I 00 en ^ M im ft* rt ^ V , ~i PREFACE. n->n'h'rn^lci However forcibly an author may be impressed with the conviction that his work constitutes an important improvement on all similar efforts which have preceded it, he is still aware that its favorable reception by the public depends upon the recognition of its merits by other minds than his own. In regard to this book, if the improvements which I have attempted to incorporate into it are not readily recognized by the experienced teacher as he peruses it, they are certainly of so little value as not to be worth pointing out. I have, then, only to suggest to the reader to turn to the subjects, say of Ratio and Pro- portion, and critically peruse the articles as they occur, including the examples in the application of principles and the references. If I mistake not, a few pages will reveal to him many of the iinportant features which distinguish this work; and, if an experience of nea.rly thirty years in the school-room justifies me in express- ing the opinion, he will be surprised that they have not been hitherto developed. q-v PREFACE. There is only one point to which I will expressly refer. It will be seen that decimal fractions are the orflfepring of decimal notation, and not of ^^vidgar" fractions, and that their notation is early introduced for the sake of scientific accuracy, as well as the early in- sertion of problems involving United States currency; for if there is any concrete quantity which the Amer- ican child readily understands, it is that involving dollars and cents. P. A. TOWNE. Mobile, Ala., January^ 1866. r^h), CONTENTS a PAGE Definitions 9 Notation 11 Arabic Notation 11 Numeration 17 Decimals 20 Notation and Numeration 20 Principles of Arabic Notation 25 United States Money — Notation and Numeration 26 Roman Notation and Numeration 30 Addition 31 Subtraction 45 Multiplication 55 Division 69 Short Division 71 Long Division 78 Properties of Integral Numbers 87 Definitions 87 Factoring 91 Greatest Common Divisor 93 Least Common Multiple 99 Fractions 108 Nature of Fractions 108 Notation of Fractions 109 Classification of Fractions 112 Value of a Fraction 113 Propositions in Fractions 113 Pteduction of Fractions 113 (•5) % ♦ ^■yt t-ti'^ 6 ' " *■-** ■ COSTHNIS."" D Fractions — [Continued.) pagk Addition of Fractions 119 Subtraction of Fractions 121 Multiplication of Fractions 124 Division of Fractions 130 Reduction of Common Fractions to Decimal Fractions 136 Compound Numbers 151 Definitions 151 English Money 152 French Money ; 152 Troy Weight 153 Avoirdupois Weight 154 Apothecaries Weight 155 Long Measure 155 Cloth Measure 156 Superficial or Square Measure 158 Solid Measure 159 Wine Measure 160 Ale or Beer Measure 161 Dry Measure 161 Time 162 Circular Measure 164 Reduction of Compound Numbers 166 Compound to Concrete 166 Concrete to Compound 166 Denominate Fractions to Compound Numbers 169 Compound Numbers to Denominate Fractions 169 Compound Numbers to Decimal Fractions 173 Denominate Decimal Fractions to Compound Numbers 173 Addition of Compound Numbers 175 Subtraction of Compound Numbers 177 Time between Dates 179 Multiplication of Compound Numbers 181 Division of Compound Numbers 184 Longitude in Time 186 Analysis by Aliquot parts 187 Review in Addition 195 Review in Subtraction 198 Review in IMultiplicatiou and I'ivision 200 CONTENTS. -^ 7 PAGE Percentage 202 Applications of Percentage 210 Insurance 210 Commission 212 Stock 213 Brokerage 215 Profit and Loss 215 Duties or Customs 220 Interest 222 Problems in Interest 232 Present Worth *.... 235 Bank Discount 236 Promissory Notes 237 Compound Interest 241 Ratio 244 Proportion 246 Rule of Three 250 Partnership 261 Equation of Payments 265 Alligation Medial 266 Alligation Alternate 268 Position 273 Single Position 273 Double Position 276 Involution 281 Evolution 285 Square Root 286 Cube Root 295 Problems 303 Arithmetical Progression 305 Geometrical Progression 311 Permutations, Arrangements, and Combinations 317 Practical Geometry 319 Definitions , 319 Pythagorean Proposition 323 Proposition on the Triangle 326 Mensuration 327 Area of Triangle, I...^ 327 8 CONTENTS. a Practical Geometry — [Continued.) page Area of Triangle, II 328 Area of Quadrilateral with Parallel Sides 328 Area of Trapezium 329 Proposition on Similar Figures 330 The Grindstone Problem 331 Mensuration of Solids 332 Definition 332 Contents of a Cylinder or Prism 333 Contents of a Cone or Pyramid 334 Contents of a Frustrum of a Cone or Pyramid 335 ConCents of a Cistern 335 Proposition on Spheres 335 Surface and Contents of a Sphere 336 Miscellaneous Examples 336 Appendix 351 Table of Multiplication 351 Table of Square Roots 362 Table of Cube Roots 353 Strength of Building Materials 354 Annuities •. 355 French Weight 357 French Linear Measure 357 French Superficial Measure 358 French Solid Measure 358 French Measure of Capacity 358 Table of Foreign Money (fixed by law) 358 Books and Paper 360 ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC. DEFINITIONS 1. Science is knowledge reduced to order. 2. Art is the practical application of the principles of a science. 3. Quantity is a term that is applied to any thing that can be measured. 4. A Unit is a quantity to which the term one may be applied. Thus: one horse, one ten, one half. — (Vide 128.) 5. A Number is a unit, or a collection of units. 6. Figures are characters used to represent any given number. They include the cipher, naught, or zero, and nine digits. Thus : naught one two three four five six seven eight nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The ni7ie digits are called significant figures, to distin- guish them from the cipher, which has, when written alone, no value whatever. Its effect when joined to other figures is explained under Notation. 7. Integral numbers or integers are tvhole numbers. Thus: seven, twenty, one hundred and six, etc., are integral numbers. (i>) 10 DEFINITIONS. 8. A Fractional number or fraction represents one, or more than one, of the equal parts of a unit. Thus : one seventh, five twentieths, two thirds, four ninths, etc., emg at the left of all decimals. The period (.) is commonly employed for this purpose. (2.) By one tenth is meant one of the ten equal parts into which the nnit one is divided. DECIMALS. 21 (3.) Bj cue hundredth is meant one of the hundred equal parts into which the unit one is divided. (4). By one thousandth is meant, etc. l>ROBL,£M I. 33. To represent by the aid of figures any number of tenths, Place the decimal point to the left of the proper digit. EXAMPLES. 1. Represent five tenths with a figure. Ans. .5 2. Represent two tenths, three tenths, four tenths, six tenths, seven tenths, eight tenths, nine tenths, each by the proper digit. Hemakk. — By two tenths we mean two of the ten equal parts into which the unit one is divided. PROBIi£M II. 34. To represent by the aid of figures any number of hundredths. (1.) If the number of hundredths is less than ten, Place a cipher between the decimal point and the proper digit. (2.) If the number of hundredths is ten or more than ten, Place the decimal point to the left of the given number. examples'. 1. Represent two hundredths by figures. Ans. .02 2. Represent three hundredths, four hundredths, etc., to nine hundredths by figures. Ans. .03 etc. 22 DECIMALS. 3. Represent ten hundredths by figures. A71S, .10 4. Represent eleven hundredths, twelve hundredths, etc., to ninety-nine hundredths. Ans. .11 etc. Remark. — By tivo hundredths we mean two of the hundred equal parts into which the unit one is divided. PROBIiEM III. 35. To represent by the aid of figures any number of thousandths. (1.) If the number of thousandths is less than ten, Place two ciphers between the decimal point and the proper digit. (2.) If the number of thousandths is ten or more, and less than a hundred. Place a cipher between the decimal point and the given number. (3.) If the number of thousandths is one hundred, or more than one hundred, Place the decimal point to the left of the given number. EXAMPLES. 1. Represent three thousandths by figures. Ans. .003 2. Represent one* thousandth, two thousandths, etc., to nine thousandths. Ans. to last, .009 3. Represent ten thousandths by figures. Ans. .010 4. Represent eleven thousandths, twelve thousandths, etc., to ninety-nine thousandths. Ans. to last, .099 DECIMALS. 23 5. Represent one hundred thousandths. Ans, .100 6. Represent six hundred and twenty-one thou- sandths. Ans. .621 7. Represent three hundred and six thousandths. Ans. .306 8. Represent one hundred and one thousandths, one hundred and two thousandths, etc. Ans. .101 .102 etc. Remark. — By /our thousandlhs we mean /our of the thousand equal parts into which the icnit one is divided. PROBLEM IV. 36. To represent by figures any decimal whatever, (1.) Write the given number, as in sections 17 to 28. (2.) WJien necessary, prefix ciphers enough to make the right-hand figure of the number occupy the place of 1 when representing the given decimal unit. — (Vide 32.) (3.) To the left place the decimal point. Remark. — Observe that one figure only on the right of the point is required to represent tenths^ two figures to represent hundredths, three figures to represent thousandths, etc. (Vide 32.) EXAMPLES. 1. Represent by figures one ten-thousandth. Ans. .0001 2. Represent by figures two ten-thousandtJis. Ans. .0002 3. Represent twenty-one ten-thousandths. Ans. .0021 4. Represent three hundred and six ten-thousandths. Ans. .0306 24 DECIMALS. 5. Represent three thousand and five ten-thousandths. Ans. .3005 6. Represent one hundred-thousandth. Ans. .00001 7. Represent six hundred and one hundred-thou- sandths. Ans. .00601 8. Represent one millionth. Ans. .000001 9. Represent one thousand and five millionths. Ans. .001005 10. Represent bj figures, four tenths^ twelve hun- dredths, seven hundredths, five thousandths, thirty-seven thousandths, one hundred and eleven thousandths, forty- six ten-thousandths, nine hundred and one ten-thou- sandths, three hundred and sixty-one hundred-thou- sandths, ten thousand four hundred and fifty-six millionths, one ten-millio7ith, twenty-seven ten-millionths, one hundred-millionth, sixty-five hundred-millionths, one billionth, three thousand and fifty-seven hillionths. Ans. to last, .000003057 PR OBI. EM V. •17. To read any decimal represented by figures, (1.) Read the figures as if represe7iting an integral number. — (Vide 29.) (2.) Apply the name of the decimal unit indicated by the right-hand figure. — (Vide 36, Remark.) EXAMPLES. 1. Read .5; .05; .005; .0005; .00005; .000005 in words. 2. Read .3; .13; .213; .1111; .22222; .999999 in words. DECIMALS. 25 3. Read .9; .24; .031; .0461; .00231; .009999 in words. Remark. — An integral number and a decimal may be written together. Thus : 3.7 are three and seven tenths. 4. Read 2.5; 4.05; 8.005; 21.0005 in words. 5. Read 8.1; 2.12; 9.224; 27.1234 in words. 6. Read the following expressions : 3.004 23.005 67.431 5.6789 17.115 48.673 12.6001 27.3004 126.432 12.6432 1.26432 .126432 .1345 1.345 13.45 134.5 38. Principles of Arabic Notation. I. All numbers are derived from the unit one. II. Removing any figure one place toward the left increases its value .ten times. Thus, in the expressions .001 .01 .1 1. 10. 100. the value of the figure 1 is increased ten times in each step of its passage from right to left past the decimal point. Remark 1. — Any digit, then, may have a simple or it may have a local value; it has a simple value when written alone, and a local value in all other cases. m, ^ r The simple value of three is 3. ' \ Some local values of three are 30. ; .3 ; .03 Remark 2. — The principal use of the cipher is to give a local value to the digits. — (Vide 6.) Remark 3. — It is evident that one tenth of any quantity, as for instance a dollar, is the same as ten hundredths of the same quan- tity; that is, .1 is the same as .10; hence. Placing a cipher to the right of a decimal, does not change the value of the decimal. 3 26 DECIMALS. UNITED STATES MONEY. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 39. The several units of the currency of the United States are named the Eagle, Dollar, Dime, Cent, and Mill. Of these only the dollar, cent, and mill are con- sidered in arithmetical Notation. 40. The dollar is the primary unit, and figures rep- resenting dollars are considered as integral numbers. 41. The cent is the one hundredth part of one dollar. 42. The mill is the one thousandth part of one dollar. 43. The sign $, when placed before figures, denotes that United States money is meant. Remark. — The gold coins of the United States are the double- eagle, eagle, half-eagle, quarter-eagle, and dollar. The silver coins are the dollar, half-dollar, quarter-dollar, dime, and half-dime. The nickel coin is the three-cent piece. The copper coins are the two-cent and the one-cent pieces. ' The value of the eagle is ten dollars, and of the dime ten cents. The eagle weighs 10 pennyweights 18 grains. PROBIiEM I. 44. To represent by figures any number of dollars, cents, and mills, (1.) Place the figures indicating the dollars on the left of the decimal point. (2.) Consider the figures indicating the cents as so many hu7idredths, arid write them as directed by 34. (3.) Write the figure indicating the mills in the third place on the right of the decimal point. (4.) To the whole prefix the sign |. Remark. — If mills only are to be represented, the places of the dollars and cents must be filled with ciphers. — (Vide 35, 1.) DECIMALS. 27 EXAMPLES. 1. Represent one mill by figures. Arts, f 0.001. 2. Represent two mills, three mills, four mills, etc., to nine mills. Ans. to last, |0.009. 3. Represent one cent by figures. Ans. §0.01. 4. Represent 2 cents, 3 cents, 4 cents, etc., to 9 cents. Ans. to last, $0.09. 5. Represent twenty-five cents by figures. Ans. 10.25. 6. Represent 6 dollars 27 cents. An^. |6.27. 7. Represent 8 dollars 10 cents 4 mills. * Ans. $8,104. 8. Represent 24 dollars 25 cents 1 mill. Ans. $24,251. 9. Represent 103 dollars 6 mills. Ans. $103,006. 10. Represent 904 dollars 37 cents. Ans. $904.37. 11. Represent 1 dollar 20 cents 5 mills. Ans. $1,205. 12. Represent 4 cents; 5 mills; 13 cents; 65 cents; 5 dollars 14 cents 2 mills; 167 dollars 55 cents 7 mills; 1 dollar 1 mill; 65 dollars 6 mills; 125 dollars. Ans. to last, $125.00. 13. Represent 4 dollars 3 cents 1 mill; 6000 dollars 1 cent; 1245 dollars 3 mills; 45 dollars; 7 mills; 5 cents; 222 dollars 22 cents 2 mills; 9167 dollars 54 cents 9 mills. 14. What is meant by the expression $1,251 ? Alls. 1 dollar 25 cents 1 mill. 15. Read in words the following sums of money : 28 DECI3: [ALS. 13.265 §3.043 $20,072 $0,714 19.118 §6.259 $18,013 $7.14 $0,001 $0,141 $00,162 $71.40 $1,111 $5,001 $11,001 $714. 45. Exercises ix Review. 1. Express by figures twenty-six; one hundred and one ; six hundred and forty ; seven hundred and fifty- three ; five hundred and sixty-seven ; three hundred and eleven; six thousand and four; eight thousand and ninety. 2. Expre'ss by figures two thousand and twenty-two ; three million and twenty-two; forty -five million and twenty-two ; three hundred and eight thousand. 3. Express by figures six billion and five million; eight trillion and seven thousand; six quadrillion and one ; three quintillion and sixty-seven. 4. Express by figures four hundred and forty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-five. 5. Express by figures sixty-eight billion two hundred and three million five hundred and five thousand six hundred and forty-five. 6. Express by figures twenty-six Jiundredths; one hundred and one thousandths; six hundred and forty millionths; sixty-four hundred-thousandths. 7. Express by figures seven tenths ; seven hundredths ; seven thousandths ; sixty-five thousandths; one hillmith; one trillionth; one quadrillionth; one quintilliontli ; one sextillionth; one septilUonth; three octilllonths; seven nonillionths; one hundred and eleven deeilliontlis. 8. The number of inches from the Equator to the DECIMALS. 29 North Pole is three hundred ninety-three million seven hundred seven thousand nine hundred. What figures express them? 9. The numher of seconds in a year is thirty-one million five hundred fifty-six thousand nine hundred twenty-seven and fifty-seven hundredths. What figures express them ? 10. The distance from the earth to the moon is two hundred thirty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty miles. What figures express this distance ? 11. The distance from the earth to the sun is about ninety-five million miles. What figures express this distance ? 12. It is about twenty trillion miles to the nearest star. Express the distance in figures. 13. Express by the aid of figures two dollars sixteen cents four mills ; six dollars seven cents ; eight dollars and one mill; one hundred twenty-five dollars sixty cents. Ans. to last, §125.60 14. Express by the aid of figures one hundred twenty-five ; one hundred twenty -five thousandths ; one dollar twenty -five cents ; twelve dollars fifty cents ; twelve cents five mills ; one and twenty-five hundredths ; twelve and five tenths; twelve and fifty hundredths. 15. Read the following expressions: 3071; $3071; 3.071; §3.071; 30.71; §30.71; 307.1; §307.10; 307.10; 307.100. 30 ROMAN NOTATION AND NUMERATION. ROMAN NOTATION AND NUMERATION 46. The Roman Notation makes use of seven Capi- tal Letters to represent numbers. They are I, V, X, L, C, D, M; and their values are, respectively, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000. 47. Principles of Roman Notation. I. The repetition of a letter repeats the value of the letter. Thus : II are 2, III are 3, XX are 20, XXX are 30, CCC are 300. II. If a letter is placed hefore another of greater value than itself, the value of the less is taken from that of the greater. Thus : IV represent 4, XL represent 40, XC represent 90. III. If a letter is placed after another of greater value than itself, and a letter of greater value does not follow both of them, the value of the less is added to that of the greater. Thus : XI represent 11, XIV represent 14, OX represent 110, CXL represent 140. 48. Examples. 1. Represent by the aid of letters the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ans. I, II, III, IV, V. 2. Represent by the aid of letters the numbers, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. A71S. VI, VII, VIII, IX, X. ADDITIOX. 31 3. Represent by the aid of letters the numbers 11, 12, 13, etc., to 50. Ans. XI, XII, XIII, etc., L. 4. Represent 54, 80, 90, 100, 150, 199, 500, 1099, 1865. Ans. to List, MDCCCLXV. 5. Represent 60, 63, 71, 94, 83, 101, 565, 1741. Ans. to last, MDCCXLI. 6. Represent 1001, 1005, 1008, 1010, 1499. Ans. to last, MCDXCIX. 7. Represent 1410, 1951, 1673, 1467, 1866. Ans. to last, MDCCCLXVI. ADDITION 49. Addition is the operation of finding the sum of two or more numbers. 50. The sum is a number which contains as many units as all the numbers taken together. Thus : the sum of 5 and 3 is 8. • SIGNS. 51. The sign + is called plus, and signifies that the numbers between which it is placed are to be added to- gether. Plus is a Latin word, signifying more. 52. The sign = is called the sign of equality, and signifies that the lohole expression placed before it is equal to that placed after it. Thus: 5-f 3=8, is read five plus three equals eight, and the meaning is that there are the same number of units in 8 as in 5 and 3 taken together. 32 ADDITION. 53. In the following table the sign + may be read by the word and, the sign = by the word are. Thus : 5 and 3 are 8. ADDITIO N TABLE. 2 + 0=2 3 + 0=3 4 + 0=4 5 + 0=5 2 + 1=3 3 + 1=4 4 + 1=5 5 + 1 = 6 2 + 2=4 3 + 2=5 4 + 2 = 6 5 + 2=7 2 + 3=5 3 + 3=6 4 + 3=7 5 + 3=8 2 + 4=6 3 + 4=7 4+4=8 5 + 4=9 2 + 5=7 3 + 5=8 4 + 5=9 5 + 5 = 10 2 + 6=8 3 + 6=9 4 + 6 = 10 5 + 6 = 11 2 + 7=9 3 + 7 = 10 4 + 7 = 11 5 + 7 = 12 2 + 8 = 10 3 + 8 = 11 4 + 8 = 12 5 + 8 = 13 2 + 9 = 11 3 + 9 = 12 4 + 9 = 13 5 + 9 = 14 6 + = 6 7 + 0=7 8 + 0=8 9 + 0=9 6 + 1=7 7 + 1=8 8 + 1 = 9 9 + 1 = 10 6 + 2=8 7 + 2=9 8 + 2 = 10 9 + 2 = 11 6 + 3 = 9 7 + 3 = 10 8 + 3 = 11 9 + 3 = 12 6 + 4 = 10 7 + 4.= 11 8 + 4 = 12 9 + 4 = 13 6 + 5 = 11 7 + 5 = 12 8 + 5 = 13 9 + 5 = 14 6 + 6 = 12 7 + 6 = 13 8 + 6 = 14 9 + 6 = 15 6 + 7 = 13 7 + 7 = 14 8 + 7 = 15 9 + 7 = 16 6 + 8 = 14 7 + 8 = 15 8 + 8 = 16 9 + 8 = 17 6 + 9 = 15 7 + 9 = 16 8 + 9 = 17 9 + 9 = 18 PROBLEM I. 54. To add any number of figures representing units of the^rs^ order, (vide 18,) (1.) Set the figures under each other, and add from the bottom upward or from the top downward. (2.) Place the sum under the column, so that the figure representing units of the first order shall fall exactly/ underneath the figures above. AJJi UllUiN. i5 EXAMPLES. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) 4 5 1 6 8 7 5 2 4 5 6 8 7 2 2 9 3 9 3 2 7 2 9 4 8 2 6 7 9 3 5 4 3 1 9 5 7 20 24 11 20 23 16 23 11 14 27 33 11. Add 6, 3, 5, 9, 4, 0, 2. 15. Add 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 12. Add 8, 3, 9, 0, 9, 9, 9. 16. Add 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9. 13. Add 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 9. 17. Add 3, 2, 5, 7, 9, 1, 4, 6, 8. 14. Add 8, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 0. 18. Add 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8. PR OB I. EM II. 55. To add any number of figures representing units of the second order, (vide 19,) (1.) aS'^^ the figures under each other, and add as in 54, (1.) (2.) Place the sum under columns, so that the figure represeyiting units of the second order shall fall exactly underneath the digits above. EXAMPLES . (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) 40 50 10 90 50 50 80 70 60 80 00 80 40 90 50 30 30 20 70 70 70 80 30 20 70 90 30 60 30 70 40 40 200 240 110 300 190 290 200 160 9. Add 60, 30, 50, 90, 40. 12. Add 10, 20, 90, 80. 10. Add 10, 20, 40, 70, 80. 13. Add 30, 50, 70, 90. 11. Add 60, 50, 40, 30, 20. 14. Add 20, 40, 60, 80. 34 ADDITION. Remark. — It is evident that figures, all of which represent any one given order of units, may be added in the same way. (15.) 400 600 300 700 (16.) 5000 8000 2000 9000 (17.) 10000 00000 70000 30000 (18.) (19.) 900000 6000000 800000 7000000 700000 1000000 600000 9000000 2000 24000 110000 3000000 23000000 In the same manner add — (20.) (21.) (22.) (23.) 8 70 500 4000 6 20 400 3000 5 70 800 9000 19 160 1700 24. Add 4, 9, 3, 7, 6. 25. Add 5, 8, 4, 3, 0, 7, 1. 26. Add 30, 40, 50, 60. 27. Add 400, 300, 500, 100. 28. Add 9000, 4000, 3000. 29. Add 40000, 30000, 10000. 16000 Ans. 29. Ans. 28. Ans. 180. Ans. 1300. Ans. 16000. Ans. 80000. l»ROBI.EM III. 56. To add any numbers together where the sum of the corresponding orders of units in all the numbers is 9 or less than 9, (1.) Write the numbers so that the corresponding orders of units may stand mider each other. (2.) Begin at the right, and add each column separately, placing the smn exactly under the column added. ADDITION. 35 EXAMPLES. 1. Add together 19, 160, 1700, and 16000. OPERATION. 19 160 1700 16000 Ans. 9999. Ans. 8778 17879 Ans. 2. Add 1025, 6712, 1111, 1151. 3. Add 1234, 4321, 2222, 1001. 4. Add 31004, 13121, 22102, 21101, 11210. Ans. 98538 5. Add 9, 10, 300, 130, 4110, 71100. Ans. 75659 PROBIiEMIV. 57. To add any numbers whatever together. EXAMPLES. 1. Add together 4578, 3426, and 9875. OPERATION. 4578 • 3426 9875 Vide 55, Ex. 20 . . . 19 Vide 55, Ex. 21 . . . 160 Vide 55, Ex. 22 . . . 1700 Vide 55, Ex. 23 . 1 . . 16000 Vide 56, Ex. . nS79 Ans 36 ADDITION. A moment's attention shows how the above operation may be contracted. The sum of the first column is 19, which is composed of 9 units of the first order and 1 of the second. Set down the 9 units under the units of the first order, j^r ^o and add the 1 unit of the second order to the 342(3 column of units of the same order, making 17, 9875 which is composed of 7 units of the second order, TI^Z^ and 1 of the third. Set down the 7 units of the second order under that column, and add the 1 unit of the third order to the column of units of that order, making 18, which is composed of 8 units of the third order and 1 of the fourth. Set down the 8 units of the third order under that column, and add the 1 unit of the fourth order to the column of units of that order, making 17, which is written down as in 55. Hence, RULE. (1.) W^Hte the numbers so as to j^l^toe the figures in the corresponding orders of units directly under each other, and draw a line underneath. (2.) Begin at the right hand, and add each column separately, setting doivn the right-hand figure of the result under the column added, and add- the left-hand figure or figures to the next column on the left. (3.) Set dozvn the tuhole amount of the last column. 2. Add 234, 589, 613. Ans. 1436. 3. Add 7123, 6054, and 9123. Ans. 22300. 4. Add 70561, 23564, and 34625. Ans. 128750. 5. Add 123456, 654321, 456123. Ans. 1233900. 6. Add 123, 240, 85, 36, and 7. Ans. 491. ADDITION. 7. Add 1, 7, 43, 76, 65, 15, and 100. Ans. 307. 8. Add 13, 165, 48, 6251, and 19. A71S. 6496. 9. Add 108, 5012, 4103, 60450, and 6. Ans. 69679. 10. Add 3456, 6543, 4563, 3645, and 5634. A71S. 23841. 11. Add 31236, 415, 621437, 90053, and 34. Ans. 743175. 12. Add 31, 280, 4560, 78930, and 672140. Ans. 755941. (13.) (14.) (15.) 12343247 213673 13021654 6015400 13021654 12343247 13021654 6015400 6015400 213673 12343247 213673 31593974 (16.) (17.) 12346721305 3126754 8917259679 25678960 763421893 763421893 25678960 8917259679 3126754 12346721305 22056208591 58. To add several decimals together, proceed exactly as in 57, and then place the decimal p>oint in the sum directly under the decimal points above. — (Yide 38, Re- mark 3.) 8 ADDITION. EXAMPLES. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) ^34 71.23 705.61 314.5 .589 60.54 235.64 21.346 .613 91.23 * 346.25 5.17 1.436 223.00 1287.50 341.016 (5.) (6.) (7.) 345.012 785.432 • 987.65 45.78 1234.6 12.1453 121.3 257.87 1.67 87.125 2 12.431 1436.123 599.217 1290.333 2437.5883 8. Add 12.4, 3.47, 27.67, and 86. Ans. 129.54. 9. Add 1.24, 34.7, 2.767, and .86. Ans. 39.567. 10. Add .124, .347, .2767, and 8.6. Ans. 9.3477. 11. Add 57.76, 98.54, 38.72, and 43.65. Ans. 238.67. 12. Add 5.776, 985.4, 38.72, and 4365. Ans. 5394.896. 13. Add 577.6, 9.854, 3.872, and .4365. Ans. 591.7625. 14. Add 4.8, 43.31, 74.019, and 11.204. Ans. 133.333. 15. Add 29.0029, 3.4476, and 58.123. Ans. 90.5735. 16. Add twelve and four tenths, three and forty-seven hundredths, twenty-seven and sixty-seven hundredths, and eighty-six. Ans. 129.54. 17. Add twenty-nine and twenty-nine ten-thou- » ADDITIOX. 39 sandths, three and four thousand four hundred and seventy-six ten-thousandths, fifty-eight and one hun- dred and twenty-three thousandths. Ans. 90.5735. 18. Add three and seven tenths, four and five hun- dredths, one hundred, five thousandths, sixty-seven millionths, five hundred and three, eight and six ten- thousandths. Ans. 618.755667. 59. To add United States Money, consider the several items as decimals, adding as in 58 ; then prefix the sign % to the sum.— (Vide 44.) EXAMPLES. 1. Add two dolhirs sixteen cents four mills, six dol- lars seven cents, eight dollars one mill, one hundred twenty-five dollars and sixty cents. OPERATION. _ $2,164 6.07 8.001 . 125.60 §141.835 Ans. 2. Add §241.075, $45.06, |37.05, §1216.131. Ans. §1539.316. 3. Add §3124.162, §812.95, §67.12, §2145.75. A71S. §6149.982. 4. Add §1.132, §56.075, §931.87, §4621.953. Alls. §5611.03. 5. Add §27.413, §45.084, §607.219, §205.03, §25.25, and §405.006. Ans. §1315.002. 40 ADDITION. 6. Add $136,255, §10.30, $248.50, $100,125, and $65.38. Ans. $560.56. 7. Add $2600, $1927.404, $1603.40, $3304.17, $165.47, and $2600.08. Ans, $12200.524. 8. Add $170, $400.02, $130, $250.10, and $845.22. Ans. $1795.34. 9 Add $17.15, $23.43, $7.19, $8.37, and $12,315. Ans. $68,455. 10. Add $6.75, $2.30, $0.92, $0,125, and $0.06. Ans. $10,155. 11. Add $56.18, $7,375, $280.00, $0,287, $17.00, and $90,413. A71S. $451,255. 12. Add 241 dollars 7 cents 5 mills, 45 dollars 6 cents, 37 dollars 5 cents, and 1216 dollars 13 cents 1 mill. Ans. $1539.316. Remark. — In adding a long column of figures, it is of much assistance to divide it into several parts at pleasure, add each of the parts separately, and finally the several partial sums for the sum total. (13.) (14.) (15.) 45678 76.345 $27,251 12345 18.237 43.026 37425 5.404 126.007 3128- 98576 12.36 -112.346 185.214 8462 1.1 243.671 71351 33.33 453.172-1078.341 81250 45.54 999.999 11111-172174 8.8 - 88.77 471.862 3333 75.464 125.281 7812 21.853 931.452 4512 27.306 813.161 76251- 91908 31.452-156.075 13.20 -3354.955 362658 357.191 $4433.296 ADDITION. 41 (16.) (17.) (18.) 43267 143.01 $25.04 14567 26.435 87.05 76543 506.146 125.113 81234 81.237 37.40 30506 67.21 - - 824.038 103.046 4736- -250853 1.004 95.062 154 65.042 127.111 58463 121.251 1237.086 81460 67.132 906.07 - -2742.978 70120 9.25 - - 263.679 81.023 93126 14.062 3410.192 47615- -350938 87.643 1.20 82361 100.916 19.02 ' 95864 2147.05 - -2349.671 127.45 3729 432.876 87.40 - -3726.285 26- -181980 91.91 487.103 9428 125.125 45.073 32193 37.126 110.029 86159- -127780 85.437- - 772.474 $ 3145.671- -3787.876 911551 4209.862 10257.139 PRACTICAL EXAMPLES. 19. A gentleman purchased 234 bushels of corn at one time, 589 at another, and 613 at another. How many bushels did he buy in all? — (Vide 57, Ex. 2.) 20. During one year my crop of cotton was sold for $7123.00 ; the next year it brought $6054, and the year after I received |9123.00. How much did I receive for cotton during the three years? — (Vide 57, Ex. 3.) 21. January has 31 days, February 28, March 31, 4 42 ADDITION. April 30, May 31, June 30, July 31, August 31, Sep- tember 30, October 31, Noveraber 30, December 31. How many days in the year? Ans. 365. 22. Washington was born in 1732 and lived 67 years. In what year did he die? Ans. 1799. 23. From the creation of the world to the flood, there were 1656 years ; from the flood to the siege of Troy, 1164 years; from the siege of Troy to the building of Solomon's Temple, 180 years; from the building of the Temple to the birth of Christ, 1004 years. In what year of the world did the Christian Era commence ? Ans. 4004. 24. How many years have intervened from the creation of the world to the year 1865? Ans. 5869. 25. Homer was born 733 years before the Christian Era. How many years from the birth of Homer to the year 1865 ? Ans. 2598. 26. I bought a barrel of flour for |6.78; ten pounds of raisins for |2.30; seven pounds of sugar for |0.92; one pound of coWeQ for $0,125, and two oranges for 10.10. What was the whole amount? Ans. |10.225. 27. A collector has bills in his possession of the fol- lowing amounts: one of §43.75; another of $29.18; another of $17.63; another of $268.95, and anotlicr of $718.07. What amount has he to collect? Ans. $1077.58 28. A man has the following sums of money due him, viz: $420,197, $105.50, $304,005, $888,455. What is the amount due him? Ans. $1718.157. . 29. What is the. sum of 429, 21.37, 355.003, 1.07, and 1.7? Ai^s. 808.143. ADDITIOX. 43 30. What is the sum of .2, .80, .089, .006, .9000, and .005? Ans.2. 31. A gentleman bought at one thne 13.25 bushels of corn; at another, 8.4 bushels; at another, 23.051 bushels ; at another, 6.75 bushels. How many bushels did he buy in all? Ans. 51.451 bushels. 32. A gentleman owns five farms ; the first is worth §11500; the second, §3057; the third, §2468; the fourth, §9462; and the fifth is worth as much as the four together. What is the value of the five farms ? Ans. §52974. 33. By the census of 1850, the population of the ten largest cities of the United States was as follows : New York, 515547 ; Philadelphia, 340045 ; Baltimore, 169054 ; Boston, 136881; New Orleans, 116375; Cincinnati, 115436; Brooklyn, 96838; St. Louis, 77860; Albany, 50763; Pittsburg, 46601. What was the population of all combined? Ans. 1665400. 34. By the census of 1860, the population of the following cities was ascertained to be — of New York, 805651; Philadelphia, 562529; Brooklyn, 266661; Baltimore, 212418; Boston, • 177812; New Orleans, 168675; St. Louis, 160773; Cincinnati, 161044; Chi- cago, 109260; Bufi-alo, 81129; Louisville, 68033 ; New- ark, 71914; San Francisco, 56802; Washington, 61122; Providence, 50666; Rochester, 48204; Detroit, 45619; Milwaukee, 45246; Cleveland, 43417; Charleston, 40578; Troy, 39232 ; New Haven, 39267; Richmond, 37910; Lowell, 36827; Mobile, 29258; Jersey City, 29226; Portland, 26341 ; Cambridge, 26060; Roxbury, 25137; Charlestown, 25063; Worcester, 24960; Utica, 44 ADDITION. 22529; Reading, 23161; Salem, 22252; New Bedford, 22309; Dayton, 20081; Nashville, 16988. How many inhabitants in all these cities combined? Ans. 35. By the census of 1860, the population of the several States and Territories was as follows : Alabama 964201 Arkansas 435450 California 379994 Connecticut 460147 Delaware 112216 Florida 140425 Georgia 1057286 Illinois 1711951 Indiana 1350428 Iowa 674948 Kentucky 1155684 Louisiana 708002 Maine 628279 Maryland 687049 Massachusetts 1231066 Michigan 749113 Minnesota 173855 Mississippi 791305 Missouri 1182012 New Hampshire 326073 New Jersey 672035 New York 3880785 North Carolina 992G22 Ohio 2339502 Oregon 52465 Pennsylvania 2906115 Rhode Island 174620 South Carolina 703708 Tennessee 1109801 Texas 604215 Vermont 315098 Virginia 1596318 Wisconsin 775881 Colorado 34277 Dakotah ,. 4837 District of Columbia... 75080 Kansas 107206 Nebraska 28841 New Mexico 93516 Utah.." 40273 Washington 11594 Nevada 6857 How many inhabitants in the United States in 1860? Ans. 31445080. 36. How many inhabitants in the six New England States taken together? Ans. 3135283. 37. How many inhabitants in the States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico? Ans. 3208148. 38. How many inhabitants in the States watered bj the Tennessee River? Ans. 4020991. SUBTRACTIOX.' 45 39. How many inhabitants in the States bounded in part by the Ohio River? Ans. 8153883. 40. How many inhabitants in the States watered by the Mississippi River? Ans. 8718889. 41. How many inhabitants in the States and Terri- tories lying wholly west of the Mississippi River? Ans. 3830340. SUBTRACTION 60. Subtraction is the operation of finding the dif- ference between two numbers. 61. The difference is such a number as added to the less will give the greater. SIG-NS. 63. The sign — is called minus, and when placed between two numbers it signifies that the one on the right is to be subtracted from that on the left. 3Iinus is a Latin word, signifying less. 63. The expression 8 — 5=3, is read eight minus five EQUALS three, and the meaning is, that three is the dif- ference between eight and five. The expression may also be read, five from eight are three. 64. The greater of the two numbers is called the minuend, and the smaller is called the subtrahend. The result of the subtraction is called the difference, and oftentimes the reniainde''\ 46 SUBTIl ACTION. SUBTRACTION TABLE. 2 — 2 = 3-3 = 4 — 4 = 5-5 = 3-2 = 1 4-3 = 1 5-4=1 6-5 = 1 4 — 2 = 2 5-3 = 2 6—4 = 2 7 — 5 = 2 5-2 = 3 6-3 = 3 7-4 = 3 8-5 = 3 6-2 = 4 7-3 = 4 8 — 4 = 4 9 — 5 = 4 7-2 = 5 8-3 = 5 9-4 = 5 10 - 5 = 5 8 — 2 = 6 9-3 = 6 10 - 4 = 6 11 — 5 = 6 9-2 = 7 10 — 3 = 7 11 _ 4 = 7 12 — 5 = 7 10 — 2 = 8 11 - 3 = 8 12 - 4 = 8 13 - 5 = 8 11 - 2 = 9 12 — 3 = 9 13 — 4 = 9 14 — 5 = 9 6-6 = 7-7 = 8 — 8 = 9-9 = 7-6 = 1 8-7 = 1 9-8=1 10 — 9 = 1 8-6 = 2 9 — 7 = 2 10 — 8 = 2 11 - 9 = 2 9-6 = 3 10 - 7 = 3 11 -^ 8 = 3 12 - 9 = 3 10 — 6 = 4 11 - 7 = 4 12 - 8 = 4 13 — 9 = 4 11 - 6 = 5 12 - 7 = 5 13 - 8 = 5 14 - 9 = 5 12 - 6 = 6 13 - 7 = 6 14 - 8 = 6 15 - 9 = 6 13 - 6 = 7 14 - 7 = 7 15 - 8 = 7 16 - 9 = 7 14 - 6 = 8 15 - 7 = 8 16 - 8 = 8 17 - 9 = 8 15 - 6 = 9 16 - 7 = 9 17 - 8 = 9 18 — 9 = 9 65. If tlie same number is added to any hvo niim- bers, the difference bettveen the resulting numbers is the same as that between the given numbers. Thus : The diiFerence between 7 and 2 is 5. If now 6 be added to both 7 and 2, the difference between the re- sulting numbers, 13 and 8, is still 5. PROBI.KM I. 00. To subtract one number from another, Avhen each figure of the subtrahend is equal to, or less than, the cor- responding figure of the minuend, counting from the right, 1. Write the less number under the greater, so as to SUBTRACTION. 47 place the figures representing the corresponding orders of units directly under each other. 2. Begin at the right, and subtract each figure of the subtrahend from the figure of the minuend above it; the results placed under the figures from which they were obtained Avill express the difference between the two numbers. (1.) From 5346 Take 2145 EXAMPLES. (2.) (3.) 7890 4567 3450 1023 (4.) 67814 6514 Ans. 3201 4440 3544 61300 5. From 76503 take 65402. Ans. 11101. 6. From 84321 take 62100. Aiis. 22221. 7. From 54360 take 21030. Ans. 33330. 8. From 74215 take 3115. Alls. 71100. 9. From 21036 take 24. Ajis. 21012. 10, From 762137 take 1025. Ans. ' 761112. 11. From 12345 take 2345. Ans. 10000. 12. From 54321 take 4321, Alls. 50000. 13. From 20037 take 10036. Ans. 10001. (14.) (15,) (16.) (17.) From 45.13 78.64 §3.105 §41.043 Take 34.02 67.64 2.104 21.032 Ans. 11.11 11.00 18. From 87.36 take 43.15. 19. From 96.125 take 5.01. 20. From 128.41 take 127.2 21. From |45.16 t:ike |3Lr §1.001 §20.011 Ans. 44.21 A71S. 91.115. Ans. 1.21 Ans. §11.01 48 SUBTIIACTION. 22. From $3426.45 take §113.23. Ans. 3313.22. 23. From §4327.871 take §3216.461. Ans. §1111.410. 24. From §945.375 take §334.275. Ans. §611.100. 25. From §12.032 take §1.021. Ans. §11.011. 26. From §119.457 take §8.236. Ans. §111.221. PROBLiEM II. G7. To find the difference between any two numbers whatever. EXAMPLES. 1. From 493 take 287. OPERATION. 493 287 206 Ans. Here 7 can not be taken from 3, because 7 is larger than 3. Mentally add 10 units to the 3 units, and from the sum 13 units, take 7 units, placing the difference, 6 units, under the figures representing units of the first order. Since now the minuend has 'been increased by 10 units, we must increase the subtrahend by the same number of units to preserve the true difference. — (Vide 65.) Mentally add 1 unit of the second order (which is the very same thing as 10 units of the first order) to the 8 units of the second order, and we have 9 units of the second order. Proceed now as in 66. Hence, SUBTRACTION. 49 Tt U L E . 1. Write the numhers as in G6. 2. If the unit figure of the minuend is equal to or greater than the unit figure of the subtrahend, subtract as in (j6; but if the unit figure of the minuend be less than that of the subtrahetid, mentally add 10 ^o the upper figure and subtract the loiuer figure from the sum, placing the result under the unit column. 3. Add 1 to the next figure of the subtrahend, and proceed tvith the result precisely as with the figures repre- senting units of the first order. 4. Do the same thing to the figures representing each order of U7iits, and the results will express the difference between the two numbers. Remark 1, — The work may be verified by adding the remainder to the subtrahend. 2. From 7804 take 5936. OPERATION. 7804 min. 5936 sub. 1868 7804 proof. Remark 2. — The pupil should say at once, 6 fi'om 14 leave 8; 4 from 10 leave 6; 10 from 18 leave 8; 6 from 7 leave 1. Do not say ^from 4 you can^t, 1 to carry, etc. (3.) From 5432 Take 1685 (4.) * 34.57 23.19 (5.) 56.19 24.396 (6.) 125.4 37.236 Alls. 3747 11.38 34.57 31.794 56.19 88.164 Proof 5432 5 125.4 50 SUBTRACTION. (7.) (8.) (9.) From $125,456 $1243.18 $7256.372 Take 87.25 125.914 199.20 Ans. $38,206 $1117.266 $7057.172 (10.) (11.) From 645.00037 10000.0000 Take .00198 .0111 Ans. 644.99839 9999.9889 12. From 40000 take 9. Ans. 39991. 13. From 123456789 take 87654321. Ans. 35802468. 14. From 101010101 take 90909090. Ans. 10101011. 15. From 303030303 take 40404040. A71S. 262626263. 16. From 234702358 take 54321987. Ans. 180380371. 17. From 1000000 take 1. Ans. 999999. 18. From 1000000 take .1. Ans. 999999.9. 19. From 1000000 take .01. Ans. 999999.99. 20. From 34567 take .003. Ans. 34566.997. 21. From 1 take .000001. Ans. .999999. 22. From 5 take 4.000001. Ans. .999999. 23. From 12.4 take 3.756. Ans. 8.644. 24. From 100.25 take 75.12. Ans. 25.13. 25. From $100.25 take $75.12. Ans. $25.13. 26. From $20.05 take $5.50. Ans. $14.55. 27. From $90.00 take $70,045. Ans. $19,955. 28. From $1000 take $1,111. Ans. $998,889. SUBTRACTION. 51 29. From 6 dollars take 5 mills. Ans. $5,995. 30. From 8 dollars take 7 cents. Ans. $7.93. 31. America was discovered in A. D. 1492 by Chris- topher Columbus. How many years from that event to A. D. 1865 ? A71S. 373 years. 32. George Washington was born in A. D. 1732, and died in A. D. 1799. To what age did he live? Ans. 67. 33. The Declaration of Independence was published July 4, 1776. How many years have intervened up to July 4, 1865? A^is. 89. 34. Henry Hudson sailed up the river of his name, A. D. 1609. How many years from that time to A. D. 1865? Ans.2b6. 35. The Mariners' Compass was invented in A. D. 1302. How many years to A. D. 1865 ? Aiis. 563. 36. What length of time from the birth of Francis Bacon, A. D. 1561, to A. D. 1865? Ans. 304 years. 37. What length of time from the birth of Shake- speare, A. D. 1564, to A. D. 1865 ? Ans. 301 years. 38. What length of time from the birth of John Milton, A. D. 1608, to A. D. 1865? Ans. 257 years. 39. Pliny died in A. D. 17. How many years to A. D. 1865 ? A71S. 1848. 40. Sir William Herschel was born in A. D. 1738,^ Galileo, A. D. 1564. How many years elapsed from the birth of the one to that of the other? Ajis. 174. 41. Oliver Cromwell was born A. D. 1599. How many years from that time to the death of Washington ? A71S. 200. 42. Patrick Henry was born A. D. 1 736. How many 52 SUBTRACTION. years from that; time to the publication of the Decla- ration of Independence ? Aiis. 40. 43. The Revolutionary War began A. D. 1775 ; the last war with Great Britain, A. D. 1812. How many years from the beginning of the one to the beginning of the other? Ans. 37. 44. What was the increase in the population of New York from A. D. 1850 to A. D. I860?— (Vide 59, Ex. 33 and 34.) Ans. 290104. 45. How many more inhabitants in New York in 1850 than in Philadelphia? Ans. 175502. 46. How many more in 1860 ? A^is. 243122. 47. How many more in Boston than in New Orleans in 1850? A71S. 20506. 48. How many more in New Orleans than in Cincin- nati? Ans. 939. 49. How many more in Cincinnati than in Brooklyn ? Ans. 18598. 50. How many more in Brooklyn than in St. Louis ? Ans. 18978. 51. How many more in St. Louis than in Albany? A71S. 27097. 52. How many more in Albany than in Pittsburg ? A71S. 4162. 53. . How many more in New York than in Pittsburg ? A71S. 468946. 54. The polar diameter of the earth is 7898.973 miles; the equatorial diameter, 7925.249 miles. How much greater is the equatorial than the polar diameter ? Ans. 26.276 miles. 55. The length of a degree of longitude at the equator SUBTRACTION. 58 is 69.161 miles ; at New York it is 52.536 miles. What is the difference ? A^is. 16.625 miles. 56. A is worth §6542.37; B is worth $9341.95 ; C is worth §18425.63. How much are all three together worth? Ans. §34309.95. How much is B worth more than A ? Ans. §2799.58. How much more is C worth than B? Ans. §9083.68. How much more is C worth than A? Ans. §11883.26. How much more is C worth than A and B together? Ans. §2541.31. 57. To stock a farm, the land of which was worth §22475.96, I bought two horses for §327.80 ; two yoke of oxen at §175.47 per yoke ; five cows at §27.36 each ; a pair of mules for §275; and sixty-seven sheep for §201.45. How much more is the land worth than the stock? Ans. §21183.97. How much more were the oxen worth than the horses ? Ans. §23.14. How much more were the oxen worth than the cows ? A71S. §214.14. Which were worth most, the oxen and horses together, or the cows, mules, and sheep together, and by how much? Ans. Oxen and horses, by §65.49. 58. A merchant bought at one time 3476 yards of cloth; at another, 5426 yards; at another, 4221 yards. He sells 3210 yards to one person, and 4345 to another. How many yards has he left? Ans. 5568 yards. 59. A farmer bought of a merchant broadcloth to the 54 SUBTRACTION. value of $137.50; cotton cloth, §93.45; sugar, |37.63; molasses, 114.37; coffee, §11.45; flour, §28.13. He pays the merchant, in corn, §123.65 ; in hay, §47.24; and the balance in cash. What was the amount of cash paid? Ans. §151.64. 60. Bought a yoke of oxen for §150 ; a horse for §237; three cows for §87.45; and sold the whole for §500. What was my gain? Ans. §25.55. 61. The length of a pendulum which vibrates once a second, at London, is 39.1393 inches. One ten-millionth of the meridian distance from the Equator to the North Pole is 39.37079 inches. What is the difference? Ans. .23149 inches. 62. The equatorial circumference of the earth is 24897.883 miles, and the circumference on a meridian is 24855.296 miles. What is the difference ? Ans. 42.587 miles. 63. What is the difference between 25 dollars 1 cent 4 mills and 6 dollars 17 cents 9 mills ? A71S. §18.835. 64. What is the difference between 181 dollars 7 cents 9 mills and 140 dollars 9 cents 7 mills? A71S. §40.982. 65. What is the difference between 9 dollars 5 cents 3 mills and 10 dollars 3 cents 5 mills? MULTIPLICATION. 65 MULTIPLICATION. 68. Multiplication is the operation of increasing one number as many times as there are units in another. 69. The number to be increased is called the multi- plicand. 70. The number indicating how many times the multiplicand is to be increased is called the multi- plier. Tl. The result of the operation is called the product. SIGNS. 72, The sign X is called sign of multiplication, and when placed between two numbers, signifies that they are to be multiplied together. Thus, the expression, 8x5-=40, is read, eight multiplied hy five equal forty, or eight times five equal forty, or eight times five are forty, 73. A bar or imrenthesis is used to indicate that several numbers are to be taken as a single number, thus : 2+6X5--40, or (2-f 6)X5=-40; but 2+6x5=32. •74. When two or more numbers are multiplied to- gether to produce a single number, each of the numbers involved is called a factor of the product. Thus, in the expression 3X2X5=30, each of the numbers, 3, 2, 5, is a factor of 30. The product of the factors is a composite number. 56 MULTIPLICATION. 75. It is evident that 3X5 is the same as 5X3. For 3+3+3+3+3 is the same as 5+5+5. 76. Any number multiplied by produces 0; and any number multiplied by 1 produces the number itself. Thus, 8X0=0, and 8X1=8. TABLE OF MULTIPLICATION. 2x0 = 3x0 = 4x0 = 5x0=0 2x1 = 2 3 X 1 = 3 4 X 1 = 4 5x1=5 2x2 = 4 3x2 = 6 4x2 = 8 5 X 2 = 10 2x3 = 6 3x3 = 9 4x3 = 12 5 X 3 = 15 2x4 = 8 3x4 = 12 4x4 = 16 5 X 4 = 20 2x5 = 10 3x5 = 15 4x5 = 20 5 X 5 = 25 2x6 = 12 3x6 = 18 4 X 6 = 24 5 X 6 = 30 2x7 = 14 3X7 = 21 4x7 = 28 5 X 7 = 35 2x8 = 16 3x8 = 24 4x8 = 32 5 X 8 = 40 2x9 = 18 3x9 = 27 4x9 = 36 5 X 9 = 45 6x0 = 7x0 = 8x0 = 9x0=0 6x1 = 6 7 X 1 = 7 8 X 1 = 8 9x1=9 6x2 = 12 7x2 = 14 8x2 = 16 9 X 2 = 18 6x3 = 18 7x3 = 21 8x3 = 24 9 X 3 = 27 6x4 = 24 7x4 = 28 8x4 = 32 9 X 4 = 36 6x5 = 30 7x5 = 35 8x5 = 40 9 X 5 = 45 6 X G = 36 7x6 = 42 8x6 = 48 9 X 6 = 54 6x7 = 42 7x7 = 49 8x7 = 56 9 X 7 = 63 6x8 = 48 7x8 = 56 8x8 = 04 9 X 8 = 72 6x9 = 54 7x9 = 63 8x9 = 72 9 X 9 = 81 PROBIiEM I. 77. To multiply any number by any other number less than 10. EXAINIPLES. 1. Multiply 357 by 7. MULTIPLICATIOX. 57 OPERATION. VERIFICATION. 357 357 49 350 2100 7 357 357 357 vide 68 and 75. 357 357 2490 357 2499 7 times 7 units of the first order are 49 units of tlie first order; that is, 9 units of i\iQ first order and 4 of the second. 7 times 5 units of the second order are 35' units of the second order; that is, 5 units of the second order, and 3 of the third. 7 times 3 units of the third order are 21 units of the tliird order; that is, 1 unit of the third order and 2 of the fourth. The sum of these partial products is the product required. This operation may be contracted thus : 7 times 7 are 49. Write down the 9 units operation of the first order and mentally add the four oerr units of the second order to the 35 units of 7 the same order, making 39. Write down the 9 units of the second order, and men- tally add the 3 units of the third order to the 21 units of the same order, making 24. Hence, 58 MULTIPLICATION. RULE, 1. Write the midtiplier under the midtipliccmd, so that units of the same order may stand under each other. 2. Ifultijyly the right-hand figure of the midtiplicand hy the multiplier^ and set doivn the figure of tlie product representing units of the first order under the column of units of that order, and add the figure representing units of the second order to the product of the second figure of the multiplicand hy the multii^lier. Set down the figure representing units of the second order under the units of the multiplicand of that order, and add the figure repre- senting units of the third order to the next product, and so on till all the figures of the midtiplicand have been mul- tij)lied. The result is the product required. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) Multiply 1736 4530 7106 2400 By 3 4 5 6 Ans. 5208 18120 35530 14400 Multiply 303479 By 2 (7.) 9854321 : 7 (8.) 123456789 9 Ans. 606958 68980247 1111111101 9. Multiply 10. Multiply 11. Multiply 12. Multiply 13. Multiply 14. Multiply 456031 by 3. 32467 by 8. 10054 by 5. 999999 by 9. 5432 by 7. 142857 by 7. Ans. 1368093. Ans. 259736. Ans. 50270. A71S. 8999991. Ans. 38024. Ans. 999999. MULTIPLICATION. 59 15. Multiply 101010 by 9. A71S. 909090. 16. Multiply 3421 by 4. Ans. 13684. 17. Multiply 123456789 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 18. Multiply 987654321 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. ^ PROB1.EM11. 78. To multiply any number by a unit of any order, that is, by 10, 100, 1000, etc. RULE. An7iex as many ciphers to the right of the multiplicand as there are ciphers in the multiplier. — (Vide 38, II.) EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 357 by 1.— (Vide 76 >') Ans. 357, 2. Multiply 357 by 10. Am. 3570, 3. Multiply 357 by 100. Ans. 35700, 4. Multiply 358 by 1000. Ans. 358000, 5. Multiply 3476 by 100. Ans. 347600, 6. Multiply 35760 by 10. Ans. 357600, 7. Multiply 473 by lOOOOOO. A: ns. 473000000, 8. Multiply 473000 by 1000. Ans. 473000000, 9. Multiply 473000000 by 1. A: ns. 473000000, PROBIiEM III. 79. To multiply any number by a figure represent- ing units of any order, (1.) Consider the figure as representing units of the first order, and zvrite the numbers as in 77. (2.) After multiplying annex the ciphers, and the result will he the j^roduct required. 60 MULTIPLICATION. Multiply 357 By 40 Ans. 14280 (5.) Multiply 4530 By E X A JI P L E S . (2.) (3.) 357 1736 200 70 30 71400 121520 (6.) 4530 900 (4.) 1736 400 694400 (7.) 3456 7000 Ans. 135900 24192000 A71S. 6321000. A71S. 355300. 4077000 8. Multiply 9030 by 700. 9. Multiply 7106 by 50. 10. Multiply 303479 by 20000. Ans. 6069580000. 11. Multiply 987654321 by 900000. Ans. 888888888900000. PROBIiEM IV. 80. To multiply one number by another. EXAMPLES. (1.) (2.) Multiply ... 357 Multiply . . By . . ; . . ^ By ... . Vide 77, Ex. 3, 4530 934 Vide 77, Ex. 1, 2499 Vide 79, Ex. 1, 1428 Vide 79, Ex. 2, 714 1812 Vide 79, Ex. 5, 1359 Vide 79,, Ex. 6, 4077 Ans. 88179 Ans. 4231020 Remark. — The cipher of 79, Ex. 1, need not appear in (he opera- tion, and so of the ciphers in the other examples referred to. Hence, I MULTIPLICATIOX. 61 1. Write iJie niimhers so that the riglit-ltand significant figures of the multiplicand and multiplier may stand under each other. 2. Multiply the multiplicand hy each figure of the mul- tiplier, placing the first figure of each product directly tinder the figure used in multiplying. 3. Add the several products together and annex to their sum all the ciphers on the right of both factors. The result is the product required. Remark 1. — The second point of the rule does not apply to the ciphers on the right of either factor. Multiply By . Ans. (3.) (4.) 1476 470 Multiply . By . . . . 34300 . . 4310 10332 5904 343 1029 1372 fip.q790 Ans. . . 147833000 Remark 2. — When ciphers occur between the significant figures of the multiplier, their product into the multiplicand need not ap- pear in the operation. (5.) (6.) Multiply By. . . 459 . 307 3213 1377 Multiply By . , 2134 5004 8536 10670 Ans 140913 Ans. 7. Multiply 46834 by 4060. 8. Multiply 47042 by 47042. . . . 10678536 Ans. 190146040. Ans. 2212949764. 62 MULTIPLICATION. 9. Multiply 123 by 125. 10. Multiply 328 by 67. 11. Multiply 75432 by 47. 12. Multiply 678954 by 24. 13. Multiply 789563 by 570. 14. Multiply 1579126 by 1710. 15. Multiply 67853 by 8765. 16. Multiply 3678543 by 4567. 17. Multiply 492 by 625. 18. Multiply 1312 by 335. 19. Multiply 603456 by 94. 20. Multiply 1357908 by 144. 21. Multiply 2368689 by 190. 22. Multiply 8432 by 6350. 23. Multiply 27496 by 1658. 24. Multiply 82488 by 555. 81. When one or both factors Ans. 15375. Ans. 21976. Ans. 3545304. Ans. 16294896. Ans. 450050910. ^Tis. 2700305460. Ans. 594731545. Ans. 16799905881. A71S. 307500. Ans. 439520. Ans. 56724864. Ans. 195538752. Ans. 450050910. Ans. 53543200. A71S. 45588368. Ans. 45780840. are decimals. EXAMPLES. (1-) Multiply 357 By ..... . 24.7 2499 1428 714 Ans 8817.9 In this example, since the mul- tiplier is decreased ten times, (vide 38, II,) the product ought to be decreased ten times, which is done by placing one figure to the right of the decimal point. (2.) Multiply 85.7 By 24.7 2499 1428 714 Ans 881.79 In this example, since the mul- tijDlicand is also decreased ten times, (vide 80, Ex. 1,) the pro- duct ought to be decreased ten times more than in Ex. 1, which is done by putting the decimal point one place further to the left MULTIPLICATION. 63 Hence : (1.) Proceed 'precisely as in 80. (2.) Place the decimal ijoint in the lyroduct so as to cause as many figures to stand on its right as there are figures on the right of the point in both the factors, supplying any deficiency by prefixing ciphers. (3.) (4.) (5.) Multiply 45.9 4.59 .459 By 3.07 3.07 .307 3213 3213 3213 1377 1377 1377 Ans. 140.913 14.0913 .140913 (6.) (7.) (8.) Multiply .0008 .00008 .000008 By .0007 .007 .07 Ans. .00000056 .00000056 .00000056 (9.) (10.) Multiply .0716 .1234 By 1.326 1234 Ans. .0949416 152.2756 11. Multiply $3.57 by 7. Ans. $24.99. 12. Multiply ^3.57 by 40. Ans. $142.80. 13. Multiply $3.57 by 200. Ans. $714.00. 14. Multiply ?3.57 by .7 Ans. $2,499. 15. Multiply 171.61 by 365. Ans. $26137.65. 16. Multiply $0.93 by 63. Ans. $58.59. 17. Multiply $13.75 by 43. Ans. $591.25. 18. Multiply $4.68 by 169. Ans. $790.92. 64 MULTIPLICATION. 19. Mult 20. Mult 21. Mult 22. Mult: 23. Mult 24. Mult 25. Mult 26. Mult 27. Mult 28. Mult 29. Mult 30. Mult 31. Mult 32. Mult ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ply ,^0.057 by 84C). 1132.55 by 369"! ^0.299 by 69. §69.748 by 144. §3.75 by 47. $6.79 by 163. §1.375 by 19. §4.57 by 18. §15.89 by 9. §0.75 by 125. §58.90 by 45. §0.058 by .07 §0.904 by .025 §1.287 by .9 Ans, §48.222. Ans. §48910.95. Ans. §20.631. Ans. §10043.712. Ans. §176.25. Ans. §1106.77. Ans. §26.125. Ans. §82.26 Ans. §143.01. A71S. §93.75. Ans. §2650.50. Ans. §0.00406. Ans. §0.022600. Ans. §1.1583. 82. In Multiplication the j-^'^'oduct is always of the same name as the multiplicand^ and the multiplier in the operation must be considered as simply a number without name. Thus: §75X47=-§3525.— (Vide 166.) PKACTICAL APPLICATION. 1. What will 47 oxen cost, at §75 each? ' Ans. $3525. 2. If a man walk 23 miles a day, how far will he walk in 17 days? Ans. 391 miles. 3. If a vessel sail 451 miles a day, how far will it sail in 9 days ? Ans. 4059 miles. 4. What will 495 yards of cloth cost, at 11 dollars a yard?— (Vide 75.) Am. §5445. 5. What will 569 hogsheads of molasses cost at $37 each? Ans. §21053. MULTir LIGATION. '65 6. What will 451 bales of cotton cost at |53 per bale? Alls. §23903. 7. There arrived in market 18 wagons during one ■week, each wagon containing 6 bales of cotton, worth |56 per bale. How much was the cotton worth ? Ans. §6048. 8. Bought 8 bales of cotton, each bale containing 530 pounds, worth §0.13 per pound. How much did I pay for it? . A^is. §551.20. 9. I purchased at one time 3 bales of cotton, each bale weighing 554 pounds, at §0.11 per pound; at another time, 5 bales, each weighing 535 pounds, at §0.12 per pound. What was the whole worth ? Ans. §503.82. 10. I sold the cotton in the preceding example at §0.115 per pound. Did I make or lose, and how much? Ans. lost §5.065. , 11. I bought 27 hogsheads of molasses, each contain- ing 63 gallons, at §0.53 per gallon. How^ much did 1 pay for it? Ans. §901.53. 12. I sold a sack of hops, weighing 396 pounds, at §0.113 per pound. How much did I get for it? Ans. §44.748. 13. What cost 5342 barrels of flour at §8.50 per barrel ? A71S. §45407. 14. One chest of tea contains 69 pounds, and costs §0.299 per pound; another chest contains 74 pounds, and costs §0.274 per pound. How much is lost by sell- ing the whole at §0.28 per pound? Ans. §0.867 15. What cost 169 boxes of oranges at §6.71 per box? Ans. §1133.99. 66 MULTIPLICATIOX. 16. What cost 357 barrels of potatoes at §2.47 per barrel? Ans. ^SS1.19. 17. I purchase 243 casks of butter, each containing 57 pounds, at §0.34 per pound, and sell the same at S0.40 per pound. How much do I gain ? Ans, §831.06. 18. My vineyard produces 5342 bottles of wine, at a cost of §0.37 per bottle, and I retail the wine at §1.25 per bottle. How much do I clear? Ans. §4700.96. 19. Two passenger trains of cars meet at a station, and each train runs, on an average, 37 miles an hour. Suppose them to start at the same time, how far apart will they be at the end of 17 hours ? Ans. 1258 miles. 20. A passenger train and a freight train of cars start from a given station and run in the same direction. The passenger train moves at the rate of 37 miles an hour, and the freight train 19 miles an hour. How far apart will they be at the end of 13 hours? A71S. 234 miles. How far apart had they run in different directions? Ans. 728 miles. 21. A drover bought 357 oxen, at the rate of §47 a head. In going to market, 12 oxen fell through a bridge and were killed. The cost of driving the remainder to market was §5 a head. The oxen were then sold at an average of §49 each. What was the loss ? A71S. §1599. 22. How much would have been gained by selling the oxen in the preceding example at §55 a head? Ans.Un. MULTIPLICATION. 67 MERCHANTS' BILLS. 83. A Bill is a written statement of articles bought or sold, their prices, entire cost, etc. Buffalo, April 26, 1865. Messrs. J. H. Reed & Co., Chicago, 111., Bought of D. Ransom & Co., Terms cash. 121 Main Street. 10 5 Gross Trask's Magnetic Ointmeut, @ $21 " Ransom's Hive Syrup Tolu, @ $24 . $210 . 120 . 160 . 160 . 95 00 00 5 5 " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, @ $32 " Brown's Bronchial Troches, @ $32 00 00 5 " Judson's Mt. Herb Pills, @ $19 00 $745 00 Received payment. , D. Ransom & Co., By John M. Sabin, Cl'k. 10 Cases per Lake Shore Railroad. (2.) New York, Jan. 1, 1865. Mr. James Bryant, Mobile, Ala., Bought of A. Smith & Co. 24 Pounds of Tea, @ $0.63 $15jl2 55 Barrels of Potatoes, @ $5 275 00 98 Pounds of Raising @ $0.45 41 807 85 85 Barrels of Shad, @ $9.50 50 ^1139 47 6'p^i-'i ^ 68 MULTIPLICATION. (8.) New York, Jan. 1, 1865. Mr. Lewis Rollings, • To Otis Howe & Co., Dr. 1864. Sept. 13. To 30 doz. Wool Hose @ $1.50 " 13. " 6 prs. Gloves @ $0.75 " 13. " 4 doz. Napkins @ $1.20 Oct. 12. " 4 " Shirt Bosoms @ $2.40 " 12. " 22 yds. Drilling : .@ $0.10 " 12. " 6 " Broadciotli @ $4.00 $90.10 Received payment. S. Billings, For Otis Howe & Co. - • (4.) ^ St. Louis, July 15, 1865 Mr. S. H. DeCamp. To A. T. Campbell, Dr. 1865. Jan. 5. To 12 doz. Scythes @ $10.00 " 9. " 6J " Hoes @ $7.00 Feb. 1. " 10 " Rakes @ $1.80 March 4. " 3 Plows @ $11.00 " 4. " 7 doz. Pitchforks @ $9.50 " 1. " 9 « Padlocks @ $24.00 « 12. " 1 Coffee-mill @ $5.00 July 15. Settled by due bill $504.00 A. T. Campbell. DIVISION. 69 DIVISION. 84. Division is the operation of finding how many times one number is contained in another. 85. The number to be divided is called the dividend. 80. The member by which to divide is called the di- visor. 8T. The number of times the divisor is contained in the dividend is called the quotient. 88. IVlien there is a number left after dividing, it is called the remainder. SIGN. 89. The sign -^- is known as the sigri of division, and when placed between two numbers, it signifies that the former is to be divided by the latter. Thus, the ex- pression, 40-f-5=8, is read, forty divided by five equal eight, or five in forty eight times. OO. Operations in division are carried on under two forms. Thus : (1.) (2.) (3.) 5)13 5)13(2 13 1 5 -:. o 10 10 T 2-3 — — 3 3 70 DIVISION. The first is known as the method of Short Division. The second is known as the method of Long Di- vision. In either of these forms, 13 is the dividend, 5 is the divisor, 2 is the quotient, and 3 the remainder. In the operations of Long Division, the divisor is some- times written as in (3.) Ol. The remainder added to the product of iJie divisor and quotient produces the dividend. Thus : 5x2+3=13. (1.) Any number divided by itself produces 1 ; and (2.) Any number divided by 1 produces the number itself. Thus, 7^7=1, and 7-^1=7. TABLE OF division. 2-4-2=1 3 -f-3 = 1 4 -r-4= 1 5-4-5 = 1 4-^2 = 2 6 -r-3 = 2 8-^4 = 2 10 -^ 5 = 2 6h-2 = 3 9^3 = 3 12 -T-4 = 3 15 -=- 5 = 3 8-^2 = 4 12 -H 3 = 4 16 --4 = 4 20 H- 5 = 4 10 -i- 2 = 5 15 -V- 3 = 5 20 ^ 4 = 5 25 -4- 5 = 5 12 -V- 2 = 6 18 -V- 3 == 6 24 -H 4 = 6 30 -4- 5 = 6 14 ~ 2 = 7 21 -4- 3 = 7 28 ~ 4 = 7 35 -4- 5 = 7 16 -^ 2 = 8 24 -^ 3 = 8 32 -T- 4 = 8 40 -4- 5 = 8 18 -r- 2 = 9 27 -r- 3 = 9 36 ~ 4 = 9 45 -4- 5 = 9 6 -=-6 = 1 7 -T-7 = 1 8-4-8 = 1 9-4-9 = 1 12 -- 6 = 2 14 -^ 7 = 2 16 ~ 8 = 2 18 -4- 9 = 2 18 -^ 6 = 3 21 -4- 7 = 3 24 H- 8 = 3 27 -T- 9 = 3 24 ^ 6 = 4 28 -^ 7 = 4 32 -4- 8 = 4 36 -4- 9 = 4 30 ^ 6 = 5 35 -i- 7 = 5 40 -4- 8 = 5 45 -4- 9 = 5 36 -T- 6 = G 42 -v- 7 = 6 48 -T- 8 = 6 54 -4- 9 = 6 42 ~ 6 = 7 49 -V- 7 = 7 56 -4- 8 = 7 63 -4- 9 = 7 48 -f- 6 = 8 56 -^ 7 = 8 64 -^ 8 = 8 72 -4- 9 = 8 54 -r- 6 = 9 63 -^ 7 = 9 72 -:- 8 = 9 81 -^ 9 = 9 DIVISION. 71 SHORT DIVISION. 02. To divide a number by a number less than 10. EXAMPLES. (1.) (2.) (3.) 7)2499 5)35530 3)3698 357 7106 1232-2 7 is contained in 24 units of the tldrd order, 3 units of the same order and 3 over. Write down the 3 units of the third order, and prefix the 3 over to the 9 units of the second order, making 39. 7 is contained in 39 units of the second order 5 units of the same order and 4 over. Write down the 5 units of the second order, and prefix the 4 over to the 9 units of the first order, making 49. 7 is contained in 49 units of the first order , 7 units of the same order. Then 357 is the quotient. — (Vide 77, Ex. 1.) In the second example, we may then say at once, 5 in 35 give 7; 5 in 5 give 1 ; 5 in 3 give 0; 5 in 30 give 6. —(Vide 77, Ex. 4.) In the third example, 3 in 3 give 1 ; 3 in 6 give 2 ; 3 in 9 give 3 ; 3 in 8 give 2, and 2 remainder. Hence-, B u L E . 1. Write the divisor on the left of the dividend, as in 90,(1.) 2. Find hoiv many times the divisor is contained in the left-hand figure, or, if that is smaller than the divisor^ 72 DIVISION. in two of the left-hand figures of the dividend, mid ivrite the quotient diredhj under the figure of the lowest order used. 3. Prefix the remainder to the figure of the next lower order, and divide as before, continuing the tvorJc till all the figures have been used. The result is the quotient re- quired. Remark 1. — The final remainder, if tliere is any, is to be written as in 90, (1.) (4.) (5.) (6.) 2)606958 7)68980247 9)1111111101 303479 Vide 77, Ex. 7. Vide 77, Ex. 7. Divide 1368093 by 3. Ex.9. .8. Divide 259736 by 8. Ex. 10. 9. Divide 8999991 by 9. Ex. 12. 10. Divide 5208 by 3. Ex.2. 11. Divide 38024 by 7. Ex. 13. 12. Divide 999999 by 7. Ex. 14. 13. Divide 13684 by 4. Ex. 16. 14. Divide 340974 by 9. • Ans. 37886. 15. Divide 10101 by 3. Ans. 3367. 16. Divide 270192 by 6. 'Ans. 45032. 17. Divide 3530380 by 5. Ans. 706076. 18. Divide 4236456 by 6. Ans. 706076. 19. Divide 4942532 by 6. Ans. 20. Divide 818181 by 9. Ans. 90909. 21. Divide 103701 by 3. Ans. 34567. 22. Divide 2751840 by 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. 23. Divide $4725 by 4. Jlem. §1. 24. Divide 13257 by 8. Pern. |1. DIVISION. 25. Divide $4321 by 2. Rem. $1. 26. Divide 16721 by 3. Rem. $1. 27. Divide $3454 by 5. Rem. $4. 28. Divide $2348 by 7. Rem. $3. 29. Divide 4532 by 9. Rem. 5. 30. Divide 17623 by 3. Rem. 1. 31. Divide 30407 by 5. Rem. 2. 32. Divide 40321 by 2. Rem. 1. 83. Divide 76541 by 9. 'Rem. 5. 34. Divide $451 by 5. Rem. $1. 73 * Remark 2. — The divisor may be written under the remainder with a line between them, the whole being considered as forming a part of the quotient. Thus, (vide 134,) (35.) (36.) (37.) 2)7 3)16 8)245 3i 5i 81f The answer of (35) is read three and one half. — (Vide 8.) The answer of (36) is read five and one third. The answer of (37) is read eighty-one and two thirds. 88. Divide 4725 by 4. Ans. 1181 J. 39. Divide 8890 by 4. Ans. 972f . 40. Divide 5341 by 5. Ans. 1068J. 41. Divide 8459 by 5. Ans. 691f. 42. Divide 3005 by 6. Ans. 5001. 43. Divide $451 by 2. Ans. $225J. 44. Divide $650 by 3. Ans. $216f . 45. Divide $121 by 4. Ans. $301. 46. Divide $154 by 4. Ans. $38f . 47. Divide $3459 by 7. 7 Ans. $4944. 74 DIVISION. 48. Divide P258 by 8. ^^s. *407f . 49. Divide $1111 by 9. Ans. |123|. 50. Divide $2222 by 5. Ans. §444f . 51. Divide $3333 by 6. Ans. $555|. 52. Divide $4444 by 7. Ans. $634f . 53. Divide $5005 by 8. Ans. $625|. 54. Divide $3003 by 9. Ans. $333f . 55.- Divide $221 by 2. Ans. $110|. Remark 8;— r-Ciphers may be annexed to tlie dividend, and the division continued till there is no remainder, or it may terminate at any convenient point. The figures of the quotient, after annexing ciphers, are decimals. Thus, (56.) (57.) (58.) 4)375.00 3)$5678.000 9)$4573.000 93.75 $1892.6661 $508,111^ The answer of (57) is 1892 dollars 66 cents 6 mills and two-thirds of a mill. 59. Divide 4725 by 4. ^ns. 1181.25. 60. Divide 3890 by 4. Ans. 972.5. 61. Divide 5341 by 5. ^ws. 1068.2. 62. Divide 3459 by 5. Ans. 691.8. 63. Divide 3005 by 6. Ans. 500.83|. 64. Divide $451 by 2. Ans. $225.50. 65. Divide $4357 by 6. ^m. $726.166|. 66. Divide $1 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Ans. $0.50, $0,331, $0.25, $0.20, $0.166|, $0.142f, $0,125, $0.111f 03.' When the divisor, dividend, or both contain decimals, 1. If (he numher of decimal figures in the divisor DIVISION. 75 exceeds that in the dividend^ make it equal in both hy annexing ciphers as decimals to the dividend. 2. Divide as in 92, and place the decimal point in the quotient, so as to cause as many figures to stand on its right as all the decimal figures used in the dividend exceed those in the divisor, supplying any deficiency of quotient figures hy prefixing ciphers. — (Vide 81.) EXAMPLES. Divide 249.9 by 7. OPERATION. 7)249.9 35.7 Here the dividend has one decimal figure, the divisor none. 2. Divide 2499 by .7. OPERATION. .7)2499.0 (Vide 93, 1.) 3570 Here the dividend has one decimal figure, and the divisor one. The quotient is an integral number. 3. Divide 24.99 by .07. OPERATION. .07)24.99 357 Here the dividend has two decimal figures, and 76 DIVISION. the divisor two, and the quotient is then an integral number. 4. Divide 249.9 by .0007. OPERATION. .0007)249.9000 (Vide 93, 1.) 357000 Here the dividend has four decimal figures, and"^ .3 divisor four. „ 5. Divide .2499 by 7. OPERATION. 7).2499 .0357 (Vide 93, 2, last clause.) Here the dividend has four decimal figures, the divisor none. One cipher had to be prefixed to the three quo- tient figures. 6. Divide 52.08 by .03. OPERATION. .03)52.08 1736 Ans. .03 52.08 Proof '. (Vide 91.) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Divide 375 by A Divide 430 by .008 Divide 4725 by .4 Divide 32570 by .08 Divide 43.21 by .002 Ans. 937.5 Ans. 53750, Ans. 11812.5 Ans. 407125. Ans. 21605. DIVISION. 77 12. Divide 7.621 by .0003. Am. 25403.331. 13. Divide .00214 by .002. Am. 1.07, 14. Divide .03017 by .007. Am. 4.31. 15. Divide 93.276 by .007. Am. 13325.142f . 16. Divide 48.35 by .005. Am. 9670. 17. Divide 14535 by 9, .9, .09, .009, .0009, .00009, and .000009. Am. 1615, 16150, 161500, etc. B4:. To divide an integral number or decimal by a UMt of any order, that is, by 10, 100, 1000, etc., T Remove the decimal point of the dividend as many figures to the left as are indicated hy the ciphers in the divisor.— {VidiQ 38, II.) EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 3570 by 10, (vide 78, Ex. 2.) Am. 357. 2. Divide 35700 by 100. Am. 357. 3. Divide 357 by 10. Am. 35.7. 4. Divide 357 by 100. Am. 3.57. 5. Divide 35.7 by 10. Am. 3.57. 6. Divide 31.4 by 100. Am. .314. 7. Divide §451.30 by 10. Am. $45.13. 8. Divide §4321 by 100. Am. §43.21. 9. Divide §23456 by 1000. Am. §23.456. 10. Divide §1.00 among 10 men, 100 men, 1000 men. Am. §0.10, §0.01, §0.001. 11. Divide §45.20 equally among 10 men; 100 men; 1000 men. -Aws. §4.52; §0.452; §0.0452. 12. Divide §3120 equally among 10000 men. A71S. §0.312. 78 DIVISION. LONa DIVISION. 05. To divide a number by any number greater than 10. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 1716 by 11. (1.) We find how many times 11 is contained in 17, and write the quotient figure 1 to the right of the dividend. (2.) Multiply the divisor 11 by the quotient figure 1, and place the product 11 under 17. (3.) Subtract 11 from 17, and OPERATION. 11)1716(156 11 61 55 66 Am. place the remainder 6 under 11. (4.) Bring down the next q figure 1 of the dividend to the right of the 6, and proceed with the result 61 exactly as with 17. That is, (1.) 11 in 61 are 5, which is placed in the quotient. (2.) Then 5 times 11 are 55, which is placed under 61. - (3.) 55 from 61 are 6. (4.) Bring down the next figure 6 of the dividend. In the resulting number 66 the divisor 11 is contained Hence, 6 times, with no remainder. RULE, (1.) Find how many times the whole divisor is con- tained in the same niuiiher of figures on (he left of the DIVISION. 79 dividend considered as representing so many units ; or, if this number is smaller than the divisor, find how many times the divisor is contained in a number of figures of the dividend^ greater by one than the number of figures in itself, and place the quotient on the right of the divi- dend. (2.) Multiply the whole divisor by this quotient figure, and place the p)roduct under the figures of the dividend just compared ivith the divisor. (3.) Subtract the product from the figures above it. (4.) To the right of the difference bring doion the next figure of the dividend. (5.) If the new dividend is noiv smaller titan the divi- sor, place a cipher in the quotient, and bring down the next figure of the dividend; but if the dividend is equal to or larger than the divisor, proceed in obtaining the second figure of the quotient as ivith the first, and so on till all the figures are brought down. Remark 1. — Notice that no product can be greater than the figures of the dividend above it. Remark 2. — Notice that no difference can be equal to or greater than the divisor. 2. Divide 1716 by 12. Ans. 143. 3. Divide 1716 by 13. Ans. 132. 4. Divide 3360 by 14. Ajis. 240. 5. Divide 3360 by 15. Ans. 224. 6. Divide 3360 by 16. Ans. 210. 7. Divide 7429 by 17. Ans. 4S7. 8. Divide 7429 by 19. Ans. 391. 9. Divide 7429 by 23. Ans. 323. 10. Divide 26691 by 21. Ans. 1271. 80 DIVISION. 11. Divide 7371 bj 91. Arts. SI. (12.) (13.) 91)7371(81 184)56488(307 728 552 91 1288 (Vide Rule, 5.) 91 1288 14. Divide 56488 by 92. Ajis. 614. 15. Divide 84487 by 97. Ans. 871. 16. Divide 24108 by 98. Ans, 246. 17. Divide 24108 by 246. Ans. 98. 18. Divide 5768 by 56. A^is. 103. 19. Divide 48071 by 53. . Ans. 907. 20. Divide 2448 by 16, 17, and 18. Ans. 153, 144, and 136. 21. Divide 6072 by 22, 23, and 24. Ans. 276, 264, and 253. 22. Divide 5544 by 36, 44, and 56. Ans. 154, 126, and 99. 23. Divide 12259 by 13, 23, and 41. Ans. 943, 533, and 299. (24.) (25.) 509)461663(907 999)708291(709 4581 6993 3563 8991 3563 8991 26. Divide 73647 by 147 and 167. Ans. 501 and 441. DIVISION. 81 27. Divide 36942 by 131 and 141. Ans. 282 and 262. 28. Divide 526587 by 191 and 919. Ans. 2757 and 573. 29. Divide 3203055 by 711 and 901. Ans, 4505 and 3555. 30. Divide 193581 by 137 and 157. Ans. 1413 and 1233. 31. Divide 404278 by 431 and 134 Ans. 938 and 3017. 32. Divide 670592745 by 54321. OPERATION. 670592745154321 54321 12345 127382 108642 (Yide 90, (3.) 187407 162963 244444 217284 271605 271605 33. Divide 45780840 by 82488. Ans. 555- 34. Divide 1234549380 by 12345. Ans. 100004. 35. Divide 497477808387 by 987. Ans. 504030201. 36. Divide 49419533647761876 by 9876. Ans. 5004003002001. 82 DIVISION. Remark 3. — If there are cipliers on the right of the divisor, they may be neglected in the operation, together with a like num- ber of figures on the right of the dividend. 37. Divide 34705 by 700. 38. Divide 34705 by 760. OPERATIONS 3. (37.) (38.) 7'00)347'05 76^0)3470'5(45 49—405 304 430 380 505 The remainder of (37) is 405, and that of (38) is 505. 39. Divide 3521 by 200. Rem, 121. 40. Divide 3521 by 30. Bern. 11. 41. Divide 4561 by 40. Rem. 1. 42. Divide 3457 by 50. Rem. 7. 43. Divide 7654 by 70. Rem 24. 44. Divide 3420 by 90. Arts. 38. 45. Divide 1716000 by 12000. Ans. 143. 46. Divide 1716000 by 130000. . Rem. 26000. 47. Divide 3360000 by 1400000. Rem. 560000. 48. Divide 73647000 by 1470000. Rem. 147000. 49. Divide 123456789 by 2000000. Rem. 1456789. Remark 4. — In decimals observe the Rule in 93 and 92, Rem. 3. 50. Divide 143 by 25. 51. Divide 143 by 125. DIVISION. 1 (50.) 25)143.00(5.72 125 OPERATIONS. (51.) 125)143.000(1.144 125 180 175 50 50 180 125 550 500 500 500 83 52. Divide 206.166492 by 4.123. 53. Divide .102048 by 3189. OPERATIONS. (52) (53) 206.166492| 4.123 .102048| 3189 206.15 50.004 9567 .000032 16492 (Yide 90, (3.) 6378 16492 6378 54. Divide 4567 by 25, 125, and 625. - Ans. 182. 68, etc. 55. Divide 1460 by 16, 32, and 64. Ans. 91. 25, etc. 56. Divide 7623 by 40, 80, and 1600. Ans. 190. 575, etc. 57. Divide 143 by 15. 58. Divide 100 by 24. 84 I DIVISION. ' OPERATIONS. (57.) (58.) 15)143.00(9.53 X 24)100.00(4.16|| 135 \ 96 80 (Vide 92, Rem. 2.) 40 75 24 50 , 160 45 ^ 144 5 16 59. Divide 140.913 by 3.07 and 45.9. 60. Divide 281.826 hj 30.7 and 4.59. Ans. 9.18 and 61.4. 61. Divi^ .0949416 by 1.326. Ans. .0716. 62. Divide 152.^756 by .1234. Ans. 1234. 63. Divide $14|.80 equally among 40 men. Ans. 13.57 each. 64. Divide §714.00 equally among 200 men. Ans. 13.57 each. 65. Divide §2.499 equally among 7 men. Ans. §0.357 each. 66. Divide $26137.65 equally among 365 men. Ans. $71.61 each. 67. Divide $58.59 equally among 63 men. Ans. $0.93 each. 68. Divide $10043.712 equally among 144 men. Ans. $69,748 each. 69. Divide $176.25 equally among 47 men. Ans. $3.75 each. DIVISION. 85 70. Divide $48910.95 equally among 369 men. Ans. $132.55 each. 71. Divide |20.631 equally among 69 men. Ans. fO.299 each. 96. In Division the quotient is always of the same name as the dividend; and the divisor in the operation must be considered as simply a number without name. Thus, $3525^47-?75.— (Vide 167.) PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. 1. If 47 oxen cost $3525, what will one ox cost? Ans. $75. 2. If a man can walk 391 miles in 17 days, how far can he walk in one day ? Ans. 23 miles. 3. A vessel has sailed 4059 miles in 9 days. What was the average rate per day? Ans. 451 miles. 4. I sell cloth to the amount of $5445, at the rate of $11 per yard. How many yards are sold ? Ans. 495 yards. 5. Eleven men divide 5445 boards equally among them. How many does each have ? Ans. 495 boards. 6. If 5445 marbles are equally divided among 495 boys, how many does each have ? Ans. 11 marbles. 7. If 495 yards of cloth are sold for $5445, what is the average price per yard? Ans. $11. 8. If 569 hogsheads of molasses cost $21053, what is the price per hogshead ? Ans. $37. 9. I buy molasses to the amount of $21053, at the rate of $37 per hogshead. How many hogsheads are bought ? 86 DIVISION. 10. If $21053 are equally divided among 37 men, how many dollars does each man receive? 11. There arrived in market a number of wagons, each loaded with 12 bales of cotton, worth |56 per bale. The cotton was sold for $12096. How many wagons came to market? 12. A train of 18 cars brought down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad cotton to the amount of $12096, at the rate of $56 per bale. How many bales did each car carry, supposing the cotton equally distributed? 13. Eighteen cars took into Memphis $12096 worth of cotton, each car being loaded with 12 bales. What was the cotton valued at per bale? 14. The exact distance round the earth at the equa- tor, is 24897.883 miles, which is divided into 360 degrees. What is the length of each degree ? Ans. 69.161 miles. 15. How long would it take a man to travel round the earth at the equator, traveling at the rate of 60 miles per day ? A718. 414.9647 J days. 16. Since the earth turns on its axis once in 24 hours, how far does any point on the equator move per hour ? Per minute? Per second? Last Ans. .2881699 mHeS. 17. When the moon is 240,000 miles from the earth, how long would it take a car to make the distance, at the rate of 45 miles per hour ? Ans. 5333 Jf hours. 18. When the sun is 95,000,000 miles from the earth, how long would a car be occupied in making the dis- tance, running at the rate of 57 miles per hour ? Ans. 16666661 f hours. PROPERTIES OP INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 87 t PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS, DEFINITIONS. 97. Any number is exactly divisible by another when the q^tient is an integral number. Thus, 51 is exactly divisible by 17, because the quotient 3 is an integral number. — (Vide 7.) But 51 is not exactly divisible by 25, because the quotient, 2j^^ contains a fractional number. — (Yide 8.) 98. An EVEN NUMBER is one that is exactly divisible by 2. The even numbers, then, are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. 99. An ODD NUMBER is one that is not exactly divisible by 2. The odd numbers are, then, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. 100. A PRIME NUMBER is One that is exactly divisible by no number except itself and 1. Remark 1. — No even number^ except 2, can he a prime number. Remark 2. — The prime numbers less than 100, are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97. 101. A COMPOSITE NUMBER is the product of two or more prime numbers. — (Vide 74.) Thus, 24=2X2X3X2. Remark. — Any composite number is exactly divisible by either of its prime factors, or by the product of any two or more of them. Thus, 30 is divisible by 2, 3, or 5, or by 2X3=::6, 2X5=10, 3X5=15. 88 PROPERTIES OP INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 10!S. Any two numbers are said to be prime with respect to each other when no factor of the one is a factor of the other. Thus, 26=2X13, and 63-=3x3x7, are prime with respect to each other. 103. A COMMON DIVISOR of two or more numbers is a number which exactly divides each of them. Thus, 2 is a common divisor of 12 and 20. Remark. — Numbers which are prime with respect to each pther, have no common divisor other than 1. 104. The GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR of two or more numbers is the greatest number which exactly divides each of them. Thus, 4 is the greatest common divisor of 12 and 20. 105. A MULTIPLE of a number is the product of that number by some other number. Thus, the multiples of 2 are 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. The multiples of 5 are 10, 15, 20, etc. The multiples of 36 are 72, 108, 144, etc. 106. A COMMON MULTIPLE of two or more numbers is a number that is exactly divisible by each of them. Thus, 84 is a common multiple of 2, 3, 6, and 7, because it is exactly divisible by each of them. 107. The LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE, of two or more numbers is the least number that is exactly divisible by them. Thus, 84 is the least common multiple of 7, 12, and 14, because it is the least number exactly divisible by each of them. ^ Remark. — Every number is the least common multiple of all its prime factors, or of all its divisors. Thus, 42 is the least common multiple of 2, 3, and 7, its prime factors, or of 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, and 21, all its divisors, except 1 and 42, which may be included. plloperties of integral numbers. 89 Properties of the Integral Numbers, from 2 to 13, inclusive. 108. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisible by 2, wJiose rigid-hand figure is a 0, or an even number. Thus, 120, 374, 336, 95678, are exactly divisible by 2. 341, 753, 255, 24683, are not exactly divisible by 2. 101]>.. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisible by 3, the sum of whose digits is divisible by 3. Thus, 1035, 1305, 1350, 5031, are exactly divisible by 3, because 1+0+3+5=9 is exactly divisible by 3. liO. Every number, arid no other, is exactly divisible by 4, tvhose two right-hand figures, considered as repre- senting a number less than 100, are exactly divisible by 4. Thus, 120, 324, 428336, are exactly divisible by 4, because 20, 24, 36, are exactly divisible by 4. But 121, 463, 782354, are not exactly divisible by 4, because 21, 63, 54, are not exactly divisible by 4. 111. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisible by 5, whose right-hand figure is a 0, or a S. Thus, 3240, 4535, etc., are exactly divisible by 5. 112. Every numher, and no other, is exactly divisible by 6, which is even, and exactly divisible by 3. Thus, 534, 2136, 6348, etc., are exactly divisible by 6. 113. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisi- ble by 7, when the difference, of the sum of the products produced by multiplying the figures standing in the odd PERIODS, by 1, 3, 2, respectively, counting from right to 90 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. leftj and the sum of the products of the even periods, found in the same way, is exactly divisible by 7. Thus, 6, 883, 905, is exactly divisible by 7, because the difference between the sum of 5+18+6=29=5Xl+9x2+6Xl=products in odd periods; and of 3+24+16=43=3x14-8X3+ 8x2=products in even periods, which is 14, is exactly divisible by 7. Remark 1. — In practice, the multiplication and addition should be done mentally, and as soon as the sum amounts to 7 or more omit the 7, and use the surplus. Thus, 5 and 4 are 2 and 6 are 1. 3 and 3 are 6 and 2 are 1. Remark 2. — If the figure 7 or a is found in the number it need not be multiplied. Thus, 34, 707, 205. 5 and 4 are 2 and 4 are 6 and 2 are 1; and the number is not exactly divisible by 7, but will have a re- mainder of 1. 114. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisi- ble by 8, whose three right-hand figures, considered as representing a number less than 1000, are exactly di- visible by 8. Thus, 387528; 135752, etc., are exactly divisible by 8, because 528; 752, are exactly divisible by 8. 115. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisi- ble by 9, the sum of whose digits is divisible by 9. Thus, 14454, 44451, 54414, etc., are exactly divisible by 9, because 4+4+4+1+5=18, is exactly divisible by 9. IIG. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisi- ble by 11, when the difference of the sujn of the figures PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 91 standing in the odd places^ and the sum of the figures standing in the even places, counting either way, is exactly divisible by 11. Thus, 64532146723 is exactly divisible by 11, because the difference between 27=6+5 +2+4+7+3, sum in odd places, and 16=4+3+1+6 +2, sum in even places, which is 11, is exactly divisible by 11. 117. Every number, and no other, is exactly divisible by 12, which is exactly divisible by 3 and 4. 118. The proposition in reference to 7 is true also of 13, if the numbers 1, 10, 9, are substituted respectively for 1, .3, 2. Remark 1. — Any number composed of two full periods^ with the same figures in each, and the same arrangement, is exactly divisible by 7 or 13. 144144, 305305, 101101, 352352, 111111, are eacli exactly divisi- ble by 7 or 13. Remark 2. — The number 1001, or any multiple of it, is exactly di- visible by 7, 11, or 13. FACTORING. 119. To resolve a number into its prime factors, 1. Divide the number by any prime number that will exactly divide it. 2. Divide the quotient by any prime number that will exactly divide it. 3. Continue thus till a quotient of 1 is obtained. The several divisors are the prime factors sought, EXAMPLES. 1. What are the prime factors of 13860 . 92 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. Vide 108. Vide 109. Vide 111. Vide 113. Vide 116. OPERATION. 2 13860 2 6930 , 3 3465 5 1155 7 11 231 33 The prime factors of 13860 are 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 11. 2. What are the prime factors of 4, 6, S, 12, 14, and 16? A)is. 2 and 2, etc. 3. What are the prime factors of 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, and 30 ? A71S. 2, 3 and 3, etc. 4. What are the prime factors of 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, and 42? Ans. 2,2, 2, 2, and 2. 5. What are the prime factors of 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, and 50 ? Ans. 2, 2, and 11, etc. 6. What are the prime factors of all the composite numbers between 50 and 100 ?— (Vide 100, Rem. 2.) A71S. 51=3X17, 52=2X2X13, etc. 7. What are the prime factors of 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, and 484. Ans. 121=11X11, etc. 8. What are the prime factors of 143, 187, 209, 253, 319, 341, 451, 561, 737, 913, and 957. Ans. 143=11X13, etc. PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 93 9. What are the prime factors of 371, 413, 469, 497, 623, 1001, 3003, 1309, 1463, and 1771? Last Ans. 7, 11 and 23. 10. What are the prime factors of 2940, 4620, 5460, 7140, 7690, 930, 1330, 1610, 6020, and 4350? Last Ans. 2, 3,5, 5 and 29. 11. Wliat are the prime factors of 744 ? Ans. 2, 2, 2, 3 and 31. 12. What are the prime factors of 1680 ? Ans. 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5 and 7. 13. What are the prime factors of 636 ? Ans. 2, 2, 3 and 53. 14. What are the prime factors of 1080? A71S. 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 and 5. 15. What are the prime factors of 5000? Ans. 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, and 5. 16. What are the prime factors of 221, 299, and 387? Ans. 13 and 17, etc. 17. What are the prime factors of 2431? A^is. GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR. ISO. To find the greatest common divisor of two or more numbers, Resolve the numbers into their prime factors, and then find the 2?roduct of such as are common to all the num- bers. The result will be the greatest common divisor sought. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the greatest common divisor of 168, 420, and 6006? 94 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. OPERATION 168 2 420 84 2 210 42 3 105 21 5 35 7 7 7 1 1 2 6006 3 3003 7 1001 11 143 13 13 The factors common to all the numbers are 2, 3, and 7. Hence, 2X3X7 = 42, is their greatest common divisor. 2. What is the greatest common divisor of 2, 4, and 6 ? Ans. 2. 3. What is the greatest common divisor of 4, 6, and 8? ' Ans. 2. 4. What is the greatest common divisor of 6, 8, and 10 ? Ans. 2. 5. What is the greatest common divisor of 2, 4, and 8? ^7is. 2. 6. What is the greatest common divisor of 3, 6, and 9? Ans. 3. 7. What is the greatest common divisor of 4, 8, and 12? Ans. 4. 8. What is the greatest common divisor of 8, 12, and 20? A7is.4. . 9. What is the greatest common divisor of 12, 18, and 24? Am. 6. L PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL TSTUMBERS. 95 10. What is the greatest common divisor of 24, 36, and 48 ? Ans. 12. 11. AVhat is the greatest common divisor of 14, 21, and 35 ? Ans. 7. 12. What is the greatest common divisor of 26, 39, and 52? Aiis. IS. 13. What is the greatest common divisor of 16, 24, and 48? ^ Ans.S. 14. What is the greatest common divisor of 252, 180, and 288 ? Ans. 36. • 15. What is the greatest common divisor of 144, 196, and 256 ? Ans. 4. 16. What is the greatest common divisor of 744, 1680, 636, and 1080 ?— (Vide 119, Examples 11, 12, 13, and 14.) Ans. 2X2X3=12. 17. What is the greatest common divisor of 375, 1100, 120, and 1440? Ans. 5. 18. What is the greatest common divisor of 780, 1560, 720, and 1008? Ans. 12. 19. What is the greatest common divisor of 144, 196, 256, and 324? Ans. 4. 20. What is the greatest ^common divisor of 143, 187, 209, and 253? Ans. 11. 21. W^hat is the greatest common divisor of 216, 408, 740, and 810 ? Ans. 2. 22. What is the greatest common divisor of 187, 209, 52, and 161 ?— (Vide 103, Rem.) Ans. 1 . 121. The greatest common divisor of two numbers is the greatest common divisor of the less of the two num- bers, and the difference found by taking the largest multiple of the less number, which is smaller than the 96 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. greater, from the greater number. Thus, the greatest common divisor of 36 and 136, is also the greatest common divisor of 36 and 136— 108-=28, 108 being 3X36, the largest multiple of 36 less than 136. (Vide 105.) This must be so. For any divisor of 36 also divides 36x3, and since it divides 36X3, if it divides 36x3+28, it must divide 28. There can, then, be no common divisor of 36, and 36x3+28, -which is not a common divisor of 36 and 28. Therefore the greatest common divisor of 36 and 28 is the greatest common divisor of 36 and 136. Hence, \'22. To find the greatest common divisor of two numbers, 1. Write the numbers on a line far enough from each other to draw one or two perpendicular lines between them. 2. Find the greatest multiple of the smaller, that is less than the larger, and subtract it from the larger number. ,i.--.3. Find the greatest multiple of the remainder, less than the smaller number, and subtract it from the smaller number. 4. Find the greatest multiple of this remainder, less than the previous remainder, and subtract as before, and continue the work till there is no remainder. The last integral remainder will be the greatest common divisor sought. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the greatest common divisor of 36 and 136 ? PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 97 OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) 36 28 8 8 136 108 28 24 36 28 8 8 136 108 28 24 4 Am. 4 Ans. Remark. — The multiples are found precisely as in division, and the quotient figures may be retained as in (1), or neglected as in (2). 2. What is the greatest common divisor of 285 and 465 ? Ans. 15. 3. What is the greatest common divisor of 532 and 1274 ? Ans. 14. 4. What is the greatest common divisor of 693 and 1815 ? Ans. 33. OPERATIONS. 285 465 532$ 21274 693 1815 180 285 420$ U064 429 1386 105 180 112] L 210 264 429 75 105 981 L 112 165 264 30 75 14^ r 98 99 165 30 60 98 66 99 15 33 66 66 5. What is the greatest common divisor of 1054 and 1426? Ans. 62. 9 98 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 6. What is the greatest common divisor of 725 and 3175? Ans,2^. 7. What is the greatest common divisor of 4585 and 6685 ? Am. 35. 8. What is the greatest common divisor of 4605 and 5505? Ans.U. 9. What is the greatest common divisor of 636 and 1080? of 744 and 1680? of 972 and 1260? of 3471 and 1869 ? Ans. 12, 24, 36, and 267. 10. What is the greatest common divisor of 1137 and 9475? of 3447 and 9575? of 2359 and 8425? of 1903 and 4325 ? Ans. 379, 383, 337, and 173. 11. What is the greatest common divisor of 117869 and 137773? ^ns. 311. Remark, — If there are inore than two numbers, ,find the greatest common divisor of any two of them, and then of this divisor and a third number, and so on till all the numbers have been used. The last integral remainder will be the greatest common divisor of all the members. 12. What is the greatest common divisor of 285, 465, and 35?— (Vide Ex. 2.) Ans. 5. 13. What is the greatest common divisor of 532, 1274, and 21?— (Vide Ex. 3.) Ans. 7. 14. What is the greatest common divisor of 1815, 693, 66, and 88?— (Vide Ex. 4.) Ans. 11. 15. What is the greatest common divisor of 620, 1116, and 1488 ? Ans. 124. 16. What is the greatest common divisor of 1054, 1426, and 2263? Ans. 31. 17. What is the greatest common divisor of 233, 587, and 653?— (Vide 103, Rem.) Ans. 1. 18. What is the greatest common divisor of 739, 503, and 439? * Ans. 1, I E^ PROPERTIES' OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 99 19. What is the greatest common divisor of 97343, 139639, and 206193? Ans. 311. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE. 123. To find the least common multiple of two or more numbers, 1. Write the numbers in a line, with convenient in- tervals. 2. Divide by any prime number that ivill exactly divide any two or more of them, and write the quotients and numbers not exactly divisible in a line below the given numbers. 3. Divide this line by any prime number as before, and continue to divide till no prime number, except 1, will exactly divide any two numbers in the line. 4. Multiply the divisors and numbers left in the last line together. The product will be the least common multiple sought. Remark, — If any of the given numbers will exactly divide any other of them, it may be neglected in the operation, and not affect the result. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the least common multiple of 4, 8, 9, and 21. OPERATION. 8, 9, 21 8, 3, 7 Hence, 3X8x3X7=504, is the least common mul- tiple required. ' 100 I'KOPEIITIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. The figure 4 is neglected in the operationj because it will exactly divide 8. 2. What is the least common multiple of 8, 64, and 72? ^^s. 576. 3. What is the least common multiple of 26, 39, and 52 ? A71S. 156. 4. What is the least common multiple of 14, 56, and 196? (2.) 2 64, 72 2 32, 36 2 16, 18 8, 9 OPE 13 RATIONS. (3.) 39, 52 3, 4 A71S. 392. (4.) 2 2 56, 196 28, 98 14, 49 2, 7 (2.) • 2X2X2X8X9=576. (3.) 13X3X4=156. (4.) 2X2X2X7X7=392. 5. What is the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9,12? OPERATION. 2 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 2 5, 7, 4, 9, 6 8 5, 7, 2, 9, 3 X 5, 7, 2, 3, 1 6X7X2X3=2520 Ans PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 101 6. What is the least common multiple of 7, 8, and 14? of 5, 25, and 50? of 2, 4, and 6? Ans. 56, 50, and 12. 7. What is the least common multiple of 4, 6, and 8 ? of 6, 8, and 10 ? of 2, 4, and 8 ? Ans. 24, 120, and 8. 8. What is the least common multiple of 3, 6, and 9 ? of 4, 8, and 12 ? of 8, 12, and 20 ? Ans. 18, 24, and 120. 9. What is the least common multiple of 12, 18, and 24 ? of 24, 36, and 48 ? of 8, 32, and 16 ? Ans. 72, 144, and 32. 10. What is 'the least common multiple of 8, 18, and 36 ? of 21, 42, and 14 ? of 7, 14, and 70 ? Ans. 72, 42, and 70. 11. What is the least common multiple of 9, 18, and 27 ? of 12, 16, and 20 ? of 5, 10, and 15 ? Ans. 54, 240, and 30. 12. What is the least common multiple of 2, 6, and 8 ? of 7, 14, and 21 ? of 3, 4, and 5 ? Ans. 24, 42, and 60 ? 13. What is the least common multiple of 2, 3, and 4 ? of 2, 5, and 7 ? of 3, 7, and 11. _ Ans. 12, 70, and 231. 14. What is the least common multiple of 14, 28, and 98? of 8, 14, and 35 ? of 24, 25 and 32? Ans. 196, 280, and 2400. 15. What is the least common multiple of 63, 12, 84? of 54, 63, 81 ? of 21, 35, 84 ? Ans. 252, 1134, 420. 16. "\^niat is the least common multiple of Q6, 143, 55 ? of 144, 196, 128 ? of 18, 45, 63 ? Ans. 4290, 56448, 630. 102 PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 17. What is the least common multiple of 20, 35, 80 ? of 16, 24, 56 ? of 26, 39, 65 ? Ans. 560, 336, 390. 18. What is the least common multiple of 34, 51, 85 ? of 57, 95, 133? of 69,115,161? Ans. 510, 1995, 2415. 19. What is the least common multiple of 8, 7, 10, 14 ? of 2, 6, 7, 29 ? of 14, 21, 35, 49 ? Ans. 280, 1218, 1470. 20. What is the least common multiple of 272, 238, 204, 170 ? Ans. 28560. 21. What is the least common multiple of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ? Aiis. 232792560. 134. To find the least common multiple of two numbers, (1.) Find the greatest common divisor of the numhei^s. (2.) Divide one of the members by this divisor, and multiply the quotient by the other. The product will be the least common multiple of the numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the least common multiple of 1903 and 4325 ? OPERATION. 1903 1557 346 346 4325 3806 519 346 173 Then, 1903-v-173x4325-:47575 Ans, Or, 4325-^173Xl903--47575 Aris. PROPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 103 2. What is the least common multiple of 3471 and 1869 ?— (Vide 122, Ex. 9.) Ans. 24297. 3. What is the least common multiple of 1137 and 9475 ?— (Vide 122, Ex. 10.) Ans. 28425. 4. What is the least common multiple of 3447 and 9575? J.7i.§. 86175. 5. What is the least common multiple of 2359 and 8425 ? Ans. 58975. 6. What is the least common multiple of 117869 and 137773? * ^ris. 52215967. 125. Practical Applications. 1. The diJBference between two numbers is 7, and the less number is 25. What is the greater? Ans. 32. 2. The difference between two numbers is 19, and the less number is 43. What is the greater? Ans. 62. 3. The difference between two numbers is 184, and the less is 325. What is the greater? Ans. 509. 4. The difference between two numbers is 7, and the greater is 32. What is the less? Ans. 25. 5. The difference between two numbers is 19, and the greater is 62. What is the less? Ans. 43. 6. The difference between two numbers is 184, and the greater is 509. What is the less? Ans. 325. 7. The difference between two numbers is 7, and the less is 25. What is their sura? Ans. 57. 8. The difference between two numbers is 19, and the less is 43. What is their sum ? Ans. 105. 9. The difference between two numbers is 184, and the greater is 509. What is their sum ? Aiis. 834. 104 PROPERTIES or INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 10. The sum of two numbers is 105, and tlieir differ- ence 19. What are the numbers ? Ans. 62 and 43. (1.) Add the difference to the sum, and divide by 2. (2.) Subtract the difference from the sum, and divide by 2. The result will be the numbers. Thus, (1.) (2.) 105 105 19 . 19 2)124 2) 86 62=Greater. 43:^Lcss. 11. The sum of tAvo numbers is 5, and their difference 1.4. What are the numbers ? Ans. 3.2 and 1.8. 12. The sum of two numbers is 783, and their difference 141. What are the numbers ? A71S. 462 and 321. 13. The sum of two numbers is 46.4, and the greater is 29.3. What is the less? Ans. 17.1. 14. There are ^47.32 in two boxes. One of them contains §24.85. How much money in the other? Ans. §22.47. 15. I have §323.67 in two purses. One of them contains §125.63. How much in the other? Ans. §198.04. 16. I have two purses. One of them contains §198.04, which is more money than is in the other by §72.41. How much does it contain ? Ans. 125.63. 17. My money is in two purses, both of which con- tain §323.67, and there are §72.41 more in the one tlian in the other. How many dollars in each purse ? PROPERTIES • OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 105 18. Two men together own 3521.25 acres of land, but one of them owns 45.75 acres more than the other. How many acres does each man own ? Ans. 1783.5 and 1737.75. 19. If to a certain number I add 45, the sum will be 223. What is the number? Ans. 178. 20. If from a certain number I take 34, the remain- der will be 213. What is the number ? Ans. 247. 21. If to a certain number I add 14, and then sub- tract 75 the result will be 268. What is the number? Ans. 329. 22. If from a certain number I subtract 123, and then add 329, the result will be 930. What is the num- ber ? Ans. 724. 23. The divisor of a number is 45, and the quotient is 73. What is the dividend? Ans. 3285. 24. The divisor of a number is 73, and the quotient is 45. What is the dividend ? 25. The dividend is 3285, and the quotiei\t is. 73. What is the divisor ? 26. The dividend is 3285, and the quotient is 45. What is the divisor? 27. The multiplier is 45, and the \product 3285. What is the multiplicand? 28. The multiplicand is 45, and the product 3285. What is the multiplier ? • .^ 29. If a certain number is divided by 321^ the quo- tient will be 23. What is the number ? , . ^ 30. If a cej^tain number is multiplied by 321, the product will be 7383. What is the number? 31. If a certain number is multiplied by 4, and the 106 PllOPERTIES OF INTEGRAL NUMBERS. product is then divided by 7, the quotient will be 16. What is the number ? A^is. 28. 32. If a certain number is divided by 7, and the quo- tient is then multiplied by 4, and the product increased by 46, the sum diminished by 37, the result will be 25. What is the number? 33. If to a number you add 65, and from the sum subtract 38, divide the diiference by 2, multiply the quotient by 3, the result will be 141. What is the number? Ans. 67. 34. The dividend is 251, the divisor 13. What is the remainder ? 35. The dividend is 251, the quotient 19, and the remainder 4. What is the divisor ? 36. The divisor is 13, the quotient 19, the remainder 4. What is the dividend ? 37. ^he divisor is 13, the dividen4 251, the remain- der 4. What is the quotient ? 3^ Wliat is the least number of marbles that can be divided eqiially among 2, 3, 4, or 6 boys? Ans. 12. 39. What is the least number of dollars that can be divided equally among 8, 14, or 21 men? Ans. 168. 40. A can dig 7 rods of ditch per day; B caia dig 13 rods, and C 14 rods in the same time. Wjbat isAe least number of rods that will make a number^of JBl day's ^ork for each of the three men? '* f-^^* ■^^•2* 41. A/gentleman has 145 gallons, of /ftatawbst', 203 gallons ^ Madeira, and 319 gallons of Sci^ppjernong, and he desires, to fill a number of casks of equal size without mixing or wp^ting the wine. How many gallons must each cask hold (—(Vide 121.) Ans. 29 or 1. PROPERTIES OE INTEGRAL NUMBERS. 107 42. A farmer has 482 bushels of corn, 622 bushels of wheat, and 758 bushels of barley. He wishes to fill a number of sacks of equal capacity, not mixing the grain, or leaving any out. IIo^y many bushels must each sack hold? Ans. 1 or 2 bushels. 43. A merchant has 64 silver dollars, 72 half dollars, and 144 quarters. He wishes to place an equal number of each in several drawers, not mixing them, or leaving any out. What is the least number of drawers that will answer the purpose ? Ans. 35. 44. A certain number, on being divided by 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, respectively, has a remainder on each division just one less than the divisor. What is the number ?— (Vide 123, Ex. 21.) Ans. 232792559. 45. A, B, C, and D start together, and travel the same way, round an island 500 miles in circumference. A goes 8 miles an hour, B 12, C 16, and D 20. What is the least number of hours that will bring them to- o;ether aoiain ? Ans. 125. How many times round the island will each have traveled? Ans. A 2, B 3, C 4, and D 5 times. 46. Suppose three railroad trains to start at the same time from Quito, and to run round the earth on the equator at the rate of 3G^ 60, and 75 miles an hour re- spectively. What is the least number of days in which all will arrive at Quito at the same time ? — (Vide 96, Ex. 14.) Ans. 69.1608 days. How many times round the earth will each train have gone? Ans. First 2, second 4, and third 5 times. 108 FRACTIONS. FRACTIONS NATURE OF FRACTIONS. 126. If an apple is divided into two equal parts, each part is said to be a half of the whole apple. If an orange is divided into tJwee equal parts, each part is said to be a third of the whole orange. If a line is divided into four equal iJarts, each part is said to be di, fourth of the whole line. 127. If any quantity whatever is divided into a given nuraher of equal parts, each pai^t takes a name lohich indicates the nurdher of parts into tuhich the quantity is divided. Thus, A half indicates a division into two equal parts. A third indicates a division into three equal p>arts. A fourth indicates a division into four equal p)arts. A fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, etc., indicate, when applied to any quantity, that it has been divided into five, six, seven, eight, nine, etc., equal parts. 12S. If an apple is divided into any number of equal parts, each part is a whole part or unit, and the word one may therefore be applied to it. (Vide 4.) Thus, one half, one third, one fourth, one fifth, one tenth, one twentieth, etc. More than one part may be indicated, just as more than one of any other quantity is indicated. Thus, two thirds, two fourths, three fourths, two halves, four fourths, seven tenths, nineteeii twentieths, etc., any of which expressions is called a fraction. Hence, FRACTIONS. 109 (1.) A FRACTION represents one or more than one of the equal parts of a unit. — (Vide 8.) (2.) The UNIT OF A FRACTION is the whole quantity from which the fraction is derived. (3.) A FRACTIONAL UNIT is ONE of the equal parts of the whole quantity that is divided. — (Yide 38, I.) NOTATION OF FRACTIONS. 120. The unit of a fraction may always be repre- sented by the figure 1. 130. A fractional unit is represented by drawing a horizontal line under the figure 1, and placing under- neath it the figure denoting the number of parts into which the unit of the fraction is divided. Thus, One half is represented by J. One third is " " -J. One fourth is " " J. One fifth is " " i- One sixth is " " %. One seventh is " " 4- One twentieth is " " . j*^. One eighty-fifth is represented by -i^. Remark. — The reciprocal of a number is represented by placing the number under the figure 1 in the manner of a fractional unit. Thus, the reciprocal of 2 is ^; of 3 is \] of 100 is j-^^, etc. 131. Any given number of fractional units is repre- sented by writing the given number above the line in place of the figure 1. Thus, Two thirds is represented by |. Two fourths is " " f . Three fo\irths is " " f . 110 FRACTIONS 23 S5' Two fifths is represented by Three fifths is " " Four fifths is " " Seven twentieths is " " Twenty-three eighty-fifths is represented by XS2. Properly a fraction represents a less number of fractional units than is contained in the unit of the fraction. The unit of the fraction may, however, be represented in the form of a fraction, by writing that figure above the line which denotes the entire number of fractional units contained in it. Thus, two halves is represented by §, three thirds by |, etc. 133. A greater number of fractional units than is contained in the unit of the fraction, may also be repre- sented in the form of a fraction. Thus, Three halves is represented by §. Four halves is " "...... 4 Five halves is Four thirds is Five thirds is Six thirds is Seven thirds is Seventeen sixths is 134. An integral number is jo thus, (vide 92, Rem. 2,) One and one half is represented by One and one third is represented by Two and one half is " " Three and one fifth is " " Five and three fifths is " " Eight and six thirteenths is represented by ned to a fraction 21. 5|. 8A- FRACTIONS. Ill 135. When one quantity is to be divided by another, the dividend and divisor may be written in the form of a fraction. Thus, Seven divided by five is represented by .... J One half divided by three is represented by ... | One divided by one half is represented by • • • i One third divided by one fifth is represented by . . f 3" 2 Two divided by five and one third is represented by gy Two and one half divided by three and one third is represented by rf 136. Since any fractional unit is a whole part of the unit of the fraction, it may itself he divided into any number of equal parts, and each part into any number of other equal parts, and so on to any extent whatever. Thus, a half dollar may be divided into two equal parts, and each of these into five other equal parts, etc. This division is indicated by figures, thus : One half of one half is indicated by ... J of J. One fifth of one half is " "... i of J. One fifth of one seventh is " " ... i of 4. One fifth of one third of one fourth is indicated i>y J of J- of 1. NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR. 137. In every fraction, the figure above the line indicates the number of fractional units taken. It is thence called the numerator of the fraction. 112 FK ACTIONS. 138. In every fraction the figure below tlie line in- dicates the number of equal parts into which the unit of the fraction is divided. It therefore determines the name to be applied to the fractional unit, and is thence called the denominator of the fraction. Remark 1. — The numerator and denominator taken together are called the terms of a fraction. Remark 2. — The terms of a fraction are said to be inverted when the numerator takes the place of the denominator, and the reverse. Thus, the fraction f inverted becomes |. Remark 3. — Every fraction is said to be in its lowest terms when they are prime with respect to each other. — (Vide 102.) Remark 4. — When a quantity is written in the form of a fraction^ the part above the principal line is still called the numerator^ and 1 that below, the denominator. Thus, in the expression | , one half is the numerator, and one third the denominator. CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTIONS. 139. A Simple Fraction is one whose terms are each single integral numbers. Thus, J, |, f, f, y, |J, etc.,. are simple fractions. 140. A Proper Fraction is a simple fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator. Thus, J, |, f , ?> A? IJj ^*^-? ^^® proper fractions. — (Vide 132.) 141. An Improper Fraction is a simple fraction whose numerator is equal to, or greater than, the denominator. Thus, I, I, I, f, f, V? if J ^tc., are improper fractions. — (Vide 133.) 142. A Compound Fraction is an expression consist- ing of two or more simple fractions, united by the word OF. thus, I of i, I of J, \ of I of i of I of f, are compound fractions. — (Vide 136.) FRACTIONS. ' 113 143. A Mixed Fraction is an integral number united to a proper fraction. Thus, 1^, Ij, 2^, 31, 8^^, 9^1, etc., arc mixed fractions. — (Vide 134.) 144. A Complex Fraction is a quantity written in the form of a fraction, in which one of its terms is a fraction, or both. Thus, tt^ v? vjvt,^,^^ are complex fractions. — (Vide 135.) VALUE OF A FRACTION. 145. The value of a fraction is the quotient of the numerator divided by the denominator. Remark 1. — The value of a. proper fraction is less than 1. Remark 2. — The value of an improper fraction is equal to or greater than 1. Thus, f=l; |=1 ; f=l^; V=2j etc. Remark 3. — The value of a fraction is such a part of the nu- merator as is denoted by the reciprocal of the denominator. Thus, 1=1 of 5; -|=i of 4; -|=i- of 4; |=i of 5, etc.— (Vide 127 and 130, Rem.) " PROPOSITIONS. I. The value of a fraction is not changed by multi- plying or dividing both terms by the same number. II. The value of a fraction is multiplied when the numerator is multiplied or denominator divided. III. The value of a fraction is divided when the nu- merator is divided or denominator multiplied. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 140. The reduction of a fraction consists in changing its form, or the value of its terms, without altering the value of the fraction. 10 114 FRACTIONS 147. To reduce a simple fraction to its lowest terms, Divide the numerator and denominator hy their greatest common divisor , or cancel the factors common to the nu- merator and denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce f to its lowest terms. Ans. J. 2. Reduce §, f , ^%, |, /^-, Jg, /^, and >f , each to its lowest terms. Ans -f , f, |, |, |, f, J, and f . 3. Reduce f J, f§, if J, |||, if^ ||, and |f, each to its lowest terms. Arts. J, f , |, g, ^, f , and y%. OPERATION. (Vide 115.) 9|i-||=ig==-Mn5. 4. Reduce H, -j3^ ^^^^i ^^ its lowest terms. Ans. |. 8. Reduce f ||g to its lowest terms. OPERATION. (Viae iiy, j^x. iv.; 4^2 0—2x2x3X5X7X11 ' ' Remark. — In practice a line may be drawn across the common factors, and the factors in each term not crossed must be multi- plied together. Thus, 9. Reduce -f f g to its lowest terms. FRACTIONS. 115 OPERATION. ,4 6_^X3>aXl3_3 9 A^ 10. Reduce J-JiJ to its lowest terms. Ans. {J. 11. Reduce ?J|J to its lowest terms. Aiis ^|f. 12. Reduce jii J to its lowest terms. A')is, -J|. 13. Reduce Iff § to its lowest terms. Ans. [f. 14. Reduce Jitlfl to its lowest terms. OPERATION. (Vide 122, Ex. 11.) 3ii|J.J.|B..|^ 15. Reduce Iff ? to its lowest terms. 16. Reduce -JJ|| to its lowest terms. 17. Reduce J|§f to its lowest terms. 18. Reduce |f-|J to its lowest terms. 19. Reduce |||| to its lowest terms. 20. Reduce } J|| and j%\% to their lowest terms. Ans. hi and ||. 148. To reduce a simple fraction to another fraction having a given denominator, (1.) If necessary, reduce the fraction to its lowest terms. (2.) Divide the proposed denominator by the denomi- nator of the reduced fraction. (3.) Midtiply both terms of the reduced fraction by the quotient. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce \l\% to a fraction whose denominator shall be 69. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) — 23X3 ^^ ^* 379 J^n 44 3 -^^ * ■ Ans. t\- Ans. s^- Ans. M- Ans. A- Ans. 2\- 116 FRACTIONS. 2. Reduce y°o to fractions whose denominators shall be 9, 15, 18, 21, and 27. Ans. f , J g, jf, if, and Jf. 3. Reduce !§ to fractions whose denominators shall be 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, etc. 477.9 -9- J S 18 2 1 pf« 4. Reduce f, ;|, g, and /q, to fractions whose denomi- nators shall each be 60. Ans. |J, |g, |g, and |f. 5. Reduce |, Z^, 2§5 ^'^i^d i\? t<^ fractions whose de- nominators shall each be 30. A71S. fg, §J, -Jf, and -Ig. 6. Reduce |J, J|, y'/g, and J|, to fractions whose denominators shall all be 105. Ans. /q\, -^^-g, etc. 7. Reduce f i, 4§, Jf I' ^^^^ iii' *^ fractions whose denominators shall be 280. Ans. Jl^, etc. 8. Reduce -J|, ||, ||, and [if, to fractions whose denominators shall be 60. Ans. |J, etc. 9. Reduce f |, iff, -|f }, and ||f, to fractions whose denominators shall be 504. Ans. |§J, etc. 10. Reduce Jf |, o^, f |, and /g^, to fractions whose denominators shall be 126. Ans. j^^^, etc. a fraction whose denominator Ans. If. a fraction whose denominator Ans. \2. to fractions whose denominators shall Ans. f, y, y, etc. 14. Reduce 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,^ and 20 to fractions whose denominators shall all be 17. Ans. ^iV> ¥-7% etc. 15. Reduce 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 to fr^- tions whose denominators shall be 19. Ans. Yg% t/> etc. 11. Reduce Jff J to shall be 52. 12. Reduce 3=f to ; shall be 4. 13. Reduce 5 to fraci be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. FRACTIONS. 117 16. Reduce 19 to fractions.Tvhose denominators shall be 11, 12, 13, 14, etc., to 20. Ans. \\9, ^^^^ etc. 17. How many half dollars in 23 dollars ? Ans. 46 half dollars. 18. How many quarters in 23 dollars ? Ans. 92 quarters. 149. To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction which shall be in its lowest terms, (1.) Reduce the fractional part to its lowest terms, if it is not so given. (2.) Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the reduced fraction, and add to the product the nu- merator. (3.) Write the sum over the reduced denomiiiator. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 23j|fg, 15ff§g, and 7|4§, to improper fractions in their lowest terms. — (Vide 147, Ex. 9 and 10; also, 148, Ex. 1.) OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 23i§!S-23H 154fiS-15H 7f4g=r|f SgV Ans. Y_6 J^^jg. 4_2_4 ^^^s. 2. Reduce 13f, 15|, 17|, and I^^q, to improper fractions in their lowest terms. Ans. y, V? V^ and V- S. Reduce 21f , 23/o, 27i§, and 31|f, to improper fractions in their lowest terms. J/*, W? ¥eS \V> ¥2S to mixed num- bers. Ans. ISJ^, I7J5, 20/g, 20 Jj, 20i. 7. Reduce W? \¥j W? \V? ^^^ W? to mixed numbers. j-ws. 19, \, etc. FRACTIONS. 119 8. Reduce -%^^, '"'^S^^, ^V/^ and 5f|f^ to mixed numbers. Ans. 3574, 1228^^, etc. ADDITION OF FKACTIONS. 151. To add two or more proper fractions together, (1.) Reduce the fractions to their lowest terms ^ if they are not so given. — (Vide 147.) (2.) Find the least common multiple of the reduced denominators, — (Vide 123.) (3.) Reduce each fraction to one which shall have a denominator denoted hy the least common multiple. — (Vide 148.) (4.) Add the numerators of the resulting fractions, and if the sum placed over the denominator is an improper fraction, reduce it to an integral or mixed number. — (Vide 150.) Remark. — If the given fractions all have the same denominator, their numerators should, of course, be added at once by (4.) EXAMPLES. 1. Add together f , |, |, and f^. OPERxVTION. f+i+i+A =Given fractions. i+l+f+l (Vide 147, Ex. 1 and 2.) (Vide 148, Ex. 4.) iHiHiS+ig= W^Sfi Ans, 2. Add together f , f^, J §, and ^-^.—(yide 148, Ex. 5.) ^ Ans. 2t3. 3. Add together | J, Jf . iVa. and J]-. Ans. 2-f^%. 4. Add together if, fj-, -,\%, and ^.. Ans. 2f. 5. Add together §, f i, |-f, and |i. Ans. IJ. 120 FRACTIONS. 6. Add together §, y\, -^^^ and ^V- ^'^s. Ijoo- 7. Add together A 8, 1.0 5;_8_4_^ and /gV -^^s. 2|. 8. Add together 4, f , f , and 4- -^^s. If. 9. Add together -J, f, -|, and |. ^ws. 1-J. 10. Add together I, J, i, and J. Ans. l^J. 11. Add together J, |, f , and |. ^ns. 2jf . 12. Add together |, -/g, |, and j4_^. JlWS. 2/^. 13. Add together 4, Z^, ^\, and 3%-. ^tis. Jf g. 14. Add together f |, i?-f , ifi, and -|if. ^/^§^ 3229^ 15. Add together h^, /,%, ff, and ^%\. Ans. 1{^. 16. Add together |, -j^, 4, f , and ^^g. J.?zs. 2/^. 17. Add together y/^g and ^Z^^.— (Vide 124, Ex. 1.) Ans. 44J45. 18. Add together -^^^j and yj§^. ^tis. of oIt-. 19 Add together y 1^377 and 9 yV?- ^ns. 5/4^0 5. Kemark. — When mixed numbers are required to be added, add the sum of the fractional parts to the sum of the integral numbers. 20. Add together 3j and 4j; also, 7j and 6| ; also, 14| atid 135. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 3i= =3^ n=n 14i=14|f H= =4A ^=^ 13f=13|§ 7A Ans. 14i Ans. 28|f Ans. 21. Add together 13f and 14|. Ans. 28J. 22. Add together 171 and 18 fV Ans. 36iJ. 23. Add together 21f and 23,8^-. Ans. 45 J. 24. Add together 17||andl6|?. Aws. 34^. FRACTIONS. 121 25. Add together 4j, 3j, 4i, and 6|. Ans. 18io §. 26. Add together 7^, ISj^^-, 16|, and 5j. Ans. 42f 3.. 27. Add together 4i, 2i, 28|f, and 29j-J. 28. Add together 9i, 8^^, 7o^5, and 65. ^7^s. 64|. Ans. 89f f. 29. Add together 1 J and 2i ; also, Sj and 4J ; also, 2| and Ij; also, Ij and 2j. ^"*' ^15? '"30? "^Bf ^40* 30. Add together 4Jq and 3^^; also, 2 J^ and 5-J; also, 5J3 and 7^^. Ans. 7/- 7/^; 12/^. 31. Add together 2^ and 1 J^ 5 ^^so, 3Jj and 4J- ; also, 51 and 3J. ^ns. 3|f ; 7if ; 8/0- 32. Add together 3f and 4f ; also. If and 5| ; also, 4|and6|. Am.7U; 6fi; llji. SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. XS2. To subtract one proper fraction from another, (1.) Reduce the fractions to their lowest terms, if they are not so given. (2.) Find the least common multiple of the reduced de- nominators, and reduce each fraction to the denominator denoted by it. (3.) Take the numerator of the subtrahend from that of the minuend, and place the difference over the denomi- nator. — (Vide 150, Rem.) EXAMPLES. . From 1 take 2\- 2. From 1% take 1% 11 3. From Jl take hh ^ >•"' - 12-2 FRACTIONS. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (8.) 8 — /f 1% — 1\ if — ii Given fractions. 1. .3-_i 13. 3 8 4 1^ (Vide 147.) i-f-^ A718. l-i=^iAns. ||-i|-3^^^s. (Vide 148.1 4. What is the value of |-A? of |-|? of jl.—^^'i of A-^r' ^^^^- 8%; T6; §§; f- 5. What is the value of i— A? of J— J^V of ^—^J 6. What is the value of y%— §'? of Ji — J? of Ji— |? 7. What is the value of /f— 1\? of |— ^? of 4— _i-? of 6 189 J ^,9 1. 7. 37. 1 8. From {J.j take «|. ^?«8. J,. 9. From f || take f|9, j^^s^ _i^^ 10. From Hf take f|J. ^^s. 1. 11. From ^^%% take 5%. J.^s. ^. 12. From 34^^ take y^V?- ^^s- ^eVf 5- 13. From ^g^^^ take ^f^^. A7is. ^gV^^. 14.' From j^%^ take 34^^,-. J.ws. ^ J/g^. 15. From ^/g^ take ^4^-5. ^ws. olfl^. Remark 1. — A proper fraction is taken from 1 by writing the dif- ference between the numerator and denominator over the denominator. Thus, 1—3^1 since f — | = 1 (Vide 132.) And 1—^^=3^ since \l—^^=3^ 16. From 1 take §, |, J, J, a, |, f , |, |, and f yd 790 1 1 4 1 2 p + p yiAts. 25 -3, 5, 2, 3, eio. 17. From 1 take J§, /„ J|, ,*t, /„ Jg, and |J. ^- 18. From 3 take §, |, Ans •5^0 1 5 ? 2 2"? iJ, etc, 1, 4,i, 5 A, and sV 4??s. Ol, 01 04 25, etc, FRACTIONS. 19. Findthe value of 9— J§; of 24— ^^. ; of37— '«; of 86-/^. Ans. 8/^; 23||; 36 Ji; 85/^. 20. Find the value of 4— f ; of 121— J§ ; of 187—^^ ; of 2145-IJ-. Ans. 3|; 120,^^; 186,3^; 2144f. 21. From 8 take 24.. 22. From 4j take 3J-. 23. From 5i take 3 OPERATIONS. (21.) (22.) (23.) 8 4j-4i 5i=5§ 51 Ans. 1| Ans. 1| Ans. The first two examples need no explanation. In the last, having reduced the fractional parts to the same denominator, the numerator of the upper fraction is added to the difference hetiveen the terms of the lower fraction for the numerator of the ansiver. This is the same as adding a fractional unit, in terms of the reduced fraction, to the upper fraction, and then subtracting the lower fraction. Thus, |+§ — i=i. The true difference is preserved by adding 1 to the lower integral number, before taking i.t from that above it. Hence, Remark 2. — Always proceed in this way when the fractional part of a mixed subtrahend is greater than that of the minuend. 24. From 28i take l^. ■ Ayis. 14j 25. From 36ji take 17f . Ans. 18f 26. From 45| take 23/^. Ans. 21|. 27. From 34i take 17J J. Ans. 16f . 28. From 123| take 45/^. Ans. 1^^^, 4 FRACTIONS. 29. From 106| take 103g. Ans. 3 J. 30. From 165/j- take 63^^. Ans. 102//^-. 31. From 71Ji take 3f J. Ans.QlUi. 32. From 19^- take lOff. Alls. 8|||. 33. From 55j% take 37i-gi. Ans. 17lil. 34. From 25jV5 take 18|4|. Ans. 6i|. 35. From 122 J take 16 j|. Ans. 105f f . 36. From 1345f take 237|. Ans. 1107f i. 37. From 1000 take 555 j\. A71S. 4:4:4: ^^j. Remark 3. — Improper fractions may be subtracted precisely like proper fractions, but it is generally much better to reduce them to mixed numbers before subtracting. Thus, .8 1 — 8 8—1 44—1 42 (Vide Ex. 24.) MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. 153. To multiply a simple fraction by an integral number, (1.) Multiply the numerator by the integral number, and plaee the product over the denominator; or, (vide 145, II,) _ . . (2.) Divide the denominator by the integral number, if it is exactly divisible, and place the quotient under the numerator. Remark 1; — All answers should be integral numbers, mixed numbers, or proper fractions. — (Vide 150, Rem.) EXAMPLES 1. Multiply I by 10. Ans. 6. 3. Multiply f by 6. 4. Multiply T^y by 2. Ans. 1\. Ans. fo-. 6. Multiply Jy by 5. Ans. 2\. 6. Multiply ^jy by 4. Ans. 1^. 7. Multiply \l by 15. Ans. ^. 8. Multiply V by 14. Ans. 24. FRACTIONS. 125 9. Multiply I by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Ans. If, 2|, 3i, etc. 10. Multiply 1^ by 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Ans. 7f^g, 8i, etc. 11. Multiply JJ by 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 100. Ans. 13f , 17, etc. Remark 2. — Any simple fraction multiplied by its denominator produces the numerator for a product. Thus, VX5-17; f|fX163=2o9. 154. To multiply a mixed number by an integral number, (1.) Multiply the fractional part as in 153. (2.) Multiply the integral part as in 80. (3.) Add the products together. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 4| by 10. 2. Multiply 7| by 6. 3. Multiply 9/5 by 5 • OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 4f (vide Ex. 1, 153.) 7i (vide Ex. 3.) 10 6 9/g (vide Ex. 5.) 5 46 Ans. 44 i Ans. 47| A71S. 4. Multiply 27/3 by 2. Am. 54} J. i 5. Multiply 29/0 by 4. Ans. 117|. 6. Multiply 121 § by 15. Ans. 1831. 7. Multiply 15f by 5. Ans. 78. 8. Multiply 13| by 18. Ans. 250. 9. Multiply 14/^ by 34. Ans. 486. 126 FRACTIONS. 10. Multiply 1311 by 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Last Ans. 260^^^. Remark, — A complex fraction may be reduced to a simple frac- tion bj/ multiplying both terms of the fraction by the least common mul- tiple of the denominators of the fractional part s^. 11. Reduce |, -f, and ~^ to simple fractions. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 3X4 T^^^^- 6ix6-3^^^'^* 3^-3^X10-31-11 ^''^- • 1 1 1 1 1 -2_ 33 ' < 12. Reduce rf, rf, r|, and rf, to simple fractions. ^3 ^S ^1 ^¥ ^^s- hh A. h and |. 13. Reduce J, r? "?5 and -_% to simple fractions. J_?2S. -/o5 14, I, and ^%. 14. Reduce |, ?^, | |, ^, and ^^, to simple f^^^ti^^l- ^ ^ ^^.. 4?, il, Y, etc. 155. To multiply an integral number by a simple fraction, ' (1.) Divide the integral number hy the denominator of the fraction, and multiply the quotient hy the nu- merator ; or, (2.) Multiply the integral number by the numerator of the fraction, and divide the p)roduct by the denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 20 by f . 2. Multiply 60 by ^\. 3. Multiply 76 by J |. Ans. 15, Ans. 16, Ans. 26, FRACTIONS. 127 4. Multiply 169 by J|. 5. Multiply 5 by y\. 6. Multiply 320 by /g. 7. Multiply 480 by j|. 8. Multiply 75 by f . 9. Multiply 87 by ^f . 10. Multiply 147 by /g. 11. Multiply 1728 by J, 5 7 ^5 9_ 1 ; ^ns. 156. J.?25 ^2f J-TiS. 180. Ans. 440. Ans. 64f. Ans ■.39. Ans. lOi. , and U' Last Ans. 1692. 156. To multiply two or more simple fractions to- gether, Place the product of the numerators over that of the denominators. Remark 1. — The rule applies also to tlie reduction of compound fractions to simple ones, EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply I by | ; that is, find the value of g of |. OPERATION. fX?-/5^^^^- 2. Multiply i by |. Ans. |, 3. Multiply 1 by f . , Ans. IJ, 4. Multiply f by ji. ^ns. if, 5. Multiply ^ by II Ans. If?, 6. Multiply f by |. ^^s. If. 7. Multiply ,^3 by y. Ans. .v.. 8. • Multiply 1 by f J.WS. if. 9. Multiply II by If. ^r^s. f if 10. Multiply 1 by | of f. Ans. 3^0. 11. Multiply ,3, of 1 by f . ^?js. -igl, 12. Multiply i of 1 by ^' of |>. Ans. 4||. 128 FRACTIONS. 13. Multiply V of i ^J A- ^^^' ioi- 14. Multiply f of I of /j by V._(yi(ie 147, Ex. 9.) Remark 2. — All the factors common to the numerators and de- nominators should be canceled before multiplying. 15. Multiply f of V of V ^J t\- OPERATION. f X V X V X i\. Given fractions. ^ ^^ ^X^ ^ ^X2X2 ^ ^X^~^' 16. Multiply f I of fl of J by /g. ^tzs. f. . 17. Slultiply f § of 1/ of V by J^. J.m. 8. ■ _18. Find tlje value of fX VX^j^. A71S. 511 1. 19. Findthe^valueof JfXfJXfXlXV- ' A71S. 58f §. V » 20. Find the value of ;|gXVXifgX|X-|Xf. . \ /. ' ^^«- 24j3y. # '21, Find the value of ^X V-X|fgX4Xi>^f * % >-^ ■' . A71S. s^di. ♦ , ^2. -^Firid the value of %^ X 3^- >^10. Ans^20. ' GENERAL RULE. V '^ 5f 157. To multiply fractional numbers, ^. *^ • ' (1.) In compound fractions consider the word of as a sign of multiplication. (2.) Reduce complex fractions, integral and mixed numbers, to simple fractions. (3.) Cancel all the factors common to the numerators and denominators. (4.) Multiply the remaining factors of the numerators FRACTIOXS. 129 iog ether, and also those of the deiiominators, forming a simple fraction of the products. — (Vide 153, Rem. 1.) Remark. — The best mode of canceling common factors will be learned by practice. It is hardly ever necessary to resolve each term into lis prime factors. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 2^X61x31X1^3X2x1, forming a simple inber. OPERATION. fraction or integral nuinber, ^ ^ ^ 73 1 // 1 Draw a line across 4 and 32, writing 8 in place of 32. 2. Multiply 2 J by 2h # Ans. 61. 3. Multiply 61 by 61. ^ ^ ^ -Ans. Z^-^^. 4. Multiply 31 by H. r4Nl Ans. l^. 5. Multiply 2i by ^. ^ ^ ^ Ai^. 1^\. 6. Jiultiply 5^ by:5i/' Ans. 30i. "7.' fli^tiply XQV^y 16^. Ans. 272i. 8. Multiply 4i; byv4i.^i% Ans. 20i. 9. Multiply 7i by 1'^ig > Ans. h^. 10. Multiply ^ by^3j t ^ .Aws. 8f . 11. Multiply i\ hj!%. Ans. 1. ,12. Multiply 8^ by 3 J^. Ans. 2B. 13. Multiply 91 by 2^\. Ans. 18J. JL4. Multiply 3} by 3^^. ' Ans. 9 J. 15. Multiply 21 by 4^6. Ans. 8f. 16. Find the value of I4x||-X^. OPERATION. fifXTViXlg. (Vide 154, Rem.) mX4 5X10 5X3 _ ^ 3 . 113X5^3X47 ^5X2~-^^- ^'''' X) niACTIONS. J 17. Find the value of ?X^x4 Am. |. 18. Find the value of ^X^fX^f • Am. 1/A. 19. Find the value of ^X#,X^X207. Am. 16|. 20. Find the value of 4 X 8 ^^ X f X V X 24 J. J.72S. 614^. 21. Find the value of |^x||xgx^. Am. If. 22. Find the value of f X^^X^xp'. Am. ^%^^%. 23. Find the value of V/XyX— ^xSx^ of ^ " 465 3^ 2^ ' X5i. ^^s. 132. 24. Find the value of 1 § x 3^0,0 x § X | X ^s"" X 15. Ans. 120. 25. Find the value of T\X|X|Xy. Am. 1^. 26.. Find the value of IxO/^Xf X4|X8|. Am. 240|. 27. Find the value of f gX }iX V0VXI8. Ans. 9. 28. Find the value of 5iX5i XS^. Ans. 166|. 29. Find the value of 3^ x^lxS^ X3|. A71S. 150 Jg DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 158. To divide a simple fraction by an integral number, (1.) Divide the numerator by the integral number, if it is exactly divisible, and place the quotient over the de- nominator; otherwise, FRACTIONS. 131 (2.) Multiply the denominator hy the integral nitmher, and place the product under the numerator. — (Vide 145, III.) EXERCISES. 5. Divide | by 5. Am. -^. 6. Divide y by 4. Ans. 1^^. 7. Divide %^ by 13. Ans. If. 8. Divide f| by 19. Ans. ^. 2. Divide ^% by 18. Ans. ^^ 3. Divide y by 36. Ans. ^\. 4. Divide ^ by 51. Ans. ji-^. 9. Divide JiJ§ by 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. A.71S. 2 2 0' 2 4 05 ^^^' 10. Divide ^^g^ ]by 17; s^o^e by 18; ^^^^ by 19, and 36ihv1Q ' An9 §' 1^- g and J 9 150. To divide a mixed number by an integral number. Reduce the mixed number to an improper fraction, and then divide as in 158. EXERCISES. 1. Divide 2J by 5.— (Vide Ex. 5, 158.) 2. Divide 7 J by 8. Ans.'\l. 3. Divide 9| by 12. Ans. f . 4. Divide Ij by 2. Jltis. f. 5. Divide 5f by 4. J.?is. l/^- 6. Divide 2-i by 5. A71S. /g. 7. Divide If by 36. Ans. ^^. 8. Divide 41 by 6. ' Ans. ^^. 9. Divide ^ by 11. J.7is. f . 10. Divide 5j by 13. A71S. §. Remark 1. — If the dividend is larger than the divisor, its inte- gral part may be first divided for the integral part of the answer; then divide the remainder united ^ the fractional part of the divi- dend for the fractional part of the answer. 132 FRACTIONS. 11. Divide 27-1 by 5; 71^ by 8; and 153f by 12. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 5)271 8)711 12)153f 5/5(yideEx.l) 8li(yideEx.i 2.) 12|(VideEx.3.) 12. Divide 54i| by 2. Ans. 27/^. 13. Divide 117i by 4. Ans. Ex. 5, 154. 14. Divide 1831 by 15. Ans. Ex. 6, 154. 15. Divide 150/g by 11. . Ans.lS}^. 16. Divide 1641 by 12. Ans. im. 17. Divide 471 by 5. A71S. 9/5. 18. Divide 441 by 6. Ans. 7|. 19. Divide 100 by 3. Ans. 331. 20. Divide 1274J by 11, 12,1^ 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Ans. 115||, 106^4, etc. Remark 2. — If the divisor is a composite number, it is usually best to divide first by one of the component parts, and the resulting quotient by another part, and so on till all the component parts are used. 21. Divide 4567f by 25, 32 and 51. OPEKATIONS. (1-) (2.) (3.)- 5)4567| 4)4567| 3)4567f 5) 913>-J Ans. 8)1141}i 142 i»A Ans. 17)1522/^ 182tV0 89i-Jf Ans. 22. Divide 34027f by 36, 42, 65, 56, 72, and 49. Ans. 945,^6, 810, Vg, ^23,^6, etc. FRACTIONS. 133 23. Divide 72431 i by 15, 21, 28, and 35. Ans, 4828f 3, 3449 Z^, etc. 160. To divide an integral number by a simple fraction, Multiply the whole niimher hy the denominator of the fraction, and divide the product by the numerator ; or, Invert the divisor, and then multiply t?s m 155, (2.) — (\^ide 138, Rem. 2.) EXERCISES. 1. Divide 15 by f. Ans. 20. 2. Divide 16 by j\. Am f. Ex. 2, 155. 3. Divide 26 by ^f. Ans. Ex. 3. 4. Divide 156 by a|. Ans. Ex. 4. 5. Divide 3 by 5. ^ns. 2i. 6. Divide 49 by J. Ans. 28. 7. Divide 57 by '/. J.71S. 24. 8. Divide 32 by V- J.??s. 114. 9. Divide 45 by J, |, f. h h\h 1 6 16? V, and ^%. Ans. 90, 67J, 60, etc. 10. Divide 4290 by f f , VoS ^^^l f |. ^ns. 2015, etc., (vide 123, Ex. 16.) 11. Divide 28560 by ^p, ^f ^ YrS and V/- ^ns. 525> 840, 1540, 2184. 161. To divide one simple fraction by another, Invert the divisor, and then place the product of the numerators over that of the denominators. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide f by |. 2 Divide | by |. Ans. \ Ans. 134 14 FRACTIONS. 3. Divide | J by |. Ans. |. 4. Divide §1 by J J. Ans. If. 5. Divide f^_o.^^ II . JLtzs. ^^. 6. Divide 3y, by i|. A71S. |. 7. Divide Jgf by |f. ^Tis. /r- 8. Divide | by f . Ans. Jf . 9. Divide -/ by |. ^/^s. 10. 10. Divide J| by V- J.n.s. 1^\. 11. Divide If? by ]J. Ans. ;|. 12. Divide |f | by If. ^7ZS. if. 13. Divide J by f. Ans. Ex. 14, 154. 14., Divide ^% by j%. Ans. Ex. 13, 154. GENERAL RULE. 162. To divide fractional numbers, (1.) In compound fractions consider the tvord of as a sign of multiplication. (2.) Reduce complex fractions^ integral and mixed numbers, to simple fractions. (3.) Invert each of the reduced or given simple frac- tions considered as divisors, (4.) Cancel all the factors common to the numerators and denominators of the simple fractions. (5.) Multiply the remaining factors of the numerators together, and also those of the denominators, forming a simple fraction of the products. — (Vide 153, Rem. 1.) EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 4 of § of 5i by if of 48. OPERATION. 4X|XVXifX^xV5=/6 ^ns. FRACTIONS. 135 2. Divide f of | by J of 2^. Ans. Jf. 3. Divide 39-jig by 6\. Ans. Gj. 4. Divide 272} by 16\, Am. 16j. 5. Divide 3061 by 17 J. Ans. 17^. 6. Divide f of J/ by ^\ Ans. 1. • 7. Divide 1419^X11X^5 by ^. ^?is. 2f. 8. Divide i|x^ by ^,Xl8f . Ans. f . 9. Divide 4iX^" by %^X~. Ans. I. 10. Find the value of ^X-f divided by ^XlOj. Ans. ii^. 11. Find the value. of |X^ divided by ?X^X^| X^-lf . ^^^ ^ • ^.;. i-. ' 12. Find the value of ilX^Xyi divided by ^X 167 ^ 6f 13. Find the value of 2i- divided by 5i. Ans. Ex. 14, 154. 14. Find the value of ?±-^. Ans. Ex. 14, 154. 15. Find the value of ^4- -^^s- lA- 16. Reduce | to a fraction whose denominator shall be 4.— (Vide 148.) Ans. ^. 17. Reduce J| to a fraction whose denominator shall be 2J.— O^ide 154, Ex. 12.) Ans. ^. 3 18. Reduce J J to a fraction whose denominator shall be 5i. Ans. rr. X^. ^ns. 5if. H 136 FRACTIONS. REDUCTION OF COMMON FRACTIONS TO DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 163. To reduce a simple fraction to a decimal fraction, Divide the numerator hy the denominator. — (Vide 92, Rem. 3, and 145.) EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce J, |, |, and ]|, to decimal fractions. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) 2)1.0 . 4)3.00 8)5.000 16)13.0000 .5 Ans. .75 Ans. .625 Ans. .8125 Ans. 2. Reduce ^-q, ^l^, iJif? ^^^ IS *^ decimal frac- tions. — (Vide 94 and 95, Rem. 3.) Ans. .1, .03, 1.728, and .925. 3. Reduce -||, H, ff, ^^-3%, ^i^, i^%, and if to deci- mal fractions. Ans. .4, .85, .5, .025, .128, .096, and .36. 4. Reduce ^y^, J/^, ,-%, /„ hi, |f, and ,-Ji^ to decimal fractions. Ans. .06640625, .08, .4, .25, .48, .0765625, .006875. 5. Reduce ^fS n^, f§, i§, 0^, ||, and W to decimal fractions. Ans. 30.25, 35.2, 2.0625, 1.2, 4.09375,1.171875, 5.08. 6Rp(lnPP 3 26 7 210 80 24 nrifl 5 1 f^ /Ippi'mnl fractions. Ans. 1.5, 2.5 .28, 8.75, .128, 1.6, and .75. 7. Reduce 1^, 3j, 81, 6/^, 30f, 35f, and 7S to mixed decimals. ^?zs 1.5, 3.25, 8.2, 6.7, 30.75, 35.6, and 7.625. FRACTIONS. 137 8. What is the value of ^3^, $4|, $7f , $Sl, and ^6\ |? Ans. $3.50, §4.625, |7.75, §8.20, and §6.81i. Remark. — If the denominator of a fraction in its lowest terms contains a prime factor other than 2 or 5, the value of the fraction can not be exactly expressed by a decimal. The exact value may, however, be preserved by placing the excess of fractional units to the right of the quotient, stopping the division at pleasure. 9. Reduce ^, |, f.j, f, |, and y\ ^^ mixed decimals. Ans. .331, .16§, .416f , .66|, .83J, and .583i. 10. Reduce |, J^, fj, |, f J, |f, and || to mixed decimals. Ans. .4281, .06|, .846/3, .33^, 1.16f , .66|, and 1.66f . 11. What is the value of $7^, |4|, |6|, $8J, and §12 J^? A71S. §7.33J, |4.83i, |6.66|, ?8.773, and |12.06|. 164. To reduce a decimal fraction to a common fraction in its lowest terms, (1.) For the numerator of the fraction, write the figures composing the given number. (2.) For the denominator, write 1, with as many cij)he7's annexed as there are decimal places in the given number. (3.) Reduce the resulting fraction to its loivcst terms. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce .5, .75, .625, and .8125 to simple fractions. OPEKATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) ,»,=jAns. j\%=\Am. {ii-,=lAm. -^^yii,^\lArw. 12 138 FRACTIONS. 2. Reduce .06640625 and 30.25 to simple fractions. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) or (2.) 3. Reduce .25, .85, .55, .125, .135, and .325 to simple fractions. Aiis. i, JJ, J i, -J, i^\, and i-§. 4. Reduce .025, .0085, .9375, .0008, and .16 to simple fractions. Ans. J^, ^ij^, i|, ^ J^o' and 5*^. 5. Reduce .34375, .1328125, and .203125 to simple fractions. Ans. J J, y^g, and ||. 6. Reduce $3.50, $4,625, $7.75, §8.20, and $3.40 to dollars. Ans. $3j, $4|, $7f , $8|, and $3f. Remark. — "When there is an irreducible fraction at the end of the decimal, (1.) Consider the given number as integral^ and reduce it to an im- proper fraction. (2.) Annex to the denominator as many ciphers as there are decimal p)laces in the given number. (3.) Reduce the resulting fraction to its lowest terms. 7. Reduce .428|, .066|, and .83j to simple fractions. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) .428f .066| .83i 3000 S-d/Mo 200 1 J*iQ 2 50 5 A'i'}^ 8. Reduce .47J, 4.7|, 47.33i, .047^, and .43J to simple or mixed fractions. ^ns. ^5^5, 4j-i, 47^, tJJ^, and J^. 9. Reduce .473j, .33^, .45|, .125^, and .25| to simple fractions. Ans. -jVo> irs^ ft? /^^j ^^^ «o- FRACTIONS. 189 10. Reduce §7.33|, |4.83|, |7.25J, |0.754f, and |4.50f to dollars. Ans. $7J, Uh ^n, Psih and |4f|. 11. Add together $240,172, §120.75f , and §255.136f . Ans. $616,066^. 12. Add together $5.87|, $3,187^, and |2|. ^ ^718. $11,687^. 13. Add together |, .066f , and .8]. OPERATION. 1= .4281 .066| M= .833A 1.328f=:lf g Ans. 14. Add together f , .18|, and 7-|. Ans. 8.7652|=8f |i. 15. From $25.41 take $17|. Ans. $7.66. 16. From $28,026 take $19.15|. Ans. $8.872f . 17. From $12.25 take $8i. J^ns. $3.75. 18. From $5| take $4.25. Ans. $1,08 «. 19.* From $6i take $5.25. Aiis. $1.00. 20. From $7f take $1|. " ^?^s. $6.58'. 165. Problems Involving Preceding Principles. 1. If a horse consume ^ a bushel of oats in one day, I of a bushel in another, | of a bushel in another, and f of a bushel in another, how many bushels are con- sumed in the four days? — (Vide 151, Ex. 1.) Ans. 2|g bushels- 140 FKACTIONS. 2. If I buy 4 of ^ yard of ribbon at one store, y\ at another, o^- ^^ another, and -f^ at another, hoAV many yards have been purchased? — (Vide 151, Ex. 13.) Ans. if J yards. 3. A man bought two pieces of cloth, one containing 13f yards, and the other 14| yards. How many yards in both pieces ?— (Vide 151, Ex. 21.) Ans. 28^ yards. 4. In one pile of wood I have 4 J cords; in another 3J cords; in another 4i; and in another 6^ cords. How many cords of wood in the four piles? — (Ex. 25) Ans. 18j2§ cords. 5. If I make purchases to the amount of 'fl7|-| at one time, and §16|| at another, how many dollars have I expended in all?— (Ex. 24.) Ans. $34i. 6. If I travel 47 f miles in one day, 33 ig in another, and 19 in another, how many miles have I traveled in all? Ans. 100 miles. 7. Add together §4.25i, §3.37 J, §6.753, and §7.52 j^,. Ans. §21.91. ' 8. Add together §240.17^, §120.75|, and §255.13f . A9is. §616.06J2. 9. Add together §16.254, §40.20|, §13.60 J, and §24.035. Ans. §94.094 J. 10. What is the difference between § of a dollar and 2'j- of a dollar?— (Vide 152, Ex. 1.) A7is. §0.16|. 11. What is the difference between §3.00 and -| of a dollar ? Ans. §2.25. 12. From a cask of wine containing 8 gallons, 2J gallons were drawn. What quantity remained in the cask?— (Vide 152, Ex. 21.) "^Ans. 5j gallons. FRACTIONS. 141 13. If I purchase flour at 3 J dollars per barrel, and sell it for 5| dollars, ^'hat doJ^ gain? Ayis. |1.83j. 14. A farmer sold 55 y^j- ajp^ from a farm of 100 acres. IIow many acre^did lie s^ own? ^ A71S. 4:4: f^ acres. 15. If I buy a'p'iece of land for |1 03.33 J, and sell the same for $106.66 f, Avhat do I gain ? Ans. $3.33 J. 16. A merchant bought a piece of cloth containing 123| yards, and from it sold 45j'^(j yards. How many yards remained? Ans. 78 /^ yards. 17. A railroad train has 13 1 hours in which to run 550 miles. Having run lOj hours, the conductor finds that only 41 6| miles have been made. What distance is yet to be run, and in what time? Ans. 133 J miles in 2| hours. 18. From 1000 yards of cloth I sold at one time 479j'^g yards, and at another 275 1. How many yards have I still on hand? A71S. 245 /g. 19. A merchant bought at one time 234| yards of cloth, at another time 753y'^Q yards, and sold of the two lots 843^^ yards. How much cloth has he yet on hand? Ans. 145 i yards. 20. I bought 30 cords of wood for $105 J-, and sold 17 cords of the wood for $65,25. If I sell the remain- ing 13 cords for $45^, how much do I gain in the trans- actions? Ans. $5,585. 21. The sum of two numbers is 4b^ ; one of them is 23/2-. What is the other ?— (Vide 151, Ex. 23.) Ans. 21|. 22. The difference between two numbers is J, and the less is 4|. What is the greater? Ans. 4|. 23. The difference between two numbers is 13?, and 142 FRACTIONS. the greater is 28 f|. What is the less? — (Vide 151, Ex. 20, (3.) ^ .^ A71S. 14f . 24. The difference betA^kn two nuiflbers is 184i, and the greater is 509^. What il the sumVf^the two num- bers?— (Vide 125"rte*x. 9.) . " • ' Ans. 8343^. 25. The sum of two numbers is 34^3, and one of them is 16||. What is the other? Ans. ITJ. 26. The sum of four numbers is 89ff. Three of the numbers are 65, 7^^, and SjL. What is the fourth? Ans. 9^. 27. A farmer, who had wheat worth |4325.75, sold at one time 120 bushels for $135 J ; at another time 45J "imshels for §70 1 ; and at another time 87| bushels for /, »; ii60. What is the value of the 4000 bushels he still . finds he has on hand? Ans. $4019.58 J. '^^ *^ 4 lOO, To find the cost of a number of things, when jy^ 1!||e cost of one i^ given, **^^ iKidtipm the cost of one hy the .numher of tilings. The t* ^ plbduct ^vi'il be the cost of the w^hole. — (Vide 82.) ^ •*. ^*28f^If*lt yard of cloth cost | of a dollar, what will *'*-4^;^ards cost? (Vide 153, Ex. 1.) 15 yards? 20? 40? J.ns. $6.00, etc. 29. If a pound of butter cost | of a dollar, what will 6 pounds cost? (Vide 153, Ex. 3.) 8 pounds? 12? 20? Alls. $2.25, etc. 30. If a pound of raisins cost ^^ of a dollar, what will 5 pounds cost? (Vide 153, Ex. 5.) 10 pounds? 12? 15? 20? Ans. $2.33 J, etc. 31. At J§ of a dollar a pound, what will 15 pounds of beef cost? (Vide Ex. 7.) 20 pounds? 30? 45? 60? Ans. $3.25, etc. FRACTIONS. 143 32. At J I of a dollar a bushel, what will 20 bushels of apples cost? (Vide Ex. 11.) 25 bushels? 30? 35? 40? Ans. §13.60, etc. 33. If a ton of hay cost |27i^3, what will be the cost of 2 tons? (Vide 154, Ex. 4.) 3 tons? 4? 5? 12? Ans. 154.76; I, etc. 34. If one coat cost 13 J | dollars, what will be the cost of 11 coats? 12? 13? 14? 15? Ans. $150,561, etc. 35. If a ton of hay cost $20, what will | of a ton cost? (Vide 155, Ex.'l.) | of a ton? ^^'i -/^? ' '\ ^ ^ ^^ Ans. $15.00, etc. 36. If a bale of cott<)^ cost ,^6p, what will /g of a bale cost ? (Vide Ex. 2.) " ^\'? .^% ? 'i § ? |J ? Ans. $16.00, etc. 37. When flour is woYtJi $5 a barrel, what is the value of j^5 of a barrel? o%? -/^ ? J§? Ans. $2,331, etc. 38. If a flock of sheep is wbrth $1728, what are | of it worth"? ^'^ l'^ A? -9 ? 13? 4 7 7' Ans. $1382.40, etc. 39. If an acre of land is worth $128, what are -| of it worth? ^'^ -%.*? -K'^ -5- *? Si? is? Ans. $112.00, etc. 40. If a yard of cloth cost § of a dollar, what are | of a yard worth?— (Vide 156, Ex. 1.) Ans. $0.174 . 41. If a yard of cloth cost f of a dollar, what are f of a yard worth? Ans. $0,174. 42. If a pound of tea cost \ of a dollar, what cost f of a pound? (Vide 156, Ex.~2.) | of a pound? 4? i ? ^ ? A71S. 37i cents, etc. 144 FRACTIONS. 43. If silk is worth || of a dollar a yard, what are ^\ of a yard worth? Ji? ^\ ? ff ? Ans. ?0.112|0f. 44. What will -^\ of a pound of tea cost at J of a dollar a pound? f? |? |? J of ^ of a dollar a pound? • Last Ans. $0.07 o\. 45. At 2 J cents each, what will be the cost of 2h apples? (Vide 157, Ex. 2.) Sj? 4j? 4i? 12i ? 12i? Ans. 6\ cents, etc. 46. At 16^ dollars an acre, what will 16^ acres of land cost? 25|? SO-J? 401? 75|? JLtis. |272.25. 167. To find the cost of one thing when the number of things and the cost of the whole are given, Divide the cost of the tvhole hy the number of things. The quotient will be the cost of one. — (Vide 96.) 47. If 2 yards of cloth cost f of a dollar, what will one yard cost?— (Vide 158.) Ayis. $0.16|. 48. If 18 yards of ribbon cost ^^ of a dollar, what will one yard cost? Ans. 2\ cents. 49. If 5 sheep cost 27j dollars, what will be the price of one sheep? — (Vide 159, Ex. 11, (1.) Ans. |5.46f . 50. If 8 yards of broadcloth are worth 71 J dollars, what is one yard worth ? Ans. -$8.9 If 51. If 12 acres of land cost 153| dollars, what will one acre cost? Ans. §12.80. 52. If 6 pounds of butter cost 2 J dollars, what will one pound cost? Ans. 37^ cents. 53. If 9 bushels of wheat cost 10^- dollars, what will one bushel cost? Ans. $1.16|. 54. If 4 acres of land cost fll7|. Avliat will one acre of the same land cost? Ans. §29.45. FRACTIOXS. l-i5 55. I have four small farms containing, respectively, 11, 12, 13, and 14 acres, and I value each farm at |1274j. What is the value per acre of each farm ? What is the average price per acre ? Ans. $115.8G^*j-, $10G.208i-, $98.038yfij, $91,035^, $101.96. 56. If I of a ton of hay cost §15, what is the price per ton ?— (Vide 160, Ex. 1.) Ans. §20. 57. If y'^W of a man's salary per month amounts to §84, what is his salary per ^ear? Ans. §1728. 58. A gentleman divided j\ of a lot of marbles among 4 boys, giving each boy 21 marbles. How many marbles would each boy have received if the whole lot had been divided ? Ans. 36 marbles. 59. If J of a bale of cotton are worth §48, what is one bale worth? Aois. §54.85|. 167^. To find the number of things when the cost .• of one is given, Divide the cost of all hy the cost of one thing. The quotient will be the number of things? — (Vide 96.) 60. At 12f dollars an acre, how many acres of land can be bought for 153 1 dollars? Ans. 12 acres. 61. At I of a dollar a pound, how many pounds of butter can be bought for 2 J- dollars. Ans. 6 pounds. 62. If cherries are worth 7| cents a quart, how many quarts can be bought for 1^^^ dollars? Ans. 16 quarts. 63. How many sheep can be bought for 27-| dollars, if the average price is §5.46f . Ans. 5 sheep. 64. At 2 J- dollars a yard, how many yards of cloth can be bought for ^^-^ dollars ? Ans. 3 J yards. 13 146 FKACTIONS. 65. If a man boards at 3| dollars a week, how long, can he board for 188. i dollars? Ans. 52 Avecks. 66. At 2 dollars a yard, how many yards can be bought for 5i dollars? ^ws. 2| yards. 67. If I pay 656J dollars for 75 tons of coal, what is the price per ton ? 68. If a ton of coal is worth 8| dollars, what will bo the cost of 80 tons ? 69. If I pay §656.25 for 75 tons of coal, what will be the cost of 80 tons ? 70. If 75 tons of coal cost §656.25, how many tons can be bought for §700 ? 71. Ii 80 tons of coal cost §700, how many tons can be bought for §656.25 ? 72. I^ 75| yards of cloth cost §643.87|, how much ^nust I pay for 36 yards? 73. When §306 are paid for 36 yards of cloth, how many yards can be purchased for §643 J ? 74. For 36 yards of cloth 306 dollars were paid. How many yards of the same cloth can be purchased for §643.875 ? 75. For 75|.jards of cloth' I pay §643.87^. How many yards can I get for §306 ? 76. How many coats, each containing 1| yards of cloth, can be made of 18| yards? 77. What will ten barrels of apples cost at 1 J dollars per barrel ? 78. If 10 boxes of oranges cost 18j dollars, what is the price per box ? 79. If 10 pounds of copper cost §18.75, what num- ber of pounds can be had for §171.25. FiiACTlONS. 147 80. If ^p3|P^ifcds of copper can be liad for 171 J dollars, howma^y pounds will 18| dollars buy? 81. A merchant sells | of his ship. What part of it does he still own^ Ans. J. 82. A merchant owning | of a ship sells J of his interest. What part of the ship does he still own ? — (Vide 156, Ex. 2.) Ans. |. 83. Having | of an apple, I give away half of it. What part of the apple is now gone? Ans. |. 84. Having | of a ship, I sell half my interest for 9420 dollars. What is the whole ship worth at the same rate? 85. If a §hip is worth |25120, what are | of her worth ? What are | worth ? ' g- ? Ans. -|=|21980. 86. If I of a ship are worth $15700, what is the value of I ? ^ ' 87. If J of a bale of cotton are worth 48 dollars, what is the value of f of a bale? Ans. $41^. 88. What fraction is that to which if i be added, the sum will be 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? Ans. f , |, etc. 89. What fraction is that to which if J^be added, the sum will be 1 ? 20 ? 45 T 100 ? Ans. ~'^, %%\ etc. 90. What number is tllaj which, if it be taken from 57, will leave a remainder of | ? | ? ^ J ? J| ? A71S. 56|, 56|, etc. 91. What number is that which, on being added to 357/5, will make the sum 455?? ^72^5? 9570^*5? Ans. 983 J, etc. 92. What fraction is that to which if |- of f be added, the sum will be 1 ? 15 ? 8| ? 4,^o ^ hsist Ans. 4i§. \ 148 FIIACTIOXS. 93. The sum of two numbers is 47-J-, an{>tlie differ- ence 7l. What are the numbers ? — (Vide 125, Ex. 10.) A71S. 21^^ and 19iJ. 94. If a certain number be divided by 2 J, and the quotient be multiplied by 8i, the product diminished by 5 4, the difference increased by 7^, the sum will be 62 f. What is the number? Ans. 18-|. 95. I have a fortieth interest in an oil well, and am willing to sell half of it for $1340. What is the value of my interest, and of the whole well, at the same rate ? Ans. 12680 and $107200. 3 T 96. What is i of 360 ? 1 of 720? ii of 378? - of 1643? Am f. 270, 600, 351 , and 636. 97. What is H of 38? 1 3 of 331? Ans. ^\8^, ifo 29f f 32|? , and 31 1. > 98. 270 is I of what number ? 600 is § of what num- ber? 351 is H of what number? 99. 636 is Jf of what number? j\%is i| of what number? 29| is J J of what number? 31j is || of what number? 100. J^of 68 is If of what number? Ans. 58. 101. 11 of 341 is J J of how many times 5 ? Ans. 781 times 5. 102. i| of 49| is If of 'how many thirds of 18? Alts. '9 thirds of 18. 103. On a trip from New Orleans to New York, I expend i of my money, and still have »^270. What did the trip cost me ? Ans. §90. 104. During a storm a captain threw overboard ^ of his cargo of cotton, and still lias 600 bales on board. How many bales were thrown overboard? Ans. 120. FRACTIONS. 149 105. If, after reserving ^^ of my wine, I sell 351 gallons, how many gallons do I reserve ? Ans. 27. 106. Multiply the fractions J and | by the least common multiple of their denominators. Ans. 3 and 4. 107. Multiply the fractions | and J by the least common multiple of their denominators. Ans. 8 and 9. 108. Multiply the fractions y\ and ^^ Ja^he least common multiple of their denominators. ^^B Ans. 12 and 5. 109. Multiply 35 1 and 15 1 by the least common multiple of their denominators. Ans. 214 and 91. 110. Multiply ^, -i, and | by the least common mul- tiple of their denominators. Ans. 6, 4, and 9. 111. Multiply ^, I, y^Q, and §, by the least common multiple of their denominators. Ans. 15, 20, 9, and 12. 112. Multiply j J-, JJ, /g, and | by the least common multiple of their denominators. Ans. 44, 33, 32, and 24. 113. Which fraction is the greater, /^ or -f^ ? Ans. ^ Remark. — Of two fractions, that wliich gives the gi'eater product on multiplying both by the least common multiple of the denomi- nators is the greater. 114. Which fraction is the greater, J J or J J ? -J-f or i J ? and by how much ? A71S. ] ^ by ,1 3 ; J J by -,- j^. 115. Which fraction is greatest, J, /j, or f^ Alls. /_. 116. If A and B together can do /^ of a piece of 150 FRACTIONS. work in one day, and A alone can do J of it in one day, what part can B do in one day? Ans. J. 117. If A and B together can do a piece of work in 2| days, and A alone can do it in 4 days, in what time can B alone do the work ? Ans. 5 days. 118. A and B can do ^^ of a piece of work in one day; A and C can do j% pf'the same work in one day; B and C can do J J in one day. What part of the work could al^M^ether^do in one day ? What part could A alone d^^Bn'e day ? What part could B alone do in one day 'f^ What part could C alone do in one day ? A7is.A\\, ij; Ai; Bi; Ci. 119. A can do a piece of work in 4 days, B in 5 days, and C in 6 days. What part of the work can A and B together do in one day ? What part B and C together ? What part A and C together ? What part can all together do in one day ? In how many days can all together do the work? Last Ans. Iff days. 120. A cistern has three pipes. The first will fill it in 2 hours, the second in 3 hours, the third in 4 hours. In what time will the cistern be filled when the three pipes are running together ? Ans. In ]| of an hour. 121. A cistern has 3 pipes, two at the top and one at the bottom. One of the top pipes would fill it in 5 hours, the other in 6; but the pipe at the bottom empties it in 8| hours. In what time will the cistern be filled when the pipes are running together ? Ans. In 4 hours. 122. A man and his wife could drink a cask of beer in 10 iays. In the absence of the man it lasted his COMPOUND NUMBERS. 151 -wife 30 days. How long Avould the man be occupied in drinking it? A7is. 15 days. 123. A, B, and C could do a piece of work in .f'^ days; A, B, and D in | days; A, C, and D in J§ days; B, C, and D in j § days. In what time could they all do the work, and in what time could each man do it alone ? Ans. All in Jf days; A in 1; B in 2; C in 3; and D in 4 days. COMPOUND NUMBERS. DEFINITIONS. 168. An ABSTRACT NUMBER is a number whose unit has no name other than that given it as a mere number. Thus, 5, 29, 3i, are abstract numbers. 169. A CONCRETE or DENOMINATE NUMBER is a num- ber ivkose unit has a name other than that given it as a mere number. Thus, 5 dollars, 29 feet, 3 J apples, are concrete numbers. ITO. A SIMPLE NUMBER IS a unit or collection of units of the same kind. A simple number is either abstract or co7icrete. Thus, 5, 5 dollars; 3^, 3^ apples, are simple numbers. 171. A COMPOUND NUMBER is a number consisting of two or more concrete numbers of different unit values, but reducible to a simfle number. Thus, 3 feet 4 inches is a compound number, and equal to 40 inches, which is a simple number; 8 dollars 5 cents = 805 cents. 1 f 152 COMPOUND NUMBEilS. TABLES OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. M N E Y. 172. United States Money is the national currency of the United States. The relative value of its differ- ent units or denominations has already been given. — (Vide 39-43.) 173. English Money is the national currency of Great Britain. The units or denominations are named Guinea, Pound, Crown, Shilling, Penny, and Farthing. TABLE. 4 farthings (far.) make 1 penny, abbreviated d. (denarius.) 12 pence " 1 shilUng, " s. (solidus.) 20 shillings " 1 pound, " £. (hbra.) 21 shillings " 1 guinea, " G. 5 shillings " 1 crown, " Cr. Remark 1. — The Pound, also called Sovereign, is the Primary Unit of English Money, and is Avortli $4.84. X Crown is worth §1.21; a Shilling, $0,242; a Penny, $0.0201; a Farthing, G^Jj mills. Remark 2. — The Sovereign is 22 carats fine, the other 2 parts being copper; it weighs 5 dwts. 3-J-|J- gx*s. 174. French Money is the currency of the Empire of France. The Franc is the unit, and is worth 18 1 cents. EXERCISES. 1. In 2 dollars how many cents? 3? 4? 5? 15? IJ? 2. In 200 cents how many dollars? 300? 400? 500: 1500? 150? 3. In U eagles how many mills? 2? 2^? 3}? 4. In 15000 mills how many eagles? 20000? 25000? 32500? COMPOUND NUMBERS. 153 5. In 2 pounds how many shillings ? 3? 4? 5? 7? 13? 15? 25? 6. In 40 shillings how many pence? 60? 80? 100? 140? 260? 300? 500? 7. In 480 pence how many farthings? 720? 960? 1200? 1680? 3120? 3600? 6000? 8. In 1920 farthings how many pence? 2880? 3840? 4800? 6720? 12480? 14400? 24000? 9. In 480 pence how many 'shillings? 720? 960? 12.00? 1880? 3120? 3600? 6000? 10. In 40 shillings how many crowns? 60? 80? 100? 140? 260? 300'? 500? WEiaHT. 175. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver, and precious stones. The units are named Grain, Pennyweight, Ounce, and Pound. TABLE. 24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight, abbreviated dwt. 20 pennyweights " 1 ounce, " oz. 12 ounces " 1 pound, " lb. Remark 1. — The Pound is the Primary Unit of Troy Weight, and is determined by the weiglxt of 22.794422 cubic inches of distilled water. JIemark 2. — The carat by which the diamond is weighed and valued is equal to 4 grains, EXERCISES. 1. In 2 lbs. how many grs.? 3? 4? 5? 6? 13? 15? 27? 3. In 23 oz. how many grs.? 25? 26? 27? 28? 29? 2. In 11520 grs. how many lbs.? 17280? 23040? 28800? 74880? 4. In 11040 grs. how many oz.? 12000? 12480? 12960? ail COMPOUND NUMBERS. 5.|[n 1 lb. how many|oz.? how Vmany dwt.? how many gr. ? 7. In 3 J lb. how many gr. ? 6. In 5760 gr. how many dwt.? how many oz.? how many lb.? 8. In 20160 gr. how many lb.? /170) Avoirdupois Weight is used in weighing gro- ceries, and cheap commodities of every description. fThc units are named Dram, Ounce, Pound, Quarter, Hundredweight, and Ton. abb] ^eviatc )d oz. a lb. u qr. ht, n cwt. u T. TABLE. 16 drams" .) n^^ke 1 ounce, 16 ounces.'. -^ 1 pound, 25 pounds ^ 1 quarter, 4 quarters ^ 1 hundredweight, 20 hundredweight " 1 ton. Remark 1. — The Pound is the Primary Unit of Avoirdupois Weight, and is determined by the weight of 27.701554 cubic inches of distilled water. Remark 2. — The Troy Pound is the same as \ji lbs. Avoirdu- pois, and the Troy Ounce is the same as ^|| oz. Avoirdupois. EXERCISES. 1. In 1 T. how many dr.? 3. In 1 cwt. how many oz.? 5. In 17^. how many dr.? 7. In 37 lb. how many dr.? 9. In 47 dr. how many/oz.? 11. In 13 cwt. how many qr.? 13. In 113 T. how many dr.? 33? 45? 127? 254? 15.' In 21 lb. how many oz.? 23? 17? 13? 15? 19? 2. In 512000 dr. how many T.? 4. In 1600 oz. how many cwt.? 6. In 272 dr. how many oz.? 8. In 9472 dr. how many lb.? 10. In 18800 oz. how many qr.? 12. In 52 qr. how many cwt.? 14. In 57856000 dr. how many T.? 16896000? 23040000? G5024000? 16. In 336 oz. how many lb.? 368? 272? 208? 240? 304? ^7^ At 1 cent per ounce, what v/ill a ton of raisins cost? Jns. P20.00. 18. At 50 cents per pound, what will 7 tons of butter cost? Ans. $7000.00. /V^ COMPOUND NUxMBERS. 155 19. At 5^0 cents per pound, how many tons of lard can be bought for $35000 ? ' ^ Ans. 85. 177. Apothecaries Weight is used in mixing medi- cines. The units arc named Grain, Scruple, Dram, Ounce, and Pound. TABLE. 20 grains (gr.) make 1 scruple, marked . . 9 3 scruples " 1 dram, " • . 5 8 drams " 1 ounce, " • • ^ 12 ounces " 1 pound, " . . lb Remark. — The Pound is the Primary Unit, and is the same as the Pound Troy. EXERCISES. I. In 2 ft) how many §? 5? 7? 9? 11? 13? 15? 3. In 2 ft) how many 5? 6? 8? 10? 12? 14? 5. In 15 ft) how many 9? 17' 19? 21? 23? 25? 29? 7. In 16 ft) how many gr.? 18 20? 22? 24? 2G? 28? 9. In ^ lb how many 5? -J? | II. In f of an § how many 9 t? F I? t\? 13. In y'j of a 5 ^^^^ many 2. In 24 § how many ft)? 60? 84? 108? 132? 156? 180? 4. In 192 3 how many ft)? 576? 768? 960? 1152? 6. In 4320 g how many ft)? 4890? 5472? 6048? 6G24? 7200? 8. In 23040 gr. how many ft)? 34560? 74880? 104440? 10. In 48 5 how many ft)? 32? 24? IG? 13f? 12. In 18 9 how many § ? 16? 20? 21? 10? 14. In 35 gr. how many 5? IG? 54? 45? 21? LINEAR MEASURE. 178. Long Measure is used in measuring the length of all quantities, except cloth. The units are named Inch, Foot, Yard, Rod, Furlong, Mile, and League. 156 COMPOUND NUMBERS. TABLE. 12 inches (in.) make 1 foot, abbreviated ft. " 1 yard, " yd. " 1 rod, " r. " 1 furlong, " fur. " 1 mile, " m. " 1 league, " 1. IvEMARK 1. — The Imperial Yard is the standard of English linear measure, and is determined by the length of the pendulum vibra- ting once a second at London, temperature 62} degrees Fah. This length is 39.1393 inches. Remark 2. — Gunter's chain, used in surveying land, is 4 rods long, and consists of 100 links. EXERCISES. 3 feet H yards :0 rods 8 furlongs 3 miles 1. In 1 m. how many in.? 3. In 7 fur. how many in.? 5. In 2 r. how many yd.? 3? 4? 5? 6? 75? 7, In 3 r. how many in.? 12? 13? 15? 17? 19? 9. In 1 fur. how many in.? 11. In 1 1. how many ft.? 2. In 63360 in. how many m.? 4. In 55440 in. how many fur.? 6. In 11 yd. how many r.'i 16^? 22? 27J? 33? 412}? 8. In 594 in. hov/ many r.^ 2376? 2574? 2970? 3366? 3762? 10. In 7920 in. how many fur.? 12. In 15840 ft. how many 1.? 13. How many inches through the earth from pole to pole?— (Vide 67, Ex. 54.) Ans. 500478929.28. 14. How many inches through the earth at the equa- tor? Ans. 502143776.64. 15. In 1 link of Gunter's chain how many inches? Ans. 7 If inches. 16. In 1 mile how many chains? Ans. 80 chains. 179. Cloth Measure is used in measuring goods bought or sold by the yard. The units are named Inch, Nail, Quarter, Yard, Ell Flemish, Ell English, and Ell French. COMPOU^^'D NUMBERS. 157 2:^ inches 4 ike nails quarters quarters quarters quarters TAELE. 1 nail, abbrev. na. 1 quarter, qr. 1 yard, yd. 1 ell Flemish, E. Fl. 1 ell English, E. E. ^ 1 • ell French, E. F. of this measure is that of Long Remark 1. — The stau Measure. Remark 2. — In mercantile practice only the yard and quarter are in general use. EXERCISES. 1. In 1 yd. how many in.? 3. In 3 qr. how many in.? 5. In 5 E. Fl. how many in.? 7. In 7 E. E. how many in.? 9. In 8 E. Fl. how many in.? 11. In 24 E. Fl. how many yd.? 13. In 70 E. E. how many yd.? 15. In 120 yd. how many E. FL? 17. In 1 E. F. how many in.? 2. In 30 in. how many yd.? 4. In 27 in. how many qr.? 6. In 135 in. how many E. FL? 8. In 315 in. how many E. E.? 10. In 216 in. how many E. FL? 12. In 18 yd. how many E. FL? 14. In 87^ yd. how many E. E. ? 16. In 160 E. FL how many yd.? 18. In 54 in. hoAV many E. F.? 19. In 18360 inches how many quarters? yards? ells Flemish ? ells English? ells French? Ans. 2040 ; 510 ; 680 ; 408 ; 340. 20. What will -| of a yard of cloth cost at 7 cts. per nail ? Atis. 98 cts. 21. What will ^^ of a yard of calico cost at 15 cts. per nail ? Aiis. 12 cts. 22. In 2.5 feet how many inches? Aiis. 30 in. 23. In 3.75 furlongs how many rods? An§. 150 r. 24. What is the number of miles from the Equator to the North Pole?— (Vide 67, Ex. 61.) Ans. 6213.824 m. 158 COMPOUND IsUMBERS. SUPERFICIAL OR SQUARE MEASURE. ISO. Square Measure is used in measuring sur- faces; as land, plastering, etc. The units are named Square Inch, Square Foot, Square Yard, Square Rod, Rood, Acre, and Square Mile. 9 square feet 30J square yards 40 square rods 4 roods G40 acres 1 Inch. sq. yd. sq. r. R. A. M. TABLE. 144 square inches (sq. in.) make 1 square foot, abb. sq. ft. " 1 square yard, " 1 square rod, " 1 rood, " 1. acre, " 1 square mile, Remark 1. — The standard is the same as that of Long Measure. Remark 2. — 16 square rods make 1 i_i square chain, and 10 square chains make ^ 1 acre. g Remark 8, — The figure in the margin is exactly 1 square inch; that is, it is 1 linear inch on each side. 144 such squares are equivalent to a square foot, however the arrangement may be. They are equal to a square foot when arranged so as to make another square. EXERCISES. 1 SQUARE INCH. 1 L\Gir. 1. In 1 A. how many sq. in.? 3. In 1 A. how many sq. r.? 2? 3? 4? 5? 5. In 1 sq. r. how many sq. ft.? 2? 5? 8? 7. In 1 R. liow many sq. yd.? 3? 13? 17? 2. In 6272640 sq. in. how many A.? 4. In IGO sq. r. how many A.? 320? 480? 640? 800? 6. In 272J sq. ft. how many sq. r.? 544^? 1361^^? 2178? 8. In 1210 sq. yd. how many R.? 3030'' ir)7:50? 20570? COMPOUND NUMBER! 159 0. la 1 sq. r. how many sq. in.? 11. In 1 A. lioAv many sq. ft.? 13. In 1 sq. yd. how many sq. in.? 121? 242? 10. In 39204 sq. in. how many sq. r.? 12. In 130680 sq. ft. how many A.? 14. In 1296 sq. in, how many sq. yd.? 156816? 313632? 15. In 252| A. how many sq. I 16. In 2524 sq. ch. how many ch.? A.? 17. In -^^ m. how many fur.? 18. In ^j fur. how many r.? Ans. 5^j. I Ans. Z^j. SOLID MEASURE. 181. Cubic Measure is used in measuring solids, as timber, earth, and such other things as have length, breadth, and thickness. The units are named Cubic Inch, Cubic Foot, Cubic Yard, Ton, Cord Foot, and Cord. - TABLE. 1728 cubic inches (cu. in.) make 1 cubic foot, abb. cu. ft. ton, " ton of shipping, " cord foot, " cord, " cu. yd. T. T. T.ofS. CO. ft. CO. 27 cubic feet " 1 cubic yard, 40 feet of round timber " 1 ton, 50 feet of hewn timber " 1 42 cubic feet " 1 16 cubic feet " 1 8 cord feet " 1 Remark 1. — The standard of this meas- ure is that of Long Measure. Remark 2. — A cube is a solid bounded by 6 equal squares. Remark 3. — The figure in the margin represents an exact cubic inch. Its squares are called faces, and the bounda- ries of the faces are called edr/es. Each edge represents 1 linear inch. Each edge of a cubic foot contains 12 linear inches, so that there are 12x12x12: that is, 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot. / /' 1 Cubic Inch. / Y 1 Linear Inch. / 160 COMPOU]S'D NUMBERS. EXERCISES, 1. In 1 CO. liow many cu. ft.? 2? 3? 4? 10? 1-V? 3. In 1 CO. liow many cu. in.? 6? 6? 7? ^? -I? f? 5. In 3.125 CO. liow many cu. ft. ? 7. In 1 cu. yd. how many cu. 2. In 128 cu. ft. how many co.? 256? 384? 512? 1280? 96? 192? 4. In 221184 cu. in. how many CO.? 27648? 41472? 6. In 400 cu. ft. how many co.? 8. In 46656<»cu. in. how many cu. yd.? 3888? 324? 36? 182. Wine Measure is used for measuring alh liquors, except ale, beer, and milk. The units are named Gill, Pint, Quart, Gallon, Tierce, Barrel, Hogs- head, Pipe, and Tun. TABLE. 4 gills (gi.) make 1 pint, abbreviated pt. 2 pints 4 quarts 31J- gallons 42 gallons 63 2 gallons hogsheads pipe 1 quart, " 1 gallon, " 1 barrel, " 1 tierce, ^" 1 hogshead, " 1 pipe, " 1 tun. ^ qt. gal. bbl. ti. hhd. py Remark. — The Wine- Gallon contains 231 cubic inched 1. In 1 tun how many hhd.? gal.? qt.? pt.? gi.? 3, In 13 gal. how many gi.? 15? 17? 19? 21? 23? 6. In 5 tuns how many gi.? 7? 9? 11? 13? 17? 7. In 3 bbl. how many gal.? 4? 7? 10? 13? 16? 9. In 1 hhd. how many bbl.? 11. In 126 ti. how many hlid.? 13. In 2.5 qt. how many gal.? 15. In 23.625 gal. how many hhd ? EXERCISES. 2. In 8064 ^\A\( pi (ii€ , -1 i hhd.? pi.? tuns? 4. In 416 gi. how many gal.? 480? 544? 608? 072? ^? 6. In 40320 gi. how m^y= tuns/ 56448? 72-576? 88704? 8. In 94J.,gal. how many bbl.? 126? 220i'j^l5? 409 J? 10. In 1«"0 bbl. how many hhd.? 12. In 168 bbl. how many ti.? 14. In .625 gal. how many qt.? 16. In .375 hhd. how many gnl.? 3^ COMrOUXD XUxMBERS. 161 183. Ale or Beer Measure is used for measuring ale, beer and milk. The units are named Pint, Quart, Gallon, Barrel, and Hogshead. table. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, abbreviated qt. 4 quarts " 1 gallon, " ' gal. 36 gallons " 1 barrel, " bbl. \\ barrels . " 1 hogshea'd, " hhd. Remark. — The Beer Gallon contains 282 cubic inches. EXERCISES. 1. In I hhd. how many gal.? qt..? pt.? / 3. In 693 Beer Gal. how many- Wine Gal.? 2079? 6. In Jg of a gal. how many pt. ? 7. In -^-^ of a hhd. how mamy pt.? ' '"^ 9. In \ of a bbl. how many qt.? 2. In 432 pt. how many qt.? gal.? bbl.? 4. In 846 Wine Gal. how many Beer Gal.? 2538? 6. In I a pt. how many gal.? 8. In 1 pt. what part of a hhd.? 10. In 36 qt. what part of a bbl.? 184. Dry Measure is used in m^easuring such arti- cles as grain, fruit, etc. The units are named Pint, Quart, Peck, Bushel, and Quarter. TABLE. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, abbreviated qt. 8 quarts " 1 peek, " pk. 4 pecks " 1 bushel, " bu. 8 bushels " 1 quarter, " qr. Remark. — The Winchester Bushel is a cylinder, 18^- inches internal diameter, and 8 inches deep. It contains 2150.4 cubic inches. 14 162 COMPOUJS^D XUMBEilS. EXERCISES. 1. What cost 25 quarters of wheat at 90 cents per bushel? A71S. $180. 2. At 90 cents per bushel how many quarters of wheat can be bought for $360 ? Ans. 50 quarters. 3. What cost 17 bushels of apples at 27 cts. a peck? 4. At 27 cents a peck, how many bushels of apples can be bought for $18.36 ? 5. What must be paid for 7 bushels of chestnuts at 3 cents a pint? Ans. $13.44. 6. What cost I of a pint of blackberries at $3.20 per bushel? Ans. 3 cents. 7. W^hat cost 25-J bushels of potatoes at 20 cents a peck? ^ns. $20.70. 8. How many bushels of potatoes can I buy for $41.40, at 2-J cents a quart? Ans. 51|- bushels. TIME. 185. The units of Time are named Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Century. TABLE. GO seconds (sec.) make 1 minute, abbreviated m. 60 minutes " 1 hour, " h. 24 hours " 1 civil day, " d. % days " 1 week, " w. 12 months " 1 year, " y. Remark 1. — The standard unit of time is the period occupied by the eurth in making one revolution on its axis, wliich period is called a Sidereal Day and consists of 23 h. 5G m, 4 sec. Remark 2.— The Tropical Year consistR of 305 d. 5 h. 4S m. 47.57 S3C. COM IHJ V .\ D N U M 13 ERS . 163 REMAini: 3.— The Civil, Legal, or Julian Year consists of 365 days, except Leap Year, "tvhich consists of 300 days. Remark 4. — Every year which is exactly divisible by 4 is a Leap Year, excepting those centennial years not exactly divisible by 400. Thus, 1868 will be a Leap Year; 1900 will not be a Leap Year; but the year 2000 will be a Leap Year. TABLE OF THE MGNTIH Mouth. Abb. Order. Xo. D. Mouth. Abb. Order. Xo. D. January. Jan. 1st. 31. July. 7th. 31. February. Feb. 2d. 28. August. Aug. 8th. 31. March. Mar. 3d. 31. September, Sept. 9th. 30. April. Apr. 4th. 30. October. Oct. 10th. 31. May. 5th. 31. November. Nov. 11th. 30. June. 6th. 30. December. Dec. r2th. 31. Remark 5. — In Leap Year, February has 29 days. Remark 6. — In finding the interval between two dates, it is customary to consider the months as having 30 days each. TABLE Showing the time in days from any day in one month to the corref^pond- ing day in another month. January... February... March April Mav June •'^ny AugXTSt Sepr'ember. October November . December.. 365 1 334 ■306! !275| i245 l214! 184 153 122 92 61 31 31 365 337 306 59 28 365 334 365 276|304l335 245I273!304 21o;2!3274 184 212 243 89 61 30 365 90;120il51181 59 31 120 150 1334 365 304 335 122 91 61 30 365 212243 1811212 153;184 122 153 t\^ 153 123 92 62 181J212 151 i 182 120;i51 90:i21 242!273!303 2121243:273 18l!212;242 151:182212 92 61 31 365 334 123 92 62 31 365 2731304 334 242i273 303 214|245j275 183l214|244 !153 1841214 153{1 122 92 61 30 [365 13341365 3041335 273|304 243:274:3041 3351 365 1231153 92J122 61 91 3l| 61 30 164 COMPOUND NUMBERS. EXERCISES. 1. How many days from January 10th to June 10th? Ans, 151. Find January in the left-hand column, and follow the line to the right till you come to June, 2. How many days from February 6th to May 6th? Ans. 89. 3. How many days from January 1st to July 4th? ■ Ans. 184. Here add 3 to the tabular number, which is 181. 4. How many days from December 25th to July 10th? Ans. 197. Here subtract 15 from the tabular number, 212, 5. How many days from January 17, 1868, to July 17, 1868? Ans. 182. Here add 1 to the tabular number for Leap Year, as the dates include the month of February, CIRCULAR MEASURE. 186. Circular Measure is used in estimating Lati- tude and Longitude, and in measuring the relative dis- tances of the Planets and other heavenly bodies. The units are named Second, Minute, Degree, Sign, and Circumference of Circle. TABLE. 60 seconds (") make 1 minute, marked ' 60 minutes " 1 degree, " ° 30 degrees " 1 bign, abbreviated S. 12 signs make 1 circumference of circlcj abb. circ. COMPOUND NU3IBE11S. 166 Remark 1. — The length of a degree measured on the equatoi- is 69.161 m. The length of a degree measured on a meridian is 69.042 m. Remark 2. — A degree contains 60 geo- graphic miles. Remark 3. — Since every circumference of a circle contains 360 degrees, the length of the degree varies as the diameter of the cir- cle varies. The circumference of a circle is always about 3.1416 times its diameter. Remark 4. — The Celestial Equator is di- vided into 12 Signs; their names are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces. EXERCISES. 1. In 1 circle how many degrees? minutes? seconds? 2. What is the length of 1' along the equator? AiiB. 1.15268 m. 3. What is the length of V along a meridian ? Am. 1.1507 m. 4. What is the length of V along the equator? An%. .01921. 5. What is the length of V^ along a meridian ? Am, .01918 nearly. 6. If the semi-circumference of a circle is 3.1415926- 535897932, etc., inches in length, as it really is when the diameter is 2 inches, what is the length of 1' ? Am. .000290888298665721 in. 7. What is the circumference of a circle whose diam- eter is 10 inches? Am. 31.4159 in. 8. What is the circumference of a circle whose diam- eter is 10,000,000 miles? Am. 31415926.535 m. 166 COMPOUND ^'UMBERS. KEDUCTION OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. 187. Reduction in Aritlimetic consists in making some change in the method of i^epresenting a quantity. Hence, reduction makes no change upon the value of a quantity. 188. It has been seen that many simple concrete numbers may be reduced to other concrete numbers of a lower unit value By multijMcation, Thus, 2 £=40 s., because 20x2=40. (Vide 174, Ex. 5.) 189. *lt has also been seen that simple concrete numbers may be reduced to other simple concrete num- bers of a higher unit value by division. Thus, 72 in.= 6 ft., because 72-f-12=6. (Vide 178.) 190- To reduce a compound number to a simple concrete number, Arrange the different units com- posing the compound number in a horizontal line^ and over each place the number connecting it with the next higher unit. Multiply the units of the highest value hy that number which stands over the next lower units, and to the ])roduct add the same loiver units; then multiply the sum by the num- ber standing over the next lower units, etc., continuing the work till the lowest units given have been added. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 17 £ 68. Od. 8 far. to fartliinss. 191. To reduce a simple con- crete number to a compound number. Divide the given number by that number which connects it ivith the unit of the next higher value, plac- ing the remainder, if there be any, to the right. Continue the work till the unit of the highest value is reached, or, till the next divisor would be greater than the dividend. Ulc last quotient and the several remainders, written in the order of their tmit values, will be the com' 2^ound number. E X A ai P L E S . 2. Reduce 1G599 farthings to pounds, etc. CO M PO L X D >: U:.I BERS . 167 b. 7. 9. 11. grai 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. OPERATION. 20 12 4 17 5 9 3 20 345 12 4149 4 16599 far. Ans. Reduce 20 <£ 15 s. 9d. 3 far. Reduce 240£ Os. 7d. 2 far. Reduce 17s. Ifar. to far. Reduce lib. loz.ldwt, Igr. Reduce 17 lb. 5 dwt. to ns. Reduce Soz, 3 dwt. 3gr. Reduce 7 T. 15 oz. to oz. Reduce 3T. 7cwt. 3qr. Reduce 3qr. 11 oz. 13 dr. Reduce 1 lb 3 § 55. Reduce lib 2 3 to grains. Reduce 5r. 4 yd. 2 ft. 7 iu. OPERATION. 5K 3 12 5 4 2 7 54 3U 3^ 96^ 12 OPERATION. 1G599 12 20 4149—3 345—9 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. etc. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 17—5 17-£ 5s. 9d. 3far. Ai Reduce 19959 far. to £, etc. Reduce 230430 far. to £. Reduce 817 far. to s., etc. Reduce 6265 gr. to pounds. Reduce 98040 gr. to pounds, Reduce 1515gr. to oz., etc. Reduce 224015 oz. to T., etc. Reduce 27;igr. to T., etc. Reduce 19389 dr. to qr., etc. Reduce 7500 gr. to To, etc. Reduce 5800 gr. to lb, etc. Reduce 1165 in. to r., etc. OPERATION. 1165 97—1 32—1 64 =lialf yds. 5— 4 J 1165 iry.AriS. ^/Js. 5r. 4)/^yd.lft.lin.=5r. 4j'd.2ft.7m. 27. Reduce 401. 6 fur. 2 in. to I 28. Reduce 7650722 in. to inches. | leagues, etc. 29. Reduce 22 fur. IGr. 3yd. | 30. Reduce 1479-4 ft. to fur- 1ft. to ft-et. longs, etc. 168 31. Reduce 4 m. 7 fur. 20 r 16 ft, to inches. 33. Reducel yd. Iqr, 2na. 7}in. 35. Reduce 4 tuns 5hhd. 3qt. to quarts. 37. Reduce Itun Igal. 3qt. to gills. 39. Reduce 47bbl. 18 gal. of ale to pints. 41. Reduce 15 bu. 2pk. 7qt. to quarts. 43. Reduce 9bu. 5qt. Ipt. to pints. 45. Reduce 14 A. IR. 17 r. to rods. 47. Reduce 17 A. 3R. 12 r. to square feet. 49. Reduce 3 da. 55 m. to min- utes. 51. Reduce 9S. 13° 25^ to sec- onds. 63. Reduce 25° 14^ V^ to sec- onds. 55. Reduce 5 fur. 3 r. 10 ft. 6 in. to inches. 57. Reduce 21$ 3 m. to mills. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 32. Reduce 313032 in. to miles, etc. 34. Reduce 50 in. to yards, etc. 36. Reduce 5295 qt. to tuns, etc. 38. Reduce 8120 gi. to tuns, etc. 40. Reduce 13680pt. to barrels, etc. 42. Reduce 503 qt. to bushels, etc. 44. Reduce 587 pt. to bushels, etc. 46. Reduce 2297 r. to acres, etc. 48. Reduce 776457 sq. ft. to acres, etc. 50. Reduce 4375m. to days, etc. 52. Reduce 1020300^^ to signs, etc. 54. Reduce 90847^'' to degrees, etc. 56. Reduce 40320 in. to fur- longs. 68. Reduce 21003 m. to dollars. 59. What cost 1 lb. 1 oz. 1 dwt. 1 gr. of gold, at 3^ cts. per grain? Ans. 208.83 J. 60. If gold is worth 3 J cts. per. grain, hoy>^ many pounds can be bought for $626.50 ? Ans. 3 lb. 3 oz. 3 dwt. 3 gr. 61. What cost 17 lb. 5 dwt. of silver, at 31^ cts. per dwt. ? 62. What weight of silver can be bought for |1260.- 93|-, at the rate of 31 J cts. per dwt? COMPOUXD NUMBERS. 1G9 63. What will 3 T. 7 cwt. 3 qr. of rice cost at 3d. English money per- pound ? 64. How much rice at 3d. per pound can be bought for £84 13s. 9d.? 65. At the rate of |0.060J per pound, how many tons of hay can be had for $4D9.887i ? 66. What cost 4 m. 7 fur. 20 r. 16 ft. of railroad, at an expense of |3.78f| per ft.? 67. How many miles of railroad can be built for ^98810.60f §, at an expense of 3f | dollars per ft. ? 68. What will 4 tuns 5 hhd. 3 qt. of molasses cost, at 15 cts. per qt. ? 69. What number of tuns of claret can be had for $794.25, at the rate of 7J cts. per pt,? 70. What will 15 bu. 2 pk. 7 qt. of chestnuts amount to in dollars, at 3 farthings English money per pt. ? 71. How many bushels of chestnuts can be had for §15.215-1 at the rate of IJd. per qt.? 72. If a rod of land produce 3i pounds of cotton, how many bales can be taken from 14 A. 1 R. 17 r. of land, at 500 pounds to the bale ? 73. If a rod of land produces 3| pounds of cotton, what number of acres will produce 14yYo bales ? 74. A gentleman having 17 A. 3 R. 10 r. of land, laid it off in lots, each containing 25 rods, and sold them at |450 per lot. How much did he get for his land? 75. If I sell a quantity of land at the rate of $450 for 25 sq. r., and obtain $51300, how many acres do I sell? 192. To reduce a denominate 103. To rediioe a compound fraction to a compound number, number to a denominate fraction, Multiply the fraction by thenum- Reduce the unit of the proposed 15 170 COMPOUND NUMBERS. her zvhich connects it with the next loicer imitj and the fractional part of the product by the number which connects it with the next lower unit, and so on till the lowest unit of the table is reached. The several integral parts of the product will form the compound number, retaining the fractional part, if there be any, of the last quotient. EXAMPLES. compound number. OPERATION. 11)56(5 (Vide 180, Ex. 17.) 65 1 40 11)40(3 (Vide 180, Ex. 18.) 7 m ll)115i(10 no 5J 12 11)66(6 66 Ans. 5 fur. 3r. lOft. Gin. fraction to the lowest units men- tioned in the compound number for the denominator of the required fraction. Reduce the compound number to the same units for the numerator of ths fraction. Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms. Remark. — If there is a fraction connected loith the lowest units, mul- tiply both parts by the denominator of the fraction before reducing. examples. 2. Reduce 5 fur. 3r. 10 ft. 6 in. to a denominate fraction. operation. 40 16>^ 12 1 8 5 3 40 10 6 8 40 203 16J 320 16^ 3359* 12 5280 12 40320 63360 (Vide 178, Ex. 1, and 190, Ex.55.) COMPOUND NrMBERS. 171 3. Reduce |ra. to a compound number. ^ 5. Reduce y'gCwt. to a com- pound number. 7. Reduce f T. to a compound number. 9. Reduce ^£ to a compound number. 11. Reduce |s. to a compound number. 13. Reduce ^d. to a compound number. 15. Reduce iituns to a com- pound number. 17. Reduce flilid. to a com- pound number. 19. Reduce f bbl. wine to a compound number. 21. Reduce If A. to a com- pound number. 23. Reduce 17|fA. to a com- pound number. 4. Reduce 3 fur. 22 r. 3 ft. Sin. to fraction of mile. 6. Reduce Iqr. 181b. 12 oz. to fraction of hundredweight. 8. Reduce 8cwt. 2qr. 71b. 2 oz. 4idr., etc. 10. Reduce 8s. 6 d. 3ffar., etc. 6 3f OPERATION. OPEEATION. 3 20 1 20 8 12 7)60(8 66 20 12 102 4 4 240 411f 12 4 2880 7)48(6 42 960 7 6 6720 (191 Rem.) 4 |f|^=3£ Ans. 7)74(3^ ' 8s. 6d. 33 far. Ans. 12. Reduce 4d. 2 far. to frac- tion of a shilling. 14. Reduce If- far. to fraction of a penny. 16. Reduce Ipi. Ihhd. 42 gal. to fraction of a tun. 18. Reduce 23gal. 2qt. Ipt., etc. 20. Reduce 18 gal. 3qt. Ipt. f gi., etc. 22. Reduce 1 A. IR. 28fr. to fraction of acre. 24. Reduce 17 A. 3R. 12 r. to fraction of acre. 172 COMPOUND XL'MEERS. 25. Reduce ^-^ yr. to a com- pound number. 27. Reduce |- w. to a compound number. 29. Reduce | h. to a compound number. 31. Reduce ^bu. to a compound number. 33. Reduce || bu. to a com- pound number. 35. Reduce 3| lb. Troy to a compound number. 2(i. Reduce TOO fraction of year. da. 12 h. to 28. Reduce 2 da. 19 h. 12 m. to fraction of week. 30. Reduce 22 m. 30 sec. to fraction of hour. 32. Reduce 3 pk. 2qt. IJpt. to fraction of bushel. 34. Reduce 1 pk. 6 qt. § pt. to fraction of bushel. 36. Reduce 3 lb. 10 oz. to frac- tion of pound, 38. Reduce 9 dwt. 9 gr. to frac- pound number. tion of pennyweight. 39. If I ride 5 fur. 3 r. 10 ft. 6 in. in a railroad car, what ought to be my exact fare at the rate of 11 cts. a mile ? Ans. 7 cts. 40. What cost the iron on a track measuring 3 fur. 22 r. 3 ft. 8 in., at the rate of §4500 per mile ? Ans. §2000. 41. Sold 1 pi. 1 hhd. 42 gal. of molasses at the rate of 175.60 per tun. What did I get ? Ans. $69.30. 42. A grocer bought 8 cwt. 2 qr. 7 lb. 2 oz. 44 dr. of coffee at §9.50 per cwt., and sold it at a retail price of 16 cts. per lb. How much did he make? A7is. §55.71 f. 43. Bought 1 pk. 6 qt. f pt. of chestnuts at the rate of §2.88 per bushel, and retailed them at 9 cts. per quart. Do I make or lose ? 44. If a boy could count 6000 marbles in an hour, how many could he count in 22 m. 30 sec. ? Ans. 2250. 45. If I buy iron at §45 per ton, and sell it at 2J cts. per pound, what do I gain by selling 13 cwt. 2 qr. 15 lb.? Ans.^S.41h COMPOUND NUMBERS. 173 194- To reduce a compound number to a decimal fraction, Divide the lowest units by that number which connects them with the next higher^ and annex the quo- tient as a decimal to the given num- ber of those higher units. Continue to divide till the units required are reached. The last quotient will be the re- quired decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 23 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. to a decimal in hogshead. OPERATION. 2.5. (Vide 182, Ex. 13. 63123.625 (Vide 182, Ex. 15.) .375 hhd. Ans. (Vide 192, Ex. 17.) 3, Reduce 3 fur. 22 r. 3 ft. 8 in. to decimal fraction of mile. 5. Reduce 1 qr. 18 lb. 12 oz. to fraction of hundredweight. 7. Reduce 8 s. 6d. 3^ far. to fraction of pound sterling, 9. Reduce 15 £ 10s. 9d. to fraction of pound sterling. 11. Reduce 18 h. 9 m. to frac- tion of day. 13. Reduce 5 cwt. 2 qr, 15 lb. to fraction of ton. 195. To reduce a denominate decimal fraction to a compound number. Multiply the given decimal frac- tion by the number which connects it with the next lower units, and the decimal part of the product by the number connecting it tvith the next lower units, and so on till the lowest unit is reached. The integral parts of the products will form the num- ber required. EXAMPLES. 2. Reduce .375 hhd. to a com- pound number. OPERATION. .375 hhd. 63 23.625 gal. 4 2,500 qt. 2 1.000 pt. Ans. 23 gal. 2qt. Ipt. 4. Reduce .44| m to a com- pound number. 6. Reduce .4375 cwt. to a com- pound number. 8. Reduce .42857^ £ to a com- pound number. 10. Reduce 15.5375 <£ to a com- pound number. 12, Reduce .75625 da. to a com- pound number. 14. Reduce .2825 T. to a com- pound uumbci'. 174: COMPOUND N^UMBERS. 15. Reduce 3 ft. 9 in. to frac- tion of yard. 17. Reduce 3 pk. 2 qt. lipt. to fraction of bushel. 19. Reduce 22 m. 30 sec. to fraction of hour. 21. Reduce 2 da. 19 h. 12 m. to fraction of week. 23. Reduce 3° 30^ 36^^ to frac- tion of degree. 16. Reduce 1,25 yd. to a com- pound number. 18. Reduce .83^ bu. to a com- pound number. 20. Reduce .375 h. to a com- pound number. 22. Reduce .4 w. to a compound number. 24. Reduce 3.51° to a compound number. 25. What will 23 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of wine cost at $60 per hhd. ? A71S. $22.50. 26. What will the above wine bring at $1 per gal. ? Alls. §23.625. 27. What will 3 pk. 2 qt. IJ pt. of corn cost at 90 cts. per bushel ? Ans. 75 cts. 28. If I buy 13 A. 2 R. 35 r. of land at $17.28 per acre, and sell it in lots of 1 rood each at 12 dollars a lot, how much do I make? Ans. $421.44. 29. What will .2825 tons of rice bring at 7 cts. per lb.? at $1.50 per qr.? at $5 per cwt. ? Ans.$S9.bD; $33.90; $28.25. 30. At $25 per acre, how much land can be bought for $648.75 ? Aits. 25.95 A.-=25 A. 3 R. 32 r. 31. Bought 18 cwt. 1 qr. 18 !b. of tea at $65 per cwt., and sell the same at 75 cts. per lb. How much do I I make? Ans. $184.30. 32. Bought 56 hhd. 16 gal. 3 qt. of molasses at $46 per hhd. What did it amount to? Alls. $2588.23. 33. I sell the above molasses at 87J cts. per gal. What do I gain ? Ans. $513.43. 34. A planter sold 270 bales of cotton at $60 per COMPOUND NUMBERS. 175 bale, and invested the proceeds in land at $28 per acre. , How much land did he purchase ? Ans. 578 A. 2 R. llf r. 35. A merchant imported 325 yards of silk, at an expense of £1 4s. 6d. per yard, and desires to clear $1200 in retailing it. What must be the price per yard ? (Vide 173, Rem. 1.) A7is. $9,621. 36. I import 275 yards of French broadcloth, at an expense of 24 francs per yard, and clear, in retailing it, $500. What do I charge per yard? (Vide 174.) Ans, $6.23. ADDITION OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. 190. To add compound numbers, (1.) Wrile the units of the same name under each other ^ and place over each column that number which connects its unit with the next higher unit. (2.) Add the coluynn of units of the least value, and divide the sum hy that number which stands over it, placing the remainder under the column. (3.) Add the column of units of the next higher value, including the quotient of . the preceding division, and divide by the number which stands over it, placing the re- mainder under the column. (4.) Add all the colmnns of units in the same ivay, writing down, hoivever, the entire sum of the column ivhich can have no number over it. ' EXAMPLES. 1. Add together 20£ 15s. 9d. 3 far. ; 240c£ 7d. 2 far.; and 17s. 1 far. 176 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 2. Add together 40 1. 6 fur. 2 in.; 2 m. 6 fur. 16 r. 3 yd. 1ft.; 4 m. 7 fur. 20 r. 16 ft.; 11. 2 m. 7 fur. 13 r. 1 ft. 11 in. OPERATIONS. (1-) (2.) 20 12 4 20 15 9 3 240 7 2 17 1 40 5% 3 12 40 6 2 2 6 16 3 1 4 7 20 16 1 2 7 13 1 11 Ans. 261 £ 13 s. 5d. 2 far. 441. 2 m. 3 fur. 10 r. 3 ^yd. 1ft. 1 in. Ans. 441. 2 m. 3 fur. 10 r. 3 yd. 2 ft. 7 in., since ^ yd.=l ft. 6 in. 3. Add together 1 hhd. 25 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. ; 8 hhd. 2 qt. ; 3 hhd. 27 gal. 1 pt. ; and 21 hhd. and 1 pt. Ans. 8 T. 1 hhd. 53 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. 4. Add together 13 bu. 2 pk. 7 qt. 1 pt. ; 150 bu. 1 pk. 5 qt.; 200 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt. 1 pt. Ans. 365 bu. 2 qt. 5. Add together J J of a tun, § of a hhd., and | of a bbl. OPERATION. 2 2 f)3 4 2 \i tun = 1 hhd.- f bbl.=: 1 1 42 23 18 2 3 (Vide 192, Ex. 15.) 1 ( " 192, " 17.) li ( " 192, " 19.) ItunO 21 gal. 2 qt. J pt. 6. Add together | £ g s. and f d. Ans. 8s. lid. 3|far. 7. Add together 1| A. and 17f § A. Ans.^lO A. 1 R. 4 r. 8. Add together /jj yr. § w. and | h. Ans. 112 da. 7 h. 34 m. 30 sec. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 177 9. Add together § bu. and || bu. Ans. 1 bu. 1 pk. 1 qt. 10. Add together j i m. and f fur. Ans. 7 fur. 26 r. 5 ft. 4,% in. 11. Add together 15.5375£ and .4285|£. (Vide 195, Ex. 8 and 10.) Ans. 15£ 19s. 3d. 3|far. 12. Add together .4 bu. and .7 pk. Ans. 2 i)k. 2 1 qt. 13. Add together 5.88125 A. and4 A. 2 R. 35 r. Ans. 10 A. 2 R. 16 r. 14. Add together J lb. Troj and .583J oz. Ans. 6 oz. 11 dwt. 16 gr. 15. Add together .875£ and .75s. Ans. 18s. 3d. SUBTRACTION OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. 197. To subtract compound numbers, (1.) Write the nitmhers, as in 196. (2.) Subtract the units of the loioest value in the sub- irahend from the corresponding units of the 7ninuend, and iJ^lace the difference under the same column; but if the number in the subtrahend is larger than that in the minuend, add the number standing over the column to the number in the minuend, and subtract from the sum the number in the subtrahend. (3.) If tfte jurmher standii^g above any column has been employed in the subtraction, add 1 to the units of next higher value in the subtrahend ; after which proceed exactly as with the preceding column, and so on till all the columns have been subtracted. 178 COMPOUND NUMBERS. EXAMPLES. 1. From 21 r. 3 ft. 5 in. take 17 r. 16 ft. 9 in. (1.) 12 OPERATIONS. A7IS. (2.) 12 21 3 17 16 5 9 . . 21 18 3 5 3 3r. 24ft. Sin. 3r. 3ft. 2. Remark. — The first result is easily reduced to tlie second by ob- serving that 6 in.= ^ ft. 2. From 3 fur. 29 r. 2 yd. 1 ft. take 1 fur. 39 r. 3 yd. 2 ft. A71S. 1 fur. 29 r. 4 yd. 6 in. 3. From 63 T. 1 hhd. 15 gal. take 19 T. 3 lihd. 17 gal. A71S. 43 T. 1 lilid. 61 gal. 4. From 8 bu. 3 pk. 1 qt. take 3 bu. 2 pk. 7 qt. Ans. 5 bu. 2 qt. 5. From 25° 4' 27^^ take 17° 20^ 40^^ A71S. 7° 43' 47'^ 6. JV^hat is the difference between 40 m. and 39 m. 7 fur. 39 r. 16 ft. 7 in. ? Ans. 1 inch. 7. From 77° 0' 15'^ take 71° 3' 30^'. Ans. 5° 56' 45''. 8. From 85° 30' take 77° 0' 15". Ans. ^ 29' 45". 9. From 86° 49' 3" take 79° 55' 38". Ans. 6° 53' 25". 10. Washington is 77° 0' 15" West Longitude, and Boston 71° 3' 30" West Longitude. What is the differ- ence in the Longitude of these places ? Ans. 5° 56' 45". COMPOUND NUMBERS. 179 11. Louisville is 85° 30' W. L., and Mobile 88° 1' 29" W. L. What is the difference in the Longitude of these places ? Ans. 2° 31' 29''. 12. The City of Mexico is in North Latitude 19° 25' 45", and Cincinnati is in N. L. 39° 5' 54". What is the difference ? Ans. 19° 40' 9". 13. The difference of time between Greenwich and Milledgeville, Ga., is 5 h. 33 m. 19 sec. When it is noon at Greenwich, what is the time at Milledgeville ? Ans. 26 m. 41 sec. past 6 A. M. Remark. — The time of a place being given, the time of all places east of it is later, and of all places zcest^ earlier. 198. To find the time between two dates, Write the year, the order of the month, (Vide 185, Rem. 4,) and the day of the month of each date, respect- ively, under each oilier. Then proceed as in 197. ■ ' EXAMPLES. 1. Find the :, 1867. time from January 27, 1865, to July OPERATION. 12 30 1867 1865 7 4 1 27 Ans. 2yr. 5 m. 7 da. 2. Find the time from July 4, 1865, to August 1, 1866. Ans. 1 yr. 27 da. 3. Find the time from August 1, 1869, to September 9, 1871. Ans. 2 yr. 1 m. 8 da. 180 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 4. Find the time from November 15, 1866, to Decem- ber 8, 1879. Ans. 13 yr. m. 23 da. 5. Find the time from January 27, 1866, to Septem- ber 9, 1871. Ans. 5 yr. 7 m. 12 da. 6. The Independence of the United States was de- clared July 4, 1776. What interval has passed on Jan- uary 1, 1867? A71S. 90 yr. 5 m. 27 da. Remark.— The true interval found by the table, (185, Rem. 6,) is 90 yr. 181 da.) 7. A merchant bought at one time 8120 gills of wine, at another J J of a tun, at another | of a hhd., and at another time .375 of a hhd. What did the whole cost at 11.00 per gallon ? Ans. $532.00. 8. Bought at one time 17 yd. 3 qr. 2 na. of broad- cloth; at another time lo^% yd.; at another 87.8125 yd.; at another 27 yd. Ij qr. ; and at another time 29.375 yd. What did the whole cost at 5 J dollars per yard? Ans. ^$965.93 1 . 9. From a lot of land containing 10 A. 3 R. ip r., I sell at one time 1 A. 2 R. 13 r.; at another time 2 A. 2 R. 5r. I gave §600.53 J- for the land; sold the first lot at $70 per acre, and the second lot at $75 per acre. For how much per acre could I sell what remains, and lose nothing ? Ans. $44.78. 10. Sold corn in three lots, viz:. 13 bu. 2 pk. 7 qt. 1 pt., at 60 cts. per bu.; 150 bu. 1 pk. 5 qt., at 50 cts. per bu. ; 200 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt. 1 pt., at 55 cts. per bu. What should I have gained by selling all the corn at 56 cts. per bu. Ans. $10.48|J. 11. A load of hay weighs 43 cwt. 2 qr. 18 lb., includ- ing the wagon which weighs 9 cwt. 3 qr. 23 lb. What is the hay worth at $7.50 per ton? COMPOUND NUMBERS. 181 12. While in London, I paid for a vest 1£ 13s. 4d.; a coat, 7£ 12s. 9d. ; pants, 2£ 3s. 9d. ; boots and hat, 9£ 8s. How many dollars did the whole come to ? Am. $101.115f . 13. If from a cask of molasses containing 118 gal., 20 gal. 1 pt. leak out, for how much must the remainder be sold per gallon to lose nothing, the whole cost having been $75? Ajis. |0.766. MULTIPLICATION OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. 199. To multiply a compound number. Multiply each of the simple numhei^s composing the compound number hy the multiplier^ reducing lower to higher units, as in Addition of Compound Numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 3 m. 2 fur. 4 r. 2 ft. 5 in. by 13. OPERATION. 8 40 16)^ 12 5 13 42m. 3fur. 13r. 14A-ft. 5in. Ans. 42 m. 3 fur. 13 r. 14 ft. 11 in., since \ ft.=6 in. 2. Multiply 12£ 4s. 6d. 2far. by 13. Ans. 158£ 19s. 2far. 3. Multiply 1 lb. 9 oz. 13 dwt. by 15. Ans. 27 lb. 15 dwt. 4. Multiply 19 cwt. 3 qr. 23 lb. by 18. Ans. 359 cwt. 2 qr. 14 lb. 182 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 5. Multiply 18 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. by 27. Ans. 509 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. 6. Multiply 365 da. 5 h. 48 m. 47.57 sec. by 7. Alls. 2556 da. 16 h. 41 m. 32.99 sec. 7. Multiply 4 A. 3 R. 20 r. 4 yd. 7 ft. 47 in. by 84. OPERATION. 4 40 30)^ 9 144 4 3 20 4 7 47 7 34 21 2f 6 il 12 409A. 2R. 13r. lOfyd. 3ft. 60 in. Ans. 409A. 2R. 13r. lly^. 1ft. 24in., since 36in.=^ft. and 2| ft.=Jyd. 8. Multiply 4 cwt. 1 qr. 7 lb. 6 oz. 6.5 dr. by 44. Ans. 9 T. 10 cwt. 1 qr. 9 oz. 14 dr. 9. Multiply 4 cwt. 18| lb. by 476. Ans. 99 T. 12 cwt. 6 lb. 10. Multiply 21 m. 65 r. 13 ft. by 5. Ans. 106 m. 8 r. 15 ft. 6 in. 11. Multiply 1 sq. r. 57 sq. ft. 55 sq. in. by 7. Ans. 8 sq. r. 129 sq. ft. 61 sq. in. 12. Multiply 13£ 5s. 4.75d. by 24. Ans. 31 8£ 9s. 6d. 13. Multiply 81£ 14s 9d. by 80. Ans. 6539£. 14. Multiply 13s. 6d. Ifar. by 519. Ans. 350£ 17s. 3d. 3far. 15. Multiply 17 cwt. 3 qr. 10 lb. by 60. Ans. 1071 cwt, I COMPOUND NUMBERS. l«o 16. If a bale of cotton Is worth 12£ 14s. 6d. 2far., what will be the cost of 13 bales at the same rate? Ans. 1800.79. 17. I own 16 lots of land, each containing 5 A. 3 R. 20 r. What is the land worth at $40 per acre ? Ans. §3760. 18. If a man travel 24 m. 4 fur. 4 r. per day, what will it cost to travel 5 days at the rate of 12 J cts. per mile ? Ans. |15.32. 19. What will 9 casks of sugar cost at $12 per cwt., each cask weighing 8 cwt. 2 qr. 12 lb. ? Ans. $930.96. 20. If one silver cup weighs 8 oz. 4 dwt. 10 gr., what will 6 cups, each of the same weight, be worth at the rate of $1.25 per ounce ? Ans. $61.66. 21. What will 9 pieces of broadcloth cost at 5 dollars a yard, each piece containing 29 yd. 2 qr. 3 na. ? Ans. $1335.93|. 22. A steamship in crossing the Atlantic makes an average distance of 250 m. 3 fur. per day. How far will she sail in 9 days? Ans. 2253 m* 3 fur. 23. I send to market 5 casks of wine, each containing 123 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. What is the wine worth at 1 dollar per gallon ? Ans. $618.12 J. 24. A ship sails on the line of the Equator 5 days, at the rate of 2° 15' 20^' per day. How many miles does the ship make? (Vide 186, Rem. 1.) Ans. 779.98 miles. 25. Suppose the ship in the preceding problem had sailed the same number of days on a meridian, what would have been the distance made? Ans. 778.64 m. 184 COMPOUND NUMBERS. DIVISION OF COMPOUND NUMBERS. 200. To divide a compound number, (1.) Divide that term of the compound number which has the highest U7iit value by the divisor^ and write the quotient as the highest term of the answer. (2.) Reduce the remainder, if there he any, to the next loiver unit, adding that term of the dividend which has the same unit value. (3.) Divide the sum as before, and 2:)roceed in the same manner till the lowest units are reached. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 165£ 9s. 2 far. by 13. OPERATIONS. 20 12 4 20 12 4 13)165 9 2 13)165 9 2 (12 £ 14s. Gd. 2 far. .4ns. 150 A)is. 12 £ 14s. 6d. 2 far. 9 Analysis: 165£-f-13=12£ 20 Remark. — The processes by and 9£ Rem. 9£x20-j-9s. ~~ Short and Long Division are =]89s. (More exact, 20s. -.qo essentially the same. The X9-{-9s.= 189s.) 189s.-r- operation by Long Division 13 = 148. and 7s. Rem. 7s. 7 is preferable till it has become Xl2=84d. _2^ quite familiar, since no figures 84d.-i-13— 6d. and 6d. 34 requiring attention are sup- Rem. 6d.X4-f2far.= 26 78 pressed. far. Finally, 26 far.-^13 =2 far. 5 26 2. Divide 42 m. 3 fur. 13 r. 14 ft. 11 in. by 13. Ans. 199, Ex. 1. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 185 3. Divide 27 lb. 15 clwt. by 15. Ans. 199, Ex. 3. 4. Divide 359 cwt. 2 qr. 14 lb. by 18. Ans. 199, Ex. 4. 5. Divide 509 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. by 27. Ans. 199, Ex. 5. 6. Divide 2556 da. 16 li. 41 m. 32.99 sec. by 7. (Vide 185, Rem. 2.) Ans. 199, Ex. 6. 7. Divide 84° 18^ by 15. Aiis. 5° 37' 12^- 8. Divide 83° 19' 45'' by 15. Aiis. 5° 33' 19". 9. Divide 88° 1' 29" by*'l5. Ans. 5° 52' 5.9". 10. Divide 86° 49' 3" by 15. Ans. 5° 47' 16.2". 11. If 4 of a ship be worth 235£ 16s. lid., what is the whole ship worth in United States money? A71S. $7990.46. 12. If I of a ship be worth 943£ 7s. 8d.-, what is the whole ship worth in francs ? Ans. 43485.48 francs. 13. If 8 bbl. of flour cost 2£ 12s., \vhat will 29 bbl. cost? Ans. $45,617. 14. I bought a tract of land containing 486 A. 2 R. 30 r. for §1000; subsequently I divide the land into 12 farms, and sell 11 of these farms for |6 an acre, reserv- ing the twelfth as a homestead. How much do I make over and above the homestead? A7is. |1676.78-|. 15. From 7 acres of land I harvest 299 bu. 1 pk. 7 qt. of wheat. The tillage of the land cost me $2 an acre, and I sell the wheat at |1.25 per bushel. What do I clear from each acre? A71S. $51.47||. 16. If 15T. 7 cwt. 2qr. 181b. of cotton cost $3384.48, what will 1 lb. cost ? What 1 qr. ? What 1 cwt. ? What 1 T. ? What would 100 bales be worth, each bale weighing 511 lb.? Ans. 1 lb. is worth 11 cts. 16 186 COMPOUND NUMBERS. LONGITUDE IN TIME. 201. To cliange °, \ ", of Longitude, into h. m. sec. of Time, (1.) Every point of the Earth's surface, except the poles, moves through 360° in 24 hours. Hence, 15° of Lon.=l hour of Time. (2.) Now 15°=900^ and lhour==60 minutes. Hence, 15' of Lon.=l m. of Time. (3.) But 15^:^900^ and 1 m.=60 sec. Hence, 15'' of Lon.=l sec. of Time. Therefore, Divide the °, ', ", hy 15, and consider tlie terms' of the quotient as h. m. sec. EXAMPLES. 1. The city of Lexington is 84° 18' W. L. When it is noon at Lexthgton, Avhat time is it at Greenwich? (Vide 200, Ex. 7, and 197, Ex. 13, Rem.) Ans. 37 m. 12 sec. past 5 P. M. Remark. — The Meridian from wliicli Longitude is reckoned • passes through Greenwich near London. 2. Milledgeville is 83° 19' 45" W. L. When it is noon at Greenwich, what is the time at Milledgeville ? (Vide 197, Ex. 13.) Ans, 26 m. 41 sec. past 6 A. M. 3. When it is noon at Lexington, what time is it at Milledgeville? Ans. 3 m. 53 sec. P. M. 4. When it is noon at Milledgeville, what is the time at Lexington? Ans. 11 o'clock 56 m. 7 sec. A. M. 5. The city of Mobile is 88° 1' 29" W. L. When it is noon at Mobile, what is the time at Greenwich? Ans. 5 o'clock 52 m. 5.9 sec. P. M. C03IP0UND NUMBERS. 187 6. Louisville is 85° 30' W. L. What is the difference in time between Lexington and Louisville ? 7. Washington is 77° 0' 15'' W. L. When it is noon at Washington, what is the time at Louisville ? 8. Boston is 71° 3' 30'' W. L. When it is noon at Washington, what is the time at Boston ? Ans. 2S m. 47 sec. P. M. 9. The Cape of Good Hope is 18° 29' E. L. When it is noon at Washington, what is the time at Good Hope ? Ans. 6 o'clock 21 m. 57 sec. P. M. 10. San Francisco is 122° 26' 48" W. L. When it is 8 o'clock 9 m. 47.2 sec. P. M. at London, what is the time' at San Francisco ? Ans. Noon. 11. New York is 74° 0' 3" W. L. When it is noon at New York, what is the time at all the places men- tioned in the preceding problems ? 12. On the morning of November 15, 1859, a re- markable meteor was seen at New York, Albany, Wash- ington, and Fredericksburg. At Washington the time was 9 o'clock and 30 m. What w^as the time at the other places, Albany being 73° 44' 39" W. L., and Fredericks- burg 77° 38' W^ L. ? ANALYSIS BY ALIQUOT PARTS. 202. An aliquot part of any number is an exact half, third, fourth, etc., of the number. Thus, 12J- cts. is an aliquot part of ^1, because 12J is J- of 100. 2*^ is J of 4. 6 is J of 24. 5 is 1 of 20. 121 is 1 of 25. 2 R. u a u lA, u 6 gr. u (( u 1 dwt., ii 5 s. ii u u 1£, 'i. 21 lbs. u u « 1 qr., a 188 COMPOUND NUMBERS. EXAMPLES. - 1. What cost 39 A. 2 R. 15 r. of land, at §87.375 per acre. OPERATION. §87.375 39 Therefore, Price of 1 A. is . . . " 39 A. is . . " 2 R. is . . . " 10 r. is . . . " 5 r. is . . . Price of 39 A. 2 R. 15 r. is |3459.503f ^ Ans. 2. What cost 39 A. 2 R. 15 r. of land, at |139.80 per acre? ylii-s. 15535.206 J-. 3. What cost 176 A. 3 R. 25 r. of land, at §75.375 3407.625 43.687.1 . J of 1 A. 5.460 }i . I of 2 R. 2.73011 . i of 10 r. per acre Ans. §13334.308^9. 4. What cost 20 A. 2 R. 24 r. of land, at §30 per acre? Ans. §619.50. 5. What cost 10 yd. 3 qr. 2 na. of silk, at §1.80 per yard ? OPERATION. Price of 1 yd. is .80 10 Therefore, a 10 yd. is . 18.00 <£ 2 qr. is . . .90 . . i of 1 yd. u 1 qr. is . . .45 . . i of 2 qr. a 2 na. is . . .225 . . J of 1 qr. Price of 10 yd. 3 qr. 2 na. is §19.575 Ans. 6. What cost 15 yd. 2 qr. 3 na. of cloth at 25 cents per yard? Ans. ^S.02^^^. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 189 7. What cost 25 yd. 1 qr. 3 na. of broadcloth, at $5.50 per yard? A/i5. $139.90 1. 8. What cost 67 bu. 3 pk. 7 qt. of cranberries, at §2 per bushel? OPERATION. Price of 1 bu. . . §2.00 Therefore, 67 " 67 bu. . . 134.00 ^' 2pk. . 1.00 1 bu. " Ipk. . .50 i of 2 pk " 4 qt. . .25 i of 1 pk " 2 qt. . .125 I of 4 qt. " 1 qt. . .0625 . \ of 2 qt. Price of 67 bu. 3 pk. 7 qt. $135.9375 Ans. 9. What cost 125 bu. 3 pk. 1 qt. of wheat, at 87^ cts. per bushel? Ans. $110,058. 10. What cost 25 bu. 1 pk. 3 qt. of clover seed, at $5.00 per bushel? Ans. $126.72. 11. What cost 503 bu. 4 qt. of corn, at 43j- cts. per bushel?. ^7?s. $220,117. 12. What cost 76 bu. 1 qt. of peas, at $1.66| per bushel? J.ns. $126.72. 13. What cost 10 bu. 3 pk. of apples, at 50 cts. per bushel? Ans. $5.37^. 14. What cost 25 bu. 1 pk. of potatoes, at 35 cts. per bushel? A71S. $8.83f. 15. What cost Ibu. 1 pk. 1 qt. of chestnuts, at $1.00 per bushel? Ans. $1.28 J. 16. What cost 17 cwt. 3 qr. 23 lb. of hay, at $13 per ton? 190 COMPOUND NUMBERS. OPERATION. Price of IT.... 10 cwt. . . . $13.00 . therefore, iC 6.50 . J of 1 T. u 5 cwt. 3.25 . i of 10 cwt a 2 cwt. 1.30 J of 10 cwt. a 2 qr. . .325 1 of 2 cwt. u 1 qr. . . .1625 . i of 2 qr. a 5 1b. . .0325 I of 1 qr. a 15 1b. . . .0975 . 3 times 5 lb. a lib. . . .0065 . I of 5 lb. Ci 2 1b. . .013 2 times 1 lb Price of 17 cwt. 3 qr. 231b. $11,687 Ans. 17. What cost 3 T. 10 cwt. 3 qr. of iron, at $30,375 per ton? Ans. $107.45. 18. What cost 16 boxes of sugar, each box contain- ing 4 cwt. 3 qr. 18 lb., at $6.65 per hundredweight? Ans. $524,552. 19. What cost 9 casks of sugar, each cask weighing 8 cwt. 2 qr. 12 lb., at $12 per cwt. ? A7is. 199, Ex. 19. 20. What cost 16 cwt. 3 qr. 21 lb. 6 oz. of rice, at $7.00 per hundredweight? Ans. $118.75. 21. What cost 5 cwt. 2 qr. of hay, at $27 per ton? Ans. $7.42f 22. What cost 2 T. 3 cwt. 3 qr. of hay, at $30 per ton? ^ws. $65,625. 23. What cost 7 T. 15 cwt. 1 qr. of hay, at $40 per ton? Ans. $S10.bO. 24. What cost the iron on a track measuring 3 fur. 22 r. 3ft. 8 in., at the rate of $4500 per mile? COMPOUND NUMBERS. 191 OPERATION. Price of 1 m. §4500.00 Therefore, 2 fur. . . 1125.00 . J of a mile 1 fur. . 562.50 . J of 2 fur. 20 r. 281.25 . J of 1 fur. 2r. 28.125 . /^ of 20 r. 3 ft. . 2.556 f9- . Jf of 2 r. 6 in. . 0.426/, 1 of 3 ft. 2 in. . 0.142 J, . I of 6 in. Price ofS fur. 22 r. 3 ft. 8 in. 12000,000 (192-3; Ex. 40.) 25. If I ride 5 fur. 3 r. 10 ft. 6 in. in a railroad car, what ought to be my exact fare, at the rate of 11 cts. per mile? Ans. 192-3; Ex. 39. 26. What will 23 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of wine cost, at §60 per hogshead? Ans. 194-5; Ex. 25. 27. What cost 11 hhd. 17 gal. 2 qt. of wine, at |49.77 per hogshead? Ans. §561.29 J. 28. If one silver cup weighs 8 oz. 4 dwt. 10 gr., what will 6 cups, each of the same weight, be worth, at the rate of §1.25 per ounce? Ans. 199; Ex. 20. 29. What will 537 'bushels of wheat cost, at §1.374 per bushel? OPERATION. Price at §1.00 per bu. " 25 cts. " §537.00 134.25 1 of §1.00. 121 cts. " 67.125 . h of 25 cts. Price at §1.37. §738.375 A71S. 192 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 80. What cost 327 bushels of potatoes, at 62^ cts. per bushel? 50 cts.= i of §1; 121 = i of 50 cts. Ans. 1204.375. 31. What cost 453 bushels of corn, at 87 i cts. per bushel? 87i'cts.= 50 cts.-{-25 cts.+ 12i cts. Ans. 1396.375. 32. What cost 1999 gal. of wine, at |1.62i per gallon? JLws. 13248.375. 33. What cost 5794 yd. of cloth, at |3.16| per yard? 16| cts.= i- of $1.00. Ans. $18347. 66f. 34. What cost 3579 yards of cloth, at $1.12i- per yard? $1.18|? |2.26? $3.37J? 18| cts.=3 times 6| cts. =j\ of $1.00. First Ans. $4026.375. 35. What cost 2468 gal. of wine, at $1.43} per gallon? $2.50? $3.62 J? $4.56i? 43|- cts.=:25 cts.+l2^ ctB.+6^ cts. Last Ans. $11260.25. 36. What cost 3 T. 10 cwt. 3 qr. of iron, at 6£ 4s. 6d. per ton? OPERATION. Price of 1 T. . . 6£ 4s. 6d. Therefore, 3 a 3T- . . 18 13 6 u 10 cwt. . . 3 2 3 . . J of IT. (.6 2qr. . 3 l/o J-^ of 10 cwt a Iqr. . 1 m . ^i of 2 qr. Priceof3T. lOcwt. 3qr.22£ Os. 5 J^d-, or $106.58. 37. What cost 40 yd. 3 qr. 1 na. of broadcloth, at 1 £ per yard? Ans. 40 £. 16s. 3d.=-$197.53i. 38. What cost 25 bu. 8 pk. 5 qt. of wheat, at 5 s. 6 d. per bushel ? Ans. 7£ 2 s. 5 J ^ d---$34.48l3^.. OPERATION. 3 for 1 jr. is . . §325.00 2 " 2 yr. is . . 650.00 " 3 m. is . . 81.25 " 10 da. is . . 9.02J- COMPOLXi) XUMBEllS. 193 39 If I pay $325 for the use of a certain sum of money 1 year, what ought I to pay for the use of the same money 2 yr. 3 m. 10 da.? Therefore, . 1 of 1 yr. . i of 3 m. Use for 2 yr. 3 m. 10 da. is $740.27-J Ans. (185 ; Rem. 6.) 40. At the rate of $125 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 1 yr. 3. m. 15 da. ? A71S, $161.45f. 41. At the rate of SI 75 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 1 yr. 4 m. 21 da. ? A71S. $243.54^. 42. At the rate of $400 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 1 yr. 5 m. 7 da. ? A71S. $574.44^, 43. At the rate of $525 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 2 yr. 3 m. 12 da. ? Ans. $1198.75. 44. At the rate of $1000 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 5 yr. 5 m. 5 da.? A71S. $5430.55|. 45. At the rate of $2000 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 10 yr. 10 m. 10 da. ? Ans. $21722.22|. 46. At the rate of $750 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 3 yr. 7 m. 19 da.? 17 194 COMPOUND NUMBERS. OrERATION. J for 1 yr. is . . .?750.00 3 Therefore, " 3 yr. is . . 2250.00 " 6 m. is . . 375.00 . • J of 1 .yr- " 1 m. is . 62.50 . 1 of 6 m. " 15 da. is . 31.25 . . I of 1 m. " 3 da. is . 6.25 . . 1 of 15 da " 1 da. is . 2.08J . . J of 3 da. Use for 3 yr. 7 m. 19 da. |2727.08J Ans. 47. At the rate of §1000 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 5 yr. 9 m. 27 da.? Ans. S5825.00. 48. At the rate of |2500 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 4 yr. 11 m. 25 da. ? Am. §12465.27|. 49. At the rate of §825 per year, what ought I to pay for a sum of money 6 yr. 2 m. 18 da.? Ans. §5128.75. 50. The rent of a farm is §1150 per year. What ought to be paid during an occupancy of 7 yr. 7 m.? Ans. §8720.831 . 51. What ought I to pay for the use of §5000 during 4 yr. 3 m. 20 da., at the rate of §400 per year? J.7is..§1722.22|. 52. What ought I to pay for §1850 during 3 m. 3 da., at the rate of §148 per year? Ans. §38.23 1. 53. What ought I to pay for §9215 during 3 m. 3 da., at the rate of §737.20 per year? Ans. §190.44 J. 54. What ought I to pay for the use of §8000 from COMPOUND NUMBERS. 195 January 27, 1866, to July 4, 1868, at the rate of $640 per year?— (198; Ex. 1.) Ans. $1559.111. 55. What ought I to pay for the use of $7250 from July 4, 1865, to August 1, 1866, at the rate of $580 per year? Ans. $623.50. 56. What ought I to pay for the use of $5280 from August 1, 1869, to September 9, 1871, at the rate of $422.40 per year? Ans. 889.38|. 57. If I pay 12 cts. per year for the use of $1, "what ought I to pay for its use 3 yr. 5 m. 15 da. ? Ans. $0,415. 58. If I pay $99.75 per year for the use of $950, what ought I to pay for the use of the same sum 2 yr. 4m. 20 da.? Ans. $238.29^. 59. What ought I to pay for the use of $421.40 for 3 yr. 5 m. 15 da., at the rate of $25,284 per year? OPERATION. Use for 1 yr. is . . $25,284 3 a 3 yr. is . 75.852 a 4 m. is 8.428 . 1 of 1 yr. a 1 m. is 2.107 . 1 of 4 m. u 15 da. is . , 1.0535 . 1 of 1 m. Use for 3 yr. 5 m. 15 da. $87.4405 203. Review in Addition. 1. Find the value of 123+45+2004. Ans. 2172. 2. Find the value of 21+105+710. Ans. 836. 3. Find the value of 7+90+1041. Aiis. 1138. 196 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 4. Find the value of 50+75+432ia ^m 43335. 5. Find the value of ?1 2 3+^45+12 004. Ans. $2172. 6. Find the value of 21 £+105 £+710 £. Ans. 836 £. 7. Find the value of 7 m.+90 m.+1041 m. Ans. 1138 ra. 8. Find the value of 50 pk.+75 qt.+43210 pt. Ans. 44160 pt. 9. Find the value of .123+.45+.2004. Ans. .7734. 10. Find the value of .21+.105+.71. J.ns. 1.025. 11. Find the value of .7+.9+.1041. Ans. 1.7041. 12. Find the value of .5+.75+.4321. Ans. 1.6821. 13. Find the value of $0.123+S0.45+S0.2004. Ans. $0.7734. 14. Find the value of .21 £+.105 £+.71 £. Ans. 1.025 £. 15. Find the value of .7 1.+.9 m.+ .1041 fur. Ans. 24.1041 fur. 16. Find the value of .5 pk.+.75 qt.+.4321 pt. A71S. 9.9321 pt. 17. Find the value of 1.23+4.5+20.04. Ans. 25.77. 18. Find the value of 2.1+1.05+7.1. Ans. 10.25. 19. Find the value of 7+90+10.41. Ans. 107.41. 20. Find the value of 50+7.5+.4321. Ans. 57.9321. 21. Find the value of |1.23+$4.50+|20.04. A71S. $25.77. 22. Find the value of 2.1 £+1.05 £+7.1 £. Ans. 10.25 £. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 197 23. Find the value of 7 l.-f9 m.+10.41 fur. Ans. 250.41 fur. 24. Find the value of 50 pk.+7.5 qt.+.4321 pt. A71S. 815.4321 pt. 25. Find the value of |+i+|. ^ns. IJ. 26. Find the value of J + | + |. Ans. If §. 27. Find the value of ^^-{-f^-\-^^. Ans. l^gf . 28. Find the value of ii-hyVs + Z/s- -^ns. f i§. ' 29. Find the value of ||+li+li. Ans. |1.12i. 30. Find the value of i £+| s.-[-| d. Ans. 128J d. 31. Find the value of y^^ 1.+/^- m.+ ^g fur. Ans. lOif fur. 32. Find the value of ^| pk.+ fVs ^t-+i¥3 P^- Ans. 4|| pt. 33. Find the value of 123|+45|+2004|. Ans. 2173|. 34. Find the value of 21i+105H-710|. Ans. 837|g. 35. Find the value of 7i\+90/o+1041/5. A71S. 1139^i§. 36. Find the value of 50^J+75/5V+43210//3. Ans. 43335|i§. 37. Find the value of 1.231+4.5-1+20.041. Ans. 25.791. 38. Find the value of 2.1i+1.05|+7.10|. Ans. 10.31/5. 39. Find the value of .7f,-+9.0/3+10.41/5. ^ Ans. 20.18H§. 40. Find the value of 5.0iJ+7.5jV5+4321.0//3. Ans. 4333.56.\. 198 COMPOUND NUMEERi. 41. Find the value of $1.23|+§4.51i+§20.04|. A71S. $25,791. 42. Find the value of 2.15X+1.05|£+T.108£. A71S. 10.3141 £. 43. Find the value of .7i\ r.+9.0/^ ft.H- J in. Ans. 1 r. 4 ft. 7 in. 44. Find the value of 5.0^| A.+7.5jV5 R.+l r. Ans. 6 A. 3 R. 21.48 r. 45. Add together l£ 2s. 6d.; 9£ 8s. 9d.; 12£ 13s. 2d.; and 4£ 7s. 3d. Ans. 27£ lis. 8d. 46. Add together 15 r. 16 ft. 6 in.; 33 r. 14 ft. 7 in.; and 19 r. 8 ft. 9 in. Ans. 69 r. 6 ft. 10 in. 47. Add together 5 A. 2 R. 7 r. ; 8 A. 3 R. 32 r. ; and 9 A. 1 R. 27 r. Ans. 23 A. 3 R. 26 r. 48. Add together 3 hhd. 62 gal. 3 qt.; 2 hhd. 16 gal. 1 qt.; 3 hhd. 57 gal. 2 qt.; 3 hhd. 45 gal. 3 qt.; 2 hhd. 59 gal. 3 qt. ; and 3 hhd. 39 gal. 2 qt. Ans. 20 hhd. 29 gal. 2 qt. 204. Review in Subtraction. 1. From 1001 take 763. Ans. 238. 2. From 3999 take 455. Ans. 3544. 3. From 31015 take 9999. Ans. 21016. 4. From 11111 take 7778. Ans. 3333. 5. From $245 take $78. Ans. $167. 6. From 24 pears take 19 pears. Ans. 5 pears. 7. From 91 apples take 74 apples. Ans. 17 apples. 8. From 375 da. take 109 da. Ans. 266 days. 9. From .763 take .1001. Ans. .6629. 10. From .455 take .3999. Ans. .0551. 11. From .45 take .0073. Ans. .4427. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 199 12. From .39 take .039. Ans. .351. 13. From §0.37 take |0.227. Ans. |0.143. 14. From .5 pears take .25 pears. Ans. .25 pears. 15. From .91 apples take .74 apples. Ans. .17 apples. 16. From .67 lb. take .4937 lb. Ans. .1763 lb. 17. From 10.01 take 7.63. Ans. 2.38. 18. From 39.99 take .455. Ans. 39.535. 19. From 3.8 take 1.005. Ans. 2.795. 20. From 37 take 19.04. Ans. 17.96. 21. From |3.25 take $2.12. Ans. |1.13. 22. From 3.5 da, take 2.85 da. Ans. .65 days. 23. From 43.7 m. take 27.43 m. Ans. 16.27 m. ' 24. From 9.5 sec. take 4.67 sec. Ans. 4.83 sec. 25. Find the value of 3— ^ ; of 4— |. Ans. 2^ ; 3}. 26. Find the value of |— | ; of |— ^. Ans. | ; |. 27. Find the value of 3^—2 J ; of 4i— 3l. Ans. 1|; IgL. 28. Find the value of 8— 3^ ; of 12—41. Ans. 4i ; 7|. 29. Find the value of 3.8— 2j ; of 37— 19-^^ Ans. 1.3 ; 17.96. 30. Find the value of 4.3^—2.331; of 84— 3.14f. Ans. 2.01f ; 5. 31. Findthe value of 42— .OOOJ; 37—4.000'". Ans. 41.9991; 32.999 J. 32. Find the value of 860.4581— 25.1 J. Ans. 835.3248f . 33. From | h. take i m. Ans. 29 m. 45 sec. 34. From i da. take J h. Ans. 5. h. 45 m. 35. From | m. take * in. Ans. 191 r. 16 ft. 5J in. 200 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 36. From J A. take J sq. m. ».75i. A71S. 19r. 272 ft. 35f in. Ans. $0,495/5. Ans. 7 ft. 8|g in. Alts. 2 gal. -i qt. A718. |1.00/g. Ans. $12.48. 37. From §1.25| take 38. From 8.3 J ft. take 7.0| in. 39. From 2J gal. take J qt. 40. From 7i francs take 371 cts. 41. From 3|£ take 3} dollars. 42. From 4i bu. take 3j pk. J.ws. 3 bu. 2 pk. 4 qt. 43. From 9 m. take 8 m. 7 fur. 39 r. 16 ft. 5 in. Ans. 1 inch. 44. From 8 m. 7 fur. 16 ft. 5 in. take 5 m. 6 yd. 11 in. A71S. 3 m. 6 fur. 39 r. 14 ft. 45. From 1£ 21s. 13d. 5 far. take 5s. 3d. 7 far. Ans. l£16s. 9d. 2 far. 46. From 9 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt. take 4 bu. 7 pk. 15 qt. Ans. 3 bu. 2 pk. 6 qt. I305. Review in Multiplication and Division. 1. Multiply 45 by 45. 3. Multiply 101 by 1001. 5. Multiply .45 by .45. 7. Multiply .101 by .1001. 9. Multiply 4.5 by 45. 11. Multiply .0009 by .0009. 13. Multiply $45 by 75. 15. Multiply 365 da. by 17. 17. Multiply 375.61b. by .125. 19. Multiply 03.5 bu. by .78. 21. Multiply 74 by ^f-y. 23. Multiply vjVj by 370. 25. Multiply H by ff. 27. Multiply 4 by zll. 29. Multiply 6^| by 24. 31. Multiply 4^ by 3f Am. 145. 2. Divide 2025 by 45. 4. Divide 101101 by 1001. 6. Divide .2025 by .45. 8. Divide .0101101 by .1001. 10. Divide 202.5 by 4.5. 12. Divide .00000081 by .0009. 14. Divide $3375 by 75. 10. Divide 6205 da. by 17. 18. Divide 4G.95 by .125. 20. Divide 49.53 bu. by .78. 22. Divide 6 by ^i^^. 24. Divide i||o by -870. 20. Divide j% by j^^. 28. Divide 14 by 3i|. , 30. Divide 7| by 3. 32. Divide 14^ by S^V Ans. 415. {J03il'0UXD ^' UMBERS. 201 33. Multiply .OOOi by 4.8. 85. Multiply S.Of by 2.00i. 37. Multiply 375f r. by |. 39. Multiply 63^ A. by |f 41. Multiply 3.75ir. by 51. 43. Multiply 8.61 bu. by 129. 31. Divide .0016 by .0001. 36. Divide 6.031 1| by 2.00^. 38. Divide 46 |i r. by i. 40. Divide 49.53 A. by ff. 42. Divide 191f i by 51. 44. Divide 1112f bu. by 8|. 45. Multiply 26 £ 14 s. 8d. 3 far. by 11. Ans. 294: £ 2 s. Od. Ifar. 46. Multiply 1 m. 1 fur. 1 r. 1 ft. 1 in. by 27. Ans. 30 m. 3 fur. 28 r. 12 ft. 9 in. 47. Multiply 8 T. 1 cwt. 3 qr. 7 lb. 5 oz. 6 dr. by 3^ Ans. 28 T. 6 cwt. 1 qr. 13 lb. 2 oz. 13 dr. 48. Multiply 365 da. 5 li. 48 m. 47.57 sec. by 6. Ans. 2191 da. 10 h. 52 m. 45!'42 sec. 49. Add together 10 apples, 4 pears, and 6 peaches (Vide 171.) 50. Add together 3 ft. and 4 in. Ans. 40 inches. 51. From §100 take 4 bu. 2 pk. 1 qt The problem is absurd. Why? 52. I buy 4 bu. 2 pk. 1 qt, of cherries at 50 cts. per qt., and pay for them out of a §100 bill. How much money do I receive in change? Aiis. §27.50. 53. Multiply 25 cts. by 25 cts.— (Vide 82.) 54. Divide 25 rails by 25 rails.— (Vide 96.) 55. Reduce each of the following expressions to a compound number: 3.23125 £; S^Vo^; 3.23|£; 64.- 625s.; 64gs; 64.6is.; 775 id.; 775.5 d.; 3102 far. Ans. 3£4s. 7d. 2 far. 56. Reduce 1 yr. 2 mo. 6 da. to months and decimals of a month. 1 yr. 3 mo. 9 da.; 2 yr. 4 mo. 12 da.; and 3 yr. 6 mo. 15 da. J.ns. 14.2 mo. ; 15.3 mo.; 28.4mo.; 42.5 mo. 202 PERCENTAGE. PERCENTAGE. 206. Percentage embraces those operations in which numbers are compared with 100 as a unit. SOT. Per centum, in Latin, signifies by the hundred, but the contraction per cent, is used, for the most part, as a synonym of the word hundredth or hundredths. Thus, 1 per cent, of 25 is the same as 1 hundredth of 25. 2 per cent, of 50 is the same as 2 hundredths of 50. 25 per cent, of a number is the same as 25 hundredths of it. The sign ^ is the same as the contraction per cent. The RATE PER CENT, is the number of hundredths. Thus, ■ 5 ^ of 400 is read 5 per cent, of 400, and has the same meaning as 5 hundredths of 400, that is, yj^ of 400, or .05 of 400. 7 % of a number is 7 hundredths of it. 1% of a number is f hundredths of it, that is ^f^ of it. ^iOS. To represent decimally any given rate per cent., Write the given rate as so many hundredths. EXAMPLES. 1. Represent the following rates per cent, decimally, viz: 1%; 2%; 12%; 10%; 25%; 47%; 100%; 125%; 200%; 1000%; 1275%. Ans..O\] .02; .12; .10; .25; .47; 1.00; 1.25; 2.00; 10.00; 12.75. TERCENTAGE. 203 2. Represent decimally h%;i%; ~l%; Jo%> i o % ; A71S. .005; .0025; .001; .0005; .001; .0002; .0075; .004. 3. Represent decimally 1^^; 2\%; 3j%; lj^%; ^i\fo; 11%; H%; H%. Ans. .015; .0225; .032; .0105; .061; .075; .051; .041. 4. Represent decimally ^^-^ ; ^%%; |%; 125|%; 4Jg%. ^7is. .00025; .00075; .00375 ; 1.25|; .040625. 209. To find what rate per cent, a given decimal represents, Multiply the decimal hy 100 and reduce the result^ if necessary^ as in 164. EXAMPLES. . 1. What rate per cent, does .01 represent? .04? .05? .07? .1? .2? Ans,l%',4.%', 5%; 1 %; 10%; 20%. 2. What rate per cent, does .00428f represent? .000|? .008 1 ? (Vide 164, Ex. 7.) Ans, | %; -^^%', %%. 3. What rate per cent, does .001 represent? .0075? .041^? 1.00? Ans, ^\%; f %; 4i%; 100%. 4. What rate ^er cent, does .007 represent? .0007? 1.07? Ans. /^%; tJo%; 107%. !S10. To find the per cent, (or percentage) of a num- ber at a given rate, Multiply the given number hy the rate per cent, ivrit- ten as a decimal. The product will be the per cent. required. EXAMPLES. 1. Find 3% of 25; -J% of |500 ; and 1.^^% of 7000 lbs. of coff'ee. 204 PERCENTAGE. OPERATIONS. 25 $500 7000 lb. .03 .005 .0105 .75=1 Ans. 12.500 Ans. 73.5000=-73i lb. Ans. 2. Find 1 % of $120 ; 2 % of $410 ; 7 % of 140 bu. ; 9% of 555 da. (211, Ex. 2.) 3. Find 6% of 333 fur.; 5% of 400 m.; 1% of $1000; J % of $3333. 4. Find 1% of $7000; n% of $9000; 2^% of $700; J^% of $10000. 5. Find 2% of$125;7^;ll%;25%;75%;100%; 150%. 6. Find 11% of Gets.; 7cts.; $1.20; $1.75; $3.50; $7.62i; $9.45. 7. Find 25% of $25; 33i % of $500; 16f % of $8000. 8. Find 101 J % of $505; 202 J % of $404; 1000% of $23.10. 9. Received at Mobile from New Orleans 200 lihds. of sugar ; but in discharging the cargo 2 % of the sugar was lost. How much remains to be sold? Ans. 196 hhds. 10. The steamer Indiana started from Vicksburg with 500 bales of cotton on board. On the trip to New Or- leans 14% of the cotton was transferred to another boat. How much remained on board? Ans. 430 bales. 11. Bought at New Orleans 75 hhds. of molasses, but on its arrival at Cincinnati 4% is missing. How much remains to be sold? Ans. 72. hhds. 12. Shipped at Havana for New York 1250 boxes of PERCENTAGE. 205 oranges; on the passage 14 fo of the oranges Avere thrown overboard. How many boxes arrived in New York? Ans. 1075 boxes. 13. On a trip from New Orleans to New York I ex- pend 25% of my money. I started with. §360. How much did I have on arriving at New York? (Vide 167, Ex. 103.) Ans. §270. 14. During a storm a captain threw overboard 16| ^ x)f a cargo of cotton. He left New Orleans with 720 bales; with how many did he arrive at Liverpool^ (167, Ex. 104.) Ans. 600 bales. 15. My wine made during the year 1865 was 378 gallons. Reserving 7^%, I sell the remainder at §4.50 per gallon. What did the crop bring me? (167, Ex. 105.) Ans. §1579.50. 16. My wine made during the year 1866 w^as 450 gallons. Reserving 10 ^ for private use, I sell the re- mainder at §3.75 per gallon. Which year was most profitable, 1865 or 1866, and by how much? Ans. 1865, by §60.75. 17. I buy sugar for §1700, and sell so as to clear 5 ^ on the cost. How much do I get? Ans. §1785. 18. A merchant failing, pays his creditors 30^. He owes A §2500; B §4000; and C §4500. What will each receive? Ans. A §750; B §1200; and C §1350. 19. I pay 10% of my salary for board; i% for washing ; l2 % for clothes, and 8 % for other expenses. How much do I clear from a salary of §2000 ? Ans. §1395. Sll. To find the rate per cent, of a number at a given percentage, ' c } 206 PEllCEXTAGE. Divide the given percentage hy the number of which the rate per cent, is required. The quotient will repre- sent the rate per cent, decimally, and may be changed as in 209. EXAMPLES. 1. What rate % of 25 is .75? of $500 is $2.50? of 7000 lb. of coffee is 73. \ lb. of coffee? OPERATIONS. (1.) " (2.) (3.) 25).75 500)2.50 7000)73.5 .03=% Ans. .005= J % Aiis. .0105=1 ^.^^^ -^ns. 2. What rate % of $120 is $1.20? of $410 is $8.20? of 140 bu. is 9| bu. ? of 555 da. is 49 ^ § da. ? 3. What rate % of 333 fur. is 19|~§fur.? of 400 m. is 20 m.? of $1000 is $5.? of $3333 is $11.11? 4. What rate % of $7000 is $17.50? of $9000 is $135? of $700 is $15f ? of $10000 is $5? 5. What rate % of $125 is $2.50? $8.75? $13.75? $31.25? $93.75? $125? $187.50? 6. What rate % of 6 cts. is j% m. ? of 7 cts. is 1 j^ m.? of $1.20 is If cts.? of $1.75 is 2| cts.? of $3.50 Is 5J- cts.? of $7.62i is 11/5 cts.? of $9.45 is 14/^ cts.? 7. What rate % of $25 is $6 J? of $500 is $166|? of $8000 is $1333| ? 8. What rate % of $505 is $511.06? of $404 is $818.10? of $23.10 is $231? 9. From a ship having on board 200 bales of cotton, 4 bales fell into the sea, and wer^ lost. What rate % were these four bnles of the whole number on board? rEllCEXTAGE. 207 10. A boy commenced play with 200 marbles, and ended with 196. What was his rate ^ of loss? 11. A ship sailed from New Orleans for Liverpool with a cargo of 500 bales of cotton. The ship reached her port with only 430 bales, the remainder "having been thrown overboard. With what rate % of her cargo did she reach Liverpool, and what rate % had been thrown into the sea? 12. Out of 1250 boxes of oranges shipped at Havana, 1075 arrived in New York. What rate % of the cargo had been lost ? 13. I started from Charleston with $360, and arrived in Quebec with §270. What rate % of my money had been expended in the trip? 14. Out of my wine made in 1865, which was 378 gallons, I sold a quantity amounting, at the rate of ?4j per gallon, to $1579|, having reserved the remainder for private usfe. What rate ^ on the whole wine was reserved ? 15.. My wine made in 1866 had increased at the rate of 19 2^- ^/o on that made in 1865, but tHe market being dull I sold a portion of it for §3.75 per gallon, clearing §60.75 less than on the previous year. What rate ^ of the wine of 1866 remained unsold? !S1!^. To find a number on which, at a given rate ^, a given percentage may be obtained. Divide the given 'percentage hy the given rate per cent, expressed decimally. .The quotient Avill be the required number. 208 ^ PERCENTAGE. EXAMPLES. 1. What number is that of which 3% is .75? 1% of how many dollars is $2.50 ? l^^ % of how many pounds is 73i pounds? OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) .03).75 .005)12.500 .0105)73.5000 lb. 25 Ans. 1500 Ans. 7000 lb. Ans. 2. 8^ of what number will produce 125? Am. 1562.50. 3. 8^ of how many dollars will produce |175? A71S. 12187.50. 4. 5 ^ of how many dollars will produce |400 ? Ans. 18000. 5. 4^ of how many dollars will produce §250? Ans. 16250. 6. On a pleasure excursion I spend $90, which I find is 25 fo of the money with which I started. How much money have I still on hand? Ans. (211, Ex. 13.) 7. If I pay 8 ^ of a sum of money for its use during a year, and thereby pay |525, what amount of money do I have the use of? Ans. $6562.50. 8. If I pay 6^ of Sb sum of money for its use during a year, and thereby pay $750, what amount of money do I have the use of? Ans. $12500. 9. I borrow $350 for 1 year, and agree to pay 7% of the sum for its use. How much do I pay ? Ans. $24.50. 10. If I pay $24.50 for the use of $350 for 1 year, what rate % on the money do I pay? * Ans. 7%, PERCENTAGE. 209 11. What amount of money can I get the use of for 1 year by paying $24.50, that being 7 ^ on the money borrowed? Ans. $350. S13. A number being given which is a given rate per cent, more than another number, to find that other number, Divide the given number by \ -\- the rate per cent, written as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. 560 is 12 fo more than a certain number. What is that number? Remark. — Thp question is precisely the operation. same as this; 560 is iif of what number? and (560-112) X 100=560-1.12. 1.12 )560.00 500 Ans. 2. 1000 is 33| fo more than a certain number. What is that number? 1000-^1.33|=| of 1000. Ans. 750. 3. $150 is 20% more than what sum? Ans. $125. 4. $140 is 16? fo more than what sum? Ans. $120. 214. A number being given which is a given rate p'er cent, less than another number, to find that other number. Divide the given number by X — the rate per cent, ivr it- ten as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. 270 is 25 % less than what operation. number? 1-^9 Remark. — The question is the same as this: 270 is ^^-^ of what number? and (270 •'^5 )270.00 -f-75) X 100=270— 75. (Vide 167. Ex. 98.) 36O im 18 210 PERCENTAGE. 2. $1.40 is 30% less than what sum? Ans. $2.00. 3. $4.50 is 25% less than what sum? A71S. $6.00 4. $8.75 is 33J% less than what sum? (| of 8.75.) Ans. $13.12J. APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE. 215. Insurance is a contract made between parties, by which the one binds itself, for a consideration, to re- imburse the other for losses of property occasioned by fires, or other casualties. (1.) The party taking the risk is called the Under- writer. (2.) The party protected is called the Insured. (3.) The Policy is the written contract of insurance. (4.) The Premium is the sum paid for insurance. (5.) The premium is usually a percentage on the value of the property insured, and is paid at the time the pol- icy is drawn. ' 310. To find the Premium, when the amount insured and the rate per cent, of insurance are given. Multiply the amount insured hy the rate %, wiHtten decimally. — (Vide 210.) EXAMPLES. 1. What premium must be paid annually for insuring a house worth $4500, at -J % ? Ans. $11.25. 2. What is the premium on a cargo of cotton valued at $2500, at 1 % ? Ans. $3,125. PEllCE^'TAGE. 211 3. What is the premium on a cargo of goods carried from New York to Mobile, the goods being valued at 112500, and insured at Ij % ? Ans. $187.50. 4. I have a house worth §4500, and insure it for | of its value at 1|% per annum. What is the expense of insurance, including $2.00 for the policy? Ans. §50.00. 5. I lose by fire four houses, valued at §25000. On this property I had paid annually, during five years, a premium of lj% on the entire value. The policy be- ing good, what have I saved by insuring the property? Ans. §28437.50. 217. To find for what sum a policy must be taken out, at a given rate per cent., to cover both property and premium, Divide the sum for wJiich the property is to be insured hy 1 — the rate ^, written as a decimal. — (Yide 214.) EXAMPLES. 1. Shipped a cargo of flour from New York to Mata- moras, valued at §23940. For what sum must it be in- sured to cover the value of the flour and the premium, the rate of insurance being 5 ^ ? Ans. §25200. 2. For what sum must I insure §45000 worth of cot- ton, shipped from Yicksburg to New Orleans, so as to cover the cotton and premium, the rate of insurance being 2 J % ? Ans. §46153 |f 3. The premium for insuring a house is ^50, including §2.00 for the policy. The rate of insurance is If %. What is the value of the house ?— (Yide 212.) Ans. §3000. 212 PERCENTAGE. 318. Commission is a sum allowed to a Commission Merchant, Agent, or Factor, by a Principal, for his services in buying or selling goods. The Agent, if re- siding in a different part of the country, or in a foreign country, is called a Consignee; the goods shipped, a Consignment; the Principal, a Consignor. The commission is usually a given percentage of the money involved in the purchase or sale. 210. To find the commission on a given sum, at a given rate per cent.. Multiply the given sum hy the given rate ^, written as a decimal. — (Vide 210.) EXAMPLES. 1. I receive an order in Mobile, from Liverpool, for the purchase of 300 bales of cotton. The cotton I buy weighs on an average 500 pounds to the bale, and costs in Mobile 11 J cts. per lb. What is my commission, at the rate of 1^% on the cost of the cotton? Ans. §253.12^. 2. A commission merchant sells goods to the amount of §4375, on which he receives a rate of 2 ^. 'To what does his commission amount? Ans. |87.50. 3. What is the commission on a purchase of 50 bales of cotton, at 500 pounds to the bale, and costing 10| cts. per pound, the commission being IJ % ? Ans. §45.39Jg. 330. To find the commission when the amount in- cludes the sum to be invested, and also the commission, Divide the given amount by l-\- the rate ^, ivritten as a dscimal, and subtract the result from the given amount. <^ ■^^ EXAMPLES. •L3 1. I receive in Mobile |7500, with which to purchase cotton. My commission is to be 2 ^ on the purchase, which is to be deducted from the money. What is my commission? Ans. $147.05] |. 2. Suppose I had received $22400, with the under- standing that my commission should be 2j ^ on the amount purchased. AVhat amount should I have to ex- pend for cotton? Ans. $21853.658. 3. I send a commission merchant $1000, with which to buy cotton, after deducting his commission of 5 J^ on the money invested. What amount is invested in cotton, and how much is retained as commission? Ans. $952.38 and $47.62. 221. Stock is money belonging to a collection of in- dividuals, called a Corporation, authorized by law to do business together. (1.) The owners of the stock are called Stockholders. (2.) A Share is one of the equal parts into which the stock is divided. Such a part is usually $100. (3.) A Certificate is a written evidence of ownership of stock. (4.) The par value of stock is the number of dollars mentioned in each share. (5.) The market value of stock is the number of dol- lars a share w^ll bring when sold for cash. (6.) Stock is above par, or below par, according as the market value is above or below the par value. (7.) If above par, stock is at a premium; if below par, it is at a discount. sft PERCENTAGE. 22S. To find the value of stock at a given rate per cent, premium, Multiply the par value hy l-\- the rate ^ ivritten as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value of 17 shares of stock, at 5 ^ , ? premium OPERATION. 11700 1.05 85.00 ^"^^ ■/ 1700 ^-^ '^^ ?^ $1785.00 Ans. (Vide 210, Ex. 17.) 2. What is the value of 14 shares of railroad stock, at a premium of 7 % ? Ans. $1498. 3. What is the value of $32000 in State bonds, at a premium of J ^ ? ' Ans. $32040. 223. To find the value of stock at a given rate per cent, discount. Multiply the par value hy 1 — the rate % written as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value of 17 shares of stock at 5 % discount ? OPERATION. $1700 .95 85.00 1530.0 $1615.00 PERCENTAGE. 215 2. What is the value of 14 shares of railroad stock, at a discount of 7 % ? Ans. §1302. 3. What is the value of 12 J shares of stock, at a dis- count of 14 % ?— (210, Ex. 12.) Ans. |1075. 4. What is the value of |13000 in State bonds, at a discount of 8% ? Ans. $11960. 5. I invest $10000 in railroad stock at the par value. In a year the stock depreciates 3 fo, and, fearing a further decline, I sell all my certificates. What is my loss? Ans. $300. 6. If I buy 15 shares of stock at a premium oi Sfo, and sell at a discount of 3%, what do I lose? Ans. $90. 7. If I buy 18 shares of railroad stock at 5 ^ below par, and sell at 7 % above par, what do I gain ? !S34. Brokerage is the percentage charged by money dealers, called Brokers, for negotiating Bills of Exchange. Brokers all deal in stocks and other monetary matters. 225. To find the brokerage on a given sum. Multiply the sum hy the rate fo written as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. Wishing to rais,e an amount of money, I sell to a broker 100 shares of railroad stock at a discount of i %. What is the amount of brokerage? Ans. $25.00. 2. What must I pay a New Orleans broker for cashing bills on New York to the amount of $5000, brokerage at the rate of > % ? Ans. $25.00. 22%. Profit and Loss are terms used by merchants and other business men in reference to the purchase and sale of goods. 2r6 PERCENTAGE. (1.) The cost is the price paid for an article. (2.) The selling price is the amount received for an article. (3.) The profit is the amount received less the cost. (4.) The loss is the cost less the amount received. 2217. To find the profit or loss when the cost price and the rate per cent, of profit or loss are given, Multiply the cost price by the rate fo written as a decimal. The result will be the profit or loss. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant bought goods for ^500, and sold them at a profit of 12^. What does he clear? Ans. $60. 2. If I buy goods for |750, and sell them at a profit of 33A %, what do I clear ? Ans. ,^250. 3. What is the profit on oil, valued at $175, retailed at 25% above the cost? Aiis. $43.75. 4. Buy sugar for $700, $800, and $1000; clear 25% on the first lot, 33^ % on the second, and lose 50 % on the third. How did I come out of the trade? Ans. Lost $58 J. 228. To find the rate per cent, of profit or loss when the cost and selling prices are givQn, Divide the difference hetiveen the cost and selling prices hy the cost price. Change the quotient by 209. EXAMPLES. 1. If I buy goods for $500, and sell the same for $560, what is the rate % of profit? 2. If I buy a quantity of flour for $750, and sell it for $1000, what is the rate % of profit? PERCENTAGE. £17 f 3. If I buy flour at |4 per barrel, and sell it at §5.50 per barrel, what is the rat^ fo of profit? OPERAftoNS. (1.) (^.) (3.) §560 11000 $5.50 500 750 4.00 500) 60.00(.12 750) 250.00(.33J 4.)1.50(.37i 60.00 250.00 1.50 Arts. 12 fc- Ans. 33|%. Ans.S1l%> 4. If I purchase tea at 60 cts. per pound, and sell it at 90 cts., what is the rate ^ of profit? Ajis. 50^. 5. If I buy 40 yards of broadcloth at §2.50 per yard, and sell the whole for $120, what is the rate ^ of profit? Ans. 20%. 6. I have in my storehouse 300 barrels of damaged flour, which cost me §1450. I am willing to sell the lot at §4 per barrel. What w^ould be the rate fo of loss ? Ans, nj^fo. 7. Cost price §1.20, selling price §1.50. Rate % of profit? Ans, 229, Ex. 5. 8. Cost price §1.25, selling price §1.75. Bate % of profit ? 9. Cost price §1.40, selling, price §2.00. Rate % of profit ? 10. Cost price §4.50, selling price §6.00 Rate % of profit ? 11. Cost price §6.00, selling price §4.50. Rate.^ of loss? 12. Cost price §2.00, selling price §1.40. Rate % of loss? 19 PERCENTAGE. 229. To find the selling price, when the cost price is known, so that a given per cent, may be made or lost, (1.) If profit is to be made, multiply tlie cost^rice hy l-\- the rate ^, ivritten as u decimal. (Vide 222.) . (2.) If loss is to be susfained, multiply the cost price hy 1 — the rate fo, ivritten as a decimal. (Vide 223.) EXAMPLES. 1. I buy goods for ^500, and propose to clear 12 fo- What must be the selling price? |500xl.l2. Ans. $560. 2. If I buy flour for §750, and in the sale of it clear 33| ^, what is my selling price? $750X1.33J=§750X-|. Ans. |1000. 3. I buy cloth at §4 per yard, and wish to make a profit of 37| % on the cost. What must be my selling price per yard? §4Xl.37i-=PX V- Ans. $5.50 4. I have in store 300 barrels of flour, which cost $1450. It being damaged, I am willing to lose VI J^fc What must I charge per barrel? Ans. $4. 5. Cost price $1.20, rate % of profit 25. What is the selling price ? 6. Cost price $1.25, rate % of profit 40. What is the selling price ? 7. Cost price $1.40, rate % of profit, 42f . What is the selling price? 8. Cost price $4.50, rate % of profit 33 J. What is the selling price? 9. Cost price $6.00, rate % of loss 25. What is the selling price? PERCENTAGE. 219 10. Cost price 12.00, rate % of loss 30. What is the selling price? 11. To make 12 » % profit, for how much must I sell cloth that cost 16 cts. per yard? 24 cts.? 32 cts.? 64 cts.? 72 cts.? 88 cts.? Am. % of 16 cts.=18 cts., etc. 12. To make 16f % profit, what must a merchant mark calico that cost 36 cts. per yard? 42 cts.? 54 cts.? 72 cts.? 11.26? $1.50? $1.80? . 13. To make 33^^, what must I mark books which cost 24 cts.? 27 cts.? 30 cts.? 42 cts.? §1.02? $1.05? $1.08? $1.24? $1.44? 230. To find the cost price, when the selling price and the rate per cent, of profit or loss are given. (1.) If a profit has been made, divide the Belling 'price hy\-\- the rate % written as a deciftiaL (Vide 213.) (2.) If a loss has been sustained, divide the selling pnce hy 1 — the rate % written as a decimal, (Vide 214.) EXAMPLES. 1. Selling price $560, rate % of profit 12. What is the cost price? 2. Selling price $1000, rate % of profit 33^. What is the cost? 3. Selling price $5.50, rate ^ of profit 37|. What is the cost? 4. Selling price $1.50, rate % of profit 25. What is the cost? 5. Selling price $1.75, rate % of profit 40. What is the cost? 6. Selling price $2.00, rate % of profit 42f . What is the cost? 220 PERCENTAGE. 7. Selling price $4:.50, rate % of loss 25. What is the cost? 231. Duties or Customs are sums of money assessed by government upon imported goods. (1.) Specific duties are assessed upon goods at a cer- tain rate per hogshead, gallon, bale, etc., with no refer- ence to their value. (2.) Ad valorem duties are a certain percentage of the cost of goods. (3.) An Invoice is a written account of the goods of a cargo containing a statement of the cost of each article in the currency of the country whence imported. EXAMPLES. 1. The invoice of 'a cargo of goods which arrived in Mobile from Liverpool, contained the following among other items : 325 yd. Broadcloth cost 26 s. sterling per yd. 623 yd. Muslin " 4 s. " " 600 yd. Lace " Is. lOd. " " 975 yd. Carpeting " 6 s. " " 1280 yd. " " 4s. 8d. " " The duty on the broadcloth was 15 ^ ; on the muslin 12| fo ; on lace 12 J ^ ; carpeting 15 %. What was the amount of duty in United States money? Ans. 1844.58. 232. Miscellaneous Examples. 1. A and B invest $550 in a speculation of which A fur- nishes $330, and B the balance. They gain $70. What is the rate % of profit on the money invested ? What is the share of each ? Ans. 12 f\ %-, A $42; B $28. PERCENTAGE. 221 2. A man failing owes A §175; B $500; C $600; D 1210; E $42.50; F $20; and G $10. His property is sold for $934.50. What is the rate % of loss? What is the share of each creditor? Ans. Loss 40 per cent. A loses $70; B $200; C $240; D $84.00; E $17; F $8; G $4. 3. A bankrupt owes A $500; B $1200; and C S4300. The net cash proceeds of his estate amount to only $1500. What rate ^ does he pay on his debts? What does each creditor receive? Am. 2h%, A $125; B $300; C $1075. 4. If the money and effects of a bankrupt amount to $3361.74, and he is indebted to A $1782.24, to B $1540.76, and to C $2371.17, how much will each re- ceive? Ans. A $1052.20; B $909.64; C $1399.90. 5. I send a commission merchant $1000, with which to buy cotton. If I allow him 5 % commission on the money sent, how much will he have to expend in cot- ton? ^Tis. $950. 6. How much railroad stock can be obtained for $3860, when the stock is at a discount of ^l%t Ans. $4000. 7. What rate % of $700000 is $700? Ans. J^%. . 8. What rate % of $450000 is $2250? Ans. \%. 9. A certain town, whose property is valued at $750- 000, proposes to raise a tax of $1875. What will be the rate % ? Ans. J % , or 2^ mills on the dollar. 10. AVhat will be the tax of a man whose property is valued at $12000, at the rate of i % ? Ans. $30. 11. A city agrees to loan a railroad company $1000- 000, which amount is to be raised on a property valued 222 PERCENTAGE. at $175000000. What is the rate % of taxation, and what does A pay, whose property is taxed for |35000 ? Ans. 4%. A pays $200. 12. Sold tea at 90 cts. per pound, and gained 20 %. What % should I have gained had I sold it for $1.00 per pound? Am. 33i %, 13. I sell tea at $1.28 per pound, and thereby lose 20 % . What would be gained or lost ^ by selling the same tea at $1.68 per pound? Am. Profit of 5%. 14. iBy selling coffee at 67 J cts. per pound I make a profit of 12J%, but I desire to make 30%. What must be my selling price per pound? An%. 78 cts. 15. I bought a quantity of broadcloth for $2.59 per yard, but on measuring it I find it falls short 12|% in length. What must be my selling price per yard in order to clear 12 1% on the real cpst? Am. $3.33. 16. I bought a quantity of calico at 40 J cts. per yd.; but 10% of the calico proved to be damaged, and 10% of the balance was lost by bad debts, and yet I cleared 10 % on the cost. What was the selling price per yard? An%. 55 cts. INTEREST. 1333. Interest is a percentage paid for the use of money. (1.) The Principal is the money for which interest is paid. (2.) The Amount is the sum of the principal and interest. (3.) The Rate per cent, per annum is the number of cents paid fur the use of 1 tlollar for a year. PERCENTAGE. 223 (4.) The Time is the period for which interest is paid. Thus, July 4, 1865, A borrowed of B $7250, agreeing to pay at the rate of 8^ per annum. August 1, 1866, he paid $623.50. The principal is $7250; the interest is $623.50; the amount is $7873.50; the rate per cent, per annum is 8; the time, 1 yr. 27 da. (Vide 198, Ex. 2; and 202, Ex. 55.) Resiark 1. — The rate per cent, in tlie various states is estab- lished by law, and is thence called the legal rate; a higher than legal rate is usury. The legal rate in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, •••Ohio, ^Indiana, •••Illinois, *Iowa, "^Nebraska, ^Missouri, *Kansas, ^Arkansas, -^Mississippi, Florida, District of Columbia, and debts in favor of the United States, is 6 per cent.; ^Michigan, New York, Minnesota, Georgia, and South Carolina, 7 per cent.; Alabama and Texas, 8 per cent.; California, 10 per cent.; Louisiana, 5 per cent. By special contract, parties, in the states marked * can take interest as high as 10 per cent. Remark 2. — The month, in computing interest, is regarded as having 30 days. Custom has made it lawful. (Vide 185, Rem. 6.) !334. To find the interest of any principal for 1 year, at any given rate per cent, per annum. Multiply the principal hy the rate fo per annum^ writ- ten as a decimal. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of $6500 for 1 year, at 1 % per annum? 2%? 3%? 4%? etc., to 12%? Ans. $65; $130; $195; $260, etc. . . $780. 2. At 12 % per annum, what is the interest of $1041| forlyear? $1458i? $3333i? $4375? $6250? $8333i? $20833^? $6875? ^ws. $125; $175, etc. . $825. 224 PERCENTAGE. 3. At Sfo per annum, what is the interest of §5000 for 1 year? $1850? |9215? $8000? $7250? $5280? Ans. 202, Ex. 51. . . 56. 4. What is the amount of $500, at 2^ per annum, for 1 year? $250 at 5%? $375 at 6%? $475 at 6%? $450 at 7 % ? $1250 at 8 % ? (Vide 233, (2.) Ans. $^10; $262.50. . . $1350. 5. What is the amount of $1.00, at 5^ per annum, fori year? 6%? 7%? 8%? 10%? Ans. $1.05; $1.06; $1.07; $1.08; $1.10. 6. What is the amount of $1.05, at 5% per annum, for 1 year? $1.06 at 6% ? $1.07 at 7% ? $1.08 at 8% ? $1.10 at 10%? Ans. $1.10i; $1.12/^; $1.1449; $1.1664; $1.21. ' 235. To find the interest of $1.00, at 12 % per annum, for any given time. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the interest of $1.00, at 12% per annum, for 3 yr. 5 mo. 15 da. ANALYSIS. (1.) 12 per cent, per annum, means 12 cents for the use of $1 one year. (Vide 233, (3.) (2.) 12 cents per year gives a rate of 1 cent per month. (3.) 10 mills (1 cent) for 30 days (1 month) gives a rate of 1 mill for 3 days. The interest of $1.00 for 3 yr. 5 mo. is therefore 3Xl2-f-5 $0.41 The interest of $1.00 for 15 da. is . . 15-5-3 . . 0.005 The interest of $1.00 for 3 yr. 5 mo. 15 da. is (202, Ex. 57.) $0,415 Hence, (1.) Call the months in the given time so many cents. (2.) Call one third of the days so many mills. PERCENTAGE. 225 Tlie sum of tliese results will be the interest required. Find the interest of |1.00, at 12 ^ per annum, for the following times. The work should be done mentally. (Vide, also, 205, Ex. 56.) 2. 1 yr. 2 mo. 6 da. Ans. §0.142. 3. 1 yr. 3 mo. 9 da. Ans. $0,153. 4. 2 yr. 4 mo. 12 da. .4ns. $0,284. 5. 3 yr. 6 mo. 15 da. Ans. $0,425. 6. 4 yr. 1 mo. 18 da. Ans. $0,496. 7. 5 yr. 3 mo. 21 da. Ans. $0,637. 8. 6 yr. 7 mo. 24 da. Ans. $0,798. 9. 1 yr. 3 mo. 29 da. Ans. $0.159f. 10. Oyr. 4 mo. 12 da. Ans. $0,044. 11. Oyr. 8 mo. 3 da. Ans. $0,081. 12. yr. mo. 24 da. Ans. $0,008. 13. 20 yr. 1 mo. 3 da. Ans. $2,411. 14. 1 yr. 1 mo. 27 da. A71S. $0,139. 15. 8yr. 4 mo. da. Ans. $1.00. 16. 2 yr. 1 mo. 1 da. Ans. $0.25O|. 17. 3 yr. 2 mo. 2 da. Ans. $0.380f. 18. 4 yr. 3 mo. 4 da. Ans. $0.511|. 19. 5 yr. 7 mo. 11 da. A71S. $0.673f. 20. 3 yr. 4 mo. 25 da. A71S. $0.4081-. 21. 5 yr. 3 mo. 9 da. .4ns. $0,633. 22. yr. 1 mo. 1 da. A71S. $0.0101 23. yr. 8 mo. 2 da. Ans. $0.080f. 24. 12 yr. mo. da. Ans. $1.44. 25. 25 yr. 5 mo. da. Ans. $3,052. S30. To find the interest on any principal, for any time, at any rate per cent, per annum, Multiply the principal by the interest^of §1 at 12% per annum for the given time. (Vide 235.) (1.) The interest at 1% is one twelfth that at 12%. (2.) The interests at 2%, 3%, 4%, and 6% are, re- spectively, one sixth, one fourth, one third, and one half that at 12%. 226 ' PERCENTAGE. (3.) The interests at S% and 9 % are, respectively, two thirds and three fourths that at 12 %. (4.) The interest at any rate whatever may he found hy multiplying that at Ifo hy the numher representing the rate % per annum. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of $421.40 for 3 yr. 5 mo. 15 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? OPERATION. 1421.40 (Vide 235, Ex. 1.) .415 210700 42140 168560 (Vide 235, (2.) 2)174.88100 (Vide 202, Ex. 59.) |87.4405 Ans. 2. What is the interest of $19.35 for lyr. 2 mo. 6 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? Ans. $1,374. 3. What is the interest of $17.21 for 1 yr. 3 mo. 9 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? Ans. $1.316565. 4. What is the interest of $140.10 for 2 yr. 4 mo. 12 da., at the rate of 6 ^ per annum ? Ans. $19.8942. 5. What is the interest of $75.15 for 3 yr. 6 mo. 15 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? Ans. $15.96||. 6. What is the interest of $1000 for 4 yr. 1 mo. 18 da., at the rate of 6% per annum? Ans. $248. PERCENTAGE. 227 7. What is the interest of |175 for 5 jr. 3 mo. 21 da., at the rate of 6% per annum? Ans. |55.73|. 8. What is the interest of $2141 for 6 yr. 7 mo. 24 da., at the rate of 6% per annum? Aiis. §854.259. 9. What is the interest of $1041| for 1 yr. 3 mo. 15 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? Ans. |80.72iJ. 10. What is the interest of |1458| for 1 yr. 4 mo. 21 da., at the rate of 6^ per annum? Ans. $121.77y'2. 11. What is the interest of ?3333| for 1 yr. 5 mo. 7 da., at the rate of 6 ^ per annum ? Ans. $287.22f . 12. What is the interest of $4375 for 2 yr. 3 mo. 12 da., at the rate of 6% per annum? Ans. $599. 37^. 13. What is the interest of $421.40, from January 1, 1865, to June 16, 1868, at 6% per annum? 3^? 4%? Last Ans. $58.293|.. 14. What is the interest of $19.35, from April 4, 1866, to June 10, 1867, at 2 % ? 3 % ? 4 % ? Last Ans. $0,916. 15. What is the interest of $25.14, from February 6, 1866, to April 3, 1867, at 6% ? 3% ? 4^ ? First Ans. $1,747. 16. What is the interest of $200, from March 14, 1865, to July 14, 1873, at 6 % ? 3 % ? 4 % ? First Ans. $100.00. • 17. What is the interest of $525, from May 17, 1868, to June 18, 1870, at 6%? at 3%? at 4%? First Ans. $65.71i. 18. What is the interest of $700, from August 14, 1865, to October 16, 1868, at 8%? at 2%? at 4%? • Ans. $177,644 228 PEIICENTAGE. 19. What is the interest of §925.16, from October 15, 1865, to January 19, 1870, at 8%? at 2%? at 4%? Ans. $315,377. 20. What is the interest of $375, from December 8, 1869, to Julj 19, 1875, at '8%? at 2%? at 4^? Ans. $168,416. 21. What is the interest of $1400, from November 4, 1868, to March 29, 1872, at.8%? at 2%? at 4%? Ans. $381,111. 22. What is the interest of $2000, from September 10, 1869, to February 5, 1873, at 8%? at 2%? at 4%? Ans. $544,444. 23. What is the interest of $4062.50, from July 5, 1866, to October 15, 1868, at 8^ per annum? Ans. 202, Ex. 39. 24. What is the interest of $1562.50, from June 6, 1870, to September 21, 1871, at 8%? 2%? 4%? Ans. 202, Ex. 40. 25. What is the interest of $2187.50, from August 10, 1868, to January 1, 1870, at 8 % ? 2 % ? 4 % ? Ans. 202, Ex. 41. 26. What is the interest of $8000, from January 1, 1866, to June 8, 1867, at 5 % ? 10 % ? Ans. 202, Ex. 42. 27. What is the interest of $10500, from February 1, 1867, to May 13, 1869, at 5 % ? 10 % ? Ans. 202, Ex. 43. 28. What is the interest of $15000, from March 4, 1868, to October 23, 1871, at 5 % ? 10 % ? Ans. 202, Ex. 46. PERCENTAGE. 229 29. What is the interest of ^20000, from April 9, 1867, to February 6, 1873, at 5%? at 10%? Ans. 202, Ex. 47. 30. What is the interest of |50000, from May 16, 1865, to May 11, 1870, at 5%? at 10%? Am. $12465.27?. 31. What is the interest of $425.30, from March 4, 1866, to May 19, 1868, at 7%? at 3j%? Ans. $65,744. 32. What is the interest of $510.83, from March 21, 1867, to December 30, 1867, at 7%? at 3^-%? Ans. $27,713. 33. What is the interest of $170, from June 19, 1865, to July 1, 1866, at 7%? at 3^%? Ans. $12,296. 34. What is the interest of $966, from January 1, 1867, to March 20, 1869, at 7%? at 3j%? Ans. $150,078. 35. What is the interest of $213.27, from August 15, 1872, to March 13, 1875, at 7%? at 3J%? Ans. $38,483. 36. What is the interest of $426.50, from Sept. 4, 1868, to May 4, 1874, at 9 %? 4i- %? Ans. $217,515. 37. What is the amount of $164.06, from July 4, 1864, to February 15, 1870, at 3%? 1^%? 6%? 9%? 4J %? (Vide 233, (2.) Ans. $191.69 ; $177.87, etc. 38. What is the amount of $120.10, for 8 yr. 4 mo., at 12% per annum? 100 yr., at 1%? 50 yr., at 2%? Ans. $240.20. 39. What is the amount of $120.10, for 12 yr. 6 mo., at 8 % per annum? 25 yr., at 4 % ? 33 yr. 4 mo., at 3 % ? Ans. $240.20. 230 PERCENTAGE. 40. What is the amount of $120.10, for 16 yr. 8 mo., at 6% per annum? for 20 yr., at 5%? 12 yr., at 8|%? Ans. $240.20. 41. What is the amount of $450, from January 1, 1865, to March 16, 1865, at 8^ per annum? Ans. $457.50. 42. What is the amount of $382.50, from March 16, 1865, to January 1, 1866, at 8^ per annum? An§. $406,725. 43. What is the amount of $306,725, from January 1, 1866, to April 4, 1866, at 8% per annum? Ans. $313,064. 44. What is the amount of $113,064, from April 4, 1866, to January 1, 1867, at 8^ per annum? - Ans. $119,772. 45. What is the amount of $700, from January 1, 1865, to July 28, 1865, at 6% per annum? Ans. $724.15. 46. What is the amount of $624.1 5, from July 28,1865, to April 4, 1866, at 6^ per annum? Ans. $649.74. 47. What is the amount of $149.74, from April 4, 1866, to January 1, 1867, at 6^ per annum? Ans. $156.40. 48. What is the amount of $3000, from Jan. 1, 1865, to April 1, 1-865, at 10% per annum? Ans. $3075. 49. What is the amount of $2075, from April 1, 1865, to January 1, 1866, at 10% per annum? Ans. $2230.625. 50. What is the amount of $1230.625, from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1867, at 10% per annum? Ans. $1353.68f. PERCENTAGE. 231 51. What is tlie amount of $620.53, for 4 mo. 6 da., at 5% per annum? Arts. |631.39. 52. What is the amount of |1123.60, for 8 mo. 15 da., at 6% per annum? Ans. |1171.353. 53. What is the amount of $1531.301, for 3 mo. 24 da., at 7% per annum? Ans. $1565.24. 54. What is the amount of $4709.25, for 5 mo. 27 da., at 10% per annum? Ans. $4940.788. 2S*7. To find interest for days, counting 365 to the year, Multiply one year's interest (vide 234) by the number of days in the time, and divide the product by 365. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of $6500, from April 15 to December 15, 1866, at 6 %? (Vide 185, Rem. 6 ; Table.) $390X244--365. J^ns. $260.71. 2. At 6fo per annum, what is the interest of $375 from January 1 to March 15? $22.50 x 73 -4-365 = i of $22.50. Ans. $4.50. 3. What is the interest of $1000, for 365 days, at the rate of 6% for 360 days? $60Xftf=$60Xf|. Ans". $60,831. 4. What is the interest of $1000, for 360 days, at the rate of 6 ^ for 365 days ? $60Xf |f=$60X-ff • Ans. $59.18. 5. What is the interest of $500000, for 365 days, at the rate of 6% for 360 days? Ans. $30416f. 6. What is the interest of $500000, for 360 days, at the rate of 6% for 365 days? Ans. $29589^^5. 7. What is the interest of $500000, for 90 days, at the rate of 6% per annum of 360 days? Ans. $7500. 232 PERCENTAGE." 8. What is the interest of $500000, for 90 days, at the rate of 6% per annum of 365 days? Ans. $7397.26. 9. What is the interest of a §1000 bond, for 75 days, at the rate of 7.30 fo per annum of 365 days ? 20 cts. per day. Ans. $15.00. 10. What is the interest of a $100 bond, for 67 days, at the rate of 7.30 fo per annum of 365 days ? 2 cts. per day. Ans. $1.34. 11. What is the interest of a $10000 bond, for 93 days, at the rate of 7.30 % per annum of 365 days? $2 per day. AnS. $186. Remark. — In New York, interest for years and months is com- puted by the rule under sec. 236, but for the odd days by the rule under this section, 237. 12. What is the interest on a note of $1000, in New York, having run from March 4, 1865, to March 25, 1866? • ^ns. $74.03. 13. What wbuld be the interest of the above note computed in Kentucky? Ans. $63.50. PROBLEMS IN INTEREST. 238. To find the principal, when the time, rate per cent., and interest are given. Divide the given interest hy the interest o/i $1.00 at the given rate and time. EXAMPLES. 1. The interest of a certain sum, at 6 % per annum, for Syr. 5 mo. 15 da. is $87.4405. What is the principal? (Vide 236, Ex. 1.) $87.4405-.2076. Ans. $421.40. PERCENTAGE. 233 2. The interest of a certain sum at 6 ^ per annum, for 1 yr. 2 mo. 6 da. is ^1.374. What is the principal? Ans. 236, Ex. 2. 239. To find the principal, when the time, rate per cent., and amount are given, Divide the given amount bij the amount of §1.00 at the given rate and time. EXAMPLES. 1. The amount of a certain sum at 6% per annum, for 3yr. 5 mo. 15 da. is §508.8405. What is the prin- cipal? $508.8405--1.2075. Ans. $421.40. 2. The amount of a certain sum, at 8^ per annum, from January 1, 1865, to March 16, 1865, is $457.50. What is the principal ? Ans. 236, Ex. 41. 3. The amount of a certain sum, at 10% per annum, from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1867, is $1353. 68|. What is the principal? Ans. 236, Ex. 50. 240. To find the time, when the principal, interest, and rate per cent, are given. Divide the given interest by the interest on the principal at the given rate for 1 year. EXAMPLES. 1. The interest of $421.40, at 6 % per annum, is $87.4405. What is the time? 87.4405 --25.284 =3.458^ yr.=3yr. 5mo. loda. (Vide 195.) 2. The interest of $75.15, at 6 % per annum, is $15.96|-§. What is the time? Ans. 236, Ex. 5. 20 234 PERCENTAGE. 3. The interest of §525 to June 18, 1870, at 6 % per annum, is $65.71 1. What is the date from which interest is computed? Ans. 236, Ex. 17. 4. The interest on §100 is also §100. What has the time been at the rate of 1 % per annum? 2%? 3%? 4%? 5%? 6%? 5. The interest on §120.10 is also §120.10. What has the time been at the rate of 6 ^ per annum? 8%? 12%? Ans. 236, Ex. 38, 39, 40. 6. In what time will a^iy sum double itself at a rate of 5% per annum? 7%? 9%? 4i%? Ans. 20 yr., etc. 7. In what time will any sum triple itself at the rate of 6% per annum? Aiis. 33 yr. 4 mo. S41. To find the rate per cent., when the principal, interest, and time are given, Divide the given interest hy the intei^est on the principal at Ifo p^T annum for the given time. EXAMPLES. 1. The interest of §421.4t) for 3yr. 5 mo. 15 da. is §87.4405. What is the rate % per annum? 87.4405-- 14.5734^ Ans. 6 % . 2. The interest of §700 from August 14, 1865, to October 16, 1868, is §177.64|. What is the rate % per annum? Ans. 236, Ex. 18. 3. The interest of §750 for 3 yr. 4 mo. is §162.50. What is the rate % per annum? Ans. 6j%. 4. The interest of §950 for 2 yr. 4 mo. 20 da. is §238.29 J. What is the rate % per annum? (Vide 202, Ex. 58.) ' Ans. 10J%. PERCEXTAGE. 235 PRESENT Yv^OKTH. 242. The Present Worth of a sum of money due at some future time, is a principal ^vliicli, being put at interest at the time \)f payment, Avill amount to the sum at the time it is due. The Discount is the diiference between the present worth and the sum of money due. 243. To find the present worth of a sum of money for a given time and rate per cent, per annum, Divide the given sum by the amount of fl.OO at the given rate and time. (Vide 239.) The quotient is the present worth. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the present worth of |508.8405, due in Syr. 5 mo. 15 da., at the rate of G ^ per annum? §508.8405-^- 1.2075. Alls. S421.40. 2. What is the discount of §457.50, due March 16, 1865, but paid January 1, 1865, at 8% per annum? Ans. ^7.50. 3. What is the discount on §1353.68 1, due January 1, 1867, but paid January 1, 1866, at 10 J/^ per annum? A71S. $123,061. 4. What is the discount of $1800, due 1 yr. 3 mo. hence, at the rate of 6 ^ per annum ? Ans. $125,582. 5. What is the discount of $475, due 1 yr. hence, at the rate of 7% per annum? Ans. $31,075. 6. What is the discount of $2500, due 3 mo. hence, when money is worth 4J%? A71S. $27.81. 236 PERCENTAGE. 7. Four notes are due as follows : §900 in 6 mo. ; $2700 in 1 yr.; |3900 in 1 yr. 6mo.; and |4200 in 2yr. If the notes are all paid at the present time, what will be the entire discount, at 6$^ ? Ans. ?951.06. 8. What is the discount of §400, due three months hence, but paid now, at the rate of 12^ per annum? S%2 r^/ot 6%? 5^,? >lns. §11.65; §7.84; §6.88; §5.91; §4.94. BANK DISCOUNT. 244. Bank Discount is a deduction made by a bank upon a sum of money borrowed of it, at the time the money is taken. (1.) By custom, this discount is the interest on the face of the note for the time it is drawn, increased by three days, called Days of Grace, (2.) The Proceeds of a bank note is what remains after the discount has been deducted. 245. To find the bank discount on a note or draft, Find the interest on the face of the note for three days more than the time for ivhich it is draivn. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the bank discount on a note of §400, dis- counted for 90 days, at 8^; ? 6 % ? 2 of $400X.031; | of $.loox.03i. Ans. §8.26f ; §6.20. 2. Find the proceeds of a note of §150, discounted forGOdays, at 6%? 7%? 8%? 10%? 1 of $i50x.02i; -i^jj of $150X.021, etc. ^715. §148.42i; §148.16.1; §147.90; §147.37i. TEJICENTAGE. 237 3. Find the proceeds of a note of §177.75, discounted for 90 days, at 6^ per annum. Ans. §175.00. 4. Find the proceeds of a note of §505.305, discounted for 60 days, at 6^ per annum. A7is. §500. 5. Find the proceeds of a note of §375.00, discounted for 30 days, at 6^ per annum. Ans. §372. 93| 246. To make a note of which, when discounted, the proceeds shall be a given sum. Divide the given sum by the proceeds on §1.00 at the given time and rate per cent, per annum. EXAMPLES. 1. I wish to obtain §175 for 90 days. For what sum must my note be drawn, at 6 ^^ per annum ? 1.00-§0.0155=§0.9845, then §175-^.9845--§177.755. 2. I buy produce worth §500, but it will be 60 days before I shall have money with which to pay for it. For what sum must I draw, at 6 ^ per annum ? Ans. §505.305. 3. I buy cotton to the amount of §372.93 J, and bor- row money at the bank with which to pay for it. For what sum do I draw, payable in 30 days, at 6^ per annum? Ans. §375. PROMISSORY NOTES. 247. A Promissory Note is a promise in writing to pay a certain sum of money to a person, named in the note, or order, or to the bearer. (1.) The Drawer of a note is the person signing it. (2.) The Payee of a note is the person to whom the money is to be paid. 238 PERCENTAGE. (3.) The Indorser of a note is a person who guaran- tees the payment of it. He does this by writing his name on the back of the paper on which the note is written. (4.) An Indorsement is an acknowledgment on the back of the note that, at a given date, a part of the money was paid. (5.) The Face of a note is the sum promised to be paid. S48. To find the amount due at the maturity of a note upon which one or more indorsements have been made, I. When the time of the note is one year or less, (1.) Find the amount of the face of the note from its date to the time of maturity/. (2.) Find the amount of each payment from the time it was made till the time the note matures. (3.) Subtract the sum of the amounts of all the pay- ments from the amount of the face of the note. (Vide 233, (2.) EXAMPLES. $500. Richmond, Jan. 1, 1865. (1.) Ninety days after date, I promise to pay to the order of Frank H. Ransom Five Hundred Dollars, with interest, value received. John M. Sabin. Indorsements : January 20, $100; February 10, $50; February 25, $100; March 1, $150. What was due at maturity ? PERCENTAGE. 239 OPERATION. A^mottnt of JJ500 for 93 days is §507.75 " §100 " 74 " §101.231 " §50 '' 53 " 50.44^ §100 " 38 " 100.631 " §150 " 34 " 150.85 Sum of the amounts of payments, .§403.15§ Sum due at maturity, April 4, 1865, §104.59^ II. When the time of the note is more than 1 year, (1.) Find the amount of the face of the note to the date of the first payment, and deduct the payment. (2.) Find the amount of the remainder to the date of the next payment, and, after deducting the payment, find the amount of the remainder to the date of the next indorsement, and so on till the last payment is reached. (3.) Find the amount of the remainder, on deducting the last payment, from the date of that payment till the time the note matures. Remark. — Unless a payment or payments are eqnal to or exceed the interest due at the date of the last, they must be added to the succeeding payment, and the sum considered as a single payment. In business, therefore, no payment should be made on a note unless it exceeds th« interest then due. §450. Mobile, Jan. 1, 1865. (2.) Two years after date, I promise to pay to the order of James Boone Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars, with interest, value received. David Miller. Indorsements: March 16, 1865, §75; January 1, 1866, SlOO; April 4, 1866, §200. What was due at maturity? 240 PERCENTAGE. OPERATION. Amount of $450 to March 16, is (236, Ex. 41.) |457.50 75.00 Payment deducted is 382.50 24.225 Amount of $382.50 to Jan. 1, is (236, Ex. 42,) 406.725 100.000 Pa^^ment deducted is 306.725 6.339 Amount of $306,725 to April 4, is (236, Ex. 43,) 313.064 200.000 Payment deducted is 113.064 6.708 Amount of $113,064 to Jan. 1, '62, (236, Ex. 44) $119,772 $700. Louisville, Jan. 1, 1865. (3.) Two years after date, for value received, I promise to pay A. B., or order, Seven Hundred Dollars, with interest. M. Greene. Indorsements: July 28, 1865, $100; April 4, 1866, $500. What was due at maturity? (Vide 236, Ex. 45, 46, 47.) Ans. $156.40. $3000. San Francisco, Jan. 1, 1865. (4.) Two years after date, for value received, I promise to pay James Monroe, or order, Three Thousand Dol- lars, .with interest. Indorsements: April 1, 1865, $1000; January 1, 1866, $1000. What was due at maturity? Ans. $1353.68|. PEKCEXTAGE. 241 S.SOO. Mobile, June 10, 1865. (5.) June 2, 1866, for value received, I promise to pay S. S. Bryant, or order, Three Hundred Dollars, with interest. P. Hamilton. Indorsements : January 20, 1866, §116 ; March 2, 1866, §49.50; April 26, 1866, §85. What was due at maturity by both rules ? Ans. I. $67.89; II. §68.17. §1000. Galveston, Jan. 1, 1869. (6.) July 1, 1870, for value received, I promise to pay C. Q. M., or order. One Thousand Dollars, with interest. Wm. Daniel. Indorsements: July 1, 1869, §30; Jan. 1, 1870, §470 What was due at maturity by both rules? Ans. 11. §603.20 ; I. §598.80. §400. Buffalo, Jan. 1, 1870. (7.) One year after date, for value received, I promise to pay N. Stacy, or order, Four Hundred Dollars, with interest. M. M. DeYoung. Indorsements: March 16, 1870, §200; July 1, §100. What was due at maturity ? Ans. II. §113.88 ; I. §112.25. COMPOUND INTEREST. 249. Compound Interest is interest on the principal, and then, after the interest becomes due, on the amount. (Vide 233, (2.) examples. 1. What is the amount of §1.00 at compound interest, for3yr., atS^perannum? 6%? 7%? 8%? 10%? 21 242 PEllCENTAGE. OPERATIONS. $1.05X1.05X1.05=11.157625 Ans. $1.06Xl.06Xl.06-=:|1.191016 Ans. $1.07Xl.07Xl.07=$1.225043 Ans. $1.08Xl.08Xl.08==$1.259712 Ans. $1.10X1.10X1.10=$1.331 (234, Ex. 5, G.) by suljtracting Remark. — The compound interest is obtained $1 from the amounts. TABLE, Showing the amount of §1.00 at compound interest, for any number of years from 1 to 25, at 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 per cent. Yeaks 5 Per Cent. G Per Cent. 7 Per Cent. 8 Per Cent. 10 Per Cent. "ijMooo" 1 1.050000 1.060000 1.0700U0 1.080000 2 1.102500 1.123600 1.144900 1.166400 1.210000 3 1.157625 1.191016 1.225043 1.259712 1.331000 4 1.215506 1.262477 1.310796 1.360488 1.464100 5 1.276282 1.338226 1.402551 1.469328 1.610510 6 1.340096 1.418519 1.500730 1.586874 1.771561 7 1.407100 1.503630 1.605781 1.713824 1.948717 8 1.477455 1.593848 1.718186 1.850930 2.143589 9 1.551328 1.689479 1.838459 1.999004 2.357948 10 1.628895 1.790848 1.967151 2.158924 2.593742 11 1.710339 1.898299 2.104851 2.331638 2.853117 12 1.795856 2.012196 2.252191 2.518170 3.138428 13 1.885649 2.132928 2.409845 2.719623 3.452271 14 1.979932 2.260904 2.578534 2.937193 3.797498 15 2.078928 2.396558 2.759031 3.172169 4.177248 16 2.182875 2.540352 2.952163 3.425942 4.594973 17 2.292018 2.692773 3.158815 3.700018 5.054470 18 2.406619 2.854339 3.379932 3.996019 5.559917 19 2.526950 3.025600 3.616527 4.315701 6.115909 20 2.653298 3.207135 3.869084 4.660957 6.727500 21 ■ 2.785963 3.399564 4.140562 5.033834 7.400250 22 2.925261 3.603537 4.430402 5.436540 8.140275 23 8.071524 3.819750 4.740530 5.871404 8.954302 24 8.225100 4.048935 5.072367 6.341181 9.849733 25 3.386354 4.291871 5.427433 6.848475 10.834700 PERCENTAGE. 243 S50. To find the amount at compound interest of any principal, at any rate ^ per annum, and for any given time, (1.) For the given integral number of years, multiply the principal hy the amount of |1.00, for the same time and rate %. (2.) 0)1 this amount find the amount for the months and days, as in §236. Remark. — The compound interest will be the diflference between the amount and the given principal. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the compound interest of §400 for 9 yr., at bfo per annum. §400Xl.551328=f620.5312. Ans. $220.53. 2. Find the compound interest of $400 for 9 yr. 4 mo. 6 da., at 5% per annum. (Vide 236, Ex. 51.) Ans. $231.39. 3. Find the compound interest for $1000 for 2 yr. 8 mo. 15 da., at 6 % per annum. (Vide 236, Ex. 52.) Ans. $171,353. 4. Find the compound interest of $1250 for 3yr. 3 mo. 24 da., at 7% per annum. (Vide 236, Ex. 53.) Ans. $315.24. 5. Find the compound interest of $700 for 20 yr. 5 mo. 27 da., at 10 % per annum. (Vide 236, Ex. 54.) Ans. $4240.788. 244 n.vTio. RATIO. 251. Ratio is the quotient obtained by dividing one number by another of the same kind. Thus, The ratio of 5 to 15 is '^f=^, commonly expressed by 5 : 15. (1.) The two numbers forming a ratio are together called terms. (2.) The first term is called the antecedent. (3.) The second term is called the consequent. (4.) The antecedent and consequent form, a couplet. (5.) The value of a ratio is the quotient of the conse- quent divided hy the antecedent. (G.) A ratio is in its simjjlest or loivcst terms -when the terms are integral and prhyie tvith resjject to each other. (Vide 102.) 252. To reduce a ratio to its lowest terms, (1.) If fractions are involved, multijjlt/ the terms hy the least common multiple of the denominators of the frac- tions. (Yide 107.) (2.) Divide the resulting terms hy their greatest common divisor^ (vide 104,) or cancel such factors as are common to hoth terms, EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 15:20; 14:21; 16:24 to their lowest terms, and find their values. Values !{ ; li ; IJ. 2. Reduce 9:63; 26:169; 34:187 to their lowest terms, and find their values. Values 1\ 6^; 5^. RATIO. 245 3. Reduce 5| : 4f ; 2i : If ; and Jf : 3i to their lowest terms, and find their values. OPERATIONS. (2.) 21 : If 5|:4f 119 : 102 68 : 48 7 : 6 Value f 4'. Reduce | : I ; j and find their values. (3.) 21 : 16 Value J f , M:3i 52 : 351 4 27 Value 6^, 1 . 4 ' 2 . 7 6 • 1 Oi to their lowest terms, Values i; f; If. 5. Reduce 4i:5i; 6j:7i; and 4^ : 2|f to their lowest terms, and find their values. VahcesV^; Ig^; and |. 6. Reduce 3i .92 . 4.1 :f; and J: : 7^ to their lowest term s, etc. Values 3 ? T6 ? ^"^ ^g- 7. Reduce 5 : 2.5; .3:21; and 1/^ ^ : 3.4 to their low- est terms, etc. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 5; :2.5 .3:21 l/,:3.4 50: :25 3 : 210 17:34 2 ; : 1 Value J. 1:70 Value 70. ' 1:2 Vahie2. 8. Reduce .5 : .2; Mi: .25 ; and .4 : .7 to their lowest terms, etc. Values, Ex. 4. 9. What is the ratio of 50 cts. : 20 cts.? 33 1 cts. : 25 cts.? 40 : 70 cts. ? Ans. f; I; If. 10. What is the ratio of 14 hu. : 35 bu.? 2 qt. : 8 qt.? 30 sec. : 50 sec? Ajis. 2^-; 4; f. 11. What is the ratio of 2 qt. : 3 pk.? 30 sec. :7m.? lpt.:l gal.?— (Vide 251.) 246 RATIO. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) (3.) 2 qt. : 3 pk, 30 sec. :7 m. 1 pt. : 1 gal. 2 qt. : 24 qt. 30 sec. : 420 sec. 1 pt. : 4 qt. 1 qt. : 12 qt. Value 12. 1 sec. : 14 sec. Value 14. 1 pt. : 8 pt. Value 8. 12. What is the ratio of 1 mile to 5 fur. 3 r. 10 ft 6 in.?— (193, Ex. 2.) Ans. j\. 13. What is the ratio of 1 mile to 3 fur. 22 r. 3 ft. 8in.?— (193, Ex. 4.) Ans.^^. PROPORTION. 353. A Proportion is an equality/ of ratios. The equality is indicated by four dots or a double colon written between the couplets. Thus, 5: 15:: 6: 18 is a proportion, and is read 5 is to 15 as 6 is to 18, the meaning of which is that 15-^-5 is the same as 18-^-6; that is, M=:ig^ (1.) The first and last terms of a proportion are called extremes. (2.) The second and third terms are called means. (3.) The first and second terms form the first couplet. (4.) The third ' and fourth terms form the second couplet. Thus, in the proportion above, 5 and 18 are the extremes; 15 and 6 the means; 5 and 15 the first couplet; 6 and 18 the second couplet; 5 and 6 the two antecedents, and 15 and 18 the tAvo consequents. !354. Proposition. — If four numbers are in propor- tion, the product of the extremes' is equal to the product of the means. Thus, RATIO. 247 From any proportion as 3 : 9 : : 7 : 21, we have by 251 and 253, |=V) ^^^ ^J multiply- ing both of these fractions by the least common multiple of their denominators we have 9x7=3x21, and it is evident that any proportion may be treated in a similar way. Remark. — In any proportion, if the second term is less than the first, the fourth will be less than the third, and if the second term is greater than the first, the fourth will be greater than the third. S55. Proposition. — If in any j^'^oportion the terms of either couplet he multiplied or divided hy the same number, the proportion luill not he destroyed. Thus, from the proportion, 7 : 21 : : 8 : 24 we have 1 : 3 : : 8 : 24 or 7 : 21 : : 1 : 3 1^256. Proposition. — If, in any proportion, the two antecedents or the two consequents he midtiplied or divided hy the same numher, the proportion will not he destroyed. Thus : From the proportion 7 : 8 : : 21 : 24 we have 1 : 8 : : 3 : 24 or 7 : 1 : : 21 : 3 257. Problem. — The two extremes of a proportion and one mean being given, to find the other mean, (1.) Reduce the given terms as'loiv as possible hy 255 and 256. (2.) Divide the product of the resulting extremes hy the mean. The quotient will be the other mean. EXAMPLES. 1. Given the terms 7 : 21 : : : 24, to find the other mean. 248 RATIO. OPERATION. Divide first couplet by 7. 7 : 21 Divide consequents by 3. 1:3 1: 1 2. Given the terms 7 : mean. :24 : 24 (Vide 255.) : 8 Ans. (Vide 256.) 8 : 24, to find the other Ans. 21. 3. Given, 10 : 14 : : : 35, to find the other mean. Ans. 25. 4. Given, 10 : : : 25 : 35, to find the other mean. Ans. 5. Given, 85 : 102 : : : 306, to find the other mean. A71S. 255. 6. Given, J : | : : : f , to find the other mean. OPERATION. Multiply first couplet by 6. A : | Divide consequents by 2. 3:4 3:2 -I (Vide 1671 Ex. 106.) f (Vide 255.) I (Vide 256.) Ans. j^^. 7. Given, J : : : ^^^ : §, to find the other mean. 8. Given, -/g : /,- 9. Given, f : 24 : Ans. f . : 100, to find the other mean. Ans. 120. : 20, to find the other mean. Ans. j\. 10. Given, | : ^5_ . . . 20, to find the other mean. 258. The two means of a proportion and one extreme being given to find the other extreme, (1.) Reduce the terms as low as possible by 255 and 256. (2.) Divide the product of the resulting means by the extreme. The quotient will be the other extreme. RATIO. 249 EXAMPLES. 1. Given of : 4f : : 21, to find the fourth term. OPERATION. Multiply couplet by 21. 5| : 4f : : 21 (Vide 252, Ex. 3.) Divide couplet by 17. 119 : 102 : : 21 (Vide 255.) Divide antecedents by 7. 7 : 6 : : 21 (Vide 256.) 1 : 6 : : 3 : 18 Ans. 2. Given, 1 : 2 : : 3, to find the fourth term. A7is. 6. 3. Given, 3:9:: 12, to find the fourth term. Ans. 36. 4. Given, 4 : 16 r : 15, to find the fourth term. Ans, 60. 5. Given, ^% : /o : : 120, to find the fourth term. Ans. 100. 6. Given, 1 : | : : J, to find the fourth term. Ans. I. 7. Given, 9 : 18 : : ^, to find the fourth term. A71S. 1. 8. Given, 35| : 15^ : : 4, to find the fourth term. Ans. IjV^. 9. Given, 4^ : 22^ : : 9, to find the fourth term. Ans. 45. 10. Given, ^^ : 28? : : 3, to find the fourth term. Ans. 27. 11. Given, 2.5 : 45 : : 63, to find the fourth term. A71S. 1134. 12. Given, 4.5 : 22.5 : : 9, to find the fourth term. A71S. 45. 13. Given, J-i : ^J- : : ^%, to find the fourth term. Ans. §. 250 RATIO. 14. Given, 5 : f : : |, to find the fourth term. Ans. /j. 15. Given 7| : 6 : : 5|, to find the fourth term. Ans. 4j|-f. 16. Given, 6 : 7| : : 5f , to find the fourth term. Ans. 6§§. 17. Given, 1 : 2| : : 2|, to find the fourth term. Ans. 6i. 18. Given, 75| : 36 : : 643|, to find the fourth term. Ans. 306. 19. Given, 1.50 : 1.00 : : .30, to find the fourth term. Ans. .20. 20. Given, 3X32 : 5X16 :: 120, to find the fourth term. Ans. 100. 21. Given, 8X21 : 56X6 :: 10, to find the fourth term. Ans. 20. 22. Given, 2\ : If : ; |f , to find the fourth term. Ans. ||. 23. Given, • :^%:'. 120 : 100, to find the first term. A71S. /g. RULE OF THREE. 259. Every problem in proportion involves at least three quantities, so related to each other that a fourth may be found from them. 260. The statement of a problem consists in properly arranging the three quantities mentioned in it, so as to form the first, second, 'dud third terms of a proportion. 261. The Rule of Three consists of directions by which a problem in proportion may be stated. They are as follows : HATIO. 251 (1.) Of the three quantities mentioned, make that the THIRD TERM wMcJl JiaS the SAME NAME aS the ANSWER required. (2.) Of the two remaining quantities, make the GREATER the SECOND TERM if the ANSWER ought to be GREATER than the third term; make the less the sec- ond term if the answer ought to be less tha7i the third TERM. — (Vide 254, Rem.) (3.) Place the remaining quantity for the first term. The fourth term, found by 258, will be the answer, examples. 1. If 5f lb. of sugar cost 21 cts„ what will 4!^ lb. cost? (1.) 21 cts. has the same name which the answer should have. (2.) 4| lb. will evidently cost less than 21 cts., the jorice of 5f lb. (5.) 5| should then be the first term, 4? the second, and 21 cts. the third. Thus 5§ : 4^ : : 21 (vide 258, Ex. 1.) Ans. 18 cts. 2. If j\ of a quantity of sugar cost S120, what will /j of the same quantity cost?— (See 167 J, Ex. 113, Rem.; and 258, Ex. 5.) Ans. |100. 3. If 3 yd. of cloth cost $12, what will 9 yd. cost? A71S. §36. 4. If 4 lb. of rice cost 15 cts., what will 16 lb. cost? Ans. 60 cts. 5. If 1 lb. of tea cost J of a dollar, what will J lb. cost? Ans. 16| cts. 6. If a staff 9 feet high cast a shadow \ of A foot -OJ RATIO. LONG, what will be the length of the shadow of a post which is l^feet high f Ans. 258, Ex. 7. 7. If a tree 35| ft. high casts a shadow 4 ft. long, what will be the length of the shadow of a tree 15 1 ft. Mgh 1 Am. 1 ^V? ^.=1 ft. .8 ^V^ in. 8. If a staff 10 ft. high casts a shadow 12 ft. in lengthy what will be the hight of a tree whose shadow measures 70 ft. ? Am. 58 J ft.=58 ft. 4 in. 9. If 34 yd. of cloth cost ^3, what will 28| yd. cost? Am. |27. 10. If 2.5 A. of land cost |63, what will 45 A. cost? Am. §1134. 11. If 45 A. of land cost' |1134, what will 2.5 A. cost ? Am. 12. If 45 A. of land cost §1134, what quantity can be bought for §63 ? 1134 : 63 : : 45 Am. 13. If 4.5 yd. of cloth cost §9, what will 22.5 yd. cost ? 14. If 25.5 yd. of cloth cost §45, what will 4.5 yd. cost? 15. If J J of a pound of butter cost -^^ of a dollar, how much will ij of a pound cost? 16. If W of a lb. of butter cost 40 cts., what will jj lb. cost? 17. If \\ of a lb. of butter cost 53 1 cts., what quan- tity can be bought for 40 cts.? An8. 8| oz. 18. If 8 J oz. of butter can be bought for 40 cts., what quantity can be purchased for 53 J cts. An%. 11J4 oz. 19. If 6 yd. of cloth cost §4.55||, what will 71 yd. cost ? RATIO. 253 20. If 75 yd. of cloth cost ^5.60, Avhat will G yd. cost? 21. If 1 yd. of carpeting cost |2-J, what will 2 J yd. cost? 22. If 2 J yd. carpeting cost ^6.25, what will .one yd. cost? 23. If 75f yd. of cloth cost |643|, what will 3G yd. cost?— (Vide 167i, Ex. 72; and 258, Ex. 18.) 24. If 1 coat require If yd. of cloth, how many coats can be made of 18 J yd.? Ans. 10 coats. 25. If 10 lb. of copper cost ^18.75, what number of pounds can be had for ^171.25?— (Vide 167J, Ex. 79 and 80.) 26. If f of a ship are worth $15700,^ what is the value of i of the ship? • Ans. 167}, Ex. 85. 27. If 1 lb. of butter cost 3 pence, how many tons can be bought for 84 £ 13 s. 9d.? Ans. 191, Ex. 63. 28. If I buy cloth at §1.50 and sell it for §1.20, what shoiild I lose on §1.00?— (Vide 258, Ex. 19.) Ans. §0.20. 29. If I buy cloth at §1.25 and sell it for §1.75, what should I make on §1.00?— (Vide 228, Ex. 8.) Ans. 40 cts. 30. If I pay at the rate of 11 cts. per mile, how far can I ride for 7 cts.? Ans. 193, Ex. 39. 31. If I sell a quantity of land at the rate of §450 for 25 sq. r., and obtain §51300, how many acres do I sell? Ans. 191, Ex. 74:. 32. If 2.5 lb. of tobacco cost 75 cts., how much will 185 pounds cost? Ans. §55.50. 254 RATIO. 33. If 2 oz. of silver cost ^2M, wliat will f oz. cost? Ans. $0.84. 34. If 7 lb. of sugar cost 75 cts., what will 12 pounds cost? Ans. $1,284. 35. If 141 tons of coal cost 85 £, what will 94 tons cost? Ans. $274.26. 36. If the interest of $19.35 is $2.7477, what will be the interest of $17.21 for the same time and rate per cent.? Ar^s. $2.44382. 37. If the interest of $17.21 is $2.63313, what will be the interest of $140.10 for the same time and rate per cent.? Ans. $21.4353. 38. If 4 men can do a piece of work in 100 days, in how many days would 5 men do the same work? Ans. 80 days. 39. If 20 men can do a piece of work in J of a day, how^ long would it take 2 men to do the same w^ork? Ans. 5 days. 40. If 60 men can do a piece of work in 8 days, how many men would perform the same w^ork in 20 ^ays? Ans. 24 men. 41. If 2 men cai> dig a ditch in 40 days, in how many days would 10 men dig the same ditch? A71S. 8 days. 42. Having read 120 pages of a book, I find that I have still to read | of the book. How many pages does the book contain? § : I : : 120 Ans. 300 pages. 43. A person owning | of a coal mine sells | of his share for $400. What is the mine worth at this rate? Ans. $1000. iiATio. 255 44. If 10 covfs eat 8 tons of hay in a given time, how many cows would eat 56 tons in the same time? Ans. 70 cows. 45. If 70 cows eat a certain quantity of hay in 6 weeks, how many coavs would eat the same hay in 21 weeks? Ans. 20 cows. 46. If 20 men have been at work 18 days to con- struct a given length of railroad, how many days will 76 men require to construct the same length of road ? Ans. 4i| days. 47. If, by making 10 hours a day, a certain number of men complete a work in 18 days, how many days would be required to complete a similar work, at 12 hours a day? Ans. 15 days. 48. If 18 days are required to construct 500 feet of railroad, how many days will be occupied on 1140 feet of the same road? Aiis. 41^^ days. 49. If a passenger train of cars gain on a freight train at the rate of 8 miles in 3 hours, how many hours will it take to gain 60 miles? Ans. 22^ hours. 50. A passenger train of cars moves at the rate of 45 miles in 3 hours, and a freight train at the rate of 37 miles in the same time. If the freight train has 60 miles the start, in what time will it be overtaken ? 51. A hand car, running at the rate of only 1 mile an hour, has 12 miles the start of a passenger train, which runs at the rate of 12 miles an hour. In what time will the hand car be overtaken? Ans. 1 h. 5y\ m. 52. If the long hand of a clock move at the rate of 12 spaces an hour, and the short hand 1 sjmce an hour, 256 RATIO. in what time will the long hand gain 12 spaces upon the short hand? 53. At what time between 9 and 10 o'clock will the hands of a clock be together? Ans. 9 o'clock, 49 Jj- m. S62. To state a j)roblem when it involves more than three terms, (1.) Of the quantities mentioned, maJce that the third term which has the same name as the answer required. (2.) Select tivo terms of the same name, and arrange the couplet as though it were entirely disconnected with all other conditions of the i^rohlem. (Vide 261, (2.) (3.) Select two other terms of the same name, and ar- range as before, and so on, till all the teyms are arranged. Having canceled all the factors common to any ante- cedent and consequent, (vide 255,) or common to either one of the first terms and the third, (vide 256,) the co7i- tinued product of the means divided hy that of the first terms ivill he the ansiuer. EXAMPLES. 1. If 10 cows eat 8 tons of hay in 6 weeks, how many cows will eat 56 tons in 21 weeks? It would take more cows to eat 56 tons than 8 tons, and less cows to eat it in 21 weeks than 6 weeks. STATEMENT. (Vide 261, Ex. 44 and 45.) 8 : 66 .^ (vide 258, Ex. 21.) 21: 6"^" SOLUTION. Divide upper couplet by 8. 1-7..;^q (vide also 156, Ex. 22.) Divide lower couplet by 3 and cancel the 7s. Ans. 20 cows. RATIO. 257 2. If the wages of 6 men for 14 days be §84, what will be the wages of 9 men for 16 days? Ans. ^144. 3. If 12 oz. of wool make 21 yd. of cloth which is 1^ yd. zvide, how many pounds will it take to make 150 yd. only 1 yd. wide? Ans. 30 lb. 4. If the interest of §19.35 for 1 yr. 2 mo. 6 c!a. is §2.7477, what is the interest of §17.21 for 1 yr. 3 mo. 9 da., the rate per cent, being the same in each case ? (Vide 205, Ex. 56; also 236, Ex. 3.) Ans. §2.63313. 5. If the interest of §140.10 for 2 yr. 4 mo. 12 da. is §39.7884, what is the interest of §75.15 for 3 yr. 6 mo. 15 da., the rate per cent, being 12 in each case? (Vide 205, Ex. 56 ; .236, Ex. 5.) Ans. §31.93|. 6. How much hay will 32 horses eat in 120 days, if 96 horses eat 3| tons in 7 J weeks? A^is. 2f tons. 7. If 6 laborers dig a ditch 34 yd. long in 10 days, how many yards will 20 laborers dig in 15 days? 8. If 20 laborers dig a ditch 17-0 yd. long in 15 days, how many days will 6 laborers require to dig a ditch 34 yd. long ? Ans. 9. If 14 men can reap 84 acres in 6 days, how many men must be employed to reap 44 acres in 4 days? 10. If 20 men, by Avorking 10 hours a day, have been employed 18 days in constructing 500 ft. of railroad, how many days of 12 hours each must 76 men bo em^ ployed to construct 1140 feet of the same road. STATEMENT. (Vide 261, Ex. 46, 47, 48.) 76 : 20 (Vide 157, Ex. 27) 12 500 99 10:: 18 1140 A71S. 9 davs. 258 RATIO. 11. If 50 men, by working 5 hours a day, can «^'> 9A cellars in 54 days, each cellar being 36 ft. lo- wide, and 10 ft. deep, how many men can dig lb ctii.. s in 27 days, each cellar being 48 ft. long, 28 ft. wide, and 9 ft. deep, by working 3 hours a day? Ans. 200 men. 12. If 496 men, in 5^ days of 11 hours each, dig a trench of 7 degrees of hardness, 465 ft. long, 3| ft. wide, 2| ft. deep, in how many days, of 9 hours long, will 24 men dig a trench, of 4 degrees of hardness, 337 i ft. long, 5f ft. wide, and 3 J ft. deep? Ans. 157, Ex. 23. 13. If 12 men can build a wall 30 ft. long, 6 ft. high, and 3 ft. thick in 15 days, when the days are 12 hours long, in what time will 60 men build a wall 300 ft. long, 8 ft. high, and 6 ft. thick, when they work only 8 hours a day? ^?zs. 157, Ex. 24. 14. If 25 pears can be bought for 10 lemons, and 28 lemons for 18 pomegranates, and 1 pomegranate for 48 almonds, and 50 almonds for 70 chestnuts, and 108 chestnuts for 2 J cts., how many pears can I buy for $1.35? Ans. 375 pears. 15. If the interest of J2187.50, from Aug. 10, 1868, to Jan. 1, 1870, at 8 per cent, per annum, is |243.54^, what is the interest of |10500, from Feb. 1, 1867, to May 13, 1869, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum? STATEMENT. 218750:1050000 167:274 : : 243.54J 8:5 Ans. 236, Ex. 27. KATIO. 250 2$IS. To divide a given number into parts "which shall be proportional to given numbers, (1.) If the given numbers are fractions, midfij^Ii/ them all hy the least common multiple of the denominators. (2.) 3Iake the sum of the results the first term of a proportion, any one of the residts the second term, and the given number the third term. The fourth term, found by 258, will be one of the required parts, and the others may be found in like manner. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 49 into two parts which shall have the ratio of I • ^ 2 OPERATION. iX6=3. (Vide 167J, Ex. 106.) PROOF. fx6=4. 21+28=49. 7 : 3 : : 49 : 21 1st part. 21 : 28 : : J : I 7 : 4 : : 49 : 28 2d part.^ 2. Divide 136 into two parts which shall be propor- tional to the numbers | and f . (Vide 167J, Ex. 107.) Ans. 64 and 72. 3. Divide 544 into two parts which shall be propor- tional to the numbers /^ and ^^. (Vide 167J, Ex. 108.) Ans. 384 and 160. 4. Divide 2135 into two parts which shall be pro- portional to the numbers 35 § and 15^. (Vide 167 J, Ex. 109.) Ans. 1498 and 637. 5. Divide 209 into three parts which shall be propor- tional to the numbers J, |-, and |. 260 PvATIO. OPEEATION. ^.X12=6. (Vide 167J, Ex. 110.) J X 12-4. fXl2-=9. 19: 6:: 209:66 1st part. PROOF. 66+44+99=209. 66 : 44 :: J : J (vide 254.) 19 : 4 : : 209 : 44 2d part. 66 : 99 :: i : I 19 : 9 : : 209 : 99 3d part. 6. Divide 504 into four parts which shall be propor- tional to the numbers J, f , j%, and f . (167J, Ex. 111.) Ans. 135; 180; 81;lindl08. 7. Divide 30; 45; 75; 135; 180; and 750, each into five parts which shall be proportional to the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Ans. 2; 4; 6; 8; 10, etc. 8. Divide 36 into three parts, so that J the first, | the second, and i the third, shall all be equal to each other. Remark, — The parts will evidently be as the numbers 2, 3, and 4. Ans. 8; 12; and 16. 9. Divide 136 into two parts, so that -f of the first and I of the second shall be equal. Remabk. — The numbers will be as ii : i, or as 9 : 8. A71S. 72 and 64. 10. A gold and a silver watch together cost §132, and the gold watch costs 10 tijnes as much as the silver watch. What did each cost? Ans. §120 and $12. 11. A's age is double B's, and B's is triple C's. The sum of all their ages is 140. What is the age of each? Remark. — Their ages are as the numbers, 1, 3, and G. An8.A8i; B42; C 14. 12. A gentleman bought a certain number of oxen, and double the number of cows; and also three tiiiics RATIO. 261 as many sheep as cows. He gave ^50 each for oxen, $25 each for coavs, and |3 each for sheep; the whole costing §354. What number of each did he purchase ? Ans. 3 oxen; 6 cows; 18 sheep. 13. A man paid |74 for a sheep, a cow, and an ox. The cow was valued at 12 sheep, and the ox two cows. What was the price of each? Ans. sheep §2; cow §24; ox §48. 14. I wish to make a mixture of 360 pounds of tea, using at the rate of 30 lb. worth 30 cts. a pound ; 11 lb. worth 33 cts. a pound ; 23 lb. worth 67 cts. a pound ; and 26 lb. worth 86 cts. per pound. What quantity of each kind must be used? Ans. 120, 44, 92, and 104 lbs., respectively. 204. Partnership is an association of two or more individuals for the transaction of business. (1.) The partners constitute the company, firm, or house. (2.) The capital is the money invested by the company in business. (3.) The profit or loss to be shared is called a divi- dend. S05. To ascertain the dividend of the partners, when the money of each has been invested the same length of time. Make the capital of the company the first term of a projwrtion, the money of any partner the second term, and the profit or loss the third term. The fourth term, found by 258, will be the divi- dend of the partner whose money forms the second term. 262 RATIO. EXAMPLES 1. A and B invest $550 in a speculation, of which A furnishes $330 and B $220. They gain §70. What is the dividend of each? OPERATION. 550 : 330 : : $70 : A's share. 5: 3 ::$70:$42 Divide antecedents by 110. 550 : 220 : : $70 : B's share. 5: 2 ::$70:$28 (Vide 232, Ex. 1.) Ans. A $42; B $28. 2. A invests $300- in ti speculation, and B $400. They gain $49. What is the share of each? (Vide 263, Ex. 1.) Ans. A $21 ; B $28. 3. A, B, and C form a partnership. A furnishes $1200, B $1600, and C 2000. What is each partner's share in a gain of $960? Alls. A $240; B $320; C $400. 4. A, B, and C form a partnership; A furnishing $800, B $1500, and C $3000. They gain $500. What is the dividend of each? Ans. A 75.471; B $141,509; C $283.02. 5. A and B form a partnership. A furnishes $1200, and B $500. They gain $544. What is the share of each? Ans. 263, Ex.- 3. 6. A, B, C, and D make up a purse to buy lottery tickets. A furnishes $15, B $20, C $9, and D $12. What is each one's share in a prize of $504? Ans. 263, Ex. 6. 7. A, B, C, D, E, F, and G engage in an oil specula- RATiO. . 263 tion. A furnislies §175 of the capital, B S500, C $600, D ,^210, E ^42.50, F §20, and G §10. They expend §623 in prospecting, and then give the matter up as a total failure. What does each lose? ^ns. 232, Ex. 2. 8. Three gentlemen engage in a gold speculation. A furnishes §500, B §1200, and C §4300. They clear §1500. What is each man's share? A71S. 232, Ex. 3. !S66. To ascertain the dividend of the partners, when the money of each has been invested different lengths of time, (1.) Multiply each jjartner^s money hy the time it is invested. (2.) Make the swn of the ijroducts the first term of a 'proportion^ any one j^rodiict the second term, and the gain or loss the third term. The fourth term, found by 258, will be the share of the partner whose product forms the second term. EXAMPLES. 1. A and B are associated in trade. A has furnished of the joi7it stock §330 for 5 months, and B §220 for 8 months. They gain §170.50. What is the share of each? OPERATION. 330X5=1650. 220X8=1760. Divide the coup- 3410 : 1650 : : §170.50 let by 10, and the 2 : 165 : : §1 two antecedents by 3410 : 1760 : : §170.50 170.1 2: 176:: SI A's share. §82.50 B's share. 264 TvATIO. 2. A and B enter into partnership. At first A, with a capital of §3G0, does business alone. At the expira- tion of two months B comes in with a capital of §520, and the partners do business together 5 months. The profits of the concern, from the time A commenced business, were $128. What should be the share of each? Ans. A $63; B $65. 3. A, B, and C form a partnership. " A's part of the capital is $4300, B's $2000, and C's $1500. At the end of 2 months A withdrew with his stock. At the end of another 2 months B withdrew with his stock. C con- tinued the business alone for another 2 months, when the entire profits were found to have been $1280. What is the share of each? A71S. A $430; B $400; C $450. 4. On the 1st of January, 1866, A commenced busi- ness wdth a capital of $8000. On the 1st of July B joins him with a capital of $16000. On the 1st of July, 1867, it is found that $4000 have been cleared since A began business. What is the share of each? Ans. A $171^; B $2285|. 5. A, B, and C, at the end of a partnership, have jointly $1000 in trade. A's stock has been in the busi- ness 7 months, B's stock 8 months, and C's 12 months. A's dividend is $21 ; B's $40; C's 24. What amount of money did each invest? A71S. A $300; B $500; C $200. 6. Two cousins, George and Frank Ransom, com- menced business on the 1st of January, each partner putting in $10000. On the 1st of June George in- creased his stock by $2000, Frank withdravring the RATIO. 265 same sura. On the 1st of September George withdrew §4000, but Frank increased his by §3000. At the end of the year they had made §6720. What was the divi- dend of each? Ans, George §3360; Frank §3360. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 267. To ascertain the mean time for the payment of several sums due at different times, (1.) Multipli/ each ijayment by its lime of credit. (2.) Divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments. The quotient will be the mean time. EXAMPLES. 1. I owe a merchant §30, due in 4 months; §40, due in 5 months, and §50, due in 6 months. What is the mean time for the payment of all the bills ? OPERATION'. 30X4=120 40X5=200 50X6=300 120 ) 620(5J Ans. 5^ months. Remark. — The interests of the several sums, at any rate per cent, per annum, for the given times, when added together, must be the same as the interest of the sum of the payments for the mean time. Hence the following rule: (1.) Find the interest of each payment for its time of credit. (2.) Divide the sum of the interests hy the interest of the sum of the payments for 1 month. The quotient will be the mean time. Remark. — If the rate of 12 per cent, per annum is selected, the operation will be identical with that above. 23 266 RATIO. 2. A merchant owes §200, payable in 4 months ; $400, in 5 months; |500, in 6 months; and §600, in 8 months. What is the mean time of payment? Ans. 6j\ months. 3. A merchant has given three notes to the same creditor : §200, due in 2 months ; §200, in 4 months ; and §200, in 6 months. What is the mean time of payment ? Ans. 4 months. 4. I have several bills due at a store; §40 due in 20 days from January 1, 1866; §30 due in 40 days from the same time; amd §50 due in 45 days. What is the mean time of payment ? A71S. 35/^ days; i. e. Feb. 4, 1866. 5. I buy a house and lot for §1600, with the under- standing that I am to pay one fourth cloiV7i, one third of the balance in 3 months, and the remainder in 6 months. What would be the mean time for the payment of the whole sum ? Ans. 3| months. ALLIGATION MEDIAL. 268. To ascertain the mean price of a compound consisting of ingredients of which the quantity and value of each are given, Divide the entire cost of the compound hy the sum of the ingredients. The quotient will be the mean price. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant bought 160 gallons of wine at 40 cts. per gallon ; 75 gallons at 60 cts. per gallon ; 225 gal- lons at 48 cts. per gallon ; 40 gallons at 87 J cts. per gallon, What wns the mean cost of the wine? RATIO. 267 OPERATION. 160X.40 = 64.00 75X.60 = 45.00 225X.48 =-108.00 40X.87J= 35.00 500 ) 252.00(.505 252.00 Ans. 10.504 per gallon. 2. A farmer mixed wheat, viz : 5 bushels worth |1.10 per bushel; 10 bushels worth 60 cts. per bushel; 5 bushels worth 70 cts. per bushel. What is the mean price of the mixture ? Ans. 75 cts. per bushel. 3. A wine merchant mixes wine, viz: 88 gallons of Canary, worth 50 cts.' per gallon ; 88 gallons of Sherry, worth 76 cts. per gallon ; and 48 gallons of Claret, worth ^1.75 per gallon. What is a gallon of the mixture w^orth ? A71S. 87 cents. 4. A goldsmith mixes 7 ounces of gold 23 carats fine with 3 ounces 16 carats fine, 3 oz. of 18, and 3 of 19 carats fine. What is the fineness of the mixture ? Ans. 20 carats. 5. If I mix 30 lb. of tea at 30 cts. per lb.; 11 lb. at 33 cts. per lb. ; 23 lb. at 67 cts. per lb. ; and 26 lb. at 86 cts. per lb., what is one pound of the mixture worth? Ans. 56 cents. 6. If I mix 11 lb. of tea at 30 cts.; 30 lb. at 33 cts.; 26 lb. at 67 cts. ; and 23 lb. at 86 cts., what is one pound of the mixture worth? Ans. 56 cts. 7. If I mix 30 lb. of tea at 30 cts.; 41 lb. at 33 cts.; 23 lb. at 67 cts. ; and 49 lb. at 86 cts., what is one pound of the mixture worth? Ans. 56 cts. 268 RATIO. 8. If I mix 41 lb. of tea at 30 cts. ; 30 lb. at 33 cts.; 26 lb. at 67 cts. ; and 49 lb. at 86 cts., what is one pound of the mixture worth ? Aiis. 56 cts. 9. If I mix 41 lb. of tea at 30 cts.; 11 lb. at 33 cts. ; 49 lb. at 67 cts. ; and 26 lb. at 86 cts., Avhat is one pound of the mixture worth ? Ans. 56 cts. • 10. If I mix 11 lb. of tea at 30 cts.; 41 lb. at 33 cts.; 49 lb. at 67 cts.; and 23 lb. at 86 cts., what is the mean price? Ans. 56 cts. 11. During 14 hours on a certain day the mercury of a thermometer stood as follows : 2 hours at 60 degrees ; 3 hours at 62 degrees ; 4 hours at 64 degrees ; 3 hours at 67 degrees ; 1 hour at 72 degrees ; and 1 hour at 75 degrees. What was the mean temperature during the time? Ans. 65 degrees. ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. 260. To find the quantity that may be used of each ingredient of a proposed compound, the price of each being given, and the mean price of the compound. EXAMPLES. 1. A farmer has wheat worth $1.10 per bu. ; wheat worth 60 cts. per bu. ; and wheat worth 70 cts. per bu. He desires to mix it so that a bushel may be worth 75 cents. What quantity of each may be used ? 75 110 60 70- OPERATION. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 15 5 3 1 4 35, 7 7 35 7 7 Am. 4 bu. at $1.10; 7 bu. at 60 cts.; and 7 bu. at 70 cts. KATIO. 269 Explanation. — 110, which is greater than the mean rate, is connected by a dotted line with 60, which is less than the mean rate; also, 110 is connected with 70, forming another couplet, one term of which is greater, and the other less than the mean rate, 75. In column (1), 15 is the difference between 60 and 75, and 35 is the difference between 110 and 75 — each difference being opposite the other term of the couplet. In column (2), 5 is the difference between 75 and 70, and 35 is the difference between 110 and 75 — each difference opposite the other term of the couplet. Column (3) is formed by dividing the terms of (1) by their greatest common divisor. \ . Column (4) is formed by dividing the terms of (2) b;y their greatest common divisor. Column (5) is formed by adding the corresponding terms of (3) and (4). Any number of answers may now be found. OPERATION CONTINUED. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 7 10 13 5 6 7 9 1 6 1 14 21 28 7 7 7 14 2 10 1 7 7 7 14 21 28 21 1 ■ 5 4 Columns (6), (7), and (8) are found by multiplying the terms of (3) by 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and adding the corresponding terms of (4). Columns (9), (10), and (11) are found by multiplying the terms of (4) by 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and adding the corresponding terms of (3). Column (12) is found by multiplying the terms of (3) by 2, and those of (4) by 3, and then adding the corresponding products. Column (13) is that, of (6) divided by 7. Column (14) is (13) multiplied by 5. (Vide 268, Ex. 2.) Column (15) is (11) divided by 7. All the answers may be ver- ified by 268, and as many others as one is curious to find. 2. I wish to mix tea at 30 cts. ; tea at 33 cts. ; tea at 67 cts. ; and tea at 86 cts. per pound, so as to make the 270 llATIO. What quantity of mixture worth 56 cts. per pound, each can be used ? OPERATIONS. 56 Multiply or divide the terms in columns (1) or (2) by any numbers whatever (merely preserving their ratio) for other answers. Thus, ( ;i.) (2.) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) 30 30 30 30 , 11 11 33 1 11 11 56 33~4n 30 30 67 •• 23 23 67 -^ 26 26 86 — 26 26 86 — ' 23 23 (Vide 268, Ex. 5.) (Vide 268, Ex. ( >.) 15 15 45 22 11 ^ 11 22 44 30 60 30 23 46 92 52 26 13 13 13 39 23 46 23 ,30 56 130- !33=1 I |67— li 186 -^'26 (3.) (1) (2) (3) (4) 30 23 56 30^ 33 67- (4.) (1)(2)(3 30 30 (Vide 268, Ex. 7.) (Vide 268, Ex. 8. Change the numbers in columns (1), (2), and (3) at pleasure, merely preserving their ratio, and add the cor- responding terms, for other answers. (5.) (1) (2) (3) (4) zw 30111 261 26 56 30. 33 67 86 (6.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11 26 30 30 23126 (Vide 268, Ex. U.; RATIO. 271 Having arranged tlie several prices and the mean price as in the examples, (1.) Connect in couplets each price that is less than the mean price with one that is greater, hy lines which may he readily distinguished from each other. (2.) Select any couplet, and write the difference between each of its terms and the mean price opposite the other term, in a column to the right. (3.) Treat each couplet in the same manner, forming as many columns as there are couplets. (4.) Add together the numbers standing opposite each 'price, and place the results in an additional column. These sums will be the quantities that may be used of the price opposite which they stand. Remark 1. — To find other answers, divide or multiply the terms of any column by any number whatever, and then add as in (4), observing that it is only necessary that the two numbers in any column preserve their ratio. Remark 2. — The corresponding terms of any two or more col- umns, containing answers, may be added together for other^ answers. Remark 3. — If the prices are so connected that each price is linked with only one other price, only one column to the right is necessary. (See above, operations (1) and (2), where only one column was necessary. Remark 4. — When the mean price is the same as one of the given prices, the latter need not be included in the operation. 3. A merchant would mix wines, worth 16 shillings, 18 shillings, and 22 shillings per gallon, so that the mixture may be worth 20 shillings per gallon. What quantity of each may be used ? 272 RATIO. OPERATION. 20 The steps are precisely liko those in Ex. 1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 16- 18- 22- Ans. 1 gal. of IG; 1 of 18; and 3 of 22 shillings. The following are among other answers easily obtained : (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (13) (14) (15) (16) 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 1 1 3 5 * 9 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 9 10 5 7 9 4 5 6 8 14 10 28 (15) is half of (3) added to 9 times (4). (16) is the sum of (11), (13), and (14). (See above, Rem. 2.) 4. A merchant has wine at 40 cts. ; 75 cts. ; 60 cts. ; and 48 cts., and he wishes to make a mixture of all worth 50 cts. How many gallons can he use of each? Remark 5. — Since the answers are limitless in number and va- riety, it would be difficult to obtain those which might be given. Let the pupil verify those which he may find by 268. 5. What quantity could be used of each to make the mixture worth 70 cts. per gallon ? 45 cts. ? 48 ? 60 ? (See Rem. 3.) 6. A merchant has three kinds of sugar, worth 6, 8, and 15 cts. per pound. He wishes to make a mixture worth 11 cts. a pound. What quantity of each may be used ? 7. What quantity of each kind may he use to make the mixture worth 12 cts.? 13 cts.? 14 cts.? 10 cts.?' Sets.? Remark 6. — If the quantity to be used of a given price is fixed, multiply the terms of any answer, obtained as above, by the quo- tient of the fixed quantity, divided by the number opposite the RATIO. 273 price mentioned. Thus, if, in Ex. 1, it is required to use 21 bushels at $1.10, multiply the terms of column (5) by 2_i__5i^ qj. column (6) by V=3, or(7)by2TV, etc. Remark 7, — If the entire quantity to be used is fixed, apply the principle of 263 to the fixed quantity, using any answer as the pro- portional numbers. (Vide Ex. 2, Operation (1); and 263, Ex. 14.) 8. A grocer has currants at 4 cts. ; 6 cts. ; 9 cts. ; and 11 cts. ; and he wishes to make a mixture of 240 lb., worth 8 cts. per pound. What quantity of each may be used ? Am, 72; 24; 48; 96, or 48; 48; 72; 72, etc. POSITION. 270. Position is the operation of finding the true answer to a problem through the aid of one or two as- sumed answers. (1.) Single Position assumes one ansiver. (2.) Double Position assumes two answers. 271. Single position is applicable to those problems in which, if any number is assumed as the answer, and the steps, indicated by the problem, performed upon it, the ratio of the result, and the result in the question., is the same as that between the assumed ansiver and the true answer. Hence, the RULE. (1.) Assume any convenient number to he the true answer, (2.) Perform the operations indicated hy the pi^oblem upon the assumed number. (3.) Make the result the first term of a proportion, the RESULT in the problem the secoimTterm, and the assumed answer the third term. The fourth term, found by 258, will be the true answer. 274 RATIO. EXAMPLES. 1. The sum of | and -J- of a certain number is 87 J. What is the number ? OPERATION. Suppose 24 to be the answer. 1 of 24 is 8 1 of 24 is 6 Then 14 : 87J : : 24 Multiply couplet by 2. (255.) 28 : 175 : : 24 Divide couplet by 7. (255.) 4 : 25 : : 24 Divide antecedents by 4.' (256.) 1 : 25 : : 6 : 150 Ans. Proof.— I'of 150+i of 150=87^. 2. What number is that which being increased by A, I, aiid i of itself, the result will be 75 ? Ans. 36. Remark. — In order to avoid fractions, assume tlie least common multiple of the denominators of the fractions, or any multiple of it. 3. What number is that, the sum of | and J of which is 376 ? Assume 45 or 90. A71S. 360. 4. What number is that which being increased by |, I, and f of itself, the result will be 48i? Ans. 15. 5. The difference between the fifth and tenth of a certain number is 17. What is the number? Ans. 1^0. 6. The difference between | and | of a certain num- ber is 15. What is the number? Ans. 180. 7. The rent of a farm is 20 per cent, greater this year than last year. This year it is $1800. What was the rent last year? Ans. $1500. RATIO. 275 ^ OPERATION. Suppose $100 to be the rent last year. 20 per cent. (J) of §100 is 20 Then $120 : $1800 : : $100 : $1500 8. If I of a number be multiplied by 7, and | of the number itself be added to the product, the result will be 219. What is the number? Ans. 45. 9. A gold watch is worth ten times as much as a silver watch, and both together are worth $132. What is each watch worth? Ans, 263, Ex. 10. 10. The rent of a farm is 10 J^ less this year than last year. This year it is $1000. What was it last year? Aiis. $1111 1. 11. The difference between | and | of a number is 38f. What is the number? Ans. 100. 12. The sum of | and § of a number is 920. What is the number? Ans. 720. 13. One fifth of all the sheep I have die in 1866, and three fourths of the remainder in 1867, when I have only 20 sheep left. What number had I at first. Ans. 100. 14. A certain gentleman, at the time of his marriage, agreed to give his wife | of his estate, if at the time of his death he left only a daughter, and if he left only a son she should have I of his property ; but5 as it hap- pened, he left a son and daughter, in consequence of which the widow received in equity $2400 less than she would have received if there had been only a daughter. What would have been the wife's dowry if he had left only a son? A71S. $2100. 276 KATIO. S72. Double Position is applicable to those prob- lems in which the difference between the true and first as- sumed number is to the difference between the true and second assumed number as the first error is to the second. (1.) If the assumed numbers are both too large, or both too small, the errors arising from them are said to be ALIKE. (2.) If one of the assumed numbers happens to be too large, and the other too small, the errors are said to be UNLIKE. RULE, (1.) Assume any convenient number, and perform the ojjerations upon it indicated by the problem. (2.) Take the differ eyice between the result and that pointed out by the problem. This difference is the first ERROR. (3.) Assume a second number, and in like manner find the SECOND ERROR. (4.) If the errors, as shown by the results, are aljke, multiply the first error by the second assumed num- ber, and the second error i»^ the first assumed' nui^- BER, and divide the difference of^ the products by the difference of the errors. - The quotient is the^true an- swer. But, (5.) If the errors, as shown by the results, are unlike, multijyly as before, and divide the sum of the products by the SUM of the errors. The quotient will be the true answer. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant expended ^1500 of his capital for the support of his family a year. At the end of the year, RATIO. 277 however, lie has added to the capital not expended a sum equal to 3 times that part, thereby tripling his original capital. With what sum did he begin the year? OPEKATION. Pirst assumed No. $2000 $3000 1500 1500 (2.) Second assumed No. $500X3= $500 $1500 $1500 $4500= =$1500X3 Result too small, Capital X3= $2000 $6000 $6000 $9000 Result too small. Capital X3. $6000-$2000=First error. $4000 3000 $3000=Second error. 2000 12000000 6000000 60000 00 1000)6000000 $6000 A ns. See Rule (4.) (1.) First assumed No. SECOND OPERATION. $2400 $9000 1500 1500 (2.) Second assumed No. $900 $2700 $7500 $22500 Result too small, Capital X3= $3600 $7200 $30000 $27000 Result too large. Capital X3. $7200— $3600=First error. $3600 9000 $3000 Second error. 2400 32400000 7200000 720000 6600)39600000 See Rule (5.) $6000 Ans. 278 RATIO. 2. Divide tlic number 13 into two parts, so tliat 9 times one of the parts may be equal to 17 times the other. OPERATION. (1-) (2.) Assume 10 9 and 3 17 Assume 7 9 and 6 17 90 51 51 63 102 63 .39 7 39 6 errors un dike. 39 3 39 10 273 390 234 117 234 390 78)663 78)351 8^ one part. 4i other part. 3. Divide 100 into two parts, so that if \ of one of the parts be subtracted from \ of the other, the remainder may be 11. Ans. 24 and 76. 4. A and B had §85 between them, and f of A's added to f of B's money make §60. How much had each? Ans. A$50;B §35. 5. One half a certain number is the same as one third another number. But if 5 is added to the first, and 10 to the second, then one fifth of the first is the same as one eighth of the second. What are the numbers? Ans. 20 and 30. 6. Triple a certain number is the same as double an- other number. But if 10 is added to the first, and 5 subtracted from the second, then 5 times the sum will be equal to 6 times the difi'erence. What are the num- bers ? Ans. 20 and 30. ■^'^l'^s>\^^j>-4..^. 281 7. In a mixture of wine and Avater, J the whole +25^ gallons was wine; J the whole — 5 gallons was water. What was the quantity of each in the mixture? Ans. Wine 85; water 35 gallons. 8. A gentleman supported himself 3* years for 50 £ a year, and at the end of each year added to that part of his capital not thus expended a sum equal to | of this part. At the end of 3 years his original capital was doubled. With what sum did he begin business? Ans. 74:0 £. ""Eemark. — 200 £ and 290 £ are convenient suppositions. 9. A boy had a number of marbles. He laid aside 2, and then Avon in play as many as he had left. He then laid aside 3, and Avon in play as many as were left. He noAv lays aside 4, and, on winning as many as he had left, finds he has 13 in all. How many did he begin with? Ans. 5. 10. A gentleman has tAVO horses, and a saddle worth $50. If the saddle be placed on the first horse it makes his value double that of the second ; but if the saddle be placed on the second horse, it makes his \'alue triple that of the first. . What was the value of each? Ans. First $30 ; second $40. Remark. — If the first horse is assumed to be worth §70, then by the frst condition of the problem the second horse must be worth ($504-§70)-r-2, or $60, and the second condition of the problem is not filled by $100. If the first horse is assumed to be worth $90, then the second must be worth ($90-f$50)^2, or $70, and the second error will be $150. 11. Divide 55 into tAvo parts, so that the less part di- vided by the difference of the parts shall be 2. Ans. 33 and 22. 278 ,^ RATIO. 12. A gentleman was asked the time of day, and re- plied tliat I of the time past noon was equal to /g of the time to midnight. What was the time? An8. 12 minutes past 3 o'clock. Remark.— In tlie first place f : -/j : : i : ^3 : : 11 : 4. (Vide 252.) So that the reply was the same as if he had said that 11 times the number of minutes past noon were equal to 4 times the number of minutes to midnight. 13. In a mixture of corn and wheat, \ the whole -|-5 bushels was corn, and \ the whole +10 .bushels was wheat. What was the quantity of each? 14. The sum of the first and second of three numbers is 13; of the first and third 19; of the second and third 24. What are the numbers? An%. 4; 9; and 15. 15. A and B have the same income. A saves^ J of his annually; but B, by spending |50 per annum more than A, at the end of 6 years finds himself §150 in debt. What is the income of each? Am. $125 per year. 16. A commenced trade, and at the end of the third year found his original stock tripled. Had his gains been $1000 per year more than they actually were, he would have doubled his stock each year. What was his original stock ? An%. |1400. 17. Three persons. A, B, and C, were seen traveling in the same direction. At first A and B were together, and C 12 miles in advance of them. A goes 7, B 10, and C 5 miles per hour. In what time will B be half- way between A and C? How long before C will be mid- way between A and B? How long since A was midway between B and C? Ann. Respectively, 1 h. 30 m., 3 h. 25 f m., and 12 h. INVOLUTION. 281 INVOLUTION. 2^72. (1,) The first poiver of a number is the num- be'r itself. (2.) The second power or square of a number is the number multiplied by itself. Thus, the square of 1 is 1X1=1; the square of 2 is 2x2^4; the square of 3 is 3X3=9; the square of 25 is 25x25=625. (3.) The tliird power or cube of a number is the pro- duct of a number taken as a factor three times. Thus, the cube of 1 is 1X1X1=1; the cube of 2 is 2x2x2 =8; the cube of 3 is 3x3x3=27; the cube of 4 is 4X4X4=64. (4.) Any given power of a number is indicated by a small figure placed at the right and a little above the number. Thus, 2* denotes that the fourth power of 2 is to be taken, and that 2 is to be taken as a factor 4 times. The small figure is called the exponent of the number or index of the poiver. The expression 2^=16, is read fourth poiver of 2 equals 16. 5573. Involution is the operation of finding any givcn_ pow^j ' Uf i" "^^1^^^ er. GENERAL EULE. 3Iultiply the number by itself till it is used as a factor as many times as there are units in the exponent. Remark. — Fractions should always be in their lowest terms be- fore multiplying. 24 282 INVOLUTION. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the values of 7^ 8^; 25^; and 125^ (1.) 1st power, 7 7 OPERATIONS (2.) 8 8 64 8 512 (3.) 25 25 625 25 (4.) 125 125 Square, 49 7 15625 125 Cube, 343 15625 1953125 2. Find the values of 11^; 12^; 13^; lOP; 111 2; and 1111^ 3. Find the values of 14^; 15'; 16^; 17"^; 21*^; 24*; and 27^ 4. Find the values of 15^; 25^; 35^; 45^; 55'^; 65^; 75^; 852; 952^ Remark. — The value of these expressions may be found men- tally. Thus, 152=10X20+25; 252=20X30+25; 352=30X40+25, etc. 5. Find the values of 15^; 25^; 35^; 45^; 55^; 65^; 753 ; 85^; 95^ 6. Find the values of 2*; 3*; 4*; 5*; 6^; 7^ 8^ Ans. In Table, page 283. 7. Find the squares of f ; | ; £f^ ; and y'^g^^-. ^'^'5. J; i; -,^g; and -J^, 8. Find the squares of |; |J; ||; and ^|. Ans. 4; /g; ^1; and ^4^. 9. Find the squares of 2^; 6J ; 31; 16}/, and 51. A71S. 157, Ex. 2, etc. 10. Find the cube of 5^ and the 4th power of S^. Ans. 157, Ex. 28 and 29. INV'OLUTIOX. 283 11. Find the 4tli power of .025. Ans. .000000390625. 12. Find the 5th power of .029. Ans. .000000020511149. 13. Find the first nine powers of all the numbers below 10. TABLE. 02 o o n I? s rji a H 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 1 8 27 G4 125 216 343 512 729 1 16 81 256 625 1296 2401 4096 6561 1 32 243 1024 3125 7776 16807 32768 59049 1 64 729 4096 15625 46656 117649 262144 531441 1 128 2187 16384 78125 279936 823543 2097152 4782969 1 256 6561 6553G 390625 1679616 5764801 16777216 43046721 1 612 19683 262144 1953125 10077696 40353607 134217728 387420489 274. Several useful facts may be gathered from the table. (1.) Any power of 1 is 1. (2.) If the square of a number ends with 1, the num- ber itself ends with 1 or 9. (3.) If the square of a number ends w^ith 4, the num- ber itself ends with 2 or 8. (4.) If the square of a number ends with 6, the num- ber itself ends with 4 or 6. (5.) If the square of a number ends with 9, the num- ber itself ends with 3 or 7. (6.) If the cube of a number ends with either 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.; 6; 7; 8; 9, the number itself ends with 1 ; 8; 7; 4; 5; 6; 3; 2; 9. 284 INVOLUTION. (7.) The 5th power, 9th power, 13th power, etc., of a, number ends Avith the same figure as the number itself. (8.) It is evident that if any power of a number ends with a 0, the number itself ends with a 0. 575. Any powder of a number, multiplied by any other power of the same number, produces a power whose index is the ^ sum of the exponents of the given number. Thus 3"^X3*^3^ and 7^X7'=7^ which may be verified by the table. Hence, 576. To find a given power of a number, when all the low^er powers are not wanted, 3Iultiply any tivo or more powers iogetlier^ the sum of whose indices equals the index of the required p>oicer. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the 9th power of 3. Ans. 3-^X3*-=243x81-=19683 Ans. 2. Find the 15th power of 2. Ans. 2^X2'--256X 128-32768 Ans. 3. Find the 13th power of 3. Ans. 3^ X 3*^=1594323. 4. Find the 20th power of 2. Ans. 2^X29X22=1048576-=512X512X4. 2T7. Any number squared produces a number con- sisting of exactly double the figures in the number itself, or of one less Hum double the figures. For, 1 is the smallest number consisting of one figure, and 9 is the largest; 10 is tlie smallest number consisting of two figures, and 99 is the largest; 100 is the smallest of tliree figures, and 999 the largest. Now we have V^l ; 10---100 ; 100- -10000 ; and 9---81 ; 99^=9801 ; 999^-998001 ; etc. \ EVOLUTION. 285 ST8. Any number cubed produces a number consist- ing of exactly triple the figures in the number itself, or of one or two less than triple the figures. For, P-= 1 ; 10^=1000 ; lOO^^-^lOOOOOO ; d'=^n9 ; 99^--970299 ; 999'^=997002999. EVOLUTION S79. Any given root of a number is the number whicli, on being taken as a factor as many times as is indicated by the name of the root, will produce the number itself. Thus : (1.) The^Vs^ root of a number is the number itself. (2.) Th'e second or square root of a number is one of its two equal factors. Q^hus : the square root of 1 is 1, because 1X1=1; the square root of 4 is 2, because 2X2=4; the square root of 9 is 3, because 3x3=9. (3.) The cube or third root of a number is one of its three equal factors. Thus : the cube root of 1 is 1, be- cause 1X1X1=1; the cube I'oot of 8 is 2, because 2X2X2=8; the cube root of 27 is 3, because 3X3X 3=27; and the cube root of 64 is 4, because 4X4X 4=64. (4.) The 4th; 5th; 6th, etc., root of a number is one of its 4; 5; 6, etc., equal factors. Thus: the 4th root of 1 is 1, because 1x1X1X1=1 ; the 4th root of 625 is 5, because 5x5X5X5=625; the 5th root of 7776 is 6, because 6x6x6x6x6=7776. (5.) A perfect square is a number which has an exact 286 EVOLUTION. SQUARE BOOT. Tlius, 16 ; 64; 81; and 144 are perfect squares. (6.) A perfect cube is a number wliicli has an exact cube root. Thus, 8 ; 27 ; 64, etc., are perfect cubes. (7.) Any given root of a number is indicated by a fractional exponent, or by the aid of the character ]/, called the radical sign. Thus : The square root of 16 is indicated by 16^, or by l/l6; the cube root of 8 is indicated by 8% or by V'8; the 7th root of 2187 is indicated by 2187^ or by f 2187. The figure at the left of the radical sign is called the index of the root. (8.) A surd is a number which requires a radical sign or exponent to exactly express it. Thus, l/2; 1^4; 5^ are surds. 280. Evolution is the operation of finding any given root of a number. SQUARE ROOT. 281. The extraction of the square root of a number is the operation of finding a number which multiplied by itself will produce the given number. 282. The square root of any integral number which is a perfect square and less than 400, may be found from memory, or by inspecting Table I of the Appendix. c EXAMPLES. 1. What is the square root of 1? 4? 9? 16? 25? 36? (Vide 273, Ex. 13.) EVOLUTION. 287 2. What is the square root of 49? 64? 81? 100? 121? 3. What is the square root of 196? 324? 361? 169? 4. What is the square root of 225? 289? 256? 400? IIemark, — All the integral numbers less than 400, other than those in the last four examples, have only approximate square roots; that is, their square roots are surds. The same is true of all numbers not perfect squares. S83. The general method of extracting the square root of a number may be readily understood from the following operations. We will first square some num- ber, as 37. OPERATION FIRST. (1.) (2.) 37 30+7 37 30+7 49 210 210 900 1369 30x7+7^ 302+30X7 30^+2x30x7+7^ In (2) it is evident that 30x7 added to 30X7 is twice 30X7, or 2X30X7. To reverse these steps, that is, to extract the square root of 1369, we proceed as follows: OPERATION SECOND. 1369 1 37 30 9 ^ 469 2x30+7 469 30^+2x30x7+7^ 30+7 302 2x30X7+7' 2x30x7+7' 67 Explanation, — By putting a point or dot over every alternate figure of the given number, commencing with the right-hand 288 EVOLUTION. figure, we not only can determine the number of figures of wliicli the root will consist, (vide 277,) but we can also determine the left-hand figure of the root; for the square root of the largest per- fect square, less than 13, must be that figure. Now 9 is the largest perfect square less than 13, and its square root is 3. This 3 is written at the right and also at the left of the given number. Having taken 9 from 13, the remainder, 469, is the same as 2X 30X7-j-7^. Now if we double the 3 just obtained, it in eifect pro- duces 60, which is 2X30. If we now divide 469 by 60, and annex the quotient to 6, and also to. the right of the root, as Operation (2) points out, and then multiply 67 by 7, the exact remainder, 469, will be produced whenever the given number is a perfect square. Hence, 284. To extract the square root of any integral number, (1.) Divide the number into periods of ttvo figures each, counting from right to left. (2.) Fbid the greatest perfect square in tJie left-hand period, and 'place its square root at the left and also at the right of the given number. Subtract this greatest perfect square from the left-hand p)eriod, and to the re- mainder annex the next period to the right; the result is the First Dividend. (3.) Double the figure of the root just found and place it to the left of the first dividend. See how many times tills double figure, with, a cipher mentally annexed, is con- tained in the first dividend. Place the quotient figure as the second figure of the root, and also annex it to double tJt^ first figure as the First Divisor. (4.) Multiply the first divisor by the second figure of the root, and subtract the ijroduct from the first dividend, and to the remainder annex the next period to the right for the Second Dividend. EVOLUTION. 289 (5.) Double iJie part of the root now found and place it to the left of the second dividend ; see how many ti7nes this double root, luith a cipher mentally annexed, is con- tained in the second dividend, and place the quotient at the third figure of the root, and also to the right of double the previous pa7i of the root, as the Second Divisor. Proceed with the second divisor as with the first, and continue the operation till all the periods have been used. Remark 1. — Double the root already found is sometimes called the trial divisor. Remark 2. — It sometimes happens, as in Operation (2) below, that in making the division for the next figure of the root the quotient is too large. In such a case make the quotient figure so small that the product will be less than the dividend. Remark 3. — It sometimes happens, as in Ex. 15, Operations (1) and (2) below, that a dividend is too small to contain the trial divisor. In such a case place a cipher in the root and to the right of the trial divisor, and then annex the 7iezt period to the dividend. Remark 4. — In the case of decimals, the first two figures on the right of the decimal point constitute one period, the next two figures another, and so on. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the square roots of 6084; 1521; and 98.01. 148 6084178 Ans. 49 1184 1184 OPERATIONS. (2.) 152i|39 Ans. 9 69 621 621 18.9 (3.) 98.0i|9.9 Ans. 81 17.01 17.01 2. Find the square roots of 2025; 3969; 6241; and 6561. Ans. 45; 63; 79; and 81. 25 290 EVOLUTION. 3. Find the square roots of 1936; 2401; 8281; and 8836. Ans. 44; 49; 91; and 94. 4. Find the square roots of 10.24; 10.89; 11.56; 12.25. Ans. 3.2 ; 3.3 ; 3.4 ; 3.5. 5. Find the square roots of 6400 ; 2500 ; 841 ; and 729. Ans. 80 ; 50; 29; an d 27. 6. What is the value of i/8281+t/6561+i/50.41. Ans. 179.1. 7. What is the value of 1/10:89+^1444+1/18.49. Ans. 45.6. 8. What is the value of t/5776— 1/40.96. Ans. 69.6. 9. What is the value of l/5625— 1/3025. Ans. 20. 10. What is the value of V 9025— l/l225. Ans.-60. 11. What are the square roots of 21904 and 3564.09. OPERATIONS. 1 21904 1 1 .48 Ans. the square 5 109 118.7 (2.) 3564.09 59.7 ^ws. 25 24 119 96 1064 981 288 2304 2304 83.09 83.09 12. What are roots of 332929 and 467856. ins. 577 and 684. 13. Find the value of t/473344+i/48.8601. Ans. 694.99. EVOLUTION. 291 14. Find the value of 1-/44.0896+1/3080.25. Ans. 62.14. 15. Find the square roots of 366025 and 49126081. OPERATIONS. (1.) (2.) 6 1205 366025 I 605 Ans. 7 36 6025 14009 6025 49126081 1 7009 Ans. 49 126081 126081 16. Find the square roots of 259081 and 826281. A71S. 509 and 909. 17. Find the square roots of 49.4209 ; 404.01 ; and .822649. Ans. 7.03 ; 20.1 ; and .907. 18. Find the square roots of 12321 ; 1234321 ; and 123454321. 19. Find the square roots of 49284 and 4937284. 20. What is the value of l/ 110889— l/ 40376081. Ans. 312.91. 21. Find the square root of .0011943936. Ans. .03456. 22. Find the square roots of 99980001 and 9999- 800001. 23. Find the square root of 152399025. Ans. 12345! 24. Find the square root of 2950771041. Ans. 54321. 25. Find the square root of 8264446281. 26. Find the square root of 6529932864. 27. Find the square root of 4999479849. 292 EVOLUTION. 28. Find the square root of 2, and also of 3, to 7 decimal places. OPERATIONS. (1-) (2.) 1 2.00000011.4142136 1 : 1 3.000000|1.7320508 2.4 1.00 96 400 281 2.7 3.43 3.462 2.00 1.89 2.81 1100 1029 2824 11900 11296 7100 6924 2.8282 ) 60400 56564 3.4640 ) 17600 17320 3836 2828 280 272 1008 848 160 168 Remark. — After finding four figures of the root as usual, the re- maining figures are found by simply dividing the last dividend by the last divisor, except that, instead of annexing ciphers to the dividend, we take away a figure at the right of the divisor at each new figure of the root. Attention is of course paid to the rules for division of decimals. In general, Having found one more than half the required figures of the root in the ordinary way, the remaining figures may he found by dividing the last dividend hy the last divisor, carefully observing the rules in division of decimals. In this manner Table II of the Appendix may be verified. EVOLUTION. 293 285. The square root of the product of two numbers is the same as the product of the square roots of the numbers. Thus : l/4x9 is the same as l/4 Xv'9 ; also V2 xS=V2 xVB, as may be easily verified. S8G. To find the square root of a composite number, Find the product of the roots of its factors, mahing one of the factors a perfect square if possible. EXAMPLES. '1. What is the square root of 8? ■■ We have t/8= 1/4x^ = 1/4 X"l/2 = 2Xl/2. ' N'ow t/2=i1.4142136. Hence, l/8=2X1.4142136. Ans. 2.8284272. 2. Find the values of l^FS; VM; VM', and 1/72. Ans. 4.2426408, etc. 3. Find the values of l/'98 ; l/l28 ; VlQ2 ; and 1/200. Ans. 9.899495, etc. 4. Find the values of Vl2', VVJ; t/48; and VJb. Ans. i/4x3=2Xt/3=3.464102. 5. Find the values of 1/IO8; l/l47; T^IM; and 1/243. Ans. 10.392305, etc. 6. Find the values of l/20 ; 1^28; 1^99; and 1/8O. t/20=2Xi/5; t/28=2X>^7; T/99=3X"/li; VW):^4:XV^. 7. Find the values of 1/120 ; l/270 ; 1/8OO ; and 1/450. Ans. 2X1/30=10.954451, etc. Remark.— In practice reject as many figures on the right of the product of the tabulated decimal as are found in the root of the factor which is a perfect square. 294 EVOLUTION. 287. The square root of a fraction is the square root of the numerator divided bj the square root of the de- nominator. Thus : The square root of | is -7^ = 1, because |X|=|. 288. To find the square root of a fraction, (1.) If necessary, multiply both terms of the fraction hy the smallest number that will make the denominator a perfect square. (2.) Divide the square root of the resulting numerator by that of the denominator^ for the required root. EXAMPLES. _^ 1. What is the square root of J ? ^ / ' ^ „, , ^ /_ ._ 1/2 1/2 1.4142L36 We have J=f ; then V | = l/f -:^ — ^= -— =.7071068. 2. What are the square roots of J; J ; 4; ^^1 -^Tis. 1x1/3^.5773502. 3. What are the square roots of f ; | ; f ; i ? (Vide 286, Ex. 6. Ans. ^^^^ =.8944272, etc. 4. What are the square roots of f ; | ; 4 > I '• j ^Tis. ]^=.9258201, etc. 5. What are the square roots of 2| ; 3 J ; 4§ ; 2 J ? ^ns. 2^=1.5811388^ etc. 6. What are the square roots of 30/(j; 11/^; Hi?; and 6|f ? Jtzs. 5'; sf; 3|.; and 2|. 7. What are the square roots of 2| ; 18 J^; 272^; 51 A? ^ns.li; 41; 5^; 74. EVOLUTION. 205 CUBE II GOT. 289. The extraction of the cube root of a number is the operation of finding one of itfe three equal factors. 290. The cube root of any integral number which is a perfect cube and less tlian 1000, may be found from memory, or by inspecting the third column of the Table under 273, Ex. 13. EI^AMPLES. 1. What are the cube roots of 1 ; 8; 27; 64; 12^? 2. What are the cube roots of 216 ; 343 ; 512 ; and 729? •^ Remark. — All the integral numbers less than 1000, other than those in the above two examples, have only approximate cube roots, that is, their cube roots are surds. (Vide 279, (8.) The same is true of all numbers not perfect cubes. 291. The general method of extracting the cube root of a number may be drawn from the following opera- tions. We will cube the number 37 by continuing Operation (2) of 283. OPERATION FIRST. 37^= 1369= 30^+2x30x7+72 37- .37= 30+7 30^+2X30^x7+30x7^ 302x7+2x30x7-f7^ 37^= 50653= 303+3x30^X7+3x30X7^+7^ In the operation, the quantity 30^+2X30X7+7^ is first multiplied by 30 and then by 7, and the two indi- cated products are added together. It is evident that 296 EVOLUTION. twice 30^X7 added to once 30^X7 is the same as three times 30^X7, that is, the sum is 3x30'X7; also, that once 30X7^ added to twice 2>^Y.1^ is three times 30 X7^ that is, the sum is 3X30x7^. We will now reverse these steps. 1st Col. 30 2X30 3X30+7 OPERATION SECOND. 2d Col. 302 3X30= 3X30^-1-3X30X7+72 Quantity. Root. [30+7 30^+3X302X7+3X30X72+78 30^ 3X302X7+3X30X72+73 3X302x7+3X30X72+73 The above operation contracted is as follows : OPERATION THIRD. Number, Root, 50653 I 37. 27 1st Col. 2d Col. 3 6 97 9 2700 3379 . 23653 23653 The steps in Operation Second are as folloAvs: Having arranged the quantity so as to form two columns on the left, with 30 in the 1st col., its square in the 2d col., and its cube under the quantity itself. We now indicate double the 30 of the 1st col., and write it under 30 of the same column. Next multiply this 2X30 by 30, which gives 2X30^, and add the product to 30^ of the second column, and write the indicated sum or 3x30^ under 30^ in the same column. Next indicate the triple of the 30 in the 1st col., and write the indi- EVOLUTION. 297 oated product, viz., 3x30, under 2X30 of the 1st col. If we now divide the first term of the remainder, viz., 3X30^X7, by 3x30-, the second term of the 2d col., the quotient will of course be 7, the second term of the root. This 7 is added to the right of 3x30 of the 1st col., making 3x30+7, which is then multiplied by 7, and added to 3x30^ of the 2d col., giving 3x30^+3 X30x7+7^ which is now multiplied by 7, and the pro- duct is the same as the remainder, after subtracting 30'^ from the quantity itself. The indicated products and additions of Operation Second are actually made in Operation Third, omitting ciphers, which would be of no service if written down. Hence, !S9S. To extract the cube root of any integral number, (1.) Divide the number into periods of three figures each, counting from right to left. The left-hand period may consist of one, two, or three figures. (Vide 278.) (2.) Find bi/ 290 the largest perfect cube less than the left-hand period ; place its cube root to the right of the number J and also to the left, as the first term of the 1st col. ; square the first term of the 1st col., and write it as the first term of the 2d col.; cube the first term of the 1st col., and subtract it from the left-hand period of the number, and annex the next period to the right. The result is the first dividend. Add the figure in the 1st col. to itself, and lurite the sum as the second term of the 1st col.; midtiply the second term of the 1st col. by the figure in the root, and add the product to the first term of the 2d col.; the sum with two ciphers annexed is the 298 EVOLUTION. second term of the 2d col. Add the figure in the root to the second terin of the 1st col., and place the sum under the second term. (3.) See hoiv many times the second term of the 2d col. is contained in the fikst dividend, and write the quotient as the second figure of the root, and also to the right of the last number in the 1st col., forming its third term; multiply the third term of the 1st col. by this second figure of the root, and add the product to the second term of the 2d col. as its third ter7n; multiply this third term by the second figure of the root, and subtract the p)ro- ducf from the first dividend, and annex the next period of the number for the second dividend. Proceed with the second figure of the root precisely as with the first, and continue the operation till all the periods have been used. Remark 1. — It often happens that in making the division for the figure of a root the quotient will be found too large. In such a case erase the work as far back as that point, and make the root figure so small that the subtrahend will be less than the dividend. (Vide Ex. 13.) Remauk 2. — If a dividend is too small to contain the divisor, place a cipher in the root, and also to the right of the last term of the first column, and two ciphers to the last term of the second column. (Vide Ex. 19.) Remark 3. — In the case of decimals, the first three figures on the right of the decimal point constitute one period, the next three figures another, and so on. Remark 4. — This method of taking the cube root is so superior, it is not a little surprising that it has not been adopted, to the ex- clusion of all others. Aside from its value in this connection, it prepares the student for an easy understanding of the best mode of finding the numerical values of the roots of equations above the second degree in Algebra. EVOLUTIOX. 299 EXAMPLES. 1. Find the cube root of 753571. OPERATION. 9 18 271 81 24300 24571 753571 I 91 Ans. 729 24571 24571 2. Find the cube roots of 531441 and 357911. Ans. 81 and 71. 3. Find the cube roots of 132651 and 72507. A71S. ^r^ 43. 4. Find the cube roots of 970299 and 681472. Ans. 99 and 88. 5. Find the cube roots of 456533 and 287496. Ans. 77 and 66. 6. Find the cube roots of 6.859 and 24.389. Ans. 1.9 and 2.9. 7. Find the value of 1^704969+1^421875. Ans. 164. 8. Find the value of 1^884736+1^314432. Ans. 164. 9. Find the value of 1^110592—1^^103823. Ans. 1. 10. Find the value of f" 91125 Xl^4287o. An.s. 1575. 11. Find the value of 1^456533—1^421875. Ans. 2. 12. Find the value of 1^4096X1^15625. Am. 400. 300 EVOLUTION. 13. Find the cube root of 2863288. OPERATION. 1 2 34 38 422 1 300 436 58800 59644 2863288 [142 1 1863 1744 119288 119288 14. Find the cube roots of 2299968 and 2352637. -^ Am. 132 and 133. 15. Find the cube roots of 10793861 and 14526784. Am. 221 and 244. 16. Find the cube roots of 36926037 and 63521199. Am. 333 and 399. 17. Find the cube root of 212776173. Am. 597. 18. Find the cube root of 997002999. Am. 999. 19. Find the cube root of 743677416. OPERATION. 9 18 2706 81 2430000 2446236 743677416 I 906 729 14677416 14677416 20. What is the cube root of ip30301? Am. 101. 21. What is the cube root of 128787625? 22. What is the cube root of 225866,529 ? Am. 609. EVOLUTION. 101 23. Find the cube root of 2 to seven places of decimals. OPERATION. 2 |1.2599211 An90:, 1 1 2 300 32 364 34 43200 365 45025 370 4687500 3759 4721331 3768 475524300 37779 4758)64311 1.000 .728 272000 225125 46875000 42491979 4383021000 4282778799 10024)2201 9517 507 475 32 47 We proceed in the usual way, and find 1.2599, at which point divide the dividend 10024 by 4758, reject- ing other figures on the right as not afi'ecting the result. In general, having found one more than half the figures of the decimal in the ordinary way, divide the last divi- dend hy the last term of the 2d col., rejecting from the right of the dividend one figure less than from the right of the divisor. In this manner Table III of the Ap- pendix may be verified. 24. Find the cube roots of 3, 4, etc., to 20. 302 EVOLUTION. 29S. The cube root of the product of two numbers is the same as the product of the cube roots of the num- bers. Thus : 1^8x27-1^8 X1^27, and f'2xE=f2xf'S, as may be verified from the Table. Hence, 294. To find the cube root of a composite number, Find the product of the cube roots of its factors, makiiig one of the factors a perfect cube, if possible. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube root of 16? We have #"^16= #"8X2=1^8 X#'2 =2X1^2. Now, if 2 -=1.2599211. Hence, 1^16=2X1.259921. Ans. 2.519842. 2. Find the values of #"24^ 1^321 1^40^ and 1^48. fSxf'^; 1^8X1^4; 1^8X1^5; 1^8X1^6. Ans. 2.8845, etc. 3. Find the values of 1^54; 1^128; #'250. Ans. #^27 X^'g -3.779763. 4. Find the values of ^88^ ^297"; and ^704. (Vide 286, Rem.) Ans. 2X^11=4.44796. 295. The cube root of q> fraction is the cube root of the 7iumerator divided by the cube root of the denomi- nator. Thus, the cube root of /^ is -— ^ = |, because F 27 fX|X|=3V Hence, 296. To find the cube root of a fraction, (1.) If necessary, multiply both terms of the fraction by the smallest number that ivill make the denominator a, perfffct cube. EVOLUTION. 303 (2.) Divide the cube root of the resulting numerator hy that of the denominator for the required root. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube root of i? We have 1=^ Then irT_iri=^4_f4 _]L587401_ .7937005 Ans. 2. What are the cube roots of | ; J ; J ; and I ? Ans. 1X1^9 =.693361, etc. 3. What are the cube roots of f ; |; |; and li? Jxrg^ Jxiri2i fxif 9] ixif To: ^ns. .908561, etc. 4. What are the cube roots of | ; | ; y^g ; | ; -J| ? ^?is. -I X 1^18 =.87358. 5. What are the cube roots of ff ; iff; ||f ' Remark. — When the root of a perfect square, cube, fourth power, etc., contains no more than three figures, it may be taken mentally, after a little practice, and on observance of the points in sec. 274. All roots of integral numbers containing not more than six figures, decimals and fractions, are easily found by a common Table of Logarithms. (Algebra, 152.) PROBIiEMS. 29T. The sum of two numbers and their product being given, to find the numbers. Find the square root of four times the product SUBTRACTED FROM the Square of the sum. This root will be the diiference of the numbers. (Vide 125, Ex. 10.) V 304 EVOLUTION. EXAMPLES. 1. The sum of two numbers is 105 and their product 2666. What are the numbers? l/l052— 4X2666=19. Ans. 62 and 43. 2. The sum of two numbers is 10 and their product 24. What are the numbers? Ans. 6 and 4. 3. The sum of two numbers is 8j and their product 17 J. What are the numbers? A71S. 5 and 3|. 4. The sum of two numbers is 28 and their product 196. Wliat are the numbers? Ans. 14 and 14. S98. The difference of two numbers and their pro- duct being given, to find the numbers, JFind the square root of four times the product added TO the square of the difference. This root is their sum. EXAMPLES. 1. The difference of two numbers is 19 and their pro- duct 2666. What are the numbers ? y 192+4x2666=105. Ans. 62 and 43. 2. The difference of two numbers is 3 and their pro- duct 40. What are the numbers? Ans. 8 and 5. 3. The difference of two numbers is 7 and their pro- duct 294. What are the numbers ? Ans. 21 and 14. 4. The difference of two numbers is 3^ and their pro- duct 73 J. What are the numbers? Ans. 10 J and 7. 5. The sum of two numbers is 23j and their product 135. What are the numbers? Ans. 11} and 12. 6. The difference of two numbers is J and their pro- duct 135. What are the numbers ? ARITHMIiTICAL PROGRESSION. 305 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 299. An Arithmetical Progression is a series of numbers in which any term is found by adding a given number to the preceding term, or by subtracting a given number from tJie precediyig term. (1.) The common difference is the number to be added or subtracted. (2.) The progression is increasing when the common difference is added. (3.) The progression is decreasing when the common difference is subtracted. 300. In every progression these five points may be considered, viz., the first term, the last term, the common difference, the number of terms, and the sum of all the terms. Thus, in the arithmetical progression, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, the first t'erm is 1, the last term 13, the common differ- ence 2, the number of terms 7, the sum of all the terms 49, and the progression is increasing. In the decreasing progression, 22, 19, 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, 1, the first term is 22, the last term 1, the common differ- ence 3, the number of terms 8, and the sum of all the terms 92. (1.) The first and last terms are sometimes called extremes, and the intermediate terms the means. The means must of course be less by 2 than the number of terms. 20 306 AEITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. (2.) In a progression of three terms, the middle term is called the arithmetical mean, and is half the extremes. 301. To find the last term, when the first term, 7mm- her of terms, and common difference are known. EXAMPLES. 1. The first term of a progression is 4, common dif- ference 3, number of terms 50. What is the last term? ANALYSIS. If we take a few terms of the progression ; thus, 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 4, 4+3, 4+2x3, 4+3x3, 4+4x3; that is, 4 7 10 13 16; we see that any term, as, for instance, the 5th, is found by adding to the 1st the product of the common differ- ence into a number less by 1 than that denoting the term. If we should continue the progression to the 50th term, the quantity standing under 50th Avould evidently be 4+49x3, and the 50th term would there- fore be 151. Hence, When the progres'sion is increasing, (1.) To the first term add the product obtained by mul- tiplying the common difference by the number of terms less 1. 2. In the progression 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., what is the 20th term? 40th term? 60th? 71st? 100th? Ans. 40, 80, etc. 3. In the progression 3, 11, 19^ 27, etc., what is the 50th term? 80th? 150th? 200th? 500th? Ans. 395, 635, etc. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSIOX. 307 4. In the progression 7, 11, 15, etc., what is the 10th term? 45th? 75th? 101st? Ans. 43, 183, etc. 5. In the progression 8, 11, 14, etc., what is the 12th term? 24th? 47th? 81st? 1000th? Last Ans. 3005. 6. In the progression 1, 1^, 2, 2|, etc., what is the 900th term? 1200th term? 1500th term? Ans. 450 1. 7. In the progression 5, 5-|, 5f , 6, etc., w4iat is the 45th term? 90th? 750th? 100th? Ans. 19f, etc. When the progression is decreasing, (2.) From the first term subtract the product obtained by 7nultiplying the common difference by the number of terms less 1. 8. In the progression 500, 496, 492, etc., what is the 20th term? 25th? 30th? 50th? ^^is. 424, etc. 9. In the series 320, 318, 316, etc., what is the 10th term? 21st? 31st? 41st? Ans. 302, etc. 10. In the series 412, 409, 406, etc., what is the 15th term? 85th? 45th? Ans. 370, etc. 11. In the series 100, 95, 90, etc., what is the 12th term? 15th? 20th? 21st? Last J[?is. 0. 302. To find the common difference^ when the ex- tremes and the numbers of terms are known. Divide the difference of the extremes by the number of terms less 1. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes of a progression are 4 and 151; number of terms 50. What is the common diiference? What is the series? (151— 4)--(50— 1)=3, the common difference. The series is then 4, 7, 10, etc. 308 AlHTHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 2. The extremes are 2 and 40 ; number of terms 20. What is the series? Common difference is 2. Ans. 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. 3. The extremes are 8 and 395 ; number of terms 50. What is the series? Ans. 3, 11, 19, etc. 4. Insert 8 means between the extremes 7 and 43. (Vide 300, (1.) Ans. 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43. 5. Insert 10 means between 8 and 41. A71S. 8, 11, 14, etc. 6. Insert 18 means between 500 and 424, A71S. 500, 496, etc. 7. Insert 8 means between 320 and 302. 8. Insert 2 means between 4 and 14. Ans. 4, 7J, lOf, 14. 9. Insert 3 means between 1 and 2. Ans. 1, 1J-, 11, If, 2. 10. Insert 5 means between 3 and 4. Ans. 3, 31, 3|, etc. 11. Insert 7 means between 3 and 6. Ans. 3, 3|, 3-|, etc. 12. Insert 5 means between 1 and 13. Ans. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. 14. What is the arithmetical mean between 4 and 10? (Vide 300, (2.) Ans. 7. 15. What is the arithmetical mean between 1 and 2? Ans, li=1.5. 16. What is the arithmetical mean between 7 and 15? Ans. 11. 17. What is the arithmetical mean between 1.5 and 1 ? Ans. 1.25 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 309 303. To find the sum of all the terms, when the first term, the last term, and the number of terms are known. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes are 1 and 13, number of terms 7. What is the sum of all the terms ? ANALYSIS. We have just found the series to be (Ex. 12 above) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. This series reversed is 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1. The sum of double th« series is then 1-1+144-14+14-f 14+14+14:=7Xl^=98, and 7V14 the sum of the series -itself is -^o — =49, as may be verified by adding the terms. (Vide 300.) ilence. Take half the product obtained by multiplying the sum of the extremes by the number of terms. 2. What is the sum of 50 terms of the series 4, 7, 10, etc.? Last term is 151, by 301. An,. 5^X^^=3875. 3. What is the sum of 20 terms of the series 2, 4, 6, etc.? 40 terms? 60 terms? 71 terms? Ans. 420, etc. 4. What is the sum of 50 terms of the series 3, 11, 19, etc.? 80 terms? 150 terms? 200 terms? ^?2s. 9950, etc. 5. What is the sum* of IQ terms of the series 7, 11, 15, etc.? 35 terms? 45 terms? 75 terms? 6. What is the sum of 12 t^rms of the series 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.? 24 terms? 48 terms? 96 terms? Ans. 78, etc. 7. What is the sum of 2 terms of the series 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.? 3 terms? 4 terms? 5 terms? 6 terms? 7 terms? 25 terms? Last Ans. 625. 310 ARITHMETICAL niOGRESSION. 8. What is the sum of 40 terms of the series 1, 4, 7, etc.? 50 terms? 60 terms? 70 terms? Ans. 2380, etc. 9. A gentleman started on a journey, traveling 5 miles the first day, 7 miles Jie second day, and so on, gaining 2 miles each day. Another gentleman, starting from the same place, travels over the same road at a uniform rate of 34 miles per day. How far apart were they at the end of 10 days? 20? 30? Last Ans. They are together. 10. A gentleman started on a journey, traveling 55 miles the first day, 51 the second day, and so on, losing 4 miles each day. Another gentleman travels uniformly 40 miles per day over the same road and from the same place. How far apart are they at the end of 10 days? Ans. 30 miles. 11. A boy buys 12 marbles, giving 1 cent for the first, 2 cts. for the second, 3 cts. for the third, and so on. How many cents did he give for all? Ans. 78 cts. 12. Suppose the city of Quito to be precisely on the equator, and that this circle is exactly 25000 miles in circumference; suppose, furthermore, that the earth were entirely of land, and that stakes have been set up at intervals of 1 mile, tho enti|;e distance round the equator. Now allowing a bag of gold dollars to be at the bottom of each stake, what distance would a person, setting out from Quito, h^v^e to travel in order to carry the bags, one at a time, to that city? A71S. 312500000 miles. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 811 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 304. A Geometrical Progression is a series of num- bers, in which any term is found by multiplying the pre- ceding term by a given number. (1.) The ratio is the number used as a multiplier. (2.) The progression is increasing when the ratio is greater than 1. (3.) The progression is decreasing when the ratio is less tha7i 1. 305. In every geometrical progression these five points may be considered, viz., the first term, the last term, the ratio, the number of terms, and the sum of all the terms. Thus, in the series, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, the j^rs^ term is 1, last term ^4:^^^atio 3, number of terms 6, sum of all the terms 364, and the series is increasing. In the decreasing progression, 1 1 j_ _L ^ ^ _ _ 1 _ the f.rst term is 1, last term Y-0^24' '^^^^^ h 'f^umber of terms 6, and the sum of all the terms i§||. (1.) The first and last terms are called the extremes, and the intermediate terms the means. (2.) In a series of three terms the middle term is called the geometrical mean, and is the square root of the product of the extremes. (3.) The ratio is the quotient of any term divided by the preceding term. 312 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 306. To find the last term, when the first term, num- ber of terms, and ratio are known. EXAMPLES. 1. If the fi7'st term of a series is 2, ratio 3, and num- her of terms 10, what is the last term? ANALYSIS. If we take a few terms of the progression thus, 1st. • 2d. 3d. 4th. 5tli. 2, 2X3, 2X3^ 2X3\ 2X3^ that is, 2 6 18 54 162 we see that any term, as, for instance, the 5th, is found by multiplying the first term by that power of the ratio denoted by the number of terms less 1. If we should continue the series to the 10th term, the quantity repre- senting ii would eviden{;|y be 2X3^, and the 10th term is therefore 39366. (Vj^je ?76, Ex. 1.) Hence, Multiply that poiver of the ratio denoted by the number of terms less 1 by the first term. 2. In the series 3, 21, 147, etc., what is the 4th term? 6th term? 9th term? (Vid^e 273, Ex. 13, Table.) Last Ans. 17294403. ' 3. In the series 4, 8, 16, etc., what is the 8th term? 9th term? 16th terra? (Vide 276, Ex. 2.) Last Ans. 131072. 4. In the series 2, 4, 8, etc., what is the 5th term ? 9th terra? 13th term? Last Aiis, 8192. 5. In the series 1, J, -}, etc., what is the 10th term ? 6th term? 4th term? Ans. ^{.t, etc. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 313 SOT. To find the ratio^ when the extremes and the number of terms are known, (1.) Divide the last term by the first term. (2.) Take the root of the quotient denoted by the number of terms less 1. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes of a series are 2 and 39366 ; number of terms, 10. What is the ratio and the consequent series ? 39366 -- 2 =-- 19683. Then 1^19683 = 3, the ratio. (Vide 273, 13, Table ; 274, (7.) • The series is 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458, 4374, 13122, 39366. 2. Insert 2 means between 3 and 1029. The number of terms will of course be 4. 1029 -r- 3 --=343; then #"343=7, the ratio. Ans. 3, 21, 147, 1029. 3. Insert 3 means between 7 and 1792. Ans. 7, 28, 112, 448, 1792. 4. Insert three means between J and g^^- Ans. i, J^, Jq, Jq, g*^. 5. What is the geometrical mean between 4 and 16 ? Ans. 8. (Vide 305, (2.) 6. What is the geometrical mean between 5 and 16 J? Ans. 9. 7. What is the arithmetical mean between 1 and ? (Vide 300, (2.) Ans. .5 8. What is the geometrical mean between 10 and 1 ? Ans. 3.162278. 9. What is the arithmetical mean between 1 and .5 ? Ans. .75 10. What is the geometrical mean between 10 and 3.162278? Ans. 5.623413. 27 314 GEOMETRICAL PROaRESSION. 11. What is the arithmetical mean between .75 and 1 ? Ans. .875. . 12. What is the geometrical mean between 10 and 5.623413 ? Ans. 7.498942. 13. What is the arithmetical mean between 1 and .875? Ans. .9375. 14. What is the geometrical mean between 10 and 7.498942 ? Ans. 8.659643. 15. Find the values of 1±^ and l/lOX 8.659643. 16. Find the values of •''"'+•'''' and 1/9.305720x8.659643. 17. Find the values of .96875+.953125 ^^^ i/9.305720x 8.976871. 18. Find the values of ■960988+.9a3i25 ^^^ ^ 9.139817x8.976871. 19. Find the values of .957031+.953125 ^^^ ^- 9.057978x8.976871. 20. Find the values of .955078+ .953125 ^^^ t/9.017333x8.976871. 21. Find the values of .954102+ . 955078 ^^^ i/8.997079x9.017333. 22. Find the values of .954590+.954102 ^^^ ^^ 9.007200X8.9970 7-9. 28. Find the values of .954346+.954102 --- and 1^9.002138X8.997079. and 1/9.000873x8.999608. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 3^15 24. Find the values of ■?^^^^!^ and • 8.999608X.9002138 . 25. Find the values of .954285+.954224 2 26. Find the values of ^'^^'Y'"^' -d 1^ 9-000241X8.999608. 27. Find the values of ■954239+.904254 ^^^ ^ 8.999924x9.000241. 28. Find the values of .9542474-.954235 and 1^9.000082X8.999924. Ans. .954243 and 9.000003. Remark. — Each arithmetical mean in the above examples is the Logarithm of the corresponding geometrical mean, beginning with example 7. The logarithm of 9 is .954243. (Vide Algebra, 153.) 308. To find the sum of all the terms, when the ex- tremes and ratio are given. EXAMPLES. 1. The extremes are 2 and 162, the ratio 3. What is the sum of the series? ANALYSIS. The series is 2, 2x3, 2X3^, 2x3^ 2x3^ Multiplied by 3 it is 2X3, 2X3^, 2x3^ 2x3S 2X3^ The first series added would give the sum of all the terms ; the second series added would give three times the sum of all the terms. If, then, the first series be subtracted from the second, 316 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. the remainder will be twice the sum of all the terms. The actual subtraction gives 2X3^ — 2, the other terms canceling each other. Hence, the sum of the series is 2 — 2"^^ -^^^- Hence, Multiply the last term hy the ratio, and from the pro- duct subtract the first term; divide the remainder by the ratio, less 1. 2. In the series 3, 21 . . . 1029, what is the sum of all the terms? (Yide 305, (3.) Ans, ^^^^f-^ :^1200. 3. In the series 4, 12 . . . 78732, what is the sum of all the terms? Ans. 118096. 4. In the series 5, 20 . . . 327680, what is the sum of all the terms? Ans. 436905. 5. In the series 4, 8, 16, etc., what is the sum of 16 terms? (Yide 306, Ex. 3.) J.ws. 262140. 6. In the series 2, 4, 8, etc., what is the sum of 13 terms? Ans. 16382. 7. In the series 5, 50, 500, etc., what is the sum of 8 terms? Ans. 55555555. 309. If the series is decreasing, and is carried on infinitely, the last term will become 0. Hence, to find the sum of an infinitely decreasing series. Divide the first term by the ratio subtracted from 1. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the sum of the series J, J, ^, etc., to in- finity? Ans. »^(1— i)=l. 2. What is the sum of J, y^^, ^^5, etc.? Ans. |. 3. What is the sum of ^, i, ^, etc.? Am. \. PERMUTATIONS. 817 4. What is the sum of 4, 1, J, y^^, etc.? Ans. 5-|. 5. What is the value of .l-f-.Ol+.OOl, etc.? Ans, ^. 6. What is the value of .1+.05+.025, etc.? 7. 8. What What A is the value of l+f+g^, etc.? is the value of |+/u+i3, etc.? Vns. i- Ans. Ans. =.2. If. 2f. 9. What is the value of UA+t¥8, etc. ? Ans* If PERMUTATIONS 310. To find the number oi permutations that can be made with any given number of things, each one differ- ent from the other, Multiply all the consecutive integral numbers^ from 1 up to the given number of things, continually together. The product will be the permutations that can be made. EXAMPLES. 1. How many permutations can be made of the first four letters of the alphabet? Ans. 1X2X3X4=24. 2. How many days can 7 persons be placed in differ- ent positions at table? Ans. 5040. 3. A captain of 26 men told his company that he should not consider them perfectly drilled till each man had occupied all possible positions in the arrangements that might be made of them. Suppose his men drill 12 318 PERMUTATIONS. hours a day, and make a change every hour, how many years must they drill before becoming perfect, reckoning 321 days to the year? Ans. 107716786412020736000000 years. 311. To find how many arrangements may be made by taking each time a given number of different things less than all. Take a series of nwnhers beginning with the number of things given and decreasing by 1 until the number of terms equals the number of things to be taken at a time; then find the product of all the terms. EXAMPLES. 1. How many sets of 3 letters each may be made out of 4 letters ? Ans. 4 X 3 X 2==24. proof: abc, acb, adb, bac, bca, bda, cab, cba, cda, dab, dba, dca, abd, acd, adc, bad, bed, bdc, cad, cbd, cdb, dac, dbc, deb. 2. How many integral numbers can be expressed, each composed of any 5 of the 9 digits ? Ans. 9X8X7X6X5=15120. 3. How many arrangements can be made out of the 26 letters of the alphabet, 6 being taken at once? Ans. 165765600. 312. To find the number of combinations that can be made of any number of things in sets of 2 and 2; 3 and 3, etc., (1.) Form a series of numbers^ as in 311, /or a dividend. (2.) Form a series of numbers^ as in 310, up to the number of things to be combined at a time, for a divisor. The quotient will be the number of combinations sought. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 319 EXAMPLES. 1. How many combinations can be made out of 4 letters, having 3 different letters in each set? 4X3X2 ^ns. -^^2x3~'*- Proof. — abc, abd, acd, bed. 2. How many combinations can be made out of 10 letters, each combination having in it 7 letters, but no two of them to have all their letters alike ? Ans. 120. 3. How many different combinations of 3 colors can be made of the 7 prismatic colors? Ans. 35. 4. How many different combinations of 4 colors can be made of the 7 prismatic colors? Ans. 35. 5. How many different combinations of 3 may be made of 10 different things? Ans. 120. 6. How many different combinations of 7 may be made of 10 different things? Ans. 120. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. 313. Geometry is that branch of Mathematics which treats of the' relations of extension. Extension has three dimensions — length, breadth, and thichiess. (1.) A point is mere position, with no length, breadth, or thickness. (2.) A line is length, without breadth or thickness. 320 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. (3.) A surface is a figure having length and breadth, but no thickness. (4.) A solid is a figure having length, breadth, and thickness. LINES. (5.) A straight line is one, all points of which lie in the same direction. It is designated bj letters placed near its extreme points. Thus, the line ab is repre- sented by A B (6.) A curved line is one, ail points of which lie in different directions. Thus, the curved line A B is represented by (7.) Parallel straight lines are two or more straight lines lying in the same c d direction. Thus, ab, cd, ef, are par- ^ ^ allel straight lines. (8.) Oblique lines are those which do not lie in the same direction. Thus, A b and c D are . __ — _— — -^ oblique lines. c d Remark. — When two oblique lines meet each other, they form an angle. (9.) An angle is the divergence of two b straight lines proceeding from the same ^^ o 'point. Thus, a, or b A c, or c A b is aa angle. In reading, the letter at the vertex . » is placed in the middle, or the letter at / ^ the vertex may be used alone to desig- ^ nate the angle when other angles arc not ^^ adjacent. ^^ o A B PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 321 Eemark. — An angle is greater or less^ according as the lines di- verge more or less. (10.) A right angle is one of the equal angles which two straight lines may make in meeting or intersecting each other. Thus, A o c, B o c, ^ A D, or B D is a right angle when each is equal to any other. An acute angle is one which is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is one which is greater • „ than a rio;ht angle. Thus, B o c is acute. ^^ and A c is obtuse. ° (11.) Perpendicular lines are those which form a right angle with each other. Thus, A o is per- pendicular to c 0, and c o is perpendicular to A 0, when A o c is a right angle. SURFACES. (12.) A plane is a surface in which if any two points be assumed and connected by a straight line, that line ivill lie wholly in the surface. Other surfaces are called curved surfaces. Thus, the surface of a common slate represents a plane, and the surface of a slate globe represents a curved surface. (13.) A plane figure is a figure bounded by straight or curved lines. (14.) A polygon is a plane bounded by straight lines. (15.) A triangle is a polygon of three sides, and con- sequently of three angles. (a.) An equilateral triangle has its three sides equal; 322 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. an isosceles triangle has tivo of its sides equal; a scalene triangle lias its three sides unequal, (b.) A right-angled triangle has one of its angles a right angle. (c.) ArT acute-angled triangle has all of its angles acute. (e.) An obtuse-angled triangle has one of its angles an obtuse angle. Thus : A B c is equilateral and acute-angled ; D E F is isosceles and right-angled; mno is scalene and obtuse-angled, p Q R is scalene and acute-angled. (/.) Any side of a triangle may be assumed as the base, and its altitude is the perpendicular line extending from the vertex of the opposite angle to the base. (g.) In a right-angled triangle the side opposite the right angle is called the hypothenuse. The other sides are then designated as the base and perpendicular. (16.) A quadrilateral is a polygon of four sides. (17.) A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with its oppo- site sides parallel. (18.) A rectangle is a parallelogram having a right angle. (19.) A rhomboid is a parallelogram having an oblique angle. (20.) A square is a rectangle hav- ing its sides all equal. (21.) A rhombus is a rhomboid having its sides all equal. S, ,Q a) |r Vi IB PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 323 (22.) A trapezium is a quadrilateral with its opposite sides 7iot parallel. (23.) A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two sides parallel. Thus: A diagonal is a line joining the vertices of two opposite angles. Thus T E is a diagonal. Remakk. — A diagonal divides a rectangle into two right-angled triangles. (24.) A pentagon is a polygon of five sides; a hexagon, of six sides; a heptagon, of seven; an octagon, of eight; a nonagon, of nine ; and a decagon, of ten sides. (25.) A circle is a plane figure bounded by a curved line called the circu7nference, every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center. The diameter is a straight line drawn through the center and terminating in the cir- cumference. A radius is any line draivn from the center to the circumference. An arc is a part of the circumfer- ence. Thus, A B is a diameter, o B, o A, and o M are radii ; A M is an arc. (26.) Similar figures are such as .are mutually equi- angular, and have the sides containing the equal angles, taken in the same order, proportional. 314. Proposition. — The square of the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is equivalent to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. Hence, 315. To find the hypothenuse, the ttvo sides being known, (1.) Square the two sides, and add together the results. (2.) Find the square root of the sum. 324 PEACTICAL GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. The sides of a right-angled triangle are 3 and 4 feet. What is the length of the hypothenuse ? Ans. -1/32 + 42 = 1/25 = 5 feet. 2. The sides of a right-angled triangle are each 1 foot. What is the length of the hypothenuse ? ^Tis. 1/2 = 1.4142136 feet. 3. The sides of a right-angled triangle are each 2 feet in length ; 3 feet ; 4 feet ; 5 feet in length. What are the corresponding lengths of the hypothenuse? Ans. 1^8 = 2.828427, (Vide 286, Ex. 1.) 4. The bottom of a window is 40 feet from the ground, and I wish to place the foot of a ladder 30 feet from the bottom of the wall in which the window is situated. What is the length of a ladder that will reach the win- dow? Ans. 50 feet. 5. An acre of land is laid out in the form of a square. What is its distance between opposite corners ? Ans. 1/320 = 8X1/5 = 17.888544 rods. 6. Suppose a floor to measure 16 feet by 20. What is the distance between opposite corners ? Ans. 1/656 =4X l/41 = 25.612497. 7. What is the length of the lower edge of a brace which touches a post 3^- feet from the corner, and a beam 4^ feet from the same point ? Ans. i X 1/130 = 5.7008771 feet. 316. To find the side of a right-angled triangle, when the hypothenuse and the other side are known. From the square of the hypothenuse subtract the square of the given side. The square root of the remainder will be the other side. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 325 EXAMPLES. 1. The hypothenuse is 5 and a side 4. Wliat is the other side of the triangle? 2. A ladder 50 feet long is placed at a distance of 30 feet from the bottom of a house, and just reaches the sill of a window. What is the hight of the sill? Ans. 40 feet. 3. If a line 144 feet long will reach from the top of a fort to the opposite side of a river 64 feet wide, on whose brink it stands, what is the hight of the fort ? A71S. 129 feet, nearly. 4. In the ruins of Persepolis are left two columns standing upright ; one is 70 feet high and the other 50 feet ; in a line between them stands a small statue 5 feet high, the top of which is 100 feet from the summit of the higher, and 80 feet from that of the lower column. What is the distance between the tops of the two col- umns ? Ans. 143 J feet. 317. To find the side of a square when its diagonal is known. Multiply half the diagonal by the square root of 2. EXAMPLES. 1. The diagonal of a square is 1 foot. What is the side ? Ans. h X V2 =.7071068 feet. 2. The diagonal of a square is 2 feet ; 3 feet ; 4 feet ; 5 feet, etc. What is a side? Ans. 1.4142136, etc. 3. The distance from a corner to an opposite corner of a square room is 20 feet. What is a side ? Ans. 14.142136 feet. 326 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. SIS. Proposition. — In any triangle, if a perpen- dicular be drawn from its vertex to its base, then the whole base is to the sum of the other two sides as the dif- ference of those sides is to the difference of the parts of the base made by the perpendicular. c Thus, suppose c d to be a perpendicular drawn from the vertex c to the base A B of the triangle ABC, then, A B : A c+B c : : A c— b c : A d— b d. Remark. — The perpendicular must always fall within the tri- angle. 310. To find the perpendicular, when the th'ee sides of a triangle are known, (1.) Make the base the first terin of a proportion; the sum of the other tivo sides the second term; the difference of the two sides the third term. The fourth term found by 258 will be the difference of the parts of the base. (2.) Find the parts by 125, example 10, (1) and (2). (3.) Find the perpendicular by 316. EXAMPLES. 1. In a triangle ABC we have ab=5 rods; AC=4 rods, and B C— 3 rods. What is the length of the per- pendicular CD? OPERATIONS. (1.) 5 : 4+3 : : 4-3 : 1.4. (2.) (125,Ex.ll.) -^±i:^=3.2-:ADand^::^=1.8=DB. (3.) 1/42-3.2^=2.4 or 1/32— 1.82=2.4=:D c. Ans. 2.4 rods. Why is this triangle right-angled at c'i PRACTICAL GEOMETET. 327 2. In an isosceles triangle the sides are 5, 5, and 8 rods. What is the length of the perpendicular ? Ans, 3 rods. Remark. — Assume the side which is unequal to the other two to be the base ; then the parts of the base made by the perpendicular will be each 4 rods. 3. In an equilateral triangle the sides are each 1 rod. What is the length of the perpendicular ? Ans. |/r=i = Vi = hxVS = .8660254. 4. The sides of a triangle are 4, 5, and 6 rods. What is the length of the perpendicular? Ans. 3.307187 rods. 5. The sides of a triangle are 10, 10, and 16 rods. What is the length of the perpendicular? Ans. 6 rods. 6. The sides of a triangle are each 25 rods. What is the length of the perpendicular? Ans. 21.6506 rods. 7. The sides of a triano-le are each 2 rods in leno-th ; 3 rods; 4 rods; 5 rods; 6 rods, etc. What is the length of the perpendicular? Ans.l/S; iXV^S; 2X1^3, etc. MENSURA.TION. 320. Mensuration is the method of finding the area of surfaces in square units from their known or implied linear dimensions. By mensuration we also find the cubical contents of solids. 321. To find the area of a triangle, when its sides are known, (1.) Find the perpendicular by 319. (2.) Multiply the base by the perpendicular, and take half the product. 328 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 3, 4, and 5 rods? (Vide 319, Ex. 1.) ?^, or, because the triangle is right-angled, -^ . Ans. 6 rods. 2. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 5, 5, and 8 rods? Ans. 12 rods. 3. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are each 1 rod? Ans. .4330127 rods. 4. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 4, 5, and 6 rods? Ans. 9.9215 rods. 5. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 10, 10, and 16 rods? Ans. 48 rods. 6. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are each 25 rods? 13 rods? 40 rods? Ans. 270.633 rods, etc. 7. How many square feet of boards will cover the gable end of a house whose rafters measure 23 feet, the length of the beam at the ends of the building being 34.8712 feet? Ans. 261.534 feet. Rule II. — Add together the three sides, and taJce half their sum. From this half sum subtract each side sepa- rately; mtdtiply together the half sum and the three re- mainder. The square root of the product will be the area. 8. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 10, 15, and 20 rods? 15+10+20--45 ; 45-^2=22.5; V'22.5X2.5X12.5X7.5==72.62. Ans. 72.62 rods. 333. To find the area of any quadrilateral, two of whose sides are parallel, Multiply the sum of the parallel sides hy the perpendic- ular distance between them, and take half their product. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 329 EXAMPLES. 1. How many yards of carpeting will cover a floor 20 feet long and 16 feet Avide, carpet 1 yard wide? 20 X 16-^-9. Ans. 35 f yards. 2. How many acres in a rectangular piece of land 17 chains long and 5 ch. and 41. wide? (Vide 180, Rem. 2.) 17x5.04^10 Ans. 8 A. 2 R. 10/o'(j r- 3. How many acres in a piece of land in the form of a rhombus, each side measuring 70 rods and the width being 8 rods ? Ans, 3 A. 2 R. 4. How many acres in a square piece of land whose- sides are each 35 ch. 25 1. ' Ans. 124 A. 1 R. 1 r. 5. A board measures 25 feet in length and 1 ft. 6 in. in width. What is the area in feet? Ans. 37 J feet. 6. In the trapezoid, 313 (23,) I D is 20 rods; z o, 27 rods; P R, 12 rods. How many acres in the lot? m^}><}l Ans. 1 A. 3 R. 2 r. 7. In a trapezoid the parallel sides are 25 ch. 13 1. and 30 ch. 1 1. ; the perpendicular distance between them is 40 ch. How many acres ? Ans. 110 A. 1 R. 4.8 r. S23. To find the area of a trapezium, when all its sides and a diagonal are known, Find the area of each triangle hy 321, and their sum will be the area of the trapezium. EXAMPLES. 1. In a trapezium represented by the figure ZIUM, 813, (22,) z I is 25 rods; mi, 23 rods; zu, 17 rods; U M, 21 rods ; and z m, 30 rods. How many acres ? Ans. 2A. 3R. 13.7 r. 28 330 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 324. Any iivo similar figures have their areas in pro- portion to the squares of any ttvo lines similarly situated in each. Hence, all circles are to each other as the squares of their radii, or the squares of their diameters. 325. To find the area of a circle, Multiply half of the diameter by half the circumfer- ence. Remark. — The circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1 is 3.141592053589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974- 94459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651327230- 66470938446, etc. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 1 ? Ans. .7853981633974483, etc. Hence, to find the area of a circle, midtiply the square of the diameter hy enough of the figures composing the decimal .785398163397, etc., to make the area sufficiently exact. 2. What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 2 rods? 3 rods? 4 rods? 5. rods? etc. Ans. 3.1416, etc., rods; 7.06858, etc., rods. 3. What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 20 rods? 30 rods? 40 rods? etc. 4. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 10 rods? 15 rods? 20 rods? etc. 5. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 100 rods? 150 rods? etc. 6. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 5000 rods? Ans. 490873 A. 3 R. 16 r. 7. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 1 mile? 2 miles? Smiles? etc. J.?is. 3.1416 miles, etc. rRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 331 8. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 5 yards? 6 yards? etc. Ans. 78 J yards, etc. 9. Three men purchase a grind- stone with a radius of 30 inches. '' / \''~''"-^/\\ How much of the radius must each ,' grind oiF to secure J of the stone, \ making no allowance for loss at '' ^ the center? We have ""-" Circ. A : : circ. c o : : AO^ : C 0^ ; that is, 1 ; : 1 : : 30- ; :30^Xf. Circ. A ; : circ. P : : AO^ : P 0- : that is, 1 -• i -• : 30-^ : ; 30^X^ Since c 0^=30^X1, c o=30Xl/|-=10Xl/6--24.4949. Since p o2=30-Xl, p o=30Xi/1=10XV^3=17.3205. Hence, the fii?st takes 30—24.4949=5.5051 inches; the second takes 24.4949—17.3205=7.1744 inches; the third takes 17.3205 inches. Remark. — It is only necessary to use the ratio of the .areas in the proportions. 10. Five men purchased a grindstone, and each man paid ^ of the price. The radius was 40 inches. How much of it must each man grind off to secure his share? Ans, First man 40— 16x/5=4.2229 in. 11. I have a circular garden 25 rods in diameter, and wish to make a walk around it that shall take up I of the entire area. What must be the width of the walk? Ans. 1.0891 rods. 12. I have a circular garden 50 rods in diameter, and wish to make a walk around the outside of it whose area shall be J^ the area of the garden. What must be the width of the walk? Ans. 1.22 rods. 332 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 326. Demnition. — (1.) A cylinder \^ a solid described by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides, which remains fixed. (2.) A cone is a solid described by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides^ which re- mains fixed. (3.) A sphere is a solid described by the revolution of a semicircle about its diameter, which remains fixed. Thus : P B D revolved about o P generates a cylinder ; c B revolved about c o generates a cone ; and A M B revolved about A B generates a sphere, o p is the altitude of the cylinder, o c of the cone, and A B is the diameter of the sphere. (4.) A prism is a solid whose bases are j[?<2raZ?eZ and its sides parallelograms. A right prism has its edges perpendicular to its bases, (5.) A parallelopiped is a prism whose bases as well as sides are parallelograms. A cube has six equal square faces. (6.) A pyramid is a solid, having a polygon for a base and three or more triangles for its sides, whose PRACTICAL GEOMETllY. 333 vertices meet in a common point called the vertex of the pyramid. The frustrum of a pyramid is the part left after cutting off a portion of the top by a plane parallel to the base. Thus : /^. \ \ \o \ F D 1 li A B c-D E F is a right triangular prism ; A B c D-E is a right quadrangular prism, or parallelopiped; A B c-D is a triangular pyramid ; and A B c-s represents the frus- trum of a pyramid. 3S7. To find the contents of a cylinder or prism, Multiply the area of the base by its altitude. EXAMPLES. 1. Each side of the base of a triangular prism is 1 foot, and the altitude is 3 ft. 2 in. What are the con- tents in feet? in inches? (Vide 321, Ex. 3.) .4330127X31. Ans. 1.3712 feet. 2. The sides of a triangular prism are 7, 8, and 9 inches. Its altitude is Ij feet. Find the contents in inches. Ajis. 482.99 inches. 3. The diameter of each end of a cylinder is 8 feet, and the hight is 5 J feet. Find the contents in feet. Alts. 276.46 feet. 334 PRACTICAL GEOMETRl. 4. The diameter of a cylindrical water-pail is 10 inches, and the hight is 1 foot. How many wine gal- lons does the pail hold? (Vide 182, Rem. 1.) A71S. 4.08 gallons. 5. How many bushels in a box 15 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 8 feet deep? (Vide 184, Rem.) Ans. 482.142 bushels. 6. How many bushels in a box 6 feet long, 1^ feet wide, and 2 J feet deep? Ans. IS. OS. 7. What are the contents in cubic feet of a wall 24 feet 3 inches long, 10 feet 9 inches high, and 2 feet thick? Ans. 521|. 3S8. To find the contents of a cone or pyramid, Multiply the area of the base by the altitude^ and take I of the product. EXAMPLES. 1. Each side of the base of a triangular pyramid is 1 foot, and the hight is 14 inches. What are the con- tents? Ans. 290.9844 in. 2. The sides of the base of a triangular pyramid are 10, 11, and 12 feet, and the hight is 12 feet. What are the contents? Ans. 206.085 feet. 3. The base of a cone is 10 feet in diameter and the hight is 5 feet. Find the contents. Ans. 130.899 feet. 4. A square pyramid, 477 feet high, has each side of its base 720 feet in length. Find the contents. Ans. 3052800 cu. yd. 5. The sides of the base of a triangular pyramid, which is 14J feet high, are 5, 6, and 7 feet. Find the contents. Ans. 71.0352 feet. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 335 3S9. To find the contents of the frustrum of a cone or pyramid, Find the sum of the areas of the two ends and the geo- metrical mean between them. Multiply this sum hy the altitude, and take one third of the product EXAMPLES. 1. A stick of timber is 15 in. square at one end and 6 in. square at the other and 24 feet long. What arQ the contents? (^^5+B«+«0)X8 ^„,.- 19, feet. 2. A conic frustrum is 18 feet high, 8 feet in diam- eter at one end and 4 feet at the other. Find the contents. Ans. 527.7888 feet. 3. A cask, in the form of two equal conic frustrums, has a bung diameter of 28 inches, a head diameter of 20 inches, and a length of 40 inches. How many gallons of wine will it hold? Ans. 79.0613 gallons. 7. A cistern is 12 feet in diameter at the top, 10 feet in diameter at the bottom, and 14 feet deep. What number of gallons will it hold? OPERATION. Area of top = 144 X -7854 = 113.09 Area of bottom .-= 100 X .7854= 78.54 Geomet. mean =t/113.09X78.54 = 94.25 Sum = 285.88 feet. Then 285.88XV*X1728--231 =9980 gallons, nearly, ^hs. 8. How many Winchester bushels will the above cis- tern hold? A71S. 1072 bushels. 330. Proposition. — All spheres are to each other as the cubes of their radii, or diameters. 336 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 331. To find the surface and also the solid contents of a sphere, (1.) Multiply the square of the diameter by 3.1415^, eic.^ for the surface. (2.) ^lultiply the cube of the diameter hy .523598, etc.^ for the solid contents. Remark. — The latter decimal is i of the former. EXAMPLES. 1. An artificial globe is 24 inches in diameter; what is its area, and what the solid contents ? Arts. Area 1809.556992 sq. in.; solidity 2738.218752 cu. in. 2. A slate globe is 6 feet in diameter; what is its area, and what its contents ? Ans. Area 113.0973 sq.ft.; contents 113.0973 cu. ft. 3. A sphere is 40 feet in diameter; what will be the diameter of one containing | as many cubic feet? J- as many? i as many? (Vide 296, Ex. 3, 2, and 1.) Ans. 40X^^1=36.34 ft.; 40X'^ 1=31.75 ft.; 40X#'i=25.19 ft. 332. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. If a certain number be multiplied by 5, and the product divided by J, and 3 be added to the quotient, and 7 taken from the sum, the remainder will be 76. What is the number ? Ans. 8. 2. If to a certain number 12 be added, and the square root of the sum taken, the cube of that root will be 64. What is the number ? Ans, 4. ^ APPENDIX. 353 III. TABLE OP CUBE ROOTS. No. 1 Cube Root. No. Cube Root. No. Cube Root. No. Cube Root. 1.000000 Ig" 3.583048 91 4.497941 136 5.142563 2 1.259921 47 3.608826 92 4.514357 137 6.155137 3 1.442250 48 3.634241 93 4.530655 138 5.167649 4 1.587401 49 3.659306 94 4.546836 139 5.180102 5 1.709976 50 3.684031 95 4.562903 140 5.192494 6 1.817121 51 3.708430 96 4.5J8857 141 5.204828 7 1.912931 52 3.732511 97 4.594701 142 5.217103 8 2.000000- 53 3.756286 98 4.610436 143 5.229322 9 2.080084 54 3.779763 99 4.626065 144 5.241483 10 2.154435 55 3.802953 100 4.641589 145 5.253588 11 2.223980 56 3.825862 101 4.657009 146 5.265637 12 2.289429 57 3.848501 102 4.672329 147 5.277632 13 2.351335 58 3.870877 103 4.687548 148 5.289573 14 2.410142 59 3.892996 104 4.702669 149 5.301459 15 2.466212 60 3.914868 105 4.717694 150 5.313293 16 2.519842 61 3.936497 106 4.732624 151 5.325074 17 2.571282 62 3.957892 107 4.747459 152 5.336803 18 2.620742 63 3.979057 108 4.762203 153 5.348481 19 2.668402 64 4.000000 109 4.776856 154 5.360108 ■ 20 2.714418 65 4.020726 110 4.791420 155 5.371685 21 2.758924 66 4.041240 111 4.805896 156 5.383213 22 2.802039 67 4.061548 112 4.820285 157 5.394691 23 2.843867 68 4.081655 113 4.834588 158 5.406120 24 2.884499 69 4.101566 114 4.848808 159 6.417502 25 2.924018 70 4.121285 115 4.862944 160 6.428835 2G 2.962496 71 4.140818 116 4.876999 161 5.440122 27 3.000000 72 4.160168 117 4.890973 162 5.451362 28 3.036589 73 4.179339 118 4.904868 163 5.462556 •29 3.072317 74 4.198336 119 4.918685 164 5.473704 30 3.107233 75 4.217163 120 4.932424 165 5.484807 31 3.141381 76 4.235824 121 4.946087 166 5.495865 32 3.174802 77 4.254321 122 4.959676 167 5.506878 33 3.207534 78 4.272659 123 4.973190 168 5.517848 34 3.239612 79 4.290840 124 4.986631 169 5.528775 35 3.271066 80 4.30^70 125 5.000000 170 6.539658 36 3.301927 81 4.326749 126 5.013298 171 5.550499 37 3.332222 82 4.344482 127 5.026526 172 5.561298 38 3.361975 83 4.362071 128 5.039684 173 5.672055 39 3.391211 84 4.379519 129 5.052774 174 5.582770 40 3.419952 85 4.396830 130 5.065797 175 5.593445 41 3.448217 86 4.414005 131 5.078753 176 6.604079 42 3.476027 87 4.431048 132 5.091643 177 6.614672 43 3.503398 88 4.447960 133 5.104469 178 6.625226 44 3.530348 89 4.464745 134 5.117230 179 6.635741 i 45 3.556893 90 4.481405 135 5.129928 180 5.646216 354 APPENDIX. IV. TABLE: Shoiving the ultimate fratisveise strength of a bar 1 foci long and 1 inch 1 inch in diameter, made of either of the materials mentioned. The bar is loaded in the middle, and lies loose at both ends. Matebials. Square Bar Onk Third. Round Bar. One Third. Oak 800 1137 o69 916 600 2580 4013 269 379 189 305 200 860 1338 628 893 447 719 471 2026 3152 209 298 149 239 157 675 1050 Ash Elm Pitch-pine Pine Wroui'lit-iron To find the ultimate transverse strength of any rectangular beam, supported at both ends and loaded in the middle, Multiply the strength of an inch square bar 1 foot long, as in the Table, by the breadth, and by the square of the depth, in inches, and divide the product by the length, in feet. The quotient will be the weight in avoirdupois pounds. Remark 1. — When a beam is supported in the middle and loaded at each end, it will bear the same weiglit as when supported at both ends and loaded in the middle ; that is, each end will boar half the weight. Remark 2. — When the Aveight is applied somewliero between the middle and the end of the beam, multiply twice the length of the long end by twice the length of the short end, and divide the product by the whole length of the beam. The quotient^, is the effective length of the beam. Remark 3. — If the beam is round, multiply the ultimate strength of the round bar, in the Table, by the cube of the diameter, in inches, and divide the product by the length, IN FKET. Remark 4. — When a beam is fixed at both ends and loaded in the middle, it will bear one half more than when loose at both ends. If the beam is loose at both ends, and tho weight is applied uniformfy along its length, it will bear double; but if fixed at both ends, and tho weight applied uniformly along its length, it will bear triple tho weight. EXAMPLES. 1. What weight will break a beam of asli 5 inches broad, 7 inches deep, and 26 feet deep between the supports? 1137X^X7^ Ans. :111431b., nearly. APrENDix. 355 2. What is the ultimate strength of an oak Lcam 20 feet long, 4 inches broad, 8 inches deep, and the weight placed G feet from the end? ??^ =10.8 feet. (Vide Rem. 2.) Then, 800X4X8^^^,,,^,,^ ^,,. lb,8 3. What is the ultimate transverse strength of a wrought-iron solid cylinder, 10 feet long and 5 inches in diameter ? Ans. "-^ =39400 lb. (Vide Rem. 3.) ANNUITIES. An Annuity is an estate which entitles its owner to the pay- ment of a fixed sum, at regular intervals of time. The annuity, time, and rate of interest being given, to find the amount, Raise the ratio to a power denoted by the time, from which subtract 1; divide the remainder by the ratio less 1, and multiply the quotient by the annuity. The product will be the amount. Remabk 1. — For the powers of the ratio, see Table under 249. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the amount of a pension of $100 per annum, which has remained unpaid for 5 years, interest 6 per cent.? 1.06^=1.338226. Then .338226--.06Xl00=$563.71. Ans. 2. What is the amount of an annual rent of $150, in arrears for 12 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest? Ans. $2530.489999. 3. Wliat is the amount of a pension of $900, in arrears 17 years, at 7 per cent, compound interest? Ans. 27756.193. 4. What is the amount of an annual salary of $6000, in arrears for 8 years, at 5 per cent, compound interest? Ans. $57294.60. 5. What is the amount of a $100 pension, in arrears 20 years, at 5 per cent.? 6 per cent.? 7 per cent.? Ans. $3306.596 ; $3678.558 ; $4099.55. G. What is the amount of a pension of $1000, in arrears for 12 years, at 7 per cent, compound interest? Ans. $17888.45. 356 APPENDIX. The annuity, time, and rate of interest being given, to find the present worth, Divide the amount^ as found ahove^ hy the ratio raised to a power denoted hy the time. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the present worth of a pension of $100, to continue 5 years, at 6 per cent, per annum? ^563.71-f-1.0G'^=$421.24. Ans. Remauk 2. — In this way the following Table may be constructed : v. — TABLE: Shoioing the presetit value of $1.00 for any number of years, from 1 to 25, at 5, G, 7, 8, and 10 per cent. Yeaes 5 Per Cent. 6 Per Cent. 7 Per Cent. 8 Per Cent. 10 Per Cent. 1 0.952381 0.943396 0.934579 0.925926 0.909091 2 1.859410 1.833393 1.808018 1.783265 1.735537 3 2.723248 2.673012 2.624316 2.577097 2.486852 4 3.545951 3.465106 3.387211 3.312127 3.169865 5 4.329477 4.212364 4.100197 3.992710 3.790787 6 5.075692 4.917324 4.766540 4.622880 4.455261 7 5.786373 5.582381 5.389289 5.206370 4.868419 8 6.463213 6.209794 5.971299 5.746639 5.334926 9 7.107822 6.801692 6.515232 6.246888 5.759024 10 7.721735 7.360087 7.023582 6.710081 6.144557 11 8.306414 7.886875 7.498674 7.138964 6.495061 12 8.863252 8.383844 7.942686 7.536078 6.813692 13 9.393573 8.852683 8.357651 7.903776 7.103356 14 9.898641 9.294984 8.745468 8.244237 7.366687 15 10.379658 9.712249 9.107914 8.559479 7.606080 16 10.837770 10.105895 9.446649 8.851369 7.823701 17 11.274066 10.477260 9.763223 9.121638 8.021553 18 11.689587 10.827603 10.059087 9.371887 8.201412 19 12.085321 11.158116 10.335595 9.603599 8.364920 20 12.462210 11.469921 10.594014 9.818147 8.513564 21 12.821153 11.764077 10.835527 10.016803 8.648694 22 13.W3003 12.041582 11.061241 10.200744 8.771540 23 13.488574 12.303379 11.272187 10.371059 8.883218 24 13.798642 12.550358 11.469334 10.528758 8.984744 25 14.093945 12.783356 11.653583 10.074776 9.077040 2. What is the present worth of a pension of $800, to continue 25 years, at 10 per cent.? Ans. $2723.11. APPENDIX. 357 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units make 1 dozen. 12 dozen " 1 gross. 12 gross " 1 great gross. 20 units " 1 score. 100 years " 1 century. 10 centuries " 1 chiliad. 100 pounds " 1 quintal of fisli. 196 pounds " 1 barrel of flour. 200 pounds " 1 barrel of pork. 14 pounds " 1 stone, 21J stones " 1 pig- 8 pigs " 1 fother. 18 inches " 1 cubit. 6 feet " 1 fathom. 24 sheets " 1 quire. 20 quires r... " • 1 ream. 2 reams " 1 bundle. 5 bundles " 1 bale. FRENCH WEIGHT. Frexch weight is that used in the empire of France. Its units are named milligramme, centigramme, decigramme, gramme, decagramme, hectogrmme, kilogramme, myriagramme, quintal, millier or bar. The milligramme is the unit of lowest value, and the bar the highest. It takes 10 of any order to make one of the next higher order of units, except that 100 quintals make 1 bar. The GRAMME is the fundamental unit, and is the weight of a centimetre of pure water, at the temperature of melting ice, which is 15.43402 grains Troy. 1 quintal = 1 cwt. 3 gr. 25 lb.; 1 millier or bar = 9 T. 16 cwt. 3 gr. 12 lb. 1 pound Avoirdupois = 453| 1 pound Troy grammes. FRENCH LINEAR MEASURE. The units of this measure are named millimetre, centimetre, deci- metre, METRES, decametre, hectometre, kilometre, and myriametre; and it takes 10 units of any lower order to make 1 of the next higher. 358 APPENDIX. The METRE is the fundamental unit, and one of the ten million equal parts into which the meridian distance from the equator to the north pole is divided. This distance is 39.37079 English inches. It is thence easy to find the value of any French unit in English measure. FRENCH SUPERFICIAL MEASURE. The units of this measure are named milliare, centiare^ deciare, ARE, decare, hectare, kilare, and myrlare; and it takes 10 units of a lower order to make 1 of the next higher. The ARE is the fundamental unit, and is a square decametre^ which is equivalent to 1076.4298 square feet. FRENCH SOLID MEASURE. The units of this measure are named centistere, decistere, stere, and decastere; and it takes 10 units of a lower order to make 1 of the next higher. The stere is the fundamental unit, and is a cubic metre, which is equivalent to 35.3174 cubic feet. FRENCH MEASURE OF CAPACITY. The units of this measure are named millitre, centilitre, decilitre, LITRE, decalitre, hectolitre, kilolitre, and myrialitre. The LITRE is the fundamental unit, and is a cubic decimetre, which is 61.027051 cubic inches. 1 litre = 1| English pints; 1 hectolitre = 22 English gallons. 1 decalitre = 2.6414308 wine gallons; 1 hectolitre =2.834 Win- chester bushels. RATES OF FOREIGN MONEY OR CURRENCY. (FIXED BY LAW.) Ducat of Naples $0 80 Florin of the Netherlands 40 Florin of the Southern States of Germany 40 Florin of Austria and Trieste 48J Florin of Nuremburg and Frankfort 40 Florin of Bohemia 48^ Guilder of the Netherlands 40 Lira of Lombardo and the Vcuetiuu Kingdom 16 ArpENDix. 3-59 Livre of Leghorn $0 16 Lira of Tuscany 16 Lira of Sardinia 18f Livre of Geneva 18f Milrea of Portugal 1 12 Milrea of ]\Ladeira 1 00 Milrea of Azores 83i- Marc Banco of Hamburg 35 Ounce of Sicily 2 40 Pound Sterling of Jamaica 4 84 Pound Sterling of the British Provinces 4 00 Pagoda of India 1 84 Real Vellon of Spain 05 Real Plate of Spain 10 Rupee of British India 44| Rix Dollar (or Thaler) of Prussia and North Germany.. 69 Thaler (or Rix Dollar) of Bremen 78| Thaler (or Rix Dollar; of Berlin, Saxony, and Leipsic... 69 Rouble (Silver) of Russia 75 Specie Dollar of Denmark 1 05 Specie Dollar of Norway 1'06 Specie Dollar of Svreden 1 06 Tale of China 1 48 Banco Rix Dollar of Sweden and Norway 39| Banco Rix Dollar of Denmark 53 Crown of Tuscany 1 05 Curacoa Guilder 40 Leghorn Dollar or Pezzo ^Oj^iny Livre of Catalonia 53| Livre of N\ifchatel 26| Swiss Livre 27 Scudi of Malta 40 Roman Scudi 99 St. Gall Guilder 403-^^^ Rix Dollar of Batavia 75 Roman Dollar 1 05 Turkish Piastre 05 Current Mark 28 Florin of Prussia..! , 22f 360 APPENDIX. Florin of Basle $0 41 Genoa Livre 21 Livre Tournois of France. 18| Rouble (paper) of Russia, varies from 4j^^^ to i^^^jj to the dollar, BOOKS AND PAPER. NAMES AND SIZES OF PAPER MADE BY MACHINERY. Double Imperial 32 by 44 inches. Double Superroyal 27 by 42 " Double Medium 23 by 26 " " " 24 by 37i « " " 25 by 38 " Royal and Half 25 by 29 " Imperial and Half 26 by 32 « Imperial 22 by 32 « Superroyal 21 by 27 « Royal 19 by 24 « Medium ^. ^ 181 by 23| « Demy ." 17 by 22 " Folio Post ,. ♦ 16 by 21 " Fo?4^5ap.....^...':..:?^^ ,| 14 by 17 « fo-wn Cro-wl....c:r:../ ^!V.... 15 by 20 " ^ sheet folded in 2 leaves is called -dT folio. A sheet '' 4 ' "" " ^^ quarto or 4to, A sheet " 8 ''■" "an octavo or 8vo. ' A'jshee'f , " 12 " "^ " a 12rao. A sheet " 18 " " an 18mo. A sheet " 24 " ** a 24mo. A sheet « 32 » " a 32mo. THE END. s m 17439 M305987 T 5'9 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY m ■ liliiiililiill' ■n -3^ I J