THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OE LAW PRACTICAL TREATISE UPON THE WHEREIN THE DIFFERENT SECURITIES FOR ANNUITIES, AND THE REMEDIES FOR THE RECOVERY THEREOF, ARE FULLY EXEMPLIFIED. TOGETHER WITH THE DETERMINATIONS OF THE COURTS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ANNUITY ACT. TO WHICH IS ADDED A LARGE COLLECTION OF PRECEDENTS, Brawn and accurately fettled in theCourfe of Practice, and adapted to every Species of Property that can he made an effectual Security for an xVnnuity ; xvith Memorials thereof, whereby the fame may be prepared with Eafe> Precision, and Oilpatch. BY ROBERT WITHY, * OF CRAVEN-STREET, SOLICITOR; .VI- MEEK. OK THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF THE INNER TEMPLE. Pr my character has remained unimpeached ; and DEDICATION. v and I truft that thcfe imprefsions will fo bear upon my mind, as to influence a per- feverance in that line of conduct which has fecured me the honour of your Lord- fhip's protection, and which alone can prove to the world, that it has not in the prefent infiance heen undefervedly be- llowed. Thefe pages, my Lord, may not be free from error, but mould they be found ufe- ful to the Profefsion, and at the fame time meet with your Lordfhip's approba- tion, my wifhes will be fully gratified. I am, my Lord, With the greater! refpecr, Your Lordfhip's much obliged, Obedient and devoted Servant, ROBERT WITHY. CravenJlreet, MicliaeJmas Term, i8o. PREFACE. IT is not my defign to enter into an elaborate treatife upon Annuities, nor to arraign the principles of Law upon which thefe tranfactions have a legal exiftence, objects which are far beyond the reach of my cbilities, and which would be ufelefs after the very able manner in which thefe fubjects have been before digefted and dif- cuiFed. It is fufficient for my purpofe to take the Law as I find it, and only to offer fuch fentiments as occur to me thereon. The decifion of the Courts upon the conftruclion of the various feclions of the Act of the 17th of George the Third/ called the Annuity Acl (and particularly fmce the publication of Mr. Plowden's Treatife upon Annuities) having at length removed every doubt arifing thereon, and thereby placed the validity of Annuities, upon as folid a foundation as that of any other fpecies of property, I am induced to lay before the Profefsion a few obferva- tions on the negociation of thefe tcanf- 4 actions via PREFACE. actions (the rcfult of fome experience) together with the determinations of the Courts on the Act: for regulating the fame, in as concife a mode as pofsfble ; together with a collection of Precedents applicable thereto, and grounded upon fuch decifions, which will be found to hear upon almoft every fort of property that can be made an effectual fecurit for an Annuity. Thefe Precedents, I truft, will n*idily point out to fuch part of the Profefs|on as are not converfant with thefe negocistions, the mode of obtaining money for fUch of their clients as are under any pecuniary prcilure, and are necefsitated to procure relief otherwife than by a common loan, and will particularly enable the Profefsion to prepare fecurities for Annuities with eafe, precision, and difpatch ; whereby it is to be hoped that this branch of practice may diffufe itfclf more generally, increafe thcprefcnt depreciated value of Annuities, and refcue thole men,whofenecefsities urge them to this baneful mode of fuccour, from the rapacious hands of money-lenders. A TABLE tAfcLE OF CONTENTS, CHAP. I. &f the Prattice of Annuities * Page i CHAP. II. Of the Aft of Parliament for regulating Annuities Page 21 ift SECTION -Of the Memorial to be inrolled Page 32 Of the different Injlruments that require td be memo- rialized^ and of fetting forth the Date of the Deeds^ the Names of the Parties , and the j. irne of inr oiling the fame ' - - Page 33 Of jetting forth the Trufts - - Page 3$ Of fetting forth the Witneffes^ and the Annual Sum or Sums to be paid y and for whofe Life or Lives the Annuity is granted^ and the Confederation for the fame - Page 41 2d SECTION Of inr oiling a Memorial of Annuities granted previous to the paffing of the Aft Page 53 3rd SECTION Of ' ftating the Confederation in the dif- ferent Deeds or Injlruments executed for fecuring an Annuity , and the Party paying the fame Page 54 4th SECTION Of returning or retaining any Part of the Confederation or Payment thereof in Notes of Goods - Page 65 5th SECTION Of the Manner and Pees paid on in~ rolling the Memorial - - Page 71 6th S E c T i o N Of Controls made with Infants Page 74 ^th SECTIO N Of the Brokerage allowed Page 76 b x CONTENTS. 8th SECTION Of the Annuities excepted ly tie Aft Page So CHAP. III. Of the Jurifdiaion of the Courts , and of the Applied* tions made thereto for fitting afide Annuities Page 88 Of recovering back the Confederation when the Annuity isfet afide - - - Page 101 CHAP. IV. General Observations - Page 104 TABLE of Precedents of the different Instruments generally executed for fecuring Annuities, and applicable to almojt every Species of Property that can be made an effectual Security for one, together with Memorials as prepared agreeable to the Decifeon of the Courts on thf Conftruftion of the Annuity Aft. CHAP. V. BONDS. No. i. BOND from One Obligor to One Obligee for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Obligor^ where the fame is intended to be fecured by a Bond and Warrant of Attorney only, irredeemable Page 113. No. 2. BOND from Two Obligors to One Obligeeyj>r fecuring an Annuity during the Life cf one of the Obligors, where the fame is intended to be fecured by Bandy Warrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeem- able on Payment of Half a Tear's Annuity Page 1 1 6 No. 3. BOND from One Obligor to One Obligee fa fecuring an Annuity during the joint Lives of tw Perfons (named by the Obligee) and the Life of the Survivor, intended to be fecured by Bond^ Warrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeemable on replacing Stock fold out for the Purchafe of the Annuity Page 1 2Q. CONTENTS. Xl Ho, 4. BOND from One Obligor to One Obligee for fecuring an 'Annu'.ty during the Lives of three Perfons (named by the Obligee) and the Life of the Survivor, intended to be fecured by Bond) Warrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeemable on Repayment of the Principal Money advanced, upon giving Six- Months Notice - - Page 124 No. 5. BOND from Three Obligors to One Obligee (where Two of the Obligors become collateral Securi- ties for the other) for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of One of the Obligors, intended to be fecured by Bond, Warrant of Attorney, and Deed of Cove- nant for Payment of the Annuity, redeemable on giving Six Months Notice, or Payment of Half a liar's Annuity - - Page 128 No. 6. BOND from One Obligor to One Obligee for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Obligee, intended to be fecured by Bond and Warrant of Attor- ney, redeemable by Inftalments - Page 133 No. 7. BOND from One Obligor to Two Obligees for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Obli- gor, where the Annuity is pur chafed by the Obligees as Tenants in Common ; with a Clause of Rede?nption on. Payment of Half a Tear's Annuity - Page 137 CHAP. VI. GRANTS of ANNUITY charged upon Perfonal Pro* perty, where the Grantors have only a Life- Inter eft. No. 8. ASSIGNMENT of DIVIDENDS, to which the Grantor is inti tied for Life under his Marriage Set- tlement, for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Grantor ; with a Claufe for Redemption on Pay- ment of Half a Tear's Annuity, where the Confede- ration Money is paid by a Bill of Exchange Page 141 No. 9. A FEME COVERT intitled to Dividends of Stock ftanding in the Name of the Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery for her Life, together with her Hufband ajjigns the fame for fecuring an Annuity for her Life 3 winch is likewife fecured by the Bond of ba *il CONTENTS. the Hit/band, in which is contained a Power for' the Grantee to apply to the Court for an Order for Payment of the Dividends to hirn^ and to conjent thereto on Behalf of the Grantors^ and at their Ex- pence - Page 156 No. 10. GRANT of an ANNUITY by a Military Gen- tleman for his Life^ fecured by an Alignment of Di- vidends of South Sea Stock and the Inter eft of Money on Mortgage (to which he is intitled under his Mar- riage Settlement) to a Truftee for better fecuring the fame ; as likewife for fecuring any Extra Expence of Inference which the Grantee may pay on the Grantor's leaving the Kingdom on Military Service^ which the Grantor covenants to do ; and with Directions to the ''frit/lees under the Settlement not to difpofe of the South Sea Annuities (which they are empowered to do under the fame) without the Confent of Grantee^ where the Confederation Money is paid Part in Cajh^ and Part by a Banker's Cheque - - Page 164 No. ii. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of the Grantor^ fecured by an Affignment of the Interejl of Money charged upon EJtates to which the Grantor is- intitled for his Life under his Marriage Settlement to a Trujlee for the Grantee ; with Directions from the Grantor to the Truftees under the Settlement not to vary Securities witbsut the Approbation of the Grantee - Page itfi No. 12. GRANT y his Bond, and in Default of Payment ^ upon Trujl to raife and pay, the Annuity ', with a Claufe of Redemption after the Expiration of three Tears^ on giving Six Months Jtfotice, and repaying Principal advanced.^ or in )e~ fault of Notice on repaying Principal and Half a Year's Annuity Page 34$ CHAP. XII. GRANTS of ANNUITY charged upon per final Pro- perty , where the Grantors have an abfolute Interejt. No. 29. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of Grantee and another^ and Jecured by a Transfer of 3 ptr Cents, (which Grantor is unwilling tofe-ll out) CONTENTS. xvU into the Names of Grantor, Grantee, and another^ and a Declaration of the Trujt thereof accordingly^ with a Clause of Redemption at the Expiration of one Tear, upon Payment of tfaff a Tear's Annuity Page 354 J$o, 30. GRANT ^ANNUITY for three Lives, andan Alignment of a Legacy, and the Moiety of the Refi- due of a perfonal EJlate (in which a former Annul-- tant joins) to a Truftee, in Truft to invejl a certain Sum at Intereji for the Purpose of paying both An- nuities, with a Covenant from, the Executor that he will pay fuch Sum to a Truftee, or redeem the Annui~ ties agreeable to the Terms of Redemption, and in the meantime ty kqep down the growing Payments Page 361 CHAP. XIII. GRANTS of ANNUITY charged upon Freehold EJlates t where the Grantors are feijed in Fee. No. 31. GRANT o/ANNUiTYyor the Lives of three Perfons named by the Grantee, charged upon Ejlates in Fee-Ji?nple, and a Demise of the fame Premifes for 500 Tears to a Truftee, in Trufl for better fecuring the fame, and Power to redeem on Payment of Half a Tear's Annuity Page 376 No. 32. GRANT of an ANNUITY for the Lives of Grantee and two Others, charged on Ejlates of lefs yearly Value than the Annuity, (Part whereof the Grantor isfeifed to him/elf in Fee, and the other Parts are limited to a Truftee to fuch Ufes as he jhall ap- point, with Remainder over to bar Dower, and Con- veyance in Fee by Leafe and Releafe by the Grantor alone of the Eftates of which he is Jeifid to himfelf in Fee, and Conveyance in Fee by Leafe and Releafe from the Truftee, (by the Direction of the Grantor) ; and alfo the Confirmation of the Grantor of the Premifes held to Ufes to a Trustee, in Truft to fell in Default of Payment of Annuity, containing fpecial Claufes as to Sale and Application of the Money, and Declaration ps to outftanding Terms^ and Clauj'e for Redemption Page 39Q iviii CONTENTS. No. 33. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Lives of Gran** tee and two Others, charged upon two feveral Manors and Eft a tes, one cf which the Grantor isfeifed in Fee, fubjecJ to a Mortgage, and the other is vefted in a Truftee, in Truft for the Grantor, intended to be con- veyed by Leafe and Release by a feparate Deed, with a Claufe of Redemption, on replacing Stock in Lieu nfthe Confederation Money. For which fee Precedent No.XXXW - - Page 407 No. 34. CONVEYANCE in Fee by Leafe and Reltafe from a Grantor and his Truftee of two feveral Ma- nors and Eftates, (fubjecJ as to one Eftate to a Mort- S a S e )y * a Truftee) in Truft to fecure three feveral Annuities for three Lives each, granted and charged thereon by three feparate Deeds , and for that Purpofe in Default of Payment of Annuities by 60 Days, to fell and pay off the Mortgage and the Arrears of An- nuities, and to inveft the Refidue in the Funds to anfwer and pay the Annuities from Time to Time; with fpecial Claufes as to Sale, and an AJJignment of an out- jtanding Term to a Truftee, in Trujt for Annuitants, frry fpecial (See Precedent No. XXXIII. Page 417 No. 35. GRANT of ANNUITY for three Lives, charged upon Premtfes demijed to a Truftee for 500 Tears, in Truft for fe curing the fame; ana an Ap- pointment of a Receiver of the Rents ; and a Claufe for appointing another in Cafe of bis Death or Remo- val', and a Declaration of the Trufts of an outftand- ing Term. Redeemable - - Page 433 NO. 36. GRANT of an ANNUITY to two as Tenants in Common, for the Lives of two Nominees, fecured by a Demije of a Share of a Freehold Eftate of tuhich the Grantor is feifed in Fee, and by an Ajfign- rnent of a Share of Accumulations of the Rents of fuch Eftate, to which the Grantor is abfolutely inti- tLed,with a Claufe of Redemption on Payment of Half A Terr's Annuity - - T Page 438 CONTENTS. CHAP. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS DEEDS and Instruments relating to Annuities. NO. 37. AN ABSOLUTE AJJignment of Dividends to which the Assignor is intitled for Life P^gs 449 No. 38. ASSIGNMENT of a Kent-charge (which is redeemable) from a furviving Grantee and his Truf- tee, in ivhicb the Grantor joins, in Gmfederation of a Sum of Money paid to him, and makes the fame irre- deemable Page 453 No. 39. DEED of COVENANTS, whereby a Clergy- man, in Confederation of a Debt previoitjly Giving, co- venants to pay an Annuity fecnred by a Bond and Warrant of Attorney; and further covenants, that in Cafe he jhouldbe preferred to a Living, he will charge the fame with the Payment of the Annuity, and per- mit the Grantee to fequefter the Profits thereof Page 460 No. 40. RELEASE of a Rent-charge (which has been redeemed}, and an Alignment of the Term created for fecuring the fame t in Order that the Ja<;ie may hf merged - - Page 466 }^o. 41. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity charged upon Lands in Middlesex - Page 470 NO. 42. SURRENDER of a Copyhold Eftate for fecur-( ing an Annuity - - Page 472 No. 43. ASSIGNMENT of a Policy of Insurance far Lives - - Page 474 Jo. 44. PETITION to the Court of Chancery for Pay-i ment of Dividends of Stock, ftanding in the Name of the Accountant-General, af signed by a married Win man for fe curing an Annuity - Page 477 No. 45. WARRANT of ATTORNEY for entering up "Judgment on a Bond given fur fecuring an An- nuity - - Page 480 No. 46. A PROVISO for reducing an Annuity in Cafe of Payment within a given 'lime P a g? 4^4 CONTENTS, CHAP. XV. MEMORIALS. NO. 47. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity for the Life of the Grantor ', jccurcd by Bond, War- rant of Attorney , and Alignment of Dividends, with a Claufe for Redemption, where the Confederation Money is paid by a Bill of Exchange rage 483 No. 47. A MEMORIAL of an Afsignmcnt of Divi- dends > ftanding in the Name of the Accountant-Gene-' ral by Hufband and Wife, for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Wife; and of Bond and War- rant of Attorney given by the Hujband for letter fe- curing the fame - P a g e 491 NO. 48- A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity for the Life of the Grantor, charged upon an Eftate which the. Grantor is feifed for Life, and likewije fe- cured by Bond and Warrant of Attorney Page 495 49. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity , fecured upon a Copyhold Ejtate of Inheritance for three Lives, together with a Bond and Warrant of Attor-i ney - I'age 500 O. 50. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity, charged upon real and perfonal Property for the Life of the Grantor, and likeicife jecured by Bond and of Attorney - Page 503 CASES REFERRED TO. A Page* zVNSELL and another ex parte * 46 B Bromley v. Greathead manufcript - - 87 Brice v. Potter - too Brice v. Vivian - 100 Bromley v. Holland - - 991 Birch v. Wright 4 Barwiclc v. Reade - 7 Bolton, Duke of, v. Williams 48, 64, go Broomhead v. Eyre - - 49, 67 Berry v. Bentley . - - 6r Buck v* Tyte - 93, 94 c Cotterel v. Hooke - - 18 Cummins v. Ifaac - 42 Crefpigny v. Winternoon- - 78, 85 Chefter ex parte - 90 Crofsby v. Arkwright 2, D Davidfon v. Lord Foley . . 35 Same v. fame - ibid. Downes v. Packhurft ^ - 38 Diun *xi CASES REFERRED TO. Pagi. Daun on dem. Dolrnan v. Dolman 39 Dalmer v. Barnard - 64 L)ixon v. Birch and ^oyte - 86 Fallen and Wife ex parte - - 34, 56 Fenncr v. Evans - 48, 54. G Glafle v. Mount - - 64 Garwood i Sherfon v. Oxlade - - 35 Saunders v. Hardinge Clk. . * 44, 91, 92 Steadman v. Purchafe - 45 Shove v. Webb - 69, 101 Scott i; Whalley - - 10 Shrapnel v. Vernon - 82, 84* Symonds and Ux. w. Cobouren - - 91 Stratton -y. Raftall and another - - Taylor v. Johnfon 40 Thurkill v. Wallace - * 90 Van Braam v. Ifaac - . 37, 98 Vaux v. Anfell - . 65 W Wrights. Reed 3 ~ 56 Withy v. Woolle/ * 57, 69, ^f ERRAf A. Page f at the bottom for 252 read 248. 10 - for i Blac . Rep. read 2. - 38 line 1 1 for " adherence" read " being adhered to.** 70 3 " as" read " -which." 28 "grantee" read "grantor."''' 75 23 "is" read "Specifies." go - 6 "integrity" read " charaSler." 8 1 27 " -where" read "and." 8z 4 "exemptions." read "exceptions," and omit fT>/." 7 omit " r/&^y." 90 - 10 " furpojes" read " purpofe." 92 in the margin for "judicatur "read " judicattm.'* 93 line 3 for " judicatem" read "judicatam." 96 9 " brought" read " bringing." 97 25 "judicatur" read "judicatam.'* 105 23 " Juch" read "a contrary. 27 ' enough" read " " . 106 2 " do&rine" read " perjuafan" and "drive" reaal " drive" 5 - an-usn. " nndtniable Je curitiet" read " undtnia. bly fecureei." A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF ANNUITIES, &c. Sec. CHAP. I. Of the Praftice of Annuities. \ Annuity is defined by Lord Coke, " a what 's , e , ,, - r r annuity. ' yearly payment or a certain mm ot money '< granted to another in fee, for life or for '' years, charging the perfon of the grantor '* only*." If pay able out of lands, it is pro- Difference perly -called a rent-charge; but, if both the n ^ ve ^ n j n * perfon and the eftate be made liable, as they rent-charge, mod commonly are, then it is called an an- nuity. . . * Co. Litt. 144. B THE A TREATISE ON Of annuities THE annuities and rent-charges, which for ofVhe'grln- the fake of brevit J mal1 be h ere confidered tors. as one and the fame, and which are the fub- jet of this book, are granted either for the life of the grantor, or for the lives of others. The firft clafs, therefore, and which are the moft general, are thofe which are granted for the lives of the grantors, and which chiefly refult from the cliftrefs of the parties, and like wife from their inability to give a perma- nent fecurity for the return of the money borrowed at any one period of time; and, therefore, they Stipulate to repay annually, during their lives, fome part of the money borrowed, together with legal intereft for fo much of the principal as annually remains unpaid, as an additional compenfation for the extraordinary hazard run of lofing that princi- pal by the contingency of the borrower's death ; all which considerations, being calculated and blended together, will conftitute the juft pro- portion or quantum of the annuity granted. How gene- THESE annuities are either fecured by a rally fecur- b onc i and judgment of the parties themfelves, or by an alignment of fome perfonal property, or charged upon fome real eftate, in which the grantors have only a life - intereft ; and, as fuch, can only procure money by granting annuities THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. * annuities for their own lives. Thefe interefls generally arife either from marriage -fettle- ments or wills, and are moftly created on the eve of a pre-concerted marriage, or by the do- nors of property, in order to guard againft any unforeseen improvidence; and confift of free- hold, copyhold, of leafehold eftates, the di- vidends of flock, or the intereii of money arifing from any other fund. ANNUITIES, fecured upon freehold orp owers f or leafehold properties, when the parties have recovei 7 only a life-intereft, (and which are as good charged up- fecurities for annuities as when they have ab- oneftates * folute ones) are created with powers of diftrefs and entry upon the premifes upon which they are fecured, in default of payment thereof by a certain number of days, in the fame manner as powers refer ved by leafes to land- lords, in default of payment of rent by te- nants : and if the property confifts of a free- hold eftate, the fame is demifed to a truftee for the purchafer for a term of 99 years (if the grantor mall fo long live) upon truft, by mortgage or fale of the premifes, to raife and pay the annuity when in arrear: the fame form is likewife obferved in fecurities upon leafehold eftates ; but which, inftead of being demifed, are afligned for the remainder of B 2 the A TREATISE ON the terms therein, upon the like trufts. Copyhold eftates are only fin-rendered con- ditionally, by reafon of the expence of the fines ufually paid on abfolute furrenders ; but by the deed creating the annuity, a truft is raifed for the pnrpofe of paying the fame, in default thereof by the grantor. It is al- moft always ufual, in thefe fecurities, to fuffer the party to receive the rents of his eftate until default of payment ; and then the grantee may either di [train for the annuity upon the tenants of the eftate (who are in fuch cafes bound to pay), or ejeclments may be brought to obtain poiTeffion of the eftate itfelf, and then out of the rents pay himfelf his annuity; in which cafe he may afterwards, in an action for life and occupation, recover all the rent in the hands of the tenant at the trme he gave him notice, and down to the day of the demife, but not afterwards, as laid down in Birch v. JPrigkt*.' But, to prevent that event taking place, it fometimes happens that the parties content that fome or one of the tenants of the eilate mail attorn tenants to the grantee for the rent paid by them, or a re- * i Term. Rep.' 378. _ ceivcr THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 5 reiver is appointed for the purpofe of more punctual payment of the annuity, which re- ceiver is generally made a party to the deed, and covenants to pay the annuity out of the rents. / , PERSONAL properties are affigned either to When fecur- ji . ed upon per- the parties themlelves, or more generally to a f ona f pro . truftee, with powers to receive the fame of theP ert >'- truftees or others in whom the principal is vefted, and out of the fund affigned to pay the annuity, and the refidue to the grantor; in which cafes fuch truftees ihoukl, in the fir ft inftance, have knowledge of the tranfaction, . by ferving them either with a notice, or with a copy of the annuity-deed; and from that period they are bound to pay all the money fo affigned to the affignee, or at leaft the an- nuity; and, in default thereof, they are com- pellable thereto in a court of equity. THESE are the fpecies of annuities which The i .-, -T -n i i .-.fition of the the -Legillature had in view at the time or framing the A61 for regulating the fame, in order to protect men whofe wants expofed them to the Crafty and dcfigning: and it is natural to infer, that this mode of procuring money, by which the borrower pays a moft exorbitant intcreft, is the laft refource of the B 3 parties, 6 A TREATISE ON parties; for there are few who, before they fly to this deftruftive method, but have tried every other that imagination can devife; and, therefore, the greatefl caution is necefiary to The prcfent be obferved in fuch negociations. Men thus *oc h u < nn f fituated, and perhaps preffed for the payment the money, of a fum of money by a ftipulated time,' fly to the advertising money-lender, whofe fper pious advertifement too foon attracts the no- tice of the diftrefied and unwary; and having once difclofed their wants, and committed themfelves to this accommodating man, readily accede to fuch terms as the ne^rciator thinks; ' C? Price gene- proper to impofe, which are generally ^r, and the fame, "feldom more than feven years purchafe, ac- and expences cording to the age of the parties, and the nature of their fecurities; added to which, a CommuTion of 51. per cent, is moftly re- quired for procuring this money, beiides no fmall bill for the conveyance. Half-pay of As I have fuggefted the different fecurities erS M generally given for fecuring annuities, it mufl be here obferved, that there is one fpecies of property which heretofore was coniidered as a fufficient fecurity for an annuity, and that was the pay of officers in the army and navy ; but which have been determined, in " Lit- " terdalc v. Duke of Montrofe and Lord Mul- 3 4< grave," THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. $ *' grave*," not to be aflignable, where all the authorities upon which that cafe was decided are there enumerated. ANNUITIES for the lives of the grantees, or Annuities for others nominated by them, are granted upon g rantee s or different principles, being fabricated by thef ot ^ ers parties themfelves for the purpofe of obtaining money, which the preffure of the times make it impracticable for them to obtain upon a common loan at 5 per cent, or to anfwer fome particular emergency, and fometimes upon fpeculation. Thofe are feldom or ever granted How gene- upon the perfonal fecurity of the parties, as, [ lly fecur " from their very nature, they require a more durable fund, fuch as freehold or copyhold eftates, in which the grantors are feized in fee ; or leafeholds for terms of years, or upon any other property, in which the grantors have an abfolute and uncontroulable intereft; as the aclual transfer of ftock, the alignment of a mortgage, legacy, or a fum of money payable at fome future period: out of which different fpecies of property the parties have the power of carving whatever intereft they * 4 Term. Rep. 252. ,....., p 4- think V03 "I 8 Powcr for recovery thereof. A TREATISE ON think proper. As fuch, thofe who have oo cafion to raife money by annuities, generally create them for one, two, or three lives, which are named by thofe who advance the money; always referving to themfelves a power of re- demption, M'hich will be hereafter more fully treated upon. And it is no very uncommon practice, that where a party willies to procure a fum of money, for which he is obliged to pay an annuity exceeding the yearly value of his eftate or intereft, but which, in point of real value, thrice exceeds the fum paid for the annuity, the fame is conveyed or afligned to a truitee, upon truft, in default of payment, to fell part thereof, or the rcverfion thereof, iubject to the annuity, for the purpofe of dif- charging the fame. The like mode is adopted for fecuring the payment of thefe annuities as thofe which are granted for the life of the grantors, excepting in the cafe where pcrfonal property is afiigned, which is to become pay- able to the grantor at fome future period ; in which cafe, the fame mult be amgned to a truftee for the grantee, in truft to invert an adequate part thereof at intereft, and thereout to raife and pay the annuity. But thefe pro- vifions are feldom or ever carried into exe- cution, by reafou of the capability of the parties in redeeming the annuity out of the funds THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 9 funds fo conveyed or affigned, whenever the fame is reduced into potfeilion. THE purchafer fhould, in this cafe, give notice of his incumbrance to thofe through \vhofe channel the fund is to be paid, by ferv* ing them with a notice, or a copy of the deeds, from which period they are bound to pay over the fame. THESE annuities (excepting fuch as are charged upon freehold eftates, or by the ac- tual transfer of ftock, the rents and dividends of which are of equal or greater annual value than the annuity granted) are^alike comprized within the provifion of the Acl, in the fame manner as thofe granted for the life of the O * grantor. THE market price which thefe clafs of an- Price gene- 11 J C nuities generally bear, are from feven to nine jj e fsJe,and years purchaie, according to the life or lives expences for which they are granted, and the perma- nency of the fecurity ; and they are alike fub~ jeft to the great deductions for brokerage and Jaw-charges. As 10 A TREATISE ON" Proceedings As almoft all fecurities for annuities, whe- onfuing out ^^ f or t j le jj ves O f gr ran tors or others, are execution for D recovering accompanied by a bond and warrant of at- nuhies S . f ^ torne y b .v which the grantee has a more fum- inary mode of procuring payment of his an- nuity, by entering up judgment upon the bond by virtue of the warrant of attorney, and ifluing an execution for the arrears due. The practice in fuch cafe is to enter up judg- ment for the penalty of the bond, and take out execution for the arrear of the annuity due, together with the cofts thereon ; upon which the grantee is at liberty to take out frefli execution for the future arrears, as the fame become due. This rule v/as laid down in " Ogilvie v. Folcy* ;" and it was alfo deter- mined, in " Scott v. Whalle.y\" that if an execution has been hTued upon the judgment within the year, there is no occafion to revive the fame by ftire facias in order to iiTue out a fecond one. Annuities as IT is clearly laid down, that annuities, either ^' Ives ^ ^ e grantors, or for the lives of fpecies of others, are fuch interefts or rights as are fale- property. I Black. Rep. mi. t I H. B. Rep. 297. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 11 able, and that they require no other confi- deration for their being granted than any other fpecies of eftates or beneficial intereft, real or perfonal. But this, as well as any other fpecies of property in which fraud and deceit have been ufed, or when the confidera- tion is pro caufa turpi, $c. is alike within the controul of a court of equity ; and inade- quacy of price alone has never been con- fidered a ground for fetting afide an annuity, except where any undue advantage has been taken. For to afcertain the value of an an- nuity calculations are not the proper cri- terion ; circumftances of the parties, the na- ture of the fecurities, or the prelfure of the times, are the only ftandards by which thefe contracts muft be weighed ; and, therefore, the price of annuities cannot, without the greateft difficulty, be reduced to any general rules ; fa that if, by the terms of the contrary the lender's principal is bonajide, and not co- lourably, put in jeopardy, no inequality of price will make it an u furious bargain ; though, un- der fome circumftances of impofition, it may be relieved againft in equity *. And from the various cafes which have been decided in the * 2 Black. Com. 461. courts 12 A TREATISE ON courts on this head, and very ably collected by Mr. Fonblanquc in his Treaty on Equity *, to make ufe of his words, " That if there " be any fraud, either direct or conftrucrive, " or the parties appear to be within the range " of that policy which gives to particular de- '* fcriptions of perfons an extraordinary claim " to protection, courts of equity will interpofe " and give relief : but if the tranfaclion is not " chargeable with fraud or iuipofition, and " the parties to it are /id juris, and not in a " fituation which gives them peculiar claims li to protection, courts of equity, in cafes of -" annuities, will do as courts of law, leave " money to find its own value, no Aft of Par- " liament having prefcribed any regulation " as to the price of annuities." . Claofesof THE very heavy burthen upon the parties redemption re fultin from thefe tranfa&ions. and in order legal. to relieve them from this continual yoke, whenever they mould have it in their power to throw off the fame, an expedient was here- tofore adopted, whereby the grantors were to be at liberty to redeem their annuities upon * i Vol. 23678. repay- THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. > repayment of the money advanced, with an additional fum as a confidcration for fuch privilege : but thefe agreements appearing to taint the tranfaftion with ufury, and as that idea generally prevailed in Lord Hardteick's time (although no decifion was ever made thereon), it was deemed unfafe to infert fuch agreements in the annuity-deeds; and, there- fore, the parties were conftrained to rely on the honour of the purchafers in fulfiling the fame. But as it very frequently happened that the fulfilment of thefe agreements were not ftrictly adhered to, and as the grantors could obtain no relief upon thefe verbal con- traits, they afterwards appeared in their proper light, as being created entirely for the benefit of the grantors; and the Courts of King's- Bench and Common Pleas having fignified their opinion as to the validity of fuch agree- ments, the point was at length finally fettled by Lord Thurlow in " Irnham v. Child*," where an annuity was fold, and it was agreed between the parties that it mould be redeem- able, but that no claufe of redemption mould be inferted in the annuity-deed, under the idea ihat it would render the tranfaction ufurious ; * i Bro, C.C, 91. and 14 A TREATISE ON and the bill was filed to compel redemption, but was difmiired, upon the ground that, where there is no fraud, parol evidence fhall never be fet up againft a deed ; and Lord Thurlow, in his decree, pointedly faid, " To " fell an annuity, and make it redeemable, is " not ufiiry, becaufe it is not a loan." Since that period, claufes for redemption have been univerfally inferted in deeds, and the courts have uniformly ratified the fame. The different THESE agreements for the redemption of fpecies annuities vary according to the ftate of the thereof. * times at which the money is advanced. If a man raifes a fum of money when the funds are extremely low, it would be much againft the intereft of the purchafer to have his an- nuity redeemed when they are very high, by which he might be a considerable lofer. To guard, therefore, againft the fame, it is ufually ftipulated that the grantors ihall not redeem without paying a certain fum, over and above the original purchafe-money, which is gene- rally half a year's annuity ; or it is fometimes ftipulated, that the party's power of redemp- tion Di all be fufpended 'for a given time ; and^ indeed, fometimes both are ftipulated for; and where a perfon has fold out ftock to make the purchafe, an agreement is ufually made that THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 15 that the grantor mall, on redeeming the an- nuity, replace the quantum of ftock actually fold out for that purpofe. But when the funds are very high, claufes of redemption are admitted, upon repayment of the principal money advanced only, upon giving three or fix month's notice. WITHOUT thefe claufes, annuities for the Always fti- lives. of others would leldom or ever be grant- ed ; for few people, who have an ahfolute in- \ ties for tereft in a freehold or leafehold eftate, or other property, would tie up the fame, for the loan of a temporary fum, hy the fale of which, or by other refources, they could obtain help, although in not fo fummary a manner. For there are fcarcely any thus fituated, who pro- cure money upon fuch difadvantageous terms, to whom the fame may not be of fome ap- parent efiential fervice; perhaps by prevent- ing the hafty fale of fome valuable and im- proveable eftate, in order to difcharge a debt which they are importuned and neceffitated to pay; or to enable them to complete a pur- chafe, the benefit of which might be greater than the difadvantage arifing in procuring the money by annuity. Under thefe and fimilar circumftances, the railing money upon an- nuities for the lives of the grantees or others, with 16 A TREATISE ON" with claufes of redemption, are not always attended with fuch injurious confequences as thofe for the lives of the grantors; where the parties have only a life-intereft in the pro- perty, hy which they can feldom or ever have any profpe6l of redeeming the fame ; and where the money raifed (if not already anti- cipated) is appropriated to extravagance and dillipation. Ofclaufesfor THERE are other claufes fomettmes inferted reducing an- j n annuity-deeds, which are alike beneficial to nuities if ~ _ , punftually tne grantor; iuch as claules whereby the grantee ftipulates, that provided the grantor pays the annuity granted within a certain ftipulated time, that inftead of receiving the whole annuity agreed to be paid, he agrees to accept a diminution thereof. The legality of which cannot be at all doubtful, for it is certainly much in favour of the grantor; and it is to be lamented, that thefe claufes are not more generally inferted than they are, as they would moft amiredly be attended with very beneficial effecls to all parties; the grantors paying a lefs intereft than they otherwife would do ; and, by thus keeping them punctual in their payments, would not only fave great law- coft?, but prevent them from applying that money, which ought to be appropriated in the difcharge THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 17 dtfcharge of the annuity, to other purpofes, which is too generally the forerunner of their granting others : and as punctuality in the payment is a great coniideration with men who purchafe annuities, there are few who would not willingly relinquiih a part of the intereft ftipulated to be paid, could they but rely upon receiving the money at the time appointed. It is on that account that all an- nuities, where the parties are placed in the re- ceipt of the property on which the annuity is fecured, obtain a greater price than others. As moit people who purchafe annuities forOfclaufesfor the lives of the grantors generally look for a anyrain- return of their principal upon the death of the furance on t party, for which recourfe is ufually had toiif e . fome infurance-office for the purpofe of effect- ing the fame, by the payment of a certain annual ftipulated premium, adapted to the age of the party infured ; but as thefe annual pre- miums are increafed upon various occafions where there is any particular hazard attending the life (efpecially in the event of the party going out of Europe in a naval or military capacity), the payment of which annual pre- mium would confiderably reduce the annuity ; in which cafe, it is frequently ftipulated in the annuity-deed, that in fuch event happening, c the IS A TREATISE ON the grantor covenants to pay fuch additional premium; and if there is a fund appropriated for payment of the arianuity, that fund is ge- nerally charged with the payment thereof. Of the cove- Tit ERE are few other 4 covenants or agree- nant for pay- . ~ . mentofan- ments made upon the granting or annuities, and inferted in fuch deeds, but what are ge- nerally inferted in the conveyance or affign- ment of fnnilar properties for other purpofes, except the covenant for payment of the an- nuity ; and this is a very material covenant, particularly in annuities granted upon per- fonal fecurities, or even upon real ones, in the event of their failure ; for upon tnefe co- venants the party always has a perfonal re- med againft the grantor, Avhich not even an act of bankruptcy can diffolve * ; and it has been determined, in " Cotterelv. Hooke^," that where there is a bond, and alfo a deed of covenant, for payment of the annuity (al- though the bond is forfeited before a difcharge under an infolvent acl), the party may be fued upon the covenant for payments becom- ing due after the difcharge (although an ex- Cooke's Bank. Laws> 187. t Doug. Rep. 97. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 19 pfefs claufe was inferted in the Infolvent A6t of the 18th Geo. 3. c. 52. to relieve the gran- tors of annuities, who had been fugitive be- yond feas when difcharged from the accruing payment of fuch annuities) ; fo that, provided the fecurity for an annuity mould only be perfonal, and which is generally fecured by bond and judgment only; yet, for the reafou before ftated, it is advifable likewife to have a deed of covenant for payment of the fame. But it muft be here underftood, that the party in fuch cafes muft cleft, for he will not be per- mitted to make ufe of the penalty of the bond and the covenant likewife. As it is ufual in fettlements of property to Of the pro- enable the truftees in whom the fame is vefted j^ 1 *^" to vary and change the fecurities from time truftees un- to time with the confent of thofe interefted, m^ntu^on" and as it is under fuch fettlements that an- which an an- .... IT {- -, nuity is fe- nuities tor the lives ot the grantors are ge- cure dfrom nerally fecured, it is advifeable in fuch cafes Var 7 1 . n s fe * -. / curuies. to mlert a provifo in the annuity-deed, pro- hibiting the truftees not to vary fuch fecurities without the confent of the grantee ; for it may happen, that when the annuity is pur- chafed, the property may confift of money in the funds, or landed eftates in England ; but how different would the fecurity be, if the c 2! truftees 20 A TREATISE ON truftees were, unknown to the grantee, to change fuch fecurities for eftates in Ireland or the Weft Indies, or Inveft the money arifmg from the fale upon property which might there- after fail, or involve the annuitant in a fuit in Chancery to obtain the payment of his an- nuity ? Annuities Bu T notwithstanding annuities thus granted ed by an Ad are legal tranfactions, and the agreements be- of Parlia- tween the parties themfelves may be fo clearly exprefled in the deeds, yet a door was ftill open to great fraud and impofition, by reafon of the fecrecy by which thefe tranfa&ions were negociated: the Legiflature, therefore, wifely interfered, and by an Acl of Parliament en- deavoured to regulate this baneful traffic. But this A6t, however wifely framed, and however falutary its provifions are, has not yet been able totally to eradicate the evils it aimed at, although the fame has been the fubjecl of fo much difquifition in the different courts the effect of which will be next confidered. CHAP, THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. CHAP. II. Of the Aft of Parliament for regulating Annuities* JL HE Act of Parliament for regulating an- i;th Geo 3. nuities was patted in the 17th Geo. 3. c. 26. 26> intitled, " An Aft for regifterino- the Grants Title of the Al " of Life- Annuities, and for the better Pro- (l teftion of Infants agairift fuch Grants." IN order to have a clear infight into the Confidera- Aft, it is neceffary to be firft thoroughly ac- tlc quainted with the intention of flle Legiflature in framing the fame, which from the title would appear to be principally for the relief of infants who were drawn in to grant annuities, and to ratify the fame on coming of age. But from a confideration of the following preamble of the Aft, it was evident the Legiflature in- tended altogether to check the granting of annuities. on. 17th GEO. III. c. 26. " An AB for regiftering the Grants of Life-' " Annuities; and for the better Protection " of Infants againft fuch Grants. preamble. " WHEREAS the pernicious Practice of le raiting Money by the Sale of Life- Annuities " hath of late Years greatly increafed, and is " much promoted by the Secrecy with which *' fuch Tranfaclions are conducted; be it " therefore enacted by the King's moft Ex- " cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice 11 and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and " Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent te Parliament affeml>led, an,d by the Authority ".of the fame: A Memorial -* SECT. ].-- Deed ' That a Memorial of every Inftrument, or other Affur- for granting ance, whereby any Annuity or Rent-charge ities, fliail, ' ihall, from and after the patting of this Ac^, withm 20 b e granted for One or more Life or Lives, Pays of the Execution : ' or for any Term of Years or greater Eftate inrofl-d in " detcrminable on One or more Life or Lives, the Court of Chancery; which (hall contain the Date, Names of the THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. " mall, within Twenty Days of the Execution " of fuch Deed, Bond, Inftrument, or other " Affurance, be inrolled in the High Court ' ' of Chancery ; and that every fuch Me- ' ' morial lhall contain the Day of the Month, " and the Year when the Deed, Bond, In- " itrument, or other Affurance, bears Date, ic and the Name of all the Parties, and for " whom any of them are Truftees, and of all "the Witneffes; and mall fet forth the an- " nual Sum or Sums to be paid, and the Name (: of the Perfon or Perfons for whofe Life or " Lives the Annuity is granted, and the Con- " fideration or Confiderations of granting the " fame; otherwife every fuch Deed, Bond, " Inftrument, or other Affurance, mall be null Deed, Bond, (l and void to all Intents and Purpofes. &c. fhaii be void. SECT. 2. " And be it further enacted, Before T U d " That before any Judgment fhall be entered ment fhail be '* of Record upon any Warrant of Attorney ^ord upon " for recovering or fecunng the Payment of an x Warrant " any Annuity or Rent-charge that hath al- f or recover^ " ready been granted for One or more Life or in ? an 7 A n- m t*-f fuch Deed, Bond, Inftrument, or other " AlTuiance, be inrolled in the High Court " of THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. S3 : * of Chancery; and that every fuch Memorial :t mall contain the Day of trie Month, and : ' the Year, when the Deed, Bond, Inftru- ' f ment, or other Affurance, bears Date; and " the Name of all the Parties, and for whom ' c any of them are Truftees, and of all the ' Witneffcs ; and fhall fet forth the annual lf Sum or Sums to be pftiij^^nd the Name c< of the Pcrfon or Perfons for whofe Life or ' Lives the Annuity is granted, and the Con- 4 fet 40 A TREATISE ON fet afide for two defe6ts in the memorial : 1ft. Becauie the memorial only ftuted, that part of the conficleratioti was paid by the grantee It is not fuf- to the truftee " in tncft, and for the purposes that certain " therein mentioned" without difclofmg thofc premifes trufts. i2dly. Becaufe the memorial only fet were con- veyed " up- forth, that the demife was made by the gran- on the trufts tor ^ Q a tm f tee u j )on t j ie trufts therein men- therein men- tioned." ' ' tioned, " without faying what the trufts were. And where the truft of the deed is upon truft to permit the grantor to receive the rents and profits of the eftate until default in payment ftating this is. very material ; for it fatisfies the grantor, that while he pays the annuity within a given time, he cannot be molefted in the pofleffion of his eftate, as determined in Taylor \. Johnfon*. A memorial AND here it muft be obferved, that it fre- ofany^ew 5 7 will be more properly noticed in confidering the third feclion of the Acl, under which the confideration for an annuity is directed to be fet forth in the deeds themfelves ; therefore the fame cafes under which annuities have been fet afide for defective memorials, fo far as they refpeft the confiderations, are fufii- cient grounds for fetting afide the deeds them- felves, when the confideration is not there fufficiently defcribed. What is here neceffary to be obferved is, how the word " confidera- " tions" has been conftrued by the courts, as applying to the different parts of thofe in- flruments, and as neceflary to be fet forth in the memorial. IT has been determined in Steadman v. Anagree- Purchafe*, that an agreement indorfed upon l^'hafe Tn- the deed for the re-purchafe of an annuity dorfed upon ought to have been inferted in the memorial, beinfertedin but as this mode is now in difufe, and in lieu memorial. * 6 Term. Rep. 737. 4 thereof 46 A TREATISE ON thereof a claufe for redemption (if the annuity is intended to be redeemed) is always inferted in the deed. It was determined in Harris v. And likewife Stcipkton *, that fuch claufe ono-ht likewife to a claufe for . . ., . . . "r , TTT , redemption have been inierted in the memorial, vv hatever, in the deeds therefore, the effeft of fuch claufcs are muftbe themfelves, and the effeft fully fet forth; and, indeed, it is very evident that claufes of this defcription are very ma- terial part of the consideration, as being mueh in favour of the grantor; ana, therefore, fuch claufes, M'ith the exprefs terms on which that redemption is to be made, is the moft ma- terial information the grantor ought to ob- tain upon infpeclion of the memorial; for which reafon it was determined in Evparte An fell $ Another f, that if a deed contains a provifo that the grantor mall re-purchafe, the memorial of fuch deed muft ftate that pro- vifo, and the terms and conditions of fuch redemption. If it only refer to the deed, and ftate the annuity to be redeemable " on "fuck notice, terms, and conditions, as are 11 therein evpre/ed," it does not fufficiently comply with the Acl. * 7 Term. Rep. 205. f I Bofanquet & Pullens Rep. p. 26. UPON THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 47 UPON the fame principle, if there be a de- Adefeazance feazance on the judgment contained in the ^^J^d deed, which is ufual, this mould be likewife be ilated. fet forth in the memorial, as it is of import- ance for the grantor to kno\\ r , that until the annuity is behind payment a certain period, the judgment cannot be put in force againit him. THE only remaining point which appears Neither the necefiary to confider under the conftruclion of thefe words, is fettmg forth the agreement expenccs,nor . . the expences as to the expences attending the negociation, themfelvcs, and the amount thereof. And here it niuft " e " ffar j to be ftatcd. be obfcrved, that this feems to be one of the ^. Whether grand evils attending annuities, and that n< which bears fo opprefiive upon the grantors; and certainly was one which, no doubt, the Legiflature had in view when the Acl was palled, from whence fo much argument has been urged by Air. Plow den in his treatife, to ihew the neceffity of fetting forth the fame; for it is evident that the expences, upon the granting of an annuity, form no very incon- fiderable part of the negociation. But it does not appear that the courts have at any time coniidered this as a neceflary part of the me- morial, although the fame has been the fub- jecl of much difcuffion. In the cafe of " Fenner 45 A TREATISE ON *' Fcnner v. Evans*," although the cxpences were made part of the grounds for fetting afide the annuity, yet it was not a point even confidered by the court, the annuity being fet afide on the ground of a memorial not being inrolled; it being an annuity granted previous to the parting of the Ac~i on which a fcire facias had been iflued. And in Kirhnaii v. Price ^ although the expences were not inferted in the memorial, the court did not decide upon that head. The only cafe that bore at all upon this point was in the Duke of Bolt on v. Williams J, which, according to Mr. Brozwfs report of that cafe, was becaufe there was no evidence of an agreement- be- tween the grantor and grantee, that the grantor was to pay the grantee's agent for preparing the writings ; and that, therefore, the charge made by fuch agent was the debt of the grantee: from whence it muft be con- cluded, that had there been any evidence be- fore the court that fuch was the agreement, the cafe would have been materially different ; and this feems to have been the ground upon which Lord Kenyan, upon a fubfequent cafe, * i Term. Rep. 267. f i H. Black. 309. t 4Bro. C.C. 210. iincf THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 49 iince removed all doubts upon this head. The cafe of v. Eyre *, in which the expences were again urged as a ground for fetting afide the annuity, hut which was not adhered to hy the court. The foundation of that decifion was under the fourth feet ion of the Act, part of the confideration being returned to the grantee. But the cafe which leaves this queftion at reft is " Mouys v. " Leake^;" where, among other things, it appeared by the affidavits in fupport of the rule for fetting afide tlie annuity, that though the fum of 350/. was paid by the plaintiff, a demand was made by the. plaintiff's attorney for law-charges and procuration-fees, which the defendant then paid out of the 350/. And in the affidavit in anfwer to this application, it appeared that it was originally agreed that the defendant mould pay the expences of the writings ; in confequence of which he had paid \9l. \9s. to the plaintiff's attorney, after receiving the whole confideration-money from the plaintiff. Thefe fads not appearing upon the face of the memorial, it was contended, on the part of the defendant, that the annuity : * 5 Term. Rep. 597. t 8 Tm. Rep. p. 4,,. 50 A TREATISE was void, becaufe the confideration was not. truly ffatcd in the memorial; and, in fupport thereof, the cafes before cited on this head were relied upon. Lord Kenyan, after de- livering his fentiments on the other objec- tions there Hated, concludes thus: " And " this brings me to the remaining queftion, " which arifes on the Annuity A&, whether " or not the confideration was truly fet forth " in the memorial? The objection to this part " of the cafe would be fortified by the various " cafes alluded to, if they applied ; but I " think that they are diftinguimable from the " prefent cafe, for the reafon given by the " plaintiff's Counfel, that here no part of the " confideration-money was with-held from the *' grantor. If any part of the confideration ' be kept back, under whatever colour, or 1 if there be any improper concealment with " the view of eluding the vigilance of thofe ' who are to examine the tranfation, the " whole is void. But here all the confidera- !< tion-money was paid to the grantor, who, ' being indebted to the perfon who drew the writings for the expence of thofe writings* under a previous agreement, immediately paid the amount of the bill: it was a pay- ment to his attorney under the previous contract. There is nothing more unrea- " fonable 11 THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 5t *' fonable in this than in his paying any other n t only for the protec- all convey- tion of thofe who have occafion to raife mo- " ney by the fate of annuities, but of others, who are frequently under the laih of a ra- pacious Solicitor, that conveyancing-bills are not alike made liable to taxation as bills for law bufmefs, and that by a feparate reference to a gentleman converfant in conveyancing, who would not only regulate the charges, but likewife ftrike off any fuperfluous conveyanc- ing, which is often created merely with a view of magnifying a bill. THE -LAW OF ANNUITIES. Of inrolling a Memorial of Annuities granted previous to the puffing of the Aft. SECT. <2. "That before any Judgment (hall " be entered of Record upon any Warrant of " Attorney for recovering or fecuring the Pay- ' nient of any Annuity or Rent-charge that ' hath already been granted for One or more " Life or Lives, or for any Term of Years or "greater Eftate determinable upon One or " more Life or Lives, and before any Execu- ' tion mall be fued out, or Action brought on ' any fuch Judgment already entered, or on :c any Deed, Bond, Inftrument, or other Affiir- '''" ance already executed for the Purpofes " aforefaid, a like Memorial of the Deed, " Bond, Inftrument, or other Affurance " ihall be inrolled in the High Court of " Chancery; and in cafe the Party fhall " neglect to inrol the fame, any fuch "Judgment, Execution, or Proceeding in "the Afjlion refpcclively, ihall be null and < ( void." THIS 54- A TREATISE ON A memorial THIS fe&ion only dire&s the fame form of ^es* 1 ^an'ted memoria l to ke inrolled of any annuity granted previous to ,prior to the Act, before any legal proceedings Inroufd!be- can ^ e nac * f r recovering the fame, fore any proceedings thereon. UP ON the conftruction of this feclion it tha" requires nas ^ een determined, in " Feunor v. Evans*,'' an annuity to that a fclrt facias to revive a judgment is an be inrolled _. J . J . which was action that required the annuity to be inrolled granted pre- ^y^ich \^ been granted previous to the vious to the pafling of the of the Act. Aft. Of ft at ing the Conjideration in the different Deeds or Inftruments executed for fecuring an Annuity, and the Party paying the fame. ' SECT. 3. <( That in every Deed, Inftru- " ment, or other Affurance, whereby any " Annuity or Rent-charge ihall, from and "after the paffing of this Aft, be granted, or " attempted, to be granted, the Conjidera,tion l Term. Rep. 267. " realhi- THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 5 " really and bonafide (which (hall be in Mo- " ncy only), and alfo the Name or Names of *' the Perfon or Perfons by whom, and orf " whofe Behalf, the faid Confideration, or "any Part thereof, lhall be advanced, lhall " be fully and truly fet forth and clefcribed \\\ " Words at Length ; and in cafe the fame "mall not be fully and truly fet forth and lc defcribed, every fuch Deed, Inurnment, or " other AfTurance, mall be null and void to " all Intents and Purpofes." THIS feclion, which is the ground- work on The true which a memorial is to be framed, and to con j fj el j t {or l mtiftbellate4 which the fame refers, and mould more pron in pcrly have been the firft feftion of the Aft, is principally to be attended to; for 'if the the A Itruclure be bad, the fuperftruclure muft fall to the ground ; fo that the confideration really and bona Jidc paid for the annuity is alike as neceflaiy to be fet forth in the deeds or inftruments for fecuring annuities as it ihould be in the memorial: what, therefore, has been deemed a good confideration, and the manner in which the fame ihould be, ihited in the different initruments, is here tq {)e noticed. 56 A TREATISE ON r any other than money confiderations, but merely to prevent impofitions being praclifed upon riecefiitous people, by impofmg goods and other things, which are of indifferent * 3 Term. Rep. 554. f 5 Term. Rep. ^83, value, THE LAW OF ANNUITIES, 5; value, as a legal confideration. Under this view the courts have confidered that an annuity may be granted for any other con- fideration whatever, fuch as an antecedent An antece- debt, or a judgment recovered, provided the ^ d c OJ J_ a money is really and bona fde due to the federation, parties thereon. This doctrine is laid down by the Court of King's-Bench in Withy v. fVoolley*, where the inurument for fecuring the annuity dated, that the confideration for granting the fame was, that the defendant flood indebted to the plaintiff on three feveral notes, under the hand of the defendant, then payable, and bearing date refpeclively the 1ft of January 1790, for principal and intereft, the fum of 3651. 3s. And upon that ground (among others) it was contended, that the conlideration appeared to have been in notes, and not in money, as required by this fedion ; and that, at any rate, thofe notes ought to have been fet forth, with the confideration upon which they iifued : but the court were of opinion that the Leghlature, in requiring that the confideration of an annuity ihould be in money, meant only in contradiltinftion to goods; and they confidered any liquidated 7 Term. Rep. 540, fum A TREATISE ON liim due the fame as monies numbered. But this queftion, in the fame term, afterwards was fully determined in Keif v. Ambrqfle Clerk *, where the fame objection was urged, when it appeared that the consideration for granting the annuity, which was 1400/. was ftated in the deed to have been for fo much money by the plaintiff's wife before her inter- marriage with the plaintiff, lent and ad- vanced, and alfo paid, laid out, and ex- pended, to and for the maintenance, educa- tion, and advancement in the world, of him the defendant, and which the defendant is thereby ftated to admit. Lord Kenyan, in delivering his opinion on this cafe, in which s tne other Judges concurred, fays " If there opinion fa an y doubt, whether the consideration - " money had or had not been paid, we would " have directed an iffue to try that fact; but " it appears, beyond all doubt, that money " has been advanced by the plaintiff's wife, . " to the ufe of the defendant, to a larger " amount than the fum ftated as the coiir " fideration of granting this annuity. Whe? " ther we confider the words of the Acl of " Parliament, or the decided cafes, I think * Ibid. 551. '' t^iere. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 69 '' there is no weight in either of the objec- " tions taken to this annuity. In the cafe l( Evparte Fallon we laid down a rule, which " has fince been adopted in the Court of " Common Pleas, that the confideration- " money of an annuity need not be paid down u in monies numbered at the time. In that " cafe, we faid that one great object of the Le- " giflature in pairing the A6t, was to prevent (i goods being forced on neceffitous perfons " inilead of money, at a price much beyond "their real value: but the Legiflature did " not intend to prohibit a debtor granting an " annuity for a debt fairly and honeftly con- " traded, which the debtor, perhaps, may " have no means of paying but by granting f< an annuity. In the prefent cafe, it appears " that the annuity was granted for the bed " of confideratious : the defendant, not hav- ' ing the means of educating himfelf, but " being defirous of being placed in a fituation u in which he might gain an honourable " livelihood, applied to the plaintiff's wife to " advance money for the purpofe of his edu- ' cation; me advanced 1900/. for that pur- " pofe at different times, and afterwards con- u fen ted to take an annuity as for a con- ** fideration of 1400/. only; and when the *' defendant gave inftructions for the annuity- " deeds, 60 A TREATISE ON " deeds, he admitted that all this 'money had " been advanced for him. Notwithltanding * ' all this, it is now made a ferious queftion "in a court of law, whether thcfe deeds are " a good fecnrity for the annuity. I think it " would be a reproach to the adminiftration " of jultice to put a conftruclion on this Aft " of Parliament Ib contrary to the intention " of the Leg-iflature, as well as to common " honcfty. In my opinion, the tranfaclion " is fairly ftated in the memorial ; and, there- " fore, the rule mult be difchargcd with " colts/' THEREFORE, whenever the consideration for an annuity arifes upon any of the above considerations, the lame mould be in like manner ibt forth in the deed. Bankers' BUT it- frequently happens, that upon the cheques, bills . . , r of exchange, 8' rantll \H' ^ Uli 'Annuity, the party pxtrcnanng orpromlflbrythe fame is not at the inltant prepared to pay notes, are . ood con- the whole, or part of the coniideration-money. ^derations at t j )e ^ t ^ fecurities are executed: in jorannuities, ^f paid when thefe cafes, he either gives a cheque upon a banker, a bill of exchange, or a promiiVbry- note; and, whenever that happens, the lame are considered as good considerations, pro- vided they are paid when due, agreeably to 1 the THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. oi the fourth lection of the Act, and are alfo g ut fully let forth in the different inftruments f uI1 7 fet forth ...-.>". . . in the diffe- executed for iecuring the annuity, 10 tnat it rent fecu- may appear what was the true confideration, nties * This point was laid down iu " Rum-bold v. " Murray $ Others," where the confidera- tion was itated to have been in money, when it appeared that it was paid by a bankerV cheque, and partly by a prom ivTory-note; and that, therefore, the coniideration was not diffidently fet forth; for, inftead of ftating the payment to have been in money, the very cheque and note ihould have been ilated, fo that the court might fee whether any impo- fition had been practifed upon the party. And in Morris v. Wall'\ it was determined, that if the confideration is paid in country bank- 9 ountr > p y bank-notes notes, the dates and times of payment ihould muilbeftated be fet forth ; and where the confideration is ^^ pa - paid by a banker's cheque, which is implied ^he fame to be paid on demand, it mould be likewife with bankers' I cheques. ftated that the fame was really fo payable on demand, as determined in " Berry \: Bentr- * 3 Term. Rep. 298. f I Bofanquet & Pullens, Rep. p. 208. ley to! A TREATISE ON *' /ey*, and afterwards confirmed in " Poole " v. Cabancs $ Others^;" and the fame doc- trine holds in fetting forth a judgment, as in "Jacques v. Withy \" or any thing elfe which is made the consideration for an an- Ifa judgment nuity; fuch as the liquidation of any antece- ^deration," dent debt ^ ue fr m the grantor to the grantee, the fame or even from a third perfon to the grantee, ftated. which the grantor had agreed to adjuft by the granting of the annuity, and which may form the whole or part of the confideration for granting the fame: fo that, from thefe decifions, it is clear that an annuity may be granted for any fair and valuable confidera- tion. WHATEVER agreements, therefore, the courts have conftrued to be confiderations, and as fuch necefTary to be inferted in a me- morial, the fame mould, as the foundation for fuch memorial, be inferted in the deeds ; and although it has been determined that the agreement for the expences, or the expences themfelves, need not be fet forth in the me- * 6 Term. Rep. 690. t 8 Term. Rep. 328. J i Term. Rep. 557. morial, THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 63 morial, yet, upon the principles before laid down *, the whole agreement made upon the contract for the annuity, and forming part of the confideration, mould be ftated. IT is not only neceffary to ftate the The con- confideration in the grant of the annuity it- muftbeftated felf, but likewiie in every deed or inftrument in ever / executed for fecuring the fame, in the con- ilruclion of which it was fettled, in " Hodges " v. Moneyt," that the confideration for an annuity need not appear in a warrant of at- but not the , r , i , i j , , /.warrant of torney; for that the bond, the warrant of attorney attorney, and the judgment, taken together, only conftitute one affurance, and that the At of Parliament was fatisficd by inferting the confideration in any part of this one affurance, namely, the bond. And that if A leafe for a an aifurance for an annuity confifted of a^ leafe and releafe, a fine, or other deeds, it not ftate the would not be neceffary to infert the con- tio n n fideration in the leafe, or the fine, but it would be fufficient if it appeared in the affurance, whether conftituted of one or of feveral deeds. * Ante, p. 51. f 4 Term. Rep, 500. "And 64- A TREATISE ON e fet forth in words at length, and that in every deed or inltrument executed for fecuring the annuity, in the fame manner as the con- fideration or confiderations is directed to be fet forth. This was firft laid clown by Lord Loughborough in " the Duke of Bolton v. 4 ' Williams *, " and afterwards decided in " Dalmcr v. Barnard^," and " Glajfe v. 11 Mount ^f and the fame has been ever fince uniformly adhered to by all the courts. This determination is grounded upon the principle, that the names of all the parties appearing in the negociation may be dif- * 2 Vez.Jun. 154. t 7 Term. Rep. 248. % Ibid. 390. clofed. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 65 clofed, to whom application might at any time afterwards be made for a difclofure of the true tranfaclion, if the deeds and memo- 1 rials did not fufficiently difclofe the fame, which was the great aim the Legiflatufe had in view; and, therefore, in " Vaux v. An- "fell*," it was held, that where a memorial ftated that the confideration-money was paid to A. R. and C. " fome or one of them," the fame was bad, although it appeared that the money was paid on the very day on which the deed was executed by them all: in which the court obferved, that as the payment ap- peared to have been made on the fame day only, and not at the fame time when the deed was executed by all the parties ; it could not be prefumed that they were all prefent at the time of payment. Of returning or retaining any Part of the Confederation, or Payment thereof in Notes or Goods. SECT. 4. " That if any Part of the Confi* " deration mall be returned to the Party ad- * 1 Bofanquet and Fallen's Rep. page 224.. F " vancing A TREATISE ON " vancing the fame; or, in cafe the Confidera- ' tion, or any Part of it, is paid in Notes, if "wiy of the Notes, with the Privity and Con- "' fent of the Party advancing the fame, fhall (t not be paid when due, Or fhall be cancelled " ordeftroyed without being flrft paid ; or if the " Confideration, or any Part of it, is paid in " Goods ; or if any Part of the Confideration " is retained on Pretence of anfwering the fu- " tare Payments of the Annuity, or on any " other Pretence ; in all and every of the afore- :< faid Cafes, it fJiall and may be lawful for the " Perfon, by whom the Annuity or Rent- " charge is made payable, to apply to the " Court, in which any Action is brought for " Payment of the Annuity or Judgment en- " /creel, by Motion, to ftay Proceedings on " the Judgment or Action ; and if it ihall " appear to the Court that fuch Practices as " aforefaid, or any of them, have been ufed, " it-fliall and may be lawful for the Court to y '* order the Deed, Bond, Invtrilmerit, or other " Affurance, to be cancelled, and theJudgment ".if any has been entered, to be vacated." THIS fecYioii, which will be more properly eoniidered together, appears to have in view two principal evils which exifted at the time of pafiing -of the Act : the one was a deten- tion THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 67 tfon from the original confideration-money under various fictitious prefences, whereby, although it appeared upon the face of the fe- curities that the whole confideration was paid, yet upon inveftigation it frequently turned out that the fame was in a great degree nomi- nal ; the other was palming goods upon ne- ceflitous men at an ideal or inadequate value. In the conftru&ion of that part of the feclion Commiffion which applies to retaining any part of l^*Jio^ofLi confideration-money, it has been determined annuity for in " Broomheadv. Eyre*," where it appeared themone^, is that floodgate, for whom and on whofe be- a Detention half Broomhcad purchafed, had been paid Ad. com million for procuring the money on the annuity: that this was a retention on the part of the purchafer, and within the meaning of the A6fc, as being inconfiftent for a man to charge commiffion for putting out his own money. In which cafe it likewife appeared, that Woodgate was paid for the writings ; but the court did not deem the annuity invalid upon that ground, but only on the ground of the commiffion. It is therefore to be in- ^ Whether the payment ferred, that when a Solicitor purchales an of the fair annuity himfelf, and the grantor is to pay ^fwridng, the expence of the writings, and he pays thofe to the gran- tee, who is a ~' - - " < " - --" -" ' '"' u " Solicitor, is 2 * Ante, p. 49, retention? F 2 ex- u'8 A TREATISE ON expeiices to inch a grantee after receiving the confulcration-money, it will not be con- fidered as a retention of the confideration, anil therefore will not invalidate the annuity; for there can be no more fraud in this cafe, than where the expences are paid to any other Solicitor under a previous agreement; for the retentions implied by the Act can only refer to fuch as are made under falfe pretences, as expreifed by the fubfequent part of the lec- tion: fuch, for inftance, as retaining- any part of the money for the purpofe of anfwering the future payments of the annuity, which is ex- Thepayment p re f s ly prohibited by this fection. But if the ofajuftdebt 1 J due to the grantor was indebted to the grantee in a fum fhe^raruor" ^ money bomifide due previous to the grant- has received ing of the annuity, and after receiving the ation money" ^ no ^ e OJ tne purchafe-money difcharges this cannot be j u ft debt, it cannot be confidered as a reten- confidered a . . , . , retention, tioii. witiiiii the Act; and as Lord Kenyan ex- prefTed .himfelf in "Moiiys v. Leake *," where, ipeaking of the payment of the Solicitor's bill, he faid ;> There is nothing more un- ' ; reafonable in this, than, in his paying any " other debt after receiving the confideration- " money for the annuity/' - ' .Ante, p. 49. THE THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 9 THE goods which are exprefsly prohibited ^ debt nnte- by this fedion from being made the 'con-fir .cedemlv due . . for (*oods is a. deration for an annuity, extend only to valid conil- goods being made the immediate conlidera- dcra , uon ,' buj : & goods them- tion; and not to invalidate an annuity ielves bought granted in confideration of a debt pra- are not. vioufly contracted for, provided fuch con- tract was ftriclly legal, and not originally entered into with a view to any fucli tranfac- tion. In this light did the Court of King's Bench confider this point in " Shore v. " Webb*" where the confideration for the annuity was made up, part in money, and part .for a debt antecedently due from the defendant for goods fold by the plaintiff. The annuity was there fet afide, becaufe the memorial did not exprefs the confidera- tion as being fo paid, but let forth the whole as being paid in caih, and not becaufe part of the confideration arofe upon a debt due for goods ; which, by analogy, has fmce been fettled in-" Withy v. Woolley^" and < Kelfc v. Ambroffe Clerk :f," * i Term. Rep. 732. -j- Ante, p. 57. I Ibid, F 3 THIS TO A TREATISE ON Notes-are THIS fecYion likewife appears to fanclion I i the P Aa to^be w ^ at nas ^ ecn ^ a '^ down in considering that a good con- part of the third fe&ion as relates to the pay- fideration. ~ . r , .. ment or the comideration-money for annuities in notes, as it declares the annuities void only where the confideration is paid in notes, and thofe notes, with the privity and con-- fent of the perfon advancing the fame, iha.ll not be paid when due, or ihall be cancelled or deftroyed without being firft paid. This, then, prefumes cafes where notes are given which are never intended to be paid : but fuppofing a bill of exchange, accepted by a third perfon, is given to the grantor of an annuity as part of the confideration, and the fame is not paid by the acceptor when due, but which, after due notice thereof to the grantee, is paid by him; this, furely, muft be confulered a fufficient payment within the A61? for othenvife, by mere accident, or through connivance between the grantor and acceptor, the grantee might be deprived of his annuity. payments )3 UT although confi derations for annuities otherwife than in mo- are deemed legal when paid in notes, yet "Sab!? ad ~ fucJl a P ra & ice is bv no means advifable to be purfued; nor does it bear with it the molt fair appearance; for although a grantee of an THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 71 an annuity, who is in urgent want of money, might, rather than break off a negociation, conient to the payment of the confideration in notes inftead of money, it is more than probable that he may be put to fome incon- venience, and molt likely expence, by turning the fame afterwards into money; therefore, whenever fuch payments are made from real necetiity, the grantee mould always allow to the grantor the difcount upon the notes, and fj ftate the fame in letting forth the confidera- tion in the deeds. THE latter part of this feclion relates to the jurdifdi&ion of the courts, which will be here- after feparately treated upon. Of the Manner, and Fees paid, on inrolling the Memorial. SECT. 5." That a particular Roll mall be {: provided and kept by the Clerks of the In- " rollments in Chancery, or their Deputy, on, " which fuch Memorials lhall be entered, and * ' that every fuch Memorial lhall be duly in* " rolled in Order of Time, as the fame {hall be " brought to the Office; and the faid Clerks of 1 ' the Inrollments, 1 A eftates, where the party has an abfolute in- e tereft,' and over which there is the like con- troul. IT has been fettled in " Crefpigny v. An annuity " IVinternoon*" that an annuity granted in confideration of giving up a bufmefs, was of giving up fuch a one as did not require inrolment; and confldere(1 as it was there laid down, that all annuities a voluntary , . one, and granted for any other than a pecuniary con- therefore fideration mould be confidered to be volun- wi exception. tary, and therefore within the meaning or the fection. And in Hntton v. Lewis "\ it was held, that where an annuity was granted in confideration of the grantee's refigning his fituation as mafter of an academy in favour of the grantor, it need not be regiftered, even though, at the time of the grant, the grantee agreed to aflign over to the grantor his houfe- hold furniture, &c. at an appraifed value, and * Ante, p. 78. f 5 Term. Rep. 639. Q 3 tO 8ff A TREATISE ON to lend a fum of money to the grantor, to be But if the repaid with intereft. But when the conli- mZieyisptrt deration is of two-fold, fuch as the relinquim- of the confi- men t of a bufinefs and payment of a fum of mail be in- money befides, in fuch cafe a memorial muft rolled. be Annuities ANNUITIES that do not exceed IOL per not exceed- , . r c . . . ing io/. per annum, by this lection require no mrolment. annum, need B(lt jf j t moll ]d appear, that to avoid the not he ill- rolled, .vith-ftatute, more than one are granted to, or in thaVonebe tlu ^ ^ O1 ' ^ le ^ ame grantee, a memorial thereof grant-d to, muft. be inrolled, otherwife the fame will be ori i truflfor, - i the fame V01cl - grantee. Affignment UNDER this head it muft be obferved, that do notVe 1 * 8 wnere an annuity has been granted and duly quire inrol- inrolled, an affignment of fuch an annuity, although not exprefsty exempted by the Aci, yet by implication does not require inrolment, the obje6t of the Acl being to protect the grantor ; and provided his intereft is taken care of, it was all that the Act had in view 1 . This point was laid down ii} " Dlwn v. '" Birch ; Toyte *," and afterwards fully cleter- * H. Black. 30?. mined THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 87 mined by the Court of King's Bench, in " Bromley v. Greathead* : ," where Lord Ken- yon faid, " that neither the words nor the " fpirit of the A61 required it." * Manufcr ipt Cafe in Mr. Hunt's zd Edit. p. 45. 4 CHAP, 8S A TREATISE ON CHAP. IIJ, Of the Jurifdiction of the Courts, and of the Applications made thereto for Jetting ajide Annuities,. The court's JnLAVING heretofore pointed out the dif- ferent fee-lions of the Acl, with the conftruc- tion of the courts thereon, it is now to be confidered what is the effect of not com- plying therewith, the modes to be adopted therein, and who can take advantage thereof, either under the authority of the A6r, or by virtue of the courts' original Jurifdiction, The fourth THE fourth feclion is the only one in the jurifdttion 3 Aa which 8' ives the courts a jurifdiaion ; in certain but that is confined to applications made by f f* j ll / cafes. tne grantor of the annuity only ; and that in particular cafes, " when the confideration ' ihall be returned to the perfon advancing ' the fame, or if any part of it is paid in " notes, THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 89 *' notes, if any of the notes, with the privity " or confent of the perfon advancing the li fame, mall not be paid when due, or fhall *' be cancelled or deftroyed without being " firft paid, or if the confideration or any " part of it is paid in goods, or if any part ft of the confideration is retained on pretence se of anfwering the future payment of the " annuity, or on any other pretence." If, therefore, any of thefe practices have been ufed, the courts will, under the authority of this fe6lion, order the deeds to be cancelled, &c. But this jurifdiclion is confined to thofe courts in which any aclion is brought for pay- ment of the annuity, or judgment entered, fb that until an action hath been brought, or a judgment entered, the court cannot, under this fe&ion, entertain the application ; and even then, the fame is confined to the Thofe appli- grantor of the annuity, as was decided in ^J n t !. c J Garrood v. Sanders*, where the court re- grantor only, fufed the application, becaufe the fame was made at the inftance of an affignee of leife- hold premifes upon which th,e annuity was fecured ; and the fame doctrine was after- * 6 Term- Rep. 404. wards 90 A TREATISE ON wards confirmed in " O/born v. Craven* ; but although the court's jurifdiclion is here When a war- confined, yet wherever there is a warrant of attorney accompanying the fecurity for part of the an annuity, which it generally does, the Courts^have courts have, in that cafe, fuch an original an original jurifdiclion, that, upon an application of the jurifditfion, ' . by flaying P art y, they will entertain any queition anting proceedings, w ithin any of the feelions of the Aa, for the but cannot *. order the purpoies or (laying proceedings thereon ; deeds to be ^^ under that original jurifdiclion they can- to be can- not order the deeds to be cancelled. This * elled * point was fettled in " Exparte Chefter^" and afterwards in "Thurkill v. JVallace^:" and Lord Loughbovaugh, in the " Duke of Bo/ton y. JFilliams^'' fpeaking of the court's jurifdiclion, faid, the courts of common law, which will, upon their original jurifdiclion, enter, into the validity of the warrant- of attor- ney, or judgment upon motion in the parti- cular application under the Acl, will only fet aiide the judgment or execution, or vacate the warrant of attorney ; but the jurifdiclion * Manufcript EafterTerm, 38 Geo-3. B.R. f 4 Term. Rep. 694. $ 4 Term. Rep. 695. $ 4 Bro. Ch. Caf, 310. 2 Vcz. Jun'. 154. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 91 does not extend to ordering the bond to be v^ delivered up, and if ever done, it lias been done inadvertently. And in ' ' Symonds 8$ ux v. Cobouren*," it was fettled, that they could not order an annuity bond to be delivered up to be cancelled, for want of a memorial purfuant to the Act, though it be void ; but they might flay proceedings. And, indeed, no further is their jurifdiclion necefiary ; for the Act itfelf, if not ftriclly complied with, declares the fecurities void, and no ufe what- ever can be made of fuch inftruments. And An 7 perfon , . . , . - rr o. mterefted even under the courts original jurmliction m ay apply t< they have, in " Saunders v. Hardinse t", th ? C0u 1 rt ' s original enteitained an application made by a judg-jurifdidion, ment creditor, for the purpofe of fetting afide an annuity on a defective memorial, with a view of letting in a fubfequent judgment of his own. But although the application is The courts confined to the grantor under the fourth fee- ^o&^to tion, vet the courts are e.r officlo bound to take ta k notice . ' . , of an annuity notice or an annuity void by the Act ; and, vo id therefore, in an ejectment brought to re- theAft - cover the pofferTion of lands by an aflignee of Jeafehold premifes, which were in the pof- * i Bofq. &Pullen, p. 482. f Ante, p. 44. 92 A TREATISE ON fefiion of an annuitant under a previous ejectment, the memorial of which annuity appeared to be defective, although fuch aflignee could not apply to the court under the fourth feclion, to have the annuity fet t * afide; yet the court, upon the trial of fuch ejectment, would be bound to take notice of the fame, and confidcr the fecurities abfo- hiiely void, and not merely voidable. The fecurities being thus made abfolutely void, a ftranger may take advantage of any irre- gularity ; and therefore, where a fieri facias ilfued again ft a perfon in poifeiTion of goods, under a deed given (inter alici) in confidera- tion of an annuity, it was holdcn that the fheriff, having notice that the annuity was not regiftered, was juftified in returning vulla bona, as determined in " Cro/ley v. drlaengMt*," and " Sauuders \. JIardingc'\.^ The courts rj ut j n re g arc { ^ o the fuinmary applications, aftde annul- the courts, as confideriiig themfelves not STey^have ^ oun( ^ K v an y t:afcs but thofe arifing under before pafTed the fourth fcction, and as having a power of in rem judi- . r -^ 11 /! i f/ar. exercinng an equitable junldiction, have, m order to prevent frivolous queftions from re- * 2 Term. Rep. 603. | Ante, p. 44. main in ar THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 9$ main ing for ever in terror em over the parties, prefcribecl, that whenever the matter has paffed in rem jud'icateii^ the parties iliall he bound by their own laches. The firft cafe which was decided upon that head, was the cafe of Buck v. Tyte *, " where, upon an action being* brought by the executors of a teftator on a bond given for payment of an annuity ; and upon a plea of mm eft faclum, they obtained a verdict and judgment, and levied execution thereon ; the court refufed to fet afide the annuity afterwards, upon a fummary application for a defect in the memorial, under their general jurifdiction, becaufe the party might, by his plea to the action, have then taken advantage of fuch de- fect. And Lord Kenyan, in fpeaking of the court's jurifdiction under the fourth fection, " faid, that the Act only meant to refer to fuch " judgment or warrant of attorney as were " intended to be part of the fecurity for the " annuity, and not to extend to cafes where " a judgment is obtained in the ordinary " courfe of law on any inftrument given for " fecur ing the fame." And, on the authority of this cafe, the point was afterwards more * 7 Term, Rep. 495, A TREATISE OlSf fully determined in " JVitlty v. JVoottey*,* which was an application made to fet afide an annuity ; but it appearing that an ejectment had been brought to recover poffeffion of lands extended under an Elegit upon a judgment confeffed, which had been entered upon a war- rant of attorney given for fecuring an annuity; the court held, that it was then too late for the grantor to object to the confideration of fuch annuity upon a fummary application for ftaying proceedings after verdict in fuch ejectment, becaufe he had an opportunity of making his defence to the action ; and Lord 'Kenyan, in delivering his opinion, in which thereon. the whole court agreed, faid, " No fufficient " anfwer has been given to the objection " which prevailed in the cafe of " Buck v. " Tyte~\," that this application ought to " have been made fooner. It is a cafe of " confiderable vexation to the plaintiff. The " judgment by confeffion in the firft in- " fiance, -which was by way of fecurity, con- .'" eludes nothing between the parties, fo far H IT 98 A TREATISE ON Nor upon a ^ T was Hkewife laid down in the cafe of reprefenta- Poole v. Cabones & Others*," that where tion of rafts, . -11 hich could the grantor of an annuity pays, without ob- w onlybean- j c tj ori) during the life-time of the perfon the grantee's who negociated the bufinefs for the grantee, ^ e court w ^ not permit the grantor to apply to fet afide the annuity-deeds, on a repre- fentation of fa6ts that could only have been anfwered by fuch agent for the grantee. Butnolapfe BUT no lapfe of time will be a bar to an fclfwHltea a ppli cat i n upon an apparent defect in the bar to an memorial; for both the King's Bench and Common Pleas, in " Van Braam v. Ifaac\" where an apparent defect appeared on the me- morial, faid, in that cafe they could not re~ fufe to interfere, on the ground of eighteen years having elapfed fince the grant, although the grantee was dead. The courts NOR will the courts invalidate an annuity aftdean an- for a mere clerical miftake; for in " Ince v. nuity for a clerical mif- take. . : _. * Ante, p. 62. f Ante, p. 37. " Everard," THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 99 " where the inemorial ftated an alignment of a term for 61 years, inftead of a term of 62; and likewife, where the conficleration of lOs. paid by a truftee was omitted, or that the annuity was payable for a portion of time from the laft quarterly day to the death of the annuitant, the court re- fufed to let afide the annuity. } BUT although courts of law cannot en- tertain an application to fet afide an an- nuity upon a defective memorial, except when their own procefs is part of the fecurity, it lias been determined, that a court of equity can exercife its jurifdiclion upon any cafe ariling within the Acl upon a bill being filed. This point was determined in the cafe of Bromley v. Holland 'f ;" (for which the Author is indebted to Mr. Vtzey.) The bill was there filed to fet afide an annuity which had been afligned to Holland, upon certain objections to the memorial, which had been the fubjecl of two applications to the Court of King's Bench J; and ILkewife upon a frefh ground, 6 Term. Rep. 545. f At the Rolls 4th July, 1800. I Greathead v. Bromley, ante, 87. U that loo A TREATISE ON that the claufc of redemption was not ftatecl in the memorial. As to the firft, the court would not take them into confideration. The principal point was, whether the Court of Equity had any jurifdi&ion? The Mailer of the Rolls inclined very much agamftit; but being preifed with the decree made by Lord Loughborough in Brlce v. Potter*, and Brlce v. frlrian-f, where his Lordmip, upon objections to the memorials, made decrees for fetting alide the annuities, which were fecured by demifes for 99 years, upon the ground that he muft remove the incumbrancc upon the eftate. His Honour made the de- cree fetting afide the annuity ; but upon the plaintiffs conduct, would not carry the ac- count between the parties further back than the filing of the bill. The Matter of the Rolls obferved, " that in future, fmce the " decifion at law upon this fubjecl, cer- <(i tahily every grantee of an annuity will fct " out the whole deed in the memorial." - * Manu. EafterTerm 1800. f Maa. Hilary Term 1 800. *J 13 THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 101 Of recovering back the Confideration when the Annuity is fet a fide. BUT mould the courts, under any of the If the an- feetions in the Act declare the annuit void on account of any informality, it is fettled grantee may 11 1-0- , recover back that the party has a right to his action agamit theconftdeia- the grantor, to recover back the confideration- tlon money paid for the annuity. This principle was firft eftablimed in " itftvce v. WM*^ which was a cafe referred for the opinion of the court, where it appeared an annuity was fet afide for a formal defect in the memorial, hecaufe part of the confideration appearing to be for a debt due from the defendant to the plaintiff, for goods previoufly fold, and which was not fpecified in the memorial as rc- giftered, and the refidue in cafh ; upon which the plaintiff brought an action againlt the defendant, to recover back the whole money paid for the annuity, and declared for goods Ibid and delivered, and money had and re- ceived; and the court was of opinion, that as the annuity was not fet afide for any fraud in the tranlaction, but merely from a miilake or * Ante, p. 69. H 3 omiffion 10:2 A TREATISE ON omillion in form, it became unconfcientious in the party to retain it, and was therefore re- coverable on the count for money had and received to the plaintiff's ufe ; and, as fuch, the plaintiff was entitled to recover his whole demand. But cannot NOTWITHSTANDING the principal may be be recovered * from one recovered from the party to whom the money was advanced, yet it has been held that the fame cannot be recovered from one who was known to be only a furety for the grantor, and had not received the money ; that was de- termined in Stratton v. Recall and Ano- ther *, on the ground, that no implied pror mife could be raifed againil the furety, no part of the confi deration having been paid to him, or applied to his ufe, and that he merely lent his name as a fecurity for the payment of the annuity, which failed by the act of tjie grantee. j} UT j n mo ft ca fe s when an annuity is fet adopted in . nf , fuch cafes, afide, the parties, if they are in a llttiation to pay the money advanced, generally content to a reference to the Mailer, to compute * z Term. Rep. 366. what THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. 103 what is due for principal and legal intereft ; in taking of which account, the practice is to allow the principal, with 5 per cent, intereft ; the grantee accounting for the money which has been received upon the annuity. This mode is certainly the moil fummary, as it faves the parties the trouble and expence of an action, which would, no doubt, end in a fimilar reference, APPLICATIONS to the courts for fetting How appli- afide annuities, are made upon an affidavit of "ade^the the parties, ftating the defects, which, if they court, arife from a defective memorial, a copy there- of, examined with the original, muft be an- nexed, with an affidavit of fuch examination. If the court fees good ground, a rule to ihew caufe is granted ; and afterwards, upon ing both parties, they determine the point, CHAP. 104 A TREATISE ON CHAP. IV. General Obfervations. the obje6l of the foregoing fheets has been to point out to the Profefiion how annuities are granted, and how the fame may be effectually fecured, both by the deeds executed for fecuring the fame, and likewife by a compliance with the A6i of Parliament, with a view of increafing the prefent depreciated value thereof, and remov- ing that odium which has hitherto attended fuch tran factions. The author, therefore, can- not quit the fubje6l without recommending to the Profeffion in what manner their own eon- duel, grounded upon the refult thereof, may greatly facilitate the fame. IT cannot be prefumed that any man will deny but that the granting of annuities have a moft immoral tendency ; and as the Legiflature has not thought proper to prohibit the THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. the fame, nor to lay down any rules for re- ftraining the enormous intereft yielded there- from, every method mould therefore be pur- fued by the practitioner to protect thofe who are the objects of fuch pecuniary embarrafs- ments, and at the fame time to fecure a fair purchafer. If therefore the Profeffion, inltead of fuggefting to their clients the too prevalent idea of the impracticability of framing an ef- fectual fecurity for an annuity, and throwing out fuperticial objections to the fame, with a view to diifuade them from engaging in fuch purchafes, were to give their candid opinion thereon, and if incapable theni- felves of forming a proper judgment of the tran faction, were to obtain the opinion of thofe more converfant therein, and at the fame time recommend a fair and liberal price to be given, there cannot be a doubt but that if fuch principles were to be adopted, they would have the greateft effect in raifmg the value of annuities ; for the prefent depreffion arifes as much from fuch conduct, as from the interpretations raifed by the courts upon the conitruction of the various fections of the Act of Parliament; notwithftanding which, there are always men enough to be found, who, for the great advantage to be derived by pur* chafing annuities, ready to meet any ima- ginary 106 A TREATISE ON ginary difficulty ; fo that, while this unfound- ed doftrine exifts, thofe who are drove to this deftruftive method of procuring money, either from urgent ncceffity or for any pru- rient purpofe, muft continue to yield to the payment of the prefent exorbitant intereft ; whereby the very Aft M'hich the Legiilature intended as a protection, has, from its confe- quences, proved to be an injury ; and, in- llead of thefe negotiations being more gene- rally difTufed among the Profeffion at large, they are confined to a very few, and in nioft inftances to the brokers themfelves, who not only procure the money, but effect the fe- curities, whereby the grantors often fubmit to very oppreffive bargains ; and the fecurity of the purchafers is moft frequently in- fufficient ; for it cannot be fuppofed that men unacquainted with the law, and confe- quently with the principles of conveyancing, are capable of judging, either of the eligi- bility of fecurities, the formation of deeds, or the conftruftion of an Aft of Parliament, and whofe conduct, however wrong, cannot be controuled by the fummary jurifdiftion of the courts. BUT although annuities (as before iliewn) legal tvanfa'ftiojis, and as the Legiflature THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. has not fixed any rule for afcertaining the value thereof, by reafon of the various cir- cumftances attending every individual one that is granted; yet furely upon annuities for the lives of the grantors, where the fame are un- deniable fecurities, and the life of the party can be infured at the ufual rate of infurance, agree- * o able to the Table of Premiums fo advan- tageoufly adopted by the Equitable Affurance- office, whereby the principal may be fecured upon the death of the grantor, fume real and juft value may be formed thereof, and that without rcurring to the nice calculations of Demovcre and others, which appear to have been made more for the fake of calculation than for utility, the principles of which never have or can be a6led upon. If, then, in- ftead of adhering to thofe nice and ufelefs rules, or to the prefent depreciated market price paid for annuities, a medium was drawn, and a more equitable calculation made, fo that, in lieu of their yielding to the purchafers, as they now do, from 12 to 14 per cent, without rifking either their annuity or principal, a clear return of 10 per cent, upon the money advanced could be obtained, fuch tranfa&ions could not be confidered otherwife than fair and equitable, and, as fuch, could not fail to extirpate / every A TREATISE ON every unfavourable impreiTion that now bears upon, fucli negotiations ; and it will appear, even then, that annuities will yield a much greater per centage than any other fpccics of' property not attended with rifquc : for, ave- raging the intereft, of money at 5 per cent, and the annuitant can obtain (after infuring the principal) that fame 5 per cent, for his money advanced, together with an additional 5 per cent, as a compenfation for relinquiihing the controul of his principal during the life of the party, or until he ihsill redeem the fame, whereby his income would be doubled, there are few men, if fully convinced of this, who would not readily engage in fuch tranfactions. UPON this principle, therefore, of calcu- lation, it will appear from the following Table, that annuities, which in general now fell for no more than fix years purchafe. would be worth eight, arid fo in proportion, according to the age of the party for whofc life the annuity is granted : in forming which, recourfe inuft be had to the Tables of Infurance for the. exact, premiums to be paid upon every age. THE LAW OF ANNUITIES, Aes of the Grantors. Ye;irsPurchal& to he given. Average Rate of Insurance. What per Cent, the Annuity will yield. From - J. d. *. d. 22 to 32 8 2 10 .10 32 to 42 71 3 2 10 10 4 42 to J2 7 427 10 3 52 to 62 6 5 14 1100 62 to 67 51 7 16 9 1140 AXXUITIES which are granted for the lives of the purehafors, or for two or more lives nominated by them, cannot require any infurance whatever ; for if a Aim of money is in veiled in the purchafe of an annuity fqr.the lire of the purchafer, it nmft ne- ceffarily infer the indifference fuch pur- chafer has to benefit pofterity by the prin- cipal ; and if he purchafes for the lives of others of his own nomination, it is rea- funable to fuppofe they are good lives, and that, provided the annuity is not redeemed, an infurance can be effected on the death of one of the nominees, or even in the firft inflance, and that upon fo trivial a premium that it cannot weigh in the leail as to the value thereof. However, in forming a juft and fair average of the value of what mould be given for thefe annuities, a lefs intereft 1 mould A TREATISE ON mould be yielded than upon annuities granted for the lives of the grantors, by reafon that the iecujities neceiTarily required for them be- ing fuch as are the moft unexceptionable; but, on the other hand, as thefe fpecies of an- nuities are mere temporary loans, and are likely foon to be redeemed, a refer vatiori of an intcreft of 10 per cent, upon a (ingle life, or 9 upon two lives, would be a reafonable re- turn for the money advanced. IT may be urged, that, upon annuities which are made redeemable, a lofs may eventually occur to the purchafer in the event of his receiving back his purchafe-money, mould the funds be much higher when the annuity is redeemed than when the fame is purchafed; to this it may be anfwered, that, although molt men who raife money by an- nuities have a confidence that they may be foon enabled to redeem the fame, and the per- fons advancing their money have a reafon- able expectation that their principal may be returned, yet it rarely happens that the party, who has only a life-intereft, ever has it in his power ; but whenever he can redeem the fame, he affuredly would not confult hi* own intereft if the price of the funds weighed with him againft embracing the earlieft oppor- tunity of ridding himfelf from fuch a heavy ; and THE LAW OF ANNUITIES. Ill and corroding burthen ; and if the money is procured on the fecurity of property over which the party has an abfolute controul, fome fund is generally in view, out of which he has, in fome fhort period, a confidential hope of repaying the money ; fo that fuch events generally arife from cafualties, and not from premeditation. But even mould fuch- an event happen, the half year's annuity, which is in general paid upon redeeming, together with the immenfe mtereft made of the money in the interim, is more than equivalent to guard againft any lofs which can in human probability arife. HAVING already fliewn what is necelfary to be obferved in preparing fecurities for annuities agreeable to the A61, and the deter- minations of the courts thereon, it is con- ceived the following precedents, prepared agreeable thereto, may not be unacceptable to the Profeffion. CHAP. CHAP. V. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS* No. I. ONE OBLIGOR to ONE OBLIGEE, for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of the Obligor, where the fame is intended to be fecured by a Bond and Warrant of Attorney only, irredeemable. KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That I George Obligation. Thomas, of Pall Mall, in the county of Mid- dlefex, Efq. am held and firmly bound to Wil- liam Pearce, of the city of London, merchant, in the penal fum of 14007. of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid William Pearce, or his certain attorney, execu- tors, adminiftrators, or afligns ; for which pay- ment to be well and faithfully made, I bind myfelf, my heirs, executors and adminiftrators, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed with my feal. Dated, this day of January, in the > year of the reign of our fovereign Lord George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Bri- tain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine. _ _ y. Recital of con- \/\/ trail for pur- > V HEREAS the above-named William Pearce hath Ch f fe t t e a 1 " 'h contracted and agreed with the above bounden George [he obligor', and Thomat, for the abfolute purchafe of one annuity, or !hc expnces * . attending the t yearly lame . U4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid William Pearce, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural life of him the faid George Thomas, at or for the price or fum of yoo/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. it was agreed that the fame fhould be fe- cured by the bond or obligation of the faid George Tho- mas, and by a warrant of attorney to cofifefs a judgment thereon*. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. it was likewife agreed that all coils, charges, and ex- pences, attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid George Thomas. AND WHEREAS the faid William Pearce hath, on the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, in his own proper perfon, paid to the faid George Thomas, in his own proper perfon, the faid fum of yoo/. which he, the faid George Thomas, doth hereby admit and ac- And of ex- knowledge; out of which faid fum of yoc/. he, the faid peaces. George Thomas, immediately after receiving the fame, paid to Robert Withy, of Craven -jlreet, in the Strand, ill the county of Mrddlefex, gent, the fum of for at- tendances refpedling the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial Condition. thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above written bond or obligation is fuch, that if the faid George Thomas, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, do and (hall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid William Pearce, his executors, adminif- trators, or affigns, for and during the natural life of him, the faid George Thomas, one annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatlb- * If no warrant of attorney is givcn f then omit the words in italics, ever, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ever, on four days or times in the year (that is to fay) on the day of April, the day of July, the day of O&ober, and the day of Ja. nuary, in every year, by even and equal portions j the firlt payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of April next enfuing, the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation. AND alfo, if the heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, of the faid George Thomas y fhall and do well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid William Pearce, his executors, admiftra- tors, or affigns, in cafe the faid George Thomas fhall happen to depart this life on any day on which any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fhall become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payment; and if on any other day, in cafe fuch day ihall happen before any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. mall have become due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly pay* ment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of i oo/. to be computed from the day of the date of the above writ- ten bond or obligation to the day of the death of the faid George Thomas: but in cafe any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. mall have become due at the time of the deceafe of the faid George Thomas, then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as (hall happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of the faid George Thomas^ to the day of his deceafe, then the above written bond or obligation fhall be void and of none effeft* Signed, fealed, &c. x a No. II. u6 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. II. BOND from TWO OBLIGORS to OXE OBLIGEE, for fecit ring an Annuity during the Life oj one of the Oh/igors, where the fame is in- tended to be fi cured by Bond, U 'arrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeemable on Pay- ment of Half a Year's ^Innuily. KNOW all men by thefe brefents, That we John Obligation. _, r _, - Tobiftris, or Great Portland-Jtreet, in the county of Middlefex, Efq. and Richard Newman, of the city of Bath, Efq. are held and firmly bound to "John Duncan, of Lambeth, in the county of Surry, Efq. in the penal fum of 6oo/. of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid ""John Duncan, or his certain attor- ney, executors, adminiftrators, or aflignsj for which payment to be well and faithfully made, we bind ourfelves and each of us, jointly and leyerally, pur and each of our heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, and every of them firmly by thefe prefents, fealed with our feals. Dated, &c. WHEREAS the above-named John Duncan hath traore"" contracted and agreed with the above bounden John purchafenf an- Thomas for the purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum life'cf "n?of of 5 A of ^^"1 mone 7 of Great Britain, to be paid to two obligors, the faid John Duncan, his executors, adminiftrators, ;!, and affigns, free from taxes, and clear of all other pen ccs titrcriti . deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural life of the faid John Thomas, at or for the price or fum of 300,'. AND WHEREAS, upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. it was agreed by and between the faid John Thomas and John Duncan, thatf r the more effectually iccuriiig die payment thereof unto the faid John Dun- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 117 can, his executors, adminiflrators, and affigns, the fame ihould be iecured by a certain indenture quadrupartite, bearing even date with the above written bond or obligation, and made between the faid John Thomas of the firft part, the above bounden Richard Newman of the fecond part, the laid 'John Duncan of the third part, and R. W. of, &c. of the fourth part ; and that the fame mould alfo be fecured by the bond and warrant of attorney of the faid Joh-i Thomas and of the faid Richard Newman, who hath agreed to join therein as fecurity for the faid John Thomas. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of co/. it was likewife agreed, that all coils, charges, and Agree-nentas ,. , r -i r i r to oxpeilCCS. expences, attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities of the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, mould be borne and paid by the faid John Thomas. AND WHEREAS the faid John I'/uncan hath, on the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, in his own proper perfon, paid to the faid 'John Thomas, in his own proper perfon, the faid fum of 3007. which he, the faid John Thomas, doth hereby admit and acknowledge ; out of which faid fum of 3OO/. the faid John Thomas, immediately after receiving the fame, paid to J. B. of the fum of for attendances re- fpecling the granting of the faid annuity, and for pre- paring and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial there- of. NOW, therefore, the condition of the above writ- Condition. ten bond or obligation is fuch, that if the laid John and Richard Newman, or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, do and (hall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid John Die can, his executors, admimltra- tors, and afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Thomas, one annuity, or yearly fum of 5/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, on two days or times in the year; (that is to fay) the day of and the clay of in every year, by even and equal portions; the firft pay- i meat APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation: AND alfo, if the heirs, exe- cutors, or adminiftrators, of the faid 'John Thomas, or the faid Richard Newman, his heirs, executors, or ad miniftrators, or any or either of them, {hall and do well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid 'John Duncan, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, in cafe the faid John Thomas {hall happen to depart this life on any day in which any half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 50?. (hall have become due, the whole of fuch half yearly payment , And if on any other day, in cafe fuch day {hall happen before any half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. fliall have become due, then a proportionable part of the half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. to be computed from the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation to the day of the death of the faid John Thomas, But in cafe any half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5 /. mall have become due at the time of the deceafe of the faid 'jdhn Thomas, then from fuch of the faid half yearly days of payment of the faid annuity of 5o/. as fhall happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of the faid John Thomas, to the day of his deceafe, then the above written bond or obligation fhall be void and of none efTed. AND WHEREAS Recital of a- U p O n the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or greement for f . r > . r . . .' redemption of clear yearly ium or 50!. herein before mentioned, it was annuiryon pav. mutually agreed by and between the faid "lohn Thomas, ment of half 1 T1 . 7 , ; , 7 " i cvr' T 'i r j ^ z. year's anmmy. fiKaard Newman, and John Duncan, that the laid John Thomas, or the faid Richard Newman, his heirs, execu- tors, or adminiftrators, or any or either of them {hould, at any time hereafter, be at Liberty to repurchafe and buy up the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 5O/. upon giving unto the faid ~/ohn Duncan, his executors, admi- niftrators, or affigns, feven days notice in writing of fuch their or either of their intention, and upon paying unto the faid -;ohn Duncan, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or afligns, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned therein, the full fum of 5257. being the ori- 3 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 119 gmal purchafe-money, and one half-yearly payment of the faid annuity, of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the confideration of fuch repurchafe of the faid annuity, together with all arrears that mould be due on the faid annuity, and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to and until the repurchafing the fame. NOW it is hereby declared, That in cafe the faid John Thomas, or the faid Richard Newman, his heirs, ex- DecVation ecutors, or adminiflrators, any or either of them, thereof, mall at any time hereafter be minded ami defirous of re- purchafing the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. and of fuch their or either of their intention mall give unto the faid John Duncan, his executors, adminiilra- tors, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of feveu days, that he, the faid John Du can, his executors, ad- minidrators, or affigns, mall and will at the end of the feven days, from the time fuch notice mall be given as aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money that mall be due for the arrears of the faid an- nuity, together xvith a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repur- chafe, up to and until the repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive,/ and take the faid fum of 325 . as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. AND on receipt of the faid fum of 3257. and all arrears of the faid annuity, < r clear yearly fum of 5O/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, (hall and will deliver up the above written bond or obligation to the faid John Thomas, or to the faid Richard Newman, his heirs, executors, or admU niftrators, to be cancelled ; and then, and in fuch cafe, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. fliall ceafe, de* termine, and be no longer paid or payable. Signed, fcaled, &c. i 4 No. III. I20 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. III. BoxD/row OXE OBLIGOR to ONE OBLIGEE, for fecuring an Annuity during the joint Lives of two Perfons (named by the Obligee) and the Life of the Survivor, intended to he fecured by Bond, Warrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeemable on replacing Stock, fold out for the Purchafe of the Annuity. Obligation. KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That I John L 'oyd, of Pall Mall, in the county of Middlefex, Efq. am held and firn ly bound to Jame, Scott, of the city of London, merchant, in the penal fum of four tlicufand eight hundred pounds, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid Scott, or his certain attorney, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns; for which payment to be well and faithfully made, I bind myfelf, my heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed with my feal. Dated this- day of January, in the year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the third, by the grace of God, of Great *-. ;':- tain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and fo forth, in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and ninety-nine. Recital of con- WHEREAS the above named James Scott hath con- nu.lVfoAhe tracked and agreed with the above bounden John Lloyd, lives of two no. for the purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. expc e nci : . : at- ChC f lawful m n 7 f Great Britain, to be paid to the faid tenHingthe- James Scott, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions what- \ cr, for and during the natural lives of the faid '/ames Scott, and Sarah his wife, and the life of the ftiryivor. or longer liver of them, at or for the price or fum APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 121 fum of 2400 '. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 3OO/. it was agreed by and between the laid 'iohn Lloyd and James Scott, that for the mere effectually fecuring the payment thereof unto the faid Jatiie^ Scott, his execu- tors, adminiitrators, and affigns, the fame fhould be fecured by a certain indenture, bearing even date Avith the above written bond or obligation, and made be- tween the faid John L oyd of the firft part, the faid James Scott of the fecond part, and Robert White of gentleman, of the third part; and that the fame mould be alib fecured by the bond and warrant of attorney of die faid John Lloyd. A ND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3007. it was likewife agreed, that all cofts, charges, and expenccs, attending the faid con- tract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fe- curities of the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, ihould be borne and paid by the faid John L oyd. AND WHEREAS the laid James Scott hath, on the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, in his own proper perfon, paid to the faid John Lloyd, in his own proper perfon, the faid fum of 24007. which he, the faid John Lloyd, doth hereby admit and acknowledge ; out of which faid fum of 24OO/. the faid John 1 loyd, immediately after receiving the fame, paid to /. E. of the fum of for attendances refpecting the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and preparing nd inrolling a memorial thereof. NOW the condition of the above written bond or obli- Condition, gation is fuch, that if the faid John Lloyd, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, do and fliall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid James Scott, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for and during the natural lives of them, the faid james Scott and Sarah his wife, and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity, or yearly fum of joo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatsoever, on four days or times in .the year; ^that is to fay) the day of the APPENDIX Or PRECEDENTS. the day of the day of and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions ; the firfl payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the above written bond or obli- gation. AND alfo, if the faid John JLlo,fi } his heirs, ex- ecutors, or adminiurators, do and (hall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the executors, adminif- trators, or afligns, of the faid James Scott^ in cafe the furvivor of them, the faid James Scott and Sarah his wife, fhall depart this life on any day on which any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. mail become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payment; And if on any other day, in cafe fuch day fhall happen before any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum, fhall have become due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3OO/. to be computed from the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, to the day of the death of the furvivor of them the faid James Scott and Sarah his wife; But in cafe any quarterly payment of fuch annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. fhall have become due at the time of the tleceafe of the furvivor of them, the faid "James Sco t an.: Sarah his wife, then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. as mall happen to be next and immediately pre- ceding the day of the death of the furvivor of them the faid James Scott and Sarah his wife, to the day of fuch furvivor's deceafe, then the above written bond or obligation fhall be void and of none effect. AND Recital of a- WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of gretment for .... . r { * r > T repurchasing of the laid annuity, or clear yearly turn ot 3Oo/. herein annn;ty, and before mentioned, it was mutually agreed by and be- renbcmg flock . ,- . , ,~ , r , , , <>, ' n ti r i fold out for the tween the faid John Lloyd and James scoti, that the laid nsie ot an- J } m Lloyl, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, ihould at any time hereafter be at liberty to repurch^ie and buy up the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 3OO/. upon giving unto the faid James Scott, his ex- ecutors, administrators, cr afligns, feven days notice in writing of fuch his or their intention, and upon, transferring. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 123 transferring, or caufing to be transferred, into the name of the laid Barnes Scott, or into the name of his execu- tors, adminiitrators, or afligns, for his and their own ufe and benefit, 4000^3 per cent, conibl. bank annuities, and upon paying unto the faid James Scott) his executors, ndminiftrators, or afligns, all arrears that {hall be due on the faid annuity, and a proportionable part thereof, from the lafl day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to and until the repurchasing the fame. NOW it is hereby declared, That in cafe the faid Declaration John Lloyd, his heirs, executors, or adminiilrators, fhall at any time hereafter be minded and defirous of repurchafmg the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3OO/. and of fuch his or their intention {hall give unto the faid James Scott, his executors, admimftrators, or af- figns, notice in writing by the fpace of feven days, and do and {hall, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned in fuch notice, at his or their own coits and charges, transfer, or caufe to be transferred, into the name of the faid James Scott, or into the name of his executors, adminiitrators, or afligns, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, 4ooo/. 3 per cent, confol. bank annuities, and do and {hall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid James Scott, his ex- ecutors, adminiitrators, or afligns, all and every fum and fumsofmoney as at the time of repurchafmg the faid annuity {hall be due for the arrears of the faid annuity, and together alfo with a proportionable part of the fame annuity from the lait day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to the day of re- purchafmg the fame, as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. AND upon fuch transfer being made, and payment of all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 3OO/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, he the faid James Scott, his executors, adminiitrators, or afligns, ihall and will deliver up the above written bond or obligation to the faid John Lloyd, to be cancelled; and then, and in fuch cafe, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3oo/. {hall ceafe, determine, and be no longer paid or payable. XT y"r No. IV. i2 4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. IV. BOND from ONE OBLIGOR to OXEO.BLIGEK, forftcufing an Annuity during the Lives oj three Pcrfons (named by the Obligee) and the Life of the Survivor, intended to -be fe- cnred by Bond, Warrant of Attorney, and Indenture, redeemable on Repayment of the Principal Money advanced, upon giving Sic Months Notice. Obligation. KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That I JobnDa!Jy y of Pall M all, in the county of Middlefex, Efq. am held and firmly bound to Edward Batten, of the city of L ndon, merchant, in the penal fum of nine hundred pounds, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid Edward Batten, or his certain attorney, execu- tors, administrators, orafligns; for which pay- ment to be well and faithfully made, I bind myfelf, my heirs, executors, and adminiftra- tors, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed with my feal. Dated this - day of January, in the year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ire/ nd, king, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven and ninety-nine. Recital of con- WHEREAS the above named Edward Batten hath traft for the contracted and agreed with the above bounden John miltv for three" Dally, for the purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum l -, and the o f loo/, of lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid expences at- * tne fad Edivard Batten, his executors, ndminiitra- lending the tors, and affigns, free from taxes, and clear of ail other deductions whatsoever, for and during the natural lives APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 125 lives of A. B. C. D. arid E. F. and the lives and life of the furvivors and furvivor, and longeft liver of them, at or for the price or fum of poo/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. it was agreed by and between the faid John Dally and Edivard Batten, that for the more effectually fecuring the payment thereof unto the faid Edward Batten, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, the fame fliould be fecured by a certain inden- ^ ture, bearing even date with the above written bond or obligation, and made between the faid "'-John Dally of the firft part, the faid Edward Batten of the fecond part, and A. B. of g ent - f the third part ; and the fame mould be alfo fecured by the bond and warrant of attorney of the faid JtJjn Dally. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of Agreement ac the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. it was likewife to agreed, that all cofts, charges, and expences, attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities of the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, mould be borne and paid by the faid John Dally. AND WHEREAS the faid Ed- ward Batten hath, on the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, in his own proper perfon, paid to the faid John Daily, in his own proper per- ' foil, the faid fum of poo/, which he, the laid "John Dally, doth hereby admit and acknowledge; out of which faid fum of poo/, the faid Jchn Dally, immedi- ately after receiving the fame, paid to A. B. of the fum of for attendances respecting the grant- ing of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof. NOW, 'therefore, the condition of the above written bond or obligation is Condition, fuch, that if the fnid John Dally, his heirs, execu- tors, or adminiftrators, {hall well and truly pay, or , caufe to be pai'l, unto the faid Edwnrd Batten, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for and during the natural lives of them, the laid A. B. C. D. and E. 1''. and ti:c lives and life of the furvivors and fur- vivor, and longeit liver pf them, one annuity, or yearly iz6 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Bri- tatiiy free from taxes, and clear of all other deduc- tions whatfoever, on four days or times in the year; (that is to lay) the day of the day of the day of the day of in every year, by even and equal por- tions; the firlt payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation ; And alfo, if the faid "John Dally, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, {hall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Edivard Batten, his executors, ndminiftrators, or afligns, in cafe the furvivor or longeft liver of them, the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. (hall de- part this life on any day on which any quarterly pay- ment of the fnid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. {hall become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payment ; and if on any other day, in cafe fuch day {hall happen be- fore any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum, {hall have become due, then a propor- tionable part of the quarterly payment of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. to be computed from the day of the date of the above written bond or obliga- tion, to the day of the death of the furvivor, or longeft: liver of them, the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. But in cafe any quarterly payment of fuch annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fnall have become due at the time of the deceafe of the furvivor, or longeft liver of them, the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as {hall happen to be next and immedi- ately preceding the day of the death of the furvivor, or longeft liver of them,' the faid A B. C. D. and E. F. to the day of the death of fuch furvivor, or longeft liver's deceafe, then the above written bond or obli- Recital of a- 8 atlon lha11 be V id and f n effea - AND WHERE- grcemem o AS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid redemption, annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. herein before giving fix . ' , I J . mrntiis notice, mentioned, it was mutually agreed by and between and repayment t h e faid John Dallv and Edward Batten, that the faid of principal ad- ( , *- // ,. ,>. , . . vanced. John JLfaUy, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, ihould APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 127 fhould at any time hereafter be at liberty to repurchafe and buy up the fakl annuity, or yearly fum of i oo/. upon giving unto the faid Edivard Batten, his execu- tors, adminiitrators, or affigns, fix calender months notice in writing of fuch his or their intention, and upon paying unto the faid Edivard Batten, his execu- tors, adminiflrators, or affigns, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned therein, the full fum of poo/. being the original purchafe-money, for the faid an- nuity, of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the confederation of fuch repurchafe of the faid annuity, together with all arrears that fhall be due on the faid annuity, and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding inch repurchafe, up to and until the repurchafing the fame. NOW it is hereby declared, That in cafe the faid John Declaration Dally, his heirs, executors, or admin iftrators, fhall at c any time hereafter be minded an ] defirous of repur- chafing the laid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and of fuch his or their intention fhall give unto the faid Ed- ivard Batten, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, notice in writing, by the fpace of fix calender months, that he, the faid Edward Batten, his executors, admi- niftrators, or affigns, fhall and will, at the end of the faid fix calendar months from the time fuch notice fhall be given as aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money that fhall be due for the arrears of the faid annuity, together with a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to and until the repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of poo/, as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and on receipt of the faid fum of poo/, and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, fhall and will deliver up the above written bond or obligation to the faid John Dalfy> his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, to be cancelled; and then, and in fuch cafe, the laid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fhall ceafe, determine, and be void. No. V. ia8 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, No. V. BOND from THREE OBLIGORS to ONE OBLI- GEE, (iC/ie.rc fzso oj' the Obligors become col- lateral Securities for the other) for fecuring an Annuity during the Life of one of the Obligors ; intended to be. fccured by Bond, 1 1 'arrant of Attorney, and Deed of Cove* want, for Payment oj' the Annuity. Redeem- able on giving SLv Months Notice, or Pay- ment of Half a Years Annuity. Obligation. KNOW all men by thefe prefents, That we John Pratt, of Great Portland Jtreet, in the county of Middiefex, Efq. William Pratt,- of -- Efq. and Abraham Cant, of ---- Eiq. are held and firmly bound to Thomas Wood, of the city of Bath, Efq. in the penal fum of 42O/. of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid Thomas Wood, or his cef tain attorney, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns; for which payment to be well and faithfully made, we bind ourfelves and each of us, jointly and ieve- rally, our and each of our heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, and every of them, firmly by thefe prefents, fealed with our feals. Dated, &c. Reciral of con- WHEREAS the above named Thomas Wood hath t^fotThTlife 1 " contracted and agreed with the above bounden John of one of tiie Pratt, for the purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum ^ 3^ f hwful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid ^Thomas Wood, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, free from taxes, and clear of all other de- ductions whatibevcr, for and during the natural life of him, the faid John Parlt, at or for the price or fum of 2IC/. attending the ttme - APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 12*) 2 1 o/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the pur- chafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3o/. it was agreed by and between the faid Thomas Wood and John Pratt, that for fecuring the payment thereof unto tue faid Thomas Wood t the fame fhould be fecured by a certain deed of covenants, bearing even date with the above written bond or obligation, and to be made between the faid 'John Pratt and the above bounden William Pratt and Abraham Cant, of the one part, and the faid Thomas Wood, of the other part ; and that the fame fhould alfo be fecured by the bond and warrant of attorney of the faid 'John Pratt, and William Pratt, and /braham Cant, who have agreed to join therein as fecurity for the faid John Pratt. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly Agreement as fum of 3o/. it was like wife agreed, that all cofts, to expen charges, and expences, attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid John Pratt: AND WHEREAS the faid T/.omas Wood hath, on the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation, in his own proper perfon, paid to the faid John Pratt^ in his own proper perfon, the faid fum of 2 1 o/. which he, the faid 'john Pratt, doth hereby admit and ac- knowledge; out of which faid fum of 2io/. the faid John Pratt, immediately after receiving the fame, paid to A. B. of the fum of -for attend- ances refpeUng the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof. NOW the condition of the above written bond or obligation is fuch, that if the faid John Pratt, William Condition. Pratt, and Abraham Cant, or any of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Tho- mas Wood, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for and during the natural life of him, the faid John Pratt, one annuity, or yearly fum of 3o/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of K all 1 3 o APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. all other deductions whatfoever on four days, or times in the year, (that is to fay) on the day, &c. in every year, by even and equal portions , the firfl pay- ment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next eniuing the day of the date of the above written bond or obligation. AND alfo if the heirs, executors, or adminiilrators of the faid John Pratt, or the faid William Pratt and Abraham Cant, or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, or adminiftratois, fhall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Thomas Wood, his executors, admi- niilrators, or affigns, in cafe the faid JcJm Pratt fhall happen to depart this life on any day on which any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3o/. fhall become due, the whole of fuch quarterly pay- ment; and if on any other day, in cafe fuch day mail happen before any quarterly payment of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of 3o/. fhall have become due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 307. to be computed from the date of the above written bond or obligation, to the day of the death of the faid John Pratt; but in cafe any quarterly payment of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 3o/. fhall have become due at the time of the deceafe of the faid John Pratt, then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3O/. as mall happen to be next and im- mediately preceding the day of the deceafe of the faid yohn 1 ratt, to the day of his deceafe, then the above written bond fhall be void and of none effect.. AND traa t for [e}n"l^^-^^-^ A ^ U P O11 the treaty for the purchafe of the chafing, upon faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 3o/. herein before moritlifnotice men tioned, it was mutually agreed by and between the or HI, on paying faid Jthn Pratt, William Pratt, Abraham Cant, and ?nnu?cy?nlieu the faid ^ between Sir Thomas W. of in the county of Bart, of the firft part, William Hallet^ of in the county of merchant, of the fecond part, and John Ibompfon, of Gent, of the third part. WHEREAS by indenture bearing date on or about R ~ cital i , , /- T/r i 1-1 i c riage iettle- the 2d day of March, which was m the year or our m .j' U) whereby Lord 1704, and made or exprefled to be made between the grantor u '. r i ? en Tir r i r n ^.L T> i ^ nititk'd tocer- the faid Sir Thomas W. pi the hrft part, the Right ta j n dividends Hon. for his life. 142 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. lion. Charles William Lee, Lord Vifcount D. of the fecond part, the Hon. Charlotte Lee, ipinfter, (an infant of the age of 19 years and upwards) daughter of the faid Charles Lord Vifcount D. of the third part, the Right Hon. Henry Lord M. and William South) Efq. of the fourth part, and the Right Hon. Charts Earl of S. and the Hon. Robert P. of the fifth part. -RECITING, that a marriage was intended to be fhortly had and folemnized between the laid Sir Ihauas W. and Charlotte Lee, with the content of the faid Lord Vifcount D. teftified by his ex- ecuting thofe prefents-, And reciting (among other things) that the faid Sir 'Ihornas W. was poflefled of or intitled to the capital fum of 9,ioo/. Eaft India ftock, then lately Handing in his name in the books of the Eaft India Houfe, and to the capital fum of 20,000'. confol. 3 percent, annuities, then lately Hand- ing in his name in the books of the governor and com- pany of the Bank of England. AND RECITING, that the portion or fortune of the faid Charlotte Lei confided of the fum of io,ooo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, which was charged and fecured for her portion, payable at the death of the faid Char .es Lord Vifcount ). upon a competent part of his eftates in the county of ft i /;, and intereft in refpeft thereof from the folemnization of the faid intended marriage, at the rate of 4.'. per cent, per annum, was fecured during the life of the laid Char es Lord Vifcount /). upon all his eftates in Etig'and. AND RECITING, that on the treaty for the faid marriage, the faid Sir V boinas W. in confideration thereof, and of the faid portion or fortune of the faid Charlotte Lee, and for making a provifion for her and the irlue of the faid marriage, did (among other things) propofe and agree to transfer to the laid Henry Lord .,':'. ?.nd /.<;' jam ?outh, the faid capital fums of 9,100'. Eaft India ftock, and ?o,ooo/. confol. 3 per cent, annuities ; upon the trufts and for the intents and pnrpofes therein, -and in part hereinafter mentioned. AND RECITING, that the faid Sir r j ho- trtaj W. had in contemplation of the faid intended mar- riage, and in purfuance and part performance of the faid agreement, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 143 agreement, transferred iwito the faid Henry Lord M. and William South the faid capital fums of 9,100'. Eaft India ftock, and 2O,ooo/. confol. 3 percent, annuities, and the lame were then ftanding in the names of the faid Henry Lord M. and Wil'.iam Southy in the books at the Eail India Houfe and Bank of England refpelively, as they the faid Henry Lord M. and William Somh did thereby acknowledge. IT IS WITNESSED, and thereby agreed and declared, between and by all the faid parties thereto, that the faid capital fums of 9,100!. Eaft India ftock, and 2o,ooo/. 3 per cent, confol. annuities, had been fo refpeftively transferred unto, and were then vefted in, the faid Henry Lord M. and Wi':iam South as aforefaid. UPON THE TRUST, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes, and fubjecl: to the provi- foes and agreements therein and in part hereinafter ex- prefled and declared, of and concerning the fame; that is to fay, UPON TRUST for the faid Sir llamas IV. his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, until the faid intended marriage mould be had and folemnized; and from and after the folemnization thereof, THEN UPON TRUST, that they the faid Henry Lord M. and Wiliiam South) their executors, adminiftrators, and afFigns, mould and did, by and with the confent and approbation of the faid Sir 'j homos W^. and Charlotte Lee t during their joint lives and the life of the furvivors of them, and after the deceafe of fuch furvivor, then at their own difcretion either continue the faid above principal or capital fums, were the fame were then placed out, or elfe fell and difpofe of, and transfer and affign the fame, or either of them, or any part or parts of them, or of either of them, and place out the money arifmg and to be received by fuch fale, dif- pofition and transfer, or transfers, in other public funds, or on other government or real fecurities, in the names of them the faid truitees for the time be- ing, and fo from time to time fhould and did call in the principal money fo to be placed out, and place out again the fame upon new or other funds or fecurities of the like nature. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, that they the fame truftees rcfpedively fhould APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. (hould and did, by and out of the intereft and dm* dends, from time to time, arifing and to arife upon or from, or for the feverai capital fums, flocks, funds* and fecurities, yearly and every year, during the joint lives of the laid Sir Thomas l. and Chariot it Lee, pay the yearly fum of 300 . of lawful money of Great Bri- tain, by quarterly payments, as therein mentioned, unto the laid Char o^te Lee, for her fole and feparate ufe and benefit. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, that they the faid Henry Ix>rd A'L and William South, their executors, administrators, and affigns, fhould and did, from time to time, pay the refidue and furplus of of the faid intereft and dividends, over and above what fhould be fufficient from time to time to pay and fatisfy the faid yearly fum of 3Oo/. in manner therein men- tioned, and all cofts and charges attending the execu- tion of the faid trufts, unto the faid Sir Thomas IV. or his affigns, to and for his and their own ufe and be- nefit, for and during the joint lives of him the faid Sir Thomas IP. and the faid Char cite Lee; and if the faid Sir 1 homas 7^. fhould furvive the faid Charlotte Lee, then from and after her deceafe fhould and did pay unto, or otherwife authorifed, or permit the faid Sir "Ihomas I'/, or his affigns, to receive and take the whole of fuch intereft and dividends to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, for and during the term of his natural life; but if the faid Charlotte Lee fliould furvive die laid Sir Thomas IV.. then upon fuch trufts as are therein particularly mentioned and exprefled4 Recital of con- AND WHEREAS the faid William Hallett hath con- tract for the traded and agreed with the faid Sir Thomas J. for pu.rcha.fe of , , i_ r r if C annuity. toe abiolute purchaie of one annuity, or yearly ium ot 200 '. of lawful money of Great hritain, to be paid and payable to the faid William Hallett, his executors, ad- mmiitrarors., or affigns, for and duing the natural life of the laid Sir "ihomas W. by two equal half yearly payments in the year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity for the time which fhall ehpfe between the lalt of fuch half yearly days of payment next preceding the day of the death of the faid Sir 'Ifomas lY. and the time of his deceafe, at or for the price APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 145 price or fum of i,2oo/. out of which faid fum of r,2oo/. it was agreed, upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, that all cofts, charges, and ex- pences attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, and for c.mrmjjlon for procuring the faid fum of i,2OO/.* mould be borne and paid by the faid Sir Thomas W* AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. it was agreed by and between the faid Sir Thomas W. and Wi.liam HaLett, That for the effectually fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 2OO/. unto the faid ft'il.iam Hallett, his executors, adminiftrators, artd affigns, for and during the natural life of the faid Sir Thomas W. all the in- tereft, dividends, and annual proceeds arifing and to be produced from the faid feveral fums of pjiooA Eaft India ftock, and 2o,ooo/. confol. 3 per cent, annuities, to which he, the faid Sir Thomas IV. is intitled for his life, under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, fhould be affigned unto the faid Jchn Thompfon, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, expreffed, and declared of and concern- ing the fame ; and that the faid annuity mould be fur- ther fecured by the bond of the faid Sir Thomas W. and a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment there- on. AND WHEREAS, for better fecuring the pay- Recital of an* ment of the faid annuity, the faid Sir 'ihomas W. by m his bond or obligation in writing, under his hand and feal, bearing even date with thefe prefents, hath be- come bound unto the faid /7 V7 janj HaHett in the penal fum of -2,400 . with a condition thereunder written for making void the fame, if the faid Sir > homas W. fliould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid * In ner.ociatin^ la>p;c fupis, it is not vinufual For a folicitor to charge IDS. jjer ccm. o^miliion, -inwliith cafe it Ihouldhe not oed. 146 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. William HaUett, his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, for and during the natural life of him, the faid Sir 1 k'jntas If. one annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. of lawful money of 'Jreat Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, on two days or times in the year, (that is to fay) on the day and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions ; the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital. AND alfo, if the heirs, executors, or adminiftrators of the faid Sir Thomas IV. fhould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid J^ii.iam Haliet, his executors, ad- miftrators, or afligns, in cafe the faid Sir Thomas W. fhould happen to depart this life on any day on which any half yearly payment of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 200.'. fhould become due, the whole of fuch half yearly payment; and if on any other day, in cafe fuch day mould happen before any half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. ihoukl have become due, then a proportionable part of the half yearly payment of the faid annuity,, or yearly fum of 2oo/. to be computed from the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital, to the day of the death of the faid Sir Thomas IV. BUT in cafe any half yearly payment of the faid annuity, or , yearly fum of 200'. fhould have become due at the time of the deceafe of die faid Sir Thomas W. then from fuch of the faid half yearly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. as fhould happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of the faid Sir Thomas JV. to the day of his de- Recital of war- ceafe. AND WHEREAS in further purfiuince of T ncy. the faid agreement, and for the better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. the faid Sir Thomas 1^. hath executed a warrant of at- torney, bearing even date with the faid bond and thefe prefents, thereby authorifing and empowering certain attornies therein named to confefs a judgment againft him in his Majefty's Court of King's Bench,, in an ac- tion APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 147 tion of debt upon the faid bond, for the faid fum of 2,400'. and cofts of fuit, as by the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement, bond and war- rant of attorney, relation being thereunto refpe&ively had, may more fully and at large appear. NOW THIS Confideration INDENTURE WJTNESSETH, That; for and in con- KcLnge fideration of the fum of i,2oo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to the faid Sir 'Ihomas IV. in his own proper perfon in hand well and truly paid by the faid WH- iiam Hallett, in his own proper perfon, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) by a bill of exchange bearing date the day of drawn by the faid William Hal/eft, upon and accepted by John Doe, for the faid fum of i,2oo/. payable to the faid William Hallett, or order, two months after the date thereof, and by the faid William Ha'lett indorfed to the faid Sir 'Ihomas W. and the fum of in cafh, being lawful intereil on the faid bill of exchange, from the day of the date of thefe prefents until the actual day of payment thereof; out of which faid fum of i,2oo/. the faid Sir Thomas W. immediately after receiving the fame, paid to A. B. of gent, the fum of for attend- ances refpeling the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof. And alfo the further fum of 61. for commif- fion, for procuring the faid fum of i,2oo/. purfuant to the agreement made upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity; the receipt of which faid fum of i,20o ; . he, the faid Sir 'Ihomas W. doth hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof, and of and from the fame and every part thereof doth acquit, releafe, and for ever difcharge the faid William Hallett, his executors, ad- mimftrators, and afligns, by thefe prefents ; he the faid Sir 'Jhomas IV. HATH given, granted, bargained, Grant of ant fold, and confirmed by thefe prefents, DOTH give, Jmity ' grant, bargain, fell, and confirm unto the faid William Ha left, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the term of the natural life of the faid Sir Thomas W. one annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be charged and L 2 chargeable i 4 8 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS'. cliargeable upon, and to he ifluing, payable, had, re- ceived and taken by and out of the intereil, dividends, and Annuity proceeds of the faid feveral fums of 9,iooA Ealb India itock, and 2o,ooo/. confol. 3 per cent, annui- ties herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby ailigned, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, perceive, take and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 2oo/. hereby given, granted, and confirmed, or intended fo to be, and every part thereof from henceforth, for and during the natural life of the laid Sir Thomas IV. to be paid and payable unto the faid William Hallett, his executors, adminiitrators, and alfigns, at or in the Common Dining-Hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Midd'tfeMt by two equal half-yearly payments in the year; (that is to fay) the -- day of -- and the - day of - > in every year, by even and equal portions; the firll payment thereof to begin and be made on the - day of - next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, without any de- duction or abatement out of the fame or any part thereof, for or in refpecl: of any taxes, charges, rates, aileflVnents, or other impofitions whatfoever already taxed, charged, rated, aflefled, or impoied, or here- after to be raxed, charged, rated, aflefled, or impofed, upon the faid intereft and dividend, hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent of 200'. or any of them, or any part thereof, or upon the faid annuity, or yearly fum 2oo/. or any part thereof, or on the faid Sir Thomas W. or the faid If-''i!riam Hal'ett t his executors, ad- miniilrators, or afligns, or any or either of them in refpec} thereof, by authority of parliament, or other- wife howfoever, together with a proportionable part of tke fame annuity, or yearly fum of 2OO/. for the time which {halt elapfe between the lalt of the faid days of payment preceding the day of the deceit fe of the faid Sir 7 homns 1 1/, as in the condition to the faid Covenant for herein before in part recited bond or obligation is p?. ment ot an- , i-Ktr^i i ,- i * // -rr r \ nuity. mentioned. AND the laid Sir i Romas W. for him- felf, his heirs, executors, and ndminifcrators, DOTH Hereby covenant, promife, and agree to, and with the find &iliiam 'HnHett^ his executors, adminHtrators, and 4 afligns, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. afligns, by thefe prefents in manner following, (that is to fay) That he, the faid Sir 'llwnas /"". his heirs, exe- cutors, or administrators, (hall and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Wlliiam Hallelt, his executors, adminiftrators, ajad affgns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Sir Thomas W. one annuity, or yearly fum of 200.'. of lawful money of Great Britain, free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, rates, and other deductions whatfoever, par- liamentary or otherwife, on the days and times and in manner herein before mentioned, and appointed for payment thereof. AND THIS INDENTURE FUR- ; THER WITNESSETH, That in further purfuance of the faid agreement, and for the confiderations afore- faid, and for the further and better fecuring the due and punctual payment of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. unto the faid WiUiam Hallett t his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and afligns. for and during the natural life of him, the faid Sir Thomas W. he, the faid Sir Thomas W. HATH (with the confent and ap- probation, and by the direction and appointment of the faid Ifiltiam Hal left, teftified by hio being made a party to and fealing and delivering thefe prefents) bar- gained, fold, afligned, transferred, and fet overj And by thefe prefents DOTH bargain, fell, aflign trans- fer, and fet over unto the faid 'John Thompfon, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and alligns, all the intereit, dividends, and annual produce of the faid' feveral fums of 9,100''. Eaft India ftock, and 2o,poo/. confol. 3 per cent, annuities, to which he, the faid Sir '] homas W. is intitled unto for his life, under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fet- tlement as aforefaid. AND all the right, title, in- tereft, property, claim and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, of him the faid Sir 'i hcintn W. of in to or out of the fame, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid ftveral fums of 9,100'. Eaft India ftock, and 2o,ooo/.'confol. 3 per cent, annui- ties, unto the faid John 'Ihompfon, his- executors, adminif- trators, and aflagns, for .and during the natural life of L 3 the 1 50 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. the faid Sir Thomas W. UPON THE TRUSTS and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubjet to the powers, provifoes, declara- tions and agreements herein after mentioned, exprefled and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to Upon truft to fay) UPON TRUST to receive the fame, and there- pa y, *3?r*L out to pay unto the faid William Eallett> his execu- .ina an cous, , -n. to- i /- i &c. tors, admimllrators, and afngns, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. mentioned and intended to be hereby granted as aforefaid, during the natural life of him, the faid Sir 'Ihomas W. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges, and expences, (if any) as they, the faid William Hal left and *fohn 'Ihctnpfon, or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, fhall pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 200.. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the manner herein before exprefled or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts and the refidue heteby created, exprefled, or declared. AND do and to Grantor. fhall pay the refidue of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes mentioned to be here- by affigned unto the faid Sir Thomas W, and his af- figns, or as he or they fhall order, dire, and appoint; and for no other ufe, intent, or purpofe, whatfoever. Power of attor- AND for the confiderations aforefaid, and the better to ney to receive enable the faid John 'Ihompfon, his executors, adminif- tmftees. S trators, and affigns, to recover and receive the faid in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid feve- ral fums of p,ioo/. Eaft India ftock, and 2o,ooo/. confol. 3 per cent, annuities, mentioned to be hereby affigned unto the faid John Thornpfon y He, the faid Sir Thomas W. hath made, ordained, conftituted, and ap- pointed, and by thefe prefents DOTH make, ordain, conftitutc, and appoint, the faid John Thotnpfon, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them, his true and lawful attorney and attornies irrevocable for him the faid Sir 'Jhotnas IV. and in his name, or in the name or names of him the faid John Thompfon, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns. BUT upon the trulls APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 154 trufls aforefaid, to aflc, demand, fue for, recover, and receive of and from the faid Henry Lord M. and Wil- fiam South, and of and from all and every other perfon or perfons liable or intrufted to pay the fame the faid mtereft, dividend, and annual produce mentioned to be hereby affigned, or any part or parts thereof as aforefaid. AND from time to time upon receipt there- of, or of any part or parts thereof, receipts, acquit- tances, or other fufficient difcharges for the fame^ or any part thereof, to make, fign, feal, and deliver; And further to do and execute all and every aft and als requifite and expedient for effecting the premifes, as fully and effectually to all intents and purpofes as he, the faid Sir 'Jhomas W. might and could have done in his own proper perfon, if thefe prefents had not been made. AND the faid Sir Thomas I'/, for him- Covenant that felf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth *'*[] S n a hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid yohn Thompfon y his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, by thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) That he the faid Sir Thomas IV. at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, hath good right, full power, and lawful authority to bar- gain, fell and affign the faid intereft and dividends hereby affigned, or intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof refpe&ively, in the manner herein before exprefied and declared of and concerning the fame. AND that he, the faid Sir Thomas ///". hath not at any And hnth done time heretofore made, done, or committed, or w it- nnai ? ttoin - tingly or willingly permitted or fuffered to be done, any acl:, deed, matter, or thing whatfouver, whereby, wherewith, or by reafon and means whereof, the faid intereft and dividends herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned, or any of them or any part thereof refpeclively are, is, can, fhall or may be afTigned, affeded, charged, deftroyed, or incumbered, in title, intereft, charge, eftate, or otherwife howfo- ever. AND FURTHER, That he the laid Sir TV And u-m not ,,.. , . i -n fen, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, but at the proper colts and charges in the law of the faid Sir Thomas W. make, do, and execute, or caufe and pro- cure to be made, done, and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable at and ats, thing and things, devices, conveyances, aflign~ ments, and aflurances in the law whatsoever, as well for the better, more perfectly and abfolutely giving, granting and confirming of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. hereby granted unto the faid William Mallet^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, in manner aforefaid, as for the further, better, and more perfect, and,, effectually afligning the faid intereft and dividends hereby afligned or exprefled, or intended fo to be unto the faid 'John Thompfon, his executors, admi- niftrators, and afligns, in manner and upon the trulls, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before declared and exprefled of and concerning the fame, as by the fakl William Hallett and Joh^ Thompfon^ or either of them, their or either of their counfel learned in the law, fhall be reafonably advifed, devifed, and required. Recital that AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe "ihoukThe en- of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 200'. it was rered upon the agreed, That the faid judgment fo to be confefled upon the faid bond, for the faid fum of 2,2oo/. and cofts as aforefaid, fliould be entered on record in the fuid Court; of King's Bench, as of this prefent Michaelmas term, Hilary term next enfuing, or fome other fubfequent : Defe*7 a nce term. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, thereon. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. i$3 And it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid Sir 'Ihornas W. and William Unliett^ that the faid judgment upon the aforefaid bond fliall be con- fidered as a fecurity only for the better and more effec- tually fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. to the faid William Ha/Sett, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, during the na- tural life of the faid Sir Thomas W. at the feveral days and times, and in the manner limited and appointed for the payment thereof, in and by die faid condi- tion to the faid. recited bond, and of fuch propor- tionable part thereof as aforefaid. AND that no exe- cution or executions fliall be ifiued or taken out upon the faid judgment, unlefs and until fome payment or proportion of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo 7 . or fome part thereof, fhall be in arrears for twenty-one days next after fome or one of the days, or after the times in and by the faid condition to the faid herein before recited bond or obligation, limited and appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. PROVIDED ALWAYS, And it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid Sir Thomas 7F". and WiLiam Ha!- letty and the faid Sir Thomas IV. for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, DOTH hereby covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid William Ha!- iett t his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, That when and fo often as the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 200'. or any part thereof, ihall be behind and un- paid by the fpace of twenty-one days next, over or after any of the days or times mentioned or appointed for payment thereof in the faid condition to the faid bond, that then and fo often and in every fuch cafe it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid iViiiam HaUett) his executors, adminiftrators, and a (Tigris, to fue out fuch execution or executions upon or by virtue of the faid judgment herein before mentioned, as he or they fliall think fit or be advifed, for the recovery of the arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 200 7 . and every part thereof j and all cofts and charges which the faid WiLiam Ha!lett> his executors, adminiftnitovs, or affigns, or any of them Ihall bear, pay, fuftain, or be 154 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. be put unto, for or by rcafon or means of the non-pay- ment thereof; And that it {hall not be neceffary for the faid JFiltiam Hallett t his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, to revive or caufe the faid judgment to be re- vived, or to do any al, matter, or thing, to keep the fame on foot, notwithftanding the faid judgment fhall have been entered on record for the fpace of one year or upwards, and notwithftanding any rule or practice of the court in which the faid judgment (hall be entered on record to the contrary. AND that the faid Sir Thomas W. his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhall not nor will have, take, receive, or attempt, by any ways or means to have or receive any advantage from want of reviving or keeping the faid judgment on foot. PROVIDED ALWAYS, And it is hereby agreed and declared, that from and after the deceafe of the faid Sir 1 homas W. and full payment of all ar- rears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages and expences as afore- faid, and all other cofts, charges, damages and ex- pences in any wife relating to the faid judgment and premifes, he the faid William Hfl'ett, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall and will, at the requeft and at the cofts and charges of the heirs, executors, or adminiftrators of the faid Sir Thomas W. acknow- ledge fatisfation of the faid judgment upon the record Recital of a- thereof. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the fhe^Tpu'chafe P ur chafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of onpa>ment 2oo/. herein before mentioned, it was mutually agreed ' S b Y and between the faid Sir Thomas W. and William Hallett, That the faid Sir Thomas W. fhould at any time, at his own pleafure, be at liberty to repurchafc and buy up the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 2OO/. upon giving unto the faid Witti.t-m Hai>ett y his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, feven days notice in writing of fuch his intention, and upon paying unto the faid Wiliiam Hallett t his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, the full fum of 1,300'. being the original purchafe-money, and one half-yearly payment of the laid annuity of 200'. of lawful money of Brr- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tain, as and for the confideration of fuch repurchafe of the faid annuity of 2oo/. together with all arrears that (hall be due on the fame, and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to and until the repurchafmg the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE FURTHER Declaration WITNESSETH, That for effectuating the faid laft men- tothefarae - tioned agreement, and for the confiderations aforefaid, it is hereby agreed and declared, by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, to be the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, and of the faid parties. And the faid William Hn:iett for himfelf, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, doth hereby co- venant, promife, and agree to, and with the faid Sir Thomas IV. his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, and every of them, that in cafe the faid Sir 'Iho-aas IF, fhall at any time hereafter be minded and defirous of repurchafmg the faid annuity, or yearly fum of aoo/. and of fuch his intention fhall give unto the faid Wil- liam HfiUttty his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of feren days, that he the faid Willivm Halletty his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhall and will at the expiration of fuch feven days, from the time fuch notice fhall be given as laft aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that fhall be due for the arrears of the faid annuity of 2oo/. together with a propor- tionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe, up to the day of repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 1,300.'. as and in full for the re- purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2oo/. fecured as aforefaid. AND on receipt of the faid fum of i,3oo/. and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 2oo/. fecured as aforefaid, and fuch pro- portionable part thereof as aforefaid, fhall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Sir 'Iho.-nas W. deliver up the laid bond and thefe pre- fents to the faid Sir I'honas W. to be cancelled, and acknowledge or caufe fatisfaction to be acknowledged on the record of the faid judgment, that fhall be en- tered APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2OO/. and all powers and authorities, herein contained, for recovering the fame and enforcing the payment thereof (hall ceafe, determine, and be void, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. In witnefs, &c. No. IX. A FF.ME COVERT in tit led to Dividends of Stock Jtanding in the Name of the Account- ant General of the Court of Chancery, for her Life, together tilth her Husband af- Jigns the fame for f ecu-ring an Annuity for her Life, which is likewife fecitred by the Bond of' the Husband, in which is contained a Power for the Grantee to apply to the Court for an Order for Payment of the Di- vidends to him, and to confent thereto on Ke~ half of the Grantors, and at their E.rpencc*. Parties. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between John Hally of, &c. gent, and Hannah his wife, of the one part, and Matthew Hunt, of, &c. Efq. of the other part. Recital of a de- WHEREAS by a decree or decretal order of the High creeinthe Court of Chancery, bearing date the inth day of Fe- courtofcharu u i , r t eery, whereby bruary, 1790, and made in a cauie then and now de- the grantor's pending, wherein Ann Hill, widow, and Charlotte wifeismtitled /> // / j , e , . r TT ,, i i TV to dividends of Hall (daughter of the defendants Hall and his wife) flock for her life. * See Petition to the Court of Chancery for payment of the divi- videnUsto the purchafer, table of conteutSj No. 40. an APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 157 an infant, by the faid Ann Hill, her next friend and others are plaintiffs, the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, and the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and others are defendants, IT is ftated, that upon opening of the matter that day unto the Right Hon. the Lords Commiffioners of the Great Seal of Great Britain by Mr. Maddocks, being of counfel for the defendants HaHand his wife, it was alleged, That John Hill the defendant, Hannah Hall's father, de- ceafed, by his will, bearing date the 2d day of Decem- ber 175 5, amongvt other things bequeathed unto Tho- mas Connor and Richard Emans, 3OOO/. upon truft, to place out the fame on real or government fecurities,' and apply the dividends and intereft thereof towards the maintenance and education of his daughter (the de- fendant) until me mould attain the age of twenty-one years, or be married with fuch confent as after men- tioned) and did thereby direct his faid truftees to pay the faid 30007. to his laid daughter at her faid age of twenty-one years or day of marriage, provided that in cafe his faid daughter mould intermarry without the confent of his faid wife (if then living) but if dead, without the confent of his executors, then the intereft of the faid portion of his daughter Ihould only be paid to her during her life, for her fole and feparate ufe (exclufive of any hufband); And that upon the death of his faid daughter, marrying without fuch confent as aforefaid, the portion fo intended for her, (hould go to and be paid for the benefit of the child or children of his faid daughter, equally between them, at their refpetive ages of twenty-one years, or day of mar- riage, and the intereft thereof, until the principal {hould become payable, mould be applied towards the main- tenance and education of fuch children, and appointed his wife and the faid Thomas Conner and Richard Emans executors of his faid will (who were all fince dead;; That the defendant, Hannah Hall daughter of the faid tellator, intermarried with the defendant John Hall, in the life-time of her faid mother, and without hef confent, whereby fhe became only intitled to re- ceive for her feparate ufe the intereft of die faid 3ooo/. during 15* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. during her life ; That after the death of the faid tef- tator, Thomas Connor and Richard Eman^ with the faid 3000 . purchafed 35oo/. 4 per cent, confol. Bank an- nuities ; That the laid Connor y after the deceafe of the faid EinaHs, transferred the faid ftock fo as to veil the fame in himfelf and Charles Lucas; That the faid Connor was fince dead, whereby the faid 3 SOD/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities was then become folely veiled in the faid Char'cs LttcaSy-wlio was defirous to transfer the fame into the name of the Accountant-General of the faid court in truft in the faid caufe; And therefore it was pray- ed that the faid Mr. Charles Lucas might be at liberty to transfer the faid 35oo/. 4 percent, confol. Bank an- nuities into the name and with the privity of the Ac- countant-General of the faid court, in truft in the faid caufe; And that he might declare the trufts thereof ac- cordingly, fubjel to the further order of the faid court, and that the intereft that fhould accrue due on th-j faid 4 per cent. Bank annuities might be paid unto defendant Hannah Ha!/, according to the will of 'John Hilly her father, deceafed, until the further order of the faid court; And that the Accountant-General might draw on the Bank for the fame, according to the form prescribed by the adl of parliament for the relief of the iuitors of the faid court, and the general rules and orders of the faid court in that cafe made and provided; which upon hearing of, Mr. Jones, of counfel with the faid Mr. LucaSy who confented thereto, was ordered accord- ingly. AND WHEREAS the faid fum of 35007. 4 per cent, confol. Bank annuities was in purfuance of the faid decree or decretal order, transferred by the faid Charles Lucas to the faid Accountant-General, and which now {lands in his name in truft in the faid caufe j the intereft of which faid fum has been fince reduced to 3 per cent, and is now called 3 per cent, reduced -~ Bank annuities - AND WHEREAS the faid Matthew nuity. Hunt hath contracted and agreed with the faid John Hail and Hannah his wife for the abfolute purchafe of one clear annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. of lawful money of Great Lritain, during the natural life of the faid Hannah Hall t at or for the price or fum of 6$ol. out APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 159 out of which faid fum of 6407. it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, That the cofls and charges attending the contract for the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, and likewife the cofts of obtaining the order herein after mentioned, fhould be borne and paid by the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife. (Re- Recital of bond cite a bond from faid John Hall, as in precedent No. 7111.) for paj of NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNhSShTH, That confidaatkm*. for the considerations aforefaid, and for and in confi- deration of the fum of 640.''. of lawful, &c. to the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, in hand well and truly paid by the faid Matthew Hunt, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt of which faid fum of 640!. they the laid John Hall and Hannah his wife do, and each of them doth hereby admit and acknowledge, and of and from the fame and every part thereof do, and each of them doth hereby acquit, releafe, and for ever difcharge the faid Mat- thew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, out of which faid fum of 6407. they the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, immediately after receiv- ing the fame, paid to R. W. of g ent - the fum of for attendances refpecling the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof i they the faid John- Hall and Hannib his wife have, and each of them hath bargained, fold, afligned, transferred, and fet over, and by thefe prefents do, &c. unto the faid Mbttheiv Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, all the intereft, dividends, and annual produce Affi nmento f of the faid fum of 35007. now called three per cent, dividends to reduced annuities, fo {landing in the name of the faid S"^ " Accountant-General, and to which fhe the faid Han- j ng annuity. n-.ih Hail, or the faid John Hall in her right, is intitled for her life, under and by virtue of the faid will of her faid late father deceafed, and which by the faid herein before recited decree or decretal order is directed to be paid toherduringhcrlifeasaforefaid. AND all the right,. title, ,5 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. title, intereft, truft, property, claim, and demand \vhatfocvcr, a* well legal as eqitable, of them the faid 'Join // de- otherwife to the faid Court of Chancery, for the pur- ( ^** covenant to pay annuity. Precedent No. Fill), Wife have done AND the faid John Hall, for himfelf, his executors ?umher t0 in " and adminiftrator s> doth covenant, promife, and agree, to and with the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, by thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) That they the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, have not, nor hath either of them at any time heretofore, made, done, or committed, or wittingly APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 1^3 wittingly or willingly fuffered to be done, any act, deed, matter, or thing whatfoever, whereby, or by means whereof, the intereft, dividends, and annual produce, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned and appointed, or any pare thereof, are, is, can, mall, or may be charged, afligned, appointed, incumbered, or in any way af- feded. AND ALSO, That they the faid John Hall And that and Hannah his wife, now at the time of the fealing wSrVhui- and delivery of thefe prefents, are, or one of them is, tied to receive well intitled to receive the fame intereft, dividends, dmdendi - and annual produce, and premifes, during the life of the faid Hnnah Hall. AND FURTHER, That they And that they the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife mail and will, will ratify all at all times hereafter, juftify and allow, ratify and"' confirm, all and whatfoever the faid Matthew Hitnt> his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, mail law- fully do or caufe to be done in and about the premifes } 'and ihall not, nor will revoke, or make void, any of the powers or authorities hereby given, or in purfu- ance hereof to be given to the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or any of them, nor do any acl: whereby the recovery or receipt of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and pre- mifes, may be impeded or delayed. AND MORE- And for further OVER, That they the faid John Hall and Hannah affurance - his wife, their executors, or adminiftrators, and all and every other perfon or perfons whatfoever, having, or lawfully claiming, or wlio mall or may hereafter have, or lawfully claim any eftate, right, title, or in- tereft at law, or in equity, into or out of the faid in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, or any of them, or any part thereof, by from or under them, or any of them, mall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter, at and upon the reafonable re- queft of the faid Matthew Hu>it y his executors, admi- niftrators, or aflTgns, but at the proper cofts and charges in the law of them the faid John Hall and Hannxh his wife, make, do, and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done, and executed, all and every M 2 fuch j$4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fuch further and other lawful and reafonable aft and als, thing and things, aflignments and appointments, in the law whatfoever, for the further and better, more perfect and abfolute afTigning and appointing the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned and ap- pointed as aforefaid, unto the faid Mattheiv Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, as by the faid Afat:heiv Httnty his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, or his their or any of their counfel learned in law fhall be reafonably devifed, advifed, or required. In witnefs, &c. No. X. GRANT of an ANNUITY by a Military Gen- tleman for his Life, fecured by an Affign- ment of Dividends of South-Sea Stock, and the Intcrejl of Money on Mortgage, (to which he is intitled under his Marriagc-Set- tkment) to a Truftee, for better fecuring the fame ; as likewife for fecuring any extra Expence of In/urance, which the Grantee may pay on the Grantor s leaving the King- dom on Military Service ; which the Grantor . covenants to do. And with Directions to the Trujlees under the Settlement not to difpofe of the South- Sea Annuities (winch they are empowered to do under the Settlement) with- out the Con font of Grantee, where the Con- Jideration- Money is paid Part in Cajh, and Part by a Banker's Cheque. Panic.. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE made, &c. between Thomas Vince, of, &c. of the firft part j Jafob fito, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ,6r Fifi, of, &c. of the fecond part ; and Robert White, of, &c. of the third part. WHEREAS by indenture Recital of mar- tripartite, bearing date the day of in ' iase fetlle - r T j , , . ment, whereby the year or our L.ord and made or exprefled to the grantor is be made, between the faid Thomas Vince of the firft ! ntitle ^ to the part ; John Good, of, &c. Efq. and Elizabeth Goody vidends of cet- only daughter of the faid John Good, of the fecond Lail l f ums in 7 n 7 . ni-r e o T-r cr-i r ponemon and part ; and Robert JDlys, or, &c. r,lq. Ihomas Po-wley, others in rrver- of, &c. Efq. Thomas Barnes, of, &c. Efq. and James fl ( 9 Thhl ' l( z> Wright, of, &c. Efq. of the third part; RECITING,. Td That a marriage had beenagreed upon and was intended to be foon had and folemnized between the faid Thomas rirrctznd the faid Elizabeth Good-, AND RECITING, That the faid Thomas Vince was intitled (among other things) to the fum of iooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities in poffiefiion, and alfo to the fum of 30007. of like 4 per cent. Bank annuities, given him by the will of George Rey, lately deceafed, in reverfion after or expectant upon the deceafe of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hey, and likewife to the fum of 5007. of like 4 per cent. Bank annuities, expectant upon the deceafe of John Steivart, and fettled upon him the faid John Stewart for his life ; AND RECITING, That the faid Elizabeth Good was intitled to the capital or principal fum of 2ioo/. 3 per cent, new South-Sea annuities, (being her mare of the prefent accumulated fund under the will of Dame Mary CroJJe, deceafed) and was alfo in- titled to the capital or principal fum of iooc/. like annuities, given to her by the will of Elizabeth Day, deceafed, expectant upon the deceafe of Mrs. Prifcilla Good, and that the faid Elizabeth Good was likewife in- titled to a moiety or half part of fome other contingent {hare or intereft of and in the rents and profits of cer- tain leafehold eftates and tenements, given by the faid will of the faid Dame Mary CroJJe, for the benefit of the daughters and younger children of the faid John Good-, AND RECITING, That on the treaty for the faid recited marriage, it had been propofed and agreed, that the faid feveral capital or principal fums of iooo/. 3ooo/. oo/. 2ioo/. and iooo/. and the faid moiety and other contingent intereft under the faid will of the M 3 faid APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, faid Dame Jl'ary Cro/e, to which the faid Thomas Vince and E.izaieth Good were refpeftively intitkd as aforefaid, fliould be vefted in truftees, (fubjed as to the faid 3ooo/. and 5Oo/. part of the property of the faid T/xuis Vince, to the liferintereft of the faid Ai That i- for the more efFeftually fecuring the due and punctual fd payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of fce .uiigried to ioo/. unto the faid Jofeph Fijh, his executors, admi- tsr'ibcuriLgVhe niftvators, and affigns, for and during the n tural life lioie. of the laid Thomas Pince, and alfo all fuch eventual ex- tra infurance as aforefaid, all the interefts, dividends, and annual produce, and proceeds of the faid principal fum of aooo/. on mortgage as aforefaid, and of the faid fum of 42467. 3$. 6d. 3 per cent, new South-Sea annuities, and alfo of the faid feveral fumsof3ooo/. and 5oo/. 4 per cent annuities, (fubject to the feveral contingencies herein before mentioned) to which he the faid Thomas Pince is intitled for his life, under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited in- denture of fettlement as aforefaid, fhould be afligncd unto the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftra- tors, and afligns, upon the trufts and to and for the in- tents and purpofes herein after mentioned, exprefled, And that the and declared, of and concerning the fame. AND that tame umuld he,,.., ' n in his own proper peribn, in hand well and truly paid by the faid Jofefh Fifi, in his own proper perfon, at or before the fealing and delive, y of thcfe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) the torney. idn in" cam nd part APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 175 the fum of 500!. part thereof in notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and the further fum of 2oo/. refidue of the faid fum of yoo/. by a draft or cheque, bearing, even date with thefe prefents, drawn by the faid Jofeph frifi on Meflrs. Coutts and Co. bankers, in the Strand, payable to the faid -Thomas ^Yfi? or bearer, on demand; out of which, &c. (State Expences. the expencesj. The receipt of which faid fum of 7 oo/. he the faid Thomas Pince doth hereby acknowledge, &c. He the faid Thomas Vince hath, &c . and by thefe prefents doth give, grant, bargain, fell and confirm, unto the Grant of an- faid Jofeph Fi(h, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- puity tobeiir- r c 11- i ii-r r 1 r \ ~n mg (Hit Of llUe- ligns, for and during the natural life of the laid "Jhsmas reftoftruftmo- Pince t one annuity, or yearly fum of loo 7 , of lawful, n j. es for the Iife o i i 11111 i i /- of grantor. c. to be charged and chargeable upon, and to be it- fuing, payable, had, received, and taken by and out of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and proceeds of the faid principal fum of 2ooo/. on mort- gage as aforefaid ; And alfo by and out of the intereft, dividends, and annual produce and proceeds of the faid fum of 4246^ 3^. 6d. 3 per cent, new South- Sea annuities; And alfo of the faid feveral fums of 3ooo/. and 500.'. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, here- in before mentioned, (fubject to the contingencies here- in before exprefied) and intended to be hereby afligned, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, perceive, take and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. hereby given, granted and confirmed, or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, from henceforth for and during the natural life of him the faid Thomas I'hice, to be paid and payable unto the faid Jofeph Fi/h, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, or affigns, at or in the Common Hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middefcx^ by four equal quarterly payments in the year, (that is to fuy) the day of the day of the day of and the day of - in every year, by even and equal portions; the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of .... next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, without any deduction or abatement \fhaifoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or 5 in 176 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. in refpeft of any taxes, charges, rates, afleflments, or other impofitions whatsoever already taxed, charged, rated, alllfled, or impofed, or hereafter to be taxed, charged, rated, aflefled, or impofed upon the faid in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce and proceeds, hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any of them, or any part there- of, or upon the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, or on the faid Thomas Pi/ice, or the faid Jofeph Fijh y his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, or any or either of them in refpetl thereof, by authority of parliament, or otherwife howfoever, to- gether with a proportionable part of the quarterly pay- ment of the fame annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. for the time which mail elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment preceding the day of the deceafe of the faid Thomas l/ince, and the day of his deceafe, as in the condition to the faid herein before in part re- Covenant to cited bond or obligation is mentioned. ( Add covenant p.iytiie extra to pay annuity, Precedent No. 111). AND ALSO, That in cafe the faid Thomas f'itice ihall at any time or times hereafter depart from or leave this kingdom in military fervice, whereby or by means whereof the faid 'foffph Fiji), his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, mail be put to any extra expences by infuring the life of him the faid Thomas Fince, that then he the faid 'Ihomas l/ince {hall and will well and truly pay, Afli^nment of or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Jofeph Fifhy his ex- * of truft ecutors, adminiftrators, or affigns, all fuch extra ex- SfteTfoiAhe pences as he or they {hall be put to in refpet thereof. purch.ucr.ur- AND THIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, euriwf arniuTiy f ^ iat * n farther purfuance of the faid agreement, and ami tuch even- for the confiderations aforefaid, and for the further and - better fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. unto the faid Jo- ft-ph Fijhy his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Thomas Vinccy he the faid Thomas /^o-HATH, with the con- fent and approbation, and by the direction of the faid Jofeph FiJJjy (teftified by his being made a party to and fealing and delivering thefe prefents) granted, bar- gained, "' APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 177 gained, fold, afligned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents DOTH, &c. unto the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, ALL the in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid prin- cipal fum of 2ooo/. on mortgage as aforefaid, and of the faid fum of 4246.'. 3-r. 6d. 3 per cent, new South- Sea annuities , And alfo of the faid feveral fums of 3ooo/. and 5 oo/. 4 per cent, annuities, to which he, the faid Thomas fince, is intitled for his life, under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, fubjecl: to the contingencies herein before mentioned. AND all the right, title, truft, intereft, property, claim, and de- mand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, of him the faid Thomas l/ince^ of in to or out of the fame, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take and enjoy, the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fums of 2ooo/. on mortgage as aforefaid, 42467. 3*. 6d 3 per cent, new South-Sea annuities, and the faid feveral fums of 3ooo/. and 5 his executors, adminiftrators, or alligns, all fuch extra expences as he or they fhall be put to in refpecl: thereof; and all cofts, charges, da- mages, and expences (if any) as they the faid Jofeph Fsjh and Robert White^ or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or any of them, fhall fuffer, fuftain, expend, or be put unto by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of i oo/. or any part thereof, or for or in refpecl of any matter or thing relating thereto, or in the execution of the trufts hereby vefted or re- pofed in the faid Robert White > his executors, admi- niftrators, and afligns. AND UPON TRUST, from time to time after the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as the fame fhall become due and payable, and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges, and expences as afore- faid, {hall be paid and fatisfied, to pay, apply, and difpofc of the refidue and overplus of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes mention- ed to be hereby afligned, and which mall be received by the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, (if any) unto the faid Thomas Vince and his affi^ns, or as he or they fhall order, direct or appoint, and for no other intent or purpofe whatfoever. AND for the confiderations aforefaid, and the better to enable the faid Robert Whiie> his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns, to recover and receive the faid in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid 2ooo/. on mortgage as aforefaid, 4246^ 3.^. 6d. 3 per cent. new South-Sea annuities, and the faid feveral fums of 3ooc/. and 500!. 4 per cent, annuities, fubjec~l to the vomineencies herein before mentioned, and hereby af- figneti- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ^, figned unto the faid Robert White, he the faid Thomas Vmcc hath, &c. And by thefe prefents DOTH make, ordain, conftitute and appoint the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them his true and lawful attorney and attornies for him the fa>d Thomas I'ince, and in his name or in the name or riames of him the faid Robert White, his executors, ad- miniftrators, or afligns, but upon the trufts aforefaid, to afk, demand, fue for, recover and receive of and from the faid Robert Blifs, Thomas Poiuley, and Thomas Barnes, the furviving truftees in the faid herein before recited indenture of fettlement, and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, and of and from all and every other perfon and perfons liable or intrufted to pay the fame, the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce men- tioned to be hereby afligned, or any part or parts there- of j And from time to time upon receipt thereof, or of any part or parts thereof, receipts, acquittances, or other fufficient difcharges for the fame, or any part thereof, to make, fign, feal and deliver; And further, to do and execute all and every other at and als re- quifite and expedient for effecting the premifes, as fully and effectually to all intents and purpofes as he the laid Thomas Pince might or could have done in his own proper perfon, if thefe prefents had not been made. AND the faid Thomas Vince for himfelf, his Covenant heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth hereby co- j eaves 6 the"* venant, promife and aeree to and \vitli the faid 'Jofetb kingdom, he c-n ! j -n. j tr u ffyb, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, by t ice to grants. thefe prefents, That he the faid Thomas l^'inc,: fhall not at any time or times hereafter, during the term of his natural life, depart from or leave this kingdom on mi- litary fervice without firft giving the faid Jofipb Fijh t his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, notice thereof in writing, under the hand of him the faid Tbomns Vince^ at leait leven days before fuch his departure. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- Dirertion to NESSETII, That for the further, better, and more J JJ to South-Sea annirtits under the power given them ia the i'culeiner.-j ,,-uhout ih sunient of grantor. N 2 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. effe&ually fecuring the faid annuity, or yearly Turn of loo/, during the natural life of him the faid Thomas Vince, He the faid Thotnas Vince DOTH hereby ex- prefsly declare, order, direct and appoint, that they the faid Robert Blifs, Thomas Poivley, and 7 how 'as Barnes, the furviving truftees in the faid recited inden- ture of fettlement, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, {hall not at any time or times hereafter, during the natural life of him the faid Thomas Vince, fell, transfer, or dif- pofe of the aforefaid fums of 2ooo/. on mortgage as afore- laid, and 42467. 3-r. 6d. 3 per cent, new South-Sea an- nuities, in purfuance or by virtue and in exercife and ex- ecution of the faid power or authority to them in that be- half given, limited or referved, in and by the faid recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, without the fpecial licence and confent of the faid Jofeph Pfo, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, firft had and obtained for that purpofe ; But from the exercife or execution of the faid power or authority, for and during the natural life of him the faid 'Ihomas Pince, he doth exprefsly difcharge, fufpend, and prohibit the faid Robert B/ifs, Thomas Powley, and Ihomas Barnes, and the furvivors and fur- vivor of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, by thefe prefents, without fuch the li- cence and confent of the faid Jofeph Fijh, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, or afligns as aforefaid. (Add covenant that grantor hath right to ajjtgn dividends, and that he hath done no act to incumber the fame, Precedent ;!.,,. ra . No. II). AND FURTHER, That he the faid Thotnas t.fy the antho- Pine ; his executors and adminiftrators, iliall and will ilSftces. en at a11 times nereafter juftify and allow, ratify and con- firm, all and whatfoever the faid Robert White, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, fhall lawfully do, or caufe to be done in and about the premifes, and (hall not nor will revoke, or make void, all or any of the powers or authorities hereby given, or in purfuance hereof to be given to the faid Robert White, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, nor do any a& where- by the recovery or receipt of the faid intereft, divi- dends, And that rantor APPENDIX Of PRECEDENTS. iBi dends, and annual proceeds herein before mentioned, or intended to be hereby afligned, may be impeded or delayed. ( Add covenant for further ajjurance, defeasance n judgment, and claufe of redemption'). In witnefs, &c. No. XI. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of the Grantor, fecured by an Alignment of the Inter eft of Money charged upon Eflates to which the Grantor is mtittedfor his Life, under his Marriage-Settlement, to a Truftee for the Grantee ; with Dire&ions from the Grantor to the Trujlees under the Settlement not to vary Securities without the Appro- bation of the Grantee. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE made, &c. Parties, between James Brad, of, &c. Efq. of the firft part, Pa- trick Dann, of, &c. gent, of the fecond part, and Robert White, of, &c. gent, of the third part. WHEREAS Recital of mar- by indenture of fettlement, bearing date the riage fettle- ,. . . r T \ ment. where- day of . m the year or our Lord by the grantee and made, or mentioned to be made, between the faid intifled to the James Brad of the firft part ; Elizabeth Dyke, of, &c. 50 oo/. for his Ipinfter, one of the daughters and younger children of ji r e ,( he ' n R. llis ^ , _/ . . ,. - .-., . y .*-*.._ - . wife's portion* John Dyke, late of, &c. Efq. deceafed, of the fecond part ; John Dyke, one of the fons, and another of the charged upon younger children of the faid John Dyke, deceafed, pf e ft^tes.) " the third part; and James Broad, of, &c. Thomas And wherehv Haivk, of, &c. John Dajh, of, &c. and Thomas Smith, t\&Tl\\l of, &c. Efqrs. of the fourth part; RECITING, That imereft of the faid John Dyke deceafed, in and by his laft will "r^tsSng and teftament, duly executed, bearing date on or about kis own pro- the day of 1796, DID (amongft other y$\ of in or to the faid legacy, and every part and parcel thereof, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid legacy or fum of 30OO/. and all other the premifes thereby ailigned, or mentioned or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, unto the fajd James Broad^ &c. their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, as their abfolute property, upon fuch trufts and to and for fuch ufes, intents, and purpofes, as are thereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame. AND IT IS THEREBY ALSO WIT- NESSED, That for the coniiderations therein men- tioned, he the faid "John Dyke^ party thereto, DID bar- gain, fell, affign, transfer, and fet over, unto the faid James Broad y &c. their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, the faid fum of 2000/. being the remainder unreceived of the faid legacy or fum of 3QOO/. fo given and bequeathed to him the faid John Dyke^ party thereto, in and by the will of the faid John Dyke deceafed, and every part thereof, and all and every fum and fums of money due, or to become due and owing for and in refpecl: of the fame, and all bene-r lit and advantage to be derived therefrom, and all the right, title, intereft, profit, property, benefit, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity, of him the faid John Dyke^ party thereto, of in or tp the fame, together with all methods and remedies, powers and authorities, for recovery and receipt of the fame, every or any part or parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid fum of 2OOO/. and all other phe premifes lad-mention- ed, and intended to be thereby afligned unto the (aid James Broad, &c. their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, as their abfolute property, upon fuch trufts, and to and for fuch ufes, intents, and purpofes, as are thereinafter mentioned, exprefied, and declared of and concerning the fame. AND it is thereby agreed and declared by and between all and every the faid parties thereto, That they the faid James Broad^ &c. their ex- ecutors and adminiftrators, fhould ftand and be pof- fefled of and interefted in the faid legacy or fum o,f * > 30007. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 18$ 3000^. and the faid fum of 200O/. being the remainder unreceived of the faid legacy of 300O/. fo given and be- queathed to the faid "John Dyke, party thereto, in and by the faid will of the faid John Dyke deceafed, and therein before affigned by the faid Elizabeth Dyke and the faid John Dyke, party thereto, or mentioned or intended fo to be, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fub- ject to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agree- ments thereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and de- clared of and concerning the fame ; that is to fay, IN TRUST for the faid Elizabeth Dyke and John. Dyke, party thereto, according to their re fpe&ive rights and interefts therein, until the folemnization of the faid intended marriage, and from and after the folem- nization thereof, UPON TRUST, That they the faid James Broad, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors, adminiftrators, and affigns of fuch furvivor, did and mould lay out and inveft the faid legacy or fum of 30OO/. fo affigned to them by the faid Elizabeth Dyke as aforefaid, and the faid fum of 2ooo/. affigned to them by the faid John Dyke as aforefaid, when and as foon as the fame fhould be reipectively recovered and received at intereft in or upon fome of the public funds, or on real or govern- ment fecurities, as the faid James Brad and Elizabeth Dyke, from time to time during their joint lives, and the furvivor of them, mould approve of. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, That they the laid James Broad) &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, did and mould pay to, or fufficiendy authorize and empower the faid James Brad and his affigns to receive and take the intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid two feveral fums of 3OOO/. and 200O/. or of the ftoclcs, funds, or fecurities, whereon the fame mould be invefted, to and for his and their own ufc and benefit, for and during the term of his natural Jife, and from and after his deceafe, upon fuch trufts as are thereinafter mentioned. PROVIDED AL- \VAYS, And it is thereby declared and agreed by and between j86 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. between the faid parties thereto to be the true intent and meaning thereof, and of the faid parties, That notwithftanding any of the trufts aforefaid> it fhould and might be lawful to and for the faid "James Broad, Sec. or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, from time to time, with the confent of the faid James Brad and Elizabeth Dyke, and the furvivor of them, tefti- fied by any note or writing under their, his or her hand, to call in the faid truft- monies and premif es, or any part thereof, and make fale or difpofition of the fecurities or funds whereon the fame, or any part thereof, ihould be inverted ; And with the like content of the faid 'James Brad and Elizabeth Dyke, or the furvivor of them, to place out the money arifing by fuch fale, and which Ihould be fo called in, upon other real or govern- ment fecurities, or parliamentary funds, and from time to time to alter and transfer fuch fecurities or funds, and that fuch new fecurities or funds fo taken, and the monies fo placed thereon, fhould be and remain vefted in the faid James Broad, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, upon fuch and the fame trults, arid to and for fuch and the fame ufes, intents, and pur- pofes, as are therein before declared and expreffed of and concerning the fame truft-premifes, and the fecurities whereof fhould be fo changed as aforefaid, or fuch of them as fhould be then fubfifting and capable of taking effea. AND IT IS THEREBY FUR- THER WITNESSED, And thereby agreed and de- clared by and between all and every the parties thereto to be the true intent and meaning thereof, and of the faid parties, That the faid fum of IO,OOO/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities therein before mentioned to have been transferred by the faid James Brad to the faid James Broad, &c. was fo transferred to them, to the intent that they the faid James Broad, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors and adminif- trators of fuch furvivor, fhould ftand and be poflefled of and interefted in the faid io,ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, upon the feveral trufts, and to and 4 for APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. for the feveral ufes, intents and purpofes, and under and fubjel to the feveral powers, provifoes, declara- tions, and agreements thereinafter limited, exprefTed, and declared of and concerning the fame (that is to fay) IN TRUST for the faid James Brad, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and affigns, until the folem- nization of the faid intended marriage, and from and after the folemnization thereof, IN TRUST to pay unto, or fufficiently authorize and empower the faid James Brad and his affigns to receive and take the dividends, intereft, and annual produce of the faid fum of io,ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, for and during the term of his natural life, and from and after his deceafe, upon fuch trufts as are thereinafter mentioned. PROVIDED ALWAYS, And it is thereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties thereto to be the true intent and meaning thereof, and of tha faid parties, That notwithstanding any of the trufts aforefaid, it mould and might be lawful to and for the laid James Broad, &c. or the furvivors or furvivor of them, and the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, from time to time, with the confent of thft faid James Brad during his life, and after his deceafe, with the like confent of the faid Elizabeth Dyke (\\\ cafe {he fhould furvive him) during her life, and after the deceafe of the furvivor at the difcretron of the faid truftees or trufteefor the time being, to call in the faid fum of io,ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, or any part thereof, or make fale and difpofe of the fecurities or funds wherein the fame or any part thereof fhould be inverted, and to place out the money arifing by fuch fale, and which fhould be fo called in, upon other real or government fecurities or parliamentary funds, and from time to time to alter and tranfpofe fuch fecurities or funds (with fuch confent of the faid James Brad and Elizabeth Dyke as aforefaid) and that fuch new fecurities or funds fo taken, and the monies placed thereon, fhould be and remain vefted in the faid James Broad, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, ,88 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. furvivor, upon fuch and the fame trufts, and to and for fuch and the fame intents and purpofes, as are therein before declared and exprefled of and concerning the faid laft-mentioned truft-premifes, or fuch of them as ihould be then fubfifting and capable of taking Recital of mar- effed. AND WHEREAS the faid marriage was, riage. fhortly after the date and execution of the faid inden- dure, duly had and folemnized by and between the Kecital of a faid James 5/Wand Elizabeth Dyke ; AND WHERE- whercby'the ^ ^y a certa ' n deed-poll or inftrument in writing, io,ooo/. 4 indorfed upon the faid recited indenture under the JMdowb' uf- hands and feals of the faid J ames Bro d * Thomas te, and mvcf- Hawk, John Da/h^ Thomas Smith, and James Brad y red upon a bearing date the day of in the year of our Lord RECITING, That the faid James Broad, &c. on the day of then laft, at the particular inftance and requeft of the faid James Brad teftified as therein mentioned, fold and difpofed of the therein mentioned fum of io,ooo7. 4 per cent. Bank annuities at the rate of ioi/. per cent, which after deducting brokerage produced the clear fum of 10,0877. IDJ. AND RECITING, That the faid James Broad, &c. at the like inftance and requeft of the faid James Brad, had lent and advanced the faid fum of 10,0877. los. unto Lewis Dyke, of, &c. Efq. upon a mortgage made to them the faid "James Broad, &c. by the faid Lewis Dyke of the manor of - the retory or advowfon of the living of and divers farms, lands, and hereditaments in the parifh of in the county of in and by a certain indenture of demife, bearing equal date with the faid deed-poll now in jecital, and made between the faid Lewis Dyke of the one part, and the faid James Broad^ &c. of the other partj IT IS WITNESSED, And the faid James Broad) Sec. did thereby refpeclively acknowledge, de- clare, and agree, That they the faid James Broad^ &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns of fuch furvivor, Ihould and would ftand and be poflefled of and inte- reftcd in the faid fum of io>o87/. 10*. fecured by the faid APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 189 laid recited mortgage made to them by the faid Lewis Dyke as aforefaid, and all intereft and proceed from thenceforth to become due thereon and therefrom ; And alfo fhould and would ftand pofiefled of and inte- refted in the laid hereditaments and premifes, demifed to them in and by the faid indenture as aforefaid, and of and in the faid indenture, and all other fecurity thereby made or given for the fame, upon fuch trufts, and to and for fuch ends, intents, and purpofes, and by with under and fubjecl to fuch powers, provifoes, and agreements, as in and by the therein within indenture of fettlement are mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the faid fum of io,ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, and the intereft and dividends thereof, as in and by the faid recited indenture of fettlement and deed-poll, reference being thereunto refpe&ively had, will more fully and at large appear. . . . A XTT-V T i r rTt'T>r- A o r -j L i f r And that the AI\D WHEREAS the faid three feveral fums offeveralfums 3OOO/. 2000/. and 10,0877. los. ftill remain due and ' e u ;^ ue and outftanding upon the fecurities aforefaid ; AND fecuritiesafore* WHEREAS the faid James Eroad^ &c. by virtue < 3 * d L?2J2! ut the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettle- under the inent and deed-poll now ftand poflefled of and inte- Settlement now refted in the faid principal fums of 3oco7. 2ooo/. and (hereofSSi 10,0877. los. upon the trufts mentioned in the faid the truits of recited indenture of fettlement j AND WHEREAS lettlement - the faid Patrick Dann hath contra&ed and agreed with Recital of con- the faid James Brad for the abfolute purchafe of one jj^ whlclfis^o annuity or clear yearly fum of 3Oo7. of lawful, &c. at beitfhingoutof or for the price or fum of 2ioo7. to be ifluing out of tSd* o'f^he and from the yearly interest, dividends, and pro- feveral fums; ceeds of the faid three feveral fums of 30007. 20007. gu^by^he" and 10,0877. los. fecured as aforefaid, and afligned to bond and war- the faid James Broad, &c. as aforefaid, and to be further iant / atto f- JL rur-j^v n i j ne y of g^ntor, Jecured by the bond of the faid fames tiraa, and a war- rant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon, as hereinafter is particularly mentioned, for and during the natural life of him the faid James Brad, out of which faid fum of 2ioo7. it was agreed that all cofts, aru i cxpuic e,. charges, and expences attending the faid contract, and for preparing and -perfecting the feveral fecurities for the igo APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. the fame, and for perfecting and inrolling a memorial thereof, and for procuring the faid fum of 2ioo/. (hould be borne and paid by the faid 'James Brad. ( Recite the bend and warrant of attorney. Add grant of annuity to be ij/uing out of 'the dividends and inte- re/lofthefaidyiQoL 20OO/. and 10,0877. los. as in the Jaid herein before recited indenture and deed-poll is mentioned^ or wba tfoever jecurities the faid three feveral fums now are, or at any time hereafter during the life of him the Jaid James Brad, may be laid out and ini)rjhd, as in Precedent No. X. And add covenant to pay annuity.) Aflijnmentof AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- ie intereft of NESSETH, That for. the con fulerat ions aforefaid, and fums fo/the for the further and better fecuring the due and punctual life of grantor payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 300^ granted, upon' herein before granted, and alfo for and in confideratiorf rruft for fecur- o f the fum of 105. of like lawful money, to him the faid James Brad in hand, well and truly paid by the faid Robert White at or before the fealing and de- livery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the laid James Brad (at the nomi- nation, and by the confent and approbation of the laid. Patrick Dann, teftified by his being made a party to and executing thefe prefents) HATH, &c. and by thefe prefents DOTH bargain, fell, affign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Robert White, his executors, adminifliators, and affigns, all and fmgular the annual dividends, intereft, and proceeds whatfoever, that Ihall or may at any time hereafter during the life-time of him the faid James Brad, accrue on, grow due, and be. received for upon or in refpecl of the faid three feveral fums of 3OOO/. aooo/. and io,o8y/. 105. herein before mentioned, and every part thereof, upon what- foever fecuiities or funds the faid three feveral fums, or any part or parts thereof, {hall or may at any time or times hereafter during the life-time of him the faid James Brad, be laid out or inverted, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever of him the faid James Brad, both at law or in equity, of in to and out of the faid hereby afligned premifes, and every part and parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 191 TO HOLD, receive, perceive, and take all and fmgular the faid premifes hereby affigned unto the faid Robert If^bite y his executors, administrators, and affigns, for and during the term of the natural life of him the faid "James Brad^ upon the trufts neverthelefs hereinafter exprefTed and declared of and concerning the fame ; (that is to fay) IN the firft place, thereout to dif- charge, fatisfy, and pay the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 3OO/. and all arrears thereof that {hall be due and owing unto the faid Patrick Dann y his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, at the days and times herein before limited and appointed for payment thereof as aforefaid, or as foon afterwards as the faid affigned premifes received and got in mail be fufficient to difcharge and fatisfy the fame, and all cofts, charges, and expences whatfoever, which the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall fuftain, expend, or be put unto in or about the reco- very of the faid hereby affigned premifes; AND then upon this further truft, That he the faid Robert Wnite, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fliall from time to time pay and apply all the refidue and furplus of the faid hereby affigned premifes unto the faid James Brad and his affigns, and to for and upon no other truft, intent, or purpofe whatfo- ever. (Add power of attorney to receive interejl and dividends^ as in Precedent No. IX.) AND THIS Dire 7 i i r iv r> j i i Inent u 'i tllout the faid James Brad, he the laid James Brad doth the confeut of hereby exprefsly order, declare, direct, and appoint, grantee, that they the faid James Broad, &c. or the furvivors or furvivorof them, or the executors or adminiftrators of fuch furvivor, fhall not at any time or times here- after during the natural life of him the faid Jain,-* Brad) call in the faid truft-monies and premifes, or any part thereof, or make falo and difpofal of the fecimties i 9 2 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS fecurities or funds whereon the Tame, or any part there- of, fhould be invefted, or place out the money arifing by fuch fale, and which fhouid be fo called in, upon other real or government fecurities, or parliamentary funds, nor at any time or times hereafter, during the life of the faid James Brad, to alter and transfer fuch fecu- rities or funds in purfuance or by virtue, and in ex- ercife and execution of the powers or authorities to them in that behalf given, limited, or referred, in and by the faid in part recited indenture of fettlcment, without the fpecial licence and confent of the faid Patrick Darin, his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, firft had and obtained for that purpofe, but from the exercife and execution of the faid powers and au- thorities, or any of them, for and during the natural life of him the faid James Brad, doth exprefsly dif- charge, fufpend, and prohibit the faid James Broad, &c. or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the executors, adminiftrators, or afligns of fuch furvivor, by thefe prefents, without fuch the licence and confent of the laid Patrick Dann, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for that purpofe fir ft had and obtained. AND Covenant that the faid James Brad, for himfelf, his heirs, executors, grantor hath anc j adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife. and done no act to . . ' r . . _, . _,... , 7 \ . incumbcr, agree to and with the laid Robert white, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, by thefe prefents, in man- ner and form following (that is to fay), That he the faid James Brad hath not at any time or times hereto- fore made, done, or committed, or wittingly or wil- lingly differed, nor fhall or will at any time hereafter make, do, commit, or fuffer any aSr, matter, or thing whatfoever, whereby, or by reafon or means whereof, all or any part of the premifes hereby afligned can or may be impeached or incumbered in title, charge, eftate, or otherwife howfoever, or by which the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall or may be prevented, impeded, or hindered from receiving and getting in the fame. AND FURTHER, That And hath good the faid James Brad, at the time of the fealing and de- iffign. livery of thefe prefentSj hath in himfelf good right, full APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 193 power, and lawful and abfolute authority to make fuch grant of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of I0o/, as is herein before contained ; And to aflign all and fingular the faid premifes herein before afligned in manner and form aforefaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. (Add covenant for further ajjurance, defeasance on judgment , and daufe of redemption.) In witnefs. No. XII, GRANT of ANNUITY by a Married Woman (zc/io is feparated from her Hujland] for her Life, fecured by an Affignment and Appointment of 8001. a Year, to which Jhe is intitled under the Deed of Separa- tion, and likewife ly an AJfignment of Di- vidend*, to which Jhe is alfo intitled for her feparate Ufe under a Will, to the Grantee upon Tntjt for fecuring the Annuity. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between Mary Finch , of in the county of Parties. (now the wife of John Fitz y of Efq. but now living feparate and apart from her faid hufband John FitZj and having her property fecured to and for her own fole and feparate ufe, under and by virtue of certain articles of feparation between her and her faid hufband John Fitz hereinafter cited) of the one part, and Walter Hallett, of, &c. Efq. of the other part : WHEREAS by indenture, bearing date the day Recital of mar- of .... . . . in the year of our Lord and made or '^^ ^"j^y exprelTcd to be made between the faid John Fitz, by his provifion is name and defcription of John Fitz, jun. of the parifh m ^ to . the , . V ,.'.J . , * ..grantor, in cafe of Efq. the eldeft fon then living or in being of ihefurvivcdher John Fitz the elder, of, &c. Efq. and the faid John husband. o fr/z, io 4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Fitz, jun. being alfo devifee for life, named and ap- pointed in and by the laft will and teftament, of Richard Fitz^ late of^ &c. Efq. deceafed, therein and herein after mentioned, and the faid Mary Finch therein de- fcribed as the wife of the faid John Fitz^ jun. late Mary Fitz^ fpinfter, daughter of Henry Fitz^ of, &c. Efq. of the one part, and K. Fitz, of, &c. Thomas Cocfa, of, &c. and Edward Andrews, of, &c. Efqrs. of the other part ; AFTER RECITING as therein is recited,and RECITING,That the kid John FitZyjmi. party thereto, intermarried with the faid Mary Finch, his then wife, on or about the day of 17 and had fmce, on the day of then laft, attained his age of 21 years: AND RE- CITING a certain jointure of 400?. per annum, which he had by indenture, bearing date with the now re- citing indenture, fettled upon the faid Mary Finch t and charged upon certain real eftates therein men- tioned in bar of dower, in purfuance of a power and authority to him therein recited to be given under and by virtue of the laft will and teftament of the faid Richard Fitz deceafed j AND RECITING, That the faid John Fitz^ jun. (party thereto) had not any power or authority whatever, under or by virtue of the teftator's faid will, to charge the faid real eftates with or for raifmg any Aim of money whatever for the portions or maintenance for children he might happen to have by the faid Mary his wife, other than and befides an eldeft or only fon, nor under the re- ftri6tions in the faid will in that behalf contained, to grant any greater or annual fum, or yearly rent, thai) as aforefaid, to be iffuing out or charged upon the faid real eftates for the jointure for the faid Mary his wife (if flie fhould furvive him) and he the faid John Fitz being poflefled of and entitled to a very confider- *ble fum of money placed out at intereft in the public funds, which he had full power to difpofe of as he- law fit, and being defirous thereby, or thereout, as well to make fome provifion for the faid Mary Finch his wife, in cafe fhe fhould happen to furvive him, ever and befides the faid annual i\nm > or yearly rent cf APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 19$ of 4-OO/. fo granted, limited, and appointed to her, as and for her jointure and in bar of dower as afore- faid, had propoled and agreed that he the faid "John Fitz fhould and would make over and transfer into and in the names of the faid K. Fitz, Thomas Cocks^ and Edward Andreivs, in the books kept at the Bank of England the capital fum of 20,OOO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, IN TRUST for the fe- veral intents and purpofes aforefaid, and therein and hereinafter more particularly mentioned ; AND RE- CITING, That in purfuance of the faid propofal and agreement laft-mentioned, the faid John Fitz, jun. (party thereto) had, on the day of the date of the now reciting indenture, transferred into and in the names of the faid K. Fiti, Thomas Cocks, and Edivard Andrews^ in the books kept at the Bank of England^ the laid capital fum of 20,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, which was to be and remain in their names, IN TRUST for the feveral intents and pur- pofes therein and hereinafter expreffed, and declared of and concerning the fame : IT IS WITNESSED, That in purfuance of the faid agreement laft-mentioned, and in confideration of the premifes, it is thereby mutually declared and agreed by the faid Join Fitz (party thereto) and all the feid other parties to the faid indenture, that the faid capital fum of 23,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, fo as aforefaid transferred by him the faid John Fitz unto and in the names of the faid K. Fitz, Thomas Cocks, and Edward Andrews, in the books kept at the Bank of England, was fo transferred unto them, and was then Handing in their names in the faid books, and fhould fo ftand, be, and remain in their names, or in the names of the furvivors or furvivor of them, or of the executors, adminiftrators, or afligns of fuch furvivor, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes, and under and iubjec~l to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements therein and hereinafter mentioned, exprelled and de- clared of and concerning the fame capital fum, and tfce dividends and intcreft thereof, (that is to fay) e 2 UPON , 9 6 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. UPON fpecial trufl and confidence that they the faid K. Fitz, Tlwnas Cock^ and Edward Andrews^ and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns of fuch furvivor ftiould and did pay unto the faid John Fitz, jun. (party thereto) and his afligns, the whole of the dividends or intereft of the faid capital fum of 20,oo/. or otherwife au- thorize and empower and permit and fuffer him and them to receive, have, and take the fame to his and their own ufe and ufes, from time to time, as the fame fhould become due, and payable for and during the term of his natural life, and from and immediately alter the deceafe of the faid John Fitz, jun. party thereto : Then in cafe the faid Mary Fitz, his wife, fliould happen to furvive him, UPON FURTHER TRUST AND CONFIDENCE,That they the faid K. FitZ) Thomas Cocks, and Edward Andrews, and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and the executors, admininiftrators, and afiigns of fuch furvivor, did and fhould pay unto the faid Alary Finch and her afiigns the whole of the dividends or intereft of the faid capi- tal fum of 20,ooo/. truft Bank annuities, or other- wife authorize and empower, or permit and fuffer her and them to receive, have, and take the fame to her and their own ufe and ufes, from time to time, as the fame fhould become due and payable for and during the term of her natural life, as a further pro- vifion for her over and above the faid annual fum of 403]. therein before mentioned to be limited and ap- pointed to and for the benefit of her the faid Mary Finch a:id her affigns, as and for her jointure, in and by the faid therein recited indenture, and from and immediately after the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid ^ohn Fitz the younger and Mary his wife, UPON SUCH TRUSTS as are therein particularly men- uM C i' lt wh f reb tioned and ex P reired - AN 9 WHEREAS Arabella the gJlntor is J"^t l ate fj &c. fpinfter, did duly make and publifli mitled to the her laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date fo?Uriifir& onorabout the da 7 of which was in herfeparateuie. the year of our Lord and did thereby (amongft other things) give and bequeath the fum of SOOQ/. of lawful, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 197 lawful, &c. unto A'. F. and B. B. therein refpec- tively defcribed, UPON TRUST, among other things, That they the faid K. F. and B. B. and the furvivor of them, and the executors and adminiftrators of fuch furvivor did and fhould, from time to time, lay out, inveli, and continue the faid fum of 50 oo/. upon government, mortgage, or other real fecurities, with the approbation and confent of her niece the faid Mary Finch, during her life, and did and fhould, from time to time, receive and pay, or otherwife permit and fufter her faid niece and her affigns to receive the intereft, dividends, and yearly proceeds thereof for and during the term of her natural life, to and for her own fole and feparate ufe, and fo as not to be fubjec} to the debts, power, or controul of her then prefent or any future hufband fhe might happen to marry, with divers remainders over ; And the faid tef- tatrix did thereby conftitute and appoint her fifter 'Jane yudd fole executrix of her faid will. AND WHEREAS the faid teftatrix, Arabella Judd, hath nd death of fince departed this life, without revoking or altering her faid will, and the faid Jane Judd did afterwards duly prove the fame in the Prerogative Court of the Archbifhop of Canterbury, and did take upon herfelf the burthen of the execution thereof; AND WHEREAS And that th . . j j 1 1 /L . principal was in and by a certain deed-poll or inftrument m writ- then inverted ing, under the hand and feal of the faid K. F. bear- in the four per ing date on or about the day of in the year ce of our Lord RECITING the faid will of the faid Arabella Judd, as therein and herein before in part is recited j AND ALSO RECITING, That the faid B. B. had departed this life on or about the day of which was in the year of our Lord j AND ALSO RECITING, That the faid Mary Finch, being deiirous of having the faid fum of 500/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, which on the day of the date thereof being at the price of ioo/. 151-. per cent, would produce more than the faid fum of 5000/. the faid Arabella Judd, at the requ'.ft of the laid Mary Fit** and with the approbation of the faid 03 K. F. 198 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, K. F. had on the day of the date thereof transferred the faid fum of 5ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities into the name of the faid K. F. in lieu of laying out the faid fum of 5OOO/. fo given and bequeathed by the faid will of the faid Arabella Judd as aforefaid ; The faid K. F. did therefore thereby acknowledge that the faid fum of 500O/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities was fo transferred by the faid Jane Judd to him in truft for the faid Mary Fitz^ as therein and herein before is mentioned ; And the faid K. F. did thereby declare that he, his executors, and adminiftrators, fhould and would from thenceforth iiand and be poffefled of and interefted in the faid 5ooo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, and the dividends and annual proceeds thereof upon fuch trufts, and for fuch intents and purpofes as in and by the faid in part recited will of the faid Arabella Judd were mentioned, exprefied, and declared of and con- cerning the funds or fecurities thereby directed to be purchased with the faid fum of fooo/. and to for or upon no other ufe, truft, intent, or purpofe whatfo- Recital of deed ever. AND WHEREAS by indenture of three of reparation, p arts bearing date the . day of which whereby the v / T j j grantor' is en- was in the year or our Lord and maje or tltl6d nforthe ex P re ^" ec ^ to ^ e mac ^ e between the faid J. F. party ^ntlives'of to ^ e &id herein before recited indenture, of thq herfeif and fi r ft part, the faid Mary Fitz of the fecond part, of which ^fe- and the faid F, E. and E. A. of the third part? cured by an af- AFTER RECITING, That fome unhappy dif- dfvSdVof ne fe f ences had a"fen and did fubfift between the 20,000! which faid John Fitz and the faid Mary his wife, by in\ e k,ed S ?o a for iSreafon whereof they had agreed to live feparate and life under the apart for the future, and by the mediation of friends Sen^'amUhe" and relations they had concurred in the following refidu'e is fe- agreement touching the terms of fuch feparation, ElnTAr-^^J 8 ^ ^ 7 ), amongft ^ her thinss ' , That th ! tates, i aid / f 1 ' inould pay, or allow for the fupport and maintenance of the faid Mary Finch a clear an-, nuity or yearly fum of 8oo/. during the joint lives of them the faid J. F. and Mary Finch, the faid an, nuity APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. I99 nuity or yearly fum to be paid quarterly at the time, and fecured in manner therein and hereinafter men- tioned : AND that all fuch eftates, real and perfonal, as during the joint lives of the faid John F. and Mary Finch fhould defcend, or come to, or devolve upon, or be given, devifed, or bequeathed to, or in truft for her the faid Mary Finch y or which Ihould devolve upon the faid J. F. in her right, fhould and might be held and enjoyed, and diipofed of by her the faid Mary Finch^ for her fole and feparate ufe, and in fuch manner as (he mould think fit, exclusive of him, the faid 7. F. and as if the faid Mary Finch was fole and unmarried. IT IS WITNESSED, That in confideration of the agreement on the part of the faid Mary Finch thereinafter contained, and in pur- fuance and further performance of the faid therein- after mentioned agreement on the part of the faid John Finch in that behalf; And in confideration of the fum of 55. of lawful, &c. to the faid jf. F. in hand, paid by the faid T. C. and E. A. he the faid J. F. did aflign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid T. C, and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, ALL AND SINGULAR the intereft, dividends, and annual produce due and to become payable for and in refpect of the capital fum of 20,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, then ftanding in the names of the faid K. F. T. C. and E. A. in the books kept at the Bank of England, and all the right, title, and inte- reft of him the faid J. F. of in and to the fame, and every part thereof, with full power and autho- rity to afk, demand, fue for, and recover, receive and give effectual releafes and difcharges for the faid in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce in the name of him the faid J. F. TO HOLD the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce thereby afligned, or in- tended fo to be, and every part thereof, unto the faid T. C. and E. .A. their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the term of the natural life of him the faid J, F. BUT neverthelefs upon the o 4 trufts 200 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. trufts and for the intents and purpofes therein and hereinafter exprefled and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, That they the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, did and fhould from time to time pay the fame (when and as the fame fhould be received) to fuch perfon or perfons upon fuch trufts and for fuch intents and purpofes as the faid Mary Finch by any writing or writings under her hand fhould, notwithftanding her coverture, and if fhe was fole and unmarried, direct and appoint ; And for want of fuch direction or appointment, into the proper hands of the faid Mary Finch, for her fole, feparate, and peculiar ufe and benefit, exclufive of and without being fubject to the debts, controul, forfeiture, dif- pofal, or engagements of him the faid "John Fitz ; And the faid 7- F> did thereby order and diredt the faid K. F. T. C. and E. A, arid each of them, and the executors, administrators, and afligns of them, and each of them, from time to time, during the life of him the faid J. F> to pay the intereft, dividends, and annual produce to the faid T.- C. and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns foi the purpofes aforefaid. AND IT IS FURTHER WIT- NESSED, That for the confideration aforefaid, and in further purfuance and performance of the faid therein and herein before mentioned agreement on the part of the faid J. F. in that behalf; And in confi- deration of the further fum of 5*. of like lawful mo- ney to the faid J. F. in hand, paid by the faid T. C. and E. A.\ And for making a provifion for the iupport and maintenance of the faid Mary Finch ^ during the joint lives of her and the faid J. F. HE the faid J. F. did grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, admi- niftrators, and afligns, all and fingular the farms, mafluages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of him the faid J. F. fituate, lying, and being in the ieveral counties of and or any of them, with their and every of their appurtenances, TO APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. aoi TO HOLD the fame unto the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns, for and during and unto the full end and term of" 99 years, to commence and be computed from the day next before the day of the date of the now reciting indenture, and from thence next enfuing, and fully to be completed and ended if {he fold "John Fitz and Mary his wife fhould fo long live, without impeachment of or for any manner of wafte. But neverthelefs upon the trufts, and for the intents and purpofes therein and hereinafter expreffed and declared of and concerning the fame (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, That they the faid T. C. and E. A, their executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns did, and fhould from time to time, by mortgage, fale, demife, or other difpofition of all or. any part of the faid premifes comprifed in the faid term of 99 years, determinate as aforefaid, for all or any of the faid term, or with and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid premifes, or any part thereof, in the mean time ; or by all or any of the aforefaid ways and means whatfoever, as they the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns fhould think proper, levy and raife fuch ium and fums of money as, together with the intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fum of 2O,ooo/. fhouid be fufEcient to make up the yearly fum of 8oo/. during the joint lives of the faid J. F. and Mary Finch, to be paid quarterly on the day of the day of the day of and the day of < in every year, by equal portions, clear of all deductions for taxes ; or otherwife the firft quarterly payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum ot Boo/, to begin on the day of next enfuing the date of the now reciting indenture. AND IT was thereby declared and agreed, That the faid T. C. and E. A. their exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, fhould pay, apply, and difpofe ot" all and every fum and fums of money to be railed by him, them, or any of them, under or by virtue of the trufts of the kid term of 99 years, determinable APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. deferminable as afoteiaid, to and for the fole, feparate, and and peculiar ufe and benefit of the faid Mary I'lnch, exclufivc of and without being fubjet to the tit-Ins, controul, intermeddling, or engagements of the I'.iid y^hn Fits, in like manner as therein and herein before is mentioned in reipect to the faid in- tercft, dividends, and aniuiai produce, thereby afTigned, or intended fo to be: AND it is thereby alfo declared and agreed, That the receipt or receipts of the faid Mary Fitz alone, or of fuch peribn or perfons as fhc Ihould from time to time ciiredl or appoint to receive the faid annuity of 8oo/. or any part thereof refpec- tively, fhould from time to time be 2 good and fuf- ficient difcharge or difcharges to the faid T. C. and . A. their executors, administrators, or affigns, for fo much money as fhould be therein exprefied or ac- knowledged to be received. AND the faid J. F. did thereby, for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, further covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns, by the faid indenture, That he the faid J. F. mould and would, from time to time, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid T. C. and E. A. their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, the faid annuity or yearly fum of 8oo/. thereby intended for the fole and feparate ufe and be- nefit of the faid Mary Finch as aforefaid, at the times and in manner therein before mentioned and appointed ' for payment thereof refpe&ively, as by the faid feve- ral in part recited wills, indentures, and deed-poll, R cc j ta l of con . reference being thereunto had, will more fully and at tatt for annul- large appear. AND WHEREAS the faid Walter Kcu'rtdupon &?&** hath contracted and agreed with the faid Mary theSool. per Finch for the abfolute purchafe of an annuity or yearly onder m a!e C deed fum of 200/ - of lawful, &c. at or for the price or fum of of reparation i,4OO/. to be charged and chargeable upon, and to 3endI h oYr bc iliuin S out of and from the 7 carl X intereft, divi- ^ooo!. 4 per dends, and proceeds of the faid fum of 5000/.4 per cent; S?"bond d and ? ank ^""ities, to which (he the faid Mary Fitz is warrant of. -.t- int'ulcd to for her life, under and by virtue of the torneyofgrau- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. faid recited will of the faid Arabella Judd deceafed, and deed-poll as aforefaid, and likewife to be charged and chargeable upon, and to be ifluing out of and from the yearly intereft, dividends, and proceeds of the faid capital fum of 2o,ooo/. 3 per cent, confo- Jidated Bank annuities, to which fhe the faid Mary Fitz is under and by virtue of the faid two herein be- fore recited indentures of the day of 17 and the day of 17 intitled unto during the joint lives of herielf and the faid y. F. and from and after the deceafe of the faid J. F. during the life of her the faid Mary Finch; And to be further charged and chargeable upon, and to be ifluing and payable out of fuch further yearly fum as, together with the annual intereft and (dividends of the faid fum of 2O,ooo/. 3 per cent, con- folidated Bank annuities, will make the yearly fum of 8oo/. fecured to be paid to her the faid M. F. during the joint lives of her the faid J, F. by the faid herein before in part recited indenture of the day of .. 17 and to be alfo fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid Mary Finch, and a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon, as herein after is particularly mentioned, for and during the natural life of her the faid Mary Finch, out of which laid fum of 14.00!. it was agreed, That all cofts, charges and expences attending the faid contrail:, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid Mary Finch. Recite the bond and warrant of attorney, Pre- tedent No. VIII. ~Add grant of annuity to be ijjitlng out cf the intercjl and dividends of Jaid 5OOO/. 4 per cents, and likewife out of the interejt and dividends of faid 20,OOol, 3 per cents, and alfo out of fuch fur~ ther fum as, together with the interejt and dividends of the 2O,OOol. 3 per cent, would make the yearly fum of 8ool. as in Precedent No. X) Add covenant to pay annuity. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH, That for the corifiderations afore, laid' 2(>4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Afsignmentof faid, and for the further and better fecuring the due oftheSoooi. a and punctual payment of the faid annuity or clear afvidcnd's of yearly fum of 2oo/. herein before granted ; And alib 50001. to Bran- f or an( j j n confideration of the fum of IQJ. of like for Sing an- lawful money to her the faid Mary Fitz in hand, well nuity. a nd truly paid by the faid Walter Hallett at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) file the faid Mary Finch HATH, &c. and by thefe prefent doth bargain, fell, affign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Walter Hallett, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, all and fingular the annual dividends, intereft, and proceeds whatfoever, that (hall or may at any time hereafter, during the life-time of the faid Mary Fitz y accrue on, grow due, or be received for, upon, or in refpe& of the faid fum of 50OO/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities herein before mentioned, and every part thereof; And aifo all and fingular the annual divi- dends, intereft, and proceeds whatfoeves, that fhall or may at any time hereafter during the joint lives of the faid jf. F. and Mary Finch, and from and after the deceafe of the faid J. F. during the life-time of her the faid Mary Finch accrue or grow due, or be received for, upon, or in refpect of the faid fum of .20,coo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities herein before mentioned, and every part thereof, and alfo all fuch further yearly fum as, together with the faid intereft and dividends of the faid fum of 2O,OOol. 3 per cent. Bank annuities, v/ill make the yearly Jum of 8oo/. fecured to be paid to the faid Mary Finch during the joint lives of herfelf and the faid J. F. as aforefaid ; And all the eftate, right, title, in- tereft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever of her the faid Mary Finch, both at law and in equity, of, into, or out of the faid hereby affigned premifes, and every part or parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND 1 O HOLD, receive, perceive, and take all and fin- gular the faid annual dividends, intereft, and pro- ceeds of the faid fum of 50OO/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities hereby affigned unto the faid Walter Hallett> his executors, adminiftrator.s, and afligns, for and 5 during APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 5a during the natural life of her the faid Mary Finch i AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, per- ceive, and take all and fingular the faid annual divi- dends, intereft, and proceeds of the faid fum of 20,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities unto the faid fraltcr Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the joint lives of the faid J. F. and Mary Finch, and after the deceafe of the faid J. F. during the life of the faid Mary Finch ; AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, per- ceive, and take all and fingular fuch further yearly fum as, together with the annual intereft and divi- dends of the faid fum of 2o,ooo/. 3 per cent, con- folidated Bank annuities, will make up the yearly fum of 8ooA unto the faid Walter Hallett^ his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the joint lives of the faid J. F. and Mary Finch. AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thele prefents, That the faid Walter Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, {hall ftand poflefled of and intereiled in the faid annual dividends, intereft, and proceeds of the faid feveral fums of 5000/. 2O,ooo/. and of fuch yearly fum hereby affigned ; UPON THE TRUSTS neverthelefs, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes herein- after exprefled and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, in the firft place thereout to difcharge, fatisfy, retain, and pay the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 2OO/. and all arrears thereof that mould be due and owing unto him the faid Waiter Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, at the days and times herein before limited and appointed for payment thereof as aforefaid, or asfoon afterwards as the laid affignedpremifes received and got in fhould be fufficient to difcharge and fatisfy the fame, and all cofts, charges, and expences what- foevcr which the faid Walter Hallett^ his executors, adrm;u'ftrators, and affigns {hall fuftain, expend, or be put unto in or about the recovery of the faid hereby affigned premifes. AND THEN UPON Til IS -FURTHER TRUST, That he the faid Walter Hal- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. lett, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns {hall, from time to time, pay and apply all the refidue and furplus of the faid hereby affigned premifes unto the faid Mary Fitz and her affigns, and to, for, or upon no other truft, intents, or purpofe whatfoever. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNES- yeai-liTpurfu- SETH, That for the confiderations aforefaid, and for ance of the t h e better and more effectually affigning and afluring nfedTn^ited'of unto the faid Walter Hallett, his executors, adminif- feparation in trators, and affigns, the faid yearly intereft, dividends, jImee. f and proceeds [of the faid fum of 2O,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and fuch further yearly fum as, together with the annual intereft and dividends of the faid fum of 2o,ooo/. 3 per cent, confo- lidated Bank annuities, as would make the yearly fum of 8oo/. during the joint lives of the faid J. F. and Mary Finch, and from and after the deceafe of the faid J. F. during the life of the faid Mary Finch, fo hereby affigned to him and them, upon the trufts aforefaid, ftie the faid Mary Finch (in iuance and in excrcife and execution of all every, or any of the powers and authorities to in that behalf given and referved in and by the herein before in part recited indenture of the - day of 17 and of any other power authority to her in that behalf given and referved) DOTH hereby exprefsly order, direct, and appoint,That they the laid T. C. and E. A. their executors, admi- niftrators, or affigns, do and {hall from henceforth, during the joint lives of them the faid J. F. and Mary Finch, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Walter Hallett, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, all and every the annual dividends and proceeds of the faid feveral fums of 2O,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and fuch further yearly fum as, together with the annual intereft and dividends of the faid fum of 2o,ooo/. 3 per cem> confolidated Bank annuities, as will make the yearly fum of 8oo/. when and as the fame fliall be re- vived or come to their hands_, by virtue of the truft contained APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ao; contained in the faid herein before recited indenture of the day of 17 ; Neverthelefs upon the trufts, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes herein before mentioned, expreffed, and declared of and concerning the fame. AND the faid Mary Finch DOTH, (in purfuance and by virtue of any power and authority to her in that behalf likewife given and referved in and by the faid herein before in part re- cited indenture of the day of 17 ) hereby order, direct, and appoint, That they the laid K. F. T, C. and E. A, and the furvivor of them, and the executors, admin iftrators, and afligns of fuch fur- vivor do and (hall, from and after the deceafe of the faid J. F. during the life of her the faid Mary Finch^ well and truly pay, or cauie to be paid, unto the faid fValter Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, all and every the annual dividends and proceeds of the faid fum of 20,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, fo Handing in their names upon the trufts mentioned in the laft herein before mentioned indenture. Neverthelefs upon the trufts, and to and for the ends, intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame. (Add power of attorney to receive dividends ^ &c. as in Precedent No. IX). AND the faid Mary Fitz^ for Covenant him hcrfelf, her heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth KpowerX* covenant, promife, and grant to and with the faid grant ani at- Walter Halktt^ his executors, administrators, andaf- f) S a - figns by thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) That fhe the faid Mary Finch now hath in herfelf good right, full power, and lawful and abfo- lute authority to grant and aflure the faid annuity or clear yearly fum in manner aforefaid ; And alfo to grant, aflign, transfer, and appoint unto the faid Walter Hallctt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fum of 500O/. 4. per cent. Bank annui- ties, 20,000/. 3 per cent. Bank annuities, and yearly fum as aforefaid refpelively, and other the premifes intended to be hereby granted and af- figned in manner and form as aforelaid, according to the 208 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. And that flic is the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. AND r.o\v in receipt ALSO, That {he!the (aid Mary Finch, now at the time of che property . , ' , . /- i / r i Afsi&ned. of the feahng and delivery of thefe prefents, is in the receipt and enjoyment of, and well intitled in pofleffion unto all and every the dividends, intereft, and produce of the faid fum of 50OO/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, fo purchafed with the faid legacy fo given and bequeathed to her, and now ftanding veiled in the name of the faid K. F. as aforefaid ; And that fhe is alfo in the receipt and enjoyment of, and well entitled in pofleflion unto all and every the dividends, intereft, and produce of the faid fum of 2O,ooo/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities ; And alfo fuch further annual fum as, toge- ther with the faid laft-mentioiied dividends, amounts to the laid annuity or yearly fum of 8oo/. (Add a covenant And that flie againjl incumbrances). AND ALSO, That fhe the faid wtaSorance **?*> ^ //% *h a11 and wl ^ from time to time > and at a11 office for the times during her life, at the requeft of the faid Walter purpofeofgran- Hallett- his executors, admin iftrators, and afligns, ap- iCC > llllUlillff hei life. pear in perfon, as often as there {hall be occafion for her fo doing, (upon her having reafonable notice there- of) at any office or place of infurance, or to any under- writer or under-wrkers within the cities of London or Wejlmlnjler^ or {hall fend to him or them notice of her place of abode, and, if neceflary, vouchers or certificates of her the faid Mary Find) being living, and of the ftate and condition of her health, in order that the faid Walter Hailett t his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, may infure the life of her the faid Mary Finch ^ for the better and more effectually fecuring to him and them the faid annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. herein before mentioned. (Add covenant for further ajfitr- ance> defeasance en judgment^ and claufe of redemption.) In witnefs, &c. No. XIII. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XIII. GRAXT of ANNUITY by Husband and I Fife, fecitred by an Alignment of Jlfoncy to which they are federally infilled under their 'Marriage Settlement, and likewife the In- tereft of Money to which the IVife is infilled for her Life, with a Declaration from the Tntftces, under the Settlement that they will pay the Monies when received by them, agreeable to Alignment. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between Wll- Ptl, Ham Crane, of, &c. and Mary his wife, of the firft part ; Z. B. of, &c. gent, and R. D. of the fecond part ; and y. C. of, &c. gent, of the third part. WHEREAS George Jewctt, late of - , in the Recital of will, county of - , Efq. in and by his laft will and ^nS-s^ife teftament in writing, bearing date on or about the was inritied to - day of - , which was in the year of our jjjjjg jJ^J* Lord - , (amongft other things) gave and be- tor's eftates. queathed unto the faid Mary Crane, by her then name of Alary Lade, the fum of iooo/. to be paid to her when fhe fhould attain her age of 21 years ; And the faid teftator did thereby charge all his real eftates with the payment of the fame, and the faid teftator appointed Sarah his wife fole executrix of his faid will, who foon after his deceafe duly proved the fame. AND WHEREAS The faid Sarah ^*Andthattfit hath alfo departed this life, having fir It duly made and f uc h will WM publifhed her laft will and teftament in writing, bear-'^nd, leavinj ing date the -- day of - , 178 , and thereby e> appointed William Brewer, of - , in the county of . . . . ., gent, and Thomas Fijh, of the fame place, gent, executors thereof, and the laid Jf'illiam Brewer r alone APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. aeem ^ P roved the fame> AND WH EREAS nu g de u on The by indenture bearing date on or about the - day of inairingeof the - latt paft, and made or expreiTed to be made w^wLm-hy between the faid William Crane and. Mary his wife, part of the le- of the one part, and the faid Zackariah Brook and ESS'huf?" R^ard Down of the other part, AFTER RECIT- band, ami p.irt ING to the effect hereing before recited, and recit- e&e"ira fC * >> that the faid Mar y Crane ^ On r about the - ufe, and'-.he day of - then laft pall attained her age of 21 vefte'nn'truf- >' eil:5 > and that & e > or the faid ?WUam Crane in her tees, to pay the" right, had become intitled to receive the faid legacy, tereft for the or f um O f iooo/. given to her as aforefaid, by the Che wife for faiJ recited will of the faid George yewett. IT IS j' o fe t ' h rejnamder\VITNESSED, That for the ccnfiderations therein band and liie mentioned, they the faid William Crane and Mary iftiieofthe his wife did bargain, fell, afHen, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Z. B. and' R. D. their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, the faid legacy or fum of i POO/, fo given and bequeathed to the faid Mary Crane in and by the faid recited will of the faid Ed- ward Je-wett as aforefaid, and all interefr, due and to grow due for the fame, TO HOLD the fame unto the faid Z. B and R. D. their executors, adminiftra- tors, and afligns upon the trufts following, (that is to fay) UPON~TRUST, As to the fumof2oo/. part thereof, to pay the fame to the faid IVilllam Crane^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns ; And as to the other 30O/. other part thereof, IN TRUST to pay the fame to the faid Mary Crane^ or to fuch per- ion or perfons as fhe fhould by any note in writing under her hand direct and appoint to receive the fame, to the intent that the fame might be for her own feparate ufe, independent of the faid William Crane, and not be fubject to his debts, controul, or engagements : AND it is by the faid indenture now in recital declared, that the receipt or receipts of the faid Mary Crane, notwithftanding her coverture, or of fuch perfon- of perfons as fhe ihould appoint to re- ceive the fame, and her and their receipts only fhould be a good and fufficient difcharge and difcharges to the faid Z. B. and R. D. for the fame ; And as to for APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tll for and concerning the fum of 5OO/. the refidue and remainder of the laid fum of icoo/. UPON TRUST, that they the faid Z. B. and R. D. and the furvivor of them, and the executors, adminiftrators, or affigns of fuch furvivor, fhould place out and invert the fame either in the public funds or government fecurities, 0r at intereft upon real fecurities, and fhould from time to time alter and vary fuch ftocks, funds, and fecuri- ties as occafion fhould require, yet fo that every fuch alteration, variation, fale, or difpofition which fhould be made during the lives of the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, and the life of the furvivor of them, be made with their confent, teftified by any writing under their hands, or under the hand of the furvivor of them. AND UPON THIS FURTHER TRUST, That they the faid Z. B. and R. D. their executors, adminiftrators and afligns fhould ftand and be pof- fefTed of and interefted in the faid fum of 500/. and the ftocks, funds, and fecurities upon which the fame, or any part thereof, fhould be laid out and and inverted UPON TRUST to pay and apply the inter eft, divi- dends, and annual proceeds thereof unto the faid Mary Crane, or to fuch perfon or perfons as fhe fhould from time to time, by any note or writing under her hand, direct or appoint to receive the fame, during her life, to the intent that the fame might be for her fole and feparate ufe and benefit, exclulive of the faid William Crane, and not be fubje<5t to his debts, con- troul, or engagements. AND it is by the faid in- denture now in recital declared, that the receipt or receipts of the faid Mary Crane, or of fuch other perfon as fhe fhould appoint to receive the fame, and her or their receipt or receipts fhould, notwith- ftanding her coverture, be good and fufficient difcharge or difchargestothefaid Z. B. and R.D. their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for fo much thereof as fhould therein be exprefled or acknowledged to be received. AND from 3 nd after the deceafe of the faid Mary Crane, UPO N TRUST, to pay to or fufficiently au- thorize and empower the faid William Crane and hi s p 2 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. jlffigns to receive and take the faid dividends, intereff, and annual produce thereof for and during the term of his natural lite, and from and after the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, UPON SUCH TRUSTS in favour of the children of the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, 85 are therein contained ; And it is by the (aid inden- ture now in recital declared, That in cafe there fhould be no child of the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, or being fuch, all fuch of them as fhould be a ion or fons fhould die under the age of 21 years, and as fhould be a daughter or daughters, fhould die under the age of 21 years, and without having been mar- ried, then the faid fum of 5oo/. fhould be IN TRUST /or the furvivor of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, his or her executors, adminiftrators, and affigns. AND WHEREAS The faid John Cock; hath contracted and agreed with the faid Wil- liam Crane and Mary his wife, for the abfolute pur- Recital of con- chafe of one annuity or yearly fum of 50/. of lawful, tradtforan- c< to fe p a jj to t ^ e f a jj "J ^ n Cocks^ his executors, nuity> whereby , . ./, , ~ J / r the fame is to administrators, and afligns, free from all taxes and he fecured by deductions whatfoever for and during the life of the an nfsienment / 1 *.*/- r i r r ? of the faid le- teid Mary Crane^ at or for the price or fum or 35O/, out of which, &c. (ftate the expences). AND WHEREAS UPON THE TREATY for the pur. chafe of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 5O/. it was agreed by and between the faid William Crane and Mary his wife and the faid John Cocks^ that for the more effe&ually fecurina; the payment thereof unto the faid John &>cks y his executors, adminiftra- tors, and afligns, ALL THE INTEREST of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, and each of them, of and in the faid legacy or fum of iooo/. fa given and bequeathed to the faid Mary Crane in and by the faid will of the faid George Jewett^ and ak figned to the faid Z. B. and R. D. by the faid herein- before in part recited indenture of the day of now laft paft, UPON TRUST, as therein is mentioned, Ihould be afligned unto the faid John APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Cocks, his executors, aclminiftratofs, and afllgnsj UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter exprefled and declared of and concerning the lame. AND WHEREAS it will he inconvenient for the faid William Crane to attend and be prefent at the time of the payment of the purchafe- Recital that the money for the faid annuity, he hath therefore con- J^K? ' fented and agreed, that the fame {hall be paid to the ceive thepur- faid Mary his wife, and that her receipt fhall be a hm dSlhe fufficient discharge to the perfon or perfons paying fame to be paid the fame (Recite bond and warrant of attorney from to his wife - fold William Crane, Precedent No. Fill). NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That In purfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in con- Grant of anhui. federation of the fum of 35/. of lawful, &c. by the 5 laid John Cocks to the faid Mary Crane, at the requeft and by the direction of the faid William Crane, tefti- fied by his being a party to and executing thefe pre- fents, in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof {he the faid Mary Crane doth hereby ac- knowledge, and that the fame is in full for the pur- chafe-money of the faid annuity, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof doth ac- quit, releafe, and difcharge the faid "John Cocks, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them, fur ever, by thefe prefents ; And alfo for and in confideration of the fum of IDS. of like lawful money by the faid 'John Cocks to the faid William Crane in like manner paid, the receipt whereof is "hereby acknowledged ; they the faid William Crane and Mary his wife HAVE and each of them HATH given, granted, bargained, fold, and confirmed ; And by thefe prefents DO, &c. unto the faid John Cocks, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural life of her the faid Mary Crane^ one annuity or clear yearly fum of 5O/. of lawful, &c. free and clear of and from all taxes and deduc- tions whatfoever, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take and enjoy the faid annuity or clear yearly P 3 Jfiun 2/4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Aim of 5o/. unto the faid John Cocks, his executors, atlminiftrators, and afligns, from henceforth for and during the natural life of the faid Mary Crane, and up to the day of her deceafe, by four equal quarterly payments in the year on the feveral days following, that is to fay, on the day, &c. in every year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity or yearly fum for the time, which at the deceafe of the faid Mary Crane (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, growing due at the time of her de- ceafe. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER Afsignment by WITNESSETH, That in further purfuance of amUvH^of le-** 16 &id agreement, and for the confiderattons afore- gacy and mte- faid, they the faid William Crane and Mary his wife reft upon mift HAVE, and each each of them HATH granted, bar- forlecunngan- -irirr j c i j / nuity. gamed, fold, alugned, transferred, and let over, appoint- ed, and confirmed, AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO, &c. unto the faid John Cocks, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, the faid fum of 2OO/. in and by the herein before in part recited indenture declared to be in truft for the faid William Crane, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns ; And alfo the faid fum of 300/. in and by the fame indenture directed to be paid to the faid Mary Crane , or fuch perfon as {he {hall ap- point ; And alfo all the intereft, dividends, and annual produce now due, and henceforth, during the life of the laid Mary Crane, to arife from the fum of 50O/. the intereft, dividends, and annual produce are by the faid indenture directed to be paid to the faid Mary Crane, or fuch perfon or perfons as fhe {hall appoint, dur- ing her life ; And alfo all the reverfionary and other right, title, and intereft of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, and each of them, of and in tho faid fum of 5CO/. upon the event of f uch fai- lure of children of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, as in the faid recited indenture is men- tioned ; And all other the right, title, intereft, pro- perty, claim and demand whatfoever of them the faid William Crane and Mary his wife, each or either of them, of in to or out of the faid legacy or fum of IDOO/. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS.. looo/. given and bequeathed to the laid Mary Crane by the faid will of the faid George Jewett as afore- faid, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, per- ceive, take, and enjoy the faid feveral fums of money, intereft, dividends, and annual produce, and other the premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned and appointed unto the laid "John Cscks^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, upon the trufts neverthelefs, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and under and fubjecl: to the provifoes, deductions, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, exprefTed, and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, that he the faid John Cocks^ his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, (hall and do by with and out of the faid feveral fums of money, intereft, dividends, and annual pro- duce, and other the premifes herein before-mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned and appointed from time to time pay and retain to hiinfelf and themfelves yearly, and every year for and during the natural life of the faid Mary Cram the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 5O/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ hereby granted at the days and times herein before and by the condition to the faid bond mentioned and ap- pointed for payment thereof; And in the next place {hail and do pay all the coils, charges, and expences which the faid 'John Cocks^ his excecutors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns {hall fuffer, fuftain, or be put unto by reafon or means of the nonpayment of the faid annuity or yearly furtt of 5O/. or any part thereof, or for or in refpecl of any other matter, caufe, or thing whatfoever relating thereto, or to the trufts hereby vefted or repofed in the faid Jubn Coth, his execu- tors, adminiftrarors, and affigns ; AND UPON FURTHER TRUST to pay the refidue and re- mainder of the faid feveral fums of money, intereft, dividends, and annual produce, and other the pre* mifes herein-before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afsigned and appointed unto the peYfon or per- fons who would have- been intitled to have received the fame, if thefe prefents had not been made and executed (Add power of attorney to receive the divi~ r 4 215 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. denJs, &c. and covenant to pay annuity, and that 'ic ^nd -wife bad done no aft to in cumber, and that t*iy will jujlify and allow the atfs of Cccks ; and for further ajjurance, as in Precedent No. IX.) h m, by AND !t is hereb / a reed and f, &c. gent, of the one part, and Thomas Wood) of, &c. gent, of the other part r t^t t forannu: WHEREAS the ^ [Thomas Wood, hath contraSed and agreed with the faid John Pratt, for the purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum of 30'/. of lawful money of G: cat Britain, tbbe paid to the faid Thomas Wood* his executors adminiftrators andafligns, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural life of him, the faid John Pratt, at or for the price or fum of 2io/. AND WHEREAS UPONT APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 30/. it was agreed, by and between the (aid Tkv,ias Wood and 'John Pratt, that for fecuring the payment thereof unto the laid Thomas Wood the fame fhould be fecured by thefe prefents. AND that the lame fhould aifo be fecured by the bond and warrant of the faid John Pratt, and William Pratt, and Abraham Cant, who had agreed to join therein as fecurity for the faid Jihn Pratt, AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 3 of &c. cnt. the fum of /. for attendances refpedling the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 215 the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and h>r preparing and inrolling a memorial, thereof. The receipt of which faid fum of 2io/. he the faid John Pratt) doth hereby confefs and acknowledge, and .thereof, and of and from the fame, and every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe, and for ever difcharge the laid Thomas Wood) his executors adminiftrators and affigns, and every of them by thefe prefents. AND alfo for and in confideration of the fum ofiOf. a piece to each of them the faid William Pratt) and Abraham Cant, in hand well and truly paid by the faid Thomas Wood, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof they the faid Wiuiant Pratt, and Abraham Cant do, and each of them doth hereby acknowledge, they the faid 'Jobs, Pratt) William Pratt) and Abraham Cant) HAV and each and every of them HATH given granted Grant of ana- bargained fold and confirmed, and by thefe prefents u y- DO and each and every of them DOTH give grant bargain fell and confirm unto the faid Thomas Wood y his executors adminiftrators and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Pratt) one annuity or yearly fum of 30/. of lawful money of Great Britain, TO HAVE HOLD receive take and enjoy the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3^- beieby given granted and confirmed, or intended fo to be, and every part thereof from henceforth, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Pratt) to be paid and payable unto the faid Thomas Wood) his executors adminidrators and afligns, by- four equal quarterly payments in the year, that is to fay the day of &c. in every year by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, without any deduction or abatement whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpeS of any ' taxes charges rates afleiTments or other impofitions what- foever, now or hereafter to be taxed charged rated affefled or impofed upon the faid annuity or yearly fum ef APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. of 30/. or any part thereof, or on the faid John Pratt, William Pratt, and Abraham Cant, or any or either of them, or the faid Thomas Wood, his executors , adminiftrators or afligns, or any or either of them in refpedt thereof by authority of parliament, or otherwise howfoever, together with a proportion- able part of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 30/. for the time which (hall elapfe between the laft of the faid days of pay- ment preceding the day of the deceafe of the faid John Pratt, to the day of fuch his deceafe, as in the condition to the faid hereinbefore in part recited bond or obligation is mentioned. AND the faid John Pratt, William Pratt, and Abraham Cant, for themfelves feverally and refpe&ively, and for their feveral and refpeHve heirs executors and adminiftrators do, and each and every of them doth covenant promife and grant, to ana with the faid Thomas Wood, his executors adminiftrators and afligns, by thefe prefents, in manner and form following, that is to fay, That they the faid John Pratt, William Pratt, and Abraham Cant, or fome or one of them, or their fome or one of their heirs executors or ad- miniftrators fhall and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid Thomas Wvod, his executors adminiftrators or afligns, for and during the natural life of the faid John Pratt, the faid annuity or yearly fum of 30/. free and clear of and from all taxes charges rates and other deductions whatfoever, parliamentary or otherwife, on the days and times, and in manner and form herein before limitted and appointed for the payment thereof, together with fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, according to the condition of the faid hereinbefore recited bond or obligation is men- tioned. (Add defeasance on judgement-^ and claufe of redemption.) In witnefs &e. CHAP. 221 CHAP. VII. GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, WHERE THE GRANTORS HAVE ONLY A LIFE IN. TEREST. No XV. Grant of Annuity for the life of the Grantor, charged upon a Leafekold Eftate, where the Grantor has only a Life Intereft, with an Alignment thereof to a Truflee for the An- nuitant, who is put into the immediate Receipt of the Rents, with a Direction, to the Tenants to attorn, and the Te- nants Attornment thereon. 1 HIS INDENTURE made &c. between Mary Child, Qfkc. of the firft part, William Player, of &c. Pames " of the fecond part, and William Bujh, of &c. of the third part, WHEREAS John Child, late of &c. Efq. Recital of a will duly made and publifhed his laft will and teftament to Z^J^r! /.,.*-. i / r> grantor IS inn* writing, bearing date the day of-, 1700 tied toleafe- and thereby, among other things gave and bequeathed lloljs for li ^ Ci unto A. B. and C. D. all thole his feven leafehold jnefluages or tenements with their appurtenances, Situation 222 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fituation &c. and all of them held for long terms of years, TO HOLD unto the faid A. B. and G. D. their executors and adaiiniir.ratqrs for the refidue of the fcveral terms' of' years that fhould be therein to come at the time of his deceafe, UPON TRUST neverthelcfs to and fuller his dear wife, the faiii M the day of and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions, the full payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation, now in recital, and alfo if the heirs executors or adminiftrators of the faid Thomas Turner, {hould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid unto the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftrators or afligns in cafe the furvivor of them the faid 1 homos Turner, and Ann his wife, fhould de- part this life on any day on which any quarterly pay- ment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. {hould become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payrnsnt, and if on any other day in cafe fuch day {hould happen before any quarterly payment of the ibid annuity, or yearly fum of IOO/. ihould have become <^ 3 due > APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly pay- ment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. to be computed from the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital, to the day of the death of the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Turner and Ann his wife. But in cafe any quarterly payment of fuch an- nuity or yearly fum of TOO/, fhould have become due at the time of the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Turner and Ann his wife, then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. as fhould happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of fuch furvivor, to the day of his or her deceafe. - AND WHEREAS for the better fecuring the pay- feis judgment ment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. the faid Thomas Turner, hath executed a warrant of at- torney, bearing even date with the faid bond and thefe prefents, thereby authorifing and empowering certain attornies therein named, to confefs a judg- ment againft him in his majefty's Court of King's Bench, in an action of debt upon the faid bond for the ~ faid fum of i6oo/. and cofts of fuit. AND WHEREAS at the time of the contract for the purchafe of the (aid annuity, it was agreed between the faid Thomas Tur^ ner, and Ann his wife, and the faid Edward Roe, that the cofts and charges for procuring the faid fum of 8oc/. upon the the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing andinrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid Thomas Turner and Ann Confideration. his wife. NOW THIS INDENTURE WIT- NESSETH that in pursuance of the faid agreement, and for and in Confideration of the fum of 8oo/. of lawful money of Great Britain by the faid JLdward, Roe, lo the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, in hand well and truly paid, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof they the faid Tbom ^ Turner, and Ann his wife, do hereby concefferum. acknowledge, and thereof and from every part thereof dp acquit releafe and difcharge the faid E. Roe, his executors adminiftrators and afligns, and every of them, f APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. them for ever by thefe prefents, they the faid Thomas Turner and Jinn his wife do, and each of them for himfelf and herfelf, and his and her refpedHve heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promife and grant to and with the faid Edward Roe, his heirs and affigns by thefe prefents, that they the faid Thomas Turner and Ann his wife, {hall and will as of this prefent Eafter Term, Trinity Term now nextenfuing, or fome other fubfequent term, at the requeft of the faid Edward Roe, his heirs and afligns, but at the cofts and charges of the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, or of one of them, acknowledge and levy in due form of law, before the juftices of his ma- jefty's Court of Common Pleas at Weftminftcr, one or more fine or fines fur conceflerunt, whereby the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, {hall and will grant and convey the faid mefluages or tenements hereditaments, and all and fingular other the pre- mffes hereinbefore mentioned and defcribed, and com- prized in the faid hereinbefore in part recited indentures of leafe and releafe, and thereby limited and aflured as aforefaid with their and every of their appurtenances by fuch apt and convenient name and names, and other defcriptions as will effectually comprife the fame, and {hall for that purpofe be To grantee his thought fit and requifite, unto the fajd f&H?0ft?iignt, forthe' Roe, his heirs and affigns, for and during the natural lives of grantor lives of the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, and the life of the furvivor or longer liver of them. AND it is hereby agreed and declared, by and between To the intent the faid parties to thefe prefents to be the true intent p^'Jh^a. 1 *" and meaning of thefe prefents, and of the faid parties, nuity out of the That as well the faid fine or fines fo as aforefaid [^y or in any other manner to be had an4 levied, as' alfo all and every other fine or fines conveyances and afTuranccs in the law whatfoever, already had made done acknowledged levied fuffered or executed or hereafter to be had made done acknowledged levied fuffered or executed, by or between the faid par- ties to thefe prefents, or any of them, or whereunto they or any of them was were is are or (ball or may APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS be parties or party or privies or privy of all and Angular the (aid mefiuages or tenements heredita- ments and premifes whereof a fine is hereinbefore covenanted to be levied, or any of them, or any part or parts of the fame, either alone, or together with any other mefluages lands tenements or heredi- taments, {hall from and immediately after the levying fuffering making executing and perfecting thereof be and enure and (hall be adjudged conftrued deemed and taken to be and enure and is and are hereby declared to be at the time of the making levying and fuffering, meant and intended to be and enure to the ufe intent and purpofe that the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftrators and afligns, fhall and may for and during the natural lives of them the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, and the life of the furvivor or longer liver of them have receive and take by and out of the faid mef- fuages lands tenements and hereditaments, and the rents iffues and profits thereof, one annuity or clear yearly rent charge or fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be iffuing payable and going out of, and had received and taken by him the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiitrators and affigns, by and out of and from all and fingular the faid mefluages or tenements hereditaments and premifes, with their and every of their appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD receive and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent charge or fum of ioo/. hereby given granted and confirmed or ex- prefled or intended fo to be, and every part thereof unto the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftra- tors and afligns, from henceforth for and during the natural lives cf them the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, and the life of the furvivor or longer liver of them, and up to the day of the death of fuch furvivor, by four equal quarterly payments in the year on the fcveral days following, that is to fay, on the day of the day of the day of and the day of together with a proportion- able APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 233 able part of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge, for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife fhall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, growing due at the time of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, the faid annuity or yearly rent charge of ioo/. to be fo paid and payable to him the faid Edivand Roe, his executors adininifrrators or afiigns, at or in the common Dining Hall of Lincoln's Inn in the county of MiAdbfa, free and clear of, and without making any abatement or de~ ducSHon whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof for or in refpecl: of any taxes charges allefi^ ments payments or impofitions whatfoever now taxed charged aflefied or impofed, or to be taxed charged atteilcd or impofed on the faid mefluages or tenements hereditaments and premifes hereby charged therewith or any of them, or any part thereof, or on the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of ioo/. or any part; thereof, or upon the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftrators or afligns, in refpet thereof by au- thority of parliament, or otherwife howibever : and the firft of the faid quarterly payments of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge hereby granted to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, and fuch proportionable part of the fame to be paid im- mediately after the deceafe of the faid furvivor of them the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, AND to this further intent and purpofe, That in cafe Power of dif- the faid annuity or yearly rent charge of ioo/. or any '"'paynwnt by part thereof fhall happen to be behind and unpaid fourteen days. by the fpace of fourteen days, next over or after any of the faid days of payment whereon the fame is hereinbefore appointed to be paid as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe and as often as it (hall fo happen, it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftrators and affigns, into or upon the faid mefluages &c. fo hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge 1 or fura of ioo/. or exprefled or intended fo to be and 134- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and every of them, or any part thereof, to enter ami iliftrain for the fame annuity or yearly rent charge of IOO/. and all arrears thereof, and the diftrefs and dif- trefles then and there found to take lead drive carry away and impound and in pound to detain and keep until the faid annuity or yearly rent charge of IOO/. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts charges and ex- pences whatfoever fuftained or occafioned by or at- tending the making taking and keeping fuch iliftrels then and there found, fhall be fully paid and fatif- fied, and in default of payment thereof in due time after fuch difhrefs {hall be made and taken, to ap- praife fell or othervvife to zk therein according to the due courfe of law, in the fame manner in all refpecb as landlords are by at of parliament au- thorifed to do in refpeft to diftrefTes for arrears of rent upon leafes for years, to the intent that thereby and therewith the faid Edward Roe^ his executors ad- rniniftrators and affigns, fhall and may be fully paid and fatisfied, the faid annuity or clear yearly rent charge of IOO/. and all arrears thereof or fo much thereof as fhall be then remaining due and unpaid, and all cofts charges and expences whatfoever, fuf- tained or occafioned by the nonpayment thereof. fower of entry AND to this further ufe intent and purpoie in default of ^.i ,. / i. / i i c payment by 28 tnat ir the laid annuity or yearly rent charge or days- IOO/. or any part thereof fhall be behind or unpaid by the fpace of 28 days, next over or after any of the faid days or times appointed for the payment thereof, then and in fuch cafe, and as often as it fhall fo happen, (although no formal demand thereof fhall be made) it {hall and may be lawful, to and for the faid Edward Roe, his executors adminiftrators and affigns into and upon the faid mefTuages &c. or into or upon any of them, or any part thereof in the name of the whole, to enter, and the fame to have, hold and enjoy, and the rents iflues and profits thereof and of every part thereof, to receive and take to and for his or their own ufe and benefit, until he or they fhall be thereby or therewith or otherwife fully paid and fati&fied all arrears of the faid an- jmitjr APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 235 nuity or yearly rent charge of I00/. and alfo fo much of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge of IOO/. as {hall arife and row due. during fuch time as the faid Edivard Roe his executors &c. fliall continue in pof- fefiion of the faid mefluages &c. after fuch entries as aforefaid, together with all lofs cofts charges damages and expences whatfoever, as fhall be fuf- tained or occafioned by reafon or means of the non- payment thereof, or of any part thereof at or on the days appointed for the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge as aforefaid, and fubjecl: to the faid annuity or yearly rent charge And fubjed of ioo/. and the powers and remedies hereby given ereto> for fecuring and inforcing the payment thereof to the ufe of the faid R. White, his executors administrators To the ufe of and afiigns from henceforth for and during, and unto y^ 6 I0 the full end and term of ioo years, to commence and be computed from the day of the date of thefe prefents, and from thence fully to be complete and ended if they the faid Thomas Turner^ and Ann his wife, or either of them fo long live. BUT NEVER- THELESS upon the feveral trufts, and to and for the ends intents and purpofes, and under and fubjecr. to the powers provifoes declarations and agreements hereinafter declared and exprefled,. of and concern- ing the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST u P on t* ' ^ ,. rr , } '. r , permit the per- to permit and lurrer the perlon or perlons who ion intitled to would if thefe prefents had not been made have r f nts r to receiv . . . , , , .fr the fame until been intttled to take the yearly or other rents nlues default O f pay- and profits of the faid mefluages &c. to receive and ment - talce the fame to her his and their own proper ufe and benefit until fome default fliall happen to be made of or in payment of the faid annuity yearly rent charge or fum of IOO/. hereby granted or fome part thereof at or on the days or times and An(] in cafc of in manner hereinbefore limited and appointed for the default in pay- payment thereof as aforefaid, AND UPON EUR- ^SSSSf THER TRUST that in cafe the faid annuity or days to raife the yearly rent charge or fum of ioo/. or any part there- **$.*** of (hall happen to be behind or unpaid by the fpace Aether v>ith all of thirty-one days next over or after any of the cofts * c - faid 2j6 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. faid days or times of payment thereof, or whereon the lame is hereinbefore limited and appointed and ou^ht to ho paid as aforefaid, (being lawfully de- manded) then and fo often the laid R. White, his executors adminiftrators and afligns ihall from time to time, by and out of the rents iflues and profits ot" the (aid mefluages &c. comprized in the laid term of TOO years, or bv demifing felling leafing or mort- gao-'mg the fame or any part thereof for and du- ring all or any part of the faid term of 100 years or by fuch other ways and means as to him the faid R. White, his executors adminiftrators or af- figns {hall feem meet, raile and levy fuch fum and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fa- tisfy the laid annuity or clear yearly fum of IOO/. or fo much thereof as (hall from time to tune hap- pen to be in arrear and unpaid, and alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, lofs cofts charges damages and expences, (if any) as the faid Edward Roe, and R. White, refpedtiveiy, their executors adminiftrators or alligns, or any of them, {Lull pay fuftain expend or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of the nonpayment of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times, and in the manner hereinbefore expreiled or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the tiulhs hereby declared or exprefled of and concerning the faid premiles mentioned to be hereby derailed, or the taking polTefiion and col- l-eclingand receivuig the rents iflues and profus thereof or otherwile howioever relating thereto, and {hall and do pay and apply the monies fo to be railed and levied, in or towards payment or fatisfadUon thereof accordingly, and ftiali and do pay to, or other- wife permit ar.d fufter the perfon or perfons who would if thefe prefents had not been made, have been intitled to take the yearly or other rents illues and profits of the laid meiiuages &c. from time to time, to receive and take the reficiue or furplus of the rents iflues and profits of the faid hereby demifed pre- miies ufter full payment and fatisfadtion of the laid an- nuity I APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. -23 7 r.uity or yearly rent charge of ioo/, and all arrears thereof, and all fuch coirs charges damages and ex- pences as aforefaid to his her and their own proper ufe covenant ^and benefit, AND the (aid Thomas Turner, for him/elf husband to p'tj his heirs executors and adminiftrators DOTH hereby annu "y- covenant pro mile and agree to and with the (aid E. .Roe, his executors adminiltrators and affigns, That they the faid Thomas Turner and Ann his wife, or one ot them, their or one of their heirs executors and ad- , rniniftrators (hail and will well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid E. Roe, his executors admini- ftrators or affigns, for and during the natural lives of them the faid Thomas Turner and Ann his wife, and the life of the furvivor or longer liver of them, the laid annuity or yearly rent charge or fum of i.oc/. free and clear of and from all taxes charges rates and other deductions whatfoever, parliamentary or otherwife at the place days and times and in manner and form herein before limited and appointed for the payment thereof, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity or yearly rent charge of ioo/. for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Turner, and Ann his wife, (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the fame annuity growing due at the time of the deceafe of fuch furvivor. (Add covenant by Turner again/I incttmbrances-, defeasance on judgment on claufe for redemption, by Turner and -unf>\ on giving fix rncnths notice. Precedent XXV 111.) No.' APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Parties. Recital that grantor is rec- tor of C. and Vicar of T. Recital of con- traft for an- nuity. No. XVII. GRANT of an ANNUITY by an Incumbent out of a Reftory and Vicarage, for his Life, Kith a Demife thereof to a Tniflee for 99 Years for better fecuring the fame, with a Covenant that, in cafe the Grantor Jhall e+vchange or be preferred to any other Living, that he mil charge the fame in like Manner with the Payment of Annuity, where the Confideration Money is paid by an Agent for the Grantee. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE, made, &c. between Robert Rook, of, &c. Clerk, of the firft part; George Watt, of, &c. Efq. of the fecond part; and Robert White, of, &c. Gent, of the third part. WHEREAS the faid Robert Rook is re or of the re a ory an( j parifh-church of C. in the '.... ,. ,- r .-, . , county of - within the dioceie or Norwich ; And the faid Robert Rook is likewife vicar of the vicarage and parifh-church of T. in the county of - within the aforefaid diocefe. AND WHEREAS the faid George Watt hath contracted and agreed with the faid Robert Rook for the abfolute purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful, &c. to be paid and payable to the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, for and during the natural life of the faid Robert Rook, by- four equal quarterly payments in the year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity for the time which {hall elapfe between the laft of fuch quarterly days of payment preceding the day of the death of the faid Robert Rook and the time of his deceafe, at or for the price or fum of 6oo/. out of which APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 139 which faid fum of 6oo/. it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, that all cofts, charges, and expences attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfe&ing the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a me- morial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid Robert Rook. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. it was agreed by and between the faid Robert Rook and George Jf^att, that for the more effectually fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of ioo/. unto the faid George Watt, his executors, administrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of the faid Robert Rook, all and iingular the aforefaid re&ory of the parifh-chtirch of C. in the county of aforefaid, and alfo all and fingular the aforefaid vicarage of the parim-church of Y. in the county of aforefaid, and all the glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, oblations, obventions, profits, and emoluments arifmg, renewing,, growing, and increafing from the faid rectory and vicarage relpec-Hvely, to which he the faid Robert Rook is intitled for his life, Ihould be granted, bargained, fold, and demifed unto the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame ; And that the faid annu- ity fhould be further fecured by the bond of the faid Robert Rook, and a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon. (Recite agreement for expences and the bond and warrant of attorney, Precedent Confiderarion No. nil.) NOW THIS INDENTURE WIT- paid NESSETH, That for and in confideration of the fu of 6oo/. of lawful, &c. to the faid Robert Rook in his own proper perfon in hand, well and truly paid by Robert Withy, of Craven-Jlreet in the Strand in the county of Middlefex, gent, as the attorney or- agent for the faid George Watt, at or before the feal- ing and delivery of thefe prefents, out .of which faid iutn of 6oo/. the faid Robert Rook immediately after receiving APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. receiving the fame, paid to the faici Robert Withy the fum ot" r. for attendances refpecting the granting of the laid annuity, and preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolJing a memorial thereof, the receipt of which faid fum of 6oo/. he the faid Robert Rook doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof doth acquit, releafe, and for ever difcharge the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, by theie prefents ; He r ann- the faid Robert Rook HATH given, granted, bar- o/giantoftobe gained, fold, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents iiTumgoutof DOTH give, grant, bargain, fell, and confirm unto vicarage!" tne ^'^ George Watt^ his executors, adminiftrators, and ailigns, for and during the term of the natural life of the faid Robert Rook^ one annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain to be charged and chargeable upon, and to be ifluing, payable, had, received, and taken by and out of the faid reclory of the partfli-church of C. and the vicarage of the parifn-church of T. in the county of and all the niefluages or tenements, glebe-lands, tythes, tenths, oblations, obventions, portions, profits, and emoluments whatfoever arifing, growing, renewing, increaimg, and belonging, or in any wife appertaining thereto, herein before mentioned, or intended to be hereby granted, bargained, fold, and demifed, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, perceive, take and enjoy the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of tool, hereby given, granted, and confirmed, or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, from henceforth for and during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rcok^ to be paid and payable unto the faid George Watt^ his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, or affigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Llncslm-lnn in the county of Middle/ex, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, that is to fay, the day of the * ' day of the day of > and the day of . .- in every year, by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to kegin and be made on the - day next enfuing APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 24.1 enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, without any deduction or abatement whatfoever out of the fame or any part thereof, for or in refpedt of any taxes, charges, rates, afTeffments, or other impofitions what- foever, already taxed, charged, rated, aflefled, or impofed, or hereafter to be taxed, charged, rated, alTeiTed, or impofed upon the faid premifes hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. or any of them or any part thereof, or upon the faid Robert Rook, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, in refpet thereof, by authority of parliament, or otherwise howfoever, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity or yearly fum, of ioo/. for the time which fhall elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment preceding the day of the deceafe of the faid Robert Rook to the day of his deceafe, as in the condition to the faid hereinbefore in part recited bond or obligation is mentioned. (Add a covenant to pay annuity, Precedent No. VIII. and powers of diflrefs and entry into and upon the faid retfory and vicarage, and the glebe-lands, meffuages or tenements, tytbes, tenths, emoluments, and premifes, with the appurtenances, Precedent No. XXIV.} AND Demifeof THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNES- ^s'^fnuf- SETH, That for the confiderations aforefaid, and tee for a term for the better and more effectually fecuring the payment granto^ftiouid of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. fo long live)up- unto the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftra- 2rf*^jJ? tors, and afligns, for and during the natural life of it y in default of the faid Robert Rook as aforefaid, and alfo for and in confideration of the fum of 10*. of lawful, &c. to the faid Robert Rook in hand paid by the faid Robert Withy at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid Robert Rook (with the privity, confent, and ap- probation, and by the diredtion of the faid George Watt teilified by his being made a party to and exe- cuting thefe prefents) HATH granted, bargained, fold and demifed, and by thefe prelents DOTH grant, bargain, fell, and demifc unto the faid Robert Withy^ his executors, adminiftrators, aixi afligns, all and R fmgular 242 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fmgtilar the aforefaid re&ory of the par ifti- church of C. in the county of aforefaid, and alfo all and fingular the aforefaid vicarage of the parifh-church of T. in the county of aforefaid, and all the glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, oblations, obventions, profits, and emoluments arifing, renewing, growing, and increafing from the faid rectory and vicarage refpe&ively, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, truft, property, claim, and de- mand whatfoeverof him the faid Robert Rook both at law and in equity, of in and to the fame, and every part and parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, mefiuages or tenements, tyrfies, tenths, emoluments, and premifes hereby bargained, fold, or demifed, or intended fo to be, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Robert Withy-> his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during, and unto the full end and term of 99 years, to commence and be computed from the day next before the day of the date of thefe prefents, and from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended (if the faid Robert Rook ihall fo long live). AND it is hereby declared and agreed between the faid parties to thefe prefents, That the iaid Robert Withy, his executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns fhall irand and be pofieffed of and interefted in the fajd rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, emoluments, and pre- mifes hereby bargained, fold or demifed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, upon the trufts, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes, and with under and lubjecl: to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, exprefied, and de- clared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) IN TRUST to permit and fuffer the faid Robert Rook and his afligns to receive and take the rents, ifliies, and profits of the faid rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, emoluments, and premifes hereby granted, bargained, fold, and de- mifed, or exprefled or intended fo to be, until de- fault (hall happen to be made of and in payment of the faid APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. hereby granted, or fbme part thereof, at or on the days and times herein before limited and appointed for payment thereof, and in cafe of fuch default, THEN IN TRUST that in cafe any quarterly payment of the fame annuity or yearly rent-charge, or any part thereof, fliall happen to be behind or unpaid by the fpace of 40 days next over or after any or either of the faid days or times of payment whereon the fame ought to be paid as aforefaid, (being lawfully demanded) that then it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Robert Withy^ his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, from time to time by and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, meffuages or tenements, tythes, tenths, emoluments, and premifes, or by demiie mortgage or felling the fame premifes, or any part thereof, for all or any part pf the faid term of 99 years determinable as afore- faid therein, or by bringing actions againft the te- nants or occupiers of the fame premifes for the reco- very of the rents and profits thereof, or by felling timber, or by all or any of the faid ways and means or fuch other ways and means as to the faid Robert Withy, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, {hall feem meet, raife and pay to the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. or fo much thereof as fhall happen to be in arrear and unpaid as aforefaid, and all cofts, charges, damages, and ex- pences which the faid George Watt and Robert Withy ^ or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fliall fuftain or be put unto by reafon or means of the non-payment thereof at the days and times aforefaid, or at any of them, in manner herein before in that behalf mentioned, and fhall and do pay, apply, and difpofe of the fame monies accord- ingly, and alfo do arid fhall permit and fufFer the faid Robert Rook and his affigns, to receive and take the refi- due and overplus of the fame (if any ) over and above fo much thereof as fhall be fufficient from time to time to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges, R 2 and 144 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS: Covenant by grantor that in ocr.iUtt ot pW mem of annu difire&for an- nuit >'- Covenant that Sredof'pre-!" mifes. And hath pow- 'M har , ge ,. and demile the fame. and expences occaiioned by the non-payment thereof, or attending the execution of the afordaid trufts, to and for his her and their own ufe and benefit. AND t h e f a jd Robert Rook DOTH hereby for himfelf, his , i i /i "<* i heirs, executors, and adminiltrators further covenant, P rom '^ e J an( * a g ree to an< ^ w ' r h tne f a "l George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, in manner following, that is to fay; That all and fingular the faid rebory and vicarage, glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, emoluments, and premifes, with the appuitenances, fo charged with the faid an- nuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. as afore- faid, fhall from time to time, and at all times hereafter during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rook, remain, continue, and be fubjecl: to the diftrefs and diftrefles of the (aid George Watt, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and affigns, for the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges and expences to be occafioned by reafon of any non-payment thereof, free and clear of and from all former and other charges and incum- brances whatfoever had, made, done, or committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered by the faid Robert Rook. AND That he the faid Robert Rook now is at the time of the ^ eaHn g and delivery of thefe prefents iaw- fully, rightfully, and abfolutely feifed of and in, or well and fufficiently intitled unto, for his life, all and fingular the faid rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, mefluages or tenements, tythes, tenths, emoluments, and premifes, with the appurtenances, without any manner of condition, power of revocation, or any other reitraint, matter, or thing whatfoever, to alter, change, charge, defeat, incumber, revoke, or make void the fame, AND now hath in himfelf good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute authority to grant j r \ r ^ ^ TTT- i and confirm unto the laid George Ivatt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, the faid annuity, yearly- rent-charge, or fum of ICO/, for and during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rook, AND allb to demife and grant the faid redtory and vicarage, glebe-lands, &c. with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 245 the faid Robert Withy^ his executors, adminiflrators, and afligns, upon the trufts and in manner herein before mentioned. AND alfo, That it fliall and may And from time be lawful to and for the faid George Watt, his exe- to . time . tore ~ * rt \ /v* . CC1VC tllC 3I1~ cutors, admmutrators, and amgns, from time to time, nuity out of the and at all times hereafter, to have, hokl, receive, P rc ? fits of thc i i r i i livings. and take the laid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. and every part thereof, for and during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rook^ from and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the laid rectory and vicarage, and premifes, charged therewith as afore- faid, and according to the true intent and meaning of the herein before mentioned bond, and of thefe pre- fents, without any let, fuit, trouble, denial, inter- ruption, or difturbance whatfoever of or by the faid Robert Rook) or any other perfon or perfons claiming or to claim by from or under him, and that free and clear, and freely and ablblutely acquitted, exonerated, and difcharged, or by the faid Robert Rook well and fufficiently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indem- nified of from and againft all and all manner of charges and incumbrances whatfoever already had, made, done, committed, or fuffered by the faid Robert Rook or any perfon or perfons claiming or to claim by from under or in truft for him. AND FURTHER, That in And in cafc cafe the faid Robert Rook fhall at any time or times grantor ihaii hereafter exchange for, or be preferred or promoted to "^rlPd or *** any other ecclefiaftical benefice or benefices in lieu or promoted to in exchange for the rectory or vicarage hereby charged any ecclefiafK- to -.'..., b cal benehce in with the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent- HSU of the rec- charge of ioo/. or of either of them, that then and tol 7 a " d v car- in fuch cafe he the faid Robert Rook fhall within fix ^^annuitv, calendar months next after fuch event fhall happen or ither ot fully charge the fame benefice or benefices with the gamor wrti payment of the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or within fix fum of IOO/. hereby granted as aforefaid in like 3l'char manner as the re&ory or vicarage, and glebe-lands, the fame with mefTuages, &c. and other the emoluments of and be- longing to the faid redlory and vicarage refpe&ively And for further are hereby charged as aforefaid, and fhalfand will from affurancc - time to time and at all times hereafter during his R 3 natural 246 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. natural life, upon every reafonable requeft to be made for that purpofe by the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators, or afiigns, but at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Robert Rook, make, do, perform, and execute, or caufe to be made, done, performed, and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable aft and ats, deed and deeds, conveyances and afiurances in the lav/, as lhall be requifite and neceflary not only for the better and more abfolutely granting, affuring, and confirming the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. unto the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftra- tors, and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rook in manner aforefaid, but alfo for the further and better conveying, afluring, and con- firming all and fingular the faid rectory and vicarage, glebe-lands, &c. herein before mentioned, and hereby demifed unto the faid Robert Withy, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, or fuch other ecclefiaftical benefice or benefices which he the faid Robert Rook may have in exchange for the fame, or be preferred or promoted to, in order to fecure the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. unto the faid George Watt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, during the natural life of him the faid Robert Rook, in manner herein before mentioned according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents. ( Add defeasance on judgment, and clause for redemption on payment of half a year's annuity.) In witnefs, &c, No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 247 No. XVIII. CONVEYANCE of a RENT CHARGE (to which a Carried Woman is in-titled for Life under a Wilt] jrom the Husband and Wife, for fe- citring an Annuity, granted by the Bond and Judgment of the Husband, during the Life of the Jf r ife ; with a Covenant from the Hiif- bund that he and his Wife will levy a Fine fur conceflerunt of the Rent Charge, upon the Trnjh of the Deed, where the Confidera- tion is paid by a Promiflbry Note. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between Philip Lee, of, &c. and Ann his wife of the one part, and Ifaac Arden, of, &c. of the other part. WHEREAS Recital of will Charles Duke in and by his laft will and teftament in ^[Jy the^ writing, bearing date on or about the day of is imitledtoa - which was in the year of our Lord ex- |_ ^^ ecuted in fuch manner as is by law prefcribed, for ren*- tor her life, dering valid devifes of real eftate, gave to his fifter the faid Ann Lee, and her afligns, during her life, one an^ nuity, or yearly rent charge of 4oo/. to be paid into her own hands half yearly, for her feparate ufe, and independent of her prefent or any future hufband, and not to be fubjeft to his debts, controul or engagements, and her receipt to be a fufficient difcharge for the fame, and to be ifluing and payable out of his unfettled eftates in the county of . AND WHERE^ Death of tefta. AS the faid Charles Duke afterwards departed this life without revoking or altering his faid will; AND Jj^jJ^ 011 ' WHEREAS the faid Ifaac Arden hath contracted and purchafeof an- agreed with the faid Philip Lee and Ann his wife, for gjjjjj^ the abfolute purchafe of one annuity, or yearly fum of f or the life of roo/. of lawful, &c. during the natural life of the the wife, faid Ann Lee, to be paid as is hereinafter mentioned, R4 < 248 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. at or for the price or fum of 700/1 (State the expences}. And that the AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of fame fhould be tne {^ij annuity it was agreed, that for the further, conveyance of better and more, effectual fecuring unto the faid Ifaac i rent-charge J r den, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, the SJand by the due and punctual payment thereof, they the faid Philip bond and judg- ]^ ee an ^ Ann his wife, fhould convey to the faid Ifaac "'uiband! * Arden, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, ALL that the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of 400/1 fo given to the faid Ann Lee, in and by the faid herein- before in part recited will of the faid Charles Z)#&,UPON THE TRUSTS and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned; And that the fame fhould be further fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid Philip Lee, and by a warrant of attorney for confefling a judgment thereon. (Recite the bond and warrant of Confideration attorney, Precedent No. V lit], NOW THIS INDEN- paidbyapro- TURE WITNESSETH, that in purfuance of the faid agreement, and in confideration of the fum of 700/1 of lawful, &c. by the laid Ifaac Arden, in hand well and truly paid to the faid Philip Lee, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, in manner following, (that is to fay) by a promiflbry note of hand, bearing even date with thefe prefents, given by the faid Ifaac Ardcn, payable to the laid Philip Lee or order,, one month after date, for the fum of 702/1 iBs 4^. being the confideration-money before mentioned, to- gether with intereft computed thereon at the rate of 5/. per cent, per ann. from the date thereof until the day on which the fame would become payable, the receipt whereof he the faid Philip Lee doth hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe and difcharge the faid Ifaac Arden, his executors, adminiltrators, and afligns, and every of them for ever by thefe prefents, Conveyance pf tne Y l ^ e ^^ Philip Lee and Ann his wife, HAVE, rent-charge to and each of them HATH granted, bargained, fold and fraft'for'fec'ur 1 - confirmed, and by thefe prefents, DO, &c. unto the ing the annui- faid Ifaac Arden, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, ALL that the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge pf 40o/. fo given and fecured to the faid Ann Lee, for anil APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 349 and during the term of her natural life, in and by the faid hereinbefore in part recited will of the faid Charles Duke, and all arrears thereof, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, truft, property, profit, claim and de- mand whatfoever, both at law and in equity, of them the faid Philip Lee and Jinn his wife, and each of them, of in to or out of the fame, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive and take the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of 4oo/. and all and fmgular other the premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, bargained and fold, unto the faid Iftiac Arden, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of the faid dnn Lee, UPON THE TRUSTS neverthelefs, and to and for the in- tents and purpofes hereinafter exprefled and declared, of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST thereout to retain and reimburfe himfelf and themfelves all fuch cofts, charges and expences as he or they (hall or may pay, bear, fuftain, or be put unto in or about the recovery and receipt of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of 4oo/. hereby granted, bar- gained and fold, or any part thereof, or in any wife re- lating thereto; And alfo to retain to and pay himfelf and themfelves the faid annuity, or yearly fum of i oo/ fecured by the faid recited bond, of even date with thefe prefents, when and as the fame fhall become due and payable ; And after payment, fatisfa&ion, and dif- charge of fuch cofts, charges and expences, and of the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of ioo/. UPON TRUST to pay the furplus or remainder of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of 4OO/. to the laid Ann Lee, in fuch manner as is mentioned in the faid here- in before in part recited will of the faid Charles Duke, AND the faid Philip Lee, for himfelf, his heirs, exe- Covenant hy cutors, and adminiftrators, and for the faid Ann his h"e fur conccf- afligns, by thefe prefents, that he the faid Philip Lee lem-charg^to and sinn his wife, {hall and will as of Eafterterm now grantee up. m ... .... irir *. tnetrultshefow next enfuing, or or tome other iubiequent term, at declared. {he requeit of the faid l/aaa s1rden y his executors, ad- miniftr. tors 15e APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. miniftrators or afligns, but at the cofts and charges of the faid Philip Lee, his executors, or adminiflrators, acknowledge and levy in due form of law, before the Juftices of his Majeity's Court of Common Pleas at Weftminfter, one or more fine or fines fur conceflerunt, to be engrofled, recorded, and fued forth unto the faid Ifaac Ardt'ti) his executors, adminiflratore, and afligns, cf the faid annuity, or yearly-rent charge of 4OO/. and ail and fmgular other the premifes herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby granted, bargained, and fold, by fuch apt and convenient name and names, and other defcriptions as will effectually comprife the fame, and mall for that purpofe be thought fit and re- quifitcj And it is hereby agreed and declared, by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, to be the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, that as well the faid fine or fines fo as aforefaid, or in any other manner to be had and levied, as alfo ail and every other fine and fines, conveyances and affurances, in the law \vhatfoever, already had, made, done, acknowledged, levied or executed, or to be had, made, done, acknow- ledged, levied or executed, by or between the faid par- ties to thefe prefents, or any of them, or whereunto they or any of them was were is are or fhall or may be parties or party, or privies or privy, of all and fin- gular the faid annuity, or yearly-rent charge, and pre- rnifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, bargained and fold, or any of them, or any part or parts of the fame, fhall from and imme- diately after the levying, making, executing and per- fecting thereof, be and enure, and fhall be adjudged, conftrued, deemed, and taken to be and enure, and is and are hereby declared to be at the time of the making, levying and fuffering thereof, meant and intended to be and enure, to the only proper ufe of the faid Ifaac Jlrden, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns ; UPON THE TRUSTS neverthelefs herein before mentioned and declared concerning the fame. (Add covenant to pay annuity j and that grantee and wife had done no act to incumbcr j and for further affurancc \ alfo y add dtfe fatice on judgment and clatife of redemption}. In witnefs, &c. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 351 No. XIX. GRANT of an AxxuiTYjfor the Life of the Grantor, charged upon an Ejlale, oj which he is feifcdfor Life, (without fitting forth his Title) with a Demife of the fame Fjlate to a Trujiee, for a Term of QQ Years, for better fecuring the Annuity ; with a Provi/b that no Diftrefs Jhall be made upon the Manfion- Iloufe and Lands thereto belonging, unlefs the Annuity is in Arrearfor Four Months. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE made, &c. between Charles Lott, of, &c. Efq. of the firfl part, Parties ' Richard Burt, of, &c. Efq. of the fecond part, and Robert Watts, of, &c. Gent, of the third part, WHEREAS the faid Charles Lott hath contracted and f![f r f h jfe of agreed with the faid Richard Burt, to grant to him the annuity to b faid Richard Burt, an annuity, or clear yearly rent charge i iruin s " ut r e , i'/r- JIT e - manors, &c. far or turn or ioo/. to be yearly iliuing and payable out of t hc life of the manors, mefluages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, grantor. and premifes hereinafter mentioned and defcribed, and to be fecured as hereinafter is mentioned, to be paid to the faid Richard Burt> his executors, administrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Charles Lott, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity, for the time which at the deceafe of the faid Charks Lott, (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the fame annuity then growing due, at or for the pvice or fum of 7oo/. out of which, &c. (St. te the expences }. AND WHEREAS it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, that the manors, mefTuagcs, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments, out of which the fame is to be ifiuing and pay- ?ble as aforefaid, Ihouid be demiftxl to a truftee, IN TRUST, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, TRUST, for better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity in the manner hererinafter exprefied, And that the fame annuity fliould be further fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid Charles Lott, and a war- rant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon. (Re- cite the bond and warranty Precedent No. VIIL Grant a rent charge with powers of entry and di/lrefs, as in Pre- cedent No. III. and add covenant to pay annuity.) AND e - THIS INDENTURE FURTHER W1TNESSETH, mifes to a tmf- t jj at f or t ^ e confiderations aforefaid, and for the fur- tee for 99 vears, , , , . r i_ j upon truft for ther and oetter iecunng and enforcing the due and fecuring an- pun&ual payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent, charge, or annual fum of ioo/. hereby granted as aforefaid , And alfo for and in confideration of the Aim of los. of like lawful money to the faid Charles Loft, in his own proper perfon, in hand paid by the faid Robert Watts^ in his own proper perfon, at or be- fore the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, He the faid Charles Lott, at the nomination and by the direction of the faid Richard Burt, (teftified by his being made a party to and executing thefe prefents) HATH granted, bar- gained, fold and demifed, and by thefe prefents DOTH, &c. unto the faid Robert latts t his executors, admi- niftrators, and affigns, ALL that (ftate the parcels) together with all and fingular houfes, &c. and the re- verfion, &c. and all the eftate, &c. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid manors or lordihips, or reputed manors or lordfhips, capital and other mef- fuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and all and fingular other the premifes hereby granted, bar- gained, fold, and demifed, or meant, mentioned, or intended fo to be, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, unto the faid Robert Watts, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from henceforth for and during and unto the full end and term of 99 years, to commence and be computed from the clay of the date of thefe prefents (if he the faid Charles Lott, fhall fo long live); And from thence fully to be complete and ended. But, neverthelefs, upon the feveral trufts, and for the ends, intents and pur- pofes, I APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. pofes, and under and fubjeft to the provifoes, declara- tions and agreements hereinafter declared or exprefied, of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, to permit and fuffer the faid Charles Lott, and his ailigns, to receive and take the yearly and other rents, iflues and profits, of the faid manors or lord- fliips, or reputed manors or lordfhips, mefiuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premifes, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit, until fome de- fault fhall happen to be made of or in payment of the faid annuity, yearly rent charge, or fum of zoo/, hereby granted, or fome part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the manner herein before appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, that in cafe the faid annuity, or yearly rent, charge, or fum of i OG/. or any part thereof, fhall happen to be behind and unpaid for, or by the fpace of fixty days next over or after any of the faid days or times of payment whereon the fame is herein before limited or appointed, and ought to be paid as aforefaid, then and fo often as it (hall fo hap- pen, the faid Robert Watt^ his executors, adminiftra- tors, and afligns, fhall from time to time, by and out of the rents, iflues and profits, of the faid manors or lordfhips, or reputed manors or lordfhips, mefluages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and premifes, hereby demifed, or exprefled or intended fo to be, or by de- mifmg, leafing, or mortgaging the fame 1 , or any part thereof, for and during all or any part of the faid term of 99 years, or by fuch other ways and means as to him the faid Robert Watts, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, fhall feem meet, raife and levy fuch fum and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent charge or fum of loo/, or fo much thereof as fhall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid; And alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, lofs, coils, charges, da- mages, and expences (if any as the faid Richard 1 urt and Kobert H atts, their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or any of them fhall pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of the non- payment : C4 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of looA or any part thereof, at or on the days or times and hi manner herein before exprefied or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby declared or exprefled of or concerning the fame premifes, mentioned to be hereby demifed, or the tak- ing pofleflion and collecting and receiving the rents, ilTues and profits thereof, or otherwife howfoever re- lating thereto ; And mail and do pay, apply, and dif- pofe of the monies fo to be raifed or levied, in or to- wards the payment or fatisfaftion thereof accordingly ; And mall and do permit and fufler the faid Charles Lott and his afligns, from time to time to receive and take the refidue or overplus of the rents, uTues, and profits of the faid hereby demifed premifes, after full payment and fatisfa&ion of the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of ioo/. and all arrears thereof, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages, and expences, as aforefaid, vifo t]iatno to his and their own proper ufe and benefit. PRO- diftrefs fhaii be VIDEO ALWAYS, And it is hereby agreed and de- made upon the c i are( iby and between the faid Richard Bur fm& Charles manfion-houie J m '***. a -r> and lands be- Lott, that neither he the faid Richard Burt, his execu* in!eiSnuhJ tors > adminiftrators, or affigns, or the faid Robert Watts, is in anear for his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall or will at lendar an y t j me or t i mes hereafter, make or take, or caufe to be made or taken, any diftrefs or diftreffes in or upon the faid capital mefluage or tenement, called Took's Hall, or the lands thereunto belonging, or any part thereof, for the recovery of the faid annuity, or yearly ium of ioo/. or any part thereof, or make or do, or caufe to be made or done, any other act, matter, or thing what- foever, to compel or enforce the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, from or out of the fame capital mefluage or tenement, land and premifes, under or by virtue of all or any of the powers, remedies and authorities hereby given and provided, for recovering and enforcing the payment thereof, unlefs and until fome quarterly payment there- of (hall be in arrear and unpaid for the ipace of four calendar months at the leaft, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. (Add covenant that grantor is f sized for life ; 5 that APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. that he hath power to charge the premifes ; and alfo to demife the fame j and for quiet enjoyment, after default in payment of f aid annuity, free from Encumbrances \ and for further affurance ; defeasance on judgment , and claufe of Redemption). In witnefs, &c. No. XX. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of the Grantor, charged upon the Third Part of the Rents of certain Freehold Houfes, to which he is intitled for his Life under a Will ; with a Demije of the fame to a Trujhe for a Term of Years, for better fecuring the fame. Covenant for Grantor to appear at an Influence-Office, and in Cafe he Jhoiild go Abroad, whereby the Grantee Jhould be put to any Extra E.vpence for Insurance, that Grantee (hould receive the fame out of . the Rents of Eflate. Appointment of a Re- ceirer, with a Covenant j or fuch Receiver to pay the Grantors Share of Rents to the Tniflee, upon the Trujts of the Deed ; with Provi/ion for appointing another in Cafe of his Death or dwllnins. "ts ' THIS INDENTURE QUADRUPARTITE made, &c. between Samuel IVand, of, &c. Eiq. one Parti.-?, of the three furviving fons of Richard Wand, late of, &c. of the firfl part; John Jfand, of, &c. one other of the three furviving fons of the faid Richard l^and, of the fecund part} Thomas Turner, the elder, of, &c. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. &c. Efq. of the third part ; and Thomas Turner, the younger, of, &c. Efq. of the fourth part. WHERE- Recitalofawill ^ t h e fafa Richard Wand duly made and publifhed grantor ^sinti- his laft will and teftament in writing, in fuch manner dedtotheiifih an( j orm as j s by law required, for rendering valid Kertam ^6- devifes of real eftates, bearing date on or about the hold property d a y o f _ which was in the year of our '" T - ' And thereby after giving divers fpe- incumbrunces c {fi c an j pecuniary legacies, gave and devifed to William n" g ' Strong, of, &c. James Stamp, of, &c. and John Groom, of, &c. gents. ALL that his freehold meffuage, or tenement, with the appurtenances, fituate and being in Mark-Lane, in the parifh of then in the tenure of TO HOLD unto them the faid William Strong, &c. and their heirs; NEVERTHE- LESS UPON TRUST that they the faid William Strong, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and his heirs, fhould from time to time and at all times after payment of the taxes, payable in refpeft of the premifes and charges of the repairs thereof, and other incidental charges, pay unto or permit and fuffer his wife, JMary Wand, and her affigns, during her life, to re- ceive and take the reft of the clear or neat annual rents* Jflues and profits, of the premifes, as the fame fhould become due, to and for her own ufe ; And after the deceafe of his faid wife, to and for the the feveral ufes, intents and purpofes therein and in part hereinafter mentioned, exprefied and declared, of and concerning the fame ; Together with his other freehold mefluages or tenements, therein and hereinafter mentioned; And the faid teftator gave and devifed unto the faid William Strong, &c. and their heirs, ALL thofe three freehold mefluages, fituate, &c. AND ALSO all thofe three free-? hold melfuages, fituate, &c. AND ALSO all that mef- fuage, fituate, &c. ALL which faid feveral mefiuages and premifes were fubject to and charged with an annuity yearly rent charge or fum of i oo/. to his faid wife for her life, for her jointure if flie furvived him the faid teftator, according to their marriage fettlement ; AND ALSO all that the aforefaid mefluage in Mark-Lane aforefaid, fubjeft to the ufe aforefaid, for and during 4 the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Ac life of his faid wife; AND ALSO all thofe two other mefiuages, fituate, &c. 'I O HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid freehold mefluages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and all and fmgular other the faid freehold premifes, with their and every of their appurtenances, fubjecl: and charged as aforefaid, unto them the faid William Strong, &c. and their heirs, to and for the feveral ufes, intents and purpofes, and under and fubject to the feveral provifoes and limita- tions hereinafter expreffed, limited and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) TO the ufe, in- tent and purpofe that they the faid William Strong, &c. and the furvivors and furvivor of them, and his heirs, fhould and might yearly and every year, during the feveral terms of the natural lives of his two daugh- ters, Mary Stevens and dnna Wand^ receive and take by and out of the faid freehold mefluages or tenements, farms, lands and premifes, one annuity yearly rent, or fum of 52/. IO:. of lawful, &c. and pay the fame to his faid daughter, Mary Steven s y during her life; And one other annuity yearly rent, or fum of 52.''. IQS. of lawful, &c. and pay the fame to his daughter Anna Wand) during her life ; each of the faid annuities, yearly rents, or fums of 527. zox. and 52/4 10;. to be free of; and from all manner of taxes, charges and dedu&ions. whatfoever, and to be paid to his faid two daughters re- fpetively, for their respective fole and feparate ufes, exclufive of any prefent or future hufband or hufbands, they or either of them had, and thereafter fhould ox 1 might happen to marry; And to the further ufe, in- tent and purpofe, that his daughter-in-law Ann Wand> wife of his faid fon Shadrick Wand, in cafe fhe fhould furvive him, fhould or might have, receive and take, by and out of the aforefaid freehold mefluages, tene < mcnts, farm, lands, hereditaments and premifes, for and during fo long as fhe fhould happen to live and con- tinue the widow of his faid fon Sh.-tdrick Jfafid, without marrying again, one annuity, yearly rent, or fum of 30/4 of lawful, &c. free of and from all manner of taxes, charges and deductions whatfoever ; And to the fur f ufe, intent and purpofe, that his daughter-iri law, Su- s Jannab APPENDIX OF PRECEDEOTS. Jatinah Wand) wife of his faid fon John Wand, in cak flie fhould furvive him, fhould and might have, re- ceive and take, by and out of the aforcfaid freehold rnefluages, tenements, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, for and during her natural life, one annuity* yearly rent, or fum of 3P/. of lawful, &c. free of and from all manner of taxes, charges and deductions whatfoever, all and every of which faid feveral and refpeftive annu'ties, yearly rents, or fums of money, fhould be paid and payable at the feafts or days therein mentioned. And by the faid will the ufual powers of tntry and diftrefs, and perception of the rents and pro- fits, are given to the faid feveral annuitants, for the better fecuring and inforcing the payment of the faid feveral rtfpeftive annuities j And as to for and con- cerning all and fmgular the faid meffuages, tene- ments, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes fo charged and chargeable with the faid feveral annuities, yearly rents, or fums of money, and fuch remedies for the fame as aforefaid, to the ufe and behoof of them the faid William Strong, Sec. and their heirs, for and during the natural lives of his five fons, Shadrick JVand, Samuel Wand, John Wand, Robert Wand, and Peter Wand\ Neverthelefs upon truft that they, the faid Wi Him Strong, &c. and the furvi^ors or furvivor of them, and his heirs, did and fhoula from time to time And at all times, after payment of the taxes, payable in refpet of the premifes and charges of the repairs there- of and other incident charges, pay and divide, or caufe to be paid and divided, all and every the reft of the neat or clear annual rents, iffues and profits of the pre- mifes, as the fame refpeclively became due, unto and amongft his faid five fons, Shadrick Wa-d, Samuel Wand, John Wand, Robert Wand, and Peter Wand, during the feveral refpedlive terms of their feveral na- tural lives, (hare and fliare alike, the {have he directed of 'John Wand to be paid during his life to his wife Sufannah Wand, and from and after the deceafe of any of them,^ then the (hare or fhares of him or them fo deceafed," fhould go to and amongft the furvivor of them, for their feveral lives, equally if more than one, and APPENDIX OP PRECEDENTS. 5nd if but one, then the whole to fuch only furvivof for his life; and from and after the deceafe of his faid five fons, upon fuch trufts and to and for fuch ufes, ends, intents and purpofes as are therein particularly mentioned. AND WHEREAS the faid teitator foon Recital r;f thft afterwards departed this life, without altering or re- deathof telta - yoking his faid will, fave by fome codicils thereto, which did not in any manner affel his faid real eftates* AND WHEREAS the faid Shadrack Wand and Robert And of the Tff J i_ i 1 i r i i i- vr 11 death of two of (-('and have both long imce departed this life, whereby grantor's bro- the faid Samuel Wand, John Wand, and Peter Wand ''* wheteby it r ' r j r i e i FL -r* j , P e l * become fes the three lurvivmg ions of the laid teitator, Richard mtitied to or..?- Wand, deceafed, are entitled, either at law or in equity, J^ P*" c to the receipt and enjoyment of the clear furplus arif- ing from the faid fevcral freehold eilates, for their lives, after payment and fatisfaclion of the feveral annuities fo given and bequeathed by the faid teftator's will as aforefaid. AND WHEREAS the faid Thomas Turner, Contraft for the elder, hath contrafted and agreed with the faid SJfSf iwaw* Samuel Wand, to grant to him the faid Thomas Turner, to be the elder, one annuity, clear yearly rent charge, or h annual fum of 8o/. to be yearly ifluing and payable out of the third part or fhare, and every other part or fhare expectant or contingent of the faid Samuel Wand, of and in the hereditaments and premifes herein before mentioned to be devifed by the faid recited will, and herein before more particularly defcribed, and to be iecured as hereinafter is mentioned, to be paid to the faid Thomas Tunufj the elder, for and during the na- tural life of him the faid Samuel Wand, by equal quar- terly payments in the year, together with a propor- tionable part of the faid annuity for the time which at the deceafe of the faid Samuel Wand, fhall have elapfcd of the quarterly payment of the fame annuity, then growing due, at or for the price or fum of doo/. out of which, &c. (State the cxpences). AND WHERE* AS it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of JecurinK the the faid annuity, that the mefluages or tenement^ fatefihoui^ farm, lands, hereditaments and premifes, out of which demifcdt/a the lame is to be ifTuing as aforefaid, fliould be de- Ihould ilfo be fecured by the bond and judgment ot the graatof, s 3 mifcd APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. mifed to a truftee, in truft for better fecuring the pay- ment of the laid annuity, in manner hereinafter ex- prefled ; and that the fame annuity fliould be further fccured by the bond or obligation of the faid Samuel Wand) and a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon in manner hereinafter mentioned. (Recite the bond and warrant of attorney , Precedent No. VIII. Grant the annuity to be ij/iiing out of the third part and every other party Jhare and intereft of him the faid Samuel Wand, oj and in alt andftngular the faid mejjuages, &JV. And add the ufufilpoiu ers of dljlrefs and entry, Precedent No.XXIf* Covenant that sidd covenant to pay annuity). AND ALSO that he fearaT^vVr the faid Samuel Wand, mall and will at any time or furance-office times hereafter, at the requeft of the faid Thomas Tur~ rnay^nfar^his ner y the elder, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, lite, and in cafe appear in perfon as often as there mall be occailon fhouf^ieave * r *" s fo doing (upon his having notice thereof) at any the Kingdom, office or place of infurance, or to any underwriter or grantee faouid underwriters within the cities of London or Weftmin- be put to anyex-y&r, or ihall fend to him or them notice of his place of tnat'grantor 6 ' a ^ ode > and > if neceffary, vouchers or certificates of ihould receive the faid Benjamin Wand being living, and of the flate XeprTiS. of and condition of his health, in order that the faid Tho- mas Turner t the elder, his executors, adminiftrators v or afligns, may infure the life of him the faid Benjamui Wandy for any fum or fums of money he the faid Tho-* mas Turnery the elder, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, may think proper, AND ALSO, that in cafe the faid Samuel Wand mail upon any occafiorv whatever leave this kingdom, whereby the faid Thomas Turnery the elder, (hall be put to any extra expence in infuring the life of him the faid Samuel Wandy that then and in fuch cafe, it mall and may be lawful to and for the faid Thomas Turner \ the elder, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, to have, take and receive, out of the faid premifes hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent charge of 8o/. all fuch fum or fums of money as he the faid Thomas Tr-,the elder, (hall or may fuftain,or be put unto for or on account o fuch extra infurance as afore* faid, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. faid. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER Demife of WITNESSETH, that for the confiderations afqrefaid, g and for the further and better fecuring and enforcing a . nd other con- the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity, or aSStX"** yearly rent charge of 8o/. hereby granted as aforefaid, tmfte& for the . ,. - - ^ annuity, feahng and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid Samuel Wand, at the nomination and by the direction of the faid Thomas Turner, the elder, teftified by his being a party to and executing thofe prefents, HATH grant- ed, bargained, fold and demifed, and by thefe prefents DOTH, &c. unto the laid Thomas Turner , the younger, his executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns, the third part and every other part, fliare, right, title and inte* red, veiled or contingent of him the faid Saftiuel Wand t of and in all that freehold mefTuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, fituate, &c. AND alfo of and in all thofe freehold mefluages, fituate; &c. AND alfo of and in all that mefluage, fituate, &c. AND alfo of and in all thofe two other mefluages, fituate, &c. AND alfo of and in all other the meifuages or tenements, farm, lands, and hereditaments wherefoever fituate, lying, and being, which were late the eftate and inheritance of the faid Richard Wand> deceafed, and which were by him given and devifed by the before recited will, upon the trufts therein and herein before mention- ed; and of and in all and fingular houfes, &c. to the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, farm, lands, hereditaments and premifes, herein before particularly mentioned and defcribed, or any part or parcel there- of belonging or in any wife appertaining, or therewith or with any part thereof, now or at any time hereto- fore, letten, &c. and of and in the reverfion, &c. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes hereby granted, bargained, fold and demifed, or meant, mentioned, or intended fo to be, with their and every of their rights, members, privileges, profits, com- modities, advantages, emoluments, and appurtenances, s unto ^>a APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. unto the faid Thowaf Turner, the younger, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and affigns, from henceforth for and during and unto the full end and term of 99 years, to commence and be computed from the date of thefe prefents, (if he the faid Samuel Had, lhall fo Jong live) and from thence fully to be complete and ended, but fubjetl: to the faid feveral annuities charged thereon by the faid will, and upon the feveral trufts, and for the ends, intents and purpofes, and under and fubje& to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements, hereinafter declared and expreffed of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST (as in Precedent No- XV. ' (Add covenant againjl //-. cumbraiues. And that grantor has power to ch , rge the premifes , j$nd a/Jo to demife the fame ; s.nd for peaceab e enjoyment after default of payment of annuity ; /ind for further ajfurance), AND WHEREAS it hath been mutually agreed by and between the faid parties here-- to, that the faid John Wand fhould be the receiver of the rents and profits of the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes Recital of herein before mentioned- AND WHEREAS upon agreement for . ... .......... the appoint- the treaty i or the purchafe of the iaia annuity, or clear nt f ^ r h~ Y ear ty rent charge, or annual fum of 8c/. it was agreed rents, and that that for the punctual payment thereof, the part or Aich receiver fl iare o f j-^ t ] ie faft Samuel Wand> of and in the Ihould pay rr " r r i r i rr grantor's in te- rents, inues, a.rjd prohts or the laid meiiuages or tene-^ reit in the rents rnents, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes. to the trvmee /, , ,*. ... t r 'i ev rr,- T i r i rr-7 for the grantee, ihould be paid by the laid John il'and) to the iaid Tho-> upon the trufts nias Turner, the younger, his executors, adminiftra- v^topay'an- tors, and affigns, UPON THE TRUSTS herein. nui {y preeable after mentioned, expreffed, and declared of and and all ex- ' concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST pence^ar.dthe to pay unto the faid 3 homos Turner, the elder, his ex- reuoue to the i n n- i r \ grantor. ecutors, admimttrators, or auigns, the laid annuity, clear yearly rent charge, or annual fum of 8o/. at the days and times in the condition to the faid recited bond limited and appointed for payment thereof, together with all iuch cofts, charges, damages, and expences, as fhall or may be fuftained or occafioned by any non- payment thereof, and to pay the furplus or refidue thereof APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. thereof unto the faid Samuel Wand, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, as he or they fhall order, aired* and appoint. AND THIS INDENTURE Receiver in FURTHER WITNESSETH, that in purfuance oJagSent the faid agreement, and in consideration of the fum of venantswith / 1 r i n i r-i.^r rrr i t'UfteC tO pay loj, or lawful, &c. to him the laid John Waid, in the grantor's . hand paid by the faid Ihomas Turner, the younger, he 1 ,^" r . e of rei ? ts , r f v / . ' } , n (fo long as he the laid 'John IV and, at the ipecial mitance and requeit ihall be receiv* and by the direction and appointment of the faid fl.,..") to him upon , A, . ... , , , . *T . , the trults be- mud Wand, teltmed by his being a party to and exe- fore mention- cuting thefe prefents, DO FH hereby for himfelf, his ed heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, covenant, pro* mife, and agree, to and with the faid Thomas Turner, the younger, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, that he the faid John Wand, fhall and will fo long as he fhall continue receiver of the rents and profits of the faid mefluages or tenements, farm, lands, heredi- taments and premifes, well and truly account with and pay to the faid Thomas Turner, the younger, his executors, adminillrators, and afligns, all the part and (hare of him the faid Samuel Wand, of and in fuch rents and profits upon the trufts herein before men- tioned. AND for the purpofes aforefaid, he the faid Power of attor- o , IT, , , , \ r , . , ' . ney fr th Samuel Ivami, hath made, ordained, nominated, con- grantor for the ftituted and appointed, and by thefe prefents DOTH, trufteetore- i t- i cri cr- ; i i_- ceive the lent* &c. the laid Ihouias Turner, the younger, his execu- O f receiver. tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, his true and lawful attorney and attornies, irrevocable for him the faid Samuel Wand, and in his name, place and ftead, or in the name of him the faid Thomas Turner, the younger, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, to alk, de- mand, fue for, recover, receive and take, of and from the faid John If/and, or any other receiver hereafter to be appointed, or of and from the truftees mentioned ,and appointed in and by the faid recited will, or of and from all and every or any perfon or perfons liable or intruded to pay the fame, all and every fum and fums of money that ihall or may hereafter become payable unto him the faid Samuel Wand, for and in refpet of his fhare, right and intereft in the eftatcs prernifes herein before mentioned, to be here- $4 bf APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. by charged with the payment of the faid annuity of 80.'. or in the rents and profits thereof, or of any part thereof; And on receipt thereof, acquittances or other difcharges for the fame, to give as fully and effe&ually to all intents and purpofes, as he the faid Samuel fl'atid might or could have done, in cafe thefe prefeuts had not Prnvifothatin been made and executed. PROVIDED ALWAYS, d? e< or C dfi- er ^ n ^ ^ * s ^ ere ^Y agreed and declared by and between Oines, another the faid parties hereto, that in cafe the faid John Wand *TE^F r( V be fhaN die or decline to aft as fuch receiver, that then mutually cho- . ' fcniivhepnr- and m iuch cafe, one other fit and proper perfon mail ties then uiu- fa mutually cholen and appointed by and between the tied to the . J , . i r f r r i /- i rents, with a parties then intitled to the rents and profits of the laid namorforfoci- P rem i fes > which perfon fo to be chofen {hall have ; future receiver And the faid S-utnuet Iffand doth hereby fully authorize t pay f'ich am j emp OW er fuch receiver fo to be chofen and appoint-* rent- in the . , f.inie manner ed, toaccountwith and pay unto the faid Thomas Jurner astheprefent ^g younger, his executors, administrators, or affigns, reded to do, all his the faid Samuel Wand's lhare and intereft of in upon thetrufls. an d to fuch rents and profits, in like manner as he the faid ohn Wand is hereby authorized and hath cove* nanted to do; NEVERTHELESS upon the trufts and to and for the ends, intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefied and declared of and concerning the fame. (Add defeasance on judgment and claufe ofrfi demotion.') Inwitnefs, &c. CHAP. C 265 i CHAP. IX. GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATES, WHERE THE GRANTORS HAVE ONLY A LIFE INTEREST. No. XXI. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of the Grantor ; the Grantor being intitled, un- der a Will, at the Expiration of Three Years from the Tejlators Death, to the Ac- cumulations of his Real and Perfonal FJiatey, and afterwards to the Rents and Profits thereof for his Life. Demifes and A/JignS the fame refpectively to a Trujlee for fccur- ing the Annuity, with a Provifo that the Grantor JJiall not be called upon for Payment of the Annuity until the Expiration of the faid Three Years. 1 HIS INDENTURE made, &c. between JJohn Partics . Brandy of gent, of the firft part; 7^" Scott, of gent, of the fecond parti and James Mott, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Jl-fott, of gent, of the third part. WHERE- 5?S?J AS Thaw r.rand, late of in the county of in:;ti'c:ind laid three years, the faid teftator did by his faid Witt profits fut bis The receipt, &c. He the faid John Brand hath given, granted, bargained, fold and con- firmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH give, &c. unto the fuid James Scott) his executors, adminiftrators, and I aflins Grant of an- nuity. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. sty afllgns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Brandy one annuity, or clear yearly -rent charge, or fum of zoo/, of lawful money of Great Britain, to bo -jr- be ifluing, payable, and going out of and had, received out of the fre- and taken by him, the laid James Scoff, his executors, j ! ^ adminiftrators, and ailigns, by and out of and from all teiiator. and fmgular the freehold and Jeafehold meffuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, and real eftate, to which the faid John Brand is intitled for his life, under and by virtue of the faid will of the faid Edward Brand as aforefaid, with their and every of their ap- purtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, re- ceive, and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly-rent charge, or fum of ioo/, hereby given, granted, and confirmed. (Add grant of annuity , with power of dif~ trefs and entry 5 and covenant to pay annuity as in Pre- cedent No. XXX 7.) AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESS LTH, that for the confidera- hold tion aforefaid, and for the further and better fecurina truitee for 99 , i r i i i- ' i years, if eraritw and enforcing the due payment or the laid annuity, or ihoud folong clear yearly-rent charge, or fum of ioo/. hereby granted ^' e > antl t}ie as aforefaid. AND alfo for and in confederation of ' m en:s and in- the fum of roo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, by tercitsm faiws Mott> his executors, admiaiftrators, ami afligns. 270 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. affigns, for and during and unto the full end and term of 99 years, to commence and be computed from the date of thefe prefents, and from thence fully to be complete and ended, if he the faid John Brandy fhall fo long live, and the eftates, terms, and interefts of him the faid John Brand, of and in the faid feveral and refpeftive premifes, (hall refpecHvely fo long con- Pponthrtuiftainue. BUT NEVERTHELESS upon the feveral after mention- trufts, and to and for the ends, intents and purpofes, and under and fubjer. to the powers, provifoes, de- clarations and agreements hereinafter declared and ex- prefled of and concerning the fame. AND THIS IN- S C div- DENTURE ALSO WITNESS ETH, that for the dends,and pro- confederations aforefaid, he the faid John Brand, (at nciue' rftSta" & e requeft and by the direction of the 'faid James Scott, tor's perforni teftified as aforefaid) HATH granted, bargained, fold, expiration'of C afllgned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents three years ^ DOTH grant, bargain, fell, aflign, transfer, and fet death!** S over > unto tne feid James Mcit, his executors, admi- niftrators, and affigns, all and every the dividends, in- terefl and produce, which from and after the expiration of three years from the deceafe of the faid Edward Brandy during the natural life of the faid John Brand, fhall accrue anci arife on the refidue or furplus of the perfonal eftate of the faid Edward Brand, to which the faid John Brand is or {hall be intitled for his life, under or by virtue of the faid will of the faid Edward Brand as aforefaid; And alfo the right, title, intereft, property, claim and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, of him the faid John Brand, of in to or out of the fame, every or any part thereof, TO HAVE, HOLD, perceive, take and enjoy the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned unto the faid James Mott, his executors, ad- Uponthe tnif.s miniflrators, and affiVns. UPON the trufts and to and after mention- c , . ' . ed. f r tn e intents and purpofes, and under and lubject to the powers, provifoes, declarations and agreement* hereinafter mentioned, expretfed and declared of and ftd" ,i?cifcd concerni ng Ae fame. AND it is hereby agreed and oftheprerr.iic-, before demifed and alligned. declared APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 271 declared by and between the {aid parties to thefe pre- fents, than he the laid James A-foit, his executors, ad- miniitrators, and affigns, (hall (land and be pofTeffed of and intcrefled in the faid feveral premifes herein be- fore mentioned, and intended hereby demifed, and of the faid interefl, dividends and annual produce, and all and lingular other the premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, UPON u J> on th treft TT 3 v r nT> TTfT'o j r T- i Biter mentioa- HiL IKUhib, and to and tor the intents and pur- e j (that ^ to poles, and with under and fubjecl: to the powers, pro- fa >) vifoes, declarations and agreements hereinafter men- tioned, exprefied and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST to permit ? n d u P nfru ft^ f jr ,- i ^ i -n 7 i t rr permit qrantor lutter the laid Jebn frana t and his ailigns, to receive o receive ii. and take the faid rents, iflues and profits of the faid rents of pre- premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be a m) imeieit, ' hereby demifed, and alfo the faid intereft, dividends, dividends, and annual produce herein before mentioned, and in- default in pay/, tended to be hereby affigned to his and their own ufe me . nt t - and benefit, until ibme default fhall happen to be made nuity ' of or in payment of the faid annuity, or yearly-rent charge, or fum of i oo/. hereby granted, or fome part thereof, at or on the days or times and in manner herein before limited and appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. AMD UPON TRUST that in And in cafe cafe the faid annuity, yearly-rent charge, or fum of ^" loo/, or fome part thereof, fhall happen to be behind days, or unpaid by the fpace of forty days next over or after [^ Lf, any of the faid days or times of payment thereof, or gether wit* a whereon the fame is herein before limited and appoint- cofts ' Stc< ed, and ought to be paid as aforefaid, (being lawfully demanded) then and fo often the faid James Mott^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, fhall from timq to time by and out of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligncdj and by and out of the rents, ifTues and profits of the faid premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed, or by demifing, leafing, or mortgaging the faid pre- mifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed, for and during all or any part of the faid term of 99 years, detcrminable as heroin. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. herein before mentioned, or by fuch other ways afitt means as to him the faid Jam s Mott y his executors, ad- miniflrators, or aifigns fhall feem meet, raiie and levy fuch fum and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. or fo much thereof as mail from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid ; And alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, lofs, coils, charges and expences, (if any) as they the faid James Scott and James Mott, or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall pay, fuftain, expend or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the man- ner herein before exprefied or appointed for the pay- ment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby declared or exprefled, of and concerning the faid premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed and afligned refpeclively, or the taking pofieifion and collecting and receiving the faid rents, iflues and profits, intereft, dividends and annual produce, or otherwife howfoever relating thereto, and fnall and do pay and apply the monies fo to be And permit raifed and levied in or towards payment and fatisfac- cdve overplus t * on tnere f accordingly } And fhall and do pay to or otherwife permit and fufFer the faid John Brandy and his afligns, from time to time to receive and take the refidue or furplus of the rents, iffues and profits, of the faid hereby demifed premifes, and alfo of the faid intereft, dividends and annual produce, hereby afiigri- ed, after full payment and fatifa&ion of the faid an- nuity, or yearly-rent charge of ioo/. and all arrears Alignment nf thereof, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages and ex- wdurine 13 " P cnces as aforefaid, to and for his and their own proper hefeaceo? ufe and benefit. AND THIS INDENTURE FUR- THER : WITNESSETH, that for the confiderations aforefaid, he the faid John Brand (at the requcft and by .the direction of the faid James Scott, teftified as aforefaid) HATH granted, bargained, fold, afligned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents DOTH grant, bargain, fell, aflign, transfer and fet over, unto the faid Jame> Mott, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fifilgns, ALL and every the dividends, intereft and produce, and accumulations which have arifen from the deceafe of the faid Edward Brandy and which from time to time and at any time or times, during the term of three years from the deceafe of the faid Edward Bran-ly fhall accrue or arife and accumulate from the faid real and refiduary eftates of the faid Ed- ivard Brandy and all the right, title, intereft, proper- ty, claim and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, of him the faid John Brandy of in to or out of the fame premifes, every or any part thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, perceive, take and enjoy the faid rents, iflues and profits, intereft, dividends, and annual produce and accumulations, and premifes laft herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned unto the faid James Motty his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, UPON THE upon truft to TRUSTS neverthelefs, and to and for the ends, in- receive the tents and purpofes, and under and fubjer. to the pro- vifoes, declarations and agreements hereinafter ex- prefied and declared, of and concerning the fame (that is to fay) UPON TRUST to receive the fame, and And thereout thereout to pay unto the faid James Scotty his executors. to P P a y arrea , /> r ' j /r 11 /T % i- i of annuity ur administrators, and aihgns, all arrears (it any) which any) with fhall at the time the fame (hall be received, have ac- colts &c< crued upon the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and all fuch turn and fums of money, lofs, cofts, charges, damages and expences, (if any) as they, the faid James Scott and James Motty or either of them, their or either of their executors, administrators, or afligns, {hall pay, fuftain, expend or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. or any part there- of, at or on the days and times and in the manner herein before exprefied or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby And refidue to created or declared; And do and {hall pay the refidue S rantyr - (if any) of the faid monies and premifes laft hereby af- figned, after payment and difcharge of the feveral fums of money, cofts, charges and expences herein before dire&ed to be paid thereout unto the faid John Krar.d, T his Power of artnr ney torcn.-]- c the renf.- .unl intereltof de- mil'cd and af- ligned pre- nnles. Covenant that grantor hath done no adt to incumber. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns. AND for the confiderations aforefaid, and the better to enable the laid James Mott y his executors, adminiftrators, and alTigus, to recover and receive the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes, rents, iffucs and profits, and accumulations mentioned to be hereby afiknied as aforefaid, he the faid John Brandy HATH made, ordained, conftituted and appointed, and by thefe prefents DOTH make, ordain, confti- tute and appoint the faid "James Motty his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, and every of them his true and lawful attorney and attornies for him the faid "John Brand> and in his name or in the name or names of him the faid James Matt, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or afligns, but upon the trufts herein before men- tioned, to afk, demand, fue for, recover and receive, of and from all and every or any pcrfon or perfons, liable or intruded to pay the fame, the faid rents, if- fues and profits, and accumulations and premifes men- tioned to be hereby demited, and the intereft, dividends, nnd annual produce and proceeds mentioned to be hereby afligned, or any part or parts thereof; And from time to time upon receipt thereof, or of any part or parts thereof, receipts, acquittances, or other fufficient dif- charges for the fame, or any part thereof, to make, fign, feal and deliver ; and further to do and execute all and every other at and ats requifite or expedient for effecting the premifes, as fully and effectually to all intents and purpofes as he the faid John Brand might or could have done in his own proper perfon, if thefe prefents had not been made. AND the faid John Brandy for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and ad- miniftrators, doth covenant, promife, declare and agree to and with the faid James Motty his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, by thefe prefents, in man- ner following, (that is fo fay) That he the faid John Brand, hath not at any time heretofore made, done, or committed, or wittingly, or willingly permitted or fuffered to be done, any at, deed, matter or thing whatfoever, whereby, wherewith, or by reafon or means APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. means whereof the faid feveral premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed and af- figned refpeftively, or any of them, or any part thereof refpeftively, are is can fhall or may be afligned, af- feftdd, charged, furrendered, deftroyed, or incum- bered in title, intereft, charge, eftate, or otherwife howfoever. AND FURTHER, that he the faid And that he John Brandy his executors or adminiftrators, {hall and whaurudee will at all times hereafter, juftify and allow, ratify ^ail do by vir- and confirm, all and whatfoever the faid James Mott, S^fetd! t ft his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, fhall law- fully do or caufe to be done in or about the premifes, arid fhall not nor will revoke or make void all or any of the powers or authorities hereby given, or in purfu- ance hereof to be given to the faid 'James Mott y his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or do any aft whereby the recovery or receipt of the faid rents, if- fues and profits, intereft, dividends, and annual pro- ceeds and accumulations herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, may be impeded or de- layed*. AND MOREOVER, that he the faid John And for fur- Brandy and all and every perfons and perfon, having ther aflurance * or lawfully claiming, or who mall or may have, or lawfully claim any eftate, tight, title, or intereft, at law or in equity, of in or unto or out of the faid pre- mifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed and afligned refpeftively, or any part thereof refpeftively, fhall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter, during the natural life of the faid John Brandy upon every reafonable requeft of the faid James Mott, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, but at the proper cofts and charges in the law of the faid John Brandy make, do and execute, or caufe and procure to be made, done and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable aft and afts, thing and things, devices, conveyances, demifes, affignments, and affu ranees in the law what- foever, as well for the better, more perfectly and ab- folutely, giving, granting, and confirming the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of loo/. hereby granted untp the faid Jame: Stott, his execu- T 2 tors, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, in manner aforefaid, as for the further, better, and more effectually grant- ing, demifmg, and affigning the faid feveral premifes hereby demifed and affigned refpeftively, or exprefled* or intended fo to be, unto the faid James Mott, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, in manner and upon the trufts and to and for the intents and pur- pofes, and under and fubjeft to the provifoes, declara- tions and agreements herein declared, or exprefled of or concerning the fame, as by the faid James Scott and James Mott, or either of them, their or either of their executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or their or either or any of their counfel learned in the law fliall be rea- fonably advifed, devifed and required. ( ' /idd defeasance on tiiat the judgment). PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is here- by agreed and declared by and between the faid parties upon to pay an- to thefe prefents, that notwithftanding any of the trufts, tJie'ex^radorT powers and authorities herein contained, the faid John of thiee years Brand fhall not be called upon or compelled to pay the ofteftator. ^ * ^ a ^ annuity, or yearly fum of i oo/. or any of the ar- rears thereof, unlefs he fhall think proper fo to do, until the expiration of three years from the death of the faid Edward Brand, if he the faid John Brand, fliall fo nglive. PROVIDED ALSO, that nothing in the contained ihaii provifo laft herein before contained, fhall prevent the Infri/'eiutTi'iKr 6 f a icl James Scott, his executors, adminiftrators, or af- up judgment or gn$, from immediately entering up the faid judgment, EiTtuiftee'iVorn or P rev ent the faid James Scott or James Mott, or receiving by either of them, their or either of their executors, ad- ritSes^n arrears niiniftrators, or affigns, from raifmg or recovering by of annuity at virtue of^>r under the faid feveral fccunties, or any of grantor* before . tnem > a ^ arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of the expiration .joo/. which may have accrued at the deceafe of the from the teita- ^ a ^ Jh Brand, in the event of his departing this tor's death, or life before the expiration of the faid term of three grantor ail ar 3 - m y ears ^ rom the deceafe of the faid Edward Brand, or rears accrued at from recovering from the faid John Brand, his heirs, cHa" r three n - executor s, adminiftrators, or affigns, all arrears of the years, in the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. which may have tOTft'rvmng" accrue( ^ at tne expiration of the faid term of three years, the aid tenn. from the deceafc of the faij Edward Bran d, in tl^e event APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS: 577 event of the faid 'John Brand's furviving the fame term. {Add claufe for redemption , on payment of half a year's annuity.} Shall and will, at the proper cofts and charges Conciufion to in the law of him the faid John brand, deliver up the faid bond to the faid John Brand to be cancelled, and acknowledge, or caufe fatisfadlion to be acknowledged on the record of the faid judgment, that {hall be en- tered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of loo/, and the powers and re- medies hereby given for recovering the fame and en^ forcing the payment thereof, and the trufts herein be- fore declared for fecuring the fame. And alfo the faid term of 99 years determinable as aforefaid, {hall ceafe, determine and be void, t and the faid feveral premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, or fo much thereof as {hall not then have been applied and difpofed of upon fhe trufts aforefaid, {hall be re-afligned unto the faid John Brand, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. In witnefs, &c. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XXII. GRANT of ANNUITY during the Life of Grantor, and a Demife of Freehold Prc- mifcs, of which the Grantor is feifedfor his ' Life, in Reverfion expeclant on the, Deceafe of his IVifes Mother ; And an alignment of Leafeholds, of which he is abfohitely in- t it led in right of his Wife ; And alfo of Dividends to which he is intitledfor his Life, . and of other Dividends to which he is in- titled in expectancy upon the Deceafe of his JTif'e's Mother : To a Tntftee upon Trtift, to raife and pay the Annuity, and contain- ing Directions to the Tniftees, under, the Settlement, not to fell or vary the Securities without the Confent of the Grantor. Panics. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE, made, &c. between John Scutt, of, Efq. of the firft part, 'James Short, of - Efq. of the fecond part, and James Merry, of - - gent, of the third Se a fei" ai "P art - W HEREAS, by Indenture of Settlement of four mVnt, whereby parts, bearing date on or about the - day of- "', s -.? r j n !" ris anc * rnadeor exprefled to be made, between E. P. the i milled to cer- ,, r .. . '. - ,.,. D c , tain dividends doer or - widow, and relidt or H. Jr, or the and annuities f arne place, Efq. her late hufband deceafed, and E. P. for his !ife ; and i r 7- i r j tr> furtiier dr. > the younger, of the lame place, fpmfter, the daughter ri-attofh ' xvirVsm(ther ; & ?' deceafed (which fatd E. P. the elder, and E. aiidaUottie P. the younger, are devifees and legatees named in msof a" free- ' the laft wil1 an ^ teftament of the faid H. P.] of the 'J eftate on the death of his wife's mother, under which the truftees are empow- dtodsfpcieof the principal fums and eftates, and put out Che money upon other fecu- ritietinEngUmd or Ireland. firft APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. firft part, the faid John Scutt^ by the defcription of John Stutt) of Efq. (only fon and heir at law of John Scutt^ late of aforefaid, Efq. his late father deceafed) of the fecond part, T. L. of s merchant, and L. L. of mer- chant of the third part, Sir H, M. of Bart. Sir 7. B. D. of Knt. The Reverend R. K. of clerk, J. W, of . Efq. and T. M. of of the fourth part, RECITING that a marriage was intended to be had and folemnized be- tween the faid E. P. the younger, and'Jobn Scutt. AND RECITING, that upon the treaty for the faid in- tended marriage, and in profpecH: and confideration of the fame, and of a provifion or jointure agreed to be made by the faid John Scutt on the faid E. P. the younger his intended wife, in cafe the faid intended marriage mould take effeci: ; and the faid E. P. the younger, mould him furvive ; It was agreed, between the faid E, P. the elder, E. P. the younger, and John Scutt , that the feveral flocks, funds, and an- nuities, and the real eftates therein and hereinafter mentioned of the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. the younger, mould be affigned and transferred, conveyed and allured to the faid Sir //. M.. &c. their heirs, ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, upon the trufts, and to and for the feveral ufes, ends, intents, and purposes, and under and fubjecl: to the powers, prov.ifpes, limi- tations, and agreements thereinafter mentioned, ex- prefled, limited, and declared, of and concerning the fame. AND RECITING, That the faid E. P. the elder, purfuant to the agreement therein before men- tioned, had on or before the day of the date thereof, affigned and transferred, or caufed to be affigned and transferred, unto the faid Sir H. M. &c. the fum of 6oo/. capital ftock, in the 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities, in the books of the, governor and company of the bank of England. AND~ RECITING, That the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. tho younger, for the confiderations aforefaid, had alfo affigned and trans- ferred, or caufed to be affigned and transferred, unto the faid Sir H. M. &c. the fum of fooo/. capital itock, in the faid 3 per cent, reduced .annuities. T 4 AND APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. AND RECITING, That the faid E. P. the younger, for the'likeconfiderations, had aff.gned and transferred, or caufed to be afligned and transferred, unto the faid Sir H. M. &c. the fum of 3oo/. capital ftock, in the 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and the fum of 6oo/. capital ftock in the 4. per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, IT IS WITNESSED, That for and in confideration of the faid intended marriage, and of a fettlement or jointure made by the faid John Scutt^ by indenture of releafe or fettlement, bearing even date therewith, on and for the faid E. P. the younger, in cafe the faid intended marriage fhould take effedl:, and fhe mould furvive the faid John Scutt^ her intended hufband, and for making a further provifion for her fupport and maintenance, and for making a provifion for the younger fons and the daughters of the faid in- tended marriage, in cafe any luch there fhould be. IT is thereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid parties, That the faid feveral fums of 6ooo/. &c. was fo transferred unto the faid Sir H. M. &c. IN TRUST for the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. the younger, refpe&ively, according and in propor- tion to their feveral interefts therein, at, or immedi- ately before the time fuch transfers were refpectively made, until the faid intended marriage fhould be had and folemnized ; AND from and immediately after the folemnization thereof, then upon fuch trufts, and to and for fuch intents and purpofes, and under and fubjeft to fuch provifoes and agreements as are therein mentioned, expreffed and declared, of and concerning the fame (that is to fay) IN TRUST, that they, the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other truftees in whom the trufts thereinafter declared, of and concerning the faid trufts, ftocks, and funds, fhould or might for the time being devolve by virtue of the provifo in that behalf thereinafter contained, and the furvivor of them, his executors and adminiftrators, fhould and did permit and fuffer, and fully authorize and em- power the faid E. P. the elder, and her afligns, to receive and take the clear yearly dividends, intereft and produce of the faid 50oo/, and 6oo/. 3 per cent, .reduced Bank annuities, to and for her and their own ufe APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. life and benefit, for and during the term of her natu- ral life, and from and after her deceafe UPON TRUST, to permit and fuffer the faid John Scutt^ and his affigns, to receive and take the clear yearly dividends, intereft, and produce of the faid laft men- tioned flocks and funds, to and for his and their own life and benefit, for and during the term of his natural life, and from and immediately after his deceafe UPON TRUST, and to and for the benefit and advantage of the faid E. P. the younger, and the iffueof the faid intended marriage, in manner therein particu- larly mentioned and expreffed. AND as to the faid feve- ral fums of 30007. and 6oo/. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, from and after the folemnization of the faid intended marriage UPON TRUST, that they the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid, and the furvivor of them, his executors, and adminiftrators, fliould, and did permit and fuffer, and fully authorize and empower the faid 'Jchn Scnlt^ and his affigns, to receive and take the clear yearly divi- dends, intereft, and profits thereof, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, for and during the term of his natural life, and from and immediately after his deceafe UPON TRUST, and to and for the benefit and advantage of the faid E. P. the younger, and the iffue of the faid intended marriage, in manner therein par~ ticularly mentioned. AND RECITING, That the faid E. P. the younger, by virtue of, and under the faid will of the faid H. P. or the faid Sir J. B. D. T. L. and L. L. as truftees and executors of the faid will IN TRUST, for her the faid E. P. the younger, is, or are intitled to one annuity, or yearly fum of I oo/. during her natural life, payable by two equal half yearly payments at his Majefly's Exche- quer, by the proper officer or officers there, under a certain inftrament or order, dated the day of . made to the faid H, P. and iigned by three of the Lords Commifsioners of his Majefty's Treafuiy for the confiderations therein mentioned. AND ALSO RECITING, That the faid E. P. the younger, by virtue of the faid will of the faid H. P. as aforefaid, or the faid Sir J. B. Z>., T. /,, and L.L. 2 8z. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. L. L. IN TRUST for her, under the faid will, is or are intitled to one other annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. in the confolidated annuities for twenty-eight years, from the 5th day of January, 1780, payable half yearly at the Bank of England. AND ALSO RECITING, That the faid Sir ;/. B. IX, T. L. and L. L. had on or before the day of the date thereof, at the requeft of the faid E. P. the younger, affigned and transferred, or caufed to be afligned and trans- ferred, unto the faid Sir H. M, &c. the feveral an- nuities of ioo/. and ioo/. before mentioned, in the refpe&ive books at the office of the Exchequer, and of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Eng- gland, kept for that purpofe. IT IS FURTHER WITNESSED, That for the confiderations afore- faid, It is thereby declared and agreed, by and between all the faid parties thereto, that the faid two feveral annuities, or yearly fums of joo/. and ioo/. are and were fo transferred unto them the faid Sir H. M. &c. IN TRUST, that they the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other Truftees asaforefaid, and the furvivor of them, his executors and adminiftrators, mail and do from thenceforth ftand poflefled of the faid two feveral annuities, or yearly fums of ioo/. and ioo/. during the continuance thereof, refpe&ively, IN TRUST for the faid E. P. the younger, and her affigns, until the folemnization of the faid intended marriage; and from and after the folemnization thereof THEN UPON TRUST, to permit and fuffer the faid John Scutt, and his affigns, to have, receive, and take the faid feveral annuities, or yearly fums of ioo/. and ioo/. and every part thereof, by equal half yearly payments, as the fame fhould become due, and payable to and for his own ufe and benefit during his life, or for fo long time as the fame fhould refpe&ively continue and be payable. AND IT IS THEREBY PROVIDED, declared and agreed, That from and after the foleiru nization of the faid intended marriage, it fhould, and might be lawful to and for the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid, or the furvivor of them, his executors or adminiftrators, from time to time, and at all times during the lives of the faid E. 4 P. the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 283 P. the elder, John Scutt and E. P. the younger, his intended wife, and the lives or life of the furvivor or furvivors of them, by and with the confent and ap- probation of fuch of them, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, as fhould have any intereft in, or benefit arifing from the flocks or funds aforefaid, teftified in writing, under his, her, or their hand or hands, to fell and dif- pofe of the faid capital fums of 6ooo/. &c. and the faid two feveral annuities of ioo/. and ioo/ or any part thereof, and to lend, place out, or invert the monies thereby arifing, or any part thereof, in the purchafe of any other government or parliamentary flocks, or funds, eflablifhed by law in England or Ireland^ or upon the fecurity of any real eflates in England or Ireland^ either of inheritance or held for lives, with a covenant for perpetual renewal, and from time to time, to call, receive, and take in the monies fo to be lent or placed out on fecurities aforefaid, or to fell and difpofe of flocks, funds, or fecurities fo to be purchafed as aforefaid, or any part thereof, in manner before mentioned, as often as they fhall think fit with fuch confent and approbation as aforefaid. AND 'ALSO RECITING, That the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. the younger, or the faid Sir J. B. D. &c. as devifees in truft for the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. the younger, under the faid will of the faid H. P. deceafed, were feized of, and intitled unto the feveral mefTuages or tenements, and farm lands and hereditaments therein and hereinafter de- fcribed. AND that the faid E. P. the elder, and E. P. the younger, had requefled the faid Sir y. B. D. &c. to convey and aflure the fame hereditaments and prc- mifes unto the faid Sir H. M., himfelf the faid Sir J. B. D., R. K. y J. W. y and T. M. ? their heirs and alsigns, upon the trufls and for the intents and pur- pofes thereinafter mentioned, IT IS FURTHER WITNESSED, That for the confiderations afore- faid, and alfo in confederation ot th? fum of 105. a-piece to each of them the faid Sir J. B. .>., 7'. ., and L. L. paid by the faid Sir H. M., R. #., J. W., and T. M.> they the faid Sir. J. B. Z>., &c. and alfo they 284 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. they the faid E. P. the elder and E. P. the younger, DID (by and with the privity, confent and approbation of the faid John Scutt teftified as therein mentioned) grant, bargain f fell, alien, releafe, and confirm unto the faid Sir H. M., &c. and to their heirs and afsigns, all and fmgular the meffuages or tenements, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes therein and hereinafter particularly mentioned and defcribed, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, TO HOLD the fame, unto the faid Sir H. M, &c. their heirs and afsigns, to the ufe and behoof of the faid Sir H. M. Sir J. B. > R. #., J. W., and T. M. y and their heirs and afsigns for ever, UPON THE TRUSTS, and for the intents and purpofes therein and hereinafter men* tioned, (that is to fay) until the faid intended mar- riage fhould be had and folemnized between the faid John Scutt and E. P. the younger, IN TRUST for fuch perfons as were intitled to the fajd meffuages, &c. under and by virtue of the faid laft will of the faid H. P. deceafed according to their feveral and refpec~bive eftates and intereft therein, and from and immediately after the folemnjzation of the faid intended marriage, IN TRUST that they the faid Sir H. M., &c. or the furvivors or furvivor of them, pr his heirs, (hould and did with all convenient fpeed by and with the con- fent and approbation of the faid . P. the elder, E. P. the younger, and John Scutt, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, to be teftified by writing under their hands and feals, or his or her hand and feal, tp fell and difpofe of and convey the faid feveral mef- fuages, &c. thereby granted and releafed, and every part and parcel thereof, with their and every of their appurtenances, either together or in parcels, 'unto any perfon or perlbns, and his her and their heirs and affigns, for the beft price and prices that could be reafonably gotten or obtained for the fame. AND it is thereby declared and agreed, That all and every furn and fmns of money arifing by fuch fale or fales ihould be paid into the hands of the faid Sir H. M., &c. or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the heirs of fuch furvivor, and fhould be by them or him laid out and invefted APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 285 invefled in their or his names or name in the purchafe or purchafes of fome of the public ftocks or funds eftablifhed by law in England or Ireland, or upon the fecurity of fome real eftate in England or Ireland either of inheritance or held for lives with a covenant for perpetual renewal, upon under and for fuch and the lame trufts, ends, intents, and purpofes, and fubjeft to fuch powers, reftri&ions, and limitations as are there- in mentioned, exprefTed, limited and declared of and concerning the faid fums of 6ooo/. and 5ooo/. capital flock in the faid 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities, or for and upon fuch and fo many of the trufts, ends, intents, and purpofes as (hould be thereof at the time of fuch refpeclive fale or fales fubfifting, undetermined, and capable of taking effect, and in the mean time, and until fuch fale or fales, IN TRUST that the rents and profits of the faid mefluages, &c. fhould from time to time as the fame {hould become due and payable be paid to or received by the perfon or perfons who fhould fur the time being be intitled to the divi- dends, intereft and produce of the faid fums of 6oQO/. and 500O/. 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities under the trufts therein contained, As in and by the faid re- cited indenture, reference being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear. AND WHEREAS the laid marriage was foon after the date and execution of the faid indenture of fettlcment had and folemnized be- tween the faid 'John Scutt and E. P. the younger, AND WHEREAS the faid John Scutt in right of his Recltalthat faid wife is under and by virtue of the faid laft will grantor is Hke- and teftament of the faid' //. P. deceafed, poflefled of w f ife P'^d .... . , i i i n- * a ce rtam or well intitled unto a certain lealehold meliuage or le.ifehoid ef- tenement, and premife-s fituate lying and being at 1 . 3 .' 6 'nng L ro^rr-j-i. his wife. . in the county of burry aforefaid m the tenure or occupation of his under-tenants or affigns; AND WHEREAS the faid James Short Contraft hath contracted and agreed with the faid John Scutt annuity, for the purchafe of one annuity or clear yearly fum of 30O/. to be paid and payable to him the faid James Shorty his executors adminiftrators and afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. at or for the price or fum of 2ioo/. out of .which it was agreed that all cofts, charges, and expences at- tending the faid contract, and for preparing and per- fecting the feveral fecuritics for the fame, and for pre- paring and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid John Scutt. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3OO/. it was agreed be- tween the faid 'John Scutt and panics Short that for the more effectually fecuring the payment thereof unto the faid Jaines Sbort^ his executors, adminiftrators affigns all thofe the faid feveral mefiuages or tene- ment?, lands, hereditaments, and premifes fituate in the feveral parities of and in the faid county of Kent fubjecl; to the eitate for life of the faid E. P. the elder therein, and to which he the faid John Scutt is under and by virtue of the faid herein- before in part recited indenture of fettlement intided unto for his life from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, and alfo all that mefTuage or tenement, and premifes fituate at in the faid county of Surry, to which he the faid John Scutt is intitled unto in right of his faid wife under and by virtue of the faid will of the faid H. P. deceafed, fhould be refpe&ively clemifed and afligned unto the faid James Merry, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, expreffed, and declared of and concerning the fame. AND it was likewife agreed by and between the faid John Scutt and James Short, That for the further fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 3OO/. unto the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and afTigns, for and during the natural life of the faid John Scutt, all the intereft, dividends, and annual proceeds arifing and to be produced from the faid feveral fums of 3OOO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. 4. per cent, confoiidated Bank annuities, and alfo the faid two feveral annuities of fool, and ioo/. to which he the faid John Scutt is intitled for his life under and by virtue of the faid herein- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 287 hereinbefore in part recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, and likewife all and every -the dividends, intereft, and annual produce of the faid two feveral fums of 5OOO/. and 6oo/. 3 per cent, reduced Bank an- nuities, to which he the faid John Scutt will become intitled unto for his life from and after the deceafe of the faid . P. the elder, under and by virtue of the laid hereinbefore in part recited indenture of fettle- ment as aforefaid, fhould be aligned unto the faid James Shorty his executors, admimftrators and affigns, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and de- clared of and concerning the fame. (Recite the bond and -warrant of attorney y as in Precedent No. VIII.) NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, Confiaeratioa, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confideration of the fum of 2ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain by the faid James Short in his own proper perfon to the faid John Scutt in his own. proper perfon in. hand well and truly paid at or before the ex- ecution of thefe prefents in full for the abfolute pur- chafe of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3OO/. here- inafter mentioned to be hereby granted, and by the faid recited bond or obligation fecured as aforefaid, the re- ceipt whereof accoidingly he the faid John Scutt doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof doth acquit, releafe, and difcharge the faid James Shorty his executors, adminif- trators, and affigns, and every of them for ever by thefe prefents, out of which faid fum of 2loo/. the faid John Scutt immediately after receiving the fame paid to R. ff. of gent, the fum of /. for attendances refpe&ing the granting the faid an- nuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fe- curities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, HE the faid John Scutt HATH Grant of an- given, granted, bargained, fold, and confirmed, and nf^o/^rantor by the e prefents DOTH give, &:. unto the faid to be itfuing out James Shorty his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, ^ d th 1 g a ^ e h e ^ lcl one annuity or yearly fum of 3OO/. of lawful money eftates with ef Great Britain, free and clear, of and from all taxes ^"n'/emr" and 28* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and dedu&ions whatfoever, to be iffuing, payable and going out of, and had, received and taken by him the laid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and aiftgns, by and out of and from all and fingular the faid snefiuage or tenement, and premifes at in the county of Surry aforefaid, and alfo from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder out of and from all and fingular the faid feveral mefTuages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes fituate at and in the faid county of Kent hereinbefore mentioned, and hereinafter defcribed and intended to be hereby refpectively granted, demiied, and afsigned, with their and every of their appurte- nances, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3OO/. hereby given, granted, and confirmed, or exprefled or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, unto the faid Jams Sbort r his executors, adminifrrators, and afiigns, from hence- forth for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt) and up to the day of his deceafe, by four equal quarterly payments in the year on the feveral days following, (that is to fay) the day of the day of the - - day of : and the day of in every year, together with a proportionable part of the laid annuity or yearly fum of 300/. for the time which at the time of the deceafe of the faid John Scutt ihall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity growing due at the time of his deceafe, as in the condition to the faid hereinbefore in part recited bond or obligation is mentioned, the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 30O/. to be fo paid and payable to him the faid James Short^ his executors, adminiftra- tors, and affigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lincolns-inn in the county of Middlefex\ free and clear of and without making any deduction or abatement whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpel of any taxes, charges, aflefTments, pay- ments, or other impofitions whatfoever, now taxed, charged, aflefled, or impofed, o-r to be taxed, charged, aflefled, or impofed, upon the faid feveral mefiuages or tenements, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 289 tenements, and premifes hereby charged therewith, or any of them or any part thereof, or on the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge of 30O/. or any part there- of, or upon the faid James Short, his executors, ad- miniftrators, or afsigns, in refpecl thereof by authority of parliament or otherwife howfoever, and the firft of the faid quarterly payments of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge hereby granted to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, and fuch proportionable part to be paid immediately after the deceafeof him the faid yohn Scutt. (Powers of dijlrefs and entry in default of payment of annuity, as in Precedent No. XXIV.) AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- Demifeoffree . NESSETH, That for the confideration aforefaid, and hold eftate to for the further and better fecuring and enforcing the ^ a ^ e (ifmt- due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or yearly or ftiail f<> long rent-charge of 30O/. hereby granted as aforefaid, and live ,) u ^ n ths ,.. c fo . . r . r i r r r trufts after allo for and in conlideration or the lum of los, of mentioned, lawful money of Great Britain by the faid James Merry to the faid John Scutt in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged^ he the faid John Scutt HATH granted, bargained, Ibid, and demifed, and by thefe prefents DOTH (at the nomination and by the direction of the faid James Short teftified by his being a party to and executing thefe prefents) grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto the faid James Merry, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, all that mefluage or tenement, &c. (ft 'ate par- cels) and all ways, eafements, paths, paflages, waters, Geneialwor( * s ' water-courfes, trees, woods, underwoods, hedges^ hedge-rows, privileges, advantages, emoluments, he- reditaments, and appurtenances whatfoever to the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, landsj hereditaments, and premifes belonging or appertaining, and the re- verfion and reverfions, remainder and remainders^ yearly and other rents, iflues, and profits thereof, and of every part and parcel thereof, and all the eftatej right, title, intereft, ufe, truft, pofTellion, inheritance, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and 290 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and in equity, of him the faid John Scutt of in to or out of the laid feveral meftu.iges or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and all and fingular other the faid pre- mifes hereby or mentioned to be hereby granted and demifed, or any of them, or any part or parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and fingular the faid mefluages, &c. hereby granted, bargained, fold, and demifed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid James Merry, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, for and during and unto the full end and term of 99 years from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended, if the faid John Scutt ihall fo long live, the faid term of 99 years to commence and be computed from the day of the death of the faid E. P, the elder, but neverthelefs upon the feveral trufts, and to and for the feveral ends, intents, and purpofes, and under and fubjel to the feveral powers, provifoes, de- clarations, and agreements hereinafter declared and ex- prefledof and concerning the fame. AND THIS IN- A^gnmentof DENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, That for the truileefor'fuchConfiderations aforefaid, and for the further and better term as grantor fecur in P and enforcing; the due payment of the faid an- has therein , , , ~ J , upon the trufts nuit 7 or yearly rent-cnarge of 3OO/. hereby grafted after men- as aforefaid, and alfo for and in confideration of the further fum of 10*. of like lawful money by the faid James Merry to the faid John Scutt in hand, well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid John Scutt HATH granted, bargained, ibid, affigned, transferred, and fet over, and by thefe prefents DOTH (at the nomination and direction of the faid James Short teilified as aforefaid) grant, &c. unto the laid James Merry, his executors, adminiftra- tors, and affigns, all that the faid herein before men- tioned mefluage or tenement, and premifes fituate at 11 ' " n the county of Surry aforefaid, to which he the faid John Stutt is become intitled in right of his faid wife, under and by virtue of the laft will and teftament of the faid H. P. deceafed, and all the eftate, A?PENt)IX OF PRECEDENTS. ftate, right, title, intereft, pofleffion, term of years to come, and unexpired claim and demand whatfoever as well legal as equitable, which he the faid John Scutt now hath, or may ought or mould have, or claim in or to the faid mefluage or tenement, and premifes, with the appurtenances, by force and virtue of any exifting leafe of the faid premifes, or the faid will of the faid H. P. deceafed, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and fingular the faid mefluage or tene- ment, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid James Merry^ his executors, administrators, and affigns, for and during all the eftate, term, and intereft of him the faid John SfUtt therein, provided he the faid John Scutt mall fo long live, but neverthelefs upon the feveral trufts^ and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes^ and under and fubje<5l to the powers, provifoes, decla- rations, and agreements hereinafter declared and ex- prefled of and concerning the fame. AND it is Declaration hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid that the faid parties to thefe prefents, That the faid James Merry. [ re f 'J a " d i -n i n- J n 11 n ? leafehold el- ms executors, admimitrators, and affigns, ihall itand tares are de- and be poflefled of and interefted in the faid feveral JT ife ^ and a ** mefluages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended t el upon troft to be hereby demifed, and of the faid mefluage or to permit tenement, and premifes herein before mentioned, and cetveThe'rents intended to be hereby afligned, upon the trufts, until default and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with en under and fubjeft to the powers, provifoes, decla- rations, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, ex- prefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST to permit and fuffer the faid John Scutt and his aifigns to receive and tak^i the faid rents, iflues, and profits of the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed and affigned to his and their own ufe. and benefit, until fome default (hall happen to be made of or in payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent- charge of 30C/. hereby granted, or fome part thereof, u 2 at APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. at or on the days or times, and in manner herein before And in ' s next over r a ^ ter an )' or e ' tner ceafe of E. p. of the faid days, or times of payment thereof, whereon cPthlfrentToV tne *" ame ' s h ere i n before limited and- appointed, and thcpremifes ought to be paid as aforefaid (being lawfully demanded), inT ?v d an-iuit fe - then and fo often the faid ?**** Merry, his ex- andcofls. ecutors, adminiftrators, and aliigns {hall from time to time by and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid mefluages or tenements, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, and from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder by and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid ieveral mefluages or tenements, lands, here- ditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed, or by demifing, leafing, or mortgaging the faid premifes herein before mention- ed, and intended to be hereby demifed and affigned, or any part thereof, for and during all or any of the faid terms determinable as herein before mentioned, or by fuch other ways and means as to him the faid "James Merry, his executors, administrators, or ailigns {hall feem meet, raife and levy fuch him and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 3OO/. or fo much thereof as fhall from time to time happen to be in a r rear and unpaid, and alfo all fuch futn and fums of money, lofs, colis, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as they the fatd Jams Short and James Merry, or either f them, their or either of their executors, adminif- trators, or ailigns, fhall pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto. for. or by reafon or means of the non- payment ot the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 3OO/. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times ami in the manner herein before exprefled or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the -fruit? hereby declared or exprefled of and concerning the frid p.reimiefc herein before mentioned, and intend- ed APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 293 ed to be hereby demifed and affigned refpetively, or the taking pofTeffion, collecting, and receiving the faid rents, iflues, and profits, or otherwife howibever re- lating thereto, and fhaii and do pay and apply the monies fo to be raifed and levied in or towards pay- ment or fatisfactioa thereof accordingly, and fhall and do pay to or otherwife permit and futfer the laid Jthn Scutt and his affigns from time to time to receive and take the refidue or overplus of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid hereby demifed and affigned premifes after full payment and fatisfaction of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 3oo/. and all arrears thereof, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages, and expences as aforefaid, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit. AND TEIIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNES- SETH, That in further purfuance of the faid agree- Afsi^nment of ment, and for the confideration aforefaid, and for the dividends and further and better fecuring the due and punctual pay- wV/i'ch'grantor ment of the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum is now intitled, of 300/. unto the faid James Short., his executors, ad - dendsTolv^ich miniftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural he will become life of the laid John Scutt, he the faid John Scutt jgJSfJ/S.^J HATH bargained, fold, affigned, transferred, and fet the elder, to the over, and by thele prefents DOTH bargain, fe^j^^bSSt aflign, transfer, and let over unto the faid James Short^ fecuring the his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, all and every ?*', ^entof an the dividends, intereft, and annual produce of the faid feveral fums of 30OO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, to which he the faid John Scutt is intitled unto for his life under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement as afore- faid, and alfo all thofe two feveral annuities or yearly fums of joo/. and ioo/. to which he the faid John Scutt is intitled unto for his life, or for fo long time as the fame fhall refpectively continue and be payable under or by virtue of the faij herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, and like- wife all and every the dividends, intereft, anJ annual produce of the faid two feveral fums of 50DO/. and U 3 60Q/, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 6oo/. 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities,, to which he the faid John Scutt will become intitled unto for his life from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, under and by virtue of the faid herein before in part recited indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, and all the right, tit.le, intereft, truft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, as well Jegal as equitable, of him the faid John Scutt of in to or out of the fame^ TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid leveral fums of 30007. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, unto the faid James Shorty his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt ; And TO HAVE, HOi/D, receive, take, and enjoy the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid two leveral annuities or yearly fums of ioo/. and, loo/, unto the faid James Short , his executors, ad- miniftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scuii^ or for fo long time as the famefhall refpe&ively continueandbe paid ; And TO HAVE, HOLD, take, receive, and enjoy the faid inter- eft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid feverai fums of 5Ooo/. and 6oo/. 3 per cent, reduced Bank an- nuities, from and after the deceaie of the faid E. P. the elder, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt. AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe pre- fents, That the faid James Short, his executors, ad- miniirrators, and afligns, fhall ftand and be poffefled of and mterefted in the faid intereft, dividends, an- nual produce, annuities, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubje& to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST for better fecuring to him the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, the payment of the faid annuity, yearly APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 395 yearly rent-charge, or Turn of 30O/. mentioned and intended to be hereby granted as aforefaid during the natural life of him the faid "John Scutt^ and for that ptirpofe that he the faid James Short^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, do and {hall retain, pay, and apply and difpofe of the fame intereft, dividends, and annual produce, and premifes, as the fame fliall be received in fatisfa&ion and difcharge of all fuch fum or fums of money that fhall or may hereafter grow due and become payable unto him the faid James Shorty his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for or on account of the fame annuity or yearly fum, and which (hall be then due and owing unto him, and alfo all fuch cofts, charges and expcnces whatfoever as he the faid James Short^ his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, or any of them, fhall fuffer, fuftain, expend, or be put unto by reafon or means of the non- payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3QO/. or any part thereof, or for or in refpect of any matter or thing relating thereto, or in the execution of the trufts thereby vefted or repofed in him the faid James Shorty his executors, adminiftrators and affigns. AND UPON TRUST from time to time after the faui Annuity, yearly rent-charge or fum of 3oo/. fhall be-* come due and payable, and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges and expences as aforefaid fhall be paid and fatisfied, to pay, apply and difpofe of the refidue and overplus of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes mentioned to be hereby afsigned, and which fhall be received by thp faid James Short ^ his executors, adminiftrators and afsigns, (if any fuch there fhall be) unto the faid John Scutt or his afsigns, eras he or they fhall order, dire& or appoint, and for no other life, intent or purpofe whatfoever. AND for the con- ^derations aforefaid, and the better to enable the faid power of attor. James Short, his executors, adminiftrators and afsigns n?x to receive to recover and receive the faid intereft, dividends, an- Afsfgmnent of nual produce,annuities and premifes mentioned and in- the tmftee*. tended to be hereby afsigned as aforefaid, he the faid John Scutt HATH and by thefe prefents, DOTH make, u 4 ordain, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. prdain, nominate, conftitute and appoint the faid 'James Skort y his executors, adminiftrators, and af- iiffns, and every of them, his true and lawful attoiv jiey and attorneys irrevocable for him the faid John Scutt, and in his name, or in the name or names of him the faid James Sbort^ his executors or adminif- trators, or otherwife, but upon the trufts aforefaid, to atk, demand, fue for, recover and receive of and from the faid Sir H. M. &c. or the truftees or truftee for the time being, or either of them, their executors or ..adminiftrators, and of and from all and every or any other perfons or perfon liable to pay the fame, the faid interefl, dividends, and annual produce and prer mifes mentioned and intended to be hereby afsigned, or any part or parts thereof, and from time to time to ufe, take and profecute all and every or any legal or equitable n^eans, courfe or expedient for tne recovery or receipt of the fame intereft, dividends or annual produce, and premifes, or any part or parts thereof as aforefaid, and from time to time upon receipt thereof, or of any part or parts thereof, receipts, acquittances or other Sufficient difcharges for the fame, or any part thereof, to make, fign, feal, and deliver, and further to do and execute all and every other a that they the faid Sir H, M. &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid^ or the fuvivor of them, his e . xec utors or adminiftrators, fhall not at any time or wi:h(.utthe times hereafter during the natural life of him fcli and dlf P fe of the faid ca P ital fums APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. i'ums of 300O/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank an- nuities, and 6oo/. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annul, ties, and the faid twofeveral annuities of ioo/. and ioo/. or any part thereof, nor lend, place, layout, or invefk the monies thereby ariiing, or any part thereof, in the purchafe of any government or parliamentary ftocks or funds eftablifhed by law in England or Ireland^ or upon the fecurity of any real eftates in England or Ire- land either of inheritance or held for lives with a cove- nant for perpetual renewal, nor (hall at any time or times call, receive, and take in the monies fo to be lent or placed out on fecurities as aforefaid, or fell and difpofe of the ftocks, funds or fecurities fo to be pur- chafed as aforefaid, or any part thereof, in purfuance or by virtue, and in exercife and execution of the power or authority to them in that behalf given, limited, or referved in and by the faid recited indenture of fettle- ment, nor fhall they the faid Sir H. M. &c. or the furvi- vors, or furvivor of them, or his heirs, at any time or times during the natural life of him the laid y^hn Scutf y fell and difpofe of or convey the faid freehold meftiiages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes here- inbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby demifed, or any part or parcel thereof, to any perfon or perfons \vhomfoever in purfuance or by virtue, and in exercife and execution of the faid power and authority to them in that behalf given, limited and referved in and by the faid in part recited indenture of fettlement with- put the fpecial licence and confent of the faid James Short^ his executors, adminiftrators or afsigns firft had and obtained for that purpofe, but from the exercife and execution of the laid powers and authorities, or either of them, for and during the natural life of him the faid 'John Scutt^ he doth expiefsly difcharge, fufpend and prohibic the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid, and the furvivors and furvivor of them, his executors and adminiftra- tors by thefe prefents, without fuch the licence and confent of the faid 'James Short-, his executors, ad- mi m'Hrators, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Covenant V'th miniftrators, or afligns as aforefaicl. AND the faid SSSr^th 7 ohn Scutt -> for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and ad- foiie no ad to miniftrators, doth hereby further covenant, promife, jncumbcr the Declare, and agrpe to and with the faid James Merry , UnH and'af- his executors,adminiftrators, and afligns, by thefe pre- fcgned. fents, in manner following, that is to fay, that the faid John Scutt hath not at any time heretofore made, done, committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered or executed any ac% deed, matter, or thing whatfo- ever, whereby or by means whereof the faid mef- fuages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and pre* mifes herein before mentioned anddefcribed, and here- by granted, demjfed, and afligned, or intended fo to be as aforefaid, or any part or parcel thereof, are is can {hall or may be in any manner impeached, charged, burthenec], or incurnbered in title, charge, eftate, or Am! that he is ot herwife howfoever ; AN D that he the faid John Scutt, now feued of . . r . ' .. . , . . ' r i / the preniifes at the tune or the fealing and delivery or thele pre artigr.cdforan fents is lawfully, rightfully, and abfpjutely feized of urwxpjrcdterm. , . n i -j and in or well intttled unto the faid melluages or te- nements and premifes hereby aligned, or intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof, with their and every of their appurtenances, for and during a term of years therein to come and unexpired. AND ALSO, Thathe the &\&Jobn Scutt will, from and after . p. the elder, the decea/e of the faid E. P. the elder ,, become intitled, IntWed w C the P ' to tne ^ a ^ feveral mefluages or tenements, lands, he- premiies de- reditaments and premjfes hereby granted and demjfed, unfed for his or i nten( j e{ jf o to be, and every part and parcel thereof, with their and every of their appurtenances, for and during the term of his natural life, without any mat- ter, claufe, or thing whatibever to alter, change, charge, defeat, determine, or make void the fame j AND that he the faid John Scutt, now hath in him- righttocrTarge felf good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute mi^dTndaf- 6 " authority to charge all and fmgular the faid feveral figned with the mefluages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, to be hereby derrufed and afsigned with the payment of the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge of too/, to the faid 'Jama Short v APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 299 Shorty his executors, adminiftrators, and afllgns, dun* ing the natural life of him the laid John Scutt, in manner aforefaid ; And alfo to demife and aflign AnJ todemife the faid feyeral mefluages or tenements, lands, here- Tame zl & afoie- ditaments, and premifes, and every ' part and parcel faid - thereof, with the appurtenances, untp the faid 'James Merry^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, in manner aforefaid, and to and for the intents and pur- pofes herein before declared or exprefled of and con- cerning the fame. AND FURTHER, That from And that in de- and after default fhall be made in payment of the faid JjenttoSSf annuity, clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of 3007. u pn premifes hereby granted, or any part thereof, contrary to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, the faid James Merry^ his executors, adminiftrators, and af- iigns ftiall, and lawfully may peaceably and quietly enter into and upon, and have, hold, ufe, occupy, pof- fefs, and enjoy all and fingular the faid mefluages or tenements and premifes hereby afligned, and from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereby granted and demifed refpe&ively, and collect, receive, and take the rents, iflues, and profits upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein declared or exprefled of or concerning the fame; And that without any lawful let, fuit, trouble, difturbance, moleftation, or interruption of or by the faid John Scuti, his executors or adminiftra- tors, or any other perfon or perfons whornfoever, and that free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated, and difcharged, or otherwife by him the faid John Scutt, well and fufficiently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemnified of from and againft all and all manner of former and other annuities, gifts, grants, bargains, fales, mortgages, debts, charges, and other incumbrances whacfoever. AND And for further FURTHER, That he the faid John Scutt, and all and every other perfon and perfons having or lawfully claiming, or who fhall or may have or lawfully claim any eftate, right, title, or intereft at law or in equity of in to or out of the faid feveral mefluages or te- nements. 3 oo APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. uements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, or any part thereof herein before mentioned, to he thereby tlemifed and afligned, or any part thereof, (hall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the natural life of him the faid 'John Scutt^ upon every reasonable requeft of him the faid parties M-.-rry) his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, hut at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the i'aid John Scutt^ make do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made done and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable act and als, thing and things, conveyances and afl'urances in the law whatfoever, as well for the better, more per- fect, and abfolute giving, granting, and confirming ot the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge of 3OO/. hereby granted unto the faid James Short^ his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, in manner aforefaid; And alfo for the further and more effectually granting, idemifmg, ailigning, and alluring the faid feveral mef- fuages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and pre- mifes hereby demifed and afsigned, or exprelled or in- tended io to be, unto the faid James Mwy^ his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for the remainder which fhall he then to come and unexpired of the faid terms as aforefaid, upon the trufts, and for the intents and purpofes herein declared or exprefTed of or con- cerning the fame, as by the faid James Merry, his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law, (hall be reafonably d^- JSSTthS* vifed and required. AND the faid John Scutt doth grantorhath hereby alfo for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and ad- dmdends ff a S nd' m ' m ^ rators ' ^ urtner covenant, promife, and agree to annuities. and with the faid James Short , his executors, admi- niftrators, and afsigns, by thefe prefents in manner following, that is to fay, that he the faid John Scutt >* ' now hath in himfelf good right, full power, and law- ful and abfolute authority to grant, bargain, fell, af- fign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Jam?s Svort, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, the faid in- , tereft, dividends, annual produce, annuities, and pre- mifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be herebf APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 301 hereby affie;ned upon the trufts, and in manner afore- laid. AND FURTHER, That the laid John Scutt, And that he is now at the time of the fenling and delivery of thefe ^edi- prefents is intitled in equity to the receipt and enjoy" vidends and to mcnt of the intereft, dividends, and annual produce of ^j 'Tontite* the laid feveral fums of 30007. 3 per cent, confolidated death of E. P. Bank annuities; 6oo/. 4 per per cent, confolidated the elder be m- T, . . i i r i r i titled tO U1V1- x>ank annuities ; and the laid two leveral annuities or deads. yearly Anns of ioo/. and ioo/. herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby atTigned ; And alfo that he the laid John Scutt will, upon the deceafe of the laid E. P. the elder be intitled in equity to the receipt and .enjoyment of the intereft, dividends, and annual produce arifing from the faid feveral fums of 5OOO/. and 6oo/. 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned ; And that the faid John Scutt hath not at any time And that he heretofore made, done, or committed, or fuffered to ^V^L'n" , i i , i i cuniDereu cue be made, done, executed, or committed, any act, deed, lame, grant, aflignment, appointment, matter or thing what- ibever, whereby or wherewith the faid intereft, divi- dends, annual produce, annuities, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned, or any part thereof, is are can fhall or may be in any- wife charged, incumbered, or appointed. AND ALSO, that he the faid John Scutt now at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents is well intitled to receive the fame intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid feveral fums of 3OOO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, 6oo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities during -his life; And that he is alfo well intitled to receive the faid two feveral annuities, or yearly fums of ioo/. and ioo/. during his life, or for fo long time as the fame fhall refpec- tively continue and be payable. AND FURTHER, And will ratify that he the faid John Scutt fhall and will at all times the ads of hereafter juftify and allow, ratify and confirm all and gr whatibever the faid James Shorty his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, fhall lawfully do or caufe to be done in and about the premifes, and fhall not nor will revoke or make void any of the powers or au- thorities 3<5l APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. thorities hereby given or in purfuance hereof to be given to the faid James Short, his executors, adminif- trators, or affigns, or any of thern^ nor do any aft whereby the recovery or receipt of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce, and premifes, or fo much thereof as ought to be received by the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe pre- And for further f cn ts, may be impeded or delayed; AND moreover that he the faid John Scutt (hall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at the requeft of the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, but at the proper cofts and charges of the faid "John Scutt, his executors or adminiftrators, make do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done, and executed all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable a&s, deeds, alignments, and appointments in the law whatfoever, for the fur- ther, better, more perfect, and abfolute granting and afligning the intereft, dividends, and annual produce and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby aflignsd unto the faid James Shorty his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and affigns, upon the trufts and in manner aforefaid, as by the faid John Short ^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, or his or their counfd learned in the law fhall be reafonably advifed or required.- (Adddefeafance on judgment and daufe for redemption en payment of half a year's an- *iuity). In witnefs, &c. GRANT APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 303 No. XXIII. GRANT of ANNUITY during the Life of Grantor s Wife, and Conveyance in Fee by Leafe and Eeleafe, and alfo AJfignmcnt by Hufband and Wife, of Freehold and Leafe- IwUl Premifes, the Rents of which the Wife is intitled to for her Life to Grantee, UPON TRUST Jbr Jecuring the Annuity, and Covenant to levy Fine. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between James Wood) of, &c. gent, and Sarah his wife, of the one part, and Richard Burt t of, &c. Efq. of the other part. WHEREAS James Fall, of, &c. gent, in and Recital of by his laft will and teftament in writing, executed Jh' e '^nfa and attefted in fuch manner as is by law prefcribed wife is intitled for rendering valid devices of real eftates, fa ing date on or about the - day of reehold which was in the year of our Lord - gave jjjj and devifed, All his freehold mefluage or tene-iife. ment, fituate and being in Carnaby-ftreet aforefaid, irr the occupation of .. unto John Strong, of, &c. gent, and John Ward, of, c. their heirs and affigns ; AND the faid teftator alfo gave and be- queathed ALL that meffuage or tenement fituate and being in Curnaby-ftreet aforefaid, then in his own oc- cupation ; AND ALSO, ALL that meffuage or tene- ment fituate and being in Bell-Jireet^ in the parifh of in the faid county of Middlesex, unto the faid "John Strong and John Ward, their executors, auminiftrators, and affigns, UPON TRUST to pay the rent?, iffues, and profits of the faid freehold and leafehold meffuages or tenements unto his wife the faid Sarah Wood, then Sarah Fa!!, or empower her to receive the fame during her life ; And the faid teftator appointed the faid John Strong and John Ward executors of his faid will, and died without aU 3 tering APPENblX OF PRECEDENTS, tering or revoking the fame, leaving the faid Sarah Wood, then Sara/} Fall y his widow and his daughter Probate of will Sarah Fall him furviving ; AND the faid John Strong by executors. ^ j ghfj ^^^ haye du , y prove(i the faid wi jj jn the Prerogative Court of the archbifhop of Canterbury^ and And intermar- taken upon themiclves the execution thereof. AND mgeofihe WHEREAS the faid Sarah Fall hath intermarried wife. with the faid. James Wood. AND WHEREAS the Contrael for faid Richard Bart hath contracted and agreed with the * uuuit5 '- faid Jatnes Wood and Sarah his wife, for the abfolute purchafe of one annuity or clear yearly fum of 30/. to be paid and payable to the faid Richard Burt, his executors, administrators, and affigiis, during the life of the faid Sarah Wood^ at or for the price or fum of 2io/. out of which, &c. (State the expences to be paidbyjihn Wood). AND WHEREAS upon the treaty tor the purchafe of the faid annuity it was agreed, that the fame fhould be further fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid James Wood and a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon. (And recite the bond and warrant of attorney'). AND WHEREAS it hath been agreed, That the faid annuity or yearly fum of 3o/. fhould be fecured in manner hereinafter mentioned, as well as by the faid Reteafe of free- bond and judgment. NOW THIS INDENTURE t^lifc'oflh^WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid wife- agreement, and for and in confideration of the fum of Upon the tmfts 2io/. of lawful, &c. by the faid Richard Burt to the eclared. and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of* thefe prefents, the receipt whereof they the laid James Wood and Sarah his wife do hereby acknow- ledge, and thereof and of and from the fame, and . every part thereof, do acquit, releafe, and difcharge the laid Richard Hurt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them for ever by thefe pre- icnts. (St^te the payment of expences paid by J. Wood). They the faid James Wood and. Sarah his wife HAVE "and eac i of them HATH granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafed, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DO, &c, unto the faid Richard urf, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 305 Hurt, (in his a&ual pofleffion, &c.) to his execu- tors, adminiftriitors, and affigns, All that the faid freehold mefluage or tenement, fituate and being in Carnaby-ftreet aforefaid, together with all buildings, yards, ways, waters,water-courfes, fewers, drains, lights, liberties, privileges, advantages, emoluments, he- reditaments, and appurtenances whatfoever to the faid mefTuage or tenement and premifes herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby granted and re- leafed, or any part or parcel thereof, belonging or in any wife appertaining or to or with the fame, qr any part thereof, now or at any time heretofore ufually had, held, ufed, occupied, pofleffed, or en- joyed, or accepted, reputed, deemed, taken, or known to be as part, parcel, or member thereof, or of any part thereof, and the reverfton,&c. And all the eftate, &c. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid meffuage or tenement, hereditaments, and all and fingular other the premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Richard Burt, his executors, admiruftrators, and affigns, during the life of the faid Sarah Wood to the ufe of the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, dur- ing the life of the faid Sarah Wood, UPON THE TRUSTS hereinafter declared concerning the fame. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT-AJg* NESSETH, That in further purfuance of the faid h ou fes for 'all agreement ; And for the confideration aforefaid, they tlj e intereft of the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife, HAVE ^^ her> and each of them HATH bargained, fold, afligned, therein upon transferred, and fet over ; And by thefe prefents DO, r i ie truftb '- e 1 r-in-71111- i after mention- &c. unto the laid Richard Burt^ his executors, ad- ed. miniftrators, and affigns, All that the faid meffuage or tenement in Garnaby-jlreet aforefaid, late in the oc- cupation of the faid James Fall ; And alfo all that the faid mefluage or tenement fituate and being in Bell- flreet, in the parifh of , in the county of Middlesex \ which fame two mefiuages or tenements were given and bequeathed to the faid John Strong and John Ward) their executors, admiriiltrators, and x ailigns, 306 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. a/figns, IN TRUST for the laid Sarah Wood during her life, in and by the faid will of the faid "James Fall as aforefaid, together with all and fingular buildings, yards, ways, waters, backfides, water- courfes, paths, pafiages, lights, liberties, eafements, profits, privileges, commodities, advantages, emolu- ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatfoever to the faid mefluages or tenements and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby affigned, belonging, or in any wife appertaining; And all the eftate, right, title, intereft, term and terms for years, truft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, both 3t law and in equity of them the faid *James Wood, and Sarah his wife, or either of them, of in to or out of the fame premifes, every o-r any part or parcel there- of, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the laid mef- fuages or tenements, hereditaments, and all and fm- gular other the premifes before mentioned and in- tended to be hereby affigned, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Richard Burt^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during all the eftate, term, and intereft of the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife, or either of them, of in to or put of the fame premifes, upon the trufts and to and for the intents and purpofcs hereinafter declared con- Declaration cerning the fame. AND it is hereby declared and that the reieafe agreed by and between the laid parties to thefe pre- and aisignmem ^. r J , , . , L . rir-j before rmles, to be the true intent and meaning or the latd are in truft for parties and of thefe prefents, that he the faid Richard l[ - Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, ihall ftand and be feifed of and interefted in the faid mef- fuages or tenements, hereditaments, and all and fin- gular other the premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, and af- figned refpeftively UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, that is to fay, UPON TRUST, by and out of the yearly and other rents, iffues, and profits thereof, or by fale or mortgage thereof, or of any part thereof, or by all or any of the ways and means aforefaid, or by APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 307 by fuch other ways and means as he the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns mall think fit to raife and levy, and pay to himfelf and themfelves the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 3O/. or fo much thereof as lhall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid at the days and times in and by the faid condition of the faid recited bond or obligation mentioned and appointed for pay- ment thereof ; and alfo fuch cofts, charges, and ex- pences as he the faid Richard Burt^ his executors, ad- miniftrators, or affigns mall fuftain, expend, or be put unto in or about the execution of the truft afore- faid ; and from and after full payment and fatisfac- tion of the faid annuity, and all fuch cofts, charges, and expences as aforefaid, UPON TRUST for the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife. AND the faid Covenant to James Wood, for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and cSefferu^of adminiftrators, and for the laid Sarah his wife, DOTH the premifcs. covenant, promife, and grant to and with the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- fjgns, by thefe prefents, that they the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife, fhall and will as of this prefent Eajter term, Trinity term now next enfuing, or of fome other fubfequent term, at the requeft of the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, but at the cofts and charges in the law of the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife, acknow- ledge and levy in due form of law before the juftices of his Majefty's court of Common Pleas at Wejlmin- fter^ one or more fine or fines fur concefierunt, where- by they {hall and will grant the faid meffuage or te- nement, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and re- leafed by fuch defcriptions as {hall be thought necef- fary in that behalf unto the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, during the na- tural life of the faid Sarah Wood ; AND it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents to be the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents and of the faid parties, that as well the faid fine or fines fo as aforefaid, or in any other manner x 2 to APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, to be had and levied; as alfo all and every other fine and fines, conveyances and afiurances in the law what- ibever already had, made, done, acknowledged, levied, or executed or hereafter to be had, made, done, ac- knowledged, levied, or executed, by or between the faid parties to thefe prefents, or any of them, or whereunto they or any of them was, were, is, are, or fhall or may be parties or party, or privies or privy of the laid mefiuage or tenement, hereditaments and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and re- leafed, or any part or parts of the fame, either alone or together with any other mefluages, lands, tene- ments, or hereditaments, fhall as to the faid mefluage or tenement, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and re- leafed from and immediately after the levying, mak- ing, executing, and perfecting thereof, be and enure,, and fliall be adjudged, conftrued, deemed, and taken to be and enure, and is and are hereby declared to be at the time of the making and levying thereof, and is and are meant and intended to be and enure to the ufe of the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af-~ figns, for and during the natural life of the faid Sarah Wood, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the in- tents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, and to and for no other ufe, intent, or purpofe whatever. (Add cove- Covenant that nant from grantor to pay annuity). AND ALSO, That wffe'havedone ^X tne &id 'James Wood and Sarah his wife have not, no aa to in- nor hath either of them at any time heretofore made, done, or committed, or wittingly or willingly per- mitted or fuffered any aft, deed, matter, or thing whatfoever, whereby, wherewith, or by reafon or means whereof the faid meffuages or tenements, here- ditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, and releafed and af- figned reflectively, or any part or parts thereof re- fpeftively, are is can {hall or may be in any wife charged, merged, affigr.ed, impeached, incumbered, or affected in title, intereft, charge, eftate, or otherwife And for further howfoever. AND FURTHER, That they the faid Jtmes Wood and Sarah his wife, and their refpedive executors, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 309 executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, and all and every other perfon or perfons whomfoever having, or lawfully or equitably claiming, or who {hall or may- have, or lawfully or equitably claim any eftate, right, title, truft, or intereft in to or out of the faid mef- fuages or tenements, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, and releafed and afligned refpe&ively, or any of them by from or under or in truft for them or either of them, fhall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the life of the faid Sarah Wood^ upon every reafonable requeft of the faid Richard Burt^ his executors, adminiftrators, or al- figns, but at the proper cofts, and charges in the law of the faid James Wood and Sarah his wife, their exe- cutors, adminiftrators, or afligns, make, do, acknow- ledge, and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done, acknowledged, and executed, all and every fuch further, and other lawful and reafonable a&s, deeds, conveyances, and aflurances in the law what- foever, for the further and better and more perfect and abfolute conveying, afligning, and afluring the faid premifes herein-before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed and affigned refpedlively, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto and to the ufe of faid Richard Burt^ his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and in manner aforefaid, as by the faid Richard Burt^ his executors, adminiftra- tors, or afligns, or any of them, or his their or any of their counfel learned in the law {hall be reafon- ably advifed and required. (Add defeafancs on judg- ment). In wijnefs, &c. x 3 CHAP- [ 3*0 3 CHAP. X. GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, WHERE THE GRANTORS HAVE AN ABSOLUTE IN- TEREST. No. XXIV. GRANT of ANNUITY for two Lives by fcco joint Tenants, charged on a Leafehold Eftate of which they are jointly pojjejjed, {fubject to a Mortgage], and an Alignment of fame Premifes by the Grantors jointly with the Mortgagee, (whofe Mortgage is difcharged out of the Consideration Money] to the Grantee for fecuring the Annuity, with a Claufe to redeem the Annuity by Inftal- ments, upon Payment after the Rate of Half a Years Annuity. Parties. 1 HIS INDENTURE tripartite made the day of in the year of the reign of our Sovereign, &c. BETWEEN William Player^ of Efq. and Thomas Glwer, Efq. of the firft part; William Peat and Charles Peat, both of of the fecond part ; and John Recital of Uafc. Kirk, of gent, of the third part. WHERE- AS by Indenture of Leafe bearing date on or about the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 31 i the - " day of " which was in the year of our Lord and made or exprefled to be made between John Brooks, of " gent, of the one part, and the faid William Peat and Charles Peat of the other part, IT IS WITNESSED, That for the confider- ations therein mentioned he the faid John Brooks did demife, leafe, fet, and to farm lett unto the faid Wil- liam Peat and Charles Peat all that piece or parcel of ground (Defcribe the parcels) TO HOLD the fame unto the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from the feaft-day of the birth of our Lord Chrift then next enfuing for the term of 99 years, at the yearly rent of 61. free from taxes, and payable quarterly. AND WHEREAS by^^gjf indenture of alignment bearing date on or about the by way of mort- dayof which was in the year of our Lord gage ' and made or exprefled to be made between the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, of the one part, and the faid William Player and Thomas Glover of the other part, RECITING the before recited indenture of Leafe, and reciting that the faid William Peat and Charles Peat having occafion for the fum of 6oo/. ap- plied to the faid William Player and Thomas Glover to lend them the fame, AND RECITING that the faid William Peat and Charles Peat by their bond bearing even date with the now reciting indenture, became bound unto the faid William Player and Tho- mas Glover in the penal fum of i2oo/. conditioned for the payment of 6oo/. and intereit on the day of then following, IT IS WITNESSED, That for and in consideration of the fum of 6oo/. paid to the faid William Peat and Charles Peat by the faid William Player and Thomas Glover as therein men- tioned, they the faid William Peat and Charles Peat did bargain, fell, afsign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid William Player and Thomas Glover, all that the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tene- ments, and other the premifes in the herein before recited indenture of leafe demifed, TO HOLD the fame unto the faid William Player and Thomas Glover, their executors, adminiftrators, an4 afsigns, for the x 4 remainder ji-i APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. remainder of the faid term of 99 years, and intereft And that At- as therein mentioned. AND WHEREAS the laid in U p a vmi% adC William Peat^nd Charles Peat made default in pay- vhereby the ment of the faid principal fum of 6oo/. fo fecured to premifes be- the f ; d fViUi am Pl^er and Thomas Glover by the came veiled in -...,., "c r r \. c mortgagees. faid recited indenture 01 aisignment, by realon wnereor the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tene- ments and premifes therein comprifed and afligned are now in law become abfolutely vefted in the laid William Player and Thomas Glover for the refidue now to come and unexpired of the faid term of 99 years in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe de- mifed. AND WHEREAS there is now jointly due and owing from the faid . William Peat and Charles Peat to the faid William Player and Thomas Glover for principal and intereft, by virtue of the faid recited Recital of con- fecurity, the fum of 450/. and no more. AND tract for annul- WHEREAS the faid John Kirk hath contracted and agreed with the faid William Peat and Charles Peat for the purchafe of one annuity or yearly fum of 6o/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ to be paid and payable to the laid John Kirk^ his executors, admi- niJtrators, or afligns, for and during the natural lives of the faid John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the furvivor of them, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity for the time which fhall elapfe of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity growing due at the time of fuch furvivor's deceafe, at or for the price or fum of 6oo/. out of which it was agreed that the faid fum of 4507. fhould be paid to the faid William Player and Thomas Glover^ in fatisfaftion and dif- charge of the faid principal and intereft due to them on the faid recited mortgage; And that all cofts, charges, and expences attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the faid William feat and Charles Peat^ out of the refidue of the faid fum of 6oo/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 313 fum of 6o/. it was agreed, that the faid piece or par- cel of ground, mefluages, or tenements, erections and Buildings thereon erected and built, {hould be af- figned over unto the faid John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, as a fecurity for the pay- ment of the faid annuity in manner hereinafter men- tioned and expreiTed, and that the fame mould alfo be fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, and by a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon (Recite the bond and warrant of attorney). NOW THIS INDENTURE Affignment of WITNESSETH, That in purfuance and perform- ^^"jSi ance of the faid agreement, and for and in confidera- <>f the confidc- tion of the faid fum of 450/. of lawful, &c. to the "^ J^s . faid William Player and Thomas Glover in hand, well discharge of and truly paid by the faid John Kirk at or before execution of thefe prefents, by the direction and ap- pointment of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, (teftified by their being parties to and figning and feal- ing thefe prefents) being in full fatisfaction and dif- charge of the principal money and intereft due to them upon or by virtue of the faid recited mortgage, the receipt of which faid fum of 45O/. they the faid William Player and Thomas Glover do hereby refpec- tively acknowledge, and thereof and therefrom and of and from the fame and every part thereof, do and each of them doth clearly and absolutely acquit, r'e-^ leafe, and difcharge the faid 'John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them, for ever, by thefe prefents, they the faid William Player and Thomas Glover, at the requeft and by and with the like con fen t, direction, and appointment of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, teftified as afore- faid, HAVE and each of them HATH bargained, fold, affigned, and fet over, and by thefe prefents DO and each of them DOTH bargain, fell, afsign, and fet over unto the faid John Kirk, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afsigns, as well the faid recited in- denture of leafe and afsignment as alfo the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tenements, erec- tions and buildings thereon erected and built, and all and APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. - and fmgular other the premifes in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe demifed with their and every of their appurtenances ; And alfo all the eflrate, right, title, intereft, term of years yet to come and unexpired, property, claim, and demand whatfoever of them the faid William Player and Thomas Glover, and each of them, of in and to the fame, and every part thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD as well the faid recited indenture of leafe and aflignment thereof, as the faid piece or parcel of ground, mef- fuages or tenements, erections and buildings thereon erected and built, and all and fmgular other the pre- mifes in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe demifed, and by the faid indenture of aflignment af- figned to them as aibrefaid, and all and every other the premifes thereby afligned, or intended fo to be, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid John Kirk, his excecutors, administrators, and af- figns, for and during all the reft, relidue, and remain- der of the faid term of 99 years, in and by the faid herein before recited indenture of leafe demifed and therein yet to come and unexpired ; fubject neverthe- lefs to the rents and covenants in and by the faid re- cited indenture of leafe referved and contained, and which on the tenant or leflee's part and behalf are and ought to be performed, obferved, fulfilled, and Covenant that kept. AND the faid William Player and Thomas they have done Qf over o hereby for themfelves, iointly and feverally, no act to in- , * r r r * cumber. and tor their leveral and refpective heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid John Kirk, his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns by thefe prefents, that they the faid William Player and Thomas Glover have not nor hath either of them at any time heretofore made, cione, committed, or fuffered any act, deed, matter, or thing whatfoever, whereby or wherewith or by means or occafion whereof the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tenements, erections and build- ings, and other the premifes, or any part thereof is are can {hall or may be impeached, charged, or ^cum- bered in title, charge, eftate, or otherwife howfoever. AND APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 315 AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- Afcignment of NESSETH, That the faid William Peat and Charles Sjff * Peat, as well in confidcration of the faid fum of 450/. grantee. fo paid to the faid William Player and Thomas Glover as aforefaid, and of the further fum of ifo/. of law- ful money of Great Britain to them in hand, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents by the faid John Kirk well and truly paid, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of and from every part thereof do acquit, releafe, and difcharge the faid John Kirk, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and affigns, by thefe prefents, (which faid feveral fums of 45O/. and I5o/. making together the full fum of 6oo/. they the faid William Peat and Charles Peat do hereby acknowledge and declare to be in full for the abfolute purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 6o/. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted. Out of which faid fum of I5O/. they the faid William Peat and Charles Peat immediately after receiving the fame paid to R. W. of g ent tfte f um f 1- ror attendance refpe&ing the granting of the faid annuity and for pre- paring and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof ;) HAVE and each of them HATH granted, ratified, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DO and each of them DOTH grant, ratify, and confirm unto the faid John Kirk) his executors, adminiftraturs, and af- figns, the faid piece or parcel of ground, melTuages or tenements, erections and buildings thereon erected and built, and all and fingular other the premifes, with the appurtenances, and all their eftate, right, title, intereft, ufe, pofleffion, reveriion and reveriion?, equity and power of redemption, right, benefit, pro- perty, claim, and demand whatfoever, of in and to the fame, and every part or parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefTuages or tenements, erections and build- ings thereon erected and built, and all and fingular other the premifes, with their and every of their ap- purtenances unto the faid John Kirk, his executors, 4 adminiftratorf, 316 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during all the reft, refidue, and remainder of the faid term of 99 years, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted, and which are therein now to come and unexpired, freed and difcharged of and from all benefit and equity of redemption, UPON THE TRUSTS neverthelefs, and to and for the ends, intents, and pur- pofes, and under and fubjeft to the powers, provisoes, declarations, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame. Grant of annui- AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- uponTe'prc- NESSETH, That in purfuance and performance of mifes. the faid agreement, and for and in confideration of the faid fum of 6oo/. paid by the faid John Kirk in manner aforefaid, they the faid William Peat and Charles Peat HAVE and each of them HATH given, granted, bar- gained, fold, and confirmed, and by thcfe'prefents DO and each of them DOTH give, grant, bargain, fell, and con- firm unto the faid 'John Kirk^ his executors, adminif- trators, and afliirns, for and during the natural lives of them jthe faid John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity or yearly rent charge or fum of 6o/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be ifluing, payable, and going out of and had received and taken by him the faid John Kirk y his executors, adminiftrators, anJ affigns, by and out of and from all and fingular the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages, or tenements, erections and buildings thereon erected and built, with their and every of their appurtenances, in and by the faid herein before recited indenture of leafe demifed, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive and enjoy the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge or fum of 6o/. hereby given, granted, and confirmed, or exprefled fo to be, and every part thereof, unto the faid John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from hence forth, for and during the natural lives of them the faid "John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the iurvivor of them, and up to the day of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, on the feveral days following, (that is to fay) on the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 3 l ? the day of the day of - the day of and the day of by even and equal portions, together with fuch pro- portionable part of the faid annuity or yearly rent- charge for the time which at the deceafe of the fur- vivor of them the faid John Kirk and Maria his wife (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment growing due at the time of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, as in the condition to the faid herein before in part recited bond or obligation mentioned, the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 6o/. to be fo paid and payable to him the faid 'John Kirk^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lin- coln's Inn in the county of Middlefex^ free and clear of and without making any abatement or deduction thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpedt of any taxes, charges, afTcflrnents, pay- ments, or other impofitions whatfoever, now taxed and charged, afTefled or-impofed, or to be taxed, charged, afleiied, or impofed on the faid piece or par- cel of ground, mefTuages or tenements, erections and buildings thereon erected and built, hereby charged therewith, or any of them, or any part thereof, or on the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge 'of 6o/. or any part thereof, or upon the faid John Kirk^ his exe- cutors, administrators, or afsigns, in refpeet thereof by authority of parliament, or otherwife howfoever ; the firft of the faid quarterly payments of the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge hereby granted to begin. and be made on the day of next en- fuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, and fuch proportionable p2rt to be paid immediately after the de-r- ecall of the furvivor of them the faid 'John Kirk and Ma- ria bis wife. AND the faid William Peat and Charles Power of dif- Ptat, for themfelvcs jointly and feverally, and for their. feveral andrefpedtive heirs, executors, and adminiftrators .1 do and each of them doth hereby further grant, covenant, and agree to and with the faid "John Kirk, his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afsigns, that in cafe the faid an- nuity or yearly rent- charge of 6o/. hereby granted, or any part thereof fhall happen to be behind and un- ' paid" 3 i8 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. unpaid by the fpace of 14 days next over or after any or either of the faid days of payment whereon the fame is herein before appointed to be paid as aforefaid ; then and in fuch cafe, and as often as it ihall fo hap- pen, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid John Kirk) his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, into and upon the faid piece or parcel of ground, mef- fuages or tenements, erections, buildings, and premifes fo hereby charged with the payment of the faid an- nuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 6o/. or ex- prefled, or intended fo to be, and every of them, or any part thereof, to enter and diftrain for the fame annuity or yearly rent-charge of 6o/. and all arrears thereof, and the diftrefs and diftrefles then and there found, to take, lead, drive, carry away, and impound, and the fame in pound to detain and keep until the laid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 6o/. and all ar- rears thereof, and all cofts, charges, and expences xvhatfoever fuftained or occafioned by or attending the making, taking, and keeping fuch diftrefs then and there found, fhall be fully paid and fatisfied ; And in default of payment thereof in due time after fuch djjf- trefs fhall be made and taken, to appraife, fell, or otherwife to a& therein according to due courfe of law, in the fame manner in all refpefts as landlords are by act of parliament authorized to do in refpecl: to diftrefTl's for arrears of 'rent upon leafes for years, to the intent that thereby and therewith the faid John Kirk) his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, fhall and may be fully paid and fatisfied the faid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge of 6o/. and all arrears thereof or fo much thereof as fhall be then remaining due and unpaid, and all cofts, charges, and expences whatfo- cver fuftained or occafioned by the non-payment thereof. AND the faid fFiUia?n Peat and Charles Peat> for them- felves jointly and feverally, and for their fevral and refpeitive heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, do and each of them doth hereby further grant, covenant, and Power of entry agree to and with the faid John Kirk, his executors, xn default of , / ,_ < .,.,'., payment by 28 adminiftrators, or affigns, that if the laid annuity or -ys. yearly rent-charge of 6o/. f> , J r rents until de- 'annuity or clear yearly rent-charge or lum or oo/. fault of pay- hereby granted as aforefaid, it is hereby declared-and Blent, and in ? , . ? .. . . -,/, ~ default thereof agreed by and between the faid frtmarrf'Peat and by 40 days to Charles Peat and John Kirk that the faid John Kirk. receive and pay i- i n in- /inn the annuity out nis executors, adminiitrators, and afiigns, ihali itand xe- an(i charges, ihall and will from time to time, and at all times, during the natural lives of the faid John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the furvivor cf them, keep infured the faid hereby afsigned mef- fuages or tenements, erections and buildings, now erected and built, or hereafter to be erected and built upon APPENDIX OF PRECEDENT;:. 323 >ipon the hid piece or parcel of ground and premife* hereby alsigned from all fire and damage happening thereby, for the full fum of /ooA at the leaft, either in the Sun Fire-office or in fome other good and public fire-office for that purpofe, and in cafe the fame premifes or any part thereof {hall happen to be burnt down, blown up, or damaged by fire during the natural jives of the faid John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the furvivor of them, that then and in fuch cafe they the faid William Peat and Charles Peat} or ore of them, their or one of their executors, admi- riiftrators, or afsigns, {hall and will forthwith lay out all fuch monies infured or to be infured upon the faid premifes in the new building, erecting, and making good all damage fo happening thereto by fuch fire as aforelaid. AND FURTHER the faid ^%* Peat and Charles Peat for themfelves jointly and feve- rally, and for their feveral and refpe&ive heirs, ex- good> ecutors, and admin iftrators, DOTH covenant, pro- mife, and agree to and with the laid John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, by thefe pre- fents in manner following, that is to fay; That for and notwithstanding any act, matter, or thing by them or either of them had, made, done, committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered to the contrary, the faid recited indenture of leafe is at the time or" the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents a good and efTedual leafe, valid in the law, of and for the faid premifes hereby affigned, and in no wife furrendered, forfeited, 'or become void or voidable in the law^ and that they Am1 th the faid William Peat, Charles Peat, tVilliam grantors Player, and Thomas Glover, fome or one of them, for ! ^) v " t and notwithstanding any fuch act, matter, or thing as afore.aid, now have or hath in themfclves good right, full power^ and lawful and abfolute authority to bar- gaiiiy fellj afligiif transfer, and let over the i'arid piece or parcel of ground, rnerTuages or tenements, erec- tions and buildings thereon creeled and built, with their appurtenances, unto the faid John Kirk, his ex- ecutor?,, adminiftrators, and afsigns, in manner and Y 2 fona 324- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. grantee to enter. And that in form aforefaid ; And that it {hall and may be lawful to aud for the C aid 7 ohn Klr ^ his executors > adminiftra- tors, and afligns, during the natural lives of the faid John Kirk and Maria his wife, and the life of the fur- vivor of them, from and immediately after any de- fault or breach in payment of the faid annuity of 6o/. contrary to the true intent and meaning of the faid bond and warrant of attorney, and of thefe prefents, to enter upon the laid hereby afligned piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tenements, erections, build- ings, and premifeSj and to receive and take the rents, iflues, and profits thereof to his and their own ufe and benefit, for and during and until fuch time as he and they fhall be fully paid and fatisfied all arrears of the laid annuity, and all colls and charges touching the fame in manner as aforefaid, and that without any let, fuit, trouble, damage, moleftation, eviction, dif- turbance, hindrance, or interruption of or by them the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or of or by the faid William Player and Thomas Glover, their executors or ad- miniftrators, or of or by any other perfon or perfons lawfully claiming or to claim from by or under them or any of them, or by their or any or either of their acts, means, confent, neglect, default, privity or pro- curement, and that free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and difcharged, or by them the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, well and fuffici- ently defended, kept harmlefs, and indemnified of from and againft all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales, leafes, alignments, furrenders, forfeitures, rents, arrearages of rents, and of and from all other eftates, titles, troubles, charges, and incumbrances, had, made, committed, done, or wittingly or willingly fuffered by them the faid William Peat and Charles Peat or either of them, or by through with or under their or his act, means, con- AmlforAmher j en t, privitv, neglect, default, or procurement. AND FURTHER, That they the faid William Peat and Charles APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 325 Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and all and every other perfon or perfons law- fully having or claiming or to claim any eftate, right, title or intereft of in to or out of the faid hereby affigned premifes, or any part thereof, by from or under them, fhall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the reafonable requeft and at the proper colts and charges in the law of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, make, do and execute all and every fuch fur- ther and other lawful and reafonable act and ats, thing and things, assignments and aflurarices in the law whatlb- ever, for the further, better and more abfolute afsigning, confirming and alluring of the faid piece or parcel of ground, mefluages or tenements, erections, buildings and premifes hereby afsigned with their appurtenances unto the faid John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, for and during all the reficlue and remain- der of the faid term of 57 years, which fhall be then to come and unexpired, as by the faid "John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law (hall be reafonably devifed, advifed, or required, fo as fuch further aflurances or conveyances continue or extend to no further or other warranty or covenant than againft the perfon or perfons making the fame, and fo as fuch perfon or perfons who fhall be required to make the fame be not compelled or compellable to go or travel from their refpecSlive places of abode for the doing thereof. (Add defeasance on the judgment.) AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for ciaufe for re- the purchafe of the faid annuity of 6o/. per annum Jemption of i . c . , . J ,, j annuity by m- herem before mentioned it was mutually agreed Raiments, not by and between the faid William Peat, Charles lei's than io/. Peat and John Kirk, That the faid William Peat and j^emSSl Charles Peat or either of them, their or either of their rate of half a heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, ftiould at year>s annuuy * anytime or times thereafter beat liberty to re-purchafe and buy up the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 6o/. or any part thereof, not lefs at any one time than io/. per annum, at the rate or price of IC5/. for the pur- chafe of io/. per annum, and fo in proportion for any Y 3 greater N 325 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. greater or larger fum upon giving the faid yobn A7r, his executors, administrators, or afsigns, three months previous notice of fuch their or his intention to re- purchafe the fnid annuity or any part thereof, until the whole of the faid annuity fhou'd be redeemed. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WJTNES- SETH, That for effectuating the {aid agreement, and for the confideration aforcfaid, it is hereby agreed and declared between and by the faid William Peat^ Charles Pfat y and yobn Kir^ to be the true intent and meaning of them and of thefc prcfents, and the faid John Kirk for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adrniniirrators, DOTH hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid fffllliam Peat and Charles Peat, their heirs, executors, adminiilrators, and afsigns, and every of them, that in cafe the faid William Pcai and Gaarlet Peat or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, adminirtra- tors, or afsigns, {hail at any time or times hereafter be minded and defirous of re-purchaling the faid an-* nuity or yearly fum of 60*. or any part thereof (not Jefs than TO/, per annum) and of fuch his or their in, tention (ball give the faid John Kirk^ hisr heirs, ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, three months' pre- vious notice in writing of what part of the faid an- nuity they the faid ff'illlam feat' and Ghnrks Pent, their heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, fhall be defirous of re-purchafmg (not lefs than io7. per an- num) that then he -the faid "J-ohn Kirk^ his heirs, ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, {hall and will from time to time on receiving fuch fum and fums of money as fhall be due for the faid annuity, and all arrears there- of, up to the day of re-purchafmg fuch part or parts thereof at the expiration of fuch three months from the time of giving fuch notice or notices, accept, re- ceive, and take IO5/, for the re-rxurchafe of ic/. per annum of the faid annuity, and fo in proportion for any greater fum that fhall be expreiled in fych notice or notices, and (hall be fo defired to be paid off as aforefaid, and on receipt of fuch re-purchafe money for any fuch part or parts of the faid annuity as afore- faid, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. faid, that he the faid John Kirk^ his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, fhall and will from time to time at the coils and charges of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat y their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, execute fiich reafonable and proper aflignments of, and declarations of truft as to fuch part or parts of the faid annuity as fhall be fo re-purchafed unto fuch perfori or perfons as they the laid William Peat and Charles Peat) their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, (hall di- rect or appoint, and fhall and will from time to time releafe and difcharge the faid William Peat and Charles Peat, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, and the faid leafehold premifes from the payment of fuch part or parts of the laid annuity as fhall be fo re-purchafed as aforefaid, and on receipt of the whole of fuch re- pur- chafe money as well the fuidannuity or yearly fum of 6o/. as the faid recited bond or obligation, and this prefent indenture and the trufts thereof, and every covenant, claufe, matter or thing whatfoever therein contained, {hall ceafe, determine, and be void, and the faid John Kirk, his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, ihall and will deliver uptothe faid William Peat and Charles Peat y their executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, the faid re-, cited bond or obligation to be cancelled or deftroyed, and alfq at the proper cofts and charges in the law of the faid William Peat and Charles Peat^ their executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, re~afsign the faid recited in- denture of leafe to the faid William Peat and Charles feat) their executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, and acknowledge, or caufe fatisfaftion to be acknowledged on the record of the faid judgment, that fhail be entered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney. Jn witnefsj &c. Y 4 No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XXV, GRANT of ANNUITY jfor the Lives of Tico Nominees charged upon a Leafihold Ejiate ; and an ajjignment of the fame Effate, and . a Policy of Infurance to a Truftee. upon y / / -/ j Truft for fecuring Annuity, and containing a Covenant from the Grantor to keep the Premi/es infixed. Parties. THIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE made, &c. between Harry sttlivood> of, &c. gent, of the firft partj "John Scott, of, &c. gent, of the fecond part; andl Recital of a James Mill, of, &c. gent, of the third part. WHERE- leafe. ^ ky. indenture of leafe bearing date on or about the day of in the year of our lord and made or exprefled to be made between Charles South, of, &c. Efiq. of the one part, and William Alliuood of the fame place, gent, of the other part. The faid Charles South for the confederations herein mentioned, did demife, grant, leafe, and to farm lett unto the faid William Alhvood y his executors^ adminiftrators, and afligns, all that timber-yard, garr den, coal-yard, liable, and premifes, with their and dVery of their appurtenances, fituate, &c. and ail v/ays, &c. TO HOLD the fame unto the faid William s;l!~ iuod, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns from the feaft of St. Michael the archangel then next enfu- ing, for and during and unto the full end and term of 200 years from thence next enfuing, and fully to be complete and ended at and under the yearly rent of 3o/. clear of all deductions whatfoever, payable to the faid Charles Sottth> his heirs or afligns, by half yearly And aflign- payments as therein mentioned. AND WHEREAS ment thereof by indenture of ainVnment bearing date the to the grantor. , . & . r , day pi - : in the year of our Lord and made APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 329 made or mentioned to be made between the faid William SHlivood of the one part, and the faid Harry Alhvood of the other part, whereby after reciting the faid in- denture of leafe, IT IS WITNESSED, That the faid William Allwood for the confiderations therein men- tioned, did grant, bargain, fell, aflign, transfer, and fet over unto the laid Harry Allwwd, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and affigns, all that the faid timber-yard, garden, coal-yard, ftable, and all and fmgular other the premifes mentioned and comprifed in the faid re- cited leafe, with their and every of their appurtenances thereunto belonging, together with the faid indenture of leafe ; And all the eftate, right, title, intereft, term and terms of years then to come and unexpired, ufe, truft, property, pofTeffion, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity of him the faid William All- ivoojy of in to and out of the faid premifes, every or any part or parcel thereof, TO HOLD the fame unto the laid Harry Allu>ood y his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from the day of the date thereof, for and during all the reft, refidue, and remainder of the laid term of 200 years, by the faid indenture of leafe granted as aforefaid, therein then to come and unex- pired, fubje& neverthelefs to the rents, covenants, and agreements, in and by the faid recited indenture re- ferved and contained on the leflees part to be paid, peiv formed and kept, as by the faid indentures relation being thereunto refpectively had will more fully and at large appear. AND WHEREAS the faid Harry An( j t ^ t grlrv . Allwwd hath lately eredled and built upon the faid tim- tor hath built ber-yard, garden, coal-yard, and premifes, a mefluage Ullfe".' ep ' e or tenement, warehoufes and other buildings which are now in his own occupation; And alfo three other mef- fuages or tenements, ftable and workfhop, now in the fcveral tenures or occupations of and . R er .ita! of AND WHEREAS the faid John Scott hath contracted contra* for ' i -i i r \ "i in r i_ i f annuity, to he ana agreed with the Jaia fiarry Allwood ior the pui'chaie ufuing'oiu of of nn annuity, or yearly rent-charge of 6o/. to be i flu ing c . he [""einiies and payable out of the faid timber-yard, garden, coal- t J nominee", yard, liable, and premifes, ami the faid mefluagcs or tenements, erections, ^nd buildings thereon erected and 33 o APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and built, and herein before defcribed to be fecured as hereinafter mentioned, and to be paid to the faid John St'ctt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural lives of Elizabeth 'Jr'igg and Sitrah Triggy daughters of Elizabeth Trigg, of, &c. widow, and the life of the furvivor of them, together with fuch proportionable part thereof as hereinafter mentioned, at or for the price or fum of 48o/. out of An.Itofefnr- which, &C. (State the expetices.) AND WHEREAS ther fecured by it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of the judgment'l'l* ^ a '^ annuity, That the fame fhould be further fecured gjantor. by die bond or obligation of the faid Harry All-wood find- a warrant of attorney to confefs a judgment thereon. (Rtvite the bend and warrant of attorney, ddd gran', of annuity ', Precedent XXXL siiid covenant to pay f am?. / nd the towers of dtflrefs and cntr\^ Precedent Aimrnmentnf No. XXIV.} AND THIS INDENTURE FUR- *JJ52" f !j to THER WITNESSETH, That for the confiderations grantor, upon aforefaid, and for the further and better fecuring and truft for let u.- .enforcing the due and punctual payment of the faid an- me" iiniiViitv* nuity, or clear yearly rent-charge of 60 /. hereby granted as aforefaid-, And alfo in confideration of the fum of l os. of like lawful money of Great Britain to the faid Harry Alkwod. in hand, paid by the faid James Mill at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged ; He the faids-i/rtrry /tllivood (at the nomination and by the di- rection f the faid "fohn Scott, teftified by his being a party to and executing thefe prefents), hath bargained, ibid, affigned, transferred, and fet over; And by thefe prefents DOTH, &c. unto the faid Jtmes Mill* his execxitors, adminiftrators, and afligns, ALL that the faid timber-yard, garden, coal-yard, liable, and pre- Tnifes, together with the faid mefluages or tenements, w erections, and buildings thereon erected and built herein before defcribed with all and fingular the appur- tenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid tim- ber-yard, garden, coal-yard, ftable, and premifes, and the faid mefluages or tenements, erections, and buildr ings thereon erected and built, hereby bargained, fold, affigned, transferred, and fet over or meant, mentioned, or APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 331 er intended fo to be, with their and every of their rights, members, privileges, profits, commodities, ad- vantages, emoluments, and appurtenances unco t:,>e faid James Mi// t his executors, adminiilrators, and ailigns, from henceforth for and during all the rdt, rsjfidue, and remainder now to come and unexpired of the faid term of 200 years, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted and demifed, if they the faid Elizabeth 'Trirg and Sarah Trigg or the furvivor of them fhall fo long live; but neverthelefs upon the feveral trufts> and for the ends, intents, and purpofes, and under and fubject to the provifoes, declarations, and agree- ments hereinafter declared or exprcfled of and con- cerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST (The Jame as in Precedent No. XXI F. Add : tenant > that grantor hath done no afl to incnmber ; that he is lawfully feifed for the refidue of the tsrm\ that he hath right to charge the prtmtfa^ for quiet enjoyment after default in payment of fnid annuity and for further (hall and will at his and their own cofts and charges during the faid term of 200 years, in and by the faid recited indenture of leafe granted, (if the faid Elizabeth Trigg and Sarah Trigg, or the furvivor of them fhall fo long live) keep the faid hereby affigned premifes in- fured from lofs or damage by fire, in the faid Sun Fire- Office or fome other public Infurance Office, in the full fum of /. and fhall and will lay out and expend or caufe to be laid out and expended in and by the faid premifes, all fuch fum and fums of money as fhall or may be received or recovered therefrom, for the more effectually fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 6o/. (Add deferfance on judgment and clatife of redemption.} In witnefs, &c. CHAP. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. CHAP. XL GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON COPYHOLD ESTATES, WHERE THE GRAN- TORS ARE SEISED IN FEE OR FOR LIFE. No. XXVI. GRANT of an ANNUITY fecured upon a Copyhold Eft ate for the Life of the Grantor. 1 HIS INDENTURE made, &c. between P&*> Parties . Jfakefield, of, &c. Efq. of the one part, and Edward Rce, of, &c. Efq. of the other part. WHEREAS at Recital of a general court leet and court baron held of the manor S r ? tor ' s a to tne u f e f a certain indenture bearing date the day of in the fame furrender particularly mentioned and fet forth ; At which court the faid Philip Wakefie'd hum- bly prayed of the lord to be admitted tenant to all and every the fame prernife* fo furrendered by the faid John 334 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Join H'atyie'd his father, on the faid day of 1785, to the ufes of the faid indenture. To whom the lord by his ileward granted feifm by the rod, to hold unto the faid Phi Up l-^'akefield and his a* figns, for and during the term of his natural life, ac- cording to the tenor and true intent and meaning of the laid indenture by the rod, at the will of the lord according to the cuftom of the faid manor', by the 4 rents, cuftoms, and fervices thereof due and of right occuitomed. AND WHEREAS the faid Edward SwSafoc Roe hath contracted and agreed with the faid Phiip purchase of an- Wakefifld, for the purchafe of one annuity or clear yearly fum of 50'. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the faid E. R. Mores, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural life of him the faid Phiip Jt'akefie'd, to be fe- cured by the bond or obligation of the faid Phi ip IVakeJie d, and a warrant of attorney for entering up judgment thereon; and by a furrender of the faid co- pyhold premifes UPON TRUST as hereinafter men-* tioned, at or for the price or fum of 350.'. out of which faid fum of 350.'. it was agreed upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, that all cofts, charges, and expcnces attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecuritiesforthe fame, and making fuch furrender, and alfo for preparing and inrolling a memorial thereof, fhould be borne and paid by the laid Philip Wi-.ltejidd. (Recite the bond for Coniideratit n. payment of annuity and nv want of Attorney.) NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that in pur* fuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confede- ration of the fum of 35O/. of lawful money of Great Britain, by the faid Edward Roe to the faid Phi'ip Ifaikefield in hand well and truly paid at or before thy fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof he the faid Phiip ll'tkefie.d, doth hereby ac* knowledge, and -thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof, DOTH acquit, releafe and dif* charge the faid E. .'.'. oc, his heirs, executors, ad- zniniilratovs, and afiijas, and every of them for ever by APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ,33 by thefe prefents (out of which laid fum of 350'. he the faid Philip Waktfie'.d immediately after receiving the fajne, paid unto R. IV. of the fum of .'. for attendances refpecUng the granting of the laid an- nuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fe- curities for the fame, and for the expence paid by him for the furrender hereinafter mentioned, and alfo for preparing and inrolling a memorial of thefe prefents and the feveral other lecurities), he the faid Phiip ff^akefie!d doth hereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Edward Roe, his executors, a^^^n^wmho niilrators, and afligns, That he the faid Phi'ip J'^ake-w\\\. furrender yWmall and will at the requeft of the faid E tff^c on condi- thelefs that if the faid Philip IVakefield^ his executors, tMn > ti^t if adminiftrators, and afligns, did and (hould well and annuity agreea- truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid E. Roe, b^-iothe k>nj, hj -n. rr ^T / j then, the Uir- is executors, admmiltrators, or alngns, tlie laid an- render to be nuity or yearly fum of 5o/. in manner and form in the v-0itl - faid recited bond mentioned and appointed for payment thereof, then the faid furrender ihould be void; And 8 ut i n default it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the there f - faid parties to thefe prefents, that in cafe default {hall be made in payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 5o/. according to the condition of the laid recited bond and herein before mentioned, then and in luch cafe lie the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns, (hall ftand feized and pofleiTed of the faid mefluage, &c. and all and every the premifes 3 herein 33 6 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Tii.-n upon herein before mentioned UPON TRUST, by and out unit our of the o f t h e ren t s , iflues. and profits, of the laid mefluage, rents* to nut .- i r T \ \ c andp-iyiiiir.!-!! &c. and all and every the fame premilcs herein before ji.^.iiiiuu, . k iu! covenanted to be furrendered, or any part or parts thereof, or by mortgage or idle thereof, or of any part 'or parts thereof, or by all or any of the fame ways and means, or by whatfoever ways and means as to him the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators, or aifigns, (hall feem meet, railc and levy fuch fum and lums of money as {hall be futlicient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity or yearly fum of 5O/. fecured by the faid bond, or fo much thereof as (hall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid at the days and times in and by the condition, to the faid bond or obligation mentioned and appointed for payment thereof. And alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, -lofles, cofts, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or any of them, mould pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of the non- payment of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 50?. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times, and in the manner in and by the faid condition to the faid bond appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trulls hereby declared or ex- pelled of and concerning the faid premifes herein be- fore covenanted to be furrendered or otherwife howib- ever relating thereto, and (hall and do retain pay and apply the monies fo to be railed in payment and fatis- And fubjeft faclion thereof accordingly, and fubjecl to the trull for e jr5ntor lr a " d aforefaid, the faid melTuage, &c. and all and every the fame premifes herein before covenanted to be furren- dered, mail be IN TRUST for the faid Philip JFaktfeld and his afligns, for and during the term of his natural ' C " Ve entof an lifc * AND the faid P ' hil 'P #"*'cM' for himfelf, his heirs, Cn executors, and adminillrators, doth hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Edward Roc, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, by thefe prefents, That he the faid Philip Ifakefieldi his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fluMl and will well and truly pay or ca.ufe to be paid unto the faid Edward 5 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Ki3 executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Pkilip Wakefielct t one annuity or yearly fum of jc/j of lawful money of Great -Britain, free and clear df and from all taxes, charges, fates and other deductions whatfoever, parliamentary or otherwife, on four days or times in the year, that is to fay, on the day of the ' ' day of : 1 the day of and the < - day of in every year by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the ^ day of now next enfuing the date of thefe prefents, together with fuch proportionable part of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 50/4 for the time which at the deceafe of the faid Philip IVakefield fhall have elapfed, of the quarterly payment of the fame annuity growing due at the time of his deceafe, as in the faid condition to the faid herein before in part recited bond or obligation mentioned. AND the faid Philip Wakefield Covenant that for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators,' gp" tor '^'^ doth covenant, promife, and agree to and with the f or life, accord- faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators, and ^s to f tl \f cdf " _ i i r r r-ii-i torn of the aragris, by thele prefents, in manner following, that manor, is to fay, That he the faid Philip Wakefield at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents is, and ftands lawfully and rightfully feifed of and in or Well intitled unto the faid meffuage, &C. and all and every the fame pfemifes herein before covenanted to be furrendered of a good eftate of inheritance in poffeffion for his life, according to the cuftom of the faid manor, without any condition, ufe, truft, power of revo- ^ cation, limitation of new or other ufe or ufes, or any other reftraint, matter, caufe, or thing whatfoever, which can or may defeat, alter 1 , change, revoke, de- termine, make void, or incumber the fame, or any part or parts thereof. AND ALSO That he the faid Philip And hath Wakeficld, now hath in himfelf good right, full power, P'JJ [ J ur - and lawful and abfolute authority to furrender all and fame upon the fmgular the faid mefluage, &c. and all and every the trurts fame premifes herein before covenanted to be furren- dered as aforefaid, with the appurtenances to the ufe of the faid Edward Roe, his executors,- adminiftrators, z and 33 g APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and afligns, for and during the natural life of the faid Philip Wakffield, UPON THE TRUSTS and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe pre- And that the fents> ANJ ) FURTHER, That the faid mefluage, fame fhall con- . Lr T i i -, tmuefotobe &c. and all and every the iame premues herein berore upon the truft* covenanted to be furrendered, ihall and lawfully may aforel.ui!, free r . . r ' . 7 from incum- irom time to time and at all times hereafter remain brances. continued, and be to the ufe of the faid Edward R$e } his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and dur- ing the natural life of the faid Philip Wakefield, UPON THE TRUSTS and to and for the intents and pur- pofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, and fhall and may be ac- cordingly, peaceably, and quietly had, held, and en- joyed, without the lawful let, fuit, hindrance, inter- ruption, or denial of him the faid Philip Wakejield^ or his afligns, or any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated, and difcharged, or otherwife, by him the the faid Philip Wdkefield> his heirs, executors, or ad- miniftrators, well and fufficiently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemnified of from and againft all and all manner of former 'and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales, mortgages, furrenders, jointures, forfeitures, free-bench, ufes, intails, rents, arrears of rent, fta- tutes, judgments, recognizances, titles, charges, and incumbrances whatfoever had, made, done, or com- mitted, or wittingly or willingly fuffered by the faid Philip Wakefeld, or any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, by through or with his at, means, c , default, procurement, or privity. AND MORE- further affu-' OVER, That he the faid Philip Wakefield fhall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter, at and upon the reafonable requeft of the faid Edward Ros, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, but at the proper cofts and charges of the faid Philip 11/axejield, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, make, do, acknowledge, levy, fuffer, and execute, or cauic or procure to be made, done, acknowledged, levied, fuffered APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 339 fufrered and executed, all and every fuch further arid other lawful and reafonable at and ats, thing and things, conveyances, furrenders, and aflurances, in the law whatfoever, for the further and better more per- fect and abfolute furrendering and afluring the faid mefluages, &c. herein before covenanted td be furreii* dered with their and every of their appurtenances, to the ufe of the faid Edward Roe, his executors, admi- in'ftrators, and afligns, during the life of him the faid Philip Jf^akefield, on the conditions upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and con- cerning the fame, as by the faid Edward Roe, his ex- ecutors, adminiilrators, or affigns, or his or their counfel learned in the law fhall be reafonably devifed or advifed and required. (Add defeafance on the judg- ment and claufe of redemption, on payment of half a year's annuity.] No, XXVIL DEEI) of COVEN ANT to fur render d Copy- hold EJlate of Inheritance, for fecut'ing an Annuity for two Lives, (the yearly Value of the Eft ate being lefs than the Annuity); containing a Power of Sale in Default of Payment, and a Power to inveji the Money in the Purchafe of Stock or other Securi* ties, to keep down the Annuity, where the Conjideration is paid by a Banker's Cheque. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between Thomas Batten, of, &c.' of the one part, and George Kemp, of, p arties &c. of the other part. WHEREAS the faid 'Thomas . .. .- , r 11 i i i i Recital mat Batten is leued of or well mtitled to the inheritance in S ra:uoi isieifei pofleflion, according to the cuftom of the manor of L oi * c pvhoid _ .,. eflate ot mi- z a poflemon, I1U ace. 34 o annuity. lanker-s APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. in the county of E/ex, of and in two moieties or half parts of the feveral pieces or parcels of land and here- ditaments hereinafter covenanted to be furrendered. AND WHEREAS the laid George Kemp hath con- tracled and agreed with the faid '1 homos Batten, for the purchale of one annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money, &c. to be paid to the faid George Kemp, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, free from taxes and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural lives of him the faid George Kemp, and Mary Kemp and IVilllam Kemp, children of the faid George Kemp, and the life of the furvivor or longell liver of them to be fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid Thomas Batten, and a warrant of attorney for entering up a judgment thereon, and by a furrender of the faid copyhold premifes, UPON TRUST as hereinafter mentioned, at or for the price or fum of poo/, out of which fai 1 fum of poo/, it was agreed that all cofts, charges, and expences, attending the faid contract, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the faid annuity, and for making the faid furrender, and alfo for preparing and inroiling a memorial thereof, fliould be borne and paid by the laid Thomas Batten. (Recite bond and warrant of attor- ney.) NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confideration of the fum of poo/, of lawful money, ice. by the faid George Kemp in his own proper perfon to the faid Thomas Batten in his own proper perfon, in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, in manner following (that is to fay) by a draft or cheque bearing even date with thefe prefents, drawn by the faid George Kemp on Meflrs. Coutts andCo. bankers, in the Strand, for the faid fum of poo/. payable to the faid Thomas Batten or bearer, on demand, the receipt whereof he the faid Ihontas Batten doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of and from the-' fame and every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe, and difcharge the faid George Kemp, his heirs, executors* adminiftratorsv and affigns, and every of them by thefe prefents, out of which faid fum of .poc/. the faid APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 34 x Thomas Batten immediately after receiving the fame, paid to A, B. of, &c. gent, the fum of ~/. for attendances refpetiting the granting of the laid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecu- rities for the fame, and for the furrender hereinafter covenanted to be made, and alfo for preparing and in- rolling a memorial thereof, hethefaid '1'homas Batten DOTH hereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and ad- Covenant to miniftrators, covenant, promife, and agree to and ^ with the faid George Kemp, his hejrs, and affigns, That he the faid Thomas Batten and all and every other perfon and perfons having any eftate or intereft there- in, fhall and will at the recmeft of the faid George Kemp, his heirs, executors, or administrators, but at tj)- proper coils and charges of die laid 'ibo : ,as Batten, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, furrender into the hand or hands of the lord of the faid manor of L. for the time being, according to the cuftom of the faid manor, two moieties or half parts of *.(jlate the premijesj, and all other the lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatfoever, of him the faid Thomas bat en, holden of the faid manor, by copy of court roll, and the rever* on, &c. and all the eftate, &c. to the ufe and behoof of the faid George Kemp, his heirs, and affigns for ever, UPON CONDI [TON neverthelefs, That if the faid Upon confide- 'Ihoinas fatten, his heirs, or affigns, did and mould- r-tion,thatif 11 i i < i i i r i the grantor well and truly pay or came to be paid the laid annuity, pays the an- or yearly fum of ioo/. in manner and form in the faid :il ii f y according ill - , , c to the connde- recited bond mentioned and appointed for payment r.ition of bond, thereof, or if the faid Thotna* batten, his heirs, or t!ie furrender to affigns, mould re-purchafe and buy up the faid annuity, or yearly fum of IOQ/. upon the terms and conditions in the faid furrender and hereinafter mentioned) then the faid furrender mould be void. AND it is hereby _ _ . . . 4 Declaration declared and agreed by and between the laid parties to that grantor thefe preients, that he the faid Gfjrge Kemp, his heirs, ^r : jH ! and affigns, fhall ilrind leifed and poifcfied of the faid premiles, upon feveral pieces or parcels of land and premifes herein ai > ft to permit i r i TTTX/^-KT rr-irri-i r,->n r -r, < nn , CTantOr fu r- before mentioned UPON iHh i RUSTS, and to elv - e rents un- and for the intents and . purpofes, and with under and Ll1 to retain and re-imburfe himfelf ar,d APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 34g and themfelves all fuch cofts, charges, and expences a as he or they fhall or may fuflain, expend, or be put unto, in or about the making and completing of fuch fale or fales, or otherwife in the execution of the trufts hereby in him and them repofed; And after payment thereof, as to the furplus of the money arifing from i~uch fale or fales as aforefaid, UPON TRUST, by nud out of the fame, to retain and piy to him the laid George Kemp, his executors, ach.iniftrators, or af- figns, fo much of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as at the time of completing iuch fale or fales, fhould happen to be in arrear and unpaid ; And alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, loffes, cofts, charges, damages, and expences, (if any) as the faid George Kemp, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or any of them, fhall pay, fuftain, or be put unto, by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the manner herein before men- tioned or appointed for the payment thereof, or other-* wife howfoever relating thereto. AND UPON FUR-* And to inveft THER TRUST, to place out or inveft the refidue the refidue of of the money to arife by fuch fale or fales, and of the upoovem- rents, profits, and produce of the faid feveral pieces meat fecurities. or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, until fuch fale or fales fhall be completed upon government fecurities, at intereft in the name or names of him the faid George Kemp, his executors, adminiftrators, or aifigns. AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that the faid George Kemp, his executors, adminiftrators, and af figns, fhall ftand pofTefTed of and interefted in the money fo to be placed out and invefted, UPON And ant of the TRUST by and out of the dividends and yearly pro- dividends or ceeds thereof, and if fuch yearly interefts, dividends, JS2to,*inJif and proceeds, mail be inefficient, then in addition ipta eft not fuf- thereto, by calling in and difpofmg from time to time affpofingo? b/ of a fufficient part of the principal money fo to beP art o invefled, or the flocks, funds, or fecurities, for the paL fame, to retain and pay to himfelf and themfelves the &id annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as and when the z 4 fame 344 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. feme fliall grow due and become payable. AN13 UPON TRUST alfo by and out of the money fo to be placed out and invefted, and the dividends, inte- reft, and yearly proceeds thereof, to retain to him the (aid Geo ge Kemp, his executors, administrators, and afligns, all fuch cofts, charges, and expences, as he or they may fuftain, or be put unto, in the execution, of the trufts hereby repofed in him and them, refpec% ing the money herein before directed to be inverted or , r u- A placed out at intereft, and fubiecl to the trufts herein Atul futyecl j'lJ 1 J r 1- n I thereon In truft beiore declared, concerning the money fo to be inveltecl forgrantor. or j a j^ out a j. intereft as herein before mentioned, the fame and the intereft thereof, or fo much thereof, and of the intereft thereof, as {hall not be applied in anfwer- ing fuch trufts as are herein before thereof declared (hall be in truft for the {aid '1 hornets Batten, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, to and for his and rrovifo,That their own ablblute ufe and benefit. PROVIDED after Hifide-. ALWAYS, and it is hereby agreed and declared by ceafeofnomi- . . J e * nees and all ar- and between the laid parties to thefe preients, inat rears ofannuiry a f ter fa deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid and cofts, the m-if r- j premifes cove- (.reorge Kettip, Mary Kemp, and William Kfinp, and, jiantedtobe u jj p a y ment unto the faid George Keinb* his executors, turvendered or , -n /r- r 6 i r-r fymuch as admimitrators, or afligns, of the laid annuity, or mould not be y ear iy f um o f IOO / ant { f uc h proportionable part difpoled of, ; . ' e . ,, _ under the trufts thereof, and all cofts, charges, damages, and expences, atorefaid. rtiaii as aforefaid, the faid feveral pieces pr parcels of land, he- giantor, his ' reditaments, and premifes, hereby covenanted to be einandaf- furrendered as aforefaid, or fo much thereof (if any) as ihall not be difpofed of under or in purfuanqe of the trufts herein before declared or exprefled mail be in, truft for the faid r lhomas Batten, his heirs and afligns, for ever, and to be afligned and furrendered as he or Deciamtinn tlie 7 m ^ && and appoint. PROVIDED ALSO, that the con- and it is hereby further agreed and declared by and be- ve\-ances e>:e- es e>:e- ; ^i_ r i i r- r 111 j y gran- tween the laid parties to thefe prefents, that all and every the contrails, agreements, fales, difpofitions, conveyances, aflurances, a6Vs, deeds, matters, and: jj niouid n,)t things, vvluch fliould be entered into, made, done, or executed, by the faid George Kemp, his heirs, or af- figns, of or concerning the faid feveral pieces or par- cels APPENDIX QF PRECEDENTS, 345 eels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, hereby co- venanted to be furrendered, or any part thereof, lhall to all intents, constructions, and purpofes whatfoever, be as valid and effectual in the law though the laid Thomas Batten, his heirs or affigns, fhall not execute the fame, or join therein, or aflent thereto, as fuch contracts, agreements, falesj difpolitions, conveyances, aflurances, afts, deeds, matters, and things, would if the faid Thomas Batten had duly executed the fame, and joined therein, or aflented thereto; And that the perfon or perfons to whom the faid George Kemp, his heirs or af- jigns, {hall convey or otherwife difpofe of the faid fe- veral pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, hereby covenanted to be furrendered, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, {hall notwith- Itanding the faid Thomas Batten, his heirs or affigns, fhall not execute the fame, or join therein, or aflent thereto, be intitled to have, hold, and enjoy, the fame pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, againft the faid Thomas Batten, his heirs and affigns, and all and every perfon and perfons claiming or to claim by from through under or in trull for him them or any of them. PROVIDED ALSO, and it is Ana thjt .&c hereby further agreed and declared by and between alllee7oi the pur- and every the faid parties to thefe -prelents, that the re- chafe-money. ; . *f , f . , ~ * .... lhall he a fufii- ceipt or receipts of the faid George Kemp, his heirs, dent difcharge executors, or adminiftrators, {hall from time to time t. theparclu- |>e a good and fufficient difcharge, or good and fufficient 1Ll difcharges to the purchafer or purchafers of the faid pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, fo to be fold as aforefaid, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, and to his her and their refpeftive heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for fo much of the purchafe-money as mall therein be acknow- ledged to be received ; And that fuch purchafer or purchafers, his her or their heirs, executors, or admi- niftrators, {hall not afterwards be anfwerable or ac-~ countable for any lofs, mifapplication, or non-applica- fion, of fuch purchafe-money fo received, or any part thereof, nor be obliged to enquire into the reafon of making any fuch foje or fak. PROVIDED ALSO, and 34 : ct(.rmore George Kemp, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and cowvw 'to his afiigns, fhall not be charged or chargeable with or for hnueis. any f um O r fums of money other than fuch as fhall actually and refpettively come to his or their hands, by virtue of thefe prefents, nor with or for any lofs or damage which may happen in or about the execution of all or any of the trulls aforefaid, without his or their wilful default, (ydd a covenant to pav annuity.} A>D the find c ihomas Latten for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth hereby further co- venant, promife, and agree, to and with the laid Covenant that George Kemp, his heirs and affigns, by thefe prefents, giamor is feiftd in manner following, (that is to fay) That he the faid according 3 !*' 'Ikomas Batten, at the time of the fealing and delivery rhc cuitom of of thefe prefents, is and ftands lawfully and rightfully * 01 ' feifed of and in or well intitled unto the faid feveral pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, Hereby covenanted to be furrendered of a good eftate of inheritance in pofleffion, according the cuftom of the faid manor, without any condition, fruit, power of revocation, limitation, of new or other ufe or ufes, or any other reftraint, matter, caufe, or thing whatfo- ever, which can or may defeat, alter, change, charge, A:.-* hath to revoke, determine, make void, or incumber, the fame, . -.dwthe or ? . ny part or parts thereof 5 AND ALSO that he the fcafts. aforefaid. faid "Ibomas Batten hath in himfelf good right, full po-wer, arid lawful and abfolute authority, to furrender all and fingular the faid feveral pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes, herein before co- venanted to be furrendered as aforefaid, with the ap- purtenances to the ufe of the faid George Kemp, his heirs and affigns, for ever UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, exprefled, and declared, of and concern- ing the fame, according to the true intent and meaning And in default of thefe prefents. AND FURTHER, That the faid ^ eveTal pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and a!] re- premifes, herein before covenanted to be furvendered, la11 and Awfully may frpm time to time and at all '.I, free fromJncumbrances. times APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 347 times hereafter, from and after default fhall be made in payment of the feid annuity, remain, continue, and be, to the ufe of the faid George Kemp, his heirs and affigns UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before mentioned, ex- prefTed. and declared, of and concerning the fame, and {hall and may be accordingly, peaceably, and quietly had held and enjoyed, without the lawful let, fuit, hinderance, interruption, or denial, of him the faid 'Ihomas Batten, his heirs and affigns, or any other perfon or pcrfons whomfoever; And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated, and dif- charged, or otherwife, by him the faid 'ihotnas Patten, his heirs, executors, or adminiflrators, well and fuffi- ciently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemni- fied, of from and againft all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales, mortgages, lurrenders, jointures, free-bench, ufes, intails, rents, arrears of rent, ftatutes, judgments, recognizances, titles, charges, and incumbrances whatfoever, had made done or committed, or willingly fuffered by the laid Thomas Ratten, or any other perfon or perfons whomfoever. AND MOREOVER, That he the faid 7 homos Batten and his heirs and all and every other perfon and perfons whomfoever, having or lawfully claiming, qr who fhall or may hereafter have or law- fully claim any eftate, right, title, truft, or intereft of in to or out of the faid feveral pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premifes herein before co- venanted to be furrendered as aforefaid, or any of them, or any part thereof, fhall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at and upon the reafon- able requeft of the faid George Kemp, his heirs, exe- cutors, adminiflrators, or affigns, but at the proper cofts and charges of the faid ''i homas Batten, his heirs pr affigns, make, do, acknowledge, levy, fufter, and estite, or caufe and procure to be made, done, ac- knowledged, levied, fuffered, and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable acl and ao{, &c. Efq. and Mary his wife, of the one part, tance of copy- and Edward Roe, of, &c. Efq. of the other part. tdpnmi&f. -WHEREAS the faid James Prince is feifed of or well intitled to the inheritance in pofleffion, according to the cuftom of the manor of E. in the county of Mid* dlefex aforefaid, of and in the feveral meffuages, tene- ments, cottages, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, hereinafter A?PENt)iX OF PRECEDENTS. -349 hereinafter covenanted to be furrendered. (Recite the Cpnfideratioo. contract for the pKrchafe of annuity for three fives, and alfo the bond and warrant of attorney}. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESS ^TH, That in ptirfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confederation of the fum of 8oo/.of lawful, &c. by the faid Edward Roe \\\ his own proper perfon to the faid James Prince, in his own proper perfon, in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, out of which faid fum of 8oo/. he the faid James Prince immediately after receiving the fame, paid to d. R. of, &c. the fum of /. for attendances refpeting the grant- ing the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting 'the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for the expences of the furrender hereinafter covenanted to be made, -and for preparing and mrolling a memorial of the faid feveral fecurities, the receipt whereof he the faid James Prince doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof, doth ac- quit, releafe, and difcharge, the faid Edward Roe, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, and every of them for ever, by thefe prefents; he the faid James Prince DOTH hereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors, Covenant that -and adminiftrators, and for the faid Mary his wife, JSSSw'tiL covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid copyhold pre- Edward Roe, his heirs and afligns, that they the faid miles - James Prince and Mary his wife, and all other perfon and perfons having any eftate or intereft therein, {hall itiul will at the requeft of the faid Edtvar-d Roe, his iieirs, executors, or adminiftrators, but at die proper cofts and charges of the faid James Prince, furrender into the hands of the lord or lords, lady or ladies of -the faid manor of E. for the time being, according to Totheufeof the cuftom of the faid manor, all (State the premifes). grantor fur To the ufe of the faid Edward Roe, his heirs and af- u fiens for ever, at the will of the lord or lords, lady or rT ., & ,. ' . ... Upon confide-- fvuiies, according to the cuitom ot the laid manor; ration that if UPON CONDITION ncvcrthclefs, That if the faid storihmiid iv r> i i n- i-i 1011 11 P*y annuity fames Prince, his hews or a'mgns did and iliould well agreeable to the and truly pay or caufe to be paid the faid annuity, or DO - lJ > tlie " lhe ir ' i ^ .. i ; >., lurrendei to oe yearly fum of ioo/. in mnner-aud form in the laid void. -*ecittd-bond mentioned and appointed for payment 3 thereof, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. And in default thereof, then the faid furrender fhould be void. ANI> !Ut ' it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that in cafe default (hall be made in payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. according to the condition of the faid recited bond herein before mentioned, then and in fuch Grantee to cafe, he the faid Edward Roe, his heirs and affigns, ft md icifed of {h a ll ftand fcifed and poffeffed of the faid feveral mef- ie prerai ts. f ua g e9 ^ tenements, cottages, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, herein before mentioned and covenanted to Upo^miftta be furrendered, UPON TRUST, by and out of the an mi it v and rents, iflues, and profits of the faid feveral meffuages, expences, and tenements, cottages, lands, hereditaments, and pre- fabjeit thereto /- i v r j L r j j in tVuft for miles herein before covenanted to be lurrendered, or grantor. an y p ar t or parts thereof, or by mortgage or fale there- of, or of any part or parts thereof, or by all or any of the fame ways or means, or by fuch other ways and means as to him the faid Edward Roe, his heirs or af- figns fhall feeiri meet, raife, and levy fuch fum and fums of moijey as fhall be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fecured by the faid bond, or fo much thereof as fhall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid at the days and times in and by the faid condition to the faid bond or obligation mentioned and appointed; And alfo all fuch mm and fums 6f^ money, loffes, cofts, charges, da- mages, and expences, (if any) as theJaid-.^W-ow^ Roe* his licirs, executors, administrators, or affigns, or any of them, fhall pay fuftain expend or be put unto, for or by reaibn or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the manner in and by the faid condition to the faid bond appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby declared or expreffed of and concern- ing the faid premifes herein before covenanted to be furrendered, or otherwife howfoever relating thereto-, And fhall and do retain, pay, and apply the monies fo to be received in payment and fatisfa&ion thereof ac- cordingly, and fubjecl: to the trufts aforefaid, the faid feveral meffuages, tenements, cottages, lands, heredi- tament^ APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 35 1 Taments, and premifes, herein before covenanted to be lurrendered, (hall be in truft for the faid James Prince, his heirs and affigns. (Add covenant to pay annuity^ and alfo the covenants for the title, quiet enjoyment, sV. as in the preceding Precedent; and the defeafance on the judg- ment.} AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the ciaufe for re~ purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo'. rurchafe after . tne expiration herein before mentioned, it was mutually agreed bySof turee ,'eus, and between the faid James Prince and Edward Roe, "r'g'ving rf.-t ^ , ,- , v y r,- 7 . i i j ilx m^ntns no- ihat the laid fames Prince, his heirs, executors, or ad- tics' and repp.y- jminiftrators, mould at any time after the expiration of ; "S the pnnci- die fpace or time of three years from the date hereof, or in default of but not fooner at his or their own pleafure, be at li- nolll - e n pay- r i_.r JL ..i. /- i Hi jnt or pr nci- berty to re-purchale and buy up the laid annuity, or p a j an d haif a yearly fum of TOO/, upon giving unto the faid Edward ieai' Roe, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fix ca- lendar months notice in writing of fuch his or their intention, and upon paying unto the faid Edward a-, his executors, adminiftrators, or aflig'ns, the full fum . of 8oo/. being "the original purchaie-moi^ey of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the cqnfideration or fuch re-purchafe of the faid annuity of loo/, together with all arrears that mould be due on the fame, and a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of pay- - v ment thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up to and un- til the re-purchafing the fame, or iii^lie the faid James Prince, his heirs, executors, or adJniniitrators, ihould be minded and defirous of re-purchafmg the faid an- nuity, or yearly fumof ioo/. and mould, not give fuch lix calendar months notice, then that he the laid James Prince, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, ihould ut any time after the expiration of the faid fpace of three years, but not fooner, at his or their own pica- fure, be at liberty rx re-purchafe and buy up the faid annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. upon paying unto the laid Ed-ward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, the full fum of 8507. being the original pur- chafe-money and two quarterly payments of the faid annuity of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ as and for the confideration of fuch re-purchafe of the faid annuity of ioo/. together with all arrears that {hould i be 352 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. be due on the fame, and a proportionable part thereof, from the lail day of payment thereof preceding fuch rr-purchafe tip to and until the re-purchafing the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT;. NESSETH, That for the effefltiiating the faid laft men- tioned agreement, and for the confiderations afbrefaid, it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, to be the true interit arid meaning of thefe prefents, and of the faid parties* and the faid Edward Roe for himfelf, his heirs, ex- ecutors, adminiflrators, and affigns, doth hereby cove- nant, promife, and agfee to and with the faid James prince, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of diem, that in cafe the faid "James Prince, his heirs, executors, or adminiilrators, mall at any time after the expiration of the fpace or time of three years from the date hereof, but not fooner, be minded and defirous of re-purchafing the faid annuity, or yearly fum of TOO/, and of fuch his or their intention {hall give unto the faid Edward Roe, his executors, admi- niilrators, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of fix calendar months, that he the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiflrators or affigns mall and will at the expiration of fuch fix calendar months, ffbm the time fuch notice mail be given as laft aforefaid, on re- ceiving all and every fuch fum and fums of money whatsoever, that mall be then due for the arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. together with a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of pay- inent thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up td the day of re-purchafmg the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the laid turn of 8oo/. as and in full for the re-purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of I oo/. fecured as aforefaid, but in cafe the faid James Prince, his heirs, executors, or adminiftratofs, from and after the faid fpace or time of three years, but not (boner, {hall be minded and defirous of re-purchafing 1 the faid annuity, or. yearly fum of ioo/. and mail not give fuch fix calendar months notice in writing, then that he, the faid Ed-ward Roe, his executors, adminif- trators, or aifigns fhall and .will on receiving all and every APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 353 every fum and fums of money whatfoever, that {hall be then due for the arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. together with a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up to the day of re-pur- chafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 8507. as and in full for the re-purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fecured as aforefaid ; And on receipt of either of the faid fums as the cafe may happen and all arrears of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. fecured as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid fhall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid 'James Prince^ his heirs, executors, or admi- niftrators, deliver up the faid bond to the faid James Prince^ his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, to be cancelled, and acknowledge, or cauie fatisfation to be acknowledged on the record of the faid judgment, that ihall be entered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, and re-furrender the faid premifes herein before covenanted to "be furrendered unto the faid "James Prince, his heirs and affigns, or as he or they ihall order, direct, or appoint, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and the powers and authorities herein contained for recovering the fame and enforcing the payment thereof fhall ceafe, determine, and be void, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wife wotwithftanding. In witnefs, &c. A A CHAP. C 354 ] CHAP. XII. Partiss. nuitv. GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON PERSONAL PROPERTY, WHERE THE GRANTORS HAVE AN ABSOLUTE IN- TEREST. No XXIX. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Life of Grantee and another, fecured by a Transfer of 3 per Cents, '(which Grantor is unwilling to fell x / out} into the Names of Grantor, Grantee, and another, and a Declaration of the Truft thereof accordingly; with a Claufe of Re* demotion at the Expiration of One Year, upon Payment of Half a Years Annuity.* 1 V J J 3 HIS INDENTURE made the day of &c. between Robert Spratt, of . Efq. of the firft part; Richard Bolt, of Efq. of the fe- cond part; and Robert Wagg> of Lincoln's Inn, in the Recital of con- county of Middle/ex, gent, of the third part. WHERE- raa for an- AS the faid Richard Bolt hath contra&ed and agreed with the faid Robert Spratt> for the abfolute purchafe * This deed requires no inrollment, being excepted by the 8tli fec- tion of the adt, and on which account the formalities required in other cafes in Itating the consideration are here omitted, but as the grantor can have no recourfe to a memorial in order to fee what he has executed, he fhould have a counter part of the deed. of APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 355 of one annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. to be paid to the laid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminif- trators, and afiigns, free from all taxes and deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural lives of the fa id Richard Bolt, and st. B. and the life of the iurvivor, or longer liver of them, at or for the price or fum of 8oo/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the pur- And for fecur- chafe of the fa id annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. Itock Should b it was agreed between the faid Robert Spratt and Rich- transterreik ard Bolt, that for the more effectually fecuring the payment thereof unto the faid Richard Bolt, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, the fum of 3333/- 6s. 8d. three per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, ihould be transferred into the joint names of the faid Robert Spratt, Richard Bolt, and Robert Wagg, upon the fe- veral trufts and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefled and declared of and concerning the fame. AND WHEREAS in purfuance Recital of ftock of the faid agreement, the faid fum of 33337. 6s. ^ frawfliwdl 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, hath been ac- cordingly transferred into the joint names of them the faid Robert Spratt, Richard Bolt, and Robert Wagg t and the fame is now {landing in their joint names in the books kept at the Bank of England for entering transfers of fuch ftock. NOW THIS INDENTURE Confideraclon, WITNESSETH, that for and in confideration of the fum of 8oo/. of lawful money of Great Britain to the laid Robert Spratt, in hand well and truly paid by the faid Richard Bolt, at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, being in full for theabfolute purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. the receipt whereof the faid Robert Spratt doth hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe, exonerate, and for ever difcharge the laid Richard Bolt, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and alligns, and every of them by thefe prefents, he the faid Robert Spratt, for him- fclf, his heirs, executors, and admiaiftrators, IIATH given, granted, bargained, fold and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH, &c. unto the faid Richard S Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for nuity ' A A * and 356 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and during the joint natural lives of the faid Richard Bolty and A. B. and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatfoever, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. unto the faid Richard Bolty his executors, ad- rainiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natu- ral lives of the faid Richard Bolt and A. B. and the life of the furvivor of them, and to be paid and payable half yearly, unto him the faid Richard Bolt, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, at or in the Common Dining-Hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middle- J'ex, by two even and equal half yearly payments, be- tween the hours of ten and twelve of the clock in the forenoon, of the feveral and refpeHve days and times hereinafter mentioned, (that is to fay) on the day of and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions, during the joint lives of the faid Richard Bolt and A. B. and the life of the fur- vivor of them; the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the : day of next enfuing the day of the date of thefe prefents, free from allde- du&ions and abatements whatfoever, together with a proportionable part of fuch annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. for the time which {hall elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment preceding the deceafe of the furvivor of them, the faid Richard Bolt and A. B. to the time of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, which pro- portionable part he the faid Robert Spratt for himfelf his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, DOTH here- by covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminiftrntors, and affigns, that he the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns, (hall be intitled to be paid accord- ingl y- AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER transferred is WITNESSETH, And it is hereby declared and agreed by and between all and every the faid parties hereto, and it is the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents and of the faid parties, that they the faid Robert Spratt, Richard Bolt t and Robert ff'agg, their executors, ad- mmiilrators, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 357 miniftrators, and afligns, {hall ftand and be poflefled of and interefted in the faid fum of 3333/. 6s. Sd. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, upon the feveral trufts and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefled and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST Upon truft out that they the faid Robert Spratt, Richard Bolt, and Ro- of dividends, or bert Wagg, or the furvivors or furvivor of them, or the O f principaL rt executors, adminiftrators, or afligns of fuch furvivor, lhall and do by with and out of the interefl, dividends, To pay annuity and annual produce of the faid fum of 33337. 6s. Sd. J^f* of 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, or by fale or transfer of /a competent part of the faid fum of 3333/ 6s. Sd. or by both or either of the ways and means, from time to time for and during the natural lives of the faid Richard Bolt and A. B. and the life of the furvivor of them, raife and pay to the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of i oo/. at the place, days and times, and in manner herein before men-, tioned and appointed for payment thereof; And alfo fliall and do by both or either of the faid ways and means, raife and pay or retain all the cofts, charges and expences, which they the faid Robert Spratt, Rich' ard Bolt, and Robert Wagg, or any of them, their or any of their executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, (hall or may fuffer, fuftain, expend, or be put unto for or by reafon or means or on account of the non-payment of the faid annuity,or yearly fum of ioo/. and fuch pro- portionable part thereof as aforefaid, or any part thereof, or of the trufts hereby vefted or repofed in them, or any of them. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST And to pay or that they the faid Robert Spratt, Richard Bolt and Ro- permit the _,, ' . . , . , n grantor to re- bert lYagg, their executors, admmiltrators, or afligns, ceiverefidue do and lhall pay to or permit and fuffer the faid Robert ( if an x)- Spratt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, to receive and take the refidue (if any) of the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fum of 3333^ ^' 8^* which fhall during the joint lives of the faid Richard Bolt and ^. B. remain after payment of the faid annuity, and fuch cofts, charges and expences A A 3 as 358 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. grantor. Covenant to pay annuity. as aforefaid, to and for his and their own ufe and be-. ceaefthc ne ^' And ^" a ^ an( * c ' a ^ ter tne <^ ecea f e f tne ^ ur " furvivor trans- vivor of them the faid Richard Bolt and A. B. transfer ferthe ftockto r h e faid fum of ??/ 6s. 8d. 7 per cent, confolidated . . JJ-JJ J * . r Bank annuities, or lo much thereof as ihall remain utter payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, and all fuch cofts, charges and expences as aforefaid, unto the faid Robert Sprati, his executors, adminiftrators, and a-fligns, to and for his and their own proper ufe and benefit. AND the faid Robert Spratt for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, DOTH hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, admimftrators, and afligns, that he the faid Robert Spratt, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, ihall and will well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid Richard Bolt, his exe^ cutors, admmi-ftratorSj or afllgns, for and during the natural lives of them the faid Richard Bolt and A, B. and the life of the furvivor of them, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of I oo/. free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, rates, and other deductions whatfo* ever, parliamentary or otherwife, at the place, days, and times, and in manner and form herein before ap- pointed for the payment thereof, together with a pro- portionable part of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor of them the laid Richard Bolt and A- B. fh all have elapfed of the half yearly payment of the fame annuity growing due at the time of the deceafe of fuch fur- vivor. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/, hereinbefore mentioned, it was mutually agreed by and between the faid Robert Spratt and Richard Bolt, that the faid Robert Sprait, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhould at any time or times after the expiration of one year from the day of the date of thefe prefcnts, at his or their own pleafure, be at liberty to re-purchafe and buy up the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. upon giving unto the faid Richa-'d Bolt, his executors, adrn.irriftrators, or afligns, feven days notice. Fec^tal of a- grecment for re-purchafe. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 359- notice in writing of fuch his or their intention, and upon paying unto the faid Richard Bolt, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, or affigns, the full fum of 850^ being the original purchafe money, and half a year's annuity, of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the confideration-money for fuch re-purchafe of thefaid annuity, together with all arrears that fhall be due on the faid annuity, and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up to and until the re-purchafing the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE FURTHER ciaufe for re WITNESSETH, That for effectuating the faid recited agreement and for the confiderations aforefaid, it is' f one year on hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid half-year's parties to thefe prefents, to be the true intent and annuity, and meaning of thefe prefents and of the faid parties ; And the faid Richard Bolt for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Robert Spratt, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, and every of them, that in cafe the faid Robert Spratt, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, {hall at any time after the expiration of one year from the day of the date of thefe prefents, be minded and defirous of re-purchafing the faid an- nuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. and of fuch his or their intention fhall give unto the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of feven days, that he the faid Richard Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhall and will at the end of the faid feven days from the time fuch notice fhall be given as aforefaid, on receiv- ing all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that fhall be then due for the arrears of the faid an- nuity, together with a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch re-pur- chafe up to the day of re purchafmg the fame as afore- faid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 8507. as and in full for the re-purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. herein before granted as aforefaid j and on receipt of the faid fum of 85 o/. and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. here- A A 4 in APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. in before granted as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable- part thereof as aforefad, (hall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Robert Spratt, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, deliver up thefe prefents to the faid Robert Spratt, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, to be can- celled, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. and the trufts herein before de- clared for fecuring the fame, fhall be void; and then and at any time afterwards .he faid fum of 33337. 6s. 8d. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, or fo much thereof as (hall not have been fold and difpofed of for the payment of the faid annuity, fhall at the requeft, cofts, and charges of the faid Robert Spratt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, be transferred to the faid Robert Spratt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. In witnefs, &c. No- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 361 No. XXX. G R A x T of A N N u i T Y for Three Lives, and an Aflignment of a Legacy, and the Moiety of the Rejldue of a Perfonal Eftate (in which a former Annuitant joins} to a Truftee, In Trufl to inveji a certain Sum at Intereft, for the Purpofe of paying both Annuities ; with a Covenant from the Executor that he will pay fuch Sum to a Tniftee, or redeem the An- nuities, agreeable to the Terms of Redemp- tion, and in the mean Time to keep down the growing Payments.* THIS INDENTURE of five parts, made the day of &c. between Charles Peck, of, &c. parties. of the firft part; Barnes Mill, &c. of the fecond part; Patrick Dann, of, &c. of the third part ; Jofeph Radd, (heretofore called Jofeph Peck, the elder) of the fourth part; and Robert White, of, &c. of the fifth part: WHEREAS William Radd, late of, &c. Efq. de- Recital of a ceafed, in and by his laft will and teftament in writing, wj 11 and cedi- ' , , f P cil whereby bearing date on or about the r day or in the grantor is the year of our Lord after bequeathing divers '""tied to a r .L . . \ . r . fpecific ICMCV ipecinc and pecuniary legacies, and deviling certain anf ] to a moiety real eftates therein mentioned, as to for and concern- ( the refidue ing all the reft and refidue of his goods, cattle, chat- j ier ibnai eitate, tels, ready money, debts, and fecurities for money, on his attaining plate, houfhold goods, linen, and all other his per- years? 6 *The trufts created by this deed are not likelv to be carried into ex- ecution, for it cannot be fuppofed but that the grantor will cunfentto redeem the annuities fo foon as the fund atfigned will enable him fo to do. fonal 362 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fottal eftate and effects whatfoever and wherefoever, and of what nature, kind, or quality foever the fame might be, and not therein before by his will given and difpofed of (after payment of his debts, funeral ex- pences, and legacies therein before by him bequeathed, and the expences of proving and regiftering his will) he gave and bequeathed the fame and every part there- of, in manner in the faid will mentioned; and the faid teflator did by his faid will appoint the faid Jofeph RadJ, then Jofeph Peck, fole executor thereof. AND WHEREAS the faid William Radd duly and pnblifhed a certain writing or codicil to his faid will, the codicil bearing date the day of in the year of our Lord and thereby after taking notice that he had in and by his faid will (among other things) after payment of his debts, funeral expences, and legacies by him given and bequeathed in and by his faid will, and the expences of proving and regifter- ing the fame, given and bequeathed all the reft, refi- then a proportionable part of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45 /. to be computed from the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital, to the day of the death of fuch fur- vivor; But in cafe any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 457. fhould have become due at the time of the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Mill and Robert Webby then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of 457. as fhould happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of fuch furvivor or to the day of his deceafe. AND ALSO RECITING, That for better fecuring the pay- 4 ment APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 365 ment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45 /. the faid Ckarlfs Peck, had executed a. warrant of attorney, bearing even date with the faid bond and the now re- citing indenture, thereby authoring and empowering certain attornies therein named to confefs a judgment againft him in his Majefly's Court of King's Bench, in an action of debt upon the faid bond for the faid fum of 72o/. and cofts of fuit. AND FURTHER RE- CITING, That upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 457. it was agreed that the right and intereft of him the faid Cbar.'es Feck, of in and to the faid legacy, or fum of 5oo/. and alfo of in and to the moiety of the refidue of the per- ional eltate and effects of the faid Wi'.iiam Radd, de- ceafed, which he the faid Charles Peck was then inti- tled unto, fhould be affigned unto the faid James Mill^ in truft for better fecuring the payment of the faid an- nuity. IT IS WITNESSED, that in confideration of the fum of 360!. to the faid Charles Peck by the faid James Mill, in hand paid, being the confideration for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 45/. he the faid Charles Peck did bargain, fell, affign, transfer and fet over unto the faid James Mill, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, all that the faid legacy or fum of joo/. and allb the moiety or half part of the refidue of the perfonal eftate of the faid William Radd deceafed, to which he the faid Charles Peck was become intitled under and by virtue of the faid recited codicil of the laid William Radd, and al! the right, title, and intereit of him the faid Charles Peck, both at law and in equity, of in and to the fame and every part thereof, upon the trulls and to and for the ends, intents and purpofes therein declared and hereinafter mentioned concerning the fame, (that is to fay) IN TRUST in the firfl place, as and when the fame fhould become payable, to retain to himfelf the faid James Mill,, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45/. at the days and times in the condition to the faid bond or obligation mentioned, and after retaining to himfelf all expences attending the receiving and collecting the fame, 366 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fame, to pay the furplus thereof unto the faid Charles Peck, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, or to fuch other perfon as he Ihould order, direct, or ap- point ; And after reciting that upon the treaty for the purchafe of the fnid annuity, or yearly fum of 45/. therein before mentioned, it was mutually agreed by and between the faid Charles Peck and James Mill, that the faid Charles Peck, fhould at any time thereafter be at liberty to re-purchafe and buy up the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 457. upon giving unto the faid James Mi'!, his executors, administrators, or affigns, ten days notice of fuch his intention, and upon paying unto the faid 'James Mill, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned therein, the full fum of 382/. iox. being the original purchafe-money, and half a year's annuity, of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the con- fideration of fuch re-purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 457. together with all arrears that mould be due on the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 457. and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of pay- ment thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up to and until the re-purchiifmg the fame. IT IS FURTHER WIT- NESSED, That for effectuating the faid laft mentioned agreement, it is thereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thofe prefents, to be the true intent and meaning of thofe prefents and of the faid parties; And the faid James Mill for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, did thereby co- venant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Charles Peck, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigna, that in cafe the laid Charles Peck fhould at any time there- after be minded and defirous of re-purchafing the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 457. and of fuch his inten- tion fliould give unto the faid James Mill, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of ten days, that he the faid James Mill, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, mould and would at the end of the faid ten days from the time fuch no- tice fliould be given as aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that fhould be APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 367 be then due for the arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45/. together with a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch re-purchafe up to the day of re-purchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 3827. los. as and in full for the re-purchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45 /. therein before granted as aforefaid j And on receipt of the faid fum of 3827. IOJ-. and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 45/. therein before granted as aforefaid, and fuch proportionabe part thereof as aforefaid, mould and would at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Charles Peck, deliver up the faid bond to the faid Charles Peck to be cancelled, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 45 /. and the powers and remedies thereby given for recover- ing the fame and enforcing the payment thereof, and the trufts therein before declared for fecuring the fame, fhould ceafe, determine and be void. AND WHERE- Recital of con- AS the faid Patrick Dann hath contraded and agreed J^hrfe "rf with the faid Charles Peck for the abfolute purchafe of annuity tor the an annuity, or clear yearly fum of 8o/. of lawful, Sec. to be paid to the faid Patrick Dann, his executors, ad- miniilrators, and affigns, for and during the natural lives of him the faid Patrick Dunn, and of the faid Ro- bert Webb, and the life of the furvivor of them, to- gether with fuch eventual proportionable part of the fame annuity as hereinafter mentioned, at or for the price or fum of 6407. out of which, &c. (State ex- pencesj. AND WHEREAS it was agreed upon the which is treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear ^ cu f ^ %F y yearly fum of 8o/. that the fame mould be fecured by a ndrefi*<3 the bond or obligation of the faid Charles Peck, and by perfonal a warrant of attorney for confefTmg a judgment there- on, and upon the faid legacy or fum of 500'. and the moiety of the refidue of the perfonal eftate of the faid William Radd deceafed, to which he the faid Char'es Peck is become intitled under and by virtue of the faid will or codicil as aforefaid, after deducting thereout the money fo advanced by the faid Jofepb Radd on the account aforefaid, in manner hereinafter mentioned. ANI> 368 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. A lkl2S?hath AND WHEREAS the faid Charles Peck hath applied LVen made to to and requefted the faid James Mill to join with him theiirft annul- j n afli^niiicr the faid legacy, or fum of coo/, and alfo tSUU toioin ill . .- , r i n. r i / i TIS-,,- affignment up- the moiety of the perfonal eitate of the faid William on the truits a( M deccafed, unto the faid Robert White t his execu- ed. ' " tors, adminiftrators, and affigns, upon the trufts and to and for the ends, intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, expreiTed and declared of and concerning Andthatthe the fame. AND WHEREAS all arrears of the faid nrlt annuitant , r / i_ i_ T T i .ath been paid annuity, or yearly lum of 457. have been duly paid nil arrears up and fatisfied unto the faid James Mill up to the 7th clay of September next enfuing the date hereof, which he the faid 'James Mill doth hereby admit and acknow- ledge. AND WHEREAS, (Recite bond and -warrant of attorney to Patrick Dann., as in Precedent No. VIII}. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That to a certain day. Grant of an- nuity. in further purfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confideration of the fum of 6407. of lawful money of Great Britain, by the faid Patrick Dann, in his own proper perfon, to the faid Char'es Peck, in his own proper perfon, in hand well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof he the faid Char'es Peck, doth hereby acknow- ledge, and thereof and of and from the fame and every part thereof doth acquit, releafe, and difcharge the faid Patrick Dann, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, and every of them by thefe prefents, he the faid Char'es Peck, HATH given, granted, bargained, fold, and confirmed, and by thefe prefeHts DOTH, &c. unto the faid Patrick Dann, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural lives of them the faid Patrick Dann and Robert Webb, and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity, or yearly fum of 8o7. of lawful money of Great Britain, free and clear of and from all taxes and deductions whatfoever, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive and enjoy the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. hereby given, granted and confirmed, or expreflcd fo to be and every part thereof, unto the faid Patrick Dann, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from henceforth for and during the natural lives of them the faid Patrick Dann APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 36 Dann and Robert Webb, and the life of the furvivor of them, and up to the day of the deceafe of fuch fur- vivor, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, on the feveral days following, (that is to fayl on the - day, &c. by even and equal portions, to- gether with fuch proportionable part of the faid an- nuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Patrick Dann and Robert Webb, (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of .the faid annuity, growing due at the time of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, as in the condition to the faid herein before in part recited bond or obliga- tion, bearing even date with thefe prefents mentioned, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. to be fo paid and payable to him the faid Patrick Dann, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and afligns, at or in the Common Dining Hall of Lincoln's Inn in the county of Middle- fex, free and clear of and without making any abate- ment or deduction whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpecl: of any taxes, charges, afleflments, payments, or other impofitions whatfoever, now taxed, charged, aflefled, or impof- cd, or to be taxed, charged, aflefled, or impofed upon the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. or any part thereof, or upon the faid Patrick Dann, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, or afligns, in refpecl: thereof, by authority of parliament or otherwife howfoever ; And the firft of the faid quarterly payments of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. to begin and be made on the day next enfuing the date of thefe prefents, and fuch proportionable part to be paid immediately after the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Patrick Dann and Robert Webb, which faid annuity hereby granted is the fame annuity meant to be fecured by the bond of even date herewith. AND Covenant to the faid Charles Peck for himfelf, his heirs, executors, pay aruiulty - and adminiftrators, doth hereby covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Patrick Dann, his exe- cutors, adminiftrators, and afligns, that he the faid Charles Peck, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhall and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto rhe faid Patrick Dann, his executors, adniiniftra- BB rors, 37 a APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tors, and afiigns, for and during the natural lives of them the laid Patrick Dann and Robert Webb, and the life of the furvivor of them, the faid annuity* or yearly fum of 8o/. of lawful money of Great Bri- tain, free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, rates, and other deductions whatfoever, parliamentary or otherwife, at the days and times and in manner herein before mentioned and appointed for payment thereof,and unto theexecutors,adminiftrators,orafligns, of the laid Patrick Danit, fuch eventual proportionable part of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. as in the faid condition to the faid bond, bearing even date with thefe prefents, is mentioned. AND THIS IN- Affisnment of DENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH, That for cftateTy the consideration aforefaid, and for the further and the grantor and better fecuring the due and punctual payment of the prior annuitant,. ., . , f r o 7 i i_ .. j to a tniitee up- laid annuity, or yearly lum or 8o/. hereby granted as on mift, there- aforefaid, and fecured by the faid bond as aforefaid, out to mvelt i 1 r i i r r j r i 3000). upon fe-and the faid annuity, or yearly turn of 45.'. iecurea to urity at inte- the faid James Mill as aforefaid ; And alfo for and in he'refidue to consideration of the fum of io.f. a piece of like lawful grantor, and money to them the faid James Mill and Charles Peck., tereftinthe * n hand well and truly paid by the faid Robert White, lirft place to a t or before the feaiing and delivery of thefe prefents pa v nm annul- , , . , <- i i i t "i i, i i rant his annul- (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) he the ty, and then the f a id Jatnes Mill (at the nomination and by the direc- prefent one. . J . . rir-in-;rx n- and to pay the tion and appointment or the laid rat>icx Darin, teiti- furplusofthe fi e d by his being made a party to and executing thefe intcrcit to pr^n- tor, and upon prefents) HATH bargained, fold, afligned, transfer- determination rec i an j f et over, and by thefe prefents DOTH bar- ot either of an- . /- n rr r \~? A i i r i nuiries, to g ain > & allign, transicr, and let over; Ann the iaid t anstera Charles Peck (at the like nomination and by the like blepartor direction) HATH granted, bargained, fold, afligned, principal to ratified and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH grantor, and . / rr < i r upon the tie- grant, bargain, lell, amgn, ratify and confirm unto urmmation, of ^ Q fa<{ Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators, both the whole. , -,- n i !<-' 'i r r and ailigns, all that the laid legacy or ium of ^oo,, and the moiety or half part of the refidue of the per- Ibnal eftate of the faid fi/'iUiam Radd deceafed, to which he the faid Charles Peck is become intitled under and by virtue of the faid recited codicil of the faid William APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. after a dedu&ibn of the fai'd fum of 59TT i i:ey ro receive by theie prelents DO1H make, ordain, nominate, the money of conftitute, and appoint the faid Robert White, his ex- executnr under \ -n i rr i , 11 tiie will ecutors, aumimltrators, and aiugns, his true and law- ful APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ful attorney and attornies, irrevocable for him the faid Charles Peck and in his name, place, and (lead, to afk, demand, fue for, and recover, of and from the faid Jofeph Radd as the fole executor named in the faid will of the faid William Radd deceafed, as afoi'efaid, the faid legacy or fum of 5007. and alfo the moiety or half part of the refidue of the perfonal eftate and effects of the faid William Radd deceafed, to which he the faid Charles Peck is intitled as aforefaid, after allowing thereout unto the faid Jofeph Radd the faid fum of 54 8/. or thereabouts, fo already paid by tke faid Jofeph Radd to the faid Charles Peck as aforelaid, and upon receipt thereof or of any part thereof receipts, acquittances, and difcharges for the fame, to give either in the name of him the faid Charles Peck, or in the name of him the faid Robert White, and one or more attorney or attornies under him to fubftitute and appoint for the purpofes aforefaid, and for what lie the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiitrators, or afligns fliall lawfully do or caufe to be done in and about the pre- mifes, this ihall be to him and them a fufficient war- rant and authority. AND the faid James Mill doth covenant that hereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminif- the lirft annui- trators covenant and declare to and with the faid Robert ^Ift^* 9 White, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, That cumber, he the faid James Mill hath not at any time heretofore made done or committed, or wittingly or willingly per- mitted or fuffered to be done any aetter and more effectually and abfolutely fecuring the y.aleirate&ail payment of the faid two annuities, or clear yearly fums hSSmw f 45/> and 8o ' aud alfo for and in confideration of faid joooL or if the fum of lO.f. of lawful, &c. to the faid Jofeph Radd an!S S C fhali e ' iT1 h . 3nd P aid b ^ the faid Robert M /Mfe > at or bsfore the be exifting, a fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; he the laid "Jofeph upon fecurity tn the ^ a fo efiiJ, or orficnvife redeem me anniuUCS as a f ter e^i-eUcd, aini Wtt^ down U 4 ;;imu1ties ia the mean time. ' Radd APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Radd (at the requeft and by the direction and appoint- ment of the faid Charles Peck, James Mill, and Patrick Dann, teftified by their fevevally being parties to and refpelively executing thefeprefents), DOTH for him- felf, his heirs, executors, and adminiflrators, cove- nant, promife, declare, and agree to and with the faid Robert White, his executors, administrators, and af- figns, by thefe prefents, That he the faid Jofeph Radd fhall and will from time to time as the refidue of the perfonal eftate of the faid William Radd (hall come to the hands of him the faid 'Jofeph Radd, as executor as aforefaid, by and out of fuch part of the perfonal eftate of the faid William Radd as is bequeathed by the faid codicil to the faid Charles Peck, and the intereit thereof after deducting the faid fum of 548'. or thereabouts, already paid by the faid Jofeph Radd to the faid Charles Peck as aforefaid, in cafe both the faid annuities of 45, ; . and 8o/. fhall be then fubfifting, pay or caufe to be paid the faid fum of 3000'. or if only one of the faid annuities mail be then fubfifting, a proportionable part thereof unto the faid Robert White, his executors or adminiflrators, or inveil the fame in good, real, or government fecurities, in his or their name or names, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and pur- pofes and under and fubject to the provifaes, decla- rations, and agreements herein before and hereinafter declared and exprefled of and concerning the fame, or otherwife fhall and will redeem the faid annuities, or fuch one of them as (hall be then fubfifting accord- ing to the terms and in the manner hereinafter ex- prefled, and in the mean time pay and keep down the faid annuities, or fuch one of them as (hall be then fub- fifting, fo far as the fhare of the faid Charles Peck of and in the perfonal eftate fo to be received, and the in- tereft thereof after fuch deduction as aforefaid (hall extend. {Add defeasance on judgment to Patrick and clai/fe of redemption of annuity to Patrick and alfo claufe of redemption of annuity to James Mill], In witnefs, &c. BB 4 CHAP. 375 [ 37* CHAP. XIII. GRANTS OF ANNUITY CHARGED UPON FREEHOLD ESTATES, WHERE THE GRANTORS ARE SEISED IN FEE. No. XXXI. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Lives of three Perfons named by the Grantee, charged upon Eftates in Fee-firnple, and a Demife of the fame Premifes for 500 Years to a Tntjlec in Truji, for better fecuring the fame, and Power to redeem on Payment of Half Fears Annuity*. day of' 4Oth Geo 3, &c. 1799, between John Daffy, of Efq. of the firft part; John Fijher, of gent. of the fecond part ; and Henry Sharp, of the Inner Temple, London, gent, of the third part. WHEREAS * The yearly value of the eftates here demifed as a fecurity, being of greater value than the annuity granted, a memorial thereof need not be inrclJeri, being exempted 'by the 8th fe6tion .of the aft, as fuch the forms observed in other deeds are omitted ; ami therefore the grantor fhould have a counterpart of the fecurities, as the title-deeds of the eftates neceffarily accompany this fecurity. the con- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 377 the faid John Daffy is feifed in fee-fimple of and in the feveral mefluages or tenements, farms, lands, he- reditaments and premifes hereinafter mentioned and defcribed. AND WHEREAS the faid John Fijher Recital of hath contracted and agreed with the faid John Daffy traft for the for the ablblute purchafe of one annuity, or yearly purc a e> fum of 400/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid and payable unto the faid John Fljher, his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afligns, for and during the natural lives of A. B. of, &c. C. D. of, &c. and E. F. of, &c. and the lives and life of the iurvivors and furvivor of them, by four equal quarterly payments in the year, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity tor the time which fhall elapfe between the laft of fuch quarterly days of payment next pre- ceding the day of the death of the furvivor or longeft Jiver of them, the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the time of fuch furvivor or longeft liver's deceafe, at or for the price or fum of 3,6oo/. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 4-OO/. It was agreed by and between the laid John Daffy and John Fijher, That for the more effectually fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or clear yearly fum of 4OO/. unto the faid John Fijher, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, for and during the natural lives of the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the lives and life of the furvivors and furvivor of them, It was agreed that the fame fhould be fecured by the bond or obligation of the faid John Daffy, and by a warrant of attorney, to confefs a judgment thereon, and fhould be charged upon, and iituing and payable out of the feveral mef- fuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereinafter mentioned, and defcribed in man- ner hereinafter mentioned. AND that for the further and better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 4OO/. It was agreed that the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, farms, lands, here- ditaments, and premifes, (hould be dcmifed unto the faid Henry Sharpe, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for the term of 500 years UPON TRUST, 4 for APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. for better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 4OO/. in manner hereinafter men- Recital of an- tioned - AND WHEREAS in purfuance of the Huity boaid.' faid agreement, the faid "John Daffy, by his bond or obligation in writing, under his hand and feal, bearing even date with thefc prefents, hath become bound unto the faid John Fijher, his executors, adminiftra- tors, and afligns, in the penal fum of 7,20O/. with a condition thereunder written for making void the fame, if the faid John Dajffy^ his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid John Fi/her, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for and during the natural lives of them the laid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the lives and life of the furvivors and furvivor of them one annuity, or yearly fum of4OO/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all de- ductions whatever on four days or times in the year ; that is to fay, the day of the day of the day of - and the day of . in every year, by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital ; And alfo, if the faid John Daffy, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid John Fijher, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, in cafe the furvivor or longeft liver of them, the laid A. B. C. D. and E. F. fhould depart this life on any day on which any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 4'' lK Z the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 400/. unto the faid John Fijher^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural Jives of the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the life of the furvivor or longeft liver of them j AND alfo for and in conlidera- tion of the fum of lOi. of lawful money of Great Britain by the faid Henry Sharpe to the faid John Daffy, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, in hand well and truly paid at or before ther leal ing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid John Daffy (with the confent and approbation, and by the direction and appointment of the faid "John F'tjber, teftified by his being made a party to and fealing and delivery of thefe prefents) HATH granted, bargained, fold, and demifed, and by thefe prefents DOTH grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto the faid Henry Sharpe^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, General words. ALL, (State the parcels) together with all houfes, outhoufes, edifices, buildings, barns, ftables, yards, gardens, orchards, woods, underwoods, commons, feed- ings, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, heredi- taments, and premifes belonging or in anywife apper- taining ; AND the reverlion and reverfions, remain- der and remainders, yearly and other rents, ifTues, and profits thereof, and of every part thereof; AND all the eftate, right, title, intereft, ufe, truft, poffeflion, property, inheritance, benefit, claim and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity, of him the faid "John Daffy, of in to or out of the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereby granted and demifed, or intended fo to be, and every part or parcel thereof refpecStively, H.ibendvmfor TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and fmgular the i^ns^waile ^^ ^ evera ^ meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, he- v.pon truft 'to reditaments, and premifes hereby granted, bargained, permit grantor f o jj an j dermfecl, and intended fo to be, with their toenjoy all de- .' ,. . .' ' . . . T , fault of pay- and every ot their appurtenances, unto the laid Henry ment. Sharps^ his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, from heneforth for and during, and unto the full end and term of 500 years, without impeachment of wafte ; BUT NEVERTHELESS UPON THE SEVE- RAL TRUSTS, and to and for the ends, intents, and purpofes, and under and fubjecT: to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements hereinafter declared and expreffed of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON TRUST, to permit and fuf- fer the faid .John Daffy, his heirs, and affigns, to re- ceive A^ENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, 385 reive and take the yearly and other rents, ifllles, and profits of the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, to his and their own proper ufe and benefit, until default fhall happen to be made of or in the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 4-OO/. hereby granted, or fume part thereof, at or on the days or times and in manner herein before limited and appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. AND UPON FUR- And in default THER TRUST, That in cafe the faid annuity,^ j^S^J yearly rent-charge, or fum 4OO/. or any part thereof, to !fe and pay ihall happen to be behind and unpaid by the fpace of^ 1 ^ out o 31 days next over or after any of the faid days or times of payment thereof, or whereon the fame is herein before limited and appointed, and ought to be paid as aforefaid, (being lawfully demanded) then and fo often the laid Henry Sbarpe^ his executors^ adminif- trators, and afligns fhall, from time to time, by and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of all and fingular the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, farms, landSj hereditaments, and premifes hereby demifed, or ex- prefled or intended fo to be, or by demifing, felling, leafing, or mortgaging the fame, or any part thereof, for and during ail or any part of the faid term of 500 years, or by fuch other ways or means as to him the faid Henry Sharpe^ his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns fhall feem meet, raife and levy fuch fum and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 40O/. or fa much thereof as fhall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid ; AND alfo all fuch fum and And all cofts, fums of money, lofs, cofts, charges, damages, and &c> expences (if any) as the faid 'John Fijher and Henry Shnrpe relpeclively, their executors, adminiftrators, or afigns, or any of them, fhall pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non- payment of the faid annuity or clear yearly rent- charge of 400/. or any part thereof, at or on the days or times and in the manner herein before ex- pre'fled or appointed for payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby declared or exprefled c c of 3 86 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. the gramor to receive the re- fiduebr the rents, &.c. "' of and concerning the laid premifes mentioned to be hereby demifed, or the taking pofleffion and collecting and receiving the rents, iffues, and profits thereof, or otherwifc howfoever relating thereto, and {hall and do p^y and apply the monies fo to be railed or levied in or towards the payment and fatisfaclion thereof accord- And to permit ingly, And (hall and do pay to, or otherwife permit and fu ff er the fa^ J ^ n Daffy, his heirs and affiens, r from time to time, to receive and take the relidue or furplus of the rents, iffues, and profits of the faid hereby demifed premifes, after full payment and fatis- faclion of the laid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of 40O/. and all arrears thereof, and allfuch cofts, charges, Damages, and expences as aforefaid, to and for his and Covenant that their own ufe and benefit. AND the laid John Daffy for himfelf > his heirs > executors, and adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid Henry Sharpe^ his executois, adminiftrators, and af- iigns, and every of them, by thefe prefents, in man- ner and form following, (that is to fay) That for and nouvithftanding any act, matter, or thing, by him the faid John Daffy done or committed to the con- trary, he the faid John Daffy, on the day of the date hereof, and at the time of the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, is and ftandeth lawfully feifed in his demelne of an abfolute and indefeafible eftate of inhe- ritance in fee-fimple, to the ufe of himfelf and his heirs, of and in the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes herein be^, fore mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, bargained, fold, and demifed, or intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof, without any manner of condition, ufe, truft, power, or limitation to alter, And hath full change, make void, or determine the fame. AND $ at he the & id John Daffy now hath in himfelf good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute authority by thefe prefents to charge all and fmgular the faid feve- ral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, and every part and parcel thereof herein before mentioned to be hereby demifed, with the pay- ment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of with the an- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 387 4oo/. to the faid John Pi/her^ his executors, adminif- trators, and affigns, during the natural lives of them the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the life of the furvivor or longeft liver of them, in manner afore- faid. AND ALSO to demife the feveral mefiuages And to demife or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and Pf mifes, snd every of them, and every part and parcel faid. thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the faid Henry Sbarpe, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for the faid term of 500 years, UPON THE TRUSTS and for the intents and purpofes herein before de- clared and exprefTed of and concerning the fame, ac- cording to the true intent and meaning of thefe pre- fents; AND that from and after default {hall happen A , nd in default , j c . c , r ., of payment of to be made or or in payment or the laid annuity, or annuity, tor yearly fum of AOO/. hereby granted, or any part Cruftee P e? - ce - '> , ; - & j '. '* r ably to enter thereof, contrary to the true intent and meaning of anc { r eceive t h* thefe prefents, the faid Henry Sharpe, his executors, rents u P on the adminiftrators, or afsigns, fhall and lawfully may truits peaceably and quietly enter into and upon, and have, hold, ufe, occupy, poflefs and enjoy all and fingular the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, and collect, receive, and take the rents, iflues, and profits thereof, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes herein before declared and exprefled of and concerning the fame, and that without any lawful let, fuit, trouble, denial, eviction, interruption, difturbance, claim or demand whatfoever of or by him the faid John Daffy , or his heirs, or by any other perfon or perfons whomfoever, and free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and difcharged, or otherwife by him the laid John Daffy, his heirs, exe- cutors, or adminiftrators, well and lufficiently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemnified of, from and againft all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales, leafes, mortgages, join- tures, dowers, titles of dower, ufes, trufts, wills, in- tails, rents and arrears of rent, ftatutes, recogni- zances, judgments, extents, executions, eftates, titles, barges and in cumbrances whatfoever, had, made, c c 2 done. 3 88 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. done, committed, or wittingly or willingly differed 1 by him the faid John Daffy, his heirs or afligns, or Andforfur- anv other perfon or perfons whomfoever. AND ''MOREOVER, That he the faid John Daffy and his heirs, and all and every other perfon and perfons whomfoever having, or lawfully or equitably claim- ins;, or who {hall or may hereafter have or lawfully or equitably claim any eftate, right, title, truft or inte- reft in to or out of the faid feveral meffuages or tene- ments, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed, with the appurtenances, or any part thereof, {hall and will, from time to time, and at all^lmes hereafter, upon every reafonable requeft of the faid Henry Sharpe, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, but at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid John Daffy, his heirs or afsigns, make, do, acknowledge, levy, fuffer, and execute, or caule or procure to be made, done, acknowledged, levied, fuf- fered and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable afts and deeds, convey- ances and affurances in the law whatfoever, not only for the further, better, more perfect, and abfolutely giving, granting, and confirming of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 40O/. hereby granted unto the faid John Fijher, his executors, adminiitra-- tors and afsigns, in manner aforefaid, but alfo for the further, better, and more effectually granting, de- mifmg and affuring of the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments and premifes, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Henry Sharpe, his executors, adminiftrators, and ailigns, for the remainder of the faid term of 500 years, UPON THE TRUSTS aforefaid, be the fame by fine or fines, common recovery or common recove- ries, or other matter of record, or otherwife how- foever, as by the faid Henry Sharps, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, cr any or either of them, or their, any or either of their counfel learned in the" Jaw fliall be reafonably devifed or advifed and re- quired. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. $89 ci ui red . ( Add defeasance on judgment. ) AN D Covenant far VITTTTTJ r- * P J \ r i \ r r i redemption on. WHJbKEAb upon the treaty tor the purchaie or toe payment of laid annuity, or yearly fum of 40O/. herein before f a year's mentioned, IT WAS MUTUALLY AGREED/" (Continue the covenant for redemption on payment of half a year's annuity) ; AND on receipt of the faid fum of 7,2OO/. and all arrears of the (aid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 400/. fecured as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, mail and will, at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid John Daffy, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, deliver up the faid bond to the faid jfobmtDaffyi his heirs, executors, adminiilrators, or affigns, to be cancelled and acknowledge, or caufe fatisfadtion to be acknowledged on the record of the {aid judgment that {hall be entered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of 40O/. and the powers and authorities herein contained for recovering the fame, and enforcing the payment thereof, fhall ceafe, determine, and be void. PRO- Provifo for VIDEO ALWAYS NEVERTHELESS, And it is^f^ hereby declared and agreed by and between all the death of annui- parties to thefe prefents. That from and after the de- tants > S re ' - r r i / i i r i i purchaung an- ceale or the lurvivor or longer liver or them tne n uity. faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and payment of all ar- rears of the fa ; .d annuity, clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of 40O/. and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, and all cods, charges, and expences attend- ing the execution of the aforefaid trufts, or upon the faid John Daffy, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns repurchafmg the faid annuity, as herein be- fore is exprcfled, then and from thenceforth the faid term of 500 years of and in the faid premifes, or fo much thereof as fhall not have been difpofed of for the purpofes aforefaid, {hall ceafe, determine and be utterly void to ail intents and purpofes, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. In witnefs, &c. c c 3 NQ. 390 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XXXII. GRANT of an ANNUITY for the Lives of the Grantee and two Others, charged on Efttatea of lefs yearly Value than the Annuity (Part whereof the Grantor is feifcdto himfelf in Fee, and the other Parts are limited to a Trujlec to fuch Ufes as he /hall appoint, with Remainder over to bar Dower and Convey- ance in Fee by Leqfe and Releqfc by the Grantor alone of the EJtatcs of which he is feifed to himfelf in Fee, and Conveyance in Fee by Leafe and Releqfe from the Truftee (by the Direction of the Grantor) and alfa the Conjirmation of the Grantor of the Premifes held to Ufes to a Trujlee, in Truft to fdl in Default of Payment of Annuity, containing fpecial Claufes as to Sale and Application of the Money, and Declaration- as to out/ianding Terms, and Claufe for Redemption *. Parties. THIS INDENTURE of five parts, made the day 40111 Geo. III. 1799, between * This eftate being of lefs yearly value than the annuity, requires to have a memorial inrplled, the fame not coming within the excep- tion of the eighth fe&ion of the annuity art. It is alfo here obferv- able, that although the trufts of the deed are to fell any part of the eftate conveyed ro pay the annuity, yet it is m>t likely fuch an svent fliould happen ; for if the grantor found himfelf unable to keep down the annuity, he would confent to fell a part of the property, which, if the eftate was only 8c/. a-ycar, a moiety thereof, if fold for 25 years purchafe, would be futiicient to ve Jeem the annuity. Thomas APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 39 t Thomas Long, of, &c. Efq. of the firft partj Thomas Williams, of, &c. Gent, of the iecond part ; John 'Jenkins, of Grays-inn in the county of Middiefex^ Gent, of the third part ; Ed-ward Bolt, of, &c. Efq. of the fourth part; and Robert White, of, &c. Gent. of the fifth part. WHEREAS the faid 1 ^homas Low Recital that is feifed of or well intitled to the inheritance in fee- grantor is feifed fimple in poflefsion of and in the mefiuage or tenement in , tee of . P art called Maintops, and the five feveral clofes, pieces or afte^releafed. parcels of arable, meadow, and pafture land with the out-houfes and appurtenances, containing by eftimation twenty acres, more or lefs, lying in Hainjby in the county of EJJex, and hereinafter particularly mention- ed, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed. AND WHEREAS the mefiuage or tenement and And that othet farm called or known by the name of Dudley's Farm, P art the . , , J . i i i i f premiies ;tand with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and alfo limited to ufcs the garden, orchard, and fold enjoyed therewith, con- to bar llower - taining two roods and thirty-four poles, and alfo all thofe four pieces or parcel's of meadow land commonly called or known by the name of Dudley's Fields, con- taining the feveral quantities hereinafter mentioned, do under and by virtue of certain indentures of leafe and releafe, bearing date refpeclively the 30th and 31 ft days of September 1797, the releafe being made or exprefled to be made between W. B. of Efq. of the firft part, the faid Thomas Long of the iecond part, the faid Thomas fPltftatns of the third part, y. W. of of the fourth part, and /. S. of of the fifth part, ftanJ limited and aflured to the ufe of fuch peribn and perfons, and for fuch eftate and eftates, and to for and upon fuch trufts, intents, and purpofes, and under and fubjedl to fuch powers, provifoes, limitations, declarations, and agree- ments, and in fuch manner and form as the ;aid Thomas Long by any deed or deeds, writing or wri- tings, with or without power of revocation, to b f i chafe of an- purcnale or the laid annuity or yearly turn of ioo/. itnuity, and that was agreed by and between the faid *f homos. Long and the! " nme Edward Belt, That for the more effectually the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or after mention- yearly fum of ioo/. unto the faid Edward Bolt, his vev'eS a n " executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during trustee upon the natural lives of the faid A. B. C. D. and E. ^Suri^S" and the life of the furvivor of them, he the faiclfrme. Thomas Long fhould charge and make chargeable all and fmgular the feveral meiluagesor tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereinafter mention- ed, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed ; And that the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, &c. fo to be charged therewith as aforefaid ihould be con- veyed and allured unto and to the ufe of the faid Robert White, his heirs and afsigns, in manner and upon the tiufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes hereinafter mentioned, exprefTed, and declared of and concerning the fame; And that the faid annuity ^Jiould be further fecured by the bond of the faid Thomas Long, and a warrant of attorney for confef- fing a judgment thereon. (Recite the bond and war- rant of attorney.} NOW THIS INDENTURE confideraiian. WITNESSETH, That for and in confederation of the fum of goo/, of lawful money of Grsat Britain to the faid Thomas Long, in his own proper perfon, in hand well and truly paid by the faid Edward Bolt in his own proper perfon at or before the fealirig and delivery of thefe prefents, out of which faid fum of 90O/. the faid Thomas Long immediately after receiv- ing the fame paid to R. W. of - (Jlate the payment of expenccs), the receipt of which faid fum of goo/, he the faid Thomas Long doth hereby ac- knowledge, and thereof and of and from the fume, and every part thereof, doth acquit, releafe, and for ever difcharge the faid Edward Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, by thefe prefents. He Appointment the faid Thomas Long, in purfuance of the power and h' s^ntor of authority to him refer ved or limited in and by the faid " two 594 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. frwo feveral hereinbefore mentioned indentures of the 31 ft day of September 1797, and the 6th day of January now laft pnft, and by force and virtue there- of, and of all and every or any other power or powers, authority or authorities to him the faid Thomas Long belonging, in him vefted, or enabling him in that behalf, and in exercife thereof, by this prefent deed or writing by him the faid Thomas Long iealed and delivered, and duly executed in the prefence of and atteiled by two credible perfons, whofe names are intended to be hereupon indorfed as witnefles to the execution of thefe prefects by the faid Thomas Long, HATH directed, limited, and appointed, and by this prefent deed or inftrument in \vriting by him figned, fealed, and delivered in the prefence of the two credible perfons whofe names are intended to be hereupon in- dorfed as witnefles, attefting the execution thereof by him the faid Thomas Long, DOTH direct, limit, and appoint all and hngular the faid feveral meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes comprifed in the faid two hereinbefore mentioned indentures of releafe of the 31 ft day of September 1797 and the 6th of Jdnaifftiovr laft paft, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, Tothe'afesand fl^jj rema j n continue and be to the ufes, upon upon the trans _ ' . e . . * after mention- the truits, and to and for themtents and purpoies ecl - hereinafter mentioned, exprefTed and declared of Releafe of all and concerning the fame. AND THIS INDEN- ic premifes by TURE FURTHER WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid before mentioned agreement, and for the further and better fecuring the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent- charge of loo/, and for the confideration aforefaid, and for and in confideration of the fum of los. of lawful money of Great Britain by the faid Robert White to the faid Thomas Long, Thomas Williams, and John Jenkins in hand, well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the faid Tbotnas Williams and John Jenkins, at the rcqueft and by the direction of the faid Thomas Long, and at the nomination APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 395 nomination and appointment of the faid Edward Boh (teftified by their feverally executing thefe prefents) HAVE, and each of them HATH bargained, ibid, ahcued, and releafe:], and hy thefe prefents DO, and each of them DOTH bargain, fell, alien, and releafe, and the faid Thomas Long, as well for the conveying and afiuring the premifes hereby granted, releafed, and conveyed, directed, limited, and appointed, as alfo for ratifying and confirming the grant and releafe hereby made or intended fo to be by the faid Thomas Williams and John Jenkins, at the nomination and appointment of the faid Edward Bolt teftified as afore- ,faid, HATH granted, bargained, fold, aliened, re- Jeaied, ratified, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH grant, bargain, fell, alien, releafe, ratify, and confirm unto the faid Robert White (in his adtual pof- feffion now being by virtue of a bargain and fale to him thereof made by the laid Thomas Long, Thomas Williams, and John J^nkin3 for 5*. confideration, by the faid indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of thefe prefents, for the term of a year commencing from the day next before the day of the date of the fame indenture of bargain and fale, and by force of the flatute made for trans- ferring ufes into polTeifion) and to his heirs and afligns, ALL that (Jlate alt the premifes) together with all houfes, &c. and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, ufe, truft, polls/lion, property, inheri- tance, benefit, claim, and demand wrncfoever, both at law and in equity, of them the faid Thomas Lovr Thomas Williams, and John Jenkins, and every ora:,y of them, of in to or out of the laid mei.uages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditament*, and premifes hereby granted and releafed, or intenoe.l fo to be, and every or any part thereof respectively, and alib ail deeds, evidences, and writings touching a:;:i concern- ing the faiJ hereditaments and premiles, and eve.y or any part thereof, now in the cuil'ody or power of the faid Thomas Lon?, Thomas William*, a id John Jenkins, or either or any of them, or which tiiey, either or any of them, can or may come by iihoi ; lu c APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Habendum to the truits after mentioned. Tothe intent f the rents of the premifes the annuity ciearof taxes, fait at law or in equity, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid mefluages, &c. and all and Angular other the premifes hereby granted and releafed, or mentioned or intended fo to be, and every part and parcel there- of, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the faid Robert ffhite, his heirs and afligns, to the ufes, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubjedr. to the powers, provifoes, and declarations hereinafter mentioned, ex- preiTed, and declared of and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) TO THE USE, intent, and p\ir~ f?^ tnat the iaid Edward Bolt, his executors, ad- miniilrators^ and afligns, (hall and may henceforth for d fa v ' m ~ t h e natural lives of them the faid A. B. => C. D. and L. f. and the lives and lire or the lur- vivors and furvivor of them, and up to the day of the deceafe of fuch furvivor, have, receive, and take by and out of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid melTuages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, one annuity or yearly rent-charge or furn of loo/, of lawful money of Great Britain^ free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, and deductions whatfoever, as well parliamentary or otherwife, for or in refpecl of any matter, caufe, or thing whatfoever now taxed, charged, aiTelTed or im- pofed, or hereafter to be taxed, charged, aflefled or impofed upon the faid hereditaments hereby releafed, or any part thereof, or upon the faid Ediuard Bolt^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, for or on ac- count of fuch annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of JOO/. The faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioc/. to be paid and payable quarterly to him the faid Edzvard Bolt^ his executors, administrators, or afsigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lincoln's-inn m the county of Mtddlefex^ by four equal quarterly pay- ments in the year (that is to fay) the - day of day of - and the day of -- in every year, by even and equal portions, the firir, pay- ment thereof to begin and be made on the r - clay of - - next enluing the day of the date of thclc prefects, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 397 prefents, together with a proportionable part of the fame annuity or yearly fum of IOO/. for the time which {hall elapfe between the laftof thj faid days of payment pre- ceding the day of the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the day of fuch furvivor's deceafe, as in the condition to the faid here- in before in part recited bond or obligation is mention- ed. AND to this further ufe, intent and purpofe, Power of that if it (hall happen that any quarterly payment of diftrels - the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. or any part thereof, {hall be behind and unpaid by the fpace of fourteen days, (power of dijfrefs^ as in Precedent No. AND to this further ufe, intent and pur- Of further de- pofe, that if the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of^V^ pa j~ * merit power to / i / 1111 11* i t t j ioo/. or any part thereof, fhall be behind and unpaid enter and by the fpace of twenty-eight days, (power to enter and en *y- enjoy , as in Precedent No. XXIV.} AND as to for And as to faid and concerning the faid mefTuages or tenements, farms, piemifes, fub- lands, hereditaments, and premifes herein before men-^"'^,^ 11 " tioned, and intended to be hereby releafed, fubjecT: to milt's after the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. an( j mentloned > vlZt the powers and remedies hereby given and limited for fecuring and enforcing the payment thereof, to the ufe of the faid Robert white, his heirs andailigns forever, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubject to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements here- inafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and concerning the fame, that is to fay, UPON TRUST Upon traft to to permit and fuffer the faid Thomas Long* his heirs permit ^gnmtor ' ~. . j i i_ -rr i to receive rent* and afligns, to receive and take the rents, mues, and pro- unt ii default of. fits thereof, to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, payment of an-" until fome default {hall happen to be made of and in lu payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. fo granted to the faid Edward Bolt as aforefaid, or fome part thereof, at or on the days or times and in manner limited and appointed for the pay- ment thereof. AND ALSO UPON FURTHER Ami in default TRUST, That in cafe the faid annuity or yearly rent- "nnyvnxw charge of ioo/. or any part thereof, {hall happen to days, to fell the be behind or unpaid by the fpace of 60 days next over premifes orjpart c . > ., , r c thereof fubjeck or after any of the faid days or times of payment to annuity. thereof, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. thereof, or whereon the fame is herein before limited and appointed, and ought to he paid as afoi efaidj then and in fuch cafe, and whenever the fame (hall happen, it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Robert IVhitc, his heirs or afiigns, and he and they are hereby fully authorifed and empowered to fell and abfolutely to difpole of the (aid aiefluages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, either together or in parcels, and by public fale or private contract, to any perfon or per-* fons whomfoever, for the mofr. money or beft price or prices that can be reafonably had or gotten for the fame (fubject to the faid annuity) and to execute all fuch deeds, conveyances, and aflurances of the faid here- ditaments ami premifes to the purchafer or purchafers thereof as fhall be requifute or r.ecefiary for the corn- Ami to be pof- pletion of fuch fale or fales, and to fland and be pof. ferte.1 of the fcfFed of and intcrefted in all and every the fum and fc>"fuch a flle! S f ums or " money to arife and be produced from the fale or fales herein before directed to be made, and of the rents, iifues, and profits of the faid hereditaments and prerr.ifes, to arifj and become payable after the fame hereditaments and 'premifes fnali become faleable until Upt.n truft in the fale or fales thereof (hall be completed, UPON tJjefirft place TRUST thereout in the firft place to retain and re- (unices, imburfe himfeif and themfelves for all fuch cofts, charges, and expenses as he or they {hall or may fuf- tain, expend, or be put unto in or about the making and completing of fuch fale or fales, or otherwife in the execution of the trufts hereby in him and them And as to the re pofed. AND after payment thereof, as to the fur- furplus. plus of the money arifmg from the fale of the faid hereditaments anJ premifes herein before releafed, after payment of the cofts, charges, and expences, Upon truft to UPON TRUST hy and out of the fame to pay to pay arrears of the faid Edward Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, etimeofTai, *fld affigns, fo much of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of I CO/, as at the time of completing fuch -fale or fales fhall happen to be in arrear and un- paid, and alfo all fuch fum and fums of mor>ey, lofs, cofts, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as the faid Edward \w, his executors, adjniniftralors, or afligns, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS; 399 affigns, or any of them, ihall pay, fuftain, expend^ or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non- payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof at or on the days and times, and in the manner herein before mentioned or appointed for payment thereof, or otherwife howfoever relating thereto. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST to Andtoinveft place out and invert the refidue of the money to arife the re/ " Kiue r L /- i ri i r i r i u p n govern- oy lucn iaie or tales, and or the rents, prohts, and mem fecurity produce of the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, a ' intereft in o -i r L r i r i /i 11 i i i ' the name of th* ccc. until luch lale or fales Ihall be completed, upon truitee, and to government fecurity at intereft in the name or names ftancl poiietfed of him the fad Rcbtrt White, his executors, ad-" miniftrators, or affigns. AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, That the faid Robert White, his executors, admiriftrators, and affigns (hall ftand feifed and pof- fefled of and interefted in the monies fo-to be placed out and invefted, UPON TRUST by and out of the Upon tmft out dividends and yearly proceeds thereof, and if fiich?/. in - ter * ft ?* i n i- i.j \ n 11 i /-/*' loterefl not yearJy mterelt, dividends, and proceeds thall be iniur-f u m c i e nt, to. ficient, then in addition thereto by calling in and di(- dir r le ot . P 31 * re r' i- n- -ct-Oi the prm- poling . from time to time of a lufncient part or the c jp a i, and to principal money fo to be invefted, or the ftocks, funds, 1> : " gramef or fecurities for the fame, to pay unto the faid Edward*' ' Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, the faid annuity or yearly fum of ioo/. hereby granted and fecured to be paid to him and them as and when the fame {hall grow due and become payable, or fo much thereof as (hall from time to time he in arrear and un- paid. AND UPON TRUST alfo by and out of the A nd retain t money fo to be placed out or invefted, and the divi- himfelfa11 dends, intereft, and yearly proceeds. thereof, to retain coi '' c * to him the faid Robert White, his executors, adminif- trators, and affigns, all fuch cofts, charges, and expences as he or they may fuftain or be put unto in the execu- tion of the trufts hereby repofed in him and them refpe&ing the money herein before directed to be in- vefted or placed out at intereft, AND SUBJECT TO THE TRUSTS hereinbefore declared concern- thei * ing the money fo to be invefted or placed out at intereft as. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. as herein before mentioned, the fame and the intercft thereof, or fo much thereof and of the intereft there- of as (hall not be applied in anfwering fuch feveral trulls as are herein before thereof declared, {hall be Intmftfor JN TRUST for the faid Thomas Long, his executors, ptoi^' &1* "" adminiftrators, and afTigns, to and for his and their own abfolute ufe and benefit. PROVIDED AL- l-The WAYS, and it is hereby agreed and declared by and of an- between the faid parties to thefe prefents, That after rii the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid A. B. , : of an- C. D. and E. F. and full payment of the faid an- iHHty, the pre- r . u j t y or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. and fuch pro- nines, Off" i . .' c J ,- 11 ft much thereof portionable part thereof, and payment or all colts, aiihould not charges, damages, and expences as aforefaid, the faid be dilpofed of, r b , /,- ' i_ u r j ihoukt be in feveral menuages, &c. herein before mentioned, and h-.r grant- intended to be hereby granted and releafed, or fo much or. lut heirs and , c .... \ ?i n i IT r i c j :it!a;ns, an-1 he thereof (ir any) as mall not be diipoied or under coi;ve\edMs he or j n purfuancc of the trufls herein before declared or mould .-.ppouu. exprefl - ed> fljjjn be IN TRUST for the faid Tkomas Lone, his heirs and afsigns for ever, and be conveyed rv.'.'.rntirm as he or they fhall direct or appoint. PROVIDED tK'tthefclesto ALSO, and it is hereby further agreed and declared be made mall , , , \ r -\ ^\ n j be valid, with- *y and between the laid parties, 1 hat all and every nit grantor's the contracts, agreements, fales, difpofitions, convey- in ' ances, aflurances, acts, deeds, matters and things which fhall be entered into, made, done, or executed by the faid Robert Winie, his heirs or aiiigns, of or Concerning the faid feveral mefluages hereby releafed, or any part or parts thereof, {hall to all intents, con- ftru6tions, and purpofes whatfoever be as valid and effectual in the law, though the faid Thomas Long, his heirs or afsigns, (hall not execute the fame, or join there- in or allent thereto, as fuch contracts, covenants, agreements, conveyances, aflurances, difpofitions, acts, deeds, matters and things would be if the laid Thsmas Long, his heirs and afsigns, had duly executed the fame, and joined therein or afiented thereto ; And that the perfon or perlons to whom the faid Robert White, his heirs or afsigns, {hall convey or otherwife difpofe of the feveral mefluages, &c. hereby releafed, or any part or parts thereof, fhall, notwithftanding the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 401 the faid Robert Long y his heirs or affigns, fhall not execute the fame, or join therein, or affent thereto, be intitled to have, hold, and enjoy the fame feveral mef- fuages, &c. againft the faid Thomas Long^ his heirs or afsigns, and all and every perfon or perfons claim- ing or to claiiti by from through under or in truft for him, them, or any of them ; And that the receipt or Declaration receipts of the faid Robert IVbite, his heirs and affigns, O f trufteeto be fhall from time to time be a good and fufficient dif- afufficient dl1 * charge or good and fufficient discharges to the pur- chafer or purchafers of the faid feveral mefluages, &c. fo to be fold as aforefaid, or any part or parts there- of, and to his, her, or their refpe&ive heirs, executors, adminiir-rators, and affigns, for fo much of the pur- chafe-money as fhall therein acknowledged to be re- ceived, and that fuch purchafer or purchafers, his, her, or their heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fliall not afterwards be anfwerable or accountable for any lofs, mifapplication, or nonapplication of fuch pur- chafe-money fo to be received, or any part thereof, nor be obliged to enquire into the reatbn of making fuchfaleor fales.- PROVIDED ALSO, And it is Andthat the hereby further agreed and declared by and between the " Accountable iaid parties to thefe prefents, That the faid Robert tor lofs, with- Wbite^ his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns outwilfult fhall not be charged or chargeable with or for any fum or fums of money other than fuch as fhall ac- tually and refpeclively come to his and their hands by virtue of thefe prefents, nor with or for any lofs or damage which may happen in or about the execution of all or any of the trufts aforefaid, with out his or their wilful default. Covenant for pay- ment of annuity). AND the faid Thomas Long for Covenant by himfelf, his heirs, executors, and admin iftrators,^^ 1 ^ 110 DOTH covenant, promife and agree, to and with convey in fee, the faid Richard Long^ his heirs and affigns, by thefe prefents in manner following ; (that is to fay) That (notwithftanding any act, deed, matter, or thing \vhatfoever made, done, or committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered to the contrary) the faid Thomas ) Thomas Williams^ and John "Jenkins^ or fome D D of 402 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. of them, now are feifed to them and their heirs, or one of them is feifed to him and his heirs of the faid mefluages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed and conveyed, direted, limited and appointed, or intended fo to be, and every part thereof with the appurtenances of a good, fure, lawful, abfolute and indeteafible eftate of inheritance in fee fimple, without any manner of condition, power, reftraint, caufe, or thing whatfoever, to alter, change, charge, defeat or incumber the fame, or any part thereof. AND ALSO, That (notwithstanding any fuch a<5r., deed, matter or thing as forefaid) they the faid Thomas Long, Thomas Williams, and John Jen- kins, or fome of them, now have in themfelves, or one of them hath in himfelf good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute authority by thefe prefents to grant, releafe arid convey, direct, limit and appoint, or otherwife aflure the iaid feveral mefiuages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and conveyed, directed, limited, and appointed as aforefaid, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto and to the ufe of the faid Richard White, his heirs and afligns for ever, fubjecl: and upon the trufts and in manner and form aforefaid, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents ; AND that all and fmgular the faid feveral mefluages, &c. herein before men- tioned and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and conveyed, directed, limited, and appointed, fhall and may, from time to time, and at all times here- after, remain, continue, and be to the ufe of the faid je. White, his heirs and afligns, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with, under, and fubjecr, to the feveral powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements herein before limited, exprefled, declared, and contained of and concerning the fame, and fhall and may be accord- And for quiet ingly peaceably had, held, and enjoyed without any from'incum-" k w *" u * let > fuit > trouble j denial, eviction, interrup- brunccs. tion, claim, or demand whatfoever, of or by him the faid R. Long, or his heirs, or by any other per- fim APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 403 fon or perfons whomfoever, and free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated, and dif- charged, or otherwife, by him the faid R. Long, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, well and fuffi- ciently fuved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemni- fied of from and againft all, and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, fales^ leafes, mort- gages, jointures, dowers, titles of dower, ufes, trufts^ wills, intails, rents and arrears of rent, ftatutes, re- cognizances, judgments, extents, executions^ eftates^ , titles, charges, and incumbrances whatfoever, had, made, done, committed, or fuffered by the faid Tho~ mas Long) his heirs or affigns, or by any other per- fon or perfons whomfoever. AND MOREOVER, That he the faid Thomas Long^ and his heirs, and all And for funher and every other perfon or perfons whomibeverj hav- affu<-ance - ing, or lawfully or equitably claiming, or who fhall or may hereafter have, or lawfully or equitably claim any eftate, right, title, truft, or intereft in to or out of the faid feveral meffuages, &cc. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and conveyed, directed, limited, and ap- pointed, or any part thereof, fhall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, upon every rea- fonable requeft of the faid R. White^ his heirs or af- figns, but at the proper cofts and charges in the law of the faid Thomas Long y his heirs or affigns, make, do, acknowledge, levy, fuffer, and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done, acknowledged, levied, fuffered, and executed all and every fuch further 1 and other lawful and reafonable adts, deeds, conveyances, and aflurances in the law whatfoever, for the further and better, more perfect and abfolute conveying, a luring, and confirming, dire&ing, limiting, and ap- pointing the faid feveral mefluages, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and conveyed, directed, limited, and ap- pointed, with their and every of their appurtenances unto and to the ufe of the faid R. White, his heirs and affigns for ever, upon the trufts aforefaid, and ac- cording to the true intent and meaning of thefe pre- fents, be the fame by fine or fines, common recovery D D2 OF 404 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. or common recoveries, or any other matter of record or otherwife howfoever, as by the {'aid R. White ^ his heirs or afligns, or any of them, or his, their, or any of their counfel learned in the law, fhall or may be lawfully and reafonably advifed, devifed, or re- Andthathe quired. AND FURTHER, That he the faid Tbo- lale'a.Tcon 1 - 16 ^s Long, his heirs and afligns, fhall and will join veyances to be and concur in the making of any fale or fales to be Sers"amr made or propofed to be made by the faid R. White , enter into the i his heirs or afligns, under or by virtue of the trufts uiual covenant* j iere j n Before mentioned, and in executing the feveral conveyances and aflurances in -the faid premifes to the purchafer or purchafers thereof, and enter into all ufual covenants with fuch purchafer or purchafers, his, her, or their heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for the eftate, title, pofieflion, and further af- furance of the faid premifes, or fuch of them as fhould be fo fold, or do any other a either alone or together with any other lands or hereditaments, fhall from henceforth, with refpecl to the faid premifes -hereby releafed, be IN TRUST to attend the revcrfion, freehold, and inheritance of the fame premifes, according to the ufes, trufts, charges, or eftates, declared of and fubfifting in the fame premifes by virtue of or under thefe prefents, fo that the fame may vrait upon and attend the faid ufes, fruits, charges, or eftates, fo as to be fubfervient thereto, and to protect the fame from all mefne charges and incumbrances (if any fuch there be) (Add de- feafance APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. feafance on the judgment.) AND WHEREAS upon cl fe for re - the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or J^nTof half clear yearly fum of TOO/, herein before mentioned, it a year's annul- was mutually agreed by and between the laid Thomas ty ' Long and Edward Bolt, that the faid Thomas Long, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhould any time hereafter, at his or their own pleafure, be at liberty to repurchafe and buy up the iaid annuity or yearly fum of loo/, upon giving unto the faid Ed- ward Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, and aifigns,' feven days notice in writing of fuch his or their in- tention, and upon paying unto the faid Edward Bolt) his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, the full fum of 95O/. being the original purchafe-money, and two quarterly payments of the faid annuity of loo/, of lawful money of Great Britain, as and for the confideration of fuch repurchafe of the faid an- nuity of IOO/. together with all arrears that {hall be due on the fame, and a proportioable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe up to and until the repurchasing the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- NESSETH, That for effeauating the faid laft-men^ tioned agreement, and for the conh'derations aforefaid, it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties to thefe prefents, and of the faid parties ; AND the faid Edward Bolt for himfelf, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, DOTH hereby covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid Thomas Long, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrors, and!every of them, That in cafe the faid Thomas Long, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, (hall at any time hereafter be minded and defirous of repurchafing the faid annuity, or yearly fum of IOO/. and of fuch his intention fhall give unto the faid Edward Bolt^ his executors, ad- miniftrators, or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of feven days, that he the faid Edtvard Bolt, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhall and will, at the expiration of fuch feven days from the time fuch' notice fhall be given as laft aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that DD 3 (hall 406 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ftiall be then due on the arrears of the faid annuity of JOO/. together with a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe up to the day of repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 950/. as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ipo/. fecured as aforefaid ; AND on receipt of the faid fum of 950/. and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of IOO/. fecured as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, fliall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Richard Long, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, deliver up the faid bond to the faid Thomas Long, his heirs, exe- cutors, administrators, or afligns, to be cancelled and acknowledged, or caufe fatisfa&ion to be acknowledged on the record of the faid judgment that fhall be en- tered up by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity or yearly fum of jco/. and the powers and authorities herein contained for recovering the fame, and enforcing the payment thereof fhall ceafe, determine, and be void ; Andonrepur- A frj) then a d f h f th faid lc / Jar J White, Chafing annul- . , ,j ty, tmftee to his heirs or afligns, lhall and will re-convey the laid re-corn e< the rreffuap-e?, &c. herein before mentioned and intended prem .fe , or fo . . . . . . much .!* fhpuld to be hereby granted, releaied, conveyed, directed, dT h f d f ee l' m ' te d, ?n d appointed, or mentioned or intended fa grantee, his to he, or fo much thereof as fhall not then have been heirs and af, fold anc j difpofed of unto the faid Thomas Lonr* and Cgns, and m i , . \ . . n , , i- o cafe any i art his heirs and iiiSgns, or as he or they inaU direct or thereof fhouid appoint, and then alfo and in that cafe if the fame he fold, and 5r* , , ,. , / the produce leveral hereditaments and premiles, or any part thereof invert- thpreof, fhall have been fold and difpofed of, and the Tor'"" f ei U iuch'Pf^ uce thereof inverted upon government fecurities. fecurities to at Jntereft, (hall and will transfer fuch government executors' ic. fecurities as may then remain unapplied and undifpofed of, for the purpofes aforefaid, unto the faid Thomas Long, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns : Any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. In witnefs, &c. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 407 No. XXXIII. GRANT of ANNUITY for the Lives of Grantee and two Others, charged upon two feveral Manors and Eftates, one of w/iic/i the Grantor is feifed in Fee, fubjeck to a Mortgage, and the other is veftcd in a Truftet, in Tr lift for the Grantor, intended to he conveyed by Leafe ami Releafe by a fcparate Deed, with a Claufe of Redemp- tion, on replacing Stock in Lieu of the Confideration- Money. For which fee Pre- cedent No. 34 (*). THIS INDENTURE made, &c. BETWEEN Parties - Thomas Lewis, of, &c. Efq. of the firft part; Thomas Morgan^ of, &c. Efq. of the fecond part; and Ihomas Burton, of, &c. of the third part. WHEREAS the faid Thomas Lewis is feifed of the inheritance and i n fee of part of equity of redemption of and in the manor or lordfhip, premifes, fub- * i ,yi i r jeer to a mort- or reputed manor or lordlhip, capital and other met- gage, and that iuages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, and heredi- Jus truftee is taments hereinafter mentioned, to be now in mortgage O tji er partTn" to William Sandle y of, &c. Efq. fubjecl to fuch mort-truftfor him, gage ; AND the faid Thomas Morgan is feifed of the inheritance in fee-Ample, in poflefllon of and in the manor, mefluages, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments hereinafter mentioned and defcribed, and not comprifed in the faid mortgage, IN TRUST for the faid * This fecurity coming within the exception of the VHIth Se6Uon of the Act, requires no memorial to be inrolli'd, nor the forms ob- lerved in fuch as recmire the fame. D D 4 Thomas 408 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Recital of con- Thomas Lewis , his heirs and afligns. AND WHERE- a L1 " AS the laid Thomas Burton hath contraded and agreed with the faid Thomas Lewis for the purchafe of one annuity or yearly fum of 20O/. of lawful, &c. to be paid to the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, admi- niftrators, and afsigns, free from taxes, and clear of ail other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natural lives of the laid Thomas Burton and of A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor or longeft liver of them, at for for the price or fum of i,goo/. AND upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity it was agreed, That the famefhould be fecuredby the bonder obligation of the faid Thomas Lewis, and by a war- rant of attorney from him to confeis a judgment there- on, and fhould be charged upon and ifiuing and pay- , able out of the feveral manors or lordfhips, capital and other mefiuages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, and hereditaments herein after mentioned, and defcribed Hecitai of bond, in manner hereinefter mentioned. AND WHEREAS the faid Thomas Lewis, by his bond or obligation under his hand and feal, bearing even date with thelc preients, hath become bound unto the faid 'Ihomas Burton in the penal fum of 3,8oo/. with a condition thereunder written for making void the fame if the laid Thames Lewis, his heirs, executors, or adminiftra- tors, fhould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminif- . trators, or afligns, for and during the natural lives of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor or longeft liver of them, one annuity or yearly fum of 2OO/. of lawful, &c. free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions what- foever, on four days or times in the year (that is to fay) the ; day of, &c. in every year, by equal and even portions, the rirft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next en- fuing the day of the date of the faid bond or obliga- tion now in recital ; AND ALSO if the fuid 7homas Lewis, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, fhould well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the exe CutorSj adminiftrators, or afligns of the faid Thomas Burton, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENS. 409 Burton^ in cafe the furvivor of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. fhould depart this life on any day on which any quarterly-payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 200/. mould become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payment ; AND if on any other day, in cafe fuch day fhould happen before any quarterly payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of2OO/. fhould have become due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 2oo/. to be computed from the day of the date of the faid bond or obligation now in recital to the day of the death of the furvivor or longeft liver of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. But in cafe any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2OO/. fhould have become due at the time of the deceafe of the furvivor or longeft liver of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. then from fuch of the faid quarterly-days of payment of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of 200/. as fhould happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of fuch furvivor, or longeft liver of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. to the day of fuch furvivor or longeft liver's deceafe. (Recite war- rant of attorney). NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and for and in confideration of the fum of' iru '"S ut < i,900/. of lawful, &c. by the faid Thomas Burton to SSS*pJ!t the faid Thomas Lewis, in hand well and truly paid at the ettate is or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof he the faid Thomas Lewis doth grantor, hereby acknowledge, and thereof and from every part thereof doth acquit, releafe, and difcharge the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, and every of them for ever by thefe prefents; AND for and in confederation of the fum of icu. of" like lawful money by the faid Thomas Burton to the faid Thomas Morgan in like manner paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid Thomas Morgan (at the requeft and by the direction of the faid Thomas Lewis, testified by his being a party to and executing thefe prefents) but fo far only as relates to the eftatt and intereft of him the iliid '1 homas Morgan of 4 io APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. of ar.d in the manor, mefluages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned and defcribed, and not comprifed in the laid mortgage made to the faid William Sandle as aforefaid, DO T H for himfelf and his heirs give, grant, bargain, fell, and confirm j AND the faid Thomas Lewis for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and admlniftrators, DOTH give, grant, bargain, fell, ratify, and confirm unto the faid Thomas Burton^ his executors, administrators, and affigns, for anil during the natural lives of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor and longeft liver of them, one annuity or clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of 20O/. of lawful, &c. to be if- fuing, payable, and going out of, and had received and taken by him the laid Thomas Burton, his execu- tors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, by and out of and Pienu/es. from ALL that the manor or lordlhip, or reputed nr.anor or lordfhip of C. fituate lying and being in the county of S with the rights, royalties, members, and appurtenances thereunto belonging; AND alfo all the advowfon, donation, free difpoiition, and right of patronage and prefentation of in and to the re&ory and parifh church of C. in the faid county of S with the rights, members, and appurte- tenances ; AND alfo all that capital mefluage or manfion-houfe called DoocFs Hall^ with the coach- houfe, ftables, pleafu re-ground and garden thereto belonging, containing by eftimation 8 acres and 24 poles, be the fame more or lefs (State the Prernijes) ALL which faid manor or lordfhip, or reputed manor or lordfhip, capital and other mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, and premifes herein before mentioned and defcribed, except the faid advowfon, were by indentures of leafe and releafe, bearing date refpedliively the and days of J 79 2 j the releafe being made between of the firft part ; the faid Thomas Lewis of the fecond part ; and -. of the third part ; conveyed and allured unto and to the ufe of the faid . his heirs and afsigns, for fecuring to him, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, the payment of the fum of i8,ooo/. and interelt) ; AND alfo APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 4" alfo by and out of and from all that manor or lordftiip of E. in the county of S with its rights, royal- ties, members, and appurtenances ; AND all thofc feveral pieces or parcels of land fituate, lying, and being within the faid manor and the parifh of E. called, &c. (State the parcels) together with all G ' and every the rights, royalties, members, and appur- tenances whatfoever to the faid feveral manors or lordfliips, or reputed manors or lordfhips, advowfon, capital and other mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, and premifes belonging and ap- pertaining, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive SS? V U /S and enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge, the life of fur- or fum of 2OO/. hereby given, granted, and confirmed, vivor - or expreffed or intended fo to be, and every part thereof, unto the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, from henceforth for and during the natural lives of them the faid Thomas Burton^ A, B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor or longeft liver of them, and up to the day of fuch furvivor or longeft liver's deceafe, by four equal quar- terly payments in the year, on the feveral days fol- lowing ; (that is to fay) on the day of, &c. by even and equal portions, together with a proportion- able part of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor or longeft liver of them the faid Thomas Burton^ A. B. and C. D. (hall have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity growing due at the time of fuch longeft liver's deceafe, the faid annuity or yearly rent- charge of 2OO/. to be fo paid and payable to him the faid Thomas Burton^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlefex^ free and clear of and without making any abatement or deduction whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpecl of any taxes, charges, aflefirnents, payments, or other impofitions whatfoever, now taxed, charged, aflfefled, or impofed, or to be taxed, charged, aflefled, or im- pofed on the faid manors or lordmips, advowfon, ca- pital and other mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. rents, and hereditaments hereby charged therewith, or any of them, or any part thereof, or on the faid annuity or yearly fum of 2oo/. or any part thereof, or upon the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, ad- miniftrators, or afligns, in refpcdl thereof by autho- rity of parliament, or otherwife howfoever; And the firft of the faid quarterly payments of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge hereby granted to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the day of the elate of thefe presents, and fuch proportion- able part of the fame to be paid immediately after the deceafe of the furvivor or longeft liver of them the Powers of dif- f a id Thomas Burton, A, B. and C. D. AND the faid trels and ent:rv, _, T-ri-c\ri-t- j in which the' Ibomas Lewis tor nimlelr, his heirs, executors, and truftee joins as adminiftrators, doth hereby further covenant, errant, far as relates to j A i i. r i 'r;' * n. his cftatc and and agree ; And the laid 1 bomas Morgan, at the rtquelt imereit in the of the faid Thomas Lewis, but fo far onlv as relates to the eftate and intereft of him the faid Thomas Morgan in the premifes, doth for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, hereby further grant, covenant, and agree to and with the faid Thomas Burton, his execu- tors, adminiftrators and afligns, that in cafe the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 2OO/. or any part thereof, fhall happen to be behind and unpaid by the fpace of 14 days next over or after any of the faid days of payment whereon the fame is herein before appointed to be paid as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe, and as often as it fhall fo happen, it {hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Thomas Burton, into or upon the faid manors or lordfhips, advowfon, capital and other mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 20O/ t or exprefled or intended fo to be, and every of them, or any part thereof, to enter and diftrain for the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 2oo/. and all arrears thereof, and the diftrefs and diftrefles then and there found to take, lead, drive, carry away, and impound, and the fame in pound to detain and keep until the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 2oo/. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges, and 4 expences APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 413 cxpences whatfoever fuftained or occafioned by the making, taking, and keeping fuch diftrefs then and there found, fhall be fully paid and fatisfied, and in default of payment thereof in due time after fuch diftrefs fhall be made and taken, to appraife, fell, or otherwife to acl therein according to law, in the fame manner in all refpects as landlords are by act of par- liament authorifed to do in refpect to diftrefles for arrears of rent upon leafes for years, to the intent that thereby and therewith the faid Thomas Burton^ his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns fhall and may be fully paid and fatisfied the faid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge of 20O/. and all arrears thereof, or fo much thereof as fhall be then remain- ing due and unpaid, and all cofts, charges, and ex r pences whatfoever fuftained, or occafioned by the non- payment thereof. AND the faid Thomas Lewls y for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, doth hereby further grant, covenant, and agree ; AND the faid Thomas Morgan, at the requeft of the faid Tho- mas Lewis, but fo far only as relates to the eftate and intereft of him the faid Thomas Morgan in the pre- mifes, doth for himfelf, his heirs, executors, and ad- miniftrators, hereby further covenant, grant, and agree to and with the faid Thomas Burton^ his execu- tors, adminiftrators, and affigns, that if the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge of 290/. or any part thereof, fhall be behind and unpaid by the fpace of 21 days next over or after any of the faid days or times appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe, and as often as it fhall fo hap- pen, (although no formal demand thereof fhall be made) it fhail and may be lawful to and for the faid Thomas Burton^ his executors, adminiftrators, and af- figns, into and upon the faid manors or lordfhips, ad- vowfon, capital and other meffuages, farms, lands, tene- ments, rents, and hereditaments hereby charged there- with, or into or upon any of them, or any part there- of, in the name of the whole to enter, and the fame to have, hold, and enjoy, and the rents, iflues, and profits thereof, and of every part thereof, to receive nixi take to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, until 4H APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Provifothat joininr tniitee in the giant is only meant to charge. trnft IM clinics. Andnottoaf- w^rop truftee. Clanfeforre- until he or they fhall be thereby or therewith or other- wife fully paid and fatisfied all arrears of the faid an- nuity or yearly rent-charge of 2OO/. and alfo fo much of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 200/. as fhall incur and grow due during fuch time as the faid Thomas Burton^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, fhall continue in pofleffion of the faid manors or lordfhips, advowfon, capital and other mefliiages, farms, lands, tenements, rents, and here- ditaments, after fuch entries as aforefaid, together with all fuch lofts, cofts, charges, damages, and ex- pences whatfoever as fhall be fuftained or occafioned by reafon or means of the non-payment thereof, or of any part thereof, at or on the days appointed for the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge as aforefaid, and fuch pofieflion when taken to be without impeachment of wafte. (Add covenant from Thomas Lewis to pay annuity). PROVIDED AL- WAYS, And it is hereby agreed and declared by and > . . / t> J between the laid parties to thele prelents, 1 hat the joining of the laid Thomas Morgan in the grant and jo o o covenants herein before contained is meant and in- tended only to charge the faid manor or lordfhip, mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and prcmifes now veiled in him in truft as aforefaid with the payment of the faid annuity or yearly rent- charge of 2oo/. hereby granted ; AND that the join- * n => * ^ ie ^ '^omas Morgan in the faid grant and covenant herein before contained fhall not in any wife affe6t the perfon or property of the faid Thomas Morgan^ his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, or make him or them perfonally, or his or their property (other than the premifes now vefted in him in truft as afore- faid) liable to pay the faid annuity or yearly rent- chnrge of 20O/. or any part thereof, or any arrears thereof, or liable to pay any action or fuit whatfoever for the recovery thereof. ( Add defeasance on judgment). AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchafeof ^ ^ ^ nnu 'ty, or clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of 20O/. herein before mentioned, it was mutually agreed and declared by and between the faid Thomas Burton and APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 415 and Thomas Lewis, that he the faid Thomas Leiuis t his heirs, executors or adminiftrators fhould, at any time or times hereafter, at his or their own plea- fure, be at liberty to repurchafe and buy up the (aid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 2OC/. upon giving to the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, ten days notice in writing of fuch his or their intention, and upon transferring or caufing to be tranferred into the hands of the faid Thomas Burton, or into the names of his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned therein, the full fum of 4000/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities to and for his and their own proper ufe and benefit, and upon paying all arrears that {hall be due on the faid annuity, and a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe up to and until the repurchafing the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH, That for effectuating the faid laft-mentioned agree- ment, and for the confide rations aforefaid, it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents to be the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents and of the faid parties. AND the faid Thomas Burton for himfelf, his heirs, executors, ad- miniftrators and affigns, doth hereby covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid Thomas Lewis, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, and every of them, that in cafe the faid Thomas Leu/is, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, (hall at any time hereafter be minded and defirous of repurchafing the laid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 200/. and of fuch his or their intention (hall give unto the faid 'ihomas Burton, his executors, adminif- trators or afsigns, notice in writing by the fpace of ten days, that he the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns {hall, and will at the end of the faid ten days from the time fuch notice {hall be given as laft aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that {hall be then due for the arrears of the laid annuity, together with 3 a pro- 416 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. a proportionable part thereof from the laft day of pay- ment thereof preceding fuch rcpurchafe up to the day of repurchafmg the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid 40OO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge or fum of 2OO/. herein before granted as aforefaid, and on the transfer of the faid 4OOO/. 3 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities into the name or names of him the faid Thomas Bur- ton, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, and pay- ment to him or them of all arrears of the faid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 2OO/. herein be- fore granted as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as laft aforefaid, {hall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Thomas Lewis, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators or affigns, deliver up the faid bond and thefe prefents to the laid Thomas Lewis, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, to be cancelled and acknowledged, or caufe fatis- faclion to be acknowledged, or the record of the faid judgment that {hall be entered up by virtue of the laid warrant of attorney, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of 20O/. and the powers remedies hereby given for re- covering the fame and enforcing the payment thereof fhall ceafe, determine and be void. Any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in anywiie notwithftanding. In witnefs, &c. 'Ko, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 41 Z No. XXXIV. ' CONVEYANCE in FEE by Leafe and Releafc from a Grantor and his Truftee of two fe- vcral Manors and Eftates (ftibjeti as to one Eftate to a Mortgage) to a Truftee In Truft to fecure three federal Annuities for three Lives each, granted and charged thereon by three fepcrate Deeds ; and for that Purpofe, in Default of Payment of Annuities by fixty Days, to fell and to pay off the Mort- gage and the Arrears of Annuities., and to mvcft the Rejidue in the Funds to anfwer and pay the Annuities from Time to Time, with /pedal Claufes as to Sale, and an Affign- nient of an outftanding Term to a Truftee In Truft for Annuitants very fpecial - (vide Precedent, No. XXXIILJ*. THIS INDENTURE made the day of pwt . 4oGeo. III. 1799, between Thomas of, &c. Efq. of the firft part; Thomas Morgan^ of, * The eftates here conveyed being of greater annual value than the annuit ', require no memorial to be inrollcd, being excepted by the 8th fedhon of the a<5l. The mode here adopted will at times be found to be of great utility, ^ it frequently happens, that where a large fum is required, it cannot be always obtained from one indi- vidual; therefore, recourfe mu ft be had to two or more, who each take a certain pioportion ot the annuity to be granted. Separate grants of annuity are made, but the eftates are conveyed by t, neral deed to a truftea or tuiftees for all parties, w'iih whom the tide-deed* are dcpoiucd. E &C. 41* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. &c. Efq. of the fecond part ; Thomas Burton, of Efq. Edward Batten, of Efq. and John Scott , of Efq. of the third part; Robert Williams, of gent- of the fourth part; "John Dower, of ' gent, of the fifth part ; and James Miller, of Recital^of a gentt o f t h e fixth part. WHEREAS by in- forithree lives," denture bearing even date with thefe prefents, and made charged upon or exprefled to be made between the laid Thomas Lewis, premtfesafter ot tne fa& part, the faid Thomas Morgan^ of the reieafed, with fecond part, and the faid Thomas Burton, of the third Set^ofrupo'hP^t, IT IS WITNESSED, That in confideration replacing ftock. of the fum of i8oo/. paid by the faid Thomas Burton to the faid Thomas Lewis, and for other the confide- rations therein mentioned, the faid Thomas Morgan, at the requeft and by the direction of the faid Thomas Lewis, (teftified as therein mentioned) but fofar only as related to the eftate and intereft of him the faid Thomas Morgan* of and in the manor, mefluages, lands, tenements and hereditaments therein and herein after mentioned, DID for himfelf, his heirs, execu- tors and adminiflrators, give, grant, bargain, fell and confirm ; And the faid Thomas Lewis for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiflrators, did give, grant, bargain, fell, ratify and confirm, unto the faid Thomas, Burton, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, for and during the natural lives of the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor and longeft liver of them, one annuity or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 200 /. of lawful money of Great Mritain, to be ifluing, payable and going out of, and had, received and taken by him the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, by out of aod from all and every the manors or lordfhips, or reputed manors or lordfhips, capital and other mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned and defcribed, and intended tv> be hereby granted and reieafed, with their and every of their rights, royalties, members, privileges and appurtenances, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive and enjoy the fame annuity or yearly rent-charge of 200 /. unto the faid Thomas Burtcn, his executors, adminif- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 419 trators and afsigns, thenceforth for and during the na- tural lives of them the faid Thomas Burton^ A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor of them, and up to the day of fuch furvivor's or longer liver's death, by quarterly payments, on the day of the day of the day of and the day of - in every year, by even and equal portions, together with a proportionable part of the Tame annuity for the time which at the deceafe of the furvivor or longeit liver of them the faid Thomas Burton^ A. E. and C. D. (hould have elapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity growing due at the time of fuch longeft liver's deceafe, the firft quarterly payment of the faid annuity to begin and be tnade on the day of then next enfuing, and fuch proportionable part of the fame to be paid immediately after the deceafe of the furvivor or Jongeft liver of them the faid Thomas Burton, A. B. and C. D. ; And in which faid indenture now in recital are contained the ufual powers of entry and diftrefs, and perception of the rents and profits of the faid manor of iordfhip, &c. and for recovering and enforcing the due and punctual payment of the fame annuity or yearly rent-charge of 200 /. when in arrear as therein men- tioned. AND in and by the faid indenture now in recital, it is further witnefled and agreed and declared between the faid parties thereto, That in cafe the faid Thomas Lewis, his heirs, executors, or adminiitra- tors, fhould at any time thereafter be minded and de- firous of repurchafing the faid annuity or clear yearly rent-charge of 200 /. and of fuch his or their intention fhould give unto the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators or afsigns, notice in writing by the $pace of ten days that he the faid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, fhould and would at the end of the faid ten days from the time fuch notice ftiould be given as aforefaid, on receiving $11 and every fum and Turns of money whatfoever that fhould be then due for the arrears of the faid annuity, together with a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of payment thereof, preceding fuch repur- E 2 chafe, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. chafe, up to the day of repurchafmg the fame 33 aforefaid, accept, receive and take 4000 /. 3 percent, confolidated Bank annuities, as and in full for the re- purchafe of the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge or fum of 200 /. therein before granted as aforefaid, and on the transfer of the faid 4000 /. 3 per cent confoli- dated Bank annuities, into the name or names of him the laid Thomas Burton, his executors, adminiftrators, or afsigns, and payment to him or them of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge of 20O/. therein before granted as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, the faid annuity, or yearly rent- charge or fum of 200 /. and the powers and remedies thereby given for recovering the fame and enforcing the payment thereof fhould ceafe, determine, and be void. (Recite two fnnilar grants of annuity of 20O/. each, one to Edward Batten and another to John Scott.) Andthatontiie AND WHEREAS at the time of the contracts made contract for the, . . ,,/--, /-,-; T , purchafeof by the laid 1 homes Lewis with the laid Ihomas Burton^ fuch annuities, Edward Batten, and John Scott, for the granting to it was agreed , / n.- i c \ r i r r ' thatthefaid them relpectively ot the laid leverai annuities or 20O/. premifes 2OO/. and 2OO /. as aforefaid, it was agreed, That the with 5 fhouidbe ^ a ^ manors or lordfhips, &c. fo charged therewith conveyed to a as aforefaid, fhould be conveyed and allured unto and truftsVfter 11 * ie to the ufe of the faid Robert Williams, his heirs and mentioned for afsigns, in manner and upon the trufts hereinafter the'payrnent" 8 mentioned, for the purpofe of better and more effec- thereof. tually fecuring the payment of the faid feveral annu- ities as hereinafter expiefied and declared concerning jConfideration. the fame. NOW THIS INDENTURE W1T- NESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and in confideration of the feveral fums of i8oo/. i8oo/. and 1800 /. fo refpeclively paid by the faid Thomas Burton, Edivard Batten, and John Scott, to the faid Thomas Lewis as aforefaid; And in confi- deration of the fum of 10*. of lawful money of Great Britain, by the faid Robert Williams to the faid Thomas Lewis in hand well and truly paid, at or be- fore the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid '1 homos Lewis, at the nomination and appointment of the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 421 the faid Thomas Burton, Edward Batten, and John Scatty (teitified by their being parties to and relpec- tively executing, thefe prefents,) HATH granted, R leafeinfee bargained, fold, aliened, releafed and conveyed, and I'b' grantor to by thefe prefents DOTH grant, &c. unto the faid f^ 1 ^^" 1 ^ Robert Williams (in his actual pofiefsion now being by jujicfes. virtue of a bargain and. fale to him thereof made by the faid Thomas Lewis, for 5*. confideration, by ihden* ture bearing date the day next before the clay of the date of thefe prefenvs for one whole year, to be com- puted from the day next before -the day of the'date of :he fame' indenture of bargain and fale, and by force of the ftatute made for transferring ufes into pofiefsion,) and to his 'heirs and afligns, ALL that the manor or Parcels. Jord/hip, or reputed manor or lordihip of C. fituate, lying and being in the county of with the rights, royalties, members and appurtenances; And alfo all the advowfon, donation,' free difpofition and right of patronage and prefentation in and to the rec- I tory and panfh-church of C. in the faid county of with the rights, members, and appurte- nances ; And alfo all that capital mefluage or'tnanfion houfe called C -hall, with the coach-houfe, ftables, pleafure-ground and gardens thereto belonging, con- taining by eftimation ( State the parcels} to- ~ 5 i 11 i r i u r i r General words, getner with all and nngular the homes, out-houfes, edifices, buildings, barns, ftables, dove-houfes, yards, gardens, orchards, lands, -meadows, pnftures, feed^ ings, woods, underwoods, mines, quarries, free'-chafe' and free-warrens, fiihing, fowling, hunting, hawking, ways, waters, watercourfes, ponds, pools, coirimons, waites, wafte-grounds, profits, 'royalties, courts-leer, couris-baron, and cuftomary court view of frank pledge, and all other lawful court and courts, and all profits and perquifites of courts and leets, and all that to courts and leets and view of frank pledge do belong, and all waifs, ellrays, treafure, trover, goods and chattels, debts, rights and credits of felons and fugi tives, felons of themfelves, and put in exigent, out- laws, deodands, wards, reliefs, efcheals, heriots, amerciaments, rents, refervations, fervices, fairs, E E j markets, 422 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. markets, tolls, and all other rights, jurifdi&tons, pri- vileges, profits, commodities, advantages and appur- tenances whatfoever, to the faid manor or lordihip, or reputed manor or Jordihip, &c. herein before men- tioned and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, belonging or in any wife appertaining, or to or with the fame or any part thereof, now or at any time heretofore ufually had, held, occupied, poflefled or en- joyed, or accepted, reputed, deemed, taken or known, as part, parcel or member thereof, or of any part thereof; And the reversion and reverfions, remain- der and remainders, yearly and other rents, iflues, and profits thereof or thereunto incident, belonging or in anywife appertaining, and all the eftate, right, title, interejr, ufe, trull, inheritance, pofleflion, pro- perty, pofljbility, claim and demand whatfoever, both at law arid in equity, of him the faid Thomas Lewis, of in to or out of the fame premifes^ or any part or Habendumto parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the he! andaf- ^" a '^ manor or lordfhip, &c. and all arid fingular other iigns. the premifes hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and releafed, with their and every of their rights, royalties, members and appurtenances, unto the faid Robert Williams, his heirs and affigns SubjeA (except fo r ever, (fubjedt, neverthelefs, as to all the faid ef- a?toadvovvfon)tates, except the faid advowfon, to certain indentures *f jiTooof a|je ^ ^ ea ^ e a releafe bearing date reipe&ively the and days of " ' the releafe being made between of the firft part, the faid Thomas Lewis, of the fecond part, and of the third part, whereby the feveral hereditaments and premifes were conveyed and a/lured unto and to the ufe of the faid .... his heirs and afligns, for fecuring to him, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, the payment Upon the t-uftsof the fum of i8,ooo7.) UPON 1 HE TRUSTS, atter menu- anc ] to an( j f or tne intents and purpoies hereinafter r.icntioned, expreiVed and declared of and concerning Releafe of other the fame. AND THIS INDENTURE FUR. _ his TpER WITNESSETH, That in further purfu- "/totruf-arice of the faid agreement, and for the confideration tee for annm- . a forefaid, and in confideration of the fum of 10*. of tanu. , f I 4. lawtul It APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 423 lawful money of Great Britain, by the faid Robert JWilliams to the laid Thomas Lewis and Thomas Mor- gan in hand well and truly paid, at or before the feal- ing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the (aid Thomas M r jrgar\ % at the requeft and by the direction of the laid Thomas Lewis, and at the nomination and appointment of the faid Thomas Burton, Edward Batten, and John Scott, (teftified by their being feverally parties to and exe- cuting the premifes,) HATH granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafed and conveyed, and by thefe pre- fents DOTH grant, &c. ; And the laid Thomas Lewis, at the like nomination and appointment of >the fai4 Thomas Burton, Edward Batten, and Jqhn Scott, teftified as aforefaid, HATH granted, bargained, fold, aliened, releafed, ratified and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH grant, &c. unto the faid Robert Williams, (in his actual poiTefipn, now being by. vir- tue of a bargain and fale to him thereof made by the faid Thomas Lewis and Thomas Morgan, for 5^. con- ftderation, by indenture bearing date the day next be-. fore the day of the date of thefe prefents for one whole year, to be computed from the day next before the cjay of the date of the fame indenture of bargain and fale, and by force of the flatute made for transferring ufes, into pofleilion,) and to his heirs and afllgns, ALL parcels, that the manor or lordfhip, Sec (State the parcels Together with all and fingular hoafes, out-houfcs, buildings, barns, flableS| dove-houfes, &c. the fame general words as folloiu the lajl parcels) And the re- verfion and reverfions, remainder aqd remainders, yearly and other rents, iffues and profits thereof or thereunto incident, belonging or in anyvvife apper T taining, and all the eftate, right, title, interefr, ufe, truft, inheritance, poffefTion, property, poflibility, claim and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity, of them the faid Thomas Lewis and Thomas Morgan, each or either of them, of in to or out of the fame premifes, or any part or parcel thereof, TO Habendumta HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid manor or lord-Ss^ndaf- fhip, mefluages, farms, lands, tenements, heredita- fi s'i'= 'pn the trults after * E 4 mentS, mcntioned . 424 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ments, and all and fingular other the premifes laft hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby granted, releafed and confirmed, with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances, unto the faid Robert Will'.ams, his heirs and afligns ; To the tife of the faid Robert Williams, his hens and affigns for ever, UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubjedt to the powers, provifoes and declarations hereinafter mentioned, exprefled and declared of and concerning *>* - t w- the fame. AND the faid Thomas Morgan for him- Covenant oy -...,..'. . . . . ? , , truftee for the lelr, his heirs, executors and ad mi narrators, doth ^ran.'or that h * covenant and declare to and with the faid Robert kasdone no adt rr ~ n . , r . r tomcumber. Williams* his heirs and afsigns, by thefe prefents, That he uhe faid Thomas Morgan hath not at any time- heretofore made, done or committed, or wittingly or v/illingly permitted or fuffered to be done, or been party or privy to the doing of any aft, deed, matter or thing whatever, whereby or by reafon or means v whereof the faid manor or lordfhip, &c. laft herein- before mentioned and intended to be bargained, granted, releafed and confirmed, or any part thereof, are is can fhall or may be charged, impeached, incumbered or affe&ed in title, eftute or otherwife howfoever. . AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and be- th" "uftee tween the faid parties to thefe prefents, That the faid fhall Hand Rohert Williams, hjs heirs and afsiens, fhall fhnd feifed of all the / / j c ., r \ r i i in premifes re- ietied or the laid leveral manors or lordihips, or leaied iubjea reputed manors or lordihips, advowfon, capital and mortgage. other meffuages, f^irms, lands, tenements, heredita-* ments, and premifes herein before refpectivcly men- tioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed-, y.nd confirmed, but as to the hereditaments included in the faid mortgage (fubjet to the faid mortgage and to the payment of the principal money and interest thereby Upon the trusts fecured) UPON'THE TRUSTS, and to and for the ' ntems an d purpofes, and with under and fubjecl to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreeir.ents hereinafter mentioned, expreffed, and declared of and concerning the fame, that is to fay, UPON TRT'ST " APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 42$ to permit and fuffer the faid Thomas Lewls^ his heirs To permit and afsigns, to receive and take the yearly and other ceh'e^the re^Tti rents, iflues, and profits thereof to his and their own until teiault in life and benefit, until fome default ftiall happen to be paym^rfaa- c ,- i r J < mutlCS. made or or in payment ot the laid icveral annuities or yearly rent-charges or fums of 20O/. 2OO/. and 20O/. fo granted to the laid 7 homas Bur ten, Edward Batten^ and John Scott refpedively as aforefaid, or any of them, or fome part or parts of the fame or any of them, at or on the days or time?, and in manner iimked and appointed for payment thereof refpeclively as afore- faid. AND UPON FURTHLR TRUST, That in And ln ca fc of cafe the faid feveral annuitte's-or yearly rent-charges or default by fi:;:y iums of 200/. &c. or any of them, or any' part or fo^an^md parts of the fame, or any cf them, fball happen to be puireiied ot 'the behind or unpaid by the fpace of iixty days next over ^"^K^W^ -. - /- i i f b > lu '- ri lire* i or after any of tne (ad days or times of payment and of the thereof! and whereon the fame refpectivelv are in and re: ' ts ia L h f * ,.'.,, . , ' i . J mean waue. by the (aid three leverul itxlentures, bearing even date herewith, limited and appointed and ought to be paid as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe, aad whereon the fame fhall happen, it tTiall and may be lawful to and for the faid kobert l^illiam^ his heirs and afsigns, and "he and they is and are hereby fully authoriieJ, required, and empowered to fell and abfolutely difpofe of all and every the faid feveral manors, &c. herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and conlinr;? :', either together or in parcels, and by public fa'.e or pnvate contract, unto any perfon or perfons wijumfr.ever ft:r the m-jll money or bed price or prices trntt can be reafonably had or gotten for the fame, and to execute ail fuch deeds, conveyances, and aflurances of the faid i'everal ht-reditaments and pre- mifes to the purchafer or purchasers thereof as fhall be requiftte or necefiary for the completion of fuch fale or fales, and to fbtid a;id be polTeiied of and interefred in all and every the Turn and fums of money to arife and be produced from the (hlt-'or fa'es herein before directed to be m;tde, and of the nents, iflues, and pro UPON TRUST thereout in the firft place to retain to and reimburfe himfelf and them- felves all fuch cofts, charges, and expences as he ot they fhall or may fuftain, expend, or be put unto in and about the making and completing of fuch fale or fales, or otherwife in the execution of the trufts hereby in him and them repofed ; And after payment there- of, as to the money arifing from the fale of the here- ditaments and premifes included in the laid in part re- cited mqrtgage, UPON TRUST thereout to pay to the faid his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, the faid fum of i8,ooo/, fecured to him upon or by virtue of the faid mortgage fecurity fo made to him as atbrefaid, and all intereft which (hall have accrued or become due for or on account thereof, and fhall then remain due and owing and unpaid ; And as to the furplus or refidue of the money arifing from the fale of the hereditaments and premifes included in the faid in part recited mortgage, after payment of the faid cofts, charges, and expences, and the faid fum of i8,ooo/. and the intereft thereof, and as to the fur- plus of the money arifing from the fale of the other hereditaments and premifes hereinbefore releafed, after payment of the faid cofts, charges, and expences, UPON TRUST by and out of the fame refpeftively to pay to the faid Thomas Burton^ Edivard Batten, and John Scott refpelively, their refpedtive executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fo much of their faid feveral annuities or clear yearly fums of 2oo/. &c. refpeftive* ly as at the time of completing fuch fale or fales fhould happen to be in arrear and unpaid, and alfo al] fuch fum and fums of money, lofs, cofts, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as the faid Thomas Burton^ &c. refpectively, their refpe&ive executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, or any of them, fhall pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid refpedtive an- nuities or clear yearly fums of 200/. &c. or any of them, or any part or parts of the fame, at or on the clays and times, and in the manner in and by the faid feveral APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 4 2f feveral indentures bearing even date herewith expref- fed or appointed for the payment thereof, or otherwife howfoever relating thereto. AND UPON FUR- Andtoinveft THER TRUST to place out or invert the refidue of therefidnei* . f , r - , - . r , i r i government the money to ante by luch iale or lales, and of the fecurity at rents, profits, and produce of the faid feveral manors, intere &- &c. until fuch fale or fales thereof fhall be completed in or upon government fecurities at intereft in the name or names of him the faid Robert Williams, his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns. AND FUR- And thereout, THER, That he the faid Robert Williams, Irfc ex- *?&?*?* j.. n i/r- niini r "*'' >* UUUI- ecutors, admmiltrators, and amgns, ihall irand poi- ficient, to dif- fefled of and interefted in the money fo to be placed j?[| of a fuf ~ out or inverted, UPON TRUST by and out of the principal' to intereft, dividends, and yearly proceeds thereof, and i^y the an- if fuch yearly intereft, dividends, and proceeds fhall fam^lhall frooi be inefficient, then in addition thereto by calling time to time in and difpofmg from time to time of a fufficient part ^th^u any* of the principal money fo to be inverted, or the ftocks, priority in pay- funds, or fecurities for the fame, to pay unto the faid ment> Thomas Burton, &c. refpeclively, their relpeclive ex- ecutors, adminiftrators, or affigns, the faid feveral annuities or yearly fums of 2oo/. &c. in and by the faid three feveral indentures, bearing even date herewith, granted and fecured co be paid to them refpedtively, as and when the fame fhall grow due and become payable, but without any preference or priority in payment. AND UPON TRUST alfo by and out of the'money And to retain fo to be placed out or inverted, and the intereft, divi-to himfelfaii dends, and yearly proceeds thereof, to retain to him dent'to"!* 1 "" the faid Robert Williams, his executors, adminiftra- truits. tors, and afligns, all fuch cofts, charges, and expences as he or they may fuftain or be put unto in the ex- ecution of the trufts hereby repofed in him and them refpedling the money herein before directed to be in- verted or placed out at intereft, AND SUBJECT TO Aml fll ,, THE TRUSTS herein before declared concerning thereto. the money fo to be inverted or placed out at intereft as herein before mentioned, the fame and the intereft thereof, or fo much thereof as fhall not be applied in fuch feveral trufts as are herein before there- of APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. In truft for the of declared, fhall be IN TRUST for the faid Tbomai iIecHU>rs h &c Lewis, his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, to and for his and their own abfolute uie and benefit. the ' PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby agreed ceaTeofthe and declared by and between the faid .parties to thefe forwhofe'lhTs prcfents, That after the deceafe of the furvivor or the annuities longeft liver of the feveral perfons on whofe lives the able? and ^ay- &' d t ^ iree levera l annuities or yearly iums of 2OO/. &c. ment of ai'i are refpetively made payable as aforefaid, and full ^!; e rvln^v" payment unto the faid Thomas Burton. &c. refpec- any ana e>- vT ' , / n i i rs, the lively, their reipective executors,^, admmiitrators or releTfe" b o/ fo a && ns ? f tne ^^ feveral annuities, yearly rent- much as fhou!d charges or fums of 23O/. &c. refpe&ivdy,. and ail not he difjpofed arrears thereof rcfpedively, and fuch proportionable truft?, ihnli be. parts thereof refpdtively, and payment of all cofts, in truft for charges, damages and exper.ces a? aforefaid, the faid ranpor, his c u j i *>eirsamlnf- ieveral manors, &c. herein before mentioned, and m- fi^ns, and be tended "to be hereby granted, releafed and confirmed, conveyed as he /- \ \ r /. \ n 11 i r,- r j r appoint, or ' niuch tncreor (n any) as luall not b& diipoied 01 under or in purfuance of the trufts herein before de- c]ared or expreflfed, fhall be IN TRU.ST for the laid Thomas Lewis^ his heirs and atfigns for ever, and be conveyed and allured as he or they fhall direct or ap- point, fubject only to the faid mortgage fo made to the. faid - as aforefaid, in cafe the fame fhall not have been paid off and difcharged Add declara- tion that the \fale to be made Jhall be valid without grantor ! s joining therein ; that the .receipt of the irufr tee Jhall be a fufficient dijcharge to the purcbafer ; and that trujlee /hail not be accountable for lofs without wilful Vide Precedent No.. XXXI I <) AND the faid Thomas Lewis for himfeif, his heirs, executors i . antl adminiftrators, DOTH covenant, promife and Jie > ,- i j-, , TT/-JI i andhistruftee agree to and with the laid Robert Williams, his tiveT ^(MxT ^ e ' is and affigns, by thefe prefents in manner foL nglf to- convey lowing, (that is to fay) That (notwirhftanding any free from in- a i deed, matter or thine whatever by the faid eurnhrances ,. 7 . . /- (except the luomas Lewis, or by any per tons whomloever, made, done or committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffere4 to the contrary) the faid 'Jhomas Lewis and Thomas APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 429 Morgan now have in themfelves, or one of them hath in himfelf good right, full power, and lawful and abfolute authority hy thefe prefents to convey and af- fure the faid feveral manors, &c. herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed, and confirmed by them refpe&ively as aforefaid, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto and to the ufe of the faid Robert William^ his heirs and af- figns for ever, fubje& and upon the trufts, and in manner and form aforefaid, and according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, and that all and fmgular the faid feveral manors, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted, releafed and confirmed, {hall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter remain, continue and be to the ufe of the faid Robert Williams^ his heirs and affigns, upon the trufts, and to and for the intents and pur- pofes, and with under and fubjeir, the feveral powers, nroVifoes, declarations, and agreements herein before limited, expreffed, declared and contained of and Concerning the fame, and fhail and may be ac- cordingly peaceably had, held and enjoyed with- out any lawful let, fuit, trouble, denial, eviction, interruption, difturbance, claim and demand whatfo- cver of or by him the faid 'Thvmas Lewis or his heirs, or by any other perfon or perfons whomfoever (except only the perfon or perfons claiming in refpect of the faid mortgage fo made to the faid r- as afore- faid, and in refpeft thereof only) and free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and dif- charged, or otherwife by him the faid Thomas Lewh^ his heirs, executors or administrators, well and luf- ficiently faved, defended, kept harmlefs, and indemni- fied of from anu againft all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, files, leafes, mortgages, jointures, dowers, titles of dower, ufes, truils, wills, intails, rents and arrears of rent, ftatutes, recogni- zances, judgments, extents, executions, eilatcs, titles, charges and incumbrances whatfoever had, made, done, committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered by the f>ud TJismas Lewis, his heirs or alligns, or any other perfoa 430 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. perfon or perfons whomfoever (fubject only to the faid mortgage fo made to the laid as aforefaid.) (Add covenant for further ajjurance ; that grantor will join in the fale and conveyance to be made y and enter into the ufual covenants to the purchafer \ and declaration that his joining not ejfential. fade Precedent No. Recital of deed, XXXII.) AND WHEREAS by indentures of leafe whereby a term anc [ r eleafe bearing; date refpe&ively on or about the of ^oo years in . r u i / partofpremifes- and days of the releaie j*areated. being of four parts, and made or exprefled to be made between Robert Powel, Efq. of the firft part, Ann Peuge, fpinfter, of the fecond part, Edward Horner, Efq. and Martin Stevens, Efq. of the third part, and "John Harvey, Efq, and Robert Hendy, Efq. of the fourth part, being the fettlement made previous to the marriage of the faid Robert Powell with the faid Ann Penge, a certain term of 500 years, of in and affeS- ing (among divers manors and other hereditaments) the manor, mefiuage?, lands and hereditaments in E herein before defcribed, and intended to be hereby granted, relealed, and confirmed, was created and limited to the laid "John Harvey and Robert Hendy, their executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, to com- mence from the deceale of him the faid Robert Powell UPON TRUST for railing the fum of io,ooo/. for the portions of the younger children of the faid mar- And that by jiage. AND WHEREAS by divers mefne affign- SjjSStttteiJWllfcj and particularly by indenture bearing date .fame became the I ft day of March which was in the year of our iee ft forfec a urUg -^ord J 79^> an( * ma ^e or exprefled to be made between 4000!. lent on the Right Honourable "John Lord S. and William ro ? rt -f ? e . , n Sober of Efq. of the firft part, John Han- which hasbeen r * - , r . n ir-i rn r c L Jon of the lecond part, the laid Ihomas Lewis or the t h| r d part, JPiliiam Sandle of Efq. of the fourth part, and the faid "John Doivsr of the fifth part, the faid manor or lordmip, &c. laft herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted and re- leafed, became veiled in the faid John Dower for the relidue of the faid term of 500 years, IN TRUST for better fecuring the payment to the faid Williani Sandle> his executors, administrators or afligns, of the (am APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 431 fum of 40oo/. and intereft, which fum of 4OOO/. and intereft hath fince been fatisfied and difcharged and lubjea: thereto, IN TRUST for the faid Thomas Lewis, his heirs and afligns, and to attend the freehold and inheritance of the fame pretnifes. AND WHERE- Recital of AS it hath been agreed, That the faid manor, mefluages, JSSgJ* 1 &c. comprifed in the faid term of 500 years (hall be of term to truf. affigned by the faid Jebn Dower to the faid James {, ttoft for Miller , his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, for nuities. 2 all the refidue and remainder of the faid term of 500 years now to come and unexpired therein, upon the trails hereinafter declared for better fecuring the pay- ment of the faid feveral annuities of 200/. &c. and fubjed thereto, IN TRUST to attend the freehold and inheritance of the famepremifes in manner herein- after mentioned. NOW THIS INDENTURE Affignmpnt WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and in confide ration of the fum of io/. of lawful money of Great Britain by the faid Jama Miller to the faid John Dower in hand, well and truly paid at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid John Dower (at the requeft and by the di- rection of trie faid Thomas Lewis and Thomas Afar gait, and at the nomination and appointment of the faid Thomas Burton? Edward Batten, and John Scott, tefti- fied by their feverally being parties to and executing thefe prefents) HATH bargained, fold, affigned, transferred and fet over, and by thefe prefents DOTH bargain, &c. and the faid Thomas Lewis and Thomas Morgan HAVE, and each of them HATH bargain- ed, fold, afligned, transferred and fet over, ratified and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DO, and each of then DOTH bargain, &c. unto the faid James Miller, his executors, adminiftrators and alligns, the faid manor or lordfhip, &c. and all and fmgular other the premifes laft herein before mentioned, and intend- ed to be hereby granted, releafed and confirmed, and fo vefted in the faid John Do^ver for the refidue of the faid term of 500 years as aforefaid, with the appurte- nances, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, term and 432 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS and terms for years yet to come and unexpired, truft, poflefiion, property, poffibility, claim and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity, of him the faid "John Dower of in or to the fame premifes, every Hafcendvmfor O r anv part thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Tenclue of term i / . a i 11 J r i ^.u mtiuittoafsign t " e ' ai tnem refpeclively the payment of their refpe&ive an- fubjeci'thereto. nuities of 2OO/. &c. and fubject thereto, IN TRUST In trufl to at- to attend the reverfion, freehold and inheritance of tend the in- t h e fame premifes according totheufes, trufts, charges, or eftates declared of or fubfirting in the fame premifes by virtue of or under thefe prefents, or the indentures of equal date herewith, fo that the fame may wait upon arid attend the faid ufes, trufts, charges or eftates, fo as to be fubfervient thereto, and to protedt the fame from all mefne charges and incumbrances (if any fuch SdTor'o/ 10111 tllere be )' ANO the faid John Dower DOTH hereby terrriThat'he for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, haddone no covenant and declare to and with the faid James Miller, cumber. n ' s executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, that he the laid John Dower hath not done or committed, or wit- tingly or willingly iuffered, or been party or privy to the doing of any acl:, matter or thing whatfoever whereby or wherewith^ or by reafon or means where- of the iaid manors, &c. herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, or the faid term of 500 years therein, or any part thereof refpedlively, are APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 433 are is can or lhall be furrendered, forfeited, avoided, impeached, charged, afsigned, incumbered or affected in title, eftate, or otherwife howfoever. In witnefs, &c. No. XXXV. GRANT O/'ANNUITY for three Lives, charged upon Premifes demifed to a Truftee for 500 Years in Trujl for fecuring the fame ; and an Appointment of a Receiver of the Rents ; and a Claufe for appointing another Receiver in Cafe of his Death or Removal', and a Decla- ration of the Tr lifts of an outftandingTerm. Redeemable *. THIS INDENTURE made,&c. between the Right Honourable G" B of the firft part; William Thompson, of of the fecond part ; Walter Hallam y Parties - of- of the third part; John North, of' of the fourth part; and Robert White, of of the fifth part. WHEREAS the faid G B Recital that is and Hands feifed to him and his heirs in fee fimple of f^ a f gg ris feifed and in the manor, capital and other mefluages, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, lying and being in in the county of Middlefex, and hereinafter particu- larly mentioned and defcribed, and intended to be hereby granted and demifed. (Recite the contract for the annuity, bond, and warrant of attorney}. NOW Confideration. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and in confideration of the fum of i8oo/. of lawful money of Great Bri- tain, to the faid G B in hand, well and truly paid by the faid Walter Hallam^ at or before thefealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt and pay- ment whereof the faid G B DOTH hereby ac- * A memorial of this deed does not require to be inrolled, the eftate being freehold and of greater yearly value than the annuity, and as iuch excepted by the Sth fedtion of theadt. F V knowledge, 434 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. knowledge, and thereof and of and from the fameancj every part thereof DOTH acquit, releafe, and for ever discharge the faid Waiter Haliam^ his executors, adminillrators and affigns, by thefe prefents, he the Grant of annu- faid G B HATH given, granted, bargained, itytobeiilu- foi d and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH ing out of the . 3 , ' . . T ,J . r _ T. manor, &c. for give, &c. unto the laid waiter rlallam, hts execu- three lives. tors, adminiftrators and afiigns, for and during the natural lives of them the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 2oo/. of lawful, Sec. to be charged and chargeable upon and to be ifluing and payable, had and taken by and out of ALL that the manor, or reputed manor of in the county of Middlesex, &c. ( State the parcels andgeneralivords. ) TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid annuity, &c. (With powers of diftrefs and entry , Free. No. 'XXXI.} AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH,That for the confide- Demife />f pre- rations aforefaid, (DcmifcoftbepremiftstoRobert White mifes to a truf- fir a term of 20O years upon truft for raifing annuity^ ye'rtup Precedent No. XXXL) PROVIDED ALWAYS, truft to rait'e and it is hereby agreed and declared by and be- aadpayanmj- . tween tne f a jd parties to thefe prefents, That after Provifofor the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid A. B. ^X'^Li^D. and/. F. and full payment unto the faid the furvivor of Walter Haham^ his executors, adminurrators, and the hves, and a f^or ns o f t ne f a :^ annuity, annual rent charge, or paymencot all 12} P" ' . \. ] f \ i r r /- i / .soft?, &g. ium or 2OO/. up to the day or the deceafe or (uch fur- vivor of them the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and payment of all fuch coils, charges, damages, and ex- pences as aforefaid, or upon the repurchafe of the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge upon the terms and conditions hereinafter expreffed, the faid term of 200 years, or fo much thereof as fhall not be dif- pofed of under or in purfuance of the trufts herein be- fore declared or exprefiecJ, fhall ceafe, determine and lie void, (but without prejudice to any fale, mortgage, BUt Wit D OUI r - i i n 11 i i i ,- ii prejudice to any or Qilpoiition, which ihall have been made of all or w 1 hicha t li 2S&or any part of the premifes comprifed in the fame have been term, for all or any of the purpofes herein before men^ nude of t)v pwnifes io purfuance of the before mentioned trufts. tioned, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. tioned, in purfuance of the truft herein before declared Concerning the fame term). AND WHEREAS the Recital that laid John ^North is receiver of the rents of the eftate of John North w the faid G B NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That for the confederations afore- faid, andfor the further and better fecuring the due and regular payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 2OO/. he the faid G- B doth hereby direct and Direftion from authorife the faid John North^ and all other perfon or grantor to re- perfons who may hereafter be appointed a receiver or annuiV^uujf receivers of the rents of his eftates from time to time the rents, out of the rents and profits of the faid premifes herein before mentioned and demifed, and hereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent- charge of 2OO/. or intended fo to be, to pay the fame annuity, or yearly rent-charge, as the fame lhall be- come payable, unto him the faid Walter Hal/am, his executors^ adminiftrators and afligns, at and in the place and on the days and times hereinbefore appoint- ed for payment thereof. AND he the faid G B " , . ,. -r/-\TTT L i i ' T^I Andthatthe D(J 1 H hereby declare, 1 hat the receipt or receipts grantees receipt of the faid Walter Hallam, his executors, adminiftra- li i ial * b ?.[ u f- R ' tors and afligns) fhall from time to time be a good f t the fame.' 8 * and effe&ual dilcharge, and good and effectual dif- eharges to the faid John North^ or fuch other perfon or perfons, for fo much monies as in fuch receipt (hall be exprefled to be received. AND the faid John North DOTH hereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and covenant from adminiftrators, covenant, promife, and declare to and receiver to pay with the faid G B and alfo to and with the ?,X UI: df faid Walter Hallam y and each of them, and the execu- tors, adminiftrators and afligns, of them and each of them, That he the faid John North ihall and will pay, apply, and difpofe of the faid rents, iflues, and pro- fits, or a furficient part thereof, as and when the fame ibali be received by and come to his hands, upon the trufts,and to and for the intents and purpofes, and in manner herein before mentioned. (ddd covenant thai grantor is feifed in fee, and hath full power to charge the premifis with the annuity, and to demife the fame upon the trujh aforefaid ; and in default of payment of F F a *nnutty 9 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. grantee. Annuity^ for truftee peaceably to enter and receive the rent 'j, upcn the trufts aforefaid^ and for Jurther ajfaranet.) from AND MOREOV ER, That he the faid G - B - grantor that he his heirs or afliens, (hall not nor will at any time will not revoke , ,- *" i_ \. r ji the appoint- or times hereafter, without the content and approba- mentof there- tion of the faid Walter Hallam, his executors, admi- niftrators or afligns, in writing, for that purpofe fir ft had and obtained, revoke, alter, fruftrate, annul or make void the appointment of him the faid John Nsrtb to be receiver of the aforefaid rents and profits, nor the directions or authorities herein before given or granted to the faid Jihn North , or do or fuffer to be done any matter or thing whereby the faid directions, powers, or authorities, or any of them, fhall or may be rendered void or of no effect, and fhall not nor will impede, hinder, or obftru charges, and rifque of tht faid G --- B -- ies,gantor ppoint covenants. and rifque, his executors, adminillrators or afligns, who ihall en- ter into the like covenants for the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, as are herein contain- ed on the part of the faid John North^ and fo from time to time during the lives of the faid A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the life of the furvivor of them, as Provifbthatin o'ccafion fhall require. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and cafe grantor re- it is hereby agreed, That if the faid G -- B -- fhall nate fucn fu-' ne g' e & or refufe to nominate and appoint fuch future receiver or receivers, then and in fuch cafe, and fo o f ten as t fa ij ke ca{e flj a |l happen, it ihall and may be , - . . . . . ' *, ' rr ., , . J lawful to and for the faid Walter kiallam, his execu^ tors, adminiftrators and afsigns, but at the fole rifque of the faid G - B - his executors and ad- miniftrators, ture receiver, grantee to ap - point one. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 437 miniftrators, to appoint fome fit perfon or perfons to collect the faid rents, iiTues, and profits, upon the trufts aforefaid AND LASTLY it is hereby Declaration b agreed and declared by and between all the laid parties tru.tee an to thefe prefents, and particularly the faid G 'B B S? utft ^H I I' rv/^vT^TT i i_ j- n. J .v. term that he JLKJ I H hereby a^ree, declare and direct, and the wi'litand pof. faid William Tbempfan DOTH hereby aeree, That a feffed thereof ,. fc Hurthen of the execution thereof. AND WHERE- AS the faid Ann Teel hath fince departed this life, leaving the faid Ann Teel party hereto, John Teel and Sarah Teel, her only children, her furviving and And that gran- now Hving. AND WHEREAS the faid AnnTeel^ tor has attained party hereto, hath lately attained her age of 21 years, xvhe^eby "' whereby (he is become entitled, under and by virtue of fhe is become the faid recited will, to one third part of the faid free- b n eqSftIi?the hold and copyhold eftates, devifed and bequeathed by will. the fame will, to or in truft for the child and children Recital of con- f the faid ' Am Teel deceafed ' AND WHEREAS tr* if nol *M- Jiereby granted as aforefaid, and aifo in confideracion "fng iiv^upon of the fum of 105. of lawful, &c. by the laid R icbard the trufts after Gram to the faid Ann Teel in hand, well and truly paid mentlone declarations, and agreements here- after mentioned, exprefled, and declared of and con- Declaration of cerning the fame. AND it is hereby agreed and de- the trufts of dared by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents. demile and , ' < i r> 7 is*. i afsignment. That he the faid Richard Uram, his executors, admir- niftrators and affigns, mail ftand and be pofiefled of and interefted in the faid feveral premifes herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby demifed, and of the faid accumulations, intereft, dividends, and an- nual produce, and all and fmgular other the premifes herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby affigned, UPON THE TRUSTS, andto and for the intents and purpofes, and with under and fubjecl to the powers, provifoes, declarations, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, exprefled, and declared of 4 and APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and concerning the fame, (that is to fay) UPON upon truft for TRUST to permit and fuffer the faid Ann Teel and ^curing an- her affigns to receive and take the faid rents, ifiues, nuuy> and profits of the faid premifes herein before men- tioned and intended to be hereby demifed } And alfo the faid accumulations, intereft, dividends, and annual produce, fum and fums of money herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby affigned to her and their own ufe and benefit, until fome default mall happen to be made of or in payment of the faid an- nuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of 50.. hereby granted, or fome part thereof, at or on the days or tim.s and in. manner herein before limited and appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. AND UPON FUR- M HER TRUS F, That in cafe the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 50'. or any part thereof, ihall happen to be behind and unpaid by the fpace of forty days next, over or after any of the faid days or times of payment thereof, whereon the fame is herein before limited and appointed and ought to be paid as aforefaid (being lawfully demanded) then and fo often the faid Richard Gram, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fliall from time to time, by and out of the laid accumulations, intereft, dividends, annual pro- duce, and fum and fums of money herein before men- tioned, and intended to be hereby afligned, and by and out of the rents, iilues, and profits of the premifes herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby de- mifed, or by leafing or mortgaging the fame pre- mifes for all or any part of the faid term of 99 years, determinable as herein before mentioned, or by fuch other ways and means as to him the faid Richard Qram, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, (hall feem meet, raife and levy fuch fum and fums of money as will be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 50'. or fo much thereof as (hall from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid; And alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, lofs, cofts, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as the laid John Scott and Janes Mott and the faid A if hard Oram, or any or either of them, theijr or either of their ex- ecutors, 44(5 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. ecufors, administrators or afligns, fhall pay, fuftain, pend, or be put unto, for or by reafon or means of th non-payment of the f;iid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 50 .or any part thereof, at or on the days and times and in the manner herein before exprgfled or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts hereby declared or expreiled of and concerning the faid premifes herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby demifed and afligned reflectively, of the taking pofieflion collecting and receiving the faid rents, iflucs, and profits, accumulations, intereft, di- vidends, annual produce, fum and lums of money, of otherwife howfoever relating thereto, and do and fhall pay and apply the monies fo to be raifed and levied in or towards payment or fatisfaction thereof accord- ingly, and do and fhall pay to of otherwife permit and fufFer the faid Ann Tee , her heirs, executors, adminiftra- tors and affjgns, from time to time to receive and take the refidue and overplus of the rents, iflues, and profits of the faid hereby demifed premifes, and alfo the faid accumulations, intereil, dividends, annual pro- duce, and fum and fums of money hereby afligned, after full payment and fatisfaction of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of 50'. and all arrears thereof, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages, and expences as aforefaid, to her and their own proper uie and benefit* (Add fo'djcr of attorney to receive th, accumulations, in- /, dividends, annual prohid, fu?n and j urns r,f money ^ of the executors under the will) as in Precedent No< XXL Add a covenant againjl incumbrances y and for further affurance and indemnity to trijijc, and defea- Heciral of Jance to judgment. ' AND WH : RE AS upon the ^ e " n f; r ' t f r , treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear redemption, o.i - . . 1* pa>mentof yearly ium or 50 . herein before mentioned, it was mu- ^iT'-ea'r^f n- tuall y a g reeti b 7 and between the faid ohn Scott and^ &uicy to gran- "'famej Mott and Ann 'ieel t That the faid Ann 'I eel, 31 ^ e r heirs, executors or adminiftrators^fhould at anytime hereafter be at liberty to repuvchafe and buy up the faid annuity, or yearly fum of $ol. upon giving unto the faid ohn ' cott and James . ott reipeclively, their refpelive executors, adminiilrators or afBgns, ten days APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 447 days notice in writing of fuch her intention, and upon paying unto the (aid John Scott and James Mott y their executors, adminiftrators or affigns, at the expiration of the time to be mentioned therein, the full fum of 4257. of lawful money of Great Britain, in equal {hares and pro- portions, being the original purchafe-money, and two quarterly payments of the faid annuity, as and for the confideration of fuch repurchafe of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. together with all arrears that {hall be due on the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. and a pro- portionable part thereof, from the laft day of payment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe up to and until the repurchafing the fame. AND THIS INDENTURE Covenant FURTHER WITNESSETH, That for efFeduating thereon ' the faid laft mentioned agreement, it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents to be the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, And the faid John Scott and James Mott for themfelves feverally and refpe&ively, and for their fe- veral and refpelive heirs, executors and adminiftra- tors, do and each of them doth hereby covenant, pro- mife, and agree to and with the faid Ann Teely her executors, adminiftrators and affigns, That in cafe the faid Jtin Teel, her heirs, executors or adminiftrators, (hall at any time hereafter be minded and defirous of repurchafing the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/, and of fuch her or their intention mail give unto the faid John Scott and James Mott refpecHvely, their re- fpe&ive executors, adminiftrators or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of ten days, that they the faid John Scott and James Mott refpettively, their refpec~ tive executors, adminiftrators or affigns, fhall and will at the end of the faid ten days from the time fuch notice fhall be given as aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and fums of money whatfoever that (hall be then due for the arrears of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 507. together with a proportionable part thereof, from the laft day of payment thereof preced- ing fuch repurchafe, up to the day of repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive, and take the faid fum of 425 /. as and in full for the repurchafe of 3 h 448 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. herein before granted as aforefaid, and on receipt of the faid fum of 425 . and all arrears of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 5o/. herein before granted as aforefaid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid, fhall and will at the proper cofts and charges in the law of her the faid /;nn 'j eel, her heirs, executors or admi- niftrators, deliver up the faid bond to the laid Ann Teely her heirs, executors or adminiilrators, to be cancelled, and then and in fuch cafe the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 5o/. and the powers and remedies hereby given for recovering the fame and enforcing the payment thereof, and the faid term herein before created, and the trufts herein before declared for fe- curing the fame, fhall ceafe, determine and be void, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. In \vitnefs> &c, CHAP. [ .:.:? nXTUWHA ' '..; i . CHAP. xiv. _ MISCELLANEOUS DEEDS AND INSTRU- MENTS RELATING TO ANNUITIES, No. XXXVII. . . Ax ABSOLUTE ASSIGNMENT of Qfpl to which the Affignor is hit it led for Life *. . nr 1 HIS INDENTURE, made, &c. between Miry Parties. Day, of, c. widow, of the one part, and 'James Stout, of, &c. gent, of the other part. WHEREAS Recital that' fhe-fnid Mary Day is under and by virtue of the laft wK.dW? will and-teilamei't of her brother '1 hom*s Cilaffe t late dends for Ufa of, &c. Efq. detelied} bearing date the day of 1790, intkled for her life to the intereft, dividends, and annual income arifing from the fum of 8oo/. 4 pef cent. Bank annuities, directed to be pur- chafed -by and out of the refidue of the faid teftator's perfonat eflate, and which is now ftanding in the names of the truftees therein named. AND WHEREAS the faid 'fames Stout hath contracted and agreed with the f-iid Marty -Day for the abfolute purchafe of the in- tereft, dividends, and annual produce arifing and accru- ing from and out of the fum of 4OO/. 4 percent. Bank __. ; _ . * Thi not-being the cjraht oF nn annuity orn1ad6 for feCurihg one, rc'ru-.i-s no memorial to be inrolka. c c annuities, 45 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. the life of afsignor. annuities, part and parcel of {he faid fum of 8oo/ 4 per cent. Bank annuities fo Handing in the names of Danid Grant and Stephen Gcer t the truftees named in the faid will of the faid Thomas Glajfi, and to which {he the faid Mary Day is intitled for her life under and by virtue of the fame will, at or for the price or fum of Afvznment of O 6/. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, dividends for That iu con fideration of the faid fum of 967. of lawful, &c. to the faid Mary Day in hand, well and truly paid by the faid James Stout at or before, &c. the receipt, c. {he the faid Jk'ary Day HATH bargained, fold, afligned, transferred, and let over, and by thefe pre- fents DOTH bargain, &c. unto the faid 'James Stout, his executors, admin iftrators, and affigns, ALL thofe the intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fum of -400 '. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, part and par- cel of the faid fum of 8oo/. 4 per cent. Bank annui- ties fo Handing in the names of them the faid Daniel Grant and Stephen Gecr as aforefaid, and all the right, title, intereft, power, property, benefit, claim and demand whatfotver of her the faid Mary Day, of in and to the faid fum of 4OO/. 4 per cent. Bank annui- ties, every or any part thereof, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, perceive, take and enjoy the faid intereft, divi- dends, and annual produce of the faid fum of 4oo/. 4 per cent. Bank annuities, hereby bargained, fold, afligned, transferred, and fet over, or mentioned or intended fo to be, and every part and parcel thereof unto the faid '/ antes Stout, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of her the faid Mary Day, as and for his and their own abfolute property, benefit, and behoof; AND for the beUer enabling the faid 'James Stout, his executors, adminif- trators, and afligns, to recover and receive the faid hereby afiigned premifes, {he the faid Mary Day HATH made, ordained, nominated, conftituted and appointed, and in her place and ftead put and deputed, and by thefe prefents DOTH make, ordain, nominate, conftitute, and appoint, and in her place and ftead put and depute the faid James itout, his executors, adminif- trators, and afltgns, and eacfc and every of them her true P<*er of at- torney to rer ceive fame. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 451 true and lawful attorney and attornies irrevocable in the name of her the faid Mary Day, or in the name of him the faid James Stout, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, to aflc, demand, recover, and take of and from the faid Daniel Grant and Steph n Geer, and all or any other perfon or perfons whom it fhall can ot may concern to pay the fame, all thofe the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid fum of 400'. 4 per cent, annuities herein before mentioned, and hereby intended to be affigned as aforefaid, as the fame fhall refpectively become due and payable, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof, to give good and fufficient releafes and discharges for the fame, and upon refufal or non-payment thereof, or of any part thereof, to ufe, take, and profecute all legal and equi- table ways and means for the recovery of the fame, (he the faid Maty Day hereby giving and granting unto the faid James Stout, his executors, adminiftra- tors, and affigns, her full power and authority in the 1 premifes, and hereby ratifying and confirming, and agreeing further to ratify and confirm all and whatfo- ever the faid James Stcut, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhall lawfully do or cauie to be done touch- ing or concerning the fame. AND the faid Mary Covenant that Day doth hereby for herfelf, her executors and admi- jJJSSSSp niltrators, covenant and agree to and with the faid incumber. James Stout, his executors, admiuiftrators, and affigns, in manner following (that is to fay) That fhe the faid Mary Day hath not at any time heretofore made, done, executed, committed, or willingly or knowingly fuf- fered any aft, deed, matter, or thing whatsoever, whereby or by reafon or means whereof the faid inte- Teft, dividends, and annual produce hereby affigned or exprefied and intended fo to be, or any of them are is can fhall or may be received, releafed, compounded, discharged, or in any wife incumbered, or whereby the faid James Stout, his executors, adminiftrators, or af- figns, mail or may be prevented or hindered from re- ceiving and recovering the fame. AND that fhe the And hafh faid Mary Day now hath in herfelf good right, full power to affign. power, and lawful and abfolute authority to bargain, G G 2 fell. 451 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fell,aflign, and fet over, the faid hereby afligned interert, dividends, and annual produce unto the faid James Stout , his executors, adrmmflrators, and afTigns, in mariner And will not aforefaidj AND alfo, That ihe the faid Alary Day fhall revoke the not nor will at any time hereafter, without the confent f t ^. e foid James Stout, his executors, adminiflrators, or afligns, for that purpofe firft had and obtained, re- ceive the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce hereby altigned as aforefaid, or revoke the power of attorney hereby given and granted, for receiving and And for peace- recovering the fame. AND FURTHER, That it (hall able enjoyment, and maybe lawful to and for the faid Jatncs Stout, his executors, adminiflrators, and afligns, from time to time, and all times hereafter during the natural life of the faid Maty Day> peaceably and quietly to have, hold, receive, and take the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce hereby afligned to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, according to the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, without any let or hindrance whatfo- ever of or by the faid Mary Day, or of cr by any other perfon or perfons lawfully claiming or to claim And for further by or under her. -AND MOREOVER, That fhe the faid Mary Day fhall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at the requcft, coils, and charges of the faid James Stout, his executors, admi- niftrators, and afligns, make do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made done .iud executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful aud reasonable acls and things, aflignments ami .ailuranccs in the law whatfo- ever, for ,the further better and more perfect and abfolute affigning and alluring the faid hereby ailigned intereft, dividends, and annual Income and premifes, and every or any part thereof to the faid James Stout^ his executors, admim'ftrators, and affigns, and alfo for the better enabling him and them to recover and receive the feme according to the true intent and meaning of thcfe prefents, as by the faid James Stout, his executors, udminiitrators, or affigns, or any or either of them, or his their or any or either of their counfel learned in the law {hall be re.ifonably devifed, advifed or required. In witnefs, &c. ' No, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 453 - No. XXXVIII. ASSIGNMENT of a Rent-Charge (which is redeemable) from a fu wiving Grantee and his Tniftee, in which the Grantor joins, in Consideration of a Sinn paid to him, and makes the fame irredeemable *. ' THIS INDENTURE of five parts made, &c. be- tween William Hitt, of Efq. of the firft partj Partiec Sa-d' Chapman^ of, &c. Efq. of the fecond part; Richard Bzirt, of, &c. Efq. of the third part j Samuel Way, of, &c. gent, of the fourth partj and Robert White, of, &c. gent, of the fifth part. WHEREAS by indenture of three parts bearing date the grant of an- day of in the year 1782, and made or ex- nuity totwo prefled to be made between the ftid William Halt of S SaSe'o the firft part, the faid Sande Chapman and John Bunn t redemption, fmce deceafed, of the fecond part, and the faid Samuel j^ *}% ^. Way of the third part, IT IS WITNESSED, That in curing the confideration of the fum of 4o/. to the faid William * m *' Halt paid by the faid Sande Chapman and John Bunn t being the fame fum as was mentioned in the condi- tion of the bond hereinafter mentioned, he the faid William Halt .did give, grant, and confirm unto the faid Sande Chapman and John Bunn y their executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid William Halt, one annuity, clear yearly rent-charge or fum of 6~O''. to be ifluing and growing payable, had, received and taken by them the 'faid Sande Chapman and John Bnnn y their executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns,by and out of all, &c. (State the premifes]. -TO HOLD the fame annuity, yearly * A memorial of this nffignment require* to be inio}led, by reafon that illiterates as an abfoluie grant from thf grantoi. Q G 3 454 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. rent-charge, or annual fum unto the faid Sande Chap- man and John Eunn y their executors, adminiftrators> and afiigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid William Halt, payable half yearly, at or on the days and times and in manner therein mentioned, to- gether with a proportionable part of fuch annuity, be yearly rent-charge for the time which mould elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment next pre- ceding the deceafe of the faid William Halt, and the time of fuch his deceafe, with the ufual powers of diftrefs and entry, and perception of the rents and pro- fits for recovering and fecuring the fame annuity as therein mentioned*, and in which faid indenture now in recital is contained a covenant for procuring the re- newal of the leafe of the premifes charged with the an- nuity, and which are held by leafe granted by the Bimop qf London for a term of feven years, fubject to renewal, and that the leafe when renewed mould be chargeable with the annuity. AND IT IS BY THE NOW RECITING INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSED, That for the confiderations aforefaid, and for the better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of 60'. and alfo in in consideration of los. to the faid William Ha t paid by the faid Samuel fjTay, he the faid William Halt did (at the nomination and by the direction and appoint- ment of the faid Sande Chapman and John Ennn tefti- fied as therein mentioned) grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto the faid Samuel Way, his executors, ad- miniftrators, and afligns, ALL, &c. TO HOLD the fame unto the faid Samuel Way> his executors, admi- niftrators, and afligns, from the day next before the day of the date of the now reciting indenture, for and during die term of 0.9 years then next enfuin^, if he the faid WiJKam Hah mould fo long live, UPON CERTAIN TRUSTS therein mentioned, for better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly ium of 6ol'. and the fines which mould from time to time - be paid by the faid Sande Chapman and "John Bunn, their executors, adrniniftrators or afligns, for the renewal of the leafe of the premifes thereby demifed in APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 4SS In the event of the faid William Hah refufmg or neg- le whereby the folutely veiled in the faid Sand* Chaptnauby furvivorfhir). v-'V to the AND WHEREAS the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, ^Jjf^-. or fum of 6oA and all arrears thereof up to the arrean have day o f ________ have been fatisfied and paid as the t>"enpaidtoa faid Sande Chapman doth hereby admit and acknow- ce ledge. AND WHEREAS the laid Sande Chapmnh An( ] that 5 rar hath, on the application of the faid Richard A wf, agreed [Jj in consideration of the fum of > /. to be by him paid to the faid Sarnie Chapman, to ailign and transfer the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 6o/. and the faid recited fecurity for the fame unto the faid Richard Kurt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- G G 3 fig" s. 456 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. And that gran- figns. AND WHEREAS the faid William Unit, at rS&SS!m-*f inftancc andrequdl and for the fatisfaHon of the rnent, and flee (aid Richard r/, .hath covenanted and agreed to ratify from the claufe ^"^ C nn>rm ^ e 1 be made to him by the of redemption, faid Sande Chapman of the faid annuity, yearly rent^ charge, or fum of 6o/. freed and difcharged of and from the power or provifo for redemption thereof, in the faid recited indenture contained in confideration of the fum of /. AND i WHEREAS State a^ree^ Afsignmentof m /. of jike money to the frrid' ;f \llinm Halt in like manner paid by the laid Richard Burt> the rec?ap(t of which iaid feveral (urns of /. and -/.(making toge*- ther the fum of . --*'/) refpe6tively, the faid s 'ande Chapman and ft llitim Halt do, thereby reipe&ively ac- knowledge, and of and from the fame and evt-ry part thefeof refpecliively, (acquit, releafe, :and difclurge the faid .Richard Burt, his 'executors, ,adminiftrators and affigns-,bythefe prefentr^out of which ( c tate payment of expencesj he the faid &?/?<& ChapmanllN^H bargained, fold, affigned, transferred, and fct over, and by thefe prefents DOTH bargdin, fell, afllgn, transfer, and fet over, AND the faid // ''illiam i~>alt HATH granted, ratified, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DOTH grant, ratify, and confirm unto the faid Richard Btirt^ his executors, adrniniftrators, and affigns, ALL that the faid annuity, yearly rent charge, or fum of 60'. in and by the laid recited indenture- granted and fe- cured and made payable unto the faid .*-ande < hspman and John Bunn, their executors, adrniniftrators, and affigns, as therein and hereinafter mentioned, AND all arrears now due thereon, together with the fame indenture, and all benefit and advantage thereof, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, truft, property, poffefiion, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and in equity APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 457 equity of them the faid Sande 'Chapman and William Halfy or either of them, of in to or out of the lame and every or any part thereof, TO HAVE, HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the laid annuity, yearly rent- charge, or fum of 6o/- herein before mentioned to be afiigned and confirmed unto the iaid'A/V&zY/ / urt, his xecutors, admim'ilrators and aligns, from the day of novs-'laft paft, for and during the na- tural life of the faid H-illiam liciti, freed and absolutely xiifcharged of and from the power or provifo in the laid recited indenture contained for redemption thereof, upon the terms and conditions and in manner tiierein and herein before mentioned. AND THIS INDEN- -x^nmentof TORE FURTHER WITNESSETH, That for the'" confiderations herein before expreffed the faid 'iande Chapman HATH bargained, fold, ailigned, transferred, and fet over, and by thefe prefents DOTH bargain, &c. and the faid William Halt HATH ratified lind confirmed, And by thefe prefents DOTH ratify and confirm unto the laid Richard Burt, his executors, ad- fniniitrators and afiigns, ALL that the fai'cl bond or obligation made and entered into by the faid '/ illiam Halt unto the faid Sande Chapman and ''fohn Bunti, in the penal fum of 8oo/. for better fecuring to them the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 60.. hereby affigned or intended fo to be, and all and every other fum and fums of money thereby lectured, or thereupon reco- verable, and all other the benefit and advantage thereof, together with full power and authority for him the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, to receive and recover the fame, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid bond and premifes laft herein before mentioned to be hereby afligned and confirmed unto the faid Richard Burt^ his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to and for his and their own ufe and be- nefit. AND the faid Sande Chapman for hirnfclf, his Covenant that T. j i I-L it i lurvtvmz and Jieirs, executors and administrators, doth covenant and deceaferf g.ait- declare to and with the faid Richard Lnrt, his execu- L - c tnvc dnc tors, adminiftrators and afligns, by thefe prefents, cumber. That he the faid Sande Chapman hath not at any time heretofore, nor hath the faid John Bunn deceafed, made. 458 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. made, done, executed, committed, or wittingly or wil- lingly fuffercd any aft, matter or thing whatfoever, whereby or wherewith or by reafon or means whereof the faid annuity, or yearly fum of 60 . herein before afligned, or any part thereof, is can (hall or may be received, releafed, compounded, difcharged, or in any wife affected, or whereby or by means whereof the faid bond and premifes laft herein before mentioned to He hereby afligned, or any of them, are is can fhall or may be vacated, avoided, releafed, difcharged, impeached, incumbered, or in any way affected. Afsigmnem.or AND THIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH, Tliat in- confideration of the premifes and of i o.c. of lawful, &c. to the faid Samuel Way in hand, paid by the faid Robert White at or before the fealing and deli* very of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid Samuel Way 'at the requeft arid by the direction of the faid Sande Chapman, and at the nomination and appointment of the faid Richard Burt, refpe&ively teilified by their feverally being par- ties to and executing thefe presents) HATH bargained, fold, afligned, transferred, and fet over, and by thefe pre- fents DOTH,&c. and the faid William Halt and Sande Chapman, at the like nomination and appointment of the faid Richard Burt, HAVE and each of them HATH granted, ratified, and confirmed, and by thefe prefents DO and each of them DOTH grant, &c. unto the faid Robert White, ALL thofe, &c. in and by the faid recited indenture demifed unto the faid Samuel Way, his executors, adminiflrators and af~ figns, for the term of 99 years determinable on the deceafe of the faid William Halt as therein and herein before mentioned, with the appurtenances, and all the eftate, right, and intereft of them the faid Samuel Way, William Halt, and Sande Chapman, and of each and every of them at law and in equity, of in to or out of the fame, or any part thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes herein before men- tioned to be hereby afligned and confirmed unto the faid Robert White, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, henceforth for and during all the refidue and APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 459 and remainder of the faid term of 99 years thereof, granted as aforefaid, yet to come and unexpired, if the faid William Halt fhall fo long live, at and under the rent by the faid recited indenture referved, AND UPON THE TRUSTS, and to and for the intents and purpofes therein declared and herein before men- tioned, but fo as neverthelefs, That all the benefit and advantage of the fame trufts by the fame indenture declared, or intended in favour of the faid Sande Chapman and "John Bunn, their executors, adminif- trators and afligns, fhull belong to and be received and enjoyed by the faid Richard Enrt t his executors, administrators and afligns (Covenant from the original grantee againjl incttmbrances ) AND the faid Samuel il-'ay Covenant that for himielf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, don e *n aft t doth covenant, promife, and agree to and with the faid incumber. Robert White> his executors, adminiflrators and af- figns, That he the faid Samuel Way hath not done or committed, or wittingly or willingly fuffered any act, matter, or thing whatsoever, whereby or wherewith or by reafon or means whereof the premifes lafl here- in before mentioned to be hereby afligned, or the faid term of 99 years therein, or any p-.irt thereof, refpec- tively are is can mall or may be impeached, charged, incumbered, or any way affected. In witnefs, &c. No APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Parties. Recital that grantor is in- debted to tee in a fum of money for mo- ney lent and advanced, paic', laid out, and expended by the grantee's vvit'e previous to their marri- age, to and for the ufe of grantor. And that he is unable to pay, and in confide- ration thereof propofes to grant an an- nuity to the grantee. And that he hath agreed to enter into a bond and war- rant of attorney for better fe- uring fame. No. XXXIX. DEED of COVENANTS, whereby a in Confederation of a Debt preriou/ly ow- ing, covenants to pat/ an Annuity fecurcd by a Bond and I far rant of Attorney ; and further covenants, that in Cafe he Jhould be preferred to a Living, lie idll charge the fame with the Payment of the Annuity, and permit the Grantee to fe- quefler the Profits thereof *. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between the Rev. John Amor, of, c. Mafter of Arts, of the one part, and James Kelly of, &c. Efq. of the other part. WHEREAS the faid John Amor is juftly and truly indebted unto the faid James Kell, in right of Hen- rietta his wife, in the fum of 1400 . of lawful money of Great Britain^ for- money lent and advanced, paid, laid out, and expended by the faid Henrietta Kelt, be- fore her intermarriage with the faid James Kell, to and for the maintenance, education, and advancement in the world of the faid John Amor, which the faid John Amar doth hereby admit and acknowledge. AND WHEREAS the faid John Amor, being unable to pay and fatisfy unto the faid James Kelt, the faid fum of I4oo/. hath in confederation thereof propofed and agreed to grant to the faid James lie/I, his executors, adminiftrators and alligns, one annuity or clear yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful, &c. clear of taxes and all other deductions whatfoever, for and during the natu- ral life of him the faid John Amor, to be fecured in * A memorial of this deedmuflbe inrolled. manner APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. manner hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS Recital of the the faid John d'tuor, in order the better to fecure the bom1 ' i'uid annuity, hath agreed to enter into and execute the bond and warrant of attorney hereinafter men- tioned. AND WHEREAS the faid John Amor, by his bond or obligation in writing under his hand and (eal, bearing even date herewith, became bound unto the faid James Keli in the penal fum of 2ooo/. of law- ful money of Great Britain, with a condition there- under written for making void the fame on payment by the laid Jobti Amorjriis heirs, executors or adminiftrators unto the faid James Kell, his executors, adminiilrator* or afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Amor, of one annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful, &c. free from taxes and clear of all other de- ductions whatfoever, at or on the days or times and in the manner therein and hereinafter mentioned ; And alfo upon the faid John dmor, his executors and ad- miniftrators, obferving, performing, fulfilling, accom- pliihing, paying, and keeping all and fingular the co- venants, grants, articles, claufes, provifoes, payments, conditions, and agreements whatfoever, hereinafter ' contained and entered into by and on the part and be- half of the faid John Amor, his executors, adminiftra- tors and afligns, to be obferved, performed, fulfilled, accompliflied, paid, and kept. (Recite a warrant of attorney}. AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the Recital that. purchafe of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of l 'i' 011 ti>c<>n- ; 11 /i 11 i f ' i tract tui n -*' mor as hereinafter mentioned. AND WHERE- AS upon the treaty for the purchafe of the faid an- nu ^y> or c ^ ear J e '^J ^ um f Io ; - ^ was aifo agreed by and between the faid John Amor and James Kelly T ' hat in cafe the faid '^ Amor {lioultl at an y time hereafter be fo preferred or promoted to any ecclefiaf- benefice. t ' ca j b ene fi ce or benefices, or other church preferment, that then and in fuch cafe and immediately thereupon, it fhould and might be lawful to and for the faid 'Jamas A'*'//, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, at the like proper cofts and charges of him the faid John Amor, to iflue or caufe to be iflued upon or by virtue of the faid judgment fo to be entered up as afore- faid, one or more writ or writs of pen facias de bsnis ecclejiajl;c:>, to be directed to the brfhop of the diocefe, to which fuch ecelefiaftical benefice or benefices fhould belong, and alfo fuch other writ or writs as he the faid "James Kelly his executors, adminiftra'tors or afligns fhoukl think fit or be advifed, in order to ground fuch writ or writs to the faid bifhop, and to indorfe for levy upon fuch writ or writs to be i fined the fum of 2000'. being the fum for which fuch judgment {hould be entered up as aforefaid, together with all cofts, charges and expences atttending the fame, in order the better to fecure the due and punctual payment of the Grantor :n con- faid annuity in manner after mentioned. NOW fd"agre"ement THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That in and- money fo purfuance of the faid feveral agreements, and in con- 3d amp?f?vife ^deration of the faid fum of I 4 ccr/. of lawful, &c. previous" to due and owing unto the faid James Kull, in right of mamage, co- Henrietta his wife, for fomuch money bv thefaid Henri- vcnancs to pay T _ ,. . r . . . J , .* i /- i rv annuity. etta Kelly before her intermarriage with the laid James Kel'y lent and advanced, and alfo paid, laid out, and expended, to and for the maintenance, education, and advancement in the world of him the faid jfobn Ainor as aforefaid, which the faid John Anar doth hereby acknowledge and admit; And for the better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fura of loo/. he the faid John Ainor DOTH hereby for himielf, his heirs, executors 4'nd adminiftrators> covenant, pro- mife, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 453 mite, and agree with the faid James Kell, his execu- tors, admiuiftrators, and afligns, in manner following, (that is to lay) That he the faid John Amor> his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, fome or one of them fliall and \vill well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid James KcU, his executors, adminiftra- tors or afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John A>nor, the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ico/. free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, and deductions whatfoever, parliamentary or otherwife by quarterly payment s, at or on the days and times following, (that is to fay) the day of . &c. in every year by even and equal portions, together with a proportionable part of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of too/, for the time which at the deceafe of the did John Ataor (hall have elapfed of the quar- terly payment of the faid annuity, growing due at the time of fuch deceafe. The firft payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of loo/, to become due and be made on the day of next enfuing the date of thefe prefents, and the proportionable part of the faid annuity due at the deceafe of the faid John Amsr to become due and be paid immediately upon his deceafe, and which laid annuity, or yearly fum of loo', is the fame annuity, or yearly fum of loo/, as was and is fecitred by the faid recited bond. AND And a\fo in ALSO, That in cafe the faid John Amor (hall at any c j^j ^ be time or times hereafter be preferred or promoted, or any eatiefiaf- ihall have hold and enjoy any ecclefiaftical benefice or tical benefice, benefices, or any other church preferment whatfoever, w ith in fourteen that then and in fuch cafe happening, he the faid John dnvs charge thp A c u- f ir !_ i j j -k fame \vich the Amor tor himicli, his heirs, executors and admimitra- payment of the tors, doth hereby covenant, promife, and agree to annuity. and with the faid James AW/, his executors, adminif- trators and afligns, that he the faid John Amor fhall and will at his own proper tofts and charges in the law, within the fpace of fourteen days from the time he the, faid JoJin /mor fhall be fully and canonically inftituted and indu&edintofucheccleliaftical benefice or benefices, or other church preferment whatfoever, by fuch good and effehud indenture or indentures, conveyance 1 ?, and 4 affurances 464 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS: afiurances in the law whatfoever, as the faid AW/, his executors, adrr.iniflrators or ailigr.s, or his or their counfel fhall advile, in order further to fecure and effectually charge and make chargeable all and fin- guhir the glebe lands, meiruages, or tenements, tythes, tenths, oblations, obventions, perquiiites, profits, emo- luments, advantages, and appurtenances, of and be- longing to fuch ecclefiaftical benefice or benefices, or other church preferment whatfoever, with the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/; unto the laid 'failies Kelt, his executors, adminiftrators or af- figns, for and during the natural life of him the faid j'ohn Amor y by quarterly payments -in the manner. herein before and in the condition to the faid recited' bond or obligation mentioned and appointed for the payment thereof, and alfo of fuch proportionable part thereof for the time, which at the deceafe of die faid John Amor fhaH have ejapfed of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity, growing due at the time of fuch deceafe^ " AND LASTLY, in further purfuance of the faidagree- ue oient, the faid -.Jibn Amor doth hereby for himfelf, his s'de^b'iiis ^ eirs > executors and adminiftrators, covenant, promife* ecciehaiticis, and agree to and with the faid 'Jama* AW/, his executors,. 'eat^-un'ft' admimftrators nnd afligns, That in cafe he the faid iuch Uenei ce. "John Amsr .fhall. at any time or times hereafter be fo preferred or promoted, or mail have hold and enjoy a-ny eecletiaftical benefice (or benefices,, or other church preferment whatfoever, that then -and in fuch cafe and immediately thereupon, it fhail arid may be lawful ta and for the faid 'J^nncs /vY//, his-executors, adminifhra- tois or affigns, at the proper coils and charges in the law of him the faid John //.;; advantages, and appurtenances of and belonging to fuch ecclefiaftical benefice or benefices, or other church preferment, and thereby be in full and complete poflef- fion of all and fingular the premifes, UPON TRUST for better fecuring unto the faid "James Kel! t his exe- cutors, adminiftrators and afligns, the due and punctual payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. for and during the natural life of him the faid John Amor t on the days and times and in manner in and by the condition to the faid recited bond or obligation mentioned and appointed for the payment thereof, and of fuch proportionable part thereof as aforefaid; And that he the faid John Amor, his executors, admi- And that niftrators or affirms, mall not nor will have take or grantee ihall . r not take ad - receive, or by any ways or means whatloever attempt vantage 9f any to have take or receive any advantage, by reafon or informality in ,. . r ,. . ' , <* *<"<* T / t iffuingfuclx means or any informality m the iflumg or men ieveral wr : ts . writ or writs as aforefaid, or in the execution thereof, but that the faid John dmtr fhall and will, at all times But lhall allow hereafter, aver, allow, and maintain all and every * nc! maintain fuch proceedings in any Court or Courts of Law or i ngs . Equity, or in any Ecclefiaflical Court or Courts within. this kingdom. In witnefs, &c. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XL. SE of a RENT-CHARGE (which has been redeemed) and an Alignment of the Term created for fecurlng the fame, in Order that titefame be merged*. Parties, ^ HIS INDENTURE TRIPARTITE made, &c. between John Scott, of - g ent - of the firfl part j 'James Matt, of - gent, of the fecond part ; and 'Ihomas Homer, of -- g ent f tne third Recital of the par t. WHEREAS by indenture bearing date on or grant of an an- r , , jr .1 r T j rmity, with a about the day of - in the year of our Lord demif'e to a --- and made or expreffed to be made between the prenfife" for^a faid Thonlas Homer, of the firft part; the faid Join term of 99 years Scott, of the fecond part; and the faid James Mott of me. CUI the third part. IT IS WITNESSED, That in confi- deration of fcoo/. by the faid John Scott to the faid Thomas Homer paid, he the faid Thomas Homer DID give, grant, bargain, fell, and confirm unto the faid *Jtihn Scott, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Thomas Homer, one annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge, or fum of ioo/. to be ifluing and payable out of and had received and taken by him the faid John Scott, his ex- ecutors, adminiftrators and affigns, by out of and from all and fingular the meiTuage or tenement, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereinafter men- tioned and defcribed, TO HOLD, receive, take, and * It frequently happens, that when an annuity is redeemed, the deeds only are cancelled ; but as the act of parliament for inrolling annuity deeds does not authorife a discharge to he entered in the books at the inrolirhent-orTice, as the act for regifterin^ deeds in Midddlefex does, upon thedifcharge of a mortgage ; it is advifeable, not only for the latisfatSlion of the parties themfelves, but for fubfequent in- cumbrancers, that tne annuity fhould appear to be difcharged ; are- leafe of the annuity and an affignment of the term (if any is created) ftioold therefore be made/ and a memorial thereof inrolled. enjoy APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 467 enjoy the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge, unto the faid John Scott, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, during the natural life of him the faid Thomas rlorner, and to be paid and payable at the time and in manner therein mentioned, with powers of dif- trefs and entry upon and perception of the rents and profits of the laid rnefluage or tenement, farm, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, for better fecuring the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge,' in cafe the fame or any part thereof, fhould be behind or- unpaid by the fpace or times, and in the manner therein men- tioned. AND for the confiderations therein mentioned, HE the faid 'Ibomai Homer, at the nomination and by the direction of the faid John Scott (teftified as therein mentioned) DID grant, bargain, fell, and demife unto the faid James fVJott, his executors, adminiftra- tors and affigns, ALL THAT (fate the parcel;) together with all houfes, &c. and the reverfion, &c. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the faid premifes, with the appurtenances, unto the faid James Mott, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, from thence- forth for and during and unto the full end and term of 99 years (if the faid 'Ihomas Homer mould fo long live) UPON TRUST for further and better fecuring, raifing and paying the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent- charge of I oo/. in the manner therein fpecified, and fubjeft thereto, IN TRUST for the faid Thomas Hor- ner and his affigns; And in which faid indenture now in recital is contained a power or provifo for repur- chafe of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. upon certain terms and conditions therein men- tioned. AND WHEREAS the faid Thomas Homer, And that the by virtue of and in exercife of the power for repurchafe, ^"u'chafed^' contained in the faid recited indenture, actually repur- an chafed the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge of n '^ e r r e e j ea ^'' ex _ ut ioo/. of and from the faid John bcott, and paid all ar-ecuted. rears thereof, and alfo the full confideration-money for the repurchafe of the fame; And thereupon the laid herein before recited indenture was delivered up by the faid John Scott to the faid Thomas Horner, or his foli- eitor or agent, to be cancelled, but no actual releafe H H 2 or 468 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. or furrender of the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent- charge of ico/. or the hereditaments and premiies fub- jet to and charged with the payment thereof, and comprifed in the laid term of 99 years fo as aforefaid, demifed for better fecuring the payment of the fame, was then or hath been fince made or executed by the faid 'John Scott and James Mott t as they the faid John Scott and James Mott do hereby refpeciively acknow- Andihatihe ledge and admit. AND WHEREAS the faid 7 homas grantor hath . . applied to Homer hath applied to and requelted the laid John gnmtee and his $ tt an( | j ames ^ ott to re leafe the aforefaid annuity, or truftee to re- / _ J , leafe annuity, clear yearly rent-charge or lumot ioo/. and to aliign and "i nd u urre v tier furrender the aforefaid hereditaments and premifes the heredita- / i i r i <- r iri ments compris- compnied in the laid term of 99 years, lor the relume ed m the term ant j remainder of the fame term, in manner hereinafter Se fame may' mentioned, TO THE END AND INTENT that merge. t j ie f ame ma y be or become merged in the inheritance of the fame premifes, which they the faid John Scott and James Mott have confented and agreed to do. ]tfOW THIS INDENTURE WITNES8E TH, That in purfuance of the faid agreement, and in confi dera- tion of the premifes, and alfo in confideration of the fum of los. of lawful, &c. to the faid John Scott in hand, paid by the faid Thomas Hen er t at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe prefents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the faid John Scott hath remifed, releafed, and for ever quit, claim- ed, and dilcharged, and by thefe prefents DOTH freely and abfolutely remlfe, releafe, and for ever quit, claim, and difcharge, all and fingular the aforefaid mefiuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, mentioned and comprifed in the faid herein before recited indenture, and thereby charged with the payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge of ioo/. And alfo the laid Thomas Home r y his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and afligns, his their and every of their lands, tenements, goods and chattels, of and from the faid annuity, or yearly renU charge of i oo/. and of and from all arrears, dues and payments in refpedt thereof, and of and from all pow- ers and remedies for the recovery of the fame, and alfa APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 469 alfo of and from all alions, fuits, accounts, reckon- ings, claims, and demands whatfoever, for or on ac- count or otherwife in refpeft of the faid annuity, or the arrears thereof, or any part thereof, or of any fe- curity given or executed for the fame, or of any other matter or thing whatfoever relative thereto. AND Covenant that the laid "John Scott for himfelf, his heirs, executors. : i " Iltee hj h i i -n v i i i j ' )lle noaftto and admnnitrators, doth hereby covenant, promne and iucumber. agree to and with the laid Thomas Homer, his heirs and afligns, That he the faid John Scott hath not at any time heretofore made, done, executed, or committed any al, deed, matter, or thing whatfoever, whereby or by reafon or means whereof the faid meffuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes hereby releafed, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, are is can fhall or may be impeached, charged, or incumbered in title, charge, eftate, or otherwife howfoever. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER Affignment of WIT NESSETH, That in 'further purfuance of the gJtfalSS aforefaid agreement, and in consideration of the pre- >i y merge in mifes, and alfo in confideration of IQJ-. of lawful, &c. rne freehol(1 - to the faid J.-. in hand, paid by the faid Tho- jn:jf tlorner y (the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged) he thu faid James .:fott t at the requefl and by the direction and appointment of the faid John ''cott, teftified by his being a party to and fealing and deliver- ing thefe prefents, HATH affigned and furrendered, and by thefe prefents doth affign and furrender unto the faid 'Thomas Homer, his heirs and aligns, all and iingular the afovttiaid rnefluages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, comprifed in and demited by the laid herein before recited indenture, together with all the rights, members, and appurte- nances tHereunto belonging, or in anywife appertain- ing; And all the eftate, right, title, intereft, term and terms for years now to come and unexpired, pro- perty, claim, and demand whatfoever, both at law and , ;iitv, of him the faid J nines M'jit, of in to and out of the lame hereby afiigned hereditaments and premifes, ,iii'l (. v.-ry or any part thereof, under or by virtue of the faid recited indenMre, or otherwife howfoever, a H 3 TO 47<> APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and fmguhr the faid pre.mifes fo herein before afligned and furrendered, 01 cxpr fled or intended fo to be, with their and every of ibcir appurtenances, unto the laid Thomas homer, his heirs and affigns, from henceforth for and during all the refidue and remainder now to come and unex- pired of the . ; d terr- of 99 years, therein to the end and intent that the lame term of 99 years may be and become merged and cxtinguifhed in the reverfion, free- hold, and inheritance now vefted in him the faid Thomas Homer, of or in the faid hereditaments and premifes, freed and absolutely difcharged of and from the trufts arid purpofes fo as aforefaid, declared thereof in and by the faid herein before recited indenture, and from all claims and demands in refpecl: thereof. (Add covenant that 'James Mott hath done no act to incumber.) In witnefs, &c. No. XLI. A MEMORIAL. OF THE GRANT OF AN AN-, NUITY CHARGED UPON LANDS IN MID- DLESEX. A MEMORIAL to be regiflered in the County of Middle fex, purfuant to A3 of Parlia- ment of Hall-) AN INDENTURE TRIPARTITE, bear- to > ing date the clay 1 797, made between Hill- J "John Hall, of, &c. of the firft part; 'Thomas Hill, of, &c. gent, of the fecond part; and Richard Burt, of, &c. gent, of the third part. WHEREBY the faid John Hall, in confideration of the fum of 8oo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to him paid by the faid Iho- I mas APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. mas Hilt, DID charge and make chargeable the feveral leafehold mefluages or tenements, pieces or parcels of ground, and other the premifes, with the appurte- nances, fituate, lying and being in the parim of - in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, therein and here- inafter described, and intended to be thereby affigned, with the payment of one annuity, or clear yearly rent- charge, or fum of 100 . of lawful money of Great Britain, to the faid Thomas Hill, his executors, admi- niftrators and afligns, for and during the natural lives of A. B. and C. D. and the life of the furvivor of them, payable quarterly, on the clays and times thereafter mentioned. AND by the faid indenture the faid John Hall, for the confiderations aforefaid, and in confideration of IQJ. to him paid by the faid Richard Burt, DID grant, bargain, fell, aflign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Kichard Eurt, his exeutors, ad- miniftrators and afligns, all thofe (Here Jlate the pre- inife; as in ihcc . eecl.J and all houfes, &c. which faid mefluages or tenements, pieces or parcels of land, and other the premifes therein and herein before mentioned, where by a certain indenture of leafe, bearing date the day of 17 and made between 'John Hunt, therein mentioned, of the one part; and the faid John Hall of the other part; demiied by the faid John Hunt to the faid "John Hall, for the term of 200 years from the day of the date of the faid indenture of leafe, TO HOLD the faid feveral mefluages or tene- ments, pieces or parcels of land, and other the pre- mifes, with their and every of their appurtenances, to- gether with the faid indenture of leafe, unto the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiflrators and af- figns, from thenceforth for and during all the then refidue and remainder of the faid term of 200 years, in and by the faid indenture of leafe granted, if they the faid //. B. and C. D. or the furvivor of them, fhould, ib long live, UPON THE TRUSTS thereinafter mentioned, for better fecuring the payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. on the days ami times therein mentioned ; which faid indenture, as to fhe due execution thereof by the faid John Hall, Tho- H IT 4 "I."* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. mas Hill and Richard Burt, is witnefled by Robert JVebb, of, &c. gent, and 'ihomas Mafoti, clerk to the faid Robert Webby and is hereby required to be regiftered by the faid John Hal/, as witnefs his hand and feal Signed and fealed in die prefeiice of No XLII. SURRENDER of a Copyliold Eflateforfecurlng an Annuity*, Manor? BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the of E. \ day of in the year of our ]Lord Barnes Prince, of g ent - an d Mary his wife, ({he the faid Mary being iiril examined apart from her faid hufband by IV. D. fteward of the faid manor, and confenting) out of court furrendered into the hands of the lord of the faid manor, by the, rod, by the hands, and acceptance of the faid iteward, ALL that (State the prcmifcs.)-*- AND ALSO all the eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim, and de- mand whatfoever, of them the laid '-tames Prince and Mary his wife, and each of them, of in to or out of the faid premifes, and every part thereof, to the ufe and behoof of Edward Roe, of g ent - his heirs and afligns for ever, according to the cuftom of the faid manor, UPON CONDITION neverthelefs, That if the faid 'James Prince, his heirs, executors or adr miniftrators, do and fhall well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, for and during the joint natural lives of the faid Edward Roe and Catharine his wife, and William Roe, fon of the faid Edward Roe, and the life of the furvivor of them, one annuity, or :: Sse the grant of iinm.ji.ty, Precedent No. 28. clear APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 473 clear yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful, &c. free from taxes, and clear of all other dedudtions whatfoever, on four days or times in the year, j^that is to fay) on the ' day of the day of the day of and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions, the firft pay- ment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing; And alib if the faid James Prince, his heirs, executors or adminiflrators, fliall and do well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the executors, adminiftrators or affigns of the faid JEdiuard . oe, in cafe the furvivor of them the faid Ed- 'ward Roe and Catharine his wife, and IPilliam Roe, ihall depart this life on any day on which any quartely payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of ioo/. fliall become due, the whole of fuch quarterly payment; And if on any other day, in cafe Inch day fhall happen before any quarterly payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum fliall have become due, then a proportionable part of the quarterly payment of the laid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. to be computed from the day of the date hereof to the day of the death of fuch furvivor i But in cafe any quarterly payment of fuch annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. mall have be- come due at the time of the deceafe of the furvivor of them the faid Ediuard l\oe and Catharine his wife, and William Rocy then from fuch of the faid quarterly days of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. as fhall happen to be next and immediately preceding the day of the death of fuch furvivcr to the day of his or her deceafe, or if the Lid ;.u>its Priitce y his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, fliall f"cr the expiration of three years from the day of making this furrender, be defirous of repurchafing the faid -nuity, and (hall give unto the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, fix calendar months notice in writing of his or their intention, and fliall pay unto the laid Ediuard Roe, his executors, adiriniftrutors or aftigns, the full fum of 800.. being the coniideration- money paid for the purchafe of the faid annuity, to- gether with all arrears thereof, or if the faid 'James 3 fnnce. 474 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Prince (hall not give fuch fix calendar months notice, but fhall pay unto the faid Ediuard Roc, his executors, adminiftrators or alligns, the fum of 850'. being the original purchafe-money paid for the faid annuity, and two quarterly payments thereof, in lieu of fuch notice, then the furrender fhall be void, otherwife to be and remain in full force and virtue. AND the faid Ja:rs Prince doth hereby declare, that the confideration for the purchafe of the faid annuity was the fum of 8oo/. of lawful money of Great Lriiain, paid to him in his own proper perfon by the faid Edward' Roe in his own proper perfon, at the time of making this furren- der; out of which faid fum of 8oo/. he the faid James Prince paid to Robert White, of g tnt - the fum of for attendances refpecling the 'granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting die feveral fecurities for the fame, and for inrolling a me- morial thereof, and for the expences of this furrender, purfuant to an agreement made upon die treaty for the purchafe of the faid annuity by the faid Edward Roe. No. XLIII. ASSIGNMENT of a Policy of Infurance for Lives. Parties THIS INDENTURE, made, &c. between Rich- ard Burty of, &c. Efq. of the one part, and John lffi& : &** of > &c g ent - of the other part. WHEREAS /or lives. by a certain inftrument, or policy of infurance, under the hands and feals of certain directors of the Society for Equitable AfTurances on Lives and Survivorfhips, bearing date the day 1789, and number- ed 1000, the life of John Mofs, of, &c. gent, is in- fured by the faid Richard JBurt, for the whole conti- nuance of the life of the faid John Aiofs, for the fum of 5oo/. AND WHEREAS the faid John Scott hath contracted and agreed with the faid Richard Burt far all APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. all the right, title, and intereft of him the faid RicJxird Bart of in and to the laid inftrument or policy of in- furance, and of the money fecured thereby, or to be- come due thereupon, at or for the price or fum of NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, Thatf for and in coniideration of the laid fum of of lawful moiiey of Great Britain, to the faid Richard Burl in hand, well and truly paid by the faid John Scott at or before the fealing and delivery of thefe pre- fents, the receipt whereof he the laid Richard Lurt doth hereby admit and acknowledge, and of and from the fame doth acquit, releafe, and for ever difch.irge the faidjfchn Scott, his executors, admuriftrators and affigns, and every of them by thefe prefents he the faid Rich- ard Burt HA 1 H ailigned, transferred, and fct over, and by thefe prefents DOTH aflign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid John Scott, his executors, adminif- trators and afligns, ALL that the faid herein before recited inftrument or policy of infurance, made by the faid Richard Burt, on the life of the faid iohn /ro/j; And ail fum and fums of money thereby fecured and to become due and payable, and to be received or reco- vered therefrom, and all the eftate, right, title, intereft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, of him the laid Richard hurt of in and to the fame and every part thereof, and all powers and remedies for the re- covery thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, receive, take, and enjoy the faid inftrument or policy of infurance, fum and fums of money, and all and fingular other the premifes hereby, or menioned to be hereby afligned unto the faid John Scott, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to and for his and their own proper ufe, benefit and be- hoof, and as his and their own proper goods, chattels, and effedls for ever. AND for the purpofes aforefaid, he the faid Richard Burt HATH made, ordained, nominated, conftituted and appointed, and by thefe prefents DOTH make, ordain, nominate, conftitute, and appoint the faid "John Scott, his executors, admi- niftrators and afligns, his true and lawful attorney and attornies irrevocable for him the faid Richard Burt, or iu APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. in his name, place and {lead, to afk, demand, fue fot, Recover and receive of and from all and every perfon and perfons, whom it doth mall or may concern, to pay the fame, all and every fum and fums of money now due or hereafter to become due and payable on the faid recited inftrument or policy of infurance, and to rc-allign or deliver the fame to be cancelled, or to act in any other \vay therein as to him the faid 'John Strati, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, (hall feem meet, he the faid Richard Bitrt hereby ratifying and confirming, and agreeing to ratify and confirm all and whatfoever the faid "fsthn Scott, his executors, adminif- trators or afligns, mall lawfully do or caufe to be done in and about the premifes by virtue of thefe pre^ Cents, and one or more attorney or attormes under him and them, to fubilitute, depute, and appoint for the purpofes aforefaid. In witiiefs, &c. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 477 No. XL1V. PKTITIOX to the Court of Chancery for Pay- ment of Dividends of Stock Jiandbig in the \ftmc of the Accountant-General, a[ji^ncd ' / If i/ a Married Jl'oman Jor fkeuring an An- nuity * Between Ann Hi /, widow, and Charlotte Hal/, i n chancery, (daughter of the defendants Hall and wife) an infant by the faid A'nn Hill t her next friend and others plaintiffs, John Hall and Hannah his wife, and the Governors of the Bank of England and others defendants- To the Right Hon. the Matter of the Rolls. The humble petition of Matthew Hunt, of Nrw- unan-Jlreety in the parifh of St. Mary-Ie-bcne, in the county of Middlefex, Efq. SHEWETH, THAT by the decree or decretal order made on the opening of this matter the rc^th day of February, 1770, unto the Right Hon. the Lords Commiilioners of the Great Seal of Great Britain by Mr. Maddccks> being of counfel for the defendants Hall and wife, it was alleged that "John Hilt the defendant, and Hannah Hall's father, deceafed, by his will bearing date the 2d day of De camber 1755, amongft other tilings bequeathed Thotnas Connor and James Emans looo/. UPON TRUST to place out the fame upon real or government fecuritieii arid apply the dividends and intereil thereof towards the maintainance and education of hib daughter Hannah * Sec Precedent No, IX, (the 47* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. (the defendant) until fhe fhoilld attain the age of twen- ty-one years, or be married with fuch confent as after mentioned ; And did thereby direct his faid truftees to pay the faid iooo/. to his faid daughter at her age of twenty-one years or day of marriage, provided that in cafe his faid daughter fhould intermarry without the confent of his wife, (if then living) but if dead, with- out the confent of his executors, then the intereft of the faid portion of his daughter mould be only paid to her during her life, for her fole and feparate ufe (exclufive of any hufband) and that upon the death of his faid daughter, marrying without fuch confent as aforefaid, the portion fo intended for her mould go to and be paid for the benefit of the child or children of his faid daughter, equally amongft them, at their re- fpe6tive ages of twenty-one years or days of marriage, and the intereft thereof, until the principal mould be- come payable, mould be applied towards the mainte- nance and education of fuch children, and appointed his wife and the faid Thomas Connor and Richard Ematis executors of his faid will (who are all fmce dead); That the defendant Hannah Hill, daughter of the faid teftator, intermarried with the defendant John Hall in the life-time of her faid mother and without her confent, whereby me became only intitled to re- ceive for her feparate ufe the intereft of the faid iooo/. during her life ; That after the death of the faid tefta- tor the faid Thomas Connor and Richard Emans, with the faid iooo/. purchafed 1 1377. i?j. 8d. 4 per cent, confclidated Bank annuities; That the faid Connor, after the deceafe of the faid Emans, transferred the faid ilock, fo as to inveft the fame in himfelf and Charles Lucas; That the faid Connor VK.S fince dead, whereby the faid ii37/. 125. 8*/. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annuities was then become vefted in the faid Charles Lucas, who was defirous to transfer the fame into the name of the Accountant-General of this court, in truft in this caufe, and therefore it was prayed that the faid Charles Lucas might be at liberty to transfer the faid U37/. I2J-. $d. 4 per cent; confolidated Bank annuities, into the name and with the privity of the Accountant- APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 479 Accountant-General of this court, in truft in this mat- ter, and that he might declare the truft thereof accord- ingly, fubje6l to the further order of the court, and that the intereft that mould accrue due on the faid four pounds per cent. Bank annuities, might be paid to the defendant Hannah Hall, according to the will of john Hill her father, deceafed, until the further order of this court ; which upon hearing of, Mr. Jones of counfel with the faid Mr. Lucas who confented there- to, was ordered accordingly. That in purfuance of the faid decree or decretal or- der, the faid Charles Lucas hath transferred the faid 1 1 3 "/. i is. 8 d. 4 per cent, confolidated Bank annui- ties to the faid Accountant-General, in truft in this caufe, the intereft of which faid fum has been fince reduced to 3 per cent, and is now called 3 per cent, reduced Bank annuities. That by indenture bearing date the 5th day of June inft. and made between the faid John Hall and Han- nah his wife of the one part, and your petitioner Mat- theiu Hunt of the other part, in confideration of the fum of i2o/. therein mentioned, to be paid by your petitioner to the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, they the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife did bar- gain, fell, affign, transfer, and fet over unto your pe- titioner Matthew Hunt) his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, all the intereft, dividends, and annual pro- duce of the faid fum of H37/ 12s. Sd. now called 3 per cent, reduced annuities, fo (landing in the name of the faid Accountant-General, upon truft for fecur- ing your petitioner Matthew Hunt, his executors, ad- miniftrators and afligns, an annuity, or yearly fum of 2o/. during the natural life of her the faid Hannah Hall* YOUR PETITIONER therefore moft hum- bly prays your Honour that the future inte- reft and dividends arifing from the faid * On the hearing of this petition the woman muft attend pei- fohally to give her confent, ami execution of the alignment be proved, either by affidavit or by one of thi- fubfcribinpc witneJTes, vice voce; but in all other cafes, excepting that of a feme covert, a confent by " couofel is fufficient. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. H37/. i2s. 8d. now called 3 per cent. fr- cluced J3ank annuities, during the life of the faid Hannah hall, may be from time to time paid to your petitioner, upon the trufts of the laid indenture particularly mentioned. And your petitioner ihall ever pray, &c. No. XLV. of ATTORXKY for entering up Judgment on a Bond given Jor fecit ring an ^l nniiity.'* To William Jones and Richard Leivis, Attornies of the of Court King's Bench jointly and fe- verally, or to any other Attorney of the fame Court. THESE are to defire and authorife you the attor- nies above named, or any of you, or any other attor- ney of the Court of King's Bench aforefaid, to appear for me George Thomas, of g ent - as f tn i s prefent Hilary Term, Eafler Term next enfuing, or feme other fubfetpuent term in the faid Court of King's Bench, and then and there to receive a declaration for me in an action of debt upon bond, bearing even date herewith, for the fum of 14007.^ And whereupon to confefs the fame action, or elfe to fufFer a judgment by iiihil dicet or otherwife, to pafs again ft me in the fame action, and to be thereupon forthwith entered up againft me of record of the faid court, for the faid fum of 14007. and coils of fuit. AND I, the faid George Thomas^ do hereby further authorife and impower you the faid attornies, or any one of you, after the faid judg- ment iliall be entered up as aforeiaid, for me and in my name, and as my at and deed, to fign, feal, and ex- * See Precedent No. I. ccute APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 481 ecute a good and fufficient releafe in the law to the faid Edward Pearce t his heirs, executors and admi- niftrators, of all and all manner of error and errorS| writ and writs of error, ajid all benefit and advantage thereof, and all mifprifons of error and errors, defers and imperfections whatfoever had, made, committed, done or fuffered, or to be had, made, committed, done or fuffered, in about touching or concerning the aforefaid judgment, or in about touching or concerning any writ, warrant, procefs, declaration, plea, entry ? or other proceedings whatfoever, of or any way con- cerning the fame, and for what you my faid attornies, or any one of you, mall do or caufe to be done in the premifes, or any of them, this fhall be to you and every of you a fufficient warrant and authority. In witnef$ whereof I, the faid George Thomas^ have hereunto fef my hand and feal the day of in the fortieth year of the reign of our fovereign Lord George the Third, &c. and in the year of our Lord 1800, No. XLVI. A PROVISO for reducing an Annuity in Cafe, of Payment within a given Time. PROVIDED ALWAYS NEVERTHELESS, and it is the true intent and meaning of thefe prefents, and of all the faid parties hereto, AND the faid C. D. doth hereby for hitnfelf, his executors, adminiftrators and ailigns, covenant, ptomife, and agree to and with the faid A. B. his executors and adminiftrators, by thefe prefents, That if and in cafe the faid A. B. fhall and do well and truly pay or raufe to be paid unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiflrators and'affigns, the full and clear" fum of 45/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ on or before or within thirty days next after the '. day of next enfuing the date of thefe prefents, being the fecond quarter or half yearly day appointed for the payment of the faid annuity of I \ op/. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENT xoo/. as aforefaid, and fo from time to time, at or be- fore or within thirty days next after every other fuc- ceeding half yearly day of payment, {hall and do well and truly pay or caufe to be paid unto the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, the fum of 4$/. of lawful money of Great Britain, and (ball continue during the life-time of him the faid A. B. by fuch half yearly payments of 457. to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity to the faid C. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, (hall and will receive and accept of fuch fums of 45/. fo to be paid by half yearly payments, in full payment difcharge and fatisfa&ion of any greater fum of money fo agreed to be paid as aforefaid, and as and for full payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent, or fum of ioo/. any thing herein before in thefe prefents ' contained to the contrary thereof in any wife 'notwithstanding. CHAP. XV. MEMORIALS. No. XLVII. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity for the Life of the Grantor, fecured by Bond, Warrant of Attorney, and A^ign* ment of Dividends, with a Claufe for Re- demption, where the Confidcration- Money is paid by a Bill of Exchange (*). A Memorial to be inrollcd in his Majefty's High Court of Chancery, purfuant to Aft of Parliament of /^* Bart.") A BOND or obligation under the Bond, to I hand and feal of Sir Thomas W- of Hallett. J r~ in the county of -r r Bart. bearing date the 5th day of July, 1799, WHEREBY the faid Sir Thomas W. bound hirnfelf, his heirs, sxe- curors and adminiftrators, unto ff^illiam Hallctt, of merchant, in the penal fum of 2,4.00!. with a condition thereunder written for making the fame * Sec Precedent, No. 8, of which t|m js a memorial. 1 1 % void, 484 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. void, on payment by the faid Sir Thomas W. hw heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, to the faid Wil- liam Hallett) his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, during the natural life of the faid Sir Thomas W. one annuity or yearly fum of 200/. of lawful money of Great Britain^ free from taxes and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, at or on the days or times therein and in the faid indenture hereinafter memo- rialized mentioned, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity for the time which fhould elapfe between the laft of the faid day's payment pre~ ceding the day of the death of the faid Sir Thomas W* and the time of his deceafe, and which faid annuity or yearly fum of 2OO/. was given and granted to the faid William Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, in confideration of the fum of I,2OO/. paid to the faid Sir Thomas W. in manner therein and in the faid indenture hereinafter memorialized mentioned, and was alfo made fubjefl to repurchafe on the terms and conditions therein and by the fame indenture mentioned. Warrant of at- ALSO of a warrant of attorney under the hand and torney. fea j of the faid Sir j-/ }omas W. bearing date the faid ^th day of y/y, 1799? whereby the faid Sir Thomas W. authorifed and empowered yobn Doe and Richard Roe t attornies of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench at Wejlminjler, or any other attorney of that court, to confefs a judgment againft him in the faid Court of King's Bench in an action of debt upon the faid bond for the faid fum of 2,40O/. and colts of fuit, at the fuit of the faid William Haliett. Indenture. AND ALSO of an indenture tripartite, bear- ing , elate the faid 5th day of July, I799> and made between the faid Sir 'Thomas W. of the firft part; the faid William Halleit of the fecond part, and "John Thomson, of . g ent - of the third part* j * The grantor's title to the fecurity, although advifeahle to tic fet forth m the deed, is not required to he inferted in the memorial ; it is fufficient if the fame is done by reference. WHEREBY APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, WHEREBY the faid Sir Thomas W. in confidera- Caufe and ex- fion of the fum of i,2oo/. of lawful money of Great P ences - Britain to him in his own proper pe rfon * paid by the faid William Hallett in his own proper perfon f at or before the execution thereof in manner following j (that is to fay) by a bill of exchange bearing date the day of drawn by the faid William Hal- left upon and accepted by yohn Doe for the faid fum of i,2OO/. payable to the faid William Hallett or order two months after the date thereof, and by the faid William Hallett indorfed to the faid Sir Thomas W. and the fum of /. in cafh, being lawful intereft on the faid bill of exchange from the day of the date thereof until the actual day of payment thereof, out of which faid fum of r,2Oo7. the faid Sir Thomas W. imme- diately after receiving the fame paid to A, B. of gent, the fum of /. for attendances refpe&ing the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and alfo the further fum of 67. forcommiffion for procuring the faid fum of I,2oo7. The faid Sir Thomas W. did grantGrantof anH and confirm unto the faid William Hallett, his exe- nuity ' cutors, adminiftrators and affigns, for and during the term of the natural life of him the faid Sir Thomas W. one annuity or yearly fum of 2OO/. to be charged upon and ifluing out of the dividends of the feveral fums of9,ioo/. Eaft- India flock and 2O,ooo/. confolidated 3 per cent, annuities thereinafter aifigned, payable unto the faid William Hallett^ his executors, admi- niftrators and affigns, at or in the common dining- hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlefex^ by two equal half-yearly payments in the year, that is to fay, the day of and the day of in every year, by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the " * If the confideration is paid to an agent for the grantor, the fame muft be ftated. f The like if paid by an agent for the grantee. ii 3 - APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. day of next enfuing the date thereof, withouc any deduction or abatement out of the fame or any part thereof in refpedt of taxes, charges, rates, afleflments, or other impositions whatfoever, then or at any time thereafter to be taxed, charged, rated, af- fefled, or impoied upon the laid dividends, or upon the laid annuity of zoo/, or upon the faid Sir Tbo- tnas W. or the faid William Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, in refpecl: thereof by au- thority of parliament or otherwife howfoever, toge- ther with a proportionable part of the fame annuity for the time which fhould elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment preceding the day of the deceafe of the faid Sir Thomas W. and the time of Covenant for fuch his deceafe. IN which faid indenture is con- P*y entofan -tained a covenant on the part of the faid Sir Tho- mas W. his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, for payment of the faid annuity on the days and times and Afsignment of in manner before mentioned. AND the faid Sir Tho- dividends. mas yy by t |j e fojj indenture hereby memorialized, DID (with the confent and approbation and by the direction and appointment of the faid William Hal- lettj teftified as therein mentioned) bargain, fell, af- fign, transfer and let over unto the faid 'John Thompfon^ his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, All the inte- reft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid feveral fums of 9,ioo/. Eaft-India ftock and 20,ooo/. confoli- dated 3 per cent, annuities, to which he the faid Sir Thomas W. was intitled for his life under and by vir- tue of a certain therein recited indenture of fettlc- ment made upon and previous to his marriage, bearing date, &c. and made between, &c. AND all the right, title, intereft, property, claim and demand whatfo- ever, as well legal as equitable, of him the faid Sir Thomas W. of in to or out of the fame, TO HOLD unto the faid John Thompjon^ his executors, adminiftra- tors and afligns, during the natural life of the faid Tmfts of the Sir Thomas W. UPON TRUST to receive the fame, ' and thereout to pay unto the faid William Hallett^ his executors, adminiftrators and afiigns, the faid an- 5 nuity 4*7 nuity or yearly fum of 20o/. mentioned and intended to be thereby granted and fecured during the natural life of him the faid Sir Thomas W. and all arrears thereof, and all cofts, charges and expences (if any) as they the faid William Hallett and John Thompfon^ or either of them, their or either of their executors, administrators, or afligns, fhould pay, fuftain, ex- pend, or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or clear yearly fum of 200?. or any part thereof, at or on the days and times, and in the manner therein before exprefled or appointed for the payment of the fame, or the per- formance of the trufts thereby created, exprefied, or declared, and alfo to pay the refidue of the faid inte- reft, dividends and annual produce and premifes men* tioned to be thereby afligned unto the faid Sir Tho- mas W. and his afligns, or as he or they fhould order, dire&, or appoint, and for no other ufe, intent, or purpofe whatlbever. AND in the now memorializing Power of attot* indenture is contained the ufual power of attorney, ney ' enabling the faid John Thompfon^ his executors, ad- miniftrators and afligns to recover and receive the di- vidends thereby affigned upon the trufts therein and herein before mentioned, and likewife the ufual cove- nants on the part of the faid Sir Thomas IV. his heirs. Covenant to i TL /!_! / i pay annuity, executors or admimlrrators, for his title to fuch mte- and for title. reft and dividends. AND it is by the hereby me- Defeafance on morializing indenture declared, That the judgment J ud S ment - which fhould be entered up on the faid bond, by virtue of the faid warrant of attorney, hereby memorialized, Ihould be confidered as a fecurity only for better and more effe&ually fecuring the payment of the faid an- nuity of 200/. at the days and times and in manner before mentioned, and that no execution or executions fhould be iflued or taken out upon the faid judgment, unlefs fome payment or proportion of the faid annuity of 200/. or fbme part thereof fhould be in arrears for 2i days, and then and fo often and in every fuch cafe it fhould be lawful for the faid William HaUett y his executors, adminiftrators, or afEgns, to fue out r i 4 .fuch 488 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. fuch execution or executions upon or by virtue of the faid judgment therein before mentioned, as he or they fhould think fit or be advifed for the recovery of the arrears of the faid annuity of 2OO/. and every part thereof, and all cofts and charges occafioned by the non-payment thereof, and that it mould not be ne- ceflary for the faid William Hallctt^ his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, to revive or caufe the faid judgment to be revived, or to do any acl, matter, or thing to keep the fame on foot, notwithstanding the laid judgment fhould have been entered on record for the fpace of one year or upwards, and notwithftand- ing any rule or practice of the faid court in which the faid judgment fhould be entered on record to the contrary j AND that the faid Sir Thomas W. his exe- cutors or adminiftrators fhould not take any advantage for want of reviving or keeping the faid judgment on foot ; AND it is thereby declared, That after the de- ceafe of the faid Sir Thomas W. and full payment of all arrears of the faid annuity of 2oo/. and fuch pro- portionable part thereof as aforefaid, and all fuch cofts, charges, damages, and expences as aforefaid, and all other cofts, charges, damages, and expences in anywife relating to the faid judgment and premifes, he the faid William Hallett, his executors, adminif- trators or afligns, fhould at the requeft and at the cofts and charges of the heirs, executcrs or admi- niftrators, of the faid Sir Thomas W. acknow- ledge fatisfa&ion of the faid judgment upon the record Claufe for re- tnereo ^ AND by the now memorializing indenture demption. the faid William Hallett^ for himfelf, his heirs, exe- cutors, adminiftrators and affigns, did covenant with the faid Sir Thomas W. his heirs, executors and ad- miniftrators, That in cafe the faid Sir Thomas W. fhould at any time thereafter be minded and defirous of repurchasing the faid annuity or yearly fum of 2OO/. and of fuch his intention fhould give unto the faid William Hallett, his executors, adminiftra- tors or affigns, notice in writing by the fpace of feven days, that he the faid William Halktt, his ex- ecutors, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, 4*9 ecutors, adminiftrators or affigns, fliould and would from the time fuch notice fhould be given as laft aforefaid, on receiving all and every fum and (urns of money whatfoever that fhould be due for the arrears of the faid annuity of 2OO/. together with a proportionable part thereof, from the lait day of pay- ment thereof preceding fuch repurchafe up to the day of repurchafing the fame as aforefaid, accept, receive and take the fum of I,3OO/. being the original pur- chafe-money, and one half-yearly payment of the faid annuity of 2OO/. of lawful money of Great-Britain^ as and for the confideration of fuch repurchafe as and in full for the repurchafe of the faid annuity or yearly fum of 2oo/. fecured as aforefaid ; and on receipt of the faid fum of i,300/. and ail arrears of the faid an- nuity or clear yearly fum of 2co/. fecured as afore- faid, and fuch proportionable part thereof as afore- laid, fhould and would, at the proper cofts and charges in the law of him the faid Sir Thomas W. deliver up the faid bond and the now memorializing inden- ture to the faid Sir Thomas W. to be cancelled and ac- knowlege, or caufe fatisfa * If the confideration-money is not paid at the time of the exe- cution, o: on. the c'ay on which the deed bears date, it Ihould be ilated when it is. f If the deeds are executed on the day the fame bear date, then add thefe words " And vrbith f aid indenture, bond and irarran' of at- " torney, lub'uh purport to bear date on the $tb day of 'Julr, 1799, were " executed hy the faid fcveral pericrs and in manner eif'.refaid, on tire lOtk " day tf the fame mantb of July." No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. LXVII. A MEMORIAL of an Alignment of Dividends Jlanding in the. Name, of the Accountant- General^ by Husband and IViJ'e, fur fecur~ big an Annuity during the Life of the lVife\ and of a Bond and Warrant of Attorney given by the Husband for better fecuring the fame.* A Memorial to be Inrolled, c. Hall and wife "1 A BOND or obligation under the to thand and feal of John Hall, of, &c. Hunt. J gent, bearing date the day of whereby the faid John Hall bound himfelf, his heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, unto Mat- theiu Hunt, of, &c. Efq. in the fum of ia8o/. with a condition thereunder written for making the fame void in payment by the faid John Hal', his heirs, ex- ecutors or adminiftrators, to the faid Matthew Hunt> his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, during the natural life of Hannah Hall, wife of the faid John Hall, of one annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from taxes, and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, at or on the days and times therein and in the faid indenture hereinafter memorialized mentioned, together with a proportiona- ble part of the faid annuity for the time which fhould elapfe of the quarterly payment of the faid annuity next preceding the day of the death of the faid Hannah Hall to the day of her deceafe, and which faid annuity (as in lajl Precedent). * See Precdent No. IX. Alfo 493 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, Alfo of a Warrant of Attorney, Sec. (as in loft Precedent. Indenture. AND ALSO of an indenture bearing date the faict day of and made between the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, of the one part, and Confuleration the faid Matthew Hunt of the other part, WHEREBY and expences. j n con f K | e ration of the fum of 640/. of lawful money of Great Britain, to the faid 'John Hall and Hannah his wife, in their own proper perfons, paid by the faid Matthew Hunt, in his own proper perfon; out of which faid fum of 6407. they the faid 'John Hall and Hannah his wife, immediately after receiving the fame, paid to R. W. of g ent - tne fum of for attendances refpe&ing the granting of the faid annuity, and for preparing and perfecting the feveral fecurities for the fame, and for preparing and inrolling a memo- rial thereof, the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, Aflignment. did bargain, fell, affign, transfer, and fet over unto the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, all the intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the fum of 3,5007. 3 per cent, reduced an- nuities, Handing in the name of the Accountant-Ge- neral of the Court of Chancery, and to which the faid Hannah Hall or the faid John Hall, in her right, was intitled for her life, under and by virtue of the will of John Hill, the late father of the faid Hannah Hail, bearing date the 2d day of December 1755, and which by a decree or decretal order of the faid Court of Chan- cery, recited in the faid indenture hereby memorialized, bearing date the i pth day of February 1 790, and made in a caufe then depending, wherein Ann Hill, widow, and Charlotte Hail (daughter of the defendants Hall and his wife) an infant by the faid Ann Hill, her next friend and others were plaintiffs, the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, and the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and others were de- fendants, was directed to be paid to her during her life as aforefaid, and all the right, title, intereft, truft, property, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 193 property, claim, and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, of them the faid John Hull and Hannah his wife, and each of them, of in to or out of the fame, TO HOLD the fame unto the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during the natural life of her the faid Hannah Hull, UPON TRUST (State the whole t rafts created by the deed.) In which faid indenture is contained the t ^ e erof at< " ufual power of attorney for enabling the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to receive the faid interell, dividends, and annual pro- duce, of and from all and every the perfon and per- fons whom it mould or might concern to pay the fame, UPON THE TRUSTS therein and herein before mentioned. AND by the faid indenture the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife did authorife and empower the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adrniniilrators or affigns, either in his or their name or names, or in the name of her the faid Hannah Hall, or otherwife, to apply by petition or otherwife to the faid Court of Chancery for the purpofe of carrying the trufts of the faid indenture into execution, and that the expence of fuch application fhould be borne and paid by the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife; And for that purpofe that the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife did thereby direct the faid Matthew Hunt, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, to take and deduct out of fuch monies and premifes fuch expences accordingly j And further to do and execute all other act and acts requifite or expedient for effectuating the premifes as fully and effectually to all intents and purpofes, as they the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, or either of them, might or could have done in their, his, or her own proper perfons, if the faid indenture had not been made; And in which faid indenture is contained a covenant on the part of the faid John Hall, anil ibr title, his heirs, executors or adminiftrators, for payment of the faid annuity, on the days and times and in man- ner therein and herein before mentioned, and alfo the ufual covenants orj the part of the faid John Hall, for j the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Covenant that t^ e title to the intereft and dividends. WHICH faid all the fecuri-^ annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. fecured by the indenture lies relate to 1.1 v j *t r v i the Annuity, hereby memoralized, is the fame annuity, or yearly one payment of f um o f g o /. as } s fecured by the faid bond and warrant andexpences, of attorney hereby alfo memoralized ; and the fame in- in execution denture, bond, and warrant of attorney, were given ie *' and executed for fecuring one and the fame annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. and which fame annuity, or yearly fum of 8o/. was fo granted and fecured in con- federation of the fame fum of 6407. of lawful money of Great Britain, paid by the faid Mfifhnv Hunt, in his own proper perfon, to the faid John Hall and Hannah his wife, in their own proper perfons, at the time of the execution of the faid indenture, bond, and warrant of attorney, in the prefence of Robert Webb, of, &c. gent, and Thomas Drake, clerk to the faid Robert fVebb t in manner in the faid indenture and bond herein be- fore particularly mentioned and exprefledj which faid bond and warrant of attorney, as to the due execution thereof, refpe&ively by the faid John Hal! y and which faid indenture as to the due execution thereof by the faid Hall and Hannah his wife, and the faid Matthew Hunt, are refpeftively witnefled by the faid, Robert Webb and Thomas Drake. No. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. No. XLVIII. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity for the Life of the Grantor, charged upon an Eft ate which the Grantor is fdfed for */ \/ -J Life, and likeivife fecured by a Bond and JVarratit of Attorney. * A Memorial to be Inrolled, &c. Lett, Efq.-J A BOND or OBLIGATION (from to > Lott to Burtj for fecuring an annuity of Burty Efq,J I00/. during the life of Lott, adhering to (he form as in Memorial^ No. XLvL) Alfo of a Warrant of Attorney, (as in fame Memorial.) AND ALSO of an indenture tripartite, bearing indenture; date the faid day of and made be- tween the faid Char 'es Lett, of the firft part; the faid Richard Burty of the fecond part; and Robert Watts, of, &c. gent, of the third part. WHEREBY the faid Conftderation Lott, in confideration of the furn of ioo/. of * nd ex P eace * lawful money of Great Britain, to him in his own pro- per perfon, paid by the faid Richard hurt, in his own proper perfon, at or before the execution thereof; out of which (State payment of expences as in the deed.)~^- the faid Charles Lott did grant and confirm unto the Grant of an- faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and nmty ' afligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid Charles Lott, one annuity, or yearly rent-charge of joo/. to be ifluing and payable, and growing out of, See Precedent No. XIX. of which this is a memorial. and 496 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and had, received, and taken by him the faid Richard Hurt, his executors, adminiftrators, and afilgns, by and out of and from the manors, mefiuages, lands, te- nements, hereditaments, and premifes therein and hereinafter particularly mentioned and defcribed, and intended to be thereby granted and demifed, with their and every of their appurtenances, payable unto die faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, and af- flgns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlefex, by four equal quar- terly payments in the year (that is to fay) on the day of -i &c. by even and equal portions, to- gether with fuch proportionable part of the faid annuity which at the deceafe of him the faid Ch;.r'es Lott fhould have elapfed of the quarterly payment growing due at the time of his deceafe, the faid annuity or yearly rent-charge to be paid without any abatement or deduction whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpedl of any taxes, charges, aflefT- ments, payments, or other impofitions whatfoever, then or thereafter to be taxed, charged, alleiled, or impofed on the faid premifes, thereby charged there- with, or any of them, or any part thereof, or upon the faid Richard Burt, his executors, adminiftrators, or afiigns, in refpect thereof, by authority of parlia- ment or otherwife howfoever ; the firft payment of the faid annuity to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the date thereof, and fuch proportionable part to be paid immediately after the de- Covenant for ceafe of the faid Charles Lo'.t. IN which faid indenture annm^y r f * s conta i ne d a covenant on the part of the faid Charles Lott, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, for pay*- ment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, on the . days and times, and in manner and form aforefaid. Power of dif- AND in which faid indenture is contained the ufual :is and entry. power of jiftrefs an( i entry f or payment of the faid an- nuity, or yearly rent-charge of $ol. and all cofts and charges attending the fame in default of payment thereof, by the fpace of fourteen days next after the days and times therein and herein before mentioned and appointed for payment thereof, AND alfo the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. Ufual power of entry and perception of the rents and profits of the faid premifes, for payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of 5o/. and all Coils and charges attending the fame in default of payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge, by the fpace of twenty-eight days next after the days and times therein and herein before mentioned and appointed for pay- ment thereof. AND IT IS BY THE NOW ME- MORIALIZING INDENTURE FURTHER WIT- Dem ;f e t NESSED, That in cohfideration of IGJ. to the faid trultee - Charles Lfftt in hand, paid by the faid Robert Watt^ the faid Charles Lott (at the nomination and by the direction of the faid Richard Surf, teftified as therein mentioned) DID demife unto the faid Robert Watts y his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, ALL (State the parcels, j together with all houfes, &c. and the reverfion, &c. and all the ettate, &c. TO HOLD the fame unto the faid Robert Watts, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from thenceforth for the term of 99 years (if the faid Charles Lott {hould fo long live) UPON TRUST to permit and fuffer theTruftsof rf,e faid Charles Lott, and his afligns, to receive and take indeilture - the yearly and other rents, iflues, and profits of the faid premifes therein before mentioned, and intended to be thereby demifed to and for his and their own ufe and benefit, until fome default fhould happen to be made of or in payment of the faid annuity, or yearly rent -charge of MOO/, thereby granted, or fome part thereof, at or on the days or times and m manner therein before appointed for the payment thereof as aforefaid. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, That in cafe the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of i oo/. or any part thereof, mould happen to be behind and unpaid for or by the fpace of fixty days next over or after any of the faid days or times of payment, or whereon the feme is therein before limited or appoint- ed, and ought to be paid as aforefahl, then and as often as it fhould fo happen, the faid Robert Watts, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, fhould from linre to time, by and out of the rents, fifties, and pro- fits, of aH and fingulwr the premties thereby demifed, K K r APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. or by demifmg, leafing, or mortgaging the fame, ct nny part thereof, for and during all or any part of the faid term of 99 years,orbyfuch other ways and means as to him the faid Robert Watts, his executors, adminiftra- tors, or affigns, mould feem meet, raife and levy fuch fum and fums of money as would be fufficient to pay and fatisfy the faid annuity, or clear yearly rent-charge or fum of ioo/. or fo much thereof as mould from time to time happen to be in arrear and unpaid, and alfo all fuch fum and fums of money, lofs, cofts, charges, damages, and expences (if any) as the faid Richard Burt and Robert Watts, their executors, ad- miniftrators or affigns, or any of them, mould pay, fuftain, expend, or be put unto for or by reafon or means of the non-payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, at or on the days or times, and in manner therein before ex- prefied or appointed for payment of the fame, or the performance of the trufts thereby declared or exprefied, of or concerning the fame premifes mentioned to be thereby demifed, or the taking pofieffion and collect- ing and receiving the rents, iflues, and profits thereof, or otherwife howfoever relating thereto, and alfo to pay, apply, and difpofe of the monies fo to be raifed or levied, in or towards the payment or fatisfa&ion thereof accordingly ; And pay to, or otherwife permit and fuffer the faid Char es Lett and his afligns, from time to time, to receive and take the refidue or over- plus of the rents, ifTues, and profits of the faid thereby demifed premifes, after full payment and fatisfaftion of the faid annuity, or yearly rent-charge of ioo/. and all arrears thereof, and all fuch cofts, charges, da mages, and expences, to and for his and their own ufe s to ^^ benefit. AND in the now memorializing indenture it is declared, That neither the faid Richard Burt, hi* executors, adminiftrators, or afligns, or the faid Ro- bert Jatts t his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, fhould at any time thereafter make or take, or caufe to be made or taken, any diftrefs or diftrefles upon the faid capital meffuage or tenement, called Tooke's Hall, or the lands thereunto belonging, or any part thereof, for APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. for the recovery of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, or to make or do any aft, matter or thing whatfoever, to compel or enforce the payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. or any part thereof, from or out of the fame capital mefluage or tenement, land and premifes, under or by virtue of the powers, remedies, and authorities thereby given and provided for recovering and enforcing the payment thereof, unlefs fome quarterly payment there- of mould be in arrear and unpaid for four calendar months at the lead j And in which faid indenture is - contained all ufual covenants for the title of the faid Covenants for Char.'es Lott to the premifes thereby demifed. (Memo- titie< rializf defeafance on th-e judgment, and clause for redemp- tion^ adhering to the exprefs terms created by the deed, as in Precttl:ni No. XLVL) WHICH faid annuity, Averment that, r ' , , f /> all the fecuni yearly rent-charge, or ium or ioo'. lecured by the laid ties relate to indenture hereby memorialized, is the fame annuity, one annu ' t y or yearly fum of ioo/. as is fecured by the faid bond and warrant of attorney hereby alfo memorialized; and the fame indenture, bond, and warrant of attorney were given and executed for fecuringone and the fame annuity of ioo/. AND which faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, Payment of or fum of ioo/. was fo granted and fecured in confi- deration of the fame fum of 700'. paid by the faid Richard Burt y m his own proper perlbn, to the faid Char.'es Lott, in his own proper perfon, at the time of the execution of the faid indenture, bond, and war- rant of attorney, in the prefence of R. W. of, &c. gent, and J. D. clerk to the faid R. IV. in manner in the faid indenture and bond, and herein before par- ticularly mentioned and exprefled. (Statement of execu* tion of deeds t as in Precedent Ne. K * 2 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, No. XLIX. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity, fecured upon a Copyhold Eflate of Inheri- tance for Three Lives, together with a Bond and Warrant of Attorney *. A Memorial to be inrolled, &c. Prince 1 A BOND or obligation under the hand and to t feal of James Prince, of, &c. Efq. bearing date Roe. J the day of 1 79$, WHEREBY the faid James Prince bound himfelf, his heirs, executors or ndminiftrators, unto Edward Roe, of, &c. Efq. in the penal fum of i6oo/. with a confideration there- under written for making the fame void on payment by the faid James Prince, his heirs, executors or ad- nnniftrators, to the faid Edward Roe, his executors, adminiftrators or afligns, during the natural lives of A. B. C. D. and E. F. and the life of the furvivor or longeil liver of them, one annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, free from; taxes and clear of all other deductions whatfoever, on two days or times in the year (that is to fay) the day of and the ; day of - by even and equal portions, the firft payment thereof to begin and be made on the day of next en- fuing the day of the date of the faid bond or obliga- tion, together with a proportionable part of the faid annuity for the time which mould elapfe between the laft of the faid days of payment, preceding the day of * See Precedent No. XXVIII. of which tltis is a nwmoyial. 3 the APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, the death of the furvivor of them A. B. C. D. and . F. and the time of fuch furvivor's deceafe; And which faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. was given sand granted by the faid Edward Roe, his executors, administrators, and afligns, in confideration of the fum of 8oo/. paid by the faid Edward Roe in manner therein and in the faid indenture hereinafter memoria- lized mentioned, and was alfo made fubjedl to re- parchafe on the terms and conditions therein and by the fame indenture alfo mentioned, Alfo of a Warrant of Attorney, (as in Pre- cedent No. XLl'I). 1 AND ALSO of an indenture bearing date the faid -> .- day of 1 798, and made between the faid 'James Prince and Mary his wife, of the one part, and the faid Edward Roe, of the other part. WHERE- BY the faid James Prince, in coiifideration of the furn Confideration of 8oo/. of lawful, &c. in his own proper perfon, and expences> paid by the faid Edivard Roe, in his own proper perfon, out of which (State the expences as in tie deed]. The faid James Prince DID for himfelf, and for the faid Jbfary his wife, covenant, promife, and agree to and &****** to 11 < i /. i i T i i mi furreruier copy- witn the laid Edward Roe, his heirs and aihgns, lhat they the faid James Prince and Mary his wife, and all other perfon and perfons having any eftate or interefl therein, would at the requeft of the faid Edward Roe t but at the proper cofts and charges of the faid fames Prince, furrender into the hands of the lady or ladies, lord or lords of the manor of E. in the county of for the time being, according to the cuftom of the faid manor, ALA* (State the parcel ). To the ufe of the faid Edward Roe, his heirs and affigns for ever, at the will of the lady or ladies, lord or lords, according to the cuftom of the faid manor, UPON CONDITION neverthelefs, That if the faid James Prince fhould pay the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioc/. in manner and form in the bond before memorialized mentioned K if 3 and 50* APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. and appointed for payment thereof, then the faid fuiv render Ihould be void. AND it is by the faid inden- ture declared. That in cafe default fhould be made in payment of the faid annuity, or yearly fum of ioo/. according to the condition of the faid bond, then and in fuch cafe he the faid L diuard ' ae, his heirs and af- figns Ihould ftand feifed and poflefled of the premifes therein covenanted to be furrendered, UPON TRUST -v( State the whole trujh ; add the covenant of payment of annuity - s covenants as to title \ defeasance on judgment \ and cLufe for redemption, as in Precedent No. XLl^I. only ridber'inz to the tenor of the deed.} Surrender. ALSO of a furrender bearing date the fame .- - day of 1798, made by the faid Barnes Prince and Mary hii, wife, before "/ D. fleward of the faid manor of E. of the faid copyhold premifes defcriaed in the before memorialized indenture, and made in purfuance of the covenant in fuch indenture contained, and to the ufes thereof, for fecuring the payment of the faid annuity of ioo/. (State the averment that all the fecurities relate to one annuity j the payment of, confederation and expences^ and execution of fecurities^ as, tn Precedent No. No, APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, 503 No. L. A MEMORIAL of the Grant of an Annuity charged upon real and perfonal Property for the Life of the Grantor, and Ukewifc fecured by Bond and Warrant of Attorney*, A Memorial, &c. of Seutt "> A BOND or obligation from Scutt to Short, Indenture. to >f->r jeiU.'ing an annuity of 300!.. during the life Short, j of Scutt, adhering to the form as in memirial No. XLH. Alfo of a Warrant of Attorney, (as in fame Memorial}. ALSO of an indenture tripartite, bearing date the faid day of and made between the faid 'John Scutt, of the firft part ; the faid James Shorty of the fecond part; and James Merry, of, &c. gent. d the third part. WHEREBY the faid John Scutt, in confideration of the fum of 2ioo/. of lawful money of Great Britain, by the faid James Short, in his own proper perfon, to the faid John Scutt, in his own pro- per peribn, in hand well and truly paid at or before the cxcecution thereof, out of which, &c. (State expences}. The faid John Scutt DID grant and confirm unto the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and fligns, for and during the natural life of him the faid * See Precedent No. XXII. of which this is a memorial. KK 4 John. 504 APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 'John Scutt, one annuity, or yearly rent-charge, or fum of 3007. to be iffuing and payable and going out of, and had reeeived and taken by him the faid James Shorty his executors, adminiflrators, and affigns, by and out of and from the mefiuage or tenement and premifes at in the county of Surry, and alfo from and after the deceaL- cf E. P. the elder, out of and from all and fingular the feveral meffuages or te- nements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes, fituate at in the county of Kent, hereinafter parti- cularly mentioned and defcribed, and intended to be thereby granted and demifed, with their and every of their appurtenances, payable unto the faid James Scutt, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, at or in the common dining-hall of Lincoln's-Inn, in the county of MidcllefeX) by four equal quarterly payments in the year, (that is to fay) the day of &c by even and equal portions, together with a proportiona-, ble part of the faid annuity, which at the deceafe of him the faid John Scutt fhould have elapfed of the quarterly payment growing due at the time of his de- ceafe, the faid annuity, yearly rent-charge, or fum of 3OO/. to be paid without any abatement or deduction whatfoever thereout, or out of any part thereof, for or in refpecT: of any taxes, charges, aflefTments, pay-- ments, or other impofitions whatfoever, then or there-i after to be taxed, charged, aflefied, or impofed on the faid premifes thereby charged therewith, or any of them or any part, thereof, or upon the faid James khort, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, in refpedl; thereof, by authority of parliament or othtrwife how-! foever ; the firft quarterly payment of the faid annuity to begin and be made on the day of next enfuing the date thereof, and fuch proportionable part to be paid immediately after the deceafe of the laid John Scutt. ( Ad.l power of dijlrefs and entry, and ., c covenant to pay annuity- as in No. XLVIII.\ AND Bemife of a . . , . ? * i- i c ', 1S D y the now memorializing indenture further wit-? nelfed, That in coafideration of IO.T. to the faid John Scutt in hand paid by the faid James Merry ^ the faid Jehu APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 503 John Scutt (at the nomination and by the dire&ion of the faid 'James Short] teftified as therein mentioned, DID demife unto the faid James Merry, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, ALL (State the parcels], TO HOLD the fame unto the faid James Aferrv, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, for the term of 99 years, fif the faid John Scutt fhould fo long live-, the faid term to commence and be computed from the day of the death of the faid E. P. the elder, upon the trufts therein and hereinafter mentioned. AND IT IS THEREBY ALSO WITNESSED, Af s i g nmet That in confideration of the further fum of icxr. by the of leafehoM ' faid James Merry to the faid John Scutt in hand, paid the faid 'John Scutt (at the nomination and direction of the faid James Short teflified as aforefaid) DID affign and fet over unto the faid James Mrrry, his executors, adminiftrators and afligns, ALL that the faid herein before mentioned mefluage or tenement and premifes, fituate at in the county of Snrry aforefaid, to which he the faid John Scutt was become intitled in right of his wife Elizabeth S cutty late E. P. the younger, fpinfter, under and by virtue of the laft will and teftament of H. P. of in the county of Efq. deceafed, and all the eftate, right, title, interefl, pofleflion, term of years to come and unexpired, claim and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equitable, which the faid John Scutt then or might ought or mould haye or claim in or to the faid mefluage or tenement and premifes with the appurte- nances, by force and virtue of any exifling leafe of the faid premifes, or of the faid will of the faid H. P. deceafed, TO HOLD the fame unto the faid James Merryy his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for and during all the eftate, term, and intereft of him the faid John Scutt, therein provided he the laid John Scutt fhould fo long live, UPON THE TRUSTS therein and herein after mentioned. AND it is there- by agreed and declared, That the faid James Merry ^ his executors, acmiaiftrators, and afligns, fhould ftand 506 APPENDIX" OF PRECEDENTS. and be pofTefled of and interefted in the faid feveral mefluages, &c. therein before mentioned to be thereby demiied, and of the laid mefiuage or tenement and premifes therein before mentioned, and intended to be thereby affigned, upon truft (State the trujh. verbatim.] AND IT IS BY THE SAID INDEN- TURE ALSO WITNESSED, That for the better fecuring the payment of the faid annuity of 3OO/. HE Alignment of the laid "John Scutt DID affign and fet over unto the dwUendSj fajj J ames Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and aiftgns, ALL and every the dividends, intereft, and annual produce of the feveral fums of 3ooo/. three per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. four per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, to which he the faid "John Scutt was intitled for his life under and by virtue of a certain therein recited indenture of fettlement made upon and previous to his marriage, bearing date, &c. and made between, &c. ; And alib ALL thofe two feveral annuities or yearly fums of IOO/. and ioo/. to which he the faid John Scutt was intitled to for his life, or for fo long time as the fame {hould con- tinue and be payable under and by virtue of the faid indenture of fettlement. AND likewife ALL and every the dividends, intereft, and annual produce of the laid two feveral fums of 500O/. and 6oo/ three per cent, reduced Bank annuities, to which he the faid John Scutt would become intitled for his life from and after the deceafe of the faid E. P. the elder, under and by virtue of the faid indenture of fettlement as aforefaid, and ALL the right, title, intereft, truft, property, claim, and demand whatfoever, as well legal as equi- table, of him the faid 'John Scutt, of in to or out of the fame, TO HOLD the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid feveral fums of 3000^ three per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. four per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, unto the faid James Short^ his executors, adminiftrators, and afiigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt. AND TO HOLD the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the faid two feveral annuities or yearly fums of ioo/. and ioo/. unto the faitl APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, jo; iid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, for and during the natural life of him the laid John Scutt, or for fo long a time as the fame Ihould re. fpeftively continue and be paid ; AND TO HOLD the faid intereft, dividends, and annual produce of the iaid feveral fums of 50OO/. and 6oo/. three per cent, reduced Bank annuities, from and after the deceafe of faid E. P. the elder, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt. AND it is thereby declared and agreed, That the faid James Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, fhould ftand and be poiTdled of and interefted in the faid intereft, dividends, annual produce, annuities, and premifes therein before men- tioned, and intended to be thereby afiigned, up- pn the trufts (State the trufts verbatim.] IN WHICH SAID INDENTURE is contained the P ower O f attor, ufual power of attorney for enabling the faid James ne y- Short, his executors, adminiftrators, and afsigns, to receive the faid intereft, dividends, annual produce, annuities, and premifes, of and from the faid Sir H. M, &c. upon the trufts therein before men- tioned. AND IT IS BY THE NOW ME MO- Direction to RIALIZING INDENTURE FURTHER v/IT. 1 ^ 11 '^ ^ Tr , fettlemiiit not IM LbbbD, L hat for the further, better, and more ef-to vary fecuri- feclually fecuring the faid annuity or yearly rent- tie J i - charge of 30O/. unto the faid James Short, his execu- tors, admiaiftrators, and afsigns, for and during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt, the faid Jahn Scutt DID thereby exprefsly declare, order, direct, and appoint, That they the faid Sir H. M. &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid, or the furvivor of them, his executors or adminiftrators, (hould not at any time or times thereafter during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt, fell and difpofe of the faid capital fums of 6oo/. and 500O/. three per cent, reduced Bank annuities, 3OOO/. three per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and 6oo/. four per cent, confolidated Bank annuities, and the faid two feveral annuities of tool, and ioo/. or any part thereof, nor lend, place, Jay out, or inveft the monies thereby arifing, or any I part APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS, part thereof, in the purchafe of any government or parliamentary ftocks or funds eftablilhed by law in England or Ireland^ or upon the fecurity of any real cftates in England or Ireland^ either of inheritance, or held for lives with a covenant for perpetual renewal, por fhould at any time or times call, receive, and take in the monies fo to be lent or placed out on fecurities as aforefaid, or fell and difpofe of the flocks, funds, or fecurities fo to be purchafed as aforefaid, or any part thereof, in purfuanceor by virtue, and in exercife 0nd execution of the power or authority to them in that behalf given, limited, or referved in and by the faid indenture of fettlement ; nor fhould they the faid Sir H. M. &c. or the furvivor or furvivors of them, or his heirs at any time or times during the natural life of him the faid John Scutt^ fell and difpofe of or convey the faid freehold mefiuages or tenements, lands, hereditaments, and premifes therein before men- tioned, and intended to be thereby demifed, or any part or parcel thereof, to any perfon or perfons whom-r foever, in purfuance or by virtue, and in exercife and execution of the faid power and authority to them in that behalf given, limited, and referved in and by the faid indenture of fettlement, without the fpecial li- cence and confent of the faid 'James, Shorty his execu- tors, adminiftrators or afsigns ftrft had and obtained for that purpofe ; but from the exercife and execution of the faid powers and authorities, or either of them, for and during the natural life of him the faid yohn Scutt, he DID thereof exprefsly difcharge, fufpend and prohibit the faid Sir H. M, &c. or fuch other truftees as aforefaid, and the furvivors and furvivor of them, his executors and adminiftrators, without fuch the licence and confent of the faid 'James Sbort^ his executors, adminiftrators or afsigns as aforefaid. IN Covenants for WHICH SAID INDENTURE is contained the ufual covenants on the part of the faid John Scutt for his title to the faid feveral mefluages or tenements, and premifes thereby demifed and afsigned, and alfo to the faid intereft, dividends and annuities thereby alio afligned. APPENDIX OF PRECEDENTS. 50* afsigned. {Add defeafance on judgment^ claufe for re-* Jemption t averment that all the fecurities relate to one 'and the fame annuity^ payment of confederation and ex- pences, and execution of Jecurities. As in Prec. No. XLW* * From the manner in which thefe memorials are framed, the practitioner will, by comparing the fame with the deeds to which they relate, and adhering to what is laid down in the third chapter of this work, feel no difficulty in framing a memorial of any fecuritie* whatever; and therefore renders it unnecelFary 4 to fwell the work be- vond the limits required. If the memorials mould be confidered prolix, they have been lo framed with a view of avoiding any doubt being -jailed thereon. GENERAL GENERAL INDEX. -See Scire Facias. May be brought by the grantee againft the grantor of am annuity to recover back the consideration-money paid, When the annuity is fet afide for a defective memorial 101. But not againft one who was only a furety 102. Agent. See Expences. Names of agents who pay the confideratkm-money to be fet forth in the deeds 34. 64. Agreement. ~See Contract. Annuity. See Repurchafe. What is an annuity i. Difference between that and a rent-charge ib. Of annuities for the lives of the grantors a. Mw generally fecured ib. Powers for recovery thereof when charged upon eftates 3. when fecured upon perfonal property 5. The interposition of the legislature ib. The prefent method of procuring money 6. Price generally paid for the fame, and expences thereon ib. Annuities for the lives of grantees or others, how gene- rally fecured 7. Powers for recovery thereof 8. Price generally paid for the fame, and expences thereon 9. Proceedings on luing out execution for recovering arrears of annuities 10. Annuities as laleable as any other fpecies of property it. Of claufes for reducing annuities, if punctually paid 16. The claufe for that purpofe 481. Of the covenant for the payment of annuities 18. Annuities now regulated by an act of parliament 2,0. What annuities are excepted by the aft 49. Si. Annuity 6 E fc E R A t 1 N D E Xi Annuity Aft. Title of the aft 21. Confiderations thereon /. The act of parliament 72. How tar the intention of the legiflature has been an* fwerd 30. .ifi feclion of the aft 34* 2d feclion 53. ^d feftion 54. 4th feclion 65; 5th feftiori 71* 6th feftion 74. 7th feclion 76. Xth feftion 80. Application to the Courts. See 'Jurisdiction. .Appointment '. By the grantor of an annuity of eftates in purfuance of a power 393. By a feme covert purfuant to a power contained in a deed of feparation 206 ; Alignment. See Table of Contents. Of dividends of ftock, &c. to truftees for the life of ft grantor 149. 176. 190. 450. And produce of the refidue of a teftator's perfonal eftate' after the expiration of three years from teftator's death for the life of grantor 270. Of accumulations of a teftator's eflate for payment of an. nuity 272. 444. Of dividends and annuities in poflefllon and reverfion 293. Of dividends of ftock ftanding in the name of the Ac- countant General for the life of a feme covert 159. Of (lock and annuity by a feme covert payable to he* under a deed of feparation and will 204. By hufband and wife of a legacy and intereft 214. Of a legacy and perfonal eftate by the grantor and a prior annuitant to a truftee upon truft to invert a certain fum for fecuring two annuities 370. An abjolute aflignment of dividends 456. of Annuity. Of an annuity from the grantor and grantee to an afBgne* freed from redemption 456. Alignment of an annuity bond 457. An aflignment of an annuity need not be inrolled 86. of. Leafebold Eftatcs. To a trnflee for fuch term as the grantor Jiath therein t aud iliall live 223. 290. By GENERAL IN TEX. ASSIGNMENT of Leafehold Ejtates. By mortgagees and mortgagors to the grantee of an annuity, where part of the confideraion is paid in difcharge of mortgage 313. 315. By hufband and wife, which the wife is intitled to for her life 305. By grantor, who hath an abfolute intereft for fecuring an annuity for two lives 330. of Insurance, Of a policy of infurance from fire 331. The like for lives 474. of Terms. Of an outftanding term to a truflee for fecuring annuity, and fubjecl thereto, in truft to attend the inheritance 431- Of a term created for fecuring an annuity, in order that the fame may be merged in the freehold 469. To a truflee for an affignee 458. ATTORNMENT. See Direfflons. Of tenants 225. AUCTIONEER. See Broker. Auctioneers felling annuities by public auclion or private contract within the penalty of the aft 78. AUTHORITY. For a grantee of an annuity to apply to the Court of Chancery for an order for payment of dividends afiigned at the expence of grantor 162. BONDS.- See Table of Contents. .. Recitals of. For fecuring an annuity for the life of the grantor 14$, 217. 229. 461. For the lives of three nominees and the furyivor 408. For the lives of a man and his wife 229. BROKER. See Auctioneer. Solicitors, fcrivenersor brokers taking more than los. per cent, for procuring money for annuities punifhed by fine and imprifbnment 1%. Five per cent, generally taken by brokers inftead of io/. 77. Auctioneers felling annuities by public auction or private contract are within the penalty of the act 78. The penalty of the act confined to fuch annuities only as are iubjedted (hereto ib. i t BROKER. 514 GENERAL INDEX. BROKER. Benefits that would refult by increufing the premium t brokers 79. CERTIFICATE. The certificate of inrollmcnt no evidence of an effectual one 73. How proved ib, CLERGYMAN. See Table of Contents. Covenant by clergyman, that in cafe he ftiould be preferred to any ecclefiaftical benefice, that he would charge the fame with an annuity by him granted, and that grantee fhould be at liberty to fequefter the fame 463. Covenant that in cafe the grantor of an annuity charged upon a reftory fhall exchange er be preferred to any other, he will charge the fame with annuity 245. COMMISSION. See Broker, Retention. CONDITION. See Bonds in Table of Contents. CONSIDERATION. See Goods, Jurifdialon. The true confideration muft be dated in the deeds for fecuring the annuity 24. 55. The money confideration fpecified in the act only diftin~ gui (liable from goods ib. Bank-notes confidered as money ib. An antecedent debt is a good confideration 57. Lord Kenyon's opinion thereon 58. Bankers' cheques, bills of exchange or promifTory notes, are good confederations for annuities, if paid when, due 60. B vi t muft be fully fet forth in the different fecurities 6r. Country bank-notes and bankers' cheques muft be ftated when payable ib. If a judgment is the confideration, the fame muft be ftated 62. The confideration muft be ftated in every deed 63. . But not in the warrant of attorney ib. A leafe for a year, or a fine, need not ftate the cou- fideration ib. The name of the perfon who pays the confideration muft be inferted in the deeds 64. Notes are implied by the al to be a good confideration. 70 Payments otherwife than iu money not advifable ib.. Recital of payment of confideration in a bond 114. Statement of confideration money, when paid by a bill of exchange, in a deed 147. ~ by a promillbry note 248. "' ..'. by a, backers' cheque 340. CON- GENERAL INDEX CONSIDERATION. Statement of confideration money, when paid by part in cafh and a banker's cheque 174. ' when the confideration money is paid by an agent for the grantee 239. where the confideration is for a debt previously owing ib. Recital that a grantor cannot attend to receive confidera. tien money, but directs the fame to be paid to his wife 213. CONTRACT. RECITAL Of contract for the pufchafe of annuity from one obligor to one obligee for the life of the obligor 113. From two obligors to one obligee for the life of one of the obligors 116. From one obligor to one obligee for the lives of two nominees 120. From one obligor to one obligee for the lives of three 124. From three obligors (when two are collateral fecurities) to one obligee for the life of one of the obligors 128. From one obligor to one obligee for the life of the obligee 133. From one obligor to two obligees as tenants in commoi> for the life of the obligor 137. *. in Deeds for the Life of the Grantor. Secured upon dividends of ftock 144. 189. Secured upon the intereft of money under a marriage- fettlementi where the grantor (who is a military man) agrees to pay the extraordinary infurance on his life upon going abroad 173. Secured upon a legacy and intereft 2 1 2. Secured by a deed of covenants only 460. Secured by a deed of covenants of grantor and two others 216. Charged upon a leafehold eftate 222. Charged upon a reftory and vicarage 238. Charged upon freehold,manors 251. Charged upon the fhare of an eflate under a will 259. Charged upon freehold and leafehold eftates, and divi. dends of ftock 286.- Charged upon a copyhold eltate 334. For the life of a feme covert charged upon perfonal property 158. 202. The fike fecured upon a rent-charge devifed by will to the wife 247. The like fecured upon freehold and leafehold premifes 304. L L * CON. GENERAL INDEX'. CONTRACTyir two or more Lives. For the lives of a man and his wife, and the fitrviror, charged upon freehold eftates under a Settlement ill For two lives charged upon a leafehold eftate 329. The like fubjecl: to a mortgage 312. For three Hves charged upon a eopyhold eftate of inheri- tance 340. For two lives fecured upon a legacy and the refiduc of a perlbnal eflate 367. . for three lives charged upon a freehold eftate of inheritance 377. 393. 408. 420. For two lives to two grantees as tenants in common charged upon different property 440. Recital of contract for the absolute purchafc of dividends for the life of the grantor 449. CONVEYANCE. See Table of Contents. Of a rent-charge to a grantee upon trull for fecuring aa annuity 248. COPYHOLD. See Contratf, Cocienants^ txcepted CajeS) and Memorial. Recital of admiflion to a copyhold eftate 333. of grantor being feifed of a copyhold eftate of in- heritance 339. 348. COVENANTS To furrender copyhold premifes for fecuring an annuity for the life ot the grantor, where he is leifed for life 335- the like for fecuring an annuity for two lives, where the grantor is feiied of the inheritance 349. the like where the annuity exceeds the yearly value of the eftate 340. Ufual covenants inferted in a deed when an annuity is fe- cured upon a copyhold eftate, where the party is feifed for life 337. The like where feifed of the inheritance in fee 346. COVENANTS. See Clergyman^ Copyholds, Infur- ance y and Fine. for Payment of Annuities For the life of the grantor 148. azo. 336. 462. For the lives of two nominees 310. 336. 351. For the lives of a man and his wife 237. For three lives 383. Power to affign, 151. 163. 192. 207. 20$. 298. 300. 450. Lawfully feized 298. 244. 386. Power to convey 401. 428. Pi>wer to change and demife 244. 386. Power to charge, demife and affign 299. COVE. GENERAL INDEX. COVENANTS. For entry in default of payment 244. 299. 324. Free from incumbrances 151. 162. 193. 474. 298, 301. 308. 314 373. 388. 402. 424. 432. 451. 459. 469. For further aflurance i$z. 163. 245. 275. 299. 302. 308. 324- 374- 3 8 8- 403- 45. That grantor will ratify afts done by virtue of Irufts created 163. 180. 275. 301. That aflignor of dividends will not revoke powers given 151. 452. That grantor will pay ground-rent and taxes of leafe- hold premifes afligned 322. That a leafe afligned is good, and hath power to afllgn fame 323. That in cafe grantor leaves the kingdom he (hall give notice to grantee 179. That affignee fhall peaceably receive dividends afligned 45i. By an executor under a will to pay a certain fum out of a perfonal eftate to a truftee for fecuring two annui- ties, and to keep down annuities in mean time, pur- fuant to directions to him given 374. That grantor will join in a fale and conveyance to be made to purchafers, and enter into the ufual covenants 404. That a furviving and deceafed grantee has done no aft incumber 457. COURTS. See Jurifdiaio*. DEBT. An antecedent debt is a good confideration 57. DECLARATION. &Y Provife and Terms. By truftees under a marriagc-fettlement, that they will, in purfuance of directions to them given, pay money afligned 216. That a grantor's joining with a truftec in a fale not efleiu tial 344. 404. That the receipt of truftee fliall be a fufficient difcharge to purchafers 345. 401. That truftee (hall not be accountable for lofs, without wilful 346. 401. That grantor will join in a fale and conveyance to be made to a purchafer, and enter into the ufual cove- nants 404. That the joining of a truftee in the grant of an annuity is only meant to charge the truft premifes, and not to affeft the perfon or property of truftee 414. L L 3 DE- GENERAL INDEX. DECLARATION. Deeclaration of trull of freehold eftates conveyed to a truftee in truft to fell in default of payment of annuity, containing fpecial claules 424. DECREE. Recital of 156. DEEDS. See Security. Annuity deeds declared void which dp not contain the names of perfons by whom ? and on whole behalf the conlideration-money is paid 24. DEFEASANCE. On a judgment entered up on a bond for fecuring annuity 152. DEMISE See Table of Contents. Of glebe lands and tythes for fecuring an annuity 241. Of lands for terms to truftees for railing and paying ani nui'ties 152, a6r. 269. 289. 383. 434. 443- Of freehold and leafehold efttates to a truftee for 99 years (if grantor (hall fo long live, and the eftates, terms and interefts therein ftiall fo long fubfift 269. DIRECTION. See Receiver. To truftees under marriage-fettlements not to vary fecuri. ties without the confent of the grantee of annuities, 19. 179. 191. 296. To tenants to attorn 225. DISTRESS. Powers of diftrefs and entry 233.315. 381. 412', EXCEPTED CASES. What annuities are excepted by the a6t 29. 81. The principles upon which they are fo 82. An eftate in fee, or in tail, though mortgaged for it whole value, is within the exception ib. So is an annuity granted under a joint power, when th$ parties had the difpofition of the fee 83. Copyhold eftates not excepted 85, Nor leafeholds ib. An annuity granted in consideration of giving up a bufi. nefs eonfidered as a voluntary one, and therefore within the exception ib. But if money is made part of the confideration it muft be inrolled 86. Annuities not exceeding io/. per annum need not be in- rolled, without more than one are granted ;o or in truft for the fame grantee 30. 86. Alignment of annuities do not require inrolhnent ib. EX- GENERAL INDEX. EXPENCES. See Memorial. Neither the agreement as to expences upon the granting of an annuity, nor the expences themfelves, areneccflary to be ftated in deeds 47. Reafons why advifable 51. The utility there would be in taxing all conveyancing" . bills 52. RECITAL. Of agreement for payment of expences ou granting an annuity in a bond 114. The like in a deed 230. STATEMENT. Of amount of expencps paid on granting an annuity in a bond 114. The like in a deed 147. FEME COVERT. See Appointments. FEE SIMPLE AND TAIL. Vide Exceptions. Tenants granting annuities excepted out of the at 39. FINE. Covenant to levy a fine fur concetrerunt, and declaration of the ufe thereof, for fecuring an annuity during the lives of a man and his wife 230. The Like of a rent-charge for the life of the wife 249. The like of freehold premifes for the life of the wife 307. GENERAL WORDS. To a manor 4*1. 4*3- GOODS. A debt antecedently due for goods is a valid confidcration for an annuity 69. But goods themfelves are not ib. GRANTS. See Table of Contents. Of an annuity for the life pf the grantor, charged upon dividends of flock 147. 175. Secured by deed of covenant of grantor and two others, 218. Charged upon a reftory and vicarage 240. Charged upon freehold and Icafehold cftates 268. 287. For two lives, charged upon a Icalehold eftate 316. For three lives, charged upon a freehold eftate 379. 434. For two lives 355. 368. For two lives to two purchafers, as tenants in common, charged upon different property 441. 1 For three lives by grantor and his truftce, iflTuing out of manors, &c. where part of the property ii vcfted in a. truftcc for the grantor 409. L L 4 *N- 519 GENERAL INDEX. INFANTS. All contrails made with infants void, and perfons foli- citing the fame guilty of a mifdemeanor 27. No prolecution been had thereon 75. INROLLMLNT. See Memorial. Dire&ions relating to the inrollment of memorials 26. INSURANCE. See J/tgnment and Tale of Contents. Of rlaufes for payment of extra infurance on grantor's life 17. Covenants By a military man to pay any extra infurance on his going abroad iu a military capacity 176. To appear at an infurance-oftice 208. The like, and to pay any extra infurance on his going abroad 460. That grantor will keep the premifes charged with an- nuity infured from fire, and expend the money thereon, 3*- 33*- Recital Of a policy of infurance from fire 331. The like for lives 474. JUDGMENT. See Defeasance and Memorial JURISDICTION. Jurisdiction of the courts 88. The fourth feftion gives jurisdiction in certain cafes Ib. Thefe applications confined to grantor only 89. When a warrant of attorney is part of the lecurity the courts have an original jurifdiction by (taying proceed. ings, but cannot order deeds to be cancelled 90. Any perfon interelted may apply to the court's original jurifdi&ion 91. The courts are bound, ex officio, to take notice of an annuity void under the aft ib. re f ufe to let alide annuities when they have before pafled in rem judicatam 92. Lord Kenyon's opinion thereon 94. What proceedings had will be a bar to an application 96. The courts will not entertain a lecond application when the merits have been before dilculfed ib. Nor upon a representation of facts, which could only be anfwered by the grantee's agent, whu was dead 98. But no lapfe of time will of hlelf be a bar to an applica- tion ib. The courts will not fet alide an annuity for a mere cleri- cal miliake ib. 4 JURIS. G ENERAL INDEX. JURISDICTION. If an annuity is fet afide for informality, the grantee may recover back the confideration paid to grantor 10-1. But not from one who was only a furety 102. Practice in fuch cafes ib. How applications are made to the court 108. LEASE. See Alignment. Recital of a leaie 310. 328. of aflignment thereof 311. 338. LEASE AND RELEASE. See Releafe and Leafe. LETTERS OF ATTORNEY. See Powers of Attorney. MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS. Annuities fecured under them excepted by the aft 39. Recitals of 141. 165. 181. 193. 210. 228. 378. MEMORIAL.. See alfo Table of Contents. Of the memorial to be inrolled 22. 33. Of the time of inrolling fame 34. The memorial muft be a full abftraft of the different fe- curities ib. Bond given by a furety muft be inrolled 35. Alfo a warrant of attorney ib. And a judgment, if entered up previous to the memorial being inrolled 36. Likewife furrenders of copyhold eftates, if made previous to the memorial being inrolled ib. Attornment of tenants and fcparate powers of attorney to receive dividends Ihould be memorialized ib. A fine cannot be 37. Every inftrument that has its effect before the memorial is inrolled mould be inferred therein ib. The fame to be Separately memorialized ib. The date of every inftrument to be let forth in memorial 3. Alfo the names of all the parties and their descriptions ib. All the trufts muftbediftin&ly fet forth 39. It is not fumcient to ftate that certain prcinifes were con. veyed upon the trujis therein mentioned 40. A memorial of any new deed under which the annuity is fecured after it has been granted, mull likewifc be inrolled ib. The witnetfes to every deed to be fet forth 41. Alfo any contingent annual expences 42. An allowance to a receiver to be fet forth ib. Ai.y extra infunmce to be paid by the grantor ib. ME- GENERAL INDEX, MEMORIAL. And likewife when there is to be a diminution in the an- nuity it" regularly paid 43. A claufe prohibiting truftees in a fettlement from varying fecuritie:- fhould be fet tbrth ib. The names of thofe tor whofe life or lives the annuity is granted, and if "-for the lives of the fur'vi'vor" mud be (rated ib. Nor necedary for the confideration to be fet forth more than on.e, a reference being fufficient 44. An agreement for repurchale indorfed upon a deed muft be memorialized 45. And likewife a claufe for repurchafe in the deeds them- felves, and the efFe'61 thereof 46. A defeasance on a judgment fhould be ftated 47. Neither the agreement refpecting the expeaces, nor the ex- pences themfelves, necetfary to be ftated in memorial ih. Reafons why advifable 51. A memorial of all annuities granted previous to the at to be inrolled before any proceedings thereon 23. 54. . Ofjlatlng the different Inftruments and their Effeft. Of bonds 483. Warrant of attorney 484. Confideration paid and expences 485. (jrant O f annuity ib. Covenant for payment of annuity 486. .Aflignment of dividends ib. 506. Power of attorney 487. Covenants for title s^S. Defeafance on a judgment ib, Claufe of redemption 488. Averment that all the fecurities relate to one annuity 489- Power of diftrefs and entry 496. Exception as fo diftrefs "498. Covenant to furrender copyhold eftate 501. Surrender 502. Demife of a freehold eftate 497. 504. Affignment of leafehold 505. Direction to truflees under fettlement not to vary fecit; i- ties 507. Payment of confideration and expences 489. Execution of the fecurities 490. OBSERVATIONS. General ones 104. OFFICERS. The half-pay of officers not affignable 6. 'PE, GENERAL INDEX. PETITION. See Table of Contents. POWERS OF ATTORNEY. See Receiver. To receive dividends of (lock of truftees under a mar- riage-fettlement 150. 178. 295.450. The like (landing in the name of the accountant-general 161. To receive rents and intereft of demifed and afligned pre- mifea 274. To receive monies from an executor under a will 372. PROSECUTION. See Brokers, Infants. PROVISO. See Declaration. Forceafing a term created for fecj.iring an annuity on the death of annuitants, or repurchasing annuity 389. 434. Jn a releafe in fee, that alter the death of annuitants the premifes conveyed, orjb much thereof as fhould not be difpofed of linger the trufts of the deed, fliould be in truft for grantor 344. 400. 438. That grantor (hall not be called upon to pay annuity for three years, but without prejudice to lecurities 276. For re-affignment of a leafehold eftate upon the death of no- minees 321. That no diftrefs (hall be made upon a manfion-haufe and lands belonging thereto, unlefs annuity ihall be in arrear four calendar months 254. DECEIVER. Covenant that grantor will not revoke the appointment of receiver without the content of grantee, and ia cafe the prefent receiver dies or refutes to act, grantor will appoint another 436. That receiver will pay annuity out of the rents 263. 435. Pirection to receiver oi" an eftate to pay annuity out of the rents ik. Power of attorney to receive rents of a receiver 263. Provifo for appointing another receiver in cafe of the death of the prefent one, or hi* declining tu uct 262. 264. 436. Recitals as to receivers of eftates 264. 435. r- of agreement for the appointment of a receiver, and for fuch receiver to pay grantor's (hare of eftates to a truflee for fecuring annuity 262. RECITALS. See Bonds, Decree, Wills, Marriage- Settlements, Contracts, Receiver, Lecije. That grantor is feilt-il of premifes in fee 391. 435. That grantor is mulled to a Icalehold cftate 3*5. 3 $24 GENERAL INDEX* RECITALS. That premifes fland limited to ufes to bar dower 391. 39*. Of a deed creating a term, and that by divers mefhe arguments the fame was become veiled in a ti uftee for fecuriiig money lent on mortgage, which had been fmce difcharged, and agreement for afligning fame to a truftee in truft for fecuring annuities 430. Of the transfer of flock 355. Of default of payment of a mortgage, whereby pre- mifes became verted in mortgagees 312. That grantor is rector and vicar of two parimes 238. Of trull-monies being verted in other fecurities 175. That money under a fettlement remains outftanding o'a fecurities 189. Of marriage having taken effect 172. 188. Of a deed of feoaration 198. Of a deed-poll "188. On the grant of annuity by hufband, that the hufband cannot attend to receive the purchafe-money, but di- rects the fame to be paid to his wife 213. Of deaths 197. 209. 247. 459. 263. Of deaths and probate of wills 267. Of grantors having attained twenty-one 363. 440. Recital of the grant of annuity for three lives, charged upon manors redeemable on replacing (lock 418. Of the grant of an annuity redeemable, with a demife of premifes to truftee for a term of years for fecuring the fame 453. 466. That annuity hath been repurchafed, and deeds delivered up, but no releafe executed it. Of the grant of an annuity redeemable 363. That anaffignor isintitled to dividends for life 449. Of application being made to prior annuitant for joining in aflignment for fecuring a fubfequent annuity 368. Of the arrears of an annuity being paid ib. 455. Of the death of one of two grantees, where an annuity became verted in the furvivor ib. That the grantee of an annuity hath agreed to transfer his intereft ib. That the grantor of an annuity hath agreed to ratify an aflignment of an annuity, and to difcharge the fame from the power of redemption 456. That a grantor is feifed in fee of part of the premifes fubjeft to a mortgage, and that his truftee is feifed in fee of the other part in truft for him 407. Upon a contract for an annuity, that if grantor fhould be promoted to any ecclefiaftical benefice, he would charge the fame with the payment thereof, and that grantee fhould be at liberty to iffiie a fieri facias de bonis ecclefiafticis againll fuch benefice 461. RE- GENERAL INDEX. 525 REDEMPTION.. See Repurchafe. RELEASE. Of freehold premifes by hufband and wife for the life of the wife for fecuring annuity 304. Of freehold premifes by grantor and his truftees by leafe and releafe to truflee for grantee for fecuring annuity 394. 422. Of freehold premifes fubjeft to a mortgage to truftee in truft for fecuring annuity 421. Of an annuity 468. REPURCHASE. Claufes for repurchafing annuities legal 12. The different fpecies thereof 14. Always ftipulated for upon annuities for the lives of grantees or others 15. Agreements fo- repur chafing Annuities. in Bonds. On payment of half a year's annuity 118. "19. On replacing flock fold out for the purchafe in. On giving fix months notice, and payment of principal advanced 116. The like, or upon payment of half a year's annuity 1 30. By inftalments on giving three months notice 135. ' in Deeds. On payment ol half a year's annuity 154. 389. 405. 447. The like at the expiration of one year 359. By inftalments on giving three months notice, and paying at the rate of half a year's annuity 325. After the expiration of three years upon giving fix months notice and repaying the principal advanced, or, iu default of notice, on payment of principal and half a year's annuity 351. On replacing flock fold out for the purchafe 414. Special conclusions thereto ayy. RETENTION. If any part of the confideration mail be returned, or any notes fhall not be paid when due, the Courts will order the deeds to be cancelled 35. Commiflion paid to the grantee of an annuity for pro. curing the money is a retention within the act 67. Qii. whether the payment of the fair expcnces of the writings to the grantee, who is a folicitor, is a reten- tion it The payment of a juft debt due to the grantee, aftw the grantor has received the confideration moncy t can- yot be cwnlidered a retention 68. ROLL. $26 GENERAt INDEX. ROLL. The utility of the roll kept at the inrollment-ofiice 72, SCIRE FACIAS. A lore facias is an action tliat requires an annuity to bft inrolled which was granted previous to the palling of the ac"t 54. SCRIVENER. See Broker. SECURITY. See Deeds. SOLICITOR. See Broker. STOCKS. See Aflignment and Repuf chafe. Annuities fecured by the actual transfer of Hock except* ed out of the act 29. Declaration that ftock transferred is in truft for fecuring annuity tor two lives 356. SURRENDER. See Table of Contents. TERMS. See Alignment. Declaration that all outstanding terms in premifes releafed fliall be in truft to attend the inheritance 404. - by a truftee of an outftanding term, that he would ftand polleifed thereof for fecuring an annuity 437. Recital of a deed creating a term, and that by divers mefne alignments the fame was become vefted in a truftee for fecuring money lent on mortgage, which had been fmce discharged ; and agreement for aligning the fame to a truftee in truft for fecuring annuity 430. TRUSTS.- See Declaration, Memorial. TRUSTEES.--See Declaration. WARRANT OF ATTORNEY. and Table of Contents. Recitals of warrant of attorney to confefs judgment on bonds for fecuring annuities 146. 218. 230. WILLS. Annuities under will excepted out of the aft 29. Recitals of wills 196. 209. 331. 247. 256. 266. 303* 361. 436. THE END. Printed ly G. Woodfall) No. 22 PaternoJIer-row, London* LA TJMVERSITYOF A 000 696 424 i