureated ; beneath, A; to right, wreath {B. 31. Cat. 219). Others (3), wt. 131 grs., similar, helmet without laurel wreath ; symbol, astragalos {B. 31. Cat. 222) ; wt. 132*5 grs.. Helmet laureate ; symbol, boar to left {B.3I. Cat. 247); wt. U-2grs., symbol, the Palladium {B.3I. Cat. 256), all fine, the last rare 4 (^ /t-Cytt' .^ L^ OL^ , 19 grs., Forepart of ,. ^ Head of Aphro- ' y^ 7 7 f 59 Third BayJ^;^ Cx/" ^. ^/^ i 377 378 '379 Corinth, c. 338-300 B.C., M Stater, ivt. 128 ^rA\, Types of pre- ceding coins, laureate helmet; AP and symbol, chimaera to left {B. M. Cat. 255). Others (2), wt. 1307 grs., Helmet plain ; symbol, thyrsos {B. 31. Cat. 279); wt. 132 gis., F and symbol, dove to left in wreath {B. 31. Cat. 282), uncommon, the last very fine, the other fine 3 CoPinth, e. 338-300 B.C., M Stater, ict. 128*5 grs.. Types of pre- ceding ; symbol, Artemis running to left holding torch with both hands {B. 31. Cat. 315). Others (3), ict. 131 grs., symbol, Artemis to right, running and holding torch (i/. il/. Cat. 317); ivt.lZVZ grs. symbol, N in wreath {B. 31. Cat. 372) ; wt. \^Q grs., symbol indis- tinct; ivt. 130 grs.. Helmet laureate, AP and plough {B.3I. Cat. 250), all fine 5 Leucas, c 400-330 b.c, M Stater, ivt. 130 grs., Pegasos flying to right ; beneath, A ; ^ Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to right ; to left, A and ram's head {B. 31. Cat. 66). Others (2), wt. 131 grs., symbol to left, ladle (cyathos) A ; wt. 129'5 grs., of later date, c. 330-250 B.C., Pegasos to left, and head of Athena to left; behind, API and anchor {B.3I. Cat. 103), all in very good state 3 Anactopium, c. 500-431 b.c, M Stater, v:t. 128 grs., A Pegasos with round wing flying to right ; ^ Head of Athena to right wearing Corinthian helmet, earring and necklace, hair in queue, tied at back of neck ; behind, ivy branch, within incuse square {B. 31. Cat. — ), fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 AnactopJum, c. 350-300 b.c, JR Stater, wt. 132 "2 grs., A Pegasos to left ; Head of Athena helmeted to right ; to left, A/ and tripod in wreath {B. 31. Cat. 33), uncommon. Others (2), tvt. 128"3 grs., Head of Athena to left; beneath AT and behind AV and bucra- nium bound with fillet {B. 31. Cat. 49); ivt. \Z\ grs., a variety, with KAE in front of head, all fine 3 Sicyon, c. 400-323 b.c, M Stater, wt. 188-1 grs., Chimaera to left; above, wreath; beneath, ZE; ^ Dove flying to left; in front, I ; within laurel wreath {B. 31. Cat. 56) ; M Hemidrachm, tvt. 43" 1 grs., Chimaera to left; beneath, 1.\ ; ^ Dove flying to left; in front, I {B. 31. Cat. 71) ; c. 251-146 B.C., M Triobol, ivt. 305 grs., Flying dove to right ; ^ Large Z and magistrate's name, OAYM | PIA | AAZ {B. 31. Cat. 197) Apgos, c. 350-228 B.C., M Hemidrachm, ivt. 39'1 grs.. Forepart of wolf to right ; ii A, in shallow incuse ; above, fl P, and beneath, club(^.iJ/. Cat. 71), all fine 4 / /e? / /-^ A ^ / z^s^ . p V/ / Thml Day 60 // ^ r ^ ^/a 380 Elis, c. 421-400 B.C., M Stater, wt. 171 grs., Head of Hera to | ^4 light wearing Stephanos adorned with flowers ; ^ FA, Wingless ^^' thunderbolt {B. M. Cat. 55). Another, ivt. 1767 grs., a variety; M Hemidrachm, wt. 39 grs.. Head of Olympia ; 1^ Eagle in wreath {B. M. Cat. 75), damaged ; c. 365-323 B.C., M Hemidrachm, wt. 40*5 gfrs. Laureate head of Zeus ; ^ FA, Eagle to right (5. il/. Cat. 83), well preserved 4 381 Arcadia. Psophis, c. 500-400 b.c, JR Obol, wt. 13-5 grs., Fore- part of Keryneian stag to right; p> -^O, Fish in dotted incuse square {B. 31. Cat. 3), rare Megalopolis, c 330-251, B.C., M Triobols (4), Head of Zeus Lykaeos ; ^ MET, Pan seated on rocks, various adjuncts Cleitor, c 400-322 B.C., M Triobols (2), Head of Helios facing; P: Rushirig bull and symbols Arcadian League, c. 370-330 b.c, JR Triobols (3), Pan seated on rocks ; and M Obol, Head of Pan ; ^ Arcadian monogram and syrinx, some fine 11 382 Henaea, c. 490-417 b.c, JR Triobols (3), Zeus Aphesius seated to left ; ^ Head of Artemis of archaic style, hair in queue (c/. B. 31. Cat. 7) ; Head bound with fillet, and rolled (cf. B. 31. Cat. 28) ; JR Obols (2), of similar type, wt. 14*5 grs., Archaic head to left, hair in queue (cf. B. 31. Cat. 8) ; wt. 15 grs.. Head three-quarter face to right, hair in net {cf. B. 31. Cat. 42), uncommon types. Laconia. Corone, c. 280-184 B.C., JR Tetrobol, wt. 37 grs., Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet, to right; 1^ KOP, Bunch of grapes on stalk, in ivy- wreath {B, 31. Cat. l) 6 383 Cyrenaica. Cyrene, c. 431-323 b.c, N Drachm, ivt. 66*5 grs.. Horseman to right ; in field, to left, HOAI ; ^ K-Y-R-A, Silphium; to right, field mouse [Midler, p. 51, no. 10?,), fine and rare; fromthesale in Vienna, January, 1912, /o# 354 [PI. IX] 1 384 Cyrene, c. 323-285 b.c, N ,V Stater, wt. 13"5 grs., Head of Zeus Ammon to right, laureate ; behind, KY ; ^ Head of nymph Kyrene i to right, hair rolled; FlO on either side, extremely fine, ILLUS- TRATED : from the Hazlitt sale ; JR Didrachm, 1 15*8 grs., Head i to left, with ram's horn ; ^ Silphium ; to left, Ifl ; below, across! the field KY-PA [PI. IX] 2 j 385 Crete. Lyttus, c. 450-300 b.c, JR Stater, ivt. 162 ^rs., Eagle flying to left; K AYTTI, Boar's head to left, within a beaded square NO {B. 31. Cat. 10), of coarse style, but very fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 i ./ a:> /f 38' ^ 388 o^a^ 389 390 ^ 61 Third Bay J^X . /f. 386 Lyttus, c. 450-300 B.C., M Drachm, wt. 82*5 grs., Eagle flying to left ; ^ AYTTS0, Boar's head to right within beaded square 1 ^B. M. Cat. 7), black tfl7ie, but very fine and rare [PI. IX] Itanus, c. 400-300 b.c, M Drachm, wt. 82 grs., Head of Athena to left, ill crested Athenian helmet, adorned with floral ornament; ^ ITANIXIN, Eagle to left, looking back; in field to right, Glaukos holding trident; within incuse square {B. M. Cat. 12), very fine and rare, illustrated \ JR Obol, wt. 12'8 grs., Helmeted head of Athena to left ; ^ Star of eight rays {B. M. Cat. 19), fine [PI. IX] 2 Elyrus (?), c. 400-300 B.C., M. Hemidrachm, ^vt. 37 "2 grs., Female head to left ; ii 1 - Bee, undescribed, in very good state. Cnossus, c. 350-200 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 78*2 grs.. Head of Hera to left ; tL KNnZI, Square labyrinth; AP, in field (5. M. Cat. 26) ; c. 200-67 B.C., AL Head of Zeus to right ; p, Square labyrinth (B. M. Cat. 49). Crete. Imperial M of Trajan ; ^ KPHTWN, Aesculapius and Hygiaea, poor 4 Euboea. Chalcis, c. 600-507 b.c, M Tritemorion, u-t. 6 grs., Wheel of four spokes ; ^ Incuse square, divided diagonally into four parts {B. M. Cat. 10). EnetPJa, c. 378-338 B.C., M Drachm, Nymph Euboea and bull's head, holed. Chalcis, c. 369-336 B.C., M Drachms (2), Female head to left and eagle. Histiaea, c. 313-265 B.C., M Tetrobol, ict. 37'5 grs., Head of Maenad, and nymph seated on stern of galley, fine. BoEOTiA. Thebes, c. 480-446 B.C., M Hemidrachm, ivt. 41*2 grs., Boeotian shield; ^ 0EBH, Kantharos {B. M. Cat. 78). Federal, c. 338-315 B.C., M, Hemidrachms (2), similar type, with BO-ID and B-OI ; c. 244-197 B.C., M, Drachm, Head of Demeter, almost facing; ^ Poseidon {B. 31. Cat. 77) ; c. 197-146 B.C., Al Drachm, Head of Poseidon ; ^ Nike standing to left {B. M. Cat. 92), some in very good preservation 10 Phocis, c. 357-346 b.C.,^ Triobol, ivt. 42'2 grr,s.. Bull's head, facing; il <|> 12, Head of the Delphian Apollo to right, laureate; behind head, laurel branch {B. M. Cat. 87), very fine and rare, illustrated. Aetolia, c. 279-268 B.C., M Hemidrachm, ivt. 38 grs.. Head of Aetolos wearing kausia ; ^ AITXIAII, Calydonian boar, etc. {cf. B. M. Cat. 16) [PI. IX] 2 391 Locris. LocpI Opuntii, c. 400-338 js.c, ^ Stater, wt. 182 grs.. Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn, wearing necklace X /I// J /- s 2.?a r Third Day 62 /(9 ? /6^ ?Vc?\ /\/j^ ^ /C? '/ Lot 391 — continued tied at back ; 1^ OflONTIHN, Nude figure of the Locrian Ajax charging to right ; on the ground, spear-head {cf. B. M. Cat., pi. /, 7), a fine example, btit holed behind head, illustrated ; ^ Hemidrachm, ivt. 41*6 gjs., similar type, but head of Perse- phone to right ; on rev. symbol, crest of helmet {B. M. Cat. 24), fine [PI. IX] 2 392 AcARNANiA, c. 250-167 B.C., M Federal Stater, wt. 153"2 grs., [AYJKOYPrOZ, Head of Acheloiis to right, with bull's horn and ear; ^ AKAPNANIIN, Nude Apollo seated on throne to left, holding bow in his right hand {B. M. Cat. 9), fine and Q-are : from the Benson sale [PI. IX] 1 393 CoRCYRA, c. 585-450 B.C., M Lumpy Stater, wt. 185'5 grs., Cow to left suckling calf ; j^ Two oblong sinkings, side by side, each containing a stellate design {cf. B. M. Cat., pi. xxi, 2) ; from the Taranto find, in very good state. Illyria. Dyprhachium, c. 450-350 B.C., M Stater, tvt. 164 grs., Cow to right suckling calf, above F ; p, AYP, Double stellate square ; below, club to right {B. M. Cat. 21). Another, tvt. 170 grs.. Cow to left {B. M. Cat. 8), both very fine : from the Sandeman sale 3 394 Thessalia. Lapissa, c. 430-400 B.C., M Drachm, tvt. 89*5 grs., Nude youth to right, restraining unruly bull l)y the horns ; the chlamys and kausia blown back to left; ^ AAPI-ZAIA, Horse galloping to right, rein flying loose; in the field, grafitto PI AY-VM, {B. M. Cat. 27), of very good style, and very fine [PI. IX] ll 395 Larissa, c. 400-344 b.c, M Drachm, ivt. 93 grs., Head of the nymph Larissa to left, M'earing sphendone ; ^ AAPIZAI, Bridled horse galloping to right, rein flying loose {cf. B. M. Cat. 48), in excellent state and rare ; from the Benson sale [PI. IX] 1 396 Larissa, c. 400-344 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 94 grs.. Head of nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left ; ^ AAPIZ-AIX2N, Horsej grazing to right ; below, plant growing {B. M. Cat. 61). Another,' ivt. 94 grs.. Head facing, hair diflierently arranged ; ^ AAPI, Horse feeding {cf. B. M. Cat. 11), the second very fine and a rare variety 2 397 Larissa, c. 400-344 B.C., M Drachm, ivt. 95 grs.. Head of Larissa, three-quarter face to left; ^ AAPIZ-AlJQN, Horse grazing to right {B. M. Cat. pi. vr, ] ), of fine style, and in excellent state [PI. IX] 1 \/a^ C/^t A^t-^^*-^ /^ 63 Third ■^cyat^ {X^C^^ ^f S98 399 ^. y 00 401 -<5CO*^2'** 40- 1/^ty^ 403 o£c^o^ 40: Larissa, r. 400-344 i'..c., M Drachms (2). ivU. 93-5 and 94 .qt^., similar types to preceding coin, but with growing plant beneath ^ horse on rev. {B. 31. Cat. 61), horse to left, an.l the other to right, both very good coins Lapissa, c. 400-344 n.c, Al Drachm, wt. 93-5 grs., Head of Larissa, ^ almost facing, of varied style and treatment ; ^ AAPI, Horse grazing to right, very fine ; from the Benson sale [PI. IX] 1 Lapissa, c. 400-344 B.C., M Drachm, wt. 93 grs., Head of Larissa, ^ three-quarter face to left ; 1^ . . AOI/1, Horseman wearing kausia, standing beside his horse to right {B. M. Cat. — ), a very rare tijpe, very ivell preserved [PI. IX] Lapissa, c. 400-344 b.c, M Drachm, ivt. 95 grs., similar head of the nymph ; li SAinN-AAPI, Mare walking to right ; beside / her, foal {B. M. Cat. 64), fine and uncommon 1 Phapsalus, c. 400-344 b.c, M Drachm, ivt. 90-2 grs., Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet ornamented with figure J of Scylla ; ^ Horseman to left {B. M. Cat. 9), very rare and in good state. Lamia, c. 400-344 B.C., M Obol, wt. 12-4 grs.. Head of young Dionysos to left, ivy crowned ; Ijl AAM I E-flN, Amphora; to right, prochous ; above, ivy-leaf {B. M. Cat. 4), very fine 2 Thessalian Confedepacy, c. 196-146 b.c.,^U)ouble-Victoriati / y (6), Head of Zeus, laureate, to right ; ^ ©EZZAAHN, Athena / Itonia fighting ; varied names of magistrates, Aristocles . . . ppos Gorgopas, Diodes, Sosipatros Gorgopas, Philon Ippolokos, Xeno- phantos, etc. ; and M Drachm, ivt. 64 grs., Head of Apolloj R Athena Itonia AN, chiefly fiiie ' Tl Macedonia. Acanthus, c. 550-425 b.c, M Tetrobol, ivt. 37 2 ^ ^q grs., Forepart of bull to left, looking back ; above, floral ornament ; j^ Quadripartite incuse square {B. 31. Cat. 7). Lete, 600-500 B.C., JR Stater, wt. 148-4 grs.. Nude satyr seizing the arm of draped nymph ; p= Incuse square, both coins from the Taranto find, the second has suffered from corrosion . E i o n , c. 500-4 3 7 b. c , M,wt. \T3grs., 0, Goose to right looking back ; in field, lizard; y. incuse square, quartered {cf B. 31. Cat. 2), fine. Scione, c. 500-450 B.C., JR, wt. 2-5 grft., Human eye ; (^ Incuse square divided diagonally (/^. il/. C'rt^. —), mrg 4 ^ Neapolis, c. 500-411 b.c, M Stater, tvt. 148 grs., Gorgon-head; ^ Incuse square, quartered (B. 31. Cat. 2), fine ; c 411-350 B.C., J^f. ;? r? Third Day 64 Lot 405 — continued. Gorgon-head ; 1^ N EO . . Head of the Parthetios of Neapolis bound with cord and twisted up behind {B. M. Cat. 17), timisually fine e.rample, iUnstrated [PI. X] 2 406 r 40; ? cT- / /^ //-.. Head of Hermes, almost full-faced, wearing close-fitting petasos, orna- mented with beads; 9. AINION, Goat to right; in front, wreath {cf. type B. M. Cat. 12; Berlin M. 29), fine and very rare; from sale in Vienna, January, 1912, lot 143 (£35) [PI. X] 1 408 Aenus, c. 450-400 B.C., JR Diobol, tvt. 204 grs., Head of Hermes ^ to left, as in lot 406 ; V^ AINI, Goat to right {B. JL Cat. 11). 'i^a,^^ Another, ict. 20 grs., similar type, but symbol on rev. crab, hoth very fine. c. 400-350 B.C., Facing head of Hermes; yi AINION, Goat to right ; in front, trophy, fine and very rare 3 409 Maroneia, c. 400-350 b.c, ^ Didrachm, ivt. 170"5 f/?x. Horse prancing to left with loose rein; beneath, trident to left; ^ EDIlHNnNOZ around a linear square containing ^ (B. 31. Cat. 21), fine and rare vnie 1 410 Thasos, c. 550-463 B.C., JR Stater, wt. 148'4 grs.. Naked ithyphallic satyr, with horse's feet, kneeling to right, and can-ying a nymph, who is struggling in his arms ; ^ Quadripartite incuse squaie, of early archaic style and treatment, and fine preservation; [ from the Dundas and Sande^nan cabinets 1 411 Thasos, c. 463-411 b.c, JR Drachm, wt. 55-2 grs.. Satyr, bald, bearded and with horse's tail, kneeling to right on one knee, and carrying in his arms a nymph clad in long chiton ; ft Quadri- partite incuse square of mill sail pattern (B. M. Cat. 32), of very fine style and in very fine condition; from sale in Vienna, January, 1912, lot 111 [PI. X] 1 ^ -6S- TMrd Day Jf^.J (P^. / t^a^t^t/C^ 412 413 Thasos, c. 41 1-350 B.C., M Drachm, wt. 58*5 grs., Head of bearded Dionysos to left, wearing ivy-wreath ; ^ 0A[Z]ION, Bearded Herakles to right, kneeling, shooting with bow {cf. type B. M. Cat. 41), very fine and rare ; from sale in Vienna, January, 1912, ^;; 195 [PI. X] 1> Thasos, c. 150-50 b.c, JR Tetradrachm, wt. 259'5 grsf., Head of youthful Dionysos to right, wearing ivy- wreath; tiHPAKAEOYZ ZnXHPOZ ©AZIHN, Nude figure of Herakles standing to left, holding club ; in field, H {B. M. Cat. 74). Another, xvt. 244 grs., similar type, the first very fine. Apol Ionia Pontlca, c. 450-400 B.C., M Drachm, wt. 53'5 grs., Anchor ; in field to right, lobster; ^ Gorgoneion, in circular incuse (/y. ^7. Cat., Mysiae 7), fine and rare 3 J J ./^ (E). KINGS OF MAOEDON and the DIADOCHI, W^a^Ci/^eyO'^^'*^ 414 415 16 m^- ^?u? 417 //CcxZ^i^ 418 Macedonia. Philip II, c. 359-336 b.c, N Stater, wt. 1310 grs.. Head of Apollo to right, laureate; ^ IAinnOY, Biga galloping to right ; symbol, thunderbolt {Mailer 2), fine 1 Philip II, c. 359-336 B.C., M Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus to right, laureate; \\ IAinnOY, Horseman to right; in field, thunderbolt, of fine style. Anothei-, wt. 223 grs., symbol, head of Janus {M. 853). M Tetrobols (6), Head of Apollo ; ^ Horse- man to right ; in field, monogram MAP, ear of corn, globe, crescent, branch, and uncertain, possibly a monogram, all fine 8 Alexander III, c. 359-336 b.c, N Stater, ivt. 132 grs.. Head of Athena to right, in crested helmet ornamented with Pegasos ; liAAEZANAPOYBAZIAEHZ, Nike standing to left holding wreath aufl vexillum ; in field to left, Ml, and beneath, mono- gram in wreath {M. 1412), very fine and a rare variety \ from 5 July sale, 1910, /o^ 61 1 Alexander III, b.c. 336-323, N Stater, wt. V5-2 grs., similar types to last coin ; behind head of Athena © ; ^ in field to left of Nike, caduceus, monogram, and {M. 214), fine style, and in e.vcellent preservation ; from the Sandeman sale [PI. X] 1 Alexander III, b.c. 336-323, M Tetradrachms (4), Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ AAEZAN- APOY, Zeus enthroned to left, holding eagle ; in field, crescent; under seat, fl {M. 260), and other varieties, with symbols, bow (J/. 586), Athena Promachos {31. 649), and B under chair, all fine 4 ^07 . /y / 'fn ^ Third Day 66 -r-r- 419 ^ 3 //^ 420 /A 421 423 7 424 425 426 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283, M Tetradrachm, tot. 257 grs., Nike standing on prow of galley to left, bloAving a long trumpet and holding naval standard; ^i AHMHTPIOY BAZIAEXIZ, Poseidon to left, brandishing a long trident, his chlamys wrapped round his left fore-arm ; in field to left, HP, and right, t>( , in fine condition and rare 1 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283, M Tetradrachm, «t. 265'5 grs., Deified head of Demetrius, horned, to right, and diademed; ^ BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon standing to left, resting right foot on pile of rocks and holding trident; on either side, a monogram, very fine [PI. X] 1 Antigonus Gonatas, b.c. 277-239, ^Tetradrachm, u-t. 2615 grs., Macedonian shield, border ornamented with stars in lunettes; in the centre, a head of Pan to left, with pedum over shoulder ; ^ BAZIAEHZ ANTirONOY, Athena Alkis of archaic style hurling thunderbolt and holding shield ; to left, Macedonian helmet; to right, monogram, very fine 1 Philip V, B.C. 220-179, M Didrachm, ivt. 1295 grs., Head of king, diademed, to right; 1^ BAZIAEflZ i IAinnOY, Club in oak-wreath and three monograms, fine and rare ; from the Sandeman sale 1 Roman Domination, b.c. 158-149, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 263'9 grs., Macedonian shield with head of Artemis to right in centre; ^ MAKEAONUN nPHTHZ, Club and monogram HP in wreath. B.C. 93-92, M TETRADRACHM, ivt. 257 "5 grs., MAKEAONUN, Deified head of Alexander the Great to right; behind neck ; ^ AESILLAS Q, Club, money-chest and seat, the whole within Avreath, both very fine; from the Butler sale 2 Paeonia. Patraus, b.c. 340-315, M. Tetradrachm, ivt. 189"5 grs.. Laureate head of Apollo to right ; ^ Paeonian horseman to right charging and riding down Macedonian hoplite. Another, wt. 195'5 grs., of similar type, both fine but badly centred 2 Audoleon, b.c. 315-286, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 189"9 grs.. Head of Athena, nearly facing, wearing triple plumed helmet; K AYAHAE- N T • Y, Free horse prancing to right; beneath, A, in very good condition and rare 1 Thrace. Lysimachus, b.c. 323-281, A^ Stater, wt. 131 grs.. Deified head of Alexander the Great to right, diademed, and with horn of ZeusAmmon; IplBAZIAEIlZ AYZIMAXOY, Athena seated to left, holding figure of Nike ; in field, monogram AC ; on thi-one, BY (Byzantium) ; in exergue, a trident, very fine ; from the Subhi Pacha and Sandeman sales [PI. X] 1 ^ A/y^ ^. A ^£y 67 Third Day 428 iCo ^ .r <£ ^ yv^ 430 431 f 432 /i/aCif^^o^-c^ 433 ^^O Lysimachus, b.c. 323-281, ^ITetkadrachini, ivt. 265'7 ^/rs., Deified head of Alexander the Great, as on last coin; ^ BAZIAEI2Z AYZIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated to left; in front, monogram {Midler, 548), very fine. Another, ivt. 259"3 grs., symbol on rev. Term to left, two monograms, fine ; from the Bateman sale 2 Galatia. Amyntas, p..c. 36-25, JR Tetradkachm, ivt. 247 '5 grs., Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet, to right; li BAZIAEn[Z] AMYNTOY, Nike flying to left, holding sceptre in right hand, fine and uncommon ; from the Butler sale [PI. X] 1 Bactria. Euthydemus, b.c. 222-187, M Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs.. Diademed head of Euthydemus, to right; ]^ BAZIAEHZ EY0YAHMOY, Herakles, nude, seated to left on rock; club resting upon the hero's knee, the anvil-like seat covered with a lion's skin ; KP (mon.) in field to right, of good style and in fine condition ; from the Butler sale 1 Egypt. Ptolemy I, b.c. 323-285, N, tvt. 27*2 grs.. Head of King to right, diademed; yi flTOAEMAlOY BAZIAEI2Z, Eagle to left on thunderbolt, wings open, to left, A {B. M. Cat. 80), very fine [P\.X^ 1 Seleucidae. Seleucus I, b.c. 306-281, M Tetradrachm, ict. 261 "5 grs.. Head of Herakles to right, weai'ing lion's scalp; li ZEAEYKOY BAZIAEIIZ, Zeus Aetophoros seated to left, holding sceptre ; in field and under seat, monograms {cf Babelon, 18). Another, ivt. 257'7 grs., under chair, AZ ; mon. in front of head, and in field to right, shield with E {cf Mac- donald, Hunter Museum, III, no. 15), the first fine 2 Seleucus I, b.c. 306-281, M Tetradrachm, irt. 2602 grs.. Laureate head of Zeus to right; I^L BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY, Nike in quadriga of elephants to right ; above, anchor {rf. Bab., pi. Ill, 3). Another, ivt. 259 grs., Head of Seleucus to light, wearing helmet covered with bull's hide, the horn and ear attached to the side and a serpent projecting from the front ; lion's skin round throat ; ^ Nike crowning trophy ; in field, AX {of Bab. 44), both coins only well 2)reserved, the second very rare {cost the owner £8), both illustrated [PI. X] 2 Antiochus I, b.c. 281-261, Al Tetradrachm, wt. 259-7 grs.. Diademed head of King to right; li BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Nude figure of Apollo seated to left on omphalos, leaning on bow / /A -2 /'/- J ^S^ / Third Day 08 // /X^ Y- Lot 433 — continued. and holding arrow ; in field to left and right, monograms {cf. Bah. 121, but HP to right). Antiochus II {Tlieos), B.C. 261-246, M. Tetradrachm, wt. 263"6 gr^.. Diademed head of King to right; }^ type similar to last; iif field, HA {mon.), possibly Antiochus I {Bab. — ), both in very good state 2 434 Seleucus II {CaUinicus), B.C. 246-226, M Tetradrachm, wt. 2o'd-S grs., IMademed head of King to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY, Apollo, laureate, nude, standing to left, holds in right hand, ariow, and leans on tripod ; to left and right, mono- grams {B. 31. Cat. 8), very well preserved and very rare 1 435 Antiochus Hierax, b.c. 227, JR Tetradrachm, wt. 26 12 gr.s., Head of King to right.diadem adorned with wing; li BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY, Apollo, nude, seated to left on omphalos, holding arrow ; beneath, horse grazing to left ; in field to left, two mono- grams {cf. type Bab., pi. Viii, l), ?'are. Anothei-, 2i't. 255"1 g?-s., Diademed head to right ; 1;^ type of last ; in field to right, (Bab. — ), rare, both in very good state 2 436 Seleucus III {Ceraunus), b.c. 226-222, ^l Tetradrachm, vt. 263 grs., Diademed head of King to right; li BAZIAEIIZ ZEAEYKOY, Apollo seated on omphalos to left, as before, holding arrow ; in field to left, monogram {Bab. 296), very good and rare 1 437 Antiochus III {the Great), b.c. 222-187, M Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs.. Diademed head of King to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated on omphalos; in exergue, Al {B. 363), very fine and very rare 1 438 Seleucus IV {Pliilopator), B.C. 187-175, M Tetradrachm, wt. •2^V1 grs., Diademed head of King to right; ^ BAZIAEIIZ ZEAEYKOY, Apollo seated on omphalos ; in field to left, palm- branch ; in exergue, {Bab. 468), fine and uncommon 1 439 Antiochus IV {Epiphanes), B.C. 176-164, A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 254 grs., Diademed head of King to right; ji BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY 0EOY EniANOYZ NIKH4>OPO^, Zeus Nikephoros seated to left, resting on sceptre; to left, Al {Bab\ 536), fine and rare i 440 Antiochus V {Eupator), b.c. 164-162, A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 249 grs., Diademed head of King to right; ii BAZIAEH? ANTIOXOY EYFIATOPOZ, Zeus Nikephoros seated t\ left, holding sceptre ; in field to left. {Bab. 695), fine and retj/ rare 1 /c/atyC^ U^ Mce^^^i9^^ / (P^rV Jr^'^/^ 69 Third Day X441 Vj 442 -443 P .444 445 £^j c^ ^^cT'. ^ Demetpius I (Sotef), u.c. 162-150, A\ Tetradkachm, wt. 255 (jrs., Diademed head of King to right, within laurel-wreath ; Li BAZIAEHZ AHMHTP10Y, Tyche seated to left, draped, holding short staft" and cornucoiii;e ; symbols, club and wing; two monograms (cf. Bab. 714). Ai Drachm, irt. 610 grs., Diademed head to right; i;i BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY ZHTHPOZ, Cornucopi;\) ; date, AHP ( = 161) and monograms (Bab. 758) 2 Demetrius I (Soter), b.c. 162-150, JR Tetradrachm, wf. 258 grt:., Diademed head of King to right, within laurel wreath ; V. BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY ZHTHPOZ, Tyche to left, draped, seated on throne supported by winged female monster and holding short staff and cornucopia? ; in field to left, monogram (Bah. 758), an unusually fine example; from the Butler sale [PI. X] 1 Demetrius I (Soter), b.c. 162-150, ^Tetradrachm, ivt. 2D8'4:grs., types similar to last coin (Bab. 758). Another, wt. 25r5 grs., similar, but with ZHTHPOZ under seat (Bab. —). A Third, without the title of Soter ; monogram in field to left, HP, t/ie first tivo fine, especially the first 3 Alexander I {Bala), b.c. 150-145, M Tetradrachm, ict. 233'5 grs., Diademed head of King to right; p. BAZIAEflZ AAEZANAPOY ©EOHATOPOZ EYEPFETOY, Zeus Nikephoros seated to left; in exergue, date AZP ( = 164); two monograms in field {cf. Bab. 875-76), fine 1 Demetrius II {Nicator). First Eeign, B.C. 146-138, Al Tetra- drachm, wt. 2192 grs., Diademed bust to right, draped ; \j. AHMHTPIOY BAZIAEnZ, Ptolemaic eagle to left; to left, Tyrian club and APE, and to right, AZ, and date EFIP ( = 185), {Bab. 1199). Second Keign, B.C. 130-125, M Tetradrachm, ivt. 253 grs.. Diademed and bearded head of King to right; li BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY ©EOY NIKATOPOZ, Zeus Nikephoros seated to left; E to left, A under throne {Bab. 1215), both in eery good state, the second a rare type 2 446 Demetrius II {Nicator). Second Reign, B.C. 130-125, Al Tetra- drachm, ivt. 252 grs.. Diademed and bearded head of King to right; li BAZIAEnZ AHMHTPIOY 0EOY NIKATOPOZ, Zeus Nikephoros seated to left ; in exergue, two monograms (HA and M), {Bab. 1219), unusually fine atid rare [P\. X] 1 r / ^' s ^7^./^ ^ Third Day •0 //^ 2 /O / ro / // /^. a .y^ ^ 447 Antiochus VI (Dionijiios), B.C. 145-142, ^ Drachm, ivt. 638 £?;s., Diademed head of King, radiate, to right; 1/ BAZIAEHZ , ANTIOXOYI En lANOYi: I AIONYZOY I Apollo seated on omphalos to left, holding shield and arrow ; date OP ( = 170) ' and ZTA {Bab. 997), very fine and uncommon [PI. X] 1 448 Antiochus VII (Eaergetes), b.c. 138-129, JR Tetradrachm, wt. 215'5 grs., Diademed and draped bust of King, to right; ]^ BAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY, Eagle to left, standing on rudder; in field, club monogram of Tyre and APE; to right, monogram and date SOP ( = 176); between eagle's legs, mono- gram (Bab. 1088). Another, wf. 247*9 grs., Diademed head of Kingtoright; iiBAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY EYEPfETOY, Athena Parthenos to left; in field, monogram, and letters A and O (Bab. 1146), both fine 2 449 Alexander II (Zebina), b.c. 128-123, M Tetradrachm, vt. 251 grs., Diademed head of King to right; |i BAZIAEflZ (? /L / AAEEANAPO(Y), Zeus Nikephoros seated to left, resting on long sceptre ; in field to left, monogram ; under throne Z (Bab. Um), fine and rare [PI. X] 1 450 Cleopatra Thea and Antiochus VIM (Grijinis), b.c. 125-121, M, Tetradrachm, ivt. 250'2 grs.. Conjoined busts of King and Queen to right; 1^ BAZIAIZZH[Z] KAEOnATPA[Z] ©EAZ KAI BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Zeus, semi nude, seated to left, holding figure of Nike and long sceptre ; in field, left, monogram ; no date in exergue ((if. type Bab. 1351), plugged under chin of king, othervAse fine 1 451 Antiochus VIII (Grijpus), b.c. 125-96, Al Tetradrachm, vt. 253-3 grs.. Diademed head of King to right; IJ BAZIAEIIZ ANTIOXOY Eni4>ANOYZ, Zeus Ouranios standing to left; a crescent on his head; in field to left, m, AP and AN; in exergue, TSP (=193) (Bab. 1379). Another, trf. 24r3 grs., similar types ; star on extended right hand of Zeus ; in field, M ; no date in exergue (Bab. 1409), the first fine. A third, wt. 252'2 grs., ]^ Zeus Nikephoros seated to left ; in field to left, two monograms; under throne r (Rogers, Num. Chron., 1912, p/. XI, 4), rare, very fine 3 452 Seleucus VI (Epiphanes Nicator), B.C. 96-95, A\ Tetradrachm, irt. 248 grs., Diademed head of King to right; ^ [BAZIAEHZ] ZEAEYKOY EniIAinnOY Enil- XXVii, 14) fine 1 {F). BARBAROUS IMITATIONS. Ancient British. Uninscribed, N Stater, wt. ^b grs., obv. plain and convex ; yi Disjointed, tailless horse to right ; exergue ornamented with floral device {cf. Evans, pi. b, 8). N Quarter Stater, tvt, 17 "2 grs., Portions of wide spread bust; p> Horse with triple tail prancing to right; above, flower, and in the field, three annulets {cf. Ei\, pi. E, 2), both fine, the latter rare 2 Uninscpibed, N Stater, wt. 88-2 grs., Portions of large laureate bust ; p. Horse galloping to right ; below, ornamental pellet ; in front, zigzag line terminating above in an oval ring ornament ; wreath in exergue {cf. Ev., pi. c, 6), fine l Uninscpibed, M Stater, wt. 97'1 grs., type of first coin in lot 454 {Er.,pl. b, 8). Another, ivt. 91 grs., a variety of coin in last lot {cf. Ev., pi. c, 5), both fine 2 Brigantes, red metal, Stater, wt. 93 grs., obv. Plain and convex ; IJ Very rude disjointed horse to the left, head formed by a triangle; pellets in front {cf. Ev., pi. xvii, ll), fine and rare ; from the Ferriby hoard \ Cunobelinus, b.c. 5-a.d. 40, N Stater, wt. 80 grs., camv on either side of ear of bearded corn ; p, CVn(o) beneath prancing horse to right ; above, palm-branch {Ev., pi. \y^ 4), pierced, other- wise fine and rare; from the Btroehlin sale, May, 1910, lot 359 1 Verica, A^ Stater, wt. 87 grs., v(i)-ri on either side of vine-leaf with long stalk ; p> Horseman, armed with spear, leaping to the right; beneath F {Ev. pi. u, 9), in very good state and rare [Pl.X] 1 VePJca, N Stater, wt. 87 grs., comfi upon a plain oblong sunk compartment; ^ VIR REX, Horseman prancing to right, his hand uplifted {cf. Ev., pi. ii, 10), a very rare variety, fine; found ctt Selsey [PI. X] 1 Gaulish. Pictones, base N Stater, wt. 100 grs., Male head to left, wearing necklace ; \^ Man-headed horse, helmeted, galloping to left ; beneath, open hand {Muret, 4417). Another, wt. 96"5 grs., /^ /o f / ro /o c^ ^ c^ / ^ /9^ . /c^. L? Third Day 72 /A /r n ^ /O // Lot 461 — continued. i Head surrounded by ornamental device. Others (4), with head to right; 1^ Man-headed horse, helmeted, driven by winged aurigator holding wreath, etc. {M. 4395; all varied); from the\ Stroehlin sale, lot 2iQ 6 462 Treviri, J^ Stater, tvt. 96 grs., Eye in profile to right, with orna- mental surroundings ; ^ Horse galloping to left ; above, sun and V-shaped ornament; beneath, concentric circles (31. 8799), v^r^^ fine [PI. X] 1 463 Ambiani, N Half Stater, wt. 65 grs., Head of Apollo to right; J^ Biga galloping to right; in exergue, •nAmn (cf. M. 8380). N Quarter Staters (2), wt. 30'5 grs., Laureate head to right ; ^ Biga to right; exergue, AlVI ; beneath horse, rosette; wt. 29"5 grs., a variety of last coin, uncommon ; from the Stroehlin sale, lot 304 3 464 Ambiani,' M Half Stater, wt. 64 grs.. Head of Apollo to right; 1^ Biga galloping to right; in exergue, l^nn'P ; uncertain symbol beneath horses {cf. 31. 8380), of unusaally good style, and very fine [Pl.X] . 1 465 Nepvii, N Stater, tvt. 90 gr.^.. Degraded type of head, epsilon- shaped ; p. Horse prancing to right; above, a wheel {31. 8746). Another, ivt. 80'5 grs., a variety of last coin. A third, ivt. 87 '5 grs., similar obr. type, with VOVIRO ; p Horse prancing to left; above, VIRO ; in front of horse, 8, all fine / from the Stroehlin sale 3 46G Carnutes, A' Stater, ivt. 116 grs.. Laureate Head of Apollo to right ; in front, uncertain symbol ; p Biga to right, of crude design ;* beneath horses, a lyre {cf 31. 5947). Another, wt. 114 grs., similar head, with necklace ; beneath horses, rude traces of Philippou {cf 31. 5957), the second fine ; from the Stroehlin sale ^ 2 467 Mopini, N Stater, ivt. 9T5 grs., obv. plain and convex; 1^ Tailless horse to right, of degraded type ; crescent above and below ; pellets in field {cf Ev., pi. B, 8). Another variety, wt. 97 "5 grs., both fine 2 468 Boil, N globular Stater, wt. Ill grs., with + on one side. Another, tvt. 113 grs. ; from, the Soissons find 2 469 Danubian District. Imitations of Philip H, M Tetradrachm, tvt. 223 grs., Laureate head of Zeus to right; ii Horseman to left; above, F and 9. Others, wt. 2037 grs., similar, with ^ ^ ^ ^ /Cii^^ Third ]}((ij /( ayC>^^^:/ro-f GLC jliOT 4<)9 — continued. symbo], a fly? in front of horse; v^t. 204'5 gm.. Horseman to right. Others, Imitations of Alexander the Great, of ru(]e workmanship {M. 9640) ; obr. plain and convex ; ^ Horseman to right {M. 9607, 4 mr.), etc., an Interesting lot 12 470 Imitation of Coin of Larissa, M Statek, irt. 207 grs.. Female head, facing; J^ Horseman to left; beneath, branch (J7. 9692), and a variety, wt. 199 grs. Another, wt. 203 grs., with difteient treatment of head, larger branch on rer. (HJ. 9694), t/>e first and third coins fine and rare 3 471 Massilia, 350-200 B.C., M DracHiM, irt. 595 grs., Female head to light, wearing earring and necklace; ^ MAZZA, Lion prowling to right {cf. M. 794), and other varieties (4), of good style. 200-49 B.C., M. Drachm, ivt. 42 grs.. Laureate head of Diana to right, with quiver at shoulder; 1^ MAZZA, Lion to light; beneath, E {M. 880), and other varieties, with I (M. 894), ZZ {M. ^W), Qtc, all fine 10 ^ / ^'3^ A^ END OF SALE. Dkvden Pkkss : J. Daw & Sons, 8-9, Fkith-stkekt, Souo-.sguAKK, W. Plate .rn. ^^ 93 ^:- 1^^ JOI ^^ %,v;^ C-- ^i^ "^ VC5- v3s^ ^ 305 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -?^' '^^ V^ 308 309 3i0 3li 312 '^ .-^-^ V^ V^ ^ i^ % # # 3i8 3ly j2u 3-^1 333 b 111 ^^^^ t^vVw.^.i^^'Vv rV*» *:>5^ ^^. Li :^ 366 J -'7 ^ ig-- it- tt.?. fe 384 ^ ^ 385 385 ^^-^ .-^^ ^'■^ 394 ^* 1""^ A^ '-^-^ ^?^1^x ^V 395 395 397 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. . ^ BECCIB, WR 6'75 LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 CDMbDSa'ii (M528918 Hi