LIBRARY 1404 Albert V. The Illustrious. Emperor II ". . 1398 . . 1439 Albert VI. The Prodigal 1418. . 1463 Albert. Archduke of Austria. Gov. of Netherlands. Life by Lemire, 1622 ; Montgaillard, 1622 ; Brusle de Montplainchamp, 1683; Charles Dubois, 1847 1559. .1621 Albert I. Margrave of Brandenburg. The Bear and The Fair 1106. .1170 Albert II — . . 1221 Albert HI. The Achilles and The Ulysses i4i4' • i486 Albert. First Duke of Prussia 1490. .1568 Albert. Margrave of Baireuth. Alcibiades of Germany.. 1522.. 1555 Albert. Prince Consort of England 1819 . . 1861 Albert. Abp. of Mentz. Conspirator against Henry VII. — . .1137 Albert. The Great. See Albertus Magnus 1 193 • • 1280 Albert. Cardinal. Archbishop of IVJ^igdeburg 1489- -1545 Albert of Aix, or Albertus Aquensis. Historian 1060 '' . 1 120 Albert, of Mecklenburg. King of Sweden — . . 1412 Albert of Stade. Chronicler (fi-om Creation to 1256). Life by Eckhard, 1726 — aft.1260 Albert of Strasburg. Chronicler (from 1270 to 1378). . fl. 14th c. Albert, Charles d'. Duke of Luynes. Constable of Fr.. 1578. .1621 Albert, Erasmus. German Divine. {Koran of the Cor- deliers) — • • 1551 Albert, Krantz. {EisUyry of Saxony and the Vandals). ... — • • 1517 Alberli, Aristotile. Italian Engineer fl. i6th c. Alberti, Cherubino. Florentine Painter 1552. .1615 Aiberti, Dominic. Venetian Musician fl. i8th c. Alberti, Durante. Painter in Oil and Fresco 1538 . . 1613 Alberti, Joh. German Orientalist. ( Observat. Phihlog. in N.T.) - ..1559 Alberti, John. Painter of Perspective and History 1558. .1601 Alberti, John Charles. Fresco Painter 1680. .1740 Alberti, Leander. Dominican Writer i479- •1552' Alberti, Leon Baptist. Poet, Architect, Painter, Sculptor. 1404. .1472 Alberti, Louis Joseph d'. Prince of Grimberghen. Field Marshal and Ambassador of Emperor Charles VII.. . . 1672. .1758 Alberti, Michael. Medical Writer at Hall 1682. .1757 Alberti, Solomon. Anatomist i549- • 1600 Alberti di Villanova, Francis. Italian Lexicographer. . 1731 . . 1800? Albertinelli, Mariotto di Bagio. Florentine Painter. . . . 1475?. 1520 "" Albertini, Francis. Florentine Antiquary fl. i6th c. Albertini, Francis. Calabrian Jesuit. {De Anyelo Custode) — . . 1619 Albertini, Paul. Venetian Priest, Author and Politician. 1430?. 1475 Albertrandy, John Christian. Polish Numismatist 1731 • • 1808 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 11 BORN. DIED. Alb ertus Magnus. Schoolman. Life by Flaminio ii93?.i28o Albertus, H. C. German Painter and Engraver — . . 1680? Albezi, Bartholomew. Franciscan Monk — . . 140 1 Albi, Henry. Jesuit Writer. {History of Illustrious Car- dinals) 1519. .1659 Albignac, Maurice. French Soldier 1775 . . 1824 Albini, Alexander. Italian Painter i ^6'S'i . 1646 Albini, Francis Joseph. German Diplomatist 1748. . 1816 Albinus, Bernard. Weiss. Medical Writer 1653. .1721 Albinus, Bernard Siegfried, son. German Anatomist 1696, . 1770 Albinus-, Christian Bernard, brother. Anatomical Writer, — . .1752 Albinus, Decimus Clodius. Rival of Septimus Severus. — .. 197 Albinus, L. Postumius. Consul; slain by the Boii — B.c.216 Albis, or White, Thomas. Philosopher. Friend of Hobbes . 1582.. 1676 Albisson, John. French Lawyer and Author 1732 . . 1810 Albitte, Anthony Louis. French Jacobin — ..1812 Albizzi, Bartholomew. Tuscan Cordelier: Writer — . . 1401 Albo, Joseph. Spanish Rabbi. {Sepher Hikkarim) — ..1428 Alboin. King of the Lombards — . . 573 Albon, James d'. Marquis of Fronsac. French General . . — ..1562 Alboresi, James, of Bologna. Landscape and Architect- - ural Painter 1632. . 1677 Albornoz, Giles Alvarez Carillo. Abp. of Toledo : Card. . — •■''^3^7 Albrecbt, William. German Agricultm-ist 1786. . 1848 Albrechtsberger, John George. German Composer, . . . 1736. . 1809 Albret, Jeanne d'. • Queen of Navarre. See D'Albret.. . 1528. . 1572 Albucasis. Arabian Physician — . . 1 106? Albumazar. Arabian Astronomer 776? , 885 Albuquerque, Alphonso d', Portuguese Conqueror in India, Life by his son, 1557 i453- • 1515 Albuquerque, Matthias, Portuguese General — , , 1646 Albuquerque Coelho, Edward d'. Soldier. ( Wars of Brazil) » — . . 1658 Alceeus. Lyric Poet of Lesbos fl.ab.6iiB,c. Alcamenes. Athenian Sculptor fl.444B.c,4oo Alcasar, Louis de. Span. Jesuit, Writer on Apocalypse, 1554. .1613 Alciati, Andi'ew, Civilian; Restorer of Roman Law. ., . 1492. .1550 Alciati, John Paul, of Milan. Socinian Writer ti. i6th c. Alcibiades. Athenian General and Statesman 45o?b,c,404 Alcinous. Platonic Phil, {Doctrines of Plato) .. or 2d c.a.d. Alciplion. Greek Writer. . fl,ab,A.D.i7o Alcman. Lyric Poet of Sardis £,6.0,670? Alcock, John, Bp, ofEly. Founder of Jesus Coll, Camb, — ,.1500 Alcock, John, Musical Composer 1715- • 1806 Alcred. King of Northumbria ( 765-774) , , , 740? , 789 Alcuin. Flacius Albinus. Theologian. Life by Lorenz, 1829, translated by Slee, 1837 725?. 804 Aleyonius, Peter, Italian Writer 1487 . . 1527? Alday, John. Translator of Theatrum Mundi fl. i6th c, Aldegrever, or Oldegrsef, Henry. Paint. andEngr... 1502.. 1563 Alden, John, Early Settler in Plymouth, New England. — . . 1687 Alderete, Diego Gratian. Spanish Writer — d.ti.PhiLII. Alderoti, Thaddeus. Florentine Phys. L. by Villani.. 1215. .1295 Aldhelm, St. Bishop of Sherborne. Life by Faricius. . 656.. 709 12 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Aldhun. First Bishop of Durham — . . 1018 Aldred. Archbishop of York — . . 1069 Aldrich, Henry. Dean. Theol., Logician, Composer .. 1647. .1710 Aldrich, Robert. Bishop of Carlisle — , .1556 Aldrovandini, Thomas, of Bologna. Painter 1653. .1736 Aldrovandus, Ulysses. Naturalist 1522. . 1607 Aldus. See Manutius '. i449- -1515 AJeander, Jerome. Cardinal. Opponent of Luther. . . . 1480. .1542 Aleander, Jerorpe, nephew. The Younger. Scholar and Antiquary 1574. • 1629 Alegarabe, Philip. Jesuit. {Bibl. Scriptorum Soc.Jesu) i^c)2. .16^2 Aleraan, Louis. Cardinal. Abp. of Aries. Statesman. .. 1390. .1450 Aleman, Matthew. Span. Writ. {Guzman d" Alfar ache) . fl. i6th c. Alemand, Lewis Aug., of Grenoble. Advocate and Writ. 1653 . .1728 Alembert d'. See D'Alembert. Mathematician 1717..1 783 Alen, or Olen, John van. Dutch Painter 165 1 . . 1698 AJen9on, Charles de Valois, Count of; fell at Crecy — . . 1346 Alen9on, Charles, Duke of, and of Anjou. Suitor of Eliz. . 1489. .1584 Aleii9on, John de Valois, First Duke of; fell at Agincourt 1385. .1415 Aleni, Thomas. Italian Painter 1500. , 1560 Alenio, Julius. Jesuit Missionary to China 1582 , . 1649 Aleotti, John Baptist. Italian Architect 1 546 . , 1636 Aler, Paul. Jesuit. ( Gradus ad Parnnssum) 1656. .1727 Ales, or Alesius, Alexander. Scottish Protestant Divine . 1500.. 1565 Alesio, Matthew Peter d'. Roman Painter and Engraver — . .1600 Alessi, Galeas. Arckitect 1500 . . 1 572 Aletino, Benedict. Anti -Cartesian Philosopher — . . 1 719 Alexander. Tvrant of Pherae — B.0.359 Alexander the "Great. K. Maced. (336-23). Life by Q. Curtius; Jul. Valerius, 1589; Lesfargues. 1639; Gau- denzio, 1645 ; Lehmann, 1667 ; Fessler, 1797 ; Miiller, 1830; Archd. John Williams, 1830; Droysen, 1833; Pfizer, 1845 356B.C.323 Alexander Balas. King of Syria (150-146) — B.c.146 Alexander Jannseus. King of the Jews (104*-77) — b.c. 77 Alexander. King of the Jews; son of Aristobulus II — b.c. 49 Alexander Severus. Emperor of Rome (222-235) 205 . . 235 Alexander I. Pope (109-119) — . . 119 Alexander II. (1061-73.) Ansehn de Badage — . . 1073 Alexander III. (1159-81) — ..1181 Alexander IV. (1254-61.) Rmjnald, or Roland — . . 1261 Alexander V. (1409-10.) Peier Filargo 1339?, 1410 Alexander VT. (1492-1503.) Borgia. T>ife by J. Burchard, 1697; Alex, Gordon, 1729; Masse, 1830; Delafontaine, 1844 1430-1..1503 Alexander VII. (1655-67.) Life by Pallavicino, 1840. 1599. .1667 Alexander VIII. (1689-91.) Peter Oltobon ■ . 1610. . 1691 Alexander I. King of Scotland (1107-24.) TheFierCb. — ..1124 Alexander II. (1214-1249.) 119b. T249 Alexander III. (1249-85) 1241 . . 1285 Alexander Jagellon. King of Poland (1501-6 ) 146 1 . .1506 Alexander Nevskoi, St. Grand Duke of Russia I2i8''.i263 Alexander I. Emp. Russia (1801-25). Life by Rumpf, 1814 ; Cousin d'Avallon, 1826 ; Leidenfrost, 1826 ; A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 13 BORN. DIED. . Egron, 1826 ; Rabbe, 1826 ; Henry Evans Lloyd, 1826 ; Morgenstern, 1827; Broecker, 1827; Choiseul-Gouffler, 1829; Voigt, 1830; Schischkoff, 1832 1777. .1825 Alexander. Bishop of Jerusalem (211-''-251) — . . 251 Alexander. Bp. o£ Alexandria (312?-25'); 0pp. of Arius — .. 326 Alexander. Bishop of Lincoln (1123-47) — . . 1147 Alexander, of Paris. Poet. Inventor of " Alexandrine " Measure. {Alexander the Great) fl. 12th c. Alexander. English Abbot, Envoy, and Writer — ..121 7? Alexander, Archibald. American Divine 1772. . 1851 Alexander, Benedictus, of Verona. Anatomist fl. 1503 Alexander, Massarias, of Vicenza. Medical Writer — . . 1598 Alexander, Nich., of St. Maur. Med. and Bot. Writer. . . 1654. .1728 Alexander, Noel, or Natalis. Dominican Church Hist.. . 1639. .1724 Alexander, Thomas. Earl of Selkirk. Political Writer. — ..1820 Alexander, Wm., Earl of Stirling. Officer and Astron. 1726.. 1783 Alexander, Sir Wm. E., of Stirling. Statesman and Poet 1580? .1640 Alexander, ab Alexandre. Lawyer. {Genial. Dierum) 1461. .1523 Alexander of Hales. Irrefragable Doctor — . . 1245 Alexander Neckam, or Nequam. Abbot of Exeter — . . 1227 Alexander Trallianus. Greek Physician fl. 6th c. Alexandrini de Neustain, Julius. Medical Writer .... 1506. .1590 Alexis. Piedmontese Traveler. {De Secreiis) — . . 1465' Alexis. Michaelovitch. Czar of Russia (1645-76) 1630. . 1676 Alexis. Petrovitch. Czar of Russia 1690. .1718 Alexis del Arco. Spanish Portrait-Painter 1625 . .1700 Alexius I., Comnenus. Emperor. Life by A. Comnena. 1048. .1118 Alexius II., Comnenus. Porphyrogenilus. Eastern Em- peror (1180-83) ■ 1167. .1183 Alexius III., Angelus Comnenus. (1195-1203) — aft.1210 Alexius IV"., Angelus 1190?. 1204 Alexius v., Ducas. Murtzujfle. (1204) — . . 1204 Aleyn, Charles. Historical Poet — . . 1640? Alfani, Horatius. Italian Painter * 153°'. 1583 Alfkrabius. Arabian Philosopher — . , 950 Alfaroy Gamon, John de. Spanish Painter 1640. . 1680 A1 fieri, Victor. Italian Poet. Life by himself; Zezou, 1835 1749. .1803 Alfonso. See Alphonso'. Alford, Michael. Griffith. Jesuit Missionary in England. {Britannia lUustrata) ' 1587. . 1652 Alfragan. The Calculator. Arabian Astronomer — . . 820 Alfrago, Andrew. Italian Physician — . . 1520 Alfred. King of Northumbria (686-705) — . . 705 Alfred the Great. Life by Asser; Robert Powell, 1634; Spelman, 1678; A. Bicknell, 1777; Stolberg, 1815 ; Dr. FauU; Giles {Hai-mony of the Chroniclers of Alfred) . . 849.. 901 Alfred. Monk of Malmesbury ; Bp. of Crediton. Writer fl. loth c. Alfred, or Alured, of Beverley. Historian — . .1126? Alfred, or Alured. Anglicus and The Philosopher — , Alfric. Abp. of Cant. (994-1006). Abbas or Grammaticus) — Alfric. Archbishop of York (1023-51). Writer — Algardi, Alexander. Sculptor and Architect 1598 Algarotti, Francis. Ital. Critic and Philosophical Writer 1712 AJghalib-Billah. First Moorish King of Granada 1195 ,1270 ,1006 ,1051 ,1654 1764 1273 14 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Algliazzal. Arabian Philosopher 1058. .iiii Alghisi, Francis, of Brescia. Musical Composer 1666. .1733 Alghisi, Thomas. Italian Lithotomist 1669. .1713 Alhazel, or Alhazen. Arabian Astronomer and Optician — . . 1038 Ali. Son-in-law of Mahomet. Fourth Caliph (1655-61). . 602?. 661 Ali-bassa. Ottoman General ... 1594''. 1663 Alibaud, Louis. Fr. Fanatic who attempt, life of L. Philippe 1810 . . 1830 Ali Beg, or Beigh. Dragoman and Translator of Bible. . — ..1675 AU Bey. Adventurer. Ruler of Egypt (1766-73) 1 728 . . 1 773 Ali Bey. See Badia. Spanish Traveler and Projector . . 1766. .1818 Ali Pasha. Viziir of Janina. Life by Pouqueville, 1820; Beauchamps, 1822; Alcaini, 1823; Davenport, 1837 . . . I74i?.i822 Alibrandi, Jerome. Sicilian Painter 1470 . .1524 Alison, Rev. Archibald. {Essays on Taste) i757" i^39 Alison, Wm. Pulteney, m.d., of Edinb. Medical Writer. 1770. . 1859 Allainval, Leonor Soulas d'. French Dramatic Poet ... . — ••i753 Allam, Andrew, of Oxford. Writer 1655 . . 1685 AUamand, John Nich. Sebastian. French Naturalist. . . . 1713. .1787 Allan, David. Portrait and Historical Painter i744' '1796 Allan, George. Antiquary — . . 1800 AJlan, Thomas. Mathematician and Antiquary 1542. . 1632 Allan, Sir William. Historical Painter 1782. . 1850 Allard, Guy. French Writer 1645 . .1716 Allard, John Francis. French General 1785 . . 1839' Allard, Peter Gilbert Leroi Baron d'. Fr. Political Econ. 1749. . 1809 Allardice, Robert Barclay. Scottish Pedestrian i779- -1854 Allart, Mary Gay. French Authoress 1750- • 1821 AUatius, or Allacci, Leo. Wr. at Rome. {Apes Vrharm). 1586.. 1669 AHegrain, Christopher Gabriel. French Sculptor 1711 . . 1795 Allegri, Antonio. Corregio. Italian Painter i494- '1534 AUegri, Gregory. Musical Composer. {Miserere) 1580?. 1652 AUein, Joseph. {Alarm.) Life by Stanford; Baxter 1633. . 1668 AUein, Richard. Ejected Nonconf. Div. ( Vindicice Pietatis) 161 1 . . i68i AUein, Wm., son. Ejected Nonconformist. {Millennium) 1622- .1677 Allemand, Zachary jas. Thos. French Vice-Admiral . . . 1762. .1826 Allen, Alexander. Philologist 1814. . 1842 Allen, Benjamin, m.d. Writer on Medicinal Waters .... fl. 1700 Allen, Ethan. American Colonel •. 1737 .. 1789 Allen, Henry. American Religious Enthusiast 1748. .1784 Allen, John. Archbishop of Dublin. Canonist; murdered 1476?. 1534 Allen, John, m.d. {Synopsis Medicince Practicce) — . .1741 Allen, John. Dissenting Theologian 1771 . . 1839 Allen, John, M.D. Historical Writer. {Royal Prerogative) 1771..1843 Allen, Joseph W. Landscape-Painter 1803 . . 1852 Allen, Paul. American Journalist and Author i775" 1826 Allen, Richard. Theologian. {Biographia Ecclesiastica) — ■ -^^7^7 Allen, Solomon. American Revolutionaiy Patriot 1751 • • 1821 Allen, or Allan, Thomas. Mathematician and Antiquary 1542. .1632 Allen, Thomas. Fellow of Eton ; Theological Critic 1 5 73 . . 1636 Allen, Sir Thomas. Admiral fl.1648-78 Allen, Thomas. Theologian, {Practice of a Holy Life) 1682. .1755 Allen, Thomas. Antiquary. {Antiquities of London) ... iZo-^. .1^23 Allen, or Alanus, Wm. Cardinal. Archbishop of Mechlin. Life by Fitz-Herbert, 1608; London, 3 vols. 8vo, 1846 . 1532. .1594 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 15 BORN. DIED. Allen, William. Chemical Philosopher and Philanthropist 1 770 . . 1843 Allen, William Henry. American Naval Officer 1784. .1813 Allent, Peter Alexander Joseph. French General 1772. . 1837 Allerstain, Aug. German Jesuit Missionary to China, . 1700?. 1777? Allestry, or Allestree, Ed. Royalist, Soldier, and Divine. 1619. . 1681 Allestry-j Jacob. English Poet — . . 1686 Alletz, Peter Edw. French Writer 1798 . . 1850 Alletz, Pons Augustin. French Writer 1703?. 1785 Alley, Wm. Bp. of Exeter ; Divine and Transl. of Bible . . — . . 1570 Alleyn, Edw. Founder of Dulwich Coll. Life by Collier 1566. . 1626 AJlgaier, John. Chess-Play er and Writer — . . 1826 AHingham, John Till. Dramatist fl. 1800? Allioni, Charles. Italian Physician and Medical Writer . 1725 . . 1804 Allix, Peter, D.D. Divine 1641..1717 Alloisi, Balthasar, of Bologna. Galanino. Painter 1578. . 1638 Allori, Alexander. Bronzino. Florentine Painter 1535.. 1607 Allori, Christopher, son. Bronzino. Painter i577. • 1619 Allston, Washington. American Painter and Poet i779. • 1843 Almagro, Diego de. Companion of Pizarro in Peru .... 1463. .1536 Almain, James. French Scholastic Divine — '-iSiS Almamoun. Caliph of Bagdad (814-33). Philos. & Astron. 786. . "^zi, Almansor, Abu Amer. Caliph of Cordova (976-1002) . . . 939. . 1002 Almansor, Abu Jafar. Sec. Abbaside Caliph (754-75). . 712?. 775 Almeida, ApoUinarius d'. Port. Mi ssionarj' to Ethiopia. . 1587.. 1638 Almeida, Francis. Fifst Portuguese Viceroy in India ... — . . 1510 Almeida, Lawrence, son. Navigator — . .1508 Alraeida, Manuel d'. Portuguese Missionary to Indies . . 1580. . 1646 Almeloveen, Theodore Janssen van. Medical Writer.. . 1657. .1712 Almendingen, Ludwig Harscher von. German Jurist. . 1766. .1827 Alm6ras, Louis. French General ., 1768 . . 1828 Almici, Peter Camillus. Italian Classical Scholar 1714- -1779 Almon, John. Political Writer 1738? . 1805 Aloaddin. Old Man of the Mountains. Chiefof theAssass. 1211. . — Alpago, Andrew. Italian Physician — . . 1555 Alphen, Jerome van. Dutch Poet, Theol., Jurist, and Hist. 1746. . 1803 Alp Arslan. Second Sultan of the Seljuk Turks 1030?. 1072 Alphanus, Benedict. Abp. of Palermo. Phys. and Poet. — . .1086 Alphege, or Elphege, St. Archbishop of Canterbury. . . . 954?. 1012 Alphonso I. King of Asturias (739-57). The Catholic. 693.. 757 Alphonso II. of Astur. and Leon (791-842). The Chaste 758.. 842 Alphonso III. of Astur. and Leon (866-912). The Great 848. . 912 Alphonso IV. of Leon (924-927. ) The Monk — . . 932 Alphonso V. of Leon (999-1028) 994. . 1028 Alphonso Vl.of Leon (1066-1109) ; I. of Castile. The Brave 1030. .1109 Alphonso VII. (consort of Queen Urraque); not gen- erally reckoned — ••1134 Alphonso VII. (or VIII.) of Leon (1126-57); 11. of Castile. Raymond 1106. .1157 Alphonso VIII. (or IX.) of Leon (1158-1214); III. of Castile. The Noble and The Good ii55 • • 1214 Alphonso X. (or IX.) of Leon (1252-85); IV. of Castile. The Wise and The Astronomer 1203. . 1284 Alphonso XI. of Leon (1327-50); V. of CastUe. The Avenger 1310. . 1350 16 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED, Alphonso I. of Aragon (1104-34). The Battler — . .1134 Alphonso II. of Aragon (1162-96) ii52..i]96 Alphonso III. of Aragon (1285-91) 1265 . . 1291 Alphonso IV. of Aragon (1327-36) 1299. . 1336 Alphonso V. of Aragon (1416-58); I. of Naples. The Magnanimous. Life by Becatelli, 1455 1385 . . 1458 Alphonso I. of Portugal (1137-85). Henriquez 1094, .1185 AlphonsoII. (1212-23.) The Fat 1185..1223 Alphonso III. (1248-79.) 1210..1279 Alphonso IV. (1324-57.) The Brave 1290. . 1357 Alphonso V. (1438-81.) The African 1432.. 1481 Alphonso VI. (1656-83) 1643. .1683 Alphonso I. of Naples (1416-58); V. of Aragon 1385 . . 1458 Alphonso II. of Naples (1494-95) 1448. . 1495 Alphonsus, Tostatus. Spanish Bishop and Theologian . 1420.. 1445 Alpini, Prosper. Venetian Phys. {De Plantis Exoticis) . . 1553 ?.i6i7 Alsop, Anthon3^ Poet and Miscellaneous Writer — ••1727 Alsop, Richard"! American Writer 1761 . . 1815 Alsop, Vincent. Ejected Nonconformist. {Anti Sozzo) . . — • -^T^Z Alsted, John Henry. Ger. Protestant Div. and Philos.. 1588. .1638 Alston, Chas., m.d. Scottish Writ, on Bot. and Medicine. 1683. .1760 Alstroemer, Jonas. Swedish Public Benefactor 1685 . . 1761 Altdorfer, or Altorf, Albert. Ger. Engrav. and Painter. 1488. .1538 Alten, Charles Augustus, Count. Hanoverian General. . . 1764. .1840 Alter, Francis Charles. German Jesuit and Critic i749- • 1804 Althamerus, Andr., of Nuremberg. Reform, in Switz. . 1498. .1540? Althorp, John Chas., Visct., and Earl Spencer. Statesm. 1782. .1845 Althusen, John. German Civilian. (Politics) i557 • • 1638 Altilio, Gabriel. Neapolitan Latin Poet 1440''. 1 501? Alting, Henry. German Protestant Divine ^5^3" • ^^44 Alting, Jame*s, son. Professor at Groningen 1618 . . 1679 Alting, Menson. {Description of the Low Countries).... 1637.. 1713 Alton, Jos. Wm. Edw. d'. Ger. Archaeol. and Nat ^772. . 1840 Altorf, Albert. Painter and Engraver 1488 . . 1538 Altovitis. Marseille d'. Florentine Poetess at Marseilles. 1550. .1606 Alunno, Nich. Italian Painter, (fl. 15th c.) — aft. 1500 Alvired, or Aired, of Beverly. Historian — . .1126? Alva, Duke of. See Alvarez. L. by De Rustant, 1750. . 1508. .1582 Alvarado, Pet. de. Sp. Adventurer; Companion of Cortes — ••15,41 Alvarez de Luna. Castilian Statesman; beheaded 1388?. 1453 Alvarez, Diego. Spanish Dominican ; Polemical Divine . — . . 1635 Alvarez, Emanuel. Port. Jesuit (JDe Institut. Chrammat.) 1526. .1582 Alvarez, Ferd., Duke of Alva, q. v. Sp. Gen. in Netherl. 1505, .1582 Alvarez, Francis. Portuguese Writer on Abyssinia 151 5 • •1540' Alvarez, Gomez. Spanish Poet 1488.. 1538 Alvarez, Joseph. Spanish Sculptor 1768 . . 1830 Alvarez, Manuel. El Griego. Spanish Sculptor 1727. .1797 Alvarotto, James of Padua. {In Libros Feudorum). 1385. .1453 Alvay Astorga, Peter d'. Span. Franciscan; Traveler. — ..1667 Alvensleben, Philip Chas., Count of. Diplom. and Hist. 1745 • • i8°2 Alviano, Bartholomew. Venetian General 1455. .1515 Alypius, of Alexandria. {Introduction to Music) fl. ti. Julian Amadeus V. Count of Savoy (1285-1323). The Great. 1249. .1323 Amadeus VI. (1343-83) 1334. . 1383 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 17 BORN. DIED. Amadeus VH. (1383-91.) The Red 1360.. 1391 Amadeus VIII. (1391-1449.) The Pacific 1383. .1451 Amadeus IX. Count or Duke of Savoy (1465-72) 1435 . . 1472 Amaja, or Amaya, Francis. Spanish Civilian — . . 1640? Amalaric. King of the Visigoths (526-31) 502.. 531 Amalarius Syniphosius, of Metz. Eccles. Antiquary. . — . . 837 Araalasonth.a. Queen of the Goths in Italy 49^^. 535 Ajnalie. See Amelia. Amalric, Arnold. Abp. of Narbonne. Albigens. Crusader — ..1225 Amalteo, Cornelius. Physician and Poet 1530? . 1603 Amalteo, Jerome, br. Italian Physician and Poet 1506. .1574 Amalteo, J. Bapt., br. Papal Secretary and Poet 1525 . .1573 Amalteo, Pomponio. Venetian Painter 1505 . . — Amama, Sixtinus. Dutch Orientalist i593' • 1629 A man, John. German Architect 1765 . . 1834 Amtand, St. Bp. of Maestricht; Apostle of the Netherl. . 589.. 679 Am and, Mark Anthony Gerard, St. See St. Amand 1594- .1661 Amaseo, Romulus. Italian Scholar i4^9- -1552 Amati, Pasquaile. Italian Antiquary 1716. .1796 Amato, John Anthony d'. Neapolitan Painter 1475 . • 1555 Amato, John Anth. d', neph. The Younger. Neapol. Pa. 1535 . .1590 Amaury I. King of Jerusalem (1162-73) ii36?.ii73 Amaury II. King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1194-1205) . — . . 1205 Amaya, Francis. Spanish Civilian — . . 1640? Amberger, Christopher, of Nurerab. Pa. and Engraver. 1490. .1569? Amboise, Francis d'. French Lawyer and Poet ; Writer.. 1550.. 1620 Amboise, George d'. Cardinal. See D' Amboise 1460. .1510 Ambrogi, Dominic. Menechino del Brizio. Painter — ..1660? Am.brogio, Theseus. Italian Orientalist 1469. . 1540 Arabrose, Isaac. Nonconf. Divine. {Looking unto J esus) . — ..1664 Ambrose, St. Bp. J\Iilan (374-97). Life by Garcseus, 1571 ; Godfrey Hermant ; Silbert, 1841 . ./. 34°'*. 397 Ambrose de Lombez. [Lettres Spirituelles) 1708. .1778 Ambrosini, Bartholomew, of Bologna. Phys. and Bot.. — . .1657 Ambrosius, Aurelianus. British King — . . 508? Ambrosius, Catharinus Politus. Neapolitan Divine .... . — --^SS^ Ameilhon, Hubert Pascal. ( Commerce of the Egyptians). 1730. .1811 Amelia, Anna. Princess of Prussia. Musical Composer . 1723.. 1787 Amelia. Duchess of Saxe- Weimar. Patroness of Letters. 1739.. 1807 Amelia. Princess, daughter of George III 1783. . 1810 Amelot de la Houssaye, Abrah. Nich. Writer 1634. .1706 Amelotte, Denis. Fr. Biblical Translator and Comment. 1606. .1678 Amelunghi, Jerome. // Gobbo di Pisa. {La Gigantea).. fl. 547 Amerbach, John. Learned Printer at Basle — --iSiS A.merbach, Vitus. Classical Scholar at Ingoldstadt 1487. .1557^ Americus Vespucius. Navigator. Life by Baudini, 1745 ; Lester and Foster, 1846 1451 • • 1516 Ames, Fisher. American Politician 1758. . 1808 Ames^. Joseph. ( Typographical Antiquities) 1689. .1759 Ames, William. Polem. Divine. {Medulla Theologica). 1576.. 1633 Amherst, JefFery, Lord. Field-Marshal .' 1717. -1797 Amherst, William Pitt, Second Lord, First Earl, nephew. Governor-General of India (1823-27) 1773 • • 1857 Amhurst, Nich. Poet and Polit. Writer. {Craftsman). 1706?; 1742 2 18 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOBN. DIED. Amici, John Baptist. Italian Astronomer 1784. . 1863 AmicOj Antonine, of Palermo. (Sicilice Begum Annales). — . .1641 Amiconi, or Amigoni, James. Venetian Painter., 1675.. 1752 Amidano, Pomponio. Historical Painter — aft. 1595 Amiot, Joseph. French Jesuit Missionary to China 1718. .1794 Amling, Charles Gustavus. German Pa. and Engraver. 1651..1701 Amman, John Conrad. Physician for Deaf and Dumb. . 1669. . 1730', John, son. Physician and Botanist 1707. .1741 Amman, Justus, of Zurich. Engraver and Painter 1539. . 159 1 Amman, Paul, of Leipsic. Medical and Botanical Writer . 1634.. 1691 Ammanate, Barthol. of Florence. Architect and Sculp. . 15 1 1 . .159:^^ Ammanate, Laura Battiferri, wife. Poetess 1513..15S9 Ammianus Marcellinus. Soldier and Historian — .. 390? Ammirato, Scipio. {History of Florence) 1531 • • 1601 Ammon, Andrew. Ital. Latin Poet. Sec. to Henry VIII. . 1477. .1517 Ammon, Christopher Frederick. German Theologian.. 1766.. 1820 Ammonius Saccas. Platonist of Alexandria. Life by Debaut, 1836 160?. 243 Amontons, William. French Math, and Inventor 1663, .1705 Amort, Eusebius. Bavarian Theologian 1692. .1775 Amory, Thos., d.d. Dissenting Divine and Biographer. 1701 . .1774 Amory, Thomas. Humorous Writer. {John Buncle). . . 1619 ..1788 Ampere, Andrew Mary. Scientific Writer 1775 . . 1836 Ampere, John James Anthony. Writer 1800''. 1864 Amrou. Saracen Conqueror of Egypt 600?. . 663 Amsdorf, Nicholas. Lutheran Divine 1483 . .1565 ■Amsler, Samuel. German Engraver 1791 . . 1849 Amurath, or Morad, or Murad, I. Turk. Sultan (1360-89) . 1 31 9. . 1389 Amurath II. (1422-51) 1404. . 1451 Amuratlilll. (1574-95) 1544. .1595 Amurath IV. (1623-40) 1610?. 1640 Amyn Ahmed. £1 Mazy. Per.Wri. {The Seven Climates) fl. 17th c. Amyot, James. Bishop of Auxerre. Savant. 1513- -1593 Amyot, or Amiot, Joseph. French Jesuit Missionary 17 18. .1794 Amyraut, Moses. French Protestant Theologian ^3^^' • ^^^^ Anacharsis. Scythian Traveler and Philosopher n. 594 B.C. Anacletus. Bishop of Rome (78-91) — . . 91 Anacletus. Antipope (1130). Peter de Leon — ..1138 Anacreon. Greek Lyric Poet. Life by Joshua Barnes, 1721; Axelson, 1755 563?B.c.478? Anastasius I. East. Emp. (491-518). Silentiarius 430 ..518 Anastasius H. (713-19) — . . 721 Anastasius I. Pope (398-401) — . . 401 Anastasius II. (496-98) — . . 498 Anastasius III. (911-13) — . . 913 Anastasius IV. (1153-54.) Conrad — --HS^ Anastasius. Patriarch of Constantinople — • • 753 Anastasius, St. Astric. Apostle of the Himgarians. . . . 954. . 1044 Anaxagoras. Greek Philosopher 500 B.c.428 Anaximander, of Miletus. Greek Philosopher 610 B.c.547 Ancharano, Peter. Civilian and Canonist 1350?. 1417? Anchieta, Jos. Portug. Jesuit. Apostle of N. World. L.byBerettari,1617; Vasconcellos, 1672 ; ■Oddi,1824. . 1533- -1597 AnciUon, Charles. Protestant Writer 1659. .1715 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 19 BORN. DIED. AnciUon, David. French Theologian 1617 . . 1692 Ancillon, John Peter Fred. Pruss. Statesman and Hist. . 1766. . 1837 Ancourt, Florence Carton d'. Fr. Comic Actor & Writer. 1661 . .1726 Ajacre, Concino Concini, Marshal d' — . . 1617 Ancus Marcius. Fourth king of Rome — b.c.614 Anderson, Adam. Writer on Trade 1692. .1765 Anderson, Alexander. Scottish Mathematician 1582?. — Anderson, Alexander. Naturalist — . . 1813 ►Anderson, Sir Edmund. Lord Chief Justice. {Reports).. i53i?.i6o5 Anderson, George. Oriental Traveler 1600?. 1675? Anderson, George. Writer on India 1760. .1790 Anderson, George. Mathematician 1760. . 1806 Anderson, James. Scotch Antiquary and Historian 1662. .1728 Anderson, James, l.l.d. Agricultural Writer i739- .1808 Anderson, James, m.d. Naturalist. ( Cochineal) — . . 1809? Anderson, John, of Hamburg. {Nat. Hist, of Greenland) 1674. .1743 Anderson, John. Scottish Presbyterian Writer 1678?. 1720 Anderson, John. • Prof, at Glasgow. Found, of Institut. 1726. ,1796 Anderson, John. Scottish Surgeon. {Houseof Hamilton) 17S6. .iS^2 Anderson, Lawrence. Swedish Reformer — . . 1552 Anderson, Robert, m.d. Critic and Biographical Writer 1750. .1830 Anderson, Robert. The Cumbrian Poet 1770 • • ^^33 Anderson, Walter. Scottish Writer. {Hist, of France) 1720?. 1800 Andersson, Charles John. Swedish African Explorer . . - — . . 1856 Anderton, Henry. English Hist, and Portrait Painter . . — ..1665? Andier des Rochers, John. French Engraver — . .1741 Andrada. See D'Andrada, Anthony 1580?. 1634 Andr6. See Andrea, Andreae, Andreas, Andrew. Andr6, Major John. Executed in American War 1751 . . 1780 Andr6, John. German Musical Composer 1741 . .1799 Andr6, Yves Marv^ Fr. Jesuit. {Essay on the Beautiful) 1675. .1764 Andrea. See Andrd, Andrese, Andreas, Andrew. Andrea, Caval Canti. Italian Writer -^ . . 1672 Andrea di Luigi, of Aloisi. Dlngegru) 1450?. 1520 Andrea da Pisa. Sculptor and Architect 1270. . 1345 Andrea del Sarto. Painter 1488. . 1530 Andrese. See Andr^, Andrea, Andreas, Andrew. Andreas, John Gerhard Reinhard, of Hanover. Naturalist 1724. .1793 Andreas, John Valentine. . {Mytholbgice Christiance) 1586. .1664 Andrese, Tobias, of Groningen. Cartesian Philosopher. . 1604. .1676 Andreae, Tobias. Cartesian Philosopher 1633. . 1685 Andreani, Andrew, of Mantua. Engraver 1540- • 1623 Andreas, See Andr^, Andrea, Andreae, Andrew. Andreas, Jas. German Reformer. Life by J. V. Andreas 1528. .1590 Andreas, John. Canonist at Bologna 1275?. 1348 Andreas, Valerius. Desselius. Scholar of Brabant 1588 . . 1656 Andreini, Francis, of Pistoia. Comic Writer — . . 1616 Andreini, Isabella, wife. Comic Writer and Improvisatore 1562 . . 1604 Andreini, J. Baptista. Poet and Dramatist. {VAdamo) 1578?, 1652? Andrelinus, Publius Faustus. Latin Poet — . . 1518 Andr6ossi, Anthony Francis, Ct. Fr. Officer and Diplom. 1 761. .1828 Andrew. See Andr^, Andrea, Andrese, Andreas. Andrew I. King of Hungary (1047-61) — ..1061 Andrew II. (1204-35.) Hierosolymitan 11 75?. 1235 20 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. MED. Andrew III. (1290-1301.) Venetiar^. * — ..1301 Andrew, of Pisa. Sculptor and Architect 1270. .1345 Andrew, John, of Ratisbon. Andreas Mafjister. Hist., fl. 1410 Andrews, James Pettit. Miscellaneous Writer 1737. .1797 Andrews, Lancelot. Bishop of Winchester. Life by- Isaacson ; A. T. Russell '• i555 • • 1626 Andrews, Miles Peter. Dramatic Writer — . . 1814 Andrieu, Bertrand. French Medallic Engraver 1761 . . 1822 Andrieux, Francis Wm. John Stanislaus. French Author 1759. .1833 ' Andronicus, Livius. Latin Dramatic Poet — B.c.221? Andronicus I. Comnenus. East. Emp. (1163-1185) . mo. .1185 Andronicus II. Palselogus. (1282-1328.) ^^&r ... 1260. .1332 Andronicus III. Palseologus. (1328-41.) Younger .12^6. .12,^1 Andros, Sir Edmund. Colonial Governor of New York, New England, and Virginia 1637. .1714 Androuet du Cerceau, James. French Architect — ••1592 Andry, Nicholas. {Bois-Rega/rd.) French Medical Writer 1658. .1742 Anel, Dominic, of Savoy. Medical Writer • 1679?. 1730? Anesi, Paul. Florentine Painter — . .1750^ Aneurin, British Poet and Chieftain. ( Odes of the Months) — . . 570? Angarville, Richard. De Bury. Bishop of Durham; Lord Chancellor. Life by S. 'Gibson 1287?. 1345 Ange de St. Joseph. Joseph iafirosse. , Mission, to Persia 1636. .1697 Ange de St. Rosalie. Fr. Hist. {D Etat de la France) 1655 . . 1726 Angeli, Bonaventura, of Parma. Historian 1525?. 1576 Angeli, or Angelio, Peter. Latin Poet 1517- -1596 Angeli, Philip d'. Napoktano. Artist 1600. . 1640 Angelico. See Fiesole. Painter 1387 . . 1455 Angelis, Dominic de 1675. .1719 Angelis, Peter. Artist 1685 . .1734 Angelo, Fioriozzola. Florentine Poet — . .1548 Angelo. See Michael Angelo 1474. .1564 Angelo, Policiano. Italian Writer. (Eiisticus) i454- • — Angeloni, Francis. {Augustan Histoi'y by Medals) — . . 1652 Angeloni, Louis. Italian Politician and Writer 1758?. 1842 Angelus, Christopher. Greek Refugee in Eng. Scholar. — ..1638 Angennes, Julia d', of Paris. Artenice 1607?. 1671 Angerstein, John Julius. Collector of Paintings i735 • • 1^22 Angier, Sam. Ejected Nonconf. Div. {Help to Better Hearts) 1605?. 1677 Angilbert, or Engilbert, St. Statesman and Poet — . . 814 Angiolotto, or Giotto. Painter 1276 .. 1336 Anglesey, Arth. Anneslev, Earl of. ( Troubles of Ireland) 1614 . . 1686 Anglesey, H. W. Paget,'Marquess of. Field IN'larshal. . . 1768. .1854 Anglus, Thomas. Albius^ or White. R. Cath. Divine . . . 1582. .1676 Angouleme, Charles de Valois, Duke d', son of Charles IX. Commander 1573.. 1650 Angoulgme, Maria Theresa Charlotte, Duchess d'. Madame Eoyale, dau. of Louis XVI. L. by Mrs.Romer 1778. . 1851 Anguier, Francis. French Sculptor ,. 1604. . 1669 Anguier, INIichael, brother. Sculptor *. 1612 . . 1686 Anguillara, John Andrew dell'. Italian Poet I5i7''aft.i564 Anguillara, Louis. Italian Botanist — . . 1570 Anguisciola, Sophonisba, of Cremona. Painter 1533?. 1620? Anicetus. Bishop of Rome (157?-161) — . . 161 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 21 BOBN. BIED. Anicli, Peter, of Inspruck. Astronomer and Mechan 1723. .1766 Aniello. ^'ee Masaniello 1623 . , 1646 Ankarstrom, J. Jacob. Assass. of Gusta-siis III. of Swed. 1 761 . . 1 792 Anna Comnena. Byzantine Historian. {Alexiad) .... 1083. .1148 Anna Ivanowna. Empress of Russia 1693 . . 1 740 Annand, William. Scottish Episcopal Divine ^^33- • 1689 Annat, Francis. French Jesuit; Anti-Jansenist 1590 • • 1670 Anne, of Cyprus. Duchess of Savoy — . . 1462 Anne, of Brittany. Q. of France. Life by Costello, 1855 1476. .1514 Anne, of Beaujeu, daughter of Louis XI 1462?, 1522 Anne, of Hungary. Wife of Ferdinand of Austria 1503. .1547 Anne, of Oleves. Queen of Henry VIII 1516..1557 Anne, of Denmark. Queen of James I i574- • 1619 Anne, of Austria, wife of Louis XIII. of France. Life by Motteville ; P. Pelisson-Fontanier 1602. . 1666 Anne, Queen of England. Life by Oldmixon, 1721; Boyer, 1722 ; Chamberlen, 1738 1664. .1714 Annebaut, Claude d'. * Marshal and Admiral of France. . — . . 1552 Annesley, Arthur. E. of Anglesey. Statesm. and Writer 1614. .1686 Annesley, Samuel. Ejected Nonconformist Divine 1620''. 1696 Annett, Peter. Deistical Writer. {Free inquirer) — ..1778 Annius, or John Nanni, of Viterbo. Literary Impostor. . 1432?. 1502 Anquetil Duperron, Louis Peter. Historian 1723. .1808 Anquetil Duperron, Abr. Hyacinthe. Orientalist ^73^^- • 1805 Ansaldi, Casto Innocent. Italian Theologian 1710. .1779 Ansaloni, Giordano. Dominican Missionary in Japan ... — . . 1634 Anscarius, or Ansgar. Bishop of Hamburg. Missionary to Scandinavia 801 . . 864 Anselm, St. Bishop of Lucca. ( Contra Guibertum) 1036. .1086 Anselm, Apb. Canterb. (1093-1109). Life by Eadmer; F. R. Hasse, tr. by Turner, 1850; Mohler, tr. by Cox; Chas. de Remusat; W. and M. Wilks, 1862 io33- .1109 Anselm, of Laon. Doctor Scholasiicus. Commentator. .. 1050?.! 117 Anselme, Father. Hist. ( Geneal. of Bouse of France) . . . 1625 . . 1694 Anselnae, Anthony. French Preacher and Poet 1652. . 1737 Anselmi, Michael Angelo. Painter 1491 . . 1554 Anson, Geo., Lord. Commodore. L. by Sir J. Barrow, 1838 1697. .1762 Anspach, Elizb., Lady Craven, Margravine of. L. by self. 1750. . 1828 Anstey, Christopher. Poet. {New Bath Guide.) Life by J. Anstey, 1808 1724 .. 1805 Anstis, John, m.p. Garter King-at-Arms 1669 . . 1744 Anstis, John, son. Garter King-at-Arms 1708?. 1754 Anstruther, Sir John. Chief Justice of Bengal 17^3 . . 181 1 Antar. Arabian Chief and Poet it. 500? Antelmi, Joseph. Fr. Antiq. and Writer on Church His. 1648. . 1697 Antesignanus, Peter. Fr. Class. Schol. and Grammarian fl. 1556 Anthemius. Roman Emperor of the West (467-72) — . . 472 Anthemius. Architect and Philos. at Constantinople ... — . . 534 Anthon, John. American Jurist 1784. . 1063 Anthony, St., the Great. Founder of Monachism 251.. 356 Anthony, of Padua. Theologian and Preacher 1195 . . 1231 Anthony, of Palermo. Panxjrmita. See Beccadelli i394' • ^471 Anthony, or Antonello, of Messina. Itahan Painter i447- • 1496 Anthony, of Lebrixa. Anionius Nebrissensis. Span. Writ. 1444. .1522 22 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Anthony, Francis. London Apothecary. {Aurum Potabile) 1550. .1623 Anthony, Marc. Engraver, ^ee Raimondi i475 ' • 1 534 Anthony, Nicholas. Spanish Hist. {Bibliotheca Nova) 1617. .1684 Anthony, Paul Gabriel. French Jesuit. ( Theol. Dogmatica) 1679. .1743 Anthony de Bourbon. Titular King of Navarre 1518. . 1562 Antigonus. General of Alexander; fell at Ipsus 381 B.c.301 Antigonus Doson. King of Macedonia. ... — b.c. 220 Antigonus Gonatas. King of Macedonia (283-239) 319B.C.239 Antimaco, Mark Anthony. Greek Teacher in Italy 1473?. 1552 Antine, Maur Francis d'. "Benedictine. {L'Artde Verijier) 1688. .1746 Antiochus Epiphanes. King of Sjnia — b.c. 164 Antiochus the Great. King of Syria 237 B.c.187 Antiochus Grypus. King of Syria 141 B.c.96 Antiochus Sidetes; King of Syria — b.c. 126 Antiochus Soter. King of Svria (280-261) 323?b.c.26i Antiochus Theus. King of ^yria (261-246) 286?b.c.246 Antipater. Regent of Macedonia — b.c. 319 Antiquus, John. Historical Painter * 1702. .1750 Antoinette, Marie. Queen of Louis XVI 1755 . .1793 Antommarchi, Francis. Physician and Author. (Zes Derniers Moments de Napoleon) — . . 1838 Anton inrich. Prince Regent in Russia 1714. .1780? Antonello, or Antonio, of Messina. Hist, and Portr. Pa. . . 1447 . . 1496 Antoniano, Silvius. Roman Cardinal; Scholar 1540- • 1603 Antonides, John van der Goes. Dutch Poet 1647. . 1684 Antoninus, M. Aurelius. Phibsopher. Roman Emperor (161-80). Life by Guevara .^ . 121 . . 180 Antoninus Pius. Roman Emperor (138-61) 86.. 161 Antonio. See, Anthony and Antonello. Antonisze, Cornelius. Dutch Painter and Engraver. . . . 1500. .1536 Antonius. See Anthony. Antonius, Marcus, or Mark Antony. Triumvir 83? b.c. 30 Antraigues, Emanuel L. H. Delaunay, Ct. of. Fr. Polit. 1765. .1812 AnvUle, John Baptist Bourguignon d'. Geographer 1697. .1782 Anwari. King oj Khorassan. Persian Poet — ..1200 Apafi, Michael I. Prince of Transylvania 1632. .1713 Apelles. Greek Painter. Life by Carlo Dati fl. b,c. 332 Apian, Peter. German Mathematician and Astronomer. . 1495 . .1552 Apollinaris, C. S. Sidonius. Rom. Patrician and Poet. 431?.. 484? Apollinarius, Claudius. Bp. of Hierapolis. Apologist., fl. ab. 177 ApoUinarius or -ris, the Elder. Gramm. and Divine fl. 362 Apollinarius or -ris, the Younger, son. Bishop of Lao- dicea. Commentator — . . 382? Apollodorus. Grammarian of Athens fl.ab.140 b.c Apollonio, Jacopo, of Bassano. Painter 1584. . 1654 Apollonius, of Alexandria. Dyscolos. Greek Gram fl. 2d c. Apollonius, of Perga. Mathematician. {Conic Sections). . fl. 240 B.C. Apollonius Rhodius. Poet and Grammarian fl.222-i88B.c. Apollonius of Tyana. Philosopher. Life .bv Philostra- tus, tr. by Blount, 1680, and Berwick, 1809 ; Le Nain du Tillemont, tr. by Jenkin, 1703 3?b.c.98?a.d. Apono, or Abano, Peter of. Astrologer and Physician. , . 1250 . . 1315 Appel, Jacob. Dutch Painter i68o. . 1751 Appelman, Barent. Dutch Painter 1640 . . i686 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 23 BORN. DIED. Apperley, Charles James. Eng. Sportsman and Writer. 1777 -1843 Appian. Roman Historian fl.98? - 161 '' Appiani, Andrew. Fresco Painter i754- • 1818 Appiani, Francis. Fresco Painter 1702. .1792 Appius Claudius. Roman Decemvir — B.c.449 Appleton, Jesse. American Divine and Educator 1772. .1819 Apptileius, Lucius. Platonic Philos. ( The Golden Ass). i3o?aft.i73 Apreece, or Rhese, John. {Fides Historke Britannice) . . . — • -1555^ Aprosio, Angelico. Ital. Writer. {Bibliotheca Aprosiana) 1607.. 1681 Aproxin, Theo. Matvayevitch. Russian Admiral 1671 . .1728 Apthorp, East. English Divine and Author t^TZ?)- • 1^16 Aquapendente. Italian Physician. See Fabricius i537- .1619 Aquaviva, Andrew Matthew. Neapol. Noble and Writ. 1457?. 1528 Aquaviva, Claude. General of the Jesuits. Writer 1542 . . 1615 Aquaviva, Octavius. Card. Abp. Naples; Patr. of Learn. 1560?. 1612 Aquila, Pompeio del. Painter fl. 1580? Aqiiila, Ponticus. Trans, of the Old Test, into Greek. . . fl. ab. 130 Aquilano, Serafino. Italian Poet and Improvvisatore . . . 1466. .1500 Aquinas, Thomas, St. Angelic Doctor. Life by Echard, Dr. Hampden 1224? . 1274 Aquino, Philip, of Carpentras. Converted Jew ; Hebraist — ..1650 Arabella Stuart. >See Stuart 1577?. 1615 Ajabscliah, of Damascus. Historian — . . 1450 Arago, Francis John Dominic. Fr. Astron. L. by self. . 1786. .1853 Axaldi, Alexander. Painter — . .1528 Aram, Eugene. Scholar; executed for murder 1704. . 1759 Aranda, Peter P. A. de Bolea, Ct. of. Sp. Statesman. . . 1718. .1799 Arantius, Julius Cses., of Bologna. Anat. and Physiol., 1530. .1589 Aratus, of Sicyon. Acha?an General and Historian 271B.C.213 Ajatus. Astronomical Poet of Cilicia. (Phcenomena) . . . fl. b.c. 272 Araujo, D'Azevedo Antonio. Portuguese Scientist i754- .1817 Axblay, Madame Frances d'. See D'Arblay. Arbogast, Louis Francis Anth. ( Calcul des Derivations).. 1759. .1803 Ajbrissel, Robert d'. Founder of Fontevrault Abbey. . . 1047?. 11 17 Arbuckle, J^paes. Scotch Poet 1700?. 1734? Arbutlinot, Alexander. Scotch Reformer 1538. • 1583 Arbuthnot, John, m. d. ( Coins: Martinus Scriblerus). . 1675. .1735 Arc, Joan of. See Dare I4i2?.i43i Arcadius. Roman Emperor of the East (395-408) 3^3- • 4°^ Axcere, Anthony, of Marseilles. Orient. ; Coll. of MSS. — ..1699 Arc6re, Louis Stephen, of Marseilles. Poet and Topog.. 1598. .1782 Ajcesilaus. Athen. Philos. Found, of Middle Academy 3i6''b.c.24i Arcet, John d'. French Natural Philosopher 1725. .1801 Arclidall, Mervyn. Irish Antiq. {Monasticon Hibernicon) 1723.. 1791 Archdekin, Richard. Irish Jesuit. (Essay on Miracles) . 1619..1693 Archenliolz, John Wm. von. Ger. Wr. {Seven Yrs^ War) 1745.. 18 12 Archer, John Wykeham. Painter and Antiquary 1809''. 1864 Archer, Sir Simon. Warwickshire Antiquary 1581 . . — Arclulocus, of Paros. Greek Lyric Poet 7i4?B.c.676 Archimedes. Mathematician. L. by Mazzuchelli, 1737 287?b.c.2i2 Archytas. Philosopher, of Tarentum fl. B.C. 400? Arco, Alonzo del. Deaf and Dumb Spanish Painter 1625 . . 1700 Arco, Nicholas, Count of. Italian Latin Poet 1479- • 1546 Ar9on, John Claude d'. French Engineer 1733. .1800 24 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Arcq, Philip Augustus de St. Foix d'. Fr. Hist. Writer. — . .1779 Arcudi, Alexander Thomas. Venetian Hist, and Biogr.. 1655 ..1720? Arcudio, Peter. Italian Theologian 1570?. 1635' Arculphus. French Bishop. Writer on the Holy Land . 11.690? Arden, Edward. Gentleman ; executed for treason 1531 . . 1583 Arden, Richard Pepper. First Lord Alvanle}'. Judge. . 1745. .1804 Ardern, John. English Surgeon fl. 1370 Ardieini, Louis. Italian Writer on Agriculture i739- • 1833 Arena, Anthony d'. French Jurist and Macaronic Poet.. — . .1544 Arendt, Martin Frederick. Traveler 1769 . . 1824 Axesi, Paul. Italian Theologian 15 74'- 1644 Ajetseus, of Cappadocia. Greek Physician fl. 70? Ajetin, John Christoph. Ant. Maria, Baron von. Writer.. 1773. -1824 Aretino, Francis. Italian Scholar. See Accolti 1418?. 1485? Aretino, Leonard. Bruni. Italian Historian 1369. .1444 Aretino, Peter. Ital. Satirist. Life by Berni, 1537; Du- jardin, 1750; Mazzuchelli, 1763; Dubois Fontanelie, 1768. 1492.. 1557 Aretino, Spinello. Italian Painter 1308?. 1400? Argall, Rev. John. Scholar, m. a. 1566 — . . 1606 ArgaU, Richard. English Poet fl. 1621 Argall, Sir Samuel. English Adventurer in Amei-ica. ... fl 17th c. Argand, Aime. Inventor of Argand Lamp — . . 1803 Argellati, Philip. Italian Writer. {Milanese Writers).. 1685.. 1755 Argens, J. Bapt. de Boyer, Marquis of. Fr. Soldier & Wr. 1704. .1771 Argensola, Barthol. Leonard de. Hist., Poet, Theol 1566. . 1631 Argensola, Lupercio Leonard de, br. Span. Poet and Hist. 1565?. 1613 Argenson, Mark Peter, Comte de. French Statesman.. . 1696. . 1764 Argentier, John, of Tiu-in. Physician 15 13 .. 1572 Argentr6, Bertrand d'. {History of Brittany) 1519- -1590 Argentr6, Chas. Duplessis d'. ( Collectio Judiciorum) . . . 1673. . 1740 Argenville, Anthony Jos. Dezallier d'. (Z. of Painters). 1680. .1765? Argoli, Andrew. Italian Mathematician 1570. . 1653? Argoli, John. Italian Poet and Archasologist 1609?. 1660 ? Argonne, Noel Bonaventure d'. Vigneul de Marville^'. . 1640?. 1704 Arguelles, Augustin. Spanish Politician — ..1844 Argues, Gerard des. French GeoAeter i593 • • 1662 Argyle, Archibald Campbell, 8th Earl and 1st Marquess of. Covenanter. Beheaded 1598. . 1661 Argyle, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of, son. McCallum More. Confederate of Monmouth. Beheaded — . .1685 Argyle and Greenwich, John Campbell, 2d Duke of. Commander. Life by Robert Campbell, 1745 1678. . 1743 Argyropulus, John. Reviver of Greek Learning in Italy. . —aft. 147^ Arialdus, St — . . 1066 Arias Montanus, Benedict. Cath. Divine and Linguist. 1527. . 1598 Ariosto, Gabriel. Poet — . .1552 Ariosto, Louis, brother. Italian Poet. ( Orlando Fuiioso.) Life by Pigna, 1554; Garofelo, 1584; Harrington, 1634; Hoole; A. Fabroni, 1800; Baruffaldi, 1807; Femow, 1809 ; Panizzi 1474. • 1533 Arisi, Francis, of Cremona. Writer. {Cremona Literata) 165 7.. 1743 Arista, Mariano. Mexican General and President 1802. . 1855 Aristarchus, of Samos. Greek Astron. and Philosopher, fl. B.c.280? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 25 BORN. DIED. Arlstarclius, of Samothrace. Greek Grammarian fl. B.c.150? Axistides. Athenian Statesman — B.c.468? Aristippus. Founder of the Cyrenaic School of Phil fl.5thc.B.c. Aristobulus I. High-Priest and King of the Jews — B.c.106 Asistobulus II. Deposed by Pompey — B.c.492 Aristophanes. Greek Comedian 444?b.c.38o? Aristotle. Greek Philosopher. Life by Beurer, 1587; Schott, 1603 ; Blakesley, 1839 384B.C.322 Anus. Founder of Arianism. Life by Travasa, 1746 — . . 336 Arkel, Cornelius van, of Amsterdam. Arminian Divine and Preacher 1670. .1724 Arkenholz, John. Swedish Writ. {Mems. of Christina) 16%. .1777 Arkwright, Sir Richard. Inventor of Spinmng-Jenny . . 1732. .1792 Arland, James Anthony. Swiss Painter 1668. .1743 Arlington, Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of. Statesman 1618. . 1685 Arlotto. 11 Pivvano, or The Bean. Italian Humorist. . .1395. .1483 Armfelt, Gustavus Maurice. Swedish Politician i757- -1814 Arminius. Cheruscan Chief. i8b.c . 19A.D Arminius, James. Dutch Theologian. Life by Petrus Bertius ; Brandt, 1724 1560. . 1609 Armstrong, John, m. d. Poet 1709- -1779 Armstrong, John, m. d. Med. Writ. L. by Boott, 1832. 1784. .1829 Armstrong, John. Bp. of Grahamstown. L. by Carter. 1813. .1856 Armstrong, Sir Thos. Royalist; partisan of Monmouth . — ..1684 Armyne, Mary, Lady. Benefactress — . . 1675 A maid, Richard. ( Comnientary on the Apocrypha) 1696. . 1756 Arnall, William. Political Writer. {Free Briton) 1715. . 1741 Arnau, John. Spanish Historjcal Painter 1595 . . 1693 Arnaud, Francis. Abbot of Grand Champs. Writer 1721 . .1784 Arnaud, Francis Thos. Marie Baculard d'. French Writer 1718. . 1805 Arnaud, George d'. French Jurist 171 1 . .1740 Arnaud, Henry. Vaudois Pastor and Leader 1641 . . 1 721 Arnaud de Mereuil, Daniel. Troubadour Poet — . . 1 189? Arnaud de Konsil, George. French Surgeon in London. 1697.. 1774 Arnaud de Villa Nova, or Arnoldus, which see 12^5?. 1314 Arnauld, Anthony. The Advocate. Lawyer of Paris.. 1560..1619 Arnauld, Anthony. The Great Arnauld; of Port Royal. 1612. .1694 Arnauld d'Andilly, Robert. Apologist for Port Royal. Life by himself. 1589. .1674 Arnauld, Henry. Bishop of Angers. (Negotiations) . . . 1597. .1692 Arnavdd, Marie Ang^lique. Abbess of Port Royal 1591 • • 1671 Arnauld, Marie Angelique, niece. Abbess of Pt. Royal. 1624. . 1684 Arnault, Anthony Vincent. French Author 1766. . 1834 Arnd, John, of Anhault. Lutheran. ( True Christianity). 1555. .1621 Amdt, C. Gottlieb von. ( Origin of European Dialects). . — . .1829 Arndt, Ernest Maurice. German Political Writer 1769. . — Arndt, Joshua. {Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Antiquities). 1626. -1685 Ame, Dr. Thomas Augustine. Musical Composer 1710. .1778 Arnim, Louis Achim von. Ger. Poet and Romance Writ. . 1781 . , 1831 Amisaeus, Heningus. Phys. and Polit. Wr. at Helmstadt. 1580?. 1636 Amobius. Christian Writer of Africa. ( fo«6. .i^St, Besolde, Christopher, of Vienna. ( Ottoman Empire) 1572. . 1638 Besplas, Joseph Mary Anne Gros de. French Preacher. 1734. -1783 Bessarion, John, Cardinal. Life by Bandini, 1777 1395 . . 1472 Bess6, John de. French Medical Writer fl. 1702-23 Bessel, Dr. Frederick William. Prussian Astronomer. . . 1784. . 1846 Besset, or Bess6, Henry de. ( Campaigns of Rocroi) — . . 1693 Bessieres, John Baptist. Marshal of France 1768. . 1813 Bestuschew, Alexander. Russian Novelist i795^- 1837 Betanos, Dominic. Spanish Missionary to S. America. . — . .1549 Betham, Sir William. Antiquary and Genealogist 1779 • -1853 Bethencourt, James de. Physician at Rouen. {Nova Penitentiolis QuadHgesima) fl. 1527 Bethencovirt, John de. Conqueror of Canary Islands. . -#-..1425 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 53 BORN. DIED. Bethlen, Gabriel. Prince of Transylvania (K. of Hung.) 1580. . 1629 Bethune, Alexander. {Tales of the Scottish Peasantry). 1804.. 1841 BettLune, George W. American Clergyman 1805 . . 1862 Bethune, John, brother and colleague of Alexander 1810. .1839 Bethune, John Elliot Drinkwater, aflerwd. {L. of Galileo) 1801. .1851 Bethune, John Drinkwater, afterward. Colonel. {Siege of Gibraltar) 1 762? . 1844 Bethune, Philip de. French Ambassador 1561 ' . 1649 Betterton, Thomas. Shakespearian Actor 1635 . . 1710 Bettinelli, Xavier, of Mantua. Jesuit; Writer 1718. .1808 Bettini, Dominic. Italian Painter 1644. . 1705 Betuleius, Sixtus. Grammarian, Latin Poet, and Philos. 1500. .1554 Betussi, Joseph. Italian Poet of Bassano — aft. 1565 Beuf, John Le. French Antiquary. {History of Paris). . 1687. .1760 Bexirmann, Maurice von. African Explorer — . . 1863 Beurs, William. Dutch Painter 1656. . 1690' Bever, Dr. Thos. Civilian. {Legal Polity of the Romans) 1725. .1791 Beveridge, William. Bishop of St. Asaph (1704-8). . Life by Isaac Kimber 1638 . . 1 708 Beverland, Adrian. Dutch Philologist 1653''. 1 712 Beverley, John of. Archbishop of York (688-722) — . . 722 Beverly, Robert. American Author — . . 1716 Beverninck, Jerome van. Dutch Statesman 1614. .1690 Beverwick, John van. Beverovicius. Dutch Med. Writer 1594. . 1647 Bevin, El way. Musical Composer — aft. 1636 Bewick, John. Artist. {History of Quadrupeds) 1760. .1795 Bewick, Thos., brother. Naturalist. {Fishes) L. by self 1753. .1828 Bewly, William. Chemist and Natural Philosopher — . . 1783 Bexley, Nicholas Vansittart, Lord. Statesman 1766. .1851 Bexon, Gabr. Leop. Chas. Aira^. French Naturalist 1748. .1784 Bexon, Scipio Jerome. French Jurist i753- • 1825 Beyer, or Beoer, Augustus. German Historian and Critic 1 707.. 1 741 Beyle, Mary Henry. French Novelist, Poet, Politician. . 1783. .1842 Beys, Charles de. French Poet 1610. . 1659 Beysser, John Michael. French Gen. at the Revolution. 1734. .1794 Beza, Theodore. Reformer. L. by Noel Taillepied, 1577 ; Bolsec, 1582; Laing^; La Faye, 1606; Solomeau, 1610 ; Vega, 1646 ; Ziegenbein, 1789 ; Schlosser, 1809 ; Baum, 1843 I5i9- .1605 Beziers, Michael. Historical and Antiquarian Writer. . . 1719. .1782 Bezout, Stephen. French Mathematician 1730. .1783 Bhering, Vitus. Danish Navigator 1680?. 1 741 Biancani, Joseph. Jesuit and Mathemat. of Bologna 1566. . 1624 Bianchi, Francis. U Frari. Historical Painter 1447.. 1510 Bianchi, John. Janus Blancus. Phys., Anat., and Nat. 1693. .1775 Bianchi, J. Bapt. Ital. Med. Writer. {Hist. Hepatica).. 1681..1761 Bianchi, Peter. Painter 1694. . 1740? Bianchini, Francis, of Verona. Philosoph. and Math.. . 1662. .1729 Bianchini, John Fortunatus. Med. Writer at Padua. . . 1720. .1779 Biancolelli, Peter Francis. Dominique. Fr. Dramatist. 1681..1734 Biard, Peter. French Sculptor and Architect i559- • 1609 Bibbiena, Bernard da. Cardinal. {La Calnndra) 1470- .1520 Bibiena, Ferdinand Galli. Painter and Architect 1657 . 1 741 or 3 Bibliander, Theodore. Protestant Divine 1504. . 1564 54 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Bicliat, Mary Francis Xavier. French Medical Writer. . 1771 .. 1802 Bickerstaff, Isaac. Dramatist 1735 ?aft.i 787 Bickersteth, Rev. Edw., of Watton. L. by Birks, 1851 . 1 786 . . 1850 Bickersteth, Henry, Lord Langdale. Master of the Rolls. Life by T. D. Hardy 1783. . 1851 Bicknell, Elhanaia. Art Collector — . . 1861 Biddle, James. American Naval Commander ^7^3- .1848 Biddle, John. Socinian Writer. Life by John Farring- ton, 1682 ; Joshua Toulmin, 1815 1615 . . 1662 Biddle, Nicholas. American Naval Commander 1750. . 177S Biddle, Nicholas. American Financier 1786. . 1844 Biddulph, Rev. Thomas Tregenna, of Bristol. Divine. . 1763. .1838 Bidlake, Dr. John. Divine and Poet i755 • • 1814 Bidloo, Godfrey. Dutch Anatomist 1649. .1713 Bie, Adrian de. Flemish Artist i594- • 1640 Biel, John Christian, of Brunswick. (Lexicon to the LXX.) 1687 . . 1745 Biela, William, Baron von. Astronomer 1782. . 1856 Bielefield, C F. Modeler in Papier-mach^ 1803?. 1864 Bielfleld, James Frederick, Baron de. {Political Institut.) 1717. .1770 Bienaise, John. French Surgical Operator 1601 . . 1681 Biesius, Nicholas. Flemish Medical Writer 1516. . 1572 Biezelingen, Christian John van. Dutch Portrait Painter 1558. .1600 Bifield, Nicholas, of Chester and Isleworth. Divine 1578?. 1622 Bigland, John. Writer 1750. . 1832 Bigne, or Vigne, Gaces de la. {Roman des Oiseaux) 1428?. 1472? Bigne, Marguerin de la. {Bibliotheca Patrum) 1546'. 1591 ? Bignicourt, Simon de.- {Pensees et Reflections). . . , 1709. .1775 Bignon, Jerome. Fr. Schol. & Writ. L. by Perrault, 1757 1590. . 1656 Bignon, Louis Peter Edw. Fr. Statesman and Diplom. . . 1771 . . 1841 Bigot, Emery. French Scholar; Promoter of Learning. . 1626. .1689 Bilderdijk, or Bilderdyk, Wm. Dutch Writer and Trans. 1756. . 1831 Bilfinger, George Bernard. {Dilucidationes Phibsoph.) . 1693.. 1750 BUguer, John Ulric. Swiss Surgical Writer 1720. .1796 Bmaud-Varenne, John Nicholas. French Revolutionist 1756. . 1819 BOlaut, Adam. Maitre Adam. French Poet 1602 . . 1662 Billaut, Augustus Adolphus Mary. French Statesman . . 1805 . . 1863 BiUi, James de. Trans, of Fathers. L. by Chatard, 1582 1535 . . 1581 BiUi, James de, of Compi^gne. ( Opus Astronomicon) 1602. . 1679 Billing, Sigismond. French Politician 1773. . 1832 BiUingsley, Sir Henry. Lord Mayor; Mathematician . . — . .1606 Billington, Elizabeth. Vocalist 1770. . 1818 BUson, Thomas. Bishop of Winchester 1536. . 1616 Bingham, Rev. Joseph. ( Origines Ecclesiasticce) 1668. .1723 Bingham, Peregrine. Legal Writer 1788?. 1864 Bingley. Dutch Actor 1755 . . 1818 Bingley, Rev. William C. 'Naturalist. {Aniinal Biography) — ..1823 Bink, or Binck, Jacob. German Engraver and Painter'. . 1500?. 1560? Binney, Amos. American Patron of Art and Science . . . 1803. . 1847 Bioernstahl, or Biornstahl, James Jonas. Swedish Trav. 1731 . . 1779 Bion, of Smyrna. Greek Bucolic Poet fl. 280B.C. Bion, Nicholas. Fr. Mathematician. ( Use of the Globes) 1652. .1733 Biondi, John Francis. ( Civil Wars of Fork Si«f/fe/e?'a) 1458. .1520 Branker, or Brancker, Thomas. English Mathematician 1636. .1676 Brant, Brandt, or Brantz, John, of AntAverp. Philologist. 1559. . 1639 Brant, Joseph. Tliayendanega. Mohawk Chief. 1742?. 1807 Brantome. Chronicler. See Bourdeilles 1527' . 1614 Branwhite, Peregrine. Poet 1745 . .1794 Brarens, Henry. Danish Writer on Navigation 1751 • • 1826 Brasbridge, Thomas. Divine and Medical Writer i537- -1593 Brasidas. Spartan General — B.c.422 Brassavola, Antonius Musa. Italian Medical Writer. . . 1500.. 1555 Brathwaite, Richard. Poet 1588. .1673 Braun, August Emil. Geraian Archaeologist 1809. . 1856 Brauwer, or Brouwer, Adrian. Flemish Painter 1608. . 1640 Bray, Jacob de. Historical Painter 1604. . 1664 Bray, Sir Reginald. Statesman and Architect — . .1503 Bray, Solomon de. Dutch Portrait Painter ._ 1 597? , 1664 Bray, Rev. Thomas, d. d. Propagator of Christianity. . 1656. .1730 Bray, William. Antiquar}'-. Editor of Evelyn 1736. . 1832 Braybrooke, Rd. Cornwallis Neville, Lord. Antiquary. 1820. .1861 Brayley, Edward Wedlake. Antiquary and Topographer. ( Westminster Abbey) ". , 1773. -1^54 Br6beuf, Geo.*de. Fr. Poet. Trans, of Lucan's Pharsalia 1618. , 1661 Br6beuf, John de. French Jesuit Missionary to Canada. 1593. .1649 Brebiette, Peter. French Painter and Engraver 1596. . — Breckberg, or Berkheyden, Gerard. Painter 1645 . . 1693 Breckberg, or Berkheyden, Job, brother. Dutch Painter 1628. .1698 Brecourt, William Marcoureau de. Fr. Poet and Actor . — . . 1685 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 69 BORN. DIED. Breda, John van. Dutch Painter 1683, .1750 Breda, Peter van. Landscape Painter of Antwerp 1630. .1681 Brederode, Henry, Count. Dutch Patriot — . .1568 Bredow, Gabriel Godfrey. German Historian i773- .1814 Bree, Matthew Ignatius van. Flemish Painter i773- • ^^39 Breenberg, Bartholomew. Dutch Landscape Painter. . . 1620.. 1660 Breguet, Abraham Louis, ot Paris. Swiss Watch-maker 1747. .1823 Bregwin. Abp. Cant. (759-65). L. byEadmer; Osbern — .. 765 Bregy, Charlotte Chaumaise de Chazan, Countess de. Beauty and Wit 1619. . 1693 Breislak, Scipio. Italian Geologist 1 748 . . 1 826 Breitkopf, John Gottlob Immanuel. German Printer. . . 1719. .1794 Bremer, Sir James John Gordon. Admiral 1786. . 1850 Breraont, Francis de. Writer of Paris 1713- -1742 Brenner, Henry, of Stockholm. Orientalist 1669. .1732 Brennus. Gallic Chief. Invader of Italy fl. 390 b. c. Brennus. Gallic Chief. Invader of Greece fl. 280 b. c. Brent, Sir Nathaniel. Warden of Merton Coll. Writer. 1573. .1652 Brentano, Clemens. Ger. Novelist and Dramatic Poet. , 1777. . 1842 Brentius, or Brentzen, JoJm. Lutheran Divine i499- •157° Brenton, Capt. Edward Pelham, r. n. {Naval History) . 1774. . 1839 Brenton, Sir Jahleel, Admiral. Life by Raikes, 1846 . . . 1770. . 1S44 Breqnigny, Louis Geo. {Histoire des Revolutions de Genes) 1716. .1795 Brereton, Jane. Poet 1685 . .1740 Brerewood, Edward. Antiquary and Mathematician .. . 1565..1613 Bresmal, John Francis. Medical Writer at Liege 1670? . — Bret, Anthony. Fr. Writer and Poet. ( Quatre Saisons) 171 7. .1792 Breteuil, Louis Auguste le Tonnelier. Fr. Diplomatist.. 1733. -1807 Breton, Nicholas. Poet ti. Eliz. Breton, Raymond. French Missionary to West Indies . . 1609 . . 1679 Bretonneau, Francis. Jesuit of Tours. {Life of J as. //.) 1660. . 1741 Bretsclineider, Charles Theophilus. Ger. Theologian. . 1776. .1848 Bretschneider, Henry Godfrey von. Hungarian Writer 1 739 . . 1810 Brett, Rev. Thomas, ll. d. Nonjuring Divine 1667. .1743 Brettinger, John James, of Zurich. Hebraist and Writ. 1701?. 1776 Breudel, Adam. Anat. and Botanist at Wittemberg .... fl. 1 700 Breudel, John Godfrey, nephew. Anatomist at Gottingen i7ii?.i758 Breughel, John. Velvet Breughel. Landscape Painter. . 1569. .1625 Breughel, Peter. Old Breughel. Dutch Painter iSjO- '1590 Breughel, Peter, son. Hellish. Painter — . . 1642 Breul, James du. French Benedictine. {Antiq. of Paris) 1^28. .1614. Breval, John Durant de. Eng. Officer. {House of Nassau) — ••1739 Brevint, Daniel, Dean of Lincoln. Divine 1616. . 1695 Brewer, Anthony. Poet and Dramatist ti. Chas. I. Brewster, William. Elder of the Plymouth Pilgrims. . . 1560. . 1644 Breydel, Charles. Cavalier. Flem. Landscape Pamter. 1677. .1744 Breydel, Francis, brother. Painter 1679. .1750 Breynius, James, of Dantzic. Botanist 1637. . 1697 Brian, Boru. Native Irish King 927?. 1014 Briconnet, William. Bishop of Meaux — -.1533 Bridaine, James. French Itinerant. ' {Spiritual Songs). 1701. .1767 Bridault, John Peter. French Writer — . . 1761 Bridge, William. Nonconformist Divine 1600 . . 1670 Bridges, John. Antiquary and Topographer 1666'' .1724 70 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, Sixth Earl and Third Duke of. Promoter of Canals 1729. . 1803 Bridgewater, Rev. Francis Henry Egerton, Eighth Earl of. Originator of the Bridgewater Treatises 1758 . . ] " Bridport, Alexander Hood, Lord. Admiral — . Brienne, John de. K. of Jerus. and Emp. of Constantinop. — . Brienne, Walter de, Duke of Athens. Constable — . Briet, or Brietius, Philip. French Historical and Geo- graphical Writer. {Parallela) 1601 . Briggs, George N. Amer. Statesman and Philanthropist 1796. Briggs, Henry. {Logarithmic Tables) 1556- Briggs, Henry Perronet. Historical and Portrait Painter 1 793 . Briggs, William. Oculist. ( Oplithalmographia) 1641 . . i Brigham, Nicholas. Writer and Poet. {Memoirs of Eminent Persons) — Bright, Eev. Tim., m. d. Phys. ( Treatise on Melancholy) — Brightman, Rev. Thomas. Biblical Commentator i557--] BrUitwald. Archbishop of Canterbury (693-731) 650?. Bril, Matthew. Landscape Painter 1550- • Brll, Paul, brother. Landscape Painter. . .» 1556- • Birillat-Savariii, Anthelme. {Physiologie du Gout) 1755. • Brindley, James. Mechanician and Canal Engineer. .. . 1716.. Brinkley, John. Bp. of Cloyne. Div. and Astronomer. 1763. . BrinvUliers, Marg. d'Aubrai, Marchioness of. Poisoner. — .. Brisbane, Sir Charles. Admiral — . . Brisbane, Sir Thos. Makdougal. Soldier and Astronomer 1773. . Brisseau, Peter. Fr. Med. Writer. {Sur la Cntai-acie). 1621. . Brisson, Barnabas. French Lawyer and Philologist 1531 . . Brisson, Mathurin James. Fr. Chemist and Naturalist. 1723. . Brissot, John Peter. French Revolutionist i754- • Brissot, Peter. French Physician 1478 . . Britannico, John. Italian Grammarian — aft. Britannicus. Son of Emperor Claudius 42 . . Brito, Bernard de. Portuguese Historian 1 569 . . ] Brito, Gulielmus. Brito Armoricus. Historian and Poet 11 so' Britton, John. Topog. and Archit. Writer. ( Cathedi-als) 1771. Britton, Thomas. Musical Small-coal Man 1654. Brizard, or Britard, John Baptist. French Actor 1721 . Brizzio, or Briccio, Francis. Landsc. Painter of Bologna 1574. Brocchi, John Baptist. Italian Mineralogist 1772. Brockhiaus, Frederick Arnold. German Publisher 1772. Brocklesby, Richard. Physician and Writer 1 722 . . i Brodeau, John. Brodceus. French Critic 1500. Broderip, William John. Naturalist and Shell Collector — . Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins. Surgeon. (Autobioffraj)hy) 1783. Broeck, Crispin van den. Dutch Painter and Engraver. 1530. Broeck, Elias van den. Flemish Painter 1657. Broeckhuyse, John. BrouMmsius 1649. . 1 Broglie, Claude Victor, Prince de. Marshalof Fr. ; guillot. 1757.. Broglie, Francis Mary, Duke de. Marshal of France 1671 . . Broglie, Victor Francis, Duke de. French General 1718. . Broglie, Victor Maurice, Count de. Marshal of France. . 1647?. Brogni, John de. Cardinal , 1342. • Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere. Rear- Admiral 1776. . A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 71 BORN. DIED. Brokesby, Rev. Francis. Relig. Writer. {Life of Dodwell) 1637.. 1 718? Brome, Adam de. Fav. of Edw. II. ; Found, of Oriel Coll. — . . 1332 Brome, Alexander. Satiric Anti-Puritan Poet 1620. .1666 Brome, Richard. Dramatist — . . 1652 Bromfleld, Sir Wm. Surgeon ; Founder of Lock Hospital 1712 . . 1 792 Bromley, John. Mezzotint Engraver i795 • • 1^39 Bromley, William. Line Engraver 1769. .1842 Bromton, John. Historian fl. 1193 Bronchorst, John, of Leyden. Animal Painter in Water Colors 1648. .1723 Bronchorst, Peter, of Delft. Historical Painter 1588. . 1661 Brondsted, Peter Oluf. Danish Archaeologist 1781 . .1842 Brongniart, Alexander. Fr. Chemist and Mineralogist. 1770. .1847 Brongniart, Anthony Louis. French Chemist — . . 1804 Bront6, Anne. Acton Bell. Novelist 1820?. 1849 Bront6, Charlotte. Currer Bell. L. bvMrs. Gaskell, 1857 1816. .1855 Bront6, Emily Jane. Ellis Bell. Novelist 1818?. 1848 Bronzino. Alexander Allori. Italian Painter 1535 . . 1607 Bronzino, Angelo. Historical and Portrait Painter 1511..1570 Bronzino. Christopher Allori, son of Alexander. Painter 1577 . . 1619 Brook, Benjamin. {Lives of the Puritans) 1775 . . 1848 Brooke, Charlotte. {Irish Poetry.) Life by Seymour, 1816 — ••i793 Brooke, Mrs. Frances. Novelist and Dramatic Writer . . — ..1789 Brooke, Sir Fulk Greville, Lord. Poet and Philosopher. 1554.. 1628 Brooke, Henry. Writer. ( The Fool of Quality) 1706. .1783 Brooke, John Charles. Somerset Herald; Topographer. 1748.. 1794 Brooke, Ralph. York Herald 1550?. 1625 Brooke, Sir Robert. Judge and Law Writer — • • 1558 Brookes, Joshua. Anatomist 1761 . . 1833 Brooks, Maria. American Poetess 1795?. 1845 Broome, William, ll. d. Poet; Translator of Anacreon. . — . .1745 Broschi, Charles. Farinelli. Italian Singer _ 1705 . .1782 Brossard, Sebast. de. Fr. Musician. {Prodromus Musicalis) 1660. .1730 Brosse, Guy de la. French Botanist — . . 1641 Brosses, Charles de. French Writer 1709- -1777 Brossette, Claude de, of Lyons. Writer. {Hist, of Lyons) 1671. .1742 Brotero, Felix de Avellar. Portuguese Botanist i744- • 1828 Brothers, Richard. Visionary 1760?. 1824 Brotier, Andrew Charles. Botanist 1751 • -1798 Brotier, Gabriel, Abb^. Scholar 1723. .1789 Broughton, Hugh. Hebrew Scholar and Polem. Divine 1549. .1612 Broughton, Thomas. Prebendary of Salisbury. Divine 1704. .1774 Brouneker, or Brounker, Wm. Visct. Pres. of Royal Soc. 1620. .1684 Brousson, Claude. French Protestant Martyr 1647 . . 1698 Brouwer, or Brauwer, Adrian. Flemish Painter 1608. .1640 Browallius, John. Bishop of Abo. Naturalist 1707- -1755 Brown, Charles Brockden. American Novelist. ( Wieland) 1771. .1810 Brown, Rev. David. Missionary in India — ..1812 Brown, James. Traveler and Scholar. ( The Directory) 1709. .1788 Brown, Rev. John, d. d. {Rise and Progress of Poetry) 1715 . . 1766 Brown, John. Scotch Divine. ( Self-Interpreting Bible) 1 722 . . 1 787 Brown, John. Scotch Painter. {Letters on Italian Opera) 1752. .1787 Brown, John. Scot. Phys. Inventor of Briinonian System of Medicine. Life by Beddoes, 1801 ; W. C Brown, 1804 1735 . . 1788 72 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Brown, Capt. John. Amer. Abolitionist. L. by R. D. Webb 1800. . 1859 Brown, Launcelot. Capability. Landscape Gardener. ., 1715. .1783 Brown, Matthew. Painter 1760?. 1831 Brown, Moses. Vicar of Gin ey. Poet. Writer. >See Browne 1703. .1787 Brown, Robert. Founder of the Broionists 1550^ • 1630 Brown, Robert. Scottish Agricultural Writer 1770?. 1831 Brown, Robert. President Linnaean Soc. Botan. Writer 1773. .1858 Brown, Sir Samuel. Captain k. n. Civil Engineer 1776. .1852 Brown, Thomas. Theologian; Translator of Camden. . . 1604. .1673 Brown, Thomas. Satirical Writer and Poet 1663. .1704 Brown, Dr. Thomas, of Edinburgh. Professor of Moral Philosophy. {Philosophy of Human Mind.) L. by Welsh 1778.. 1820 Brown, Ulysses Maximilian de. Imperial General 1705 . . 1757 Brown, William. Botanist. {Catalogus Horti Oxoniensis) 1628.. 1678 Brown, Sir Wm., m. d. Phys. and Humorist. See Browne 1692. .1774 Brown, Wm. Lawrence. Theol. at Utrecht and Aberdeen 1755. .1830 Brown. See Browne. Browne, Sir Anthony. Judge ; Supporter of Marj' Q. Scots — • ■ 1567 Browne, Edward. Physician to Charles II., and Traveler 1642. .1708 Browne, George. Abp. of Dublin. Protestant Reformer — ••1556'' Browne, Isaac Hawkins. Poet. (Design and Beauty; Immortality of the Soul) 1706. .1760 Browne, John. Surgeon. {Myography) 1642. .1700? Browne, Jos. Writ. agt.Circulat. of Blood. {Antidotaria) fl.1698-1721 Browne, Joseph, d. d. Provost of Queen's Coll. Scholar 1 700 . . i 'jSy Browne, Rev. Moses. Poet. {Piscatory Eclogue) 1703. .1787 Browne, Patrick, m. d. Naturalist. {History of Jamaica) 1720. .1790 Browne, Peter. Bishop of Cork. Writer against Toland — ••i735 Browne, Simon. Dissenting Divine 1680?. 1732 Browne, Sir Thomas. {Rtligio Medici.) L. by Dr. Johnson 1605 . . 1682 Browne, William. Poet. {Britannia'' s Pastorals) 1590.. 1645? Browne, Sir Wm. Physiciaai. Founderof Class. Medal. 1692. .1774 Browne, William George. Oriental Traveler 1768. . 1814 Browne. See Brown. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. Poetess 1809. . 1861 Brownrig, Ralph. Bishop of Exeter 1592. . 1659 Brownrigg, William. Physician and Natural Philosopher 171 1. .1800 Bruceeus, Henry, of Alost. Medical Writer 1531 • -1593 Bruce, Edward. Scottish Judge I549''- 161 1 Bruce, James. African Traveler. Life by Alexander Murray, 1804 ; Sir F. B. Head, 1830 1730. . 1794 Bruce, James, Earl of Elgin. See Elgin 181 1 . . 1863 Bruce, John. Political Writer i744- • 1826 Bruce, Michael. Poet 1746. .1767 Bruce, Peter Henr}'-. German Officer and Diplomatist . . — . .1757 Bruce, Robert. King of Scotland 1274. . 1329 Bruce, Thomas, Earl of Elgin. See Elgin 1766. .1841 Brucioli, Anthony. Florent. Transl. of Bible and Classics — aft.1554 Brucker, John James. {Historia Critica PhilosopMce) . . . 1696.. 1770 Bruckman, Francis Ernest. Ger. Physician & Naturalist 1697. . 1753 Bru6re, Charles Anthony Leclerc de la. French Dramatist 1715 ?. 1754 Brueys, David Augustine. Fr. Prot. Theol. and Dramatist 1640 . . 1 723 Brueys d'AigaUiers, Francis Paul. French Admiral ... 1753 . .1798 Bruges, John of, or John van Eyck. Painter 1370- • 1441 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 73 BORN. DIED. Brugmans, Sebald Justin. Dutch Military Physician . ... 1763 . . 1819 Bruguidres, John Wm. French Naturalist and Physician 1 749 . . 1 799 Bruhier d'Ablaincourt, John James. Fr. Med. Writer. — . . 1756 Bruhl, Henr}', Count von. Polish Minister 1700. .1764 Bruin, or Bruyn, John de. Experimen. Philos. at Utrecht 1620 . . 1675 Bruix, Chevalier de. Fr. Writer. {Eeflexions Diverses). 172S. .lySo Brulart, Nicholas. Chancellor of France i544' • 1624 Brulart, Peter. Ambassador and Secretary of State 1583?. 1640 BrxiUiot, Francis. {Dictionary of Monogr'ams) 1780. . 1836 Brumrael, Geo. Bryan. Beau. Life by Capt. Jesse, 1844 1778. .1840 Brumoy, Peter. French Writer. ( Theatre des Grecs) . . 1688. .1742 Brun, Anthony, of Dole. Ambass. and Poetical Writer. . . 1600 . . 1654 Brun, Anthony Louis. French Poet 1680. .1743 Brun, Charles le. French Painter and Writer 1619. . 1690 Brun, J. Baptist le. Desmareites. French Eccles. Writer — ..1731 Brun, LawTence de, of Nantes. ( Virgilius Christianus) . . 1607 . . 1663 Brun, Peter le. French Ecclesiastical Writer 1661 . . 1729 Brun, Wm. le. Jesuit. {Latin and French Dictionary). 1674?. 1758 Brunck, Richard Francis Philip. Critic 1729. .1803 Brune, William Mary Anne. Marshal of France 1763. .1815 Brunehaut. Queen of Austrasia — ; . 613 Brunei, Isambard Kingdom. Engineer of " Gt. Eastern " 1806. . 1859 Brunei, Sir Mai-k Isambard. Engineer of Thames Tunnel. Life by R. Beamish 1769. . 1849 BruneUeschi, Philip. Florentine Architect '^377- -1444 Brunei, John Louis, of Aries. Ecclesiastical Writer 1688. .1747 Brunetto Latini. Grammarian, of Florence. (7/ Tesoro) 1230. .1294 Brunfels, Otho. Physician and Botanist at Berlin 1464''. 1534 Bruni, Anthony. Italian Poet — . . 1635 Bruni, Leonard. Aretino. Historian 1369. . 1444 Brunings, Christian. Writer on Greek and Jewish Antiq. 1 702 . . 1 763 Brunings, Christian. Dutch Hydraulic Engineer 1736. .1805 Brunn, John James, of Basel. {Systema Materice Medicce) 1591 . . 1660 Brunner, Balthazar. German Physician 1533 . . 1604 Brunner, or Brunn, John Conrad. Swiss Phys. and Anat. 1653. . 1727 Bruno the Great. Archbishop of Cologne — .. 965 Bruno, St. Founder of Carthusians. Life by Madariaga, 1596 ; Faria, 1649 ; Tromby, 1773 ; Tracy, 1786 ; Villerey, 1808; Ducreux, 1808 1030?. iioi Bruno, James Pancrace. Swiss Physician 1629. .1709 Bruno, Jordan. Italian Anti-Christian Writer. Life bv Murr, 1805; Rixner, 1824; Debs, 1844; C.Bartholomew 1550. .1600 Brunswick-Lunenburg, Charles William Ferd., Duke of. Prussian General against the French Republicans 1735. .1806 Brunswick-Oels, Frederick Augustus, Duke of, brother. Prussian Gen. and Writer, ( On Alexander the Great) . 1740. . 1805 Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of. Served in the English Army against France i77i« .1815 Brunswick, Maximil. Jul. Leop., Duke of. Pruss. General 1 752 . . 1785 Brunton, Mrs. Mary. Novelist- 1778. . 1818 Bruschius, Caspar.*^ Latin Historian and Poet of Bohemia 15 18. . 1559 Brusoni, Jerome. Venetian Writer. (History of Italy). . 1610. .16^0^ Brusoni, Lucius Domitius. Facetious Writer. ( Speculum Mundi) fl. i6th c. 74 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Bruto, John Michael. Trav. and "Writer. ( Bist. of Hungary) le^iS^.i^g^. Brutus, John. Ecclesiastic of Paris. Writer '. 1678?. 1762 Brutus, Lucius Junius. Estab. Repub. Governmt. at Rome fi. 500 b.c. Brutus, Marcus Junius. Murderer of Caesar B.c.85 B.c.42 ' Bruyere, John de la. French Writer. ( Caracteres) 1644-'' . 1696 Brujm, Cornelius le. Traveler and Painter 1652. ., — Bruyn, or Bruin, John de. Experimen. Philos. at Utrecht 1620. . 1675 Bruys, Francis. French Critic. {History of the Popes) . . 1703. .1738 Bruys, Peter de, of Languedoc. Found, of Petro-Brussians — . .1130 Bruzen de la Martiniere. See Martiniere 1666. .1740 Bry, Theodore de. ( CoUectiones Peregrinationum) 1528. .1598 Bryan, or Bryant, Sir Francis. Soldier, Statesman, Poet — ..1550? Bryan, Michael. {Dictionary of Painters) i757. • 1821 Bryant, Jacob. Antiquary and Philologist I7JI5-- 1804 Brydges, Sir Sam. Egerton, Miscel. Writ. L. by self, 1834 1 762 . . 1837 Brydone, Patrick. ( Travelsin Sicily and Malta) I74i?.i8i8 Bryennlus, Nicephorus. Byzantine Historian — • • 1137 Buache, Philip. French Hydrographer 1700. . 1773 Buat Wancay, Louis Gabr., Ct. du. Fr. Diplom. & Writer 1732. .1787 Bucer, Martin. Reformer. Life by Conrad Huber, 1537 1491 . . 1551 Buch, Baron Leopold von. Scientltic Writer. i774. • 1853 Buchan, Mrs. Elspeth, or Elizabeth. Scottish Fanatic. . . 1738. .1791 Buchan, Stuart Erskine, Earl of. Scientific Writer 1742. . 1829 Buchan, William, m. d. {Domestic Medicine) 1729. .1805 Buchanan, Claudius, d. d. Bengal Chaplain. ( Christian Researches.) Life by H. Pearson, 1819 1766, . 1815 Buchanan, George. Scotch Historian and Poet. {History of Scotland.) Life by Dr. David Irving, 1807 1506. .1582 Buchanan, Walter. Writer on Art 1777?. 1864 Buchner, Augustus. Professor at Wittenberg 1591 • • 1661 Buchner, John Andrew Elias. German Medical Writer 1701 . .1769 Bucholtzer, Abraham. Ger. Divine. {Jndex Chronolog.) ii,2g. .1^84. Buchon, John Alexander. Historical Writer 1791- .1846 Buchoz, Peter Joseph, of Metz. Naturalist 1731 . . 1807 Buck, Sir George. Antiquary. {Life of Richard If I.). — ..1622? Buckeridge, John. Bp. of Ely. {De Potestate Papce) . — ..1631 Buckhurst, Thos. Sackville, Lord. Statesm. and Poet. 1527. .1608 Buckingham, Geo. Villiers, First Duke of. Lord High Admiral. Assassinated. L. by Sir H. Wotton, 1642. 1592, .1628 Buckingham, Geo. Villiers, son, 2d Duke of. Courtier. . 1627. .1688 Buckingham, James Silk. Traveler. Life by self.. . . . 1786. .1855 Buckingham and Chandos, Richard, First Duke of 1776. .1839 Buckingham and Chandos, Richard, Second Duke of.. — . .1861 Buckinghamshire, John Sheffield, Duke of. Poet. . . . . 1649. .1720 Buckink, Arnold. German Engraver fl. 1450? Buckland, William, D. D. DeanofWestm. Geologist. . 1784. .1856 Buckle, Henr}' Thomas. {History of Civilization) 1822. . 1862 Buckminster, Joseph Stephens. American Divine 1784. ,1812 Bucquet, John Baptist Mary. Fr. Experimental Philos. 1746. .1780 BudsBUS, or Bude, William. Critic. {De Asse) 1467. .1540 BuddsBus, John Francis, of Jena. Theol. {Ger. Hist. Diet.) 1667. .i72g Budgell, Eustace. Writer. {Lives of the Boyles) 1685?. 1736 Buffalmacco, Buonamico. Italian Historical Painter. . . 1262. .1340 BuflBLer, Claude. French Writer 1661 . . 1 7^7 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 75 BORN. DIED. BujBEbn, Geo. Louis Le Clerc, Count de. Naturalist. Life by Joseph Aude, 1788; M. Humbert-Bazile, 1863 1707. .1788 Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Thomas Robert, Duke d'Isly. French Marshal 1784. .1849 Bugenhagen, John. Pomeranus. Reformer. Life by Vincentius, 1558; Jaencke, 1730; Lange, 1731; En- gelcken, 1817 ; Koch, 1817; Zietz,1829; Biesner, 1837 1485. .1558 Bugiardini, Julian. Painter of Florence 1481 . . 1556 Buhle, John Theophilus. German Philosopher 1763. . 1821 Buister, Philip. Sculptor of Brussels 1595 . . 1688 Bukentop, Henry van, of Antwerp. Controv. Divine. . . — ..1716 Biilgarin, Thaddeus. Russian Novelist and Essayist . . . 1789. . — Bulkley, Charles. Baptist Divine 1719.. 1797 Bull, Geo. Bp. of St. David's. L. by Robert Nelson, 1717 1634. .1710 Bull, John, Mus. DOCT. Composer 1563^ . 1622? Bullant, John. French Architect 1520'. 1578 Buller, Right Honorable Charles. Statesman 1806. .1848 Buller, Sir Francis. Judge. {Introduction to Nisi Prius) 1745. -1800 Bullet, J. Bapt. Theologian and Antiquary at Besancjon 1699. .1775 Bvilleyn, William. Medical Writer at Durham 1500?. 1576 Btillialdus, or Boulliaud, Ismael. French Astronomer and Mathematician. {Philolaus) 1605 . . 1694 Bulliard, Peter. French Botanist 1742?. 1793 Bullinger, Henry. Swiss Reformer. Life by Simler, 1575; Lavater, 1576: Fels,1600; Ziegler, 1719 ; Hess, 1828; Franz, 1828 1504.. 1575 Bulow, Frederick William. Prussian General ^755 • • 1816 Bulovsr, Baron Henry von. Diplomatist 1790- • 1846 Bulstrode, Sir Richard. Royalist and Jacobite. — ..1715? Bulteau, Louis. French Writer on Monastic History. . . . 1625. .1693 Bulwer, John, m. d. ( Chirograpida ; Anihropometamoi'- phosis) : fl. 1644 Bunbury, Henry. Caricaturist — ..1811 Bunel, Jacob. French Historical Painter. . .• 1558. • 1620? Bunel, Peter, of Toulouse. Latin Scholar. {Letters). . . 1499. .1546 Bunn, Alfred. Theatrical Manager and Author — . . i860 Bunnick, Jacob van. Battle Painter — • • 1725 Bunnick, John van, brother. Hist, and Portr. Painter. . 1654. .1727 Bunon, Robert, of Paris. Dentist 1702 . .1748 Bunsen, Christian Chas. Josias, Baron. Pruss. Ambass. 1791 . .i860 Bunting, Jabez. Wesleyan Minister i779- ■ 1858 Bunyan, John. Life by Ivimey, 1809; Southev; Robert Philip, 1839 ; George Offor, 1853 ". 1628. . 1688 Buonaccorsi, or Pierino del Vaga. Tuscan Painter 1501 . .1547 Buonaccorsi, Philip. Callimaco. Italian Latin Writer. 1437.. 1496 Buonafede, Appian. Italian Philosophical Writer 1716..1793 Buonamici, Castruccio. Italian Historical Writer 1710. .1761 Buonamici, Lazarus, of Padua. Latin Poet and Writer. 1479.. 1552 Buonamico di Christofano. Bvffalmacco. Flor. Painter 1262. .1340 Buonaparte. See Bonaparte. Buonarotti, Michael Angelo. Painter, Sculptor, Archi- tect. Life by R. Duppa, 1806 1474. .1564 Buonarotti, Michael Angelo, jun. Dramatist 1568. . 1646 Buonfiglio, Joseph Constant. {Hist, of Sicily and Venice) fl. 1604 76 A BRIEF BIOGRAPPIICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Buoninsegni, Duccio di. Painter of Siena — ..1340? Buonmattei, Benedict. Florentine Grammarian 1581 . . 1647 Buononcini, J. Baptist. Musical Composer — . .1750? Buontalenti, Bernard. Girandole. Florentine Painter, Sculptor, Architect 1536. . 1608 BuraneUo. Balthasar Galuppi. Composer 1703. .1785 Burbage, Richard. Shakespearian Actor — . . 1629 Burchard, John, of Wesel. Reformer — . . 1482 Burctiiello, Dominic, of Florence. Burlesque Poet — ..1448 Burckhardt, John Charles. German Astronomer '^773 • .1825 Biirckliardt, John Louis. Swiss Traveler 1784. . 1817 Burder, George. Dissenting Preacher. ( Village Sermons) 1752. .1832 Burdett, Sir Francis, m. p. Politician 1770. . 1844 Burdon, William. {Materials for Thinhing) 1764. .1818 Bure, Catherine. Swedish Scholar 1602?. 1679 Bure, William Francis de, of Paris. Bibliographer 1731. .1782 Buren, Martin van. See Van Buren 1782. . 1862 Burette, Peter John. French Archaeologist 1665 . . 1 747 Burger, Godf. Aug. German Poet. {Wild Huntsman)., ly^i. .I'jg^ Burgersdieius, Francis. Dutch Logician 1590. . 1629 Burgas, George. Greek Scholar and Dramatist 1786. . 1864 Burgess, DanieL Dissenting Preacher 1645 . .1713 Burgess, John. Painter in Water Colors 1788?. 1863 Burgess, Thos. Bp. of Salisb. L. by C. J. Harford, 1839 1756. .1837 Burggrave, John Philip. German Medical Writer 1700. .1775 Burgh, Hubert de. Statesman. — , . 1243 Burgh, James. Writer. {Dignity of Human Nature) . . . 1714. .1775 Burgh, Ulick de, Marquess of Clanricarde. {Memoirs of Irish Rebellion) — . . 1657 Burgkraair, John. German Painter and Wood Engraver 1474. .1543 Burgoyne, John. General. Dramatic Writer — . .1792 Burgundy, Louis, Duke of. Grandson of Louis XIV. ; Dauphin 1682. .1712 Buridan, John. Philosopher and Schoolman — . .1358? Burigny, John Levesque de. Hist, and Biog. Writer. . . 1692. .1785 Burke, Edmund. Statesman. L. by McCormick, 1797 ; Bisset, 1798; Jas. Prior, 1824; T. Macknight; Geo. Croly, 1840; Sergeant Burke; Joseph Napier, 1862.. . 1729. .1797 Burke, Robert O'Hara. Australian Explorer — . . 1861 Burkitt, Wm. ( Expos, of N. Test.) L. by Parkhurst, 1704 1650. .1703 Burlamaqui, John James. Civilian 1694. .1748 Burleigh, Wm. Cecil, Lord. Lord Treasurer. See Cecil 1520. .1598 Burley, Walter. English Priest and Aristotelian Scholar 1275. .1357 Burlington, Richard Boyle, Thii-d Earl of. Architect. . . 1695. -1753 Burman, Nicholas Lawrence. Botanist. (/7ora /m/jca) 1734. .1793 Burmann, Francis. Theologian at Utrecht. ( On the . Pentateuch) 1628 . . 1679 Burmann, Francis, son. Theologian at Utrecht. {Per- secution of Diocletian) 1671 . . 1 719 Burmann, Gaspar. Historian. {Trajectum Ervditum).. — ••i755 Burmann, John. Dutch Botanist and Physician. ( The- saurus Zeylanicus) 1 707 . . 1 780 Bxirmann, Peter. Dutch Philologist 1668. .1741 Burmann, Peter. Secundus. Professor at Franeker — 1 714.. 1778 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 77 BORN, DIED. Burn, Rev. Richard, ll. d. Law Writer. (Justice) 1720?. 1785 Buirnes, Sir Alexander. Diplomatist in India 1805 . . 1841 Burnet, Gilbert. Bishop of Salisbury (1689-1715). Life by Le Clerc, 1715 ; Flexman 1643.. 1715 Burnet, Rev. Thomas, ll. d. (Be Statu Moriuorum.) Life by Ralph Heathcoat, 1759 1635?. 1715 Burnet, Rev. Thomas, D. D. Divine. (Ansiverto Tindal) — ..1750 Burnet, Sir Thos., son of Gilbei-t. Judge & Polit. Writ. — . .1753 Burnett, Gilbert Thos. Botanist. ( Outlines of Botany). 1800. .1835 Burnett, Jas., Ld. Monboddo. ( Orig. and Prog, of Lang.) 1714. .1799 Burnett, John. Scottish Judge and Writer on Law 1764. .1810 Burney, Charles. Classical Critic i757- .1817 Burney, Dr. Charles. {History of Music.) Life by Ma- dame D'Arblay, 1832 1726. . 1814 Burney, Frances. See Madame D'Arblay. Novelist. . . 1752. .1840 Burney, Jas. Rear-Adm. ( Hist, of Voyages of Discov.) 1759. .1821 Burney, William, lld. {Naval Heroes) 1762. . 1832 Bumouf, Eugene. French Orientalist '. , 1801 . . 1852 Burns, John, M. D., of Glasgow. {Evid. of Christianity) . . 1780. . 1850 Burns, Robert. Poet. Life by James Currie, 1825 ; J. G. Lockhart; Allan Cunningham; R. Chambers i759- -1796 Burr, Aaron. Third Vice-President of the United States 1756. .1836 Burrhus, Afranius. Roman Commander — .. 62 Burrough, Edward. Quaker Preacher 1634. . 1663 Burrouglis, Jer., of Tivetshall. Puritan Div. ( On Hosea) 1 599 . . 1646 Burroughs, Sir John. Garter King. {Sovereignty of Seas) — ..1643 Burrow, Sir James. Law Writer 1701 . .1782 Burrow, Reuben. Mathematician — • • 1 79i Burton, Cassibelan. Translator of Martial 1609. . 1681 Burton, Edw., D. D. Reg. Professor. {Greek Testament) lyg^. .iS^S Burton, Henry. SuiFerer with Bastwick and Prynne... . 1579''. 1648 Burton, Hezekiah. Prebendary of Norwich. Divine.... — ..1681 Burton, John, D.D. Fell, of Eton. { Opuscula Miscellanea) 1696.. 1 771 Bvirton, John, m. d. Antiquary. {Eccles. Hist, of York) 1697. .1771 Burton, Rev. Robert. {Anatomy of Melancholy) 1576. . 1640 Burton, Wm. Topog. and Antiq. {Hist. Leicestershire) 1575. .1645 Burton, Wm., of Kingston. .Schol. ( Grcecce Linguce Hist.) 1609. .1657 Burton, William, m. d. {History of Yorkshire) 1697?. 1759 Bury, Arthur, d. d. Rector of Exeter College. Socinian. {Naked Gospel) fl. 1665 Bury, Mrs. Eliz. Hebraist and Scholar. L. by Sam. Bury 1644. .1720 Bury, Richard de. See Angarville 1287? . 1345 Bus, Caesar de. Founder of the Fathers of Christ. Doctrine 1544. . 1607 Busbec, Augher Ghislen. Busbequius. Trav. & Ambass. 1522. .1592 Busby, Richard. Master of Westminster School 1606. . 1695 Busche, Hermann von dem. Buschius. Reviv. of Learn. 1468. .1534 Buschetto da DulicMo. Greek Architect at Pisa 1025 ^'aft. 1080 Busching, Anthony Frederick. German Writer 1724. .1793 BuscMng, John Gust. Theoph., son. Writ, on Literature 1783. . 1829 Busembaum, Hermann. {Medulla Theologice) 1600. . 1668 Bushe, Sir Charles Kendal. Chief Justice of Ireland. . . — . . 1843 BusheU, Thomas. Master of the Royal Mines. Royalist 1594?. 1674 BushneU, David. American Inventor 1742?. 1826 Busleyden, Jerome. Diplomat. ; Frd. of Erasmus & More 1470 . . 1 5 1 7 78 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. BussiSres, John de. French Historian and Latin Poet. . 1607. . 1678 Bussy d'Amboise, Louis de Clermont de — • • i579 Bussy, Roger Rabutin, Count of. French Writer 1618. . 1693 Bute, John Stuart, Third Earl of. Premier 1713- -1792 Buteo, John. French Mathematician 1492. .1572 Buti, Francesco di Bartolo da. Commentator on Dante . 1324. . 1406 Butler, Alban. {Lives of Saints.) L. by Chas. Butler, 1799 1710. .1773 Butler, Charles. Writer on Bees. (Feminine Monarchy) 1560. .1647 Butler, Charles. Roman Catholic Writer. (Reminiscences) 1750.. 1832 Butler, Jas., Duke of Omiond. Statesman. Life by Carte 1610. . 1688 Butler, John. Bishop of Hereford. Political Writer 1717..1802 Butler, Joseph. Bishop of Durham. (Analogy.) Life by Bartlett, 1839 ; Rev. F. Steere 1692. .17K2 Butler, Samuel. Poet. (Hudibras) 1600. . 1680 Butler, Samuel. Mast, of Shrewsb. Bp. Lichf. (Atlas), lyy^. .1S40 Butler, Thomas, Earl of Ossory. Commander 1634. . 1680 Butler, Weeden. Theologian 1742 . . 1823 Butler, William. Irish Alchemist i534- • 161 7 Butler, William, m. d. Medical Writer 1726. . 1805 Butler, Wm. Writer of School Books. ( On the Globes) . 1748 . . 1822 Butler, Rev. Wm. Archer, of Dublin. Prof, of Moral Philos. — . . . 1848 Butt, George, d. d. Divine and Poet 1741 . .1795 Butter, Nathaniel. Journalist ' — . . 1664 Buttern, William, M. D. Medical Writer in London .... 1726. . 1805 Buttmann, Philip Chas. Ger. Philologist. (Lexilogus) 1764. .iS2g Buttner, Christian WiUiam. Ger. Naturalist and Ph'ilol. 1716. . 1801 Button, Sir Thomas. Arctic Navigator fl. 1612 Butts, Sir William. Physician to Henry VIII — • • i545 Buxbaum, John Christian. German Botanist & Traveler 1694. .1730 Buxton, Jedediah. Calculator 1704?. 1775? Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell. Philanthr. L. by C Buxton 1 786 . . 1845 Buxtorf, John. Professor at Basel. ( Thesaurus Linguae Htbraicce.) Life by Tossanus, 1630 1564. . 1629 Buxtorf, John, son. Professor at Basel. (Hehr. Concord.) 1599. .1664 Buxtorf, John. Orientalist at Basel — . . 1 732 Buxtorf, John James. Hebraist .' 1645 . .1704 Buy de Momas, Claude. French Geographer — . .1783 Buzot, Francis Nicholas Leonard. French Politician 1760. .1793 Byfleld, or Bifield, Nicholas. Calvinistic Divine 1578?. 1622 Byles, Mather, d. d. American Clergyman 1706. .1788 Bynaeus, Anthony. Classical and Historical Scholar 1654. . 1698 Byng, George, Fii"stVisct. Torrington. Naval Commander 1663. .1733 Byng, John. Admiral. Shot 1704- -1757 Bynkershoek, Cornelius van. Civilian 1673. .1763 Byrge, or Byrgius, Justus. Fr. Mathematical Mechanician 1 549 . . 1632 Byrne, William. Engraver 1742. .1805 Byrom, John. Poetical Writer. (Short-hand) 1 691 .. 1763 Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Poet. Life bv T. Moore ; R. C. Dallas: J. Gait, 1825; Noel Byron, 1825; J. W. Lake, 1826; E. Brydges, 1828; J. L. Armstrong, 1846. 1788. .1824 Byron, Hon. John. 'Circumnavigator 1723- -1786 Bythner, Victorinus. Linguist. (J^yra Prophetica) — aft.1664 Bzovius, or Bzovski, Abraham. Polish Theologian 1567. .1637 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 79 c. BORN. DIED. Caab, or Cab ben Zohair. Arabian Poet — . . 622 Caballus, Francis. Medical Writer at Padua — . .1540 Cabanis, Peter John George. Fr. Phys., Philos., Politician 1757 . .1808 Cabarrus, Francis. French Financier in Spain 1752. .1810 Cabassole, Philip de. French Writer; Friend of Petrarch 1305 . .1371 Cabassut, John. French Canonist 1604. . 1685 Cabel, or Kabel, Adrian van der. Dutch Painter 1631 . . 1695 Cabestan, or Cabestaing, William de. Provencal Poet. . — . .1213? Cabet, Stephen. French Communist 1788 . . 1856 Cabot, Sebastian. Navigator. LifebyR. Biddle, 1831 .. 1477?. 1557? Cabral, or Cabrara, Peter Alvarez de. Port. Navigator . . — . .1526? Cabrillo, John Rodriguez. Portuguese Navigator ..... . — ••i543 Cabrol, Earth. Fr. Anatomist. {AlphabetonAnatomicon)ii,2S^. — Caccia, William. II Montcalvo. Italian Fresco Painter. 1568. .1625 Caccini, Julius. Giulio Romano. Italian Musical Comp. 1560?. 1640? Cachet, Christopher. Medical Writer 1572. . 1624 Cadamosto, Louis da. Venetian Navig. L. by Zurla, 1815 1432-'' . 1480? Cade, John. Rebel — . . 1450 Cadell, Thomas. Publisher _ 1742. -1803 Cadet de Gassicourt, Chas. Louis. {Diet, of Cliemistry) 1769. .1821 Cadet de Vaux, Anthony Alexis Francis. French Writer 1743 • • ^^28 Cadogan, William, First Earl of. Military Commander . . — ..1726 Cadogan, William. Medical Writer — . .1797 Cadogan, Hon. and Rev. Wm. Bromley. L. by Cecil, 1798 1 75 1 . . 1 797 Cadoudal, George. French Royalist 1769. . 1804 Cadwaladyr, Casail. Welsh Poet i6th c. Ceecilius Statius. Latin Comic Poet — b.c.i68 Csedmon. Anglo-Saxon Poet — . . 680? Caelius Bbodiginus. Italian Scholar 1450?. 1525? Csesalpinus, Andrew. Italian Naturalist 1519- • 1603 Caesar, Caius. Grandson of Augustus B.c.20 A.D.4 CsBsar, C. Julius. Dictator. Life by Nicholas de Damas, 1850; Archd. J. Williams, 1854; Napoleon III., 1865. . 100.44B.C. CsBsar, Sir Julius. Civilian. Life by E. Lodge, 1727. . . 1557. .1636 Csesar, Lucius. Grandson of Augustus b.c.i 7 a.d.2 Caffa, Melchior. Le Maltais. Roman Sculptor 1631 . . 1687 Cafifarelli, Gaetano Majorano. Italian Singer 1703. .1783 Caflaaux, Philip Joseph. {Genealogical Treasury) 1712. .1777 Caffieri, James. Sculptor — • • i755 Caffieri, John James. Sculptor 1723. .1792 CaflB.eri, Philip. Sculptor at Rome 1634. .1716 Cagliari, Benedict. Painter 1538. .1598 Cagliari, Paul, brother. Paul Veronese. Painter 1530?. 1588 Cagliostro, Alexander, Count. Joseph Balsnmo. Impostor 1743. .1795 Cagnatus, Marsilius. Medical Writer at Rome — . . 1610 Cagnola, Louis, Marquis. Italian Architect 1762. . 1833 Cagnoli, Anthony. Italian Astronomer and Philosopher 1743. .1816 Cahaignes, James. Medical Writer of Caen 1548. . 161 2 Cahusac, Louis de. French Dramatist 1700. .1759 Caiet, or Cayet, Peter Victor Palma. French Writer 1525 . . 1610 80 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Caille, Nicholas Louis de la. French Astronomer 1713. .1762 Caillil, Rene, or Auguste. French Traveler i799- • 1838 Cairo, Francis. Cavaliere del Cairo. Historical and Por- trait Painter 1598. .1674 Caius, or Gains. Roman Jurist ti. Antonines Caius, or Gains. Ecclesiastical Historian fl. 210"^ Caius. Bishop of Rome (283-96) — . . 296 Caius, Bernard. Italian Medical Writer fl. 1610 Caius, Kaye, John. Founder of Caius College 1510. .1573 Caius, Thomas. Master of University College, Oxford . . — ••1572 Cajetan, Constantine. Italian Benedictine; Writer 1560. .1650 Cajetan, Thomas de Vio, Cardinal. Theologian 1469. .1534 Calaber, Quintus. Greek Poet. {Paralipomena) fl. 491 ••' Calabrese, Matthias Preti. Italian Painter 1613.. 1699 Calamy, Benj.,D. D. GYmvohTiiv. {Scrupubus Ccniscience) — ..1686 Calanay, Edmund. Nonconformist. (Smectymnuus) 1600. .1666 Calamy, Edm., d. d. Dissent. Div. {Lives of JSfonconf.) 1677. .1732 Calandrucci, Hyacinth. Roman Painter 1646". .1707 Calas, John. Protestant of Toulouse ; judicially murdered 1698 . . 1 762 Calasio, Marius de. Orient, at Rome. {Heb. Concordance) 1550?. 1620 Calatrava, Joseph Mary. Spanish Statesman 1781 . . 1846 Calcagnini, Coelio. Soldier, Poet, and Antiquary. . . , . . . 1479. .1541 Calcar, or Keikar, John Stephen von. Painter i499- -1546 Calceolari. Italian Botanist. {Iter Baldi Montis) fl. 1566-86 Caldara, Anthony. Italian Musical Composer 1678. . 1763 Caldara, or Polydore da Caravaggio. Painter 1495 . . 1543 Caldas, Francis'^Joseph. Spanish Naturalist 1773'' • 1^16 Calder, Sir Robert. Admiral • 1745 • • 1818 Calderari, Ottone. Italian Architect 1730. . 1803 Calderini, Domitio. Italian Philologist and Gen. Scholar 1446. . 1478 Calderon de la Barca, Pedro. Spanish Dramatist 1601 . . 1687 Calderwood, David. Scot. Presbyt. {Altare Bamascenum) 1575,, 1651? Caldwall, Richard. Physician 1513- • 1505 Caled, or Khaled. Mohammedan Commander — . . 642? Calendario, Philip. Venetian Architect and Sculptor. . . fl. 1354'' Calentius, Elisius. Neapol. Poet. {Battle of Fro ffs 4^ Mice) 1450?. 1503 Calepino, or Da Calepio, Ambrose. Lexicographer 1435 • • 1511 Caletti, Joseph. 11 Cremonese. Painter 1600?. 1660 Calhoun, John Caldwell. American Statesman 1782. .1850 Caliavari, Luke. Italian Painter 1665 . .1715 Caligny, John Antenor Hue de. French Engineer 1657 . .1731 Caligvila. Roman Emperor (37-41) 12 . . 41 CaUxtus, George, of Helmstadt. Lutheran Theologian. Life by Dowding, 1864 1586. .1656 Calkoen van Beek, John Frederick. Dutch Astronomer and Mathematician 1772. . 1811 Callard, J. Baptist, of Caen. {Etymological Med. Lexicon) 1630. .1718 Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, r. a. Painter 1779. • 1844 Callcott, John Wall. Musical Composer. Life by Horsley 1766. .1821 Calleott, Maria (Graham, and Dundas), Lady. 'V\^riter 1788. . 1842 Calle, John Francis. French Mathematician i744- -1798 Callenberg, John Henry. Orient, and Promot. of Missions 1694. .1760 Callett, John Francis. French Mathematician i744- -1798 Calliacli, Nicholas. Writer at Padua. {De Ludis Scenicis) 1645 . . 1707 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 81 BORN. DIED. CaUicratidas. Spartan Admiral. — B.c.406 CaUiSres, Francis de, French Statesman and Writer . . . 1645. .1717 Callimaclius. Alexandrian Grammarian and Poet ■' — B.c.240? Callisthenes, of Olynthus. Greek Historian fl. B.c.328? Caliistus, Johannes Andronicas, of Constantinople. Pro- moter of Greek Learning in Italy fl. 1453 OaJlixtus I. Pope (219-22) — . . 222 Callixtus II. (1119-24.) Guy de Bourgogne — . . 1 124 Callixtus III. (1455-58.) Alphonse Borgia — . . 1458 CaUot, James. French Artist and Engraver i593- • 1635 CaUy, Peter. French Divine and Cartesian Philosopher. — ..1709 Calmet, Augustin. [Diet, of Bible,) Life by Dom Fang6 1672. .1757 Calmo, Andrew. Venetian Actor and Comic "Writer ... . i5io?.i57i Calogiera, Angelo. Italian Scholar 1699. .1768 Calomarde, Francis Tadeo. Spanish Statesman 1775 . . 1842 Calonne, Charles Alexander de. French Minister i734- • 1802 CaloviuSj Abraham. Lutheran Polemical Divine 1612. . 1686 Calprenede, Gautier de Costes, Seign. de. Romance Writ. 1612-'' . 1663 Calpurnius, Titus Julius. Sicilian Latin Pastoral Poet. . fl. ab. 290 Calvart, or Calvaert, Denis. Fiammingo. Dutch Painter 1555. .1619 Calvert, Geo., First Lord Baltimore. Founder of Maryland 1582. . 1632 Calvert, James. Nonconformist. {Naphthali) — . . 1698 Calvidus Lsetus. See Quillet. ( Ccdlipcedia) 1602. . 1661 Calvin, John. Life by Bungener; Jerome Bolsec, 1572; Beza; Papire Masson; Dr. Paul Henrv, 1835-44, tr. by Stebbing, 1849 ; J. M. V. Audin, 1840"; J. Dyer, 1849 ; Strahelin, 1863 1509. .1564 Calvisius, Seth. German Chronologer 1556. . 161 5 Calvus, C. Licinius Macer. Roman Advocate and Poet. . 82.46? b.c. Camargo, Mary Ann Cuppi. Danger of Brussels 1710..1770 Camassei, or Camace, Andrew. Italian Painter 1602. . 1648 Cainbac6res, John James R^gis de. French Statesman. 1753. .1824 Cambert, Robert. French Musician in England 1628. . 1677 Cambiaso, Luca. Luchetto of Genoa. Fresco Painter. .. 1527. .1585 Cambini, Louis. Italian Composer 1746 . . 1832? Cambis-Velleron, Joseph Louis Dominic, Marquis de. Book Collector and Historian 1706. .1772 Cambon, Joseph. French Statesman 1754 . . 1820 Cambridge, Adolphus Fred., Duke of. Son of George III. 1774. .1850 Cambridge, Richard, Earl of. Conspirator; beheaded . . — . .1415 Cambridge, Richard Owen. Writer. {ScriUeriad) 171 7.. 1802 Cambronne, Peter Jas. Stephen, Baron de. Fr. General 1770. .1^2 Cambyses. Second King of Persia (b.c. 528-521) — 6.0.521 Camden, Charles Pratt, First Earl. Lord Chancellor 1713. .1794 Camden, John Jefiries Pratt, First Marquess. Lord-Lieut. 1759.. 1840 Camden, Wm. Antiq. Life by Thos. Smith, 1691 ; Gough 1551 . . 1623 Camerarius, Joachim. German Scholar and Writer 1500. .1574 Camerarius, Joachim, son. Botanist i534- -1593 Cameron, Sir Alan. Colonel of Cameron Highlanders. . . — . .1828 Cameron, Donald, grandson of Evan. The Gentle Lochiel — , . 1 748 Cameron, Sir Evan. Ld. of Lochiel. Ulysses of the Highlds. — ..1719 Cameron, John. Scot. Theologian ; taught in France . . 1580? . 1625 or 6 Cameron, Richard. Covenanter. Founder of Cameronians — ..1680 Camidge, John, mus. doc. Musical Composer 1790? . 1859 82 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORK. DIED. OamiUus, Marcus Furius. Dictator — B.c.365 Camoens, Louis de. Portuguese Poet. {Lusiad.) Life by Adamson, 1820 ' 1524?. 1579 Campailla, Thomas. Italian Philosopher and Naturalist. 1668. .1740 Campan, Madame de. Educationist 1752- • 1822 Campanella, Thos. Ital. Philos. L. by Baldacchini, 1840 1568 . . 1639 Campani, John Anthony. Italian Scholar 1427 . . 1477 Campani, Joseph and Matthew. Italian Opticians fl. 17th c. Campanus, John, of Navara. Italian Mathematician ... fl. 13th c. Campbell, Sir Alexander. Lieutenant-General i759- • 1824 Campbell, Archib., Marq. Argyle. Covenanter. Beheaded 1598. .1661 Campbell, Archib. E. Argyle, son. Royalist. Beheaded — . . 1685 Campbell, Archib., Bishop of Aberdeen. {Middle State) —..1744? Campbell, Colin. Architect. {Vdruvius Bnlannictis) . . . — ••i734 Campbell, Colin, Lord Clyde. Field Marshal 1792. • 1863 Campbell, George, d. d. Principal of Marischal College. ( Gospels ; Miracles.) Life by Dr. Skene Keith 1 719. .1796 Campbell, Sir James, of Ardkinglas. Life by self, 1832 . . 1 745 . . 1840? Campbell, John, Second Duke of Argyle and Greenwich. ;See Argyle and Greenwich 1678. .1743 Campbell, 'John, ll. d. Historian, Biographer, and Po- litical Writer. {Admirals; Voyages and Travels) 1708.. 1775 Campbell, John. Admiral — . • i79<5 Campbell, Rev. John. Missionary to Africa. L. by Philip 1766. .1840 Campbell, John, Lord. Lord Chanc. {Livesof the Chanc.) 17S1. .1861 Campbell, Rev. John N., d. d. American Clergyman and Scholar 1 798 • • 1864 Campbell, Sir NeiL General; Governor of Sierra Leone. 1770?. 1827 CampbeU, Thos., ll. d. Poet. L. by Dr. W. Beattie, 1849 1777. . 1S44 Campe, Joachim Henry. Germafa Writer 1746. • 1818 Campeggio, Lorenzo. Cardinal i474- -1539 Campeggio, Thomas, brother. Ecclesiastical Writer 15CX). .1564 Campenon, Francis Nicholas "Vincent. French Poet 1772. .1843 Camper, Peter. Dutch Physician and Naturalist 1722. . 1789 Camphuysen, Dyrk Theodore RaphaeL Dutch Painter. 1586.. 1627 Campi, Anthony. Paint. & Arch. {Hist of Cremona) . bef. 1536 aft.1591 Campi, Bernardin. Italian Painter & Writer on Painting 1522. . 1590? Campi, Galeas. Italian Painter i475 : • ^SZ^ Campi, Julius. Italian Painter 1500?. 1572 Campi, Vincent. Painter 1532?. 1591 Campian, Edmund. English Jesuit and Author 1540. . 1581 Campidoglio, Michael Angelo. Painter at Rome 1610. . 1670 Campion, Alexander de. French Historical Writer 1610. . 1670 Campion, or Champion, Thomas. Poet fl. 1604 Campistron, John Galbert de. French Dramatic Poet . . 1656. .1723 Campo, or Campi, q.v., Anthony. ItaL Hist. Writer, .bef.1536 aft 1591 Campolongo, Emmanuel. Italian Poet 1732- • 1801 Campomanes, Peter Rodriguez. Spanish Statesman . . . 1723. . 1802 Campra, Andrew. French Musical Composer 1660. .1744 Camps, Francis de. Abbe de Ligny. Historical Writer 1643. .1723 Camuccini, Vincent. Roman Painter 1775?. 1844 Camus, Anthony le. French Physician and Writer 1722. . 1772 Camus, Armand Gaston. French Politician 1740- • 1804 Camus, Charles Stephen Louis. French Mathematician . 1699. .1768 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 83 BORN. DIED. Camus, Francis Joseph de. French Mechanician 1672 . .1732? Camus, John Peter. Pont Carre. French Prelate 1582. .1652 Camus, Stephen le. French Cardinal; Writer 1632. .1707 Camusat, Nicholas. Fr. Historian. {Melanges Historiques) 1575.. 1655 Canaletto, or Canale, Anthony. It Tonino. Venet. Paint. 1697, .1768 Canani, John Baptist, of Ferrara. The Young. Anatomist 1 5 1 5 . . 1 5 79 Canaye, Philip de la, Sieur du Fresne. Statesman 1551- .1610 Cancellieri, Francis Jerome. Ital. Scholar. L. by Beraldi 1751 . . 1826 Cancrin, George. Russian Statesman ." i774- • 1845 Candiac, John Louis Ehz. de Montcalm de. Precocious Child 1719. .1726 Candido, Peter. Dutch Historical Painter 1548''. 1599 Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Botanist 1778. . 1841 Cane, John Vincent. English Franciscan. Author .... — . . 1672 Canga-Arguelles, Joseph. Spanish Statesman & Writer 1770. . 1843 Cange, Charles du Fresne du. See Du Cange 1610. . 1688 Cangiago, or Cambisi, Louis. Genoese Painter 1527. . 1585 Canini, Angelo. Greek Scholar and Orientalist 1521 . . 1557 Canino, Prince of. See Bonaparte. Canisius, Henry. Canonist and Antiquary — . . 1610 Cauisius, Peter. German Jesuit ; Theologian 1520. .1597 Camtz,Fred.Rodolphus Louis, Baron von. Poet & Statesm. 1654. .1699 Canne, John. English Puritan Divine at Amsterdam ... fl. 1664 Canning, Charles J ohn. Earl. Governor-General of India 1812 . . 1862 Canning, George. Statesman. Life by A. G. Stapleton, 1831 ; Robert Bell, 1846 1770. . 1827 Cano, Alonzo. Spanish Painter 1601 . . 1665 Cano, John Sebastian del. Spanish Circumnavigator — . .1526 Cano, Melchior, of Salamanca. {Loci Theologici) 1523. .1560 Canonica, Louis. Italian Architect 1742. . 1834 Canoppi, Anthony. Italian Artist in Russia 1773?. 1832 Canormus. German Mineralogist 1738. . — Canova, Anthony. Sculptor. Life by Missirini ; Quatre- m^re de Quincy i757- .1822 Canovai, Stanislaus. ItaUan Ecclesiastic and Historian . . 1 740 . . 181 1 Canstein, Charles Hildebrand, Baron. Gennan Printer. . 1667. .1719 Cantacuzenus, John. Emp. of Constantinople. Historian 1300? . 141 1 ? Cantarini, Simon. II Pezarese. Painter 1612. . 1648 Cantel, Peter Joseph. Jesuit, of Caux ; Writer 1645 . . 1684 Cantemir, Antiochus. Russian Ambassador and Poet. . . 1709.. 1744 Cantemir, Demetrius. Moldavian Prince. Historian, . . 1673. .1723 Canter, Theodore. Critic. ( Varice Lectiones) 1545 .. 161 7 Canter, William, brother. Critic. (A^wce iec^^ones). ... 1542. .1575 Canterbury, Charles Manners .Sutton, Visct. Statesman 1780. . 1845 Canton, John. Experimental Philosopher 1718 . .1772 Cantoni, Simon. Milanese Architect — ..1818 Cantwell, Andrew. Medical Writer of Tipperary — . . 1 764 Canute. King of England and Denmark. The Great.. 995'. 1035 Canuti, Dominic. Italian Painter 1620. . 1678 Capaccio, Julius Caesar. Italian Historical Writer 1560. .1631 Capasso, Nicholas. Italian Theologian, Jurist, and Poet 1671 . .1745 Capece-Latro, Joseph. Italian Prelate and Statesman. . 1744. .1836 Capecio, Scipio. Neapolitan Latin Poet — . .1562? Capel, Arthur, Ld. Royalist; behead. {Dnily Meditations) 1600?. 1649 Capel, Arthur, Earl Essex. Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. . 1635 . . 1683 84 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOBK. DIED. Capell, Edward. Editor of Shakespeare 1713..1781 Capella, Galeas Flavius. Italian Historian 1487. -1537 Capella, Guarino. Italian Macaronic Poet fl. i6th c. Capella, Marcianus Mineus Felix. Roman Polygrapher. . fl. 5th c. Capellen, G. A. G. P. van der. Dutch Gov. ofE. Indies. 1778. . 1848 Capello, Bianca. Wife of Cosmo de' Medici 1542?. 1587 Capellus, or Cappel, Louis. French Divine and Hebraist 1585 . . 1658 Capilupus, Laelius. Latin Poet • 1498. . 1560 Capistran, St. John de. Neapol. Preacher against Heresy 1385 . . 1458 Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius. Reformer and Scholar .... 1478. . 1541 Capitolinus, Julius. Roman Historian fl. 3d. c. Capmany y Montpalau, Anthony de. Spanish Philolo- gist and Historian 1742. . 1813 Capo d'Istria, John Anthony, Count of 1776. . 1831 Caporali, Caesar. French Comic Poet 1531 . . 1601 Capozzoli, Dominic, Patrick, and Donlo. Neapolitan Patriot Brothers — . . 1829 Cappe, Newcome. Dissenting Divine. ( On Providence) 1733. .1800 Cappel, James. French Jurisconsult — . .1542 Cappel, James. French Jurisconsult 1525 . .1586 Cappel, James. French Theologian 1570- • 1624 Cappel, Louis. French Protestant Theologian i534- .1586 Cappel, Louis. French Theol. {Arcanum Punctuationis) 1585. .1658 Cappel, William. French Theologian fl.i5th c. Cappel, William. French Writer i530- • 1586 Cappello, Bernard. Italian Poet 1500?. 1565 Capperonier, Claude. French Scholar 1671 . . 1744 Capponl, Seraphino Annibal. Theologian 1 536. . 1614 Caprara, John Baptist. Cardinal. ^733* • ^^^° Caracalla. Emperor of Rome (211-17) 188.. 217 Caracci, Annibal. Painter 1560 . . 1609 Caracci, Anthony. Venetian Painter 1583 . . 1618 Caracci, Augustine. Painter 1558 . . 1602 Caracci, Francis. Franceschini. Italian Designer i595 • • 1622 Caracci, Louis. Painter i555 • • 1619 Caraccio, Anthony. Italian Poet. (Coradino) 1630.. 1702 Caraccioli, Francis. Neapolitan Admiral; hanged 1770. .1799 Caraccioli, Louis Anth. Fr. Writ. {Letters of Ganganelli) 1 721 .. 1803 Caraccioli, Robert. French Divine and Politician 1425 . . 1495 Caractacus. British Chief fl. 51 Caradog. Historian. ( Chronicle of Wales) — . . 1 1 56? Caraglio, John James. Italian Engraver 1500?. 157 1 Caramuel de Lobkowitz, John. Controversialist 1606. . 1682 Carausius. Usurper of the Empire in Britain (287-93). . 250?. 293 Caravaggio, Michael Angelo da. Amerighi. Painter.. . 1569. .1609 Caravaggio, Polidoro da. Caldara. Painter 1495 . . 1543 Carcavi, Peter de. Mathematician and Bibliographer .. . — ..1684 Cardan, Jerome. Phys. and Mathem. L. by Morley, 1852 1501. .1576 Cardi, Louis. Civoli,or Cigoli. Tuscan Paint. & Engrav. 1559. .1613 Cardon, Anthony. Belgian Engraver 1772. . 1813 Cardonne, Denis Dominic de. Orientalist 1720. . 1783 Carduccio, or Carducho, Bartholomew. Italian Painter, Architect, Sculptor, in Spain 1560. . 1610 Carduccio, Vincent, brother. Italian Painter in Spain. . 1568. . 1638 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 85 BORK. DIED. CardweU, Rev. Dr. Edward, of Oxford. ( Conferences). . 1 787 . . 1861 Careme, Mary Anthony. French Cook 1784. . 1833 Carew, Sir Alexander. Republican Politician — ..1644 Oarew, Barapfylde Moore. King of Beggars. L. by Goadby 1693 . .1770- Carew, Sir George. Ambassador. {Negotiations) — . . 1613 Carew, George, Earl of Totness. {Pacata Hihernia) 1557- • 1629 Carew, Sir Peter. Life by J. Maclean — . .1575 Carew, Richard. {Survey of Cornwall) i555-- 1620 Carew, Thomas. Poet 1589?. 1639? Carey, Henrj^, 2d E. Monmouth. Writer and Translator 1596. .1661 Carey, Henry. Musician and Poet — . .1743 Carey, Matthew. American Publisher and Author 1760. . 1839 Carey, Robert. First Earl of Monmouth. {Memoirs). .. — . .1639 Carey, Dr. William. Baptist Missionary in India. Life by J. C. Marshman, 1859 ; Eustace Carey 1761 . .1834 Carez, Joseph. French Printer I753' • 1801 CargiU, Donald. Scotch Presbyterian and Covenanter. . i6io?.i68i Carinus, Emperor of Rome (283-85) — . . 285 Carissimi, John James. Roman Musical Composer. . .1582. aft.1672 Carleton, Sir Dudley, Ld. Dorchester. Statesm. {Letters) 1573. .1632 Carleton, George. Bishop of Chichester i559- • 1628 Carleton, Sir Guy, Lord Dorchester. General 1724. . 1808 Carli, John Rinaldo. Italian Antiquary 1720. .1795 CarUngford, Theobald Taafe, Earl of — . . 1677 Carlini, Augustine. Italian Painter in England — ..1790 Carlini, Francis. Italian Astronomer 1785 ''.1862 Carlino, Charles Anthony Bertinazzi. Italian Harlequin 171 3. .1783 Carlisle, Sir Anthony. Surgeon and Physiologist 1768. .1840 Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of; uncle of Byron 1748. .1825 Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, SeventhEarl of, and Lord Morpeth. Statesman 1802. . 1864 Carlisle, Nicholas. Antiquary 1771 • • 1847 Carlone, John. Genoese Painter 1590 . . 1630 Carlos, Don. Infant of Spain and Pretender 1788. .1855 Carlstadt, Andrew Bodenstein. Prot. Oppon. of Luther. 1483?. 1 541 Carlyle, Rev. Alexander, d.d. {Memoirs of his Own Time) 1721 . .1805 Carlyle, Rev. Joseph Dacre. Orientalist and Poet i759- • i^4 C9xlyon.,C\em&a.t.,M.T). {Early Years and Late Reflections) — ..1864 Carraagnola, Francis. Bussone. Italian General 1390''. 1432 Carmer, John Henry Casimir, Ct. Prussian Statesman. . 1721. .1801 Carmichael, Frederick. Scotch Divine. (Sermons ).,».. 1708. .1751 Carmicliael, Gerrhom. Scottish Writer 1682. ,1738 Carmichael, Richard. Surgeon and Medical Writer 1779. -1849 Carmontelle. French Writer. {Proverbs) 1717 • • 1806 Carnarvon, Henry John George Herbert, Third Earl of. Author, Traveler, and Politician 1800 . . 1849 Came, John. Traveler. {Lives of Missionaries) 1789. . 1844 Carneades, of Cyrene. Philosopher 213? . 129 B.C. Carnegie, Sir Robert, of Kinnaird. Statesman & Lawyer — . .1566 Carnot, Lazare Nicholas Marguerite. Math, and Statesm. 1753. .1823 Caro, Annibal. Italian Poet ■ 1507. .1566 Carolan, Turlough O'. Irish Poet and Musical Composer 1670. .1738 Caroline, of Anspach. Queen of George 1 1682. .1737 Caroline, of Brunswick. Queen of George IV 1 768 . . 1821 86 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOEN. DIED. Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark 1 751 ,. 1775 Caroto, John Francis. Italian Painter 1470. .1546 Carov6, Frederick "William. German Critical Writer . . . 1789. .1852 Carpani, Joseph. Italian Dramatist and Writer on Music 1752. .1825 Carpenter, Dr. Lant. Unitarian Divine 1780. . 1840 Carpenter, Rev. Nathaniel. Writer 1588 . . 1628? Carpentier, Peter. (Supplement to Du Cange) 1697 . .1767 Carpentier, French Arithmetician ' 1739?. 1778 Carpi, Hugo da. Paint. & Engrav. ; Invent, of Chiaroscuro i486? .1530 Carpi, Jerome da. Painter of Ferrara 1501 . .1556 Carpini, John de Piano. Italian Traveler in Tartary fl. 1245-48 Carpocrates, or Carpocras. Alexandrian Theologian ... fl. 2d c. Carpone, Julius. Painter 1611 . . 1674 Carpzov, Benedict. Professor of Law at Wittemberg. . . 1565. .1624 Carpzov, John Bened., sen. Lutheran Divine at Leipsic 1607. .1657 Carpzov, John Bened., jr. Biblical & Rabbinical Writer 1639. .1699 Carpzov, John Gottlob. Lutheran Orientalist J679. .1767 Carr, John, of York. Architect 1721 . . 1807 Carr, Sir John. Attorney & Writ. {Stranger in France) 1772. .1832 Carr, or Ker, Robert, Viscount Rochester, Earl of Somer- set. Favorite of James I — . . 1645 Carr, Rev. William Holwell. Picture Collector 1759. .1830 Carra, John Louis. French Revolutionist i743- -1793 Carracci. See Caracci. Carranza, Bartholomew. Abp. of Toledo and Writer .. . 1503.. 15 76 CaiT6, Louis. French Mathematician 1663. . i7ii Carrel, J. Bapt. Nich. Armand. French Political Writer 1800. .1836 Carrenno de Miranda, John de. Spanish Painter 1614. . 1685 Carrer, Louis. Italian Poet. 1801 . . 1850 Cairera, Peter. Sicilian Writ, on Chess, {ffist. of Catana) js,yi. .1647 Carreri, John Francis Gemelli. Neapolitan Traveler. ( Gii'O del Mondo) 165 1 . . 1 725 Carrier, John Baptist. French Revolutionist 1756. .1794 Carriera, Rosalba. Female Painter 1675 . . 1757 Carrieres, Louis de. French Biblical Commentator 1662. .1717 Carrington, Noel Thomas. Poet. (Dartmoor) 1777.. 1830 Cairo, John de. Champion of Vaccination 1770. -1857 CatToll, Chas., of CarroUton. Amer. Revolutionary Patriot 1737. . 1832 Carroll, John. First Rom. Cath. Abp. in United States 1735. .1815 Carron, Guv Toussaint Julian. {Reflexions Chretiennes). 1760. .1821 Carstairs, lR*v. William. (State Papers.) Life by M'Cormick, 1774 1649. .1715 Carstens, Asmus Jacob. Danish Painter 1754. .1790 Carsughi, Rainer. Tuscan Jesuit; Latin Poet and Writer 1647. .1709 Carte, Rev. Samuel. Chronologist 1652. .1740 Carte, Thomas. Historian 1686. .1754 Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth. Writer. L. by Pennington, 1816 1717. .1806 CaxteTfYrancis. Writ. (Journey frojn Malaga to Gibraltar) — .-1783 Carter, James Gordon. American Educationist i795 • • ^^49 Carter, John. Artist, Architect, and Antiquary. Life by J. W. Dampier, 1850 1748.. 1818 Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine. American Writer 1787. . 1830 Carter, Thomas. Musical Composer 1768. . 1804 Carteret, Sir George. Loyalist i599- • 1679 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIO*NARY. 87 BORN. DIED. Carteret, John, Earl Granville. Orator and Statesman.. 1690. .1763 Cajteret, Philip. Navigator fl. 1766-69 Carteromaco, Scipio. Greek Scholar at Venice 1467- -15^3 Cartes, Rene des. See Descartes 1596. • 1650 Cartier, or Quartier, James. Fr. Navig. & Explorer. . 1494. aft. 1536 Cartouche, Louis Dominic. French Bandit 1693 . . 1721 Cartwright, Christopher. Divine and Hebraist 1602?. 165? Cartwright, Rev. Dr. Edmund. Poet. Inventor of Power Loom. {Armine and Elvira) I743- • 1^23 Cartwriglit, Major John. Polit. Wr. his niece, 1826 1740. .1824 Cartvsrright, Thomas. Puritan Divine ^S3S^- 1603 Cartwright, William. Divine and Poet 1611 . . 1643 Carus. Emperor of Rome (282-83) 223? . 2S3 Caruso, Louis. Neapolitan Musical Composer 1754.aft.1800 Carvajal, Thos. Jos. Gonzalez. Span. Statesman & Author 1753. . 1834 Carvalho da Costa, Anthony. ( Corograpida Portugiiese) i6^o- -1715 Carvalho da Silva, Joseph.' Spanish Writer & Publicist 1782. .1845 Carver, John. First Governor of Plymouth Colony — ..1621 Carver, Capt. Jona. Traveler. L. by Dr. Lettsom, 1781 1732. .1780 Cary, Col. Archibald. American Patriot and Statesman 1730.. 1786 Cary, Felix, of Marseilles. Medallic Historian 1699. .1754 Cary, Henry. 1st Visct. Falkland. Ld. Deputy of Ireland — ••1633 Cary, Henry, Earl of Monmouth. Translator i^f^S"^ . 1661 Cary, Rev. Henry Francis. Translator of Dante. Life by Rev. H. Cary 1772. .1844 Cary, Lott. Co-founder of Liberia 1710. .1828 Cary, Lucius. Viscount Falkland; fell at Newbury i6io?.i643 Cary, Robert, LL.D. Chronologist. {Palxologia Chronica)' 161 5?. 1688 Caryl, Joseph. Nonconf. Divine. {Commentary on Job) 1602. .167^ CaryU, John. Earl Caryll. Poet — ..1717? Casa, John de la. Italian Writer. ( Galateo) 1503- • liS^ Casanova, Francis. Painter 1727 • • 1805 Casanova, James. Adventurer 1725 • • 1803 Casanova, John Baptist. Painter 1730.. 1798 Casanova, Mark Anthony. Latin Poet 1476. . 1527 Casas, Bartholomew de las. Spanish Missionary to South America. {History of Indies) i474- -1566 Casati, Paul. • Italian Jesuit. Mathematician 161 7 . . 1 707 Casaubon, Isaac. Critic and Commentator i559- • 1614 Casaubon, Meric, D. D., son. Writer. {Enthusiasm).. . 1599.. 1671 Casca, P. Servilius. Conspirator against Julius.Csesar, . . ist c. B.C. Case, John. Physician and Philosopher. {Summa Vete- rum Interpretum) — . . 1600 Case, Thomas. Nonconformist Divine 1598?. 1682 Casel, John. German Writer i533- • 1613 Caseneuve, Peter de. French Antiquary 1591 • • 1652 Cases, Count de. See Las Cases ' 1766.. 1842 Cases, Peter James. French Painter 1676. .1754 Casimir I. King of Poland (1040-58) — . . 1058 Casimirll. The Just. King of Poland (1177-94) 1117..1194 Casimir III. The Great. King of Poland (1333-70) . . . 1309 . , 1370 Casimir IV. King of Poland (1447-92) 1428 . . 1492 Casimir V. John. Cardinal. King of Poland (1648-68) 1609. .1672 Casimir Sarbievius. Polish Lyric Poet i595 • • 1^40 88 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DrED. Casiri, Michael. Spanish Orientalist 1710. . 1791 Caslon, William. Letter Founder 1692 . .1766 Cassagues, James. French Poet 1636 . , 1679 Cassana, John Augustine. Animal Painter 1664. .1720 Oassana, Nicholas, brother. Italian Painter 1659. .1713 Cassander. General of Alexander. King of Macedon . . 354 . 296 B.C. Cassander, Francis. French Classical Translator — . . 1695 Cassander, George. German Theologian. (Consuliatio) i^j^. .1^66 Cassandra, Fidele. Venetian Scholar 1465?. 1558 Cassentino, James di. Florentine Painter 1276. .1356 Casserio, Julius, of Placentia. Anatomist i545 • • 1616 Cassiani, Julian. Italian Lj^ric Poet 1712. . 1778 Cassianus, Joannes. Joannes Massiliensis, or Joannes Eremiia. Christian Teacher of the Early Church .... — aft. 433 Cassini, Alexander Henry Gabriel, Count de, son of James Dominic. Magistrate and Naturalist .... 1781 . . 1832 Cassini de Thury, Caesar Francis, son of James. Astron. 1714. .1784 Cassini, James, son of John Dominic. Astronomer 1677. .1756 Cassini, James Dominic, Count de, son of Cses. F. Astron. 1747. . 1845 Cassini, John Dominic. French Astronomer Royal 1625. .1712 Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. Statesman and Writer. Life by Denis Sainte Marthe, 1694 ' 468?. 568? Cassius, Longinus Caius. Murderer of Caesar — b.c. 42 Cassivelaunus. British Chief fl. b.c. 54 Castagno, Andreas del. Historic Painter 1409? . 1480? Castaldi, Cornelius. Italian Poet 1480?. 1537 Castalio, Sebastian. Martin Bellius. Genevese Theologian 1 5 1 5 . . 1 563 Castanheda, Ferdinand Lopez de. Portuguese Historian 1 501?. 1559 Castanos, Francis Xavierde, Duke of Baylen. Span. Gen. 1756.. 1852 Casteels, Peter. Painter of Antwerp 1684. .1749 Castel, Louis Bertrand. Jesuit of Montpellier; Mathem. 1688. -1757 Castell, Rev. Edmund.^ {Lexicon Heptaglottmi) 1606. . 1685 Castellane, Esprit V. E- B. Count de. Marshal of France 1788. .1862 Castelli, Benedict. Italian Mathematician i577- • 1644 Castelli, Bernard. Italian Painter and Engraver I557-- 1629 Castelli, Valerio, son. Painter 1625 . . 1659 Castellio, Sebastian. French Theologian iS^S-- — Castello, Gabriel Lancelot Sicilian Antiquary 1727. . 1794 Castelnau, Henrietta Julia de, Ctss. de Murat. Fr. Writer 1670. . 1716 Castelnau, Michael de. Statesman. {Memoirs) 1520?. 1592 Castelvetro, Louis. Italian Scholar 1505 . .1571 Casti, John Baptist. Italian Poet 1721 . . 1803 Castiglione, Balthazar. Statesm. & Poet. {II Cortegiano) 1478. .1529 Castiglione, John Benedict. II Grechetto. Genoese Paint. 1616 . . 1670 Castiglione, or Castaglione, Joseph. Poet and Critic. . . — . .1616 Castillejo, Christoval de. Spanish Poet — . . 1556? CastiUo y Saavedra, Antonio del. Spanish Painter 1603. . 1667 Castillo, Fred. de. Spanish Writer on Dominican Order. 1529?. 1593 Castillo, John Baptist. II Bergamasco. Painter 1500. .1570 CasUemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of — . .1705 Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, Second Marquess of Londonderry. Life by Alison 1769. . 1822 Castracani. See Castrucoio 1284. . 1328 Castr6n, Matthias Alexander. Finnish Philologist 1813. . 1852 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 89 BORN. DIED. Castries, C. E. G. de la Croix, Count de. French General 1727. . 1801 Castro, Alphonso de. Span. Franciscan. {A(jain$t Heresies) 1495?. 1558 Castro, Ines de. Wife of Pedro of Portugal; assassinated — . .1355 Castro, John de. Port. Viceroy. L. by Freire de Andrada 1500. .1548 Castro, Paul de. Italian Jurist — . . 1437 Castro, Peter di. Italian Painter — . . 1663 Castrucci, Peter. Italian Violinist 1690? .1769 Castruccio Castracani. Italian Soldier and Poet. Life by Aldus Manutius, jr. ; Macchiavelli, tr. by Guillet. 1284.. 1328 Caswell, Richard. American Revolutionary Soldier 1729. .1789 Cat, Claude Nicholas le. French Surgeon and Anatomist 1700. .1768 Catalan!, Angelica. Italian Singer 1782. . 1849 Cataldi, Peter Anthony. Italian Computer 1548?. 1626 Catchpole, Margaret. " Convict. Life by R. Cobbold i773- .1841 Catel, Charles Simon. French Musician 1773- • 1830 Catel, Francis. German Artist 1778. .1856 Catel, Wm., of Toulouse. Hist. {Hist, of Counts of Toulouse) 1560. .1626 Catellan, Maria C P. M. de. French Poetess 1662. .1745 Catesby, Mark. Naturalist 1680'' . 1749 Cathcart, Sir George. General ; fell in the Crimea i794- • 1854 Cathcart, William Schaw, First Earl of. General i755 • • 1843 Cathelineau, James. Vendean General i759- -1793 Catherine, St., of Sienna. Nun of Dominican Order . . . 1347. .1380 Catherine, St., of Bologna. Nim of Order St. Clare 1413- .1463 Catherine of France. Queen of Henry V. of England. Life by Baudot de Juilli, 1696 • 1401 . . 1438 Catherine of Aragon. Queen of Henry VIII 1483 . .1536 Catherine Howard. Queen of Henrj- VIII 1521 or 2 .1542 Catherine Parr. Queen of Henry VIII ^5^3- -^548 Catherine Paulowna. Queen of Wijrtemberg 1788. . 1819 Catherine de' Medici. Queen of Henry II. of France. Life by Eugenio Alberi, 1838 1519- -1589 Catherine of Braganza. Queen of Charles II. of England 1638 . .1705 Catherine I. Empress of Russia ; wife of Peter the Great 1682 . . 1 727 Catherine II. Empress of Russia. Life bv W. Tooke ; S^gur; J. Mottley, 1744; J. Castera,tr. by Hunter, 1800 1729. . 1796 Catiline, Lucius Sergius. Conspirator. Life by Sallust . — B.C. 62 Catineau-Laroche, Peter Mary Sebastian. Fr. Lexicog. 1772. .1828 Catinat de la Fauconnerie, Nicholas. French General 1637. .1712 Cato, Dionysius. Latin Moralist. ( Disticha de Moribus. ) See Travers, Dissertatio^ &c., 1839 ti. Antonines? Cato, M. Fortius, the Elder. The Censor. ( Origines) .234?. 149 b.c. Cato, M. Fortius, the Younger. Uticensis ' 95 • -46 B.C. Cato, Valerius. Latin Poet and Grammarian. {JDirce). . . — b.c. 20 Catrou, Francis. French Jesuit. Historian 1659. .1737 Cattenburg, Adrian van. Dutch Remonstrant Divine . . 1664. .1737 Cattho, Angelo. Italian Astrologer — . . 1497 Cattier, Isaac. French Medical Writer (m.d. 1638) fl. 1657 CatuUus, Caius Valerius. Roman Poet 87.47? B.C. Catiolus, Q. Lutatius. Roman Statesman. Parens Patrice — B.C. 60 Catz, or Cats, James. Dutch Statesman and Poet 1577. .1660 Cauchy, Augustine Louis. French Mathematician & Poet 1789. .1857 Caulaincourt, Armand Aug. Louis. Officer and Diplom. 1773. .1827 Cauliac, Guy de. Restorer of Surgery fl. 1348 90 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. OauTToy, Francis Eustace du. French Musical Composer 1549. .1609 Caus, Solomon de. Fr. Engineer, Architect, and Author — . .1635? Caussin de Perceval, John Jas. Anthony. Fr. Orientalist 1759. .1835 Caussin, Nicholas. French Jesuit. {La Cour Sainte) . . . 1580. .1651 Cavaignac, ;6l^onore Godefroy. Fr. Republican Journalist 1801 . . 1845 Cavaignac, John Baptist. French Revolutionist 1762. . 1829 Cavaignac, Louis Eugene. French General 1802. . 1857 Cavalcanti, Bartholomew. Italian Scholar 1503: -1562 Cavalcanti, Guy. Florentine Philosopher and Poet — . . 1300 Cavalier, John. Camisard Leader 1679-'. 1740 Cavalieri, Bonaventura. Italian Mathematician 1598. • 1647 Cavallini, Peter. Italian Historical Painter 1279 . . 1364 Cavallo, Tiberius. Natural Philosopher i749- • 1809 Cavanilles, Anthony Joseph. Spanish Divine & Botanist 1745 • • i^°4 Cave, Edward. Printer 1691 . . 1754 Cave, Dr. William. {Lives of the Apostles) 1637. .1713 Cavedone, James. Italian Historical Painter 1580. . 1660 Cavendish, Lord Charles. Mathematician — . .1783 Cavendish, Henry. Natural Philosopher. Life by G. Wilson, 1851 " 1731 . • 1810 Cavendish, Margaret. Duchess of Newcastle, second wife. Writer. Life edited by Sir E. Brydges, 1814 . 1624?. 1673 Cavendish, or Candish, Thomas.' Navigator 1564. . 1593 Cavendish, Sir William. Biographer of Cardinal Wolsey 1505?. 1557 Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle. Royalist. Life by second wife 1592. . 1676 Cavendish, William. First Duke of Devonshire. Patriot 1640. .1707 Cavour, Camillo B. Count di. Italian Statesman. Life by W. de la Rive, tr. by E. Romilly ; Devey 1809. . 1861 Cawdrey, Daniel. Nonconformist Divine — . . 1664 Cawthorne, James. Poet 1719. .1761 Cawton, Thos. Div. & Orient, at Rotterdam. Life by son 1605 . . 1659 Cawton., Thos., son. Divine and Orient, at Westminster 1637?. 1677 Caxton, William. Printer. Life by J. Lewis; Blades I4i2''.i49i or 2 Cayley, Sir George. English Scientist 'i77Z- • 1857 Caylus, Anne Claude Philip, Count of. French Amateur 1692. .1765 Cazal^s, John Anthonv Mary de. Fr. Politician & Writer 1758. . 1805 Cazes, Peter James. iFrench Painter 167^. .1754 Cazotte, James. French Humorous Poet 1720. .1792 Cazwyny. Arabian Naturalist 1212. .1283 Cean-Bermudez, John Augustin. Spanish Writer on Art 1749. . 1829 Ceba, Ansaldo. Genoese Poet 1565 . . 1623 Cebes. Greek Philosopher — . . — Cecchini, Peter Mary. Harlequin and Writer fl. 17th c CeccodeAscoli. Prancis de Gli StabilL Italian Physi- cian, Astrologer, Mechanician, and Poet 1257. .1327 Cecil, Rev. Richard. Divine. Life by Mrs. Cecil 1748. . iSio Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury. Lord Treas. of James I. 1550?. 1612 Cecil, William, Lord Burleigh. Lord Treasurer of Eliza- beth. L. by Arthur Collins, 1732 ; Dr. Edw. Nares, 1828 1520 .. 1 598 Cecilia, St. Martyr and Patroness of Music fl. ab. 2d c. Cedrenus, George. Greek Monk and Historical Writer, fl. nth c. Celakowsky, Frantisek Ladislaus. Bohem. Poet & Philol. 1799. .1852 Celesti, Andrea. Venetian Painter 1637 . . 1706 A BKIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 91 BORN, DIED. Celestine I. Pope (422-32). Saint — . . 432 Celestine II. (1143-44.) Guy di Castello — . . 1144 Celestine III. (1191-98.) Hyacinth Orsini. Life by Pope HonoriusIII iio7.«i98 Celestine IV. (3241.) Geoffrey Castiglione — . . 1241 Celestine V. (1294-96.) Saint. Peter de Murrone 1215 . . 1296 CeKo Magno. Italian Lyric Poet — . . 1612 Cellamare, Anthony Giudice, Prince of. Span. Diplomat. 1657. . 1733 Cellarius, Andrew. {Descriptio Folonite) ti. 1659 Cellarius, Christopher. Critic and Geographer . , 1638. .1707 Cellarius, Solomon. Physician. ( Oriyints Aledicce) 1676. . 1700 Cellier, Remi. Fr. Bened. {Sacred and Eccles. Authors) 1688. .1761 Cellini, Benvenuto. Artist, Musician, &c. Life by self; tr. by Nugent, 1771; tr. by Roscoe, 1822 1500. .1570 CelsiuSj Andrew. Swedish Astronomer 1701 . .1744 Celsius, Glaus. Swed. Bot. and Orient. (Hierobotanicon) 1670. . 1756 Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius. Medical Writer ti. Aug. & Tib. Celsus. Epicurean Philosopher. Antichristian Writer. . ti. Antonines Celtes, Conrad. German Latin Poet i459- • 1508 Cenei, Beatrice. La Belle Parricide — . .1599 Cennick, John. Divine — • • i755 Censorinus. Latin Grammarian and Chronologist ..... fl. 3d c. Centlivre, Susanna Freeman. Eng. Actress & Dram. Writ. 1667''. 1723 Centorio degli Ortensi, Ascanius. Military Writer. ... fl. 1569 Ceolnoth. Archbishop of Canterbury (833-70) — . . 870 CeraccM, Joseph. Roman Sculptor 1760?. 1802 Ceratinus, Jas. Dutch Schol. {Be Sono Grcec. Literarum) — ••1530 Cerceau, John Anthony du. French Poet 1670. . 1730 Cerda, Bernarda Ferreira de la. Portuguese Scholar .... 1595 . . 1644 Cerda, John Louis de la. Span. Jesuit. Class. Comment. .1560 . . 1643 C6r6, John Nicholas. French Botanist i737' • 1810 Cereta, Laura, of Padua. Female Scholar 1469 . . 1498 Cerini, John Dominic. H Cavaliere Perugino. Ital. Paint. 1606. .1681 Cerini, Joseph. Italian Poet and Dramatist 1738. . 1779 Cerinttius. Heresiarch fl. 1st c. Cerisantes, Mark Duncan de. Politician & Latin Writer 1600''. 1648 Cermenati, John de. {History of Milan) — aft. 1336 Cerquozzi, Michael Ang. Di Battaglia. Battle Paint. . 1600 or 2 . 1660 Cerrato, Paul. Italian Latin Poet. {De Virginitate) 1485 . .1538 Ceruti, Frederick. Italian Scholar 1541 . . 1579 Cerutti, Joseph Anthony Joachim. Jesuit. {Apology) .. 1738.. 1792 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Spanish Novelist. {Don Quixote.) Life by Father Sanniento; Mayans; Los Rios; Fernandez de Navarrete, 1819; J. Finlay i547- -1616 Cervetto. James Bassevi. Italian Musician 1682.. 1783 Cesalpinus, Andrew. Ital. Phys. ( Qucestiones Peiipateticce) 15 19. .1603 Cesare, Joseph. Arpino and Giuseppino. Italian Painter 1560. .1640 Cesarini, Julian. Cardinal — . . 1444 Cesarini, Virginio. Italian Poet 1595 . .1624 Cesarotti, Melchior. Italian Poet 1 73° • • 1808 Cesi, Frederick, Prince de. Founder of Lyncean Society 1585. .1630 Cespedes, Paul de. Spanish Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Poet, Linguist 1538. • 1608 Cesti, Mark Anthony. Italian Musical Composer 1620?. 1681 92 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOEN. DIED. Ceva, Thos. Ital. Jesuit. Poet and Math. {Jesus Puer) 1648. .1736 Cevallos, Peter. Spanish Diplomatist 1764. ab. 1838 Cezelli, Constance de. Spanish Heroine fl. 1590'' Chal^non, Michael Paul Guj^ de. French Writer 1730. .1792 Chabert, Jos. Bernard, Marquis of. Navig., Astron., Geog. 1724. . 1805 Chabot, Francis. French Revolutionist I759- • 1794 Chabot, Philip de. French General — . . 1543 Chabrias. Athenian General — b-C-355 Chabrit, Peter. French Advocate. {French Monarchy) — ..1785 Chabry, Mark. French Painter and Sculptor 1660. .1727 Chad, or Ceadde, St — . . 673 Chaderton, Rev. Laurence, d. d., of Emmanuel College . 1546. .1640 Chais, Charles Peter. Commentator 1701 . . 1785 Chaise, Francis de la. Fr. Jesuit. Confessor to Louis XIV. 1624 . . 1 709 Chalcondyles, Demetrius. Greek Scholar in Italy 1430?. 1510 Chales, or Challes, Millet Claude Francis de. Fr. Math. . 1621 , . 1678 Chalier, Mary Joseph. Revolutionist at Lyons 1747- -1793 Chalkley, Thomas. Quaker Preacher — . .1741 Challe, Charles Michael Angelo. French Painter 1718, .1778 Challoner, Richard. Vicar Apostohc. Life by Barnard, 1784 ; Milner ; 1691 . . 1741 Chalmers, Alexander. {Biographical Dictionary) i759- -1834 Chalmers, David. Scottish Historian , 1530?. 1592 Chalmers, George. Historian and Biographer. {Treaties) 1742. .1825 Chalmers, Thomas, ll,. d. Scottish Divine. L. by Hanna 1780. . 1847 Chaloner, Edward, D. D. Chaplain to James I. Preacher 1590. .1625 Chaloner, James, M. p. Antiquary. {Hist, of Isle of Man) — ..1661 Chaloner, Sir Thomas. Soldier, "Statesman, and Writer. I5i5?.i565 Chaloner, Sir Thomas, son. Chem. and Nat. Philosopher 1559. . 161 5 Chalotais, Louis Rene Caradeuc de la. French Writer. . 1701 . .1785 Chamberlaine, Robert. Poet — . . 1637 Chamberlayne, Edw., ll. d. Writer.^ {Anglice Notitia) 1616. .1703 Chamberlayne, John. Writer. {Contin. Anglice Notitia) — -.1724 Chamberlen, Hugh, of London. Accoucheur 1664. ,1728 Chambers, or Chalmers, David. Scottish Historian 1530?. 1592 Chambers, Ephraim. ( Cyclopcedia) — . .1740 Chambers, George. Marine Painter — . . 1840 Chambers, Sir Robert. Ch. Just, of Bengal. Vinerian Prof. 1737. .1803 Chambers, Sir William. Architect 1726. .1796 Chambray, Geo., Marquis de. Fr. Gen. & Military Writ. 1783. . 1850 Chamfort, Sebastian Roch Nicholas. Fr. Bibliographer. 1 741.. 1794 Chamier, Daniel. French Prot. {De (Ecumenico Pontifico) 1570?. 1621 Chamillard, Michael de. Fav. and Minister of Louis XIV. 165 1 . .1721 ChanriUard, Stephen. French Jesuit and Antiquary. . . . 1656. .1730 Chamisso, Adelbert von. Poet, Traveler, Naturalist. {Peter Schlemihl) 1781 . . 1838 Chamorro, Fruto. Central Amer. Soldier and Statesman 1806. .1855 Chamousset, Claude Humbert Piarron de. Philanthr. . . 1717. .1773 Champagne, John Baptist. Painter 1643 or 5 . 1688 Champagne, Philip de. Flemish Painter at Paris 1602 . . 1674 Champe, .John. American Revolutionary Officer 1752. . — Champeaux,Wm. de. Bp. of Chalons. {Origin of the Soul) — ..1121 Champier, Symphorien. Camj}erius. French Physician. ( Chroniques des Dues de Savoie) 1472. . 1540' A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 93 BORN. DIED. Champion, Joseph. Penman 1709 . . — Champion, or Campion, Thomas. Poet fl. 1604 Championnet, John Stephen. French General 1762. . 1800 Champlain, Samuel de. French Governor of Canada. . . 1570. . 1635 Champmesl6, Mary Desmares de. Actress 1644. . 169S Champollion, John Francis. LeJeune. Antiquary. ... 1790. .1832 Champollion-Figeac, John James. French Writer 1778. . — Chancellor, Richard. Navigator — . . 1556 Chandler, Edw. Bp. of Durham. {Def ence of Chrisiianity) 167 1. .17^0 Chandler, Mary. Poetess 1687 . .1745 Chandler, Richard, d. d. Scholar and Antiquary 1738. .1810 Chandler, Sam. Dissent. Min. & Writ. L. by Thos. Amory 1693 . .1766 Chandler, Thos. Bradbuiy, d. d. Amer. Clerg. & Writer 1726. .1790 Chandos, Sir John. Military Commander — . . 1369 Changeux, Peter James. French Savant i740' • looo Channing, Edward Tyrrel. American Scholar i79o> • 1856 Channing, Wm. EUery, d. d., brother. American Writer 1780 . . 1842 Chantal, St. Jane Frances Fremiot de. Life by Marsollier 1572. . 1641 Chantereau Lefebvre, Louis. Fr. Jurisconsult & Hist. 1588. .1658 Chantrey, Sir Francis. Sculptor. Life by Jones, 1850; Holland, 1851 1782. . 1841 Chanut, Peter. French Ambassador. {Memoir es) 1600.. 1662 Chapelain, John. French Poet. {La Pucdle) 1595 . . 1674 Chapelier, Isaac Ren6 Guy le. French Politician i754- -1794 Chapelle, Claude Emanuel. VHuillier. French Poet . . 1626. .1686 Chapelle, John de la. {Life of the Prince of Conti) 1655 . . 1723 Chapin, Stephen, d. d. Amer. Clergyman & Educationist 1778. . 1845 Chaplin, Jeremiah, d. d. Amer. Clergyman & Educator 1776. .1841 Chapman, Fred. Henry. Swed.Adm. {Marine Architect.) — ..1808 Chapman, Dr. George. Poet and Translator. (iTome?-). 1557. .1634 Chapman, John, d. d. Archd. {Defence of Christianity) 1704. .1784 Chapone, Mrs. Hester. Life by her family, "pref. to Works 1727 . . 1801 Chappe, Claude. French Mechanician 1763. . 1805 Chappe d'Auteroche, John. French Abb^ and Astron. 1722. .1769 Chappel, William. Bishop of Cork. {Methodus Concio- nandi.) Life by self 1582. . 1649 Chappie, William. Topographer 1718. .1781 Chaptal, John Anthony Claude, Ct. of Canteloup. Chemist 1756. . 1832 Chapuzeau, Samuel. Genevese Writer — . .1701 Charas, Moses. French Chemist 1618. . 1698 Chardin, Sir John. Traveler 1643. . 1713 Charenton, Joseph Nicholas. Fr. Jesuit Miss, in Persia. 1659. .1735 Charette de la Contrie. Vendean Royalist 1763. .1796 Charizi, Judah. Hebrew Scholar and Poet, in Spain . . . — bef.1235 Charke, Mrs. Charlotte, wee Gibber. Actress — . .1760 Charlemagne. L. by Eginhard; Acciajuoli, d. 1478; Petruccio Ubaldini, 1599; G. H. Gaillard, 1782; G. P. R. James, 1847 ; Bourgoing 742. . 814 Charlemont, J. Caulfield, Earl of. Statesm. L. by Hardy 1 728 . . 1 799 Charles I., Emperor of Germany. Charlemagne, q. v.. . . . 742. , 814 Charles II. (875-77.) The Bald. I. of France 823. . 877 Charles III. The Fat. 11. of France 832? . 888 Charles IV. (1347-78) and King of Bohemia 1316. . 1378 Charles V. (I. of Spain. ) Life by self; Louis Dolce, 1568 ; 94 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOEN. DIED. A. Desbarres, 1559 ; James Masen, 1681 ; Leti ; San- doval; Robei-tson; W. Stirling, 1852; Pichot, 1854; Mignet, 1854; Antonio de Vera 1500. .1558 Charles VI 1685 . , 1740 Charles VII 1697. .1745 Charles I. The Bald. King of France (840-77.) II. Emperor (875-77) 823. . 877 Charles II. TheFat. III. Emperor 832?. 888 Charles III. The Simple. (893-922) 879 . . 929 Charles IV. The Fair. (1322-28) 1294. . 1328 Charles V. The Wise. Life by Christina de Pisan 1337 • • 1380 Charles VI. The Well-behved. Life by Juvenal des Ur- sins; Baudot de Juilli, 1753 1368.. 1422 Charles VII. The Victorious. L. by Baudot de Juilli, 1697 1403 . . 1461 Charles VIII. (1483-98.) L.byA. delaVigne; M.Guazzi 1470. .1498 Charles IX. (1560-74) 1550.. 1574 Charles X 1757.. 1836 Charles I., Duke of Lorraine. Claimant of French Crown 953.. 994 Charles II. (or I.) 1365. -1431 Charles III. (or II.) The Great i543- • ^608 Charles IV. (or III.) 1604. . 1675 Charles V 1643. . 1690 Charles I., King of Naples. Count of Anjou 1220. . 1285 Charles II. Le Boiteux 1248 . . 1309 Charles III. of Durazzo. De la Paix and Le Petit 1345 . , 1386 Charles X. Gustavus. King of Sweden. Life by Prade, tr. by Spence, 1689 ; PutFendorf 1622. . 1660 Charles XI. (1660-97) 1655.. 1697 Charles XII. (1697-1718). Life by Grimarest; Joran Nordberg, 1730 ; Voltaire 1682 . . 1718 Charles XIII 1748 . . 1818 Charles XIV. (Bemadotte.) Life by Touchard-Lafosse 1764. .1844 Charles I. King of England. Life by Peter Hevlin, 1658; L. Wood, 1659; Fulman and Perrinchief, 1662; Sir P. Warwick; Dr. William Harris, 1758; Guizot. . . 1600. .1649 Charles II. Life by Dr. William Harris, 1765 ; Francis Eglestield, 1822 1630. .1685 Charles I. King of Spain. V. Emperor 1500 . . 1558 Charles II 1661 . .1700 Charles III 1716. .1788 Charles IV 1748. . 1819 Charles II. The Bad. King of Navarre. L. by Secousse 1332. .1387 Charles III. The Noble , 1361 . , 1425 Charles IV 1421 . . 1461 Charles, Archduke of Austria. Commander 1771..1847 Charles de Blois. Pretender to Brittany — . . 1364 Charles de Valois. Count of Maine and Anjou, brother of Philip IV 1270. .1325 Charles the Bold. Duke of Burgundy. Life by Bar- land; Kirk, 1863 1433.. 1477 Charles Albert. King of Sardinia (1831-49) 1798. . 1849 Charles Alexander, of Lorraine. Gov. of Netherlands . 17 12. .1780 Charles Edward Stuart. Young Pretender. Life by C. L. Klose, 1835 1720. .1788 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 95 BORN. DIED. Charles Emanuel I. The Great. Duke of Savoy 1562 . . 1630 Charles Emanuel II. (1638-75) 1634. . 1675 Charles Emanuel III. Duke of Savoy. K. of Sardinia 1701 . .1773 Charles Emanuel IV. (1796-1802.) King of Sardinia — . .1819 Charles Martel. Duke of Austrasia & Mayor of Palace 694. . 741 Charlet, Nicholas Toussaint. Fr. Painter and Engraver. 1792. . 1845 Charleton, Louis de. Bp. of Hereford. Theol. & Math. — ••1369 Charleton, Robert M. American Lawyer and Author. . 1807. .1854 Charleton, Walter, m. d. Naturalist and Theologian . . . 1619. .1707 Charleval, Chas. Faucon de Ry, Ld. of. Scholar & Poet 1613. .1693 Charlevoix, Peter Francis Xavier de. Jesuit Missionary in America. {History of Paraguay) 1682. .1761 Charlier, John. Gerson. French Writer 1363 . . 1429 Charlotte. Queen of George III. L. by Watkins, 1819. 1744. . 1818 Charlotte Augusta. Princess. Daughter of George IV. 1796. .1817 Charlotte Elizabeth, Mrs. Tonna. Religious Writer. {Personal Recollections) 1792. • 1846 Charnock, John. {Biographia Navalis) 1756. . 1807 Charnock, Stephen. {Providence.) Life by Parsons 1628. . 1680 Charnock, Thomas. Alchemist. (P/ii/bsopAer's Stone). 1524. .1581 Charnois, John Charles le Vacheur de. French Politician 1 750 i" . 1 792 Charost, Armand Joseph de B^thune. Fr. Philanthropist 1 738 . . 1800 Charpentier, Francis. {Excellence of French Language) 1620. .1702 Charras, J. Bapt. Adolph. Fr. Politician & Military Writ. 1808. .1865 Charrier, Mark Anthony. French Royalist i753- • ^793 Charriere, Joseph de la. French Surgical Writer til. 1690 Charriere, Madame de St. Hyacinthe de. French Writer 1740?. 1805 Charron, Peter. French Writer. {Des Trois Verites).. 1 541.. 1603 Chartier, Alain. French Writer 1386. . 1449? Chartier, John, of St. Denys. ( Chroniques de St. Denys) — . . 1462? Chartier, Ren^. Fr. Phys. Edit, of Hippocrates »fe Galen 1572. . 1654 Chase, Irah, d.d. American Clergyman and Theologian 1793. .1864 Chase, Philander, D.t>. Amer. Episc. Bp. {Reminiscences) 177$. .1852 Chasles, or Challes, Gregory de. Fr. Officer and Humorist 1659. .1720? Chass6, David Henry, Baron. Defender of Antwerp. ... 1765 . . 1849 Chasseneuz, Bartholomew de. French Lawyer 1480. .1541 Chastelain, Claude. ( Universal Mariyrology) 1639. .1712 Chastelard, or Chastellet, Peter de Boscobel de. Fr. Poet 1540?. 1563 Chastelet, Gabrielle l^milie de Breteuil, Marchioness of. Scientific Writer 1706. .1749 Chastellux, Francis John, Marquis de. French Officer, Poet, Musician i734- '1788 Chateaubriand, Francis Augustus, Vicomte de. ( Genie du Christianisme.) Life by self; Villemain 1768. .1848 Chateaubriant, Francis de Foix, Countess of. Favorite of Francis 1 1475?. 1537 Chateaubrun, John Baptist Vivian de. Dramatic Writer 1686 .. 1 775 Chateaurenard, Francis Louis Rousselet, Count de. Admiral and Marshal of France 1637. . 1716 Chatel, Ferd. Francis. Found, of so-called Fr. Cath. Ch. 1795 • -1857 Chatel, Francis du. Flemish Painter 1625 . . 1679 Chatel, Peter du. Castellanus. Bp. of Orleans. Scholar — ..1552 Chatel, Tanneguy du. French General 1360. . 1449 Chatelet, Paul du Hay, Lord of. {Bertrand du Guesclin) 1593. .1636 96 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Cliathain, William Pitt, First Earl of. Life by Almon; Thackeray; Macaulay 1708. .1778 Caiatterton, Thomas. Poet. Life by Dr. Gregory, ed. by Southey, 1803 ; D. Masson 1752. .1770 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Poet. Life by Todd; W. Godwin, 1804; Singer, 1822; Sir H. Nicholas, 1843 1328. .1400 Chaudet, Anthony Denis. French Painter and Sculptor. 1763. .1810 Chaudon, Esprit Joseph. French Author 1738 . . 1800 Ghaudon, Louis Mayeul. French Historical Writer 1737. .1817 dxauffepi^, James George de. { Biographical Dictionary) 1 702 . . 1 786 Chavdiae, Cauliac, or Chaulieu, Guy de. French Surgeon fl. 14th c. Chaulieu, William Amfrye de. French Lyric Poet 1639. .1720 Chaulnes, Albert, Duke de. French Chemical Philosopher 1 7 14 . . 1 769 Chauraette, Anthony. Fr. Surg. {Enchirid. Chirurgicum) fl. 1560 Chaumette, Peter Gaspar. French Revolutionist 1763. . 1794 Chaumonot, or Chaumonnot, Peter Mary Joseph. French Jesuit 1611 . .1693 Ohauncey, Sir Henry. Judge & Antiq. {Hertfordshire) 1632. .1716 Chauncey, Ichabod. Ejected Nonconformist at Bristol. . — ..1691 Ckauncey, Isaac. Dissenting Divine and Physician ... — . , 1700? Chauncy, Charle*, d. d. American Divine 1705 • -1787 Ohausse, Michael Angelo de la. Antiquary. {Musceum Romanum) 1660?. aft. 1738 Ohauveau Lagarde, Claude Francis. French Advocate 1767. .1841 Chauveau, Francis. French Engraver 1613.. 1676 Ohauveau, Rene, son. Engraver 1663. .1722 Chauvin, Stephen. Prot. Refugee. {Lexicon Philosoph.) i6^g. .172^ Chaves, Emanuel de Silveyra Pinto de Fonseca, Marquis. Portuguese General and Statesman — . . 1830 Chazelles, John Matthew. French Math, and Engineer 1657. .1710 Chefontaines, Christopher de, of Brittany. Theologian . 1532?, 1595 Cheke, Sir John. Statesman and Scholar. Life by Dr. Langbaine; Strype, 1705 1514..1557 Chelsum, Rev. Jaines, d. d. Critic of Gibbon 1740?. 1801 Chemin, Catherine du. French Flower Painter 1630. .1698 Cheminais, Timoleon. French Preacher 1652, . 1689 Chemnitz, Bogeslaus Philip. {Swed. Wars in Germany) 1605. .1678 Chemnitz, Martin. Protestant Divine 1522. .1588 Chemnitzer, Ivan Ivanovitch. Russian Soldier and Poet 1744. .1784 Chenevix, Richard. Bishop of Waterford — . .1779 Chenevix, Richard. Irish Writer — . . 1830 Ch6nier, Andrew Mary de. French Poet 1762. .1794 ChSnier, Louis de. French Historian 1723 . . 1796 Ch6nier, Mary Joseph de. French Dramatist. {Death of Calas) 1764.. 1811 Chenot, Claude Bernard Adrian. French Engineer 1803. .1855 Ch6ron, Elizabeth Sophia. French Portrait Painter 1648. .1711 Ch6ron, Louis, brother. Painter 1660 . . 1713 Cherry, Andrew. Comedian 1762. . 1812 Cherubini, Mary Louis Charles Zenobi Salvador. Italian Musical Composer 1760. . 1842 Chervin, Nicholas. French Physician 1783. . 1843 Ch6ry, Philip. French Painter 1759. . 1838 Oheselden, William. Surgeon and Writer 1688. . 1752 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 97 BORN. DIED. Chesne, Andrew du. French Historian 1584. . 1640 Chesne, or Quesne, Joseph du. Quercetanus. Med. Writer 1 544' . 1609 Chesneau, Nicholas, of Toulouse. Medical Writer 1601. . — Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. {Letters.) Life by Dr. Maty, 1777 1694. .1773 Caiethain, Humphrey, of Manchester. Benefactor 1580. . 1653 Chettle, Henry. Dramatist fi.1592-1600 Chetwood, Knightly, d.d. Dean of Gloucester. Writer 1652. .1720 Chetwood, Wm. Rufus. Dramatist. {Hist, of the Stage) — ..1766 Chevalier, Anthony Rodolph le. French Scholar 1507. .1572 Chevalier, Louis. French Lawyer 1663? . 1 744 Chevert, Francis de. French General 1695 • '1760 Cheverus, John Louis Anne Madeleine Lefebvre de. French Cardinal 1768. .1836 Cheves, Langdon. American Statesman 1776. . 1857 Chevillier, Andrew. French Antiquary 1636. .1700 Chevreau, Urban. French Scholar 1613. .1701 Cheyne, George. Physician and Mathematician 1671 . .1743 Cheynell, Francis, D. d. Ejected Nonconformist 1608. . 1665 Ch6zy, Anthony Leonard de. French Orientalist ....... 1 77 ^ . . 1832 Chiabrera, Gabriel. Italian Lyric Poet 1552. . 1637 Chiaramonti, Scipio. Mathemat. & Natural Philosopher 1565. .1652 Chiari, Fabricius. Italian Painter and Engraver 1621 . . 1695 Chiari, Joseph.. Italian Historical Painter 1654. . 1727 Chiari, Peter. Italian Poet — . . 1788 Chiavistelli, Jacob. Perspective Painter of Florence . . . 1621 . . 1698 Chicheley, or Chichele, Henry. Abp. Cant. 1414-31. Life by Arthur Duck, 1617; O. L. Spencer, 1783 1362?. 1443 Chicoyneau, Aim^ Francis. Physician, Lawyer, Scholar 1699. .1740 Chicoyneau, Francis. Fr. Physician. ( On the Plague) 1672. .1752 Chicoyneau, Michael. French Physician and Statesman 1626' . 1 701 Chifflet, John James. Fr. Medical and Political Writer. 1588. .1660 Child, Sir Josiah. Writer. {Discourse on Trade) 1630. .1699 Child, William, mus. doc. Musical Composer 1607. . 1697 CMldebertl. King of France (511-58) 495-- 558 ChHdebert II. (575-96) 570?. 596 Childebert III 683?. 711 Child6ric I. King of France 436?. 481 Child^ric II 649. . 673 Child6ric III. (742-52) — . . 755 Children, John (George. Chemist ^777- .1852 Chillingworth, William. Theologian. Life by Birch. . 1602 '.1644 Clj^mead, Edmund. Mathematician & Mus. Composer 161 1.. 1654 Chile. One of the Seven Sages .fl. 6th c. b.c. Chilp6ric I. King of Soissons (561-84) ♦539- • 584 ChUp6ricII. (715-20) — . . 720 Chimay, Jane Mary Ignace Theresa, Princess of. Beauty 1 775 ? . 1835 Chiocco, Andrew. Italian Physician — . . 1624 Chipman, Daniel, ll. d. American Jurist 1762. . 1850 Chipman, Nathaniel, ll. d., brother. Jurist 1752 . . 1843 Chirac, Peter. French Medical Writer 1650 . . 1 732 Chishull, Rev. Edmund. Antiquary 1670 . . 1 733 Chitty, Joseph. English Jurist 1776? . 1841 Chladni, Ernest Florens Frederick. German Physicist. . 1756. . 1827 98 . A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Chlopicki, Joseph. Polish General and Dictator 1772. . 1854 Chmielnicki, Bogdan. Cossack Chief I593- • 1657 Choate, Rufus. American Advocate and Jurist I799- • 1859 Chodowiecki, Daniel Nich. Ger. Designer & Engraver 1726. .1801 Choisetil - Goufller, Mary Gabriel Florent Augustus, Count of. French Classical Scholar 1752. .1817 Choiseiil-Amboise, Stephen Francis, Duke of. French Statesman I7i9. -1785 Choisy, Francis Timoldon de. Abb^. Writer 1644. .1724 Chorael, James Francis. Medical Writer fl. 1708-38 Chomel, John Baptist Louis. Medical Writer 1700?. 1765 Chorael, Peter .John Baptist. French Medical Writer. . 167 1 . . 1740 Chopin, Frederick. Musical Composer and Pianist 1810. . 1849 Chopin, Rene. French Law Writer I537- • 1606 Chorier, Nicholas. (History of Dnuphiny) 1609. . 1692 Choris, Louis. Russian Artist and Traveler 1795 • • 1828 Choron, Alexander Stephen. French Writer on Music. . 1772. .1834 Chosroes I., or Khosru. King of Persia (531-79) — .. 579 Chosroes II. (590-628), grandson — . . 628 Chouet, John Robert. Philos. and Magistrate of Geneva 1642. . 1731 Choul, William du. Caulius. French Antiquary fl. 1556 Choules, John Overton, u.d. Amer. Clerg. and" Author. 1801. .1856 Chretien, Florence. French Poet and Writer 1541 . .1596 Christian I. King of Denmark (1448-81) : . . . 1425?. 1481 Christian II. (1513-23) 1480. .1559 Christian III. (1534-58) 1502. .1558 Christian IV. (1588-1648) i577- • 1648 Christian V. (1670-99) 1645 . . 1699 Christian VI. (1730-46) 1699. .1746 Christian VII. (1766-1808) 1749. .1808 Christian, Andrew. Danish Medical Writer i55i-- 1606 Christian, Edward. Law Writer — . . 1823 Christie, James. Antiquary — , . 1831 Christie, Samuel Hunter, of Woolwich. Magnetist 1784. .1865 Christie, Thomas. Writer. {Miscellanies) 1761 . . 1796 Christie, WiUiam. Scottish Grammarian 1730- -1774 Christina. Queen of Sweden. Life by H. Woodhead; C. G. Franckenstein ; Catteau Calleville; J. Lacombe; Archenholz 1626. . 1689 Christine, of Pisa. Scholar and Poetess in France. ^3^3^- 1431 ^ Christophe, Henry. Negro King of Hayti 1767. . 1820 Christopherson, John. Bp. of Chichester. Translator. — --^SS^ Christopulos, Athanasius. Modern Greek Poet 1772. . 1*47 Chrysippus. Stoic Philosopher 280-'' . 207 b.c. Chrysolopfue, Noel Andrew. Fr. Geogr. & Astronomer 1728. .1808 Chrysoloras, Manuel. Reviver of Greek in Italy I355''- 1415 Chrysostom, John. Life by Palladius, tr. by Americ . Bigot, 1680; Godfrey Hermant, alias Dr. Menard, 1683 347?. 407 Cliubb, Thomas. Deis^ical Writer 1679. .1747 Chudleigh, Mary, Lady. Poetess 1656. . 1710 Church, Benjarnin. American Soldier in Indian Wars. . 1639. .171S Church, Sir Richard. Commander in Greek War of In- dependence 1780. . 1850 Chiurch, Thomas, d. d. Controversialist 1707. .1756 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 99 BORN. DIED. Churchill, Arabella. Mistress of James II 1648 .. 1 730 Churchill, Rev. Charles. Poet. Life by Tooke 1731 . . 1746 Churchill, John, First Duke of Marlborough. Life by Coxe; Lediard; Alison 1650. .1722 ChurchUl, Sir Winston. (Divi Britnnnici) 1620. . 1688 Churchyard, Thomas. Poet. L. by Geo. Chalmers, 1817 1520^ 1604 Churrucca y Elorza, Cosme Damian de. Span. Admiral 1761 . . 1805 Chytrseus, David. Divine at Rostock. (^^ocnZypse) ... 1530. .1600 Ciaconius, Alphonso. Span. Schol. ( Column of Trajan) 1540. .1599 Ciaconius, or Chacon, Peter. Spanish Scholar. {De'Tri- clinio.) Life by A. Schott 1525 . .1581 Ciamberlano, Luke. Italian Painter and Engraver .... 1586. .1641 Ciampelli, Augustine, of Florence. Historical Painter . . 1578. .1640 Ciampini, John Justin. Antiq. and Hist. (Ziveso/* Popes) 1633. .1698 Ciampoli, John Baptist. Italian Poet 1589. . 1643 Cibber, Caius Gabriel. German Sculptor 1630?. 1700 Cibber, CoUey. Actor. Poet Laureate. Life by self. .. 1671. .1757 Cibber, Susannah Maria. Actress ". 1714- .1766 Cibber, Theophilus. Actor, Dramatist, Biographer 1703. . 1758 Cibot, Peter Martial. French Jesuit Missionary in China 1727. . 1780 Ciccarelli, Alphonso. Italian Writer — . . 1580 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life by Ramus; Facciolati; Mo- rabin; Leonard Aretino, 1804; Conyers Middleton; Abeken, tr. by Merivale; Wm. Forsyth, 1864 106. 43B.C. Cicognara, Leopold, Count. {Hist, of Modern Sculpture) 1767. .1834 Cid, The. See Bivar 1040? . 1099 Cienfuegos, Nicasio Alvarez de. Span. Poet & Dramatist 1 764 . . 1809 Cignani, Charles. Italian Painter 1628 . . 1719 Cignaroli, Giambettino. Italian Painter 1706. .1770 Cigoli, or Civoli, Louis. Cardi. Florentine Painter 1559.. 1613 Cimabue, John. Italian Painter 1240. . 1300 Cimarosa, Domenico. Neapolitan Musical Composer. .. . 1749.. 1801 Cimon. Athenian Commander — B.c.449 Cincinato, Diego Romulo. Painter — . . 1626 Cincinato, Romulo. Florentine Painter 1525?. 1600 Cincinnatus, Lucius Quintus. Dictator 5i9?.aft.439B.c. Cinna, Lucius Cornelius. Roman Popular Leader — b. c. 84 Cinnaraus, John. Greek Historian fl. 12th c. Cino da Pistoia. Italian Jurist and Poet 1270. . 1337 Cinq-Mars, Henry Coiffier de Ruz^, Marquis of. Favorite of Louis XIII 1620. .1642 Clnthio, Giraldi. Italian Dramatist. ( Orbecche) 1504- -1573 Cintra, Gon^alo de. Portuguese Navigator fl. 15th c. Cioli, Valerio. Italian Sculptor 1 530 ^ 1600? Clone, Andrea di. Orcagna. Painter, Sculptor, Architect 1329. .1389 Ciprian Rore. Italian Musical Composer 1516. . 1565 Cipriani, or Cypriani, John Baptist. Italian Painter 1727. .1785 Circignano, Anthony. Pomerancio. Painter 1560. . 1620 Circignano, Nicholas. Pomerancio. Italian Painter 1516. . 1588 Cirillo, Dominic, of Naples. Botanist i734- • ^799 Ciroferri. Painter and Architect of Rome 1634 . . 1689 Cisner, Nicholas. German Writer 1529. .1583 Cisneros, Francis Ximenes de. Span. Cai'd. Statesman 1436. .1517 Cltois, or Citesius, Francis. Physician of Poictiers 1572. . 1652 100 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Gittadini, Peter Francis. 11 Milanese. Painter 1613?. 1681 Civilis, Claudius, or Julius. Leader of the Batavi fl. 69-70 Civitall, Matthew. Italian Sculptor and Architect 1435 . .1501 Claesson, Arnold. Dutch Painter 1498 . .1564 Clagett, William, d. d. Controversial Writer 1646. .1688 Clair, John Mary le. French Violinist 1697 . . 1 764 Clairault, Alexis Claude. Mathematician 1 71 3. . 1765 Claire, Martin. French Jesuit, Preacher, and Hymnologist 1612. .1690 Clairfait, or Clerfay t, F. S.C.J, de Croix de. Austr. Gen. 1 733 . . 1 798 Clairon, Claire Josephine de la Tude. French Actress ... 1 723 . . 1803 Clap, Thomas. American Divine and Educator ^7°3* -^7^7 Clapperton, Captain Hugh. African Traveler 1788. .1827 Clarac, Charles Otho Frederick John Baptist, Count. Fi-ench Antiquar}' and Artist '^^777- -1847 Clare, John. Northamptonshire Poet i793- • 1864 Clare, or Clara, St. Founder of Order of Nuns ii93- • 1253 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, First Earl of. Lord Chancellor. {History of the Rebellion.) Life by self; T. H. Lister. . 1608. .1674 Clarendon, Henry Hyde, Second Earl of. Lord Lieuten- ant. {History of the Irish Rebellion) 1638. .1709 Claret, Joan. Flemish Painter ti. 1600? Claridge, Richard. Quaker Writer. Life by Jos. Besse 1649. .1723 Clario, Isidore. Tridentine Divine ; Annotator on Vulgate 1495 . . 1555 Clark, John, of Hull. Critic and Classical Commentator. — ..i734 Clark, John, of Edinb. Book Illustrator. {3Iyriorama). 1772^.1863 Clark, William. American General i77o- • 1838 Clark, William Tierney. Civil Engineer 1783. . 1852 Clark, Willis Gaylord. American Author 1810 . . 1841 Clarke, Adam, ll. d. Wesleyan Commentator. Life by J. B. B. Clarke, 1833 ; S. Dunn, 1863 1760. . 1832 Clarke, Dr. Alured. Divine and Benefactor 1696. . 1742 Clarke, Sir Arthur. Irish Phys., Med. Writ., & Philanthr. 1773. . 18^7 Clarke, Rev. Edward. Scholar 1730. .1786 Clarke, Edward Daniel, ll. d. Traveler and Mineralogist. Life by Bishop Otter, 1825 1769. • 1822 Clarke, George Roger. American General — . . 1808 Clarke, Henry, ll. d. Mathematician i745 • • 1818 Clarke, Henry Jas.Wm., Duke of Feltre. Marsh, of France 1765 . . 1818 Clarke, Rev. James Stanier. Naval and Historical Writer. {Life of James JI.) — • • 1834 Clarke, Jeremiah. Musical Composer — . .1707 Clarke, John. One of the Founders of Rhode Island — . . 1676 Clarke, John. Scottish Portrait Engraver i65o-'' 1721 Clarke, John, D.D. Dean of Salisbur7. {OHginof Evil) — ..1759 Clarke, John, m. d. Scottish Medical Writer 1744. . 1805 Clarke, M'Donald. American Poet 1798. . 1842 Clarke, Samuel, m. a. Orientalist 1623 .. 1669 Clarke, Rev. Sam. Biographer. Ejected Nonconformist 1599. .1682 Clarke, Samuel, son. Dissenter. {Annotations on Bible) 1627?. 1701 Clarke, Samuel, d.d. Class. Commentator. {Doctrine of the Trinity.) Life by Hoadly, 1738; W. Whiston, 1748 1675. .1729 Clarke, or Clark, Dr. Samuel. Dissenting Minister of St. Albans. ( Scripture Promises) — • .1769 Clarke, William. Divine and Antiquary 1696. .1771 A BRIEF BIOGRAi»HICAT, iDTCTlO-^M^"?; i V] ijU'X BORN. DIED. Clarkson, David. Ejected ITonconformist 1622. . 1686 Clarkson, Thos. Slavery Abolitionist. L. by Thos. Taylor 1760. , 1846 Clason, Isaac S. American Author and Actor 1789. • 1834 Clauberg, John. German Metaphysician 1622 . . 1665 Claude, Le Jeune, or Claudin. Huguenot Composer — aft.1580 Claude Lorraine. Claude Gelee. Painter 1600. . 1682 Claude, John. Fr. Prot. {Ess. on Sermon.) L. by Robinson 1619. .1687 Clauder, Gabriel. German Medical Writer, . .'.... 1 ... . 1633 . . 1691 Claudian, Claudius. Latin Poet — aft. 404? Claudius I. Roman Emperor (41-54) A.D.54 Claudius II. Gothicus. Emperor (268-70) 214.. 270 Claudius Crassus, Appius. Roman Decemvir — B.c.449 Claudius Nero. Roman General fl. 3d c. B.C. Clausel, Bertrand, Count. French General 1772 . . 1842 Claverhouse, John Graham of, Viscount Dundee ... 1650^ 1689 Claviere, Stephen. French Statesman and Financier ... 1735 . .1793 Clavigero, Francis Xavier. Mexican Historian 1720. .1793 Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de. Span. Ambassador and Writer — ..1412 Clavijo y Faxardo, Joseph. Spanish Writer 1726. . 1806 Clavius, Christopher. German Jesuit. Mathematician. . 1537. .1612 Clay, Henry. American Statesman 1777 . . 1852 Clay, John. Jail Chaplain — . . 1858 Clayton, Augustin Smith. American Jurist 1783 . . 1839 Clayton, John. American Botanist 1686. .1773 Clayton, John Middleton. American Statesman 1796. . 1856 Clayton, Robert. Bishop of Clogher 1695 . . 1 758 Cleanthes. Stoic Philosopher. {Eymn to Zeus) ab. b.c. 210 Clearchus. Lacedaemonian General fl. B.C. 400 Cleaveland, Parker. American Mineralogist and Scientist 1780.. 1858 Cleaver, William. Bishop of St. Asaph -*■ . . 1815 Cleef, Henry van. Painter of Antweip 1510?. 1589 Cleef, John van. Flemish Painter 1646. .1716 Cleef, or Cleve, Joseph, Joas, or Joost, van. Paint, of Antw. fl. 15 11 Cleef, Martin van. Painter 1501 ' .1551 Clegg, John. Violinist 1714.aft.1742 Cleghorn, George. Scottish Physician and Anatomist. . 1716. .1789 Cleland, James, ll,. d. Statistical Writer 1770. .1840 Cleland, John. Writer. ( Woman of Pleasure) 1707' . 1789 Clemangis, or Claminges, Matthew Nicholas. Fr. Theol. 1360? . 1440? Clemencet, Charles. Fr. Benedictine. (L'Artde Vei-if.) 1704. .lyjS Clemencin, Diego. Spanish Statesman and Writer 1765 . . 1834 Clement I. Bishop of Rome 30''. 100 Clement II. Pope (1046-47). Life by P. F. Lafitau . . . —..1047 Clement III. (1187-91) — ..1191 Clement IV. (1265-68.) Guy de Foulques. Life by Clau- dius Clemens — . . 1268 Clement V. (1305-14.) Bertrand de Goth. {Clem. Code) 1264. .1314 Clement VI. (1342-52.) Peter Roger 1292.. 1352 Clement VII. (1523-34.) Julius de' Medid — ..1534 Clement VIII. (1592-1605.) Hippolytus Aldobrandin . . 1536. . 1605 Clement IX. (1667-69.) Jul. Eospig'liosi. L. by Latitau 1600. . 1669 Clement X. (1670-76.) John Baptist Emilius Altieri .. . 1590.. 1676 Clement XI. (1700-21.) John Francis Albani. Life by Reboulet 1649. .1721 X^^'! : ; AJbRIEF :BldG^APHlCAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Clement XII. (1730-40.) Lawrence Coi'sini 1652. .1740 Clement XIII. (1758-69.) Charles Hezzunico 1693.. 1769 Clement XIV. (1769-74.) John Vincent Ganganelli. . . . 1705. .1774 Clement, David. Hessian Bibliographer 1701 . .1760 C16ment, Francis. French Benedictine. {DArtde Verif.) 1714. .1793 Clement, James. Assassin of Heni-y III. of France 1567. .1589 Clement, John. Greek Professor at Oxford — • • ^57^ C16ment, John Mary Bernard. Fr. Critic and Dramatist 1742. .1812 Clement, Joseph. Mechanic i779- • 1844 Clement, Julian. French Accoucheur , 1630. .1729 Clement, Peter, of Geneva. Poetical Writer 1707. .1767 Clement, Titus Flavius, of Alexandria. Christian Writer — .. 220? Clementi, Muzio. Musical Composer 1752. . 1832 Clenardus, or Cleynaerts, Nicholas. Flemish Philologist 1495 . . 1 542 Cleobulus. One of the Seven Sages of Greece 6th c. b.c. Cleombrotus I. King of Sparta; fell at Leuctra — B.c.371 Cleomedes. Greek Astronomer. {Circular Theory) fi. 2d.c.? Cleomenes. Spartan King (B. c. 236-220) and Reformer — B.c.220 Cleon. Athenian Politician — B.c.422 Cleopatra. Queen of Egypt 69 . . 30 B.C. Clerc, John le. Le Chevalier. Fr. Painter and Engraver 1587. . 1633 Clerc, John le. Critic. See Leclerc 1657. .1736 Clerc, Nicholas. French Medical Writer — aft. 1771 Clerc, Sebastian le. French Designer and Etcher 1637. .1714 Clerc, Sebastian le, son. Historical Painter 1684?. 1767 Clerc, Le. See Leclerc. Clerck, Chas. Swed. Entomologist. {Tcones Insectorum) fl. 1750 Clerfayt, Francis S. C. J., Count de. Austrian General . . 1733. .1798 Clerk, John, of Eldin. Naval Tactician — . . 1812 Clerk, Jt)hn, Lord Eldin, son. Scottish Judge 1757?. 1832 Clerke, Charles. Navigator 1 741 . . 1 779 Clerke, Gilbert. Divine and Mathematician 1626?. 1695? Clermont Tonnerre, Stanislaus, Ct. of. Fr. Polit. Writer 1747. .1792 Clerselier, Claude. French Metaphysician 1614?. 1684 C16ry, John Baptist. Servant of Louis XVI. {Journal) 1759. .1809 Clery, Michael. One of the " Four Masters " — . . 1643 Cleveland, John. Loyalist and Poet 1613 . . 1659 Clevenger, Shobal Vail. American Sculptor 1812. . 1843 Cleyer, Andrew.' German Medical Writer fl. 1680 Cleyn, or Clenn, Francis de. German Painter in England — . . 1658 Clifford, Ann, Countess of Dorset. Author & Benefactor 1589. . 1676 Clifford, George, 3d E. Cumberland. Naval Commander 1558. .1605 Clifford, Henry, Tenth Lord. Shepherd Lord — . .1523 Clifford, John, Ninth Lord. The Black and The Butcher — ..1461 Clifford, Martin. Writer. ( On Human Reason) — . . 1677 Clifford, Thos., 8th Lord. Lancastrian ; fell at St. Albans — ••i455 Clift, WilUam. Naturalist i775 • • 1849 Clifton, Francis. Medical Writer fl. 1732 Clifton, William. American Poet 1772. .1799 Clinton, De Witt. 'American Statesman 1 769 .. 1828 Clinton, George. American Statesman and General 1739.. 1812 Clinton, Sir Henry. English General in America ...... — . .1795 Clinton, Henrv Fvnes. Chronologist. {Fasti.) Life b}"- self, edited^by 'C. J. F. Clinton, 1854 1781 . . 1852 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 103 BORN. DIED. Clinton, James. American General 1736. . 1812 Clisson, Oliver de. Constable of France 1332' • 1407 Cliathenes. Athenian Demagogue fl. b.c. 510 Clitus. Greek Gen. of Macedon ; slain by Alex, the Great — B.c.328 Clive, Mrs. Catherine. Actress 1711 . .1785 CUve, Robert, First Lord. Life by Sir J. Malcolm, 1836 ; Macaulay ; G. R. Gleig, 1848 ; C Caraccioli 1725 .. 1774 Clodius Pulcher, Publius. Roman Tribune (b. c. 58). . — B.C. 52 Cloncurry, Valentine Browne Lawless, Lord. Life by Fitzpatrick i773- • 1853 Clootz, John Baptist. Anacharsis Clootz. Fr. Revolutionist 1755.. 1794 Clopinel, or John de Meung. French Poet 1250?. 1318? Closterman, John. German Portrait Painter 1656. . 1713 Clotaire I. son of Clovis. King of France (511-61) 497- • 561 Clotaire II. son of Chilperic. King of France 584'. 628 Clotaire III. King of France 652? . 670? Clotilde. Wife of Clovis 475.. 545 Cloud, or Clodoald, St., grandson of Clovis — . . 560 Clouet, Albert. Engraver fl. 1641-75 Clouet, Peter, of Antwerp. Engraver 1606. . 1668 Clouet. French Chemist and Metallurgist 1751.. 1801 Clough, Arthur Hugh. Poet 1819?. i86i Clovio, Julius. Missal Illuminator 1498. .1578 Clovis I. King of the Franks 465.. 511 Clovis II. King of France 633 . . 656 Clovis III 681 . . 695 Clowes, John. Swedenborgian Divine i743- -1831 Clowes, William. Surgeon — aft.1596 Clowes, William. Printer 1779- • 1847 Clubbe, Rev. John. Humorist 1703- -^773 Clubbe, William. Poet. Translator of Horace — ..1814 Cluentius Habitus, A. Defended by Cicero 103 aft.66 b.c. Clusius, or De I'Ecluse, Chas. Dutch Phys. and Botanist 1526. .1609 Clutterbuck, Robert. Antiquary 1 772 . , 1831 Cluvier, Philip. Cluverius. Geographer 1580. . 1623 Clyde, Colin Campbell, Lord. Field Marshal 1792. . 1863 Clymer, George. American Statesman i739- • 1813 Cobb, James. Dramatic Writer 1756. .1818 Cobb, Lyman. American Lexicographer and Author. ... — . . 1863 Cobb, Samuel. Poet — ..1713 Cobbett, William." Writer. his sons; Huish, 1835 1762. .1835 Cobden, Richard, m. p. Politician and Economist 1804. .1865 Cobentzel, or Cobenzl, Charles, Count de. Statesman. , 1712. .1770 Cobentzel, John Philip, Count de. Statesman 1741 . . 1810 Cobentzel, Louis, Comit de. Statesman i753' .1808 Cobham, John, Lord. English Warrior in France — . . 1407 Cobham, Sir John Oldcastle, Lord. Martyr 1360. . 141 7 Coburg-Saxe, Josias, Prince of. Austrian Field Marshal 1737. .1815 Coccapani, Sigismund, of Florence. Painter and Arcnitect 1583. .1642 Coceeius, Henry Freiherr von. Dutch Jurist 1644. .1719 Cocceius, John. ' Hebraist. Commentator 1603. . 1669 Coceeius, Samuel. Prussian Statesman 1679. . i755 Cocchi, Anthony. Italian Physician 1695 . .1758 Coccopani, John. Architect 1582. .1649 304 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Cochin, Charles Nicholas. French Engraver and Writer 1688. .1754 Cochin, Henry. French Lawyer and Divine 1687. .1747 Cochlaeus, John. Roman Catholic Controversialist I479- -1552 Cochran, William. Scottish Artist 1738 . .1785 Cochrane, Archibald, Earl Dundonald. Scientific Writer 1749. . 1831 Cochrane, John Dundas. Traveler on foot 1780?. 1825 Cochrane, Thos., Earl of Dundonald. Nav. Commander 1775 . . i860 Cock, Jerome. Painter 1510?. 1570 Cock, Matthew, of Antwerp, brother. Painter 1500?. 1554 Cockain, or Cokayne, Sir Aston. Poetical Writer 1608. . 1684 Cockburn, Mrs. Catherine. Miscel. Writer. L. by Birch 1679. -1749 Cockburn, Sir George. Admiral 1772. . 1853 Cockburn, Henry Dundas, Lord. Scottish Judge 1779 . . 1854 Cockbume, William. Medical Writer 1650?. 1736? Cocker, Edward. Arithmetician 1631 . . 1677? Cockerill, John. English Engineer 1790. . 1840 Cockson, Thomas. Engraver fl. 1630 Coda, Benedict. Ferrarese Painter 1460'. 1520? Coddington, William. Founder of the Colony of Rhode Island 1601. .1678 Codinus, Georgius. Curopalates. Greek Compiler — aft.1453 Codratus. Greek Physician, Saint, and Martyr — . . 258? Codrington, Christopher. Scholar and Benefactor 1668.. 1710 Codrington, Sir Edward. Vice-Admiral 1770. . 1851 Codrington, Robert. Miscel. Writer and Translator. .. . 1602.. 1665 Codrus. Last King of Athens — ab.B.c.io68 Coeck, or Koeck, Peter, or Van Aelst. Flemish Painter. 1500. .1550 Coefifeteau, Nicholas. Translator of Florus i574- • 1^623 Coehorn, or Cohorn, Menno, Baron von. Dutch Engineer 1641?.! 704? Ccelestius. Heresiarch; Partisan of Pelagius — aft. 430 Coello, Alonzo Sanchez. Portuguese Titian. Painter. .. 1515. .1590 Coello, Claudio. Spanish Painter 1621 . . 1693 Coelmans, James. Engraver of Antwerp 1670?. 1735 Coeln, William von. Meister Wilhelm. German Painter fl. 1370 Coen, John Peterson. Dutch Governor in East Indies. . . 1587. . 1629 Coessin, F. G. French Mystic 1782. 1842 or 3 Ccenr, James. French Merchant — . . 1456 Coffey, Charles. Poet — • • i745 CoflQn, Sir Isaac. English Admiral i759- -1839 Coflln, Richard, or Robert. South American Poet i797- • 1827 Cogan, Thomas, M. d., of Manchester. Medical "S^riter. . — . . 1607 Cogan, Thomas, m. d. Co-founder of the Royal Humane Society. ( On the Passions) ". ^736- • 1818 Coggeshalle, Ralph, Abbot of. Historian — . . 1228 Cogswell, William. American Clergyman and Writer. . . 1789.. 1850 Cohausen, John Henry. German Phj'sician. {Hermip- pus Redivivus) 1665 . .1750 Cohorn, or Coehorn, Menno, Baron von. Dutch Engineer 1641 ?. 1704? Coictier, or Coitier, .James. Physician to Louis XI — ..1505? Coignet, Giles. Giles of Antwerp. Painter 1530- • 1600 Cointe, Charles le. French Ecclesiastical Historian 1611 . . 1681 Coiter, Volcher. Anatomist at Groningen 15 34- -1576' Cokayne, Sir Aston. Poet 1608 . . 1684 Coke, Sir Edward. Lord Chief Justice i549 • • 1634 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 105 BORN. DIED. Coke, Dr. Thomas. Founder of Wesleyan Missions 1747 . . 1814 Cola, Gennaro di. Neapolitan Painter ' 1320 . . 1370? Cola dell' Amatrice. Painter and Architect fl. 1 525-42 Colantonio, Marzio di. Italian Painter 1662. .1701 Colardeau, Charles Peter. French Poet 1732. .1766 Colbach, John. Medical Writer fl. 1695-17 19 Colbert, John Baptist. Financier. L. by P. Clement, 1846 1619. . 1683 Colbert, John Baptist, Marquis de Torci, son. French Minister of Marine 1665 . .1746 Colburn, Warren. American Mathematician i793- • 1833 Colburn, Zerah. American Mathematical Prodigy 1804. . 1840 Colby, Thomas, Major-General. Ordnance Surveyor.. . 1784. . 1852 Colchester, Charles Abbot, Lord. Speaker 1757- • 1829 Colden, Cadwallader. Naturalist. {Five Nations) 1688.. 1776 Cole, Charles Nelson. Legal Antiquar}' 1722. .1804 Cole, Henry, d. d. Dean of St. Paul's. Roman Catholic Controversialist — • • '579 Cole, Thomas. Dissenting Divine. {On Regeneration).. — ..1697 Cole, Thomas. Painter 1801 . . 1848 Cole, William. Herbalist. {Adam in Eden) 1626. . 1662 Cole, William. Medical Writer (m. d. 1666) fl. 1 7th c. Cole, kev. William. Antiquarj'- 1714- .1782 Colebrooke, Henrys Thomas. Orientalist 1765 . . 1837 Coleridge, Hartley. Writer & Poet. L. by brother, 1851 1796. , 1849 Coleridge, Henry' Nelson. Writer 1800. . 1843 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Metaphysician & Poet. L. by self {Biographia Liieraria); Oilman, 1840; Cottle, 1847 1772.. 1834 Coleridge, Sara, daughter. Writer 1803. . 1852 Coles, Elisha. {Dictionary) 1640''. 1700!" Colet, John. Dean of St. Paul's. Life by Dr. Samuel Knight, 1726; Erasmus, in " Phoenix," Vol. II 1466. .1519 Coley, Henry. Astrologer 1633 . . 1690 Colgan, John. Irish Franciscan. Hagiologist — . . 1658 Coli, John. Italian Fresco Painter 1634. , 1681 Coligni, Gaspard de. Admiral. Life by Courtiltz, 1686 . 15 1 7. . 1572 Coligni, Henrietta, Countess de la Suze, dau. Poetical Wr. 1618 . . 1673 Colignon, Francis. French Engraver 1621?. 1671 Colin, Alexander. Belgian Sculptor 1520 . . 1612 Colinseus, or Colines, Simon. Printer at Paris — 1546 or 7 Collado, Diego. Spanish Missionary in the East — . . 1638 Collaert, Adrian. Engraver and Printseller of Antwerp. 1520?. 1567 Collaert, Hans, or John, son. Designer and Engraver, fl.1555-1622 Collanges, Gabriel de. French Writer. {Polygraphy) . . 1521 , . 1572 C0II6, Charles. French Poet and Song Writer 1709- .1783 Colle, John. Italian Medical Writer 1558. . 1630 Colle, Raffaellino del. Italian Painter 1490. . 1530 Colleone, Bartholomew. Venetian Generalissimo 1400. . 1475 Colleoni, Jerome. Painter of Bergamo fl. 1556 Colles, Christopher. Philosophic Adventurer 1738?. 1821 Collet, John. English Humorous Painter 1725 . .1780 Collet, Peter. French Controversial Divine 1693. .1770 Collet, Philibert. French Writer 1643. .1718 Colletet, William. French Poet 1598 . . 1659 Colletta, Peter. Neapolitan Patriot 1 775 • • 1831 106 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. WKD. Collier, Arthur. English Philosopher 1680. . 1732 Collier, Jeremy. Nonjuring Bishop. {Eccles. History).. 1650. .1726 Collin, Henry Joseph. German Medical Writer 1731 • -1784 Collin, Henry Joseph von. German Poet 1772 . . 181 1 Collin, Matthew von, brother. German Tragic Poet 1779. .1826 Collin d'Harleville, John Francis. Dramatist and Poet 1755 . . 1806 Collings, John. Ejected Nonconformist and Critic 1623. . 1690 Collingwood, Cutlibert, Admh-al Lord. Life by G. L. N. CoUingwood, 1829 1748. . 1810 Collini, Cosmo Alexander. Italian Scholar 1727. . 1806 Collins, Anthony. Deist 1676. .1729 Collins, Arthur. {Peerage) 1682. . 1760 Collins, David. Governor of Van Diemen's Laud. {His- tory of Botany Bay) ' 1756. . 1810 Collins, John. Mathematician 1624. . 1683 Collins, Richard. Engraver at Brussels fl. 1664-85 CoUins, Samuel. Eng. Phys. and Naturalist in Russia. . fl. 1650-85 CoUins, William. Poet. Life by W. Mov Thomas 1720. . 1756 CoUins, Wm., r. a. Painter. L. by W. W. Collins, 1848 1787. . 1847 Collinson, Rev. John. Topographer. {Somerset) — ••^793 Collinson, Peter. Botanist 1694. . 1768 Collius, Francis, of Milan. Writer. {De Animabus Pag- ano7'uni) — . . 1640 Collot, Germain. French Surgeon. See Colot fl. 1461-80 CoUot d'Herbois, John Mary. French Revolutionist. . . 1750. . 1796 Collyer, Joseph. Engraver 1748 . . 1827 Colman, George. Dramatic Poet. Translator of Terence 1733''. 1794 Colman, George, son. Dramatic Poet • 1762. . 1836 Colocci, Angelo. Italian Bishop and Latin Poet 1467 . -1549 Colocotronis, Theodore 1770. . 1843 Cologne, Peter de. Protestant Minister at Metz — . .1558 Colomb, Paul de Batines. French Writer on Dante 1812. . 1855 Colombel, Nicholas. French Painter 1646, .1717 Colombiere, Claude de la. French Jesuit 1611 . . 1682 Colomboni, Angiol Maria. Painter 1608. . 1672 ColomiSs, or Colomesius, Paul. {Icon Theohgorum Pres- byterianorum) 1638 . . 1692 Coloni, Adam. The Old. Dutch Painter in London 1634. . 1685 Coloni, Henry Adrian. The Young, son. Painter 1668. .1701 Colonna, Ascanius. Cardinal. Collector of Books 1560?. 1608 Colonna, Fabio. Italian Philosopher 1567'. 1650 Colonna, Francis. Venetian Writer. {HypnerotomacMa) i^^;^. .1^27 Colonna, Francis Maria Pompeo. Botanist. {Natural History of the Universe) 1649?. 1726 Colonna, Giles. Italian Theologian — . . 1316 Colonna, John Paul. Composer of Church Music fl. 1690? Colonna, Mark Anthony, jr. Italian General — . .1584 Colonna, Michael Angelo. Italian Painter 1600. . 1687 Colonna, Pompeo. Cardinal. {De Laudibus Muliehrum) — ..1532 Colonna, Prospero. Italian General 1452. -1523 Colonna, Vittoria, Marchioness of Pescara. Poetess .... 1490; .1547 Colot, Francis. Lithotomist — . .1706 Colot, or Collot, Germain. Fr. Surgeon and Lithotomist . fl. 1461-80 Colot, Lawrence. Lithotomist fl. 1550 A BKIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 107 BORN. DIED. Colotes. Sculptor of Paros fl. b. c. 444 Colquhoixn, Patrick, ll. d. Statistical Writer 1745 • • 1^20 Colrane, Henry Hare, Ld. Scot. Writ, and Book Collector 1693. .1749 Colson, John. Lucasian Professor at Cambridge — . .1760 Colston, Edward. Benefactor 1636. .1721 Colt, Samuel. Amer. Mechanician; Invent, of Colt's Rifle 1814. .1862 Colton, Calvin. Amer. Clergyman and Political Writer. 1789. .1857 Colton, Rev. Charles Caleb. (Lacon) 1780. . 1832 Colton, Walter. American Clergyman and Writer i797- .1851 Columba, St. Life by Adamanus ; J. Smith, 1798 521 ?. 597 Colvimbanus, St. Life by Jonas of Bobbio 543'. 615 Columbus, Bartholomew 1437 . . 1514 Columbus, Christopher, brother. Life by his son Ferdi- nand, 1530; Cotolendi; Spotorno, 1823 ; Washington Irving, 1825 1436?. 1506 Columbus, Rualdus. Anatomist — . . 1577 Coluraella. Roman Agricultural Writer fl. ti. Seneca Colunma, Guy. Sicilian Chronicler fl. 1287 Coluthus. Greek Epic Poet. CEAeVrjs apnayn) fl. 500? ColviUe, John. Scottish Writer — . . 1607 Colvlus, Andrew. Dutch Poet and Book Collector 1594. .1671 Colvius, Nicholas, son. Divine 1634. .1717 ColwiU, Alexander. Scottish Satirical Poet 1620. . 1676 Combe, Andrew, m.d. Physiologist. L. by G. Combe, 1850 1797. . 1847 Combe, Charles, m.d. Classical Scholar and Numismatist 1743. . 1817 Combe, George. Phrenologist. { Constitution of Ma7i) .. lySS. .iSe^S Combefls, Francis. French Writer 1605 . . 1679 Comber, Thos. Dean of Durham. L. by T. Comber, 1799 1644. . 1699 Comenius, John Amos. Moravian. {Janua Linguar-uni) ic,g2. .i6ji Comes, Natalis. Natal Conti. Greek and Latin Poet. . . — ..1582? Comiers, Claude. French Mathematician — . . 1693 Comines, Philip de. Historian 1445 . .1509 Comitolo, Paul. Jesuit Writer 1545 . . 1626 Commandine, Frederick. Italian Mathematician 1509. . 1575 Commelin, Caspar. Botanist '. 1667 . . 1731 Commelin, Isaac. Dutch Historian 1598 . , 1676 Commelin, Jerome. French Printer — . .1598 Commelin, John. Dutch Botanist 1629 . . 1692 Commendone, John Francis. Card. Latin Poet of Italy 1524. .1584 Commerson, Philibert. French Physician and Botanist. 1727. .1773 Commire, John. French Jesuit. Latin Poet 1625 . . 1 702 Commodianus, of Gaza. Christian Poet. {Institutiones) fl. 4th c. Commodo, Andrew. Italian Historical Painter 1560 . . 1638 Commodus. Roman Emperor (180-92) 161.. 192 Commonfort, Ygnacio. Mexican General and Statesman 1812. . 1863 Como, Era Emanuel da. Historical Painter 1625?. 170 1 Comodi, or Commodo, Andrew. Florentine Hist. Painter 1560. .1638 Compton, Henry. Bishop of London 1632. .1713 Compton, Spencer, Earl of Northampton. Rovalist 160 1 . . 1643 Comstock, John Lee, m. d. Amer. Auth. of School Books 1789. . 1858 Comte, Auguste. French Philosopher 1798. . 1857 Comte, Louis le. Jesuit Missionary to China — ..1729 Comte, Nicholas de. French Monk and Writer — . . 1689 Corny ns. Sir John. Judge. {Digest of English Law) ... — . . 1740 108 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Gonant, John. Divine 1608. . 1693 Conca, Sebastian. Italian Historical Painter 1676. . 1764 Concanen, Matthew. Political Writer and Poet — . , 1749 Concina, Daniel, of Venice. {System of Theology) 1686. .1756 Concini, or Marshal D'Ancre. Marshal of France — . .1617 Condamine, Charles Mary de la. Traveler 1701 . .1774 Cond6, Henry I., Prince of. 1552. .1588 Cond6, Heniy II., Prince of. Renomiced Protestantism. Minister of State. Life by Renaudot, 1646 1588. . 1646 Cond6, Joseph Anthony. Spanish Orientalist 1765?. 1820 Cond6, Louis, First Prince of. Huguenot; killed at Jamac 1530. .1569 Coiid6, Louis II., Prince of. The Great. Due d'Enghien; Commander. Life by Coste ; Desormeaux, 1768 ; Lord Mahon, 1845 1621..1686 Conder, John, d. d. Dissenting Divine 1714. .1781 Conder, Josiah. Poet. Life by E. R. Conder, 1857 1789. . 1855 Condillac, Stephen-Bonnot de. Metaphysician 1715?. 1780 Condi vi, Ascanius. Painter and Sculptor, {Life of Mi- chael Angeb) ' 1520. . — Condorcet, M. J. A. N". Caritat, Marquis of. Metaphys.. 1743?. 1794 Condren, Charles de. French Oratorian. L. by Amelotte 1588. . 1641 Conecte, Thomas de. French Carmelite Preacher — . . 1434 Conegliano, II. John Baptist Cima. Painter 1460. .1517' Conei, or Cowne, George. Scottish Roman Catholic. {Life of Mary Stuart) — . . 1640 Coney, John. Engraver 1787?. 1833 Confucius. Kung-fu-ise. Chinese Philosopher 551 . 479 b. c. Congleton, Henry Brooke Parnell, Lord. Politician 1776. .1842 Congreve,Wm. Dramatic Poet. L.byChas. Wilson, 1730 1670. .1729 Congreve, Sir Wm. Lieut.-Colonel. Inventor of Rockets 1772. .1828 Conington, Rev. F. T., of Oxford. Scholar and Writer. 1828?. 1863 Conner, David. American Naval Officer 1792?. 1856 Connor, Bernard. Irish Physician. {History of Poland). 1666. .idc^S ConoUy, Colonel. Envoy to Bokhara; murdered — . . 1843 Conon. Athenian Commander — aft.B.c.393 Conrad I. Count of Franconia. King of Germany — . . 918 Conrad II. Emperor of Germany. TJie Salic — . . 1039 Conrad III 1093. .1152 Conrad IV 1228. . 1254 Conrad, or Conradin, son; beheaded by Charles of Anjou 1252. .1268 Conrad, of Wurtzburg. German Minnesinger — ..1287 Conrad, or Coenrads, Abraham. Dutch Engr. & Designer 1620''. — Conrad, Robert T. American Judge and Poet 1810. . 1858 Conrart, Valentine. Founder of the French Academy. . . 1603.. 1675 Conri, Florence. Irish Friar and Theologian 1560. . 1629 Conringius, Hermann. Jurist, Antiquarian, & Philosopher 1606. .1681 Consalvi, P>cole. Cardinal. Roman Statesman i757- • 1824 Consentius. Grammarian of Constantinople fl. 450-'' Consetti, Anthony. Italian Historical Painter 1686. . 1766 Constable, Archibald. Publisher. {Miscellany) 1775.. 1827 Constable, Henry. Poet fl. i6th c. Constable, John, R. A. Painter. L. by C R. Leslie, 1815 1776. . 1837 Constans I. Emperor of Rome (337-50) 320. . 350 Constans II. (641-68.) Roman Emperor of the East .. . 630.. 668 A BRIEF BIOGEAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 109 BORN. DIED. Constant de Rebecque, David. Swiss Prot. Theologian 1638. .1733 Constant de Rebecque, Henry Benjamin. French Ora- tor, Statesman, and Writer. " 1767- • 1830 Constantin Faulcon. Greek Adventurer 1648. . 1688 Constantino I. The Great. Emperor of Rome (306-37). Life by Eusebius; J. Reuchlin. 272?. 337 Oonstantine II. (337-40) 316?. 340 Constantino III. (641) 612. . 641 Constantino IV. (668-85.) Pogonatus, or Barbatus . . . 648. , 685 Constantino V. Copronymus. (741-75) 718. . 775 Constantino VI. (780-797) 77i-. 797 Constantino VH. Fojyhyrogenitus. (911-59) 905 . . 959 Constantino VIII. (944-45) — . . 947 Constantino IX. (976-1028) 961.. 1028 Constantino X. Monomackus. (1042-54) 1000?. 1054 Constantino XI. Ducas. (1059-67) 1007?. 1067 Constantino XII. Ducas. (1067-78) — 1078 or 82 Constantino XIII. Palmologus. (1448-53) 1394. . 1453 Constantino. Pope (708-15) — . . 715 Constantino. The African. Orientalist and Physician . — ..1087 Constantino. Grand Prince of Russia, son of Paul 1779- • '^3* Constantino, Anthony. Physician at Lyons — . . 1616 Constantino, Robt. Fr. Schol. {Lexicon Grceco-Latinum) — . . 1605 Constantius I. Chhrus. Emperor of Rome (305-6) 250?. 306 Constantius II. (337-61) 317. • 361 Constantius III. (421) — . . 421 Constanzo, Angelo de. Hist. & Poet. {History of Naples) 1507. . 1591' Contarini, Gaspar. Cardinal. Divine and Statesman. Life by John de la Casa 1483. .1542 Contarini, John. Historical and Portrait Painter i549- • 1605 Contarini, Vincent. Ital. Classical Scholar «& Antiquary 1577. .1617 Conte, Guido del, or Fassi. Inventor of Scagliola 1584. . 1649 Conte, Jacopino del. Ital. Historical and Portrait Painter 15 10. .1598 Conte, Nicholas James. French Painter and Mechanician 1755 . . 1805 Conti, Armand de Bourbon, Prince of 1629. . 1666 Conti, Charles. Engraver at Vienna 1742. .1790 Conti, Francis. Florentine Historical Painter 1681 . . 1760 Conti de Val Montone, Giusto de. Ital. Poet & Lawyer — . . 1449 Conti, Luke. Engraver and Architect I749- -1790 Conti, Nicholas di. De Comitibus. Traveler fl. 1444 Contini, John Baptist. Architect 1641 . .1723 Conto-Pertana, Joseph. Portuguese Poet — . .1735 Conway, Thos. Army of Amer. Revolution — afl.1770 Conybeare, John. Bishop of Bristol. {Defence of Revealed Religion) 1692. .1755 Conybeare, John Josias. Divine, Critic, Antiquary 1779. . 1824 Conybeare, Wm. DanieL Dean of Llandaff. Geologist 1787. .1857 Conybeare, Rev. Wm. John. {L. of St. Paul ; Ch.Parties) —..1857 Cooghen, Leonard van. Painter 1610. . 1681 Cook, George, d. d. Scottish Divine and Historian 1795 • • ^^45 Cook, Henry. Painter 1642. .1700 Cook, Captain James. Navigator. Life by Kippis, 1788 1728. .1779 Cooke, Sir Anthony. Preceptor to Edward VI 1506?. 1576 Cooke, Dr. Benjamin. Musical Composer 1739. .1793 L 110 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Cooke, George. Engraver 1781 . . 1834 Cooke, George Frederick. Actor 1755 , . 1812 Cooke, John Rodgers. American Jurist 1788. . 1854 Cooke, Philip Pendleton. American Poet 1816. . 1850 Cooke, Robert. Divine and Scholar — . , 1614 Cooke, Thomas. Poet. Translator of Hesiod 1702?. 1756 Cooke, Thomas. Musician 1781 . . 1848 Cooke, T. P. Actor 1786?. 1864 Cooke, Rev. Wm. Poet and Biographer. (Conversation) — ..1814 Cooke, William. Lawyer. (Bankrupt Laws) 1757. • 1832 Cooley, Thomas. Irish Architect 1740. .1784 Coombe, William. (Dr. Syntax) 1741 . . 1823 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st E. Shaftesbury. Statesman 1621 . .1683 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3d E. Shaft. (Characteristics) 1671. .1713 Cooper, Sir Astley Paston. Surgeon. L. by B. B. Cooper 1768. . 1841 Cooper, James Fenimore. American Novelist 1789. .1851 Cooper, John Gilbert. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer. . 1723. .1769 Cooper, Dr. Miles. Divine and Poet — • -1785 Cooper, Richard. British Poussin. Painter and Engraver. ( Views of Windsor) , — aft.i8o6 Cooper, Richard. Paint. & Engrav. ( View of St. Peter'' s) 1730. . 1820? Cooper, Samuel. Miniature Painter 1609. .1672 Cooper, Rev. Samuel. American Patriot and Theologian 1725. .1823 Cooper, Thomas. Bishop of Winchester ( 1584-94 ) I5i7?.i594 Cooper, Thomas. Natural Philos., Lawyer, & Politician 1759. . 1840 Coote, Sir Charles, Viscount. Irish Politician — . . 1661 Coote, Sir Eyre. Commander in India — 1726. .1783 Cootwyck, or Kootwyck, Jurian. Dutch Goldsm. & Engr. 1 714 . . — Cop, William. Swiss Physician (m. d. 1495) — ••1532 Cope, Sir John. Eng. General; defeated at Prestonpans. 1745. . — Copernicus, Nicholas. Astronomer 1473 . . 1 543 Cophsis, Samuel. Spanish Rabbi — . . 1034 Coplestone, Edward. Bishop of LlandafF( 1827-49). Life by W. J. Coplestone, 1851 1776. .1849 Copley, John Singleton. Painter 1 737 .. 1815 Copley, John Singleton, Ld. Lyndhurst, son. Ld. Chanc. 1772. .1863 Coppa, II Cavalier. Antony Giarola. Historical Painter 1595. .1665 Coppetta. Francis Beccuti. Italian Poet 1509- • i553 Coppi, James. Florentine Painter 1523. .1591 Coq, Peter le. French Canonist 1728. .1777 Coquelin, Charles. French Political Economist ^^°3' • ^^5^ Coques, Gonzalo, of Antwerp. Painter 1618. . 1684 Coradi, or Curadi, Octavius. Bolognese Painter ^ — . . 1643 Coram, Capt. Thomas. Founder of Foundling Hospital . 1668?. 1 751 Coras, James de. Fr. Poetical Writ. (Jonaha7id Nineveh) i6;^o. .1677 Coras, John de. Fr. Civilian. Life W James de Coras. 1513- -1572 Coray, Adamantios. Modern Greek Author 1748. . 1833 Corbet, John. Ejected Nonconformist. Writer 1620. . 1680 Corbet, Richard. Bishop. Poet. Life by Gilchrist, 1807 1582. .1635 Corbulo, Cneius Domitius. Roman Commander — .. 67 Corcoran, Michael. American General 1827. . 1863 Cordara, Julius Caesar. (Hisioria Societatis Jesu) 1704- -1784 Corday d'Axmans, Marianne Charlotte de. Assassinator of Marat 1768. .1793 • A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Ill BORN. DIED. Corde, Maurice de la. Fr. Huguenot Scholar and Phys. fl. 1559-84 Cordemoy, Gerard de. French Historian — . . 1684 Cordemoy, Louis Gerard de, son. French Theologian . . 165 1. .1722 Corder, Balthasar. Dutch Jesuit; Greek Critic 1592. .1650 Oordes, John de. French Writer 1570. . 1642 Oordier, or Corderius, Mathurin. ( Colloquies) 1478. .1564 Oordieri, Nicholas. Jl Franciosino. Sculptor 1561 . . 1612 Oordiner, Charles. Topographer and Antiquary 1746. .1794 Cordova, Adrian of. Spanish Carmelite; Hist. Painter. . — . .1630 Cordova, Francis Fernandez de. Spanish Navigator — . .1518 Cordova, Joseph M. South American General 1797''. 1029 Cordova, Louis Fernandez de. Spanish General i799' • 1840 Corduba, Francis. Italian Painter and Engraver — . . — Cordus, Euricius. German Medical and Poetical "Writer, i486. .1538 Cordus, Valerius, son. Botanist 15^5 • -1544 Oorelli, Arcangelo. Italian Violinist 1653. .1713 Corenzio, Belisarius. Greek Painter at Naples 1558?. 1643 Coriate, or Coryate, George. Latin Poet — , . 1606 Coriate, or Coryate, Thomas. Traveler and Writer 1577. , 161 7 Corilla. Mary Magdalen Fernandez. Improwisatrice. . 1740. .1800 Corinna. Greek Poetess fl. B.C. 490? Corio, Bernardine. Historian of Milan i459- -1519 Coriolano, Bartholomew. Engraver 1590- • 1654 Coriolano, Christopher. Designer and Engraver on Wood 1560?. 1600? Coriolano, John Baptist. Engraver 1595 . . 1649 Coriolanus. Roman General — dft.B.c.489 Cormontaigne, Louis de. French Military Engineer 1696?. 1752 Comachini, Mark. Medical Writer fl. 1607 Comaehini, Thomas. Italian Medical Writer — . . 1605 . Comarius, John. German Medical Writer 1500. .1558 Cornaro, or Comelio, Flaminius. Italian Historian 1693. .1778 Cornaro, Francis. Cardinal Bishop of Brescia 1479''. 1543 Cornaro, George Basil. Cardinal Bishop of Padua 1658. .1722 Cornaro, Louis, of Venice. {Discorsi della Vita Sobria). 1467.. 1566 Cornaro-Piscopia, Lucretia Helena. Venetian Scholar. 1646. .1684 Comazzani, Anthony. Italian Poet fl. 15th c. Corneille, jQhn Baptist. Painter and Engraver 1646. .1695 Corneille, Michael. French Painter and Engraver 1603. .1664 Corneille, Michael, son. Painter and Engraver 1642. . 1708 Corneille, Peter. Dramatic Poet 1606 . .1684 Corneille, Thomas, brother. Dramatist. {Diet of Art) 1625. .1709 Cornelia. Roman Matron; wife of Gracchus 2d c. b.c. Cornells, or Comely. Cornelius van Haerlem. Painter. 1562. .1638 Comelisz, or Cornelissen, Jacob, of Amsterdam. Painter 1471?. 1567 Cornelisz, or Cornelius, Lucas. Dutch Painter i493- -1552 Cornelius, St. Bishop of Rome (250-52) — . . 252 Corner, George Richard. Antiquaiy and Legal Writer. . i8oi?.i863 Cometto, Adrian. Castellesi. Cardinal. Bishop of Bath and Wells —aft. 1518 Comhert, or Coornhert, Diederik. Dutch Writer 1522. . 1590 Corniani, John Baptist, Count de. Italian Writer 1742. .1813 Comwallis, Sir Charles. Ambassador to Spain — . . 1630? Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess of. Gov.-Gen. of India 1 738 . . 1805 Corona, Leonard. Historical Painter 1561 . . 1605 112 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. - BORN. DIED. Ooronado, Francis Vasquez de. Spamsh Explorer — , . 1542 Ooronelli, Mark Vincent, of Venice. Math. & Geographer 1650?. 1718 Corr, Erin. Belgian Engraver 1803. . 1862 Corradi, Dominic. E Ghirlandajo. Florentine Painter. 1449. .1498 Corradini de Sezza, Peter Marcellinus. Cardinal 1658. . 1743 Corradus, Sebastian. Grammarian of Bologna — . .1556 Oorrea de Serra, Joseph Francis. Portuguese Scholar. . 1750. . 1823 Correggio, Antonio AUegri da. Italian Painter. Life by Mengs ; Coxe, 1823 1494 . . 1 534 Corri, Dominic. Musical Composer. ( TAe Trat'eZe?*). .. 1744. .1825 Corrie, Daniel. Bishop of Madras. Life by his brothers 1777. .1837 Corrozet, Giles. Bookseller and Writer at Paris 15 10. .1568 Oorsini, Edward, of Pisa. Philosopher & Mathematician 1702. .1765 Oort, Cornelius. Dutch Artist and Engraver 1536. . 1578 Cort, Henry, of Gosport. Metallurgist 1 740 . . 1800 Corte, Caesar. Genoese Painter 1550- • 1613' Oorte, David, son. Painter — . . 1657 Cortereal, Gasper. Portuguese Navigator — . . 1502? Cortesi, Giovanna. Painter of Florence 1670? . 1 736 Cort6s, Hernando. Conqueror of Mexico 1485 . . 1554 Cortesi, or Courtois, Jas. II Borgognone. Pa. of Battles. 1621 . .1676 Cortesi, Wm., brother. II Borgognone. Historical Painter 1628. .1679 Cortesius, Paul. Ital. Theologian. (De Hominibus Doctis) 1465 . . 1 5 10 Cortez, Gregory. Italian Classical Scholar 1483. • 1548 Cortez, Hernando. See Cortes 1485 . . 1554 Corti, Matthew. Curtius. Italian Medical Writer 1475 , . 1544 Corticelli, Salvator. Italian Grammarian 1690. .1758 Cortona, Pietro da. Berettini. Ital. Painter & Architect 1596. . 1669 Corvini, Matthew. King of Hungary and Bohemia — . . 1490 Corvinus, John Augustus. German Engraver 1682 . .1738 Corvisart Desmarets, John Nicholas. Fr. Med. Writer 1755 . . 1821 Coryate. See Coriate. Cosimo, Peter da. Italian Painter 1441 . . 1521 Cosin, John. Bishop of Durham ^594- • ^^7^ Cosmas. Indicopleustes. Egyptian Merchant fl. 522-^ Cosmas, of Jerusalem. Monk and Hymnologist fl. 743- Cosine, John Baseilhac. French Lithotomist 1703 . . 1781 Cosmo I. De' Medici. Grand Duke of Tuscany. Life by Aldus Manutius, jr., 1585 1519- -1574 Cosmo II. De' Medici. Grand Duke of Tuscany 1590.. 1621 Cosmo III. De' Medici. Grand Duke of Tuscany. Life by R. Stewart, 1821 1642. .1723 Cospean, or Oospeau, Philip. Fr. Prelate and Preacher. 1568. .1646 Cossali, Peter. Italian Mathematician. {Hist, of Algebra) 1748. .1815 Cossart, Gabriel. French Jesuit; Writer 1615 , . 1674 Coss6, Charles de. Count de Brissac. French Marshal.. . 1505. .1563 Cossiers, John, of Antwerp. Historical Painter 1603. . 1652 Cossin, Coquin, or Cawqum, Louis. French Engraver. . 1633. .1682 Costa, Emanuel Mendez da. Naturalist — . . — Costa, George da. Portuguese Cardinal. Statesman.. . . 1406. .1508 Costa, Isaac de. Dutch Poet 1798. . i860 Costa, Lorenzo. Ferrarese Painter — . . 1 530? Costa, Paul. Italian Author t^77i- • 1836 Costanzi, Placido. Italian Painter 1688 . . 1 759 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 113 BORN. DIKD. Costanzso, Angelo di. Neapolitan Poet. {Hist, of Naples) 1507. .1591 Costard, Rev. George. Oriental Writer 1710? . 1 782 Coste, Peter. French Protestant Writer 1668. . 1747 Coster, Lawrence Jansen, of Haarlem. Printer 1370?. 1440? Cosway, Richard, R. A. Miniature Portrait Painter 1740. .1821 Cota, Rodriguez de. Elder. Spanish Poet 15th c. Cotelerius, J. Bapt. Gr. Scholar & Editor. L. by Baluze 1627. . 1686 Cotes, Francis. Painter 1726. .1770 Cotes, Roger. Mathematician and Astronomer 1682. .1716 Cotin, Charles. French Poet 1604. . 1682 Cotman, John Sell. Artist of Norman Antiquities 1780? . 1843 Cotolendi, Charles. French Biographer — ..1710? Cotta, John. Italian Scholar and Poet 1483''. 15 10 Cotta, John Fred., Baron von Cottendorf. Ger. Publisher 1764. .1832 Cotte, Robert de. French Architect 1656. .1735 Cotterell, Sir Charles. Linguist and Scholar — . . 1687 Cottin, Sophia de. French Novelist. ( Elizabeth^ or Exiles of Siberia) I773- .1807 Cottmgton, Francis, Lord. Statesman 1574? . 165 1 Cottle, Amos. Verse Writer — . . 1800 Cottle, Joseph. Publisher. (Recollections of Coleridge).. 1770. .18^;^ Cotton, Charles. Burlesque Poet and Angler ^^3°' * ^ Cotton, John. American Divine 1585 . ■ 1652 Cotton, Nathaniel, m. d. Poet. ( Visions in Verse) 1707. .1788 Cotton, or Coton, Peter. Confessor to Henry IV. Life by P. J. Orleans 1564. .1626 Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce. Collector of Cottonian Library 1570. .1631 Cotugno, or Cotunius, Dominic. Anatomist. {De Aqua- ductibus Auris) 1736. . 1822 Couch, Richard Quillar. English Surgeon and Scientist. 1816. .1863 C0UCI16, John. French Designer and Engraver — . .1759 Coucy, R^naud, or Raoul de. French Minstrel fl. 12th c. Coudrette, Christopher. Anti-Jesuit Writer 1701 . . 1774 Covilet, Ann Philibert. French Engraver 1736. . — Coulomb, Charles Augustus de. Experimental Philosopher 1 736 . . 1806 CovLlon, Louis. French Historian 1605 . . 1664 Couperin, Francis. J'he Great. Fr. Musical Composer. 1668. .1733 Couplet, Philip. Flemish Missionary to China 1628. . 1692 Courayer, Peter Francis le. French Divine 1681 . .1776 Courbes, John de. French Engraver 1592''. — CoTircelles, Stephen de. Arminian Divine and Critic . . . 1586. .1658 Courcelles, Thomas de. French Theologian 1400. . 1469 Courier de M6r6, Paul Louis. French Political Writer. 1773. .1825 Courtanvaux, Francis Caesar de Tellier, Marquis of. Offi- cer. Natural Philosopher 1718. .1781 Court de G6belin, Anthonv. Writ. { Le Monde Primitif) 1725.. 1784 Courten, Sir Wm. Merchant and Capitalist in London. 1572?, 1636 Courten, William. English Naturalist and Collector 1642. .1702 Courtiltz de Sandras, Gatien. French Writer 1644. .1712 Courtivron, Caspar, Marquis of. Fr. Soldier and Scholar 1 7 1 5 . . 1 785 Courtnay, John, m. p. (Poetical Review of Dr. Johnson) 1741. .1816 Courtney, William. Archbishop of Canterbury (1381-96) 1341 . .1396 Courtois, or Cortesi, James. Bourguignon. French Painter 1621 . . 1676. Courtois, William, brother. Bourguignon. Painter .... 1628. .1679 8 114 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Cousin, John. French Painter, Sculptor, Geometrician. {Livre de Perspective) 1500?. 1590 Cousinet, Catherine Elizabeth. French Engraver 1726 . . — Coustou, Nicholas. French Sculptor 1658. .1733 Coustou, William, brother. Sculptor 1678 . . 1 746 Coustou, William. Sculptor and Architect 17 16. .1777 Coutelle, John Mary Joseph. French Engineer 1748. . 1835 Couthon, George. French Revolutionist 1756 . .1794 Coutts, Thomas. Banker 1731 . . 1822 Couvay, John. French Designer and Engraver 1622. . — Couvrexir, Adrienne le. French Actress 1692. .1730 Covarruvias, Diego. Le Bartole Espagnole. Canonist. . 1512. .1577 Covell, John, d. d. Ambass. Vice-Clianc. of Cambridge 1638. .1722 Coventry, Henry. {Letters of Philemon) — . .1752 Coventry, James. Mechanician 1812. . — Coventry, Thos. Ld. Coventry of Aylesborough. Ld.Keeper 1578. .1640 Coverdale, Miles. Bishop of Exeter (1551-53) 1485 . . 1565 Coward, William, m.d. Medical and Metaphysical Writer 1656'' .1725 Cowell, John, ll. d. Law^'^er and Antiquary 1554- • 161 1 Cowherd, Rev. William. Founder of the Bible Christians — . .1816 Cowley, Abraham. Poet. Life by Bishop Sprat 1618. . 1667 . Cow^ley, Mrs. Hannah. Dramatic Poet i743- • i8°9 Cowley, Henry Wellesley, Lord. Diplomatist i773- -1847 Cowper, Edward. Mechanician 1 790 . . 1852 Cowper, William. Bishop of Galloway 1566. . 1619 Cowper, William. Anatomist of London. (Myotomia) .. 1666. .iyo() Cowper, William, First Earl Cowper. Lord Chancellor. . — ..1723 Cowper, Wm., d. d. Dean of Durham. Geom. and Writer 1714?. 1772 Cowper, Wm. Poet. L. by Hayley ; Southey ; Grimshawe 1731 . . 1800 Cox, David. Landscape fainter ^793- • 1859 Cox, Francis Aug., d. d. English Clergyman and Writer 1783. .1853 Cox, Leonard. ( The Art or Craft of RJietm^yke) — . .1549 Cox, Richard. Bishop of Ely (1559-81) 1499. .1581 Cox, Sir Richard. Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Historian 1650. .1733 Coxcie, or Coxis, Michael van. Flemish Painter. 1497 . .1592 Coxe, Wm. Archdeacon. Historian. {Houseof Austria) 1747 . .1S2S Coxeter, Thomas. Literary Collector 1689. . 1747 Coyer, Gabriel Francis. French Writer i7o7. .1782 Coypel, Anthony, son of Noel. French Painter 1661 . .1722 Coypel, Charles Anthony, son. French Painter 1694 . . 1752 Coypel, Noel. French Painter 1628. .1707 Coypel, Noel Nicholas. The Uncle. French Painter 1688.. 1734 Coysevox, Anthony. Spanish Sculptor in France ...... 1640. .1720 Cozza, Francis. Sicilian Historical Painter 1605 . . 1682 Cozza, John Baptist. Italian Historical Painter 1676. .1742 Craaneu, Theodore. Dutch Medical Writer — ..1688 Crabb, George. English Barrister and Pnilologist 1778. . 1854 Crabbe, Rev. George. Poet. Life by his son i754- ■ 1832 Crabeth, Dirk. Dutch Painter on Glass — . . 1601 Crabeth, Wouter, brother. The Elder. Painter on Glass fl. 1560-68 Cradock, Luke. Painter of Birds 1660?. 1717 Cradock, Samuel. Ejected Nonconformist Writer 1620. .1706 Craesbeke, Joseph van, of Brussels. Painter 1608. . 1668 Crafts, William. American Lawyer and Author 1787. .1826 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 115 BORN. DIED. Craig, James. Scottish Divine and Poet 1682. .1744 Craig, Sir James Henry. General 1748 ■ • 1812 Craig, John. Scottish Reformer 1511.. 1600 Craig, John. ( Theologice Chrisiinnce Principia Maihematica) fl. 1699 Craig, Nicholas. Danish Scholar and Historian i549^- 1602 Craig, Sir Thomas. Writer on Feudal Law. Life by P. F. Tytler, 1823 1548?. 1608 Craig, William, d. d. Scottish Divine 1709. .1784 Craig, William. Scottish Judge and Writer I745 • • 1813 Crakanthorpe, Richard. Preacher and Controv. Divine 1567. .1624 Cramaud, Simon de. Cardinal — aft.1409 Cramer, Daniel. German Divine and Metaphysician . . . 1568. .1637 Cramer, Francis. Musical Composer 1772. . 1848, Gabriel. Swiss Mathematician i7o4- -1752 Cramer, John Andrew. German Chemist 1710. . 1777 Cramer, John Andrew. German Theologian ^723- • 1788 Cramer, John Anthony, d. d. Classical Geographer 1793. • 1848 Cramer, John Baptist. Musical Artist and Composer. . . 1771 . . 1858 Cramer, John Frederick. German Scholar and Historian — . .1715 Cramer, John Isaac, of Geneva. Medical Writer fl. 1700 Cramier, John James. Orientalist 1673. .1702 Cramer, John Rudolph. Hebraist at Zurich 1678. .1737 Cramer, Nicholas. Flemish Painter 1670?. 1710 Cranach., or Kranach, Lucas. German Painter 1472. .1553 Cranch, William. American Jurist 1769. .1855 Crane, Thomas. Ejected Nonconformist. { On Providence) — ..1714 Crane, William M. American Naval Officer ^77^- .1846 Cranmer, Thomas, Archb. of Canterbury (1533-55). L. by Strype, 1694 ; Gilpin, 1784 ; Archd. H. J. Todd, 1831 1489. . 1556 Cranz, or Kranz, David. Moravian Missionary 1723. .1777 Crapelet, Charles. French Printer 1762. . 1809 Crapelet, George Adrian, son. Printer and Author 1789. .1842 Crapone, Adam de. French Canal Engineer 15 19- -1559 Crashaw, Richard. Poet (b. a. 1633) , . — . . 1650 Crasso, Lawrence. Italian Writer fl. 1666 Crassus, Lucius Licinius. Orator 140-91 B.C. Crassus, Marcus Licinius. Triumvir. Dives. Slain by Parthians 115?. 53 B.C. Craterus. General of Alexander the Great — B.c.321 Crates. Athenian Comic Poet fl. b.c. 450 Crates. Cynic Philosopher fl. b.c. 320 Crates. Athenian Philos. ; Instructor of Arcesilaus fl. 3dc. b.c. Cratinus. Athenian Comic Poet 519-422 B.C. Cratippus. Peripatetic Philosopher. Craton, or Crafftheim, John 1519- '1585 Craven, Eliz., Lady. Margravine of Anspach. >See Anspach 1750. .1828 Craveta, Aimon. Piedmontese Law Writer 1504- -1569 Crawford, Adair. Physician and Naturalist i749- -1795 Crawford, Anne. Actress i734- • 1801 Crawford, Geo. Historiographer. {Lives of Officers of State) fl. 1 725 Crawford, Quintin. Writer i743- • ^^^9 Crawford, Thomas. American Sculptor 1814. . 1857 Crawford, William. Scottish Divine. (Dying Thoughts) 1676. .1742 Crawford, William Harris. American Statesman 1772. . 1834 1 116 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Crawford, "William Sharman, m: p. Politician — , . 1861 CrawlUrd, David. Historian and Antiquary. (J/cmmVs) 1665. .1726 Crawfurd, John Lindsay, Earl of. Life by Richard Rolt. 1702. .1749 Crawfurd, Thomas. Professor at Edinburgh — . . 1662 Grayer, Gaspar. Flemish Painter 1582. . 1669 Creaghi, Richard. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh — --isSs Or6bUlon, Claude Prosper Joliot de. French Novelist. . . 1707. .1777 Cr6billon, Prosper Joliot de. Classical Dramatical Writer 1674. .1762 Oredi, Lawrence Andrew di. Italian Painter 1454'. 1536? Creech, Thomas. Poet. Classical Translator ^659. .1700 Creichton, John. Irish Soldier of Fortune 1648. .1733 Creighton, Robert. Bp. of Bath and Wells. {I imll^arise) 1 593 . . 1672 Crell, Louis Christian. German Writer 167 1 . .1735 Crell, or Crellius, John. German Unitarian Divine 1590- • ^633 Crell, Nicholas. Prime Minister of Christian I. of Saxony 1550?. 1601 Cremonese. Painter. See Caletti 1600? . 1660 Cremonini, Caesar, of Padua. Aristotelian Philosopher. . 1550. .1631 Cremonini, John Baptist. Painter at Bologna 1560?. 1610 Crenius, Thomas. Dutch Philologist 1648. , 1728 Cr6qui de Blanchefort, Francis de. Marshal of France 1624?. 1687 Crescentini, Jerome. Singer 1769 . . 1846 Crescenzi. Bartholomew Cavarazzi. Painter 1590'. 1625 Crescenzi, John Baptist, Marquis de la ToiTe. Painter. 1595.. 1660 Crescenzi, Peter de. DeCrescentiis. Writer on Agriculture 1230.. 1320 Crescimbeni, John Maria. Italian Poet and Critic 1663. .1728 Crespi, Anthony, brother of Louis. Painter — . .1782? Crespi, Daniel, of Milan. Painter. 1590. . 1630 Crespi, Giuseppe Maria. II Spagnuolo. Bolognese Painter 1665 . .1747 Crespi, John Baptist. 7Z Cerano. Italian JPainter ^SS?- -1633 Crespi, Louis. Italian Painter and Writer — • • i779 Cresson, Elliott. American Philanthropist 1796. . 1854 Cresswell, Sir Cresswell. Judge of Divorce Court — . . 1863 Cressy, Hu^h Paulin. Rom. Cath. Eccles. Hist. & Div. . 1605 . . 1674 Cresti, Dominic. Passignano. Italian Historical Painter 1558. .1638 Creti, Donato. Italian Painter 1671 . .1749 Cr6tin, William Dubois. French Poet — . . 1 525 Creutz, Gustavus Philip, Ct. of. Swed. Poet & Statesman 1726. .1785 Creutzfelder, John George. German Portrait Painter. . — ••'^^2)3 Creuzer, George Fred. Ger. Antiq. {Myth, of Antiquity) 1771 . , 1858 Crevalcore, Anthony da. Portrait Painter at Bologna. . fl. 1490 Crevier, John Baptist Louis. Historical Writer 1693. .1765 Crew, Nathaniel, 3d Lord. Bishop of Durham (1674-1722) 1633 . . 1722 Crichton, James. The Admirable. L. by Sir T. Urquhart ; P. F. Tytler, 1823 1560. . 1583 Crillon, Louis Athanasius B. B. de. Fr. Scholar & Divine 1726. .1789 Crillon, Louis de Balbes de Berton de. French General. Besieged Rochelle. Life by Margaret de Lussan, 1757 1541. .1615 Crillon Mahon, Louis de Berthon, Duke of. General. Besieged Gibraltar. {Military Mevioirs) 1718. . 1796 Crillon Mahon, Louis Anthony Francis de Paule de, Duke of, son 1775 . . 1832 Crinesius, Christopher. Orientalist at Altorf 1584. . 1629 Crinitus, Peter. Riccio. Florentine Scholar 1465 ^ 1505' Crisp, Tobias, d. d. Puritan Divine. L. by Dr. John Gill 1600. . 1642 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 117 BORN. DIED. Crispe, Sir Nicholas, of London. Royalist '598. . 1666 Crispus, Anthony. Sicilian Physician 1600 , . 1688 Cristofane. Painter of Bologna i349- -1387 Cristofori, or Cristofani, Fabio. Painter of Mosaic fl. 17th c. Critias. Athenian Statesman ; pupil of Socrates — B.c.404 Crittenden, John Jay. American Statesman 1786. . 1863 Crivellari, Bartholomew. Italian Sculptor and Engraver 1725. .1777 Crivelli, Angelo Mary. II Crivelhne. Milanese Painter — ••1730 Crivelli, Charles. Venetian Painter — aft. 1476 Crivelli, James. Painter of Birds and Fishes — . . 1 760 Croce, Balthasar. Bolognese Painter ^^553* • ^^^^ Croce, St. Jerome di. Italian Painter fl. 1520-49 Crockett, David. Am. Backwoodsman. L. by self, 1834. 1786. .1836 Croese, Gerard. Dutch Protestant Divine and Historian 1642. .1710 Croesus, King of Lydia (b. c. 560-546) — B.c.546 Croft, Herbert. Bishop of Hereford (1662-91) 1603 . . 1691 Croft, Rev. Sir Herbert. (Love and Madness) 1751 • • 1816 Croft, William, mus. doc. Musical Composer 1657?. 1727 Crofton, Zachary. Nonconformist Divine — . .1672 Croius, or De Croi, John. French Divine. ( Observationes in Novum Testamentum) — . , 1659 Croix, Alexander Louis Mary Petis de la. Orientalist. . . 1698. .1751 Croix, Francis Petis de la. French Orientalist 1653. .1713 Croix-du-Maine, Francis Grud^ de la. Bibliographer. . 1552. .1592 Croke, Sir Alexander, d. c. l. Civil and Miscel. Writer. . 1800, . 1842 Croke, or Crook, Sir George. Judge 1559- • 1641 Croke, Richard, D. D. Crocus. Reviver of Class. Learn. — ••1558 Croker, John Wilson. Writer 1780. . 1857 Croker, Thomas Crofton, f. s. a. Antiquary 1798. . 1854 Croll, Oswald. Ger. Medical Writer. {Basilica Chimica) — . . 1609 Croly, Rev. George, ll. d. Writer 1780. . i860 Cromek, R. H. Editor of Scottish Ballads fl. 1811 Cromer, Julius. II Croma. Italian Painter 1572?. 1632 Cromer, Martin. Polish Historian 1512. .1589 Crompton, Samuel, of Bolton. Inventor of Spinning Mule. Life by G. J. French, 1859 1753. . 1827 Crompton, William. Ejected Nonconformist Divine — ..1696 Cromwell, Henry, son of Oliver. Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1628. .1675 Cromwell, Oliver. Protector. Life hy James Heath, 1663; Raguenet, 1691; Leti, 1692; Isaac Kimber, 1725; J. Banks, 1739; F. Peck, 1740; Dr. Wm. Har- ris, 1766; Mark Noble, 1791; Bishop Russell; Oli- ver Cromwell, 1822; Villemain; Southev; Philar^te Chasles, 1847; F. P. G. Guizot, 1854; Hazlitt, 1857; Sawford; Wilson; Thomas Carlyle ; Merle D'Aubign^ 1599.. 1658 Cromwell, Richard, son 1626. .1712 Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex 1490''. 1540 Cronegk, John Frederick, Baron de. German Poet 1731 . .1758 Cronstedt, Axel Frederick. Swedish Mineralogist 1722, .1765 Crook, or Croke, Sir George. Judge i559' • 1641 Croone, William, m. d. Medical Writer — . . 1684 Crosby, Brass. Lord Mavor. Popular Champion 1 725 . . 1793 Cross, John. Painter, (kichard I. pardoning the Archer) — ..1861 Cross, Louis. Painter — . .1724 118 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN, DIE©. Cross, or De la Crux, Michael. Artist fl.ti.Ch.I.& ![. Crosse, Andrew. Experimenter on Electricity 1784. .1855 Crosswell, Harry, d.d. Amer. Journalist and Clergyman 1778. .1858 Crosswell, William, d.d., son. Clergyman 1804. . 185 1 Crotch, Dr. William. Musical Composer i775 • • 1847 Ccousaz, John Peter de. Swiss Divine and Philosopher. 1663. .1748 Crowley, Robert. Divine and Poet — . .1588 Crowne, John. Dramatist — . .1703? Croxall, Dr. Samuel. Political Writer and Poet — . .1752 Croze, Mathurin Veyssi^re de la. French Orientalist 1661 . .1739 Cruciger, Gaspar. Reformer 1504. .1548 Cruciger, George. Philologist. {Harmonia Linguarum) i^y^. .1626 Cruden, Alexander. ( Concordance) 1701 . . 1770 Craiickshank, Robert. Humorous Artist 1791?. 1856 Crtiickshank, William. Anatomist 1746. . 1800 Cruqmus, or De Crusques, of Ypres. Editor of Horace. . fl. 1578 Crusius, Christian Augustus. Ger. Philosophical Writer. 171 5. .1775 Crusius, or Kraus, Martin. German Greek Scholar 1526. .1607 Crux, Michael de la. See Cross fl.ti.Ch.I.& II. Cruyl, Levinus. Flemish Engraver 1640''. — Cruys, Cornelius. Russian Naval Officer 1657. . 1727 Cruz Cano y Olmeida, Anthony de la. Span. Geogr.. . 1735 . -1794^ Cruz, John Pantqja de la. Spanish Painter 1 545 . . 1610 Cruz, Juana Inez de la. Mexican Poetess and Scholar . . 165 1 . . 1695 Csangi, Laszlo. Hungarian Statesman 1790. .1849 Csokonai, Mihaly Vitez. Hungarian Poet ^773- • 1805 Csoma de Koros, Alex. Hung. Scholar and Traveler . 1791. .1842 Ctesias. Greek Physician and Historian B.c.401-384 Ctesibius, of Alexandria. Mechanical Inventor 250 B. c. Cubi6res, Am^d^e Louis Despons. French General 1786. .1853 Cubitt, Tliomas. Builder 1788. ,1855 Cubitt, Sir William. Civil Engineer 1785 . . 1861 Cudworth, Ralph, d. d. ( Intellectunl System. ) L. by Birch 161 7 . . 1688 Cuerenhert, Theodore van. Engraver 1522. .1590 Cueva, Alonsus de la. Bedmar. Cardinal. Politician . 1572. .1655 Cueva, John de la. Spanish Poet. {Art of Poetry) fl. 1582 Cuffe, Henry. Wit & Schol. Gr. Prof, at Oxf. Hanged 1560?. 1601 Cujacius, or Cujas, James. French Jurist. L. by Berriot 1520. .1590 CuUen, William. Scottish Medical Writer 1712. .1790 CuUum, Rev. Sir John. Antiquary '^733- .1785 Culpeper, Sir Thomas. Writer on Usury 1636. .1706? Culpepper, Nicholas. Herbalist and Astrologer 1616. . 1654 Ctilvert, George. Choctaw Chief and Warrior i744- -1839 Culy, David, of Guyhirn. Sectary and Author — ..1718 Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of. Fifth son of George HI. King of Hanover 1771 . , 1851 Cumberland, 'Richard. Bishop of Peterborough. Phi- losopher and Philologist. Opponent of Hobbes 1632. .1718 Cumberland, Richard, great-grandson. Dramsltic and Miscellaneous Writer. Life by self. 1732. .1811 Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of. Son of George II. Commander. Life by Henderson, 1766.. 1721. .1765 Cuneeus, Peter. Lawyer and Antiquary. {Jus Regium Hthrceorum) 1586. .1638 A BKIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 119 BORN. DIED. Ounego, Domenico. Italian Engraver 1727. .1794 Cunha, Barbosa, January da. Braz. Prel. and Statesman 1780. . 1846 Cunha, Mattos, Raymond Jos. da. Brazilian General. . . 1776. .1840 Cunha, Tristan da.* Portuguese Naval Commander fl. 1 5tli c. Cuningham, Edmund Francis. Scottish Painter 1742^ 1793 Cuningham, William. Engraver and Phys. at Norwich 1520?. 1577 Cunio, Daniel. Milanese Painter fl. i6th c. Cvinio, Ridolfo. Milanese Painter ;•,•••• A- 1650? Cunitia, Maria. Silesian Scholar. {Urania Propitia) . . — ..1664 Cunningham, Alexander. Scottish Historian 1654. .1737 Cunningham, Allan. Poet, Novelist, and Misc. Writer. 1785. .1842 Cunningham, John. Irish Poet and Actor 1729. .1773 Cunningham, Rev. John Wm. Poet & Div. of Harrow. 1780?. 1861 Cunningham, Rev. Wm., d.d., of Edinburgh. Principal 1805 . . 1861 Cupani, Francis. Sicilian Botanist 1657. . 1711 Cuperus, Gisbert, of Deventer. Critic and Historian. . . . 1644. .1716 Cvirseus, Joachim. Ger. Physician. {Annals of Silesia). . 1^2,2. .i^jx Curcellseus, or Courcelles, Stephen. Arminian Divine.. 1586. .1658 Cureton, Rev. William. Orientalist 1808?. 1864 Curio, Caius Scribonius. Roman General and Statesman — B.C. 53 Curio, C. Scribonius, son. Roman Orator and Statesman — B.C. 46 Curio, Cajhus Secundus. Piedmontese Prot. Theologian. 1503. .1569 Curita. See. Zurita. Spanish Historian 1512. . 1581 Curl, Edmund. London Bookseller — . .1748 Curling, Captain Henry. Novelist.^ — . . 1864 Curradi, Cavalier Francis. Florentine Painter 157° • • 1661 Curran, John Philpot. Orator. Life by O'Regan, 1818; W. H. Curran, 1819; A. Barrister, 1844; T.Davis, 1846 1750. .1817 Cunie, James, m. d., of Liverpool. Physician and Writer. Life by W. W. Currie, 1831 1756. .1805 Ctirson, or Corceone, Robert. English Cardinal at Paris — ..121S Curteis, Thomas. Divine and Poet 1690. .1747 Curtis, William. Botanist 1746.. 1770 Curtius, Marcus. Roman Hero fl.4th c. b.c. Curtius, Rufus Quintus. {Hist, of Alexander the Greaf) .fl.ti. Vespasian? Curwen, John Christian, m. p. Agriculturist 1756. . 1828 Cusa, Nicholas de. Cardinal. Theol. and Mathem 1401 . . 1464 Cushlng, William. American Jurist 1733 . . 1810 Cushman, Robert. One of the Founders of Plymouth Colony 1580?. 1625 Cuspinian, John. German Historian. Life by Gerbelius 1473. .1529 Cusson, Peter. French Physician and Botanist 1727. .1783 Oustine, Adam Philip, Count de. French General 1740. -1793 Custis, Geo. Washington Parke. Amer. Auth. & Painter 1781 . .1857 Custos, Dominic, son of Peter. Engraver at Augsburg. . 1560. . 1612 Custos, Peter. Peter Batthasar, or Balteus. Pa. at Antwerp fl. 1579 Cuthbert. Archbishop of Canterbury (741-58) — . . 758 Cuthbert, St. Bp. Durh. L. by Allan, 1777 ; Eyre, 1849 — . . 686 Cutler, Manasseh. Amer. Clergyman and Scientist i744- • 1823 Cutler, Timothy, d.d. Am. Schol. ; Pres. of Yale College 1685 . . 1765 Cutts, John, Lord. Soldier and Poet — . .1707 Cuvier, Frederick. Naturalist 1773 . . 1838 Cuvier, George Christian Leopold Dagobert, Baron de., br. Naturalist. Life by Mrs. Lee, 1833 1769. . 1832 k. 120 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Cuviller, Francis. French Architect 1693 . . — Cuyp, or Kuyp, Albert. Dutch Painter 1606. . 1667 Ouyp, or Kuyp, Jacob Gerritse, father. The Old. y Dutch Portrait Painter i575 • • 1650 Cyazares. King of Media (b. c. 634-594) — B.c.594 Oygne, Martin du. French Jesuit; Writer on Rhetoric. . 1619..1669 Cyprian, St. Bishop of Carthage (248-58). Life by Pontius; A. S. Gervase 200?. 258 Cypriani, or Cipriani, John Bapt. Ital. Painter in Eng.. 1727. .1785 Cypselus. Tyrant of Corinth (b. c. 655-625) — B.c.625 Cyrano, Bergerac. French Writer 1620. . 1655 Cyril, St. Bishop of Jerusalem (348-86) 315?. 386 CyrH, St. Bishop of Alexandria (412-44) 376?. 444 Cyrill Ijucar. Patriarch of Constantinople *i572. . 1638? Cyrus. KingofPersia(B.c. 559-529). The Elder. Life by Xenophon — B.c.529 Cyrus. The Younger. Prince, in Xenophon's Anabasis — B.c.401 Czacki, Thaddeus. Polish Statesman and Writer 1765 . . 1813 Czamiecki, or Czamecki, Stephen. Polish General i599- .1665 Czartoryski, Prince Adam. Polish Revolutionist 1770. . 1861 Czerny, Charles. German Composer 1791.- 1857 Czerny, George. Leader of the Servians 1770. . 1817 A BRIEF BIOGBAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 121 D. BORN. DIED. Dac, or Dach, John. German Painter 1566. . 1650 D*Acliery> Luke. Benedictine. LifebyMaugendre, 1776 1609. .1685 Dacier, Andrew. Critic and Ptiilologist 1651 . .1722 Dacier, Anne le Fevre, Madame, wife. Greek Scholar . . 1654. .1720 Daddi, Bernard. Painter at Florence — . .1380 Daddi, Cosimo. Painter at Florence — . . 1630 Daeliker, John Rudolph. Prussian Painter in Switzerland 1694. .1769 Daendels, Herman William. Dutch General 1762. . 1818 Daffy, Rev. Thomas. Inventor of Daffy's Elixir — . . 1680 D'Agar, James. French Painter 1640. .1715 Daggett, David, ll. d. American Jurist 1764. . 185 1 Daggett, Naphtali, d. d. American Divine 1727. .1780 D'Agincourt, John Baptist Louis Seroux. French Writerj* {L'Histoire de L'Art) 1730. .1814 Dagobertl. King of France (628-38) 602.. 638 Dagobert II. The Young 652. . 679 Dagobert III 699. . 715 Dagoumer, William. French Philosopher — . .1745 Daguerre, Louis James Mand^. Photographer 1789. .1851 D'Aguesseau, Henry Francis. Chancellor of France. Life by his son, 1778; Charles Butler; Thomas, 1760; Bourlot de Vauxcelles, 1760; Morlhon, 1760; Boinvil- liers,1848; Boull^e, 1849 1668.. 1751 Dahl, John Chr. Chausen. Norwegian Landscape Painter 1788. . 1857 Dahl, Michael. Swedish Portrait Painter 1656. .1743 Dahlberg, Eric. Swedish General. {Succia Antiqua) . . 1625. .1703 Dablgren, Charles John. Swedish Poet 1791 • • 1844 DaiUl, John. Fr. Prot. Divine. (Be V Usage des Peres) 1594?. 1670 Dakins, William. Translator of the Bible — . . 1607 Dalayrac, Nich. Fr. Comp. {Les deux petits Savoyards) 1753. .1809 Dalberg, Charles Theodore Anthony Maria. Grand-Duke of Frankfort, Archbishop of Ratisbon. Writer. Life by Zapf, 1810; Cramer 1744.. 1817 D'AIbret, Charles. Constable of France ; fell at Agincourt — ••1415 D'AIbret, Charlotte, wife of Caesar Borgia. Poetess — • • 15^4 D'AIbret, Jane. Qu. of Navarre. L. by Vauvilliers, 1818 1528. .1572 Dalby, Isaac. Mathematician. {Course of Mathematics) 17 ^j^. .1^2^ Dale, or Dalen, Anthony van. Dutch Antiquary & Philos. 1638. .1708 Dale, David, of New Lanark, Manufact. & Philanthropist 1738. .1806 Dale, Richard. American Naval Officer 1756. . 1826 Dale, Samuel, m. d. Botanist and Antiquary' 1659. -1739 Dalecbamp, James. French Physician and Botanist 1513- .1588 D' Alembert, Jean le Rond. Math. L. by Condorcet, 1784 1 7 1 7 . . 1 783 Dalen, Cornelius van, jr. Dutch Artist and Engraver . . . 1640. . — Dalens, Dirk van. Painter of Amsterdam 1659. . 1688 Dalgarno, George, of Aberdeen. {Ars Signorum) i627?-i687 Dalbousie, Jas. Andrew Broun Ramsay, First Marquess of. Governor-General of India 1812. . i860 D'Alibrai, Charles Vion. French Poet — . . 1655 Dalin, Olof von. Swedish Historian and Poet 1708 .. 1 763 122 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Dallamano, Joseph. Italian Painter 1679 . . 1 758 Dallans, Ralph. Organ Builder — . . 1672 DaJlas, Alexander James. American Statesman i759- .1817 Dallas, Sir George. Chief Justice. Political Writer .... 1758. . 1833 Dallas, George Mifflin. American Statesman 1793?. 1865 Dallas, Sir Robert. Judge . ; — . . 1824 Dallas, Robert Charles. Novelist. (EecoU. of Lord Byron) jy^^. .iS2/^ DaUaway, Rev. James. Antiquary 1763. . 1834 Dallington, Sir Robert. Traveler. (Method of Travel) . — • -1637 Dalmasio, Lippo. LippodelMadonne. Italian Painter. . — ..1410 Dalrymple, Alex. Hydrographer. Writer on India, &c. 1737. .1808 Dalrymple, Sir David, Lord Hailes, Scottish Judge. {Annals of Scotland) 1726. .1792 Dalrymple, Jas., 1st Vise. Stair, g'.v. {Inst, of Law of Scot.) 1619.. 1695 Dalrymple, John, 2d E. Stair. Statesman and Diplom. 1673. .1747 Dalrymple, Sir John Scottish Baron of Exchequer. ( Mer moirs of Great Britain and Ireland) 1726. . 1810 Dalrymple, John. Surgeon and Oculist 1804. . 1852 Dalton, John , d. d. Prebend, of Worcester. Writer, Poet 1 709 . . 1 763 Dalton, John, d. c. l. Natural Philosopher 1766. . 1844 Dalton, Michael. Lawyer. {Justice 0/ the Peace) ...... 1554. . 1620 Dalzell, Andrew, m. a. Greek Professor at Edinburgh . , 1750''. 1806 Damascenus, John. Christian Father — . . 750? Damascenus, Nicholas. Greek Historian fl. ab.13 b.c. Damiascius, Philosopher 480?. . — Damasus I. Pope (366-84) 304. . 384 Damasus H. Pope (1048) — . . 1048 D'Amboise, Geo. Cardinal. Minister of Louis XII. L. by Sirmond, 1631 ; Michael Baudier, 1651 ; Le Gendre, 1721 1460 . . 1 5 10 Damboiirney, Louis Augustus. Exper. Philos. of Rouen 1722. .1795 Damer, Mrs. Anne Seymour. Sculptor 1748. . 1828 Damiani, Peter. Cardinal Legate and Writer. Life by Le Grandi, 1702 988?. 1072 Dazaiens, Robert Francis. Attempted to assaSs. Louis XV. 1714. .1757 Damini, George. Painter — . . 1631 Damini, Peter, brother. Italian Painter 1592. . 1631 Damjanics, Janos. Hungarian General 1804. . 1849 Damm, Christian Tobias. Prot. Divine. {Gr. Etym. Lex.) i6gg^ .1778 Damon, William. English Musical Comppser ti. Eliz. Damours, Louis. French Jurist and Writer 1720?. 1788 Dampe, Jacob Jacobson. Danish Philosopher 1790. . 1850 Dampier, Captain William. Navigator 1652. .1712? Dampierre, John. Dampetrus. Er. Jurist & Latin Poet — ..1550? Dana, Francis. American Jurist 1743. .1811 Danby, Francis, b. a. Painter 1793- • 1861 Danby, Henry Danvers, First Earl 1573. . 1644 Danby, Sir Thomas Osborn, Earl of. Lord Treasurer ... — ,.1712 Danby, William. Writer on Moral Philosophy — . . 1833 Dance, Charles. Comic Dramatist ♦ . . . . 1794?. 1863 Dance, George. Ajchitect. City Surveyor — . . 1 768 Dance, George, son. Architect. City Surveyor 1740. . 1825 Dancer, Daniel. Miser 1716. .1794 Danchet, Anthony. French Poet 1671 . .1748 Danckerts, Cornelius. Dutch Artist and Engraver 1561 . . 1620? A BRIEF BIOGEAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 123 BORN. DIKD. Danckerts, Danckert, son. Dutch Artist and Engraver. 1600.. — Daxickerts, Henry. Dutch Artist and Engraver — ,,1689? Danckerts, John. Dutch Artist and Engraver fl. 1654 Dancourt, Florence Carton. French Dramatist ........ 1661 . .1726 Dandini, Caesar. Italian Painter 1595?. 1658 Dandini, Hercules Francis. Italian Lawj'er and Writer. . 1696?. 1747 Dandini, Jerome. Ital. Jesuit. Commentator on Aristotle 1554. . 1634 Dandini, Peter 1646. .1712 Dandini, Vincent. Italian Painter 1608 . . 1675 Dandolo, Andrew. Doge of Venice (1344-54) i3io?.i354 Dandolo, Henry. Blind Doge of Venice (1192-1205) 1108. .1205 Dandolo, Vincent. Italian Chemist 1758. . 1819 D'Andrada, Anthony. Port. Jesuit Missionary. ( Thibet) 1 580' . 1634 D'Andrada, Diego I'ayva. Apol. for Council of Trent. . 1528. . 1575 D'Andrada, Francis, br. {Hist, of John III. of Portugal) fl. 1600 D'Andrada, Thos. Thomas of Jesus. {Suffering serf' Jesus) — ..1582 Dandre-Bardon, Michael Francis. Fr. Painter & Writer 1700. .1783 Dane, Nathan. American Jurist and Statesman 1752. . 1834 Danedi, John Stephen. Painter 1608. . 1689 Danedi, Joseph, brother. Italian Painter 1618 . . 1688 Danet, Peter. French Latinist — . .1709 Dangeau, Louis de Courcillon, Abb^ de 1643. .1723 Dangeau, Philip de Courcillon, Marquis de. Hist. Writer 1638. .1720 Danhewer, John Conrad. Lutheran Theol. at Strasburg. 1603. .1666 Danican, Francis Andrew. Philidor. French Musician and Chess Player 1727. .1795 Daniel, Arnauld. Provencal Poet — . .1198 Daniel, Gabriel. Fr. Jesuit Historian. {History of France.) 1649. .1728 Daniel, George. Antiquary and Writer 1790''. 1864 , Daniel, Peter. French Scholar; friend of Buchanan .... 1530. .1603 Daniel, Samuel. Eng. Poet and Hist. ( History of England) 1 562 . . 1619 Daniel, Rev. William Barker. {Rural Sports) — . . 1833 Danieli, Francis. Italian Medalist and Antiquary 1740. .1812 Daniell, John Frederick, d. c. l. Professor of Chemistry 1790. .1845 Danieli, Sam. Artist. {African Scenery ; Scenery of Ceylon) — ..1811 DanieU, Thomas. Landscape Painter and Engraver 1749. • 1840 Daniell, Wm., R. A. Artist. {Zoography; Oriental Scenery) 1769.. 1837 Dannecker, John Henry. Sculptor 1758. • 1841 Dante degU Alighieri. Life by Boccaccio, 1544 ; Bruno Aretino, 1672; Chabanon, 1773 ; Fabroni, 1803; Balbo, 1839; Artaud de Mentor, 1841; Torri, 1843; Wegele, 1852; V^ricoui-, 1858 1265.. 1 321 Dante, Ignatius. Mathem. Writer on the Astrolabe. . 1537' .1586 Dante, John Baptist. Mathematician and Mechanician. . fl. 15th c. Dante, Peter Vincent. Poet, Mathematician, & Architect — ..1512 Dante, Vincent, grandson. Painter, Sculptor, Mathemat. 1530. .1576 D'Antine, Francis. French Benedictine. {DArtdeVei'i- fier les Dates) 1688. .1746 Danton, George James. French Revolutionist 1759. -1794 Dantz, John Andrew. Lutheran Div. and Orient, at Jena 1654. .1727 Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby I573' • 1644 D'Anville, Jofin Baptist. Bourguignon. Geographer. Life by Barbie du Bocage, 1802 1697. .1782 Danzi, Francis. Musical Composer 1763. . 1826 124 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Da Ponte, Lorenzo. Italian Poet. {Don Juan) i749- • 1837 Dapper, Oliver. Dutch Geographer — . . 1690 Daran, James. French Surgeon 1701 . .1784 D'Arblay, Madame Frances, nee Burney. Novelist 1752. .1840 Darby, Abraham. Iron Manufacturer — ' -^y^? Dare, or D'Arc, Jeanne. Maid of Orleans. L. by Lord Mahon 1412?. 1431 Darcet, John. French Physician and Chemist 1725 . . 1801 D'Arcq, Philip Augustus. Chevalier. Historical Writer — .-1779 D'Axcy, Patrick, Count. Irish Soldier, Engineer, Writer 1725. .1779 Darden, Miles. Fat Man. (Height, 7 feet 6 inches; weight, 1000 pounds) 1798. .1857 Dare, Virginia. First child of English Parents in America 1587. . — D'Argensola, Bartholomew. Poet and Historian 1566. .1631 D'Argensola, Lupercio Leonardo, brother. Spanish Poet 1565. .1613 D'Argenson, Mark Ren^. Statesman 1652 . .1721 D'Argental, Charles Augustin Feriol, Count. Diplomatist 1700. .1788 D'Argentre, Charles Duplessis. French Bishop. Scholar 1673. .1740 D'ArgenviUe, Anthony Joseph Desallier. Naturalist. , . 1680. .1765 D'Argillate, Peter, of Bologna. Medical Writer. ... — . . 1423 D'Argonne, Noel Bonaventure. {Melanges d' Histoire). . 1634. .1704 D'Argota, Jerome Contador. Portuguese Antiquary. . . . 1676. .1749 D'Argues, or Desargues, Gerard. French Mathematician 1593. 1662 Darius I. Hystaspis. King of Persia (b. c. 521-485). . . — B.c.485 Darius II. Nothus (b. c. 423-404) — B.c.404 Darius III. Codomannus. (b. c. 336-330.) Defeated by Alexander 380 . 330 B.C. Darley, George. British Author 1785.. 1849 Darling, Grace, of Fern Islands. Heroine 1815.. 1842 D'Arnaud, George. French Critic 1711 . . 1740 D'Arnex, or D'Arnay, Simon Augustus. Swiss Writer 1750 .aft.1802 Darnley, Henry, Earl of. Husband of Mary Qu. of Scots 1541 . 1567 Darquier, Augustin. French Astronomer 1718.. 1802 Dart, John. {Antiquities 0/ Westminster Abbey) fl. 1727 Daru, Peter Anthony Noel Bruno, Count. French Writer 1767. . 1829 Darwin, Charles. Medical Writer 1758. .1778 Darwin, Erasmus. Phys. & Po. L. by Anna Seward, 1804 1 731 . . 1802 Dashkoff, Ekaterina Romanova. Russian Princess i744- • 1810 Dassier, Jacob Anthony, son of John. Medtilist 1715 • • i759 Dassier, John. French Medalist 1678 . . 1 763 Dassouci, Charles Coypeau. French Musician and Poet. 1604?. 1679 Dati, Augustin, of Sienna. Writer 1420 . 1478 Datl, Charles, of Florence. Philologist 1619. . 1676 D'Attaignant, Gabriel Charles. French Poet 1697 .. 1 779 Daub, Charles. German Theologian 1765 . . 1836 Daubenton, Louis John Mary. Fr. Anat. and Naturalist 1716. . 1800 Daubenton, William. Confessor to Philip V. of Spain. . 1648. .1723 D'Aubign6, Theodore Agrippa. Historian i55o- • 1630 Daudin, Francis Mary. French Naturalist. {Reptiles).. 1774.. 1804 Daum, Christian. Classical Scholar at Zwickau 1612. . 1687 Daun, Leopold Jos. Maria, Ct. of. Austrian Field Marsh. 1705. .1766 Daundelyon, Marcellus. Abbot 1426. . — Daunois, M. C J. de Bemville, Ctss. Romancist & Trav. — • • 1705 Daunou, Peter Claude Francis. French Political Writer. Life by Taillandier, 1841 1761..1840 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 125 BORN. DIED. Baurat, or Dorat, John. Auralus. French Poet 1507?. 1588 Daval, Peter. Mathematician, of London — . .1763 Davanzati, Bernard. Florentine Writer 1529. . 1606 Davenant, Chas., ll. d. Political and Commercial Writer 1656 . . 1 714 Davenant, John. Bishop of Salisbury. Life by AUport 1576. .1641 Davenant, Sir William. Poet 1605 . . 1668 Davenport, Christopher. English Franciscan Theologian 1598?. 1680 Davenport, John. Puritan Divine 1597 . . 1670 David, Second King of Israel — B.C. 1015 David, St. Archbishop. Patron Saint of Wales — . . 544' Davidl. K.Scot. (1124-53). L. by Adam Scotus, 12th c. — ..1153 David II. King of Scotland, son of Robert Bruce 1324. -1371 David, Francis Anne. French Engraver 1 741 • • 1824 David, George. Fanatic, of Ghent 1501 . .1556 David, James Louis. French Painter 1748. . 1825 David, Peter John, of Angers. Sculptor 1789- • 1856 David ap Gwrlym. Welsh Bard fl. 14th c. David de Pomis. Jewish Physician and Lexicographer 1525. .1600' David de St. George, John Joseph Alexis. Philologist. 1759. .1809 Davidis, Francis. Hungarian Theologian iSio?. 1579 Davids, Arthur Lximley. Orientalist — . . 1832 Davidson, John. Traveler; murdered — . . 1836 Davidson, Lucretia Maria. American Poetess. Life bv Miss Sedgwick, 1843 \ 1808 . . 1825 Davidson, Margaret Miller. Poetess. Life by Washing- ton Irving, 1842 1823. . 1838 Davidson, William. American Revolutionary General. . 1746. .1781 Daviel, James. French Oculist , 1696. .1762 Davies, Rev. Hugh. Botanist 1739?. 1821 Davies, Sir John. Poet and Statesman. {Nosce teipsum.) Life bv G. Chalmers; Tom Davies ^^7°- -1626 Davies, tfohn, d. d. Writer and Antiquary fl. ab. 1630 Davies, Dr. John. Welsh Div. and Gram. {Brit. Did.) — ..1644 Davies, John. Translator 1625 . . 1693 Davies, John. Critic 1679. .1732 Davies, Miles. Welsh Clergyman. (Athence Britannicce) fl. ti. Geo. I. Davies, Robert. Welsh Poet. Bard Nantglyn 1770. .1836 Davies, Robert, of Llanerch. Antiquary 1684?. 1728 Davies, Samuel, d. d. American Divine 1724. .1761 Davies, Rev. Sneyd. Archdeacon of Derby. Poet — . .1769 Davies, Thomas. Publisher, Actor, Writer 1712'' . 1785 Davies, Rev. Walter. Writer on Wales 1761 . . 1849 Davila, Henry Catherine. ( Civil Wars in France) 1576. . 1631 Davlla, John. Apostle of Andalusia 1500. .1569 Davila, Peter Francis. Spanish Naturalist — . . 1785 Da Vinci, Leonardo. Pamter. L. by J. W. Brown, 1828 1452. .1519? Davis, Rev. Henry Edwards. Historical Writer 1756. .1784 Davis, John. Navigator and Discoverer — . . 1605' Davis, John. American Jurist 1761 . . 1847 Davis, John. American Statesman 1787. . 1854 Davis, or Davies, John, of Hereford. Poet & Schoolmast. — ..1618' Davis, J. P. Historical Painter 1783?. 1862. Davis, Matthew L. American Writer 1 766 . . 1850 Davis, Thomas. Irish Poet 1814. . 1845 126 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED Pavison, Jeremiah. Painter — . .1745 Pavison, Wm. Statesman. Life by Sir H. Nicolas, 1823 fl. ti. Eliz. Davoust, or Davout, Louis Nicholas. Duke of Auerstadt. Marshal of France 1770. .1823 D'Avrigny, Hyacinth Robillard. French Historian 1675. -^7^9 Davy, Sir Humphry. Natural Philosopher. Life by Ayr- ton, 1830; Dr. J. Davy,1839 1778. .1829 Davy, John. Musical Composer 1765 . . 1824 Davys, George. Bishop of Peterborough — ..1864 Dawe, George, R. A. Painter and Biographer 1775 ? . 1829 Dawes, Manasseh. Writer on Law & Political Economy — ..1829 Dawes, Richard. Greek Critic. {Miscellanea Critica). . . 1708. .1766 Dawes, SirWm. Abp. of York (1713-24). Preach. & Writ. 1671..1724 Dawson, George. ( Origo Legum) — . .1700 Day, John. Printer 1522. .1584 Day, John. Poet fl. ti. Jas. I. Day, Stephen. American Printer 161 1 . . 1668 Day, Thomas. Poet and Writer. {Sandford and MeHon.) Life by J, Blackman, 1862. 1748. .1789 Dayton, Elias. American Revolutionary Officer 'i-737- • 1807 Dayton, WiUiam L. American Statesman 1807 . . 1865 Deageant de St. Marcellan, Guichard. French Writer — . .1639 Deane, James. American Phj'sician and Scientist 1801 . . 1858 Deane, Silas. American Diplomatist — . .1789 Dearborn, Henry. American General 1751 • • 1829 De Bergh, Augustus. Scientific Writer — . . 1864 De Bernard du Grail, Charles. French Novelist 1805 . .1850 Debrett, John. Bookseller. {DebretVs Peerage) 1752?. 1822 Debrowsky, Joseph. Bohemian Writer ." i753- • 1829 De Bure, Francis. Booksell. at Paris. {Bibliog. Instruct.) 1731 . .1782 De Bury, Richard. Bishop of Durham. See Angarville. Life by S. Gibson, 1850 1287?. 1345 De Candolle, Augustin Pyramus. Botanist 1778. . 1841 De Castro, Guillen. Spanish Dramatist 1569. . 1631 De Castro, John. Portuguese General and Governor. Life by J. F. D'Andrada, 1786 1500. .1548 Decatur, Stephen. American Naval Officer i779- • 1820 Decembrio, Pietro Candido. Milanese Statesm. & Writer 1399. .1477 Dechales, Millet Claude Francis. French Mathematician . 1621 . . 1678 Decio, Philip. Italian Lawyer I454- • 1535 Decius. Roman Emperor (249-51) 201 . . 251 Decker, Francis. Dutch Medical Writer fl. 1670' Decker, or Dekker, Jeremias de. Dutch Poet 161 o . . 1666 Decker, or Dekker, John. Dutch Chronol. and Historian 1550?. 1619 Decker, Sir Matthew. Political Economist — ••I749 Decker, or Dekker, Thomas. Dramatist — . . 1641 ? Dedekind, Frederick. German AVriter i55o- -1598 De Dominis, Mark Anthony. Archbishop of Spoleto; Dean of Windsor. (De RepMica Ecdesiastica) 1556. . 1624 Dee, John. Mathematician and Astrologer 1527 . . 1608 Deering, J. P., m. p., r. a., {originally Gandy). Architect 1780. . 1850 Defesch, William. German Violinist i68o?.aft.i757 Deflfand, Maria de Vichy Chamrond, Marchioness du. Life by Miss Berry, 1844 1697. . 1780 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 127 BORN. DIED De Foe, Daniel. {Robinson Crusoe.) L. by Geo. Chalmers ; Walter Wilson, 1830 ; J. Fo.-ster; W. Chad wick, 1859 . . 1663?. 1 731 De Gerando, Joseph Mary, Baron. French Statesman. . 1772. .1842 De Grey, Thomas Philip, Earl. Architect 1781 . . 1859 De Guignes, Joseph. Historian and Orient. ( The Huns) 1721 , .1800 Deidier, Anthony. French Medical Writer — . .1746 Dejaure, John Elias Bedenc. French Poet 1761 . .1799 Dejoces. Fomider of the Median Empire — B.c.657? De Kalb, John, Baron. German General in America . . . 1732?. 1780 Dekker. See Decker. De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. Geologist 1796. . 1855 Delaborde, John Benjamin. French Musical Composer. . 1734. . 1794 Delacepfede, Bernard G. S. L. French Naturalist 1756. .1825 Delacour, James. Irish Poetical Writer 1709. .1781? Delacroix, I'erdinand Victor Eugene. French Painter. . 1798. .1863 Delalande, Peter Anthony. Fr. Naturalist and Traveler . 1787 . . 1823 Delanibre, John Baptist Joseph. French Astronomer. . . 1749. .1822 Delamet, Adrian Augustin de Bussy. Casuist 1621 . . 1691 Delandine, Anthony Francis. French Writer 1756. .1820 Delane, William Aug. Fred. English Journalist i793 • • 1857 Delany, Mary. Life by self, and Lady Llano ver, 1862. . . 1700. .1788 Delany, Patrick. Dean of Down. Divine • 1686?. 1768 Delaroche, Hippolyte, or Paul. French Painter i797- • 1856 Delarue, Gervaise. Abb^. Antiquary. . .^ 1751 • • 1835 Delaune, Thomas. {Plea for Nonconformists) • — . . 1685? Delauney, Coimt d'Antraigues. Political Agent 1756. .1812 Delaval, Edward Hussey. Chemist and Nat. Philosopher 1729 . . 1814 Delavigne, John Francis Casimir. French Poet i793- • ^843 Delessert, Benjamin. French Financier i773- • 1847 Deleyre, Alexander. French Writer 1726. .1797 Delfau, Francis. French Monk and Writer 1637. .1676 Delfico, Melchior. Neapolitan Writer 1744 . . 1835 Delflno, John, of Aquileia. Italian Poet 161 7. . 1699 Delft, van, or Delphus, Wm. James. Painter & Engraver 1619. . 1661 Delille, James French Poet. Translator of Virgil 1738.. 1813 Deliniers, Jas. Anth. Mary. Viceroy of Buenos Ayres . . 1756. .1810 Delisle, Claude. Historian ' 1644. .1720 Delisle, John Baptist Isoard. De Sales. French Writer 1743. .1816 Delisle, Jos. Nicholas. Astronomer. {Hist, of Astronomy) 1688.. 1768 Delisle, Louis. Astronomer, Geographer, and Traveler. . — ••1741 Delisle, William. Geographer. {Atlas) 1675 . . 1 726 Delius, Christopher Traugott. Mineralogist 1728. .1779 Delja Maria, Dominic. Musical Composer 1768. .1800 Delmont, Deodato. Historical Painter 1581 . . 1634 Delolme, John Louis. Polit.Writ. L. by J. Macgregor, m. p. i 740 . . 1806 Delorme, Marion 1612' . 1650 Delorme, Philibert. French Architect 1518..1577 Delpini, Charles Anthonv. Clown and Dramatic Writer — ..1828 Delrio, John. Dean of Antwerp. {Ps. CXIX.) — . . 1624 Delrio, Martin Anthony. Jesuit, Bibhcal Commentator. . 1551 . . 1608 Del Sarto, Andrea Vanucchi. Italian Painter 1488. .1530 Deluc, John Andrew. Genevese Naturalist 1727. . 1817 Demades. Athenian Orator and Statesman — B.c.318 Demeste, John, m. d., of Liege 1743. -^7^3 128 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Demetrius. Phalereus. Attic Orator 345 282? b.c. Demetrius. Czar of Russia. The False 1581 . . 1606 Demetrius M"icator. 12th K. Syria (b.c. 146-2, 128-5) 165 ? . 125 b.o. Demetrius Poliorcetes. King Maced. ( b.c. 294-287 ) . . 337 . 283 b. c. Demetrius Soter. Tenth King of Syria (b.c. 162-150) 187?. i5o?b.o. De Missy, Csesar. j&erman Divine 1703- -1775 Democedes. Greek Physician 550 b.c. . — Democritus. Laughing Philosopher 460 . 357 b.c. Demoivre, Abraham. Mathematician 1667 . . 1 754 Demosthenes. Athenian Orator 385 ' • 322 b.c. Demours, Peter. French Oculist 1 702 .. 1795 Demoustier, Charles Albert. French Dramatic Writer. . 1760. .1801 Dem.pster, Geo. Agriculturist and Miscellaneous Writer 1736. .1818 Dempster, Thomas. Scottish Writer i579- • 1625 Dempster, Wm. Scottish Writ. {Eccles. Hist, of Scot.) 1490. .1557 Denliam, Dixon. Lieutenant-Colonel. African Traveler 1786. .1828 Denhaju, Sir John. Poet 1615 . . 1668 Denina, Mary James Charles. Italian Historian 1731 • • 1813. Denisou, Joseph, m. p. Historical Writer and Poet — . .1806 Denistoun, James. Historian and Biographer — . . 1855 Deuman, Thomas, m. d. Medical Writer 1733. .1815 Denman, Thomas, Lord. Chief Justice 1 779 . 1854 Denne, John. Divine and Antiquary 1693 . . 1767 Denne, Samuel. Writer on History and Antiquities .... 1730. .1799 Denner, Balthazar. German Portrait Painter 1685 . .1747' Dennie, Joseph. American Journalist and Author 1768. .1812 Demiie, William Henry. Colonel ; Indian Officer — ..1842 Dennis, John. Poet, Critic, and Political Writer 1657. .1734 Denny, Sir Anthony. Favorite of Henry VIII — . .1550 Denon, Dominique Vivant, Baron de. Egyptian Traveler 1747. .1825 Dens, Peter. Roman Catholic Theologian — . . 1690 Dentatus, Marcus Curius. Roman Consul fl.3d c. b.o. Denton, John. Ejected Nonconformist Divine 1625 . .1708 Denton, William, "m. d. Political Writer 1605 . . 1691 Dentrecolles, Francis Xavier. Jesuit Missionary to China 1664. . 1741 Denys, James. French Lithotomist and Accoucheur. ... fl. 1730 Denys, James. Historical & Portrait Painter, of Antwerp 1645 . . — Denys, John Baptist. Fr. Physician ; Transtliser of Blood — . .1704 Denys, St. Apostle of France , fl. 3d c 1 D'6on, Chevalier. Equerry to Louis XV., &c., &c 1728. . iSiot ; Dfiparcieux, Anthony. French Mathematician i703' '1768 • Depping, George Bernard. Writer at Paris 1784. . 1853 De Quincey, Thomas. Writer. Life by self, 1853 1785 . .1859 Derbishire, Stewart. Journalist and Writer — . .1863 Derby, George H. American Writer and Soldier — . . 1861 Derby, James Stanley, Earl of. Royalist. Beheaded . . . 1596. .1651 Derfflinger, Geo., von. General 1606. . 1695 Derliam, William, d. d. Divine 1657. . 1735 Dering, Edward. Puritan Divine — • • 1576 Dering, Sir Edward. Politician 1598. . 1644 Dermody, Thomas. Poet. Life by J. G. Raymond, 1806 1775 . . 1802 Derrick, Samuel. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer 1724. .1769 Derschawin, or Derzhavin, Gabriel Romanovitch. Russian Poet and Statesman 1743. .1816 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 129 BOaiT. DIED. Derwentwater, James Radcliffe, Third Earl of. Jacobite. Life by Sj'^dney Gibson ■ 1689. .1716 Deryck, Peter Cornelius. Dutch Landscape Painter 1568. . 1630 Deryke, William. Historical Painter of Antwerp 1635 . . 1697 Desaguliers, Kev. Dr. John Theoph. Experim. Philos.. . 1683. .1744 Desaix de Veygoux, Louis Chas. Anthony. Fr. General 1768. .1800 Desargues, Gerard. Mathematician i593- • 1662 D6saugiers, Mark Anthony Madeleine. French Song- Writer and Dramatist 1772. . 1827 Desault, Peter. French Physician 1675 • • ^ IVJ Desault, Peter Joseph. Fr. 'Surgical Writ. L. by Caillau 1 744 . , 1 795 Des Barreaux, James Valine, Lord. French Poet ; Writer 1602 . . 1673 Des Barres, Jos. Fred. Wallet. Soldier and Hydrographer 1 722 . . 1824 DesblUons, Francis Joseph Terrasse. French Writer 1711. .1789 Desbois, Francis Alexander. Compiler of Dictionaries . . 1699. .1784 Descartes, Rene. Philosopher. Life by Baillet 1596. . 1650 Deaericius, or Deseritz, Joseph Innocent. Hung. Writer 1702. .1765 Desdze, Raymond. French Magistrate 1750. .1828 Desfontaines, Peter Francis Guyot. French Critic 1685 . . 1745 Desfontaines, Ren6 Louiche. French Naturalist 1751 ?. 1833 Desgodets, Anthony. French Architect 1653 . .1728 Deshays, J. Baptist Henry. French Painter 1729. .1765 Deslioxili^res, Antoinette du Ligier. French Poetess 1634?. 1694 Deslioiilieres, Antoinette Theresa, daughter. Poetess . . 1662. .1718 Desmahis, Jos. Francis Edw. de Corsembleu. Fr. Poet 1722. .1761 Desmaizeaux, Peter. Biographer 1666 . . 1 745 Desmares, Mary.- La Champmesle. French Actress ... 1644. .1698 Desmares, Toussaint. Jansenist. .{Necrologe de P. Royal) 1599. .1669 Desmarets, Francis Seraphin Regnier. Fr. Poet and Critic 1632. .1713 Desmars, Nicholas. Physician and Naturalist of Boulogne — . . 1 767 Desmolets, Peter Nicholas. French Writer 1678. .1760 Desmoulius, Benoit Camille. French Revolutionist 1762. .1794 Besnoyers, Aug. Caspar Louis Boucher, Baron. French Engraver i779' ''^^S7 De Soto, Fernando. Discoverer of the Mississippi 1500. .1542 D'Espagne, John. French Protestant Preacher in London 1 591 . . 1659 Despard, Edward Marcus. Irish Officer and Conspirator 1755? 1803 Despars, or De Partibus, James. French Medical Writer 1380?, 1458 Despautere, orVanPauteren, John. Flemish Grammarian 1460?. 1520 Despencer, Hugh le. Favorite of Edward II — . . 1326 Despencer, Hugh le, son. Favorite of Edward II — . . 1326 Despidrres, John. Mathematician, Mechan., Commentator 1597.. 1664 Desplaces, Louis. French Engraver 1682 . . 1 733 Desportes, Claude Francis. Painter 1696? . 1 774 Desportes, Francis. French Painter 1661 . .1743 Desportes, John Baptist. French Phys. at St. Domingo 1704. .1748 Despretz, Caesar Mansuete. French Savant and Author 1789. .1863 Dessalx, Jos. Mary. French General 1764. . 1834 Dessalines, John Jas. Negro Emperor of Hayti (1804-6) 1760 -.1806 Dessenius, Bernard. Dutch Medical Writer 1510..1574 Dessolles, John Jos. Paul Augustin, Marquis. French General and Statesman 1767. . 1828 Destouches, Philip H6ricault. French Dramatic Writer 1680. .1754 D'Estr6es, Gabrielle. Mistress of Henry IV 1571?, 1599 130 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED Destutt de Tracy, Anth. Louis Claude. Fr. Philosopher 1754. .1836 Detharding, George. Gertnan Medical Writer — aft. 1696 De Tott, Francis, Baron. French Negotiator I733 • -1793 Deusdedit. Archbishop of Canterbury (655-64) — . . 664 Deusdeditl. Pope (615-18) — .. 618 Deusdedit II. (672-76) — . . 676 Deusing, Anthony. Flemish Medical Writer 1612. .1666 Deutsch, Nicholas Manuel. Swiss Painter 1484. .1530 Devaux, John. French Surgical Writer 1610. . 1695 Devaux, John, son. Surgeon. Transl. of Medical Works 16^9. .1729 De venter, Henry. Dutch Accoucheur — . .1739 De Vere, Sir Aubrey. Dramatic Poet — . . 1846 De Vere, Edward. Seventeenth Earl of Oxford. Poet . . 1540?. 1604 Devereux, Robert, 2d Earl of Essex. Beheaded by Eliz. 1567. .1601 Devereux, Robert, Third Earl of Essex. Parliara. General 1592. .1646 Devereux, Walter, First Earl of Essex 1540'. 1576 De Vigny, Alfred, Count. French Poet and Novelist . . . 1799. .1863 Devis, Arthur William. Painter 1762. .1822 Devonsidre, Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of. Poetess and Beauty i757- .1806 D'Ewes, Sir Symonds. Hist, and Antiq. {Pari. Journal 1602. .1650 De Wette, Wm. Martin Leberecht. German Theologian and Biblical Critic 1780. .1849 De Wint, Peter. English Artist 1783. .1849 De "Winter,. John William. Dutch Admiral 1750. .1812 De "Witt, James. Painter 1695 . . 1 744 De Witt, John. Grand Pensionary. See Witt. . ; 1625 . . 1672 Dexter, Samuel. American Statesman and Jurist 1761 . . 1816 Deynum, John Baptist van. Dutch Painter 1620. . — Deyster, Anna. Painter 1696^. 1746 Deyster, Louis. Flemish Historical Painter 1656. .1711 Dezallier d'Argenville, Anthony Joseph. Conchologist 1680. .1765 D'Herbelot, Bartholomew. Orientalist * 1625 . . 1695 D'Hilliers, Louis Baraguay. French General 1764 . . 1812 D'Hozier, Peter. French Genealogist 1592. . 1660 Diagoras. Greek Poet and Philosopher fl. B.C. 430? Diana of Poitiers. Mistress of Henry 11. of France 1499. .1566 Dias, Bartholomew. Navigator — . .1500 Diaz, Michael. Aragonese Explorer — ab.1514 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Span. Advent. & Chronicler fl. 15th c. Dibdin, Charles. Naval Song-Writer. LifebyT. Dibdin 1745. .1814 Dibdin, Thomas, son. Dramatist and Song-Writer 1771 . . 1841 Dibdin, Rev. Thomas Frognall, d.d. Miscellaneous Writer 1770. . 1847 Diceto, Ralph de. Historian — - . 1283 Dick, Dr. Thomas. Writer on Natural Philosophy 1772. .1857 Dickenson, Edm. Physician, Chemist, and Orientalist. {Delphi Phmnicizanies.) Life by Blomberg, 1739 1624. .1707 Dickenson, Philemon. American Revolutionary Officer. — ..1809 Dickinson, Grace. Poet. {Songs in the Night) — ^ . . 1863 Dickinson, John. American Political Writer 1732. . 1808 Dickinson, Jonathan. American Divine and Educator. . 1688. .1747 Dickons, Mrs. Vocalist ^77Sr^^33 Dickson, David. Scottish Divine and Commentator 1583?. 1662 Dickson, James. Scottish Botanist 1 738 .. 1822 1 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 131 BORN. DIED. Dicquemare, Jos. Francis. Fr. Naturalist and Astron. . 1733. .1789 Diderot, Denis. French Writer 1713- -1784 Didius. Roman Emperor (193) 133^ 193 Didot, Firmin. Printer and Writer 1764. . 1836 Didot, Francis Ambrose. French Printer 1730 . . 1804 Diebitsch, John Chas. Fred. Anthony, Count. Russian Field Marshal ". 1785 . .1831 Diecman, John, of Stade. Theologian & Metaphysician 1647?. 1720 Dieffenbacli, John Frederick. Surgical Operator i795 • • ^^47 Diemen, Anthony van. Dutch Governor in India i593- -1645 Diemerbroeck, Isbrand van. Dutch Medical Writer . . . 1609. . 1674 Diepenbeck, Abraham van. Dutch Painter 1607'' . 1675 Dies, Albert. German Painter and Engraver i755 • • 1822 Dieskau, Louis Aug. German General 1701 . .1767 . Diest, Adrian van. Dutch Painter and Engraver 1655 . .1704 Dietrich, Christian William Ernest. German Painter. . . 1712. .1774 Dietrich, John Conrad. German Scholar and Antiquary 1612. . 1669 Dietrich, Philip Frederick, Baron de. Fr. Mineralogist. 1748. .1793 Dieu, Louis de. Dutch Protestant Divine 1590- • 1642 Diez, John Martin. Spanish Guerrilla. The Empecinado 1775 . . 1825 Digby, Sir Everard, of the Gunpowder Plot 1581 . . 1606 Digby, George, Second Earl of Bristol. Publicist 1612. . 1676 Digby, John. First Earl of Bristol 1580. . 1653 Digby, Sir Kenelm. Writ. L. by self & Sir N. H. Nicolas . 1603 . . 1665 Digges, Sir Dudley. Politician and Writer 1583- • 1639 Digges, Leonard.* Geometrician and Meteorologist — . .1573' Digges, Thomas, son. Astronomer and Mathematician. . — ••i595 Dilke, Charles Wentworth. Editor of Atherueum 1810. . 1864 Dillenius, John James. Botanist 1687. .1747 Dillon, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon. Poet 1633?. 1684 Dilworth, Thomas. Writer of School-Books — . .1780 Dimsdale, Thomas, Baron, M. D. Inoculator 1712. . 1800 Dinarchus. Attic Orator 361 ? b.c. aft.292 Dingley, Robert. Puritan Divine 1619. . 1659 Dinocrates. Macedonian Architect fl. ti. Alex. Dinoth, Richard, of Coutances. {De Bello Civili Gallico). — ..1590? Dinouart, Anthony Joseph Toussaint. Writer at Paris, . 1715 . .1786 Dinwiddie, Robert. Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia. . . . 1690?, 1770 Diocletian. Emperor (284-305) 245 . . 313 Diodati, John. Divine ; Translator of Bible 1576. . 1649 Diodorus Siculus. Historian fl.ti. Augustus. Diogenes. Cynic Philosopher 412? B.C. 323 Diogenes of Apollonia. Greek Philosopher fl.5th c. b.c. Diogenes Laertius. ( Lives of the Philosophers) fl.2d c. ? a.d. Dion, of Syracuse. Patriot — B.c.353 Dion Cassius. Historian , 155? aft. 229 Dion Chrysosto33i. Rhetorician and Sophist — .. 117? Dionis, Peter. French Surgeon and Anatomist — ...1718 Dionysius. Bishop of Rome (259-269 ) — . . 269 Dionysius. Tyrant of Svracuse (405-367). The Elder. 430? b.c 367 Dionysius, son. Tyrant of Syracuse (367-343). The Younc/er .' 397?B.c.aft.343 Dionysius. Bishop of Alexandria (247-265) — . . 265 Dionysius. Periegetes. Geographer fl. a.d. 300? 132 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Dionysius Sxiguus. Roman Monk — . . 540 Dionysius of Halicamassus. Historian bef.A.D.18 Diophantus. Greek Algebraist of Alexandria fl.5th c? a.d. Dioscorides, Pedanius. Gr. Phys. & Botanist of Cilicia . . fl.2d c? A.i>. Dippel, John Conrad. German Physician and Alchemist 1672. . 1734 Dirois, Francis. Doctor of Sorbonne. {Preuves et Prejuges) 1620.. 1690 Disney, Rev. John. Divine and Magistrate 1677. .1730 Disraeli, Isaac. ( Curiosities of Literature) 1 767 . . 1848 Dissen, George. Ludolph. German Scholar 1784. . 1837 Ditlunar, Justus Christopher. Writ, on German History 1677. .1737 Ditmar, Bishop of Mersburgh. Historian 976. . 1028 Ditters, Charles. German Musician 1 739 . . 1 799 Ditton, Humphrey. Mathematician 1675 . . 1 7 15 Divini, Eustachius. Italian Telescope Maker 1620''. 1664? Dixon, George. Navigator — . . 1800? Dixwell, Col. John. Regicide Judge 1608 . . 1689 Dlugoss, John. Polish Archbishop. {History of Polajid) 141^. .14S0 Dmitrieff, Ivan Ivanovitch. Russian Poet 1760. . 1837 Doane, Geo. Washington, d.d. Amer. Divine and Writer 1799. .1859 Dobree, Peter Paul. Classical Scholar 1782. . 1825 Dobrentey, Gabor, or Gabriel. Hungarian Antiquary. . . 1786. .1851 Dobrizhoffer, Martin. Jesuit Missionary in S. America 171 7. .1791 Dobrovsky, Joseph. Bohemian Writer ^7 S3- • 1829 Dobson, William. Painter 1610..1647 Doca, Frederick M. ( Triglott Grammar) 1794?. 1864 Dod, Albert Baldwin, d. d. American Scholar 1805 , . 1845 Dod, Charles Roger. Peerage Compiler ^793- • 1855 Dod, John. Decabgist. Puritan Divine 1547 . . 164$ Dodart, Denis. French Physician and Botanist 1634. .1707 Dodd, Charles. Rom. Cath. Hist. {Ch.Sist.qfUng.).. —..1745? Dodd, Ralph. Civil Engineer 1761 . . 1822 Dodd, Thomas. ( Connoisseur^ s Repertory) — . . 1850 Dodd, Rev. William, d. d. Executed. L. by Reed, 1777 1729, .1777 Doddridge, Sir John. Lawyer and Writer i555 • • 1628 Doddridge, Philip. Dissenting Divine. Life by Orton . . 1 702 . . 1 75 1 Doddridge, Philip. American Lawyer and Politician. . . 1772. .1832 Doderlein, Louis. Professor at Tubingen 1791 ?. 1863 Dodington, George Bubb, Lord Melcombe. Politician. . 1691 . .1762 Dodoens, or Dodonaeus, Rembert. Dutch Botanist 1518. . 1585 Dodsley, Robert. Poet and Writer 1703. .1764 Dodson, MichaeL Lawyer and Biblical Writer 1732. . 1799 Dodsworth, Roger. Antiquary and Topographer 1585. .1654 Dodvens, or Doudyns, William. Dutch Historical Painter 1630. . 1697 Dodwell, Edward. ( Classical Tour through Greece) 1767. .1832 Dodwell, Henry. Theologian. Life by Brokesby, 1715 1641. .1711 Dodwell, William. Divine 1709- -1785 Doederlein, John Christopher, of Jena. Theologian 1748 .. 1792 Does, Jacob van der, The Old. Dutch Paint, and Engrav. 1623. .1673 Does, Jacob van der, The Young, son. Dutch Painter. . . 1654. . 1693 Does, Simon van der, brother. Dutch Painter 1653. .1717 Doggett, Thomas. Author and Actor — . . 1721 Doissin, Louis. Latin Poet 1721 . . i753 Dolabella, Publius Cornelius. Son-in-law of Cicero. ... — B.c.43 Dolben, John. Archbishop of York 1625 . . 1686 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 133 BOBN. SISD. Dolce, or Dolci, Carlo. Tuscan Painter 1616, . 1686 Dolce, Louis. Italian Writer 1508. .1568 Dole, or Dolaeus, John. German Medical Writer 1651 . .1712 Dolet, Stephen. French Jurist 1509. .1546 Dollinger, Ignatius. German Physiologist 1770- .1841 Dollond, George. Optician i774- • 1852 Dollond, John. Optician. L. by Rev. John Kelly, ll. d. 1706. . 1761 Dolomieu, D^odat Guy Silvain Tancred Gratet de. French Geologist i75o- • i^oi Domat, or Daumat, John. French Jurist 1625 . . 1696 Donabey, Joseph. French Botanist and Traveler 1742. . 1796 Dombrowski, John Henry. Polish General 1755 . . 1818 Domenichi, Louis. Italian Writer and Translator i5oo''.i564 Doraenichino. Dominic Zampieri. Painter 1581 . .1641 Dominic de Guzman, St. Founder of Dominicans and Inquisitor. L. by John Anthony Flaminio ; Malvenda 1 1 70 . . 1221 Dominis, Mark Anthony de. Abp. of Spalatro ; Dean of Windsor. {Be Eepubl. Ecclesiast. ; De Jiadiis Visus) .. 1566.. 1624 Domitian. Roman Emperor (81-96) 52 . . 96 Domna, Julia. Empress; wife of Septimius Severus. . . . 158?. 217 Don, David. Scottish Botanist 1800, . 1840 Donaldson, John William, d. d. Philologist 1812. . 1861 Donatello. Donato di Belio di Bardi. Florentine Sculp. 1383. .1466 Donati, Vitalian. {Natural History of Adriatic Sea). .. . 1713..1763 Donato. See Donatello. Architect and Sculptor 1383. .1466 Donato, Alex. Jesuit at Sienna. {Roma Vetm et Recens) 1584. . 1640 Donato, Bernardino. Translator — "iSSo Donato, Jerome. Statesman and Writer 1454''. 15 13 Donato, Marcellus. Italian Count. {Scholia) fl. 1607 Donatus. Bishop of Casa Nigra. Fovmder of Donatists fl. 212 Donatus, ^lius. Grammarian at Rome fl. 356 Doncker, or Donkers, Peter. Painter, of Gouda 1612. . 1668 Dondis, James de. Aggregator. Med. Writ. & Mathemat. 1298. . 1359 Donducci, John Andrew. II Mastelleta. Painter ^575 • • 1655 Doneau, or Donellus, Hugh. {De Jure Civili) 1527. .1591 Donelli, Sir Ross. Admiral — . . 1841 Doni, Anthony Francis. Italian Musician and Poet 1513'', 1574 Doni, John Baptist. Florentine Musical Writer 1593 . . 1647 Doni d'Atticlii, Louis. Florentine Writer in France, . . . 1596. . 1664 Donizetti, Gaetano. Musical Composer 1798 . . 1848 Donne, Benjamin. Mathematician 1729. .1798 Donne, John, d. d. Divine and Poet. Life by I. Walton, 1640; H. Alford, 1839 1573. .1631 Donoso Cortes, John Francis Maria de la Salud. Span- ish Statesman 1809. . 1853 Donovan, Edward. Naturalist 1798. . 1837 Doolittle, Thomas. Nonconformist Divine 1630 . . 1 707 Doppelmaier, John Gabriel, of Nuremberg. Mathemat. 1671. .1750 Doppet, Francis Amadeus. French Writer and General 1753. .i8cx)' Dorat, Claude Joseph. French Poet I734- .1780 Dorat, or Daurat, John. French Poet 1507?. 1588 Dorbay, Francis. French Architect — . .1697 Dorchester, Carleton Dudley, Viscount. Statesman.... 1573.. 1632 Dorchester, Catherine Sedley , Countess of — . . 1692 134 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Dor6, Peter. French Theologian 1500?. 1559 Doria, Andrew. Genoese Admiral. Life by Richer 1468. .1560 Dorigny, Louis. Historical Painter 1654. .1742 Dorigny, Michael. French Painter and Engraver 161 7 . . 1665 Dorigny, Sir Nicholas. Engraver 1657. .1746 Dorink, or Doring, Matthias. German Theologian. ( Chronicles of Nuremberg ? ) 141 5 ? 1464? Dorislaus, Isaac. Dutch Civil, and Repub. in England — . . 1649 D'Orl6an3, Louis. French Poet and Jurist 1542. . 1629 D'Orleans, Peter Joseph. Jesuit Historian 1644. . 1698 Dormans, John de. French Cardinal ; Founder ' — . . 1373 Dornavius, Caspar. Phvsician and Humorous Writer. . 1577. .1632 Doirr, Thomas Wilson. American Politician 1805 . .1854 D'Orsay, Count Alfred. Artist and Author 1798. . 1852 Dorsch, Everard. Engraver on Gems 1649. .1712 Dorsch, John Christopher, son. Portrait Engrav. on Gems 1676 . . 1 732 Dorset, Ann Clifford, Countess of. Auth. and Benefactor 1589. .1676 Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of. Wit and Poet 1637. . 1706 Dorset, Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of, k. g. Royalist . . 1590. .1652 Dorset, Thos. Sackville. Earl of. Statesman and Author 1527. .1608 Dorsey, John Syng. American Physician ^7^3- .1818 D'Orville, James Philip. Critic and Classical Editor 1696. .1751 D'Ossat, Arnaud. Cardinal. French Statesman 1536- .1604 Dossi, Dosso. Historical Painter — . . 1560? Dost-Mohammed. Emir of Cabul 1785?. 1863 Douaren, or Duaren, Francis. French Civilian 1509- -1559 Doubleday, Edward. Naturalist 1810 . . 1849 Douce, Francis. Antiquary. Benefactor of Oxford Univ. 1762. .1834 Doucin, Louis. French Jesuit. {Hist, of Nestorianism) 1652.. 1726 Doudyns, or Dodvens, William. Dutch Historical Paint. 1630. .1697 Doufifet, or Duffeit, Gerard. Painter, of Liege i594- • 1660 Dougados, John Francis. Father Venance. Polit. & Poet 1 763 . . 1 794 Doughty, Thos. American Landscape Painter i793- .1856 Douglas, Archib., 4th Earl of. Tinernan. Fell at Verneuil — . . 1424 Douglas, Ai-chibald. Great Earl of Angus. BelUhe-Cat — ••^5'^4 Douglas, David. Botanic Traveler 1798. • 1834 Douglas, Gawin, or Gavin. Bishop of Dunkeld. Poet. Life by Sage 1474?. 1522 Douglas, General Sir Howard. L. by S. W. Fullom,1863 1776. . 1861 Douglas, Sir Jas. The Good Sir James. Friend of Bruce — • '^33° Douglas, James, 2d Earl of. Slain at Otterburn — . .1388 Douglas, James, 9th and last Earl of. Died at Lindores — . . 1488 Douglas, James, Earl of Morton. Regent. Beheaded . . 1530. .1581 Douglas, James, m. d. Anatomist 1675 . .1742 Douglas, James, Earl of Morton and Aberdeen. Astron. 1707. .1768 Douglas, John, Bishop of Salisbury. ( Criterion) 1721 . . 1807 Douglas, Stephen Arnold. American Statesman 1813. .1861 Douglas, Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie. Politician i743- -1823 Douglas, Wm., Knt. of Liddesdale ; taken at Nevil's Cross — . . 1353 Douglas, William, 1st Earl of. Fought at Poictiers — . . 1384 Douglas, William, Lord of Nithsdale. Black Douglas. . . — . .1390 Douglas, William. The Hardy. Defender of Berwick . . — ..1302 Douglas, William, 6th Earl of. Slain at royal banquet. . — ••I437 Douglas, William, 8th Earl of. Assassinated by James II. — . . 1452 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 135 BORN Douglass, David Bates, ll. d. American Engineer . . . . 1 790 Dousa, Janus. Dutch Sell., Sold., & Poet. {A7in. of Holland) 1545 Dousa, Janus, son. Poet, Critic, Philosopher, and Math. 1571 Douven, John Francis. Dutch Painter 1656 DouviUe, John Baptist. French Traveler and Naturalist — Douvre, Thomas de, of Bayeux. Archbishop of York. . 1027 Douvre, Tliomas de, nephew. Archbishop of York — Douw, or Dow, Gerhard. Dutch Painter 1613 Dove, Nathaniel. Penman. ( The Progressof Time). . . . 1710 Dover, G. J. W. Agar Ellis, Lord. Historical Writer. . . 1797 Dow, Alex., Lieut.-Col. Pers. Schol. {Hist, of Iruhstan) — Dow, Lorenzo. Eccentric American Methodist Preacher 1777 Dowland, John. Musician 1562 Downes, John. American Naval Gfficer 1786 Downham, George. Bp. of Derry. ( Christian Warfare) — Downing, Andrew Jackson. Amer. Landscape Gardener 181 5 Downing, Calybute. Political Divine 1606 Downraan, Rev. Hugh. Physician and Poet, 1740 Dowse, Thomas. American 'Book-Collector 1772 Doyen, Gabriel Francis. French Painter 1726 Doyle, Sir Charles William. Military Officer — Doyle, Jas. Irish R. C Bishop. L. by W. J. Fitzpatrick 1786 Doyle, Sir John. Military Officer 1756 D'Oyly, George, d. d. Biblical Commentator — Drabicius, Nicholas. Moravian Visionary 1587 Draco. Athenian Lawgiver fl. b.< Draconites, John. Lutheran Divine and Commentator 1494 Dragut. Barbary. Corsair — Drake, Daniel. American Physician 1785 Drake, Sir Francis. Adm. L. by John Barrow, jr., 1843 1545 Drake, Francis. Surg, and Antiq. at York. {Eboracum) — Drake, James. Phys. and Polit.Writ. Transl. Herodotus 1667 Drake, Joseph Rodman. American Physician and Poet 1795 Drake, Dr. Nathan. Physician and Writer 1766 Drakenberg, Christian Jacobsen. Norwegian Centenarian 1624 Drakenborch, Arnold. Classical Editor 1684 Dran, Henry Francis le. French Surgical Operator ..... 1685 Drant, Rev. Thos. Archd. of Lewes. Divine and Poet — Draparnaud, Jas. Philip Raymond. Fr. Phys. and Natur. 1772 Draper, Sir W., k. b., Lieut.-Gen. Controversial Writer 1721 Drayton, Michael. Poet. (Polyolbion) 1563 Drayton, William Henry. American Political Writer . . . 1742 Drebbel, Cornelius van." Dutch Chemist and Nat. Phil. 1572 Drelincourt, Charles. French Protestant Divine 1595 Drelincourt, Charles, son. French Medical Writer 1633 Drelincourt, Lawrence. Preacher and Poet 1626 Dresser, Matthew. German Scholar 1536 Dreux de Radier, John Francis. Historical Writer 1714 Drevet, Peter. Engraver at Paris 1664 Drevet, Peter, son. Engraver 1697 Drew, Samuel. Methodist Divine & Metaphysical Writer. Life by his son, J. H. Drew, 1834 1765 Drexelius, Jeremiah. Jesuit, of Augsburg; Writer 1581 Driedo, John. Theologian, of Louvain — 136 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Drinker, Edward. American Centenarian 1680. .1782 Drinkwater Bethune, John. Colonel. {Siege of Gibraltar) 1762?. 1844 Drollinger, Charles Frederick. Ger. Poet and Scholar. . 1688. .1742 Droste-Hulshoff, Annette Elizabeth. German Lyric Poet 1798. .1848 Drouais, Hubert. French Painter 1699. .1767 Drouet, J. Baptist. French Revolutionist 1763. . 1824 Drouet, Stephen Francis. French Writer 1715. -1779 Drouet d'Brlon, J. Baptist. Marshal of France. L. by self 1765. .1844 Drouot, Anthony, Count. General; friend of Napoleon. . 1774. .iS^7 Droz, Henry Louis Jacquet. Swiss Mechanician 1752. .1791 Droz, Francis Xavier Joseph. French Writer 1773- • 1^5° Druey, Charles. Swiss Statesmaii i799- • 1855 Drummond, Geo., of Edinb. Magistrate and Benefactor. 1687. .1766 Drummond, Robert Hay. Archbishop of York 1711 . . 1776 Drmnmond, Captain Thomas. Statesman & Philosopher. Inventor of Drummond Light 1797- . 1840 Drummond, William, of Hawthornden. Poet. Life by P. Cunningham, 1823 1585 . • 1649 Drummond, Sir Wm. Antiquary, Statesman, and Author 1760? 1828 Drury, Dru. Naturalist — . . 1804 Drury, Rev. Joseph. Master of Harrow School 1750. . 1834 Drury, Robert. Seaman. Writer on Madagascar 1687.. 1735? Drusius, John. French Protestant Theologian 1550. . 1616 Drusus, M. Livius. Trib. Plebis b. c. 91. Assassinated. — b. c. 91 Drusus, Nero Claudius. Germanicus. Br. of Emp. Tiberius 38 B.C. 9 Drusus, son of Germanicus Caesar. Starved by Tiberius — A. d. 33 Drusus Csesar, son of Tiberius. Poisoned . . ." B.C.13.A.D.23 Druthmar, Christian. Monk of Corby. Commentator fl.ab.86o a.d. Dryander, John. German Mathematician and Anatomist — ..1560 Dryander, Jonas. Swedish Naturalist 1748. . 1810 Dryden, John. Poet. Life by Sir Walter Scott ; Malone, 1800 ; R. Hooper 1631 . . 1701 Drysdale, Rev. John, d. d. Scottish Div. Life by Dalzel 17 18. .1788 Duane, William. American Politician " 1760. .1835 Duaren, or Douaren, Francis. Durenius. French Civilian 1509. .1559 Dubarry, Marie Jeanne, Countess. Favorite of Louis XV. 1746. . 1793 Dubartas, William de Sallust. Poet, Warrior, Statesman 1544. .1590 DubeUay, Joachim. French Poet 1524?. 1560 DubeUay, John. Cardinal Archbishop 1492. .1560 Dubellay, Martin. Prince of Yvetot. General, Negotiator, and Writer. {Memxnrs) ' — . .1559 Dubellay, Wm. Ld. of Langey. Gen., Negot., and Writer 1491 . . 1543 Dubelloy, Peter Lawrence Buyrette. Dramatic Writer. (Siege of Calais.) Life by Gaillard 1727. .1775 Dubocage, Marie Anne le Page. French Poet 1710. . 1802 Dubofe, Claude Mary^. French Painter 1790'. 1864 Dubois, Anthony. French Surgeon 1756. . 1837 Dubois, Charles Francis. Ecclesiastical Writer 1661 . . 1724 Dubois, Dorothea. Novelist — . .1774 Dubois, Edward. English Satirical Writer 1775 . . 1850 Dubois, Francis. Dutch Medical Writer 1614. . 1672 Dubois, James. Sylvius. French Medical Writer 1478 . . 1555 Dubois, John. Flemish Medical Writer , , — • • 1576 Dubois, John Anthony. French Abb6 and Missionary . . 1765 . . 1848 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 137 BORN. DIED. Dubois, Simon. Dutch Painter — . .1708 Dubois, William. Cardinal and Prime Minister of France 1656. .1723 Dubois de Cranc6, Edm. Louis Alexis. Fr. Statesman 1747. .1814 Dubos, Charles Francis. French Theologian 1661 . .1724 Dubos, Jerome. Dutch Painter fl. i6th c. Dubos, J. Bapt. Abb^. Statesman, Hist., and Art Writer 1670. .1742 Duboucher, Matthew. French Law Writer and Poet — . . 1801 Duboiirg, Anne, or Annas. French Protestant Martyr . . 1521. .1559 Dubourg, Matthew. English Violinist 1703- • ^1^1 Dubraw, John, or Dubravius Scala. German Prelate, Statesman, and Historian — • • ^553 Dubreul, James. French Jesuit Writer on Perspective. . 1528. .1614 Dubuisson, Francis Ren6 Andrew 1763. . 1836 Dubuisson, Paul Ulrich. French Author 1746. .1794 Due, Fronton du. French Jesuit Writer 1558. . 1624 Duo, John le. Dutch Painter of Animals 1636. . 1671 Ducange, Charles Dufresne, Sieur. French Antiquary . . 1610. .1688 Ducarel, Andrew Coltee. JEnglish Antiquary ' . . . 1713. . 1785 Ducart, Isaac. Dutch Flower-Painter .' 1630. . 1697 Ducas, Michael. Byzantine Historian fl. 15th c. Ducasse, J. Baptist. French Admiral — . . 1715 Duccio di Buoninsegna. Painter of Sienna — . . 1340? Duchal, James. Irish Divine 1697. .1761 Duchange, Caspar. French Engraver 1662 . . 1 756 Duchat, Jacob le. French Editor at Berlin 1658 . . 1735 Duchatel, Gaspar. French Statesman 1766. . 1793 DucMtel, Tanneguy. French Warrior 1360''. 1449 Duchatelet, Gabrielle, Emilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marchioness. Translator of Principia 1706. .1749 Ducbatelet d'Haraucourt, Louis Mary Flo. Politician I626^I792 Duch6, Jacob. American Clergyman. Duch6 de Vancey, Joseph Francis. French Poet 1668. .1704 Duchesne, Andrew. French Geographer and Historian. 1584, .1640 Duchesne de Gisors, J. Bapt. Jos. French Painter 1770. .1856 Ducis, John Francis. French Dramatist '^-IZZ' • ^^^^ Duck, Arthur. Civilian and Historical Writer 1580. .1649 Duck, Rev. Steph. Poet. Life by Rev. Jos. Spence, 1764 1700 . .1756 Duckworth, Sir John Thomas. Admiral 1748. .1817 Duclos, Charles Pineau. Historical Writer and Biographer 1704. .1772 Duclos, John Francis. French Poet 1705 . .1752 Duclos, Mary Ann. French Actress 1664'. 1748 Ducornet, Louis Csesar Jos. French Artist 1806. .1856 Ducrest de Villeneuve, Alex. Louis. French Admiral. 1777. .1852 Ducreux, Joseph. French Portrait Painter '^lyi • • 1802 DudeflEant. *See Deffand. Literary Lady at Paris 1697. .1780 Dudith, Andrew. Scholar and Statesman i533- -1589 Dudley, Ambrose, Baron L'Isle and Earl of Warwick iSJo''- 1589 Dudley, Charles Edw. American Statesman 1780. .1841 Dudley, Dud. Ironmaster. {MeiaLlum Martis) i599- • 1684 Dudley, Edm. Statesm. ( Tree of the Commonwealth.) Beh. 1462. .1510 Dudley, Lord Guilford, husband of Jane Grey. Beheaded — . .1554 Dudley, Rev. Sir Henry Bate. Miscellaneous Writer . . . 1745. -1024 Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland. Beheaded 1502. .1553 Dudley, John William Ward, Earl of. Statesman 1781 . . 1833 138 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Dudley, Paul. Colonial Chief Justice of Massachusetts. . 1675. ^/^^ Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester; rival of Essex 1532' 1508 Dudley, Sir Robert, son. Philosopher and Engineer i573- • 1639 Duer, John. American Jurist 1782. .1858 Duer, William Alex., brother. Jurist 1780. . 1858 Du Fay, Chas. Francis de Cistemay. French Savant . . 1698. .1739 Dufr6noy, Peter Armand. Fr. Geologist and Mineral.. . 1792. .1857 Dufresne, Abraham Alexis Quinault. French Actor. . . . 1695 . . 1767 Dufresne, Charles, Sieur Ducange. French Antiquary. . 1610..1688 Dufresne, Philip Canoy, Sieur. Statesman and Lawyer. 1551 . . 1610 Dufresnoy, Charles Alfonso. French Painter and Poet. {De Arte Graphicd) 1611 . . 1665 Dufresnoy. Historian. See Lenglet 1674. .1755 Dufiresny, Charles Riviere. French Comic Writer 1648. .1724 Dugard, William. I^nglish Scholar. {Lexic. Grcsci Test.) 1606.. 1662 Dugdale, Sir Wm. Antiq. and Hist. Life by Hamper, 1827 1605 . . 1686 Dughet, Caspar. Caspar Poussin. French Painter 161 3.. 1675 Dugominier, John Francis Coquille. Fr. Repub. General 1736. .1794 Duguay-Trouin, Rene. French Admiral 1673 . .1736 Duguesclin, Bertrand. Constable of France. Life by Claude Menard; Guyard de Berville; Jamison, 1864. . 1314?. 1380 Duguet, James Joseph. French Theologian 1649. .1733 Du Halde, J. Baptist. French Jesuit. {History of China) 1674. . 1743 Duharael, J. Baptist. Commentator and Naturalist ... . 1624.. 1706 Duhainel, John Peter Francis Guillot. French Metallurgist 1730. . 1816 Duhamel du Monceau, Henry Louis. French Philos. 1700. .1782 Duhan, Lawrence. {Philosopkus in Uiramque Partem) . . . 1656?. 1726 Duigenan, Dr. .Patrick. Irish Civilian and Politician. {LacrymcB Academicoe) 1735?. 1816 Duilius, Caius. Consul and Admiral, b. c. 260 fl. 260-231 b.c. Duisburg, Peter de. ( Chronicle of Prussia) fl. 16th c. Dujardin, Charles. Dutch Painter 1640 . . 1678 Dujarry> Lawrence Juillard. French Theologian & Poet 1658'. .1730 Duke, Rev. Richard. Divine and Poet i^ss'. 1711 Duker, Charles Andrew. German Classical Editor 1670. .1752 Dulaure, James Anthony. French Historical Writer. ... 1755 . . 1835 Dulcinus. Leader of the Dulcinists — . . 1308 Dullaert, Heyman, or Herman. Dutch Painter 1636. . 1684 Dulon, Frederick Louis. Prussian Flutist and Composer 1769.. 1826 Dulong, Peter Louis. French Chemist 1785 . . 1838 Dumandre, Anthony. Sculptor — . . 1 761 Dumandre, Hubert, brother. Sculptor and Architect. . . 1701 . .1781 Dumaniant, Anthony John Bourlin. Fr. Actor and Dram. 1752.. 1828 Dumaresq, Henry. British Officer 1 792 . . 1838 Dumas, Alex.. Davy. French General 1762. .1806 Dumas, Louis. French Musician 1676 . . 1 744 Dumas, Matthew, Count. French Soldier and Historian . 1753. . 1837 Dum6e, Joan. French Astronomer tl. 1680 Dumiesiiil, J. Bap. Gardin. Fr. Writ. {Synonymes Laiines) 1720.. 1802 Dumesnil, Maxy Frances. French Actress 1711.. 1803 Dummer, Jere. American Writer and Political Agent. . . 1680''. 1739 Dumont, George. Statistical Writer 1 725 . . 1 788 Dumont, John. Baron of Carlscroon. Hist. & Publicist — ..1726' Dumont, John. Le Remain. French Painter .... ." 1 700.. 1 781 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 139 BORN. Dumont, Peter Stephen Louis. Writer on Legislation. . 1759. . Dumont d'Urville, JuL Sebast.Caesar. French Navigator 1790. . Duraoxilin, Charles. Molinceus. French Jurist 1 500 . . Dumoulin, Louis, br. Independent. {P air onus Bonce Fidd) 1606. . Dumoulin, Peter. Molinmus. French Protestant Divine 1 568 , . Dumoulin, Pet., son. Engl. Div. {Regii Sanguinis Clamor) 1600. . Dumouriez, Anne Francis Duperier. French Poetess . . 1707. . Dumouriez, Charles Francis Duperier. French General 1739. . Dun, David Erskine, Lord. Scottish Judge 1670. . Dunbar, George. Prof, of Greek at Edinburgh. (Xe«^co?^) 1774?. Dunbar, William. Scottish Poet. Life by Laing 1465 ^ Duncan, Adam, Lord. Admiral 1 731 • • Duncan, Daniel. Physician 1649. . Duncan, Mark. Scottish Phys. and Philosoph. Writer. , — . . Duncan, Philip Bury, d. c. l. Naturalist, Antiq.,Philanth. — . . Duncan, Thomas, r. s. a. Scottish Painter 1807. . Duncan, Wm. Prof, at Aberdeen. Writ. & Transl. {Logic) 1717. . Duncan, Rev. William Cecil, d. d. American Clergyman and Writer \ 1824. . Duncombe, Rev. John. Poet. ( Feminead) 1 730 . . Duncombe, Wm. Poet & Misc. Writ. {L. Jun. Brutus) 1690. . Dundas, Sir David. General 1736. . Dundas, Henry, First Viscount Melville. Statesman. . . . 1740. . Dundas, Sir Jas. Whitley Deans. Admiral in Black Sea 1785. . Dundas, Sir Richard Saunders. Admiral in the Baltic. . 1802. . Dundas, Thomas. British Officer 1750 • • Dundee, John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount 1650'' Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of. Naval Officer. {Autobiography of a Searnan) 1775 . . Duni, Egidio Romualdo. Italian Musical Composer .... 1709. . Dunlap, William. American Artist and Writer 1760. . Dunlop, Alex. Prof, at Glasgow. {Greek Grammar) 16^^. . Dunlop, Wm., brother. Prof, and Preach, at Edinburgh 1692. . Dunn, Samuel. Mathematician at Chelsea — . . Dunning, John, First Lord Ashburton. Lawyer 1731 • • Dunod de Charnage, Francis Ign., of Besan^on. Writer 1679. ■ Dunois, John d'Orleans, Count. French Commander. . . . 1402?. Duns Scotus, John. Schoolman 1265?. Dunstable, John. Musical Composer and Mathematician 1400'. Dunstan, St. Archbishop of Canterbury. Life by Ada- lard; Bridferth; Osbern; Eadmer; Wm. Malmesbury 925.. Dunster, Rev. Charles. Divine and Scholar — . . Dunster, Rev. Henry. 1st President of Harvard College — . . Dunthorne, Richard. Astron., Engineer, & Antiq. Artist — . . Dunton, John. Bookseller & Auth. L. by Nicholas, 1818 1659.. Dunz, or Duns, John. Swiss Painter 1645 . . Du Pan, Mallet. Political Writer 1749 • • Dupaty, Chas. Marg. J. Baptist Mercier. Fr. Pubhcist 1746. . Dupaty, Charles Mercier, son. Sculptor 1771 . . Duperray, Michael. French Lawyer and Eccles. Writer 1640?. Duperr6, Victor Guy, Baron. French Admiral 1775 • • Duperron, Anquetif. French Orientalist 1731 • • Duperron, James Davy. Cardinal Archbishop of Sens. Life by Burigny 1556, . 1618 842 566 683 658 684 769 823 755 804 735 640 863 845 760 864 786 769 820 811 862 861 795 689 860 775 839 742 720 792 783 *752 468 308 458 816 659 775 733 736 800 788 825 730 846 805 140 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. Dupetit Thouars, Louis Mary Albert. French Botanist 1758. , Dupin, Louis EUies. Ecclesiastical Historian 1657. Dupino, Chas. Francis. Fr. Philos. {La Relig. Universelle) 1742. Dupleix, Joseph Francis, Marquis. Fr. Governor in India 1700?, Dupleix, Scipio. French Historian 1569. Duplessis-Momay, Philip de. Statesman and Writer 1549. , Duponceau, Peter Steph. Fr. Writer. {Primitive World) 1^60. Dupont, James Charles de I'Eure. French Statesman. . . 1767. Dupont de I'l^tang, Peter, Count. French General 1765. Dupont de Nemours, Peter Samuel. Polit. Economist 1739. Duport, Francis Mathurin. French Revolutionist 1748'' Duport, James, D. d. Greek Scholar and Commentator 1606. Duppa, Brian. Bishop of Salisbury' and Winchester 1589. Duppa, Richard. Biographer and Writer 1755? Duprat, Anthony. Cardinal. French Statesman 1463.. Dupr6 d'Aulnay, Louis. French Physiologist 1670? Dupr6 de St. Maiir, Nicholas Francis. French Writer, . 1696. Dupuis, Charles. French Engraver 1685 . Dupuis, Charles Francis. Writer and Philosopher 1742. Dupuis, Nicholas Gabriel, brother. Engraver 1695 . Dupuis, Dr. Thomas Saunders. Eng. Musical Composer 1733. Dupuy, Peter. Fr. Antiquarian and Hist. L. by Rigault 1582. Dupuytren, William le, Baron. French Anatomist i777- Duquesne, Abraham, Marquis. Fr. Naval Commander 1610. Duquesnoy, Francis. Flemish Sculptor 1594. Durand, David. Fr. Protestant. Preacher and Historian 1679? Durand, Jcuhn Nicholas Louis. French Architect 1760. Durand, Wm. Fr. Lawver and Prelate. ( Speculum Juris ) 1 230 ? Durand de Maillane, Peter Toussaint. French Lawyer 1729. . Durand de St. Pour9ain, William. Bishop. Most Reso- lute Doctor — . Durant, Giles. French Humorous Poet 155°'' Durante, Francis. Sacred Music Composer ^^93' Duranti, Durante. Italian Poet and Orator 1718. Duranti, John Stephen. {De ritibus Ecclesice) I534- ■ Durao, or Duram, Joseph de Santa Rita. Brazilian Poet 1737. Duras, Clara, Duchess de. Writer and Philanthropist. . . 1779. Durbach, Ann Louisa. German Poetess 1722. Dureau de la Malle, Adolphus Julius Caesar Augustus. French Author I777- Durell, David. Biblical Critic 1728? Durell, John. Dean of Windsor. ApologistforCh. ofEng. 1626. Diirer, Albert. Engraver and Painter 147 1 • Duret, Louis. French Medical Writer 1527.. Durfee, Job. American Writer and Jurist 1790- D'Urfey, Thomas. Dramatic Author 1628?, Durham, Simeon of. Historian — . . Durham, James. Scottish Divine 1622?. . Durham, John Geo. Lambton, 1st Earl of. Gov. of Canada 1792. , Durham, Sir Philip Charles Calderwood. Admiral. Life by Captain A. Murray, 1846 1763. . Duringer, Melchior. Ecclesiastical Historian at Berne. . . 1647?, Duroc, Gerard Christopher Michael, Duke of Friuli. Mar- shal of France ^77^' • DIED. 831 719 809 763 661 623 844 838 817 794 679 662 831, 535- 758 774 742 809 771 796 651 688 646 763 834 296 814 1813 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 141 BORN. DIED. Dury, or Duraeus, John. Scottish Divine — aft. 1674 Dusaxt, Cornelius. Dutch Painter 1665 . .1704 Dusatoy, James. Poet 1796?. 1815 Du Sommerard, Alexander. French Archaeologist i779- • 1842 Dussaxilt, John Joseph. Fr.Writ. {Annates Litteraires) lySg. .1S24. Dussaulx, John. French Politician and Writer 1 728 . . 1 799 I>ussek, John Louis. Musical Composer 1 762 . . 1 8 1 2 Dutens, Joseph Michael. French Engineer 1765 . . 1848 Dutens, Louis. French Miscellaneous Writer 1730- .1812 Dutertre, John Baptist. {Histoire des Antilles) 1610. . 1687 Dutrochet, Ren^ Joachim Henry. French Naturalist. . . 1776. .1847 Duval, Alexander Vincent Pineu. French Writer 1767.. 1842 Duval, Aniaury Pineu. French Writer 1760 . . 1838 Duval, Claude. Highwayman. Life by Dr. Walter Pope — . . 1670 Duval, Nicholas. Dutch Painter 1644 . . 1 732 Duval, Peter. French Geographer and Chronologist 1618. . 1683 Duval, Valentine Jamarai. Scholar 1695 ..1775 Duvaucel, Alfred. French Naturalist 1581 . . 1643 Duvenede, Mark van. Dutch Historical Painter 1674. . 1729 Du Verdier, Anthony. Biographer and Bibliographer. . 1544.. 1600 Duvergier de Ha\iraiine, John. Abbot of St. Oyran. Theologian 1581 . . 1643 Duvemey, Joseph Guichard. French Anatomist 1648. .1730 Duvernoy, George Louis. Fr. Anatomist and Zoologist 1777. .1855 Duvoisin, John Baptist. Bishop of Nantes. Theologian 1744. .1813 Duyckinck, George Long. American Author. ( Cyclopae- dia of American Literature) 1822 . . 1863 Dwarris, Sir Foilunatus William Lilley. Antiquarian and Legal Writer 1787?. i860 Dwight, Theo. American Author and Journalist 1765 . . 1846 Dwight, Timothv. American Divine 1752 Dwnn, Lewis. Welsh Herald fl. Dyce, William, r. a. Painter, Composer, and Writer. . . 1806 Dyche, Thomas. Schoolmaster and Schoolbook Writer. . — Dyer, Sir Edward. Poet 1540 Dyer, George. Classical Scholar and Writer 1755 Dyer, Sir James, Chief Justice. (Reports.) L. by Vaillant 1512 Dyer, Rev. John. Poet. {The Fleece ; Ruins of Rome) .. lyoo "DjeTf Samuel. Writer 1725 Dyer, William. Ejected Nonconformist Divine — Dyznond, Jonathan. Quaker. {Principles of Morality) 1796 1817 614 .1864 .1750 .1610 .184X .1582 .1758 .1772 .1696 .182S 142 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. E. BORN. DIED. Eaohard, John, d. d. Divine. Life bv Thomas Davies 1636. . 1697 Eadmer, or Edmer. Historian and Biographer.*. — ..11 24? Eadsigo. Archbishop of Canterbury (1038-50) — . . 1050 Eardley, Sir Culling E. English Publicist 1805 . . 1863 Earle, John. Bp. of Wore. &Salisb. {Microcosmography) 1601. .1665 Earle, Pliny. American Inventor 1762 . . 1832 Earle, Thomas, brother. Writer on Law 1791 • • 1849 Earlom, Richard. Mezzotint Engraver. {LiberVeiitatis) ly^o. .1^22 Eastbum, James Wallis. American Author I797- • 1819 Eaton, John. Antinomian Divine 1575 . . 1641 Eaton, William. American Soldier 1764. .1811 Ebedjesu. Bar Bricha. Nestorian Writer of Syria — . . 1318 Ebel, John Godfrey. Ger. Writ, on Statistics & Geology 1764. .1830 Ebeling, Christopher Daniel. Geographer 1741 . . 1817 Ebelmen, James Joseph. French Chemist 1814. . 1852 Eberhard, Augustus Theophilus. German Author 1769 .. 1845 Eberhard, Conrad. German Artist 1768. . 1859 Eberhard, John Augustus. German Divine I739- • 1809 Eberhard im Bart. First Duke of Wiirtemberg 1445 . . 1496 Ebert, Theod. Ger. Hebraist. {Eulogia Jurisconsuhorum) — ..1630 Eberus, Paul. Reformer 1511 . . 1589 Ebroin. Mayor of the Palace of Neustria — . . 681 Eccard, or Eckhart, John George. Ger. Hist, and Antiq. 1674. .1730 Ecchellensis, or Echellensis, Abr. Maronite Orientalist . —..1664 Eccles, John. Violinist — • • '^735 Echard, Father James. Biographer of Dominican Order 1644. .1724 Echard, Lawrence. Archdeacon. {History of England) 1671?. 1730 Echinus, or Erizzo, Sebastian. Venetian Medalist 1525 . . 1585 Eck, or Eckius, John, of Ingoldstadt. Opponent of Luther i486 . . 1 543 Eckermann, John Peter. German Scholar and Author 1792. .1854 Eckhard, John Frederick. Philologist and Bibliographer 1723. .1794 Eckhard, or Eccard, John George. Ger. Hist, and Antiq. 1674. . 1730 Eckhel, Joseph Hilary. Jesuit, Antiquary and Medalist 1737. .1798 Ecluse, Charles de 1'. Clusius. Dutch Phys. & Botanist 1526. . 1609 Edelinck, Gerard. Dutch Engraver in France 1649. .1707 Edema, Gerard. Dutch Landscape Painter 1654?. 1700? Eden, Sir Fred. Morton. Statist. Writ. {Laboring Classes) 1766?. 1809 Eden, Sir Morton, First Lord Henley. Ambassador — . . 1802 Eder, George. German Lawyer. (CEconomia Bibliorum) 1524.. 1586 Edgar. King of England (959-75) 943''- 975 Edgar. King of Scotland — . . 1 107 Edgar, John George. Biographer, Novelist, &c 1834-'. 1864 Edgar Atheling. Heir of the Anglo-Saxon Line — . .1120? Edgeworth, Miss Maria. Novelist 1767 . . 1849 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. Agriculturist and Writer. . 1744.. 181 7 Edgeworth de Firmont, Henry Allen. Confessor to Louis XVI 1745 . . 1807 Edmer, or Eadmer. Historian and Biographer — . .1124? Edmondes, Clement. Scholar 1566. .1622 Edznoudes, Sir Thomas. Statesman 1563' . 1639 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 143 BOBIT. DIED. Edmondson, Joseph. Heraldic Writer — . ,1786 Edmund, St. King of East Anglia (854-70) and Martyr 841 . . 870 Edmund I. The Elder. King of England (940-46 ) ... 923 .. 946 or 8 Edmund II. Ironside. (1016-17) 989. . 1017 Edmund D'Abingdon, St. Archbishop of Canterbury (1234r-40). Life by Robert Bacon — ..1240 Edred. King of England (946-55) — .. 955? Edrisi. Arabian Geographer ' 1099. .1164? Edward I. King of England 1239.. 1307 Edward II. Life by Thomas de la More ; Edward Fan- nant, 1680; Henry Viscount Faulkland, 1680 1284. .1327 Edward III. Life by Thomas May, 1635; Barnes, 1688 1312. .1377 Edward IV. Life by J. Habington 1441 . . 1483 Edward V. Life by Sir Thomas More 1470- • 1483 Edward VI. Life by Sir J. Hayward, 1630 1537. .1553 Edward. Pr. of Wales; son of Henry VI. ; si. at Tewkesb. 1543. .1572 Edward the Black Prince. Life by Arthur Collins, 1740; G. P. R.James; A. P. Stanley, in Memor. Cant. 1330. .1376 Edward the Confessor. King of England (1042-66). Life by Ailred; Lives, edited by Luard 1004?. 1066 Edward the Elder. King of the West Saxons (901-24) 870?. 924 Edward the Martyr. King of England (975-8) 961?. 978 Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, nephew of Edward IV. Beheaded 1445 . . 1499 Edwards, Bela Bates, d. d. American Author 1802. . 1852 Edwards, Bryan. Historian of West Indies. Life by self 1743. • i^oo Edwards, Edward. Artist and Writer. (Perspective) .. 1738. .1806 Edwards, George. Naturalist. {History of Birds) 1693 . .1773 Edwards, John, d. d. Divine 1637. .1716 Edwards, Jonathan, d. d. Anti-Socinian Writer 1629. . 1712 Edwards, Jonathan. President of New Jersey College. Calviuistic Divine. {Freedom of Will. ) L. by Hopkins 1703 . .1758 Edwards, Jona., d. d., son. Metaphysician and Theologian 1745 • • 1^°^ Edwards, Justin, d. d. American Divine and Temperance Retormer 1787. . 1853 Edwards, Richard. Poet 1523. .1566? Edwards, Thomas. Presbyterian Writer. {Gangrcena). 1599?. 1647 Edwards, Thomas. Poetical Writer. ( Canons of Criticism) 1699. .1757 Edwards, Thomas, d. d. Divine. {Selecta theocriti). . . 1729. .1785 Edwards, William. Bridge Engineer 1719- -1789 Edwin. KingofNorthumbria (617-33). Bretwalda 585'. 633 Edwin, John. Comic Actor 1750- -1790 Edwy. Kingof England (955-59) 939?. 959 Eeckhout, Anthony van den. Flemish Painter 1656. . 1695 Eeckhout, Gerbrandt van den. Dutch Painter 162 1 . . 1674 Effen, Justus van. Dutch Writer 1684. .1735 Egbert. King of England (802-839) — . . 839? Egede, Hans, or John. Danish Missionary to Greenland 1686. .1758 Egede, Paul, son. Miss, to Greenland, & Lexicographer. 1708. .1789 Egerton, Daniel. Actor 1772. . 1835 Egerton, Francis, Duke of Bridgew. Promoter of Canals 1729. . 1803 Egerton, Rev. Francis Henry. Earl of Bridgewater. Pro- moter of Essays 1 758 . . 1829 Egerton, FrancisLeveson, E. of Ellesmere. See Ellesmere 1800 . . 1857 144 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Egerton, John. Bishop of Durham 1721 . .1787 Egerton, Thomas. First Lord Ellesmere, Viscount Brack- ley. Lord Chancellor 1540''. 1617 Egg, Augustus Leopold. Painter 1817?. 1863 Eggeling, John Henry, of Bremen. Medalist & Antiquary 1639. .1713 Egioliaxd. Biographer of Charlemagne 771 ? . 840? EgiiLton, Francis. Painter on Glass 1737 . • 1805 Eglantine. See Fabre. Fr. Writer and Revolutionist . . 1755. .1794 Egmont, Justus van. Historical Painter 1602. . 1674 Egmont, Lamoral, Ct. of. Flemish Statesman. Behead. 1522. .1568 Egnazio, J. Bapt. Cipelli. Venetian Orator and Scholar. . 1473. .1553 Egremont, George O'Brien Wynaham, Third Earl of . . . 1751 . . 1837 Ehret, George Dionysius. Botanical Painter 1710..1770 Eichendorff, Jos. Chas. Benedict, Baron. Ger. Author.. 1788. .1857 EicMiom, Charles Frederick. Jurisconsult 1781 . . 1854 Eichhorn, John Godfrey. Biblical Critic 1752. . 1827 Eichman, John. Dryander. Physician and Astronomer — ..1560 Eicliner, Ernest. German Musical Composer 1740- -1778 Eisen, Charles. Artist at Brussels 1721 . .1778 Eisengrein, Martin, d. d. German Controversial Divine — • .1578 Eisenschmidt, John Caspar. German Mathematician. . 1656. .1712 Ekins, Jeffrey, d. d. Divine and Scholar — • • 1791 Elagabalus. Rom. Emp. (218-222). L. by ^. Lampridius 205?. 222 Elb6e, Gigot d'. Royalist Leader of La Vendue 1752. .1794 Elbene, Alphonsus d'. Bishop. { De Begno Burgundux) i^^o^.i6oS Elbert, Samuel. American Revolutionary Officer 1743. •1788 Elboeuf, Charles de Lorraine, Marquis d'. Politician. . . . 1596. .1657 Elboeuf, Eman. Maurice, Due d'. Discov. of Herculaneum 1677 . .1763 ElbcBuf, Ren^ de Lorraine, Marquis d'. Politician — . .1566 Elburcht, John van. Painter at Antwerp 1500. . — Eldon, John Scott, Earl of. Lord Chancellor. Life by H. Twiss; W. E. Surtees, 1846 '. 1751. .1838 Eleanor of Aquit. Q. of Henry II. L. by Isaac de Larrey 1 1 22 . . 1204? Eleanor of Castile. Queen of Edward I — . .1290 Eleanor of Este. Italian Princess beloved by Tasso ^537- • 1581 Eleanor of Provence. Queen of Hei^ry III — . .1291 Eleanor of Toledo 1526. . — Eleanora Tellez. Portuguese Beauty; Q. of Ferd. I. . . 1330. .1405 Eleutherius. Bishop of Rome (177-192) — . . 192 Elfric. Archbishop of Canterbury (995-1006) — . . 1006 Elgin and Kincardine, James Bruce, Eighth Earl of. Governor-General of India 181 1 . . 1863 Elgin and Kincardine, Thos. Bruce, 7th E. of. (Marbles) 1766. .1841 Elias, Matthew. Portrait and Historical Painter 1658. .1741 Elias Ijevita. Jewish Rabbi 1472. .1549 Elich, Louis Philip. Ger. Writer. (De Magid DiaboUcd) fl. 1607 Elichman, John. Physician and Orientalist at Leyden. . — . . 1639 ]ijlie de Beaumont, Ann Louisa. Writer 1729. .1783 ^Hie de Beaumont, J, Baptist James. French Writer , 1732. .1786 Eliot, Sir John. Statesman. Lifeby John Forster, 1864. 1590. ,1632 Eliot, John. Apostle of the Indians. Missionary. Life by Cotton Mather 1604. . 1689 Eliot, John, D. D. Amer. Writer. (New Eng. Biog. Diet.) 1754. . 1813 Eliot, or Elyot, Sir Thomas. Writer. ( The Governor).. 1495?. 1546 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 145 BORN. DIED. Eliott, Geo. Aug., 1st Ld. Heathfield. Defender of Gibraltar 1718? . 1790 Eliott, Sir John. Physician in London — • .1787 Eliott, Rev. Richard. Controversial Divine — . .1789 Elisha. Hebrew Prophet; successor of Elijah ab.840 b.c. Elizabeth, or Isabella, of Austria. Queen of Charles IX. of France 1454. .1592 Elizabeth. Queen of England. L. by Leti ; Dr. T. Birch, 1754; Camden; Thomas Hey wood; Madame Robert . . 1533. .1603 Elizabeth, Madame, sister of Louis XVI 1764. .1794 Elizabeth Farnese. Qufeen of Spain 1692. .1766 Elizabeth-Christina. Queen of Frederick the Great of Prussia. Life by Von Hahnke, 1848 1715. .1797 Elizabeth-Petrovna. Empress of Russia 1709. .1761 Elizabeth, St., of Hungary. Life by Simon; Count Montalembert .' 1207. . 1231 Elizabeth Stuart. Queen of Bohemia. Life by Miss Benger, 3825 1596. .1662 Elizabeth AWoodviUe. Q. of England. Wife of Ed w. IV. — ..1488 Elizabeth of York. Q. of England. Wife of Henry VII. 1466 . . 1502 Ellenborough, Edward Law, First Lord. Lord Chief Justice. Life by Lord Campbell 1748 . . 1818 EUer de Brookhu'sen, John Theodore. Medical Writer 1689. .1760 Ellery, William. American Statesman 1727. .1820 Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, Earl of. {Medit. Sketches) 1800.. 1857 EUesmere, Thomas Egerton, Baron. Lord Chancellor. . . 1540?. 1617 Ellet, William Henry. American Chemist 1804''. 1859 EUicott, Andrew. Amer. Astron. and Civil Engineer. . . 1754. . 1820 iElliger, Ottomar. Painter of Fruits and Flowers. . . . 1632 or 3. . 1688 -EUiger, Ottomar, son. Historical Painter 1666. .1732 EUiott, Ebenezer. Com Law Rhymer. L. by Searle, 1852 1 781 . . 1849 Elliott, Jesse Duncan. American Naval Officer 1782. . 1845 ^^!Elliott, Stephen. American Naturalist 1771 . . 1830 .Elliott, William. Engraver 1717- .1766 •Ellis, Clement. Divine. Life by Veneer 1630 , . 1 700 'Ellis, George. (Specimens 0/* Early English Poets) 1745 • • 1815 Ellis, G. J. W. Agar, Lord Dover. Historical Writer 1797- -^^33 Ellis, Henry. Voyager and Governor of Georgia 1721 . . 1806 EUis, John. Writer on Zoophytes 1710?. 1776 EUis, John. Poet 1698. .1791 Elliston, Robert William. Comedian 1774. . 1831 Ellsworth, Oliver, ll. d. American Jurist 1745 • • ^8°7 EUwood, Thomas. Quaker Writer. Life by self 1639. .1713 Ellys, Anthony. Bishop of St. David's. Theologian 1693. .1761 Ellys, Sir Richard, Bart. Writer — . .1742 Elmacinus, George. Saracen Historian 1223. . 1273 Elmenhorst, Geverhard, of Hamburg. Critic. {Cebes). — ..1621 Elmenhorst, Henry. Writer on Public Spectacles 1632. .1704 Elmer, John. Bishop of London. See Aylmer 1521. .1594 Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale. Architect 1814'. 1847 Elmore, Franklin Harper. American Financier i799- • 1850 Elmsley, Peter, d. d. Critic i773 • • 1825 Elphege. Archbishop of Canterbury 954' . 1012 Elphinston, Arthur, Lord Balmerino- Beheaded 1688. . 1746 Elphinston, James. Misc. Writer. {English Orthography) 1 721.. 1809 10 146 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. ELphinston, William. Bishop of Aberdeen. Statesman. Founder of King's College, Aberdeen i43i'- Elphinstone, Geo. Keith,Visc. Keith. Naval Commander 1746. . Elpliinstone, Hon. Mountstuart. {History of India) 1778. . Elrington, Thomas. Bp. of Ferns. Divine & Classical Ed. — .. Elsheimer, Adam. Painter i574- • Eisner, James. Prussian Divine 1692 . . Elstob, Elizabeth. Saxonist 1683. . Elstob, William, brother. Divine, Antiquary, & Saxonist 1673. • Elsynge, Henry. Historical Writer 1598. . Elton, Sir Charles Abraham. Poet and Historical Writer 1778. . Elvius, Peter. Swedish Mechanician and Astronomer. . . 1710. . Elwall, Edward. Politician and Polemical Writer — . . Elwes, John, M. p. Miser. Life by Maj. F. Topham, 1805 I7I4^ Elyot, Sir Thomas. See Eliot 1495 ? . Elys, Rev. Edmund. Eliseus. Nonjuror, Divine, and Poet — aft. Elzevirs, Family of. Printers fl.1595- Emanuel. King of Portugal (1495-1521) 1469. . Embury, Emma Catharine. American Authoress 1806. . Emerson, Wm. Mathematician. Life by W. Bowe, 1793 1701 . . Emery* John. Actor 1777. . Emilio, Paul. Paulus ^milius. Italian Historian — . . Emlyn, Thomas. Unitarian Divine. Life by his son, ,. 1663. . Emma of Wormandy. Queen of Ethelred — . . Emmett, Robert. United Irishman. Executed 1780.. Emmett, Thomas Addis, brother. United Irishman and American Barrister 1763 . . Emmius, Ubbo. Philologist and Hist. (Vetus Grcecia). 1^47. . Emmons, Ebenezer. American Geologist and Author. . . 1798.. Emmons, Nathaniel. American Theologian and Writer 1745. . Emory, John, d.d. Bp. of the Meth. Epis. Church; Writer 1789. . Emory, Robert, son. Clergyman and Writer 1814. . Empecinado, John Martin Diaz, el. Span. Revolutionist 1775 • • Empedocles. Sicilian Philosopher fl'444 Empereur, Constantine 1'. Anti-Jewish Theologian 1570^ Empoli, Jacopo Chimenti da. Florentine Painter I554- • Empson, Sir Richard. Favorite of Henry VII — . . Empson, Wm. Professor. Editor of Edinburgh Review 1790'. Emser, Hieronymus. Opponent of Luther 1472. . :6nambuc, Peter Vandrosque Diel d'. French Navigator — . . Encke, John Francis. German Astronomer 1791 • • Enclos, Ninon 1'. French Beautj" 1616. . Encontre, Daniel, of Montauban. Theologian and Math. 1762. . Endicott, John. Colonial Governor of Massachusetts. . . 1589. . Endlicher, Steph. Ladislaus. Botanist and Linguist 1804. . Enfantin, Barthelemy Prosper. P'ere Enfantin. French Social Theorist. 1796. . Enfield, William. Dissenting Divine. (SpeaJcer) 1741 • • Engel, John James. German Philosophical Writer 1741 • • Engelbreeht, John. Fanatic » . 1599. ■ Engelbrechtsen, Cornelius. Dutch Painter 1468 . . Enghelrams, Cornelius. Painter in Water Colors 1527. . Enghien, Louis Anthony Henry de Bourbon, Duke of. Executed by Bonaparte 1772. . 1804 823 859 835 620 750 756 714 654 853 749, 745^ 789 546 693 680 863 782 822 529 743 052 803 827 626 863 840 835 848 B.C.? 648 640 527 636 865 706 818 665 849 864 797 802 642 533 583 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 147 BOBN. DIED. England, John, D. D. Roman Catholic Bishop ; Writer. 1786.. 1^42 Englefleld, Sir Henry Charles. (/sZe of Wight) 1752. . 1822 Englisli, George Bethune. American Adventurer 1789- .1828 English, Hester. Caligraphist — aft.1617 Enjedius, or Enyedin, George. Socinian Writer 15^0"'. 1597 Ennemoser, Joseph. German Physiologist. 1787 1854 Ennius, Quintus. Roman Poet 239 b.c. . 169 Ennodius, Magnus Felix. Bishop of Pavia. Writer.. 473''. 521 Enriquez, Gomez Anthony (properly Enriquez de Paz). Spanish Poet "". fl. 17th c. Ent, Sir George. Medical Writer 1604. . 1689 Entick, or Entinck, Rev. John. {History of London) .... 1713. .1773 Entinopus. Architect of Can dia. Founder of Venice . . — .. 420? Entrecasteaux, Joseph Anthony Bruni d'. French Ad- • miral and Explorer 1739. .1793 Enzinas, Francis. Dryander. Sp. Transl. of New Test. 1520''. 1570? Enzinas, John, brother. Protestant Martyr at Rome — • -1545 Enzio. Natural Son of Fredericlc II. of Germany 1224 or 5 . 1272 Eobanus, Helius. German Latin Poet 1488. .1540 lEon de Beaumont, Chas. Genevieve Louis Augustus Andrew Timothy d'. Chevalier d\tLon. French Soldier 1728. .1810 Epaminondas. Theban General. Life by Meissner, 1801 — B.c.362 Ep6e, Charles Michael de 1'. Abb^. Philanthropist 1712. .1789 Ephraem Syrus, St. Christian Writer — . . ^ly^"^ E{)icliarnius. Greek Dramatic Poet 540 b.c.?. 443 Epictetus. Greek Philosopher — aft. 1 18 Epiciirus. Greek Philosopher 342 B.c.270 Epimenides. Cretan Poet and Hero fl. b.c. 596 l^pinay, Louisa Florence P^tronille de la Live d'. Friend of Rousseau 1725?. 1783 Epiphanius. Bishop of Constantia (367-403). ( Contra Manichceos) 310^ • 403 Epiphanius. The Scholastic. Italian Scholar and Transl. fl. 510? Episcopius, Simon. Arminian Divine. Life by Limborch 1583. .1643 ;]&rard, Sebastian. Fr. Manufacturer of Musical lustrum. 1752. .1831 Erasistratus. Physician and Anatomist fl.3oo-26oB.c. Erasnaus, Desiderius. Scholar. L. bv P. Merula ; Jortin ; Dr. Sam. Knight, 1724; Burigni ; "Charles Butler, 1825 1467. .1536 Erastus, Thomas. Physician and Polemical Divine. Founder of Erastianism 1524. .1583 Eratosthenes. Geographer, Astronomer, &c. 274B.C.''. 194 Ereeldoune, Thomas of. Thomas the Mymer fl. 1280' Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonzo de. Span. Poet. (Araucana) 1533. .1595^ ErdI, Michael Pius. German Savant 1815 . . 1848 Eremita, Daniel. (De Aulicd Vita ac Civili) 1584. . 1613 Eric IX. King of Sweden (1155-60). The Pious or Saint — ..1160 Eric XIII. King of Sweden, Denmark (VII. ). ( History of Denmark) 1382. .1459 Eric" XIV. King of Sweden (1560-69) i533--i577 Ericsson, John. Swedish Engineer in America 1803. . 1853 Erigena, John Scotus. Schoolman — . . 875 ? Erinna. Greek Poetess fl. 352 b.c. Erizzo, Sebastian. Venetian Medalist and Antiquary. . . 1525 . . 1585 Erkivins. Architect of Steinbach — . . 1305 148 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Xirlach, John Louis. French Commander 1595 . . 1650 Erman, Paul. German Physicist 1764. . 1851 Ernest. Duke of Gotha 1601 . . 1674 Ernest. Elector of Saxony — . . i486 Ernest- Augustus, son of George III. Duke of Cumber- land and King of Hanover i77i. .1851 Ernesti, Augustus William. Professor of Eloquence and Classical Editor (Livy, Quintilian, ^'C.) T'-ySS- • 1801 Ernesti, John Augustus. Philologist, Theologian, and. Classical Editor {Homer, Cicero, Tacitus, ^c.) 1707. .1781 Ernesti, John Christian Theoph. {Lexicon Tecknologice) 1756. .1802 Ernst, Henry William. Violinist 1814 . . 1865 Ernulpli, or Amulph. Bishopof Roch. {TexiusHoffensis) 1040'' .1124 Erostratus, or Herostratus. Ephesian Incendiary fl.4thc.B.c. Erotianus. Author of a Glossary to Hippocrates fl. ti. Nero. Erpen, Thomas va*!!. Erpenius. Dutch Orientalist 1584. . 1624 Errard, Charles. French Painter and Architect 1606. . 1689 Errington, Edward. Railway Engineer 1806 . . 1862 Ersch., John Samuel. German Cyclopaedist 1766. . 1828 Erskine, David, Lord Dun. Judge 1670. .1755 Erskine, Rev. Ebenezer, m. a. Scottish Seceder 1680. .1754 Erskine, Henry. Scottish Divine 1624. . 1696 Erskine, Henry. Lord Advocate. Orator and Wit 1746. .1817 Erskine, John, Baron of Dun. Scottish Reformer 1508?. 1591 Erskine, John. {Principles of the Law of Scotland) 1695 • '17^5 Erskine, John, d. d, Scottish Divine. Life by Rev. Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood, 1818 1721. .1803 Erskine, Ralph, A. m. Divine. ( Gospel Sonnets) 1685 . .1752 Erskine, Thomas, Lord. Lord Chancellor 1750. . 1823 Erwin, of Steinbach. Architect of Strasbourg Cathedral — . . 1318 Erxleben, John Christian Polycarp. German Naturalist 1744. •'^777 Eryceira, Ferd. de Menezes, Count. {Hist, of Portugal) 1614. .1699 Eryceira, Francis Xavier de Menezes, Count, great-grand- son. Soldier and Author 1673 . . 1743 Eschenbach, Wolfram von. German Minnesinger — aft. 1227 Eschenmayer, Adolphus Chas. Aug. von. Ger. Philos. . 1768. .1852 Eschscholtx, John Frederick. German Naturalist i793- -1831 Escobar, Bartholomew. Jesuit Missionary and Author. . 1562. .1624 Escobar, Marine d'. Span. Foundress. Life by Dupont. iS54- -^^33 Escobar y Mendoza, Anthony. Sp. Jesuit and Casuist. 1589. . 1669 Escoiquiz, John de. Spanish Diplomatist and Author . . 1762. .1820 Esmenard, Joseph Alphonse. Fr. Poet and Polit. Writer 1770. . 181 1 Espagnac, John Baptist, Baron d'. Military Writer 17 13. -1783 Espagnandel, Matthew 1'. French Sculptor 1610. . 1689 Espagnet, John d', of Bordeaux. {Enchiridion Physicce) . fi. 1623 Espagnolet, Joseph Ribera 1'. Spanish Painter 1589. . 1656 Esparron, Chas. d' Arcussia Visct. d'. Writ, on Falconry 1547. .1617 Espen, Zeger Bernard van. Dutch Canonist ". 1646. .1728 Espence, Claude d'. Cardinal. Biblical Commentator. . 1511 . .1571 Esper, Eugene John Christopher. German Naturalist. . . 1742. . 1810 Esper, John Frederick. Naturalist and Astronomer 1732. .1781 Esperiente, Philip Callimachus. Italian Writer — . . 1496 Espinasse, Esprit Charles Mary. French General 1815. .1859 Espinasse, Julia Jane Eleanor de I'. Fr. Beauty and Wit 1732. .1776 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 149 BORN. DIED. Espinel, Vincent de. Spanish Poet and Musician ^SS^ • • 1634 Espr6mesnil, James Duval d'. French Politician 1746. .1794 Esprit, James. French Academician ; Writer 1611 . . 1678 Espronceda, Joseph de. Spanish Poet 1808. . 1842 Espy, James P. American Meteorologist 1785 . . i860 Esquirol, John Stephen Dominic. French Physician and Writer. (Maladies Mentaks) 1772. . 1840 Ess, Henry Leander van. Ger. Rom. Cath. Theologian. . 1772. . 1847 Esse, Andr^ de Montalembert d'. French General 1483. .1558 Essen, John Henry. Swedish General i755 - 1^24 Essex, James, f. s. a. Architect 1723. .1784 Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d Earl. Beheaded by Elizabeth 1567. . 1601 Essex, Robert Devereux, 3d Earl. Parliamentary General 1592. .1646 Essex, Thomas Cromwell, Earl of. Beheaded 1490?. 1540 Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of. 1540?. 1576 Esta90, Achilles. Latin Poet of Portugal. /See Statins 1524. ,1581 Estaing, Charles Hector, Count d'. French Commander 1729. .1794 Estampes, Anne de Pisseleu, Duchesse d'. Mistress of Francis 1 1508. .1576? Estcourt, Richard. Actor and Dramatic Writer 1668. .1713 Estienne. Printers. See Stephen. Estius, William. Dutch Divine 1542- • 1613 Estoile, Claude de 1'. French Academician; Poet . . .1597?. 1651 or 2 Estoile, Peter de 1'. French Jurist and Historical Writer I54o^ 161T Estrades, Godfrey, Count d'. Fr. General and Statesman 1607. . 1686 Estr6es, Caesar d'. Cardinal; Statesman 1628. .1714 Estr6es, Francis Annibal d'. Fr. Gen. and Hist. Writer 1573. .1670 Estr^es, Gabrielle d'. Mistress of Henry IV 1571?. 1599 Estr6es, Louis Caesar, Due d'. Marshal of France 1695. .1771 Estr6es, Victor Mary d'. Vice-Adm. and Marsh, of France 1660 . . 1 737 Ethelbald. King of Wessex (855-60) — . . 860? Ethelbert. King of Kent (560'^-616) 545?. 616 Etiielbert. King of Wessex (860-66) — . . 866? Ethelgar. Archbishop of Canterbury (988-89) — . . 989? Ethelhard. Archbishop of Canterbury (793-805) — . . 805 Ethelnoth. Archbishop of Canterbury (1020-38) — . . 1038 Ethelred. Archbishop of Canterbury (870-889) — . . 889 Ethelred I. Saint. King of Wessex (866-71) — . . 871 Ethelred II. The Unready. King of England (978-1016) — ..1016 Ethelreda, St. St. Audrey fl. 7th c. Ethelwold, St. Bp. of Winch (963-84). L. byWolstan 925?. 984 Ethelwolf. King of Wessex (836-58) — . . 858 Etherege, Sir George. Wit and Comic Writer 1636?. 1689 Ethieus, or ^thicus. Lat.Writ. of Istria. ( Cosmographia) fl. 4th c. Etienne. Printers. See Stephen. :6tienne, Charles William. French Writer 1778- • 1845 fltoUe, Peter de 1'. French Historical Writer 1540?. 1611 Ettmiiller, Ernest Michael. Medical Writer 1673. .1732 Ettmiiller, Michael, of Leipsic. Medical Writer 1644. . 1683 Etty, William, R. A. Painter. Life by A. Gilchrist, 1855. 1787. . 1849 EubuUdes of Miletus. Greek Philosopher 4th c. b.c. Euclid of Alexandria. Mathematician. {Elements) ti.Ptolemy Soter Euclid of Megara. Philosopher fl. 400 b.c. Eudeemon, John Andrew. Jesuit Writer 1560? 1625 150 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Eudes. King of France (888-898) — . . 899 Eudes, Jolin. French Devotional Writer 1601 . . 1680 Eudocia. Roman Empress, wife of Tlieodosius II. Writer. {Hwnero- Centones) 394?. 460 or i Eudocia. Empress (1059-71). Wife of Constantine XI., &c. ( Violarium) — aft.107 Eudoxia. Empress. Wife of Arcadius, Persecutor of Chrjsostom — . . 404 Eudoxus, of Cnidus. Greek Astronomer fl. B.C. 366 Eudoxus, of Cyzicus. Greek Navigator 2d c. b. c. Eugene, Francis, of Savoy, Prince. Life by self; Prince de Eigne, 1790 ; Ducasse, 1858-9 ; Ritter von Arneth ; Maubillon 1663. .1736 Eugenius. Bishop of Carthage (481-505). — • • 505 Eugeniusl. Pope (654-57). Saint —..658 Eugenius II. (824-27) — . . 827 Eugenius III. , (1145-53). Bernard — . . 1153 Eugenius IV. (1431-47). Gabiiel Condolmerio — . . 1447 Eiiler, Leonard. Mathematician. {Elementsof Algebra) 1707. .lyS^ Eunapius. Greek Sophist, Phys., and Biographer 347. . 420? Eunomius. Founder of the Eunomians — . . 393 Eupolis. Greek Comic Poet 446b.c.''.4ii? Exiripides. Greek Tragedian 480 B.c.406 Eusden, Rev. Lawrence. Poet-Laureate — . .173° Eusebius. Pope (310) — -.310 Eusebius. Bishop of Nicomedia 324^ 342 Eusebius. FampJiili. Bp. of Csesarea. Eccles. Historian 265?. 338? Eustachius, Bartholomew. Anatomical Discoverer — . .1574 Eustathius. Abp. of Thessalonica. Classical Comment. — ..1198? Eustis, William. American Physician and Politician... 1753.. 1825 Eutocius, of Ascalon. Mathematician fl. 560 a.d. Eutropius, Flavins. Roman Historian fl.4th c.a.d. Eutyches. Heresiarch 37S. . 454? Eutychius. Patriarch of Alexandria; Arabic Annalist. . 876.. 940 Evagrius Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical Historian 536'. 600? Evangelista. Italian Capuchin ; Canonist 1 5 1 1 ? . 1 595 Evans, Abel, d. d. Epigrammatist, (m. a. 1699) — aft. 171 1 Evans, Arise. Welsh Conjuror and Impostor fl.i7th c. Evans, Caleb, d. d., of Bristol. Baptist Minister i737- • i79i Evans, Evan. Welsh Divine and Poet 1 730? . 1 790 Evans, John, d. d. Welsh Dissenting Divine 1680. .1730 Evans, John. Publisher. ( Christian Denominations) . . . 1742. • 1827 Evans, Lewis. American Geographer 1700?. 1756 Evans, Oliver. Amer. Mechanical Engineer and Inventor 1755. .1811 Evanson, Rev. Edward. Infidel Writer 1731 • • 1805 Evaristus. Bishop of Rome (100-109) — • . 109' Evarts, Jeremiah. American Editor and Writer 1781 . . 1831 Evelyn, John. (Sylva.) Memoirs edited by Bray, 1818 1620. .1706 Evelyn, John, son. Scholar and Poetical Writer 1654. . 1698 Everard, Johannes Secundus. Dutch Statesman. (Basia) 1511 . .1536 Everdingen, Albert van. Dutch Painter 1621 . . 1675 Everdingen, Caesar van. Dutch Painter 1606. . 1679 Everett, Alexander Hill. Amer. Diplomatist & Scholar 1792. .1847 Everett, Edward. American Statesman and Orator .... 1794. . 1865 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 151 BORN. DIED. Evremond, St. See St. Evremond. Soldier and "Writer 1613. .1703 Ewald, John. Danish Poet i743- .1781 Ewing, Greville. Scottish Divine and Lexicographer 1767. . 1841 Ewing, John. American Divine and Natural Philosopher 1732. .1802 Ewliya Effendi. Turkish Traveler 161 1 . . 1679? Exelmans, Remi Joseph Isidore, Baron. Marshal 1775 . . 1852 Exmouth, Edw. Pellew,Visc. Admiral. L. by Osier, 1833 1757. .1833 Expilly, Claude d', of Grenoble. Lawyer and Writer 1561 . . 1636 Expilly, "John Joseph. Geographer and Traveler 1719..1 793 Eyck, Hubert van. Flemish Painter 1366. . 1426 Eyck, John van, brother. John of Bruges. Painter 1370. . 1441 Eyck, Margaret van, sister. Painter — . . 1430? Eykens, Peter. The Old. Painter of Antwerp i599- • 1649 Eyre, Rev. Charles. Biblical Scholar, Poet, Journalist . . 1784?. 1864 Eyries, J. Baptist. Benedict. French Writer 1767 . . 1846 Ezekiel. Hebrew Prophet 6th & 7th c.b.c. Ezra. Jewish Lawgiver 5th c. b. c. 152 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. F. BORN. DIED. Faber, Anthony. Jurist. See Favre i557-- 1624 Paber, Basil. German Protestant Divine. (TAesaMrz^). 1520, .1575 Paber, Dr. Fred. Wm., of the Brompton Oratory. Poet. . . 1815 . . 1863 Paber, Rev. George Stanley. Divine i773' -1854 Paber, John. Malleus Hereticorum. German Divine. . . . 1470?. 1 541 Paber, Nicholas, ^ee Fevre. French Philologist i544' • 1612 Paber, Tanaquil. See Fevre, Tannegui le. . . .,. 161 5 . . 1672 Paber Stapulensis. See Lef^vre, James, of Etaples 1455?. 1537 Pabert, Abraham. Marshal of France. Life by J. Barre 1599. .1662 Pabian, or Fabyan, Robert. Historian 1450'- 1512 Pabianus. Bishop of Rome (236-50) — . . 250 Pabius Maximus, Q. Dictator and six times Consul. . . aft.296 B.C. Pabius Maximus, Q. Cunctaior. Opponent of Hannibal — B.C. 203 Pabius Pictor, Q. Roman Historian fl.225-216 b.c Pabre, or Faber, Anthony. Jurist i557-- 1624 Pabre, John Claude. Ecclesiastical History Writer 1668. .1753 Pabre d'l^jglantine, Philip Francis Nazaire. French Revolutionist and Author 1755 . .1794 Pabretti, Raphael. Antiquary 1619. .1700 Pabri, Honore. Jesuit Philosopher 1607?. 1688 Pabriano, Francis di Gentile da. Italian Painter 1370?. 1450 Pabricius, Caius. Consul. Opponent of Pyrrhus aft.275 B.C. Pabricius, David. German Astronomer and Divine .... 1564. .1617 Pabricius, George. Latin Poet and Antiquary. {Rome) 1516. .1571 Pabricius, James. Physician and Mathematician i577- .1652 Pabricius, Jerome, of Aquapendente. Physician i537- • 1619 Pabricius, John (son of David). Astronomer — . . 1625 Pabricius, John Louis. Swiss Divine and Diplomatist. . . 1632.. 1697 Pabricius, John Albert. Scholar. (Bibliotheca Groeca.) Life by H. S. Reimarus, 1737 1668. .1736 Pabricius, John Christian. Danish Entomologist i743- -1807 Pabricius, Vincent. German Latin Poet 1612. . 1667 Pabricius, William. Hildanus. German Surgeon 1560. . 1634 Pabris, Nicholas. Italian Mechanician i739- -i^oi Pabroni, Angelo. Biographer. Life by Pozzett 1732. .1803 Pabroni, John Valentine Mathias. Italian Naturalist. . . 1752. .1822 Pabrot, Charles. Annibal. French Jurist 1581 . . 1659 Pabry, John Baptist Germain. French Writer 1780. .1821 Pabyan, or Fabian, Robert. Historian i45o''- 1512 Paccbetti, Peter. Painter of Mantua 1535 . . 1613 Pacciolato, or Facciolati, James. Grammarian 1682. . 1769 Pacini, Peter. Historical Painter of Bologna 1560. . 1602 Pacio, or Fazio, Bartholomew. Italian Scholar and Hist. 1400?. 1457 Paernus, Gabriel. Italian Critic and Latin Poet — . .1561 Pagan, Christopher Bartholomew. French Comic Author 1702. .1755 Page, Raymond de la. French Engraver and Designer. . 1656. .1690 Pagel, Gaspar. Dutch Statesman. 1629. . 16S8 Pagel, Francis Nicholas, nephew. Dutch General — . . 171S Pagius, Paul. German Reformer 1504. .1550 Paguani, Prosper. Italian Canonist 1598. • 1678 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 153 BORN. DIED. Fagnano, Julius Charles, Count of. Italian Mathematician 1682 .. 1 766 Fagon, Guy Crescent. Physician and Botanist 1638. . 1718 Fagundy, Stephen. Portuguese Jesuit; Casuist 1577?. 1645 FaMe, Sir William Charles. Admiral 1763. . 1833 Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel. Philosopher 1686. .1736 Faidit, Anselm. Troubadour — . . 1220? Faille, Germain de la. Fr. Hist. {History of Toulouse) 1616. .1711 Fairfax, Edward. Poet. Translator of Tasso — . . 1632? Fairfax, Robert. Musical Composer ti.Hen.vii. & viii. Fairfax, Thos., Lord. Parliamentary General. L. by self 161 1 . . 1671 Fairfax, Thomas. Sixth Baron Fairfax of Cameron 1690^1782 Faistenberger, Anthony. Painter of Innspruck 1678. .1722 Faithorne, William. Painter and Engraver 1616?. 1691 Faleandus, Hugo. (.History of Sicily) fl. 1 190? Falck, Anthony Renard. Dutch Statesman 1776. . 1843 Falconberg, Mary, Countess of. Daughter of Cromwell — .. 1712 Falcone, Ancillo. Italian Battle-Painter 1600 . . 1663 Falcone, da Benevento. Italian Chronicler fl. 1150? Falconer, Sir Alex., cr. Lord Halkertoun. Scot. Judge. — ..1671 Falconer, Sir David. Ld. Pres. Scotland. {Decisions). . 1639. .1685 Falconer, Hugh, m. d. Botanist and Palaeontologist. . . . 1809. .1865 Falconer, Sir James. Lord Phesdo. Scottish Judge. ... — . . 1705 Falconer, Thos., of Bath. Edit, of Strabo. ( Voy.ofHanno) 1772. .1839 Falconer, Thomas. ( Voyage of Hanno ; Chronot Tables) 1736.. 1792 Falconer, William. Poet. (ShipiorecJc.) Life by Mitford 1730?. 1769 Falconer, Wm., m. d., of Bath. Med. & Chemical Writer 1743. • ^824 Falconet, Camille. French Physician & Book Collector 1671. .1762 Falconet, Stephen Maurice. French Sculptor 17 16. .1791 Falda, John Baptist. Italian Engraver 1640?. 1700? Faleti, Jerome, of Savona. Poet and Statesman 15 18?. 1564 Falieri, Marino. Doge of Venice 1278. .1355 FaJk, John Daniel. German Philanthropist and Author . 1768. .1826 Falk, John Peter. Swedish Botanist 1727. .1774 Falkenstein, John Henry. German Antiquary 1682, .1760 Falkland, Henry Gary, 1st Visct. Ld. Dep.ofIrel.,& Writ. — ..1633 Falkland, Lucius Gary, Viscount, son; slain at Newbury i6io''.i643 Falkner, Thomas. Jesuit Missionary to Paraguay 1710. .1784 Falle, Rev. Philip, of Jersey. (History of Jersey) 1655. .1742 Fallopius, or Faloppio, Gabriel. Anatomical Discoverer 1523?. 1562 Fallows, Fearon. Astronomer — . . 1832 Fals, or Falz, Raymond. Medal Engraver 1658.. 1703 Falster, Christian. Danish Critic fl. 171 7-31 Fancourt, Samuel. Dissenting Minister and Writer. . . . 1678. .1768 Fane, Rob. Geo. Cecil. Commiss. of Bankruptcy. Leg. Wr. 1795'. 1864 FaneuU, Peter. American Merchant 1700. .1743 Fanning, David. American Freebooter 1756'' . 1825 Fanshawe, Ann, Lady. Life by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 1829 1625. .1679 Fanshawe, Sir Richard. Statesman and Poet 1608. . 1666 Fant, Eric Michael. Swedish Archaeologist and Historian 1 754 . . 181 7 Fardella, Mich. Angelo. Naturalist and Astron. at Padua 1650. .1718 Fare, Chas. Aug., Marquis de la. French Poet and Writer 1644. .1712 Farel, William. French Reformer. Life by D. Ancillon 1489. .1565 Faret, Nicholas. French Academician 1600'. 1646 Farey, John. Geologist 1766. . 1826 154 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Farey, John. Civil Engineer 1791 . . 1851 Faria y Souza, Manuel de. Portuguese Historian & Poet 1590. .1649 Parinaccio, Prosper. Italian Law Writer 1554. .1618 Farinato, Paul, of Verona. Painter 1525 . . 1606 Farinelli. Carlo Broschi. Neapolitan Singer 1705 . .1782 Faringdon, Anthony. Divine. Life by T. Jackson, 1849 1596. . 1658 Farington, George. Historical Painter 17 54- .1788 Farington, Joseph, brother. Landscape Painter — . . 1818 Farmer, Hugh. Dissenting Divine. Life by Dodson. .. 1714. .1787 Farmer, John. American Genealogist and Antiquary .... 1789. . 1838 Farmer, Richard, d. d. Critic and Scholar ^ 735 • • 1 797 Farnaby, Thomas. Schoolmaster and Classical Editor. . 1575 . . 1647 Farnese, Alexander. Third Duke of Parma 1546. -1592 Farnese, Alexander. Cardinal. Ambassador 1520. .1589 Farnese, Octavius. Second Duke of Parma 1520"^ 1585 Farnese, Peter Louis. First Duke of Parma (1545-47) . . 1490?. 1547 Farneworth, Ellis. Historical Translator — . .1763 Farnham, Thomas J. American Traveler and Writer. . 1804. .1848 Farquhar, George. Comic Writer 1678. , 1707 Farrant, Richard. Composer of Church Music — . .1585? Farrar, John. American Mathematician i779- • 1853 Farren, Eliza. Actress, afterwards Countess of Derby . . 1759. .1829 Farren, William. Comedian '. . . . 1791?. 1861 FastolfiF, Sir John. Commander 1378^ 1459 Fatio de Duillers, Nicholas. Swiss Geometrician and Religious Enthusiast 1664. . 1753 Faucher, L(?on. French Political Economist 1803. . 1854 Fauchet, Claude. French Historian 1530. . 1601 Faucliet, Claude. French Bishop and Politician 1744- -1793 Fauclieur, Michael le. French Prot. Divine & Preacher. — . . 1667 Faulkner, George. Irish Printer and Author 1700"'. 1775 Fauques, Marianne Agnes de. Mme.deVauduse. Romanc.1720 aft.1777 Faur, Guy de. Lord of Pibrach. Advocate. ( Qwa^mms) 1529. .1584 Fauriel, Claude. Fr. Hist, and Belles-lettres Writer. . . 1772. .1844 Faust, or Fust, John. One of the Inventors of Printing . . — . . 1470? Faust, or Faustus, Dr. John. Occult Philosopher fl. 1550? Fausta, Flavia Maximiniana. Wife of Constantine — . . 327 Faustina, Annia Galeria. The Elder. W. of Antoninus Pius 105 ? . 141 Faustina, Annia, daughter. The Younger. Wife of Marcus Aurelius — .. 175 Faustina, Bordone. Italian Singer 1702. .1783 Favart, Charles Simon. French Poet 1 7 10. . 1792 Favart, Mary Justine Benoite. French Comic Actress. . 1727. . 1772 Faversham, Hamo de. Aristotelian Philosopher — ..1244 Favolius, Hugo. Dutch Physician and Poet ^5^3- • ^5^5 Favorinus. Platonic Philosopher. fl;ti.Traj.& Hudr. Favorinus, Narinus. ( Thesaurus Linguce Grcecce) 1450?. 1537 Bavras, Thomas Mahi, Marquis of. French Conspirator against the Revolution 1745 • • ^79° Favre, or Faber, Anthony, of Savoy. Jurist. ( Codex Fa- . brianus) i557- .1624 Favre, Claude. Lord de Vaugelas. Writ, on Fr. Language. 1585?. 1650 Fawcett, John. Actor 1768. .1837 Fawcett, Sir Wm. General. Governor of Chelsea Hosp. 1728. . 1804 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 155 BORN. DIED. FawkeSj Rev. Francis. "Writer and Class. Poet; Transl. 1721. .1777 Fawkes, Guy. Conspirator — . . 1606 Faxardo, Diego Saavedra. Span. Author and Statesman 1584. ,1648 Fay, Chas. Francis de Cisternai du. Natural Philosopher 1698. . 1739 Faydit, Anselm. Troubadour — . . 1220? Faydit, Peter. French Theologian and Historian 1649. .1709 Fayette, Louisa de la. French Maid of Honor 1616?. 1665 Fayette, Mary Magd. de la Vergne, Countess of. Novelist 1632 . . 1693 Fazio, Bartholomew. Italian Hist. {DeViris Jllustribus) 1400?. 1457 Fearn, John. Metaphysician fl. 1812-15 Fearne, Charles. Law Writer, (Contingent Remainders) 174^. .17^^ Featley, or Fairclough, Rev. Daniel. Controv. Divine. . 1582. .1645 Fecht, or Fechtius, John. Lutheran Divijie 1636. .1716 Feckenham, John de. Abbot of Westminster — . . 1585 Federici, Camillo. Italian Dramatist i749- • 1802 Fedor I. Ivanovitch. Czar of Russia (1584-98) '. . . . 1557. • 1598 Fedor II. Alexeyevitch. (1676-82) 1657. . 1682 Feijoo, Francis Benedict Jerome. Spanish Moralist. ( Teatro Critico) 1701 . . 1764 Feith, Rhynvis. Dutch Writer and Poet 1753 . . 1824 Fejer, Gyorgy. Hungarian Writer 1766. , — F6libien, Andrew. Historiographer. 1619. . 1695 F61ibien, James. [Pentateuchus Historicus), 1636. .1716 F61ibien, John Francis. (Lives of Celebrated Architects) 1658?. 1733 F6libien, Michael, of St. Maur. (Histm^y of Paris) 1666. .1719 F61ice, Fortune Barthdlemy de. (Encyclop. of Yverdun) 1723. .1789 Felix, Antonius or Claudius. Procurator of Judjea — aft.62A,D. Felix, M. Minutius. Roman Lawyer. ( Octavius) fl. A.D.230? FeUxI. Pope (269-274?). Saint —..274? Felix II. (355.) Antipope ; expelled — . . 365 Felix III. (or II.) Pope (483-92) — . . 492 Felix IV. (or HI.) (526-30) — . . 530? FeU, John, d. d. Dean of Christ Church & Bp. of Oxford 1625 . . 1686 Fell, John. Dissenting Minister 1735 • -^797 Fell, Samuel, D. d. Dean of Christ Church i594- • 1649 Fellenburg, Emanuel de. Educationist i77i-- 1844 Feller, Francis Xavier de. Ex-Jesuit. (Bist. Dictionary) 1735.. 1802 Feller, Joachim Frederick. (House of Brunswick) 1673. -1726 Fellowes, Robert, ll. d. Religious and Political Writer 1770. .1847 Fellows, Sir Charles. Classical Archaeologist i799- • i860 Feltham, Owen. (Resolves.) Life by Gumming, 1806 .. 1610?. 1678? Felton, Cornelius Conway. Amer. Author and Educator 1807. .1862 Felton, Henry, d. d. Divine 1679. -1740 Feltre, Hen. Jas. Wm. Clarke, Duke de. Marshal of Fr. 1765. .1818 F6neloii, Francis de Salignac de la Mothe. Archbishop. L. by Card. Bausset, 1812 ; Chas. Butler ; A. M. Ramsay 1651 . .1715 Fenin, Peter de. Chronicler — . . 1433 Fenn, Lady Eleanor. Writer of Books for the Young. . 1743?. 1813 Fenn, Sir John. Antiquary i739- -1794 Fanner, William. Puritan Divine 1560. . 1640? Fenouillot de Falbaire, Charles Geo. Fr. Dramatist 1727. .1800 Fenton, Edward. Naval Commander 1550'' • 1603 Fenton, Elijah. Poet 1683. .1730 Fenton, Sir Geofirey. Writer and Statesman — . . 1608 156 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Penwick, Rev. George. {Hebreio Titles of the Psalms). . — . .1760 Ferdinand I. King of Aragon. The Just 1373 . . 1416 Ferdinand H. (V. of Castile and Leon). The Catholic. . 1452. .1516 Ferdinand I. King of Castile and Leon. The Great. . — . .1065 Ferdinand II. Life by Pineda — . .1188 Ferdinand III. Saint 1200. . 1252 Ferdinand IV 1285 . . 1312 Ferdinand v. (II. of Aragon). The Catholic. Husband of Isabella. Life by Carvajal; Prescott 1452. .1516 Ferdinand VI. King of Spain (1746-59) 1713. .1759 Ferdinand VII 1784. .1833 Ferdinand I. Emperor (1558-64). Life by Jas. Masen 1503. .1564 Ferdinand II., grandson-- (1619-37) 1578. . 1637 Ferdinand m., son. (1637-57) 1608. .1657 Ferdinand I. King of Naples 1423 . . 1494 Ferdinand II. — . . 1496 Ferdinand III. (V. of Castile and Leon). The Catholic 1452. .1516 Ferdinand I. King of the Two Sicilies 1751 • • 1825 Ferdinand II. Bomba 1810. . 1859 Ferdinand, Charles, of Bruges. Poet and Philosopher. ( TranquilUtas Animi) 1450?. 1496 Ferdinand, John. Jesuit of Toledo. ^ {Script. Thesaurus) 1536?. 1595 Ferdinand de Cordova. Scholar. ! 1420?. 1480? Ferdinandi, Epiphanius. Medical Writer 1569. . 1638 Ferdusi. Persian Poet 940 . . 1020? Ferg, or Fergire, Francis Paul. German Painter 1689. .1740 Ferguson, Adam, ll. d. ( History of the Roman Republic) 1 724 . . 1816 Ferguson, James. Natural Philosopher and Astronomer 1710. .1776 Ferguson, Robt. Ejected Nonconf.,Divine and Politician — ••1714 Ferguson, Robt. Poet. L. by Peterkin; D.Irving,1799 1750?. 1774 Ferguson, Robert, M. D. Med. Writ. {Puerperal Fever). ■i7gg. .186^ Ferguson, William. Scottish Artist — . . 1690 Feristitali, Mohammed Casim. Persian Historian 1570'. 1626? Format, Peter de. Mathematician, Poet, and Civilian . . 1601 , . 1665 Fermor, William, Count von. Russian General 1704- -^77^ Fernandez, Alfonso. Spanish Ecclesiastical Historian . . — ..1640 Fernandez, Anthony. Port. Miss, in India and Abyssinia — . . 1642 Fernandez, Juan. Spanish Navigator and Discoverer. . fl. 1572 Fernandez Ximenes de Wavarette, John. Painter. . . 1524?. 1577 Feme, Sir John. Antiquary — . . 1610? Fernel, or Fernelius, John Francis. Fr. Medical Writer 1497. .1558 Ferracino, Barthol. It. Mechanician. L. by Memo, 1764 1692 . . 1777 Ferrajuoli, Nunzio. Italian Painter '. 1660. .1735 Ferrand, Anthony. French Poet 1678. .1719 Ferrand, Anthony Francis Claude, Ct. Fr. Polit. & Hist. 1751 . . 1825 Ferrand, James. French Physician. {Distemper of Love) n. 1622 Ferrand, James Philip. French Painter in Enamel 1653?. 1732 Ferrand, Louis. French Theologian 1645 . . 1699 Ferrar, Nicholas; friend of G. Herbert. Life by Ferrar; Jebb and Mayor, 1857 1592. • 1637 Ferrar, Robert. " Bishop of St. David's. Martyr — --iSSS Ferrara, Andrea de. Swordsmith in Scotland fl.ti.Jas.iv.or v. Ferrara, Ren(5e of France, Duchess of See Renee 1510. .1575 Ferrari, Francis Bernardin. Book-Collector and Scholar 1577?. 1669 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 157 BORN. DIED. Ferraxi, Gaudentio, of Milan. Painter 1484 . Ferrari, John Andrew. Italian Painter i599- Ferrari, John Baptist, of Sienna. Syriac Scholar 1584. Ferrari, Louis, of Bologna. Mathematician 1522. Ferrari, Octavian. Ital. Archseol. {DeOrig. Bomanorum) 1^18. Ferrari, Octavius, of Milan. Archaeologist 1607 . Ferraris, Joseph, Count de. Austrian Field Marshal 1726. Ferrars, Edward. Warwickshire Poet — . Ferrars, George. Historian, Poet, and Courtier 1512? Ferrars, Henry. Poet and Antiquary of Warwickshire. . 1549. Ferrato, Sasso. John Baptist Sahi. Painter 1605 . Ferreira, Antonio. Portuguese Poet, (fries de Castro). .. 1^28. , Ferreras, John de. Span. Historian. {History of Spain) i6$2 . Ferreti, Emilius. Italian Jurist. ( Opera Juridica) .... 1489. Ferreti, John Baptist, of Vicenza. [Muscb Lapidarice). . 1639. Ferreto, of Vicenza. Historian and Poet , 1296'', Ferri, Ciro. Roman Fresco Painter 1634. , Ferri, Paul, of Metz. Protestant Divine and Preacher. . 1591 . . Ferriar, John. Physician and Writer 1 764 . , Ferrier, Arnold du. French Lawyer and Diplomatist. . . 1506?. Ferrier, Claude de. Civilian 1639. , Ferrier, John. French Jesuit and Anti-Jansenist — . . Ferrier, J. F. Writer on Moral Philosophy 1806? . Ferrier, Louis. French Poet 1652 . , Ferrier, Mary. Novelist. {Marriage) 1782., Ferriere, Claude de, of Paris. Jurist 1639. . Ferron, Arnauld le. French Latin Writer iSiS- Fersen, Axel, Ct 1755 . . Fert6-Senneterre, Hennr^ Duke de. Marshal of France 1600. . Ferus, John, of Metz. JVild. Commentator — . . Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal. Archbishop of Lyons 1763. . Fessenden, Thomas Green. American Author 1771 . . Feti, Dominic. 71 Mantnano. Painter 1589. . Feucheres, Sophia de, Baroness I795''- Feuerbacli, Paul Jos. Anselm. Ger.Writ. on Crim.Law 1775. . FeuilI6e, Louis. Fr. Naturalist, Geographer, and Math. 1660. . FeuquiSre, Anthony de Pas, Marquis de. Milit. Writer 1648 . . Feurbom, Justus, of Westphalia. Protestant Theologian 1587?. Feutsking, John Henry. German Writer 1672 . . Fevardentius, or Fewardent, Francis. Controv. Divine 1541. . F6vre, Anne le. Madame Dacier, which see 1654. . Fevre, Anthony le. French Statesman and Ambassador 1555 ^ P^vre, Claude le. French Pauater in England 1633. . Fevre, Guy le, Sieur de la Broderie. Fr. Oriental, and Poet 1541 . . Fevre, James le, of Etaples. See Faber Stapulensis .... 1455'. F6vre, Nicholas le. French Philologist i544. • Fevre, Nicholas le. French Jesuit; Divine and Critic. . . — . . F6vre, Roland le. French Painter 1605?. Fevre, Tannegui le. Tanaquil Faber 1615 . . Fevret, Charies. French Civihan 1583 . . Fevret de Fontette, Charles Mary. Lawyer and Writer 1 710 . . Few, Col. William. American Revolutionary Officer. . . 1748. . Feydeau, Matthew. Jansenist Writer , 1616. . Feyjoo, or Feijoo, Benedict Jerome. The Spanish Addison 1701 . . 550 158 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. Fiammingo, Arrigo. Flemish Artist iSzs"*. Fiard, J. Bapt. French Demonologist "^T^^- • Fiasella, Dominic. Sarezena. Historical Painter 1589. . Fichard, John, of Frankfort. Lawyer and Biographer. . 1512, . Fichte, John Theoph. Metaphysician. L. by W. Smith 1762. . Ficinus, Marsilius. Italian Platonic Philosopher 1433 . . Ficoroni, Francis. Roman Medalist and Antiquary 1664. . Ficquelmont, Charles Louis, Count. Austrian States- man and General ^777- - Fidanza, John. St. Bonaventure, which see 1221 . . Fiddes, Richard, D. d. Divine 1671 . . Field, John. Proto-Copernican of England. L. by Hunter — .. Field, Nathaniel. Actor and Dramatist — . . Field, Richard, D. d. ( The Church.) Life by his son 1561 . . Fielding, Copley Vandyke. Landscape Painter 1787. . Fielding, Hemy. Novelist. L. by Murphy; Lawrence, 1855 1707. . Fielding, Sir John. Magistrate and Writer — . . Fielding, Miss Sarah. Novelist 1714. . Fiennes, Nathaniel. Republican Polit., and Commander 1608. . Fiennes, Wm., Ld. Say and Sele. "Writer and Statesman 1582. . Fienus, or Fyens, Thomas. Medical Writer at Louvain . 1567. . Fieschi, John Louis d'. Genoese Conspirator 1523''. Fiesole, Fra Giovanni da. Beato Angelico. Painter 1387. . Fi6v6e, Joseph. French Politician and Author 1767. . Figg, James. Prizefighter — . . Figino, Ambrose. Italian Painter 1550 . aft. Figrelius, Edmund. Swedish Scholar and Historian ... — . . FUangieri, Gaetano. Ital. Publicist. ( On Legislation). . 1752. . Filelfo, Francis. Ital. Schol. & Hist. L. by Rosmini, 1808*1398. . Filesac, John. Doctor of the Sorbonne 1550'- Filicaja, Vincenzo da. Florentine Poet. { Siege of Vienna) 16^2. : Filipepi, Sandro, or Alessandro. Botticelli. Ital. Painter 1437. . Fillans, James. Scottish Sculptor 1808 . . Filmer, Sir Robert. Political Writer. {Patriarcha) . ... — . . Finaeus, Orontius. Fine. French Mathematical Writer 1494. . Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchelsea. Poet 1660?. Finch, Daniel, Second Earl of Nottingham. Statesman. 1647. . Finch, Francis Oliver. Painter in Water Colors — . . Finch, Heneage, First E. of Nottingham. Ld. Chancellor 1621 . . Finch, Rev. Robert. Antiquary^ 1783- • Finck, Thomas. Danish Physician and Mathematician. . 1561 . . Finden, William. Engraver 1787. . Fin6, Oronce. Finmus. French Mathematician H94- • Fingal. Prince of Morven 282?. Finiguerra, Thomas.' Florentine Goldsmith and Sculptor 1410? . Finlay, John. Scottish Poet 1782. . Finlayson, George. Surgeon, Naturalist, and Traveler. . 1790?. Finley, James Bradley. Amer. Clergyman and Author. 1781.. Fialey, Robert, d. i>. Amer. Scholar and Philanthropist. 1772. . Finley, Samuel, d. d. American Educator 1715 • • Fiori, Mario de, Italian Flower Painter 1603. . Fiorillo, John Dominic. German Painter and Writer . . 1748. . Firenzuola, Angelo. Italian Poet 1493 Firmious Maternus, Julius. Christian Writer "-334-355 ill 823 857 817 766 673 821 545 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 159 BORN. DIED. Fipmilian. Bishop of Caesarjea (233-69) 200? . 269 Pirmin, Giles. Eject. Nonconf. & Phys. {Real Christian) 1617 . Firmin, Thomas. Benefactor. Life \v Cornish, 1780. .. 1632. . Fisctier, Charles von, of Munich. Architect 1782. . Fischer von Erlach, John Bernard. Archt. of Vienna. 1650. . Fish, Simon. English Reformer. {Supplication of Beggars) — .. Fisher, John. Bishop of Roch. L. by Dr. Rd. Hall; J.Lewis 1459. . Fisher, John. Bishop of Salisbury 1748 . . Fisher, Payne. Paganus Piscator. Poet-Laureate 1616. . Fisher, Thomas. Antiquary 1772 , . Fisk, Wilbur, d. d. American Clergyman and Educator. 1792. . Fitch, John. American Inventor i743- • Fitzgerald, Ld. Edward. Revolutionist. Life by T. Moore 1763. ." Fitzgerald, Lady Edward. Pamela — . . Fitzgibbon, John, Earl of Clare. Lord. Chanc. of Ireland 1749. . Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony. Lawyer • — . . Fitzherbert, Maria Anna, Mrs. Life by Langdale, 1856 1756. . Fitzherbert, Nicholas. {Life of Cardinal Allen) iSSo"*- Fitzherbert, Thomas. Roman Catholic Controversialist 1552. . Fitzjames, James, Dk. Berwick. Militar}'- Commander. . 1670.. Fitzjocelin, Reginald. Archbishop of Canterbury (1191) 1141. . Fitzpatrick, Richard. General and Statesman i747- • Fitzroy, Jas., Duke of Monmouth. Life by Roberts, 1844 1649. . Fitzroy, Robert. Admiral. Meteorologist 1805 . . Fitzstephen, William. Historian. {London) — , . FitzwiUiam, Richard. Viscount, (m. A. 1764.) Foun- der of FitzwiUiam Museum — . . FitzwUliam, Wm., E. of Southampton. Naval Command. — . . FitzwiUiam, William Wentworth, Second Earl of. States- man. Founder of FitzwiUiam Museum 1748. . Fixmillner, Placidus. German Astronomer and Canonist 1721 . . Fizes, Anthony. Medical Writer at Montpellier 1690. . Flaccus, C. Valerius. Poet. {Argonautica) — . . Flacius niyTicus. Matthias Francowitz. Divine 1520. . Flambard, Ralph. Bp.ofDur. (1099-1128). Justiciary. — .. Flameel, or Flamel, Bertholet. Historical Painter of Liege 1614.. Flamel, Nicholas, of Paris. Alchemist and Benefactor . . — . . Flaminio, John Anthony, of Bologna. Orator, Poet, Hist. 1464?. Flarainio, Mark Anthony. Latin Poet. { Carmina Sacra) i^()?> . . Flaminius, Caius. Censor. Constructor of Fmi'^amma — 217 Flaminius, Nobilius. Italian Divine and Critic 1532 . . . Flaminius,T. Quint. Consul. Victor at Cynoscephalse. .230 ?b.c, Flamsteed, John. Astronomer 1646?. Flandrin, John Hippolytus. French Painter 1809?. Flandrin, Peter. French Veterinary Writer 1752.. Flatman, Thomas. Poet 1653? . Flaust, John Baptist, of Rouen. ( Usage of Noi^mandy) . . 171 1?. Flavel, John. Ejected Nonconformist Divine 1627''. Flaxman, John. Sculptor. Life by Teniswood, 1864 ... 1 75 5 . . F16ehier, Esprit. Bishop of Nismes. Preacher 1632. . Flecknoe, Richard. Poet — . . Fleetwood, Chas. Lord Deputy of Irel. and Pari. General — .. Fleetwood, William. Lawyer and Historical Writer ... — . . Fleetwood, Wm., Bishop of Ely. Scholar & Theologian 1656 . . 697 697 820 724 531? ^35 825 693 836 839 798 798 802 538 837 612 640 734 ITs 685 865 191? 816 542 833 791 765 88? 575 128 418 536 550 B.C. 590 174 719 864 796 688 783 691 826 710 678 692 593 723 160 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Fleming, Abraham. Poetical Writer & Class. Translator . fl. 1 5 75-1 589 Pleming, Caleb. Unitarian Writer 1698, .1779 Fleming, John. Scottish Naturalist 1785 . . 1857 Fleming, Marjorie. Pet. Life by J. Brown, m. d 1803. .1811 Fleming, Patrick. Irish Roman Ecclesiastic i599- • 1631 Fleming, Robert. Scottish Pastor in Holland. ( Fulfilling of the Scriptures) 1630 . . 1694 Fleming, Robt. Sco^.TastAnljOnd. {Rise Nicholas Stephen. French Musician and Poet 1745. -1810 Francesca, Peter Borghese della. Italian Painter 1398?. 1483 Franceschini, Baldassare. Volterrano. Painter 1621 . . 1689 Franceschioi, Mark Anthony. Historical Painter 1648. . 1 728 Francescina, Signora. Italian Singer fl. 1740? Franclii, Anthony. Painter of Lucca 1634. . 1 709 Franchiaus, Gatfurius, of Lodi. Writer on Music 145 1 . . 1522 Francia, Francesco. Raibolini. Painter. Life by Calvi 1450. .1518 Francia, James, son. Painter — . .1557 Francia, Dr. Jos. Caspar Rodriguez. Dictat. of Paraguay 1 75 7 ^ 1 840 Franciabigio, Mark Anthony. Italian Historical Painter 1483. .1524 Francis I. King of France (1515-47). Life by Varillas; Capefigue; Miss Pardoe; G. H. Gaillard, 1769 1494. .1547 Francis II. (1559-60). 1543. .1560 Francis I. Emperor of Germany ( 1745-65 ). Of Lorraine 1 708 . . 1 765 Francis II. of Germany (1792-1804) ; I. of Austria (1804- 1835) 1768. . 1835 Francis, De Jesu Maria. Spanish Carmelite. ( On the Apocalypse) — . . 1677 "Fraxiois, ne Victoria. Dominican. {Theol. Proelectiones) — .-1549 Francis, John Charles. French Engraver t^I^I • • 1769 Francis, John Wakefield. Amer. Physician and Author 1789. .1861 Francis, Lawrence. Abb^. French Christian Apologist 1698. .1782 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 165 BORN. DIED. Francis, Luke, of Mechlin. Painter i574- -1643 Francis, Luke, son. The Young. Painter 1606''. 1654 Francis, Rev. Philip, d. d. Poet, Transl. of Horace, &c. — . -^773 Francis, Sir Philip, son. Politician and Writer 1740- .1818 Francis, Simon, of Tours. Portrait Painter 1606. .1671 Francis Romain. Architect and Engineer of Ghent . . . 1646''. 1735 Francis, St. De Bor John, m. p. Socinian Writer — . . 1650 Fry, Wm. Henry. Amer. Musical Composer and Editor. 1815. .1864 Frye, Thomas. Irish Designer and Mezzotint Engraver, . 1710..1762 Fryth, or Frith, John. Protestant Martyr — . .1533 Fuca, John de. Apostolos Valerianos. Spanish Navigator — . . 1632 Fuchs, or Fuchsius, Leonard. Ger. Phys. and Botanist 1501. .1566 Fuentes, Peter Henry d'Azevedo, Count of. Spanish General and Statesman 1560. . 1643 168 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Fuessli, John Gaspar. The Elder. Swiss Paint. See Fuseli 1 706 . . 1 781 Fuger, Frederick Henry. German Painter 1751..1818 Fugger, Ulrich. German Scholar and Collector of MSS. 1526. .1584 Fulbert. Bishop of Chartres. Theologian 950'' . 1028 Fulda, Charles Frederick. Ger. Hist., Antiq., Philologist 1724. .1788 Fulgentius, St. African Bishop ; Writer 468?. 533 Fidke, William, D. D. Divine 1540.. 1589 Fuller, Andrew. Baptist Divine. Life by Dr. Ryland. . 1754. .1815 Fuller, Isaac. Painter — . . 1672 Fuller, Nicholas. {Miscellanea Theohgica) i557- .1622 Fuller, Sarah Margaret, Marchioness of Ossoli. American Writer. Life by Clarke, Emerson, and Channing, 1852 1810. .1850 Fuller, Thos. ( Church History.) L. by A. T. Russell, 1844 1608. . 1661 Fulton, Robert. American Inventor and Civil Engineer. Life by C D. Golden, 1817 1765 . . 1815 Funccius, or Fmick, John Nicholas. German Philologist 1693. •'^777 Funck, John. German Divine and Biographer. Beheaded 15 18. ,1566 Funes, Gregory, of La Plata. Patriot & Historical Writer — . .1820 Furetiere, Anthony. Philologist. {Diction. JJniversel) . . 1620.. 1688 Furini, Francis. Painter of Florence 1604. . 1646 Furius, Frederick. Coeriolanus. Spanish Historian 1510?. 1592 Furneaux, Dr. Philip. Dissenting Divine 1726. .1783 Furst, Walter. Swiss Patriot fi. 1307 Fiirstemberg, Ferdinand de. ( Monumen. Paderbornensia) 1626 . . 1683 Fursteneau, John Hermann. Medical Writer 1688. .1756 Fuseli, or Fuessli, Henry. Painter. Life by Knowles . . 1742?. 1825 Fuseli, John Gaspar. Swiss Artist. {Helvetic Painters) 1706.. 1781 Fusi, Anthony. Doct. of the Sorbonne ; Protest. Convert 1 565 '• . aft. 1633 Fuss, Nicholas von. Mathemat. and Natural Philosopher 1755 . . 1826 Fust, John. One of the Inventors of Printing — . . 1470? Fux, or Fouchs, John Joseph. German Musical Composer 1660?. 1740? Fuzelier, Louis. French Dramatist 1672. .1752 Fyot de la Marche, Claude, Ct. of Bosjam. French Hist. 1630 .. 172 1 FytjJohn. DutchPainter 1625. .1671 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 169 G. BORN. DIED. Oaal, Barent. Dutch Landscape Painter 1650 . . 1671 Gabbiani, Anthony Dominic. Florentine Painter 1652. .1726 Gabinius, Auhis. Consul : defended by Cicero — B.C. 48? Gabriel, James. French Architect and Engineer 1667. .1742 Gabrielli, Cattarina. Italian Singer 1730. .1796 Gabrini, Nicholas. Rienzi. Reformer at Rome 131-3 . . 1354 Gacon, Francis. French Poet and Satu-ist 1667 . . 1 725 Gadbviry, John. Astrologer 1627. .1692? Gaddesden, John of. Phys. and Philos. {Rosa Anglica) fi. 1320? Gaddi, Angelo. Painter 1324. .1387 Gaddi, Gaddo. Italian Painter in Mosaic 1239. .1312 Gaddi, Taddeo. Florentine Painter 1300 . . 1352' Gadebuscti, Frederick Conrad. Ger. "Writer on Livonia. 1719. .1788 Gadsden, Christopher. Amer. Revolutionary Statesman. 1724.. 1805 Gadsden, Christopher Edwards, d. d., grandson 1785 . . 1852 Gadsden, James. American Statesman 1 788 . . 1858 Gaelen, Alexander van. Dutch Painter 1670. .1728 Gaertner, or Gartner, Frederick von. Architect 1792. .1847 Gaertner, or Gartner, John Andrew. German Arcliitect 1743. -1826 Gaertner, Joseph. German Botanist 1 732 . . 1 791 Gaetano. Scipio Pulgeone. Florentine Painter 1550- .1588 Gaffarell, James. French Hebraist and Astrologer 1601 . . 1681 Gaffurius, or Gaforio. See Franchinus 1451- .1522 Gage, Thomas. Missionary. {Survey of the West Indies) ii,<)y'i .16^^ Gage, Thomas. British General in America — . .1787 Gagern, John Christopher Ernest, Baron von. States- man and Writer 1766. . 1852 Gagnier, John. Arabic Professor at Oxford 1670?. 1740 Gaguin, Robert. Fr. Historian. {De Gestis Francorum). 1^2^'^. izoi Gahn, John Theodore. Swedish Mineralogist 1745 • • ^°^^ Gaigny, or Gagny, John. French Theologian — . .1549 Gaillard, Gabriel Henry. French Historian and Publicist 1726. .1806 Gaillard, John Ernest. Musical Composer. . . ! 1687. .1749 Gainas. Gothic General of Arcadius. , — . . 400 Gaines, Edm. Pendleton. American General I777- .1849 Gainsborough, Thomas. Painter. Life by Thicknesse, 1788; Fulcher, 1856 1727.. 1788 Gaisford, Thomas. Dean of Christ Church. Critic 1780. .1855 Gains. See Caius. Galadin, Mahomet. Emperor of the Moguls — . . 1605 Galanino. Balthasar Amsi. Italian Painter 1 5 78 . . 1638 Galantini, Hippolytus. Cappuccino ^ Prete Getvovese. Pa. 1627.. 1706 Galas, Matthew. Imperial Commander 1 589 . . 1647 Galateo, Anthony. Italian Physician 1444. . 1517 GaLatin, Peter. Franciscan. (De Arcanis CathoKcce Veritatis) fl. ^$3°^ Galba. Emperor of Rome (68-69) B.c.3. . A.D.69 Gale, John. Baptist Writer. {Reflections on Wall) 1680. .1721 Gale, Roger. Antiquary. {Honor on Richmond) 1672. .1744 Gale, Samuel, brother. ' Antiquary 1682. > 1754 170 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Gale, Theophilus. Nonconf. Div. {Courtof the Gentiles) J62S. .i6yS Gale, Thomas, d. d. Editor of Hist. AnglicmuB Scriptores 1636. .1702 Galeano, Joseph, of Palermo. Medical Writer 1605. .1675 Galen, Christopher Bernard von. Bishop of Munster. German General and Statesman 1605 . . 1678 Galen, Claudius. Medical, Philolog., and Philos. Writer. 130. . 200 Galen, Matthew. Theologian at Doua-y — • •i573 Galeotti, Nicholas. Italian Jesuit ; Writer 1692. .1758 Galerius. Roman Emperor (305-11) — . . 311 Gales, Joseph. American Journalist 1760. . 1841 Galiani, Ferdinand. Abb^. ( Traite sur les Monnaies.) Life by Louis Deodati, 1788 1728. .1787 Galilei, Galileo. Astronomer. Life by Viviari; Nelli, 1793; Venturi, 1818; Libri, 1841 ; Marini ; Drinkwater Bethune; Brewster; Chasles, 1862 1564. .1642 Galilei, Vincent. Florentine Writ. {Dialogo della Musica) 1533''. — Gall, Francis Joseph. German Phrenologist 1758. . 1828 Galland, Anthony. Orient. Transl. of Arabian Nights. 1646. .1715 Galland, Augustus. French Genealogist and Archivist.. — . .1644? Gallatin, Albert. American Statesman 1761 . . 1849 Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas Hopkins. American Teacher of Deaf and Dumb 1787. .1851 Galle, or Gallaeus, Servatius, of Haarlem. Scholar. . 1630?. 1709 Gallienus. Roman Emperor (253-268) ,218?. 268 GaUio, Junius. Proconsul of Achaia ' — .. 65 Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine. Russian Noblem. & Miss. 1 770 . . 1840 Galloclie, Louis. French Painter 1670. .1761 GaUois, Chas. Andrew Gustavus L^on. Fr. Publicist. . . 1789. .1851 Gallois, John. French Critic 1632. .1707 Gallonius, Anthony. (i)e Martyrum Cruciatibus) — . . 1605 Galloway, Joseph. American Loyalist 1730' . 1803 Gallucci, Angelo. Italian Scholar. {De Belh Belgico). 1593.. 1674 Gallucci, John Paul. Italian Astronomer fl. 1593 Gallucci, Tarquinius. Italian Scholar. ( Virgiliance In- dicationes) i574' • 1649 Gallup, Jos. Adam. American Physician and Author . . . 1769. . 1849 GaUus, C. Cornelius. Roman Poet 66 or 9 B.c.26 Gaily, Rev. Henry, d. d. Scholar 1696. .1769 Gait, John. Novelist. {Autobiography) 1779- . 1839 Galuppi, Balthasar. Buranello. Musical Composer. ... 1703. .1785 Galvani, Louis. Discoverer of Galvanism 1 737 . . 1 798 Gama, Joseph Basil de. Brazilian Poet. (Z' Uragtiay).. 1740. .1795 Gama, Vasco da. Navigator: doubled Cape of Good Hope 1469?. 1525 Gamaches, Philip de. French Theologian 1568. . 1625 Gamaches, Stephen Simon. Philolog. and Nat. Philos. 1672.. 1756 Gambara, Lorenzo. Latin Poet. ( Columbus) 1506. .1596 Gambara, Veronica. Italian Poetess 1485 . . 1550 Gambier, Jas., Lord. Admiral. L. by Lady Chatterton 1756. .1833 Gambold, John. Moravian Bishop 1710. .1771 Gandon, James. Architect. ( Vitruvim Britannicus) . . . 1741'. 1824 Gandy. Architect. See Deering 1780. . 1850 Gandy, James. Painter 1619. . 1689 Ganganelli, John Vincent Anthony. Pope Clement XIV. 1 705 . . 1 774 Ganilh, Charles. French Economist 175° • • 1S36 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 171 BORN. DIED. Gannal, John Nicholas. French Chemist 1791 . . 1852 Gans, Edward. German Jurist. {Das Erbrechi) 1798 . . 1839 Garamond, Claude. Fr. Engraver and Letter Founder. . — . . 1561 Garasse, Francis. Jesuit Preacher and Controversialist . . 1585 . . 1631 Garat, Dominic Joseph. Fr. Metaphysician and Publicist 1749. . 1833 Garay, John. Hungarian Poet 1812. . 1853 Garbieri, Lorenzo. Painter of Bologna 1580. . 1654 Garbo, Raphael del. Florentine Painter 1476 . . 1 534 Gar9arri, Peter Anthony Correa. Portuguese Poet 1724. .1772 Garcia, Manuel de Populo Vicente. Span. Mus. Composer 1775 . . 1832 Garcilasso de la Vega, or Garcias Lasso. Spanish Poet 1503. .1536 Garcilasso de la Vega. Inca. {History of Peru) 1530.. 1568 Garczynski, Stephen. Writer on Poland — • -^ISS Garden, Alexander, m. d. Botanist and Zoologist . . 1730. .1791 Garden, Peter. Scottish Centenarian 1644?. 1775 Gardin Dumesnil, John Baptist. {Synonymes Latines) . . 1720. . 1802 Gardiner, Allen Francis. Commander, b. n. Missionary to Patagonia. Life by J. W. Marsh i794- • 1851 Gardiner, James. Colonel. Life by Doddridge 1688 . . 1745 Gardiner, John. American Advocate ^TZ''^- '^793 Gardiner, John Sylvester John, son. Clergyman & Writ. 1775 . . 1830 Gardiner, Stephen. Bishop of Winchester 1483. .1555 Gardiner, William. Musical Writer 1770. . 1853 Gardner, Alan, Lord. Admiral 1742. . 1809 Garengeot, Ren^ James Croissant de. French Surgeon 1688. .1759 Garet, John, of St. Maur. Editor of Cassiodorus 1627. . 1694 Garissoles, Anthony. French Divine 1587 . . 1650 Garland, Hugh A. American Author and Politician. . . . 1805 . .1854 Garlande, John de. Norman Writer — aft.1081 Garnerin, Andrew James. French Aeronaut 1769. . 1823 Garnet, Henry. Jesuit Conspirator i555 • • 1606 Garnet, Thomas, m. d. Writer on Chera. and Nat. Phil. 1766. .1802 Garnett, Jas. Mercer. Amer. Polit., Agriculturist, & Writ. 1770 . . 1843 Garnier, Charles George Thomas. French Author 1746. .1795 Garnier, Germain. French Political Economist i754- • 1821 Garnier, John. French Jesuit ; Writer 1612 . . 1681 Garnier, John James. French Historian 1729 . . 1805 Garnier, Robert. French Tragic Poet i534- -1590 Garnier, Stephen Bartholomew. French Painter I759-- 1849 Garnier Pages, Steph. Jos. Louis. Fr. Publicist & Orator 1801 . . 1841 Garofalo, II. Benvenuto Tisio, of Fei-rara. Painter 1481. .1559 Garrard, Mark. Flemish Painter in England 1561 . . 1635 Garrick, David. Tragedian. Life by Tom Davies, 1780 ; A. Murphy, 1801 1716. .1779 Garriel, or Gariel, Peter, of Montpellier. Historian 1583?. 1670? Garsaxilt, Francis Alexander. Fr. Writer on the Horse 1693'. 1778 Garth, Sir Samuel. Physician and Poet. {Dispensary).. — .•1719 Gartner. See Gaertner. Garve, Christian. German Philosophical Writer 1742. .1798 Garzi, Louis. Italian Painter 1638. .1721 Garzoni, Thomas. Ital. AVriter. {La Piazza Universale) 1549.. 1589 Gascoigne, George. Poet 1536"'. 1577 Gascoigne, Sir William. Lord Chief Justice 1350?. 1413 Gasooygne, William. Inventor of Micrometer 1621?. 1644 172 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. Gaskell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cleghorne. English Au- thoress. {Mary Barton) 1820? Gasparini, Francis. Italian Musical Composer 1665? Gasparino. Barziza. Italian Restorer of Learning 1370'' Gasse, Louis. Architect 1778 . Gasse, Stephen, twin brother. Italian Architect 1778. Gassendi, Peter. Math, and Philos. L. by Bourgerelle 1592. Gassicourt, Charles Louis Cadet de. Fr. Natural Philos. 1769. Gassion, John de. Marshal of Fr. Life by T. Renaudot 1609 . Gassman, Florian. German Musical Composer 1729. Gast, John, d. d. Irish Writ. {Rudiments oj Grecian Hist. ) 1 71 5 . Gastaldi, John Baptist. French Medical Writer 1674. Gaston, William. American Jui-ist and Statesman 1778. Gaston de Foix, Duke de Nemours. Governor of Milan. 1488 . Gaston, of France, John Baptist, Duke of Orleans ; oppo- nent of Richelieu 1608. Gastrell, Francis. Bp. of Chester. Controversial Divine 1662, Gataker, Charles. Controversial Divine 1614'' Gataker, Thomas. Divine and Critic i574- Gates, Horatio. American Commander 1728. Gatterer, John Christopher. German Historian 1727. Gatti, Bernardine. // Soiaro. Italian Painter 1495'' Gattinara, Mercurino Arborio, Count di. ItaUan Jurist. . 1465 . Gattly, Alfred. Sculptor — . Gaubil, Anthony. French Missionar}'^ to China 1689. Gaubius, Jerome David. Medical Writer at Leyden 1705 . Gaud, or Goud, Henry, Ct. van. Pa. & Engrav. of Utrecht 1585 . Gauden, John. Bp. of Wore (1662). { Eikon Basilike'?) i6oi). Gaudentio, of Milan. Ferrari. Historical Painter 1484. Gaudentius, St. Bishop of Brescia — 410 or 27 Gaudenzio, Paganin. Italian Scholar 1596. . Gaudichaud Beaupr6, Charles. French Botanist 1780. . Gaudin, Mart. Mich. Chas., Duke of Gaeta. Fr. Statesm. 1756. . Gauli, John Baptist. Baciccio. Painter of Genoa 1639. . Gaulmin, Gilbert. French Writer 1585 . . Gaviltier, Aloisius Edw. Camillus. Fr. Educational Writ. 1746. . Gaupp, John. Mathematician of Lindau 1667. . Gaurico, Luke, Bishop of Civita Ducale. Astrologer 1746. • Gauss, Charles Frederick. Ger. Math, and Astronomer 1777. . Gaussem, Jane Catherine. Gaussin. French Actress. . . 1711 . . Gauthey, Emiland Mar3\ French Engineer 1 732 . . Gauthier, John Baptist. Abb6. Religious Writer. 1685 . . Gavanti, Bartholomew. Italian Ecclesiastical Antiquary 1569. . Gavard, Hyacinth. French Anatomist i753 • • Gaveston, Piers, or Peter. Favorite of Edward II — . . Gay, Claude. French Botanist and Traveler 1 795 • • Gay, John. Poet. {Beggar'' s Opera) 1688 . . Gay, Maria Frances Sophia. French Novelist 1776. • Gay Lussac, Joseph Louis. Fr. Experimental Philosoph. 1778. . Gayot de Pitaval, Francis. Fr. Writer. ( Causes Celebres) 1673. . Gayton, Edmund. Humorous Writer 1609. . Gaza, Theodore. Reviver of Greek 1398- • Gazet, Wm., of AiTas. Gazoeus. Ecclesiastical Historian 1554. . Gazola, Joseph. Medical Writer of Verona i66i . . 1715 865 727 840 821 647 788 747 844 512 660 725 680 654 806 799 575 530 863 759 780 639 662 550 854 844 709 665 818 738 558 855 767 806 755 638 802 864 732 850 743 666 478 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 173 BORN. DIED, Gazon-Dourxign6, S. M. M. Critic and Poet — ..1784 Gazzoli, Benozzo. Italian Painter 1400. . 1478 Gebelin, Anthony Court de. {Le Movde Primatif) 1725 . .1784 Geber, or Yeber. Arab. Alchemist. {Lapis Philosophorum) fl. 800-'' Gebhardi, John Louis Levin. German Historian 1699. .1764 G-ed, Wm. Inventor of Stereotype. Life by Nichols, 1819 — ••1749' Geddes, Alexander, ll. d. 'Roman Catholic Divine. Translator of Bible. Life by J. M. Good, 1803 1737. . 1802 Geddes, James. Writer on Classics 1710. .1749' Geddes, Mich., ll. d. Writer on Ecclesiastical History 1640. .1714? Gedike, Frederick. German Educationist i754- • 1803 Gedoyn, Nicholas. French Critic and Translator 1667. .1744 Geer, Charles de. Baron. Swedish Naturalist 1720. .1778 Gehler, John Sam.,of Leipsic. {Fhysikalisches Worterbuch) 1751 . . 1 795 Geijer, Eric Gustavus. Swedish Historian 1783. . 1847 Geiler von Kaiserberg, John. Pulpit Orator 1455 . . 1510 Geinoz, Francis. Swiss Scholar 1696 . . 1 752 Gejer, or Geier, Martin. German Biblical Commentator 1614. .1681 Gelasius I. Pope (492-96) — . . 496 Gelasius II. (1118-19) John Cajetan 1050?. 1119 Geldenhaur, Gerard. Dutch Theologian and Historian 1482.. 1542 Gelder, Arnold de. Dutch Painter 1645 . .1727 Geldorp, or Gualdorp, Gortzius. Painter of Louvain 1553., 1618 Gel6e, Claude. Claude Lorraine. Fr. Landscape Painter 1600. .1682 Gelenius, or Ghelen, Sigismund. Bohemian Scholar 1477?. 1554 or 5 Gell, Sir William. Antiquary and Classical Scholar .... 1777. . 1836 Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott. German Divine and Poet 1715 . .1769 Gellert, Christlieb Ehregott, brother. Metallurgist 1 713. . 1795 Gelli, John Baptist. Italian Poet 1498. .1563 Gellibrand, Henry. Gresham Professor of Astronomy . . . 1 597 . . 1636 Gelllus, Aulus. Latin Writer. {Nodes Atticce) . . . fl.ab.117-180 a.d. Gelon. Tyrant of Syracuse (b. c. 491-78) — . .b. c.478 Gemelli Carreri, John Francis. Italian Traveler 1651 . . 1725 Gemignano, or Geminiani, Hyacinth. Italian Painter. . 161 1 . . 1681 Gemignano, Vincent di San. Italian Painter 1490. .1530 GeminiaJii, Francis. Italian Musical Composer 1680 '.1762 Gemistus Pletho, George. Greek Philosopher 1350''. 1450 Gemma, Cornelius. Physician and Mathematician ^535- -1577, Reinier. Frisius. Dutch Phys. and Mathemat. 1508. .1555 Gence, John Baptist Modeste. French Writer ^755 • • 1840 Gendre, le. ^ee Le Gendre. Genebrard, Gilbert. French Theologian 1537. .1597 Genesius, Josephus. Byzantine Historian fl. 940 Genest, Charles Claude. French Poet 1639. .1719 Genest, or Genet, Edm. Chas. Fr. Minister to the U. S. 1765?. 1832 Genet, Francis. Bp. of Vaison. ( Theology of Grenoble) 1640. .1707 Genevieve, St ' 422. . 512 Genga, Bartholomew. Architect 1518. .1558 Genga, Jerome. Italian Painter 1476. .1551 Genghis-Khan. Mogul Conqueror. Life by De la Croix 1163. . 1227 Genlis, Stephanie F^licit^, Countess de. French Writer 1746. .1830 Gennadius. Patriarch of Constantinople (1453-58) — . . 1460 Gennari, Benedict. The Young. Painter to James 11. . . 1633. .1715 Gennari, Caesar, son. Painter of Bologna 1641 . . 1688 174 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOEN, DIED. Gennaro, Joseph Aurelius, of Naples. Civilian 1701 . . 1761 Qenoels, Abraham. Painter of Antwerp 1640 . . — Genoude, Anthony Eugene de. French Journalist 1792. .1849 Genovesi, Anthony, of Naples. Metaphysician 1712. .1769 Genseric. King of the Vandals (429-477) — . . 477 Gensonn6, Armand. French Girondist 1758 . .1793 Gent, Thomas. Topographical Antiquary 1691 . .1778 Gentile, Louis Primo. Painter of Brussels 1606. . 1670 Gentileschi, Artemisia. Historical Painter 1590. .1642 Gentileschi, Horatio Louis. Italian Painter 1563. . 1647 Gentilis, Albericus. Ital. Civilian. Professor at Oxford 1550?. 1611 Gentilis, John Valentine. Arian of Naples 1520?. 156^ Gentilis, Scipio. Italian Civilian at Altorf 1563. . 1616 Gentilis de Foligno. Medical Writer — . . 1348 Gentillet, Innocent. Protestant Theologian of Geneva . . — ..1595^ Gentleman, Francis. Irish Actor and Dramatic "Writer 1728. .1784 Gentz, Frederick von. Publicist. Life by Haym ^7^4- • ^832 Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, son of Henry 11 11 58, .1186 GeoflPrey-Gaimar. Anglo-Norman Poet. {DEstoriedes Engles) fl. 1150? Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historian iiio'''.ii54 Geoffrey of Vinsauf. English Latin Poet fi. 12th c. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Ct. of Anjou, father of Henry II. 1113..1151 Geoffrin, Maria Theresa, Madame. Patron of Learning 1699. .1777 Geoflfroy, Julian Louis. French Critic i743- .1814 Geoflfroy, Stephen Francis. French Physician. {Le Code Medicamentaire) 1672 . . 1731 Geoffroy, Stephen Louis, son. Physician and Naturalist 1725. .1810 Geoffrey Saint- HUaire, Isidore. Fr. Physiologist and Naturalist. (Histoire des Regnes Organiques) 1805 . . i86i Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Stephen. Naturalist 1772. .1844 George, of Cappadocia. Patriarch of Constantinople. . . — .. 361? George, of Cyprus, Jr. Patriarch of Const'ple. Writer — . .1290 George, of Trebizond. Restorer of Greek Learning . . . 1396 . 1485 or 6 George, Duke of Saxony. The Bearded 1471 . .1530 George I. King of England (1714-27) 1660. .1727 George II. (1727-60) ' 1683. .1760 George III. (1760-1820.) Life by Adolphus 1738 • • 1820 George IV. (1820-30.) Life by Croly, 1840 1762 . . 1830 George of Denmark. Prince Consort of Queen Anne . . 1653. .1708 Georgel, John Francis. Fr. Histor. Writer, and Diplom. 1731. .1813 Geramb, Ferdinand de. Baron. Adventurer and Trappist 1770. . 1848 Gerando, Joseph Mary, Baron de. French Statesman and Philosophical Writer 1772. . 1842 Gerard, Alexander, of Aberdeen. Divine 1728. .1795 Gerard, Balthazar. Assassin of William of Orange .... 1558. .1584 G6rard, C^cile Jules BasiL Lion-Killer. Fr. Traveler.. 181 7.. 1864 G6rard, Francis Pascal Simon, Baron. French Painter. . 1770. .1837 G6rard, John Ignatius Isidore. Grandville. French Cari- caturist 1803. . 1847 G6rard, Louis. Fr. Phvsician. ( Flora Gallo-Provincialis) 1733.. 1819 G6rard, Stephen Maurice, Count. Marshal of France. . . 1773. .1852 Gerard, Thom or Tung. Gd. Master of Knts. of St. John 1040?. 1121? Gerard. See Gerhard. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 175 BORN, DIED. Gerard, of Cremona. Italian Translator and Orientalist 1 114, .1187 G6rard de Nerval. Gerard Labrunie. French Author. 1808. .1855 G6rard de Rayneval, Joseph Matthias. Fr. Diplomatist 1 736 . . 1812 Gerarde, John. Botanist and Surgeon. (Herbal) 1545 . . 1607 Gerardi, Christopher. Painter of Florence 1500. .1556 Gerards, Mark, of Bruges. Painter 1561 . . 1635 Gerbais, John. Doctor of the Sorbonne. Eccles. Writer 1629, . 1699 Gerbel, Nicholas. German Jurist — . .1560 Gerber, Ernest Louis. Ger. Organist & Writer on Music 1746. .1819 Gerberon, Gabriel, of St. Maur. (History of Jansenism) 1628. .1711 Gerbert, Martin. Prince- Abbot. Writ, on Sacred Music 1720. .1793 Gerbert, Pope Silvester II. The Musician. Universal Scholar — . . 1003 Gerbier d'Ouvllly, Sir Balthasar. Painter, Architect, Diplomatist 1592. . 1667 Gerbillon, John Francis. Jesuit Missionary to China. . . 1654. .1707 Gerdes, Daniel, of Groningen. Theologian 1698. .1765 Gerhard, Ephraim, of Altdorf. (Delineaiio Fhilosophice) 1682. .1718 Gerhard, John. German Protestant Divine. (AphoHsmi) 1 582 . . 1637 Gerhard, John Ernest. Lutheran Divine and Orientalist 1621 . . 1688 Gerhardt, Charles Frederick. German Chemist 1816. . 1856 G6ricault, John Louis Theod. Andrew. French Painter. 1790. .1824 Gering, Ulric. Introducer of Printing into France — . .J510 Gerlaeh, Stephen. Historical and Theological Writer. . . 1546. .1612 Germain, Thomas. French Artist in Metals 1675 . . 1748 Germanicus Csesar, married to Agrippina. Life by Louis de Beaufort B.C.14.A.D.19 Germonio, Anastasius. Abp. of Tarantaise. Ital. Writ. 1551. .1627 Germyn, Simon. Dutch Painter 1650? .1719 Gerry, Elbridge. 5th Vice-President of the United States 1744 . . 1814 Gerson, John Charlier de. (Doctor Christianissimus) 1363. .1429 Gerstein, Christian Louis. Mathematician 1701 . .1762 Gervaise, Francis Armand. Fr. Biographer and Theolog. 1660. .1751 Gervaise, Nicholas. French Missionary to Siam 1662''. 1729 Gervase, of Canterbury. Chronicler fl. 12th c. Gervase, of Tilbury. Chronicler. ( Otia Imperialia) . . . fl. i2thc. Gesenius, Frederick Henry William. German Orientalist 1 786 . , 1842 Gesner, Conrad von. Swiss Naturalist and Universal Scholar 1516. .1565 Gesner, John, of Zurich. (Phytographia Sacra) 1709- -1790 Gesner, John James, of Zurich. Numismatist 1707- • ^7^7 Gesner, John Matthias. Classical Critic and Editor 1691 . . 1761 Gessler, Albert, or Gesseler von Bruneck. Killed by Tell — . . 1307 Gessner, Solomon. Swiss Poet and Painter 1730- .1788 Gessner, Solomon. Biblical Writer at Wittemberg 1559 . . 1605 Geta. Emperor of Rome. Life by ^lius Spartianus. . . . 189. . 212 Gethin, Grace, Lady. (Religuice Gethiniance) 1676. . 1697 Gething, Richard. Penman in London fl. 1616-45 Geuss, John Michael. Mathematician at Copenhagen . . 1745. .1786 Gevartius, or Gevaerts, John Caspar. Critic of Antwerp 1593. .1666 Geyer, Henry Sheffie. American Jurist 1790- -1859 Geyler, John, of Kaiserberg. Gennan Preacher 1445 • • 1510 Gezelius, George. Swedish Biographer 1736. -1789 Gezelius, John. Bishop of Abo. (P entagbtt Dictionary) 161 s,.i6go 176 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Gezelius, John, son. Bp. of Abo. {Nomendator Adami) 1647. .1718 Ghazzali, Abu Hamid Mohammad Ibn Ahmad. Moham- medan Philosopher and Divine 1058. .iiii Ghetaldi, Marino, of Ragusa. Mathematician — bef. 1630 Ghezzi, Peter Leone. Italian Painter 1674. .1755 Ghiberti, Lorenzo. Florentine Sculptor and Architect. . 1378. .i45'5? Ghika, Gregory X. Hospodar of Moldavia 1807. .1857 Ghilini, Jerome. Italian Writer 1589. . 1670? Ghirlandajo, II. Dominic Cur r ado. Florentine Painter. . 1449.. 1498 Ghirlandajo, Ridolpho, son. Painter 1482. .1560 Ghisolfl, John. Painter of Milan 1624 . . 1683 Giamberti, Julian. San Gallo. Ital. Architect & Sculptor 1443 . . 1 5 1 7 Gianibelli, or Giambelli, Fred. Italian Military Engineer 1530?. — Gianni, Francis. Italian Poet i759- • 1822 Giannone, Peter. ( History of Naples) 1676. .1748 Giardini, Felix. Italian Violinist 1716. . 1796 Gibbon, Edward. {Decline and Fall) Life by Lord Sheffield, 1799; H. A. Milman, 1839; W. Youngman. 1737. .1794 Gibbons, Dr. Christopher. Organist and Composer — . . 1676 Gibbons, Grinling. Carver in Wood 1648 . .1721 Gibbons, Orlando. Musical Composer 1583 . . 1625 Gibbs, George. American Mineralogist 1782 . . 1833 Gibbs, James. Architect 1674''. 1754 Gibbs, Josiah Willard. American Philologist 1790- • 1861 Gibbs, Sir Vicary. Judge 1752. . 1820 Gibert, Balthasar. French Writer. {Jugement des Savants) 1662 . , 1 741 Gibert, John Peter. French Canonist 1660. .1736 Giberti, John Matthew. Bp. of Verona. Patron of Learn. 1495. .1543 Gibieuf, Wm. Priest of the Oratory. {Liberty of God) . . — ..1650 Gibson, Edm. Bp. of London. Saxonist. {Preservative) i66g. .ly ^8 Gibson, John Bannister, ll. d. American Jurist 1780. . 1853 Gibson, Richard. The Dwarf. Painter 1615 . . 1690 Gibson, Thomas. Phys.,Naturalist, and Protestant Divine — ..1562 Gibson, Thomas. Painter 1680?. 1751 Gibson, William. Painter 1644?. 1702 Giddings, Joshua Reed. Amer. Anti-slavery Statesman. 1795 . . 1864 Giddings, Salmon. Missionary 1782 . . 1828 Gideon. Judge of Israel b. c. 1236 Gieseler, John Charles Louis. German Church Historian 1792. .1854 Gifanius, or Hubert van Giffen. Dutch Critic and Civilian 1534. . 1604 Gifford, Andrew, d. d. Baptist Minister and Antiquary, 1700. .1784 Gifford, John. John Rd. Green. Polit. & Historical Writer 1 758 . . 1818 Gifford, Rev. Richard. Divine and Poet 1725?. 1807 Gifford, Robert, Lord. Judge i779- • 1826 Gifford, William. Critic and Satirist. Editor of Quarterly Review. (Baviad) i757- • 1826 Giggeo, Anthony. Italian Divine and Arabic Scholar. . . — . . 1635! Gilbart, James William. Writer on Banking 1794- • 1863 Gilbert, Davis {nee Giddy). Antiquary 1 767 .. 18^9 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. Navigator i539- -1584 Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey. Judge and Law Writer 1674. .1726 Gilbert, Nicholas Joseph Lawrence. French Satiric Poet 1751 . .1780 Gilbert, Nicholas Peter. French Army Physician 1751 • • 1814 Gilbert, Thomas. Ej ected Nonconformist Divine 161 1 ? . 1694 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 177 BORN. DIED. Gilbert, Wm. Physician & Exper. Philos. {De Magnate) 1540. . 1603 Gilbert, of La Porree. Gislebertus Porretanus 1070?. 11 54 Gilbert, of Sempringham. Founder of Gilbertines 1083 . . 1 189 Gilbertus Anglicus. Medical Writer fl. 1200'' Gilchrist, Alex. Writer on Art ; Biogr. of Etty & Blake 1827 . . 1861 Gilclirist, John Borthwick. Orientalist i759- • 1841 Gilchrist, Octavius. Writer on the Drama i779- • 1823 Gildas. The Wise. British Hist. {De Excidio Britannice ) 6th c. A. d. Gildon, Charles. Dramatic and Miscellaneous Writer. , . 1665. .1724 Giles, William Branch. American Statesman 1762. .1830 Giles, of Viterbo. Italian Cardinal. Biblical Writer ... — ••1532 GilfiUan, Robert. Scotch Poet 1798?. 1850 ^Gilimer. Last King of African Vandals — aft. 534 Gill, Alex. Mast, of St. Paul's School. {Logonomia Anglica) 1564. .1635 Gill, Alex., son. Friend of Milton. (Poetici Conatus) 1597. .1642 Gill, .John, D. D. Baptist Divine and Biblical Expositor. . 1697. .1771 Gilles, Peter. French Naturalist 1490- • 1555 Gillespie, George. Scottish Divine. {Aaron' s Rod) ... . — ..1648 Gillies, John, ll. d. Historical Writer i747- .1836 GiUis, James. Roman Catholic Bishop in Scotland — . . 1864 Gillot, Claude. French Painter and Engraver 1673. .1722 Gilly, Rev. Dr. Wm. Stephen. Writer on the Vaudois . . 1789?. 1855 Gilman, John Taylor. Governor of New Hampshire 1759. .1828 Gilman, Samuel, b. d. American Clergyman and Author 1791 . . 1858 Gilpin, Bernard. {Apostle of the North.) Life by Bishop Carleton, 1636; W. Gilpin, 1753 1517. .1583 Gilpin, Rd. Ejected Noncouf. Div. {Satan' s Temptations) — ..1657 Gilpin, Sawrer. Animal Painter i733- • 1807 Gilpin, Rev. William, brother. Writer. {Forest Scenery) 1724.. 1804 Gil Polo, Caspar. Spanish Poet *. . 1516. .1572 Gilray, James. Caricaturist 1785 . . 1815 Gil Vicente. Portuguese Dramatist .' 1485 ''.1557 Ginguen6, Peter Louis. {HisioireLitieraire d'lialie) ... 1748.. 1816 GinkelljGodart van, First Earl of Athlone. Commander.. 1630?. 1703 Ginnani, Francis. Italian Naturalist 1716. .1766 Gioberti, John Anthony. Italian Chemist 1761 . . 1834 Gioberti, Vincent. Italian Writer and Statesman 1801 . . 1852 Giocondo, John. Fra Giovanni. Ital. Schol. & Antiquary 1450?. 1521? Gioffredo, Mario. Gaetano. Neapohtan Architect 1718..1785 Gioja, Flavio, of Amalfi. Reputed Inventor of Compass . 1300?. — Gioja, Melchior. Italian Writer. { Ntiovo Prospetto) .... 1767.. 1829 Giolito de' Ferrari, Gabriel.. Italian Printer — . . 1581 Giordani, Vital. Neapolitan Mathematician 1633. .1711 Giordano, Luke. Lucaf a Presto. Neapolitan Painter 1632. 1704 or 5 Giorgi, Anthony Augustine. {Alphabetum Thibetanum) . . 1 711.. 1797 Giorgione. Giorgio Barbarelli. Venetian Painter 1477. .1511 Gioseppino. Neapolitan Painter 1560'. 1540 Giottino, II. Thomas di Stefano. Florentine Painter . . . 1324. .1356 Giotto, or Ambrogiotto. Florentine Pa., Sculptor, Architect 1276. .1336 Giovanni. Mannozzi. Italian Fresco Painter 1590 • • 1636 Giovanni da Fiesole. Fra Angelica. Florentine Painter 1387. .1455 Giovio, Paul. Italian Historical Writer 1483 . .1552 Giraldi, Julius Gregory. Ital. Scholar. {De Diis Gentium) 1479.. 1552 Giraldi-Cintio, J. Bapt. Ital. Poet tSc Phys. {Hecatommiti) 1504. .1573 12 178 * A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Giraldus Cambrensis, or Gerald de Barri. Historian. . 1147. .1222? Girard, Gabriel. French Philologist. {Synonymes Frangois) 1677'. 1748 Girard, Gregory. Swiss Educator 1765 . .1850 Girard, Philip Henry de. French Engineer. i775- -1845 Girard, Stephen. Amer. Banker ; Found, of Girard College 1746. .1831 Girardin, Madame 'kuiile de. Delphine Gay. Fr. Writer. 1804. . 1855 Girardin, Louis Stanislaus de, Count. French Publicist. . 1762. .1827 Girardon, Francis. Sculptor and Architect 1628 . . 1 7 1 5 Giraud, John, Count, Italian Comic Dramatist 1776. .1834 Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis. French Painter 1767. .1824 Giroust, James. French Preacher 1624. . 1689 Girtin, Thomas. Landscape Painter i773- • 1802 Giry, Louis. French Academician 1595 . . 1665 Gisbert, Blaise. Fr. Theol. &Philos. {Educat. of a Prince) 1657. .1731 Gisbert, John. French Canonist. {Anti-Probalasimus) . 1639.. 1711 Gisborne, Rev. Thos. Philos., Theol., and Misc. Writer 1758. .1846 Giulano, Majano di. Florentine Sculptor and Architect . . 1377"' . 1447 Giulini, George. Historian and Antiquary. {Memoirs Concerning the Government of Milan) 1 714 . . 1 780 Giulio Ronaano. Julius Caccini. Ital. Music. Composer 1560?. 1640? Giuiio Romano. Pippi. Italian Painter 1492. .1546 Giusti, Anthony. Florentine Painter 1624?. 1705 Giusti, Joseph. Italian Poet and Satirist 1809. . 1850 Glaber, Ralph. Benedictine Monk. ( Chronique de France) 990? . 1050? Glandorp, Matthias. German Medical Writer 1595 . . 1652? Glanvil, Sir John. Lawyer and Statesman 1 590?. 1661 Glanvil, Ranulph de. Lawyer & Warrior. {De Leg. Anglice) — , . 1 190 Glanvill, Rev. Joseph. ( Vanity of Dogmatizing) 1636. . 1680 Glareanus, or Henry Lorit. Scholar and W^riter 1488. .1563 Glaser, Christopher. Swiss Chemist — . . 1679? Glass, John. Scotch Sectary 1698. .1773 Glass, John, son. Navigator and Writer 1725 . .1764 Glassius, Solomon, of Gotha. {Philologia Sacra) i593- • 1656 Glauber, Diana. Painter 1650 . . 1 720? Glauber, John. Polydore. Painter of Utrecht 1646. . 1 726 Glauber, John Rudolph. Chemist. Discoverer of Glauber^ s Salt 1604. .1668 Glauber, John Theophilus, brother. Painter 1656. .1703 Gleditsch, John Theophilus. German Phys. and Botanist 1714. .1786 Gleichen, Frederick William von. German Naturalist. . 1717. .1783 Gleig, George. Bishop of Brechin. Theol. and Metaphys. 1753.. 1839 Gleim, John William Louis. German ^7^0 Poet 1719- • 1803 Glen, John. Painter and Engraver of Liege fl. i6th c. Glendower, Owen. Welsh Chieftain 1349?. 1415 Glenie, James. Scottish Mathematician i750- • 181 7 Glentworth, George. American Physician and Surgeon 1735. .1792 Gliddon, George Robins. English Egyptologist 1809. . 1857 Glinka, Gregory Andrievitch. Russian Writer 1774. .1818 Glinka, Sergy Nikolaevitch. Russian Writer 1771 . . 1845? Glisson, Francis. Anatomist and Physician i597- • 1677 Gloucester, Robert of. English Historian and Poet ti. 1280 Gloucester, Wm. Fred., Duke of, nephcAv of George III. 1776. .1834 Glover, Charles. Song Composer — . . 1863 Glover, Richard. Poet. Life by R. Duppa, 1814 1 712. .1785 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 179 BORN. DIED. GHover, Mrs. Actress 1 781 . . 1850 Gluck, Christopher Willibald von. Composer. Life by Schmid, 1855 1714- • Glynn, Robert, m. d,, of Cambridge. (Dm of Judgment) 1718?. Gmelin, John Fred. Phys. and Chemist. Ed. of Linnaeus 1748. . Gmelin, John Geo. Botanist and Phys. {Flora Sibirica) 1709. . Gmelin, Leopold. German Chemist. 1788. . Gmelin, Samuel Theoph. Traveler. {Hisioria Fucorum) 1743. • Gneisenau, Aug. Neidhardt, Count of. Marsh, of Prussia 1760. . Gnieditch, Nicholas. Russian Poet 1784. . Goad, John. Schoolmaster and Astrologer 161 5 . . Goadby, Robert. Printer and Writer of Sherborne. ..... 1721 . . Gobbo, Andrew. Itahan Historical Painter 1470'- Gobbo, II. Peter Paul Bonzi^oi CoTlona.. Painter 1580?. Gobel, J. Bap. Jos. Abp. of Paris. Atheist; guillotined 1727. . Gobel, Traugott Friedemann. Ger. Trav. & Writ. onChem. 1794. . Gobelin, John, alias GUes. French Dyer and Inventor. . — . . Gobien, Charles le. French Jesuit; Historian 1653. . Goclenius, Conrad. German Critic 1485 . . Goclenius, Rodolph. Magnetist and Math, at Marpurg 1572. . Goclenius, Rodolph. Philosophical Writer at Marpurg. . 1547. . Goddard, Jonathan. Chemist and Physician 161 7. . Goddard, Rev. Wm. Stanley d. d. Mast, of Winch. Coll. 1757. . Godden, Thomas, d. d. Rom. Catholic Controversialist. — . . Godeau, Anthony. Bishop of Venice. Church Historian 1605 . . Godefroi, Denys. ( Corpus Juris fivilis) i549- - Godefroi, Denys. {Les Droits du Roi) 161 5 . . Godefroi, James. ( Codex Theodosianus) 1587. . Godefroi, John. Editor of Memoirs of Philip de Comines 1656. . Godefroi, Theodore. {Le Ceremonial Frangois) 1 580 . . Godewyck, Margarita. Paintress of Dort 1627 . . Godfrey, Charles. Musician i79o'« Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury. Magistrate. L. by R. Take, 1682 — . . Godfrey, Thomas. American Mathematician — . . Godfrey of Bouillon. Crusader, and King of Jerusalem 1058?. Godfrey of Viterbo. Historian — . . Godley, John,, Robert. Politician. Life by J. E. Fitzgerald — . . Godman, John D. American Anatomist and Naturalist.. 1794. • GodolpMn, John. Civilian 161 7 . . Godolphin, Sidney. Poet 1610 .". Godolphin, Sidney, Earl of» Lord High Treasurer 1630?. Godoonofif, or Godunov, Boris. Czar of Moscow 1552.. Godoy, Manuel de. Prince of the Peace. Span. Minister 1767. . Godric, St. Hermit of Finchale. Life by Reginald — . . Godwin, Earl of Kent — . . Godwin, Francis. Bishop of Hereford. Antiquary and Historical Writer. {Man in the Moon) 1561 . . Godwin, Mary, nee WoUstonecraft. Life by Godwin, 1798 1759. . Godwin, Thomas, D. D. Hebrew Antiquarv 1587 . . Godwin, Wm. Novelist & Hist. Writ. ( Caleb Williams) 1756. . Goeckingk, Leop. Frederick Gunther von. German Poet 1748. . Goeree, Wm. Scholar of Middleburg. {Jewish Antiq.) 1635.. Goerres, Jacob Joseph von. German Publicist and Writer 1776. . 180 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Goertz, George Henry de. Baron de Schlitz. Swedish Statesman ".,.., — . .1719 Goes, Hugh van der. Dutch Painter — . . 1480? Goesius, (William van der Goes.) Dutch Critic 161 1. .1686 Goethe, John Wolfgang von. Poet. Life by self, 1811- 1812, Engl, by Oxenford, 1848; Doering, 1828; Falk, 1832, Engl, by Mrs. Austin, 1835; Sendtner, 1832; Vogel, 1834; Voss, 1834; Marmier, 1835; Rienier, 1841; Browning, 1844; Viehoff, 1847; Schaefer, 1850-51; Bowring, 1853; Lewes, 1855, enlarged, 1863. 1749. .1832 Goetze, Geo. Henry. Theologian and Critic at Lubec 1667. 1728 org Goetze, John Augustus Ephraim. German Naturalist. . . 1731 . .1793 Goez, Damian de. Portuguese Historian 1501 . .1560 Goff, Rev. Thomas. Divine and Dramatist 1592. .1627 'Goflfe, William. Regicide .' 1605'''. 1679 Gogol, Nicholas. Russian Writer 1810. . 1852 Goguet, Anthony Yves. French Jurist 1716. .1758 Goldast von Hemingsfeld, Melchior. Historical Writ. 1576. .1635 Goldhagen, John Eustace, of Magdeburg. Translator of Greek Classics 1701. .1772 Golding, Arthur. Poet, Translator of Ovid, Caesar, &c. . . — . . 1590? Goldman, Nicholas. Mathematician 1623 . . 1665 Goldoni, Charles. Dramatic Poet 1707. . 1793 Goldsmith., Oliver. Poet. Life by J. Prior, 1836 ; John Forster, 1848; W. Irving, 1850; Dr. Kalisch, 1860. . . 1728. .1774 Golius, James. Orientalist and Mathematician 1596. .1667 Golius, Peter, br. Roman Cath. Missionary to East Indies — . . 1673? Golovnin, Basil. Russian Navigator 1776. . 1831 Goltzius, Henry. Painter and Engraver 1558. • 1617 Goltzius, Hubert. Dutch Painter and Antiquary 1526. .1583 Gomar, Francis. Flemish Calvinistic Theologian. 1563- • 1641 Gombauld, John Ogier de. French Poet 1 567 ^ 1666 GombervUle, Marin le Roy, Sieur de. French Writer . . 1600. .1674 Gomersal,*Rev. Robert. Poet. {Leviie's Revenge) 1600. .1646 Gomes, Francis Dias. Portuguese Poet — • • i795 Gomez, Magdalen Angelica Poisson de. Fr. Romancist 1684. .1770 Gomez, Sebastian. Spanish Painter — . . 1685? Gomez de Castro, Alvarez. {Life of Ximenes) ^ . 1515 . • 1580 Gomez de Ciudad Beal, Alvarez. Latin Poet 1488. . 1538 Gompertz, Benjamin. Mathematician and Actuary 1778''. 1865 Gon9alvez, Joachim Alfonso. Portuguese Missionary to China. {Diccionario China Portuguez) 1780. . 1841 Gondebaud. Fourth King of Burgundy (491-516) —..516 Gondi, Albert de. Marshal de Relz. French Courtier . . 1 533 . . 1602 Gondi, John Francis Paul de. Cardinal de Retz II. French Statesman 1614. . 1679 Gondi, Peter de. Cardinal de Retz I. French Statesman 1533. . 1616 Gonet, John Baptist, of Bordeaux. {System of Theology) 1616. . i68i Gongora y Argote, Louis de. Spanish Poet 1561 . .1627 Gonsalvo de Cordova, Fernandez. Great Captain. See Gonzalo i443- -15^5 Gonthier, John. German Physician and Scholar 1487- • ^574 Gonzaga, Lucretia. Italian S'cholar — . -1576 Gonzaga, Scipio. Spanish Cardinal and Scholar 1542. . 1593 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 181 BORN. DIED. Gonzaga, Thomas Anthony Costa de, of Brazil. Dirceo. Portuguese Poet. {Marilia de Dirceo) I747- -1793 Gonzaga, Vespasian, Duke of Sabionetta. Patron of Arts 1531 . . 1591 Gonzales, Bartholomew. Spauish Painter 1564. . 1627 Gonzales, Thyrsus. Sp. Jesuit. {Doctrine of Probability) — ••1705 Gonzalo, Fernandez de Cordova y Aguilar. Great Capt. 1443. .1515 Gonzalo de Uerceo, John. Earliest Spanish Poet.. . . . 1196. .1266? Good, John Mason, M. d. Writer. L. by 0. Gregory, 1828 1764. .1827 GoodaU, Walter. Scottish Antiquary & Historical Writer 1706' . 1766 Goode, Rev. Francis. Divine. ( Tlie Better Covenant). . . 1797?. 1842 Goodman, Godfrey. English Bishop ; conformed to Rome 1 583 . . 1655 Goodrich, Chauncey. American Statesman i759- .1815 Goodrich, Chauncey Allen, d. d. American Divine and Scholar; Editor of Webster's Dictionaries i790' • i860 . Goodrich, Elizur, D. D. American Clergyman & Scholar 1734. .1797 Goodrich, Sam. Griswold. Peter Parley. Amer. Author 1793. . — Goodrich, Thomas. Bishop of Ely (1534-54). Reformer 1480?. 1554 Goodwin, John. Independent Divine and Politician. .. . 1593.. 1665 Goodwin, Thomas. Calvinistic Independent Divine. . . . 1600. .1679 Gookin, Gen. Daniel. American Writer 161 2?. 1687 Gool, John van. Dutch Painter 1685 . .1763 Gordian I. M. Antonius. Rom. Emp. (238). Africanus 157.. 238 Gordian II. Son; colleague of his father (238) 192. . 238 Gordian III. (238-44) 226.. 244 Gordon, Alexander. Historical Writer and Egyptologist — . .1750? Gordon, Andrew. Scottish Benedictine ; Electrician.... 1712..1751 Gordon, Bernard. Gordonus. Medical Reformer — aft. 13 10? Gordon, Eliz. Brodie, last Duchess of. L. by A. M. Stuart 1774. . 1864 Gordon, Lord George. Anti-Papist Politician 1750- • i793 Gordon, James. Scot. Jesuit. ( Controversiarum Epitome) 1 543 . . 1620 Gordon, Sir John Watson, r. a. Portrait Painter 1790?. 1864 Gordon, Robt., of Stralogh. Geog. {Tkeatrum Scotice) — ..1650? Gordon, Thos. Controversialist. {Pillars of Priestcraft) 1684?. 1750 Gordon, William. Anglo-American Divine & Historian 1730.. 1807 Gordon, William, m. d. People's Friend. Philanthropist 1801 . . 1849 Gore, Catherine Grace Francis, Mrs. Novelist i799- .i86i Gore, Christopher. American Statesman; Governor of Massachusetts 1 758 . . 1827 Gorges, Sir Ferdinando. Proprietor of Province of Maine and Governor of Plymouth — ... 1647 Gorgias, of Leontini. Sophist 485 ? . 380' b.c. Gori, Anthony Francis. Florentine Antiquary 1 691. .1757 Gorlseus, Abraham. Dutch Antiquary. {Dactyliotheca) i^^g. .i6og Goropius, John. Van Goi'p. {Origines Antverpianw). . . 15 18.. 15 72 Qorran, Nicholas de. French Preacher and Divine 1230. .1295 Gorres, Jacob Joseph von. See Goerres 1776. . 1848 Gorsas, Anthony Joseph. French Politician 1751 • -1793 GortchakoflE", Demetrius. Russian Poet 1756. .1824 Gortchakofif, Michael, Prince. Russian Commander. . . . 1795 • • ^861 Gorter, John de. Dutch Medical Writer 1688 . . 1 762 Gorton, Samuel. New England Enthusiast 1600? . 1677 Goselini, Julian. Italian Writer 1525 . .1587 Goslicki, Lawrence. PoUsh Writ. {De Optimo Senatore) 1535 . . 1607 Gosnold, Bartholomew. Navigator — ..1607 182 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. .1829 .1830 .1587 .162-5 .1832 .1704 . 867 Gossec, Francis Joseph. Belgian Musical Composer .... 1733 Gosselin, Pascal Francis Joseph.. French Geographer. . . 1751 Gosselini, Julian. Italian Writer 1525 Gosson, Stephen. Divine and Poet 1554 Gothe. See Goethe 1749 Gother, John. Roman Cath. Divine and Controversialist — Gothescalcus, or Gottschalk. German Heresiarch 808 Gothofred, or Godefroi, which see. Gotti, Vincent Louis. Italian Cardinal and Theologian . . 1664 . . 1 742 Gottignies, Giles Francis. Belgian Mathematician 1630. .1,689 Gottleber, John Christopher. German Critic i733- -17^5 Gottsched, John Christopher. Ger. Poet and Philosopher 1 700 . . 1 766 Gottsched, Madame, wife. Dramatic Writer 1713- .1762 Goudelin, or Goudouli, Peter. Gascon Poet i579- -1649 Goudimel, Claude. French Musical Composer 1510?. 1572 Goufller, Mary Gabriel Augustus Laurent, Count de Choiseul. ( Voyage Pittoresque) 1752. . 1817 Gouge, Thomas. 'Ejected Nonconformist Divine 1605 . . 1681 Gouge, WilMam. Puritan Divine. ( Whole Armor of God) 1575 . . 1653 Gougeon, or Goujon, John. Fr. Sculptor and Medalist I5i5?.i572 Gouges, Mary Olympe de. French Revolutionary Writer 1755. -1793 Gough, Richard. Antiquary * 1735 . . 1809 Goujet, Claude Peter. French Scholar and Writer 1697. .1767 Goulart, Simon. Fr. Protestant Divine and Hist. Writer 1543. .1628 Goulburn, Rt. Hon. Henry, m. p. Statesman — . . 1856 Govild, Hannah Flagg. American Poetess — . . 1865 Goxild, James. American Jurist 1770?. 1838 Gould, Robert. Poet — . .1708 Goulin, John. French Writer 1728. .1799 Goulston, Theodore, m. d. Founder of Goulstonian Lect. 1576?. 1632 Goulu, John. French Translator from the Greek 1576. . 1629 Goupy, Joseph. French Artist — . .1763 Gourdan, Simon. French Casuist 1646. .1729 Gourgaud, Caspar, Baron. Fr. Gen. {Napoleon Mem.) 1783.. 1852 Qt)urnay, Mary de Jars de. Tenth Muse. French Writer 1566. . 1645 GourviUe, John Herault de. {Memoires, 1642-98) 1625. .1704 Gousset, James. French Protestant Divine and Hebraist 1635 . •1704 Gouthi§re, James. Gutherius. Fr. Advocate and Writer 1568. .1638 Gouvea, Anthony de. Goveanus. Portuguese Jurist. . . . 1505 . .1566 Gouvea, Anthony de. Portuguese Historian 1570?. 1628 Gouvion St. Cyr, Lawrence. Marshal of France 1764. . 1830 Gouye, Thomas. French Mathematician 1650. .1725 Gouye de Longuemarre. French Historical Writer. . . 171 5. .1763 Gouz dfe la Boulaye, Francis le. French Traveler i 1610''. 1669? Govona, Rosa. Italian Philanthropist 1716. .1776 Gower, John. Poet 1320. . 1402 Goya y Lucientes, Francis. Spanish Painter 1746. . P828 Goyen, John Joseph van. Dutch Painter 1596. . 1656 Gozzi, Charles, Count. Italian Dramatist 1 772 . . 1806 Gozzi, Caspar, Count. Italian Writer 1713. .1786 Gozzoli, Benozzo. Florentine Painter 1408. , 1478 Graaf, Reinier de. Dutch Medical Writer 1641 . . 1673 Graat, or Graet, Bernard. Dutch Historical Painter 1628. .1709 Qxaaw, or Grauw, Henry. Dutch Painter 1627. . 1682 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 183 BORN. DIED. Grabbe, Christian Dietrich. German Dramatist 1801 . . 1836 Grabe, John Ernest, d. d. Divine and Critic 1666. .1711 Gracchus, Caius. Tribune 154. 121 b.c. Gracchus, Tiberius, brother. Roman Tribune 163. 133 B.C. Gracian, Balthasar. Span. Jesuit, Preacher, and Writer 1584. .1658 Gradenigo, Peter. Doge of Venice 1249. . 1311 Graefe, Charles Ferdinand von. German Surgeon 1787. .1840 Graeme, John. Scottish Poet 1748.. 1772 Graevius, Jolm Gecfrge. Classical Antiquary 1632. .1703 Graflf, Anthony. German Portrait Painter 1736. -1813 Graffigny, Frances. {Lettres d'une Peruvienne) 1694. .1758 Grafton, Aug. Hen. Fitzroy, Duke of. Polit. and Writer 1736. .1811 Grafton, Charles Fitzroy, Duke of. Politician 1683 ..1757 Grafton, Richard. Chronicler and Printer — aft. 1572 Graggini, Anthony Francis. Italian Poet 1503- -15^3 Graham, Catherine Macaulay, Mrs 1733. . 1 791 Graham., George. Mechanician 1675 . . 1751 Graham, Isabella. Philanthropist 1742. . 1814 Graham, Sir James. Companion of Wallace — . .1298 Graham, James, Marquis of Montrose. Scottish Royalist, executed. Life by Wishart, 1819; M. Napier, 1840 . . 1612. .1650 Grahami, Sir James Robert George. Statesman. Life by Torrens, 1863 1792. . 1861 Graham, John, of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee 1650?. 1689 Graham, John Andrew, ll,. d. Amer. Advocate & Author 1764. . 1841 Graham, Joseph. American Revolutionary Soldier 1759. . 1836 Graham, Mrs. Maria. See Callcott 1788. .1842 Graham, Sir Richard, Visct. Preston. Statesm. & Writer 1648. . 1695 Graham, Robert, m. d. Professor of Botany, Glasgow. . . 1786. . 1845 Graham, Sylvester. Vegetarian i794- .1851 Grahame, Rev. James. Poet. ( The Sabbath) 1765 .. 181 1 Graham^e, James. Scottish Historian 1790- • 1842 Grain, John Baptist le. French historical Writer 1565. .1642 Graindorge, Andrew. Fr. Physician and Natural Philos. 1616. .1676 Grainger, James. Physician and Poet. {Sugar- Cane). . ly 22^.1767 Grainger, Richard, of Newcastle. Architect and Builder 1798. .i86i Gramaye, John Baptist. Flemish Traveler, Poet, Hist. 1580?. 1635 Grammont, Anthony Louis Mary, Duke of. General ... 1775 . . 1836 Grammont, Gabriel de Barthelemi, Seigneur de. Hist. 1590?. 1654 Grammont, Philibert, Count of. Wit and Courtier 1621, .1707 Gramont, Anthony, Duke of. Marshal of Fr. {Memoirs) 1604. . 1678 Granby, John Manners, Marquis of. General 1721 . .1770 Grand, Anthony le. Fr. Cartesian Philosopher and Hist. 17th c. Grand, Joachim le. French Political Writer 1653. -1733 Grand, Louis le. Doctor of the Sorbonne ; Theologian ... 1 71 1 . . 1 780 Grand, Mark Anthony le. French Actor 1673 . .1728 Grand. See Legrand. Qrandet, Joseph, of Angers. Biographer 1646. .1724 Grandi, Ercole. Ercole da Ferrara. Italian Painter . . . 1491 . .1531 Grandi, Guy le. Italian Math. {De Jnfinitis Infinitorum) 1671 . . 1742 Qrandin, IVIartin. Doctor of the Sorbonne. {Popular Course of Theology) 1604. . 1691 Grandmaison, Michael. French Revolutionist 1771 • -1794 Orandpr6, Louis Mary Jos. Ohier, Ct. de. Navig. & Trav. 1761 . . 1846 184 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY; BORN. DIED. Qrandville, John Ign. Isid. Gerard. French Caricaturist 1803. .1847 Granet, Francis. French Critic 1692. .1741 Granet, Francis Marius. French Painter 1775 • • ^^^49 Grange, Joseph de Chancel de la. Fr. Poet. {Philippics) 1677. .1758 Granger, Gideon. American Statesman 1767. . 1822 Granger, Rev. James. { Biographical History of England) 1716'. 1776 Grant, Mrs. Anne, of Laggan. Writer. Life bv her son 1755. .1838 Grant, Charles, m. p. East India Director and Writer. . . 1746. .1823 Grant, Edward. Classical Poet and Writer — . . 1601 Grant, Francis, Lord Cullen. Scottish Judge 1660?. 1726 Grant, James. Scottish Barrister and Archaeologist I743- -1835 Grant, Patrick, Lord Preston-Grange. Scottish Judge . . 1698. .1762 Grant, Sir William. Master of the Rolls i754- • 1832 Granvelle, Anthony Perrenot, Lord of. Cardinal. 15 16. .1586 Granville, George, Viscount Lansdowne. Poet and Polit. 1667. .1735 Granville, Granville Leveson-Gower, Earl of. Statesman 1773. .1846 Granville, John Carteret, Earl of. Statesman 1690. .1763 Granville, or Greenville, Sir Richard. Admiral 1540 • -1591 Gras, Anthony le. French Writer. (Apostolic Fathers) . i6So^ .17^1 Graswinkel, Theodore. Dutch Publicist 1600. . 1666 Gratarolus, William. Ital. Physician & Writer at Basle 1516. .1568 Gratian. Roman Emperor (367-83) 359. . 383 Gratiani, Jerome. Italian Poetical and Prose Writer fl. 17th c. Gratiolet, Louis Peter. Physiologist. {Anatomie Compa- ree du Systeme Nerveux) 1815 . . 1865 Gratius, Ortwinus. Graes. German Writer. {Lamenia- tiones Obscurorum Virorum) — . . 1 541 Grattan, Henrv. Orator and Statesman. Life by sons, 1841; D. 0" Madden, 1846 1750. .1820 Grattan, Thomas Colley. Novelist 1796''. 1864 Graun, Charles Henry. German Musical Composer 1701 . .1759 Graunt, Edward. Master of Westminster School. ( Grcecce Linguce Specihgium) ^. 1550?. 1601 Graunt, John. Citizen of London. {Bills of Mortality) 1620. .i6y^ Gravelot, Hubert Francis Bourguignon. Fr. Engraver. . 1699. .1773 Graverol, Francis. French Advocate. {Soberiana) .... 1636. .1694 Graves, Rev. John. Antiquary — • • 1729 Graves, Rev. Richard. Novelist and Poet 1715- .1804 Graves, Richard. Dean of Ardagh. {Pentateuch) 1763.. 1829 Gravesande, Wm. Jas. van 's. Dutch Geomet. & Philos. 1688 . .1742 Gravina, Dominic da. Italian Hist. {Lo Storicodi Napoli) fl. 1330-50 Gravina, John Vincent. Italian Jurist 1664 . . 1718 Gravina, Peter. Italian Poet 1453 . . 1527 Gray, Thomas. Poet. Life by Mitford; Mason, 1778 ... 1 716. .1771 Gray don, Alexander. American Writer 1752. .1818 Graziani, Anthony Mary. Italian Bishop and Writer. . . 1537. .1611 Grazzini, Anthony Francis. IlLasca. Italian Writer .. 1503. .1583 Grazzini, John Paul, of Ferrara. Painter. — . . 1632 Greatorex, Thomas. Musical Composer 1758 . . 1831 Greatrakes, Valentine. Irish Medical Empiric 1628. aft. 1680 Greaves, John. Orientalist & Math. {Pyramidographia) 1602.. 1652 Grechetto. Benedict Castiglione. Genoese Painter 1616. .1670 Gr6court, J. Bapt. Jos. Viliartde. French Poet and Wit 1683. -1743 Green, Ashbel, D. D. American Clergyman and Writer 1762. .1848 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 185 BORN. DIED. Green, Edward Burnaby. Poetical "Writer and Translator 1 740? . 1 788 Green, Jacob. American Writer on Science 1790- • 1841 Green, John. Bishop of Lincoln. {Religious Enthusiasm) 1706. .1779 Green, John Richard. See GitFord 1758. . 1818 Green, Joseph Henry'. Anatomist. ( Vital Dynamics ) . . . 1 791 ' . 1863 Green, Matthew. Poet. Tfie Spleen 1696. .1737 Green, Richard. Ship Owner of London 1804?. 1863 Green, Thomas. Writer. (Micthodian) i77o. • 1825 Green, Valentine. Engraver. {History of Worcester). .. 17 ;^g. .181^ Greene, Dr. Maurice. Musical Composer 1696. .1755 Greene, Nathaniel. American Revolutionary General. . . 1742. .1786 Greene, Robert. Humorous Poet. Life bv'Dyce 1560?. 1592 Greene, Thomas. Bishop. {Four Last Things) 1658. . 1738 Greenfield, William. Orientalist. {Comprehensive Bible) — ..1832 GreenhiU, John. Painter 1649 . . 1676 Greenhill, Rev. William, of Stepney. ( On Ezekiel) — . . 1671 Greenhow, Robert. American Author 1800 . . 1854 Greenleaf, Simon. American Jurist 1783. . 1853 Greenough., Horatio. American Sculptor 1805 . , 1852 Greenville, Sir Bevil. Royalist, fell at Landsdowne 1596. . 1643 Greenville, or Grenville, Sir Richard. Admiral 1540- -1591 Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, d. d. Amer. Divine 1797. .1843 Gregan, John Edgar. Architect of Manchester 1813. . 1855 Gr6goire, Henry. " Constitutional" Bishop of France . . 1750. .1831 Gregor, Rev. William. Chemist 1762. .1817 Gregorio, Rosario. Sicilian Historian and Archaeologist 1753. .1809 Gregory. Thaumaturgus. Bishop of Caesarea 212''. 270? (Gregory Wazianzen. Bishop of Constantinople (380-81). Life by Godfrey Hermant ; Ullmann, 1825 314^ • 39°' Gregory, St. Bishop of Nyssa 332^ 396? Gregory, St. Bishop of Tours (573-95). Historian 544. . 595 Gregory I. Pope (590-604). The Great. {Gregorian Chant.) Life by Denis de Sainte-Marthe, 1697 544?. 604 Gregory II. (715-731) — . . 731 Gregory III. (731-41) — . . 741 Gregory IV. (827-44) — . . 844 Gregory V. (996-99.) Bruno 972.. 999 Gregory VI. (1044-46.) John Gratian — . , 1047? Gregory VII. (1073-85.) Hildebrand. Life by J. C. Dithmar; Voigt; Sonstral; J. W. Bowden, 1841 — . .1085 Gregory VIII. (1187.) Albert di Mora — . .1187 Gregory IX. (1227-41.) Ugolino de' Cohti di Segni — . . 1241 Gregory X. (1271-76.) Theobald Visconti _ . . 1276 Gregory XI. (1370-78.) Peter Roger de Montroux 1329. . 1378 Gregory XII. (1406-9.) Angela Conrario 1325 . .1417 Gregory XIII. (1572-85.) Hugh Buoncompagno 1502. .1585 Gregory XIV. (1590-91.) Nicholas Sfondraii i534- -1591 Gregory XV. (1621-23.) Alexander Ludovisio I554' • 1623 Gregory XVI. (1831-46.) Mauro Capellan 1765 . . 1846 Gregory, David. Savilian Professor. ( Catenary) 1661 . .1708 Gregoi^r, Edmund. {Anatomy oj" Christian Melancholy) . . — ..1650 Gregory, Geo., d. d. Divine and Misc. Writer. {Essays) 1754. . 1808 Gregory, .Jas. Math. Inventor of Reflecting Telescope. 1638. .1675 Gregory, John. Divine and Historical Writer 1607. . 1646 186 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Gregory, John, m. d. Professor. ( Human and Animal Faculties.) Life by Lord Woodhouselee ; Smellie 1724. .1773 Gregory, Olynthus Gilbert, ll. d. Mathematician and Religious Writer. Life by Robert Hall, 1849 i774- .1841 Gregory, Peter, of Toulouse. Writer 1540- '1597 Greig, Samuel Carlowitz. Russian Naval Officer — . .1788 GreUet, Stephen. Quaker Missionary I773- • 1855 Grenada, Louis de. Dominican Writer and Preacher . . . 1505 . .1588 Grenan, Benignus. French Latin Poet 1681 •'' . 1 723 Grenfell, Pascoe, m. p. Slavery Abolitionist 1762. . 1838 Grenier, James Raymond. French Hydrographer 1736. . 1803 Grenville, George. Statesman 1712..1 770 Grenville, George, Lord Nugent. Statesman 1788. . 185 1 Grenville, Thos. Statesman. Collector of Grenville Lib. 1755. .1846 Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord. Statesman i759- -1834 Greppi, John. Italian Dramatist 1751 . . 1811 Gresham, Sir Thomas. Life by Seth Ward; Burgon, 1839 15 19. . 1579 Gresset, J. Bapt. Louis. Fr. l^oet and Dram. ( Vert Vert) 1709. .1777 Grossly, Amand. Swiss Geologist 1814^ 1865 Gr6try, Andrew Ernest Modeste. Fr. Musical Composer. 1741. .1813 Gretser, James. Ger. Jesuit, Theologian, and Antiquary 1561. .1625 Greuze, John Baptist. French Painter 1726. . 1805 Grevenbroeck. Flemish Painter fl. 17th c. GreviUe, Charles. Politician i794- • 1865 Greville, Sir Fidke, Lord Brooke. Poet and Philosopher 1554. . 1628 Gr6vin, James. French Poet, Painter, and Medical Writer 1539. .1570 Grevius, or Grsevius, John George. Classical Antiquary . 1632.. 1703 Grew, Nehemiah. Vegetable Physiologist 1628. .1711 Grew, Obadiah. Ejected Nonconf. Div. ( The Prodigal Son) 1607. .1698 Grey, Charles, Second Earl. Prime Minister {1830-3-i) . . 1764. .1845 Grey, Lady Jane. G.Howard,1822 ; Sir H. Nicolas, 1825 1537 . . 1 554 Grey, Richard, D. D. Divine. {Memoria Technica) .... 1694. .1771 Grey, Zachary, ll. d. Divine, and Miscellaneous Writer 1687. .1766 Gribaldi, Matthew. Mofa. Italian Writer on Civil Law — . .1564 Griboy6dov, Alex. Sergievich. Russian Poet and Diplom. 1795 . . 1829 Gridley, Philo. American Jurist 1796. . 1864 Gridley, Jeremiah. American Lawyer 1705?. 1767 Griebner, Michael Henn^. Jurist at Wittemberg 1682. . 1734 Grierson, Constantia. Irish Scholar 1706. .1733 Griesbach, John James. Editor of Greek Testament . . . 1745 • • 1812 Griffet, Henry. French Jesuit Writer 1698. .1771 Griffier, John. The Elder. Landscape Painter 1645 . .1718 Griffier, Robert, son. The Younger. Painter in England 1688.aft.1713 Griffin, Edmund Dorr. American Divine and Writer . . . 1804. .1830 Griffin, Edward Dorr. American Divine and Educator 1770.. 1837 Griffin, Gerald. Irish Novelist 1803 . . 1840 Griffith, Mrs. Elizabeth. Novelist 1 730? . 1 793 Griffith, MichaeL Jesuit. {Annales JEcclesioB Briiannicce) i^Sy. .i6s,2 Griffith, William. Naturalist 1810. . 1845 Griffiths, Ralph. Editor of the Monthly Review 1720. . 1803 Grignan, Frances Margaret de S^vign^, Countess of. Epis- tolographer 1646. .1705 Grignon, James. French Engraver fl. 1680 Gr^jalva, John de. Spanish Navigator — . .1527 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 187 BORN. DIED. Grimaldi, Francis Mary. Jesuit Mathematician 1618. . 1663 Grimaldi, Jerome. Cardinal and Nuncio 1597 . . 1685 Grimaldi, John Francis. 11 Bolognese. Painter 1606. . 1680 Grimaldi, Joseph. Clown i779- -1837 Grim.aldi, Stacey, F. s. A. Antiqiiary and Genealogist . . — ..1863 Grimani, Dominic. Cardinal. Patron of Art 1460. .1523 Grimani, Hubert. Portrait Painter of Delft i599- • 1629 Grimarest, John L^onor le Gallois, Sieurde. Fr. Writer — . .1720 Grimaud, John Chas. M. W. de. Med. Writ at Montpellier 1 750 . . 1 789 Grimk6, Thomas Smith. American Lawyer and Scholar 1778. .1834 Grimm, Frederick Melchior, Baron. Diplomatist. ( Cor- respondance Litleraire) 1723. . 1807 Grimm, Jacob Louis Chas. Philol. {Deutsckes Worterhuch) 1785. .1863 Grimm, William Charles. Philologist 1786. . 1859 Grimmer, James. Landscape Painter of Antwerp 1510. .1546 Grim.oard, Philip Henry, Count de. French Diplomatist, General, Writer ^75°- • '^*5 Grimoux, Alexis, or John. SavIss Painter 1688. .1740 Grimston, Sir Harbottle. Lawyer, Speaker i594- • 1683 Grindal, Edm. Abp. of Cant. (1576-83). L. bv Strype, 1710 1 5 19. . 1583 Grinfield, Rev. E. W. Biblical Critic ....." 1 784? . 1864 Gringoire, or Gringore, Peter. French Poet I478•^ 1544? Grisaunt, William. English Astrologer and Physician . . — aft. 1360 Griscom, John, lLi. d. American Educator i774- • 1852 Griswold, Alexander Viets, d. d. American Divine 1766. .1843 Griswold, Ro^er. Governor of Connecticut 1762. .1812 Griswold, Rutus Wilmot. American Author 181 5 . . 1854 Gritti, Andrew. Doge of Venice i454- • 1538 Grive, John de la. French Geographer 1689. .1757 Grocyn, William, of Oxford. Scholar 1442, .1519 Grohmann, John Godfrey. Compiler and Translator. . . — ..1805 Grolier, John. Fr. Statesm., Patr. of Learn., & Collector 1479. .1565 Grolm^ann, Charles Louis William. German Jurist 1775. -1829 Gronovius, James. ( Thesaurus Antiquitatum Grcecarum) 1645 . .1716 Gronovius, John Fred., of Leyden. Critic. ( Observatimis) 161 1 . . 1671 Gronovius, John Frederick. Botanist. {Flora Orienialis) 1690.. 1762 Gronovius, Laur. Theod. Nat. (Museum J cthyob(/icu7n) 1730. .1777 Gronow, Rees Howell. Captain. Writer. {BecoUections) lyg^. .iS6^ Groot, Gerhard. Founder of the " Brethren and Clerks of the Common Life " I340- -1384 Groot, or Grotius, Hugo de, which see 1583. • 1645 Gtos, Anthony John, Baron. French Painter 1771 • • 1835 Gros, Nicholas le. French Theologian 1675 . . 1751 Gros, Peter le. French Sculptor 1666. .1719 Grose, Francis. Antiquary and Miscellaneous Writer. . . 1731. .1791 Grosley, Peter John. French Law Writer. (Z,(mc?res). . 1718. .1785 Grosseteste, or Greathead, Robert. Bishop of Lincoln. Life by Bardney ; Pegge 1175^.1253 Grossmann, Gustavus Fred. Wm. Ger. Actor and Dram. 1 746. . 1796 Grotefend, Dr. George Frederick. Cuneiform Decipherer 1775. .1853 Grotius, Hugo. De Groot. Life by Cattenberg ; Barksdale, 1652 ; J. L. de Burigny, 1754; Luden, 1806 ; Chas. But- ler, 1826 1583.. 1645 Grotius, Wm., br. Lawyer. {Enchiridion de Frincipiis) 1597. .1662 188 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Groto, Louis. II Cieco. Italian Poet 1541 . . Grouchy, Emaauel, Marquis of. Marshal of France 1 766 . . Grove, Heniy. Nonconformist Divine. L. by T. Amory 1683. . Grove, Joseph. (Life of Cardinal Wulsey) '. — . . Gruber, John Godfrey. German Writer X774- • Gruchius, or Grouchy, Nich. Fr. Scholar. {DeComitiis) 1520?. Grudius, Nicholas Everard, of Brabant. Latin Poet 1515'- Grundy, Felix. American Statesman i777- • Gruner, John Frederick. German Theologian & Scholar 1723. . Gruter, John. {Inscriptiones ; Thesaurus ; Delicice Poet.) 1560. . Gruter, Peter. Flemish Phys. ( Century of Latin Letters) 1555'. Grynseus, John James. Swiss Protestant Divine 1540- • Grynseus, Simon. Swiss Classical Scholar and Reformer 1493. . Gryphius, Andrew. German Dramatist 1616. . Gryphius, Christian. Scholar. (Poems in German). . . . 1649. . Gryphius, Sebastian, of Lyons. Printer 1493 . . Guadagno, Gaetano. Singer 1725"'. Guadagnoli, Philip. Orientalist I596^ Gua de Malves, John Paul de. French "Writer. (L^ Ana- lyse de Descartes) "^T^Z- • Guadet, Margaret Eli. French (Girondist) Statesman. . . 1758. . Guagnino, Alexander. {Rerum Polonicarum Scriptores) 1538?. Gualdo-Priorato, Galeas. Italian Soldier and Historian 1606. . Gualterus, Rodolphus. Walther. Swiss Prot. Theologian 1519. . Guarin, Peter. Benedictine of Rouen. Hebraist 1678. . Guarini, Camillo Guarino. Italian Architect 1624. . Guarini, John Baptist. Italian Poet. {II Pastor Fido). . 1537. . Guarino, of Verona. Reviver of Learning. Life by Ros- mini, 1805 , .. . 1370. . Guasco, Octavian. Italian Writer 1712. . Guatimozin. Last King of Mexico ; murdered by Cortes — . . Guay-Trouin, Ren^ du. French Naval Officer 1673 . . Guazzo, Mark. Italian Historical Writer 1496?. Guazzo, Stephen. Italian Poet and Writer 1530- • Gubbio, Oderigi da. Italian Painter — . . Gude, or Gudius, Marquard. German Antiquary 1635 . . Gudiri de la BreneUerie, Paul Philip. French Writer 1738. . Gudius, Gottlob Fred. Lutheran Minister and Writer . . 1701. . Guedier de St. Aubin, Hen. Mich. (Des deux Alliances) 1695 . . Gu6rard, Benjamin Edme Charles. French Archaeologist 1797. . Gu6rard, Robt. Fr. Benedict. {Abridgment of the Bible) 1641. . Guerchi, Claude Louis Francis Regnier, Count de. Gen- eral and Ambassador 1715 • • Guercino da Cento. See Barbie ri. Painter 1 590 . . Gu6ret, Gabriel. {Le Parnasse "Ueforme) 1641 . . Guerieke, Otto von. Experimental Philosopher 1602 . . Gu6rin, Eugenie de. {Journal) — . . Gu6rin, John Baptist Paulin. French Painter 1783 • • Gu6rin, Maurice de. French Writer — . . Gu6rin, Peter Narcissus. French Painter 1774. . Gueriniere, Frs. Robichion de la. {V£cole de Cavalerie) — . . Gueroult, Peter Claude Bernard; French Writer i744- • Guerrero, Vincent. Mexican Dictator — . . Guesclin, Bertrand du. See Duguesclin I3i4''- A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 189 BORN. DIED. Guess, Geo. Sequoyah. Inventor of Cherokee Alphabet 1770?. 1843 Guettard, John Stephen. Fr. Botanist and Mineralogist 171 5. .1786 Gueiilette, Thomas Simon. Fr. Novelist and Dramatist 1683?. 1766 Guevara, Anthony de. Span. Writer. (i)ia/o/'PWwces) 1490. .1544 Guevara, John Ninno de. Spanish Painter 1632. . 1698 Guevara, Louis Velez de. Spanish Poet. {El Diab. C()ju.) 1574. . 1646 Guglielmi, Peter. Italian Musician and Composer 1727. • 1804 Guglielraini, Dominic. Italian Phys. and Mathematician 1655 . . 1710 G\iibert, Abbot, of Nogent. ( Gesfa Dei per Francos). . . 1053. .1124 Guibert, James Anthony Hippolytus, Count de. French Soldier and Writer. {Essai General de Tactique) i743- -1790 Guicciardini, Francis, of Florence. {History of Italy). . 1482. .1540 Guicciardini, Louis, neph. {Descript. of the Low Countries) 1523 . .1589 Guichard, Claude de. {Funerals of the Ancients). ...... — . . 1607 Guichenon, Samuel. French Historian. {Houseof Savoy) 1607. .166/^. Guidi, Charles Alexander. Italian Poet 1650 . . 1712 Guidi, Thomas. II Masaccio. Florentine Painter 1402.. 1443 Guidiccioni, John. Italian Statesman and Writer 1500. .1541 Guido Aretino, or d'Arezzo. Restorer of Music 990'- — Guido Canlassi. Cagnacci. Italian Historical Painter 160 1. .1681 Guido Reni. Italian Painter 1574'' • 1642 Guido Ubaldo, Mary. Italian Mathematician 1540?. 160 1? Guidott, Thos. ( On Natural Baths and Mineral Waters) 1638.aft.1695 Guidotti Borgliese, Paul. Italian Painter, Sculptor, and Architect 1 569 . . 1629 Guignard, John. Briquarel. French Jesuit; executed — ••i595 Guignes, Christopher Louis Joseph. French Orientalist 1759.. 1845 Guignes, Joseph de. Orientalist. {Hist, of the Huns, See Baldung 1470. .1545J Hans Sachs. German Shoemaker and Poet i494- • 1578 Hanway, Jonas. Philanthropist and Tourist. {Farmer Trueman.) Life by Pugh, 1787 1712. .1786 Harcotirt, Sir Geoflf. Norman Baron with Edward III. — ••1356 Harcovirt, Harriet Eusebia, of Yorlcs. Found, of Nunneries 1 706 . . 1 745 Harcourt, Henry, Due d'. Fr. Ambassador at Madrid. . 1654. .1718 Harcourt, Sir Simon, cr. Baron Harcourt. Lord Keeper — . .1727 Harcourt, William, Earl of. English Officer in America 1743. .1830 Hardeby, Geoffrey. Augustine Monk and Writer — . . 1360 Hardenberg, Chas. Aug. von. Prince of Pruss. Statesm. 1750. .1822 Hardenberg, Frederick von. Novalis 1772 . .1801 Harder, John James, of Basle. Physician 1656. .1711 Hardi, or Hardy, Alexander. French Dramatist 1560''. 1630? Hardicanute. ' King of England (1040-42) — . . 1042 Hardime, Peter. Painter of Antwerp 1678 . . 1748 Hardime, Simon, brother. Painter 1672 . . 1737 Harding, G. P. Landscape Painter — . . 1853 Harding, James Duffield. Landscape Painter 1798'- 1863 Harding, or Hardyng, John. Metrical Chronicler ^37^- ■ 1465' Harding, Stephen. Abbot of Citeaux; Rehgious Reformer fl.i2th c. Harding, Thomas. Jesuit; opponent of Jewell 1512..1572 Hardinge, Henry, Viscount, F. M. Gov.-General of India 1785 . .1856 Hardinge, Nicholas. Scholar 1700. .1758 Hardion, James. French Writer 1686. .1766 Hardouin, John. Pere Hardouin. Jesuit Writer 1646. . 1729 Hardt, Hermann von der. {Hist. Literaria Reformationis) 1660 . . 1 746 Harduin, Alexander Xavier. Fr. Poet and Grammarian 1718. .1785 Hardwick, Charles. English Theologian 1821 . .1859 Hardwicke, Elizabeth, Lady Cavendish, Lady St. Loe, Countess of Shrewsbury 1519- • 1608 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, First Earl of. Lord Chan- cellor. Life by G. Harris, 1847 1690. .1764 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Second Earl of. Writer. ( State Papers.) Life by R. Cooksey, 1791 1720. .1790 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 3d E. of. Lord Lieut, of Irel. 1757. . 1834 Hardy, Alexander. French Dramatist 1560''. 1630? Hardy, Sir Thos. Masterman. Admiral. Nelson's friend 1769. . 1839 196 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORK. DIED, Hardyng, or Harding, John. Metrical Chronicler 1378 .1465' Hare, Rev. Augustus Wm. {Sei-monstoa Country Congreg.) 1792. .1834 Hare, Francis. Bishop of Chichester (1731-40) 1665 ^ 1740 Hare, James, m p. for Knaresborough. Wit — . . 1804 Hare, Julius Charles. Archdeacon. {Victory of Faith). . 1795.. 1855 Hare, Robert. American Chemist and Physicist 1781 . . 1858 Hargrave, Francis. Law Writer 1741 . . 1821 Hargreaves, James. Mechanician — . . 1 770' Harington, Sir John. See Harrington. Poet 1561 . . 1612 Harlot, or Harriott, Thomas. Mathematician 1560. .1621 Hariri, Abu Mohammed Kasem ben Ali. Arabian Writer 1054''. 1 122 Harles, Theophilus Christopher. German Philologist . . . 1738. .1852 Harley, Edw., 2d E. Oxford. Found, of Harleian Library — • • 1741 Harley, Robt., IstE. Oxford. Statesman. ; MSS. Collector 1661 . . 1724 Harlow, George Henry. Portrait and Historical Painter. 1787. . 1819 Harmer, Thomas. Dissenting Divine. {Observations). . iji^,. .iy?>^ Harms, Claus. German Theologian 1778. .1855 Harnett, Cornelius. American Revolutionary Statesman 1723. .1781 Haro, Louis de. Spanish Statesman 1598. . 1661 Harold I. King of England (1035-40). Barefoot — . . 1040 Harold II. King of England ( 1066 ) ; fell at Hastings ... — . . 1066 Haroun-al-Raslud. Caliph ( 786-809 ) 765 or 6 . 809 Harpe, John Francis de la. Dramatic Poet and Critic . . . 1739. . 1803 Harper, Robert Goodloe. Amer. Law^'^er and Statesman 1765. .1825 Harper, William. American Lawyer and Statesman. . . . 1790. .1847 Harpocration, Valerius. Greek Philologist fl. 4th c. Harpsfleld, Nicholas. Roman Catholic Divine — . .1583 Harrington, Chas Stanhope, Third Earl of. Commander 1753. .1829 Harrington, James. Political Writer. {Oceana.) Life by Toland. 1771 , 1611..1677 Harrington, Sir John. Poet. Translator of Ariosto 1 561 . . 1612 Harriott, Thos. Mathematician. {Artis Annlyticce Praxis) 1^60. .1621 Harris, George, Lord. General; distinguished in India. . 1746.. 1829 Harris, James, of Salisbury. Scholar. {Hermes.) Life by son, Earl of Malmesbury, 1801 1709. .1780 Harris, James. First Earl of Malmesbury. Diplomatist. {Diaries and Correspondence) 1746. . 1820 Harris, John. {Lexicon Technicum ; History of Kent) .. . 1667''. 1 719 Harris, John, d. d. Divine and Author 1804. .1856 Harris, Robert. Divine 1578 . . 1658 Harris, Thaddeus William. American Naturalist i795 • • 1856 Harris, Walter, m. d. {De Morbis Acutis Infantum) 1647. .1725 Harris, William, d. d. Biographer 1720. .1770 Harris, William, d. d. American Educator 1765 . . 1829 HaiTison, Benjamin. American Statesman i74o''- 1791 Harrison, Colonel John. Regicide — . . 1660 Harrison, .John. Inventor of Chronometer 1693. .1776 j Harrison, Thomas, of Chester. Architect i744- • 1829^ Harrison, William. Poet — ..1713] Harrison, Wm. Henry. General. Ninth President U. S. 1775. .1841 j Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, Earl of. Statesman 1762. . 18471 Harry, Blind, or Henry the Minstrel fl. 1470-80 i Harsnett, Samuel. Archbishop of York (1628-31) 1561 . . 1631 j Hart, John. American Patriot — . •1780J A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 197 BORN. DIED. Harte, Rev. "Walter. Poet and Hist. ( Gustavus Adolphus) 1 700? . 1 774 Hartley, David, m. d. ( Observations on Man.) L. by his son 1705 . .1757 Hartley, David, m. p. Politician and Inventor 1730. .1813 Hartman, George, of Nuremberg. Mathematician 1489. .1564 Hartraan, John Adolphus. ( VitcB Pontificum) 1680. .1744 Hartmann, John, m. d. Medical Writer 1568. . 1631 Hartmann von der Aue, or Von Aue. Old German Poet — aft.1207 Hartshorne, Rev. Charles Henry. Antiquary 1803-'. 1865 Hartsoeker, Nicholas. Dutch Metaphys. and Nat. Philos. 1656. .1725 Hartzheim, Jos., of Cologne. Scholar. ((SMm??^a^^stonce) 1694. .1763 Harvard, John. Founder of Harvard College — . . 1688 Harvey, Daniel Whittle. Politician 1784''. 1863 Harvey, Gabriel. Writer; friend of Spenser 1545 . . 1630? Harvey, Gideon, m. d. Medical Writer 1625?. 1700 Harvey, William, m. d. Discoverer of Circulation of the Blood. Life by Laurence 1578'. . 1657 Harwood, Sir Busick, m. d. Anatomist 1745?. 1814 Harwood, Edward, of Bristol. Socinian Writer 1729. .1794 Hasdrubal. Carthaginian General; brother of Hannibal — B.c.207 Hase, Theodore von. German Divine 1682 . . 1731 Hasenclever, John Peter. German Painter 1810. . 1853 Hasenclever, Peter. German Manufacturer and Writer 1716. .1792 Hasenmueller, Daniel. Ger. Greek and Oriental Scholar 1651 . . 1691 Haslam, John, m. d. Writer on Insanity 1763 . . 1844 Haslewood, Thomas. Schoolmaster and Historian ti. Rd. II. Hassan. Son of Ali and Fatima. Cahph (660-69) 625, . 669 Hasse, Frederick Christian Augustus. German Author . . 1773. .1848 Hasse, John Adolphus. II Sassone. German Composer 1699. .1783 Hassel, John George Henry. German Statistician 1770. .1829 Hasselquist, Frederick. Swedish Naturalist and Traveler 1 722 . . 1 752 Hasted, Edward. Antiquary. {History of Kent) 1 732 . . 1812 Hastings, Lady Eliz. Benefactor. L. by Barnard, 1742 1682. .1739 Hastings, Lady Flora. Maid of Honor 1803 . . 1839 Hastings, Francis Rawdon. Cr, Marquess of Hastings 1754.. 1823 Hastings, Warren. Gov. of India. L. by Gleig; Macaulay 1733. .1818 Hatfield, Thomas. Bishop of Durham (1345-81) — , . 1381 Hatsell, John. Clerk to House of Commons. Writer... 1742?. 1820 Hatton, Sir Christoph. Ld. Chanc. Sir N.H.Nicolas — ..1591 Hatzfeld, Francis Louis, Prince of. German Diplomatist 1756. .1827 Haubold, Christian Theophilus. German Jurist 1766. . 1824 Haufif, William. German Prose Writer 1802. . 1827 Haughton, Sir Graves Chamney. Orientalist 1789. . 1849 Haughton, William. Dramatist fl. 1600? Haugwitz, Christian Henry Chas., Ct. of. Pruss. Statesman 1752. . 1832 Hankal, Abul Kasem Mohammed Ibn. Arab.Trav.& Geog. fl. 942-76 Hauksbee, or Hawksbee, Francis. Electrician, f.k.s. 1705 — aft.1731 Hauser, Caspar. Foundling of Nuremberg — . . 1833 Hautefeuille, John de. French Mechanician 1647 . . 1 724 Hauteroche, Noel le Breton de. French Dramatist 161 7?. 1707 Hauteserre, Anth. Dadin de. Hist, and Jurist at Toulouse 1602'' . 1682 Haiiy, Rene Just. Abb«^. Mineralogist i743- • ^^22 Havelock, Sir Henry. General. Life bv J- T. Headlev, 1859 ; W. Brock; J. C. Marshman, 1860 \ 1795 . . 1^57 Haven, Nath. Appleton. Amer. Lawyer and Litterateur 1790. .1826 198 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Havercamp, Sigebert. Philologist and Medalist 1683. .1742 Havers, Clopton. Phj'-sician and Anatomist fl. 1691 Haviland, John. American Architect and Engineer .... 1792. . 1852 Hawes, Stephen. {Passetyme of Pleasure) ti. Hen. VII. Hawes, William, m. d. Founder of R. Humane Society 1736.. 1808 Hawke, Edward, Lord. Admiral 1715 . . 1781 Hawker, Peter. Colonel. {Instruct, fo Young Sportsmen) lySS'-.iSc^^ Hawker, Rev. Robert, d. d. Divine and Commentator. . 1753. .1827 Hawkesworth, John, LL. D. Writer. {The Adventw^er) I'y 1^,^.177;^ Hawkins, Sir John. Naval Commander 1520*. 1595 Hawkins, Sir John. Writer 1719..1789 Hawkins, Sir Thomas. Translator of Horace ti. Chas. I. Hawksmoor, Nicholas. Architect 1666. . 1736 Hawkwood, Sir John. , English Soldier of Fortune — . . 1393 Hawley, Gideon. American Missionary to the Indians. . 1727.. 1807 Hawley, Joseph. American Patriot and Statesman 1724. . 1788 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. American Romancist 1804. . 1864 Hawtrey, Edward Craven, d, d. Provost of Eton 1789- • 1862 Hay, James, Earl of Carlisle. Statesman — . . 1636 Hay, William, m. p. Writer. {Essay on Deformity) 1695 . .1755 Haydn, Francis Joseph. Musical Composer. ( Creation.) Life by Bombet {i. e. Beyle), 1817; W. Gardiner 1732. ,1809 Haydn, John Michael, brother. Musical Composer '^737- .1808 Haydn, Joseph. {Dictionary of Dales) — . . 1856 Haydock, Rev. Geo. Leo. Rom. Cath. Div. Ed. of Bible — . . 1848 Haydon, Benj. Robt. Paint. L. by self; Tom Taylor, 1853 1786. .1846 Haye, John de la. Jesuit. {Harmony of the Evangelists) 1540. .1614 Haye, John de la. Franciscan. {Biolia Maxima) 1593.. 1661 Hayer, John Nicholas Hubert. French Theologian 1708. .1780 Hayer du Perron, Peter le. French Poet 1603.aft.1678 Hayes, Catherine. Irish Vocalist — . . 1861 Hayes, Charles. Mathematician and Chronologist 1678. .1760 Hayes, William. Musical Composer 1708. .1777 Hayley, William. Poet. {L. of Cowper.) L. by self, 1823 1745. -1820 Hayman, Francis, r. a. Historical Painter 1708. .1776 Haynau, Julius Jacob, Baron von. Austrian General 1786. . 1853 Hayne, Isaac. American Patriot 1745 . . 1781 Hayne, Robert Young. American Lawyer and Statesman 1791 . . 1839 Hayne, Thomas. Schoolmaster and Benefactor 1581. .1645 Haynes, Hopton. Writ, on the Trinity. {Scripture Account) 1672.. 1749 Haynes, John. Gov. of Massachusetts and of Connecticut — . . 1654 Haynes, Lemuel. American Colored Minister. 1753. . 1834 Hasrward, Sir John. Historian — . . 1627 Haywood, Elizabeth. Writer 1693 .. 1 756 Hazlitt, William. Critic and Essayist. Life by his son . . 1 778 . . 1830 Head, Sir George. Writer 1782. . 1855 Head, Richard. Dramatist — . . 1678 Headley, Henry. Poet and Critic. Life by Kett, 1810 . . 1 766 . . 1 788 Heapy, Thomas. Painter in Water Colors 1775 .. 1835 Hearne, Samuel. Explorer 1745 • -^79^ Hearne, Thomas. Antiquary. Life by Huddesford, 1772 ; Kett, 1810; Henry Headley 1678. .1735 Hearne, Thomas. Artist i744- • ^^^7 Heath, Benjamin, d. c. l., of Exeter. Lawyer and Writer — . . 1766 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. ] Heath, Charles. Engraver. {Book of Beauty) 1784. . Heath., James. Historical Writer 1629. . Heath, William. American Revolutionary General i737- • Heathcote, Rev. Ralph, u. d. Writer 1721 . . Heathfield, Geo. A. Elliot, Lord. Defender of Gibraltar 1718'^ Hebbel, Frederick. German Poet 1813 . . Hebel, John Peter. German Poet 1760. . Hebenstreit, John Ernest, of Leipsic. Medical Writer. . 1703. . Heber, Reginald. Bishop of Calcutta. Life by Potter; his Widow, 1830; Thomas Taylor 1783. . Heber, Richard. Bibliomaniac '^773' • Heberden, William, m. d. Medical Writer 1710. . Hebert, James Rene. {Pere Ducliene.) Fr. Revolutionist 1755 .■ . Hecataeus, of Miletus. Greek Historian 550'. 476' Hecht, Christian. German Philologist 1696. . Heck, John van. Painter of Oudenard 1625 ^ Heck, Nicholas van der. Dutch Painter 1580 . . Heckewelder, John. Moravian Missionary in America 1743.. Hecquet, Philip. French Medical Writer 1661 . . Hedding, Elijah, D. d. American Di%nne 1780. . H6delin, Francis, Abbe d'Aubignac. French Poet 1604. . Hederic, Benjamin. Lexicographer 1675 • • Hedio, Caspar. Protestant Reformer 1495 . . Hedlinger, John Charles. Swiss Die Cutter 1691 . . Hedwig, John. Botanist ^73o-- Heede, Vigor van. Historical Painter 1659. . Heede, William van, brother. Historical Painter 1660. . Heera, John David van. Dutch Painter 1600. . Heeraskerk, or Hemskerk, James van. Dutch Admiral — . . Heemskerk, or Hemskerk, Martin van. Dutch Painter 1498. . Heere, Luke van. Dutch Painter i534- • Heeren, Arnold Hermann Louis. German Historian, . . . 1760. . Heers, Henry van, of Liege. Medical Writer 1570''. Hegel, George William Frederick. Philosopher. Life by Goeschel, 1832; Rosencranz, 1844; Haym '. 1770. . Heiberg, Peter Andrew. Danish Dramatist and Writer 1758.. Heidegger, John Henry. Swiss Protestant Divine 1633. . Heidegger, John James. Swiss Count. Adventurer .... 1660. . Heil, Daniel van. Painter of Brussels 1604 . . Heil, John Baptist van, brother. Painter 1609. aft. Heil, Leonard van, brother. Painter of Flowers & Insects 1603. . Hein, or Heyn, Peter. Dutch Admiral 1570. . Heine, Henry. German Poet, Essa3'ist, and Satirist I799-''- Heineccius, John Theophilus. German Ci'snlian 1681 . . Heinecken, Christian Henry. Infant of Lubeck 1721 . . Heinefetter, Clara. German Vocalist. — . . Heinefetter, Kathinka, sister. Vocalist — . . Heinicke, John David. Musical Composer 1683. . Heinrich, Charles Frederick. German Scholar i774- • Heinroth, John Christian Frederick Augustus. German Physician and Writer on Psychology ^773- • Heinse, John James William. German Writer on Art . . 1746. . Heinsius, Anthony. Grand Pensionary of Holland 1641''. Heinsius, Daniel, of Ley den. Latin Poet and Philologist isSo?. 199 200 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORX. BIRD. Heiusius, Nich., son. Poet&Critic. L. by Burmann, 1742 1620. .j68i Heinsius, Otto Frederick Theodore. German Philologist 1770. . 1849 Heister, Lawrence. Physician, Surgeon, and Anatomist 1683. .1758 Hele, Thomas. English Dramatist at Paris 1 740' . 1 780 Helena, St. Mother of Constantine 248?. 328? Heliodorus, of Larissa. Greek Writer on Optics 11. ist c. Heliodorus. Bishop of Tricca. Romancist. {u^Ethiopica) fl. 400'' Heliogabalus, or Elagabalus. Roman Emperor (218-222) 205''. 222 Hell, Maximilian. Astronomer 1720. .1792 Heller, Joseph. German Art Historian 1798- • 1849 HeUot, John. French Chemist 1685 . . 1766 Helmbreker, Theodore. Dutch Painter 1624. . 1694 Helmers, John Frederick. Dutch Poet 1767. . 1813 Helmont, Francis Mercury van. Chemist 1618. . 1699 Helmont, John Baptist van. Flemish Chemist 1 577 • -1644 Helmont, Matthew van. Painter of Antwerp 1653. . 1726 Helmont, Segres James van. Flemish Historical Painter 1683. .1726 H6loise, or ifiloise. Friend of Abelard. L. by Gervase, 1720 1 10 1 . . 1 164 Heist, Bartholomew van der. Dutch Painter 1613. . 1670? Helvetius, Claude Adrian. French Philos. {D Esprit) 171s,. .lyji Helvetius, John Adrian. Dutch Physician at Paris 1661-''. 1727- Helvetius, John Claude Adrian, son. Medical Writer . . 1685. .1755 Helvicus, Christopher. German Philol. and Chronologist 1581 . •. 1617 Helwig, Amelia von. German Poetess 1776. .1832 Helwig, George Andrew. Pruss. Botanist & Mineralogist 1666. .1748 Helwig, Sir John Otto. Physician and Collector 1654. . 1698 Helyot, Peter. Franciscan Friar. {Hist, of Monast. Orders) 1660.. 1716 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea. Poetess. Life by H. F. Chorley, 1837; Mrs. Hughes, 1839 1794.. 1835 Hemelar, John. Flemish Medalist — . . 1640 Hemingbtirgh, or Hemingford, Walter de. Historian ... — . .1347 Hemling, or Memling, Hans. Flemish Painter 1425?. 1500? Hemskerck, Egbert. The Old 1610?. 1680? Hemskerck, Egbert. The Youmjer. Dutch Painter 1645. -1704 Hemskerck, Martin van. Dutch Painter 1498. .1574 Hemsterhusius, P'rancis. ( (Euvres Philosophiques) 1720. .1790 Hemsterhuys, Tiberius. Dutch Philologist 1685 . .1766 Henao, Gabriel de. Spanish Theol. {Biscaya lllusirata) 161 1 . .1704 H6nault, Charles John Francis. {Abrege Chronologique) i6S^. .lyyo H6nault, or Hesnault, John. French Poet — . . 1682 Henckel, John Fred. SaxOn Chemist and Mineralogist 1679. .1744 Henderson, Alexander. Principal, of Edinburgh — . .1646 Henderson, Rev. Dr. Ebenezer. Missionary and Traveler. Life by T. S. Henderson, 1859 1784. .1858 Henderson, John. Actor. L.byT.Davies; J. Ireland, 1786 1747. .1785 Henderson, John. Genius, born in Ireland i757- -1788 Henderson, or Henryson, Robert. Scottish Poet — . .1508? Henderson, Thomas. Scottish Astronomer 1798- • 1844 Hengist. King of Kent — . . 488 Henke, Henry Philip Conrad. Theol. {Eccles. History) 1752. .1809 Henkel, John Frederick. See Henckel 1679. .1744 Henley, Anthony, m. p. Writer 1660?. 1711 Henley, Rev. John. Orator. Preacher and Polit. Lecturer 1692 . . 1 756 Henley, Sir Morton Eden, Fii'st Lord. Ambassador — . . 1802 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 201 BORN. DIED. Henley, Robert, Lord Northington. Lord Chancellor. . . 1708. .1772 Hennepin, Louis. Missionary, and Explorer of the River Mississippi i640?.aft.i699 Henninges, Jerome. German Genealogist 1550'- 1 597 Henrietta Anna, of England. Duchess of Orleans. Life by Lafayette, 1720 1644, . 1670 Henrietta Maria, of France. Queen of Chas. I. of Eng. 1609. .1669 Henrion, Nicholas. French Archaeologist 1663. . 1720 Henriot, Francis. French Revolutionist 1761 . .1794 Henrique, Duke of Viseo. Portuguese Prince ; Promoter of Navigation. Life by Candido Lusitano i394- -1460 Henry I. Emperor of Germany (919-36). The Fowler.. 876.. 936 Henry II. (1002-24.) Life by Adelbold, d. 1027 972. . 1024 Henry III. (1039-56.) 1017.. 1056 Henry rv. (1058-1106.) Life by Aventinus, 1518 ; Stumpf, 3556; Soeltl, 1823 1050.. 1 106 HenryV. (1106-25.) 1081..1125 Henry VI. (1190-97.) Life bv Jaeger, 1790 1165. .1197 Henry VII. (1308-13.) L. by Veccrius, 1531; Mussati, 1636 ; Gundling, 1719 ; Barthold, 1830 ; Doenniges, 1839 1263 . . 1313 Henry I. King of France (1031-60) lou?. 1060 Henry II. (1547-59.) Life bv Lambert, 1755 1519. . 1559 Henry III. (1574-89.) Life 'by Sossius, 1628; Varillas, 1694; Garden, 1783; Billardon de Sauvigny, 1788; Miss Freer, 1858 1551 . . 1589 Henry IV. (1589-1610.) The Great. Life by Perefixe, 1661; Scip. Dupleix, 1632; Richard de Bury, 1795; Miss Freer; Gurney 1553- .1610 Henry I. King of England (1100-35). Beauclerc. Life by Sir J. Hayward, 1613 1068.. 1135 Henry II. (1154-89.) Life by Benedict of Peterborough ; Edm. Bolton; Lord Lvttelton, 1767; Berington, 1790 1133..1189 Henry III. (1216-72.) bf Winchester. Life by R.Cot- ton, 1627; Prvnne, 1670 1206. .1272 Henry IV. (1399-1413.) BolinghroTce. Life by Sir J. Hayward, 1599 ; G. P. R. James, 1847 1366?. 1413 Henry V. (1413-22.) Of Monmouth. Life bv Tit. Livius; Robert Redman; T.Elmhara; Goodwin^ 1604; P. F. Tvtler, 1830 1388. , 1422 Henry VI. (1422-71.) 1421..1471 Henry VII. (1485-1509.) Life by Aleyn, 1638; Lord Bacon, 1642 ; MarsoUier, 1697 1457. .1509 Henry VIII. (1509-47.) Life bv Godwin, 1616; Lord Herbert of Cherbury, 1649 ; P. F. Tytler, 1837 1491 . . 1547 Henry, Prince of Wales : son of James I. Life by Sir Charles Cornwallis; T. Birch, 1760 1594. . 1612 Henry de Blois. Cai'dinal. Bishop of "Winchester — ..11 71 Henry of Huntingdon. Historian — aft.i 154 Henry the Lion. Duke of Bavaria and Saxony. L. by Reineccius, 1557 ; Stederburgensis, 1614; Meyer, 1694 1129. .1195 Henry tlie Minstrel, or Blind Harry. Scottish Poet. . . fl. 1470-80 Henry the Navigator. See Henrique i394- • 1460 Henry, Alexander. American Traveler and Writer 1739. • — Henry, David. Printer; conductor of Gentleman's Mag. 1710. .1792 202 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Henry, Matt. Commentator. L. by Tong, 1716 ; Williams 1662 . . 1 714 Henry, Patrick. American Statesman. L. by Wirt, 1817 1736. .1799 Henry, Philip. Nonconformist Divine. Life by son, Mat- thew Heniy, 1696 ; William Bates, 1699 1631 . . 1696 Henry> Robert. Scottish Divine. {Hist, of Great Britain) 1718. .1790 Henry, Robert, ll. d. American Educator and Writer. . 1792. . 1856 Henry, William, m. d. Chemist i775 • ■ 1836 Henryson, or Henderson, Robert. Scottish Poet — . .1508? Henshaw, John Prentiss Kewley, v>. d. Amer. Divine. . 1792. . 1852 HensloWjJ. S. Professor of Botany. Jenyns, 1862 — ..1861 Hensman, Rev. John, of Clifton. Divine . '. 1 781 ? . 1864 Hentz, Caroline Lee. American Authoress — . . 1856 Hepburn, James Bonaventura. Scottish Linguist and Orientalist in Italy i573' • 1620 Hepburn, John. Prior of St. Andrew's; Founder of St. Leonard's College (1512) , fl.1480-1520 Hepburn, Robert. Miscellaneous Writer 1619. .1712 Hephsestion. General of Alexander — B.c.325 Heraclitus, of Ephesus. Weeping Philosopher fl. 51-3? b.c. Heraclius. Emperor of the East (610-41) 575- . 641 Heraldus, Desiderius. Didier Herault. French Writer. . 1575 ''.1649 H6rault de S6ch.elles, Mary John. French Revolutionist 1 760 . . 1 794 Herbart, John Frederick. German Metaphysician 1776. . 1841 Herbelot, Barthol. d'. Fr. Orient. (BihUoth. Orientale) 1625. .1695 Herbert, Edward, Lord, of Cherbury. Historical and Deist. Writer. {Hist, of Henry VI 11.) L. by self, 1764 1581 . . 1648 Herbert, Rev. George. {Country Parson.) Lifebylzaak Walton, 1670; Duyckinck, 1858 1593. . 1633 Herbert, Henry William. English Writer in America. . . 1707. . 1858 Herbert, Mary {nee Sidney), Countess Pembroke. Poet and Writer. "Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother" — ..1621 Herbert, Sidney, Lord of Lea: Statesman iSio?. 1861 Herbert, Sir Thomas. Royalist. {Th-enodia Carolina) 1610 .. 16S2 Herbert, William. Earl of Pembroke. Poet 1580. . 1630 Herbert, William, of Cheshunt. Typographical Antiquary 17 18. .1795 Herbert, Rev. William. Author. {Attila) ". 1778. . 1847 Her bin, Augustus Francis Julian. French Orientalist ... 1783. . 1806 Herbinius, John. Polish Divine and Natural Philosopher 1633. . 1676 Herbst, John Andrew. German Musical Writer 1588. . 1660? Herder, John Godfrey von. {Philosophy of History) 1744. • 1803 Here ward. English Partisan Captain at the Conquest. . . — . . 1072 H6ricourt, Louis de. French Jurist 1687. .1752 Heriot, Geo. Goldsmith. Founder of Hospital in Edinb. 1563^1624 H6rissant, Louis Anthony Prosper. Fr. Phys. and Nat. 1745.. 1769 H6ritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis 1'. French Botanist 1746. . 1800 H6ritier de Villandon, Mary Jane 1'. Writer 1664. .1734 H6ritier de Villandon, Nicholas 1'. French Poet 1630?. 1680 Herlicius, David. German Astrologer 1558.. 1636 Hermann, James. Swiss Mathem. and Nat. Philosopher 1678. .1733 Hermann, John. Physician and Naturalist 1738- • 1800 Hermann, John Godfrey Jacob. Editor of Greek Plays . 1772. . 1848 Hermann, Paul. German Botanist 1646 . . 1695 Hermannus, Contractus^ of Suabia. Musical Writer. . . . 1013. .1054 Hermant, Godfrey. Dr. of the Sorbonue. Theol. & Biog. 1617 . . 1690 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 203 BORN. DIED. Hermas. Christian Writer. {The Shepherd) fl. 1st c. Hermelin, Samuel Gustavus, Baron. Swedish Mineral. 1744.. 1820 Hermes, George. German Roman Catholic Theologian . 1775 . . 1831 Hermilly, Vaquette d'. French Historian 1710..1778 Hermolaus Barbarus. Venetian Scholar. /SeeBarbaro 1454. .1495 Hernandez, Francis. Spanish Physician and Naturalist fl. i6th c. Herndon, William Lewis. American Naval Officer 1813. . 1857 Herod Agrippa I. Great. Tetrarch of Abilene; be- headed James. (Acts xii.) — . . 44 Herod Agrippa II., son. King of Chalcis. (Acts xxv.) 31 . . 100 Herod Antipas. Tetrarch of Galilee; deposed a. d. 39 — aft- 39 Herod the Great. King of the Jews (b. c. 47-4) 73.. 4 b.c. Herod Philip, son. Tetrarch — a.d. 34 Herodes Atticus. Embellisher of Athens 104'. 180? Herodian. Greek Historian of the Roman Empire fl. ab. 238 Herodotus. Greek Historian. Life by Wheeler ; Dahl- mann, translated by Cox .484.408? B.C. Herold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand. French Composer .... 1791 . . 1833 Heron, or Hero. Philos. and Math em. of Alexandria .... fl. 3d c. b.c. Herrera, Ferdinand de. The Divine. Spanish Poet .... 1516?. 1595 Herrera, Francis de. EL Viego, the Elder. Span. Paint. 1 5 76 . 1650 or 6 Herrera, Francis de, son. El Mozo, the Ymmger. Painter 1622. .1685 Herrera, Joseph Joachim de. President of Mexico , . . . . — . . 185 1 Herrera y Tordesillas, Anthony. Spanish Historian . . 1565 . . 1625 Herrgott, John James. Marquard. Ger. Diplom. and Hist. 1694. .1762 Herrick, Rev. Robert. Poet. (Hesperides) 1591 • • 1674 Herring, John Frederick. Horse Painter i795 • -1865 Herring, Thomas. Archbishop of Canterbury (1747-57). 1693.. 1757 Hersch.el, Miss Caroline Lucretia. Astronomer 1750- • 1848 Herschel, Sir F. William. Discoverer of Uranus 1738. . 1822 Hersent, or Hersan, Charles. Opponent of Richelieu. .. , — aft.i66o Hertius, John Nicholas. German Historical Writer 165 1. .1710 Hertzberg, Ewald Frederick von. Prussian Statesman. 1725, .1795 Hervey, Rev. James. {Meditations.) Life by John Brown, 1822; John Cole, 1822-26 1714. .1758 Hervey, John, Lord. Political and Poetical Writer 1696 . .1743 Hervey, Thomas Kibble. Author i799- -1859 Herwart, John George. German Critic i554- • 1622 H6ry, Thierry de. Theodoricus. French Medical Writer 1505. .1599 Herz, Henrietta. German Beauty and Wit 1764. . 1847 Heshusius, Tilemannus. Anti-(jalvinist Theologian. .. . 1526.. 1588 Hesiod. Greek Epic Poet. ( Works and Days) fl. 859-824? b.c. Hess, Charles Ernest Christopher. German Engraver. , . 1755 . . 1828 Hesse, William, Prince of. Astronomer i545 • -1597 Hessels, or Hesselius, John, of Louvain. Theologian 1522. .1566 Hesychius. Alexandrian Grammarian fl. 380? Hetzer, Louis. German Socinian — . . 1540 Heugh, Hugh, i). d. Scottish Div. L. by Hamilton McGill 1782 . . 1846 Heurnius, John. Medical Writer at Leyden 1543 . . i6ox Heusch., Abraham van. Painter 1650 . .1712 Heuscli, Jacob van. Painter 1657. .1701 Heuscti, William van. Landscape Painter of Utrecht. . . 1630?. 1700? Heusde, Philip William. Dutch Philosopher 1778. • 1839 Heusinger, James Frederick. Philologist 1719- • ^77^ 204 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Heusinger, John Michael. Saxon Divine 1690. .1751 Hevelius, or Heyelke, John, of Dantzic. Astronomer. . . . 161 1 . . 1687 Hevin, Prudent. French Surgical Writer 1715 • -1789 Hewes, Joseph. American Patriot 1730- -1779 Hewson, William. Anatomist i739- '1774 Hexham, John, Prior of. ( Chronicle) fl. 1170 Hexham, Rd., Prior of. (Bps. of Hexham ; B. of Standard) fl. 1 138 Hey, John, d. d. Norrisian Prof, of Divinity, Cambridge 1734. .1815 Hey, William, f. e. s., of Leeds. Surgeon; Friend of Wilberforce. Life by John Pearson 1736. . 1819 Heyden, Fred. August von. German Novelist and Poet 1789. .1851 Hey den, John van der. Flemish Painter 1637. .1712 Heylin, Rev. Peter, d. d. Historical Writer. Life by Vernon, 1681; Bernard, 1682 1600.. 1662 Heyne, Christian Gottlob. Classical Editor. Life by A. H. L. Heeren, 1812 1729.. 1812 Heyward, Thomas. American Patriot 1746. . 1809 Heywood, Mrs.' Eliza. Romancist 1693. -1756 Heywood, Gaspar. Poet. {Paradise of Dainty Devices) . 1535.. 1598 Heywood, John. Dram. Poet. ( The Spider and the Fly) — . • 1565' Heywood, Oliver. Nonconformist Divine. Life by Faw- cett, 1798 ; Rev. Joseph Hunter, 1842 1629. .1702 Heywood, Thomas. Actor and Writer. Life by J. P. Collier, 1850 Eliz.-Chas. I. Hezekiah. King of Judah (b. c. 726-698) 751?. 698 b.c. Hickes, George. Nonjuror and Saxonist. (Thesaurus) . 1642.. 1715 Hickes, John, brother. Ejected Nonconformist; executed — ..1685 Hickman, Henry. Ejected Nonconformist Divine — . . 1692 Hicks, Elias. American Quaker Preacher 1748 . . 1830 Hidalgo y Costilla, Michael. Mexican Revolutionist. . . — . , 1811 Hiero I. TjTant of Syracuse (b. c. 478-467) — B.c.467 Hiero II. King of Syracuse (b. c. 270-216) 308.216 b.c. Hierocles. Neoplatonist. Life by Andrew Dacier, 1706 fl. 450? Hieronymus, or Jerome, St. Christian Writer 345''- -420 Hififerman, Paul. Irish Dramatic Poet 1719- •'^777 Higden, Ralph. Historian. (Polychronicon) — . . 1367? Higgins, or Higins, John. Divine and Schoolmaster .... 1544?. 1605? Higginson, Francis. Anglo-American Clergyman 1587 . . 1630 Higgons, Bevil. Historical Writer and Poet 1670. .1735 Higgons, Sir Thomas. Politician and Writer 1624. .1691 Highmore, Joseph. Portrait and Historical Painter 1692. .1780 Highmore, Nathaniel. Anatomist 1613 . . 1684 Hilaire, Geoffrey St. See St. Hilaire 1772. . 1844 Hilarion. Promoter of Monachism. Life by Jerome .... 291 . . 371 HUariuse, Joseph. German Antiquary and Medahst 1737.. 1798 Hilarys St. Bp. Poictiers (350-67). Malleus Arianorum — .. 367 Hilary, St. Bishop of Aries (429-49) 401 . . 449 Hilary. Bishop of Rome (461-67) — . • 467 HHda, St. Abbess of Whitby _ . . 680 Hildebrand. See Pope Gregory VII — . . 1085 Hildegarde, St. Abbess of St. Rupert's Mount 1098. .1180 HHdesley, Mark. Bishop of Man. L. by W. Butler, 1799 1698 . . t 772 HUdreth, Richard. Amer. Journalist, Hist., and Novelist 1807 . . 1863 Hildreth, Samuel P., m. d. Amer. Historian & Physicist 1783. .1863 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 205 BORN. DIED. Hill, Aaron. Poet and Dramatic Writer 1685 . .1750 HiU, Geo., D.D. Principal, St. Andr. Lead, in Gen. Assemb. 1750. .1819 Hill, Isaac. American Journalist and Politician 1788. . 185 1 HiQ, Sir John. Physician and Writer 1716. .1775 Hill, Joseph. Divine and Lexicographer 1625 . .1707 Hill, Sir Richard, M. p. Controversial Writer 1733 .. 1808 Hill, Robert. Self-taught Genius 1699. .1777 HiU, Rev. Rowland. Life by Sidney, 1834; Sherman, 1851 i744- • 1833 Hill, Rowland, Viscount. Commander-in-Chief 1772. • 1842 HUl, Thomas Ford. Antiquary and Philologist — • • i795 Hill, William, d. d. American Divine 1769- • 1852 Hillel. Ekler. Ha Zaken and PoUio. Jewish Rabbi . . .B.c.ii2i'A.D.8? HiUel. Younger. Nasi. Jewish Rabbi fl 300 •' Hillhouse, James Abraham. Amer. Poet&Miscell.Writer 1789. .1841 Hilliard, Nicholas. Goldsmith and Portrait Painter i547 • • 1619 Hilton, John. Musical Composer — . . 1655? Hilton, Walter. Monk of Sheen. {Ladder of Perfection) fl. 15th c. Hilton, William, R. a. Painter 1786. . 1839 HimUco. Carthaginian General fl. B.C. 408 Himilco. Carthaginian Navigator fl. 5th c. b.c. Himmel, Frederick Henry. German Composer 1765 . . 1814 Hinchcliflfe, John. Bishop of Peterborough 1731 . . 1794 Hinckeldey, Charles Louis Frederick von. Prussian Minister of Police 1803 . . 1856 Hinckley, John, d. d. Divine 1617. . 1695 Hincks, Rev. T. D. Orientalist — . . 1857 Hincmar. Archbishop of Rheims. Life by S. C. Prichard 806?. 882 Hipparclius, son of Pisistratus, of Athens — B.c.514 Hipparchus. Greek Astronomer fl. (160-145) b.c. Hippesley, Sir John Coxe, m. p. Political Writer — . . 1825 Hippocrates. Greek Physician. Father of Medicine. . .460.357 b.c. Hippolytus, St. Ecclesiastical Writer. — . . 230 Hipponax. Greek Lyric Poet fl. 6th c. B.C. Hire, Gabriel Philip de la. Painter 1677. .1719 Hire, Lawrence de la. French Painter 1606. . 1656 Hire, Philip de la. Mathematician 1640. .1718 Hitchcock, Edw., d. d., ll,. d. Amer. Geologist & Writer 1793 • • 1864 Hitchcock, Peter. American Jurist 1781 . . 1853 Hoadly, Benjamin. Bishop of Winchester (1734-^1) 1676. .1761 Hoadly, Benj., m. d., son. Medical and Dramatic Writer 1706. .1757 Hoadly, Rev. John, ll,. d., brother. Dramatist 1711. .1776 Hoare, Prince, f. s. a. Dramatic Writer 1755 . . 1834 Hoare, Sir Richard Colt. Topographer. ( Classical Tour) 1758. . 1838 Hoare, William, r. a. Historical and Portrait Painter . . 1707. .1792 Hobart, John Henry, d. d. American Divine 1776. . 1830 Hobbema, or Hobbima, Minderhout. Painter 161 1?. — Hobbes, Thomas, of Malmesbury. Philosopher. (Levi- athan.) Life by self; Richard Blackburne, 1681 1588. .1679 Hobhouse, Sir Benjamin. Statesman i757*- • 1831 Hoblyn, Robert, m. p. Book Collector 1710?. 1756 Hobson, Thomas. Cambr. Carrier ; celebrated by Milton 1544?. 1631 Hoccleve, or Occleve, Thomas. Poet 1370?. 1454? Hoche, Lazarus. French General. Life by Rousselin, 1798 1768. .1797 Hochstetter, Andrew.Adam. Prot. Divine of Tiibingen 1688. .1717 206 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. : Hodges, Nathaniel, m. d. Writer on the London Plague 1630''. Hodges, William, K. A. Painter i744- • Hodgson, Francis. Provost of Eton. Scholar and Poet. 1780. . Hodgson, Rev. John. {History of Northumberland) — .. Hodgson, Robt., D. D. Dean of Carlisle. {Lift of Porteus) — .. Hodson, William Stephens Raikes. English Soldier 1821 . , Hody, Humphrey. {History of English Convocations) 1659. . Hoe, Matthias de Hoenegg.' German Controversial Divine 1580. . Hoeck, or Houk, John van, of Antwerp. Painter 1600. . Hoeck, or Houk, Robert van, of Antwerp. Painter 1609. . Hoelty, Louis Henry Christopher. German Poet 1748. . Hoeltzlinus, Jeremiah. German Philologist at Leyden . . — . . Hoerberg, Peter. Swedish Painter. Life by self, 1817 .. 1 746 . . Hoeschelius, David. German Scholar and Coll. of MSS. 1556. . Hoet, Gerard. Dutch Painter 1648. . Hofer, Andrew. Tyrolese Patriot. L. by C H. Hall, 1826 1767. • Hoffman, David. Amer. Lawyer «& Miscellaneous Writer 1784. . Hoffman, Francis Benedict, i'r. ^Dramatic Poet, Critic. . 1760 . Hoffman, John James, of Basle. {Lexicon Universale) . 1635. . Hoffmann, Christian Godfrey. German Jurist 1692, . Hoffmann, Christopher Louis. German Medical Writer. 1721. . Hoffmann, Ernest Theod. Wm. Writer.^ {Devil's Elixir) 1776. . Hoffmann, Frederick, of Halle. {Medicina ConsuUatoria) 1660. . Hoffmann, Caspar. Medical Writer 1572. . Hoffmann, John Maurice. Medical Writer 1653 . . Hoflinann, Maurice. Anatomist and Botanist; discoverer of Pancreatic Duct. {Fkn^oe AltdorffinoR) 1622. . Hoffmannsegg, John Centurius, Count. Ger. Botanist 1766.. Hoffmanowa. Clementina. Polish Authoress 1798. . Hofland, Mrs. Barbara. Writer. Life by Ramsay, 1849 1770. . Hofland, Thomas Christopher. Landscape Painter 1777- • Hofmann, Daniel. Geraian Divine 1538. • Hogan, John. Irish Sculptor 1800?. Hogarth, William. Painter. Life by Nichols ^697. . Hogg, James. The Ettrick Shepherd. Poet ^77^.. Hohenlohe, Alex. Leopold, Prince of. Medical Empiric. 1794. . Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen, Frederick Louis, Prince of. Prussian General 1746. . Holienlo]ie-"Waldenburg-Scliillingsfurst, Alex. Leo- pold Francis Emmerich, Prince of. Hungarian Prelate 1793. . Hoijer, Benjamin Charles Henry. Swedish Philosopher 1767. . Holbacli, Paul Thierry, Baron von. Natural Philosopher 1723. . Holbein, Hans, or John. Painter. Life by C Patinus. . 1498?. Holbein, Sigisraond. Painter — aft. Holberg, Louis, Baron. Danish Historian. (Perfer-Paars) 1684. . Holcrofb, Fanny. Novelist — ••• Holcroft, Thomas. Dramatic and Miscellaneous Writer and Translator. Life by self and Hazlitt, 1816 i745- ■ Holden, Henry. Roman Cath. Divine. {Notes on iV. T.) 1596. . Holder, William, d. d. Mathematician and Philosopher. 1614. . Holdsworth, Edward. Writer. {Muscipula) 1688. . Hole, Matthew, d. d. Rector of Exeter College, Oxford. ( On the Liturgy) 1640?. Hole, Rev. Richard, of Farringdon. Poet. Writer, (^ri/mr) 1750?. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 207 BORN. DIED. Hole, William. Engraver fl. 1613 Holinshed, or Holingshed, Raphael. Historian — ..1580? Holkar, Jeswunt Rao. Mahratta Chief — . . 181 1 Holkar, Mulhar Rao. Mahratta Chief — . . 1 766 Holl, Elias. German Architect i573- • 1636 Holl, Francis X. Ger. Jes. {Statistica Ecclesice Germanice) 1720. .1784 Holland, Edwin Clifford. American Poet and Essayist. . 1793. , 1824 Holland, Elizabeth Vassall, Lady. Life by Sydney Smith 1770. . 1845 Holland, Henry. Architect I746-'' . 1806 Holland, Henry Fox, First Lord. Statesman 1705 . .1774 Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, Lord. {Metnoirs of Whig Party) i773. .1840 Holland, Hugh. Poet fl. 1604 Holland, Sir JSTathaniel Dance. Painter i734- .1811 Holland, Philemon. Translator 1551 . . 1636 Hollar, Wenzel. Engraver. Life by Geo. Vertue, 1745. 1607. .1677 HoUerius, or Houllier, James. French Medical Writer. . — . .1562 Holies, Denzil, Lord. Statesman i597- • ^680 HoUey, Horace, ll. d. American Divine and Educator. Life by his widow 1781. .1827 Hollls, Thomas. Benefactor of Harvard College 1659. .1731 Hollis, Thos. Philanthropist. Memoirs, 2 vols. 4to, 1780 1720. .1774 HoUis, Thos. Brand. L. by Blackburne, 1780 ; Disney, 1808 — . . 1804 HoUman, Samuel Christian, of Gottingen. Philosopher 1696.. 1787 Holman, Lieutenant James. The Blind Traveler 1787. .1857 Holman, Joseph George. Dramatic Writer 1764. .1817 Holmes, Abiel, d. d., ll. d. Amer. Divine and Historian 1768. . 1837 Holmes, George. Antiquary 1662. .1749 Holmes, Dr. Nathaniel. Ejected Nonconformist; Hebraist — ..1678 Holmes, Robert. Dean of Winchester. Divine and Poet 1749. .1805 Holroyd, John Baker, Lord Sheffield. Political Writer, Soldier, Statesman 1741 . . 1821 Holstein, Luke. Scholar & Writer. L. by Wilkins, 1723 1596. . 1661 Holt, Francis Ludlow, Q. c. Law Writer and Journalist — . .1844 Holt, Sir John. Ld. Chief Justice. Life, Lond. 1764, 8vo 1642. .1709 Holwell, John Zephaniah. Governor of Bengal 1711. .1798 Holyday, Rev. Barten. Divine. Translator of Juvenal 1593. .1661 Holyoake, Francis. {Etymological Diet, of Latin IForcfe) 1567?. 1653 Holyoke, Edward Augustus. American Physician, Mete- orologist, and Natural Philosopher. 1728. . 1829 Holywood, John. De Sacrobosco. Mathematician — . .1256 Holzer, John Evangelist. German Fresco Painter 1709. .1740 Homberg, William. Physician and Chemist 1652. .1715 Home, David. Scottish Divine. {Apologia Basilica). . . ti. James I. Home, Sir B^^erard. Surgeon 1756. . 1832 Home, Henry, Lord Karnes. Scottish Judge. (Elements of Criticism.) Life by Lord Woodhouselee, 1807 .... 1696. .1782 Home, Rev. John. {Douglas.) Life by Mackenzie, 1822 1724. .1808 Homer. Greek Epic Poet fl. b.c. 962-927 Homer, Rev. Henry. Classical Scholar and Editor 1752. .1791 Homilius, Godfrey Aug., of Dresden. Organist and Comp. 1714..1785 Hommel, Charles Ferdinand. Civilian, of Leipsic 1722. .1781 Homond, Charles Francis 1'. French Instructor 1727. • i794 Hompesch, Ferd. de. Last Grand Master of Kts. of Malta 1 744 . . 1803 208 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Hondekoeter, Giles, of Utrecht. Landscape Painter. . . 1583. .1626? Hondekoeter, Gysbrecht, son. Bird Painter 161 3. . 1653 Hondekoeter, Melchior, son. Painter 1636. . 1695 Hondius, or Hondt, Abraham. Dutch Painter 1638. . 1691 Hondius, Josse. Flemish Engraver and Letter Founder 1546. .1611 Hone, George Paul. Lawyer and Writer at Coburg .... 1662. . 1747 Hone, Nathaniel. Painter in Enamel — . .1784 Hone, William. Writer. {Every-Dny Book) ^779- • 1842 Honestis, Petrus de. Peter Damiani. Cardinal 988?. 1072 Honorius, Flavius. Roman Emperor (395-423) 384. . 423 Honorius. Archbishop of Canterbury (627-53) — .. 653 Honorius I. Pope (626-38) — . . 638 Honorius II. (1124-30.) Lambert — . . 1130 Honorius III. (1216-27.) Cencius Sabelli — . .1227 Honorius IV. (1285-87.) James Sabelli — . .1287 Hontheim, John Nich. de, of Treves. {History of Treves) 1701 . . 1 790 Honthorst, Gerard. Dalle Notti. Dutch Painter 1592. . \(>(>o Hontliorst, William, brother. Painter 1604. . 1683 Hood, Alex., Adm., Lord Bridport, br. of Viscount Hood — . . 1814 Hood, Robin. Outlaw Rd. L or Hen. III.? Hood, Sir Samuel. Vice-Admiral. Cousin of Visct. Hood — ..1814 Hood, Samuel, Viscount. Admiral 1724. . 1816 Hood, Thomas. Mathematician. Inv&aior oi Hood'' s Staff fl. 1690 Hood, Thomas. Poet, Humorist, and Miscellaneous Writer 1798. .1845 Hooffc, Peter Corneliszoon. Dutch Poiet and Historian. . , 1581 . . 1647 Hooge, Peter van. Dutch Painter 1643'. 1708 Hoogeveen, Henry. Dutch Philologist 1712. .1791 Hoogstraten, David van. Dutch Poet and Critic 1658. .1724 Hoogstraten, James van. Inquisitor; Opponent of Luther — ••1527 Hoogstraten, Samuel van. Painter 1627. . 1678 Hoogstraten, Theodore, or Dirk van. Paint, of Antwerp 1596.. 1640 Hoogue, Romain de. Dutch Engraver and Designer 1638'. 1725 Hoogvliet, Arnold. Dutch Poet. {Abraham the Patriarch) 1687.. 1763 Hook, James. Musical Composer 1746. . 1827 Hook, Dr. James, son. Dean of Wore. Polemical Writ. 1771. .1828 Hook, Theodore Edward. Journalist, Novelist, and Dra- matic Writer. Life by Barham, 1848 1788 . . 1841 Hooke, Nathaniel. {Roman History) 1690'. 1763 Hooke, Robt., M.D. Math. {Micrographia.) L. by Waller 1635. .1702 Hooker, John, of Exeter. Antiquary 1524^ 1601 Hooker, Richard, son. {Eccles. Polity.) L. by Walton, 1665 1553''. 1600 Hooker, Rev. Thos. One of the Founders of Conn. Colony — . . 1647 Hooker, Sir William Jackson. Botanist 1785 . . 1865 Hoole, Charles, of Rotheram. Translator of Terence. . . 1610. .1666 Hoole, John. Dram. Poet, Transl. of Tasso and Ariosto 1727. .1803 Hooper, Edmund. Composer of Anthems — ..1621 Hooper, George. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1640. .1727 Hooper, John. Bishop of Gloucester, Martyr 1495 . . 1555 Hooper, William. American Patriot 1742. .1790 Hoornbeck, John. Dutch Writer 161 7. . 1666 Hoorne, John van. Anatomist and Physician 1621 . . 1670 Hoost, Peter Cornelius van. {Hist, of the Low Countries) 11581. .1647 Hope, Rev. Frederick WiUiam. Naturalist 1797?. 1862 Hope, Admiral Sir Henry, k. c. b i7^7 • • 1863 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 209 BOEN. DIED. Hope, John, m. d. Naturalist. L. by Andr. Duncan, 1786 1725 . . 1786 Hope, Sir Thomas. Scottish Lawyer — . . 1646 Hope, Thomas. Writer on Art. (Anastasius) 1770''. 1831 Hope, Thomas Charles. Scottish Chemist 1766. . 1844 Hope, Wm. Williams. Eccentric Millionnaire — . . 1854 Hopital, Michael de 1'. Chancellor of France. Life by Bernard!; Villemain 1505 . . 1573 Hopital, Wm. Francis Anthony de 1'. Fr. Mathematician 1661 . .1704 Hopkins, Charles. Dramatic Poet, Translator of Ovid. . 1664. .1699 Hopkins, Edward. Governor of Connecticut — . . 1657 Hopkins, Esek. American Naval Officer 1718. .1802 Hopkins, Ezekiel. Bishop of Londondeny 1633. . 1690 Hopkins, John. Poet. (Amasia) 1675 .aft. 1700 Hopkins, Lemuel. Amer. Physician and Political Writer 1 750 . . 1801 Hopkins, Samuel, D. d. American Divine. Author of Hopkinsianism 1721 . . 1803 Hopkins, Stephen. American Statesman 1707. . 1785 Hopkins, Wm., D. D. Antiquary. L. by Dr. Hickes, 1708 1647. .1700 Hopkins, Rev. Wm. Arian. {Appeal to Common Sense) 1706. .1786 Hopkinson, Francis. American Political Writer 1738. . 1791 Hopkinson, Joseph. American Jurist and Poet i>77o. . 1842 Hopper, Thomas. Architect 1775^. 1856 Hoppner, John, r. a. Painter and Writer 1-759 • • 1810 Hopton, Arthur. Mathematician 1589''. 1614 Hopton, Susanna. Religious Writer. (Hexameron) .... 1627. .1709 Horace. Latin Poet 65 . .8 b.c. Herman, William, of Eton College. Divine and Botanist 1470?. 1535 Hormayr, Joseph von. Baron. Tyrolese Hist, and Patriot 1781 . . 1848 Hormisdas. Pope (514-23) , — . . 523 Horn, Philip Montmorency, Ct. of. Dutch Statesm. ; beh. 1522. . 1568 Homblower, Joseph C, ll. d. American Jurist 1777- • 1864 Home, Charles Edward. Musical Composer 1786. . 1849 Home, George. Hornius. Hist, and Geog. at Leyden 1620.. 1670 Home, George. Bishop of Norwich. ( On the Psalms.) Life by Jones of Nayland, 1795 1730- -1792 Home, Rev.Thos. Hartwell. ( Introduction. ) L. by Chej^ne 1 780 . . 1 862 Home Tooke, John. See Tooke 1736. . 181 2 Horneek, Dr. Anth. Eng. Divine. L. by Bp. Kidder, 1698 1641 . . 1696 Homemann, Frederick Conrad. African Traveler . . . 1772.aft.1800 Homer, Francis. Writer. L. by Leonard Horner, 1843 1778. .1817 Homer, Leonard. Geological Writer 1 785 ' . 1864 Horrebow, Christian. Writer on Parallax. — ■ -^77^ Horrebo-w, Peter. Danish Astronomer 1679. . 1764 Horrocks, or Horrox, Jeremiah. Astronomer. ( Venus in Sole Visa) i6i9''.i64i Horsfleld, Rev. Thos. Walker, F. s. A. {History of Sussex) — ..1837 Horsley, John. Antiquary. {Britannia Romana) 1685. .1732 Horsley, SamueL Bishop of St. Asaph .' 1733 . . 1806 Horstius, Gregory. Physician 1578 . , 1636 Horstius, James. German Physician and Botanist i537- • i^oo Horte, Josiah. Archbishop of Tuam. {Sermons) — • • x75i Hortense. Queen of Holland. Life by Lascelles Wraxall 1 783 . . 1837 Hortensius, Lambert. Dutch Philol., Poet, Historian. . 1 501. .1575? Hortensius, Martin. Dutch Astronomer 1605 . . 1639 14 210 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORX. DIED. Hortensius, Quintus. Roman Advocate and Orator. ... 114.50 b.c. Horvat, Stephen. Hungarian Writer 1 784 . . 1 846 Hosack, David. American Physician and Author 1769. .1835 Hosea. Hebrew Prophet 8th c. b.c. Hoshea. Last King of Israel (b. c. 730-721) — aft. b.c. 721 Hosius, Stanislaus. Polish Cardinal 1504. .1579 Hoskins, John. Lawyer and Poet 1566. . 1638 Hoskins, John. Portrait Painter — . . 1664 Hospinian, Rodolph. Swiss Protestant Divine i547- .1626 HospitaL See Hopital. Hossch, Sidronius. Flemish Jesuit; Latin Poet 1596. .1653 Host, Jens Kragh. Danish Historian 1772. . 1844 Hoste, John r. Fr. Math em. (Be la Sphere Arfificielle) — ..1631 Hoste, Paul r. Fr. Mathem. {D Art des Armees Navales) 1652.. 1700 Hostus, Matthew. German Antiquary 1 509 . . 1 587 Hothom, Walter. Poet. ( Bihlia Vti-sificata) tl. 15th c. Hotman, or Hotomanus, Francis. See Hottoman 1524. .1590 Hotspur. See Henry Percy — ^ . . 1403 Hottinger, or Hottinguer, John Conrad. Banker 1764. .1841 Hottinger, or Hottinguer, John Henry. Swiss Protestant Divine and OrientaHst. Life by Heidegger, 1667 1620. .1667 Hottinger, or Hottinguer, John James, son. {Ecclesiasti- cal History of Switzerland) 1652 , . 1735 Hottoman, Francis. French Lawyer. ( Anti-Tribonianus) 15 24.. 1590 Houard de la Mothe, Anthony. Legal Antiquary 1725. .1803 Houbigant, Charles Francis. French Theologian. Trans- lator of the Bible. Life by Adry, 1806 1686. .17S3 Houbraken, Arnold. Dutch Pa. {Lives of Dutch Painters) 1660.. 1719 Houbraken, Jacob, son. Engraver 1698. . 1780 Houchard, John Nicholas. French Republican General. 1740. .1793 Houdon, John Anthony. French Sculptor 1741 . . 1828 Houdry, Vincent. French Jesuit, Preacher, and Writer. . 1631 . .1729 Houel, John Peter Louis Lawrence. Fr. Paint. & Engrav. 1735 . . 1813 Hough, John. President of Magdalen College and Bishop of Worcester. Life by J. E. Wilmot, 1812 ; Wm. Russell 165 1 . .1743 Houghton, Major. African Explorer i75o-'.aft.i793 Houlieres, Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde des. French Poetess 1634?. 1694 Houllier, James. Hollerius. French Medical Writer — . . 1562 Houseman, Cornelius, of Mechlin. Painter 1643 . . 1727 Houseman, James. Painter in England 1656. . 1696 Houston, Sam. Amer. General ; Gov. and Pres. of Texas 1793 . . 1862 Houston, William. Physician and Botanist 1695?. 1733 Houteville, Claude Francis. ( Truth of the Christ. Religion) 1686. . 1742 Hoveden, Roger de. Historian — aft.1201 How, William. Physician and Botanist. 1619. .1656 Howard, Catherine. Queen of Henry VIII 1520?. 1542 Howard, Charles, created Earl of Nottingham. Command- er against the Armada 1536- • 1624 Howard, Charles, Earl of Carlisle. Diplomatist 1629. . 1686 Howard, Sir Edward. Lord High Admiral — • • 1513 Howard, Edward. Lieutenant R. n. Naval Novelist ... — . . 1841 Howard, Frances, Countess of Essex, afterwards Countess of Somerset i594- -1632 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 211 BORN. DIED. Howard, George Edmund. Polit. Writer and Dramatist 1725?. 1786 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. Poet ; beh. Life by Nott 1515'.! 547 Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton. Scholar & VVriter 1 539- . 1614 Howard, Henry, r. a. Painter 1769. . 1847 Howard, John. Philanthropist. Life by John Aikin, 1792; J. B. Brown, 1818; Thomas Taylor, 1836; W. H. Dixon, 1848; J. Field, 1850 1726?. 1790 Howard, Luke. Meteorologist 1771 ^ • 1864 Howard, Philip, Earl of Arundel. Life by Duke of Nor- folk, 1857 1557. .1595 Howard, Philip, Thomas. Cardinal — . . 1694 Howa,rd, Sir Robert. Writer. {Rtigns of Edward II. and Richard 11. ; History of Religion) 1626. . 1698 Howard, Samuel. Musical Composer — . .1783? Howard, Thomas, Earl, of Surrey and Third Duke of Nor- folk. Naval and Military Commander I473- -1554 Howard, Thos., E. Arund. Coll. of theA rundelian Marbles — . . 1646 Howe, Charles. Religious Writer. {Devout Meditations) 1661. .174$ Howe, John. Chaplain to Cromwell. Life by Calamy ; J. Hunt, 1823 ; H. Rogers, 1836 1630. .1705 Howe, Richard, Fourth Viscount. First Earl. Admiral. Life by George Mason, 1803; Sir J. Barrow, 1838 1725 . .1799 Howe, Sir William, brother. General in America — . .1814 Howell, James. Miscel. Writer. {Epistolce BowelUance). 1594?. 1666 Howell, Dr. William. Hist. Writer. [History of the Wm^ld) 1630''. 1683 Howells, Rev. William, of Long Acre Chapel. Life by Bowdler, 1836 1778.. 1832 Howley, William. Archbishop of Canterbury- (1828-48 ) . 1 765 . . 1 848 Hoyle, Edmimd. English Writer on Games 1672. .1769 Hoyt, Gen. Epaphras. Amer. Historical & Antiq. Writer 1765. .1850 Hozier, Peter d'. Historian and Genealogist 1592- .1660 Huarte, John. Spanish Writer. ( Trial of Wits) 1530'^ 1600? Huarte, Vincent Garcia de la. See Huerta 1729. • x797 Hubald, of St. Amand. Poet and Musical Writer 840. . 930 Hubbard, William. American Divine and Historian . . . 1621. .1704 Huber, Francis. Naturalist. ( Observations on Bees). . . . 1750. . 1830 Huber, John. Genevese Painter and Proiile Cutter 1722. .1790 Huber, John James. Anat. & Bot. {De Medulla Spinali) 1707. .1778 Huber, John Rudolph, of Basle. Painter 1668 .. 1748 Huber, Mary. Deistical Writer 1695 . .1753 HuDer, Michael. French Writer and Translator 1727. .1804 Huber, Peter. Swiss Naturalist i777- • 1840 Huber, Theresa. German Novelist 1764. . 1829 Huber, Ulric, of Friesland. {De .Jure Civitatis) 1636. . 1694 Hubert, Matthew. French Preacher 1640. .1717 Hue, Evariste R^gis. French Missionary and Traveler . . 1813. .i860 Huchtenburg, John van. Dutch Battle Painter 1646. .1733 Hudde, John, of Amsterdam. Statesman and Mathem.. . 1633. .1704 Huddleston, Robert. Antiquary 1776. . 1826 Hudson, Captain Henry. Discoverer of Hudson's Bay . . — ..1611 Hudson, Jetfrey. Dwarf at the Court of Charles I. ...*.. . —aft. 1682 Hudson, John, d. d., of St. Mary Hall. Classical Editor 1662. .1719 Hudson, Thomas. Portrait Painter 1701 . .1779 Hudson, William, Botanist. {Flora Anylica) '^7Z'°' • ^793 212 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Huebner, John, of Hamburg. Historical Writer 1668. .1731 Huerta, Vincent Garcia de la. Spanish Poet and Critiq. . 1729. .1797 Huet, Peter Daniel. Bishop of Avranches. Editor of Delphin Classics. {Demonstratio Evangelica.) Life by- self, translated by Aikin, 1810 1630. .1721 Huett, Thomas. Translator of Welsh Bible — • • 1591 Hxifeland, Christopher William. German Physician. ( The Art of ProlonbQ) 1784.. 1859 Hunt, Jeremiah, d. d. Dissenting Divine 1678. .1744 Hunt, Thomas. Hebrew Prof, at Oxford. ( On Proverbs) 1696. . 1774 Hunt, William Henry.' Painter in Water Colors 1790- • 1864 Hunter, Mrs. Anne Home. Poetess 1 741 • • 1821 Hunter, Christopher, of Durham. Phys. and Antiquary. 1675. .1757 Hunter, Henry. Scottish Preacher and Biographer 1741. .1802 Hunter, Rev. Humphrey. American Patriot 1755 . . 1827 Hxinter, John. Surgeon & Comparative Anatomist. L. by Everard Home; Jesse Foot, 1794; Joseph Adams, 1816 1728, .1793 Hunter, John. Admiral 1738. . 1821 Hunter, John, ll. d., of St. Andrew's. Classical Editor. 1747. .1837 Hunter, Rev. Joseph, f. s. a. Topographer and Literaiy Antiquary. {Hallamshire ; lllustratiojis of Shahespeare) 1783, .1861 Hunter, Robert. Gov. of Jamaica. {Letter on Enthusiasm) — ••1734 Hunter, William, M.D. Physician & Anatomist. Founder of Hunterian Museum. Life by S. F. Simmons, 1783. 1718. .1783 Hunter, William. Scottish Surgeon and Orientalist .... — . .1815 Huntingdon, Henry of. Historian. Life by Smith — aft. 11 54 Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of. Life by a member of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings, 1839 1707. . 1791 Huntingdon, William. S. S. {i. e., Smner Saved). Meth- odist Preacher 1744 . . 1813 Huntingford, Geo. Isaac. Bp. of Hereford. Class. Scholar 1 748 . . 1832 Huntington, Robt. Bp. Raphoe. L. by Dr. T. Smith, 1704 1636. .1701 Huntington, Samuel. American Jurist and Patriot. ... 1732. .1796 Huntsman, Benjamin, of Sheffield. Inventor of Cast Steel 1704. .1776 Hunyady. See Hunniades 1400?. 1456 Huppazoli, Francis. Italian Centenarian 1587. .1702 Hurd, Richard. Bishop of Worcester. Life by self; Kilvert 1720. .1808 Hurdis, James, d. d. Poet 1 763 . . 1801 Hur6, Charles. French Jansenist. {Diet, of the Bible). . ib^f). -^717 Husbands, Herman. American Patriot — . .1794' Huskisson, William. Statesman. Life by Wright 1770.. 1830 Huss, John. Bohemian Reformer. Life bv Cochlaeus, 1547; Herzovinus, 1618 ; Theobald, 1626: Werner, 1671; Esberg, 1699; Seyfried, 1711; Gilpin, 1765; Zitte,1786; Tischer, 1798; Wendt, 1845; Lommel,1847; A. Nean- der, 1849 1376?. 1415 Hussey, Giles. Painter 1710. .1788 Husson, Aristides. French Sculptor 1803? . 1864 Hutcheson, Francis, ll.. d. Metaphysician 1694. . 1747 214 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Hutchins, John. Topog. Historian. {History of Dorset) 1698. .1773 Hutchins, Thomas. American Geographer 1730'. 1789 Hutchinson, Anne. Religious Enthusiast in America. . . — . . 1643 Hutchinson, John, Colonel. Life by Lucy Hutchinson. . 161 7. .1664 Hutchinson, John. Philos. Author of Hutchinsonianism 1674.. 1737 Hutchinson, John Hely. Irish Lawyer and Statesman. . 1715 . .1794 Hutchinson, John Hely, Earl of Donoughmore. General 1757. .1832 Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy Apsley, w. of Col. John. L. by self 1620. . — Hutchinson, Roger, of Eton i6th c. Hutchinson, Thomas. Chief Just. Gov. of Massachusetts 171 1. .1730 Hutten, Ulric von. Soldier, Poet, Writer. L. by Meiuers 1488. .1523 Hutter, Elias, of Nuremberg. Polyglottist 1553. aft 1602 Hutter, Leonard, brother. Protestant Controversialist. . . 1563. . 1616 Hutton, Charles, ll. d. {Mathematical Course) T^iyi •■• ^823 Hutton, James. Geologist. {Plutonian Theory). 1726. .1797 Hutton, Matthew. Bishop of Durham (1489-95), Arch- bishop of York (1595-1606) 1529. . 1606 Hutton, Matthew. Bishop of Bangor (1743-47), Arch- bishop of York (1747-57), Archbishop of Canterbury — ..1758 Hutton, Wm., of Birmingham. Topog. Hist. L. by self 1723. .1815 Huxham, John, M. D., of Plymouth. Medical Writer. . . — ..1768 HuyghenSj Christian. Mathematician and Astronomer . . 1629. .1695 Huyghens, Constantine. Dutch Statesman and Latin Poet. {Momenta Desultoria) 1596. . 1687 Huyghens, Gomarus. Dutch Theologian 1.63 1 . .1702 Huysum, Jacob van. Painter 1680. .1740 Huysum, John van. Painter of Flowers and Fruit 1682. . 1749 Huysum, Justus van. The Old. Dutch Painter 1659. .1716 Huysum, Justus van. The Young. Dutch Painter 1684.. 1706 Hyatt, John. Wesleyan Preacher. Life by Dr. Morison 1767. .1826 Hyde, Edward, First Earl of Clarendon. Lord Chancellor. {History of Rebellion. ) Life by self; H. T. Lister, 1838 1608 . . 1674 Hyde, Henry, Second Earl of Clarendon, son. Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland. {History of the Irish Rebellion) . . . 1638. .1709 Hyde, Lawrence, k. g., First Earl of Rochester, younger brother. Statesman. Lord Lieutenant — ..1711 Hyde, Sir Nicholas. Lord Chief Justice 1572?. 1631 Hyde, Thos., d. d. Orient. {Religionis Persarum Historia) 1636. .1703 Hyde de Neuville, John William, Baron. Fr. Politician 1776. . 1857 Hyder Ali. Sultan of Mysore. Life by Meer Hussein Ali Khan, translated by Colonel Miles, 1842 1717. .1782 Hyginus, Caius Julius. Roman Writer. {Poeticon Astro- nomicon) fl. ti. Augustus Hyginus. Bishop of Rome (138-42) — . . 142 Hyndford, John Carmichael, Third Earl of. Scot. Diplom. 1701 . . 1767 Hypatia, of Alexandria. Philosopher — . . 415 Hyperides. Athenian Orator 396?. 322 b.c. Hyperius, Gerard Andrew, of Ypres. Theologian 1511 . . 1564 Hyrcanus I., John. High Priest and Prince of the Jews — B.c.106 Hyrcanus II. High Priest and King of the Jews no ''.30 B.C. Hywell ap Morgan Mawr. Prince of Glamorgan 983. .1043 Hywell ap Owain Gwynedd. Pr. of N. Wales. Poet — ..1171 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 215 * I- BORN. DIED. Ibarra, Joachim. Spanish Printer 1725 . . 1 785 Ibbetson, Mrs. Agnes. Philosophical "Writer i757 • • "^^2;^ Ibbetson, Julius Caesar. Landscape Painter — ..1817 Ibbot, Benjamin, D. d. Boylean Lecturer 1680. .1725 Iberville, Lemorne d'. Canadian Navigator 1642 . . 1 706 Ibn Tofail, Jaafer. Arabian Philosopher — . . 1 188 Ibrahim Pasha. Viceroy of Egypt 1789. . 1848 Ibycus. Greek Lyric Poet fl. b.c. 540 Ideler, Christian Louis. German Savant 1766. . 1846 letzeler, Christopher. Swiss Architect & Mathematician 1734. .1791 Iffland, Augustus Wm. Ger. Actor and Dramatic Writer 1759. . 18 14 Ignarra, Nicholas. Antiquary. { De Palcestrd Neapolitand) 1728.. 1808 Ignatius, St. Bishop of Antioch, and Martyr — .. 115 Ignatius, St. Patriarch of Constantinople 799. . 877 Ignatius Loyola. See Loyola 1491 . .1556 Ihre, John. Swedish Scholar and Antiquary. 1707- .1780 Udefonse, St. Bp. of Toledo. {Account of Eccks. Writers) 607,, 669 Hive, Jacob. English Printer and Writer 1710. .1763 Dlescas, Gonsalvo. Sp. Eccles. {Hist, of Cath. Pontifical) — ..1580 Ulyrius, Matthias Flacius, or Francowitz. Lutheran Div. 1520. .1575 nmoni, Immanuel. Finnish Physician i797- .1856 Imbert, Bartholomew. Poet, of Nismes i747- -1790 Imbert, John. French Advocate and Law Writer 1522?. 1599? Imbert, Joseph Gabriel. French Painter 1654- -1740 Imhoflf, John (or James) William. Genealogist 165 1 . .1728 Immermann, Charles Lebrecht. Ger. Poet and Novelist 1796. . 1840 Imola, Innocent da. Francucci. Italian Painter 1480'. 1550? Imperiali, John. Physician. {Museum Historicum) .... 1602. .1664? Imperiali, John Baptist. Italian Physician and Poet. {Fxercitationum Exoticnrum) 1568. . 1623 Imperiali, Joseph Ren^. Cardinal 165 1 . .1737 Ina. King of Wessex (689-728) — aft. 728 Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth. Novelist and Dramatist. Life by Boaden, 1833 i753 • • 1821 Inchoffer, Melchior. German Jesuit 1584. . 1648 Incledon, Benjamin Charles. Singer 1764. • 1826 Inez de Castro. Queen of Portugal — . . 1355 Ingegno, L'. See L'Ingegno. Painter 1450'. 1520 Ingenhousz, John'. Dutch Physician and Chemist 1730. .1799 IngersoU, Charles Jared. American Statesman , . 1782. .1862 Ingersoll, Jared. American LaAvyer i749- • 1822 Inghen, William van. Dutch Historical Painter 165 1 . .1709 Inghirami, Cavaliere Francesco. Italian Archaeologist. ( Monumenti Etruschi) 1772. . 1846 Inglis, Henry David. Tourist and Writer 1795 • • ^^35 Inglis, James. Poet. Murdered. {Complaynt of Scotland) — ..1530 Inglis, John, t>. d. Scot. Div. ( Evidences of Christianity) 1763 . . 1834 Inglis, Sir John Eardley Wilmot, k. c. b. Defender of Lucknow ' 1814. .1862 Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, m. p. Politician 1786. .1855 216 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED Ingram, Rev. Dr. James. Saxonist i774- • 1850 Ingram, Rev. Robert. Biblical Writer. ( The Ten TiiUjes) 1 727 . . 1804 Ingrassias, John Philip, of Palermo. Physician 15 10. .1580 Inguimberti, Dominic Joseph Mary de. Bishop of Char- pentras. Writer 1683. .1757 Ingulph. Abbot of Croyland. Historian 1030?. 1 109 Inman, Henry. American Artist 1801 . . 1846 Inman, Rev. James. Mathematician and Naval Architect 1776. . 1859 Inman, John. Amer. Journalist & Miscellaneous Writer — . .1850 Innes, Father. Historical Writer 1662 . . 1 744 Innocent I. Pope (402-17) — . . 417 Innocent II. (1130-43. ) Gregorio Papi — . . 1 143 Innocent III. (1198-1216.) Lothario Cmti. Life by Lessinan, 1830; Rottengatter, 1831; Hurter, 1836; Waibei; 1845 1161 . .1216 Innocent IV. (1243-54.) Sinibaldo de' Fieschi — . . 1254 Innocent V. (1276.) Peter de' Champagniaco 1225 . .1276 Innocent VI. (1352-62. ) Stephen A Ibert — . . 1362 Innocent VII. (1404-6.) Cosmo de' Migliorati 1336. . 1406 Innocent VIII. (1484-92.) John Baptist Cibo 1432. . 1492 Innocent IX. (1591.) John Anthony Facchinetti 1 5 19. . 1591 Innocent X. (1644-55.) John Baptist Panjili 1 572 . . 1655 Innocent XI. (1676-89. ) Benedict Odescalchi 161 1 . . 1689 Innocent XII. (1691-1700.) Anthony Pignatelli 1615 . . 1700 Innocent XTTT. (1721-24.) Michael Angeb Conti 1655 . . 1724 Interian de Ayala, John. Spanish Ecclesiastic. {Pic- tor Christianus Eruditus) 1656. .1730 Inveges, Augustine. Sicilian Historian and Antiquary. {History of Palermo) ! . 1595 . . 1677 Inwood, Charles Frederick. Architect 1798- • 1840 Inwood, Henry Wm. Architect. (Athenian Architecture) lyg^.^ .1S42 Inwood, William. Architect and Surveyor.* (Tables).. I77i'.i843 lolo Gotch. Welsh Bard with Owen Glendower fl. 1400-'' Iphicrates. Athenian General 419? . 348 ■'b.c. Irailh, Augustin Simon. French Writer 1719- -1794 IredeU, James. American Jurist 1751. 1799 IredeU, James, son. Writer on Law 1788. . 1853 Ireland, John. Writer. (Hogarth Illustrated) — . . 1808 Ireland, John. Dean of Westm. Founder of Professorship 1762 . . 1842 Ireland, Sam. Writer and Publisher. (Picturesque Tours) 1750?. 1800 Ireland, Samuel William Henry. Novelist. ( Vortigern) 1777. .1835 Irenseus. Bishop of Lyons. Life by Devling, 1721 ; A. F. Gervaise, 1723 ; Beaven, 1841 ( Prat, 1843 130?. 200? Irene. Empress of Constantinople (797-802). Life bv Mignot, l'f62 *. 752?. 803? Ireton, Henry. Republican Officer and Statesman 1610..1651 Irnerius, or Wernerius. Italian Jurist — aft. 11 18 Iron Mask. History of, by Lord Dover ; J. Delort, 1825 — . . 1 703 Irvine, William. American Revolutionary General 1742'. 1804 Irving, Rev. Edward. Scottish Divine. Life by Wash- ington Wilks, 1854 ; Mrs. Oliphant 1792 . . 1834 Irving, Peter. American Writer 1771 • • 1838 Irving, Washington, brother. American Writer. Life by P. M. Irving, 1862 1783 . . 1859 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 217 BORN. DIED. Irving, William, brother. Writer 1766. . 1821 Irwin, Eyles. Writer on Eastern subjects 1748. . 181 7 Isaac. Patriarch 1896.17163.0. Isaac I. Emperor of the East (1057-59). Comnenus — . . 1061 Isaac II. (1185-1204.) Angelus 1154. . 1204 Isaacson, Henry. Chronologist 1581 . . 1654 Isabella, of Angouleme. Queen of England, wife of John — . . 1245 Isabella, of Bavaria. Qu. of France, wife of Charles VI. 1371 . . 1435 Isabella, of France. Queen of Eng., wife of Edward II. 1292. .1358 Isabella, of France. Queen of Eng., wife of Richard II. 1389. .1409 laabeUa. Queen of Castile. The Catholic. Wife of Ferdi- nand of Aragon. Life b}' Pulgar, 1545; Bravo, 1564; Zurita, 1580; Molina, 1587; Marineus, 1587; Gracian, 1641 ; Mignot, 1766 ; Prescott, 1839 1451 . . 1504 Isabella. Queen of Hungary, wife of John Zapolita 1518..1558 Isabey, John Baptist. French Miniature Painter 1767 . . 1855 Iseeus. Athenian Orator fl. 420-348 b.c. Isaiah. Hebrew Propliet fl. 760-710 B.C. Isambert, Francis Andrew. French Politician and Jurist 1792. . 1857 Iscanus, Josephus, or Joseph, of Exeter. Poet. {Anti- ocheis) fl. ti. Rd. I. & John Iselin, Isaac. German Philosopher. (Hist, of Mankind) i'/28. .1782 Iselin, James Christopher. Historical Writer at Basle. . . 1681 . .1737 Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar 1910. 1773 b.c. Isidore, St., of Pelusium. Monk and Scholar. (Epistles) 370?. 450? Isidore, St., of Seville. Hispalensis. L. by Lucas Tudensis 570?. 636 Isidore. Mercator, or Peccator. Author of the Decretals fl. 800? Isla, Jos. Francis de. Sp. Satirist. (L. of Friar Gerund) lyi^. .lyS^ Isnard, Maximin. French Political Orator 1751 • • 1830 Isocrates. Athenian Orator 436 . 338 b.c. Itard, John Mary Gaspar. Fr. Surgeon and Philosopher 1775. .1838 Ittigius, Thomas. Lutheran Theologian and Scholar . . . 1643. -1710 Itvirbide, Augustin. Emperor of Mexico 1784. . 1824 Ivan I., or III. Czar of Russia (1462-1505). Vasilivitch. . 1438. .1505 Ivan H., or IV. (1533-84.) Vasilivitch; The Terrible. . 1529.. 1584 Ivan III., or V. (1682-89.) Alexiovitch 1666 . . 1696 Ivan IV., or VI. (1740-41.) Of Brunswick Bevern 1740. . 1764 Ivanof, Feodor Feodorovitch. Russian Dramatist i777- .1816 Ives, Ivo, or Yves, St. Bishop of Chartres (1093-1115) . . 1035 . . 1115 Ives, John. Antiquary and Herald 1751 . .1776 Iveteaux, Nicholas Vauquelin, Seigneur de. French Poet 1559. . 1649 Ivory, James. Scottish Mathematician 1765 . . 1842 Ixtilxocliitl, Fernando de Alva. Indian Historian fl. i6th c. Izaacke, Richard. {Antiquities of Exeter) ■ 1624. .1700 Izard, Ralph. American Statesman 1742. . 1804 Iziocalt H. (1433-45.) Founder of Mexican Empire . . — . . 1445 218 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIOKAEY. J. BORN. MED. Jaapliar-ebn-Topliail. Arabian Philosopher — . .1188 Jablonowsky, Jos. Alex. von. Polish Prince & Scholar 1711. .1777 Jablonsky, Charles Gustavus. Prussian Entomologist . . 1756. .1787 Jablonsky, Daniel Ernest. {Jura Dissidentium) 1660. . 1741 Jablonsky, John Theod. Pruss. Scholar. {Diet, of Arts) 1654'. .1731 Jablonsky, Paul Ernest. Theologian and Egyptologist . . 1693 • • 1 757 Jacaia-ben- Joseph. Port. Rabbi; Biblical Commentator — -iSSQ Jacetius, Francis de Cataneis. Ital. Platonic Philosopher 1466. .1522 Jackson, Andrew. General. Seventh President of the United States (1829-37). Life by Eaton, 1831 ; Down- ing, 1834; Bonis, 1841; Parton 1767.. 1845 Jackson, Arthur. Ejected Nonconformist. Commentator 1 593 . . 1666 Jackson, Charles. American Jurist 1775 . . 1855 Jackson, Cyril, d. d. Dean of Christ Church. Scholar 1742, .1819 Jackson, James. American Soldier and Statesman 1757 • .1806 Jackson, Rev. John. Ai-ian Div. {Chronolog. Antiquities) 1686.. 1763 Jackson, John, r. a. Portrait Painter 1778 . . 1831 Jackson, Joseph. Letter Founder i733- -1792 Jackson, Patrick Tracy. Amer.Merch. L. by J. A. Lowell 1780. .1847 Jackson, Robert, m. d". Wi-iter on Fever 1751 • • 1827 Jackson, Thos. Dean of Peterborough. ( On the Creed) 1579. .1640 Jackson, Thomas Jonathan. Stonewall. American " Con- federate ' ' General. Life by Dr. Dabney ; J. M. Daniels 1826 . . 1863 Jackson, Wm., of Exeter. Musical Composer and Writer 1730. . 1803 Jackson, William. Greek Professor and Bishop of Ox- ford. Translator of Eratosthenes 1750. .1815 Jacob. Patriarch 1836 . 1689 b.c. Jacob, of Edessa. Zanzalus. Found, of Jacobite Churches — .. 578 Jacob, of Nisibis — 350 or 2,3^ Jacob, Giles. Law Writer and Biographer 1686. .1744 Jacob, Henry. Independent Divine 1561 . . 1626 Jacob, Hen., son. Philol. & Orient. ( Or. et Lat. Poemata] 1607-''. 1652 Jacob, John. Commander of the Scinde Horse 1813. . 1858 Jacob, John. Mechanical Inventor and Printer in Persia fl. 1650' Jacobaeus, Oliger. Danish Physician and Latin Poet. . . 1650. .1701 Jacobazzi, Dominic. Cardinal. {A Treatise on Councils) 1443. .1527 Jacobi, Charles Gustavus Jacob. German Mathematician 1804. .1851 Jacobi, Fred. Henry. Metaphysician. L. by Kuhn, 1834 1743 . . 1819 Jacobi, John George, brother. German Poet 1740- .1814 Jacobi, Maximilian. German Physician 1775. .1858 Jacobs, Christian Fred. Wm. Ger.'Philol. and Tale Writer 1764. . 1847 Jacobs, Jurien. Swiss Painter 1610. . 1664 Jacobs, Lucas. Lucas van Leyden. Painter i494- -1533 Jacobson, John Charles Godfrey. Prussian Technologist 1726. .1789 Jacomb, Thomas. Ejected Nonconformist Divine 1622. . 1687 Jacopone da Todi. Italian Poet. {Spiritual Canticles) — ..1306 Jacotot, John Joseph. French Educationist 1770. . 1840 Jacquard, Joseph Mary. Mechanician. L. by De Fortis 1752. .1834 Jacquelot, Isaac. Fr. Prot. Theologian. {Existence of God) 1647.. 1708 Jacquemont, Victor. French Traveler and Naturalist. . 1801. .1832 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 219 BORN. ''died. Jacques, Fr^re. Baulot. French Lithotomist 1651 . .1720 Jacquet, Louis. French Essayist 1732. .1793 Jacquier, Francis. Jesuit, fiditor of Newton 1711 . . 1788 Jacquin, Nicholas Joseph. Botanist. { Florae Austriacce) iy2y. .1817 Jadelot, Nicholas. French Medical Writer i73^ -1793 Jaeger, John Wolfgang. Lutheran Divine 1647. .1720 Jaenbert. Archbishop of Canterbury (766-90) — • • 790 Jago, Richard. English Poet. {Edgehill) 1715..1781 Jahn, Frederick Louis. Ger. Litterateur and Politician 1778.. 1852 Jahn, John. Orientalist 1750. . 1817 Jaillot, Hubert Alexis. French Geographer 1640?. 1 712 Jaillot, ne Renou, John Baptist Michael, son-in-law. (i^e- cherehes sur Paris) 1710''. 1780 Jakob, Louis Henry von. Ger. Philos. & Polit. Economist 1759. . 1827 Jamblichus. Neoplatonist — bef.330 James, St. The Elder. Apostle — . . 44? James, St. The Less. Apostle — .. 62? James I. King of Aragon. The Conguerw 1206. . 1276 James II. The Just 1261 . . 1327 James I. King of Scotland. (1406-37). Life by Arthur Wilson ; Robert Chalmers, 1830 i394- • i437 James II. (1437-60^ 1430. . 1460 James III. (1460-88) 1453. . 1488 James IV. (1488-1513.) Fell at Flodden 1473. .1513 James V. (1513-42.) Life by Paterson. 1512. .1542 James I. King of England (1603-25). Life by Arthur Wilson, 1653 ; W. Sanderson, 1656 ; Wm. Harris, 1753 ; Laing, 1804 ; Thomas Thomson, 1825 1566. . 1625 James II. ( 1685-88. ) L. by Bishop Burnet ; J. S. Clarke, 1816; Lord Lonsdale; Richard Burton, 1693; David Jones, 1702; Bretonneau; M. T. C Duplessis, 1740. . 1633. .1701 James, Geo. Payne Rainsford. Novelist, Hist., and Poet 1801. .i860 James, John Angell. Dissenting Divine of Birmingham 1785. . 1859 James, John Thomas. Bishop of Calcutta. Life by son 1786. .1829 James, Richard. Scholar, Antiquary, and Divine 1592. • 1638 James, Robert, m. d. Inventor of James's Powder 1703. -1776 James, Thomas. Arctic Navigator 17th c. James, Thos., d. d. Coll. of MSS. ( Corruption of Script.) 1571 , . 1629, Thos., d. d. Mast, of Rugby. ( Compend'.of Geog.) — . . 1804 James, Rev. Thomas. Antiquary & Miscellaneous Writer — ..1863 James, William. (Naval History of Great Britain) — . . 1827 James, William. Railway Projector 1770. .1837 James Francis Edward. The Elder Pretender. Cheva- lier de St. George 1688 . . 1 765 James de Vitry. Cardinal. {Eastern (^Western History) — ..1244 James de Voragine. Abp. of Genoa, ( Golden Legend) 1230?. 1298 Jam.eson, Mrs. Anna. Writer on Art 1797 . . i860 Jameson, Robert. Scottish Naturalist i774- • 1854 Jamesone, George. Scottish Portrait Painter 1586. . 1644 Jamet, Peter Charles. Fr. Writer. (Metaphysical Essays) 1701 . .1770? Jami, or Djami. Persian Poet 1414 . . 1492 Jamieson, John, d. d. Theologian and Philologist 1758 . . 1838 Jamyn, Amadis. French Poet 1530'- 15^5^ Jane I. Queen of Naples (1343-82) 1327. . 1382 220 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. / BORN. DIED. Jane H. Queen of Naples (1414-35) 1370. .1435 Jane d'Albret. Queen of Navarre. L. by M. W. Freer 1528. .1572 Janeway, Jas. Ejected Nonconf. (Token for Children) 16^6. .1674 Janicon, Francis Michael. Fr. Polit. Writer in Holland 1674''. 1730 Janozki, John Daniel Andrew. Polish Writer 1720. .1786 Jansenius, Cornelius. Bishop of Ghent. {Harmony of the Gospels) 1510. .1576 Jansenius, Cornelius. Bp. of Ypres. Auth. of Jansenism. (Augustinus.) Life by Leydecker, 1695; Frick, 1717. . 1585. .1638 Jansenius, James, of Louvain. Commentator i547- • 1625 Janson, Jansonius, or Jenson, Nicholas. French Printer and Type Founder — . . 1481 ? Janssens, Abraham. Dutch Historical Painter 1569. .1631 Janssens, or Johnson, Cornelius. Dutch Portrait Painter in England 1590 . . 1665 Janssens, Victor Honorius. Dutch Historical Painter . . 1664. .1739 Januarius, St. Bishop of Benevento. Martyr fl. ti. Dioclet. Japix, or Japicks, Gysbert. Frisian Poet 1603 . . 1666 JarcM, Solomon Bern. Isaac. Rabbi and Commentator. . 1104. .1180 Jardine, George, of Glasgow. Professor of Logic i743- • 1827 Jardins, Mary Hortense des. French Novelist 1632. . 1683 Jardyn, Karel, or Charles, du. Dutch Painter. 1640 . . 1678 Jarnowich, or Giornovichi, Giovanna Mane. Violinist. . 1745 . . 1^04 Jarrlge, Peter. French Jesuit. {Jesuits on a Scaffold) . . 1605. .1660 Jarry, Lawrence Juillard du. French Poet and Divine. . 1658. . 1730 Jarry, Nicholas. French Caligraphist 1620? — Jars, Gabriel. French Metallurgist 1732 . .1769 Jarvis, Abraham, d. d. American Divine i739- -1813 Jarvis, John. Painter on Glass i749- • 1804 Jarvis, Samuel Farmar. American Divine and Author. . 1786. .1851 Jasmin, James, of Agen. Barber Poet 1798. . 1864 Jason. Tyrant of Pherae — B.c.370 Jasper, William. American Revolutionary Soldier I75o^ 1779 Jaubert, Peter Am^d^e ;6milien Probe, Chevalier. French Orientalist 1779. .1847 Jaucourt, Louis de. Chevalier. French Medical Writer. . 1704. .1779 Jault, Augustus Francis. Fr. Med. Writer and Translator 1700. .1757 Jaureguy y AguUar. Spanish Poet and Painter 1566. . 1650 Jay, Anthony. French Publicist 1770. . 1854 Jay, Guy Michael le. French Orientalist. {Polyglot Bible) 1588. . 1674 Jay, John. Amer. Jurist & Statesm. L. by Wm. Jay, 1832 1745 • -1829 Jay, Rev. Wm., of Bath. Life by Redford and James, 1854 1769. . 1853 Jay, William. American Jurist and Philanthropist 1779. • 1858 Jayadeva. Hindoo Poet. ( Gita Govinda) fl. 1150'' Jazikoff, Nicholas. Russian Poet 1805?. 1847 Jeacock, Caleb. Writer and Orator. {Vind.of St.Paul) —..1786? Jeanes, Rev. Henry. Divine 161 1 . . 1662 Jean Jacques. See Rousseau 1712. .1778 Jeanne d'Arc. Maid of Orleans. See Dare 1412?. 1431 Jeannin, Peter. Fr. Statesm. {Memoii's ^ Negotiations) 1540. .1622 Jean Paul. See Richter 1763. . 1825 Jeaurat, Edme Sebastian. French Mathematician 1724. .1803 Jebb, John, m. d. Theological, Political, & Med. Writer 1736. .1786 Jebb, John. Bishop of Limerick. L. by C Forster, 1836 1775 . . 1833 L A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 221 BORN. DIED. Jebb, Sir Joshua, K. c. B. General. Surveyor- General of Prisons 1793?. 1863 Jebb, Samuel, m. d. Classical Writer — . .1772 Jefferson, Thomas. Third President of the United States. Life by T. J. Randolph, 1829; George Tucker, 1836. . 1743. -1826 Jeffery, /ohn. Archdeacon of Norwich. Divine 1647. .1720 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord. Scotch Judge. Editor of Edin- burgh Review. Life by Lord Cockburn, 1852 ^773- • 1850 Jeffreys, George. Judge. Life by Woohych, 1827 1640?. 1689 Jeffreys, George. Poet 1678 ..1755^ Jeffries, John. American Physician i744- • 1819* Jehanghir. Mogul Emperor of India (1605-27) — . . 1627 Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, King of Israel (b. c. 856-840). . — B.c.840 Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, King of Judah (b. c. 610). Shallum — aft.B.c.6io Jehoiacliin, Jecgniah, orConiah (b. c. 599). . . 6o7or6i7.aft.599B.c. Jehoiakim, King of Judah (b. c. 610-599). Eliahim. . . .635 . 599 B.C. Jehoram, or Joram, son of Ahab, K. of Israel (b.c. 896-884) — B.c.884 Jehoram, or Joram, son of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah (B. c. 893?-885?) 924?.885?B.c. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah (b. c. 914-889?) 949'.889?B.c. Jehu, King of Israel (b. c. 884-856) — B.c.856 Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee. Benefactor of Bombay 1783. .1859 Jekyll, Sir Joseph. Lawyer and Statesman 1664. .1738 Jellachich de Buzim, Joseph, Baron. Ban of Croatia, &c. ; General 1801 . . 1859 Jenischius, Paul. Dutch Writ. ( TKeatrum. Animarum) 1558. . 1647 Jenkin, Robt. Nonjuror. {^Reasonableness of Clirist. Rel.) 1656. .1727 Jenkins, David. Judge 1586' . 1667 Jenkins, Henry, of Yorkshire. Centenarian 1501 . . 1670 Jenkins, John. Musical Composer ' 1592. . 1678 Jenkins, Sir Leoline. Statesman. Life by Wynne, 1724 1623?. 1685 Jenkinson, Anthony. English Traveler in Asia — . .1584 Jenkinson, Charles, First Earl Liverpool. Statesman . . 1727. .1808 Jenkinson, Robert Banks, Second Earl Liverpool. Pre- mier (1812-27) 1770. .1828 Jenks, Benjamin. Religious Writer. {^Prayers) 1646. .1724 Jenkyns, William. Nonconformist Divine. {On Jude) 1612. .16^^ Jennens, Charles. Composer of words for Handel — • -^773 Jenner, Edward, m. d. Inventor of Vaccination. Life by Dr. Baron, 1827 ; J. C Lettsom 1749. . 1823 Jenner, William. English Miser 1701 . .1797 Jennings, David, D. D. Dissent. Div. {Jewish Antiquities) 1691..1762 Jennings, Henry Constantine. Antiquary and Virtuoso. 1731 . .1819 Jenson, or Janson, Nich. Fr. Printer and Type Founder — ..1481? Jenyns, Soame. Poet and Writer. L. by C.'^Nalson Cole 1704. .1787 Jephson, Robert. Dramatic Poet 1736. . 1803 Jeremiah. Hebrew Prophet fl. 678-570 b. c. Jeremie, Sir John. Colonial Judge i795 • • ^841 Jerningham, Edward. Poet 1727. .1812 Jeroboam, son of Nebat, First K. of Israel (b. c. 975-953) — ^.c.g^z Jeroboam, son of Joash, King of Israel (b. c. 825-784). . — B.c.784 Jerome, St. Life by Erasmus, 1519 ; Stigelius, 1546 ; Si- guenza, 1600; Martianay, 1706; F. Z. CoUombet, 1845 345 ^ .420 222 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Jerome, of Prague. Reformer. Life by G. H. A. Wagner, 1803 ; Heller, 1835 1378?. 1416 JerrarQjRev. Chas. [Inf. Baptism.) L. byJ. Jerram, 1855 1770. .1853 Jerrold, Douglas Wm. Humorist. L. byB. Jerrold, 1859 1803. .1857 Jervas, Charles. Portrait Painter 1675 ' ■ ^ 739 Jervis, Sir John, First Earl of St. Vincent. Admiral. Life by Captain Edward P. Brenton, 1838; Tucker, 1844. . 1734. .1823 Jesi, Samuel. Italian Engraver i7^9- -1853 Jessey, Henr^^ Ejected Nonconf. Divine and Orientalist — ..1663 Jeuffroy, R. V. French Gem and Medal Engraver i749- • 1826 Jeune, John le. French Oratorian Divine. (^Sermons). . 1592. .1672 Jewel, or Jewell, John. Bishop of Salisbury. Life by Dr. Humfrej^ 1573; Featley, 1645; E. Bohun, 1685; C. W. Le Bas; Isaacson, 1823 1522. .1571 Jewsbtiry, Miss Maria Jane (Mrs. Fletcher). Essayist. . — . .1833 Jezed I. Fifth Caliph (680-83) — . . 683 Joachim. Prophet. Abbotof Fiore. L. by Gervaise, 1745 1130. .1202 Joachim, George. Swiss'Mathematician and Astronomer 1514. .1576 Joachim., John Frederick. Ger. Historian and Medalist 17 13. .1767 Joan of Arc. Maid of Orleans. See Dare 1412?. 1431 Joan. Queen of Naples. ^See Jane. Joanes, or Juanes, J. Bapt. Spanish Painter 1523. -1579 Joanna. Queen of Naples. See Jane. Joanna, or Juana. Q. of Spain, wife of Archduke Philip 1479. . 1555 Joash, or Jehoash, son of Ahaziah, King of Judah (b. c. 878-838) — B.C. 838 Joash, or Jehoash, son of Jehoahaz, King of Israel (b. c. 839-823) — B.C. 823 Jobert, Louis. French Jesuit. (La Science des Mednilles) 1637. .1719 Jocher, Christian Theophilus, of Leipsic. {Dictionary of Learned Men) 1694. .1758 Jocundus, Francis John. See Giocondo 1450'' • 1 521 •'' Joddrell, Richard Paul. English Writer i745 • • 1831 Jode, Arnold de. Engraver. {Mercury instructing Cupid) 1626"^'. — Jode, Peter de, of Antwerp. Engi'aver. {I^ast Judgment) I'-^jo. .162,^ Jode, Peter de, son. Engraver 1602 . . — JodeUe, Stephen. Father of the French Theater 1532. . 1573 Joecher, or Jocher, Christian Theophilus. See Jocher. . . 1694. .1758 Joel. Hebrew Prophet fl. B.C. 800-' Joffredy, Geoffroi, or Jouffroy. Cardinal 141 2. . 1473 JofFrid. Abbot of Croyland. Promoter of Learn, at Camb. fl. 12th c. Jogues, Isaac. Fr. Miss, among the North Amer. Indians 1607. . 1646 Johannseus, Finnur. Icelandic Writer. See Jonsson. . . 1704. .1789 Johannes Secundus. See Everard. {Basia) 1511. .1536 Johannot, Chas. Hen. Alfred. Fr. Paint. & Book lUustrat. 1800. .1837 Johannot, Tony, brother. Painter and Book Illustrator. 1803. .1852 John I. Emperor of the East (969-76). Zimisces —..976 John II. (1118-43.) Comnenus — ..1143 JohnlU. (1222-55.) Ducas ii93--i255 John IV. (1259.) Lascaris 1253?. 1284 John V. Cantacuzenus. Regent (1341-47); usurper (1347-55) 1311?. 1411 ■'' John VI. Palceologus. Under Regent (1341-47); alone (1353-91) — ..1391 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIOXARY. 223 BORN. DIED. JohnVn. Emperor of the East (1425-48) — ..1448 Jotml. Pope(523-26) — .. 526 Johnll. (532-35) — .. 535 John III. (560-73) — . . 573 JohnlV. (640-42) — . . 642 JohnV. (685-87) — .. 687 John VI. (701-5) — . . 705 John VII. (705-7) — . . 707 John VIII. (872-82) — . . 882 John IX. (898-900). — . . 900 JohnX. (914-28) — . . 928 John XI. (931-36) 906?. 936 John XII. (956-63.) Octavian. Deposed 938?. 964 John XIII. (965-72) _ . . 972 John XIV. (983-84.) Deposed ; _ . . 995 John XV. (985) bv some not reckoned — . . 985 John XV., or XVI."" (985-96) — . . 996 John XVI., or XVII. (997-98.) Philagathus. Antipope — . . 998 John XVII., or XVIII. (1003) — . . 1003 John XVIII., or XIX. (1003-9) — ..1009 John XIX., or XX. (1024-33) — . . 1033 John XX., or XXI. (1276-77) — . .1277 John XXI., or XXII. (1316-34.) James de Ossa 1244?. 1334 John XXII., or XXIII. (1410-15.) Balthasar Cossa. De- posed — . . 1419 John. King of England. Life by William Prynne, 1670 ; Berington, 1790 1166. . 1216 John I. King of France (1316) 1316. .1316 John II. (1350-64.) Le Bon. Life by F. T. De Choisy, 1388 ; De Monraerque, 1944 '. . 1319?. 1364 John I. K. of Portugal (1385-1433). L. by Eryceira, sen. 1357 . . 1433 John II. (1481-95.) The Great 1455.. 1495 John III. (1521-57.) Life by Francis d'Andrada, 1533 1502. . 1557 John IV. (1640-56.) Duke of Braganza. The Fortunate 1604. .i6$6 JohnV. (1707-50) 1689.. 1750 John VI. (1821-26) 1769. . 1826 John I. King of Castile and Leon (1379-90) 1358 . . 1390 John II. (1406-54) 1405 . . 1454 John I. King of Aragon (1387-95) 1350- -1395 John II. (1458-79.) King of Navarre (1425-79) 1397. . 1479 John I. King of Navarre = John II. of France 1319'. 1364 John II. (1425-79) = JohnlL of Aragon (1458-79) 1397. .1479 John III. (1494-1516) — ..1516 John. King of Bohemia (1310-46). Fell at Crecy 1295?. 1346 John I. King of Poland (1492-1501) 1459. .1501 John II. (1648-68.) Casimir (or Casimir V.) 1609. . 1672 John III. (1674-96.) SobiesM 1629. . 1696 John I. King of Sweden (1216-22) — 1222 or 3 John II. (1497-1513) and L of Denmark (1481-1513) . . 1455. .1513 John HI. (1568-92) 1537. -1592^ John. Emperor of Russia. >See Ivan. John I. King of Denmark (1481-1513). King of Sweden (1497-1513) 1455 . . 1513 John I. Duke of Brittany (1237-86) 1217..1286 224 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Jolin n. Duke of Britain^ (1286-1304) 1239. . 1304 John III. (1312^1.) The Good 1286. .1341 John, Ct. of Montfort, reckoned by some IV. of Brittany. — . .1345 John IV., or V. (1364-99.) Tlie Valiant 1338. .1399 John v., or VI. (1399-1442.) The Good and the Wise . 1389. . 1442 John, Duke of Burgundy. Sans Peur 1371 . . 1419 John of Austria, Don. Governor of the Netherlands ... 1545 .. 1578 John of Beverly. Bishop of Hexham and of York .... — . . 722 John of Bologna. French Sculptor 1524. . 1608 John of Bruges, or John Van Eyck. Painter 1370 . 1441 John of Cappadocia. Patriarch of Constantinople. Writ. — .. 596? John of the Cross, St. Spanish Ascetic Divine 1542. -1591 John of Damascus, St. Ecclesiastical Writer — . . 756? John of Gaunt, or Ghent. Duke of Lancaster, son of Edward III 1340 . . 1399 John of Hexharu. Johannes Bagustaldensis. Chronicler fl. 1 1 70 John of Leyden, or John Boccold. Fanatic 15 10?. 1536 John of Paris. Theol. (De Regid Potestate et Papali) — . .1304 John of Ragusa. Orientalist and Theologian fl. 15th c. John of Salisbxiry. Bishop of Chartres iiio. . 1180 John of Udino. Italian Painter i494- -1564 John the Baptist, St. Forerunner of Christ B.C. 5 . a.d. 28? John the Evangelist, St. Apostle — ab. 100 John the Scholastic. (SwaYtoiorj navoviav) — . . 57^ Johnes, Thomas. Translator of Froissart 1748. ■ 1816 Johnson, Charles. Dramatic Writer 1679. .1748 Johnson, Edward. Historian of New England 1600?. 1672 Johnson, Miss Hester. Stella. Friend of Swift 1684. .1727 Johnson, Rev. John. Nonjuring Divine. ( 27See Bruno 1550.. 1600 Jorden, Edward, m. d. Medical Writer. . .' 1569. . 1632 Jorgenson, Jorgen. Danish Adventurer. Eng. Writer . 1779 . aft.1825 Jornandes, or Jordanes. Gothic Historian 6th c. Jortin, John, d. d. Life by Dr. J. Disney, 1792 1698. . 1770 Joseph. Jewish Patriarch \ 1745 • ^635 B.C. Joseph. I. Emperor of Germany (1705-11) 1678. .1711 Joseph II. ( 1765-90.) Life by L. A. de Caracciolii 1790 ; C. Paganel, 1843 1741 • • 1790 Joseph Emanuel. King of Portugal (1750-77) 1714- • i777 Joseph Meir. French Rabbi. Historical Writer 1496. .1554 Joseph of Exeter. Latin Poet. {Antiocheis) ti. Rd. I. & John Joseph of Paris. Francis Leclerc du Tremblay i577- • 1638 Josephine. Empress of France, first wife of Napoleon. Life by Bornschein, 1803 ; Regnault-Warin, 1819 ; M. A. Le Normand, 1820; Ducrest, 1830; AvrUlon, 1831; Garriga y Baucis, 1836 ; Dibelius, 1845 1763. . 1814 Josephus, Flavins. Jewish Historian. Life bv Tilmann. 1548; J. TF. Eckhard, 1785 '. .' 38?. 100? Joshua. Leader of Israelites ; Successor of Moses, .ab.i 537-1427 b.c. Josiah. King of Judah (b. c. 641-610.) 648.610 b.c. Jdsika. Micklos, Baron. Hung. Politician and Novelist 1796. .1865 Josquin Desprez. Jodocus Pratensis. Mus. Composer. . 1450-'. — Jost, Isaac Mark. Jewish Scholar of German^'- i793- -1862 Jotham. King of Judah (b. c. 758-742) 783 . 742 b.c. Joubert, Bartholomew Catherine. Fr. Republican Gen. . . 1 769 . . 1 799 Joubert, Francis, of Montpellier. Jansenist Divine 1689. .1763 Joubert, Lawrence. French Medical Writer 1529. .1583 JoufiRpoy, Claude Francis Dorothea, Marquis de. Steam Mechanician I75i''.i832 Jouffroy, John de. Joffredus. Cardinal 1412. . 1473 Jouffroy, Theodore Simon. French Philosophical Writer 1796. .1842 Jourdain, Am able Louis Mary Michael Br^chillet. French Orientalist 1788. . 1818 Jourdan, John Baptist, Count. Marshal of France 1762. .1833 Journet, Frances. French Actress — . .1722 Jousse, Daniel. French Lawyer 1704- .1781 Jouvenci, Joseph' de. Jesuit. French Writer 1643. .1719 Jouvenet, John. French Painter 1644. .1717 Jouy, Victor Joseph Stephen de. French Writer 1674?. 1846 JoveUanos, Gaspar Melchior de. Span. Writer and Polit. 1749. . 181 1 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 227 BORN. DIED. Jovian. Emperor (363-64). Life by Schenkel, 1617 ; La Bletterie, 1748 332. . 364 Jovinian, of Milan. Monk and Writer — aft. 412 Jovius, or Giovio, Paul. Italian Historian 1483 . .1552 Jowett, Rev. Wm. Missionary. {Christian Researches) 1787'- .iSi^^ Joy, Henry. Irish Judge 1767 . . 1838 Joy, Joye, or Gee, John. Reformer 1492?. 1553 Joyce, Jeremiah. Compiler. ( Scientific Dialogues) 1764.. 1816 Joyeuse, Anne, Duke de. Admiral of" France 1561 . .1587 Joyeuse, Francis de. Cardinal, Statesman. Life by Au- bery, 1654 1562. .1615 Joyner, William, or Lyde. Writer 1622. .1706 Juan. King of Aragon. See John. Juan y Santicilia, George. Sp. Math, and Naval Officer 1712. .1774 Juana. Queen of Spain, wife of Archduke Philip i479- -1555 Juanes, John Baptist. Spanish Painter ; 1523. . 1579 Juba I. King of Numidia ; defeated at Thapsus — B.C. 46 Juba II., son. King of Mauritania & Numidia. Writer — a.d. 19? Juda, Leo. German Protestant Reformer 1482. . 1542 Judah Chiug. Jewish Rabbi. Phys. and Grammarian fl. 1040 Judah Hakkadosh. Compiler of the Mishna 123. . 190 Judas Levita, or Ha-Levi. Rabbi. Poet, Gram., Philos. 1080?. 1 140 Judas Maccabseus. Jewish Patriot (b. c. 166-160) — b.c. 160 Judd, Sylvester. American Clergyman and Author 1813. .1853 Jude, St. Thaddeus or Lebbeus. Apostle ist c. Judson, Adoniram, d. d. American Missionarv to Bur- mah. Life by Mrs. H. C. Conant, 1856; Clements; Gillette; Wayland 1788. .1850 Judson, Mrs. Anne Hasseltine, wife. {Hist. Burm. Miss.) 1789. . 1826 Judson, Sarah Hall, (Mrs. Boardman,) second wife. Life by Mrs. E. C. Judson, 1850 ,. 1803. .1845 Judson, Mrs. Emily Chubbuck, third wife. Fanny For- ester. {Life of Mrs. Sarah B. Judson^ 1850; Alder- brooJc) 1817..1854 Juel, Nicholas. Danish Admiral 1629. . 1697 Juglaris, Louis. Italian Jesuit and Panegyrist 1607. . 1653 Jugurtha. King of Numidia — B.C. 104 Juign6 Broissinidre, Seig. de Moli^re. {Dictionnaire) fl. 1647 Julia. Daughter of Caesar, wife of Pompey 83? . 54 b.c. Julia. Daughter of Augustus, wife of Marcellus, Agrippa, Tiberius B.C. 39?. A.D. 14 Julia, daughter. Wife of iEmilius Paulus — . . 28 Julia. Daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina 18. aft. 41 Julia. Daughter of Drusus & Livia, niece of Germanicus — . . 59 Julia Domna. Wife of Septimius Severus 158?. 21 7 Julian. Emp. (361-63). Apostate. Neander; Thos. Long; La Bletterie, 1735, translated bv Anna Williams, 1746; Desvoeux, 1746; Joudot, 1817; Koerner, 1830.. 331. . 363 Julian, St. Archbp. of Toledo. Writer against the Jews — . . 690 Julien, Peter. French Sculptor. {Dying Gladiator) .... 1731 . . 1804 Julien, Simon. Swiss Painter 1736. .1799 Julius I. Pope (337-52). Saint —..352 Julius II. (1503-13.) Julian della Rovere 1441 . . 1513 JuUus HI. (1550-55.) John Maria del Monte 1487. . 1555 228 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Jullien, Camille. Musician 1812. . i860 JuUien, Louis George. Fr. Comp. and Director of Music 1812. .i860 Juncker, Christian. German Medalist and Writer 1663. .1714 Juncker, Theodore John. German Medical Writer 1680. .1759 Junetin, or Giuntini, Francis, of Florence. Mathem. ... 1522.. 1590 Jung-Stilling. (John Henry Jung.) Ger. Mystic Author 1740 . . 1817 Junge, or Jungius, Joachim, of Hamburg. Philosopher. {Isagoge Fhytoscopica) 1587. . 1657 Jungermann, Louis. German Botanist and Naturalist. . 1572.. 1653 Jungmann, Jos. Jacob, Bohemian Lexicog. and Bibliog. 1773. . 1847 Junius, Adrian. Dutch Physician and Scholar 1512. .1575 Junius, or Du Jon, Francis. French Protestant. Trans- lator of the Bible into Latin 1545 . . 1602 Junius, Francis, son. Saxonist in Eng. L. by Graevius 1589. .1677 Junot, Andoche, Duke of Abrantes. Marshal of France 1771..1813 Junta, Philip. Printer at Geneva 1450. .1519 Junta, Thomas. Venetian Phys. {Battlesqf the Ancients) fl. 1554 Juret, Francis. French Critic and Poet i553- • 1626 Jurieu, Peter. French Protestant Polemical Divine 1637. .1713 Jurin, James. Physician and Mathematician 1684. .1750 Jussieu, Adrian de. Botanist 1797 . . 1853 Jussieu, Anthony de. Botanist and Physician 1686.. 1758 Jussieu, Anthony Lawrence de. {Genera Plantarum) . . . 1748. .1836 Jussieu, Bernard de. Botanist and Physician. {Plants in Environs of Paris) ' 1699 . . i Tjj Jussieu, Joseph de. Naturalist, Phys., Engin., Traveler 1704. .1779 Just, John. Philologist and Natural Philosopher 1797?. 1852 Justel, Christopher. Eccles. Antiquary and Canonist 1580. . 1649 Justel, Henry, ll. d., son. Royal Librarian in England 1620. .1693 Justi, John Henry Theophilus. German Mineralogist. . . 1705?. 1771 Justin. Latin Historian not aft.5th c. Justin I. Emperor of East (518-27) 45° • • 527 Justin H. (565-74) — . . 578 Justin Martyr. Christian Writer 103?. 167? Justinian I. (527-65.) Great. Life by Gilles Perrin, 1576 ; Corvinus de Beldern, 1618 ; Guinet, 1628 ; Rango, 1661 ; Ludewig, 1731 ; Invernizzi, 1743 483 . . 565 Justinian II. (685-711) 669. . 711 Justiniani, Augustin. Orientalist. (^?ma&o/'(?e7ioa). . 1470. .1536 Justiniani, Bernard. {History of Venice) 1408. . 1489 Justiniani, Fabian. {Index Materiarum Biblicarum) . . . 1578. .1627 Justiniani, Lawrence. Saint. Patriarch of Venice. De- votional Writer. Life by B. Justiniani 1380. . 1465 Justus. Archbishop of Canterbury (624-27) — . . J627 Justus, of Padua. Painter fl. 1367 Juvara, or Ivara, Philip. Sicilian Architect 1685 . .1735 Juvenal. Roman Satirist — fl. 83-100 Juvenal des Ursins. Archbishop of Rheims. Historian 1388 . . 1473 Juvencus, Caius Vettius Aquilinus. Christian Latin Poet. {HisUyiHa Evanqelica) fl. 332? • Jtixon, WiUiam. Archbishop of Canterbury (1660-63) . . 1582. . 1663 k A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 229 K. BOEN. DIED. Eaab. Arabian Poet — . . 662 Eaas, Nicholas. Danish Statesman 1535 . .1594 Kabbete, John. Dutch Painter — . . 1660 Kaempfer, or Kampfer, Engelbrecht. Ger. Bot. and Trav. 165 1 . .1716 Kaestner, or Kastner, Abraham Gotthelf. Mathematician and Poet. {History of Mathematics) 1719- • 1800 Kahler, John. German Theologian and Philosopher .... 1649. .1727 Kain, Henry Louis le. French Actor 1728. .1778 Kalb, John, Baron de. German General in America 1732?. 1780 Kaldi, George. Hung. Jesuit. Preacher & Transl. of Bible 1572. . 1634 Kale, or Kalf, William. Dutch Painter 1630. . 1693 Kalgreen, or Kellgren, John Henry. Swedish Poet 1751 . .1795 Kalidasa. Indian Poet. (Sakontala) fl. ab. ist c. b.c. Kalide. German Sculptor. {Boy with Swan) — . . 1863 Kalkbrenner, Christian F. Prussian Pianist and Comp. 1755. .1806 Kalm, Peter. Swedish Traveler and Natural Philosopher 171 5. .1779 Kalraat, Bernard van, of Dort. Painter 1650. .1721 Kalubko, Vincent. Polish Historian — . . 1223 Kamehamelia III. King of the Sandwich Islands 1817. .1854 Karnes, Henry Home, Lord. Scottish Judge and Writer. Life by Lord Woodhouselee, 1807 1696. ,1782 Kampen, Jacob van. Dutch Painter 1658. . — Kampen, Nicholas Godirey van. Dutch Historian 1776. .1839 Kampfer, Engelbrecht. /See Kaempfer 165 1 . .1716 Kandler, John Joachim. Modeler in Porcelain 1706. .1776 Kane, Dr. Elisha Kent. American Arctic Explorer. Life by Smucker ; Dr. Elder, 1857 1820. . 1857 Kanold, John. German Writer 1679?. 1729 Kant, Immanuel. Philosopher. Life by Borowski, 1804; Jachmann, 1804; Wasianski, 1804; Wald, 1804; Bou- terwek, 1804; Rinck, 1805 ; Schubert, 1842; Saintes, 1844 1724. .1804 Kantemir, A. D., Prince. Puss. Diplomatist and Writer 1708. .1774 Karamsin, Nicholas Michaelovitch. Russian Writer 1765 . . 1826 Karnkowsky, Stanislaus. Polish Writer and Statesman 1525. .1603 Karpinsky, Francis. Polish Poet 1760?. 1823 Kastner, Abraham Gotthelf. See Kaestner i7i9-- 1800 Kastner, Charles William Gottlob. German Naturalist 1783. .1857 Kater, Captain Henry. Mathematician i777 • • 1835 Katona, Stephen. {History of Hungary) 1732. . 1811 Kaufftnann, Maria Anna Angelica. Swiss Painter 1741 • • 1807 Kaunitz, Wenzel Anthony, Prince of. Austrian Statesman 1711 . .1794 Kay, William. Poet and Historical Painter 1520. .1568 Kaye, or Caius, John. Founder of Caius College 1510..1573 Kaye, John. Bishop of Lincoln 1783. .1853 Kazinczy, Francis. Hungarian Writer I759- • 1831 Keach, Benj. Bapt. Writer. ( Trav. of True Godliness) 1640. . 1704 Kean, Edmund. Tragedian. Life by Procter, 1835 1787?. 1833 Keane, John, Lord. General ; Capturer of Ghuznee 1781 . . 1844 Kearny, Philip. American General 181 5 . . 1862 Keamy, Stephen Watts. American General i794> • 1848 230 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Keate, George. Poet and Miscellaneous "Writer 1729?. 1797 Keating, GeofFrey. Irish Historical Writer — . . 1625? Keats, John. Poet. {Endymion.) Life by M. Milnes, 1845 1796. .1821 Keble, Joseph. Writer oil Law 1632. .1710 Keckerman, Bartholomew, of Dantzic. Teacher & Writer 1573 . . 1609 Keilhau, Balthazar Mathias. Norwegian Geologist i797- • 1858 Keill, James, m. d. Physician 1673. .1719? Keill, John, m. d., brother. Mathematician & Nat. Philos. 1671 . .1721 Keim, Francis Xavier. German Architect 1769. .1864 Keiser, Reinhard. Mus. Comp., Poet. Writ., Hist. Writer 1673. .1739 Keith, Geo., 5th E. Marischal. Founder of Marischal Coll. — ..1623 Keith, George, Tenth Earl Marischal. Scottish Jacobite, Prussian Diplomatist 1693. .1778 Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount. Admiral. . . 1746. .1823 Keith, James. Scottish Jacobite and Prussian General. . 1696. .1758 Keith," Sir Robert Murray. Life by Mrs. G. Smyth, 1849 — ..1795 Keith, Thomas. Mathematician. ( Use of the Globesjm. . . 1759. .1824 Keller, James. German Statesman. {Mysteria PoUtica) 1568..1631 Keller, John Balthasar. Swiss Founder in Brass 1638. .1702 Kellermann, Francis Christopher, Duke of Valmy. Mar- shal of France. Life by Botidoux, 1817 1735 . . 1820 Kellermann, Francis Stephen, son. General. (Memoires) 1770.. 1835 Kelley, or Talbot, Edward. Necromancer and Alchemist ; Friend of Dee ^555- -1595 Kellgren, John Henry. Swedish Poet 1 75 1 . . 1 795 Kellison, Matthew. Rom. Catholic Controversial Divine 1560'. 1641 Kelly, Hugh. Irish Dramatic Poet i739- -^777 Kelly, Rev. John, ll. d. Celtic Scholar i7S°- • ^^09 Kelly, Michael. Musical Composer 1 762 .. 1825 Kelly, Thomas. Roman Catholic Primate of all Ireland — ••1835 Kelway, Joseph. Organist in London — . .1782 Kemble, Charles, brother of John Philip. Actor 1775 . . 1854 Kemble, George Stephen, brother. Actor 1758. . 1822 Kemble, John Mitchell, son of Charles. Saxonist 1807. . 1857 Kemble, John Philip. Actor. Life by J. Boaden, 1825. 1757. .1823 Kemble, Mrs. Priscilla, wife. Actress 1755?. 1845 Kemp, George Mickle. Scottish Architect i794- • 1844 Kemp, James, d, d. Bp. of Prot. Episc. Ch. in Maryland 1764. .1827 Kemp, John, Cardinal Archbp. of Canterbury. Ld. Chanc. 1380. . 1454 Kemp, Joseph. Musical Composer 1778. . 1824 Kempelen, Wolfgang, Baron. Hung. Mechan. and Writer 1 734 . . 1804 Kemper, Reuben. American Soldier — . . 1826 Kempis, Thomas a. Life by Brewer, 1676 ; Zuniga, 1762 ; Cesarini, 1835; Chas. Butler; Baehring, 1849 1380?. 1471 Ken, Thomas. Bp. of Bath & Wells. L. bv W. Hawkins, 1713; Canon W. L. Bowles, 1830; A Layman, 1854. . 1637. .1711 Kendal, George. Ejected Nonconformist Divine — . -1663 Kendrick, Nath., d. d. Amer. Divine. L. by S. W. Adams 1777. . 1848 Kenmure, Wm. Gordon, Visct. Scottish Jacobite; beh.. 1643.. 1716 Kennaway, Sir John. Officer and Diplomatist 1758. • 1836 Kennedy, Miss Grace. Writer. {Father Clement) 1782. . 1825 Kennedy, James. Bishop of St. Andrew's. Statesman . 1405 . . 1466 Kennedy, John, M. D. Scottish Medalist and Collector. . — ..1760 Kennedy, Rev. John. Mathem. {Scripture Chronology) 1700^1770' A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 231 BORN. DIED. Kennedy, William. Antiauary. {Annals of Aberdeen). 17 z,g. .iS^S Kennet, Basil, D.D. Class. & Theol. Writ. (Moman Antiq.) 1674. .171^ Kennet, White. Bp. of Peterb. Hist. Life by Newton 1660. .1728 Kenneth I. King of Scotland (604-5) — . . 605 Kenneth II. (823-54) — . . 854 Kenneth III. (969-94) — . . 994 Kenney, James. Dramatist 1770"' 1849 Kennieott, Benjamin, d. d. Biblical Critic 1718. .1783 Kenrick, Francis Patrick, d.d. Amer. Rom. Cath. Abp. 1797. .1863 Kenrick, William. Miscellaneous Writer 1720?. 1779 Kent, Edw. Aug., Dk. of; son of Geo. III. L. by Neale, 1850 1767 . . 1820 Kent, James. Musical Composer 1 700 . . 1 776 Kent, James. Amer. Jurist. ( Comment, on Amer. Law) 1763. .1847 Kent, John de. Schoolman fl. 1248 Kent, Marie Louise Victoria, Duchess of. 1786. . 1861 Kent, Wm. Paint., Architect, Sculpt., Landsc. Gardener 1684. .1748 Kenton, Simop. American Pioneer i755 • • 1836 Kenyon, Johni English Poet 1783' . 1856 Kenyon, Lloyd, Lord. Judge. Life by Lord Campbell 1733. .1802 Kepler, John. Astronomer. Life by Breitschwert, 1831 ; Sir David Brewster, 1841 ; Reuschle, 1841 1571 . . 1630 Keppel, Augustus, Yisct. Admiral. L. by T. Keppel, 1842 1 725 . . 1 786 Ker, John, of Kersland. Scottish Philologist fl. 1726 Keratry, Auguste Hilarion de. Fr. Author & Statesman 1769. .1859 Kerckchove, Joseph van den, of Bruges. Painter 1669. .1724 Kerckherdere, John Gerard. Dutch Historian & Theol. 1678?. 1738 Kerckring, Theodore. Dutch Physician — . . 1693 Kergu^len Tr6marec, Yves Joseph de. Fr. Navigator 1745. .1797 Kerhallet, Chas. Philip de. Fr. Hydrograph. & Meteorol. 1809. . 1863 Keri, Francis Borgia. Hung. Historian and Astronomer — ..1769 Keroual, Louisa Penhoet, Duchess of Portsmouth 1652? 1734 Kerr, Robt. Historian. { Coilection of Voyayes and Trav.) 1750?. 1814 Kersaint, Armand Guy Simon, Ct. of. French Politician i74i?.i793 Kersey, John, Math, and Philol. {Elements of Algebra) i6i6?.i69o? KerviUars, John Mary de. Fr. Jesuit. Transl. of Ovid 1668. .1745 Kessel, John van. Dutch Painter 1626. .1708 Ketel, Cornelius. Dutch Painter 1548 . . 1602 Kett, Rev. Henry. Divine 1761 . .1825 Kett, William, of Norfolk. Rebel Leader — . .1549 KettleweU, John. Nonj. L. by Hickes and Nelson, 1718 1653. .1695 Keulen, Janssen van. Dutch Portrait Painter — . . 1665 Keulen, Ludolph van. Dutch Geometer — . . 1610 Key, Francis Scott. American Lawyer and Song Writer. ( Slar-Spnngled Banner) ." I779 • • 1843 Keysler, John George, f. r. s. Ger. Traveler and Antiq. 1683. .1743 Khaled. Moslem General 582. . 642? Khalekan. Arabian Biographer. {Deaths of lUust. Men) 1230?. 1303? Khemnitzer, Ivan Ivanovitch. Russian Fabulist i744- -1784 Kheraskoff, Michael. Russian Poet. {Rossiad).. i733- • 1^07 Khilkof, Andrew Jacob. Prince. Russ. Statesm. and Hist. — ..1718 Khosru I., or Chosroes. King of Persia (531-79) — • • 579 Khosru II. (590-628) , — . . 628 Kick, Cornelius, of Amsterdam. Painter 1635 . . 1675 Kidd, Dr. John. Prof, of Chem. {Bridgewaier Treatise) 1775. .1851 232 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Eidd, William. American Pirate — . . 1701 Kidder, Richard. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1635-'. 1703 Kien Long, or Khihan Loung. Emp. of China (1735-96) 171 1 . .1799 Kierings, Alexander, of Utrecht. Landscape Painter . . . 1590. .1646 Kiesewetter, Christopher Godfrey. Violinist 1777. . 1827 Kiffln, William. Life by Orme, 1822 1616..1701 Kilbourne, James. American Pioneer 1770 • • 1850 Kilburne, Richard. ( Topographie of Kent) 1606? . 1678 Kilbye, Rd., of Derby. (Burthen of a Loaden Conscience) — ..161 7 Kilbye, Rd. Rector of Lincoln Coll. Translator of Bible — ..1620 Kilham, Alex. Founder of New Methodist Connection — ..1798 Kilian, Bartholomew. Engraver 1630. . 1696 Kilifcn, Luke, of Augsburg. Engraver i579- • 1637 Kilian, Philip Andrew. Engraver 1714. -1759 Kilian, WoltFgang. Engraver 1 581 . . 1662 Killigrew, Ann. Maid of Honor. Painter and Poet ... 1660. .1685 Killigrew, Catherine. Scholar and Poet 1530?. 1600'' Killigrew, Henry. Prebendar}'. Royalist, Dramatist .. 16 12. .1690? KiUigrew, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. Writer .... 1624?. 1674 Killigrew, Thomas. King Charleses Jester. Dramatist ..1611.. 1682 Killigrew, Sir William. Royalist and Writer 1605''. 1693 Kilnaarnoek, Wm. Boyd, 4th E. of. Scot. Jacobite; beh. 1702. .1746 Kllvert, Rev. Francis. ' English Scholar and Author 1793. •1863 Kilwarden, Arthur Wolfe, Lord. Irish Chief Justice — . . 1803 Kimber, Edw. Peerage Compiler. (Hist. Eng. 10 vols.) — ..1769 Kimber, Isaac. Dissent. Minister. (Hist. Eng. 4 vols.) 1692. .1758 Kiinchi, or Kimhi, David. Rabbi. Biblical Commentator — ..1240 Kinaston, Sir Francis. Scholar 1587 . . 1642? King, Charles. Composer of Church Services — • -1745 King, Daniel. ( The Vale Royal of England) fl. 1660 King, Edward. Poet; Subject of Milton's Lycidas 1610. .1637 King, Edward. Antiquary. ( Munimenta Antiqua) 1736. . 1807 King, Gregory. Heraldic and Commercial Writer 1648. . 1712 King, Henry. Bishop of Chichester. Poet and Writer. . 1591 . .1669 King, John. Bishop of London. Preacher 1559?. 1621 King, John. Public Orator of Oxford — . . 1639 King, John, d. d., of Chelsea. Controversial Divine. ( To- lando Pseiidologo-Mastix) 1652. .1732 King, John Glen, d. d. Writer and Antiquary 1735 . .1787 King, Peter, First Lord. Lord Chancellor and Theologian 1669. . 1734 King, Peter, Seventh Lord. Biographer of Locke i775- •'^^33 King, Philip Barker. Admiral i793 • • 1855 King, Rufus. American Statesman and Diplomatist .... 1755. .1827 King, Thomas. Actor and Dramatic Writer '^730. . 1805 King, Thomas Starr. American Clergyman and Writer 1824. .1864 King, William, ll,. d Mythol., Poet., and Polit. Writer. 1663. . 1712 King, Wm. Abp. of Dublin. Metaphys. ( De Orig. Alali) i6i,o. .iy2g King, William, Lt^. d., of Oxford. (Anecdotes of his own Times. ) Life bv Nichols, 1770 1685 . . 1 763 King, Wm. Rufus." Statesman. Vice-President of U. S. 1786. .1853 Kingsborough, Edward King, Visct. (Antiq. of Mexico) 1795.. 1837 Kingsley, James Luce, ll. d. American Scholar 1778. .1852 KingsmiU, Andrew. Puritan Divine 1538. • i '169 Kingston, Eliz. Chudleigh, Duchess of. Life, Lond. 1789 1720. .1788 i A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 233 BORN. DIED. Kippingius, Henry. German Scholar 1623? . 1678 Eippis, Andrew. Editor of Biographia Bntannica 1725 . .1795 Kirby, John Joshua. Artist 1716. .1774 Kirby, Rev. Wm. Entomologist. Life by Freeman, 1852 1759 . . 1850 Kirch, Christian Frederick, son of Godfrey. Astronomer, 1694.. 1740 Kirch, Godfrey. German Astronomer 1639 . . 1 7 10 Kirch, Mary Margaret, wife. Astronomer 1670 . .1720 Kircher, Athanasius. Mathem. { Mundus Std)terranem) 1602 .. 16S0 Kircher, Conrad. {Concordantia Veteris Testamenti) . . , . — aft.1622? Kirchmann, John. Antiq. (De Funeribus Romanorum) 1575. .1643 Kirchmann. Russian Electrician — . .1753 Kirchraayer, Geo. Caspar. Ger. Classical Commentator 1635 . . 1700 Kirckman, John. Harpischord Maker — . .1778 Kirkaldy, Sir William, of Grange. Soldier. Life by J. Grant, 1841 '. . . . — ..1573 Kirke, Percy. Colonel of Kirhe's Lambs ti. Jas. II. & Wm. III. Kirke "White, Henry. See White 1785 . .1806 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda, nee Stanburj'-. American Authoress , 1801 . . 1864 Blirkland, John Thornton, d. d. American Clergyman and Scholar; President of Harvard College '..... 1770. .1840 Kirkland, Thos., m.d., of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Med. Writ. 1721 . . 1798 Kirkpatrick, W^illiam James. Orientalist 1760. . 1812 Kirkton, Rev. James. ( Church History of Scotland). ... — . . 1699 Kirnberger, John Philip. German Musical Composer . . 1721 . .1783 Kirstenius, George, of Stettin. Medical Writer 1613. .1660 Kirstenius, Peter. Swedish Orientalist i577 • • 1640 Kirwan, Richard, ll. d. Scientific Writer 1750'. 1812 Kirwan, Walter Blake. Dean. Irish Divine & Preacher 1754?. 1805 Kisfaludy, Alexander. Hungarian Poet 1772 . . 1844 Kisfaludy, Charles, brother. Hungarian Dramatic Poet. 1788.. 1830 Kiss, Augustus. German Sculptor 1802. .1865 Kissel, John van. Dutch Painter 1626. .1708 Kitchiner, William, m. d.- Miscellaneous Writer 1775?. 1827 Kitto, John, d. d. Biblical Writer. Life by Ryland, 1856 1804. . 1854 Klaproth, Henry Jules. Orientalist ' 1783. .1835 Klaproth, Martin Henry. Chemist and Mineralogist i743- • ^^^7 K16ber, John Baptist. French General. Life by Hdri- court, 1800; Cousin d'Avallon, 1801 i754'- 1800 Klein, James Theodore. German Naturalist 1685 . .1759 Kleist, Ewald Christian von. Prussian Officer and Poet. (Spring) 1715 . . 1759 Kleist, Henry von. German Dramatic Writer 1776. . 181 1 Kleist von ISToUendorf, Emilius Frederick, Count. Prus- sian General 1762. .1823 Klenze, Leo von, of Munich. Architect 1784 . .1864 Klicpera, Wenceslaus. Bohemian Dramatist 1792?. 1859 Klingemann, Ern. Aug. Fred., of Brunswick. Dramatist 1777. . 1831 Klingenstierna, Samuel. Swedish Mathematician 1689. .1785 Klinger, Fred. Maximilian von. Russ. Officer and Writer 1753^. 1831 Klingstadt, Chas. Gustavus. Russian Miniature Painter 1657. .1734 BUocker, David. Historical Painter at Stockholm 1629. . 1698 Klopstock, Frederick Theophilus. German Poet. Life by Elizabeth Smith, 1811 ; Doering, 1825; Gruber, 1832 1724. . 1803 .234 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, BORN. DIED. Slose, F. J., of London. Musical Composer — . . 1830 Klotz, Christian Adolphus. Critic, Lat. Poet, Numismatist 1738. .1771 Kluit, Adrian. Dutch Historian 1735 . . 1807 Kmety, Geo. Ismail Pacha. Hung. General in Turkey 1813. .1865 Knapp, George Christian. German Theologian i753- • 1S25 Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. American Author 17^4. . 1838 Knapton, George. Portrait Painter in Crayons 1698. .1788 Kneller, Sir Godfrey. Painter 1648-'' . 1 723 Kniaziewicz, Charles. Polish General 1762. . 1842 Kniaznin, Francis Dionysius. Polish Poet 1750. . 1807 Knibb, William. Baptist Missionary in Jamaica 1800'. 1845 Knight, Edward. Comic Actor i774- • 1826 Knight, Gowin, m. d. Natural Philosopher — . • 1772 Knight, Henry Gaily, m. p. Traveler and Antiquary 1 786 .. 1846 Knight, Richard Payne. Writer on Art 1750. . 1824 Knight, Samuel, D. i). Divine and Biographer 1674. • ^74^ Knight, Thomas Andrew. Vegetable Physiologist 1758. . 1838 Knight, William H. Artist 1823''. 1863 Knighton, Henry, of Leicester. ( Chron. of English Hist.) fl. ti. Rd. II. Knighton, Sir William, Bart., m. d. Phys. and Courtier 1775''. 1836 Knipperdolling, Bernard. Anabaptist — . . 1536 Knoller, Martin von. Gennan Painter 1725 . . 1804 Knolles, Richard. Grammarian. {Bistai-y of Turks) ... 1^40^1610 Knolles, Sir Robert. English Commander in France. . . . 131 7. . 1407 KnoUis, or Knowles, Sir Francis. Statesman and Writer 1530?. 1596 Knorr, George Wolfgang. Ger. Engraver and Naturalist 1705 . . 1761 Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian. German Orientalist. {Kabbala Denudata) 1636. . 1689 Knott, Edward. Matthias Wilson. Jesuit Writer 1580. .1656 Knowler, William. Divine; Translator of Chrysostora. . 1699'. 1767 i^nowles, James Davis. Amer. Clergyman and Author. . 1798. .1838 Knowles, James Sheridan. Dramatist and Writer 1784. . 1862 Knowles, Rev. Thomas. Divine and Classical Scholar. . 1723. .1802 Knowlton, Tliomas. English Botanist 1692. .1782 Knox, Henry. American General and Statesman 1750. .1806 Knox, John. Scottish Reformer. Life by McCrie, 1812; T. Brandes, 18G3 1505.. 1572 Knox, John. Bookseller and Projector. (Systematic View of Scotland) 1720. .1791 Knox, Vicesimus, d. d. Theological Writer 1752. . 1821 Knox, William. Poet — . .1825 Knupfer, Nicholas. German Painter 1603, . 1660 Knutzen, Martin. Prussian Philosopher. {Defense of the Christian Religion) 1 713 . . 1 75 1 Knutzen, Matthias. German Atheist fl. 1674 Knyghton, Henry, of Leicester. ( Chron. of English Hist.) fl. ti. Rd. II. Knyphausen, Baron. Lieutenant-General in British Ser- vice in American Revolutionary War 1730?. 1789 Kobell, Ferdinand. German Painter and Etcher 1740. .1799 Kobell, Francis, brother. Artist i749- • 1822 Koch, Christopher Wm. Genealogist,, Hist... 1737.. 1813 Koch, JosephJVnthony. German Landscape Painter. . . . 1768. .1839 Kochanowski, John. Polish Poet 1532. .1584 Koeberger, Wenceslaus, of Antwerp. Painter i554- • i<^34 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 235. BOBN. DIED. Koehler, John David. German Writer 1684. .1755 Koekkoek, Bernard Cornelius. Dutch Landscape Painter 1803 . . 1858 Koelesey, Francis. Hungarian Poet, Critic, Orator 1790. .1838 Koenig, Emanuel. Swiss^ Medical Writer 1658. .1731 Koenig, Frederick. German Inventor 1775 . . 1833 Koenig, George Matthias. {Bibliutheca Vetus et Nova) . . . 1616. . 1699 Koenig, John Gerard, of Courland. Phys., Bot., Traveler 1728. .1785 Koenig, Samuel. Mathematician and Philosopher 1712. .1757 Koenigsmarck. See Kunigsmarck. Koerner, Charles Theodore. See Korner 1791 . .1813 Koerten-Block, Joanna. Dutch Painter, Modeler, and Profile Cutter 1650. .1715 Koets, Roelof, of Zwoll. Portrait Painter 1655 .. 1725 Kolbe, or Kolben, Peter. Traveler. ( Cape of Good Hope) 1675 • -1720 Kolcsey, Francis. Hungarian Poet, Critic, Orator 1790- • 1838 Kollar, John. Hungarian JPoet and Preacher 1793 . . 1852 Koller, Francis, Baron von. Austrian General 1767. .1826 Kollmann, Aug. Fred. Chas. Ger. Composer in London 1756. .1824 Kollontaj, Hugh. Polish Statesman and Author 1750- .1812 Kolzow, Alexei Vassilievitch. Russian Poet 1809. . 1842 Konig. See Koenig. Konigsmarck, Mary Aurora, Countess of. Mother of ■ Marshal Saxe 1668?. 1728 Konigsmarck, Philip Christopher, Count, brother. Swed- ish Adventurer 1640? . 1694 Koninck, or Koning, David van. Dutch Painter — . . 1687 Koninek, or Koning, Philip van. Dutch Painter 1619. .1689 Koornhert, Theodore. Dutch Advocate for Toleration. . 1522. .1590 Kopp, John Adam. German Publicist 1698 . .1748 Koray, Adamantius. Greek Patriot and Writer 1748. -1833 Korner, or Koerner, Charles Theodore. Poet. Life by his father, translated by G. F. Richardson ; Lehmann, 1819 ; Erhard, 1821 1791 . . 1813 Kortholt, Christian. German Scholar 1633 . . 1694 Kosciuszko, Thaddeus. Polish GeneraL Life by Julhen, 1818; Low, 1820; Favot, 1820; Falkenstem, 1827; Chodzko, 1837 ". 1745? 1817 Kosegarten, Louis Theobul. German Poet and Divine. 1758. .1818 Koster, Lawrence Janszoon, of Haarlem. Printer ^37°^' — Kostrow, Ermilius Ivanovitch. Russian Poet — . .1796 Kotter, Christopher, of Sprottow. Enthusiast 1585 . . 1647 Kotzebue, Augustus Frederick Ferd. von. Ger. Writer. . 1 761 . . 1819 Kotzebue, Otto von, brother. Circumnavigator 1757- • 1846 Kotzebue, Otto von, son of Augustus. Traveler 1787. . 1846 Kouck, Peter. Painter at Antwerp 1500'. 1550 Kovili Khan. Nadir Shah. Persian Warrior 1687. .1747 Koumas, Constantine Michael. Greek Scholar & Author 1775'. 1836 Kozak, John Sophronius. Bohemian Medical Writer 1603. . 1685 Kozeluch, Leopold. Composer for the Harpsichord i753- • 1814 Kozloff, Ivan Ivanovitch. Russian Poet i774. • 1838 Kozmian, Cajetan. Polish Poet — . . 1856 Kraeheninnikow, Stephen. Russian Nat. and Traveler 1713. .1755 KrafPt, Adam, of Nuremberg. Sculptor and Architect . . 1435''. 1507 Krafft, George Wolfgang. Ger. Mathem. and Philosopher 1701 . .1754 236 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Kraitsir, Charles. Hung. Phys. and Philol. in America.. 1804. . i860 Kranach, or Cranach, Luke. Sunder. German Painter 1472. .1553 Kranach, or Cranach, Luke, son. Painter 1515 ?. 1586 KrantZj Albert. Historian. Life by Wilkens, 1722 1450''. 1517 Kranz, or Cranz, David. Moravian Missionary 1723. .1777 Krasickl, Ignatius. Polish Bishop, Poet, and Writer. . . 1735. .1801 Krasinski, Valerian, Count. Polish Protestant Writer . . 1780?. 1855 BIraus, Martin. Crusius. Ger. Scholar. {Turco-Grcecia) \<^26. .\6o-j Krause, Charles Christian Frederick. Ger. Philosopher 1781. .1832 Krause, Francis, of Augsburg. Historical Painter 1706. . 1754 Krauss, John Baptist. Ger. Theol., Historian, and Critic 1700. .1762 Kray de Krajof, Paul, Baron von. Austrian General. . . 1735 . . 1804 i^jesa. Father. Moravian Scholar 1648. .1715 Kreutzer, Rodolph. Violinist and Musical Composer. . . 1766. .1831 Kromayer, Jerome. German Theologian and Historian. 1610. ,1670 Kriidener, or Kruedener, Juliana Wietinghoff, Baroness von. Russian Mystic and Novelist 1764. . 1824 Krug, William Traugott. German Philosopher 1770. . 1842 Krummacher^Fred. Adolph. Theol. & Poet. ( Parables) 1768 . . 1845 Krummacher, Godfrey Dan., br. ( Wanderings of Israel) 1 774 . . 1837 Krunitz, John Geo. Ger. Phys. & Nat. Philos. {Encyclop.) 1728. .1796 Krusemark, Baron von. Prussian General and Diplom. — . . 1821 Krusenstern, Adam John, Chev. de. Russian Navigator 1770. .1846 Kryloff, or KrilofF, Ivan Andreevitch. Russian Fabulist. 1768. . 1844 Kublai-Khan. Founder of the Mogul Dynasty of China — . . 1294 Kiigelgen, or Kuegelgen, Charles Ferdinand von. Ger- man Painter 1772.. 1832 Kiigelgen, or Kuegelgen, Gerard von, twin - brother. Painter. Life by Hasse, 1824 1772. .1820 Kugler, Francis Theodore. German Art Critic 1808. . 1858 Kuh, Ephraim Moses. German Poet 1731 . .1790 Kulilman, Quirinus. Fanatic; burnt in Russia 1651 . . 1689 Kuhnau, John. German Organist and Musical Composer 1667 . . 1 722 Kulinius, or Kuhn, Joachim. Philologist 1647. . 1697 Kuhnoel, Christian Theophilus. German Critic 1768. . 1841 Kxiick, or Kuyk, John van, of Dort. Painter 1530. . 1572 Kunckel, John. German Chemist 1630 . . 1 703 Kunzen, Charles Adolphus. Mus. Performer and Comp. 1720. .1781 Kupetzky, John. Hungarian Portrait Painter 1666 or 7 . 1740 Kuster, Ludolph. German Scholar and Critic 1670. . 1716 Kuttner, Charles Gottlob. German Traveler i755 • • 1805 KutusofiF, Michael, Prince of. Smolenshoi. Russ. General 1745. .1813 Kuyk "Wouterszoon, John van. Painter 1530. . 1572 Kuyp, or Cuyp, Albert. Landscape Painter, 1606. . 1667 Kuyp, or Cuyp, Jacob Gerritse, of Dort. The Old. Dutch Portrait Painter 1575 , . 1650 Kyd, Thomas. Dramatic Writer fl. ti. Eliz. Kydermynster, Richard. Abbot of Winchcombe. Hist. — •■1531 Kynaston, Sir Francis. Poet 1587. . 1642? Kynaston, John, of Brazenose College. Divine 1728. . 1783 Kyper, Albert. Medical Writer 1605-'. 1655 Kypke, Geo. David. Orientalist. ( Observationes Sacrce) 1724. .1779 Kyrle, John. Man of Boss. Philanthropist 1664.. 1754 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 237 L. BORN. DIED. Xiaar, Peter van. Bamboccio. Dutch Painter i6i3..i673or5 Iiabadie, John de. French Mystic 1610. . 1674 Iiabat, John Baptist. French Missionary and Traveler. . 1663. . 1738 Labbe, Philip. French Jesuit. (Collection of Councils). . 1607. .1667 XiabS, Louise, of Lyons. La Belle Cordiere.' Poetess. . . . 1526. . 1566 La Beaumelle, Lawrence de. {Letters to Voltaire) 1727. .1773 La B6doyere, Charles Angelica Francis Huchet, Count de. French General; shot 1786. .1815 Laberius, Decimus. Roman Dramatic Writer — b.c. 44 La Billardidre, Jas. Julian Houton de. Fr. Trav. &N'at. 1755. .1834 Lablache, Louis. Italian Singer T794. . 1858 La Boetie, Stephen de. Fr. Republican. [Le Contr' Un) 1530. .1563 Laborde, Alex. Louis Joseph, Count. {Pictorial Travels) 1774. .1842 Laborde, John Benjamin de. French Musician & Writer 1734. .1794 Laborde, John Joseph, Marquis de. French Financier. . 1724.. 1794 Labourdonnais, Bertrand Francis Mahe de. French Na- val Officer. Governor of Mauritius 1699. .1753 Laboureur, John le. Historian and Antiquary 1623. , 1675 Labrosse, Guy de. Fr. Bot. and Phys. ( On the Plague) — . .1641 Labrouse, Clotilde Susan Courcelles de. Fr. Enthusiast 1741. .1821 La Bruydre, John de. French Writer. ( Caracteres) . . . 1644?. 1696 La Butte, Rdn^. French Scholar and Mathematician. . . — . .1790 La Caille, Nicholas Louis de. French Astronomer ^713- .1762 La Calprendde, Walter de Costes de. French Dramatic Writer and Romancist 1612?. 1663 Lacarry» Giles. Historian and Antiquary 1605 . . 1684 Lac6p§de, Bernard Germain Stephen de la Ville, Count de. French Naturalist 1756. . 1825 La Cerda, Bemarda Ferreira de. Portuguese Poetess 1595 . . 1644 Lacerda, Francis Joseph de. Portuguese Traveler — . .1800? Lachaise d'Aix, Francis de. Jesuit. Confess, to Louis XIV. 1624. .1709 Laclunanu, Charles, of Berlin. Critic and Philologist. . . 1793. . 185 1 Lackington, James. Life by self, 1792 1746'' . 1816 Laclos, Peter Ambrose Francis Chonderlos de. French Writer and Soldier 1741 . . 1803 La Golonie, John Martin de. {History 0/ Bordeaux). . . . 1674. .1759 Lacombe, James. Hist. Writ. {Letters of Qu. Christina) 1724. .1811 Lacombe de Prezel, Honord, brother. {Diet, de Citoyen) 1725. . — La Condamine, Charles Mary de. Mathem. and Traveler 1701 . .1774 Lacordaire, John Baptist Henry. Dominican Preacher. Life by Count Montalembert 1802 . . 1861 Lacretelle, John Charles Dominic de. French Historian 1766. .1855 Lacre telle, Peter Louis, brother. French Writer i75i- -1824 Lacrolx, Anthony Nicholas. ( Geographie Modeme) .... 1704. .1760 Lacroix, Silvester Francis. French Mathematician ^7^5- -^^43 Lacruz y Cano, Ramonde. Spanish Dramatic Poet. . . . 1728. .1795 Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus. Christian Writer — aft. 317 Lacuna, or Laguna, Andrew. Spanish Medical Writer. . 1499. .1560 Lacy, Edmund. Bishop of Exeter — . . 1455 — ..1681 Lacy, John. Actor and Dramatist. 238 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Ladd, 'William. American Philanthropist 1778. • 1841 Ladislaus I. King of Hungary (1077-95). Saint 1041 . . 1095 Ladislaus II. reckoned by sortie. 1134^1162 Ladislaus II., or in. (1204-5) ii85?.i2o5 Ladislaus III., or IV. (1272-90.) Le Chuman 1250?. 1290 Ladislaus IV., or V. (1440-44.) Vl.of Poland (1435-44) 1400?. 1444 Ladislaus V., or VI. (1444^57.) Le Posthume i439- • i457 Ladislaus VI., or VH. (1490-1516.) King of Bohemia (1470-1516) 1450?. 1516 Ladislaus I. King of Poland (1081-1102). Hermann. . lo^^^ .1102 Ladislaus II. (1139-46) iio4?.ii63 Ladislaus III. (1296-1333) — ..1333 Ladislaus IV — . . — Ladislaus V. (1386-1434.) Jaqelhn 1354. . 1434 Ladislaus VI. (1435-44.) IV. of Hungary (1440-44) . . . 1400? . 1444 Ladislaus VII., Sigismund (1632-48) 1596?. 1648 Ladislaus, or Launcelot, Ct. of Provence. King of Naples 1376. . 1414 Ladvocat, John Baptist. Fr. Writer. {Histoi-ical Diet.) 1709. .1765 Ladvocat, Louis Francis. (Entretiens sur un nouveau Systhne) 1645?. 1735 Leelius, Caius. Sapiens. Roman Publicist 186. 115 B.C. Laennec, Ren^ Theodore Hyacinth. {Del' Auscultation.) Life by Forbes 1781 . .1826 Laer, or Laar, Peter van. Bamhoccio. Dutch Painter 1613 . 1673 or 5 Laet, John de. Dutch Historical and Geographical Writer — ..1649 Lsevinus, Torrentius. Van der Beken. Dutch Poet 1525 . . 1595 La Fayette, Louisa Motier, Mdlle. de. Beauty and Wit. . 1616?. 1665 La Fayette, Ctss. de. Novelist. ( Zayde. ) See La Vergne 1632 . . 1693 Lafayette, Mary Jane Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, Marquis de. Life by his family i757- • 1834 LaFert6 Imbault, Maria Theresa GeofFrin, Marchss. de 171 5. .1791 Laflatte, James. French Banker and Financier 1767. .1844 Laffon de Lad6bat, Andrew Daniel. Statesm., Financier 1 746 . . 1829 Lafitau, Joseph Francis. Jesuit Missionary in America. . 1670. .1740 Lafitau, Peter Francis, br. Jesuit. Preacher»ScHist. Writer 1685. .1764 Lafitte, John. Corsair 1780? . 1817 or 26 Lafont, Joseph de. French Dramatist 1686. .1725 Lafontaine, Augustus Henry JuUus. German Romancist 1 756 . . 1831 Lafontaine, John de. Fabulist. L. by Walckenaer, 1820 1621 . . 1695 Laforce, Jas. Nompar de Caumont, Due de. Marsh, of Fr. 1558.. 1652 Lafosse, Anthony de. Tragedian. {Mardius Capitolinus) 16$^. .170S La Fuente, Alcantara Michael. Spanish Historian 1817 . . 1850 LagaUa, Julius Caesar. Italian Phys. {De Coelo Animato) 1:^76. .1624. Lagaraye, Claude Toussaint Marot de. Philanthropist. . 1675 . . 1755 Lagerbring, Suen. Swedish Historian 1707- -1788 Lagerloef, Peter. Swedish Historiographer 1648. . 1699 Lagerstroem, Magnus von. Swedish Philosopher 1696. .1759 Lagny, Thomas Fantet, Sieur de. Mathematician 1660. .1734 Lagomarslni, Jerome. Italian Jesuit. Philologist 1698. .1773 Lagrange, Joseph Louis. Mathematician 1736. .1813 Laguerre, Louis. Painter 1663. .1721 Laguna, Andrew. Spanish Physician and Writer i499- .1560 La Harpe, Frederick Csesar. Swiss Patriot i754- • 1838 La Harpe, John Francis de. Writer. Life by Mely-Janin 1739 . . 1803 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 239 BORN. DIED. Lahaye, William Nicholas de. French Engraver 1725 . .1802 La Hire, Philip de. French Mathematician 1640. .1718 Laidlaw, William. Poetical Writer. 1780. . 1845 Lainez, Alexander. French Poet 1650. .1710 Lainez, James. General of the Jesuits. L. by Ribadeneira 1512. .1565 Laing, Alexander. Antiquary 1778. . 1838 Laing, Alexander. The Brechin Poet. { Wayside Flowers) 1787^ .jSc,7 Laing, Alexander Gordon. African Traveler i794- • 1826 Laing, Malcolm. Historian. {History of Scotland) 1762. .1818 Laire, Francis Xavier. French Bibliographer i739- .1801 Lairesse, Gerard. Flemish Portr. and Historical Painter 1640. .1711 Lais. Grecian Courtesan 5th c. b.c. Lais. Grecian Courtesan 4th c. b.c. Lake, Arthur. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1 550' • 1626 Lake, Gerard, Viscount. General i744- -1808 Lake, John. Bishop of Chichester — . . 1689 Lalande, James de, of Orleans. Legal Antiquary 1622. .1703 Lalande, Joseph Jerome Francis de. Astronomer 1732. .1807 Lalande, Michael Richard de. French Musical Composer 1657. .1726 Lallemand, Claude Francis. French Physician 1790- • 1854 Lalli, John Baptist. Italian Poet and Lawyer 1572. . 1637 Lally, Thomas Arthur, Ct. de. French General ; beheaded 1702. .1766 Lally Tollendal, Trophime Gerard, Marquis de. Statesm. 1 75 1 . . 1 830 Lalor, John. Journalist and Essayist — . . 1856 Laluzeme, Caesar Wm. de. Cardinal. Theol. &Polit.Writ. 1738.. 1821 Lamanon, Robert de Paul, Chev. de. French Nat. Philos. 1 752 . . 1 787 Lamar, Mirabeau B. Second President of Texas 1798. • 1859 Lamarck, John Baptist Peter Anthony de Monnet, Cheva- lier de. Naturalist i744- • 1829 Lamarque, Maximilian, Ct. de. Fr. Officer and Politician 1770. . 1832 Lamb, Caroline, Lady. Novelist 1785 . .1828 Lamb, Charles. Essayist. Life by Talfourd, 1850 i775- -1834 Lamb, Hon. George. Under-Sec. Translator of Catullus — ..1834 Lamb, Sir Jas. Bland Burges, d. c. l. Under-Sec. Writ. 1752 . . 1824 Lam.b, John, d. d. Antiquary 1790?. 1850 Lamballe, Maria Theresa Louise de Savoie-Carignan, Princess de. Friend of Marie Antoinette I749' -1792 Lambarde, Wm. Antiquary. {Perambulation of Kent). ic^tJS. .1601 Lam.becius„ or Lambec^, Peter. German Writer 1628. . 1680 Lambert, St. Bishop of Maestricht. Life by De Tello, 1622 ; Roberti, 1633 ; Dubosc Montandrd, 1637 640? . 708 Lambert d'AschaffenljOTirg. Historical Writer. {Annals) 1020?. 1080? Lambert, Anne Theresa de Marguenat de Courcelles, Marchioness of. Writer and Patron of Learning 1647 . . i jt^t. .Lambert, Aylmer Bourke. Botanist 1762. .1842 Lambert, Claude Francis. French Historical Writer 1705?. 1765 Lambert, Daniel. Fat man 1 769 . . 1809 Lambert, Francis. John Serranus. French Reformer . . 1487. .1530 Lambert, George. English Landscape Painter*. 1710. . 1765 Lambert, John. Nichols. Protestant Martyr — • • ^538 Lambert, John. Parliamentarian General 1620? . 1694 Lambert, John Henry. Mathematician 1728. .1777 Lamberti, Louis. Italian Greek Scholar 1758. . 1813 Lambin, Dennis. Fr. Protestant. Critic and Grammarian 1 5 1 6 . . 1 572 240 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOKN. DIED. Lambinet, Peter. Fr. Bibliog. (Recherches Historiques) 1742 Lambruschini, Louis. Italian Prelate 1776. . Lambton, John Geo. First E. of Durham. Gov. of Canada 1 792 . . LambtoiijWm. Colonel. Trigonomet. Surveyor of India — .. Lamennais, Hugh Fdlicit^ Robert, Abb^ de. Writer. . . 1782. . Lamennais, John Mary, Abb 6 de, brother 1780. . Lamettrie, Julian Offray de. Fr. Physician and Philos. 1709. . Lamey, Andrew. German Historian and Diplomatist ... 1726. . jLami, or Lamy, Bernard. Fr. Writ. {Apparatus Biblicus) 1645 . . Iiami, or Lamy, Francis. Fr. Theol. Opponent of Spinoza 1636. . Lami, John Baptist. Ital. Theologian. Ed. of Meursius 1697. , Ziammetrie, Julian Offray de. Fr. Physician and Philos. 1 709 . . Lamoignon, William de. French Judge 161 7. . Lamont, David, d. d. Scottish Divine — . . Lamoriciere, Christopher Louis Leon Juchault de. French General 1806. . La Mothe le Vayer, Francis de. French Skeptical Philos. 1588. . Lamotte, Anth. Houdart de. Dram. Poet. {Inez de Castro) 1672. . Lamotte, Jane de Valois, Countess de. Intriguer 1756. . Lamotte, William. French Surgeon and Accoucheur ... fl. i; La Motte Fouqu6, Caroline, Baroness de. Novelist I773-- La Motte Fouqu6, Frederick, Baron de. ( Undine) .... 1777. . Lamourette, Adrian. French Ecclesiastic and Politician 1742. . Lamouroux, John Vincent Felix. French Naturalist . . . 1779. . Lampe, Frederick Adolphus. Theol. & Antiq. {St. John) 1683. . Lampe, John Frederick. German Composer in England 1692?. Lampillas, Francis Xavier. Spanish Jesuit Writer 1 739 . . Lamplugh, Thomas. Bp. of Exeter and Abp. of York. . 161 5. . Lampridio, Benedict. Latin Poet Lampridius, JElius. Historian and Biographer. . . ti. Diocl. & Const Lamy, Bernard. {De Tabernaculo Foederis) 1645 . . 1715 Lamy, Francis. French Benedictine. {On Self- Knowledge) 16^6. .1711 Lana-Terzi, Francis de. Ital. Math. {Magisterium Naturae) 1631. .1687 Lancaster, Sir James. Navigator — . . 1620 Lancaster, or Lankester, Joseph. Educationist 1771. Lancaster, Nathaniel, d. d. Divine and Poetical Writer 1700. .1775 Lance, George. Painter 1802? . 1864 Lance, William. American Author and Politician 1791 • • 1840 Lancelot, Anthony. French Writer ^ 1675 . .1740 Lancelot, Claude, of Port Royal. Grammarian 1615?. 1695 Lancelotti, John Paul. Italian Canonist 1511..1591 Lancisi, John Mary. Italian Physician 1654. . 1 720 Lancjean, Remi. Flemish Painter — . . 1671 Lancre, Peter de, of Bordeaux. Writer on Demonology — . . 1630 Lancret, Nicholas. French Painter 1690. .1743 Lancrinck, Prosper Henry. Flemish Painter in England 1628. .1692 Landais, or Landois, Peter. French Politician — . . 1485 Landen, John. Mathematician. {Mathematical Memoirs) 17 ig. .17^0 Lander, Frederick William. American Military Officer. 1822. .1862 Lander, John. African Traveler 1807. . 1839 Lander, Richard, brother. African Traveler 1804. . 1834 Landi, Hortensius. Italian Writer — . .1560? Landino, Christopher. Italian Scholar and Latin Poet. . 1424. .1504 Lando. Pope (913 or 914) —..914 854 840 823 854 860 751 802 715 711 770 751 677 ^37 865 672 73^ 791 JO 831 843 794 825 729 756 798 691 540 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 241 BORN. DIED. Xiando, Conrad. Count. German Adventurer — . . 1363 Lando, Peter. Doge of Venice (1539-45) — . . 1545 Iiaudon, Letitia Elizabeth (Mrs. Maclean). L. E. L. Poet- ess. Life by Blanchard, 1841 1802. .1838 Xiandor, Walter Savage. Writer and Poet 1775 . .1864 Ijaudseer, John. Engraver ." 1769. . 1852 Xiane, Ralph. Discoverer of Virginia under Raleigh fl. 1583 Zjane, Sir Richard. Lord Keeper — aft. 1645 Ijaue, Samuel. Painter 1780?. 1859 Ijane, Timothy. Scientific Writer and Inventor — . . 1807 Ijane, William. Painter — . . 1819 Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury 1005 ?. 1089 Xiaufranc, of Milan. ( Chirurgia Magna et Parva) — . . 1300? Lanfranc, John. Italian Painter 1581 . . 1647 Ijang, Charles Nicholas. Swiss Naturalist 1670. .1741 Iiang, John Michael. German Prot. Divine and Orient. 1664. .1737 Xiang, Oliver. Shipbuilder and Inventor — . . 1853 Langbaine, Gerard, D. D. Provost. Collector of MSS. 1608?. 1658 Langbaine, Gerard, son. {Account of Dramatic Poets) . . 1656.. 1692 Langbein, Augustus Frederick Ernest. German Author 1757. .1835 Langdale, Alban, D. D. Roman Catholic Controversialist — aft. 1584 Langdale, Henry Bickersteth, Lord. Master of Rolls . . , 1783. .1851 Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, Lord. Royalist Ofiicer — . . 1661 Langdon, John. American Statesman i739- • 1819 Xiauge, or Langius, John. German Medical Writer 1485 . .1565 IjaiLge, Lawrence. Swedish Traveler — aft. 1737 liange, or Langius, Rodolph, of Munster. {De Excidio HierosolymoB) 1438?. 1519 Langebeck, James. {ScHptores Rerum Danicarum) . . . . 1 710.. 1774 Langeland, or Longland, Robert. Poet. {Piers Plowman) fl. 1370'' Langeron, Andrault, Count. Russian General 1763. . 1831 Iiangham, Simon de. Cardinal. Archbp. of Canterbury i^io'-.i^yS Langhans, Charles Gothard. German Architect i733- -1808 Langhorne, Rev. Daniel. Historian and Antiquary — . . 1681 Xianghorne, Rev. John, D. D. Poet 1735 • • ^779 Langius. See Lange. Langland, or Longland, John. Bp. of Lincoln. Writer 1473. .1547 Langlande, or Longland, Robert. {Piers Plowman) fl. 14th c. Langle, John Maximilian de. Protestant Divine of Rouen 1 590 . . 1674 Langl§s, Louis Matthew. French Orientalist 1763. . 1824 Langley, Batty. Architect — • • 1751 Langley, Rev. Thos. Topographer. {Hist.ofDesborough) — ..1801 Langtoft, Peter. English Chronicler fl. 1300'' Langton, Christopher, m. d. Medical Writer — . .1578 Langton, Stephen. Cardinal. Archbp. of Canterbury — ,.1228 Languet, Hubert. French Protestant. {Vindicice) '. I5r8..i58i Languet de Gergy, J. Bapt. Joseph. Fr. Philanthropist 1675 • -^750 Languet de Gergy, John Joseph, br. Controversial Div. 1677. .1753 Langwith, Benjamin, d. d. Natural Philosopher — . .1743 Lauiere, Nicholas. Painter, Engraver, and Musician . . . 1568. .1646 Lanigan, John, d. d. Irish Clergyman and Author 1758. . 1828 Lanjuinais, John Denis, Count de. French Politician. , . 1753. . 1827 Lanjuinais, Joseph de. French Ecclesiastic; Writer. ... — . .1808 Lankester, or Lancaster, Joseph. Educationist ^77^- - 1838 16 242 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Iiannes, John, Duke of Montebello. Marshal of France 1769. .1809 Lannoy, Charles de. General of Charles V 1470''. 1527 La Noue, Francis de. Bras de Fer. Huguenot. {Discourses) 1531. .1591 Lansberghe, Philip van. Dutch Mathematician & Divine 1 561 . . 1632 Lansdowne, George Grandville, Visct. Politician & Poet 1667. .1735 Lansdowne, Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, Marquess of 1780. .1863 Lansdowne, William Petty, First Marquess of. Premier as Earl Shelburne 1737- .1805 Lantier, Stephen Francis de. Poet, Dramatist, and Writer 1734. . 1826 Lanzani, Andrew. Italian Painter 1645?. 1712 Lanzi, Louis. Antiquary. {History of Painting) 1732. .1810 Lanzoni, Joseph. Physician and Writer 1663. . 1730 Lao-Tsee. Chinese Philosopher 600.aft.517 b.c. Laparelli, Francis. Italian Architect and Mechanician. . 1521. .1570 La P6rouse, John Francis Gallaup, Ct. of. Fr. Navigator 1741 . .1788? Lapide, Cornelius a. Biblical Commentator — . . 1657 Laplace, or Plateanus, Peter de. Fr. Magistrate & Writer 1526. .1572 Laplace, Peter Simon, Marquis de. ( Mechanique Celeste) 1 749 . . 1827 Lapo, Arnulph. Architect and Sculptor .• 1232?. 1300 Lapo, James. Italian Architect — . . 1262 Larcher, Peter Henry. Classical Scholar and Translator 1726. .1812 Lardner, Dionysius, 'll. d. Scientific Writer. ( Cyclop.) 1793. . 1^59 Lardner, Nathaniel, d. d. ( Credibility.) Life by Kippis 1684. .1768 Larfarge, Mary Cappelle. French Poisoner 1816. . 1852 Largillidre, Nicholas de. Portrait and Historical Painter 1656. .1746 Larive, John Mauduit de. French Tragedian 1 747 . . 1827 Larivey, Peter de. French Dramatic Writer 1550?. 1612? Lamed, Sylvester. American Clergyman 1796. . 1820 La Rochefoucauld, Francis VI., Due de. French States- man and Moralist. {Maximes) 1613 . . 1680 La Rocliefoucauld Liancourt, Francis Alexander Fred- erick, Due de. Politician and Philanthropist. ( Trav- els in United States) i747- • 1827 La Rochejaquelein, Henry du Verger, Count de. Ven- dean Royalist 1772. .1794 Laromigui6re, Peter. French Philosopher 1756. . 1837 Laroon, Marcellus. Flemish Painter 1653. .1705 Larra, Mariano Joseph de. Spanish Writer 1809. . 1837 Larrey, Dominic John, Baron. French Army Surgeon . . 1766..1841 Larrey, Isaac de. Historian 1638 . .1719 Larrivie, Henry. French Actor and Vocalist ^723- .1802 Larroque, Daniel de. Satirist. Roman Cath. Convert 1660?, 1731 Larroque, Matthew de. Fr. Prot. {Hist, of the Eucharist) 1619. .1684 La Salle, Anthony Charles Louis, Count de. Fr. General 1775. .1809 La Salle, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de. French Navigator. . 1635?. 1687 Lascaris, Andrew John. Rhyndacenus. Gr. Schol. in Italy 1445 ^ 1 535 Lascaris, Constantine. Greek Grammarian in Italy .... — . .1500? Las Oasas, Bartholomew de. Spanish Missionary to South America. {History of the Indies) I474- .1566 Las Cases, Emmanuel Augustine Dieudonn^ Marin Jo- seph, Count de. Le Sage. {Historical Atlas) 1766. . 1842 Lascelles, Rowley. Antiquary. {Liber Hibernice) 1770''. 1841 Lascy, Jos. Francis Maurice, Ct. de. Austr. Field Marsh. 1725 . .1801 Lasena, or Lascena, Peter. ItaJ. Schol. {Nepenthes Homeri) 1590. .1636 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 243 BORX. DIED. Iiaski, or Lasco, John a. Polish Scholar and Reformer. . 1499. .1560 Lassels, Richard. Rom. Oath. Writer. {Travels in Italy) 1603.. 1668 Lasso, Orlando di, or Orlandus Lassus. Musical Composer 1520. .1594 Lassone, Joseph Mary Francis de. Fr. Phys. and Chemist 1 7 1 7 . . 1 788 Latham, John, m. d."^ Ornithologist and Antiquary 1740. .1837 Lathrop, Joseph, d. d. American Clergyman and" Writer 1731 . . 1820 Latimer, Hugh. Bishop of Worcester. Protestant Martyr. Life by W. Gilpin, 1780 ". . 1472?. 1555 Latimer,'Wm. Gr. Schol. Teacher of Erasmus and Pole — ••1545 Latini, Brunetto. Grammarian of Florence. {Tesoi-o) ,. 1230.. 1294 Latinus, Latinius. Ital. Schol. {Latin Letters andPoems) 1513. .1593 Latour d'Auvergne, Theophilus Malo Corret de. Sol- dier and Philologist i743- • 1800 Latreille, Peter Andrew. French Naturalist 1762. . 1833 Lattaignant, Gabriel Charles, Abb6 de. French Poet. . . 1697. .1779 Lattanzio, Gambara. Ital. Historical and Portrait Painter 1538''. 1570? Latude, Henry Masers de. Prisoner in Bastile. {Memoirs) 1725. .1805 Laud, William. Archbishop of Canterbury. Life by Prynne, 1644; Heylin, 1671; C. W. Le Bas; Lawson, 1829 ; Baines, 1855 1573. . 1645 Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick, Bart. Scottish Writer 1784. . 1848 Lauder, William. Literary Impostor 1 710''. 1 771 Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of Statesman i759- • 1839 Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of Cabal Minister. . 1616. .1682 Laudon, or Laudohn, Gideon Ernest. Austrian General 1716. .1790 Laugier, Mark Anthony. French Historical Writer 1713. .1769 Launay, Francis de. {Roman and French Jurisprudence) 1612. .1693 Launay, Peter. French Protestant Theologian i573- • 1661 Launey, Bernard Ren^ Jourdan de. Gov. of the Bastile 1740. .1789 Launoi, John de. French Divine 1603. . 1678 Laura, of Vaucluse. Friend of Petrarch 1310? . 1348 Laura, or Lauri, Philip. Flemish Painter 1623 . . 1694 Laurati, Peter. Italian Fresco Painter 1282 . . 1340 Laurenberg, Peter. German Physician 1575?. 1639 Laurence, French, d. c. l. Poet "and Writer — . . 1809 Laurence, Richard. Abp. Cashel. Theologian. {Baptism) lySi. .iS^^S Laurence, Roger. Nonjuring Bishop — . .1736 Laurens, Andrew du. French Physician and Anatomist — . . 1609 Laurens, Henry. American Statesman 1724. . 1792 Laiirens, John, Lieutenant-Colonel. American Patriot. . 1756. .1782 Laurent, Peter Joseph. Flemish Engineer 1715 • .1773 Laurentius. Archbishop of Canterbury (604-19) — ., 619 Lauri, or Laura, Philip. Flemish Painter 1623. . 1694 Laviriston, Alexander James Bernard Law, Marquis de. French General and Diplomatist 1768. . 1828 Lauzun, Anthony Nompar de Caumont, Due de. Favor- ite of Louis XIV 1633 . . 1723 La Valette, Anthony Mary Chamans, Ct. de. Fr. General 1769. . 1830 La Valette, John Parisot de. Gd. Master ; founded Valetta 1494 ..1560 La Valliere, Frances Louisa de la Baume le Blanc, Duch- ess de. Favorite of Louis XIV 1644 . .1710 Lavater, John Caspar Christian. Swiss Physiognomist 1741..1801 Lavater, Louis. Canon of Zurich. Protestant Controv. 1536. .1586 La Vergne, Mary Magd. de, Ctss. de la Fayette. Lavema 1632 . . 1693 244 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Lavington, George. Bishop of Exeter 1683 . .1762 Lavirotte, Louis Anne. French Medical Writer 1725 . .1759 Lavoisier, Anthony Lawrence. Chemical Philosopher.. 1743.. 1794 Law, Edmund. Bishop of Carlisle. Metaphysical Writer 1703. .1787 Law, Edward, First Lord EUenborough. Judge 1750- .1818 Law, George Henry. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1 761?. 1845 Law, John, of Lauriston. Projector. L. by P.Wood, 1826 1671. .1729 Law, John. Bishop of Elphin — . . 1810 Law, William. Mystic Divine. (Serious Call) 1686. .1761 Lawes, Henry. Musical Composer 1600. . 1662 Lawes, William. Musical Composer; killed at Chester. . — . .1645 Lawless, John. Irish Agitator 1772- .1837 Lawless, Matthew James. Artist — , . 1864 Lawless, Valentine Browne, Ld. Cloncurry. {Recollect.) 1773. .1853 Lawrance, John. American Statesman and Judge 1750- .1810 Lawrence, Abbott. American Merchant and Statesman 1792. .1855 Lawrence, Amos, brother. Merchant and Philanthropist 1786. .1852 Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery. Statesman. De- fender of Lucknow 1806. . 1857 Lawrence, James. American Naval Officer. " Don't give up the ship" 1781. .1813 Lawrence, Rev. John. Agricultural Writer — . .1732 Lawrence, or Laurent, Peter Joseph. Flemish Engineer 1715. .1773 Lawrence, Stringer. General in India 1697. .1775 Lawrence, Thomas, m. d. Medical Writer. {De Hydrope) 1711 . . 1783 Lawrence, Sir Thos. Paint. L. by D. E. Williams, 1831 1 769 . . 1830 Lawson, Henry. English Savant i774- • 1858 Lawson, Sir John. Admiral — . . 1665 Lawson, John, b. d. Mathematician — , .1779 Lawson, Rev. John Parker, of Scotcll Episcopal Church. {Life of Laud) — ..1852 Lax, Rev. William. Math. & Astron. Prof, at Cambridge 175 1. .1836 Layfleld, John, d. d. One of the Translators of the Bible — . . 161 7 Laynez, or Lainez, James. Jesuit 1512. .1565 LazareUi, John Francis. Italian Poet 1621 . . 1694 Lea, Isaac. American Naturalist — . . 1 792 Leach, William Elford. English Naturalist 1790- • 1836 Leadbetter, Charles. Mathematician — . .1744 Leake, Sir John. Admiral. Life by S. M. Leake, 1750 . . 1656 . . 1 720 Leake, John, m. d. Medical Writer 1720?. 1792 Leake, Richard. Master Gunner of England. ...... 1629. . 1686 Leake, Stephen Martin. {Nummi Britannici Historia) . . . 1702, .1773 Leake, William Martin. ColoneL Topographer 1777.. i860 Leander. Fr. Capuchin. Writer. {Truths of the Gospel) — ..1667 Leapor, Mrs. Mary. Poetess 1722. .1746 Lear, Tobias. American Diplomatist 1760?. 1826 Learchus. Greek Sculptor 7th c. b.c. Lebeuf, John. French Antiquary. (History of Paris) .. 16S7. .1760 Le Blanc, John Bernard. (Letters on the English Nation) 1707. .1781 Le Blanc, Marcel. Jesuit Missionary to Siam 1^53- • 1693 Le Blanc, Nicholas. French Chemist i753- • 1806 Le Blanc. See Blanc. Lebrun, Charles. French Painter 1619. . 1690 Lebruu, Chas. Francis, Duke of Placentia. Fr. Statesm. 1739. .1824 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 245 BORN. DIED. Lebnin, Peter. Divine. ( Hist, of Superstitious Practices) 1661 . . 1 729 Lebrun, Pigault. French Novelist _. 1 742 . . 1835 Lebrun, Ponce Denis !&couch.ard. French Pindar. Poet 1729. .1807 Lecchi, John Anthony. Italian Mathem. and Philosopher 1 702 . . 1 776 Leclair, John. Musical Composer 1697. .1764 Leclerc, Daniel. French Medical Writer 1652. . 1728 Leclerc, John. BibHcal Critic 1657. .1736 Leclerc, Nicholas Gabriel. Medical and Historical Writer. {History of Russia) 1726. .1798 Leclerc, Sebastian. French Designer and Engraver .... 1637. . 1714 Leclerc, Sebastian. Historical Painter 1684?. 1767 Leclerc, Victor Emanuel. French General 1772. . 1802 L':6cluse, Charles de. Clusius. Dutch Phvs. & Botanist 1526. .1609 Lecomte, Felix. French Sculptor. ( Feneton) 1 737 . . 181 7 Lecomte, Louis, Traveler and Missionary in China 1650-'' . 1 729 Le Conteur, John. English General 1 761 . .1835 Le Ooq, Anthony. French Physician. — . . 1550 Le Courayer, Peter Francis. French Roman Catholic Refugee in England 1681 . .1776 Lectius, or Lect, James, of Geneva. Critic and Poet . . , 1560. .1611 Ledebour, Chas. Fred. von. Ger. Botanist and Traveler 1785. .1851 Ledesma, Alphonso. Spanish Poet 1552. • 1623 Ledoux, Claude Nicholas. French Architect 1736. .1806 Le Dran, Henry Francis. French Surgical Operator .... 1685. .1770 Le Due, John. Dutch Painter of Anjmals 1636. . 1671 Ledwich, Edward, ll. d. Antiquary and Topographer. . 1739. . 182? Ledyard, John. Amer. Traveler. Life by J. Sparks, 1828 1 75 1 . . 1 788 Ledyard, Thomas. Naval Historian 1482 . . 1544 Lee, Ann. Founder of Shakers in America 1736. .1784 Lee, Arthur. Amer. Statesman. Life by R. H. Lee, 1829 1 740 . . 1 792 Lee, Charles. General. Life by Langworthy, 1792 ..... 1730'. 1782 Lee, Edward. Archbishop of York. Writer 1482?. 1544 Lee, Francis Lightfoot. American Patriot and Statesman 1734. .1797 Lee, Miss Harriet, sister of Sophia. Novelist 1756. .1851 Lee, Henry. American Soldier and Statesman 1756. . 1816 Lee, Henry. Dramatist. ( Caleb Quotem) — . . 1836- Lee, Rev. Jesse. (Notes) 1758. . 1816 Lee, John, d. d. JPrincipal, of Edinburgh — . . 1859 Lee, Mary E. American Authoress 1813. . 1849 Lee, Nathaniel. Dramatic Poet 1^55 • • 1692 Lee, Mrs. R. Bowdich. English Authoress 1800?. 1856 Lee, Mrs. Rachel Fanny Antonina. Writer — ..1829 Lee, Richard Henry. American Statesman. Life by R. H. Lee, 1825 '. " . . . 1732. .1794 Lee, Rowland. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; Lord President of Wales — . . 1543 Lee, Samviel. Ejected Nonconformist Divine and Antiq. 1625. .1691 Lee, Samuel, d. d. Orientalist ; Professor at Cambridge . . 1 783 . . 1852 Lee, Miss Sophia. Novelist. { Chapt. of Accidents; Recess) 1750. .1824 Lee, Thomas. American Judge and Politician 1769. • 1839 Lee Boo, Prince of Goo-roo-raa — . . 1 784 Leech, John. Humorous Artist 1817?. 1864 Leechman, William. Scottish Controversial Divine. . . . 1706. .1785 Leepe, John Anthony van der. Painter of Bruges 1664. . 1720 246 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Leet, James, of Geneva. Politician and Lawyer 1 560 . . 161 1 Leeuw, Gabriel van der. Animal Painter of Bruges 1643. . 1688 Leeuwenhoeck, Anthony van. Nat. Philos. and Anat. 1632. .1723 Leeves, Rev. William. Composer. {AuldHobin Gray). . ly^g. .1S2S Lefebvre, Francis Joseph, Duke of Dantzic. Marsh, of Fr. 1755. .1820 Lefebvre, Tanneguy. Tanaquil Faher. Philologist 161 5.. 1672 Lefebvre de St. Remy, John. Historian 1394?. 1468 Lefeb vre-Desnouettes, Charles, Count. French General 1 7 73 .. 1 822 Lefevre, James, of Etaples. Scholar and Theologian. . . . 1455'. 1537 Lefevre, Robert. French Historical and Portrait Painter 1756. .1831 Le Fort, Francis. Commander and Statesman of Russia 1656. .1699 Legallois, Julian John Caesar. French Physiologist .... 1770. .1814 Legar^, Hugh Swinton. Amer. Statesm. & Man of Letters 1797 . . 1843 Legate, Bartholomew. Martyr — . . 1612 Legendre, Adrian Mary. Mathematipian 1752. . 1833 Legendre, Louis. Historian 1659. .1733 Legendre, Louis. French Revolutionist 1755 . .1797 Leger, Anthony. Piedmontese Prot. Editor of N. Test. 1594. .1661 Leger, Anthony, son. Preacher .- 1652. .1719 Leger, John, cousin. Hist, of the Piedmont. Protestants 161 5. .1670? Leger, St. See Saint Leger. Legge, George, Baron Dartmouth. Admiral 1648. . 169 1 Legge, Thomas, ll. d. Master of Caius Coll. Dramatist 1536?. 1607 Leggett, William. American Journalist and Author. .. . 1802.. 1839 Legouv6, Gabriel Mary John Baptist. Fr. Dram, and Poet 1 764 . . 181 2 Legrain, John Baptist. French Historian 1565 . . 1642 Legrajad, James William. French Writer on Architecture 1 743 . . 1 807 Legrand d'Aussy, Peter J. B. Jesuit Writer i737- • 1800 Legrenzi, John. Italian Musical Composer fl. 1664-84 Leguano, Stephen Mary. Italian Historical Painter 1660. .1715 Leibnitz, Godfrev William, Baron. Mathematician. Life by Dr. G. G. &uhrauer, 1842 1646. .1716 Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of. Favorite of Elizabeth. Life by Dr. S. Jebb, 1727; James Drake 1532?. 1588 Leicester of Holkham, Thomas William, Earl of, Vis- count Coke. Agriculturist 1752 . . 1842 LeifcMId, Dr. Independent Divine. L. by J. R. Leifchild 1780. . 1862 Leigh, Benjamin Watkins. Amer. Lawyer and Statesm. 1781. .1849 Leigh, Charles. Physician and Naturalist i66o-'. aft. 1705 Leigh, Sir Edward. Bibl. Critic and Hist. ( Crit. Sacra) 1602. . 1671 Leighton, Alexander. Scottish Puritan. (Zicw's P/ea) 1587. .1644 Leighton, Robert, son. Archbishop of Glasgow. {St. Peter. ) Life by Pearson ; Burnet 1613 . . 1684 Leiningen, Charles, Prince of. Half-brother of Queen Victoria. Philanthropist 1804. . 1856 Leisler, Jacob. Amer. Polit. Adventurer. L. by Hoffman — ..1691 Leismann, John Anthony. German Landscape Painter 1604.. 1698 Le Jay, Guy Michael. « Fr. Orientalist. {Polyglot Bible) 1588. . 1674 Lekain, Henry Louis Cain. French Actor 1728, .1778 Le Keux, John. English Architectural Engraver 1784. . 1846 Leland, John. Antiquary. Life by Huddesford, 1772 . . . 1 506? . 1552 Leland, John, d.d. Dissent. Divine. {Deistical Writers) 1691 . .1766 Leland, Rev. John. Writer. Life by self and L. F. Green 1 754 . . 1841 Leland, Rev. Thomas. Irish Divine ; Transl. of Demosth. 1 722 . . 1 785 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 247 BORN. DIED. Xielli, Hercules. Italian Painter and Modeler 1700 . .1766 Le Long, James. French Historian. (Bibliotheca Sacra) 1665. .1721 Lely, Sir Peter. Painter 1617 . . 1680 Leraaire, James. Dutch Navigator — . . 1616 Ijemaire, Nicholas Eloi. French Classical Scholar 1767 . . 1832 Le Maistre, Anthony, of Port Royal. (Pleadings) 1608. .1658 Le Maistre, Louis Isaac. Sacy. Jansenist Writer 1613. . 1684 Leman, Rev. Thomas. Antiquary 1751 • • 1827 Le Marchant, John Gaspar. Eng.Gen. (Sword Exercise) 1767 . .1S12 Lemens, Balthasar van. Dutch Hist. Painter in London 1637''. 1704 Le Mercier, John. Biblical Commentator & Orientalist — . .1570 L6mery, Louis. Chemist and Physician 1677 . .1743 L6inery, Nicholas. French Chemist. ( Cours de Ghymie) 1645 . . 1715 Lemierre, Anthony Marin. French Dramatist i733- -1793 Lemnius, or Lemmens, Lieven. Dutch Phys. and Theol. 1505 . .1568 Lemoine, Abraham. French Prot. Div. (On Miracles) — ..1760 Lemoine, Francis. French Historical Painter 1688. .1737 Lemoine, John. French Cardinal. Canonist — ••^3^2) Lemoine, Peter. French Poet. (St. Louis) 1602. . 1672 Lemoine, Stephen. French Prot. Divine. ( Varia Sacra) 1624. . 1689 Lemon, Geo. William. (Etymological English Dictionary) 1726.. 1797 Lemonnier, Louis William. Fr. Physician and Botanist 1717. .1799 Lemonnier, Peter Charles. French Astronomer i7i5-- 1799 Lemontey, Peter Edward. French Poet and Jurist 1762. . 1826 Lemot, Francis Frederick. French Statuary i773- • 1827 Lemoyne, John Baptist. French Musical Composer .... 1751 . .1796 Lempriere, John, D. D. Scholar. (Classical Dictionary) 1765.. 1824 Lenau, Nicholas. German Poet 1802. . 1850 L'Enclos, Ninon, or Anne de. French Beauty. Life by Bret; Damours 1616..1706 Le Neve, John. Antiquary. (Fasti Ecclesice Anglicance) 1679. .1741' Le Neve, Peter. Norroy King-at-Arms 1662. .1729 Lenfant, David. Fr. Dominican. ( Gen. Hist, of all Ages) 1603 . . 1688 Lenfant, James. French Protestant Divine 1661 . .1728 Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nicholas. Historical Writer 1674. -1755 Lennard, Sampson. Antiquary and Writer — . . 1633 Lennep, John Daniel van. (Eiymologicum LingiuB Grcecce) 1724. .1771 Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte. Writer. (Shakesjieare Illust.) 1720. .1S04. Lenormand, Mary Anne Adelaide. French Fortune-teller 1 772 . . 1843 Lenotre, Andrew. Fr. Architect & Ornamental Gardener 1613. . 1700 Lens, Bernard. Miniature Painter — . .1741 Lenthall, William. Speaker 1591 . . 1682 Lentino, Jacopo Notaro da. Italian Poet fl.1250 Leo I. Emperor of the East (457-74). Thracian 400?. 474 Leo II. (474, Jan. 26-Nov.) Young 470^.474 Leo in. (717-41.) Isaurian 680?. 741 Leo IV. (775-80) 750. . 780 LeoV. (813-20.) Armenian —..820 Leo VI. (886-911.) Philosopher 866. . 911 Leo I. Pope(440-6L) The Great 390^461 Leo II. (682-84) _ . . 684 Leo III. (795-816) _ . . 8i6 Leo IV. (847-55) _ . . 855 LeoV. (903) —..903 248 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Leo VI. (928-29) — . . 929 Leo VII. (936-39) — . . 939 Leo VIII. (963-65) — . . 965 Leo IX. (1049-54.) Brunon. Saint : . 1002 . . 1054 Leo X. (1513-21.) John de^ Medici. Life by Roscoe ; J. M. V. Audin, 1844 ; A. Fabroni 1475. .1521 Leo XI. (Elected April 1, 1605.) Alexander rfe' Medici 1535. .1605 Leo XII. (1823-29.) Annibal delta Genga 1760. . 1829 Leo, of Modena. Jewish Antiquary 1571 . . 1654 Leo Allatius. Greek Scholar in Italy. {Apes Urbance) 1586.. 1669 Leo de St. John. {Studiwm Sapientice Universalis) 1600. .1671 Leo Juda. German Protestant Reformer 1482. .1542 Leo, John. A/ricanus. Traveler and Geographer 1483?. 1552 Leo, Leonard. Neapolitan Musical Composer 1694. .1745 Leon, Fra Louis Ponce de. Spanish Poet 1528. .1591 Leonardo Bonacoi, of Pisa. Mathematician fl. 1200*^ Leonardo da Vinci. Painter. Life by Amaretti ; J. W. Brown, 1828 1452. .1520 Leoni, Jacomo. Venetian Architect — . .1746'' Leonicenus, Nicholas. Italian Physician 1428. .1524 Leonico, Thomas Nicholas. Italian Scholar 1456. .1531 Leonidas. King of Sparta (b. c 491-480) . .' — B.c.480 Leopardi, James, Count. Italian Poet and Class. Scholar 1798. .1837 Leopold I. Emperor of Germany (1657-1705) 1640. .1705 Leopold II. (1790-92.) I. Grand Duke of Tuscany (1765-90) 1747. .1792 Leopold I. King of Belgium 1790. . 1865 Leopold. Duke of Lorraine 1679. .1729 Leosthenes. Athenian General fl. B.c.323 Leotaud, Vincent. {Examen Circuli Quadraturm) 1595 . . 1672 Leowitz, or Leovitius, Cyprian. German Astronomer. . . 1524. .1574 Lepaute, John Andrew. French Horologist 1709- -1789 Lepautre, or Lepotre, Anthony. French Architect 1614. . 1691 Lepautre, Peter, son. Sculptor 1660. .1744 Lepicier, Bernard. French Engraver 1698 ..1755 Lepicier, Nicholas Bernard, son. Painter I735 • -^7^ Lepidus, Marcus ^milius. Triumvir — B.C. 13 Lepois, Charles. Charles Piso. Medical Writer 1563. .1633 Lepois, Nicholas. Medical Writer 1527. . — Leprince, John. French Musician and Painter 1733. .1781 Le Q,uien, Michael. Theologian 1661 . . 1733 Lerebovirs, Noel John. French Optician 1762. . 1840 Leri, John de. French Protestant. {Siege of Sancerre) 1534, .1611 Lermontoff, Michael Ivanovitch. Russ. Poet & Novelist 1811 . . 1841 Lernutius, John. Dutch Latin Poet. {Basia, Ocelli, &c.) 1545 . . 1619 Leroy, Julian D.avid. {Ruines des Monuments de la Grece) 1724, . 1803 Leroy de St. Arnaud, Arnaud James. Marshal of France 1801 . .1854 Le Sage, Alain Rend. Novelist. ( Gil Bias) 1668. .1747 Le Sage, David. French Poet. {Les Folies du Sage) . . . — ..1650? Le Sage. {Historical Atlas.) See Las Cases 1766. . 1842 Lesage, George Louis. Swiss Philosopher. {Final Causes) 172^. .j8o^ Lescaille, Catherine. Dutch Sappho 1649 . . 1 71 1 Lescaille, James. Dutch Printer and Poet 1610. . 1677 Lescot, Peter. French Architect 1510. . 1571 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 249 BORN. DIED. Leseure, Louis Mary, Marquis de. Fr. Royalist General 1766. . Lesdiguieres, Francis de Bonne, Dk. of. French General 1 543 . . Lesley, John. Bishop of Ross; Friend of Mary Stuart . . 1527. . Leslie, Charles. Irish Divine. {Short and Easy Method) 1650'. Leslie, Charles Robert, r. a. Painter and Writer i794- • Leslie, Eliza. American Authoress 1787 . . Leslie, John. Bishop of Clogher. Scholar and Politician 1570?. Leslie, Sir John. Math, and Nat. L. by Macvey Napier 1766. . Lespinasse, Julia Jane Eleanore, of Paris 1732 . . Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Writer. L. by K. G. Lessing 1729. . Lessius, Leonard. Dutch Jesuit. (Immortalityof the Soul) 1^^^. . Lestocq, John Hermann, Count. Physician. Favorite of Elizabeth of Russia 1692. . L'Estrange, Sir Roger. Prot. Controv. and Translator 1616.. Lesueur, Eustace. French Painter 161 7. . Lesueiir, John Francis. French Musical Composer 1760. . Lesueur, Thomas. French Mathematician 1703. . Lethieullier, Smart. English Antiquary and Virtuoso. . 1701 . . Leti, Gregory. Italian Historian 1630 . . Letoxxrneur, Peter. French Writer 1736. . Letronne, John Anthony. Fr. Archaeologist and Critic . . 1787 . . Lettice, John. Poet and Divine i737- • Lettsom, John Coakley, m.d. Life by Pettigrew, 1817. . 1744. • Leucippus. Greek Philosopher fl. 5th c Leunclavius, John. Ger. Traveler. {Ottoman Empire) 1^^;^. . Leupold, James. Mechanician. {TheatrumMachinarum) 1674. . Leuret, Francis. French Anatomist 1 797 . . Leusden, John. Orientalist 1624. . Leutholf, or Ludolph, Job. German Orientalist 1624. . Leutzelburger, or Liitzelburger, Hans. Engraver fl. i6th c Leuwenhoek, Anthony van. Dutch Natural Philosopher 1632 . . Le Vaillant, Francis. Naturalist and Traveler i753- • Lever, Sir Ashton. Naturalist and Collector — . . Lever, Ralph, d. d. Divine and Author'. — . . Lever, Thomas. Master of St. John's Coll., Camb. Writer — .. Leverett, Frederick Percival. American Classical Scholar. {Latin Lexicon) 1803 . . Leverett, Sir John. Gov. of the Colony of Massachusetts 1616. . Leveridge, Richard. Singer and Musical Composer 1670 . . L6 vesque, Peter Charles. Historian 1 736 . . L6vesque de PouUli, Louis John. ( Sentiments Agreables) 1691 . . Levi, David. Jewish Controversialist 1740. . Levi-ben-Qershoni. Rabbi. Biblical Commentator. .. 1290?. Levingston, James, Earl of Callendar. Scottish Royalist — . . Levis, Peter Mark Gaston, Due de. Fr. Royalist; Writer 1764. . Levita, Elijah. Jewish Grammarian and Exegete 1470. • L6vizac, John Pons Victor Lecoutz de. French P6et and Philologist — , . 1813 Levret, Andrew. French Surgeon and Accoucheur 1703. .1780 Lewis, Andrew. American Revolutionary General 1730?. 1780 Lewis, Enoch. American Mathematician 1776. .1856 Lewis, Francis. American Revolutionary Statesman. .. . 1713..1803 Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. Statesman and Writer. . . 1806. .1863 Lewis, Rev. John. Antiquary and Divine 1675 • -^746 793 626 596 722 859 857 671 832 776 781 623 767 704 ?55 837 770 760 701 788 848 832 814 B.C. 593 727 851 699 704 723 824 788 585 577 836 679 812 750 799 370 672 830 549 250 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIBD. Iiewis, Maria Therese, Lady. Novelist and Biographer, . 1803 . . 1865 Lewis, Matthew Gregory. Monlc Lewis. Romancist 1775. .1818 Lewis, Meriwether. American Soldier and Explorer. . . . 1774. .1809 Lewis, Morgan. American Soldier, Jurist, and Politician 1754. .1844 Lewis, Samuel. American Educationist i799- -1^54 Ley, Sir James. Judge 1552?. 1628 Leyboum, William. Mathematical Writer — . . 1690? Leydecker, Melchior. Dutch Theologian 1642. .1722 Leyden, John, M. D. Poet & Orient. L. by Moreton, 1819 1 775 . . 181 1 Leyden, Luke van. Lucas Jacobze. Dutch Painter .... 1494. .1533 Leyland, Joseph Bentley, of Halifax. Sculptor — ..1851V Leyssens. Painter of Antwerp 1661 . . 1 720 Lezay-Marnezia, Adrian, Count de. Diplom. and Polit. 1770. .1814 Lezay-Marnezia, Claude Francis Adrian, Mqs. de. Polit. 1735 • -1800 L'Hdpital, Michael de. Chancellor of France. . . ... 1505 . . 1573 Lhuyd, Edw. Antiq. and Nat. {Archoeoloyia Britannica) iGjo'^ .ijcx) Lhuyd, Humphrey. Antiquary — . .1570 Libanius. Greek Sophist and Rhetorician 314. aft. 390 Libavius, Andreco. German Physician and Chemist — . . 1616 Liberi, Peter. Italian Painter 1605 . . 1687 Liberius. Bishop of Rome (352-66) — . . 366 Liceti, Fortunio. Italian Physician and Philosopher. . . . 1577. .1657 Lichnowsky, Felix, Prince. Prussian General 1814. . 1848 Ijichtenberg, George Christopher. Writer. {On ffogarth) 174.2. .xygg Lichtenstein, Jos. Wenceslaiis, Prince of. Austrian Gen. 1696. .1772 Lichtenstein, Martin Henry Charles. German Naturalist 1 780 . . 1857 Lichtwer, Magnus Godfrey. German Poet and Fabulist 17 19. .1783 Licinius. Roman Emperor (307-24) — . . 324 Liddel, Duncan. Scottish Mathematician and Physician. Life by James Stuart 1561. .1613 Ijieutaud, Joseph. French Medical Writer 1 703 . . 1 780 Lieven, Dorothea, Princess of. Russian Diplomatist .... 1784. .1857 Lievens, or Livineius, John, of Antwerp. Greek Scholar 1546''. 1599 Lievens, John. Dutch Portrait Painter for Charles I. . . . 1607 . . 1663 Ijigtitfoot, John, D. D. Divine 1602 . . 1675 LigMfoot, John. Botanist. {Fbra Scotica) 1735 .. 1788 Lignac, Joseph Adrian le Large de. Abb6. Philoso- pher, Naturalist, Theologian 1710?. 1762 Ligne, (Jhas. Joseph, Prince de. Austrian Field Marshal 1735. .1814 Ligonier, John, Earl of. Field Marshal 1678. .1770 Ligorio, Peter, of Naples. {Designs after the Antique) . . 1530?. 1580 Liguori, St. Alphonsus Maria di. Italian Theologian . . . 1696. .1787 Lilburne, John. Republican Writer and Sectary 1618. . 1657 Lillo, George. Dramatic Writer. Life by Thos. Davies 1693. .1739 Lilly, or Ly lye, John. Dramatic Writer. {Euphues) 1553? 160 1? Lilly, William. Astrologer. Life by self 1602. .1681 Lily, or Lilye, William. Schoolmaster and Grammarian. . 1468?. 1523 Liraborcli, Philip van. Dutch Theologian 1633. .1712 Limbourg, John Philip de, of Spain. Medical Writer. . . fl. 1736-65 Limnseus, John. German Jurist i59^- • 1663 Linacre, Thomas, m. d. Physician and Scholar 1460?. 1524 Linant, Michael. French Poet ; Friend of Voltaire 1708. . 1749 Lincoln, Abraham. Sixteenth President of the United States; assassinated by Booth 1809. . 1865 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 251 BORN. Iiincoln, Benjamin. American Revolutionary General. . 1733. Lincoln, Levi. American Statesman i749- Lind, James, m, d. Medical Writer. ( 0}t the Scurvy) ... — . Lindanus, William. Dutch Divine 1525 . Lindblad, Otto. German Song Composer — . Lindblora, Axel. Archbisliop of Upsal. Lexicographer 1 746 .. ] Linde, Samuel Theophilus. Polish Philologist 1771 • Lindenau, Bernard Augustus von. German Astronomer 1 780 . Lindenbruch, Frederick. ( Codex Legum Antiquarum) . . 1573. Lindley, John, m. d. Prof, of Botany. {Botanical Did.) 1799. .] Iiindpaintner, Peter Joseph von. German Composer. ( Sicilian Vespers) 1791 . Lindsay, Sir David. Poet. Life by Chalmers 1490- Lindsay, John, E. of Crawford. General. L. by Rolt, 1753 1702. Lindsay, John. Nonj. Divine. {Hist, of Regal Succession) — . Ltadsey, Theoph. Socin. Writer. L. by T. Belsham, 1812 1 723 . Lindsley, Philip, d. d. Amer. Clergyman and Educator 1786. .] Ling, Peter Henry. Swedish Physiologist and Poet 1766. . Lingard, John, d. d., ll. d. Roman Catholic Historian 1771. . L'Ingegno, or Andrea di Luigi. Painter. 1450''. Lingendes, Claude de. French Jesuit; Preacher 1591 . . ] Linglebach, John. German Painter of the Grotesque . . 1625. Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henry. Polit. and Misc. Writer 1736, Liniere, Francis Payot de. French Poet 1628 . Linley, George. Song Writer and Composer 1798^ • : Ijinley, Thomas. Musical Composer. {Twelve Ballads) 172^'- .: Linley, Thomas, son. Musician ; drowned 1756. Linley, William, br. Mus. Comp. ( Songs of Shakespeare) 1 77 1 . Iiinn, John Blair. American Poet. {Powers of Genius) . , 1777 . Linnaeus, Charles von. The great Botanist. Life by Miss Brightwell; Trap of Stoever; Pulteney 1707. . : Linnaeus, Charles, son. Botanist 1741 . . Linsctioten, John Hugh van. Dutch Voyager 1536. Linsenbahrt. Rosinus Lentilius. Medical Writer 1657.. Lint, Peter van. Dutch Historical and Portrait Painter. . 1609. . Lin-tseh.-su. Chinese Imperial Commissioner & Author 1785 . . Linwood, Wm. Bishop of St. David's. Eccles. Lawyer — . . : Lionel, Duke of Clarence, son of Edward III — . . Liotard, John Stephen. Swiss Painter in Crayons 1702. aft. Liotard, Peter. French Botanist 1 729 . . Lipenius, Martin. Ger. Lutheran. {Bibliotheca Realis) 16^0. . Lippi, Lawrence. Pa. & Poet. (// Malmantile Racquistatu) 1606. . i Lippi, Philip. Painter of Florence. {Adoration of Virgin) i^\2. . Lippi, Philip, or Philippin, son. Painter 1460. . Lippoman, Louis. Italian Bishop, Persecutor, and Writer 1 500 . . Lipsius, Justus. Critic. Life by Miroeus i547- • Liron, John. Benedictine of St. Maur. {Auteurs Chartrains) 1665. Ids, John van der. Dutch Painter i57o- • LiscoflF, Christian Louis. German Satirist 1701 . . Lisle, de. See Delisle. Lisle, Mrs., or Lady Alice. Victim of Judge Jeffreys — .. Lisle, Sir Geo. Royalist; Defender of Colchester; shot.. — .. Lisola, Francis Paul, Baron von. Diplomatist. {Bou- clier d'Mat) 1613. . 1675 252 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Xiist, Frederick. German Political Economist 1789. . 1846 liista y Aragon, Albert. Spanish Mathem., Poet, Critic 1 775 . . 1848 Idster, Martin. Ph vs. and Nat. {Historia- Conchyliorum) 1638?. 1712 Lister, Sir Matthewji m. d. Physician 1565?. 1657 Ijister, Thomas Henry. Novelist and Historian 1801 . . 1842 Liston, John. Comedian 1776. . 1846 Listen, Robert. Surgeon 1794 . . 1848 Lithgow, William. Scottish Pedestrian Traveler — . . 1640 Litta, Pompey, Count. Italian Historian 1781 . . 1852 Little, William. William of Newburgh. Historian 1 136 . . 1208 Littleton, Rev. Adam. Divine and Philol. {Lat. Diet.) 1627. .1694 Littleton, or Lyttelton, which see. Littrow, Joseph John von. German Astronomer . . .' 1781 . . 1840 Liutprand, or Luitprand. Lombard Historian 920^.972 Lively, Edward. Hebrew Professor at Cambridge. One of the Translators of the Bible — . . 1605 Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, First Earl of. Statesman 1727. .1808 Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Second Earl of. Premier (1812-27) 1770. . 1828 Livia Drusilla, the wife of Augustus B.c.55?. A.D.29 Livineius, or Lievens, John, of Antwerp. Greek Scholar 1546'. 1599 Living, or Elfstan. Archbishop of Canterbury (1013-20) — . .1020 Livingston, Brockholst, ll. d. Amer. Soldier and Jurist 1757. .1823 Livingston, Edward. American Legislator and Jurist. Life by Hunt 1764. . 1836 Livingston, John. Scotch Presbyterian Divine 1603. . 1672 Livingston, Philip. American Patriot 1 716. . 1778 Livingston, Robt. R. Amer. Polit. ; Ambass. to France 1746. .1813 Livingston, William. American Writer and Statesman. Life by Theodore Sedgwick, 1835 1723. .1790 Livius Andronicus. Roman Poet fl. b.c. 240 Ijivy. Roman Historian B.c.59. A.D.17 Llewellyn. Prince of Wales; defeated by Edward 1 1224?. 1282 Llorente, Bernard German y. Spanish Painter 1685. .1757 Llorente, John Anthony. Spanish Historian 1.756. . 1823 Lloyd, Charles, of Birniingham. Translator of Horace. . — . .1827 Lloyd, Charles. Bishop of Oxford 1784. . 1829 LlOyd, Charles. Poet ; Friend of Wordsworth, Lamb, and Southey — . . 1839 Lloyd, Rev. David. Biographer and Historian 1625 . . 1691 Uoyd, Henry Humphrey Evans. Military Historian. . . . 1729. .1783 Lloyd, Rev. Nicholas. Philologist 1634. . 1680 Lloyd, Robert. Poet. Life by Dr. Kenrick 1 733 . . 1 764 Iiloyd, William. Bishop of Worcester. Scholar 1627. .1717 Llywelyn, Sion, of Glamorgan. Poet — . . 1616 Lobau, George Mouton, Count de. Marshal of France. . . 1770. .1838 Lobb, Theophilus, of London. Medical Writer 1676?. 1763 Lobeira, Vasco de. Portuguese Writer. (AmadisofGaul) — .-1403 Lobel. or L'Obel, Matthias de. Bot. (Stirpium Adversaria) 1538.. 1616 Lobineau, Guy Alexis. Fr. Writ. {History of Brittany) 1666. .1727 Lobkowitz, Boleslaus de Hassenstein, Baron de. Diplo- matist and Latin Poet — . . 1510 Lobo, Jerome. Portuguese Jesuit Missionary 1593?. 1678 Locatelli, Peter. Italian Violinist 1693. .1764 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 253 BORN. DIED. Xiocli, David. Writer on Trade — . . 1780 Loch, James, m. p. Scot. Writer. ( County of Sutherland) 1780. . 1855 Lochner, Stephen, of Cologne. Painter — • • i45^^ Lock, Matthew. Musical Composer 1630? . 1677 Lockart, Alex. Scot. Politician. {Memoirs of Scotland) 167^^17^2 Locke, John. Philosopher. Life by Lord King ; Le Clerc 1 632 . . 1 704 Locke, Joseph. Engineer. Life by J. Devey , 1862 1805 . . i860 Locker, Edw. Hawke, of Greenw. Hosp. Popular Writer 1 777 .. 1849 Locker, John. English Greek Scholar and Writer — . .1760 Lockhart, John Gibson. Writer. {Life of Scott) 1794.. 1854 Lockman, John. Musical Writer 1698. .1771 Lodge, Edmund. Herald and Antiquary. {Portraits) . . 1756. .1839 Lodge, Thomas, m. d. Dramatic Poet 1555^-1625 Lodge, William. Engraver 1649 . . 1689 Loewendal, Ulric Frederick Waldemar, Ct. of. General 1700. .1755 Loewenthal, Rev. Isidore." Missionary at Peshawer 1827. .1864 Lofft, Capel. Writer 1751..1824 Loftus, Adam. Archbishop of Dublin 1534' • 1605 Loffcus, Dudley. Orientalist 1618 . . 1695 Loftus, William Kennett. English Archaeologist 1820'. 1858 Logan. Tah-gah-jute. Indian Chief — . .1781 Logan, George, m. d. Amer. Statesman and Philanthr. 1753.. 1821 Logan, James. American Colonial Statesman and Author 1674 . . 1 75 1 Logan, Rev. John. Scottish Divine, Poet, and Writer . . 1748. .1788 Logau, Frederick, Baron von. German Poet 1604. .1655 Loggan, David. Engraver. {Oxonia Illmtrata) 1635?. 1693 Lohenstein, Daniel Gaspar. German Poet 1635 . . 1683 Loir, Nicholas. French Painter 1624. . 1679 Lola Montez, (Maria Dolores Porris y Montez,) Countess of Landsfeld. Adventuress 1824. . 1861 Lollard, Walter. Protestant; burnt at Cologne — . . 1322 Lolli, or Lolly, Anthony. Italian Violinist . 1728. . 1802 Loin, Josse van, or Lommius. Dutch Medical Writer. . 1500. aft. 1562 Lombard, John Louis. French Artillerist 1723. .1794 Lombard, Lambert, of Li6ge. Painter 1506. .1565 Lombard, Peter. Master of Sentences. Schoolman.... — ..1164 Lom6nie, Henry Augustus, Count de Brienne. French Ambassador in England 1595 . . 1666 Lom6nie, Henry Louis, Count de Brienne, son. States- man. {Memoirs of Own Life) 1635 . . 1698 Lom.6nie de Brienne, Stephen Charles de. Cardinal . . 1727. .1798 Lommius, Jodocus, or Josse van Lom. Dutch Med. Writ. 1500.aft.1562 LomonosoflE", Michael Vasilovitch. Russ. Poet and Hist. 171 1. .1765 Londe, Francis Richard de la. French Poet 1685-'. 1765 Londonderry, Charles William Vane Stewart, Third Mar- quess of. General under Wellington ^71^- • 1854 Londonderry, Robert Stewart, brother. Lord Castlereagh and Second Marquess of. Statesman 1769. . 1822 Long, Edward, of Jamaica. Judge. {Hist, of Jamaica) 1734. .1813 Long, James le. Fr. Hist. & Bibliog. {Bibliotheca Sacra) 1665. .1721 Long, John St. John. Medical Empiric 1798. . 1834 Long, Roger, d. d., of Cambridge. Professor of Astronomy 1680. .1770 Long, Thomas. Nonjuring Divine 1621 . .1700 Longbeard, William, of London. Popular Champion .. . — ..1196 254 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Iiongepierre, Hilary Bernard de. Critic and Class. Dram. 1659. .1721 Longhi, Joseph. Italian Painter and Engraver 1766. . 1831 Longinus, Dionysius Cassius. Greek Philosopher 213?. 273 Longland, or Langland, John. Bishop of Lincoln i473- -1547 Longland, or Langeland, Robt. Poet. (Piers Plowman) fl. 1370' Longman, Thomas Norton. London Publisher 1770''. 1842 Iiongolius, or Longueil, which see. Xiongomontanus, Christian. Danish Astronomer 1562. .1647 Longstreet, William. American Inventor — . .1814 Longueil, Christopher de. Ciceronian Scholar 1490. .1522 Longueil, Gilbert de. Dutch Phys. and Class. Scholar 1507. .1543 Longuerue, Louis Dufour de. Fr."^Abb^ and Hist. Writer 1652. .1733 Longueval, James. Jesuit; Ecclesiastical Historian .... 1680. .1735 LonguevUle, Anne Genevieve de Bourbon, Duchess de, daughter of Henry II. ; Prince of Cond^, L. by Villefore 1619. . 1679 Longus. Greek Romance Writer. {Pastorals) 4th or 5th c. Loni, Alexander, of Florence. Painter 1655 .. 1702 Lonicerus, Adam. Physician and Naturalist 1528. .1586 Lonicerus, John. Ger. Philologist. ( Greek and Lat. Lex.) 1499. .1569 Loon, Theodore van. Dutch Painter 1630 . . 1678 Loos, Cornelius. Dutch Divine. [De Vera et Falsa Magid) 1546?. 1595 Loosjes, Adrian. Dutch Novehst and Poet '. . . 1761 . . 1818 Lope de Rueda. Spanish Dramatist and Actor 1500^ 1564 Lope de Vega. Spanish Poet 1562. . 1635 Lopes, Fernando. Portuguese Historian 1380''. 1449 Lopez, Narcisso. Cuban Revolutionist i799- • 185 1 Loredano, John Francis. (History of the Kings of Cyprus) 1606. . 1661 Lorenze, John Michael. French Historian 1723. . 1801 Lorenzetti, Ambrose. Painter of Sienna 1257. . 1340 Lorenzini, or Lavirentini, Francis Mary. Poet 1680. .1743 Lorenzini, Lawrence. Mathematician 1652. .1721 Lorenzo. The Magnificent. See Medici 1448. . 1492 Lorgna, Anthony Mary. Italian Mathematician 1730^ 1796 Loriot, Anthony Joseph. French Mechanician 1 71 6. . 1782 Lorit, Henry. "Glareanus. German Scholar 1488. .1563 Lorkin, Thomas, m. d. Medical Writer I528^ 1591 Lorme, Charles de. Physician to Louis XIII. Writer. . 1584. .1678 Lorme, Marion de, or Delorme. French Courtesan 1612''. 1650 Lorrae, Philibert de. French Architect 1 5 18. . 1577 Lorraine, Charles de Guise, Cardinal de 1525 .. 1574 Lorraine, Claude. Gelee. French Landscape Painter .. 1600. .1682 Lorraine, Robert le. French Sculptor 1666. .1743 Lorris, WilUam de. French Poet. {Roman de la Jtose) — ..1260- Lorry, Anne Charles. French Medical Writer 1726. . 1783 Lortzing, Albert Gustavus. German Composer 1803. .1851 Losa, Isabella, d. d., of Cordova. Scholar i473' • 1546 Loten, John. Dutch Landscape Painter in England — . . 1681 Lothaire I. Emperor of Germany 795 '' . 855 Lothaire II. (1125-37.) Duke of Saxony and Emperor 1075 . . 1137 Lothaire. King of Lorraine 825 . . 869 Lothaire. King of France (954-86) 941 . . 986 Lotich, John Peter. Physician and Latin Poet 1598. • 1669 Lotich, Peter. Secundus. Latin Poet 1528. .1560 Lotto* Lorenzo. Venetian Painter fl. 1513-54 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 255 BORN. DIED. liOubSre, Simon de la. French Jesuit Envoy to Siam . . 1642. .1729 Loudon, or Laudon, Gideon Ernest, Baron. Austrian Field Marshal 1716. .1790 Iioudon, Mrs. Jane Webb. Horticult. & Botanical Writer 1800. . 1858 Iioudon, John Claudius. Horticultural Writer 1783 . . 1843 Louis I. Emp. of Ger. (814-40), and I. of Fr., which see 778. . 840 Louis II. (855-75.) The Yming 822?. 875 Louis HI. (890-903.) TheBlind 88o?. 928? Louis rv. (900-11.) The Infant. (Not reckoned by some) 893'. 912? LoTiis v., or IV., (1314-47) of Bavaria 1287?. 1347 Louis I. King of France (814-40) and Emperor. Le Debonnaire. Life by Astronome 778. . 840 Louis II. (877-79.) Le Be gue, ox Stammerer 846.. 879 Louis III. (879-82) — . . 882 Louis IV. (936-54.) D Outre-Mer 921.. 954 Louis V. (986-87.) Le Faineant 966.. 987 Louis VI. (1108-37.) Le Gros. Life by Suger 1078. .1137 Louis Vn. (1137-80.) LeJeune 1120..1180 Louis VIII. (1223-26.) Le Lion 1187. .1226 Louis IX. ( 1226-70. ) Saint Life by Nangis ; Joinville ; J. H. Gurney, 1855 1215 . . 1270 Louis X. (1314-16.) Eutin 1289.. 1316 Louis XI. (1461-83.) Life by C. P. Duclos, 1745 ; Jean de Troyes ; Baudot de Juilli, 1756 1423 . . 1483 Louis XII. (1498-1515.) Life by Tailh^; Claude Scyssel 1462. .1515 Louis XIII. (1610-43.) Life by Gabriel, Lord of Gram- mont ; James Howell ; Le Vassor, 1710-21 1601 . . 1643 Louis XIV. (1643-1715. ) L. by P. Pellisson-Fontanier ; Isaac de Larrey ; Leti; Reboulet; G. P. R. James 1638. .17 15 Louis XV. (1715-74. ) Life by Voltaire 1 710 . . 1 774 Louis XVI. (1774-93) 1754. .1793 Louis XVII. Life by A. de Beauchesne, 1853 1785 .. 1795 Louis XVIII. (1814r-24) 1755 . . 1824 Louis I. King of Hungary (1342-82) and of Poland 1326 .. 1382 Louis II. (1516-26) 1506.. 1526 Louis le Germanique. King of Germany 806. . 876 Louis of France. Duke of Anjou, son of John III — . . 1384 Louis Philippe. King of the French. Life by M. A. Bounce, 1849; L. G. Michaud, 1849; Nouvion, 1859. . 1773. .1850 Louis, Anthony. French Surgeon 1723. .1792 Louisa of Orleans. Q. of Belgians, dau. of Louis Philippe 1812 . . 1850 Louisa of Savoy. Regent of France 1476. . 1531 Louisa, Augusta Wilhelmina Amelia. Queen of Prussia. Life by Mrs. Richardson 1776. . 1810 Loupti^re, John Charles de Relongue de la. French Poet 1727. . 1784 Loxu-eiro, John de. Portuguese Botanist and Missionary 1715?, 1796 Loutlierbourg, or Lutherburg, Philip James. French Landscape Painter 1 740 . . 1812 Louvel, Louis Peter. French Assassin 1783 . . 1820 Louvet, Peter. Antiquary of Beauvais 1569' . 1646 Lou vet de Couvray, John Baptist. French Politician. . 1764. .1797 Louville, Eugene d'Alonville. French Astronomer 1671 . .1732 Louvois, Francis Michael Le Tellier, Marquis de. Minister of Louis XIV 1641. .1691 256 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORK. DIED. Ij6vat, Simon Eraser, Lord. L. by self; J. H. Burton, 1847 1667 . . 1 747 Love, Christopher. Presbyterian Divine 1618. .1651 Love, James. Dramatic Writer and Actor — . . 1774 Lovejoy, Rev. Elijah P. American Abolitionist 1802. .1837 Lovejoy, Owen. American Abolitionist and Statesman . . 181 1 . . 1864 Lovelace, Richard. Poet 1618. . 1658 Lovett, Richard. Lay Clerk of Worcester. Philos. Writer — . . 1 780 Lovibond, Edward. Poet , — . .1775 Lowe, Sir Hudson. General. Governor of St. Helena. . 1767. .1844 Lowe, Peter. Scottish Surgeon. {Discourse on Chiruyery) — ..1612 LoweU, Francis Cabot. American Merchant 1775 • • 1817 Lowell, John, ll. d. American Statesman and Jurist. . . 1743. .1802 Lowell, John, ll. d., son. Lawyer and Political Writer 1769. .1840 Lowell, John. Founder of Lowell Institute at Boston. . . 1799. . 1836 Lowen, John Frederick. German Poet and Roman cist . . 1729?. 1773 Lowendal, Ulric Frederick Waldemar, Count of. General 1 700 . . 1 755 Lowenthal, Rev. Isidore. Philologist and Missionary . . 1827. . 1864 Lower, Richard. Physician and Anatomist 1631 ? . 1691 Lowman, Moses, of Clapham. Biblical Commentator. . . 1680. .1752 Lowndes, Rawlin. American Lawyer and Statesman. . . 1722. .1800 Lowndes, Thomas. Founder of Astronom. Professorship — ..1748 Lowndes, William Jones. American Statesman 1782. .1822 Lowndes, William Thomas. Bibliographer. {Bibliog- rapher'' s Manual) — . . 1843 Lowry, Wilson. Engraver 1762. .1824 Lowth, Robert. Bp. Lond. {Isaiah.) L. by P. Hall, 1834 1710. .1787 Lowth, William. Prebend of Winchester. Scholar and Commentator 1661 . . 1732 Lojrd, Lewis. London Banker 1768 . . 1858 Loyer, Peter le, Sieur de la Brosse. {Apparitions) 1550- -1634 Loyola, Ignatius. Founder of the Jesuits. Life by Riba- deneira, 1570; John Peter MafFei, 1584; Stein, 1598; Gretser, 1599-1604; Bombino, 1615 ; Mayr, 1616 ; Mich. .Walpole, 1617; Ferus, or Plachy, 1617; Diez, 1619; Binet,1622; Bidermann, 1625 ; Nigroni, 1630 ; La Mis- ma, 1633; Arcones,1633; Halkett, 1648; Bartoli, 1650; Kastel,1667; Bussieres,1670; Bonhours, 1679 ; Coret, 1679; Nolarci,1680; Garcia, 1685; Nossius, 1690 ; Nie- berlein, 1721; Hane, 1721; Rasiel de Selva, or Ques- nel de Dieppe, 1736; Mariani, 1741; Wolfter, 1788; Frank, 1802; Geiss,1804; Dewora,1816; Charra,1840; DuThairel, 1844; Bruehl,1845; Genelli,1848;Rau,1851 1491. .1556 Lubbert, Sibrand. Dutch Controversial Divine 1556''. 1625 Lubbock, Sir John William, f. k. s. Math, and Philos. 1803. .1865 Lubienetski, Theodore, of Cracow. Hist, and Portr. Pa. 1653?. 1716 Lubieniczki, Stanisl. Unitarian. ( TTieatrum Cometicum) 1623. .1675 Lubin, Augustin. Geographical Writer 1624. . 1695 Lubin, Eilhard. {De Causa et Natura Mali) 1556. .1621 Luca, John Baptist. Cardinal. {Analysis of Civil Law) 1614..1683 Lucan, Marcus Annseus. Roman Poet 39 . . 65 Lucaris, Cyril. Greek Theologian 1572. . — Lucas, Charles. Irish Physician and Patriot. 1713- • 1771 Lucas, Frederick, m. p. Rom. Cath. Polit. Ed. of Tablet 1812 . . 1855 Lucas, Paul. French Traveler 1664. .1737 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 257 BORN. DIED. IJucas, Rev. Richard. Divine 1648 . . 1 715 Lucas, Samuel. Journalist and "Writer. {Secularia) . . . 1818. .1865 Lucas Brugensis, Francis. Dutch Orient, and Bib.Writ. 1552?. 1619 Lucas van Leyden. Dutch Painter and Engraver 1494- -1533 Lucchesini, Jerome, Marquis of. Prussian Statesman . . 1752. .1825 Lucchesini, John Vincent. Italian Historian 1660 . . 1 744 Luchetto, of Genoa. /See Cambiaso 1527.. 1585 Lucian. Greek Writer 120'. 200 Lucian, St. Presbyter of Antioch. Martyr — .. 312 Lucifer. Bishop of Cagliari. Writer — ab. 370 Lucilius, Caius. Roman Satirist 148. 103 b.c. Lucius I. Pope (252-53) — . . 253 Lucius II. (1144-45.) Gerard de Caccianamici — • • ii45 Lucius III. (1181-85.) Ubaklo Allucingoli — . . 1185 Lxicke, Godfrey Christian Frederick. German Theologian 1792. . 1855 Lucretius. Roman Philosopher and Poet 95-55 b-c LucuUus, Lucius Licinius. Conqueror of Mithridates. , .110''. 57 B.C. Luden, Henry. German Historian 1780. . 1847 Ludlow, Edmund. Parliamentarian General 1620'. 1693 Ludolph, Henry William. ( Gram, of Russian Language) 1655 . .1710 Ludolph., Job. " Orientalist. {History of Ethopia).' 1624. .1704 Ludwig, Christian Theophilus. Botanist 1709. . 1773 Ludwig, John Peter, of Magdeburg. ( Manuscripta Omnis ^vi) 1668 . . 1743 Luecke. /See Liicke 1792.. 1855 Luetzow. See Liitzow. Lugo, Francis de. Sp. Jesuit Miss. {OnThomas Aquinas) i<^?,o. .16^2 Lugo, John de, br. Sp. Jesuit and Cardinal. Theologian 1583. . 1660 Luigi, Andrea di. Vlngegno. Painter. /See L'Ingegno 1450'. 1520 Luini, Bernardin. ItalianPainter — aft. 1530 Luini, Francis. Italian Mathematician 1740. .1792 Luisino, Francis. Italian Greek and Latin Scholar 1523. .1568 Luitprand. King of Lombards (712-44) — . . 744 Luitprand. Lombard Historian 920?. 972 Luke, St. Evangelist ist c. Lukin, Lionel. Inventor of Life-boat 1742-''. 1834 Lully, or Lulli, John Baptist. French Musical Composer 1633. .1687 Lully, or Lulle, Raymd. Doctxyr Illuminatus. {Ars Magna) 1234,. 131 5 Lumsden, Matthew, ll. d., of Calcutta. Orientalist. . . . 1777. .1835 Lundin, Sir Alan. EarlofAthol. Justiciar of Scotland — -.1275 Lundy, Benjamin. American Abolitionist 1789. . 1839 Luneau de Boisjermain, Peter Jos. Francis. Fr. Writer 1732. . 1801 Lunn, Joseph. Dramatist 1784"'' . 1863 Lupset, Thos. Div. & Writer ; Friend of Pole & Erasmus 1498 ' . 1 530 Lupton, Donald. Biographer 11. 1674 Lupus, or Wolf, Christian. Flemish Writer on Councils 1612. .1681 Lupus Servatus. French Abbot. Theologian 8o5?.aft.86i Lusignan, Guy de. King of Jerusalem and Cyprus — . .1194 Lussan, Margaret de. Romance and Historical Writer. . 1682. . 1758 Luthbert, or Lubbert, Sibrand. Dutch Controv. Divine 1556''. 1625 Luther, Martin. German Refoi-mer. Life by Melanchthon, 1546 (also in English, German, French, and Swedish); Cochlaeus, 1549 (also in German); Mathesius, 1565; Selnecker, 1575; Taillepied, 1577; Seidel, 1581; Glo- 17 258 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOBN. SISD. cerus, 1586 ; Dresser, 1598 ; Brerely, 1624 ; Hayne, 1641 , Juncker, 1699 (also in German and Dutch) ; Forstmann, 1717; Grinsius, 1721; Herrenschmidt, 1742 (also in German and Danish); Walter, 1749-54; Kiel, 1753; Schroekh, 1773 (also in Danish and Swedish); Wa- genseil, 1782; Tischer, 1783 (also in English, Danish, and Dutch); Zimmermann, 1812; Bower, 1813; H. Mueller, 1817 ; Ukert, 1817 ; Stange, 1835 ; Pfizer, 1836 ; Riddle, 1837; J. Scott, 1838 ; Audin,1839 (also in Ger- man and Italian) ; H. Lee, 1839 ; Jiirgens, 1840 ; Genth, 1842 (also in Dutch); Michelet, 1845 (also in English and German); Meurer, 1843-46 (also in English); R. Ferguson, 1848; Neudecker, 1850; Ratzeberger, 1850 ; Konig, 1853 (in English, 1854); Jander, 1853; Tho- den van Velzen, 1853 ; Worsley, 1856 1483 . . 1 546 LutherbTirg, or Loutherbourg, Philip James. Fr. Painter 1740. . 1812 Luti, Benedict. Italian Painter 1666. .1724 Luttrell, Henry. Poet. {Memoirs of Thomas Moore). . . — . . 1851 Lutzelburger/Hans. Hans Frank. Swiss Wood Engrav. fl. i6th c. liutzow, Louis Adolphus William. Baron. Prussian Gen. 1782. . 1834 Liitzow, Theresa von. German Authoress 1804. . 1852 Luxemboiirg, Francis Henry de Montmorenci Bouteville, Duke of 1628 . . 1695 Luyken, John. Dutch Engraver 1649 . . 1712 Luyts, John. Philosopher and Astronomer 1665 . . 1721 Luzac, John. Dutch Philologist and Publicist 1746. . 1807 Lycon. Greek Peripatetic Philosopher 300?. 226 B.C. Lycophron. Greek Poet and Gram. ( Cassandra) . . fl. B.C. (285-47) Lycurgus. Spartan Lawgiver. Life by Dean Chetwood fl. B.C. 825? Lydgate, John. Poet *..... 1375?. 1460? Lydiat, Thos. Chronol. &Math. {Emendaiio Temporum) 1572, .1646 Lydus, Johannes Laurentius. Byzantine Writer 490' • 560? Lye, Edward. Antiquary and Saxonist 1704- -1767 Lylye, or Lilly, John. Dramatist. (Euphues) 1553?. 1601? Lynch, Thomas. American Revolutionary Statesman. . . 1749. . 1779 Lynde, Sir Humphrey, m. p. Writer against Popery. ( Via Tula) 1579. . 1636 Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron. Ld. Chanc. 1772, .1863 Lyndsay, or Lindsay, Sir David. Poet. L. by Chalmers 1490. .1557-' Lyndwode, or Lindwood. Ecclesiastical Lawyer. Bishop of St. David's — . . 1446 Lynedocli, Thomas Graham, Lord. General 1750. . 1843 Lyon, George Francis, Captain r. n. Trav. and Explorer 1795 . . 1832 Lyon, Mary. Amer. Educat. li. by Edw. Hitchcock, 1860 1 797 • • 1849 Lyon, Matthew. American Politician 1 746 . . 1822 Lyon, Nathaniel. American General 1819. . 1861 Lyonnet, Peter. Dutch Naturalist 1 707 . . 1 789 Lyons, Edmund, Lord. Admiral 1790 . . 1858 Lyons, Israel. Hebrew Scholar — . . 1770 Lyons, Israel, son. Botanist. Mathem. of Cambridge 1739. .1775 Lyra, or LjTanus, Nicholas de. Biblical Commentator . . 1270?. 1340 Lysander. Spartan General — B.c.395 Lyserus, John. Lutheran Div. {Pulygai7iiaTriuniphntrix) — ..1684 Lyserus, Polycarp. Lutheran Divine. Commentator. .. 1552. .1601 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 259 BORN. DIED. Lysias. Greek Orator 458.378 b.c. Lysimachus, General of Alexander; King of Thrace 360'. 281 B.C. Lysippus. Greek Sculptor fl. ti. Alex. Gt. Lysons, Daniel, m. d., of Bath. Medical Writer — . . 1800 Ly sons. Rev. Daniel. Topographer. {Environs of LoTidon) lySo. .18^4 Lysons, Samuel. Antiquary and Topographer 1763. . 1819 Lyte, Henry. Botanist 1529. . 1607 Lyte, Rev. Henry Francis. Poet. {Spirit of the Psalms) — ..1847 Lyttelton, Charles. Bishop of Carlisle. Antiquary. . . . 1714. .1768 Lyttelton, Edward, Baron Lyttelton of Mounslow. Lord Keeper 1589. .1645 Lyttelton, George, of Frankley, First Lord. {Henry II. ; Conversion of St. Paul.) Life hy Phillimore, 1845. . . 1709. .1773 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas, of Frankley. Judge. ( TenMres) 1421?. 1481 Lyttelton, Thomas, 2d Lord; SuWect of the Ghost Story — . .1779 Lyttelton, William Henry, Baron Westcote. Governor of Jamaica — . . 1808 1 260 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. M. BORN. DISD. Maan, John. Fr. Hist, and Theol. {Eccksia Turonensis) fl. 1667 Maas, Dirk. Dutch Painter 1656. . 1715 Maas, or Maes, Nicholas. Dutch Painter 1632. . 1693 Maat, Jan. Flemish Painter. See Blaukoff 1628. . 1670 Mabillon, John. Fr. Benedictine. L. by Ruinart, 1709 1632. .1707 Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbe de. Political Writer .... 1709. .1785 Maboul, James. Fr. Bp. & Preach. ( Oraisonsfunebres) 1650'. 1723 Mabuse, or Maubeuge, John. Gussaert. Flem. Painter 1499. .1562? Macadam, John Loudon. Improver of Roads 1756. .1836 Mac Ardell, James. English Mezzotint Engraver 1 710?. 1765 Macarius, St., of Alexandria. Anchorite and Writer. . 301 ? . 390 or i Macarius, St., the Younger, of Alexandria. Monk 304 :'. 404? Macarthiir, Duncan. American Pioneer and Statesman 1772. .1840 Macartney, Geo., E. of. Envoy. L. by Sir John Barrow 1 737 . . 1806 Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine (Sawbridge). Historian i733- -1791 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. Historian. Life by Rev. F. Arnold, 1862 1800. . 1859 Macaulay, Zachary. Slavery Abolitionist 1768. . 1838 Macauley, Elizabeth Wright. Actress and Preacher. . . 1785. .1837 Macbeth. King of Scotland (1040-56 ) — . . 1056 Macbride, David, m. d. Irish Phys. ( Tlieory Heiress of Burgundy. Wife of Maximilian i457- • 1482 Mary, of Cleves, Princess of Cond6 1556. .1574 Mary, of England, daughter of Henry VII 1497 . . 1534 Mary, de' Medici. Queen of Henry IV. of France. Life by MissPardoe i573- .1642 Mary Beatrix, d'Este, wife of James II. of England 1658. .1718 Mary Stuart. Queen of Scots. Life by Dr. Samuel Jebb, 1725; F. M. de Marsy; Miss Benger, 1823; G. Conei, or Cowne; Bell, 1831; Buckingham, 1844; Mignet. 1854 ; Ryan, 1857 .' 1542. . 1587 Masaccio. Tommaso Guidi. Painter 1402?. 1443 Masaniello. Tommaso Anniello. Neapol. Revolutionist 1623. .1646 Mascagni, Paul. Itahan Anatomist 1752. .1815 Mascardi, Augustin. Italian Writer, {DeW Arte Istorica) 1591. .1640 Mascaron, Julius. French Preacher. {Funeral Orations) 161,4. .i-jo-^ Mascheroni, Lawrence. Math. {Geometria del Compasso) 17^0. .1800 Masclef, Francis. French Theologian and Orientalist . . 1662. .1728 Mascov, or Mascou, John James. German Publicist . . . 1689. .1762 Mascrier, John Baptist de. Abbe. Writer 1697. .1760 Masdeu, John Francis. Spanish Jesuit. {Historia Critica de Espaiia) 1740. . 1817 Masenius, or Masen, James. German Jesuit 1606. . 1681 Maseres, Francis. Baron of Exch. Writer and Mathem. 1731 . . 1824 Masham, Mrs. Abigail. Favorite of Queen Anne 1670?. 1734 Masham, Damaris, Lady. Scholar 1658 . . 1 708 Masi, Simon, or del Pollajuolo, which see i454- -1509 Masinissa. King of Numidia 239 . 149 b.c. Masius, Andrew. Dutch Philologist and Theologian . . . 1526. .1573 Maskeleyne, Nevil. Astronomer 1732. . 1811 Masolino da Panicale. Italian Painter 1378?. 1415? Mason, Francis. Divine. ( Vindicke EccledcB AnglicaiKB) 1566. . 1621 Mason, George. American Statesman 1726. .1792 Mason, George. Miscellaneous Writer 1735 • • 1806 Mason, Jeremiah. American Jurist and Statesman 1768. . 1848 Mason, Sir John. Statesman 1500. .1566 Mason, John. Mihtary Officer of Connecticut Colonv . , 1600. . 1672 Mason, John. Nonconformist Divine. ( Self- Knowledge) 1 706 . . 1 763 Mason, John Mitchell, d. d. American Divine 1770. . 1829 272 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Mason, Rev. William. Poet and Divine 1725 . . 1797 Masoudi, Aboul Hassan Ali. Arab. Geogr. & Historian — . . 956? Masque de Fer, or Iron Mask. Unknown Prisoner. ... — . .1703 Massac, John Baptist. French Painter 1687 . . 1 767 Massari, Lucio. Historical Painter 1569 ' . 1633 Massaria, Alexander. Italian Phys. (Pracfe'ca Jferfica) 1528?. 1598 Massasoit. Indian Sachem — . . 1661 Mass6na, Andr^, Duke of Rivoli. French Marshal 1758. .1817 Masseville, Louis de Vavasseur de. {History and Geog- raphy of Normandy) 1667 . . 1 733 Massieu, John. Deaf Mute and Educator 1772. . 1846 Massieu, Wm. Fr. Jesuit. {Hist, de la Foesie Frangoise) 1665 . . 1722 Massillon, John Baptist. French Preacher 1663. . 1742 Massinger, Philip. Dramatic Poet 1584. . 1640 Massolino. Italian Painter. See Masolino 1378?. 141 5? Masson, Anthony. French Engraver 1636. .1700 Masson, Francis. Scottish Botanist 1741 • • 1805 Masson, John. Fr. Prot. in Holland. Biogr. and Critic — ..1750' Masson, John Papirius. French Historical Writer. .... 1544. .1611 Massuet, Ren6. Benedictine of St. Maur 1665 . . 1716 Mastelleta, II. John Andrew Donducci. Painter 1575 .. 1655 Master, or Masters, Thomas. Poet and Historian 1600. . 1643 Masters, Joseph. London Publisher i795'- ^863 Mastlin, or Maestlin, Michael. German Astronomer . . . 1550. .1631 Masudi. Arabian Scholar and Author — . . 956 Matanij Anthony Mary. Italian Medical Writer 1730- .1799 Maternus de Cilano, George Christian. Natural Phi- losopher and Archaeologist — • • 1 773 Matham, Jacob. Dutch Engraver and Painter 1571..1631 Mather, Dr. Cotton. Divine. {Magnalia) 1663. .1728 Mather, Increase, d.d. American Divine and Historian 1639. .1723 Mathe'w, Theobald. Apostle of Temperance. Life by J. F. Maguire, 1863 1790. .1856 Mathews, Charles. Comedian 1776. . 1835 Mathews, George. American Jurist 1774. • 1836 Mathias. Emperor of Germany (1612-19) i557- • 1619 Mathias, Christian. Ger. Philos.'^& Div. {Hist. Patriarch.) 1584?. 1655 Mathias, Thomas James. Satirist. {Pursuits of Lit.). . ly^iy. .182,$ Mathon de la Cour, Charles Joseph. French Writer . . 1738. .1793 Mathon de la Cour, James, of Lyons. Natural Philos. 1712. .1770 Matilda, of Flanders. Wife of William the Conqueror — . . . 1083 Matilda, Countess of Tuscany 1046. .1115 Matilda, or Maude, of Scot. Wife of Henry I. of Eng. — . .1118 Matilda, or Maud, daughter of Henry I. Empress 1 102?. 1 167 Matsys, Metsys, or Messys, Quintin. ' Dutch Painter. . . 1460. .1529 Mattathias. Jewish Priest and Patriot — B.C. 166 Mattei, Paul da. Paoluccio. Neapolitan Painter 1662. .1728 Mattheson, John. German Musical Composer 1681 . .1764 Matthew, St. One of the Twelve Apostles istc. Matthew of 'Westminster. English Historian fl. 14th c. Matthew Paris. English Historian .- — . . 1259 Matthew, Tobias. Archbishop of York 1546. . 1628 Matthew, Sir Tobias, son. Writer; conformed to Rome 1578. .1655 Matthews, George. American Soldier and Statesman. . 1739. .1812 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 273 BOnN. DIED. Matthews, Thomas. Admiral 1681 . .1751 Matthise, Augustus Henry. Philologist. ( Greeh Gram.) 1769. . 1835 Matthias. Emperor of Germany (1612-19). See Mathias 1557 . . 1619 Matthias. Robert Matthews. A mer. Religious Impostor 1790 '^ 18 Matthias Oorvinus. King of Hungary (1458-90) 1443.. 1490; Matthieu, Peter. French Historian and Poet 1563- • 1621 Matthiolus, Peter Andrew. Ital. Bot. ( On DioscoHdes) 1500 . . 1C77 Matthisson, Frederick von. German Poet. (Adelaide) 1761. .la^^ Matti, Emanuel. Spanish Poet 1663 . .1737 Mattocks, Isabella. Actress 1746. • 1826 Maturin, Rev. Chas. Robt. Irish Dram., Poet, and Nov. 1782. . 1824 Matiirino. Florentine Painter 1490? . i5'27? Maty, Matthew. Dutch Phvsician and Writer in English 1718 . . 1776 Maty, Paul Henry, son. Writer in England i745 • •'^7^7 Maueroix, Francis de. French Translator 16x9. .1708 Maudslay, Henry. Mechanist 1771 . . 1831 Maudslay, Thomas Henry. Mechanical Engineer 1792?. 1864 Mauduit, Israel. English Political Writer 1708 . .1787 Mauduit, Michael. French Divine 1644. .1709 Maunder, Samuel. Compiler. (Biographical Treasury) lygo'-.iS/^g Maundrell, Rev. Henry. Traveler 1650-'' .1710? Maupertuis, Peter Louis Moreau de. French Geometri- cian and Astronomer 1698 . . 1 759 Maupin, Madame la. French Singer and Adventuress. . 1673. .1707 Maur, St. Disciple of Benedict — . . 584? Maur, Charles de. Spanish Mathematician and Engineer — . .1785 Maure, Mademoiselle Catherine Nicole le. Singer. . . . 1704.att.1762 Maurepas, John Fred. Phelypeaux, Ct. de. Statesman 1701. .1781 Maurice. Emperor of th.e East (582-602) 539. . 602 Maurice. Elector of Saxony. Protestant Prince. 1521. .1553 Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, son of William the Silent. Life by Isaac Commelin, 1651 1567. . 1625 Maurice, Thomas. Orientalist. (History of Hindostan; Memoirs ; Poems) i754- • 1824 Mauriceau, Francis. Surgeon and Accoucheur — . .1709 Maurolico, Francis, of Messina. Mathematician i494- -1575 Manrus Terentianus. Latin Poet and Grammarian. . . fl. 100? Maury, John Siflrein. Cardinal 1746- . 1817 Maussac, Philip James. French Critic 1590''. 1650 MauvHIon, James. German Writer ^743- • ^794 Mavor, Rev. William, ll. d. Writer and Compiler 1758. . 1837 Mawe, John. Conchologist. ( Travels in Brazil) 1764. . 1829 Mawmoisine, or Malvoisine,Wm. de. Bp. of St. Andrew's — . .1238 Maxcy, Jonathan, d. d. American Divine 1768 . . 1820 Maxentius. Roman Emperor (306-12) — .. 312 Maximian I. Roman Emperor (286-305) 250. . 310 Maximian II., or Galerius. Roman Emperor (305-11). . — .-311 Maximilian I. Emperor of Germany (1493-1519) 1459. .1519 Maximilian II. (1564-76) 1527. .1576 Maximilian II. King of Bavaria (1848-64) 1811 . .1864 Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria. Great. Victor of Prague 1573. .1651 Maximilian Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria 1662. .1726 Maximilian Joseph, Elector of Bavaria (1746-77) — . .1777 Ma x imilian Joseph, First King of Bavaria 1756. . 1825 18 274 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Maximin I. Roman Emperor (235—38) — , . 238 Maximin II. Roman Emperor (308-13) — . . 313 Maximus Magnus Clemens. Rom. Emperor (383-88) — . . 388? Maximus Petronius. Roman Emperor (455) 395' • 455 Maximus Tyrius. Greek Rhetorician and Piiilosopher tl. 2d c. Verrucosus, QuintusFabius. Cunctator. Ro- man General against Hannibal — B.C. 203 Maxwell, Sir Murray, Captain, r. n. Navigator 1766. . 1 " MaxweU, Robert, Lord. Scottish Statesman — , MaxweU, Wm. HamiUon. Writer. {Life of Wellington) I'jgz^ . May, John. Bishop of Carlisle — . May, Louis du. French Protestant Historian — . May, Thomas. Poet and Historian. ( Supjilement to Lu- can ; History of Parliament) 1594'- ■ May, William. Archbishop elect of York — . . : Mayenne, Chas. of Lorraine, Duke of. Head of League 1554. . Mayer, John Fred. Lutheran Divine and Commentator 1650. . Mayer, or Mayr, John Simon. Musical Composer 1763''. Mayer, John Tobias. German Astronomer ^723. . Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de. Swiss Physician and Chemist i573- • Mayhew, Jonathan, d. d. Amer. Clergjinan and Writer 1720, . Maynard, Francis. French Poet 1582 . . Maynard, Sir John. Lawyer and Patriot 1602 . . Mayne, Jaspar. Poet and Divine 1604 . . Maynwaring, Authur. Polit. and Miscellaneous Writer 1668 . . Mayo, Herbert, m. d. Hydropathic Physician. ( Cold Water Cure) — . . Mayo, Richard. Nonconformist Divine — . . Mayow, John. Physician and Physiologist 1645 . . Mayr, John Simon. German Musical Composer 1763''. Mazarin, Julius. Cardinal. Life by T. Renaudot; A. Aubery, 1751 1602. . Mazeline, Peter. French Sculptor . .' 1633. . Mazeppa, John. Cossack Hetman, celebrated by Byron 1644. . Mazois, Francis. French Architect and Archaeologist. (Euines de Pompeii) i7^3- • Angelo. Italian Poet 1741 . . Mazzinghi, Joseph, Count. English Musical Composer 1768,. Mazzochi, Alexius Symmachus. Italian Antiquary 1684, . Mazzolini, Louis. IlFerrarese. Painter 1481''. MazzuccheUi, John Mary, Count. Italian Jurist, Anti- quary, and Biographer. {Notizle Historiche) 1707. . MazzuccheUi, Peter Francis. Morazzone. Ital. Painter 1571 . . Mazzuoli, Francis. IlParmigiano. Painter 1503. . Mead, Matthew. Nonconf. Divine. {EzekieVs Wheels) i62g . . Mead, Richard, m. d. Phys. Life by Matth. Maty, 1755 1673. • Meade, William, d. d. Amer. Episc. Bishop and Writer 1789, . Meadowbank, Alexander Maconochie Welwood, Lord. Scottish Judge I777- • Meadowcourt, Richard. Divine. Annotator of Milton 1697. . M6chain, Peter Francis Andrew. French Mathematician and Astronomer 1 774 . . : Mechitar, or Mekhltar. Reviver of Learning in Armenia 1676 . . ] A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 275 BOBN. DIED. Meckenen, Mekenen, or Mecheln, Israel von. Gold- smith, Engraver, and Painter — . . 1 503 Mede, Joseph. Divine. ( Clavis Apocalyptica) 1586. . 1638 Medhurst, Walter Henrj'. Eng. Orient, and Missionary 1796. . 1857 Medici, Alexander de', First Duke of Ilorence (1530-37) 1510. .1537 Medici, Catherine de'. Wife of Henry II. of France. . . 15 19. .1589 Medici, Cosmo de'. Father of ids Country. Statesman 1389. .1464 Medici, Cosmo de'. The Great. First Grand-Duke of Tuscany. Life by Baldini 1519. -1574 Medici, Hippolytus de'. Cardinal 1511..1535 Medici, John de'. Merchant of Florence : found, of family — . . 1428 Medici, John James, Marquis of Marignano. General 1495.. 1555 Medici, Lorenzo de'. Magnificent. Life by Roscoe 1448. . 1492 Medina, Sir John Baptist. Portrait Painter 1659. .1711 Medina, Peter de. Spanish Historian and Mathematician 15 10?. — Meer, Meeren, or Meire, John van der. The Young. Painter .' 1627. ,1691 Meerraan, Gerard. Dutch Writer. {Novus Thesawrm Juris Civilis) 1 722 ..1771 Meerman, John, son. Historical Writer i753- • 1815 Mehegan, William Alexander. French Historian 1721 . . 1766 Mehemet Ali. Pasha of Egypt 1769. .1849 M6hul, Stephen Henry. Musical Composer 1763. . 1817 Meibom, or Meibomius, Henry. Writer 1638. .1700 Meibom, or Meibomius, John 'Henry. Physician 1590- • 1655 Meibom, or Meibomius, Marcus. Writer'on Music and Philologist 1630?. 1711 Meier, George Frederick. German Philosophical Writer 1718. .1777 Meigs, Return Jonathan. Amer. Revolutionary Officer 1740.. 1823 Meiners, Christopher. Ger. Historian and Miscell. Writer 1 747 . . 1810 Meire, Meer, or Meeren, John van der. See Meer 1627. . 1691 Meisner, Balthasar. German Lutheran Divine 1587. .1626 Meissner, Augustus Theophilus. Novelist & Dramatist 1753.^.1807 Meissonier, Justus Aurelius. Painter, Sculptor, Gold- smith, Architect 1695 • • ^ 75° Mekenen, Israel von. See Meckenen — . . 1503 Mela, Pomponius. Latin Geographer. {DeSituOrhis). . fl. 50'' Melanchthon, Philip. German Reformer. Life by Joa- chim Camerarius i497- .1560 Melbourne, William Lamb, Viscount. Premier 1779- . 1848 Melchthal, Arnold of. Swiss Patriot — • -^3^7 Melcombe, Lord. /See Dodington 1691.. 1762 Meldola, Dr. Raphael. High Rabbi, in England. {Hu- pat Hatanim) — . . 1828 Meleager. Greek Writer and Collector of Epigrams. . . fl. b.c. 60? Melendez Valdez, John. Spanish Poet 1754. .1817 Meletius. Bishop of Antioch — . . 381 Meletius. Bishop of Lycopolis fl. 4th c. Meletius. Modern Greek Geographer 1661 . .1714 Meli, John. Poet. Sicilian Anacreon ^. . . . 1740. . 1815 Melito. Bishop of Sardis fl. 170? MeUan, Claude. French Engraver and Designer 1598. . 1688 Mellen, Grenville. American Poet i799- • 1841 Mellitus. Archbishop of Canterbury (619-24) — . . 624 276 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIB©. Mellon, Harriet. Actress; married Duke of St. Albans. 1775.. 1837 Melloni, Macedonio. Italian Physicist 1800. . 1854 Melinoth,William. Lawyer and Religious Writer. {Great Importance. ) Life by son 1666 . . 1 743 Melmoth, William, son. Writer & Classical Translator 17 10. .1799 Melo, or Mello, Francis Manuel de. Sp. and Port. Author 1611. .1666 Melon, John Francis, of Bordeaux. Writer — . .1738 Melot, Anicet. French Writer 1697 . .1759 Melozzo da Forli, Francis. Painter 1438. . 1494' Melvil, Sir James. Scot. Statesm. and Hist. (Memoirs) 1535'. 1607 Melville, Andrew. Orientalist |and Scottish Reformer. Life by McCrie 1545 . . 1622 Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount. Statesman 1740- • 1811 Melvin, James, of Aberdeen. Latinist 1 794. . 1851 Memling, Hans, or John. Painter, ^ee Hemling 1425?. 1500? Memnii, or di Martino, Simon, of Sienna. Portrait Painter 1284. .1344 Mena, John de. Castilian Poet 1412 . . 1456 M6nage, Giles. Fr. Scholar. {Dictionnaire Etymologique) 1613..1692 Menahem. King of Israel (b. c. 772-761) —B.C. 761 Menander. Athenian Comic Poet 342 . 291 B.C. MenandrinOjMarsilio, of Padua. Jurist. (i)e/ensor Pads) — ..1328 M6nard, Claude, of Angers. Magistrate and Antiquary 1574. .1652 Menard, Leon. Historical Writer 1706. . 1767 M6nard, Nicholas Hugh, of St. Maur. (Benedictine Mar- tyrology) 1 587 . . 1644 Menasseh ben Israel. Dutch Rabbi. Writer & Scholar 1604?. 1659? Mencke, John Burchard. {Scriptores Rerum Germanic.) 1674. .1732 Mencke, Otho. German Writer. (Ada Eruditorum) . . 1644. .1707 Mendelssohn, Moses. Jewish Philosopher 1729. .1786 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Musical Composer . . 1809. .1847 Mendez, Moses. English Poet — . . J758 Mendez-Pinto, Ferdinand. Portuguese Traveler 1509?. 1583 Mendip, Welbore Ellis, created Earl of. Politician 1714- • 1802 Mendizabal, John Alvarez y. Spanish Financier 1790. . 1853 Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de. Spanish Statesman and Scholar. (History of the War of Granada) 1503- -1575 Mendoza, Inigo Lopez de, Marquis de Santillana. Span- ish Poet and Writer 1398. . 1458 Mendozai, John Gonzales. Ambassador to China. (His- tory of China) 1540?. 1617 Mendoza, Peter Gonzales de. Great Cardinal of Spain. Statesman 1428 . . 1495 Meneses, Alexis de. Port. Augustinian Monk & Writer 1559. . 1617 Menestrier, Claude le. Antiq. (Symbolicm Diamz Statua) — ..1639 Menestrier, Claude Francis. Fr. Jesuit. Writ, on Heraldry 1631 . . 1705 Menestrier, John Baptist le. Fr. Medalist & Antiquary 1564. . 1634 Mengoli, Peter. Italian Mathematician 1625 . . 1686 Mengs, Anthony Raphael. Painter. L. by J. N. D' Azara 1 728 . . 1 779 Meninski, or Menin, Francis. ( Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium) 1623 . . 1698 Menippus. C^nic Philosopher 3d c. b.c. Mennes, Sir John. Seaman, Traveler, and Poet 1591 . . 1671 Menno, Simon. Dutch Sectary 1505- • 15^* Menochio, James. Italian Jurist 1532 . . 1607 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 277 BORN. DIED. Menochio, John Stephen. Italian Jesuit. Biblical Writer 1576. .1655 MentcliikofF, Alex. Danilovitch. Russ. Statesm. and Gen. 1672. Ti 729 Mentel, John, of Strasburg. Printer 1410? . 1478 Mentzel, Christian. Physician and Botanist 1622. .1701 Menzel, Charles Adolphus. German Historian 1784- • 1855 Menzini, Benedict. Italian Poet 1646. .1704 Mercarti, or Mercado, Michael. Tuscan Phys. and Nat. 1541 . . 1593 Mercator, Gerard. Flemish Geogr. and Math. ( Charts) 15 12. .1594 Mercator, Marius. Pupil of Augustine. Writer — .. 451? Mercator, Nicholas. Danish Astronomer 1640. . 1687 Mercer, Hugh. American Revolutionary General 1720?. 1777 Mercer, Major James. Lyric Poet i734- • 1804 Mercier, Bartholomew. Abbe de St. Leger. Bibliographer 1734. .1799 Mercier, John le. Orientalist and Biblical Commentator — • .1570 Mercier, Louis Sebast. Poet & Critic. {Tableau de PaHs) 1740..1814 Merck, John Henry. German Scholar 1741 • -1791 Mercklein, George Abraham. German Physician 1644. . 1702 Mercuriali, Jerome. Italian Physician 1530- • 1606 Mercy, Florimond de. Marsh, of the Empire ; fell at Parma — . . 1 734 Mercy, Francis de. Bavarian General ; fell at Nordlmgen — . . 1645 Merewether, Rev. Francis. Author 1784. . 1864 Meriara, Eben. American Statistician and Meteorologist 1 794 . . 1864 Merian, John Bernard, of Berlin. Scholar 1723. . 1807 Merian, Maria Sibylla. Naturalist 1647. .1717 Merian, Matthew. Swiss Engraver i593- • 1650 Merian, Matthew, son. Swiss Painter 1621 . . 1687 Merino, Jerome. Priest Merino. Span. Guerrilla Leader 1 770? . 1847 Merivale, John Herman. Poet 1779- • 1844 MerovsBUS. Founder of the Merovingian Dynasty 411?. 457 Merret, Christopher. Physician and Naturalist. .* 1614. . 1695 Merrick, Rev. James. Div. & Poet. ( Version of the Psalms) 1 720 . . 1 769 Merry, Robert. Dramatic Writer i755- -1798 Mersch, John Andrew van der. Brave Fleming. Patriot 1 734 . . 1 792 Mersenne, Marin. French Mathematician 1588. . 1648 Merton, Walter de. Bishop of Rochester. Founder of College. Life by Bishop Hobhouse — • . Merula, George. Historian and Classical Editor." 1424'' Morula, Paul. Dutch Scholar 1^58. Merville, Michael Guyot de. French Writer 1696. M6ry, John. French Anatomist and Surgeon 1654. Merzliakov, Alexius Feodorovitch. Russian Writer . . . 1778. Mesa, Christopher de. Spanish Poet I55o^ Mesengui, Francis Philip. French Ecclesiastical Writer 1677. Mesmer, Fred. Anthony, M. D. Promoter of Mesmerism 1734. Mesmes, Claude de, Count d'Avaux. Negotiator 1595 . Mesmes, John Anthony de, Count d'Avaux, nephew. Negotiator 1640. .1709 Mesnager, Nicholas. French Negotiator 1658. . 1714 Mesnardiere, Hippolytus J. P. de la. French Poet 1610. . 1663 Messala Corvinus, M.Valerius. Statesman & Writer b.c.7o?.a.d.i? Messalina Statilius. Third wife of Nero fl. ist c. Messalina Valeria. Third wife of Claudius — . . 48 Messenius, Arnold. Historian and Satirist; beheaded. . — . .1651 Messenius, John. Swedish Lawyer. (5ca«rfia ///Msirafa) 1584. .1637 278 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Messina, Antonello da. Italian Painter 1414-'. 1493 or 6 MestOn, William. Burlesque Poet 1688. .1745 Mestrezat, John. French Protestant Theologian 1592.. 1657 M6szaros, Lazarus. Hungarian General 1796. . 1858 Metastasio, Peter Anthony Dominic Bonaventura. Poet, Life by Fabroni ; Dr. Burney 1698 , , 1 782 Metcalfe, Chas. Theophilus, Lord. Gov.-Gen. L. by Kaye 1785 . . 1864 Metcalfe, Thomas. American Statesman ". . 1780. , 1855 Metelli, Augustin. Italian Painter 1609. . 1660 Metellus, Quintus Caecilius. Numidicus. Commander . against Jugurtha fl. b.c. 100 Meteren, Emanuel van. {History of the Low Countries) 1535, .1612 Methodius. Missionary to the Sclavonians — . . 900 Methuen, John. Diplomatist — . .1706 Metius, Adrian, brother of James. Mathematician 1571 • • 1635 Metius, James, of Alkmaer. Invent. Refract. Telescope 11. 1609-' Metkerke, SirAdolphusvan. Envoy and Classical Writer 1528. .1591 Metochita, Theodore. Greek Historian of Constantinople — . . 1332 Meton. Athenian Astronomer. Inventor of Lunar Cycle Metternich, Clement Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar, Prince de. Austrian Statesman 1 773 . . 1859 Mettrie, Julian Ofltray de la. Physician. Materialist .. 1709. .1751 Metz, Conrad Martin. German Engraver 1755 . .1827 Metzu, Gabriel. Dutch Painter 1615 .aft.i66i Meulen, Anthony Francis van der. Flemish Painter . . . 1634. . 1690 Meulen, Peter van der. Paint, to William III, in England fl. 1670 Meun, or Meung, John de. French Poet 1250-'. 1318? Meiorsius, or De Meiu-, John. Greek Antiquary i579- • 1639 Meusel, John George. Ger. Historian and Bibliographer 1743. .1820 Meusnier, Philip. French Painter 1655 . .1734 Mexia, Peter. Spanish Writer 1496. .1552? Meyer, Felix. German Painter i^53- -1713 Meyer, James. Flemish Historian 1491 . .1552 Meyer, John Henr3% German Antiquary and Artist 1759- • 1832 Meyerbeer, James. German Musical Composer 1791 . . 1864 Meyers^ Jeremiah. Miniature Painter 1728. .1789 Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush. Antiquary i yS^ ■ ■ 1848 M6zeray, Francis Eudes de. Hist. L. by Dan. Larroque 1610. . 1683 Meziriac, Claude Caspar Bachet. Fr. Jesuit. Scholar. 158 1. .1638 Mezzofanti, Joseph Caspar. Cardinal. Linguist. Life by Dr. C. W. Russell, 1858 1774.. 1849 Miaulis, Andrew. Grecian Admiral ^772. . 1835 Miazzi, John. Italian Architect 1699 . . 1 780 Micah. Prophet of Judah fl. B.c.750? Mical, Abb6. French Mechanician 1 730 •^ 1789 Michael I. Emperor of the East (811-13). Rhangabe.. —..845? Michael II. (820-29.) Le Begue — . . 829 Michael III. (842-67) 839?. 867 Michael IV. (1034-41.) The Paphlagonian , , — . . 1041 Michael v. (1041-42.) Calaphates — aft.1042 Michael VI. (1056-57.) Straiioticus —aft. 105 7 Michael VII. ' (1071-78.) Parapinaces — aft.1078 Michael VIII. (1259-82.) Palceohgus 1224. . 1282 Michael. Czar of Russia (1613-45). Feodorovitch 1596.. 1645 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 279 BORN. DIED. Michael Angelo. Italian Painter. See Angelo. Life by Condivi, 1553 ; Vasari, 1568 ; Gori, 1746 ; Vignali, . 1753; Hauchecorne, 1783; Richard Duppa, 1806; Pia- cenza, 1813; Reumont, 1831; Guidici, 1834; Quatre- mere de Quincy, 1835; Nagler, 1836; Grimm, trans- lated by F. E. Bunnet, 1864 1474. .1564 Mich.ael Angelo. Belle Baltaglie. Roman Battle Painter 1602?. 1660 Michaelis, John Benjamin. German Poet 1746. . 1772 Michaelis, John David. Orientalist and Biblical Critic. {Introduction to the New Testament) 1717. -^79^ Michaelis, John Henry. German Divine and Orientalist 1668. .1738 Michaud, Joseph. Fr. Hist. & Poet. {Hist, of Crusades) ly 67. .1829 Michaux, Andrew. French Botanist and Traveler. {Flora ' Boreali Americana) 1 746 . . 1802 Micheli, Peter Anthony. Italian Botanist 1679. . 1737 Micheli du Crest, James Bartholomew. Astron. &Math. 1690. .1766 Michelozzi, Michelozzo. Florentine Sculptor «Sc Architect 1402? . 1470? Mickiewicz, Adam. Polish Poet 1798.. 1855 Mickle, William Julius. Poet. Translator of the Lusiad 1734 . .1788 Micrelius, John. Ger. Lutheran Divine and Philologist 1597. .1658 Middleton, Arthur. American Patriot and Statesman. . 1743. -^7^7 Middleton, Conyers, d. d. Scholar. {Life of Cicero) . . 1683 . . 1750 Middleton, Rev. Erasmus, of Turvey. {Biograph. Evang.) — ..1805 Middleton, Sir Hugh. Projector of the New River 1565?. 1631 Middleton, John Izard. Amer. Schol. ( Cyclvpean Walls) 1785. .1849 Middleton, Richard. T?ie Profound. Theologian — . . 1304 Middleton, Thomas. Dramatic Poet. Life by Dyce, 1840 — . .1626' Middleton, Thos. Fanshaw. Bp. of Calcutta. "( Gr. Article) 1769. . 1822 Middleton, William. Welsh Poet — . . 1602 Miel, John. Giovanni della Vite. Flemish Painter ... . 1599.. 1664 Mierevelt, Michael Jansen. Dutch Portrait Painter .... 1568 . . 1641 Mieris, Francis. The Elder. Flemish Painter & Modeler 1635 . . 1681 Mieris, Francis. Young Francis. Flemish Painter 1689. .1763 Mieris, William. The Younger. Flem. Painter & Modeler 1662 . . 1 747 Mifiain, Thomas. American Revolutionary Patriot i744- .1800 Migliara, John. Italian Architectural Painter 1 785 .. 1837 Mignard, Nicholas. French Painter 1608 . . 1668 Mignard, Peter. The Roman. Painter 1610 . . 1695 Mignon, Abraham. Painter of Frankfort 1639 . . 1679 Mignot, Stephen. Fr. Hist., Commerc, & Theol. Writer 1698. .1771 Mignot, Vincent. Fr. Writer. {Hist, de V Empire Ottoman) 1 730 . . 1 790 Milbourne, Rev. Luke. Poetical Writer 1667. .1720 Mildmay, Sir Walter. Statesman ^ 1522 .. 1^89 Milfort, Le Clerc. French Adventurer — aft.1814 Milhouse, Robert. Weaver and Poet — , . 1839 Milizia, Francis. Architect. ( Vite degli Architetti) 1725 . .1798 MiU, Henry. Engineer of Water Works 1680. . 1770 MiU, James. Metaphysician and Political Economist. {History of British 'India) 1773. -1836 Mill, John, D. D. Editor of Greek Testament 1645 ''.1707 Mm, W. H., D. D. Divine and Orientalist — . .1853 MiUar, John, of Glasgow. Professor. L. by Craig, 1806 1735. .1801 Milledge, John. American Soldier and Statesman 1757. .1818 Miller, Lady, of Bath. {Letters from Italy) I74i?.i78i 280 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Miller, Edward, mus. doc. Antiquary 1756. . 1807 Miller, Edward. American Physician and Author 1760. .1812 Miller, Hugh. Scottish Geologist 1802. . 1856 Miller, James. Political and Dramatic Writer 1703. .1744 Miller, James. Surgical Writer 181 i?. 1864 Miller, John Martin. Ger. Novelist & Poet. {Siegwart) 1750. . 1814 Miller, Joseph. Comic Actor 1684. . 1 738 Miller, Philip. Botanical Writ. {Gardener* s Dictionary) 1691 . .1771 Miller, Samuel. American Divine 1769. . 1850 Miller, William. Founder of the Millerites 1781 . . 1849 Milles, Jeremiah, d. d. Divine and Antiquary 1714- -1784 Milles, Thomas. Genealogist and Antiquary fi. i6th c. Millevoye, Charles Hubert. French Poet 1782. . 1816 Millin, Aubin Louis. Fr. Archseologist and Naturalist 1759. .1818 Millingen, James. English Archaeologist i774- • 1845 Millot, Claude Francis Xavier. French Historian 1726. .1785 Mills, Charles. Historical Writer. {History of Crusades) 1788. . 1825 Mills, Samuel John. American Clergyman and Promoter of Missions 1783, .1818 Milzuan, Sir Francis, m. d. Medical Writer 1746. . 1821 Milne, Rev. Cohn. Botanist — . . 1815 Milne, Joshua. Actuary i773- • 1851 Milne, William. English Missionary' — . . 1822 Milner, Isaac, d. d. President of Queen's College ; Dean of Carlisle. Life by Mrs. Maxy Milner, 1843 1751.- 1820 Milner, John, d. d. Rom. Cath. Divine & Eccles. Antiq. 1752. . 1826 Milner, Rev. Joseph, of Hull. {History of the Church of Christ.) Life b}"- Isaac Milner i744- -^797 MUo. Grecian Athlete fl. 6th c. B.C. Milo, Titus Annius Papinianus. Roman Tribune, de- fended by Cicero • — . . 48 Milonov, Michael. Russian Poet 1792. . 1821 Milosh. See Obrenovitch 1780'. i860 Miltiades. Athenian General at Marathon fl. b.c. 490 Milton, John. Poet. Life by E. Philips, 1694; Toland, 1698 ; J. Richardson, 1734 ; Peck, 1740 ; Newton, 1749 ; Birch, 1753; Hayley, 1794; Mosneron, 1803; Morti- mer (Pseudonym), 1805; Svmmons, 1806; Byerley, 1822; Todd, 1826; Mitford, 1832; Ivimey, 1833; Brydges, 1835; Stebbing, 1840; Montgomery, 1843; Keightley, 1849 ; Hunter, 1850 ; Edmonds, 1851 ; Hood, 1851; Illustr. Papers, Marsh, Chetkam Society, 1851; Cleveland, 1853 ; Masson, 1858 ; Original Papers, Ham- ilton, Camden Society, 1859 ; J. W. Morris, 1862. Ac- count of Disinterment of body, Neve, 1790 1608 . . 1674 Mimnermus. Greek Elegiac Poet fl. B.C. 634—600 Mina, Francis Espoz y. Spanish General 1781 . . 1836 Mind, Godfrey. Swiss Artist 1768 . .1814 Minellius, John, of Rotterdam. Editor of School Classics 1625 ? . 1683 Miner, Thomas. Amer. Physician and Medical Writer 1777.. 1841 Minot, George Richards. American Historian and Jurist 1758. . 1802 Minot, Lawrence. English Poet — . . 1352? Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliott, 1st Earl of. Gov.-Gen. of Bengal 1751. .1814 Miaucius Felix, Marcus. Christian Rhetorician fl. 270? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 281 BOKN. DIES. 846 Minutoli, Henry Menu von, Baron. German Traveler and Archaeologist 1772.. Minuziano, or Minutianus, Alexander. Italian Printer 1450?. Minzoni, Onofrio. Italian Poet i734- • Mirabaud, John Baptist de. French Writer 1675 . . Mirabeau, Gabriel Honored de Riquetti, Comte de. Revo- lutionist. Life by Gassicourt i749- • Mirabeau, Victor Riquetti, Mqs. de. {Ami des Homines) 1715 . . Mirabella, Vincent. {Ancient History of Syracuse) 1570.. Mirseus, or Lemire, Aubert. German Writer 1 573 ■ ■ Miranda, Francis. Spanish American General 1750'. : Miranda, Sa de. Portuguese Poet 1495 . . Mirandola, John Picus, Count of. Universal Scholar . . 1463. . Mirandola, John Francis Picus, Prince of, nephew. Writ. 1469 . . Mirbel, Charles Francis Brisseau de. French Naturalist 1776. . Mirevelt, or Mierevelt, Michael Jansen. Dutch Painter 1568. . Misson, Maximilian. French Writer. ( Voyage d' Italie) — . . Mita, James. Historical Engraver 1776. . Mitchel, Ormsby McKnight. Amer. Astron. and Gen. 1810. . Mitchell, Sir Andrew. Ambassador. Life by A. Bisset 1695 '^ Mitchell, Andrew. Admiral i757'- Mitchell, Sir David. Admiral — . . Mitchell, Elisha, d. d. American Chemist i793- • Mitchell, John Kearsley. Amer. Physician and Author 1796. . Mitchell, Joseph. Dramatic Writer 1684? . MitcheU, Thos. Philologist. Ed. of Greek Dramatists 1783. . Mitchell, Sir Thomas Livingstone. Voyager and Geogr. 1 792 . . Mitchill, Samuel Latham. Amer. Physician and Writer 1764. . Mitford, John. Miscellaneous Writer. {Johnny Newcome) — .. Mitford, Rev. John. Writer. Editor of Gray 1781 . . Mitford, John Freeman, Baron Redesdale. Statesman. . 1748. . Mitford, Miss Mary Russell. Writer. ( Our Village) ... 1786, . Mitford, William. {Hist, of Greece. ) L. by Ld. Redesdale 1 744 . . Mithridates. King of Pontus(B. c. 120-63). The Great 131-'. 63 Mitscherlich, Eilhard, of Berlin. Chemical Philosopher 1794. . Mittarelli, John Benedict. History of the Calmudenses 1707. . Mitzler, Lawrence Christopher, of Kolof. Musical Writer 1 71 1 . . Mochnachi, Maurycy. Polish Critic and Historian .... 1804. . Mocquard, John Francis Constant. French Litterateur ; Private Secretary to Napoleon III 1791 Modena, or Mutina, Thomas da. Italian Painter fl. 14th c Moebius, George. Ger. Theologian. {Pagan Oracles) 1616 Moebius, Godfrey. German Medical Writer 161 1'. Moehler, John Adam. Rom. Catholic Polemical Divine 1796. . Moehsen, John Charles William. Ger. Medical Writer 1722. . Moellendorf, Richard Joachim Henry, Ct. of. Pruss. Gen. 1725 . . Moeller, John. Danish Theologian and Author i779- • Moeser, Justus. German Advocate and Writer 1720. . Mohammed. Arabian Prophet. See Mahomet 570 or i Mohs, Frederick. German Mineralogist i774- • Moine, Le. See Lemoine. Moir, David Macbeth. Poet and Novelist. L. by T. Aird 1 798 . . Moitte, John William, Chevalier. French Sculptor i747- • Moivre, Abraham de. Mathematician 1667. . 817 760 791 789 624 640 816 558 494 533 854 641 721 822 862 771 806 719 857 858 738 845 831 859 830 ^55 827 B.C. 863 777 778 834 864 697 664 838 795 816 833 794 632 839 810 754 282 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Mola, John Baptist. Landscape Painter 1620. . 1661 Mola, Peter Francis. Painter 1612. . 1668 Molai, James de. Last Grand Master of the Templars. . — . . 1314 Molanus, Gerai-d Walter. Ger. Writer (Lipsanographia) 1623. .1722 Molanus, or Vermeulen, John. Dutch Writer 1533 . .1585 Molbech, Christian. Danish Scholar and Author 1783. .1857 M0I6, Francis Ren6. French Comedian I734- • 1802 M0I6, John. English Calculator — . . 1827 M0I6, Louis Matthew, Count de. French Statesman. . . . 1780. .1855 M0I6, Matthew. French Magistrate and Statesman 1584. . 1656 M0I6, Thomas. Dissenting Divine — . .1780 Molesworth, Robert, Viscount. Irish Statesman 1656. .1725 Molesworth, Sir William. English Statesman 1810. . 1855 Moliere, John Baptist Poquelin de. French Dramatist 1622. .1673 Molieres, Joseph Privat de. French Mathematician. ,. . 1677.. 1742 Molina, Louis de. Spanish Jesuit, Theologian 1535 . . 1601 MolinsBus, Charles. See Dumoulin 1500. . 1566 Molin83us, Peter. See Dumoulin 1568 . . 1658 Molinari, or Muhnari, John Anthony. Italian Painter. . 1577. . 1640? Molinet, Claude du. Ecclesiastical Antiq. and Historian 1620. . 1687 Molinet, John. French Poet — . . 1 507 Molinier, John Baptist. Preacher and Devotional Writer 1675 ., 1 745 Molinos, Michael de. Spanish Quietist 1627. . 1696 Moll, Herman. English Geographer — . .1732 Moller, Daniel William. Ger. Trav., Metaph., and Hist. 1642. .1712 Moller, Henry. German Protestant, Biblical Commentator 1530?. 1589 Moller, John. ( History of Skswick and Holstein. ) Life by his son, 1734 1661 . . 1725 Molloy, Charles. Polish Writer and Dramatist 1706. .1767 Molyneux, William. Mathematician and Astronomer. . 1656. .1698 Molza, Francis Mar3^ Italian Poet 1489. -1544 Molza, Tarquinia, granddaughter. Ital. Transl. and Poet 1542. . 1617 Monaldeschi, Louis Bonconte de. Italian Chronicler . . 1327. .1442 Monamy, Peter. Painter of Sea Pieces — . .1749 Monantheviil, Henry de. MonanthoUus. French Mathem. 1536?. 1606 Monardes, Nicholas. Spanish Physician — • • 1578 Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord. Metaphysician 1714- -^799 Monbron, Fougeret de. French Writer — . .1761 Monceaux, Francis de. Statesm. & Wr. (BucoUca Sacr'a) fl. 1589 Moncey, Adrien. Marshal of France 1754 . . 1842 Monconys, Balthasar de. Trav. in the East, and Astrol. — . . 1665 Moncrieflf "Wellwood, Rev. Sir Henry. Moderator 1750. . 1827 Moncrif, Francis Augustin Paradis de. Fr. Poet & Writer 1687. .1770 Mondino, or Mundinus. Physician and Anatomist 1250?. 1326 Mondonville, John Joseph Cassanea de. Mus. Composer 1 715 .. 1772 Mongault, Nicholas Hubert de. French Writer 1674. .1746 Monge, Caspar. French Mathematician and Nat. Philos. 1746. .1818 Moniglia, John Andrew, of Florence. Dramatic Poet. . 1640?. 1700 Monin, John Edward du. French Poet i557 • • 1586 Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle. Life by T. Skinner, 1724; Dr. Thomas Gumble, 1761; Guizot, translated by Stuart Wortley, 1838 1608. .1670 Monk, James Henry. English Prelate and Author 1784. . 1856 Monk, Hon. Mary. Poetess — . . 1715 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 283 BORN. DIED. Monmouth, Geoffrey of. Archd. of Monmouth. Hist. iioo. .1154 Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of. Rebel. Life by George Roberts, 1844 1649. . 1685 Monnet, Anthony Grimoald. French Chemist i734- .1817 Monnier, Peter le. French Philosopher 1675 . .1757 Monnier, Peter Charles le. French Astronomer 1715 • -1799 Monnoye, Bernard de la. Poetical and Prose Writer . . 1641. .1728 Monnoyer, John Baptist. Fr. Fruit and Flower Painter 1635 . . 1699 Monod, Adolphe. French Protestant Pastor at Paris. . . 1802. .1856 Monod, Dr. Frederick. Protestant Pastor at Paris i794- -1863 Monod, John. French Protestant Clergyman 1760-'. 1836 Monro, Alexander, M. D., primus. Physician and Anato- mist. {Medical Essays) ^ 1697. .1767 Monro, Alexander, sectindus, son. Phys. and Med. Prof. 1733. . 181 7 Monro, Alexander, tertius, son. Anatomist i773- • 1859 Monro, Donald. Army Physician 1729. . 1802 Monro, John, brother. Physician for Insanity 1715 . .1791 Monroe, James. Fifth President of the United States. . 1758. . 1831 Monsignori, Francis. Portrait and Historical Painter. . 1455. .1519 Monson, Sir William. Admiral. {Naval Tracts) 1569. .1643 Monson, William John, Lord. Traveler and Antiquary 1796. .1862 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Historian 1390''. 1453 Mont, Deodate del. Painter 1581 . . 1634 Montagu, Basil, q. c. Editor of Bacon 1770. . 185 1 Montagu, Charles, 1st Duke of Manchester. Ambassador — ..1722 Montagu, Sir Edward. Judge — . . 1557 Montagu, Edward, First Earl of Sandwich. Commander and Statesman '. 1625 . . 1672 Montagu, Edward Wortley. Writer 1713..1776 Montagu, George. Naturalist — . . 1815 Montagu, Sir Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester. Ld. Treas. — . . 1642 Montagu, John, Fourth Earl of Sandwich. Life by J. Cooke, 1799 1 . . . 1718. .1792 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortle3^ Writer. {Letters.) Life by Dallaway, 1803 ; Moy Thomas 1690 . . 1 762 Montagu, Walter. Abbot of Pontoise. Poet, Courtier — ..1669 Montague, Chas., First E. of Halifax. Statesm. and Poet 1661 . . 1715 Montague, Edward Wortley 1713- -1776 Montague, Mrs. Eliz. ( Writings and Genius of ShaJcesp.) 1720. . 1800 Montague, Lady Mary Wortley. See Montagu 1690. .1762 Montague, or Mountagu, Richard. Bishop of Chichester and Norwich 1578. .1641 Montaigne, Michael de. Essayist ^533 • -1592 Montalbani, Ovid. Italian Physician and Botanist 1602?. 1671 Montalembert, Mark Rene, Mqs. of. Military Engineer 1714. .1800 Montalembert, Mark Ren6 Anne Mary, "^Count de. French Diplomatist i777- • 1831 Montalvan, John Perez de. Spanish Dramatist 1602. . 16^8 Montanari, Geminiano. Nat. Philos. and Mathematician 1632 . . 1687 Montanelli, Joseph. Italian Poet 1813''. 1862 Montanus. Heresiarch i40-''. 200? Montanus, Benedict Arias. Spanish Writer. {Polyglot) 1=^27 . .i^gS Montanus, or Da Monte, John Baptist. Italian Physi- cian and Classical Writer 1488?. 1551 284 A BRIEF BIOGKAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Montarroyo, Joseph Freyre de. Portuguese Writer 1670. .1730 Montault, Philip de, Duke of Noailles. Commander. . . 1619. .1684 Montausier, Charles de St. Maure, Duke of. ( Garland of Julia) 1610 . . 1690 Montb61iard, Philibert Gueneau. Naturalist 1720. .1785 Montbrun, Charles Du Puy. Life by Guy Allard, 1675 ; Martin, 1816 1530- '1575 Montcalm, Louis Joseph de St.V^ran, Marquis de. French General in Canada 1712. .1759 Montcalvo. Italian Fresco Painter. See Caccia 1568*. . 1625 Montchal, Charles de. Archbishop of Toulouse ; Scholar 1 589 . . 165 1 Montclirestien, Anthony. Poet and Economist 1570?. 162 1 Monte, Guidubalde, Marquis del. Italian Mathematician 1540?. 1601 •' Montecatinus, Anthony. Italian Philos. ( On Aristotle) 1536. .1599 Montecuculi, or Montecuccoli, Raymond, Ct. Austr. Gen. 1608 . . 1681 Monteith., or Monteth, Robert. Scottish Historian — bef.i66o Montemayor, George de. Castilian Poet. {Diana) 1520.. 1562 Monten, Dietrich. German Battle Painter I799- • 1843 Montenanlt, or Monthenault, Charles Philip. French Historical Writer 1696. .1749 Montespan, Frances Athdnais de Rochechouart de Morte- mart, Marchioness de. Favorite of Louis XIV 1641. .1707 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de. {D Esprit des Lois) 1689. . 1 755 Monteth, or Monteith, Robert. Scottish Historian — bef.i66o Monteverde, Claudio. Italian Musical Composer 1565'. 1649 Montez, Lola. Life by self. See Lola Montez 1824. . 1861 Montezuma I. Emperor of Mexico (1436 or 8-1471) .. . — ••1471 Montezuma II., nephew 1480?. 1520 Montfaucon, Bernard de. Critic and Antiquary 1655 .. 1 741 Montfort, John (IV.) de, Duke of Brittany. . . .' 1293 -1345 Montfort, Simon de. Crusader 1150?. 1218 Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester; fell at Evesham 1206?. 1265 Montgolfler, James Stephen. Inventor of Air Balloons 1745. -1799 Montgomery, Alexander. Poet. L. by Dr. Irving, 1821 — ..1607? Montgomery, Gabriel, Count of. Fr. Protestant General 1530' .1574 Montgomery, James. Poet. L. by Holland and Everett 1771 . . 1854 Montgomery, Richard. American Revolutionary General 1736.. 1775 Montgomery, Rev. Robert. Preacher and Poet 1807. .1855 Montgon, Charles Alexander. Confessor to Philip V. of Spain. ( Memoirs) 1690 . . 1 770 Monthenault d'Egly, Charles Philip. French Writer. . 1696. .1749 Montholon, Chas. Tristan de, Count of Lee. Fr. General 1782.. 1853 Monthyon, or Montyon, Anthony John Baptist Robert Auget, Baron de. French Philanthropist I733 • -1820 Monti, Joseph. Italian Botanist 1682. .1760 Monti, Vincent. Italian Poet i754- • 1828 Monticelli, Andrew, of Bologna. Painter 1640 . .1716 Monticelli, Angelo Mary. Singer — . . 1 750 Montigni, Stephen Mignol de. Math, and Mechanician 1714. .1782 Montjosieu, Louis de. ( Gallus Bomce Hospes) fl. 1585 Montluc, Blaise de. Marshal of France 1509^ 1577 Montmaur, Peter de. Satirical Poet 1576?. 1648 Montmorency, Anne de. Constable of France 1493. . 1567 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 285 BORN. DIED. Montmorency, Charles de. Marshal of France — . • 1381 Montmorency, Henr}^ I. de. Constable of France I534- • 1614 Montmorency, Henry II., Due de. Admiral of France 1595. .1632 Montmorency, Matthew de. The Great. Constable of Fr. 1 1 74'' . 1230 Montmorency, Matthew John Felicity, Duke of French Statesman 1767. .1826 Montmort, Peter Raymond de. French Mathematician 1678. .1719 Montorsoli, Fra Giovann' Angelo. Italian Sculptor . . . 1507. .1563 Montpensier, Anne Maria Louisa d'Orleans, Duchess de. Gramle Mademoiselle. ( Memoirs) ._. 1627 . . 1693 Montpetit, Armand Vincent. Fr. Painter and Mechanic 1713. . 1800 Montreuil, Bernardin. French Jesuit 1569. • 1646 Montrose, James Graham, First Marquess of Scottish Rovalist. Life by Bishop Wishart; M. Napier, 1840; Grant, 1859 1612 . . 1650 Mont Ste - Aldegonde, Philip van Mamix, Lord du. Statesman and Writer 1538. -1598 Montucci, Anthony. Philologist and Chinese Scholar. . 1762. .1829 Montucla, John Stephen. French Mathematician. {His- tory of Mathematics) 1725 . .1799 Moody, Christopher Lake, ll. d. {Sketch of Modem France) — . . 1816 Moon, Joseph. Mathematician — . . 1817 Mooney, Daniel, D. D. Writer on Logic and Mathematics — ..1818 Moor, Karel de. Portrait Painter 1656. .1738 Moorcroft, William. English Traveler 1780?. 1825 Moore, Benjamin, d. d. American Divine 1748. .1816 Moore, Clement C., ll. d. American Scholar i779- • 1863 Moore, Edward. Poet and Writer 1712..1757 Moore, Elizabeth. Devotional Writer — • • 1657 Moore, Francis. Mechanic — . . 1787 Moore, Jacob Bailey. American Journalist and Author 1797. .1853 Moore, John. Bishop of Ely 1644. . 1714 Moore, John. Phys. and Writer. L. by Dr. R. Anderson 1 730 . . 1802 Moore, John. Archbishop of Canterbury (1783-1804). . 1733. -1805 Moore, Sir John. General ; fell at Corunna 1761 . . 1809 Moore, John, ll. b. Biblical Scholar and Antiquary ... — . . 1821 Moore, Maurice. American Patriot and Jurist — . .1777 Moore, Rev. Philip, of the Isle of Man. Writer 1706. .1783 Moore, Richard Channing, d. d. American Divine 1762. . 1841 Moore, Robert. Penman — . .1727? Moore, Thomas. Poet. Life by Earl Russell i779- • 1852 Moore, Zephaniah Swift, D. d. Amer. Divine and Scholar 1770. . 1823 Moorsom, William Scarth. Captain. Writer — . . 1863 Morabin, James. Fr. Writer & Transl. {Life of Cicero) 1687 . . 1 762 Morales, Ambrose de. Spanish Historian and Antiquary 1 5 13 . . 1 591 Morales, Louis. El Divino. Spanish Painter 1509- -1586 Morand, John Anthony. Architect of Lyons 1727. -1794 Morand, John Francis Clement. Parisian Physician . . . 1726. .1784 Morand, Peter de. Poet and Dramatic Writer 1701 . .1757 Morand, Sauveur Fran9ois. Parisian Surgeon 1697. 1773 Morandi, John Mary. Italian Painter 1625 . . 1715? Morandi Manzolini, Anna. Female Anatomist 1716. .1774 Morant, Philip. Antiquary and Biographer 1700. . 1770 286 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DI£I>. Morata, Olympia Fulvia. Protestant Writer. Life by Jules Bonnet, 1851 1526. . 1555 Moratin, Leander Fernandez de. Span. Dramatic Poet 1760. .1828 Moratin, Nicholas Fernandez de. Span. Dramatic Poet 1737. .1780 Morazan, Francis. Central Amer. Statesm. and General 1799. -1842 Morcelli, Stephen Anthony. Ital. Writ, on Inscriptions 1737. .1821 Mordaunt, Charles, Third Earl of Peterborough. Com- mander in Spain. Life by C. Warburton, 1853 1658. .1735 More, Alexander. French Protestant Preacher & Writer 1616. . 1670 More, Sir Anthony. Ant07ii Moro. Dutch Portr. Painter 1519. .1581 More, Hannah. Writer. Life by Rev. H. Thompson, 1838; A. Roberts, 1859 1745.. 1833 More, Dr. Henry. Cambr. Platonist. L. by R. Ward, 1710 1614 . . 1687 More, Henr}', of Liskeard. Dissenting Minister ; Poet.. — ..1802 More, or Moore, James. Writer. {Rival Modes) — • • ^734 More, John, of Norwich. Puritan Divine — . .1592 More, Sir Thomas. Chancellor. ( Utopia. ) Life by J. Hoddesdon, 1652; W. Roper, 1716 ; Warner, 1758; C. More, 1828 ; Stapleton ; Cayley ; T. More (great-grand- son) ; William Rastall 1480. .1535 Moreau, Hegesippus. French Poet. {Myosotis) 1810..1838 Moreau, Jacob Nicholas. Historiographer '^7^7 • • "i^^^Z Moreau, James. French Medical Writer 1647 . .1729 Moreau, John Michael. French Designer and Engraver 1741 . . 1814 Moreau, John Victor. French General 1763. .1813 Moreau, Rent?. French Physician 1587.. 1-656 Moreau de la Sarthe, James Louis. Fr. Medical Writer 1 771 . . 1826 Moreelze, Paul. Dutch Painter 1571 • • 1638 Morel, Christopher Edward. Fr. Teacher of Deaf Mutes 1805 .. 1857 Morel, Claude. Printer; Editor of Greek Authors ^574 • • 1626 Morel, Frederick. The Old. French Printer and Writer 1523. .1583 Morel, Frederick, son. Printer and Scholar i55«- • 1630 Morel, William. Fr. Classical Editor and Lexicographer 1505 . .1564 Morell, Andrew. Swiss Medalist and Antiquarv 1646. .1703 Morell, Thomas. Lexicographer and Classical NVriter. . 1703. . 1784 MoreU, Thomas. Dissenting Minister and Author 1782?. 1840 Morellet, Andrew. Abb^. Writer on Political Economy 1727. .1819 Morelli, Cosimo. Italian Architect 1732. . 1812 Morelli, James. Librarian and Scholar i745 • • ^^^9 Morelos, Joseph Maria. Mexican Revolutionist — ..1815 Mor6ri, Louis. {Historical Dictionar'y) 1643 . . 1680 Mores, Edward Rowe. Antiquary 1730. .1778 Moreto y Cabana, Augustin. Spanish Comic Poet 1600?. 1669 Moreton, or Morton, John. Cardinal. Abp. of Canter- bury; Statesman. Life by Rev. W. Cole ; Budden.. 1410..1500 Morgagni, John Baptist. Ital. Physician and Anatomist 1682. .1771 Morgan, Daniel. American Revolutionary General 1736. . 1802 Morgan, George Cadogan. Writer on Nat. Philosophy 1754. .1798 Morgan, Sir Henry John. Buccaneer. Life by Edward Howard 1637?. 1690 Morgan, (Miss Sydney Owenson) Lady, Irish Novelist 1783. .1859 Morgan, Sylvanus. Heraldic Writer. {Sphere of Gentry) — ..1693 Morgan, Thomas. Deistical Writer — • • 1741 Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles, m. d. 1783?. 1843 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 287 BORN. DIED. Morgan, William. Bishop of St. Asaph. Translator of the Bible into Welsh — . . 1604 Morgan, William. Mathematician and Actuary — . . 1833 Morghen, Raphael Sanzio. Italian Engraver 1758. . 1833 Morgues, Matthew de. Court Preacher and Writer. . . . 1582. , 1670 Morhof, Daniel George. German Writer. {Polyinstor) 1639.. 1691 Morice, Sir William. Statesman. ( Common Riyht of Lord's Supper) — . . 1676 Morier, James. Oriental Traveler and Novelist 1780. .1849 MoriUo, Pablo. Spanish General 1777 . . 1838 Morin, Henry. Writer in Memoir es de VAcad. des Inscrip. 1655 . .1728 Morin, John. French Ecclesiastic and Orientalist 1591-. 1659 Morin, John. French Experimental Philosopher. {Me- chanisme Universel) 1705. .1764 Morin, John Baptist. French Physician and Mathema- tician. {Astroloffia Gallica) 1583 . , 1656 Morin, Louis. De St. Victor. Fr. Physicianand Botanist 1635 • • 1715 Morin, Peter. French Biblical Scholar and Critic 1531 • • 1608 Morin, Simon. French Visionary 1623?. 1663 Morin, Stephen. French Protestant Divine 1625 . .1700 Moriniere, Adrian Claude Lefort de la. French Writer 1698. .1768 Morison, or Moryson, Fynes. Traveler 1566. .1614? Morison, John, d. d., ll. d. Life by John Kennedy. . . 1791 . . 1859 Morison, Robert, m. d. Physician and Botanist. {Ilis- toria Flantarum) 1620. . 1683 Morisot, Claude Bartholomew. Fr. Writer. (Peramawa) 1592. .1661 Moritz, Charles Philip. German Writer i757- -1793 Morland, George. Painter. Life by W. Collins ; George Dawe; Hassell, 1806 1763.. 1804 Morland, Sir Samuel. Statesman and Mechanician. Life by J. 0. Halliwell 1625?. 1695 Morley, George. Bishop of Winchester 1 597 . . 1684 Morley, Thomas. Musical Composer — . . 1604? Morliere, Charles James Louis Augustus de la Rochette, Chevalier de. Romance Writer 1 701 . . 1 785 Mornac, Anthony. Fr. Jurist and Poet. (Ferice Forenses) 1554. . 1619 Mornay* Philip de, Sieur du Plessis Morlay. Protestant Statesman. Life by Crusius; De Liques 1549- '1623 Mornington, Garret Wellesley, Earl of. Composer .... 1720. .1781 Morny, Chas. Augustus Louis Joseph de, Ct. Fr. Statesm. 181 1 . .1865 Moro, Antoni, or Sir Anthony More, which see 1519- .1581 Morone, John. Cardinal and Statesman 1509. .1580 Moroni, John Baptist. Ital. Historical and Portr. Painter 1 5 1 o . . 1 5 78 Morosini, Andrew. Senator of Venice and Historian. . 1558. . 1618 Morosini, Francis. Doge of Venice and Commander . . 1618. .1694 Morres, Harvey Redmond, Visct. Mountmorres. Writer — ••i797 Morris, Capt. Charles. Song Composer i739- • 1832 Morris, Charles. American Naval Officer 1784. . 1856 Morris, George P. American Journalist and Poet 1802. . 1864 Morris, Gouverneur. American Patriot and Statesman 1752.. 1816 Morris, Lewis. Welsh Antiquary and Poet 1702. .1765 Morris, Richard, brother. Welsh Poet and Critic — . .1779 Morris, Robert. American Financier i734- • 1806 Morris, Robert, m. p. Legal Writer — . . 1818 288 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Morris, Thomas. American Statesman 1766. . 1844 Morrison, Sir Richard. Architect 1767 . .1849 Morrison, Rev. Robert, d. d. Missionary to China. Life by Mrs. Morrison, 1839 1782 . . 1834 Morse, Rev. Jedediah. American Geographer 1761 . . 1826 Mortier, Edward Adolphus Casimir Joseph, Duke of Treviso. Marshal of France 1768. .1835 Mortimer, Edmund, Third Earl of March ; married to Philippa ; 1352?. 1381 Mortimer, Edmund. Fifth Earl of March .' . 1392''. 1424 Mortimer, John Hamilton. Artist 1741 . .17^9 Mortimer, Roger, Baron, of Wigmore, First Earl of March. Favorite of Queen Isabella 1286?. 1330 Mortimer, Roger, Fourth Earl of March. Lieut, of Ireland 1377?. 1398 Mortimer, Thomas. Miscell. Writer. {British Plutarch) ly^o. .i8og Morton, Charles, of Harvard College. Writer on Phi- losophy and Divinity — . . 1697 Morton, James Douglas, Earl of. Regent of Scotland ; beheaded 1530. .1581 Morton, James Douglas, Earl of. Philosopher & Astron. 1707. .1768 Morton, John. Cardinal. See Moreton 1410. . 1500 Morton, John. Agriculturist. ( The Soil) 1 781?. 1864 Morton, Marcus. American Jurist and Statesman 1784. . 1864 Morton, Nathaniel. Secretary of Plymouth Colony. {New England's Memorial) 1612 . . 1685 Morton, Richard, m. d. Medical Writer 1635?. 1698 Morton, Samuel Geo., m. d. Amer. Nat. and Ethnologist 1799. . 185 1 Morton, Thomas. Bishop of Durham (1632-59). Life by Dean Barwick, 1660; Baddily and Naylor, 1669. . 1564. .1659 Morton, Thomas. Dramatic Poet " 1 764 . . 1838 Morveau, Guyton de. See Guyton 1737. .1816 Moryson, or Morison, Fynes. Traveler 1566. . 1614? Moryson, Sir Richard. Politician, Diplom., and Author — --iSS^ Moscherosch, John Michael. {Philander von Sittewald. ) German Writer 1600 . . 1 669 Moschus. Syracusan Bucolic Poet fl. b.c. 250 Moseley, Benjamin, d. d. Medical Writer 1^39?. 1819 Moser, Frederick Charles von. Ger. Statesm. & Publicist 1 723 . . 1 798 Moser, George Michael. Gold Chaser and Enamel Painter in London 1705.. 1783 Moser, John Jacob. German Jurist 1701 . . 1785 Moser, Justus. German Statesman and Author 1720. .1794 Moser, Miss Mary, R. A. Flower Painter — ..1819 Moses. Lawgiver of the Jews 1571 . 1451 b.c. Moses Chorenensis. Armen. Abp. {Hist, of Armenia) £[.462-'' Mosheira, John Lawrence von. {Ecclesiastical History) 1694. .1755 Moss, Robert, Dean of Ely. Divine and Poet. {Sermons) 1666 . . 1 729 Mossom, Robert. Bishop of Derry. Writer — . . 1679 Mossop, Henry. Tragedian 1729. .1773 Mostert, or Mostaert, John. Dutch Painter i499- • i555 Mothe, Jane Mary de la, Madame Guyon, q.v. Mystic 1648. .1717 Mothe le Vayer, Francis de la. Fr. Skeptic. {Dialogues) 1588. . 1672 Motherby, George, m. d. {Medical Dictionary) 1731 • '1793 Motherwell, Wm. Journalist & Poet. L. by M' Conochy 1 798 . . 1835 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 289 BOEN. DIED. Motte, Anthony Houdart de la. French Writer 1672. . Motte Cadillac, Anthony de la. Founder of Detroit 1660 ''.aft. Motteux, Feter Anthony. Fr. Dram. Writer in English 1660. . Motteville, Frances Bertaut de. {Mem.ofAnneofAustr.) 1621.. Mottley, John. Historical and Humorous Writer 1692. . Moucheron, Frederick. The Old. Dutch Landsc. Paint. 1633. . Moucheron, Isaac, son. Painter 1670. . Moufet, or Mutfet, Thomas, m. d. ( Theatrum Insectoi-um) — . . Mouhy, Charles de Fieux. Romance Writer 1702, . MoTilin, Du. See Dumoulin. Motiltrie, William. American Revolutionary Officer. . . 1731. . Mounier, John Joseph. French Politician 1758 . . i Mountagu, or Montague, Richard. Bishop of Chichester 1578. , Movmtain, Geo. Jehoshaphat. Ld. Bp. of Quebec ; Writer 1789. , Mountfort, William. Actor and Dramatic Writer 1659. . Mountnorris, George Annesley, Earl of, and Lord Va- lentia, q.v 1770. . Mourad Bey. Mameluke Chief 1750 . , Mouradja d'Ohsson, Ignatius. ( The Ottoman Empire) 1740. , Mouret, John Joseph. French Musical Composer 1682. , Mourgues, Matthew de. Controversial Writer 1582. Mourgues, Michael. French Mathematician 1642?. Moustier, Charles Albert de. French Dramatic Writer 1760. . Movers, Francis Charles. German Orientalist 1806. . Moxon, Joseph. Hydrographer and Mathematical Writer 1627 . . Moyle, Robert. Legal Writer — . , Moyle, Walter. Political Writer 1672 . , Moyses, David. Scottish Diarist. {Affairs of Scotland) 1573. , Mozart, John Chrysostora Wolfgang Amadeus. Musical Composer. Life by Edward Holmes; Herr Jahn 1756. , Mozart, John George Leopold. German Musician 1719- Mozeen, Thomas. Dramatist and Song Writer — . , Mudge, John, m. d. Physician and Mechanic. Improver of Telescope — . , Mudge, Thomas. Mechanic. Improver of Chronometer 171 5. , Mudge, William. General. Trigonometrical Surveyor 1762. Mudge, Rev. Zachary. Divine. Friend of Dr. Johnson — . Mudie, Robert. Naturalist 1777- Mudo, Fernandez el. John Fernaridez Navarrete. Paint. 1524?. Muehlenbruch, Christian Frederick. German Jurist . . 1785 ., ] Mueller. See Miiller. Muellner, Amadeus Godfrey Adolphus. Ger. Dramatist 1774. Muencer, or Muenzer. See Miincer — . Muench, Ernest Hermann Joseph von. Ger. Historian 1798, .i Muenchhausen. See Miinchhausen. Muennich, Burchard Christopher, Count. See Miinnich 1683. Muenster. See Miinster. Muenter, Balthasar. German Divine and Poet i735 • Muet, Peter le. French Architect 1591 . Muggleton, Lodowicke. English Sectary 1609. . ] Muhlenberg, Henry Ernest, d. d. American Clergyman and Divine 1753..] Muhlenberg, Peter. American Revolutionary General 1746. Miihlenbruch, Christian Frederick. German Jurist ... 1785 . 19 290 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Muilman, Peter. Historian of Essex — . .1790 Muis, Simon Marotte de. French Hebraist ^587- • 1644 Mulcaster, Richard. • Schoolmaster and Writer 1535 ^ 161 1 Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, Earl of. Navigator 1744. -1792 Mtilgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of, and Duke of Bucks. Poet. {Essay on Poetry) 1649. .1721 Mulinari, or Molinari, John Anthony. Italian Painter. . 1577. .1640? Miiller, Andrew. German Orientalist 1630 . . 1694 Miiller, Charles Ottfried. Classical Scholar. (Dorians) 1797. .1840 Miiller, Christian Frederick von. Engraver '. 1783 . . 1816 Miiller, Frederick. German Painter and Poet 1750- • 1825 Miiller, Gerard Frederick. Traveler and Historian. ( Col- lection of Russian Histories) 1705 . .1783 Miiller, Henry. Lutheran Div. {Harmonia N. et V. Test.) 1631 . . 1675 Miiller, John. Regionvmtanus. Archbishop of Ratisbon. Astronomer and Mechanician 1436 . . 1476 Miiller, John. Engraver of Amsterdam fl. 1589-1625 Muller, John. Mathematician and Writer on Artillery. . — . .1784 Miiller, John von. Swiss Historian. ( Universal Histm-y) 1752. .1809 Miiller, John. German Physiologist 1801 . . 1858 Miiller, John Gotthard von. Engraver I747' -1830 Miiller, Louis Christian. Prussian Engineer. ( Wars of Frederick the Great) 1735 . . 1804 Miiller, Otho Frederick. Danish Naturalist f-73'^- • 1784 Miiller, Peter Erasmus. Dan. Theologian and Antiquary 1776. . 1834 Miiller, William. German Writer and Lyric Poet i794- -1827 Muller, William John. English Artist 1812. .1845 Miillner, Amadeus Godfrey Adolphus. Ger. Dramatist 1774. .1829 Mulready, William, k. a. Painter 1786. . 1863 Miinoer, or Miinzer, Thomas. German Anabaptist. Life by Strobel — . . 1525 Miinch, Ernest Herrmann Joseph von. Ger. Historian 1798. .1841 MiinchJiausen, Gerlach Adolphus, Baron. Hanoverian Statesman 1688. .1770 Miinchhausen, Jerome Charles Frederick von. {Mar~ velom Travels.) Life by Biirgen 1720 . .1797 Munck, John. Danish Navigator 1589 . . 1628 Muncker, Thomas. ( Mythographi Latini) — . . 1680 Munday, Anthony. Dramatic Poet. ( City Pageants). . 1554. . 1633 Munden, Joseph Shepherd. Comedian. Life by J. S. Munden, 1843 1758- • 1832 Mundinus, or Mondino. Ital. Physician and Anatomist 1250?. 1326 Miinnich, Burchard Christopher, Count. Russian Mar- shal and Exile 1683.. 1767 Munoz, or Mugnoz, John Baptist. Spanish Historian. . 1745. -1799 Munro, Sir Thomas. Gov. of Madras. L. by Gleig, 1850 1 760 . . 1827 Miinster, Ernest Frederick rferbert, Count von. Hano- verian Statesman 1766. . 1839 Munster, George Fitzclarence, Earl of i794- • 1842 Miinster, Sebastian. Mathematician and Philologist. ( Universal Cosmography) 1489. .1552 Miinter, Balthasar. German Divine and Poet I735 • • ^793 Munting, Abraham. German Botanist 1626. . 1683 Miinzer. /See Miincer — . • 1525 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 291 BORN. T>IKD. Sffurad I., Morad, or Amurath. Ottoman Sultan (1360-89) 1319. . 1389 Muradll. (1422-51) 1404. .1451 MuradlU. (1574-95) 1544. .1595 Murad IV. (1623-40) i6io?.i64o Miiralt, Beat Louis de. Swiss Traveler in Europe — . .1760 Muralt, John. Swiss Physician and Anatomist 1645 . .1733 Murat, Joachim. Marshal of France. King of Naples 1771'. 1815 MTiratori, Louis Anthony. Italian Historian 1672. .1750 Muravieff, Michael Nikltitch. Russian Writer i757- .1807 Murdock, James, d. d. American Divine and "Writer . . 1776. . 1856 Mure, Sir William. Scottish Poet i594- • 1657 Mure, Wilham, of Caldwell. Classical Writer i799- • i860 Muret, or Muretus, Mark Anthony. Classical Scholar. ( Va7-icB Lectiones) 1526. . 1585 Murger, Henry. Fr. Writer. {Scenes of Bohemian Life) 1822. .i860 Murillo, Bartholomew Stephen. Spanish Painter 1618. .1682 Murimuth, Adam. Chronicler fl. 1350'' Miiris, John de. Doctor of the Sorhonne — aft.1345 Murner, Thomas. Ger. Satirist and Opponent of the Ref. 1475 . -1536^ Murphy, Arthur. Writer. Transl. of Tacitus. L. by Foote 1727. .1805 Murpliy, James Cavanagh. Architect, Antiquary, and Traveler. {Antiquities of the Arabians in Spain) 1760?. 1816 Murphy, Robert. Mathematician 1806. . 1843 Mutt, Christopher Theophilus von. Bibliogr. and Antiq. i y^S .-1811 Murray, Alexander, d . d . Philologist. ( History of Euro- pean Languages) 1775- -1813 Murray, Alexander. American Naval Officer 1755 . . 1821 Murray, Lord Charles. Scottish Jacobite 1687. .1729 Murray, Lord George. Scottish Jacobite Commander. . 1705. .1760 Murray, Sir George. General and Statesman 1772. . 1846 Murray, Hugh. Geographical Writer. {Encyc.ofGeog.) ijyg. .1846 Murray, James. Scot. Dissent. Div. in Lond. {Aletheia) 1702. .1758 Murray, James. Scot. Dissenting Minister. Hist. Writer — ..1782 Murray, or Moray, James Stuart, Earl of. Good Regent. Assassinated i53i- '1570 Murray, John. American Clergyman 1741 . . 1815 Murray, John. Physician and Natural Philosopher. ... — . .1820 Murray, Dr. John. Musical Composer — ••1833 Murray, John. Publisher 1778 . . 1843 Murray, John Andrew. Physician and Naturalist 1740. .1791 Murray, Lindley. Grammarian. L. by self & Frank, 1826 1745 . . 1^26 Murray, Matthew, of Leeds. Mechanist 1763. .1826 Murray, Nicholas, d.d. Amer. Clergyman and Author 1803. .1861 Murray, Patrick, Fifth Lord Elibank. Scottish Writer. . 1703. .1778 Murray, Sir Robert. Scottish Statesman — . . 1673 Murray, Thomas. Scottish Portrait Painter : 1666'' .1724 Murray, William. Earl of Mansfield. Lord Chief Jus- tice. Life by Halliday 1705 . .1793 Murray, William. Actor 1791 . . 1852 Murray, William Vans. American Diplomatist 1762?. 1803 Musa Ibn-IQosseyr. Arab Conqueror 640.. 717 Musaeus, John Charles Augustus. German Writer 1735 •• 1787 Musculus, Andrew. Lutheran Div. Writer on Prophecy — ..1580 Musculus, Wolfgang. Protestant Reformer 1497. . 1563 292 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Musgrave, Sir Richard, m. p. {Mem. of Irish Rebellions) I758^ 1818 Musgrave, Samuel, m. d. Physician and Greek Scholar — . .1782 Musgrave, William, m. d. Physician and Antiquary. . . 1657. .1721 Mushet, David. Inventor in Iron 1772. . 1847 Mushet, Robert. Writer on the Currency — . . 1828 Musitau, Charles. Italian Medical Writer 1635 . .1714 Musius, or Muys, Cornelius. Dutch Schol. & Lat. Poet 1503. .1572 Musonius, Caius Rufus. Roman Stoic Philosopher fl. ist c. Muss, Charles. Painter in Enamel. {Holy Family) — . . 1824 Mussato, Albertin. Italian Historian and Poet 1261 . . 1330 Musschenbroek, Peter van. Dutch Natural Philoso- pher and Mathematician 1692. .1761 Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de. French Poet c 1810. . 1857 Musso, CorneUus. Italian Bishop and Preacher 15 1 1 . . 1574 Mustapha I. Sultan of Turkey (1617-23) — . . 1639 MustaphaLE. (1695-1703) — ..1703 Mustapha III. (1757-74) '.. — ..1774 Mustapha IV. (1807-8) — . . 1808 Musurus, Marcus. (Jreek Scholar at Venice. {JEtymo- logicum Magnum Grmcum) 1470?. 1517 Mutiauo, or Muziano, Jerome. Italian Painter 1528 .1590 or 2 Mutis, Joseph Celestine. Spanish Naturalist 1734. . 1808 Muy, Louis Nicholas Victor, Ct. de. Marshal of France 1711 . . 1775 Muys, Wyer William. Dutch Physician and Mathem. 1682.. 1744 Muziano, Jerome. Italian Painter and Architect 1528 . 1 590 or 2 Muzio, Jerome. Italian Writer 1496 . . 1 576 Myconlus, Frederick. German Reformer 1491 . . 1546 Myconius, Oswald. Swiss Reformer. {Lif e of Zwingli) 148S. .i^s,2 Myddelton, Sir Hugh. Civil Engineer. See Middleton 1565''. 1631 Mydorge, Claude. French Mathematician 1585 . . 1647 Myers, Thomas, ll. d. Writer on Geography — . . 1834 Mylne, Robert. Architect. i734- • 1811 Myn, Hubert van der. Dutch Painter 1684. . 1741 Mynsicht, Adrian von. Physician and Chemist fl. 1631 Mynster, Jacob Peter. Danish Theologian i775 • • 1854 Myrepsus, Nicholas. Greek Physician of Alexandria. {Antidotarium) fl. 13th c. Myron. Greek Sculptor fl. b.c. 480 Mytens, Arnold. Flemish Painter in Italy 1541 • • 1602 Mytens, Daniel. The Elder. Flemish Painter in Eng. 1590. .1660? Mytens, Daniel. Flemish Painter 1636. . 1688 Mytens, Martin. Swedish Painter at Vienna 1695 . . 1755 Mytton, Thomas. Parliamentarian General — . . 1656 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 293 N. BORN. DIED. Nabis. Tyrant of Sparta (B. c. 207-192) — B.c.192 Nabunal, Elias de. Cardinal. Divine — . . 1367 JSracliman, Moses Ben. Spanish Kabbi ii94- • — Naclantus, or Nacchiante, James. Italian Theologian . . — ..1569 Nadab. King of Israel (b. c. 954-953) — B.c.953 Nadeshdin, Nicolai Ivanovitch. Russian Author 1804. . 1856 Nadir Shah, or Kouli Khan. King of Persia. Life by Fraser, 1742; Sir Wm. Jones, tr. from Persian 1687. .1747 NsBvius, Cneius. Roman Poet 274? . 202? b.c. Nagy Sandor, Joseph. Hungarian General 1804. , 1849 Nahl, John Augustus. Prussian Sculptor 1710..1781 Nahuna. Hebrew Prophet fl. 7th c. b.c. Nairn, Caroline. Poetess 1766. . 1845 Nairn, William Murray, Lord. Scottish Jacobite 1657. .1725 Nakhimoff, Nicolavitch. Russian Poet 1782. .1814 Naldi, Sebastian. Italian Singer — . . 1819 Nalson, John. Divine and Historian 1638?. 1686 Nanek, or Nanuk. Founder of the Sikh Sect 1469. .1539 Nangis, William de. Historian. {Life of St. Louis) .. . — ..1302? Nani, John Baptist. Venetian Statesm. {Hist, of Venice) 1616. .1678 Nanni, John. Giovanni da Udino. Ornamental Artist. . 1494.. 1564 Nanni, or Nannius, Peter. Dutch Critic and Philologist 1500. .1557 Nannini, Agnolo. Italian Writer 1493 . . — Nanteuil, Robert. Fr. Miniature Painter and Engraver 1630. .1678 Nantigni, Louis Chazot de. Genealogical Writer 1692. .1755 Napier, Sir Chas. Admiral. L. by Maj .-Gen. Elers Napier 1786 . . i860 Napier, Sir Charles James. General; Conqueror of Scinde. Life by Sir W. F. P. Napier 1782. . 1853 Napier, Henry Edward. Naval Officer and Author 1789. . 1853 Napier, John, Lord, of Merchiston. Inventor of Loga- rithms. Life by Earl Buchan and Walter Minto 1550. . 161 7 Napier, Macvey. Editor of Edinburgh Review 1776. . 1847 Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick. General. {History. of the Peninsular War.) Life by H. A. Bruce, 1863 . . 1785 . . i860 Napoleon I. Emperor of France. See Bonaparte 1769. .1821 Napoleon II. King of Rrnne. See Bonaparte 1811. .1832 Narbonne-Lara, Louis, Count of. French Statesman. . 1755 . . 1813 Narborough, Sir John. Admiral — . . 1688 Nardi, James. Italian Historian 1476. -1556? Nardini, Peter. Violinist 1722. .1793 Nares, Rev. Edmund, d. c. l. Professor at Oxford. ( Thinks I to Myself) 1762. .1841 Nares, James, mus. doc Musical Composer 1715 • -^7^3 Nares, Rev. Robert. ( Glossary ; Chron. View of Prophecy) 1753.. 1829 Narses. Byzantine General and Statesman 473?. 568 Naruszewicz, Adam Stanislaus. Polish Hist, and Poet 1733. .1796 Narvaez, Pamphila de. Spanish Commander — aft. 1528 Nash, Abner. American Lawyer and Politician — ..1786 Nash, Francis, brother. Soldier — . . i777 Nash, Frederick. American Jurist 1781 . . 1858 294 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. iN'ash, John. Architect 1752. . 1835 Ifash, Richard, of Bath. Beau. Life by Goldsmith 1674. .1761 Nash, Samuel, ll. b. Poetical Writer — . . 1829 Nash, Thomas. Dramatist and Satiric Writer 1567. . 1600? Nash, Thomas. Miscellaneous Writer — ..1648 Nash, Dr. Treadway Russell. {History of Worcester). . . 1726. .1811 Nasini, Joseph Nicholas. Italian Historical Painter .... 1660''. 1736 Nasnoith, David. Scot. Philanthr. L. by Dr. Campbell 1799. .1839 Nasmith, James, d. d. Divine and Antiquary 1740- • 1808 Nasmyth, Alexander. Scottish Landscape Painter 1758. .1840 Nasmyth, Peter, or Patrick, son. Landscape Painter. . . 1786. . 1831 Nassir-eddin. Mahometan Philosopher and Astronomer 1201 . . 1274 Natalis, Michael, of Liege. Engraver 1609^. 1670 Nathan, Isaac, or Mordecai. Rabbi. {Heb. Concordance) tl. 1450? Nattier, John Mark le. French Artist ; Professor at Paris 1685 . . 1766 Nattier, Lawrence. Engraver of Intaglios at Petersburg — . .1763 Naud6, or Naudaeus, Gabriel. Fr. Writer. (Naudmana) 1600. .1653 Naud6, Philip. French Mathematician at Berlin 1654. .1729 Naudet, Thomas Charles. French Landscape Painter. . 1774. .1810 Naumarm, John Frederick. German Ornithologist .... 1780. .1857 Naiunanii, John Theophilus. German Composer 1741 • • i8oi Naunton, Sir Robert; Statesman. {Fragmenta Regalia) i^(>t,. .16-^^ Navagero, or Naugerius, Andrew. Ital. Orator and Poet 1483. . 1529 Navagero, Bernard. Cardinal; Venetian Statesman and Scholar 1507. .1565 Navarette, or Navarrete, John Fernandez Ximenes de. El Mudo. Spanish Painter 1524^. i577 Navarre, Peter de. Spanish Warrior — . .1528 Navarrete, Domingo Fernandez. Span. Miss, to China — . . 1689 Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de. ( Coleccion de los Via- jes ; Coleccion de Documentos) 1765 . . 1844 Navier, Peter Toussaint. French Physician and Chemist 1 7 1 2 . . 1 779 Naylor, James. Enthusiast 1616?. 1660 NeaJ, Daniel. Divine and Hist. {Hist, of the Puritans) 1678. .1743 Neal, Joseph C. American Miscellaneous Writer. {Char- coal Sketches) 1807. . 1848 Neander, Christopher Frederick. German Poet. ( Geist- liche Lieder) 1724. .1802 Neander, John Augustus William. Ecclesiastical Hist. 1789. .1850 Neander, Michael. Ger. Physician and Mathematician 1529. .1581 Neander, Michael, of Ilfeldt. {Erotemata Grceccs Ling.) 1525. .1595 Nearchus. Greek Admiral 4th c. B.C. Nebuchadnezzar. King of Babylon — B.c.562 Neck, John van. Dutch Painter 1635 . . 1714 Neckar, Professor. Swiss Naturalist in Skye — . . 1862 Necker, James. Statesman and Financier. Life by Mme. de Stael 1732. • 1804 Necker, Noel Joseph. Dutch Bot. ( Elementa Botanica) 1 729 . . 1 793 Necker, Susanne Curchod de Naase, wife of James. {Re- fiexions sur le Divorce). 1739- • ^794 Neckham, Alexander. English Abbot; Scholar & Poet — ..1227 Needham, John Turberville. Roman Catholic Divine and Naturalist 1713- -1781 Needham, or Nedham, Marchamont. Political Writer 1620.. 1678 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 295 BORN. DIED. Neef, or Neefs, Peter. The Elder. Dutch Painter of Ar- chitecture 1570- • 1651 Neele, Henry. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer 1798- • 1828 Ifeer, Arnold van der. Dutch Landscape Painter 1619. . 1683 Weer, Eglon Hendrick van der, son. Historical and Por- trait Painter 1643. .1703 Ifeercassel, John de. Dutch Bishop. {Amor Pcenitens) 1626. .16Z6 Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Godfrey Daniel. Ger- man Botanist and Naturalist i776- • 1858 Neff, Felix. Afmtle of the Alps. L. by W. S. Gilly ; Bost 1 798 ^ . 1829 Nelieiniah. Governor of Judaea fl. B.C. 444 Neledinski-Meletzki, Yourgi, or George. Russian Bal- lad Writer 1752.. 1829 Neller, George Christopher. German Archaeologist 1709- -1783 Nelson, David. American Physician and Clergyman . . 1793. -1844 Welson, Horatio, Viscount. Admiral. Life by Harrison, 1806; Clarke & McArthur, 1809; Southey; Pettigrew 1758. .1805 Nelson, Robert. ( Fasts and Festivals. ) Life by Secretan 1656 . . 1 7 1 5 Nelson, Thomas. American Revolutionary Officer and Statesman 1738.. 1789 Nelson, William. American General 1825 . . 1862 Nelson, Wolfred, m. d. Canadian Physician, Politician, and Philanthropist 1802. . 1863 Nemesianus, Marcus Aurelius Olympius. Latin Poet. ( Cynegetica) ^ fl. 283 Nemesius. Bp. of Emesa. Philos. {De Naturd Hominis) fl. 400? Nemours, Mary de Longueville, Duchess de. ( Memoirs of the Court of France) 1625 . .1707 Nennius. Abbot of Bangor. Historian fl. 620"^ Neper, or Napier. Inventor of Logarithms. /See Napier 1550. .1617 Nepomucen, John, St., or John of Nepomuck 1320. .1383 Nepos, Cornelius. Rom. Historian. ( Vit(B Imperatorum) fl. ti. Aug. Nepos, Flavins Julius. Emperor of the West (473-80) . . — . . 480 Neri, Philip de, St. Founder of the Oratory 1515- -1595 Neri, Pompeio. Italian Political Economist 1707- -1776 Nerli, Philip. Italian Historian 1485 . .1556 Nero. Roman Emperor (54-68) T^y.. 68 Nerva. Roman Emperor (96-98) 32.. 98 Nesbit, Anthony. Writer on Land Surveying & Agricul. 1777?. 1859 Nesbit, Alexander. Scott. Antiquary and Heraldic Writer 1672. . 1725 Nesle, — de. French Poetical and Prose Writer — . .1767 Nesse, Christopher. Nonconformist Divine. L. by Silver 1621 . .1705 Nesselrode, Charles Robert, Count von. Russ. Diplom. 1780. .1862 Nestor. Earliest Russian Chronicler 1056'. 11 16? Nestorius. Patriarch of Constantinople ; Heresiarch . . — .. 450? Netscher, Constantine. Painter 1670. .1722 ^ eischer, Caspar. Flemish Painter 1639 . . 1684 Netscher, Theodore, son. Painter 1661 . .1732 Netter, Thomas. English Carmelite ; Theologian 1367? . 1430 Nettlebladt, Christian, Baron de. Swedish Writer 1696. . 1776 Nettlebladt, Daniel. German Jurist 1719- -^79^ Nettleton, Dr. Asahel. American Revival Preacher. Life by Bennet Tyler 1783. .18^4 Neubauer, Ernest Frederick. Ger. TheoL and Antiq. i64i?.i684 296 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. ITeuliof, Theodore Stephen, Baron von. German Adven- turer. King of Corsica 1690. .1756 Weukirch, Benjamin. German Poet 1665 . .1729 Neukomin, Sigismund, Chevalier. German Composer 1778. .1857 Neuraann, Caspar. German Chemist 1682. .1737 Weuraann, John George. German Lutheran Divine . . . 1661. .1709 Weuville, Charles Frey de. Jesuit Preacher 1693. .1774 Neuville, Didier Peter Chicaneau de. {Dlctionnaire Phi- losophique) 1 720 . . 1 78 1 Wevile, or Nevyle, Alex. Poet & Writer; tr. of CEdipus 1544. .1614 Wevile, Henry. Republican Writer. (Plato Redivivus) 1620.. 1694 Nevile, Thomas. Dean of Canterbury; Benefactor to Trinity College — . . 1615 Neville, Rev. Robert, b. d. Divine and Dramatist — . . 1694 K"ewburgh, William of. Historian 1136. .1208 Newcastle, Henry Clinton, Duke of. Statesman 181 1 . . 1864 Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of. Statesman 1785 . . 1851 Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of. Life by self and Brydges — . . 1673 Newcastle, Thomas Holies Pelham, Duke of. Statesm. 1694. .1768 Newcastle, Wm. Cavendish, Duke of. Royalist »Sc Writer 1 592 . . 1676 Newcome, Rev. Henry. Divine and Author — -"^^^^ Newcome, Rev. Peter. Divine and Author 1656. .1730 Newcome, William. Archbishop of Armagh 1729. • 1800 Newcomen, Matthew. Nonconformist Divine — . . 1766 Newdigate, Sir Roger. Founder of Prize at Oxford. . . 17 19. .1806 Newell, Mrs. Harriet (Atwood). American Missionary . . 1 793 . . 1812 Newell, Robert Hassell, b. d. Editor of Goldsmith 1780. .1852 Newell, Samuel. American Missionary 1784. . 1^21 Newland, John. Abbot. Diplomatist — ••1515 Newland, Peter. Dutch Mathematician 1764. .1794 Newman, Rev. John. Translator of Xenophon — • • 1719 Newman, Wm., d. d. Bapt. Minister. L. by G. Prichard 1772 . . 1835 Newman, William Lewis. Miscellaneous Writer 1760. . 1834 Newport, George. Naturalist and Physiologist 1803. .1854 Newton, Gilbert Stuart, r. a. Painter i794- • 1835 Newton, Henry, ll. d. Diplomatist and Latin Poet. ... — • • 1715 Newton, Sir Isaac. Life b}^ Fontenelle, 1728 (in English same year) ; Frisi, 1778 ; Biot, 1822 ; Brewster, 1831 (also in German and French); De Morgan, 1833; Whewell {Newton and Flamsteed), 1836; Correspond- ence with Cotes, 1850; Brewster, 1855 1642. . 1727 Newton, John, d. d. Mathematician and Divine 1622. .1678 Newton, Rev. John. ( Cardiphonia.) Life by Rd. Cecil 1725. .1807 Newton, Richard. Canon of Christ Church, Oxford; Benefactor 1676?. 1753 Newton, Robert, d. d. Scottish Clergyman 1780. . 1854 Newton, Thomas. Latin Poet and Divine, Historical and Medical Writer — . • 1607 Newton, Thomas. Bishop of Bristol. ( On the Prophe- cies.) Life by self 1704- • 1782 Newton, William. ( History of Maidstone) — . . i744 Newton, William. The Peak Minstrel — . . 1830 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 297 BORN. DIED. lJ"ey, Joseph Napoleon, Prince of the Moskva 1803 . . 1857 Ney, Michael. Marshal of France 1769. .1815 Wibby, Anthony. Roman Archaeologist 1792. . 1839 Wicaise, Claude. French Scholar 1623 . . 1701 Nicander. Greek Poet and Grammarian fl. 2d c. B.C. Nicander, Charles Augustus. Swedish Poet i799- • 1839 Niccola di Pisa. II Pisano. Sculptor and Architect 1200'' . aft. 1273 Niccoli, Nicholas. Restorer of Learning 1363 . . 1437 Niccolini, John Baptist. Italian Poet 1785 . . 1861 Nicepliorus I. Emp. of the East (802-11). Logotheta — .. 811 Nicephorus II. (963-69. ) Phocas 912? . 969 Nicephorus III. (1078-81.) Botonintes — aft.io8i Nicephorus. Patriarch of Constantinople. {Breviarium) 758.. 828 Nicephorus CaUistus. Monk of Constantinople. {Ec- clesiastical History) fl. 1450? Nicephorus Gregoras. Byzantine Historian 1295?. 1359? Niceron, John Francis. Optical Writer 1613. . 1646 Nic^ron, John Peter. French Biographer 1685 . . 1738 Nicetas, Acominatus. Byzantine Historian — ..12 16? Nichol, John Pringle, ll. d. Prof, of Astron. at Glasgow 1804. . 1859 Nicholas I. Pope (858-67). The Great — . . 867 Nicholas II. (1058-61.) Gerard —,.1061 Nicholas III. ( 1277-80. ) John Cajetan — . . 1 280 Nicholas IV. (1288-92. ) Jerome of Ascoli — . . 1292 Nicholas V. (1447-55.) Thomas Parenfucelli, or of Sarzana. Life by Manetti ; Georgi, 1742 1398 . . 1455 Nicholas I. Emperor of Russia (1825-55). Life by Miss Mayne ; E. H. Michelsen 1796. . 1855 Nicholas, Abraham. Penman 1692?. 1744? Nicholls, Frank, M. d. Medical Writer 1699. .1778 Nicholls, Sir Geo. Publicist. {History of the Poor Laws) 1780. . 1865 Nicholls, William. Divine. ( Conference with a Theist) 1664. .1712? Nichols, Ichabod, d. d. American Divine 1784. . 1859 Nichols, James. Printer and Writer. {Arminianism and Calvinism) — . .1861 Nichols, John. Printer, with Bowyer. {Anec. ofBowyer) 1 745 . . 1826 Nichols, John Bowyer. Printer and Archaeologist 1807? . 1863 Nicholson, Alfred. Painter in Water Colors — ..1836 Nicholson, James. American Naval Officer '"■737- • 1804 Nicholson, John. Dramatic Writer — . . 1822 Nicholson, John. Brigadier-General; fell at Delhi 1821. .1857 Nicholson, William. Chemist and Natural Philosopher 1758. . 1815 Nicias. Athenian General in Sicily — b.o. 413 Nicias. Athenian Painter fl. B.C. 320 Nicolai, Christopher Frederick. Ger. Bookseller & Writ. 1733 .. 181 1 Nicolai, John, of Paris. Theologian; Editor of Aquinas 1594?. 1673 Nicolas, of Cusa. Bishop of Brixen. Theologian 1401 . . 1454 Nicolas, of Lyra. Biblical Commentator — ••1340 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. Antiquary i799- • 1848 Nicolaus Myrepsus. Greek Medical Writer fl. 1240-80? Nicolay, Louis Henry, Baron. German Poet i737- .1820 Nicole, Claud^. French Poet 161 1 . . 1685 Nicole, Francis. French Mathematician 1683 . . 1758 Nicole, Peter. Jansenist of Port Royal. {Essaisde Morale) 1625.. 1695 298 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Nicoll, Robert. Scottish Poet; Editor of Leeds Times . . 1814. .1837 M"icollet, J. N. Fr. Astronomer and Geological Explorer 1795^ ^^43 Wicolo del Abbate. Italian Painter 1512 . .1572 Nicolo Isouaxd. French Dramatic Writer i777- .1818 Wicolosio, John Baptist. Sicilian Geographer 1610. . 1670 Nicolson, William. Archbishop of Cashel. Antiquary 1655. .1727 Nicomedes I. King ofBithynia ; Founder of Nicomedia — B.c.250? WTicomedes II. (b. c. 149-91.) Epiplumes — B.C. 91 Wicomedes III. (b. c. 91-74. ) Philopator — b.c. 74 JSTicon, or Nikon. Patriarch of Russia. Historian 1605.. 1681 Nicot, John. French Statesman; introduced Tobacco . . 1530.. 1600 Nidhard, John Everard. Cardinal. Spanish Statesman 1608, .1681 Niebuhr, Barthold George. German Historian. {His- tory of Rome.) L. by Bunsen; Brandis & Loebell, 1851 1776. . 1831 Niebuhr, Carsten. Traveler and Biographer '^733- .1815 Nield, James. Philanthropist 1 744 . . 1814 Niemcewicz, Julian Ursin. Polish Author & Statesman 1757. . 1841 Nlemeyer, Augustus Hermann, German Theologian and Miscellaneous Writer i754- • 1828 Niepce, Joseph Nic^phore. French Chemist; one of the Inventors of Photography 1769 . . 1833 Nieremberg, John Eusebius. Spanish Jesuit 1590- • 1658 NieuhoflF, John. Dutch Voyager — aft.1671 Nieulandt, William van der. Dutch Painter and Writer 1584. . 1635 Wieuport, Charles Francis Ferdinand Anthony de Preud'- homme d'Hailly, Viscount de. Dutch Mathematician 1746. . 1827 Ifieuwentyt, Bernard. Dutch Philosopher and Mathem. 1654, .1718 ITieuwland, Peter. Dutch Poet and Natural Philosopher 1764. . 1794 Nifo, or Niphus, Augustinus. Italian Philosopher I473''- 1538 Niger, Pescennius. Pretender to the Rom. Emp. (193-94) — .. 194 Nightingale, Joseph. Unitarian Minister; Writei" 1775 . . 1824 Nikon. Russian Patriarch. Theologian 1605 , . 1681 Niles, Hezekiah. American Journalist. {Niks'' s Register) 1777.. 1839 NUes, John Milton. American Author and Statesman . . 1787. . 1856 NUes, Nathaniel. Amer. Clergyman, Inventor, and Polit. 1741 . . 1828 Nisbet, or Nesbit, Alexander. ' Antiq. & Heraldic Writer 1672. .1725 Nithard, Count of Ponthieu. Historian 790?. 859? Nithisdale, Wm. Maxwell, Fifth E. of. Scottish Jacobite 1702. . 1744 Nivelle de la Chauss6e, Peter Claude. Dramatist 1692. .1754 Nivernais, Louis Julius Barbon Mancini-Marini, Duke de. Diplomatist and Writer 1716. , 1798 Nixon, John. Divine, Poet, and Natural Philosopher. . . — . .1777 Nizam al Mulk. Persian General and Statesman 1648?. 1748 Nizami, or Nidhami. Persian Poet — . . 1 180 Nizzoli, or Nizolius, Marius. {Thesaurus Ciceronianus) 1498.. 1566 Noahi Patriarch 2948?. 1998? b.c. Noah, Mordecai Manuel. Amer. Journalist and Politician 1785 .. 185 1 Noailles, Adrian Maurice, Duke of. Marshal of France and Statesman 1678. . 1766 Noailles, Anthony de. Admiral of France. Ambassa- dor to Mar}' of England 1504. .1582 Noailles, Francis de, brother. Ambassador in Eng., 1556 1519. .1585 Noailles, Louis Anthony de. Cardinal Archbp. of Paris 165 1 . .1729 NoaUles, Louis Mary, Viscount. General 1756. . 1804 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 299 BORN. DIED. Noble, Edward. Hydrographer & Writer on Perspective — . .1784 Woble, Eustace le. Historian, Poet, and Romancist 1643. .1711 Noble, Rev. Mark. Historian and Antiquary — . . 1827 Noble, Samuel. Clergyman and Author i779- -1853 Noble, Thomas. Journalist, Novelist, Poet — . . 1837 Nobrega, Manuel da. Port. Jesuit; Missionary to Brazil — ••1570 Nodier, Charles. French Writer 1783' . 1844 Noehden, or Nohden, George Henry. Grammarian and Medalist in England "^IJo- • 1826 Nogarola, Isotta, of Verona. Scholar 1430'' • 1466 Nogarola, Louis. Italian Scholar and Tridentine Divine 1509? . 1 559 Noinville, James Bernard Durey de. ( Hist, of the Opera) 1682 . . 1 768 Noire, John le. French Jansenist Writer 1622. . 1692 Nolan, Michael. Writer of Law Books — . . 1827 Noldius, Christian. Danish Divine and Biblical Writer 1626. .1683 Nolln, Denis. French Biblical Critic 1648. . 1710 Nollekens, Francis Joseph. Antwerp Painter in London 1688. .1748 NoUekens, Joseph, son. Sculptor. Life by J. T. Smith 1737 . . 1823 Nollet, John Anthony. Abb6. Natural Philosopher. .. 1700. .1770 Nomsz, John. Dutch Poet 1738. . 1803 Nonnius, or Nunez, Peter. Port. Mathem. & Physician 1492?. 1577 Nonnius Pincianus. Spanish Scholar. . d. Rom. Cath. Antiq. ; Writ, on Devon 1781 . . 1861 Oliver, Isaac. English Portrait Painter 1556. .1617 Oliver, Peter, son. Portrait Painter 1601 . . 1654? Oliver, Peter. Chief Justice and Antiquary '. 1712. .1791 Oliver, William, M.D., of Bath. Writ, on the Bath Waters — ..1764 Olivet, Joseph Thoulier d'. Fr. Writer; Editor of Cicero 1682. .1768 Olivetan, Robert. Fr. Reformer and Translator of Bible — . . 1538 Oliveyra, Francis Xavier de. Port. Prot_, { Oliveyriana) 1702. .1783 Olivier, Claude Matt. Fr. Scholar. {Philip of Macedon) 1701 . . 1736 Olivier, William Anthony. Fr. Traveler and Naturalist 1756. .1814 Olivieri degli Abbati, Annibal. Antiquary, of Pesaro 1708. .1789 Olmos, Francis Andrew de. Spanish Poet and Philolo- gist in Mexico — • • 1571 Olmsted, Denison. American Savant 1791 • • i^59 Olmutz, Augustinus von, of Moravia. Reviver of Learn. 1470'' .1513 Olshausen, Hermann. German Protestant Theologian 1796.. 1839 Olybrius, Flavius Anicius. Roman Emperor (472) — . . 472 Olympias, wife of Philip of Macedon — B.c.316 Olympiodorus. Platonic Philosopher of Alexandria. . . fl. 520-'' Omar I. Caliph (634-44). Captor of Jerusalem 581 . . 644 OmarH. Caliph (717-20) —.,720 Onaar-ibn-Hafssun. Spanish Rebel — . . 883 O'Meara, Barry Edwards. Writ. ( Voice from St. Helena) 1778. . 1836 Omri. Kingof Israel (B.C. 929-918) — B.c.918 Onatas, of Mgina.. Sculptor and Painter fl. B.C. 460"' Onderdonk, Benjamin Treadwell. Amer. Episc. Bishop 1791 . . 1861 Onkelos. Rabbi. ( Targum) 2d or 3d c. Onslow, Arthur, m. p. Speaker 1691 . .1768 Onslow, George. French Musical Composer 1784. . 1852 Onuphrius, Panvinius. Hist. Continuator of Platina 1529. .1568 Oort, Adam van. Painter of Perspective & Architecture 1557. .1641 Oost, Jacob van. Flemish Painter 1600? . 1671 Oost, Jacob van, son. Younger. Portrait Painter 1637. , 1713 Opie, Mrs. Amelia. Novelist. Life by Brightwell, 1854 1769. .1853 Opie, John. Historical Painter. Life by Amelia Opie. . 1761. .1807 Opitz, or Opitius, Henry. German Orientalist 1642. .1712 Opitz, or Opitius, Martin. German Poet 1597 . . 1639 Oporinus, John. Printer and Scholar 1507. .1568 Oppede, John de Maynier, Baron d'. Persec. of Vaudois 1495 • • ^55^ Oppian. Greek Poet fl. ab. 180 OpsopsBUS, John. Ger. Phys.; Ed. of Sibylline Oracles 1556. .1596 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 305 BORN. DIED. Orange, Frederick Henry, Prince of. Stadtholder 1584. . 1647 Orange, Morris, Prince of. Stadtholder 1567. . 1625 Orange, William I., Prince of. The Silent. Assassinated 1533. .1584 Orange, William II., Prince of. Stadtholder 1626. .1650 Orange, William III., Prince of. Stadtholder and King of England 1650. .1702 Orbigny, Alcide d'. French Naturalist •,•••.••• 1802. . 1857 Orcagna, Orgagna, or L' Arcagnuolo. Andrea di done. Painter, Sculptor, Architect 1329. • 1389 Ord, John Walker. Topographer, Poet, Medical Writer 181 1. .1853 Ordericus Vitalis. Historian 1075 . aft. 1 143 Oregius, Augustine. Italian Cardinal and Philosopher. 1577. .1635 OreUana, Francis. Companion of Pizarro; Discoverer. . — . .1549 Orelli, John Caspar. German Philologist and Critic 1787. . 1849 Oresme, Nicholas. French Writer — . . 1382 Orfanel, Hyacinth. Spanish Missionary to Japan 1578. .1623 Orffyreus, John Ernest Ellas. German Mechanician. . . 1680. . 1745 Orflla, Matthew Joseph Bonaventura. French Physician and Toxicologist ^7^7- -1853 Orford, Edward Russell, Earl of. Admiral 165 1 . .1727 Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of 1717- -1797 Orford, Sir Robert Walpole (q. v.), Earl of. Premier 1676. .1745 Orgagna, or Orcagna, Andrew. JPaint., Sculpt., Architect 1329. . 1389 Oriani, Barnaby. Italian Astronomer i753- • 1832 Oribasius. Medical Writer ; Friend of Julian 325'. 400? Origen. Greek Father 185 •'. 253 or 4 Origny,. Peter Adam. French Egyptologist 1697. .1774 Orizzonte, or John Francis van Bloemen. Painter 1656. .1740 Orlandi, Peregrine Anthony. Italian Bibliographer and Writer on Art 1660. .1727 Orlandin, Nicholas. Italian Jesuit Historian i554- • 1606 Orlando di Lasso. Italian Musical Composer 1520. .1594 Orlay, Bernard van, of Brussels. Painter 1490'' . 1560 Orlay, Richard van. Flemish Painter 1652, .1732 Orleans, Adelaide Eugenie L., Princess of, sister of Louis Philippe 1777.. 1847 Orleans, Charles, Duke of; taken at Agincourt 1391 . . 1465 Orleans, Ferdinand Philip Louis, Duke of. Prince Royal. Heir of Louis Philippe 1810 . . 1842 Orleans, Gaston John Baptist, Duke of, son of Henry IV. 1608. . 1660 Orleans, Hel^ne Louise Elizabeth, Duchess d', mother of the Count de Paris 1814. .1858 Orleans, Louis d'. French Advocate and Political Writer 1542. .1629 Orleans, Louis, Duke of. Philanthropist and Scholar. . . 1703. .1752 Orleans, Louis Philip, Duke of, son 1725 .. 1785 Orleans, Louis Philip Joseph, Duke of, son. igalite . . . 1747. .1793 Orleans, Louis de Valois, Duke of; assassinated in Paris 1372. .1407 Orleans, Mary, Princess of. Sculptor. (Joan o/'^rc). . 1813. .1839 Orleans, Peter Joseph d'. French Historian 1644. . 1698 Orleans, Philip I., Duke of, brother of Louis XIV 1640. . i7oi Orleans, Philip II., Duke of, son. Regent 1674 .. 1 723 Orleans de la Motte, Louis Francis Gabriel d'. Bishop of Amiens. ( Spiritual Letters. ) Life by Proyart, 1788 1683 . . 1 774 OrlofiF, Alexis Feodorovitch. Russian General 1786. . 1861 20 306 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. OrloflF, Alexis Gregorievitch. Russian Statesman 1736. . 1808 Orloff, Gregory Gregorievitch, Ct. Fav. of Catherine II. 1734. . 1783 Orloff, Gregory Vladimirovitch. Russ. Writer. (Atemoires) 1777.. 1826 OrloflF, Michael. Russian General 1785 . . 1841 Ormaneto, Nicholas. Papal Legate. Triden tine Divine — .-1578 Orme, David, m. d. Inventor of double-tubed Barometer 1727-''. 1812 Orme, Robert. Writer on India 1728. . 1801 Ormond, James Butler, Duke of. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Life by T. Carte, 1736 1610. .1688 Ormond, James Butler, Second Duke of, grandson. Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1665 . .1745 Orobio, Balthasar, or Isaac. Spanish Jew. Metaphys. — . . 1687 Orosius, Paul. Spanish Divine. { History of the World) fl. 415 Orrery, Charles Boyle, Fourth Earl of. Opponent of Bentley. (The Orrery named after him) 1676. .1731 Orrery, Roger Boyle, First Earl of. Statesman, General, Writer 1621 . . 1679 Orsato, John Baptist. Italian Physician and Antiquary 1673. -1720 Orsato, Sertorio. Italian Antiquary and Poet 1617. . 1678 Orsi, Francis Joseph Augustine. Cardinal. ( Eccles. Hist. ) 1691 . . 1 761 Orsi, John Joseph. Italian Philologist and Poet 1652. .1733 Orsi, Lelio, da Novellara. Painter ^5^^* '^5^7 Orsini, Felix. Italian Revolutionist 1819. .1858 Orsini, Fulvio. Antiquary and Collector of MSS 1529. . 1600 Orsted, or Oersted, Hans Christian. Electro -magnetist 1777. .1851 Ortell, or Ortelius, Abraham. Dutch Geographer. { Thea- trum Orbis Terrarum.) Life by Sweert 1527. .1598 Orton, Job. Dissenting Divine. {Life of Baxter) 1717- -1783 Orville, James Philip de. Dutch Scholar 1696. .1751 Osaibia. Arabian Medical Writer 1203. . 1269 Osborn, Elias. Quaker 1643 . . 1 720 Osborn, Peter. Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. Writer on Commerce 1521. .1592 Osbornfe, Francis. Historical Writer. (Advice to a Son) 1589?. 1659 Osborne, Peregrine, Duke of Leeds. Admiral 1659. .1729 Oscar I. King of Sweden (1844-59) i799- -1859 Osceola. Chief of Seminole Indians 1803?. 1838 Osgood, David, d. d.- American Divine and Writer i747- .1822 Osgood, Frances Sargent. American Poetess 1812?. 1850 Osiander, Andrew. Hosemann, or Hossmann. German Protestant Reformer. Life lay Funck ,. 1498 ..1552 Osiander, Andrew, D. D., grandson. Editor of Vulgate . 1562.. 1617 Osiander, John Adam. Biblical Commentator 1626. . 1697 Osius. Bishop of Cordova 256. 357 or 8 Osius, Felix. Ital. Schol. {Elogia Scriptorum Illustrium) 1587. .1631 Osman, or Othman, I. Sultan of Turkey (1299-1326). . 1259. . 1326 Osman, or Othman, II. (1618-22) 1604. . 1622 Osman, or Othman, III. (1754-57) 1696.. 1757 Osman, Topal. Turkish General 1673 ■ •'^733 Osmond, St. Bishop of Salisbury — . .1099 Osorio, Jerome. Portuguese Bishop «&; Ciceronian Scholar 1506. . 1580 Ossat, Arnaud d'. Cardinal. French Statesman 1536- • 1604 Ossoli, Marchioness of. See Margaret Fuller 1810. . 18^0 Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl of. Commander 1634. . 1680 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 307 BORN. DIED. Ossuna, Peter Tellez y Giron, Duke of. Span. Statesman 1 5 79 . . 1624 Ostade, Adrian van. Painter 1610. . 1685 Ostade, Isaac van, brother. Dutch Painter 161 7. .1671 Ostermann, Henry John Frederick, Count d'. Russian Statesman 1686. .1747 Osterwald, John Frederick. Swiss Divine 1663. .1747 Osterwiek, Maria van. Dutch Flower Painter 1630 . . 1693 Oswald, St. King of Northumbria 605 . . 642 Oswald, St. Bishop of Worcester. Archbishop of York. Life by Eadmer — . . 992 Oswald, Erasmus. German Math, and Biblical Writer 1511..1579 Otfride, or Ottfride. German Monk. Metrical Writer fl. bef. 876 Othman,. Third Saracen Caliph (634-55) 574?. 656 Othman. Founder of the Ottoman Dynasty. See Osman 1259. . 1326 Otho I. Emperor of Gennany (936-73). Great 912.. 973 OthoII. (973-83.) The Bloody 955.. 983 Otho III. (996-1002) 980.. 1002 OthoIV. (1209-15.) TheProud 1175..1218 Otho, or Otto. Bishop of Freysinger. Chronicler — . . 1158 Otho, Marcus Salvius. Roman Emperor (a. d. 69, Janu- ary 15-ApriI 15) 32. . 69 Otho, Venius. Dutch Painter 1556. . 1634 Otis, Harrison Gray. American Orator and Statesman. . 1765. .1848 Otis, James. American Orator and Statesman 1725 . .1783 Otrokotskiforis, Francis. ( Origiaes Hunyaricoe) — . . 1718 Ott, John Baptist. Orientalist and Antiquary 1661 . . — Ott, John Henry. Swiss Divine and Orientalist 161 7. . 1682 Otter, John. Swedish Orientalist and Eastern Traveler 1707, .1748 Otterbein, Philip William. Founder of United Brethren in Christ 1726. . 1813 Otterburn, Sir Adam. Ld. of Session, Diplomatist, Poet — ..1548 Ottley, William Young. Writer on Fine Arts 1771 • • 1^36 Ottraer, Charles Theodore, of Brunswick. Architect . . . 1800. .1843 Otto, Louis William, Count de Moslov. Fr. Diplomatist 1754. .1817 Ottocar II. King of Bohemia (1253-78). Opponent of Rodolph of Hapsburg — . . 1278 Otway, Thomas. Dramatist. {Venice Preserved.) Life by Thornton 1651 . . 1685 Oudenarde, Robert van, of Ghent. Painter 1663. . 1 743 Oudet, James Joseph. French Republican Officer; i773- .1809 Oudin, Casimir. Historical Writer 1638. .1717 Oudin, Francis. French Jesuit. Antiquary and Medalist 1673 . . 1752 Oudinet, Mark Anthony. French Medalist 1643. • ^7^^ Oudinot, Nicholas Charles, Duke of Reggio. Marshal of France 1767. . 1847 Oudry, John Baptist. Fr. Historical and Portrait Painter 1686. . 1755 Oughtred, William. Mathem. ( Clavis Mathemaiica) . . 1574. .1660 Oulough Beyg. Astronomer of Samarcand i394- • ^449 ' Ousel, Oisel, or Loisel, Philip. German Hebraist 1671 . . 1724 Ouseley, Gideon. Irish Clergyman and Writer 1762. . 1839 Ousely, Sir Gore, Viscount Claramont. Diplomatist 1769. . 1844 Ousely, Sir William, Viscount Claramont, br. Orientalist 1 771 . . 1839 Outram, Benjamin. Civil Engineer — . . 1805 Outram, Sir James. General in India 1802 . . 1863 308 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Outram, William. Divine and Hebraist. (Be Sacrificiis) 1625 . . 1679 Ouvraxd, Gabriel Julien. French Financier 1770. . 1846 Ouvrard, Ren^. French Divine, Poet, Musician, Math. 1624, . 1694 Ouwater, Albert van. Historical Painter of Haarlem . . . 1444 . . 1 5 1 5 Overall, John. Bishop of Norwich. ( Convocation Booh) 1559. .1619 Overbeek, Bonaventure van. Artist and Antiquary. . . . 1660. .1706 Overbury, Sir Thomas. Poet. ( The Wife) 1581 . . 1613 Overton, WilHam. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. . 1525. .1609 Overweg, Dr. Adolphus. German Traveler in Africa. . . 1822. .1852 Ovid. Latin Poet. Life by Rosimini B.c.43. a.d.iS Oviedo, Andrew de. Span. Jesuit Missionary to Abyssinia — ••i577 Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de. ( W. Indies) 1478. .1557 Owen, Rev. Edward Pryce. (Book of Etchings) 1787'. 1863 Owen, Rev. Henry, m. f>. Biblical Critic 1716. .1795 Owen, John. Audoenus. Latin Poet and Epigrammatist 1560?. 1622'' Owen, John, D.D. Independent. (Holy Spirit.) Life by W. Orme 1616. . 1683 Owen, Rev. John, of the Bible Society 1765 . . 1822 Owen, Robert. Socialist & Philanthropist. L. by Sargent 1771 . . 1858 Owen, William. English Painter 1769. . 1825 Owen Glendower. Welsh Chieftain 1349' • 1415 Owenson, Sydney, Lady Morgan. Writer 1 783 . . 1859 Owtram, or Outram, William. Hebraist. {De Sacrifidis) 1625 . . 1679 Oxenden, Sir Henry. Poet — . . 1670 Oxenstiern, or Oxenstjerna, Axel, Ct. Swedish Statesm. 1583. , 1654 Oxford, Edward Harley, Second Earl of. Foimder of Har- leian Library — . . 1741 Oxford, Edward de Vere, Seventeenth Earl of. Politi- cian and Poet 1540^ • 1604 Oxford, Robert Harley, First Earl of. Statesman ; Col- lector of MSS 1661. .1724 Oxlee, Rev. John. Orientalist and Biblical Critic i779- • 1854 Ozanam, James. French Mathematician 1640. .1717 Ozell, John. Translator and Miscellaneous Writer — . .1743 OzeretzkofFsky, Nicholas Yakovlevitch. Russian Writer 1751 . . 1827 Ozerofif, Vladislas Alexandrovitch. Russian Tragic Poet 1770. . 1816 A BRIEF BIOGEAPHICAL DICTIONAKY. 309 P. BORN. DIED. Paas, Pas, or Passe, Crispin. German Engraver — . . 1643? Paaw, or Pauw, Peter. Pamus. Dutch Pliys. and Anat. 1564. .1617 Pacatianus, Titus Julius Marinus. Roman Usurper — . . 249 Pacca, Cardinal. Nuncio. {Memoirs) 1756. . 1844 Paechiarotto, James, of Sienna. Painter fl. 1497-1535 Pacchioni, Anthony. Physician and Anatomist 1665 . .1726 Pace, Richard. Divine and Statesman 1482-'. 1532 Pacheco, Francis. Spanish Painter and Wrrter 1571- • 1654 Pacheco, John de, Marquis de Villena. Castilian Statesm. — , . 1473 Pachomius. Egyptian Monk 292 . . 348 Pachymeres, George. Greek Historian 1242?. 131 5? Paciaudi, Paul Maria. Antiquaiy and Historian ...... 1 710. .1785 Paciflcus, Maximus. Italian Latin Poet. {Hecatalegium) 1400. .i^oo'l Pacio, Julius. Jurist and Philosopher 1550- • 1635 Pacioli, Luke. Luca dl Borgo. Italian Geometrician. . — aft. 1509 Pack, Richardson, Major. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer 1680'' . 1 728 Pacuvius, Marcus. Roman Tragedian 220?. 130'' B.C. Paderna, Paul Anthony. Italian Painter 1649. , 1708 Padilla, John Lopez de. Spanish Patriot — ..1522 Padilla, Lorenzo de. Span. Antiq. and Historiographer 1485?. 1540' Paduanino, Dario. Varotari. Painter 1539.. 1596 Paduanino, Francis. Historical Painter 1552. . 1617 Paer, Ferdinand. Italian Musical Composer 1 771 . . 1839 Paez, Francis Alvarez. Port. Div. (De Planctu Ecdesice) — --iSSa Paez, Peter. Spanish Jesuit. Missionary to Abyssinia 1564.. 1622 Pagan, Blaise Francis, Count de. Military Engineer . . . 1604. .1665 Pagan, Peter. German Poet and Historian — • • 1576 Paganel, Peter. Fr. Politician. {La Revolution Frangaise) 1 745 . . 1826 Pagani, Gregory. Italian Painter 1558. . 1605 Pagani, Paul, of Milan. Painter 1661 . . 1 716 Paganini, Nicholas. Violinist. L. by G. C Conestable 1784. .1840 Paganucci, John. Commercial Writer. {Manuel desNe- gocians) 1729. .1797 Page, John. American Statesman 1743. • 1^°^ Page, William, d. d. Divine. Royalist 1590. . 1663 Pages, Francis Xavier. French Romance Writer i745- -1802 Pagds, Peter Mary Francis, Viscount de. Fr. Navigator 1 748 . . 1 793 Paget, Sir William, First Lord. Statesman 1506. . 1563 Pagi, Anthony. French Chronologist and Historian. . . . 1624. .1699 Pagi, Francis, nephew. {Breviarium Historico- Chronolog- ico- Criticum) 1654 . . 1 721 Pagi, or Paggi, John Baptist. Ital. Paint., Engrav., Writ. 1554. . 1627 Pagninus, Sanctes. Ital. Orientalist and Biblical Scholar 1470?. 1536 Pahlen, Peter. Soldier 1746. . 1826 Paine, Elijah, ll. d. American Jurist i757- • 1842 Paine, Elijah, son. Jurist 1796. . 1853 Paine, Robert Treat. American Lawyer and Patriot. . . 1731 . . 1814 Paine, Robert Treat, son. Author i773- • 1811 Paine, Thomas. American Political and Deistical Writer. {Age of Reason.) Life by J. Cheetham i737- .1809 310 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. PaisiellOj John. Singer and Composer 1741 . . 1816 Paixhans, Henry Joseph. French General of Artillery 1783. .1854 Pajol, Claude Peter. French General 1772. . 1844 Pajon, Claude. French Calvinistic Divine 1626. .1685 Pajot, Louis Leo, Ct. d'Ons-en-Bray. Scientific Collector 1678. .1753 Pajou, Augustine. French Sculptor 1730- • 1809 Pakington, Dorothy, Lady. Scholar — . . 1679 Paladini, Archangela. Portrait Painter. i599- • 1622 Palsemon, Quintus Remmius. Roman Grammarian .... 11. 48 Palafox y Melzi, Joseph. Spanish General 1780. . 1847 Palafox y Mendoza, John de. Span. Bishop and Hist. 1600. .1659 Palaprat, John. French Dramatist and Poet 1650. .1721 Palaye. See Sainte-Palaye. ( Ancient Chivalry) 1697. .1781 Paleario, Aonio. Italian Theologian and Poet'. — • • 1570 Palencia, Alfonso de. Span. Hist. ( Chrun. of Henry I V. ) 1423 . . 1495 ? Paleotti, Gabriel. Italian Cardinal and "Writer 1524. . 1597 Palestrina, John Peter Louis. Musical Composer 1529?. 1594 Paley, William, d.d. {Evidences.) L. by Meadley ; Paley 1743. • i^^S Paltyn, John. French Surgeon and Anatomist 1650. .1730 Palgrave, Sir Francis. Antiquary, {ffist of Normandy) 17SS. .1S61 Palingenius Stellatus, or ManzoUi. Latin Poet fl. 1500? Palisot de Beauvois, Ambrose Maty Francis Joseph. French Naturalist 1752. . 1820 Palissot de Montenoy, Charles. French Dramatist. . . 1730. .1814. Palissy, Bernard. French Potter. Life by H. Morley, 1852; Brightwell, 1858 i5io?.i59o Palladino, James. JDe 2'eram.o. (Consolatio Peccatorum) i^^g. .i^iy Palladio, Andrew. Italian Architect 1518. .1580 Palladius. Eastern Bishop and Writ. {Lausiac Eisloi-y) 368^431? Palladius, Rutilius Taurus iEmilianus. Roman Agricult- ural Writer fl. 4th c. Pallajuolo, or Pollajuolo, Anthony. Florentine Painter. 1426. .1498 Pallajuolo, or Pollajuolo, Peter, brother. Painter 1428. .1498 Pallas. Freedman and Favorite of Claudius — . . 63 Pallas, Peter Simon. German Naturalist and Traveler 1 741. .1811 PaUavicmo, Ferrante. Satirist. {The Courier Bobbed) 161 e,. .164^ Pallavieino, Sforza. Cardinal. {Hist. Council of Trent) 1607.. 1667 PalUot, Peter, of Dijon. Genealogist and Heraldic Writer 1608 . . 1698 Palliser, Sir Hugh. English Admiral 1721 . . 1796 Palluel, Francis Crett^ de. French Agriculturist 1 741 .. 1798 Palm, John Philip, of Nuremberg; shot by Bonaparte. . 1766. .1806 Palma, Jacob. The Old. Italian Painter 1480?. 1548? Palma, Jacob. The Young, of Venice. Painter i544- • 1628 Palmaroli, Peter. Painter and Picture Restorer — . . 1828 Palmblad, William Frederick. Swedish Writer 1788. . 1852 Palmegiani, Mark. Italian Painter —aft. 1 537 PalmeUa, Peter de Souza-Holstein, Duke of. Portuguese Statesman 1786. .1850 Palmer, Rev. John. Dissenting Divine and Author. . . . 1729, .1790 Palmer, John. Actor 1741 . . 1798 Palmer, John. Postal Reformer 1742 . . 1818 Palmer, Samuel. Printer. {History of Printing) — • • 1732 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d Vsct. Statesman 1784. .1865 Palmieri, Matthew. Ital. Hist. {Chronicle; Kto Cm7e) 1405. .1475 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 311 BOBN. DIED. Palomino y Velasco, Acislo Antonio. Spanish Painter and Writer 1653. .1726 Palsgrave, John. English Writer. (FrencA G^ramma?') 1480?. 1554 Paludanus, Bernard. Dutch Philosopher and Traveler 1550.. 1633 Paludanus, John. Dutch Theologian 1 565 . . 1630 Pamelius,, James. Flemish Theologian 1536. • 15^7 Pamphilus. Bp. of Csesarea; Friend of Eusebius; Martyr 240'. 309 Pamphilus of Amphipolis. Painter fl. 0.0.388-348-'' Pansenus, of Athens. Painter. {Battle of Marathon) . . fi. b.c. 450' Pansetius. Greek Philosopher fl. b.c. 140 Panard, Charles Francis. French Poet and Dramatist. . 1689. .1769 Panciroli, Guido. Jurist and Antiquary 1523. .1599 Panckoucke, Andrew Joseph. French Writer 1700. .1753 Panckoucke, Charles Joseph, son. Typographer, Pub- lisher, Writer 1736. .1798 Pancoucke, Charles Louis Fleiiry, grandson. Writer.. 1780.. 1844 Panel, Alexander Xavier. French Jesuit. Medalist ... 1699. .1777 Panicale, Masolino da. Italian Painter 1378='. 1415? Panigarola, Francis. Italian Bishop and Preacher. {II Predicatore) 1548 . .1594 Panin, Nakita Ivanovitch. Russian Statesman 1718. .J783 Panini, or Pannini, John Paul. Italian Painter 1695 , .1768 Pannonius, Janus. Hungarian Bishop and Latin Poet 1434. .1472 Panormita. See Beccadelli i394- • 1471 Pantsenus. Christian Teacher of Alexandria i55'- 216 Pantin, Peter. Scholar 1555?, 1611 Pantin, William, of Bruges. Medical Writer — . .1583 Panvinius, Onuphrius. Historian and Antiquary 1529. .1568 Panzacchia, Maria Helena, of Bologna. Painter 1668. .1709 Panzer, Geo. Wolfgang. Bibliog. {Annales Typographici) 1729 . . 1804 Paolij Pascal de. Corsican Patriot. Life by Pommereul 1726. .1807 Paoli, Sebastian. Scholar and Biographer 1684. .1751 Paolo Sarpi. See Sarpi .• 1552. .1623 Paolo Veronese. See Cagliari 1530''. 1588 Papebroch, Daniel. Dutch Jesuit; Theologian 1628.. 1714 Papias. Bishop of Herapolis. Millennarian — . . 169? Papias. Grammarian. ( Vocabulnrium Latinum) fl. 1053'' Papillon, Philibert, of Dijon. Abbe. {Auteurs de Bour- gogne) 1666. .1738 Papillon, Ralph. Abbot of Westminster — . .1223 Papillon, Thomas, of Dijon. Jurist 1514- -1596 Papin, Denys. French Nat. Philos. Inventor of Digester 1647 . . 1 710 Papin, Isaac. French Theologian 1657. .1709 Papinianus, ^milius. Roman Lawyer — .. 212 Papire-Masson, John. Fr. Historian. Life by De Thou 1544. . 161 1 Papirius, Justus. Roman Jurist ti. Antonines Papirius Cursor. Dictator in Second Samnite War fl. 333-309 b.c. Papirius Cursor, son. Consul in Third Samnite War fl. 293-272 b.c. Papon, Jolin Peter. Fr. Writer. {Bistoire de Provence) ly^i- -^^o^ Pappenheim, Godfrey Henry, Count von. Imperial Gen- eral in Thirty Years' War I594- • 1632 Pappus, of Alexandria. {Mathematical Collections) fl. 385? Paracelsus, Philip Aureolus Theophrastus. Swiss Phys. 1493. .1541 Paradin, William. Fr. Hist. Writer. { Chronicle 0/ Savoy) 1 501?. 1590 312 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED Paradisi, Augustine, Count. Italian Poet 1736. . Paradisi, John, Count. Ital. Politician and Nat. Philos. 1760. . ParsBUs, or Par^, David. German Protestant Theolocfian 1 548 . . Paramo, Louis de. Span. Inquisitor. ( The Holy Office) 1545?. Parcelles, John. Dutch Painter of Sea Pieces i597- • Parcieux, Anthony de. French Mathematician i753- • Pardies, Ignatius Gaston. Fr. Mathem. and Philosopher 1636. . Pardee, Miss Julia. Novelist and Historical Writer 1806. . Par6, Ambrose. French Surgeon 1517. • Par6, or Paraeus, David. German Protestant Theologian 1548. . Par6, John Philip, son. Class. Schol. {Lexicon Criticum) 1576. . Paredes, Diego Garcia y. General. Spanish Bayard .. 1466. . Pareja, John de. Spanish Painter 1610. . Parennin, Dominic. French Jesuit Missionary to China 1665 . . Parent, Anthony. French Mathematician 1666. . Parent-du-Ch§,telet, Alex. John Bapt. Sanitary Writer 1 790 . . Parfait, Francis. Historian of the French Drama 1698. . Parini, Joseph. Italian Poet. {II Giorno) 1729. . Paris, Francis. French Ecclesiastic. {Livesqf the Saints) — .. Paris, Francis, Abbd. French Ascetic 1690. . Paris, John Ayrton, m. d. English Physician. {Philos- ophy in Sport) 1 785 . . Paris, Matthew. Historian — . . Parisli, Elijah. American Clergyman and Author 1762. . Parisot, Peter. Father Norhert. French Missionary. .. 1697. . Park, Sir James Allan. Lawyer and Religious Writer. . — .. Park, Thomas. Antiquary and Poet 1759' • Parke, John. Musician i745 • • Parke, Mungo. Traveler. Life by Rennell, 1815 1771 • • Parker, Henry, Lord Morley. Favorite of Henry VIL. . 1476'. Parker, Isaac. American Jurist 1768. . Parker, John. Dissenting Minister and Poet — . . Parker, Matthew. Abp. of Canterbury. L. by Strype, 1711 1504. . Parker, Nathan. American Clergyman 1782 . . Parker, Richard. Seaman; Mutineer at the Nore — . . Parker, Sam. Bp. of Oxford. {De Rebus sui Temporis) 1640. . Parker, Theodore. Amer. Unitarian. L. by Weiss, 1863 i8to. . Parkes, Joseph, m. p. Politician 1796. . Parkes, Samuel. Chemical Philosopher i759- • ParkhuTst, John, Bp. of Norwich. Protestant Reformer 151 1. . Parkhurst, John. {Lexicon of the Greek Testament). . . . 1728. . Parkinson, John. Herbalist. {Paradisus) 1567. . Parkinson, Thomas. Mathematician 1745 • • Parma, Alex. Farnese, 3d. Duke of. Regent of Netherlands 1546.. Parmemdes. Eleatic Philosopher 5th c. Parmenio. Macedonian General 490' . 330 Parmentier, James. French Painter in England 1658. . Parmentier, John. French Navigator and Geographer 1494. . Parmigiano, or Parmigianino, II. Francis Mazzuoli. Italian Painter. Life by Coxe, 1823 1503- • Parnell, Sir Henry Brooke, First Lord Congleton. Polit. 1776. . Parnell, Rev. Dr.'Thomas. Poet. Life by O. Goldsmith 1679. . Pamy, ^iSvariste Desir^ Desforges. French Poet i753- • Parodi, Dominic, of Genoa. Painter and Sculptor i66§. . 860 865 825 574 797 640? 830 592 B.C. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 313 BORN. DIED. Parr, Catherine. Queen of Henry VIII 1509. . 1548 Parr, Richard, d. d. Divine. {Life of Usher) 161 7. . 1691 Parr, Dr. Samuel. Divine and Scholar. Life by John Johnstone, 1828 1747. . 1825 Parr, Thomas. Old Parr. Centenarian 1483 . . 1635 Parrenin, or Parennin, Dominic. Pr. Jesuit Missionary 1665 . . 1741 Parrhasius. Greek Painter. Life by Carlo Dati. fl. b.c. 400? ParrhasiuSjAulus Janus. Gianpaolo Farisio. Ital. Critic 1470. .1534 Parrocel, Charles. Painter 1688. .1753 Parrocel, Joseph. French Painter and Engraver 1648. .1704 Parrocel, Peter. Painter of Battles 1665?. 1739 Parrot, J ohn James Frederick William. German Natural Philosopher 1792. .1841 Parry, Caleb Hillier. Physician and Naturalist 1756. . 1822 Parry, John. The Blind Harper — . .1782 Parry, Richard, d. d. Theologian 1722. .1780 Parry, Sir Wm. Edward. Arctic Navig. L. by E. Parry 1790. . 1855 Parsons, Mrs. Novelist and Dramatist — . . 1811 Parsons, James. Physician and Antiquary 1705 . . 1770 Parsons, Robert. Jesuit. Life by Thomas James, 1612 1546, .1610 Parsons, Theophilus. American Jurist i750' • 1813 Parsons, William. Comic Actor and Painter 1736. .1795 Parthenay, Catherine de. French Writer i554- • 1631 Partridge, Alden. American Soldier 1785?. 1854 Paruta, Paul. Venetian Historian. {Discorsi Politici) . . 1540.. 1598 Paruta, Philip. Sicilian Antiquary — . . 1629 Pas, Anthony de, Marquis de Feuqui6re. Field Marshal 1648. .1711 Pas, Passe, or Paas, Crispin. German Engraver — . .1643? Pas, Manasses de,Mqs. de Feuquiere. Gen. & Negotiator 1590. .1640 Pascal, Blaise. French Mathematician and Philosopher. {Pensees.) Life by Bossut; Madame P^rier 1623. .1662 Pascal, Jacqueline, sister. Misc. Writ. Cousin, 1849 1625. .1661 Paschal I. Pope (817-24) " — . . 824 Paschal II. (1(:©9-1118.) Eainerius, or Raginerus — . . 1118 Paschal III. (1164-68.) Guy de Crema. Antipope... — ..1168 Paschal, or Pasquali, Charles. French Writer i547- • 1625 Paschasius-Radbert. French Monk. {Sacrament)... fi. 840? Paschius, George. German Lutheran Divine and Scholar 1661 . .1707 Paskevitch, Ivan Feodorovitch. Russian General 1782. .1856 Pasley, General Sir Charles William. Engineer 1781 . . 1861 Pasquali, Signor, of Edinburgh. Violinist — ••i757 Pasqualino. Pasquale Eossi. Italian Painter 1641 . . 1700 Pasquier, Stephen. Fr. Civilian and Poet. (i?ecAercAes) 1529. .1615 Pasquier, Steplien Denis. French Statesman 1767 • • 1862 Passe, Pas, or Paas, Crispin. German Engraver — . . 1643? Passemant, Claude Simeon. French Mechanician 1702. .1769 Passerat, John. French Critic and Poet i534- -1602 Passeri, John Baptist. Painter & Poet. {Lives of Painters) i6io?.i679 Passeri, John Baptist. Italian Antiquary 1694. .1780 Passeri, Joseph. Portrait Painter 1654. .1714 Passeroni, John Charles. Italian Poet 171 3. .1803 Passerotti, Bartholomew, of Bologna. Portrait Painter 1540'. 1595 Passignano, Dominic Cresti, II. Painter 1558. . 1638 Passinelli, Lorenzo. Bolognese Painter 1629?. 1700 314 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Passionei, Dominic, Cardinal. Nuncio. {Acta Legatio- nis Helveticce.) Life b%' Galetti, 1762 1682. .1761 Passow, Francis Louis Charles Frederick. Ger. Philol. 1786.. 1833 Pasta, Judith. Italian Singer 1798. . 1865 Patel, Peter. French Painter 1654. .1703 Patenier, Joachim de. Painter 1490. .1545' Pater, John Baptist. French Painter 1695 . .1736 Pater, Paul. Hungarian Protestant.Exile. Mathematician 1656.. 1724 Paterculus, Caius Velleius. Roman Historian b.c.i9-'.a.d.3i-'' Paterson, Sam. Bibliographer. {Bibliotheca Universalis) 1728.. 1802 Paterson, William. Projector. Life by Bannister, 1858 1660. . — Patin, Charles. Physician and Antiquary 1633. . 1693 Patin, Guy. French Physician 1601 . . 1672 Patkul, John Reginald. Livonian Patriot 1660. .1707 Patrick, St. Apostle of Ireland. Life by Probus ; Joce- lin, tr. by E. L. Swift, 1809 ; J. H. Todd, 1863 372. . 493? Patrick, Samuel. Critic. ( Clavis Homerica) — , .1748 Patrick, Simon. Bishop of Chichester. Commentator. Life by self 1626. .1707 Patrin, Eugene Louis Melchior. Fr. Geol. & Mineralogist 1742. .1815 Patrix, Peter. French Poet ... 1583. .1671 Patrizi, Francis. Ital. Philos. (Discussiones Perijmteticce) 1529.. 1597 Patru, Oliver. Fr. Lawyer, Critic, & Orator. {Flaidoyers) 1604. .1681 Patten, Thomas, d. d. Theologian — . .1762 Patterson, Daniel T. American Naval Officer — , . 1839 Pattison, William. Poet 1706. .1727 Patu, Claude Peter. French Poet and Dramatist 1729. .1757 Paucton, Alexis John Peter. French Mathematician. . . 1732. .1798 Paul, St. Apostle of the Gentiles — . . 65 ? Paul, of Samosata. Bishop of Antioch — . . 273? Paul, the Deacon, of Aquileia. {History of the Lombards) 740'. 799? Paul I. Pope (757-67). Life by Cardinal Querini — . . 767 Paul II. (1464-7L) Peter Barbo. Life by Querini. . 1418. .1471 Paul III. (1534-49.) Alexander Farnese. L. by Querini 1468. .1549 PatiirV. (1555-59.) John Peter Carajf a. Lite by Car- dinal Navagero 1476. .1559 Paul v. (1605-21.) Camillus Borghese 1552. . 1621 Paiill. Emperor of Russia (1796-1801) 1754.. 1801 Paul, Duke of Wiirtemberg. Ger. Trav. and Naturalist 1797. .i860 Paul of Burgos, or de Santa Maria. {Scrutinium) 1350?. 1435 Paul Veronese. Painter. See Cagliari 1530''. 1588 Paul, Father. See Sarpi 1552. .1623 Paul, Vincent de. Philanthropist. Life by Collet, 1818 1576. .1660 Paula, St. Roman Ascetic; Disciple of St. Jerome 347. . 404 Paulding, James Kirke. American Author i779- .i860 Paulett, Lord William, m. r. for Lymington 1666. .1729 Pauli, Gregory. Polish Protestant Divine — . . 1591 ••' Paulian, Aime Henry. French .Jesuit. Writer 1722 . .1802 Paulin de St. Barth^lemi. Missionary in India 1748. . 1806 Paulinus. Bishop of York and of Rochester. A]postle of Yorhshire 597^ 644 Paviiinus. Patriarch of Aquileia. Trinitarian Writer . . 726'. S04 Paixlinus, Pontius Meropius, St. Bishop of Nola. {Let- ters ; Poems) 353 . . 431 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 315 BORN. DIED. Paulli, Simon. Physician and ISTaturalist. {Flora Danica) 1603. .1680 Paullini, Christian Francis. Physician and Naturalist. . 1643. .1712 Paulmier de Grentemesnil, James. Pliys., Critic, Poet 1587. .1670 Paulmier de Grentemesnil, Julian de. Physician. . . . 1520. .1598 Paulmy, Mark Anthony Rend de Voyer, Marquis of. Statesman. (Melanges) 1722. .1787 Paulus, Dr. Henry Eberhard Gottlob. Ger. Theologian 1761. .1851 Paulus, Julius. Roman Lawyer ti. Alex. Severus Paulus, Peter. Grand Pensionary. ( Treaty of Utrecht) 1754. . 1796 Paulus -ffigineta. Greek Medical Writer tl. 7th c. Paulus JEmilius. Italian Historian — . .1529 Paulus iEmilius, Lucius. Rom. General ; fell at Cannaj — B.c.216 Paxilus JEmilius, L. Macedonicus. Conq. of Perseus 23o'.i6ob.c. Pausanias. Spartan Commander — B.c.470? Pausanias. Greek Topographer fl- i74 Pausias. Painter of Sicyon fl. b.c. 350? Pautre, Anthony le. French Architect.. 1614. . 1691 Pautre, John le. Engraver 1617. . 1682 Pautre, Peter le. Sculptor. {AiJneas and Anchises) 1660. .1744 Pauw, Cornelius, or Nicholas de. Dutch Writ, in Germany 1 739 . . 1 799 Pauw, or Paaw, Peter. Pavius. Dutch Phys. and Anat. 1564. .1617 Pavilion, Nicholas. French Bishop and Divine i597- -1677 Pavilion, Stephen. French Scholar and Poet 1632. , 1705 Pawlett, William, First Marquess of Winchester. Life by Rowland Broughton, ed. by Sii* E. Brydges, 1818. . .'. 1475. .1572 Paxton, Sir Joseph, m. p. Horticulturist and Architect. . 1803. .1865 Payne, John Howard. American Actor and Dramatist 1792. .1852 Payne, Roger. Bookbinder i739- • i797 Pays, Rend le. Fr. Writ. ( Amities, Amours, et Amourettes) 1636 . . 1690 Payson, Edward, d. d. Amer. Div. L. by Asa Cummings 1783. . 1827 Pazmani, Peter. Hungarian Cardinal. " Theologian. ... 1570. . 1637 Peabody, Oliver Wm. Bourn. Amer. Clergym. & Writer 1 799 . . 1848 Peabody, William Bourn Oliver, brother. Clergyman. . 1799. . 1847 Peacham, Henry. Writer. (Complete Gentleinan) — ..1640? Peacock, George. Dean of Ely. Mathem. and Astron. — . . 1858 Peacock, Reginald. Bp. of Chichester. L. by J. Lewis 1390'. 1460? Peale, Charles Wilson. American Painter 1741 . .1827 Peale, Rembrandt, son. Painter 1778. .i860 Pearce, Nathaniel. Adventurer in Abyssinia. L. by Hall 1780. . 1820 Pearce, Zachary. Bishop of Rochester. Commentator. Life by Derby 1690. .1774 Pearne, Thomas. Gregory Blunt. Unitarian Writer .. . — ..1827 Pearson, Edward, D. d., of Cambridge. Controversialist 1760''. 181 1 Pearson, George, m. d. Physician and Experim. Chemist 1751 . .1828 Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester. (Expos, of the Creed) 1613. .1686 Pearson, John, F. R. s. Surgeon. Biographer of Hey. . 1758, .1826 Pearson, Mrs. Margaret Eglinton. Painter on Glass. ... — . .1823 Pearson, Richard, m. d. Phys. ( Thesaur. Medicaminum) 1765 . . 1836 Pease, Calvin, D. d. American Writer and Educator . . . 1813. . 1863 Pecchio, Joseph. Italian Writer 1785 . . 1835 Pecbantre, Nicholas de. French Poet and Dramatist . . 1638. .1708 Pecblin, John Nicholas. Dutch Medical Writer 1646. .1706 Pechmeja, John. French Writer. ( Telephe) 1741 . . 1785 Peck, Rev. Francis. Antiq. (Dedderata.) L. by Evans 1692. .1743 316 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Peck, John Mason, d. d. American Divine 1789. . 1858 Peckham, John. Archbishop of Canterbury (1279-92) .. — ..1292 Pec©rone, John Florentino. Florentine Writer. (Novelli) — ..1380? Pecquet, Anthony. French Writer 1704. .1762 Pecquet, John. Fr. Physician & Anatomical Discoverer 1622. . 1674 Pedro, of Portugal and Brazil. See Peter 1798 . . 1834 Pedrusi, or Pedruzzi, Paul. Historian and Antiquary. . 1644. . 1720 Peel, Sir Robert, First Baronet. Cotton Manufacturer . . 1750. .1830 Peel, Sir Robert. Prime Minister. Life bv Dr. W. C. Taylor and C. Mackay, 1847-51; Doubleday, 1856 ; Lawrence Peel, 1860 ; Guizot 1788.. 1850 Peel, Sir William. Captain of Naval Brigade in India. . 1824. . 1858 Peele, George. Poet. Life by Dyce 1552''. 1598? Pegge, Rev. Samuel, ll. d. Antiq. L. by Samuel Pegge 1704. .1796 Pegge, Samuel, son. ( Curialia) 1731 • • 1800 Peignot, Stephen Gabriel. French Bibliographer 1767. . 1849 Peins, Gregory. See Pens. 1500. , 1550? Peirce, Cyrus. American Educator 1790. .1859 Peirce, James. Dissenting Divine 1673. -1726 Peiresc, Nicholas Claude Fabri de. Scholar and Promoter of Learning. Life by Gassendi, 1641, tr. by Rand, 1657 1580. . 1637 Pekah. King of Israel (b. c. 759-739) — b.c. 739 Pekahiah. King of Israel (b.c. 761-759) — b.c. 759 Pelagius. British Heresiarch fl. 410 Pelagiusl. Pope (555-60) • 495?. 560 Pelagiusn. (578-90) 520.. 590 Pelayo, First King of Asturias (718-37) — . . 737 Pelham, Henry. Statesman 1695 . .1764 Pelham-Hollez, Thomas, Duke of Newcastle. Statesm. 1694. .1768 Pelhestre, Peter. French Writer 1635?. 1710 P61Lssier, Aimable John James, Duke of Malakoff. Mar- shal of France i794- . 1864 PeU, John. Mathematician and Divine 1610. . 1685 Pellegrin, Simon Joseph. French Ecclesiastic and Poet 1663. .1745 Pellegrini, Anthony. Historical Painter 1674. .1741 Pellegrini, Camillo. Italian Antiquary and Poet 1598. . 1663 Pellegrino, Tibaldi, of Bologna. Architect and Painter 1527. .1600 Pellerin, Joseph. French Medalist 1684 . . 1 782 Pelletier, Bertrand. French Chemist 1761 . . 1797 Pelletier, Claude le. French Financier 1630. ,1711 Pelletier, Caspar. Physician & Botanist of Middleburg — . . 1659 Pelletier, James, of Mans. Physician and Scholar 1517- • 1582 Pelletier, John le. French Writer 1633 . . 1 71 1 Pelletier, Peter Joseph. Chemist 1 788 . . 1842 Pelliean, Conrad. Reformer and Scholar 1478. .1556 Pellicer, Joseph de Ossau. Spanish Writer 1602 . . 1679 Pellico, Silvio. Ital. Writer & Patriot. L. by Chiala, 1852 1 789 . . 1854 PeUison-Fontanier, Paul. French Writer 1624. . 1693 Pelloutier, Simon. (Hisioire des Celtes) 1694. . 1757 Pelopidas. Theban General — b.c. 364 Peltanus, Theo. Anthony. Jesuit. {Tlieologia Naiuralis) — ..1584 Pemberton, Henry. Physician and Mathematician 1694. .1771 Pembroke, Mary Sidney, Countess of. See Sidney .... — . , 1621 Pembroke, Thomas. Painter 1702. .1730 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 317 ' BORN. DIED. Pendleton, Edmund. American Statesman and Jurist 172 1. .1803 Pendleton, Henry. American Jurist — . .1788 Pene, or Fesne, John. French Painter and Engraver. . . 1623. . 1700 Penington, Isaac. Persecuted Quaker Divine 1617. .1679 Penn, Granville. Author 1761 . . 1844 Penn, Sir William. Admiral 1621 . . 1670 Penn, William, son. Quaker. Life by Janney ; Thomas Clarkson, 1836 ; W. H. Dixon, 1851 1644. .1718 Pennant, Thomas. Nat. and Antiq. {London.) L. by self 1726. .1798 Penni, John Francis. .11 Fattore. Italian Painter 1488. .1528 Pennicuick, Alexander. Scot. Physician, Poet, Writer. 1652. .1722 Penrose, Thomas. Poet 1743 . .1779 Penruddock, John, Col. Royalist; beh. by Col. Croke — • •^'^55 Penry, John. Puritan Libeler. {Martin Mar-Prelate'-) . . 1559. . 1593 Pens, Peins, Pentz, or Pencz, Gregory . Paint, and Engrav. 1500. .1550? Pepagomenus. Greek Medical Writer. {De Podagra) fl. 1270'' Pepe, William. Italian General. {Personal Memoirs). . 1783. .1855 Pepin, son of Louis D^bonnaire, King of Aquitaine (817-38?) 802?. 838 or9 Pepin d'H^ristal. Mayor of Palace ; Duke of Austrasia — .. 714 Pepin the Short. Mayor of the Palace (741-52) ; King of France (752-68) 714. . 768 PeppereU, Sir William. Anier. Gen. L. by Parsons, 1855 1697 . . 1 759 Pepusch, John Christopher. Musical Composer 1667. .1752 Pepys, Samuel. {Diary.) Life by Smith, 1840 1632. .1703 Pepys, William Haseldine, f. r. s. Experimental Philos. 1775 . . 1856 Peranda, Santo. Historical Painter 1566. . 1638 Perau, Gabriel Louis Calabre. French Biographer 1700. . 1767 Perceval, Spencer. Prime Minister 1762. . 1812 Percier, Charles. French Architect 1764. . 1838 Percival, James Gates. American Poet 1795 .. 1857 Percival, Thomas, m. d. Scottish Physician and Miscel- laneous Writer. {Medical Ethics.) Life by his son. . 1740. .1804 Percy, Sir Henrj'-. Hotspur. Slain at Shrewsbury — . . 1403 Percy, Henry, Ninth Earl of Northumberland. Wizard 1564. .1632 Percy, Thomas, d. d. Bishop of Dromore. {Reliques). . 1728. .1811 Perdiccas. Macedonian General — B.c.321 P6r6fixe, Hardouin de Beaumont de. {Hist. Henry IV.) 1605. .1676 Pereira, Bartholomew. Portuguese Epic Poet. {Paciecis) fl. 1640 Pereira, James Roger. Spanish Instructor of Deaf Mutes 1716. .1780 Pereira, Jonathan, m. d. Eng. Phys. ( Materia Medica) 1804. . 1853 Pereira, Nunez Alvarez. Portuguese Cid. General and Diplomatist 1360. . 1431 Pereira de Figueii-edo, Anthony. Divine & Grammarian 1725 . .1797 Perelra-Qomez, Geo. Sp. Phys. {Margarita Antoniana) fl. 1554 Peretto. Philosopher of Padua. See Pomponatius. . 1462 .1524 or 6 Perez, Anthony. Span. Statesman. {Memoirs aind Letters) i$t,(). .1611 Perez, David. Musical Composer 1711 . .1778 Pergolesi, John Baptist. Musical Composer 1 7 10. . 1736 Periander. Tyrant of Corinth (b. c. 625-585) 665 . 585 B.C. Pericles. Athenian Statesman — b.c. 429 P6rier, Casimir. French Financier and Statesman 1777. .1832 P6rier, James Constantine. Fr. Mechanic. {Steam Engines) 1742..1818 Periers, Bonaventure des. Fr. Writer. ( Cyn^alum Mundi) — . .1544' 818 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Perignon, Dominic Catherine de. Peer & Marsh, of France 1754.. 1818 Peringskiold, John. Swed. Historian and Chronologist 16^4. .1720 Perit, Felatiah. American Philanthropist 1785 . .1864 Perizonius, James Voorbroek. Dutch Philologist 1651 . .1715 Perkin "Warbeck. Pretender and Impostor — . . 1499 Perkins, Elisha. American Physician. Inventor of Me- tallic Tractors 1740- -1799 Perkins, Jacob. American Inventor 1766. . 1849 Perkins, Thos. Handasyd. Amer. Merchant & Philanthr. 1764. .1854 Perkins, William. Calvinistic Divine 1558. .1602 Pernety, Anthony Joseph. French Writer 1716. . 1801 Pernety, James, of Lyons. Historiographer 1696. . 1777 P6ron, Francis. French Voyager and Naturalist 1775 . . 1810 Perotti, Nicholas. Italian Scholar. ( Cornucopia) 1430- -1480 P6rouse, John Francis de Galaup de la. Circumnavigator 1741 . .1788? Perrault, Charles. Writ, and Biog. {Parallele des Anciens et Modernes ; Conies de ma Mere Z' Oye. ) Life by self 1628 . . 1 703 Perrault, Claude. Architect " 1613 . . 1688 Perrenot, Anthony. Minister of Philip II. /See Granvelle 1 5 16 . . 1 586 Perrier, Charles du. French Poet — . . 1692 Perrier, Francis. French Painter and Engraver 1590?. 1650 Perron, Anquetil du. French Orientalist 1731 • • 1805 Perron, James Davy du. Cardinal. (Perroniana) 1556.. 1618 Perronet, John Rodolph, French Civil Engineer 1708. .1794 Perrot, Sir John. Statesman 1527. .1592 Perrot d'Ablancourt, Nicholas. French Writer 1606. .1664 Perry, James. Polit. Writer. Ed. of Morning Chronicle 1756. .1821 Perry, John, Captain R. N. Engineer 1670*. 1733 Perry, Matthew Calbraith. United States Naval Officer 1795. -1858 Perry, Oliver Hazard. American Naval Officer 1785 . . 1820 Perseus. Last King of Macedon (b. c. 178-168) aft. 167 b.c. Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Roman Satirist 34. . 62 Perth, James Drummond, Sixth Earl of, and Third (titular) Duke of. Jacobite 1706. . 1746 Perthes, Christopher Frederick. German Bookseller. Life by his son 1772. .1843 Pertinax. Roman Emperor (193, Jan. 1-Mar. 28) 126. . 193 Perugino. Pietro Vanned. Painter 1446. .1524 Peruzzi, Balthasar da Siena. Ital. Painter and Architect 1481 . .1536 Pesce, Cola, or Nicholas. Sicilian Swimmer and Diver. . tl. 14th c. Pescennius Wiger. Pretender to Roman Empire — . . 194 Peselli, Pesello, of Florence. Painter 1404. . 1481 Pesellier, Charles Stephen. French Financier and Poet 1712. .1763 Pesellino, or Francis Pesello Peselli. Painter 1426. .1457 Pesne, or Pene, John. French Painter and Engraver. . . 1623. .1700 Pestalozzi, John Henry. Educationist. Life by Biber, 1841 ; Von Raumer, 1855 1746. • 1827 Petavius, or Petau, Dionysius. French Jesuit. Chronol- ogist, Theologian, and Divine 1583- .1652 Peter, St. One of the Twelve Apostles — ab. 65 Peter, St. Bishop of Alexandria (300-11) — . . 311 Peter, St. Chrysologus. Bishop of Ravenna (433-50). . — .. 450 Peter. The Hermit Preacher of the First Crusade 1050?. 11 15 Peter. The Venerable. Abbot of Clugny 1093' • ^ ^S^ A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 319 BORN. DIED. Peter I. King of Aragon (1094-1104) — . . 1 104 Peter II. (1196-1213) 1174..1213 Peterlll. (1276-1285.) The Great 1239. .1285 Peter IV. (1336-87.) The Ceremonious 1317. . 1387 Peter. King of Castile. The Cruel. L. by Dillon, 1788 1319. .1369 Peter I. Emperor of Russia (1689-1725). The Great. Life by Mottley, 1739; Prince Sherebatoff, 1774; Von Halem, 1804 1672. .1725 Peter II. (1727-30.) Alexievitch 1715 . . 1730 Peter III. (1762.) Feodorovitch 1728. . 1762 Peter I. King of Portugal (1357-67). The Severe 1320.. 1367 Peter II. Regent (1667-83), King (1683-1706) 1648. .1706 Peter III — . . 1786 Peter IV. (1826, Feb. 18-May 2), I. Emperor of Brazil (1822-31) ; 1798- . 1834 Peter V. (1853-61) 1837.. 1861 Peter I. Emp. of Brazil (1822-31), IV. King of Portugal 1798 . . 1834 Peter. The Wild Boy. Found 1725 1 713 . . 1 785 Peter, Duke of Coimbra. Dom Pedro. Regentof Portugal 1392. .1449 Peter of Blois. Petrus Blesensis. Archd. of Lond. Writ. 1 120?. 1200' Peter of Calabria. Pomponius Lcetus. Hist, and Antiq. 1425. .1497 Peter Comestor. Fr. Ecclesiastic. {Hist. Ecclesiastica) — ..1198 Peter Wolasque, St. Founder of the Order of Mercy . . 1189?. 1256 Peterborough, Chas. Mordaunt, 3d Earl of Commander 1658. .1735 Peterkin. Scottish Miscellaneous Writer 1781 . .1846 Peters, Bonaveuture, of Antwerp. Marine Painter 1614. .1653 Peters, Francis Lucas, of Mechlin. Painter 1606. . 1654 Peters, or Peter, Hugh. Fanatic. L. by Wm. Harris, 1751 1599. . 1660 Peters, John. Marine Painter 1625 . . 1677 Peters, Richard. American Jurist I744- • 1828 Peters, Rev. Samuel. American Historian 1735 . .1826 P6tliion de ViUeneuve, Jerome. French Revolutionist 1753. .1794 Petigru, James Louis. American Lawyer and Statesman 1789. . 1863 P6tion. Anne Alex. Sabes. President of St. Domingo. . 1770. .1818 P6tis de la Croix, Francis. French Orientalist 1653. . 1713 Petit, Anthony, of Orleans. Physician and Anatomist. . 1722. .1794 Petit, Francis. Poxirfour du Petit. Fr. Phys. & Anatomist 1664 . . 1 741 Petit, John Louis. French Surgeon 1674. .1750 Petit, Lewis Hayes, f. r. s., m. p. Patron of Literature. . 1774. . 1849 Petit, Peter. Fr. Mathematician and Natural Philosopher 1 598? . 1677 Petit, Peter. French Physician, Historian, and Poet 1617. .1687 Petit, Samuel. French Protestant Divine. {Leges Aiticce) 1594. .1643 Petit-Tliouars, Louis Mary Albert du. French Botanist 1758 . . 1831 Petitot, Claude Bernard. Historical Collector 1772 . . 1825 Petitot, John. Painter in Enamel 1607 , . 1691 Petiver, James. Naturalist — . .1718 Petoefi, Sandor, or Alexander. Hungarian Song Writer 1823. .1849 Petrarch, Francis. Italian Poet. L. bv Leonard Aretino, 1672; Manetti; Tommasini; Abbe de Sade, 1764; Fa- broni, 1799 ; Mrs. Dobson, 1805 ; Thomas Campbell, 1841 1304. . 1374 Petre, Edward. Jesuit. Confessor to James II 1631 . . 1699 Petre, Sir William. Statesman and Scholar — . . 1572 Petrie, Henry. Record Antiquary 1768 . . 1842 Petronius, Titus. Arbiter. Friend of Nero. {Satyricon) — .. 66 320 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORW. DIED. PetroflF, Basil Petrovitch. Russian Poet 1736. .1799 Petrus Aponis, or Peter di Abano. Phys. and Astrologer 1250. . 131 5 Petrus Hispanus. Medical Writer, afterwards Pope John XX. or XXI — . .1277 Pett, Sir Peter. Political Writer 1630. . ^ Pettigrew, Tiiomas James, f. r. s. Antiquary 1790. . 1865 Pettus, Sir John, m. p. Writer on Mines and Metals ... — . . 1690 Petty, Sir William. {Political Ar-iihmetic) 1623. . 1687 Petty, William, Earl of Shelburne, Marquess of Lans- downe. Premier 1737.. 1805 Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, Marquess of Lansdowne. . . 1780. .1S63 Petyt, Williatn. Legal Antiquary 1636. .1707 Peucer, Gaspard. German Physician and Mathematician 1525. .1602 Peurbach, or Purbach, George. German Astronomer . . 1423. .1461 Peuteman, Peter. Dutch Painter 1650 . . 1692 Peutinger, Conrad. German Scholar and Antiquary. . . 1465. .1547 Peyer, John Conrad. Swiss Anatomist. Discoverer . . . 1653. .1712 Peyre, Anthony Francis. French Painter and Architect 1739. .1823 Peyr§re, Isaac de la. French Writer. (Prce-Adamitce) 1594.. 1676 Peyron, John Francis Peter. French Historical Painter 1744. .1814 Peyronnet, Charles Ignatius, Count de. Fr. Statesman 1775. .1854 Peysonnel, Charles de, of Marseilles. Antiq. and Trav. 1700. .1757 Peysonnel, Charles de, son. Historical and Polit. Writer 1 727 . . 1 790 Pezarese, II. Painter. See Cantarini 1612. . 1648 Pezay, Alex. Fred. James Masson, Mqs. de. Fr. Writer 1741. .1777 Pezenas, Esprit. French Mathematician 1692. .1776 Pezron, Paul. Abb6. Biblical Writer 1639. .1706 Pfanner, Tobias. German Historian and Political Writer 1641 . .1717 Pfeffel, Christian Frederick. Jurisconsult & Diplomatist 1726. .1807 Pfefifel, Theophilus Conrad, of Colmar. Poet 1736. . 1809 Pfefifercorn, John. Converted Jew. {De Abolendis) — ..1520? Pfeiflfer, Augustus. German Orientalist 1640. . 1698 Pfeiffer, Francis Louis. Swiss General in France 1716. . 1802 Pfeiffer, Ida. Traveler i795 • • 1858 Pfeiffer, Louis, of Lucerne. General of Charles IX 1530- -1594 Pflster, Albert. Printer 1420?. 1470? Pheedrus. Latin Fabulist fl. 8 Phaer, Thomas. Welsh Physician and Poet — . .1560 Phalaris. Tyrant of Agrigentum — B.c.554? Phavorinus. Guarino. {EtymohgiGum Magnum) — ••i537 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. American Writer 1815 . . 1852 Pherecydes. Greek Philosopher fl. ab. B.c.544 Pherecydes. Greek Logographer fl. ab. B.c.480 Phidias. Greek Sculptor 490^.432 b.c. Philander, William. French Writer on Vitruvius, &c. . . 1 505 . . 1 565 Philelphus, Francis. Italian Scholar 1398 . . 1481 Philemon. Athenian Comic Poet 360'' . 262 B.C. Philidor, Francis Andrew Danican. Musician and Chess Player 1726. . i795 Philip II. King of Macedon (b. c. 359-336). Father of Alexander. Life by Olivier ; Leland, 1758 3^2 . 33^ B.C. Philip Arrhideeus, son —b.c. 317? Philip V. ( B. c. 220-179. ) Defeated at Cynoscephalae . 237 . 1 79 b.c. Philip. Emperor of Rome. (244-249) — .. 249? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 321 BORN. DIED. PMlip I. King of France. (1060-1108) 1052 . . i io8 Philip II. (1180-1223.) Augustus. Life by Gulielmus Brito; Baudot de Juilli, 1702 1165. .1223 Philip III. (1270-85.) The Hardy. L. by Wm. de Nangis 1245 . . 1285 Philip IV. (1285-1314.) The Fair 1268. . 1314 PhUip V. (1317-22.) The Long 1294 . . 1322 PMlip VI. ( 1328-50. ) De Val'uis 1293 .. 1350 Philip I. King of Spain (1504-6) 1478. .1506 Philip II. (1555-98.) Life by Cabrera; Leti; Prescott 1527. .1598 Philip III. (1598-1621) 1578.. 1621 PhUipIV. (1621-65) 1605. .1665 PhUipV. (1700-46.) Bukeo/Anjou. L. by Baccal. Sanna 1683. .1746 Philip II. Duke of Burgundy. (House of Valois.) (1303-82.) The Hardy 1342. .1404 PhiUp III. (1419-67. ) The Good 1396 .. 1467 Philip. Duite of Swabia. Elected Emperor, 1198 1178. .1208 Philip. Duke of Orleans. Regent of France 1674. . 1723 Philip. King. Sachem of Pokanoket — . . 1676 Philip, St., of Neri. Founder of the Oratory iS^S- -1595 Philip, of the Holy Trinity. Fr. Miss. {Itin. Orientale) 1603. .1671 Philipot, John. (Villare Cantianum) — . . 1645 Philippa, of Hainault, Queen of Edward III — . . 1369 Philippi, Henry. German Jesuit. Chronological Writer 1575. .1636 Philippon, Armand, Baron. French General 1761 . . 1836 Philips, Ambrose. Poet 1671 . . 1749 Philips, Mrs. Catherine. Poetess 1631 . . 1664 Philips, Charles. Captain r. n. Navigator 1780. . 1840 Philips, Fabian. Royalist. Political Writer 1601 . . 1690 Philips, John. Poet. {Splendid Shilling ; Blenheim.) Life by Sewel 1676. .1708 Philistus. Greek Historian of Syracuse 435 •'' . 356 b.c. Phillimore, John Geo., q. c, m. p. Law Writer & Hist. 1809. . 1865 Phillip, Arthur. Navigator 1738. . 1814 Phillips, Charles. Irish Barrister 1789 . . 1859 Phillips, Edw. ; nephew of Milton. { Theatrurn Poetarum) 1630.. 1680 Phillips, George. German Jurist 1804. . i860 Phillips, John. American Merchant and Scholar 1719- • 1795 Phillips, Sir Richard. Writer 1768. . 1840? Phillips, Richard, f. r. s. Pharmaceutical Chemist .... 1778. .1851 Phillips, Samuel. Amer. Merchant and Philanthropist 175 1. .1802 Phillips, Samuel, ll. d. Essayist and Novelist 1815 . . 1854 Phillips, Thomas. Rom. Cath. Div. {Life of Card. Pole) 1708. . 1774 Phillips, Thomas. {History of Shrewsbury) — ..1815 Phillips, Thomas, R. a. Portrait Painter 1770. . 1845 Phillips, Wm., F. r. s., f. g. s. Mineralog. & Crj'stallog. 1773. . 1828 Philo Judaeus. Jewish Philos., of Alexandria. . . B.c.2o-'.aft.A.D.4o Philopcemen. Greek Commander 252 . 183 b.c, Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical Historian 367-'. 430? Philostratus. (De Vita Apollonii) 172'. — Philotheus. Patriarch of Constantinople — . . 1371 ? Philpot, Rev. Charles. Poetical Writer — . . 1823 Philpot, John. Archdeacon. Protestant Martyr — --iSSS Phipps, Constantine, Lord Mulgrave. Navig. and Polit. 1744. .1792 Phipps, Constantine Henry. Mqs. of Normauby. Statesm. 1797.. 1863 21 322 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. PMps, or PhippSi Sir William. Colonial Governor of Massachusetts 1651 . . 1695 Phocas. Emperor of the East (602-10) — . . 610 Phocion. Athenian General. Life by Hugh Todd. . . 402?.3I7b.c. Phocylides, of Miletus. Philosopher and Poet fl. b.c. 535? Photius. Patriarch of Constantinople. {Myriobibhn). . 815'^ 891? Phranza, George. Greek Historian 1401 . . 1478'' Ptiryne. Athenian Courtesan fl. 4th c. b.c. Physick, Philip Syng. Amer. Physician and Surgeon. . 1768. .1837 Pia, Philip Nicholas. French Chemist; Restorer of the drowned 1 721 . . 1 799? Piazza, Jerome Bartholomew. Writer on the Inquisition — . .1745' Piazzetta, John Baptist, of Venice. Painter 1682 or 3. 1754 Piazzi, Joseph. Italian Astronomer 1746. . 1826 Pibrac, Guy de Faur, Lord of. Lawyer and Poet. ( Quat- rains) 1529. .1584 Picard, John. French Astronomer and Mathematician . . 1620.. 1682 Picard, Louis Benedict. French Dramatic Writer 1769. .1828 Picart, Bernard. French Engraver 1673 , . 1733 Picart, Stephen. Le Romain. French Engraver 1631 . .1721 Piccart, Michael. German Philosopher and Critic 1574- .1620 Piccini, Nicholas. Neapolitan Musical Composer 1728. .1800 Piccoloraini, Alexander. Abp. Dramatist and Philos. 1508. .1578 Piccolomini, Francis. Italian Philosopher 1520. . 1604 Piccoloraini, James. Cardinal. Ammanati. Historian 1422. .1479 Piccolomini, Octavius. Austrian Gen. in 30 Years' War 1599. . 1656 Pichegru, Charles. French General 1761 . . 1804 Pichler, Caroline. German Novelist 1769. . 1843 Pichon, John. French Jesuit. {The Spirit of Jesus Christ) i6S^. .ly^i Picken, Andrew. Miscellaneous Writer 1788. . 1833 Pickens, Andrew. American Revolutionary General. . . 1739. .1817 Pickering, John. Amer. Scholar, Philologist, and Jurist 1777. .1846 Pickering, Timothy. Amer. Revolutionary Statesman 1746. .1829 PickersgUl, Henry William. Artist 1782. . 1861 Pickett, Albert James. American Historian 1810. . 1858 Pico, John, della Mirandola. Ital. Philos. and Theologian 1463 . . 1494 Pictet, Benedict, of Geneva. Divine and Historian .... 1655. .1724 Pictet, Mark Augustus, of Geneva. Natural Philosopher 1752. .1825 Pictet de Richemont, Charles. Swiss Agriculturist. . . 1755 , . 1824 Picton, Sir Thomas. General. Life by H. B. Robinson — . .1815 Picus, John, of Mirandola. Scholar. L. by J. F. Picus 1463. .1494 Picus, John Francis, nephew. Theologian and Poet 1469. . 1533 Pidding, H. J. Artist .• 1797''. 1864 Pidou de St. Olon, Francis. Fr. Ambassador and Writ. 1640. .1720 ' Pierce, Edward. Painter — . . 1680'' Pierce, James, of Exeter. Presbyterian Divine — . .1730 •Pierer, Henry Augustus. German Publisher i794- • 1850 Pierino, or Pierino del Vaga. BuonaccJrsi. Ital. Painter 1501 . . 1547 Piermarini, Joseph. Italian Architect i734- • 1808 Pierquin, John. French Divine 1672. .1742 Pierre, Corneille de la, or Cornelius a Lapide. Comment. — . . 1657 Pierson, Christopher. Historical and Portrait Painter. . 1631 . . 1714 Pietro da Pietri. Historical Painter of Rome 1671..1716 Pietro della Prancesca. Florentine Painter i398-\ 1483? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 823 BORN. DIED. Pigafetta, Francis Anthony. Voyager 1491 ? . aft. 15 34 Pigalle, John Baptist. French Sculptor 1 7 14. . 1785 Piganiol de la Force, John Aymar. {History of Paris) 1673. .1753 Pighius, Albert. Ger. Roman Catholic Controversialist 1490?. 1542 Pighius, Stephen Wynants, nephew. Antiquary 1520. . 1604 Pignone, Simon, of Florence. Painter 1614. . 1698 Pignoria, Lawrence. Ital. Antiquary. ( The Isiac Tablet) 1571 . . 163 1 Pignotti, Lawrence. Ital. Poet & Hist. {Fables ; Tuscany) 1739. . 18x2 Pigray, Peter. French Surgeon — . . 1613 Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. American General i779- • 1813 Pilate, Pontius. Roman Governor of Judaea — . . 38? Pilatre du Rosier, Francis. Aeronaut 1756. .1785 Piles, Roger de. French Writer and Painter 1635 . .1709 Pilkington, James. Bishop of Durham. Prot. Reformer 1520. . 1575 Pilkington, Jas. Dissenting Div. {View of Derbyshire) ly^z. .1S04. Pilkington, Mrs. Laetitia. Poetess 1712..1750 Pilkington, Mrs. Mary. Writer 1766. . 1840? Pilkington, Rev. Matthew, ll.. b. Biblical Scholar .... — . .1765 PUlans, James, ll. d. Prof, at Edinburgh. Educationist 1778. . 1864 Pilon, Frederick. Irish Dramatic Writer i75o. .1788 Pilon, Germain. French Sculptor and Architect 1515?. 1590? PinsBus, or Pineau, Severinus. French Surgeon 1550. .1619 Pinchbeck, Thomas. Mechanician — . . 1783 Pinciano, Alonzo Lopez. Span. Phys. {Art of Poetry) 12^0'^ . — Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth. American Revolution- ary Officer and Diplomatist — . . 1825 Pinckney, Thomas, brother. Officer and Statesman ... — . . 1828 Pindar. Theban Lyric Poet 518.442? b.c. Pindar, Sir Paul. Diplomatist .• — . . 1650 Pindemonte, Hippolytus, Count. Italian Poet i753- • 1828 Pindemonte, John, brother. Dramatic Writer 1751 • • 1812 Pine, John. Engraver and Printer. {Virgil; Mag. Charta) i6go. .ly ^6 Pineau, Gabriel du. Fr. Lawyer. Father of the People 1573. .1644 Pineda, John de. Span. Orientalist and Biblical Writer 1557. .1637 Pinel, Philip. French Medical Writer i745 • • 1826 PineUi, Bartholomew. Painter and Etcher at Rome. ... 1781 . . 1835 Pinelli, John Vincent. Italian Patron of Letters i535- -1601 Pinet, Anthony du, Lord of Norroy. French Writer ... — . .1584? Pingeron, John Claude, of Lyons. Political Writer 1730?. 1795 Pingr6, Alexander Guy. Fr. Astron. { Cometographie) 1 711.. 1796 Pinkerton, John. Miscellaneous Writer 1758. . 1826 Pinkney, Edward Coate. American Poet 1802. . 1828 Pinkney, William. American Lawyer. L. by Wheaton 1764. . 1822 Pinon, James. Fr. Lawyer and Poet. {De Anno Romano) — ..1641 Pinson, Richard. Printer — . .1530? PinteUi, Baccio. Italian Architect — . . 1494' Pinto. Portuguese Traveler. *See Mendez 1509?. 1583 Pintor, Peter. Spanish Physician 1423. -1503 Pinturicchio, Bernardin. Bernardino Betti. Painter. . 1454. .1513 Pinzon, Martin Alonzo. Navigator — aft.1492 Pinzon, Vincent Yaiiez. Navigator fl. i6th c. Pio, Albert, Prince of Carpi. Opponent of the Reformation 1475 ' . 1531 Piombino, Maria Anne Eliza Bonapart, Princess i777- .1820 Piombo, Sebastiano del. Painter 1485 . .1547 324 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIKD. Piozzi, Mrs. Hester Lynch. L. by self, andH^yward, 1861 1739. . 1821 Piper, Charles, Count. Minister of Chas. XII. of Sweden — . .1716 Piper, Francis le. English Comic Painter — . . 1740 Pippi, Julius. Giulio Romano 1492 . . 1 546 Piranesi, Francis. Artist 1748. . 1810 Piranesi, John Baptist. Engraver, Architect, Antiquary 1720. .1778 Piranesi, Laura. Engraver — . . 1 785 Piroli,, Thomas. Italian Designer and Engraver i750- .1824 Piromalli, Paul. Italian Orientalist and Missionary 1591'. 1667 Piron, Alexis. French Poet and Dramatist 1689. .1773 Pisa, Leonard of, or Leonardo Fibonacci. Arithmetician, fl. 1220'' Pisan, Christina de. Historical and Poetical Writer 1363'. 1431? Pisan,- Thomas. Astrologer, of Bologna — . . 1380 Pisani, Victor. Venetian General — . . 1380 Pisano, II. Nicholas di Pisa. Sculptor and Architect 1 200 ? . aft. 1 273 Pisano, Andrew. Architect, Sculptor, Metal Founder . . 1270. .1345 Pisano, Giunta. Giunta dl Pisa. Tuscan Painter . . . 11 80 '.aft. 1236 Pisano, John. Architect and Sculptor 1235"'. 1320 Piscator, John Fischer. German Calvinistic Divine 1546.. 1626 Pisistratus. Tyrant of Athens (b. c. 560-527) 612-'. 527 B.C. Pisseleu, Anne de, Duchess d'Etampes. Favorite of Francis 1 1508. .1576? Pistorius, John. German Historian and Controversialist 1546. . 1608 Pitau, Nicholas, of Antwerp. Painter and P^ngraver. . . . 1633'^ 1676? Pitcairn, Archibald, m.d. {Elementa Physico-Mathemat.) 1652. .1713 PithGU, Francis. Jurist i544- • 1621 Pithou, Peter, brother. French Jurist and Philologist. . 1539. .1596 Pitiscus, Bartholomew. Divine and Mathematician. ... 1 561. .1613 Pitiscus, Samuel. Philologist. 1637. .1717 Pitkin, Timothy. American Historian 1765 . . 1847 Pitot, Henry. Mathematician and Engineer 1695 . . 1771 Pits, or Pitsius, John. Roman Catholic Biographer 1560. .1616 Pitt, Rev. Christopher. Poet and Translator 1699. .1748 Pitt, Thomas. Governor of Fort St. George 1653. .1726 Pitt, William, First Earl of Chatham. *See Chatham.. . . 1708. . 1778 Pitt, Wm., son. Premier. L. by GifFord ; Earl Stanhope 1759.. 1806 Pittacus, of Mitylene. Warrior and Sage 652?. 569 B.C. Pitts, William. Artist 1790- • 1840 Pius I. Pope (142-157) — • • i57 Pius II. (1458-64.) JEneas Sylvius Piccolomim. Life by J. Gobelin, 1584 1405 • • 1464 Pius III. (1503.) Francis Todeschini Piccolomini i439--i5o3 Pius IV. (1559-65.) John Angela de' Medici 1499. .1565 Pius V. (1566-72.) Michael Ghislieri 1504. . 1572 Pius VI. (1775-99.) John Anq. Braschi. L. by Bourgoing 1717. .1799 Pius VII. (1800-23.) Barnabas Louis Chiaramonii ... 1742. .iS2^ Pius VIII. (1829-30.) Castiglione 1761 . . 1830 Pizarro, Francis. Conqueror of Peru 1475 ^-^54^ Pizarro, Gonzalo, brother. Spanish Adventurer 1506. . 1548 Pizzi, Joachim. Italian Poet 1716. .1790 Placcius, Vincent. German Jurist 1642 . . 1699 Place, Francis. Painter and Engraver — . . 1728 Place, Peter de la. French Magistrate and Writer 1526. . 1572 Placentius, Peter, or John Leo. {Pugna Poi-corum). . . . 1500? . 1550? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 325 BOHN. DIED. Placette, John de la. Fr. Protestant. (Essais de Morale) 1639. .1718 Placidia. Roman Empress, mother of Valentinian III. . . 390?. 450 Placitus Papyriensis, Sextus. {De Medicamentis) fl. 4th c. Planche, John Baptist Gustavus. French Critic 1808 . . 1857 Planck, Theophilus James. German Theologian 1751- • 1833 Plantin, Christopher. French Printer at Antwerp 1514- -15^9 Planudes Maximus. Greek Monk. {Life of JEsop) . . — aft.1340 Plater, Feljx, of Basle. French Medical Writer 1536 . . 1614 Platina, Bartholomew de' Sacchi. {History of the Popes) 1421 . .1481 Plato. Greek Philosopher 428^347 B.C. Platoff, Matvei Ivanovitch. Russian General i757 • • 1818 Platon. Archbishop of Moscow 1 72)7 ■ • 1802 Plautus, Titus Maccius. Latin Comic Poet 254?. 184 B.C. Playfair, John. Mathem. and Nat. Philos. of Edinburgh 1749. . 1819 Playfair, William. Political Writer i759- • 1823 Playford, Henry. ( Orpheus Britannicus) — ..1710? Playford, John. Writer on Music 1613. . 1693 Plegmund. Archbishop of Canterbury (890-914) — . . 914 Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus. Dutch Medical Writer 1601 . . 1671 Pleyel, Ignatius. German Musical Composer i757- • 1831 Pleyel, Joseph Stephen Camille, son. Comp. and Pianist 1788 . . 1855 Pliny, the Elder. {Historia Naturalis) 23. . 79 Pliny, the Younger. Propraetor; Author 61 .aft. 105 Ploos van Amstel, Cornelius. Dutch Engraver 1726. .1798 Plot, Robert, ll. d. Natural Philosopher and Antiquary 1641 . . 1696 Plotinus. Neoplatonic Philosopher 205 . . 270 Plowden, Edmund. Rom. Cath. Politician & Law Writer 15 18. .1585 Plowden, Francis. Historical and Miscellaneous Writer — ..1829 Pluche, Noel Anthony. French Writer 1688. .1761 Plukenet, Leonard. Botanist 1642. .1710? Plume, Thomas. Founder of Plumian Professorship 1630. . — Plumer, William. Amer. Politician. L. by his son, 1856 1759. . 1850 Plumier, Charles. French Botanist 1646. .1704 Plumptre, Rev. James. Miscellaneous Writer 1771 . . 1832 Plunket, Oliver. Archbishop of Armagh; executed 1629. .1681 Plunket, Wm. Conyngham, Lord. Ld. Chanc. of Ireland 1764. .1854 Pluquet, Francis Andrew Adrian. French Writer 17 16. .1790 Plutarch. Greek Biographer and Philosopher 46?. 120? Pocahontas. Daughter of Powhatan 1595?. 161 7 Poccetti. Italian Painter. /See Barbatelli 1542.. 1612 Pocock, Edward, d. d Orientalist and Biblical Com- mentator. Life by Twells, 1740 1604. . 1691 Pocock, Isaac. Artist and Dramatist 1782. . 1835 Pococke, Richard. Bp. of Meath. Traveler in the East 1704. .1765 Podiebrad, George. King of Bohemia; Hussite 1420. .1471 Poe, Edgar Allan. American Poet and Tale Writer 1811 . . 1849 Poelemburg, Cornelius. Dutch Painter 1586. . 1660 Poellnitz, Chas. Louis, Baron von. Ger. Writer of Memoirs 1 692 ..1775 Poerson, Charles Francis. Fr. Hist, and Portr. Painter 1653?. 1725 Poggio Bracciolini, John Francis. Reviver of Learn- ing. Life by Dr. W. Shepherd, 1802 1380 . . 1459 Poilly, Francis. French Engraver 1622 . . 1693 Poindexter, George. American Politician — . . 1853 Poinsett, Joel Roberts. American Statesman i779- • 1851 326 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOBN. DIED. Poiret, Peter. Mystical Enthusiast. {Divine Economy) 16^6. .17 1() Poirier, Germain. French Chronologist and Antiquary . 1724. .1803 Poirson, John Baptist. French Geographer 1760. . 1831 Pois, Anthony le. French Piiysician and Numismatist . 1525, .1578 Poisson, Nicholas Joseph. Abb6. Philosopher 1637.. 1710 Poisson, Raymond. French Actor and Dramatist 1633. . 1690 Poisson, Simeon Denis. French Mathematician 1781 . . 1840 Poissonnier, Peter Isaac. Fr. Physician and Chemist. . 1720. .1798 Poitiers, Diana de, Duchess de Valentinois 1500. .1556 Poivre, Peter. French Naturalist and Traveler 1719. .1786 Polan, Amand. Protestant Theologian of Basle 1561 . . 1610 Pole, Reginald. Cardinal. Abp. of Canterbury (1556-58). Life by T. Phillips; Beccadelli, translated by Pye.. . . 1500. .1558 Polemo. Grecian Philosopher 340'' . 272? b.c. Polemo. Grecian Geographer fl. 2d c. Poleni, John, Marquis. Italian Mathematician 1683. .1761 Polevoy, Nicholas Alexievitch. Siberian Writer 1796. . 1846 Polliein, Christopher. Swedish Engineer 1661 . . 1751 Poll, Joseph Xavier. Italian Naturalist 1746. . 1825 Poll, Martin. Italian Chemist • 1662 . .1714 Polidoro. Da Caravaygio. Painter., 1495 . .1543 Polignac, Jules Augustus Armand Mary, Prince de. French Statesman; Minister of Charles X 1780. .1847 Polignac, Melchior de. Cardinal. Statesm. and Writer. {Anti-Lucretius.) L. by F. Chrysostom Faucher, 1777 1661 . .1741 Polinidre, Peter. French Mathematician 1671 . .1734 Politi, Alexander. Italian Scholar 1679. .1752 Politian, or Poliziano, Angelo. Scholar. L. by Gresswell 1454. . 1494 Polk, James Knox. Eleventh President of United States 1795 .. 1849 Polk, Leonidas. " Confederate" Bishop and General. . . 1806. .1864 Pollajuolo, Anthony. Florentine Painter and Sculptor. 1426. .1498 PoUajuolo, Peter, brother. Painter and Sculptor 1428. . 1498 Pollajuolo, Simon del. II Cronaca. Architect i454- '1509 Pollexfen, Sir Henry. Judge — . . 1682 PoUio, Caius Asinius. Roman Orator, Poet, and Hist.. B.C.76.A.D.4 PoUio, Trebellius. One of the Writers of the Hisioria Augusta ti. Constantine Pollnitz, Chas. Louis, Baron von. Ger. Writer of Memoirs 1692 . . 1775 PoUok, Robert. Poet. { Course of Time.) Life by Pol- lok, 1842 1799- -1827 Pollux, Julius. Greek Grammarian. {Onomasticon).. . 180.. 238 Polo, Gaspar Gil. Spanish Poet and Romancist 1516. . 1572 Polo, Marco. Traveler 1256?. 1323 Polus, Matthaeus. {Synopsis Criticorum.) >See Poole. .. 1624. .1679 Polwhele, Rev. Richard. Antiquary, Historian, Poet. ( Cornioall) 1760. .1838 Polyeenus, Julius. The Macedonian. Writer. {Strata- gemata) fl. 150 Polybius. Greek Historian 204?. 122? B.C. Polycarp. Bishop of Smvma. Martyr 80?. 160' Polycletus. Greek Sculp'tor fl. 452-412 B.C. Polycrates. Tyrant of Samos — B.c.522 Polydore Ver^. Historian 1470?. 15.55 Polygnotus. Greek Painter fl. 4^3-435 b-o- A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 327 BORN. DIED. Pombal, Sebastian Joseph de Carvalho, Marquis of. Por- tuguese Statesman. Life, Paris, 4 vols. 12mo, 1783; J. Smith, 1843 1699. .1782 Pomeranus, or John Bugenhagen. Protestant Reformer 1485 . .1558 Pomet, Peter, of Paris. ( General History of Drugs) 1658. .1699 Pomey, Francis. French Jesuit. {Pantheum Mysticum) 161S. .1673 Pomfret, John. Poet 1667?. 1703 Pomxneraye, John Francis, of St. Maur. Eccles. Hist. 161 7. .1687 Pompadour, Jane Antoinette Poisson, Marchioness of.. . 1722. .1764 Porapei, Jerome. Italian Poet. Life by Pindemonte; Cardinal Fontana 173^ • -1788 Pompeius, Sextus. Roman Commander 75-35 ^■^' Pompey the Great. Roman General 106.48 B.C. Pompignan, John George le Franc de. Archbp. ; Writer 1 7 1 5 . . 1 790 Pompignan, John James le Franc, Marquis de, brother. Poet and Writer 1709- -1784 Pomponatius, or Pomponazzi, Peter. Pereito. Aris- totelian Philosopher. (De Immortalitate Animce) . . 1462 . 1 524 or 6 Pomponius Lsetus, Julius. Peter of Calabria. Historian 1425.. 1497 Pomponius Mela. Roman Geographer fl. So-' Pona, Francis, of Verona. Physician i594- • 1652? Pona, John Baptist, of Verona. Philosopher and Poet. — . .1588 Ponce, Peter de. Spanish Teacher of the Dumb 1530?. 1584 Ponce de Leon, John. Spanish Discoverer in America 1460''. 1521 Ponce de Leon, Louis. Spanish Lyric Poet 1528. .1591 Ponce de Leon, Roderick. Spanish Commander i443- -1492 Pond, John. Astronomer Royal 1767?. 1836 Ponet, or Poynet, John. Bp. of Winchester. Reformer I5i4'.i556 Poniatowski, Joseph Anthony, Prince. Polish General ; Marshal of France 1762. . 1813 Poniatowski, Stanislaus. Ambassador 1677 . . 1762 Poniatowski, Stanislaus Augustus, last King of Poland (1764-92) 1732. . 1798 Pons, John Francis de. French Writer 1683 . . 1 732 Pons, Louis. French Astronomer 1761 . . 1831 Ponsonby, Sir Fred. Cavendish, k. c. b. Major-General 1783. .1837 Pontanus, James. Bohemian Jesuit ; Philologist and Classical Scholar 1542, . 1626 Pontanus, John Isaac. Danish Historian and Antiquary 1571 . . 1639 Pontanus, Jovianus. Italian Latin Poet 1426. -1503 Pontas, John. French Religious Writer 1638. .1728 Ponte, Lorenzo da. Italian Poet. {Don Juan) i749- • 1837 Pontedera, Julius. Italian Botanist 1688 . . 1757 Pontiac. North American Indian Chief 17 12'. 1769 Pontianus. Bishop of Rome (230-85) — . . 235 Pontius. Ecclesiastical Writer. {Life of Cyprian) — .. 258' Pontius, or De Fuente, Constantine. Spanish Divine .. . — ••i559 Pontius, Paul. Engraver I596?.aft.i653 Pontoppidan, Eric. Danish Divine and Grammarian . . 1621 . . 1678 Pontoppidan, Eric, nephew. {Annals of Danish Church) 1698. .1764 Pontormo, James da. Jacopo Carrucci. Itahan Painter 1493. -1558 Ponz, Anthony. Span. Topographer and Writer on Art 1725 . .1792 Pool, Jurian van. Dutch Portrait Painter 1666. . 1745 Pool, Rachel van, wife. Flower Painter 1664. . 1750 328 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Poole, Matthew. {Annotations ; Synopsis Criticorum) . . . 1624.. 1679 Poor, Daniel. American Missionary 1789. . 1855 Pope, Alexander. Poet. Life bv W. Ayre, 1745 ; Owen Ruff head, 1767; Bowles; Roscoe, 1824; R. Carruthers 1688. .1744 Pope, Sir Thomas. Treasurer. L. by Rev. T. Warton, 1772 1508-^ 1559 Pope, Walter, m. d. Gresham ProVessor ; Humorist — . .1714 Popham, Sir Home Riggs. Naval Commander. 1762. .1820 Popham, Sir John. Judge 1531- .1607 Poppsea Sabina. Wife of Nero ? — . . 65 Popple, William. Governor of Bermuda. Dramatist... 1701''. 1764 Porbus, Francis. The Elder. Dutch Painter 1540- .1580' Porbus, Francis, son. The Younger. Painter 1570- .1622 Porcacclii, Thomas. Venetian Collector and Writer. . . 1530. .1585 Porcheron, David Placide. French Benedictine; Scholar 1652. .1694 Porcia, daughter of Cato, wife of Brutus — . .' 42 Pordage, John. Astrologer and Alchemist 1625 . . 1698 Porden, Miss Eleanor Anne. Writer, ^ee Franklin .,. 1795. .1825 Pordenone, II. John Anthony Licinio Regillo. Ital. Paint. 1484. . 1540 Por6e, Charles. French Rhetorician and Writer. ( Collec- tion of Harangues) 1675 . .1741 Por6e, Charles Gabriel, br. {Nouvelles Litteraires de Caen) 1685 . .1770 Porphyry, of Tyre. Greek Philos. ; Antichristian Writer 233.. 305 Porpora, Nicholas. Italian Musical Composer 1685 . .1767 Porporati, Charles Anthony. Italian P^ngraver 1741 . . 1816 Porson, Richard. Critic. Life by J. S. Watson, 1861 . . 1759. . i8o8 Porta, Baccio della. Fra Bartolomeo di San Marco, or II Frate. Painter 1469. . 1517 Porta, Costanzo. Italian Musical Composer — . . 1641 Porta, James della. Italian Architect 1530'- 1595' Porta, J. Baptist della. Neapol. Phys. {Magia Naturalis) 1550?. 1615 Porta, Simon. Italian Aristotelian Philosopher 1496. .1554 Portal, Anthony. Ital. Phys. {Hist, of Anat. and Surgery) 1742.. 1832 Portalis, John Stephen Mary. Fr. LaAvyer & Statesman 1746. . 1807 Porte, Peter de la. French Courtier. {Memoirs) 1603 . . 1680 Porter, Alexander. American Jurist 1786. . 1844 Porter, Miss Anna Maria. Novelist. {Hungarian Brothers) 1 781.. 1832 Porter, David. American Naval Officer 1780, . 1843 Porter, Ebenezer. American Divine 1772. .1834 Porter, Francis. Irish Theologian at Rome — . .1702 Porter, George Richardson. {Progress of the Nation). . . 1792. .1855 Porter, Miss Jane. Novelist. ( Thaddeus of Warsaw ; Scottish Chiefs) 1 776 . . 1850 Porter, Peter Buel. American Soldier i773- • 1844 Porter, Sir Robert Ker. Diplom., Paint., Writ. ( Travels) 1780. . 1842 Porter, William David. American Naval Officer — ..1864 Portes, Philip des. French Poet ^546. • 1606 Porteus, Beilby. Bishop of London (1787-1808). Life by Hodgson 1731 . . 1808 Portlock, J . E. Major-General. Engineer and Geologist 1 795 ^ 1864 Portsmouth, Duchess of. See Querouaille 1652''. 1734 Portus, JEmilius. Greek Lexicographer 1550.aft.1612 tortus, Francis. Greek Scholar 1511 . .1581 Posidonius. Greek Philosopher 135 • . 50? b.c. Possevin, Anthony. Italian Jesuit. Politician and Writer 1534. .1611 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 329 BORN. DIED. Post, Francis, of Haarlem. Painter and Engraver 1614. . 1680 Postel, William. French Visionary 1510. .1581 Postlethwayte, Malachi. Commercial Writer 1707?. 1767 Pote, Joseph, of Eton. {History of Windsor Castle) — . . 1787 Potemkin, Gregory Alexandrovitch. Russ. Field Marshal 1736. .1791 Potenger, or Pottinger, John. Poet. ( On Death) 1647. . i733 Poter, or Potter, Paul. Dutch Painter of Animals 1625 . . 1654 Pothier, Robert Joseph. French Lawyer 1699 . . 1 772 Potocki, Claudia, Countess. Benefactress 1802. .1836 Potocki, Ignatius, Count. Polish Patriot 1751 . . 1809 Potocki, John, Count. Polish Historian 1761 . . 1815 Potocki, Stanislaus Kostka, Ct. Polish Statesm. and Writ. 1757 . . 1821 Pott, John Henry. Professor of Chemistry at Berlin 1692. .1777 Pott, Joseph Holden. Archdeacon of London. Poet&Div. 1779.. 1847 Pott, Percival. Surgical Writer. Life by Earle 1713- .17^8 Potter, Alonzo, d. d. American Divine and Writer 1800. . 1863 Potter, Christopher. Dean of Worcester. Anti-Calvinist Divine 1591?. 1646 Potter, Francis. Divine and Mechanician. {Explication of No. 666) 1594- • 1678 Potter, John. Archbishop of Canterbury ( 1737-47 ). ( An- tiquities of Greece.) Life by Anderson and Dunbar. . 1674?. 1747 Potter, Louis Joseph Anthony de. Belgian Revolutionist 1786. . 1859 Potter, Paul. Dutch Painter of Animals 1625 . . 1654 Potter, Robert. Poet and Translator of Greek Plays ... 1721 . .1804 Pettier, Francis. French Missionary 1718 . .1792 Pottinger, Sir Henry. Commander and Envoy 1789 . .1856 Potts, Rev. George, d. d. American Divine 1801 . . 1864 Pouget, Francis Aim^, French Theologian 1666. .1723 PouUe, Nicholas Louis. Abb^. Preacher 1703- .1781 Pounds, John. English Philanthropist ' 1766. . 1839 Poupart, Francis. French Physician and Anatomist . . . 1661 . .1709 Pourbus, orPorbus, Francis. 'The Elder. Dutch Painter 1540. .1580? Pourbus, or Porbus, Francis, son. The Younger. Portrait Painter , 1570. .1622 Pourchot, Edmund. French Orientalist and Philosopher 165 1 . .1734 Pourfour du Petit, Francis, of Paris. Phys. & Herbalist 1664. .1741 Pouschkin, Alexander. Russian Poet . .'. i799- -1^37 Poussin, Caspar. Painter 1613..1675 Poussin, Nicholas. Painter i594- • 1665 Powell, Rev. Baden. Professor 1796. . i860 PoweU, David. Welsh Divine 1552?. 1598 Powell, Edward. Roman Catholic Divine; hanged. {Propugnaculum) — . .1540 Powell, Foster. Pedestrian 1734^ 1793 Powell, Gabriel. Writer. ( Unlawfulness of Toleration) . 1 5 75 . . 161 1 Powell, George. Actor and Dramatist — . .1714 Powell, Griffith, of Jesus Coll., Oxf. {De Demonstratione) 1 561 . . 1620 Powell, Sir John. Judge — --^y^S Powell, John Joseph. Jurist — • . 1801 Powell, William. Actor — . .1769 Powell, William Samuel. Archdeacon of Colchester. Life by T. Balguy 1717. -1775 Power, Henry, m. d. Natural Philosopher — . . 1668 330 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Po'wer, Tyrone. Irish Actor and Author 1795 • • 1^4^ Powhatan. Indian Sachem — . . 1618 Powis, Percy Herbert, Lord. Royalist and Writer — . . 1667 Powlett, First Marquess of Winchester. See Pawlett. . . 1475 . . 1572 Pownall, Thomas, m. p. Political & Antiquarian Writer 172^.. 1805 Poynet, or Ponet, John. Bp. of Winchester. Reformer I5i4''.i556 Poynings, Sir Edward. Author of "Poynings's Law" in Ireland — . . 1512 Poyntel, Daniel. Nonconformist Divine — . . 1674 Pozzetti, Pompilius. Florentine Writer 1769. . 1816 Pozzo, Andrew. Painter and Architect 1642 . . 1 709 Pozzo, Modesta. Fonie-Moderata. Venetian Poetess. . . 1555. .1592 Pozzo di Borgo, Charles Andrew. Diplomatist 1764. . 1842 Pradier, John James. Sculptor at Paris 1792. .1852 Pradon, John Nicholas. French Poet 1632. . 1698 Pradt, Dominique Dufour. Abbe. Political Writer . . . 1759. .1837 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. Poet 1802 . . I839 Pram, Christian Henriksen. Danish Writer 1756. . 1821 Pratt, Charles, First Earl Camden. Lord Chancellor ... 1713. .1794 Pratt, Sir Charles. Lieutenant-General 1771 . . 1839 Pratt, Rev. Josiah. Divine — . .1844 Pratt, Samuel Jackson. Poet, Novelist, and Misc. Writer 1749. . 1814 Praxiteles. Greek Statuary fl. b.c. 364 Preble, Edward. American Naval Officer 1761 . . 1807 Preis, Joachim Frederick. Swedish Ambassador 1660. .1759 Premontval, Andrew Peter le Guay de. (Monogamia) . . 1716. .1764 Prentiss, Seargent Smith. American Orator 1808. . 1850 Prescott, Oliver. American Patriot 1731.- 1804 Prescott, William, ll. d. American Lawyer 1762. . 1844 Prescott, William Hickling, son. Hist. Life by Ticknor 1796. . 1859 ' Preston, John, D. D. Puritan Writer. (New Covenant) is^S?. .162S Preston, Thomas, d. c. l. Dramatic Writer i537- -^59^ Preston, William Campbell. Amer. Statesman & Orator 1794. . i860 Preti, Jerome. Tuscan Poet 1582. . 1626 Pr6ville, Peter Louis Dubus de. French Actor .... 1721 . . 1799 Prevost, Isaac Benedict. Swiss Naturalist i755 • • 1819 Prevost, Peter. French Painter of Panoramas 1 764 . . 1823 Pr6vost-d'Exiles, Anthony Francis. French Writer . . 1697. .1763 Price, David. Major. Historian and Orientahst 1762 . . 1835 Price, James, M. d., f. k.s. Last of the Alchemists 1758. .1783 Price, Sir John. Antiquary. {Defence of British History) — ..i553^ Price, or Pricaeus, John. English Critic and Biblical Writer, settled at Florence 1600. . 1676 Price, Peter Charles. Surgeon and Medical Writer 1832?. 1864 Price, Richard, d. d. Political Writer. Life by W. Mor- gan, 1815 .-v 1723-. 1791 Price, Rev. Thomas. Welsh Scholar. Life by Jane Wil- liams, 1854 1787 . • 1848 Price, Sir Uvedale. Writer on Art. (Essay on the Pictur- esque) I 747 •• 1829 Prichard, James Cowles, m. d. Ethnologist 1 785 . . 1 848 Prichard, Rev. Rees. Welsh Poet i574- • 1644 Prideaux, Humphrey. Dean of Norwich. ( Connection) 1648, .1724 Prideaux, John. Prof, at Oxford. Bishop of Worcester 1578 . . 1650 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 331 BORN. DIED. Priessnitz, Vincent. Hydropathic Physician 1799. . 185 1 Priestley, Dr. Joseph. Unitarian Wri ter and Natural Phi- losoper. Life by self and son, 1806-7 ; Rutt, 1831 i733- • 1804 Primaticcio, Francis. Italian Artist 1490 . . 1570 Prime, John. Puritan Divine — . .1596 Primrose, Gilbert, d. d. Scottish Divine. {Jacob's Vow) — . .1642 Primrose, James, m. d,, son. Medical Writer; Oppo- nent of Harvey — . . 1660? Prince, Rev. John. Antiquary. ( PFor^Hes q/*Z)evo/i). . 1643. .1720? Prince, Rev. Thomas. American Historian 1687 . . 1 758 Prince de Beaumont, Mme. le. Writer for the Young — . .1780 Pringle, Sir John, m. d. President of the Royal Society. Natural Philosopher. Life by Dr. Kippis". 1707. .1782 Pringle, Thomas. Poetical and Miscellaneous Writer. {African Sketches.) Life by Ritchie 1789. . 1834 Prinsep, Charles Robert, ll. t>. Political Economist ... 1788?. 1864 Prinsep, James. Orientalisl. {Sketches of Benares) . . . 1800. .1840 Prinsep, John. Alderman of London. Writer on Trade and Finance 1747?. 1831 Printz, Wolfgang Gaspar. German Musical Writer 1641 , . — Priolo, or Prioli, Benjamin. French Historical Writer. . 1602. .1667 Prior, Matthew. Poet 1664. .1721 Priscian. Latin Grammarian. {De Arte Grammaiica) fl. 525? Priscillian. Spanish Heretic — . . 385 Pritz, or Pritius, John George. Lutheran Divine 1662. -1732 Probus, Marcus Aurelius. Roman Emperor (276-82). . . 232. . 282 Procaccini, Camillus. Italian Painter 1546. • 1626 Procaccini, Charles Anthony, brother. Landsc. Painter fl. 1605 Procaccini, Hercules. The'£lder. Painter 1520.aft.1590 Procaccini, Hercules, grandson. The Younger. Flower Painter 1596. .1676 Procaccini, Julius Caesar. Painter 1 548 . . 1626 Procida, John of. Sicilian Patriot 1225?. 1303 Proclus. Neoplatonic Philosopher 412 . . 485 Procope Couteau. French Physician and Comic Writer 1684. . 1753 Procopius. Byzantine Historian 500^.565 Procopius, of Gaza. Biblical Commentator fl. 560? Procopius, Anthemius. Roman Emperor — . . 472 Procopius Basa. Hussite Leader — . . 1434 Procter, Miss Adelaide Anne. Poetess — . . 1864 Prodicus. Grecian Sophist fl. 5thc. B.C. Prokopliiev, Ivan Prokophievitch. Russian Artist 1758. . 1828 Prony, Gaspar Clair Francis Mary Riche de. French Mathematician i755- -1839 Propertius. Roman Poet 51 ?.aft.i6 B.C. Prosper, of Aquitaine. Christian Writer 403.aft.463 Protagoras. Greek Sophist 48o''.4II''b.c. Protogenes. Painter of Rhodes. Life by Carlo Dati. . — B.c.300? Proudhon, John Baptist Victor. French Jurist 1758. . 1838 Proudhon, Peter Joseph. French Socialist Writer 1809. .1865 Prout, Samuel. Painter in Water Colors ^7^3- • 1852 Prout, William, m. d. Medical Writer 1786. .1850 Prouven9ale de Saint-Hnajre, Augusta. French Bot- anist. {Fhra Brasilice) i779- • 1853 332 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIBD. Provenzale, Marcello da Cento. Painter in Mosaic i575 • • 1639 Provoost, Samuel, d. d. American Divine 1742. .1815 Proyart, Lievain Bonaventure. French Historical Writer 1 743'^ . 1808 Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens. Christian Latin Poet . . 348.aft.404 Prudhomme, Louis Mary. Writer on Fr. Revolutions 1752.. 1830 Prud'hon, Peter Paul. French Painter 1758 . . 1823 Prynne, William. Lawyer and Writer. {Hisiriomastix) 1600. .i6gg Przipcovius, Samuel. Polish Knight. Socinian Writer I592^ 1670 Psalmanazer, George. Literary Impostor. {Histoi'y of Formosa.) Life by self ." .' , . 1679?. 1763? Psammetichus. Egyptian King — b.c. 609 or 10 Psellus, Michael. Greek Writer — . . 1078 Ptolemy I. Hater. King of Egyyt(B. c. 323 or 306-285) 367. 282 B.C. Ptolemy II. Philadelplms. (b. c. 285-247.) Founder of Museum and Library of Alexandria 309 . 247 B.C. Ptolemy III. Euergetes. (b. c. 247-222) — B.c.222 Ptolemy IV. Philopator. (b. c. 222-205) — B.c.205 Ptolem.y V. Epiphanes. (b. c. 205-181) 210. 181 B.C. Ptolemy VI. Fhibmeter. (b. c. 181-146, with interrup- tions) — B.C.146 Ptolemy VII. Euergetes II., or Physcon. (b. c. 146-117, with interruptions) — B.C. 117 Ptolemy VIII. Soter IL, or Lathyrus. (b. c. 117-81, with interruptions) — B.C. 81 Ptolemy IX. Neos, Dionysus, or Auletes. (B. c. 80-51) — B.C. 51 Ptolemy, Claudius. Mathem., Astronomer, Geographer fl. 139-161 Publicola, Publius Valerius. Consul (b. c. 509) — B.c.503 Publius Syrus. Latin Comic Poet fl. b.c. 42 Puchta, Wolfgang Henry. German Jurist 1769. . 1845 Pudsey, Hugh. Bishop of Durham (1153-95) ii25?.ii95 Pufendorf, Isaiah. {Anecdotes of Sweden) 1628. . 1689 Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von. br. Civilian and Hist. 1632. .1694 Pugatcheff, Yemelyan. Cossack Chieftain and Pretender to Russian Throne 1726. .1775 Puget, Peter. French Sculptor, Painter, Architect 1622. .1694 Pughe, Dr. William Owen. Welsh Lexicog. and Writer 1759. . 1835 Pugin, Augustus. French Architectural Draughtsman . . 1769. . 1832 Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, son. Architect. Life by Ferrey 1811 . . 1852 Puisaye, Joseph, Count. French Royalist 1754''. 1827 Pujol. Abel de. French Painter 1785 . . 1861 Pxilaskl, Casimir, Count. Polish Patriot. General iji American Revolutionary War i747- -1779 Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II., daughter of Arcadius 399. . 453 Puici, Louis. Italian Poet. (Morgante Maggiore) 1432. . 1487? Pulgar, Ferdinand del. Spanish Historian 1436. . i486? Puligo, or Puglio, Dominic, of Florence. Painter 1475 . . 1527 Piillus, or Pullen, Robert. Cardinal; Promoter of Learn. — ..11 50 Piilmann, or Poelmann, Theodore. Philologist 1510-'. 1580? Pulteney, Richard. Phys. and Botanist. Life by Maton 1 730 . . 180 1 Pvdteney, William, Earl of Bath. Statesman . ." 1682. ,1764 Ptdtock, Robert. Author. {Peter Wilkins) fl. i8th c. Purbach, or Peurbach, George. Ger. Mathem. & Astron. 1423. . 1461 Purcell, Heniy. Musical Composer 1658 . . 1695 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 333 BORN. DIED. PuTcell, Thomas. Musical Composer ;••:•• — • • ^^^^ Purclias, Rev. Samuel. Collector of Voyages. {Pilgrim- age; Pilgrims) i577- .1628* Pursh, Frederick. American Botanist i774- • 1820 Ptirver, Anthony. Scholar and Biblical Translator 1702?. 1777 Pusey, Philip, m. p. Agriculturist i799- • 1855 Pushkin, Alexander Sergeivitch. Russian Poet and Prose Writer i799- • ^^37 Putnam, Israel. American Revolutionary General 17 18. .1790 Putnam, Rufus. Pioneer Settler of Ohio 1738. . 1824 Putschius, Elias. Dutch Grammarian 1580. . 1606 Putten, Henry van der. ^Puteanus or Dupuy. Scholar.. 15 74.. 1646 Puttenham, George. Poet and Critic fl. 1589 Puy, Mademoiselle du. Harpist — . .1777 Puy, Louis du. French Scholar 1709- -1795 Puy, Peter du. Hist, and Antiq. L. by Nicholas Rigault 1582 . . 1651 Puysegur, James de Chastenet, Lord of. General. {Me- vioirs) 1600 . . 1682 Puysegur, James Francis, son. Marshal of France. {Military Art) 1655 .. 1743 Pye, Henry James. Poet Laureate 1745 • • ^813 Pyle, Rev. Thomas. Biblical Commentator 1674. .1756 Pym, John. Republican Politician 1584. . 1643 Pjruaker, Adam. Dutch Landscape Painter 1621 . . 1673 Pynchon, William. Founder of Springfield, New Eng- land. Theological Writer 1591 ?. 1662 Pyne, William Henry. Artist and Writer 1770- • 1843 Pynson, or Pinson, Richard. Printer — . .1530? Pyrrho. Greek Skeptic Philosopher 375 ?. 285 ? B.C. Pyrrhus. King of Epirus .318.272 b.c. Pythagoras. Greek Philosopher. Life by Jamblicus; Dacier, 1706 fl. 540-510 B.C. Pytheas. Greek Navigator and Discoverer, of Mar- seilles ti. Alex. Great 334 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Q. BORN. DIED. Quade, Michael Frederick. German Scholar 1682. .1757 Quadratus. Christian Apologist ti. Hadrian Quadrio, Francis Xavier. Ital. Critic. {History of Poetry) 1695.. 1756 Quaglio, Angelo. Scene Painter 1778-'. 1815 Quaglio, Dominic. Architectural Painter 1786. .1837 Quaglio, Joseph. Scene Painter and Decorator i747- .1828 Quaglio, Julius. Scene Painter at Munich — ..1800 Quaglio, Lorenzo. Italian Architect in Germany i73Q- • 1804 Quain, Jones, m. d. Anatomist .' — . . 1865 Quaini, Francis. Italian Architectural Painter 161 1 . . 1680 Quaini, Louis, son. Historical Painter 1643. .1717 Quanz, John Joachim. Musical Composer and Flutist . . 1697.. 1773 Quarenghi, James. Cavaliere. Italian Architect i744- • 181 7 Quarles, Francis. Poet. {Emblems) 1592. . 1644 Quarles, John, son. Poet. Loyalist 1624. . 1665 Quatremere, Stephen Mark. French Orientalist 1782. .1857 Quatremere de Quincy, Anthony Chrysostom. Ar- chaeologist 1755 . . 1849 Quattromani, Sertorius. Italian Writer 1541 . . 161 1 Queensberry, William Douglas, Fourth Duke of. 1724^1810 Quekett, John. Microscopist 1815 . . 1861 Quellinus, or Quellyn, Erasmus. Dutch Painter 1607. .1678 Quellinus, John Erasmus, son. Painter 1629. .1715 Quenstedt, John Andrew. Lutheran Divine. ( Sculptura Veterum) 161 1. .1688 Quental, Bartholomew du. Portuguese Religious Writer 1626. . 1698 Quer y Martinez, Joseph. Spanish Botanist 1695 . . 1 764 Qu6rard, Joseph Mary. French Bibliographer 1795 • -1865 Querenghi, Anthony. Italian Poet 1546. . 1633 Querini, Angelo Mary. Italian Cardinal. Historian. . . 1680. .1755 Querlon, Anne Gabriel Meusnier de. Journalist & Writer 1 702 . . 1 780 Querno, Camillus. Italian Poet. {Alexiada) 1470.. 1528 Querouaille, Louisa de, Duchess of Portsmouth 1652?. 1734 Quesnay, Francis. French Physician 1694 ■ • 1 774 Quesne, Abraham du. French Admiral 1610. . 1688 Quesne, Henry du, son. Naval Officer and Writer at Geneva 1652. . 1722 Quesnel, Pasquier. French Jansenist Divine. {Moral Reflections) 1634. .1719 Quesnel, Peter. {Histoiy of the Jesuits) 1699. .1774 Quesnoy, Francis du. Flemish Sculptor 1594 . . 1646 Quesnoy, Jerome, brother. Sculptor. Burnt 1612. . 1654 Quetif, James. French Dominican. Writer 1618. . 1698 Quevedo yVUlegas, Francis Gomez de. Span. Writer 1580. .1645 Quick, John. Comic Actor 1748. • 1831 Quien, Michael le. French Scholar and Orientalist 1661 . .1733 Quien de la Noufville, James le. Historian 1647 . .1728 Quignonez, Francis de. Spanish Cardinal — . .1539 Quillett, Claude, of Chinon. Calvidtis Lcetus. Latin Poet. ( Callipcedia) 1602. . 1661 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 335 BORN. DIED. Quin, Edward. Actor and Dramatist — . . 1823 Quin, James. Actor. Life, 8vo, 1766 1693 . .1766 Quinault, Jane Frances. La Cadette. Fr. Comic Actress 1700?. 1783 Quinault, Philip. French Dramatic Poet 1635 . .1688 Quinault Dufresne, Abraham Alexis. Fr. Comedian 1693.. 1 741 Quincey, Thomas de. See De Quincey 1785 . .1859 Quincy, John, m. d. Medical Writer. {Lexicon Physico- Medicum) — . . 1 723 Quincy, Josiah, Jr. American Lawyer, Orator, and Po- litical Writer i744- ■ ^77S Quincy, Josiah, son, American Statesman 1772. .1864 Quincy, Quatremdre de. See Quatremere de Quincy. . . 1755 . . 1849 Quinette, Nicholas Mary. French Politician 1762 . . 1821 Quintana, Manuel Joseph. Spanish Poet and Patriot . . 1772. .1857 QuintUian. Roman Rhetorician. Life by Burmann. . . 42.. 118? Quintinie, John de la. French Horticulturist 1626. .1688 Quintus Curtlus. Historian fl. ti. Vespasian? Quirini, or Querini, Angelo Mary. Cardinal. Historian 1680. .1755 Quiroga, Joseph. Spanish Jesuit. Missionaryin America 1707. .1784 Quiros, or Queiros, Peter Fernandez de. Span. Navigator 1560 . . 1614 Quistorp, John. Lutheran Divine. Biblical Commentator 1584. .1648 Quita, Domingos dos Reis. Portuguese Poet 1728, .1770 Quitman, John Anthony. Amer. Politician and Soldier 1799. .1858 336 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. R. BORN. DIED. Raban Maur. Magnentius. Archbp. of Mentz. "Writer 786?. 856 Rabaut de St. Etienne, John Paul. Politician i743- -1793 Rabel, John. French Portrait Painter 1545?. 1603 Rabelais, Francis. French Satirist. ( Garc/antua) 1495 . .1553'' Rabener, Theophilus William. German Writer 1714- -1771 Rabuel, Claude. French Jesuit. Mathematician 1669.. 1728 Rabutin, Francis de. French Historical Writer — aft. 1582 Rabutin, Roger de, Ct. de Bussy. Fr. Wit and Satirist 1618. .1693 Racan, Honorat de Bueil, Marquis de. French Poet 1589. .1670 Raccbetti, Bernard. Italian Painter 1639. . 1702 Rachel, or Eliza Rachel Felix. French Actress 1820. . 1858 Racine, Bonaventure. Ecclesiastical Historian 1708. -1755 Racine, John. Fr. Dramatic Poet. Life by Louis Racine 1639. . 1699 Racine, Louis. Poetical Writer. {Lifeoj John Racine) 1&92. .lyS^ Rack, Edmund. Poet i735- -"^7^7 Racle, Leonard. French Architect 1736. .1791 Raczynski, Edward. Polish Nobleman. Writer 1786.. 1845 Radcliffe, Alexander. Burlesque Poet — . .1700? Radcliffe, Ann, Mrs. Novelist. (Mysteries of UdoJpho) 1764. .182^ Radcliffe, Charles. Adherent of Pretender. Beheaded. Life by Sydney Gibson 1693. .1746 Radcliffe, James, brother, Third Earl of Derwentwater. Adherent of Pretender. Beheaded. Life by Sydney Gibson 1689. .1716 Radcliffe, John, m. d. Founder of Library at Oxford . . 1650. .1714 Radegonde, St. Consort of Clotaire 1 519'. 587 Rademaker, Abraham. Dutch Landscape Painter 1675. .1735 Rademaker, Gerard. Dutch Architectural Painter 1673.. 1 711 Radetzky, Joseph Wenzel. Austrian General 1766. . 1858 Radowitz, Joseph von. Statesman i797- -1853 Radziwill, Nicholas. Palatine of Wilna. Polish Protestant 1500?. 1567 Raeburn, Sir Henry. Portrait Painter. ^'^'k^' • ^°^3 Raffaelle da Urbino. See Raphael da Urbino 1483. .1520 Raffenel, Claude Denis. French Writer 1797. . 1827 Raffles, Thomas, D. D.,LL,.D., of Liverpool. Dissenting Divine. Life by Baldwin Brown, 1863 1788. . 1863 Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. Statesman and Naturalist 1781 . .1826 Rafln, Catharine Josephine. Duchesnois. French Actress 1777.. 1835 Rafinesque, S. C S. American Botanist 1784. . 1842 Raghib Pasha, Mohammed. Turkish Vizier 1702. . 1768 Raglan, Fitzroy Somerset, Lord. General in the Crimea 1788. .1855 Ragland, Thos. Cajetan. Missionary. L. by T. Pcrowne 1815. .1858 Ragotski, Francis. Prince of Trans34vania. Patriot. . . 1676. .1735 Raguenet, Francis. French Writer 1 660 '^ 1722 Raguet, Condy. Amer. Merchant and Polit. Economist. 1784. .1842 Ragusa, Augustus Frederick de Marmot, Duke of. Mar- shal of France i774- • 1852 Rahbek, Knud Lyne. Danish Writer 1760. .1830 Raikes, Robt., of Gloucester. Founder of Sunday Schools 1735. .1811 Raimbach, Abraham. Engraver. Life by self and son 1776. .1843 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 337 BORN. DIED. Baimondi, John Baptist. Orientalist 1540?. 1610? Raimondi, Mark Anthony. Engraver 1475?. 1534? Rainaldi, or Rinakli, Oderic. Continuator of Baronius. . 1595 . . 1671 Rainaud, Theophilus. Jesuit. Scholar and Writer. . . . 1583. .1663 Raine, James, d. C. l. {History of North Durham) 1791 . .1858 Rainolds, John. Puritan Divine i549- • 1607 Rainolds, William, brother. Roman Catholic Writer . . — ••1594 Rainsford, or Raynsford, Sir Richard. Ld. Chief Justice 1604'' . 1679 Rakoczy. See Ragotski 1676. .1735 Rale, or Rasles, Sebastian. French Missionary to North American Indians 1658. .1724 Raleigli, or Ralegh, Sir Walter. Life bv Whitehead ; Oldvs; Birch; A. Cavlev, 1805 ; Mrs. A^ T. Thomson, 1830; P. F. Tytler, 1833; Macvey Napier, 1857 1552. .1618 Ralpti, James. Polit. and Poet. Writer. {Hist of Eng.) — ..1762 Ralph de Turbine. Archbp. of Canterbury (1114-22). — ..1122 Ramazzini, Bernardin. Italian Physician 1633. .1714 Raraberg, John Henry. Draughtsman and Engraver. . 1763. .1840 Rameau, John Philip. Musical Composer 1683. . 1764 Ramelli, Augustin. Italian Mechanician and Engineer. , i53i''.i59o Raraelli, Felix. Italian Painter 1666. .1740 Ramenghi, Bartholomew. // Bagnacavallo. Painter . . 1484. .1542 Ramiro I. King of Asturias. — . . 850 Ramiro II. King of Asturias — . . 950 Ramler, Charles Wm. German Poet and Misc. Writer. 1725.. 1798 Ramnioliuii Roy. Hindoo Writer and Reformer i774- • 1833 Ramond de Carbonnieres, Louis Francis Elizabeth, Baron. Geologist i755- -1827 Ramorino, Jerome. Military Adventurer 1792. . 1849 Ramsay, Sir Alexander. Scottish Knight — . . 1342 Ramsay, Allan. Poet. {Gentle Shepherd; Evergreen). 1685.. 1758 Rarasay, Allan, son. Portrait Painter 1713 . .1784 Ramsay, Andrew Michael. Chevalier. Writer 1686. . 1743 Ramsay, David. American Physician and Historian. . . 1749. .1815 Ramsay, Rev. James. Philanthropist i733- -1789 Ramsay, William. Professor. Classical Scholar 1806''. 1865 Ramsden, Jesse. Optician 1735 . . 1800 Ramus, or La Ramde, Peter. Fr. Philosopher & Scholar 1515. .1572 Ramusio, or Rannusio, John Bapt. Collector of Voyages 1485 . . 1557 Ranc, John. French Painter in Spain ' 1674. -1735 Ranc6, Armand John le Bouthillier de. Monk of La Trappe. Life bv Maupeau, MarsoUier, and Lenain de Tillemont; Chateaubriand, 1844; C Butler, 1814 1626. .1700 Randal, Dr. John. Musical Composer , 1715 . . 1799 Randolph., John. Bishop of London i749- -1813 Randolph, John, of Roanoke. American Statesman i773- -1833 Randolph, Peyton. American Patriot 1723, . 1775 Randolph, Sir Thomas. Diplomatist ,. .. . 1523 . . 1590 Randolph, Thomas. Poet 1605 . . 1634 Randolph, Thomas, Archdeacon 1701 . .1783 Rannequin, of Lifege. Hydraulic Engineer 1644. .1708 Ransom, Thomas Edward "Greenfield. American General 1834 . . 1864 Ransome, James. Agricultural Machinist 1783. . 1849 Rantoul, Robert. American Statesman 1805 . . 1852 22 338 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Bantzau, John. Danish General and Militaiy Writer . . 1492. . 1565 Rantzau, Josiah, Count de. Marshal of France and Protestant Reformer in Denmark 1609 . . 1650 Ranzani, Camillo. Italian Naturalist 1775 . . 1841 Raoul-Roehette, Desire. French Archaeologist 17^9 • • 1854 Raoux, John. French Historical Painter 1677. .1734 Raphael, of Volterra. Majfei. Antiquary 145 1 • .1522 Raphael da Rhegio. Raffaelino. Hist, and Portr. Paint. 1552. .1580 Raphael da Urbino. Painter. Life by Duppa ; Quatre- mere de Quincy, tr. by Hazlitt; J. S. Harford .... 1483. .1520 Raphelengius, orRapheling, Francis. Critic and Orient. 1539. .1597 Raphelius, George. {Annotaiiones in Sacr. Script. 1747) . — .. — Rapicio, Grovita. Italian Writer. {De Numero Oratorio) 1480?. 1553 Rapin, Nicholas. French Poet 1540'' • 1609 Rapin, Rene. French Jesuit. Latin Poet. {Horim-um) 1621. .16S7 Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de. (History of England) 1661 . .1725 Rapp, George. Founder of the Sect of the Harmonists.. 1770. .1847 Rapp, John, Count de. French General 1772. . 182J Rasario, John Baptist. Italian Medical Writer 1517..1578 Rasis, or An*azi. Arabian Historian of Spain 87o'''.bef.96i Rask, Rasmus Christian. Danish Philol. and Orientalist 1787. .1832 Rasles, or Rale, Sebastian. See Rale 1658 . .1724 Rasori, John. Italian Physician 1767 . . 1837 Rastall, John. Printer and Author — . . 1536 Rastall, William, son. Printer and Judge 1508. . 1565 RatcliflFe, James and Charles. Jacobites. See RadclifFe. Ratcliflfe, Thomas. Earl of Sussex — . . 1583 Rater, Anthony, of Lyons. Architect 1729. . 1794 Ratherius. Bishop of Verona. Writer — . . 974 Ratramnus, Bertramus, or Bertram. Presbyter. {De Corpore et Sanguine Domini) — afit.868 Ratte, Stephen Hyacinth de. French Astronomer 1722. .1805 Ra\>, or Ravius, Christian. German Orientalist 1613. . 1677 Rauch, Christian Daniel. German Sculptor i777- • 1857 Rauch, Fred. Augustus, d. d. Ger. Philos. and Divine 1806. .1841 Raulin, John. French Preacher 1443 . .1514 Raulin, Joseph. French Physician 1708. .1784 Raupach, Ernest Benjamin Solomon. Ger. Dramatist.. 1784. .1852 Rauwolf, Leonard. Botanical Traveler — . . 1596 Ravaillac, Francis. Murderer of Henry IV. of France, May 14, 1610 1579.. 1610 Ravenet, Simon Francis. French Engraver 1706. . 1774 Ravenscroft, John Stark. American Divine 1772. . 1830 Ravenscrofb, Thomas. Musician 1592. aft. 1635 Ravesteyn, Hubert van. Dutch Pa. of Fairs, Markets, &c. 1647. . — Ravesteyn, John van. Dutch Portrait Painter 1572. . 1657 Ravesteyn, Nich. van. Dutch Hist, and Portr. Painter 1661. .1750 Ravignan, Gustavus Francis Xavier Delacroix de. French Jesuit Preacher 1795 . .1858 Ravius, Rave, or Rau, Christian. German Orientalist . . 1613. .1677 Rawdon, Marmaduke. Mercht. L. ed. by R. Davies, 1863 1610. . 1669 Rawle, William. American Jurist 1759- • 1836 Rawlet, John, of Newcastle. Divine. { Chi'isfian Monitor) 16^2 . .16S6 Bawley, William, d. d. Editor and Biographer of Bacon 1588. , 1667 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 339 BORN. DIED. Bawlinson, Christopher. Saxonist "^(^n • Bawlinson, Richard, ll. d. (English Topographer) — . Kawlinson, Sir Thomas. Lord Mayor of London 1647. Rawlinson, Thomas. Tom Folio. Bibliomaniac 1681 . Rawson, Sir William Adams. Oculist — . . Rawwolf, or Rauwolf, Leonard. Botanical Traveler. ... — . Ray, or Wray, Rev. John. Naturalist. Life by Derham 1628. Rajrmond VI. Count of Toulouse 1156. Raymond VII., son. Last Count of Toulouse ii97- Raymond, Robert, Lord. Lord Chief Justice. {Reports) — . Raym.ond de Lully. Chemist and Trav. [Ars Magna) izt,^. Raymond de Pegnafort, St. Spanish Dominican. {Decretals) ii75- Raynal, Wm. Thomas Francis. Abbd. Hist, and Philos. 171 1 . Rajnaard, Theophilus, of Lyons. Jesuit. {Historical Tables) i^S^. Raynerius, of Pisa. Theologian. {Pantheologia) — . Raynolds, or Rainolds, John. Puritan Divine i549- Raynouard, Francis Juste Mary. Miscellaneous Writer 1761 . , Raynsfordj Sir Richard. Lord Chief Justice 1604?. Razzi, John Anthony. // Sodoma. Painter i479- • Re, Philip. Italian Agriculturist 1763. . : Reach., Angus Bethune. Journalist and Author 1821 . . : Read, Alexander, m. d. Scottish Med. and Anat. Writer — . . Read, George. American Patriot i734- • Read, Nathan. American Inventor i759- • ^ R6al, Caesar Vichard de Saint. See Saint-R^al 1639. R^al, Gaspard de. Fr. Publicist. {Science of Government) 1682. .] R6aumur, Ren4 Anthony Ferchault de. French Natural Philosopher. Life by Cuvier 1683 . . Rebolledo, Bemardin, Count de. Spanish Soldier, Di- plomatist, and Author i597- • Reboul, of Nimes. Baker and Poet 1796'. Rebovdet, Simon. French Historical Writer 1687. . R6camier, Mme. Jane Frances Julia Adelaide, of Paris. 1777. . Recke, Eliz. Charlotte Constantia von der. Ger. Authoress 1754. . Recorde, Robert. Mathematician. {Whetstone of Witte) i^oo"^ . Reden, Fred. Wm. Otto Louis, Baron. Ger. Statistician 1804. . Redesdale, John Freeman Mitford, Baron. Lord Chanc. 1748. . Redfleld, William C. Amer. Meteorologist and Geologist 1789. . Redi, Francis. Ital. Nat. Philosopher, Poet, and Scholar 1626. , Redi, Thomas. Florentine Painter 1665 . . Reding, Aloys, Baron von. Swiss General i755 • • Red Jacket. North American Indian Chief I759''- Redmayne, John. Divine 1499 . . Redout6, Peter Joseph. French Flower Painter i759- • Reed, Andrew, d. d. Philanthropist. L. by A. and C. Reed 1787.. Reed, Henry. American Author 1808 . . Reed, Isaac. Critic and Miscellaneous Writer 1742. • Reed, Joseph. American Officer 1 741 • • Reed, Joseph. Dramatic Writer 1723 . . Reenberg, Theocarus. Danish Poet 1656. . Rees, Abraham, d. d. Dissent. Divine ; Ed. of Cychpcedia 1743. . Reeve, Clara. Novelist. ( Old English Baron) 1725''. Reeve, John. Comic Actor i799- • 340 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Reeve, Lovell A., f. l. s. Conchologist and Publisher . . 1814. .1865 Reeve, Tapping. American Jurist i744« • 1823 Reeves, John. Political Writer 1752. . 1829 Reeves, Rev. William. Patristic Writer 1668. .1726 Rega, Henry Joseph, of Louvain. Phys. & Philanthropist 1690. .1754 Regino. Abbot of Prum. Eccles. Writer and Chronicler — .. 915 Regiomontanus. See John Miiller 1436. . 1476 Regis, John Baptist. Jesuit Missionary in China 1665 . .1737 Regis, Peter Sylvain. French Cartesian Philosopher . . . 1632. .1707 Regius, or Le Roy, Urban. Poet and Protestant Controv. — ••1541 Regnard, John Francis. French Poet and Comic Writer {Le Joueur) 1647''. 1710 Regnault, Michael Louis Stephen. French Statesman. . 1760. .1819 Regnault, Noel. French Mathematician and Philosopher 1683 . . 1 762 R6gnier, Claude Ambrose. French Politician 1736. . 1814 R6gnier, Mathurin. French Poet. {Satires) I573- • 1613 R6giiier-Desmaxais, Francis Seraphin. French Poet. . 1632. .1713 Regulus, Marcus Atilius. Consul — B.c.250 Rehoboam, son of Solomon. K. of Israel (b. c. 990-973) 1031 .973 b.c. Reicha, Anthony Joseph. Musical Writer and Composer 1770. . 1836 Reichard, Henry Augustus Ottocar. ( Traveler's Guide in Europe) 1751 • • 1828 Reichardt, John Frederick. Musical Composer & Writer 1752. .1814 Reichenbacli, George of. Mechanician ^77^- ■ 1826 Reichstadt, Due de. Napoleon II. See Bonaparte 181 1 . .1832 Reid, David Boswell, m, d. Scot. Phys. & Writ, on Chem. 1805 . . 1864 Reid, Samuel Chester. American Naval Officer ^7^3- .1861 Reid, Thomas. Metaphysician. Life by Dugald Stewart ; Sir W. Hamilton 1710. .1796 Reid, Sir William. Major-General. {Law of Storms) ... 1791 . . 1858 Reigny, Louis Abel BefFroi. Cousin Jacques. Fr. Writer ^757.. 1810 ReiMng, James. Lutheran Controversial Divine 1580?. 1628 Reimarus, Herman Samuel. Class, and Hebrew Scholar 1694. .1768 Reimarus, John Albert Henry, son. Phys. and Philos. 1729. .1814 Reinbeck, John Gustavus. Pruss. Divine' and Metaphys. 1683 . . 1 741 Reineccius, Reinier. German Historian and Genealogist 1541 . . 1595 Reiner, Wenceslaus Lawrence, of Prague. Painter .... 1686''. 1743 Reinesius, Thomas. German Physician and Philologist. ( Vari(B Lectiones) 1587. . 1667 Reinhard, Francis Volkmar. German Theologian ^753- -^812 ReirLhold, Charles Leonard. German Metaphysician. . . 1758. .1823 Reinhold, Erasmus. Ger. Astronomer. {Prussian Tables) is,ii. .i^^^ Reiske, Mrs. Ernestine Christine, nee Miiller. Writer. . . 1735 . .1798 Reiske, John. German Biblical Writer 1641 . . 1701 Reiske, John Jas. Philologist. L. by self and Mrs. Reiske 1716. . 1774 Reiz, or Reitz, Frederick Wolfgang. German Philologist 1733. .1790 Reland, Adrian. Orientalist and Writer on Jewish Antiq. 1676 . . 1 718 Rembertus. Abp. of Hamburg: Missionary in Denmark — .. 888 Rembrandt van Ryn, Paul Gerritz. Dutch Painter. Life by J. Burnet, 1848 1606. .1669 Remi, Jos'eph Honor^. Burlesque Poet and JEloge Writer 1738 . .1782 Remigio, Florentine, of Florence. Writer 1518?. 1580 Remigius, or Remi, St. Archbishop of Rheims — . . 533 Remigius, or Remi, St. Archbishop of Lyons — • • 875 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 841 BORN. DIED. Remigius, of Auxerre. Benedictine. Biblical Writer . . — .. 908? Esmond de St. Mard, Toussaint. Fr. Writer and Poet 1682. .1757 K6musat, John Peter Abel. Orientalist. Life by Syl- vester de Sacy 1788.. 1832 Renau d'Elisagaray, Bernard. Naval Architect 1652. .1719 Renaudot, Eusebius. French Orientalist 1646. . 1 720 Renaudot, Theophrastus. French Physician and Writer 1584. .1653 Ren6, Duke of Anjou, titular King of Sicily 1409 . . 1480 Ren6e, of France, Duchess of Ferrara. Patron of Letters - and Religion. Life by I. M, B., London, 1859 1 5 10. . 1575 Renehan, Laurence F., d. d. President of Maynooth College. ( Collection of Records for Irish History) .... 1797?. 1857 Reni, Guido. See Guido Reni 1574?. 1642 Rennel, Major James. Geographer 1742. . 1830 Rennell, Thomas, of Devonshire. Painter and Poet 1718. .1788 Rennell, Rev. Thomas. Divine 1 787 . . 1824 Rennell, Thos., d. b. Dean of Winch. Div. and Preacher 1753. . 1840 Rennie, John. Architect and Constructive Engineer ... 1761 . . 1821 Reno, Jesse L. American General 1825 . . 1862 Renti, Gaston John Baptist, Baron de. Ascetic. Life by St. Jure, abridged by John Wesley 1611 . . 1649 Renwick, Rev. James. Scottish Minister and Martyr . . — . . 1688 Repnine, Nicholas Vassilievitch. Russ. Gen. andDiplom. 1734. .1801 Repton, Humphry. Landscape Gardener 1752. . 1818 Repton, John Adey, f. s. a. Architect 1775 . . i860 Reresby, Sir John. Governor of York. {Memoirs). .. . — ..1689 Resende, Garcia de. Portuguese Historian and Poet. . . 1478, .1554 Resende, Lucius. Portuguese Restorer of Letters 1498- -1573 Resenius, John Paul. Danish Bishop ; Biblical Translator 1561 . . 1638 Resenius, Peter. Danish Statesman and Scholar 1625 . . 1688 ResMd Pasha, Mustapha. Ottoman Statesman 1799. . 1858 Ressius, Rutgar, of Louvain. Critic — . .1545 Re staut, Peter. {Principes de la Grammaire Frangoise) 1694.. 1764 Restout, John. French Painter 1692 . . 1 768 Restout, John Bernard, son. Painter 1732. -1795 Retz, Gilles de Laval, Baron. Marshal of France 1396?. 1440 Retz, John Francis Paul de Gondi, Cardinal. {Memoirs). 1614. .1679 Retzsch, Frederick Augustus Maurice. German Painter and Designer 1779.. 1859 Reuchlin, John. Kapnio. German Scholar. Life by Meiners; Mains; Barham 1455.. 1522 Reuven, Peter. Dutch Painter 1650. .1718 Reuvens, John Everard. Dutch Lawyer 1763 . . 1816 Reveley, Willey . Architect and Antiquary — . . 1 799 Revelliere-Lepaux, Louis Mary. French Politician. . . 1753.. 1824 Revere, Paul. American Engraver and Patriot 1735 • • ^^^^ Reves, or Revius, James de. Prot. Theologian at Leyden 1586. . 1658 Rewbell, John Baptist. French Republican 1746. . 1810 Rey, John. French Physician and Chemist — ..1645? Rey, John Baptist. French Musical Composer i734- • 1810 Rey, William. French Physician 1687 . . 1 756 Reyher, Samuel. German Mathematician 1635 . . 1714 Reylof, Oliver. Dutch Latin Poet 1670. .1742 Reyn, John de. Eheni or Lang Jan. Dutch Painter . . . 1610. . 1678 342 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Reyneau, Charles Ren^. French Mathematician 1656. .1728 Beyner, Edward. Nonconformist. (Precepts for Chris- tian Practice) — . . 1670? Reynier, John Louis Anthony. ( Egypt under the Romans) 1 762 . . 1 824 Reyrder, John Louis Ebenezer. Fr. General and Writer 1771 . . 1814 Reynolds, EdAvard. Bishop of Norwich 1599. -.1676 Reynolds, or Rainolds, John. Puritan Divine i549- -1607 Reynolds, John Fulton. American General 1820. . 1863 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Painter. Life by Malone; J. North£ote; Farrington, 1819; Cortton and Burnet; C R. Leslie, edited by Tom Tajior, 1863 1723. .1792 Reynolds, Richard, m. d. Historical Writer — . . 1606 Reynolds, Richard, of Bristol. Ironmaster i735 • • 1816 Reyrac, Francis Philip Laurence de. French Poet 1734. • 1782 Reys, Anthony dos. Portuguese Divine, Hist., and Poet 1690. .1738 Rezzonico, Anthony Joseph, Ct. Ital. Soldier and Poet 1709. .1785 Rham, Rev. William Lewis. Agricultural Writer 1778. .1843 Rhaw, George, of Wittemberg. Musical Publisher 1488. .1548 Rhazes. Arabian Physician 852?. 923-'' Rheed, Henry van. Gov. of Malabar. {Hortus Malabaiicus) — aft. 1696 Rhegas, Constantine. Greek Patriot 1 753 •'• 1798 Rheinek, Christopher. German Musical Composer 1748. . 1796 Rhenanus, Beatus. German Historian 1485 . . 1547 Rhenferd, James. German Orientalist 1654. .1712 Rhese, John David, m. d. Welsh Philologist i534- • 1609 Rheticus, George Joachim. Ger. Astron. (Ephemerides) i$i4. .j$y6 Rhode, John George, of Breslau. Orientalist — . . 1827 Rhodes, Alexander de. Jesuit Missionary in India 1591 . . 1660 Rhodiginus, Ludovicus Coelius. Italian Scholar 1450'. 1525 Rhodius, Ambrose. Phys. and Math. ( Transmigration) 1577'. 1633 Rhodius, or Rhode, John. Danish Medical Writer 1587?. 1659 Rhodomann, Lawrence. German Greek Poet. (Life of Luther) 1 546 . . 1606 Rhunken, David. Critic. Life by Whyttenbach 1723. .1798 Rhyndacenus. Andrew John Lascaris. Gr. Schol. in Italy 1445?. 1535 Rhyne, William Ten. Dutch Physician and Naturalist. . 1640?. — Rhyzelius, Andrew. Swedish Historian and Antiquary 1677. .1761 Ribadeneira, Peter, of Toledo. Jesuit; Biographer.... 1527.. 1611 Ribalta, Francis. Spanish Painter i55i-- 1628 Ribas, Joseph de. Russian Admiral and Diplomatist . . . 1735 ■ • ^797' Ribault, John. French Navigator and Adventurer in Florida. Life by Sparks 1520*^ 1565 Ribera, Anastasius Pantaleon de. Span. Burlesque Poet 1580. .1629 Ribera, Joseph. Spagnoletto. Spanish Painter 1588. . 1656 Ribes, Anne Arnaud de. French Officer of Engineers . . 1731 . . 181 1 Ribeyro, Bernardin. Portuguese Pastoral Poet fl. i6th c. Ricard, Dominic. Fr. Scholar & Poet ; Transl. of Plutarch 1 741 . . 1803 Ricardo, David. Merchant and PoUtical Economist. Life by J. R. McCulloch, 1846 1772. .1823 Ricardo, Joseph Lewis. Writer on International LaAv. . . 1812'. 1862 Ricaut, or Rycaut, Sir Paul. Traveler and Biographer . . — ..1700 Riccati, Vincent. Italian Math, and Hydraulic Engineer 1 707 . . 1 775 Rdcci, Bartholomew. Italian Latinist. {Apparatus) 1490. .1569 Ricci, Lorenzo. General of the Jesuits 1703 . . 1775 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 343 BOEN. DIED. Bicei, Mark. Landscape and Historical Painter — . . 1730 Bieci, Matthew. Jesuit Missionary in China. Life by D'Orieans, 1693 1552. . 1610 Bicci, Michael Angelo. Cardinal. Mathematician 1619. .1682 Bicei, Scipio de. Bishop of Pistoia; Tuscan Reformer. Life by M. de Potter, translated by Thos. Roscoe, 1825 1741 . . 1810 Bicci, or Rizzi, Sebastian. Italian Painter 1662. .1734 Bicciarelli, Daniel. Danieledi Volterra. Painter 1509. .1566 Eiccio, Dominic, of Verona. II Brusasorchi. Painter. . 1494. .1567 Eiccioli, John Baptist. Ital. Astronomer and Geographer 1 598 . . 1671 Biccoboni, Anthony, of Padua. Philologist 1541 . . 1599 Biccoboni, Anthony Francis. Actor and Alchemist. . . . 1707. .1772 Biccoboni, Louis. Comic Actor. {Hist.of Ital. Theater) iSy^. .17$^ Biccoboni, Mary Jane Laboras de Mezieres. Actress and Novelist 1714. .1792 Bice, Rev. Luther. American Missionary 1783. . 1836 Bich, Claudius James, of East India Company. Orientalist 1787 . . 1821 Bichard I. Duke of Normandy (942-96). SansPeur.. 932.. 996 Bichardll. (996-1026.) Le Bon — ..1026 Bichard III. (1026-28) — . .1028 Bichard I. King of England (1189-99). Life by Bene- dict of Peterborough; G. P. R. James, 1841-43 ii57- -1199 BichaxdII. (1377-99.) Life by Jacob Abbott, 1858 .. . 1366.. 1400 Bichardlll. (1483-85.) L.byHalsted, 1844; Jesse, 1861 1452. .1485 Bichard, Archbishop of Canterbury (1174-84) — . .1184 Bichard, Earl of Cornwall, brother of Henry III 1209. .1272 Bichard, of Cirencester. Historian. Life by Hatchard — 1401 or 2 Bichard, of Devizes. Historian fl. 1191 Bichard, of Hexham. Historian. {Battle of the Standard) fl. 1138 Bichard, Achilles. French Botanist .••;•• ^794- • ^^S^ Bichard,Charles Louis. French Benedictine. {Diction- ary of Ecclesiastical Knowledge) 1711 . . 1784 Bichard, Francis. Richard Lenoir. French Manufacturer 1765 . . 1839 Bichard, John. French Theologian. {Moral Dictionary) i6;},g. .lyig Bichard, Louis Claude Mary. French Botanist i754- • 1821 Bichard, Martin. Dutch Painter 1591 . . 1636 Bichard, Ren^. French Oratorian. Writer 1654. .1727 Bichard de Bury. Prelate and Statesman 1287. . 1345 Bichards, William. American Missionary 1792. . 1847 Bichardson, Charles, ll. d. Philologist. {English Diet.) 1775 • • ^^^5 Bichardson, Israel B. American General 1819.. 1862 Bichardson, John. Bishop of Ardagh. { On Ezekiel) . . — ••1654 Bichardson, Sir John, f. r. s. Naturalist 1787. . 1865 Bichardson, Jonathan. Painter and Writer on Painting 1665''. 1745 Bichardson, Joseph. Poet. ( Criticisms on the Rolliad) — . . 1803 Bichardson, Richard. American Revolutionary Soldier 1704. .1780 Bichardson, Samuel. Novelist. Life by Mrs. Barbauld, 1804 1689. . 1761 Bichardson, Thomas Mills. Artist — . . 1848 Bichardson, William, d. d. Divine 1698. .1775 Bichardson, William. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer. . 1743..1814 Bichelet, Caesar Peter. ( Dictionnaire Frangois) 1631 . . 1698 Bichelieu, Arraand Emanuel Duplessis, Duke of. Min- ister of Louis XVIII 1776. . 1822 344 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Bichelieu, Armand John Duplessis. Cardinal. Prime Minister. Life by Aubery, 1660 ; John Le Clerc, 1718 ; Joy, 1816 1585 • -1642 Bichelieu, Louis Francis Armand Duplessis, Duke of. Marshal. Life by Faur, 1790 1696. .1788 Kicher. French Chronicler. {Hlstoriarum Libri IV.) . . 950^.1010'' Richer, Edmund. Fr. Theol. (i)e Aucioi'itate Ecdesim) 1559. .1631 Richer, Edward. French Author. L. by Emile Souvestre 1792 . . 1834 Richer, Henry. French Poet 1685 . .1748 Richer, John. Fr. Astronomer and Natural Philosopher — . . 1696 Richer d'Aube, Francis. Fr.Writ. {Principles of Right) 1686.. 1752 Richer du Bouchet, Claude. French Mathematician and Egyptologist. .'. 1680. .1756 Richraond, Rev. Legh. {Annals of the Poor.) Life by Grimshawe; Wickens; Bedell i772- .1827 Richter, John Paul Frederick. Jean Paul. Novelist. Life by Eliza B. Lee, 1842 ; E. Forster, 1863 1763 .. 1825 Richter, Otto Frederick von. Russian Traveler 1792. . 1816 Ricimer, Count and Patrician of the West — . . 472 Rickman, George William. Russian Electrician; killed by lightning 1711 . .1753 Rickman, John, f. r. s. Statistical Writer 1771 • • 1840 Rickman, Thomas. Writer on Gothic Architecture 1776. .1841 Rider, William. Hist, and Divine. {History of England) — ..1785 Ridgely, Thomas, D. D. Dissent. Div. {Assembly' sCatech.) 1667?. 1734 Ridinger, John Elias. German Painter of Animals 1695 . .1767 Ridley, Gloster, D. d. Divine 1702. .1774 Ridley, James. ( Tales of the Genii) — • • 1765 Ridley, Nicholas. Bishop & Martyr. L. by Gloster Ridley 1500?. 1555 Ridley, Sir Thomas. Civilian. ( Civil and Eccles. Law) — . . 1629 Ridolfl, Charles. Venetian Hist.and Portrait Painter 1600 or 2. 1660? Ridolfl, Claudio, of Verona. Historical and Portr, Paint. 1560. . 1644 Ridpath, Rev. George, of Stitchill. {Border History) ... 1663?. 1717 Riedesel, Frederica Charlotte Louise, Baroness. ( Voyage de Mission) i744- • 1808 Riedesel, Frederick Adolphus, Baron. German Officer . . 1 738 . . 1800 Riedesel, Jos. Hermann, Baron de. ( Travels in Greece) 1740. .1785 Riedinger, or Ridinger, John Elias, of Ulm. Painter. . . 1695 . . 1767 Riedlin, Vitus. German Physician 1656, .1724 Riegels. Danish Historian 1728-'. 1802 Riego y Nunez, Rafael del. Spanish Revolutionist 1785 . . 1823 Rienzi, Nich. Gabrini {q. v.) di. L. by Brumoy ; Cerceau 1313. . 1354 Ries, Ferdinand. Musical Composer 1784- • 1838 Rigaud, Hyacinth. Portrait Painter 1659 . . 1743 Rigaud, Stephen Peter. Professor of Astronomy at Oxford 1775 . . 1839 Bigault, Nicholas. French Critic i577- • 1654 Bighini, Vincent. Italian Musical Composer 1756- .1812 Riley, John. Portrait Painter 1646. . 1691 Riminaldi, Horace. Italian Historical Painter 1598. • 1630 Rinaldi, Oderic. Continuator of Baronius 1595 .. 167 1 Rinaldo, of Capua. Musical Composer ti. i6th c. Rincon, Anthony del. Spanish Painter X446-'. 1500 Ring, John. Surgeon. Medical and Poetical Writer ... 1751. .1821 Bingelbergius, Joachim Fortius. Flemish Philosopher. —..1536? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 345 BORN. DIED. Kinggli, Gothard. Swiss Artist 1575 • • 1635 Ringgold, Samuel. American Military Officer 1800. .1846 Rintoul, Robert Stephen. Journalist. Founder of the Spectator 1787.. 1858 Rinuccini, Octavius. Florentine Poet — . . 1621 Rioja, Francis de. Spanish Poet 1600 . . 1659 Riolan, John. French Physician i539- • 1605 Riolan, John, son. Anatomist and Botanist i577- • 1657 Ripley, p]leazer Wheelock. American General 1782. .1839 Ripley, George, or Gregory. Alchemist and Poet — . .1490 Ripon, Fred. John Robinson, First Earl of. Statesman. . 1782. . 1859 Ripperda, John William, Baron and Duke of. Dutch Adventurer. Life by G. Moore; Dr. John O&mpbell. 1680. -1737 Riquet, Peter Paul de. French Civil Engineer 1604. .1680 Risard, Francis. French Mathematician — . . 1778 Risbeck, Caspar. German Writer. {History of Germany) 17 <,o. .1786 Risdon, Tristram. Topographer 1580. . 1640 Risley, Thomas. Puritan Divine. {Family Religion). . . 1630. .1716 Ritchie, Joseph. African Traveler — . . 1819 Ritchie, Leitch. Journalist and Author 1800?. 1865 Ritchie, Thomas. American Journalist 1778. . 1854 Ritson, Isaac. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer 1761 . .1789 Ritson, Joseph. Antiquary and Poetical Critic. {Robin Hood.) Life by Haslewood, 1824; Sir Harris Nicolas, 1833 1752. .1803 Rittangel, John Stephen. German Orientalist — aft.1652 Rittenhouse, David. American Mathematician and As- tronomer. Life by Barton, 1813 ; Renwick 1732 . .1796 Ritter, Charles. Geographer i779- • 1859 Ritter, John William. Philosopher 1776. .1810 Rittershuys, Conrad. Jurist and Philologist 1560. .1613 Rittershuys, Nich., son. Historical & Genealogical Writ. 1597. . 1670 Rivalz, Anthony. French Portrait and Historical Painter 1667 . .1735 Rivard, Denis. Surgeon at Neufchateau. Lithotomist . . — ..1746 Rivard, Francis. Mathematician 1697. .1778 Rivarol, Anthony, Count de. French Writer I757 • • 1801 Rivault, David. French Mathematician I57i''.i6i6 Rivaz, Peter Joseph de. Fr. Mechanist and Chronologist 1711 . .1772 Rive, John Joseph. French Bibliographer 1730. .1792 Riverius, or Riviere, Lazarus. French Medical Writer. . 1589. . 1655 Rivers, Anthony Woodville, Earl; beheaded at Pomfret 1442. .1483 Rives, John C American Editor 1796? . 1864 Rivet, Andrew. French Protestant Divine 1572. .1651 Rivet de la Grange, Anthony. {Literary Hist, of France) 1683. .1749 Rividre, Henry Francis de la, of Paris. {Letters) 1649. .1738 Riviere, Mercier de la. French Political Economist. 1720''. 1793 or 4 Riviere, Koch le Baillif, Sieur de la. Phys. and Astrol. — . .1605 Rivington, James. Royalist Printer of New York 1724?. 1802 Rivinus, Andrew. German Medical and Poetical Writer 1600. .1656 Rivinus, Augustus Quirinus. Ger. Phys. and Botanist 1652. .1723 Rizi, Francis. Spanish Painter ". 1608. . 1685 Rizi, Fray John, brother. Painter i595 • • 1675 Rizzio, or Ricci, David. Favorite of Mary Queen of Scots 1 540 . . 1 566 Robbins, Ashur. American Statesman i757- • io45 346 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Robert, the Strong, Duke or Marquis of France — . . 866 Robert I., son. King of France (922-23) — . . 923 Bobertll. (996-1031) 971. .1031 Robert I. Dulce of Normandy (1028-35). LeDiabh.. —..1035 Robert II. (1087-1134.) Curt-hose — . . 1 134 Robert I. Bruce. King of Scotland (1306-29) 1276?. 1329 Robert II. Stuart. (1371-90) 1316. .1390 Robert III. Stuart. (1390-1406) 1340?. 1406 Robert. King of Naples (1309-43) 1279. . 1343 Robert. Emperor of Germany (1400-10). Short 1352. . 1410 Robert, of Artois. Counselor of Edward III 1287 . . 1343 Robert, of Avesbury. Historian — . . 1356? Robert, of France, Count of Clermont; br. of Louis IX. 1216. .1250 Robert, of Geneva. Antipope (1378-94). Clement VII. —..1394 Robert, of Gloucester. Chronicler in Verse ti. Hen. III. Robert, of Jumi^ges. Archbp. of Canterbury (1051-52) — . .1052 Robert, Claude. Fr. Chronologist. {Gallia Christiana) 1^6^. .1627 Robert, Francis. Geogr. Royal of France, and Traveler 1737. .1819 Robert, Hubert. French Architectural Painter "^TZZ- • 1808 Robert, Louis Leopold. French Painter i794- -1835 Robert, Louise F61icite de Keralio. Writer 1758. .1821 Robert, Nicholas. French Miniature Painter i6io-'. 1684 Robert, Peter Francis Joseph. Fr. Revolutionary Statesm. 1763. . 1826 Robert de Vaugondy, Didier. ( Tablettes Parisiennes) . 1723. .1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Giles. {Atlas Universel) 1688. .1766 Roberti, John Baptist, Count. Italian Writer 1719- .1786 Roberts, David, R. A. Painter. {Sketches in Holy Land) iyg6. .iS6^ Roberts, Miss Emma. {Houses of York and Lancaster) . — . .1840 Roberts, Richard. Civil Engineer 1789?. 1864 Roberts, William. Writer. {Life of Hannah More.) Life by A. Roberts, 1850 1768. .1849 Robertson, Rev. Frederick William, of Brighton. Divine. {Sermons.) Life by Stopford A. Brooke 1816. . 1853 Robertson, George. Landscape Painter — ..1788 Robertson, James, d. d. Prof, of Eccles. History, Edinb. 1803. . i860 Robertson, John, d.d., of Glasgow. Divine. {Sermons) 1824. .1865 Robertson, Rev. Joseph. Writer. ( On Punctuation) . . 1726. .180:2 Robertson, Patrick. Scottish Judge. Poet 1794. .1855 Robertson, Stephen Caspar. French Natural Philosopher and Aeronaut 1763. .1837 Robertson, Thomas. Grammarian — . .1560? Robertson, William, D. d. Unitarian Writer 1705 . .1783 Robertson, William, d. d. ( Chns. V.) L. by Stewart, 1801 1721 . .1793 Roberval, Gilles Persone, or Personier, de. Fr. Geometer 1602. . 1675 Robespierre, Francis Joseph Maximilian Isidore. French Revolutionist. Life by Lewes, 1849 1759'. 1794 Robin, John. French Botanist 1550- -1597 Robin Hood. Outlaw ti. Rd. L or Hen. III.? Robins, Benjamin. ( Gunnery.) Life by Dr. Wilson. . . . 1707. . 1751 Robins, or Robyns, John. Astronomer & Mathematician 1500'. 1558 Robinson, Ana'stasia, Countess of Peterborough. Singer — ..1750 Robinson, Rev. Edward, D. d. American Philologist and Biblical Scholar i794- • 1864 Robinson, John. English Dissenting Clergyman i575 ■ • 1625 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 347 BORN. DIED, Bobinson, Mrs. Mary. Poetess 175^ • • ^^oo Bobinson, Richard, Lord Rokeby. Archbishop of Ar- magh. Benefactor ^7°9- -^794 Bobinson, Robert. Dissenting Divine. L. by Dyer, 1796 i73S • • 179° Bobinson, Tancred. Writer on Medicine and Nat. Philos. — ..1748 Bobinson, Rev. Thomas, of Cumberland. Naturalist ... — • -1719 Bobinson, Rev. Thomas, of Leicester. Life by Rev. E. T. Vaughan, 1815 1749. .1813 Bobison, John. Scottish Mathematician and Nat. Philos. 1 739 • • 1805 Bobortello, Francis. Italian Scholar and Antiquary ... 1 5 16. . 1567 Bob Boy Macgregor. Highland Freebooter 1660?. 1743 Bobson, Frederick. Actor — • • 1864 Bobson, George Fennel. Painter — . . 1833 Bobusti, Dominick. Painter 1562. . 1637 Bobusti, James. II Tintoretto 1512. .1594 Bobusti, Marietta, daughter. Portrait Painter 1560. . 1590 Boby, John, of Rochdale. ( Traditions of Lancashire) ... — . . 1850 Bocaberti, John Thomas de. Spanish Writer on Papacy 1624. . 1699 Bocca, Angelas. Italian Scholar and Theologian 1545 . .1620 Bochambeau, Donatien Mary Joseph, son of John Baptist 1750. . 1813 Bochambeau, John Baptist Donatien de Vimeur, Count de. Marshal 1725 • • 1807 Boche, Regina Maria. Novelist 1766. . 1845 Boehefort, Wm. de. {Refutation du Systeme de la Nature) 1731. .1788 Bochefoucauld, Francis, Due de la. (Maxims) 1613. . 1680 Bochejacquelein, Madame de la. L. tr. by Sir W. Scott 1772. • 1857 Bocbejacquelein, Henry la. Vendean Royalist 1772. . i794 Bochester, John Wilmot, Second Earl of. Courtier and Satirical Poet. L. by Bp. Burnet, 1680; Dr. Johnson 1647. .1680 Bochester, Lawrence Hyde, First Earl of. Lord Lieut. — ..1711 Bochon, Alexis Mary de." Fr. Astronomer and Navigator 1741 . . 1817 Bocbon de Chabannes, Mark Anthony Jas. Dramatist 1730. . 1800 Bockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquess of. Premier. Life by Lord Albemarle, 1852 1730. . 1782 Bodger, Alexander.' Scottish Poet 1784. . 1846 Bodgers, John. United States Naval Officer 1771 . .1838 Bodman, Isaac Peace. American General 1822. .1862 Bodney, Cassar. American Patriot 1 730 J'. 1783 Bodney, George Brydges, Lord. Admiral 1718. .1792 Bodolph I., of Hapsburg. Emperor of Germany (1272-91) 1218. .1291 Bodolphll. (1576-1612) 1552.. 1612 Bodriguez, Ventura. Spanish Architect 171 7. .1785 Boa, Sir Thomas. Statesman and Ambassador 1580?. 1644 Boebuck, John, M. D., of Carron. Ironmaster. Life by Smiles 1718. .1794 Boehr, John Frederick. German Theologian i777- • 1848 Boelas, John de las. Spanish Painter 1560. . 1625 Boemer, Olaus. Danish AstronoiTier 1644. . 1710 Boepel, Conrad. Dutch Painter 1679. .1748 Boestraeten, Peter. Dutch Portrait Painter 1627. . 1698 Boger I. Count of Sicily 1031 . . i loi Boger II., son. First King of Sicily io93- -1154 Boger, Joseph Louis, of Strasburg. Medical Writer — . .1761 Bogers, Benjamin. Musical Composer — aft.1685 348 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Kogers, Rev. George, of Sproughton. Theological Writer 1 741 . . 1835 Bogers, James Blythe. American Physician and Chemist 1803 , . 1852 Rogers, John. Protestant Martyr. Life by Chester, 1861 1500?. 1555 Rogers, Dr. John. Controversial Divine 1679 , . 1 729 Rogers, Samuel. Poet. {Recollections.) Life by self. .. 1763. .1855 Rogers, William, d. d. American Divine 1751 • • 1824 Rogers, Woods. Captain, R. n. Circumnavigator — . . 1732 Roghonan, Roland. Dutch Landscape Painter i597- • 1686 Rohan, Anne de. Reformer 1584^ 1646 Rohan, Henry, Duke of, br. Huguenot General. Writer 1579. . 1638 Rohan, Louis Ren«^ Edward, Prince of. French Cardinal 1734. . 1803 Rohault, James. French Philosopher and Mathematician 1620., 1675 Rohr, John Frederick. German Theologian 1777. . 1848 Rokewode, John Gage. Director of Society of Antiqua- ries. {History of Suffolk) 1786. .1842 Madame Manon Jane Philipon. RcDublican 1754- -1793 Roland, Madame Manon Jane Philipon. Republican Politician Roland, Philip Lawrence. French Sculptor 1746. . 1816 Roland d'Erceville, B. G. French Scholar and Politician 1 730 . . 1 794 Roland de la Platidre, John Mary. French Statesman 1732. .1793 Rolandino. Italian Historian 1200 . . 1276 Rolle, Dennis, m. p., of Devonshire. Colonizer of Florida 1725 . .1797 Rolle, Henry. Judge 1589. . 1656 Rolle, John, m. p., afterwards Lord. Colonel. Arbori- culturist; occasioaed the Rolliad 1751 • • 1842 Rolle, Michael. French Mathematician 1652 . .1719 RoUi, Paul Anthony. Italian Poet 1687 . .1767 Rollin, Charles. Historian 1661 . .1741 Rollo, Rou, or Raoul. First Duke of Normandy (911-27) — . . 931? Rollock, Robert'. First Principal of Edinburgh Universit}' 1 5 5 5 • • 1 598 Rolt, Richard. Historical and Miscellaneous Writer 1724?. 1770 Romagnosi, John Dominic. Italian Jurist 1 761 .. 1835 Romaine, Rev. William. Life by Rev. W. B. Cadogan. . 1714. .1795 Romana, Peter Caro y Sureda, Mqs. de la. Span. General 1761 . . 181 1 Romanelli, John Francis. Italian Painter 161 7. . 1662 Romanelli, Urban, son. Painter 1638 . . 1682 Romano, Julius. Italian Painter and Architect 1492. .1546 Romanoff, Mich. Fedorovitch. Emp. of Russia (1613-45). 1598. .1645 Romanus. Pope (897-98) —..898 Romanus I. Emperor of the East (919-44.). Lecapenus — . . 948 Romanus II. (959-963.) The Young 939. . 963 Romanus III. (1028-34.) Argyrus — . . 1034 Romanus IV. (1067-71. ) Diogenes — . . 1071 Romanzoff, Michael Paul, Count. Diplomatist 1753- • 1826 Romanzofif, Peter Alexandrovitch, Count, Russian Gen. 1730?. 1796 Romberg, Andrew. German Musical Composer 1767. . 1821 Romberg, Bernard Henry, cousin. Musical Composer. . 1767'.! 841 Rombouts, Theodore. Dutch Painter 1597 . 1637 or 40 Rome de I'Isle, John Bapt. Louis. French Mineralogist 1 736 . . 1 790 Romer, Glaus. Danish Astronomer 1644. .1702 Romilly, John, of Geneva. Mechanic and Horologist . . 17 14. .1796 Romilly, Sir Samuel. Lawyer i757- • ^818 Romney, George. Painter. Life by Hayley i734- • 1802 Romulus Augustulus. Last Roman Emperor of West. — aft. 476 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 349 BORN. DIED. Boncalli, Christopher. Pomerancio. Historical Painter 1552. .1626 Kondelet, Win. Phys. and Nat. {De Piscibus Marinis) 1507. .1566 Bonsard, Peter de. French Poet 1524.. 1585 Ronsin, Charles Philip. French Politician . .^ 1752 . . 1794 Koodtseus, John Albert. Dutch Portrait Painter 161 7. . 1674 Rooke, Sir George. Admiral 1650 . .1709 Rooke, Lawrence. Geometrician and Astronomer 1623. . 1662 Rooker, Michael Angelo. English Artist 1743 • • 18°^ Roome, Edward. Lawyer. _ Satirist. (Pasquin) — . .1729 Roomen, Adrian van. Adrianus Eomamis. Mathem.. . 1 561. .1615 Roore, James. Dutch Historical Painter 1686. . 1747 Roos, John Henry, of Ottenburg. Painter 1631 . . 1685 Roos, Philip Pete"r. Bosa di Tivoli. Flemish Painter. . . 1655. .1705 Roque, John de la. Writer of Voyages and Travels ... 1661 . .1745 Roq.uefort, John Baptist Bonaventura. {i!tat de la Poe- sie Franqaise) i •j'jj . . 1834 Roques, Peter. French Prolestant Divine 1685 . .1748 Rosa, Francis Martinez de la. Span. Statesman and Poet 1786. . 1862 Rosa, Salvator. Painter, Poet, Architect, Actor 1615 . . 1673 Rosa di Tivoli. Philip Peter Roos. Flemish Painter. . 165 5.. 1705 Rosalba, Carriera. Italian Miniature Painter 1675 . . 1757 Rosamond. Fair Rosamond. Daughter of Walter Lord Clifford; Favorite of Henry 11. of England — . .1177 Rosapina, Francis. Italian Engraver 1762. . 1841 Roscelin, of Compi^gne. Fr. Schoolman. Nominalist. — ..1106? Roscius, Quintus. Roman Actor .* — b.c. 62 Roscoe, Henry. {British Lawyers) 1800 . . 1836 Roscoe, James. Poet and Periodical Writer 1 791'. 1864 Roscoe, Robert. Poet. {Alfred) 1790.. 1850 Roscoe, WiUiam. Writer. {Life of Leo X.) 1753. . 1 831 Roscoe, W. S. Poet 1781..1843 Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of. Poet 1633'. 1684 Rose, George. Statesman and Political Writer i744- • 1818 Rose, Hugh James, b. d. Ed. of Parkhurst. {Biog. Diet.) 1795 . . ^^Z^ Rose, William. Bishop of Seniis. See Rossaeus 1542^ . 1602 Rose, William Stuart. Translator of Ariosto 1775?. 1843 Roseingrave, Thomas. Musician — • • 1 75o Rosellini, Hippolytus. Archaeologist 1800. . 1843 Rosen, Frederick Augustus. German Orientalist 1805. . 1837 Rosenmiiller, or Rosenmueller, Ernest Frederick Charles. {Scholia in Vetibs Testamentum) 1768. . 1835 RosenmuLLer, or Rosenmueller, John George. {HistoHa Interpretatlonis) 1736 . . 1815 Rosetti, Donate. Italian Mathematician — aft. 1678 Rosetti, Gabriel. Poet and Commentator on Dante 1783. . 1854 Rosewell, Thomas. Nonconformist Divine 1630?, 1691 Rosin, or Rosinus, John. German Antiquary 155^ • • 1626 Rosmini, Charles de. Italian Biographer 1758. . 1827 Rosmini Serbati, Anthony. Ital. Eccles. & Philosopher 1797 . . 1855 Ross, Alexander. Divine. ( Viryilius Evangelizans) . . . . 1590. .16^4 Ross, Alexander. Scottish Poet 1699. .1784 Ross, David. Actor — . .1790 Ross, George. American Patriot 1730- -1779 s. Admiral Sir James Clark. Arctic Navigator 1800. .i86a 350 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Ross, or Rouse, John. Antiquary of "Warwick — . . 1491 Ross, John. Bishop of Exeter. Writer — ..1792 Ross, Admiral Sir John. Arctic Navigator 1777- • 1856 Ross, Sir John Lockhart. Admiral 1721. .1790 Rossseus, or Rose, Bishop of Senlis. {De Justa Potestate) 1542?. 1602 Rosselli, Cosimo. Florentine Painter 1416. . 1484 Rossi, Bernard Mary de. Rubeis. ( Church of Aquihia) 1687-'. 1775 Rossi, Jerome, of Ravenna. {History of Ravenna) i539- • 1607 Rossi, John Charles Felix, K. A. Sculptor 1762. . 1839 Rossi, John Victor. Erythroeus. (Plnacotheca Iliustrium) 1 5 77 . . 1647 Rossi, Pellegrino, Count. Statesman and Writer 1787 . . 1848 Rossi, Rosso de', or II Rosso. Maitre Roux. Painter . . 1496. .1541 Rossljm, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of. Lord Chanc. 1733. . 1805 Rosslyn, James St. Clair Erskine, Earl of. Statesman.. 1762''. 1837 Rosso, II, of Florence. Maitre Roux. Painter. See Rossi 1496. .1541 Rostgaard, Frederick. Danish Writer 1671 . . 1745 Rostoptchin, Feodor, Ct. Russian Officer and Statesman 1765 . . 1826 Rosweide, Heribert. Dutch Jesuit. Eccles. Antiquary 1569. .1629 Rota, Bernardin. Italian Poet 1509- -1575 Rotari, Peter. Italian Portrait and Historical Painter. . 1707. . 1764 Rotgans, Luke. Dutch Poet. {Life of William III.). .. 16^^. .ly 10 Roth, John Rudolph. German Naturalist and Traveler. . 1815 . . 1858 Rothenhamer, John, of Munich. Painter 1564. . 1604 Rotheram, John, m. d. {Nature and Properties of Water) — . . 1787 Rotheram, Rev. John, of Houghton le Spring. Theol. — . . 1 788 Rothman, ChristopHer. Ger. Astronomer. ( On Comets) — . . 1 592 RothschUd, Mayer Anselm, of Frankfort. Banker 1743- -1812 Rothscliild, Nathan Mayer, son. Capitalist i777- .1836 Rotrou, John de. French Dramatic Writer 1609. . 1650 Rotteck, Charles Wenceslaus Rodecker von. Historian . 1775 . . 1840 Rottenhamer, or Rothenhamer, John. German Painter 1564. .1604 RoubUiac, Louis Francis. Sculptor 1695 . .1762 Rouclier, John Anthony. Fr. Poet & Writer. {Les Mois) 1745 • • ^794 Rouelle, Hilary Marinus. Experimental Philosopher .. 1718..1779 Rouelle, William Francis, brother. French Chemist. . . . 1703. .1770 Rouille, Peter Julian. French Jesuit. Writer 1681 . .1740 Rous, Francis. English Republican i579- • 1659 Rouse, or Ross, John. Antiquar}"-, of Warwick — . . 1491 Rousseau, Jaraes. French Pauiter 1630 . . 1693 Rousseau, John Baptist. French Lyric Poet 1670. .1741 Rousseau, John James. Jean Jacques. French Writer. {Confessio7is.) Life by V. D. Musset; Pathay; Bar- ruel de Beauvert 1712. .1778 Roussel, Peter. French Medical Writer 1742 . . 1802 Roussel, William. French Benedictine. Writer 1658. .1717 Rousselin de Oorbeau, Alexander Charles, Count de St. Albin. French Publicist. ( Vie de Hoche) 1773. . 1847 Routh, Martin Joseph, d. d. ( Reliquim Sacvos) 1755 .. 1854 Roux, Augustin. Fr. Physician. ( Typographical Annals) 1726. .1776 Rowe, Mrs. Elizabeth. Poetical and Prose Writer 1674. .1737 Rowe, John, of Tiverton. Nonconf. Div. {Love of Christ) — ..1677 Rowe, Nicholas. Poet Laureate. Translator of Lucan.. 1673. .1718 Rowe, Thomas. Nonconf. Div. ( The Christian's Works) — . . 1698? Bowe, Thomas. Poetical and Historical Writer 1687. . 1715 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 351 BORN. DIED. Bo-wlands, Henry. Welsh Antiquary. {Mona Restaurata) — ..1722 Rowlandson, Thomas. Caricaturist 1756. • 1827 Rowley, William. Dramatic Writer ti. Jas. I. Rowley, Wm., m. d. ( Scholcu Medicince Universalis Nova) 1743 • • 1806 Rowning, John. Mathematician and Divine 1699. . 1771 Roxana. Bactrian Princess ; wife of Alexander the Great — B.c.31 1 Roxburgh, Wm., m.d. Scottish Botanist. {Flora Indica) 1759. . 181 5 Roy, Anthony, Count. French Statesman 1764. . 1847 Roy, Julian le. French Horologist 1686. . 1759 Roy, Julian David le, son. Architect and Antiquary. . . . 1724. . 1803 Roy, Louis le. French Scholar.^ (Life of Budceus) — ..1577 Roy, Peter le. Horologist. , (Etrennes Chroiioinetriques) lyiy . .lyS^ Roy, Peter Charles. French Satirist and Dramatic Poet 1683. .1764 Roy, Wm. Maj.-Gen. {Antiquitiesof Romans in Britain) — ..1790 Royer-Collard, Peter Paul. Fr. Statesman and Philos. 1763. .1845 Royse, John. Popular Preacher. {SpiriVs Touchstone,). . — ..1663 Roz^e, Mademoiselle, of Leyden. Artist in Silk 1632. .1682 Rozier, Francis. French Botanist and Agriculturist i734- -1793 Rualt, or Rualdus, John. French Scholar 1580'' . 1636 Ruarus, Martin. Socinian Writer 1587''. 1657 Rubens, Albert. Antiquary 1614. . 1657 Rubens, Peter Paul. Painter. Life by Van Hassell 1577 . . 1640 Rubini, John Baptist. Vocalist i795 • • 1854 Rubruquis, or De Ruysbroeck, William. Traveler . . 1230 '.aft. 1293 Rucellai, Bernard. Italian Statesman, Historian, Poet. . 1449. .1514 Rucellai, John, son. Scholar and Poet. ( The "Bees) . . . 1475 . . 1525 Rudbeck, John. Swedish Bishop and Theologian 1581 . . 1646 Rudbeck, Olaus. Swed. Anatomist, Botanist, Antiquary 1630. .1702 Rudbeck, Olaus, son. Botanist and Orientalist 1660. .1740 Rudborne, Thomas. Bishop of St. David's. .......... — . .1442? Rudborne, Thos. Monk. {Historia Major Wintoniensis) — ..1450? Ruddiman, Thomas. Critic. L. by Geo. Chalmers, 1794 1674. .1757 Riidiger, Feodor Vasilievitch, Count. Russian General . . 1 780 . . 1 856 Ruding, Rev. Rogers. Antiquary. {Annals of Coinage) 1751. .1820 Rudolph I., or Rodolph, of Hapsburg. Emp. (1272-91) 1218. .1291 Rudolph II., or Rodolph. (1576-1612) 1552. .1612 Rue, Charles de la. Fr. Poet, Preacher, Classical Editor 1643. .1725 Rue, Charles de la. Fr. Benedictine. Editor of Origen 1684. .1739 Rueda, Lope de. Spanish Dramatist 1500?. 1564 Ruediger, Feodor Vasilievitch, Count. Russian General 1780. .1856 Ruel, John, of Soissons. Botanist. {De Natura Stirpium) 1479. .1539 Ruff head, Owen. Miscellaneous Writer I723^ 1769 Ruffl, Anthony de. French Lawyer and Historian 1607. . 1689 Ruffinus, Peter John Mary. French Diplomatist 1742. . 1824 Ruffo, Fabricius. Cardinal. Neapolitan Politician 1750''. 1827 Rufilius Numantianus, Claudius. Roman Poet. {Itine- rarium) fl. 414 Ruflnus. Chief Minister of Theodosius the Great — . . 395 Rufinus. Toranus. Ecclesiastical Writer 341'^- 4^° Rufus Ephesius. Greek Physician ti. Trajan Rugendas, George Philip. German Battle Painter 1666. .1742 Ruggle, George. Dramatic Satirist. {Ignorarnm), .. 1^7^.16210x2 Rugman, Jonas John. Icelandic Scholar. 1636. . 1669 Buhnken, David. Philologist 1723. .1798 352 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN DIED. Buhs, Frederick. German Historian 1780. . 1820 Buiaart, Thierry. Fr. Writ. (Acta Primwum Martyrum) 165 7 . . 1 709 Ruisch, or Ruysch, Rachel, of Amsterdam. Flower Faint. 1664. . 1750 Bxile, Gilbert, m. d. Nonconformist Divine 1623?. 1705 BiilMere, Claudius Carloman de. French Historian 1735. -1791 Biilland, Martin. German Medical Writer 1532?. 1602 Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count. American Natu- ral Philosopher and Philanthropist 1752. . 1814 E.umiantzoflE'. See Romanzoff. Kumohr, Charles Fred. Louis Felix von. Writer on Art 1785 . . 1843 Rumpli, George Everard. Botanist. {Herbarium Am- boinense) 1637 . . 1 706 Bumsey, James. American Inventor 1743?. 1792 Bunciman, Alexander. Scottish Painter 1736. .1785 Bunius, John. Swedish Poet 1679. . 1713 Bunjeet Singh. Chief of Lahore and Cashmere 1780. .1839 Bunnington, Charles. Law Writer 1751 • • 1821 Bupert, Prince, of Bavaria, nephew of Charles 1 1619. .1682 Buscelli, Jerome. Italian Scholar — . .1566 Bush, Benjamin, m. d. American Physician i745 • • ^^^3 Bush, Richard, son. Statesman and Diplomatist 1780. . 1859 Bushworth, John. {Historical Collections) 1607'. 1690 BusseU, Alexander, m. d. Scottish Physician at Aleppo. {Natural History of Aleppo) — . . 1770 Bussell, Benjamin. American Journalist 1761 . . 1845 Bussell, Edward, Earl of Orford. Admiral 1 651 .. 1727 Bussell, Francis, Duke of Bedford. Statesman and Agri- culturist 1765 . . 1802 Bussell, Michael, ll. d. Bishop of Glasgow. Writer. ( Connection of Sacred and Profane History) 1781 . . 1848 Bussell, Patrick, m. d. Phys. at Aleppo. ( On Plague) 1726. . 1805 Bussell, Rachel Wriothesley, Lady, wife of Lord William 1636?. 1723 BusseU, Richard, m. d. Writer on Sea Water — . .1768 Bussell, Lord William. Beheaded. Life by Earl Russell 1639. .1683 BusseU, WilUam, Fifth Earl, First Duke of Bedford. Royalist 1614. . 1700 BusseU, Wm., ll. d. {Mod. Europe.) L. by Irvine, 1801 1746. .1794 Bust, George. Bishop of Dromore — . . 1670 Butgers, John. Dutch Critic. {Varice Lectiones) 1589.. 1625 Butherford, Daniel, m. d. Natural Philosopher i749- • 1819 Butherford, SamueL Prof, at St. Andrew's. {Letters) 1600I .i66x Butherforth, Thomas, D. d. Archdeacon 1712. .1771 Butledge, Edward. American Statesman 1749- • 1800 Butledge, John, brother. Statesman and Jurist i739- • 1800 Buxton, George Frederick. Traveler 1820 . . 1848 Buysbroek, John. Divine, ov Ecstatic, Doctor. Mystic. . 1293?.! 381 Buysch, Frederick. Dutch Anatomist 1638. . 1731 Buysch, Henry, son. Anatomist. {Theatr'um Universale) — • '1727 Buysch, Rachel, of Amsterdam. Flower Painter 1664. .1750 Buysdaal, or Ruysdael, Jacob. Dutch Painter 1636. . 1681 Buyter, Michael Adriaenzoon de. Admiral '. . 1607 . . 1676 Byan, Lacy. Dramatic Writer 1694?. 1760 Bycaut, or Ricaut, Sir Paul. Traveler and Biographer. (B. A. 1650) — ..1700 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 353 BORN. DIED. Ryckaert, David. Dutch Painter 1615 . . 1677 Ryckaert, Martin. Dutch Landscape Painter 1591 . . 1636 Bycke, Theodore van. Dutch Critic 1640 . . 1690 Bycquius, Justus. Dutch Antiq. and Poet. {De Capiiolio) 1^87. .1627 Ryder, Sir Dudley. Lord Chief Justice 1691 . . 1 756 Ryder, Hon. Henry. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry 1778. .1836 Ryer, Peter du. Dramatist and Miscellaneous Writer. . . 1605. .1658 Ryland, John, D. D. Dissenting Minister. Writer — -.1792 Ryland, Wm. Wynne. Engraver; executed for Forgery 1732. .1783 Ryraer, Thomas. Critic and Antiquary. (Foedera) 1638?. 1713 Rysbraeck, John Michael. Dutch Sculptor 1694. .1770 Rysbraeck, Peter. Dutch Landscape Painter 1657 . . 1716 Ryves, Bruno. Chaplain to Charles I. Preacher — . . 1677 Ryves, Eliza. Irish Novelist. {Hermit of Srumdon)^ — .-1797 Ryves, Sir Thomas. Civilian. (Historia N'avalis Antiqua) — ..1651 Rzewusky, or Kzewiesky, Wenceslaus. Polish States- man and Writer 1705 . .1779 23 354 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. S. BORN. DIED. Sa, or Saa, Emanuel. Portuguese Jesuit and Divine. . . . 1530. .1596 Sa de Miranda, Francis. Portuguese Satirist and Poet 1495. .1558 Saad ed-deen, Mohammed Effendi. Turkish Historian — ••i599 Saadi, or Sadi. Persian Poet 11 75 or 6. 1291 Saadia, or Saadiah (ben Joseph). Jewish Philosopher, Poet, and Scholar 892?. 941 or 2 Saas, John, of Rouen. {Abridgment of Hist. Dictionary) 1703. .1774 Saavedra, Michael de Cervantes. See Cervantes i547- .1616 Saavedra Faxardo, Diego de. Span. Writer & Diplom. 1584. . 1648 Sabatai-Sevi. Jewish Impostor. . .• 1625 . . 1676 Sabatier, Anthony, of Castres. Writer 1742. .1817 Sabatier, Peter. French Benedictine. {LatinceVersiones) 1682.. 1742 Sabatini, Francis. Spanish Architect 1722. .1798 Sabbatini, Andrew. Andrea da Salerno. Neapolitan Painter 1480?. 1545? Sabbatini, Lorenzo. Lorenzin di Bologna. Painter.... — ..1577 Sabbatini, Louis Anthony, of Padua. Comp. and Writer 1739. . 1809 Sabellicus, Mark Anthony Cocceius. Italian Historian and Philologist 1436. .1508 Sabellius. African Bishop or Presbyter ; Heretic fi. 256-70 Sabeo, Faustus. Venetian Poet 1478^ 1558? Sabina, wife of Hadrian (100 ?-138?) — .. 138? Sabine, Joseph, f. r. s. Savant 1770. . 1837 Sabinianus, of Volterra. Bishop of Rome (604-6) — . . 606 Sabinus, Francis Floridus. Italian Writer. {Interpreta- tion of Civil Law) — . .1547 Sabinus, George. Schaller. German Latin Poet 1508. .1560 Sablier, Charles. French Writer 1693 . . 1785 Sabliere, Anthony de Rambouillet de la. French Poet. . 1615?. 1680 Sacchetti, Francis. Italian Novelist and Poet 1335?. aft. 1400 Sacchetti, John Baptist. Italian Architect 1736. .1764 Sacchi, Andrew. Italian Painter 1598. . 1661 Sacchini, Anthony Mary Gaspar. Ital. Musical Composer 1 735 . . 1 786 Sacchini, Juvenal, of Milan. Writer on Music 1726. .1789 Sacheverell, Henry, d. d. Tory Divine 1672''. 1724 Sachs, Hans. Shoemaker of Nuremberg. Dramatic Poet 1 494 . . 1 5 78 Sachtleevin, or Zachtleevin, Cornelius. Dutch Painter. 1612. . — Sachtleevin, Herman. Dutch Landscape Painter 1609. . 1685 Sack, Frederick Samuel Godfrey. German Theologian. . 1738. .1817 Sackville, Charles, Sixth Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. Wit and Poet 1637. .1706 Sackville, Edward, Fourth Earl of Dorset, k. g. Royahst 1590. .1652 Sackville, George, First Viscount. Soldier & Statesman 1716. .1785 Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst and Earl of Dorset. Statesman and Poet 1527. .1608 Sacrobosco. {De Sphmrd Mundi.) See Holywood — ..1256 Sacy, Anthony Isaac Sylvestre de. Baron. Orientalist. . 1758. .1838 Sacy, Louis de. French Advocate and Writer 1654. .1727 Sacy, Louis Isaac. LeMaistre. Jansenist; Transl. of Bible 1613..1684 Sade, Donatian Alfonso Francis, Count. Novelist 1740. .1814 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 355 BOEN. DIED. Sade, James Francis Paul Aldonce de. Abb4. {Life of Petrarch) 1705. .1767 Sadeel, Anthony. French Huguenot; Theologian 1534. . 1591 Sadeler, Giles. Engraver. ( Vestiges of Antiq. of Rome) 1570. .1629 Sadeler, John. Dutch Engraver i55o- • 1600 Sadeler, Raphael, brother. Engraver i555 • • 1616 Sadi, or Saadi. Persian Poet 1175 or 6. 1291 Sadler, John. Political Writer. ( Rights of the Kingdom) 161 5 . . 1674 Sadler, Michael Thomas. Philanthropist. (/reZanc?). .. 1780. .1835 Sadler, Sir Ralph. Statesman. Life by Sir W. Scott. . . 1507. . 1587 Sadler, William Windham. Aeronaut and Chemist 1796.. 1824 Sadolet, James. Italian Cardinal ; Writer i477 • -1547 Sadoleto, Paul. Italian Poet and Epistolographer 1508. . 1572 Saemund, Sigfusson. Icelandic Writer 1054?. 1 133 Safarik, or Schafarik, Paul Joseph. Antiq. & Philologist 1795 • • ^^^i Sage, Alain Rene le. Novelist. ( Gil Bias) 1668. .1747 Sage, Balthasar George. French Chemist 1740- • 1824 Sage, David le. French Poet. (Les Folies du Sage) — ..1650' Sage, John. Bp. of Edinburgh. L. by John Gillan, 1714 1652. .1711 Sagittarius, Caspar. German Historian and Antiquary 1643 . , 1694 Sagredo, John. Venetian Historian. {Ottoman Empire) i6i6''.aft.i69i Sahuguet Amazit, F. French General and Tactician. . 1713. .1783 Said ibn Batric. Eutychiiis. Arab. Phys. and Historian 876.. 940 Said Pasha, Mohammed. Viceroy of Egypt 1822. . 1863 Sailer, John Michael. Roman Catholic Theologian 1751 . . 1832 Sainct Paiile, Sir George. Benefactor 1562''. 1613 Sainctes, Claude de. Bp. of Evreux. ( On ike Eucharist) 1525 . . 1591 Saint Albans, Harriet Mellon, Duchess of. Actress 1775. .1837 Saint- Amant, Mark Anthony Gerard, Sieur de. Fr. Poet 1594. .1661 Saint- Amour, William de. Oppon. of Mendicant Orders . — ..1272 Saint-Andr6, John Bon, Baron. French Revolutionist and Administrator under Napoleon i749- -1813 Saint- Ange, Angelo Francis Parian de. Transl. of Ovid 1747. . 1810 Saint- Arnaud, James Achille Leroy de. Marsh, of France 1798. . 1854 Saint- Aubin, Gabriel James de. Fr. Painter & Engraver 1724. .1770 Saint- Aulaire, Francis Joseph de Beaupoil, Marquis de. Poet 1643. .1742 Saint Clair, Arthur. American General i735 • • 1813 Saint- Cosme, John de. French Monk. Lithotomist. 1703.aft.1763 Saint-Gyr, Lawrence Gouvion de. Marshal of France ; Military Writer 1764. . 1830 Saint-Oyran, Jean du Verger de Hauranne, Abb^ de. . . 1581. .1643 Saint-^fevremond, Charles de Marguetel de St. Denis, Lord of. Writer 1613. .1703 Saint-Foix, Germain Francis Poullain de. Dram. & Writ. 1698. .1776 Saint-Gelais, Mellin de. French Poet 1 491 .. 1559 Saint-Gelais, Octavian de. French Archbishop and Poet 1466. .1502 Saint-Genies, John de. French Poet 1607. .1663 Saint-George, Chevalier de. Violinist and Composer.. 1745.. 1799 Saint-Germain, Christopher. Seintgerman. English Law Writer. {Doctor and Student) — . . 1540 Saint-Germain, Claude Louis, Count de. Adventurer. {Memoirs) 1707. .1778 Saint- HUaire, Auguste de. Botanist. {Flora Brasilica) 1799. . 1861 356 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. Saint-Hilaire, Geoffrey Stephen. Naturalist and Anato- mist. Life by son 1772. Saint-Hyacintlie, Hyacinth Cordonnier de. Themiseuil 1684. Saint- John, Bayle. Writer 1822 . Saint-John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. Statesman and Writer. Life by Goldsmith 1678 . Saint- Just, Anthony Louis Leo de. Revolutionist 1768. Saint-Lambert, Charles Francis, Marquis de. French Soldier, Poet, and Writer '^1'i7- Saint-Leger, Bartholomew Mercier, Abb6 de. Bibliog- rapher , 1734- • Saint-Leger, Francis Barry Boyle. Writer i799- Saint-Leonard, Robeil Gifford, Baron. Lord Chancellor 1779. Saint-Marc, Chas. Hugh Lefebvre de. .Historical Writer 1698. Saint-Marc, John Paul Andrew des Rasins, Marquis de. French Lyric Poet 1728. Saint-Martin, John Anthony. Fr. Orientalist and Hist. 1791. Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de. Le Philosophe Inconnu. French Writer. {Error and Truth) i743- Saint-Maure, Charles de, Duke of Montausier {q. v.) ... 1610. Saint-Non, John Claude Richard de. ( Voyage Pitto- resque) 1727. Saint-Pavin, Denis Sanguin de. • French Poet — . Saint-Pierre, Charles Irdn^e Castel de. Abbd ; Philan- thropist. {Prqjetde Paix Perpetuelle) 1658 . Saint- Pierre, Eust. de, of Calais. Pensionary of Edw. III. — . Saint-Pierre, James Henry Bernardin de. French Au- thor. {Paid and Virginia) "^737 • Saint-Priest, Alexis de Guignard, Count. French Writ- er, {ffistoire de la Chute des Jesuiies) 181 5 . Saint-Priest, Francis Emanuel Guignard, Count de. French Statesman i735 • Saint-B.6al, Caesar Vichard de. Writer 1639. Saint-Simon, Claudius Henry, Count de. Philosopher; Founder of St. Simonianism 1760. Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duke de. (Memoirs of Louis XIV.) 1675 . Saint-Urban, Ferdinand de. Artist, Architect, Medalist 1654. Saint-Vincent, John Francis Fauris de. Medalist & Antiq. 1718. Saint- Vincent, John Jervis, First Earl of Admiral. Life by E. P. Brenton, 1830; J. S. Tucker, 1844 1734. Saint- Yves, Charles. French Oculist 1667. Sainte-Avdaire, Louis de, Ct. Fr. Statesm. and Diplom. 1778. Sainte-Beuve, James de. French Theologian 161 3. Sainte-Croix, William Emanuel Joseph, Baron de. Writ. 1746, Sainte-F6lix, Armand Philip Germain de. Marquis. French Admiral and Administrator i737- Sainte-Marthe, Abel de. Poet 1566. Sainte-Marthe, Abel Louis de, nephew. General of the Oratory. Fr. Theol. and Hist. {Orbis Christiamis) 1621. Sainte-Marthe, Denis de. French Theologian and His- torian. ( Gallia Christiana) 1650 . Sainte-Marthe, Gaucher de, or Scaevola. ( Geneal. Hist.) 1571 . . Sainte-Marthe, Louis de, twin-brother and Colleague . . 1571 • • A 3EIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 357 BORN. DIED. Sainte-Marthe, Sammarihanus^ Scaevola, or Gaucher de. Writer and Latin Poet ; 1536. • Sainte-Palaye, John Baptist de la Curne de. ( Chivalry) 1697. . Saladin. Sultan. Life by Abulfeda ; Bohadini, 1732, . . 1137.. Salario, Andrew, of Milan. Painter 1487 . . Saldanha Oliveixa, John Charles. Portuguese Statesm. 1791 . . Salden, William. Dutch Divine. { Otia Theologica) — .. Salej George. Orientalist. {Koran) 1680. . Sale, Sir Robt. Henry. Maj .-Gen. ; Defender of Jellalabad 1 782 . . Salerne, Francis, of Orleans. Physician and Naturalist — . . Sales, Francis de, St. Titular Bishop of Geneva. Devo- tional Writer. Life by MarsoUier ; Cotolendi 1567. . Sales, Louis de. Commander. Life by ^o^^ffi^r, 1708. .. 1577. . Salfl, Francis. Ital. Writer. Ed. oi Literary Hist, v^' Italy 1759. . Salian, or Sallian, James. French Jesuit. ( Ecclesiastical Annals of Old Testament) ^SS7- • Saliceti, Christopher, of Corsica. Fr. Administrat. in Italy 1757 Salieri, Anthony. Italian Musical Composer 1750 Salih ben Bahleh. Indian Physician at Bagdad , ti. 800? Salimbeni, Ventura. Bevilaqua. Italian Painter 1557 Salinas, Francis de. Spanish Writer on Music 1512'. Salisbury, Ela, Countess of — . . Salisbury, John of. Bishop of Chartres. Writer mo. . Salisbury, Margaret Pole, Countess of; beheaded — . . Salisbury, Robert Cecil, First Earl of. Statesman iSSo'^- Salisbury, Thomas de Montacute, Fourth Earl of; slain at Orleans — . . Salisbury, Wm. Welsh Lawyer; Transl. of the Liturgy — aft. Salisbury, William Longesp(5e, Earl of. Warrior — . . Salle, John Baptist de la. French Ecclesiastic 1651 . . Sallengre, Albert Henry de. Dutch Scholar 1694. . Sallet, Frederick von. German Poet 1812, . Sallo, Denis de. Originator of Literary Journals 1626. . Sallust. Roman Historian. L. by Dr.'Steuart; Dr. Rose 86.34 Salmasius, or Saumaise, Claudius. Universal Scholar. Life by Clement 1588 Salmeron, Alphonso. Commentator. Lifeby Ribadeneira 1516 Salmon, Nathaniel. Antiquary. {Lives of Bishops) ... . — Salmon, Thomas, brother. Historical Writer — Salmon, William. Empiric and' Writer — Salomon, Haym. American Financier 1740 Salomon, John Peter. German Violinist and Composer 1745 Salonina. Roman Empress, wife of Gallienus — , Salt, Henry. Consul-General in Egypt. L. by Halls, 1834 — Salt, W. Antiquary Salter, Rev. Samuel. Master of Charter-House School . . — Salutatio, Lino Coluccio Pierio. Scholar & Poet Laureate 1330 , Salvandy, Narcisse Achille, Count de. Political Writer 1796 Salvator Rosa. Painter, Poet, Architect, Actor 161 5 Salverte, Anne Jos. Eusebius Baconniere de. Fr. Writ. 1771 Salvi, John Baptist. Sassoferrato. Italian Painter 1605 , Salvi, Nicholas. Italian Architect 1699 Salviani, Hippolytus. Italian Physician and Naturalist. {History of Fishes) 1514. .11572 fi 559 861 694 736 845 760 622 654 832 640 809 825 613 690 263 180 541 612 428 567 226 719 723 843 669 B.C. %\ 742 743 700? 785 815 268 827 863 406 856 673 ^I 752 358 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Salvianus. Presbyter of Marseilles. (De Providentid) — . . 495? Salviati, II. Francis Rossi. Florentine Painter 1 5 10. . 1563 Salviati, Joseph. Porta. Venetian Painter i535 • -1585 Salviati, Leonard. Italian Dramatist and Critic i540- -1589 Salvini, Anthony Mary. Greek Scholar and Translator of Florence 1653. .1729 Salvini, Salvino. {Fasti Consolari delle^ Acad. Fioi'entina) 1667. .1751 Salzraanu, Christian Gotthilf. German Protestant Cler- gyman and Teacher 1 744 . . 181 1 Sambucus, John. Hungarian Scholar and Historian. . . 1531 . . 1584 Samerius, Henry, of Luxembourg. Jesuit. ( Chron. Sacra) 1540. . 1610 Sammarthanus. See Sainte-Marthe 1536. . 1623 Sampson, Thomas. Dean of Christ Ch. Puritan Divine 1517 . .1589 Samsoe, Olaus John. Danish Writer i759- • 1796 SaiQSon. Judge of Israel fl. 12th c. B.C. Samuel. Last of the Judges of Israel — bef 1060 b.c. Samwell, David. Surgeon with Captain Cook — . .1799 Sanadon, Noel Stephen. Translator of Horace 1676. .1733 Sanchez, Anthony Nunes Ribeiro. Port. Phys. & Philos. 1699. .1783 Sancliez, Francis. El Brocense. Grammarian. {Minerva) is^zt,. .1601 Sanchez, Francis. Physician. Commentator on Aristotle — 1632 Sanchez, or Sanctius, Gaspar. Jesuit. Commentator., 1553''. 1628 Sanchez, Thomas, of Cordova. Jesuit. { Monastic Voics) it^c^o. .1610 Sanchez de Arevalo, or Sanctius, Roderick. Spanish Bishop and Writer 1404. . 1470 Sancho, Ignatius. Literary Negro. Life by Jekj'U .... 1729. . 1780 Sanchoniathon. Phoenician Writer fl. 14th c? b.c. Sancroft, William. Archbishop of Canterbury (1677-89). Nonj urer. Life by Dr. G. D'Oyly 1616 . . 1693 Sanctius. See Sanchez. Sanctorius, Sanctorius, of Venice. {De Staticd Medicind) 1561 . . 1636 Sand, Charles Louis. Murderer of Kotzebue i795 • • 1820 Sandby, Paul, r. a. Artist 1 732 . . 1809 Sandby, Thomas, r. a., brother. Artist and Architect. . 1721. .1798 Sandeman, Robert. Scottish Sectary 1723. .1771 Sanders, Nich. Rom. Cath. Div. {Schismatis Anglicani) 1527?. 1580 Sanders, Robert. Scottish Novelist and Compiler 1729?. 1783 Sanderson, John. American Author 1783. .1844 Sanderson, Robert. Bp. of Lincoln. Walton, 1678 1587. .1663 Sanderson, Robert. Antiquary. Continuator of Rymer 1660. .1741 Sanderus, or Sander, Anthony. Flem. Topog. and Biog. 1586. . 1664 Sandford, Sir Daniel Ke^^te, d. c. l. Greek Professor . . — . . 1838 Sandford, Francis. Herald. {Genealogical Hist. England) 1630.. 1693 Sandini, Anthony. Italian Ecclesiastical Historian 1692.. 1751 Sandius, Christopher. Van den Sand. Prussian Unitarian 1644. .1680 Sandoval, Fray Prudencio de. Spanish Historian 1560''. 1621 Sandrart, Joachim von. Ger. Paint. {Acad. Artis Pictorice) 1606. .1688 Sands, Robert Charles. American Author i799- •1832 Sandwich, Edward Montagu, First Earl of. Naval Com- mander. Life by Cooke, 1799 1625 . . 1672 Sandwich, John Montagu, Fourth Earl of L. by Cooke 1718. .1792 Sandys, Edwin. Archbp. of York. L. by Dr.Whitaker 1519. .1588 Sandys, Sir Edwin. Envoy & Writer. {Europce Speculum) is,6i^.i62g Sandys, George, brother. Traveler and Poet i577- • 1644 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 359 BORN. DIED. Sanford, Nathan. American Statesman and Jurist i779- • 1838 Sangallo, Anthony. Sculptor, Architect, Agriculturist. . — ••i534 Sangallo, Anthony de. Italian Architect 1482? . 1546 Sangallo, Julian. Italian Architect I443- -1517 Sankaracharya. Sanskrit Theologian and Philosopher fl. 1000 Sanmicheli, Michael. Ital. Civil and Military Architect 1484. .1559 Sannazarius, or Sannazaro, James. Italian Poet. {De Partu Vir girds) 1458 . . 1 530 Sansevero, Raymond di Sangro, of Naples. Inventor and Discoverer 1710. .1771 Sanson, Adrian. Geographer — . .1718 Sanson, Nicholas. Geographer. Life by H. Sanson, 1863 1600. . 1667 Sanson, Nicholas, son. Geographer. {Europe) — . . 1648 Sanson, William, brother. Geographer — . .1705 Sansovino, Francis. Scholar and Printer. ( Venice). . . . 1521 . .1586 Sansovino, James. TatU. Sculptor and Architect 1479- -1570 Santa Cruz de Marzenado, Alvar de Navia Osorio, Marquis of. Spanish Soldier and Diplomatist 1687?. 1732 Santana, Peter. Ex-President and Gen. of San Domingo — . . 1864 Santander, Francis de Paula. President of New Granada 1 792 . . 1840 Santerre, Anthony Joseph. French Revolutionist 1752. .1809 Santerre, John Baptist. French Historical Painter 165 1. .1717 Santeul, Claude. French Ecclesiastic. Latin Poet 1627?. 1684 Santeul, or Santolius, John Baptist. Latin Poet 1630, .1697 Santi di Titi. Florentine Historical and Portrait Painter 1538 . . 1603 Sfintillana, Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, Marquis of. Span- ish Poet and Statesman 1398. . 1458 Santorio, or Sanctorius (g. v.). Italian Physician 1561 . . 1636 Sanuto, Marino. Torselto. Venetian Traveler — aft. 1329 Sanz, Augustine. Spanish Architect 1724. . 1801 Sanzio, Raphael. Raphael. Italian Painter 1483. .1520 Sapor I., or Shahpor. King of Persia (240-73) — . . 273 Sapor II. (310-81.) Postumm 310. . 381 Sapor III. (385-90) — . . 390 Sappho. Greek Poetess fl. 61 1-592 B.C. Sarah, wife of Abraham 1986 . 1859 B.C. Sarasin, or Sarrasin, John Francis. Fr. Poet and Writer 1603''. 1654 Saravia, Hadrian. English Divine ; Friend of Hooker. . 1531..1613 Sarazin, James. French Sculptor 1590- • 1660 Sarazin, John. French Marshal; served under England 1770. .1840? Sarbievius, or Sarbiewski, Matthias Casimir. Polish Poet 1595 . . 1642 Sardanapalus. King of Nineveh — . . 876? Sarjeant, John. Smith. Secular Priest. Controversialist 1621 ? . 1 707 Sarnelli, Pompey. Italian Prelate and Writer 1649. .1724 Sarpi, Paul. Father Paul. Theologian, &c. {Ccnincilof Trent. ) Life by Fulgentio, 1651 ; Sir H. Wotton ; Abp. G. Fontanini, 1803; A. Blanchi; Giovanni, 1836 1552. .1623 Sarrasin, John Francis. French Poet and Prose Writer 1603'. 1654 Sarti, Joseph. Italian Musical Composer 1730- • 1802 Sarto, Andrea Vanucci del. Painter 1488. .1530 Sartorius, Ernest William Christian. German Theologian 1 797 . . 1859 Sartorius, George Frederick Christopher, Baron von Waltershausen. German Historian 1765 . . 1828 Sassoferrato. John Baptist Salvi. Italian Fainter 1605 . . 1685 360 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Saul. First King of Israel (b. c. 1095-1055) — B.c.1055 Saumaise, or Salmasius, which see 1588. . 1653 Saumarez, or Sausmarez, James, Lord de. Admiral. Life by Sir John Ross, 1808 : . . 1757 . . 1836 Saunders, Sir Edmund. Lord Chief Justice. {Repwis) 1600?. 1683 Saunders, Prince. Attornej'-General of Hayti 1775?. 1840 Saunders, Richard. Astrological Writer — . . 1680 Saunderson, Nicholas, ll,. d., of Cambridge. Mathema- tician. {Algebra) 1682. .1739 Saurin, Bernard Joseph. French Dramatic Writer 1706. .1781 Saurin, Elias. Piedmontese Protestant Divine i^39- • 1703 Saurin, James. French Prot. Preacher. . L. bj' Robinson 1677. .1730 Savirin, Joseph. French Mathematician. Life by self . . 1659. . 1737 Saurin, William. Irish Lawyer 1767. . 1839 Saussure, Albertine Adrienne Necker de. Writer 1766. . 1841 Saussure, Horace Benedict de. Naturalist and Alpine Traveler. Life by Senebier 1740. .1799 Saussure, Nicholas de, of Geneva. Agricultural Writer 1709. .1790 Saussure, Nich. Theo. de. Chemist, Mineralogist, & Geol. 1767. . 1845 Sauvages, Francis Boissier de. Physician and Botanist 1706. .1767 Sauval, Henry, of Paris. (Hist, ana Antiquities of Paris) 1620?. 1670 Sauveur, Joseph. French Mathematician 1653. . 1716 Savage, Richard. Poet. Life by Dr. Johnson 1698. .1743 Savage, William. [Dictionary of Printing) 1 77i • . 1844 Savaron, John. French Critic and Political Writer 1550?. 1622 Savary> Anne John Mary Ren^, Dk. of Rovigo. Fr. Gen. 1774. • ^^3Z Savary, James. French Negotiator. ( Code Savary). . . . 1622. .1690 Savary, Nicholas. French Traveler. {Life of Marwmei ; Letters on Eyypt) i75o- .1788 Savary des Brulons, James. {Dictionnairede Commerce) 1657.. 1716 Saverein, Alexander. Fr. Mathematician & Philosopher 1720. . 1805 Savery, Roland. Flemish Painter 1576. . 1639 Savigny, Frederick Charles von. German Jurist. (^0- mischen Eechts) 1779 . , 1861 Savile, Sir George, Marquess of Halifax. Statesman.... 1630?. 1695 Savile, Sir George, Bart., m. p. Politician 1725 . .1784 Savile, Sir Henry. Found, of Professorships. ( Scriptores) 1 549 . . 1622 Savonarola, Jerome. Italian Reformer. Life bv J. F. Picus of Mirandola; J. S. Harford, 1837 ; J. A. Heraud, 1843; F. T. Perrens, 1854; Dr. R. R. Madden, 1855; Pasquale Villari, translated by L. Horner, 1863 , 1452. .1498 Savot, Louis. French Physician and Antiquary 1579?. 1640 Saxe, Maurice, Count of. Marshal of France. Life, 3 vols. 12mo, 1752; Espagnac 1696. .1750 Saxe-"Weiniar, Bernard, Duke of. General in Thirty Years' War 1600. . 1639 Saxo Grammaticus. Danish Historian ii34^- 1204? Saxonia, Hercules. Italian Medical Writer iSSi-* 1607 Say, John Baptist. Writer on Political Economy 1767. . 1832 Say, Samuel. Dissenting Minister. Poetical Writer 1675.. 1743 Say, Thomas. American Naturalist. L. by G. Ord, 1859 1787. . 1834 Scsevola, Quintus Mucins. Augur — B.C. 88? Scsevola, Quintus Mucius. Pontifex Maximus — B.C. 82 Scala, Alexandra. Scholar — . .1506 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 361 BORN. DIED. Scala, Bartholomew. Statesman. {History of Florence) 1424''. 1497 Scaliger, Joseph. Justus. (Z>e Emendatione.) Life by Bernays, 1855 1540. . 1609 Scaliger, Juliul Caesar. The Elder. (De Arte Poetica) 1484. .1558 Scamozzi, Vincent. Italian Architect 1552. .1616 Scanderbeg. George Castriota. Prince of Albania. Soldier. Life bv Marinus Barletius, 1537 ; Du Poncet ; C. Paganel, 1856 ; C. C Moore, 1850 1404. . 1467? Scapula, John. ( Greeh Lexicon) 1 540? . 1600 Scarborough, Sir Charles. Physician & Mathematician i6i6?.i693 Scarcellino, Lo. Hippolytus Scarsella. Italian Painter 1560. .1621 Scarella, John Bapt., of Brescia. Newtonian Philosopher 1 709 . . 1 779 ScargiU, W. P. Writer — . .1836 Scarlatti, Alexander. II Cavaliere. Italian Composer. . 1659''. 1725 Scarlatti, Dominic, son. Musical Composer 1683 . .1757 Scarlatti, Joseph. Musical Composer 1718. .1776 Scarlett, James, First Lord Abinger. Judge 1769. . 1844 Scarpa, Anthony. Italian Medical Writer 1748. . 1832 Scarron, Paul. Comic Poet. {Roman Comique) 1610?. 1660 Scaurus, Marcus ^Emilius. Consul and Censor 163. 89!" b.c. Schaaf, Charles. German Orientalist ' 1646. .1719 Sch.adow, John Geoffrey. Sculptor 1764. . 1850 Schadow, John Ridolfo, son. Sculptor 1786. . 1822 Schaefer, or-Schafer, Geoffrey Henry. Philologist 1764. .1840 Schaeffer, or Schaffer, Jacob Christian. German Philos- opher and Naturalist 1718. .1790 Schaeffer, or Schaffer, Peter. Printer — . .1502? Schafarik, or Safarik {q. v.), Paul Joseph. Slavic Writer 1795 . . 1^61 Schafei, Mohammed Ben Edris. Mohammedan Jurist. . 767.. 819 Schagen, Giles van. Historical and Portrait Painter . . . 1616. .1668 Schalcken, Godfrey. Dutch Painter 1643- .1706 Schall, John Adam. Jesuit Missionary in China 1591 • • 1669? Schank, John. Scottish Admiral and Naval Architect. . 1746''. 1823 Scharnhorst, Gebhard David von. German Soldier. . . . 1756. .1813 Schatten, Nicholas. Ger. Jesuit. {Historia Westpharm) i6oS. .1676 Schatz, George. German Critic 1 763 .. 1795 Schauffelein, or Scheuffelin, Hans Leonard. Engraver 1487^1550 Schedius, Paul. Melissus. German Latin Poet i539- • 1602 Schedone, or Schidoni, Bartholomew. Italian Painter. . 1560. . 1616 Scheele, Charles William. Swedish Chemist 1742. .1786 Scheemakers, Peter. Flemish Sculptor 1691 . .1773' Schefifer, Arnold. French Historical and Political Writer 1 796 • . 1853 Schefifer, Ary. Fr. Hist. Painter. L. by Mrs. Grote, 1860 1795 . . 1858 SchefPer, Henry. French Historical Painter i799'- 1862 Schefifer, Henry Theophilus. Swedish Chemist 1710. .1759 Schefifer, John. German Philologist and Antiquary 1621 . . 1679 Schegkins, James. German Theologian '. — . . 1587 Scheid, Everard. German Orientalist 1742 . . 1795 Scheldt, Balthasar. Ger. Talmudist and Biblical Writer 1614. . 1670 Scheldt, Christian Louis. Jurist. {Origines Guelphicce) 1709.. 1761 Scheiner, Christopher. Ger. Mathem. and Astronomer 1575. .1650 Schelhammer, Gonthier Christopher. Medical Writer. . 1649. . 1716 Scheller, Immanuel John Gerhard. German Philologist. {Latin-German Dictionary) 1735 . . 1803 362 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOKN. DIED. Sclielling, Frederick Augustus. German Novelist 1766. .1839 Sclxelliag, Frederick William Joseph. Ger. Metaphysician 1 775 . . 1854 Schellinks, Daniel. Dutch Landscape Painter 1633 . .1701 Schellinks, William, brother. Dutch Painter A .. . 1631 . . 1678 Schelstraate, Emanuel, of Antwerp. (Antiq. Ecdesice) 1649.. 1692 Schenck, John, of Grafenburg. Medical Writer 1531 . . 1598 Schenck, John George, son. Medical Writer at the Hague — . . 1620? Schenckius, John Theodore, of Jena. Medical Writer. . i6i9?.i67i Sch6rer, Bartholomew Louis Joseph. Fr. Republican Gen. 1747.. 1804 Scheuchzer, John James, of Zurich. Mathem. and Phj^s. 1672 . . i y;^;^ Scheuffelin, Hans Leonard. German Engraver 1487?. 1550 Schiavone, Andrew. Medula. Venetian Painter 1522. .1582 Schiavonetti, Louis. Italian Engraver in England 1765 . . 1810 Schickard, William. Astronomer and Orientalist. {Se- ries Regum Persice) 1592. . 1635 Schidoni, or Schedone, Bartholomew. Italian Painter. . 1560. .1616 Schill, Ferdinand von. Prussian Partisan Officer. Life by J. C. L. Haken, 1824; H. Doring, 1838 1776. .1809 Schiller, John Christopher Frederick von. Historian and Dramatic Writer. ( Thirty Years^ War.) Life by Do- ring; Mme. von Wolzogen; Hoflfmeister; Palleske, translated into English by Lady Wallace, 1859 ; Car- lyle ; Sir Bulwer Lytton I759- • 1805 Schilling, Diebold, of Soleure. ( Wars against Charles the Bold) fl. 15th c. Schiltberger, John, of Mimich. Traveler — . . 1405 Schiimnelpenninck, Mary Anne. {Fo7't Royal; Auto- biography) 1778. . 1856 Schiminelpenninck, Rutger John. Dutch Statesman.. 1761. .1825 Schinkel, Charles Frederick. Ger. Architectural Artist 1781..1841 Schlagintweit, Adolphus. German Savant and Traveler 1829. .1857 Schlatter, Michael. Missionary 1716. .1790 Schlegel, Augustus William von. ( Greek Drama) 1767. .1845 Schlegel, Frederick Charles William von, brother. {Phi- losophy of History) 1772. .1829 Schlegel, John Adolphus. Ger. Theologian and Preacher 1721 . . 1793 Schlegel, John Elias, br. Dramatic and Poetical Writer 171 8. .1749 Schlegel, John Henry, br. Danish Historiographer Royal 1 724 . . 1 780 Schleiermacher, Frederick Daniel Ernest, d. d. Ger. Divine, Philos. and Philol. L. by self (till 1794), 1851 1768. . 1834 Schleusner, John Frederick. Lexicographer i759- • 1831 Schlictingius, Jonas. Polish Socinian. Bib. Comment. 1596. .1664 Schlosser, Frederick Christopher. German Historian. . . 1776. . 1861 Schlozer, or Schloezer, Augustus Louis von. German Political and Historical Writer. ( History of Lithua- nia.) Life by C. von Schlozer, 1828 1737. . 1809 Schmauss, John James. German Historian and Publicist 1690 . . 1 747 Schmeitzel, Martin. German Historical Writer 1679. .1747 Schmeller, John Andrew. German Philologist 1785 • . 1852 Schmidt, Erasmus. Editor of Pindar. ( Concordance of Greek Testament) 1560. . 1637 Schmidt, George Frederick. Engraver 1712. .1775 Schmidt, John Andrew. German Lutheran Divine 1652. .1726 Schmith, Nicholas. Hungarian Jesuit. Hist. Writer. . —..1767 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 363 BORN. DIED. Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim, ll. d. American Author 1 823 . . Schneider, Conrad Victor. Ger. Physician & Anatomist 1610. . Schneider, John Christian Fredericlc. Musical Composer 1 785 . . Schneider, John Gottlob. Philologist and Naturalist . . 1750. . Schneider, Dr. John Gottlob. German Organist 1789. . Schnorr von Karolsfeld, Julius. German Painter 1 794 . . Schniirrer, Christian Frederick. {Biblioiheca Arabica) . . 1 742 . . Schoeffer, or SchofFer, Peter. Printer; Partner of Fust, . 1430^ Schoeraann, George Frederick. (Athenian Assemblies) . . 1793. • Schoepflin, John Daniel. Historical Writer 1694. • Schoettgen, Christian. Ger. Philol. {Horce Hebraicce) . 16S7 . . Scholefield, Rev. James, of Cambridge. Professor. Life by Mrs. Scholefield, 1855 1789. . Scholz, John Matthias Augustus. Philologist i794- • Schomann, George Frederick. {Athenian Assemblies). . 1793.. Schomberg, Frederick Herman, Ct. Gen. ; fell at Boyne 1615''. Schomberg, Henry, Count du. Marshal of France. .". . . 1583. . Schomberg, Isaac. Naval Officer. {Naval Chronology) -1- . . Schomburgk, Otto. Writer 1810. . Schomburgk, Sir Robt. Herman, br. Traveler and Nat. 1804. . Schon, or Schongauer, Martin. Painter and Engraver . . 1420?, Schoner, John. German Mathematician and Astrologer 1477. . Schoning, or Schonning, Gerard. Norwegian Writer . . 1722. . Schooekius, Martin. Dutch Critic and Miscel. Writer . . 1614. . Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, ll. d. Amer. Ethnol. & Auth. 1793. . Schoonfleld, John Henry. German Painter 1619''. Schoonjans, Anthony. Dutch Painter at Vienna 1655 . . Schoorel, or Schorel, John. Flemish Painter 1495 . . Schooten, Francis. Dutch Mathematician — . . Schopenhauer, Adele. German Writer — . . Schopenhauer, Arthur. German Philosopher 1788. . Schopenhauer, Johanna, wife. Authoress. Life by self 1770. . Schopflin, John Daniel. Historical Writer 1694. . Schorel, or Schoorel, John. Flemish Painter 1495 . . Schotanus, Christian. Frisian Historical Writer 1603. . Schott, Andrew. Dutch Jesuit. Philol. and Biographer 1552. . Schott, Gaspar. Jesuit. Experimental Philosopher. ... 1608. . Schottgen, Christian. Ger. Philologist. { Eorce Hebraicce) 16S7 .. : Schouw, Joachim Frederick. Danish Botanist 1789. . Schrevelius, Cornelius. (Lexicon) 1614'. 1664 Schroeckh, or Schrockh, John Matthew. Ger. Ch. Hist. 1733. Schroeder, or Schroder, Fred. Louis. Ger. Actor & Dram. 1 744 . Schroeder, or Schroder, John Joachim. Orientalist. . . . 1680. Schroeter, or Schroter, John Samuel. German Musician 1750. Schryver, or Scriverius, Peter. (Batavia lUustrata) 1576. Schubart, Christian Fred. Daniel. Ger. Poet & Musician 1739. Schubert, Francis. Ger. Musical Composer. (Xiet/er) . 1797. Schubert, Gotthilf Henry von. German Mystic 1780. Schultens, Albert. Hebraist and Biblical Commentator 1686. Schultens, Henry Albert. Hebraist i749- Schviltens, John Jacob. Orientalist 1716. Schultet, Abraham. Scultetus. Ger. ProtestanfDivine. 1556. Schulting, Anthony. German Jurist 1659. Schultze, Benjamin. Philologist 1761 • 863 680 853 822 864 822 502? 771 751 ?53 852 690 632 813 857 865 486 780 669 864 689 726 562 659 849 860 838 771 562 671 629 666 852 or 7 808 756 788 660 791 828 860 750 793 778 625 734 833 364 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Schulze, Ernest Conrad Frederick. German Poet 1789. . 181 7 Sch.ulze, John Henry. Anatomist and Scholar 1687. .1744 Schumacher, Henry Christian. Dutch Astronomer 1780. .1850 Schuraann, Robert. German Musical Composer i8i5''.i856 Schurmann, Anna Maria. German Scholar and Mystic 1607. .1678 Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel. Gei-man Writer 164 1 . .1708 Schuster, Ignatius, of Vienna. Comedian i779- -1835 Schut, Cornelius, of Antwerp. Painter 1600. . 1660 Schuur, Theodore van der. Dutch Painter 1628. , 1705 Schuyler, Philip. Amer. General. Life by Lossing, 1860 1 733 . .1804 Schwab, Gustavus. German Author 1792. . 1850 Schwab, Lamprecht. See Suavius 1506. .1565 Schwanhard, Geo. Lapidary at Prague and Nuremberg 1601 . . 1667 Schwanhard, George, son. Lapidary at Nuremberg ... — . . 1676 Schwanthaler, Louis Michael von. "German Sculptor. . 1802. .1848 Schwartz, Berthold. German Monk and Alchemist fl. 1340? Schwartz, Christopher. Painter 1550- -1594 Schwartzenberg, Chas. Philip, Prince. Austr. General 1771 . .1820 Schwartzenberg, Felix. Prince. Austrian Statesman 1800. .1852 Schwarz, Christian Fred. Missionary. L. by Pearson, 1834 1726.. 1798 Schwegler, Albert. German Theologian and Historian. 1819. .1857 Schweighaeuser, John. {Lexicon Herodotum) 1742. . 1830 Schweinitz, Lewis David von. Amer. Divine & Botanist 1780. .1834 Schwenkfeld, Caspar von. Religious Enthusiast 1490- .1561? Schwerin, Kurt Christopher, Count. Prussian General ; fell at Prague 1684. .1757 Schyndal, or Schendal, Bernard. Dutch Painter 1659. .1716 Scina, Dominic, of Palermo. Mathematician 1765 . . 1837 Scioppius, Caspar. German Philologist and Latinist. . . 1576 . . 1649 Scipio Africanus, Major. General in 2d Punic War . . b.c. 234. 183? Scipio AMcanus, Minor. General in 3d Punic War. . 185 . 129 b.c. Sclater, William. Poet and Historian — . . 1647 Scopas. Greek Architect and Sculptor ti. 395-350 b.c. Scopoli, John Anthony. Ital. Naturalist and Physician 1725. .1788 Scoresby, William. Arctic Navigator 1760 . . 1829? Scoresby, Rev. William, d. d., son. Arctic Navigator. Naval Writer. {Arctic Voyages; Discourses to Sea- men.) _ Life by R. E. Scoresby' Jackson, 1861 . . 1790. . 1857 Scorza, Sinibaldo, of Voltaggio. Painter and Engraver. . 1589 . . 163 1 Scot, Reginald. {Discoverie of Witchcraft) 1545 . .1599 Scott, Alexander. Scottish f'oet fl. 1562 Scott, Daniel, LL. D. Biblical Writer. {On the Trinittj) — ..1759 Scott, David. {History of Scotland. ) 1675 . .1742 Scott, David. Scottish Painter and Writer. Life by W. B. Scott, 1850 1806. .1849 Scott, Sir Francis Edward. Writer on Art — . . 1863 Scott, Helenus, M.D. Scot. Phys. {Adventures of a Rtipee) — ..1821 Scott, Rev. James. English Pulpit Orator and Politician 1733. .1814 Scott, Rev. John, d. d. English Divine. ( Christian Life) 1638. .1694 Scott, John. Quaker, of Am well. Poet i739- • 1783 Scott, John. Writer. ( View of Paris) — . . 1821 Scott, John, Lord Eldon {q. v.). Lord Chancellor 1751 • • 1838 Scott, Sir Michael. Occult Philosopher — . . 1291 ? Scott, Michael. ( Tom Cringle'' s Log) 1789. . 1835 Scott, Samuel. Landscape Painter — . .1772 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 365 BORN. DIED. Scott, Rev. Thomas. Commentator. Life by gon 1747 . . 1821 Scott, Sir Walter. Novelist and Poet. Life by Lockhart 1771 . . 1832 Scott, William, Lord Stowell (q. v.). Admiralty Judge. 1745. .1836 Scotti, Marcellus Eusebius. Neapolitan Writer 1742. . 1800 Scotus, John. Erigena. Schoolrhan — . . 875? Scotus, John Duns. Schoolman 1265?. 1308 Scougal, Henry. Scot. Divine. {Life of Godin the Soul) 1650 . . 1678 Scribe, Augustine Eugene. French Dramatic Writer. . . 1791 . . 1861 Scriverius, or Schryver, Peter. Dutch Historical Writer 1576. . 1660 Scroggs, Sir William. Lord Chief Justice — . . 1683 Scrope, of Masham, Henry, Ld. ; beheaded for Conspiracy' — .-1415 Scrope, Richard. Abp. of York (1398-1405). Beheaded —..1405 Scudder, John, m. d. American Missionary i793- -i^SS Scud6ry, or Scud^ri, George de. Fr. Poet and Dramatist 1601 . . 1667 Scud6ry, Mdlle. Magdalen de, sister. French Romancist 1607 . . 1701 Scultetus, Abraham. German Protestant Divine 1556- .1625 Scultetus, or Schultz, John. Dutch Surgeon 1595 . . 1645 Scylitzes. Byzantine Historian fl. 1080 Seabury, Samuel, d. d. American Divine; Bishop 1729. .1796 Sealsfleld, Charles. American Novelist 1797?. 1864 Seaton, Sir John Colborne, Lord. Field Marshal. Gov- ernor-General of Canada i779- -1863 Seaton, Rev. Thomas. Founder of Prize — ••1741 Seba, Albert. Dutch Naturalist 1665 . . 1736 Sebastian, St. Roman Martyr 255?. 288 Sebastian. King of Portugal (1557-78). Warrior 1554. .1578 S6bastiani, Horace Francis, Count. Fr. Gen. and Diplom. 1776. . 1851 Sebastiano del Piombo. Italian Painter 1485 . . 1547 Seber, Wolfgang. Ger. Philosopher and Divine, (/wrfea;) 1573. .1634 Sebizus, John Albert. Medical Writer 1615 . . 1685 Sebizus, or Sebisch, Melchior, of Strasburg. Med. Writer 1 5 78 . . 1674 Sebonde, Raymond de. Philos., Physician, Theologian — ••1432 Seckendorf, Frederick Henry, Ct. Gen. and Diplomatist 1673. .1763 Seekendorf, Vitus Louis von. Ger. Statesman and Hist. 1626. . 1692 Seeker, Thomas. Archbishop of Canterbury (1758-68). Life by Bishop Porteus 1693 • -1768 Secousse, Denis Francis. French Historical Writer 1691 . .1754 Secundus, Johannes. John Everard. Dutch Statesman ; Latin Poet 1511..1536 Securis, John. English Physician and Writer fl. 1580 S6daine, Michael John. French Dramatic Writer 1719- -1797 Sedano, John Joseph Lopez de. Spanish Antiquary. (Parnaso Espanol) 1 729 . . 1801 Sedgwick, John. American General 181 5?. 1864 Sedgwick, Theodore. American Statesman and Jurist. 1746. .1813 Sedgwick, Theodore, son. Lawyer and Writer 1780. . 1839 Sedgwick, Theodore, son. Lawyer and Writer 1811 . . 1859 Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dorchester — . . 1692 Sedley, Sir Charles. Wit, Courtier, and Poet 1639?. 1 701 Sedulius, Caius Caelius, of Rome. ( Carmen Paschale). . fl. 5th c. Seed, Rev. Jeremiah. Divine. {Sermons) — ••i747 Seetzen, Ulric Jasper. German Traveler and Naturalist 1767. .1811 Sefstroem, or Sefstrom, Nils Gabriel. Swedish Chemist 1787. .1854 Segar, Sir Wm. Herald. {Honor, Civil and MUiiary). . — -.1633 Sogers, Daniel. Dutch Painter 1590 • • 1660 866 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Sogers, or Seghers, Gerard, brother. Painter 1589. . 165 1 Segneri, Paul. Italian Preacher. Life by Maffei 1624. . 1694 Segni, Bernard. Italian Historian — • • ^f 55^ Segrais, John Regnault de. French Poet and Novelist . 1624. .1701 S6gvder, Anthony Louis. French Judge and Statesman 1726.. 1792 Siguier, John Francis. French Botanist and Medalist. , 1703. .1784 Siguier, Peter. President of the Parliament of Paris. . . 1504. . 1580 Siguier, Peter. President of the French Academy 1588. .1672 S6guier, Wm. Virtuoso. Keeper, British Institution. . 1772. .1844 S6gur, Joseph Alexander, Viscount de. French Writer 1756. .1805 S6gur, Louis Philip, Count de. Diplom. and Hist. Writer 1 753 .. 1830 S6gur, Philip Henry, Marquis de. Marshal of France. . . 1724. . 1801 S6giir, Philip Paul, Count de. General of Bonaparte . . . 1780. . — Seignette, Peter. Apothecary at Rochelle. Inventor of Seignette's Salt — . .1719 Sejanus, ^lius. Roman Statesman — . . 31 Selden, John. Lawyer and Statesman. Life by Wilkins, 1726; Dr. J. Aikin, 1773; G. W. Johnson, 1835 1584. .1654 Seleucus. Nicator. 1st King of Syria (b. c. 312-280) 358?. 280 b.c. Seleucus. Callinicus. Fourth King (b. c. 246-226) — B.c.226 Seleucus. Ceraunus. Fifth King (b. c. 226-223) — B.c.223 Seleucus. Philopator. Seventh King (b. c. 187-175) 222?. 175 b.c. Selim I. Sultan of Turkey (1512-20). Conq. of Egypt 1467 . . 1520 Selimn. (1566-74) ."... 1552?. 1574 Selim III. (1789-1808) 1761..1808 Sells, Nicholas Joseph. French Poet i737- • 1802 Selkirk, Alexander. Scottish Seaman and Adventurer. . 1676''. 1723 Selle, Christian Theophilus. German Medical Writer. . . 1748. .1800 Seller, Abednego. Nonjuring Divine 1647' . 1720? Sellius, Godfrey. Dutch Historian and Geogr. Writer. . — ..1767 Sellon, Baker John. Lawyer. (Analysis qfPractice) .. 1762. .18;^^ Selva, John Anthony. Italian Architect i753- • 1819 Selwyn, George Augustus. Life by J. H. Jesse, 1843 . . 1 719. .1791 Selwyn, William, q. c. {Nisi Pnus) 1775 . . 1855 Semirainis. Queen of Assyria 1 . fl. b.c. 1250 Semler, John Solomon. Lutheran Divine 1 725 . . 1 791 Semple, Robert Baylor. Amer. Clergyman and Writer . . 1 769 . . 1 831 S6nac, John Baptist. French Medical Writer 1693. .1770 Senancour, Stephen Pivert de. French Writer 1770. .1846 Senavilt, John Francis. Preacher and Moral Writer 1599. .1672 Senebier, John. Natural Philosopher and Historian 1742. .1809 Seneca, L. Annseus. Philosopher. L. by Rosmini, 3793 — .. 65 Seneca, Marcus Annasus. Roman Pleader and Orator b.c.58?.a.d.32'' Senecai, or Senece, Anthony Bauderon de. French Poet 1643. .1737 Senefelder, Aloys, of Munich. Inventor of Lithography 1771. .1834 Senior, Nassau William. Political Economist 179°. . 1864 Sennamont, H. Harran de. Mineralogist 1808?. 1862 Sennertus, Daniel. German Medical Writer 1572. . 1637 Seppings, Sir Robert. Naval Architect 1768. . 1840 Sepulveda, John Genesius de. Spanish Historian 1491 . .1573 Serarius, Nicholas. French Jesuit; Commentator i545- -1610 Serassi, Peter Anthony. Italian Biographer 1721 . .1791 Sergardi, Louis, of Sienna. Quintus Sectanus. Lat. Poet 1660. .1726 Sergeant, John. American Jurist i779- • 1852 Sergei, John Tobias. Swedish Sculptor 1 74° • • 1814 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 367 BORN. DIED. Sergius. Patriarch of Constantinople (610-39). Mo- nothelite — . . 639 Sergius I. Pope. (687-701) 630?. 701 Sergius II. (844-47) — . . 847 Sergius III. (905-12) — . . 912 Sergius IV. (1009-12.) Peter Buccaporci — . . 1012 Serle, Ambrose. Devotional Writer 1741 ''. 1812 Serlio, Sebastian. Italian Architect 1475 . . 1552 Serres, John de. Serranus. Protestant Divine and Hist. 1540^.1598 Serres, Olive. Princess of Cumberland 1772. . 1834 Serres, Oliver de. French Agriculturist i539- • 1619 Sertorius, Quintus. Roman Naval Commander 121 -'.72 B.C. Servandoni, John Jerome. Italian Architect and Painter 1695 . .1766 Servetus, Michael. Spanish Scientific and Theological Writer. Life by Mosheim ; AUwoerden, 1728 ; Chaufe- pie, translated by James Yair, 1771 ; Trechsel, 1839 ; Drummond, 1848 1509. .1553 Servius, Maurus Honoratus. Commentator on Virgil ... end of 4th c. Sesostris. King of Egypt fl. b.c. 1500? Sestini, Dominic. Italian Numismatist 1750?. 1832 Seton, Eliza Ann. Founder of Sisters of Charity in U. S. 1774. . 1821 Settle, Elkanah. Poet 1648. .1724 Sevajee. Bosla. Founder of the Mahratta Empire 1627.. 1680 Severino, Marcus Aurelius. Neapolitan Physician 1580.. 1656 Severinus. Pope (640) — , . 640 Severus, Alexander. Roman Emperor (222-35) 205 . . 235 Severus, Cornelius. Roman Poet. {jEtna) fl. ti. Augustus Severus, Lucius Septimius. Roman Emperor (193-211). 146.. 211 Severus, Sulpicius. Ecclesiastical Historian 363?.aft.4io S6vign6, Mary de Rabutin - Chantal, Marchioness de. {Letters.) "^Life by Baron Walckenaer, 1820; J. A. Aubenas, 1842 1626. .1696 Sevin, Francis. French Scholar and Collector of MSS. . . 1682 . . 1 741 Seward, Anna. Poetess. {Letters.) Lifeby Walter Scott 1747. .1809 Seward, Rev. Thomas. Divine and Poet 1708. .1790 Seward, William. Biographer. {Biographiana) i747- -1799 Seward, William Wenman. ( Topographia Hibernica). . fl. 1795 Sewell, George. Physician and Poet — . .1726 Sewell, Dr. Richard Clare. Writer on Law 1804?. 1864 Sewell, William. {History of the Quakers) 1650''. 1725? Sextus Empiricus. Greek Physician fl. 3d c? Sey dlitz, Frederick William, Baron de. Prussian General 1 722 . . 1 773 Seymour, Lady Arabella (Stuart) 1575?. 1615 Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset. Protector — . .1552 Seymour, Jane. Queen of Henry VIII — . .1538 Seymour, Robert. Caricaturist — . . 1836 Seymour, Thomas, Lord. Lord High Admiral — . .1549 Seyssel, Claude de. Fr. Historical and Political Writer 1450?. 1520 Sfondrati, Francis. Italian Cardinal ; Poet and Writer. 1493.. 1550 Sforza, Francis Alex., Duke of Milan. L. by Decembrio 1401 . .1466 Stbrza, Galeas Mary, son, Duke of Milan. Assassinated 1444. .1476 Sforza, Giacomuzzo Attendolo. The Great. Ital. General 1339.. 1424 Sforza, Louis. II Moro — .,1510 'SGravesande, or Gravesande, William James van. Dutch Mathematician 1688. . 1742 368 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIKD. Shadwell, Sir Lancelot. Vice-Chancellor i779- .1850 Shadwell, Thomas. Dramatist and Poet Laureate 1640. .1692 Shafei. Mohammedan Doctor 767 . . 819 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of. States- man. Life by G. H. Cooke, ed. by Kippis and Martin 1621 . . 1683 ShLaftesbury, Anthony Ashley' Cooper, grandson, Third Earl of. Writer. ( Characteristics) 167 1 . .1713 Shah- Alum I. Mogul Emperor of India (1707-12) 1642'. 1712 Shah- Alum JI. (1759-1806) 1719?. 1806 Shah-Jehan. Mogul Emperor of India (1627-66) 1593?. 1666 Shakespear, John. Orientalist i774- • 1858 Shakespeare, Shakspeare, or Shakspere, William. Life by Rowe, 1709; F. Gentleman, 1774; Moratin (in Spanish), 1795; A. Chalmers, 1805 ; Wheler,1806; J. Britton, 1814; Drake, 1817; Malone, 1821; Guizot, 1821, and enlarged, 1851; Skottowe, 1824 (also in German same year); Buchon (in Dutch), 1824; C. H. Wheeler, 1824; MoncriefF, 1824; Meyer (in German, also in French), 1825; Harvev, 1825; Symmons, 1826 ; Havard, 1834; Harness, 1836; T. Campbell, 1838; Villemain, 1840; Collier, 1841, enlarged 1858 ; Pichot, 1841; Knight, 1842, enlarged 1850, &c., re-edited 1866; Procter, 1843; Verplanck, 1847; Halliwell, 1848; P. Chasles, 1851; Hudson, 1852; Sillig, 1854; Huelsmann, 1856 ; Llovd, 1856 ; Dyce, 1857 ; Staun- ton, 1858; Neil, 1861; "FuUom, 1862; Kenny, 1864; R. G. White, 1865 1564. . 1616 Shakhovsky, Alex. Alexandrovitch, Pr. Russian Dram. 1777.. 1846 Shallum. King of Israel (b. c. 770) — B.c.770 Shamoul, or Samoul. Jewish Mathematician and Phys. — 1201 or 2 Sharp, Abraham. Mathematician and Astronomer 165 1 . .1742 Sharp, Daniel, d. d. American Divine 1783. . 1853 Sharp, Granville. Abolitionist. L. by Prince Hoare, 1820 1735 • -1813 Sharp, James. Archbishop of St. Andrew's. Assassinated 1618. .1679 Sharp, John. Abp.ofYork. L. by Dr. Thos. Sharp, 1829 1644.,! 714 Sharp, Richard. Conversation Sharp. Critic i759- • 1835 Sharp, Samuel. Surgical Writer — . .1776 Sharp, Thomas, d. d. Divine and Hebraist 1693?. 1758 Sharp, Thomas. Antiquary. ( Coventry Mysteries) 1770. . 1841 Sharp, William. Engraver 1 749 . . 1824 Sharpe, Daniel. Geologist 1806. . 1856 Sharpe, Gregory, D. D. Divine and Orientalist. {Hebrew Lexicon) 1713. .1771 Sharroch, Robert, ll. d. ( On Vegetables; De Officiis). . — . . 1684 Shaw, Cuthbert. Poet 1738?. 1771 Shaw, Emanuel. Ejected Nonconformist. (Immanuel). 1635.. 1696 Shaw, George, m. d. Naturalist. ( General Zoology) . . . 1751 . . 1813 Shaw, Lemuel, ll. d. American Jurist 1781 . . 1861 Shaw, Sir James, m. p. Lord Mayor of London 1764. . 1843 Shaw, Peter, m. d. Medical Writ. {Lessons on Chemistry) 1695 . . 1763 Shaw, Stebbing. ( History of Staffordshire) 1 762 . . 1802 Shaw, Rev. Thomas. Traveler in the East 1692?. 1 751 Shaw, Thomas Budd. English Writer at Petersburg . . . 1813. . 1862 Shays, Daniel. Leader in Shay's Rebellion 1740- • 1825 Shea, Daniel. Orientalist 1772. . 1836 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 369 BORN. DIED. Shea, John Augustus. Novelist — . . 1845 Shebbeare, John. Physician and Political Writer 1709. .1788 Shee, Sir Martin Archer. President of the Royal Acad- emy. Painter and Poet. Life by his son, 1860 1770. . 1850 Sheepshanks, John. Founder of Sheepshanks Gallery . 1787?. 1863 Sheepshanks, Rev. Richard. Astronomer i794- • ^^55 Sheepshanks, Rev. William. Scholar 1740- .1810 Sheffield, John, Earl of Mulgrave, Duke of Bucks. Poet 1649. .1721 Shell, Richard Lalor. Statesman, Author, and Orator. Life by McNevin, 1815; Torrens W. McCulloch, 1855 1794. .1851 Shelburne, Wm. Petty, E. of. Premier. Mqs. Lansdowne i Tyj . . 1805 Shelby, Isaac. American Revolutionary Officer 1750- .1826 Sheldon, Gilbert. Archbishop of Canterbury (1663-77) 1598. .1677 Sheldon, Ralph, of BesleT. Antiquary — . . 1864 SheUey, George. Penman 1666?. 1736 Shelley, Mrs. (Mary Wollstonecraft). Writer i797- • 1851 SheUey, Percy Bvs"she. Poet. Life bv C. S. Middleton; Hogg, 1838 ; Capt. T. Medwin, 1847 1792. . 1822 Shenstone, William. Poet. Life by Greaves 1714- • ^7^3 Shepard, Rev. Samuel. American Controversialist 1739. .1815 Shepard, Rev. Thomas. American Theological Writer. 1605. .1649 Sheppard, Jack. Burglar; executed — . .1724 Shepreve, or Shepery, John. Latin Poet and Scholar. . 1509''. 1542 Sherard, or Sherwood, William. Botanist 1659. .1728 Sherburne, Sir Edward. Poet. (Manilius) 1618. .1702 Sheridan, Frances. Novelist and Dramatist 1724. .1766 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler, son, m. p. Wit, Dram- atist, and Politician. L. by T. Moore ; Watkins, 1817 1751 . . 1816 Sheridan, Thos., d. d. Friend of Swift. Transl. of Persius 1684. .1738 Sheridan, Thos., son. Actor and Writ. {Life of Swift) 1721 . . 1788 Sherif-ed-deen. Persian Historian fl. 1424 Sherley, Sir Thomas. Traveler and Knight-errant 1564. . — Sherlock, Richard, d. d. Divine. {Practical Christian) 1613. .1689 Sherlock, Thomas. Bishop of London (1748-61) 1678. . 1 761 Sherlock, Wm., d. d. Dean of St. Paul's. ( On Death) 1641^.1707 Sherman, Roger. American Statesman 1721 . .1793 Sherwin, John Keyse. Engraver 1751 ?. 1790 Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Martha. Writer. Life by self. . . 1775 .. 185 1 Shew, Joel, m. d. Hydropathist and Writer 1816. .1855 Shield, William. Dramatic and Musical Composer i754- • 1829 Shipley, Jonathan. Bp. of St. Asaph. Divine and Poet 1 714. .1778 Shipley, Wm. Davies. Dean of St. Asaph. {Dialogue) 1745. -1826 Shirley, Sir Anthony. Traveler 1 565 • 1630 or i Shirley, James. Dramatic Poet 1596. . 1666 Shirley, Robert. English Traveler settled in Persia 1564. .1627 Shirley, Thomas. Medical Writer. { Cochlearia Curiosa) i6sS. .167S Shirley, Walter Augustus. Bishop of Sodor and Man (1846-47). Life by Archdeacon Hill, 1849 1797. . 1847 Shlshkoff, Alex. Semenovitch. Russ. Adm. andStatesm. 1754. .1841 Shokhnah, Ibn. Mohammedan Writer — ..1478 Shore, Jane. Mistress of Edward IV fl. ti. Edward IV. Shore, John, Ld. Teignmouth. Gov.-Gen. L. by son, 1843 1751 . . 1834 Short, James. Natural Philosopher and Optician 1 710. . 1768 Short, Thomas, M.p. Medical and Meteorological Writer — . .1772 Shovel, Sir CloudeSley. Admiral 1650? . 1 707 24 370 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Shower, Sir Barthol. Lawyer. ( Cases in Parliament) .. — . . 1701 Shower, John, brother. Puritan Divine 1657. .1715 Shrapnel, Henry. Lieut-General. Inventor of Shell. . — ..1843 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of. Statesman 1660. .1717 Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Hardwicke, Countess of 1519- .1608 Shrewsbury, John Talbot. First Earl of. 1373 . . 1453 Shubrick, John Templar. American Naval Officer 1778. . 181 5 Shuckburgh Evelyn, Sir Geo. Class, and Math. Scholar 1750 i . 1804 Shuckford, Rev. Samuel. Historian — . . 1754 Shute, Josias. Archdeacon. {Sermons on Gen. XVI.) . . — ..1643 Shuter, Edward. Comic Actor — • • 1 776 Shuttleworth, Philip Nich. Bp. of Chichester (1840-42) 1782. .1842 Sibbald, Sir Robert. Physician, Naturalist, Antiquary. . 1643?. 1712? Sibbs, or Sibbes, Richard. Puritan Div. (jBrwiserfiJeec?) 1577. .1635 Sibly, Manoah. Pastor of New Jerusalem Society i757- • 1840 Sibour, Marv Dominic Augustus. French Prelate 1792. . 1857 Sibrechts, John. Dutch Painter. 1625 . . 1703 Sibthorp, John, m. d. Botanist and Traveler 1758. .1796 Sieard, Claude. Jesuit Missionary to the East 1677. .1726 Sicard, Roch Ambrose Cucurron, Abbe. Teacher of the Deaf and Dumb ^742. .1822 Siciolante, or Da Sermoneta, Jerome. Italian Painter. . 1504. .1550 Sickingen, Francis von. German General. Lutheran. . 1484. .1523 Siddons, Mrs Sarah (Kemble). Actress. Life by Camp- bell, 1834 ■. 1755 . . 1831 Sidmouth, Henry Addington, First Viscount. States- man. Life by Dean of Norwich, 1847 1755 • • ^^44 Sidney, Algernon. Republican ; beh. L. by Meadley, 1813 1622. .1683 Sidney, Henry, k. g. Statesman — . .1586 Sidney, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, " Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother," — . . 1621 Sidney, Sir Philip. Statesman, Poet, Soldier. {Arcadia.) Life by Sir F. Grevile, Lord Brook, 1652; Dr. Zouch, 1808; W. Grav, 1829; Julius Lloyd, 1862; H. R. F. Bourne, 1862 .' 1554. . 1586 Sidonius, Caius Sollius Apollinaris Modestus. Latin Poet 431''. 484? Siebenkees, John Philip. German Philos. and Orient. . 1759.. 1796 Siegen, Louis von. Inventor of Mezzotint Engraving. , 1609.. 1676 Siegfrid, Dr. Rudolph Thos. Sanskrit and Celtic Schol. — . .1863 Sieveking, Amalie. Philanthropist. by Winkworth 1794. .1859 Sieyes, Count Emanuel Joseph. Abb6. Revolutionist. . 1748. . 1836 Sigaud de Xiafond, John Ren 6. Surg, and Nat. Philos. 1740. .1810 Sigebert I. King of Austrasia (561-75) 535 ^ 575 Sigebert II. The Younger 630 . . 654 Sigebert. King of East Anglia — . . 642 Sigismund. King of Hungary and Emperor of Germany (1411-37) 1366.. 1437 Sigismund I. King of Poland (1506-48). The Great. . 1466. .1548 Sigismund II. Augustus. (1548-72) 1520. .1572 Sigismund III. (1587-1632.) De Vasa 1566. . 1632 Signorelli, Luke. Italian Painter i439- .1521 Signorelli, Peter Napoli. Critical and Historical Writer 1731 . . 1815 Sigonio, Charles. Antiq. and Hist. {Fasti Consulares) 1520?. 1584 Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia Huntley. Amer. Wi-it. L. by self. 1791 . .1865 Sike, or Siecke, Henry. Orientalist ,* — . .1712 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 371 BORN. DIED. Silanion. Greek Sculptor fl. b.c. 324? Silbermann, John Andrew. German Organ Builder ... 171 2. .1783 Silberschlag, John Isaiah. Ger. Mathem. and Mechan. 1721. .1791 Silhouette, Stephen de. Fr. Statesman and Polit. Writer 1709. . 1 767 Silius Italicus, Caius. Roman Poet 25''. 99? Silliman, Benjamin, ll. d. American Scientist. {Ameri- can Journal of Science) 1779. -1864 Silva, John Baptist. French Physician. Life by Bruhier 1683 .. 1 744 Silva y Figueroa, Garcia de. Spanish Diplomatist .... 1574''. 1628? SUverius. Bishop of Rome (536-38) — . . 538 SUvesterl. Pope (314-35) — .. 335 Silvester n. (999-1003. ) Gerbert — . . 1003 Silvester, Israel. French Engraver 1621 . . 1691 Silvester, Louis. French Painter 1675 . .1760 Simeon, of Durham. Historian — . .1130? Simeon, Rev. Charles, of Cambridge. L. by Carus, 1847 1759. .1836 Simeon Metaphrastes. Greek Ecclesiastical Historian — . . 976? Simeon Sethus. Greek Writer at Constantinople fl. iithc. Simeon Stylites. Syrian Ascetic 392' • 461 ' Simler, John. Swiss Portrait Painter 1693?. 1748 Simler, Josias. Prot. Divine at Zurich and Hist. Writer 1530. .1576 Simmias, of Rhodes. Grammarian and Poet fl. b.c. 300? Simnel, Lambert. Impostor I472?.aft.i487 Simon, Richard. French Hebraist. { Critical History of the Old Testament) , 1638. .1712 Simon Maccabeeus. High Priest of the Jews — b.c. 135 Simonet, Edmund. Fr. Jesuit. {InsiitutionesTheologicce) 1662.. 1733 Simonetta, John. Italian Historian — . . 1491 ^ Simonides, of Amorgus. Greek Iambic Poet fl. b.c. 660? Simonides, of Ceos. Greek Lyric Poet 557-467 b.c. Simonneau, Charles. French Engraver 1639'. 1728 Simonneau, Louis. French Engraver. {History of Paint- ing and Engraving) 1660. .1728 Simplicius. Neoplatonic Philosopher ti. Justinian Simpson, Edward, d. d. ( Universal Chronology) 1578. . 165 1 Simpson, John. Dissenting Minister. Biblical Critic. . 1746. . 1813 Simpson, Thomas. Mathematician 1710. .1761 Sims, James, m. d. Physician and Botanist — . . 1831 Simson, Dr. Robert, of Glasgow. Mathematician ; Editor of Euclid. Life by W. Traill 1687. . 1768 Sinclair, Miss Catharine. Writer of Fiction 1800. . 1864 Sinclair, Charles Gideon, Baron. Swedish Tactician . . — ..1803 Sinclair, George, of Glasgow. Professor — . . 1696 Sinclair, John. Master of Sinclair. Scottish Jacobite . . 1685 ? . 1 75 5 ? Sinclair, Sir John, m. p. Life by his son, 1837 ^754- • ^^35 Sindiah, Dowlut Row; defeated at Assaye 1781 . . 1827 Sindiah, Madhajee. Mahratta Prince 1 743^ • 1 794 Singh, Runjeet. Chief of Lahore and Cashmere 1780. . 1839 Singleton, Henry. Historical Painter 1766. . 1830 Singlin, Anthony. Abb6 of Port Royal. ( Christian In- structions) , — . . 1664 Sionita, Gabriel. Hebraist; Editor of Parisian Polyglot 1577?. 1648 Sirani, Elizabeth. Historical Painter 1638. . 1665 Sirani, John Andrew, of Bologna. Painter 1610. . 1670 Siri, Victor. Italian Political and Historical Writer 1608. .1685 372 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. BIKD. Siric. Archbishop of Canterbury (990-94) — . . 994 Siricius. Bishop of Rome (385-99). — . . 399 Siries, Violante Beatrice. Italian Portrait Painter 1710. .1770'' Sirlet, Flavius. Jewel Engraver — . . 1 737 Sirmoud, James. French Jesuit Writer i559- • ^651 Sirmond, John, neph. Latin Poet. (£i/*eo/'i>'^7ra6oise) 1589?. 1649 Sisicus. Bishop of Rome (384-98) — . . 398 Sisinnius. Bishop of Rome (708) — . . 708 Sismondi, John Charles Leonard Simonde de. French Historian and Political Economist i773- • 1842 Sivers, Henry Jacob. Ger. Prot. Div., Naturalist, Antiq. 1709. .1758 Siward, Earl of Northumberland — . . 1055 Six, John. Dutch Dramatic Poet 1618. .1700 Sixtus I. Bishop of Rome (119?-28) — . . 128 SixtusII. (257-58) — . . 259 Sixtus III. (432-40) — . . 440 Sixtus IV. ( 1471-84. ) Fr-ancis Albescola della Rovere . . 1414 . . 1484 Sixtus V. (1585-90.) Felix Peretti. Life by Gregory Leti, translated by Farneworth, 1754; Archenholz. . . 1521. .1590 Sixtus. Cordelier of Sienna; Theologian 1520. .1569 Sjoberg, or Sjoeberg, Eric. Swedish Lyric Poet i794- • 1828 Skardsa, Biorna a. Icelandic Writer .'. i574- • 1655 Skarga Poweski, Peter. Polish Preacher 1536. • — Skelton, John. Poet Laureate. Life by Dyce, 1843. . . . I46o^ 1529 Skelton, Rev. Philip. Irish Divine. Life by Bardy 1707. .1787 Skinner, Ezekiel, m. d. Amer. Clergyman and Physician 1777 . . 1855 Skinner, James. Lieut.-Col., of Delhi. L. by J. B. Eraser — ..1841 Skinner, John. Scottish Clergyman and Poet 1721 . . 1807 Skiuner, John Stuart. Amer. Editor & Agricult. Writer 1788 . . 185 1 Skinner, Richard. American Statesman and Jurist 1778. -1833 Skinner, Stephen, m. d. Philologist and Antiquary 1622?. 1667 Skinner, William. Bishop of Aberdeen 1779?. 1857 Skovoroda. Gregory Savitch. Divine of Ukraine 1730?. 1778? Skrzynecki, Jan, or John. Polish General 1786. . i860 Skytte, Benedict. Swedish Statesman and Writer 1614. . 1683 Skytte, John. Swedish Statesman and Writer 1577- • 1645 Slange, Nicholas. Dutch Historian 1657 . .1737 Slater, Samuel. American Manufacturer 1768. .1835 Sleeman, Sir William Henry. Resident at Lucknow. . . 1788. .1856 Sleidan, or Sleidanus, John. Philipson. Ger. Historian 1506. .1556 Slingelandt, John Peter van. Dutch Painter 1640. . 1691 Sloane, Sir Hans, m. d. Collector of Natural History . . 1660, .1752 Slodtz, Ren^ Michael. Michael Angela. Sculptor 1705 • -1764 Slowacki, Julius. Polish Poet 1809. . 1849 Sluse, Rene Francis Walter, of Li^ge. Mathem. & Orient. 1622. .1685 Sluter, Matthew, of Hamburg. Jurist and Meteorologist 1648. . 1719 Sluys, James van der. Dutch Painter 1660. .1736 Smalbroke, Richard. Bishop of St. David's. Theologian 1673. .1749 Smalcius, Valentine. German Unitarian Writer — . . 1622 Smalridge, George. Bishop of Bristol 1663. .1719 Smart, Christopher. Poet. Life prefixed to Works 1722. . 1771 Smart, Peter. Puritan Divine and Poet —aft. 1654 Smeaton, John. Civil Engineer 1724- -1792 Smedley, Rev. Edward. Poet and Historical Writer ... 1789?. 1836 Smedley, Frank E. Novelist i8i4?.i864 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 373 BOBN. DIED. Smellie, William, m. d. Scottish Writer on Midwifery. . — . .1763 Smellie, William. Naturalist. Life by Kerr, 1811 1740. .1795 Smetius. John Smith van der Ketten. Antiquary — . . 1651 Smibert, or Smybert, John. Scottish Painter 1684?. 175 1 Smigletius, Martin. Polish Jesuit, Theol., and Logician 1562. . 1618 Smirke, Robert, r. a. Painter 1752. . 1845 Smithi, Adam, ll. d. ( Wealth of Nations.) Life by Dugald Stewart 1723. . 1790 Smith, Albert. Novelist and Humorist 1816. . i860 Smith, Anker. Engraver 1 759 . . 1819 Smith, Colonel Baird. Civil Engineer in India — . . 1861 Smith, Caleb Blood. American Statesman 1808. . 1864 Smith, Charles. Writer on the Corn Trade 1713- -1777 Smith, Charles Ferguson. American General 1806''. 1862 Smith, Mrs. Charlotte. Poetess and Novelist i749- .1806 Smith, Christian. Botanist and Traveler 1785 . . 1816 Smith, Edmund Neale. Poet 1668. .1710 Smith, Miss Eliz. (L. ofKlopstoch. ) L. by Miss Bowdler 1 776 . . 1806 Smith, Gabriel. Engraver I724^ 1783? Smith, George, of Chichester. Landscape Painter 1714- -^77^ Smith, Henry. Silver-tongued. Preacher. L. by Fuller 1550. .1600? Smith, Sir Henrv George Wakelyn. General. Governor of Cape of (5ood Hope .^ 1788. . — Smith, Horace. Writer. (Rejected Addresses): i779- • 1849 Smith, James, brother. Writer. {Rejected Addresses). . lyy^. .iS^g Smith, James. American Patriot 1719?. 1806 Sraith, James, of Deanstone. Manufacturer and Agri- culturist 1789. .1850 Smith, Sir James Edw., m. d. Botanist. {English Botany) 1759. . 1828 Smith, Sir John. Traveler & Ambassador. L. by Strype — aft.1595 Smith, Rev. John. Divine. {Essex Dove; The Creed). . 1563. .1616 Smith, John. Capt. {Hist, of Virginia.) L.byHill, 1858 1579. .1631 Smith, John, of Queen's College, Cambridge. Divine. ( Ten Select Discourses) 1618 . . 1652 Smith, John, m. d. {Portrait of Old Age — Eccles. xii. ) . 1630 . . 1679 Smith, John. Writer on Northern Literature and Antiq. 1659. . 1715 Smith, John. Engraver 1654. . 1 720? Smith, John, of Chichester. Landscape Painter "^-T^y- -1764 Smith, Rev. Dr. John. Antiquary, Celtic Scholar, Trans- lator of Bible 1747- .1807 Smith, John. Missionary to Demerara 1790- • 1824 Smith, John Pye, d. d. Nonconformist Divine 1775 . .1851 Sm.ith, John Raphael. Mezzotint Engraver 1752. . 1812 Smith, John Spencer. Archaeologist 1 769 . . 1845 Smith, John Stafford. Musical Composer 1750?. 1826 Smith, John Thos. Artist & Antiq. ( Antiquities of Lond. ) 1 766 , . 1 833 Smith, Joseph. Mormon Prophet. Life by J. B. Turner 1805 . . 1844 Smith, Miles. Bishop of Gloucester. Translator of Bible 1 568 . . 1624 Smith, Richard. Roman Catholic Divine 1500. . 1563 Smith, Richard. Book Collector 1590. . 1675 Smith, Robert, d. d. Master of Trinity College. Prize Founder 1689. .1768 Smith, Samuel. Ejected Nonconformist. Tract Writer. ( Great Assize) 1588 . . 1663? Smith, Samuel, of New Jersey. Historian — . . 1778 374 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Smith, Samuel Stanhope, d. d. Amer. Divine and Writer 1750. . 1819 Sznitli, Rev. Sydney. Writer. Life by Lady Holland. . 1769. .1845 Smith, Sir Thomas. Statesman. (^Commonwealth.) Life by Strype I5i4?.i577 Smith, Thomas, d. d. Divine, Hist., Biographer, Critic 1638.. 1710 Smith, Thomas Assheton. Sportsman. Reminiscences by Sir J. E. Wilmot 1776. . 1858 Smith, Thomas Southwood, m. d '. 1790?. 1861 Smith, WilHam. Herald and Antiquai^' — ..1618 Smith, William, of Chichester. Portrait Painter 1707- -1764 Smith, William. Dean of Chester; Transl. of Thucydides 1711 . . 1787 Smith, Wm., ll. d. Geologist. L. by John Phillips, 1844 1769. . 1839 Smith, Sir William Cusack. Irish Judge 1766. .1836 Smith, Sir William Sidney. Admiral. Life by E. Hoav- ard, 1830; Sir John Barrow, 1848 1764. . 1840 Smithson, James. English Physicist. Founder of Smith- sonian Institution at Washington — . . 1829 Smitz, Gaspar. Magdalen Smith. Dutch Portrait Painter — ..1689 Smitz, Louis. Dutch Fruit Painter 1635 . . 1675 Smollett, Tobias. Life by Dr. R. Anderson; Dr. Moore 1721. .1771 Smybert, or Smibert, John. Scottish Painter 1684 J'. 1 751 Smyth, James Carmichael, m. d., f. r. s. Medical Writer 1741 . . 1821 Smiyth, William. Bishop of Lincoln. Co-founder of Bra- zenose College. Life by Churton 1450?. 1514 Smyth, William. Professor of History at Cambridge. . . 1764. .1849 Smyth, William Henry. Admiral. ItTaval Surveyor. . . 1788. .1865 Snape, Andrew, r>. D. 'Controversialist; Oppon. of Hoadly 1670.. 1742 Snayers, Peter. Dutch Painter i593 • • 1670 SneU, Louis. Swiss Author and Politician 1785 . . 1854 SneU, Rodolph. Dutch Mathematician and Philologist. . 1547. . 1613 Snell, Willebrord, son. Dutch Mathem. ( Cyclometricus) 1591 . . 1626 SneUincks, John. Dutch Painter i544- • 1638 Snethen, Rev. Nicholas. American Writer 1769. • 1845 Sneyders, or Snyders, Francis. Dutch Painter 1579. . 1657 Sniadecki, Andrew. Polish Medical & Chemical Writer 1768. . 1838 Sniadecki, John, brother. Mathematician 1756. . 1830 Snorro Sturleson, or Sturlason. Icelandic Poet, Histo- rian, and Statesman 1178. . 1241 Snoy, Lambert. Dutch Genealogist 1574?. 1638 Snoy, Renier. Dutch Diplomatist. {History of Holland) 1477. .1537 Snyders, or Sneyders, Francis. Dutch Painter 1579. . 1657 Soane, Sir John.' Architect i753- • ^^37 Soanen, John. French Bishop; Pulpit Orator 1647. .1740 Sobieski, John III., King of Poland. L. by G. F. Coyer 1629. .1696 SociHUs, Faustus. Promoter of Socinianism. Life by J. Toulmin, 1777 1539.. 1604 Socinus, Laelius. Originator of Socinianism. Life by C. F. Illgen 1525 .. 1562 Socrates. Athenian Philosopher. Life by Wiggers. . . 468.399 b.c. Socrates. Ecclesiastical Historian to 439' — aft. 439 Sodoma, II. John Anthony Razzi. Italian Painter 1479 • -1554 Soemmering, Samuel Thomas von. German Anatomist and Physiologist i755 • -^^3° Soest, or Zoest, Gerard. German Painter 1637 . . 1681 Sceur, Hubert le. French Sculptor in England — . . 1670? 1 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 375 BORN. DIED. Solander, Daniel Charles, m. d. Swedish Naturalist ... 1736. . 1782 Solari, Andrew. Del Gobho. Italian Painter 1470?. 1527 Solario, Anthony de. 11 Zingaro. Painter & Illuminator 1382. .1455 Sole, Anthony Mary dal. Italian Landscape Painter. . . . 1597. . 1677 Sole, John Joseph dal. Historical and Landscape Painter 1654. .1719 Solger, Chas. Wm. Ferdinand. Ger. Writer on iEsthetics 1780. .1819 Solignac, Peter Jos. de la Pinipie, Clievalier de. Fr. Hist. 1687 .. 1 773 Soliman. Ebn Ahd-al-Maleh. Seventh Ommiyade CaHph (715-17) : — .. 7^7 Soliman. Ehn-al-Hakem. King of Cordova (1009-16). . — ..1016 Soliman. Ebn^Cutulmish. Seljuk Turk. Conqueror of Asia Minor .* — . . 1084 Soliman. Tchelibi, The Noble. Turkish Pr. at Adrianople — . . 1410 Soliman I. Magnificent. Ottoman Sultan (1520-66) . . 1494. .1566 Soliman II. (1687-91.) Life by Charles Ancillon — . .1691 Solimene, Francis. V Abate Ciccio. Italian Painter. .. 1657. .1747 Solinus, Caius Julius. Hist. & Geographer. {Polyhistor) fl. 230 Solis, Anthony de. Span. Hist, and Poet. ( Conq. Mexico) 1610 . . 1686 Solis, John Diaz de. Spanish Navigator — • • 1515^ Solomon. King of Israel (b. c. 1015-975) 1033?. 975 »•«• Solomon. Ben Virga. Historian fl. i6th c. Solomon, Abraham. Historical Painter 1823''. 1862 Solomon Ben Isaac. Eashi. Jewish Rabbi 1040'. 1 105 Solon. Athenian Lawgiver 638? . 558? b.c. Soltikoff, Nicholas Ivanovitch. Russian Statesman .... 1736. .1816 Solvyns, Francis Balthasar. Dutch Artist. {Les Hindous) 1760. .1824 Solyman. See Soliman. Somer, John van. Dutch Mezzotint Engraver — . . 1694 Somers, John, Ld. Ld. Chanc. L. by Cooksey ; Maddock 1650?. 1716 Somerset, Edmund de Beaufort, Duke of; Regent of Fr. — . .1455 Somerset, Henry de Beaufort, son ; taken at Hexham ; beheaded — . . 1463 Somerset, John de Beaufort, Earl of, K. G., son of John of Gaunt. Lord High Admiral — . . 1410 Somerset, John de Beaufort, son. First Duke of 1392''. 1444 Somerset, Robert Carr, Viscount Rochester, Earl of — . . 1645 Somerset, William Seymour, Duke of. Husband of Arabella Stuart — . . 1660 Somerville, Thomas, D. d. Historian 1741 . . 1813 Somerville, William. Poet. ( The Chase) 1692 . . 1742 Sommariva, John Ital. Polit. and Art Collector 1760-'. 1826 •Sommering, Samuel Thomas von. German Anatomist and Physiologist i755 • • 1^30 Sommery,'rontette de. French Writer — . .1792? Sommier, John Claude. French Writer 1661 . . 1737 Somner, William. Antiquary. Life by Bp. Kennett, 1693 1606. . 1669 Sonnerat, Peter. Naturalist and Traveler 1748'. 1814 Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicholas Sigisbert. French Naturalist and Traveler 175^ • • ^^^^ Sontag, Madame Henrietta, Countess Rossi. Ger. Singer 1805 . . 1854 Sophia, Princess. Regent of Russia 1667. .1704 Sophia. Electress of Hanover, mother of George I — . .1714 Sophia Dorothea. Daughter of George I. Queen of Prussia. Life, 2 vols. Svo, 1845 1687.. 1757 Sophocles. Attic Tragedian 495^ -405'' ^-C* 376 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Sophonisba. Queen of Numidia — B.c.203 Sorbait, Paul de. Dutch Medical Writer — . . 1691 Sorbiere, Samuel. French Writer. (Sorberiana) 1615. .1670 Sorbonne, Robert de. Founder of College 1201 . .1274 Sordello. Proven9al Poet 1189. .1281? Sorel, Agnes. Mistress of Charles VII. of France 1409''. 1450 Sorgh, Henry, of Rotterdam. Paint, of Fairs, Markets, &c. 1621 . . 1684 Sorri, Peter. Italian Painter 1556. . 1622 Sortain, Rev. Joseph, of Brighton. Life by Mrs. Sortain 1809. .i860 Sost, or Zost, Gerard. German Painter 1637. . 1681 Sostratus, of Cnidos. Architect of the Pharos fi. b.c. 273 Soter. Bishop of Rome (168-76) — . . 176 Sotheby, Samuel Leigh. Antiquary and Bibliographer — . . 1861 Sotheby, William. Poet and Translator i757- • 1833 Soto, Barahona de. Spanish Poet fl. 1586 Soto, Dominic. Spanish Tridentine Divine 1494-'. 1560 Soto, Peter. Confessor to Charles V. ; Tridentine Divine — ••1563 Soubise, Benj. de Rohan, Sieurde. Huguenot Soldier. . . 1589''. 1641 Soubise, Chas. de Rohan, Prince de. Marshal of France 171 5. .1787 Soubise, John de Parthenai, Lord of. Huguenot Leader. . I5i2?.i566 Souchai, John Baptist. French Writer 1688. .1746 Souchiet, Stephen. French Divine 1671 . .1744 Soucbiet, Stephen Augustine, brother. {Poems on Comets) — . . 1 744 Soufflot, James Germain. French Architect 1714- .1781 Souli6, Melchior Frederick. Fr. Novehst and Dramatist 1800. .1847 Soulouque, Faustin. Faustin I. Emperor of Hayti. . . . 1789. . — Soult, Nicholas John de Dieu. Marshal of France ; States- man. (Memoirs) 1769''. 1852 South, Robert, d. d. Divine 1633 . .1716 Soutbard, Samuel L. American Statesman 1787 . . 1842 Southcott, Joanna. Religious Enthusiast 1750- • 1814 Southern, Thomas. Dramatic Writer. {Fatal Discovery) 1660. .1746 Southey, Mrs. (Caroline Bowles). Poetess 1787. .1854 Southey, Robert. Poet Laureate. Life by C C Southey 1774. .1843 Southey, Thomas, m. d. Medical Writer. {Pulmonary Consumption) i y^y . . 1865 Southwell, Nath. Jesuit. Continuator of Jesuits^ Library — ..1676 Southwell, Robert. Jesuit Seminary Priest; Poet 1560. .1595 Soutman, Peter. Painter and Engraver of Haarlem 1580''. — Souvestre, Emile. French Writer 1806. . 1854 Souza, John de. Portuguese Historian and Philologist. . 1730'^. 1812 Souza, Manuel Faria y. Portuguese Poet and Historian 1590. .1649 Souza Botelho, Joseph Mary. Portuguese Diplomatist 1758. .1825 Sowerby, Charles Edward. Naturalist I795 • • 1842 Sowerby, George Bettingham, brother. Naturalist 1788. .1854 Sowerby, James, brother. Naturalist and Artist 1767. . 1822 Soxini, or Soccini, Bartholomew. Civilian 1436. • 1507 Soxini, Laelius. Orientalist and Arian 1525. .1562 Soxini, or Soccini, Mariano. The Elder. Italian Canonist 1401 . . 1467 Soxini, Mariano. The Younger. Civilian and Canonist 1482. .1556 Soyer, Alexis. French Cook in England ; Writer 1800?. 1858 Soyuti. Arabic Scholar and Philosopher 1445 . • 1505 Sozoinen. Ecclesiastical Historian (324-415) — aft. 443 Spada, Lionel. Italian Painter 1576. .1622 Spaendonck, Gerard van. Flower and Miniature Painter 1752. .1822 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 377 BORN. DIED. Spagnoletto, II. Josq)h Ribera. Painter 1 588 . . 1656 Spagnoli, Baptist. General of the Carmelites. Writer. . 1444. .1516 Spalatin, George. German Writer 1482. .1545 Spalding, George Louis. German Philologist 1762 .. 181 1 Spalding, John, of Aberdeen. Hist. { TrotiStes of Scotland) i6ogK 1670 Spalding, John Joachim. German Divine and Preacher 1714. .1804 Spalding, Lyman. American Physician and Surgeon. . . 1775 . . 1821 Spalding, Samuel. Philosophical Writer 1807 . . 1834 Spalding, William. Professor of Logic, St. Andrew's. . . — ••1859 Spallanzani, Lazarus. Italian Naturalist 1729. .1799 Spangenberg, Augustus Theophilus. German Divine. . 1704. .1792 Spanheim, Ezekiel. Statesman and Classical Scholar. . 1629. .1710 Spanheim, Frederick. Professor of Divinity at Leyden 1600. .1649 Spanheim, Frederick, son. Rector of Leyden University 1632. .1701 Sparre, Eric. Swedish Statesman and Writer i550- • 1600 Sparrmann, Andrew. Swedish Naturalist and Traveler 1747?. 1820 Sparrow, Anthony. Bishop of Exeter. (Praye?' Book). . 1620^.168^ Spartacus. Roman Gladiator ; Leader of Servile Rebel- lion (b. c. 73-71) — B.C. 71 Speckter, Erwin. German Painter 1806 . . 1835 Speed, John. Historian 1555?. 1629 Spegel, Haquin. Swedish Archbishop ; Historical Writer 1645 . . 1714 Speke, Captain John Hanning. African Explorer; Dis- coverer of the Source of the Nile 1827, . 1864 Spelman, Edward. Classical Translator & Archaeologist — ••1767 Spelman, Sir Henry. Hist, and Anticj. Life by Gibson 1562. .1641 Spelman, Sir John, son. {Life of Alfred the Great) — . . 1643 Spence, Joseph. Divine and Critic. L. by Singer, 1820 1698. .1768 Spence, William. Entomologist 1783. .i860 Spencer, Ambrose, ll. d. American Jurist 1765 . . 1848 Spencer, Charles, Third Earl of Sunderland. Lord Lieut. 1674 . . 1 722 Spencer, Hon. & Rev. Geo. Passionist. Brother Ignatius — . . 1864 Spencer, or Despencer, Hugh, Lord. Favorite of Edw. 11. — . . 1326 Spencer, or Despencer, Hugh, son. — -.1326 Spencer, John, d. d. Divine. {De Legibus Hebrmorum) 1630. .1695 Spencer, John Canlield. American Jurist and Statesman 1788. .1855 Spencer, John Charles, Earl, Viscount Althorp, Chan- cellor of Exchequer; Agricultural Reformer 1782. .1845 Spencer, Robt., 2d E. of Sunderland. Minister of Jas. II. 1641 ^ 1702 Spencer, William Robert. Translator of Lenore 177° ■ -1834 Spener, Philip James. Lutheran Divine. Founder of the Pietists 1635 . . 1705 Spenser, Edmund. Poet. {Faery Queen.) Life by Todd; Dr. Aikin ; J. Mitford; J. P. Collier i553^- 1599 Speranski, Michael. Russian Statesman and Reformer. 1771..1840 Sperling, John, of Wittemberg. Medical Writer 1603?. 1658 Sperling, Otto. German Physician and Botanist 1602. . 1681 Sperling, Otto. ( Monumenium Hamburgense) 1634. .1715 Speroni, Sperone. Italian Writer 1500. .1588 Speusippus, nephew of Plato. Academic Philosopher. .380 -'.339 B.C. Spiegel, Henry. Poet. Dutch Ennius i549- • 1615 Spielman, Sir John. Paper Maker and Royal Jeweler. . — . .1626 Spielmann, James Reinhold. Ger. Chemist and Botanist 1 722 . . 1 783 Spierings, Henry- Dutch Landscape Painter 1633. .1715 Spiers, Albert van. Dutch Historical Painter 1666. . 1718 378 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED, Spigelius, or Yanden Spieghel, Adrian. Phys. and Anat. 1578. . 1625 Spilberg, John. Portrait and Historical Painter 1619. . 1690 Spiller, John. English Sculptor 1763. . 1794 Spindler, Charles. German Novelist 1796. . 1855 Spinello, Aretino. Italian Historical and Portrait Painter 1308?. 1400? Spinello, Matthew. Italian Chronicler 1230. . 1268 Spinello, Paris, or Caspar. Painter 1366. . 1426? Spinkes, Nathaniel. Nonjuring Bishop; Writer 1653^.1727 Spinola, Ambrose, Marquis of. Spanish General 1569. . 1630 Spinoza, Baruch, or Benedict. Dutch Philosopher. Life by Colerus, 1706 ; Boulainvilliers, 1731; Lucas; Len- glet du Fresnov ; Jaegar; Conrad von Orelli ; A. Saintes,1842; gaisset, 1842 ; Berth. Auerbach, 1855. . 1632.. 1677 Spix, John Baptist von. Bavarian Medical Writer 1781 . . 1826 Spizelius, Theophilus. Ger. Writer. ( Chinese Literature) 1639. . 1691 Spofforth, Reginald. English Musical Composer 1768. . 1827 Spohn, Fred. Augustus William. Ger. Philos. and Philol. 1792 . . 1824 Spohr, Louis. German Musical Composer 1784. . 1859 Spon, Charles. French Physician, Scholar, and Latin Poet 1609. . 1684 Spon, James. French Antiquary and Traveler 1647. . 1685 Spondanus, or De Sponde, Henry. {Annales Sncri). . . . 1568. .1643 Spondanus, or De Sponde, John.' Homeric Scholar. . . . 1557. .1595 Spontini, Caspar. Italian Musical Composer ^77^- .1851 Spooner, Richard, m. p. Politician 1783. .1864 Spotswood, or Spottiswood, John. Archbishop of St. Andrew's. {History of the Church of Scotland) 1565 . . 1639 Spragg, or Spragge, Sir Edward. Admiral — . . 1673 Spranger, Bartholomew. Dutch Painter 1546. . 1623 Sprat, Thomas. Bishop of Rochester. Historian and Poet 1636. .1713 Sprengel, Kurt. German Physician and Botanist 1766. .1833 Sprengel, Matthew Christian. German Historian 1746. . 1803 Spring, Samuel, d. d. American Divine 1746. . 1819 Spurstow, William, d. d. Nonconformist Divine — . . 1666 Spurzheim, John Caspar. Ger. Philos. and Phrenologist 1776. . 1832 Squarcione, Francis. Italian Painter i394- • i474 Squire, Samuel. Bishop of St. David's. Writer 1714- .1766 Staal, Margaret Jane Cordier de Launay, Baroness de. ( Memoirs of her Life) 1693 . .1750 Staben, Henry. Flemish Historical and Portrait Painter 1578. .1658 Stackhouse, John. Botanist — . . 1819 Stackhouse, Rev. Thomas. {History of the Bible) 1680. .1752 Stadius, John. Dutch Historian and Astrologer 1527. .1579 Stael-Holstein, Anne Mary Louisa Germaine, Baroness de, nee Necker. Writer." Life by Mai'ia Norris ; Mme. Necker de Saussure 1766. . 1817 Staeudlin, Charles Frederick. German Theologian 1761 . . 1826 Stafford, Anthony. Writer. {Female Glory) — . . 1641 Stafford, William Howard, Viscount. Statesman. Vic- tim of Popish Plot 1612. .1680 Stagnelius, Eric John. Swedish Poet i793- • 1823 Stahl, George Ernest. German Chemist and Physiologist 1660. .1734 Stahl, Julius Frederick. German Statesman and Author 1802. .1861 Stahremberg, Conrad Balthasar, Count de. Defender of Vienna — • . 1687 Stahremberg, Guido Balde, Count de. Austrian General 1657. .1737 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 379 BORN. DIED. Stair, James Dalrj'-mple {q. «.), First Viscount 1619. . 1695 Stair, Johin Dalrymple, 2d Earl of. Life by Anderson, 1747 1673 . .1747 Stalbent, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1580 . . 1660 Stampa, Gaspara. AnasiUa. Italian Poetess 1523' . 1554 Starapart, Francis. Dutch Painter at Vienna 1675 . . 1750 Standisli, Frank Hall. Writer 1798. . 1840 Standisli, Miles. Military Leader of Plymouth Pilgrims 1584?. 1656 Stanford, Rev. John, D. d. American Philanthropist. . . 1754. . 1834 Stanhope, Charles, Third Earl. Polit. & Scientific Writ. 1753. .1816 Stanhope, George, D. D. Dean of Canterbury. Divine. 1660. .1728 Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy. Life by Dr. Merj'on, 1843 1766. . 1839 Stanhope, James, First Earl. General and Statesman . . 1673. .1721 Stanhope, Philip, Earl. Scholar and Patron of Learning 1714. .1786 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Fourth Earl of Chesterfield. {Letters.) Life by Maty 1694. .1773 Stanislaus I. LeszczynsM. King of Poland 1677. .1766 Stanislaus II. Augustus Poniatowslci. King of Poland 1732. .1798 Stanley, Edward. Bp. of Norwich. Life by A. P. Stanley 1 779 . . 1849 Stanley, John. Musical Composer 1713 • • 1786 Stanley, Thomas. Editor of ^schylus. {History of Phi- losophy. ) Life by Sir E. Brydges 1625 . . 1678 Stannina, Gerard. Historical Painter 1344'. 1403 Stanyhvirst, Richard. Historian, Poet, and Divine 1545 ''.leiS Stanzione, Cavaliere Masimus. Neapolitan Painter .... 1585 . . 1656 Stapel, John Bodisus de. Dutch Physician and Botanist — . . 1636 Stapledon, Walter. Bp. of Exeter. Found, of Exeter Coll. — ..1326 Stapleton, or Stapylton, Sir Robert. Royalist. Poet... — ..1669 Stapleton, Thomas. Roman Catholic Controversialist . . 1535.. 1598 Starck, John Augustus von. Theologian 1741 . . 1816 Stark, John. American Revolutionary Officer. Life by Edward Everett 1728, . 1822 Stark, William, m. d. Medical Writer 1740. .1769 Starovloski, Simon. Polish Geog. and Biog. Writer ... — . , 1656 Stassart, Goswin Joseph Augustine, Baron. Belgian Statesman and Writer 1780. . 1854 Staszic, Stanislaus. Polish Patriot and Philanthropist. . 1755. .1806 Statius, or Esta^o, Achilles. Portuguese Scholar 1524. . 1581 Statins, Publius Papinius. Lat. Poet. { Thebaid ; Achilles) 61'. 96? Staudenmaier, Francis Anthony. Ger. Theol. & Philos. 1800. . 1856 Staudlin, Charles Frederick. German Theologian 1761. .1826 Staughton, Rev: Wm., d. d. Amer. Divine and Educator 1 770 . . 1829 Staunton, Sir George Leonard. {History of Embassy to China.) Life by Sir G. T. Staunton .' 1737- • 1801 Staunton, Sir George Thomas, son. Writer on China . . 1781. .1859 Staupitz, John von. Vicar-Gen. ; Friend & Patron of Luther — . .1524 St&,veley, Thomas. Historian and Antiquary — . . 1683 Stay, Benedict. Philosopher and Latin Poet 1714- .1801 Stayner, or Stainer, Sir Richard: Admiral — . . 1662 Stebbing, Henry. Theologian. Opponent of Hoadly . . — ..1763 Stedraan, John 'Gabriel. Captain. Historical Writer . . 1745. .1797 Steele, Sir Richard. Essayist. Life by H. R. Mont- gomery, 1864 1671 . .1729 Steen, John. Dutch Painter 1636. . 1689 Steenwyck, Henry. Flemish Painter 155° • • 1603 Steenwyck, Henry, son. Painter 1589. . — 380 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Steevens, George. Commentator on Shakespeare 1736. . 1800 Stefaneschi, John Baptist. Historical Painter of Florence 1 582 . . 1659 Stefano. 11 Fiorentino. Italian Painter 1301 . . 1350 Stefano, Thomas di, son. II Giottino. Painter 1324. -1356 Stefifani, Augustine. Ital. Diplomatist and Mus. Composer 1655.. 1730 Stefltens, Henry. German Nat. and Novelist. {Autobiog.) 1773. .1845 Steibelt, Daniel. German Musical Composer 1 765'. 1823 Stein, Christian Godfrey Daniel. German Geographer. . 1771. .1830 Stein, Henr}' F. Charles, Baron von. Prussian Statesman 1757. . 183 1 Stella, Claudine Bousonnet. Engraver 1634 . . 1697 Stella, Francis. Painter 1563 . . 1605 Stella, Francis. French Painter 1601 . . 1661 SteUa, James, brother. Painter 1596. . 1647 SteUini, James. Italian Ethical Writer 1699. ,1770 Stenbock, Magnus. Swedish General 1664. .1717 Steno, Nicholas. Danish Prelate and Anatomist 1638. . 1687 Stephanus of Byzantium. Grammarian fl. 500? Stephen, St. Protomartyr — 36 or 7 Stephenl. Pope (253-57) —..257 Stephen II. Elected 752, March 27; not consecrated; omitted_by some . .^- ■ — . . 752 772 817 Stephen III., or 11. (752-57) — Stephen IV., or III. (768-72) — Stephen v., or IV. (816-17) — Stephen VI., or V. (885-91.) Basil — Stephen VII., or VI. (896-97) — Stephen VIII., or VII. (929-31) — Stephen IX., or VIII. (939-42) — Stephen X., or IX. (1057-58.) Frederick — Stephen I. King of Hungary (997-1038). Saint 979 Stephen II. (1114-31) iioo StephenlU. (1161-73) — Stephen IV., or V. (1270-72) — Stephen. King of England 1 105 Stephen, of Muret, St. Founder of Monastery 1046 Stephen, of Tournay. French Theologian 1135 Stephen, Henry John. Sergeant-at-Law. Legal Writer 1786 Stephen, James. Master in Chancery. Emancipationist 1759 Stephen, Sir James. Professor of History ; Statesman and Author. {Ecclesiastical Biography) 1789. Stephen, John. Danish Historian and Antiquary 1599 Stephen-Bathori. King of Poland (1576-86) 1533 Stephens, Alexander. Miscellaneous Writer 1757 Stephens, Anthony. Printer 1592 Stephens, Charles. Printer 1 504 Stephens, Henry. French Printer 1460 Stephens, Henry. Printer. ( Greeh Thesaurus) 1528 Stephens, James Francis. Entomologist 1792 Stephens, Rev. Jeremy. Divine 1592, Stephens, John. Jacobite Officer. Continuat. of Dugdale — , Stephens, John Lloyd. American Traveler and Author. {Incidents of Travel in Egypt, etc. ; Yucatan) 1805 , Stephens, Paul. Printer 1566 Stephens, Robert. Printer. Editor of Greek Testament. {Latin Thesaurus.) Life by W. P. Gresswell, 1833 . . 1503. .1559 . 897 • 931 . 942 .1058 .1038 .1131 •"73 .1272 .1154 .1124 .1203 .1864 .1832 .1859 .1650 .1586 .1821 .1674 •1564 .1520 .1598 .1852 .1665 .1726 .1852 .16277 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 381 BORN. DIED. Stephens, Robert, son. Printer 1530- -1570 Stephens, Robert. Antiquary — . .1732 Stephenson, George. Engineer. Inventor of Locomotive Steam Engine and Railways. Life by Smiles, 1859. . 1781. .1848 Stephenson, Robert, m. p., son. Engineer. Inventor of Tubular Bridge. Life by JeafFreson and Pole 1803. . 1859 Stepney, George. Poet, Statesman, and Political Writer 1663. .1707 Sterling John. Critic and Essayist. Life by Archdeacon Hare, 1848 ; Thomas Carlyle, 1851 1806. . 1844 Sterne, Rev. Lawrence. ( Tristram Shandy.) Life by Fitz- gerald, 1863 1713..1768 Sterne, Richard. Archbishop of York 1596. . 1683 Stemhold, Thomas. Versifier of the Psalms — . . 1549 Stesichorus. Greek Lyric Poet 632?. 552? B.C. Steuart, Sir James. Writer on Political Economy 1713- .1780 Steuben, Frederick William Augustus, Baron. German Officer in the American Army of the Revolutionary War. Life by Bowen; Kapp, 1860 1730. .i794 Stevens, Alexander. Architect — . .1796 Stevens, George Alexander. Novelist and Humorist. {Lecturer on Heads) 1720?. 1784 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls. American General 1817. . 1862 Stevens, John. American Inventor i749- • 1838 Stevens, Richard James Samuel. Glee Composer 1756''. 1837 Stevens, Robert Livingston. American Inventor 1788. .1856 Stevens, William. Citizen of London. Religious Writer 1732. . 1807 Stevens, Dr. Wm. Barshaw. Div. and Poet. {Retirement) xjW -t^^oo Stevenson, Andrew. American Statesman 1784- -1857 Stevenson, Sir John Andrew. Musical Composer 1761 . . 1833 Stevenson, John Hall. Humorous Poet and Satirist 1718. ,1705 Stevenson, Robert. Engineer of Lighthouses 1772. . 1850 Stevenson, Seth William. Journalist and Miscel. Writer 1 784. . 1853 Stevenson, William. Antiquary — . . 1821 Stevenson, William. Writer. {Progress of Discovery) iTjz. .iZzq Stevin, Simon. Dutch Mathematician and Mechanician — . . 1633 Stewart, Rev. Alexander, d. d., of Dingwall. Gaelic Schol. — . . 182X Stewart, Sir Charles William Vane, Third Marquess of Londonderry. General. Life by Alison 1778. . 1854 Stewart, Dugald. Scottish Metaphysician. L. by Veitch 1753. . 1828 Stewart, Rev. James Haldane. Divine ". 1775 . . 1854 Stewart, John. Walking Stewart. Traveler — . .1822 Stewart, Matthew, d. d. Scottish Mathematician i7i7- -"'■7^$ Stewart, Robert. Lord Castlereagh, Second Marquess of Londonderry. Statesman. Life by Alison 1769.. 1822 Stewart Denham, Sir James. Political Economist 1713- .1780 Stieglitz, Christian Louis. Ger. Writer on Architecture 1756. .1836 Stieglitz, Henry. German Poet 1803 . . 1849 Stiernhielm, George. Swedish Scholar and Poet 1598. .1672 Stiernhoek, John. Swedish Jurist and Antiquary 1576. . 1675 Stifelius, Michael. German Algebraist and Prot. Divine 1509?. 1567 Stigand. Archbishop of Canterbury (1052-70) — . . 1070 Stiglmayer, John Baptist. Bavarian Sculptor 1791 • • 1^44 Stiles, Ezra. Amer. Divine and Hist. Life bv Kingsley 1727 . . 1795 Stilicho, Flavins. Roman General under Theodosius; — .. 408 382 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIBD. Still, John. Bishop of Bath and Wells. ( Gammer Gur- ton's Needle) 1 543 • • 1607 Stilling, John Henry. Jung. Pietist. Life by self. . . . 1740. .1817 Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Nat. and Poet. Life by Coxe 1702. .1771 Stillingfleet, Edward. Bishop of Worcester. Life by Timothy Goodwin, 1710 1635 . . 1699 Stillraan, Kev. Samuel, D. d. American Clergyman i737- .1807 Stilpo. Greek Philosopher of Megara fl. b.c. 294 Stirling, James. Mathematician — aft. 1764 Stirling, Sir William Alexander, E. of. Poet. (Domesday) 1 580' . 1640 Stjernstolpe, Jonas Magnus. Swedish Writer i777 • • 1831 Stobseus, John. Classical Compiler fl. 5th c.'^ Stock, Christian. German Orientalist. ( Clavls) 1672. .1733 Stock, Richard. Puritan Divine — . . 1626 Stock, Simon. General of the Carmelites — . .1265 Stockdale, Rev. PercevaL Miscel. Writer. Life by self 1736. .1811 Stocks, John Ellerton, m. d. Botanist 1822 . . 1854 Stockton, Richard. American Statesman ^73o. • 1781 Stodart, James, f. r. s. Cutler 1760. . 1823 Stoddard, Solomon. American Clergyman and Writer 1643. .1729 Stoddart, Captain. Envoy to Bokhara with Conolly — . . 1843 Stoddart, Sir John. Lawyer and Political Writer i773- .1856 Stoffler, John. German Mathematician and Astrologer . 1452.. 1 531 Stofflet, Nicholas. French Vendean Royalist 1751 • • 1796 Stolberg, Christian, Count von. Ger. Dramatist and Poet 1748. . 1821 Stolberg, Fred. Leopold, Count von, br. Poet and Trav. 1750. .1819 Stone, Edmund. Mathematician — . .1768? Stone, Frank. Painter 1800 . . 1859 Stone, Henry. Old Stone. Statuary and Painter — . . 1653 Stone, John, brother. Statuary — . . 1660? Stone, Nicholas. Sculptor; Master Mason to Charles I. 1586'. 1647 Stone, Nicholas, son. Statuary — . . 1647 Stone, Thomas. American Patriot i743- .1787 Stone, William Leete. American Journalist and Author 1792. .1844 Stonehouse, Rev. Sir James. Physician and Divine. . . 1716. . 1795 Storace, Anna Selina. Singer and Actress 1761 . . 1814 Storace, Stephen, brother. English Musical Composer. . 1763. . 1796 Storch, Henry Frederick von. Political Economist 1766. . 1835 Storck, Anthony, Baron von, of Vienna. Medical Writer 1731 . . 1803 Storer, James Sargent. ( Cathedrals) 1771^ 1853 Storer, Thomas. Poet. ( Wolsey) — . . 1604 Stork, Abraham. Dutch Marine Painter 1650. .1708 Storm, Edward. Danish Poet 1749- -1794 Storr, Gottlob Christian. German Theologian 1746. .1805 Storrs, William Lucius, ll. d. American Jurist 1795 . . 1861 Story-j Joseph. Amer. Jurist & Judge. L. by W.W. Story 1779. .1845 Story, Rev. Robert, of Rosneath. L. by R. H. Story, 1862 1790. .1859 Stbthard, Charles Alfred. Artist. ( Monumental Effigies. ) Life by Mrs. C. A. Stothard (Mrs. Bray), 1823 1786. . 1821 Stothard, Thomas, r. a. Painter. L. by Mrs. Bray, 1852 1755 . . ^^34 Stow, John. Antiq. ( Survey of London. ) Life by Strype 1525.. 1605 StoweU, Rev. Hugh, of Manchester. Theologian i799- -1865 Stowell, William Scott, Lord. Admiralty Judge. Life by W. Falconer and H. C Hamilton; W: E. Surtees, 1846 1745 . . 1836 Strabo. Greek Geographer B.c.54'' . a.d.24» A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 383 BORN. DIED. Strada, Famiano. Historian. ( Wars in the Low Countries) 1572. . 1649 Strada, or Stradanus, John. Florentine Painter 1536. .1604? Stradella, Alexander. Italian Musical Composer 1645?. 1678 Stradivarius, Anthony. Ital. Stringed- instrument Maker 1670?. 1728? Straeten, or Streten, Henry van der. Dutch Landsc. Pa. 1680. . — Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Statesman; exe- cuted. Life by Sir G. Radcliffe 1593. . 1641 Strahan, William". Scottish Printer 1715 . , 1785 Stralenburg, Philip John. Swedish Officer and Writer . . 1676 . . 1 747 Strange, Sir Robert. Engraver. Life by self and Den- nistoun, 1855 1721 . .1792 Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, Sixth Vis- count. Diplomatist and Poet 1780. . 1855 Strathallan, William Drummond, Fourth Viscount. Jac- obite ; fell at Culloden 1690. .1746 Stratico, Simon, Count. Italian Writer 1733 . .1824 Strauch, ^gidius, or Giies. Mathem. and Controversialist 1632 . . 1682 Strauss, John. German Composer 1804. . 1849 Streater, Robert. English Painter 1624. . 1680 Streek, Henry van. Flemish Historical Painter 1659. .1713 Streek, Jurian van. Flemish Painter 1632. . 1678 Strein, or Strinius, Richard, Baron von Schwartzenau. Antiquary 1538. . 1600 Strickland, Hugh Edwin. Naturalist 1811 . . 1853 Strigelius, Victorinus. Reformer 1524. .1569 Strigul. See Strongbow — . .1176 Stroemer, or Stromer, Martin, of Upsal. Astronomer and Natural Philosopher 1707. .1770 Strong, Caleb. American Statesman i745 • • 1819 Strongbow, Gilbert de Clare, First Earl of Pembroke .. . — ••1149 Strongbow, Richard de Clare, Lord of Strigul. Justice of Ireland — ..1176 Stroth, Frederick Andrew. German Scholar i75o- -1795 Strozzi, Ciriaco. Italian Philosopher 1504- -1565 Strozzi, Hercules. Latin Poet 1471 . . 1 508 Strozzi, John Baptist. Writer and Patron of Learning, . 1551 . . 1634 Strozzi, Julius. Latin Poet. ( Venetia ^dificata) 1583. . 1660 Strozzi, Nicholas. Dramatic Poet 1590'' • 1654 Strozzi, Pallas. Statesman and Reviver of Learning . . . 1372. .1462 Strozzi, Philip. Republican of Florence. Life by Lorenzo Strozzi; T. A. Trollope 1488.. 1538 Strozzi, Titus Vespasianus. Italian Latin Poet 1422? . 1 505 Strudell, Peter, of Vienna. Painter 1660?. 1717 Struensee, Chas. Augustus von. Ger. Statesm. & Auth. 1735 . . 1804 Struensee, John Frederick, Count, br. Court Favorite 1737.. 1772 Strutt, Joseph. Antiquary 1 749 . . 1802 Struve, Burkhard Gotthelf. Jurist 1671 . .1738 Struve, Frederick George William von. Russian Astron- omer. ( Observationes Dorpatenses) 1793 • • ^^^4 Struve, George Adam. German Jurist 1619. . 1692 Struve, Henry, of Lausanne. Chemist and Mineralogist 1751 • . 1826 Struys, John. Dutch Traveler — . . 1694 Strype, Rev. John. Historian and Biographer 1643. .1737 Stuart, Arabella. Cousin of James 1 1575?. 1615 Stuart, Sir Charles. General i753- -iSoi 384 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Stuart, Charles Edward. Young Pretender 1720. . 1788 Stuart, Daniel. Political Writer; Editor of Morning Post 1766. . 1846 Stuart, Lord Dudley Coutts, m. p. Friend of Poland . . . 1803. .1854 Stuart, Gilbert, ll,. d. Scottish Historian 1742''. 1786 Stuart, Gilbert Charles. American Portrait Painter 1756. .1828 Stuart, Henry Benedict Maria Clement. Cardinal York. Henry IX 1725. .1807 Stuart, James. Antiquary and Architect. Athenian. {Antiquities of Athens) 1713. .1788 Stuart, James, of Dunearn. Politician 1776. . 1849 Stuart, James E. B. " Confederate " General 1832?. 1864 Stuart, James Francis Edward. Elder Pretender. Son of James II 1688. . 1765 Stuart, John, Fourth Earl and First Marquess of Bute. . . 1744. -1814 Stuart, John. Professor at Aberdeen. Antiquary 1751 • • 1827 Stuart, Moses. American Divine and Author 1780. . 1852 Stuart-Wortley, Lady Emmeline. Tourist and Writer 1806. .1855 Stubbe, Henry. Writer 1631 . , 1676 Stubbe, or Stubbs, John. Polit. Writer, and Sufferer i54i?.aft.i582 Stubbs, George. Anatomist and Painter of Animals . . . 1724. . 1806 Stuckius, John William. Divine, Philologist, and Antiq. 1542 . . 1607 Studly, John. English Poet — . .1587 Stuerbout, Dirk. Dirk van Haarlem. Dutch Painter. .. 1410?. 1470 Stukeley, Rev. William, m. d. Antiquary 1687. . 1765 Stunica, James Lopez. Spanish Divine and Philologist — ••i53° Sturge, Joseph. Philanthropist. Life by Henry Richard — . . 1859 Sturgeon, William. Electrician ^7^3- • *^5° Sturleson. Icelandic Historian. See Snorro 1178. . 1241 Stvu-m. Abbot of Fulda. Life by Anscarius — . . 779 Sturm, Christopher Christian. Ger. Divine. {Reflections) 1740. .1786 Sturm, or Sturmius, James, of Strasburg. Reformer . . . 1489. .1553 Sturm:, Jas. Chas. Francis. Mathem. {Sturm^s Theorem) 1803. .1855 Sturra, John. German Cicero. Printer and Scholar. . . . 1507. .1589 Sturm, John Christopher. Mathematician 1635 . . 1703 Sturm, Leonard Christopher. German Architect 1669. .1719 Sturt, John. Engraver 1658. .1730 Sturtevant, Simon. Metallurgist. (Metallica) fl. 1624 Sturz, Helfrich Peter. German Writer 1736 . .1776 Stuven, Ernest. German Painter 1657. .1712 Stuyvesant, Peter. Last Dutch Director-General of New Netherlands 1602 . . 1682 Style, William. Law Writer. (Reports) 1603. . 1679 Stylites, Simeon. Syrian Ascetic fl. 5th c. Suard, John Baptist Anthony. French Writer i734- .1817 Suarez, Francis, of Granada. Jesuit. Theologian. Life by Deschamps, 1671 1548. .1617 Suavius, or Schwab, Lambert. Engraver 1506. .1565 Subleyras, Peter. French Painter 1699 . . 1 794 Subtermans, or Sustermans, Justus, of Antwerp. Paint. 1597 . . 1681 Suchet, Louis Gabriel. French Marshal 1772. . 1826 Suckling, Sir John. Poet and Courtier. Life by the Rev. A. Suckling, 1836 1609.. 1642? Sucre, Anthony Joseph de. South American General . , 1793. .1830 Sue, Eugene. French Novelist 1804. . 1857 Bue, John. French Medical Writer 1699. . 1762 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 385 BORN. DIED. Sue, John Joseph, brother. Anatomical Writer 1710. . 1792 Suetonius Paiilinus. Roman Commander in Britain. . fl. ti. Nero Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. Roman Historian 70'. — Suett, Richard. Comic Actor — . . 1805 Sueur, Eustace Le. French Painter 1617. . 1655 Sueur, John Francis le. French Musical Composer 1760. . 1837 Sueur, Nich. le. Suxhrim. Fr. Lawyer ; Transl. of Pindar 1 545 "^ 1 594 Sueur, Thomas le. French Mathematician 1703 . . 1 770 Suffolk, Henrietta, Countess of. Court Beaut}' — . . 1 767 Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, First Earl of. Lord Chanc. — . .1389 Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, son, Second Earl of; died at Hartieur — . .1415 Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, son, Third Earl of; fell at Agincourt — ••1415 Suffolk, William de la Pole, brother, First Duke of. Lord Chancellor, and Lord High Admiral. Beheaded .... — . . 1450 Suffren, John. French Jesuit. {Annee Chretienne) 1565. .1641 Suffren St.-Tropez, Peter Andrew de. French Admiral 1726. . 1788 Suger. Abbot of St. Denys. Minister of Louis VIL of France. Life by A. F. Gervaise ; M. Baudier 1087. .1152 Suhm, Peter Frederick von. Danish Historian 1728. .1798 Suieer, John Caspar. Patristic Scholar. ( Thesaurus) . . 1620. .1684 Suicer, John Henry, son. Scholar. L. by J. R. Wolff, 1745 1644. .1705 Suidas. Greek Lexicographer fl. loth c.^ Suleiman. See Soliman. Sxolivan, Sir Richard Joseph, m. p. Writer and Tourist — . .1806 Sulla, Lucius Cornelius. Roman Dictator 138. 78 B.C. Sullivan, George. American Lawyer and Statesman. . . 1774. .183S Stillivan, James. Gov. of Massachusetts; Polit. Writer 1744. •1808 Sullivan, John. American Revolutionary General. Life by 0. W. B. Peabody 1740- -1795 Sullivan, William, ll. d. American Writer i774- • 1839 Sully, Maximilian de #dthune, Duke of. French Soldier and Statesman. {Memoirs) i559- • 1641 Sulpicia. Latin Poetess ; fl. 100? Siilpicius Rufus, Publius. Roman Orator 124.87 B.C. Sulpicius Severus. Roman Ecclesiastical Writer .... 363''.aft.4io Sulzer, John George. Swiss Writer 1720. .1779 Sumarokoff, Alexander Petrovitch. Russian Poet and Dramatist '^7^7 . .1790 Summerfield, John. American Clergyman. Life by J. Holland, 1829 1798. .1825 Sumner, Edwin Vose. American General 1796. .1863 Sumner, Increase. American Judge and Statesman. . . . 1746. . 1799 Sumner, John Bird. Archbishop of Canterbury- (1848-62) 1780. . 1862 Sumter, Thomas. American Revolutionarj' General. . , . 1734'. 1832 Sunderland, Charles Spencer, Third Earl of. Statesman 1674. .1722 Sunderland, Henry Spencer, First E. of; fell at Newbury 1620. .1643 Sunderland, Robert Spencer, Second Earl of. Statesman 1641 ?. 1702 Sundon, Charlotte,Viscountess. L. by Mrs.Thomson, 1847 — ••1742 Surenhusius, William. Orient. ; Editor of the Mishna fl. 1698-1 71 5 Surowiecki, Wawrzyniec. Polish Author 1796. .1827 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of. Poet. L. by Dr. Nott I5i5?.i547' Sxirtees, Robert. Antiquary and Poet. {History of Dur- ham.) Life by G. Taylor, in Hist, of Durham, 1839 . . 1779. . 1834 25 386 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DfED. Suso, Henry. Amandus. German Mystic 1300''. 1365 Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of i773- • 1843 Siissmilcli, John Peter. German Divine and Political Economist 1708. .1767 Sustermans, or Sutermans, Justus. Flemish Painter. . . 1597. .1681 Sutcliffe, Dr. Matthew. Controversialist Divine — . . 1629 Sutton, Amos, d. d. Missionary 1798. . 1854 Sutton, Charles Manners. Abp. of Canterbury (1805-28) 1755 . . 1828 Sutton, Christopher, d. d. {Learn to Die) n. 1600 Sutton, Richard. Co-founder of Brazenose College — . .1524 Sutton, Thomas. Merchant. Founder of Charter House 1532. . 161 1 Suwarroflf, Alexander Vasilievitch, Count. Russian Field Marshal and Generalissimo. Life by self ; Anthing.. 1729.. 1800 Swaramerdam, John. Naturalist and Anatomist 1637. . 1681 Swan, Rev. Charles. Author of Travels and Poems. ( Gesta Romanwum) — . . 1838 Swanevelt, or Swanefeld, Herman van. Painter 1620. . 1680 Swartz, Olof. Swedish Botanist 1760. . 1817 Swedberg, Jesper. Swedish Theologian ^653. .1735 Swedenborg, Emanuel, son. Life by J. G. G. Wilkin- son, 1849; Hobart, 1831 and 1862.' 1689. .1772 Swett, John Appleton, m. d. American Physician 1808. .1854 Swieten, Gerard van. Dutch Phys. and Medical Writer 1700. .1772 Swift, Deane. Biographer of Dean Swift — . .1783 Swift, Jonathan. Dean of St. Patrick's ; Writer. Life by Hawkesworth ; Sheridan ; Johnson ; Sir W. Scott ; D. Swift, 1753 1667. .1745 Swift, Theophilus. Political Writer — . . 181 5 Swift, Zephaniah. American Judge i759- • 1823 Swinburne, Henry. Jurist — 1620 or 4 Swinburne, Henry. Traveler 1752- • 1803 Swinden, John Henry van. Mathem. and Astronomer 1746. .1823 Swinden, Tobias. English Divine. {Naiur^f Hell) . . . —..1720 Swinnock, George. Ejected Nonconformist Divine — . . 1673 Swinton, Rev. John. ' Antiquary i7o3- • 1 777 Swithun, St. Bishop of Winchester. Life by Wolstan — . . 862 Sybrecht, John. Landscape Painter 1625 . .1703 Sydenham, Charles Edward Powlett Thompson, Lord. Governor-General of Canada. Life by Scrope, 1843 1799.. 1841 Sydenham, Floyer. Scholar; Translator of Plato 1710. . 1787 Sydenham, Thos., m. d. Physician. L. by Dr. Johnson 1 624 . . 1689 Sykes, Authur Ashley, d. d. Divine. Life by Disney. . 1684?. 1756 Sylburgius, Frederick. German Philologist 1536. .1596 Sylla, or Sulla, Lucius Cornelius. Roman Statesman and Soldier; Dictator 138-78 B.C. Sylverius, or Silverius. Bishop of Rome (536-38) — • • 538 Sylvester. Pope. See Silvester. Sylvester, Joshua. Silver-tongued. Poet 1563. . 1618 Sylvester, Matthew. Nonconf Divine. Editor of Baxter — ..1708 Sylvius, yEneas. Pope Pius II 1405. .1464 Sylvius, Francis. Du Bois. French Classical Scholar . . —..1530 Sylvius, Francis. Dubois de le Boe. Dutch Chemist and Physician 1614. . 1672 Sylvius, James. Du Bois. French Physician 1478. .1555 Sylvius, Lambert. Van den Bosch. Dutch Writer 1610'. 1688 J A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 387 BOEN. DIED.' Symes, Michael. Colonel. Envoy. {Embassy to Ava) . . — ..1809 Symmachus. Bishop of Rome (498-514) — . . 514 Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius. Roman Statesman and Author fl. 4th c. Symmaclius tlie Samaritan fl. ab. 200 Symnaes, John Cleves. American Soldier and Projector 1780-''. 1829 Symmons, Caroline. Poet 1788.. 1812 Symmons, Rev. Charles, d. d. Poet and Writer i749- • 1826 Syinonds, Sir William. Admiral. L. by J. A. Sharp, 1857 1 782 . . 1856 Syncellus, George. Greek Historian. ( Chrom)graphy) — . . 800? Synesius, of Cyrene. Bp. of Ptolemais. Philos. and Poet 379^. 431' Synge, Edward. Archbishop of Tuam 1659 . . 1741 Sjrphax. Numidian Prince 249? . 201 B.C. Szalkai, Anthony von. Hungarian Poet — . . 1804 Sz6ch6nyi, Stephen, Count von. Hungarian Statesman 1791. .i860 Szegedi, John Baptist. Jesuit. Writer on Hungary . , . 1699. .1760 Sze-ma-Kwang. Chinese Historian and Poet ......... loiS?. 1086 Sze-ma-tseen. Chinese Historian 145 ''.80'' B.C. 388 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. T. BOBN. DIED. Tabari, Abu Jaafar Mahomet. Arabian Historian 839. . 922 TabernsBmontaiius, James Theodore. German Physi- cian and Botanist 1520?. 1590 Tabor, John Otho. German Jurist 1604 . . 1674 Tabourot, Stephen. French Writer i547- • ^59° Tacca, Peter James. Italian Sculptor — . . 1640 Tachard, Guy. Jesuit Missionary to Siam — . . 1694 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Historian. Life by Murphy. . 5o?.aft.ii7' Tacitus, Marcus Claudius. Roman Emperor (275-76) . . 200 ^ 276 Taconnet, Toussaint Caspar. French Actor and Poet. . 1730. .1774 Tacquet, Andrew. Dutch Jesuit; Mathematician 1611 . . 1660 Tafll, Andrew. Italian Painter 1213 . . 1294 Tagliacozzi, or Taliacotius, Caspar. Italian Surgeon. . . 1489. .1553 Talbert, Francis Xavier. French Elocje Writer 1728. . 1803 Talbot, Miss Catherine. Writer. Life by Pennington. . 1720. .1770 Talbot, Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury. Statesman 1660. .1717 Talbot, Charles, Lord. Lord Chancellor 1684. .1737 Talbot, John, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury. Warrior in France 1373 . . 1453 Talbot, Peter. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. {De Natura Fidei) 1620 . . 1680 Talbot, Richard, Duke of Tyrconnel, brother. Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland — . . 1691 Talbot, Robert. Antiquary and Divine — • • ^SS^ Talbot, Silas. American Military and Naval Officer. Life by H. T. Tuckerman, 1850 1750?. 1813 Talbot, William. Bishop of Durham 1659. . 1730 Talfovird, Francis. Comic Dramatist 1827?. 1862 Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon. Judge. Writer 1795.. 1854 Taliacotius. See Tagliacozzi : 1489. .1553 Taliesin. Welsh Bard ^. 520-70 Tallart, or Tallard, Camille de la Baume, Coimt of. Mar- shal of France 1652 . . 1 728 Talleyrand, Henry de, Ct. de Chalais. Fav. of Louis XIIL 1 599 . . 1626 TalleyTand-P6rigord, Alex. Angeli^jue de. Card.-Abp. 1736. . 1821 TaUeyrand-P6rigord, Charles Maurice, Prince of. Fr. Diplomatist. ( Memoirs) 1 754 . . 1838 Talleyrand-P6rigord, Elias de. Fr. Cardinal ; Negotiator 1301 . .1364 Tallien, John Lambert. French Revolutionist 1769. . 1820 Tallis, Thomas. Musician 1529. .1585 Tallmadge, Benjamin. American Revolutionary Officer 1754. . 1835 Tallmadge, Janies, ll. d. Statesman ." 1778 . .1853 Talma, Francis Joseph. Fr. Tragedian. Life by Moreau 1763 . . 1826 Talmont de la Trimoille, Prince de. Vendean Royalist — • • 1 793 Tambroni, Clotilda. Greek Professor at Bologna 1758, . 1817 Tambroni, Joseph, brother. Italian Poet and Historian 1773. .1824 Tamburini, Peter, of Brescia. Theologian. (Idea della Santa Sede) i737- • 1827 Tamerlane, or Timour. Tartar Conqueror. LifebyArab- schah; James Golius; Samuel Clarke, 1676; P^tis de la Croix, 1723 1 1336?. 1405 Tancred. King of Sicily (1189-94) — . . 1194 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 389 BORN. DIED. Tandy, James Napper. Irish Rebel Politician i757- • 1803 Taney, Roger Brooke. Chief Justice of the United States 1777. . 1864 Tannahill, Robert. Scottish Poet i774- • 1810 Tanner, Thos. Bp. St. Asaph. Antiq. (Notilia Monast.) 1674. .17^$ Tannevot, Alexander. French Dramatist and Writer . . 1692. .1773 Tansillo, Louis. Italian Poet 1510'. 1568 Tanucci, Bernard, Marquis de. Neapolitan Statesman and Patron of Letters 1698 . . 1783 Tappan, Rev. David, d. d. Amer. Clergyman and Writer 1753. . 1803 Tardieu, Nicholas Henry. French Engraver 1674. .1749 Targe, John Baptist. Italian Historian 1720?. 1788 Targioni-Tozetti, John. Italian Physician 1712. .1783 Tarin, Peter. French Medical Writer — . .1761 Tarleton, Bannastre. English Officer in America i754- • 1833 Tarleton, Richard. Jester — . . 1588 Tarquinius Superbus. Last King of Rome — 3ft.496 b.c. Tarrakanoff, Anna Petrowna. Russian Princess 1755 . . 1777 Tartaglia, Nicholas. Italian Mathematician 1490?. 1557 Tartini, Joseph. Italian Musical Composer 1692. .1770 Taruffl, Emilius. Italian Landscape Painter 1632. . 1694 Tarixffi, Joseph Anthony. Italian Poet 1722. .1786 Tarver, John Charles. 'French Philologist 1790- .1851 Tasker, Rev. William. Translator of Horace and Pindar — . . 1800 Tasman, Abel Janssen. Dutch Navigator 1600?. aft. 1644 Tassie, James. Scottish Modeler and Numismatist i735 • -1799 Tassin, Ren^ Prosper, of St. Maur. Historian 1677. .1777 Tasso, Bernardo. Italian Poet. {Amadis) i493' -iS^g Tasso, Torquato, son. Poet. {Jerusalem Delivered.) Life by Battista Manso, 1634, abridged by Abb6 de Charles, 1690 ; Hoole, 1762 ; A. Fabroni, 1800 ; John Black, 1810 ; P. A. Serassi; J. B. A. Suard; Rev. R. Mihnan, 1850 1544. .1595 Tassoni, Alexander. ItaHan Critic and Poet. {La Sec- chia Rapita.) Life by Gironi ; Muratori 1565 • '. 1635 Tate, Francis. Lawyer and Antiquary 1560. . 1616 Tate, Nahum. Poet. Versifier of the Psalms 1652. .1715 Tatian. Christian Apologist. (A670S Trpos^EAArji/as) .... fl. 172 Tatischef, Vassili. Russian Historian 1686. .1750 Tatius, Achilles. Alexandrian Rhetorician and Bishop. . fl. 500'' Tatwine. Archbishop of Canterbury (731-34). — . . 734 Taube, Frederick William von, ll. d. Ger. Hist. Writer 1728. .1778 Taubmann, Frederick. German Writer and Poet 1565 . . 1613 Tauler, John, of Strasbourg. Mystic Divine 1290?. 1361 TaureUius, or Torelli, Lailius. Italian Jurist; Editor of Pandects 1489 . .1576 Tausen, or Tagesen, John. Danish Protestant Reformer 1494. . 1561' Tavannes, Caspar de Saulx, Lord of. Marshal of France. Life by his son John 1509- -1573 Tavannes, John de Saulx, Vsct. de, son. Marshal of Ft. 1555 . . 1630? Tavannes, William de Saulx, Ld. of, br. {Hist. Memoirs) 1553.. 1633 Tavarone, Lazarus. Genoese Painter 1556- • 1641 Taverner, John. Organist and Musical Composer n. 1533* Taverner, Richard. Religious Writer 1505 • • i575 Tavernier, John Baptist, Baron d'Aubonne. French Traveler and Merchant 1605 . . 1689 Taylor, Ann (Mrs. Gilbert). Writ. {Maternal Solicitude) —..1830 390 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Taylor, Brook, ll. d. Mathematician 1685 . .1731 Taylor, Charles. Biblical Writer; Editor of Calmet — . . 1821 Taylor, Chevalier John. Oculist — aft.1767 Taylor, George. American Patriot 1716. .1781 Taylor, George W. American General 1808. . 1862 Taylor, Rev. Henry. Divine 171 1 .. 1785 Taylor, Sir Herbert. General i 1775 . .1839 Taylor, Isaac. Indep. Minister of On^ar ; Writ, for Young 1 759 . . 1829 Taylor, Isaac. Author. {Natural History of Enthusiasm) 1787.. 1865 Taylor, James. Mechanician i757-- 1825 Taylor, Jane. {Hymns for Infant Minds) '^I'^Z- • 1824 Taylor, Jeremy. Bishop. Life by Bishop Heber; Rev. Kaye Bonney, 1815; Rev. R. A. Willmott, 1846 1613. .1667 Taylor, John. Water Poet 1580?. 1654 Taylor, John, d. d. Unitarian, of Norwich 1674. .1761 Taylor, John, ll. d. Critic and Philosopher 1703- .1766 Taylor, John. Poetical and Miscellaneous Writer. .... . — ..1832 Taylor, John. Mining Engineer and Mineralogist. ..... — . . 1863 Taylor, John. Currency Reformer. {Junius Identif ed) ly Si. .iS6^ Taylor, Nathaniel William, d. d. American Theologian 1786. .1858 Taylor, Richard. Printer and Naturalist 1781 . . 1858 Taylor, Richard Cowling. Geologist 1789. .1851 Taylor, Sir Robert. Sculptor and Architect. Founder of Taylor Institute 1714- .1788 Taylor, Rowland, ll. d. Marian Martyr — . .1555 Taylor, Silas. Domville or Z>' Omville. Antiquary 1624. .1678 Taylor, Stephen William, ll. d. American Educator. . . 1791 . . 1856 Taylor, Thomas. Puritan Divine 1576. . 1632 Taylor, Thomas. Platonist. Scholar and Translator. . . 1758. .1835 Taylor, William, of Norwich. Critic and Translator from the German. Life by J. W. Robberds, 1843 1765 . . 1836 Taylor, William Cooke, ll. d. Miscellaneous Writer. . . 1800. .1849 Taylor, Gen. Zachary. 12th President of U. S. (1849-50) 1784. . 1850 TcMng Tching Kong. Koxinga. Chinese Admiral. . . — ..1670 Tebaldeo, or Tibaldeo, Anthony. Italian Poet 1456. -1538 Tecumseh. Indian Chief ' 1770''. 1813 Tedeschi, or Tudeschi, Nich. Panormitanus. Cardinal 1386. .1445 Tegel, Eric. Swedish Historian — . . 1638 Tegn6r, Esaias. Swedish Poet and Divine 1782. . 1846 Teignmoutli, John Shore, Lord. Gov.-Gen. L. bv son 1751 . . 1834 Teissier, Anthony. French Writer in Prussia. {Eloges) 1632. .1715 Tekeli, Emeric. Hungarian Patriot, 1658. .1705 Teleclides. Athenian Comic Poet fl. b.c. 444? Teleky, or Teleki, L4szl6, Count. Hungarian Patriot. . . 1811 . . 1861 Telemann, George Philip. German Musical Composer. . 1681 . .1767 Telesio, Bernardin. Ital. Philos. ( De Natura Rer-um) 1 508 or 9 . 1 588 Telesphorus. Bishop of Rome, elected April 5, 127'''. . . — .. 138 Telford, Thomas. Civil Engineer. Life by self, 1838 ... 1 757 . . 1834 TeU, William. Swiss Patriot — . . 1354' Teller, William Abraham. German Protestant Theologian 1734. . 1804 Tellez, Balthasar. Portuguese Historian 1595 . . 1675 Tellez, Gabriel. Tirso de Molina. Spanish Dramatist. . 1585?. 1648 Tellier, Michael. French Jesuit Theologian 1643. .1719 TeUier, Michael le. French Lawyer and Statesman 1603. . 1685 Tellier, Michael Francis le, Mqs. 01 Louvois, son. Minister 1641 . . 1691 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 391 BORN. DIED. Temanza, Thomas. Italian Architect 1705 • -1789 Tempelhof, Geo. Fred. Ger. Officer and Military Writer 1 737 • • 1807 Tempesta, Anthony. Painter i555 • • ^^3° Tempesta, or Molyn, Peter. Pietro MuUer. Storm Paint. 1637 . . 1 701 Temple, Sir John. {History of the Irish Rebellion) — . .1677 Temple, Kich-ard Grenville, Earl. Statesman 1711 . .1777 Temple, Sir William. Statesman and Writer. Life by J. P. Courtenay, 1836 ^ 1628. . 1699 Templeman, Peter, m. d. Physician and Writer ; Trans- lator of Norden's Travels ....1711..1 769 Tencin, Claudine Alexandrine Gu^rin de. Romancist. . 168 1 . .1749 Tencin, Peter Guerin de, br. Cardinal; Prime Minister 1680. .1758 Teniers, David. Elder. Flemish Painter 1582 . . 1649 Teniers, David, son. Younger. Painter 1610. . 1694' Tenison, Thomas. Archbishop of Canterbury 1636. .1715 Tennant, Smithson. Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge 1 761 . . 1815 Tennant, Prof. William. Poet and Philol. {Anster Fair) 1785. .1848 Tennemann, Wm. Theoph. ( Geschichte der Fhilosophie) 1761 . . 1819 Tennent, Gilbert. American Clergyman and Writer. . , 1703. .1764 Tennent, Rev. William, brother. Famous for Trance. Life by E. Boudinot .• 1705.. 1777 Tenon, James Ren^. French Medical Writer 1724. • 1816 Tenterden, Charles Abbott, Lord. Lord Chief Justice. . 1762. .1832 Tentori, Christopher. {History of the Republic of Venice) 1745 • • 1810 Tentzel, William Ernest. Ger. Antiquary and Historian 1659. .1707 Teploff, Gregory Nicolaievitch. Russian Writer — . .1779 Teramo, James'de. Palladino. Archbishop of Tarentum. ( Trial of Belial) i349- • 1417 Terburg, Gerard. Dutch Painter 1608 . . 1681 Terceira, Duke of. Portuguese General and Statesman 1792. .i860 Terence. Latin Comedian 194'. 159? B.C. Terentianus, Maurus. Latin Poet and Grammarian. . . fl. 100'' Ternaux, William Louis, Baron. French Manufacturer 1763. .1833 Terpander. Father of Greek Music fl. 7th c. B.C. Terrasson, Anthony. Fr. Lawyer. {Roman JmHsprudence) 1705. .1782 Terrasson, John. French Philosopher and Critic 1670. . 1750 Terrasson, Matthew. French Lawyer 1669. .1734 Terray, Joseph Mary. French Statesman 1715 • -^77^ Terry, Daniel. Comedian 1 780? . 1828 Terry, Rev. Edward. Traveler to Mogul Court. ( Voyage to East Indies) 1590''. 1660 Tersteegen, Gerhard. German Hymn Writer 1697. .1769 Tertre, Francis Joachim Duport du. French Hist. Writer 1715 . .1759 Tertre, John Baptist du. Missionary to America. {His- tory of Antilles) 1610. . 1687 Tertre, Rodolph. Fr. Jesuit; Divine and Metaphysician 1667^1762 TertuUian, Quintus Septimius Florens. Latin Father. Life by Jerome; Neander, 1825; Hesselberg, 1848. . . 160?. 240? Terwesten, Augustin. Dutch Painter 1649. .1711 Terwesten, Elias, brother. Fruit and Flower Painter . . 1651 . . 1724 Terwesten, Matthew, brother. Historical Painter 1670. .1735 Tesi, Mauro Antonio. II Maurino. Italian Painter 1730. .1766 Tessier, Alexander Henry. French Agricultural Writer 1742. .1837 Tessin, Charles Gustavus, Count. Swedish Statesman. . 1695. .1770 Tessin, Nicodemus, Count. Swedish Architect 1654. . 1728 392 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Testa, Peter. 11 Lucchesim. Painter and Engraver 1611 , . 1650 Testelin, Henry. French Painter 1616. . 1695 Testelin, or Tettelin, Louis, brother. Historical Painter 1615. .1655 Testi, Fulvius, Count. Italian Poet i593' • 1646 Tetzel, or Tezel, John. Vendor of Indulgences. Life by Hoffmann, 1844; Grone, 1858 1450?. 1519 Texeira, or Texera, Joseph. Portuguese Genealogist. . . 1543. .1604 Texeira, or Texera, Peter. Portuguese Persian Scholar 1570.aft.1610 Textor, Ravisius. JohnTixier. French Writer 1480?. 1524 Thaarup, Thomas. Danish Poet and Dramatist ^749- • 1821 Thabet ben Korrah. Physician and Philos. at Bagdad 835 or 6 . 901 Thabet ben Senan, grandson. Phys. & Philos. at Bagdad — 973 or 4 Thacher, James, m. d. American Physician and Author 1754. . 1844 Thacher, Peter, d. d. American Clergyman 1752. .1802 Thacher, Samuel Cooper, son. Clergyman. Life by F. W. P. Greenwood 1785.. 1815 Thackeray, William Makepeace. L. by Theoph. Taylor 181 1. 1863 Thaer, Albert. German Agricultural Writer 1752. . 1828 Thais. Athenian Courtesan ti. Alex. Great Thales, of Miletus. Philosopher 636? . 546? b.c. Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. American Author 1809. . 1848 Theden, John Christian Anthony. Ger. Surgical Writer 1714. .1797 Theiner, John Anthony. German Theologian i799- .i860 Thellusson, Peter Isaac. London Merchant — . .1797 Thelwall, Rev. Algernon Sydney. Divine 1795 • • ^863 Thelwall, John. Writer and Elocutionist 1764. . 1834 Themistius. Greek Orator — . . 386 Themistocles. Athenian General and Statesman 514?. 449 b.c. Th6nard, Louis James, Baron. French Chemist i777- -1857 Theobald. Archbishop of Canterbury (1139-61) % . — . . 1 161 Theobald. -See Thibaud 1201 . . 1253 Theobald, Lewis. Commentator on Shakespeare — . .1744 Theocritus. Greek Pastoral Poet fl. 283^-263? b.c. Theodatus. King of the Italian Goths (534-36) — . . 536 Theoderic. The Great. King of Ostrogoths (475-526) 455.. 526 Theodora. Eastern Empress; wife of Justinian I — . . 548 Theodore. Bishop of Heraclea. Arian Leader — . . 358? Theodore. Bishop of Mopsu«tia (394-429) — . . 429 Theodore I. Pope (642-49) — . . 649 Theodore II. Elected February 12, 898 — . . 898 Theodore, of Tarsus. Archbishop of Canterbury (668-90) — . . 690 Theodore-Anthony I. Kipg of Corsica .' 1696^ 1756 Theodore Lascaris. Greek Emperor (1206-22) ii77- • 1222 Theodore Studita. Abbot of Studium. Writer 759 . . 826 Theodoret. Bishop of Cyrus. Ecclesiastical Historian . 393''. 457? Theodoricl. K. of Visigoths (418-51); defeated by Attila — ., 451 Theodoric. The Great, or Theoderic, which see 455. . 526 Theodoric. Italian Bishop and Surgeon — . .1298 Theodoric, or Thierry, of Niem. {Hist, of Schism of Popes) — ..1417 Theodosius. Roman General ; beheaded — . . 376 Theodosius I. The Great. Emperor (378-95) 346?. 395 Theodosius II. (402-50) 401 . . 450 Theodosius III. Adramytenus. (715-16) — aft. 716 Theognis, of Megara. Elegiac Poet 570^.490? b.c. Theon, JElius, of Alexandria. Rhetorician and Gram A* 31 5 ^ A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 393 BORN. DIED. Theophanes, George. Greek Monk and Chronicler 751?. 818 Theophanes, Procopovitch. Russian Historian & Writer 1681 . , 1 736 Theophilus. Patriarch of Alexandria (385-412) — . . 412 Theophilus. Jurist of Constantinople — . . 536 Theophilus. Emperor of the East (829-42) — . . 842 Theophrastus. Greek Philosopher and Author 370?. 285 b.c. Theophylact. Byzantine Historian — . . 630? Theophylact. Archbishop of Bulgaria ; Commentator . . — ..11 12? Theopompus. Greek Historian 380? . 304? B.C. Theotocopuli, Dominic. El Greco. Sculptor, Painter, and Architect — . , 1625 Theotocopuli, Geo. Manuel, son. Sculptor and Architect — ••1631 Theramenes. Athenian Commander — B.c.404 Theresa of Jesus, St. Spanish Carmelite Nun and Mys- tic Writer 1515- • 1582 Th6roigne de M6ricourt, Anne Joseph, or Lambertine. French Female Revolutionist i759- • 181 7 Theron. Tj^rant of Agrigentum (b. c. 488-472) — B.c.472 Th6venot, John de. French Traveler 1633. . 1667 Th6venot, Nicholas Melchizedec, uncle. Traveler. ( Voy- ages and Travels) 1621 . . 1692 The vet, Andrew. Traveler and Writer 1 502 . . 1 590 Thew, Robert. Engraver 1758. . 1802 Thibaud, or Theobald, IV., or VI. Count of Champagne. King of Navarre. Trouvere 1201 . . 1253 Thibaut, Anthony Frederick Justus. German Jurist . . . 1774. .1840 Thicknesse, Anne. Biographer i737 • • 1824 Thicknesse, Philip. Traveler 1719- -1792 Thielen, John Philip van. Flemish Painter i6i8*. . 1667 Thierry I., son of Clovis I. King of Austrasia 483'- 534 Thierry II., son of Childebert. King of Burgundy and Austrasia ' 587 . . 613 Thierry I., or III. King of France, son of Clovis II 652?. 691 Thierry II., or IV. King of France, son of Dagobert III. 712''. ^2)7 Thierry, of Niem. Papal Secretary. {Schismof the Popes) — ••1417 Thierry, Henry. Printer at Paris — . . 712 Thierry, James Nicholas Augustine. French Historian. {Norman Conquest) ' 1795 . . 1856 Thierry, Madame Julia, wife. Writer — . . 1844 Thiers, John Baptist. French Divine and Satirist 1636. .1703 Thiersch, Frederick William. German Scholar 1784. . i860 Thilo, John Charles. German Theologian i794- -1853 Thion de la Chaume, Claude Esprit, French Physician 1750. .1786 Thirlby, Styan, ll. d. Critic 1692? . 1 753 Thistlewood, Arthur. Cato Street Conspirator 1772. . 1820 Thorn, James. Scottish Sculptor 1799. .1850 Thorn, Walter. Historical and Miscellaneous Writer. ■ {History of Aberdeen) i77o. . 1824 Thorn, William. Scottish Weaver and Poet i799- • 1850 Thomas, St. Bidyinus. Apostle fl. ist c. Thoraas, Anthony Leonard. French Writer 1732. .1785 Thomas, Catimpratensis. French Biog. and Moral Writer 1201 . . 1270? Thomas, Christian. German Philosopher 1655 . . 1728 Thomas, David. Welsh Poet 1760?. 1822 Thomas, Elizabeth. Corinna. Poetess 1675 . . 173° 394 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIKD. Thomas, Isaiah, i.t,. d. American Printer ^749- • 1831 Thomas, James Ernest. German Landscape Painter 1588'. 1653 Thomas, John. Bishop of Salisbury 1695 . .1766 Thomas, John. Bishop of Rochester 1712. .1793 Thomas, John. Sculptor i8i3?.i862 Thomas, Robert, m. d. Medical Writer i743- • 1835 Thomas, William. {History of Italy.) Executed — . .1553 Thomas, William. Bishop of Worcester. {Roman Ora- cles Silenced) 1613. . 1689 Thomas, Rev. William. Historian. {Worcester Cathedral) 1670.. 1738 Thomas of Erceldoune. The Rhymer. Scottish Poet fi. 1280? Thom.asin. German Poet. Zercldre. {The Italian Guest) ii86-. — Thom.asius, Christian. German Philosopher and Critic. Life by Luden, 1805 ; 1655. .1728 Thomasius, James. German Philologist 1622. . 1684 Thomason, Thomas. Missionary. Life by Sargent. . . . 1774. . 1829 Thomassin, Louis. French Theologian 1619. .1695 ''," .X /.nond, Thomas. French Architect in Russia I759' • 1813 Thompson, Sir Benjamin. Count Rumford. Philosopher. Life by Pictet 1752. .1814 Thompson, Edward. Poet 1738?. 1786 Thompson, William. Dean of Raphoe. Poet — ..1766? Thompson, William. Naturalist. {Natural History of Ireland.) Life by Professor Dickie, 1856 1805 . . 1852 Thompson, Zadoc. American Naturalist 1796. . 1856 Thomson, Alexander. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer 1762. .1803 Thomson, Dr. Andrew. Scot. Div. ( Christian Instructor) 1779. . 1831 Thomson, Anthony Todd, m. d. Medical and General Writer. ( Conspectus) 1778 . . 1849 Thomson, Charles. American Patriot 1729. .1824 Thomson, James. Poet. {Seasons.) Life bv Murdock, 1773; David E. Buchan, 1792; Sir H. Nicolas, 1847. 1700. .1748 Thorason, Rev. John. Scottish Landscape Painter 1778.. 1840 Thomson, John Cockburn. Philip Wharton. Writer.. — ..i860 Thomson, Mrs. Katherine, wife of Dr. Anthony T. Grace Wharton. Biographer and Novelist — . . 1862 Thomson, Richard. ( Chronicles of London Bridge) .... 1 794 '^ 1865 Thomson, Dr. Robt. Dundas. Medical & Physical Writer 1805'''. 1864 Thomson, Thomas. Professor of Chemistry at Glasgow 1773. . 1852 Thomson, Dr. Wm. Writer and Compiler. { War in Asia) ly ^6. .1818 Thordo. I)iaco7ius, or Legifer. Danish Jurist fl. 1350 Thordsen, Sturla. Icelandic Lawyer, Historian, Poet. . . 1218. .1288 Thoreau, Henry David. American Author 1817. . 1862 Thoresby, Ralph. Antiquarian Collector 1658. .1725 Thorild, Thomas. Swedish Poet i759- • 1819 Thorius, Raphael. French Physician of James I — . .1625 Thorkelin, Grim Jonsson. Icelandic Scholar 1752. . 1829 Thorlaksen, Gudbrand. Icelandic Prelate and Writer . 1542. .1629 Thorlaksson, John. Icelandic Poet; Transl. of Milton. . 1744. .1819 Thorndike, Rev. Herbert. Divine. {Epilogus) — . . 1672 Thornhill, Sir James. Painter 1676. .1734 Thornton, Bonnel. Humorous Poet 1724. .1768 Thornton, Henry, m. p. {Paper Credit ; Family Prayers) — . . 1815 Thornton, John, of Clapham. Merchant and Benefactor 1720. .1790 Thornton, Robert John. Botanist. {Templeof Flora). 17 s^^-^i-^S? A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 395 BORN. DIED. Thornton, Samuel, m. p., of Clapham Park and Bank of England i775 • • 1838 Thornton, Rev. Spencer. L. by W. R. Freemantle, 1850 1813. .1850 Thornton, Thomas, Lieut.-Col. Writer on Field Sports — . . 1823 Thorpe, John, m. d. Antiquary, of Rochester 1682.'. 1750 Thorpe, John, son. Antiq. of Roch. {Registrum Eoffensi) 1714. .1792 Thorwaldsen, Albert Bertel. Danish Sculptor 1770. . 1844 Thou, James Augustus de. Tlmanus. President. His- torian. Life by J. Collinson, 1807 i553- • 1617 Thenars, Louis Mary Albert du Petit. French Botanist 1758. .1831 Thouret, Michael Augustin. French Medical Writer. . , 1748. .1810 Thoynard, Nicholas. French Medalist and Biblical Critic 1629 ., 1 706 Thrasea PsBtus. Roman Senator, condemned by Nero . 14?. 66 Thrasybulus. Athenian General ; Friend of Alcibiades . . — B.C. 389 Throcmorton, Sir Nicholas. Statesman 1513?. 1571 Throsby, John. Topographer of Leicester 1740- • 1803 Thuanus. *See Thou 1553.. 1617 Thucydides. Greek Historian 471 ? 400'- B.C. Thuillier, Vincent. Benedictine of St. Maur 1685 . . 1736 Thidden, Theodore van. Dutch Painter 1607. . 1676 Thiimmel, or Thuemmel, Moritz Augustus von. Ger- man Writer. Life by Gruner, 1819 1738. .1817 Thunberg, Charles Peter. Swedish Physician and Trav. 1743. . 1828 Thnrloe, John. Secretary. Life by Birch 1616 . . 1668 Thnrlow, Edward, Lord. Lord Chancellor 1732. .1806 Thuxmer, Joseph. German Architect 1789. . 1833 Thurneysser, Leonard. Alchemist and Astrologer 1531 • • 1596 Thurot, Francis. Fr. Naval Officer. Invader of Ireland 1727. .1760 Thwaites, Edward. Saxonist 1667. .1711 Thynne, Francis. Herald and Antiquary 1 545 . . 1608 Thysius, or Thys, Anthony. Dutch Philologist and Clas- sical Editor 1603?. 1665 Tiarini, Alexander. Italian Historical Painter 15 77 • • 1668 Tiarks, John Louis. German Astronomer 1789. . 1837 Tibaldi, Dominic. Italian Architect 1541 • .1582 Tibaldi, Peregrine, brother. Painter and Architect 1527. . 1598? Tiberius. Roman Emperor (14-37) B.C.42.A.D.37 Tiberius. Constantine. Emperor of East (578-82) — . . 582 Tiberius. Absimaiius. Emp. of East (698-704) ; Usurper — . . 705 Tibvdlus, Albius. Roman Poet 54'- 18'' B.C. Tickell, Richard. Poet and Polit. Writer. {Anticipations) — -.1793 Tickell, Thomas. Poet and Essayist 1686, . 1740 Ticozzi, Stephen. Italian Historian 1762. . 1836 Tideman, or Tie'deman, Philip. Dutch Painter 1657. . 1705 Tieck, Christian Frederick. German Sculptor 'i^77'^- • 1851 Tieck, Louis, brother. Writer i773 • • 1853 Tiedemann, Dietrich. German Philosophical Writer. . . 1748.. 1803 Tiedge, Christopher Augustus. German Elegiac Poet. . 1752, .1841 Tiepolo, John Baptist. Venetian Painter 1692. .1769 Tierney, George, m. p. Statesman and Political Writer. 1761 . . 1830 Tierney, Rev. Mark A., p. s. A. {Histoi-y of Arundel) . . . 1785 . . 1862 Tighe, Mrs. Mary (Blackford). Poetess. (Psyche) 1774. .1810 Tigny, Marin Grostete de. French Entomologist 1736. -J 799 Tigranes I. King of Armenia (b. c. 96?-550; Ally of Mithridates — b.o. 55' 396 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. ™ ^ » ^ BORN. DIED. Tilbury, Gervase of. Chronicler fl. 1210 Tilenius, Daniel. French Theologian 1563. , 1633 Tilghman, William. American Jurist 1756. . 1827 Tilingius, Matthias. German Medical Writer — . . 1615 Tilletnans, Peter. Dutch Painter 1684? . 1734 Tillemont, Louis Sebastian le Nain de. French Histo- rian and Critic. Life by Trouchay, 1711 1637, .1698 Tillet. French Agricultural Writer , — -.1791 TiUi, Michael Angelo. Florentine Physician and Botanist 1655?. 1740 TiUoch, Alexander, ll. d. Scottish Writer and Mechan- ical Inventor 1759. . 1825 TiUotson, John. Archbp. of Canterbury. L. by T. Birch 1630 . . 1694 Tilly, Alexander de, Count. Royalist & Political Writer 1754. .1822 Tilly, John Tzerklas, Ct. de. Ger. Soldier. L. by Klopp 1559. . 1632 TimsBus. Greek Historian in Sicily 352?. 256'' B.C. TimsBus. Greek Sophist. {Lexicon to Plato) fl. ab. 3d c. Timanthes. Greek Painter fl. ab. 400 b.c. Timoleon, of Corinth. Liberator of Syracuse 394'' • 337 ^-c. Timon. Greek Misanthrope ' fl. b.c. 433? Timon. Greek Skeptic, Philosopher, and Poet. {Silli) . fl, b.c. 279? Timon, Samuel. Hungarian Historian 1675 • • ^ 73^ Timoteo da Urbino. Delia Viie. Painter 1470^ 1524? Timotheus. Athenian Commander — B.c.354? Timothy. Disciple and Companion of St. Paul fl. ist. c. Timour Beg, or Tamerlane, which see I336-''. 1405 Tindal, Mattliew, ll. d. Theological and Political Writer 1657? . i J23 Tindal, Rev. Nicholas. Historian ; Translator and Con- tinuator of Rapin 1687, .1774 Tindal, Sir Nicholas Conyngham. Judge i777 . .1846 Tindal, or Tyndale,Wm. " Translator of Bible and Martyr 1484?. 1536 TindaU, Rev. William. Writer. {History of Evesham) . 1754. .1804 TineUi, Tiberius. Italian Historical and Portrait Painter 1586. . 1638 Tintoretto, II. James Robusti. Italian Painter 1512..1594 Tippoo Sahib. Last Independent Sultan of Mysore . . . 1749. . 1799 Tiptoft, John, Earl Worcester ; Lord Deputy. Writer . . — . . 1470 Tiraboschi, Jerome. {Ital. Literature.) L. by Matthias 1731 . .1794 Tiraqueau, Andrew. French Lawyer 1480?. 1558 Tischbein, John Henry. Ger. Painter. L. by Engelschall 1 722 . . 1 789 Tischbein, John Henry Wm., neph. Historical Painter 1751. .1829 Tisio, Benvenuto. ll Garofah. Painter 1481 . .1559 Tissaphernes. Persian Satrap — b.c. 395 Tissot, Simon Andrew. Swiss Medical Writer 1728. .1797 Titi, Santi di. Italian Painter 1538 . . 1603 Titi, Tiberius di, son. Painter 1578. . 1637 Titian. Tiziano Vecelli. Italian Painter. Life by North- cote, 1830 1477- .1576 Titley, Walter. Envoy and Scholar 1 706 . . 1 768 Titon du Tillet, Everard. {Le Parnasse Frangaise) ... 1676. . 1762 Titsingh, Isaac. Eastern Traveler 1740. . 1812 Tittmann, John Augustus Henry. German Theologian 1773. .1831 Titus. Companion and Fellow Laborer of St. Paid fl. ist c. Titus. Roman Emperor (79-81) 40. , 81 Tixier, John. Eavisius Textor. French Writer 1480?. 1524 Toaldo, Joseph. Italian Physician and Meteorologist. , . 1719. .1798 Tobin, John. Dramatist. Life by Miss Benger, 1820 . . 1770. . 1804 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 397 BORN. DIED. Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henry Clerel de. French Publicist and Statesman. {Ainerican Democracy) . . . 1805. .1859 Tod, James. Lieutenant-Colonel. Traveler and Writer 1782. .1835 Todd, Henry John. Archdeacon ; Biographer, and Editor ofPoets. (Johnson^ s Dictionary ; Deans of Canterbury) 1763.. 1845 Todd, Hugh, D. D., of Carlisle. Eccles. Antiq. ( Carlisle) 1658. .1728 Todd, Robert Bentley, M. D. Medical Writer iSio?. i860 Toepffer, Rodolph. Swiss Author and Caricaturist i779- • 1846 Toflno de San Miguel, Vincent. Spanish Astronomer 1740. .1806 Tofts, Mrs. Katharine. Singer — . .1770 Toglirul Beg. First Sultan of the Seljuk Turks 988?. 1063 Tograi. Arabian Poet and Alchemist — aft.1120 Toiras, John du Caylar de St. Bonnet, Marquis de. Mar- shal of France. Life by Michael Baudier 1585 . . 1636 Tokolyi, or Toekoelyi. See Tekeli 1658 . . 1705 Toland, John. Writer. Life by Des Maizeaux ; Mosheim 1669? . 1 722 Toledo, Francis de. Toletus. Cardinal. Jesuit; Theol. 1532. .1596 Toledo, Peter de. Spanish General. Viceroy of Naples 1484. .1553 Toledo, Roderick de. Toletanus. Spanish Historian ... 1170?. 1247 Toler, John, Earl of Norbury. Judge 1745 • • ^^3^ Tollens, Heniy Corneliszoon. Dutch Poet 1780. . 1856 Toilet, Miss Elizabeth. Poet and Scholar 1694. .1754 Toilet, Thomas. Musical Composer fl. 1694 Tollius, Cornelius. Dutch Philologist 1620?. aft. 1652 ToUius, James, M. D. Scholar 1630?. 1696 Tolommei, Claude. Italian Scholar and Poet 1492. .1555 Tombes, John. Baptist Writer 1603 . . 1676 Tomline, George. Pretyman. Bishop of Winchester , . 1750. ,1827 Toinlins, Miss Elizabeth Sophia. Novelist and Poet . . . 1763. .1828 Tommasi, Joseph Mary. Cardinal ; Ecclesiastical Writer 1649 . .1713 Tommasini, James Philip. Ital. Antiq. and Biographer 1597. .1654 Tompkins, Daniel D. American Statesman ; Vice-Pres- ident of United States 1774- .1825 Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Irish Polit. L. by W. T.W. Tone 1763. .1798 Tonna, Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth. Writer. {Personal Recollections) 1 792 . . 1846 Tonstall, or Tunstall, Cuthbert. Bishop of Durham. . . . 1474^.1559 Tonti, Lawrence. Italian Banker; Originator of Tontines fl. 1653 Took, William. Writer on Science '^■777'^ ■ 1863 Tooke, Andrew. Gresham Professor of Geology 1673. •'^TZ''- Tooke, John Home. Politician and Philologist. {Diver- sions of Purley.) Life by William Hamilton, 1812; A. Stephens, 1813 ; W. H. Reid ... 1736.. 1812 Tooke, Thomas. Financial Writer. {History of Prices) 1774. .1858 Tooke, Rev. William, f. r. s. Writer on Russia i744- • 1820 Topffer, Rodolph. Swiss Author and Caricaturist i779- .1846 Topham, John. Antiquary — . . 1803 Toplady, Augustus Montague. Divine. Life, 1778, Bvo 1740. .1778 Torbido, or Turbido, Francis. II Moro. Italian Painter 1500''. 1581? Torchilli, Jonas. Icelandic Scholar and Divine 1697. .1759 Tordenskiold, Peter. Danish Admiral 1691 . .1720 Torelli, Joseph. Italian Mathem. ; Editor of Archimedes 1 721 , . 1 781 Torelli, or Taurellius, Laelius. Jurist ; Editor of Pandects 1489 . . 1576 Torelli, Pomponius, Count of Montechiarugola. Poet and Writer 1539. . 1608 398 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Toreno, Joseph Maria Queypo de Llano Ruiz de Savavia, Count de. Spanish Statesman and Historian 1786. .1843 TorfsBus, or Tormodus. Thormond Thorvesen. Icelandic Historian 1640. .1719 Torinus, Albanus. Alban Thorer. Swiss Physician . . . 1489. .1550 Tornielli, Augustin. Italian Ecclesiastical Historian . . . 1543. . 1622 Torporley, Nathaniel. Mathematician 1573''. 1632 Torquatus, T. Manlius Imperiosus. Roman Dictator, fl. 4th c. b.c. Torquemada, John de. Turrecremata. Cardinal 1388.. 1468 Torquemada, Thomas de. Spanish Inquisitor-General. 1420''. 1498 Torre, John Mary della. Italian Natural Philosopher . . 1710. .1782 Torre, Philip del. Italian Antiquary 1657. .1717 Torrens, Sir Henry. Adjutant-General i779- • 1828 Torrens, Robert, f. r. s. Lieut-Colonel; Economist. . . 1780. .1864 Torrentius. Dutch Scholar and Poet. (See Laevinus. . 1525. .1595 Torrentius, John. Dutch Painter 1589. . 1640 Torres, Louis da' Motta. Port. Navigator and Statesman 1 769 . . 1822 TorriceUi, Evangelista. Mathem. Inventor of Barometer 1608. .1647 Torrigiano, Peter. Italian Sculptor 1472'. 1522 Torrijos, Joseph Mary. Spanish Patriot 1791 . . 1831 Torrington, George Byng, Sixth Viscount. Admiral . . 1768. .1851 Torry, — . Bp. of St. Andrew's. L. by J. M. Neale, 1856 1763. . 1852 Torstenson, Leonard, Count. Swedish General 1603. . 1651 Torti, Francis. Italian Phj'sician 1658. .1741 Tory, Geoffrey. French Bookseller and Engraver 1480?. 1536? Toscanelli, Paul. Italian Astronomer 1397 . . 1482 Tostatus, Alphonso. Span. Theologian & Biblical Writ. 1400. . 1454 Tosti, Earl of Northumberland, son of Earl Godwin — . .1066 Totila. King of Ostrogoths (541-52). Captor of Rome — . . 552 Tott, Francis, Baron de. French Adventurer. {Atemoires sur les Turcs) i733- -1793 Tottel, Richard. Publisher. {Miscellanies) — . .1593^ Totten, Joseph Gilbert. Amer. Gen. & Military Engineer 1 788 . . 1864 Tottenham, Edward. Controv. Div. L. by W. C. Magee 1810 . . 1853 Tottie, John, Archdeacon. Preacher. — aft. 1775 Touche, Claude Guymond de la. French Poet 1723 . . 1 760 Toulrain, Joshua, d. d. Unitarian Writer 1740- • 11815 Toulongeon, Francis Emanuel, Visct. de. Fr. Historian 1748. . 1812 Toup, Rev. Jonathan. Critic i7i3' -1785 Toiir, Maurice Quentin de la. French Portrait Painter. . 1704. .1788 Toiimefort, Joseph Pitton de. French Botanist. ( Voy- age in Levant) 1656. .1708 ToTirn61y, Honors. Fr. Theologian. {Courseof Theology) 16^8. .iy2g Tournemine, Ren6 Joseph. Fr. Jesuit ; Theologian, Hist. 1661 . . 1 739 Toiirneur, Peter le. French Translator from English. . . 1736. .1788 Touro, Judah. American Philanthropist 1776. .1854 Tourrette, Mark Anthony Louis Claret de la, of Lyons. Naturalist 1729. . i793 Tovirville, Anne Hilarion de Cotentin, Count de. French Admiral. Life by Margon 1642. . 1701 Toussaint I'Ouverture, Francis Dominic. Negro Con- queror in St. Domingo. Life by St. Rdmy, 1850 ; Dr. Beard, 1853 1743. .1803 Towers, Joseph, ll. d. Polit. and Miscellaneous Writer 1737. .1799 Towgood, Micajah. Dissenting Divine 1700. .1792 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 399 BOEN. DIED. Townley, Charles. Scholar. Collector of Townley Marbles 1 737 . . 1805 Townley , Rev. Jas. Farce Writ. ( High Life hetow Stairs) 1 7 1 5 . . 1 7 78 Townley, ColonelJohn. Translator of Hudibras — ,.1782 Townsend, George. Prebendary of Durham. (Bible)., — .•1857 Townsend, John. Founder of Deaf and Dumb Asylum 1757. .1826 Townsend, Rev. Joseph, of Pewsey. Physician, Divine, Naturalist. Chaplain to Lady Huntingdon. ( Travels) 1 740 . . 1816 Townshend, Charles, Second Viscount. Statesman 1676. .1738 Townshend, Chas., grandson. Weather- Cock. Statesm. 1 725 . . 1 767 Townson, Thomas, d. d. Life by Churton 1715 • • 1792 Towson, Nathan. American Soldier 1784. . 1854 Tozer, Henry. Puritan Divine 1602. . 1650 Tozetti, John Targioni, of Florence. Botanist 1712. .1783 Tradescant, John. Horticulturist to Charles I — . . 1652? Tradescant, John, son. Horticult. (Museum Tradescant.) 1608.. 1662' Traetta, Thomas. Neapolitan Musical Composer 1727. .1779 Tragus, Jerome. Bock. German Botanist 1498. .1553 Traill, Robert. Scottish Divine 1642. .1716 Traill, Thomas Stewart, m. d. Editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica 1781 . . 1862 Trajan. Roman Emperor (98-117). Life by Tillemont . . 52.. 117 Tralles, Balthasar Louis. German Physician 1708 . .1797 TraJlianus, Alexander, of Tralles. Medical Writer 5-55°' Trapp, John. Puritan Commentator 1601 . . 1669 Trapp, Joseph, d. d. Divine and Poet 1679. .1747 Travers, John. Musical Composer — . .1758 Traversari, Ambrose. Ital. Greek Scholar. L. by Mehus 1378 . . 1439 Travis, George. Archdeacon. Writer against Gibbon . . — ••i797 Trebonius, Caius. Conspirator against Caesar — B.C. 43 Treby, Sir George. Judge 1644. .1702 Tredgold, Thomas. Civil Engineer ; Writer on Mechanics 1 788 . . 1829 Trediakovsky, Vassili Kirilovitch. Russian Poet 1703. .1769 Trelauney, Sir Jonathan. Bp. of Exeter and Winchester 1648? . 1721 Trembecki, Stanislaus. Polish Poet 1724?. 1812 Trembley, Abraham. Swiss Naturalist 1700 . .1784 Tremellius, Emanuel. Italian Hebraist 15 10'. 1580 Tremoille, or Tremouille, Louis 'de la, Viscount de Thouars. Fr. General ; fell at Pavia. L. by Bouchet 1460. .1525 Tremolliere, Peter Charles. French Painter 1703^- 1 739 Trenchard, Sir John. Statesman 1650. . 1695 Trenchard, John. Political Writer 1669. .1723 Trenck, Francis von der, Baron. Austrian Commander. Life by self, 1807 ; Huebner, 1788 1711 . . 1749 Trenck, Frederick von der, Baron, cousin. Adventurer; guillotined. Life by self 1726. .1794 Trento, Anthony da. Engraver fl. iSSo*^ Treschow, Niels. Danish Philosopher and Theologian . 1751..1833 Tresham, Henry. Painter and Poet — . . 1814 Tressan, Louis Elizabeth de la Vergne, Count de. Offi- cer and Writer 1705 . .1782 Trevenen, James. Captain. Life by J. Penrose, 1849 . . — ••179° Treviranus, Godfrey Reynold. German Naturalist .... 1776. . 1837 Trevisani, Angelo, of Venice. Painter fl. 1750'' Trevisani, Francis. Italian Painter 1656. .1746 Trevisi, Jerome. Painter and Engineer to Henry VHI. 1508. .1544 400 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Treviso, Edward Adolphus Casimir Joseph Mortier, Duke of. Marshal of France 1768. . 1835 Trevor, Sir John. Secretary of State 1626 . . 1672 Trevor, Sir John. Lawyer. Speak, of House of Commons 1633. .1717 Trevor, Richard. Bp. of Durham. L. by Geo. Allan, 1776 — • • 1771 Trew, Christopher James, of Nuremberg. Phys. and Bot. 1695 . . 1769 Tribolo, Nicholas di. Italian Sculptor 1500. .1550 Tribonian. Roman Jurist and Publicist — . . 545 Triewald, Martin. Swedish Engineer and Mathematician 1691 . . 1 747 Trigaiilt, Nicholas. French Jesuit Missionary to China 1577. .1628 Triller, Daniel William. German Medical Writer 1695 . .1782 Trimble, Isaac R. " Confedei-ate " General 1801?. 1862 Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah. Writer. Life, 2 vols. 1814 1741. .1810 Trincavelli, Victor. Ital. Physician and Greek Scholar 1496. .1568 Trippel, Alexander. Swiss Sculptor 1747. -1793 Trissino, John George. Italian Poet. {Italia Liberata) 1478. .ic,KiO Tristan da Cunha. Portuguese Naval Commander fl. 15th c. Tristan I'Hermite, Francis. French Dramatic Poet . . . 1601 . . 1655 Trithemius, John. Universal Scholar and Writer 1462. .1516 Trithen, Frederick Henry. Sanskrit & Sclavonic Schol. 1820. . 1854 Trivet, Nicholas. Historian 1258?. 1328 Trivulce, John Jas. Marshal of Fr. L. by Rosmini, 1815 1441 . . 1518 Trogus Pompeius. Roman Historian. (Univers. Hist.) fl. b.c. 20? Trollope, Mrs. Frances, nee Milton. Novelist 1778. . 1863 Trommius, Abraham. {Greek Concord. ofJheOld Test.) 1633.. 1 719 Tromp, Sir Cornelius van. Dutch Admiral 1629. . 1691 Trorap, Martin Harpertzoon van. Dutch Admiral ; Op- ponent of Blake i597- -1653 Tronchin, John Robert. Jurist ; Writer against Rousseau 1 71 1 . . 1 793 Tronchin, Theodore. Swiss Medical Writer 1709- .1781 Tronson de Coudray, William Alexander. Fr. Advocate 1 750 . . 1 798 Troost, Cornelius. Dutch Historian and Painter 1697. .1750 Troost, Gerard. American Chemist and Geologist 1776. .1850 Trotter, Thomas, M. D., of Newcastle. Med.Writ. & Poet — ..1832 Troughiton, Edward. Astronomical Instrument Maker . 1753. .1835 Troup, George M. American Statesman 1780. . 1856 Trowbridge, Edmund. American Jurist 1709- -1793 Trowbridge, Sir Thomas. Admiral 1750''. 1807 Troy, Francis de. French Historical and Portrait Painter 1645 . . 1730 Troy, John Francis de, son. Painter 1676. .1752 Troyen, Rombout van. Flem. Painter of Ruins and Caves 1600 . . 1650 Troyon, Constantine. French Painter 1813. . 1865 Trublet, Nicholas Charles Joseph. French Essayist. . . . 1697. .1770 Trucliet, John. Fr. Mathem. and Hydraulic Engineer 1657. .1729 Trueba y Cosio, Telesforo de. Span. Dramatist and Nov. 1805 . .1835 Truman, Rev. Joseph, b. d. Theologian 1631 . . 1671 Trumbull, Benjamin, d. d. Amer. Clergyman and Hist. 1735 . . 1820 Trumbull, John ll. d. American Poet. ' {McFingal) . . 1750. .1831 Trumbull, John. American Painter 1756. . 1843 Trumbull, Jonathan. American Colonial Governor. Life by I. Stuart 1710. .1785 Trumbull, Jonathan, son. Patriot; Gov. of Connecticut 1740. .1809 Trumbull, Sir William. Statesman 1638. .1716 Truro, Thomas Wilde, Baron. Statesman and Jurist. Lord Chancellor (1850-52) 1782. . 1855 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 401 BORN. DIED. Trusler, Rev. John, ll. d. Bookseller and Compiler. . . 1735 . . ^^^o Truxton, Thomas. American Naval Officer i755 • • ^822 Tiryphiodorus. Greek Poet and Grammarian fl. 5th cJ Tschirner, Henry Theophilus. Ger. Theol. and Preacher 1778. . 1828 Tschirnhausen, Ehrenf'ried Walter von, Ct. Ger. Math. 165 1 . .1708 Tschudi, Giles. Father of Swiss History 1505 .. 1572 Tucker, Abraham. Search. Writer. {Light of Nature) lyo^. .lyj^ Tucker, Beverly. American Lawyer and Novelist 1784. .1851 Tucker, George. American Jurist i775 • • 1861 Tucker, Henry St. George. Chairman East India Com- pany. Life by Kaye, 1854 — . . 1828 Tucker, Henry St. George. American Jurist i779- • 1848 Tucker, Josiah, d. d. Dean of Gloucester. Polit. Writer 1711 . .1799 Tucker, St. George. American Poet and Jurist 1752. .1827 Tuckerman, Joseph, d. d. Amer. Clergyman & Writer 1778. .1840 Tuckey, Jas. Hingston. Explorer. {Maritime Geography) 1 778.. 1816 Tuckney, Anthony. Puritan Divine i599- • 1670 Tude, Clairon de la. French Actress 1723. .1803 Tudela, Benjamin of. Rabbi. Traveler — ••ii73 Tudor, Owen ; second husband of Catherine of France, Queen of England , — . . 1461 Tudor, William. American Author i779' • 1830 Tudway, Dr. Thomas. Musical Composer fl. 1705 Tuerk. See Tiirk , 1774. . 1846 Tulden, or Thulden, Theodore van. Dutch Painter 1607, . 1676 Tull, Jethro. Agricultural Writer 1680? . 1740 Tullia. Daughter of Cicero 79"' -45 ^-c Tullibardine, Wm. Murray, Marquess of. Scot. Jacobite — ••i747 Tullus Hostilius. Third King of Rome fl. B.C. 673-641 Tully, Rev. George. Divine 1653 . . 1697 Tully, Rev. Thomas. Controversial Divine 1620. . 1676 Tully, William. American Physician and Botanist 1785 . . 1859 Tulp, Nicholas. Dutch Medical Writer i594- • 1674 Tunstall, or Tonstall, Cuthbert. Roman Catholic Prelate 1474'. 1559 Tunstall, James, d. d. {Natural and Revealed Religion) 1710' 1772 Txiramini, Alexander. Italian Jurist iSS^'- — Turberville, George. Poet i53o^aft.i594 Turbido, or Torbido, Francis. Italian Painter 1500-'. 1581? Turenne, Henry de la Tour d' Auvergne, Viscount de. Fr. Marshal. L. bv Sandras ; Raguenet ; Gatien de Cour- tiltz; Chevalier Ramsay, 1749; T. 0. Cockayne, 1853 1611...1675 TurgeneflF, Alexander Ivanovitch. Russian Historian . . 1784.. 1845 Tvirgot, Anne Robert James, Baron de I'Aulne. French Statesman. Life by Condorcet, 1796 1727. .1781 Tiirk, Charles Christian William von. German Educator and Philanthropist I774- • 1846 TurnbuU, Robert James. American Political Writer. . . 1775 • • '^^33 Turnebus, Adrian. Critic and Translator 1 5 12. . 1565 Turner, Daniel. Baptist Divine 1710..1798 Turner, Dawson. Bot. and Antiq. { Tour in Nor-mandy) — ..1858 Turner, Edward, m. d. Professor of Chemistry. {Ele- ments of Chemistry) 1798. . 1839 Turner, Francis. Bishop of Ely. Nonjurer. {Life of Nicholas Ferrar) — . .1700 Turner, Sir James. Life by self, edited by Thompson. . fl. 1682 26 402 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Turner, Joseph Mallord Wm. Painter. L. by Thornbury 1 775 . . 1851 Turner, Robert. Eng. Rom. Cath. Divine & Commentator — . .1599 Turner, Samuel. Envoy to Mysore, and Traveler 1749''. 1802 Turner, Rev. Sam. Hurlbeart, d. d. Amer. Theol. Writer 1790. . 1861 Turner, Sharon. Historian 1768 . . 1847 Turner, Thomas. Dean of Canterbury. Divine 1591 . . 1672 Turner, Thomas Hudson. Archaeologist 1815.. 1852 Turner, Wm., m. d. Dean of Wells ; Naturalist. {Herbal) 1520?. 1568 Turner, WiUiam Wadden. American Philologist 1810. .1859 Turpin, Francis Henry. Historian. (French Plutarch) lyog. .lygg Turpin, or Tilpin, John. Archbishop of Rheims. . . — . . 800'' Turpin, Richard. Highwayman 1711?. 1739 Tiirpin de Crisse, Lancelot. Fr. Gen. Military Writ. 171 5?. aft. 1789 Turrecremata. See Torquemada ' 1388. . 1468 Turretin, Benedict. Theological Professor at Geneva . . 1588. .1631 Turretin, Francis, son. Theological Professor at Geneva 1623. .1687 Turretin, .lohn Alfonso, son. Theological Professor. . . . 1671 . .1737 Tursellinus, Horatius. Jesuit. Latin Scholar i545- -1599 Turton, Thomas. Bishop of Ely (1845-64) 1780. .1864 Tussaud, Madame. Artiste and Exhibit, of Wax-works 1760. .1850 Tusser, Thomas. Georgical Poet. British Varro. Life by Dr. Mavor. {Five Hundred Points) ^SiS'- 1580? Tutchin, John. Political Writer — . . 1 707 Tuthill, Sir George, M. d. Physician — . . 1835 Tutilo. Monk of St. Gall. Artist, Poet, &c — . . 896? Tweddell, John. Scholar and Traveler 1769. . 1799 Twells, Leonard. Divine — . .1742 Twiggs, David Emanuel. American General 1790. . 1862 Twine. See Twyne. Twining, Rev. Thomas. Translator of Aristotle i734- • 1804 Twining, William. Army Physician and Medical Writer — . .1835 Twiss, Horace. Writer and Politician. {Life of Fldon) lySG. .iS^g Twiss, Richard. Traveler I747- • 1821 Twiss, Dr. William. Nonconf. Divine. {Vindicice Gratice) is^y^'^. 1646 Twyne, Bryan. Oxford Antiquary. {Apologia) i579- • 1644 Twyne, John. Oxford Antiquary — . .1581 Twysden, Sir Roger. Historian i597- .1672 Tycho Brah6. /See Brah^ 1546.. 1601 Tychsen, Olaus Gerard. Danish Scholar i734- • 1815 Tychsen, Thomas Christian. Oriental & Classical Schol. 1758.. 1834 Tye, Christopher. Musical Composer ti. Hen. VIII. -Eliz. Tyers, Thomas. Miscellaneous Writer 1726. .1787 Tyler, Bennet, D. D. Amer. Controversialist. L. by Gale 1783. .1858 Tyler, John. Tenth President of United States (1841-45) 1790. .1862 Tyler, Royall. American Author and Judge 1756. . 1826 Tyler, Wat. Rebel — . . 1381 Tyndale, or Tindal, William. Translat. of Bible ; Martyr 1484''. 1536 Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, Duke of. Lord Lieutenant — ..i6gi Tyrrell, James. Political Writer and Historian 1642. . 1718 TyrtSBUS. Greek Poet fl. b.c. 668 Tyrwhitt, Robert. Founder of Hebrew Prize — . . 1817 Tyrwhitt, Thomas, of Oxford. Clerk to House of Com- mons. Shakespearian Commentator. Classical Writer 1730. .1786 Tyson, Edward, m. r>. Writer and Anatomist 1649. . 1708 Tyson, Rev. Michael. Divine and Artist *. 1740. . 1780 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 403 BORN. DIED. Tyssens, Augustine. Flemish Painter 1 662 . . 1 722 Tyssens, Nicholas, brother. Painter 1660. .1719 Tyssens, Peter. Flemish Painter 1625 . . 1692 Tyssilio. Welsh Chronicler fl. 7th c. Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee. Scottish Jurist and Author. {Outlines of General History; Life of Kames) 1747..1813 Tytler, James. Scottish Writer. {History of Edinburgh) 1747.. 1805 Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Historian. {History of Scotland.) Life by J. W. Burgon, 1859 1791 . .1849 Tytler, William. Historical and Miscellaneous Writer. ( Mary Queen of Scots) 1711 . .1792 Tzetzes, John. Greek Poet and Grammarian fl. ab. 11 50 Tzschirner, Henry Theophilus. German Theologiau . . 1778.. 1828 iOi A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. U. BOBN. DIED. Ubaldmi, Petrucchio. Illuminator on Vellum and Writer — aft. 1 588 TJbaldo, Guido. Italian Mathematician 1540''. 160 1 ? Ul)erti, Fazio, or Boniface degli. Italian Poet. {IlDitta Mondo) — . .1370? XJccello, Paul. Florentine Painter 1349?. 1432 Udal, Ephraim. Episcopalian Div. {Treat, on Sacrilege) — ..1647 Udal, John. Puritan Divine and Sufferer — . . 1592 TJdal, or Udall, Nicholas. Master of Eton and Westmin- ster Schools. {Ralph Royster Doyster) 1506. . 1564 TJdina, Martin da. PelegHno di San Daniello. Painter 1480?. 1545? Udino, John da. Italian Painter i494- -1564 tJffenbacli, Zacharias Conrad von. German Writer 1683. .1734 Uggione, or Oggione, Mark da. Milanese Painter 1480': 1530 TJgheUi, Ferdinand. Italian Eccles. Hist. {Italia Sacra) 1595. .1670 Ugone, Matthias. Italian Writer on Councils — ..1616 TJhland, John Louis. German Lyric Poet 1787 . . 1862 Uilkens, James Albert. Dutch Naturalist 1772. . 1825 Ulloa, Anthony de. Span. Mathematician & Naval Officer 1716. .1795 Ulloa y Pereira, Louis de. Spanish Poet — . . 1660 UlpMlas, or Umias. Gothic Bishop and Writer (348-81) 311?. 381 Ulpian, Domitius. Roman Jurist — . . 228 Ulug-Beg. Tartar Prince. Astronomer i394- • ^449 Umbreit, Frederick William Charles. German Protestant Theologian 1795 . . i860 TJncas. North Amer. Indian Chief ; Sachem of Mohegans — ..1680? Underwood, T. R. Artist and Geologist — . . 1835 TJnger, Frederica Helen. Novelist and Translator — . . 1813 TJnger, John Frederick Theophilus. German Printer and Wood Engraver 1750- .1804 Unzer, John Augustus. German Medical and Physiolog- ical Writer 1727. .1799 Upcott, William. Autograph Collector i779- • 1845 Upshur, Abel Parker. American Jurist and Statesman . — ..1844 Upton, James. Divine and Scholar ; Editor of Aristotle and Ascham 1670. .1749 Upton, John. Prebendary of Rochester ; Editor of Spenser 1 707 . . 1 760 Urban I. Pope (222-30) — . . 230 Urban n. (1088-99.) Otho or Eudes — ..1099 Urban III. ( 1185-87. ) Hubert Crivelli — . . 1 187 Urban IV. (1261-64.) James Fnntaleon —..1264 Urban V. (1362-70.) William de Grinioard — -.1370 Urban VI. (1378-89.) Bariholomew di Prignano 1318''. 1389 Urban VII. Elected Sept. 15, 1590. John Bapt.Castngna — ..1590 Urban VIII. (1623-44.) Maffeo Barbenni. Life by Dr. Brown 1 568 . . 1644 Urbino, Timotheus di. See Vite i47o''- 1524' Urceo, Anthony. Codrtts Urceus. Italian Scholar.... 1446.. 1500 Ure, Andrew, M. D. Scottish Chemist 1778.. 1857 Urf6, Anne d'. French Poet 1555.. 1621 Urf6, Honore d', brother. Poet. {UAstree) 1567. • 1625 Urqilhart, Sir Thomas, of Cromarty. Philol. and Math. — . . 1642 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 405 BORN. DIED. Urraca. Queen of Leon, Castile, and Asturias 1080. .1126 Ursins, Anne Maria de la Tremoille, Princess des. Poli- tician. {Memoirs and Correspondence) 1642'' . 1722 Ursins, John Juvenal des. Archbishop of Rheims. {Reign of Charles VI.) 1388. .1473 tJrsinus, Benjamin. Behr. German Mathematician ... 1587. .1633 Ursinus, Benjamin. Lutheran Bishop and Coirrt Preacher fl. 1700 Ursinus, Fulyius. Scholar and Classical Editor 1529. . 1600 Ursinus, George Henry. Pliilologist 1647 . . 1 707 Ursinus, John Henr}'-. German Lutheran Divine. {Rise of the Churches of Germany) — . . 1667 Ursinus, Zachary. German Protestant Theologian i534- -1583 Ursticius, Christian. See Wursticius 1 544 . . 1 588 Ursula, St. Virgin and Martyr. — . . 453-'' Ursus, Nicholas Kayraarus. Danish Mathematician ... . 1550'. 1600 Urville, Julius Sebastian Caesar Dumont d' . French Nav- igator. ( Voyage to South Pole) I790- • 1842 Usez, Robert d' — . . 1291 Usher, James. Archbishop. Life by Dr. Nicholas Ber- nard; Dr. Richard Parr and Thomas Marshall; Dr. John Aikin, 1773 ; Dr. Ebrington 1580. . 1656 Ustariz, Jerome. Spanish Political Economist — . .1750' Usteri, Leonard. Swiss Educationist 1741 •. -1789 Utenhovius, Charles. Polemical and Political Divine . . 1536?. 1600 Utrecht, Adrian van. Dutch Painter i599- • 1651 Uvaroflf, or Ouvarotf, Sergy Semenovitch. Russian States- man and Writer 1785. .1855 Uvedale, Robert, d. d. Botanist 1642. .1722 Uwlns, David, m. d. Medical Writer 1780. . 1837 Uwins, Thomas, r. a. Life b^ Mrs. Uwins, 1858 1783. .1857 Uz, John Peter. German Lync Poet 1720. .1796 Uzziah. King of Judah (b. c. 808-756) 824? . 756 B.C. 406 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. V. BORN. DIED. Vaart, John van der. Flemish Painter and Engraver. . 1647. .1721 Vacarius. Civilian at Oxford fl. 1 149 Vacea, Flaminius. Italian Sculptor fl. 1594 Vacea-Berlinghieri, Francis. Italian Physician 1732. . 1812 Vaccaro, Andrew. Italian Painter 1598- . 1670 Vaccaro, Francis. Italian Engraver and Painter 1636. . 1687 Vachet, John Anthony le. French Religious Writer and Benefactor 1603, .1681 Vachet, Peter Joseph du. French Latin Poet — . .1655? Vacquette, John, Sieur de Cardonhoy. Jurist and Writer 1658 .. 1 739 Vadder, Louis de. Dutch Landscape Painter 1560. .1623 Vad6, John Joseph. French Humorous Poet 1720. .1757 Vadianus, Joachim. Swiss Scholar 1484. . 1551 Vaga, Pierino del. Peter Buonaccorsi. Italian Painter. . 1501 . .1547 Vahl, Martin. Norwegian Botanist i749- • 1804 Vaillant, Francis le. French Naturalist i753- • 1824 Vaillant, John Foy. French Numismatist and Traveler 1632. .1706 Vaillant, John Francis Foy, son. Medalist 1665 . .1708 Vaillant, Sebastian. French Botanist ; 1669. .1722 Vaillant, Wallerant. Flemish Portrait Painter 1623. . 1677 Vaillant de Quelle, Germain. Commentator on Virgil — . .1587 Vaissette, Joseph. Fr. Benedictine. {Hisi.of Languedoc) 1685.. 1756 Valad6, James Francis. French Bibliographer — . .1784 Valazo, Charles Eleonore Dufriche. French Girondist . . 1751. .1793 Valcarcel, Antonius, Count de Lumiares. Spanish Antiq. 1740^ 1808 Valckenaer, John. Dutch Scholar, Statesman, & Jurist 1759. . 1821 Valckenaer, Louis Gaspar. Dutch Philologist and Critic 1715 . .1785 Valdes, or Valdesso, John. Spanish Reformer in Italy. . — . .1540 Valdez, John Melendez. Spanish Poet 1754.. 1817 Valdo, or Waldo, Peter, of Lyons. Religious Reformer. — ..1179 Val6e, Sylvain Charles, Count. French General i773- .1846 Valence^ or Lesignan, Aymer de. Bishop of Winchester — ..1260 Valens, Fabius. Roman' General — .. 69 Valens, Flavins. Emperor of the East (364-78) 328?. 378 Valentia, George Annesley, Ninth Viscount. ( Voyages and Travels) » "^-770. . 1844 Valentine, St. Bishop or Presbyter; beheaded — . . 270 Valentine. Pope. Elected September 1, 827 — . . 827 Valentine, of Milan, wife of Louis Duke of Orleans 1370''. 1408 Valentine, Basil. Alchemist. ( Currus Triumphulls Anti- monii) fl. i6th c. Valentine, Moses, or Peter. French Painter 1600. .1632 Valentini, Michael Bernard. German Medical Writer. . 1657. .1729 Valentini, Peter Francis, of Rome. Musical Composer — . .1654 Valentinian I. Roman Emperor (364-75) 321.. 375 Valentinian II. (375-92) 371?. 392 Valentinian III. (425-55) 419?. 455 Valentinus. Gnostic Heresiarch fl. 140-160 Valerian. Roman Emperor (253-60) — aft. 260 Valerianus, Johannes Pierius. Italian Latin Poet i477- -1558 Valerius Corvus, Marcus. Roman General 371?. 271? b.c. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 407 BORN. DIED. Valerius Flaccus, Caius. Latin Poet. {Argdnautica) — . . 88? Valerius Maximus. Roman Historian fl. ti. Tiberius Valesio, Francis. Spanish Medical Writer ti. Phil. II. Valesius, Adrian. De Valois. French Historian and Critic 1607. Valesius, Henriciis, brother. De Valoi^ French Critic 1603. Valette, John Louis de Nogaret, Due d'Epernon. French General i554- Valette, John Parisot de la. Founder of Valetta in Malta 1494. Valiero, Augustin. Cardinal; Writer 1531 . Valin, Ren(5 Joshua. ( Coutume de la RocheUe) 1695 . Valincourt, John Bapt. du Trousset de. Critic & Writer 1653. Valkenburgh, Theodore. Dutch Painter ' 1675 . . ■ Valla, Lawrence. Italian Philologist 1406'^' . VaJlancey, Colonel Charles. Irish Antiquary 1721 . . Valle, Peter della. // Pellegrino. Italian Traveler 1586. . Vallemont, Peter le Lorrain de. Historian & Naturalist 1649. . Vallet, or Valet, William. Engraver -1634. . Valli, Eusebius. Italian Medical Writer 1762. . Valliere, Frances Louisa, Duchess de la. Favorite of Louis XIV 1644. . Vallisnieri, Anthony. Italian Naturalist i66i . . Valmont de Bomare, James Christopher. Fr. Naturalist 1731 . . Valois, Adrian de. French Historian 1607. . Valois, Henry de, brother. Valesius. French Critic 1603. . Valois de la Mare, Charles. Writer. ( Valesiance) 1671 . . Valperga di Caluso, Thomas. Piedmontese Mathem. . . 1737. . Valpy, Rev. Edward. Master at Norwich. {Eleg'antice Latince) 1764?. Valpy, Rev. Richard, d.d., br. Master of Reading School 1754. . Valsalva, Anthony Mary. Ital. Physician and Anatomist 1666. . Van Achen, or Aken, John. German Painter 1552- • Van Araburgh, Isaac. Lion-King — . . Van Buren, Martin. Eighth President of United States 1782 Van Butchell, Martin. Empiric I734''- Van Ceiilen, or Keulen, Ludolph. Mathem. of Leyden . — .. Van-Cleve, Joseph. French Sculptor 1644. . Van Diemen, Anthony. Dutch Governor in India i593- • i Van Dyck, or Vandyke, Sir Anthony. Flemish Painter. Life by Carpenter, 1844 1599 . . Van Eflfe'n, Justus. Dutch Writer 1684. . Van Helmont, Segres James. Flemish Historical Painter 1683. , Van Hoeck, John. Flemish Painter 1600. . Van Mildert, William. Bishop of Durham 1765 . , Van Wess, Cornelius P., ll. d. American Jurist and Diplomatist 1781 . . Van Obstal, Gerard. Dutch Sculptor 1597. . Van Oort, Adam. Dutch Painter i557- ■ Van Oost, Jacob. JSlder. Flemish Historical Painter. . 1600?. Van Oost, Jacob, son. Younger. Portrait Painter 1637.. Van Orlay, Bernard. Bernard of Brussels. Painter . . . 1490?. Van Orlay, Richard. Flemish Painter 1652. . Van Os, John. Flower and Marine Painter, and Poet. . . 1744. . Van Os, Peter Gerard, son. Animal Painter 1776. . Van Ostade, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1610. . Van Rensselaer, Cortland, d. d. American Writer 1808. . 408 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Van Bensselaer, Stephen, ll. d. Patroon. American Statesman and Patron of Learning 1764. .1839 Van Spaendonck, Gerard. Flemish Painter of Flowers 1752. .1822 Van Thulden, Theodore. Dutch Fainter and Engraver 1607. .1676 Van Utrecht, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1599. . 165 1 Van Veen, or Venius, Otho. Dutch Painter 1556. . 1634 Van der Cabel, or Kabel, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1631 . . 1695 Van der Does, Jacob. The Old. Dutch Paint. & Engrav. 1623. . 1673 Van der Does, Jacob. The. Younger, son. Painter 1654. . 1693 Van der Does, Simon, brother. Painter 1653. .1717 Van der Heist, Bartholomew. Portrait Painter 1613. . 1670-' Van der Heyden, John. Flemish Architectural Painter 1637. . 1712 Van der Meer. Dutch Painter. See Meer 1627 . . 1691 Van der Monde, Charles Augustus. Medical Writer. . . 1 727 . , 1 762 Van der "Werf, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1659. .1722 Van der Werf, Peter, brother. Painter 1665 . . 1718 Van der Weyde, Roger. Roger ofBu-uges. Flemish His- torical and Portrait Painter 1455?. 1529 Vanaken, Joseph. Dutch Painter 1699. .1749 Vanbrugh, Sir John. Architect and Dramatist 1666'. 1726 Vancouver, George. Navigator and Discoverer 1758^1798 Vandale, Anthony. Dutch Physician and Theologian. . 1638. .1708 Vandarame, Dominic Joseph. French General 1771 . .1830 Vandelli, Dominic. Italian Physician and Naturalist. . . — ..1815? Vanden-Eckout, Gerbrandt. Dutch Historian and Por- trait Painter 1621 . . 1674 VandenhoflF, John. English Tragedian 1790. . 1861 Vanderburch, Emile. French Dramatist I794-' • 1862 Vanderlyn, John. American Painter 1776. . 1852 Vandermeulen, Anthony Francis. Flemish Painter .. . 1634.. 1690 Vandermevden, Peter. Battle Painter in England fl. 1670 Vandermonde, — . Fr. Mathematician and Philosopher 1735 . .1796 Vandervelde, Adrian. Dutch Painter 1639 , . 1672 Vandervelde, Isaiah. Flemish Painter 1590?. 1648 Vandervelde, John. Flemish Painter in England . . . 1598. aft. 1677 Vandervelde, William. The Elder. Marine Painter .. 1610. .1693 Vandervelde, William, son. The Younger. Marine Paint. 1633.. 1707 Vandyck, Philip. Little. Dutch Painter 1680. .1752 Vandyk, Harry Stoe. English Poet and Miscel. Writer 1798?. 1828 Vane, Sir Henry. Statesman 1589. • 1654 Vane, Sir Henry, son. Republican Statesman; beheaded. Life by C. W. Upham 1612. . 1662 Vanetti, Clementino. Italian Writer 1755 . .1794 Vaneyck, Hubert. Painter 1366. . 1426 Vaneyck, John, brother. John of Bruges. Painter 1370. . 1441 Vaniere, James. French Jesuit; Poet 1664. .1739 Vanini, Lucilius. Italian Philosopher; burnt for Atheism. Life by Schram, 1709 ; Durand, 1717; Fuhrmann,1800 1585. .1619 Vanloo, tharles Andrew. French Historical Painter. Life bj' Dandre-Bardon 1705 . . 1765 Vanloo, John Baptist, brother. Portrait Painter 1684. .1746 Vanmander, Charles. Flemish Painter and Author 1548.. 1606 Vanni, Francis. Italian Historical Painter 1565?. 1610? Vanni, John Baptist. Florentine Painter. i599- • 1660 Vannucoi, Andrew. Del Sarto. Painter 1488. . 1530 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 409 BORN. DIED. Vannucci, Peter. Perugino. Painter 1446 . . 1 524 Vanpraet. Bibliopolist. \ Cat. of Works printed onVellum) 1754.. 1837 Vansomer, Paul. Flemish Portrait Painter 1576'. 1621 Vanswieten, Gerard. Dutch Medical Writer 1700. .1772 Vanucei. See Vannucci. Vanuden, Lucas. Landscape Painter 1595 . . 1662 Vanvitelli, Louis. Italian Architect 1700. .1773 Varolii, Benedict. Florentine Writer. {Ercolatio) 1502 . .1565 Varenius, Augustus. Lutheran Divine and Hebraist. . . 1620. .1684 Varenius, Bernard. Dutch Phys. {Universal Geography) — ..1660 Vargas, Louis de. Spanish Painter 1502. .1568 Vargas-Mexia, Francis de. Span. Lawyer and Statesm. — . .1560? Varignon, Peter. Fr. Mathem. {Nouvelle Mechanique) 1654. .1722 Varillas, Anthony. French Historian 1624 . . 1696 Varius, Lucius. Latin Poet — b.c. i i ' Varley, John. English Water Color Painter 1777''. 1842 Varnhagen von Ense, Charles Augustus Louis Philip. German Author 1785 . . 1858 Varnhagen von Ense, Rachel Antonia Frederica, wife.. 1771 . .1833 Varnum, James Mitchell. American General i749- -1789 Varoli, Constant. Ital. Anatomist. Discov. of Pows Varoli 1542.. 1575 Varotari, Alexander. Paduanino. Painter 1590. . 1650 Varotari, Chiara, sister. Portrait Painter 1582. . 1639 Varro, Caius Terentius. Roman Consul (b. c. 216). . . — aft. 202 b.c. Varro, Marcus Terentius. Roman Writer. Most Learned of the Romans 116.28 B.C. Varro, Publius Terentius. Atadnus. Latin Author. (Argonautica) 82 . . 37 B.C. Varus, Quintilius. Poet ; Friend of Virgil and Horace . . — b. c. 24 Vasa, Gustavus. See Gustavus 1490. .1560 Vasari, George. Ital. Painter, Biographer, and Architect 1512. .1574 Vasconcellos, Michael. Portuguese Statesman — . . 1640 Vascosan, Michael. French Printer 1500?. 1576 Vasques, Alphonso. Spanish Painter and Sculptor 1575?. 1645? Vasques, Gabriel. Spanish Theologian i55i-- 1604 Vasselier, Joseph. French Poet 1735 .. 1798 Vassor, Michael le. French Protestant Convert. {His- tory of Louis XIIL) 1647?. 1718 Vatable, Vatebl^, or Gastebled, Francis. Fr. Orientalist — . .1547 Vater, John Severin. German Philologist and Theologian 1771 . . 1826 Vattel, Emmerich de. Swiss Publicist and Jurist 1714- -^7^7 Vattier, Peter. French Arabic Scholar and Translator. . 1623. .1667 Vauban, Sebastian Leprestre, Seigneur de. French Mili- tary' Engineer 1633. . 1707 Vaucanson, James de. French Mechanician 1709- -1782 Vaucher, John Peter. Theologian & Botanist at Geneva — ..1841 Vaugelas, Claude Favre de. {Sur la Jjangue Francoise) . 1585 ? . 1650 Vaughan, Alfred. Poet & Reviewer. { Hours mth Mystics) 1823.. 1857 Vaughan, Henry. Poet. Bilurist. Life by H. F. Lyte 1621. .1695 Vaughan, Sir John. Judge. {Reports) 1608. . 1674 Vaughan, Sir John, d. c. l. Judge 1 772 . . 1839 Vaughan, Thomas. Eugenius PfiUalethes. Alchemist.. — ..1666 Vaughan, William. Welsh Poet. ( Golden Grove) i577 • • 1640? Vaumoridre, Peter Dortigue, Sieur de. French Writer. i6io''.i693 Vauquelin, Louis Nicholas. French Analytical Chemist 1763. .1829 410 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Vauvenargues, Luke de Clapiers, Mqs. of. Fr. Writer . 1715 . . 1747 Vauvilliers, John Francis. French Classical Scholar; died in Russia i "jyj . . 1801 Vaux, Sir Nicholas, Lord. Favorite of Henry VIII — . . 1522 Vaux, Noel Jourdan de. Marshal of France 1705 . .1788 Vaux, Thomas, Lord. Poet 1510. .1557 Vavasseur, Francis. Fr. Jesuit ; Latin Scholar and Poet 1605 . . 1681 "Vecchi, Horatio. Italian Musical Composer and Poet . . — ..1605 Vecchi, John de. Italian Painter 1536. . 1614 Vecchia, Peter. Painter 1605 . . 1678 Vecelli, Francis. Painter 1483 . . 1560 VeceUi, Horatio, son of Titian. Painter 15 15.. 1576 Vecelli, Marcus. Marco da Tizlano. Painter 1545 . . 161 1 Vecelli, Tiziano, or Titian. See Titian 1477.. 1576 Veeninx, John Baptist. Dutch Painter 1621 ?. 1660 Vega, Garcilasso de la. Spanish Poet. /See Garcilasso. 1503. .1536 Vega, Garcilasso de la. Inca. See Garcilasso 1530- • ^S^^ Vega, George von. Baron. Colonel. Ger. Mathematician 1754. . 1802 Vega, Lope de. Span. Poet. Life by Lord Holland, 1817 1562. .1635 Vegetius, Flavins Renatus. Latin Military Writer A* S^S' VeU, or Vie), Charles Mary de. Converted Jew. Com- mentator .' — . . 1680' Veil, or Viel, Louis Compiegne de, brother. Converted JeAv. Hebraist — . .1700? Veit, Philip. German Painter i793- -1^54 Velasco, Antonio Palomino de Castro. Spanish Painter and Historian of Spanish Painters 1653. .1726 Velasquez, James Rodriguez de Silva y. Spanish Paint- er. Life by Stirling, 1855 1599.. 1660 Velde, Francis Charles van der. German Novelist i779- • 1824 Veldeke, Henry von. German Minnesinger ti. 1170- Velly, Paul Francis. Historian 1709'. 1759 Velser, or Welser, Mark. German Civilian 1558. • 1614 Veltheim, Augustus Francis, Count von. Mineralogist i74i..i8oi Velthuysen, Lambert. Dutch Physician, Theol., Philos. 1622. . 1685 Venables, Robert. Colonel. (Experienced Angler). .. . — ..1687 Vence, Henry Francis de. French Biblical Writer 1676''. 1749 Vendome, Caesar, Duke of, son of Gabrielle d'Estrdes. . . 1594. .1665 Vendome, Louis, Duke of, son 1612. . 1699 Vendonae, Louis Joseph, Duke of. French General .... 1654. .1712 Vendome, Philip, Duke of. Commander 1655 . .1727 Veneroni. John Vigneron. French Grammarian fl. 1708 Veneziano, Anthony. Italian Painter 1310' Veneziano, Augustine. Venetian Engraver 1490?. Veneziano, Dominic. Italian Painter 1406. . Venezianu, Anthony. Sicilian Poet i543- • Veniero, Dominic. Italian Poet 1517^- Venius, or Van Veen, Otho. Dutch Painter 1556. ■ Venn, Rev. Henry. Rector of Yelling. ( Complete Duty) 1725. . Venn, Rev. John, son. Rector of Clapham. (Sermons) 1759. . Venner, Thomas. Fanatic — . . Vernier, Tobias. English Medical Writer i577- • Venning, Ralph. Ejected Nonconf. Div. (Helps to Piety) 1620?. Ventenat, Stephen Peter. French Botanist i757- • Ventinaiglia, Joseph. Sicilian Prince and Statesman. . . 1761 . . 540? 462 593 582 634 797 813 661 660 673 808 814 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 411 BORN. DIED. Ventura, G. D. Joachim. Italian Jesuit; Orator and Theologian I792.,i86i Venusti, Marcello. // Mantuano. Italian Painter 1515..1576 Veratti, Laura. Female Scholar 1711 . . — Verbiest, Ferdinand. Flemish Math, and Miss, to China 1630?. 1688 Verdier, Anthony du. {Bibliotheque des Auieurs Fraiujuis) 1544. .1600 Verdier, Caesar. French Anatomist 1685 . . 1759 Vere, Sir Aubrey de. Dramatic Poet — . . 1846 Vere, Edward de. Seventeenth Earl of Oxford. Poet . . 1540?. 1604 Vere, Sir Francis. General. Defender of Ostend i554- • 1608 Vere, Sir Horace, Baron of Tilbury, brother. General . . 1565 . . 1635 Verelius, Olaus. Olaf Werl Swedish Antiquars' 1618. . 1682 Verelst, Simon. Dutch Fruit and Flower Painter. 1604. .1651 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de. Fr. Statesman. 171 7. .1787 Vergerio, Peter Paul. The Elder. Ital. Reviver of Learning 1349. .1431' Vergerio, Peter Paul. The Younger. Roman Catholic Bishop and Protestant Convert • — . .1565 Vergier, James. French Poet 1657. . 17^0 Vergier de Hauranne, John du. Abbot of St. Cyran. Jansenist 1581 . . 1643 Vergil, Polydore. English Historian 1470?. 1555 Vergne, Louis Elizabeth de la. Count de Tressan. French Writer 1705 . .1782 Vergniaud, Peter Victurnien. French Girondist i759- -1793 Verheyen, Philip. Dutch Physician and Anatomist. . . . 1648. .1710 Vermeulen, John. /See Mola'nus i533--i585 Vermeyen, John Cornelius. Dutch Painter 1500. .1559 Vermigli. P tier Martyr. Italian Protestant Reformer 1500.. 1562 Vepmuyden, Sir Cornelius. Engineer — . . 1665 Vemes, Jacob. Genevese Divine 1728, .1791 Vernet, Anthony Charles Horace. Carle. French Painter 1758. . 1836 Vernet, Claude Joseph. French Marine Painter 1714- -1789 Vernet, f^mile John Horace. Painter 1789. .1863 Vernet, Jacob. Genevese Divine 1698 . .1789 Vemey, Joseph Guichard du. French Anatomist 1648. .1730 Vernier, Peter, of Franche Comt6. Inventor of Scale. . . 1580?. 1637 Vernon, Edward. Admiral 1684. .1757 Vernon, Robert. Founder of Vernon Gallery i774- -1849 Veronese, Alexander. Turchi and V Orbettp. Ital. Painter 1582 . . 1648 Veronese, Paul. Painter. See Cagliari 1530?. 1588 Verres, Caius. Roman Governor of Sicily — b. c. 43 Verri, Alexander. Italian Writer. {Le Notti Romane) . 1741 . • 1816 Verri, Peter, brother. Economist 1728. .1797 Verrio, Anthony. Italian Painter 1639. .1707 Verroccliio, Andrew del. Italian Painter 1432. .1488 Verstegan, Richard. Antiquary — . . 1635' Vert, Claude de. French Benedictine. Liturgist 1645. .1708 Vertot D'Auboenf, Ren^ Aubert de. French Historian 1655. .1735 Vertue, George. Engraver and Antiquary 1684. .1756 Verus, Lucius Aurelius. Colleague of M. Aurelius. Emp. 130.. 169 Vesalius, Andrew. Dutch Anatomist 1514..1 564 Vesling, John. Physician, Anatomist, and Botanist . . . 1598. .1649 Vespasian, Titus Flavins. Roman Emperor (70-79). .. . 9.. 79 Vesputius, or Vespucci, Americus. Italian Navigator. L. by Lester, 1846 ; Santarem, tr. by E. V. ChUde, 1850 1451 . . 1516 412 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Vestris, Madame, nee Bartolozzi. (Mrs. Matthews.) Comic Actress 1797.. 1858 Vestris, Angiolo Mary Caspar. Italian Dancer 1730- .1809 Vestris, Gaetano Apolline Balthasar, brother. Dancer. . 1729. .1808 Vestris, Mme. Mary Rose Gourgaud Dugazon. Actress 1746. .1804 Vestris, Vestris Allard. Vtstris If. Italian Dancer . . . 1760. .1862 Vettori, or Victorias, Peter. Italian Scholar and Poet. . 1499. .1585 Viaud, Theophilus de. French Poet 1590- • 1626 Vicars, Hedley S. J. Captain. Life by Miss Marsh. . , . 1826. .1855 Vicars, John. Presbyterian Enthusiast 1582. . 1652 Vicary, Thomas. Anat. {A Treasure for Englishmen), fi. 1548 Vicat, Louis Joseph. French Engineer". 1786. . 1861 Vicente, Gil. Portuguese Comic Poet and Dramatist. . . 1485''. 1557 Vici, Andrew. Italian Architect i744- • i^i? Vico, Eneas, of Venice. Medalist — . .1560? Vico, Francis de. Italian Astronomer 1805 . . 1848 Vico, John Baptist. Italian Critic, Historian, and Jurist. ' ( Scienza Nuova) 1668 . . 1744 , Vicq-d'Azyr, Felix. French Physician and Naturalist. {Ehges Historiques) 1714- • 1794 Victoire, Madame, aunt of Louis XVI 1 733- 1799 Victor, St., of Marseilles. Martyr — . . 303 Victor I. Pope (185-97) —..197 Victor II. (1055-57.) Gebehard — ..1057 Victor III. Elected May 24, 1086. .Dldier or Deslderius 1027 . .1087 Victor IV. Antipope — . . 1 164 Victor, Claude Perrin, Duke of Belluno. Marshal of France. ( Memoirs) 1 764 . . 1841 Victor, Sextus Aurelius. Latin Historian fi. 350? Victor- Amadeus I. Duke of Savoy (1630-37) 1587. . 1637 Victor- Araadeus II. Duke of Savoy, and First King of Sardinia a713-32) 1666. .1732 Victor- Amadeus III. King of Sardinia (1773-96) 1726. . 1796 Victor-Emmanuel I. King of Sardinia (1802-21) i759- • 1824 Victorin, of Feltre. Instructor of Youth 1379?. 1447 Victorinus, Caius, or Fabius Marius. African Philoso- pher and Christian Convert — . . 386''' Victorius, Benedict, Medical Writer at Bologna 1480''. 1552? Victorius, or Vettori, Peter. Classical Scholar and Editor 1499. .1585 Vida, Mark Jerome, of Cremona. Italian Poet. {Ckrisiiad) 1480?. 1566 Vidius, Vidus. Guido Guidi. Italian Anatomist at Paris — ••1569 Vidocq, Eugene Francis. French Adventurer; Chief of Detective Police. (Autobiography) 1775 . . 1850 Vien, Madame. French Painter of Flowers, Birds, &c. . . 1728?. 1805 Vien, Joseph Mary, husband. Historical Painter 1716. . 1809 Vien, Joseph Mary. The Younger, son. Portrait Painter 1761. .1809 Vieta, or Viete, Francis. French Mathematician 1540- ■ 1600 Vieussens, Raymond de, f. r. s., of Montpellier. Anat- omist. (Neurologia Universalis) 1641 . . 1716 Vieyra, or Vieira, Anthony. Port. Writer and Preacher 1608. .1697 Vigand, or Wigand, John. Lutheran Divine 1523. -1587 Vigee, Louis John Baptist Stephen. Fr. Poetical Writer 1758. .1820 VigenSre, Blaise de, French Translator and Scholar. . . 1523. .1596 Viger, Francis. Jesuit of Rouen. Philol. (De Idiotismis) — ..1647 Vigilantius. Christian Writer fl. 406 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 413 BORW. DIED. Vigilius. African Prelate and Polemical "Writer fl. 484? Vigllius. Pope (537-55) — •• 555 Vigne, Andrew de la. French Historical Writer — . .1527? Vigne, Anne de la. French Poetess 1634. . 1684 Vigne, Peter delle. Italian Jurist and Politician. Chan- cellor of Frederick II. ; Writer — . .1249 Vigneul de Maiville. See Argonne 1640? . 1 704 Vignier, Jerome. Fr. Orientalist, Antiquary, Medalist. . 1606. ,1661 Vignier, Nicholas. French Historian and Chronologist 1530. .1596 Vignola, James Barozzi da. Italian Architect 1507. .1573 Vignoles, Alphonso des. Chronologist, Historian, and Antiquary 1649 . . 1 744 Vignoles, Stephen de. La Hire. French Commander 1390?. 1443 Vigny, Alfred, Count de. French Poet and Novelist , . . 1799. - 1863 Vigo, John da. Italian Surgeon * fl. 1514 Vigors, Nicholas Avlward. Irish Zoologist 1787. .1840 ViUalpandi, John feapt. Span. Jesuit Div. ( OnEzehiel) 1552. .1608 Villani, John. Florentine Historian — . .1348 ViUani, Matthew, brother. Florentine Historian — . .1363 Villani, Philip, son. Florentine Historian — . . 1404? Villanueva, James. Spanish Writer. ( Viage Literarin) 1765. .1824 Villanueva, Joachim Lorenzo de, brother. Author and Patriot. (Poesias) 1757.. 1837 ViUaret, Claude. French Historian; Continuator of Velly 171 5 '.1766 Villars, Charles Louis Hector, Duke of. Marshal of France. Life by Margon; self and Anquetil, 1784. . . 1653. .1734 Villars, Dominic. French Botanist 1745 • -1814 Villars, Montfaucon de. Fr. Preacher. ( Comte de Gabalis) 1640?. 1675 Villedieu, Mary Hortense Desjardins, Madame de. French Novelist 1632, . 1683 VUlefore, Joseph Francis Bourgoin de. Biographer. ... 1652. .1737 Villegas, Stephen Manuel de. Span. Poet. (Amatorias) 1596. .1669 Villehardouin, Geoffrey de. French Historian 1 167* .1213? VUlele, Joseph, Count de. French Statesman ^773- -1854 Villena, Henry d'Aragon, Marquis de. Spanish Poet. ( Gaya Sciencia) 1384. . 1434 Villena, John de Pacheco, Mqs. de. Castilian Statesman — . .1473 Villeneuve, Christopher de. Soldier 1541 . . 1615 Villeneuve, Gabrielle Susanna Barbot de. Fr. Novelist 1695?. 1755 Villeneuve, Huon de. French Poet. {Les Quatre Fils cVAyTmn) ti. Phil. Aug. Villeneuve, Peter Charles John Baptist Sylvestre de. French Admiral 1763. .1806 Villeneuve, Romee de. Grand Seneschal of Provence ii7o'.i25o'' Villeneuve, Rosaline de. Saint. Ascetic 1263?. 1329 Villeneuve, William de. Soldier and Writer. ( Conqmte de Naples) fl. 1497 ViUers, Charles Francis Dominic de. French Writer 1767. .1815 Villette, Charles, Marquis de. French Politician, Poet, and Writer , 1736. .1793 Villiers, George, First Duke of Buckingham. Favorite ; assassinated 1592. . 1628 Villiers, George, Second Duke of Buckingham, son. Prof- ligate and Wit 1627. . 1688 ViUiers, Montague. Bishop of Durham 1813. . 1861 414 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIBD. Villiers de I'lsle Adam, Philip de. Grand Master 1464. . 1534 Villoisin, John Baptist Gaspar d'Ansse de. French Schol- ar and Collector of MSS 1750. .1805 Villotte, James. Jesuit Divine and Traveler in Armenia 1656. .1743 Vince, Rev. Samuel. Mathematician; Plumian Professor of Astronomy & Experimental Philosophy, Cambridge — . .1821 Vincent, of Beauvais. French Writer. {Speculum Mnjus) — ..1264 Vincent, Augustine. Herald. Life bv Sir N. H. Nico- las, 1827 ■; — . . 1626 Vincent, Nathaniel. Nonconformist Divine — . . 1697 Vincent, Thomas. Nonconf. Divine ; Writer on the Plague 1634. . 1678 Vincent, William. Dean of Westminster. Divine, Clas- sic, Historian. ( Voyage of Nearchus) i739- .1815 Vincent Ferrier. Spanish Dominican; Missionary i357- .1410 Vincent de Paul, St. Founder of Sisters of Charitv. Life by Capefigue, 1827; Abelly, 1839; Collet, tr. 1846 1576. .1660 Vlncentius Lirinensis. French Priest. ( Coinmunitorium) fl. 5th c. Vinci, Leonardo da. Italian Painter. Life by Amaretti ; J. W. Brown, 1828 1452. .1519? Vinci, Leonardo da. Italian Musical Composer 1690. .1732^' Vineis, Petrus de. See Vigne, Peter delle — . .1249 Viner, Charles. Founder of Vinerian Professorship .... 1680. .1756 Vines, Rev. Richard. Presbyterian Divine and Preacher — . .1655 Vinet, Alexander Rodolphe, of Lausanne. Divine. ( Vi- tal ChrislianHy.) Life by E. Scherer, 1853 i797- • 1847 Vinet, Elias. French Mathematician and Antiquary' I5i9'.i587 Vinkenbooms, or Vinkoboon, David. Dutch Painter. . 1578. .1629 Vinnen, or Vinnius, Arnold. Dutch Jurist 1588. .1657 Vinton, Mrs. Calesta Holman. American Missionary. . . 1809. . 1864 Vinton, Justus Hatch. American Missionary 1806. .1S58 Viot, Mary Anne Henrietta Payan de I'Estang. Fr. Writ. 1746. .1802 Viotti, John Baptist. Italian "Violinist , i755 • • 1824 Viret, Peter. Swiss Protestant Divine 151 1. .1571 Virey, Julian Joseph. French Writer on Medicine and Natural History 1775 . . 1846 Virgil. (Publius Virgilius Maro.) Roman Poet. Life by Dean Chetwood; Warton, 1753 7° -19 ^-C- Virgilius. Bishop of Saltzburg — . . 784 Viriathus. Lusitanian Chief — B.c.140 Visconti, Azzo. Lord of Milan 1302. .1339 Visconti, Ennius Quirinus. Antiqnarv i75i- .1818 Visconti, Galeas. Lord of Milan (1322-28) 1277. . 1328 Visconti, John, brother. Archbishop. Lord of Milan . . —..1354 Visconti, John Baptist Anthony. Italian Antiquary ... 1722. . 1784 Visconti, Louis Joachim Tullius. Architect 179I; -i^SS Visconti, Luchino. Lord of Milan 1287''. 1349 Visconti, Matthew. The Grent. Lord of Milan 1250. . 1322 Visconti, Philip Aurelius. Antiquary — . . 1831 Visin, or Von Visin, Denis Ivanovitch. Russian Writer 1745. .1792 Vitalianus. Pope (657-72) — .. 672' Vitalls. Eric S/obevf/. Swedish Poet 1 794 • • 1828 Vitalis, Orderic'us. Historian 1075. aft. 1 143 Vite, John della. Mid. Flemish Painter 1599. .1664 Vite, Timothv della, of Urbiiio. Painter 1470''. 1524? Vitellius. Roman Emperor (69, Jan. 2-Dec. 22) 15 . . 69 J A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 415 BORN. DIED. Vitellius, Cornelius. Italian Teacher of Greek at Oxford fl. 1488 Vitello, or Vitellio. Polish Mathematician fl. 1254? Viton de Saint- Allais, Nicholas. French Genealogist. {Dictionnnire de la Noblesse de France) I773> • 1842 Vitringa, Campegius. Dutch Protestant Theologian. ( On Isaiah) 1659. .1722 Vitringa, Campegius, son. {Summary of Nat. Theology) 1693. .1723 Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus, Roman Architectural Writer fl. B.C. 27 Vitry, James de. Historian — . .1244 Vittoria Colonna. Scholar. Life hy J. S. Harford, 1827 1490 . . 1 547 Vittorino da Feltre. Italian Preceptor i379- • — Vivaldi, Anthony. Italian Violinist and Composer — ••i743 Vivares, Francis. French Engraver 1709. .1780 Vives, John Louis. Spanish Scholar and Writer 1492. -1540 Vivian, Richard Hussey, Lord. Gen. under Wellington 1775. .1842 Viviani, Vincent. Italian Mathematician 1622. .1703 Vivien, Joseph. French Painter 1657 . .1734 Vlacq, Adrian. Dutch Mathematician and Printer fl. 1630 Vladimir. The Great. Grand Duke of Russia — . . 1015 Vladimir Monomachos. Grand Duke of Kiev 1053. .1126 Vladislas, or Wladislas. See Ladislaus. Voeroesmarty, Michael. Hungarian Poet and Writer. . 1800. . 1856 Voet, Daniel. Philosopher. ( Meletemata) 1629 . . 1660 Voet, or Voetius, Gisbert. Dutch Theol. (Dissert. Theol.) 1589. . 1677 Voet, John. Jurist at Leyden. ( On the Pandects) 1647. .1714 Voet, Paul. Jurist at Utrecht. [Theologia Naturalis). . 1619..1667 Voet, Paul Eusebius. Physician and Poet at the Hague — . .1778 Vogel, Dr. Edward. German Traveler in Africa ; murdered 1829. . 1856 Vogel, Theodore. Botanist of the Niger Expedition. ... — . . 1841 Vogler, George Joseph. Abb<5. Mus. Comp. and Writer 1749. . 1814 Vogler, Valentine Henry, of Helmstadt. Medical Writer 1622. . 1677 Voigt, Godfrey. Lutheran Divine. {Altars ofPnmilive Christians) 1644 • • 1682 Voisenon, Claude Henry de Fusde du. Dram, and Poet 1708. .1775 voisin, Daniel Francis. Chancellor of France 1656. .1718 Voisin, Joseph de. French Theologian and Hebraist. . . 1610?. 1685 Voiture, Vincent. French Poet and Writer. {Letters). . 1598. . 1648 Volanus, Andreas. Polish Protestant Writer 1530- • 1610 Voider, Burchel de. Dutch Philos. and Mathematician. 1643. .1709 Volkelius, John. Socinian. ( De Vera Religione) fl. 17th c. VolkoflF, Theodore Gregorievitch. Russian Dramatist . . 1729. .1763 Vohnar, Isaac. German Statesman and Writer — . . 1662 Volney, Constantine Francis Chasseboeuf, Count de. French Traveler and Writer I757- • 1820 Volpato, John. Italian Engraver f^72)3- .1802 Volpi, John Anthony. Italian Latin Poet 1 5 14. . 1588 Volta, Alexander. Italian Physicist 1745 • • ^°^^ Voltaire (anagram of Arouet, I. /., i. e., Arouet, jun.), Francis Mary Arouet de. Life' bv Condorcet, 1789 ; O. Goldsmith; F. H. Standish, 1804;* Mazure, 1821; Long- champ and Wagniere, 1826; Francis Espinasse, 1864 1694.. 1778 Volterra, Daniel di. Ricciarelli. Italian Painter 1509 .. 1566 Volterrano. See Franceschini. Painter 1621 . . 1689 Volusenus, Florentius. Florence Wilson. Scottish Poet and Scholar in France 1500?. 1547 416 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Von der Hardt, Herman. Orientalist and Biblical Commentator 1660. .1746 Vondel, Justus van den. Dutch Poet. L. by Camper, 1818 1587. .1659 Voronikhin, Andrew Nikophorovitch. Kuss. Architect 1760. .1814 Vorontzoff. See Woronzoff. Vorosmarty, Michael. Hungarian Poet and Writer 1800. . 1856 Vorstius, Adolphus. Physician and Botanist at Leyden 1597. .1663 Vorstius, JElius Everard. Physician and Naturalist at Leyden " 1565. .1624 Vorstius, Conrad. Vondem Voorst. German Divine . . . 1569. .1622 Vos, Martin van, of Antwerp. Painter 1531'. 1603 Vos, Paul. Dutch Painter of Animals and Birds 1600?. 1654 Vos, Simon van, of Antwerp. Painter 1603. . 1670? Voss, John Henry. German Philologist, Poet, and Mis- cellaneous Writer. L. by Paulus, 1826; Schmid, 1835 1751..1826 Vossius, Dionysius. Orientalist 1606. . 1633 Vossius, Gerard. Editor of Greek Fathers — . . 1609 Vossius, Gerard. Editor of Velleius Paterculus — . .1650 Vossius, Gerard John. Philologist. Professor at Leyden. Life by Colomies i577- -1649 Vossius, Isaac, son. Canon of Windsor. Philologist . . 1618. .1688 Vossius, Matthew, brother. (Annals of Holland) — . . 1646 Vosterman, John. Dutch Painter in England 1643. • 1699 Vouet, Simon. French Painter 1582. . 1641 Vries, John Fredeman van. Architectural Painter. . . . 1527.aft.1604 Vries, Martin Gerritzoon van. Dutch Navigator fl. 1643 Vrolik, William. Dutch Medical Writer 1801?. 1863 Vulpius, Christian Augustus. German Writer 1762. .1827 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 417 w. BOEN. DIED. Waal, or Wael, Luke van. Painter 1591 • • 1676 Wace, Robert. Anglo-Norman Poet. {LeBrut; Roman de Rou) 11I2?. 1184? Wachler, John Frederick Louis. Ger. Literary Historian 1767. .1838 Wachter, John George. Ger. Scholar and Archaeologist 1673. .1757 "Waddell, James, d. d. American Clergyman I739- • 1805 ■Wadham, Nicholas. Founder of College at Oxford — ..1610' "Wading, or Wadding, Luke. Irish Cordelier at Rome. {Annales Ordinis Mincrrum) 1588 . . 1657 Trading, Peter. Irish Jesuit; Latin Poet and Writer. . . 1580. .1644 "Wadington, Wm. of. Eng. Writer in French. {Manuel) fl. 1300'' ■Wadstrom, or Wadstroem, Charles Bernard. Swedish Traveler and Philanthropist 1746. • i799 "Wadsworth, James. American Philanthropist 1768. . 1844 "Wadsworth, James Samuel. American General 1807. ,1864 "Wadsworth, Thos. Nonconf. {Immortality of the Sovl) 16^0. .1676 ■Waechter, John George. Ger. Scholar and Archaeologist 1673.. 1757 "Wael, or Waal, Cornelius van. Battle Painter i594- .1662 "Wael, or Waal, Luke van, brother. Painter 1591 • • 1676 "Wafer, Lionel. English Voyager and Adventurer fl. 1690 "Waga, Theodore. Polish Historian 1 739 . . 1801 "Wageman, Thomas Charles. Portrait Painter 1787?. 1863 "Wagenaar, John. Dutch Historian 1709- -1773 "Wagenseil, George Christopher. Harpischord Composer 1688. .1779 "Wagenseil, John Christopher. Ger. Scholar and Polemic 1633 . .1705 "Wager, Sir Charles. Admiral 1666 . .1743 "Waghorn, Thos., Lt. R. N. Originator of Overland Route 1800. .1850 "Wagner, John Jas., of Zurich. {Hist. Naturalis Helvetice) 1641 . . 1695 "Wagner, Rudolph. Writer on Natural Historj'- 1814?. 1864 "WagstaflF, Thomas. Nonjuring Bishop 1645 . .1712 "WagstaflF, William. Physician and Humorous Writer. . 1685. .1725 "Wahlenberg, George, (merman Botanist 1784. . 1814 "WaUly, Charles de. French Architect 1729. .1798 "Wailly, Noel Francis de. French Grammarian 1724. . 1801 "Wailly, Stephen Augustin de, son 1770. . 1821 "Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew, d. d. Protestant Epis- copal Bishop of New York ; Writer 1792. . 1854 "Waithman, Robert, m. p. Alderman ; Popular Champion 1765 . . 1833 "Wake, Sir Isaac. Political Writer. {Rex Platonicus) . . . 1575^. 1632 "Wake, William. Archbishop of Canterbury (1716-37). . 1657. .1737 "Wakefield, Edward. Polit. Econ. {Account 0/ Ireland) 1768K 18^4 "Wakefield, Edward Gibbon. Political Economist 1796?. 1862 "Wakefield, Rev. Gilbert. Scholar. {Memoirs) 1756. . 1801 . "Wakefield, Mrs. Priscilla. Writer of Juvenile Works. . 1750. .1832 "Wakefield, Robt. Heb. Prof, at Oxford. { On Ecclesiastes) — ..i537 "Wakley, Thomas. Coroner; Editor of the Lancet 1795?. 1862 "Walaeus, Anthony. Dutch Protestant Divine i573- -1639 "Walseus, John. Dutch Anatomist 1604 . . 1649 "Walafridus. Strabo. Ger. Monk ; Div. & Poet. {Hortulus) 807.. 849? "Walbaum, John Julius. German Physician & Naturalist 1724. .1799 WaJch, Christian William Francis. Divine 1726. .1784 27 418 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. "Walch, John Ernest Emanuel. Divine and Naturalist. . . 1725 . .1778 "Waleh, John George. German Divine and Scholar .... 1693. -^775 "Walckenaer, Charles Athanasius, Baron. French Savant and Author 'i^lT^- .1852 l^^alckenaer, Louis Caspar, and John. /See Valckenaer. "Waldeck, Christian Augustus, Prince of. Austrian Gen. 1744. .1798 "Waldegrave, James, 2d Earl of. Statesman. (jlfewiozVs) 1715. .1763 "Waldemar I. King of Denmark (1157-81?). The. Great 1 131. .1181 ■Waldemar II. (1202-41.) The Victm-ious 11 70. .1241 'Waldemar III., or IV. (1326-73) — . .1375 "Waldensis, Thomas. Netter. Eng. Carmelite; Statesman 1367?. 1430 "Waldis, Burchard. German Fabulist — - .1554 Waldo, Daniel. American Clergyman 1762. . 1864 "Waldo, or Valdo, Peter, of Lyons. Reformer — ••ii79 "Waldstein. See Wallenstein 1583. . 1634 "Wale, Samuel. Painter and Designer '. — ..1786 "Wales, William. Mathematician and Astronomer 1734?. 1798 "Walker, Adam. Astronomical Lecturer and Writer 1731 • • 1821 "Walker, Clement. {History of Independency) 1599?. 1651 "Walker, Sir Edward. Garter King - at - Arms. {Iter Carolmum) 1610?, 1677 "Walker, George. Puritan Divine 1581 . . 1651 "Walker, George. Defender and Bishop of Derry — . . 1690 "Walker, George, f. r. s. Dissenting Divine and Mathem. 1734''. 1807 "Walker, George Washington, of Hobart Town. Quaker Minister. Life by Backhouse and Taylor, 1862 1800. .1859 "Walker, Rev. John, of Exeter. ( Su;^erin(js of the Clergy) — . . 1 730? "Walker, John. ( Critical Pronouncing Dictionary) 1732. . 1807 "Walker, John, m. d. ( Gazetteer) i759- • 1830 "Walker, Joseph Cooper. Irish Writer. {Irish Bards) . . 1766''. 1810 "Walker, Rev. Obadiah. Roman Catholic Master of Uni- versity College, Oxford 1616 . . 1699 "Walker, Robert. Portrait Painter — . . 1660? "Walker, Rev. Samuel, of Truro. Divine. Life by Sidney 17 14. .1761 "Walker, Sears Cook. Amer. Mathematician and Astron. 1805 . . 1853 "Walker, Thomas. Actor and Dramatist 1698 . . 1 743 "Walker, Thos. Magistrate & Humorist. ( The Original) 1784. .1836 "Walker, Rev. William. Writer on Grammar & Rhetoric 1623. .1684 "Walker, William. American Adventurer 1824. . i860 "Walker, William Sydney. Poet. L. by J. Moultrie, 1852 i795- • — "Wall, John, m. d., of Worcester. Physician 1708. .1776 "Wall, Martin, m. d. Professor at Oxford 1 744 . . 1824 ■Wall, William, d. d. {Infant Baptism) 1646. .1728 "Wallace, Horace Binney. American Author 1817. . 1852 "Wallace, Sir William. Scottish Patriot and Soldier. Life by Carrick; J. S. Watson, 1862 1270?. 1305 ■Wallace, William. Prof, of Mathematics at Edinburgh 1768. .1843 "Wallace, William Harvey Lamb. American General . . 1810, . 1862 "Wallace, William Vincent. Musical Composer 1815?. 1865 "Wallack, James William. English Actor in America. . . 1795 . . ^^4 "Wallenstein, Albert Wenzel Eusebius von. Count. Im- rrial General against Gustavus Adolphus. Life by Forster, 1834; Colonel Mitchel, 1839 1583- -1634 "Waller, Edmund. Poet 1605. .1687^ "Waller, Rev. John Lightfoot, ll. d. American Editor . . 1809 . . 1854 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 419 BORN. DIED. "Waller, Sir William. Parliamentarian General i597- • 1668 "WaUerius, John Gottschalk. Swedish Chem. & Mineral. 1709. .1785 "Wallerius, Nicholas. Swedish Philosopher and Divine 1706. .1764 "Wallich, Nathaniel, m. d. Botanist 1786. . 1854 ■WaUin, John Olof. Swedish Poet and Preacher i779- • 1839 "Wallis, John. Divine, Mathematician, and Decipherer 1616..1703 "Wallis, Joshua. Landscape Painter 1789''. 1862 "Wallis, Samuel. Navigator — . .1795 ■Wallius, James, of Courtrai. Jesuit; Latin Poet i599- .1680'' "Walmesley, Charles, d. d. Rom. Cath. Div. & Mathem. 1721 . . 1797 "Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford, youngest son of Sir Robert. {Noble Authors.) Life by Coxe; Macaulay 171 7.. 1797 ■Walpole, Horatio, Lord. Diplom. ; Hist, and Polit. Writer 1678 . . 1 757 "Walpole, Sir Robert, brother. Premier. Life by Coxe 1676. .1745 "Walsh, Edward, M. D. Army Physician & PoeticarWriter — ..1832 "Walsh, John, of Cork. Writer on Mathematics 1786. . 1847 "Walsh, Peter. Irish Roman Catholic Controversialist . . 1610. .1687 "Walsh, Robert. American Author and Journalist 1784. .1858 ■Walsh, William. Critic and Poet 1663?. 1708 ■Walsinghain, Sir Francis. Secretary of State 1536- -1590 "Walsingham, Thomas. Historian fl. ab. 1440 "Walstein. See Wallenstein 1583 . . 1634 "Walter, Hubert. Archbishopof Canterbury (1193-1205) —..1205 ^ATalter, Rev. Henry. ( History of England) 1 785 . . 1859 "Walter, John. Logographic Printer. Originator of 7V»ies 1739. .1812 "Walter, John, son. Proprietor and Manager of the Times 1784. . 1847 Walter, John Theophilus. German Anatomist i739- • 1818 "Walters, John. Welsh Divine and Lexicographer — . .1797 ■Waltham, John of. Bishop of Salisbury ; Treasurer to Richard II — . , 1395 "Waltham, Roger of. Schoolman fl. tl. Hen. III. Waltheof. Son of Siward, Earl of Northumberland. ... — . . 1075 "Walther, Augustine Frederick. Anat. & Bot. at Leyden 1688. .1746 "Walther, Balthasar. Waltherus, or Gualtei^s. Orientalist — . . 1640 "Walther, Bernard, of Nuremberg. Astronomer 1430- -1504 Walther, Christian. German Divine & Corrector of Press — •1572' "Walther, Christian. German Divine at Konigsberg 1655 . . 1717 Walther, Christopher Theodosius. Miss, to Tranquebar 1699. .1741 "Walther, George Christopher. German Jurist 1601 . . 1656 "Walther, Henry Andrew. German Protestant Theologian 1696. 1748 "Walther, John Godfrey. {Musical Lexicon) 1684. . 174^ "Walther, John Ludolph. {Lexicon Diplomaticum) fl. i8th c. "Walther, Michael. Professor at Helmstadt. {Harmonia Biblica) 1 593 . . 1662 W"alther, Rodolphus. Gualterus. Swiss Protestant Theol. 1 5 19 - . 1586 "Walther von der "Vogelweide. German Minnesinger 1 170?. 1228? "Walton, Brian. Bp. Chester. {Polyglot.) L. by Todd, 1821 1600.. 1661 Walton, George. American Patriot 1740''. j 804 "Walton, Izaak. ( Complete Angler.) Life by Sir J. Haw- kins, 1760; Dr. Zouch, 1816; Sir H. Nicolas, 1836; W. Dowling 1593- -168^ "Wanley, Humphrey. Antiquary 1672. .1720 Wanley, Rev. Nathaniel. ( Wonders of the Little World) 1633. .1680 "Wansleben, John Michael. Orientalist 1635 . . 1679 Warbeck, Perkin. Pretender to the Crown of England — . . 1499 420 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. "Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew George. Author. ( Cres- cent and Cross) 1810. . 1852 "Warburton, John. Heraldic Writer and Antiquarj\ ( Vallum Romanum) 1682. .1759 "Warburton, William. Bishop of Gloucester. {Divine Legation.) Life by Hurd, 1795; J. S. Watson 1698. .1779 "Ward, Artemas. American Revolutionary General 1727. .1800 "Ward, Edward. Burlesque Poet. {London Spy) 1667. .1731 "Ward, Sir Henry George. Minister to Mexico. Governor of the Ionian Islands and Ceylon 1798?. i860 "Ward, James, R. A. Painter 1770 . . 1859 "Ward, James Harman. American Naval Officer 1806. .1861 "Ward, John. ll. d. Writer. {Lives of Gresham Profess- ors.) Life by Thomas Birch, 1766 1679. .1758 "Ward, Rev. Nathaniel. {Simple Cobbler of Ayawnm). . . 1570''. 1653 "Ward, Robert Plumer. Novelist, Hist. Writer, and Publi- cist. ( Tremaine ; Diary.) L. by Edmund Phipps, 1850 1765 . . 1846 "Ward, Samuel, D. D. Margaret Professor. Theologian — ..1643 Ward, Seth. Bishop of Salisbury. Mathematician and Astronomer. Life by Dr. Walter Pope, 1697 161 7. . 1689 "Ward, Thomas. Roman Catholic Poet. {England's Ref- ormation) — . . 1689? "Ward, William. Missionary in India ; Author. Life by Marshman, 1863 1769. .1823 "Wardlaw, Elizabeth, Lady. Poet. {Hardyhnute) 1677.. 1727 "Wardlaw, Henry. Bishop of St. Andrew's — , . 1440 "Wardlaw, Ralph, d. d. Div. L. by Dr. W. L. Alexander 1 779 . . 1853 "Ware, Henry, d. d. American Divine 1764. . 1845 "Ware, Henry, Jr., d. d., son. Divine and Author. Life by Dr. John Ware, 1846 1794. .1843 "Ware, Sir James. Irish Antiquary 1 594 . . 1666 "Ware, James. Oculist 1755. .1815 "Ware, Robert. Controversial Writer — . . 1696 "Ware, Rev. WilHam. Author. {Zenobia) 1797- .1852 "Wargentin, Peter William. Swedish Mathematician . . 1717. .1783 "Warham, William. Archbishop of Canterbury (1504-32) —..1532 "Warin, John. Flemish Sculptor and Engraver 1604. . 1672 "Waring, Edward, M. d. Mathematician 1 736 . . 1 798 "Warneford, Rev. Samuel Wilson. Founder & Benefactor 1758. . 1855 "Warner, Rev. Ferdinando, ll. d. Compiler and Writer 1703. .1768 "Warner, John. Bishop of Rochester. Founder 1585?. 1666 "Warner, Rev. John. Divine and Writer. {Metronariston) 1736. . 1800 "Warner, Joseph. Surgeon i7i7- • 1801 Warner, Richard. Botanist. {Plantce Woodfordienses) 1711. .177^ Warner, William. Poet. {Albion's England) 1558?. 1609 "Warren, Charles. Engraver — . .1823 "Warren, James. American Revolutionary Patriot 1726. . 1808 "Warren, John, m. d. American Physician i753- • 181 5 Warren, Sir John Borlase. Admiral and Plenipotentiary 1754. . 1822 "Warren, John Collins, m. d. Physician and Writer. Life by Dr. Edward Warren, 1859 1778. . 1856 Warren, Joseph. American Revolutionary Patriot. Life by A. H. Everett 1741 • -1775 Warren, Mrs. Mercy. American Authoress. {History of the American Revolution) 1728. . 181 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 421 BORN. DIED. "Warren, Sir Peter. Admiral 1703. . 1752 Warrington, Lewis. American Naval Officer 1782. , 185 1 "Warton, Ann. Poetess — . . 1685 Warton, Sir George. Astrologer and Loyalist 1617. . 1681 Warton, Joseph, d. d. Master of Winchester. Poet and Critic. Editor of Pope. Life by Rev. John Wooll, 1806 1722. . 1800 Warton, Thomas. Prof, of Poetry at Oxford (1718-28) . . 1687 . . i745 Warton, Thomas, son. IPoet & Critic. Professor of Poetry (1756-66). {Hist.of English Poetry.) L. by Mant, 1802 1728. .1790 Warwick, Edward Plantagenet, Earl of. {Last of the Plantagenets. ) Beheaded by Henry VII — . . 1499 Warwick, Henry de Beauchanip, 13th Earl and 1st Duke of, K. G. King of Isle of Wight, Jersey, and Guernsey — . . 1444 Warwick, John Dudley, Earl of, Duke of Northumber- land. Beheaded 1502.. 1553 Warwick, Sir Philip. Political Writer and Historian , . 1608. .1683 Warwick, Richard de Beauchamp, Twelfth Earl of, k. g. The Good. Regent of France ; died at Rouen — . . 1439 Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of. King Maker. Fell- at Barnet 1420?. 1471 Waser, Anna. Swiss Miniature Painter 1679. .1713 WasMngton, Bushrod. American Jurist i759> • 1829 Washington, George. First President of the United States. Life by Marshall, 1805 (revised and abridged, 1832); D. Ramsay, 1807; Jared Sparks, 1839 ; Wash- ington Irving; 1859; C W.Upham, 1851; Dr. Aaron Bancroft; James K. Paulding; J. T. Headley; Mrs. C. M. Kirkland ; Edward Everett 1732. .1799 Washington, William Augustine. American Revolu- tionary Officer 1752. . 1810 Wasse, Christopher. English Greek Scholar and Transl. — ..1690 Watelet, Claude Henry. French Writer 1718. .1786 Waterhouse, Benjamin, m. d. Amer. Phys. and Author 1754. .1846 Waterhouse, Edward. Heraldic & Miscellaneous Writer 1619. . 1670 Waterland, Daniel, D. D. Theologian. L. by Van Mildert 1683. .1740 Waterloo, Anthony. Dutch Landscape Painter 1618''. 1682 Waterton, Charles!^ Naturalist & Traveler. {Wanderings) 1782.. 1865 "Watkinson, David. Amer. Merchant and Philanthropist 1778. . 1857 Wats, Gilbert. Divine and Translator 1600. . 1657 Watson, Caroline. Engraver 1760'' . 1814 Watson, Charles. Vice-Admiral. Coadjutor of Clive . . 1714. .1757 Watson, David. Translator of Horace. {Heathen Gods) 1710. .1756 Watson, Elkanah. American Merchant and Agricul- turist. Life by self 1758. . 1842 Watson, Henry. Colonel. Mathematician and Engineer 1735 • -17^6 Watson, Henry. Anatomist 1702'''. 1793 Watson, John. Bishop of Winchester 1520? . 1584 Watson, Rev. John. {History of Halifax) 1724. .1783 Watson, John Fanning. Amer. Antiquary and Annalist 1780. .i860 Watson, Richard. Bishop of LlandafF. Natural Philos- opher and Theologian. {Apology for Bible.) Life by self and son, 1817 1737. .1816 Watson, Richard. Clerg.yman and Author. Life by T. Jackson 1781. .1833 Watson, Dr. Robert. Historian. {Philip 11. and III.) 1730?. 1781? 422 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BOBN. DIKO. Watson, Thomas. Ejected Nonconformist Divine. {Body of Divinity) — . . 1690' Watson, William. Secular Priest ; hanged. ( Decacordon) — . . 1603 Watson, Sir William. Botanist and Electrician 1715 . . 1787 Watson, William R. American Politician and Writer. . 1799. . 1864 Watt, Gregory. Geologist 1777- .1804 Watt, James. Scottish Mechanician, Engineer, and In- ventor; Improver of the Steam Engine. Life by G. Williamson, 1856 ; J. P. Muirhead, 1858 1736. . 1819 Watt, James, son. Mechanical Engineer 1769. . 1848 Watt, Robert, M. D. Bibliog. {Bibliotheca Britannica) J774. .iSig Watteau, Anthony. French Painter 1684. . 1721 Wattier-Ziesenis, Madame. Dutch Tragic Actress ... 1762. .1827 Watts, Alaric Alexander. Writer 1799- .1864 Watts, Isaac, D. D. Divine and Poet. (Hytnns.) Life by Samuel Palmer, 1785 ; Thomas Gibbons ; Dr. Johnson ; Robert Southey 1674. •1-748 Wayland, Rev. Francis, d. d. Amer. Educator & Author 1796. . 1865 Wayne, Anthony. American Revolutionary General. Life by Armstrong ' 1745 • -^79^ Wayneflete, William of. Bishop of Winchester and Lord . Chancellor. Life by R. Chandler, 1811 — . .i486 Weale, John. London Publisher and Editor 1792. .1862 Weaver, or Weever, John. Antiq. {Funeral Monuments) 1^76. .1632 Weaver, Thomas. Geologist — . . 185s Webb, Daniel. ( Beauties of Poetry) — . . 1 798 Webb, Philip Barker. Scholar and Botanist — . . 1854 Webb, Philip Carteret. Antiquary 1 700 . . 1 770 Webbe, Samuel. Musical Composer. {Gloi-ious Apollo) 1740. .1817 Webber, Charles Wilkins. American Author 1819. . 1856 Webber, John. Draughtsman. Companion of Cook. . 175 1. .1793 Webber, Samuel. Amer. Educator; Pres. of Harv. Coll. 1759. .1810 Weber, Charles Maria Frederick Ernest, Baron von. German Composer. Life by Herr von Weber, 1864. . 1786. .1826 Weber, Henry William, of Edinburgh. Archajological & Miscel. Writer. {Floddtn Field; Metrical Eumances) 1783.. 1813 Webster, Daniel. American Statesman and Jurist 1782. . 1852 Webster, Ebenezer. American Patriot i739- • 1806 Webster, Ezekiel, son. American Lawyer 1780. . 1829 Webster, John. Dramatic Poet. {Duchtssof Mnlfy) . . 17th c. Webster, Noah, ll. d. American Philologist and Writer. {Dictionary.) Life by C A. Goodrich 1758. . 1843 Webster, William. Mathematician. {Ai'ithmetic) 1684''. 1744 Webster, William. Polemical Writer 1689. .1758 Wechel, Andrew. French Printer at Basle 1510-'. 1581 Wechel, Christian. French Printer —aft. 1552 Wedderburn, Alexander, Earl of Rosslyn. Jurist and Statesman ; Lord Chancellor '733- • 1805 Wedel, Ernest Henry. Phys. {De Mortis Concionatorum) 1671 . .1709 Wedel, George VVoltgang. Ger. Med. Writer and Astrol. 1645 . .1721 Wedel, John Adolphus, brother. Medical Writer 1675.aft.1746 Wedel, Dr. John Wolfgang, of Jena. Botanist 1708-. .1757 Wedgwood, Josiah. Potter. Life bv Mcteyard; Jewitt 1730. .1795 Weems, Rev. Mason L. American Writer .* — . . 1825 Weeninx, John. Dutch Painter. The Young 1644. .1719 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 423 BORN. DIED. Weeninx, or Weenix, John Bapt. Dutch Paint. The Old 1621 . . 1660 Weever, or Weaver, John. Antiq. ( Funeral Monuments) 1 5 76 . . 1632 "Wegscheider, Julius Augustus Louis. Ger. Theologian 1771 . . 1849 "Weidler, John Frederick. Ger. Mathem. and Astronomer 1691 . . i755 'Weigel, Christian Ehrenfried. Ger. Phys., Chem., Bot. 11. 1772 Weigel, Ehrard. German Mathematician and Astronomer 1625 . . 1699 "Weigel, Valentine. German Mystic i533- -1588 "Weimar, Anne Amelia, Duchess of i739- • i^o7 Weinbrenner, Frederick. German Architect 1766. . 1826 "Weishaupt, Adam. Founder of the Illuminati 1748. . 1830 "Weisse, Christian Ernest. German Jurist 1766. .1832 Weisse, Christian Felix. German Poet and Dramatist. ( Children's Friend) 1726. . 1804 Welby, Amelia B. American Poetess 1821 . . 185a Welby, Henry. Recluse — . . 1636 "WelchmaJi, Edward. Archdeacon. {^Thirty-nine Articles) 1665.. 1739 "Weld, Thomas. Cardinal 1773. .1837 Weldon, John. Composer of Cathedral Music 1670?. 1736 "Wellbeloved, Rev. Charles. Antiquary. (£'6MracMra). . 1769. .1858 "Wellens, James Thomas Joseph. Bishop of Antwerp. Scholar and Divine 1726. .1784 "Weller, James. Theol. and Orientalist at Wittemberg 1602.. 1664 "Weller, Jerome. Biblical Commentatdr ; Friend of Luther 1499. .1572 Wellesley, Richard Cowley, Marquess of. Statesman; Commander in India and Governor-General. Life bv R. R. Pearce, 1846 '. 1760. .1843 Wellington, Ai-thur Wellesley, brother, Duke of. Sol- dier and Statesman. Life by W. H. Maxwell, 1839; Macfarlane, 1851; Yonge; Brialmont, translated by • Gleig; Lieutenant-Colonel Williams 1769. . 1853 "Wells, Rev. Edward. {^Bible Geography) — . . 1727 "Wells, Horace. American Dentist ; Claimant of the Dis- covery of Anaesthesia 1815 . . 1848 Wells, William Charles. American Physician. {Experi- mental Philosophy) I757- .1817 Wellwood, Sir Henry Moucrieff, d. d. Scottish Divine 1750. .1827 Wellwood, Thomas, m. d. {Memoirs ofEng., 1588-1688) 1652. . 1 716 Welsh, David, d. d. Professor at Edinburgh. Founder of North British Review 1 794' . 1845 Welsted, Leonard. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer .... 1689. .1747 Wenceslaus, or Wenzel, St. Duke of Bohemia 908.. 936 "Wenceslaus, or Wenzel. Emperor of Germany and King of Bohemia 1361 . . 1419 "Wendover, Roger de. Historian — . . 1237 "Wentworth, Benning. Governor of New Hampshire. . 1696. . 1770 Wentworth, John. American Patriot 1719- • 1781 "Wentworth, John. Eng. Lawyer. {System of Pleading) 1^6%. .1^16 "Wentworth, Sir John. Governor of New Hampshire, and afterwards of Nova Scotia 1736. . 1820 Wentworth, Sir Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Thorough 1593. .1641 Wepfer, John James. German Medical Writer 1620. . 1695 Werden, The Meister von. Painter fl. 1643-90 Werder, Thierry von. Translator of Ariosto 1584. . 1657 Werdin, John Philip, or Paulin de St. Barth^lemi, q.v... 1748. .1806 Werdmuller, John Rodoljih. Swiss Painter 1639. . 166& 424 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. "Werenfels, Peter. Theologian at Basle 1627. . 1703 "Werenfels, Samuel, son, of Basle. Theologian and Scholar. {De Logomachiis Eruditoi'tim) 1657. .1740 "Werf, Adrian van der, of Rotterdam. Painter 1659. .1722 "Werf, Peter van der, brother. Historical Painter 1665 . .1718 "Wergeland, Henry Arnold. Norweg. Poet & Polit. Writ. 1808 .. 1845 "Werkmeister, Andrew. Ger. Mus. Comp. and Writer 1645.. 1706 "Werl, Olaf. Verelius. Swedish Antiquary 1618. . 1682 "Werner, Abraham Gottlob. Ger. Geol. and Mineralogist 1750. . 1817 "Werner, Frederick Louis Zacharias. Gennan Dramatist 1768. . 1823 Werner, John. Ger. Mathem. {Annotaiims on Ptolemy) 1468. .1528 "Werner, Joseph. Swiss Painter 1637. .1710 Werner, Paul de. Prussian General 1707 . . 1785 Wesenbeck, Matthew. Flemish Jurist in Germany 1531 . . 1586 "Wesley, Rev. Charles. {Hymns.) Life by Whitehead, 1793 1708. .1788 "Wesley, Charles, son. Musical Performer i757- • 1815 "Wesley, Rev. John. Founder of Methodism. Life bv Hampson, 1791; J. A. Colet, 1791; Dr. Coke and li. Moore, 1792; Richard Watson; Whitehead, 1796; R. Southey, 1820; G. Smith. 1703. .1791 "Wesley, Rev. Samuel, of Epworth. Poetical Writer . . . 1662?. 1735 "Wesley, Rev. Sam., son. Mast, of Tiverton School. Poet 1692?. 1739 Wesley, Samuel. Sacred Mu^ic Composer 1766. .1837 Wessellnyi, Miklos, Baron. Hungarian Statesman i797- .1850 "Wesseling, Peter. German Philologist 1692. .1764 Wesselus, John, of Groningen. Divine and Philosopher 1419?. 1489 "Wessenberg, Ignatius Henrj^ Charles, Baron von. Ger- man Roman Catholic Theologian i774- • i860 West, Benjamin. Historical Painter. Life by John Gait 1738. .1820 "West, Elizabeth. Scottish Mvstic. Life by self 1672'^ 1735 "West, Gilbert. Poet & Transl. ; Friend of Lord Lyttelton 1 705 ? . 1 756 "West, James, m. p., of Alscot. Antiquar}' — . .1772 "West, Mrs. Jane. Novelist, Poet, Misce'llaneous Writer 1759''. 1852 "West, Nathaniel, d. d. American Presbyterian Divine 1794. .1864 "West, Stephen, d. d. American CIerg3'man and Writer 1735. .1819 "West, Thomas. Topographical Writer. {Hisi.of Furness) I7i6,.i779 "Westall, Richard, b. A. Historical Painter and Illus- trator of Books 1765 . . 1836 ^Westall, William, K. A., br. Designer for Engravings . . 1781 . . 1850 Westfleld, Thomas. Bp. of Bristol. Divine & Preacher — . . 1644 "Westmacott, Sir Richard, k. a. The Elder. Sculptor 1775 . . 1856 "Westmoreland, John Fane, Eleventh Earl of. General and Diplomatist. Musician 1784- • 1859 "Westmoreland, Mildmay Fane, Second Earl of. Poet. ( Olia Sacra) 1600'. 1665 "Weston, Elizabeth Jane. Scholar and Writer 1586 or 7.aft.i6o5 "Weston, Richard. Horticulturist 1732. . 1806 "Weston, Stephen. Classical Scholar and Orientalist. , . . 1747. .1830 "Weston, Thomas. Comic Actor — . . 1776 Weston, William. Rector of Camden. Divine — . .1760 "Wetherell, Sir Charles. Chancery Lawyer; Recorder of Bristol 1770. .1846 "Wetherell, Sir Charles — . . 1864 "Wetstein, John Henry. Scholar and Printer 1649. .1726 "Wetstein, John James. Writer on Greek Testament. . . 1693. .1754 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 425 BORN. DIED. "Wetstein, John Rodolph, of Basle. Greek Scholar and Theologian 1647. .1711 ^Wette, William Martin Leberecht de. See De Wette. . . 1780. . 1849 "Wewitzer, Ralph. Comic Actor 1748 . . 1824 "Weyde, Roger van der. Moger of Bruges. Painter 1455?. 1529 "Weyermans, Jacob Kampo. Dutch Fruit & Flower Paint. 1679.. 1747 Weyse, Christopher Ernest Frederick. Musical Composer 1774. .1842 ■Whalley, Edward. Regicide Judge — . . 1674? Whalley, Rev. Peter. Divine and Critic 1722. .1791 "Wharton, Sir George. Loyalist and Astrologer 161 7. . 1681 "Wharton, Rev. Henry. Writer. {Anglia Sacra) 1664. . 1695 "Wharton, Philip, Duke of. Poet; described by Pope. . . 1698. .1731 "Wharton, Thomas, m. d. Anatomist 1610 . . 1673 ■Wharton, Tlios., Marquess of. Statesman. (Lillibulero) 1640^.171$ "Whately, Richard. Archbishop of Dublin. (Zo^^'c) ... 1787. .1863 "Whately, Rev. William. Divine. ( Sermons) 1583 . . 1639 "Wheare, Degory. Historical Writer i573- • 1647 "Wheatley, Rev. Chas. ( On the Book of Common Prayer) 1686 . . 1 742 Wheatley, Francis, e. a. Painter i747- • 1801 "Wheatley, Phillis. Negro Poetess i753'' i794 "Wheaton, Henrv. American Jurist and Diplomatist. {Intemationat Law ; History of the Northmen) 1785. .1848 "Wheelock, Eleazar, d. d. Founder and First President of Dartmouth College 1711. .1779 "Wheelock, John, ll. d., son. Second President of Dart- mouth College 1754.. 1817 "Wheelwright, John. Amer. Clergyman. ( F^«J^ca<^"on) 1594. .1679 "Wheler, or Wheeler, Rev. Sir George. Learned Traveler 1650 .. 1 724 "Whethamstede, John. Abbot of St. Alban's. Chronicler — . . 1464 "Whetstone, George. Writer in Prose and Verse ti. Eliz. "Whichcote, Benjamin, d. d. Divine 1610. . 1683 "Whipple, Abraham. American Naval Officer i733- • 1819 "Whipple, WilUam. American General 1730 . . 1785 "Whistler, George Washington. American Engineer. . , 1800. .1849 "Whiston, William. Divine and Philosopher, (josephus.) Life by self, 1749 1667. .1752 "Whitaker, Edward W. Div. & Hist. ( The Prophecies) 1750. . 1818 "Whitaker, Rev. John. Divine and Antiquary. {History of Manchester) 1735?. 1808 "Whitaker, Rev. Thos. Dunham, ll. d. Topog. Historian 1759. . 1821 "Whitaker, William. Master of St. John's, Cambridge. . 1547 . . 1595 . "Whitbread, Samuel, m. p. Brewer 1 720"' . 1796 "Whitbread, Samuel, M. p., son. Brewer. Politician. 1758. .1815 "Whitby, Daniel, d. d. Divine. {Paraphrase on New Testament.) Life by Dr. Sykes 1638. .1726 "White, Francis. Bishop of Ely. Writer against Popery 1577 . . 1638 "White, George. Engraver — . .1734'' "White, Rev. Gilbert, of Selborne. {Nat. Hist, of Selborne) 1720. .1793 "White, Rev. Henry, of Lichfield; Friend of Dr. Johnson — . .1836 "White, Henry Kirke. Poet. Life by Southey; Sir H. Nicolas ." 1785 . . 1806 "White, Hugh Lawson. American Statesman i773- • 1840 "White, James. Poet "..... — . . 1 790 White, Rev. James. Dramatist and Historian. {Eighteen Christian Centuries) , 1785 . . 1862 426 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. \vhite, Jeremy. Nonconformist Divine. (Restoration of all Things) 1629. .1707 White, or Whyte, John. Bishop of Winchester. Anti- Reformer 1511 . . 1560 "White, John. Century White. Nonconformist Lawyer 1590. .1645 White, Rev. John. Patriarch of Dorchester 1574- • 1648 White, Rev. Joseph, d. d. Prof, of Hebrew. Orientalist 1746. . 1814 White, Rev, Joseph Blanco. Spanish Priest and English Author. Life by self and J. H. Thorn, 1845 1775. .1841 WTiite, Peregrine. First Child born in New England of English Parents 1620. .1704 WTiite, or Vitus, Richard. Historian and Roman Catholic Divine. ( Historia Britannice) — . . 1612 White, Robert. Engraver 1645. -1704 White, Sir Thomas. Founder of St. John's Coll., Oxford 1492. .1566 White, Thomas. Founder of Sion College, London 1550''. 1624 White, Thomas. An^lus, or Albius. Philosopher and Roman Catholic Priest 1582. . 1676 White, Thomas. Philosopher; Friend of Hobbes — . . 1696 White, William, d. d. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Pennsylvania. Life by Dr. Bird Wilson, 1839 1748. , 1836 Whitefleid, Rev. George." Methodist Preacher. Life by R. Philip ; Gillies, 1772 1714. .1770 Whitehead, David. Divine. Chaplain to Anne Bolej'n — ..1571 Whitehead, George. Quaker 1636. .1723 Whitehead, John. Physician and Wesleyan Preacher. { flistory of Methodism) ', — . . 1804 Whitehead, Paul. Poet and Satirist. Life by Captain Edward Thomson ' 1709. .1774 Whitehead, William. Poet. Life by Mason, 1788 1715 . . 1785 Whitehurst, John. Philosopher. Life by Dr. Hutton . . 1 713 . . 1 788 Whitelock, Bulstrode. Lawyer and Statesman. (J/e- monals of English Affairs) 1605 . . 1676 Whitelock, Sir James. Judge 1570. .1632 Whitfield, Dr. John Clarke. Prof, of Music at Cambridge — ..1836 Whitgift, John. Archbishop of Canterburv. Life by Sir George Paule, 1699; Strype, 1718; W. D. Garrow, 1818 (in History of Croydm) 1530. . 1604 Whiting, Henry. Amei'ican General — . . 185 1 Whitlock, Mrs. Elizabeth. Actress 1761..1836 Whitney, Eli. American Inventor 1765 . . 1825 Whittemore, Amos. American Inventor i759- • 1828 Whittemore, Rev. Thos., d. d. Anier. Journalist & Writ. 1800 . . 1861 Whittingham, Sir Samuel Ford. General — . . 1841 Whittingham, William. Puritan Dean of Durham. . . . 1524. .1589 Whittington, Sir Richard. Lord Mayor of Loudon. . . fl. 1393-1419 Whittington, Robert. Grammarian .' i48o-'.aft.i53o Whittlesey, Frederick. American Jurist i799- .1851 Whitworth, Chas., Ld. Diplomatist. {Accountof Russia) i6d>'6^ .ijzt^ Whitworth, Charles, Earl, grandson. Diplomatist 1754. • 1825 Whyte, Robert. Composer of Church Services — , . 1581? Whytt, Robert, f. r. s., m. d. Scottish Medical Writer 1714. .1766 Wiboldus. Abbot of Corvey. Statesman and Writer. . — ..1158 Wichmann, John Ernest. ' German Medical Writer. {Jdten zur Diagnostik) , 1740. . 1804 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 427 BORN. DIED. Wiclif. See Wycliffe 1324? . 1384 "Wicquefort, Abraham de. Dutch Statesman and Diplo- matist. {L^ Ainbassadeur et ses Fonctions) 1598. • 1682 "Wida, Herman de. Abp. of Cologne (1515-47). Reformer — ..1552 Widdrington, William, Fourth Lord. Scottish Jacobite 1701 . .1743' Widekindi, John. Swedish Historian 1620''. 1678 Widmanstadt, John Albert. Editor of Syriac New Test. — ..i559^ "Wiebeking, Charles Frederick. Pomeranian Engineer. . 1762. .1842 "Wieland, Christopher Martin. German Poet. ( Oberon.) Life by Gruber, 1816 ; Doering, 1840 1733. . 1813 "Wier, John. Ger. Med. Writ. {l)eZ>te»ionMmPrcesSee Wilbrord v 657?. 738? "Willis, Browne. Antiquary. ( Cathedrals) 1682. .1760 "Willis, Rev. Francis, m. d. Doctor for Insanity 1718''. 1807 "Willis, Thomas, m. d. Anatomical & Philosophical Writer 1621 . . 1675 "Willmore, James Tibbits. Engraver 1800. . 1863 "Willmott, Rev. Robert Aris, of Bearwood. Writer — ..1863 "Willock, or Willox, John. Scottish Reformer — aft. 1568 "WUloughby, Sir Hugh. Voyager — ..1554? ■WiLlshire, Sir Thomas, Bart. General 1790- • 1862 "Willughby, Francis. Naturalist; Companion of Ray. . . 1635. . 1672 "Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester. Converted Infidel. Life by Bishop Burnet 1647 . . 1680 "Wilmot, Sir John Eardley. Judge. L. by J. W. E. Wilmot 1 709 . . 1 792 "Wilmot, John Wilmot Eardley, son. Lawyer. {Laws and Customs of Enrfland) . .\ .' 1748. .1815 "Wilson, Alexander. Scottish Ornithologist 1766. .1813 "Wilson, Arthur. Historian. ( Life and Reign of James I. ) Life by self 1596. .1652 "Wilson, Mrs. Cornwall Barron. Writer — . . 1846 "Wilson, Daniel. Author; Bishop of Calcutta. Life by Bateman, 1860 1778. • 1858 "Wilson, Florence. Florentius Volusenm. Scottish Writer 1500'. 1547 "Wilson, George, m. d., of Edinburgh. Professor of Tech- nology. {Five Gateways of Knowledge.) Life by sister 1818. .1859 "Wilson, Professor Horace Hayman. Orientalist 1786. . i860 ^Wilson, James. American Patriot 1742. .1798 "Wilson, James. Scottish Naturalist and Author. Life by Dr. Hamilton, 1859 i795 • -^856 "Wilson, James. Political Economist. Financier in India 1805. .i860 "Wilson, Dr. John. Composer to Charles I. {Psalterium CaroUnum) I594- • 1673 "Wilson, John, of Kendal. Botanist. ( Synopsis of British Plants) — ..1750' "Wilson, John. Professor at Edinburgh. Christopher North. Poet and Essayist. {Noctes Ambrosianm.) Life by Mrs. Gordon, 1862 1785. .1854 "Wilson, Richard, k. a. Painter. L. by T. Wright, 1824 1 713 . . 1 782 "Wilson, General Sir Robert Thomas. Mihtary Writer. Life by self and Rev. Herbert Randolph i777- • 1849 "Wilson, Sir Thomas. Statesman and Div. {Art of Logic) 1520?. 1581 "Wilson, Thomas. Puritan Divine. ( Christian Dictionary) — . . 1621 "WUson, Thomas. Bishop of Sodor and Man ( 1698-1755 ). {Sacra Privata.) Life by Cruttwell; Keble; Hugh Stowell, 1810 1663. . 1755 Wilson, William Rae, ll. d. ( Travels in the Holy Land) 1774 .. 1849 "Wilton, Rev. Edward. Divine. {Negeb, or South Country) 1820K 1864. "Wilton, Joseph, r. a. Sculptor 1722. . 1803 430 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. ■Wimpfeling, James, of Strasburg. Reviver of Learning 1450. .1528 ■Wimpfifen-Berneburg, Felix, Baron de. French General 1745 . . 1014 ■Wimpina, Conrad, of Frankfort. Theologian; Anti- Reformer 1460 . . 1 531 ■Winchell, James Manning. American Clergyman 1791 . . 1820 ■Winchelsea, Anne, Countess of. Poetess 1660'' .1720 Winchester, Elhanan. American Clergyman and Writer. Life by Vidler ; E. M. Stone, 1836 1751 ■ • i797 "Winchester, Thomas, d. d. Divine — . . 1 780 Winckelmann, John Joachim. Antiquary. L. by Heyne 171 7 . . 1.768 Winckelmann, John Justus. German Historian 1620. .1697 Winckler, John Henry. German Philosopher ^703- • 1770 Winder, William H. American General 1775 . . 1824 Windham, Joseph. Artist and Antiquary i739- .1810 Windham, William. Statesman. L. by Thomas Amyot 1750. . 1810 Windischgratz, Alfred zu, Prince. Austrian General. . 1787. .1862 Windischmann, Charles Joseph Jerome. Ger. Philos. 1775..1S39 Winer, George Benedict. German Protestant Theologian 1789. .1858 Wing, Vincent. Astrologer. ( Aslronomia Brilannicn) . . — ..1661 Wingate, Edmund. Arithmetician i593- • 1656 Winkelried, Arnold Struth von. Swiss Patriot — . . 1386 Winram, John. Scottish Ecclesiastic — . . 1582 Winsemius, Menelaus. Medical Writer at Franeker. . . 1591?. 1639 Winsemius, Peter, br. Flemish Historian at Franeker 1585?. 1644 Winslow, Edward. Governor of Plymouth Colony i595- 1:655 Winslow, Hubbard, d. d. American Author and Editor 1800. . 1864 Winslow, James Benignus. Danish Anatomist 1669. .1760 Winslow, Miron, d. d., l,l. d. American Missionary and Orientalist ; 1789. . 1864 Winsor, Frederick Albert. Introducer of Gas Lights. . . 1762''. 1830 Winstanley, Henry. ArchitectofEddystone Lighthouse — •1703 Winstanley, WiUiam. Biographer. (.Lives of Poets) . . — ..1684'' Winston, Charles. Painter on Glass 1814. .1864 Winston, Thomas. Gresham Professor. (Anatomic Lec- turer) 1575- -1655 Wint, Peter de. English Water Color Painter 1783. . 1849 Winter, John William van. Dutch Admiral 1750. . 1812 Winter, Peter von. German Musical Composer i754- • 1825 Winterton, Ralph. Editor of Poeice Grceci Minores — . .1636 Winthrop, John. Gov. of the Colony of Massachusetts 1588. .1649 Winthrop, John, son. Governor of Connecticut 1606. . 1676 Winthrop, John, ll. d. American Scholar 1715 • -1779 Winthrop, Major Theodore. American Author 1828. .1861 Winton, or Wyntoun, Andrew. Poet and Chronicler of Scotland — aft.1420 •Wintoun, George Seton, Earl of. Scottish Jacobite. . . . 1690. .1749 Wintringham, Clifton. Physician and Physiologist .. . — ..1748 Wintringham, Sir Clifton, m. d,, son. Medical Writer 1710. .1794 Wintzingerode, Ferdinand, Baron. Russian General.. 1770.. 1818 Winwood, Sir Ralph. Statesman 1564?. 1617 Winzet, or Winget, Ninian. Scottish Anti-Reformer . . .. 1518''. 1592 Wirley, William. Heraldic Writer. ( 7V«e C/seq/'^rmori/) — ..1618 Wirsungus, John George. Discoverer of Pancreatic Duct — . . 1643 Wirt, William. American Jurist and Author. Life by J. P. Kennedy, 1849 1772, . 1834 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 431 BORN. DIED. Wischart, William, d. d. Scottish Divine. ( Theologia) 1657 . . 1727 ■Wischeart, George, d. d. Bishop of Edinburgh. Biog- rapher. ( Wars in Scotland) 1609. . 1671 Wise, Rev. Francis. Antiquary and Divine 1695 . . 1767 "Wise, Michael. Composer of Church Music — . . 1687 Wiselius, Samuel Iperuszoon. Dutch Poet 1769- • 1^45 "Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen. Cardinal 1802. . 1865 "Wiseman, Richard. Surgical Writer — aft.1766 "Wishart, George. The Martyr. Scottish Reformer and Martyr — • .1546 Wishart, George. Bishop of Edinburgh. Biographer. ( Wars in Scotland) 1609. . 1671 "Wishaw, Francis. Engineer 1805 . . 1854 "Wissing, William. Dutch Portrait Painter in England 1656. .1687 "Wissowatius, Andrew. Socinian Writer 1608. . 1678 "Wistar, Caspar. American Anatomist 1 761 . . 1818 "Witasse, Charles. French Theologian 1660. .1716 "Witchell, George. Astronomer and Mathematician 1728. . 1785 "Wither, George. Poet. {Abuses Stript and Whipt) 1588. .1667 "Withering, William. Physician and Botanist 1741 .. 1799 Witherington, W. F. Landscape Painter 1786. .1865 Witherspoon, Dr. John. American Patriot; Writer; President of Princeton College. ( Characteristics ; The Stage) 1722. .1794 Withof, John Philip Lawrence. Ger. Physician and Poet 1725 . . 1789 Witikind, Wittekind, or Wittichind. Saxon Patriot; defeated bv Charlemagne — • • 807? "Witikind. S"axon Historian. {Annals of the Saxons) . . —aft. 973 Witsius, Herman. Dutch Divine 1636. .1708 "Witt, Cornelius de. Life by Madame Zouteland, 1709 . . 1623. . 1671 "Witt, Emanuel de, of Alkmaer. Painter 1607 . . 1692 Witt, John de. Grand Pensionary. Life by Madame Zouteland, 1709 1625 . . 1672 Witte, or Witten, Henning. Ger. Divine and Biographer 1634 . . 1696 Witte, Peter de. Peter Candida. Dutch Painter in Italy 1 548'' . 1 599 "Wittgenstein, Louis Adolphus, Ct. of. Prussian General 1769. . 1843 Wittichius, Christopher. Protestant Theologian 1625 . . 1687 Witzleben, Charles Augustus Frederick von. Von Trom- . litz. Soldier and Writer 1772. . 1839 "Wodderspoon, John. Antiquary 1 706' . 1862 "WodhuU, Michael. Poet; Translator of Euripides 1740. . 1816 "Wodrow, Robert. Scottish Ecclesiastical Historian 1679. • ^734 "Woeiriot, Peter. Engraver of Lorraine fl. i555~76 "Woelffl, or Wolffl, Joseph. German Pianist & Composer 1772. . 1814 "Woffington, Margaret. Irish Actress 1 719 . . 1 760 Wogan, Nicholas. Jacobite 1667'. 1734 "Wohlgemuth, Michael. German Painter and Engraver 1434 • • 1 5 ^9 "Woide, Charles Godfrey, D. D. Orientalist. {Novum Tes- tamenlum e Codice j\dS. Alexandrino) 1725 • • 179° Wolcott, John. Peter Pindar. Satirical Poet i73^- • ^^^9 "Wolcott, Oliver. American Statesman and General 1726. . 1797 "Wolcott, Roger. Colonial Governor of Connecticut 1679. .1767 Wolf, Fred. Augustus. Ger. Classical Scholar and Critic. {Prolegomena ad Homerum. ) Life by W. Korte, 1833 1759. . 1824 Wolf, Jerome. Scholar and Philosopher at Augsburg. . 15 16. .1580 432 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. "Wolf, John. German Jurisconsult and Compiler — . . 1600 "Wolf, John. German Medical Writer i537- • 1616 "Wolf, John Christian von. German Mathematician and Philosopher. {Philosqphia Rationalis) 1679. . 1754 "Wolf, John Christopher. Lutheran Divine, Orientalist, and Biblical Writer, at Hamburg 1683. .1739 "Wolfe, Rev. Charles. Poet. {Burial of Sir John Moore.) Life by Archdeacon Russell, 1825 1791 . . 18^3 ■Wolfe, James. General; fell at Quebec. L. by Wright, 1863 1726.. 1759 "Wolfi", Dr. Joseph. Missionary and Traveler i795 • • 1862 "Wolff, Oscar Louis Bernard. German Author i799- .1851 "Wolff, Pius Alexander. German Actor 1782. . 1828 "Wolfa, Joseph. German Pianist and Composer 1772. . 1814 "Wolfram von Eschenbach. German Minnesinger .. . — aft.1227 "Wollaston, Rev. William. Philosophical Writer. {Re- lifjion of Nature.) Life by Dr. Clarke 1659. .1724 "Wollaston, William Hyde, m.d. Natural Philosopher 1766. .1828 "Wollebius, John. Div. of Basle. {Compendium Theologia) j '^2)'^. ,1626 "Wollstonecrafb, Mary (Mrs. Godwin). Writer i759- -1797 "Wolmar, or Volkmar, Melchior. Swiss Jurisconsult and Scholar 1497?.! 561 "Wolsey, Thomas. Cardinal and Statesman. Life by Fiddes, 1724; Grove; Sir William Cavendish; J. Gait, 1818; Charles Howard, 1824; T. Storer 1471. .1530 "Wolters, Henrietta. Dutch Miniature Painter 1692. .1741 "Wolzogen, Caroline von. German Authoress 1763. . 1847 "Wolzogen, John Louis. Socinian Writer 1596. . 1658 "Wolzogen, Louis van. Socinian Writer at Amsterdam 1642.. 1690 "Womack, Lawrence. Bishop of St. David's. Anti-Puri- tan Writer 1612. .1686 "Wood, Sir Andrew. Scottish Admiral I455'''i539^ "Wood, Anthony a. Antiquary and Biographer. {Athence Oxonienses.) Life by self; Huddesford, 1772 1632. .1695 "Wood, Isaac. Painter and Humorist 1689, .1752 "Wood, James, of Gloucester. Banker 1756. . 1836 "Wood, James, D. d. Dean of Ely. Master of St. John's. {Algebra) 1760?. 1839 "Wood, John, of Bath. Architect — . .1754 "Wood, Sir Matthew, m. p. Lord Mayor 1768. .1843 "Wood, Robert. Palmyra Wood. Secretary of State; Archasologist. {Essay on Homer ; Ruins of Palmyra) 1716. .1771 "Wood, William. Dissenting Minister, Scholar, and Writer 1745. -1808 "Woodall, John. Surgeon 1556?. 1646? "Woodbridge, Wm. Channing. Amer. Educational Writ. 1794. . 1845 "Woodbury, Levi. American Jurist and Statesman 1789. . 185 1 "Woodcock, Robert. Musical Composer and Painter . . . 1692. .1728 "Woodd, Rev. Basil. Divine 1760. .1831 "Wooddeson, Dr. Richard. Vinerian Prof. ; Law Writer 1745 . . 1822 "Woodfall, William. Newspaper Writer and Parliamen- tary Reporter 1745 or 6. 1803 "Woodford, Samuel, d.d. Divine and Poetical Writer 1636.. 1700 "Woodhead, Abraham. Roman Catholic Writer — . .1678 Woodhouse, Robert. Mathematician and Astronomer 1773. .1827 "Woodhouselee, Alexander Eraser Tytler, Lord i747- • 1813 "Woods, Joseph. Architect and Botanist 1776?. 1864 A BEIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 433 BORN. DIED. "Woods, Leonard, d. d. American Divine 1774. .1854 Woodville, Anthony, Earl Rivers ; beheaded 1442. .1483 "Woodville, or Wy'dville, Elizabeth, sister. Queen of Edward IV .' — . . i486? ■Woodville, William, m. d. Medical Writer 1752. . 1805 Woodvsrard, Henry. Comedian 1717..1777 Woodward, John. Geologist. Founder of Professorship at Cambridge. {Naturai History of the Earth) 1665. .1728 Woodward, Samuel Bayard, m. d. American Physician 1787. .1850 "Woodward, Dr. Samuel P. Geologist 1821 . .1865 Woodworth, Samuel. American Editor and Author. {The Old Oaken Buchet) 1785.. 1842 Woolhouse, John Thomas. Surgeon and Oculist — . .1730 WooUett, William. Engraver 1735 • -17^5 Woolman, John. American Quaker. Abolitionist 1720.. 1773 Woolsey, Melaucthon Taylor. United States Naval Officer 1782. . 1838 Woolston, Rev. Thomas' Theological Writer 1669. .1733 Wooster, David. American Revolutionary General 1710. .1777 Wootton, John. Painter '. 1720. .1765 Worcester, Edward Somerset, Marquess of ( Century of Inventions.) Life by Dircks, 1865 — . . 1667 Worcester, Joseph Emerson, ll. d. American Geogra- pher and Lexicographer 1784. .1865 Worcester, Noah, d. d. American Divine 1758. .1837 Worcester, Samuel, br. Clergyman. L. by his son, 1852 1770 . . 1821 Worde, Wynkin de. Printer * — , .1534? Wordsworth, Rev. Christopher, D. d. Master of Trin- ity College. {Ecclesiastical Biography) i774- • 1846 Wordsworth, William. Poet. Life by his nephew. Canon Wordsworth, 1851; Rev. E. Paxton Hood, 1856 1770. .1850 Worlidge, Thomas. Portrait Painter and Engraver. .. . 1700. .1766 Wormius, Olaus. Danish Physician, Antiquary, Historian 1588. . 1654 Wormius, Olaus. Medical Writer — . .1708 ■Wormius, William. Medical Writer. {MusceumWorm.) 1633. .1704 Woronicz, John Paul. Polish Prelate and Poet 1757- .1829 Woronzoflf, Michael Ilarionovitch, Ct. Russian Diplom. 1714. .1767 Woronzoflf, Michael Semenovitch, Prince- Russ. General 1782. .1856 Worsdale, James. Painter and Dramatic Writer — . . 1 767 Worsley, Sir Richard. Gov. of Isle of Wight. (/. Wight) 1751..1805 Worth, William Jenkins. American General i794- • 1849 Worthington, Thomas. Governor of Ohio '^772)- ■ 1827 Worthington, Rev. William. Divine 1703. . 1778 "Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth, Lady. Writer 1806. .1855 Wotton, Edward, m. d. Naturalist. {De "Differentiis Animalium) 1492. . 1555 Wotton, Sir Henry. Diplomatist and Author. Life by Izaak Walton 1568. . 1639 Wotton, Nicholas. Dean of Canterbury and Statesman 1497. .1566 Wotton,. Rev. William, d. d. Divine, Critic, and His- torian. {Ancient and Modern Learning) 1666. .1726 Woulfe, Peter. Chemist in London — . . 1806 Wouters, Francis. Flemish Painter 1614. . 1659 "Wouverman, Peter 1625 . . 1683 Wouverman, Philip, brother. Dutch Painter 1620. . 1668 Wower, John, of Hamburg. Politician and Writer i574- .1612 28 434 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. "Wrangel, Chas. Gustavus von, Ct. Swedish Commander 1613 . . 1675 "Wraxall, Sir Frederick Charles Lascelles. Writer 1828. .1865 "Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William. Traveler and Historian 1751 . . 1831 Wray, Daniel. Archaeologist 1701 . . 1783 A^ray, Robert Bateman. Engraver of Gems 1715- -1770 "Wrede, Charles Philip, Prince. Field Marshal 1767. . 1838 "Wren, Sir Christopher. Architect. Life by son and grandson 1632. . 1723 "Wren, Christopher, son. Antiquary. {Parentalia) 1675.. 1747 "Wren, Matthew. Bishop of Ely. . T 1585 . . 1667 "Wren, Matthew, m. p., son. Writer 1629. . 1672 "Wright, Abraham. Divine and Poet. Writer. {Par- nassus Biceps) 1611 . . 1690 "Wright, Edward. Mathematician — .-1615 "Wright, Edward, M. d. Traveler with Lord Macclesfield. ( Observer) — . .1761 T^right, Fanny. Madame Darusmont. Social Reformer and Philanthropist 1796?. 1853 "Wright, John Wesley. Captain k. n '. 1769. . 1805 "Wright, Joseph, of Derby. Painter i734- -1797 "Wright, Sir Nathan. Lord Keeper — . . 1721 "Wright, Samuel. Dissenting Divine. ( The New Birth) 1683. .1746 "Wright, Silas. American Statesman ^795 • • 1847 "Wright, Thomas, of Durham. Antiquary and Natural Philosopher I7ii''.i785 "Wright, Walter Rodwell. {Horos. lonicce) — . .1826 "Wriothesley, Thomas, Fourth Earl of Southampton — ..1667 "Wrisberg, Henry Augustus. German Anatomist 1739 . . 1808 "Wulf, Christian." Danish Writer 1810. .1856 "Wulfen, Francis Xavier von. Natural Philosopher and Mathematician 1728. . 1806 "Wiilf helm. Archbishop of Canterbury (923-42) — . . 942 "Wulfred. Archbishop of Canterbury "(805-32).. .. ._ — . . 832 "Wvilstan, or Wolstan. Monk of Winchester. {Life of Ethelwold) fl. loth c. "Wulstan. Bishop of Worcester 1007 or 8 . 1096 "Wurmser, Dagobert Sigismund, Ct. of. Austrian General 1724. .1797 "Wursticius, or Ursticius, Christian. Ital. Mathematician 1 544 . . 1 588 "Wurzelbau, John Philip. German Astronomer 1651 . . 1725 "Wyatt, James. Architect 1 746 . . 1813 "Wyatt, Matthew Cotes. Sculptor 1778 . • 1862 "Wyatt, Richard James. Sculptor 1795 • • 1850 Wyatt, Sir Thomas. The Elder. Statesman, Courtier, and Poet. Life by Dr. Nott 1503. .1542 "Wyatt, Sir Thomas. "The Younger. Insurgent; beheaded 1520'''. 1554 "Wyatville, Sir Jeffrey. Architect 1766. . 1840 "Wycherly, William. Dramatic Writer. L. by Major Pack 1640? 1715 "Wyck, John. Painter in J:ngland 1640?. 1702 "Wyck, Thomas. Dutch Painter : 1616. . 1686 "Wycliflfe, John de. Reformer. Life bv Rev. John Lewis, 1719 ; Dr. Robert Vaughan, 1828 (revised, 1853) ; Rev. Webb Le Bas, 1832 .• 1324- • 1384 ^ "Wykeham, William of. Life by Martin, 1597; Bishop Louth, 1754 1324- • 1404 "Wylie, Andrew, D. d. American Educator 1789. . 185 1 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. - 435 BORN. DIED. "Wynants, John. Dutch Landscape Painter 1600''. 1673' ■Wyndham, Sir Charles, Earl of Egremont. Secretary of State — ..1763 "Wyndham, Sir William. Statesman 1687 . . 1 740 ■Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams, M. p. Politician 1775?. 1850 "Wynne, John Huddleston. {History of Ireland) i743- -1788 "WyTitoun. Annalist in Verse. See Winton — aft. 1420 "Wyon, William, r. a. Engraver of Medals 1795 • • 1851 "Wyse, Sir John. Writer ; 1792. . 1862 "Wysocki, Joseph. Polish General 1809. . — "Wythe, George. American Jurist and Patriot 1726. . 1806 "Wytman, Matthew. Painter 1650 . . 1682 "Wyttenbach, Daniel. Dutch Philologist 1746. . 1820 436 ■ A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. X. BORN. DIED. Xaupi, Joseph, of Perpignan. Antiquarian Writer 1688. . 1778 Xavier, Francis, St. Apostle of the Indies. Jesuit Mis- sionary to the East. Life by Tursellini, 1594 ; Orlan- dino; Bartoli, 1666; Maft'ei; Bouhours, translated by. Dryden,1688; Venn, 1863 1506.. 1552 Xavier, Jerome. Jesuit Missionary to the East Indies . . — . .1617 Xenocrates. Greek Phiiosophfer 396.314 B.C. Xenophanes. Greek Philosopher and Poet fl. b.c. 540-500 Xenophon. Greek Soldier and Writer, (^waftasis). . 444 -'.35 5? b.c. Xerxes I. King of Persia (b. c 485-465) — b.c 465 Xerxes H. (b. c. 425) — b.c. 425 Ximenes, Augustine Mar}', Marquis de. French Poet. . 1726. .1817 Ximenes, Francis. Spanish Friar ; Missionary to Mexico — ..1620? Ximenes, Francis. Spanish Painter 1598. . 1666 Ximenes, Leonard. Sicilian Geometer and Astronomer 1716. .1786 Ximenes, Peter. Theologian. {Demonstratio CathoUccB Veritatis) 1514- •i595 Ximenes, Roderick. Archbishop of Toledo. {History of Spain) — . . 1247 Ximenes de Carmona, Francis. Spanish Physician and Naturalist fl. 1616 Ximenes de Cisneros, Francis. Spanish Cardinal and Statesman. Life by Flechier; Gomez de Castro; Mar- sollier 1436.. 1517 Ximenes de Quesada, Gonzalo. Spanish Explorer and Conqueror — '-iSTQ Ximeno, Vincent, of Valencia. Biographer — ••1703 Xiphilinus, John, of Trebizond. Patriarch of Constan- tinople 1005 ? . 1075 Xiphilinus, John, nephew. Epitomizer of Dion Cassias fl. iioo'' Xuares, Caspar. Jesuit. Botanist 1731 . . 1804 Xylander, William. Holzmann, German Philologer ... 1532. . 1576 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 437 Y. BORN. DIED. Yakoob-ibn-Lais. Suffar. Founder of the Dynasty of Sufikrides in Persia — , . 877 Yalden, Rev. Thomas. Poetical Writer. {Hymn to Dark- ness) 1671. .1736 Yale, Elihu. Early Patron of Yale College 1648. .1721 Yancey, William Lowndes. American Politician 1815.. 1863 Yarrell, William. Naturalist 1784. . 1856 Yarrenton, Andrew. Ironmaster and Soldier. {Eng- land's Improvement.) Life by Smiles i6i6.aft.i6^i Yart, Anthony. French Writer. ( Idea of English Poetry) 1 7 10. . 1 791 Yates, Mrs. Anna Maria. Tragic Actress — . .1787 Yates, Frederick Henry. Actor 1797?. 1842 Yates, John Ashton. Political Economist 1781''. 1863 Yates, Richard. Comic Actor — . . 1 796 Yates, Robert. American Statesman and Jurist 1738. .1801 Yates, William, d. d. Missionary and Orientalist 1792. . 1845 Yearsley, Anne. Poetical and Dramatic Writer 1756?. 1806 Yeates, Thomas. Orientalist 1768. . 1839 Yeates, Thomas Pattinson. Entomologist — . .1782 Yelverton, Sir Henry. Judge. ( Reports of Special Cases) 1 566 . . 1630 Yepez, Anthony. Spanish Benedictine. ( Chronology of Benedictine' Order) — . . 1621 Yepez, Diego d'. Spanish Historical Writer i559- • 1613 Yorck von Wartenbiirg, John David Louis, Count. Prussian Field Marshal i759- • 1830 York, Edmund of Langley, First Duke of. Son of Ed- ward III 1341 . . 1402 York, Edward, son, Second Duke of; fell at Agincourt. . — . .1415 York, Richard, nephew. Claimant of Crown ; fell at Wakefield — . . 1460 York, Richard, Duke of. Son of Edward IV. Murdered in Tower — . . 1483 York and. Albany, Edward Augustus, Duke of. Brother of George III — . .1767 York and Albany, Ernest Augustus, Duke of. Brother of George I — . . 1728 York and Albany, Frederick, Duke of. Son of Geo. III. 1763. . 1827 Yorke, Charles. Lawyer and Statesman 1722 . .1770 Yorke, Sir Joseph Sidney, m. p. Admiral; Politician. . . 1768. .1831 Yorke, Philip, Earl of Hardwicke, which see. Youatt, William. Veterinary Surgeon and Writer 1777. .1847 Young, Alexander, d. d. Amer. Clergyman and Writer 1800. . 1854 Young, Sir Aretas William. Colonel 1778? 1835 Young, Arthur. Agricultural Writer 1741 • • 1820 Young, Augustus. American Geologist and Naturalist . 1785 . . 1857 Young, Charles. Actor 1777''. 1856 Young, Edward, d. c. l. Poet. {Night Thoughts) 1684. . 1765 Young, Matthew. Bishop of Clonfert. Mathematician. . 1750. .1800 Young, Rev. Patrick. Patricius Junius. Scholar 1584. • 1653 Young, Sir Peter. Scottish Diplomatist and Writer .... 1544. . 1628 Young, Thomas. Puritan Divine ; Milton's first tutor . . 1587?. 1655 438 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Young, Thomas, m. d. Physician and Natural Philoso- pher. Life by Dean Peacock, 1855 1773 . . 1829 Young, Sir William, m.p. Political and Miscellaneous Writer ' 1750. . 1815 Yousouf-ben-Taschfln. King of Morocco — . .1106 Ypres, Charles de. Flemish Painter 1510. . 1563 Ypsilanti, Alexander, Prince. Greek Revolutionary Statesman 1792. .1828 Ypsilanti, Demetrius, brother. Military Commander. . . 1793.. 1832 Yriarte, Bernard. Spanish Statesman 1734?. 1814 Yriarte, Domingo, brother. Spanish Diplomatist ...... 1746. .1795 Yriarte, Ignatius. Spanish Landscape Painter 1635 . . 1685 Yriarte, John de. Spanish Linguist and Archaeologist. . 1702.. 1771 Yriarte, Thomas de. Spanish Poet 1750. .1791 Ysabeau, or Isabeau, Alexander Clement. Fr. Statesman 1750?. 1823 Yves, or Ivo. Bishop of Chartres. Ecclesiastical and His- torical Writer io35- -lUS Yveteaux, Nicholas Vauquelin. Poetical Writer i559- • 1649 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 439 z. BORN. DIED. Zabaglia, Nicholas. Italian Architect 1674 . .1750 Zabarella, Francis. Cardinal de Florence. Archbishop. Theologian i339- • H^7 Zabarella, James. Astrol. ( Commentaries on Aristotle) 1533. .1589 Zacagni, Lawrence Alex. {Collectanea Monument orum) — ..1712 Zaccaria, Francis Anthony. Jesuit. {Lit. Hist, of Italy) 1714. . 1795 ZaccMas, Paul. Italian Medical "Writer 1584. . 1659 Zacli, Anthony, Baron von. Austrian General i744- .1826 Zach, Francis Xavier, Baron von, brother. Astronomer. 1754.. 1832 Zachariae, or Zacharia, Justus Frederick William. Ger- man Comic Poet 1723. .1777 Zachariae, or Zacharia, von Lingenthal, Charles Solo- mon. German Jurist and Political Writer 1769. .1843 Zachariah, son of Jeroboam II. King of Israel (b. c. 793-771) 808 . 771 B.C. Zacharias. Pope (741-52) — . . 752 Zachaw, Frederick William. German Musical Composer 1663. .1721 Zachtleevin, or Sachtleevin, Cornelius. Dutch Painter. . 1612.. — Zachtleevin, Herman, brother. Painter 1609 . . 1685 Zacutus Lusitanus. Portuguese Medical Writer i575- .1642 Zagoskin, or Sagoskin, Michael Nicolaevitch. Russian Dramatist and Novelist 1789. . 1852 Zahrtmann, Christian Christopher. Danish Admiral and Hydrographer i794^ 1853 Zajonczek, Joseph. Polish Prince and General 1752. .1826 Zaleucus. Locrian Legislator fl. b.c. 500? Zaluski, Andrew Chrysostom. Polish Statesm. & Writer 1650''. 1711 Zaluski, Joseph Andrew. Polish Book Collector 1701 . .1774 Zambeccari, Francis, Count. Italian Aeronaut 1756. . 1812 Zamoyski, Andrew. Polish Statesman 1716, .1792 Zamoyski, John. Polish Commander 1626. . 1665 Zamoyski, or Zamoscius, John Sarius. Grand Chancel- lor of Poland. Life by Bursitis ; Moslowski 1541 • • 1605 Zampieri, Dominic. Domenichino. Italian Painter 1581 . .1641 Zanchi, Basil. Italian Latin Poet 1501?. 1558 Zauchi, Jerome. Italian Reformer. Life hy Gallizoli. . . 1516. .1590 Zanchi, John Chrysostom. Hist. {DeOrobiorumOrigine) 1490?. 1566 Zanichelli, John Jerome. Italian Physician and Natural Philosopher 1662. . 1729 Zanoni, James. Physician and Botanist of Bologna 1615. .1682 Zanotti, Francis Mary Cavazzoni. Italian Mathemati- cian and Philosopher 1692. . 1777 Zanotti, John Peter Cavazzoni, br. Painter and Poet . . 1674. .1765 Zanzalus, Jacob. Baradceus. Syrian Monk — • • 578 Zapolya. Hungarian Soldier — . . 1499 Zappi, John Baptist Felix. Italian Lawyer and Poet . . . 1667. . 1719 Zarate, Augustine de. Span. Historian. ' ( Conq. of Peru) 1500? . 1558 Zarco, John Gonzales. Portuguese Navigator fl. 1420 Zarlino, Joseph. Italian Composer 1520. .1599 Zazius, or Zasius, Ulric. Professor at Fribur^. Jurist . 1461 . , 1535 Zea, Francis Anthony. Statesman of Colombia 1770- • 1822 440 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. Zechariah. Prophet of Judah fl. b.c. 520? Zedekiah, sonof Josiah. K. of Judah (b. c. 597-586) 6i8.aft.586B.c. Zedlitz, Joseph Christian, Baron. German Poet 1786'. 1862 Zeeman, Remigius. Dutch Marine Painter 161 2. . — Zegedin, Stephen.. Protestant Reformer in Hungary. . . 1505. .1572 Zegers, or Segers, Hercules. Dutch Landscape Painter and Etcher 1629. . 1675 Zeiller, Martin. German Topographer 1589. . 1661 Zeisberger, David. Moravian Missionary 1721 . . 1808 Zelotti, John Baptist. Italian Painter 1532. . 1592 Zelter, Charles Frederick. German Composer 1758.. 1832 Zendrini, Bernard. Italian Mathematician 1679. .1747 Zeno, of Elea. Greek Philosopher 5th c. b.c. Zeno. Founder of the Stoic School of Philosophy 362?. 264 b.c. Zeno. haurian. Roman Emperor of the East (474-91). . 426'. 491 Zeno, Anthony, brother and companion of Nicholas — . . 1405? Zeno, Apostolo. Italian Poet and Historical Writer .... 1668. .1750 Zeno, Caterino. Venetian Ambassador to Persia fl. 1472 Zeno, Charles. Admiral of Venice. Life by James Zeno 1334?. 1418 Zeno, James. Italian Orator 1417- • 1481 Zeno, Nicholas. Venetian Traveler — . . 1395 ? Zeno, Nicholas. Biographer of the Zeni 1515- -1565 Zeno, Peter Caterino. Venetian Writer 1666. .1732 Zenobia, Septimia. Queen of Palmyra (266-73) — aft.274 Zephaniah. Hebrew Prophet fl. 630-624 b.c. Zephyrinus. Bishop of Rome (197-217) — . . 217 Zerbi, Gabriel, of Verona. Anatomist fl. 1505 Zeunius, John Charles. Grammarian 1736. .1788 Zeuxis. Greek Painter. Life by Carlo Dati 450-'. 400"* b.c. ZhukoflFsky, Vasili Andreevitch. Russian Poet '^7^2,- • 1852 Ziani, Sebastian. Doge; Embellisher of Venice — • .1179 Ziegenbalg, Bartholomew. Ger. Protestant Missionary. 1683. .1719 Ziegler, Bernard. German Theologian of the Reformation 1496. .1552 Ziegler, Frederick William. German Actor and Dramatist 1760 . . 1827 Ziegler, Gaspar. German Jurist 1621 . . 1690 Ziegler, James. German Mathematician and Divine. . . . 1480?. 1549 Ziethen, John Ernest Charles, Ct. Prussian Field Marshal 1 7 70 . . 1 848 Ziethen, John Joachim von. Prussian General 1699. .1786 Zimmermann, Eberhard Augustus William. German Naturalist I743- .1815 Zimmermann, Ernest. Ger. Theologian. L. by his brother 1786. .1832 Zimmermann, John George von^. Swiss Physician and Philosopher. Life by Tissot 1728. .1795 Zimmermann, Matthias. Protestant Divine at Meissen 1625 . . 1689 Zimri. King of Israel (929) — b.c. 929 Zincke, Christian Frederick, German Painter in Enamel 1684''. 1767 Zingarelli, Nicholas Anthony. Italian Musical Composer 1752.. 1837 Zingg, Adrian. Swiss Draughtsman and Engraver i734- • 1816 Zinn, John Godfrey. German Anatomist and Botanist. . 1727. .1759 Zinzendorf, Nicholas Louis, Count von. Moravian. Life by Spangenberg, 1778, tr. by Samuel Jackson, 1838 . . 1700. . 1760 Ziska, or Zizka, of Trocznow, John. Hussite Leader . . . 1360?. 1424 Zizim, or Djem. Turkish Prince i459- -1495 Zobell, Benjamin. German Artist 1762. . 1831 Zoe. Carbincfpsma. Empressof theEastjWife ofLeo VI. — . . 919 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 441 BORN. DIED. Zoe. Empress of the East, wife of Romanus III 982? . 1050 Zoega, George. Danish Archaeologist i755 • • 1809 Zoest, Gerard. See Zoust 1637 . . 1681 Zoffany, Jol\n, R. a. German Portrait Painter in England 1735 . . 1810 ZoUus. Greek Critic fl. 366'''-336? B.C. ZollicoflFer, Felix K. " Confederate " General . ,. 1812 . . 1862 Zollikofer, George Joachim. Swiss Divine i730- .1788 Zonaras, John. Byzantine Historian and Theologian . . fl. 1120? Zonca, Victor. Ital. Mathem. {Novo Teatro di Machini) 1^80^ . — Zoppo, Mark. Italian Historical and Portrait Painter . . 1451 . . 1517 Zosiraus. Greek Historian fl. 400^ Zosimus. Pope (417-18) — . . 418 Zouch, Richard, ll. d. Jurist at Oxford 1590''. 1660 Zouch, Thomas, d. d. Divine and Biographer 'i737- -1815 Zoust, or Zoest, Gerard. Ger. Portrait Painter in London 1637. . 1681 Zrinyi, Miklos, Count. Hungarian General 1518. .1566 Zrinyi, Nicholas. Hungarian Poet fl. i7thc. Zschokke, John Henry Daniel. German Writer. {Stun- den der Andacht.) Life by self 1771 . . 1848 Zuccarelli, Francis, R. A. Italian Landscape Painter . . . 1702. .1788 Zuccaro, or Zucchero, Frederick. Italian Painter i543- • 1609 Zuccaro, or Zucchero, Thaddeus, brother. Painter 1529. .1566 ZuGchi, Anthony. Italian Painter 1726. .1795 Zuinglius. Swiss Reformer. See Zwingli 1484. .1531 Zumala-Carreguy, Thomas. Spanish Carlist General . . 1789.. 1835 Zumbo, Gaetano Julius. Sicilian Modeler in Wax 1656. .1701 Zumpt, Chas. Gottlob. Ger. Philologist. {Latin Gram.) 1792. .1858 Zurbaran, Francis. Spanish Painter 1598. . 1662 Zxirita, Jerome. Spanish Historian 1512. .1581 Zurlauben, B^at-Fidele Anthony John Dominic, Baron de La Tour-Chatillon de. Swiss Officer and Writer. . 1720. -1795 Zurlo, Joseph, Count. Italian Statesman. . . _. 1759. .1828 Zwicker, Daniel. Socinian. (Irenicon Irenicorum) .... 161 2. . 1678 Zwinger, Theodore, sen. ( Theatrum Vitce Humanm) i533- • 1588 Zwinger, Theodore, jun. ( Theatrum Botanicum) 1658. .1724 Zwingli, or Zuinglius, Ulric. Swiss Reformer and Pa- triot. Life by J. G. Hess, tr. by Lucy Aikin ; J. J. Hottinger, tr. by T. C Porter; N. Christoflfel, 1847. . . 1484. .1531 Zwirner, Ernest Frederick. German Architect 1802. . 1861 Zylius, Otho. Dutch Jesuit. {Lives (^the Saints) 1568. . 1655 Zypaeus, or Van den Zype, Francis. Dutch Jurist 1578. • 1650 ZypsBus, Henry, brother. Abbot. {Gregorim Magnus) 1^77. .i6s9 442 A BRffiF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. ADDENDA. • — • — A. BORN. MBD. Aaron. First High Priest of the Jews 1574. 1451 b.c. Abercromby, David, M. D. Medical and Miscel. Writer — ..1701 Abert, John J. American Engineer 1790. .1863 Abijah. King of Judah (b. c. 958-955) — B.c.955 Abner. Captain of Saul, King of Israel — B.C. 1048 Abraham. Patriarch. 1996. 1821 b.c. Absalom, son of David, King of Israel — B.c.1021 Acton, Charles Januarius Edward. English Cardinal. . . 1803. .1847 Acworth, George, ll. d. Civilian and Controversialist — .-1577^ Adams, Clement. Author of Travels 1519- -1587 Adams, Daniel, m. d. Author of School Text-books — . . 1863 Adams, Richard. Poet — . , 1661 Adamson, John. Author 1787. . 1855 Addison, John, d. d. Roman CathoUc Writer fl. 1538 Ade, Charles. Antiquary and Artist — . . 1858 Ahab. King of Israel (b. c. 918-897) — B.c.897 Ahaz. King of Judah (b. c. 742-726) — B.c.726 Ahaziah, son of Ahab. King of Israel (b. c. 897-896). . — B.c.896 Ahaziab, son of Jehoram. King of Judah (b.c 885-884 ) 926 . 884 b.c. Aikins, Arthur. Scientist and Writer 1773. -1854 Aldini, John. Italian Experimental Philosopher 1762. . 1834 Alexander, James Waddell, d. d, American Scholar and Writer 1804 . . 1859 Alexander, Joseph Addison, d. d., br. Div. and Linguist 1809. . i860 Alkmar, Henry van. German Writer. {Eeineke deVoss) 5.1475-'' Allen, David Oliver. American Missionary and Writer. . 1800. . 1863 Allen, or Aleri, Edmund. Bp. elect of Rochester. Theol. — ••i559 Allen, John. Bibliographer — . . 1831 Allot, Wm. Rom. Cath. Divine. { Thesaurus Bibliorum) — ..1590? Amaziah. King of Judah (b. c. 839-810) 863.810 b.c. Ammen, Frederick Augustus von. Ger. Medical Writer 1799. .1861 Amon. King of Judah (b. c. 643-641) 665 .641 b.c. Amos. Prophet of Israel fl. b.c. 787 Amyot, Thomas. Treas. Soc. Antiq. (Life of Windham) 1775 . . 1850 Ancelot, James Ars6ne Francis Polycarp. Fr. Dramatist 1794. .1854 Anderson, George B. " Confederate " General 1834''. 1862 Andral, Gabriel. French Phj^sician 1797. • 1853 Angell, Joseph Kinnicutt. American Law Writer I794- -1857 AngoulSme, Louis Anthony de Bourbon, Due d', son of Charles X i775 • • 1844 Angus, Caleb. Agriculturist and Writer on Free Trade 1782. .i860 Anlaby, William. Roman Catholic Missionary ; martyred — ••^597 Annesley, Alexander. Legal and Political Writer — ..1813 Antinori, Vincent, of Florence. Scholar — . .1865 Appleton, Nathan. American Merchant i779- • ^^^^ A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 443 BORN. DISD. Arago, James Stephen Victor. Fr. Journalist and Author 1 790 . . 1055 Arcano, Mauro d'. II Mauro. Italian Burlesque Poet. . 1490''. 1536 Argentine, Richard, M. D. Sexten. Rom. Cath. Writer — . .1568 Arjona, Manuel de. Spanish Ecclesiastic and Poet 1761 . . 1820 ArlincoTirt, Victor, Viscount d'. Fr. Poet and Novelist 1789. .1856 Armansperg, Joseph Louis, Count von. Ger. Statesman 1787. . 1853 Armellini, Charles. Italian Patriot ^776- ■ 1863 Armistead, Lewis A. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Arnott, Dr. Archibald. Scotch Physician 1771 . . 1855 Arrowsmith, Edmund. Jesuit ; executed — . . 1628 Ashby, Turner. " Confederate " General 1824?. 1862 Ashe, Thomas. Captain Ashe. Author of Travels — ••^^35 Asplin, Rev. William. Theologian. (Alkibla) — .•1758 Assarotti, Octavius John Bapt. Teacher of Deaf & Dumb 1735 . . 1829 Aster, Ernest Louis. German General 1778. . 1855 Aston, William. Jesuit. Writer — ..1800 Athaliah. Usurping Queen of Judah — B.c.878 Athanagildus. Gothic King in Spain — . . 567 Atherton, Charles Gordon. American Politician 1804. .1853 Attierton, John. Bishop of Waterford; executed — . . 164c Attains I. King of Pergamus (b. c. 2-41-197) 268?. 197 b.c. Attains II. (b. c. 159-138.)* PhiladeJphus 220 . 138 B.C. Attains III. (B. c. 138-133.) Philometor — B.C. 133 Atterborn, Peter Daniel Amadeus. Swedish Poet 1790 . . 1855 Audley, Mervyn, Lord, and Earl of Castlehaven ; executed — . . 1631 Auenbrugger von Anenbmg, Leopold. Physician at Vienna. Inventor of Percussion 1722. . 1809 Auffenberg, Joseph von, Baron. German Dramatist. . . 1798. .1857 Aufrere, Anthony. Miscellaneous Writer and Translator 1 756'' . 1833 Augnr, Hezekiah. American Sculptor 1791 . . 1858 August!, Christian John William. German Theologian 1771..1841 Aust, Mrs. Sarah (formerly Murray). ( Guide to the Lakes) — . . 181 1 Austin, John. Jurist. {Province of Jurisprudence) .... I'/gy. .1S60 Avempace, or Ibn-Bajja. Spanish Arabian Philosopher — ..1138? Avenbrugger, or Auenbrugger, wfdch see 1722. . 1809 Avenzohar, Abumeron. Arabian Physician in Spain. . . 1072?.! 162 Avenzohar, Alhafid, son. Arabian Physician in Spain. , 1114. .1199 Avicebron, or Solomon ben Gebirol. Jewish Philosopher fl. i ith c. Ayrton, William. Writer on Music 1777.. 1858 Azals, Peter Hyacinth. French Philosopher 1766. . 1845 Azeglio, Massimo Taparella d', Marquis. Italian States- man, Author, and Artist 1798. . 1866 B. Baasha. King of Israel (b. c. 953-930) — B.c.930 Baclie, Franklin, m. d. American Physician, Savant, and Author 1792. .1864 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Alban's. Life by Anon. 1626 (reprinted in Harl. Misc.) ; Rawley, 1657 ; R. Stephens, 1736; Mallet, 1740 (also in German and French); Pouillot, 1755 ; Anon. 1787; Bertin, 1788; Courtier, 1803 ; Montagu, 1834 ; Ozanam, 1835 ; Macaulay, 1837 ; Wilhelmy, 1843; Craik, 1846; Sortain, 1851; M. Na- 444 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. pier, 1853; Campbell, 1853; Remusat, 1857; Sped- ding, 1861; Dixon, 1861, enlarged, 1862 1561 . .1626 Bacon, Nathaniel. Insurrectionary Leader in Virginia (1675-77) 1630 . . 1677 Bagby, Arthur P. American Statesman i794- • i^S^ Bagot, Richard. Bishop of Oxford 1782. . 1854 Bailey, Gamaliel. American Journalist 1807. .1859 Bailey, Jacob Whitman. American Microscopist and Algologist 1806 . . 1857 Balfour, Rev. Walter. Universalist Writer 1776. . 1852 Ballou, Hosea, 2d, d. d. Divine and Writer — . . i86i Bangs, Nathan, d. d. Methodist Writer 1788. . 1862 Barker, James N. American Writer — . . 1858 Barksdale, William. " Confederate " General 1821 . . 1863 Barron, James. American Naval Officer — . . 1851 Bascom, Henry Bidleman, D. d. Amer. Divine & Writer 1796. . 1850 Batthyanyl, Casimir, Count. Hungarian Statesman . . . 1807. .1854 Bauer, Bruno. German Theologian and Metaphysician — ..1809 Baur, Ferdinand Christian. German Church Historian. . — . .1791 Baur, George Lawrence. German Theologian. {Herme- neutica bacra) 1755 . . 1806 Bayard, George D. American General! — . . 1862 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, Duke of. Soldier in Penin- sular War 1792. . 1854 Beck, Charles. American Scholar and Writer 1798. . 1866 Beck, John Brodhead. American Physician i794- • 1851 Beck, Lewis C American Naturalist 1800. . 1853 Beck, Theodore Roraeyn, m. d. Amer. Medical Writer i79i,.i855 Beckwith, John Charles. Major-General 1790- • 1862 Bee, Barnard E. " Confederate " General — . . 1861 Benavides. Chilian General — . . 1823 Benjamin, Park. American Editor and Poet 1809. . 1864 Bennett, William. Bp. of Cloyne.' Scholar and Archseol. 1745 • • ^^^o B6nton, Thomas Hart. American Statesman 1782. . 1858 Berrien, John Macpherson. Amer. Lawyer and Statesm. 1781 . . 1856 Berry, Miss Mary. Friend of Horace Walpole 1763''. 1852 Berthold, Arnold Adolphus. German Naturalist 1803. . 1861 Bibb, George M. American Jurist and Statesman 1772. . 1859 Biel, Gabriel. German Theologian and Philosopher — . . 1495 Bienville, John Baptist Lemoine, Sieur de. Second Co- lonial Governor of Louisiana 1680. .1768 Bird, Rev. Charles Smith. Controversialist 1795 • • ^^^^ Bird, Robert M., m. d. American Writer 1803. . 1854 Bimey, David Bell. American General 1825 . . 1864 Birt, John Baptist. French Savant i774- • 1862 Bixby, Thomas. Classical Scholar and Book Collector. . 1799. . 1863 Blackford, Isaac. American Jurist and Law Writer. ... — . .1859 Blake, Rev. John Lauris, d. d. Writer. {Biogr. Diet.) 1788. .1857 Blanchard,. Thomas. American Mechanic and Inventor 1788. .1864 Blenker, Louis. American General 1812 . . 1863 Bodisco, Alexander. Russian Diplomatist i779- • 1854 Bohlen, Henry. American General — . . 1862 Boole, George'. Professor. Mathem. and Metaphysician 1819?. 1864 Borland, Solon. " Confederate " General — . . 1864 Bourdon, Peter Louis Mary. French Mathematician ... 1 799 •• 1854 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 445 BORN. DIED. Bowen, John S. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Bowes, Andrew Robinson Stoney, m. p. Husband of Countess of Strathmore. Life by Jesse Foot 1745 .. 18 10 Boyd, James. Classical and General Editor 1795 • -1856 Brady, Hugh. American Military Officer 1768. .1851 Brancaleone, Dandolo. Senator of Rome — , . 1258 Branch, Lawrence O'Brien. " Confederate" General . . 1820. .1862 Brande, William Thomas. Chemist 1780. . 1866 Bravo, Nicholas. Mexican General and Statesman 1792. .1854 Braybrooke, Richard Neville Griffin, Third Lord. An- tiquary. ( History ofAudley End ; Evelyn's Memoirs) . . 1 783 . . 1858 Bremer, Miss Frederika. Swedish Novelist 1802. .1865 Bright, Edmund, of Maiden. Noted for weight, 616 lbs. 1721 . .1750 Briot, Peter Francis, of Besan9on. Phys. Medical Writer 1773''. 1826 Brockedon, William. Author, Artist, and Inventor. . . . 1787. . 1854 Brockett, John Trotter. Antiquary 1788. . 1842 Broderick, David Colbreth. American Politician 1819. . 1859 Bromme, Traugott. German Geographer 1771''. 1865 Brooke, George M. American General — . . 1851 Brooks, Preston S. American Politician 1819. . 1857 BrOwn, Sir George. General; distinguished in Crimea. . 1790.. 1865 Brown, Goold. American Grammarian 1791 . . 1857 Brown, Dr. Samuel, of Edinb. Chemical Theorist; Poet 181 7. .1856 Brown, Sir William. Merchant and Philanthropist .... 1784. .1864 Brownell, Rt. Rev. Thomas Church. American Theolo- gian and Educator 1779 . . 1865 Bruat, Armand Joseph. French Admiral 1796. . 1855 Bruce, Archibald, m. d. Amer. Physician & Mineralogist 1777 . . 1818 Bruck, Baron de. Austrian Financier i799- • i860 Buchan, Peter. Scottish Antiquary — . . 1854 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. American Journalist. . . . 1799. . i86i Buford, John. American Cavalry Officer 1825 . . 1863 Bullions, Rev. Peter, d. d. Amer. Educator and Author 1791 . . 1864 Bvirgeoise, Sir Francis, R. A. Painter. Founder of Dul- wich Gallery — ..1811 Burges, Tristam. American Statesman 1770. . 1853 Burnap, Rev. George Washington. Amer. Theol. Writer 1802. . 1859 Burton, William Evans. Comedian. ( Cyclqpcedia of Wit and Humor) 1804 . . i860 Bury, Lady Charlotte. Novelist i775 • .1861 Bush, George. American Theologian 1796. .1859 Bustamente, Anastasius. Mexican Soldier and Statesm. 1782. .1851 Bute, John Stuart, Fourth Earl and First Marquess of. . . 1744. .1814 Butler, Andrew Pickens. Amer. Lawyer and Politician 1796. .1857 Butler, Benjamin F. American Lawyer and Statesman — ..1858 Byron, Lady Noel. Wife of Lord Byron ^793- ■ i860 Caldwell, Charles, m. d. Medical and Miscel. Writer 1772. .1853 Calvin, John. Life by Beza, 1564 (also in Latin and German) ; Bolsec, 1572 (also in German ) ; J. P. Masson, 1598; Ziegenbein, 1789-90; Tischer, 1794 ; Mackenzie, 1809; Henry, 1835, enlarged and rewritten, 1846 (also 446 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. in English and Dutch); Audin, 1840 (also in German and Italian); Haag, 1840; Guizot, 1844; Dyer, 1849; Strahelin, 1863 ; Bungener ; 1509- • 1564 Cajneron, Dr. Archibald. Scottish Jacobite ; executed. . 1698. .1753 Cameron, James, of Lochiel, brother. Scottish Jacobite 1696. .1758 Carbuccia, Gen. French Archaeologist — . . 1854 Carey, John L. American Political Economist — . . 1852 Carnwath, Robert Dalziel, Sixth Earl of. Scot. Jacobite 1673. -1726 Caroll, Sir William Farebrother. Naval Officer 1785 . . 1862 Cartwright, Rev. Edmund, F.s. A. Topographer. (Sussex) 1777.. 18^3 Caulfleld, James, Earl of Charlemont. Life by Francis Hardy, 1810 1728. .1799 Cavendish, Elizabeth Hardwicke, Lady 1519. • 1608 Cavendish, George. Usher and Biographer of Wolsey 1500?. 1562? Cervantes. Spanish Novelist. {D071 Quixote.) Life by Mayans y Siscar, 1737, Englished by Ozell, 1738 ; Sar- miento ; J. de Iriarte ; Montiano y Luyando ; J. M. de Flores; V. de Los Rios, 1780; Claris de Florian, 1785 ^ Pellicer, 1778, enlarged 1798; Jarvis, 1801; Merimee, 1806; Fernandez de Navarrete, 1819; Auger, 1825; Filleau Saint-Martin, 1825; Roscoe, 1839; Aribau, 1849; Finlay 1547. .1616 Cesare, Joseph. Italian Historian 1783. .1856 Chandos, John Brydges, created Duke of 1673. • ^744 Charles, Thomas, of Bala. Methodist Minister. Life by Morgan i755- .1814 Charlon, John James. Painter — . . 1854 Chetham-Strode, Sir Edward. Admiral i775 • • 1862 Chickering, Jesse. American Statistician 1798. . 1855 Christopher I. King of Denmark — . . 1259 Christopher II 1276. . 1333 Christopher III. Of Bavaria — . . 1448 Christy, Henry. Antiquary 1810, . 1865 Chrzanowski, Adalbert. PoUsh General 1789. .1861 Clare. See Strongbow. Clayton, John, of London. Dissenting Minister 1780?. 1865 Clebvirne, Patrick R. " Confederate " General 1828. . 1864 Cocke, Philip St. George. " Confederate " General — . . 1861 Cockerell, Charles Robert, r. a. Architect 1788. . 1863 Cockton, Henry. Writer. ( Valentine Vox) 1808. , 1853 Colborne, Sir John, Lord Seaton. Field Marshal. Gov- ernor-General of Canada 1779.. 1863 Colburn, Henry. Publisher — . . 1855 Combe, Harvey Christian, m. p. Politician and Founder of Brewery" 1752.. 1818 Corabermere, Sir Stapleton Stapleton Cotton, Viscount. Field Marshal i773- • 1865 Comer, Thomas. Actor and Musician 1 790 . . 1862 Conant, H. C. American Authoress 1810 . . 1865 Coningsby, Thomas, First Lord. Politician 1650 '^ 1729 Connel, Sir John. Advocate. {Law of Scotland on Tithes) — ..1831 Connor, Charles. Comedian — . . 1826 Cook, Henry F. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Cook, John, D. D. Scottish Professor of Divinity 1771 . . 1824 Cook, Rev. Russell S. American Clergyman . .". 1811 . . 1864 I A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 447 BORN. DIED. Cooke, George Wingrove. Biographer and Historian. . . 1814. . 1865 Cooper, Bransbj". Surgeon 1792 . . 1853 Cooper, Thomas Abthrope. Actor 1776. . 1849 Costello, Dudley. Author and Journalist 1803?. 1865 Coster, Francis. Malleus Hcereticorum. Belgian Theol. 1531..1691 Cottenham, Charles Christopher Pepys, Earl of. Lord High Chancellor 1781. .1851 Cotton, Sir Stapleton Stapleton, G. c. b., Viscount Com- bermere. Field Marshal i773- • 1865 Coxe, Richard Charles, Archdeacon of Lindisfarne^ Di- vine and Poet i799- • 1865 Cradock, Joseph, f. s. a. {Literary Memoirs) 1741 or 2. 1826 Craggs, James. Politician — . .1720 Craven, Tunis Augustus Macdonough. American Naval Commander — . . 1864 Crockford, William. Originator of Crockford's Club. . . 1775 ''.1844 Cromartie, George Mackenzie, Earl of. Scottish Jacobite 1710. .1759 Crosby, Sir John. Alderman. Builder of Crosby Place — . . 1475 Crowe, Rev. Frederick. Writer — . . 1858 Cuming, Hugh. Conchologist 1791?. 1865 Ctinningham, Rev. Francis, of Harrow. Divine 1785''. 1863 Curtis, Dr. Thomas. Editor of Encychpcedia Metrqpoli- iana and London Encyclopoedia 1788. . 1859 D. Dahlgren, Colonel Ulric. American Military OflScer. . . 1842. .1864 Danby, John. Musical Composer — , .1798 Dandolo, Ct. Emilio. Ital. Patriot, Soldier, and Litterateur — . . 1859 DanieL Hebrew Prophet fl. B.C. 607-534 Daniel, William Francis. Naturalist 18 18 -'.1865 Daniels, John M. American Editor — . . 1865 Dante degli Alighieri. Life by Filelfo, MS. until 1828 ; Villani, MS. until 1826 ; Boccaccio, 1544; Panchiatichi, 1576 ; Bruno Aretino, 1672 ; Manetti, 1747 ; Pelli, 1759 ; Chabanon, 1773 ; Fabroni, 1803 ; Cesare, 1811 ; Petroni, 1816 ; Orelli, 1822 ; Gamba, 1825 ; Blanc, 1834; Fauriel, • 1834; Balbo, 1839, and Engl. 1852; Missirini, 1840; Savelli, 1841 ; Artaud de Montor, 1841 ; Torri, 1843 ; Wegele, 1852 ; V^ricour, 1858 1265 . . 1321 Darley, William. American Geographer and Statistician 1775 . . 1854 Darling, James. London Publisher and Bibliographer. ( Cyclopcedia Bibliographica) i797- • 1862 Dartmouth, George Legge, First Baron. Admiral 1648. . 1691 Dartmouth, George Legge, Earl. Statesman i755 • • ^^lo Daubeny, Charles. Archdeacon of Sarum. {Guide to the Church) 1 744 . . 1827 Davies, Thomas Stephens. Mathematician I794''' 1851 Davison, John, B. D. Theol. {Blscourses on Prophecy) 1777. .18^4 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell. Amer. Writer 1783.. 1851 De Haven, Edwin J. American Arctic Voyager 1819.. 1865 Dembinski, Henry. Polish General 1 79i • • 1864 Devrient, Wilhelmina Schroeder. Ger. Singer and Actor 1805 . . i860 Dieudonn6, Dr., of Brussels. Medical Writer 1811 ? . 1865 448 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. BORN. DIED. DxQwyn, Lewis W. Welsh Naturalist 1778 .. 1855 Djelal-eddyn Roumi. Persian Mystic Poet "95 • 1262 or 71 Dod, Captain Robert Pliipps. Peerage Compiler — . . 1864 Donoughmore, John Hely Hutchinson, Earl of. General 1757. .1832 Donoughmore, Richard Hely Hutchinson, Earl of. Sol- dier and Statesman 1756. . 1825 Dubellay du Resnel, John Francis. French Writer . . . 1692. .1761 Duggan, Peter Paul. American Artist — . . 1861 Dupin, Andrew Mary John James. French Jurist and . Statesman. . .» 1783. .1865 Dupont, Samuel Francis. Rear-Adrairal U. S. Navy. . . 1803. .1865 Dwight, Rev. Harrison Gray Otis. American Missionarj"- and Writer 1803 . . 1862 Dwight, Mary Anne. {Mythology) 1806. . 1858 E. Saton, Amos. American Botanist •. 1776''. 1842 Edwin. English Earl ; brother of Morcar — . . 1071 Eglinton, Archibald William, Earl of. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1812 . . 1861 Elah. Kingof Israel (B.C. 930-929) — B.c.929 Eli. High Priest and Judge of Israel fi. B.C. 1171 Eligius, or Eloy, St. Bishop of Tournay and Noyon . . . 588. . 659 Elijah. Prophet of Israel fl b.c. 910-896 Elizabeth. Princess; daughter of Charles 1 1635 . . 1650 Ellet, Charles. American Engineer 1810 . . 1862 EUice, Edward, m. p. Politician 1789. .1863 EUiott, SiT Gilbert, cr. Earl Minto. Gov.-Gen. of Bengal 1751. .1814 Ellis, John Willis. Governor of North Carolina ; Promi- nent Secessionist 1820. . 1861 Ellis, Rev. Robert Leslie, of Cambridge. Mathematician and Philosopher 1817. .1859 Ellis, Welbore, created Lord Mendip. Politician 1714. .1802 Ellsworth, Ephraim Elmer. American Military Officer 1837. .1861 Elmes, James. Architect and Author 1783. . 1862 Eloy, or Eligius, St. Bishop of Tournay and Noyon. ... 588. . 659 Evans, Arthur Benoni. Classical Scholar; Writer 1781 . . 1855 Eyre, Sir William. Major-General — . . 1859 F. Fairbanks, Erastus. Amer. Manufacturer and Statesm. 1792. .1864 Parnham, Mrs. Eliza W. Amer. Philanthr. and Writer 1815 . . 1864 Field, George. Chemist and Writer — . . 1854 Fisher, Redwood. American Journalist, Political Econo- mist, and Statistician 1 783 . . 1856 Floyd, John Buchanan. American Politician and Seces- sionist ; " Confederate " General 1805 . . 1863 Flusser, Charles W. American Naval Officer 1832?. 1864 Forrest, Robert. Scottish Sculptor. — . . 1853 Pourdrinier, Henry. Inventor 1766 . . 1855 Francis, Rev. Convers, d. d. Amer. Theol. and Writer 1796. .1863 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 449 BORN. DIED. Frost, John. Compiler of School Books 1800. . 1859 Pry, Joseph Reese. Scholar and Musical Writer — . .1865 G. Gardner, William. Writer on Music and Art 1764. . 1854 Garnett, Richard B. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Garnett, Robert Selden. " Confederate " General 1822. .x86i Gibson, John. Sculptor 1791 • • 1866 Goodrich, Rev. Charles A. American Writer 1790. . 1862 Goodyear, Charles. American Inventor 1800. . i860 Graul, Charles. German Scholar and Writer — . . 1864 Gray, Francis Calley. American Scholar and Writer . . . 1790. . 1856 Grayson, John Breckinridge. "Confederate" General. 1807.. 1862 Green, Thomas J. " Confederate " General 1801 . . 1863 Greenough, George Bellas. Geol. and Physical Geog. 1777.. 1854 Gregg, John. " Confederate " General 1828. . 1864 Gregory, Dr. William. Chem. and Writer on Chemistry — . . 1858 Griffin, George. American Theological Writer ^77^- .i860 Grimm, Louis Emilius. German Engraver 1790. . 1863 Grund, Francis J. American Writer 1803? . 1863 Gunnison, J. W. American Topographical Engineer ... — . . 1853 Gurney, Rev. John Hampden. Writer 1802. . 1862 Gwinn, William. American Naval Otficer 1831 . . 1863 H. Hackleman, Pleasant A. American General — . . 1862 Halbertsma, Hilde J. Anatomist and Physiologist 1820. . 1865 Hale, Benjamin, D. D. American Writer i797- • 1863 Hall, Baynard, d. d. American Writer and Educator. . . 1798. . 1863 Hallett, Benjamin F. American Politician 1798. . 1862 Hammond, Jabez D. Amer. Lawyer, Legislator, & Auth. — . . 1855 Hart, Joseph C. American Writer — . . 1855 Hays, Alexander. American General 1823 . . 1864 Helm, Benjamin Hardin. "Confederate" General — ..1863 Henderson, J. Pinckney. Amer. Statesm. and Diplom. 1808. .1858 Henshaw, David. American Politician — . . 1852 Henshaw, Joshua Sidney. Belcher. American Lawyer, Mathematician, and Writer 181 1 . . 1859 Herrick, Edward Claudius. Amer. Scientist and Bibliog. 181 1 . . 1862 Hill, Ambrose Powell. " Confederate " General 1826. . 1865 Hoar, Samuel, ll. d. American Jurist 1778. . 1856 Hulsemann, John George, Chevalier de. Austrian Min- ister to United States — . . 1864 Hunt, Edward B. American Military Officer; Inventor 1822. .1863 Hunt, Frederick Knight. Journalist 1814. . 1854 I. Ingham, Charles C American Portrait Painter 1797. .1863 Ives, Eli, M. D 1779- • 1861 29 450 A BRIEF BIOGEAPHICAL DICTIOKAET. J. BOBK. DIED. Jackson, Claiborne F. American Secessionist; "Con- federate " General 1807. . 1862 Jackson, Conrad Feger, American General — ..1862 Jackson, James S. American General 1822. . 1862 James, Charles T. Inventor of Rifle-cannon and Shell . . 1806 . . 1862 Jameson, Charles Davis. American General 1827. . 1862 Jessup, Thomas S. American Military Officer 1790. . i860 Jones, John N. " Confederate " General 1820. .1864 Jones, Roger. American General — . . 1852 K. ■ Keim, William H. American General . . ; 1813 . . 1862 Eeiser, Dr. German Writer 1779. • 1862 Eeitt, Lawrence M. Amer. Politician and Secessionist. . 1824. . 1864 Kemeny, Baron. Hungarian Patriot — . . 1852 Kent, William. American Jurist 1802 . . i86i Kettell, Samuel. Amer. Journalist and Miscel. Writer 1800.. 1855 King, T. Butler. American Politician and Secessionist. . 1804. . 1864 Kirk, Edward N. American General — . . 1863 Knight, Dr. Jonathan. Professor of Surgery 1789. .1864 IiangsdorfT, George Frederick, Baron von. Bot. & Trav. — . . 1852 liaroclie, Benj. Fr. Transl. of Shakespeare and Byron 1798. .1852 liindsay, James B. Scottish Linguist 1800. . 1862 liittle, Henry. " Confederate " General 1818. . 1862 Xiocke, John, M. d. American Geologist 1792. • 1856 Iiongwortli, Nicholas. American Vintner 1782. . 1863 Iiovelace, Ada Augusta, Countess of. Only child of Lord Byron. " Sole daughter of my house and heart " 1815 . . 1852 Iiytle, William Haines. American General 1826. . 1863 M. Mo Cluney, William J. American Naval Officer — . .1864 Mc Cook, Robert L. American General 1837 . . 1862 Mc Grigor, Sir James. Surgeon and Writer 1 772 . . 1858 Mackay, Charles. Scotch Actor 1787. . 1857 Mc Kean, William W. United States Naval Officer . . . 1801 . .1865 Mackenzie, Charles Kenneth. Writer 1788, . 1862 Mc Leod, Rev. Xavier Donald. American Writer 1821 . . 1865 Maitland, Samuel Roffey, d. d. Writer 1792'' . 1866 Malmstroem, or Malmstrom, B. Elis. Swedish Poet and Writer 1816. . 1865 Mangum, Willie P. American Statesman 1792 , , 1861 Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno. American General 1803. .1862 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 451 BORN. DIED. Marchi, Father. Italian Archaeologist — . .i860 Maria da Gloria. Queen of Portugal 1819. . 1853 Mason, J. L. American Military Engineer — . . 1853 Mason, John Y. American Statesman and Diplomatist 1795. .1859 May, William. United States Naval Officer 1815 . . 1861 Messaros, Lazarus. Hungarian General and Patriot. . . 1796. .1858 Miles, Dixon H. Amercian Military Officer 1803. . 1862 Miller, James. American Soldier — . . 1851 Morehead, James T. American Statesman 1796. . 1854 Morgan, Charles W. American Naval Officer 1790. . 1853 Morgan, John H. " Confederate " Soldier 1826. . 1864 Morgan, John Minter. Philanthropist and Writer 1783. . 1854 Morlot, Francis Nicholas Madeleine. Archbishop of Paris. Theological Writer i795 • • ^^62 Morris, Henry W. United States Naval Officer 1805 . . 1863 Mott, Valentine, American Surgeon and Writer 1785 . . 1865 Miigge, or Muegge, Theodore. Ger. Novelist and Editor 1806. . 1861 Miiller, or Mueller, Jerome. German Scholar and Educa- tional Writer ^7^5 • • *^^^ Mundt, Theodore. German Writer 1808. . 1861 N. JTewcomb, Harvey, d, d. American Editor and Author 1803. . 1863 Wicol, Wm. Natural Philos. ; Inventor of NicoVs Prism — . , 1851 Nicollini, John Baptist. Italian Sculptor 1782. . 1861 Nitzch, Gregory William. German Philologist 1790. . 1861 O. Ormond, John Butler, Marquess of. Writer 1808 . . 1854 Orton, Reginald. Surgeon and Writer on Med. Subjects 1810. . 1862 Otey, Rev. James Hervey. Good Bishop. 1799. • 1863 Owen, David Dale. Geologist 1807, . i860 Pangalos, M. Vamavas. Modern Greek Patriot — . . 1855 Passavant, John David. Artist and Writer on Art .... — . . 1861 Patmore, Peter George. Writer 1787. . 1855 Patterson, Francis E. American General 1827. . 1862 Paxton, Edward F. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Pearce, James A. American Legislator 1805 . . 1862 Pegram, William Johnson. " Confederate " General . . . 1841 . . 1865 Pender, William D. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 Pennington, William. American Statesman 1797. .1862 Pinckney, Richard Shubrick. U. S. Naval Officer 1797. .1854 Plummer, Joseph B. American General 1822. . 1862 Preller, Louis. Ger. Archaeologist and Classical Scholar 1809. .1861 Prossi, Thomas. Italian Poet and Author.^ 1789. . 1854 Protet, Augustus Leopold. French Admiral; African Explorer 1809. . 1862 452 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. R. BORN Joseph. American Mathematician 1807 Bead, Abner. United States Naval Officer — Read, George Campbell. American Admiral — Renouard, Anthony Augustin. French Bibliographer. . 1765 Renshaw, William B. United States Naval Officer — Rolph., John A. Artist; Landscape Engraver 1798 Ross, William Charles. Miniature Painter 1794 Rothschild, Anselm, Baron. Financier 1773 Rude, Francis. French Sculptor 1784 Rusk, Thomas J. American General and Statesman . . . 1803 •1855 .1863 .1862 •1853 .1863 .1862 .i860 .1855 .1855 .1857 s. Saltoun, Alexander George Fraser, Lord. Defender of Hougoumont 1785 . . 1853 Sanders, William P. American General — . . 1863 San Miguel, Evaristo. Spanish Journalist, Statesman, and Soldier 1780. .1862 Savage, John. American Jurist i779- • 1863 Scroop, William. Writer 1771 • -1852 Seymour, Hezekiah C American Civil Engineer 1812. . 1853 Shakespear, Sir Richmond Campbell. Military Officer — . . 1861 Sheaffe, Sir Roger H. Military Officer 1763. . 185 1 Sibley, Henry H. " Confederate " General 1815 . . 1862 Sill, Joshua Woodrow. American General 1831 . . 1862 Smith, Rev. Eli. American Missionary and Orientalist 1801. .1857 Smith, Persifer F. American General — . . 1858 Smyth, Thomas A. American General — . . 1865 Somerset, Sir Henry. Lieutenant-General i794- • ^862 Sparks, Jared. Amer. Writer; Pres. of Harvard College 1789. .1866 Stanger, William. Physician and Naturalist — . .1854 Stanley, Anthony Dumond. American Mathematician 18 12. .1853 Steele, William. American Revolutionary Soldier 1762. .1851 Steers, George. American Naval Constructer 1821 . . 1856 Stephen, A. J. Lawyer and Writer 1788 . . 1864 Stephens, Mrs. Harriet Marion. Writer 1823 . . 1858 Susini, Mrs. Isabella Hinckley. American Vocalist .... — . . 1862 Symington, W. Scottish Theological AVriter i795 • • ^862 Symons, Jelinger Cookson. Writer 1810 . . i860 Tenrill, William R. American General — . .1862 Tildemann, Frederick. Ger. Physiologist and Anatomist 1781 . . 1861 Tilghman, Lloyd. " Confederate " General — . . 1863 A BWEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 453 V. BORN. DIKD. Valpy, Abraham John. Classical Editor — . .1854 Van Brunt, Gershom J. American Naval Officer 1800. . 1863 Van Dorn, Earl. " Confederate " General 1823. . 1863 Van Eycken, John. Dutch Painter — . .1854 Villepigue, John B. " Confederate " General 1834. .1862 W. "Washington, John A. Proprietor of Mount Vernon .. . — ..1861 "Watson, "Walker. Scottish Song Writer — . . 1854 "Webb, Alexander Stuart. American General 1834?. 1864 "Weed, Stephen H. American General — . . 1863 "Whewell, Rev. William, F. R. s. Master of Trinity College 1795 • . 1866 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUTON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not -t-ned on time -^VVc'e^sinl 50c per volume after t^e tm^^-'^^i ^^v Books not in pxniration of loan period. FEB 13 1918 tiVi- i 50Tn-7,'16 235169