SERMONS AND ESSAYS OX THK APOSTOLICAL AGE BY ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, M.A., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER: AND 377, STRAND, LONDON. SOLD ALSO BY MACMILLAN AND CO., CAMBRIDGE. MDCC'CXLTII. OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. SHRIMPTON. P 11 E F A C E. THE Sermons contained in this volume were preached before the University of Oxford in the years 1846 and 1847, the four first in the office of Select Preacher, the two last on two occasional turns afforded by the kindness of friends. The Essays have been inserted in explanation or illus- tration of points on which it would have been in- appropriate to enlarge in spoken discourses. In the composition of the volume it is almost needless to say that I have derived great help not only from the works which have more or less treated of the same subject, but from those to whose intercourse and acquaintance, as well as to their actual criticism of these pages, I would here express my deep obligations, which I do not feel the less, because it is impossible more directly to acknowledge them. And, if there are fewer refer- ences than might naturally have been expected to the name of one to whom, though not living, this, as well as any similar work which I may be called to undertake, must in great measure be due, it is because I trust that I may be allowed to take this opportunity of vindicating, once for all, for the scholars of Arnold, the privilege and pleasure of using his words and adopting his thoughts without a2 IV PREFACE. the necessity of specifying in every instance the source from which they have been derived. It has been my object (as I have implied in the title of these Sermons and Essays) not to enter on the higher questions of Theology involved in