fc. i : ;>■ : •■•■•■MWVMMWViqmPWWW -n-im. Ktj^cft v.^K.-S:y< n>^ v.' -L:^<.cg»i^.,v^<^.^ ;,s v ' ■ >.■-;-.■... ..XM>.«JV«aV 7' / A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF DR. CREIGHTON, Late Bishop of London DR. STUBBS, Late Bishop of Oxford DR. S. R. GARDINER AND The late LORD ACTON EDITED FOR THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY W. A. SHAW, LiTT.D. > T 1 "> LONDON OFFICES OF THE SOCIETY 1903 CONTENTS FACE PREFACE 5 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON : Works 9 Lectures lo Articles, Addresses, &c lo Introductions . -13 Reviews 13 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS : Works 17 Edited Matter 18 Addresses, Lectures, Articles, Notes, and Letters. 19 Prefaces 22 Charges and Sermons -23 HISTORICAL WORKS OF S. R. GARDINER: Works 27 Articles 29 Edited Matter 30 Notes 31 Reviews 34 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON: Works, Lectures, and Open Letters . . . .43 Correspondence 44 Articles 44 Edited Matter 47 Reviews 48 A2 213548 PREFACE The following bibliographies were drawn up and systematised by Dr. W. A. Shaw. In the preparation of that of Dr. Creighton he was much aided by Mrs. Creighton ; that of Dr. Stubbs is mainly based on information collected by the Rev. W. H. Hutton ; the materials for that of Dr. Gardiner were partly collected by Dr. C. H. Firth and Mrs. Gardiner ; while, in regard to that of Lord Acton, Dr. Shaw has been assisted by the present Lord Acton, by Mr. R. V. Laurence, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and especially Mr. T. F. Wetherell, to whom, as co-editor with Lord Acton of the Rambler and Home and Foreign Review^ and editor of the Chronicle and North British Review, the identification of his unsigned writings in those periodicals is due. The order followed is that of the dates at which the respective authors died. I do not wish to evade the responsibility of a general direction, but the credit of a very laborious and, it is hoped, useful piece of work is due to Dr. Shaw. G. W. PROTHERO, President Royal Historical Society. HISTORICAL WORKS OF THE RIGHT REV. & RIGHT HON. MANDELL CREIGHTON D.D., LL.D. BISHOP OF LONDON Obiit January 14, 1901 HISTORICAL WORKS OF THE RIGHT REV. AND RIGHT HON. MANDELL CREIGHTON, D.D., LL.D., BISHOP OF LONDON WORKS History of the Papacy during the Period oj the Reformation. Vols. i. ii. pp.xxiii,453,and XX, 555, London, 1882 ; iii. iv. pp. xvi, 307,and xii, 314, London, 1887 ; v. pp. xi, 384, London, 1894. Second Edition, under the title ' History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome,' 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1897. The Age of Elizabeth. 8vo. pp. xviii, 236, London, 1876. (' Epochs of Modern History' series.) Simon de Montfort. 8vo. pp. xii, 226, London, 1876. (' Historical Biographies ' series.) The Tudors afid the Reformatio7i. 8vo. pp. vi, 91, London, 1876. (' Epochs of Modern History' series.) Memoir of Sir George Grey. Privately printed, 4to. pp. 130, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1884. Reprinted, 8vo. with introduction by Sir Edward Grey, Bart., London, 1901. Cardinal Wolsey. 8vo. pp. vi, 226, London, 1888. ('Twelve English Statesmen ' series.) Carlisle. 8vo. pp. x, 215, London, 1889. (' Historic Towns' series.) Queen Elizabeth., with illustrations. 4to. pp. ii, 204, London, 1896. Second Edition, pp. vi, 307 (text only), London, 1899. The Story of some Etiglish Shires. 4to. pp. 312, London, 1897 : with illustrations. Second Edition, 8vo. pp. 382, London, 1901. Primer of Roman History. i6mo. London, 1875. Many Editions. A French translation by M. Pelicier (Coulommiers, 1885). The Shillijig History of England., being an introductory volume to Epochs of English History.' 8vo. pp. 139, London, 1879. 10 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON LECTURES 'Persecution and Tolerance.' 8vo. pp. xii, 140, London, 1895. (Hul- sean Lecture, 1893-4.) ' The Early Renaissance in England.' 8vo. pp. 44, Cambridge, 1895. (Rede Lecture, 1895.) [To be reprinted in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] 'English National Character.' 8vo. pp. 33, London, 1896. (Romanes Lecture, 1896.) [To be reprinted in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] ARTICLES, ADDRESSES, &c. 'Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Pius II.' Macmillaiis Mag.^voX. xxvii. pp. 113-22, 294-304, 1872. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' 'Dante.' Ibid. vol. xxix. pp. 554-63, 1873 ; x^-"^- PP- 56-67, 1874. Re- printed in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' 'A Schoolmaster of the Renaissance' (Vittorino da Feltre). Ibid.voV xxxii. pp. 509-19, 1875. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' ' The Endowment of Research.' Ibid. vol. xxxiv. pp. 186-92, 1876. ' John Wiclif at O.xford.' Church Quarterly, vol. v. pp. 1 19-41, Oct. 1877. Reprinted in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' ' A Learned Lady of the Sixteenth Century ' (Olympia Fulvia Morata). Macmillafi^s Mag., vol. xlii. pp. 136-44, 1880. Reprinted in ' Histori- cal Essays and Reviews.' ' Alnwick Castle.' Magazine of Art., vol. v. pp. 140-5, 195-200, 1881-2. 'A Man of Culture' (Cinque Cento). [Gismondo Malatesta of Rimini.] Ibid. pp. 270-7. Reprinted in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' The Northumbrian Border.' An Address delivered to the Archaeo- logical Institute at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 1. pp. 321-33, 1884. Ditto, with Appendices. Archccological Journal, vol. xlii. pp. 41-89, 1885. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' * Influence of the Reformation upon England, willi special reference to the Work and Writings of John Wiclif.' (Carlisle Church Congress, 1884.) Reprinted in ' The Church and the Nation.' Inaugural Address as Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Cambridge [1884]. [Not published, but will appear in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON II ' Philip II.' Encyclopedia Britanyiica, Ninth Edition, vol. xviii. 1885. ' The Harvard Commemoration.' Written specially for the Titnes, Nov. 8, 1886. Published in the Times, Nov. 22, 23, 1886. Reprinted in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' ' Hoghton Tower.' Magazine of Art, vol. x. pp. 19-24, 68-72, 1887. •The Church and History.' (Address at Wolverhampton Church Con- gress 1887.) Reprinted in 'The Church and the Nation.' 'The Italian Bishops of Worcester.' Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society's publications, i88g. Reprinted in ' His- torical Essays and Reviews.' Two Addresses given at St. Mary's, Cambridge, in 1890 — one on the Co7igregatio7ialists, the other on the Baptists. [Printed in full in the Cambridge Chronicle, and are to be reprinted in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] 'The Fenland.' Archa:ological /otirnal,\o\. \\\\. pp. 263-73, 1892. Re- printed in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' 'Christian Ethics.' (Address at Folkestone Church Congress, 1892.) Reprinted in ' The Church and the Nation.' 'The National Church : its Continuity in Order, Doctrine, and Autonomy.' (Address at Church Congress, Norwich, Oct. 1895.) Reprinted in ' The Church and the Nation.' ' The Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction.' A Paper read at Sion Co - lege to the Church Historical Society, 1895. Reprinted in 'The Church and the Nation.' Some Literary Correspondence of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. Engl. Hist. Review, 1895, vol. x. pp. 99-104. ' The National Church and the Middle Ages.' A Paper read at the Church Congress, Norwich, Oct. 1895. London, 1895. [Archbishop] ' Laud's Position in the History of the English Church.' In the Archbishop Laud Commemoration vol. edited by W. E. Collins. 8vo. pp. 3-29. London, 1895. [To be reprinted in 'Lectures and Addresses.'] ' The Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction.' Church Historical Society, 1896. Reprinted in ' The Church and the Nation.' ' The Imperial Coronation at Moscow. Cornhill Mag., pp. 305-25, Sept. 1896. Reprinted in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' 'The Idea of a National Church.' (Address at Shrewsbury Church Con- gress 1896.) Reprinted in 'The Church and the Nation.' ' The Church under Elizabeth ' : a Lecture delivered at the Church House, Westminster, April 29, 1896. 8vo. pp. 30. London, i8g6. [To be reprinted in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] 12 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON ' Church and State.' Oxford House Papers^ vol. iii. 8vo. pp. 31-44. London, 1897. ' Picturesqueness in History.' Cornhill Mag., pp. 305-20, 1897. [To be reprinted in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] 'Heroes.' Ibid. pp. 729-40, 1898. [To be reprinted in 'Lectures and Addresses.'] 'The Position of the Church of England.' Address to the Ruri-Decanal Conferences in the Diocese of London, 1899. 8vo. pp. 24. London, 1899. Reprinted in ' The Church and the Nation.' 'Elizabethan London.' CornJiill Mag.^ pp. 1-15, 1900. [To be re- printed in ' Lectures and Addresses.'] ' The Church and the Nation.' A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London at St. Paul's Cathedral, Feb. 21, 1900. Reprinted in 'The Church and the Nation.' ' The Reformation.' In H. M. Gwatkin's 'The Church, Past and Present.' 8vo. pp. 125-35. London, 1900. Acca, Bishop ; Adam de Marisco ; Adrian IV., Pope ; Aidan, Saint ; Augustine, Saint ; Bale, John, Bishop of Ossory ; Baring, Charles Thomas, Bishop of Durham ; Bek, Anthony, Bishop of Durham ; Blamire, Susanna ; Blamire, William ; Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury ; Bowes, Elizabeth ; Bowes, Sir George (2) ; Bowes, Sir Robert ; Bowes, Robert ; Bowes, Sir William ; Brome, Adam de Bury, Richard de ; Carilef, St. William de ; Castro, Alfonso y Cavendish, George ; Chillingworth, William ; Comin, Robert de Crew, Nathaniel, Bishop of Durham ; Fabyan, Robert ; Feli.x, Saint Ferrar, Nicholas ; Fiddes, Richard ; Fish, Simon ; Gainsbrough, William, Bishop of Worcester ; Gigli, Giovanni, Bishop of Wor- cester ; Gigli, Silvestro, Bishop of Worcester ; Graham, Sir James Robert ; Green, Rev. John Richard ; Grey, Sir George ; Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury ; Grindal, William ; Habington, Thomas ; Hall, Edward ; Harington, Sir John ; Harpsfeld, Nicholas ; Heylin, Peter ; Hodgson, John ; Holdsworth, Richard ; Holt, Wil- liam ; Howard, Philip, first Earl of Arundel ; Howard, Thomas, second Duke of Norfolk ; Howard, Thomas, third Duke of Norfolk ; Howard, Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk ; Howard, Lord William \^ Belted Will ') ; Inett, John ; Islip, John, Abbot of Westminster ; Jane, Joseph ; Jane, William ; Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury : Ker, Andrew ; Kett, Robert ; Keys Lady Mary. — Dictionary of National Biography. ' The Church and the Nation.' Charges and Addresses. 8vo. London, 1901. ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' 8vo. London, 1902. ' Lectures and Addresses.' London [to be published shortly]. HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON 1 3 [Certain articles, lectures &c., published in various Reviews, are omitted here as not coming under the head of ' historical work.'] INTRODUCTIONS Introductions to the following volumes : 'Records of the Borough of Northampton.' 8vo. 1898. F. Relton's ' English Theological Library.' 8vo. 1898. ' Records of the Borough of Leicester.' 8vo. 1899. REVIEWS Hodgkin : ' Italy and her Invaders.' The Times, August 6, 1880. L. Thuasne : ' Johannis Burchardi Diarium.' Engl. Hist. Review, vol. i. p. 165, 1886. W. Stubbs : ' Seventeen Lectures on the subject of Mediaeval and Modern History.' Ibid. vol. ii. p. 369, 1887. J. A. Symonds : ' The Renaissance in Italy.' Ibid. p. 582. Reprinted in ' Historical Essays and Reviews.' J. Gairdner : ' Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII.' F. A. Gasquet : 'Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries.' Ibid. vol. iii. p. 373, 1888. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' J. H. Lupton : 'A Life of John Colet.' Ibid. p. 575- T. Craig-Brown : ' The History of Selkirkshire.' Ibid. p. 791. J. F. Smith : ' Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany.' Ibid. vol. iv. p. 'JT], 1889. W. A. Shaw : ' Minutes of the Manchester Classis,' &c. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 399, 1891. F. Ehrle : ' Historia bibliothecae Romanorum Pontificum.' Ibid. p. 379- T. G. Law : ' Conflict between Jesuits and Seculars in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.' Ibid. p. 583. 'The Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth.' Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 81-8, 1892. L. A. Burd : ' Macchiavelli's " II Principe." ' Prof. P. Villari : ' Life and Time of Niccolo Macchiavelli.' Ibid. p. 354. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' 14 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP CREIGHTON F. Nitti : 'Leone X. e la sua politica.' Engl. Hist. Review^ vol. viii p. 146, 1893. M. de Maulde-la-Claviere : ' La diplomatic au temps de Macchiavel.' Ibid. vol. ix. p. 142, 1894. P. Desiderio Pasolini : ' Caterina Sforza.' Ibid. p. 766. Reprinted in 'Historical Essays and Reviews.' [A share (one book) in the translation of Ranke's ' History of England ' is generally attributed to Bishop Creighton. This is, however, incor- rect, as the translation was executed by Mrs. Creighton.] HISTORICAL WORKS OF THE RIGHT REV. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., D.C.L BISHOP OF OXFORD Obiit April 22, 1901 HISTORICAL WORKS OF THE RIGHT REV. WILLIAM S TUBES, D.D., D.C.L., BISHOP OF OXFORD WORKS {Published by the Clarendon Press where not otherwise stated') ^ Select Charters of English Constitutional History. Nine Editions, 1870- 1901. \The Constitutional History of England. Vol. i. Six Editions, 1873-96 : vol. ii. Five Editions, 1875-96 ; vol. iii. Five Editions, 1878-96 ; Library Edition, 1880. "** Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History and kijtdred subjects: delivered at Oxford 1867-84. First Edition, 1886, pp. vi, 399; Second Edition, 1887, pp. vi, 455 ; Third Edition, 1900, pp. vi, 492. Regis tnt in Sacrum Anglicanuin : an attempt to exhibit the course of episcopal succession in England from the records and chronicles of the Church. First Edition, 1858 ; Second Edition, with an appendix of Indian, Colonial, and Missionary Consecrations collected and arranged by E. E. Holmes, 1897. \^ The Early Pla7ttage7iets. (Longmans, 1876.) Appendices to the Report of the Commission to inquire into the Consti- tution and Working of the Ecclesiastical Courts, as follows. (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1889.) 1. An Account of the Courts which have exercised Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in England before the Norman Conquest, from the Nor- man Conquest to the Reformation, from the Reformation to the year 1832. Vol. i. pp. 21-51. 2. A Calendar of the authenticated Trials for Heresy in England prior to the year 1533, stating in tabular form the names of the accused, the date of the trial, the process by which it was initiated, the tribunal before which it was tried, the form of the sentence, and any further points that illustrate the nature of jurisdiction in such cases. Vol. i. pp. 52-69. B 1 8 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS 3. A Copy of the several formal Acts by which the Clergy recog- nised the Royal Supremacy. Vol. i. pp. 70-3. 4. A Collation of the Journals of the Lords with the Records of Convocation from 1529 to 1547, showing the dates and the processes by which the Convocations and the Parliament co-operated in eccle- siastical legislation and business ; with such further information on this point as can be obtained from the State Papers. Vol. i. pp. 74- 141. 5. A Memorandum drawn up from the Journals of the Lords and Commons showing the occasions on which the Convocations are formally referred to in other than cases of subsidies. Vol. i. pp. 142- 162. Evidence : Questions 1076-1198. Vol. ii. pp. 40-51. [With A. W. Haddan] The Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. i. 1869; ii. 1871 ; iii. pt. i, 1878; pt. 2, 1878. (Longmans.) yc EDITED MATTER {Fo7' the Master of the Rolls) Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. Vol. i. London, 1864. (' Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Regis Ricardi ; auctore, ut videtur, Ricardo Canonico Sanctae Trinitatis Londoniensis.') Vol. ii. London, 1865: (' Epistolae Cantuarienses,' the Letters of the" Prior . and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, from 1187 to 1199.) ^^^^ Gesta Regis Henrici secundi Benedicti Abbatis.' The Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., A.D. 1 169-92, known com- monly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. ^ ''Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Hovedene.' Vol. i. London, 1868; ii. . 1869 ; iii. 1870 ; iv. 1871. L/ ' Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventria.' The historical collections of Walter of Coventry. Vol. i. London, 1872 ; ii. 1873. y Memorials of Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1874. ^y ' Radulfi de Diceto Decani Londoniensis opera historica.' 2 vols. Lon- don, 1876. The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury. Vol. i. London, 1879 ; ii. 1880. Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. Vo\. i. London, 1882. ('Annales Londonienses' and 'Annales Paulini.') Vol. ii. ^ HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS 1 9 London, 1883. ('Commendatio lamentabilis in transitu magni regis Edwardi.' ' Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan auctore Canonico Bridling- toniensi.' ' Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis vita Edwardi IL' Vita et mors Edwardi IL conscripta a Thoma de la Moore.') * Willelmi Malmesbiriensis jNIonachi, de gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque. Historiae novellae libri tres.' Vol. i. London, 1887 ; ii. 1889. [The Prefaces to the above-mentioned editions have just been republished in a volume, edited by Mr. A. Hassall.] The Foundation of Waltham Abbey : the Tract ' De Inventione Sanctae Crucis nostrae in Monte Acuto et de ductione ejusdem apud Waltham,' now first printed from the manuscript in the British Museum, with Introduction and Notes by William Stubbs, M.A., Vicar of Navestock, late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Roy. 8vo. 5^. ; demy 8vo. ■^s. (yd. Oxford and London, 1861. 8vo. pp. xxxii. 60. Magtta Charta (a reprint). First Edition, 186S ; Second Edition, 1879. 'Tractatus de veritate conceptionis beatissimae virginis. . . . compila- tus per Patrem Joannem de Turrecremata.' Oxford (London), 4to. 1869. A Charter of Canute from the York Gospels. Text and translation, 4to. pp. 4. (On title-page, ' in usum amicorum. — W. S.') (Clarendon Press, 1873.) An English translation of Sir John Fortescue's De titiilo Edwardi Coiiiitis Marchiae. (An insertion dated January 29, 1877, in pp. 77-90 of vol. i. of Lord Clermont's edition of Sir John Fortescue's works. -2 vols. 4to. 1869.) [With C. Deedes] ' Origines Celticae,' by E. Guest, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1883. Mosheim's 'Ecclesiastical History.' 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1863. Hardwick's 'History of the Reformation.' (Macmillan, 8vo. 1872, 1886.) ADDRESSES, LECTURES, ARTICLES, NOTES, AND LETTERS (Those marked * not published, though some were reprinted in a revised form in the Lectures on Medieval and Modern History.) On the Foundation and Early Fasti of Peterborough. A paper com- municated to the Historical section of the Archaeological Institute at Peterborough, July 29, 1861. AreJiccological Journal., xviii. pp. 193-21 1. B 2 20 HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS ' Charter relating to the Canons of Waltham.' Letter dated at Navestock, Feb. 1 6, 1862. Ge7itlemaii's Mag. N.S. vol. xii. p. 344, Jan.-June, 1862. ' The Bishops of Man and the Isles.' Letter dated at Navestock, April 13, 1862. Gentlejnaris Mag. N.S. vol. xii. p. 616. Reprinted separately. The Cathedral, Diocese, and Monasteries of Worcester in the 8th century ' (a paper communicated, July 23, 1862, by the Rev. W. Stubbs, Vicar of Navestock, to the Historical section of the Archaeological Institute at the Annual Meeting in Worcester, July 1862). Archccological Journal., xix. pp. 236-252. See a brief report of this meeting in Gent. Mag. N.S. xiii. p. 307, 1862. [For a notice of a paper by the Rev. W. Stubbs, librarian to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, on] 'The Ancient Connection between the Sees of Canterbury and Rochester,' at the Rochester Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, Aug. 4, 1863. See Gei^t. Mag. N.S. vol. xv. p. 589, July-Dec. 1863, and Aniueological Journal, xx. p. 403. 'Bishop Savaric of Wells.' Letter dated at Navestock, Oct. 8, 1863. Gent. Mag. N.S. vol. xv. p. 621, ' Lambeth Degrees.' Letter dated at Navestock, April 9. Ibid. N.S. vol. xvi. pp. 633-8, 770-2, Jan.-June 1864. (Appended to this letter is a list of all Graduati Lambethiani from 1660 to Feb. i, 1848.) ' The Foundation Statute of the Provostry of Wells.' Letter dated at Navestock, Oct. 6, 1864. Ibid. N.s. vol. xvii. p. 624-30, July-Dec. 1864. The Apostolical Succession in the Church of England. A letter to a Russian friend by William Stubbs, librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Privately issued, pp. 20, 1865. Reprinted. London, 1866. {Occasional Papers of t lie Eastern Church Association., No. i, pp. 30.) An Address delivered by way of Inaugural Lecture, Feb. 7, 1867.* Revised, 8vo. Oxford, 1867. Two Lectures. [Probably the same which appeared in ' Lectures on Medieval and Modern History' as 'On the Present State and Prospects of Historical Study.'] Pp. 48. (Clarendon Press, 1876,) Two Lectures on Cyprus and Armenia. Sm. 4to. pp. 60. (Clarendon Press, 1878.) History of the Cornish Bishopric. {Truro Diocesan Kaletidar, 1878. Reprinted in an abbreviated form in all subsequent years.) Remarks and Proposals (July 14, 1 881)— Ecclesiastical Courts.* (Claren- don Press, 1882.) Two Lectures on the History of the Canon Law in England. Sm. 4to. pp. 44. (Clarendon Press, 1882.) Last Statutory Public Lecture, May 8, 1884. Sm. 4to. pp. 16. (Clarendon Press, 1884.) A Letter to the Rural Deans of the Diocese of Chester from the Lord HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS 21 Bishop of the Diocese, Dec. 12, 1885. Chester, pp.8, 1885, Re- printed in Oxford Diocesan Afai^azine, March 1902. (Contains ;i scheme ' for the promotion of teaching in the history of our Church which I hope may be useful for the purpose of constructive and defensive work.') Joint Action of Convocations.* Sm. 4to. pp. 36. (Clarendon Press, 1887.) Letter on the Faith &c. of the Church of England.* (Clarendon Press, 1890.) Letter on the Moravian Episcopate.* (Clarendon Press, 1890.) The Study of Church History : an Address.* (Parker, 1890.) Church and State Principles. (Church Committee for Church Defence and Church Instruction, No. 9. S.P.C.K. Tract No. 2579.) London, 8vo. 1900. [An edition of Bishop Stubbs' Letters is being prepared by the Rev. W. H. Hutton.] Acca, Acha, Adda, Addi, Aetla, Agilbert, Alberht, Albinus, Alchfleda, Alchfrith, Alchmund, Alchred, Alcuin, Aldberht, Aldfrith, Aldhelm, Aldhun, Aldulf, Aldwin, Alheard, Alhun, Alric, Aluberht, Alwig, Anna, Arvaldus, Bacola, Bacula, Badenoth, Badudegn, Badulf, Badu- vini, Baere, Balthere, Beaduheard, Beda, Bega, Begu, Benedictus Biscop, Beonna, Beorchtgyth, Beorhtric, Beorwald, Berchthun, Berctgils, Berhtwald, Bernuini, Bertha, Betti, Billfrith, Birinus, Bisi, Blaecca, Boisil, Bosa, Bosel, Botolphus, Botwine, Bregusuid, Bregwin, Brorda, Bugga, Cadda (2), Ceadda, Ceolmund (2), Ceolred (part), Ceolwulf (2), Coenwalch, Coinwalch (part), Cuichelm, Cuthred (4), Cuthwin (i and 3), Cyneberht (i and 2), Cynegils (part), Cyneheard, Cynewulf (part), Cynwise, Damianus (6), Daniel (16), Deneberht, Denefrith, Dudd, Dun, Dunna. — Dictionary of Christian Biography (ed. Smith and Wace), vol. i. 1877. Eaba (i and 2), Eadbald (2 and 3), Eadberht (7, 9, 10, 11, 12), Eadbert (2 and 3), Eadbert Praen, Eadbert (7 and 9), Eadburga (i, 3, 4), Eadgar (i and 2), Eadgyd, Eadhere, Eadred (3), Eadric (i and 2), Eadulf (3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Eafa, Eahfrid, Ealheard, Ealhmund (i), Ealhun, Eanberht (2 and 3), Eanburga, Eanfrith (2 and 3), Eangheard, Eangitha, Eanhere, Eanmund, Eansvvitha, Eanulf (i), Eanwald, Earcombert, Earcongota, Eardred, Eardulf (i, 3, 4), Earpwald, East Angles (Kings of), East Saxons, Eata (3), Eborius (i), Ecglaf, Ecgnc, Ecgwald, Echfrith, Egbald (i, 2, 3), Egbert (i, 2, 4), Egfrid (2), Egric (i), Egwin, Egwulf, Eldad (part), Elfleda (2), Elfrida (i), Elfthritha (i, 2, 3), Eobe, EoUa, Eormenburga (i), Eormengilda, Eormenred, Eorpwin, Erkenwald, Esus, Ethelbald (i), Ethelbert (2, 3, 4), Ethelburga (1-8), Etheldreda (3), Ethelfrith, Ethelhard l-y HISTORICAL WORKS OF BISHOP STUBBS (i, 2, 3), Ethelhere, Elhelhild, Ethelhun (2, 3), Ethelmod, Ethelnolh (t and 2), Ethelied (2, 3, 4), Ethelswitha, Ethehvalch, Ethelwald (i, 2, 4, 6), Ethelwin (i and 2), Ethelwold (i and 2), Ethelwulf (i, 2, 3), Etti, Eva (2), Felgeld, Felix (72), P^ologeld, Folcberht (i and 2), Folcburg-, Folcred, Forthere (i and 2), Foithred (2), Frehelm, Freothomund, Freothored, Freothubert, Frigyd, Frithegils, Frithegitha, Frithewald, Frithowald, Froda, Fuliburs, FuUanus (2), Gebmund, Germanus (38), Giselhere, Goda, Gratiosus (3), Guba, Guda, Gutard, Guthmund, Guttheard, Hadda, Hadde, Hadwin, Haeha, Haeh-ic, Haemgils, Hagona, Halmund, Hathowald, Headda (i, 2, 3), Heahberht, Heahbert, Heahstan, Heamund, Hean, Heard- red (i and 2), Heared, Heathobald, Heathobert, Heatholac, Heath- ored (i, 2, 3, 4), Hecca, Hedda, (i and 2), Hemele, Hemgislus, Hereberht (i and 2), Hereca, Herefrith (2), Heremod, Herewald, Hereward. — Dictionary of Christian Biography^ vol. ii. 1880. Herred, Hewald, Hiddi, Higbert, Hilarius (10), Hilarus (9), Hildilid, Hilla, Hlotheri, Hodilred, Homolunch, Honorius (16), Hooc, Hroth- wari, Hugo (6), Humberht, Huna, Hunbeanna, Hunferth (i, 2, 3), Hwiccii, Hwitta, Hygbald, Hyraldus, Hyseberht, Imma (i), Ine, Ingeld, Ingildus (i), Ingulfus, Ingwald, Ivor, Jaenbert, Jaruman, Joannes (521), Jurwinus, Justus (22), Keneburga, Kenethrytha, Kent (Kings of), Kenulf, Lademund, Laurentius (25), Leuferth, Liudhardus, Lulla (i and 2), Lullingc, Lullo, Lullus, Mailduf, Marcus (16), Mau- ganius, Megildulfus, Mellitus, Mercelinus, Merewald, Milburga, Mildred, Milred, More, Muca.— //-'/ Rome. July 6, pp. 339-40, Rome. „ 13, p. 362, Rome. „ 20, pp. 386-7, Italy. Aug. 3, p. 435, The Revolution in Rome. Sept. 28, pp. 625-6, Rome and Italy. Oct. 5, p. 650, Rome and Italy. „ 12, p. 673, Rome. „ 19, pp. 697-8, Rome. „ 26, p. 721, The Roman Question. Nov. 2, pp. 745-6, The Roman Question. 11 9> PP- 769-70, Italy and France. „ 16, pp. 793-4, Italy and Rome. „ 23, p. 819, Italy and Rome. „ 30, pp. 841-2, Rome. Dec. 7, pp. 865-6, The Roman Question and the Conference. „ 14, p. 889, The Roman Question. „ 21, p. 914, The Roman Question. „ 28, p. 937, The Roman Question. 1868, Jan. 4, p. 2, Italy. „ II, p. 25, Italy. „ 18, p. 50, Italy. „ 25, p. ']% The Italian Budget. Feb. 8, p. 122, Letter of General della Marmora. EDITED MATTER * Les matinees royales, ou I'art de regner,' opuscule inedit de Frederic II, dit le Grand, Roi de Prusse. Edited by Lord Acton, London and 48 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON Edinburgh, 1863, 8vo. pp. 35. (Does not contain the 6th and 7th matindes.) [Reprinted by Lord Acton from a newly acquired manu- script, the authenticity and authority of which are discussed and as- serted by Lord Acton in XhtHoine and Foreign Review, ]a.v\. 1S63, in the article entitled ' Confessions of Frederick the Great ' ; and in the Oct. 1863 number of the same periodical in the review of a book entitled ' Buffon, sa famille,' &c. The locality of both these items is indicated in the present bibliography.] [The second book containing all the historical portions of] Dr. Nicholas Harpsfield's treatise on the pretended divorce between Henry \1 1 1 and Catharine of Aragon [? for the Philobiblon Society, ]. REVIEWS In the Rambler (New Series : Literary notices) : Schmidt-Weissenfels : ' Geschichte der franzosischen Revolutions-Litera- tur.' Vol. ii. pp. 104-7, Nov. 1859. J. B. Robertson : ' Lectures on Ancient and Modern History.' Ibid. pp. 396-8, March i860. P. Charles of St. Aloysius : ' Statistisches Jahrbuch der Kirche.' Vol. iii. pp. 262 4, July i860. ' The Tyrolese Patriots of 1809,' by the Author of ' Du GuescHn.' \'ol. iv. pp. 126-8, Nov. i860. J. F, A. Peyre : 'Histoire de la Premiere Croisade.' Vol. v. pp. 403-6, Sept. 1 861. F. Guizot : 'The Christian Church and Society in 1861.' Vol. vi. pp. 265 8, Jan. 1862. G. Finlay : 'History of the Greek Revolution.' Ibid. pp. 404-8, March 1862. E. Arnold : 'The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration of British India.' Ibid. pp. 534-6, May 1862. In the Home afid Foreign Review (' Contemporary Literature') : 6. F. Beckmann : ' Zur Geschichte des Kopernikanischen Systems.' No. I, July 1862, pp. 240-1. 7. Ale.x. Teulet : ' Relations politiques de la France et de I'Espagne avec I'l^cosse au xvi'"^ si^cle.' Ibid. p. 241. 8. J. Spedding : ' Letters and Life of Francis Bacon.' Ibid. pp. 241-2. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 49 10. Le Pere J. M. Prat: ' Histoire du pcre Ribadeneyra.' Home and Foreign Review, July 1862, pp. 242-3. 10. H. d'Arbois de Jubainville : ' Histoire des dues de Champagne.' No. 2, Oct. 1862, pp. 538-40. 11. Le Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove : ' Commentaires de Charles Quint.' Ibid. pp. 540-2. 12. V. Fournel : 'La Htterature independante.' Ibid. pp. 542-3. 13. A. F. de Careil : ' CEuvres de Leibniz.' Ibid. pp. 543-5. 14. M. Matter : 'Saint Martin, le philosophe inconnu.' Ibid. pp. 545-7- 15. M. Mortimer-Ternaux : ' Histoire de la Terreur,' Ibid. pp. 547-8. 16. ' Memoires sur Carnot, par son fils.' Ibid. pp. 548-50. 17. 'Memoires de M. Dupin.' Ibid. pp. 550-1. 18. P.Gagarin: ' CEuvres choisies de Pierre Tchadaief.' /^/rt^. pp. 551-2. 23. F. Hiilskamp and H. Rump : ' Literarischer Handweiser fiir das katholische Deutschland.' Ibid. pp. 561-2. 22. H. Formby : ' Pictorial Bible and Church History Stories.' No. 3, Jan. 1863, pp. 215-9. 23. W. Piitz : ' Die Geschichte des Mittelalters.' Ibid. pp. 219-20. 24. B. Niehues : ' Geschichte des Verhaltnisses zwischen Kaiserthum und Papsthum im Mittelalter.' Ibid. pp. 220-1. 25. H. Holland: 'Geschichte der altdeutschen Dichtkunst in Bayern.' Ibid. pp. 221-3. 30. G. A. Bergenroth : ' Calendar of State Papers, Spanish.' Ibid. pp. 227-30. 31. E. H. J. Reusens : 'Anecdota Adriani Sexti.' Ibid. pp. 230-1. 32. Hugo Laemmer : ' Monumenta vaticana historiam ecclesiasticam saeculi xvi. illustrantia.' Ibid. pp. 231-3. 33. W. Roscher : ' Die deutsche Nationalokonomie.' Ibid. pp. 233-5. 34. A. Gindely : ' Meine Forschungen in fremden und einheimischen Archiven.' Ibid. pp. 235-6. 35. M. Napier : ' Memorials of Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee.' Ibid. pp. 236-7. 36. ' Recueil de documents sur I'histoire de Lorraine.' Ibid. pp. 237-8. 37. L. Dussieux and E. Soulie : ' Memoires du Due de Luynes, 1735-58.' Ibid. pp. 238-9. 38. L. Schauer and Alp Chuquet : ' La correspondance inedite de L. C. Saint Martin et Kirchberger baron de Liebistorf, 1792-7.' Ibid. pp. 240-2. 39 C. von Martens : ' Vor fiinfzig Jahren. Tagebuch meines Feldzugs in Russland, 1812.' Ibid. pp. 242-3. D 50 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 40. M. Bogdanowitsch : ' Gescliichte des Feldzugs im Jahre 1812/ Home (171 d Foreign Review, January 1863, pp. 243-4. 41. A. Thiers : ' Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire.' Ibid. pp. 244-8. 42. Jos. Beck : ' Freiherr I. Heinrich von Wessenberg.' Ibid. pp. 248-50. 43. T. Arnold : 'A Manual of English Literature.' Ibid. pp. 250-4. 44. C. Knight : 'The Popular History of England.' Ibid. pp. 254-7. 45. F. Arnold : 'The Public Life of Lord Macaulay.' Ibid. pp. 257-60. 49. J. J. Thonissen : ' Vie du Comte Felix de Merode.' Ibid. pp. 268-70. 50. ' Zeitgenossen . . . von A. von Reumont.' Ibid. pp. 270-2. 52. Dr. Hoefer : ' Nouvelle Biographie Generale, vol. xl.' Ibid. pp. 274-6. 53. ' Memoires de Canler, ancien chef du service de Surete.' Ibid. pp. 276-7. 54. J, A. Gerth von Wijk : ' Specimen historico-theologicum exhibens historiam ecclesiae ultrajectinae Romano-Catholicae male Jansenisticae dictae.' Ibid. pp. 277-8. 56. 'Die kirchliche Frage und ihre protestantische Losung . . . mit Beziehung auf die Schriften J. J. I. von Dollinger's und Bischof von Ketteler's.' Ibid. pp. 281-3. 57. F. J. Buss: ' Oesterreichs Umbau im Verhiiltniss des Reichs zur Kirche.' Ibid. pp. 283-4. 58. F. Bodenstedt : ' Russische Fragmente.' Ibid. pp. 284-6. 15. E. A. Freeman: 'History of Federal Government.' No. 4, April 1863, pp. 587-9. 16. C. Merivale : ' History of the Romans under the Empire. Ibid. PP- 589-93- 25. J. C. Morison : 'The Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux.' Ibid. pp. 608-12. 26. T. L. Kinglon : 'History of Frederick H.' Ibid. pp. 613-4. 27. J. C. Kopp : ' Geschichte der eidgenossischen Biinde.' Ibid. pp. 615-6. 28. P. V'illari : ' History of Girolamo Savonarola.' Ibid. pp. 616-7. 29. \V. N. Sainsbury : ' Calendar [of Colonial State Papers, 1513-16. Ibid. pp. 617-9. 31. Armand Baschet : 'La diplomatic Venitienne. Les princes de I'Europe au XVI'"^ si^clc' Ibid. pp. 622-3. 32. C. de Moiiy : ' Don Carlos et Philippe II.' Ibid. pp. 623 5. 33. J. J. I. von Dollinger : ' Beitrage zur politischen, kirchlichen und Cultur-(]eschichte der sechs letzten Jahrhunderte.' Ildd. pp. 625-9. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 5 1 34. F. von Hurter : ' Wallenstein's vier letzte Lebensjahre.' Home and Foreign Revie%v^ April 1863, pp. 629-31. 35. Honore Bonhomme : 'Madame de Maintenon et sa famille.' Ibid. pp. 631-2. 36. Edmond et Jules de Goncourt : ' La femme au dix-huitieme siecle.' Ibid. pp. 632-4. 37. T. Macknight : ' Life of Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke.' Ibid, pp. 634-7. 39. L. Hausser : ' Deutsche Geschichte,' vols. ii. and iii. /Z-zV/. pp. 642-5. 40. N. W. Senior : ' Biographical Sketches.' Ibid. pp. 645-7. 42. M. Guizot : ' Histoire parlementaire de France.' Ibid. pp. 650-1. 43. Sir G. C. Lewis : 'A Dialogue on the best Form of Government.' Ibid. pp. 651-2. 44. H. W. J. Thiersch : ' Griechenlands Schicksale.' Ibid. pp. 652-5. 45. B. Carneri : 'Demokratie, Nationalitat und Napoleonismus.' Ibid. pp. 655-6. 46. E. M. Hudson: 'The second War of Independence in America.' Ibid. pp. 656-9. 49. E. Augier : ' Le fils de Giboyer.' Ibid. pp. 666-9. 50. Edward Vaughan Kenealy : ' A new Pantomime.' Ibid. pp. 669-74. 28. H. Brockhaus : (Ersch und Gri.iber) 'Allgemeine Encyclopadie.' No. 5, July 1863, pp. 269-70. 34. M. G. Debombourg : ' Atlas chronologique des Etats de I'Eglise.' Ibid. p. 279. 35. G. F. Maclear : ' A History of Christian Missions during the Middle Ages.' Ibid. pp. 279-82. 36. (?) M. I'Abbe Alliez : ' Histoire du Monastere de Lerins.' Ibid. pp. 282-3. yj. M. A. Huguenin : ' Histoire du royaume Merovingien.' Ibid. pp. 283-4. 38. A. de Brimont : ' Un Pape au Moyen Age.' Ibid. pp. 284-5. 39. L'Abbe Magnan : ' Histoire d'Urbain V.' Ibid. pp. 285-7. 40. L'Abbe J. B. Christophe : ' Histoire de la Papaute pendant le XV'"<' Siecle.' Ibid. pp. 287-9. 41. J. Janssen : ' Frankfurt"s Reichscorrespondenz, 1376-1439.' Ibid. pp. 289-90. 42. E. H. J. Reussens : ' Syntagma Doctrinae Theologicae.' Ibid. p. 290. 43. E, Stahelin : 'Johannes Calvin: Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften. Ibid. pp. 290-1. D 2 52 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 44. Jakob Maehly : ' Sebastian Castellio.' Ho)HC and Foreign Review^ July 1863, pp. 291-2. 45. F. Brandes : 'John Knox.' Ibid. p. 292. 46. E. Benoist : ' Guichardin.' Ibid. pp. 292-3. 47. A. Reumont d'Aquisgrana : ' Bibliografia dei lavori pubblicati in Germania sulla Storia d' Italia.' Ibid. pp. 293-5. 48. R. R. Madden : ' Galileo and the Inquisition.' Ibid. p. 295. 50. S. R. Gardiner : ' History of England, 1603-16.' Ibid. pp. 296-7. 51. M. C. Hippeau : ' Memoires inedits du Comte Leveneur de Tillieres.' Ibid. pp. 297-8. 53. H. Woodhead : ' Memoirs of Christina, Queen of Sweden.' Ibid. p. 300. 54. Count Macdonnel : ' Diary of an Austrian Secretary of Legation at the Court of Czar Peter the Great.' Ibid. 56. M. Roux : ' Memoires de I'Abbe Le Gendre.' Ibid. pp. 303-5. 57. A. Coquerel fils : ' Voltaire, Icttres inedites sur la tolerance.' Ibid. pp. 305-6. 58. C. Desmaze : ' Le Chatelct de Paris.' Ibid. p. 306. 59. Dom Devienne : ' Histoire de la ville de Bordeaux.' Ibid. p. 307. ■60. M. Kayserling : ' Moses Mendelssohn.' Ibid. pp. 307-9. 61. W. Herbst : ' Matthias Claudius der Wandsbecker Bote.' Ibid. p. 309. •62. Silvestre de Sacy : ' Dacier : tableau histonque de I'Erudition Pran- gaise depuis 1789.' Ibid. pp. 309-10. ■63. F. Colincamp and M. Naudet : 'J. F. Boissonade, critique litteraire sous le premier Empire.' Ibid. pp. 310-1. ■64. Alexandre Sorel : ' Le Couvent des Carmes et le Seminaire de Saint- Sulpice pendant la Terreur.' Ibid. pp. 31 1-12. ■65. W. Massey : ' History of England during the Reign of George IIP' Ibid. pp. 312-14. ■66. Maximilian Ritter von Thielen : ' Erinnerungenausdem Kriegerleben &c.' Ibid. pp. 314-15. ■67. A. Nettement : 'Histoire de la Restauration.' Ibid. pp. 316-18. ■68. C. A. Sainte-Beuve : ' Nouveaux Lundis.' Ibid. pp. 318-19. 69. A. M. du Gratry : ' La Republique de Paraguay.' Ibid. pp. 319-20. 70. Charles Calvo : ' Recueil complet de Traitcs de tous les Etats de I'Amerique Latine.' //'/(/. pp. 320 i. 71. Bonamy Price : ' V^enetia and the Quadrilateral.' Ibid. pp. 321-2. 73. 'Thirteen .Monlhs in the Rebel .\rmy. By an impressed New Yorker.' Ibid. pp. 325-6. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 53 74. ' Two Months in the Confederate States. By an English Merchant.' Home and Foreign Review^ July 1863, pp. 326-7. 20. F. D. Gerlach : ' Vorgeschichte, &c., des Romischen Staats.' No. 6, Oct. 1863, pp. 679-81. 21. A. Potthast : ' Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi.' Ibid. pp. 681-2. 22. J. Carnaudet: 'Acta Sanctorum.' //;/V/. pp. 682-5. 25. M. Joel : ' Verhahniss Albert des Grossen zu Moses Maimonides.' Ibid. pp. 689-90. 26. W. A. HoUenberg : ' Studien zu Bona\entura.' Ibid. p. 690. 28. S. Sugenheim : ' Geschichte der Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft in Europa.' Ibid. pp. 691-2. 29. Mgr. Jager : 'Histoire de I'Eglise Catholique en France.' Ibid. pp. 693-4. 30. F. Gregorovius : ' Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter.' Ibid. pp. 694-5. 32. J. Friedrich : ' Johann Wessel.' Ibid. pp. 696-7. 33. V. Fournel : ' Les contemporains de Moliere.' ibid. pp. 697-8. 34. Ch. Marty-Laveaux : ' CEuvres de P. Corneille.' Ibid. pp. 698-9. 35. F. Lachat : ' CEuvres completes de Bossuet.' Ibid. pp. 699 701. 36. M. le Cte. de Seilhac : ' L'Abbe Dubois.' Ibid. pp. 701-2. 37. Alfred Ritter von Arneth : ' Maria Theresia's erste Regierungsjahre.' Ibid. pp. 702-3. 38. C. H. Gildemeister : 'Johann Georg Hamann's des "Magus in Norden" Autorschaft.' Ibid. pp. 703-4. 39. H. Nadault de Buffon : ' Buftbn ; sa Famille, &c.' Ibid. pp. 704-1 1- 40. A. Springer : 'Geschichte Oesterreichs seit 1809.' Ibid. pp. -jw-xy 41. O. Klopp : ' Kleindeutsche Geschichtsbaumeister.' Ibid. p. 713. 42. J. G. Phillimore : ' History of England during the Reign of George III.' Ibid. pp. 713-15- 43. T. E. May: 'Constitutional History of England.' Ibid. pp. 715-18. 44. E. Scherer : ' Etudes critiques sur la litterature contemporaine.' Ibid. pp. 718-20. 47. F. Wolf: ' Histoire de la littdrature Bresilienne.' Ibid. pp. 722-4. 48. C. Nitsch : ' Die evangelische Bewegungin Italien.' //;/V/. pp. 724-6. 18. Adolf Stahr : 'Tiberius.' No. 7, Jan. 1864, pp. 276-81. 23. J. E. Doyle: 'A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55-A.D. 1485.' Ibid. pp. 289-90. 28. J. F. Maguire : ' Father Mathew— a Biography.' Ibid. pp. 305-8. 54 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 30. H. E. Manning : ' Sermons on Ecclesiastical Subjects.' Home and Foreign Reviciu, January 1864, pp. 310-12. 32. G. cle Molinari : ' Cours d'economie politic[ue.' Ibid. pp. 313-5. 6. W. Forsyth : ' Life of M. T. Cicero.' No. 8, April 1864, p. 705. 9. J. W. Jones : ' The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema.' Ibid. pp. 707-8. 10. Sylvester Malone : 'A Church History of Ireland.' Ibid. pp. 708-15. 1 1. Baum, Cunitz, &c. : ' Corpus Reformatorum, vol. xxix.' Ibid. p. 715, 12. F.Laurent: ' Etudes sur I'histoire de I'M umanite.' Ibid. 13. L. von Ranke : ' Englische Geschichte, vol. iv.' Ibid. pp. 715-6. 15. M. Matter : ' Swedenborg.' Ibid. p. 717. 16. C.J. Ricthmiiller : ' Ale.xander Hamillon and his Contemporaries.' Ibid. pp. 718-9. 17. Max von Eelking : ' Die deutschen Hiilfstruppen im Nordamerikan- ischen Befreiungskriege.' Ibid. pp. 719-20. 18. H. Richelot : ' Gothe, ses memoires, &c.' Ibid. pp. 720-1. 19. W. Reymond : ' Corneille, Shakespeare et Goethe.' Ibid. p. 721. 20. ' Kleine historische Schriften von H. von Sybel.' Ibid. p. 722. 21. Leon Verdier : ' Histoire politique et litteraire de la Restauration.' Ibid. pp. 722-3. 22. M. Guizot : ' Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de mon temps.' Ibid. pp. 723-4. 23. Ed. Laboulaye : ' Le parti liberal, son programme, et son avenir.' Ibid. pp. 724-5. 24. G. Ticknor : ' Life of W. H. Prescott.' Ibid. pp. 725-6. 29. ' Pensees et fragments divers de Charles Neuhaus.' Ibid. pp. J'^j-A- In the Chronicle (' Contemporary Literature'): 3. ' Instruzione del Duca di Savoia Carlo Emmanuele I. al Marchese Fr. Villa inviato alia Maesta del Re d' Inghilterra.' March 30, 1867, pp. 18-19. 4. L. Chodzko : ' Le Metropolitain K. G. C. Cieciszowski et son temps.' Ibid. p. 19. 5. A. Nettement : ' Histoire de la Restauration.' Ibid. 6. C. Sander : ' Geschichte des vierjahrigen Biirgerkrieges in den Verei- nigten Staaten von Anierika.' Ibid. I. C. Martha : ' Les Moralistes sous I'Empirc Romain.' April 6, 1867, P- 43- HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 55 2. F. de Saulcy : ' Les derniers jours de Jerusalem.' Chronicle April 6, 1867, p. 43. 3. A. Cappelli : ' Lettere di Ludovico Ariosto.' Ibid. pp. 43-4. 4. H. Taine : ' Philosophic de Fart en Italie.' Ibid. p. 44. 5. Ch. A. Dauban : ' Precis d'histoire contemporaine.' Ibid. 6. E. Geruzez : ' Melanges et Pensees.' Ibid. 7. G. Perrot : ' L'lle de Crete, souvenirs de voyage.' Ibid. 1. S. Sugenheim : ' Geschichte des deutschen Volkes.' April 13, 1867, pp. 64-5. 2. P. Clement : 'Jacques Coeur et Charles VIL' Ibid. p. 65. 3. G. de Leva : ' Storia documentata di Carlo V.' Ibid. pp. 65-6. 5. E. Ricotti : ' Storia della Monarchia Piemontese.' Ibid. p. 66. 6. ' CEuvres completes de P. Rossi.' Ibid. pp. 66-7. 7. Pietro de Donato Giannini : ' Della vita e delle opere di Massimo d'Azeglio.' Ibid. p. 67. 9. M. Deutinger : ' Der gegenwartige Zustand der deutschen Philo- sophic.' Ibid. 1. Cesare Cantu : ' Storia della Letteratura Italiana.' April 20, 1867, pp. 89-90. 2. M. le Marquis de Sainte-Aulaire : ' Corrcspondance complete de Madame du Deffand.' Ibid. p. 90. 3. ' Memoires du Comtc Beugnot, ancien ministre (1783-1815).' Ibid. pp. 90-1. 3. A. Dcsplanque : ' Projet d'assassinat de Philippe le Bon par les Anglais.' April 27, 1867, p. 115. 6. P. Clement : ' Lettres, instructions et memoires de Colbert.' Ibid. pp. 1 1 5-6. 2. G. Campori : ' Lettere artistiche inedite.' May 4, 1867, p. 138. 3. C. Milanesi : ' II sacco di Roma del 1527.' Ibid.^p. 138-9. 4. M. Gachard : ' Don Carlos et Philippe II.' Ibid. pp. 139-40. 5. J. E. Erdmann : ' Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic.' Ibid. p. 140. 10. C. A. Sainte-Beuve : ' Nouveaux Lundis.' Ibid. pp. 140-1. 4. K. Werner : ' Geschichte der Katholischen Theologie in Deutsch- land.' May 11, 1867, pp. 164-5. 5. M. Amari : 'La Guerra del Vespro Siciliano.' Ibid. p. 165. 7. J. Cretineau-Joly : ' Histoire des trois derniers Princes de la Maison de Conde.' Ibid. pp. 165-6. I. A. von Reumont : 'Geschichte der Stadt Rom.' May 18, 1867, pp. 187-8. 56 HISTORICAL \VORKS OF LORD ACTON 2. P. Emiliani-Ciiudici : 'Storia del Comuni Italiani.' Chronicle, May i8, 1867, p. 188. 6. Le Comte de Christen : 'Journal de ma Captivitc.' Ibid. p. 189. 1. A. Mickiewicz : ' Histoire populaire de la Pologne.' June i, 1867, 4. J. Vapereau : ' L'annee litteraire et dramatique.' Ibid. p. 234. 6. J. G. Courcelle-Seneuil : ' Traite theorique et pratique d'Economie politique.' Ibid. p. 235. 2. A. Bardonnet : ' Proccs-verbaldedelivrance k Jean Chandos, Commis- saire du Roi d'Angleterre, des places fran^aises abandonn^es par le traite de Bretigny.' June 8, 1867, PP- 258-9. 4. M. W. Freer: 'The Regency of Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV.' Ibid. p. 259. 5. A. Coppi : 'Annali d' Italia dal 1750.' Ibid. pp. 259-60. 6. Dr. von H . . . st : 'Das Attentat vom 4. April 1866.' June 15, 1867, p. 284. 1. G. Rosa : 'Storia generate delle Storie.' June 22, 1867, p. 306. 4. Lizzie S. Eden : 'A Lady's Glimpse of the late War in Bohemia. Ibid. p. 307. 5. E. Hatin : ' Bibliographic historique et critique de la presse perio- dique.' June 29, 1867, p. 332. 4. C. Kingsley : 'Three lectures on the Ancien Regime.' July 13, 1867, pp. 379-80. 5. M. Guizot : ' Memoires pourservir a Fhistoire de mon temps.' Ibid. p. 380. 6. M. Saint-Marc Girardin : 'La Fontaine et les Fabulistes.' Ibid. 3. J. G. Magnabal's translation of le Marquis de Pidal's 'Philippe II, Antonio Perez, et le royaume d'Aragon.' July 20, 1867, pp. 402-3. 4. H. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy : ' Friedrich von (Jentz.' Ibid. p. 403. 5. W. L. Gage : ' Life of Professor Carl Ritter.' Ibid. pp. 403-4. 6. ' Paris Guide, par les principaux Ecrivains et Artistes de la France.' Ibid. p. 405. 3. P. Clement : ' L'ltalie en 1671.' July 27, 1867, p. 426. 4. O. Hamst : ' A Martyr to Bibliography.' Ibid. 5. A. de Pontmartin : ' Nouveaux Samedis.' Ibid. 2. E. E. Marcy : ' Christianity and its Conflicts, Ancient and Modern.' August 3, 1867, p. 450. 3. E. Chasles : ' Michel de Cervantes.' Ibid. pp. 450-1. 4. E. Quinet : ' Histoire de la Campagne de 181 5.' Ibid. p. 451. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 5/ 2. M. Kayserling : ' Geschichte der Juden in Portugal.' Chronicle, August lo, 1867, p. 475. 3. M. Lenient : ' La Satire en France au XVI""^ Siecle.' Ibid. 4. A. Gefifroy : ' Gustave III et la cour de France.' Ibid. pp. 475-6- 3. B. Hiibler : 'Die Constanzer Reformation und die Concordate von 1418.' August 24, 1867, p. 523 4. A. Moreau de Jonnes : ' Etat economique et social de la France depuis Henri IV.' Ibid. pp. 523-4. 3. J. G. Droysen : 'Geschichte der preussischen Politik : Friedrich I., Konig von Preussen.' Sept. 7, 1867, p. 572. 4. T. Juste : 'Le Comte le Hon.' Ibid. pp. 572-3. 2. M. Nourrisson : ' La politique de Bossuet.' Sept. 14, 1867, p. 596. 3. J. B. Mullinger : 'Cambridge Characteristics in the 17th Century. Ibid. pp. 596-7. 4. L. Ratisbonne : ' Alfred de Vigny. Journal d'un poete.' Ibid.^p.'^gj. 1. O. Klopp : ' Die preussische Politik des Fridericianismus nach Fried- rich II.' Oct. 5, 1867, pp. 668-9. 2. ' Notizie intorno alia vita ed alle opere di Monsignor Celestino Cave- doni.' Oct. 12, 1867, p. 692. 3. W. Wattenbach : ' Algier.' Ibid. pp. 692-3. 1. M. Ritter : ' Geschichte der deutschen Union . . . 1 598-1612.' Oct. 19, 1867, p. 716. 3. W. L. Holland : ' Briefe der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte von Or- leans, 1 676- 1 706.' Ibid. pp. 716-7. 4. M. Wohl: ' Mahnruf zur Bewahrung Siiddeutschlands.' Ibid. t^. 717- 2. E. H. Meyer : ' J. M. Lappenberg.' Oct. 26, 1867, p. 740. 3. J. R. Browne : 'The Land of Thor.' Ibid. pp. 740- 1. 1. T. Toeche : 'Kaiser Heinrich VI.' Nov. 2, 1867, pp. 764-5. 2. ' Die vorgebliche Tochter der Kaiserin Elisabeth Petrowna.' Ibid. p. 765. 3. Lucia Norman: 'A Youth's History of California.' Nov. 9, 1867, pp. 787-8. 4. L. Passy : ' Histoire Administrative, 1789-1815.' Ibid. p. 788. 5. G. Peacock : ' Handbook of Abyssinia.' Ibid. 1. M, Guizot : ' M. de Barante ' (English translation). Nov. 16, 1867, pp. 810-11. 2. T. Martin : 'Memoir of W. E. Aytoun.' Ibid. p. 811. I. A. Schwegler : ' Handbook of the History of Philosophy.' Nov. 30, 1867, pp. 858-9- 58 HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 3. Sir H. L. Bulwer : ' Historical Characters.' Chroimic^ November 30, 1867, p. 860. 5. Emma Sophia, Countess Brownlow : ' Shght Reminiscences of a Septuagenarian.' Dec. 7, 1867, p. 883. 3. Th. von Karajan : ' Abraham k Sancta Clara.' Dec. 14, 1867, P- 906. 3. H. Riittimann : 'Das nordamerikanische Bundesstaatsrecht.' Dec. 21, 1867, p. 929- 3. S. Smiles : 'The Huguenots.' Dec. 28, 1867, pp. 953-4. 3. Maistre de Roger de la Lande : 'Histoire de la Prusse, 1S15-67.' Jan. 4, 1868, vol. ii. p. 18. 9. ' Officieller Ausstellungs-Bericht des Oesterreichischen Central- Comitds.' Ibid. p. 20. 3. T. Bernhardt: ' Preussens moderne Entwickelung.' Jan. 11, 1868, pp. 41-2. 4. W. H. Riehl : ' Neues Novellenbuch.' Jan. 18, 1868, p. 68. 6. C. von Schatzler : ' Neue Aufersuchungen liber das Dogma von der Gnade und das Wesen des christlichen (jlaubens.' Ibid. pp. 68-9. 4. Le Marquis de Noailles : ' Henri de Valois at la Pologne en 1572.' Jan. 25, 1868, p. 90. 2. A, Bisset : ' History of the Commonwealth of England.' Feb. 8, 1868, pp. 139-40. 2. Major G. B. Malleson : ' History of the French in India, 1674-1761.' Feb. 15, 1868, pp. 163-4. In the North British Review (' Contemporary Literature ') : 7. G. Martha : ' Le poeme de Lucr^ce ; morale, religion, science.' Oct. 1869, pp. 215-6. 9. Carl Peter : 'Geschichte Roms.' Ibid. pp. 217-8. 20. Paul Gaffarel : ' Etude sur les rapports de TAmerique et de I'ancien continent avant Christophe Colomb.' Ibid. pp. 232-3. 21. Paul Friedmann : 'Les d^peches de (iiovanni Michicl, 1554-7.' Ibid. pp. 233-5. 23. F. P. Perrens : ' Les manages Espagnols, 1602-15.' Ibid. pp. 237-8, 24. Arabella G. Campbell : ' The Life of Fra Paolo Sarpi.' Ibid. pp. 238-9. 25. L. von Ranke : ' Zur deutschen Geschichte vom Religionsfrieden bis zum dreissigjahrigen Krieg.' Ibid. pp. 239-40. 26. S.R.Gardiner: ' Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage.' Ibid, pp. 240-6. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 59 28. F. Williams : ' Memoirs and correspondence of Bishop Atterbury.' North British Revieio, October 1869, pp. 247-9. 29. W. Lee : ' Life and newly discovered Writings of Daniel De Foe.' Ibid. pp. 249-51. 31. Alphonse Jobez : ' La France sous Louis XV.' Ibid. pp. 252-3. 32. E. Reimann : ' Geschichte des Bairischen Erbfolgekrieges.' Ibid. PP- 253-5- -^T). A. von Arneth: 'Joseph IL und Katharina von Russland.' Ibid. p. 255. 34. E. von Cosel : ' Geschichte des preussischen Staats and Volkes.' Ibid. pp. 255-6. 35. Le Comte de la Bouteti^re : ' Le Chevalier de Sapinaud et les chefs Vendeens.' Ibid. pp. 256-7. 39. Augustus Theiner : ' Histoire des deux Concordats.' Ibid. pp. 262 3. 40. J. Cretineau-Joly : 'Bonaparte, le concordat de 1801, &c.' Ibid. pp. 263-4. 41. CD. Yonge : ' Life and Administration of the 6th Earl of Liverpool.' Ibid. pp. 264-5. 42. M. Biidinger : ' Welhngton.' Ibid. pp. 265-6. 44. Horace Greeley : ' Recollections of a Busy Life.' Ibid. pp. 268-9. 45. G. von S.-N. : ' Geschichte Oesterreichs.' Ibid. pp. 269-70. 47. R. H. Gillett : ' Democracy in the United States.' Ibid. pp. 273-4. 48. H. Blankenburg : ' Die innern Kampfe der nordamerikanischen Union.' Ibid. p. 274. 49. H. Ewald : ' Die zvvei Wege in Deutschland.' Ibid. p. 275. 50. W. Wattenbach : ' Eine Ferienreise nach Spanien und Portugal.' Ibid. pp. 275-6. 7. P. Le Page Renouf : 'The case of Pope Honorius.' Jan. 1870, pp. 525-6. 21. C. de Cherrier : 'Histoire de Charles VIII, roi de France.' Ibid. pp. 541-4. 22. ' Trois documents de I'eglise du 15™^ siecle.' Ibid. p. 544. 23. M. Gachard : ' La Bibliotheque des Princes Corsini a Rome. Ibid. PP- 544-5- 24. ' Dispacci di Giovanni Michiel.' Ibid. pp. 545-6. 25. F. Sclopis : ' Le Cardinal Jean Morone.' Ibid. pp. 546-7. 28. S. R. Gardiner : ' Narrative of the Spanish Marriage Treaty.' Ibtd. pp. 549-50- 29. G. Droysen : ' Gustaf Adolf.' Ibid. pp. 550-1. 6o HISTORICAL WORKS OL^ LORD ACTON 30. L. von Ranke : 'Geschichtc Wallensteins.' North Biitish Review^ January 1870, pp. 551-3. 31, B. Eidmannsdorfer : ' Graf Georg Friedrich \on Waldeck.' Ibid. PP- 553"4- 34. J. G. Droysen : ' P^-iedrich Wilhelm I., Kdnig \on Preussen.' Ibid. pp. 556 8. 35. P. A. Carayon : ' Le Pcre Ricci, General des Jesuites.' Ibid. pp. 558 62. 37. Le Baron Carl de Ketschendorf : ' Archives Judiciaires . . . des grands proems politiques en France, 1792- 1840.' Ibid. pp. 565-6. 38. R. Lavollee : ' Portalis, sa vie et ses oeuvres.' Ibid. pp. 566 7. 39. G. H. Klippel : ' Das Leben des Generals von Scharnhorst.' Ibid pp. 568-9. 40. L. Hymans : 'Histoire de la Belgique, 1814-30.' Ibid. pp. 570-1. 41. 'Aus den Alemoiren eines Russischen Dekabristen.' Ibid. p. 572. 43. J. J. Honegger : ' Grundsteine einer allgemeinen Kulturgeschichte der ncuesten Zeit.' Ibid. p. 575. 45. ' Briefe von Ale.^ander von Humboldt an Bunsen.' Ibid. pp. 577-8. 46. C. Asselineau : ' Charles Baudelaire, sa vie et son oeuvre.' Ibid. p. 578. 48. A. Cucheval-Clarigny : 'Histoire de la Constitution de 1852.' Ibid. pp. 582-3. 51. C. Schirren : ' Livliindische Antwort an Herrn Juri Samarin.' Ibid. pp. 584 5. 55. W. H. Riehl : ' Wanderbuch.' Ibid. p. 589. 59. C. A. Sainte-Beuve : ' Nouveaux Lundis.' Ibid. pp. 594-5. 19. J. Waddington : 'Congregational History.' April 1870, p. 245. 22. ' Cinco cartas de I). Diego .Sarmiento de Acuiia, primer Conde de Gondomar.' Ibid. pp. 253-4. 24. E. Pfleiderer : 'Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.' Ibid. pp. 255-8. 25. L. von Ranke : ' Briefwechsel Friedrich des Grossen mit deni Prinzen Wilhelm W . von Oranien.' Ibid. pp. 258 9. 26. T. Feuillet de Conches : ' Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth.' Ibid. pp. 259 62. 27. Jules de Vroil : ' Etude sur Cliquot-Blervache, economiste du 1 8""" si6cle.' Ibid. pp. 262 3. 28. F. von Ompteda : ' Politischer Nachlass des Ludwig von Ompteda, 1804 13.' Ibid. pp. 263 5. 29. G. H. Pertz : ! Das Leben des Feldmarschalls (irafen Neithardt von Gneisenau. Ibid. pp. 265 7. HISTORICAL WORKS OF LORD ACTON 6 1 31. G. T. Curtis: 'Life of Daniel Webster.' North British Review, April 1870, pp. 268-71. 32. E. Kelchner and K. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy : ' Briefe des K. F. Friedrich von Nagler.' Ibid. pp. 271-2. 35. G. Freitag : ' Karl Mathy ; Geschichte seines Lebens.' Ibid. pp. 277-8. ■yi- K. Goedeke : ' Emanuel Geibel.' //^/^ «!^ \SEPS "(Uf |oCT 2 81343 JUN 1 19«J AUG 1 2 ^95U DEC 14 1956 Form L-9-15m-7,'32 BBBAfftL. AfP L. D - U R L REC'D UFL- JUL 17 19651 ^Wg^ 21 1S66 CD 196S I PLEAiJE DO NOT REMOVE lu — ©a THIS BOOK CARD mm 111 %0J11VDJ0^ University Researcii Library a ^ IBRARY FACILITY •Mil .0 9 J ^1 UJ 71 ^^ r:3 7^ ^3 '~3