THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA, CEYLON AND BURMA. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. EDITED BY LT.-COL. C. T. BINGHASI. BTJTTERFLIES.-Vol. II. LIEUT.-COLONEL C. T. BINGHAM. LONDON: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. CALCUTTA AND SIMLA : THACKER, 8PINK, & CO. BURMA : MYLE8 STANDISH & CO., BOMBAY : THACKER & CO., LIMITED. BERLIN : R. FRIEDLANDER & SOHIf. 11 CARLSTRASSJE. 1907. KK V FI PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, HK11 MON COURT, PI.KET STREET. 301 F27 P2I3 PREFACE. THIS the second volume of the " Butterflies " in the Fauna of British India series gives an account of the families Papilionidae and Pieridae, and of five out of the seven sub- families of the Lycsenidse. Of the Papilionidae the bulk of the forms come under the genus Papilio, in the arrangement of which into groups I have followed the Honorable W. Rothschild's paper, "A Revision of the Papilios of the Eastern Hemisphere excluding Africa " (Novitates Zoolo- gies, vol. ii, 1895, pp. 165-463). For the Pieridse I have found the late Mr. de Niceville's MS. of his unfinished and unpublished volume of the 'Butterflies of India' most useful. This MS., as already acknowledged in my Volume I, was kindly placed at my disposal by the authorities of the Indian Museum. With regard to the very large number of forms contained in the Lycsenidse, I have found it possible to divide them provision- ally into subfamilies on the structural characters of the imago or perfect insect. These subfamilies correspond to a certain extent with the divisions proposed by the late Mr. Doherty ('Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal/ vol. Iv, pt. 2, 1886, p. 110), which were founded on the 529910 IV PREFACE. structure of the eggs, and also to the groups as indicated in the key to the Genera of Lycaenidae in Mr. de Niceville's vol. iii of the ' Butterflies of India/ As in the previous volume I have to acknowledge with thanks the help I have received from correspondents aud friends. Mr. F. Moller, Darjiling, Major E. Stokes- Roberts, R.E., Capt. W. H. Evans, R.E., Mr. P. Mackinnon, Mussoorie, Mr. E. E. Green and Honorable F. M. Mackwood, Ceylon, Col. C. Swinhoe, late Indian Army, Col. Waller- Barrow, R.A.M.C., Lieut. C. C. Cunningham, 12th Kelat-i- Ghilzai Regt., and others, have been most kind in collecting or lending me specimens. I have also to express my thanks to the authorities of the British Museum for the free access granted me to the collections and library contained in the Natural History Museum. Without this, I need scarcely say, the present work could not have been accomplished. With regard to other works in this series, a volume on Phytophagous Beetles, a concluding volume on the Rhyn- chota, and short volumes on Land-shells and on Beetles belonging to the family Cicindelidae are in active preparation. Sanction also has been granted by the Secretary of State for India for a volume on the Orthoptera, and for a third and concluding volume of the Butterflies. C. T. BINGHAM. London, March 1907. SYSTEMATIC INDEX, Ore Sul i. 2. 3. 4. ler LEP1DOPTERA .... >order Papilionina n. 1. PAPILIONID.E Armandia, Blanchard. . . . 1. lidderdali, Atkinson . . Leptocircus, Swainson . . 1. curius, Fabr 2. meges, Zinken-Sommer Teinopalpas, Hope 1. imperialis, Hope .... 2. imperatrix, de Niceville. Papilio, Linn. Page 1 1 3 3 ! 9 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 33 34 34 36 38 39 41 43 44 47 49 50 30. polynmestoroides, Moore .... 52 53 54 56 57 59 59 60 61 63 64 64 66 67 68 70 71 72 75 78 79 80 81 82 82 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 22 94 95 97 100 101 104 106 31. p rote nor, Cramer .... 32. rhetenor, Westwood . . 33. bootea, Westwood 34. janaka, Moore 35. chaon, Westwood .... 36. fuscus, Goeze .... 37. noblei, de Niceville 38. polytes, Linn 39. pitmani, Elwes 8c de N. 40. sakontala, Hewitson . . 41. walkeri, Janxon .... 42. castor, Westwood .... 43. mabadeva, Moore .... 44. dravidarum, Wood- 1. helena, Linn 2. aeacus, Felder 3. minos, Cramer 4. davsius, Gray .... 45. agestor, Gray 46. epycides, Hewitson . . 47. slateri, Hewitson .... 5. hector, Linn 6. aristolochiae, Fabr. . . 7. jophou, Gray 8. doubledayi, Wallace . . 9. rhodifer, Butler 10. varuna, White 1 1 . aidoneus, Doubleday . . 12. zaleucus, Hewitson . . 13. latreillei, Donovan. . . . 14. adamsoni, Grose-Smith. 15. polla, de Niceville 16. philoxenus, Gray .... 17. ravana, Moore 18. nevilli, Wood-Mason . 19. crassipes, Oberthiir . . 20. alcinous, Klug 2 1 . machaon, Linn 22. xuthus, Linn 23. demoleus, Linn "*4 helenus, Linn. . 49. paradoxus, Zinken- Sommer 50. caunus, Westwood 51. elephenor, Doubleday . 52. doddsi, Janet 53. bianor, Cramer 54. polyctor, Boisduoal . . 55 paris, Linn. . . 56. krishna, Moore 57. arcturus, Westwood . . 58. palinurus, Fabr 50. buddha, Westwood . . 60. crino, Fabr 6 1 . evan, Doubleday .... 62. gyas, Westwood .... 63. glycerion, Gray 65. antiphatea, Cramer . . 66. agetes, Westivood .... 25. iswara, White 26. deraolion, Cramer 27 niemnon, Linn '28. mayo, Atkinson 29. polymnestor, Cramer. . 68. aristeus, Cramer .... 69. eurypylus, Linn SYSTEMATIC INDEX 70. bathycles, Zinken- Sommer ............ 71. agamemuun, Linn. . . 72. cloantlms, Westwood . 73. sarpedon, Linn ....... 74. xenocles, Doubleday . . 75. macareus, Godart .... 76. megarus, Westwood . . 5. Paruassius, Latr ....... 1. jacquemonti, Boisduval 2. epaphus, Oberthiir , . 3. hardwickei, Gray ____ 4. delphius, Erersm ..... 5. charltonius, Gray .... 6. inaperator, Oberthiir . . 7. acco, Gray .......... 8. simo, Gray .......... 6. Hypermnestra, Mtnttries . 1* helios, Nicker I ...... Page 108 108 110 111 113 114 115 116 118 120 123 126 127 128 129 131 131 Fam. 2. PIEKID^E .......... 134 1. Leptosia, Hubner ...... 137 1, xiphia, Fabr ......... 138 2. Delia?, Hubner ........ 139 1. eucharis, Drury .... 141 2. liierta, Hubner ...... 142 3. descombesi, Boisduval . 144 4. aglaia, Linn ......... 145 5. thysbe, Cramer ...... 146 6. agostina, Hewitson . . 147 7. belladonna, Fabr ..... 148 3. Prioneris, Wallace ...... 150 1. thestyli*, Doubleday . . 151 2. clemanthe, Doubleday . 153 3. sita, Feider ........ 154 4. Anaphseis, Hubner .... 155 1. nie&entina, Cramer . . 155 5. Baltia, Moore .......... 158 1. sliawi, Bates ........ 159 2. butleri, Moore ...... 159 6. Aporia, Hubner ........ 160 1. soracte, Moore ...... 161 2. balucha, Marshall. ... 162 3. nabellica, Boisduval . . 163 4. agathou, Gray ...... 163 5. harrietse,59 5. Megisba, Moore 313 19. Colotis, Hiibner 1 . amata, Fabr 2. protractua. Sutler .... 3. phisadia, Godart .... 4. vestalis, Butler 5. fausta, Olivier . Upperside of hind wing : upper discal patch diffuse dusky black ................... , T. imperatrix, p. 9. 8 PAPIL1OXIDJE. 483. Teinopalpus imperialis (PI. XI, fig. 80), HOIK, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix, 1843, p. 131, pi. 11, figs. 1, 2, ; dorsal margin of wing on underside bordered with red . . If. Hind wing not tailed in <$ , sometimes tailed in ; a patch of red at base but no border of red along dorsal margin MEMNON group, p. 46. V. Hind wing tailed in both MACHAON group, p. 35. BOOTES gi'oup, p. 55. i s . Tail short, slender, not spatulate i s . Tail longer, broader, spatulate. 9 . Underside : a patch of red at base of wings 6 9 Underside: no patch of red at base of wings Hind wing without tail in both sexes. t s . Hind wing : upper dis- cocellular nearly as long as subcostal vein. . Fore wing elongate ; dorsal margin less than half length of costal b 9 . Fore wing shorter, broader; dorsal mar- gin at least two- thirds length of costal. a 10 . Fore wing: vein 8 out of basal fourth of 7 Z 10 . Fore wing : vein 8 out of basal third of. 7 ! 8 . Hind wing: upper disco- cellular much shorter, not half length of sub- costal vein . NEPH ElA'S-l'OLYTES [group, p. 58. PROTENOR group, [p. 52. CLYTIA group, p. 73. CASTOII group, p. 65. AGESTOR group, p. 69. * Except in Papilio demolctis, Linn., neither sex of which has the hind wing tailed. PAPILIO. 13 b~'. Fore wing acute and curved at apex, strongly falcate. . . . PAYENI group, p. 91. lr\ With conspicuous green or blue colouring and markings on upper- side. *. Hind wing without tail ELEPHEXOK group, b l . Hind wing Avith tail. " [p. 80. rt '. Fore wing in c? with or with- out woolly adnervular streaks on upperside. a 8 . Such streaks always present, one along middle of inter- space 1 BIANOB, group, p. 81. b''. Such streaks " not always present, when present none along middle of inter- space 1 PALINURUS group, b*. Fore wing in tf without any [p. 88. woolly streaks PAHIS group, p. 84. B. Fore wing : vein 11 anastomosed with vein 12. a. Fore wing short and broad ; dorsal margin much more than half length of costal. a'. Hind wing with slender tails. (ft. Hind wing in tf without a cottony scent-organ on the inner side of abdominal fold. n 3 . Fore wing: upper 'discocellular very much longer than middle discocellular ; GLYCERIOX group, 6 3 . Fore wing : upper discocellular [p. 93. very little longer than middle discocellular ANTIPHATES group, b-. Hind wing in 3 with a cottony [p. 96. scent-organ on the inner side of abdominal fold. a . Fore wing : white bands on an- terior portion without scales on upperside AGKTES group, p. 100. b 3 . Fore wing: white bands on an- terior portion with scales on upperside AuisTKUSgroup,p. 101. b'. Hind wing without tails MACAREUS group, b. Fore wing more elongate ; dorsal margin [p. 112. about half as long as costal EURYPYLUS- AGAMEMNON group, [p. 105. OnXITHOPTEKA GnOUP. J 5 . Fore wing : costa arched ; apex not acute, rounded ; termen oblique ; tornus well-marked but rounded ; dorsum straight ; cell more than half length of wing ; upper discocellular slightly oblique, shorter than middle in the Indian forms, middle concave; veins 10 and 11 free, 10 from upper third, 11 from middle of subcostal. Hind wiug not tailed in the Indian forms ; 14 costa short; termen strongly curved, round, scalloped; tornus promi- nent but rounded; dorsum straight; abdominal fold in rf moderately broad, lined within with a cottony scent- organ. Antennae elongate, club curved ; thorax and abdomen robust, the latter very massive ; $ anal valves very large and prominent. Pupa, unlike that of the other groups of the geniis, sustained by separate lateral threads attached to a tubercle on each side and not by a loop round the middle. Key to tlie forms of the Ornithoptera Group. a. Underside of hind wing : cell yellow, black only at extreme base. a'. Underside of hind wing : interspace 1 yellow, with a large oval and a smaller black spot in terminal third, or yellow with posterior half diagonally black. 2 . Underside of hind wing black along costal , T> 7 , margin, extended into interspace 7 ...... K 1 JJE ^A V. Underside of hind wing black along costal ' cetbenis > P- 14 - margin, not extended into interspace 7 . . P. ceacris, p. 15. I'. Underside of hind wing : interspace 1 black, with a narrow yellow streak anteriorly .... P. minos, p. 10. b Underside of hind "wing : cell black ; apex only yellow, basal half at least black ............ P. darsius, p. 17. a. Underside of hind wing : interspace 7 black, no i p / / , yellow spot at its base .................... \ ' l / u ' , , b. Underside of hind wing : interspace 7 black, with ' rus ' P' J4< a small yellow spot at its base. a. Cell yellow, basal third only black ........ P. ceacus, p. 15. b'. Cell black, apex only yellow ............. P. darsius, p. 17. c. Underside of hind wing: interspace 7 black, with a large yellow spot at base or basal half yellow. P. minos, p. 16. 485. Papilio helena, Linn. Si/st. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 461. Race cerberus (PI. XI, fig. 82). Papilio pompeus, Gray (nee Cramer), Cat. Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus. i, 1852, p. 5; Moore (nee Cramer, Ornithoptera), Cat. Lep, Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 87, <$ $ ; Ehves (nee Cramer, Ornithoptera), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 422. Papilio cerberus, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xiv, 1864, p. 291 ; Moore (Ornithoptera), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 145, pi. 490, figs. 1,1 a-lc, . Sikhim ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending to the east through the Shan States to Siam and China, and on the south to the Malay Peninsula. 487. Papilio minOS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii, 1779, p. 4, pi. 195, fig. A ; Felder (Ornithoptera), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xiv, 1864, pp. 291 & 334 ; Atiken (Ornithoptera), Jottr. Bomb. N. H. Soc. ii, 1887, p. 35 ; Davidson fy Aitkcn (Ornithoptera), Join: Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 361 ; Rothsch. (Troides) Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 203; Moore (Ornithoptera), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 142, pi. 410, figs. 1, 1 o, 1 b, larva & pupa, <5 $. c? $ Differs from P. cerberus as follows : <$ . Hindwing : the black along the dorsal and terminal margins both on upper and undersides much broader ; on the upperside entirely filling inter- space 1, on the underside with only a narrow streak of yellow at the angle between the median vein and vein 2 ; the cone-shaped black markings on the terminal margin shorter and broader ; on the costal margin the black is narrower than in cerberus, barely extended below vein 8 except at the base and apex of the wing where it broadens ; the abdomen is dull yellow above and below not shaded with black. $ . Hind wing : the black on the costal PAPILIO. 17 margin as in cerberus, but there is always a large yellow spot at base of interspace 7 ; interspace 1 black, with a pale patch in the middle ; the black terminal border broader, the inwardly extended cone-shaped markings prominent, those in interspaces 2 and 3 with piie buff lateral edgings, extended inwards to the postdiscal spots. In both c? and the hind wing on the upperside is clothed with soft, silky, long brownish-black hairs from base along the dorsal area. Exp. cJ $ 140-180 mm. (S-53-7'15"). Hob. Southern India : Bombay to Travancore. Larva. Boughly cylindrical, tapers a little to each end, with two rows of fleshy processes somewhat curved forwards and a double row on each side that are much shorter. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th segments an additional long pair between the dorsal and lateral rows. Head smooth and black ; body of a uniform dark madder- brown, prettily lighted with a tinge of pink at the points of some of the fleshy processes ; dorsal process on the 8th segment and a lateral pair on the 7th pinkish- white, with a band of the same colour uniting them. Pupa. Suspended by the tail and a band that encircles it much nearer the head than is usual with Papilio pupa?. In form stout, flattened, dilated in the middle, with head and thorax thrown back. Head somewhat angular and tuberculated ; two of the abdominal segments each with a prominent dorsal pair of pointed tubercles. Colour usually light brown, with a strongly contrasting saddle of old gold. (After Davidson $ AitJcen.} Mr. T. A. Sealy (Proc. Ent. Soc. 1875, p. ix) states : " The pupa possesses the power of making a curious noise like ' pha-pha' !, and makes it very loudly when touched ; the noise is accompanied (perhaps produced) by a .short contraction of the abdominal segments. I thought at first it was merely produced by the rubbing of one ring of the pupa- case against the next, but the sound did not resemble a mere fractional sound, it was more like the sound of a rush of air through small holes ' pha-pha.' I tried to produce it with a dead chrysalis but failed : the pupa sometimes contracted on being touched without making the noise, and appeared unable to make the noise until some time was given to allow it to recover its vigour." Messrs. Davidson and Aitken have also noticed this power in the pupa, but they speak of it " as a husky squeaking noise, produced apparently by friction of the abdominal rings." 488. Papilio darsius, Gray, Cat. Lep. Ins. . M. \, 1852, p. 5 ; Moore (Ornithoptera), Cat. Lep. Mm. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 87, pi. 2, figs. 2, 2 a, $ , larva & pupa ; id. (idem) Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 155, pi. 55, figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, tf , larva pupa ; Rothschild (Troides), Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 203; Moore (Ornithoptera), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 140, pi. 418, figs. 1, larva & pupa, 1, 1 a, de.N. J.A.S. B. 1881, p. 237. Menelaides camorta, Moore, Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 182. pi. 443, figs. 1, 1 a-1 c, cf $ . Papilio aiistolochia? camorta, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 250. cJ . Upperside velvety black. Fore wing with well-marked pale aduervular streaks on the discal area that do not reach the ter- minal margin, the latter broadly velvety black ; the streaks beyond Fig. 3. a. Hind wing: Papilio arutolocliice. b. Hind wiog : P. aristolochice, race camorta, Moore. c. Apex of abdomen : P. aristolochia, showing want of anal valves. end of cell extended inwards into its apex. Hind wing with elon- gate white discal markings in interspaces 2-5 beyond the cell. PAPILIO. 21 In dry-weather specimens these markings are very short and do not nearly reach the bases of the interspaces; beyond these a curved series of subterminal lunular markings in interspaces 1 to 7 dull crimson irrorated with black scales, the spot in interspace 1 large, irregular, diffuse, margined interiorly with white. Under- side : ground-colour and markings similar, but the red subterminal spots on the hind wing much brighter, not irrorated with black scales, better defined, the anterior four subquadrate, the next two crescentic, sometimes quadrate also, the spot in interspace 1 triangular and pointed. Antennae, thorax and abdomen above up to the preanal segment black; the head, sides of prothorax ^ibove, and of the whole of the thorax and abdomen beneath vermilion-red ; anal segment vermilion-red. $ similar, differs from the c? only in the comparatively broader wings : this is most conspicuous in the fore wing. Exp. <$ $ 76-114 mm. (3-4-5"). Hob. N.W.India; Sikhim ; W. & S. India; Ceylon; Assam; Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending on the west to China and Siam, and southwards to Malacca, Java and the Philippines. Larva. "Adult 1^ inch long. Stout, cylindrical and tuber- culous. Gound-colour velvet-brown-black, dorsal line black ; four longitudinal rows of fleshy tubercles bright red seventh segment with a milk-white, jagged, lacerated band reaching right across the body and terminating at the third row of tubercles, the tubercles on that segment are white with the exception of the 3rd and 4th rows ; head black ; segmental incisions dark purple- brown ; legs and abdomen beneath black ; stigmates (sic) black ; retractile tentacula orange. Feeds on Aristolochia indica. Habits slow." Pupa. " Darkish brown, stout and broad, swollen at the sides, with four pairs of very prominent tubercles on the back of the abdomen." (de la Chaumette as quoted by Moore.) In certain lights the wings of both S and 5 have a rich purple bloom on the upperside. Var. ceylonica, Moore, has a white spot at the apex of the cell on the hind wing. Males of this butterfly vary greatly in size ; quite tiny specimens, perfect miniatures of the normal form, are not uncommon throughout its range. Race camorta, Moore (fig. 3 6, hind wing), differs from the typical form as follows : " The white spots of the hind wing small, only that between the lower median veins (veins 2 and 3) is clearly marked on the upperside, the two others standing before and behind the upper median nervule (vein 4) are sometimes entirely absent from the upperside, or when present are much suffused with black ; below there is usually a spot within the apex of the cell." (RothtchOd.) Exp. d $ 96-118 mm. (3-8-4-65"). Hob. The Nicobars. Mr. Gilbert Kogers sent it to me from the Central group, but not from Great Nicobar. 22 PAPILIONID.E. 491. Papilio jophon, Gray, Cat. Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus. i, 18o2, p. 10 r pi. 4, fig. 4 $ ; Moore (Menelaides), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 152 r pi. 58, fig. 1 ? ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 234 ; Moor? (Menelaides), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 176, pi. 436, figs. 1, 1 a r Ib, larva, rf $. .Race pandiyanus. Papilio pandiyana, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 313 ; Ferguson, Journ. omb. N. H. Soc. vi, 1891, p. 446. Papilio pandiyanus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 234; Moore (Menelaides), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 177, pi. 437, figs. 1, 1 a, U c?$- c? . Upperside black. Fore wing with three or four broad white streaks in cell and a variable number of similar somewhat broader streaks that are bifid along their apical half in the interspaces beyond ; these streaks do not reach the terminal margin and become obsolete towards the costal margin of the wing. Hind wing : the apical half of the cell and short apicaliy truncate streaks in the interspaces beyond w T hite ; these streaks broad, divided only by the black veins, followed by a subterminal curved series of crimson lunules irrorated with black scales. Undersid.e similar, the markings more distinct and more sharply denned, the- discal white streaks and the subterminal series of crimson spots each seven in number. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen above up to the preanal segment black ; the head in front and beneath, the thorax at the sides and the apical half of the abdomen crimson, the last with one or two black lateral spots. $ similar ; fore wing broader, the white and crimson markings larger and more conspicuous. Exp. c? $ 118-128 mm. (4-64-5-2"). Hab. Ceylon. " Confined locally to the middle hill district '* (Manders). Larva. " Dark purple-black, with crimson-coloured pointed tubercles, two on 2nd segment, eight on each of 3rd and 6th, six on each of 8th to 10th, and four on 13th ; seventh segment with a pale cream-coloured transverse band (interrupted on the dorsal line), including four tubercles of the same colour, below which on each side is a single crimson tubercle ; on second segment is a band composed of four pale tubercular spots, from the centre of which can be protruded a pair of short blunt yellow tentacles. " (E. E. Green as quoted by Moore.} Race pandiyanus, Moore. " Though closely allied to Gray, this species is constantly (as far as we know) different in pattern. The white colour of the fore wings is much more ex- tended, especially in the apical region, but also more shaded with black scales; the internervular black streaks between the median nervules (veins 4-6) are much longer, the white linear markings- in the cell reach the discocellular veinlets. On the hind wing PAPILIO. 23 the last discal white spot reaches mostly to the suhmeclian nervui'e (vein 1), the anterior one is very large in the cf , small or divided into two spots, or obliterated in the 5 " (Itothschild, t. o.) Exp. <$ $ 102-114 mm. (4-02-4-5"). Hab. S. India : JYilgiri Hills ; Travancore. COON GROUP. c? . "Wings very long and narrow. Fore wing : costa slightly arched, apex broadly rounded, termen S straight, slightly convex, in both sexes very oblique ; dorsuin very short, less than half as long as the costa ; cell long and narrow, considerably more than half length of wing ; upper discocellular very little shorter than the middle ; vein 10 from upper third, 11 from beyond the middle of subcostal. Hind wing with long spatulate tail ; costa straight, short ; termen very long, broadly scalloped ; veins 4 and 5 approximate at base. Antennae slightly less than half length of fore wing ; club narrow, gradual. <5 abdominal fold narrow, abrupt at apex ; anal valves conspicuous, with a parting on the upperside. Key to the forms of the Coon Group. a. Hind wing upperside : spatulate portion of tail black. '. Hind wing upperside : more than half apical ortion of cell svhite P. doubkdayi, p. 23. b. Hind wing upperside : spatulate portion of tail ' ISIS} P' red P. rhodifer, p. 24. 492. Papilio doubledayi, Wallace, Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv, 1865, p. 42, note ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 253 ; Moore (Losaria), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 184, pi. 438, tigs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, rf $ . Race cachareusis. Papilio cacharensis, Butler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvi, 1885, p. 344 ; Moore (Losaria), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 185, pi. 439, figs. 1, Papilio doubledayi cacharensis, Rothschild, Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 253. c? . Upperside dull black, paler on the fore than on the hind wing. Fore wing with very conspicuous pale streaks, two in each interspace that extend well into the cell, but do not reach the termeu, where the dull black ground-colour forms a broadish transverse band. Hind wing black, with in fresh specimens in certain lights a beautiful blue gloss ; a central large white area composed of a white patch in the apical two-thirds of the cell and 24 PAPILIONID.E. more or less elongate spots of varying breadth at base of inter- spaces 1-7, all these very distinctly divided by the broadly black- bordered veins, the spot in interspace 4 more or less obsolescent ; lastly, a subterminal row of more or less crescentic white spots, the lower two shaded with crimson followed by a crimson tornal and a terminal similar but brighter spot at apex of vein 3, the spatulate tail black. Underside similar ; the ground-colour duller. Fig. 4. a. Hind wing: P. doubledayi. b. Hind wing: P. rhodifer. c. Anal valves of Coon group, opeu on upperside. Hind wing : a white discal spot often in interspace below vein 1, the lower two spots of the terminal series entirely crimson. Antennae, thorax and abdomen above up to the preanal segment black ; head, palpi, sides of the thorax and rest of the abdomen crimson, the abdomen with black lateral spots. 5 similar ; fore wing paler. Hind wing : the central white markings larger, the subterminal spot in interspace 2 white, coalescent with the crimson tornal spot. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the 3 . Exp. rf 2 118-134 mm. (4'65-5-25"). Hob. Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending to the Malay Peninsula. Race cacharensis, Butler. 3 $ smaller, with the ground-colour duller and the discal white spots on the hind wing conspicuously reduced in size. According to Rothschild the subterminal and terminal markings are also paler, often yellowish red. " Head, sides of breast and abdomen of a yellowish-red instead of vermilion-red " (Rothschild, t. c.). Exp. rf $ 102-112 mm. (4-02-4-41"). Hob. Kecorded so far only from Cachar. 493. Papilio rhodifer, Sutler, Ent. Month. Mag. xiii, 1876, p. 57; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 254 ; Moore (Losnria), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 186, pi. 440, figs. 1, 1 a, $ $ . <3 differs from P. doubledayi as follows : Ground-colour a rich PAPILIO. 25 velvety-black, much darker than iu doubledayi ; on the fore wing the pale streaks extend only into the apex of the cell. On the hind wing the medial white markings are much shorter, the spots at base of interspaces 4 and 5 and generally the spot in inter- space 7 absent ; the subterminal and terminal vermilion spots are much larger, and the tail is vermilion on its apical spatulate portion. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in doubledayi, but the head entirely vermilion-red. 2 closely resembles the J , fore wing broader, red markings on hind wing more crimson than vermilion-red, often dull and irro rated slightly with black scales ; medial white markings more extensive, the white mark in inter- space 1 extends well below vein 1. Exp. cf 2 126-134 mm. (5-5-28"). Hab. The Andainans. Nox GROUP. d 1 2 . Fore wing elongate ; costa slightly arched, twice length of dorsum, apex rounded ; termen straight in c? , slightly convex in 2 , dorsuin straight ; cell long, well over halt' length of wing, veins 10 and 11 close together from apical half of subcostal. Hind wing elongate ; costa short, slightly curved ; termen long, convex, broadly scalloped; dorsum with the abdominal fold in the c? closed, straight ; veins 4 and 5 closely approximate or from a point. c? sex-mark, abdominal fold very large in two out of the three Indian forms, cut square on its lower margin, its dorsal margin fringed with long hairs, beneath the fold a mass of specialized scent-scales ; anal valves short, convex. Antennae a little less than half length of fore wing ; club long, narrow, gradual in both sexes. Key to the forms of the Nox Group. , -71 I OQ i Qf! ) VQI until lace b'. rf rf with abdominal 'fold "on" hind wing ' astorion, p. 25. rounded, not square, at the tornal angle. 5 2 with a broad white lateral band on abdomen. Exp. 144-162 mm P. aidoneus, p. 20. b. Hind wing upperside : with white subterminal markings , P. zaleucus, p. 27. 494. Papilio varuna, White, Entomologist, i, (March) 1842, p. 280, 2. Race astorion. Papilio astorion, Westw. A. M. N. H. ix, 1842, p. 37 ; JElwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 422 ; Moore (Paugerana), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 153, pi. 423, figs. ] , la, Ib, J $ . Papilio varuna astorion, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 260. 26 cJ . Upperside rich velvety blue-black. Fore wing : outwardly towards the terminal margin and the whole of the hind wing except the dorsal area have in certain lights a rich dark purple bloom, in others a very dark green ; dorsal area and the whole inner side of the sexual fold opaque brownish black ; outer half of fore wing with pale adnervular streaks more or less prominent. Underside similar ; fore wing with the adnervular pale streaks broader, more prominent, extended further inwards well up to the terminal margin. Hind wing : ground-colour more uniform blue-black than on the upperside. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black ; the head in front, on the sides and beneath, the sides of the thorax and of the abdomen rich crimson ; beneath, the thorax and abdomen black, the latter with lateral black spots in addition on its crimson sides. $ . Upperside dull black. Fore wing with the pale greyish-green streaks very broad and prominent, especially in interspaces 1 and 2, the streaks extend also into the cell. Hind wing more uniform, with a dark dull blue, in some lights dark green, bloom. Underside similar, the streaks on the fore wing broader and paler ; hind wing as on the upperside, more uniform, duller, opaque. Antennae and thorax black, abdomen dull brownish black, head crimson ; beneath as in the c? , but the crimson less bright, especially on the sides of the abdomen and without the lateral spots on the latter. Exp. rf $ 88-136 mm. (3-5-5-38"). Hab. Sikhirn ; Bhutan ; Assam ; Upper Burma ; Tenasseriin. In Sikhim, according to Elwes and de Niccville, it occurs from quite low elevations in the Terai up to 7000 feet. Its almost uniform dark colour renders it inconspicuous in the jungle, and it is therefore difficult to account for its being further protected by a disagreeable smell and probably taste. Wood-Mason has recorded that the females have a strong and disgustingly rank musky odour. 495. Papilio aidoneus, Doubleday, A. M. N. H. xvi, 1845, p. 178, rf; JBhces, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 423; Eothsck. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 257; Moore (Pangerana), Lep. 2nd. v, 1901-1903, p. 154,. pi. 424, tigs. 1, la, d $ c? $ . Eesembles P. varuna race astorion, but differs as follows: Cell of fore wing proportionately not quite so long; abdominal fold to the hind wing in d not so broad, its lower margin not square, rounded ; the specialized scales within the fold \vhite r with an edging of pink. $ larger. Upperside : ground-colour olivaceous-brown, never black ; abdomen with a broad white, not crimson, lateral stripe. Exp. rf $ 112-162 mm. (4-4-6-33"). Hab. Sikhim (2000-3000 feet, fide Elwes) ; Bhutan ; Assam : the JVaga Hills ; Upper Burma : the Shan States. PAPILIO. 27 496. Papilio zaleucus, Heu-itson, Exct. Butt, iii, 1865, Pap. pi. 7, figs. 24,25, tf $; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 261 ; Moore (Pan- gerana), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 155, pi. 425, figs. 1, l-lc, rf$. c? . Upperside velvety black, with a deep bluish bloom on the hind wing. Fore wing uniform with generally pale internervular streaks on the terminal half. Hind wing with two or three large subterminal, outwardly emarginate, white spots in interspaces 2 and 3 or 2, 3 and 4 ; inside the abdominal fold brown, with a purple gloss in some specimens, the specialized scent-scales or hairs greyish. Underside : fore wing similar, the pale interuervular streaks broader, more prominent, extended into the cell. Hind wing : similar to the upperside, the ground-colour purplish- opaque, with a small white spot sometimes in interspace 3. An- tenna?, head in front, thorax posteriorly and abdomen black ; the prothorax with the sides crimson, above clothed with a few black hairs ; beneath, the palpi, sides of the thorax and abdomen crimson. $ . Upperside : fore wing black, uniform, the iuternervular streaks very broad, greenish, giving a green appearance to the whole wing. Hind wiug : ground-colour rich indigo-green, a very broad white subterminal band composed of elongate spots in interspaces 1 to 5, the spot in interspace 1 nearly reaches the margin, only separated from it by a narrow black line, the spots in interspaces 2-5 out- wardly deeply emarginate. Underside : fore wing as on the upperside but with not so green a tint. Hind wing : ground-colour opaque black, the broad white subterminal band as on the upper- side, but generally with diffuse small black spots on the white in interspaces 3, 4 and 5 ; an additional much smaller white spot near apex of interspace 6. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the male, but the palpi crimson ; the abdomen with lateral black spots and black transverse bars beneath on the crimson. Exp. d 1 $ 84-127 mm. (3-3-5"). Hab. Upper Burma : the Shftn States ; Tenasserim ; Siam. LATREILLSI GROUP. Fore wing elongate, costal margin arched, more than twice aa long as dorsal margin ; apex broadly rounded ; termen very oblique, dorsum straight ; cell elongate, broad, more than half the length of the wing ; upper discocellular only a little shorter than middle; veins 10 and 11 from apical half of subcostal arid along the greater part of their length very close to vein 12, vein 9 from upper apex of cell. Hind wing very long and narrow ; termen broadly scalloped, produced at vein 4 into a broad spatulate tail ; cell very narrow ; basal portion of subcostal between veins 7 and 8 equal to middle discocellular nervule lying between veins 4 and 5. Antennae not half length of fore wing. Abdominal fold in , ., spot at base of interspace 4 . . P ' P J l f s ; *- A'. Hind wing upperside: postdiscal ' polyeuctes, p. 31. lunule in interspace 4 alwavs , T , 7 -, white y \ P. phihxentu, var. l'\ Hind wing' 'upperside :' a 'narrow ' '^sarada, p. 31. transverse white spot in middle, . n 7 -, not at base of interspace 5 .' j P ' P^cen**, ^ace V. Hind wing upperside. : a lunular con- ' lama > ?' 32 spicuous white spot in interspace 6 . P. ravctna, p. 33. b. Hind wing upperside : uniform, without discal or subtermiual markings P. crassipes, p. 34. B. Hind wing upperside : tail uniform, without subterminal or terminal spot or marking. a. Hind wing upperside: no discal white spots at bases of interspaces 3 and 4. a'. Hind wing upperside : a crimson subter- minal lunule in interspaces 2, 3 and 4, and a large quadrate white spot in interspaces 5 and 6 P. nevilli, p. 33. I'. Hind wing upperside : a pinkish- white subterminal lunule in interspaces 2 to 6, no^quadrate white spot in interspaces . p ^.^ ^ b. Hind wing uppers'ideVa'sekes'of'discai ' pembertoni, p. 34. white spots at bases of interspaces 1 to 5 . P. adamsoni, p. 29. 497. Papilio latreillei, Donovan, Xat. Repos. ii, 1826, pi. 140; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 425; llothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 261 ; Moore (Byasa), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 165, pi. 430, figs. 1, lf<-lc, '$ $. Papilio minereus, Gray, Zool. Misc. 1831, p. 32; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 97. d" . Upperside dull brownish black. Fore wing with streaks in cell, the interuervular streaks and the veins velvety black. Hind wing : ground-colour more uniform to apex of cell, beyond this interspaces 2, 3 and 4 with broad elongate white spots, the spot in interspace 2 slightly tinged outwardly with crimson ; sometimes a white crimson-tinted spot also in interspace 1 ; a subterminal series of crimson lunules in interspaces 2 to 5, that in 5 generally more or less white ; lastly, a crimson spot at apex of vein 3 and on apex of tail. Underside similar, ground-colour much paler ; markings of the hind wing as on the upperside, but slightly larger, the crimson spots brighter ; in many speci- mens a small discal adnervular spot in interspace 5, and a sub- terminal small white lunule in interspace 6 also present ; the crimson-tinted discal spot in interspace 1 always present. Antennae dark brownish black, head and front of the prothorax crimson, the rest of the body above black ; beneath, the palpi, thorax and abdomen crimson, the middle of the thorax and of the abdomen with black mark- ings. 5 . Similar, slightly paler; Fig. 5. . Papilio latreillei, f. o. Venation of anterior portion of hind wing. the white and crimson markings on the hind wing on both upper and undersides similar but larger; there is generally also a discal adnervular spot in interspace 5. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen a.s in the 3 . Exp. rf $ 120-130 mm. (473-5-13"). Hob. Nepal ; Sikhim ; Assam. This form apparently keeps to a higher elevation than its close ally, P. pliihxenus. Mr. Elwes says it is not uncommon between 7000 and 9000 feet in Sikhim, and there is no record of its occur- rence at a lower elevation than 7000 feet. 498. Papilio adamsoni, Grose-Smith, A. M. N. H. (5) xviii, 1880, p. 149, J; id. $ Kirby, Shop. Exot. i, 1888, Pap. p. 11, pi. 5, figs. 3 & 4 ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 262 ; Moore (Byasa), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 167, pi. 431, tigs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, resembles its own d 1 rather than the $ of P. ravana, but the white rectangular markings in interspaces 5 and 6 are whiter. From P. ravana $ it differs in the complete absence of the white discal spots in 34 PAPILIOSID.E. interspaces 1, 2, 3, and 4. In both sexes the tail is black without any red spot. Exp. 3 80-84 mm. (3-18-3-32''). Hob. Within our limits recorded from Cachar; extends to W. China. 503. Papilio crassipes, Oberthiir, Etudes d'Ent. xvii, 1893, p. 2, pi. 4, tigs. 38, 38ffl ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 262 ; Moore (Byasa), Lep. Ind. \, 1901-1903, p. 171, pi. 434, tig. 2 rf. d . " Upperside : fore wing dark fuliginous black, with black veins, a longitudinal streak between the veins and streaks within the cell. Hind wing very narrow anteriorly and much prolonged posteriorly, exterior margin broadly scalloped, tail very broad and short ; abdominal margin with a very long folded lappet, which when opened displays a lengthened greyish- white woolly andro- conial patch ; colour dull greyish black, with two upper marginal and two subanal lunules, tip of the tail very obscure dusky red. Underside : fore wing paler. Hind wing dull black, with the two upper and lower marginal lunules, an irregular-shaped anal lunule, and the tail tip bright crimson. Thorax and abdomen above black ; front of head and thorax and abdomen beneath crimson ; abdomen beneath with black segmental bands ; hind tibia? very thick ; antenna? and legs black. " Exp. 3 4| inches." (Moore.} Hob. Recorded within our limits from the Southern Shan States, Upper Burma. Originally described from Tonkin. 504. Papilio alcinous, Klug, Neue Schmett. Ins.-Samml. Berlin, 1836, pi. 1, d$. Race pembertoni. Byasa pembertoni, Moore, Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 170, pi. 434, tigs. 1, la, d ?'. d . Upperside fuliginous black. Fore wing with broad pale adnervular streaks extending from near the base to the terminal margin, present also in the cell. Hind wing, cell and interspaces to near the termen entirely pale, veins black ; a subterminal series of pink-white broad lunules in interspaces 2-6 ; tail immaculate. Underside similar, ground-colour paler, an additional subterminal pink-white lunule in interspace 1 that extends over the vein into interspace 2, and another very small one in interspace 7. An- tenna3, head, thorax and abdomen black ; beneath : the palpi, sides oE the thorax, and the abdomen pinkish red, the palpi with an admixture of black hairs, the abdomen with transverse black edgings of hair to the segments. . " Upperside pale olivescent greyish-fuliginous. Pore wing with black veins and streaks. Hind wing with the submarginal pale flesh-coloured lunules slightly larger than in the d , and with their surrounding marginal borders PAP1LIO. 35 dull dark black. Underside slightly paler than upperside. Hind wing with six submarginal pale flesh-coloured lunules and a simi- larly coloured broad anal lunule as in J , the surrounding marginal border duller black. Thorax and abdomen above fuliginous black ; collar, front of head, sides of thorax beneath, and abdomen beneath pale crimson, segmental bands on abdomen beneath black ; an- tennae arid legs black." (J\loore.) Evp, rf 102-108 mm. (4-03-4-28"). Hab. Bhutan. MACH AON GROUP. c? 2 Sexes alike in the shape of the wings and in the pattern of colours. Pore wing : costa very slightly ai-ched, curved near apex ; apex well marked, obtuse ; ternien straight, very slightly oblique ; tornus broadly rounded ; dorsum straight ; cell longer than half length of fore wing, upper and middle discocellulars subequal. Hind wing : costa very slightly arched, long ; termen curved, scalloped, with or without a short, generally slender tail at apex of vein 4 ; tornus lobed ; dorsum straight or slightly concave ; cell comparatively short, upper discocellular longer than middle. Antennae not quite half length of fore wing, club somewhat massive but gradual ; abdomen with the anal valves prominent. Key to the forms of the Machaon Group. a. Hind wing with tails. a'. Fore wing upperside: base of cell uniform dusky black without longitudinal streaks of creamy white. a 3 . Hind wing upperside : ochvaceous red,tornal spot not separated by a black line from blue , p mach race lunule above it < *,,.,. qp, -'. Hind wing upperside : oehraceous red, tornal ' s Pjru*, p. OU, spot separated by a black line from the , p mach race blue lunule above it { ., , . ' o ft b'. Fore wing upperside : base of cell not uniform ' st//ltmensts > P- db - dusky black, traversed longitudinally by four more or less broken slender creamy-white lines P. xuthus, p. 38. b. Hind wing without tails. a'. Hind wing upperside : creamy-yellow band that crosses wing comparatively narrow so as to leave at least a third of the cell at apex black P. demoleus, p. 39. b'. Hind wing upperside : creamy-yellow band that crosses wing comparatively broad so as to leave barely a fourth of the cell at apex /p demol race black I malayanus, p. 3D. 36 505. Papilio machaon, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 462. llace sphyrus. Papilio sphyrus, Hiilner, Eur. Schmett. i, 1818-1827, pi. 155, figs. 775 & 776. Papilio maohaon, var. asiatica, Menetries, Enumer. Corp. Annn. Mus. Petr. i, 1855, p. 70. Papilio asiatica, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 258 ; id. Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 39, pi. 481, figs. 1, la-lc, larva & pupa, rf $, & pi. 482, fig". 1, c?. Papilio ladakensis, Moore, ,T. A. S. B. 1884, p. 46 ; id. Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 43, pi. 482, fig. 2 rf . Papilio machaon sphjrus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 275; de Nictville, Jour. JBomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 592. llace sikhiniensis. Papilio sikkhnensis, Moore, J.A.S. B. 1884, p. 47 ; id. Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 44, pi. 482, figs. 3, 3 a, <$ $ . Papilio machaon sikldrnensis, Hothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 276. I have followed Kothschild in treating the form of machaon found in the N.W. Himalayas as a race, and identical with var. spliyms, Hiibuer = var. asiatica, Menetries, but as a matter of fact the variation in a wide-ranging insect like machaon is so great that the description below taken from Simla speci- mens might well stand for individuals procured in the fens of Cambridge or on the Continent. d 1 $ . Upperside : fore wing dull black irrorated on its basal third with yellow scales, which also form a transverse diffuse postdiscal baud and a diffuse prespical spot ; a broad band across the middle of the cell, another narrower similar band at its apex, a narrow streak at base of interspace 9, a quadrate spot near base of interspace 8, a trans- verse discal series of broad streaks that decrease in length towards the costa in interspaces 1 a to 7, and a transverse subtermiual series of crescentic spots, cream-yellow ; the streak in interspace 7 with a superposed irregular diamond-shaped black spot. Hind wing: the cell and broad streaks beyond, divided only by the black veins and a narrow black edging to the discccellulars, cream-yellow. These streaks are variable in length CL Fig. 6. a. Papilio machaon, race $p b. Tornal portion, hind wing of P. machaon, Linn., race sikhimensis, Moore. PAPILIO. 37 and occupy fully three-fourths of the dorsal margin and of inter- space 1, they decrease suddenly and considerably in interspaces 2 to 5 and lengthen again in the anterior interspaces. Terminal halt' of the wing black, with a superposed postdiscal transverse series of diffuse blue spots and a subterminal series of cream- coloured lunules. Inner margin of the black area irregularly zigzag, an ochraceous-red spot at the tornal angle below the blue postdiscal spot in interspace 1, the base and dorsal margin of wing shaded with black irrorated with yellow scales ; cilia of both fore and hind wing prominently yellow in the interspaces. The depth of the tint of the cream-coloured portions on both fore and hind wings is very variable as is the width of the black areas, especially on the hind wing, also the size of the blue postdiscal spots on the same wing. Underside pale cream-colour. Fore wing: two transverse short bands across cell, another beyond its apex where it borders the discocellulars, a prominent broad transverse discal band and a terminal broad line, black ; the bauds across the cell and beyond its apex more or less diffuse, the discal band with its middle very broadly cream-coloured from interspaces 2 to 7 and thickly sprinkled with black scales. Hind wing : the veins and a terminal broad line black, the black on the upperside shows through as an irregular transverse sinuous bluish diseal band thickly sprinkled with black scales and is bordered interiorly and exteriorly by broken transverse black lines, the inner line margined on the outer side by a diffuse blue scaling and on the inner side in inter- spaces 3 and 4 by an ochraceous-red spot : torual spot and cilia of both fore and hind wings as on the upperside. Antenna) black ; head, thorax and abdomen cream-colour ; head, thorax and abdomen above with a black medial streak, narrow in the c? very broad in the $ ; abdomen beneath with narrow lateral ill-defined black lines. Rvp. 6 $ 80-110 mm. (3-14-4-33"). Hab. Within our limits the N.W. Himalayas from Chitral to Nepal ; extending to Central Asia, and North and West to South Europe and North Africa. Larva. " Newly born. Head large, shining, black and hirsute. Body spined, the spines longest on the thorax .... all the spines thickly branched and much swollen at the base. A dorsal white patch on the 7th and 8th segments (on which the spines are also white) ; the rest of the surface ochreous-green. . . . True legs shining black, the claspers dark coloured with light tips." (Harjord.) Adult: spineless; ground-colour very variable, from yellowish green to brilliant green with black transverse markings and lateral orange-yellow spots, the white patch on the 7th and 8th segments much reduced. Food-plants, Fennel (Fceniculum vulgare) and also the flowers not the leaves of Hemlock (Conium maculaium). Pupa. Varies in colour from ochraceous grey to pale green. Angular and tuberculated ; head bifid ; thorax humped with its posterior portion flattened. Race sikhimensis, Moore (fig. 6 6). This, the dark eastern form of mackcton, is very similar to race sphyrus and on its western 38 PAPILIO Js ID JE. borders merges into that form. It can, however, be distinguished by its general dark tone of colouring on the upperside ; on the fore wing the discal series of cream-coloured streaks are much shorter and conspicuously separated from one another by the broad black edgings to the veins ; on the hind wing the dorsal margin is very broadly bordered with black which in interspace 1 all but merges into the black terminal area, the inner margin of this black area extends straight across the wing and is only slightly curved, not zigzag ; lastly the tornal ochraceous-red spot is always separated from the blue lunule above by a narrow interval of black. Under- side similar to that of spliyrus but darker. Exp. c? $ 68-78 mm. (2-68-3-1"). Hob. The Eastern Himalayas : Sikhim ; Bhutan ; the Chumbi Valley : Burma ; Northern and Southern Shan States ; extending to Western China and Tibet. 506. Papilio XUthus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 1767, p. 751 ; fryer, Rhop. Nikon. 1886, p. 3, pi. 1, figs. 2, 2 a, 26; Moore in Anderson's Zool Res. Tunan Exp. ii, 1878, p. 923. Papilio xanthus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 278 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. yi, 1903, p. 45. c? $ . Upperside black with cream-coloured markings as follows : 1'ore wing : cell with four or five slender somewhat broken streaks from base that extend for two-thirds of its length, followed by a short transverse bar and another similar bar along the discocellulars ; a streak from base not extended beyond the disc in interspaces ] a and 1, the streak in the latter angulated downwards below origin of vein 2, its apical portion double; a discal series of elongate subtriangular spots that decrease in size towards the costa, in interspaces 2 to 7, the spots in 6 and 7 with an oval black medial spot generally dividing them in two ; a spot near base of interspace 8 followed by a diffuse small patch of similarly coloured scales ; finally a subterminal complete series of lunules. In the $ between the discal and subterminal series of cream-coloured markings there is a complete postdiscal series of transverse somewhat diffuse pale spots. Hind wing : a broad streak from base nearly filling the cell, a streak in interspace 1 extended for three-fourths of its length : shorter streaks in the interspaces beyond the cell ; that in interspace 7 interrupted by a large black spot (this spot in the $ paler) ; a postdiscal series of diffuse spots, cream-coloured (except the tornal spot which is blue) in the , larva & pupa. Race malayanus. Papilio erithonius, loc. form malayanus, Wallace, Tram. Linn. Soc. xxv, 1865, p. 59. Papilio demoleus malayanus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 281. Orpheides malayanus, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc. xxi, 1886, p. 50 ; id. Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 240. <$ $ . Upperside black. Fore wing : base below cell and basal half of latter so irrorated with yellow scales as to form more or less complete transverse dotted lines, two outwardly oblique yellow spots in cell and a curved spot at its upper apex ; a spot at base and another beyond it in interspace 8 ; a discal transverse series of cream-yellow spots irregular in arrangement and size extends from interspace 1 a to 8 ; the series interrupted in interspace 5 and the spot in interspace 7 double; this is followed by a sinuous postdiscal series of spots and an admarginal terminal series of smaller spots. In many specimens between the discal and post- discal series the black ground-colour is irrorated with yellowish scales. Hind wing : base and an edging that decreases in width along the dorsal margin irrorated with yellow scales ; followed by a broad medial yellow irregular band, a sinuous postdiscal series of outwardly emarginate yellow spots and a terminal series of smaller Fig. 7. Papilio demoleus. similarly coloured spots as on the fore wing. The inner margin of the medial band is curved inwards, the outer margin is very irregular and uneven ; in the cell the band does not reach the apex, but beyond the cell 40 PAPILIONID^!. there are one or more cream-yellow spots, and the hlack ground- colour is irrorated with yellowish scales ; finally at the tornal angle there is an oval ochraceous-red spot emarginate on its inner side in the $ and in both sexes surmounted by a blue lunule ; while in interspace 7 between the medial band and the postdiscal spot there is a large ocellus-like spot of the black ground-colour more or less irrorated with blue scales. Underside : ground-colour similar, the cream-coloured markings paler and conspicuously larger. The 'atter differ from those on the upperside as follows : Fore wing : basal half of cell and base of wing below it with cream-coloured streaks that coalesce at base ; irregular ochraceous spots in inter- spaces 5 to 8 and the discal series of spots complete not interrupted in interspace 5. Hind wing : the black at base of wing and along the dorsal margin centred largely with pale cream-colour ; the ocellus in interspace 7, the apex of the cell and the black ground- colour between the medial band and postdiscal markings in inter- spaces 2-6 centred with ochraceous, margined with blue. Antennae dark reddish brown, touched with ochraceous on the innerside towards the club; head, thorax and abdomen dusky black, the head and thorax anteriorly streaked with cream-yellow ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen cream-yellow with lateral longi- tudinal black lines on the last. Exp. c? $ 80-100 mm. (3-18-3-95"). Hob. Kashmir to Ceylon ; Assam to Upper Burma, up to a moderate elevation ; extending to Persia and eastwards to China and Formosa. Larva. After 1st moult tuberculate, brown with a milk-white V-shaped mark on the 6th-9th segments, and white lateral streaks anterior and posterior to the V-shaped markings. These make the larva look for all the world like the droppings of some bird, and it is evidently to some extent protected thereby, for while young the larva feeds and rests openly on the upperside of the leaf. Full- grown the larva is brilliant rich green, velvety and without tubercles, the sides and some of the segments dorsally marked with black, yellowish white, and rich brown ; head, legs and prolegs reddish brown. The food-plant varies, the "bael" (JZgle), " her" (Zizyphu8\ lime, orange and pumelo are the chief. Pupa. Green or yellowish-brown according to surroundings. Race malayanus, "Wallace. A slightly differentiated and not very constant race ; distinguishable by the width (measured in the cell) of the median cream-coloured band on the hind wing. In typical demoleus the apical third of the cell is black on the upper- side ; in the present race the cream-coloured median band is broader, and leaves less than a fourth of the cell at apex black. Exp. 3 $ as in the typical form. Hab. Lower Burma ; Tenasserim ; Malay Peninsula. Many specimens from Assam to Lower Burma are intermediate as regards the width of the median transverse band on the hind wing. PAPILIO. 4 1 GEOTJP. c? $ . Fore wing broadly triangular ; costa widely arched ; apex moderately pointed but not acute ; termeii straight, very slightly concave; tornus broadly rounded ; dorsum slightly sinuous, nearly straight, cell long, well over half length of wing; outer Jialfofwiny on the upperside in male more or less densely hairy so as to conceal the scaling. Hind wing : costa arched, terraen scalloped, with at apex of vein 4 a broad spatulate tail ; cell comparatively short ; upper discocellular markedly longer than middle discocellular. Key to the forms of the Helenus group. A. Hind wing with an upper discal white or creamy-white patch ; no continuous white band across. . Hind wing upperside : upper discal white patch extends from interspaces 5 to 7. a'. Hind wing underside : without a series of discal blue lunules. a 2 . Fore wing underside : pale grey inter- nervular streaks anteriorly elongate that reach up to apex of cell ............ P. helenus, p. 41. b~. Fore wing underside : pale grey inter- nervular streaks anteriorly not elongate , , , nor extended to apex of cell ...... . . . J R Me *> , race .. //. Hind wing underside: with a series of ' 7 tlak * ha > P- 4J - discal blue lunules .................. \ R helenus > race . 6. Hind wing upperside: upper discal white ' mooreanus, p. 43. patch extended from interspaces 4 to 7 .... P. isicara, p. 43. B. Hind wing with a greenish- or yellowish-white continuous band across. a. This band commencing from above middle of dorsal margin .......................... P. demotion, p. 44. b. This band commencing from middle of dorsal , T> 7 mn j: nn margin or from a little below it .......... { * ** p.%5. 508. Papilio helenus, Linn. St/st. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 459 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 101 ; Moore (Charus), Jour. Linn. Soc. xxi, 1889, p. 61; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 284 ; Moore, (Charus), Lep. 2nd, v, 1901-1903, p. 208, pi. 454, figs. 1 1 -l c, <5 $ . Eace daksha. Papilio helenus, Moore (nee Linn.), Cat. Lep. Mus. E. l.C. i, 1857, pi. 3, figs. 2, 2 a, larva & pupa ; Davidson $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 367. Papilio (Charus) daksha, Hampson, J. A. S. B. 1888, p. 363 ; Moore (Charus), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 210, pi. 455, tigs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, larva & pupa, tf $ . Papilio helenus daksha, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 286. Race mooreanus. Charus heleuus, Moore (nee Linn.), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 149, pi. 58, fig. 3. 42 PAPILIONID.E. Papilio helenus mooreanus, RntJtsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 286. Charus mooreanus, Moore, Lep. 2nd. v, 1901-1903, p. 211. cJ ? . Upperside brownish black to rich velvety black. Fore wing : four slender lines in cell and outer internervular hairy streaks that vary in width brown, these latter give in many specimens a golden-brown appearance in certain lights to the terminal half of the wing. Hind wing : a more or less quadrate white spot in interspace 7, with two more elongate similar spots in the inter- spaces below that form a conspicuous upper discal white patch, the outer margin of which is zigzag; this is followed by a series of admarginal more or less imperfect claret-red rings in interspaces 1 to 5 that enclose large intense black oval spots. The number of these rings is very variable, the tornal one is always present, the rest partially or com- pletely obsolescent. Cilia black alternated with white. Underside: duller, more opaque black. Fore wing similar to the upper- side but the cellular and internervular streaks formed of scales, not hairs, greyish white in colour and more clearly denned, the latter anteriorly do not reach the terminal margin but extend to the apex of the cell. Hind wing : markings similar to those on the upperside, but the upper spot of the discal white patch generally crescentic in shape, the whole patch generally smaller and the spots that compose it divided by the black veins ; the admarginal series of rings are dull red and only the tornal and the ring in inter- space 2 are more or less complete, the rest of the series is reduced to a curved subterminal line of lunules that extends from inter- spaces 3 to 7 ; in addition there is an inner broad red lunular spot in interspace 2 in continuation of the inner portion of the red ring at the tornal angle ; both the lunule and the inner portion of the tornal ring traversed by a line of white scales. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black ; the abdomen beneath touched with grevish white along the sides. Exp. J $ 1 00-140 mm. (3'96-5'52"). Hab. The Himalayas at no great elevation from Mussoorie to Sikhim ; the hills of Assam, Burma and Tenasserim, extending to Siam, China and the Malay Peninsula. Race daksha, Harnpson. Similar to the typical form, from Fig. 8. a. Papilio helenus, Linn. b. Venation of anterior portion of hind wing. PAPILIO. 43 which it can be distinguished as follows : de N. J. A. S. B. 1880, p. 237, & 1881, p. 252 ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 322 ; Moore (Ileades), Lep. Lid. v, 1901-1903,. p. 201, pi. 450, figs. 1, 1 a, 1 6, rf $ . Papilio cliaricles, Hewitson, A. M. N. H. (4) xiv, 1874, p. 356 $ ; W.-M. $ de N. J. A. S. B. 1880, p. 237. c? Upperside rich velvety black. Tore wing with a subter- minal series of greenish-yellow irrorated internervular streaks, sometimes more or less obsolescent. Hind wing : a very broad VOL. II. E 50 PAPILIONID,E. discal band pale blue, composed of broad outwardly more or less emarginate streaks in interspaces 1 to 7 ; cilia : fore wing black, hind wing black alternated with white in the interspaces. Under- side opaque blue-black. Fore wing with a dark red streak at base and the subterminal internervular streaks as on the the upperside but grey and more prominent. Hind wing with 4 or 5 small patches of dark red at base, a complete dark red ocellus in inter- spaces 1 and 2, and indistinct subterminal very variable markings of red in the other interspaces, sometimes formed into half ocelli in interspaces 3 and 4 ; within this line of markings there is an incomplete discal lunular series of mixed red and blue scaling. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black. closely resembles the tailed form of the $ of P. memnon, race agenor, but on the disc of the fore wing the internervular broad pale streaks are nearly white, and on the hind wing the white streaks in the interspaces beyond and outside the cell shorter and strongly tinged with red along their edges, while the dark red is more extended, especially in the tornal area where it covers the terminal three-fourths of interspaces 1 and 2, interrupted in 1 by a comparatively round oval black spot and in 2 by a broad elongate black patch ; apical half of tail vermilion-red, whitish at apex. Exp. rf $ 132-152 mm. (5-22-6-3"). Hub. The Andarnans. 513. Papilio polymnestor (PI. XII, fig. 85), Cramer, Pap. Exot. i, 1775, p. 83, pi. 53, tigs. A, B ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mm. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 101, pi. 3, tigs. 1, 1 a, larva & pupa ; JJaoidson Sf Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. U. Soc. v, 1890, p. 36; Rothsch. Nov. Zool, ii, 1895, p. 329 ; Moore (Iliades), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 203, pi. 452, tigs. I, I a, I b, larva & pupa, tf $ . Eace parinda. Papilio parinda, Moore (Iliades), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1857, p. 148, pi. 60, tigs. 1, 1 a-\ b, are the most diffuse, and beyond the whole series there is a postdiscal slight irroration of whitish scales. Underside : fore wing opaque dark brown, the internervular streaks broader, more prominent than on the upperside. Hind wing black ; the discal series of elongate spots dingy white, larger and more clearly defined than on the upperside, followed by a large tornal more or less vermilion-red spot with a black centre and a subtertninal series of similarly-coloured lunules ; the discal spot in interspace 2 bordered outwardly by an outwardly-curved lunule. Cilia black alternated with white. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen black. cj> unknown. Exp. S 107 mm. (4-23"). Hob. Mussoorie ; Sikbini ; Assam ; Sylhet and the Xaga Hills. I have followed Rothschild in keeping this form distinct, but both c? and $ seem to me to be only occasional aberrations of P. polytes, or possibly, as suggested by de Xiceville, atavistic forms of that insect. 525. Papilio walkeri (PI. XVI, fig. 105), Jamon, Cist. Ent. ii, 1879, p. 433, pi. 8, fig. 2 J ; Jtothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 338 : Moore (Laertias), Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 233, pi. 465, fig. 2 rf . S . Upperside sooty-black. Fore wing : cell with four, inter- space 1 with three and each of the interspaces 2 to 8 with two short longitudinal lines or narrow bands of ochraceous scales, those in the interspaces postdiscal ; terminal margin with small white spots at the apices of the veins. Hind wing : a broad transverse discal band of blue scaling, somewhat diffuse at the edges, followed by a transverse postdiscal series of ochraceous- white quadrate spots, those in interspaces 5 and 6 more or less lunular, and a terminal series of similarly-coloured very slender lunules in the interspaces. Underside : ground-colour duller on the fore wing, more sooty-brown than black. Fore wing as on the upperside, but the lines or bands of the postdiscal series more elongate in the anterior interspaces. Hind wing : ground-colour slightly darker than in the fore wing, the blue transverse discal band replaced by short very broad streaks of inwardly ochraceous, outwardly blue scales in interspaces 1 to 4, and indications of similar streaks in the interspaces above, the ochraceous and blue PAPILIO. 65 scaling in the streaks separated by a black spot ; the transverse postdiscal series of spots and the terminal series of narrow lunules as on the upperside but larger ; finally, an intervening transverse series of velvety-black spots between the discal and postdiscal markings. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen sooty- black, a few white specks on the thorax below. Exp. <$ 113mm. (4-06"). Hob. Southern India. This extremely rare form is only known through the type which is contained in the Zoological Museum, Tring. Through the courtesy of the Honourable Walter Rothschild and Dr. Jordan I have been able to describe and figure this. CASTOR GEOUP. c? $ . Fore wing : costa widely but distinctly arched, apex obtuse ; termen straight, not concave or convex, slightly oblique ; tornus rounded ; dorsum straight, two-thirds or more the length of costa ; cell elongate, longer than half the length of the wing ; vein 8 from basal third of vein 7. Hind wing : costa slightly arched, apex obtusely rounded, or costa and termen form one continuous bold curve ; termen scalloped ; dorsum somewhat elongate, straight ; abdominal fold in c? narrow ; cell moderately long ; subcostal vein and upper discocellular subequal. Antennae not quite half the length of the fore wing ; club slight, gradual, curved ; head, thorax and abdomen moderately long, not massive. Key to the forms of the Castor Group. a. Fore wing upperside without subterminal white markings. a'. Hind wing upperside with discal white markings. a 2 . Hind wing upperside : discal markings not complete, composed of broad white streaks in interspaces 4 to 7 ........ P. castor, p. 6(5. b-. Hind wing upperside : discal markings complete, composed of elongate broad white spots or streaks in interspaces 1 I P. castor, race mehala, to 7. ............................. | [p. 67. b'. Hind wing upperside without discal but with postdiscal white markings ........ P. mahadeva, p. 67. b. Fore wing upperside with a prominent subter- minal series of white markings .......... P. dravidarum, p. 68. $ $. a. Hind wing upperside : apex of cell with an ill- defined patch or streaks of white scales . . P. castor, p. 66. b. Hind wing upperside : cell uniform, without markings. '. White spots of subterminal series on fore ) P. castor, race mehala, wing gradually larger towards costa . . } [p. 67. VOL. ii. r 66 PAPILIONID^E. b'. White spots of subterminal series on fore wing not larger towards costa, all equal or subequal. a' 2 . These spots minute P. maJtadeva, p. 67. b 2 . These spots much larger P. dravidarum, p. 68. 52G. Papilio castor,' Westwood, A. M. N. H. ix, 1842, p. 37, d ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 93 ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 357 ; Moore (Tamera), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 74, pi. 496, figs. 1, la-le, & pi. 497, figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, -7- 7 j f quadrate white spot across the Fig. 15. Pandio ninluidd-a. <$ . ^ . . ,, ,. , r , middle discocellular and transverse series of subterminal and terminal white specks, the former series anteriorly more or less obsolete. Hind wing with the white markings as on the upperside, but in some specimens the postdiscal series of conical white spots has some of the anterior spots ill- defined or absent. $ similar to the d" , but the ground-colour on both upper and undersides paler with the markings on the whole slightly larger. In some specimens the outer half of the fore wing on the upperside is conspicuously paler than in any specimen of the rf. Exp. J $ 93-100 mm. (3-68-3-87"). Hub. Upper and Lower Burma ; Tenasserim, extending to Siam. 528. Papilio dravidarum, Wood-Mason, J. A. S. B. 1880, p. 144, <5 $ , pi. 8, fig. Id"; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 359 ; Feryuson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vi, 1891, p. 446; Moore (Tamera), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 79, pi. 500, figs. 1, la-lc, race _ b~. Fore wing upperside without or with ' panope. p. /. only mere or less obsolescent series of subtermiual and terminal white spots ; such spots when present always very , r> ^ small/. ...... .... .......... J .... P -'/^;"' mce .. V. Fore wing upperside with a more or less '. p tankeswara, P- 77. obvious blue gloss at base ............ \ P ' c ^ tw ' yar " 77 b. Basal half of fore and hind wing not uniform, ' pupone, p. / with a streak in cell and in posterior inter- spaces. '. Hind wing upperside: discal series of white streaks broad and long ; underside : terminal series of ochraceous - vellow , n , ,. ,. , spots not remarkably large .......... P " ^ w '. dn . nor P h b'. Hind wing uppenide: discal series of 1 &**&** ' white streaks short and narrow ; under- side: terminal series of ochraceous-yellow . T) , ,. spots remarkably large ........ . ..... \l-f!/tia, race B. Fore wing upperside : richfy glossed with blue. ' favohmbatus^. ^. a. Hind wing : $ without, with, whitish streaks in cell and interspaces that extend . n , up to base of wing ...... .............. \ R P^f^ ce - ' tekarchm, p. ,8. b. Hind wing: J $ with white discal mark- ings, but none that extend up to base of . p caunug race W1U ' ............................. | ' danisepa, p. 79. PAPILIO. / i> 532. Papilio clytia, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1/58, p. 479; Awiv. Konyl. Sv. Vet.-Ak. Handl. xix, 5, 1782, p. 96 ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 364 ; de Niceville $ Mackinnon, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 594 ; Moore (Chilasa), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 82, pi. 601, figs. 1, 1 a-1 c, <$ $ . Papilio dissimilis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 479; Doubleday, in Dblday., Westiv. Sf Hewitt. Gen. Di. Lep. i, 1846, p. 21 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 91 ; Davidson $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 368 ; Moore (Chilasa), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, [p. 89, pi. 506, figs. 1, 1 a-1 d, larva & pupa, d?. Papilio clytia, ab. dissimilis, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 365., Papilio papone, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1872, p. 94, pi. iii, fig. 2cJ; Moore (Chilasa), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 88, pi. 505, figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, rf $ . Papilio clvtia, ab. papone, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 367. Papilio casyapa, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 143; id. (Chilasa) Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 84, pi. 502, figs. 1, 1 a-\ b, larva & pupa, <$ $. Papilio clytia, ab. casyapa, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 367. Papilio clytia, ab. commixttis, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 367. Chilasa commixta, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 89, pi. 505, figs. 2, 2 a, S . Race laukeswara. Papilio lankeswara, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 143 ; id. (Chilasa) Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 154, pi. 56, figs. 2, 2, 26, S $, larva & pupa ; id. (Chilasa) Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 86. Chilasa clytioides, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 154, pi. 56, fig. 1 S - Papilio clytia lankeswara & P. clytia laukeswara ab. clytioides, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 368. Race panope. Papilio panope, Linn'. Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 479. Papilio onpape, Moore, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 840 ; id. (Chilasa) Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 86, pi. 503, figs. 1, 1 a-1 e, c? 2 . Papilio clytia panope, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 369. Papilio clytia, ab. janus, Fruhstorfer, Sitzuny. Berl. Ent. Ver. 1901, p. 22. Chilasa ja.nus, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 87, pi. 504, figs. 1, 1 a-1 e, rf $ . Race flavolimbatus. Papilio dissimilis, var. flavolimbatus, Oberthilr, Etudes Ent. iv, 1879, p. 101. Papilio clytia flavolimbatus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 370. Chilasa flavolimbata, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 93, pi. 507, figs. 1,1 a-1 b, rf$. c? $ . First form. Upperside velvety black or soft dark brown. Fore wing: a subterminal series of outwardly truncate oremarginate white spots ; the spot in interspace 4 shifted inwards out of line ; those in interspaces 6, 7 and 8 oblique to the costa, the lowest and the upper two spots elongate ; this is followed by a terminal series of smaller white spots, two in interspace 1, one above the other, and two in interspace 8 ; lastly, a single spot between the subterminal and terminal series. Hind wing : a discal series of inwardly conical and outwardly emarginate, triangular, elongate rr, PAPILIONID^. white spots in interspaces 1 to 5 ; a subtermiual series of four white lunules in interspaces 2 to 5, the series continued on in interspaces 6 and 7 as transversely oblong white spots ; a pro- minent tornal yellow spot broadly divided across the middle by a bar of the ground-colour. The cilia touched with white in the interspaces ; sometimes one or more of these specks on the cilia are broad and prominent and yellow in colour. Under- side . from soft pale brown to rich dark velvety-brown. Fore wing with the mark- ings as on the upperside. Hind wing : the markings also similar to those on the upperside, but the ter- minal margin beyond the subterminal series of white markings bears a row of comparatively large very conspicuous yellow spots, separated from the white lunules by a series of short a. Papilla dfcfi^J . ' f . transverse detached spots b. Apical portion of fore wing : P. clytia, of the ground-colour. An- race pavope. tenna?, head, thorax and abdomen black, the thorax anteriorly and beneath and the abdomen on the sides spotted with white. c? $ . Second form (dissimilis, Doubleday). Differs from the first form as follows: Upperside, fore wing : cell with four streaks coalescent at base and four spots beyond at apex, a long streak in interspace 1 a, two streaks with two spots beyond which are more or less coalescent with them in interspace 1, a broad streak with an outwardly emarginate spot beyond in interspace 2, similar spots, one at base and one beyond, in 3, a single similar spot in 4, elongate streaks in 5 and 6, and much smaller elongate spots in interspaces 8 and 9. All these streaks and spots cream-white with diffuse edges ; subterrninal and terminal markings as in the first form. Hind wing : markings similar to those in the first form with the following differences : discoidal cell entirely white, discal white streaks longer that reach quite up to the outer margin of the cell and are continued anteriorly to the costa by elongate streaks in interspaces 6 and 7, two spots in interspace 8 and a slender streak along the costa ; the subterminal and terminal markings as in the first form. Underside similar to the upperside, the cream-white markings slightly larger, the terminal series of yellow spots on the hind wing as in the first form. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the typical clytia form ; the head, thorax and abdomen with more prominent white spots. Exp. c? $ 108-121 mm. (4-26-4-76"). PAPILIO. 77 Hab. The Himalayas from Kangra and Simla to Sikhim ; Assam ; Central and Southern India. The larva and pupa are stated by Mackinnon (t. c.) to resemble closely the larva and pupa of P. agestor. Messrs. Davidson and Aitken's description of them is as follows : Larva. " Not unlike the larva of the Ornithoptera group in form, having similar rows of fleshy processes, but it is by far the handsomest Papilio larva we know, being of a dark umber-brown colour with a bright red spot at the base of each process, a dorsal row of large irregular yellow patches and a partial lateral row ending in a diagonal band which connects the two." Pupa " is unique, exhibiting one of the most remarkable instances of protective resemblance we know. It exactly re- sembles a dead twig about an inch long and less than a quarter of an inch in diameter, broken off irregularly at one end. The last segment is so modified that the pupa is not attached by one point, but appears as if it had grown out of the branch to which it affixes itself." Found on Tetranthera apetala and Alseodaphne semicarpifolia. Yar. casyapa, Moore. " Fore wings, besides the marginal and submarginal markings, with a third discal series of one to five markings." (Rothschild.) A 7 ar. papone, Westwood. " Fore wings black, with an obvious bluish tint in certain lights ; the white spots absent from the fore wings or only faintly indicated." (Rothschild.) Var. commivtus, .Rothschild. "Fore wings black or bluish black, with a marginal, submarginal and a subdiscal series of most t'eebly-jmarked spots, and with two faint spots behind the cell and a streak along the inner margin Tdorsum] white ; the discal markings are often indicated by a few white scales, or are entirely absent. Hind wings with apical half of the cell, seven long discal streaks reaching the bases of the respective cellules [interspaces ?] (the first and the last reach the base of the wing) and a marginal and submarginal series of spots white as in ab. ditsimilif, L. This aberration and examples intermediate between it and clytia I received from the Khasia HiDs." (RotJischild.) Race lankeswara, Moore. " Differs from P. clytia in the umber-brown colour of the wings and in the small submarginal spots of the fore wings ; from P. clytia panope, Linn., it is distinguished chiefly by the longer discal sagittiform spots of the hind wings. This subspecies has been described from slightly aberrant specimens in which the submarginal spots of the fore wings are partly obliterated ; in most individuals the series of these spots is complete, and on such specimens Moore's clytioides is based." (Rothschild.) The dimorph or dissimilis form of this race is identical with that of P. clytia. Eacp. 6 ? 108-124 mm. (4-26-4-88"). Hab. Ceylon. 78 PAPILIOKIDjE. Race panope, Linn. "The discal sagittate spots of the hind wings are shorter than in P. clytia, sometimes they have almost disappeared from the upperside. Most frequently the marginal and submarginal markings of the fore wings are more or less merged together, and form in the apex of the wing three large patches." (Rothschild.) The dimorph or dissimilis form of this race also resembles that of the typical form. Exp. <5 $ 105-118 ram. (4-24-4-66"). Hob. Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending to Siam and the Malay Peninsula. \ 7 ar. janus, Fruhstorfer. The subterminal and terminal white markings on the fore wings only faintly indicated or replaced by small black spots centred sometimes with obscure white. The white sagittate subterminal markings on the hind wing are in most specimens small and obscured by an irroration of dark scales. Race flavolimbatus, Oberthiir. Closely resembles the dissimilis form of ctytia ; differs as follows : J distinctly larger, the white markings similar but proportionately larger, with the exception of the streaks in the discoidal cells of both fore and hind wings, which are narrower and less firmly defined ; on the hind wing there is a terminal row of ochraceous-yellow spots on the upper as well as on the underside, while those on the under- side are very much larger than in P. clytia, dimorph dissimilis. Exp. d 2 124-130 mm. (4-9-5-12"). Nab. The Andamans. The dark form clytia or any race of it is apparently unknown in the Andamans. 533. Papilio paradoxus, Zinken-Sommer, Nov. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. xv, 1832, p. 162, pi. 15, figs. 9, 10. Race telearchus (PI. XII, fig. 87 $ ). Papilio telearchus, Hewifson, Trans. Ent. Soc. (2) ii, 1852, p. 22, pi. 6, fig. 3 cJ ; Ekces $ de Niceville (Papilio Euplceopsis), /. A. S. B. 1886, p. 433 ; de Niceville, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. iv, 1889, p. 109, pi. A, fig. 5 ; Moore (Euplceopsis). Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 96, pi. 511, figs. 1, 1 a-1 c, rf $ . Papilio paradoxus telearchus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 375. Race telearchus, Hewitson. <3 . Upperside. : fore wing dark brown richly shot with blue, a short oval streak or large spot and a postdiscal and subterminal complete series of spots bluish white ; both the series curve inwards on the wing anteriorly, the inner series of spots elongate. Hind wing rich hair-brown, with or without a subterminal series of white specks that increase in size anteriorly. Underside rich chocolate-brown. Fore wing : the cellular short streak faintly indicated, the postdiscal series of spots of the upperside not present, the subterminal series white, the spots much reduced in size. Hind wing : markings as on the upperside. Cilia dark brown alternated sparsely with white. PAPILIO. 79 Antennae black ; head, thorax and abdomen velvety brown, the head and anterior portion of thorax and the thorax and abdomen beneath sparsely spotted with white. $ , Upperside, fore wing : basal half dull brown, apical half brown shot with brilliant blue ; markings as in the & , but larger and whiter, the spots in the postdiscal series more elongate. Hind wing brown, a series of comparatively broad whitish streaks in the cell and in all the interspaces, those in the latter end in a postdiscal series of whitish spots ; beyond these a prominent subterminal series of whitish spots. Cilia brown, white in the middle of the interspaces. Underside : pale dull brown markings much as on the upperside, but larger, more diffuse, with the addition on the fore wing of whitish streaks in the cell and in the interspaces posteriorly. Antennae black ; head, thorax and abdomen blackish brown, more fully spotted with white than in the rf . The second and rarer form of the $ closely resembles the c? , but is larger and paler, with the pale blue-glossed spots on the upperside of the fore wing elongate and more prominent and the ground-colour lighter than in the c? . Exp. d 1 $ 120-150 mm. (4-74-5-92"). Hab. Assam ; Burma : Tenasserim, extending to Siam. 534. Papilio caimus, Westwood, Cab. Or. Ent. 1848, p. 20, pi. 9, figs. 2,2*, cf. Race danisepa. Papilio danisepa, Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvi, 1885, p. 343 ; de Nictville, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Sov. ix, 1895, p. 366, pi. Q, fig. 48 ; Moore (Euplceopsis), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 98, pi. 512, figs. 1, la-le, c??- Papilio caunus danisepa, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 377. Eace danisepa, Butler. : Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. x, 1897, p. 581 ; Moore (Achillides), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 65, pi. 492, figs. I, la, <$ $ . Papilio paris tamilana, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 385. d Upperside black, irrorated with dark green scales, which on the outer portion of the fore wing coalesce and form an incom- plete postdiscal narrow hand more erect than the subterminal similar band on the fore wing of P. polyctor. Hind wing : the irroration of dark green scales does not extend to the costal margin and is interrupted posteriorly by a broad postdiscal area, on both sides of which the green scales coalesce to form narrow diffuse hands ; a conspicuous upper discal shining blue patch occupies the base of interspace 4 and outer portions of inter- spaces 5 and 6 ; this patch is variable in size, and in many specimens extends narrowly below and above into interspaces 3 and 7 respectively, its outer margin is uneven, its inner margin evenly arched ; a prominent claret-red largely black-centred ocellus at the tornal angle, its' inner margin with a transverse short violet-blue superposed line ; in many specimens an obscure claret-red subterminal lunule in interspace 7. Underside opaque black ; bases of both fore and hind wings, up to basal half of cell in fore and up to apex of cell in hind wing, with an irroration of yellowish scales ; also present more obscurely on the subterminal area in both wings. Tore wing with a very broad elongate triangular pale area that does not extend to the termen, formed of inter- nervular broad very pale ochraceous-white streaks, short near the tornus, gradually longer up to the costa. Hind wing : a prom- inent subterminal series of oc-hraceous-red lunules traversed by short violet-blue lines; in interspaces 1,2, and. sometimes in 3, these lunules are formed into more or less complete largely black- 86 PAPlLIONJDvE. . centred ocelli by the addition of an adtnarginal portion of the red ring. Cilia conspicuously white in the interspaces. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black, the latter three sprinkled with green scales above. $ . Similar, somewhat paler and duller. Upperside : fore wing with the green postdiscal band shorter and still more incomplete. Hind wing with the upper discal patch smaller, often green and not blue, the red subtermiual lunule in interspace 7 always present and more prominent than in the c? . Underside : similar to that in the J , but the tornal and subtornal markings generally formed into more or less complete ocelli. Exp. 6 $ 106-132 mm. (4-18-5-2"). Hab. The Himalayas from Kuinaon to Sikhim, Nepal and Bhutan ; the hills of Assam, Burma and Tenasserim, extending to China, Siam and the Malay Peninsula. A common insect in Sikhim, where it is found from the Terai up to 5000 feet. It is rare in Burma and Tenasserim, where I have taken it in the Thaungyiu and Ataran Valleys from May to October, but it has been recorded from various places from Bbamo to Tavoy. Race tamilana. Moore. Very closely resembles the typical form, but on the upperside the upper discal patch on the hind wing is of a paler more metallic blue and very considerably larger, it extends from interspace 3 well into interspace 7, from the apex of the cell into interspaces 3, 4, and 5, and from the middle of interspace 6 much further towards the termen than iu paris. Underside similar to that of the typical form, but the transverse postdiscal pale band on the fore wing is conspicuously narrower and curved inwards towards the costa. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in paris. Exp. <* $ 116-134 mm. (4-58-5-28"). Hab. Southern India : Kanara, Nilgiris, Travancore. Mr. Bell " observed the female laying eggs on Erodia rox- buryhiana." 540. Papilio krishna, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 108, pi. 2, fig. 6 3 ; Ehces, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 427 ; Ilothscli. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 384; Moore (Achillides), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 63 pi. 490, fig. 2 , , . markings distinct P " S ""* b. Fore wing upperside: postdiscal and terminal ' <'P am black bauds that do not coalesce, but are , distinct and do not extend to tornus j 97 549. Papilio antiphates, Cramer, Pap. E.vot. i, 1775, p. 113, pi. 72, figs. A, B ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 410. Pathysa naira, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 22, pi. 475, figs. 1, Race epaminondas. Papilio epaminondas, Oberthiir, Etudes d'Ent. iv, 1879, p. 62, pi. 4, fig. 1 ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 414 ; Moore (Pathysa), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 23, pi. 475, figs. 2, 2 a, 2 b, <$ $ . Papilio laestrygonum, Wood-Mason, Proc. A. S.B. 1888, p. 102. Race alcibiades (PI. XIV, fig. 94). Papilio alcibiades, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii, 1787, p. 8 ; Moore (Pathysa) Lep. Lid. vi, 1903, p. 19, pi. 474, figs. 1, 1 a-l e, larva & pupa, c?$. Papilio antiphates, Moore (nee Cramer), Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 116, pi. 3, figs. 10, 10 a, larva pupa; id. (nee Cramer) Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p.l42, pi. 63, figs. 1, 1 a, tf; Davidson $ Aitken (nee Cramer), Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 579, pi. 6, figs. 1, 1 a, larva & pupa. Papilio nebulosus, Butler, A. M. N. H. (5) vii, 1881, p. 33, pi. 4, fig. 3. Papilio itamputi, Butler in Forbes, Nat. Wand. 1885, p. 276. Papilio antiphates continentalis ft P. antiphates ceylonicus, Eimer, Artbild. Schmett. 1889, pp. 137 & 149. Papilio antiphates alcibiades, Rothsch. Nor. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 411. ^ 1U series linear. a'. Fore wing upperside : a short black trans- verse band along discocellulars, not coales- cent below apex of cell with postdiscal ,p a) .j steus race transverse band \ ' . ..+' _ T(\A ,, T-, .-, i , ii i antio ates. p. 1U4. o . .tore wing upperside : snort black transverse ' band along discocellulars, coalescent below apex of cell with postdiscal transverse , p ar f s f euSt race band \ hermocrates, p. 104. 551. Papilio nomius, Esper, Ami. Schmett. 1785-1798, pi. 52, fig. 3; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 115 ; id. (Pathysa) Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 142, pi. 62, fig. 2 ; Davidson $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb, N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 364, pi. E, figs. 1, 1 a, larva & pupa ; Moore (Pathysa), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 26, pi. 477, figs. 1, 1 -l e, larva & pupa, c? $ ; Kothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 421. Eace swinhoei. Papilio swinhoei, Moore, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 697. Papilio nomius swinhoei, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 422. Papilio nomius,/orm temp, pernomius, Fruhstorfer, Berl. ent. Zeit. xlvii, 1902, p. 202. Pathysa pernomius, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 29, pi. 478, tigs. 1, la, 16, d. tf $ . Upperside bluish-white. Fore wing : cell with five broad transverse black bauds, the basal and subbasal bands produced to 102 PAPILIONID^E. Fig. 23. A. Papilio nonius, f . B. Underside : anterior portion of hind wing. the dorsum, the medial band generally extended into interspace 2, the preapical ended on the median vein, and the fifth or apical from costa along the discocellulars extends on both sides of these and terminates at lower apex of cell ; beyond the fifth band is a short macular transverse bar of the ground-colour that terminates on vein 5, followed by a very broad black terminal band that occupies about one-third of the width of the wing and is traversed by a transverse subterminal series of rounded spots of the ground-colour. Hind wing : ground-colour along dorsum and above vein 7 whitish ; a streak along the dorsum, a subbasal and an inner discal transverse band from costa across cell, and a very broad terminal band, black ; the former two joined near the torn us by cross lunular black marks, the terminal band traversed by a series of slender lunules of the ground- colour ; a small black spot in inter- space 1 above tornus and another at base of interspace 4 ; the black at the apices of interspaces 2 to 4 and the lunules of the ground-colour thereon suffused with grey ; tail black, edged and tipped with white. Underside white, the black markings very similar but of a bronze-brown with the following exceptions : Fore wing : extensions below the median vein of the basal, subbasal, and median transverse bands crossing the cell, and the inner portion below vein 4 of the terminal broad band, black : on the hind wing the inner discal band is broken, irregular and black, and is bordered by a series of red spots outwardly edged with black ; the subterminal series of lunules of the ground-colour are broadly edged on the outer side with black ; the grey patch in the caudal region is replaced by ochraceous grey. Antennae black ; head, thorax and abdomen creamy white, with a medial broad longitudinal stripe ; beneath, the abdomen with lateral black stripes. Exp. 3 5 68-95 mm. (2-68-3-7S"). Hob. Sikhim ; Central and Southern India ; Ceylon. 1 have, following Rothschild, kept this form as distinct from P. aristeus, Cramer, but in my opinion, like anticrates, Doubleday, and hermocrates, Felder, it is merely a geographical race of aristeus. Larva. " Not so thick proportionally at the fourth segment as those of the last three (i. e. agamemnon, sarpedon, doson\ and is somewhat quadrangular. It has four pairs of spines which are small but sharp. The most usual colour is black, banded on the sides with narrow white stripes, except on the first three PAPILIO. 103 or four segments and the last, on which there is more or less rusty red ; but the shade varies very much, and in some the ground- colour is green." (Davidson &f Aitken.) Pupa. " Has the usual horn which characterizes this group, and also two short processes on the head, and is of some shade of earthy-brown. It is attached by the tail and a close band in crevices or under stones or roots." (Davidson <$ Aitken.) Race swinhoei, Moore. Differs from typical nomius as follows : - c? $ . Upperside : all the black markings distinctly broader. Fore wing: the transverse band that crosses the cell before apex generally extends beyond the median vein ; hind wing : the terminal black band much broader, extended inwardly right up to and coalesced with the black lunules that connect the subbasal and discal \ Fig. '2-i. A. Papilio nomius, race swinhoei : underside. B. apical half, upperside of fore wing. transverse bauds ; the grey subcaudal patch absent or obsolescent. Underside : similar to that of nomius. On the fore wing the extension below the median vein of the transverse band that crosses the cell preapically, brown not black ; on the hind wing the precostal spur edged narrowly on the inner side by black ; the red macular discal band broader and the black edging to the subterminal series of lunules better defined. Exp. (J $ 74-86 mm. (2-92-3-38 11 ). Hob. Recorded from Sikhim ? ; Burma ; Tenasserim. Described originally from Hainan, and later by Fruhstorfer under the name pernomius from Siam. 104 PAP1LIONIDJE. 552. Papilio aristeus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv, 1782, p. GO, pi. 318, figs. E, F. Race hermocrates. Papilio hermocrates, Felder, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wieti, xiv, 1864, p. 302 : id. Heine Nov., Lep. i, p. 57, pi. 12, figs. E, F ; Elwes $ de N. J. A. S. B. 1886, p. 437. Papilio aristeus hermocrates, Rothschild. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 420. Race anticipates. Papilio anticipates, Doubleday, A. M. N. H. xviii, 1846, p. 371 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 115; Elwes. Tram. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 434; Moore (Pathysa), Lep. 2nd. vi, 1903, p. 24, pi. 470, figs. 1, 1 a-1 c, J $ . Papilio aristeus anticrates, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 419. Race hermocrates, Felder. Very closely resembles P. nomius, from which it differs as follows : J $ . Upperside : the black markings very much broader, slightly broader even than in swinlioei, the eastern form of P. nomius. Pore wing : the transverse short black band that crosses the cell before the apex (i. e. 4th band) narrowed posteriorly and terminated as in nomius on the median vein ; the black terminal band very broad, covers more than the outer third of the wing, coalesces with the black band on the disco- cellulars, and encloses the short macular bar of ground-colour beyond the cell ; the subterminal band of spots of the ground- colour that traverse the black margin linear, not rounded. Hind wing similar to the hind wing in nomius race swinhoei, but the grey subcaudal patch as in typical nomius. Underside : similar to the underside in nomius, with the differences in the width of the markings as seen on the upperside, and in the shape of the subterminal line of spots on the fore wing; the precostal spur is as in nomius and not as in swinhoei. Exp. <$ $ 74-84 mm. (2-93- 3-28"). Hob. Within our limits recorded from. Burma and Southern Tenas- serim. Described originally from the Philippines ; occurs throughout the Malayan Subregion. Race anticrates, Doubleday. 3 $ . This race of aristeus more closely resembles nomius than does hermocrates. From nomius, however, Fig. 25. Papilio aristeus, it can be distinguished as follows :- race anticrates. Upperside : ground - colour whiter with the very faintest tinge of green in fresh specimens. Fore wing : subbasal transverse black PAPILIO. 105 band somewhat attenuate posteriorly ; in the cell the preapical band subtriangular, sometimes not extended to the median vein ; the terminal series of spots of the ground-colour linear as in hermocrates, posteriorly these become lunular in shape. Hind wing : the discal black band obsolescent, only faintly defined near costa and at posterior end ; terminal black band and terminal lunules of the ground-colour as in nomius but narrow ; grey subcaudal patch as in nomius. Underside : similar to the underside in nomius with the following exceptions the black markings of the upperside entirely replaced by a bronze-brown : the discal series of red spots are edged with black, and the outer edgings to the sub- terminal series of white lunules are prominently and broadly black. Exp. rf 2 77-84 (3-03-3-28"). Nab. Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Assam. EURYPYLUS-AGAMEMXOX GBOUP. <3 $ . Venation similar to that of the Glycerion group. Fore wing : costa widely arched, apex produced, obtuse ; termen straight or at the most slightly concave and sinuous ; tornus rounded ; dorsum very short, not nearly one-half the length of the costa, thus the wing forms a high and narrow triangle if the dorsum is taken as the base. Hind wing : costa long, slightly arched ; termen slightly scalloped, generally, but not in all the forms, tailed at apex of vein 4 ; tail when present narrow, short, scarcely spatulate, usually with a very slight upward curve ; dorsum straight ; abdominal fold in the de N. Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 595, pi. W, figs. 27 a-27c, larva & pupa ; Moore (Dalchina), Lep. Ind. vi, 1903, p. 16, pi. 473, figs. 1, 1 fl-lc, larva & pupa, <$ $ . m ' . ......... ma reus , * b. Hind wing underside : ground-colour over ' Adieus, p. 114. entire wing of uniform tint .............. P. megarus, p. 115. 558. Papilio xenocles, Doubleday in Gray's Zool. Misc. 1842, p. 74 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 90 ; Rothschild, Nov. Zool. ii, p. 458 ; Moore (Paranticopsis), Lep. 2nd. vi, 1904, p. 113, pi. 516, figs. 2, 2 a, rf $ . Papilio (Paranticopsis) phrontis, de Niceville, J. A. S. B. Ixvi, 1897, p. 568, rf $ ; Moore (Paranticopsis), Lep. 2nd. vi, 1904, p. 112, pi. 516, figs. 1, 1 a, <$ $ . Papilio xenocles, form temp, neronus, Fruhstorfer. Soc. Ent. 1902, p. 74. Pararanticopsis neronus, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 114, pi. 517, figs. 1, la, J. (3" . Upperside : black. Fore wing with the following greenish or bluish-white streaks and spots : cell with three transverse, very oblique, broad streaks and two elongate spots near apex ; in the type as described the outer two of the three streaks coalescent ; broad streaks from base in interspaces la to 3 ; a series of four rounded spots beyond apex of cell in interspaces 4, 5, 6 and 8, followed by five short streaks that are outwardly truncate or emarginate, in interspaces 4 to 8 ; lastly, a complete subterminal series of comparatively large rounded spots. Hind wing with similar greenish- or bluish-white streaks and spots as follows : a broad curved streak in cell ; broad streaks from base in inter- spaces 1 to 7, these streaks vary in length but invariably leave a comparatively broad margin of the ground-colour beyond ; the streak in interspace 7 white, that in interspace 1, and in some specimens in interspace 2 also, with a large yellow spot beyond the apex ; lastly, a subterminal series of spots some or all of which may be absent, but when present the posterior three always somewhat lunular. Under- side : fuliginous brown, paler towards the apical area of tore wing ; markings as on the upperside, but duller and less clearly denned. An- tennae, head, thorax and abdomen black ; two spots on the head, the thorax and abdomen laterally, white ; beneath : the thorax and ab- domen white, the latter with a medial and a lateral narrow stripe. $ . Similar to the rf with similar markings : those on the TOL. II. Fig. 28. Papilio xenocles. 114 PAPILIONID^. hind wing in the few females I have seen vary in width more than they do in the males ; the ground-colour also of the hind wing is generally of a chestnut-red, not black or fuliginous. Exp. c? 2 92-124 mm. (3-64-4-9"). Hob. Sikhim ; Bhutan ; the hills of Assam, Burma, and Tenasserim ; extending through the Shan States to Siam. The type was from Assam. De Niceville separated the Sikhim form under the name pJirontis, and Fruhstorfer the Eastern Burmese and Siara form as neronus ; but the distinguishing characters, viz., in phrontis, the shade of the ground-colour and size and extent of the bluish-white markings in the only, and in neronus, the absence of the subterminal series of spots on the hind wing, seem to me eminently variable in specimens from all parts of the insect's range. 559. Papilio macareus, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix, 1819, p. 76. Race indicus. Papilio macareus indicus, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii, 1895, p. 457. Papilio (Paranticopsis) polynices, de Niceville, J. A. S. B. Ixvi, 1897, p. 568. Paranticopsis polynices, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 109, pi. 515, figs. 1, : or, 3 $ . Paranticopsis indicus, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 110, pi. 515, figs. 2, 2 a, 2 b, J $ . Race indicus, Eothsch. S Upperside : ground-colour and markings very similar to those of P. xenocles, but the former is of a more brownish-fuliginous tint and the latter are all very much narrower ; also there are distinctly two well-divided streaks in interspace 1 of the fore wing ; on the hind wing there is never any tornal yellow spot, while the bluish-white streak in the cell is very often divided. Under- side : similar to the upperside both in ground-colour and markings, only the latter are much broader than on the upperside. It differs from the underside of P. xenocles by the ab- sence in most specimens of the yellow tornal spot on the hind wing ; also the terminal brown margin on the same wing is proportionately much broader and much darker. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen coloured as in P. xenocles. $ . Dimorphic or trimorphic. First form similar to c? , with similar but proportionately broader markings (typical polijnices). Second form similar to rf with similar markings, but on the fore wing the inner portion of the Fig. 29. Papilio macareus, race indicus. 115 cell-streaks and the upper of the two spots at apex of cell, also the upper and lower of the four spots beyond the cell, obsolete or very faintly indicated; on the hiud wing the streaks are very much narrower and there is a very small ochraceous-yellow tornal spot. Third form (indicus $ , Eothschild) : " Pore wings devoid of all markings except the submarginal ones ; the hind wings pro- vided with all the markings of the c? , though these markings are shorter and less well-defined than in that sex." (Rothschild.) Exp. "**""* P- minal spots centred with blue, subtornal red or crimson spots , D , , , . present, large and prominent . . * ***2 ? -, 9 . Hind wing upperside : series of ' ******* P- 125. subterminal spots not complete. a 4 . Fore wing upperside : discal transverse black band short, typically not extended below vein 5 ; in Indian specimens extended to vein 1, but always . . . A 4 . Fore wing upperside : discal ' hunza > P' 124 ' transverse band long, extended to dorsal margin, bent inwards below apex of cell, never joined . p j ol ^- lt> to postdiscal band ..... ..... \ P ' del P htus > race b\ Termen of hind wing without a sub- ' 'tenosemus, p. 125. hyaline black edging, white-scaled , n , , ,. 4h t up * S *..... ...... { p - **"5^ p . 126 . B. Fore wing : vein 10 anastomosed with vein 11 towards apex. a. Hind wing upperside : spots of subterminal series formed into large conspicuous pseudocelli. 118 PAPILIONID.E. a'. Hind wing upperside : subterminal series of spots or pseudocelli complete . P. charltonius, p. 126. V. Hind wing upperside : subterminal series of spots or pseudocelli not com- ( P. imperator, race plete, posterior two only present . . . . ) augmtm, p. 127. b. Hind wing upperside : spots of subter- minal series lunular. '. Termen of hind -wing with a more or less well-defined edging of dnsky sub- hyaline black. a?. Cilia of both fore and hind wings conspicuously yellowish white .... P. acco, p. 128. b 2 . Cilia of fore wing conspicuously black, of hind wing white P. simo, p. 129. b'. Termen of hind wing without a sub- hyaline dusky black edging, white- ( P. simo, race scaled right up to margin j moelleri, p. 130. 561. Parnassins jacquemonti (PI. XV, fig. 99), Boisduml, Spec. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 400, tf only ; Blanch. Jacq. Voy. 2nd., Ins. 1844, p. 16, pi. 1, tig. 4 nee fig. 3 ; Oberthur, Etud. Ent. iv, 1879, p. 23, pi. 2, fig. 5 rf ; id. torn. cit. xiv, 1891, p. 10, pi. 2, fig. 11 rf ; Mackinnon $ de N. Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 596; Moore, Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 105, pi. 406, figs. 1, la-le, c?$. Parnassius actius, var. himalayensis, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 30. Parnassius jacquemontii, var. impunctata, Austant, Lc Naturaliste (2) xiii, 1899, p. 154. Parnassius chitralensis, Moore, Lep. Ind. v, 1901-1903, p. 107, pi. 406, figs. 2, 2 , cf . S . Upperside : pale creamy white ; both wings irrorated with diffuse black scales ; body, base of the wings and the dorsum of hind wing clothed with long white hairs. Pore wing: the irroration of black scales most dense along the costal margin and at base of cell, more sparse on the disc ; the apical two thirds of the cell, a portion beyond the middle of interspace 1, and the bases of interspaces 4, 5, 8 and 9 markedly free of the diffuse black scales ; a transverse short bar across the middle of cell, another along the discocellulars, and a diffuse transverse series of postdiscal lunules, black ; three or four crimson spots encircled with black arranged as follows : one midway in interspace 1, two, sometimes three, beyond apex of cell in an oblique line from the costa ; the terminal margin broadly hyaline, with minute black specks at the apices of the veins ; cilia white. Hind wing : base and dorsal margin beneath the white hairs densely and broadly irrorated with black scales, the inner edge of this border irregular, rest of the wing with more diffuse black scaling ; five or six black- encircled crimson spots as follows: two, sometimes three, ob- liquely above the tornus, these or one of them occasionally white- centred ; one in the middle of interspaces 5 and 7 respectively, these are generally centred with white ; and one pure crimson spot PARNASSIUS. 119 at the extreme base of the wing ; the postdiscal series of black lunules are as on the fore wing, but the lunules are not so well defined and generally separate from one another ; finally there is no distinct hyaline border to the wing, but the cream-white scaling extends to the termen ; termiual black specks to the veins and white cilia as on the fore wing. Underside : shining, with more or less of a glazed appearance; markings much as on the upperside, but indicated as much by those of the upperside which show through as by actual scaling ; in addition on the hind wing there is a subbasal transverse series of four dull crimson spots while the crimson spots beyond are all more or less white-centred. Antennae deep brownish black, rarely with a few white specks on the under- side ; head, thorax and abdomen beneath the covering of white hairs, black. $ . Similar, generally darker with the irroration of black scales more dense ; the crimson spots are often larger and more brilliant. Anal pouch after fertilization " ovally scoop- shaped in front, convex beneath," furnished with a sharp high cariua posteriorly. Exp. J $ 66-80 mm. (2-6-3-15"). Hob. The Himalayas from Chitral and Kashmir to Kumaon, at elevations from 11,000 to 13,000 feet. The above description is taken from as nearly typical specimens as I had access to, but P. jacquemonti is an exceedingly unstable form and varies in size, in shade of ground-colour, in the amount and distribution of the black scaling on the wings, and in the number and size of the red or crimson spots, which may or may not be centred with white. These differences are probably partially seasonal. P. cliitralensis, Moore, is perhaps the most distinct of the varieties, but the genitalia in the d 1 and the anal pouch in the fertilized $ are identical with the same organs in typical spe- cimens of P. jacquemonti (fig. 31 a, p. 116). P. chitralensis, Moore, differs from the typical form as follows: Larger, the ground-colour on the upperside much whiter, the amount of black diffuse scaling on the wings generally much less, the cilia of the wings more or less speckled with black. In many specimens the postdiscal blackish series of lunules on the upperside of the fore wing is very incomplete and does not extend clearly across the wing ; in most the antennte are distinctly ringed with white. Exp. c? $ 70-85 mm. (2'75-3'34"). Hah. Chitral ; Kashmir. Var. impunctata, Austant. " Compared with the typical figure of P. jacquemontii as given by Oberthiir (torn, cit.) this variety is larger in size, equal to delius (i. e. 70 mm.) ; of a very pure opaque white on which the spots and dusky black shadings on the disc of the front wings show up strongly. The maculae of the subterminal band are reduced in size and disjointed especially on the hind wing, where they have a tendency to become obsolete. The two costal spots and the internal spot are not centred with red, there are no carmine markings either at the base of the hind wing or on 120 PAPILIONID^E. the anal spot. Antennae black ringed with grey ; cilia as in the typical form, grey without any well-marked intersections of black. Ocelli (on the wings) of a dark red widely encircled with black and without white centres." (Austant.) Hob. Sikhim Mountains. Unknown to me. 5G2. Parnassius epaphus, Oberthiir. Parnassius jacquemontii, Boisdwal, Spec. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 400, $ only; Blanch. Jacq. Voy. 2nd., Ins. 1844, p. 1C, pi. 1, fig. 3 nee tig. 4 ; Gray (nee Boisduval), Cat. Lep. Brit. Mus., Pap. 1852, p. 75, pi. 1'2, tigs. 1 , 2, & Pi- 410, figs. 1, 1 a-1 a, rf $ . Parnassius jacquemontii, Kollar (nee Boisduval), Hiit/eCs Kaschmir, iv, 1844, p. 407, pi. 2, figs. 3, 4, <$ . Parnassius charino, Gray, Cat. Lep. Brit. Mus., Pap. 1852, p. 76, pi. 12, figs. 13, 15. Parnassius hardwickii, var. albicans, Fruhstorfer, Iris, xi, 1898, p. 147 ; id. (abr. afer) Stett. ent. Zeit. 1899, p. 354. 122 PAPILIONID.E. d" Upperside: creamy-white. Fore wing: base and costal margin densely irrorated with black scales ; a broad short velvety black bar across middle of cell, another along the discocellulars and a third beyond apex of cell, this last with superposed spots of crimson where" the bar crosses the bases of interspaces 5 and 8 ; a crimson-centred black spot in middle of interspace 1 ; an irregularly curved prominent postdiscal series of dusky-black spots, so arranged as to leave a narrow edging of the creamy-white ground-colour beyond, which is traversed by the black veins ; the upper four spots of the postdiscal series fused to form a broad, continuous, but short, curved band ; the terminal margin broadly dusky black ; the cilia white. Both the dusky-black band and the postdiscal dusky-black markings subhyaline. Hind wing : base and dorsal margin broadly dusky black, the inner margin of the black coloration on the latter deeply but irregularly bi-emarginate ; a crimson-centred black spot near base of interspace 5, another just beyond the middle of interspace 7, followed by a very conspicuous curved postdiscal series of five dull blue ocelli ringed with black and centred with white, and a narrow diffuse dusky black terminal band ; cilia as in the fore wing. Underside : similar, with a glassy appearance. Fore wing : with the markings of the upperside visible by transparency ; the white scaling of the upperside replaced by scale-like hairs of the same colour ; the only scaled markings are the medial and apical transverse black bars in cell, three small crimson spots beyond and the black-encircled crimson spot in middle of interspace 1. Hind wing : the white scaling along the basal half of the costal margin nearly as on the upperside, the rest hair-like as on the underside of the fore wing ; a broad basal band of four crimson or vermilion-red spots followed by a discal irregular series of five similarly-coloured spots, the lower three formed into a short obliquely transverse band above the tornal angle ; all the crimson spots encircled more or less obsoletely by black rings, and the following prominently centred with white : the spot in interspaces 2 and 5 and the basal and medial spots in interspace 7. ? . Similar ; the dusky black irroration on the upperside of the fore wing more extensive and formed into a narrow irregular band below the cell, which runs between the crimson spots beyond the cell-apex and the crimson spot in inter- space 1 ; the crimson spots are larger, with an additional spot in interspace 6 of the fore wing and a pretornal spot on the hind wing. Underside: similar to that of the d but all the red spots much larger and with white scaling in the centre. Antennae nearly black, with only a few white specks, head with brownish-yellow pubescence ; rest of the thorax and abdomen covered densely with long white hairs which also clothe, more or less narrowly, the dorsal margin of the hind wing. Eacp. . Club of antenna; of Hypermnestra. c. Parnassius. is marked with a small diffuse black patch, and the apices of the veins with black spots that are extended inwards to the subter- minal band. Hind wing : base and dorsal margin broadly irrorated with black scales ; a black upper discal and a subcostal spot, both generally centred with red ; a subterminal series of slender black lunules, followed by a terminal row of transversely linear black spots ; the middle and postdiscal areas of the wing darkened bv the markings of the underside that show through by transparency. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white alternated with black. Underside : ground-colour similar. Fore wing : markings as on the upperside, but the cellular spots, the spot in interspace 3 and the short bar beyond apex of cell larger, more intensely black, the red spots on tlie last also larger ; the subterminal and terminal markings paler, more diffuse. Hind wing with basal, median and subterminal broad transverse bands of irrorated black scales, all the bands with their margins uneven and zigzag; the outer margin of the basal band with four transversely placed red spots, and transverse red discal spots edged with black in interspaces 1, 2,. 5 and 7 ; the termen margined with a fine, more or less inter- rupted, black line. In a few specimens the red spots are more or less obsolescent. Antennae pale yellowish white, the shafts obscurely ringed with black head, thorax and abdomen black, the HYPERMXESTBA.. 133 Taead and the thorax anteriorly with long greyish-white hairs ; beneath : the palpi, thorax, legs and basal portion of the abdomen similarly clothed. $ . Differs from the d 1 as follows : -Upperside : all the markings larger and more conspicuous ; an additional large black spot in the middle of interspace 1. Underside: similar to that of the J , but with the additional black spot as noted Above. Exp. <$ 52-66 mm. (2-02-2-60"). Hab. Baluchistan, within our limits, and northwards through Persia to Turkestan and the western shores of the Caspian Sea. The above descriptions are drawn that of the c? from a c? from Baluchistan, type of Moore's Parnassius balucha, which is now in the British Museum ; that of the $ from a specimen in my own collection from Southern Persia. Both belong to the larger form, var. maxima, Grr.-Gr., a series of which from Turkestan is in the British Museum. The difference between this variety and typical Jielios is chiefly one of size, though the markings in typical -helios are possibly duller and smaller, but these characteristics are very variable. In the British Museum collection also there is a single prepared specimen of a larva from the Christoph collection, labelled helios. This is 38 mm. in length, cylindrical, of a pale yellowish-white colour, with four longitudinal rows, two medial and one lateral on each side, of rather large yellow spots ; the head is a darker yellow, and each of the succeeding segments bears a transverse series of small black spots, the middle two round and sharply defined, the others irregular, some minute and mere dots, others slightly elongate ; each transverse row ends on either side with a spot -above the spiracles. 134 PIEKlD.t. Family Egg. " Ampulliform, shaped like a soda \vater-bottle, twice as high as wide, forming a short neck or stalk close to the apex ; radiate, with strong anastomosing ribs." (l)oherty .) Larva. More or less cylindrical, depressed, very slight, tapered towards each end : pubescent, the hairs short and fairly dense, each from a minute tubercle ; occasionally the hairs are long and sparse ; prothoracic segments without protrudable tentacles, like those in the Papili. Colour generally green. Feeds chiefly on plants that belong to the natural orders Leguminosce and Capparidacece. Pupa. Angulated, the head pointed, sometimes produced into a long snout ; suspended perpendicularly and sustained by a single silken girth. Imago. Wings comparatively ample ; their terminal margins entire, very exceptionally angulated at the apices of one or more of the veins ; discoidal cells of both fore and hind wings closed ; in a few forms the discocellulars attenuated, but never absent. Among the Pieridce specialization in the veining of the wings seems to have been directed more to the fore than to the hind wing. In the former wing the median series of veins has been most affected. In the Indian genera of the Pieridce, vein 6 is very exceptionally emitted from the cell ; in most it has shifted up and is thrown off from the lower side of vein 7 beyond the apex of the cell ; thus the upper discocellular veinlet is absent. In one genus (Baltia) vein 5 even has been similarly moved forward and is emitted from* vein 7, so that in this genus there is only one disco- cellular veinlet. The radial system of veins has'also been modified. In only two of the Indian genera is vein 8 present. In the others it has been shifted up and crowded out at the apex of the wing. The point at which vein 9 is emitted from vein 7 is very variable, and in more than one genus it forms a minute fork with vein 7, very close to the apex of the wing, so that it is merely rudimentary, while in one or two other genera it has completely disappeared. The position of vein 10 is similarly variable, but in no Indian genus has it completely disappeared, a'nd only in two genera is it shifted up and emitted beyond the cell. Specialization in the veining of the hind wing is not so con- spicuous. In one or two genera the precostal vein or spur is absent, but in all there is one vein more than in the Papilionidff. This vein, 1 a, gives peculiar breadth to the dorsal margin of the wing, which is channelled to receive the abdomen. Antenna? elongate with a more or less ovate club, or short and thickened gradually to the apex. Legs: all six present and functional: tibiae of the fore legs without the pad so conspicuous in the Papilionidcc ; PIERID.E. 135 claws of the tarsi bifid ; pulvilli and paronychia generally present. Coloration in the vast majority chiefly or partially white, whence the forms in the family have acquired the distinctive appellation of " the whites." A summarized account of the habits of the Indian Pieridce in the larval state has been given by Messrs. Davidson, Bell, and Aitken in the ' Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society,' vol. x, 1896, p. 569. I venture to quote it in full here : " All the larvae of this subfamily lie, when full-grown, on the upperside of the leaf, and when solitary (some of them are grega- rious) along the mid-rib, coating the leaf where they lie with a bed of silk. The eggs are generally laid singly on the upperside of the leaf or on young shoots ; exceptions to this are *Teracolus amata, J'abr., Appias liippoides, Moore, and Delias eucharis, Drury (this last is aberrant also, in that the eggs are laid on the under- side of the leaf where the larvae herd together), Behnois mesen- tina, Cramer, Terias silhetana, Wallace, which lay their eggs in clusters ; the larvae of these when young are gregarious, but generally when full-grown separate where the food is plentiful." Of the eggs these authors say : " The egg of the subfamily is spindle-shaped, standing on one end, and is also more or less strongly ridged longitudinally and striated finely transversely ; in colour it is generally pure white, turning to yellow or orange ; that of Nychitona (Leptosia) xiphia, Fabr., is blue and that of Haphina blotched with red." The remarkable habit in butterflies of this family of migrating in large numbers together, has attracted the attention of travellers and naturalists in all parts of the world. No satisfactory explana- tion of the reason for these migrations has yet been offered. It is a wonderful sight the clouds of butterflies, chiefly Pierids and by far the greater number of them belonging to the genera Appias and C'atopsilia, stream past for hours at a time, all going in one direction, and in all instances that I have witnessed flying against the Avind. One effect, of these migrations is wide dispersal and the consequent breaking-down of distinctions between local races, for any little peculiarity due to isolation and environment stands little chance of perpetuation, swamped as it is by the continual arrival of forms from other localities. A long series of Appias, for example, from widely-separated localities shows variation to a limited extent, and that unstable in itself and scarcely to be denned in words. Much attention has been paid to the phylogeny of the Pieridce, perhaps more than to that of any other group of the diurnal Lepidoptera. In butterflies, however, as in all living things, specialization has taken an irregularly-radiating rather than a linear course, so that any arrangement of genera in sequence can * In this work the names of the butterflies mentioned stand as Colotis amata, Fabr., Appias hippo, Cramer, Delias eucharis, Drury, Anaphceis mesen- tina, Cramer, Terias silhetana, Wallace, and Leptosia xiphia, Fabr. 136 PIE11ID.E. never be a true indication of the actual line of descent. The following key to the genera of the Pieridce is therefore purely artificial. Key to tlie Genera of the Pieridae. A. Fore wing: vein 8 absent. a. Fore wing : vein 9 absent. '. Fore wing : vein 10 emitted from subcostal vein L,EPTosiA,p.l37. b'. Fore wing : vein 10 emitted from vein 7 DELIAS, p. 139. b. Fore wing : vein 9 present in tf and with one exception in 5 also. [p. 150. a'. Fore wing : costa serrated PRIONERIS, b'. Fore wing : costa not serrated. ' 2 . Fore wing : vein 11 anastomosed with [p. 155. vein 12 ANAPHJEIS, b 2 . Fore wing : vein 11 not anastomosed with vein 12. 3 . Fore wing : vein 5 emitted from vein 7, only one discocellular present BALTIA, p. 158. ft 3 . Fore wing : vein 5 emitted from cell. a*. Fore wing : vein 6 emitted from vein 7. a 5 . Fore wing : vein 10 emitted from subcostal vein. G . Hind wing : precostal vein pre- sent. n 7 . Hind wing : termen rounded, not angulated at apex of vein 4. s . Fore wing: vein 6 emitted ' from about middle of vein 7. APORIA, p. 160. ^". Fore wing : vein 6 emitted from vein 7 closer to its base than to its apex, 9 . Fore wing : vein 1 1 emitted from subcostal vein closer to its apex than to its base. rt 10 . Fore wing : vein 9 emit- ted from vein 7 very close to its apex, some- times absent PIERIS, p. 167. fe 10 . Fore wing : vein 9 emit- ted from vein 7 further from its apex and always present. a 11 , c? without specialized tufts of stiff haii-s on anal segment. 12 . Fore wing: apex not falcate. a 13 . Fore wing: bases of veins 6 and 10 equidistant from apex of cell. Hind wing: lower disco- [p. 181. cellular straight . HUPHINA, LEPTOSIA. 137 b i3 . Fore wing : base of vein 6 closer to apex of cell than is base of vein 10. Hind wing: lower discocellular con- cave IXIAS, p. 192. b r ~. Fore wing : apex falcate LADE, p. 216. b l \ $ with specialized tufts of stiff hairs on anal segment. a 1 -. Fore wing : vein 9 present in both sexes, emitted from apical fourth of vein 7 APPIAS, p. 197. b 1 ' 2 . Fore wing: vein 9 present iii c? , absent in $ , emitted when present very close [p. 217. to apex of wing .... SALETABA, b n . Fore wing : vein 11 emitted from subcostal vein about equidistant from its base [p. 218. and apex CATOPSILIA, b~. Hind wing: termen not rounded, strongly angulated at apex of vein 4 DEBCAS, p. 225. b*. Hind wing : precostal vein absent. a 1 . Hind wing : termen more or less acutely angulated at apex of [p. 228. vein 4 GONEPTEBYX, b~. Hind wing : termen evenly rounded TEBIAS, p. 244. b 5 . Fore wing : vein 10 emitted from vein 7 COLIAS, p. 232. b 4 . Fore wing : vein 6 from upper apex of [p. 259. cell COLOTIS, c 4 . Fore wing : vein 6 from junction of [p. 273. upper and middle discocellulars .... HEBOMOIA, 13. Fore wing : vein 8 present *. [p. 276. fl. Fore wing : vein 6 from upper apex of cell .... PABEBONIA, b. Fore wing : vein 6 from vein 7 SYNCHLOE, [p. 179. Genus LEPTOSIA. Leptosia, Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 95 ; Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1885, p. 287 : Kirby in Allen's Nat. Libr. ii, 1896, p. 176 ; Moore, Lep. 2nd. vii, 1906, p. 19. Nychitona, Sutler, Cist. Ent. i, 1870, pp. 34, 41 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. \ 1881, p. 117. Type, L. xiphia, Fabr., from India. Range. Indo-Malayan Eegion ; China. * Absent in one of the two forms of SyncJdoe found within our limits. 138 PIElilD-S. J $ . Fore wing : costa slightly arched, apex very broad and greatly rounded ; terraen convex ; tornus obtuse ; dorsum straight, only a little shorter than the costa ; cell long, more than half length of wing ; veins 5 and 7 closely approximate at base, vein 6 from lower side of vein 7, upper and middle discocellulars there- fore both absent, lower discocellular strongly concave ; apical portion of median nervure between veins 3 and 4 bent upwards at an obtuse angle ; veins 8 and 9 both absent, vein 10 from just before apex of cell, vein 11 from middle of subcostal. Hind wing : costa very slightly arched ; termen strongly arched ; dorsum straight or slightly arched ; cell elongate, more than half length of wing ; lower discocellular long, concave ; vein 7 from apical third of subcostal ; vein 8 slightly curved at base, then straight. extended very close along the costal margin ; precostal vein or spur short, inclined inwards. Antennae slender, not quite half the length of the fore wing ; club long, gradual, slightly flat- tened ; palpi slender, third joint fusiform ; eyes naked ; body slender. Only a single form of this genus is known, a delicate creature of feeble flight that slowly flutters about the undergrowth and brushwood in the localities where it occurs. In India, according to the MS. notes left by the late Mr. de JS^iceville, it has acquired the trivial name of the " wandering snowflake." 570. Leptosia xiphia, Fabr. (Papilio) SZKC. Ins. ii, 3781, p. 43 ; Moore (Nychitcma), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 118, pi. 46, figs. 6, 6 a ; Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1885, p. 288, pi. 20, tig. 8 ; Davidson, Bell, $ Aitken (Nychitona), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 5(59 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. vii, 1906, p. 20, pi. 559, figs. 1, la, 1 b, <$ $ . Leptosia nicobarica, Moore, Lep. Ind. vii, 1906, p. 22. d . Upperside : white ; base of wings very slightly powdered with minute black scales. Pore wing : costa speckled obscurely with black ; apex black, the inner margin of this inwardly angulate ; a very large somewhat pear-shaped post- discal spot also black. Hind wing white, uniform ; in most specimens an obscure, extremely slender, ter- minal black line. Underside : white ; costal margin and apex of fore wing broadly, and the whole surface of the hind wing irrorated with trans- verse, very slender, greenish strigte and minute dots ; these on the Fig. 36. Leptosia xiphia. hind wing have a tendency to form subbasal, medial and discal obliquely transverse obscure bands ; fore wing : the postdiscal black spot as on the upperside ; terminal margins of both fore and hind wings with minute black, short, transverse slender lines at the apices of the veins, that have a tendency to coalesce and form a terminal LKPTOSIA. DELIAS. 139 continuous line as on the upperside. Antennae dark brown spotted with white, head slightly brownish, thorax and abdomen white.- $ . Similar, the black markings on the upperside o the tore wing on the whole slightly broader, but not invariably so. Exp. cf $ 25-53 mm. (1 -00-2-10"). Hob. The lower ranges of the Himalayas from Mussoorie to Sikhim ; Central, Western, and Southern India, but not in the desert-tracts ; Ceylon ; Assam ; Burma and Teuasserim ; extending to China and the Malayan Subregion. Larva. " Green, with a pale glaucous tinge about the bases of the legs and slightly hairy. Feeds on capers." Pupa. " Sometimes green, but oftener of a delicate pink shade* Both the larva and pupa are very like those of Terias hecabe, but more delicately formed." (Davidson, Bell $ Aiiken.) Mr. Moore has separated the Nicobar specimens under the name nicobarica, but in a long series from nearly all parts of its range I have found the characters relied upon for distinction eminently variable. Genus DELIAS. Delias, Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 91; Moore, Lep. In- Heivitson, Gen. Di. Lep. i, 1847, p. 44. Thyca, pt., Wallengren, K. Vet.-Ak. Fbrh. xv, 1858. p. 76. Piccarda, Grote, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. xxxix, 1900, p. 32 ; Moore? Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 175. Type, D. egialea, Cramer, from Java. Range. Indo- Malay an and Australian Eegions. <3 $ . Fore wing : costa nearly straight, very slightly arched ; apex very broadly rounded; termeu oblique; tor- nus obtusely rounded; dorsum straight, from slightly over the half to two-thirds the length of the costa ; cell about half length of wing ; upper discocellular absent,, middle oblique, shorter than the lower, lower slightly con- cave; vein 6 shifted up, given off 7 beyond apex of cell : veins 8 and 9 absent ; vein 10 out of 7 considerably beyond apex of cell, vein 11 from upper third of subcostal. T-,. t , . Hind wing cell : a regular Fig. 37. Delias euchans. , ,. , P i !< i I. Venation of fore wing. oval fHg^tlj over half length II. Ditto of hind wing. of wing ; vein 7 closer to 6- 2 40 PIEKID.E. than to 8, vein 8 strongly curved. Antennae about half length of fore wing, slender, with a gradual but well marked club ; eyes naked ; palpi short, subporrect ; abdomen moderately long. Key to the forms of Delias.* A. Hind wing underside : with either hasal or ter- minal red markings. a. Hind wing underside : these red markings terminal. a. These red markings inwardly margined with black. 2 . Hind wing upperside : with a transverse curvod postdiscal black band I), eucharis,^. 141. 6 2 . Hind wing upperside: without any trans- j I), hierta, race Averse black band .' | metarete, p. 143. //. The red markings not margined inwardly with black. 2 . Upperside : J , black margins to veins broad ; $ , interspaces on fore wing be- yond postdiscal oblique black band not tinged with yellow -D. hierta, p. 142. & 2 . Upperside : $ , black margins to veins narrow; $, interspaces on fore wing beyond postdiscal oblique black band \ D. hietia, race decidedly tinged with yellow | ethirc, p. 143. b. Hind wing underside : red markings basal. a'. Red markings restricted to whole of inter- space 8 D. dcseombesi, V . lied markings arranged so as to form a [p. 144. patch transversely across base of wing. a 2 . Hind wing upperside : basal area dusky, red markings seen through only by transparency from underside D. aylaia, p. 145. b 2 . Hind wing upperside ; basal area red . . 1). tliysbe, p. 146. K Hind wing underside : without basal or terminal red markings. . Hind wing underside : ground-colour uniform yellow. '. Fore wing upperside : $ , apex broadly shaded with black, with a clearly denned superposed transverse series of white spots ; $, entirely shaded with dusky black scales ; transverse series of white spots as in c? D- ayostina, p. 1 47. b'. Fore wing upperside : <$ , apical third to half shaded with black ; transverse series of superposed spots not clearly defined, blurred ; , less densely shaded with dusky black scales ; transverse series of white J D. agostina, race spots not well denned | ayoranis, p. 148. * D. thyiJ>'APH,IS. 157 A very variable insect. Messrs. Davidson, Bell and Aitken state that the larvae feed on capers, that they are "gregarious throughout their existence," and that "the eggs are laid in batches of from ten to forty." Larva. " When hatched a line long, olive colour, with a distinct glossy jet-black head. After first moult. One fourth inch long; grass-green ; dorsal line very distinct, dark green ; lateral line very broad, plum-coloured and mottled, dentated into the ground- colour, on the last two segments on its upperside ; a small white spot on either side of dorsal line on each segment; a yellow spot on each segment on the lateral line on either side ; abdomen glossy green ; ventral line distinct, rather interrupted, grass- green ; all the legs green, hairy ; head shiny black with a green triangular mark in front, covered with stiff whitish hairs ; stigmata dark-coloured ; sides greyish green, slightly wrinkled transversely ; the portion of ground-colour between lateral and dorsal line slightly powdered with yellow ; hair whitish grey ; anal segment black and hairy ; first segment rather swollen in front. After last moult. Length 1^ inch long; cylindrical, broader towards the head, slightly tomentose on back, hairy on the sides ; otherwise as after first moult Food- plant, the pea-leaved Caper ( Camparis pyrifotia)." Pupa. " Five-eighths of an inch long, transparent, pale cream- colour. In front a longish tubercle directed forwards, with a black mark on each side, and a smaller one on either side of 4th segment perfectly black ; a lateral line of pale plum-colour, on Avhich is a longitudinal line of yellow round dots, one on each segment, and a transverse row of dots on each segment ; dashed and marked with black, particularly on the abdomen. After the escape of the imago, the 5th and 6th segments of the pupa become blood-red." (Capt. H. L. Chaumette MS. notes as quoted by Moore.) Race taprobana, Moore. Differs from the typical form as follows : (^ . Upperside, fore wing : deep black on apical area, the enclosed white elongate spots more or less obsolete. Hind wing : the black terminal border much broader and of a deeper black, the enclosed white spots, except the spot in interspace 6, very much smaller, somewhat obsolescent, sometimes absent in interspace 4. Underside : similar to the upperside, the markings of a very intense black and broader, the enclosed spots in the apical area of fore wing, the white of the cell and the area along the upper half of the wing generally overlaid with rich chrome-yellow. Hind wing: ground-colour a deep rich chrome- yellow, the spots on it enclosed in the black along terminal margin subhastate, the spot in interspace 4 absent. $ . Similar to the tf ou both upper and under sides, but in all the specimens I have seen, on the upperside the spots of the white ground-colour that are enclosed in the black apical area of the fore wing and the spots on the black border along the terminal margin of the 158 hind wing are entirely absent. Antenna 1 , head, thorax and abdomen as in the typical form. Exp. tf $ 52-58 mm. (2-02-2-28"). Hab. Apparently confined to Ceylon in the low country. Genus BALTIA. Baltin, Moore, A. M. N. H. (5) i, 1878, p. 228 ; Kit-by, Entomologist, 3894. p. 100; Dixey, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1894, pp. 249, 334; Kirby, Allen's Nat. Lihr., Butt, ii, 1896, p. 15G. Type, B. shaivi, Moore, from Ladakh. Range. N.W. Himalayas, Tibet. c? 2 . ITore wing : costa strongly arched at base, almost straight to apex, slightly emarginate in the middle, apex blunt; termen convex ; tornus obtusely angulate, dorsum straight ; cell more than half length of wing ; veins 5 and 6 both shifted up and given off from lower side of vein 7 beyond apex of cell, thus only IV Fig. 40.Saltia. I. Venation : front wing. IT. ,, hind wing. III. Hind wing: B. butlcri. IV. 7?. shawi. one discocellular is present ; veins 8 and 9 absent, 10 moved up and forms a short fork with 7 before apex of wing, 11 free. Hind wing oval with vein 8 very short, the precostal spur or nervure turned inwards. Antennae slender, about half length of fore wing ; club large, gradual ; head and thorax very hairy. Key to the forms of Baltia. . Underside hind wing : irrorated diffusely all over with black scales . shawi, p. 159. b. Underside hind wing : not diffusely irrorated with black, the veins evenly bordered on each side by broad lines of black scales B. Initleri, p. 159. BALTIA. 150 582. Baltia shawl, Bates (Mesapia), Henderson $ Humes Lahore to Yarkund, 1873, p. 30o; Moore, A. M. N. H. (5) i, 1878, p. 228, J J; ?VZ. 6W. Jtes. '2nd Yark. Miss., Lep. 1879, p. 3, pi. l r fig-. 5 rf ; ? W. Lep. lad. vi, 1904, p. 1-44, pi. 52:?, tigs. 2, 2 - 2e, J$. d 1 . Upperside : dead white ; base of wings irrorated with black scales. Fore wing : costal margin very narrowly yellowish, costal and subcostal nervures irrorated with black scales, a discocellular elongate oblique black spot; a narrowly subtriangular short oblique preapical black bar, its apex downwards, and a series of inwardly triangular black spots on the termen, these narrow posteriorly and ' reach from the apex of wing to vein 1. Hind wing: uniform, the irroration of black scales more extended than on the fore wing. Underside : fore wing white ; costa and apex irrorated with black scales, the costa and termen margined with a line of pinkish yellow ; the black discocellular spot, the black preapical bar and terminal series of black spots much as on the upperside, but the last is ill-defined, somewhat diffuse at apex and does not descend below vein 3. Hind wing : white with a dull pinkish tinge all over ; the whole surface irrorated with black scales that form a broad elongate patch on posterior half of the wing and an obscure curved macular discal band beyond the cell; discocellulars defined with black. $ differs from the c? as follows : Upperside : somewhat thickly irrorated all over with black scales. Fore wing with the discocellular black spot and terminal series of inwardly-pointed triangular black spots as in the c? , but the latter more complete, extends from apex to tornus, the spots are larger and there is no preapical bar, but a complete, outwardly dentate, curved discal black band that crosses the wing from costa to dorsum. Hind whig : the irroration of black scales very dense in a broad patch posteriorly, and so arranged as to form a curved macular discal band. Underside : similar to that of the c? , but on the fore wing there is a complete terminal series of inwardly triangular black spots and a complete, outwardly dentate, curved discal black baud; while on the hind wing the irroration of black scales is more dense. In both sexes the antenna are white annulated with black, the club black ; head whitish ; thorax and abdomen fuscous black ; beneath : head and thorax fuscous black, abdomen promi- nently white. Escp. rf $ 34-50 mm. (T34-1-99"). Hah. Within our limits recorded from the Karakoram Moun- tains at an elevation of 18,000 feet ; found also beyond British territories in the Pamirs and Tibet. 583. Baltia butleri, Moore (Synchloe), P. Z. S. 1882, p. 256, pi. 11, fi. NYW. Himalayas: Ladakh, 2500 ft.; Tibet; the Pamirs, 12,300 to 14,200 ft. * 593. Pieris canidia, Sparrman (Papilio), Amcen. Acad. vii, 1768, p. 504 ; Kirbij, Syn. Cat. Di. Lep. 1871, p. 455 ; Ehoes, Tram. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 415 ; Mackinnon $ de N. Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 590, pi. 5, fig. 21, pupa ; Moore (Danaus), Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 13-3, pi. 520, tigs. 1, 1 a-l h, <$ $. Pieris gliciria, Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. ii, 1779, pi. 171, fijrs. E, F; Boisduval, Spec. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 524 ; Kollar in HUgett Kaschmir, iv (2), 1844, p. 409. Pieris napi, Gray (nee Linn.), Lep. Ins. Nepal, 1846, p. 6, pi 6 fig. 2 J . c? . Upperside : white to pale cream-colour. Fore wing : base and basal portion of costa, and base and upper margin of cell irrorated with black scales ; apex and terminal margin to about the middle, decreasing!}', black, on the latter the black extended for n very short distance triangularly along the veins ; a round black spot in inter- space 3. Hind wing : a subcostal black spot as in P. rapce, but generally larger and more conspicuous, and a series of four or five terminal black spots that vary in size at the apices of the veins. Underside : fore wing white ; cell and costa lightly irrorated with black scales; apex somewhat broadly tinged with ochraceous yellow; interspaces 1, 3 and 5 with conspicuous subquadrate black spots, the spot in interspace 1 sometimes extended into interspace 1 a, that in 5 ill-defined. Hind wing : from pale, almost white, to dark ochraceous, thickly irrorated all over (with the exception of a longitudinal streak in the cell, and in the darker specimens similar longitudinal streaks in the interspaces) with black scales ; costa above vein 8 chrome-yellow. Antennae black with minute white specks ; the long hairs on head and thorax greenish-grey; abdomen black ; beneath : head, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : similar to that of the rf but the irroration of black scales more extended and prominent, the black on the apex and termen of the fore wing and the black spots on the termen of the hind wing broader, more extended inwards; on the fore wing there is an additional spot in interspace 1, and both this and the spot in interspace 3 in 173 many specimens are connected by a line of black scales along the veins to the outer black border ; also the spot in interspace 1 often extends across vein 1 into the interspace below. Underside : similar to that in the d 1 . Exp. cJ $ 42-60 mm. (1-66-2-36"). Hab. The Himalayas from Chitral and Kashmir to Sikhim and Bhutan, from 2000 to 11,000 ft. elevation ; the hills of Southern India; Assam; Upper Burma: the Shan States; extending to China. Pupa. As represented in Mackinnon's figure is a light ochraceous brown with the wing-cases prominent, and with some tubercular darker brown spines midway on the abdominal side. 594. Pieris napi, Linn. (Papilio) Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 468. Race melete. Pieris melete, Menetries, Cat. Mus. Petr., Lep. ii, 1857, p. 113, pi. 10, figs. 1, 2, d $; Butter (Synchloe), P. Z. S. 1872, p. 64; de Niceoille (Mancipium), Sikhim Gazetteer, 1894, p. 168; Watson, Jour. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. x, 1897, p. 669 ; de N. $ Mackinnon, Jour. Bomb. N. II. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 590. Pieris ajaka, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 490, pi. 31, fig. 16 $ ; Doherty (Ganoris), J. A. S. B. 1886, p. 135"; Moore (Danaus), Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 132, pi. 519, figs. 2, 2 a, 2 b, 3, 3 a, 3 b, rf $ . Race melete, Menetr. Summer brood. tf . Upperside : white, veins black, conspicuous. Fore wing : base slightly irrorated with black scales ; costal margin very narrowly black ; apex black, that colour joined on to three black, inwardly triangular, continuous or coalescent spots at apices of veins 2, 3 and 4 ; a round black spot in middle of interspace 3, and in many specimens traces of a similar spot in the outer half of interspace 1. Hind wing : with an obliquely placed subcostal spot before the apex. Underside : veins more or less widely margined with black ; apex of fore and the whole surface of the hind wing somewhat tinged with dull ochraceous, not so yellow as in the Fig. 44._ Pieris napi, typical P. napi. In many specimens race melete. there is an indication by black scaling of bars between veins 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 respectively ; base of costa of hind wing bright yellow. Antennae dark dull brown, paler at their apices ; head, thorax and abdomen black with more or less of white hairs and scaling; beneath : whitish. $ . Resembles the c? in the character of the markings, but is altogether much darker on the upperside ; the irroratiou of black scales at the base of the fore wing spreads up to nearly the apex of the cell and of interspace 1 ; the black area at apex and on the termen of the same wing is much broader, the 174 PlERID^E. black spots in interspaces 1 and 3 much larger; in the latter interspace, and in very dark specimens from high elevations in the former also, these spots coalesce with the black on the termen ; in all specimens the lower spot is continued in a broad streak along the dorsum to the base of the wing. Hind wing : as in the c? , but the black edging to the veins much broader ; in high elevation specimens there is also a good deal of dark shading at base and irroration of black scales on the disc. Underside : as in the J. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen similar to those of the rf , but slightly darker. Exp. 6 $ 50-71 mm. (2-2-8"). Hob. Within our limits : the N.W. Himalayas to Sikhim and -Bhutan up to 10,000 feet ; the Khasia Hills in Assam ; Chin Hills down to the Shan States in Upper Burma. Spread over Northern Asia and China to Japan. Var. ajaka, Moore, is typically the small pale north-west form which, however, grades into typical melete from Japan and Amur- land. P. melete itself scarcely forms a race distinct from the European P. napi. Mr. Leech says that the little yellow patch at the base of the hind wing on the underside will almost always separate P. melete from any of the forms of P. napi. I have, however, seen specimens of the small, lightly marked spring brood of melete var. ajaka from Gilgit in which this patch is entirely absent. 595. Pieris chuinbiensis, de Niceville (Parapieris), J. A. S. B. 1897, p. 563, pi. 1, fig. 6; Moore (Parapieris), Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 148, pi. 522, figs. 1,1 a, cJ. Pieris dubernardi, Elves (nee Oberthilr), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 415 ; de Niceville (Mancipium nee Oberthilr}, Sikhim Gazet- teer, 1894, p. 168. <$ . Upperside : white. Fore wing : veins black, costal and terminal margins narrowly, apex more broadly, black ; the inner margin of the black at apex forms an even curve ; a large round black spot in middle of interspace 3, the lower discocellular edged on either side with black and the base of the wing irrorated with black scales. Hind wing : with a dark greyish appearance due to the dark markings of the underside that show through by trans- parency ; veins black ; a black costal spot a little before the apex, and the base of the wing heavily irrorated with black scales. Underside : fore wing white, veins edged with black scaling, the round black spot in interspace 3 as on the upperside ; apex and terminal margin suffused with yellow that decreases posteriorly on the latter. Hind wing : yellow, all the veins very broadly edged with black that gives an appearance of streaks to the ground- colour; precostal area edged with deep cadmium-yellow. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen fuscous black. unknown. Exp. 6 54-58 mm. (2-12-2-28"). Hal. Chumbi Valley ; Sikhim. PIERIS. 175 596. Pieris krueperi, Staudmyer, Wien. ent. Monats. iv, 1860, p. 19. Race devta. Mancipium devta, de Niceoille, J. A. S. B. 1883, p. 82, pi. 9, figs. 9, 9, c? 2; Moore (Danaus), Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 130, pi. 518, figs. 3, 3 a, 3 b, rf $ . Race devta, de Niceville. J . Upperside : dead white. Tore wing : a narrow band of irrorated black scales along basal portion of costa ; a wedge-shaped short costal black spot before the apex ; apex black ; that colour continued along the anterior portion of the terinen as a series of inwardly-pointed triangular coalescent spots at apices of veins 4 and 5 ; lastly, a large black spot in the outer half of interspace 3. Hind wing : a black costal spot just before the apex, otherwise uniform white. Underside : ground-colour similar. Fore wing : black markings similar to those on the upperside, but the black at apex and on termen replaced anteriorly by a dull Fig. 45. Pieris kreuperi, faint wash of ochraceous or race devta. greenish yellow. Hind wing : basal two-thirds irrorated more or less thickly with black scales, with the exception of a short, very broad, inwardly oblique band of the ground-colour, that extends from the middle of the costa to within the upper portion of the discoidal cell ; the outer margin of the area irrorated with black scales is transverse from costa to interspace 5, thence curved outwards to vein 4 and obliquely to vein 1 a. Antenna? brown, paler at their apices ; head fuscous ; thorax and abdomen black ; beneath : whitish. 2 . Upperside : similar to that in the <5 , but the black markings on the fore wing broader, more conspicuous and extended lower along the termen than in the J ; on the hind wing the black costal spot larger, with in most specimens a well-marked spot also in interspace 3, and in many a series of detached terminal black spots at the apices of the veins. These markings are very prominent in some specimens from Quetta. Underside: as in the c? . Fore wing : the additional black spot in interspace 1 small, the black spot in interspace 3 very large. Hind wing : the terminal series of black spots of the upperside diffuse, more or less continuous or coalescing and washed over with a greenish tint. Antennae, thorax and abdomen as in the tf . Exp. rf 2 44-54 mm. (1-72-2-14"). Hob. Ladakh; Baluchistan; Pishin. 597. Pieris daplidice, Linn. (Papilio) Syst. Nat. ed. x, i, 1758, p. 468; Fabr. (Pontia) IlKy. May. vi, 1807, p. 283; Godf. Encycl. Meth. ix, 1819, p. 128 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 75 ; Sutler (Synchloe), P. Z. S. 1880, p. 410 ; 176 PIERIDJ3. Swinhoe ('Synchloe), 7Va. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. 342; Moore (Pontia), Lep. 2nd. vi, 1904, p. 137, pi. 521, figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b,. Apical half, upperside fore wing : var. dapha* streaks of the ground-colour that stretch into the black apical area but do not reach the margin ; a short black subterminal bar between veins 3 and 4 and another, less clearly defined, between veins 1 and 2. Hind wing : veins 4 to 7 with outwardly-dilated broad black edgings that coalesce sometimes and form an anterior, irregular, black, terminal margin to the wing. Underside, fore wing : white, the veins broadly mai-gined on both sides by dusky black ; costal margin broadly and apex suffused with yellow ; subterminal black bars between veins 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 as on the upperside but less clearly defined. Hind wing entirely suffused with yellow, the veins diffusely bordered with black ; a HTJPHIXA. 185 more or less incomplete, subterrniual series of dusky spots in interspaces 1 to 6 ; more often than not the spot in 5 entirely absent ; a conspicuous chrome-yellow spot on the precostal area. Antennae black, obscurely speckled with white ; head and thorax bluish grey ; abdomen dusky black ; beneath : the palpi and abdomen white, the thorax yellow. . Similar to the c? but very much darker. Upperside : veins more broadly bordered with black ; in many specimens only the following portions of the white ground-colour are apparent : Fore wing : a broad streak in cell and beyond it a discal series of streaks in interspaces 1 to 6, 9 and 10 ; the streaks in interspaces 1 and 3 very broadly inter- rupted by the transverse black bars ; that in 6 more or less obsolescent. Hind wing : a broad streak in cell, a discal series of streaks in interspaces 2 to 7, and a posterior more or less obsoles- cent subterminal series of greyish-white double spots. Underside : similar to that of the rf, only the veins much more broadly margined with diffuse black scaling. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen as in the cf . Dry-season brood. J $ differ from the wet-season brood as follows : c? Upperside, fore wing : the apical and, terminal black areas much restricted ; veins concolorous ; black subterminal bars less clearly defined; the lower one often obsolete. Hind wing : the black markings on the termen represented by short triangular irrorations of black scales at the apices chiefly of the anterior veins. Underside : as in the wet-season specimens, but the yellow much paler and somewhat ochraceous in tint. $ . Differs less from the wet-season $ , but the black markings on both the upper and under side are narrower and less pronounced, and on the latter the yellow suffusion is paler and ochraceous in tint. Exp. rf $ 64-76 mm. (2-06-3-00"). Hob. Nepal ; Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Bengal ; Assam ; Upper and Lower Burma ; Tenasserim. Found also in Siam and China. Var. phryne, Fabr. Can be distinguished from the typical form as follows : <$ $ . Invariably smaller. Wet-season brood. Upper- side fore wing : in addition to the subterminal black bars between veins 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 another black bar above vein 5, that joins on to the black on the apex and completely isolates the short, narrow, preapical streaks of the ground-colour, that in the typical form are merely continuations of the colour at the bases of the interspaces in which the streaks lie. Underside: the above noted black marking or bars very conspicuous, especially between veins 5 and 6. Hind wing : the subterminal transverse series of dusky spots in the interspaces replaced by a nearly continuous, prominent, dusky black band, interrupted only in interspace 5. Dry-season brood. c? $. Upperside, fore wing: the black ^on apex and termen much restricted, the lower subterminal black bar generally absent ; the veins white, concolorous with the ground- colour, so that the bar between veins 3 and 4 does not coalesce with the black on the termen. In the extreme dry-weather broods 180 PIEBID.E. this bar becomes obsolete. Hind wing : uniform dead white, some- times the apices of one or two of the anterior veins with a little black scaling. Underside : the veins, except those that limit the cell of the fore wing, not bordered with black ; the suffusion of yellow along costal margin, on apex of fore wing, and over the whole surface of the hind wing pale yellow, with a tendency in the extreme dry-season specimens to get almost white ; on the fore wing the black transverse subterminal bars between veins 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 are sometimes indicated by mere diffuse small patches of scales ; at other times they are absent. Antenna, head, thorax and abdomen in both seasonal broods much as in the typical form, but paler. Evp. <$ $ 44-56 mm. (1-73-2-23"). Hab. The N.W. Himalayas up to 4000 ft. ; Nepal ; Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Bengal ; Centi'al, Western and Southern India ; Ceylon. Larva. " Cylindrical, tapering at the anal end ; finely white- dotted, with a lower lateral white line. Feeds on Capparis" (Thwaites.) Pupa. " Greenish ; thorax and basal abdominal segment acutely angled." (de Niceville MS.) Var. daplia*, Moore, differs very little from the typical form, and the differences seem constant only in the wet-season brood. Specimens of the dry-season brood approximate much more closely to the typical form. Wet-season brood. J Upperside : almost as in nerissa $ , but in many specimens the greyish-white preapical streaks on fore wing iu continuation of the ground-colour of the wing are entirely absent, the apex wholly black ; the subterrainal black bar between veins 1 and 2 most often obsolete. Hind wing: as in nerissa. Underside : as in nerissa, but the suffusion of yellow confined to the basal half of the costal margin of the fore wing rarely extended to the apex, while on the hind wing it spreads only over the basal half of the wing. On the fore wing the subterminal black bar between veins 1 and 2 is absent or sometimes barely indicated by a little diffuse black scaling. Hind wing : a series of inter- nervular outer slender black streaks confined generally to the posterior portion of the wing. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the typical form. $ differs from the $ of nerissa on the upperside in the black margins to the veins on both fore and hind wings, which are much narrower and leave a very much greater extent of the white ground-colour apparent. On the * The Pieris copia of Wallace has been generally considered to represent the wet-season form, Appias dapha the dry-season form. The types of both are now in the British Museum. The former is labelled "Bengal," and is identical with specimens of true nerissa, from Sikhim; tbe latter "Moulmein," and, judging from its size and the colour of the underside of the hind wing, I think it is undoubtedly the tf (dry-season brood) of tbe variety of nerissa peculiar to Burma. HUPHINA. 187 underside it can be recognized at once, as the suft'usion of yellow on both fore and hind wings is restricted just as it is in the d ; the apex of the fore wing, however, is also tinged with yellow. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the d 1 . Dry-season brood. d $ Very similar to specimens of the dry- season brood of nerissa, but always smaller. So far as the markings go, both on the upper and under sides, it is so similar that size alone is the criterion. Exp. d $ 52-63 mm. (2-02-2-48"). Hab. Recorded, so far as I know, only from Burma. Race lichenosa, Moore. d . Upperside : white. Fore wing : basal half of costal margin tinged with greenish yellow and irro rated sparsely with black scales ; apical third of the wing obliquely from the costa to the tornal angle jet-black, the inner margin of this irregular and more or less sinuous ; an obscure whitish subterminal spot on the black area in interspace 3 ; vein 4 and the lower discocellular sometimes slightly marked with black scales, the rest of the veins on the basal two-thirds of the wings more or less of the same tint as the ground-colour. Hind wing : terminal margin anteriorly black, the terminal portion of the anterior veins very finely black. Underside : white. Fore wing : the costal margin very broadly and the apex suffused with greenish yellow ; median vein on the inner side broadly bordered with dusky-black, continued along the basal half of vein 4 and then transversely downwards as a black band, diffuse below vein 3. Hind wing : so densely suffused with greenish yellow as to leave only obscure elongate spots of the ground-colour apparent in the anterior interspaces ; the whole surface of the wing more or less closely irrorated with black scales. Antennae black, speckled with white on their inner side ; head and thorax with long greenish hairs ; abdomen greenish white ; beneath : the palpi and abdomen white, the long hairs on the former tipped with black ; thorax greenish yellow. $ . Similar to the d both on the upper and under sides, but darker owing to the broad dusky-black border to the veins on both the upper and under sides. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen as in the d Exp. d $ 60-70 mm. (2-35-2-78"). Hab. Andamans. Leaving lichenosa out as a fairly well marked and distinct insular race, very constant in its markings, H. nerissa and its varieties are most puzzling forms. I have examined the genitalia of typical males of nerissa, pliryne and dapha, and they seem to be identical. I am not certain, however, whether the test of identity in the shape and structure of the male genitalia is an entirely reliable one. Provisionally I have placed pliryne and daplia as varieties 01 nerissa, till careful breeding experiments can determine whether the above three are mere varieties, one of the other, or distinc forms, for their distribution is peculiar. H. phryne, for instance 188 occurs with H. nerissa in Nepal, Sikhim, and Bhutan, but else- where in its range it is the representative form where typical nerissa does not occur. Again as to dapha, though specimens of the dry-season brood are almost identical in markings with specimens of the dry-season brood of nerissa, the wet-season forms of daplia are peculiarly coloured and occur only in Burma, from whence wet- and dry-season forms of nerissa have also been recorded. 605. Huphina nadina, Lucas (Pieris), Rev. et May. Zool. (2) iv, 1852, p. 333 ; de Niceville (Huphina), Gazetteer of Sikhim, 1894, p. 168; Moore (Iluphina). Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 214, pi. 545, tigs. 2, 2 a-2 e, c? . Pieris nama, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 76, rf $ ; Watson (Huphina), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 495, pi. 2, figs. 6, 7; Swinhoe (Huphina), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1893, p. 309. Pieris amba, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 340, rf; Swinhoe (Huphina), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1893, p. 309. Appias amboides, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 46, rf. Race andamana. Huphina nama, var. andamana, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 398. Huphina andamana, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 217, pi. 546, figs. 1, la, 16,^?. "Race remba. Pieris remba, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 75, rf; id. (Huphina) Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 137, pi. 53, figs. 2, 2 a, rf; Hampton (Iluphina), J. A. S. B. 1888, p. 363 ; Watson (Huphina), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 496; Davidson, Bell $ Aitken (Huphina), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 575 ; Moore (Huphina), Lep. Ind. vi, 1904, p. 217, pi. 546, figs. 2, 2 a- 2e, va b*. Upperside fore wing : preapical orange patch ' CJJt #*i P- *- extended only into upper apex of cell \ Py rene > var - j ptrenassa, p. 194. IXIAS. 193 b'. Upperside fore wing : ground-colour extended I /. pyrene, yar. into base of interspace 3 j cingalensis, p. 194. b. Upperside both wings : ground-colour pale yellowish white I. verna, p. 195. <. Upperside both wings : ground-colour pure white. '. Upperside fore wing: preapical orange patch extended into upper apex of cell /. marianne, p. 196. b'. Upperside fore wing : preapical orange patch not extended into cell I. nola, p. 197. 606. Ixias pyrene (PL XVIII, figs. 118, 120 rf, 119 $ ), Linn. (Papilio) Mus. Ulr. 1764, p. 241 ; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 420; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 503-508. Papilio evippe, Drury, III. Ex. Ins. i, 1773, p. 11, pi. 5, fig. 2 J. Papilio rhexia et sesia, Fab): Sust. Ent. 1775, p. 476 ; # Gen. Ins. 1777, p. 257. Thestias pirenassa, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 395, pi. 9, fig. 4 rf . Ixias latifasciata. Sutler, P. 7.. S. 1871, p. 252, pi. 19, fig. 3 rf. Ixias satadra, kausala et raoulmeinensis, Moore, A. M. N. H. (4) xx, 1877, pp. 49 & 50, $ P. Z. S. 1878, p. 837. Ixias frequens, dharmsala?, et watti, Butler, P. Z. S. 1880, pp. 150, 151, pi. 15, figs. 6 & 7, 8 & 9, & 1. Ixias cin , apex of fore wing sharply pointed .............. A. albina, p. 212. V. $ , upperside fore wing : outer black margin or area produced inwardly in interspaces*. a-, (f , underside fore win^ : oblique, curved, black band on outer half terminated on vein 2, sometimes reduced to a mere black spot in interspace 3 ............ A. leis, p. 213. b-. c? , underside fore wing : oblique, curved, black band on outer half extended to tornal angle or altogether absent ...... A . wardi, p. 214, Fore wing : veins o and 7 approximate at base, middle discocellular less than half length of lower discocellular. n'. $ , upperside fore wing : no isolated disco- cellular black spot. 2 . J, upperside fore wing: no prominent discocellular black band. \ c?, underside fore wing: the diseal black band narrow ; hind wing not richly coloured in wet-season form . . A. indra, p. 205. I 3 . cJ > underside fore wing : diseal black band broad ; hind wing richly coloured , A , in wet-season form ..!.... . ........ \ A ' mdra > race om V. rf, upperside fore wing: a broad black ' >^> P- 207. band from before middle of costa that crosses discocellular nervules and joins t . , , outer black margin . \ A ' lal ^ c ' race , m ) lagela, p. 209 * Except in dry-season form of A. lets. 200 //. J , upperside fore wing : generally with an isolated discocellular black spot. $ . Wet- season form : upperside fore wing with a , * j a i aflp i t vn \ black discocellular band as in lagela j "* Ma 9 e ^^ 610. Appias libythea, Fabr. (Papilio) Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 471 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 134, pi. 52, figs. 3, 3 a, 3 $ ; Davidson $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 358 ; iid. torn. cit. x, 1897, p. 573 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 203, pi. 542, fig^. 2, Appias" ares, Swinhoe, 'P. Z. S. 1885, p. 138. Appias retexta, Surmhoe, A. M. N. H. (6) v, 1890, p. 360, rf $ . Race zelmira. Papilio zelmira, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv, 1782, pi. 320, figs. C, 1), $ . Appias zelmira, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 9l ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 497, pi. 2, figs. 1-5 ; Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 200, pi. 542, figs. 1, 1 a-f, <$ $ . Appias olferna, Sminhoe, A. M. N. H. (6) v, 1890, p. 358. Appias irvinii, Swinhoe, torn. cit. p. 359. Wet-season brood. rf . Upperside : pure white. Fore wing : costa, apex and termen anteriorly very narrowly shaded with dusky-black scales, the black colour produced very finely along the veins for a short distance ; the rest of the veins white. Underside : pure white, the black colour merely indicated along the costa and at apex. $ . Upperside : white. Fore wing : costa, the apex and termen very widely and the discoidal cell dusky black, the black in the cell produced in a broad streak to the black on the termen, so as to leave only a short oval oblique bar of the ground-colour beyond the cell ; the black on the terminal portion of the wing narrows posteriorly and has its inner margin irregular ; on the posterior inner portion of the wing also there is a somewhat diffuse dusky-black streak from base, narrowed out- wardly and not extended to the black on the terminal margin. Hind wing : terminal margin more or less broadly black ; a shading of dusky-black scales that forms a diffuse subcostal streak from base, and another more diffuse obscure streak across the disc that leaves between it and the dark terminal margin a series of, posteriorly, very ill-defined markings of the white ground-colour which decrease in size up to interspace 6. Underside : white with similar markings that are however, more diffuse. Fore wing : the black along the terminal margin interrupted by a series of streaks of the white ground-colour in the interspaces. Hind wing : the black scaling along the terminal margin very faint, the dusky shading on the basal and discal areas of the wing as on the upper- side, but more or less obsolescent ; a faint tinge of yellow on the humeral angle. Antennae in both sexes dusky black, obscurely spotted with white ; head, thorax and abdomen above bluish white ; beneath white. Dry-season brood. rf . Similar, but the narrow black markings on the fore wing still more restricted. $ also similar but the APPIAS. 201 black markings of the upperside on the fore wing restricted to the upper half of the cell, and the markings on costa, the apex of the wing and the termen altogether much narrower than in the wet-season form. On the hind wing the markings are restricted to a narrow macular band along the termen, with mere indications of a dusky detached streak in the middle of the disc. Underside : white in both sexes ; apex of fore wing and the whole of the hind wing with an ochraceous tint. In the $ the black markings of the upperside show through by transparency. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the wet-season form. Exp. 3 $ 54-66 mm. (2-14-2-62"). Hob. The Punjab ; Mussoorie ; Delhi ; plains of Bengal ; Orissa ; Western and Southern India ; Ceylon. Larva. " Beared a good many in Bombay during April and May on Capparis horrida. The larva is long, green, somewhat depressed, and has the rough surface and general aspect of a Terias or a Catopsilia, but the anal extremity tapers a little, and is slightly, but distinctly, bifid." Pupa. " The pupa is of quite a different type from Terias or Catopsilia. It is closely attached to a leaf and the wing-cases do not form a keel, but there is an acute dorsal prominence just behind the head, and a transverse dorsal ridge in the middle connecting two angular lateral processes. The head ends in a short snout. The colour is variable and probably depends on situation." (Davidson f Aitken.) Race zelmira, Cramer. cf $ . Differs from the typical form as follows : Wet-season brood. c? Upperside, fore wing : base with an obscure bluish tint, costa more broadly black ; apex and terinen with a series of short, black streaks along the veins that are dilated at their inner apices, and thus form a more or less incomplete, transverse, postdiscal, excurved band that is not extended below vein 3. Hind wing with a terminal series of triangular spots at the apices of the veins. Underside : pure white. Fore wing : markings as on the upperside. Hind wing : all the veins except the basal portion of the median and of veins 5 and 6 conspicuously bordered with black ; this gives the appearance of a series of three transverse black lines that cross the wing, from the posterior one of which other black lines radiate to the termen ; humeral angle tinged with yellow. . Upperside : much as in libytliea, but the black markings broader, more clearly defined. Fore wing : an anterior, subterminal, transverse series of three or four elongate spots of the white ground-colour is conspicuously apparent on the black margin of the wing. Hind wing : the white ground-colour much restricted and appears merely as a comparatively large upper discal patch and four or five postdiscal spots. Underside : white ; the black markings of the upperside show well through by transparency, the areas covered by them are more or less densely irrorated on the hind wing with yellow scales, which are also less densely scattered over the apex of the fore wing. Dry-season brood. $ . Upperside : differs from the wet-season 202 form chiefly in the black streaks at apex and along the anterior portion of the termen on the fore wing, which do not extend so far inwards, although the streaks themselves are broader. Hind wing : the series of connected triangular black spots along the termen reduced to an incomplete series of terminal spots or alto- gether absent. Underside : white with an obscure yellowish tinge on the apex of the fore and the whole of the hind wing. Fore wing with an irroration of black scales along the basal half of the costa that spreads into the cell. Hind wing with a short diffuse cross-bar of like scales on the disc. $ . Upperside : as in the wet- season form, but the black markings are more restricted and allow more of the white ground-colour to appear. Underside : similar to the underside in the dry-season form of the J , but the irroration of black scales on the fore wing fills the cell, extends in a narrow streak in interspace 4, and meets an oblique postdiscal lunular band of like scales ; on the hind wing the discal cross-bar of black scaling broader. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes and in both seasonal forms as in libythea. Exp. <$ 54-G8 mm. (2-14-2-69"). Hab. Sikhim, at low elevations ; the plains of Bengal ; Assam ; Burma; Teuasserim ; extending to Siam. Both races seem to meet in the plains of Bengal, but broadly speaking libyihea is the M-estern and southern form, zelmira the eastern form. 611. Appias nero (PI. XVI, fig. 108), Fdbr. (Papilio) Ent. Syst. iii, 1793, p. 153 ; Moore (Pieris). Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i. 1857, p. 70: Wallace (Tachyris), Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 378; Elwes (Tachyris), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 418 ; Butler, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 46; Distant, Mhop. Malay. 1885, p. 311, pi. 24, figs. 9, 10, c?$. Pieris thyria, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix, 1819, p. 147. Pieris figulina, Butler, A. M. N. H. (3) xx, 1867, p. 399, pi. 8, fig. 1 $ . Tachyris galba, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 378 ; Watson (^Catophaga), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 499. Appias nebo, Grose-Smith $ Kirby, Shop. Exot. ii, 1894. Appias, pi. 1, %s. 1,2, rf. c? . Upperside : from vermilion to deep crimson-red, the veins more or less black ; in certain specimens the veins towards their apices, especially on the fore wing, are diffusely shaded with black ; terminal margins of both fore and hind wings and fore wing at apex irrprated and shaded with black scales. Underside : fore wing on apical area and nearly the whole of the hind wing rich chrome-yellow, base and disc of fore wing orange ; costa and dorsal margin of fore, and dorsal margin broadly of hind wing yellow ; veins concolorous. Antenna black, speckled sparsely with white, orange at apex; head, thorax and abdomen black with dark greyish-green hairs. $. Upperside: ground-colour similar, the markings differ as follows : Fore wing : costa narrowly, apex and termen more broadly black ; a short, very oblique black band from APPIAS. 203 the middle of the cost a outwards, ending subterminally in inter- space 4, enclosed between it and the black on the terminal margin is a transverse spot of the ground-colour ; a transverse subterminal black bar also in interspace 2. similarly encloses between it and the black on the terminal margin a spot of the ground-colour. Hind wing : terminal margin neatly bordered with black, which extends for a short distance inwards along each vein. Underside, fore wing : base and disc vermilion-red, apex dusky ochraceous, with a pale ill-defined short bar that limits it on the inner side ; an oblique black band from costa and a short transverse similar band in interspace 2 as on the upperside, but indicated more by trans- parency than by actual scaling. Hind wing : dull ochraceous, darkening to ochraceous red along the terminal margin ; an irregular transverse diffuse purplish band across the disc. An- tennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the d . Exp. rf 70-80 mm. (2-76-3-18"). Hob. Sikhim ; Assam ; Manipur ; Upper Burma : the Shan States ; Tenasserim ; extending to Siam ; the Malay Peninsula ; Nias Island ; Sumatra ; Java ; Borneo to the Philippines. 012. Appias hippo, Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. iii, 1782, pi. 195, figs. A, B ; Moore (Pieris), Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 71; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 670. Appias vacans, Sutler, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. 490 ; id. Lep. Exot. 1872, p. 90, pi. 34, figs. 5, 6. Appias hippoides, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 312; id. Lep. 2nd. vi, 1905, p. 194, pi. 540, figs. l,la-lg, <5 $, & pi. 541, figs. 1, la-lc, rf 2. Appias hippoides, var. epicoena, Swinhoe, P. Z. 8. 1889, p. 398. Race andrea. Colias andrea, Ersch. in Kotzeb. Reise, iii, 1821, p. 215, pi. 10, figs. 23 a, 236; Wallace (Tachyris), Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 366. Appias nicobarica, Moore, Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 198. Race taprobana. Appias taprobana, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 143 ; id. Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 135, pi. 52, figs. 1, l-lc, S $, larva & pupa; id. Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 198. pi. 541, figs. 2, 2 a-2c, <$ $ . pias vacans, Moore (nee Sutler), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 135, pi. 52, gs. 2, 2 a, d. Appias latifasciata, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 312, J $ ; id. Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 199, pi. 541, figs. 3, 3 a, 3 b. Appias aperta, Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xviii, 1886, p. 188 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. iii, 1887,' p. 532. Appias (Catophaga) hippoides, Davidson, Bell Aitken (nee Moore), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 574. Wet-season brood. 6*. Upperside'. white; along the costal margin of the fore wing and the terminal margin of the hind wing somewhat broadly bluish, due to the black colour of the underside Appi fi 204 that shows plainly through ; costal margin of fore wing irrorated densely on basal half, more sparingly on apical half, with black scales ; terminal margins of both fore and hind wings edged with black, this colour produced triangularly inwards along the veins for a short distance ; veins of both wings white, subcostal vein and veins above vein 6 on fore wing black. Underside, fore wing : white ; extreme base of costa irrorated with black scales, some- times condensed into a broad edging along the costal margin, which is widened at the apex and continued along the terminal margin in a gradually narrowing border to the tornus, the terminal edging inwardly produced along the veins as on the upperside ; a yellow or white oval spot superposed on the black area at the apex in interspace 6. Hind wing : sulphur-yellow ; veins concolorous ; terminal margin with a black edging as on the upperside but much broader, though not so prominently produced inwards along the veins. Antennae black, sparingly spotted with minute white dots ; head, thorax and abdomen white with a bluish tinge. $ . Upperside : dusky blackish brown, variegated more or less with white on the fore wing, in short somewhat broad streaks in inter- spaces 1, 2, 4 and 5 ; these streaks very variable in width and length. Hind wing on the basal half and along the dorsum broadly white ; the extent of the white is very variable and very ill- defined, shading imperceptibly into the dusky brown. Underside : fore wing similar, the white streaks much broader and longer ; an additional dusky-white longitudinal streak along middle of the cell ; base of wing dusted with yellow scales ; apex with a large diffuse purplish patch. Hind wing: basal two-thirds pale sulphur- yellow; apical third dusky brownish black, the margins of the two colours fairly sharply defined, veins crossing the disc black. An- tennae as in the d 1 ; head, thorax and abdomen above with greenish pubescence ; beneath white. Dry-season brood. <$ $ . Similar to the wet-season form but smaller. In the <$ the black edging to the wings both on the upper and under sides is narrower, often very markedly so. In the $ the differences are more conspicuous in the extreme forms. Specimens captured in the height of the hot weather or in specially dry localities resemble the <5 of the wet-season form, except that the irroration of black scales along the costal margin in the latter is replaced by a broad continuous streak, widened at apex and continued in a similar manner as in the J , along the terminal margin to the tornus, the inward prolongations of the black colour along the veins more marked. On the underside the dry-season $ very closely resembles the wet-season <$ , the only 'marked difference is the absence of the elongate oval spot in interspace in the fore wing. This form is the Appias Jiippoides, var. epiccena, Swinhoe. Between it and the dark wet-season form of the many intermediate individual specimens can be found in almost every large collection. Exp. rf $ 54-82 mm. (2-14-3-24"). APPIAS. 205 Hob. Sikhim ; Lower Bengal ; Orissa ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending into Siam and China to the east, and southwards to the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Race andrea, Erscholtz. A slightly differentiated form scarcely established, even as a local race, as yet. It is sufficiently charac- terized in the key to the forms (supra). Exp. c? ? 68-76 mm. (2-66-3"). Hab. Recorded within our limits from the Nicobars. Found in the Philippines. Race taprobana, Moore. Wet-season brood (latifasciata, Moore). cT . Closely resembles the wet-season form of typical hippo, but the colours are brighter ; the black terminal bordering to the wings on both upper and under sides broader, especially on the underside of the hind wing, the yellow also on this wing is of a deeper, more vivid tint. It can, moreover, be discriminated from hippo tf at once by the subcostal vein and veins 6, 7 and 8 where they cross the yellow ground-colour, which are not cnocolorous but conspicuously edged with black scales, these latter often form a broad streak along the basal half of vein 7. $ . Does not differ materially from the wet-season form of the $ of hippo. In the few specimens of the females of this race that I have had an opportunity of examining, the dusky purplish-brown on the ter- minal half of the hind wing on the underside has always been broader than in the females of typical hippo. Dry-season brood. <$ . Can be separated from the typical form as follows: Upperside fore wing : vein 6 more or less broadly edged or denned with black. Underside hind wing: terminal black border much broader ; subcostal vein and veins 7 and 8 black, not concolorous with the yellow ground-colour. $ . Differs only from the $ of hippo by the greater width of the purplish black terminal margin of the hind wing on the underside. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes as in typical hippo. Exp. d 1 $ 64-76 mm. (2-5-3"). Hab. Southern India : Malabar; Travancorc ; Ceylon. Larva and pupa. " We have bred from May to December on capers. The eggs are laid in clusters. The larva and pupa are not very different from those of the last species (A. libythea, supra); the pupa may be distinguished from the last by the second segment being produced laterally into a tongue-like process which embraces the shoulder." (Davidson, Bell $ Aitken.) 613. Appias indra, Moore (Pieris), Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 74 ; Wood-Mason 8f de Niceville (Hyposcritia), J. A. S. B. 1886, p. 372; Elwes (Tachyris), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 419; Moore (Hyposcritia), Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 226, pi. 549, ficrs. 1, la-lh, tf $ . Hyposcritia shiva, Sicinhoe, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 138, pi. 9, figs. 1, 2; 'Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 49. 206 FIERIER. Race narendra. Appias narendra, Moore, A. M. N. H. (4) xx, 1877, p. 48, rf ; id. Lej). Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 134, pi. 61, figs. 4, 4 a, 4 b, J $ ; id. (Hyposcritia) Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 228, pi. 550, figs. 1, 1 a-1 , rf $ . sott, fo-ood. c? . Upperside : white. Fore wing : base and basal half of costa thickly irrorated with black scales ; a minute black spot on the discocellulars ; the apical half of the costa, the apex and the termen above vein 2 broadly black ; the inner margin of the black colour broadly produced inwards in interspace 3 ; three obliquely-placed spots of the ground-colour on the apical Fig. 52. a. Underside fore wing : Appias indra. b. Underside fore wing : Appias indra, race narendra. c. Abdomen showing anal brush of hairs. area. Hind wing : uniform white with a minute black speck on the discocellulars. Underside, fore wing : white ; costa at base pea-green ; beyond with a broad black stripe that curves round and crosses the wing postdiscally to the terminal margin above vein 2 ; this black band produced prominently inwards in inter- space 3; apex of wing beyond the black band yellowish, obscurely dusted with black scales. Hind wing pale yellow, with verv obscure postdiscal patches of white ; the whole wing irrorated somewhat sparsely with minute black scales ; discocellular black spot more or less conspicuous. $ . Upperside : white. Fore wing : basal area up to nearly the apex of the cell densely irrorated with blackish scales ; remainder of the wing black except lower apex of cell, basal two-thirds of interspace 2, and basal third of inter- space 3, which are white ; apex of wing with two, not three as in tf , obliquely- placed white spots. Hind wing: dusky black, fading inwardly on basal half of wing to diffuse dusky grey ; two or more upper subterminal white spots. Underside : similar to that of the J . Fore wing : the yellowish-green colour at base more extended : the curved black band that crosses the wing very much broader and produced inwards along the dorsuni for a short distance : apical area greenish yellow, with an obscure series of pearly- white patches between it and the black band, a similar short streak on the tornus. Hind wing differs from that of the d in the deeper yellow of the ground-colour, which however, is similarly irrorated with black scales and bars ; a conspicuous subterminal series oi' pearly-white patches. An intermediate form of the $ is common, in which the black area on both fore and hind wings is much restricted ; on the hind wing it is reduced to a simple terminal edging that spreads diffusely inwards and obscurely encloses a APPIAS. 207 subterminal series of white diamond-shaped spots. Antennae in both sexes black checkered with white spots ; head and thorax with bluish-grey hairs ; abdomen black with sparse white scaling ; beneath : head, thorax and abdomen white. Dry-season brood. c? Upperside : similar to specimens of the wet-season form, but the black colour on costa, apex and termen very much reduced in extent. Underside : the black curved band on fore wing very short, often diffuse and obscure ; apex of fore and entire hind wing light earthy brown, more or less densely irrorated with black scales, that on the hind wing run together in places and form ill-defined zigzag markings. . Upperside : similar to that of the 3 , the black on fore wing of somewhat greater extent ; termen of hind wing obscurely irrorated . with black scales. Underside : similar to that of the J ; the oblique black band on fore wing broader. Antenna in both sexes dark brown ; head with ochraceous-brovvn, thorax with bluish-grey hairs, abdomen blackish ; beneath : head, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. c? 2 54-74 mm. (2-1-2-U2"). Hob. The Himalayas ; Nepal ; Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Lower Bengal ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending to the Malay Peninsula, Cochin China and China. Race narendra, Moore. A slightly differentiated and more or less local form, notwithstanding that a few specimens which I have seen from Assam, which should properly belong to A. indra, more closely resemble typical narendra from South India and Ceylon. Wet-season brood. d" Upperside : differs chiefly from that of rf indra in the hind wing, which is bordered narrowly with black along the termen. Underside : as in indra, but the yellow colour more vivid and the black bisinuate band that crosses the fore wing notably broader. $ . Differs from $ indra on the upperside in the restriction of the black colour, which has also its inner margin more clearly defined. No $ narendra that I have seen is ever so dark above as the extreme rain-season form of 5 indra. Underside : similar to the underside in indra $ , but more closely sprinkled with black scales on the hind wing. Dry-season brood. The difference between the seasonal forms is less marked than in A. indra. tf . Upperside : differs in the hind wing which is always margined along the termen, though often very narrowly, with black ; this colour also extends shortly in a few lines along the veins. Underside : as in A. indra, but the shade of brown on apex of fore wing and over the whole of the hind wing is darker, the irroration of black scales more dense, the black bisinuate band that crosses the wing broader. 5 . Upperside : differs from the wet-season form only in the width of the black on the terminal margin of the hind wing, which band is about half as wide as in rainy-season specimens. Underside : similar to the underside in $ of the wet-season form. Exp. c? $ 58-70 mm. (2-30-2-76"). Hab. Southern India; Ceylon; Assam. 208 614. Appias lalage, Doubleday (Pieris), Giai/s Zool. Misc. 1842, s n . 8 19 Mac- c , . , . , - , . Pieris durvasa, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 73. Catophaga pseudoklage, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 142. Hyposcritia argyridina, Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvi, 1885, p. 340, rf . Race lagela. Catophaga lagela, Moore, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 838, pi. 52, fig. 4 $ ; Distant (Appias), Rhop. Malay. 1886, p. 467, pi. 41, fig. 11 $; Moore (Hyposcritia), Lep. Ind. vi, 1905, p. 225, pi. 548, figs. 2, 2a-2c, rf$. Wet-season brood. tf . Upperside : white. Fore wing : base and basal half of costa thickly irrorated with black scales, the latter tinged with yellow ; a large black spot in lower apex of cell ; apical third of wiug black, the inner margin of this black area curved, with a broad projection of black inwards in interspace 3, a,. fc. Fig. 53. a. Upperside fore wing : Appias lalage. b. Upperside fore wing : Appias lalage, race lagela. beyond which outwardly is a large white spot ; this black area ends on the terminal margin at vein 2 ; three obliquelv-placed preapical spots white, the upper and lower very obscure. Hind wing : an irregular, somewhat macular bordering of black along the terminal margin which becomes diffuse inwardly and on the tornus ; cilia yellow. Underside, fore wing : white, the black spot in cell as on the upperside, base of costa yellowish green ; thence a narrow stripe along the costal margin that crosses the wing obliquely in a curve to vein 2 and is widened beyond the apex of the cell ; in interspace 3 this black band is interrupted by a large white spot, on the inner side of which is a projecting spot of black; apex yellow touched with lilacine in the middle. Hind wing : uniform ochraceous yellow, the veins brighter yellow. $ . Upper- side, fore wiug : dull opaque black ; an elongate oval, very broad streak from base that terminates midway in interspace 2 and is limited below by vein 1 but crosses the median vein into the cell above ; a short curved streak or band occupies the bases of inter- spaces 4, 5, 10 and 11 ; a series of three postdiscal spots in APPIAS. 209 interspaces 1, 3 and 6, the uppermost spot yellow, with one obscure spot on the inner and another on the outer side of it, the three placed obliquely across apical area. Hind wing : basal two-thirds white tinged with yellow chiefly around the base ; outer third dusky black that broadens considerably posteriorly to the dorsal margin and anteriorly encloses in interspace 6, sometimes also in 7, an irregular white spot. Underside, fore wing : extreme base and lower basal half of cell yellowish green, rest of cell black ; above the cell a narrow, yellowish, curved band along the subcostal vein that terminates just beyond the discocellulars in two white elon-> gate spots ; a black band along the costa that widens as it crosses the wing postdiscally and spreads downwards to the tornus and for a short distance inwards along the dorsum ; enclosed within the black band is a white spot on the tornal angle and another tri- angular one iu interspace 3 ; apex pearly white tinted with rich purple. Hind wing: uniform, pearly, purplish white. Antennas in both sexes black spotted sparsely with white ; head and thorax with tufted greenish-yellow hairs, abdomen fuscous ; beneath : head, thorax and abdomen yellowish white. Dry-season brood. $ . Uppersi'le: similar to the wet-season form but the black markings smaller and more restricted. Underside : with similarly restricted black markings ; the apex of the fore and the whole area of the hind wing with the ochraceous yellow of a duller tint than in the wet-season form. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen more or less similar to those of the wet-season form. $ . Upperside : very similar to that of the J of the wet-season form. Underside : the black markings resemble those on the underside of the d" of the wet-season form ; the upper half of cell of fore wing however, is yellowish green, the apex lilacine-brown irrorated with black scales. Hind wing : uniform lilacine-brown densely irrorated with black scales which have a tendency to form a broad transverse patch across the middle area of the wing. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes much as in the wet-season form. Exp. c? $ 68-82 mm. (270-3-24"). Hab. The Himalayas: Mussoorie to Sikhim and Bhutan, from 4000 to 10,000 feet ; the hill-ranges of Assam, Burma, and the Shan States ; rare in Lower Burma. It extends eastwards to China. Race lagela, Moore. d 1 . Upperside : resembles somewhat the upperside of the wet-season form of A. lalage $ , but differs as follows: Fore wing : upper portion of cell trorn base to apex blat-k, the black ill-defined and posteriorly diffuse but extended to the large discocellular black spot and thence in a broad stripe to the black on the terminal margin ; thus it encloses besides the subterminal white spots a curved, white, obliquely- placed streak bevond the cell. Hind wing : the black border on the terminal margin continuous, not macular but inwardly diffuse. Underside: only differs in the cell of the fore wing which is anteriony shaded with dusky black. $ . Similar to the wet-season $ of lalage but VOL. it. p 210 PIEEIDJE. on the upperside the black area on apex and termen of fore wing is not continued inwards along the dorsal margin, and the connect- ing bar between the black in the cell and on the terinen is narrowed by a triangular ernargination of its lower border at base of inter- space 3 ; on the underside the black area on the termen does not extend to the tornus, and the black area in the cell is separated from that on the termen by the basal third of interspace 3, which is entirely white. Hind wing : both upper and under sides are precisely similar to those of Mage. Antenna, head, thorax and abdomen as in A. lalaye. Exp. <$ 2 65-74 mm. (2-56-2-9"). Hob. Arrakan ; Lower Burma ; Tenasserim ; extending to the Malay Peninsula. The five next-described forms have been, and I fear still remain, a standing puzzle to Indian Lepidopterists. Treating of a strictly limited fauna, I personally think it very likely that all five are mere varieties of one highly unstable form, not limited either to locality or to season. In this work I have kept them apart simply for convenience of description, for so far as I have studied the material at my disposal, the differences in the five forms are not only not of sufficient importance to constitute specific distinction, but when long series are compared they break down, sometimes in the male, sometimes in the female. With regard to this close similarity accompanied by variation I have in the remarks succeeding the diagnosis of the family stated what, in my opinion, is the chief causal factor and agent. 615. Appias paulina, Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. ii, 1779, pi. 110, tigs. E, F, $ ; Hiibner (Catophaga), Vcrz. bek. Schmett. 181(5, p. 93 ; Butler (Catophaga), A. M. N. H. (7) ii, 1898 (excl. syii. in pt.) ; Moore (Catophaga), Lep. 2nd. vii, 1905, p. 7, pi. 554, figs. 1, la-lff, d $. Catophaga lankapura, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 142, J $ ; id. Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 133, pi. 50, tigs. 4, 4 a, . Underside : at all seasons irrorated with trans- verse reddish-brown strigse. . Upperside fore wing : band on terminal margin black, not macular, narrowed posteriorly . . C. pyranthe, p. 221. b. Upperside fore wing: band on terminal margin reddish-brown, rarely black, always more or less macular, not narrowed posteriorly . . C.florella, p. 223. 022. Catopsilia crocale, Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exnt. i, 1775, pi. 55, figs. C, D, ; Hiibner, rerz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 98 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 122, pi. 48, figs. 1, la, Ib, 3 $, larva & pupa ; Davidson 8f Aitken, Jmir. Bomb. N. H. Soc v, 1890, p. 360 ; Davidson, Sell $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 570; Mackinnon $ de Nic.eville, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 586; de Niceville % Kilhn, J. A. S. B. 1898, p. 271, pi. 1, figs. 5, 5 a, 5 b, larva pupa. Papilio pomona, Fabr. Si/st. JEnt. 1775, p. 479. Papilio catilla, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii, 1779, pi. 229, figs. 1), E, $ ; Butler (Catopsilia), Trans. Linn. Soc. (2) i, 1877, p. 551 ; Moore (Catopsilia), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 122, pi. 47, figs. 3, 3 a, <5 $ ; Distant (Catopsilia), Shop. Malay. 1885, p. 297, pi. 25. figs. 15, 16, ^ $ ; Davidson $ Aitken (Catopsilia), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 361. Callidryas flava, Butler, A. M. N. H. (4) iv, 1869, p. 202 ; Staud- inyer (Catopsilia), Exot. Schmett. i, 1885, p. 39. C? . Upperside : chalky-white, sometimes with a more or less broad and clearly defined basal sulphur-yellow area on both fore and hind wings ; this sulphur-yellow colour is at times diffused over the whole surface of the wings, though generally it becomes paler towards the terminal margins. Fore wing : the whole, or sometimes only the apical half, of the costa narrowly black, this colour widened out irregularly at the apex ; termen widely black at the apex, the colour narrowed posteriorly. This border in some specimens almost reaches the tornus, in others ter- minates above vein 4 ; occasionally ifc is continued posteriorly by a series of black dots at the apices of the veins. Hind wing : generally uniform, unmarked, some specimens bear minute black dots at the apices of the veins. Underside : ground- colour very variable, white with a slight to strong ochraceous tinge, greenish white or sulphur-yellow. Fore wing : typically without markings, in some specimens with a patch of sulphur- yellow on either side of base of median nervure ; in the very yellow examples the tornal area is often widely greenish white; in others (C. catilla, Cramer) it bears a spot variable in size on the discocellulars, this spot has a pearly centre and an outer reddish line. Again, many specimens have an irregular angulated narrow discal reddish line (the colour varies in intensity) that runs from the costa obliquely outwards to vein 7, and then obliquely inwards to vein 2. though this line is often absent in specimens that bear the discocellular spot; apex and termen sometimes very narrowly reddish. Hind wing : typically uniform, without markings ; in var. catilla there is a single small spot at the end of the cell similar to that on the fore wing, sometimes this spot is much larger with a narrow outer reddish ring, sometimes it is accompanied by a similar spot at base of interspace 5 ; when two spots are present they m;iy be entirely separate, or theii' outer rings may coalesce; again, some specimens have a highly irregular discal reddish line (often reduced to a series of minute spots) that extends from the costa to vein 1 ; finally, the majority of specimens ha\e a series of minute red terminal dots at the apices of the veins. $. ground-colour varies as in the c?, but sometimes it is chalky white at the bases of the wings, with the terminal margins more or less broadly sulphur- yellow. Fore wing : alw ays with a round, occasionally quadrate, black discocellular spot variable in size; in some specimens the costa is black only towards the apex of the wing, in others broadly black throughout and opposite the apex of cell so widened out as to touch the discocellular spot. In lightly-marked specimens in addition to the discocellular spot, there is only an irregular terminal black band dentate inwardly and widest at the apex of the wing; in others there is in addition a more or less diffuse highly-curved nmcular postdiscal band that extends from the costa obliquely outwards down to vein 7, where it often touches the terminal black band, and thence is continued downward and slightly inclined inwards to interspace 1, getting gradually paler and fiii nter posteriorly. Hind wing : a series of terminal inter- spacial black spots that vary in size, and in the dark forms coalesce into a terminal black band. Underside : varies from white with a light yellowish sometimes ochraceous tinge to deep chrome- yellow; markings as in the d" , but still more variable; in var. catilla the spot at the apex of the cell in both fore and hind wings is enlarged into a large reddish blotch, the similar spot on the hind wing is sometimes so enlarged as to occupy the apex of the cell, the basal two-thirds of interspaces 4, 5 and G, and the middle third of interspace 7 ; in some specimens it is continued posteriorly in a series of obscure lunules to interspace 1 a. Antennae red, obscurely dotted with black, palpi and head above red, thorax clothed with long yellow, sometimes greenish hairs, abdomen pale yellow; beneath: palpi and thorax pale to dark yellow, abdorcen white. Exp. rf $ 46-87 mm. (1-8-3-4"). Hub. Nearly throughout our limits, except in the desert tract* ; extending to Siam, China, and the Malayan Subregion to Australi;i. Larva. Mr. Bell describes the larva of C. catilla C. crocale thus:" The head is round, green, the clypeus edged with brown, CATOPSILIA. 221 covered with small shiny black tubercles which do uot hide the colour of the head : the anal flap is rounded, but looks square at the extremity, and is covered with rows of small black tubercles .... of which only the row along the spiracular line is con- spicuous. The spiracles are oval, shiny and white. The colour is green with a spiracular white band touched with bright yellow on segments 2-5, and these segments, especially 3 and 4, are distinctly Hanged on the spiracular line as in the larva of Hebomoia australis, Butler, though not to so great an extent. Length 51 mm." Papa. " The pupa is the same as that of C. crocale * at first sight, but the dorsal line of the thorax is absolutely parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pupa for two-thirds of its length, conse- quently the hinder part just before the margin is perpendicular to this part, i. e. is raised suddenly but very slightly above the front margin of segment 4, and the front end of this parallel dorsal line is at an angle, and a sharpish angle, with the front slope of the thorax .... the cremaster is distinctly bifid at the extremity, and has some shiny, very stout, black, suspensory hooks dorsally as well as at the extremity. There is a dorsal rugose black tip to the snout terminating the head, which snout is cylindrical in its apical half; there is no black line round the eye as in C. crocale, and there is a dark green-blue dorsal line which is yellow on the thorax as well as the supra-spiracular yellow line. Length 34mm. ; length of snout 3 mm. ; breadth at segment 7 is 9 mm. ; height at apex of curve of wings (segment 6) 10 min., height at the apex of the thorax 8 mm." (Bdl.) 623. Catopsilia pyranthe, Linn. (Papilio) Syst. Nat. ed. x, 1758, p. 469; Donovan (Papilio), Ins. China, 1798, pi. 32, fig. 1 J ; Moore (Callidryas), Cat. Lap. Mus. E. L C. i, 1857, p. 56, pi. 1, figs. 8, 8 , larva & pupa ; Kirby, Tram. Ent. Soc. 1872, p. 113 ; Moore, Lep. Cei/l. i, 1881, p. 124, pi. 47, tigs. 2, 2 a, . b 2 . Upperside : ground - colour rich c h / yar chrome-yellow ' * 7j ' ^ p . 33.-,. 6. Iransverse series ot spots complete; ' spot in interspace 3 invariably present. a 2 . Upperside : ground - colour bright sulphur-yellow. 3 . Hind wing upperside : black shading on base and disc light not dense, apparently mostly on posterior halt' of wing ; underside fore and hind wings : terminal portions of veins prominently yellow with narrow margins clear of green shadinsr, this gives an appearance of a subterminal trans^ verse series of sublanceolate yellow spots C. ladakensis, p. 230. b*. Hind wing upperside : black shading on base and disc com- paratively heavy and dense, extended right up to costal mar- gin ; underside fore and hind wings : without a prominent trans- verse subterminal series of sub- , c j adaken , is race lanceolate yellow spots . ^ .^^ b~. Upperside : ground - colour pale ' greenish yellow or pale sulphur- yellow. Expanse over 50 mm. a 3 .* Underside fore wing : a discal transverse series of inwardly pointed hastate black spots always present ; hind wing : the irroration of black scaling on basal four-fifths outwardly ter- minated by diffuse black spots \ C . nates, nee leeclii, in the interspaces \ r 9 .,o ft 3 . Underside fore wing: without a ' complete series of discal spots, only one or two round black spots in interspaces 1 and 2 ; hind wing: the irroration of black scaling on basal four-fifths not terminated outwardly by black spots ". C. (tlpherakli, p. 239. c 2 . Upperside: ground-colour dull orange- yellow. Expanse under 50 mm. . . C. dubia, p. 239. b. Upperside fore wing : terminal black border not traversed by a series of spots, immaculate. '. This black border very broad, not narrowed posteriorly, as broad at dorsuni as on costa C. wiskotti, p. 240. 234 PIEIUP.Z. b '. This black border less broad, distinctly narrowed posteriorly. a\ Upperside: ground-colour lemon- , Q ;/ , f yellow ] r 235 b' 2 . Upperside : ground - colour rich ' orange- vermilion C. eogene, p. 241. c 2 . Upperside : ground-colour orange- yellow C. stoliczkana, p. 242. B. With special sex-mark of a patch of modi- fied scales at base of interspace 7 on j C . w-occtw, race /feW*, upperside of hind wing j f p_ 243. 630. Colia shyale, Linn. (Papilio) Syst. Nat. ed. x, i, 1758, p. 469 ; Boisduval, Spec. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 650 ; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1880, p. 137; Lane/, Butt. Eur. 1884, p. 53, pi. 12, tigs. 3, c? ? ; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 23. Papilio erate, Esper, Ausl. Schmett. i, pt. 2, 1806 ?, pi. 119, fig. 3 ; Lang (Colias), Suit. Eur. 1884, p. 54, pi. 12, fig. 4; Elwes (Colias), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, pp. 20 & 23. Colias neriene, Fischer, var. chrysodona, Boisduval, Gen. 2nd. Meth, 1840, p. 7. Colias helichta, Lederer, Verli. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, ii, 1853, p. 33 ; Swinhoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. 343. Colias sareptensis, Staudyr. Cat. Lep. Eur. 1871, p. 5. Colias lativitta, Moore, P. X. S. 1882, p. 255. Race nilgiriensis (PI. XVIII, fig. 121). Colias nilagiriensis, Felder, Wien. ent. Monats. iii, 1859, p. 395. . <$ without secondary sexual characters. < and $ fore wing : underside with two minute black dots on discocellulars T. Ubythea, p. 247.. c. c? with secondary sexual characters on both fore and hind wings, tf and 2 f re wing : underside with a short, black, very slender undivided line on discocellulars. a'. Fore wing : acuminate at apex, terminal black band on upperside not extended to tornus T-. la-ta, p. 248. b' '. Fore wing : not acuminate at apex, ter- minal black band on upperside extended to tornus T. venata, p. 246. B. Fore wing underside : small black markings in basal half of discoidal cell, or if these are absent then terminal black area on upper- side of fore wing dilated into a square spot on tornus. tf with secondary sexual charac- ters on fore wing only. a. Fore wing underside: two small reddish- brown markings or spots in basal half of discoidal cell T. hccabc, p. 250. b. Fore wing underside ; one small black or reddish-brown marking in basal half of discoidal cell. a'. Fore wing upperside : inner edge of black terminal area anjnilated on veins 4 and 7 ; 246 outer edge of excavated portion of black area between veins 2 and 4 more or less vertical T. aiidersoni, p. 254. b'. Fore wing upperside: inner edge of black terminal area angulated on vein 4 only, not angulated on vein 7 ; outer edge of excavated portion of black area dis- tinctly oblique T. sari, p. 255. c. Fore wing underside : three small reddish- brown markings or spots in basal half of discoidal cell. '. Fore wing : comparatively short and broad, dorsal margin less than four-fifths length of costal margin ; inner edge of black terminal area on upperside very irregular, angulated on either vein 7 or vein 4 . . T. silhetana, p. 257. b'. Fore wing: comparatively long andnarrow, dorsal margin seven-eighths length of costal margin ; inner edge of black terminal area on upperside regular, dentate on each vein, but not angulated. T. moorci, p. 259. 339. Terias venata, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mm. E. I. C. i, 1857, p. 65, pi. 2 , fig. 2; Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 320; JJutler, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 535: Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 414 : Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 515 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 64. Terias sanataua, Felder, Novara Reise, Lep. ii, 1865, p. 211. Terias rama, Moore, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 566 ; id. Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 121, pi. 40, figs. 5, 6 a. Terias pallitaua, Moore, A. M. N. H. (4) xx, 1877, p. 48. Terias cingala, Moore, A. M. N. H. (4) xx, 1877, p. 48; id. Lep. Ceyl. i, 1891, p. 120, pi. 46, figs. 4, 4 a, <3 $ . Wet-season brood. J . Upperside: gamboge-yellow. Fore wing: apical third black, this colour extended along the costa in a gradually narrowing line to the base ; the inner margin of the black area irregular, oblique and sinuate from middle of costa to vein 4, thence continued outwards along that vein for a short distance and vertically downwards to vein 2, thence obliquely outwards to the tornal angle ; the portion of the area between veins 2 and 4 of even width, slightly produced angularly inwards at veins 2 and 3 ; basal two-thirds of the wing irrorated with black scales, most dense at extreme base ; a single linear black speck on the discocellulars. Hind wing : terminal margin with an even black band and a dusting of black scales from base to tornal angle, parallel with but not extended to the dorsum, nor spreading on to the disc ; a small patch of salmon-coloured scales at base of interspace 7. Cilia of both fore and hind wings pale yellow. Underside: ground-colour similar but somewhat duller ; both fore and hind wings evenly but hparingly dusted with black scales, which do riot extend to the cell, disc, or dorsal margin of the fore wing; the last paler yellow with a patch of salmon-coloured scales below the median vein in interspace 2 ; a linear speck on the disco- TERIAS. 247 cellulars of the fore wing and a minute dot in interspace 7 of the hind wing black ; the disc of the hind wing transversely crossed by two parallel, very obscure, short blackish lunular bands; all the veins of both fore and hind wings with minute black dots at their apices. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dusky black ; beneath : the antennae with a line of white dots ; the palpi, thorax and abdomen whitish. $ . Similar, except of course the special sex-marks. Upperside : the dusting of black scales more dense ; the black area on the fore wing and the black terminal band on the hind wing broader ; the former however, narrowed generally abruptly beloiv the middle of interspace 1 and continued thence to the tornal angle as a mere black line, the latter very broad ante- riorly and attenuated rapidly towards the tornus. Underside : as in the J . Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen coloured similarly to those of the c? . Dry-season brood. Ground-colour in both sexes clearer, brighter and more free of the irroration of black scales. Upperside : the terminal black baud on hind wing narrower, of even width in the c? , obsolescent posteriorly in the $ . Underside : similar but paler than in the wet-season specimens. Exp. cf $ 36-42 mm. (1-42-1-67"). Hal. Himalayas from Simla to Darjiliug; Punjab; Ganjam ; AV^estern India : Kutch ; Bombay ; Poona ; Southern India : Xilgiri and Anaimalai Hills ; Ceylon ; Assam ; Burma. Nowhere plentiful. G40. Terias libythea, Fdbr. (Papilio) Eat. Syst. Suppl. 1798, p. 427; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 515 ; Davidson, Hell $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 571 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 58 ; Mackinnon $ de Nicemlle, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 588. Terias drona, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. Mus. E.I. C. 1829, p. 137, pi. 1, fig. 13 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 120, pi. 46, figs. 3, 3 a, , & pi. 26, fig. 13 rf; Manders, Tram. Ent. Soc. 1890, p. 533. Terias rubella, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 323; Elves, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 413. This form does not seem subject to seasonal dimorphism or polymorphism in so great a degree as some of the others belonging to the genus Terias. <5 . Upperside : gamboge-yellow. Fore wing : the apical third black ; the inner margin of the black area more or less regularly concave, extends from the apex of the basal third of the costa and curves round to a point on the dorsum just before the tornal angle ; base of wing irrorated with black scales. Hind wing : a black terminal band that is broader anteriorly ; basal area dusted with black scales. In specimens of the wet-season broods the black-marked areas on both fore and hind wings are broader than in dry-season specimens. Sometimes in the latter 248 the terminal band is broken into a series of linear spots posteriorly. Underside: ground-colour similar. Tore wing: costa narrowly edged! witb pink ; two well-marked discocellular and some obscure pre- apical black specks. Hind wing : a small spot at base followed by three transversely-placed spots and an elongated delicate loop-like liscocellular spot, black ; above and below the discocellular spot are small black-scaled diffuse spots and beyond the cell on the disc, transverse short diffuse similar bands of black scales placed en echelon. The apices of the veins in both fore and hind wings with black spots ; cilia salmon-pink. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dusky black, the thorax with some yellow hairs ; beneath r the palpi, thorax and abdomen whitish yellow. $ . Similar, but the terminal band on the upperside proportionately broader both in the wet- and dry-season broods. &rp. rf 2 32-44 ram. (1-26-1-72"). Hab. The Himalayas from Kangra and Simla to Bhutan ; Punjab ; Bengal ; Ganjam ; Western India : Poona ; Southern India : the Nilgiris and Anaimalai Hills ; Ceylon ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim ; the Nicobars ? I have only seen a single specimen said to be from the Nicobars. Many specimens of var. senna, Felder, are superficially very different in appearance. They are much larger, very heavily marked on the upperside, the black of a deep intense tint, and the terminal band on the hind wing very broad, well-defined and conspicuous. 64]. Terias laeta, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 674 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 514 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 65 ; Mackinnon fy de N. Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 588. Terias jaegeri, Menetries, Cat. Mus. Petrop., Lep. i, 1855, p. 84, pi. 2, fig. 1. Terias vagans, Wallace, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 357. d 2 . Fore wing : much more pointed at apex than in T. venata, terinen sharply cut and straight. Seasonal dimorphism in this form shows more definitely in the markings of the under than in those of the upperside. " The form differs from T. venata as follows : c? $ Upperside : a richer brighter yellow. Fore wing : basal half of costal margin broadly irrorated with black scales ; apical black area as in T. venata, but stopping abruptly at vein 2 ; the tornus, except for a very fine black anticiliary line, yellow. Hind wing : almost uniform, the terminal black band generally con- spicuous in venata reduced to a black subapical patch and poste- riorly to a series of black spots in the wet-season specimens that are entirely absent in specimens taken in the dry season. Underside. Wet-season brood. Fore wing : dorsal margin broadly pale, whitish yellow above; the base, discocellular cell- area and disc of the wing rich yellow ; costa narrowly edged with TETIIAS. 24i> pink ; costal margin and apex broadly rusty brownish ; a single black speck at apex of cell. Hind wing : buff-yellow, overlaid with a more or less dense irroration of rusty brownish-red scales ; a minute dot at base of interspace 7 with a minute ring beyond ; a series of 4 dark spots transversely cross the wing at middle of cell followed by a transverse dark bar from apex of wing to vein 1. This bar is interrupted in interspace 2, and is succeeded by a much shorter similar bar across interspaces 2 and 3. Cilia of fore and bind wings pink. Intermediate form as in the wet- season form, but the rusty brownish-red tint replaced by a pale fleshy buff, often with a mealy appearance. Dry-season brood. Ground-colour of both fore and hind wings pale yellow. Fore wing : apex very broadly and the basal half of the costal margin above the costal nervure irrorated with fleshy- pink and brownish scales. Hind wing : its whole surface densely shaded with similarly-coloured scales ; longitudinally the wing is crossed bv two somewhat diffuse, straight, ferruginous- bro\vn bars, the upper one the longer ; above these bars are a few brown somewhat obscure specks and dots on the upper basal half of the wing. Antennae mealy-yellow, with scattered dusky scales ; head with pinkish pubescence ; thorax and abdomen black, with scattered yellow hairs and scales ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen pale yellowish white. Exp. c? $ 36-48 mm. (1-40-1 -88"). Hab.' Himalayas from the borders of Afghanistan to Bhutan; the Punjab ; Western India : Ahmednagar, Karachi, Poona, Bombay ; Southern India : the INilgiri and Anaimalai Hills ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim. 642. Terias harina, Horsfeld, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. 1829, p. 137 ; Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1885, p. 307, pi. 25, fig. 13 c? ; Ehces, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 414 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 509 ; Sutler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 59. d 5 . Upperside : clear pale primrose-yellow, very beautiful and pure in tint. Fore wing : apex black, the width of this black varying from 2 mm. in a dry-season J to 6 mm. in a wet-season 5 . In the former it is very shortly and narrowly continued along the termen, in the latter it decreases in width posteriorly, but is continued down to the tornal angle. Hind wing : uniform con- colorous throughout. Cilia of both fore and hind wings yellow. Underside : a paler yellow 7 , uniform and concolorous throughout. Antenna? black, annulated with w ? hite ; head and thorax dusky greenish ; abdomen yellow 7 ; beneath : the palpi dusky black, thorax and abdomen yellow. Exp. c? $ 44-54 mm. (1-73-2-12"). Hab. Sikhim ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenasserim ; Andamans ; ex- tending into the Malayan Subregion. Varieties occur with the ground-colour entirely white on the upperside. 250 PJEUID.I:. <543. Terias hecabe (PI. XVI, fig. 106), Linn. (Papilio) Syst. Nat. ed. x. 1758, p. 470 ; Edwards (Papilio), Glean. Nat. Hist, i, 1758, pi. 253 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 118, pi. 45, figs. 1, la-lc, $ <$ & larva ; Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1883, p. 304, pi. 26, tigs. 11, 15 (nee fig. 19) ; Davidson $ Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. v, 1890, p. 359: Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 508-514, pi. 2, fig. 12 ; Davidson, Sell Sf Aitken, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1897, p. 570, pi. 6, figs. 5, 5 a, larva & pupa ; Sutler, A. M. N. H.(1)\, 1898, p. 69. Terias suava, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 670 ; Butler, t. c. 1898, p. 69. Terias hecabeoides, Menet. Cat. Mus. Petr., Lep. i, 1855, p. 85, pi. 2, fig. 2 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510; Butler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias nicobarensis, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xii, 1862, p. 480 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias fimbriata, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3) iv, 1867, p. 323 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias simulata, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 119, pi. 45, figs. 2, 2 a, 2 b ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Butler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias excavata, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 252 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Butler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias purreea, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 252 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias irregularis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 253, pi. 12, fig. 3 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias apicalis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 253, pi. 12, fig. 2 ; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. oil ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias aspbodelus, Sutler, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 151, pi. 24,. tig. 13; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias asphodelus, var. narcissus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 151 : Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias curiosus, Swin/i. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 508, pi. 47, tig. 3; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 73. Terias swinhoei. Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvii, 1886, p. 216; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias simplex. Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvii, 1886, p. 217, pi. 5, fig. 2; Watson, t. c. 1894, p. 510: Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 71. Terias contuberualis, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 46 ; Watson, loc. cit. x, 1896, p. 281 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias patruelis, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 46, pi. 4, fig. 5 J; Watson, loc. cit. x, 1896, p, 281 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p, 70. Terias f'raterna, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 46, pi. 4, fig. 6 J; Watson, loc. cit. x, 1896, p. 282: Butler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias merguiana, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 47, pi. 4, fig. 7 rf ; Watson, loc. cit. x, 1896, p. 282 ; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 70. Terias kana, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 48, pi. 4, fig. 9 J; Watson, loc. cit. x, 1896, p. 283; Sutler, t. c. 1898, p. 73. Wet- season brood. <5 . Upperside : yellow, variable in tint from sulphur to rich lemon-yellow according to locality with a light or heavy rainfall. Fore wing: apex and termen deep black, this colour continued narrowly along the costal margin to base of wing, near which it often becomes diffuse ; the inner margin of the black TEBIAS. 251 urea from costa to vein 4 very oblique and irregular, between veins 2 and 4 excavate on the inner side, this excavation outwardly rounded between the veins and inwardly toothed on vein 3; below vein 2 the black area is suddenly di- lated into a square spot which occupies the whole of the tornal angle; the inner margin of this di- Fig. 60. Terias kecabe. latation is variable, in a. Typical form. the typical form slightly b. Underside fore wing, dry-season brood. concave. Hind wing : terminal margin with a narrow black band which is attenuated anteriorly and posteriorly ; dorsal margin broadly paler than the ground-colour. Underside : yellow, generally a slightly paler shade than that of the upperside, with the following reddish-brown markings : Fore wing: two small spots or specks in basal half of cell and a reniforin spot or ring on the discocellulars. Hind wing : a slightly curved subbasal series of three small spots, an irregular slender ring or spot on the discocellulars, followed by a highly irregular, curved, transverse, discal series of spots or specks, some or all of which are often obsolescent. On both fore and hind wings the veins that attain the costal and terminal margins end in minute reddish-brown specks. Antennae greyish yellow, the club black ; head, thorax and abdo- men yellow, shaded with fuscous scales ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen yellowish white. The sex-mark seen from above appears as a thickening of the basal half of the median vein oil the fore wing. $ . Very similar, the sex-mark of course absent ; the black areas on both fore and hind wings slightly broader, with the inner edge of the black terminal band on the hind wing often diffuse. Underside : ground-colour and markings as in the 6" . Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen similarly coloured. Dry-season brood. <3 $. Upperside: ground-colour and markings much as in wet-season specimens, the emargination on the inner side of the black area and the tornal dilatation on the fore wing similar. On the hind wing, in the great majority of individuals, the black terminal band is also similar, in a few it is narrower and diffuse inwardly in both sexes. Underside : ground-colour similar to that in wet-season specimens, but in very many with a greater or less irroration of black scales over the yellow parts of the wing ; the reddish-brown markings on both fore and hind wings are also similar, but the spots are larger, more clearly defined, darker, and therefore far more conspicuous. In addition, on the fore wing there is a preapical, very prominent, transverse, elongate spot or short bar of reddish brown extended downwards from the costa. This spot is irregular in shape and of variable width, but does not seem ever to spread outwards to the actual edge of the termen. In a few specimens there is also a small reddish-brown spot in 252 PIERID.I:. interspace 1 near the tornus. Antennae, head, thorax and abdo- men, and in the d 1 the sex-mark, as in wet-season specimens. Exp. . Terias hecabe, var. asphodelus. c. Terias hecabe, var. patruelis. d. Terias hecabe, var. swinhoei. e. Terias hecabe, var. simplex. f. Terias hecabe, var. apicalis. Capt. Watson (vide Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1896, p. 282) and the late Mr. de Niceville (vide Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 588), both careful Lepidopterists and not given to unnecessary subdivision of forms, emphatically stated that T. andersoni, Moore, was distinct from any form of T. hecabe, Linn. 644. Terias andersoni, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 47, pi. 4, fig. 8 rf ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. x, 1896, p. 282 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 70 ; Mackinnon # de N. Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. xi, 1898, p. 588. cJ $ . Upperside : yellow, of a peculiarly pure tint of sulphur, somewhat darker in wet-season specimens, but the different sea- sonal forms seem to vary little in the shade of the ground-colour or in the shnpe and character of the markings on the upperside. These latter are similar to those in Terias hecabe, var. merguiana, Moore, but the black terminal area on the fore wing is intensely black and has its inner margin anteriorly sharply angulated on vein 7, just beyond the upper apex of the discoidal cell, whence the edge of the black area is carried 6. Fig. 63. Terias andersoni, typical. TEKIAS. 255 vertically upwards and joins the narrow black edging on the costal margin, and strongly concavely downwards to its angulation on vein 4 ; posteriorly the square dilated portion of the black area is sloped obliquely outwards on its inner side. Hind wing : termen narrowly edged with black, which is slightly broader anteriorly. In specimens procured in the height of the dry weather this edging is much narrower. Underside : ground-colour slightly paler on the upperside. Fore Aving : in specimens of the wet-season brood, with a single, very sleuder, short transverse sinuous line in the middle of the cell, a reniform loop of slender lines on the discocellulars and a small spot at the apices of all the veins that end along the costa and termen, jet-black. In specimens inter- mediate between the wet-season and extreme dry-season forms,, and which most nearly resemble the type-specimen, there are, in addition, close to the apex of the wing, two short sinuate transverse black lines, often broken into small spots, placed subapically at right angles with the costal margin. In extreme dry-season speci- mens these sinuous short vertical lines are replaced by a very large conspicuous inky -black square patch that covers the entire apex of the wing. Hind wing : markings similar to those in T. hecabe. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen somewhat darker than in T. hecabe. In the c? the sex-mark similar to that in T. Jiecabe. Exp. 6 $ 48-53 mm. (1-88-2-07"). Hub. Tenasserim ; S. Andamans. This form has been recorded also from Mussoorie and Sikhim, but I am very doubtful whether the specimens were correctly identified. 645. Terias sari, Horsfield,Cat. Lep. Mus. E. l.C. 1829, p. 136 ; Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. /. C. i, 1857, p. 64 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 514; Sutler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 73. Terias sodalis, Moore, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool. xxi, 1886, p. 45. Terias curiosus, Sioinhoe, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 508, pi. 47, fig. 3. The type-specimen belongs to the dry-season brood and can be briefly described as follows : <$ . Upperside : pale sulphur-yellow. Fig. 64. Teriaa si/ri. a. Typical dry-season brood. ?>. Typical wet-season brood. Tore wing : the black area on the terminal half very similar to that of a heavily marked broad-bordered T. hecabe, but the 256 PIERID.I;. excavated portion on the inner edge between veins 2 and 4 differently shaped (compare figs. 60 & 64 a). Hind wing: a broad terminal black band, attenuated anteriorly and posteriorly, diffuse along ita inner edge, the terminal portions of the veins that end on the termen also black, that colour carried along the veins for a perceptible distance inwards from the inner edge of the band. Underside : ground-colour similar. Eore wing : discoidal cell with a slender, transverse, very short sinuous line in the middle and a reniform loop composed of a fine line on the discocellulars, reddish brown; apex with a large, very conspicuous, square reddish- brown patch that posteriorly is produced triangularly downwards and occupies the entire apex ; lastly, a diffuse, irregular, similarly- coloured spot subtornally on the dorsal margin. Hind wing : the markings as in T. hecabe, but reddish, very faint and ill-defined. Antennas, head, thorax and abdomen as in T. hecabe. $ . Similar to the c? , but the terminal black band on the upperside of the hind wing very diffuse. Wet-season brood. <5 $ . Upperside : ground-colour of a deeper shade of yellow. Fore wing : markings similar to those of specimens of the dry-season brood, but the excavated portion on the inner edge of the black area squarer and consequently very closely approximating to that in T. hecabe (compare tigs. 60 & 64 6). Hind wing : as in the dry-season form, but the terminal band much narrower, not diffuse along its inner edge, but dentated at the veins. Underside : no trace of the conspicuous square brown patch at the apex of the fore wing, otherwise the markings as in the dry-season specimens, only darker and more clearly defined ; all the veins in both fore and hind wings that attain the costal margin in the fore and the terminal in both wings, end each in a small but conspicuous black dot. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen, and in the d 1 the sex-mark, as in T. hecabe. Exp. , tigs. 0, 6 a, larva & pupa ; Sutler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 71. Terias citrina, rotundalis et uniformis, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 1 19, pi. 45, figs. 4, 4 , $ ; p. 120, pi. 46, tigs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, rf $ ; Terias vallivolaus, Sutler, A. M. N. H. (5) xi, 1883, p. 420. Terias heliophila, Butler, 1. c. xvi, 1885, p. 338, pi. 8, tig. 2. Terias templetoni, Butler, 1. c. xvii, 1886, p. 218. The tvpe is a specimen of the dry-season brood and can be described briefly as follows : 3 . Upperside : rich citron-yellow. Fore wing : markings very similar to those in T. hecabe var. patruelis, Moore (compare figs. 62 c & 65 ). Hind wing : ground- colour uniform ; a very narrow black terminal line. In the type this is continuous, in other specimens broken and inter- rupted and in some large specimens intermediate between the dry and wet-season forms, variable in width but distinctly Fig. 65. Terias silhetana. a. Typical upperside. b. Pore wing underside. broader than in the type. Underside : ground-colour very slightly paler; markings much as in dry-season specimens of T. Jiecabe, but in the fore wing there is alivays an additional minute reddish-brown dot at the extreme base of the cell, and in all typical specimens the apical reddish-brown patch is much larger and spreads diffusely outwards to the termen. Wet-season brood. tf $ . Upperside : citron-yellow. Fore wiug : markings very similar to those of T. Jiecabe var. meryuiana, Moore, but the black area broader, especially the dilated, posterior, tornal portion which, though squarer, has its inner edge slightly sloped outwards as in merguiana (compare figs. 62 a & 66 a). The width of the black area is, however, very variable, as are also the size and shape of the dilated posterior portion that occupies the tornal angle. Hind wiug : a black band along the terminal margin ; this band very variable in width and generally attenuated anteriorly and posteriorly. Underside : ground-colour similar ; markings very light, similar to those in the wet-season specimens of T. hecabe, but, always with an additional reddish-brown dot at the extreme base of the discoidal cell of the fore wing. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen, and in the c? the sex-mark, as in T. hecabe. Exp. <5 $ 41-53 mm. (1-63-2-10"). Hub. Sikhim ; Central and Southern India ; Assam : Burma ; Teuasserim ; the Anclamans ; extending into the Malayan Sub- region. This is almost as puzzling and variable a form as T. hecabe. Dry-season specimens can be discriminated from the corresponding 258 PIEBID^E. specimens of T. hecabe, not only by the additional spot in the discoidal cell on the underside of the fore wing, but by the much larger, outwardly diffuse, reddish-brown apical patch on the same wing ; but tie most careful and repeated examinations of long series have shown me that Capt. Watson was right in stating that the only constant difference between wet-season specimens of T. hecabe and T. silhetana is the presence in the latter of the additional spot in the discoidal cell of the fore wing, as noted in the key. With regard to the varieties as I deem them of this form, fig. 66 represents the upper- sides (a) of var. heliophila, Butler, and (6) of var. unifor- mis, Moore. Larva. " In describing the Fig. 68.-2WM silhetana, varieties. j, arva f T ' hecabe ' L^n in our a. T. silhetana, var. heliophila. former paper, we said that we b. T. silhetana, var. uniformis. had got fourteen black pupffi all on one dry twig, and so close to each other that they almost touched. We did not distinguish the butterflies which emerged from T. hecabe ; indeed until the publication of Captain E. Y. Watson's very valuable paper on the synonyms of some species of Indian Pierince in vol. viii. of this Journal, p. 489 (1894), we made no attempt to sort our specimens under the multitude of names with which Messrs. Butler, Moore and Swinhoe have enriched the genus. We have since discovered, however, that these black pupae are not to be found on the ordinary food-plants of T. hecabe, but on Wagatea spicata, and that they result from a gregarious larva with a black head. This leaves no doubt that they belong to a distinct species, and, having compared the butterflies which emerged from a large number of both kinds, we find that those produced from the black-headed larva and the black pupa bear the three dark streaks and spots in the cell, in addition to the renif orm spot on the discocellular nervules on the underside of the fore wing, by which Captain Watson separates T. silhetana from T. hecabe. We have figured the larva and pupa on plate vi, fig. 6, larva ; 6 a, pupa" (Davidson, Bell &f Aitken.) The figures iu the plate represent a slender cylindrical green larva with a conspicuous black head and a yellow ill-defined lateral stripe, and a pupa in shape exactly like that of T. hecabe but entirely brownish black in colour. The form next described Captain Watson considered the wet- season form of silhetana, but though like silhetana it has three spots or markings in the discoidal cell on the underside of the fore wing, the shape of the wings and the general facies of the insect seem distinct ; besides, so far as I know, it has only been taken in the Nicobors. I have, therefore, provisionally kept it separate. TEEIAS. COLOTIS. 259 <547. Terias moorei, Butler, A. M. N. H. (5) xvii, 1886, p. 216, pi. 5, fig. 1 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 509 ; Sutler, A. M. N. H. (7) i, 1898, p. 72. c? . Upperside : rich deep sulphur-yellow. Fore wing : elongate and narrower than in T. silhetana ; apex and termen with a narrow, black, inwardly dentate band that broadens slightly on the apex and is continued as a slender line along the costal margin to the base of the wing, close to which it becomes somewhat diffuse and dusky. Hind wing: nearly uniform throughout, the terminal margin with indica- tions of a slender black anticiliary line, which in most specimens is reduced to a series of minute black dots at the ends of the veins. Underside: ground-colour similar; markings very similar to those in the wet-season specimens of T. silhetana. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in T. silhetana. 5 . Ground - colour and markings on both upper and under sides as in the tf, with the exception of the black band on the upperside of the fore wing, which in some specimens is slightly broader. Antennas, head, thorax and abdomen, and in the <5 the sex-mark, as in the c? of T. silhetana. Exp. 3 $ 47-50 mm. (1-84-2-00"). Hob. The Nicobars. I am unacquainted with the dry phase of this form, if there be such. Genus COLOTIS. Aphrodite, Hubner (nee Linn., Vermes), Verz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 95. Colotis, Hilbner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 1816, p. 97 ; Kirby, in Aliens Nat. Hist., Lep. ii, 1896, p. 198. Teracolus, Swainson, Zool. III. (2) iii, 1823, text to pi. cxv; Butler, Cist. Ent. i, 1870, pp. 36 & 47, pi. 2, fig. 6, venation ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. U. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 517. Idmais, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, p. 584. Callosuine, Doubleday, Gen. Di. Lep. i, 1847, p. 57. Type, 0. amata, Fabr., from Africa and India. Range. Ethiopian and Indo-Malayan Regions. c? . Fore wing : costa very slightly arched ; apex obtuse, rounded, slightly convex ; tornus obtuse but well-marked ; dorsum slightly or moderately convex or sinuate, about three-fourths the length of costa ; cell about half length of wing ; discocellulars : upper absent, middle and lower moderately to strongly concave ; vein 6 from upper apex of cell or from a little beyond ; vein 8 absent ; 9 from a little beyond the middle of 7; 10 and 11 free, emitted moderately close together from apical half of subcostal vein, or the space between them at base equal to the space between base of vein 10 and the upper apex of the cell. Hind wing : costa s2 260 PI BRIDGE. arched, apex rounded, termen slightly arched, tornus obtuse but well-marked, dorsum slightly convex ; cell not half length of wing ; lower discocellular oblique, concave ; veins 5 and 6 approxi- mate at base, vein 7 emitted from apical half of subcostal ; pre- costal vein inclined outwards. Antennae short, not half the length of the fore wing, club well-marked, spatulate ; head tufted anteriorly ; palpi porrect, third joint slender, acute at apex ; eyes naked : body moderately robust. The males of certain of the forms in this genus bear patches of specialized scales or androconia, which occur either on the upperside of the hind wing as in the typical form, or as in fausta and its nearest Fig. 68. allies on the underside of the fore and upper- Colotis, venation. side of the hind wing. The forms arranged under this genus, with the exception, perhaps, of those that belong to the " hecabe " group of the genus Terias, are of all Pieridce the most variable. Sensitive, as a large majority of the Lepidoptera are when in the pupal state, to slight changes of temperature, moisture, and dryness, the pupae of the above-mentioned genera seem pre- eminently so. A slight difference in the rainfall from one week to another, probably even from day to day, in localities where they are found, seems to affect the shade of the ground-colour, the width and prominence or otherwise of the markings on their wings. In the absence, therefore, of careful breeding-experiments, and even of any long series of carefully localized and dated specimens, any conclusions as to the specific distinctness of the forms must necessarily be more or less tentative. No two authorities agree as to the number of distinct forms of Colotis that occur, even in a limited fauna such as is dealt with in the present series of handbooks. After a long and careful examination of the tolerably large mass of material contained in the collec- tion of the British Museum, supplemented by those in a few large private collections, I have, I find, independently arrived at much the same conclusions as those set forth in the MSS. left by the late Mr. de Nideville. I have not, however, adopted his division of Colotis into subgenera, as the structural differences between certain of the forms do not seem to me sufficient to warrant such subdivision. Key to the forms of Colotis. A. Upperside: ground-colour on fore and hind wings salmon-pink. $ dimorphic. a. Upperside : ground-colour salmon-pink ; in $ sometimes white. Terminal black band on hind wing narrow with a more or less obsolescent series of spots of .he same tint as the ground-colour of the wing, so arranged as to break up the inner edge of the band C. amata, p. 261. COLOTIS. 261 ft. Upperside : ground-colour always salinon- pink in both sexes. Terminal black band on hind wing broad, immaculate C. protractus, p. 263. B. Upperside : ground-colour on fore wing salmon- pink ; on hind wing white. In sometimes both wings entirely white. Terminal black band on hind wing broad C. phisadia, p. 264. C. Upperside : ground-colour on fore and hind wings orange-pink. dimorphic. a. Upperside fore wing : four or five spots of the ground-colour enclosed in terminal black border C. fausta, p. 266. b. Upperside fore wing : never more than three spots of the ground-colour enclosed in terminal black border C. fausta, race 1). Upperside : ground-colour on fore and hind tripuncta, p. 268. wings white in both sexes. a. Upperside fore wing : no orange or carmine markings ; hind wing : a broad black im- maculate terminal band C. vestalis, p. 265. It. Upperside fore wing : orange or carmine apical patch ; hind wing : only a series of black terminal spots. a '. Upperside fore wing : apical patch orange. '-. This patch anteriorly not bordered with black on inner side C. eucharis, p. 268. (j-. This patch bordered with black along the whole of its inner side. a 3 . Black border narrow ; orange patch comparatively large C. ctrida, p. 270. //. Black border broad ; orange patch comparatively narrow ; Butter (Teracolus), A. M. N. H. (4) xviii, 1876, p. 487; Manders (Teracolus), Ent. Month. Mag. xxvi, 1890, p. 16. Idniais philamene, Mabille, Comptes JRend. Soc. Ent. Bdg. xxiii, 1880, p. cvi. cJ . Upperside, fore wing: pale salmon-pink, this colour paler outwardly ; base heavily irrorated with bluish-grey scales that extend outwards and are merged with a black patch that occupies the apex of the cell and spreads along the discocellulars ; terminal third of wing black with enclosed spots of the ground-colour in inter- spaces 3, 4, 5 and 9, the spot in 4 sometimes absent, the inner edge of the black area emargiuate at interspaces 2 and 4 ; the outer margin with a series of minute terminal specks of ground- colour in the interspaces. Hind wing : white, base heavily irro- rated with bluish-grey scales that are extended downwards in a diffuse band parallel to the dorsum ; terminal half of wing jet- black. Underside: precisely like the underside of C. protractus 3 . Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in C. protractus. . Very variable, but resembles the 3 in .markings. On the upperside however, the terminal areas on both fore and hind wings that are black in the 3 are silky-brown on the fore wing, the inner sinuate margin of the same posteriorly black ; on the hind wing the terminal brown area encloses an irregular sinuate black band that does not extend either t'o the costa or the dorsum. The ground- colour of the fore wing in some specimens is faintly pink fading to white outwardly ; on the hind wing the ground-colour is white, as in the <$ . In other specimens the ground-colour on both fore and hind wings is entirely white or pinkish orange. Underside : as in the c? , but the apical area of the fore and the whole surface of the hind wing tinged more or less with ochracecus. In many individuals (probably of the dry-season broods) this ochraceous tint is very marked. Fore wing : with posterior black spots as in the 3 . Hind wing : an irregular discal sinuate macular brown band that is often obsolescent. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen much as in the rf . Exp, c? $ 38-46 mm. (1-50-1-80"). COLOTIS. 265 Nab. The only records of the occurrence of this form within our limits are : a c? specimen in the Indian Museum labelled " Surat ; " Dr. Manders got a single specimen at Multan in the Punjab ; and Mabille gives it, but on what authority I do not know, from " Northern India." Larva. " Larva feeding on Salvadora persica. The following is a description of it : Pea-green when young, two black spots on the back of the head, a white mark almost the shape of an ace of diamonds, but rather longer, on the second segment ; when older, the black spots on the head disappear and the white mark gets clearer and is outlined with black. There are two similar marks just beyond the centre of the back, the front one being the smaller, and another similar mark on the eleventh segment." (Nurse.) Pupa. As figured is stout, pale brown, more or less mottled with darker brown, in shape mainly cylindrical, with the wing-cases moderately developed ; the head ends in a very sharp point. 051. Colotis vestalis, Butler (Teracolus), P. Z. S. 1876, p. 135, pi. 7, fig. 10 d"; Yerbunj (Teracolus), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vii, 1892, p. 216 ; Watson (Teracolus), Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 520, 526; Butler (Teracolus), A. M. N. H. (6) xx, 1897, p. 390. Teracolus puellaris, Butler, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 136 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, p. 521 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (6) xx, p. 389. Teracolus ochreipennis, Butler, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 136; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. U. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 521, 526 ; Butler, A. M. N. H. (6) xx, 1897, p. 389. Teracolus intermissus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 152, pi. 24, fig. 4J; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 520, 526. Tecacolus rorus, peelus et dubius, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 438, pi. 39, fig. 8 c? , p. 439, pi. 39, fig. 9 tf, & pp. 439, 509 ; Watson, Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii, 1894, pp. 520, 521, & 526. Wet-season brood. ^ Upperside : white ; fore and hind wings with broad terminal black bands. Fore wing : base, costal margin broadly and discoidal cell except at its lower apical area heavily irrorated Avith dusky-grey scales ; a short streak at upper apex of cell joined to a large spot on the discocellulars, black ; su- perposed on the black terminal area are two smallpreapical spots and a much larger subterminal spot in interspace 3, all of the Fig. 69. Colotis vcsfalis. white ground - colour ; minute white terminal specks also, often more or less obsolescent, in the interspaces. Hind wing more uniform, very slightly irrorated with grey scales at base, the black 26G PIERIDJE. terminal band immaculate. Underside : greenish yellow sparsely sprinkled with black scales, the yellow very pale on the disc of the fore wing, fading to white along its dorsal margin ; discocellular spot and three subterminal posterior spots, that are placed in a curve, black ; the lowest spot of the three sometimes extended to the dorsal margin (var. pw the inner black border to the orange patch on the fore wing is present, but is never so broad as in typical ylaucippe. Underside : similar to that in H. ylaucippe, as are also the antenn*, head, thorax and abdomen. Exp. . Fore wing : veins 5 and 6 not approximate at base. '. Fore wing : vein 7 terminating at or before apex of wing on costal margin. a-. Hind wing : without lobe Lyccenincp. lr. Hind wing : lobate or sublobate Theclino'. V. Fore wing: vein 7 terminating after apex ^ of wing on terminal margin. a". Fore wing : vein 8 absent Curetince. 6 2 . Fore wing : vein 8 present TAphyrinfp. LYC.ENID-E. 285 WU. Fig. 72. Subfani. Gerydiiue. ,, Arhopalince. I a. Gerydus : fore wing venation Ib. fore leg II a. AiMypodm: fore wing venation, I lib. (5 J " III. Poritia : fore wing venation ,, IV a. Lyceena: fore wing venation IV b. hind (tailless section) . IV c. foreleg V. Lampides: hind wing (tailed section) VI a. Thecla : fore wing venation j VI b. hind wing sublobate L*1A 'n>*.li, VII a. Dcudorix : fore wing venation f ou VII b. hind wing lobate J VIII. Curetis'. fore wing venation Subfani. Ouretintc. IX. Liphyra'. fore wing venation ,, Lipliyrinx\ 286 LYCJENI1XE. For the primary division it will be seen that I have chosen the form of the legs, organs that are functional and in one group, subfamily Gerydince, are peculiarly modified. For the subdivision of the very large number of the remaining genera, after separating the few that come under the Gerydince, the venation of the fore wing offers good characters. In all genera of butterflies there seems to be a more or less irregular, sometimes progressive, shifting of the veins of the fore wing upwards towards the costa and outwards towards the apex. In consequence of this movement certain veins become obsolete, and the first of these to disappear are the outer branches of the subcostal, i. e. veins 8 and 9. In the Indian genera of the Lyccenida?, the great majority of the forms have lost vein 8, in a few more genera vein 9 is also absent, and only (as has already been noted) in three genera are the full number of veins in the fore wing present in both sexes. Attempts to form natural major groups founded on the presence or absence of veins 8 and 9 in the fore wing failed. I turned, therefore, to the specialization and movement of the median system of veins in the same wing and found that though in most, if not all, the non- Gerydine forms, vein (5 had shifted upwards and was emitted close to the base of vein 7 at the upper apex of the discoidal cell, and that even in a few forms it had moved still further outwards and forked from vein 7 beyond the apex of the cell, still in a very large number vein 5 had retained its place and was emitted from the point of junction of the middle and lower discocellulars which were subequal in length ; while in a certain number of forms vein 5 had also moved upwards and originated close to the bases of veins 6 and 7. A critical examination of the two non-Gerydine groups thus formed showed that the division was a natural one, all those with veins 5 and 6 of the fore wing approximate can, by other characters and by a fades and style of colouring peculiarly their own, be separated from the members of the group in which vein 5 has retained its original place, and at base is not approximate to vein 6. The minor modifications of the venation in one group, and of the shape of the hind wing in the other, that redivide the two sections just mentioned each into two, have possibly less taxonomical value, but they have the advantage of not separating closely allied forms. In conclusion, I have been obliged to erect monotypic subdivisions for Curetis and Liphyra. The forms tinder these genera seem to me curiously isolated, not so much perhaps by the venation of the wings in the imago as by the remarkable abnormalities exhibited in their larval and pupal states. It is immaterial, I think, in what order the subfamilies are taken, but as a matter of convenience I have adopted, so far as is possible, the sequence and arrangement pursued by de Niccville. 287 Subfamily I. GERYDIN^. Egg. " Less than one-third high as wide, delicately and some- what obsolescently reticulate, so'.netimes carinate, flat above and below.'' (Dolierty.) Larva and Pupa. So far as I know no description of these has yet been published. Imago. Wings elongate, delicate and generally of a dull, sober coloration. Fore wing with eleven veins, vein 9 absent. Hind wing: all the veins present. Termen in both wings sometimes uneven and dentate. Antennae moderate, about half length of fore wing ; club gradual ; palpi rather long, with the third joint markedly so and slender. Body slender, abdomen proportionately rather long. Legs remarkablv abnormal ; the first joint of the tarsi elongate, in one genus flattened also ; another genus has the tibiae incrassate. The genitalia of the d 1 in the Grerydince, according to Doherty, are peculiar, distinguished by the " long thin plate-like prehensores resembling the valves of the Papiliouidae." Fig. 73. Allot hms harsfieldi, attending an Aphide. The habits of the members of this subfamily are alike. The females (at any rate of Gerydus and Allotinus, which I have closely observed in life) flutter about among low bushes and the under- growth at the edges of the forest. The males, on the contrary, sit erect on the upperside of the leaves at the extremity of some branch of a tree at no great height above the ground, and from these points of vantage make short, sharp, circling flights, returning to the same or neighbouring leaf and invariably sitting with their heads turned towards the open and not towards the tree. A remarkable habit in one member of this subfamily, viz. Allotinus horsfieldi *, has been communicated to me by Colonel H. 3. W. Barrow, R.A.M.C. He writes : " I don't know whether you * Identified'from a drawing kindly sent to me by Colonel Barrow. 288 lA'CJESIDJK. have observed the habits of a small plain butterfly which 1 caught in Maymyo. I watched it often in the jungle, sometimes for an hour at a time. It puzzled me at first to know why it took such an immense time to settle. It would keep within one yard of a spot and almost settle, twenty times perhaps, before it actually did. Its legs are immensely long, and I discovered why. It settles over a mass of Aphides and then tickles them with its proboscis, just as ants do with their antennae, and seems to feed on their exudations. I have not made the butterfly big enough nor the ant *, and its legs are not long enough. But it would settle calmly over largish ants and did not mind one or two actually standing up and examining its legs to see who was there. The ants did not attack it in any way." So far as I know this is the first recorded instance of butterflies being in attendance on Aphides as ants often are. The subfamily Gerydince contains three genera, the differences between w hich may be tabulated as below. Key to the Genera of the Gerydinae. A. Legs abnormally long ; tibiae of usual form. '. First joint of the tarsi elongate, compressed and flattened GERYDUS, p. 288. b'. First joint of the tarsi elongate, but not compressed, cylindrical ALLOTINUS, p. 290. Pi. Legs normal, short; tibiae outwardly incrassate. LOGANIA, p. 302. Genus GERYDUS. Gerydus, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lip. i, 1836, pi. 23, fig. 2 ; Distant, Rhop. Malm/. 1884, p. 205; de Nicevillc, Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 21. Miletus, pt., West-wood (nee Hubner) in Doubkday, Westwood $ Hewitson, Gen. Di. Lep. ii, 1852, p. 502. Type, G. symethus, Cramer, from the Malay Peninsula. Ranrje. The Indo-Malayan Eegion. 62. Gerydus symethus, Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. ii, 1779, pi. 149, figs. B, C, ; Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i, 1836, pi. 23, figs. 2 $ , 2 a, 2 b, tarsi of fore leg, <3 %\ de N. Butt, of Ind. iii, 1890, p. 22. Symetha pandu, Horsf, Cut. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. 1828, pi. 2, figs. 2, 2 , c? ? , 2 6-2 ', structure of imago. c?. Upperside: dusky brownish-black. Fore wing : the ground- colour darker, almost pure black in fresh specimens, on the apical third of the wing; a short streak in the middle of interspace 1, a more outwardly produced similar streak in interspace 2, basal halves of interspaces 3 and 4, the lower apex of the discoidal cell and the extreme base of interspace 5, white, all forming a median con- spicuous irregular white patch on the wing, narrowly traversed by the veins which are greyish-brown. Hind wing : more uniform, slightly darker on its anterior half. Underside : light brown with an ochraceous tint. Fore wing : the median white patch as on the upperside but larger, its margins less clearly denned, continued posteriorly to the dorsal margin ; obscure catenulated, incomplete, transverse, white-margined narrow bands, two at base and two or three very short ones above the white median patch on the costal area ; from between the outer two of these latter a trans- verse, zigzag, very slender, somewhat obscure white line crosses the anterior portion of the wing to vein 4 ; lastly a pretornal quadrate brown spot near apex of interspace 1 a and an obscure subterminal transverse series of slightlv lunular small brown spots ; the ground-colour terminally paler and more ochraceous than on the inner portions of the wing. Hind wing: crossed by very obscure sinuous brown and white slender lines, that on the costal area form very short, obsolescent, catenulated narrow brown bands ; a subterminal series of brown slender lunules, sometimes obsolete. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown ; beneath : paler, the palpi and thorax more or less white. $ . Upperside. Fore wing : dark brown ; base shaded with greyish brown ; the white median patch as in the c?, but very much larger, its upper margin irregularly curved ; it is spread over the anterior two-thirds of the ceil, extends beyond it into the bases of interspaces 4, 5 and 6, and below the cell it occupies the basal four-fifths of interspaces 1 and 2. Hind wing : costal margin broadly dark brownish ; wing posteriorly from below the subcostal vein and vein 6 a beautiful pale bluish-grey ; a broad whitish streak beyond the cell not reaching the termen. Underside, fore wing : the median white patch as on the upperside but larger, extending to the dorsal margin and base of cell ; base of wing, costal margin above the subcostal vein and conjoined upper discal obliquely-placed patch greyish brown ; apex of wing whitish, termen between veins 1 and 6 broadly stained with rusty ; a conspicuous rusty pretornal spot ; some obscure white-margined spots at base of cell and along costa, and a trans verse subterminal series of black dots. Hind wing : pale ochraceous white, darkening to rusty brown towards the middle of the termen ; a subbasal, a median and a discal transverse GEBYDUS. 291 incomplete macular brown band, each spot in the bands mai-gined on the inner and outer sides by slender black lines ; finally a subterminal transverse series of short slender black threads. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the cf . Easp. <$ $ 39-46 mm. (J -52-1-80*). Hob. Within our limits, Teuasserim. Recorded from Moulmein and the extreme south of Mergui. Occurs in Malacca ; Sumatra ; Java ; Amboina ; Sula ; Flores : New Guinea. A very variable insect, the tone of the ground-colour on the underside in some very dark, in others lighter and brighter ; the form of the markings does not vary, but in some specimens they are very distinctly defined. 603. Gerydus ancon, Doherti/, J. A. & B. 1889, p. 438, pi. 23, fie. 8 ; de N. Butt, Ind. iii, 1890, p. 23. J. Upperside, fore wing: basal half or a little more, white, the outer half jet-black ; the white area encloses a broad, short, black central streak extended inwards to a dark greyish shading, super- posed on the white area at the base of the wing : outwardly the black streak extends slightly along vein 3 and touches the outer black area, the inner margin of which follows an oblique curve from the end of the basal third of the costa to vein 3, thence outwards for a short distance and sinuously downwards to the dorsal margin ; on this margin the black area covers about one- fourth of the length from the tornus to the base. Hind wing : greyish brown, darker towards the costal margin ; an obscure, broad, white medial streak beyond the apex of the cell not reaching the terminal margin. Underside, fore wing: base, costa, apex and terminal margin broadly earthy brown with a slight rusty tinge ; remainder of the wing white except a large earthy- brown somewhat diffuse patch below the cell at base of wing and a postdiscal oblique broad black band that extends from below the costa to vein 3 ; lastly a subterminal transverse line of minute black spots. Hind wing : ground-colour uniformly brown with a rusty tinge ; some obscure mottlings of darker brown on the basal area, a few scattered black subcostal spots and a short horizontal macular dark brown band that extends from vein 3 to just short of the dorsal margin. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen pale brown ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen ochraceous. $ . Upperside : similar to that of the c? , but the ground-colour on the hind wing very much darker and uniform ; on the fore wing the white area is similar to that in the c? , but is divided into two portions by a black patch which occupies the whole base of the wing aud extends in a broad black band along veins 2 and 3, coalescing with the external black area on the wing. Underside . similar to that of the <3 , but on the fore wing the ground-colour on the costa and terminal area darker brown with no rusty tint, but with a few obscure macular mottlings ; the patch at base of the wing is dark blackish brown and is extended along the vein and joins the oblique postdiscal short dark brown band. On the hind wing the ground-colour is paler brown without any rusty tint, but darkens posteriorly. Unlike the 36" mm. (1 -33-1-5"). Recorded within our limits from the Karen Hills ; Burma ; Malay Peninsula ; Perak ; Diugding Island. Exp. Hob. 675. Allotinus nivalis, Druce (Miletus), P. Z. S. 1873, p. 348; Distant (Paragerydus), Rhop. Malay. 1884, p. 207, pl. 22, fig. 11 ; de N. Butt.Ind. iii, 1890, p. 30, pl. 26, fig. 159 $ . Logania substrigosa, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 22. S Upperside : dark brown. Fore and hind wings uniform, immaculate. Underside : white. Fore and hind wings with minute specks and short, very slender, transverse striae, pale brown. In addition, the following similarly- coloured larger spots and transverse markings : Fore wing : cell crossed by three obscure transverse short narrow bands, the medial band sometimes pro- duced posteriorly, but in no specimen that I have seen extended * I have not had an opportunity of examining a $ . 302 LYC.ENID.E. to the dorsal margin ; beyond apex of cell is another pale brown, twice-interrupted, discal similar transverse band, and beyond that a subterminal transverse line of dark spots. Hind wing : a conspicuous dark subcostal spot and some obscure short transverse detached brown bands ; a subterminal row of black spots as on the fore wing. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown, the antennae darker towards their apices ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen much paler. $ . Upperside : similar to that of the J , but in all specimens that I have seen darker, with the apex of the fore wing of a deeper brown tint. Under- side : also similar to that of the <$ , the markings more ochraceous than brown, the fore wing at apex and along termen more or less faintly suffused with brown. Exp. cf $ 23-28 mm. (O'90-l'lO"). Hab. Tenasserim : Thaungyin Valley ; Dawnat Range ; Ye Valley ; southwards to Mergui ; extending to Malacca and Borneo. Genus LOOANIA. Logania, Distant, Rliop. Malay. 1884, p. 208, woodcut, posterior leg of L. malayica ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, p. 31. Malais, Doherty, J. A. S. B. 1889, p. 436. Type, L. malayica, Distant, from Malacca. Range. Burma ; Tenasserim ; Malacca ; Sumatra ; Borneo. c? $ . Fore wing : costa arched ; apex angulate but not pro- duced ; termen just below apex concave, then strongly convex to tornus, acutely but not broadly dentate; tornus more or less obtuse; dorsum straight, about seven-eighths the length of the costa ; cell about half length of wing ; vein 6 out of 7 from beyond apex of cell, upper discocellular therefore wanting, middle and lower straight, erect ; vein 8 absent, vein 9 out of 7 from apical third ; veins 10 and 11 free, from apical half of subcostal. Hind wing : elongate pear-shaped ; costa long and nearly straight ; termen strongly curved and acutely denticulate ; dorsum straight, a third shorter than the costa ; cell broad at apex, about half length of wing ; vein 7 from just before apex of cell ; vein 8 long, termi- nating at apex of wing. Antennae half length of fore wing, club gradual ; palpi hairy, long, third joint very slender : legs : tibiae incrassate ; first joint of tarsi cylindrical, elongate as in Allotinus. Key to the forms of Logania. b'. Fore wing: veins 11 and 12 extended < 1ABU m >P- 4i '- close together, sometimes touching but not anastomosed. a 2 . Eyes not hairy MEGISBA (tailed 6*. Eyes hairy, or if smooth then veins 11 form), p. 313. and 12 of fore wing not touching. 3 . Fore wing: veins 6 and 7 closely approximate at base POLYOMMATUS, b 3 . Fore wing : veins and 7 well sepa- [p. 432. rated at base CATOCHRYSOPS, c'. Fore wing: veins 11 and 12 not anasto- [p. 410. mosed, but an oblique short bar between them near base LAMPIDES, p. 396. Genus PITHECOPS. Pithecops, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. 1828, p. 66 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 48. Type, P. liylax, Fabr., from Java. Range. Indo-Malayan Region. cf $ . Fore wing : elongate ; costa strongly arched ; apex rounded ; termen convex ; dorsum straight or very slightly sinuous; cell about half length of wing; upper discocellular t very oblique, almost longitudinal, thickened; middle and lower discocellulars slender, almost vertical, slightly concave, subequal ; vein 3 from well before lower apex of cell, vein 4 from lower apex of cell, vein 5 from cell at junction of middle and lower disco- cellulars ; vein 6 from upper apex of cell, its base well separated from base of vein 7 ; vein 8 absent ; vein 9 out of middle of 7, 10 free, 11 anastomosed with vein 12 ; vein 12 ending on costa very nearly opposite or a little before apex of cell. Hind wing : elongate oval ; costa slightly arched, termen very strongly rounded and arched, apex and termen both rounded, dorsum straight. Antennae slightly longer than half length of fore wing, club comparatively broad and spatulate ; eyes naked ; palpi subporrect, second joint thickly clothed with adpressed scales, third joint aciculate. Two forms are known from within our limits. * Eyes hairy in one form. t I take the upper discocellular to be the veinlet between bases of veins 6 and 7. In Pithecops, as in a very large number of the genera of the Lyc&nidts, the general movement of the veins upwards towards the costa lias caused this vein to fall into line with the subcostal, and to become to all appearance a portion of that vein. x2 308 Key to tlic forms o/ Pithecops. . Upperside : ground-colour in both sexes brown, with no blue gloss ....................... N P. hylax, p. 308. b. Upperside : ground-colour rf brown, disc of fore and hind wings shining blue ; ground-colour $ blackish ................................ P. fulgent, p. 308. Horsfold, Cat. ' de N. Butt. 679. Pithecops hylax, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 526 ; H Lep. Mus. E. I. C. 1828, p. 66, pi. 1, figs. 2, 2 a, 2 b; Ind. iii, 1890, p. 49, pi. 26, fig. 161. d $ . Upperside : brown, in fresh specimens generally uniform, in some slightly paler along a posterior area from base outwards on the fore wing. This is more common in the $> than in the tf . Underside : milk-white. Fore wing : a few very obscure specks along the costa, and a postdiscal transverse series of four transversely elongate spots, or short broad lines, pale brown ; the spots of the latter arranged two subcostal and two posterior close to the tornal angle ; beyond these is a continuous transverse broad brown line that gets paler posteriorly, from costa to dorsum, followed by a subterminal series of similarly-coloured transverse spots, one in each interspace ; at the apex these are generally coalescent with the inner brown line ; lastly an anticiliary dark brown line. Cilia dark brown. Hind wing : a curved postdiscal series of transverse pale brown spots that terminate at the costa in a prominent large round black spot ; a continuous broad pale brown curved line followed by a subtermiual dark brown series of spots and an anti- ciliary line as on the fore wing. Cilia white. Antennaa, head, thorax and abdomen brown ; the antenna? spotted with white on the inner side ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. d 1 $ 11-13 mm. (0-46-0-53"). Hob. Sikhim ; the hills of Assam, Arracan, Burma and Teuas- serim ; extending well into the Malayan Subregiou. 680. Pithecops fulgens, Doherty, J.A.S. B. 1889, p. 127, pi. 10, fig. 6 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 50. cJ . Upperside : dark brown ; medial two-thirds from base to disc of both fore and hind wings glossed with brilliant shining blue. Underside : very similar to the underside of P. hylax, but on both fore and hind wings the transverse outer postdiscal line is ochraceous rather than pale brown ; on the hind wing the inner postdiscal series of transverse spots is wanting and the large round subcostal black spot placed further towards the apex of the wing. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen much as in P. Tiylax. $ . Upperside : blackish brown without any suffusion of blue. Underside : similar to that of the tf . Cilia of fore wing pale, of hind wing white. Exp. c? $ H-13 mm. (0-46-0-53"). Hob. Eecorded only from the hills of Assam. NEOPITHECOPS. 309 Genus NEOPITHECOPS. Neopithecops, Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1884, p. 209 ; dc N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 61. Pithecops, Moore (nee Horsfield), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 72. Parapithecops, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 20. Type, N. zalmora, Butler, from the Malay Peninsula. liange. India, Assam, Burma, Ceylon, the Andaman Islands, and Malay Peninsula. (5 5 . Fore wing : broader proportionately than in the genus Pitliecops ; costa arched but less rounded at apex ; termen convex, tornus well-marked, dorsum straight ; cell distinctly longer than half the length of the fore wing ; venation much as in Pitliecops, but all the veins wide apart and distinct, vein 11 not anastomosed with vein 12. Hind wing also not so narrow proportionately as in PitJiecops; cell considerably longer. Antennae more than half length of fore wing ; club well-marked, but long, concave, or excavate on the inner side ; eyes naked ; palpi as in Pitliecops, but the third joint stouter, longer proportionately and more blunt at apex. A single form is known from within our limits. G81 . Neopithecops zalmora, Butler ( Pithecops), Cat. Fabr. Lep. B. M. 1869, p. 1(31 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 53. Pithecops hylax, Moore (nee Fabr.}, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 587. Pithecops dharma, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 72, pi. 34, fig. 4 J . Parapithecops gaura, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 20. Neopithecops horsfieldi, Distant, Rhop. Malay. 1884, p. 210, pi. 22, fig. 16 c?. Wet-season brood. c? 5- Upperside: dark purplish brown; in the 5 slightly paler on the disc of the fore wing. In most specimens, but not in all, the d 1 also has the disc of the fore wing similarly paler. Underside : white. Fore wing : apex dusky brown, apices of veins 10, 11 and 12 with a minute black dot ; no discal markings, but the discocellulars picked out with a short, very slender, obscure brown line ; a postdiscal, irregular, transverse series of slender brown lunules, followed by a transverse, very slender, sinuous brown line, the white ground-colour in the interspaces beyond centred by a subterminal series of transverse black spots. Hind wing : discocellulars with a short brown line similar to that on the fore wing, followed by a subdorsal small round black spot, and a subcostal much larger similar spot ; between these two spots is a curved, very irregular line of detached pale ashy-brown lunules ; the subterminal markings very similar to those on the fore wing. Cilia of fore wing dusky brown, of hind wing white. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown ; the antenna? on the inner side speckled with white ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Dry-season brood. <$ $ . Differs from specimens of the wet- season brood as follows : Upperside'. ground-colour not so dark generally. Fore wing : a large oval snow-white spot placed 310 LYCjEKIDJE. obliquely on the disc. Hind wing: apex and disc irregularly white ; on the posterior half the ground-colour a shade darker than on the anterior half. Underside : ground-colour and markings similar to those of specimens of the wet-season brood, but the markings very much paler and fainter ; in specimens taken in the middle of the dry-season in exceptionally dry localities these mark- ings are altogether absent. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen on the upperside paler than in the wet-season brood. Exp. d $ 16-28 mm. (0-61-1-12*). Hob. India : Eastern Himalayas ; Bengal : Malda, Calcutta, Orissa ; Southern and South-western India, but not recorded from Bombay; Ceylon; Assam; Burma; Tenasserim; the Andamans ; extending to the Malay Peninsula. This form is subject to much seasonal variation. The type in the British Museum is a specimen intermediate between the wet- and the dry-season broods, in which the disc of the fore wing on the upperside is much paler, with a small spot of white in the middle. The Pithecops dharma of Moore has the same spot, larger, but no white on the upperside of the hind wing ; while 1\ gaura, Moore = the dry-season form. Genus SPALGIS. Lucia, pt., Westivood in Dblday., Westw. 8f Hewitsoris Gen. Di. Lep. ii, 1852, p. 501. Spalgis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 137; de N. Butt. 2nd. iii, 1890, p. 54. Type, S. epius, Westw., from India. Range. The Indo-Malayan Eegion. d" $ . Fore wing : costa slightly arched ; apex well-marked, not rounded ; termen convex ; tornus bluntly angulate ; dorsum straight : cell about half length of wing ; vein 3 from before lower apex of cell; 5 from junction of middle and lower discocellulars, these latter subequal ; veins 6 and 7 closely approximate, from upper apex of cell, upper discocellular therefore absent ; vein 8 absent ; vein 9 from apex of basal third of 7 ; 10 and 1 1 free, from apical third of subcostal. Hind wing: costa somewhat straight ; apex, termen and tornus roundly arched ; cell about half length of wing ; upper discocellular very oblique, middle and lower vertical ; veins 3 and 4 from lower apex of cell ; 5 from middle of cell : 7 from a little before upper apex of cell. Antennae about half length of fore wing, club long and gradual ; palpi subporrect, third joint short, about one-third the length of the second. Legs short, of the usual Lycaenid form. Key to tlie forms of Spalgis. a. J $ . Upperside : brown ; fore wing with a quadrate white spot beyond cell, small in J , larger and somewhat diffuse in $ S. epius, p. 311. b. S $ Upperside : dark brown ; fore wiug with- out a quadrate white spot beyond cell in <3 , [p. 311. typically a slight pale patch in $ S. cjnus, race nubilus, SPALGIS. 311 682. Spalgis epius, Westwood (Lucia) in Dblday., Wesiw. $ Heiv. Gen. Di. Lep. ii, 1852, p. 502, pi. 76, fig. 5 $ ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 137 ; id. Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 71, pi. 34, figs. 1, 1 , 1 b, <$ $ , larva & pupa ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 55, pi. 26, fig. 136 rf . Race nubilus. Spalgis nubilus, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 522 ; Distant $ Pryer, A.M.N. H. (o) xix, 1887. p. 266; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 56. ^ . Upperside : dull brown, slightly darker towards the apex of the fore wing ; also a more or less quadrate whitish spot beyond the apex of the cell on the same wing ; in some specimens this spot is slightly diffuse. Underside : pale, silky, brownish- white ; fore and hind wings crossed by numerous, very slender, short, sinuous, transverse, dark brown strigse which are outwardly slenderly edged with brownish-white of a shade paler than that of the ground-colour ; both wings with an anticiliary dark brown line with on the inner side a similar edging. Fore wing, in addition, with an oval white spot beyond the cell. Cilia of both fore and hind wings of the same shade as the ground-colour of the wings. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen pale brown, club of antennae ochraceous at apex ; beneath : the palpi and thorax brownish -grey, abdomen pale brown. $ . Upperside : slightly paler brown. Fore wing : the ceil and apex darker ; a white spot similar to that in the <5 but larger, beyond the apex of the cell ; in most specimens extended diffusely outwards and downwards. Hind wing : similar to that of the c? . Underside : precisely as in the tf . Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen paler than in the <5 . Exp. S $ 22-28 mm. (0-86-O10"). Huh. Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Malda ; Calcutta ; Southern India ; Ceylon ; Assam ; Burma. llace nubilus, Moore. A very slightly differentiated race distin- guishable as follows : d 1 $ Upperside : ground-colour much darker brown. Fore wing : apex of cell with a black spot, no white spot beyond in d 1 , a duller brown slightly diffuse area in $ , otherwise as in the typical form. Underside: ground-colour darker, with a purplish-grey silky lustre; markings as in the typical form. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen similar to those of the typical form but darker. Exp. d $ 20-28 mm. (0'79-MO"). Nab. Ceylon ; the Andamans ; Nicobars. There are two almost typical specimens of this race of epius in the British Museum collection labelled Trincomali, Ceylon. The Nicobar specimens that I have seen are all slightlv paler both on the upper and under sides, and one or two of the females are barely separable from typical epius. 312 Genus TARAKA. Taraka, de Niceville (Doherty MS.}, Butt. Ind. iii, p. 57. Type, T. Jiamada, Druce, from Sikhim. Range. Sikhim eastwards through Assam to China and Japan, southwards through Burma and Tenasserim to Java. d" $ . Fore wing : in shape much as in Spalyis, but the termen not so convex ; cell proportionately shorter, not quite half length of wing ; discocellulars very slender but all present, upper very short, lower the longest, slightly concave ; vein 8 absent, vein 9 from middle of 7; 10 and 11 ^ ree ' ft' om a pi ca l na tf f SUD " costa l; 12 short, ending on costa before apex of cell, Hind wing : costa bluntly subangulate near base, then straight to apex; apex roundly produced ; termen convex ; Fig. m-TomA* tomato. tfpnus rounded ; dorsum very a. Venation fore wing. slightly arched ; cell short, b. Antenna and palpus. not half length of wing ; vein 3 from a little before lower apex of cell; vein 7 from a little before upper apex of cell ; vein 8 long, strongly curved upwards at base, then straight nearly to apex of wing. Antenna slender, not nearly so stout as in Spalgis, club very gradual ; palpi subporrect, third joint sub- fusiform, about half the length of the second ; eyes naked ; body slender ; legs proportionately short, very stout ; the tibia? of the fore legs incrassate in the middle, clothed with soft, fluffy, long hair-like scales ; tarsi exarticulate in both sexes. 683. Taraka hamada, Druce (Miletus), Cist. Ent. \, 1875, p. 361 ; Slices (Miletus), P. Z. S. 1881, p. 882 ; de N. (Miletus), J. A. S. B. 1883, p. 76, pi. 1, fig. 16$; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 58, pi. 26, fig. 164 $ . c? 2 . Upperside: uniform very pale brown, somewhat paler in the 2 , the black spots of the underside faintly apparent by transparency. Underside : white, with round black spots and markings as follows : Fore wing : a spot at base of wing followed in transverse order by two spots, again two spots, then an irregular row of five spots that crosses near the apex of cell, the lower two coalescent, beyond that another curved row of five spots, tw-o of which are in inter- space 3, then a complete curved series of outwardly-pointed and a terminal series of inwardly-pointed similar spots. The spots of the last series cross a well-marked but very slender anticiliary black line, and thus cause the white cilia to the wing to be alternated with black. Hind wing : similarly crossed by five rows, all of which are more or less curved outwards, of black spots, followed by a TABAKA. MEGISBA. 313 slender uninterrupted anticiliary black line. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen brown, shafts of the antennae ringed with white, apex of club ochraceous : beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. rf $ 20-28 mm. (0-79-1-10"). Hub. Sikhim ; the hills of Assam, Burma and Tenasserim ; extending to the Malayan Subregion and to China and Japan. The description above is taken from Sikhim specimens, but as a ride both Sikhim and Burmese specimens have a very pale brown to a perfectly white patch in the middle of the fore wiug, and very often the hind wing also with much white on it. Japanese specimens are much darker and more uniform above. Genus MEGISBA. Megisba, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 71 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 60. Pathalia, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 21. Type, M. malaya, Horsfield, from India. Range. Indo-Malayan Region. 3 $ . Fore wing : costa slightly arched, more so in the $ than in the 6 1 ; apex bluntly angulate in the <$ , somewhat rounded in the $ ; termen convex ; tornus rounded but well-marked ; dorsum slightly sinuous ; cell about halt' length of wing ; upper discocellular thickened, longitudinal, with an appearance of forming part of the subcostal vein ; vein Tending on costa well before apex of wing, vein 8 absent, vein 9 from middle of 7 ; veins 10 and 11 free, the latter slightly bent upwards towards vein 12 but not touching the latter ; vein 12 short, ending on costa well before apex of cell. Hind wing : shape more or less as in Taraka ; cell proportionately shorter ; vein la very short, not half length of dorsum; veins 3 and 4 approximate, from lower apex of cell ; vein 8 as in Taraka. Antennae long, comparatively stout, longer than half length of fore wing ; club well-marked, shorter and more abrupt than in either Spalyis or Taraka ; palpi subporrect, third joint subclavate, a little longer than the second joint, longer in the 5 than in the P ' 33L a discal white patch. 4 . Underside: ground-colour bluish white ; base of hind wing with no irroration of bluish scales concolorous with rest of wing. a 5 , tf. Upperside fore wing : ter- minal black edging dilated towards apex. a. c? . Upperside : non-irides- cent purplish-blue. a 7 . Underside : markings coarse, irregularly placed; that in interspace 4 of postdiscal series on fore wing very oblique .... C, placida, p. 326. i 7 . Underside: markings deli- cate, regular, en echelon with one another. a 8 . Upperside hind wing : with a subtenninal ( C.jynteana (wet-season series of black spots. . \ brood), p. 331. b s . Upperside hind wing : without a subterminal series of black spots. . C. miisina, p. 328. //. r?- Upperside : brilliant deep iridescent blue .... C. cyanescens, p. 326. A 3 , c? . Upperside fore wing : ter- minal black edging not dilated towards apex. 6 . Underside fore wing : post- discal series of dark spots obliquely placed, distinctly closer to terminal margin of wing posteriorly than anteriorly C. lanka, p. 330. i 6 . Underside fore wing : post- discal series of dark spots not obliquely placed as close to terminal margin of wing anteriorly as pos- teriorly. a 7 , c?. Upperside: blue with a brilliant silvery irides- I C. hiteyeli, race singa- cence in certain lights . . j Itnsis, p. 333. b~. c?. Upperside: non- iridescent purplish blue . C. linibata, p. 329. ft 4 . Underside : ground-colour snow- white with a pearly lustre; a conspicuous irroration of bluish scales at base of hind wing . . C. avlestina, p. 332. 318 LYCJENIDJE. 685. Cyaniris vardhana, Moore (Polyommatus), P. Z. S. 1874, p. 572, pi. 06, fig. 6cf; id. 1. c. 1882, p. 244; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 95. c? . Upperside, fore wing : costa, apex and termen very broadly dusky black ; at apex this colour occupies more than a third of the wing in some specimens, and in most is carried narrowly along the dorsal margin to the base ; the remainder of the wing pale iridescent blue ; the discocellulars marked by a jet-black, very prominent, short, posteriorly acute bar. Hind wing : costal margin broadly shaded with dusky black, the rest of the wing pale iridescent blue, the posterior veins black, very prominent. Under- side : pearly-white, the bases of the wings slightly glossed with blue. Tore wing: a short broad line on the discocellulars, three upper discal spots placed obliquely beyond it, the anterior two mere minute dots and a postdiscal inwardly oblique series of three larger spots, all dark brown. Hind wing: uniform with a few minute dark brown spots, of which a basal spot in inter- space 7 and another further outwards in the same interspace are the most conspicuous. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white. Antennae, head and thorax dark brown, the antennae as usual ringed with white ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Very similar to the J , differs as follows : Upperside, fore wing : the disc white, very faintly irrorated with iridescent blue ; the discocellular bar broader. Hind wing : the dusky- black edging to the costa broader, the dorsuin broadly pale, the blue from base outwards to disc consequently more restricted ; a subterminal very ill-defined series of dusky spots followed by the usual anticiliary black line. Underside : ground-colour similar to that of the male, the markings similar but larger and more prominent. Antennae, head and thorax as in the d" . Exp. c? $ 40-42 ram. (1-58-1-66"). Hob. North- West Himalayas : Busahir to Naini Tal. 686. Cyaniris akasa, Horsfield (Polyommatus), Cat. Lei). Mus. E. I. C. 1828, p. 67, pi. l,figs. 1, la; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 75, pi. 34, fig. 5rf; deN. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 95. cJ . Upperside, fore wing : black ; a medial triangular area that extends from base outwards to the disc white, suffused at base and anteriorly with iridescent blue that spreads upwards on to the black of the costa ; along the dorsum the black ground- colour is much paler, in most specimens diffuse fuscous. Hind wing : white, basal third and costal margin broadly suffused Fi g- 78. tt'ith fuscous, the fuscous at base pos- Cyaniris akasa. teriorly overlaid with iridescent blue ; a subterminal series of fuscous-black dots and a distinct but very slender black anticiliary line. Underside : white very slightly tinged with bluish ; markings all fuscous CYAK1EIS. 319 black, minute and very slender. Fore wing : a short discocellular line followed by an anteriorly, strongly curved, discal series of very short detached lines and a more or less obsolescent trans- verse series of subterminal dots. Hind wing : three subbasal dots in transverse order ; a short line on the discocellulars ; a spot below the middle of the costa with a smaller spot below it ; a posterior discal irregular sinuous series of five or six minute spots and a perfectly regular subterminal series of similar spots. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white. Antennas, head, thorax and abdomen blackish, the antennae ringed with white ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen snow-white. $. Very similar. Upperside : the white area much more extended on both fore and hind wings. On the former it spreads well into the cell, on the latter three-fourths of the wing are white ; the dusky basal and costal areas much more restricted than in the 3 . The iridescent blue suffusion is in many specimens entirely absent, in a few very faintly indicated ; the subterminal series of black dots so distinct; in the 3 are generally faint and obsolescent. Underside : as in the c? but the markings less distinct. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen as in the rf . Exp. rf $ 28-29 mm. (MO-1-14"). Hob. Southern India : Nilgiri, Anaimalai and Palni Hills ; Ceylon ; extending to Java. 687. Cyaniris marginata, de N., J. A. S. B. 1883, p. 70, pi. 1, fig. 9 d ; Moore P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 523, pi. 48, fig. 6 rf : Doherty, J. A. S. B. 1886, p. 134 ; de N. Butt. Ind, in, 1890, p.' 96. Wet-season brood. d" . Upperside : black. Fore wing : a posterior, medial, somewhat triangular area rich iridescent blue ; the outer margin of this area passes from base through the middle of the cell to a little beyond the apex of the latter, then curves sharply round ana is continued obliquely to the dorsum at about two-thirds of the distance from base to tornus ; outwardly this area is pure white, the discocellulars marked with a slender black tooth. Hind wing : with a similar but more sharply triangular and somewhat dusky blue area limited by the broad black border on the costal margin that occupies fully the anterior third of the wing, is curved sharply round at the apex and forms a somewhat narrower border to the termen ; posteriorly the dorsum is still more narrowly duskv black ; superposed on the terminal black border is a curved series of small bluish lunules, each lunule outwardly margined by an intense black spot of a shade darker than the black along the termen. Underside : white with a faint bluish tint. Fore wing : with the following fuscous-black markings : a line on the discocellulars, a transverse outer discal series of spots or short bars one in each interspace, the spot in interspace 3 pointing obliquely outwards, that in interspace 4 still more oblique, forms an angle with the one above it, lastly the spot in interspace 6 shifted well inwards ; a postdiscal slightly curved line of trans- verse lunules, succeeded by a subterminal series of spots and a very slender anticiliary line. Hind wing : a black spot close to 320 IXCJESIDX. base on the dorsal margin succeeded by a transverse series of three conspicuous black spots, with a still more conspicuous rounded similar spot further outwards about the middle of the costa ; a line on the discocellulars, some irregularly placed spots on the disc and postdiscal, subterminal and anticiliary markings as on the fore wing. Cilia of both fore and hind wings bluish white. Antennae black, the shafts ringed with white, club tipped with ochraceous ; head, thorax and abdomen black ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : brownish black. Fore and hind wings : the iridescent blue areas as in the <5 but very m uch more restricted : on the hind wing the subterminal curved series of bluish lunules barely indicated by similar markings of a shade paler than the ground-colour ; the deep black spots that margin the lunules on the outer side can only be seen in certain lights. Underside : as in the all the markings slightei', more delicate, and on the hind wing more irregular. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the c?. Exp. 93. Cyaniris albidisca, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 524, pi. 48, fig. 7 d 1 ; Sivmhoe, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 133 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 103. c? $ . Very closely allied to C. pmpa, from which it differs as follows : turning to white on the disc of the fore and along the costal margin of the hind wing ; costa, apex and termen of fore wing and apex of hind wing broadly dusky black, this colour narrows posteriorly along the termen of the hind wing and at the tornal area is reduced to a mere anticiliary line. Underside : markings as in the c? . An- tennae, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes dusky black ; the antennae as usual ringed with white ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen dull sullied white. Exp. J $ 28-35 mm. (1-10-1 -36"). Hab. Sikhim ; Assam ; Burma; Tenasserirn; extending to the Malay Peninsula. I am not very certain that I have identified the $ correctly. 695. Cyaniris cyanescens, de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 103, frontis- piece, fig. 129 c?. c? . Upperside : deep blue. Eore and hind wings : costa, apex and termen somewhat narrowly, but more evenly than in most of the forms in the genus, edged with black ; the edging to the costa of the hind wing broader, slightly diffuse ; the edgings to the termen on both wings narrowed posteriorly. Underside : white. Fore wing : a short transverse line on the discocellulars, a post- discal series of transverse elongate spots or short bars, followed by a transverse connected row of slender lunules and a subterminal CTANIKIS. 327 transverse series of spots, fuscous brown ; of the postdiscal markings the anterior four are slender and form more or less of a curved line, the posterior two are coarser and are shifted inwards ; lastly, there is a dark anticiliary line with the cilia beyond whitish grey. Hind wing : a transverse, very obliquely- placed, subbasal series of three black spots and a similarly-coloured large, round, subcostal spot beyond the middle of interspace 7 ; a slender short discocellular line ; a series of posterior discal spots very irregularly placed and terminal markings similar in shape, position and colour to those in the fore wing. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, the antennae ringed with white; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen greyish white. $ . Upperside : brown. Fore wing : a postero-medial area from base to disc white, brilliantly glossed with iridescent blue that can only be seen in certain lights ; the discocellulars marked by a short transverse brown line. Hind wing : with a medial patch similar to that on the fore wing, not extended however, to the dorsal margin. ; beyond it a subterminal series of prominent round black spots and an anticiliary slender black line. Underside : white. Fore wing : the discocellular short transverse line, the postdiscal and terminal markings much as in the la 2 ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 524, pi. 48, fig. 10 rf; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 104. Cyaniris sikkima, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 524. pi. 48, fig. 11 <$; 'de N. Butt. Ltd. iii, 1890, p. 105. c? . Upperside : purplish -blue or lilac of a deeper shade than in C. dilecta. Fore wing : a much broader dusky black ter- minal margin that widens at apex and is somewhat diffuse along its inner edge. In specimens of the dry-season brood there is a diffuse but prominent discal white patch. Hind wing : costa dusky brownish ; termen with a comparatively narrow black border edged on the inner side by a more or less obscure subterminal series of black spots, each spot centred in a background which is slightly paler than the lilac ground-colour. Underside : pale greyish- white or bluish-white, with the usual pale brown markings which are small, delicate and regular. Antennas, head, thorax and 332 abdomen blackish brown, antenna? ringed with white ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . " Upperside fore wing : all but the middle of the disc (which is white glossed with irides- cent blue) black ; a discocellular black spot. Hind wing : blackish ; white in the middle glossed with blue ; along the veins irrorated with black scales ; a submarginal series of pale lunules. Under- side : both wings marked exactly as in the male." (de JXiceville.) Exp. tf 32-34 mm. (1-26-1-32"). Hab. Sikhim ; hills of Assam ; also recorded from the Malay Peninsula. 703. Cyaniris ccelestina, Kollar (Lycaena) in Hiiyefs Kaschmir, iv, '1848, p. 423 ; Moore. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 244 ; de JV. Suit. 1ml iii, 1890, p. 106. Lycaena kollari, We&twood in Dblday., Westw. Sf Hew. Gen. Di. Lap. ii, 1852, p. 491 ; Sutler (Cyaniris). P. Z. S. 1886, p. 367. Polyommatus kasinira, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 503, pi. 31, fig. 1 rf . d . Upperside : lilac-blue (darker on the fore than on the hind wing in most specimens), with in certain lights a slight bright iridescence chiefly apparent along the costal margin and A'eins of the fore wing. Fore wing : a very slender black line along the costal margin broadened at apex and continued slenderly down the terrnen to the tornus. Hind wing : ground-colour along the costal margin somewhat broadly paler ; termen with a very slender anticiliary jet-black line. Cilia: snow-white on the fore wing alternated very slenderly with black at the apices of the veins. Underside : pearly bluish-white. Fore wing : a discocellular, short, transverse, slender brownish streak, a similarly-coloured spot beyond it in interspace 6, followed by three or four duller brown spots in transverse order in interspaces 2 or 3 to 5 and a double transverse subterminal series of lunules. Hind wing : a broad diffuse transverse basal area continued for a short distance down the dorsum, tinted with bluish green ; the usual subbasal and discal spots very small ; the termen with a subterminal series of lunules and an outer row of spots. In very many specimens the markings of the underside on both fore and hind wings are more or less obsolescent, in some taken at Simla in April and May beyond a black speck here and there the markings are altogether absent. $ . Upperside : paler duskier lilac-blue than in the c? . Fore wing: costa and termen broadly bordered with dusky brownish- black ; a prominent, black, short transverse streak on the disco- cellulars, beyond it the lilac-blue ground-colour pale, almost white. Hind wing : the blue ground-colour much restricted, the costal and terminal margins broadly blackish-brown, the dorsal margin whitish ; the dark colour on the terminal margin traversed by a series of inwardly conical, brown-centred bluish spots and followed by a prominent anticiliary black line. Cilia as in the 3 . Under- side : very similar to that of the c? and similarly with the markings very often obsolescent. Antenna?, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes dark brownish-black, the antennae ringed with white, the CYANIKIS. 333 thorax in the tf with blue pubescence ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. c? $ 33-36 mm. (1-30-1-40"). Hab. Western Himalayas : Kashmir, Murree, Simla, Mussoorie, Naini Tal. I am very doubtful whether the next described form, G. huegeli, Moore, is distinct from this ; a constant difference in size seems to be the chief distinction. Mr. de Niceville (I. c.) says " there is no difficulty whatever in recognizing C. coelestina. Both sexes are considerably smaller than G. Imer/eli and the males have the outer black border on the upperside of the fore wing broader and con- siderably dilated at the apex." I have not, however, found this latter character at all constant in C. coelestina, and in G. Jiueyeli the narrow black border to the fore wing is distinctly though very slightly also dilated towards the apex in all specimens that I have 704. Cyaniris huegeli (PI. XIX, fig. 129), Moore. Lycsena argiolus, Kottar (nee Linnceus) in HiiyeVs Kaschmir, iv, 1848, p. 423. Cyaniris huegelii, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 244 ; de N. Suit. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 107. Race singalensis. Lycsena singalensis, Felder, Verlt. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xviii. 18G8, "p. 282 ; Moore (Cyaniris), Lep. Ceijl, i, 1881, p. 76, pi. 35, figs. 1, l,c? ; de N. Suit. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 108. ^ $. Very closely resembles C. coelestina. d . Upperside: 011 the whole of a slightly more purple tint than coelestina ; black border to the termen of the fore wing generally slightly more even in width from apex to toruus ; anticiliary black line on the hind wing slightly broader and slightly diffuse on the inner side. Underside : ground-colour and markings similar to those of G. ccelestina and much more rarely obsolescent, the posterior two lunules of the inner subterminal series on the fore wing apparently always broad, large and diffuse. Cilia of both fore and hind wings as in coelestina. $ . In ground-colour and markings on the upperside like a large edition of C. coelestina $ . On the underside ground-colour and markings as in its own c? and similarly with the markings seldom or never obsolescent. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in G. coelestina. Exp. 3 $ 42-45 mm. (1-68-1 78"). Hab. Concurrent with that of C. coelestina, Kollar. Race singalensis, Eelder. d 1 . Upperside : purplish blue with in certain lights a refulgent silvery iridescence, most conspicuous along the costa of the fore wing. Eore and hind wings : a very narrow black edging to the terminal margins narrower on the hind wing than on the fore wing, not dilated towards the apex of the latter. Cilia conspicuously white. Underside : silvery white with a slight tinge of blue ; both fore and hind wings with the usual Cyaniri* 334 markings. Pore wing : the postdiscal series of abbreviated lines or elongate spots pale brown, very regular, placed almost end to end, the series slightly curved and not closer to the termen posteriorly than anteriorly. Hind wing : the markings pale brow n, regular but small, the subbasal transverse series of three spots and the subcostal spot in interspace 7 black, the latter not larger than the others. Both fore and hind wings : with the spots of the subtermiual series very small, mere black dots ; the inner subter- minal series of markings lunular and generally somewhat blurred, the posterior lunules on the fore wing distinctly broadened as in the typical form but not so prominently ; finally, the anticiliary black line very slender and clearly denned. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen blackish, the antenna? ringed with white, the thorax clothed with purplish-blue pubescence ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside, fore wing : costa and termen very broadly blackish brown ; the remainder of the wing pui'plish blue, paling almost to white towards the anterior, outer portion. Hind wing : costa broadly, termen and dorsurn more narrowly blackish brown, the rest of the wing pale purplish blue, the colour getting still paler on the anterior and outer portion as on the fore wing ; the blackish-brown edging on the terminal margin reduced posteriorly to an anticiliary black line within which there is a transverse series of subterminal black spots enclosed further inwards by an obscure series of dark luuules. Underside : ground- colour and markings as in the J . Antenna, head, thorax and abdomen similar but darker. Exp. race b\ Underside hind wing': 'subterminal ( samudra, p. 346. series of spots present or absent ; when present not speckled with metallic scales. 3 . Upperside fore wing : without a trace of discal spots. a 4 . Cilia of both fore and hind wings: white conspicuously spotted with black L. hi/las, p. 351. b 4 . Cilia of both fore and hind wings: white or grey, not spotted with black'or at any rate not conspicuously so. a''. Underside hind wing : discal spots black, each encircled with white L. loewii,?. 343. b'. Underside hind wing : discal spots entirely white. a 6 . Upperside: ground-colour purplish blue ; fore . T , wing rounded at apex. . \ L ' P^etes , race 4. Upperside: ground-colour < lefiana, p. 352. deep metallic blue : fore wing acute at , T 1 a j L. plieretes, race ' ' | asiatica, p. 353. 336 LYC.ENID.*:. b\ Upper.side fore wing : with a transverse discal series of spots paler than ground-colour, sometimes obsolescent but always plainly indicated. a 4 . Upperside fore wing : blue colour extended from base to at least the discal spots. ''. Underside hind wing: with- out a terminal " double ' L ' Underside hind wing: with ' -i (lloka ' P- m a terminal " double series of coalesced white lu- L ft*. Upperside fore' ' wing :' ' blue * J alokfl > var " leela > P- 35(X colour restricted to im- , T , ., , metallic green. -. Upperside fore and hind wings ; blue colouring very regular, extended almost to terminal margins .................... L. galathea, p. 348. b'-. Upperside fore and hind wings : blue colouring spread somewhat irregularly, restricted to basal two-thirds of wings .......... L. omphisa, p. 347. B. Eyes hairy. a. Upperside fore wing : blue colouring irregular, restricted to basal two-thirds of wing ........................ L. deranica, p. 344. b. Upperside fore wing : blue colouring spread more evenly and regularly over at least three-fourths of wing from base. a'. Underside hind wing : ground-colour between discal and subterminal markings with irregular patches of white. a". Underside : ground-colour dark grey, spots and markings large and distinct ................ L. sarta, p. 345. b-. Underside ; ground-colour paler grey, in some specimens nearly white ; terminal markings more or less obsolescent ; often a white streak in cell extended to white patch between discal and subterminal markings ........ L. stoliczkana, p. 341. '. Underside hind wing: ground-colour between discal and subterminal markings uniform, with no white patches. a-. Upperside : pale bright purple . . L. icarus, p. 339. b*. Upperside : shining, glossy, electric , T hi..,, J> I L. eros, race balucha, ............... \ p. 340. LYC.ENA. 337 705. Lycsena astrarche *, Bergstr. (Papilio) Nomencl. iii, 1779, pi. 49, figs. 7, 8 : Stand. (Lycsena) Cat. Lep. i, 1901, p. 83. Polyommatus nazira, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 504, pi. 31, fig. 4. Lycsena medon, de N. (cipud Hufnayel), Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 69. 3 $ Upperside : brown with a silky sheen in certain lights. Fore wing : a black spot on the discocellulars. Hind wing : an anticiliary black line. Fore and hind wings : a subterminal, transverse, slightly curved series of black spots, inwardly bordered by a transverse series of orange-red lunules ; cilia white, spotted inwardly at the terminations of the veins with black. Underside : ground-colour a warm dark grey. Fore wing : a spot on the discocellulars, a transverse, discal, bisinuate series of seven spots, a transverse, subterminaJ, slightly curved series of six spots and an anticiliary line, black ; the discocellular spot and the discal spots encircled with white, the subterminal spots inwardly bordered by larger orange-red spots, which in turn are inwardly margined narrowly with black, the anterior ones with specks of white again on their inner sides ; outwardly the spots of the subterminal series are conspicuously bordered with white ; cilia grey. Hind wing : a transverse, subbasal series of four spots, followed by a spot in middle of interspace 7, another at the base of interspace 6, a speck on the discocellulars, and an outwardly oblique, somewhat sinuate posterior, discal series of five spots, black, all enclosed with white which colour forms a comparatively large postdiscal patch ; beyond is a strongly curved series of nine orange-red larger spots succeeded by a subterminal similarly curved series of seven black spots on a white ground, and an anticiliary black line ; the tornal three of the orange-red series of spots are coalescent ; cilia white, dusky grey at the terminations of the veins. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown, the shafts of the antennae ringed with white ; beneath : the club of the antennee, the palpi, thorax and abdomen white, the palpi with some stiff black hairs. Exp. <5 $ 26-29 mm. (1-04-M1"). Hub. The Palaearctic Region (except the Polar area). Within our limits, the Himalayas : Chitral, Kashmir, Simla to Kumaon ; Baluchistan. 706. Lycsena iris, Staudinrjer, Stett. ent. Zeit. 1886, p. 207; G>:-Grshim. Rom. Mem., Lep. iv, 1890, p. 378, pi. 7, fig. 8. cT $ . Upperside : uniform rich silky brown. Fore and hind wings : short, black, transverse streaks or elongate spots on the disco- cellulars ; in some specimens, in addition, there are one or two * The specific names alexis var. 1, Scopoli, and medon, Hufnagel (nee Esper), have priority over astrarche, Bergstrasser, but the former name has been, and is still by many authors, applied to our common English " blue," while Hufnagel's description of his "medon" is quite insufficient. YOL. II. Z 338 LYC-ENID/E. subterminal, obscure, small black spots near the tornal angle. Cilia prominently white. Under - side : brownish grey, Fore wing: the following white- encircled jet-black spots : a large oval spot on the , discocellulars; a transverse, - g() bisinuate, discal series of a. Lycana iris. ' six 8 P ts > the lower tw ar ' ft. Zgfcana frfo, var. Underside fore wing. ranged in a slightly oblique line directly beneath the discocellular spot, the next spot above further outwards towards the termeu, the remaining three still further outwards, in transverse slightly oblique line to the costa, the posterior spot of the whole series slightly elongate and curved; beyond these are an inner and an outer transverse somewhat maculated line and an anticiliary unbroken line darker than the ground-colour, the innermost of the three lines bordered inwardly with whitish. Hind wing : a subbasal, transverse line of four well-separated spots, a short streak or elongate transverse spot on the discocellulars and a bisinuate, transverse, discal series of six spots jet-black, each spot with a slender ring of white ; the posterior but one spot of the subbasal line is minute, and the posterior spot of the discal series slightly elongate and curved. The terminal markings consist of a trans- verse, curved, subterminal series of brown spots darker than the ground-colour, bordered inwardly by a series of lunules and outwardly by an anticiliary prominent line of the same tint, the lines of lunules edged inwardly and somewhat obscurely with white ; the posterior two spots of the subterminal series jet-black, set in an ochraceous-yellow background and speckled with metallic blue. Antennae black, the shafts ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen brown ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. c? $ 29-30 mm. (1-13- L-18"). Hub. Within our limits recorded from Chitral. Described originally from Central Asia. 707. Lycaena younghusbandi, Elwe*, P. Z. S. 1906, p. 484, pi. 30, fig. 10 rf. S . Upperside : dark satiny brown with a slightly plumbeous tint in certain lights,/ more apparent towards the bases of the wings than over the outer portions. Fore and hind wings : nearly uniform, with only slender black anticiliary lines and the disco- cellulars of the fore wing marked by a transverse short black streak ; edge of the costa of fore wing and cilia of both wings snow-white. Underside, fore wing : grey ; a lunular short black line on the discocellulars and a transverse discal series of six black spots, each encircled with white, followed by a subterminal, very obscure, transverse row of slender dusky spots, of which the LYCJENA. 339 anterior spots are barely indicated, the posterior three or four obsolescent but traceable. Hind wing : pale metallic green ; a broad terminal edging grey ; the ground-colour bounded outwardly by an obscure series of dusky spots that are suffused with metallic green. Antennas, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, shafts of the antennas ringed with white ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Exp. <$ 34 mm. (1-34"). Hub. Tibet: Gyantze ; Sikhim : Chumbi Valley, Phari. This form, collected by Capt. Walton, I.M.S., during the late Tibet Expedition, is very close to, even if it can be considered at all distinct from L. felicis, Oberthiir, which was also abundant at Gyantze. I have been quite unable to identify and separate the 2 from the females of felicis. The chief points of difference in the d 1 are " the dark leaden grey instead of greyish-brown colour above" and the obsolescence of the terminal markings. 708. Lycaena icarus, Rottenbury (Papilio), Naturf. vi, 1775, p. 21. Lycaena icarus, var. persica, Bienert, Lep. Ergebn. 1870, p. 29. Pblyommatus yarkundensis, Moore, A. M. N. H. (5) i, 1878, p. 229; id. Sci. Res. Second Ytirk. Miss., Lep. 1879, p. 6, pi. 1, fig. 8 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 75. Polyommatus kashgarensis, Moore, A. M. N. H. (5) i, 1878, p. 230; id. Sci. Res. Second Yark. Miss., Lep. 1879, p. 5, pi. 1, fig. 7 ; de, N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 75. Lycsena persica, Butler, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 407 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 74. Lywena fugitiva, Butler, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 606 ; de N. Butt. Ind iii, 1890, p. 74. c? $ . Eyes hairy, c? . Upper side : purplish blue, with a rich satiny lustre in certain lights. JFore and hind wings : purer darker- blue at base, with anticiliary, black, slender lines on both wings. In some specimens this line on the hind wing is bordered by a row of black spots in the interspaces, some of which latter become obsolescent posteriorly. Cilia white. Underside : pale opaque grey ; bases of both fore and hind wings and the dorsal margin of the latter wing broadly and diffusely irrorated with greenish- blue scales. Fore wing : a spot in middle of cell, a spot below it in interspace 2, a transverse spot on the discocellulars and a trans- verse bisinuate discal series of rounded spots black, each encircled narrowly with white ; beyond these a transverse slightly curved series of dusky lunules and a slender dark anticiliary line, the portions of the ground-colour enclosed between them at the apices of the interspaces slightly paler, each interspace v,ith a dusky black spot. Hind wing : a subbasal transverse series of four spots, a strongly curved transverse discal series of seven smaller spots, a transverse postdiscal series of eight slender lunules and a sub- terminal series of seven spots, black ; the subbasal and discal spots narrowly encircled with white, the postdiscal series of lunules outwardly bordered with pale reddish brown ; finally, a dusky z2 340 short line on the discocellulars and an anticiliary very slender pale brown line. Antennae dark brownish-black, the shafts conspicuously ringed with white, head, thorax and abdomen with tufted pale bluish pubescence ; beneath : palpi white, with a fringe of stiff black hairs, thorax with bluish hairs paler than on the uppersicle, abdomen white. $ . Upperside : very dark brown ; both fore and hind wings overlaid from base outwards with a dense irroration of blue scales. The extent of this irroration is very variable, in some it is confined to the basal area of the wings, in others it spreads diffusely outwards over about the basal two-thirds of the fore wing and up to the disc on the hind wing. Fore wing: the terminal margin evenly dark brown, of a shade darker than the ground-colour, almost black in some specimens ; within this is a subterminal transverse series of conspicuous orange-red spots, the spots become obsolete towards the apex, in a few specimens only the posterior spots are distinct. Hind wing : a subterminal series of black spots inwardly margined with orange-red, and an anti- ciliary slender black line generally indistinct. Underside : ground- colour and markings more or less as in the 3 , but the ground- colour is a darker more brownish grey, the spots large and more prominently encircled with white ; in many specimens the white encircling the discocellular black spot and the discal black spots in interspaces 3 and 4 on the hind wing are diffusely spread outwards in a manner similar to the same markings on the hind wing of L. stoliczkana. Cilia white. Antennae as in the <$ , head, thorax and abdomen with darker but similar pubescence ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white, the latter two in a few specimens very pale bluish. Exp. <$ $ 32-36 mm. (T28-1-42"). Bab. The Palaearctic Region (except the Polar area). Within our limits, the Himalayas : Chitral, Ladakh ; Baluchistan. The above description is from specimens taken at Quetta and in the Chitral Valley. I am quite unable to separate them or the specimens so labelled of persica, yarkundensit, kasJigarensis and fugitiva in the British Museum from English and European specimens of the " Common blue." L. fugitiva, Butler, so far as the type-specimen is concerned, seems to be the most distinct ; the ground-colour on the upperside is paler, more purple, but other specimens of the same variety grade into typical icarus. 709. Lycaena eros, Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. i, 1808, p. 42. Hace balucha. Lycaana balucha, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884. p. 24 : Swinhoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. 340. Race balucha. Moore. J . Upperside : shining opalescent purplish blue. Fore wing : costa margined with a very slender white line, edged below the apical two-thirds still more narrowly with black ; termen edged with a broader black line, that inwardly LTC.EXA. 341 is slightly diffuse and is also produced inwards, as is the narrow black edging on the apical portion of the costa, for a very short distance along the veins. Hind ving : costal margin slightly and diffusely fuscous ; apex and teruien narrowly edged with black, which is produced along the veins as on tho fore wing ; this black edging is broadest anteriorly and dwindles to a very slender anticiliary line posteriorly, which is continued upwards from the tornal angle for a short distance along the dorsum, above it the dorsal margin is whitish. Underside: shining silvery grey. Fore wing: with the following small black spots, each encircled with silvery white : a spot in basal half of cell, a spot below it in inter- space 1, a transverse spot on the discocellulars and a transverse discal sinuate series of seven spots, the anterior four placed in a curve, the posterior two spots often geminate ; beyond these are a transverse postdiscal series of dusky black lunules, each edged outwardly with very pale ochraceous, another similar series of transverse dusky spots and an anticiliary slender fuscous black line. Hind wing : a small patch of blue scaling at base, a trans- verse well separated subbasal series of four small black spots and a discal, anteriorly strongly curved series of eight similarly-coloured spots all encircled slenderly with silvery white ; terminal markings as on the fore wing, but very slender and black, the postdiscal row of lunules and the subterminal row of black spots strongly curved, the outward edging to the lunules brighter and more pronounced. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white. Antennae black, the shafts as usual ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen with blue pubescence ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. 5 . Upperside : brown ; base of fore and hind wings with a little blue sealing that is continued obscurely along the dorsum, and anticiliary slender black lines on both wings. Fore wing : a posterior transverse subterminal series of three or four bright ochraceous spots. Hind wing: similar ochraceous lunular spots edging a posterior row of jet-black spots that become obsolescent anteriorly. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white, broad and prominent. Underside : ground-colour dark brownish-grey, the markings similar but the terminal markings on both fore and hind wings fainter, not so well-defined. Antenna? as in the d" ; head, thorax and abdomen brown, the thorax in some specimens clothed with a few bluish hairs ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen as in the tf . Exp. c? $ 28-32 mm. (1-10-1 -26"). Hab. Baluchistan. 710. Lycaena stoliczkana (PL XIX, fig. 130), Felder, Novara Reise, Lep. ii, 1865, p. 283, pi. 35, figs. 10, 11, rf ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 73. Polyommatus ariana, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 504, pi. 31, fig. 2 rf; id. Sci. Res. Second Yarkand Mission, Lep. 1879, p. 6 ; de N. Butt. Ind.iii, 1890, p. 72. Lycama sutleja, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 246; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 73. 342 LYCM3TIDJE. c? 2 ' Eyes liairy. J Upperside : purplish blue, with in certain lights a much brighter but paler silvery blue gloss than in L. icarus. Fore and hind wings : terminal margins from very narrow to a width of about one-fifth of the wings dark brown ; discocellulars especially of the fore wing in some specimens with a transverse dark brown spot or short line. Cilia snow-white. Underside : grey, bases of the wings with a dense patch of bluish scales. Fore wing : sometimes with a black spot in the cell and another below it in interspace 1, very often these spots absent; a transverse black spot slenderly encircled with white on the disco- cellulars, and a transverse somewhat sinuate discal series of six similarly-coloured rounded spots beyond ; these are followed by a transverse subterrninal series of dusky spots, sometimes slenderly sometimes broadly encircled with white, and an anticiliary slender black or dusky line. In some specimens a second inner postdiscal row of dusky spots follows the discal markings. These terminal markings vary much in intensity. In many specimens probably from dry arid localities the terminal markings are very faint and ill-defined, the ground-colour towards the terminal margin changing to white, very faintly if at all tinged with grey. Hind wing : a subbasal transverse series of four and a discal strongly curved, almost medially angulate, series of seven black dots widely encircled with white ; discocellular spot white, sometimes transversely traversed by a short black line ; a broad, somewhat diffuse and ill-defined white streak beyond the middle of the discal series, extended in some specimens to the terminal margin. In a few individuals the discocellular white spot and the above-mentioned streak are joined by slender prolongations from the former. Terminal markings, which are often very ill-defined, consist of a transverse, curved, postdiscal series of slender black lunules with or without broad ochraceous outer edgings to each lunule (some- times these ochraceous edgings are very dark and well-defined var. sutleja), and a subterminal series of small dusky spots on a white background followed by an anticiliary slender black line. Cilia of both fore and hind wings prominently white. Antennae black, the shafts ringed with white as usual ; head, thorax and abdomen with purplish-blue pubescence ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : very variable ; ground-colour pale to dark brown ; in some specimens almost uniform without terminal markings on either fore or hind wing, only with the bases of the wings darker and more or less irrorated with blue scales ; other specimens however, bear on both fore and hind wings a subterminal more or less incomplete row of ochraceous-red, inwardly conical spots, the number of which vary greatly in var. sutleja, Moore, the fore wing has five of these spots, the hind wing six, the posterior two of which are geminate. In most specimens however, there is an anticiliary dark or black well-marked line on both fore and hind wings. Underside : as in the c?,but the ground-colour much darker, more often a brown of a tint paler than on its upper side, than greyish-brown ; markings LYOffilTA. 343 similar to those of the c? but better defined, both fore and hind wings with a postdiscal transverse series of slender black lunules always edged outwardly with ochraceous. this edging faint in some specimens, i-ieh ochraceous red in others. Antennae as in the <$ ; head, thorax and abdomen dark brown; beneath: the palpi, thorax and abdomen dusky white. Eacp. rf ? 31-42 mm. (1-2-1-66"). Hab. The Himalayas : from Chitral and Kashmir to the Chumbi Valley in Native Sikhim. From the measurements given above it will be seen that this form varies as much in its size as in the character of its markings. 711. Lycsena loewii, Zeller, Isis, 1847, p. 9; Lany, Butt, Eur. 1884, p. 141 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 79, pi. 26, fig. 167 <$ . Lycsena chamanica, Moore, J. A. S. B. 1884, p. 23; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 79. cJ . Upperside : a beautiful purplish-blue changing in certain lights to deep blue ; veins of both fore and hind wings jet-black, outwardly very conspicuous. Fore wing : costa very slenderly, termen from apex to tornus much more broadly and evenly black. Hind wing: costa broadly, ternieu a little more narrowly and dorsum broadly dusky black ; posteriorly the blue ground-colour between the conspicuous black veins terminates in each interspace in an intense black spot that contrasts strongly with the duller black on the terminal margin ; outwardly these black spots are separated from an anticiliary intense black line by a slender edging of bluish-white scales. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white with their basal halves dusky black. Underside : brownish grey. Fore wing: a prominent, discocellular, transverse, white- encircled black spot ; a transverse discal row of six comparatively large black spots edged very slenderly on the inner side, very broadly on the outer side with snow-white, the anterior five spots of the row placed in a slight curve, the upper four round, the lower spot larger, oval and obliquely placed; the lowest posterior spot of the row also large, elongate, sometimes composed of two geminate spots placed vertically under and out of line of the curve formed by the anterior five ; these are followed by a broad transverse postdiscal blackish-brown band, a terminal catenulated transverse white band, each link of which is centred with a dusky black spot and an anticiliary, very prominent, somewhat lunular black line. Hind wing a transverse subbasal series of four black spots, a transverse discocellular spot and a discal series of six similar spots, the anterior five of which are placed in a semicircular curve, vertically below which the posterior spot, which is some- times double and geminate, is posited out of line of the curve formed by the anterior five. All these spots encircled with white, which on the outer side of the discal series of spots entirely replaces the ground-colour, up to the terminal margin. On the 344 white area are superposed a transverse, postdiscal, highly curved series of connected black lunules, a subterminal series of small black spots, one in each interspace, and an anticiliary slender black line ; the posterior two spots of the subterminal row are inwardly edged with bright ochraceous and sprinkled with metallic blue scales. Antennae black, the club touched with white apically and the shaft ringed with the same colour ; head, thorax and abdomen black with a little blue pubescence ; beneath : the palpi, thorax, abdomen white. 5 . Upperside : brown or fuscous brown. In Baluchistan specimens ; fore wing : with postdiscal inner and outer transverse series of whitish spots, the inner series much more clearly defined ; a faint black spot on the discocellulars and an anticiliary dark line. Hind wing: a similar incomplete series of white spots followed by a row of obscure black spots that are outwardly edged very slenderly but conspicuously with white, and have the subtornal two spots crowned inwardly with ochraceous red ; an anticiliary dark line as on the fore wing. In Chitral specimens : on the fore wing the postdiscal series of spots is absent or only faintly indicated ; occasionally there is an obscure trans- verse series of two or three dull black spots crowned inwardly with ochraceous red. Hind wing : more or less as in Baluchistan specimens, but the postdiscal series of white spots absent or barely indicated, the other markings not so clearly defined. Underside : in specimens both from Baluchistan and Chitral, as in the rf, the ground-colour more brownish, the markings large and clearly defined. Exp. rf $ 30-38 mm. (1-18-1-50"). Hab. Asia Minor; Persia; Chitral; Baluchistan. Var. chamanica, Moore. The d is slightly paler blue on the upperside, on the underside the markings though small are precisely as in L. loeivii. 712. Lycaena devanica, Moore (Polyommatus), P. Z. S. 1874, p. 573, pl. 66, fig. 4 rf ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 71. o . Upperside : dusky brown with more or less of a dense irroration of blue scales that spreads from the bases of the wings outwards towards the termen. The amount of this blue scaling is irregular and variable ; on the fore wing it never extends up to the apex or terminal margin ; on the hind wing never further than the disc. Fore wing : a short transverse line or elongate spot on the discocellulars and a slender black anticiliary line. Hind wing : without markings ; in a few specimens traces of one or two subterminal dusky spots near the tornal angle ; a slender black anticiliary line as on the fore wing. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white. Underside : greyish brown ; bases of both fore and hind wings irrorated with blue scales. Fore wing : with the following black, white-encircled spots : a transverse spot on the discocellulars, a curved series of five, sometimes six, discal spots and a subterminal transverse complete series of smaller spots, the 345 spots in the latter series dusky black, paler than those of the discal series ; bordering the white edging to the subterrninal series of spots on the inner side, is another obscure transverse row of dusky spots that are not encircled with white ; lastly, a prominent anticiliary black line. Hind wing : a subbasal transverse series of four spots, an outwardly angulated discal series of eight spots, the posterior two geminate, followed by a strongly curved post- discal series of slender lunules, a subterminal series of smaller spots and an anticiliary slender line, black, each spot is encircled with white ; discocellulars marked by a large, irregular, white spot, that in some specimens is transversely traversed by a short slender black line ; the outer white edging to the middle spots of the discal series is produced irregularly outwards and forms a small patch, and the postdiscal series of lunules is bordered on the outer side by pale cchraceous red. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white, alternated with fuscous brown at the apices of the veins. Antenna black, the shafts ringed with white, head and thorax with bluish-grey pubescence, abdomen dusky black ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. . Upperside : uniform dark brown with in certain lights a satiny lustre. Fore wing : the discocellular transverse black spot obscure, seen more by transparency from the underside than marked by actual scaling. Fore and hind wings : cilia prominent, snow-white. Underside : similar to the underside in the d 1 , the ground-colour a shade darker. Antennae, palpi, thorax and abdomen beneath as in the c? ; on the upperside, the head, thorax and abdomen black, clothed more or less with brownish pubescence. Exp. <$ 2 34-38 mm. (1-35-1-50"). Hob. Kashmir ; Ladakh. The next form, L. sarta, Alph., is very closely allied to devanica and is probably only a race of that insect. I have kept it separate because in Indian specimens the differs completely from the $ of devanica. In Central Asia, however, the $ of L. surta is uniform brown on the upperside, like that of L. devanica. 713. Lycaena sarta, Alpheraky.Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross, xvi, 1881, p. 387, pi. 14, fig. 8. (5 . Upperside : dark brown, overlaid on both fore and hind wings from the base outwards with bluish purple, this colour variable in extent but not reaching to the terminal margins in any specimens, and only up to or a little beyond the discs of the wings in very many. In all specimens the immediate base of the wings is suffused more or less prominently with pale blue, which is continued for a short distance down the dorsal margin of the hind wing. Fore and hind wings : an anticiliary dark line and the hind wing in many specimens with a subterminal series of dark spots ; cilia white. Underside : brownish grey. Fore wing : a discocellular and a transverse discal series of black spots, each spot encircled with white ; the latter markings somewhat variable, in some specimens 346 LYCJENIDJE. the discal series consists of five spots arranged in an outward curve, in others of six arranged in a transverse bisinuate line ; in nearly all specimens that I have seen the edging of white on the outer side is spread diffusely outwards ; beyond these there are in some specimens a subterminal inner and an outer maculated narrow transverse band, each band edged on the outer side narrowly and somewhat obscurely with white followed by an anticiliary slender black line ; in other specimens the outer dark maculated band becomes a prominent, catenulated, terminal white band, each link centred with a dark spot. Hind wing: a transverse subbasal series of four and a discal series of eight black spots, each spot encircled with white ; the discal series angulated out- wardly on vein 5, its posterior two spots geminate, the outer white edging spread more or less diffusely outwards, generally only in the middle of the series; the discocellular spot is in most specimens large and pure white, in a few it is transversely traversed by a slender, very short, black line ; the terminal markings consist of a curved subterminal series of dark spots edged outwardly with white, inwardly with ochraceous, between which latter and the discal markings is a curved transverse series of dark lunules ; lastly, an anticiliary slender black line as on the fore wing. Antennae black, the shafts ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen dark brown clothed with a little purplish- blue pubescence ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white, the palpi with a fringe of stiff black hairs mixed with the white. $ . Upperside : costa broadly, terraen decreasingly from apex to tornus dark brown ; rest of the wing dark shining yellow, suffused for about two thirds from base with light brown that leaves a trans- verse broad postdiscal band of the yellow ground-colour prominently apparent, the inner margin of the broad, dark brown, terminal edging van dyked. Hind wing : dark brown ; a subterminal series of yellow, inwardly pointed, large, cone-shaped coalescent spots ; the bases of the spots rest on an auticiliary brown line and bear each a dark brown spot that is very near to and in some specimens anteriorly touches the anticiliary line, the posterior two brown spots geminate. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white alternated with fuscous. Underside: precisely similar to that of the 3 . Antennae as in the J ; head, thorax and abdomen above dark brown without any blue pubescence ; beneath : as in the . Upperside : brown. Pore and hind wings : subterminal trans- verse series of large, somewhat quadrate ochraceous-red spots, 011 the fore wing generally four posited in interspaces 1 a, 1, 2 and 3 ; on the hind wing seven, the series complete ; on both fore and hind wings the posterior two spots of the series are geminate. Underside : much as in the c? , but the ground-colour of both fore and hind wings darker. In many specimens the apex and upper portion of the termen of the fore wing are suffused prominently with pale metallic green, and the posterior, postdiscal. large dusky brown markings practically absent. Cilia of both fore and hind wings and the antenna? as in the d 1 ; head, thorax and abdomen above brown ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white, as in the d" Exp. 6 $ 35-40 mm. (1-38-1-58"). Hob. N.W. Himalayas : Chitral, Pangi, Kashmir, Kulu, hills north of Simla. I have followed de Niceville in treating L. nycula, Moore, as a variety of L. galathea, but with considerable doubt. Specimens of L. nycula. Moore, in the British Museum, so named by Dr. Butler, differ from typical galaihea as follows : 3 . Upperside : ground- colour of a more bluish purple. Underside : posterior portion of the disc of the fore wing darker grey, almost fuscous ; apex in all the specimens suffused with metallic green. Hind wing : ground- colour a much darker metallic green than in any specimen of galathea that I have seen, almost, in some specimens quite, as rich a metallic green as in L. omphisa, Moore. $ . Underside : ground- colour darker metallic green than in the <$ and much darker than in the $ of L. galathea, the metallic green in certain lights suf- fused with blue. Exp. <3 $ as in L. galathea. Hab. Described originally from Kuuawar. 717. Lycsena orbitulus, Esper (Papilio), Schmett. i (? 1800), pi. 112, fig. 4. Race jaloka. Polyommatus jaloka, Moore, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 573, pi. 66, fig. 3 rf ; de N. (Lycaj'na) Suit. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 86. Polyommatus ellisi, Marshall, J. A. S. B. 1882, p. 41, pi. 4, fig. 4 /oA-a, var. ellisi. of the wings extended outwards from the base almost but not quite so far as in jaloka ; the spots of the transverse discal series on both fore and hind LYCJEXA. 351 wings as in jaloika, but each obscurely centred with blackish in most specimens. Underside : greyish white, discs of wings brown, bases irrorated somewhat densely with metallic green scales, paler than in the typical race. Fore wing : with a very indistinct irregular subterminal series of dark spots in addition to the disco- cellular and discal spots, which are similar to those in JaloJca. Hind wing : according to de Niceville has, in addition to the discocellular and discal markings, " a marginal double series of coalescing white lunules." I have not, however, seen any specimen so marked. 718. Lycaena hylas, Wiener Verzeichniss (Papilio), 1776, p. 185 ; Kirby, Cat. Di. Lep. 187 J, p. 360 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 84. Papilio hylus, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii, 1787, p. 75 ; Butler (Scolitan- tides), Cat. Fabr. Lepidopt. Brit. Mus. 1869, p. 167. Papilio baton, Berystr. Nomencl. ii, 1779, p. 18, & iii, pi. 60, figs. 6-8; Ehves (Lycaena), P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 889; Lang (Lycaena), Butt. Eur. 1884, p. 109, pi. 24, fig. 2. Folyommatus vicrama, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 505, pi. 31, fig. 6 5 . Scolitantides cashmirensis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 272. c? . Upperside : greyish blue. Fore and hind wings : with or without a black discocellular transverse lunule. Fore wing : terminal margin narrowly and evenly dusky brown or pale greyish blue, with obscure white lunules and an anticiliary black line (casJimirensis, Moore). Hind wing : terminal margin as in the c? or (var. cashmirensis) with a subterminal series of obscure white spots that are centred prominently with black, and an anticiliary black line as on the fore wing. Cilia of fore and hind wings snow-white conspicuously spotted with black at the ends of the veins, these latter black or concolorous with the ground-colour. Underside : slightly bluish or greyish cream-colour, with the bases of the wings irrorated with bluish scales and the following black spots and markings : Fore wing : a spot in cell ; a transverse luuular spot on the discocellulars ; a transverse, very strongly bi- sinuate discal series of seven, sometimes eight, spots ; a transverse postdiscal series that anteriorly curves slightly inwards of six spots, followed by a very indistinct, maculated, transverse, very narrow band and a clearly denned slender anticiliary line. Hind wing : a curved subbasal transverse series of four spots ; a disco- cellular luuule, a spot above it near costa, and two spots in a straight line below it ; a transverse discal curve of four spots beyond apex of cell ; a strongly curved, transverse, postdiscal series of eight lunules, one in each interspace, those in interspaces 1 to 5 edged outwardly with ochraceous and followed by a subterminal series of black spots ; lastly, a slender anticiliary black line as on the fore wing. Cilia as on the upperside. In some specimens the black discal spots on both fore and hind wings are encircled tolerably distinctly with white. Antenna? brown, the shafts ringed with white, head and thorax anteriorly snow-white, the thorax 352 LYC;ENIDJE. and abdomeu above greyish blue ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : purplish brown, with more or less of an irroration of bluish-grey scales at the bases of the wings ; the markings somewhat as in the J , but in var. cashmirensis the white subterminal lunules on the fore and the black sub- terminal spots on the hind wing are, in all specimens that I have seen, very obscure. The underside, antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the d . Exp. rf 2 28-31 mm. (MO-1-24"). Hub. N.W. Himalayas : Kashmir, Kunawar ; Baltistan ; Baluch- istan ; westwards and northwards to Afghanistan, Central Asia, Eussia, Southern and Central Europe. Within our limits it occurs at elevations of from 6000 to 14,000 feet. 719. Lycsena pheretes, Hiibner (Papilio), Eur. Schmett. i, 1805, p. 45. Race lehana (PL XIX, figs. 132, 133, rf $ ). Polyommatus lehanus, Moore, A. M. N. H. (5) i, 1878, p. 230; id. Sci. Res. Second York. Miss., Lep. 1879, p. 6, pi. 1, fig. 6 rf ; de N. (Lyctena) EiAt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 81. Race asiatica (PI. XIX, fig. 134). Lycaena pheretes, Hiibner, var. asiatica, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1882, "p. 402 ; id. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 382 ; de N. JSutt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 81. Race lehana, Moore. d 1 $ . Eyes smooth. J . Upper side : purplish blue, dark blue at the bases, of the wings. Pore and hind wings with somewhat obscure, slender, black, anticiliary lines, followed by very full, snow-white cilia. Underside : grey, pale plumbeous brown on the discs of the wings, the bases of both fore and hind wings irrorated with bluish-green scales. Fore wing : a narrow transverse black luuule on the discocellulars and a trans- verse curved discal series of five white spots, each spot centred with black. Hind wing : a streak in the cell, a spot above it near the costa and a discal series of five spots, of which the posterior four are in a very oblique line directed outwards, and the upper or fifth is much larger, placed much further inwards above the apex of the cell. In the type and a few others the discal spots are seven or eight in number, and smaller than in the majority of specimens I have seen. Antennae dark brown, the shafts as usual ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen clothed with bluish hairs ; beneath : the palpi fringed with black hairs, thorax and abdomeu white. $ . Similar to the c? , but on the upperside the ground-colour is rich brown, the bases of the wings only blue. Underside : ground-colour and markings as in the c? Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen similar to those of the . Zizera otis, underside. the cilia are brownish at base and white outwardly. Hind wing : anterior or costal third to half and apex brown ; a slender black anticiliary line, beyond which the cilia are as in the fore wing. Underside : brownish grey. Fore wing : a short, transverse, dusky lunule on the discocellulars and a transverse, anteriorly curved, discal series of seven minute black spots, all the spots more or less rounded, the posterior two geminate, the discoceliular lunule and each discal spot conspicuously encircled with white ; the terminal markings beyond the above consist of an inner and an outer transverse subterminal series of dusky spots, each spot edged on the inner side very obscurely with dusky white, the inner line of spots lunular, the outer with the spots more or less rounded. Cilia dusky. Hind wing : a transverse, curved, subbasal series of four spots and an irregular transverse discal series of nine small spots black, each spot encircled narrowly with white. Of the discal spots the posterior four are placed in an outwardly oblique, slightly curved line, the middle two spots geminate : the three spots above these are placed in an oblique transverse Hue further outwards ; lastly, the anterior two spots are posited one over the other and shifted well inwards, just above the apex of the cell ; discoceliular lunule and terminal markings as on the fore wing, but the inner subterminal lunular line in the latter broader and more prominent. Cilia dusky. Antennae black, shafts ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen brown, with a little blue scaling : beneath : white. $ . Upperside : brown, with a more or less distinct suffusion of violet-blue at the bases of the wings, on the hind wing continued obscurely along the dorsum ; both fore /I/ERA. AZAXL'S. 361 and hind wings with slender anticiliary lines, darker than the ground-colour. Underside : ground-colour slightly darker than in the c? , markings precisely similar. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the J , but the thorax and abdomen above without any blue scaling. Eaup. c? 2 22-27 mm. (0-78-1-08"). Hub. Punjab ; Kumaon ; Sikhim ; Bengal ; Orissa ; Central, Western and Southern India ; Ceylon ; Assam ; Burma ; Tenas- serim ; extending to the Malayan Subregion as far as Java, and into China. Z. sangra, Moore, and Z. decreta, Butler, are slight varieties that differ so little from the typical form as to make it impossible to discriminate one from the other in any large series of specimens from different localities. Z. indicn, Murray, is more easily separ- able by the great size of the discal black spots on the underside of the fore wing, but specimens intermediate between typical otis and typical indica are by no means uncommon throughout the range of the form. Genus AZANUS. Azanus, Moore, Lep. Cvyl i, 1881, p. 79 ; de X. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 122. Type, A. ubaldus, Cramer, from Ceylon. Range. Arabia, India, Ceylon, Assam, Burma. c? $ . Fore wing : costa very slightly arched ; apex subacute ; termen convex ; tornus obtuse ; dorsum straight ; cell about half length of wing ; upper discocellular in line with subcostal nervure, middle and lower subequal and nearly vertical ; vein 3 from well before, vein 4 from lower apex of cell, vein 6 from upper apex of cell, vein 7 from a little before ; vein 8 absent, 9 out of 7, 10 free, 11 anastomosed with 12. Hind wing : costa arched; apex broadly rounded ; termen convex ; tornus well marked, angular ; dorsum sinuate, strongly convex in the middle, concave just before tornal angle ; cell short, less than half length of wing, all the veins well separate from one another ; vein 3 from before lower apex of cell. Antennae a little longer than half length of fore wing, club large and abrupt; palpi more or less porrect, second joint densely clothed with long hairs anteriorly, third short, blunt at apex ; eyes hairy ; body moderately robust. <$ . In two of the forms on the upperside of the fore w ? ing, specialized hair-like scales on the disc extend upwards into the cell and beyond it into bases of interspaces 4 and 5. Three forms are recorded from within our limits, of which one seems to me doubtfully distinct from the typical form. In the absence of evidence from the larva and pupa (unknown of any of the forms), and even of a good series of dated specimens, I have followed de Niceville and kept A. uranus, Butler, distinct from A. ubaldus, Cramer. I think, however, that the former will probably prove to be the dry-season brood of the latter. 362 Key to the forms of Azanus. A. Underside fore wing, rf $ : a black spot in middle of cell .................................. A. jesous, p. 363. 13. Underside fore wing, c? $ : no black spot in middle of cell. a. Underside : greyish brown ; hind wing : a conspicuous, transverse, subbasal series of four black spots ........................ A. ubuldus, p. 302. b. Underside : greyish white ; hind wing : with- out, or with only a slight trace of subbasal series of black spots ...................... A. uranus, p. 363. 725. Azanus ubaldus (PI. XIX, fig. 138), Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. iv, 1782, p. 209, pi. 390, figs. L, M, d ; Moore, P. Z. ~S. 1882, p. 245 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 123. Lycama zena, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 505, pi. 31, fig. 9 $ : Butler (Azanus), P. Z. S. 1884, p. 483. ^ . Upperside : brownish purple, dark blue at base of wings. Tore wing : costa very narrowly along its apical half, terinen evenly and a little more broadly from apex to tornus, edged with brown ; the area on the disc, in the cell and beyond it is covered with hair-like specialized scales and is distinctly darker. Hind wing : similar, the brown edging to the costa much broader ; posteriorly in the tornal area there is a dark spot in interspace 1 and another more clearly -defined similar spot in interspace 2, both spots merged more or less into the terminal brown edging. Cilia of both fore and hind wings white, with their basal halves evenly dark brown. Underside: greyish brown. Eorewing: two short white lines, one each side of the discocellulars ; a minute black subcostal dot above apex of cell, another similar dot a little beyond it; two parallel, obliquely-placed, transverse, upper discal white lines, followed by an inner and an outer obliquely-placed, irregular, broken, subterminal line also white, the inner one some- what Junular, and an anticiliary dark line ; the posterior third from base of the wing uniform, somewhat paler than the rest. Hind wing: the following black white-encircled spots conspicuous: 4 subbasal spots in transverse order, a subcostal spot in middle of interspace 7, two minute geminate spots at the tornal angle, and a larger one in interspace 2 ; two transverse short white lines on either side of the discocellulars as on the fore wing ; a transverse, curved, catenulated, discal baud of white markings, followed by a postdiscal and subterminal series of white lunules and an anti- ciliary dark line edged inwardly with white. Antennae dark brown, the shafts ringed with white; apex of club also white; head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, the thorax in fresh specimens with a little purplish-blue pubescence ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : rich silky brown. Fore and hind wings : suffused with purplish blue at base, and with anti- ciliary black lines. Hind wing : with two black spots at tornal AZANUS. 363 area as in the J . Underside : as in the <$ , but the markings more regular, more evenly and neatly denned, and the white transverse lines on the fore wing carried to the dorsal margin. Cilia, antennae, head, thorax and abdomen similar to those of the cf, the thorax however, devoid of any bluish pubescence on the upperside. Exp. <$ $ 21-24 mm. (0-84-0-96"). Hab. N.W. Himalayas ; Baluchistan ; the Punjab ; Oudh ; Bengal ; Orissa ; Central, Western and Southern India ; Ceylon ; Upper Burma : Tilin Taw ( Watson). 726. Azanus uranus, Sutler, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 3t>6, pi. 35, fig. 1 rf ; de N. Butt. Incl. iii, 1890, p. 124. d 1 ? . Closely resembles A. ubaldus, Cramer. The J 1 on the upperside has the ground-colour much paler and the terminal edging on both fore and hind wings much narrower, reduced, in fact, to a conspicuous dark brown anticiliary line, while the two dark spots at the tornal area of the hind wing are more or less obsolescent. In the $ on the upperside the ground-colour is also much paler than in the $ of ubaldus, but the suffusion of purplish blue at the base of the wings in the solitary $ specimen that I have seen is spread slightly further outwards than it is in the 5 of ubaldus. Underside J $ : ground-colour greyish white ; character and disposition of the markings much as in ubaldus, but faint and not clearly defined, often many of them scarcely trace- able ; the transverse subbasal row of black spots on the hind wing either completely absent or barely visible. The black subcostal spot in interspace 7, though smaller than in ubaldus, seems to be always present, while the tornal black spots seem, to be particu- larly large and prominent in both sexes. Exp. J $ 25-28 mm. (1-00-1-10"). Hab. Baluchistan ; the Punjab : Karachi ; Oudh ; Kumaon ; Sikhim ; Bengal ; Central and Southern India. 727. Azanus jesous, Guerin (Polyommatus) in Lef. Voy. Abyss, vi, (1847), p. 383, pi. 11, figs. 3, 4; Trimen (Lycaena), South Afr. Butt, ii, 1887, p. 72. Lyceena gamra, Lederer, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, v, 1855, p. 189, pi. 1, fig. 3 rf; de N. (Azanus) Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 125. Azanus crameri, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. \, 1881, p. 80, pi. 36, fig. 1. c? . Upperside : a paler and much brighter purple than in A. ubaldus, the dark blue tint at the base of the wings more pronounced. Pore wing : without the clothing of specialized hair-like scales so conspicuous in ubaldus. Hind wing : with the dark tornal spots very obscure. Pore and hind wings : with only slender dark anticiliary lines, but no regular brown edging. Underside : dull pale grey. Pore wing : costal margin brown, a black white-encircled spot in cell, a dark chestnut-brown streak 364 LYC.EX1DJE. between vein 12 and subcostal vein ; similarly-coloured but some- \vhat paler transverse bars cross the upper discal area of the wing as follows : one on the discocellulars and three beyond, each bar edged internally and externally with white ; below this two elongate brownish white-edged spots placed en echelon, and beyond a slender, unbroken, transverse, postdiscal brown line ; a transverse subterminal series of black spots, each surrounded with white, and a slender anticiliary dark line. In most speci- mens there is also a dusky spot below the cell near the base of the wing. Hind wing : an outwardly oblique short streak from base of cell, a spot below it, a transverse subbasal series of four spots and a complete series of subterminal spots in interspaces 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, jet-black, each spot surrounded with white ; the sub- terminal spot in interspace 3, a terminal small spot in interspace 7, an outwardly-oblique discal line of six elongate spots, the anterior spot shifted inwards out of line, and a transverse line beyond apex of cell, dark brown, each of these markings margined with white ; on the terminal area there is an inner subterminal lunulated dark line on the inner side of the series of black spots and an anticiliary similar slender line. Cilia white, basal halves brown ; on the fore wing interrupted also with brown at the apices of the veins. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown ; shafts of the antennae white-ringed, thorax with a little bluish pubescence ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : silky brown, bluish at the base of the wings. Fore wing : a large dark brown discocellular transverse spot and a small quadrate white patch beyond. Hind wing : some two or three obscure dark sub- terminal spots towards the tornus. In some specimens the series complete from apex to tornus, more obscure anteriorly than poste- riorly. Fore and hind wings : both with slender dark anticiliary lines. Underside : ground-colour slightly paler, but the markings very similar to those in the tf ; the transverse brown bars beyond apex of cell on the fore wing longer, almost extended to the dorsal margin. Cilia, antennae, thorax and abdomen much as in the c? . Exp. cj 5 24-26 mm. (Q-93-1'02"). Hub. Africa ; Arabia ; and within our limits : Baluchistan ; the Punjab eastwards through Oudh to the Central Provinces ; Central, Western and Southern India; Ceylon; Upper Burma: Myingan ( Watson). Genus CHILADES. Chilades, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881. p. 76 ; de N. Butt. Ltd. iii, 1890, p. 88. Type, C. laius, Cramer, from Ceylon and India. Kanf/e. " South Africa, North and South Tropical Africa, extra- tropical North Africa, South-east Europe, Asia Minor, Persia and Aden, almost throughout India and Ceylon, but not in the Malay Peninsula as far as is known, reappearing, however, in Java, Samba, Sambawa and Australia" (de Nicevitte). Occurs also in China. CHILADES. 365 Very closely allied to Lycmia, from which the two forms that are placed under it are kept separate, more for convenience and because of the character of the wing-markings on the underside and the peculiar range of the forms, than for the slight structural difference which is noted below. <$ $ . Venation of the wings and structure of the antennae, palpi and legs as in Lyccena, with the exception that in the hind wing veins 3 and 4 are emitted typically from the lower apex of the cell, and not vein 3 from a little before, 4 from the apex of the cell as in Li/ccena. Key to the forms of Chilades. a. Upperside : tf purplish blue ; $ brown, with more or less of blue suffusion at base of wings. Underside hind wing: <$ without an ochreous patch at tornal area, or ocelli sprinkled with metallic-green scales C. lams, p. 060. b. Upperside : J brown, not suffused with blue. Underside hind wing : rf with a more or less well-marked ochraceous patch at tornal area, and three black ocelli sprinkled outwardly with metallic-green scales C. frochilus, p. 367. 728. Chilades laius (PL XIX, fig. 135), Cramer (Papilio), Pap. Exot. iv, 1780, p. 62, pi. 319, tigs. D, E ; Moore (Polyommatus), Cat. Lep. Mus. E. 1. C. i, 1857, p. 21, pi. 12, figs. 1, 1 a, larva & pupa; de N. Butt. 2nd. iii, 1890, p. 89, pi. 26, tigs. 168, 169, J . Chilades varunana, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 77, pi. 35, fig. 3<3 . Polyommatus kandura, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 772, pi. 41, fig. 7 $ ; Swinhoe (Zizera), Trans. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. 341. Wet-season brood. rf . Upperside : bluish purple. Fore wing : base and basal half of costa flushed with pale blue ; costa and termen edged by a slender dark brownish-black even line, beyond which along the termen the cilia are brown at base, white outwardly. Hind wing: costa somewhat broadly dusky black; a slender black conspicuous anticiliary line, beyond which the cilia are white traversed medially by a brown line ; dorsum broadly pale brown, two subterminal pale-bordered black spots in interspace 1, and one similar spot in interspace 2, often ob- solescent and barely indicated. Underside : grey. Fore wing : a transverse broad lunule on the discocellulars and a transverse discal series of six spots dark brown, the lunule and each of the discal spots edged with white ; the posterior four spots of the discal series elongate and each obliquely placed, the anterior two round and curved inwards ; a subterminal series of trans- verse elongate spots with an inner series of lunules dusky brown, both series edged inwardly and outwardly with white ; finally, an anticiliary slender black line. Cilia white, medially traversed by a dark brown line. Hind wing : the following jet-black spots slenderly encircled with white : a transverse subbasal series of 366 LYCJSNIDJE. four and a subcostal spot somewhat larger than the others in the middle of interspace 7; below the latter a catenulated line of slenderly white-edged dusky-brown spots, including the lunular spot on the discocellulars, crosses the wing, and beyond these opposite the apex of the cell are three similar discal spots, the middle one elongate ; the terminal markings consist of an inner continuous subterminal series of dusky lunules, bordered inwardly and outwardly with white, an outer subterminal series of in- wardly conical dusky-brown spots, and a slender anticiliary black line. The posterior two spots of the outer line of subterminal markings are also black. Cilia white. Antennae black, the shafts obscurely ringed with white ; head, thorax and abdomen brown, the head, thorax and base of the abdomen with a little blue scaling ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. $ . Upperside : dark brown. Fore and hind wings from their bases outwards to a varying extent shot with bright iridescent blue, this colour not extended on either wing to the costa, termen or dorsum. Hind wing : in addition a curved postdiscal series of whitish lunules very often obsolescent, in some specimens entirely wanting ; followed by a subterminal series of black, narrowly white-encircled spots that are often obscure and in some speci- mens do not reach the apex. Anticiliary black lines and cilia as in the c? . Underside : precisely similar to that of the cf . Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the d . Dry-season brood. tf $ . Closely resemble specimens of the wet-season brood, but can always be distinguished by the some- what paler ground-colour of the upperside, while on the underside both sexes bear a large nebulous brown patch on the hind wing posteriorly. Sometimes the ground-colour on the underside is much paler, almost white, especially in the $ . Exp. 3 $ 28-32 mm. (MO-1-26"). Hob. Baluchistan ; N.W. Himalayas, not ascending above 6000 or 7000 feet; N.W. Provinces eastwards to Bengal and Assam, southwards through Central, Western and Southern India to Ceylon : Burma ; Tenasserim ; Southern China. This form is very constant and unmistakable in the markings of the underside. It seems to be also fairly constant in size, but some six or seven specimens sent to me by Major Stokes-Eoberts, B.E., from the Nilgiris, are extraordinarily small (Exp. J $ 18-20 mm.), though in ground-colour and markings, both on the upper and under sides, <$ and $ are precisely similar to the corresponding sexes of the larger and typical form. Larva. " Pale green at all stages, of the shade of the young leaves of the lime and pummeloe bushes on which it feeds. When full- grown it is about seven-sixteenths of an inch in length, onisciform as usual ; the head black, smooth and shining, with a somewhat dark green dorsal line down the body, the whole surface but very slightly shagreened and covered with extremely fine and short downy hairs. The constriction between the segments slight. There are traces of two pale subdorsal lines, and there is a pale CHILADES. 367 lateral line below the spiracles. The usual extensile organ on the twelfth segment short. This larva has no distinctive markings by which it can be easily recognized ; it is altogether a very plainly coloured and marked insect. I have found it common in Calcutta during the rains, the ant which attends it betraying its presence. The latter has been identified by Dr. A. Forel as Camponotus rubripes, Drury (sylvaticus, Fabr.), subspecies com- pressus*, Fabr." (de Niceville.) Papa. " Green ; of the usual Lycsenid shape, with a dorsal and lateral series of somewhat obscure conjoined brownish spots on the upperside. Attached to the underside of the leaves of its food-plant in the usual manner." (de Niceville.) 729. Chilades trochilus, Freyer (Lycaena), Neuere Beitrage Schmett. v, 1844, p. 98, pi. 440, tig. 1 ; Lang (Lycaena), Butt. Eur. 1884, p. 103, pi. 22, fig. 7 ; de N. Butt. Ind. iii, 1890, p. 91. Lycsena putli, Kollar, HiiyeVs Kaschmir, iv, 1848, p. 422 ; Moore (Chilades), Lep. Ceyl. i, 1881, p. 77, pi. 85, figs. 4, 4 a. Lycaeua parva, Murray, Trans. Ent. Sue. 1874, p. 526, pi. 10, fig. 1. Lycfena gnoma, Snellen, Tijd. voor Ent. xix, 1876, p. 159, pi. 7, fig. 1. S . Upperside : brown, somewhat variable in tint. Specimens from dry localities are much paler than those taken in areas with a comparatively heavy rainfall. Fore wing : uniform, with a very ill-defined anticiliary dark line in some specimens. Hind wing : a subterminal series of round black spots crowned with pale ochraceous, the posterior four spots generally well defined and outwardly edged with white, the anterior spots obsolescent and without the interior edging of yellow or the outer edging of white ; a well-marked, slender anticiliary black line. Cilia white, basal halves brown. Underside : pale silky brown. Fore wing : with the following white markings : a short line on the inner and outer sides of the discocellulars ; a transverse, slightly curved, discal series of small, more or less incomplete rings ; a transverse postdiscal series of disconnected slender lunules ; a subterminal series of similar but more regular lunuies and a terminal broken line, followed by a dark unbroken anticiliary line ; the ground- colour between the two short discocellular lines, that enclosed within each ring of the discal markings, and between the sub- terminal lunules and the terminal line slightly darker than on the rest of the wing. Hind wing : two short white lines on the discocellulars ; the discal, postdiscal and terminal markings as on the fore wing, except that enclosed between the subterminal series of white lunules and the terminal white line is a complete series of dark spots, the posterior three or four jet-black sprinkled outwardly with metallic-green scales and encircled with pale ochraceous. In addition there are a transverse subbasal series of * Camponotus compressits, Fabr., vide Faun. Brit. Ind., Hymen optera, ii, 1903, p. 351. four white-encircled black spots and a similar subcostal spot in middle of interspace 7. Antennae, head, thorax arid abdomen brown, the shaft of the antennae speckled with white ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen white. . Upper and undersides : ground-colour and markings as in the d 1 , but the latter larger and more clearly denned ; 011 the hind wing the yellow crowning the black spots on the tornal area on the upperside and surrounding the same 011 the underside, wider and more prominent. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the tf . Exp. rf $ 17-25 mm. (0-68-0-97"). Hal. Pound throughout our limits, but not at any great elevation ; occurs also in South-eastern Europe ; in Africa, Arabia and Central Asia ; extends through the Malayan Subregion to Australia. Var. putli, Kollar, is the small Indian form which however, in ground-colour and markings is identical with trochilus. Larva. " When full-grown a little over a quarter of an inch in length, onisciform as usual ; the head very small, black and shining, entirely hidden when at rest, being covered by the second segment ; the colour of the body grass-green, with a dark green dorsal line from the third to the twelfth segment; two subdorsal series of short parallel streaks, each pair being divided from the next by the segmental constriction, these streaks paler than the ground-colour ; an almost pure white lateral line below the spiracles, which is the most conspicuous of all the markings ; the segmental constrictions rather deep ; the whole surface of the body shagreened, being covered with very small whitish tubercles, from which spring very fine short colourless hairs. The usual extensile organ on the twelfth segment. Dr. George King, Superintendent of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, near Calcutta, has identified its food-plant as Hdiotropium striyosum, "Willd. Professor A. Forel identifies the ant as Pheidole quadri- spinosa, Jerdon." (de Niceville.} Pupa. " About three-sixteenths of an inch in length, pale green, of the usual Lycaenid shape, densely covered everywhere, except on the wing-cases, with somewhat long white hairs.'' (de Niceville?) Genus ORTHOMIELLA. Orthomiella, de Niceville, Butt. Ind. iii, 1800, p. 1 25. Type, 0. pontis, Elwes, from Sikhim. Range. Sikhim ; China. c? $ . Fore wing : costa widely arched ; apex subacute, well- marked but not produced ; termen convex ; tornus angulated : dorsum straight, about three-fourths the length of the costa ; cell ample, a little longer than half the length of the wing ; vein 7 from a little before apex of cell, upper discocellular therefore in line with subcostal ; middle and lower dtscocellulars subequal, OBTHOMIELLA. 369 faintly marked ; vein 3 from before lower apex of cell, 4 from lower apex, 5 from junction of middle and lower discocellulars, 6 from upper apex of cell, 8 absent, 9 from apical half of 7, 10 free, 11 anastomosed with 12 for a short distance, then ex- tended free to costa, 12 terminates on costa well before apex of cell. Hind wing : costa slightly concave, apex obtusely an- gulate; termen anteriorly slightly concave, posteriorly strongly convex ; tornus blunt, almost rounded ; dorsum long, slightly arched ; cell about half length of wing, middle and lower disco- cellulars oblique and convex ; vein 3 from a little before lower apex of cell ; vein 8 strongly arched at base, then straight to apex, running very close to the costal margin. Antennae about half length of fore wing; club stout, abrupt, spatulate ; palpi subporrect, somewhat lax, furnished with a bristly fringe of hairs anteriorly, third joint short, acicular ; eyes hairy ; body moderately stout. A single form is found within our limits in Sikhim and in Upper Burma. 730. Orthomiella pontis (PL XIX, fig. 139), Elwes (Chilcades?), P. Z. 8. 1887, p. 446 ; id. (Chilodes ?) Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 384, pi. 8, fig. 5 / to tlte forms of E A. Upperside : ground-colour purplish-blue or blue, rarely iu $ brown ........................ E.