LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS HAND-BOOK LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS. (Affiliated with the A. L.. A.) MEMBERS. Alabama Department of Archives and History: Division of Li- brary Extension; Thomas M. Owen, L.L. D., Director, Montgomery. California State Library: Jas. L. Gillis, State Librarian, Sacra- mento. Connecticut Free Library Committee: Caroline M. Hewins, Sec- retary, Hartford. Delaware State Library Commission: Thomas W. Wilson, Sec- retary, Dover. Georgia Library Commission: Mrs. Percival Sneed, Organizer, Atlanta. Illinois Library Extension Commission: Eugenia Allin, Organiz- er, Decatur. Indiana Public Library Commission: Carl B. Milam, Secretary, Indianapolis. Iowa Library Commission: Alice S. Tyler, Secretary, Des Moines. Kentucky Library Commission: Fannie C. Rawson, Secretary, Frankfort. Massachusetts Free Public Library Commission: Charles F. D. Belden, Chairman, State Library, Boston. Michigan State Board of Library Commissioners: Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, Secretary, Lansing. Minnesota Public Library Commission: Clara F. Baldwin, Sec- retary, St. Paul. Missouri Library Commission: Elizabeth B. Wales, Secretary, Jefferson City. Nebraska Public Library Commission: Charlotte Templeton, Sec- retary, Lincoln. New Jersey Public Library Commission: H. C. Buchanan, Sec- retary, Trenton. New York Education Department, Division of Educational Ex- tension: W. R. Eastman, Chief of Division, Albany. North Carolina Library Commission: Minnie W. Leatherman, Secretary, Raleigh. North Dakota Public Library Commission: Mrs. Minnie Clarke Budlong, Secretary & Director of Library Extension, Bis- marck. Ohio Board of Library Commissioners: C. B. Galbreath, Secre- tary, Columbus. Oregon Public Library Commission: Cornelia Marvin, Secretary, Salem. Pennsylvania Free Library Commission: Thos. L. Montgomery, Secretary, Harrisburg. Rhode Island Department of Education: Walter E. Ranger, Com- missioner, Providence. Tennessee Free Library Commission: Mrs. Pearl Williams Kel- ley, Secretary, Nashville. Vermont Board of Library Commissioners: Rebecca Wright, Secretary, Montpelier. Washington State Library Commission: J. M. Hitt, Secretary, Olympia. Wisconsin Free Library Commission: Matthew S. Dudgeon, Sec- retary, Madison. EXECUTIVE BOARD. President—Clara F. Baldwin, St. Paul, Minn. 1st Vice-President— Cornelia Marvin, Salem, Oregon. 2d Vice-President— Hiller C. Wellman, Springfield, Mass. Secretary-Treasurer— Charlotte Templeton, Lincoln, Nebr. Publication Committee— Robert P. Bliss, Chairman, Harrisburg. Pa.; Elizabeth B. Wales, Jefferson City, Missouri; Mat- thew S. Dudgeon, Madison, Wis. LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS HAND-BOOK COMPILED BY CLARA F. BALDWIN Secretary Minnesota Public Library Commission PRINTED for the League of Library Commissions December, 1910 ^ CONTENTS. 8CHOO*- Introductory note 3 Historical Summary 5 League of Library Commissions 12 Publications IS Constitution 17 Organization and Activities of Commissions 20 Alabama Dept. of Archives and History 20 California State Library 22 Colorado State Board of Library Commissioners 25 Colorado Traveling Library Commission 26 Connecticut Free Public Library Committee 27 Delaware State Library Commission 30 Georgia Library Commission 31 Idaho State Library Commission 32 Illinois Library Extension Commission ZZ Indiana Public Library Commission 34 Iowa Library Commission 38 Kansas Traveling Libraries Commission 41 Kentucky Library Commission 42 Maine Library Commission 44 Maryland State Library Commission 45 Massachusetts Free Public Library Commission 46 Michigan State Board of Library Commissioners 48 Minnesota Public Library Commission 50 Missouri Library Commission 55 Nebraska Public Library Commission 57 New Hampshire Public Library Commission 59 New Jersey Public Library Commission 60 New York State Education Department : — Division of Educational Extension 62 North Carolina Library CommissLvtt. i •;. .;. 66 North Dakota Public Library Cortlnlissi'oii' 68 Ohio Board of Library- Ci5ijimis*sipnerjj . . . . .'.\ 70 Oregon Library •"Commtssroir . '. . V:. :.,,.:... v .... .' 73 Pennsylvania Free Library Commission 79 Rhode Island Department of Education: — State Committee on Libraries ,^ 81 Tennessee Free Library Commission 83 Texas Library and Historical Commission 84 Utah Library-Gymnasium Commission 85 Vermont Board of Library Commissioners 87 Virginia State Library 91 Washington State Library Commission 92 Wisconsin Free Library Commission 94 Directory of Library Commissions 102 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Three editions of the Yearbook of Library Commissions were published by the League in 1906, 1907 and 1908. The annual publication will now be discontinued, and the present Handbook follows the plan of previous Yearbooks in its effort to furnish in convenient form information re- garding the organization and work of each commission. All statistical tables have been omitted from this edition, as it is proposed to issue annual supplements giving statistics for the year, with notes regarding new commissions organ- ized, or important new work undertaken by any commission. Grateful acknowledgment is herewith extended to the of- ficers of the various commissions who have furnished mate- rial on the work in their respective states. C. F. B. 284284 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/baldwinhandbool^ION HAND-BOOK. grant to any town upon the establishment of a free pub- lic library, $ioo. in books to be selected by the Commission. When the law was enacted there were 105 towns out of 352 without free libraries, and Massachusetts now has the dis- tinction of being the only state in the union which has a pub- lic library in every town. New Hampshire followed the next year, 1891, by en- acting a law nearly identical with the Massachusetts law, which gives $100 to each town founding a free library. The New Hampshire Commission was instrumental in passing a compulsory library law, according to which every town must levy a certain assessment to maintain a library; the mini- mum amount instead of the maximum is prescribed; if the town has no library, the fund accumulates; and if a town wishes to omit an assessment, it must especially vote to do so. In 1903, the Board of Library Commissioners was abolished, and the work turned over to the trustees of the State Li- brary, who have assumed all the duties and powers of the former commission. In 1892, New York entered the list, developing a sys- tem of state supervision of libraries with more complete centralization than has yet been attempted in any other state. The work has been done by the Home Education Division of the University of the State of New York, the director of the State Library being also director of Home Education, so that the two interests have been identified. Under the law, the regents of the University were given power to is- sue charters and give financial aid to libraries which fulfilled certain conditions. These libraries are supervised and in- spected yearly, and two organizers now give their entire time to the work of visiting and assisting libraries. New York was the first state to establish traveling libraries, the first libraries being sent out in 1893. The library school is also under the direction of the De- partment of Education and the director of the State Li- brary. By the unification law of 1904, the Home Educa- tion Division was placed under the Department of Educa- tion and is now called the Division of Educational Exten- sion. HISTORICAL. SUMMARY. 7 In Connecticut, a Public Library Committee appointed by the State Board of Education was created in 1893. This Committee has advisory powers, and is authorized to give di- rect financial aid to libraries. In 1903 an appropriation was made for traveling libraries, and a library visitor was ap- pointed. In 1894 Vermont passed a law similar to that of Massa- chusetts, and in 1900 established a system of traveling libra- ries, and appointed a secretary to make personal visits to libraries. It will be noticed that in the beginning all the New Eng- land states, except New York, followed Massachusetts as a model and confined their work to giving direct financial aid to libraries, the features of traveling libraries and library visiting being added later. The Wisconsin Commission was organized in 1895, and be- came the pioneer and model for work in the West. Its activities now include the department of library extension and visitation, the traveling library department, the library school opened in 1906, and the legislative reference library. In Ohio, a Commission was established in 1896, to have charge of the State Library and appoint the state librarian. Traveling libraries are operated as a department of the State Library. In 1906 an amendment to the law authorized the ap- pointment of a library organizer, who began work in the fall of 1908, when the appropriation became available. The Georgia Commission, established in 1897, is advisory only and has had no appropriation. In 1899, commissions were established in seven states, two more following in 1900, and five others in .1901. Of these states, the group in the Middle West — Indiana, Iowa, Min- nesota and Nebraska — followed the lines laid down by Wis- consin, each having a system of traveling libraries, and em- phasizing field work and instruction. Since the conditions and problems of the states in the Middle West were found to be similar, it was believed that cooperation in publication of necessary printed matter would be an economy. At a con- ference of the library commissions of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, in October, 1901, plans for cooperative work were 8 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. discussed, and as a result, Wisconsin contributed the Sug- gestive list of hooks for a small library, with supplementary Buying-lists of recent books; Minnesota edited and published the Handbook of library organisation; and the Quarterly published by Iowa was for a time utilized by the other states, but after a few issues this plan proved to be impracticable. Of the Western states which established commissions at this time, Idaho and Kansas confined their efforts to travel- ing libraries, while the Colorado Commission, with no regular appropriation, has been an advisory body only. Michigan aids in the organization and extension of li- braries through two agencies: the State Library has charge of the traveling library system, and supplies books to com- munities having no libraries; the Board of Library Commis- sioners are concerned with building up town libraries, and to this end have a system of registered free libraries to which 100 books are loaned for six months. Each library in the state, through a mandatory law, must make a report to its county commissioner of schools, who in turn must make a re- port of every district, school and public library in his county to the Board of Library Commissioners. Pennsylvania, which established its Commission in 1899, has a system of traveling libraries sent out under the direc- tion of the state librarian. In 1907, a consulting librarian was appointed to further the extension work. Of the East- ern group of states, Maine, New Jersey and Delaware fol- lowed the plan of their neighboring states in offering direct financial aid to public libraries, all of them adding the feature of traveling libraries. Maine held a summer school in 1904, and again in 1910. Delaware employed an organizer for a time, and New Jersey has employed an organizer since 1905, and conducts a summer school. In Maryland the State Library Commission encourages the establishment of libraries, and operates a system of traveling libraries. An organizer is sent out for a few months service when funds are available. In Washington, a Commission was established in 1901, but in 1903 the law was changed, giving the Commission charge of the State Library. By the law of 1907, the travel- HISTORICAL SUMMARY. 9 ing library work was placed in the hands of a superintendent of traveling libraries, appointed by the Commission, but in- dependent of the State Library. In 1903, California established an Extension Department of the State Library to carry on the various branches of commission work. The Colorado Traveling Library Commission was created in 1903, and conducts a system of traveling libraries. Oregon joined the list in 1905, the law establishing this Commission being in some respects more comprehensive than any heretofore adopted, in that control of school libraries is vested in the Commission. The Commission prepares the list of books for school libraries from which selections must be made for purchases from the county library fund. The Leg- islature of 1907 amended the Commission law in three par- ticulars — striking out the limit on the printing, omitting the section which apportions the funds, and increasing the appro- priation from $2,000 to $6,000 a year. No new commissions were created in 1906, but Virginia made provision for enlargement of the work of the State Library, and inaugurated a system of traveling libraries un- der the direction of the State Library Board. In 1907, library commissions were established in Missouri and North Dakota. In Missouri, the law authorizes super- vision of school libraries and courses of lectures on library administration in the Normal Schools in addition to the usual lines of commission work. In North Dakota the first work of the Commission was the reorganization of the system of traveling libraries formerly under the Department of Pub- lic Instruction, and the establishment of a legislative refer- ence department. In the same year Alabama joined the ranks of states providing support for library work and enterprise, when a law was passed adding to the work of the Depart- ment of Archives and History, the duties usually performed by state library commissions, and providing for legislative, reference work. In 1909, legislation authorizing library extension work was enacted in Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, while in North Dakota the appropriation was in- 10 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. creased from $1,500 to $7,800 annually, and the law was amended to give a commission of five members instead of three, as formerly, and longer tenure of office. In Illinois, an amendment to the library law authorized the commissioners of the State Library to appoint two persons, who, together with the state librarian shall constitute the Illinois Library Extension Commission. The Commission is authorized to appoint a library organizer to carry on the usual lines of extension work, and to operate a system of traveling libraries. The appropriation for the work is $1,500 a year. In^North Carolina, a Library Commission of five members was created with the usual advisory powers, and authorized to operate a system of traveling libraries. Its annual ap- propriation is $1,500. The Tennessee Free Library Commission was established by a similar law, with no appropriation. The Texas Library and Historical Commission was es- tablished to control and administer the State Library, in which a legislative reference section is to be maintained, and to aid and encourage public libraries, but without the necessary funds to carry on extension work. In Utah, a promoting commission appointed by the Super- intendent of Public Instruction in 1907 carried on a suc- cessful campaign of library education, and in 1909, a Library- Gymnasium Commission of five members, was established by the Legislature to be appointed by the State Board of Educa- tion, and to be under its general supervision. Its purpose is to encourage the establishment of free libraries and gymna- siums, and its appropriation is $2,000. The Kentucky Library Commission was established in 1910, with an appropriation of $6,000 a year. The law au- thorizes the usual methods of commission work, including a system of traveling libraries, and also provides that the sec- retary shall be a person trained in modern library methods. For fuller accounts of the growth and development of li- brary extension work through state agency, see the pub- lications of the various commissions as listed under each com- mission, as well as the following: HISTORICAL SUMMARY. 11 ^Tublic Libraries, February 1905. (A Library Commission number containing: State aid to li- braries, by Gratia A. Countryman; Instructional work of libra- ry commissions, by Alice S. Tyler; Reports of Commissions; Val- ue and work of a state library organizer, by W. R. Eastman; Synopsis of laws authorizing library commissions, by Johnson Brigham. This number was the first attempt to collect in one place data regarding the various commissions, and became the basis for the Year-book of the League.) Brigham Model library commission law. Lib. J. 30 : C 46-50. •^Countryman . Lines of work which a state commission can profitably undertake. Lib. J. 25 : C Si-54. •■^jalbreath Cooperation of state librarians and state li- brary commissions. Lib. J. 25 : C 54-57. [ewins Work of an Eastern library commission. Lib. y J. 30: C 51-55. •^angton What a permanent library commission can do to aid libraries. Pub. Lib. 9: 212-16. Legler State library commissions. Lib. J. 30 : C 40-45. Stearns How to organize state library commissions and make state aid effective. Lib. J. 24: C 16-18. Thomson How to secure a state library commission. Lib. J. 26 : C 191. Tyler Work of library extension in Iowa. Pub. Lib^ 9: 296-99. ^t 12 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS. The success of the experiment in cooperation which was inaugurated in 1901 by the library commissions of Wiscon- sin, Minnesota and Iowa, led to the suggestion that a na- tional organization might more economically carry forward cooperative work. Printed matter of common interest and value to these commissions could thus be issued jointly, leaving to the overcrowded state commission workers more time and money for the problems peculiar to each state. A preliminary conference representing four library com- missions of the Middle West was held in Chicago, August 12, 1904, to discuss the advisability of an organization of library commissions. A committee was appointed to prepare a sug- gestive plan as to organization and methods of cooperative work. At the meeting of the Commissions' Section of the A. L. A., October 21, 1904, during the St. Louis conference, the committee made a report based on the experiments in co- operation in the Middle West, and on the replies received from letters sent to the various commissions. It was the unanimous opinion of those present that a League of Li- brary Commissions should be organized. This organization was therefore at once effected by the creation of an executive board composed of one member from each of the ten states represented at that ' meeting, as follows : Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin. The Board organized immediately by the election of Mr. Henry E. Legler, Wisconsin, as chairman, and Miss Alice S. Tyler, Iowa, as secretary. An executive committee was se- lected from the states represented to formulate a cooperative plan of work. This committee consisted of the chairman, secretary and four additional members. Miss Marvin, Wis- consin ; Miss Hoagland, Indiana; Miss Bullock, Nebraska, and Miss Baldwin, Minnesota. LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS. 13 At a meeting of this committee in Chicago, November 28 and 29, plans were considered for the immediate preparation and issue of a new edition of the Suggestive list of books for a small library and for the continuation of the Buying list of recent books, as the most urgent needs of the commis- sions. The executive committee also prepared, in the form of resolutions, a suggested plan for cooperation with the A. L, A. Publishing Board in the issuance of some of its pub- lications. In January, 1905, the A. L. A. Publishing Board began the publication of the A. L. A. Book-list, and the Executive Board of the League assured the Publishing Board of its support in that undertaking by its adoption by the com- missions for use in the respective states. The Buying list which had formerly been compiled by the Wisconsin Com- mission for the use of the commissions of the Middle West was therefore discontinued. At this time no definite arrangements could be made with the Publishing Board for other publications, and accordingly the League proceeded with the publication of the Suggestive list of books for a small library, compiled by Miss Cornelia Marvin, then of the Wisconsin Commission, and the second edition of the pamphlet on U. S. Government documents in small libraries, by J. L Wyer, Jr. During the Portland meeting of the A. L. A., a conference was held between representatives of the Publishing Board and the Executive Board of the League to discuss methods of cooperation. The needs of the commissions for certain printed matter were fully conceded by the members of the Publishing Board and it was recognized that in supplying these the Board would be complying with the condition of Mr. Carnegie's gift of $100,000 to the A. L. A., "the income of which should be applied to the preparation and publica- tion of such reading lists, indexes, and other bibliographical and library aids as would be specially useful in the circu- lating libraries of the country." At the regular meeting of the Publishing Board held in October, 1905, it was agreed that the Board would publish any material furnished by the League. 14 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. At the meeting of the Commissions section of the A. L. A. at Portland the organization of the League was approved by that section, and it was unanimously voted with the ap- proval of the A. L. A. Council, that the League of Li- brary Commissions as affiliated with the A. L. A. be sub- stituted for the Library Commissions section. A meeting of the Executive Board was held in Indian- apolis, Dec. 13-14, 1905, when final consideration was given to the constitution and by-laws of the League and the sub- ject of the publications of the League and A. L. A. Pub- lishing Board was fully discussed. Regular annual meetings of the League since its or- ganization as an affiliated body with the A. L. A. have been held each year in conjunction with the A. L. A. conference. The mid-winter meeting of the Executive Board, held in Chicago about the first of January "each year, has developed into an informal conference of commission workers and others interested in extension work, for a discussion of com- mission problems. Mid-winter conferences of library com- missions of the Eastern states were held in Hartford, Conn., in 1909, and 1910, and in Albany, N. Y. in 1910. Twenty-six states are now members of the League, in- cluding Alabama, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan,, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington and Wiscon- sin. For further information regarding the history and work of the League, see : Affiliation with A. L. A. Lib. J. 30: C 192-94. Pub. Lib. 10: 415. Tyler. League of Library Commissions, Lib. J. 30: 274-77. Annual meeting, Narragansett, 1906. Lib. J. 31 : C 282-84. Asheville, 1907. A. L. A. Bulletin, i : 231-45. Lib. J. 32: 318-21. Pub. Lib. 12: 279. Lake Minnetonka, 1908. A. L. A. Bulletin. 2: 305- 17. Lib. J. 33: 2']']-'/^. Pub. Lib. 13: 276-80. LEAGUE PUBLICATIONS. 15 Bretton Woods, 1909. A. L. A. Bulletin. 3: 337-355. Lib. J. 34: 359-362. Pub. Lib. 14: 313. Mackinac Island, 1910. A. L. A. Bulletin. 4 (Pro- ceedings number) Lib. J. 35: 317-318. Pub. Lib. 15: 352. Midwinter meeting, Indianapolis, December 1905. Lib. J. 31: 27. Chicago, January, 1907. Lib. J. 32: 76-77. Pub. Lib. 12: 67. Chicago, January, 1908. Lib. J. 33: 59-62. Pub. Lib. 13 : 49-53. Chicago, January, 1909. Lib. J. 34: 63-64. Pub. Lib. 14: 65-66. Chicago, January, 1910. Lib. J. 35: 69. Pub. Lib. 15: 72-74. Hartford, February, 1909, Pub. Lib. 14: 150. Hartford, January, 1910. Lib. J. 35 : 122. Albany, February, 1910. Lib. J. 35: 28. Pub. Lib. 15: 132. Publications. (Arranged chronologically) U. S. Government documents in small libraries; by J. I. Wyer, Jr., Ed. 2. May, 1905. (o. p.) (New ed. issued by A. L. A. Publishing Board, 1910) Siiggestive list of books for a small library; compiled by Cornelia Marvin. Part i, Adults. June, 1905. (o. p.) Year-book of library commissions; compiled by Clara F. Baldwin, May, 1906. (o. p.) May, 1907. (o. p.) December, 1908. (o. p.) Magazines for the small library; by Katharine MacDonald Jones, 1908. (o. p.) New ed. 1909. Paper, 10 cents. Anniversaries and holidays; ed. by Mary Emogene Hazel- tine, April, 1909. Paper, 25 cents. Report of committee on essentials of a model commission law, 1909. Free. 16 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Report of committee on commission work in state institu- tions, 1909. Free. Handbook of library commissions; compiled by Clara F. Baldwin, December, 1910. Paper, 25 cents. Publications Reprinted by the League. Report on standards of library training, by A. L. A. Com- mittee, 1905. (o. p.) The organization of a library in a small town, by Elizabeth D. Renninger, 1906. (o. p.) How shall a small town make a library beginning? by Alice S. Tyler, 1906. (o. p.) Buffalo Public Library Graded list of books for schools. 1909. (League ed. o. p.) Buying list of books for small libraries; compiled by Zaidee Brown. 1910. (League ed. o. p.) Graded list of stories for reading aloud ; compiled by Harriot E, Hassler. New ed. 1910. Paper, 10 cents. Publications Issued for the League by the A. L. A. Publishing Board. Small library buildings, compiled by Cornelia Marvin, $1.25. Foreign Book Lists; — German, 50c. Norwegian and Danish, 25c. Swedish, 25c. Library Tract No. 10. Why do we need a public library? Material for a library campaign, by Chalmers Hadley. 5c. Library Handbooks, 15c each. 3 Management of traveling libraries, by Edna D. Bullock. 6 Mending and repair of books, by Margaret W. Brown. 7 U. S. Government documents in small libraries, by J. L Wyer, Jr. CONSTITUTION OF LEAGUE. 17 LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS. CONSTITUTION. Name. The name of this organization shall be League of Library Commissions. 2 Object. The object of the League shall be to pro- mote, by cooperation, such library interests as are within the province of library supervision by the state. 3 Membership. Any state commission, board, bureau, department, or other official organization charged with the duty of promoting library interests in the state where it is located, either by means of traveling libraries or the estab- lishment, organization and supervision of public libraries, shall be eligible to membership upon compliance with the conditions hereinafter enumerated. Each organization admitted to active membership shall have one vote through an accredited representative (prefer- ably an executive officer) on any subject requiring action at any meeting; but any member or officer of such commission, board or department may attend the meetings of the League and share in its deliberations. 4 Officers. The officers of the League shall be pres- ident, 1st and 2nd vice-presidents, and secretary-treasurer, who shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve until election of their successors. 5 Executive Board. Except when the League is in session, its affairs shall be in the hands of an Executive Board consisting of the officers named in Section 4 and the members of the Publication Committee, as hereinafter pro- vided. Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled by the remaining members of the Executive Board. 18 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. The Executive Board shall arrange for the printing of such publications as may be found most useful in commis- sion work, and shall fix the price at which material pub- lished by the League may be sold. Votes of the Executive Board may be taken by correspond- ence, a majority vote being necessary to give validity to any action so taken. The Executive Board of the League shall prepare pro- grams, select topics and assign speakers for the annual meet- ing and make all the necessary arrangements therefor. Committees. There shall be a Publication Committee of three members who shall secure suitable material re- quired in printed form for field work and in the organiza- tion and equipment of libraries. Standing committees and special committees not otherwise provided for shall be appointed by the president. Dues. The payment of a yearly membership fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall constitute active membership, such mem- bers being entitled to secure League publications at cost and to exercise the voting privilege as specified in Section 3. Associate members paying no dues shall be charged regular price for League publications but may participate in delib- erations without a vote. 8 Amiual Meeting. The annual meeting of the League shall be held at the time and place of the annual meeting of the A. L. A. Affiliation. The League shall be affiliated with the A. L. A. in accordance with its constitution and by-laws. CONSTITUTION OF LEAGUE. 19 10 By-Laws. The Board may adopt by-laws for the League subject to such amendment as may be voted at the annual meeting. II Amendments. Amendments to this constitution may be adopted at any annual meeting of the League by a two- thirds vote of those present entitled to vote; provided that notice shall have been given, by correspondence, to all mem- bers of the League at least two months prior to such annual meeting; or in lieu thereof, that the amendment shall have received the unanimous approval of the Executive Board. LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES OF COMMISSIONS. Alabama The work of public and school library extension, and al- lied activities, such as are usually performed by library com- missions, is carried on under the direction of a Library Extension Division of the State Department of Archives and History, with headquarters in the State Capitol, Montgomery, authorized by act approved March 5, 1907, and put in opera- tion June I, 1907. Library Legislation. Library legislation in Ala- bama is quite limited, and yet it is sufficiently comprehensive to meet the needs of practically unlimited expansion, with the single exception of appropriations for direct aid. These laws may be grouped as (i) the statutory provisions for the organization and support of a State and Supreme Court Library; (2) the maintenance of historical and legislative reference collections by the Department of Archives and History; (3) a very few special acts incorporating local library associations; (4) provision for unlimited municipal support; (5) the legislation for the organization of the Li- brary Extension Division. The following is the very com- prehensive and elastic provision requiring the organization of this Division : "It shall encourage and assist in the establishment of public and school libraries, and in the improvement and strengthening of those already in existence; it shall give advice and provide assistance to libraries and library work- ers in library administration, methods and economy; and it shall conduct a system of traveling libraries." ALABAMA. 21 Advisory and Promotion Work. The efforts of the Division, from its very beginning, have been directed to arousing and shaping public opinion throughout the state looking to the establishment of new public and school libra- ries, as well as to the strengthening of those already in ex- istence. This has been done through correspondence, public addresses, and personal visits and advice on the part of the Director and the assistant in charge of the Library Exten- sion Division. The Division responds to all reasonable calls for assistance in the matter of advice and help in develop- ing interest. The press, the club women, and heads of educa- tional institutions have been valuable allies in the move- ment. There has always been a very close affiliation between the Alabama Library Association and the Library Extension Division of the state. The office of the extension division is headquarters of the Association and the work of each is cooperative with that of the other. Instruction. Beginning in 1908, the Division has conducted a five weeks summer course in library training, which will be offered each year. Through correspondence, advice, in so far as it is possible, is given on all subjects of library administration, methods and economy to Alabama librarians and library workers. Traveling Libraries. The first traveling library went out Nov. 4, 1907. Stations have been established main- ly in rural communities and schools. During 1910, the Divi- sion acquired by gift about one hundred books printed in type for the blind. This forms the nucleus of a collection for circulation among the blind readers of the state. Publications: Laws governing the Department of Archives and His- tory, 1907. Library Extension Circular. 22 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Executive Staff: Thomas M. Owen, Director, Alabama State Depart- ment of Archives and History, Montgomery. Miss Tommie Dora Barker, Library Extension As- sistant, Montgomery. California The California State Library carries on the work which in many states is under the supervision of a public library commission. Formerly the headquarters of the extension work was the Extension Department, but now every depart- ment of the library is active along extension lines. The counties, too, are cooperating in the work since the county library law was passed and ten counties are already doing some of the work for their territory that was at first handled from the State Library. The changes are made in an at- tempt to develope the most economical system possible for the existing conditions in California. Branches of the State Library. An act passed by the Legislature of 1909 makes it possible for the State Library to establish branches and as soon as the State Library fund allows they will be established in San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles. Organizing. Library organizers are employed to in- vestigate library conditions, to encourage the establishment of libraries, to visit those already established, to give advice and assistance to libraries throughout the state, to consult with trustees and architects regarding library buildings and to explain to the people generally the plan for the library development in California. This assistance is all given free by the State Library. Instruction. The State Library held an institute at the annual meeting of the California Library Association held in San Jose in 1908 and also at the annual meeting in CALIFORNIA. 23 Long Beach in April, 1910. In this way something has been done toward helping those librarians who have problems unsolved. The head of the Catalog Department of the State Library was the head instructor at the institute in 1910. The State Library and all others interested will make ev- ery effort to have some sort of library school established as soon as possible. Traveling Libraries. From the Traveling Libraries Division of the Extension Department, fixed groups of 50 volumes each are loaned to any community without a public library, on application of five resident tax payers. There is no charge for the use of the libraries and trans- portation both ways is paid by the State Library. A li- brary may be kept three months, and by special permission the time may be extended three months longer. These libraries have either created a demand for books in remote communities and other communities without li- braries, or they have proved without doubt that the demand exists. So that very soon a very much more economical way of supplying this sort of books and of meeting the rapidly growing demand for more books will be worked out for the state. The county free library system as tried for the last two years in Sacramento county and a shorter time in eight other counties, shows already that it will solve this problem most satisfactorily. Clubs and Granges. Collections of books for study purposes are sent to any club or grange upon applica- tion of two resident taxpayers. As these books are selected from the main collection of the State Library, the work is car- ried on entirely by the Reference Department. No fee is charged and transportation both ways is paid by the State Li- brary. Books may be kept three months, and by special per- mission the time may be extended. The reference librarian is sent to meetings of clubs and granges to explain what those organizations can get from the State Library. 24 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Legislative Reference Department. The legislative reference work is carried on by the legislative and municipal reference department of the library. This depart- ment also cooperates with the Reference Department in furnishing material to the high schools and clubs for their debates. Books for the Blind. Embossed books in any type requested, samples of appliances, games, etc., are sent to any blind resident of the state — and many outside the state — upon application to the Books for the Blind Division of the Extension Department. Books for the blind are also loaned to free public libraries or reading rooms, in collections of from ten to twenty-five books, upon application from the trustees of such library or reading room, if there will be at least five borrowers to make use of them. The books may be kept two months, and the transportation is paid both ways by the State Library. School Libraries. The State Library has not un- dertaken to assist the school libraries. Those interested be- lieve that the county library system with a branch or de- posit station in each school will most successfully solve the question of school libraries in this state. Publications: Libraries of California, 1904. News notes of California libraries. May, 1906- date. The California State Library is yours. County library system for California. Extension Department. Circular no. i Rules for lending traveling libraries. Finding lists 1-47. Books for the Blind Division. Circular and finding list. 3d ed. Public Libraries Division. Circular no. i Why a town should incorporate. COLORADO. 25 Law Department. Library laws of California, 1909. Legislative and Municipal Reference Department. Legislative reference bulletin no. i Hints for drawing legislative bills. -no. 2 "River improvement laws in other states and countries. Board of Trustees: W. C. Van Fleet, President, San Francisco. Allen B. Lemmon, Santa Rosa. Bradner W. Lee, Los Angeles. R. M. Richardson, Sacramento. Charles S. Greene, Oakland. Library Staff: James L. Gillis, State Librarian, Sacramento. Milton J. Ferguson, Assistant Librarian. Miss Laura Steffens, 2d Asst. Librarian, in charge of Ex- tension Department. Miss Mabel R. Gillis, ist Asst. in Extension Department. Miss Elizabeth C. Haines, Assistant. Miss Mary V. Provines, Assistant. Miss Bertha Kumli, Library Organizer. Miss Harriet G. Eddy, County Library Organizer. Colorado The Board of Library Commissioners gives advice upon library matters through the Denver Public Library and the publication of the library laws of the state has led to the es- tablishment of libraries in a number of towns. The Board has had no regular appropriation, and has no employees. 26 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Publications: Colorado library laws. Colorado state documents check list. (In preparatioiT.) Members of the Commission: Charles R. Dudley, President, Public Library, Denver. George M. Lee, Secretary, Denver. Edwin H. Park. Harper Leiper. Alfred E. Whitaker, Boulder. The Colorado Traveling Libraries' Commission was es- tablished in 1903, through the efforts of the Colorado Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, for the purpose of maintaining and developing the system of traveling libraries which had been inaugurated by the Federation in 1899. The law provides that all members of the Commission shall be women, appointed by the governor from a list submit- ted by the Executive board of the Federation. Traveling Libraries are loaned without charge to any town in the state upon application, the person to whom the box is sent being personally responsible for their safe re- turn at the end of six months. The libraries are of three kinds: (i) Miscellaneous collections of 50 volumes each, intended for the use of the general public; (2) Juvenile libraries of 50 volumes each, for use in country schools, Sunday schools and the industrial schools, and (3) Small collections of reference books for the use of clubs and study classes. The Commission distributes boxes of magazines and paper bound books to farmers, mill-men, railroad-men, hospitals, en- gine houses, stations, jails, reformatories and prisons. These are not returned but are used and passed on until worn out. Through the cooperation of the club women in the different towns throughout the state the work of establishing a chain of library stations for the distribution of periodicals has been undertaken. Leaflets for the sick, which are short stories tak- en from magazines and mounted, are sent to hospitals, relief corps, aid societies and branches of the Sunshine Society. CONNECTICUT. 27 Publications : Biennial reports, 1906- date. Members of the Commission: Mrs. Julia V. Welles, President, Denver. , Vice-President. Mrs. James D. Whitmore, Secretary, Denver. Mrs. B. F. Stickley, Historian, Leadville. Mrs. Z. X. Snyder, Reader, Greeley. Executive Officer: Miss Carrie M. Gushing, Transportation Clerk, Capitol Building, Denver. Connecticut The Free Public Library Committee revises book-lists sent by towns, and spends the state grant to the best of its ability, gives advice and assistance to librarians and teachers, tries to establish new libraries and make subscription libra- ries free, holds neighborhood meetings, publishes documents and book-lists, and circulates traveling libraries, bird charti and pictures, framed and unframed. Advisory Work. The first work of the Public Library Committee of Connecticut was to issue circulars of informa- tion explaining the library law and its provision for state aid to public libraries. Members of the Committee have visited many towns to make addresses on the advantages of the library. In 1903, an official visitor and inspector of li- braries was appointed, who visits the libraries to confer with the librarian, to offer suggestions for improvement, and to report to the Committee on conditions. The Committee also issues lists of books, other documents, and revises the book- lists sent by the towns applying for state aid. Instruction. Institutes, or neighborhood meetings, as they are called, are held at irregular intervals, at points where 28 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. there seems to be special need or opportunity. These in- clude eight or ten towns, and lessons in mending and re- pairing and simple talks on cataloging, classification, the use of pictures, work with children, etc., are given. Suggestions for small libraries have been published. Organizing. At the expense of the Public Library Committee, the visitor and inspector spends as much time as is possible with small libraries in directing the cataloging. Sometimes a cataloger is sent to assist in the work. Direct Aid. If the town appropriates $200 or less for the establishment of a public library, the state will give an equal amount in books. If a town appropriates $100 or less annually for the maintenance of a public library, the state will give an equal amount in books. The lists of books sent in by the town are revised and approved by the committee, before the grant is allowed. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries consist of libraries of a general character, circulated among neighbor- hoods and public libraries ; libraries for school use, circulated among schools; libraries on special subjects, accompanied by pictures, loaned to clubs and libraries; libraries in foreign languages, circulated among neighborhoods and libraries, and home libraries loaned to individuals and families. In addition to the collections owned by the Committee, libraries loaned by the Connecticut Society of Colonial Dames, the Connecticut Audubon Society and by women's clubs and individuals are circulated among neighborhoods and schools. The Committee also has a large collection of miscellaneous pictures, framed and unframed, a part owned by the Com- mittee, and a part loaned by the Connecticut Society of Co- lonial Dames, which are circulated among schools and libraries. School Libraries. School libraries in Connecticut have a grant from the state and are permitted to buy books through the Public Library Committee. The Society of Colonial Dames circulates through the CONNECTICUT. 29 Committee, traveling libraries and portfolios of pictures to schools. The libraries are sent to schools, express paid, and may be retained three months. The books are sent in a box which may be used as a book-case in the school room. As a condition of this loan, the teacher is required to keep a record of circulation. The Audubon Society sends out libraries, portfolios and sets of bird-charts to schools. Publications: Reports, 1893-1894, 1897-1900. (Reports for other years are included in the reports of the State Board of Education.) Annual lists of books, 1897-1903. Monthly book-list, 1904-1907. What a free library does for a country town, 1894. Circular relating to public libraries, 1894-1897. Method of obtaining state grant to public libraries, 1902, 1904. Traveling school libraries loaned by Colonial Dames, 1902, 1904, 1909. Pictures loaned to schools by Colonial Dames, 1902, 1903. Books on the Far East, 1904. Address at the reopening of the Acton Library, Old Say- brook, June, 30, 1904, by Rev. Samuel Hart, D. D. The development of public libraries within the bounds of the old New Haven Colony, 1904. The public library and its critics, 1906. List of public library directors, 1906. A selected list of literature relating to American forests and forestry, 1906. List of pictures, framed and unframed, to be loaned to schools and libraries, 1906. Grange traveling libraries, series B and series C. Helps in library work with children, 1909. Novels and children's stories of 1908-9. Thanksgiving references, 1909. Address of Simeon E. Baldwin, at the laying of the corner-stone of the Cotinecticut state library, May 25, 1909. 30 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Members of the Committee: Charles D. Hine, Chairman* Hartford. Miss Caroline M. Hewins, Secretary, Hartford. H. A. Tirrell, Norwich. Edwin B. Gager, Derby. Storrs O. Seymour, Litchfield. Executive Officer: Mrs. Belle Holcomb Johnson, Visitor and Inspector of libraries, State House, Hartford. Delaware The State Library Commission was established in IQOI, to promote the establishment and efficiency of free public li- braries in incorporated towns. In 1903 the law regarding the establishment of public libraries was amended so that now it is possible for any school district in the state to establish a public library. The Commission has made an effort to have every incorporated town vote on the question of establishing a library under this law. Advice and assistance is given to towns in the establishment of libraries, and statistics of libra- ries are collected. Direct Aid. An amount equal to one-half the mini- mum amount authorized to be raised in districts of its class may be given annually to each public library. This varies from $12.50 to $125. Traveling Libraries. The commission maintains a system of traveling libraries which have been acquired by gift and by purchase. Each library contains about 50 volumes, and is loaned for three months with privilege of renewal. They are sent free of charge to: (i) Any school, Sunday school, college or sem- inary upon application of its principal ; (2) Any village, town or community, study or other club, grange, post, lodge, busi- GEORGIA. 31 ness corporation or other similar organization, which will form a library association of not less than five members ; (3) Any library upon application of its trustees or commissioners. A few collections of books for study are loaned to women's clubs and special loans are made to teachers, and also to in- dividuals when possible to give assistance to those pursuing special lines of study. Publications: Biennial reports, 1907-date. Circular of information. Handbook, 1904. Members of the Commission: Daniel W. Corbit, Odessa, Chairman. Mrs. James W. Anthony, Smyrna. A. L. Bailey, Wilmington. I. J. Erasure, Selbyville. Mrs. C. E. Burchenal, Wilmington. H. P. Cannon, Bridgeville. Mrs. Chas, E. Miller, Wilmington. Mrs. Henry Ridgely, Dover. A. M. Daly, Dover. Executive Staff: H. Ridgely Harrington, State Librarian, Secretary, Dover. Miss Ida V. Culbreth, Librarian. Georgia The Georgia Library Commission was established in 1897, to give advice and counsel to all communities in the state re- garding the establishment and management of libraries. The Commission may also send its members to aid in organizing new libraries or improving those already established. The Commission has had no appropriation since its organization, but through the cooperation of the Carnegie Library of Atlan- ta has rendered much assistance to all library undertakings in the South. 32 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. ' Publications: Handbook of the libraries of the State of Georgia, Atlan- ta, 1907. (Printed as a special Bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Atlanta.) Members of the Commission: Miss Julia Rankin, Atlanta, Chairman. Mrs. J. K. Ottley, Atlanta. Walter Brooks, Rome. Carleton B. Gibson, Columbus. Bridges Smith, Macon. Executive Officer: Mrs. Percival Sneed, Organizer, Carnegie Library, At- lanta. Idaho The State Library Commission operates a system of travel- ing libraries under the control of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who is ex-officio secretary of the Commission. The libraries consist of 50 books each and are loaned to any community in the state upon application of five tax-payers, remaining at each station four months, A competent person is appointed librarian and is made responsible for the books. The expense of transportation, which is a very large item in this state, is borne by the Commission. Publications : Handbook of Idaho Library Commission. Biennial report, 1906-date. Members of the Commission: D. C. McDougall, Attorney General, Chairman, Boise. James A. McLean, President of the University of Idaho, Moscow. Miss S. Belle Chamberlain, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Boise. Robert Lansdon, Secretary of State, Boise. ILLINOIS. 33 Executive Staff: Miss S. Belle Chamberlain, Secretary, ex-officio, Boise. Miss E. Louise Johnson, Assistant Secretary. Illinois The bill providing for the establishment of the Illinois Library Extension Commission was passed on June 14th, 1909 and became a law on July 1st, 1909. The members of the Commission provided for by the law were appointed in Sep- tember, 1909, by the State Library Commission which is the governing body of the State Library. This Commission con- sists of the Governor, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Organizer was appointed in Jan- uary, 1910, and assumed active duties March ist, 1910. Advisory Work. It is the duty of the Commission to give advice and information to the librarian or trustees of any existing public library, or to any person or community interested in starting a new public library, concerning the or- ganization, maintenance or administration of any such. The Commission shall operate traveling libraries and through its organizer keep informed of the condition, scope and methods of work of the various public libraries of the state. The advisory work of the Commission is done through the organizer by correspondence or personal visits wherever a desire for such is expressed. This is the largest part of the work at the present time as neither funds nor time permit of organizing libraries in the sense that is usually understood by that term. The name organizer in this Commission is equivalent to that of secretary in most of the Commissions. Traveling Libraries. The Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs presented the Commission with its Traveling Library collections and the collections are being reorganized into, one general collection. This was considered the best plan of procedure owing to the large percentage of fiction in the collections. 34 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. The only work now being done with school libraries is the temporary loan of a traveling library to supplement the school collection. Publication : Leaflet No. i. What the Illinois Library Extension Commission means to Illinois. Members of the Commission: James A. Rose, Secretary of State, Chairman, Spring- field. Mrs. Eugenie M. Bacon, Secretary, Decatur. Joseph H. Freeman, Aurora. Executive Officer: Miss Eugenia AUin, Organizer, Decatur.* Indiana The Public Library Commission endeavors to secure the establishment of public libraries in localities able to support them, visits libraries for the purpose of giving advice and in- struction, conducts a summer school for librarians, co-operates with the Indiana Library Association in holding district meet- ings, maintains a system of traveling libraries, and endeavors to bring about a closer relation between libraries and other educational agencies. Advisory Work. The secretary and state organizer gives much of his time to advisory work through correspond- ence and in personal visits to towns. Interest in library mat- ters is aroused and information is given as to the organization of libraries, building plans and furnishings, selection of books, methods of advertising, and in library administration. Nu- merous editorials are written by the secretary for newspapers ♦Note: — The headquarters have been in Decatur, 111. since organization but it is now expected that permanent quarters will be established in Springfield, 111. early in 1911. INDIANA. 85 over the state regarding libraries, their establishment and their management. Addresses are given at clubs and public meetings when library questions are discussed. The Commis- sion publishes a quarterly bulletin and also distributes free of charge to Indiana libraries, the A. L. A. and other book-lists. Instruction. In addition to individual instruction given in the Commission's office to visiting librarians, summer library schools have been conducted each year beginning in 1902. Only those are admitted who have had a four years' High School course or its equivalent, and who are filling li- brary positions or are under definite written appointment to them. The course includes a study of technical methods in library work and consideration is given also to questions of the library's relations to the public, etc. The class usually numbers about twenty students. The school was formerly conducted at Winona Lake, but has been held at Earlham College, Richmond, since 1908. About ninety lectures are given, including a dozen or more by visiting librarians. Organization. The Commission helps to organize city, town and township libraries and if the income of the library is small, the organizer spends a few days at a time in instructing the local librarians how to classify the library. No charge is made for such services. When a library is able to pay for a cataloger's services, the Commission recommends some one who can do the work efficiently. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries' sys- tem in Indiana was inaugurated in 1899, and was at first ad- ministered from the State Library. In 1902 the books were transferred to the office of the Commission. The books are divided into three groups ; the general libraries, made up of forty volumes of miscellaneous books; the subject libraries, consisting of from twelve to twenty volumes on a special topic ; the open shelf collection from which books are lent as desired. The books are lent to clubs, schools, and libraries, and to any community upon application of five citizens. The transportation charges are paid by the borrowers. Collections 36 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. of books may be retained three months and may usually be renewed for another period of three months if desired. Special effort is being made to have the traveling libraries supplement the collections of the small public libraries. In some cases a hundred or more volumes are sent to a town li- brary to enable it to supply the needs of the whole township. Institutes and District, Meetings. In 1903 the Com- mission began holding institutes in different parts of the state, but in 1905 they were discontinued because of lack of funds. Under the new administration in 1907 the institutes were begun again and have been continued up to the present time. At its last convention, the Indiana Library Association provided for district meetings to be held in all parts of the state. These district meetings are under the control of a com- mittee of whicn the Secretary of the Commission is ex-officio a member, and the Commission is expected to have a repre- sentative at the regular meeting in every district each year. This plan will make the institutes unnecessary as the same sort of work will be done at the district meetings as was formerly done at the institutes. Institutional Libraries. Indiana was one of the first states to give aid to institutional libraries through its Library Commission. Several years ago assistance was given to the library at the Indiana Boys' School, but small appropri- ations have prevented the development of definite work in this field. A charging system was put in the Indiana Reform- atory library, which proved very successful. Considerable help has been given by the Commission to the two institu- tional libraries above mentioned, and to the one at the Indiana Girls' School. Building Plans. In order to help communities secure economical, convenient library buildings, the Commission has a collection of photographs and floor plans of several hun- dred library buildings. They have proved of great value to library architects and library boards and a decided improve- ment has resulted in library construction in towns where the INDIANA. 37 plans have been lent. In addition to plans of buildings, the Commission has a small collection of blue print drawings showing dimensions and construction of shelving, newspaper and periodical racks, etc. The Commission believes that the best furniture purchasable is the cheapest for library boards, but when there is not sufficient money available for this ; good, inexpensive furniture has been made from the blue prints and used until the library's income permitted the purchase of the best library furniture in the market. Documents. The Public Library Commission and State Library are authorized by law to distribute state docu- ments to public libraries. Except in a few cases, however, the distribution is done by the State Library. Publications in Print: Graded list of stories for reading aloud; compiled by Harriot E. Hassler. 1910. Important laws of Indiana relating to Public libraries and the Public Library Commission of Indiana. 1910. Library development and the Public Library Commission of Indiana. 1908. Library Occurrent, 1906 — date. Revised finding list of traveling libraries. 1908. Study club finding list. 1907. Report, 1901-04, 1906-08. Graded list of books for schools in the traveling libraries. Sources for obtaining material for miscellaneous picture collection. List of pictures for children's rooms. Helps in the selection of children's books. List of picture books by good illustrators. List of illustrated books for boys and girls. Members of the Commission: Jacob P. Dunn, Indianapolis, President. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Earl, Connersville. William W. Parsons, Terre Haute. LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Executive Staff: Carl H. Milam, Secretary and State Organizer, The Capitol, Indianapolis. Miss Carrie E. Scott, Assistant State Organizer, Miss Helen Davis, Librarian, Traveling Libraries. Iowa The Library Commission of the State of Iowa serves as a Board of Library Extension and a Bureau of Library Infor- mation by means of its various activities. The Commission gives advice and counsel by personal visits and correspondence, to all free and other public libraries in the state and to communities which propose to establish them, conducts a summer school, maintains a system of trav- eling libraries and an exchange for periodicals. Advisory Work. The secretary of the Commission has, through correspondence and personal visits, become ac- quainted with library conditions in the state and encourage- ment is given to all cities and towns to take advantage of the law providing for a municipal tax for a library. The advisory work of the secretary has included counsel in pre- liminary efforts for the submission of the library question to vote; advice as to methods of organization, selection of books, and recommendation of competent organizers ; confer- ences with trustees regarding plans for new library buildings ; addresses to teachers' meetings, women's clubs, public meet- ings, etc., on library subjects; and correspondence on many subjects relating to library extension. Instruction. The Commission conducts a summer school for library training at the State University of Iowa, as a regular department of the University Summer School, Those only are admitted who are already in library work or definitely appointed to positions. The course covers a period of six weeks, and includes technical details of library work. IOWA. 39 with special emphasis on classification and cataloging. Li- brary work with children has been an important feature of the school. A second year's course in cataloging is offered every two or three years to those who have completed the first year's work satisfactorily and to those who have had sufficient previous training or experience. During the year, the secretary makes personal visits of a few days' duration to instruct librarians as to methods and assist in organizing. The Iowa Library Quarterly, a sixteen-page bulletin, is published for the benefit of trustees and librarians of the free public libraries of Iowa. Organizing. The secretary of the Commission gives as much time as possible to organizing town libraries and in the preliminary work, selection of books, etc. Where the income of the library is small the Commission gives the serv- ices of a skilled organizer in putting the library on a mod- ern basis. If local funds are -available libraries are expected to pay for the services of an organizer, the Commission aiding by advice and counsel and securing a capable worker. Traveling Libraries. The Iowa Library Commis- sion maintains a traveling library system as an important feature of its work. The books may be loaned to a local public library, to a library association created for the purpose, to a group of ten taxpayers, to clubs, schools and other organizations, and to individuals, free of cost, except transportation. Regular libraries are loaned for three months, but an extension of time is allowed, when desired. Two distinct collections of books are kept for traveling library purposes: the regular libraries arranged in fixed groups of 50 volumes each, consisting of miscellaneous col- lections for general reading; and the general loan, or "open shelf" collection, arranged by subject according to the Deci- mal classification, from which libraries are made up to meet the needs of the applicants. This collection includes (i) books for study clubs and other organizations, for which a selection of books best adapted to their requirements, and 40 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. usually not exceeding 25 volumes, is made; (2) libraries for young people; (3) individual loans, which may be secured by filing an agreement guaranteed by the local bank, and (4) books for the blind, which are loaned to any blind person in the state, upon recommendation of a resident taxpayer ac- quainted with the applicant, or which may be loaned through the local library. Documents. The Commission has prepared and pub- lished a Check-list of the Publications of the State of Iowa, as the first necessary step in regulating the distribution of state publications. School Libraries. Traveling libraries are loaned to rural schools, books for this purpose being selected from a graded list issued by the State Board of Educational Ex- aminers. Instruction is given in the Summer Library School to teachers on the care and use of school libraries. Periodical Exchange. It has been found of great practical service to aid small libraries in completing sets of standard periodicals indexed in Poole; magazines are gener- ously contributed from all parts of the state and there is no cost further than the payment of freight. Publications in Print: Iowa Library Quarterly; 1901 to date. Leaflets : No. I. Shall a free public library be established? No. 2. Iowa day and a few books about Iowa. No. 3. Periodicals; their value and use. No. 4. Birthdays, anniversaries and events. No. 5. Free Traveling Library of Iowa. No. 6. Books for the blind. No. 7. Library buildings. No. 8. Study club programs. No. 9. Traveling picture collections. No. 10. Making a library beginning. KANSAS. 41 List of books recommended for children's library; com- piled by Annie Carroll Moore. Traveling Library lists. Check-list of state publications. List of books by Iowa authors. Reports, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1908. Members of the Commission: Johnson Brigham, State Librarian, Chairman, Des Moines. George E. MacLean, President State University, Iowa City. John F. Riggs, State Supt. of Public Instruction, Des Moines. Mrs. Horace M. Towner, Corning. Mrs. David W. Norris, Grinnell. Mrs. Henry J. Howe, Marshalltown. Captain W. H. Johnston, Ft. Dodge. Executive Staff: Miss Alice S. Tyler, Secretary and Director of Library Extension, State Historical Bldg., Des Moines. Miss Margaret W. Brown, Librarian Traveling Library. Miss Eliza E. Townsend, Field and Reference Assistant. Miss Ida L. Lange, Organizer. Miss Edna Lyman, Advisory Children's Librarian (Part time only). Kansas The Traveling Libraries Commission maintains a system of traveling libraries, which are loaned to any community in the state upon application and payment of a fee of $2.00 to cover transportation charges. The libraries are made up to suit the individual, club, school or society ordering. The only fixed libraries are those planned and prepared for club and class work. 42 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Publications : Reports, 1900-date. Members of the Commission: James L. King, State Librarian, Chairman. Lucy B. Johnston. Mrs. Eustace Brown. Julia E. Brown. H. G. Larimer. Executive Officer: Mrs. Adrian Greene, Secretary, Topeka. Kentucky The Kentucky Library Commission came into existence by act of the legislature of 1910. This act provides for the appointment of five members by the governor, and an appro- priation for its maintenance and support. The purpose of the Commission is to promote the library interests of the state by increasing the usefulness of libraries already in existence, by the establishment of new ones in communities where none exist, and by the maintenance and operation of a widely circulating traveling library system reaching all parts of the state where needed. Advisory Work. To promote the best efficiency of library work in the state the Library Commission will assist communities wishing to establish libraries by giving advice and assistance in arousing public interest, in securing a main- tenance tax, and in the selection of suitable building plans and furniture. Estimates for equipment and specifications for furniture and shelving will be supplied and material, in the form of photographs and blue prints, illustrating these things will be collected and kept in the commission office for the use of library boards. Help will also be given in the organ- ization and administration of the library and where possible an organizer will be sent to aid in this work. KENTUCKY. 4a To libraries already established the Commission will give advice and help in book selection and purchase, with sug- gestions for securing the best book lists, will aid in reference work and in all the details of library equipment and manage- ment. The Commission will also assist library boards in se- curing the services of competent librarians, when requested so to do. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries which have for a number of years been maintained by the women's clubs in the mountains of Kentucky will be thor- oughly reorganized and turned over to the Commission, and new libraries will be added by purchase. These traveling libraries will consist of fixed groups of fifty or more well selected books for general reading and study for adults, young people and children. They will be sent free of charge, except the cost of transportation, and under such conditions and rules as shall protect the interests of the state and best increase the efficiency of the service. In addition to the fixed groups of traveling libraries de- scribed above, an open shelf or subject collection will be a feature of the commission work, from which books may be borrowed to suit the special needs of study clubs, debating societies, farmers' clubs and individuals. Publications : Circular of information No. i. Kentucky Library Commission law. Members of the Commission: ♦Miss Fannie C. Rawson, Chairman, Louisville. Miss May Stone, Hindman, Frank K. Kavanaugh, Frankfort. Mrs. George Alexander Flournoy, Paducah. William B. Doherty, Louisville. *Miss Rawson has been elected secretary, her election to take effect when she shall have secured the training in modern li- brary methods required bj'- the library law. At that time an- other member will be appointed to fill her unexpired term on the Commission. 44 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Executive Officer: Miss Julia A. Robinson, Acting Secretary, The Capitol, Frankfort. Maine The State Library Commission of Maine was established in 1899 "to encourage the establishment of free public libra- ries, to select the books to be purchased for traveling libraries and to advise the state librarian in reference thereto." The law creating the Commission also authorized the loan- ing of books from the State Library, and established the system of traveling libraries. Advisory Work. The members of the Commission have attended the dedication of new libraries, and have given help and advice to such libraries when called upon. In 1906 the Commission rendered assistance to the State Library Association by paying the expenses of two outside speakers at the annual meeting. Instruction. In 1904 and again in 1910, a summer class of three weeks in library training was held at the University of Maine. The course of study included simple cataloging, classification, accessioning, shelf-listing, book- selection, ordering and reference work, with lectures upon various other subjects of interest such as rebinding, adminis- tration, assistants, reports, statistics, etc. Direct Aid. Each public library upon its establishment is entitled to $100 worth of books and annually thereafter to an amount equal to 10 per cent of the amount appropriated and expended for the library. Traveling Libraries. Libraries of 50 volumes each are loaned to any free library in the state upon applica- tion of the librarian; or to any association composed of five or more persons residing in a town destitute of a free library. The fee is $2.50. Books and documents from the State MARYLAND. 45 Library may also be loaned to any responsible citizen of the state, on written application therefor and on payment of all express and carriage charges. Publications: Reports 1-3, 1900-1903. Members of the Commission: H. C. Prince, State Librarian, Secretary Ex-officio, Augusta. Mrs. Kate C. Estabrooke, President, Orono. W. H. Hartshorn, Lewiston. Mrs. Lizzie Jewett-Butler, Mechanic Falls. J. H. Winchester, Corinna. Maryland The State Library Commission was established to give ad- vice and counsel to all free libraries and public school libra- ries in the state and to all communities proposing to estab- lish them, and to maintain a system of traveling libraries. Advisory Work. When funds have permitted, a field secretary and organizer has been employed to visit trav- eling library stations, to arouse interest in library matters and to obtain information regarding library needs in various parts of the state. Statistics of libraries in Maryland have been collected and published in the annual reports of the Commis- sion. Traveling Libraries. The Commission owns 91 trav- eling libraries, these cases being shipped from the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore. Libraries of about 35 volumes each are loaned for four months to any community upon appli- cation of at least three responsible citizens, and payment of a fee of 50 cents. Books for the blind are sent from the Enoch Pratt Free Library to any blind person in the state, the Commission agreeing to hold itself responsible for the safe-keeping of 46 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. the books, and to pay a small sum to the library to cover wear and tear. Publications : Reports, 1903-date. Members of the Commission: M. Bates Stephens, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, President, Denton. Bernard C. Steiner, Librarian, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Secretary, Baltimore. Miss Lynn M. Shaffer, State Librarian, Annapolis. Mrs. John M. Carter, Mt. Washington. Mrs. M. A. Newell, Port Deposit. Thomas B. Mackall, Baltimore. De Courcy W. Thom, Queenstown. Massachusetts The Free Public Library Commission was created in 1890 to encourage the establishment of libraries by direct aid, and to give advice relating to the maintenance and administration of libraries. Direct Aid. The law of 1890 authorized the Commis- sion to give each town $100 worth of books upon the establishment of a library in accordance with an earlier act relating to the election, powers, and duties of trustees of free libraries. In 1890, 103 towns were without a free public library. In 1904, every town in the state enjoyed the privileges of a library. In 1892, an act was passed authorizing the Commission to give $100 worth of books to those towns of less than $600,000 valuation, which had established libraries previous to 1890. To still further aid the poorer towns, the Commission was authorized in 1900 to give an additional $100 worth of iDooks to the towns of less than $600,000 valuation. This ^rant was usually made in two installments. To continue service by the Commission to the smaller MASSACHUSETTS. 47 libraries, an act was passed in 1906 whereby the Commission might annually expend a sum not exceeding $2,000 in aid of free libraries - especially in towns the valuation of which does not exceed $600,000. This law is more elastic than the previous ones, and "aid may include the furnishing of books in small quantities, visits to libraries, the instruc- tion of librarians, and such other means of encouraging and stimulating the small libraries as said commissioners shall deem advisable." An act of 1910 provides that "the Board of Free Pub- lic Library Commissioners shall appoint an agent, with the consent of the Governor, for a period not exceeding five years"; also, that "the Board may annually expend not more than $3,000 for clerical assistance and for other necessary expenses." The salary of the agent is not included in this amount. Advisory Aid. In addition to the service rendered without compensation by the individual members of the Commission, a board of advisory visitors was organized in 1908, the members of which visit without compensation the small libraries, and report to the Commission the conditions which they find and make recommendations. In this way the "personal touch" has reached most of the smaller towns and many of the larger ones. Twenty-one members served on the board of advisory visitors last year. Publications: Annual reports, 1891-date. Members of the Commission: Charles F. D. Belden, State Librarian, Boston, Chair- man. Miss Elizabeth P. Sohier, Beverly. Mr. Hiller C. Wellman, Springfield. Miss Anna M. Bancroft, Hopedale. Mr. Frank H. Howes, Newton. Agent of the Commission: Miss Zaidee M. Brown, State Library, Boston. 48 library commission hand-book. Michigan The Board of Library Commissioners encourages the es- tablishment of town libraries by means of the system of registered libraries and works in cooperation with the De- partment of Public Instruction, the county commissioners of schools, the women's clubs and the county organizers of village and rural libraries. The board employs no assistants, but its work is done in connection with that of the State Library. Instruction. In 1908, the first session of the Sum- mer School for library training was held at the State Li- brary. The course was free to those holding library posi- tions in Michigan, or under appointment to such positions, and offered elementary instruction on technical subjects, de- signed to meet the needs of librarians of the smaller libra- ries. Work with children was made a special feature of this session. A five weeks' course including twenty-two lectures was given by Miss Effie L. Power. For use in this work the Commission obtained a library of 500 v., chosen by Miss Power, as a first selection of children's books for a small public library. The list has been printed by the Commission. A six weeks' course in library methods has been estab- lished in connection with the summer sessions of the three normal schools at Kalamazoo, Marquette and Mt. Pleasant. The two courses into which the work was divided are as fol- lows: Course I designed for teachers having no libraries to administer, included no technical instruction, but laid special emphasis on book selection, care of books, children's books and reading, story telling, etc. Course II, for teachers having school libraries in charge, included technical instruc- tion and practice work in accessioning, classifying and cata- loging, in addition to work along the lines given in Course I. Through the efforts of the State Board of Library Com- missioners a library section was embodied in the program of the Michigan State Teachers' Association in 1907. At a meeting of the Upper Peninsula Educational Association, MICHIGAN. 49 held in Negaunee October 14, 1910 a library section was added to that body. Exhibits of library utilities and books and examples of the loan collection of pictures are displayed at the annual meetings of these associations. Organizing. In April 1907, a county organizer was appointed to carry on library work on educational lines. Visits have been made to the more isolated portions of the state, and library matters have been presented at state and local teachers' associations, teachers' institutes, farmers' in- stitutes and the state fair. Assistants are sent out from the State Library to assist small libraries in accessioning, classification and cataloging. Direct Aid. Under the registration plan any library which is free to the public and which has on its shelves 100 books, not counting government and state documents, may borrow from the Board of Library Commissioners 100 books to be kept six months, when upon a further purchase of books, another loan will be made, equal to the number purchased. This loan applies to township, district and school libraries, if free to the public. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries are under the direction of the state librarian, and are loaned to towns and villages upon application of a group of 20 or 25 taxpayers. Farming communities may apply under the fol- lowing organizations : granges, farmers' clubs, women's clubs, Epworth Leagues and similar organizations and any society organized for the purpose of study. A yearly fee of $5.00 pays the transportation both ways on four libraries, $1.25 pays the transportation both ways on one library. The regu- lar libraries are made up in sets of 50 volumes for general reading. These may be kept three months and an extension of three months is allowed. To aid the club women of the state, special libraries of books made up on the programs of club work are prepared. They are loaned under the asso- ciation application. 50 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Legislative Reference Department. A Legislative Ref- erence Department was established in the State Library in 1907. The first work of the department was collecting in- formation in regard to the constitutions of the various states to aid in the work of preparing a new constitution. Publications: Annual reports, 1900-date (1904 o. p.). Books for libraries (Reprint of A. L. A. Book-list). How shall I catalog my library? (Reprint). How to start a library. Legislative history of Michigan libraries. State aid to libraries. Women's clubs and free public libraries. List of books for school libraries, grades 1-8. List of books for High School libraries, 1909. 500 children's books for a library. Annotated list of reference books for school and public libraries, 1910. Members of the Commission: Henry Nelson Loud, President, Au Sable. Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, State Librarian, Secretary, Lansing. David E. Heineman, Detroit. Henry R. Pattengill, Lansing. Frederick J. Baldwin, Coral. Minnesota The Minnesota Public Library Commission was established in 1899 to encourage the establishment of libraries in all communities able to support them, to give advice and in- struction to those in charge of public libraries already es- tablished and to maintain a system of free traveling libraries. Advisory Work. The Commission endeavors to awaken interest in towns where no libraries exist, through MINNESOTA. 51 correspondence, printed matter, personal visks, or public meetings for discussion of the library question; gives advice to all towns which are attempting to start libraries, regarding laws and methods of organization, selection of books, fur- niture and supplies; visits libraries already established to confer with the librarian and library board regarding meth- ods of work and plans for further development; assists in planning library buildings ; distributes the A. L, A. Book- list and other aids in book selection to librarians and mem- bers of book committees, and also compiles lists for pur- chase upon special request from individual libraries. Instruction. The Commission conducts a six- weeks' course in library methods at the University of Min- nesota, as a department of the University Summer School. The course is open only to those having library positions or who are under definite appointments to such positions, and includes classification, cataloging, administration, book-selec- tion afid buying, reference work, children's work, and all business records necessary in a small library. Further in- struction is given by the Commission organizer to each in- dividual librarian in her own library. In addition to the publications of the Commission, other library literature including the A. L. A. tracts and hand- books is sent out as required. Beginning in 1909, the Commission has conducted a se- ries of round table meetings each year at convenient points throughout the state, to bring together a group of librarians and trustees for informal conference concerning the problems of every day work. Library interests are also presented at the annual and district meetings of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Organizing. When a library is opened for the first time, the Commission sends an organizer to classify the books, start the accession-record and shelf -list, install a proper charging system, and teach the librarian how to keep the necessary records. When the librarian has had sum- mer school training, further assistance is rendered in cata- 52 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. loging. All but local expenses are paid by the Commission, but not more than three weeks time is given to one library. Institution Libraries. Since 1909, the Commis- sion has included in its field of activity the libraries in the state correctional and charitable institutions. These libraries are visited frequently by the Commission organizer, and as- sistance is given as needed in classification, cataloging and book selection. The librarians in charge of each institution send monthly reports to the Library Commission, copies of which are submitted to the State Board of Control. Travel- ing libraries of books carefully selected for this purpose are loaned to the hospitals for the insane. Traveling Libraries. Through the traveling libraries, the Commission furnishes books to communities having no li- brary facilities and strengthens the resources of the small public libraries with limited book funds, especially in collec- tions for children and in foreign languages, special books and reference aid to students. The regular traveling libraries are in fixed collections and include 50 volumes for small towns and villages, 25 vol- umes of general reading for rural communities, 25 volumes of children's books, 25 volumes in Finnish, French, German, Norwegian and Swedish, the "Farmers' library" consisting of 25 books on agriculture and 25 for general reading. These are loaned to any community on application of ten taxpayers, or board of library directors or Farmers' club for Farmers* library. A fee of $1.00 for 50 English books, 50 cents for 25 English books and $1.00 for 25 foreign books is charged. The Commission pays transportation charges. To adapt the fixed collections to the needs of each commu- nity, extra books are added as needed. All requests for books other than fiction are considered and included if possible, and groups of six books on agriculture or in Finnish, French, German, Norwegian and Swedish are added without extra charge. Home libraries made up of from 10 to 12 volumes are MINNESOTA. 53 loaned to individuals living in communities so isolated that a local library association cannot be formed. The Commission has a large general collection from which libraries for study clubs are made up, covering a wide range of subject and comprising the best books obtainable in the various fields of study. The club libraries contain enough books to cover the subject studied and the number sent va- ries accordingly. Pictures, stereoscopic views, pamphlets and folios of magazine articles are added when needed to com- plete the library. These are loaned for a fee of $i.oo in addition to which the club pays the transportation charges both ways. The libraries may be kept for the period of the club year. This collection also provides books for students pursuing University Extension courses, teachers studying for profes- sional state certificates and material for club and debate loans. Individual loans are sent on application endorsed by district school officers, and the books are sent singly or in small groups for a period of one month for transportation charges only. Reference work is a growing feature of work of the trav- eling libraries, and requests « are received in large numbers from debating societies, teachers, students and librarians for loans on special subjects. Such aid is supplied from the gener- al collection of books, from the magazines on file in the clearing house, or from the larger public libraries by inter- library loans. Traveling library stations are visited by the librarian as opportunity affords; especially for the purpose of re-estab- lishing stations which have been abandoned and locating li- braries in new communities. The traveling library idea is presented at farmers' institutes, teachers' meetings, and club meetings and is further advertised with excellent results through the cooperation of the Extension Division of the Department of Agriculture of the University, by means of articles in their farm papers, and exhibits at the county fairs. Periodical Exchange. Through the clearing house for periodicals, the Commission assists the public 54 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. libraries of the state to complete their files of reference mag- azines. From the collection of magazines on hand, reference material is supplied for school debates and study clubs. Il- lustrated popular magazines not valuable for reference work are sent to railroad and lumber camps. School Libraries. The Commission gives advice to school libraries through correspondence, assists in organizing such libraries whenever possible, and encourages coopera- tion between school and public libraries. In 1909, the Commission revised the Catalog for Public School Libraries issued by the Department of Public In- struction, and prepared a supplement to this catalog the fol- lowing year. The Teachers' assistant, a selected list from the school catalog, grades i to 5, was published to aid teachers in rural schools in selection of books. This has been widely distributed to teachers through the county su- perintendents of schools. At the meeting of the State Educational Association in 1910, the Commission held an exhibit including the books listed on the Teachers' assistant and showing other aids in book selection, and library methods for school libraries. A representative of the Commission is also sent to the meetings of each district teachers' association, for the purpose of en- couraging better correlation of school libraries and public libraries. Publications : Biennial reports, 1900- date. Publication No. i, Minnesota library laws, November 1903. Library laws, 1907 (revised). Publication No. 2, Public documents in the small library, March, 1904. Library notes and news, December, 1904- date. Leaflets : Free traveling libraries. — Rules for circulation. — Farmers' library. MISSOURI. 65 — Finding lists — Books on agriculture. — — Household economics. — — Teachers' library. Teachers' assistant, a list for rural schools, grades I to S. Members of the Commission: Cyrus Northrop, President of the University of Min- nesota, Minneapolis. C. G. Schulz, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, St. Paul. Warren Upham, Secretary, Minnesota Historical So- ciety, St. Paul. Miss Margaret J. Evans, Chairman, Northfield. Miss Gratia A. Countryman, Minneapolis. Executive Staff: Miss Clara F. Baldwin, Secretary, The Capitol, St. Paul. Miss Martha Wilson, Librarian. Miss Miriam E. Carey, Organizer. Miss Mary P. Pringle, Assistant. Missouri The Missouri Library Commission was established by the Legislature of 1907, and was organized October 15, 1907, at which time a secretary was elected to take active charge. The Commission consists of five members, three of whom are ap- pointed by the governor ; the State Superintendent of Schools and the President of the State University complete the mem- bership. The Commission is authorized to give advice to all school, free and other public libraries, and to all communities which may propose to establish them ; it may receive gifts of money, books or other property; operate a system of travel- ing libraries; and in general aid in the development of libra- ries throughout the state. Legislative. The general assembly of 1909 passed a bill, (Mo. Doc. H. B. 173) creating a General Assembly Li- 56 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. brary to consist chiefly of the Legislative journals and state documents ; but opening the door to progressive reference work for the Legislature. The Library thus collected is to be supervised by the Secretary of the Library Commission under the direction of the House and Senate during Sessions, and to be at other times in charge of the Library Commission alone. Co-operative Work. Institutes for elementary library teaching have been held for two successive years, (1908-1909) in conjunction with the State Library Association. As chairman of the Department of Libraries of the Mis- souri State Teachers' Association, the secretary has arranged programs for representation of library themes at three annual meetings of the teachers. In 1910, the subject "The library as a practical aid to the teacher," was ably discussed by Mr. A. E. Bostwick of St. Louis in an address before the General Session, and the section meeting was held simply for inter- change of experience. Organizing. In June 1910, real field work was begun under Miss Mary P. Farr; during the last seven months of the year, five counties were thoroughly canvassed, and much special work was done with the small libraries of the state. Traveling Libraries. Fixed Groups 164 are now in use; these contain from 30-50 volumes each. The policy of dupli- cating groups has been abandoned as tending to reduce elas- ticity in replacing wornout volumes. General loan collection has been increased by 100 odd in the classes of Agriculture and Home Economics, and many volumes have been circulated through the co-operation of the Farmers' Institute lecturer. Loans from the general shelves were sent to 50 different points in the state during September, October and November of 1910; the number of books in each loan varies from i volume to 30 volumes. Picture Collection. In 1910, five hundred unmounted photographs were purchased for free circulation among the libraries and clubs of the State. They will be mounted to make local exhibition easy and loss difficult. NEBRASKA. 57 Publications : Traveling libraries, what they are and how to secure them. Annual report, 1907-date. Traveling library book-lists. Members of the Commission: J. P. Green, Liberty, President. Miss Adelaide J. Thompson, Jefferson City. Arthur E. Bostwick, St. Louis. A. Ross Hill, President University of Missouri, Colum- bia. H. A. Gass, State Supt. of Public Schools, Jefferson City. Executive Staff: Miss Elizabeth B. Wales, Secretary, Jefferson City. Miss Mary P. Farr, Organizer. Nebraska The Public Library Commission was established in 1901, chiefly for the encouragement of the establishment of li- braries, and the improvement of those already established, with the traveling library as one of the means to this end. Advisory Work. The Commission gives advice and suggestions on library matters by personal visits of the secre- tary, correspondence and the distribution of literature. Lists of books for purchase are recommended by the Commission, and the A. L. A. Book-list is sent to every library in the state. Organizing. Assistance in organizing is rendered to small public libraries without charge. Instruction. .The secretary of the Commission gives instruction to individual librarians in their own libra- 58 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. ries. In 1906, a correspondence course was instituted; a course of work in elementary form, with lessons sent to the office of the Commission for revision. Traveling Libraries. The general traveling li- braries are composed of from 40 to 50 volumes of miscella- neous books for adults and children. At the request of the borrowers other books are included on special subjects, children's books and books of general reading when the ma- jority of readers are adults. In addition to the general li- braries there are several school libraries containing books for children only, books of general interest and for supple- mentary reading. Libraries are loaned to any community, upon payment of transportation charges. From the general loan collection, books on special sub- jects are loaned to study clubs, teachers, schools and indi- viduals. School Libraries. The Commission has done much voluntary work in behalf of school libraries. There is no provision made in the school library law for the method of selection and purchase of books, but the Commission has printed a list of books suitable for a school library, and teachers and directors are urged to buy from this list. Many talks have been given by the secretary at teachers' insti- tutes and normal schools and correspondence on the subject of book selection is a feature. Publications : Biennial reports, 1902- date. Circular of information. Farm circular No. i, January, 1906. How to start a library. Library day circular, October, 1905. o. p. List of books for school libraries. Nebraska library bulletin, February, 1906- date. Members of the Commission: F. L. Haller, President, Omaha. S. Avery, Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 5» E. C Bishop, State Superifitendent of Public Instruc' tion, Lincoln. H. C Lindsay, State Librarian, Lincoln. Dr. Walter K. Jewett, Librarian of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Executive Staff: Miss Charlotte Templeton, Secretary, Lincoln. Miss Guess Humphrey, Librarian. New Hampshire The board of trustees of the State Library supersedes the Board of Library Commissioners, assuming all its powers and duties. These are to give advice to public libraries as to selection of books, maintenance and administration, and to expend the grant of $ioo for books to each town comply- ing with the necessary conditions. Advisory Work. The state librarian as representa- tive of the trustees, does much voluntary advisory work through correspondence and library meetings. As the law does not provide for supervisory powers, all this work is suggestive only. Organizing. New libraries in towns not already hav- ing a public library are organized with state aid and under the supervision of the trustees of the State Library. Direct Aid. The state gives $ioo worth of books to each library upon its establishment in towns not already having public libraries. " Documents. The State Library receives the surplus copies of all state publications and is authorized to dispose of them by sale or exchange or otherwise for the benefit of the library. The distribution to the public libraries of the state is made by the secretary of state before the surplus is turned over to the State Library. LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK Members of the Commission: William D. Chandler, Chairman, Concord. William F. Whitcher, Haverhill. William J. Starr, Manchester. Executive Officer: Arthur H. Chase, State Librarian, Secretary, Concord. New Jersey The Public Library Commission assists public libraries by giving advice and personal assistance in organization, dis- tributes state aid to libraries, and has charge of the system of traveling libraries, and the libraries in the penal insti- tutions. Advisory Work. The organizer and other repre- sentatives of the Commission visit towns to confer with the librarian, to meet with library boards, to present the library question at popular meetings or before the city council and to address Women's clubs. Special assistance has been given in book-selection by distributing the A. L. A. Book-list and other lists published by different libraries and commissions, and also by revision of lists for individual libraries and mak- ing out lists. Instruction. The Summer School of elementary library science is held at Asbury Park each year. The com- ing Spring the Commission will hold a week's institute, this to be in the nature of advanced work for students of the school and such other people in the state as may desire it. The program will consist of lectures by some one of national reputation on some of the larger phases of library work, and round table discussions of actual problems which have confronted librarians. These round tables will be conducted by authorities in each line, one being devoted to cataloging, one to reference work, etc. The organizers have cooperated NEW JERSEY. 61 with the New Jersey Library Association in two meetings and have held conferences and round tables in various places for librarians in different districts. A correspondence course in library economy has been carried on for the benefit of those librarians who could not attend the school. The plan has been tried with success of taking librarians and assist- ants into the State Library for two or more weeks to give them an idea of the work as a whole. Organizing. The organizer visits libraries to assist the local librarian in the work of organizing or reorganizing, spending as much time in each place as is necessary to teach the librarian how to continue the work. Direct Aid. $ioo is given to each library having less than 5,000 volumes, upon its establishment under municipal control. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries originally loaned by the State Library were placed in the hands of the Commission in 1904. The arrangement of the libraries has been so changed that instead of being made up of col- lections of fifty books on varied subjects, not subject to change, the books are chosen to suit the one who applies. Traveling libraries are loaned to any community upon ap- plication of ten taxpayers, and to any public library upon application of the trustees. An annual fee of $1.00 is charged to cover cost of transportation. Talks on traveling library work have been made to far- mers' granges, and the Commission has placed the libraries and aroused interest in rural communities with the assistance of the State Grange of Patrons of Husbandry. The Commission has charge of the system of traveling li- braries for the state and county penal institutions. These consist of groups sent to each institution made up of a varying number of books to fit the number of inmates in the prisons or jails or reformatories. Besides the collections sent out special loans of books for study or research, are made to individuals or to groups of €2 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. people, the books often being borrowed from larger li- braries for this purpose. The two organizers of the Commission are on the staff of lecturers for the Farmer's institutes and teachers' county institutes. Members of the Commission: W. C. Kimball, Passaic, chairman. M. Taylor Pyne, Princeton. Dr. E. C. Richardson, Princeton. Dr. Everett T. Tomlinson, Elizabeth. Howard M. Cooper, Camden. Executive Staff: Henry C. Buchanan, Secretary, Trenton. Miss Sarah B. Askew, Organizer. Miss Edna B. Pratt, Organizer. New York The Division of Educational Extension of the New York State Education Department, under supervision of the Di- rector of the State Library, has in charge all the library in- terests of the state. Advisory Work. The work of supervising and pro- moting the organization of public libraries passes under the hands of the Division of Educational Extension and each registered library is visited officially every year. This is the most important work of the division. Much study has heen given to library buildings, and plans are suggested and revised. Annual lists of best books are issued by the State Library. Instruction. The New York State Library School is under the care of the Education Department and the Di- rector of the State Library. A six weeks' summer school is :also held. The division has cooperated with the New York Li- NEW YORK. 63 brary Association in holding local library institutes, em- phasizing instruction in practical library work. In 1910, library round table meetings were held in thirty- one places, each bringing together a small group of librarians for informal discussion and comparison of views and ex- periences. This plan will be continued. Organizing. There are two state organizers who give their time to the libraries, remaining not more than two weeks in one place. Their services are in demand for months in advance. In each case the library served pays all expenses of the organizer while with them, and it is ex- pected that others besides the librarian will take part in the work and learn library methods and ideals from their visi- tor. In addition to the organizing work done by special invi- tation, brief calls are made on many other libraries; the organizers hold round table meetings with groups of li- brarians and visit teachers, study clubs and institutes for farmers' wives and cooperate with any movement for the promotion of good reading. Direct Aid. Five dollars to $100 each year may be paid to each registered free library for buying approved books on condition that an equal sum be raised locally for the same purpose. Traveling Libraries. Libraries for general read- ing containing a fixed proportion of books on the various sub- jects are lent to any community. Each group contains 25, 50 or 100 volumes, some including only older, standard books and others the more recent publications. Children's books are in separate groups of twenty-five volumes. A set of annotated lists showing the contents of each library is supplied on request. In addition to the fixed groups, there is a large additional collection of books from which selec- tions may be made. This includes maps and charts but not school text-books, dictionaries or cyclopedias. The catalog of this collection in not in print, but lists of approved books 64 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. will be lent to borrowers on request. Selections are made as far as possible from these lists, but other books will be fur- nished if approved. Libraries on special subjects and in some cases the li- libraries for general reading are selected from the miscella- neous collection. Traveling libraries may be lent to : (i) Any institution under state supervision on applica- tion of its responsible officers. (2) Any registered study club or extension center on ap- plication of the secretary and the guaranty of a real estate owner. (3) Any community without a public library, on applica- tion of five resident taxpayers. (4) Any club, grange, church, summer school, business corporation or other recorded organization needing books for reading or study, on application of the responsible officer and guaranty of a real estate owner. No fee is charged for the first 25 volumes where books are available to all the members of the community. When more than 25 volumes are ordered a fee of 50 cents is charged for each additional 25 volumes. For study clubs, granges, private institutions, etc., the fee is $2 for 25 volumes and $1 for each additional 25 vol- umes sent in the same shipment. Transportation charges to and from the nearest rail- road, boat or stage office are in all cases paid by the State. Local cartage is paid by the borrower. Libraries are lent for six months, but schools and regis- tered study clubs whose courses of study last longer than six months are permitted to retain their libraries as late as June I of each year. The Division also encourages work among literary or- ganizations by fixing a standard for registry. Assistance is given in planning courses of study and by lending traveling libraries. The requirements for registry are: (i) Five or more members. (2) An annual report on official blanks to be trans- mitted before July i of each year. NEW YORK. 65 V (3) A course of study approved by the Division of Educational Extension. The primary requisite for such ap- proval is that the subject be sufficiently limited in scope to permit of its intelligent study within the time allotted, which must be not less than ten weeks. The house library of ten volumes lent for three months for a fee of $1.00, covering transportation both ways, is sent to any household in New York not having convenient free public library privileges. The application must be signed by some real estate owner who guarantees the return of the books in accordance with the rules and to make good any losses or injuries beyond reasonable wear. These house libraries are made up to suit each individual case. Publications : Annual report, (in Report of Director of State Li- brary.) New York Libraries, bulletin of 32 pages, issued quar- terly. Tentative list of 500 to 1,000 volumes of preceding year. Annotated list of 250 best books of preceding year. Bulletin of traveling libraries. Bulletin of library building plans. Directions for the librarian of a small library. Buying list of books for small libraries. Staff of Division of Educational Eixtension: Wm. R. Eastman, Chief of Division, Albany. Asa Wynkoop, Inspector of Public Libraries. Miss Anna R. Phelps, Organizer, Miss Caroline Webster, Organizer. Miss Grace L. Betteridge, Assistant in charge of travel- ing libraries and study clubs. Charles F. Porter, Assistant. Miss Lilian Callahan, Assistant. New York State Library School: James I. Wyer, Jr., Director of State Library, Director. Frank K. Walter, Vice Director. Miss Katherine Dame, Instructor. Miss E. M. Sanderson, Registrar. 66 library commission hand-book. North Carolina The North Carolina Library Commission was created by the General Assembly of 1909 and active work was begun September 15 of the same year. The Commission consists of five members, two of whom are appointed by the North Car- olina Library Association and one by the Governor ; the State Librarian and the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion are members ex-officio. The Commission aids in organizing new libraries and in improving those already organized; it gives advice and assistance to all libraries in the state and to all communities which may propose to establish libraries as to the selection of books, cataloging, maintenance and other details of li- brary management; and it maintains a periodical exchange and a clearing house for state reports. The Commission is authorized to establish and maintain a system of traveling libraries, but owing to lack of funds this work has not been undertaken. An effort will be made to secure an apporpria- tion for traveling libraries from the next General Assembly. Instruction. In addition to the instruction given in the Commission's office and on personal visits, the Com- mission conducts a summer school for library training as a regular department of the University of North Carolina Sum- mer School, and in connection with the University Library. The course covers a period of six weeks and consists of spe- cial lectures on books as tools and on the use of a library for the general students, and of technical instruction in classification, cataloging, book selection and buying, reference work, etc. for librarians, and for teachers who are in charge of school libraries. The North Carolina Library Bulletin, issued quarterly, is published for the benefit of librarians, trustees, and all in- terested in library extension work. Other library literature, including the A. L. A. handbooks on Essentials in library administration and Why do we need a public library is dis- tributed as occasion arises. NORTH CAROLINA. 67 Periodical Exchange. The periodical file, con- taining the lists of magazines which the various libraries have for sale or exchange and of those which they wish to procure, enables the Commission to notify the librarians when the wants or duplicates of one library are matched by those of another. Terms and details are arranged by the libraries making the exchange and the magazines are sent direct from one library to another. The part of the Com- mission in the transaction is merely to serve as a bureau of information. State Reports, The Commission has established a clearing house for the reports issued by state officers. Un- til this was done there had never been a center to which surplus reports of the various departments could be sent and to which requests from students and libraries both within and without the state could be referred. School Libraries. The development of school li- braries is a special feature of the work of the North Caro- lina Library Commission. It has established a close connec- tion with the schools by giving advice on the care and use of school libraries, assistance in starting the necessary rec- ords and help in the selection and purchase of books. A bulletin on school libraries, prepared by the secretary of the Commission, has been published and distributed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to all schools in the state. Other literature on the subject is distributed by the Commission and talks are given at teachers' meetings to arouse the interest of superintendents and teachers in the building up of good school libraries. A special effort is made to bring the public schools and the public libraries into close cooperation. The summer school affords an ex- cellent opportunity for emphasizing the importance of such cooperation. Publications : ^ North Carolina Library Bulletin, December 1909 to date. First biennial report, 1909-1910. Circular no. i — The public library. 63 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Members of the Commission: Louis R. Wilson, Chairman. Mrs. Sol Weil, Vice-Chairman. Charles Lee Smith, Treasurer. J. Y. Joyner. Miles O. Sherrill. Executive Officer: Miss Minnie W. Leatherman, Secretary, Raleigh. North Dakota The legislature of 1907 created a Public Library Com- mission consisting of three members; the president of the North Dakota Library Association and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex-officio, and one member to be ap- pointed by the governor. The Legislature of 1909 amended this law adding two members to the Commission, the secretary of the State His- torical Society, ex-officio and one member to be appointed by the governor. It is the duty of the Commission to circulate traveling libraries, to give advice and instruction upon any matter pertaining to the organization, maintenance or administra- tion of libraries, to encourage the formation of libraries where none exist, to keep statistics of the free public libraries of North Dakota and to maintain an educational reference library and a legislative reference bureau for the information and assistance of the members of the legislative assembly. Advisory Work. The Commission promotes library interest in the state by correspondence, by contributions to newspapers and by sending a worker to assist in organiz- ing libraries. It helps in planning library buildings, in selecting and purchasing books, in securing trained librarians and gives advice on any subject pertaining to library work. Traveling Libraries. The system of traveling li- braries formerly circulated by the State Superintendent of NORTH DAKOTA. 69 Public Instruction is now in the care of the Library Commis- sion. These libraries are in fixed groups and contain books for general reading and study for adults and children. They are sent for six months to communities, libraries, schools, colleges, universities, study clubs, and library associations free of cost except for transportation, and under such rules and regulations as protect the property of the state and best increase the efficiency of the service. In 1910 especial attention has been given to the formation of Farmers' libraries. These are fixed groups of twelve to fifteen technical books on farming and are sent on applica- tion of three farmers who agree to circulate them in their vicinity. Educational Reference Library. From the general loan collection of about three thousand books on special sub- jects, study clubs, teachers, schools, debating societies, and individuals may borrow books free of cost except for pay- ment of transportation both ways. Legislative Reference Work. The Legislature of 1907 provided for the maintenance of a legislative refer- ence bureau as a branch of the work of the Commis- sion. The active organization of this department was be- gun in 1908 by the librarian and director. The work of collecting data on political, legal and economic questions has been vigorously continued ever since. It was found during the session of 1909 that a bureau of this kind can be of much service to members of the legislature and the department proved popular with members of both houses. The aim is to put within convenient reach of the legislator, in classified and condensed form, such information as will enable him' to know the economic conditions in other states, the laws as there in force and as they actually meet the conditions that called for their enactment. Books, reports, pamphlets and clippings from newspapers, and periodicals on various subjects of state interest have been collected in the library, together with comparative law briefs and digests of interest to different members of the legislature and state officials. 70 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. All legislative bills introduced in the last three sessions have been filed and carefully indexed. Publications: Laws of North Dakota relating to Free Public Libra- ries and the Public Library Commission, 1909. North Dakota Public Library Commission. Legislative Reference Library. Biennial report, 1907-08. Suggestive list of books for public school libraries, 1909. Facts about traveling libraries, 1909. New Year Greetings, 1909. Free books, 1910. Permanent state tax commissions, 1910. Members of the Commission: Dr. O. G. Libby, Grand Forks, Secretary of State His- torical Society, ex-officio. E. J. Taylor, Bismarck, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, ex-ofncio. Dr. Max Batt, Fargo, President North Dakota Library Association, ex-officio. A. E. Sheets, Lakota. Mrs. Clara L. Darrow, Fargo. Executive Staff: Mrs. Minnie Clarke Budlong, Secretary and director, Bismarck. Sveinbjorn Johnson, Legislative Reference Librarian. Ohio The first Board of Library Commissioners, under the present law, was appointed April 22, 1896. The Commission has entire charge of the State Library and has done much to popularize that institution and extend its sphere of activity. It is now open to all citizens. Its OHIO. 71 service through the mails is fapidly extending. It is not only a reference library for state officials and members of the General Assembly, but also the free public library of the entire state. Advisory Work. The Commission is by law author- ized to give advice in relation to "the maintenance and ad- ministration" of public libraries. This authority has been liberally interpreted and substantial assistance has been given to those seeking such aid. The law was amended in 1906 and the employment of a library organizer is now authorized. Organizing. At the 1908 session of the General As- sembly there was made an appropriation of $3,000, which covers all expenses of the department of library organiza- tion. The Board of Commissioners have specified the duties of the organizer as follows : To give aid and counsel by correspondence and personal visits to cities, towns and communities proposing to establish libraries. To assist in reorganizing old libraries according to modern methods, which will insure greater efficiency and the best results. To gather statistics of Ohio libraries for the use of this Commission and the guidance and information of trustees and others. To give advice and assistance in planning library build- ings and collect material on this subject for the use of the library board. To prepare an annual report to the Board of Library Com- missioners on the general library condition of the state. Within the past two years the library organizer and an assistant have been at work in the discharge of these duties. Visits have been made to public libraries, aid has been given in the establishment of new libraries, and a number of libra- ries have been partially or completely reorganized by the in- troduction of modern methods. Many district meetings have been held in different sections of the state. These have beeri well attended by librarians and those interested in library work. 72 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Monthly Bulletin. In April, 1905, the Commis- sion commenced the publication of a monthly bulletin. This is devoted chiefly to lists of important current additions to the State Library. Some numbers cover special topics, as Initiative and referendum, Primary elections, Free railway passes, Capital punishment, Ohio's state flower, Ohio's jewels. Seal of Ohio and the Northwest territory. Recently a con- siderable portion of the space in the Bulletin has been de- voted to district library meetings and other news items re- lating to the work of the different departments of the State Library, Traveling Libraries. The traveling library is ad- ministered as a department of the State Library. The so- called "flexible" system, as distinguished from "fixed col- lections" has been used since the issue of the first traveling library in Ohio. Collections varying in number of volumes are sent to women's clubs, schools, granges, public libraries, independent study clubs, religious organizations, men's clubs, and the W. C. T. U. These are loaned for three months, with privilege of renewal, the transportation both ways be- ing paid by the borrowers. The traveling library depart- ment issues small collections of books on agriculture, not exceeding eight volumes each to individual patrons, and other books are loaned to individuals for a period of four weeks. Legislative Reference Department. The General Assembly in 1910 enacted a law authorizing the board of library commissioners to establish, in connection with the Ohio State Library, a "legislative reference and information department" and appropriated $3,000 for its support. The work of the new department has been inaugurated and those in charge hope to render substantial service at the coming session of the General Assembly. It is their aim to popularize this service and extend it to a wider patronage through the public libraries of the state. Publications : Publications of the state of Ohio, 1896. Lafayette day leaflet, 1899. OREGON. , 78 Newspapers and periodicals in Ohio State Library, other libraries of the state, and lists of Ohio newspapers in the Library of Congress and the Library of the His- torical Society of Wisconsin, 1902. Sketches of Ohio libraries, 1902. Early newspapers in Ohio, 1902. Duplicate magazines in Ohio libraries, 1904. Monthly bulletin. June, 1905- date. Initiative and referendum, 1907. Ohio emblems and monuments, 1907. Books of interest to farmers. 1908. The children's library. 1908. The library movement in Ohio. 1909. Ohio canals. Board of Library Commissioners: J. F. McGrew, Springfield. John McSweeney, Wooster. Frank N. Sweitzer, Canton. Executive Staff: C. B. Galbreath, State Librarian and Secretary, Colum- bus. Mary E. Downey, Organizer. Sabra W. Vought, Assistant Organizer. Mrs. Ida K. Galbreath, Supt. of Traveling Library Dept. George H. Edge, Assistant, Legislative Reference Dept. Oregon The Oregon Library Commission is authorized by law to give advice to all schools, free and other public libraries, and to all communities which may propose to establish them, to maintain a system of traveling libraries, to publish lists and circulars of information, to conduct a summer school of library instruction and a clearing house for free gift to local libraries. Its regular work far exceeds these provisions. 74 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Advisory Work. The Commission works for the es- tablishment of public libraries in localities able to support them, visits libraries for the purpose of giving advice, dis- tributes library literature for use in newspaper articles or meetings for arousing interest in libraries, gives advice and assistance in planning library buildings, helps in book-selec- tion and purchase. Instruction. A summer library school was con-* ducted by the Commission in 1906, at the State University. A four-weeks' course was given, covering the essentials of technical work, use of reference books, bibliographical aids, and selection of books. Since that time no session has been held, as the number of small libraries in the State seems not to justify the effort and expense, and Oregon depends upon the schools of neighboring States. The secretary and librarian visit libraries for the purpose of giving instruction and in- structional literature is distributed to librarians and trustees. Organizing. The Commission gives necessary help to small libraries in organizing without charge, in so far as time and funds permit. It is expected that each library shall, if possible, bear the expense. There are so few public libraries in Oregon and so few towns pay enough to support libraries that the organization work of the Commission is not heavy. The State University, State library, and the State Agricultural College have secured trained librarians and the libraries of these schools have been organized. All state institutions are centered at Salem, the headquarters of the Commission, and a special effort is made to secure and make effective the libraries for the charitable, penal and reformatory institutions. Traveling Libraries. The Legislature of 1905 authorized the Library Commission to purchase and operate traveling libraries, but no appropriation was made for buying books. The books were bought with gifts from individuals and with subscriptions of associations receiving the libraries. In 1907 the appropriation was increased to allow for purchase of traveling libraries. OREGON. 75 Libraries are loaned for six months to villages, schools, granges and country communities upon application of the of- ficers of an association, school or grange, or of ten tax-payers who are required to provide shelving for the books in a suit- able place and to pay all transportation charges. The libraries are made up in groups of fifty volumes each of the best popular books for adults and children. They are shipped in stout cases and are accompanied by catalogs and supplies necessary for keeping records of circulation. Debate Libraries. In response to requests from de- bating societies for material upon some special questions, the Commission has made up a number of small libraries for debating societies and for students. The State High School Debating League has been organized as a result of this work; and circulars are printed each year giving lists of questions and suggestions for debaters. These debate libraries con- tain books, periodical articles, copies of debates in Congress, laws, pamphlets published by societies organized to promote some special reform, briefs and bibliographies. The libra- ries are limited to public questions of importance, and there is a constant and increasing demand for them, especially from the high schools of the state. Commencement Parts. A direct outgrowth of the debate libraries is a collection of material for essays, orations and commencement parts. Circulars are annually sent to school principals suggesting subjects for commencement parts, and offering to loan material for preparatory reading. School Entertainments. A collection of mate- rial for special day school programs has also been made, including recitations, dialogues and character plays, and this is very popular for schools and granges. Grange Libraries. The Commission also makes up libraries for the grange programs, working in cooperation with the State Lecturer and sending to each grange each month a package of material for preparation of the program 76 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. for the following meeting. There are 127 granges in the state, with an aggregate membership of about 10,000 farmers, and the Commission aims to supply study collections to all of these. The state is divided into nine districts, all of the granges in each district having the same program each month, requiring many duplicate libraries. The program for each meeting contains at least one agricultural topic, and one legis- lative topic of importance because of initiative legislation or proposed measures for the legislature or for the people. Teachers' Professional Library. Books especial- ly adapted for the use of teachers in the rural schools have been bought in quantities. These are loaned in groups of ten or fifteen to the county superintendents to distribute among their teachers. The Commission also has a general collection of educational literature which is much used. The plan of concentrating upon the reading of a single simple yet valuable book in each county each year or quarter, has, how- ever, proven more practically benefical than that of loaning generally upon demand. Rural School Reading. An attempt is made to encourage reading aloud of best books in rural and village schools. The Commission makes loans for this purpose from its model library, and buys certain books in quantity for county adoption for this purpose, utilizing the collections in different counties each year. School Libraries. When the law creating the Com- mission was passed the state school library law was amended, making it obligatory for the Commission to compile a list of books for school libraries and rules for the care of such libraries. The ten. cent tax for each child of school age was made mandatory and county superintendents directed to noti- fy the Commission of the amount allowed for each school district. A few counties exceeded the ten-cent limit in 1906; since that time most counties have levied a tax in excess of that required by law, and have sent extra funds raised by the districts. Purchase must be made from the Commission list OREGON. 77 and through the Commission. This brings very close connec- tion with the schools which report to the Commission upon the books in their libraries and send their selections for an- nual purchases. It also necessitates work at the teachers' in- stitutes. Regular instruction on the use and care of the school libraries and on the use of the library in teaching geography has been given in nearly every institute in the state and con- tinues annually. The Commission has a series of school libra- ry publications to be used at the institutes in making possible systematic use of school libraries. The Commission is also working at institutes to organize teachers' reading circles and to have county adoption annually of one good book for read- ing aloud in country schools. Legislative Reference Work. The Commission has no regular department for legislative reference work, but it has attempted to obtain the most important material for the state, and in the six months previous to the Legislature and during the session collect for members much material upon laws and proposed laws. The resources of the Com- mission have been decidedly limited, but in co-operation with the State Law Library it has been possible to supply most of the material asked for. The work connects with the debate library plan, as much of the material collected for the Legis- lature is loaned to debating societies between sessions. As Oregon has the initiative plan of law making, this service is extended to all citizens and is especially in demand before general elections. The work with debating societies and granges is largely confined to subjects of importance in local, state, and national legislation. Libraries and State Institutions. The Commission, at its organization, began some work for the libraries of the state institutions, sending an organizer and making a full report on these libraries to the board in charge of the insti- tutions. The library at the prison has received the most at- tention. All state schools and institutions have the privilege of buying books for their libraries from the state school list pre- 78 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. pared by the Commission for the public schools of the state, being given the advantage of the school price. A deposit of $50.00, the estimated cost of one fixed traveling library, with the Library Commission entitles the state institutions to the use of the traveling libraries. The organizer employed by the Library Commission, or- ganized the libraries of the State Normal Schools and in- structed the school and the local librarian in library methods. The work was done at the request of the State Normal School Board of Regents and the same methods were adopted in all of the schools. Documents. A new law passed in 1907 makes the State Library the distributing center for state documents and authorizes the Commission to designate depositories. Publications: School circulars, 1-8. Campaign slips, 1-30. Reference lists, 1-2. Book marks, 1-13. Circulars of information, i-ii. Home library circulars, i. Library leaflets, 1-2. Traveling library lists. Biennial reports, 1-2. Members of the Commission: Governor Oswald West, Salem. L. A. Alderman, State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Salem. P. L. Campbell, President of the University of Oregon. Miss Mary F. Isom, Librarian, Library Association, Port- land. W. B. Ayer, Portland. Executive Officer: Miss Cornelia Marvin, Secretary, Salem. pennsylvania. 79 Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania Free Library Commission was estab- lished in 1899. Under the operation of the law, the work of the Commission divides itself into two parts, that of supervis- ing and encouraging the free library movement through the state, and that of maintaining a system of traveling libraries. Advisory Work. This department of the work in- cludes the initial effort to promote library work in a new cen- ter followed by advice as to library room, service, book selec- tion and technique. Assistance is given by a representative of the Commission in actual work of organization. New libraries are visited often and an especial effort made to maintain a close touch until the library has learned self confidence. All free libraries in the state are visited by a member of the Commission staff to give counsel on any subject which affects the good of the library. Much emphasis is laid on choice of books. The A. L. A. booklist is distributed to free libraries by the Commission and in addition help is given through lists prepared to meet special needs. Organizing. The Commission gives aid in the tech- nical side of organization to old libraries needing re-organiza- tion and to those just starting. When trained service is pos- sible the Commission co-operates with the town in securing the right person for the work. Whenever necessary, the Com- mission sends a member of its staff to the library in question to teach the person in charge proper methods and possibilities of service by working directly with the librarian. Whenever possible the town is asked to bear the expense of entertain- ment of the Commission worker. Traveling Libraries. The traveling libraries are de- signed to encourage the establishment of permanent libraries wherever possible, and to provide books for localities which cannot support libraries of their own. To this end, libraries are of service in four lines of work : 80 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. (i) Collections of fifty books for general reading, whose purpose is to provide free libraries for communities in which there is no such institution. These are loaned for six months upon application of twelve taxpayers, and payment of a fee of $1.00 to cover cost of transportation both ways. (2) Collections on special subjects for study clubs and reading circles. Study clubs are invited to send their pro- grams to the Commission and reference libraries will be made up to cover the subjects. The number of books varies, but all books needed for the proper study of the subjects are included. These libraries are loaned upon application of the oflEicers of the club, for a fee of $1.00 to cover transportation and may be kept until the close of the season's work. (3) Collections are provided for use in connection with the school work through the state. These libraries include fifty volumes, chosen to suit the grade for which they are intend- ed, and designed to arouse interest in school work, as well as to lead the children to an appreciation of the better class of literature. The libraries are loaned upon application of the officers of the School Board for a fee of $1.00, and may be kept until the close of the school year. (4) Books are loaned to individuals who are interested in some particular line of study, but are so situated that they cannot secure the books needed. These collections include not more than five works, which may be kept three months. The applicant must be endorsed by a real estate owner, and pay all transportation charges. Publications: Annual reports, 1-2. Bulletin No. i. Aids in book selection. Handbook of the Pennsylvania Free Library Commis- sion, 1907. Pennsylvania Library Notes. Members of the Commission: Thomas L. Montgomery, State Librarian, Harrisburg, Secretary, ex-officio. John Thomson, Free Library of Philadelphia, Treasurer. RHODE ISLAND. 81 Henry Belin, Jr., Scranton. Horace E. Hayden, Librarian, Wyoming Valley Histori- cal Society, Wilkes-Barre. Harrison W. Craver, Pittsburgh. Henry R. Edmunds, Philadelphia. Executive Staff: Robert P. Bliss, Assistant Secretary, Harrisburg. Miss Helen U. Price, Consulting Librarian. Miss Anna A. MacDonald, Head of Traveling Libraries. Rhode Island Free public libraries, as well as public schools, are under the general supervision of the State Board of Education. The State Committee on Libraries, composed of three members of the Board of Education, performs the duties assigned in some states to a public library commission. The Committee appor- tions annual state aid to all free public libraries, and in con- nection therewith it requires specific and carefully arranged reports from librarians. It makes rules for the purchase of books and requires that all lists of books purchased with state money have its approval. It promotes the organization of new libraries, gives advice and assistance to librarians, maintains a system of traveling libraries, and publishes cir- culars and a quarterly bulletin. Advisory Work. The Committee, through its agents and secretary, gives advice on the organization, maintenance and administration of libraries, participates in local meetings held for the promotion of library interests, and renders as- sistance and direction in the establishment of new libraries. Though not employing a regular library visitor, it engages experts in library work to visit libraries needing inspection, to give advice, and to give addresses at library and school meetings. It subscribes for library journals and book-lists and distributes them to libraries. Its publications are designed to give advice and instruction to libraries and library trustees. 82 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Instruction. The Committee has never held library institutes or summer schools for librarians. On request it has occasionally employed a visitor skilled in library work to give personal instruction and guidance in library methods to an inexperienced librarian or to a librarian desiring to know bet- ter methods. At teachers' meetings it has provided speakers on methods of cooperation of school and library. Direct Aid. Beginning in 1875, the State, through the Committee on Libraries, has distributed $174,743.60 among different libraries for the purchase of approved books. It now apportions annually $8,500 among 57 free public libraries, aside from $1,000, appropriated for traveling libraries. Aid is granted annually to each library as follows : $50 on the first 500 volumes in circulation; $25 every additional 500 volumes; $200 being the maximum appropriation for any one library. More than half of the appropriation for traveling libraries is expended as direct aid to associations maintaining and cir- culating libraries. Traveling Libraries. The system of traveling libraries was established by legislative enactment in 1907 with an an- nual appropriation of $1,000. It includes (i) traveling libraries circulated by the Committee, (2) traveling or branch libraries distributed to schools with state aid by existing libraries, and (3) traveling libraries maintained and circulated with state aid by associations. There are now 30 libraries of the first class, 19 of the second, 120 of the third, and all number 9,193 volumes, having a circulation for the past year of 25,623 loans. Books and magazines for the blind are purchased by the Committee and circulated through the instructors of adult blind employed by the Board of Education. Publications : Reports, 1875-date. (Included in Reports of the Board of Education.) Circulars. TENNESSEE. 8» Book lists. Traveling library lists. Quarterly Bulletin, 1908-date. Members of the Committee: Frank Hill, Chairman, Ashaway. Frank E. Thompson, Newport. Samuel W. K. Allen, East Greenwich. Executive Officer: Walter E. Ranger, Secretary, State House, Providence. Tennessee The Tennessee Free Library Commission was established by the Legislature of 1908, and was organized March 1910, at which time a general secretary was elected to take active charge. The Commission consists of five members, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Li- brarian, and three persons appointed by the governor for terms of two, four and six years. The Commission is authorized to give advice to all free public libraries and school libraries, and to all com- munities which may propose to establish them; it may re- ceive gifts of books or other property; operate a system of traveling libraries; and in general encourage and promote the establishment of libraries throughout the state. The Commission has no appropriation, but a strong ef- fort will be made to secure one from the next Legislature. Members of the Commission: G. H. Baskette, President, Nashville. Miss Mary Hannah Johnson, Secretary, Nashville. Mrs. W. D. Beard, Treasurer, Memphis. R. L. Jones, State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Nashville. Miss Mary Skeffington, State Librarian, Nashville. 84 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Executive Officer: Mrs. Pearl Williams Kelley, General Secretary, Nash- ville. Texas The act creating the Texas Library and Historical Com-, mission became effective March 19, 1909. It provides for a Commission composed of three members appointed by the Governor and two ex-officio members — the Professor of History in the University of Texas and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The duties of the Commission may be grouped as fol- lows : (i) to control and administer the State Library, to collect materials relating to the history of Texas and the adjoining states, to preserve, classify and publish the man- uscript archives, to encourage historical work and research; (2) to aid those who are studying the problems to be dealt with by legislation by maintaining in the State Library a section for legislative reference; and (3) to aid and encour- age public libraries by giving advice to such persons as contemplate the establishment of public libraries in regard to such matters as the maintenance of public libraries, se- lection of books, cataloging, and library management. This comprehensive grant of powers to the Commission is at present greatly restricted for all practical purposes by failure to supply the funds necessary to give them effect. Publications: "Texas Libraries," Vol. i. No. i and 2. Circular No. i. Law governing the Texas State Libra- ry and the Texas Library and Historical Commission. Circular No. 2. Rules and regulations of the Texas State Library. Members of the Commission: Mrs. J. C. Terrell, Fort Worth, Chairman. Geo. W. Littlefield, Austin. UTAH. 85 F. M. Bralley, Austin. Richard Mays, Corsicana. E. C. Barker, Austin. Executive Officer: E. W. Winkler, State Librarian, Secretary, Austin. Utah The public library movement in Utah was first given authoritative organization and leadership in 1907, when Gov. John C Cutler, at the suggestion of leading educators, called a state convention to create a live interest in the laws which had been passed some years before, empowering all cities in the state to establish libraries. This convention author- ized Superintendent of Public Instruction, A. C. Nelson, to appoint a promoting commission to carry forward the work until the legislature should by law organize a state com- mission to assume the responsibility. This first commission was immediately appointed as fol- lows: Prof. Howard R. Driggs, University of Utah, pres- ident; Dr. E. G. Gowans, Judge Juvenile Court, vice-presi- dent; A. C. Matheson, secretary; E. R. South, treasurer; L. R. Anderson, W. D. Livingston; State Senator John Y. Smith; Prof. Fred W. Reynolds, University of Utah, and Esther Nelson, Librarian University of Utah, members. The promoting commission carried on a successful cam- paign of library education, without state funds or other financial help. The members generously gave of their means and time, publishing pamphlets and delivering lectures in about half the cities of the state. The result was a great awakening in library interest. When the next legislature convened, the promoting com- mission presented a bill authorizing the appointment of a regular library commission. The law was passed with some amendments establishing a State Library-Gymnasium Commission of five members to be appointed by the State Board of Education, and to be «6 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. under its general supervision. Its purpose is "to increase and improve educational advantages of the state by establish- ing and maintaining free libraries and gymnasiums." Advisory Work. The new commission began work in May 1907, carrying on the work begun by the promoting commission of stimulating library interest in the various cities and directing them in their efforts. Fully one half of the cities and towns have now taken definite steps toward establishing libraries. The special feature of the work in Utah is the promotion of the public gymnasium with the library. It is believed that through this combination better results will be accomplished by offering to boys and young men opportunities for healthful development of mind and body. School and Home Libraries. In addition to the great public library work, a decided uplift has also been given within the past two years to the school and home li- braries in the state. A law making it obligatory upon school boards to spend for school libraries fifteen cents per capita annually for each school child, was passed by the last legislature. The books are to be selected from lists made by the State Board of Education. Through this means, the schools are assured the right kind of supplemental books in ample quantity. The Commission has also done signal service for the home libraries by helping parents in their purchases, by pre- vailing upon the merchants to carry only choice books at Christmas time. Publications: The library-gymnasium movement, 1909. Members of the Commission: Dr. Wm. M. Stewart, President. Dr. George Thomas, Vice-president. Dr. E. G. Gowans. Supt. John M. Mills. Asst. Supt. John S. Welch. VERMONT. 87 Executive Officer: Howard R. Driggs, Secretary, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Vermont The Board of Library Commissioners, established in 1894, is authorized to give advice to librarians or trustees of any free library regarding selection of books, catalog- ing, and any other matters pertaining to the maintenance or administration of the library; and to distribute state aid to libraries established under state law. In 1900, an amend- ment to the law was passed providing for a system of travel- ing libraries. In 1908 the library law was repealed and the Board re- ceived increased appropriation and larger powers in addition to that covered by the old law. Advisory Work. Members of the Commission and its secretary assist at public meetings for library interests and in some cases by personal work in a town aid in get- ting a free library established. A quarterly bulletin is published to furnish information bearing upon library work in the state and to supply a me- dium of communication between the librarians of the state and the Commission. Since 1905, the Commission has each year subscribed for thirty-five copies of Public Libraries, and sent the same free of charge to such libraries in the state as particularly needed the assistance of such a journal. To assist librarians in making their selection of books each public library in the state is supplied with a copy of the A. L. A. Book-list. This list takes the place of the an- nual lists that were formerly issued by the Commission. Instruction. Following the plan begun in 1908 the Commission, sometimes in conjunction with the State Li- brary Association, has continued to hold quarterly meetings at different towns in the state. To these not only librarians but educators and all interested in libraries and schools have 88 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. been invited, and the interest and attendance have been most gratifying, the latter ranging from 50 to over 100. The topics considered have been inspirational rather than tech- nical, and cooperation with schools has been a central theme. In this state school districts were long since abolished and very few schools have libraries so the town library is the center from which schools should be supplied. Emphasis has also been placed on the establishment of branch libraries in towns so situated as to need them, and the circulation of traveling libraries in schools by the local library. Sometimes evening sessions have been held and often the library trus- tees or association furnish entertainment so these meetings have been delightfully social and informal. An annual institute of instruction was held at the Uni- versity of Vermont in Burlington, in July, 1908, at Middle- bury College in Middlebury, in July, 1909, and at the Acad- emy in St. Johnsbury in June, 1910, all of which were profitable and well attended. The session of a week was occupied by lessons in book mending and the principles of cataloging and library methods. The course was entirely free, and free rooms and board at reduced rates were pro- vided the first two years. A section in the new law pro- vides that the necessary expenses of a librarian in attendance at such school may be paid by the town, city or incorporated village in which such librarian is employed. Also the Com- mission is authorized by law to hold such school. The Commission has the support of practically the entire public press of the state to which it sends all of its pub- lications, and which is supplied regularly by the Publicity committee of the Library Association with items of library interest. Organizing. Whenever a town requests aid in cata- loging or organizing the Commission pays the traveling ex- penses of the Secretary who may remain with them not to exceed 4 days, board being furnished by the library. The sec- retary also orders supplies, and recommends catalogers who may be engaged by the library. VERMONT. 8ft Direct Aid. Upon the establishment of a free public library under state laws any town is entitled to $ioo worth of books selected and purchased by the Commission. Under the new law the Commission may also spend a sum not ex- ceeding $1,000 annually for the purchase of books for the annual aid of towns whose grand lists exclusive of polls do not exceed ten thousand dollars, and whose free public li- braries are doing efficient work for the public and rendering useful assistance to the public schools. Not more than $ioo annually can be given to one town. The policy of the state is to encourage the establishment of the library on the same footing as the public school, that it shall be owned, con- trolled and supported by the town. This is gradually turn- ing old subscription and association libraries into municipal affairs. A penalty was also added to the new law to provide for the withdrawal of state books if not properly cared for by a town, and an incorporated village made eligible for state aid. Traveling Libraries. Three or more citizens may apply for a traveling library and are entitled to the use of such on signing an agreement to pay transportation ex- penses and to be responsible for the care of the books. "Any local library, literary or other club, agricultural or other so- ciety, grange, college, seminary, university extension center, study circle or other association shall, on the same terms and in the discretion of the commissioners have the use of such traveling libraries." Superintendents of schools and school directors may ap- ply for traveling libraries for use in schools and pay the ex- penses of transportation of the same from the school funds of their respective towns. In addition to the general libraries containing from 40 to 50 volumes each, a number of libraries selected especially for school use are loaned to rural schools. To supply the de- mand of study clubs there are a number of special libra- ries supplemented by the general reserve library. 90 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. For the past two years special attention has been given to the State Institutions,— Reform School, House of Correc- tion, State Prison, and Insane Hospital. These have been visited, the needs of the inmates ascertained and either gen- eral or special collections of books in the traveling libra- ries sent to them. The results have been good for the In- stitutions, but hard upon the books and the Board hope to arrange to supply them annually with books that shall re- main permanently on their shelves. Periodical Exchange. To help, public libraries to build up reference collections of magazines, the Commission has established a clearing house for periodicals, on the usual plan, through which many volumes of valuable maga- zines have been added to the libraries of the state at small expense. Many more magazines having come in than are called for by the libraries, the Commission has recently donated both sets and odd numbers to the State Institutions, where the sets will be bound and the odd numbers circulated till worn out or cut up for pictures. Documents. When a town has established a public library, the town may vote to place in the library documents received from the state for the use of the town, with cer- tain exceptions ; and the state librarian is directed to de^ liver to such libraries duplicate documents and volumes published or provided by the state. Publications: Biennial Reports, 1897- date. Bulletin, (quarterly) 1905- date. Library law, 1908. Various circulars of information. Traveling library catalogs. Members of the Commission: March M. Wilson, Randolph. Mrs. W. P. Smith, St. Johnsbury. VIRGINIA. 91 Mrs. C. M. Winslow, Brandon. Edward M, Goddard, Montpelier. Miss Fanny B. Fletcher, Proctorsville. Executive Officer: Miss Rebecca Wright, Secretary, State House, Mont- pelier. Virginia The Virginia State Library performs many of the func- tions of a library commission, in that it has charge of the system of traveling libraries, and endeavors in every way possible to advance library interests in general in the state. Traveling Libraries. In 1906, the General As- sembly appropriated $7,500.00 for inaugurating the system of traveling libraries, and gave $1,800.00 a year for 1908 and 1909 for maintaining it. The libraries consist of fixed collections, numbering from 25 to 50 books. These collections are sent, without charge, on application of ten taxpayers who have formed a local library association by electing a president and librarian. The librarian agrees to abide by all the rules of the State Library regarding the circulation of the books and keeping of records and to return the books at the end of six months. There are three classes of traveling libraries, namely, the libraries for adult readers (called citizens' or general trav- eling libraries), libraries for the use of pupils of the pub- lic schbols, and special collections. In addition to the books in the fixed collections, there are about 600 volumes from which selection may be made. Publications: Annual report of the State Librarian. 92 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Members of the State Library Board: Armistead C. Gordon, Chairman, Staunton. S. S. P. Patteson, Richmond. John W. Fishburne, Charlottesville. Theodore S. Garnett, Norfolk. Edmund Pendleton, Richmond. Executive Staff: H. R. Mcllwaine, State Librarian, Richmond. G. C. Moseley, Chief, Division of Traveling Libraries. Washington The State Library Commission consists of the Governor, the judges of the Supreme Court, and the Attorney General, and was created by the law of 1903 to have charge of the State Library and all its departments. In addition an ad- visory board was created which consists of the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction and four persons appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be a person recommended by the Washington State Historical Society, and one of whom shall be a person recommended by the State Federa- tion of Women's clubs. The advisory board is directed by the law to give particular attention to the building up of a state historical department and a system of traveling li- braries, and to give advice and counsel to all free libraries in the state, regarding the best means of establishment and administration. Advisory Work. Under the law of 1903, the Ad- visory Board of the State Library shall give advice and coun- sel to all free libraries in the state, and to all communities which may propose to establish them, as to the best means of establishing and administering such libraries, the selec- tion of good books, cataloging and other details of library management. The A. L. A. Book-list is distributed to public libraries, as are also all the reports and public documents of the state. WASHINGTON. 93 Instruction. A six-weeks' summer school is con- ducted at the University of Washington under the supervi- sion of the librarian of the Universit3r, Direct Aid. The law of 1903 authorizes the state to give direct financial aid to public libraries under the control of the Library Commission, but no appropriation has yet been made for the purpose. Traveling Libraries. The traveling library of Wash- ington was started by the State Federation of Women's Clubs, and turned over to the State Library Commission on its establishment in 1901. In 1903, when the Commission was reorganized, the traveling libraries were made a depart- ment of the State Library. By the law of 1907, the travel- ing library work is placed in the hands of a Superintendent of Traveling Libraries, appointed by the Commission but independent of the State Library. The libraries are sent to any community upon the appli- cation of three responsible persons, and upon the payment of transportation charges. A special effort has been made to reach study clubs, who are urged to send in programs. Lists of books in the State Library, bearing on the subjects pursued, are sent to the clubs to make their selection. The only expense to the clubs is the transportation fee and any number of books desired are supplied. Periodical Clearing House. Volumes and single numbers of magazines are supplied to public libraries on the usual exchange plan. Documents. The State Library has full control of the distribution of state documents. A legislative reference department has been organized on the same plan as that in Wisconsin. Publications: Biennial reports, 1904, 1906. Library laws of Washington, 1903. 94 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Washington Library Association Bulletin (quarterly). Check-List of Pacific North West History, 1909. Members of the Commission: Governor M. E. Hay. Attorney-General W. P. Bell. Supreme Justice Mark A. Fullerton. Supreme Justice Wallace Mount. Supreme Justice Ralph O. Dunbar. Supreme Justice S. J. Chadwick. Supreme Justice M. F. Gose. Supreme Justice Herman D. Crow. Supreme Justice Frank H. Rudkin. Supreme Justice Geo. E. Morris. Supreme Justice E. F. Parker. State Library Advisory Board: H. B. Dewey, Supt. Public Instruction, ex-officio. Mrs. Kate Turner Holmes, Seattle, representing Federa- tion of Women's Clubs. Mr. F. F. Hopper, Tacoma, representing State His- torical Society. W. E. Henry, Seattle, Libn. University of Washington. Senator J. D. Bassett, Ritzville. Executive Staff: J. M. Hitt, State Librarian, Secretary, ex-officio, Olympia. Miss Josephine Holgate, Assistant Librarian. Mrs, Lou G. Diven, Superintendent Traveling Library . Department. Wisconsin The Free Library Commission carries on its work of library extension in Wisconsin through (i) the Instruction- al Department, which includes the maintenance of the Wis- consin Library School as well as a summer school and va- rious library institutes, (2) the Department of Library Ex- WISCONSIN. 95 tension and Visitation, which js closely associated with the Instructional Department, (3) the Traveling Library Depart- ment, and (4) the Legislative Reference Department, which includes a legislative bill drafting department as well as the legislative reference library. Advisory Work. In the organization of a new libra- ry, the Commission offers such advice and assistance as is needed. A member of the staff may be sent to advise with the board as to best methods of organization. Frequent visits are made to the libraries for the purpose of giving aid and counsel in the improvement of methods of work, in planning new branches of service, in choice of books. Much time has been given to the study of library buildings, their planning and equipment, and an excellent collection of photographs and plans has been made, together with specifications, samples, and estimates of cost. The first Suggestive list of books for a small library was published in 1897 ai^d several revised editions of this have been issued since that time. Buying-lists of recent hooks to supplement the Suggestive list were issued at frequent inter- vals, and special bibliographies have also been prepared. The 1905 edition of the Suggestive list of books (for adults) was compiled by the Wisconsin Commission and published by the League of Library Commissions. A Suggestive list of books for children has been prepared by the Commission and is now being published by the League. Since the A. L. A. Book- list began publication in 1905, the Buying-lists have been dis- continued. Instruction. The Commission gives instruction in library methods through a library school, through library in- stitutes, and through personal visits to librarians in their libraries. A summer library school was instituted in 1895. In 1899 the school was made a permanent institution of the Commis- sion, with an annual elementary course of eight weeks which was later changed to six weeks. It is conducted in con- nection with the summer school of the University of Wis- 96 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. consin. The instruction given includes cataloging, classifi- cation, reference work, book buying and book selection, children's literature, work with children in the library and school, and instruction in technical work and business meth- ods suited to the small library. In 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, a supplementary course of several weeks was conducted, in- tended for those who had completed the elementary train- ing, and offering courses in the study of books and the in- spirational side of library work. A permanent library school offering a course of one year was opened in September, 1906. The course of instruction covers the fundamental principles of library work in all its branches, bibliographical, technical, and administrative, devel- oped on practical rather than theoretical lines. It includes twenty-six weeks of actual curriculum work with two months (February and March) devoted to field practice in the li- braries of the state under the supervision of members of the teaching staff. The establishment of a course offered jointly by the Univ- ersity of Wisconsin and the Library School marked an im- portant epoch in the history of the school. During the freshman and sophomore years, students in the University follow the usual college courses, electing those calculated to make the best foundation for library work; at the end of the sophomore year they take the entrance examinations of the Library School. If they are admitted to the Library School, the University in recognition of the school's standards of scholarship, grants twenty hours (five hours each semester) of credit toward the A. B. degree for work done in the Li- brary School in the junior and senior years. Library institutes have been held in various parts of the state to give elementary instruction to librarians who cannot come to the library school. These institutes also serve as conferences for librarians who have had more or less training, and afford opportunity for the comparative study of methods and an interchange of ideas. Instruction is given in the small libraries to the librarians individually while the organization of the library progresses, and every subsequent visit of the members of the Commis- WISCONSIN. 97 sion staff brings some addition to the librarian's stock of library knowledge and enthusiasm. It is the aim of the Commission to visit every library in the state at least once each year. The Commission distributes annually to the libraries of the state, much library literature of an instructional nature including aids in book selection, the A. L. A. Booklist, spe- cial lists, etc. Since January, 1905, the Wisconsin Library Bulletin, published bimonthly, has been sent to every library in the state. This contains helpful articles and suggestions on practical topics, answers to questions arising in library work, and lists of a bibliographical nature, and constitutes a medium for exchange of ideas between the Commission and the libraries as well as between the different libraries them- selves. Organizing. The Commission aids in classifying and cataloging the books, installing a charging system and putting the library on a thorough working and business basis. If the library is in a large town with generous support, the Com- mission gives advice and counsel, assists in finding trained librarians, oversees the organization generally, but does not do the actual work. In cases where less funds are available, the Commission furnishes the services but expects the li- brary to bear part of the expense ; while in the case of small libraries, the Commission gives the time of the organizer. Traveling Libraries. The Commission maintains a system of traveling libraries. These are sent to farming communities and to villages too small to support public li- braries ; to larger villages and towns for the purpose of en- couraging the establishment of local libraries; to villages and towns already maintaining public libraries, but whose book funds are insufficient for the frequent purchases of books necessary to sustain public interest ; to study clubs not having access to public libraries offering adequate service; and to public libraries with large numbers of German, Scan- dinavian or Polish patrons, libraries made up of books in their languages. The study libraries are retained as long as the club pursues the subject they cover; the other series are 98 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. kept six months, when exchange is made. The English libraries contain from 50 to 60 of the best popular books in fiction, history, travel, biography, science and literature for adults and children. The study libraries vary greatly in number of books, and are sometimes supplemented by magazines and pamphlets. They are accompanied with out- lines and programs. The German, Scandinavian and Polish libraries contain 35-40 books. These libraries are loaned to public libraries for a rental fee of $7 a year, there being a semi-annual exchange of boxes. Foreign groups comprising ten books each are added to the English traveling libraries sent to communities where a foreign-born element can be served. There are collections in German, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, Bohemian, Yiddish and French. "Town" traveling libraries, comprising 100 English books each, are intended for the larger villages and smaller cities financially unable to maintain a public library, but too popu- lous to remain satisfied with a traveling library of the usual size. Upon payment of $12 a year, the Commission agrees to supply 100 books which are exchanged semi-annually for other collections of like character. Transportation charges are paid by the local station. A library organization is ef- fected in each place, and frequently a reading-room is opened in connection with the traveling library. These "Town" li- braries are also sent upon the same terms to small public li- braries to supplement their small collections of books. The Commission also has a few groups composed of fifty attractive books largely the best new fiction to meet the demand from those small libraries which wish to keep up to date in books but have insufficient funds. These "new book'* libraries are sent out in the same way that the "town" libra- ries are handled at a cost of $10 per year. The traveling library stations are visited from time to time that the Commission may keep in touch with the com- munities served and that direct knowledge may be gained of the individual condition and needs of each station. Many of the counties of the state have established sys- tems of traveling libraries under an enabling law which per- mits counties to appropriate $500 for the initial establish- WISCONSIN. 9» ment of the system, together with $50 for salary of libra- rian and $25 for traveling expenses, the sum of $200 annually with salary for librarian and expenses being allowed in sub- sequent years. Periodical Exchange. The Commission operates a clearing house for magazines with the purpose of build- ing up reference collections of bound periodicals in the public libraries of the state, and supplying current topics' material for clubs. It also sends large quantities of the popular maga- zines to lumber camps, etc. Documents. Each established library of over 1,000 volumes is entitled to one copy of all documents published by the state. The Commission designates such libraries as depositories of state documents and prepares lists for the use of the State Superintendent of Public Property. The Com- mission has also compiled a check-list of state documents and will publish supplementary lists as they are required. Printed catalog cards of state documents are prepared by the Commission to be distributed to public libraries and to the various departments of the state. Legislative Reference Department. In 1901, the Legislature authorized the Commission to conduct a legislative reference room, and to gather and index for the use of members, of the Legislature and the executive of- ficers of the state such reports, bills, documents and other material from Wisconsin and other states as would aid them in their official duties. This department aims to build up a working library of present-day subjects, so that the history of legislation and all possible material on economic problems may be readily available as each question arises. The work has already had a decided effect upon good legislation in Wisconsin and is very popular with all members of the Legis- lature. In 1907 a bill-drafting department was organized to assist the members of the legislature in putting into proper form their ideas as to needed legislation. The appropriation of $1,500 for the first year, has now been increased to $15,000 a year. 100 LIBRARY COMMISSION HAND-BOOK. Publications: American social questions, nos. i-6. Anniversaries and holidays. Biennial report, v. 8, 1910. Bulletin (bi-monthly) January, 1905 to date. Check list of journals and public documents of Wiscon- sin, 1903. Circulars of information: 1 Establishing a library, first steps. 2 How to secure a traveling library. 3 Suggestions for library rules and regulations. 4 Magazines for the small library. 5 Campaigning for a public library. 6 Legislative reference department. 7 Traveling libraries in Wisconsin. Comparative legislation bulletins, nos. 1-21. Instructional department pamphlets: 1 Wisconsin library school, 1909-10. 2 Short course, library school, 1910. 3 Picture collections in small libraries. 4 Supplementary course, library school, 1908. 5 Commercial geography. 6 Books on missions. 7 How to care for books in a library. Traveling library circulars : 1 Traveling libraries for public libraries. 2 Traveling libraries for communities without pub- lic libraries. Miscellaneous pamphlets : Laws of Wisconsin relating to free public libraries and the Free library commission 1905 (1911 in prep- aration). Library extension, by Edward A. Birge, 1905. One hundred popular German books. Some Wisconsin library buildings. Study outlines, nos. 1-23. •WiSecNsiN. •'' • \' *J ' »•''> 101 Members of the Commission: James M. Pereles, Milwaukee. Reuben G. Thwaites, Secretary State Historical Society, Madison. Mrs. Charles S. Morris, Berlin. Charles R. Van Hise, President University of Wisconsin, Madison. Charles P. Cary, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Madison. Executive Staff: Matthew S. Dudgeon, Secretary, and Director of Li- brary School, Madison. Charles McCarthy, Chief of Legislative Reference De- partment. Miss L. E. Stearns, Chief of Traveling Library Depart- ment. Miss Mary Emogene Hazeltine, Chief of Instructional Department and Preceptor of Library School. Miss Ethel F. McCollough, Instructor Library School. Miss Helen T. Kennedy, Instructor Library School. Miss Helen Turvill, Instructor Library School. Miss Mary Carpenter, Instructor Library School. Miss Ono M. Imhoff, Cataloger Legislative Reference Department. Mrs. Anna L. Mayers, Executive Clerk. DIRECTORY OF COMMISSIONS Name of Commission Date estab. Executive Officer ♦Alabama Dept. of Archives and History :- Division of Library Extension ♦California State Library Colorado Board of Library Commissioners. Colorado Traveling Library Commission... ♦Connecticut Public Library Committee. ♦Delaware State Library Commission. ♦Georgia Library Commission Idaho State Library Commission ♦Illinois Library Extension Commission. ♦Indiana Public Library Commission. ♦Iowa Library Commission Kansas Traveling Libraries Commission. ♦Kentucky Library Cominission Maine Library Commission Maryland State Library Commission. ♦Massachusetts Free Pub. Lib. Commission ♦Michigan State Board of Lib. Commissioners ♦Minnesota Public Library Commission 'Missouri Library Commission 'Nebraska Public Library Commission. New Hampshire Public Library Commission ♦New Jersey Public Library Commission ♦New York State Education Dept: — Division of Educational Extension ♦North Carolina Library Commission 'North Dakota Public Library Commission. 'Ohio Board of Library Commissioners. 'Oregon Library Commission •Pennsylvania Free Library Commission, ♦Rhode Island Dept. of Education: — State Committee on Libraries ♦Tennessee Free Library Commission Texas Library and Historical Commission. Utah Library — Gymnasium Commission ♦Vermont Board of Library Commissioners. Virginia State Library ♦Washington State Library Commission . . .. . ♦Wisconsin Free Library Commission. 1907 1903 1899 1903 1893 1901 1897 1901 1909 1899 1900 1899 1910 1899 1901 1890 1899 1899 1907 1901 1891 1899 1892 1909 1907 1896 1905 1899 1907 1909 1909 1909 1894 1906 1901 1895 Thomas M. Owen, Director. . James L. Gillis, State Lib'n.. C. R. Dudley, President Carrie M. Gushing, Trans. CI' Mrs. Belle Holcomb Johnso Library Visito H. Ridgely Harrington, Secy Mrs. Percival Sneed, OrganiZ S. Belle Chamberlain, Secy Eugenia Allin, Organizer . Carl H. Milam, Secy, Alice S. Tyler, Secy.. Mrs. Adrian Greene, Secy. Fannie C. Rawson, Secy... H. C. Prince, Secy Bernard C. Steiner, Secy. Zaidee M. Brown, Agent Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, Secy. Clara F. Baldwin, Secy Elizabeth B. Wales, Secy.. Charlotte Templeton, Secy.. Arthur H. Chase, Secy Henry C. Buchanan, Secy. W. R. Eastman, Chief of Div.l Minnie W. Leatherman, SecyJ Mrs. Minnie C. Budlong, Sec and Directo: C. B. Galbreath, Secy.. Cornelia Marvin, Secy. T. L. Montgomery, Secy, Walter E. Ranger, Secy., Mrs. Pearl W. Kelley, Secy. E. W. Winkler, Secy Howard R. Driggs, Secy . . Rebecca Wright, Secy H R Mcllwaine, Lib'n J M.' Hitt, Secy Matthew S. Dudgeon, Secy..f ♦Members of League of Lib. Commissions. 1 Commissioners Headquarters No. 5 5 5 5 9 5 4 3 3 7 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 6 3 5 5 5 5 5 11 5 Term Appointed by Other information ;tate Capitol, Montgomery ;tate Liibrary, Sacramento »ublic Library, Denver 'he Capitol, Denver 5 5 1 5 3 4 5 3 5 4 ' 5 4 6 6 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 Governor Governor State Board of Educ. Governor Governor Commissioners of State Library Governor Governor Directors of State Lib. Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor & N. C. Lib. Assn. Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor Governor State Board of Educ. Governor Governor Board of Trustees of State Library. Nominated by Colorado Federation of Wom- Itate House, Hartford en's Clubs. tate Library, Dover. . . . State libn., secretary ex-offlcio. ~ Carnegie Library, Atlanta State House, Bois6, Idaho )ecatur Atty.-gen'l, sec. of state, supt. of pub. in- struction and pres. of State University. State libn., member ex-offlcio. The Capitol, Indianapolis State Historical Building Des Moines. State Library, Topeka State libn., supt. of pub. instruction, pres. of State Univ., members ex-offlcio, 2 ap- pointees to be women. State libn,, ex-officio ch'n., pres. Kansas State The Capitol, Frankfort social science fed. of clubs, member ex- offlcio. 5tate Library, Augusta Cnoch Pratt Free Library Baltimore. Jtate Library, Boston State libn., secretary ex-offlcio. State libn., supt. of pub. instruction and libn. of Enoch Pratt library, members ex-offlcio. 2 appointees to be women. State libn., chairman ex-offlcio. >tate Library, Tiansing 'he Capitol, St. Paul 'apitol Annex, Jefferson City.. ^he Capitol, Lincoln State libn., secretary ex-officio. Pres. of State Univ., supt. of pub. instruction, sec. of State Hist. Soc, members ex-of- ficio. State supt. of schools, pres. of State Univ., members ex-officio. State libn., supt of pub. instruction, chancel- lor and libn. of State Univ., members ex- offlcio. Board of Trustees of State Library. State libn., supt. of pub. instruction, mem- bers ex-offlcio. Supt. of pub. instruction, pres. of N. D. Lib. Assn., sec. of State Hist. Soc., members ex-offlcio. Commission has control of State Library. Governor, supt. of pub. instruction, pres. of State Univ., and libn. of Portland Lib. Assn., members ex-officio. State libn., secretary ex-officio. 3 members of State Bd. of Educ. compose the committee, commissioner of pub. schools, secretary ex-officio. State libn., supt. of pub. instruction, mem- bers ex-officio. Supt. of pub. instruction, prof, of hist, in Univ. of Texas, members ex-offlcio. Itate Library, Concord Itate Library, Trenton Itate Library, Albany Itate House, Raleigh 'he Capitol, Bismarck >tate Library, Columbus State House, Salem ;tate Library, Harrisburg ;tate House, Providence arnegie Libi-ary, Nashville... itate Library, Austin . . ... Iniversity of Utah Salt Lake City. tate House, Montpelier tate Library, Richmond tate Library, Olympia 'he Capitol, Madison Board of Trustees of State Library. Governor, atty.-gen'l and judges of Supreme Court compose commission; advisory bd. of 5, consists of supt. of pub. instruction, and 4 appointees of governor. Pres. of State Univ., supt. of pub. instruc- tion and sec. of State Hist. Soc, members ex-offlcio. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY