SLEY \ ITY OF IRNIA J^ w ^^ c-V" ,v 'X \ MEMORIAL CATALOGUE OF THE BURNS EXHIBITION Of this edition Four hundred copies were printed, of which this is No.J.^.a.. MEMORIAL CATALOGUE OF THE BURNS EXHIBITION HELD IN THE GALLERIES OF The royal GLASGOW INSTITUTE of the FINE ARTS 175 Sauchiehall Street GLASGOW From i^th July till jist October, i8g6 GLASGOW PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM HODGE & COMPANY AND T. & R. ANNAN & SONS MDCCCXCVIII LOAN STACK Glasgow: Printed by IVilliam Hodge Mft>tf tyyiKj^aw^/rj- - - - 404. THE BURNS EXHIBITION No. of Facing Exhibit Page 1204. Inscription, Burns to his " dear-bought Bess " 404 1 1 94. Inscription, Burns to Mrs. Riddel - - - 404 1297. Title, I St edition of "The Jolly Beggars." (1799) - . . - 412 MR. LAMB'S COLLECTION Page 14. Inscription, Burns to John M'Murdo - 348 2. Letter from Burns to Peter Hill, ist page 456 2. Letter from Burns to Peter Hill, 2nd page ------ 460 10. Title, I st edition of Burns's /'(?^»2J'. (1786) 464 (X) UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN, b THE BURNS EXHIBITION. HONORARY PRESIDENT. The Right Hon. The EARL OF ROSEBERY, K.G., K.T. HONORARY PATRONS. His Grace The Duke of Fife, K.T. His Grace The Duke of Argyll, K.G., K.T. His Grace The Duke of Montrose, K.T. The Most Hon. The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, K.P. The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly. The Most Hon. The Marquis of Lorne, K.T. The Right Hon. The Earl of Eglinton. The Right Hon. The Earl of Stair, K.T. The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P. The Right Hon. Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Major-General Sir Claud Alexander, Baronet. Major Hon. Charles M. Ramsay, Brechin Castle. Andrew Carnegie, Esq. The Very Rev. Archbishop Eyre. R. W. Cochran Patrick, Esq., LL.D. Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS. Professor A. C. Bradley, Glasgow University. Professor G. Baldwin Brown, Edinburgh University. Professor S. H. Butcher, LL.D., Edinburgh University. Jas. a. Campbell, Esq., LL.D., M.P., Stracathro. Professor F. J. Child, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Chas. a. Cooper, Esq., Editor, Scotsman. ( xi ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Honorary Vice-Presidents— fo«/i««^(/. Professor John Ferguson, A.M., LL.D., Glasgow University. J. R. FiNDLAY, Esq., Aberlour, Banffshire. Sir William D. Geddes, LL.D., D.Litt., Principal of the University of Aberdeen. Edmund Gosse, Esq., London. Bret Harte, Esq., 109 Lancaster Gate, London. W. E. Henley, Esq., 9 The Terrace, Bames, London, S.W. Professor William Jack, LL.D., Glasgow University. Professor Henry Jones, A.M., Glasgow University. The Very Rev. G. A. Kitchin, Dean of Durham. Professor Wm. Knight, LL.D., St. Andrews University. Andrew Lang, Esq., i Marlowes Road, Kensington, W. Professor Simon S. Laurie, M.A., LL.D., Edinburgh University. W. A. H. Lecky, Esq., M.P., London. Emeritus Professor David Masson, LL.D., Edinburgh. Sir John E. Millais, Bart., President of the Royal Academy. Sir Francis Powell, /".R.S.W., Torr-Alluin, Dunoon. A. RiACH, Esq., Evening Dispatch^ Edinburgh. Sir George Reid, President of the Royal Scottish Academy. Chas. Russell, Esq., Editor, Glasgow Herald. Professor Saintsbury, Edinburgh University. Major-General Sir R. Murdoch Smyth, K.C.M.G., R.E., Director, Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. J. Murray Smith, Esq., Editor, Glasgow Evening News. The Rev. Walter C. Smith, D.D., Edinburgh. The Very Rev. Professor Robert H. Story, D.D., Glasgow University. A. C. Swinburne, Esq., The Pines, London. Theodore Watts, Esq., The Pines, London. Professor John Young, M.D., Glasgow University. PRESIDENT. Sir JAMES BELL, B.^ronet, Lord Provost of Glasgow. VICE-PKESIDENrS. J. Arthur, Esq., Mount Charles, Ayr. T. G. Arthur, Esq., Carrick House, Ayr. Sir William H. Bailey, Bart., Sale Hall, Cheshire. Sir James Bain, 3 Park Terrace. J. G. A. Baird, Esq., M.P., of Wellwood, Muirkirk. F. Faithfull Begg, Esq., M.P., Bartholomew House, London, E.C. William Bilsland, Esq., 28 Park Circus. W. G. Blackie, Esq., LL.D., i Belhaven Terrace. Thomas Brown, Closeburn Castle, Thomhill. Colonel E, C. Browne, Commanding 21st Regimental District, Ayr. R. T. Hamilton Bruce, Esq., Grange, Dornoch. The Hon. Wallace Bruce, New York. Robert Burns-Begg, Esq., Kinross. James Campbell, Esq., of Tullichewan. The Hon. Thomas Cochrane, M.P., The Pavilion, Ardrossan. ( xii ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Vice-Presidents — continued. James W. R. Collins, Esq., Philadelphia. J. Laurie Coulson, Esq., Amalfi, Montgomerie Drive, Glasgow. Robert Cox, Esq., M.P., Gorgie. LlEUT.-COLONEL HowiESON Craufurd, of Craufurdland. Robert Crawford, Esq., 84 Miller Street. Alexander Cross, Esq., M.P., 14 Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow. Colonel William Cunninghame, Belmont, Ayr. The Hon. Hew H. Dalrymple, Oxenfoord Castle, Dalkeith. John M. Denny, Esq., M.P., Dumbarton. The Hon. The Lord Provost of Aberdeen. The Hon. The Lord Provost of Dundee. The Right Hon. The Lord Provost of Edinburgh. George Elder, Esq., Knock Castle, Largs. Dr. R. Farquharson, M.P., Porchester Gardens, London. Captain Cutlar Fergusson of Craigdarrach. The Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., M.P., Kilkerran. John B. Fergusson, Esq., Doonholm, Ayr. Bailie Robert Graham, 19 Regent Park Square. Treasurer James Gray, 6 Moray Place, Regent Park. Sir William Henry Houldsworth, Bart., M.P., Coodham. William Houldsworth, Esq., Rozelle, Ayr. James H. C. Hozier, Esq., M.P., Younger of Mauldslie. James Kennedy, Esq., 233 East 109th Street, New York City. Thomas Lapraik, Esq., Haywards Heath, Sussex. J.\MES D. Law, Esq., Camden, New Jersey. Sir John Leng, M.P., Dundee. Provost David M.\ckay, Kilmarnock. Rev. David Macrae, Dundee. Sir James D. Marwick, LL.D., Town-Clerk, Glasgow. Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Baronet of PoUok, M.P. Sir John Muir, Bart., 22 West Nile Street, Glasgow. R. Munro-Ferguson, Esq., M.P., Raith, Kirkcaldy. Thomas M'Kie, Esq., Moat House, Dumfries. James M'Lennan, Esq., Beaumont, Ardrossan. The Right Rev. Donald MacLeod, D.D., i Woodlands Terrace. Robert Paterson Paterson, Esq., of Montgomerie, Tarbolton. Colonel R. M. Pollok, Middleton, Ayr. A. D. Provand, Esq., M.P., 2 Whitehall Court, London. Deacon-Convener Robert Ramsey, 14 Park Terrace. H. D. CoLVii.L Scott, Esq., i Wellington Chambers, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. Dr. Hunter Selkirk, Braidwood, Carluke. Charles J. Shaw, Esq., Solicitor, Ayr. John Shearer, Esq., 13 Crown Terrace, Dowanhill. James Somervell, Esq., Sorn Castle. Sir Charles Tennant, Bart., The Glen, Innerleithen. Sir G. O. Trevelyan, Bart., M.P., Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. David Tullis, Esq., Glencairn, Burnside. James T. Tullis, Esq., The Anchorage, Burnside. Robert Wallace, Esq., M.P., Edinburgh. T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London. Eugene Wason, Esq., Blair, Girvan. ( »ii ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION VlCK-PRESiBENTS—coKiinued. Sir John Watson, Bart., of Earnock. LiEUT.-Coi.ONEL Gould Hunter Weston, Hunterston, West Kilbride. Thomas J. Wise, Esq., 52 Ashley Road, Homsey Rise, London, W. CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE. ANDREW J. KIRKPATRICK, Esq., 179 West George Street. VICE-CHAIRMAN. PATRICK S. DUNN, Esq., 107 St. Vincent Street. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. Craibe Angus, 159 Queen Street, Glasgow. F. T. Barrett, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. A. W. Gray Buchanan, 40 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. D. Y. Cameron, R.P.E., 12 St. James' Terrace, Glasgow. William Cochran, 175 West George Street, Glasgow. J. W. Eraser, 168 West George Street, Glasgow. Andrew Gibson, Belfast. Robert Gourlay, Bank of Scotland, Glasgow. Provost David Mackay, Kilmarnock. John M. M'Leod, C.A., loi St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. D. M'Naught, J. p., Kilmaurs. William Martin, 116 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. J. Barclay Murdoch, Capelrig, Meams. A. Murray, 152 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. David Murray, LL.D., West George Street, Glasgow. George G. Napier, M.A., 9 Woodside Place, Glasgow. George Neilson, 34 Granby Terrace, Glasgow. Alexander Skirving, I.A., 121 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Captain David Sneddon, Kilmarnock. R. M. Renwick, Eastern Telegraph Company. Robert Sorley, i Buchanan Street, Glasgow. David Tullis, Glencairn, Burnside. William Wallace, Glasgow Herald. John Watson, 205 West George Street, Glasgow. Robert Wylie, 45 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. William Young, R.S.W., 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow. HONORARY TREASURER. Robert Philips, Bank of Scotland, 235 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. JOINT HONORARY SECRETARIES. Captain David Sneddon. W. Craibe Angus. ACTING SECRETARY— Robert Walker. Office — /ys Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. ( 2dv > THE BURNS EXHIBITION GENERAL COMMITTEE. The Executive Council of the Burns Federation, and the Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of the Federated Clubs are, ex officiis, Members of this Committee. Members of the Executive Council of the Bums FedercUion. President — Peter Sturrock, Esq., Kilmarnock. Vice-Presidents — R. W. Cochran Patrick, Esq., LL.D.; Edward Combes, Esq., C.M.G.; Rev. William Dunnett, M.A.; Robert Goudie, Esq., Ayr ; Colin Rae-Brown, Esq. Honorary Secretary — Captain David Sneddon. Honorary Treasurer — Captain Arthur Sturrock, Kilmarnock. Editor, ^^ Annual Burns Chronicle" — D. M'Naught, Esq., J. P. Members — Provost David Mackay ; George Dunlop, Esq.; John Baird, Esq., J. P.; John Newlands, Esq.; Dr. William Findlay ; Dr. James Adam ; W. Craibe .iVngus, Esq. ; William Martin, Esq. ; William Wallace, Esq. ; Joseph Brockie, Esq., Kilmarnock ; Dr. A. Patterson, 22 India Street ; J. B. Wilson, Esq., Kilmarnock. Federated Clubs. No. o Kilmarnock Burns Club. „ I The London Robert Burns Club. „ 2 Alexandria Burns Club. „ 3 Glasgow Tarn O'Shanter Club. „ 4 Callander Burns Club. „ 5 Earlston Burns Club. „ 6 Alloa Bums Haggis Club. „ 7 Glasgow Thistle Burns Club. „ 8 Morpeth and District Bums Club. „ 9 Glasgow Royalty Burns Club. „ 10 Dumbarton Burns Club. „ II Chesterfield Burns Club. „ 11 Barrow-in-Furness Bums Club. ,,13 St. Andrews Burns Club. „ 14 Dundee Burns Club. „ 15 Belfast Burns Club. „ 16 Sydney Burns Club. ,,17 Nottingham Scottish Society Burns Club. „ 18 Liverpool Bums Club. „ 19 Auckland Burns Club and Literary Society. „ 20 Airdrie Bums Club. „ 21 Greenock Burns Club. „ 22 Edinburgh Burns Club. „ 23 Adelaide South Australian Caledonian Society. „ 24 Glasgow Bank Burns Club. „ 25 Winnipeg St. Andrew's Society. „ 26 Perth Burns Club. „ 27 Glasgow Springbum Bums Club. „ 28 The Jolly Beggars Burns Club, Mauchline. „ 29 Bolton Federated Bums Club. „ 30 Blackburn Burns Club. „ 31 San Francisco Scottish Thistle Club. „ 32 Newark Caledonian Club. „ 33 Glasgow Haggis Club. „ 34 Glasgow Carrick Bums Club. (XV) THE BURNS EXHIBITION General Couuittke— continued. No. 35 Dairy Burns Club. „ 36 Glasgow Rosebery Burns Club. „ 37 Dollar Burns Club. „ 38 Glasgow "Jolly Beggars" Burns Club. „ 39 Glasgow "St. David's" Burns Club. „ 40 Aberdeen Burns Club. „ 41 Dennistoun Burns Club. „ 42 Crieff Burns Club. „ 43 Glasgow Northern Burns Club. „ 44 Forfar Burns Club. „ 45 Cumnock Burns Club. „ 46 Warwickshire Burns Club. „ 47 St. Rollox Burns Club. „ 48 Paisley Burns Club. „ 49 Bridgeton Burns Club. „ 50 Stirling Bums Club. „ 51 Chicago Caledonian Society. „ 52 Dumfries Mechanics' Burns Club. » S3 Govan Fairfield Burns Club. „ 54 St. Johnstone Burns Club, Perth. „ 55 Derby Burns Club. „ 56 Muirkirk Lapraik Burns Club. „ 57 Thornliebank Burns Club. „ 58 Kirkcaldy Burns Club. „ 59 Gourock Jolly Beggars Burns Club. „ 60 Wolverhampton Burns Club. „ 61 Glencairn Burns Club, Glasgow. „ 62 Cupar Burns Club. „ 63 Glasgow Mossgiel Burns Club. „ 64 Beith Burns Club. „ 65 Musselburgh and Fisherrow Bums Club. „ 66 Crossgates Burns Club. „ 67 Carlton Burns Club. „ 68 Glasgow Sandyford Burns Club. „ 69 Dunedin Burns Club. „ 70 St. Rollox Jolly Beggars. Stephen Adam, 231 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. George Aikman, a.r.s.a., 8 Forth Street, Edinburgh. James Aitken, 220 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. James A. Aitken, R.S.w., 116 Main Street, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Robert Alexander, R.S.A., Edinburgh. Major F. W. Allan, 125 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Alexander Anderson, Secretary, Edinburgh University. Daniel Anderson, Solicitor, British Linen Bank, Dunoon. Robert Anderson, Free Press, Aberdeen. Wm. Anderson, Springburn. Wm. Halson Anderson, Provost of Anstruther Easter. Basil Anderton, B.A., Chief Librarian, Public Library, Newcastle. ( xvi > THE BURNS EXHIBITION General Committee— con/inued. James Angus, 22 Ratho Terrace, Springbum. Hugh Arbuclde, 54 John Street, Bridgeton. George Arthur, Provost of Airdrie. A. J. Bain, 23 Sutherland Terrace, Dowanhill. George Bain, Secretary, Bums Club, Ayr. Marcus Bain, Woodside, Mauchline. James Baird, Mossbank, Gallowflat, Rutherglen. John Ballinger, Librarian, Central Library, Cardiff. F. T. Barrett, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. A. Malloch Bayne, 13 Kelvin Drive, Glasgow. Colonel Robert J. Bennett, Gordon Street, Glasgow. R. Marr Benzie, 19 Millbrae Crescent, Langside. H. J. Blanc, R.S.A., Edinburgh. Thomas Bonnar, Edinburgh. John Bowie, Strathclyde Street, Glasgow. James Brand, C.E., 109 Bath Street, Glasgow. J. Potter Briscoe, f.r.h.s.. Central Free Public Library, Nottingham. A. D. Brogan, 71 Cambridge Drive, Glasgow. A. K. Brown, a.r.s.a., Helensburgh. Kellock Brown, 138 Wellington Street, Glasgow. W. Beattie Brown, R.S.A., Edinburgh. R. H. Brechin, 22 Circus Drive, Glasgow. Robert Brydall, 8 Newton Terrace, Glasgow. A. W. Gray Buchanan, 40 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. Wm. Bums, Nettlehirst, Beith. George Burrell, 54 George Square, Glasgow. Bailie Burt, Bothwell. Wm. Cadenhead, Aberdeen. D. Y. Cameron, R.P.E., 12 St. James' Terrace, Glasgow. Councillor Angus Campbell, 48 West Regent Street, Glasgow. William Campbell, Binnie Place, Glasgow. Jas. E. Christie, 81 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. William Cochran, 175 West George Street, Glasgow. R. M. G. Coventry, R.s.w., 176 Bath Street, Glasgow. Peter Cowell, Librarian, Free Public Library, Liverpool. James Cowan, Rosshall. C. Crinean, 197 Ingram Street, Glasgow. William Crowther, Librarian and Curator, Public Library and Museum, Derby. R. A. Cruikshank, Ardbeg, Kilmun. H. Cuthbertson, 1 1 Gloucester Terrace, Newcastle. James Dewar, 2 College Green, Belfast. T. W. Dewar, Linhouse, West Calder. J. Dick, North-Eastem Banking Company, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. James Dickson, Provost of Galashiels. Alex. A. E. Downie, Commercial Bank of Scotland, Gallowgate, Glasgow. Thomas Dunlop, 70 Wellington Street, Glasgow. Thomas Ferguson, Nursery Mills, Kilmarnock. Henry Ferry, 89 Bath Street, Glasgow. J. Steel Fisher, M.A., 15 Ure Place, Glasgow. Robert Ford, 142 Ingleby Drive, Dennistoun. Dr. Eraser, Harcourt Street, Dublin. ( xvii THE BURNS EXHIBITION •General CoMMiirzE—conUnued. J. W. Fraser, i68 West George Street, Glasgow. Melville Fraser, 31 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. Wm. Freeland, Evening Times, Glasgow. David Fulton, R.S.W., 183 West George Street, Glasgow. John Gardner, 146 Trongate, Glasgow. J. Leiper Gemmill, 162 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Thomas Gentles, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Andrew Gibson, Belfast. E. Gilchrist, 4 Somerville Place, Glasgow. W. G. Gillies, 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Rev. John Glasse, d.d., 16 Tantallon Place, Edinburgh. Robert Gourlay, Bank of Scotland, Glasgow. Thomas Grant, 322 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. George Gray, 72 Hutcheson Street, Glasgow. William Grimmond, 271 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Thomas Greenwood, Frith Knowe, Elstree, Herts. Thomas Guille, Guille-AIlfes Library, Guernsey. James Guthrie, R.S.A., 7 Woodside Place, Glasgow. William J. Halliday, Provost of Lochmaben. William Hamilton, 58 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Thomas W. Hand, Curator, The Corporation Art Gallery, Oldham. C. Martin Hardie, R.S.A., Edinburgh. A. R. Henderson, 60 North Street, Glasgow. Joseph Henderson, R.s.w., 11 Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Rev. Kirkwood Hewit, Free Church Manse, Prestwick. Rev. J. King Hewison, M.A., f.s.a., Rothesay. Rev. J. C. Higgins, The Manse, Tarbolton. Hugh Hopkins, West Regent Street, Glasgow. Thomas Hunt, R.S.W., 227 West George Street, Glasgow. John Hunter, J.P., Kilmarnock. Wm. R. Hunter, 69 Albert Road, Crosshill. P. M. Inglis, 23 Park Circus, Glasgow. J. S. Jamieson, Partick. Henry Johnston, 125 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. George W. Johnstone, R.S.A., Edinburgh. William Kennedy, 24 Waddell Street, Glasgow. John Keppie, I.A., 42 St. James' Street, Hillhead. Thomas Kerr, Camden Street Public School, Glasgow. Thomas Killin, 168 West George Street, Glasgow. James Laidlaw, Provost of Jedburgh. James G. Laing, R.S.W., 164 Bath Street, Glasgow. A. C. Lamb, Dundee. The Very Rev. John Marshall Lang, D.D., 5 Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow. Sir William Laird, 168 West George Street, Glasgow. William Lang, F.C.S., Crosspark, Partick. John Lavery, R.S.A., 248 West George Street, Glasgow. John Law, 531 Springburn Road, Glasgow. Andrew Lawson, West Grove, Maxwelltown, Dumfries. T. H. Longfield, Museum, Dublin. D. F. Lowe, M.A., Edinburgh. Allan Macbeth, Principal of Athenaeum School of Music, (ilasgow. ( xviii ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION General Committee— conitnueii. Dr. Munro, 569 Gallowgate, Glasgow. D. Murray Lyon, Edinburgh. Ben. H. Mullen, M.A., Curator, Salford Borough Royal Museum and Library. Tom MacEwan, R.s.w., 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Duncan Mackellar, R.s.w., 257 West George Street, Glasgow. John M'Kie, M.B.C.M., Florence Bank, Springbum. W. A. Scott Mackirdy, Birkwood, Lesmahagow. Allan M'Lean, 41 West George Street, Glasgow. J. MacLauchlan, Secretary, Albert Institute, Dundee. James J. MacLehose, M.A., 61 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. John M. MacLeod, C.A., loi St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. F. K. Macpherson, Tarbolton. Councillor M 'Lardy, Glasgow. W. S. M'Millan, 102 Bath Street, Glasgow. J. MacNaught Campbell, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow. John M'Neill, Pollokshields. William MacTaggart, R.S.A., Dean Park, Broomieknowe, Edinburgh. J. MacWhirter, R.A., i Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, London. E. H. M'K. Matheson, Provost of Tain. Hamilton Maxwell, R.s.w., Glasgow Art Club. Thomas Menzies, F.E.I.S., Rector, Hutcheson's Grammar School, Glasgow. A. H. Millar, Advertiser Office, Dundee. John Miller, 40 West Nile Street, Glasgow. J. O. Mitchell, LL.D., 69 East Howard Street, Glasgow. William Moore, Provost of Lauder. John Morgan, Rubislaw House, Aberdeen. George Morton, Wilmore, Hillhead. J. B. Morrison, Greenock. Daniel Munro, 39 Hope Street, Glasgow. J. M. Munro, 4 Wilton Mansions, Kelvinside. J. Barclay Murdoch, Capelrig, Meams. Alex. Murray, 152 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. David Murray, LL.D., 169 West George Street, Glasgow. George G. Napier, m.a , 9 Woodside Place, Glasgow. George Neilson, 34 Granby Terrace, Glasgow. Fras. H. Newbery, Glasgow School of Art. Pollok S. Nisbet, A.R.S.A., Edinburgh. Richard Niven, Airlie House, Ayr. J. C. Noble, R.S.A., Edinburgh. Robert Noble, a.r.s.a., Edinburgh. J. G. Orchar, Dundee. Alexander N. Paterson, M.A., 136 Wellington Street, Glasgow. James Paterson, A.R.S.A., Killniess, Moniaive. James Paton, 270 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. John Pink, Librarian, Free Library, Cambridge. George Pirie, 134 Bath Street, Glasgow. John Primrose, Dumfries. Wellwood Rattray, a.r.s.a., 7 Nelson Terrace, Hillhead. G. O. Reid, a.r.s.a., Edinburgh. Thomas Reid, Glasgow Herald. ( xix > THE BURNS EXHIBITION Ceneral QoymxiT-EE.— continued. R. M. Renwick, Eastern Telegraph Company. Robert Renwick, Depute Town-Clerk, City Chambers, Glasgow. William K. Risk, Viewbank, Bothwell. J. Wright Robb, 49 West George Street, Glasgow. Alex. F. Roberts, Provost of Selkirk. David Robertson, 94 Mitchell Street, Glasgow. D. Robertson, a.r.s.a., Edinburgh. William Rodger, 73 Oswald Street, Bridgeton. David Ross, ll.d., Established Church Normal School, Glasgow. David Russel, i Seton Street, Ardrossan. Robert Scott, Buchanan Street, Glasgow. W. D. Scoular, Dutch Mills, Ayr. Edward Service, 10 Bowmont Gardens, Glasgow. George F. Shaw, Athenaeum Library, Liverpool. William Shirreffs, 207 West Campbell Street, Glasgow. Michael Simons, 206 Bath Street, Glasgow. J. Orr Sinclair, Breaksplough, Stevenston. Alexander Skirving, I.A., 121 West Regent Street, Glasgow. John Smart, R.S.A., Edinburgh. Rev. Thos. Somerville, m.a., Blackfriars Church, Glasgow. Robert Sorley, i Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Rev. James Stalker, D.D., Glasgow. D. W. Stevenson, R.S.A., Edinburgh. R. Macaulay Stevenson, Robinsfield, by Milngavie. W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a., 34 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh. Rev. Dr. Stewart, Ballachulish. Philip Sulley, Dumfries. Charles W. Sutton, Free Reference Library, Manchester. James Tail, Banker, 216 Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow. J. D. Taylor, Glasgow Art Club. Andrew Terrace, Provost of Dysart. George Thomson, 2 Morris Place, Glasgow. David Tullis, Glencairn, Burnside. W. M. Vallentine, Provost of Brechin. G. B. Waddell, 1 10 John Street, Glasgow. Alexander Walker, LL.D., Aberdeen. Wm. Wallace, Glasgow Herald. John Watson, 205 West George Street, Glasgow. Adam White, Sudbrooke, Nithsdale Road, Glasgow. T. N. Whitelaw, Rowmore, Row. Alex. Willison, Easterhill, Dairy. Adam Wood, Portland Villa, Troon. John Wordie, West Nile Street, Glasgow. Robert Wylie, 45 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. William Young, r.s.w., 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow. ( XX) r ^ GALLERY N9 1 \ / > o e> EHTRANCr -< 7 \ / GALLERY N9IV. GALLERY N9VI. GALLERY N9III. 1 \ / \ / PLAN OF THE GALLERIES. INTRODUCTION This Catalogue illustrates and gives permanent value to the Exhibition that was held, during 1896, in the galleries of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts in commemoration of the Centenary of the death of Robert Burns. The Exhibition was one of the greatest popular tributes ever paid to the memory of a Poet. Burns lies close to the heart of the Scottish people, and the Exhibition was the outcome of the gratitude a nation feels to him who has for all time expressed the emotions and aspirations that are the distinction and character of the nation's life. He is our own Poet : he voiced our humour and our pathos, our sympathies and our prejudices, our virtues and our shortcomings ; and we in Scotland, grateful for his encouragement and counsel, treasure his words as precious possessions, and thank God for the gift of Robert Burns. The Exhibition was an evidence of the hold his personality has upon the affection of his country. The places he lived in, the people he mixed with, the books he read, all the common surroundings of his daily life, have, in virtue of his association with them, acquired a classic fame. His hand has ennobled whatever it touched, and con- ferred upon it something of immortality. As the Catalogue shows, the Exhibition aimed at bringing together all the portraits, the pictures, the books, the relics that illustrate the life of our National Poet. The public verdict was that the purpose was achieved with at least as fair a measure of success as can ever attend the attempt- ing of an impossible task. The infinite riches of Burns cannot be garnered within the limits of either space or time that are the necessary conditions of an Exhibition. ( xxiii ) The conception of the Exhibition arose with Mr. Craibe Angus of Glasgow. In the actual carrying out of the idea into practical shape, the Council of the Burns Federation played a most important part, and with their knowledge of the situation helped to make the Exhibition possible. Mr. Craibe Angus and Captain David Sneddon, the Secretary of the Federation, acted from the outset as the Honorary Secretaries of the undertaking. To these gentlemen and to Mr. Andrew J. Kirkpatrick, the Chairman of the Royal Glasgow Institute, who was Chairman of the Burns Exhibition, Mr. Patrick S. Dunn, also of the Institute, who filled the position of Vice- Chairman, Mr. D. M 'Naught, editor of the "Burns Chronicle," and to the various members of the Executive Committee, the success of the Exhibition is due. They laboured with an earnestness begotten of love for the work and knowledge of the subject. The public of Scotland are much indebted to the owners of Burns relics who made so generous a response to the Committee's applications for loans. The Exhibition was formally opened on 15th July, 1896. At the inaugural meeting, presided over by Mr. Andrew J. Kirkpatrick, Mr. William Wallace was the principal speaker. On the evening of 2 1 St July a public meeting in connection with the Exhibition was held in St. Andrew's Halls, Glasgow, at which Lord Rosebery presided and delivered an address which has become part of Burns literature. The Exhibition was done well, and having been done once, has been done once for all, at least so far as the next one hundred years are concerned. It is safe to prophesy that while time may destroy the personal relics of the poet and his friends, it will have no power to wither his reputation or displace him from the strong- hold he possesses in the affections of his fellow-countrymen. ROBT- WALKER. ( xxiv ) CATALOGUE [The descriptions of the exhibits are those given by the lenders of the works.] PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Although to the more earnest students of the life and writings of Robert Burns nothing within the walls could be regarded as equalling in interest the rich display of his unrivalled manuscripts, still it may be safely asserted that to the great majority of visitors to this unique and altogether remarkable Exhibition the collection of pictures constituted, without doubt, the supreme attraction. It contained over seven hundred works, and occupied, with striking effect, almost the entire wall-space of the galleries. It was divided into two sections, the one comprising pictures on lojin, and the other, works for sale, the former being by far the larger and in every way the more important. The scope of the Exhibition naturally lent to the department devoted to " cauk and keel " an endless and charming variety. It embraced portraits of the poet, his relatives, friends, correspondents, critics, and editors ; views of his several homes and the scenes amid which they are set ; places of interest visited by him, and pictures in illustration of his writings. Many of these works were from the easels of distinguished painters, and, apart altogether from the interest attaching to their subject, were, in conception and execution, of high artistic excellence. Others, although not of this first rank, were nevertheless by artists of acknowledged ability, while one or two, the seriousness of whose aim could not for one moment be doubted, proved, even to the sober Scottish eye, keenly provocative of innocent merriment. But one and all, from the highest to the humblest, bore mute yet eloquent testimony to the wondrous sway exercised by Burns over the mind and heart of his countrymen. In the Exhibition were to be seen three notable portraits of the poet. Two of these were from the brush of Alexander Nasmyth — one being the well-known painting belonging to the National Portrait Gallery, London, and the other the property of the Misses Cathcart of Auchendrane, whose mother was a pupil of the artist. Both pictures proved of exceptional interest ; but it is to be regretted that the original portrait for which Burns gave sittings to Nasmyth, and of which those referred to are replicas, could not, after the most zealous effort on the part of the executive committee, be procured for exhibi- tion from its custodiers, the Trustees of the National Gallery of Scotland. On the walls, however, of the galleries appeared, through the kindness of its owner, Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B., the masterly drawing of the poet's head, executed in red chalk by Archibald Skirving. Another picture, which shared with these the distinction of attracting the most profound attention, was M'Kenzie's excellent portrait of " Bonie Jean and her grandchild." An added interest attaching to this painting arises from the fact that it was lent to the Exhibition by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson, the granddaughter therein depicted. The life of Burns, as all the world knows, was mostly spent within the circumscribed area of the shires of Ayr and Dumfries, two counties which can assuredly lay claim to much of the finest scenery in southern Scotland. Most fittingly did these interesting districts receive ample and effective illustration. The Ayr, the Doon, the Afton, the Lugar, and the Nith, a group of lowland streams whose varied beauties have been for ever embalmed in the witching music of his song, were there presented under " a' their shows and forms." The once obscure villages of Tarbolton, Mauchline, and Catrine ; the canny auld town of Ayr ; wide-awake Kilmarnock, where first his works were given to the world ; Edina, which turned upon him for a season its " dazzling blaze of favour " ; and Dumfries, with its descending- pensive twilight — all found rich pictorial record in this notable collection. And last, if not least, " the guid toun o' Saint Mungo,' which at infinite pains gathered all these fine things together, and set them in orderly array before the public eye, was worthily, if modestly, represented. The work of the sculptor was also in evidence throughout the rooms, replicas of several of the more important statues erected in honour of the bard throughout the world, and other deftly executed images in plaster, marble, and bronze, adding much to the interest of the Exhibition. A careful selection has been made by the committee of some of the more outstanding pictures in the collection. These, artistically reproduced in black and white by our townsmen, the Messrs. Annan, will be found a valuable feature of this memorial volume. Wm. young, R.S.W. ROBERT BURNS. ■r- wy/y -^ GALLERY No. I LOAN COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, through D. Murray Lyon, Grand Secretary. I, The Inauguration of Burns as Laureate of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, Edinburgh, ist March, 1787. (See Nos. 248, 299, 561.) "Presented by James Burns, K.H., F.R.S., &c., to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, 1862." Painter — Stewart Watson. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 2. Burns's Cottage, (See Nos. 62, 124, 133, 268=°, 278.) Painter — Sam Bough, r.s.a. Lent by R. Gardner Robertsott. 3. The Auld Brig o' Ayr. (See Nos. 11, 20.) Painter — David Farquharson, a.r.s.a. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 4. Tarn o' Shanter. "She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum, A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum." Painter unknown. (6) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by William Grimmond. 5. The Souter. "His ancient, trusty, drouthy crony." Painter — Alexander Fraser, r.s.a. Lent by Henry W. Henderson. 6. Tam o' Shanter in the Smiddy. "Every naig was ca'd a shoe on The smith and thee gat roaring fou on." Painter — Alexander Fraser, r.s.a. Lent by William Taylor. 7. Nanse Tinnock's Ale House, Mauchline. (See Nos. 23, 644, 646, 649, 75 3> 760, 798.) "An' drink his health in auld Nanse Tinnock's Nine times a-week." 'PhmT'E^— James Clark. Lent by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson. 8. Colonel W. Nicol Burns, third son of the Poet. Born 9th April, 1791 ; died 21st February, 1872. Painter — Sir Daniel Macnee, /-.r.s.a. Lent by Wm. M'Kissock. 9. Robert Burns. This portrait hung for many years in Burns's Cottage, AUoway, when a pubhc-house. Bought at Fullerton sale. Painter unknown. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 10. Tam o' Shanter. " The doubling storm roars thro' the woods, The lightnings flash frae pole to pole, Near and more near the thunders roll. When, glimmering thro' the groaning trees, Kirk-AUoway seem'd in a bleeze." Painter — Sam Bough, r.s.a, (6) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Hugh Cowan. 11. The Auld Brig o' Ayr. (See Nos. 3, 20.) "He seeni'd as he wi' Time had warstl'd lang." Painter— ^«7//«w Young, r.s.w. Lent by John Hodge. 12. Burns and Highland Mary. "Ye banks and braes and streams around The castle o' Montgomery ! " Painter — G. IV. Brown/aw. Lent by D. S. Smith. 13. Hallowe'en. "The vera wee-things, todUn, rin Wi' stocks out-owre their shouther." Painter^;/. E. Christie. Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. 14. Thomas Carlyle. Born 4th December, 1795 ; died 5th February, 1 88 1. (See Nos. 129, 439.) Painter—^. Macneil Whistler. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery, London. 15. Robert Burns. Painted for George Thomson, Edinburgh. Presented to the National Portrait Gallery, June, 1858, by John Dillon, Esq. Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by James Dickie. 16. Burns's Monument on the Banks of the Doon. (See No. 104.) Painter — P. C. Auld. Lent by John Holms, M.D. 17. Tarn o' Shanter. "Kings may be blest, but Tarn was glorious." Painter—-/". E. Christie. (7) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 1 8. Robert Burns. Presented to Mrs. Everitt, mother of Mrs. Thomas, and grand- daughter of the poet, by a few friends in Belfast on the occasion of the Centenary celebration there of the poet's birth. Painter — W. Dobie. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 19. The Funeral of Robert Burns, Dumfries, 25th July, 1796. (See No. 126.) Painter — W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. 20. The Brigs of Ayr. (See Nos. 3, 11.) Painter — W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. Lent by James Picken. 21. Tarn Samson, Jun., son of the renowned " Tam " of the " Elegy.' Painter unknown. Lent by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson. 2 2. Lieutenant-Colonel James Glencairn Burns, fourth son of the Poet. Born 12th August, 1794; died i8th November, 1865. Painter — William Tweedie. Lent by James Porteous. 23. Nanse Tinnock. (See Nos. 7, 644, 646, 649, 753, 760, 798.) " A worthy old hostess of the author's in Mauchline, where he sometimes studies politics over a glass of guid auld 'Scotch drink.'— R.B." Painter — William Brookes. Lent by James Muir. 24. Alloway Kirk. Painter unknown. Lent by the Right Honourable Lord Young. 25. Dunure Castle. Painter — Rev. Tohn Thomson, /t.r.s.a. (8) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Mrs. Crabbe. 26. Lochlea. The Burns family removed from Mount Oliphant to Lochlea when the poet was in his eighteenth year. Painter unknown. Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 27. Robert Burns. From Hamilton Palace sale. Said to have belonged to Lord Byron. Painter unknown. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 28. The Cotter's Saturday Night. "The toil-worn Cotter frae his labor goes, This night his weekly moil is at an end." Painter — Sam Bough, r.s.a. Lent by Charles Martin Hardie, R.S.A. 29. The Meeting of Burns and Scott. (See Nos. 359, 581.) In the winter of 1786-7, Walter Scott, then a boy of fifteen, had his one meeting with Burns at Professor Ferguson's. The poet was affected to tears by some lines from Langhorne, under the print of a soldier lying dead on the snow, his widow and his dog beside him. No one in the room knew whose the lines were but the boy, and Burns rewarded him with a kind look, and a word Scott never forgot. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by W. A. Scott Mackirdy. 30. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 31. Death of Poor MaiHe. "Wi' glowrin een, an' lifted ban's. Poor Hughoc like a statue stan's." Painter — William Kidd. (9) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museujjt. 32. Mossgiel as in Burns's Time. (See Nos. 268*3, 280, 322.) Mossgiel farm consisted of 118 acres, and the rent was £,()0. Bums resided there from Whitsunday, 1784, till 28th November, 1786. Painter-^(?^« Kelso Hunter. Lent by Provost David Mackay, Kilmarnock. ■^T,. Auld Brig o' Doon. Painter — Robert Alexander, r.s.a. Lent by the Laigh Kirk Session, Kilmarnock. 34. The Reverend James M'Kinlay, D.D. (See No. 541.) The Rev. James M'Kinlay ("Simper James") was ordained to the first charge, Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock, 6th April, 1786, and the event is commemorated by Burns in the poem of "The Ordination." Painter — Win. Tannock. Lent by James Porteous. 35. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by Neil Kennedy. 35A. John Kennedy, an early patron of Burns. " Hae, there's my haun, I wiss you weel, An' gude be wi' you. "Mossgiel, 3rd March, 1786. Robt. Burness." Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by A. Bowker & Son. 36. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. l"]. The Auld Farmer's New- Year-Morning Salutation to his auld mare, Maggie. " A guid New-year I wish thee, Maggie ! " Painter unknown. ( 10) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Dumfries Bums Club. 38. Robert Burns. Painter — Gilfillan, after Nasmyth. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 39. Tarn o' Shanter. Presented to the Kilmarnock Bums Club by J. Gibson, Liverpool. Painter unknown. Lent by Richard Morrison. 40. Robert Burns. Portrait from the Collection of the late Rev. Dr. Thomson. Painter unknown. Lent by Wut. Forbes Robertson. 41. Alloway's Auld Haunted Kirk. V\i^i%K— James Clark. Lent by Robert Burns Begg. 42. Robert Burns Begg, Nephew of the Poet. Parish Schoolmaster of Kinross. A Jubilee Gift from his old pupils, 1 2th February, 1892. Painter— y; M. Barclay, r.s.a. I^ent by Andrew G. Loiv. 43. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 44. Ellisland. (See Nos. 72, 105, 26853.) Bums resided at Ellisland from Whitsunday, 1788, until his removal to Dumfries in November, 1791. Painter — Sam Bough, r.s.a. Lent by Rev. S. A. Thompson Yates, 45. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. (11) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Brown, Dumfries, a granddaughter of Burns. 46. Robert Burns, the eldest son of the poet. Born 3d September, 1786; died 14th May, 1857. Painter unknown. Lent by the Honourable Lord Adam. 47. George Thomson. (See Nos. 58, 582, 584.) George Thomson of Edinburgh published a Collection of Scots Songs, to which Burns contributed, from September, 1792, many of his • most beautiful compositions. Thomson died i8th February, 1851, aged 94. Painter — W. Nicholson, r.s.a. Lent by the Kilmarnock Bairns Club. 48. Jessy Lewars (Mrs. Thomson). (See No. 268"'.) "Thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet, And soft as their parting tear — Jessy." Miss Jessy Lewars, a daughter of one of Burns's brother officers in the Excise, attended the poet in his last illness. Painter—^. Irvine, a.r.s.a. Lent by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson. 49. Robert Armour, a brother of Bonie Jean. Painter unknown. Lent by David Hennedy. 50. Hallowe'en. Painter— y. E. Christie. Lent by William Gibson. 51. Parting of Burns and Highland Mary. "For dear to me as light and life Was my sweet Highland Mary." Painter— ;/«»«« Archer, r.s.a. Lent by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson. 52. Bonie Jean and Grandchild (Mrs. Hutchinson in childhood). (See Nos. 63, 78A, 96A.) Painter — S. M^Kenzie, s.a. (12) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 53. Robert Burns. Painter — William Tannock, after Nastnyth. 54. Robert Burns. Presented to the Kilmarnock Burns Club by the Artist. Paiuter— /a mes Tannock, after Nasmyth. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 55. Sir John Moore. (See No. 502.) Painter unknown. Lent by David Logan. 56. Burns and Bonie Nell. " O once I lov'd a bonie lass, Aye, and I love her still; An' whilst that virtue warms my breast, I'll love my handsome Nell." Painter— y! E. Christie. Lent by Mrs. Arnot. 57. Adam Armour, a brother of Bonie Jean. " Gude pity me, because I'm little ! " Painter unknown. Lent by Charles Martin Hardie, R.S.A. 58. George Thomson. (See Nos. 47, 582, 584.) Painter — Sir Henry Raebum, r.a. Lent by Rev. Henry Grey Graham. 59. Rev. Geo. Lawrie, D.D., minister of Loudon. Died 17th Oct., 1799, aged 'JT. " The hoary Sire — the mortal stroke, Long, long be pleas'd to spare." Painter — William Bonar, a.r.a. Lent by Miss Sloan. 60. George Reid, Barquharrie, Ayrshire, contemporary and friend of Burns, son-in-law of John Tennant, of Glenconner, Ochiltree. (See Nos. 513, 526.) Painter unknown. (13) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Corporation of Kilmarnock. 6 1. Robert Burns. Painter— ^a«« Tannock. Lent by R. G. Ross. 62. Burns's Cottage. (See Nos. 2, 124, 133, 268^°, 278.) Painter — David Small. Lent by George Gray. 63. Jean Armour. (See Nos. 52, 96A.) Painter unknown. Lent by George Hay, R.S.A. 64. Robert Burns. Painter— yijWM Nasmyth. Lent by William Ramsay. 65. James Humphrey, a mason in Mauchline : Burns's " blethVin bitch." (See Nos. 657, 749, 750.) " Below thir stanes lie Jamie's banes : O Death, it's my opinion Thou ne'er took such a bleth'rin bitch Into thy dark dominion ! " Painter — Robert Brown. Lent by George Gray. 66. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by George B. Young. b(ii\. Peter Taylor. (See Nos. 452, 454, 455, 456.) Peter Taylor was a painter in Edinburgh, and a friend and contem- porary of Burns. He painted the "Taylor Portrait" of the Bard now in the National Portrait Gallery of 'Scotland. He died at Marseilles on 20th December, 1788, aged 31. Painter — Peter Taylor. Lent by Andrew G. Low. 67. Globe Tavern, Dumfries, a "howff" of Burns. Painter — George Thomson. ( 14) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Colin Macpherson. 68. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. I Lent by George G. Napier. 69. Parliament House, Edinburgh, in the time of Sir Walter Scott. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by H. Thomson Lyon. 70. Robert Burns. Painter unknown, after Nasmyth. Lent by R. Montgomerie. 71. Robert Burns. Painter — Wm. Spier, Dairy, after Nasmyth. Lent by fames Hinshelwood. 72. EUisland. (See Nos. 44, 26853.) Painter unknown. Lent by the Glasgow and South- Western Railway Co y^. Ballochmyle Viaduct, Glasgow & South- Western Railway. (See Nos. 1 14, 276 ^ 548.) Presented to the Company by George Miller Cunningham, Esq., C.E., Edinburgh, 1883. Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. 73A. James Fillans, Sculptor. Painter — Sir Daniel Macnee, /-.r.s.a. Lent by fames Thomson. 74. Mrs. Elizabeth Burns or Thomson, daughter of the Poet and of Anne Park of the Globe Tavern, Dumfries. Born 31st March, 1791 ; died 13th June, 1873, aged 84. Painter— /<5/!« Kelso Hunter. (15) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Representatives of the late Robert Blackie. 75. The Market Cross, Ayr, as it was in the days of Burns. (See No. 2684.) Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. Lent by the Corporation of Kilmarnock. 75A. John Templeton, Vocalist, the Scottish " Sims Reeves." Born at Kilmarnock, 1802 ; died 1886. Painter unknown. Lent by H. S. Rose. 76. David Stewart Erskine, eleventh Earl of Buchan. Died 20th April, 1829. (See No. 580.) Associated with Burns in honouring James Thomson, the poet. Painter — Sir Joshua Reynolds, /'.r.a. Lent by Melville Fraser. jj. An Edinburgh Ale House in Burns's Time. Painter — A. Carse. Lent by R. M'Clure. 78. Tam o' Shanter. " Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath to keep it warm." Painter— y; E. Christie. Lent by Mrs. Burns Hutchinson. 78A, Mrs. Burns Hutchinson, granddaughter of the Poet; still living in Cheltenham. (See No. 52.) Painter unknown. Lent by Thomas Melville. 79. Tam o' Shanter. Painter unknown. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 80. Charles- James Fox. Born 1749; died 1806. (See No. 532.) "Thou, first of our orators, first of our wits." Painter — Sir Joshua Reynolds, p.v..k. ( 16) ?• PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 8oA. Robert Burns as a youth. Certificate on Back — "For many years previous to 1850 my father attended professionally an ancient widowed woman, then about 90 years old, called Mrs. Cunningham. She came from Ardrossan, Scotland, and was first cousin to Mary Campbell, Burns's Highland Mary. This portrait of Burns was painted for Mary Campbell. After her death it was given to Mrs. Cunningham and brought to this country about 1800. To ensure its preservation she gave it to my father, S. B. Barlow, M.D., in 1850. "New York, 1881. (Signed) Samuel R. M. Barlow." Painter unknown. Lent by David Reed. 81. Robert Burns. Painter — Charles K. Robertson. 82. Lent by Andrew G. Low. "The Deil's awa wi' the Exciseman." Painter—^. M. Wright. Lent by George G. Napier. 83. An Incident in the Childhood of Sir Walter Scott at Smail- holme. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by John Gardner. 84. Burns and Friend in Village Ale House. Painter unknown. Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Eglinton. 85. Archibald, eleventh Earl of Eglinton, a patron of Burns. Died 30th Oct., 1796. From the original by Sir Joshua Reynolds, p.r.a., in Windsor Castle. Painter — W. H. Brooke^ (17) THE BURNS EXHIBITION ' Lent by Captain John Auld. 86. Fish Cross, Ayr. V h\HT^v.—John Stephen. Lent by Robert Burns Begg. 87. Isabella Burns (Mrs. Begg), the Poet's youngest sister. Painter — Robert Taylor. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 88. View of Burns's Monument and Brig o' Doon. Painter— y. D. Scott. Lent by the Corporatioft of Kilmarnock. 89. Sir James Shaw, Lord Mayor of London, a native of Kilmar- nock. Died 22nd Oct., 1843. (See No. 539.) Interested himself in the Poet's widow and family. Painter— ^flww Tannock. Lent by the Misses Cathcart of Auchendranc. 90. Robert Burns. Copy of the Inscription written by Mr. Alex. Nasmyth on the back of the canvas of the Portrait, at the time he sold it to Mr. Cathcart (father of the Misses Cathcart), in 1824: — "Robert Burns, painted by Alex. Nasmyth, being one of three "pictures painted by him. The original picture, painted in "Edinburgh in 1787, is now in the possession of Mrs. Burns, " Dumfries. The second is in the possession of Mr. G. Thomson, "Edinburgh, 1824, and this picture in the possession of E. "Cathcart, Esq., Edinburgh. ^c"'- \ji.if^:\ _ "A- N., 1824." Mrs. Cathcart, mother of the Misses Cathcart, studied oil painting under Mr. Alex. Nasmyth, and she had often admired this portrait of Burns which hung in the studio. .A.fter her marriage to Mr. Cathcart of Auchendrane she induced him to buy the portrait from Mr. A. Nasmyth, in 1824, and it has remained in the possession of the family ever since, and has been carefully preserved. Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. ( 18) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 91. Tam and the Souter. Painter unknown. Lent by James Picken. 92. Tam Samson. Thomas Samson, nurseryman, Rosebank, Braehead, Kilmarnock, belonged to a circle of the Poet's early patrons in that town ; he subscribed and aided in procuring subscriptions for the Kilmarnock edition, and his name is on the subscription list for two copies of the Edinburgh edition. He died 12th December, i795> ^gcd 72. He is immortalised in "Tam Samson's Elegy." Painter unknown. Lent by Sir William Arrol, LL.D. 9.3. The Brigs of Ayr. (See No. 2685°) " Auld Brig appear'd o' ancient Pictish race. The vera wrinkles Gothic in his face ; *♦♦♦*♦* New Brig was buskit in a braw new coat. That he, at Lun'on, frae ane Adams got." Painter — William Young, r.s.w. Lent by Capt. David Sneddon. 94. The Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock, scene of " The Ordination." Painter— /aw« M. Mackay. Lent by Richard Cameron. 95. John Beugo, Engraver, Edinburgh. Beugo, who engraved the portrait for the Edinburgh edition, was born in 1759 and died in 1841. Painter — Agnes Beugo, his daughter. Lent by R. J. Charters. '^' ' "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." Painter unknown. Lent by George G. Napier. 96. "The Auld Clay Biggin'." Painter — W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. (19) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. M^Diannid. 96A. Jean Armour. (See Nos. 52, 63.) Painter — Gilfillan. Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 97. Robert Burns. Painter — Alexander S. Mackay. I^ent by David Tullis. 98. Burns in Edinburgh, 1787. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by the Corporation of Kilmarnock. 98A. Archibald Wilham, thirteenth Earl of Eglinton, Lord Lieu- tenant of the County of Ayr, Chairman of the Burns Festival of 1844. Painter—^. Graham Gilbert, r.s.a. Lent by James Porteous. 99. Robert Burns. Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by Sir John Watson, Bart., of Eamock. 100. Burns at the Plough. Painter — Gourlay Steell, r.s.a. Lent by David Hennedy. "The carlin claught her by the rump." Painter—/! E. Christie. Lent by Robert Ciirrer. lOiA. The Jolly Beggars. Painter- — Alexander Green. Lent by Provost David Mackay, Kilmarnock. lOiB. Robert Burns. Painter — A. S. Mackay. (20) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by J. C. Burnett. 102. Miss Burnett, daughter of Lord Monboddo. Died June, 1790, aged 23. (See No. 26818, ^j^^ ^jg.) " Fair Burnet strikes th' adoring eye." Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by David C. Dick. I02A. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 103. Margaret Fairlie, wife of Sir Wm. Cunningham. (See No. 106.) The Poet's father first found employment in Ayrshire under the Fairlies of Fairlie. Painter — Gul. Mossman. Lent by Capt. John Auld. 104. Burns's Monument. Painter—/". C. Auld. Lent by the Right Honourable Lord Young. 105. Ellisland. (See Nos. 44, 26853.) Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 106. Sir Wm. Cunningham of Robertland. (See No. 103.) Painter — Gul. Mossman. Lent by John Eadie. '■ "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." Painter—^. E. Christie. Lent by the Royal Scottish Academy. 108. Burns at Roslin. V KILTER— James Nasmyth. (21) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. G. M'Lellati Arnott. 109. Thomas White, Mathematician, Dumfries. At his house Burns was in the habit of breakfasting on Saturday mornings, and on the last occasion on which he did so he replied, in answer to Mrs. White's enquiry as to his health " Hastening to the grave, madam ! " Painter unknown. Lent by A. S. Strathern. 1 10. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by Miss Margaret Sharp. 111. Tam o' Shanter approaching Alloway Kirk. Painter unknown. Lent by William Ronald. iiiA. Mauchline Castle in 1856. The grandfather of the artist succeeded Burns in the tenancy of Mossgiel. Painter — -James Ciirrie. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 112. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by Miss Murphie. 113. Mrs. Patrick Miller of Dalswinton, wife of Burns's landlord at Ellisland. (See Nos. 117, 130, 595.) Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by John Black. 114. Ballochmyle Bridge. (.See Nos. Ji, 276^, 548.) Painter— ;/t'/i« Hutchison. 115. On the Ayr at Ballochmyle. (See Nos. 268^9 276^.) Painter — William Young, r.s.w. (22> PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by John McMillan. 1 1 6. Robert Burns. (See No. 399.) Painter unknown, after Nasmyth. Lent by Miss Miirphie. 117. Patrick Miller of Dalswinton, Burns's landlord at Ellisland. (See Nos. 113, 130, 595.) Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by Miss Laing, Mountpark, Gourock, 1 18. The Jolly Beggars. Painter unknown. Lent by A. G. Shaw. 119. The Rev. William Dalrymple, D.D. " D'rymple mild, D'rymple mild, tho' your heart's like a child, And your life's like the new-driven snaw." , Painter unknown. Lent by James Robb. 120. The Cotter's Saturday Night. Painter unknown. Lent by J. Robertson Blackie. 121. Procession of St. James's Lodge, Tarbolton, of which Burns was Deputy Master. (See No. 268'''.) Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 122. Lent by J. W. F. Cullen. "Duncan Gray cam' here to woo." Painter — A. Carse. Lent by David Hennedy. 123. Cutty-sark. • * " A souple jade she was and Strang." Painter— y. E. Christie. (23) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Reid of Auchterarder House. 124. Burns's Cottage. (See Nos. 2, 133, 268'°, 278.) Painter — Sam Bough, r.s.a. Le7it by George G. Napier. 125. Lockhart reading the Bible to Sir Walter Scott. (See No. 517.) Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by James Wilson. 126. The Funeral of Robert Burns. Dumfries, 25th July, 1796. (See No. 19.) Painter — W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. ^^7- "We twa hae paidl'd in the burn." Painter — Rt. Gemmell-Hutchison, r.s.w., r.b.a. 128. " 'Twas then a blast o' Janwar' win' Blew hansel in on Robin." Painter unknown. Lent by Thomas M'Kie. 129. Thomas Carlyle. (See Nos. 14, 439.) Painter — Robert Herdman, r.s.a. Lent by Miss Murphie. 130. The Miller Family of Dalswinton. (See Nos. 113, 117, 595.) Painter — Alexander Nasmyth. Lent by Adam Mackay. 131. Interior of Burns's Cottage. (See Nos. 268^', 332', 371.) Painter — Robert Alexander, r.s.a. (24) THE AULD BRIG O DOON PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. 132. Tarn o' Shanter. Y k\-sii-E.Vi.—John Burnet. Lent by Provost David Mackay, Kilmarnock. 133. Burns's Cottage. (See Nos. 2, 124, 268^, 278.) From original water-colour drawing by Williams, in the National Gallery of Scotland. Painter— /rtOTw M. Mackay. Lent by Robert Guy. 133A. The Jolly Beggars. Painter — Alexander Green. Lent by T. S. Whittet. '4- "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." Painter — William Whittet. Lent by Miss Margaret Sharp. 135. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. Lent by James Porteous. 136. The Rev. William Auld. "Daddie Auld, Daddie Auld, there's a tod i' the fauld, A tod meikle waur than the Clerk; The' ye do little skaith, ye'll be in at the death, For if ye canna bite, ye can bark." Painter unknown. Lent by Robert Landess. 137. Mr. Lambert, Writer, Kilmarnock, a companion of Robert Burns. Painter unknown. (25) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Charles M'Guire. 138. Burns in Edinburgh, 1787. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by Miss Gibb Stuart. 139. Robert Burns. Painter — Kay, Maiichline. Lent by Captain Cutlar-Fergusson. 140. Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch, the hero of "The Whistle." Died 30th April, 1796. (See No. 899.) "Craigdarroch, so famous for wit, worth, and law." Painter unknown. (26) GALLERY No. II THE PICTURES EXHIBITED IN THIS ROOM WERE ON SALE 141. 142. Mossgiel - Andrew Hislop. "Sweet fa's the eve on Craigie-burn." - James Clark. 143. Mauchline Castle, where Robert Burns was married to Jean Armour - - F. IV. Scarbrough. 144. 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 J. Lochhead. "Then let us toast John Barleycorn." Alloway Kirk . - - Ellisland - - The Birthplace of Robert Burns Ailsa Craig - - - - Greenan, Ayrshire Ayr from the Doon Tam o' Shanter - Robert Burns . - . Miniature on Ivory. - Hugh Allan. - John Wallace. - John Wallace. - Helen Thornycrojt. - Alfred S. Edward, R.B.A. - Helen Thornycroft. Thos. Davidson. - J. Champion Bradshaw, (27) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 153. Robert Burns - - . . . Alexander Brothers. Miniature oti Ivory. 154. Robert Burns - - - - - J. B. Alexander. Miniature 071 Ivory. 155. Tarn o' Shanter - - - - - J. E. Christie. "And sic a nicht he taks the road in." 156- ■ " " " - - - - T. Corsan Morton. " Beneath the milk-white thorn that scents the ev'ning gale." 157. Hallowe'en - Rt. Gemmell- Hutchison, R.S.W., R.B.A. 158. Dean Castle, Kilmarnock - - - Wm. Dalglish. 159. On Devon Banks - - - - E. Sherwood Calvert, " Crystal Devon, winding Devon." R.S.W. 160. The Parting Place of Burns and High- land Mary - "- - - - R. Macaulay Stevenson. 161. Girvan's Fairy-haunted Stream - - Andrew Richmond. 162. The Jolly Beggars - - -- - Wm. Fulton Brown, "Ae night at e'en a merry core R.S.W. O' randie, gangrel bodies. In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore. To drink their orra duddies." 163. On Carrick Shore . . - . Andrew Black, r.s.w. 164. Auld Brig o' Ayr - - - - R.M. G. Coventry, •r.s.'^. 165. An Ayrshire Pastoral - - - - Andrew Hislop. " At noon the fisher seeks the glen Alang the burn to steer, my jo." 1 66. Dunure Castle, Ayrshire - - - John Smart, R.S.A., r.s.w 167. - - - - - - - - J. E. Christie. "Warlocks grim and wither'd hags." (28) BONNIE JEAN AND GRANDCHILD. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES 1 68. Roslin Castle ----- Robert Brydall. 169. Craignelder Gairy, Galloway Mountain - Colin B. Phillip 17 O. - - - - - - - - E. Sherwood Calvert, "It was the charming month of May." R.S.W. l/l- " " - " " " - -J- Lochhead. " Upon a bonnie day in June." 172. The Birks of Aberfeldy - - - Charles N. Woolttoth, R.S.W. 173. Ayr, from Carrick Hill - - - /. MacWhirter, r.a. 174. - - - - - - - - Andrew Black, R.S.W. "Then Burnewin comes on like death At ev'ry chaup." i74.'\. Burns's Monument - - . - Patrick Downie. 17415. Robert Burns Thos. J. Ford. 175. An Ayrshire Landscape. - - -A. Brownlie Docharty. " We twa hae paidl'd in the burn." 176. AUoway Kirk - - - - - W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. 177. Tarn o' Shanter - - - - - J. E. Christie. "Tarn skelpit on thro' dub and mire." 178. House in Dumfries where Robert Burns died ------ Hamilton Maxwell, R.S.W. 179. Afton Water .... - David Law. 180. On the Nith - - - - - David Law. 181. Auld Brig o' Ayr - - - - Susan F. Crawford, A.R.P.E. 182. Alloway Kirk David Law. 183. Robert Burns Quick & Laing. (29) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 184. H-ouse in Bank Street, Dumfries, where Burns lived after leaving Ellisland - Hamilton Maxwell, R.S.W. 185. The Brigs of Ayr . . - . David Law. 1 86. Burns's Cottage David Law. 187. Robert Burns ----- j^hn Andrew. 188. Fireplace in Burns's Cottage - - Andrew Allan. 189. Lincluden Abbey - - . - David Law. 190. Robert Burns Frank Short. 191. Character Studies — "Tarn o' Shanter " and " John Anderson my jo' " - - /. G. Murray, a.r.p.e. 192. Robert Burns ----- Quick & Laing. 193. The Guardian of Highland Mary's Monument - - - - - G. Fidler. 194. The Brook where Burns and Highland Mary vowed eternal fidelity - - G. Fidler. 195. The Auld Brig o' Doon . - - Andrew Allan. 196. The Burns Memorial - - - - David Law. 196A. The Funeral of Robert Burns - - George Aikman, a.r.s.a. 197. Gavin Hamilton's House, where Burns was married, adjoining Old Castle, Mauchline . - . . - James Clark. 198. _.-.---- John Lawson. " In gowany glens thy burnie strays." 1 99. - - ._-- - - - Norman M. Macdougall. "We'll gently walk and sweetly talk, Till the silent moon shines clearly!" 200. Summer Evening at Ellisland - - James Paterson, A.R.S.A. (30) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES 20 1. Ellisland Farm House - - - G. Fidler. 202. The Cotter, Saturday Afternoon - - P. Macgregor Wilson, R.s.w. 203. ...-.-- David Fulton, R.S.W. " When lyart leaves bestrow the yird." 204. The Valley of the Stinchar - - Ugolin Allan. 205. - - - - - - - -J- Hermiston Haig, "While waters wimple to the sea." 206. -------- R. Macaulay Stevenson. " Flow gently, sweet Afton." 207. Mauchline Churchyard — Scene of the "Holy Fair"; with Gavin Hamilton's House, where Burns was married - /. C. Wyper, r.s.w. 208. The Cotter's Saturday Night - - H. J. Dobson, r.s.w. 209. Drumlanrig Castle, Nithsdale - - Alexander N. Paterson. 210. Mauchline Castle, with Gavin Hamilton's House - - . . . Thomas Morton. 211. Dunure ...-.- Alfred S. Edward, k.^.k. 2 1 2. Burns's Cottage - - - - - W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. 213. Relics of the Poet Burns - - - James Hay. 214. High Street, Ayr - - - - R. A. Cruikshank. 215. - - - - - - - - J. E. Christie. " I there wi' Something did forgather. That pat me in an eerie swither." 216. Auld Brig o' Doon . - - - Hugh Allan. 217. The Brigs of Ayr - - - - R. A. Cruikshank. ( 31 ) 2l8. THE BURNS EXHIBITION ----- Robert Munro. "Where Lugar flows." 2 1 9. Gangrels 220. Alloway Kirk /. C. IVyper, R.S.W. T. Marjoribanks Hay, R.S.W. 221. Thomas Hunt, R.S.W. " Tho' now thou's dowie, stiff, an' crazy, An' thy auld hide as white's a daisie." 2 2 2. The Mouth of the River Doon 223. The Brigs of Ayr 224. Brow-well, on the Solway - 225. The Valley of the Doon 226. The Brigs of Ayr Wm. Dalglish. - F. W. Scarbrough. T. Marjoribanks Hay, R.S.W. - Helen Thornycroft. - Patrick Downie. (32) THE GLOBE TAVERN, DUMFRIES. N9 6 /. GALLERY No. Ill LOAN AND SALE PICTURES Lent by George Dunlop. 227. Sandy Marshall at Gavin Hamilton's Grave. Painter — Miss Annie R. Dunlop. Lent by J. W. Somerville. 228. Rev. David Williamson, minister of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, said to be the original of the old song, " Dainty Davie," which Burns amended. " Leeze me on your curly pow, Dainty Davie, dainty Davie." Painter — Sir John Medina. Lent by Thomas Hunt, R.S.W. 229. "Winter's Night." " I thought me on the curie cattle, Or silly sheep, wha bide this brattle O' winter war, And thro' the drift, deep-lairing, sprattle Beneath a scaur." Lent by Niels M. Lund. 230. A Winter Night. " While burns, wi' snawy wreaths up-choked, Wild-eddying swirl." (33) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Hugh Cairns. 231. Statue of Burns, executed by Hugh Cairns for the Caledonian Club, Boston, U.S.A. Photograph. Lent by D. Rowatt. 23 1 A. Cottage at Auchanmore, Uunoon, where Highland Mary was born. Painter — D. Rowatt. Lent by Robert Reid. 232. Robert Burns. Y Kmi'E.v.— George Watson, ar.s.a. Lent by Miss Wilson. 233. Robert Burns composing " The Cotter's Saturday Night." (See No. 575.) After the original by Sir William Allan, p.r s.a. Lent by S. Andrews. 234. Tarn o' Shanter. Painter — Ward, r.a. Lent by David Shirlaw. 235. Taymouth Castle and Kenmore. (See No. 2685^) " The Tay meand'ring sweet in infant pride ; The palace rising on its verdant side." Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 236, Edinburgh Castle from Greyfriars' Churchyard. (See No. 26857.) " There, watching high the least alarms, Thy rough, rude Fortress gleams afar; Like some bold Vet'ran, gray in arms, And mark'd with many a seamy scar." Painter — D. O. Hill, r.s.a. (34) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by S. Andrews. 237. The Haggis. " The groaning trencher there ye fill, Your hurdies like a distant hill." Painter — AUxandtr Fraser, r.s.a. Lent by Edward S. Fisher. 238. Tarn o' Shanter. Painter — Heywood Hardy. Lent by the Airdrie Burns Club. 238A. Robert Burns. Presented by the Airdrie Burns Club to the Airdrie Free Public Library in commemoration of the centenary of the Poet's death, 2ist July, 1896. Painter — R. Ramsay Russell, after Nasmyih. . (35) GALLERY No. IV LOAN COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 239. Lincluden Abbey. (See No. 268^*.) " Yonder Clouden's silent towers, Where at moonshine midnight hours, O'er the dewy bending flowers. Fairies dance sae cheary." Water colour. Painter — W. J. Macready. Lent by John Leighton, F.S.A. 240. Original Designs for a Burns Ex-Libris. Printed in the "Book-plate Annual," 1896. Painter— ^(?/4« Leighton, f.s.a. Lent by Mrs. Fisher. 241. Robert Burns, with Illustrations of his Life and Work : Memorial of the Centenary of the Poet's birth, 25th January, 1859. (See No. 244.) The Portrait after the painting by Sir Daniel Macnee, /.r.s.a. Ihc illustrations by A. Macliire. Lithograph. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 242. Inscription to the Memory of Robert Burns. Engraving. (36) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Adam J. Cairney. 243. Robert Burns. Presented by Mrs. Bums and family to Mr. James Bogie, gardener at Terraughty. Engraving. Lent by Robert Cannichael. 244. Memorial of the Centenary of the Poet's birth, 25th January, 1859. (See No. 241.) Lithograph. Lejtt by A. C. Lamb. 245. The Beauties of Robert Burns illustrated by Extracts from his Poems. Pen and ink, by James M^Conochie, 246. Robert Burns. Statue erected at Dundee — sculptor, Sir John Steell, r.s.a. — surrounded by illustrations of Scenes in the Poet's Life and Works. Drawn and lithographed by C. S. Lawson. Lent by John Leightott, F.S.A. 247. Bindings designed for the Works of Burns. By John Leighton, f.s.a. Lent by Gordon Gumming. 248. Inauguration of Robert Burns as Poet Laureate of the Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, Edinburgh, 1787. (See No. i.) Engraving. Lent by John Anderson. 249. Robert Burns. Engraving— John Zeiiter, after Nasymth. Lent by Mrs. Burns Tlwmas. 250. Burns's Monument, Banks o' Doon. (See Nos. 88, 104, 174A.) Engraving — W. Forrest, after P. C. Auld. (37) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by George G. Napier. 251. Burns in the Storm of 1793, composing (as described by Dr. Currie) the immortal lyric, " Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled." The Ode was composed at the end of August, 1793, during an evening walk, as the Poet himself informed Thomson. Engraving — G. H. F. Very., after James M. Scrymgeonr. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 252. John Templeton, Vocalist. (See No. 75A.) Lithograph — Published by Day &" Haghe. Lent by Andrew J. Kirkpatrick. 252A. Tam o' Shanter. Black and white. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 252B. A Broadsheet containing the Poem of " Tam o' Shanter," headed with a woodcut representing Cutty Sark and the Dance of Witches in Alloway Kirk. Lent by Bayley &• Ferguson. The following drawings by John Duncan and Michael Brown are the originals of the illustrations in the Citizen portfolio of "The Songs of Burns " : — 53- « Musing on the roaring ocean." Black and white— John Dicncan. 254. Afton Water. Monochrome— John Duncan. 255- "We twa ha'e paidl'd in the bum." Pen drawing— John Duncan. 256 Gala Water. "Braw, braw lads." Pen drawing — Michael Brown. (38) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by William Lang. 257. Robert Burns. Engraving — Walker 6^ Cousins, after Nasmyth. Lent by Bayley & Ferguson. 258. Logan Braes. " But soon may peace bring happy days And Willie hame to Logan braes ! ' /V« drawing — Michael Brown, 259. Duncan Gray. Black and white— John Duncan. ^"°- "Where Cart rins rowin' to the sea." Pen drawing — Michael Brown. 261. On the Lugar. " Behind yon hills where Lugar flows." Pen drawing — Michael Brmvn. 262. " When wild war's deadly blast was blawn." " She gaz'd — she redden'd like a rose — Syne pale like ony lily, She sank within my arms, and cried, 'Art thou my ain dear Willie?'" Black and white^/ohn Duncan. Lent by Bayley & Ferguson. 263. " To Mary in Heaven." Black and white^John Dutican. Lent by Alexander M'Cubbin. 264. Robert Burns. Platinotype, from painting by Alexander MCubbin. Lent by Bayley & Ferguson. 265. " Scots wha hae." Pen drawing— John Duncan. (89> THE BURNS EXHIBITION 266. Corn rigs. Pen drawing— John Duncan. 267. " The Lass o' Ballochmyle." " Perfection whispered passing by, ' B'hold the lass o' Ballochmyle ! ' " Black and white — -John Duncan. Lent by Blackie & Son. 268. Proofs of Steel Engravings, illustrating " The Land of Burns," published by Blackie & Son, 1841. " The Land of Burns " comprises all the localities identified with the Life and Writings of the Scottish Poet. . . . Portraits of the Poet and of individuals connected with him by personal intimacy, or by association with his muse, have been copied, by permission, from authentic and valuaWe originals existing in the galleries of the Scottish nobility and gentry. — Extract from Preface. 1. Scene on the Doon, near its source. W. Howison, after D. 0. Hill, r.s.a. 2. Bruar Water, Upper Fall. W. Miller, afttr D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 3. The Birks of Aberfeldy. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 4. Ayr — Market Cross. See No. 75.) W. Miller, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 5. Turnberry Castle. /. Horsburgh, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 6. Alloway Kirk. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 7. Barskimming on the Ayr. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 8. Auld Brig of Doon. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 9. Shanter Farm and Bay, Carrick. /*'. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, r.s.a. (40) ISABELLA BURNS, N?a7 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Proofs of Engravings — Continued. 10. Dunure Castle, Carrick Shore. W. Miller, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A 11. Irvine. T. Grundy, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 12. Coilsfield. y. Gilesf after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 13. Scene on the Girvan, near Blairquhan W. Forrest, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 14. Tarbolton — Procession of St. James's Lodge T, Higham, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A. 15. Mauchline — Gavin Hamilton's House. /. T. Willmore, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 16. Auchtertyre. IV. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 17. Kilmarnock, from near Riccarton. IV. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 18. Scene on the Lugar, Auchinleck. /. Giles, after D. 0. Hill, r.s.a. 19. Glen Afton. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A 20. Burns's Cottage. T. J. Kelly, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A 21. Mill Monach, on the Coil. W. Forrest, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 22. Loch Turit. W. Miller, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 23. The New Brig o' Doon. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 24. The Rev. John Skinner. T. IVoolnoth, after an original drawing in the possession 0/ the Right Rev, W. Skinner, D.D. (41) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Proofs of Engravings — Continued. 25. Robert Ainsley, from the original in the possession of the family. J, Cochran, after Painter unknown. 26. Brow, on the Sol way. /. Appleton, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 27. Mrs. Thomson (Jessie Lewars). H. Robinson, after A Irvine, A. R.S.A. 28. William Smellie, F.S.A., from the original in the possession of Alexander Smellie. H. B. Hail, after G. Watson, /".s.A. 29. Field of Bannockburn, from the Gillies' Hill. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 30. Rev. Thomas Blacklock. D.D., from the original in the possession of Rev. D. Lawrie, Cassencane. fV. &• F. Holl, after Painter unknown 31. Euphemia Murray, "The Flower of Strathmore." H. Robinson, after miniature by A. Stewart. 32. James Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn. • //. Robinson, after drawing by Kenneth Macleay, K.s. A. , from the original in the possession of Lady Maxwell Wallace. 33. Robert Burns. H. T. Ryall, cfter Alexander Nasmyth. 34. Lucy Johnstone (Mrs. Oswald of Auchincruive), from the original at Auchincruive. H. T. Ryall, after Sir Henry Raeburn, R.S.A. 35. Francis Grose, F.S.A. H. B. Hall, after N. Dance. 36. Statue of Burns, by Flaxman. H. Cook, after drawing by J. Irvine, A. R.S.A. 37. Lincluden — The Poet's Dream — (Vignette Title). T. Higham, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 38. Nithsdale. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. (42) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Proofs of Engravings — Continued. 39. Robert Burns. H. Robinson., after Archibald Skirving. 40. Mrs. Bums and one of her grandchildren. (See No. 52.) W. Holl, after S. M'Kenzie, S.A. 41. John Moore, M.D., from the original in the possession of Charles Macintosh, F.R.S., of Dunchattan. J. Cochran, after Cochran of Rome. 42. Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop, from the original in the possession of the family. H. Robinson, after Painter unknown. 43. Mrs. Lewis Hay (Margaret Chalmers). H. Cook, after a drawing by J. Irvine, A.R.S.A., from an original painting. 44. Mrs. Bruce of Clackmannan, from the original in possession of R. Scott Moncriefif. ff. Robinson, after G. Chalmers. 45. James Syme, from the original in the possession of the family. J. T. Kelley, after Painter unknown. 46. Rev. George Lawrie, D.D., Minister of Loudon. (See No. 59.) IV. (St" F. Holl, after drawing via^te by IV. Bonnar, R.S.A., of the original in the possession of the family. 47. Dumfries Market-place. T. Grundy, after D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 48. Elizabeth Burnet. H. Robinson, after drawing by Kemieth Macleay, R.S.A., from the original in the possession of Arthur Burnet. 49. George Thompson, Esq. J. Cochran, after Sir Henry Raeburn, R.S.A. 50. Ayr — The Twa Brigs. T. Hicham, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 51. The Mausoleum of Burns, Dumfries. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A. 52. Kenmore and Tay mouth Castle, Breadalbane, (See No. 235.) IV. Forrest, after D. 0. Hill, r.s.a. (43) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Proofs of Engravings — Continued. 53. EUisland. T. Jeavons, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 54. Gordon Castle. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 55. Friar's Carse. fames Giles, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 56. Kilmarnock — Market Cross. /?. IVilson, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A. 57. Edinburgh Castle from Old Greyfriars' Churchyard. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 58. Kenmure Castle and Loch Ken. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 59. Craigieburn Wood, Moffatdale. W. Forrest, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 60. Drumlanrig Castle. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 61. Kirkcudbright. m Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 62. Gatehouse. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 63. Mossgiel. R. Sands, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A. 64. Lincluden. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.s.A. 65. Annan. T. L. Grundy, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 66. Culloden Moor. T. Jeavons, after D. Hill, R.s.A. 67. Lochaber. W. Forrest, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A. 68. Burns's Cottage Interior. P. Lightfoot, after D. 0. Hill, R.s.A 1 aa \ PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Proofs of Engravings — Continued. 69. Sanquhar. R. Sands, after D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 70. Loch Lomond. 7". Jeazmis, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 7 1 . Dumfries. T. Higham, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 72. Scene on the Nith at Blackwood. IV. Jiichardson, after D. 0. Hill, r.s.a. 73. Scene on the Devon at the Rumbling Bridge. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 74. Foyers from above the Falls. W. Forrest, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 75. Colzean Castle from the Fairy Coves. W. MilUr, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 76. Cassillis Castle and Cassillis Downans. tr. Miller, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 77. Ayr, from Brown Carrick Hill. W. Miller, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 78. The Banks of Doon. W. Miller, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 79. The Braes of Ballochmyle. James Giles, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. 80. Jedburgh. W. Richardson, after D. O. Hill, r.s.a. 81. Kirkoswald and Tam o' Shanter's Grave. W. Richardson, after D. 0. Hill, R.S.A. 82. Stirling from the Old Palace. E. Goodall, after D. O. Hill, R.S.A. Lent by Wilfrid Lawson. 269. The Nith at Ellisland. " I love thee, Nith, thy banks and braes." Black and white. Painter — Wilfrid Lawson. (45> THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Gordon Milligan. 270. Robert Chambers, LL.D. Engraving — D. J. Pounds after Photograph by Mayall. 271. William Chambers. Engraving — D. J. Pound, after Photograph by Mayall. 272. Robert Chambers, LL.D. Engraving — T. Brown. Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 273. Andrew Carnegie. Photograph. Lent by John Inglis. 274. Birthplace of Robert Burns, Alloway Kirk, Monument, and Bridge of Doon. Engravings, after William Simpson. Published by Allan is' Ferguson. Lent by John Andrew. 275. Manse of the Rev. Thomas Burns, D.D., Dunedin, son of Gilbert Burns, and nephew of the Poet. (See Nos. 317, 366, 568, 594.) Photograph. Lent by Williavi Young, R.S. W. 276. Views in the Land of Burns. (See Nos. 73, 114, 115, 268^9, 548.) I. The village of Catrine. 2. The Ayr at Ballochmyle. 3. The village of Catrine, with Professor Dugald Stewart's House, in which the Poet "dinner'd wi' a Lord." 4. The Mansion-House of Ballochmyle in course of recent alterations and extensions. 5. The Old Mansion of Ballochmyle. 6. The Ayr at Barskimming. 7. Rustic Grotto which marks the spot where Burns met "The Bonie Lass o' Ballochmyle." 8. Ballochmyle Bridge. Photographs. Lent by George Murdoch. 277. James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, Bookseller, Publisher, and Burns enthusiast. Ensravine on Wooden Panel. ( 46 ) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 278. Burns's Cottage. Engraving, after Sam Bough, r.s.a. Lent by George Murdoch. 279. Mauchline Castle in Burns's time. " May ne'er Misfortune's gowling bark Howl thro' the dwelling o' the Clerk!" Engraving on Wooden Panel. Lent by George Dunlop. 280. The Original Mossgiel. (See Nos. 32, 268*3, 322). " I sat and ey'd the spewing reek, That fiU'd, wi' hoast-provoking smeek, The auld clay biggin." Photograph. Lent by Mrs. Paton. 281. Mrs. Margaret Burness or Dickson. Chalk drawing — William Beaitie Brown, r.s.a. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 282. Alexander Adam, LL.D. Engraving — 5. Freeman, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.s.a. Lent by William Young, R.S. W. 283. Plan of Glasgow in Burns's time. Facsimile of the earliest complete Plan of Glasgow, 1773. Lithograph. Published by Madure c-" Macdonald. Lent by the Greenock Bums Club. 284. The Vision. " ' And wear thou this^ she solemn said, And bound the holly round my head." Water colour. Painter— 5;> Noel Paton, r.s.a. (47) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Alexander Smith. 285. Original design of the Burns Monument at Ayr. Architect— yb;4« Patterson. Lent by Mrs. John Dunn. 286. Tarn o' Shanter and Souter Johnny. Presented by the Sculptor to Mrs. Burns, by whom it was given to Joseph Train. The frame is made of wood from AUoway Kirk. Etching — W. Geikie, after J. Thom, Sculptor. Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 287. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Fhotog7-aph. 288. Mince Collop Close, Greenock, demolished 1885. The house on the left is where Highland Mary died. Presented to the Greenock Burns Club by Dr. Cluckie, 1893. Water colour. Painter — Patrick Downie. Lent by Malcolm Macdonald. 289. Robert Burns. (See No. 290.) This portrait belonged to Hugh Macdonald, poet, journalist, and author of "Rambles round Glasgow" and "Days at the Coast." Engraving — William Walker and Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth. 290. List of Subscribers to the Fund raised to present Hugh Macdonald with the Engraving No. 289, Glasgow, i6th December, 1850. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 291. Burns and his Correspondents. From picture by James Edgar in the possession of Ivie Mackie, Mayor of Manchester. Coloured Photograph — Alexander M'Glashan. (48) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 292. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Photograph. 293. Professor David Masson, LL.D. Photograph. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 294. The Interior of St. Michael's Church, Dumfries, the Church in which Burns worshipped. Presented to the Braidwood Collection by George Crawford. Photograph. Lent by the Greenock Bums Club. 295. Betty Burns (Mrs. John Thomson), daughter of the Poet. Photograph. 296. Mrs. Margaret Wingate (widow of David Wingate, " the Collier Poet "), granddaughter of Burns. Photograph. Lent by Mrs. M'Naughton. 297. Sampler worked by Mrs. Burns, mother of the Poet. (See No. 312.) Lent by Hugh Hopkins. 298. Robert Burns. Engraving — Wm. Holl, after Archibald Skirving. Lent by James Telfer. 299. Inauguration of Robert Burns as Poet Laureate of the Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, Edinburgh, 1787. (See Nos. i, 248, S61.) Mezzotint Engraving — Schenck, Edinr., after Stewart Watson. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 300. The Prospect of the Town of Air from the East. Engraving — Captain John Slezer. (49) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. Fritz Rupprecht. lowe'en. Coloured Engraving. Published by W. Davison, Alnwick. 301. Hallowe'en. Lent by Mrs. M. S. Rollo. 302. Burns and Highland Mary. Sewed work by Mrs. Rollo. Lent by William Burns. 303. Burns in the Storm, 1793. (See No. 251.) Efigraving — G. H. F. Very, after Scrytngeour. Lent by Joh?i Edmiston. 304. Robert Burns. Autotype Sepiagraph, after James Tannock. Lent by James Parker. 305. Robert Burns. Engraving — John Zeitter, after Nasmyth. Lent by the Corporation of Kilmarnock. 306. Captain Francis Grose, F.A.S. (See Nos. 504, 530, 607.) " . . . A fine fat fodgel wight, O' stature short but genius bright." Engraving — F. Bartolozzi, after N. Dance. Lent by Miss Margai-et Sharp. 307. Burns's Monument on the Banks of the Doon. Dedicated to the Office-bearers and Members of the Glasgow Ayr- shire Society. Engraving — D. Lucas, after P. C. Aiild. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 308. The Town of Aire from ye House of Newtowne. Engraving — Captain John Slezer. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by J. Fritz Rupprecht. 3°9- "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." Coloured Engraving. Published by W. Davison, Alnivick. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 310. Willie, Rob, and Allan. Engraving of the Statues by D. Anderson. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 311. Statues of Burns erected at — (i) Chicago; (2) Dundee, New York, and London ; (3) Glasgow ; (4) Dumfries ; (5) Ayr ; (6) Kilmarnock. Photograplis. Lent by Mrs. M'Naugkton. 312. Sampler worked by Mrs. Begg, sister of the Poet. (See No. 297.) Lent by Robert Burns Begg. 313. Robert Burns. Dedicated to the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Royal Caledonian Hunt, 1787. Engraving — William Walker and Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 314. Glasgow in Burns's time. Engraving. Published by Thomas Kelly, Paternoster Row, April 20, 181 j. 315. Ayr in Burns's time. Engraving— f. Fittler, after J. C. Nattes. Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 316. Highland Mary's Grave, Greenock. Photograph — M'Lennan cr* Co., Greenock. (51 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Rev. Kirkwood Hewat. 317. Public Monument to Rev. Thomas Burns, D.D., nephew of the Poet, in Dunedin, Otago. (See Nos. 275, 317, 568, 594.) Photograph. Lent by William Young, R.S.W. 318. The Black Bull Inn, Argyle Street, Glasgow. Extract from letter of Burns, dated Edinburgh, 15th February 1788, to Richard Brown, Greenock : — " I shall arrive at Glasgow on Monday evening ; and beg, if possible, you will meet me on Tuesday. I shall wait you Tuesday all day. I shall be found at Durie's, Black Bull Inn." The Black Bull was at this time one of the leading Inns of the City. The building now forms part of the warehouse of Mann, Byars & Co. Photograph from woodcut. 319. The Trongate in Burns's time. Photogravures, after James Brown. Lent by Michael Rowand. 320. Young Burns at the grave of his father. Coloured Engraving — Bate, after Buck. Published by William Holland, London, 1st August, 1808. Lent by J. MacNaught CampbelL 321. Jean Armour and her de.scendants. Bonie Jean and grandchild ; Robert Burns, eldest son of the Poet ; Mrs. Everitt, Mrs. Thomas, William Nicol Burns ; James Glen- cairn Burns ; Mrs. B. W. Hutchinson, Annie Burns, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Gowring, Robert Burns Hutchinson, Margaret Constance Burns Hutchinson, Dorothea Burns Hutchinson. Photographic illustrations from the "Burns Chronicle" for i8gj. Lent by Malcolm Macdonald. 322. Mossgiel. (See Nos. 32, 268*3, 280.) Presented to Hugh Macdonald, author of "Rambles round Glasgow." Photograph— Alex. Gardner, New York, after J. Kelso Hunter. (52) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 323. Robert Burns. Engraving (tinted proof)— John Zeitter, after Nastnyih. Lent by John Wordie. 324. The Jolly Beggars. (See No. 566.) Original design in sepia by Sir William Allan, p.r.s.a., of engraved frontispiece to the facsimile of "The Jolly Beggars," published by Lumsden & Son, Glasgow, 1823. Lent by the Greenock Bums Club. 325. Andrew Lang. Photograph. 326. Lord Tennyson. Photograph. Lent by Miss Alice Boyd. 327. Etchings for the Life and Works of Robert Burns, by W. Bell Scott, H.R.S.A. (See Nos, 330 to 337.) 1. Burns, from the small whole-length by Alexander Nasmyth in the National Gallery of Scotland. 2. Burns, from the portrait by Alexander Nasmyth in the possession of A. Cathcart, Esq., of Auchendrane. (See No. 90). Lent by Robert Philips. 328. Montgomerie Woods. "Ye banks and braes and streams around The castle o' Montgomerie." Photographs — Robert Philips. Lent by Andrew Elliot. 3 2 8a. Colonel Burns, son of the Poet. 328B. Mrs. Begg, sister of the Poet. Autotypes. (53) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 329. Alfred Austin, Poet Laureate. Photograph. Lent by Miss Alice Boyd. 330. Etchings for the Life and Works of Robert Burns, by W. Bell Scott, H.R.s.A. (See No. 327.) 1. "Coming through the rye." 2. "Thou hast left me ever, Jamie!" ZZ^- I- "O leeze me on my spinning wheel." 2. " On a bank of flowers, in a summer day." 332- I. Burns's Cottage — Day after the birth. 2. "As life itself becomes disease." ZZ2>' I- "That every naig was ca'd a shoe on." 2. "And vow! Tam saw an unco sight." 334- I- "Guidwife, count the lawin." 2. "Still shearin' and clearin', wi' havers and clavers." 335* I- Burns and Highland Mary. 2. "Thou lingering star." 'i)'^^- !• "An' monie lads and lasses' fates Are there that night decided." 2. " The wily mother sees the conscious flame." 337. I. "And I'm the sov'reign of Scotland, And mony a traitor there ! " 2. "Now's the day, and now's the hour." Lent by D. M'Naught. 338. Robert Burns. The Thomson Nasmyth, National Portrait Gallery ; the Original Nasmyth, National Gallery of Scotland; Miers' Silhouette; Statue, Adelaide ; Stevenson's Chicago Statue of Burns ; the Nasmyth Portrait, Auchendrane. Photographs. ^ (54) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent b^ Mrs. Burns Thomas. 339. Robert Burns. Photograph — E. W. Dallas, after Nasmyth. Lent by D. M'Naught. 340. Robert Burns, Jean Armour, and Views in the Land of Burns. Fhotographs. Lent by Robert Bums Brown. 341- "It is the moon, I ken her horn." Black and white. 342. Scenes from Tarn o' Shan ten "The carlin claught her by the rump." 343- "When out the hellish legion sallied." 344- " And, vow ! Tarn saw an unco sight ! " Black and white. Lent by W. Thomas Smith. 345. Scene from Tarn o' Shanter. " Ah, Tam ! ah, Tam ! thou'll get thy fairin ! In hell they '11 roast thee like a herrin ! In vain thy Kate awaits thy comin ! Kate soon will be a woefu' woman ! Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg, And win the key-stane of the brig." Black and white. Painter — W. Thomas Smith. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 346. Robert Burns. Lithograph — Schenck b' M^Farlane, after Beugo. (55) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Henry A. Lytton. 347. Scenes from Tam o' Shanter. "The landlady and Tam grew gracious." 348. "The carlin claught her by the rump." ^T-y* "Warlocks and witches in a dance." Engravings. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 350. Monument in Greenock Cemetery to Highland Mary, erected 1842. Water colour. Lent by the Leith Burns Club. 351. Robert Burns. The print is dedicated to Sir Walter Scott, and this copy was presented to the Leith Burns Club by ex-Bailie Garland. Engraving^/. Horslurgh, after Taylor, 1830. Lent by Robert Burns Begg. 352. Mrs. Isabella Begg, the youngest sister of Robert Burns. Dedicated to Professor John Wilson. Engraving — W. T. Bonnar, after Wm. Bonnar, jtm. Lent by George G. Napier. 353. Meeting of Scott and Carlyle — Tait's Bookshop, Edinburgh. Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by James Thin. 354. Auld Lang Syne. 355. The Cotter's Saturday Night. 356- "The Gossip keekit in his loof." (56) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by James Thin. 357- "You see yon birkie ca'd a lord." 358. The Lea Rig. Black and white. Painter — Marshall Brown. Lent by George G. Napier. 359. Meeting of Scott and Burns. (See Nos. 29, 581.) Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Lent by James Thin. 360. Hallowe'en. 361. The Braw Wooer. 362. Tarn o' Shanter. 363. Tarn Glen. "My heart is a-breaking, dear Tittie, Some counsel unto me come len', To anger them a' is a pity- But what will I do wi' Tam Glen?" Black and white. Painter — Marshall Brown. Lent by David Russel. 364. Upper and Lower Falls of Bruar, Falls of the Tummel, and Loch Tay. "Would, then, my noble master please To grant my highest wishes? He'll shade my banks wi' tow'ring trees. And bonie spreading bushes." Engraving — Wni. Green, after W. H. Watts. Lent by Alexander Skirving, I. A. 365. Port-Glasgow, with distant view of Greenock. Aquatint^J. Wells, after A. Grant. ( 57 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by John Andrew. 366. The Tomb of the Rev. Thomas Burns, D.D., Dunedin, (See Nos. 275, 317, 568, 594.) Photograph. Lent by tlie Greenock Burns Club. 367. Archibald Campbell, relative of Highland Mary. Photograph. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 368. Map of England. Sewed on canvas by the mother of the lender, Eliza Bums (Mrs. Everitt), granddaughter of the Poet, for her uncle Robert Armour the brother of "Bonie Jean" (Mrs. Burns). Lent by Mrs. Dalsiel. 369. Tarn o' Shanter and Souter Johnny. Coloured lithograph — Bouvier. Lent by William Macmath. 370. Dumfries in the Eighteenth Century. Water colour. Lent by Miss Alice Boyd. 371. The Interior of Burns's Cottage the Day after the Birth. (See No. 332.) Water colour painted on the spot, 15th September, 1871. Painter — W. Bell Scott, h.r.s.a. Lent by W. & R. Chambers. A series of twenty drawings reproduced as the illustrations of the "Life and Works of Burns," edited by Robert Chambers, revised by William Wallace. 372. On the Nith, Ellisland. Black and white. Painter — P. B. Nisbet, a.r.s.a. (58) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by W. & R. Chambers. o73- << My heart is sair, I dare na tell, My heart is sair for Somebody." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, R.S.A. 374. The Lea Rig. " I'll meet thee on the lea-rig, My ain kind dearie, O." Black and white. Painter — W. D. M'Kay, r.s.a. 375. Burns's Farewell. " The gloomy night is gath'ring fast, Loud roars the wild, inconstant blast." Black and white. Painter — R. B. Nisbet, a.r.s.a. 376. Mary Morison. "Yestreen, when to the trembling string The dance gaed thro' the lighted ha'." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. 377. The Birks of Aberfeldy (Falls of Moness). " Bonny lassie, will ye go To the Birks of Aberfeldy?" Black and white. Painter — R. B. Nisbet, a.r.s.a. 378. Scene from " The Cotter's Saturday Night." " Th' expectant wee-things, toddlin, stacher through To meet their 'dad,' wi' flichterin' noise and glee." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. 379. The Auld Farmer's New- Year Morning Salutation to his auld mare, Maggie. " A guid New-year I wish thee, Maggie ! Hae, there's a ripp to thy auld baggie." Black and white. Painter — George Pirie, r.s.w. ( 69 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. & R. Chambers. 380. The Winding Nith. Black and white. Painter — H. B. Nisbet, a.r.s.a. 381. Auld Lang Syne. " We twa ha'e paidl'd in the burn Frae morning sun till dine." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. 382. " It is the moon, I ken her horn." Black and white. Painter — G. Ogilvy Reid, a.r.s.a. 383. To a Haggis. " Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great Chieftain o' the Puddin-race ! " Black and white. Painter — G. Ogilvy Reid, a.r.s.a. 3°4- "The carlin claught her by the rump." Black and white. Painter — George Firie, r.s.w. 385. The Soldier's Return. Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. o""- "Ca' the yowes to the knowes, Ca' them whare the heather grows, Ca' them whare the burnie rowes, My bonie Dearie." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. Z°l- " Last May a braw wooer cam down the lang glen. And sair wi' his love he did deave me." Black and white. Painter— (7. Ogilvy Reid, a.r.s.a. (60) ^M' 1 '/ Tf jt^B^^^^Bm^^^^^B IIBH -^^^^^^^^H L ?88. 389. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by W. & R. Chambers. "Go, fetch to me a pint o wine, And fill it in a silver tassie." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. "O my Luve's like a red, red rose." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. ^° " Blythe Bessie, in the milking shiel." Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. 391. The Twa Dogs. " Nae doubt but they were fain o' ither, And unco pack an' thick thegither." Black and white. Painter — George Pirie, r.s.w. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 392. Programme of the Proceedings at the Grand Festival in the Music Hall, Belfast, held on Tuesday, 25 January, 1859, in celebration of the first centenary of the Poet's birth. Lent by Mrs. Dalziel. 393. View of Lochlomond. 394. View of Lochlomond. 395. View of Abbey Craig. Coloured engravings — A. Robertson, after R. A. Riddell. These three engravings were presented to the Poet by Robert Andrew Riddell of Glenriddell, and given by the Poet's eldest son to Mrs. J. F. Grade, Dumfries. (61 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. C. Lamb. 396. Tarn o' Shanter. Lithograph — Harry Harwood. Lent by William Macmath. 397. Gordon Castle. " Give me the groves that lofty brave The storms, by Castle Gordon." Lithograph — Keith cs' Gibb, after James Cassie, r.s.a. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 398. The Cotter's Saturday Night. Lithograph — Mackay c^ Kirkwood, Glasgow. Lent by John McMillan. 399. Certificate as to authenticity of Portrait of Robert Burns, giving the history of the Portrait No. 116 from the time it was in the possession of the Poet's widow. Signed "Elizabeth Graham, Worcester, June 28, 1886." Lent by William Macmath. 400. The Field of Bannockburn from the Gillies Hill. Water colour. Painter — Z>. O. Hill, r.s.a. Lent by Mrs Burns Thomas. 401. Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny. Lithograph— C. Hamberger, after L. Adams. Lent by Mrs. James Barr. 402. Burns's Monument, Banks of Doon. Presented by the publisher, David Auld, to Joseph Train. Engraving — W. Forrest, after P. C. Auld. Lent by George G. Napier. 403. Meeting of Scott and the Ettrick Shepherd. Black and white. Painter — Charles Martin Hardie, r.s.a. (62) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by William Macmath. 404. Kenmure Castle, Kirkcudbrightshire. " Kenmure's lord|'s the bravest lord That ever Galloway saw." Engraving, hand coloured — Sparrow, after Captain F. Grose. 405. Kilravock Castle. Burns dined and breakfasted here on his Highland tour. Engraving — R. Scott, after W. H. Williams. 406. Kerroughtree, Kirkcudbrightshire, the seat of Patrick Heron. " Then let us drink :— ' The Stewartry, Kerroughtree's laird, and a' that.'" Photograph. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 407. Robert Burns, 1886. After Nasmyth. Published by Cowieson. Lent by Mrs. MacKenzie. 408. The Cotter's Saturday Night. Engraving — T. W. Huffam. (63) GALLERY No. V LOAN COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, &c Le7it by William Macmath. 409. The Rev. William Robertson, D.D., Historian. Born 1721 ; died nth June, 1793. (See No. 416.) Engraving— John Kay. 410. John Dowie, Landlord of the famous Edinburgh Tavern of Burns's time. Engraving—John Kay. Lent by Provost David Mackay, Kilmarnock. 411. Group of the Members of the old Burns Club, Kilmarnock. Photograph — M'Nab. Lent by William Macmath. 412. Charles Hay, Lord Newton, friend and patron of Burns. Died October, 181 1. Engraving—John Kay. 413. James Elphinston. " O thou whom Poesy abhors, Whom Prose has turned out of doors ! " Engraving— J. Caldwal, after J. Graham. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. Lent by William Macmath. 414. Rev. John Kemp, D.D., minister of Tolbooth Church, Edin- burgh — Clarinda's pastor. Died i8th April, 1805. Engraving— John Kay. Lent by Hugh Lindsay. 415. Archibald Prentice of Covington Mains, near Lanark, farmer, and friend of the Poet, known as "The Gudeman o' the Mains." Mr. Prentice subscribed for 20 copies of the Edinburgh edition of the poems. Burns, when on his way to Edinburgh in 1778, stayed over night with Prentice. A sheet hoisted on a stack in the yard was the signal of the Poet's arrival, and all the neighbours assembled. To them, at supper time, the Poet recited the Address to a Haggis, composed for the occasion. For an account of this meeting see "George Square," by Rev. Thos. Somerville, M.A. Painter unknown. Lent by William. Macmath. 416. The Rev. William Robertson, D.D. (See No. 409.) Engraving — W. C. Edwards, after Reynolds. Lent by the Representatives of the late Robert Blackie. 417. Miss Elizabeth Burnett of Monboddo. (See Nos. 102, 268^^ 418.) Water colour, from the original in the possession of Arthur Burnet. Painter — Kenneth Macleay, r.s.a. Lent by William Macmath. 418. Miss Elizabeth Burnett. (See Nos. 102, 268''8, 417.) Engraving — H. Robinson. Lent by Thomson Brothers. 419. Rev. Alexander Geddes, afterwards Bishop Geddes, corre- spondent of Burns. Engraving — S. Medley. (65) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by William Macmath. 420. Dr. Alexander Wood, 1806, medical attendant on the Poet in Edinburgh; died May, 1807. Engraving — -John Kay, after George Watson. Lent by Rev. Henry Grey Graham. 421. Mrs. Wilson (Miss Christina Lawrie). " The beauteous, seraph Sister-band." Miniature. Lent by Alexander Skirving, I. A. 422. Archibald Skirving, portrait painter, Edinburgh. (See No. 562.) Medallion portrait— John Henning, h.r.s.a. Lent by Mrs. IV. S. Douglas. 423. William Scott Douglas, editor of Burns. Fhotogra/h. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 424. Duchess of Argyle. Miniature. Lent by David Reed. 425. William Creech, the Poet's Edinburgh Publisher. (See No. 608.) " A little, upright, pert, tart, tripping wight. And still his precious self his dear delight; Who loves his own smart shadow in the streets Better than e'er the fairest she he meets." Engraving. Lent by William Macmath. 426. Louis Cauvin and two Friends. Cauvin gave the Poet instruction in French while in Edinburgh. Engraving— John Kay, Lent by William J. Hand. 427. Robert Burns. Painter unknown. (66) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. Lent by Thomson Brothers. 428. Robert Burns. Electrotype, after Nasmyth. Lent by Alexander W. Macphail. 429. Robert Burns. Portrait on Panel. Painter unknown. Lent by William Macmath. 430. Dr. Henry Moyes, Lecturer, 1796. Mentioned in the Clarinda Correspondence. Engraving— John Kay. 431. Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop, friend and correspondent of Burns. (See No. 268^^) Engraving — H. Robinson. Lent by David Reed. 432. Robert Burns, Miniature on Ivory. Lent by William Maanath. 433. Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart. (See No. 550.) Burns dined with him on his Highland tour. Coloured engraving— John Kay. Lent by Ale.xander W. Macphail. 434. Robert Burns. Miniature painting on Ivory. Painter — Mackay. Lent by William Macmath. 435. Professor Andrew Dalzel. Died December, 1806. Engraving — R. C. Bell, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. (67) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Williavi Macmath. 436. James Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn. (See No. 599.) " My noble master lies in clay ; The flow'r amang our barons bold, His country's pride, his country's stay." Engraving~H. Robinson, from Kenneth Mackay, r.s.a., after an original. 437. Sir John Sinclair, Bart., compiler of "The Old Statistical Account of Scotland." Engraving — Bromley, after Drummond. Lent by James A. Morris. 438. Wallace Tower. "The drowsy Dungeon-clock had number'd two, And IVallace-tow'r had sworn the fact was true." Pencil sketch — William Wallace, 1829. Lent by William Macmath. 439. Thomas Carlyle. (See Nos. 14, 129.) Engraving, after Daniel Maclise, r.a. Lent by Miss Turner. 440. Robert Burns. Given by the Poet to Miss Janet Tennant, daughter of John Tennant, Glenconner. Engraving— John Betigo, after Nasmyth. Lent by William Macmath. 441. William Smellie, printer of the Edinburgh edition; a friend of Burns. " Shrewd Willie Smellie to Crochallan came ; The old cock'd hat, the brown surtout the same; His grisly beard just bristling in its might, ('Twas four long nights and days from shaving-night)." Lithograph, after John Brown. (68) ROBERT BURNS. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by George Dunlop. 442. Hew Ainslie. Photograph, on glass, from life. Lent by William Macmath. 443. James Cummyng, of the Lyon Office ; a friend of Burns. Lithograph, after John Brown. Lent by W. Burns Stewart. 444. Festival Badge — Centenary of the Poet's birth, 1859. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 445. Robert Burns. Lithograph— E. M. 446. Robert Burns. Engraving — Edward Mitchell, after Nasmyth. Lent by Hugh M'Culloch. 447. Robert Burns. Lithograph. Lent by George Aikman, A.R.S.A. 448. Robert Burns. Etching — George Aikman, a.r.s.a., after Nasmyth. Lent by James Thin. 449. Twelve Illustrations for the Scott Douglas Edinburgh Edition of Burns's Poetical Works. (See No. 482.) Photogravures, after Sam Bough, r.s.a., and IV. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 450. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 472, 562.) Facsimile, by Dixon & Son, London. Exact size of original crayon drawing by Archibald Skirving. By permission of the owner, Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B. Published April, 1891, by Craibe Angus & Son, Glasgow. 12 copies only printed. Photogravure. (69) . THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by T. C. & E. C. Jack. 451. Six Illustrations for the Centenary Edition of the Poetry of Robert Burns, edited by W. E, Henley and T. F, Henderson. (See No. 473.) Engravings — Published by T. C. 6^ E. C. Jack, Edinburgh. Letit by R. Jamieson. 452. Robert Burns, aet. xxvii. (See Nos. 66a, 454, 455, 456.) The print is dedicated to Sir Walter Scott of Abbotsford, Baronet. Engraving— J. Horsburgh, \%2,o, from the Peter Taylor Portrait, 1786. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 453. Robert Burns. Litlwgraph, from piece of music entitled " Rantiti' Robin Lancers." Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 454. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 66a, 452, 455, 456.) Engraving— J. Horsburgh, 1830, from the Peter Taylor Portrait, 1786. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 455. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 66a, 452, 454, 456.) Engraving— J. Horsburgh, iZ^o, from the Peter Taylor Portrait, 1786. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 456. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 66a, 452, 454, 455.) Engraving — J. Horsburgh, i^^o, from the Peter Taylor Portrait, 1786. Lent by Mrs, Bums Thomas. 457. Colonel William Nicol Burns and Colonel James Glencairn Burns, third and fourth sons of the Poet. Photographs. 458. Mrs. Everitt and Mrs. Thomas, granddaughter and great- granddaughter of the Poet. Photographs. 459. Robert Burns, the eldest son of the Poet. Photograph. (70) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 460. Robert Burns and Colonel James Glencairn Burns, the eldest and fourth sons of the Poet. Photographs. Lent by William Dunbar. 461. Robert Burns. Presented by the Poet's family to Miss Brown of Brownhall, and left by her to Mr. David Dunbar, Dumfries. Another copy was given by the family to Miss Brown's brother, Mr. John Brown, merchant, Liverpool, now in possession of Mr. J. R. Findlay of the Scotsman. Another copy was given to Mr. John M'Diarmid, editor of the Dumfries Courier. Engraving, after Nasmyth. Lent by J. O. Mitchell, LL.D. 462. Robert Burns. Engraving — Wm. Walker atid Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth, 1830. Lent by the Representatives of the late Robert Blackie. 463. Robert Burns. (See No. 562.) Chalk drawing — H. P. Rivilre, after Archibald Skirving. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 464. Robert Burns. Proof engraving {"private plate") — Wm. Walker and Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth, 1830. Lent by Thomson Brothers. 465. Robert Burns. Etching — A. S. Thomson, after Nasmyth. Lent by David Reed. 466. Robert Burns. Dedicated to the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Royal Caledonian Hunt. Engraving — Wm. Walker atui Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth. Published by W. Hayward, London, i January, 1842. (71 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by T. & R. Annan & Sons. 467. Robert Burns. Autotype, after Nasmyth. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 468. Robert Burns. Presented to the Museum by W. G. Patterson of Edinburgh. Engraving — Ji. B. Parkes, after Nasmyth. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 469. Mrs. Everitt and Mrs. Thomas, granddaughter and great- granddaughter of the Poet. Photograph. Lent by TJiomson Brothers. 470. Robert Burns. Eng7-aving — Edward Mitchell, after Nasmyth. Lent by William Young, R.S. W. 471. Robert Burns. Facsimile of drawing in red chalk, after Nasmyth. Published in France. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 472. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 450, 562.) Photogravure, after Archibald Skirving. Lent by T. C. & E. C. Jack. 473. Twelve Illustrations for the Centenary Edition of the Poetry of Robert Burns, edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. Original etchings — W. Hole, r.s.a. Lent by Mrs. Dalziel. 474. Robert Burns. Engraving. ( 72 ) k PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by J. 0. Mitchell, LL.D. 475. Robert Burns. (See No. 562.) Engraving, after Archibald Skirving. 476. Robert Burns. Engraving — Paton Thomson, after picture '■'■painted by Alexander Nasmyth, drawn by Archibald Skirving." Published in ijgS by R. Wilkinson and A. Skelton, London. Lent by fohn Inglis. 477. Memorial of the Literary and Artistic Festival held in Glasgow, 25 January, 1859, in commemoration of the Burns Centenary. The portrait of Burns by William Simpson. 478. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 579, 587.) Etching — Lalauze, after miniature by Miss Nasmyth. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 479. Robert Burns. Engraving — W. C. Edwards, after Nasmyth. 479A. The Birthplace of Burns. Engraving — R. Brandard, after Booth and Stothard, r.a. Lent by Richard Cameron. 480. Robert Burns. Pencil drawing — Walter Geikie (1825), after Archibald Skirving. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 481. Memorial of the Centenary of the Poet's birth. (See Nos. 241, h 244.) Lent by James Thin. W' 482. Fifteen Illustrations for the Scott Douglas Edinburgh Edition of Burns's Poems. (See No. 449.) Engravings, after Sam Bough, r.s.a., and W. E. Lockhart, r.s.a. (78) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by George G. Napier. 483. Joseph Train, a correspondent of Sir Walter Scott. Silhouette. Lent by Anthony Brogan. 484. James Humphrey (Burns's " bleth'rin bitch"). (See No. 65.) Lent by David Reed. 485. John Dove or Dow, landlord of the Whitefoord Arms, Mauchline. " Here lies Johnie Pigeon ; What was his religion? Whaever desires to ken, To some other warl' Maun follow the carl. For here Johnie Pigeon had nane ! " 486. Robert Fergusson, Poet. Born at Edinburgh, 17th October, 1751 ; died i6th October, 1774. " This simple stone directs pale Scotia's way To pour her sorrows o'er the Poet's dust." Engraving. Lent by David Russel. 487. Neil Gow, violin player and composer of Scotch airs. Born at Inver, near Dunkeld, 22nd March, 1727 ; died ist March, 1807. Visited by Burns on his North Tour. (See Nos. 525, 574-) " He fir'd a fiddler in the North, That dang them tapsalteerie, O ! " Miniature portrait in aquatint. Painter—^. H. Watts. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 488. Elizabeth Hyslop Burns (Mrs. Thomson, Crossmyloof), daughter of the Poet. Born March, 1791 ; died June, 1873. (See No. 295.) Photograph. (74) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by William Macmath. 489. Robert Fergusson as " Sir Precentor." (See No. 486.) Facsimile of pen and ink sketch. 490. The Rev. Thomas Blacklock, D.D., the Blind Poet, an early- friend and patron of Burns. Born at Annan, 1721 ; died at Edinburgh, 1791. (See Nos. 2683°, 493.) Engraving — IV. c^ F. Holl. Lent by Mrs. John Dunn. 491. Joseph Train. (See No. 483.) Silhouette. Lent by tJie Mitchell Library. 492. Robert Burns. Sir John Steell's Bust of the Poet in Westminster Abbey. Photograph. Lent by Miss Lawrie. 493. The Rev. Thomas Blacklock, D.D. (See Nos. 2683°, 490.) Painter unknown. Lent by Robert Burns Brown. 494. The Poet's two sons, Colonel William Nicol Burns and Colonel James Glencairn Burns. Photograph. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 495. Colonel William Nicol Burns and Colonel James Glencairn Burns at the ages of 64 and 66. Engraving from a photograph by Bannister, Carlisle. Lent by William Macmath. 496. Rev. Alexander Murray, D.D., Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Edinburgh ; knew Burns in Dumfries in 1794. Died 15th April, 18 13. Engraving— /no. Burnet, after Andrew Geddes. (75) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by William Macmath. 497. Henry Mackenzie, author of " The Man of Feeling," and editor of "The Lounger." Born at Edinburgh, 26th August, 1745 ; died 14th January, 1831. " And Harley rouses all the God in man." Engraving— J. Horsburgh, after Colvin Smith, Jt.s.A. 498. Francis Garden (Lord Gardenstoun), Judge of the Court of Session. Born at Edinburgh, 24th June, 1721 ; died 22nd July, 1793. Engraving— John Kay. 499. The Very Rev. George Husband Baird, D.D. ; a correspon- dent of Burns. Engraving — W. H. Lizars, after Andrew Geddes. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 500. Robert Burns. Water colour, after Nasmyth. Lent by William Macmath. 501. William Tytler of Woodhouselee, historian and antiquary. Born at Edinburgh, October, 1 7 1 1 ; died 1 2th September, 1792. Engraving^John Beugo, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. 502. John Moore, M.D., a correspondent of Burns, author of " Zeluco," and father of Sir John Moore. Born at Stirling, 1729; died at Richmond, 21st January, 1802. Engraving — Bromley, after Drummond. 503. The Rev. Archibald Alison, author of " Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste," etc. Born at Edinburgh, 1757; died 1839. Engraving — William Walker, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. 504. Captain Francis Grose, F.A.S. (See Nos. 26835, 530, 582A, 607.) Engraving — W. Ridley, after N. Dance. (76) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Mrs. Dalziel. 505. Mrs. Burns and granddaughter. (See Nos. 52, 590.) Engraving, after Mackenzie. Lent by A. C. Lamb, 506. The Jolly Beggars. 507. Tarn o' Shanter. 508. Robert Burns. 509. The Jolly Beggars. Pen and ink drawings^/. Stewart. Lent by William Macmath. 510. Allan Cunningham, poet, man of letters, editor and biographer of Burns. Born in Dumfriesshire, 7th December, 1784; died at London, 30th October, 1842. Engraving— J. Thomson, after H. Room. Lent by Mrs. Dalziel. 511. Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son. Silhouette. Lent by William Macmath. 512. The Rev. Hugh Blair, D.D. Born at Edinburgh, 1718; died 27th December, 1800. Engraving — Ridley. Lent by Miss Sloan. 513. William Tennant, LL.D. ("Preacher Willie"), chaplain in India, third son of John Tennant of Glenconner, Ochiltree. (See Nos. 60, 526.) Miniature. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 5^4- "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." Pen and ink drawing— J. Stewart. (77) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. C. Lamb. 515. Death and Dr. Hornbook. Pen and ink drawing— J. Stewart. Lent by John Agnew. 516. The late Mrs. Thomson, Pollokshaws, daughter of Robert Burns and Anne Park. "The gowden locks o' Anna." Photograph — Stuart, Glasgow. Lent by John Murray. 517. John Gibson Lockhart, man of letters; biographer of Robert Burns and of Sir Walter Scott. Born at Cambusnethan, near Wishaw, 14th July, 1794; died at Abbotsford, 25th November, 1854. (See No. 125.) Water colour. Painter — D. Maclise, r.a. Lent by Fred Finlayson. 518. Bonie Jean. Given to C. J. Finlayson by Mrs. Burns. Silhouette. Lent by C. C. Maxwell. 519. James Gracie, banker, Dumfries, as Captain of the Royal Dumfries Volunteers. The frame was the property of the Poet. Miniature on ivory. Painter — Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. Lent by James Barbour. 520. Clarinda. Miniature on ivory. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 521. Clarinda. Photograph of the original silhouette by Miers in a facsimile copy of original frame. Photograph. ( 78 ) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Gilbert Burns Begg. 522. Robert Burns. Silhouette. Lent by William Macmath. 523. Dr. Alexander Wood. (See No. 420.) Engraving— John Kay. 524. William Smellie. (See No. 441.) Engraving — H. B. Hall, after George Watson. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 525. Neil Gow. (See Nos. 487, 574.) Presented to the Braidwood Collection by Mr. Forbes, Edinburgh. Coloured engraving. Lent by Miss Sloan. 526. Captain David Tennant ("The manly tar"), merchant service, Swansea, S. Wales, fifth son of John Tennant of Glenconner, Ochiltree. (See Nos. 60, 513.) Miniature. Lent by Wm. Munro Denholm. 527. Robert Burns. Miniature. Lent by William Mactnath. 528. Allan Cunningham. (See No. 510.) Engraving — W. C. Edwards, after W. D. Kennedy. Lent by Wm. Munro Denholm. 529. Robert Burns. Miniature. Lent by William Macmath. 530. The British Antiquarian — Captain Francis Grose, F.A.S. (See Nos. 26835, 504, 582A, 607.) Engraving—John Kay. (79) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by C, E. S. Chambers. 531. Mrs. Burns, wife of the Poet. Copy of original silhouette. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 532. Charles James Fox. (See No. 80.) Engraving — Thomas Bragg, after Reynolds. Lent by William Macmath. 533. Cowhill, Dumfriesshire, where the contest for the whistle was arranged. Engraving — Sparrow, after Grose. 534. John Moore, M.D. (See No. 502.) Engraving — Cochran, after Cochrane of Rome. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 535. Robert Burns, eldest son of the Poet. Photograph. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 536. The Poet's two sons. Colonel William Nicol Burns and Colonel James Glencairn Burns. Photograph — D. Ballantine. Lent by Robert Porter. 537. Robert Burns. Engraving. Lent by William Macmath. ■ 538. Miss Margaret Burns or Matthews ("Mademoiselle Burns"). Engraving— John Kay. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 539. Sir James Shaw, Lord Mayor of London. (See No. 89.) Engraving— J. H. Meyer, after Hoppner. Published Zth November, 1806. (80) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by David Reed. 540. Mrs. Isabella Begg, sister of Robert Burns. (See No. 556.) Dedicated to John Wilson, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Engraving — William &' Thomas Bonnar, after William Bonnar, jun. Lent by William Gall. 541. Rev. James M'Kinlay, D.D., minister of the first charge, Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock. (See No. 34.) Lithography after W. Tannock. Printed by W. Hullmandel. Lent by James A. Mains. 542. Ayr from the South. Lithograph— J. D. Harding, after R. Taylor. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 543. The Cotter's Saturday Night. (See Nos. 552, 571, 577.) Engraving — Raton Thomson, from the original drawing by David Allan. Lent by James Wylie. 544. View of King Street, Cheapside, etc., Kilmarnock. Engraving— Joseph Swan, after Robert Johnstone, iun. Lent by David Reed. 545. " Burns's departure from Scotland." Lithograph— W. Grattan. Printed by C. Hullmandel, and published by R. Ackermann, 1825. Lent by William Macmath. 546. The Honourable Henry Erskine. Born at Edinburgh, ist November, 1746; died 8th October, 1817. Engraving— James Ward, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 547. Design for the Mausoleum at Dumfries. Engraving — 5. Rawle, after Tumerelli. (81 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Robert Cannichael. 548. Ballochmyle Braes and Bridge. Engraving — John Le Conte, after D. O. Hill, r.s.a. Lent by James Ross. 549. Robert Burns and his Highland Mary. Engraving — Mrs. W. H. Simmons, after R. Edmonstone. Lent by William Macmath. 550. Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart. (See No. 433.) Engraving — E. Mitchell, after W. Staveley. 551. John Gibson Lockhart. (See No. 517.) Silhouette — A. Edouart, 1830. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 552. The Cotter's Saturday Night. (See Nos. 543, 571, 577.) Coloured engraving — Paton Thomson, after David Allan. Lent by William Macmath. 553. The Findhorn, near Forres. 554. Nairn. Pencil drawings — Sir George Reid, /-.r.s.a. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 554A. James Currie, M.D., F.R.S., biographer of Burns. Born at Kirkpatrick-Fleming, 1756; died at Sidmouth, 31st August, 1805. Engraving — B. H. Cromek, after Horace Hone. Published \st January, 18 14, by T. Cadell. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 555. Burns and his Highland Mary. Engraving— J. J. Chant, after Charles Dukes. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Thomas Bonnar. 556. Isabella, sister of Robert Burns. (See No. 540.) Engraving — William and Thomas Bonnar, after William Bonnar, jun. Lent by the Trustees of the late W, Nelson. 557. Friar's Carse. "To Riddel, much-lamented man. This ivied cot was dear. Wand'rer, dost value matchless worth? This ivied cot revere." Coloured print — Storer and Greig. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 558. Burns, taken from Newcastle Chronicle, 1796. Presented to the Museum by J. Hounam, Middlesborough. Engraving. Lent by J. S. famieson. 559. Robert Burns. Etching, after Nasmyth. Lent by Thomas Bonnar. 560. Birthplace of Highland Mary, Dunoon. Pencil drawing— John Bonnar. Lent by John Kir sop. 561. Inauguration of Burns as Poet Laureate of the Lodge Canon- gate Kilwinning, Edinburgh, 1787. (See Nos. i, 248, 299.) Mezzotint engraving. Lent by Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. 562. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 422, 463, 472.) This is the original drawing by Archibald Skirving, who was born at Haddington in 1749, studied some time in Rome, and was well known in Edinburgh in the end of the last and beginning of the present century, and excelled as a portraitist in chalk and crayons. He died in 18 19. Hed crayon drawing. (83) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 563. Robert Burns. Engraving — Wm. Walker and Satmiel Cousins, after Nasmyth, 1830. 563A. Robert Burns. (See No. 464.) Engraving — C-^ private plate,'' proof signed in pencil by S. Cousins) — Wfn. Walker and Samuel Cousins, after Nasmyth, 1830. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 563B. James Currie, M.D., F.R.S. (See No. 554A.) Engraving— W. T. Fry, after miniature by T. Hargreaves. Lent by Miss Harkness. 564. Highland Mary. Engraving — W. H. Simmons, after Thos. Faed, r.a. Published 7,0th October, 1857- Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 565. Robert Burns. Presented to the Museum by W. G. Patterson of Edinburgh. Engraving — W. Holl, after Skirving. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 566. The Jolly Beggars. (See No. 324.) Engraving. Lent by fohn Inglis. 567. Death and Doctor Hornbook. Black and white — William Simpson. Lent by Rev. Kirkwood Hewat, 568. The Rev. Thomas Burns, D.D., nephew of the Poet. (See Nos. 27s, 317, 366, 594.) Photograph. Lent by William Macmath, 569. Kirkcudbright. Coloured engraving — William Daniell. (84) ROBERT BURNS. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by Tfwmas Findlay. ^ 570. The Cotter's Saturday Night. Engraving — Francis Senewick, after C. S. Whyte. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 571. The Cotter's Saturday Night. (See Nos. 543, 552, 577.) Engraving — Paton Tfwmson, after David Allan. Lent by William Macmath. 572. Moffat in the Eighteenth Century. Engraving — William Green, after W. H. Watts. Lent by Tlwvias Menzies, F.E.I.S. 573. Ticket for Festival in Glasgow in commemoration of the Centenary Birthday of Burns, 25th January, 1859. Engraving — Ji. Dawson. Lent by William Macmath. 574. Neil Gow. (See Nos. 487, 525.) Chalk drawing — M. Michell. Lent by William Young, R.S. W. 575. " Robert Burns in his Cottage composing ' The Cotter's Saturday Night.'" (See No. 233.) Engraving^John Burnet, after William Allan, r.a. Lent by John Wilson. 576. Duncan Gray. Engraving — F. Engleheart, after Sir David Wilkie, r.s.a. Published Feb., 1828. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 577. The Cotter's Saturday Night. (See Nos. 543, 552, 571.) Engraving — Paion Thomson, after David Allan. Lent by John Andrew. 578. The Rev. Archibald Lawrie, son of the Rev. George Lawrie, D.D., minister of Loudon. Died May, 1837. (See No. .59.) Engraving, from a sketch from life by Colonel F. Bay ley, 1827. (85) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 579. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 478, 587.) Proof etching — Lalauze, after Miss Nasmyth. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 580. David, Earl of Buchan. (See No. 76.) Engraving— J. Finlayson, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, /'.r.a. Lent by the Chambers Institute, Peebles. 581. Bunbury's Print, with Langhorne's lines — "Cold on Canadian Hills." (See No. 29.) This is the actual print to which Burns directed the attention of the company at Professor Ferguson's house. Engraving — W. Dickinson, after H. Bunbury. Published by IV. Dickinson, 2ist Feb., 1783. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 582. George Thomson. (See Nos. 47, 58, 584.) Engraving, after Nicholson. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 582A. Captain Francis Grose, F.S.A. (See Nos. 26835, 504, 530, 607.) Engraving. Lent by William Macmath. 583. Rev. Dr. Charles Rogers. Engraving. 584. George Thomson. (See Nos. 47, 58, 582.) Etching — B. W. Crombie. Lent by John Robinson. 585. Robert Burns. '? hxsi'E.v.— Joseph Sempie. Lent by Thos. White. 586. Robert Burns. Medallion. (86) PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by A. M. Black. 587. Robert Burns. (See Nos. 478, 579.) Etching— Lalauze, after Miss Nasmyth. Lent by William Macmath. 588. James Burnett (Lord Monboddo), the father of " Fair Burnet." Born 1714; died at Edinburgh, 26th May, 1799. (See No. 102.) Engraving— John Kay. Lent by William Grimmond. 589. A Contemporary of Burns. Miniature in wax (coloured). Lent by Walter APIlvean. 590. Mrs. Burns and grandchild. (See Nos. 52, 505.) Engraving, with tartan mount. Lent by A. C. Lamb. 591. Scotch Drink — Hallowe'en. Pencil drawing—/. Stewart. Lent by William Macmath. 592. Sir John Sinclair, Bart., as an officer of the Rothesay and Caithness Fencibles. "To Colonel Sir John Sinclair, Baronet, and to the other officers of the Rothsay and Caithness Fencibles, this correct representation of their uniform is humbly and gratefully addressed by their most obedient servants, the Editors [of the British Military Joumal\ January, 1800." Coloured engraving. Lent by Rev. Canon Skinner Wilson, 593. The Rev. John Skinner, song- writer, ecclesiastical historian, and correspondent of Burns; author of " Tullochgorum," "The Ewie wi' the Crooked Horn," etc. Born 3rd October, 1721 ; died i6th June, 1807. (See No. 268'^) Lithograph, after James Giles, r.s.a. (87) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by John Andrew. 594. The Rev. Thomas Burns, D. D., nephew of the Poet. (See Nos. 275, 317, 366, 568.) Woodcut — Harnett &= Co. Lent by William Maanath. 595. Dalswinton, Dumfriesshire, the seat of Patrick Miller. (See Nos. 113, 117, 130). Engraving— J. Walker, after Nasmyth. Lent by Mrs. R. Macaulay Stevenson. 596. The Mother of Robert Burns. (See No. 597.) Miniature. Lent by Rev. William Dickie. 597. The Mother of Robert Burns. (See No. 596). Water colour. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 598. Robert Burns. Silhouette. Lent by the Representatives of the late Robert Blackie. 599. James Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn. (See No. 2683=.) " The mother may forget the child That smiles sae sweetly on her knee ; But I'll remember thee, Glencairn, And a' that thou hast done for me." Water colour, from the miniature in the possession of Lady Maxwell Wallace. Painter — Kenneth Macleay, r.s.a. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 600. William Motherwell, poet and joint-editor with the " Ettrick Shepherd " of " The Works of Robert Burns " (Glasgow, 1834-36.) Born at Glasgow, 13th October, 1797; died ist November, 1835. Medallion — -James Fillans, w.s.a. (88) >■ K HI ^ PORTRAITS AND PICTURES Lent by the Kilmarnock Bums Museum. 6oi. Shakespeare, Burns, Dr. Johnson, Byron, and Milton. Portraits on ivory. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 602. Gilbert Burns, brother of the Poet. Silhouette. Lent by William Maanath. 603. Lord President Dundas ; died December, 1787. Engraving— John Beugo, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. Lent by Mrs. DalzieL 604. James Hogg, the " Ettrick Shepherd." Born 25th January, 1772; died 2 1 St November, 1835. Engraving — G. Stodart, after Sir J. Watson Gordon^ p.r.s.a. Lent by James Ritchie, fun. 605. "Dr. Hornbook" — John Wilson, parish schoolmaster of Tar- bolton. Died January, 1839. Silhouette. Lent by Archibald Eadie. 606. Robert Burns. Miniature on ivory. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 607. Captain Francis Grose, F.S.A. (See Nos. 26835, 504, 530, 582A.) Engraving — Bartolozzi, after N. Dance. Lent by William Macmath. 608. William Creech. (See No. 425.) Engraving — W. c^^ Z>. Lizars, after Sir Henry Raeburn, r.a. Lent by Mrs. Rennie. 609. Robert Burns and Nanse Tinnock, the hostess of Mauchline. Engraving. (89) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by William Maanath. 6io. Charles Francois Dumouriez, a French general who commanded at Valmy and Jemappes, 1792, and afterwards fled from France. Born 1739; died in England, 1823. " You're welcome to Despots, Dumouriez ! " Engraving — G. B. Shaw. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 611. James Burns, uncle of the Poet. Silhouette. 612. The Rev. William Burnside, D.D., Dumfries. Died January, 1806. Black and white, from a miniature. Lent by Robert Anderson. 613. Robert Burns. Engraving— Wedgewood, after Nasmyth. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 614. The Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. Photograph. (90) RELICS. The relics were exhibited in cases which occupied the centre of the large gallery, on the walls of which were hung the more important portraits and pictures placed at the disposal of the Committee. This room was the most popular feature of the Exhibition. Close to the walls, and running round the square of the apartment, the magnificent collection of the editions of the Poet's works was displayed to the fullest advantage in cases specially constructed for their reception. To the Burns student these were, of course, an inexhaustible source of interest, but to the average visitor, unlearned in the bibliography of Burns, they appealed in much the same way as a like number of unknown books on the shelves of a circulating library. After a glance at the rarer, earlier editions, his curiosity was satisfied, and he turned to the relics as more in accordance with his tastes and feelings. This is why such exhibitions need never hope to be great financial successes. That Burns is a name to conjure with among the Scottish people requires no demonstration at this time of day, but the hero-worship of the masses does not, cannot possibly, express itself in appreciation of manuscripts, the niceties of a pure text, the merits of rival editions, or the typography and artistic binding of books. Within a circumscribed area interest may be quickened by displays of that kind, but no general enthusiasm is likely to be evoked. The most cursory examination of the relics which have been so carefully handed down from generation to generation, as indicating the field in which the popular sentiment most delights to exercise itself, confirms this view. They are all personal to the Poet or the individuals upon whom shone the reflected light of his genius. All are redolent of his humanity — scarce one of his spirituality. Burns is no abstraction to his countrymen. His poetry is embalmed in their hearts, and his overshadowing personality pervades and is ever (91) associated with it. Hence it is that everything connected, in the remotest degree, with his earthly pilgrimage is guarded by all sorts and conditions of men with a solicitude that is apt to evoke a smile from those outwith the pale of the national feeling. Glancing over the catalogue, we find slabs, polished and un- polished, labelled as at one time integral portions either of Mary's thorn, the rafters of Gavin Hamilton's house, the hostelry of Nanse Tinnock, the roof of Alloway Kirk, the barn at Mossgiel, the bed on which the Poet died, or of some tree which once grew on the Braes of Ballochmyle. For the authenticity of the exhibits their possessors are responsible, the Committee rightly deeming that it did not fall within their province to exercise any censorship in the matter. Though no hall-mark of genuineness can therefore be claimed on the ground of admission to the Exhibition, it is not to be supposed that any large proportion of the articles shown were of the nature of counterfeits. On the contrary, in nearly every instance the name of the exhibitor will be found sufficient guarantee, irrespective of the vouchers attached ; and in a large majority of the entries the most exacting will fail to discover a flaw in the historical record. Besides the rather cumbrous mementoes we have referred to, we have also such wholesale exhibits as the doors, windows, mantle-pieces, pulpit-desks, and locks of edifices the Poet rendered famous, as well as the chips and fragments of the same which testify to that spirit of vandalism which is generally so reprehensible, but which, in connec- tion with Burns, seems to confine itself, for the most part, to what is already ruinous or hastening to decay. Even perishable articles of clothing have been sedulously preserved, for we have skirts, caps, hats, pillow-cases, chemises, handkerchiefs, scarfs, gloves, stockings, boots, shoes, in addition to more lasting personal adornments, such as brooches, rings, pins, lockets, and jewels, masonic and otherwise. The articles of furniture are almost innumerable, and formed a heterogeneous collection such as will certainly never be brought together again in the present generation. It included chairs, tables, cupboards, stools, trays, trunks, drawers, mallets, tongs, pokers, quaichs, cups, ladles, mugs, jugs, bickers, glasses, decanters, bottles of all shapes and sizes, gill-stoups, mutchkin-stoups, tappit-hens, tumblers, knives, forks, teapots, tea-cups, teaspoons, plates, bowls, (92) pots, pans, mirrors, whips, spurs, walking sticks, knives, scissors, razors, swords, guns, pistols, dirks, spectacles, inkhorns, candlesticks, snuff-boxes, and tobacco pipes. Even this formidable array does not by any means exhaust the list. Conspicuous among them, and second only in point of number and variety to those of the Poet himself, are the relics of Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny — the best of all possible proofs that never did the fictitious creations of an author take such complete and enduring possession of the sphere of the realistic. It is little short of the miraculous to find the remains of Douglas Graham and John Davidson exhibited in the same spirit of veneration as the personal belongings of those who were near and dear to the Poet, and received by the public with the same unquestioning faith. We verily believe, such is the wondrous hold the immortal "Tale" has upon the imagination of the Scottish people, that the veritable "pipes" which made the " roof and rafters dirl " might have been on view without exciting more than the mildest measure of surprise. When such a trifle as the tobacco pouch of the " bleth'rin " nonentity of Tarbolton is so carefully treasured as a memorial of the Poet, we need marvel less at the omnivorous stomach of the typical Burns relic-hunter than at the glowing enthusiasm which creates his appetite. Of the exhibits in this section, the first from an artistic point of view is the arm-chair made from an oak beam taken from Alloway Kirk, and exhibited by Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — a description of which will be found under the proper heading in the Catalogue. The main interest, however, centres in the valuable relics possessed by the descendants of the Poet's family, to particularise which would only be repeating the notes appended in the Catalogue. Chief among these are the Poet's watch and gloves, exhibited by Mrs. T. G. Burns, Knockmaroon, of Gilbert's family, and his seal, first engraved in Currie's edition, and now the property of Mrs. Burns Thomas, Killinick, the granddaughter of Robert, the Poet's eldest son, reproductions of which will be found among the illustrations. Almost on the same level as objects of curiosity are the apron and mallet which belonged to Burns, exhibited by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the jewel and apron which he wore when officiating in St. James's Lodge, Tarbolton. (93) The collection of medals commemorative of the most important events in the posthumous history of Burns was full and representative, every celebration having a metallic souvenir, more or less valuable, in the receptacles provided for them in the cases. Casts of these were taken from the best impressions for the purpose of preserving their artistic merits in the photogravures which accompany the descriptive notes. The illustrations explain themselves by the reference numbers attached to them. D. M'NAUGHT. (94) GALLERY No. I RELICS, &c CASE NO. 1 Lent by James Hinshelwood. 615. Piece of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle, near Mauchline. Lent by Fergus Breckenridge. 616. Piece of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle. Lent by James A. Morris. 617. Piece of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle. Lent by R. Mackenzie Fisher. 618. Piece of platform on which the Auld Brig o' Ayr was built in 1252. Lent by tiie Kilmarnock Burns Club. 619. Piece of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle. Lent by Archibald Munro. 620. Piece of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle. (96) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 621. Piece of wood which formed part of the flooring under the bed on which Burns died. 622. Part of the door of St. Michael's Church, Dumfries, in which Burns worshipped. (See Nos. 671, 715.) Lent by Alexander Marshall. 623 and 624. Oak Walking Sticks, made from a rafter of Gavin Hamilton's house, Mauchline, in which Burns was married. Lent by Mrs. Hugh Gibb. 625. A Thorn Walking Stick. Lent by Mrs. Mitchell 626. Segment of a tree from Ballochmyle Wood. As Burns was wandering through the bowers of Ballochmyle Miss Alexander suddenly appeared making "a sunshine in the shady place," and he was inspired by her charms to pen his beautiful song of " The Bonie Lass o' Ballochmyle " in her praise. Hence the interest that attaches to the above memento, which has been nicely gnarled and carved by the hand of nature. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 627. Piece of wood which formed part of the post of the bed on which Burns died. 628. Piece of wood which formed part of a joist on which the bed rested on which Burns died. Lent by R. P. Paterson of Montgomerie. 629. Part of the root of Highland Mary's thorn from Montgomerie (formerly Coilsfield). Lent by James Hinshelwood. 630 and 631, Parts of the thorn tree from Montgomerie Castle. (96) RELICS, &c Lent by R. M^Kenzie Fisher. 632. Walking Stick, with twisted handle, which belonged to Robert Burns. Lent by Walter M^Ilvean. 633. Piece of turned wood, part of the bed on which the Poet died, given to the owner's family by the Poet's son Robert in 1843. Lent by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 634. Piece of the old yew tree at Crookston Castle known as Queen Mary's Yew, on which Burns carved his name in 1777. CASE No. 2 Lent by Philip Sulky. 635. Mantelpiece from the parlour at Ellisland, 1788. "Given by Dr. J. M. Taylor, the proprietor, to Philip Sulley, 1891." Lent by Mrs. J. A. Buchan. 636. Flowered Silk Skirt which belonged to Christina Morton, one of the " six belles of Mauchline," worn by her at Burns's kirking. Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 637. Mallet and Box. The Mallet, made from the Crookston Yew (see No. 634), was presented to the Paisley Burns Club by Sir John Stirling- Maxwell in 1875. The Box, made from the Ellerslie Wallace Oak, was presented to the Club by Lady Anne Spiers for her son, Alexander Archibald Spiers, Esq. of Elderslie, 25th January, 1876. Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 638. Pair of Pocket Steel Shot Measures, long used by "Tarn Samson." (97) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 639. Toddy Mats of Paisley work, with scenes from " Tarn o' Shanter." Lent by Mrs. Arttot. 640. Part of the dress presented by the Poet to his cousin, Fanny Burns, wife of Adam Armour, brother to Bonie Jean. Lent by James Porteous. 641. Punch Ladle, made of wood, with twisted handle, used at Laggan Braes, autumn 1789, by W. Nicol, of the High School, Edinburgh, when "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut." 642. Wooden Quaich, with four handles, from Poosie Nansie's hostelry, 1787. Lent by Mrs. Murchie. 643. Metal Punch Ladle, with bone handle, which belonged to St. David's Lodge of Freemasons, Tarbolton. Lent by Campbell Wallace. 644. Nanse Tinnock's Half-gill Stoup. (See Nos. 7, 23, 646, 649, 753, 760, 798.) " An' drink his health in auld Nanse Tinnock's Nine times a week." Lent by the Kelvingrove Museum. 645. Wooden Punch Ladle which belonged to the father of Robert Burns. Presented to the Museum by John Rankin, i6th September, 1876. Lent by Richard Morrison. 646. Wooden Bicker, once the property of Nanse Tinnock, stamped "N. T., 1784." (See Nos. 7, 23, 644, 649, 753, 760, 798.) Lent by David M'' Queen. 647. Needle Case, made of wood from the Old Kirk-end Tree of Mauchline, blown down by the storm, 27th February, i860. (98) RELICS, &€ Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 648. Pair of Child's Shoes made by " Souter Johnny" (John Davidson). Lent by Campbell Wallace. 649. Nanse Tinnock's Pint Measure. (See Nos. 7, 23, 644, 646, 753, 760, 798.) Lent by R. Mackenzie Fisher. 650. Two China Cups which belonged to the late Mrs. Smith, Prestwick, granddaughter of " Tarn o' Shanter." Lent by Rev. J. King Hewison. 651. Tea Cup and Saucer which were formerly the property of Mrs. Stewart of Stair House, and out of which Burns drank tea. Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 652. Ale Caup, made of the Ellerslie Wallace Oak. Presented to the Club on 29th January, 18 16, by Archibald Spiers, Esq. Lent by Philip Sulley. 653. Two pieces of the Bedstead on which Burns died, made into the form of small vases. "Given by Mrs. Burns to her niece, Jessie Lees, wife of William Irving, Dean of the Shoemakers, Dumfries." Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 654. Burns's Favourite Caup. Presented to the Club, 29th January, 1814, "at their ninth anniversary meeting, to commemorate the birth of the Bard, by James Armour, brother to the Poet's ' ain dear Jean.'" " \Vi' mony a draught o' reamin' nappy. Aft Scotia's Bard I've made fu' happy. And sleekened mony a mashlum bannock That graced the board o' auld Nance Tannock." (99) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by James R. Wilson. 655. Shale Ring, found on the farm of Mossgiel in 1883. Lent by James F. Lyon. 656. Jug. A relic of Burns from the late John Crawford, Alloa, author of " Doric Lays," who was a near relative of "Highland Mary. Lent by James Parker. 657. Razor presented by Burns to James Humphrey, " the bleth'rin bitch." (See Nos. 65, 749, 750.) Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 658. A Die for Seal, Burns Centenary, 1859; taken from the Poet's seal. (See No. 700.) Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. 659. "The Auld Nick Horn." About the year 1768, as the story goes, a highland bullock which had strayed from its pastures, entered AUoway Kirk, and getting fixed among the seats, became a prisoner. A day or so thereafter, a woman passing that way happened to look in at one of the windows, when lo ! two huge horns suddenly appeared within, and she was greeted with a roar. Flying in terror, she raised the alarm that the deil was in the kirk. When this uncanny state of matters was looked into, the hungry four-footed "Nick" was dis- covered, and immediate steps taken to extricate it. In doing so, one of its horns was accidentally knocked off. This was taken to the neighbouring farm of Gorton, at that time in the occupancy of the Tennants, and when this family removed shortly thereafter to Glenconner, in the parish of Ochiltree, the horn was taken with them, and was for long used as a bolting-tube for administering medicine to cattle. Burns as a boy heard the story, and it took such a hold of his young mind that many years thereafter he worked it into his world-renowned poem of " Tam o' Shanter.' Readers will readily recall the lines — " A winnock-bunker in the east. There sat auld Nick, in shape o' beast," etc. The horn, fitted at a later day with a silver mouthpiece, was used for many years in awaking the villagers of Ochiltree to their daily toil. (100) RELICS, 654 723 6 7^B 649 74a M 659 RELICS, &c Lent by William J. Wilkinson. 699. Locket, with locks of the hair of Robert Burns and Jean Armour intertwined, with miniature of the Poet on the reverse. Lent by Mrs. Burns Tliomas. 700. The Seal of Robert Burns. (See Nos. 658, 1104.) This seal, after the death of Burns, passed into the possession of the Poet's eldest son, Robert Burns, then into the possession of his daughter, Mrs. Everitt, wife of Assistant Surgeon Bartholomew Jones Everitt, Honourable East India Company's Service. The present owner is the daughter of Mrs. Everitt. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 701. Twelve Silver Toddy Ladles, with twisted stems, ending in small bust of Burns. Lent by Archibald Munro. 702. Gold Brooch which belonged to Mrs. Burns (" Bonie Jean "), with her own portrait, and at the back those of her two nieces. Lent by Mrs. Robert Cowan. 703. Silver Watch given by the Poet to his cousin John Allan. Maker — Feter Leroy. Lent by Mrs. Robert Bums. 704. Ring of Miss Isabella Burns Begg ; turquoise set in gold. Lettt by Bernard B. Macgeorge. 705. Jean Armour. Coloured portrait in small case. Lent by John Bishop. 705A. John Bishop, son-in-law of the Poet. Photograph. CASE NO. 6 Lent by John Paterson. 706. George Thomson's favourite Violin. (See No. 706A.) (105) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by John Paterson. 7o6a. Letter by William Livingstone, the purchaser of the violin No. 706, certifying to the authenticity of the instrument, dated General Register House, Edinburgh, 29th November, 1839, the day of the sale of Mr. Thomson's "music and music instruments." Lent by Rev. J. King Hewison. 707. Two pieces of a Spinnet which belonged to Elizabeth Burgess of Watcarrick, the subject of Burns's song, " Bess and her Spinning Wheel," and on which she played his songs to the Poet. Lent by T. W. Dewar. 708. Violin which belonged to Neil Gow. (See Nos. 487, 525, 574.) CASE No. 7 Lent by Dr. Maxwell Wood. 709. Blunderbuss which belonged to Burns. Lent by John Foulds. 710. Swordstick which belonged to Burns. This stick was presented by Burns to John Richmond, writer, and was given to the present owner's father by Richmond's daughter It is referred to in one of the Poet's letters. See Lockhart's "Life of Burns." Lent by Mrs. John Dunn. 711. Gauging Rod used by Burns, formerly in the possession of Joseph Train; initialed " R. B. 1792." Lent by James Calder. 712. Excise Ink Bottle used by the Poet. Lent by Robert Weir. 713. Horn Snuff Mull, with thistle in silver, and initials "J. R.," on cover, presented by Burns to John Rankine, Adamhill, Tarbolton. (See No. 665.) ( 106 ) RELICS, &c Lent by Mrs. Ferguson. 714. Cloth Brush from Ellisland Farm. Lent by Mrs. Dunbar. 715. Piece of the Cloth which covered the seat in St. Michael's Church, Dumfries, where Burns sat. (See Nos. 622, 671.) 716. Piece of Lace made into a collar which belonged to Jean Armour. Lent by Miss Cochran. 717. Whip which belonged to Burns. Lent by Mrs. M'Quhae. 718. Cutty Spoon used by the Poet. Lent by Mrs. Dalziel. 719. Link of the Measuring Chain used by the Poet. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 720. Two Neck Napkins, one made of thread and one of muslin. Specimens of unique work which belonged to Jean Armour. Lent by Andrew Lawson. 721. The Bible which Burns read during his last illness at Brow Well, and left by him there when he returned to Dumfries on 1 8th July, 1796. Lent by A. B. Todd. 722. Lock of the Poet's hair, given by him to Annie Rankine (the heroine of the song beginning " It fell upon a Lammas night"), who died at Old Cumnock in 1843. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 723. Two Silver Tea Spoons. These tea spoons belonged, with a tea set, to Robert Bums. For over 30 years they were in the possession of Mrs. Mary Millinglen, wife and widow of Rev. David Martin, minister of Strachan parish. She acquired them from her half-sister. Miss Pitt, to whom they had been presented, along with the full tea set, by a relative of Burns then resident in Dumfries. Presented to the Club by J. Lambert Bailey, F.R.S.E., Ardrossan, 28th Oct., 1880. ( 107) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Misses M^Ewan. 724. Lock of the Poet's hair. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 725. White Pocket Handkerchief which belonged to Jean Armour : it is marked in Mrs. Burns's own hand, "J. Burns, No. 5." 726. Pin Cushion. The outside wood of this Cushion formed part of the " kist " made for Burns preparatory to his intended sailing for Jamaica. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 727. Draught-board used by Gilbert and Robert Burns at Lochlea. Presented to the Club by the Poet's niece, Miss Begg, Bridge House, Ayr. Lent by the St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. 728. The Jewel worn by Burns as Depute Master of St. James' Lodge. 729. The Apron worn by Burns while Depute Master of St. James' Lodge. Lent by Mrs. Ferguson. 730. White Cotton Cap worn by Mrs. Burns, made and spun by herself. 731. Pillow Slip made and spun by Mrs. Burns. Lent by R. M'Kenzie Fisher. 732. Paper Fan which belonged to Mrs. Burns, with coloured print upon it. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 733. Facsimile of Excise Permit, filled up and signed by Burns, for a ten-gallon cask of rum (proof), in favour of Thomas Harkness, Mitchellstack, Dumfries, dated 30th November, 1792. ( 108) RELICS, &c Lent by G. Tawse. 734. Tin Drinking Cup which belonged to Burns. The cup bears the Government stamp^the broad arrow and horse shoe. When he left EUisland for Dumfries, the Poet presented it to Robert Muir, a neighbouring farmer, mentioned in Allan Cunningham's edition of the Poet's works. From Muir it comes in an easily-traced descent to the present owner. Lent by J. R. Findlay. 735. Intimation (letterpress) of the death of Mrs. Burns (Jean Armour), dated "Burns Street, 26 March, 1834." 'j'x,^. White Kid Gloves which belonged to Mrs. Burns (Jean Armour). Lent by Walter M'llvean. 737. Silk Scarf worn by Mrs. Burns on her last visit to Mauchline. The scarf came from India, and was presented to Mrs. Burns by her son, Colonel VV. Nicol Burns. Lent by the Committee of Kirkcudbright Museum. 738. Rolling Pin which belonged to Mrs. Burns (Jean Armour). Presented to the Museum by Mrs. Service, jun., Maxweltown. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Bums of Knockmaroon. 739. Whip used by the Poet ; leather, silver-banded, horn handle, strong thong. " It was used by Burns in his rides as an exciseman, on his Highland tour, &c., and was presented by his widow, after his funeral, with his spurs and other relics, to my father. (Sgd) "G. Burns, Dublin, 1872." 740. Spurs which belonged to Burns. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 741. Tea Caddy given to Jean Armour as a wedding gift by her brother James, Lent by Charles Murchland. 742. Two Wooden Toddy Ladles, with bone handles, which belonged to Burns. ( 109 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 743. Drinking Horn and Caup which belonged to Mrs. Burns, and were obtained from her relative, the late William Armour, Townend. Presented to the Club by Dr. M'Alister, Kilmarnock. Lent by Mrs. Dunbar. 744. China Cup and Saucer from a tea set presented by the Poet to Clarinda. Lent by James Parker. 745. Wooden Toddy Ladle which belonged to Burns. Presented by Miller Goudie to David Dickie. Lent by Mrs. Arnot. 746. Metal Teapot which belonged to Mrs. Burns. "Her best teapot, presented to Elizabeth Armour (now Mrs. Arnot) by Mrs. Lees (Jenny Armour), sister of ' Bonie Jean.' " 747. Pair of Black Silk Embroidered Stockings, worn by " Bonie ean. Lent by Mrs. Janet Wallace. 747A. Tongs which belonged to the Poet, certified to have been bought at the sale of the effects of his widow. CASE No. 8 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 748. Robert Burns. Photograph. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 749. Razor and Case which belonged to James Humphrey (the "bleth'rin bitch"). 750. Tobacco Spleuchan which belonged to Humphrey. (See Nos. ''^'''^ (110) RELICS, <5fc Lent by the Mitchell Library. 751. Pack of Playing Cards. On reverse of each card is bust portrait of Burns, enclosed within quotation — " Now, by the powers o' verse and prose. Thou art a dainty chiel." Lent by Mrs. Dunbar. 752. Dies of the Centenary Medal struck in 1859. Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 753. Jewel Box made of Nanse Tinnock's parlour window-shutter. (See Nos. 7, 23, 644, 646, 649, 760, 798.) Lent by the Trustees of the late W. Nelson. 754. Framed Glass, with Poem written upon it by Burns, beginning — " Thou whom Chance may hither lead, Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these maxims on thy soul." Lent by Andrew Gibson. 755. Robert Burns and (probably) Miss Burness. Photographs. Lent by Mrs. James Barr. 756. Snuff Box made from part of the roof of Burns's Cottage. Lent by James Porteous. 757. Snuff Box, with a whisky permit inside, underneath the bottom. Lent by J. G. M'Lellan Arnott. 758. Mallet used by John Richardson, auctioneer, at the sale of the Poet's furniture. Lent by the Chambers Institute, Peebles. 759. Piece of Glass, with the words "An Honest Man" scratched thereon by Burns. (Ill) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Alexander Marshall. 760. A Wooden Platter from Nanse Tinnock's public house. (See Nos. 7, 23, 644, 646, 649, 753, 798.) Lent by Robert Sharp. 761. Robert Burns. Miniature portrait painted on a wooden panel. Lent by William Dickie. 762. Horse Hoof made into a Snuff Box. Presented to the late Robert Dickie, Kilwinning Mills, about the year 1830, by Charles Dickie, horse farrier, when leaving the neighbourhood of Ayr to take up his residence in Ireland, who told Robert Dickie at the time that it was the hoof of Tam o' Shanter's mare. It has always been regarded as such by the present owner, son of the said Robert Dickie. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 763. Horn Snuff Mull, with stopper made of wood from Alloway Kirk. Lent by John Young. 764. Souter Johnny's Tobacco Pipe. Lent by Mrs. MacKenzie. 765. Segment of tree which grew behind Burns's Cottage. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell 766. Paper Knife made from part of wood of the bedroom at Dumfries in which Burns died. Lent by A. J. Symitigton. 767. Snuff Box which belonged to William Howitt, made from the thorn tree at Montgomerie Castle. (See No. 615.) Lent by Miss Agnes Currie. 768. A Lock of Highland Mary's hair. Presented to the Burns Club, Manchester, by John Peatie, 1849. (112) RELICS, &c Lent by John Murison. 769. Circular Snuff Box made of bone, with medallion of Burns, &c. Lent by Miss Davidson. 770. Wooden Snuff Box, with painted illustration on lid, " Willie brewed a peck o' maut." Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 771. Old Wooden Snuff Box, made at Cumnock, with illustration of the witches' dance in Alloway Kirk. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 772. Snuff Box made of wood from the rafters of Alloway Kirk. Presented by Mrs. Burns, the Poet's widow, to Dr. James Bogie, 1819. Lent by J. B. DalzelL 773. Snuff Box made of wood from the pulpit of Mauchline Kirk (built 1 1 25). Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 774. Wooden Tobacco Box, with Oil Paintings on lid — subjects, " Brior o' Doon," and " Willie brewed." & Lent by Mrs. Robert Burns. 775. (a) Lock of hair of Mrs. Begg, the younger sister of the Poet. (<5) Lock of hair of Miss Isabella Burns Begg, niece of the Poet. Lent by Andrew J. Kirkpatrick. 776. Wooden Box, with carvings of " Tam o' Shanter," " Souter Johnny," and the landlady. Lent by William Somerville. 777. Wooden Snuff Box which belonged to John Bishop, Halfway House, son-in-law of Burns, with illustration of Holyrood on lid. (113) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Sir James Fergusson, Bart. 778. Wooden Snuff Box, with scenes from "Willie brewed" on the lid : on one side, in the Poet's handwriting, " Yours ever, Robt. Burns," and on the other the following printed inscription : — "A small tribute of gratitude from a relative of Robert Burns to the Honourable Wm. Maule of Panmure, M.P., the generous Bene- factor of the Poet's family, 1821." Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 779. Snuff Box made from one of the posts of the bed upon which Burns died. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 780. Wooden Needle Book, with on one cover a view of Burns's Cottage, and on the other a representation of the Poet's Seal, &c. Lent by Andrew J. Kirkpatrick. 781. Snuff Box, with the inscription, "Part of the thorn under which Burns and Highland Mary had many a happy inter- view," and on the lid a representation of the lovers meeting, and the quotation — "As underneath its fragrant shade I clasped her to my bosom." Lent by John Reid Young. 782. Horn Snuff Mull, silver-mounted, and pebble set in lid, with the following inscription on a small silver plate : — " Presented to John Cunningham as a token of esteem by Robert Burns, Oct. 2, 1780." Lent by John M'Millan. 783. Bottle, in tin box, containing "a bookworm." " Through and through th' inspired leaves Ye maggots, make your windings ; But O, respect his lordship's taste. And spare the golden bindings ! " (114) RELICS, &c Lent by Miss Margaret Sharp. 784. Glove Box, made of wood, painted in tartan, with picture on lid of " Burns and Highland Mary." Lent by Thofnas Dunlop. 785. Wooden Snuff Box, made in Mauchline, 1830, with scene from "Tarn o' Shanter" on lid, words and music of " Auld Langsyne" on bottom, and on the front the initials "T. D." This box belonged to an acquaintance of the Armour family. Lent by H. D. Colvill Scott. < 786. Paper Cutter made of wood from the room in which Burns died. Lent by Miss Thomson. 787. Snuff Box made of bone, said to be the shank bone of a racehorse. Presented by "Souter Johnny" to Peter Thomson. Lent by Hugh Kerr. 788. Snuff Box made of the wood of the bed in which Burns died, with portrait of the Poet on the lid. Lent by Andrew G. Low. 789. The Auld Farmer's Address to his Mare Maggie. Water colour drawing. Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 790. Jewel Box made from a rafter of Gavin Hamilton's house, Mauchline, where Burns was married. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 791. Souvenir Album, bound in Stuart-tartan wooden boards, con- taining photographs of the Land of Burns. (115) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Corporation of Edinburgh. 792. Horn Snuff Mull, brass-mounted, with the date "1758" on top. Belonged to Highland Mary's father, and was presented by one of her relatives in Alloa to James Ballantine, Edinburgh. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 793. The Robert Burns Calendar for 1887. Issued by Duncan Campbell & Son, Glasgow. Lent by Miss H. A. Allan. 794. Pocket-knife, brass-handled, with the name " R. Burns " en- graved on both sides. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 795. Card-case made of part of the rafters of Burns's Cottage, with Views of the Cottage and of the Interior. &^ Lent by A. Rankin. 796. Bone Snuff Box, with circular inscriptions on the lid, " Robert Burns" and " EUisland, 1787." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 797. Circular Wooden Snuff Box, with view of the witches' dance. Lent by Alexander Marshall. 798. Milk Sieve which belonged to Nanse Tinnock, Mauchline. (See Nos. 7, 23, 644, 646, 649, 753, 760.) Lent by R. B. Cunningham Grahame. 799. Brass Knocker from Gavin Hamilton's Door, Mauchline. Lent by Charles Murchland. 800. Part of the Wood of Alloway Kirk. Lent by Colin Macpherson. 801. Lock from Burns's Cottage, Alloway. From the collection of the late Lord Medwyn. ( 116) 833 :' m* K BAMvnf ■ 4 c: •lAsaoHf RELICS, &c Lent by David Aird. 802. Pocket-book used for many years by the Rev. Hamilton Paul. Lent by John King Grant. 803. Pair of Spectacles presented by Burns to Hew Ainslie. Lent by Mrs. John Bruce. 804. Pair of Spectacles, set in tortoise-shell, which belonged to Dr. Auld, Ayr. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 805. Burns's Monument. Photograph. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 806. Bronze Medal commemorative of the First Centenary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 25th January, 1859. 807. The same, in white metal. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 808. Bronze Medal commemorative of the First Centenary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 1859. Lent by Andrew Law son. 809. Bronze Medal commemorative of the inauguration of the Dumfries Statue of Burns, by Mrs. D. O. Hill, unveiled by Lord Rosebery, 6th April, 1882, with the statue in relief on one side. Lent by J, MacNaught Campbell. 810. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the First Centenary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 1859. Lent by the Chambers Institute, Peebles. 811. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the inauguration of the Burns Statue at Dumfries. (See No. 809.) (117) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Charles Murchland. 8 1 2. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the Grand Festival in honour of the Poet on the Banks of Doon, 6th August, 1844, with medallion portrait of the Poet and view of the Brig o' Doon and the Monument. Published by S. Woolfield, Glasgow. Lent by Andrew Lawson. 813. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the First Centenary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 1859. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 814. Silver Medal commemorative of the Festival on the Banks of Doon, 6th August, 1844. (See No. 812.) Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 815. Bronze Medal struck for Demonstration at Kilmarnock in 1886 in commemoration of the Centenary of the publica- tion of the First Edition of Burns's Poems. Obverse, Nasmyth's Portrait of the Poet. Reverse, Arms of Kil- marnock. Lent by Charles Murchland. 816. Medal commemorative of the Birth Centenary, 1859. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 817. Bronze Medal commemorative of the unveiling of the Burns Statue, Dundee, i6th October, 1880. Two examples. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 818. Bronze Medal commemorative of the Birth Centenary, 1859. Lent by R. Mackenzie Fisher. 819. Bronze Halfpenny of the reign of George II., 1737. "Our monarch's hindmost year but ane Was five-and-twenty days begun." (118) RELICS, &c Lent by Archibald Munro. 820. Bronze Medal commemorative of the Birth Centenary, 1859. Belonged to James Glencairn Burns, and was gifted to his cousin, Miss Begg. Lent by the Hon. R. W. Cochran-Patrick. 821. Robert Burns. Medallion portrait in silver. Lent by the Kelvingrove Museum. 822. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the Burns Banquet, 1844. Lent by the Paisley Bums Club. 823. Two electrotype medallion portraits of Burns. Lent by the Greenock Burns Club. 824. Bronze Medal, with medallion portrait of the Poet. First prize for bouquet of grasses, awarded to Joanna Mary Morison, 1892, by the Greenock Burns Club, instituted 1802. Lent by Andrew Lawson. 825. Medal, in white metal, commemorative of the unveiling of the Dumfries Burns Statue, 1882. (See No. 809.) Lent by Captain David Sneddon. 826. Silver Medal. Kilmarnock, 1886. (See No. 815.) Lent by Andrew Gibson. 827. Portrait of Burns, embossed on white metal. L.ent by T. W. Dewar. 828. Silver Medal commemorative of the Dumfries Centenary Celebrations, 1896. Lent by James Dickie. 828A. Bronze Medal commemorative of the unveiling of the Statue of the Poet at Irvine, i8th July, 1896. Presented by John Spiers, Esq., to Irvine, his native town. { 119) THE BURNS EXHIBITION CASE No. 10 Lent by Mrs. M'Quhae. 829. Dressing Glass which belonged to Burns. Presented by his niece, Mrs. M'Kinnale, to Edward M'Quhae, 21st April, 1879. Lent by J. W. Devlin. 830. Flint-lock Pistol. Marked on the stock "R. Burns, 1790," and below "Miller, Dal- swinton," and "Brodie, 1804." Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 831. Gloves worn by Burns. Lent by James D. Neilson. 832. Chain carved in wood. The chain belonged to Burns's daughter, "dear-bought Bess." Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 833. Needle-case made of leather. Presented to the mother of Burns by her son William, a saddler's apprentice in Ayr. He died in London after working for some time in a saddler's shop in the Strand, and was buried in St. Paul's Churchyard, according to information given by John Murdoch to Mrs. Everitt, the Poet's granddaughter. 834. Two Razors which belonged to Burns. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 835. Two Pewter Tokens, Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock, 1826; inscribed " I Cor. xi. 23, 29." Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon. 836. Silver Watch which belonged to Burns. Lent by R. Mackenzie Fisher. 837. Pair of Silver Coat Links worn by " Tam o' Shanter" on his wedding day, and given by his granddaughter, Mrs. R. Smith, to the lender. ( 120 ) 818 814- 822 807 SI 7 309 815 8Ea» ^l! I i t 828 821 rrF|- Sv ■ AAdfinCII A e,*, s^itSAOw RELICS, (2fc Lent by R. Mackenzie Fisher. 838. Pewter Token, St. Michael's Church, Dumfries, 1770. Lent by Malcolm Macdonald. 839. Centenary Badge, 1859. Photographic portrait of Bums, with ribbon mounting — "J. Flounders, Photo., Argyle Strt., Glasgow." Lent by Alexander Skirving, I. A. 840. MedalHon portrait of Burns. Replica in bronze of portrait in the Burns Monument, Edinburgh. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 841. Cross made of wood, faced with gold, inscribed " R, B., died 1796." Lent by Mrs. Robert Bums. 842. Bible which belonged to Isabella Burns Begg, inscribed with date 29th July, 1877. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 843. Pewter Baptismal Bowl from the Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock, supposed to have been in use for nearly 200 years. Lent by Rev. Wilson Baird. 844. Communion Tokens in use in the time of Burns in Ayrshire Churches. Lent by the Trustees of the late Mrs. Thomson. 845. Dirk which belonged to Lord Balmerino. Lent by William Ronald. 846. Tea Caddy Spoon, the gift of Mrs. Burns to her sister Nelly. Lent by Andrew Lawson. 847 and 848. Kitchen Poker and Tongs which belonged to Burns. ( 121 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 849. Stockings knitted by Mrs. Begg, sister of the Poet, made of Alpaca wool, undyed. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Bums of Knockmaroon. 850. Tawse which belonged to Burns's mother, "seldom if ever used," according to John Murdoch. Lent by A. B. Todd. 851. Riding Whip bought by Matthew Todd, the father of the lender, in a shop in Kilmarnock on the same occasion on which Burns bought for a guinea his whip No. 739. Lent by J. W. Devlin. 852. Bundle of Flax, spun in 1793. (122) GALLERY No. VI WALL CASE NO. 1 Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 853. Two Small Jugs (Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from " Tarn o' Shanter." Lent by Hugh Kerr. 854. Set of Three Jugs, with scenes from "Tarn o' Shanter." Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 855. Jug (Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from "Tam o' Shanter." Published by W. Ridgway & Co., Hanley, October i, 1835. Lent by Miss Walker. ^5^' Jug (Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from "Tam o' Shanter" and " The Jolly Beggars " ; bust of Burris in white in front ; stroup in shape of woman's face. (See No. 861.) Published, as the Act directs, by Machin & Potts, Burslem, Stafford- shire, 20th June, 1834. Lent by Hugh Kerr. ^57- Jug, open top (White Ware), with scenes from " Willie brewed a peck o' maut." (See No. 881.) Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 858. Blue and White China Plate given by Burns to Nanse Tinnock. (See No. 7.) (123) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Robert Miller. 859. Painted China Bowl, decorated with representations of flowers and birds, the gift of Mrs. Burns to the late James Adair. Lent by James Picken. 860. China Punch Bowl and Wooden Ladle (the Bowl hooped with silver, and the Ladle rimmed with silver, with twisted handle) which belonged to Tam Samson, both inscribed "Thomas Samson, 1781." Lent by Miss Walker. 861. Jug (Staffordshire Ware), companion to No. 856. Lent by James Wilson. 862. China Punch Bowl, with mottoes from Burns, etc., painted upon it. Lent by Mrs. John M'Kendrick. 863. Marble Punch Bowl which belonged to the Poet. With copy of "The Air Advertiser," i6th Feby., 1837, containing notice of a Burns meeting at Broughton, at which the bowl was used. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 864. Mallet made from wood grown on the grave of Burns. Lent by T. Mackenzie. 865. Masonic China Punch Bowl. Lent by H. D. Colvill Scott. 866. Coloured Stucco Statuettes, "Tam o' Shanter" and " Souter Johnny." Lent by Mrs. Brown. 867. Wine Glass which belonged to the Poet. Lent by Mrs, Murchie. 868. Dram Glass of St. David's Lodge, Tarbolton. (124) 910 917 918 952 961 958 635 RELICS, &c Lent by Robert Bums. 869. Whisky Bottle which belonged to the Poet. Lent by T. L. Duff. 870. Wine Glass used by Burns at Craigdarroch. Scratched on base, so far as can be deciphered — "James M. Burns, J. 6, 1790." Lent by Mrs. Brown. 871. Whisky Botde which belonged to the Poet. Lent by Philip Sulky. 872. Whisky Bottle which belonged to the Poet. Bought at the sale of Mrs. Burns's effects by William Nicholson, author of "The History of Galloway." Lent by Wright & Greig. 873. Whisky Decanter which belonged to the Poet. Presented by Burns's widow to Miss Catherine Reid, 1834. Engraved with masonic emblems. Lent by Miss Hewison. 874. Wine Glass used by Burns, formerly the property of the Rev. Dr. Burgess, minister of Kirkmichael. Lent by Rev. J. King Hewison, 875. Wine Glass used by Burns, also formerly the property of the Rev. Dr. Burgess. Lent by the Kilmarnock Bums Club. 876. Dram Glass which belonged to the Poet. From the M'Kie Collection. Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 877. Painted China Punch Bowl which belonged to the Burns family. ( 125 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by James F. Lyon. 878. Dram Glass given by Mrs. Burns (Jean Armour) to Peter M'Pherson, uncle to Highland Mary. Presented by Mrs. Crawford, widow of the late John Crawford, author of "Doric Lays," etc., to James F. Lyon, Alloa, 27th May, i8g6. Lent by Hugh Kerr. 879. Two Small Vases (Staffordshire Ware), with figures from "Tarn o' Shanter." Le7it by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 880. Small Jug (Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from " Tam o' Shanter" and "The Jolly Beggars." Published by W. Ridgway & Co., Hanley, ist October, 1835. Lent by Hugh Kerr. 881. Jug, covered top (Grey Ware), with scenes from "Willie brewed a peck o' maut." (See No. 857.) 882. Jugs, a set of four (Staffordshire Ware), decorated with figures of Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL^.D. ^83. Jug (Staffordshire Ware), metal cover, with scenes from " Tam o' Shanter." Published by W. Ridgway & Co., Hanley, ist October, 1835. Lent by Richard Morison. 884. Jug (Staffordshire Ware), metal cover, with scenes from "Tam o' Shanter." Published by W. Ridgway & Co., Hanley, 1835. Lent by A. Patterson, M.D. 885. A Tappit Hen. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LI^.D. 886. A Mutchkin Stoup. ( 126) RELICS, &c Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 887. A Tappit Hen, with initials on lid, "W.G." "C.C." 888. A Mutchkin Stoup, with initials on lid, " W. A." 889. A Tappit Hen, with initials on lid. "T.F." " F.T." Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 890. Bannock Plate which belonged to Nanse Tinnock. (See No. 7.) Presented to the Club by Adam Armour, a brother of Mrs. Burns. Lent by Patrick M'Ghee. 891. Tarn o' Shanter. 892. Souter Johnny. Statuettes, coloured stucco. Lent by John M'Millan. 893. Tarn o' Shanter. 894. Souter Johnny. Statuettes, Parian painted. Lent by James A. Morris. 895. Dinner Bell from the Castle of Montgomerie. ON STAND AND WALL Lent by Rev. Hamilton Moore. 896. Window, with writing by Burns on one of the panes. Lent by Adam Rankine. 897. Chair which belonged to Burns. Given by the Poet's friend John Syme to Adam Rankine, Dumfries. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 898. Wall Mirror, with picture of " Tam o' Shanter" at the top. ( 127 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries. 899. A Chair from Friar's Carse dining-rooni used on the occasion of the contest for the whistle, i6th October, 1790, celebrated by Burns. (See No. 140.) Lent by Andrew Gibson. 900. China Ornaments, representing "Burns and Highland Mary" and "Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny." Lent by Elliot Stock. 901. Revolving Book Case made of wood from the flooring of the room in which Burns died. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 902. Looking Glass which formed part of the plenishing of Jean Armour. Lent by William M'Kissock. 903. Two Chairs which belonged to Burns. Lent by IV. G. Blackie, Ph.D., LL.D. 904. Small Inlaid Table which belonged to "Dr. Hornbook" (James Wilson). Lent by Alexander Marshall. 905. Arm Chair which belonged to James Humphrey, Burns's "bleth'rin bitch." (See No. 65.) Lent by John Browne. 906. Looking Glass which belonged to the mother of Burns. Lent by Robert Smith. 907. Two Chairs which were in Burns's Cottage. (128) RELICS, &c Lent by Mrs. Macaulay. 908. Stew Pot given by Burns to his servant, David Hutchieson ("Wee Davock"). " Wee Davock bauds the nowt in fother. . . . wee Davock 's turned sae gleg, Tho' scarcely langer than your leg. He '11 screed you aff Effectual Calling As fast as ony in the dwalling." Lent by Simon Brown. 909. Cutty Stool of Burns's time. Lent by Thomas Gumming. 910. Iron Pot which belonged to the Poet, sold at Burns's dis- plenishing sale at Ellisland. Lent by James Taylor. 911. Curling Stones which belonged to "Tarn Samson," Lent by James Hinshelwood. 912. Metal Tray, painted with flowers, used in the Tarn o' Shanter Inn, Ayr, during the time it was frequented by Burns, " Tarn o' Shanter," and " Souter Johnny." Lent by the Corporation of Kilmarnock. 913. Part of the Pulpit of the Laigh Kirk, Kilmarnock, from which M'Kinlay, Robertson, and others named by Burns have preached. Lent by R. Macaulay Stevenson. 914. The Corner Cupboard from " Poosie Nansie's." Lent by Robert Orr. 915. Wall Mirror, with scene from "The Holy Fair" painted at the top. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 916. Chair bought at Goudie's sale, Burns's Cottage, 30th September, 1843. ( 129) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Wallace G. Burgess. 917. Three-legged Cutty Stool which belonged to Burns. Lent by James Shepherd. 918. Chair on which Burns was nursed. Lent by Mrs. Ferguson. 919. Stool from Ellisland Farm. Lent by Jatnes A. Morris. 920. Metal Tray, painted with views of New Bridge, Old Gaol, and Steeple, Ayr. Lent by Elliot Stock. 921. Study Chair made of wood from the flooring of the room in which Burns died. Lent by James Taylor. 922. Mahogany Tray removed from the Tarn o' Shanter Inn, Ayr, nearly fifty years ago. WALL CASE No. 2 Lent by Simon Brown. 923. Tall Beaver Hat of Burns's time. Lent by T. Mackenzie. 924. Horn Drinking Cup presented by Jean Armour to a friend. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 925. Brass Candlestick from Mossgiel, marked " Robert Burns, Mossgiel, 1784." Lent by J. R. Findlay. 926. Tumbler which belonged to the Poet. Presented by his widow to William Ritchie, August, 1824. ( 130) RELICS, &c Lent by John Muir, F.S. A.Scot. 927. Tumbler, with Wooden Case, which belonged to the PoeL Originally the property of Burns, then of his son Colonel James Glencairn Burns, whose daughter presented it to the present owner. Cut on the glass is an inscription to that effect; also an enlarged engraving of the Poet's seal. Lent by Alexander Davidson. 928. Pair of Brass Candlesticks which belonged to " Souter Johnny." Lent by R. Bums Brown. 929. Pair of Brass Candlesticks which belonged to Burns. Lent by the Corstorphine Burns Club. 930. Snuff Box, mounted in silver, made from part of the bed on which the Poet died. " Presented to the Club by John Irving, grand-nephew of ' Bonie Jean.' " Lent by A. Ray nor. 931. Mug, painted with scenes from " Tam o' Shanter." Lent by John Stephen. 932. Jug (Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from "Tam o' Shanter. Published by W. Ridgway & Coy., Hanley. Lent by Mrs. Coltart. 933- J"& which belonged to Burns's mother, with representation of " Hope," etc., in red. Lent by Hugh Kerr. 934. Two Mugs, decorated with scenes from " Willie brewed a peck o' maut," and a frog inside the mug. Lent by John Darling. 935. Punch Jug (Grey Staffordshire Ware), with scenes from " Tam o' Shanter" on each side, and silver thistle and haggis emblems surrounding mouth. Published by Ridgway, 1833. THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by John Darling. 936. China Cream Jug, with tinted figure in front, and silver plate with inscription, "Dumfries, ist December, 1791. To Robert Burns." Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 937. Bust of Burns in Old Prestonpans Pottery Ware. Lent by Mrs. Robert Burns. 938. Three China Bread Plates. 939. China Cream Pot. 940. Three China Tea Cups and Saucers. 941. Bridge House, with Burns's nieces at the door. Fhotograpk. 942. China Slop Bowl. 943. Mrs. Begg (Isabella Burns), Isabella Burns Begg, and Agnes Brown Begg. Photographs, with the names ivritten on the backs by Miss Isabella Burns Begg. 944. China Teapot. 945. China Sugar Bowl. 946. Three China Coffee Cups and Saucers. Lent by Patrick M'Ghee. 947. Bust of Burns in Wedgwood Ware. Lent by Hugh Kerr. 948. "Tam o' Shanter" and " Souter Johnny." Statuettes, Parian. (132) 897 «L_r 954- 953 RELICS, &c Lent by the Dundee Burns Club. 949. Silver Cup for Football Charity Competition, founded by the Dundee Burns Club, 1884, designed by Allan Ramsay, a member of the Club, and decorated with Burns emblems and mottoes. Lent by H. D. Colvill Scott. 950. Bust of Burns in Wedgwood Ware. ON STAND AND WAL'L Lent by Rev. J. C. Higgins. 951. Chair; the favourite seat of Burns in Manson's Masonic Inn, Tarbolton. Lent by T. G. Arthur. 952. Parlour Chair from EUisland, of stained wood, with haircloth seat. Given by Burns to his servant as a wedding present, and by her to Dr. M'Lachlan of Dumfries. Bequeathed by him to Mrs. M'Gowan of Penrith. Lent by Mrs. James Barr. 953. Excise Chest which belonged to Burns. It bears a plate with the following inscription : — "This box, part of the effects of Robert Burns, the celebrated poet, sold by auction in Dumfries, was purchased at that sale by John Anderson, Esq., Malabay.— Joseph Train." Lent by Robert Burns Begg. 954. Chest of Drawers which belonged to the Poet's mother and formed part of her "providing" on the occasion of her marriage to William Burness, the Poet's father. Lent by Alexander Davidson. 955. Child's Chair which belonged to " Souter Johnny." (133) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by George H. G. Buchanan. 956. Arm Chair, with folding back forming desk, which belonged to the " ready-witted Rankine," latterly to Burns. Lent by Mrs. Coltart. 957. Rush-bottomed Chair which belonged to the Poet. Bought at the sale of Mrs. Burns's furniture. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 958. Chair which belonged to Burns. Bought at the sale of Mrs. Burns's furniture by James M'Kie, and sold by him along with the Burns Library. Lent by William Smith. 959. Spence Door of Mossgiel during the tenancy of Burns. Lent by Mrs. J. T. Manderson. 960. Chair which belonged to Mrs. Isabella Burns Begg, sister of the Poet. Lent by David Tullis. 961. Kitchen Chair which belonged to Burns. This chair was given by Mrs. Burns Begg to Mr. Blake, Heathery Hall, Haddington, who willed it to Miss Watt, who gave it to the lender. Lent by Alexander Marshall. 962. Chair which belonged to Gavin Hamilton. Lent by William M'Kissock. 963. (■) Letter from Burns to the Honourable Henry Erskine, Dean of Faculty, Edinburgh ; (2) Stirrup Cup from Tarn o' Shanter Inn, Ayr ; (3) Soup Ladle used at the farm of Ellisland ; (4) Silver Spoon which belonged to Mrs. Begg, Burns's sister ; (s) Spectacles which belonged to the Poet's father. (134) RELICS, (Sfc Lent by R. M^Kenzie Fisher. 964. Dressing Table made of wood from the pews of St. Michael's Church, Dumfries, where Burns worshipped. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 965. Fan-light which was built over the entrance of St. Michael's Church, Dumfries. (135) GALLERY No. I SCULPTURE Lent by Sir John Watson, Bart, of Earnock. 966. Robert Burns. Marble Statue. Sculptor — W. Birnie Rhind. Lent by Alexander Skirving, LA. 967. Professor Wilson ("Christopher North"). Plaster Bust. ScVLPTOR— James Fillans. Lent by James Gordon Oswald. 968. R. A. Oswald, Esq. of Auchincruive. Marble Bust. Sculptor— ^aww Fillans. Lent by Kellock Brown. 969. Robert Burns. Design for Statue. Sculptor — Kellock Brown. (136) GALLERY No. II Lent by James Sfiepherd. 970. Robert Burns. Marble Bust. Artist — William Brodie, r.s.a. Lent by Dr. Jameson. 971. Robert Burns. Statuette in Bronze. ScuLPi'OR— ybi4« Tweed. (137) GALLERY No. Ill Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 972. Robert Burns. Model of Statue, awarded premium of £2'-^. Sculptor — William M'Bryde. 973. Robert Burns. Model of the Statue which adorns the front of the Museum. Sculptor — W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a. Lent by Sir James Bell, Bart. 974. Robert Burns. Statuette in Bronze. Sculptor — Pittendrigh Macgillivray, a. r.s.a. Lent by Kellock Brown. 975. Robert Burns. "The thresher's weary flingin-tree, The lee-lang day had tired me." Sculptor — Kellock Brown. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 976. Robert Burns. Model of Statue, awarded premium of ;^50. Sculptor — D. W. Stevenson, r.s.a. Lent by IV. Grant Stevenson, R.S.A. 977. Robert Burns. Model of Statue, Kilmarnock. Sculptor — W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a. (138) GALLERY No. IV Lent by F. W. Pomeroy. 978. Robert Burns. Model in Bronze of the Statue unveiled in Paisley, on 26th October, 1896. Sculptor — F. W. Pomeroy. Lent by Mrs. MacLean. 979. Robert Burns. Marble Bust. Sculptor — T. Nelson MacLean. Lent by Jmnes Shepfierd. 980. Robert Burns. Marble Bust. Sculptor — Brodie. Lent by William Jacks, D.L. 981. Robert Burns. Model of Statue erected in Dundee. Sculptor — Sir John Steell, r.s.a. (139) GALLERY No. VI Lent by J. C. Parker. 982. Tarn o' Shanter. Mask in Bronze. Sculptor — Thorn. Lent by IV. Grant Stevenson, R.S.A. 983. The Cotter's Saturday Night. Panel in Bronze for the Burns Monument, Chicago. Sculptor — W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a. Lent by J. C. Parker. 984. Souter Johnny. Mask in Bronze. Sculptor — Thorn. Lent by Alexander Skirving, I. A. 985-7. Burns, Scott, and Wordsworth. Medallions. Sculptor — William Mossman, r.s.a. ' Lent by James Porteous. ; 988. Robert Burns. Medallion, carved in Oak. \ Carver — -J. Steell. \ Lent by IV. Grant Stevenson, R.S.A. 989. Robert Burns. Bronzed plaster, \ Sculptor — W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a. I i Lent by D. W. Stevenson, R.S.A. 990. Highland Mary. Statuette. Design for the Statue erected at Dunoon, July, 1896. ^ Sculptor — D. W. Stevenson, r.s.a. ' ( 140 ) SCULPTURE Lent by Robert Bums Begg. 991. Souter Johnny. Mask. Lent by W. Grant Stevenson^ R.S.A. 992. Tarn o' Shanter. Panel in Bronze for the Burns Monument, Chicago. Sculptor — W. Grant Stevenson, r.s.a. Lent by Robert Bums Begg. 993. Tarn o' Shanter. Mask. Lent by John Murison, 994. Robert Burns. Metal Casting showing the side view of the Poet's head, demi-relief, from Flaxman's Bust. Lent by Thomas Mackenzie. 995. Robert Burns. Statuette in Plaster. Sculptor — -James Fillans. Lent by Robert Burns Begg, 996. Robert Burns. Bust in Wedgwood Ware. Lent by Alexander Skirving, lui. 997. Robert Burns. Medallion Portrait. Sculptor — Flaxman. 998. The Birth of Burns. Alto-relievo. Sculptor— ;/«»2« Fillans. Lent by A. Walkinshaw. 999. Robert Burns. Medallion Bust. Lent by J. R. S. Hunter Selkirk, LL.D. 1000. Robert Burns. Medallion Bust. { 141 > THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by James A. Ewing. looi. Kirk Alloway. Original Model of Bronze Panel on Burns Monument, George Square, Glasgow. Sculptor— ^aw« A. Ewing. Lent by Elias Gibb. 1002. Group, carved in Stone. " The landlady and Tam grew gracious Wi' favours secret, sweet and precious : The Souter tauld his queerest stories; The landlord's laugh was ready chorus." Sculptor— _/«;«« Thorn. Lent by the University of Glasgow. 1003. The Jolly Beggars. The original models. The only copy of this group is a life-size series, cut in sandstone, at Gunnesbury Park. Presented to the University by Greenshields' Trustees through David Rankine, Carluke. Sculptor — -John Greenshields. Lent by Hugh Hopkins. 1004. John Ruskin, 1880. Bust in Terra Cotta. Sculptor — Sir /. E. Boehm, Bart., r.a. Lent by Paul R. Montford. 1005. Robert Burns: a Centenary Commemoration. Statuette in Bronze. Sculptor — Paul R. Montford. Lent by Hugh Hopkins. 1006. Thomas Carlyle. Bust in Terra Cotta. Sculptor — Sir f. E. Boehm, Bart., r.a. Lent by George Beimel. 1007. Sideboard made of Oak, with carved illustrations from the works of Burns. ( 142) GALLERY No. I (UPRIGHT CASE) Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 1007A. Lowestoft China Punchbowl. Presented by Burns to William Nicol. 1007B. Portrait of William Nicol. "Willie brew'd a peck 0' maut." Painter unknown. Miniature. Lent by the Dumfries Burns Club. 1007c. China Punchbowl belonging to the Club. With the names inscribed upon it of "the Subscribers to this bowl at the birthday of Robert Burns, January 25, 1819." Lent by W, Gilchrist Roy. 1007D. Violin which belonged to James M'Lauchlan, mentioned by Burns as "a well-known performer of Scottish music on the violin." "O had M'Lauchlan, thairm-inspiring sage, Been there to hear this heavenly band engage, When thro' his dear Strathspeys they bore with Highland rage." (143) GALLERY No. V Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 1008. Cast of the Skull of Burns. Presented to the Museum by James Hamilton, Town-clerk. Lent by James Porteous. 1009. Desk which belonged to Burns, a gift from Mrs. Dunlop to the Poet. Lent by James M'Donald. iOio. Models of all the Houses in which Burns lived, and of places mentioned in his works — made to scale, by James M 'Donald, lamp-trimmer, Allan Line of Steamships. lOiOA. James M'Donald. (See No. loio.) Photograph. AT TOP OF STAIRCASE Lent by the Ayrshire Mission to the DeaJ and Dumb, Ayr. loii. Models of Scenes in the Land of Burns. In cork, made by the uneducated deaf mute, Joseph Watson. 1012. Joseph Watson. (See No. ion.) Photograph. ( 144) A MANUSCRIPTS, INSCRIBED BOOKS, AND AUTOGRAPHS. Other sections consist of material about Burns ; that of the manu- scripts is veritably Burns himself There he is his own interpreter and exhibitor, and his literal and actual handiwork, though far from demonstrative in its own display, has yet formed for many who are studious of their Burns the most notable feature of the Exhibition. No such assemblage of his manuscripts was ever seen before. Burns himself never had beside him at any one time a collection in the least approaching it in extent or importance. It covers his entire career, and to designate it as his Life and Works, written by himself, would scarcely be a misdescription. The pedigree and family fortunes are well set forth by documents reaching back to the marriage contract of his mother's father's brother in 17 1 3. There are fragmentary traces of the handwriting of the boy of fourteen in his father's day-book. Other writings of his of early date are rare, until the year 1783 brings the first Commonplace Book, which, from whatever point of view regarded, is of prime sig- nificance and value. Not, however, until 1786, when the Kilmarnock edition was in the press and the author's reputation rapidly expanding beyond the confines of Ayrshire and the West, do his extant letters and MSS. begin to be at all numerous. A chief interest of a literary man's manuscript consists in the evidence it affords of his style and method of composition. There is a charm, intense enough at times to be called emotion, in seeing, though flattened-out under a glass case, the actual original of a master- piece, and in following the author's quill as it commits the winged word to immortality ; but the interest is vastly heightened when the corrections in the piece or the changes revealed by collation of various copies show the selective and self-critical processes at work. That ( 145) Burns, like all artists truly so called, was fastidious, and by no means easily satisfied with himself, is sufficiently well known, and is instanced in the letter with the " Fete Champ^tre," exhibiting a sensitiveness and discomfort because, through inability to send an autograph of a poem, he has to be content with a copy — and that incorrect — in another's hand. He was generally, however, his own scrivener, and rarely had need, as Chaucer had, to anathematise his copyist. Corrections occur seldom, although there are many and wide diver- gences in his copies. His handwriting is as free of obscurities as his language. Perspicuity, gained by some men only after infinite trouble, must have been with him an instinct, which we know he cultivated and improved, chastening his easy composition by laborious revisals. Several pieces written to musical notation are visible tokens that his works are no untutored woodnote wild, but in large measure an educated product. Most of the chief collections are present or represented, although the list is not complete, owing to the regrettable rigidity of rule in some public institutions and to special resolutions in others. To specialise the more important collections exhibited is difficult, because a single item may be enough to give first rank to the smallest group, if not to invest it with supreme quality for biographic or critical uses. The collections, or comparatively unbroken series which have as such passed down from original holders early in the century, have a particular value from their relative unity. This enhances the unique claims of the Dalhousie MSS., which, admirably preserved and quite unfaded (never having been exposed to sunlight), are mounted in one superb and massive volume. The collective character confers additional attraction also on the Knockmaroon manuscripts of Mrs. J. G. Burns, with their wealth of biographic memoranda, both primary and secondary, as it does on the family papers lent by Mr. Burns Begg, and the fine homogeneous series of letters sent by Mrs. Thomson Sinclair. Distinction is hard to appraise, and it would be invidious to attempt to hold the scales of valuation as between the well-known collections from Kilmarnock and from Irvine — the latter comprising part of the printer's " copy " for the first edition— and smaller groups, such as those of the Corporation and University of Edinburgh. The exhibits of Lord Rosebery embrace beautiful autographs of several important poems. Those of Mr. A. C. Lamb (an enthusiastic (146) collector, who has died since the Exhibition) likewise challenge high admiration. A group of letters and other pieces, in perfect condition and mounting, represents the collections of Mr. Alfred Morrison (also dead since the Exhibition), a collector unique amongst the class. Contributions from America fell short of expectations, owing to the refusal of some holders to consent to over-sea transmission of their relics. In exemplary contrast was the readiness of Mr. Robert B. Adam, of Buffalo, U.S.A., whose exhibits constitute in themselves quite an attractive miscellany. Individual things of exceptional moment abound. The opening pages of the two Commonplace Books sufficiently mark the wide difference between the Poet in 1783 and in 1787 — differences as plain in the handwriting as in the attitude of mind between the self-styled ploughman Robert Burness of the one and the man who has " seen a good deal of human life " of the other. The handwriting of the Poet is in the exhibits displayed in all its stages, beginning with the school- boy's rather loose penmanship, passing through the early phase of the young ploughman and farmer, and developing at last into the bold, sweeping lines and dashing curves and gestures of the man in his prime of fame, who assuredly loved to write his best and had a pride in his pen. The earlier writing, as in the first Commonplace Book, slopes more, has fewer heavy down-strokes, is clerkly in its subdued style, and is throughout suggestive of more restraint and less self- confidence than the later hand, which tends towards the perpendicular, and carries in its swing and freedom a decided air of the man of business and of letters. The selection of autographs for reproduction, whilst showing this very well, illustrates at the same time both the personal and literary side of the Poet. His earlier penmanship appears in copies of the "Holy Fair" and the "Ordination," as well as in the first Commonplace Book. A transitional type is visible in the "Brigs of Ayr." A portion of a leaf from one of his Excise ledgers is a really beautiful bit of book-keeping. It is needless to particularise, as the entries so fully explain themselves, and all that falls to be said in conclusion is that, in the choice of examples here reproduced, special preference has been accorded to the dedications or inscriptions made by the Bard in presentation of his own works or other books to friends. This was done partly because few of them have been facsimiled hitherto, partly ( 147) because they are admirable specimens of his caligraphy, and by their terms bring out the man in some of his most intimate relations to his world. Good examples selected at random occur in the inscriptions to Lady Elizabeth Cunningham, Maria Riddel, Patrick Miller, " Glen- conner," Elizabeth Burns, and the printer, William Smellie. Without exception, the dedications are dignified, and, having regard alike to the persons concerned and to the phrasing, are biographic documents of high account. They include several pieces of criticism and satire. The family registers from his father's Bible and his own (still in the keeping of his descendants) are — though often lithographed already — amongst the indispensable sanctities ; and scarcely less so are the precious lines to Jessie Lewars, with their dying fall of mingled affec- tion and farewell. GEO. NEILSON. (148) x- C^y^A^;4y:?^t ■'(/,'^>rvjn '/<^'^ ? ^Jti^y*ji A-cM-y^J^ ■ea/'U/ d/-Mt. Y^aa^ ^ ^. /< GALLERY No. Ill FRAMED MANUSCRIPTS, &c., ON THE WALLS Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 1 013. Manuscripts. Letter from Burns to David Staig, Provost of Dumfries; original MS. of "Last May a braw wooer," and "Lassie wi' the lint-white locks " ; letter to William Stewart, Closebum, dated " Glencairn Kirk, Thursday even." Lent by George Gray. 1014. Scrap in Burns's handwriting — "O'er the Moor," etc. Four Hnes. Lent by Walter M'llvean. 1015. Two lines from the original MS. of "The Twa Dogs." Lent by the Directors of the Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries. 1016. Letter from Burns to Mr. James Clarke, schoolmaster, Moffat, as to Johnstone of Annandale, dated Dumfries, lOth January, 1792. Lent by fohn Maclauchlan. 1017. Leaf of Burns's Excise Book, 1790. Lent by Miss S. P. Bennet. 1018. Letter from Burns. Facsimile. (149) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. J. Greenshields. 1019. Letter from Burns to Mr. George S. Sutherland, at Sir J. Hutchison's, near the Post Office, Dumfries, enclosing verses: Ellisland, probable date, 1788, endorsed by his widow before witnesses, 1824. Lent by Morison Brothers. 1020. "The Song of Death." Facsimile. Published by Morison Brothers as a supplement to " Burns's Chloris (a Reminiscence), by James Adams, M.D." Lent by the Directors of the Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries. 1021. Letter from Burns containing original of "The Wounded Hare." No address, but dated 21st June, 1789. Lent by Philip Sulky. T022. Lines to Burns written by Dr. John M'Kinnell Taylor relating to the Mantelpiece No. 635. Lent by Adam Wood. 1023. MS. of Burns's first song, beginning " O, once I lov'd a bonie lass." Autograph. Lent by fames Porteous. 1024. Unpublished Verse by Burns copied from a window in Kirkliston, where he slept a night on his way to Edinburgh in 1786. Lent by fohn Adamson. 1025. Music of "The German Lairdie," with title in the handwriting of Burns. Lent by f. f. Greenshields. 1026. Letter from Burns to John M'Murdo, Drumlanrig, the Duke of - Queensberry's representative, dated Sanquhar, 26th November, 1788. Lent by f. Sharp. 1027. Playbill of Drama, " Robert Burns." Produced in the Adelphi Theatre, Edinburgh, 14th August, 1844, on the occasion of "Scotland's Festival in honour of her Bard." ( 150) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by A. M. Black. 1028. Extracts from a Letter from Sarah Cameron, granddaughter of Burns, to her brother, on a sermon by the Rev. Fergus Ferguson, dated Glenbrook, i8th May, 1869. Lent by the Directors of the Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries. 1029. "The Whistle." Original MS. Lent by the Arbroath Museum. 1030. Letter from Burns to Mr. James Burness, Montrose, dated Mossgiel. 26th September, 1786. Lent by the Trustees of the late W. Nelson. 1 03 1. Draft of an Epistle to Mr. Graham, Fintry, beginning " Fintry^ my stay in worldly strife." Autograph. (See No. 1044.) Lent by St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. 1032. Minute Book of St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton, showing sig- nature of the Poet to various entries in 1786. Lent by Dr. William Frazer. 1033. Robert Burns. Engraving— J. Horsburgh, after Peter Taylor, and Letter to Clarinda signed "Sylvander." Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. 1034. "Scots wha hae." Facsimile of No. 1056. Lent by f. f. Greenshields. 1035. Draft of the Prologue spoken by Mr. Woods at the Dumfries Theatre, 1787. Autograph. Lent by George Gray. 1036. Two lines of the music of the " Braes o' Mar." Title and music in the handwriting of the Poet. Lent by James Sinton. 1037. Letter from Burns as to his health, dated " Isle, Sunday morn." { 151 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Robert B. Adam, Esq., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A., per Hew Morrison, Public Library, Edinburgh. 1038- 1043. The Adam Collection. CASE A 1. Inscription "written on the blank leaf of a copy of the last edition [? 1793] of my poems, presented to the lady whom, in so many fictitious reveries of passion, but with the most ardent sentiments of real friendship, I have so often sung under the name of — Chloris." This is evidently a draft of the Inscription. 2. Address to Edinburgh. The only other known copy is that presented by Burns to Lady Don, and now in the library of the University of Glasgow. 3. Draft copy of the Epistle to Robert Graham, Esq., of Fintry, requesting a favour. 4. Revised copy of above. This is the First Epistle to Graham, composed in 1788. 5. Draft copy of the Second Epistle to Graham of Fintry, dated 5th October, 1791. The lines commencing "O Dulness, portion of the truly blest" were inscribed in a letter to Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop, on 1st January, 1789. (See No. 15.) 6. "The auld man's mare's dead." This version copied by Burns is not generally known. 7. Ode to Washington. No other copy of the whole of this ode in the Poet's handwriting is known. This was purchased at a sale in London in 1892. 8. Inscription on a copy of his poems [Kilmarnock, 1786] which he "sent to an old sweetheart then married." Paraphrase of Jer., ch. xv. 10. 9. Fragment. Elegy intended for Miss Burnet. The finished elegy has one introductory and two concluding verses not in this copy. CASE B 10. Letter [unpublished] to William Dunbar, Writer to the Signet, St. David Street, Edinburgh, to which are prefixed the original and the altered lines written in Carse Hermitage. 11. Letter to A. Cunningham, Edinburgh, dated Dumfries, 5th February, 1792. (152) 1^ I ^/ ?/' LA. \ \ «Wy ^rvx & %wW ^^f^ ^^^^ / o^ ni. )? wj aJua l^< 'i^mmf am/ ^ /f\mm^ ~m^ / ^i MANUSCRIPTS, &c The Adam Collection — continued. 12. Letter to Mr. Hill at Mr. Creech's, Edinburgh, dated Mauchline, 19th July, 1787. 13. Letter to Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop House, Stewarton, dated Ellisland, 4th March, 1789, and bearing the Dumfries post-mark of 9th March. 14. Letter [unpublished] to David Staig, Esq., Dumfries, undated. 15. Letter to Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop, inscribed in which are twenty lines commencing "O Dulness, portion of the truly blest," intended to be interwoven in "The Poet's Progress." 16. Portion of Excise Book kept by Burns. 17. Letter [unpublished] to William Dunbar, Writer to the Signet, St. David Street, Edinburgh. 18. Letter to Professor Dugald Stewart, dated "Ellisland, near Dumfries, 20th Jany., 1789." Accompanying this letter was a copy of the Epistle to Graham of Fintry, probably No. 4. CASE C 19. Ode to the departed Regency Bill. Scott Douglas stated in 1878 that the copy in Captain Riddel's volume was the only known manuscript. This copy has seven lines not in that manuscript, and they are hitherto unpublished. The first two unpublished lines are — "By Opposition's eager hand, Grasping at an airy wand." The other five form the sixth to the tenth lines of the third stanza, and are as follows : — " An' who are these that cijtially rejoice ? Jews, Gentiles, what a motley crew ! The iron tears their flinty cheeks bedew, See how unfiirled the parchment ensigns fly, And Principal and Interest all the cry." 20. Letter to Mrs. Walter Riddel, Halleaths, undated. August, 1795, is the date assigned to this letter. 21. Fragment of Letter to Clarinda, signed "Sylvander." This is a fragment of letter No. 22 in M'Lehose's " Correspondence between Bums and Clarinda." It was sold in this condition by auction in Edinburgh on Friday, loth May, 1844. 2 2. Bums's second Letter to Clarinda. This letter was written on Saturday, 8th December, 1787, from No. 2 St. James Square, Mr. Cruickshanks' house, to which Clarinda addressed the letter No. 28 in this collection to him. The signature " Robt. Burns " has been cut out. The words cut out on the other side of the leaf by this were "The Cushion. So if I don't". ( 153) THE BURNS EXHIBITION The Adam Collection — continued. 23. Masonic Invitation addressed to Dr. Mackenzie, dated 14th June, A.M. 5790 [1786] inserted in a volume of Chambers's edition opposite the printed copy, which differs slightly from the MS. 24. Letter to Clarinda, signed "Sylvander." The date assigned to this letter is 14th March, 1788. CASE D 25. Letter from Mrs. M'Lehose [Clarinda] to Miss Lyle of Camus Eskin, Dumbarton,, afterwards of Manchester, dated 20th April, 1825. This letter is interesting as showing Mrs. M'Lehose's powers as a corre- spondent. The letter is of a gossipy character, with several religious reflections. 26. Mrs. M'Lehose's Bible, with her autograph on the title. [1790.] 27. Letter from Mrs. M'Lehose [Clarinda] to Miss Lyle, dated i8th February, 1825. 28. Letter from Clarinda [Mrs. M'Lehose] to "Mr. Burns at Mr. Cruick- shanks'. No. 2 St. James Square, New Town." This letter is No. 8 in M'Lehose's "Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda." 29. Portrait of Clarinda about 1825. This portrait was acquired by Mr. Adam along with Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, and several other relics of Burns's favourites. 30. Letter from Mrs. M'Lehose [Clarinda] to Mr. Aitken, dated " 14 Calton Hill, 25th October, 183 1." The reference to Demerara is in connection with her grandson's proposed settling in that island. 31. Original MS. of Bonie Jean or "There was a lass and she was fair." The following interesting certificate is pasted on the blank paper at the end of the MS. : — "Dumfries, June 29th, 1838. The above is the original copy of Burns' song or Pastoral Ballad on Miss Jean Macmurdo of Milnhead, and it is in his own handwriting. It will be seen that it differs consider- ably from the printed copy in the fourth volume of his Works as edited by Dr. Currie of Liverpool. It is a curious and striking illustration of the Poet's own declaration that all his poetry was the result of easy composition and laborious correction. The manu- script was presented by me to my friend, Mr. Smith of English Street, Dumfries. Robert Burns, eldest son of the Poet." 32. An Epistle to Davie, a brother Poet, Lover, Ploughman, and Fiddler. Jan., 1785. Lent by J. J. Greenshields. 1044. Unfinished Poem, in Burns's autograph, undated — " Fintry, my stay in worldly strife." (See No. 103 1.) ( 154 ) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by the Trustees of the late W. Nelson. 1045. Letter from Burns to Mr. Alexander Cunningham about writing " The Wounded Hare," dated Ellisland, 4th May, 1789. Lent by Fred Finlayson. 1046. MS. of "The Five Carlins." Autograph. Lent by J. Parker Smith, M.P. 1047. Letter from Burns to " Rev. Mr. George Lowrie, Newmills," dated Edinburgh, 5th February, 1787. Lent by Robert Bums Begg. 1048. Letter from Burns to his brother William, dated " Isle, March 2nd, 1789." Lent by the Canterbury Caledonian Society, New Zealand. 1049. Letter from Burns to "Mr. Hill, at Mr. Creech's shop, Edinr.," dated " Berrywell, 24th May, 1787." Lent by J. Barclay Murdoch of Capelrig. 1050. Poem by Burns on the escape of Glenriddell's fox. Autograph. 105 1. Poem by Burns — "No Spartan tube," etc. Autograph. Lent by the Directors of the Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries. 1052. Poem written in Friars' Carse Hermitage, beginning "Thou whom Chance may hither lead." Autograph. Lent by the Arbroath Museum. 1053. " The Deil's awa' wi' the Exciseman." Autograph, Lent by William E. Rennie, 1054. Letter from Burns to William Niven, dated Maybole, 30th August, 1786. Lent by Archibald Munro. 1055. Letter from Burns to Robert Ainslie, dated Mauchline, 23rd August, 1788. (155) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Corporation of Edinburgh. 1056. "Scots wha hae." Autograph. Presented to the Corporation by John S. Kennedy of New York, 29th July, 1890. Lent by George Gray. 1057. Scrap in Burns's handwriting, addressed to John M'Murdo, Drumlanrig. Lent by Fred Finlayson. 1058. Burns's last Letter from the Brow Well, addressed to James Gracie, Dumfries, dated " Wden-morn, 16 July, 1796." Lent by St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. 1059. Letter from Burns to St. James' Lodge, dated Edinburgh, 23rd August, 1787. Lent by the Corporation of Edinburgh. 1060. Letter from Burns to James Burness, writer, Montrose, headed "Townfield six o'clock morning," and dated September, 1787. Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Museum. 1061. Letter from Gilbert Burns to William Thomson, Dumfries, dated Grant's Braes, 14th April, 18 10. Lent by the Corporation of Edinburgh. 1062. Letter from Burns to James Burness, writer, Montrose, dated Inverness, 4th September, 1787. Lent by John Adamson. 1063. Music of "Wha is that at my bower door?" with title in the handwriting of Burns. Lent by Adam Wood. 1064. "Nannie O!" Autograph. (156) f / / \Lt-:f^rLix' yy»dciU^r tii>L(Cyy\vii. fV^V'^^f^^^ ftmo. ■ /^O ic ^TmA^ ■\I-/^^ MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. 1065. Letter from Burns to John, Earl of Glencairn, dated "Dumfries, Monday even." Lent by the Trustees of the late IV. Nelson. 1066. "The Whistle," with certificate signed " Wm. Paterson, 67 Princes Street, Edinburgh, July 13, 1880." Original MS. Lent by Dr. John Dougall. 1067. Part of the Silk Gown worn at her marriage by Jean Armour. Lent by James Porteous. 1068. Letter from Burns to Lord Glencairn accepting invitation to dinner, undated. Letit by Fred Finlayson. 1069. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Mr. C. J. Finlayson, dated Grant's Braes, 23rd January, 1821. 1070. Letter from Allan Cunningham to Mr. C. J. Finlayson, dated 27 Belgrave Place, London, 23rd October, 1824. 1071. Letter from Allan Cunningham to Mr. C. J. Finlayson, dated 27 Belgrave Place, London, 21st May, 1824, referring to Burns's last letter from the Brow Well. Lent by H. D. Colvill Scott. 1072. Menu Card for a " Burns Dinner." Lent by Robert Hutchison. 1073. "For a' that." Autograph. Lent by James Little. 1074. Order for £\ 8s. from John Finlayson to Robert Armour, dated Paisley, 8th July, 1801, and Letter by Robert Armour, brother of Bonie Jean, dated Mauchline, nth January, 1804. (157) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Bums Club. 1075. Song, "Tho' women's minds like winter winds." Copy from Burns's MS. in possession of John Crosble, f.a.c.s. Lent by the Corporation of Edinbwgh. 1076. Tack of ElHsland by Patrick Miller, Esq., Elliswainton, in favour of Burns, dated i8th March, 1788. Presented to the Corporation by A. ])obie, London. Lent by the Paisley Burns Club. 1077. Rhyming Acceptance of Invitation, in the handwriting of the Poet, dated " Mauchline, Mon. night." Lent by Sir James Fergiisson, Bart. 1078. Lines from " The Twa Dogs." Autograph. Lent by Dr. Alex. Maxwell Adams. 1079. "The Song of Death." Original MS. Lent by James Provan. 1080. Excise Return by Burns from 6th April to 24th May, 1791. Lent by Bowker & Son. 1081. Letter from Burns addressed "My dear Bryde," and dated Dumfries, i8th May, 1795. Lent by the Paisley Bums Club. 1082. " Gude Ale," etc., verses in the handwriting of the Poet. Presented to R. A. Smith for the Paisley Bums Club by Jno. Anderson, engraver, Edinr., 22 Nov., 1820. Lent by J. R. Findlay. 1083. End of Letter in handwriting of Burns, dated " Thursday noon." Lent by William Pollock. 1084. "The trout in yonder wimpling burn." Facsimile MS. { 158) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by the Sunderland Museum. 1085. " Holy Willie's Prayer." Original MS. Presented to the Museum by Mr. Wm. Allan, M.P. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 1086. "Scots wha hae." Facsimile MS. Lithograph— J. Anderson, 1850. Lent by the University of Edinburgh. 1087 and 1088. Manu-scripts. Song, "Muirlan' Meg." (Not in Burns's handwriting.) Epigrams, "On the Laird of Cardoness" and "On the Earl of Galloway." (Not in Burns's handwriting.) Letter to Lady Winifred Maxwell-Constable. Ellisland, i6th December, 1789. (Copy.) Part of an Epistle to Mr. Tytler of Woodhouselee, author of a "Defence of Mary Queen of Scots." May, 1787. "Revered defender of beauteous Stuart." (Copy.) Letter from Bums to Peter Hill, dated 2nd February, 1790. (Copy.) Letter Fragment relating to Creech, docketed 1791. (Copy.) Letter from ^Vill. Nicoll to " Mr. John Lowers, Officer of Excise, Dumfries," dated "Edin., Merchant Street, 30th August." Letter from James Johnson to Bums about songs. Letter from a gentleman evidently about the Excise. He says, "Mr. Burness would be of all others the gentleman under whose charge I should be happy to see him" (his son?). (Copy.) Letter by Mr. Lewars (?), per Mrs. Burns, intimating the death of the Poet. Evidently addressed to Captain Crosbie. (Copy.) Another of the same. (Copy.) Manuscript of ten pages, containing memoranda about Burns, Richmond, etc., by Joseph Train. The Election. (Copy.) Braw Troggin. (Copy). Key to the allusions in above. Note or letter by J. Train re Mr. King (a musician) and his connection with the Poet. ( 159) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the University of Edinburgh — continued. Manuscripts — continued. To the late Major Logan of Ayr. (Copy.) Notes by Mr. D. Auld of Ayr relative to the person represented by Burns as "Tam o' Shanter." Manuscript : a review of Thomson's publication of Scottish Songs and Airs, to which Burns contributed about one hundred. New edition in 5 vols., fol. 1826. Letters of Burns, MSS., etc., in the possession of the University : — To the Honourable the Bailies of the Canongate, Edinburgh, dated 6th February, 1787, re Fergusson's grave. To Dr. Moore, London, dated Edinburgh, January, 1787. To James Dalrymple, Esq., of Orangefield, on receiving a rhyming epistle from him, dated Edinburgh, February. (No year.) To the Earl of Buchan in an epistle of criticisms and advices from his lordship, dated Edinburgh, February, 1787. To the Rev. Mr. Greenfield enclosing two songs, the composition of two Ayrshire mechanics, dated December, 1786. To the Earl of Glencairn, Barntown. (No date.) To Lady Betty Cunningham, dated Ellisland, 15th May, 1789. To Lady Elizabeth Cunningham (?) dated 22nd January, 1789. To Lady Elizabeth Cunningham (?) dated 23rd December, 1789. To Lady H. Don, dated 23rd October, 1791, enclosing Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn. Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn. "A piece of new Psalmody said to be composed for and sung on the late joyful solemnity, the Twenty-third of April last, in a certain chapel of ease somewhere in the meridian of K-lm-rn-ck." "On seeing a fellow wound a hare with a shot, April, 1789." Address to Edinburgh. Verses intended to have been written below the picture of a noble Earl (Earl of Glencairn). "Jenny dang the Weaver." Verses by Mr. K . (Not in Burns's handwriting.) *'Ode to the memory of the Regency Bill, 1789." ( 160) '■■-■ -T^ 'a/rx.!^ u/ri/WHr>T^«/n.ije^ ^rruuf/'-de ^?^na;^. ^^rvcdt^i^ ■t^M^ Ai^ Xw*' '^^^-UH^/^-'m.ark Mi^r%4^^ jft^ ^lit^^ cM^«^ -mt A/i'yiM'r-t 4 'btH^fi' -ih^ X >T/rt,^'^?^.4<.cX ^^'^y-y. $ **»-_^» '3 MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by the University of Edinburgh — continued. Manuscripts — continued. "Holy Willie's Prayer." Fragments. To Mr. Robt. Aiken in Ayr, in answer to his mandate requiring an account of servants, carriages, carriage-horses, riding-horses, wives, children, &c., dated Mossgiel, May, 1786. The Kirk of Scotland's Garland : a new song, " Kirk's Alarm." Ode, "Sacred to the memory of Mrs. O of A ." To R G , Esq., requesting a favour. Written in Friar's Carse Hermitage, by Nithside, June, 1788. Another copy, with alterations. " Love and Liberty : a cantata " (first title of " The Jolly Beggars "). Copy of same. (Not in Burns's handwriting.) 1. Portrait of Dr. Carrie of Liverpool. 2. Letter from Burns to Mr. Robt. headed Cleghorn, Saughton Mills, Edinburgh, undated, enclosing song, " O wat ye wha that lo'es me." 3. Letter from Burns to Mr. Jas. Johnson, engraver, music shop, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh. Undated. 4. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Robert Ainslie, Esq., No. 5 Bury Street, St. James's, London, dated Grant's Braes, 8th April, 1808, re Cromek's "Reliques of Bums." 5. Letter from John Lapraik to John Richmond re his (Lapraik's) book of Poems. 6. Note from H. Alexander to Mr. Wilson re webs, dated " Ballamyle (sic) Monday." 7. Receipt signed by William Auld re minister's stipend, etc., dated 1 2th February, 1789. Letter from Gavin Hamilton to Mr. John Richmond, dated Mauchline, 7th September, 1787. Shoemaker's account at MauchHne, 1788, ^£2 los. First item: June 13th, "To pair shoes to Robert Burns, ^o 5s. gd." MS. notes by Burns, twelve pages, on songs, etc. MS. recollections of Burns and others, written by Alex. Young, Esq., of Harburn, W.S., 52 pp. ( 161 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Public Library of Edinburgh. 1089. Copy of Fergusson's Poems, 3rd edition, Edinburgh, 1785. with Burns's signature, and verses headed "Jeremiah 15 chap. 10 verse." This volume was given by Burns to Mrs. Dalziel, whose daughter Mary presented it to Sir James Gibson-Craig, 26th June, 1846. It was presented to the Library by WiUiam M'Ewan, Esq., M.P. Lent by the Corporation of Edinburgh. 1090. Account for ^5 10s. and Receipt, dated 8th February, 1792, from Robert Burn, sculptor, for the payment by R. Burns for the Monument to Robert Fergusson. Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 1091. Letter from Burns to Clarinda, beginning "I have ahnost given up the Excise idea," dated "Sunday noon, Sunday night, Monday morning." Lent by the Kilmarnock Burns Club. 1092. Manuscripts. The Holy Fair ; Address to the Deil ; John Barleycorn ; Scotch Drink ; Man was made to Mourn ; The Twa Dogs ; The Cotter's Saturday Night ; The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer ; To J. S. ; A Dirge ; An Epistle to Davie ; The Death an' Dying Words o' poor Mailie; Poor Mailie's Elegy. 1093. Manuscripts. Letter to Robert Muir ; Letter to Robert Ainslie ; Holy Willie's Prayer ; Occasional Address, spoken by Miss Fontenelle ; Epistle to a young Friend ; Letter from Gilbert Burns ; The Song of Death, transcribed by Thomas Campbell ; Holograph of Gavin Turnbull ; Holograph letter of Allan Cunningham ; Description of EUisland, by Allan Cunningham ; Holograph letter from R. H. Cromek ; Holograph letter from Thos. Stothard, R.A. ; Tam o' Shanter; Lament of Mary Queen of Scots ; To Miss Burnett ; Letter from Burns, dated Stirling, 28 August 1787; Letter from James Ballantyne ; Letter from Sarah Douglas ; Holograph of James Hogg ; Letter from Col. Wm. Nicol Burns ; Letter from Robert Burness to Gavin Hamilton, 1783. (162) GALLERY No. Ill MANUSCRIPTS IN CASES Lent by George A. Macniillan. 1094. Burns's Edinburgh Commonplace Book, beginning 9th April. 1787. Lent by William Law. 1095. Burns's Commonplace Book, 1783-85. Original MS. 1096. The Commonplace Book. Printed from the original MS. Lent by Miss Gladstone. 1097. Letter from Burns to David Blair, Birmingham, with the copy of " Friars' Carse Hermitage." dated Ellisland, 23rd January, 1789. Lent by William Law. 1098. "The Fornicator: A New Song." Tune, "Clout the Cauldron." Lent by the Rev. Canon Tristram. 1098A. " Strathallan's Lament," in the Poet's handwriting, inserted in vol. iv. of the second edition of " The Works of Robert Burns." Published by Cadell, jun., and W. Davis, London ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh. 1801. ( 163) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Robert Carfrae. 1099. Lines by Burns to Captain Riddel of Friars' Carse. Auto- graph. Lent by the Irvine Burns Club. 1 100. Manuscripts. The Cotter's Saturday Night: The Twa Dogs; Scotch Drink; The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer; The Holy Fair; and Address to the Deil. These are portions of the original holographs of the Poet from which the first edition of his poems was printed. They were for some time in the possession of his friend Gavin Hamilton. Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. iioi. Song, " Sleep'st thou, or wauk'st thou?" Autograph. This MS. was given by Bums to a lady friend, who gave it to Dr. Blacklock in lieu of fees for professional services. The son of Dr. Blacklock afterwards gave it to a college friend. Lent by the Right Honourable the Earl of Dalhousie. 1 102. The Correspondence of Burns with George Thomson, em- bodying the most celebrated of the Poet's songs. Original MSS. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 103. Priced Sale Catalogue containing description of the Manu- scripts in No. 1 102. 1 104. Wax impression of the Poet's Seal described in No. 1 102. (See No. 700.) Lent by the Right Ho7iourable the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T. 1 105. Manuscripts. Ode to the memory of Mrs. Oswald of Auchincruive ; Verses written at Castle Gordon ; and the Chevalier's Lament. 1 106. "The Whistle.' Original MS. 1 107. "The Ordination." Original MS. 1 108. "The Brigs of Ayr." Original MS. (164) fjcJ^ i(hrt (/{ ^K. ^ccm^ fi^^\ i^K. ^«-, ^eA5 ^ Xt > •3. i .^^.^^ •v^ ^ w X ■-r-^;- H ^ > "V T »■^^ , V \ ^^^ . ^(rA I < f.; ■^//'.'Hjfy i-h ^'i!. "('/ , /' . '^i^-- /'/ /fti^ ^7rl4i^rA^^^y|^.y' i I - / . . . "^ — , MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockntaroon — continued. 1 143. Eight Letters from Mrs. Dunlop to Gilbert Burns. 1796- 1799. 1 144. Twelve Letters from R. Dunlop to Gilbert Burns. 1799- 1803. 1 145. Letter from Sir James Fergusson to Mrs. Dunlop with reference to a presentation to the Poet's family. 1 146. Service-copy Petition by David M'Clure, merchant, Ayr, against William Burns, tenant of Lochill, part of the Barony of Halfmark, Tarbolton, at the rent of ^130 sterling yearly by set from the Petitioner, alleging that William Burns owed him upwards of ^500, etc., wherefore warrant of sequestration was asked for, and interim warrant granted on 17th May, 1783, the date of service. 1 147. Letter of sixteen pages from Gilbert Burns to Dr. Currie giving information as to the dates of composition of several of the Poet's works, dated Mossgiel, ist April, 1798. 1 148. Letter from Dr. Currie to Gilbert Burns concerning the preface and dedication of the Life and Works, dated Liverpool, 3rd April, 1800. 1 149. Reply by Gilbert Burns to Dr. Currie, dated 8th April, 1800. 1 1 50. Precept on Decreet of Furthcoming, Wm. Burns against Robert Kennedy, Esq., and another, dated 26th April, 1771. 1 151. Contract of Marriage between Samuel Broun, son of John Broun, in Craigintoune, and Agnes Logie, daughter of John Logie, in Manunsheon, dated at Trewire, according to the commencement of the deed, 23rd October, 1713, but, according to the testing clause, 20th November, 17 13. 1 152. Renunciation by Joseph Norman, seedsman, Ayr, of all right of possession to those four acres of land or thereby at Alloway, the property of William Burns in Lochlie, dated 23 April, 1779. (169) 777^ BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon — continued. 1 1 53. Scroll of the Transactions of the Kilmarnock Farmers' Club, in the handwriting of Gilbert Burns, brother of the Poet, dated March (no year). 1 1 54. Three Letters from Dr. Currie to Gilbert Burns, dated (i) 13th August, (2) 17th October, and (3) 24th October, 1800. 1 155. Instrument of Seisin in favour of Elizabeth, Jean, Eleanora, Margaret, and Susanna Fergusson, daughters of the deceased William Fergusson of Doonholm, and also in favour of John Hunter, Writer to the Signet (Jean's husband), completing their title to a heritable bond, dated 9th November, 1776, granted in their favour by William Burns, tenant in Mount Oliphant, Ayr, for ^145 sterling upon the security of 7 acres 18 falls of ground feued to him by Alexander Campbell, Physician in Ayr, dated 19th and registered at Ayr 23rd December, 1776. 1 1 56. Copy of Letter from Gilbert Burns to William Roscoe, dated Grant's Braes, near Hamilton, 24th February, 1808. 1 1 57. Letter from William Roscoe to William Burns referring to the publication of the Poet's works, dated 9th March, 1808. 1 1 58. Letter from Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, to his uncle Gilbert Burns, dated Dumfries, 20th May, 1803. 1 1 59. Letter from Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, to his uncle Gilbert Burns, dated London Stamp Office, 15th September, 1804. 1 1 60. Letter from Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, to his uncle Gilbert Burns, dated ist August, 1807. 1 161. Letter from George Thomson to Gilbert Burns, with volume of " Collection of Scottish Songs," dated Trustees Office, Edinburgh, 30th January, 1800. (170) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon — continued. 1162. Autograph Poem of Wordsworth to the sons of Burns (1803), with letter annexed by Eliza Fletcher, dated Edinburgh, 1 0th November, 1806. 1 163. Five Letters from Sir James Shaw regarding Burns's family, etc. 1 800- 1 8 10. 1 164. Copy of Letter from Gilbert Burns to Robert Aiken, Ayr, as to obtaining a bursary for the Poet's eldest son Robert, dated 25th July, 1800. 1 165. Reply from Robert Aiken to Gilbert Burns, dated ist August, 1800. 1 166. Letter from Cadell & Davies to Gilbert Burns as to delivery of a parcel of the Poet's works, dated 2nd October, 1801. 1 167. Letter from Dr. Maxwell to Gilbert Burns as to application for bursary, dated 4th October, 1801. 1 168. Letter from Dav. Allison to James Candlish, dated Glasgow, 14th September, 1801, in answer to an application to take charge of Robert Burns, jun. 1 169. Letter from T. Candlish to Gilbert Burns, dated Edinburgh, 16th September, 1801, enclosing letter from W. Allison in reference to the Poet's eldest son Robert. 1 1 70. Letter from Professor W. Meikleham, Glasgow University, to Robert Aiken, promising to provide a bursary for Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, dated Glasgow College, 30th July, 1800. 1 1 7 1 . Letter from Professor Meikleham to Gilbert Burns regarding the bursary and board for Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, dated Glasgow College, 2nd October, 1801. 1 172. Letter from the Honourable Henry Addington to Sir James Shaw as to an appointment for Robert Burns, the Poet's eldest son, dated Downing Street, i6th May, 1804. (171) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns of Knockmaroon — continued. 1 173. Copy of Letter from Wordsworth to James Gray, dated Rydal Mount, 27th January, 1816. 1 1 74. Three Letters from John Murdoch to Gilbert Burns, dated (i) London, May 4, 1802 ; (2) Hart Street, Bloomsbury, November 5, 1803; (s) Hart Street, Bloomsbury, June 24, 1809. 1 175. Copy of "The Fete Champetre," written for John Ballantine, Ayr. "A bruised finger hindered me from transcribing my poem myself; so I am obliged to send you the inclosed rather incorrect one." 1 1 76. Copy of the Song "O Nannie! wilt thou gang wi' me?" In the autograph of Gilbert Burns. 1 1 77. Autograph Transcript of the Manual of Religious Belief by the Poet's father. 1 1 78. Preface to the Edition of the Poet's works published by Cadell & Davies in 1820, with marginal notes by Gilbert Burns. 1 179. Manuscript Note by Gilbert Burns referring to an Election Ballad. 1 1 80. Print of Gateway opposite Grant's Braes, sometime the home of Gilbert Burns and the residence of his mother, dated 1835. 1 181. Some of Gilbert Burns's Notes for Cadell & Davies' edition of the Poet's works. 1 182. Letter from W. Scott Douglas to Gilbert Burns, Esq., Knock- maroon Lodge, dated Edinburgh, 29th December, 1877. 1 183. Letter from Puttick & Simpson, London, dated 14th May, 1878, with marginal note by Gilbert Burns, as to sale of copy of First Edition. 1 1 84. Two Letters from James Burness, Montrose, to Gilbert Burns, in reference to a branch of the family in Carolina, dated (i) Montrose, 31st August, 1826, and (2) 23rd September, 1826. ( 172) n '/rif I r V." \ fvniuntf ^ fe/ti^a /wn/ii/e// iy\ ^^ aVu^ M^ffi^ '^^^, ?/J\».{'/ f^i ^( a^Jbf iJ^*^ /^i/Vt/M^ oioYni^f^ 7 U^ nmyA/l/f' ^/iOijd A^'j a^/aAAu Aff/fyyn /uJxAf/ iK'''*!./'^7?«/ .,«*■• MANUSCRIPTS, (Sfc Lent by Mrs. J. G. Bums of Knockmaroon — continiud. 1 185. Two Letters from James Burnes to Gilbert Burns, dated (i) Montrose, 29th January, 1827, and (2) Montrose, 12th March, 1827. 1 1 86. Letter from James Burnes to Mrs. Burns, dated Montrose, 19th April, 1827. 1187. Letter, from Robert Tannahill, the poet, to Thomas Stewart, bookseller, Greenock, with MS. poems, dated Paisley, ist March, 18 10. 1 188. Poem in autograph of Tannahill, "Fly we to some desert Isle." Lent by Rev. Henry Grey Graham. 1 1 89. Letters. 1. Letter from Bums to Rev. Archibald Laurie of Loudon, dated 13th November, 1786. 2. Fragment of Letter from Burns to Gavin Hamilton, dated 9th January, 1787. 3. Letter from Dr. Thomas Blacklock to Dr. George Laurie of Loudon, "which caused Burns to abandon his intention of going to Jamaica." 4. Letter from Dr. Thos. Blacklock to Dr. George Laurie regarding the publication of the second edition of Burns's poems. 5. Letter from Dr. Thos. Blacklock to Dr. George Laurie regarding the second edition of Burns's poems and his visit to Edinburgh, dated 12th December, 1786. Lent by Archibald Munro. 1 1 90. A poem by " Clarinda," signed and dated Edinburgh, July, 1807. 1 191. Lines copied from the Commonplace Book of Mr. Andrew Hunter Aiken, to whom Burns's " Epistle to a Young Friend " was addressed. Lent by Mrs. Murchie. 1 192. Minute Book of St. David's Lodge, Tarbolton, from 1773, giving date of Burns's entry to that Lodge, 4th July, 1781. (173) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by C. C. Maxwell. 1 193. List of Excise Pensioners, including the name of Jean Armour, widow of the Poet, 1805. Lent by George Henry Edington, M.D. 1 194. "The Excise Officer's Pocket Companion," by James Craig, officer of Excise ; printed at Edinburgh " for the author," 1 794 ; formerly the property of the Poet. This book was given to Dr. Edington's grandfather in 1837 by the Poet's eldest son, and bears an inscription to that effect. Lent by George Dobie. 1 195. "The General Gauger, or the principles and practice of gauging beer, wine, and malt, by John Doughartt, teacher of the mathematics at Worcester. London : printed by James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1 7 1 9 " ; formerly the property of the Poet. Lent by Mrs. Bawd. 1196. Excise Memoranda in the handwriting of the Poet. Lent by Miss MacDougall. 1197. Excise Return by Robert Burns. Facsimile. Lent by C. C. Maxwell. 1198. Excise Journal for June and July, 1795, kept by Supervisor Alexander Findlater, with several references to Robert Burns. One of these is " Admonish Mr. Burns." Lent by James Provan. 1 1 99. "8th Round Diary" of Alexander Findlater from loth June to 2ist July, 1792, with Reports on Burns and other Officers. Lent by C. C. Maxwell. 1200. Leaf from the Excise Memorandum Book of Burns. 1201. Letter from Burns to Alexander Findlater, 1794, containing an unpublished additional verse to " Lassie wi' the lint- white locks." ( 174 ) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by C. C. Maxwell — continued. 1202. Letter from Alexander Findlater to John Corbet, formerly- one of his assistants, dated 26th October, 1839. 1203. Copy of Letter from John Corbet, Excise Ofificer, Dundee, to James Steel, of the Excise Office, London, referring to the Burns Festival held at Ayr, 6th August, 1844. 1204. Obituary Notice of Alexander Findlater, at one time Officer of Excise, Burns's immediate superior officer and intimate friend, written by John Corbet, Collector of Excise, Dundee. Lent by William Moir Bryce. 1205. Original MS. of the Pastoral Poem of the "Gentle Shepherd," by Allan Ramsay. This MS. was presented by the Poet in March, 1737, to his patroness, Susanna, Countess of Eghnton, by whom it was presented to James Boswell, the celebrated biographer of Dr. Samuel Johnson. It remained in the Auchinleck Library until two or three years ago, when the contents of the Library were dispersed at Sotheby's, by the Hon. Mrs. Mounsey. Allan has prefaced the following note: — " The Gentle Shepherd : A Scots Pastorall Comedy. By Allan Ramsay. "Written in the years 1724 and 1725, at the 40th of his age. — This " is the originall manuscript from which the coppys were printed ; "Presented to my Patroness, March 2d, 1737, after my having "seen reprinted Six Editions of it, a thousand each time in Edr., "besides two in London, one in Dublin, and one in Glasgow — "and be it kend to you, curious posterity, that the performance "has received the universall approbation, as I hope it will from "you Thousands of years hence. N.B. — The additional songs "were added to the Fourth Edition about the year 1732 by the "author." There is also the following explanatory note on the cover by Sir Alexander Boswell (who was killed in the duel in 1822 with Stuart of Dunearn) : — " This MS. was presented to my father "(with flattering expressions of regard) by Susanna, Countess of " Eglinton, the last time he visited her. I have preserved the "original binding to shew the form in which Allan offered it at "the Shrine of Susanna. I have put 1725 as the date, tho' the "dedication appears to have been jj, and altered by the author "to 25, 1804. "Alexander Boswall." (175) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew J. Kirkpatrick. 1 206. The Gentle Shepherd : a Pastoral Comedy, by Allan Ramsay, Edinburgh, 1808. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. T207. Manuscript of Allan Ramsay. " To the Right Honourable Susana, Countess of Eglintoun, The Muse's Salutation, after the late bad weather preceding the New-Year's Day, MDCCXXxiii." Lent by Mrs. Thojnson Sinclair. 1208. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson acknowledg- ing present of "the songs," dated Dinning, 14th March, 1800. 1209. Letter from James Glencairn Burns (just appointed a cadet) to George Thomson, asking for a copy of the songs, dated 15th May, 181 1. 12 10. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson on the subject of editing his brother's works, etc., dated Grant's Braes, 25th June, 18 16. 121 1. Letter from Mrs. Burns to George Thomson about an application having been made to her for the portrait of her late husband in order that a bust might be done from it, dated Dumfries, 2nd October, 18 16. 1 2 12. Letter from Mrs. Burns to George Thomson asking for a print of her late husband to send to her son in India, etc., dated Dumfries, 19th November, 181 7. 1 2 13. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson regarding what he proposes to say in his brother's vindication, dated Dumfries, 9th December, 18 17. 1 2 14. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson, expressing, inter alia, doubts as to the authenticity of two little poems published in Dr. Carrie's edition, dated Grant's Braes, i6th July, 1818. (176) mr~iLt^ 4 . 4 "If ** V MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by Mrs. Thomson Sinclair — continued. 1 21 5. Letter from Mrs. Burns to George Thomson acknowledging receipt of her late husband's portrait and three copies of the fifth Scottish volume, dated Dumfries, i6th July, 181 8. 1 2 16. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson, treating of Jeffrey's criticism of the Poet, etc., dated Grant's Braes, 3rd June, 1 8 19. 1 2 17. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Mrs. Thomson about his son John's proposed application for a college bursary, dated Grant's Braes, loth August, 1819. 1 2 18. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Mrs. Thomson as to the names of the heroines of Burns's songs, dated Grant's Braes, 19th September, 18 19. 1 2 19. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson, enclosing the names, so far as known, of the heroines of Burns's songs, dated Grant's Braes, 21st October, 1819. 1220. List of the names of the heroines of Burns's songs mentioned in No. 1 2 19. 1 22 1. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson about the portrait by Beugo, dated Grant's Braes, 24th September, 1821. 1222. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson about the likeness of his brother in Nasmyth's picture and Beugo's engraving, dated Grant's Braes, 2nd July, 1821. 1223. Letter from Mrs. Burns to George Thomson as to her husband's portrait, dated Dumfries, 8th October, 1821. 1224. Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel William Nicol Burns to George Thomson thanking him for the gift of the original model of Flaxman's statue of the Poet, dated Cheltenham, 1 2th April, 1847. (177) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Thomson Sinclair — continued. 1225. Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel William Nicol Burns to George Thomson acknowledging the safe arrival of the model of his father's statue, dated Cheltenham, 25th May, 1847. 1226. Letter from Gilbert Burns to George Thomson regarding Lockhart's proposed life of the Poet, dated Grant's Braes, 19th January, 1826. 1227. Letter from Collector Alexander Findlater to George Thomson regarding Allan Cunningham's edition of Burns, dated Glasgow, 30th December, 1837. Lent by James Tennant. 1228. Two Letters from Elizabeth, Countess of Glencairn, to the Rev. Mr. Grant, Ochiltree, dated (i) Coats, 7th January, 1789, and (2) 1 2th February, 1789. 1229. Letter from Elizabeth, Countess of Glencairn, "To the Misstress of the Spining School at Ochiltree, to the care of the Rev. Mr. Grant," dated Coats, 30th June, 1789. Lent by Mrs. Annie W. Rennie. 1230. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Ralph Sillar, Hillhead, Mauchline, about rotation of crops, etc., dated Grant's Braes, 3rd June, 1807. Letit by Archibald Munro. 1 23 1. Letter from Sir Walter Scott to George Thomson accepting an invitation to attend a Burns Club Dinner on 22nd February, dated ist February, 18 19. Lent by Robert Burness. 1232. Copy of the Will of "James Burnace in Bralinmuir," grand- father of the Poet, dated 14th June, 1740. Taken from Stonehaven Sheriff Court Records. 1233. Genealogy of the Burns family. (178) MANUSCRIPTS, &c Lent by Alexander Skene. 1234. Letter from Burns to Dr. Moore, introducing the Rev. Mr. Nielson, dated Ellisland, 23rd March, 1789. Lent by Charles Stuart Burness. 1235. Covers of Bible, with registers of births, etc., of the Poet's uncle Thomas and his descendants. The above-named Thomas was bom in Glenbervie, Kincardineshire, in February, 1728, and migrated into England. He returned, however, some years after, and died in his native place. He spelt his name Burnes, but his sons and daughters, of whom he had several, spelt theirs Burness. The owner of these covers, Mr. C. Stuart Burness, is a great-great-grandson of the above-named Thomas. The interior of these Bible covers was burnt by an ignorant ser\'ant girl who, morning by morning, pulled leaves there- from to kindle the fire, much to the regret and pain of Mr. C. S. Burness's father, Mr. Benjamin Thomas Burness, in whose service she was. Lent by A. M. Munster. 1236. Song, "O how can I be blythe and glad?" Autograph. Lent by George Gray. 1237. Blank receipt form for "Subscription Copy of the Posthu- mous works of Mr. Burns, published for the benefit of his widow and children." Lent by C. E. Stewart. 1238. Epitaph on Thomas Kirkpatrick, late blacksmith in Stoop, in the handwriting of Burns, in pencil first, and inked over 8th May, 1865. by D. C. Pagan. Lent by Malcolm Macdonald. 1239. Three Letters from Dr. Robert Chambers to Hugh Macdonald (1850-51) regarding information for Dr. Chambers's edition of Burns. Lent by C. C. Maxwell 1240. Letter from Dr. Robert Chambers to John Corbet, dated 3rd January, 1854. (179) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by C. C. Maxwell — continued. 1241. Letter from Dr. Robert Chambers to John Corbet, requesting to see the diary of Supervisor Findlater, and copy of Mr. Corbet's reply, dated 30th December, 1853. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1242. Facsimile of the handwriting of Burns (entries in the Family Bible), made by Charles Mackie, 1847. Lent by Thomas J. Wise. 1243. Letter from Burns to Peter Miller, jun., with two epigrams and " A New Scots Song. Tune, ' The Sutor's Dochter.' 'Wilt thou be my Dearie?'" dated November, 1794. Lent by C. C. Maxwell. 1244. Letter from J. Corbet to J. Innes, Greenock, with remittance of ;^20 IS. in aid of a monument to Highland Mary in Greenock, dated 20th March, 1841. (See No. 1251.) Lent by Bernard B. Macgeorge. 1245. Letter from Mrs. Agnes M'Lehose to Allan Cunningham, dated Edinburgh, i6th July, 1834. 1246. Letter from Chas. Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Allan Cunningham, dated "New Athens, 6th June, 1835." J 1247. Letter from William Wordsworth to Allan Cunningham, dated 14th June [1834?]. Lent by C. C. Maxwell 1248. Article on Allan Cunningham's "Life of Burns," written by Alexander Findlater, contributed to " Johnston's Edinburgh Magazine." The article calls in question some statements by Cunningham as to Burns's connection with the Excise, and the treatment he received at the hands of the Board of Excise. (180) <- •('^ /i 4' V '■>H nnK\ 'o.< r^^ .^cx^ .^^.//A /lO.rV ,.x^5<^ _ ^v ^^^ cc^^ij^olQ- t^ (pl iOJo 187-189 B— ENC Stirling, - iLAND. II 349 Alnwick, - - Nos. 350-362 Manchester, - - Nos. 686-689 Derby, " « 363-366 Newcastle-on- Tyne, - II 690-705 Durham, - " )» 367 Oxford, - - II 706 Halifax, - J> 368-406 Wakefield, - II 707 Liverpool, ' >» 407 York, - 11 708 London, - ' »> 408-685 C— IRi :land. Belfast, - - Nos. 709-734 Dubhn, - - - Nos. 737-745 Cork, ■ » 735-736 D— THE UNITED SI ^ATES OF AMERICA. Baltimore, - - - Nos. 746-747 Philadelphia, - - Nos 789-809 Boston, - " l» 748-765 Salem, - i» 788 Hartford, - ■ J> 766 Wilmington, - it 810 New York, " )» 767-787 E — Editions of the Correspondence of Sylvander and Clarinda, - - Nos. 811-829 F — Translations and Continental editions of the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns, „ 830-877 (199) THE BURNS EXHIBITION PART II.— BURNSIANA. A — Biographies, criticisms, etc., B — Poets' praise of Burns, --------- C — Periodicals, containing articles on Burns, . _ . . . D — Works by contemporaries and friends of Bums, - - - - E — Works relating to the Land of Burns, ----- - F — Works illustrative of the Writings and the Land of Burns, - G — Miscellaneous, ---------- Bindings, ----- Books with inscriptions and autographs, etc., - - - - - Single poems of Burns, --------- "Tam o' Shanter," --------- "The Cotter's Saturday Night," ------ "The Jolly Beggars," -------- Song-books and Chap-books containing Songs by Burns, - Publications at Centenary of birth of Burns, 1859, - - - - Music, ------ Miscellaneous (including books from the Library of Mr. Bernard B. Macgeorge), - - - - Editions of Allan Ramsay's Poems and Songs, - - - - - Editions of Robert Fergusson's Poems, ------ Chronological list of dated editions of the Writings of Burns, - Index of writers on Burns, -------- Index of bookbinders represented at the Exhibition, - - - - Works relating to Robert Burns from the Library of the late A. C. Lamb, Esq., F.S.A.Scot, Dundee, ------ Index of lenders, ---------- Nos. 878-981 982-1000 1001-1017 1018-1041 1042-1068 1 069-1080 1081-1097 1098-1150 1151-1240 1241-1334 1252-1275 1276-1296 1297-1305 133S-1353 1354-1396 1397-1413 1414-1455 1456-1459 1460-1473 Pp- 437-5= ,, 451-54 » 455 ,. 457-88 „ 489-506 Notes. — Sizes of books are given from the "demy" book scale. The scale is in two columns: one for " narrow " books— those in which the breadth of leaf is less than three-fourths the height ; the other for broader books. In cases where the size as stated differs from the fold, the number of leaves to the sheet is added. Sizes and heights are as follow : — 48mo. 31" 32mo. 44" i8mo. ^ 6" i2mo. = 74" 8vo. = 9" La. Svo. = io4" Sm. fol. = 134" Fol. = 18" Broad. 64mo. = 3" 24mo. = 44" l6mo. = 6" Sm. 4to. =.- 9" 4to. = 12" Conjectural dates are not assigned to books which do not bear date of publication upon their title-pages (or elsewhere). Exception, however, is made in the cases of a few editions published during recent years. ( 200 ) GALLERY No. I PART I. EDITIONS OF THE WRITINGS OF BURNS Arranged in Alphabetical Order, according to place of publication. A-SCOTLAND. ABERDEEN. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. The works of Robert Burns ; with An Account of his Life, and a criticism on his writings, &c. By James Currie, M.D. A New Edition, with many additional pieces. In two volumes. Edinburgh : published by George Clark, Aberdeen. W. Aitchison, Printer. [i8mo., fours and eights.] mdcccxxv The complete works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. A new and complete edition, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Aberdeen : published by George Clark and Son. Ipswich : J. M. Burton. [i2mo.] mdcccxlviii Another issue, with portrait. Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. (201) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 3. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : published by Newman & Co. Aberdeen : Clark & Son. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccl ARBROATH. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 4. The Beauties of Burns, the Celebrated Ayrshire Poet. London : published by A. Cleugh. J. Findlay, Printer, Arbroath. [i2mo.] 1803 Other copies, lent by James Falconer and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 5. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. A new edition, which includes all the poems and songs, in that printed at Edinburgh, in 1787, under the author's own inspection. London : published by A. Cleugh, No. 14, Ratcliff High-way : and sold by the principal book-sellers. J. Findlay, Printer, Arbroath. [i2mo., fours.] 1803 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Re-issue. London: printed and sold by J. White, 15, Ratcliff-highway. [J. Findlay, printer, Arbroath.] 1824 AYR. Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. The poems & songs of Robert Burns, with a Life of the Author, containing a variety of particulars, drawn from sources inaccessible by former biographers. To which is subjoined, an appendix, consisting of a panegyrical ode, and a demonstration of Burns' superiority to every other (202) BOOKS poet as a writer of songs, by the Rev. Hamilton Paul, minister of Broughton, Glenholm & Kilbucho. Air : printed by Wilson, M'Cormick & Carnie. [i2mo., sixes.] 1819 Lent by Barty M^Farlane. Another copy. Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, George Gray, W. A. Scott Mackirdy and John Morgan, are in the lower case. Lent by W. M'Innes. — Copperplate from which engraved title and frontispiece to the Ayr, 18 19, edition were printed. - Proof from the plate. BERWICK. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 10. Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, by Robert Burns. In two volumes. A New Edition, which includes all the Poems & Songs in that printed at Edinr. in 1787 under the Author's own inspection ; Also his life & an Appendix, containing his other Select Pieces. [Portrait of Burns.] Berwick upon Tweed : Printed by H. Richardson. [i2mo., sixes.] 1801. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 11. Another issue, with imprint: — Berwick upon Tweed: Printed by H. Richardson, & sold by David Forbes, Edinr. 1801 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, George Gray, J. Barclay Murdoch and the Burgh of Dunoon, are in the lower case. Lent by Alexander Macmillan. Another copy, the two volumes in the same boards. (203) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 12. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. In two volumes. By Robert Burns. To which is prefixed the life of the author. [Quotation.] All the Poems and Songs that were in the Edition printed at Edinburgh in 1787, are in these Two Volumes. [Portrait of Burns.] Berwick : printed by H. Richardson, for J. Taylor, bookseller. [i2mo., sixes.] 1801 Another copy, lent by Barty M'Farlane, is in the lower case. DUMFRIES. Lent by Alexander Patterson, M.D, 13. The songs of Robert Burns. [Portrait of Burns.] Dumfries. Printed and published by David Halliday. [i2mo., fours.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. Another copy. DUNBAR. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 14. Poetical Works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life. Embellished with cuts. [Vignette.] Dunbar : printed by and for G. Miller. [i8mo., twelves.] 1818 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library, Glasgow. 15. The poetical works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, Written expressly for this Edition ; and an enlarged and corrected glossary. Dunbar : published by William Miller, bookseller. James Allan, Printer, East Lothian Printing Office, Haddington. [i8mo., twelves.] 1834 ( 204 ) BY ROBERT BURNS. SUBSCRIPTIONS arc taken inbyWiLLIAMCREEC the Crofa, tdinburgh, to whom priTate Subfcriptioo-papen may be*fcnt, filled op. 1 EoiNBOROit, December 14. lyUiK 'PROPOSALS roR-^RINTING, B T SUBSCRIPTION, .i^ ' .'fi- lm One Volumt OHavOy price Five ShiUmgs in boards, f A SECOND EDITION. WltaCORRECTIONS ASH ADDITIONS, ^ OF P OEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT WE SUBSCRIBERS oblige our/ehe$ to take the umber of Cofiet ef BURNS'* POEMS, anfttxrd to owr Subfcriptions. 1 4^0* i RnnKQ"! BOOKS DUNDEE. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1 6. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; as edited By James Currie, M.D. A New Edition, with many additional pieces, and a life of the author. In two volumes. Dundee: printed and published by D. Hill, and sold by William Livingstone, bookseller, Dundee. [i8mo., twelves.] mdcccxxxiv Lent by James Falconer. 1 7. Poems by Robert Burns, with his life and character. Dundee : printed by F. Ray, High-street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1802 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. EDINBURGH. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 17A. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With an account of his life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] Edinburgh. Printed for the booksellers. By Abernethy & Walker. [iSmo., sixes.] 1808 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 18. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, to which is prefixed a Sketch of his Life. [Vignette : " The Cottage where Burns was born."] Edinburgh : printed by W. Aitchison. i [i8mo., twelves.] 182 1 \ Another copy, lent by the Kilmarnock Monument I Museum, is in the lower case. i Lent by Alexander Skirving. 19. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, to which is prefixed a Sketch of his Life. [Vignette : " The Cottage where Burns was born."] Edinburgh, Printed By Wm. Aitchison. [i8mo., fours and eights.] 1824 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. ( 205 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 20. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; With his Songs and Fragments. To which is prefixed, a sketch of his life. Edinburgh : printed for Peter Brown, Nicolson Street. By W. Aitchison. [i8mo., twelves.] 18 19 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. 21. The poetical works of Robert Burns: with an account of his life, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. Edinburgh : Peter Brown. [iSmo., eights.] 1836 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 2 1 A. Re-issue, 1837. 22. The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Complete in one volume. Edinburgh : Peter Brown, 59, South Bridge. [8vo.] 1837 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and the Kilmar- nock Monument Museum, are in the lower case. 23. Re-issue of No. 21. 1838. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 23A. Re-issue of No. 22. Edinburgh : published by Peter Brown. mdcccxxxviii Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 24. The entire works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are pre- fixed, some observations on the character and condition of (206) BOOKS the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and cor- rected Glossary. Diamond Edition. Embellished with an original design from The Cotter s Saturday Night. Edin- burgh : published for the proprietor, by James Chambers, Hanover Street ; W. S. Orr, and Simpkin & Marshall, London ; W. Curry, Jun. & Co., Dublin ; J. M'Leod, Glasgow ; and Bancks & Co., Manchester. [i8mo., twelves.] mdcccxxxiii Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. 25. The poetical works of Robert Burns. To which are now added, notes illustrating historical, personal, and local allusions [by Robert Chambers]. Edinburgh : published by William and Robert Chambers ; and W. S. Orr and Company, London. [La. 8vo.] 1838 26. The prose works of Robert Burns, with the notes of Currie and Cromek, and many by the present editor [Robert Chambers]. Edinburgh : published by William and Robert Chambers ; and W. S. Orr and Company, London. [La. 8vo.] 1839 Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. Lent by Mrs. Bums Thomas. 27. The life and works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. In four volumes. Edinburgh : William and Robert Chambers. [i2mo., eights.] 1851 [-1852] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and John Murison, are in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 28. Re-issue, 1859. 29. Re-issue, i860. (207) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Publishers. 30. Re-issue, undated. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 31. Another copy. With MS. notes on the text in the holograph of William Bell Scott. Volume I. shows his book-plate. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and G. B. M'Murtrie, are in the lower case. 32. Printers' "copy" of the Chambers "Library Edition." In six volumes. [Fol-] The "copy" consists of the 185 1-2 edition laid down on sheets, on which MS. additions were made by Dr. Chambers. 33. The life and works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Library Edition. In four volumes. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh and London. [8vO.] MDCCCLVI [-MDCCCLVII] In parts, in green wrappers (as issued). 34. The life and works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Library Edition. In four volumes. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh and London. [8vO.] MDCCCLVI [-MDCCCLVI1] In volumes. Vol. I. with autograph "Robert Browning, April 27, '89." Another copy, lent by John Murison, is in the lower case. 35. Re-issue, undated. With MS. alterations and additions by William Scott Douglas. Lent by the Publishers. 36. Re-issue, 1891. 2)"]. The life and works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Revised by William Wallace. In four volumes. [Vols. I and 2.] W. & R. Chambers, Limited, Edinburgh and London. [Svo.] 1896 (208) BOOKS Lent by James Mackenzie, J. P. 38. Copy on large-paper. [Vols, i and 2.] — Another copy on large-paper, lent by the publishers, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 39. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. With an account of his life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] Edinburgh : printed for A. Constable & Co. ; W. Anderson, Stirling ; T. Donaldson, Dundee ; and Vernor, Hood, Sharpe, & Co., London. [i8mo., sixes.] 1807 40. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, April 7, 1787. Showing advertisement of publication of the first Edinburgh edition of Burns's Poems. Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 40A. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh : printed [by William Smellie] for the author, and sold by William Creech. [8vo., fours.] mdcclxxxvii Inserted is a copy of the printed "Proposals for printing, by sub- scription. In one volume, octavo, price Five shillings in boards. A Second Edition, with corrections and additions, of Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Bums. . . ." With the names of nineteen subscribers. On a fly of the volume is a note in the autograph of John Dillon, donor of the Thomson portrait of Burns to the National Portrait Gallery, London. Lent by the Royal Caledonian Hunt. 41. The Royal Caledonian Hunt: [Notanda.] Edinburgh: Printed by R. Clark. [Sm. 4to.] 1871 Showing entry in minutes of meeting of loth January, 1787, "in favour of Mr. Burns of Ayrshire, who had dedicated the New Edition of his Poems to The Caledonian Hunt." Lent by W. A. Coats. 42. Another copy of 40A. From the "Young" sale. ( 209) THE BURNS EXHIBITION - Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett, N. Campbell, George Gray, James Hogg, Barty M'Farlane, James G. Mackenzie, David Mackay, W. A. Scott Mackirdy, John Waugh and Archibald Munro (the copy which belonged to George Thomson), are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 43. Another copy, showing (page 263) the address "To a haggis." Lent by D. M' Naught. 44. Second (?) issue, showing the misprint — stinking for skinking — in the address " To a haggis." Hence called "stinking" issue. Lent by John M'Millan. 45. Another copy, from which the London edition of 1787 was printed, containing instructions, by Creech, to the printer. Lent by George Gray. 46. A copy of the London edition of 1787, showing instruc- tions carried out. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 47. Portrait of Burns on India paper — full size of the sheet — of the Beugo engraving prefixed to the 1787 — 1800 (copyright) editions of the Poems. 48. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. The second edition considerably enlarged. Edinburgh : printed for T. Cadell, London, and William Creech, Edinburgh. [8vo., twelves.] mdccxciii Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, W. Campbell and John Waugh, are in the lower case. (210) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 49. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. A new edition, considerably enlarged. Edin- burgh : printed for T. Cadell, London, and William Creech, Edinburgh. [8vo., twelves.] mdccxciv Reprint of the edition of 1793. 50. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. A new edition, considerably enlarged. Edin- burgh : printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, London ; and William Creech, Edinburgh. [8vo.] mdccxcvii Reprint of the edition of 1794. Another copy, lent by James Hogg, is in the lower case. 51. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. A new edition, considerably enlarged. Edinburgh : printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, London ; and William Creech, Edinburgh. [8vO.] MDCCXCVIII Reprint of the preceding edition. With autograph and book-plate of Charles S. Keene. Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, J. W. F. Cullen and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Robert Birbeck. 52. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. A new edition, considerably enlarged. Edin- burgh : printed by Adam Neill and Co. for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, London ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh. [Svo.] 1 800 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Mrs. E. Barclay, Barty M'Farlane and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. (211 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 53. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh; printed for Denham & Dick, 19, College Street, by Thomas Oliver. [i8mo., sixes.] 1805 Another copy, lent by George Gray, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 54. Another issue. Edinburgh, Printed for Denham & Dick, 19, College Street, and J. Scott, 442 Strand, London. 1805 55. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With his life and character. Edinburgh, printed by Thomas Turnbull, for Denham & Dick, No. 19, College- street, and sold by J. Story, Belfast. [i8mo., sixes.] 1805 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 56. The poetical works of the late Robert Burns ; with an account of his life. A new edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's, that never made their appearance in the copy-right edition. Embellished with Copperplates. Edinburgh: printed for J. Dick, 142, High Street. [i2mo., sixes.] 1816 ^y. Works of Robert Burns. With Life, by James Currie, M.D. In two volumes. Edinburgh : Published by J. Dick & Co. W. Aitchison, Printer. [i6mo.] mdcccxxv 58. Re-issue, mdcccxxviii. 59. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. [Vignette : " Burns' Cottage."] Edinburgh : Published by Doig & Stirling. [i8mo., eights.] 181 5 (212) "♦"P" POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT ^ B Y ROBERT BURNS. EDINBURGH.- V PRINTED FOR THE ADTHOB, AND SOLD I^'Y WILLIAM CR£EQH. M.DCC.LXXXWU «} VC Vj ■=^3 < books; BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 60. The poetical works of Robert Burns : to which is prefixed a sketch of his life. In two volumes. Edinburgh : printed by C. Stewart ; and sold by Doig and Stirling. [i8mo., eights.] 181 7 Another copy, lent by George Gray, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitdiell Library. 60A. A complete collection of the songs of Robert Burns, extracted from his works and various other publications. Edinburgh : printed by C. Stewart ; and sold by Doig & Stirling. [ I Brno., eights.] 181 7 Lent by J. Barclay Murdoch. 61. The poetical works of the late Robert Burns : with an account of his life. A New Edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's, that never made their appearance in the copy-right edition. Edinburgh : printed for Don & Grant, publishers, Crosscauseway. [i2mo., sixes.] 18 13 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 62. Re-issue. Edinburgh : printed for Dons & Grant, pub- lishers, no. 7, Alison's Square. 18 14 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 63. Re-issue. Edinburgh : printed for Don & Grant, pub- lishers, no. 7, Alison's Square. 1815 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 64. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Including a number of Original Pieces, some of which were never before published. Edinburgh : Printed by J. Findlay, and sold by the Principal Booksellers. [Price 5s. bound.] [i6mo., fours.] [18 16] (213) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 65. Another copy, with portrait and a Dublin title-page. 66. The Works of Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life and a Criticism on his Writings ; to which are prefixed some Observations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co. [i2mo.] mdcccxxv 67. Family edition. The poetical works and letters of Robert Burns, with copious marginal explanations of the Scotch words, and life. Eight Engravings on Steel. Edinburgh : Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street. [i2mo., eights.] 68. 69, 70. Other issues. 71, 72. Other issues, in different bindings. Le7it by the Mitchell Library. 7 2 A. Another issue. Gall & Inglis, London : 30 Paternoster Row. Edinburgh : 6 George Street. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 'J2,' (In this Edition the more Objectionable Passages and Pieces are excluded.) The poetical works and letters of Robert Burns, with copious marginal explanations of the Scotch words, and life. • Eight Engravings on Steel. Edinburgh : Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street. London : Houlston & Wright. [i2mo., eights.] 73A. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and a complete marginal glossary. Edited by John & Angus Macpherson. With Portrait and Illustrations. London : Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Edinburgh : John Grant. And sold by all booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] (214) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 74. The entire works of Robert Burns, with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Edinburgh : Alexander Gunn, 37 South bridge. [i2mo., sixteens.] Other copies, lent by M. M'G. Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 75. The works of Robert Burns : containing his poems, songs, anrl rr.rr«^cr>,-..i^^^'-" wT.^x. T -e ^ 2Xi^ Notes, Critical and nam. And many notes by lomas Campbell, Thomas 'per, Cromek, Allan Cun- ningham, Dr. Currie, Hazlitt, James Hogg, Lord Jeffrey, T. Landseer, Lockhart, Motherwell, Sir Walter Scott, Professor Wilson, Wordsworth, &c., &c., &c. With illustrations on steel. In two volumes. Edinburgh : Alex. Hutchison & Co., 20 Cockburn Street. [La. 8vo.] 1864 Lent by the Mitcltell Library. 76. Re-issue. Edinburgh : James Inglis, 20 Cockburn Street. 76A. Re-issue. In one volume. Edinburgh: Thomas C. Jack, 59 South Bridge. Lent by the Publishers. "]"]. The poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. With Etchings by William Hole, R.S.A. [In four volumes. Vols. 1-2.] [Vignette.] Edinburgh : T. C. and E. C. Jack, Causewayside. [Svo.] 1896 " Illustrated edition." 78. Copy on large-paper. (216) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 65. Another copy, with portrait and a DubUn title-page. 66. The Works of Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life and a Criticism on his Writings ; to which are prefixed some Observations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co. [i2mo.] mdcccxxv 67. Family edition. The poetical works and letters of Robert Burns, with copious marginal explanations of the Scotch words, and life. Eight Engravings on Steel. Edinburgh : Gall & Inglis, 6 Georp-e Street. [i2mo., eights.] 68. 69, 70. Other isj Nos, 67-72 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 71, 72. Other issues, in different bindings. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 7 2 A. Another issue. Gall & Inglis, London : 30 Paternoster Row. Edinburgh : 6 George Street. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. y^. (In this Edition the more Objectionable Passages and Pieces are excluded.) The poetical works and letters of Robert Burns, with copious marginal explanations of the Scotch words, and life. ■ Eight Engravings on Steel. Edinburgh : Gall & Inglis, 6 George Street. London : Houlston & Wright. [i2mo., eights.] 73A. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and a complete marginal glossary. Edited by John & Angus Macpherson. With Portrait and Illustrations. London : Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Edinburgh : John Grant. And sold by all booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] (214) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 74. The entire works of Robert Burns, with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Edinburgh : Alexander Gunn, 37 South bridge. [i2mo., sixteens.] ■ Other copies, lent by M. M'G. Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 75. The works of Robert Burns : containing his poems, songs, and correspondence. With Life and Notes, Critical and Biographical, by Allan Cunningham. And many notes by Gilbert Burns, Lord Byron, Thomas Campbell, Thomas Carlyle, Robert Chambers, Cowper, Cromek, Allan Cun- ningham, Dr. Currie, Hazlitt, James Hogg, Lord Jeffrey, T. Landseer, Lockhart, Motherwell, Sir Walter Scott, Professor Wilson, Wordsworth, &c., &c., &c. With illustrations on steel. In two volumes. Edinburgh : Alex. Hutchison & Co., 20 Cockburn Street. [La. 8vo.] 1864 Lent by the Mitclull Library. 76. Re-issue. Edinburgh : James Inglis, 20 Cockburn Street. 76A. Re-issue. In one volume. Edinburgh : Thomas C. Jack, 59 South Bridge. Lent by the Publishers. "jy. The poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. With Etchings by William Hole, R.S.A. [In four volumes. Vols. 1-2.] [Vignette.] Edinburgh : T. C. and E. C. Jack, Causewayside. [Svo.j 1896 " Illustrated edition." 78. Copy on large-paper. THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Publishers. 79. The poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by William Ernest Henley and Thomas F. Henderson. Volume I, poems pub- lished at Kilmarnock, 1786; additional poems, Edinburgh, 1787: 1793 [Volume H, Posthumous pieces.] Edinburgh: T. C. and E. C. Jack, Causewayside. [Svc] 1896 "Library edition." Lent by Barty M^Farlane. 80. Copy on Japanese vellum. — — Another copy on Japanese vellum, lent by the publishers, is in the lower case. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 81. Works of the late celebrated Robert Burns, with a sketch of his Life & Character. Edinburgh : printed by J. John- stone, Strichen's Close, and Sold at his Book Shop, Black- friars Wynd. [48mo., eights.] 1805 Other copies, lent by James Falconer and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 82. Works of the late celebrated Robert Burns ; with a Sketch of his Life. Edinburgh : Printed by John Johnstone, High Street. ' [48mo., eights.] 1807 Another copy, lent by E. C. Whiteinch, is in the lower case. 83. The life and works of Robert Burns, as originally edited By James Currie, M.D. To which is prefixed, a review of the life of Burns, and of various criticisms on his character and writings. By Alexander Peterkin. A new edition. [In four volumes.] Edinburgh : Printed by Michael Anderson, for Macredie, Skelly, and Muckersy, 52, Prince's Street, Edinburgh. [8vo.] 181 5 84. Re-issue, undated, ( 2I6 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 85. The poetical works of Robert Burns, complete. With a sketch of his life, and remarks on the general character of the Scottish peasantry. Edinburgh : published by Robert Martin, Brown's lane. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxlvii Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 86. Poems bv Robert Burns : with an account of his life, And Miscellaneous remarks on his writings. Containing also many poems and letters, Not printed in Doctor Curries edition. In two volumes. [Quotation.] Edinburgh : printed for the trustees of the late James Morison, by John Moir, Royal Bank Close. [Svo.] 181 1 The "Account of Burns's Life" was written by Josiah Walker. Other copies, lent by M. M'G. Campbell and John Highet, are in the lower case. Lent by George Gray. 87. Copy on large-paper. — Another copy on large-paper, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibsofi. 88. The poetical works of the late Robert Burns : with an account of his life. A New Edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's, that never made their appearance in the copy-right edition. Edinburgh : printed for Thomas Neilson \_sic\, publisher, West Bow. [i2mo., sixes.] 1813 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 89. The works of Robert Burns, with an account of his life, criticism on his writings, &c., &c. As edited By James Currie, M.D. A new edition. In four volumes. Edin- burgh : printed for Thomas Nelson, West Bow, By W. Blair, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 1818 (217) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 90. The poetical works of the late Robert Burns ; with an account of his life. A new edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's, that never made their appearance in the copy-right edition. Edinburgh : printed for Thomas Nelson, Head of the West Bow. [i2mo., sixes.] 1820 In two parts. With autograph "Philip James Bailey" on title. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 91. The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Complete in one volume. Edinburgh : published by Thomas Nelson. [8vO.] MDCCCXXXVIII Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. 92. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Complete in one volume. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown, [SVO.] MDCCCXXXI Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. 93. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxxxii Lent by Andrew Gibson. 94. Re-issue, mdcccxxxiv. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 95. Re-issue of No. 92. 1835. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. (218) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 96. Re-issue of No. 93. mdcccxxxvi. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 97. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. [In two volumes.] Edinburgh : James Nichol, 9 North Bank Street. London : James Nisbet and Co, Dublin : W. Robertson. [8vo.] mdccclvi Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 98. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. The text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. In two volumes. Edinburgh : James Nichol. London : James Nisbet and Co. Dublin : W. Robertson. Liverpool : G. Philip & Son. [8yo.] mdccclxiv 99. Re-issue. Two vols, in one. Edinburgh : James Nichol. London : James Nisbet and Co. Dublin : Geo. Herbert. Liverpool : G. Philip & Son. mdccclxvi Lent by the Mitchell Library. 100. Poems & songs by Robert Burns. With original illustrations by R. Herdman, R.S.A., Gourlay Steell, R.S.A., Waller H. Paton, R.S.A., D. O. Hill, R.S.A., Samuel Bough, A.R.S.A., John M'Whirter, and other eminent Scottish artists. Engraved by R. Paterson. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo. [Sm. 410., twos.] mdccclxviii Lent by Dr. Patterson. lOi. The "Edina" edition. Poems & songs by Robert Burns. With original illustrations by R. Herdman, R.S.A., Gourlay Steell, R.S.A., Waller H. Paton, R.S.A., D. O. Hill, R.S.A., Samuel Bough, A.R.S.A., John M'Whirter, A.R.S.A., and (219) THE BURNS EXHIBITION other eminent Scottish artists. Engraved by R. Paterson. William P. Nimmo : London, 14 King William Street, Strand, and Edinburgh. [Sm. 4to.] mdccclxxv — Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 102. Re-issue, 1888. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 103. Re-issue, undated. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 104. The complete works of Robert Burns. Including his corre- spondence, etc. With a Memoir by William Gunnyon. The text carefully printed, and illustrated with notes. With portrait and illustrations on wood by eminent artists. Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo. [La. 8vo.] 1865 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 105. Re-issue, [1869.] Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 106. Re-issue, 1874. ("Nimmo's Standard Library.") 107. Re-issue, 1877. ("The Excelsior Edition.") Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 108. Re-issue, 1885. ( 220) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 109. Re-issue, 1886. (" Nimmo's Standard Library.") no. Re-issue, 1888. ("Nimmo's Standard Library.") 111. Re-issue, 1892. 112. Re-issue, 1892. ("Nimmo's Standard Library.") 113. Re-issue, undated. ("Complete Edition.") Lent by the Mitchell Library. 114. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by John S. Roberts. With an original memoir by William Gunnyon. With portrait and illustrations on wood by eminent artists. Fifteenth Thousand. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo. [i2mo., eights.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 115. Re-issue ("Twenty-first Thousand"), also undated. 116. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir by William Gunnyon. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo. [i2mo., eights.] 1874 117, Re-issue, 1876. 117A. - — - Re-issue, 1877. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 118. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns. With an original memoir by William Gunnyon. [Vignette.] William P. Nimmo : London, 14 King William Street, Strand ; and Edinburgh. [i2mo., eights.] 1877 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 119. Re-issue, 1878. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 120. Re-issue, 1884. ("Red Line Edition.") (221) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 121. Re-issue, 1887. ("Red Line Edition.") 122. Re-issue, 1888. ("Red Line Edition.") 123. Re-issue, 1890. 124. Re-issue, 1891. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 125. Re-issue, 1892. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 126. Re-issue, 1893. 127. Re-issue, 1895. ("Red Line Edition.") Lent by W. Craibe Angus, 128. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes. The text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. In two volumes. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo. [8vo.] 1868 Another copy (the two volumes in the same boards), lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 129. Poetical works of Robert Burns. A New Edition. With a complete glossary. William P. Nimmo : London, 14 King William Street, Strand ; and Edinburgh. [i8mo., twelves.] 1875 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 129A. — — Re-issue, 1878. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 130. Re-issue, undated. ( 222 ) BOOKS ■ Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 131. Copy on large-paper. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 132. Another copy. 133. The complete prose works of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo. [i2mo., eights.] [1865] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 134. Re-issue, [1867.] 135. Re-issue, 1871. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case 136. Re-issue, 1873. 137. — — Re-issue, 1876. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 138. • Re-issue, 1878. ("Red Line Edition.") Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 139. Re-issue, undated. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 140. The works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish Peasantry. As edited By James Currie, M.D. A new edition. In four volumes. Edinburgh : printed for Ogle, Allardice & Thomson, and Stirling & Slade, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 1820 ( 223 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Another copy, lent by J. D. Spence, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 141. Poems by Robert Burns, with his life and character. In two volumes. Embellished with beautiful Engravings. Edin- burgh : Printed by Oliver & Co., Fountain Well, High Street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1801 142. Another issue, with imprint : — Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co. Sold by A. Guthrie, T. Brown, and A. Mackay, Booksellers. 1801 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 143- Another issue, with imprint : — Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co., High Street [v. 2 : Fountain Well]. Sold by J. & J. Scrymgeour, and Brash & Reid, Booksellers, Glasgow. 1 801 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 144. Poems by Robert Burns ; with his life and character, and a Complete Glossary. Embellished with a Portrait of the Author. [Vignette.] Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co., Fountain Well, High Street. [i8mo., twelves.] 1802 Another copy, lent by George Gray, is in the lower case. Lent by George Gray. 145. The poems of Robert Burns. A new edition. [Vignette.] Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co., Netherbow. [32mo., eights.] 1806 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. ( 224 ) BOOKS Lent by W. M. Clark. 146. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. [Vignette, with quotation.] Published by Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. [i8mo., eights.] [1807] Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 147. The works of Robert Burns. A New Edition. Edinburgh : Printed by and for Oliver & Boyd, Netherbow. [48mo., twelves.] 1809 Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 148. Another issue, with imprint : — Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Boyd. 1809 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 149. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Published by Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] [18 13] Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and John M'Millan, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 150. The Poetical works of Robert Burns; with a life of the author. Embellished with a Frontispiece and Vignette. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd, High Street. [i8mo,, sixes.] 1814 Lent by Robert Rowat. 150A. Another copy, dated 18 13 on front board. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 151. Another copy. (225) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 152. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. To which is prefixed, the author's life. [Vignette.] Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd, High Street. [i8mo., twelves.] 1816 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 153. Poems and songs, by Robert Burns. With A short Sketch of the author's life, and a glossary. Edinburgh ; published by Oliver & Boyd. [i8mo., twelves.] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 154. The Poetical works of Robert Burns. To which is prefixed, the author's life. [Vignette.] Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, High-street : sold also by all the booksellers in the United Kingdom. [iSmo., twelves.] 18 19 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 155. Another copy. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 156. The Poems of Robert Burns. To which is prefixed the author's Life. Edinburgh : Printed for Oliver & Boyd. [i6mo., eights.] 1820 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 157. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edin- burgh : Oliver & Boyd ; and Wingrove, London. [ 1 6mo.] ( 226 ) BOOKS Lent by Dr. Patterson. 158. The works of Robert Burns, containing I. all his writings, as published by Dr. Currie, & Others; II. a variety of pieces, collected from miscellaneous publications; and III. Some Original Letters. In three volumes. Edinburgh : printed and sold by John Orphoot, Blackfriars Wynd. [i8mo., sixes.] 1820 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and James Falconer, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 159. Another copy, the three volumes in the same boards. 160. The works of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] [In six volumes.] Poetry [Prose]. Edinburgh : William Paterson. [La. Svo.] MDCCCLXXVIl[-MDCCCLXXIx] The "Library Edition," by William Scott Douglas. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 161. Copy on large-paper (Whatman), untrimmed. Another copy, lent by George Gray, is in the lower case. — Another copy (trimmed), lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Aligns. 162. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Chronologically arranged. With notes, glossaries, and index. [Portrait of Burns.] [In three volumes.] Edinburgh : William Paterson. [i2mo., eights.] Another copy, lent by J. Mac Naught Campbell, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 163. Another copy, the three volumes in the same boards. (227) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 164. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by Wm. Scott Douglas. Illustrated with portraits and engravings after Sam Bough, R.S.A., W. E. Lockhart, R.S.A., etc. [In three volumes.] Edinburgh : William Paterson. [La. 8vo.] 1886 Re-issue of vols. 1-3 of the "Library Edition." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 165. The works of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] [In six volumes.] Poetry [Prose]. London : William Paterson & Co. [La. Svo.] MDCCCXCi Re-issue of the "Library Edition." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 166. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In three volumes. London : William Paterson & Co. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxcii Re-issue of No. 162. Lent by Barty M'Farlane. I 66a. Robert Burns' common place book. Printed from the Original Manuscript in the possession of John Adam, Esq., Greenock. Edinburgh: Privately Printed. [8vo.] 1872 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 167. Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. A New Edition. Edinburgh: Printed for Alex. Peat. [Svo.] 1820 Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 168. ^ Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] Edinburgh, Printed & Sold by James Robertson. [32mo., eights.] 1801 Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the ( 228 ) lower case. BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 169. Re-issue, 1802. Other copies, lent by John Highet and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. 170. The works of Robert Burns, with an account of his life, criticism on his writings, &c., &c. As edited By James Currie, M.D. A new edition. In four volumes. Edinburgh : printed for James Robertson, Parliament Square, and Wm. Nivison, North Bridge, Edinburgh. By W. Blair, James' Court. [i2mo.] 1818 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 171. The works of Robert Burns, with an Account of his Life, criticism on his writings, &c., &c. As edited By James Currie, M.D. In four volumes. With twenty-four elegant engravings. A new edition. Edinburgh : printed for James Robertson, and Stirling & Slade, Parliament Square, Edin- burgh ; Reid & Henderson, Glasgow ; and G. & W. B. Whittaker, London. [8vo.] 1819 Other copies, lent by David Adam and James Falconer, are in the lower case. 172. The poetical works of Robert Burns; with his songs and fragments. To which is prefixed a sketch of his life. Edinburgh: printed by W. Aitchison, 187, High Street, for James Sawers. [i8mo., twelves.] 181 5 173. The works of Robert Burns, with an account of his life, criticism on his writings, &c., &c. As edited By James Currie, M.D. A new edition. In four volumes. Edinburgh : printed for William Sawers, College Street, By Wm. Blair, James' Court. [i2mo.] 1818 ( 229 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 174. Selections From The Scotish poems of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] Edinburgh : printed by and for Walter Seyton, South Penguin street. Price Eighteen Pence. [i8mo., twelves.] 1834 175. Complete Collection of the Songs of Robert Burns. Edin- burgh : Printed by C. Stewart, and sold by Doig & Stirling. [i6mo.] 1819 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 176. The poetical works of Robert Burns : to which is prefixed a sketch of his life. In two volumes. Edinburgh : printed for Stirling & Kenney. [iSmo., eights.] 1831 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 177. Re-issue, 1834. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 178. Re-issue, 1835. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 179. Re-issue. Edinburgh : Printed for Stirling, Kenney, & Co. 1837 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 180. Another copy. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 181. The poetical works of Robert Burns: to which is prefixed a sketch of his life. In two volumes. Edinburgh : printed by C. Stewart ; and sold by Stirling & Slade. [i8mo., eights.] 18 19 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 182. Edinburgh Edition. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In three volumes. Edinburgh : James Thin. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxciii ( 230 ) BOOKS Lent by the Publisher. 183. The Works of Robert Burns. In six volumes. Edinburgh r James Thin. [La. 8vo.] 1895 Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 184. Robert Burns : poems and songs complete. [In three volumes.] Published by James Thin, Edinburgh. [i2mo., eights.] 1896 "Edinburgh Illustrated Edition." Professor Nichol's Essay on Burns forms a supplementary volume. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 185. The poetical works of the late Robert Burns. A new edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's that never made their appearance in the copy-right edition. Edin- burgh : printed by Thomas Turnbull, Old Assembly Close. [i2mo., sixes.] 1823 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and J. Barclay Murdoch, are in the lower case. 186. Another issue, with imprint : — Edinburgh : Printed by Thomas Turnbull for James Scott, Bookseller. 1823. FALKIRK. Lent by George Gray. 187. The Beauties of Burns. Falkirk : T. Johnston. [i2mo.] 1809 Lent by John M'Millan. 188. The beauties of Burn's (sic) Poems: consisting of the most admired pieces of that celebrated Scots poet. [Vignette.] Falkirk : printed & sold by T. Johnston. [i8mo., sixes.] 18 19 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 189. The most admired Poems of the celebrated Scots Poet, Robert Burns. Falkirk : Printed and sold by T. Johnston. [i2mo.] 1826 ( 231 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION GLASGOW. Lent by Mrs. James Barr. 190. The works of Robert Burns ; with Dr. Curries memoir of the poet, and an essay on his genius and character, by Professor Wilson. Also numerous notes, annotations, and appendices. Embellished by eighty-one portraits and land- scape illustrations. In two volumes. Blackie and Son, Queen Street, Glasgow ; South College Street, Edinburgh ; and Warwick Square, London. [La. 8vo., fours.] mdcccxuii[-mdcccxliv] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 191. Re-issue, mdcccxlvii. Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. 192. Re-issue, mdcccl. Lent by James Falconer. 193. Re-issue, mdccclix. • Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 194. The works of Robert Burns ; illustrated by an extensive series of portraits and authentic views. With a complete life of the poet : an essay on his genius and character, by Professor Wilson. And numerous notes, annotations, and appendices. [In two volumes.] London : Blackie & Son, Paternoster Buildings, E.C. ; Glasgow and Edinburgh. [La. 8vo., fours.] 1874 195. Re-issue, 1877. (232) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 196. The works of Robert Burns. With a series of authentic pictorial illustrations, marginal glossary, numerous notes, and appendixes ; also the life of Burns, by J. G. Lockhart ; and essays on the genius, character, and writings of Burns, by Thomas Carlyle and Professor Wilson. Edited by Charles Annandale, M.A., LL.D., editor of the " Imperial Dictionary," etc. [In five volumes.] London : Blackie & Son, 49 and 50 Old Bailey, E.G. Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin. [8vo.] 1888 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 197. Re-issue, 1890. Lent by the Publishers. 198. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [Portrait of Burns.] Glasgow : David Bryce and Son. [48mo., sixteens.] 1894 "Stanley Edition." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Another copy. Lent by the Publishers. 199. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With Brief Memoir. Complete Index Combining Titles and First Lines. Glossary. Illustrations by Faed, Harvey, Erskine Nicol, Archer, Burr, Macculloch. Glasgow : David Bryce & Son. [8vo.] Mi?cccxcvi Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 200. Pearl Edition. The poetical works of Robert Burns. In six volumes. Glasgow : David Bryce & Son. [48mo., eights.] One lent by the Publishers ; the other by Andrew Gibson. Two other copies, each in a box. (233) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 201. Pearl Edition. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Glasgow: David Bryce and Son. [48mo., sixteens.] 202. Pearl Edition. The poetical works [poems] of Robert Burns. Glasgow: David Bryce and Son. [48mo., sixteens.] 1894 203. Another issue, undated. 204. Pearl Edition. The songs of Robert Burns. Glasgow : David Bryce and Son. [48mo., sixteens.] 1894 Lent by the Publishers. 205. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. [Quotation.] Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. MDCCLXXXVI Reduced fac-simile of first edition ; issued (1895) by David Bryce & Son, Glasgow. The volume is enclosed in a box with magnify- ing glass in the lid. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 206. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With A Memoir of the Author's Life, and a copious glossary. [Portrait of Burns.] Glasgow : G. & J. Cameron, 67 Virginia-street. [i8mo., eights.] mdccclii [In the same boards with this is "The songs and ballads of Robert Burns, including a number of pieces not to be found in any other copy. New and improved edition. Glasgow : G. & J. Cameron, 67 Virginia-street, Publishers of School Books, Catechisms, Hymn Books, Toy Books, Histories, Song Books, Sacred Music Books, Music Tutors, &C. MDCCCLII."] Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. 207. Centenary edition. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and A Complete Marginal Glossary. Edited by John and Angus Macpherson. With (234) BOOKS Portrait and Illustrations. Glasgow : George Cameron, 194 Buchanan Street ; and sold by all booksellers. [ismo., eights.] 1859 208. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With A Memoir of the Author's Life, and a copious glossary. [Portrait of Burns.] Glasgow : John Cameron, 5 and 7 Renfield St., and sold by all booksellers. [i8mo., eights.] 1857 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 209. Re-issue, 1859. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 210. The songs and ballads of Robert Burns, including a number of pieces not to be found in any other copy. New and improved edition. Glasgow : John Cameron, 45 Queen Street, and sold by all booksellers. [i8mo., eights.] 1857 211. Re-issue of No. 208, 1865. Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. 212. Re-issue of No. 210. 1865. Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 213. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns, with Explanatory and Glossarial Notes, and a life of the author, by James Currie, M.D. New Edition. Glasgow: John Cameron, 175 Buchanan St. And sold by all booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] 1867 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. (235) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 214. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With his life and character. Embellished with an elegant head. Glasgow, printed by W. Lang, for Cameron & Co., booksellers, Trongate. [i8mo., sixes.] 1804 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, Alex. Skirving and Miss Stewart, are in the lower case. 215. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With his life and character. Edinburgh : printed by John Turnbull, High-street; for Cameron and Co., booksellers, Trongate, Glasgow. [iSmo., sixes.] 1804 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 216. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson, 88 and 94 West Nile Street. [i2mo., sixteens.] Two other copies, each in coloured-paper wrapper. Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Another copy. ("The Poetical Library.") Lent by John M'Millan. 2i6a. Cameron's Selection of Scottish Songs, words and music. In three parts. Glasgow: George Cameron. [i2mo.] 1857 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 217. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added. Several other Pieces, not contained in any former edition of his poems. Glasgow, Printed by Chapman & Lang, for William M'Lellan, bookseller and stationer, Trongate. [i2mo., sixes.] 1801 With full-page coloured frontispiece, " The House in which Bums was Born" — probably the first illustration of the "clay biggin" at Alloway. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. — Another copy. (236) POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DI4LECT. BY ROBERT BURNS. '■ gJifw-^jtfrti'Mnil A. NEW EDITION, CONSIDERABLY EHtAftC OF BURNS'S POEMS, ] INCLUDING A NOMIEK Of ORIGINAL PIECES VSVEK BirOKI P0BLI3BEB. WIT! UlS LIFE AND CHARACTER. ffitnbelltuf'eii toitli TO WHICH IS AUDIU; AN APPSifDJX COS3ISTDJO OF UU COEiJCSrdMriKCX \ri- Jl CLARINDA, ^r, GLASGOW: li3Tfntrt ^ Bi'atn, S-iofict mn Tor T. STEWART, BOOKSJELI.ER, GLASGOW WLIWED by THOMAS DITJCAK, 8A^J i8ci. 2ai (.SOOKSJ 223 (.BOOKS) BOOKS Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett, George Gray, Barty M'Farlane and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Letit by Andrew Gibson. 2x8. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added. Several other Pieces, not contained in any former edition of his poems, and a life of the author. Glasgow, Printed and sold by Chapman and Lang, book- sellers and stationers, Trongate. [i2mo., sixes.] 1801 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 219. Another issue, with imprint : — Glasgow : Printed and sold by Chapman and Lang, and Lackington, Allen & Co., London. 1801 Lent by George Gray. 220. Another issue, with imprint : — Glasgow, Printed and sold by Chapman and Lang, and Messrs. Vernor & Hood, London. 1801 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus, 22 1. Trial-proof — "The House in which Burns was Born" — of the Score-Scott plate intended for the Chapman and Lang, 1 80 1, edition. 222. Finished proof of the new plate — without the trees (shown in the other) at back of Cottage — used for the various issues of the Chapman and Lang, 1801, edition. Lent by Alexander Mac Donald. 223. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Glasgow: Printed by Thomas Duncan. [i2mo.] 1801 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 224. The complete works of Robert Burns, including his cor- respondence : and the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott ( 237 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION [and of James Thomson]. Illustrated with portraits, and numerous steel engravings. In two volumes. Glasgow and London : William Collins, Sons, & Company. [La. 8vo.] 1867 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 225. The "Grosvenor" Poets. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the best editions, with explana- tory glossary, notes, memoir, etc. London and Glasgow : William Collins, Sons & Co., Limited. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 226. The Grosvenor Poets. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited, with a critical memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Illus- trated by John Moyr Smith. William Collins, Sons & Co., Limited, London, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. [Svo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 227. Another issue. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 228. Burns in English. Select poems of Robert Burns. Trans- lated from the Scottish Dialect by Alexander Corbett. Published by subscription. Glasgow : William Corbett, II Walmer Terrace. 1892. All rights reserved. [8vo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 229. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Glasgow : Dunn & Wright, 176 Buchanan Street, and 102 Stirling Road. [i2mo., eights.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 229A. Another issue, in coloured-paper wrapper. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 230. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With A Memoir of the Author's Life, and a copious glossary. [Portrait of Burns.] Glasgow : J. P. Forrester, 102 Argyle Street. [i2mo., sixteens.] ( 238 ) BOOKS Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. 231. Complete Works of Robert Burns. Glasgow: Robert Forrester. [La. 8vo.] MDcccLxx The copy which belonged to the late George Augustus Sala, with his autograph on title. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 232. The works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Ettrick Shepherd, and William Motherwell, Esq. [In five volumes.] Glasgow : Archibald FuUarton, and Co., 34, Hutcheson Street ; and 31, South Bridge [v. 5 : 6, Roxburgh Place], Edinburgh. [i2mo., sixes.] i834[-i836] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 233. The preceding edition, in parts (with the cancelled leaves) as first issued. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 234. Re-issue, 1838. Lent by James Izett. 235. Re-issue, 1841. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 236. Re-issue, 1851. 237. Re-issue, undated. With ex-libris and autograph of, and notes on the text by, William Bell Scott. Other copies, lent by M. M'G. Campbell and John Murison, are in the lower case. ( 239) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 238. Price one penny. Choice selection of Burns' poems. Tarn o' Shanter, Cottar's Saturday Night, Dr. Hornbook, &c., &c. Glasgow : Robert Graham, 6 1 Eglinton Street. [i8mo.] 1887 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 239. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited, with copious notes and notices, critical and explanatory, by William Michael Rossetti. Published by the Grand Colosseum Warehouse Co 60 & 70, Jamaica Street, Glasgow. . . . [i2mo., eights.] 240. Another issue. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 241. The Letters of Robert Burns, Chronologically Arranged. Comprehending the whole of Dr. Currie's collection, and the most valuable portion of Cromek's Reliques. Glasgow : printed for Richard Griffin & Co., 64, Hutcheson-Street. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxxviii Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 242. The songs of Robert Burns, with his life and a glossary. [Vignette, with quotation.] Glasgow : Richard Griffin & Co. [32mo., eights.] mdcccxxxi Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 243. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] New edition, with memoir and glossary. [London and Glasgow : Richard Griffin and Company.] [La. 8vo.] ( 240 ) BOOKS Lent by Dr. Patterson. 244. The works of Robert Burns, containing his poems, songs, and correspondence, including his letters to Clarinda. With a life of the author, an essay on his genius and writings, and a glossary of the Scottish dialect. Embellished with engravings. Glasgow : printed for Richard Grififin and Co. [La. 8vo., fours.] 1845 Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 245. The poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer and Robert Burns. With introductory memoirs, notes and glossaries. London and Glasgow : Richard Grififin and Company. [La. Svo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 246. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With an account of his life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] Edinburgh. Printed for Robert Hutcheson, bookseller, Glasgow, By Abernethy & Walker. [iSmo., sixes.] 1807 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 247. The Works of Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] Glasgow : Published by James Imray, and John Dick, Edinburgh. [i6mo.] 1825 248. The Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. Glasgow : Printed for W. and P. Jenkins by W. Blair, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 1818 249. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Including all the poetry contained in Dr. Currie's edition, and Many other Pieces not Printed in the Copy-right Edition. To which is prefixed a sketch of his life. Glasgow : printed by Edward Khull & Co. for W. Sommerville, A. Fullarton, J. Blackie, & Co., 5, Saltmarket. [i2mo., sixes.] 18 16 With view — The Burns Cottage at Alloway — painted on fore-edge. (241 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 250. Re-issue, with imprint : — Glasgow : printed by Edward Khull & Co. for W. Sommerville, A. Fullarton, J. Blackie, & Co., East Clyde-street. 1819 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 251. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Including all the poetry contained in Dr. Curries edition, and Many other Pieces not Printed in the Copy-right Edition. To which is pre- fixed a highly interesting life of the author. Glasgow : Printed and Published by Khull, Blackie, & Co., and by Archibald Fullarton & Co., Edinburgh. [i2mo., sixes.] 1821 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 252. The Works of Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life. In four volumes. Glasgow : Printed for A. Leslie by W. Blair, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 18 18 253. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with his songs and fragments. To which is prefixed, a sketch of the author's life. Glasgow : printed for George Love & Co. [i8mo., twelves.] 1828 254. Complete Works of Robert Burns, chronologically arranged. In two volumes. Glasgow and Sydney : John M'^Gready, Publisher. [La. 8vo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 255. Another issue. "John M'=Gready, publisher, Glasgow." Another copy, lent by J. Barclay Murdoch, is in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 256. The works of Robert Burns, including his letters to Clarinda, and remarks on Scottish songs and ballads ; illustrated with historical and critical notes, biographical notices, and ( 242 ) BOOKS A Glossary of the Scottish Language ; with the life of the author, and an essay on his genius and writings, [Quotation.] Glasgow : Duncan Mackenzie, 48, Nelson Street. [8vo., fours.] 1836 — Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Leni by James Falconer. 257. The national Burns, edited by Rev. George Gilfillan, including the airs of all the songs and an original life of Burns by the editor. [In two volumes.] William Mackenzie, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh. [4to.] [1879-1880] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and M. M'G. Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 258. One hundred engravings. The Illustrated Family Burns. With an original memoir. Glasgow : William Mackenzie, 47, Howard Street. Edinburgh : 59, South Bridge. London : 22, Paternoster Row. [4to.] Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 259. The works and correspondence of Robert Burns, including his letters to Clarinda ; remarks on Scottish songs and ballads, illustrated with historical and critical notes, biographical notices, &c., &c. With an extensive glossary of the Scottish language ; a life of the author ; and an essay on his genius and writings, [Quotation.] William Mackenzie : London, 22 Paternoster Row. Glasgow, 43 & 45 Howard Street. Edinburgh, 59 South Bridge. [La. 8vo., fours.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 260. Another issue, also undated. (243) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Neilson. 261. Another copy. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 262. Re-issue of No. 256. Glasgow : Mackenzie, White & Co. 1845 263. Re-issue, undated. Another copy, without portrait. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 264. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Born 25th January, 1759. [Portrait of Burns.] Died 21st July, 1796. Issued as a Supplement to " Scottish Nights," 28th January, 1888. Maclaren & Sons, 128 Renfield Street, Glasgow. [Sm. 4to. Pp. 16.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 265. The works of Robert Burns, poetical and prose. The house- hold illustrated edition, specially prepared for family reading. Arranged and edited by "Gertrude" {i.e., Mrs. Simpson]. [In two volumes.] Glasgow and London : W. R. M'Phun & Son, publishers. [La. 8vo.] 1870 Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 266. Re-issue, 1874. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 267. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and a complete marginal glossary. With Portrait and Illustrations. Glasgow : John S. Marr, 194 Buchanan Street, successor to the late George Cameron. [i2mo., eights.] ( 244 ) mmmm ¥ / POEMS ASCRIBID TO ROBERT BURNS, THE AYRSHIRE BARD, KOT CONTAINED IN AMT EDITION OF HIS WORKS HITHERTO PUBLISHED. ■4 ■MMWWW^ RMM I M i w w \ L GLASGOW, PRINTED BY CHArMAN'& LANG, FOR THOMAS STEWART, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. I80I. i 276 C BOOKS) BOOKS Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 268. Re-issue. Glasgow: John S. Marr & Sons, 194 Buchanan St., Successors to the late George Cameron. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 269. Re-issue. (" M'-Kim's monumental edition of Burns.") 270. The select songs of Burns and Tannahill chronologically arranged, with memoirs. Glasgow : John S. Marr and Sons, 194 Buchanan Street. [i2mo., eights.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 271. Re-issue. Glasgow: Maurice Ogle and Company. 1871 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 272. The Complete Works and Correspondence of Robert Burns. Edited, with notes, by William Motherwell, Author of "Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern," and James Hogg, The Ettrick Shepherd. In Four Volumes. Glasgow : Thomas D. Morison. London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. [i2mo., eights.] [1895] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 273. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a copious glossary : to which is prefixed, a sketch of his life. Complete in one volume. [Quotation.] Glasgow : published by John Morrison, 21 New Bridge Street. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxlvi Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case, (245 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 274. Universal Library. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Glasgow : Thomas Murray and Son. [i6mo., eights.] 1870 Lent by the Mitchell IJbrary. 274A. Another copy, in coloured-paper wrapper. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 275. The poetical works of Robert Burns : to which is prefixed a sketch of his life. Complete in one volume. [Quotation.] Glasgow : Francis Orr & Sons. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxlv Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 276. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a copious glossary. To which is prefixed, a sketch of his life. Complete in one volume. [Quotation.] Glasgow : Francis Orr & Sons, 63 Brunswick Street. [iSmo., eights.] mdcccxlvi Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 277. Re-issue, mdcccxlviii. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 278. Poems ascribed to Robert Burns, the Ayrshire bard, not con- tained in any edition of his works hitherto published. Glasgow, printed by Chapman & Lang, for Thomas Stewart, bookseller and stationer. [8vo., fours.] 1801 Lent by George Gray. 279. Re-issue. (With additional poems and letter.) With book-plate of "James Currie, M.D., Liverpool." Lent by T. Montgomerie Alston, M.D. 280. Another copy, showing label on front board. Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. ( 246 ) BOOKS Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 281. Stewart's Edition of Burns's poems, including a number of original pieces never before published. With his life and character. Embellished with Engravings. To which is added, an appendix, consisting of his correspondence with Clarinda, &c. Glasgow : Printed by Niven, Napier and Khull, For T. Stewart, bookseller, Trongate. [i2mo., eights.] 1802 Letit by George Gray. Another copy, showing engraved title. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and John' Muir, are in the lower case. Lent by Thomas Glen Arthur. 282. Re-issue, with imprint : — Glasgow : Printed by Niven, Napier and Khull, for T. Stewart & A. Macgoun, book- sellers. 1 802 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. Another copy. Another copy, lent by Barty M'Farlane, is in the lower case. Lent by George Gray. 283. Part 8 (the last) of first issue of Stewart's Edition of Burns s poems. The front wrapper shows advertisement of publication of Burns's Letters to Clarinda, which were made public (without authority) by Stewart (1802). Lent by Mrs. Bums Thomas. 284. Life and works of Robert Burns. By P. Hately Waddell, minister of the gospel. Enriched with portraits, and numerous illustrations in colour, from original designs, in the highest style of the art. [In two volumes.] Glasgow : printed and published by David Wilson, 14 Maxwell Street. [4to.] 1867 ( 247 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 285. Re-issue, 1870. 286. Life and Works of Robert Burns. Critical and Analytical Edition. By P. Hately Waddell, LL.D. In two volumes. Revised. New Edition. Glasgow : Printed and Published by David Wilson. [4to-] 1881 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 287. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Glasgow : C. L, Wright, 100-102 West George Street, and Stirling Road. [i2mo., eights.] 1887 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus, Another issue, in coloured-paper wrapper. KILMARNOCK. Nos. 288-295 (inclusive) are copies of the numerous issues of the reprint, by James M'Kie, of the first edition of Burns's Poems. The work — which, in text and otherwise, is at variance with the original — follows the text, including misprints, with a fidelity unknown in works of the kind. Had the paper on which the work is printed and the style of the cover been in conformity with Wilson's book, the reprint would have been unique among fac-similes. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 288. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. The Simple Bard, unbroke by rules of Art, He pours the wild effusions of the heart : And if inspir'd, 'tis Nature's pow'rs inspire ; Her's all the melting thrill, and her's the kindling fire. Anonymous. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. [Sm. fol., fours.] mdcclxxxvi Issued in 1867 ; one of fifty copies on large-paper. ( 248 ) BOOKS — Another copy, with the three supplementary volumes, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 289. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. [Quotation.] Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. [8vO., fours.] MDCCLXXXVI Issued in 1867; one of six hundred copies. Another copy, lent by Barty M'Farlane, is in the lower case. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 290. Another copy. "Agents for England— Willis & Sotheran." Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 291. ■ Re-issue, 1870. " American edition." Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 292. Another copy. "American edition." (Different from preceding: in No. 291 the imprint precedes "American edition"; in No. 292 "American edition " precedes the imprint.) Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 293. Another copy. "American edition. Printed for J. Campbell, Toronto." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 294. Another copy. "American edition. Printed for John Brown & Co., Newport, Rhode Island, U.S. W. S. Thorburn, Bookseller, Cincinnati, Agent for the Western States." ( 249 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 295. Re-issue, 1886. "Centenary reprint and fac-simile of the original Kilmarnock edition. (Limited to 120 Copies)." Another copy, lent by Barty M'Farlane, is in the lower case. 296. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. [Poems as they appeared in the early Edinburgh editions.] Kilmarnock: printed by James M'Kie. [8vO., fours.] MDCCCLXIX Another copy, lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, is in the lower case. 297. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. [Posthmuous {sic) poems.] Kilmarnock : printed by James M'Kie. [8vo., fours.] mdccclxix Another copy, lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, is in the lower case. 298. Songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Kilmarnock: printed by James M'Kie. [8vO., fours.] MDCCCLXIX Another copy, lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick, is in the lower case. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 299. Kilmarnock popular edition. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns, arranged in the order of their earliest [v. 2 : first] publication. Volume first, embracing all the pieces published during his lifetime ; with a memoir of the poet, on a plan now first adopted, and [Volume second, containing all his posthumous pieces ; with] new annota- tions, introductory [v. 2 : biographical] notices, &c., written expressly for the present work by William Scott Douglas. [Quotation.] Kilmarnock: James M'Kie. [i2mo.] 1871 ( 250 ) BOOKS — Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angxis, J. MacNaught Campbell, A. J. Kirkpatrick and G. B. M'Murtrie, are in the lower case. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 300. Re-issue. Kilmarnock: M'Kie & Drennan. mdccclxxvi Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 301. Re-issue. Kilmarnock: James M'Kie. mdccclxxxvi 302. Kilmarnock edition. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns. Arranged in chronological order. Volume I. (Pub- lished in author's lifetime) [Volume II. {Posthumous publications)], with new annotations, biographical notices, etc., by William Scott Douglas. London : Swan Sonnen- schein, Lowrey & Co. [8vo.] 1887 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 303. Re-issue. London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Pater- noster Square. 1890 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 304. Re-issue of No. 299. Seventh edition. Edinburgh and Glasgow : John Menzies & Co. Kilmarnock : D. Brown & Co. (successors to James M'Kie). 1890 305. Re-issue. Eighth edition. 1891. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 306. Re-issue. Ninth edition, 1893. (261 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by D. M'Naught. 307. The people's edition of the poetical works of Robert Burns in chronological order of publication, as arranged and annotated by the late W. Scott Douglas. Revised, cor- rected, and condensed by D. M'Naught, Kilmaurs. Edin- burgh and Glasgow : John Menzies & Co. Kilmarnock : D. Brown & Co., (Successors to James M'Kie). [i2mo., eights.] 1896 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 308. The peoples' statue edition. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. A reprint of the first Kilmarnock edition, published in 1786, with fac-simile title-page, and notes by William Scott Douglas ; also, a notice of the movement for the erection of the statue. Kilmarnock : M'Kie & Drennan. [8vo.] 25th January, mdccclxxvii Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. 309. Burns holograph manuscripts in the Kilmarnock monument museum, with notes. Compiled and edited by David Sneddon. Kilmarnock : Printed by D. Brown & Co., (Successors to James M'Kie), 2 & 6 King Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1889 310. Memorials of Robert Burns and of some of his contemporaries and their descendants, by the grandson of Robert Aiken, to whom was dedicated " The Cotter's Saturday Night." With a numerous selection of his best poems and songs, and Engraved Portrait and Fac-Similes. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington. Kilmarnock: M'Kie & Drennan. [i2mo., eights.] mdccclxxvi Lent by J. J. Greenshields. 311. "April 14th, 1786. Proposals for publishing by subscription Scotch Poems, by Robert Burns. The Work to be elegantly printed in One Volume, octavo. Price stitched three ski/lings." Subscription-bill (the only one known) for first edition of Poems. ( 252 ) A r R R O a A L % FOR PUBLISHING SY SUBSCRIPTION, SC O T C tr P OE M s, BY ROBEiit BU-.RNS. :«5;j^lY"Irintcd in One VolumS, Ocbv^^ Piicc'Stitche I Tir-f Shillings, -<•«*— As the Author has not the moft Aifk^nt Mercenary ■view in Publifhing^ ns foon as fo many Subfcribers appiar as will defray xhc-'ticcejfiiry Expencc, the Work will be fent to tlie Pi'eft. ; Set out the brunt fidct/ your fliin, Tor pride in- Pfjits is n^e fin ; Glory's the Pri'/.e tor M+iicli they rln, ■ v.A Fame's their jo; And wha blawsbL-lftnciiorn faall win : • And whHreforc ho ? tf ' •' Rams A ■V^e, under Subfcri bers, Engage m t4je the above mentioned Work on • ** the (Conditions Specified. ' | ' ■ w • '^ . i^ 'A ^--' f^. r A r i. ^PT^./-:^.-, //<^f, //[,.„, ^ ^ ,/^<. ; < ^>^>' < fii i ^^,ji^ i!»yt;ri& ^"^J^ '.-.^^. , ' I *'» Wr awi^iiiiriwig BOOKS Lent by George Set on Veitclt. 312. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. The Simple Bard, unbroke by rules of Art, He pours the wild effusions of the heart : And if inspir'd, 'tis Nature's pow'rs inspire ; Her's all the melting thrill, and her's the kindling fire. Anonymous. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. [8vO., fours.] MDCCLXXXVI First edition of Poems, as issued in original blue-paper wrapper. Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 313. Another copy. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Bums. 314. Another copy. Said to have been presented by Burns to the Dowager Countess Glencairn. 315. Another copy. Lent by W. A. Coats. 316. Another copy. Lent by George Gray. 317. Another copy. Lent by Alexander Macdonald. 318. Another copy. Lent by Alex. Craig Paterson. 319. Another copy. Lent by J. J. Orchar. 320. Another copy. Lent by John Waugh. 320A. Another copy. ( 253) THE BURNS EXHIBITION KIRKCALDY. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 321. Crerar's Edition of Burns' poems, with his life and character. In two volumes. Embellished with beautiful engravings. Kirkcaldy: printed by J. Crerar. [i8mo.] 1802 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 322. Poems, by Robert Burns. Kirkaldy \jic\ : published by G. Morison. [8vo.] 18 17 Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. MAUCHLINE. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 323. The Scottish keepsake, or, the songs of The Ayrshire Bard. [Quotation.] Mauchline, Ayrshire : published by William and Andrew Smith. [32mo., eights.] In wooden boards. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 324. Another copy. In Stuart-tartan boards. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 325. Another copy. In boards "made from a Rafter of Gavin Hamilton's House, where Burns was married." With autograph "George Julian Harney" on fly. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 326. Another issue, with title printed in red and black. In Stuart-tartan boards, with view — "Loch Katrine" — on front. ( 254 ) BOOKS Lent by Mrs. Bums Thomas. 327. Another issue. In wooden boards, with views of Mossgiel and Ellisland. Inserted is manuscript letter regarding the book from the lender's grandfather (the Poet's eldest son). Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 328. Another issue, printed in gold on enamelled paper. In wooden boards — " part of the Barn Roof of Mossgiel while occupied by Burns." 329. Another issue. In MacDonald-tartan boards. Lent by Glasgow Mauchline Society. 330. Another issue. In Stuart-tartan boards. Lent by David M' Queen. 331. Another issue, with title printed in gold and colours. 1857- In Stuart-tartan boards. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Bums. 332. Another copy. In MacDonald-tartan boards, with view — " Burns's Monument " [at Ayr] — on front. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 333. The poems & songs of Robert Burns. [No. 7.] Air, 18 19 In Stuart-tartan boards, with view — " Burns's Monument " [at Ayr] — on front. MONTROSE. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 334. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns A new edition. [Vignette.] Montrose : Printed by Da. Buchanan ; Sold by him, and by W. Mortimer, Aberdeen. [i8mo., sixes.] 1801 ( 255 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 335. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish Peasantry. As edited by James Currie, M.D. A new edition, with additional pieces. In four volumes. Montrose : printed by Smith & Hill, and sold by the booksellers of London and Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 18 16 Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. 336. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Montrose : Printed for J. Smith, Bookseller. Smith & Hill, Printers. [l2mO.J MDCCCXIX With book-plate of James Drummond, R.S.A. Bound in black morocco, with tuck, in the style of Bibles of the period. This and other editions similarly bound have come to be known as "Holy Willie" Burnses. 337. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. A new edition, with many additional poems and songs. In two volumes. Mon- trose : printed by Smith & Hill, for J. Bumpus, 6, High Holborn, London ; Ogle, Allardice, & Thomson, Oliver & Boyd, and Macredie, Skelly, & Co., Edinburgh ; and J. Smith, Montrose. [i8mo., twelves.] 1819 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 338. Another issue, with different imprint. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 339. The Lyric Muse of Robert Burns. Containing all his songs, and including The Jolly Beggars. [Quotation.] Montrose : Printed by Smith & Hill, for John Smith, bookseller. [i8mo., twelves.] mdcccxix ( 256 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 340. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings, &c. By James Currie, M.D. A New Edition, with many additional pieces. In two volumes. Montrose : printed by David Hill, and sold by the booksellers of London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c. [i8mo., twelves.] 1823 — Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. 341. Re-issue. Montrose: printed by D. Hill, for George Clark, Aberdeen. 1824 Other copies, lent by Rev. A. MacArthur and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 342. The Songs of Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Bard. Montrose : Published by James Watt. [i6mo.] MUSSELBURGH. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 343. The poems of Robert Burns. A new edition. [Quotation.] Musselburgh: Printed by and for J. Findlay. [i6mo.] 1808 PAISLEY. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 344. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Paisley : Printed by J. Neilson for R. Smith, Bookseller. [i8mo.] 1 80 1 345. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Paisley : printed by J. Neilson, for R. Smith, bookseller, near the cross. [i8mo.] 1802 (257) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 346. Poems, chiefly in The Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Glasgow: printed by D. M'Kenzie, for Robert Smith and Co., booksellers. Paisley. [i8mo.] 1808 PERTH. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 347. Poems, chiefly Scottish, by Robert Burns : with an account of his life and character. Perth : printed by R. Morison, and sold by the principal booksellers in the United Kingdom. [ismo., sixes.] 1813 348. Poems, chiefly Scottish ; by Robert Burns : with an account of his life and character. In two volumes. Perth : printed by R. Morison, and sold by the principal booksellers in the United Kingdom. [i2mo.] 181 3 STIRLING. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 349. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. With an account of his life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] Edinburgh : Printed for W. Anderson, Stirling. By Abernethy & Walker. [i8mo.] 1807 B-ENGLAND. ALNWICK. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 350. The Hermit of Warkworth : A Northumberland Ballad. By Dr. Thomas Percy. Alnwick : Printed and Sold by J. Catnach. [i2mo.] 1806 On back board is advertisement of publication of " No. I, Price One Shilling, of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Ornamented with engravings on wood by Mr. Bewick." 351. Nos. Ill and VI. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [No. 352.] 1807 ( 258 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 352. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with his life. Orna- mented with engravings on wood by Mr, Bewick, from original designs by Mr. Thurston. In two volumes. Alnwick : Printed by Catnach and Davison. Sold by the booksellers in England, Scotland, and Ireland. [i2mo., fours.] 1808 With autograph and butterfly of J. M'Neil Whistler. Lent by Dr. Clark Burman. 353. — — Re-issue. Alnwick : Printed by William Davison. Sold by the booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland. 1808 Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett, George Gray, Barty M'Farlane, Dr. Patterson and John Waugh, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 354. Re-issue, 18 10. (Vol. i only.) Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 355. New edition, with copper-plate titles and frontispieces, 1811. 356. Re-issue, [18 12.] From the Hbrary of the late Dr. James Morison, founder of the Evangelical Union, with his autograph: "Jamie Morison's ain buik. 1829." Lent by George Skelly. 357. Re-issue, 1815. (No. 8 only.) The last (recorded) Bewick edition with date. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 358. Re-issue, undated. Another copy, lent by George Gray, is in the lower case. ( 259 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by George Skelly. 359. The poems and songs of Robert Burns. With a Hfe of the author, and a glossary. [Vignette.] Alnwick : printed and published by W. Davison. [i8mo., twelves.] 1828 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Clark Bumtan. 360. Twenty-four wood-blocks, by Thomas Bewick, from which the illustrations to the Alnwick editions were printed. Lent by Greenock Burns Club. 361. Engraved copper-plate — title-page and frontispiece — designed for a third volume (never published) of the Alnwick Burns. 362. Proof from the plate. DERBY. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 363. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] Derby : , Published by Richardson and Son ; Simpkin, Marshall and Co.. London. [i6mo., eights.] 1843 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 364. Re-issue, 1844. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 365. Re-issue, 1847. Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. ( 260 ) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 366. Re-issue, undated. Derby : Thomas Richardson and Son; 172 Fleet Street, London; and 9, Capel Street, Dublin. Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. DURHAM. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 367. Works of Robert Burns, as edited by James Currie, M.D. In four volumes. Durham : Printed for George Walker by W. Blair, Edinburgh. [i2mo.] 181 8 HALIFAX. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 368. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. Halifax : Printed for H. Pohlman. [i8mo., eights.] 1836 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 369. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with A Memoir of the Author's Life, and a glossary. Halifax : Printed for William Milner. [i8mo., eights.] 1836 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 370. Re-issue. London : published by the booksellers. William Milner, Halifax. 1838 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 371. Re-issue, with imprint: — Halifax: printed and pub- lished by William Milner, Cheapside. mdcccxl Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. (261 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 372. — — Re-issue, mdcccxliii. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 373. Re-issue, mdcccxlv. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 374. Re-issue, mdcccxlvi. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 37 5- Re-issue, mdcccl. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 376. Re-issue. London : Milner and Company, Paternoster Row. 276A. Re-issue, with imprint : — Halifax : printed and published by Milner and Sowerby, Cheapside. mdcccli Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. ^•jy. Re-issue, 1852. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 378. — — Re-issue, 1853. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 379. Re-issue, 1854. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 380. Re-issue, 1856. 381. Re-issue, 1858. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 382. Re-issue, 1859. •j8^. Re-issue, i860. ^ ^ ( 262 ) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 384. Re-issue, 1866. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 385. Re-issue, undated. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 386. Another copy. 387. Another copy, with coloured frontispiece. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 388. The complete works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life,' and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and con- dition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. With an enlarged and corrected glossary. Halifax : printed and published by William Milner, Cheapside. [8vo.] MDCCCXLII Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 388A. Re-issue, mdcccxliv. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 389. Re-issue, mdcccxlv. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 390. Re-issue, mdcccxlvi. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 390A. Re-issue, mdcccxlvii. 391. Re-issue, mdcccxlviii. ( 283 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 392. Re-issue, mdcccl. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and James Falconer, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 393. Re-issue. London : Milner & Company, Limited. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 394- Re-issue, with imprint : — Halifax : printed and published by Milner and Sowerby, Cheapside. mdcccli Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 395- Re-issue, 1852. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 396. Re-issue, 1854. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 397. Re-issue, 1855. 398. Re-issue, 1857. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 399. Re-issue, 1859. Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 400. Re-issue, 1863. ( 264) BOOKS Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 401. The complete works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. With an enlarged and corrected glossary, and eight engravings on steel. Halifax : Milner and Sowerby. [i2mo., eights.] 1865 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 402. Re-issue. London : Milner & Company. 403. Re-issue. London : Milner & Company, Limited. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 404. The Complete Works of Robert Burns : With an account of his Life, and the whole of his Correspondence, Notes, &c. By James Currie, M.D. With an enlarged and corrected glossary. London : Milner and Company, Limited, Pater- noster Row. [i2mo., eights.] Three other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 405. Reprints — a pot-boiler harlequin suite of eight volumes — issued by Milner to commemorate the centenary of Burns's death. The volumes have no bibliographical interest. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 406. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with his life and character, and a critique on his writings : a glossary, &c. Halifax : William Nicholson and Sons. London : S. D. Ewins, Jr. & Co., 22, Paternoster Row. [i8mo., eights.] 1868 (265) THE BURNS EXHIBITION LIVERPOOL. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 407. Second Edition. The songs of Robert Burns, accurately- copied from the originals, and the errors of former editions carefully corrected. [Quotation.] Liverpool : printed for T. Kerr, and sold by all booksellers. Price is. 6d. [i6mo.] Another copy, lent by James Muir, is in the lower case. LONDON. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 408. The works of Robert Burns, with an Account of his Life, criticism on his writings, &c., &c. As edited By James Currie, M.D. A new edition, in four volumes. London : printed for William Allason, No. 31, New Bond Street, and J. Maynard, Panton Street, Haymarket, London ; and W. Blair, Edinburgh. [8vo.] 181 9 Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. 409. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; including several pieces not inserted in Dr. Currie's edition ; with an enlarged glossary, and an original life of the author. Two volumes in one. [Royal arms and motto.] London : printed for T. and J. Allman, Prince's Street, Hanover Square ; and John Anderson, jun., Edinburgh. [i8mo., eights.] 1824 With autograph " J. Maris " on title. Lent by John Murison. 410. The works of Robert Burns as originally edited by James Currie, M.D., with many additions. [In two volumes.] [Vignette.] London : Published by T. & J. Allman. [i8mo., fours and eights.] 1825 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 411. The poetical works of Robert Burns; with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. [Quotation.] London : Thomas Allman, 42, Holborn Hill. [i8mo., eights.] (266) BOOKS Lent by Alexander Macmillan. 412. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns: with the life of the author, and a complete glossary. In two volumes. London : printed and published by C. Baynes, Cook's Court, Carey Street. Sold also by J. Tallis, 16, Warwick Square, Newgate Street ; George Virtue, 6, Panyer Alley, Pater- noster Row ; and W. Baynes, Leeds. [i2mo., sixes.] 182 1 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 413. The Poems of Robert Burns. London : Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street; and Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47, Ludgate Hill. [i8mo., eights.] 1863 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 414. The Songs of Robert Burns. London : Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street; and Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47, Ludgate Hill. [i8mo., eights.] 1863 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 415. ■ Re-issue of No. 413. 1864. 416. Re-issue of No. 414. 1864. — Another copy of each volume, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 417. Re-issue of No. 413. 1865. Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 418. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In three volumes.] London: Bell and Daldy, Fleet Street. [8vo.] 1866 Copy on large-paper, with portrait on vellum inserted. (267) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 419. — — Re-issue of No. 414. 1866. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 420. Re-issue of No. 413. 1868. In two parts. 421. Re-issue of No. 414. 1868, In two parts. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 422. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In three volumes.] London : Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden. [i2mo., eights.] 1870 — — Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 423. Re-issue, 1875. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 424. Nos. I and 2. Diamond Edition. [No. 425.] 1833. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 425. Diamond Edition. The entire works of Robert Burns; with his life and a criticism on his writings, &c., &c. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Second Edition. Embellished with thirteen engravings on steel, from original designs. London : Allan Bell & Co., Warwick Square ; and Simpkin & Marshall, Stationers' Court ; W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh ; W. Curry, jun. & Co., Dublin ; J. M'Leod, Glasgow; Wilmer & Smith, Liverpool; and Bancks & Co., Manchester. [i8mo., twelves.] mdcccxxxiii ( 268 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibc Angus. 426. The entire works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Diamond Edition, embellished with an original design from the Cotter's Saturday Night. London : Allan Bell & Co., and Simpkin & Marshall ; Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh ; W. Curry, Jun. & Co., Dublin ; and Bancks & Co., Manchester. [i8mo., sixes.] mdcccxxxv Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and J. Sinton, are in the lower case. Lent by Thomas Menzies. 427- Reprint. Fifth Diamond Edition. Embellished with fourteen illustrations from original designs by Mr. Stewart. London : Allan Bell & Co., Warwick square. mdcccxxxvi Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, John Black and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 428. Reprint. Sixth Diamond Edition. mdcccxxxvi 429- Reprint. Sixth Diamond Edition. Embellished with fourteen illustrations from original designs by Mr. Stewart. London : Allan Bell & Co., Pancras lane, Queen street, Cheapside. mdcccxxxviii Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 430- Re-issue of No. 413. London: George Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden. 1882 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. ( 269 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 431. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited with a memoir by George A. Aitken. In three volumes. London : George Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Garden. New York: 112, Fourth Avenue. [lamo., eights.] 1893 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 432. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and a complete marginal glossary. With portrait and illustrations. London : James Blackwood & Co., Paternoster Row. [i2mo., sixteens.] 433. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by John Fawside. With a Frontispiece by Alexander Nasmyth. London : Bliss, Sands and Foster. [8vo. j mdcccxcvi Another copy, lent by the publishers, is in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 434. Re-issue of No. 631. London: Henry G. Bohn. MDCCCXLII Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. 435. — ■ — Re-issue, 1844. 436. Re-issue, 1845. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 437. Re-issue, 1847. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 438. Re-issue, 1854. — Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. ( 270 ) BOOKS Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 439. Re-issue, 1862. 440. The poetical works of Robert Burns, Complete in One Volume. With a glossary, and Life of the Author. London : printed for John Bumpus, near St. John's Gate ; And sold by all Booksellers. [i2mo.] 18 14 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 441. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns; including the pieces Published in his Correspondence and Reliques : with his songs and fragments. To which are prefixed, a history of the poems, by his brother, Gilbert Burns, and a sketch of his life. In two volumes. London : printed for John Bumpus, Holborn ; Walker and Co., Paternoster- row ; W. Sharpe, King-street ; E. Barrett, Bath ; J. Reilly, Liver- pool ; Arthur, Carlisle ; T. Nelson, and Stirling and Slade, Edinburgh ; Lumsden and Son, Glasgow ; Le Grange, Dublin; and Galignani, Paris. [i8mo., sixes.] 1822 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 442. Copy on large-paper. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, George Gray and John Murison, are in the lower case. 443. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes. Liverpool, printed by J. M'Creery, Houghton-street ; for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, Strand, London ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh. Sold also by Bell and Bradfute, P. Hill, and Manners and Miller, Edinburgh ; Brash and Raid, and J. Murdoch, Glasgow ; J. Brown, Aberdeen ; W. Boyd, Dumfries ; ( 271 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION J. Morrison, Perth ; J. Forsyth, Ayr ; and by Merritt and Wright, W. Robinson, W. Harding, and E. Rushton, Liverpool. [8vo.] 1800 Edited by James Currie, M.D. Uncut. — Other copies, lent by Miss A. C. Bell, W. E. Campbell, George Gray and Wm. Orr Orr, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 444. Copy on Whatman paper : one of seven printed for presents. Inscribed by the Editor to I^ady Betty Cunningham. Lent by Robert Falconer. 445. Another copy, with ex-libris of Thomas, Lord Erskine. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 446. Reprint. The second edition. London : printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh. Sold also by Bell and Bradfute ; P. Hill, and Manners and Miller, Edinburgh ; Brash & Reid, and Dunlop & Wilson, Glasgow ; A. Brown, Aberdeen ; W. Boyd, Dumfries; J. Morrison, Perth; J. Forsyth, Ayr; and by Merritt and Wright, W. Robinson, W. Harding, and E. Rushton, Liverpool. Printed by R. Noble, in the Old Bailey [v. 3-4 : Printed by Luke Hansard, Great Turnstile, Lincoln's-Inn Fields]. [Svo.] 1801 Uncut. Vol. I bears autograph "Gourlay Steell, R.S.A." Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and A. J. Kirkpatrick, are in the lower case. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns. 447. Copy on large-paper. With note (on fly) by Gilbert Burns, secundus : " Large-paper copy. Only 8 copies printed. This was Gilbert Burns's copy, the Poet's brother. G. B. 1874." (272) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 448. Reprint. The third edition. London, printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh. [8vo.] 1802 Uncut. Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. 449. Reprint. The fourth edition, London, printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh. [Bvo.] 1803 Uncut. 450. Reprint. The fifth edition. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh ; by J. M'Creery, Black-horse-court, Fleet-street. [Bvo.] 1806 Uncut. Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. 451. Reprint. The sixth edition. London: printed for T, Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edin- burgh ; by J. M'Creery, Black-horse-court, Fleet-street. [Bvo.] 1809 Uncut. Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. 452. Reprint. The seventh edition. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh; by J. M'Creery, Black-horse-court, Fleet-street. [Bvo.] 1B13 Uncut. Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. (273) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 453. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. The eighth edition. To which are now added, the reUques of Robert Burns. In five volumes. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh. [i2mo., sixes.] 1814 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell and John M'Millan, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 454. The poetical works of Robert Burns. A new edition. Including the pieces published in his correspondence, with his songs and fragments. To which is prefixed, a sketch of his life. In three volumes. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. [i2mo., eights.] 1804 455. Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish songs. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. [Quotation.] London : printed by J. M'Creery, for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, Strand. [Svo.] 1808 Other copies, lent by Miss A. C. Bell, J. MacNaught Campbell and W. Campbell, are in the lower case. 456. Second edition. London : printed by J. M'Creery, for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, Strand. [8vo.] 1813 Other copies, lent by James Falconer, Andrew Gibson and J. Barclay Murdoch, are in the lower case. 457- Fourth edition. London : printed by J. M'Creery, for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, Strand. [8vo.] 18 17 (274) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 458. Select Scotish songs, ancient and modern ; with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns. Edited By R. H. Cromek, F. A.S.Ed. [In two volumes.] [Vignette.] London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. By J. M'Creery, Black- Horse-Court, Fleet-Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1810 Another copy, lent by W. Campbell, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 459. The poetical works of Robert Burns, including the pieces published in his correspondence and reliques, with his songs and fragments. To which is prefixed a sketch of his life. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and W. Creech, at Edinburgh. [iSmo., twelves.] 1813 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell and David Fulton, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 460. Re-issue, 18 16. With autograph "Gerald Massey" on title. 461. Re-issue. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand ; and A. Constable and Co. ; Manners and Miller ; John Fairbairn ; Adam Black ; and W. Blackwood at Edinburgh ; and G. Clark, at Aberdeen. 1817 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by George Gray. 462. Re-issue, 1822. Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. (275) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 463. The poetical works of Robert Burns, including the pieces published in his correspondence and reliques ; with his songs and fragments. To which is prefixed a sketch of his life. In three volumes. London : printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand ; and A. Constable and Co. ; Manners and Miller ; John Fairbairn ; Adam Black ; W. Blackwood ; W. and C. Tait ; and J. Anderson, junr., Edinburgh. [i2mo., eights.] 1823 Vol. 3 contains (at end) advertisement of re-issue (1823) of the Gilbert Burns (1820) edition: "Elegantly printed in 4 vols., 8vo., with a Portrait of the Author from an original Picture by Jiaehurn." Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, John Murisoh and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. 464. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings, to which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D., F.R.S. In four volumes. The eighth edition. To which are now added, some further particulars of the author's life, new notes, illustrative of his poems and letters, and many other additions. By Gilbert Burns. London : printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand ; and A. Constable and Co., Manners and Miller, Fairbairn and Anderson, A. Black, W. and C. Tait, at Edinburgh ; and G. Clark, at Aberdeen. [8vo.] 1820 Vol. I shows portrait advertised in the preceding work. Raeburn, having copied, to the order of the publishers, Nasmyth's portrait, did not displace Nasmyth's name from the plate. This edition was re-issued, with illustrations by Thomas Stothard inserted, in 1823. Uncut. With book-plate and autograph of Charles S. Keene. Other copies, lent by VV. Craibe Angus, Dr. Patterson and Mrs. Burns Thomas, are in the lower case. The copy lent by the last-named is inscribed to "Eliza Burns, from her affectionate Father, Robert Burns. London, March i6th, 1833." ( 276) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 465. Poems of Robert Burns. With a Glossary. In two volumes. Cassell & Company, Limited : LondoA, Paris, New York, & Melbourne. [32mo., eights.] 466. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes. The text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. Vol. I., containing Tam o' Shanter, The Cottar's Saturday Night, poems and songs. With glossary and memoir. [In two volumes. Vol. II.] London, Paris, and New York : Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. [8vo., sixteens.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 467. The national edition of the works of Robert Burns, comprising the poems, songs, and letters ; with the biographies of Currie and Lockhart, and a general introduction. Edited by William Wallace, M.A. Illustrated with twenty-four full-page plates. [In two volumes.] Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. : London, Paris, and New York. [La. 8vo., fours.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 467A. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns. [Vignette.] London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. [i2mo., eights.] Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 468. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxlviii With autograph " Coventry Patniore " on title. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 469. Remarks on Scottish songs and ballads, ancient and modern. With Anecdotes of their Authors. Robert Burns. [Quo- tation.] London: John James Chidley, 123, Aldersgate Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1841 (277) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. Barclay Murdoch. 470. The songs and ballads of Robert Burns : including ten never before published ; with a preliminary discourse, and illustra- tive prefaces. London : printed for William Clark, 52, Paternoster-row. [i2mo., sixes.] 1823 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell and John M'Millan, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 471. The songs of Robert Burns: with a biographical notice, and critical remarks. [Quotation.] London : printed for William Clark, 60, Paternoster-row. [48mo., fours.] 1831 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrkk. 472. The works of Robert Burns : including his letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed poems : with an essay on his life, genius, and character. Complete in one volume. London : printed for William Clark, 60, Paternoster-row. [i2mo., eights.] 1831 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 473. The songs of Burns : with a biographical preface, notes, and glossary. [Quotation.] London : printed for William Clark, 60, Paternoster- row. [48mo., fours.] mdcccxxxiv Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Barty M'Farlane and John Murison, are in the lower case. 474. The poetical works of Robert Burns : comprising an entire collection of his poems, (many of which have hitherto been withheld from the Public,) with explanatory notes, etc. To which is prefixed, a biographical sketch of the author. Magnet Edition. London : William Mark Clark, 19, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row; and all booksellers. [i2mo., eights.] 1836 (278) BOOKS Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Jatnes Falconer. 475. The works of Robert Burns ; with his life, by Allan Cunning- ham. [Quotation.] In six [eight] volumes. London : Cochrane and M 'Crone, 1 1 , Waterloo Place. [i2mo., eights.] 1834 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and James Falconer, are in the lower case. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 476. Second edition. London : James Cochrane & Co. 1835 477. The complete works of Robert Burns : containing his poems, letters, songs. His Letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed poems : with an essay on his life, genius, and character. London : James Cornish, i. Middle Row, Holborn ; },'], Lord Street, Liverpool; and 18, Grafton Street, Dublin. [i2mo.] 1843 478. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London : Charles Daly. [32mo.] 1838 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 479. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with a life of the author, and An Essay on the genius and writings of Burns, by E. Sjic\ Cunningham, Esq. Carefully revised, and rendered perfectly intelligible to the general Reader by a copious glossary. London : published by C. Daly, 1 9, Red Lion Square. [32mo., eights.] 1839 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 480. Re-issue, 1841. (270) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 481. The poetical works of Robert Burns: with a Hfe of the author, and an essay on the genius and writings of Burns, by A. Cunningham, Esq. Carefully revised, and rendered perfectly intelligible to the general Reader by a copious glossary. London: C. Daly, 17, Greville Street, Hatton Garden. [3 2 mo., eights.] 1846 Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 482. Re-issue, 1850. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 483. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, with Life, Notes, and Glossary : By A. Cunningham, Esq. With many Illustrations on steel. London: Charles Daly, no. 17, Greville-street, Hatton Garden. [i2mo., sixes.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 484. The Poetical and Prose Works of Robert Burns : with life, notes and correspondence : by A. Cunningham, Esq. With Original Pieces from the Collection of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. And Illustrations. London : Charles Daly, 17, Greville Street, Hatton Garden. [i2mo., eights.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. Another copy. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Another copy. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 485. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With a life of the author. A new edition. London : printed and sold by Dean and Munday, Threadneedle-street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1821 ( 280 ) BOOKS Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Robert J. Bennett, Andrew Gibson and John Murison, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 486. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Chronologically arranged, with Notes, Glossaries, and Index. [In three volumes.] London : J. M. Dent & Co., Aldine house, 69 Great Eastern Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1892 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 487. The lyric poems of Robert Burns. Edited by Ernest Rhys. [Vignette.] J. M. Dent & Co., Aldine House, 69 Gt. Eastern St., London, E.C. [i2mo., eights.] [1895] Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 488. Poems, Letters, &c. &c. ascribed to Robert Burns, the Ayrshire bard, not contained in any edition of his works hitherto published. Embellished with an elegant frontis- piece. [Quotation.] London : printed for J. Dick, no. 55, Chiswell street, and Wm. Brown, Deptford. [i8mo., sixes.] 1809 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 489. Select Poems from the Works of Robert Burns. London : Printed for J. Dick. [i2mo.] 1809 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 490. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Complete. With numerous illustrations. London: John Dicks, 313, Strand; and all booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] 1868 (281 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 500A. Re-issue, undated. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 501. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. Illus- trated by John Gilbert. London : Richard Griffin and Company, Stationers' Hall Court ; Glasgow, West Nile Street. [8vo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 502. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. Griffith and Farran, at the Sign of the " Bible and Sun," West Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, London. [8vo.] 503. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited, with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, at the sign of the " Bible and Crown," West Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, London. [8vo.] 504. Newbery Classics. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, London and Sydney. [Bvo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 505. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited with a prefatory memoir, notes, and glossary by J. R. Tutin. London : Griffith, Farran & Co., Limited, Newbery House, 39 Charing Cross Road. [i2mo., eights.] "The Newbery Classics" series. 506. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row. [i2mo., eights.] 1857 ( 284 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 507. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory- notes, and a complete marginal glossary. Edited by John & Angus Macpherson. With Portrait and Illustrations. London : Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Edinburgh : John Grant. And sold by all booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Three other copies. — Another issue, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 508. The poetical works of Robert Burns, the Ayrshire bard : including all the pieces originally published by Dr. Currie ; with various additions. A new edition, with an enlarged and corrected glossary, and a biographical sketch of the author. [Quotation.] London : published by Jones and Company, No. 3, Warwick Square. [8vo., fours.] 1823 Another copy, lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas, is in the lower case. With autograph (on title) of Robert Burns secundus. 509. Re-issue, 1824. Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, Andrew Gibson and Walter Smith, are in the lower case. 510. Re-issue, 1825. Another copy, lent by James Falconer, is in the lower case. ( 285 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 511. Re-issue, 1826. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 512. Re-issue, 1827. 513. Re-issue, 1828. 514. Re-issue, 1829. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monutnent Museum. 515. Re-issue, 1832. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 516. The poetical works of Robert Burns; with a glossary, and a biographical sketch of the author. In two volumes. London : published by Jones & Company, 3 Acton Place, Kingsland Road. [32mo., eights.] 1824 [-1825] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. — — Another copy. Bound in silk. 517. Re-issue, 1827. 518. The poetical works of Robert Burns: with a sketch of his life. By James Currie, M.D. With many additional Poems and Songs, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. In two volumes. London : published by G. Jones & Co. [32mo., eights.] 1830 Lent by G. S. Moffat. 518A. Re-issue, 1837. [Vol. 2 only.] ( 286) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 519. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with a memoir of the author's Hfe, and a glossary. London : published by Jones and Co. : Fordyce, Dean-street, Newcastle ; and Myton- gate, Hull. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxxxix Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 520. Poems & Songs by Robert Burns. Illustrated With Numerous Engravings. London : W. Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street. [Sm. 4to.] i860 521. Re-issue. London: W. Kent & Co., Paternoster Row. 1861 522. Poems of Robert Burns. With a Glossary. In two volumes. London : W. Kent & Co., Paternoster Row. [32mo., eights.] mdccclxxxi Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 523. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : Richard Edward King, 88, Curtain Road, E.C. [i2mo., eights.] Another issue is in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 524. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and an enlarged and corrected glossary, London : published by Edward Lacey, St. Paul's church yard. [i8mo., twelves.] (287) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Dr. Patterson. 525. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, in two volumes. With a complete glossary, and Life of the Author. London : Printed by W. Lewis, St. John's-square, for W. Lewis and Co., 9, Old Fish-street, Doctor's Commons ; and may be had of all booksellers. [i2mo., sixes.] 18 16 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell, A. J. Kirkpatrick, J. Barclay Murdoch and John Murison, are in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 526, The Globe Edition. Poems, songs and letters, being the complete works of Robert Burns. Edited from the best printed and manuscript authorities, with glossarial index and a biographical memoir. By Alexander Smith. [Por- trait of Burns.] London: Macmillan and Co. [i2mo., eights.] 1868 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 527. Reprint, 1873. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 528. Reprint, 1875. 529. Reprint, 1884. 530. Reprint, 1891. 531. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited from the best printed and manuscript authorities, with glossarial index and a biographical memoir. By Alexander Smith. In two volumes. [Portrait of Burns ; Vignette.] London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. [i2mo., eights.] 1865 "Golden Treasury Series." Another copy, in limp-cloth boards. ( 288 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 532. Reprint, 1879. This edition was limited to five hundred copies. With note (on title of vol. i): "The Songs of Burns are the sweetest, aye, and the purest and the manliest, in our language, or, I believe, in any other. Isa Craig Knox." 533. Reprint, 1883. 534. Reprint, 1887. 535. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns, with his life and character. London : printed by Macpherson and Boyle, Russell-court, Covent-garden. [i2mo., sixes.] 1806 536. The entire works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Seventh Diamond Edition. Embellished with fourteen illustrations from original designs by Mr. Stewart. London: Andrew Moffat. [i8mo., eights.] 1841 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 537. Re-issue. London : Andrew Moffat, Skinner street ; and D. A. Borrenstein, Glasgow. mdcccxlii Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus, 538. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited, with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. Illustrated by John Moyr Smith. London : E. Moxon, Son, & Co., Dover Street, and i Amen Corner, Paternoster Row. [i2mo., eights.] With autograph of editor on title. (289) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 539. Another issue. (Illustrated by the Society of Decorative Art.) London : E. Moxon, Son, & Co., Dover Street. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 540. Reprint. (Illustrated by John Moyr Smith.) London : E. Moxon, Son, & Co., i Amen Corner, Paternoster Row. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 541. The poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. With a complete glossary, and life of the author. London : printed for S. A. Oddy, No. 17, Pickett Street, by Joseph Smith, No. 7, King Street, Seven Dials. [i2mo., sixes.] 1810 Another copy, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, is in the lower case. 542. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London : Printed for J. Offor. [i2mo.] 1819 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 543. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a glossary, and a biographical sketch of the author. In two volumes. London : published by Wm. S. Orr & Co., Amen Corner, Paternoster-row. [48mo., eights.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. Another issue — " Jones' Diamond Classics " — in paper wrapper. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 544. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : published by Newman & Co. Aberdeen : Clark & Son. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccl ( 290 ) BOOKS Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. Lent by John Murison. 545. Selected poems of Robert Burns. With an introduction by Andrew Lang. [Ornament.] London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Ltd. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxci Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. 546. Copy on large-paper : one of fifty printed. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 547. Copy on Japanese paper : one of twenty-five printed. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 548. Copy on vellum : one of seven printed. With the " Robinson " portrait of Burns inserted. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 549. Re-issue, mdcccxcvi. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 550. Poetical works of Robert Burns. A New Edition. With a complete glossary. London : George Philip & Son, 32 Fleet street; and 51 South Castle street, Liverpool. [i2mo.] Lent by John M'Millan. 551. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] [Publisher's mark.] London : William Pickering. [i2mo., eights.] 1830 First "Aldine" edition. Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell and John Murison, are in the lower case. (291) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 552. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In three volumes.] [Publisher's mark.] London : William Pickering. [i2mo., eights.] 1839 Second "Aldine" edition. Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and John Murison, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 553. Copy on vellum : one of two printed. With the "Robinson" portrait of Burns inserted. The other copy on vellum is in the library of The British Museum. 554. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns ; With a Memoir of the Author's Life ; and a Glossary. London : Published by J. S. Pratt. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxlii Lent by Andrew Gibson. 555. Re-issue, mdcccxliii. Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 556. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. London : published by J. S. Pratt. [iSmo., eights.] mdcccxlvii Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 557. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. London : printed for the booksellers, by W. F. Pratt, Howden. [iSmo., eights.] mdcccxxxviii Lent by Andrew Gibson. 558. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, With a Memoir of the Author's Life, and a Glossary. London : Renshaw and Kirkman. [i8mo., eights.] 1836 ( 292 ) BOOKS Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 559. The masterpiece library. V. — Robert Burns. Selected poems and songs. Contents. Introduction. The Cotter's Satur- day Night. Tam o' Shanter. Halloween. The Twa Dogs. The Brigs of Ayr. Selected poems. Songs. Glossary. London : " Review of Reviews " office. Vol. II. July 4th, 1895. [i2mo., sixteens.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 560. [The masterpiece library, series one, vol. II. The penny poets : Burns, Shakespeare, Longfellow, E. B. Browning. A literary supplement to " Our poets' corner."] London : "Review of Reviews" office. [i2mo., sixteens.] 1895 Nos. 5-8 of " The masterpiece library " re-issued in one volume. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 561. Works of Robert Burns: with an Essay on his Life, Genius, and Character. London : Samuel Richards. [i2mo.] 1 83 1 Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 562. The works of Robert Burns : including his letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed poems : with an essay on his life, genius, and character. In four volumes. London : printed, for the editor, by Richards and Co., Grocers' hall court. Poultry. [i8mo., sixes.] 182 1 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell, Andrew Gibson and J. Barclay Murdoch, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 563. English school-classics. Poems selected from the works of Robert Burns. Edited, with life of the author, notes, and glossary, by Alexander M. Bell, M.A., Balliol College, (293) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Oxford. Rivingtons, Waterloo place, London. Oxford and Cambridge. [lamo., eights.] 1876 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 564. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. Illus- trated by John Gilbert. Second edition. London : George Routledge and Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beckman Street. [lamo., eights.] 1857 565. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott, Incumbent of Bear Wood. Illus- trated by John Gilbert. London : G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beckman Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1858 Lent by Ajidrew Gibson. 566. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. New edition. With numerous additions. London : George Routledge and Sons, Broad- way, Ludgate Hill. [i6mo., eights.] 1866 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 567. Poems and songs of Robert Burns. Illustrated by about one hundred engravings by Birket Foster, Harrison Weir, etc. London : George Routledge & Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York : 416 Broome Street. [4to.] mdccclxvii Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 567A. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London : George Routledge and Sons. [8vo.] 1869 { 294) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 568. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. London : George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Lud- gate Hill. New York : 9, Lafayette Place. [i2mo., eights.] [1878] "Routledge's Red-line Poets." 569. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited, with intro- ductory biography and notes, by Charles Kent, barrister- at-law, author of " Aletheia," " Dreamland," etc. [Vignette : " Burns' cottage, Alloway."] London : George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York : 9 Lafayette Place. [8vo., sixteens.] 1883 "The Blackfriars Edition." Another copy. Lent by Dr. Patterson 570. Re-issue, 1885 Lent by Andrew Gibson. Another copy, in wooden boards. 571. Re-issue, 1895. 572. Re-issue. (" Routledge's Centenary Edition.") London : George Routledge and Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Manchester and New York. 1896 573. Another issue, undated. (" Routledge's Poets for the People.") 574. Another issue, undated. London : George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York: 416 Broome Street. Another copy. ( 295) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrezv Gibson. 57 S- Another issue. ("The Blackfriars Poets.") London: George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Glasgow and New York. [1888] 576. Another issue. London : George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Glasgow, Manchester and New York. [1889] Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 577. Another issue, undated. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 578. Another issue. (" Routledge's Hearth and Home Library.") London : George Routledge and Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Glasgow, Manchester and New York. 1890 579. Another issue, undated. 580. Another issue, undated. (" People's Edition.") 581. Another issue, undated. 582. Another issue. (" Sir John Lubbock's Hundred Books. 58.") London : George Routledge and Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Manchester and New York. 1893 Another copy is in the lower case. 583. Another issue, undated. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 584. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. R. A. Willmott. London : Routledge, Warnes and Routledge. [8vo.] 1859 585. Re-issue, 1862. (296) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 586. Re-issue, 1863. (" Routledge's British Poets.") Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. 587. Re-issue, 1867. ("Routledge's British Poets.") Another issue, undated, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 588. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns : with Explana- tory and Glossarial Notes ; and a life of the author, by James Currie, M.D. New edition. London: printed for Adam Scott, (late Scott and Webster,) Charterhouse square. [i8mo., twelves.] 1846 589. Re-issue, 1853. 590. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns : with explana- tory and glossarial notes ; and a life of the author, by James Currie, M.D. Abridged. New Edition. London: printed for Scott and Webster, (successors to Mr. Dove) 36, Charterhouse square. [i8mo., twelves.] [1833] 591. Re-issue, [1834.] Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 592. Re-issue. London : Printed for Scott, Webster and Geary, 36 Charterhouse square. ^837 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. ( 297) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 593. The poetical works of Robert Burns [In two volumes.] Poems [Songs]. With a Prefatory Notice, Biographical and Critical. By Joseph Skipsey. London : Walter Scott, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, and Newcastle-on- Tyne. [i6mo., eights.] 1885 "The Canterbury Poets" series. In wooden boards. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Another copy of " Songs." 594. Re-issue ("Poems" and "Songs"), 1887. Lent by Dr. Patterson. Another copy of " Poems." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. — Another copy of " Songs." — Another copy of each volume, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 595. Re-issue of " Poems," undated. Two other copies, in different bindings. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 596. Another issue, also undated. With frontispiece — "Auld Brig o' Doon " — and bound in "art linen." Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. coy. Re-issue of " Songs," undated. (298) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Three other copies, in different bindings. 598. Another issue, also undated. With frontispiece — portrait of Burns — and bound in "art Hnen." Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. 599. The letters of Robert Burns, selected and arranged, with an introduction, by J. Logie Robertson, M.A. [Quotations.] Walter Scott, London : 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, [i2mo., eights.] 1887 "The Camelot Series." • Another copy. — Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. — Another copy, half-bound, lent by Andrew Gibson. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 600. Re-issue, dated 1887. ("The Scott Library.") Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 601. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with memoir, prefatory notes, and a complete marginal glossary. Edited by John and Angus Macpherson. London : Walter Scott, 24 Warwick Lane. New York : 3 East 14th Street. [i2mo., sixteens.] ( 299 ) i THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. — Another copy. Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Four other copies, in different bindings. 602. Life of Robert Burns, by John Stuart Blackie. London : Walter Scott, Limited, 24 Warwick Lane. New York : 3 East Fourteenth Street. [i6mo., eights.] Companion volume to " Poems " and " Songs," the three together in shell case. Set — comprising " Life," " Poems " and " Songs " — is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 603. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Collated with the best editions: by Thomas Park, Esq., F.S.A. In two volumes. London : Printed at the Stanhope Press, by Charles Whittingham, 103, Goswell Street; for J. Sharpe ; and sold by W. Suttaby, Stationers' court, Ludgate street. [i8mo., eights.] 1807 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 604. Re-issue. (Parts LXI and LXII of Sharpe's Edition of the British Poets). 18 13 Leiit by Andrew Gibson. 605. Re-issue. London : Printed at the Stanhope Press, by Whittingham & Rowland, Goswell Street ; for Suttaby, Evance, and Fox, Stationers' Court, [and others.] 1813 Lent by Dr. Patterson. — Another copy. (300) POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE s corns H dialect. B Y ROBERT B ^ R N S» THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON: PRINTIED FOR A. STRAHAK; T. CADELL IH TflE STRAND; AND W. CREECH, XDTNBtfROH. MDCCLXXXVII. fl -? ^- >.i->^" 625 CBOOKS) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 606. Sharpe's Select Edition of the British Prose Writers. Burns's Letters. In two volumes. London : John Sharpe. [i8mo., twelves.] 1819 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 607. The letters of Burns. [In two volumes.] [Portrait.] London. Published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly. [i8mo., twelves.] 1819 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 608. Another issue. (The British Prose Writers. Vol. XXIII.) i8i9[-i82i] 609. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. London : published by John Sharpe, Duke Street, Piccadilly. [ 1 2mO.] MDCCCXXIV With autograph "John Morley" on title. Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell, Andrew Gibson. John Murison and J. B. Salmond, are in the lower case. 610. Songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. London: published by John Sharpe, Duke Street, Piccadilly. [l2mO.] MDCCCXXIV Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett, J. MacNaught Campbell, Andrew Gibson, Barty M'Farlane, John Murison and J. B. Salmond, are in the lower case. 611. Burns songs, chiefly Scottish. [Vignette.] Published Feb. i, 1825, by John Sharpe, London. [i8mo., sixes.] (301) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by John M'Millan. 6i2. The British anthology; or, poetical library. Vol. VIII. Burns. London : published by John Sharpe, Duke street, Piccadilly. [i8mo., sixes.] 1825 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 613. The poetical works of Robert Burns; including Several Pieces not inserted in Dr. Curries edition ; exhibited under a new plan of arrangement ; and preceded by an original life of the author, and A Critique upon his Writings ; with an enlarged glossary. In two volumes. London : published by W. T. Sherwin, Paternoster Row. [iSmo., eights.] 1823 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 614. Pocket English classics. The songs of Robert Burns, alphabetically arranged ; with an index to the first lines. [Quotation.] Price Sixpence. London : Sherwood and Bowyer, 137, Strand. Thorns, printer, Warwick Square. [32mo.] mdcccxliv Lent by Dr. Patterson. 615. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London: Simms and M'Intyre. [No. 727.] [i8mo.] 1851 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 616. The poetical works of Robert Burns; including Several Pieces not inserted in Dr. Carrie's edition ; with an enlarged glossary, and an original life of the author. Two volumes in one. London: Joseph Smith, 193, High Holburn. [i8mo., eights.] 1828 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower (302 ) case BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 617. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with His Life, a critique, glossary, &c. Two vols, in one. London : Joseph Smith, 193, High Holborn. [i8mo., eights.] 1830 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 618. Re-issue, 1833. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 619. Re-issue, 1835. 620. Re-issue, 1836. 621. Another issue, undated. 622. Standard Library Edition. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with a life of the author, a copious glossary, and an index. [Quotation.] London: William Smith, 113, Fleet Street. [La. 8vo.] mdcccxxxviii Lent by the Mitchell Library. 623. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [Vignette : " The Birth-place of Burns."] London. William Smith, 113 Fleet street. [La. Svc] Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 624. The poetical works of Robert Burns. London : William Smith, 113, Fleet street. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxxxix Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew -> Gibson, are in the lower case. % ( 303 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 625. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. The third edition. London : printed for A. Strahan ; T. Cadell in the Strand ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh. [8vO.] MDCCLXXXVII Lent by W. A. Coats. 626. Another copy. From the "Young" sale. Lent by Allan Park Paton. — Another copy. — Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell, W. Campbell, Barty M'Farlane and Robert Meldrum, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 627. The Songs of Robert Burns. A New Edition. London : Printed for J. Sudbury, 14, Gate Street; [and others.] [i2mo.] 1823 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 628. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With Photographic Illus- trations, by G. W. Wilson. London : Suttaby and Co. [8vo.] Lent by John Murison. 629. The beauties of Burns, consisting of selections from his poems and letters. By Alfred Howard, Esq. London : printed by T. Davison, for Thomas Tegg, no. ']2s, Cheapside ; R. Griffin and Co., Glasgow ; and J. Gumming, Dublin. [i8mo., twelves.] Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. (304) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1630. The works of Robert Burns, to which is prefixed a life of the author, by James Currie, M.D. A new edition. In two volumes. London : printed by Thomas Davison, White- friars : for Thomas Tegg, no. T^y^ Cheapside ; Rodwell and Martin, Bond-street ; R. Jennings, Poultry : also R. Milliken, and J. Gumming, Dublin ; and R. Griffin and Go., Glasgow. [8vo.] 1824 Lent by Andrew Gibson. ^30A. Another issue (in one volume), 1824. Another copy, lent by W. Graibe Angus, is in the lower case. 631. The works of Robert Burns. With life by Allan Gunningham, and notes by Gilbert Burns, Lord Byron, Thomas Gampbell, Thomas Garlisle \_sic\ Robert Ghambers, Gowper, Gromek, Allan Gunningham, Dr. Gurrie, Hazlitt, James Hogg, Lord Jeffrey, T. Landseer, Lockhart, Motherwell, Sir Walter Scott, Professor Wilson, Wordsworth, &c., &c., &c. [Quotation.] London : T. Tegg, Gheapside ; G. Daly, Red Lion Square. [La. 8vo.] mdcccxl Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 632. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; including Several Pieces not inserted in Dr. Gurrie's edition ; exhibited under a new plan of arrangement ; and preceded by a life of the author, and a complete glossary. In two volumes. London : printed for James Thomson. Sold by P. Walker, Little Queen street, Holborn, and by the principal booksellers. [i8mo., eights.] 1819 Other copies, lent by W. Graibe Angus, Andrew Gibson, David Mackay and John Murison, are in the lower case. (305) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 633. Songs of Robert Burns. With a Preliminary Discourse, in which his ideas of love are compared with those of Solomon, Anacreon and Sappho. London : James Thomson. [i8mo.] 1819 634. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. With A Complete Glossary, and life of the author. Embellished with a portrait. London : Printed by J. D. Dewick, Aldersgate-street. For R. Thurgood, 39, Newgate-street. [32mo., eights.] 1803 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 635. Love-Songs of Robert Burns, selected by Sir George Douglas, Bart., with an Introduction and Notes. Cameo series. T. Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Sq., London, E.C. [l2mo.] MDCCCXCII Copy on Japanese paper: one of thirty printed. Another copy, lent by John Murison, is in the lower case. 636. Poems, Letters, and Land of Robert Burns. In two volumes. London : George Virtue. [4to.] 637. Correspondence of Robert Burns. With his Notes on Scottish Songs and Ballads, the Border and Highland Tours, and Assignment of his Poems. London : George Virtue. [4to.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 63 7 A. The complete works of Robert Burns : containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Illustrated by W. H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and other artists. With a new life of the poet, and notices, critical and biographical, by Allan Cunningham. London : George Virtue. [La. 8vo.] (306) BOOKS — Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, J. MacNaught Campbell, John Highet and John M'Millan, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 638. Another issue. London : J. S. Virtue & Co., Limited, City Road and Ivy Lane. Another copy is in the lower case. 639. Another issue. James S. Virtue, City Road and Ivy Lane, London. Another copy is in the lower case. Lent by James Falconer. 639A. Another issue. Virtue & Co., London. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 639B. Another issue. London : Virtue and Co., Limited, City Road and Ivy Lane. 640. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. London : John Walker & Company. [8vo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 640A. Poetical works of Robert Burns. A New Edition. With a complete glossary. London: Ward and Lock, 158 Fleet Street. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson, 641. Moxon's popular poets. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited, with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rosetti \_sic'\. Illustrated by John Moyr Smith. London : Ward, Lock, & Co., Warwick House, Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C. [i2mo., eights.] (307) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Another issue ("The Royal Edition of the Poets") is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 642. Re-issue, [1883.] 643. — - — Re-issue, [1886.] 644. Re-issue, [1890.] (" Moxon's Popular Poets.") Another copy, half-bound. 645. Re-issue, [1888.] ("The People's Standard Library.") Another copy, half-bound. 646. Re-issue, [1890.] ("The People's Standard Library.") 647. Re-issue. ("The People's Standard Library.") Ward, Lock, Bowden and Co., London : Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.G. New York : East Twelfth Street. Melbourne : St. James's Street. Sydney : York Street. [1892] 648. Re-issue. (" Moxon's Popular Poets.") Ward, Lock & Bowden, Limited, London : Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.G. New York, Melbourne, and Sydney. [1893] Another copy is in the lower case. Another copy, without illustrations. 649. Re-issue, [1894.] 650. Another copy. 651. Another copy, with different frontispiece. 652. ■ Another copy (" Moxon's Standard Poets "), without frontispiece. ( 308 ) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 653. Another copy, with different frontispiece. Another issue. ("The Warwick Classics.") 654. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the best editions. With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, etc. London : Frederick Warne and Co. And New York. [i2mo., eights.] 1893 Another issue, undated. (" Cabinet Poets.") 655. Re-issue, 1894. 656. Re-issue, 1894. ("Cabinet Poets.") 657. Re-issue, 1895. 658. Robert Burns' poetical works. National Edition. With Glossary, Notes, Memoir, etc. London : Frederick Warne and Co. And New York. [8vo., sixteens.] 1896 659. The "Albion" edition. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With explanatory glossary, notes, memoir, etc. London and New York: Frederick Warne & Co. [8vo.] 1888 660. Re-issue, 1892. 661. Re-issue, 1893. 662. Re-issue, 1894. 663. Re-issue, [1896.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 664. The " Chandos classics." The poetical works of Robert Burns. Re-edited from the best editions. With Explana- tory Glossarial Notes, Memoir, &c. &c. London : Frederick Warne & Company, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. New York: Scribner, Welford & Co. [i2mo., sixteens.] ( 309 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Another copy. 665. Another issue, also undated. 666. Re-issue, 1891. Lent by W. Craibe Atigus. 667. ■ Another issue, undated. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 668. The Chandos poets. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the best editions. With Explanatory Glossarial Notes, Memoir, &c. Original illustrations and steel portrait. London : Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Strand. New York : Scribner, Welford, and Armstrong. [i2mo., eights.] 669. The "Imperial" Poets. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, etc. London : Frederick Warne and Co. And New York. [i2mo., eights.] 1893 Illustrated with photographs. 670. The Lansdowne poets. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the best editions. With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, &c. Portrait and original illustrations. London : Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Strand. [i2mo., eights.] 671. Re-issue, [1880.] 672. Re-issue, [1885.] 67-?. Re-issue, [1893.] BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 674. " Popular poets." The poetical works of Robert Burns. Re-edited from the best editions. With explanatory glossarial notes, memoir, etc. etc. With Illustrations. London : Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden. New York : Scribner, Welford and Co. [i2mo., eights. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 675. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Including all the poems and songs in that printed at Edinburgh, in 1787, Under the Author's own Inspection. London: printed and sold by J. White, 15, Ratcliff- highway. [J. Findlay, printer, Arbroath.] [i2mo., fours.] 1824 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 676. Songs of Robert Burns. London : Printed and sold by J. White. [32mo.] 1824 677. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] Chiswick : From the Press of C. Whittingham, College house. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry ; T. Tegg, Cheap- side ; A. K. Newman and Co., Leadenhall street; London J. Sutherland, Edinburgh ; and Richard Griffin and Co., Glasgow. [iBmo., eights.] 1821 Another copy. With autograph " George Jacob Holyoake " on title of Vol. i. — Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett and J. MacNaught Campbell, are in the lower case. (311 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 678. The British poets. Including translations. In one hundred volumes. lxxv [-lxxvi]. Burns. Chiswick : Printed by C. Whittingham, College house ; for J. Carpenter, J. Booker, Rodwell and Martin, G. and W. B. Whittaker, R. Triphook, J. Ebers, Taylor and Hessey, R. Jennings, G. Cowie and Co., N. Hailes, J. Porter, B. E. Lloyd and Son, C. Smith, and C. Whittingham. 1822. (The poems of Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] Chiswick : from the press of C. Whittingham, College house.) [i2mo., sixes.] Lcvit by W. Craibe Angus. 679. The poetical works of Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] [Vignette.] Chiswick : printed by C. Whittingham. Sold by Thomas Tegg, 'j^, Cheapside ; N. Hailes, Piccadilly ; Bowdery and Kerby, Oxford Street, London ; and Richard Griffin and Co., Glasgow. [i8mo.] 1829 680. Robert Burns : The Poems, Epistles, Songs, Epigrams & Epitaphs. Edited by Jas. A. Manson. With Notes, Index, Glossary, and Biographical Sketch. [In two volumes.] Clement Wilson, London : 29 Paternoster row, E.C. [i2mo., eights.] mdcccxcvi Lent by Andrew Gibson. 681. The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With an Original Memoir by William Gunnyon. London : Thomas Yardley, 511 and 513 Liverpool Road. [i2mo., eights.] 682. The "Albion" Edition. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, etc. London : Thomas Yardley. [8vo.] 683. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London : Yardley & Hanscomb, 511 and 513 Liverpool Road. [8vo.] (312) BOOKS Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 684. The Complete Works of Robert Burns ; containing I. the edition by Dr. Currie, and Others; II. pieces, selected from other publications; and III. letters, now first pub- lished. In three volumes. Embellished with Cuts. London: printed for the booksellers. [i8mo.] 1840 685. The poetical works of Robert Burns. A New and Complete Edition, including many poems not extant in any other collection. London : printed for the booksellers. [i2mo., sixteens.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. Another copy. MANCHESTER. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 686. Songs and poems of Robert Burns. People's penny library edition. Manchester: Ireland and Co., 22, Market street; Dorset street, Salisbury square, London. [8vo.] Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 687. The entire works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are pre- fixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry By James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected glossary. Diamond Edition, embellished with an original design from the Cotter's Saturday Night. Man- chester : published by S. Johnson and Son, Livesey st., & Church St., Liverpool. [i8mo., eights.] 1844 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. (313) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 688. Re-issue. Tenth Diamond Edition. Embellished with fourteen illustrations from original designs by Mr. Stewart. Manchester: S. Johnson, and Son, 3, Oldham-street. MDCCCXLV Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 689. Re-issue. Manchester : printed and published by Thomas Johnson, Livesey street. mdcccxlvii Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 689A. Another issue, undated. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 690. The Poetical Works of the Late Robert Burns, with an Account Of His Life. A New Edition containing many excellent pieces of the Author's that never made their appearance in the Copy Right Edition. [Vignette.] Newcastle on Tyne : Printed by M. Angus & Son & sold by them and all the Booksellers in Town & Country. [i2mo., sixes.] 1802 With note, underneath frontispiece portrait, in holograph of Mr. John Burns, M.P. : "Dumb Labour, This day 1759, found its voice in Robert Burns. Glasgow; Jany. 25th, 1891. John Burns." Lent by J. Barclay Murdoch. 691. Re-issue (with additions), 181 1. — — Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. (314) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 692. A collection of songs, in the Scotch dialect. By the celebrated Robert Burns. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side. [i2mo., sixes.] 181 2 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 693. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with a memoir of the author's life, and a glossary. Newcastle : published by W. & T. Fordyce. [i8mo., eights.] mdcccxli Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 694. Re-issue, 1842. 695. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Price twopence. Printed and Published by G. Handyside, Bentinck, New- castle-on-Tyne. [8vo.] 1889 The text is interspersed with medical advertisements. 696. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; including several valuable pieces not published in the original editions of his poems. With a comprehensive sketch of the life of the author. The whole illustrated with notes and a complete glossary. Embellished with eleven beautiful and highly finished engravings. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed and published by Mackenzie and Dent, St. Nicholas's Church-yard. [8vo., fours.] 18 18 Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. 697. Parts 19-20 and 25-26 of No. 696. In blue-paper wrappers (as issued). 698. Re-issue, 182 1. 699. Re-issue, 1826. (315) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Another copy, lent by James O'Neill, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. ']QQ. The prose works of Robert Burns ; containing his letters and correspondence, literary and critical ; and amatory epistles, including letters to Clarinda, &c. &c. Embel- lished with nine beautiful and highly finished engravings. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed and published by Mackenzie and Dent, St. Nicholas' Church-yard. [8vo., fours.] 1819 Other copies, lent by J. MacNaught Campbell and W. Campbell, are in the lower case. 701. Parts 6 and 25-26 of No. 700. In blue-paper wrappers (as issued). 702. Poetical Works of Robert Burns, including several Original Pieces not published in any other Collection of his Poems. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Printed by G. Marshall. [8vo.] 703. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Including several original pieces. Not hitherto Published in any other Edition of his Poems. With an account of the life of the author, From the most authentic Documents. The whole illustrated with notes and a complete glossary. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed and sold by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-market. [Svo., fours.] 1 814 704. The prose works of Robert Burns, now first collected. Containing his letters and correspondence, literary and critical : Extracts from his Journal and Common-Place Book ; and Amatory epistles, including letters to Clarinda, &c. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed and published by J. Marshall, in the old Flesh-market. [8vo., fours.] 1816 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Barty M'Farlane, are in the lower case. (316) vA.T51-.V.i,i&M^.Ar2 .T POEMS, P O EMS, CHIEFLY IN THE CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT. SCOTTISH DIALECT, ■.♦- BY ROBERT BURNS. ^^ ROBERT BURNS. BELFAST: m PRINTED AND SOLD BY JAM&S IrfAGEt No. 9 BRIDGE - STRfiKT. M,BSC, DUBLIN, PRINTED FOR WILLIAM fclLBERT, CREAT-CKOHOE'.-STRkET. M,BtC,I.XXXVIi. 714- IBOOKS) 739 (BOOKS) 'v«"By ■ AAHOnta ft C», BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 705. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns : with an Account of his Life, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. Illustrated with fine engravings. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : printed and published by W. Stewart, no. 40, Riggmarket. [i2mo.] OXFORD. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 706. Clarendon Press Series. Burns : selected poems. Edited, with introduction, notes, and a glossary, by J. Logie Robertson, M.A. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. 1889. [All rights reserved.] [8vo.] WAKEFIELD. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 707. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with his life and character, and a critique on his writings : a glossary, &c. Wakefield : William Nicholson and Sons. London : S. D. Ewins & Co., Paternoster Square. [i8mo., eights.] Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. YORK. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 708. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London : Printed for the booksellers; and for J. Kendrew, York. [i2mo.] 1822 (317) THE BURNS EXHIBITION C-IRELAND. BELFAST. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 709. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes. The fifth edition. Belfast, printed for Archer and Ward, and D. Simms. [lamo., sixes.] 1805 Lent by Andrew Gibson. Another copy. 710. Re-issue (also "The fifth edition"), 1806. Another copy, lent by Dr. Patterson, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 711. The poetical works of Robert Burns; with a copious glossary: to which is prefixed, a sketch of his life. Complete in one volume. [Quotation.] Belfast : published by John Henderson. [i8mo., sixteens.] mdcccxlvi Another copy, lent by Lavens M. Ewart, is in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 712. Poems of Robert Burns. A new edition. Belfast: published by John Henderson. [iSmo., eights.] 1847 Lent by Lavens M. Ewart. 7 1 3. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a selection of his best letters. A new edition. Containing many excellent pieces of the author's that never appeared in the copy-right edition. Belfast : (318) BOOKS printed for Alexander M 'Donald, Elliot's-Court, lo, Donegall-Street, by Hu. K. Gordon, Hamilton's-court. [i2mo., sixes.] 1816 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 714. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Belfast : printed and sold by James Magee, no. 9, Bridge-street. [i2mo.] mdcclxxxvii Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Mrs. J. G. Burns, Lavens M. Ewart, James O'Neill and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. 715. Reprint, mdcclxxxix. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 716. Reprint, with imprint: — Belfast: printed and sold by William Magee, no. 9, Bridge-street. mdccxc Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 717. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Belfast : Printed by William Magee, Bridge-Street. [i2mo.] mdccxciii Other copies, lent by the Earl of Rosebery, W. Craibe Angus, Lavens M. Ewart and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by James O'Neill. 718. Reprint, with imprint: — Belfast: printed by William Magee. 1 800 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. (319) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 719. Re-issue, 1803. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 720. The poems of Robert Burns ; with a Sketch of his Life. [Vignette.] Belfast : Printed by Thomas Mairs & Co. for David Simms, Donegall Street. [i8mo., sixes.] 18 15 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 721. The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings, To which are prefixed some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes. A new edition. Belfast : printed by Simms and M'Intyre, No. 25, High- street. [i2mo., sixes.] 1807 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 722. Re-issue, with imprint : — Belfast : printed by and for Simms and M'Intyre. 1808 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 723. The poems of Robert Burns ; with a Sketch of his Life. Belfast : Printed by Thomas Mairs & Co. for Simms and M'Intyre, Donegall Street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1820 Re-issue of No. 720, with title reproduced on front wrapper, publisher's name and date being altered. (320) BOOKS Lent by Lavens M. Ewart. 724. Another copy. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 725. The poetical works of Robert Burns, complete. With a sketch of his life, and an original introductory essay on his character and writings. Belfast : Simms & M'Intyre, Donegall-Street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1837 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 726. Re-issue, 1838. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Another copy. Bound in style of a Bible. 727. Re-issue. London: Simms and M'Intyre, 13, Pater- noster Row; and 26, Donegall Street, Belfast. 1851 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 728. Another copy. Wrapper dated 1850. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 729. Another issue, 1851. Re-issue of No. 727. In green wrapper: "Knight's series. — London: Charles Knight & Co., Ludgate St." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 729A. Another issue. In coloured-paper wrapper : London. Thomas Richardson & Son. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 730. Re-issue, undated. Belfast : printed by Simms and M'Intyre, Donegall-street. (331) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. — Another copy, in yellow wrapper. — Another copy, in illuminated wrapper. 731. The poems of Robert Burns. To which is prefixed The Author's Life, and a glossary. [Vignette.] Belfast : Printed by Joseph Smyth, 34, High-Street. [i8mo.] 1818 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by George Gray. 732. The Poems of Robert Burns, including several Pieces not inserted in any former Edition ; the author's Life, and a glossary. Belfast : Printed by Joseph Smyth, 34, High- street. [iSmo.] 1826 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Lavens M. Ewart. 733. Re-issue, 1832. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 734. In memory of Robert Burns : selected poems and songs. With an introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. London r Marcus Ward & Co., Limited. Belfast, New York, and Sydney. [i2mo., fours.] 1896 Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and John Murison, are in the lower case. — Copy on large-paper, with illustrations on Japanese paper. ( 322 ) BOOKS CORK. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 735. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Cork : printed by A. Edwards, bookseller and stationer, Castle-street. [8vo., twelves.] 1804 Other copies, lent by Dr. Frazer and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 736. Another issue, same date (but probably earlier in the year), showing misprint — " Bunrs " for " Burns " — on title of vol. 2. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and A. J. Kirkpatrick, are in the lower case. DUBLIN. Lent by Dr. W. Frazer. 737. Findlay's edition of Burn's \sic\ poems, including a number of original pieces never before published. Carefully Corrected and Revised in the Scottish Dialect. [Vignette.] Dublin : Printed and Sold by J. Findlay, Army-Printer, Barrack-st. [i6mo.] 18 16 738. Another issue, same date. With " Introduction " in different type. Lent by Robert M. Mann. 739. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Dublin : printed for William Gilbert, Great-George's street. [i2mo.] mdcclxxxvii Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and George Gray, are in the lower case. (323) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 740. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Dublin : printed for William Gilbert, Great George's- street. [i2mo.] mdcclxxxix Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 741. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Dublin : printed for William Gilbert, Great George's- street. [i2mo.] mdccxc Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus, Dr. Frazer and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Aligns. 742. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns ; with an account of his life. In two volumes. Dublin : printed by Gilbert and Hodge's. [i2mo.] 1803 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 743. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. [In two volumes.] [Vignette.] Dublin : printed by N. Kelly, 6, Great George's street. [i8mo., fours and eights.] 1803 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. 744. The poems of Robert Burns. To which is prefixed, the author's life. And a glossary. [Vignette.] Dublin : Printed for William Pickering and Co. [iSmo., sixes and twelves.] 18 19 ( 324 ) BOOKS Lent by Dr. Patterson. 745. The poetical works of Robert Burns, complete, with a sketch of his life, and an original introductory essay- on his character and writings. Dublin : printed by C. M. Warren; 21, Upper Ormond Quay. [i2mo.] Le7it by Andrew Gibson. — Another copy. — Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. D-THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BALTIMORE, MD. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 746. Works of Robert Burns. In four volumes. Baltimore : Published by F. Lucas, jr., and J. Gushing. [i2mo.] 1814 747. Works of Robert Burns. Baltimore : Published by F. Lucas, jun., and J. Gushing. G. Palmer, Printer. [8vo.] 1816 BOSTON, MASS. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 748. The works of Robert Burns ; with his life, by Allan Gunningham. [Quotation.] In four volumes. Boston: Milliard, Gray, and Gompany. [i2mo., twenty-fours.J 1834 [-1835] 749. Modern Glassies. Burns. By Thomas Garlyle. Favorite poems. By Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. Illus- trated. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Gompany. The Riverside Press, Gambridge. [i8mo.] ( 325 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 750. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Company. [i2mo.] 1882 751. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. [Vignette.] Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin and Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. [i2mo."] 752. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With a memoir. Three volumes in one. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. [8vo.] 753. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. Boston : Lee & Shepard, Pub- lishers. New York : Lee, Shepard & Dillingham. [i2mo.] 1872 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 754. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With a sketch of the author's life. In three volumes. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. [i2mo., eights.] mdccclxiii Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 755. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In three volumes. Boston : Little, Brown & Company. [8vo.] 1865 756. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In three volumes. Boston : James R. Osgood & Company (late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co.). [i2mo.] 1877 757. Works of Robert Burns. Boston : Otis, Broaders & Company. [La. 8vo.] 1848 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 758. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Boston : Phillips and Sampson. [8vo.] 1848 (326) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 759. The poetical works of Robert Burns : including several pieces not inserted in Dr. Curries edition : exhibited under a new plan of arrangement, and preceded by a life of the author : with notes and a complete glossary. Illustrated. Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1 10 Washington street. [i2mo., sixes.] 1852 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 760. Re-issue, 1854. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 761. Re-issue, 1857. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 762. The complete works of Robert Burns : containing his poems, songs, and correspondence. With a new life of the poet, and notices, critical and biographical, by Allan Cunningham. Elegantly illustrated. Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company. [La. 8vo.] 1854 763. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Boston : Phillips, Sampson & Company. [i2mo.] 1857 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 764. Re-issue of No. 762. 1858. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 765. Another issue of No. 10. Berwick upon Tweed : Printed by H. Richardson, for J. White & Co., Boston, United States, America. 1801 HARTFORD, CONN. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 766. The works of Robert Burns ; containing his life ; by John Lockhart, Esq. The poetry and correspondence of Dr. (327) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Currie's edition ; biographical sketches of the poet by him- self, Gilbert Burns, Professor Stewart, and others ; essay on Scottish poetry, including the poetry of Burns, by Dr. Currie ; Burns's Songs, from Johnson's " Musical museum," and " Thompson's \sic\ Select melodies ; " select Scottish songs of the other poets, from the best collections, with Burns's remarks. Forming, in one work, the truest exhibition of the man and the poet and the fullest edition of his poetry and prose writings hitherto published. Hart- ford : published by Judd, Loomis & Co. , [8vo., fours.] 1836 NEW YORK, N.Y. Lent by W. Craibe Angus, y^y. Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. The second complete American Edition. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Philadelphia : Geo. S. Appleton. [l2mo.] MDCCCXLVII 768. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns : with explana- tory and glossarial notes ; and a life of the author, by James Currie, M.D. The only complete American edition. New York : D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway. [i2mo.] mdccclv 769. Re-issue, iviDcccLvii. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 770. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Complete, two vols, in one. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. [8vo.] 1857 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 771. The complete poetical works of Robert Burns; with explana- tory and glossarial notes, and a life of the author. By James Currie, M.D. New York : D. Appleton & Company, 90, 92 & 94 Grand st. [i2mo., sixes.] 1869 (328) BOOKS Lent by the Mitdiell Library. 772. Burns' select works, prose. Vol. I. New- York : published by R. & W. A. Bartow, and by W. A. Bartow & Co., Richmond, (Vir.) Gray & Bunce, Printers. [i8mo., sixes.] 1820 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 773. The works of Robert Burns ; with An Account of his Life. [In four volumes.] Published by W. A. Bartow, New- York. Gray & Bunce, Printers. [iSmo., sixes.] 1824 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 774. Works of Robert Burns. From the last London Edition of 1825. New- York : Published by Wm. Borradaile. [8vo.] 1826 775. Complete Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Alexander Smith. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. [8vo.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 776. Another issue. (" Red-line Edition.") Lent by the Mitchell Library. yjj. Selected poems of Robert Burns. With biographical sketch and notes by Nathan Haskell Dole. New York : 46 East 14th Street. Thomas Y. Crowell & Company. Boston: 100 Purchase Street. [iSmo., eights.] [1892] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 778. The Complete Works of Robert Burns : containing his Poems, Songs and Correspondence. Elegantly illustrated. New York : Oliver S. Felt. Boston : Crosby & Ainsworth. [La. 8vo.] 1866 Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. 779. The works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and criticism on his writings. To which is prefixed, some ( 329 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. A new edition, four volumes complete in one. With many additional poems and songs, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. From the last London Edition of 1829. New-York : S. & D. A. Forbes, printers, No. 29 Gold-Street. [i2mo., eights.] 1830 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 780. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with a sketch of his life, by James Curie \sic\ M.D. With many additional poems and songs and an enlarged and corrected glossary. In two volumes. New York : published by Edward Kearny. [32mo., eights.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 781. The life and works of Robert Burns ; as originally edited by James Currie, M.D. To which is prefixed, a review of the life of Burns, and of various criticisms on his character and writings. By Alexander Peterkin. A new edition, with many additional pieces. In four volumes. New- York : published by S. King, 136 William-street. [i8mo., fours and eights.] 1824 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 782. Works of Robert Burns. New York : Leavitt & Allen. [8vo.] 783. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. New York : John W. Lovell Co., Publishers. [8vo.] [1884] 784. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added, Scots Poems, selected from the Works of Robert Ferguson \sic\. New - York : Printed by J. and A. M'Lean. [8vo.] mdcclxxxviii Second edition of Burns's Poems published in America and first in New York. (330) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 785. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With a memoir. [In two volumes.] New York : James Miller, 522 Broadway. [i8mo., eights.] 1867 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 786. The works of Robert Burns ; containing his life ; by John Lockhart, Esq. The poetry and correspondence of Dr. Currie's edition ; biographical sketches of the poet by himself, Gilbert Burns, Professor Stewart, and others ; essay on Scottish poetry, including the poetry of Burns, by Dr. Currie ; Burns's Songs, from Johnson's " Musical museum," and "Thompson's \sic\ Select melodies;" select Scottish songs of the other poets, from the best collections, with Burns's remarks. Forming, in one work, the truest exhibition of the man and the poet and the fullest edition of his poetry and prose writings hitherto published. New- York : published by William Pearson, 60 Cliff Street ; and sold by all the principal booksellers in the United States. [8vo., fours.] 1835 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 787. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Alexander Smith. With Glossarial Index and Biographical Memoir. Family Edition. Fully illustrated with new wood engravings. With border by C. A. Vanderhoff. New York : Frederick A. Stokes, Successor to White, Stokes and Allen. [La. 8vo.] 1887 Another copy, lent by W, Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. SALEM, N.Y. Lent by General J. G. Wilson. 788. Poetical works of Robert Burns : including several poems not to be found in any other edition. Also, the author's life, written by himself; and extracts from some of his letters. In two volumes. Salem, N. Y. Printed by J. P. Reynolds, Sign of the Bible. [i8mo., eights.] 18 15 (331 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. Another copy. PHILADELPHIA, PENN. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 789. The Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Henry F. Anners. [8vo.] 1846 790. Reliques of Robert Burns ; consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish songs. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. [Quotation.] Published by Bradford and Inskeep, Philadelphia ; Inskeep and Bradford, New York ; Coale and Thomas, Baltimore ; and Oliver C. Greenleaf, Boston. [i2mo., sixes.] 1809 On fly facing title is quotation, from one of his own poems — "Scott's Greeting to Burns " — in autograph of Hon. Wallace Bruce. 791. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia: Published by E. H. Butler & Co. [8vo.] 1858 792. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Printed for Benjamin Chapman. A. Small, Printer. [i2mo.] 181 1 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 793. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns : with several pieces never before published. Philadelphia : Published by B. Chapman. Abm. Small, Printer. [La. 8vo.] 1823 Another copy, lent by W. Craibe Angus, is in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 794. The works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and Criticism on his Writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. Including additional poems, extracted from the late edition edited by Allan Cunningham. Philadelphia : J. Crissy, — No. 4, Minor street. [8vo.] 1836 { 332 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 795. — Re-issue, 1837. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 796. Re-issue, 1846. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 797. Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg. [Svo.] 1828 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 798. The works of Robert Burns : with an account of his life, and criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By James Currie, M.D. A new edition, four volumes complete in one. With many additional poems and songs, and an enlarged and corrected glossary. From the last London Edition of 1825. Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg. [8vo.] 1831 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 799. Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Published by Crissy & Markley, and Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. • [La. 8vo.] 1 85 1 800. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In three volumes. Philadelphia : published by William Fairbairn. [i2mo., sixes.] 1804 801. Edition de Luxe. The Complete Works of Robert Burns. (Self-Interpreting.) In six volumes. Philadelphia : Gebbie & Co., Publishers. [La. 8vo.J [1886] Presentation copy to the lender from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, to whom the work is dedicated. (333) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 802. The Complete Works of Robert Burns. [Self-Interpreting.] Illustrated with sixty etchings and wood cuts, maps and Facsimiles. [In six volumes.] Philadelphia : Gebbie & Co., Publishers. [La. 8vo.] [1886] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 803. The poetical works of Robert Burns, with life, notes, and glossary : by A. Cunningham, Esq. With Many Illustrations on Steel. Philadelphia : Willis P. Hazard, 1 90 Chestnut St. [i2mo., sixes.] 1857 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 804. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Published by John Locken. [i6mo.] 1846 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 805. The poetical works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and his correspondence with Mr. Thomson. To which is added a new and complete glossary. In two volumes. Philadelphia: published by M'Carty & Davis, No. 204, Market-street. [i8mo., twelves.] 1822 Lent by the Mitchell Library. 806. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. (From the latest European edition.) Two volumes in one. Philadelphia : Printed by Patterson & Cochran, No. 148, South Fourth-street. [i2mo., sixes.] 1798 807. The poetical works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, 822 Chestnut Street. [32mo., eights.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 808. Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by Peter Stewart. [i2mo.] 1807 (334) BOOKS Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 809. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Philadelphia : printed for, and sold by Peter Stewart and George Hyde, the west side of Second-street, the ninth door above Chestnut-street. [i2mo., sixes.] mdcclxxxviii First edition of Burns's Poems published in America. Uncut. WILMINGTON, DEL. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 810. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Wilmington : Printed and sold by Bonsai and Niles. [i2mo.] 1804 (335) THE BURNS EXHIBITION E-EDITIONS OF THE CORRESPONDENCE of SYLVANDER and CLARINDA. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 8 1 1. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. Never before Published. Glasgow : Printed by Niven, Napier and Khull ; For T. Stewart, bookseller, Trongate. [i8mo., eights.] 1802 With autograph "John Nichol" on title. Uncut. 812. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet. A new edition. Belfast : printed for Archer and Ward, & D. Simms. [i2mo., sixes.] 1806 Other copies, lent by Lavens M. Ewart and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 813. Letters Addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A New Edition. Belfast : Printed by L. Rae. [i2mo.] 1806 Printed on blue paper. Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 814. Another edition. Belfast: Printed for L. Rae. [i2mo.] 1806 815. Another edition. Belfast: Printed for L. Rae. [i2mo.] 1806 Different from No. 814. { 336 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 8 1 6. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. Never before published in America ; with a choice selection of poems and songs. By Robert Burns, the Scottish bard. To which is prefixed, a sketch of his life and character. Philadelphia : published by John B. Austin. Brown & Merritt, printers, No. 24, Church Alley. [i2mo.] 1809 First edition of Letters to Clarinda published in America. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 817. Letters Addressed to Clarinda and others. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. A New Edition. London : Printed for the Booksellers By J. Marshall, Newcastle. [i2mo.] 181 2 Lent by Andrew Gibson. 818. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A new edition. Belfast : printed for L. Rae. [i2mo., sixes.] 18 14 Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 819. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A new edition. Belfast : printed for L. Rae. [i2mo., sixes.] 1816 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 820. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A new edition. Dublin : printed for R. Lindsay. [i2mo.] 1816 Two other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. 821. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. &c. By Robert Burns. A New Edition. Glasgow : printed by R. Chapman, Trongate. [8vo.] 1820 In brown-paper wrapper. (337) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. — Another copy, in boards. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 822. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. Glasgow : printed for A. Leslie, High-street. [i8mo., sixes.] 1822 Lent by William Dickie. 823. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A New Edition. Glasgow : Printed by J. Carmichael for William Falconer. [i2mo.] 1826 Lent by Dr. Patterson. 824. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. &c. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh : printed for the booksellers. [i2mo.] 1828 Lent by Barty M'Farlane. 825. The correspondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a memoir of Mrs M'Lehose, (Clarinda.) Arranged and edited by her grandson, W. C. M'Lehose. Edinburgh: William Tait, 107, Prince's street ; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London ; and John Gumming, Dublin. [8vo., twelves.] mdcccxliii Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 826. Another copy, showing engraved title and frontispiece (silhouette of Clarinda, etc.) Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 827. Another copy (with his manuscript notes), from library of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Soon after the issue of this (the first authorised) edition, the editor placed such of the MSS. as he possessed in the hands of Messrs. Tait & Co., of Edinburgh, for sale at auction. This copy shows cutting of notice in catalogue. ( 338) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 828. Another copy (with corrections and additions in his autograph), from library of William Scott Douglas, editor of " Library Edition " of The works of Robert Bums. Other copies, lent by Robert J. Bennett, James Falconer and Walter Smith, are in the lower case. 829. The Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a Memoir of Mrs. M'Lehose (Clarinda). Arranged and Edited by her grandson, W. C. M'Lehose. New York: Robert P. Bixby & Co. [8vo.] [1843] ( 339) THE BURNS EXHIBITION F-TRANSLATIONS and CONTINENTAL EDITIONS of THE POEMS AND SONGS OF ROBERT BURNS. Lent by the Author. 830. Robert Burns in other tongues. A Critical Review of the Translations of the Songs & Poems of Robert Burns, by William Jacks, author of a translation of " Nathan the Wise," etc. Glasgow : James MacLehose and Sons, Publishers to the University. 1896. All rights reserved. [8vo.] Bohemian. Lent by the Mitchell Ubrary. 831. Robert Burns: v^bor z pisni a ballad. Prelozil Jos. V. Slddek. Nakladatelstvi, J. Otto, knihtiskirna, v Praze. [i2mo., eights.] [1892] Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. Danish. Lent by William Jacks. 832. Digte og Sange. Ved Caralis. Kjoebenhavn : Chr. Steen & Sons. [8vo.] 1867 Includes translations of eight pieces of Burns's. 833. Hundrede Digte. Ved Caralis. Kjoebenhavn : Chr. Steen & Sons. [8vo.] 1867 Translations of, inter alia, several of Burns's songs. (340 ) BOOKS Dutch. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 834. Zaterdagavond op het Land. Vrij Bewerkt Naar Robert Burns, door Pol de Mont. S. Warendorf, jr., Amsterdam. [Sm. 4to.] Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. English. 835. Burns in English. Select Poems of Robert Burns. Trans- lated from the Scottish Dialect by Alexander Corbett. Boston : Alexander Corbett. [Svo.] 1892 Flemish. Lent by William Jacks. 836. De Schoonste Liederen van Robert Burns. Uit het Schotsch vertaald door Frans de Cort. Brussel : Drukkery van L. Truyts. [8vo.] 1862 French. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 837. Auguste Angellier, Docteur es Lettres, Charge de cours a la Faculty des Lettres de Lille. Robert Burns. I, La vie [II, Les oeuvres]. Paris, Hachette et Cie. [La. 8vo.] 1893 Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 838. Poesies completes de Robert Burns, traduites de lecossais par M. L^on de Wailly, avec une introduction du meme. Paris : Adolphe Delahays, libraire. Rue Voltaire, 4 et 6. [i2mo., sixes.] 1843. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 839. Another copy, in coloured-paper wrapper. ( 341 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Dr. Patterson. 840. Another issue. Lefit by J. MacNaught Campbell. 841. — — Another issue. Paris: Charpentier, hbraire-editeur, 29, Rue de Seine. 1843 Other copies, lent by WilHam Jacks and David Sneddon, are in the lower case. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 842. Re-issue of No. 838. 1853. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 843. Poesies imitees de Robert Burns, par Louis Demouceaux. Paris: Jules Tardieu, Editeur, 13, Rue de Tournon, 13. [8vO.] MDCCCLXV Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. 844. Burns traduit de I'ecossais, avec preface par Richard de la Madelaine. Frontispiece grave a I'eau-forte par Jules Adeline. [Imprime a Rouen Par E. Cagniard.] [8vo.] 1874 Other copies, lent by William Jacks and Dr. Patterson, are in the lower case. German. 845. Gedichte von Robert Burns. Uebersetzt von Philipp Kauf- mann. Stuttgart und Tubingen. Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. [8vo.] 1839 Another copy, lent by the Mitchell Library, is in the lower case. (342) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus 846. Robert Burns's Gedichte. Deutsch von W. Gerhard. Mit des Dichters Leben und erlauternden Bemerkungen. Leipzig : Verlag von J oh. Ambr. Barth. [i2mo., twenty-fours.] 1840 Lent by Dr. Patterson. Another copy. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 847. Lieder und Balladen des Schotten Robert Burns. Ueber- tragen von Heinrich Julius Heintze. Zweite Ausgabe. Mit dem Bildniss und einem kurzen Lebensabriss des Dichters nebst erlauternden Anmerkungen. Braunschweig, Verlag von George Westermann. [i2ino.] 1846 Lent by W. Craibe Angus. Another copy. 848. Robert Burns' Gedichte. Uebertragen von H. Julius Heintze. Mit erlauternden Anmerkungen. Leipzig, Verlag von Carl Fr. Fleischer. [i8mo., eights.] 1859 With autograph "Josef Israels" on fly. 849. Lieder von Robert Burns. Uebertragen von Georg Pertz. Mit einer biographischen Skizze von Albert Traeger und dem Portrait von Burns. Leipzig und Heidelberg. C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung. [i2mo., eights.] 1859 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and A. J. Kirkpatrick, are in the lower case. 850. [Classiker des In- und Auslandes.] Lieder und Balladen von Robert Burns. Aus dem Englischen, schottischer Mundart von A. v. Winterfeld, Stereotyp - Ausgabe. Berlin. Verlag von A. Hofmann & Comp. [i8mo., eights.] i860 ( 343 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Other copies, lent by William Jacks and A. J. Kirkpatrick, are in the lower case. Lent by David Sneddon. 851. Robert Burns' Lieder und Balladen. Deutsch von Karl Bartsch. Erster [Zweiter] Theil. Hildburghausen. Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts. [8vo.] 1865 Lent by the Mitchell Library. '852. Lieder und Balladen von Robert Burns. Deutsch von Adolf Laun. Berlin : Verlag von Robert Oppenheim. [i2mo., eights.] 1869 Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. 853. Zweite Auflage. 1877. LetU by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 854. Dritte Auflage. Oldenburg : Schulzesche Hof-Buch- handlung und Hof-Buchdruckerei. (A. Schwartz.) Other copies, lent by W. Craibe Angus and Andrew Gibson, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 855. Lieder von Robert Burns. In das Schweizerdeutsche iibertragen von August Corrodi. Winterthur : Bleuler- Hausheer & Co. [i2mo.] 1870 Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 856. [Universal- Bibliothek.] Robert Burns' Lieder und Balladen fiir deutsche Leser ausgewahlt und frei bearbeitet von L. G. Silbergleit. Leipzig, Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam, jun. [i8mo., eights.] [1887] (344) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 857. Re-issue, [1889.] 858. Re-issue, undated. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. — — Another copy. Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and William Jacks, are in the lower case. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 859. Robert Burns' Gedichte in Auswahl. Deutsch von Gustav Legerlotz. Leipzig. 1889. Druck und Verlag von Otto Spamer. [i2mo., eights.] Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. 860. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig. 1893. Verlag und Druck von Otto Spamer. 861. Gedichte von Robert Burns. Ubersetzt von Edmund Ruete. Bremen : Verlag von M. Heinsius Nachfolger. [8vo.] 1890 Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and William Jacks, are in the lower case. 862. Meyers Volksbiicher. Lieder und Balladen von Robert Burns. Aus dem Englischen von K. Bartsch. Leipzig und Wien. Bibliographisches Institut. [i8mo., eights.] [1893] Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. ( 345 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 863. Lieder und Balladen von Robert Burns. Nebst einer Auswahl der Gedichte. Herausgegeben von Wilhelmine Prinzhorn. Halle a. d. S. Druck und Verlag von Otto Hendel. [i2mo., eights.] [1896] Leyit by W. Craibe Angus. 864. Burns' Lieder und Balladen. Aus dem Englischen von Karl Bartsch. Leipzig. Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts. [i2mo., eights.] S65. Collection Spemann. Robert Burns' Werke. L Lieder und Balladen. Mit einer Einleitunsf und in neuer Ueber- tragung von Otto Baisch. Stuttgart : Verlag von W. Spemann. [i2mo., eights.] With autograph " J. Maris " on title. Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. 866. Another issue, also undated. Union Deutsche Verlags- gesellschaft, Stuttgart. Hungarian. Lent by William Jacks. 867. Burns R6bert Koltemenyei. Forditotta Levay Jozsef. Kiadja a Kisfaludy-Tdrsasag. Budapest : Franklin-TArsulat. [8vo.] 1892 Italian. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 868. Poesie di Roberto Burns. Prima versione Italiana di Ulisse Ortensi, vice bibliotecario reggente della Biblioteca Governativa di Cremona. Parte prima. Modena : E. Sarasino, librajo-editore. 1893. Robert M'Clure — 206 Buchanan Street. Depot: Glasgow, N.B. (Scotland.) [i2mo., fours.] (346) BOOKS Other copies, lent by Andrew Gibson and William Jacks, are in the lower case. Latin. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 869. The principal songs of Robert Burns translated into mediaeval Latin verse, with the Scottish version collated. By Alexander Leighton, author of " Curious storied traditions of Scottish life," " The Court of Cacus," etc. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo, St. David Street. London : Houlston & Wright, Paternoster Row. [8vo.] mdccclxii Another copy, lent by William Jacks, is in the lower case. Lent by William Jacks. 870. Cantica Scotica e vulgari sermone in Latinum conversa. Interprete Alexandro Whamond. Hamiltoni : Excudebat Gulielmus Naismith. [Sm. 4to.] mdcccxcii Russian. 871. English Poets in Biographies and Examples; collected by Nk. V. Gerbel. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg. [La. 8vo.] 1875 Contains notice of Burns's life, and translations of eleven of his poetical pieces. Swedish. 872. Nagra Dikter af Robert Burns. Stockholm : Klemmings Antiquariat. [8vo.] 1872 Editions in English, Published on the Continent of Europe. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 873. Choice of Burns' Poems ; to which is added a Glossary. Ansbach : Printed for Dollfuss. [8vo.] 1832 (347) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 874. The works of Robert Burns, with selected notes of Allan Cunningham, a biographical and critical introduction, and a comparative etymological glossary to the poet. By Dr. Adolphus Wagner. Complete in one volume. Leipsic : printed for Frederick Fleischer. [La. 8vo., fours.] 1835 With autograph " Chas. Mackay " on title. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 875. Select poems and songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. With a glossary. Berlin. Printed for Ad. M. Schlesinger. [i2mo., eights.] 1841 Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. Another copy. 876. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With a life of the author and an essay on the genius and writings of Burns by E. \_sic] Cunningham, Esq. Carefully revised, and rendered perfectly intelligible to the general Reader by a copious glossary. Campe's edition. Nurnberg and New- York : printed and published by Frederick Campe and Co. [i8mo., twelves.] 877. The poetical works of Robert Burns. With the life and portrait of the author. Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz. [i2mo., eights.] 1845 Another copy, lent by Andrew Gibson, is in the lower case. End of Part I. ( 348) -.iL- u)M\ antl brave Cjou. i66. I never drink 1 cannot do it, on i; equal terms with others It colts them on- ly one day but nie three the fir(t in lifining, the fecond in TulTcring, and this third in repenting. i6B. Si|;hlisby inutli thenobleflof thefenfei. •Ve receive our notices from the other four, _, .iiougb the organs of fenfation only. We hear, we feel, we fmell, we talte, by touch. But fight lilts infinitely hijjher. — It is refined above mat- ttr, and cqiuls the faculty of fpirit. 167. To put ourfelvcs in other perfons pla- ces, would obviate a great deal of the jealoft- lies and rtfcntments we are too frequently fen- lible of toward thcin ; and to pot otfaert into ours, would conlidcrably abate the pride and haugliiincfs of otirfelvej. Idit- ''"^' Freethinhtrs are generally thafe nko •"** never think at all. 170. Sir Ifiac Newton ufed to fjy, that it was mere labour and patient thinking, which bad % i & T ft U E CALLIMACHORUM. Ltd ifiWcwh e/?T^dt/n^'r\*-cJ W tii'ti-. ( BOOKS) ^'fl '-■ ■^C, 1089 14 C M" LAMBS COLLECTION) PART II. BURNSIANA. A--BIOGRAPHIES, CRITICISMS, ETC. CASES NOS. 1 AND 2. Lent by Thomas Wilson. 878. The Glasgow Mercury, January 16-23, '^I^Z- [4to-] Contains advertisement of "Gainers of the Premiums for Flax-raising, crop 1 781." The names in "Second class, Being for Lintseed saved for sowing " include " Robert Burns, Lochlee Farm, Tarbolton Parish, £1." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 879. The Glasgow Mercury, July 13-20, 1786. [4to-] Contains advertisement of the sailing, from Greenock, on loth August following, of the " Brigantine Nancy, Andrew Smith, Master." " My hour is now come — you and I will never meet in Britain more. I have orders, within three weeks at farthest, to repair aboard the Nancy, Captain Smith, from Clyde to Jamaica, and to call at Antigua." — Burns to John Richmond, joth July ij86. Lent by D. Brown. 880. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, November 13, 1786. [Fol] Contains letter, signed "Allan Ramsay," regarding Burns. " . . . The county of Ayr is perhaps superior to any in Scotland in number of Peers, Nobles and wealth commoners ; and yet not one of them has upon this occasion stepped forth as a patron to this man, nor has any attempt been made to interest the public in his favour. His poems are read ; his genius is applauded ; and he is left to his fate." — Extract from letter. {349 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 88 1. Marshall ( ) Catalogue of five hundred celebrated authors of Great Britain now living. London. 1788. [8vo.] Contains notice of Burns — probably the first in a dictionary of biography. Lent by Bruce M'Kie. 882. The Glasgow Mercury, August 11-18, 1789. [4to.] Contains notice — from The Edinburgh Coicrant — of erection of a stone in Canongate Kirkyard, Edinburgh, by Robert Burns to the memory of Robert Fergusson. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 883. Riddel (Maria) Biographical sketch [of Robert Burns]. R. Noble, printer. Old Bailey, London. [1796.] [8vo.] Dated from "Annandale, August 7, 1796," this sketch, first printed (anonymously) in The Dumfries Journal, is beyond all doubt the first Life of Burns. It is here recorded for the first time. 884. The Scots Magazine, Vol. 59. Edinburgh. 1797. [8vo.] Contains (January number) "Some account of the life and writings of Robert Burns, the Ayrshire poet." 885. The Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3. London. 1797. [8vo.] In number for March appeared the first instalment of "original memoirs " of Burns, by Robert Heron. The " memoirs " were concluded in a supplementary number. 886. Heron (Robert) Memoir of the life of the late Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1797. [8vo.] With autograph " David Laing " on title. Lent by Dr. Patterson. — - — Another copy. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 887. Walker (Josiah) Account of the life and character of Robert Burns, with miscellaneous remarks on his writings. Edinburgh. 181 1. [8vo.] ( 350 ) • BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 888. Currie (James) Life of Robert Burns, with his cor- respondence and fragments. London. 1826. [i8mo.] 889. (Edited by Robert Chambers.) Edinburgh. 1838. [La. 8vo.] 890. Life of Robert Burns. [Chap-book.] Edinburgh. 1828. [i2mo.] Lent by John Murisoti. 891. Lockhart (John Gibson) Life of Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1828. [i2mo.] Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 892. (Library edition.) Edinburgh. 1828. [8vo.] With autograph "Coventry Patmore" on title. 893. Third edition. Edinburgh. 1830. [i2mo.] Lent by James Falconer. 894. Reprint. New York. 1831. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 895. Fourth edition. London. 1838. [i2mo.] Lent by John Murison. 896. Fifth edition. London. 1847. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 897. New edition, with notes of the death of the poet's widow and a memoir of the author. London. [i2mo.] 898. Enlarged edition. Revised and corrected from the latest text of the author, with new annotations and appendices by William Scott Douglas. London. 1882. [i2mo.] ( 351 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 899- New edition. London. 1892. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 900. Revised edition. With new notes, appendices and literary illustrations, by John H. Ingram. London. 1890. [i2mo.] 901. Jameson (Mrs. Anna) The loves of the poets. In two volumes. London. 1829. [i2mo.] Vol. II, chap. II : "Bonnie Jean — Highland Mary — Loves of Burns." Lent by J. MacNaught Catnpbell. 902. Cunningham (Allan) Life of Robert Burns. Second edition. London. 1835. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 903. Life and correspondence of Robert Burns. London. 1 836. [i2mo.] 904. Life of Robert Burns. Second [sic\ edition. London. 1837. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 905. Life and land of Burns. New York. 1841. [i2mo.] 906. Burnes (James) Notes on his name and family. Edinburgh. 1851. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 907. White (James) Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott, two lives. London. 1858. [i2mo.] 908. Robert Burns, a memoir. London. 1859. [i2mo.] 909. McDowall (William) Burns in Dumfriesshire : a sketch of the last eight years of the poet's life. Edinburgh. 1870. [i2mo.] ( 352 ) P O E M S, CHIEFLY IH THE SCOTTISH DIALECT. BY ROBERT BURNS. TO WHICH ARB ADDED, SCOTS POEMS, tSLECTED FROM THE WORKS OP ROBERT FERGUSON. N E W.y O R K: FH^NTED Br J.«AI»D,A. M'LEAN, FR HEAU, KO. 4fi. HANOVER-SQj; Ai.L. M,DC;C,I.XXXVI II. 764- '.books; .- 1 ■i i.tttrrt'^r n CAmontH ft C*, »i.*i«ew BOOKS Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 910. Mackellar (G. D.) The loves of Burns. Glasgow. [i2mo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 911. The Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ninth edition. Vol. 4. Edinburgh. 1876. [4to.] Contains "Robert Burns"; by John Nichol. Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 912. Rogers (Charles) Genealogical memoirs of the family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish house of Burnes. Edinburgh. 1877. [8vo.] Lent by W, Craibe Angus. 913. Shairp (John Campbell) Robert Burns. London. 1879. [8vo.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 914. Jolly (William) Robert Burns at Mossgiel, with reminiscences of the poet by his herd-boy. Paisley. 1881. [i6mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 915. Nichol (John) Robert Burns, a summary of his career and genius. Edinburgh. [1882.] [La. 8vo.] Lent by John M'Millan. 916. Blackie (John Stuart) Life of Robert Burns. London. 1888. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 917. Rogers (Charles) and Higgins (J. C.) The book of Robert Burns : genealogical and historical memoirs of the poet, his associates and those celebrated in his writings. In three volumes. Edinburgh. i889[-i89i]. [410.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 918. Begg (Robert Burns) Isobel Burns (Mrs. Begg), a memoir. [Edinburgh.] 1891. [8vo.] ( 353 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Andrew Gibson. 919. New edition. Paisley. 1894. [i2mo.] Lent by Morison Brothers, Publishers. 920. Adams (James) Burns's " Chloris," a reminiscence. Glasgow. 1893. [Sm, 4to.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 921. Higgins (J. C.) Life of Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1893. [i2mo.] 922. Ross (John D.) editor. Highland Mary : interesting papers on an interesting subject. Paisley. 1894. [i2mo.] Lent by Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, Publishers. 923. Hepburn (Thomas N.) Gabriel Setoun. Robert Burns. Edinburgh. [1896.] [i2mo.] Lent by the Author. 924. Munro (Archibald) Story of Burns and Highland Mary. Paisley. 1896. [8vo.] CASE NO. 3. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 925. The Edinburgh Magazine or Literary Miscellany, Vol. 4, July to December, 1786. [8vo.] In October number of this magazine appeared the first review of Burns's Poems. Issued on 3rd November, Tlie Edinburgh Magazine forestalled, by five weeks, Henry Mackenzie's review in The Lounger. Quotations from Poems were given in November and December numbers. "The warmth with which you have befriended an obscure man and young Author in your three last Magazines — I can only say, Sir, I feel the weight of the obligation and wish I could express my sense of it. In the meantime, accept of this conscious acknowledgement." — Bur 71s to the publislier (James Sibbald), [January ITS?.] (354) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 926. The Lounger. Edinburgh. i785[-i786], [Fol.] In No 97, December 9, 1786, appeared "The Man of Feeling's" review of Burns's Poems. " Dugald Stewart and some of my learned friends put me in a periodical paper called TAe Lounger." — Burns to John Ballantine, 13th December ij86. 927. Mackenzie (Henry) Works. In eight volumes. Edinburgh. 1808. [i2mo.] Vol. 6 contains reprint of review which appeared in The Lounger. 928. The Monthly Review, December 1786. London. [8vo.] Contains review of Burns's Poems. Lent by W. IV. Freeman. 929. The Edinburgh Review, January 1809. Edinburgh. [8vo.] Contains review of R. H. Cromek's Reliques of Robert Bums (1808) ; by Francis Jeffrey. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 930. The Quarterly Review, No. i, February 1809. London. [8vo.] Contains review of R. H. Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns; by Sir Walter Scott. 931. The Eclectic Review, Vol. V, Part i, January-June 1809. London. [8vo.] May number contains review of R. H. Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns; by James Montgomery. 932. The Monthly Review, Vol. 60, 1809. [8vo.] December number contains review of R. H. Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns. Lent by Barty M'Farlane. . — 933. ? Gleig (George) Critique on the poems of Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 181 2. [8vo.] ( 355 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 934. Peterkin (Alexander) Review of the life of Robert Burns, and of various criticisms on his character and writings. Edinburgh. 181 5. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 935. Reprint. Calcutta. 1827. [8vo.] 936. Wordsworth (William) Letter to a friend of Robert Burns \i.e. James Gray], occasioned by an intended republication of the account of the life of Burns by Dr. Currie, and of the selection made by him from his letters. London. 18 16. [8vo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 937. Hazlitt (William) Lectures on the English poets. London. 1 8 18. [8vo.] Lect. 7 — "On Burns and the old English ballads." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 938. Campbell (Thomas) Specimens of the British poets. In seven volumes. London. 18 19. [8vo.] Vol. 7 includes biographical and critical notice of Burns, with selections from his poetical writings. Lent by tJie Mitchell Library. 939. The Edinburgh Review, December 1828. [8vo.] Contains review of J. G. Lockhart's Life of Robert Burns : by Thomas Carlyle. Lent by John Murison. 940. Carlyle (Thomas) Burns. London. 1854. [i2mo.] Reprint of review of J. G. Lockhart's Life of Robert Bums. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 941. — — . On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. Six lectures. London. 1841. [i2mo.] Lect. 5 — "The hero as man of letters: Johnson, Rousseau, Bums." (356) BOOKS Lent by Andrew Gibson. 942. Second edition. London. 1842. [i2mo.] Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 943. Tyler (Samuel) Robert Burns, as a poet and as a man. New York. 1848. [i2mo.} 944. Another edition. Dublin. 1849. [i2mo.] 945. Tomlinson (John) Three household poets : viz. — Milton, Cowper, Burns. With an introduction on poetry and song. London. 1869. [i2mo.] CASE NO. 4. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 946. The land of Burns, division 5 : containing an essay " On the genius and character of Burns," by Professor [John] Wilson. Glasgow. 1841. [FoL] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 947. Wilson (John) Genius and character of Burns. Philadelphia. 1 85 1. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 948. Essays critical and imaginative. [In four volumes.] Edinburgh. 1887. [i2mo.] Vol. 3 includes " The genius and character of Bums " ; " Speech at the Burns Festival [1844]." 949. Hannay (James) Satire and satirists, six lectures. London. 1854. [8vo.] Led. 5 — "Political satire and squibs. — Bums." 950. Rogers (Charles) The modern Scottish minstrel ; or, songs of Scotland of the pjist half century. In six volumes. Edinburgh. i855[-i857]. [8vo.] Vol. 4 contains "Essay: The influence of Burns on Scottish poetry and song"; by George Gilfillan. (357) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 951. Gilfillan (George) Galleries of literary portraits. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1856. [8vo.] Contains " Burns " : review of The life and works of Robert Bums. Edited by Robert Chambers. 952. Reed (Henry) Lectures on the British poets. London. 1857. [i2mo.] Lect. 10 — " Burns." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 953. Brooke (Stopford A.) Theology in the English poets : Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns. Second edition. London. 1874. [8vo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 954. Miller (Hugh) Essays. London. 1875. [ismo.] Contains " The Burns' Festival and hero worship. " Lent by Dr. Patterson. 955. Tales and sketches. Edinburgh. 1889. [i2mo.] Contains " Recollections of Burns." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 956. Shairp (John Campbell) On poetic interpretation of nature. Edinburgh. 1877. [i2mo.J Chap. 13 — " Nature in Collins, Gray, Goldsmith, Cowper and Burns." 957. Ward (Thomas Humphry) editor. The English poets : selections, with critical introductions by various writers and a general introduction by Matthew Arnold. In four volumes. London. 1880. [8vo.] Vol. 3 includes "Robert Burns"; by John Service. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 958. Stevenson (Robert Louis) Familiar studies of men and books. Second edition. London. 1886. [i2mo.] Includes the Cornhill essay : " Some aspects of Robert Burns." (358 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 959. Reprint. (On large-paper.) London. 1888. [410.] CASE NO. 5. Lent by John Dick. 960. Peebles (William) Burnomania : the celebrity of Robert Burns considered. Edinburgh. 181 1. [i2mo.] Peebles — minister at Newton-upon-Ayr — figures in " The Holy Fair " as " Peebles frae the water-fit." Lent by Dr. Patterson. 961. Madden (Richard R.) Infirmities of genius. In two volumes. London. 1833. [i2mo.] Chap. 21 — "Burns." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 962. Adams (William H. Davenport) Wrecked lives ; or, men who have failed. Second series. London. 1880. [i2mo.] Includes "Robert Burns." 963. Shairp (John Campbell) Aspects of poetry. Oxford. 1881. [8vo.] Chap. 7 — "Scottish song and Burns." Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 964. Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret O. W.) Literary history of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. In three volumes. London. 1882. [8vo.] Vol. I, chap. 2 — "Robert Burns." 965. Russell (A., p.) Characteristics : sketches and essays. Boston. 1884. [8vo.] Chap. 6— "Burns." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 966. Lang (Andrew) Letters to dead authors. London. 1886. [i2mo.] Letter 19— "To Robert Burns." ( 359 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 967. Gairdner (Miss M. S.) Robert Burns: an inquiry into certain aspects of his life and character, and the moral influence of his poetry. London. 1887. [i2mo.] 968. Hutchinson (Thomas) Essay on the life and genius of Robert Burns. Kilmarnock. 1887. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 969. Hay (John) Wissenschaftliche Beilage Robert Burns. Basel. 1888. [4to.] 970. Whitman (Walt) Complete poems and prose. Boston. 1 885- 1 888. [8vo.] Includes " Robert Burns as poet and person." With photograph and autograph of author. 971. Webster (Alexander) Burns and the kirk: a review of what the poet did for the religious and social regeneration of the Scottish people. Aberdeen. 1888. [i2mo.] 972. Second edition. Aberdeen. 1889. [i2mo.] 973. Robertson (James Logie) Hugh Haliburton. In Scottish fields. London. 1890. [i2mo.] A "collection of essays on various aspects of Scottish rural and literary life." Several of the essays treat of Burns. 974. Thomson (James) B. V. Poems, essays and fragments. London. 1892. [i2mo.] Contains "A few words about Burns." 975. Bruce (Wallace) Here's a hand. Edinburgh. 1893. [i2mo.] Composed of "addresses, lectures and poems on Scottish subjects." Six are on Burns. With quotation (on fly) from one of his own poems, in holograph of author, ( 360) BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 976. Dawson (William J.) Makers of modern English. Fourth edition. London. 1893. [8vo.] Chap. 3— "Robert Burns." 977. Walker (Hugh) Three centuries of Scottish literature. In two volumes. Glasgow. 1893. [8vo.] Chap. 10— "Robert Burns." 978. Minto (William) Literature of the Georgian era. Edinburgh. 1894. [8vo.] Contains "The historical relationships of Burns." 979. Robertson (James Logie) Furth in field : essays on the life, language and literature of old Scotland. London. 1894. [i2mo.] Contains seven essays : " Of Burns in a new aspect." Lent by the Author. 980. Sinton (John) Burns, excise officer and poet : a vindication. Third edition. Kilmarnock. [1896.] [8vo.] Lent by Rosebery Burns Club, Glasgow. 981. Wallace (William) Robert Burns, the closing years of his life: an address. Glasgow. 1896. [8vo.] CASE NO. 6. B-POETS' PRAISE OF BURNS. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 982. Ross (John D.) editor. Round Burns' grave : the paeans and dirges of many bards. Paisley. 1891. [i2mo.] 983. New and enlarged edition. Paisley. 1892. [i2mo.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 984. Hemans (Mrs. Felicia D. B.) Poems. Liverpool. 1808. [4to.] Contains "A tribute to the genius of Robert Burns." (361) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 985. Bruce (Wallace) In clover and heather. [Poems.] Edinburgh. 1890. [i2mo.] Contains "Scott's greeting to Burns"; "The land of Burns"; etc. Lent by Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. 986. Commemoration of Burns. . , . Free Masons' Hall, Queen- Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, [London,] 25th May [1816]. [Poems.] [Printed by T. Woodfall, Edward Court, Strand.] [8vo.] Includes Thomas Campbell's " Ode to the memory of Burns " — written for the meeting — the first commemoration held in London — at which it was recited by W. A. Conway. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 987. Craig (Isa) Duchess Agnes, etc. [Poems.] London. 1864. [i2mo.] Contains the "Ode on the centenary of Burns" which gained the fifty-guinea prize at Crystal Palace in 1859. Lent by John Murison. 988. Crerar (Duncan MacG.) Robert Burns, an anniversary poem. London. 1885. [Obi. 8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 989. Halleck (Fitz-Greene) Alnwick Castle, with other poems. New- York. 1827. [8vo.] Contains " Burns : To a rose, brought from near Alloway Kirk in 1822." 990. Ingersoll (Robert G.) The birthplace ot Burns. 1878. [Sheet, 8vo.] With MS. corrections by author. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 991. Longfellow (Henry W.) Ultima Thule. London. 1880. [i2mo.] Includes "Robert Burns." ( 362 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 992. Lowell (James Russell) Heartsease and rue. [Poems.] Boston. 1888, [i2mo.] Contains "At the Burns' centennial, January 1859." 993. Mackay (Charles) The lump of gold, and other poems. London. 1856. [i2mo.] Contains "At a poet's grave." 994. Massey (Gerald) My lyrical life : poems old and new. In two series. London. 1889. [i2mo.] Includes centenary poem, "Robert Burns." 995. Moir (David Macbeth) Delta. Poetical works. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1852. [i2mo.] Contains "Stanzas for the Bums Festival." 996. Murdoch (Alexander G.) Kossuth at the grave of Burns. Glasgow. [1888.] [Sm. 4to.] Poem which obtained the gold medal offered by "a native of Dumfries, for the best poem written on the subject of M. Louis Kossuth at the grave of Robert Burns." Lent by Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. 997. The Nineteenth Century, February 1896. Contains " Robert Bums " ; by Algernon Charles Swinburne. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 998. Tannahill (Robert) Works. London. [i2mo.] Contains " Dirge written on reading an account of Robert Burns' funeral." Letit by John M'Millan. 998A. Taylor (William) Scots poems. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Contains five stanzas "On reading Mr. Burns' poems. (363) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 999. Watson (William) The father of the forest, and other poems. London. 1895. [i2mo.j Contains "The tomb of Burns." 1000. Wordsworth (William) Poetical works. In seven volumes. London. 1846. [i2mo.] Vol. 3 contains "To the sons of Burns, after visiting the grave of their father." Vol. 5 contains the poem beginning — "'There,' said a Striphng, pointing with meet pride." (364) \ ,- - WO ■U*^/u/tty POEMS A \ (•■ V^^'" O N VARIOUS SUBJECTS, B Y ROBERT FERGUSSON. IN TWO PARTS. THE SECOND EDITION. EDINBURGH PriutedbyT. Rvddimak: For J. BtLL, J.D.cKsoN, W.C^EHCH, C. Eitir P- Andersox, and J S.Mfjox. M,DCC,I.XXXir «. -r4 _^'.''^ji % 7 1/// 1 'of^Lt^ K^J^WK "y>'\AA\y , I206« (BOOKGJ GALLERY No. II CASE NO. 1. C-PERIODICALS, CONTAINING ARTICLES ON BURNS. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. looi. The Phrenological Journal, September i, 1834. . Contains "An essay on the character and cerebral development of Robert Burns " ; by Robert Cox. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1002. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, September 1844. Contains "The Burns' Festival," by Thomas Aird ; "Stanzas for the Burns' Festival," by David Macbeth Moir. 1003. The North British Review, November I851. Contains " Burns and his school " ; by Charles Kingsley. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1004. The Scottish Review, January 1853. Contains " Burns " : review of Robert Chambers's Life and works of Robert Bums ; by George Gilfillan. Lent by Alexander Skirving. 1005. The British Educator, March to September 1856. Numbers for June and September contain " Robert Burns." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1006. Belgravia, October 1870. Contains "The loves of famous ^men — No. 5: Burns"; by Percy Fitzgerald. ( 365 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1007. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, February 1872. Contains "A century of great poets; No. 5 — Robert Burns;" by Mrs. Oliphant. 1008. Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Art, March 27, 1875. Contains " Recent discoveries regarding Burns." 1009. Macmillan's Magazine, March-July 1879. Contains " Burns's unpublished common-place book " ; [edited] by William Jack. loio. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, July 1879. Contains "The land o' Burns." loii. The Cornhill Magazine, October 1879. Contains " Some aspects of Robert Burns ; " by Robert Louis Stevenson. 1012. The Nineteenth Century, March 1880. Contains "Burns and B^ranger"; by Charles Mackay. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1013. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, August 1880. Contains " Robert Burns," a poem ; by H. W. Longfellow Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1014. The Catholic Presbyterian, April 1881. Contains "The poetry of Robert Burns;" by David Sime Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1015. Macmillan's Magazine, August 1886. Contains "The land of Burns;" by Thomas Dykes. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1016. Poet- Lore, February 1895. Contains "The religion of Robert Burns;" by Walter Walsh. (366) BOOKS Lent by D. M'Diarmid. 1017. The Phonographer, July 1896. Contains " Robert Burns." CASE No. 2. D-WORKS BY CONTEMPORARIES AND FRIENDS OF BURNS. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1018. Ainslie (Robert) Reasons for the hope that is in us: essays on rehgion. Edinburgh. 1831. [i2mo.] Ainslie — "whose youthful gaiety made him a chosen associate of Burns — is now chiefly known as the author of some Manuals of Devotion." — -J. G. Lockhart. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 10 1 9. Beugo (John) Poetry, miscellaneous and dramatic ; by an artist. Edinburgh. 1797. [8vo.] Beugo — the "eminent engraver" of Burns's "phiz" prefixed to the Edinburgh editions of his Poems. 1020. Blacklock (Thomas) Poems ; with an essay on the educa- tion of the blind. To which is prefixed a new account of the life and writings of the author. Edinburgh. 1793. [4to.] Blacklock — writer of the letter (September 4, 1786) to Lawrie, of Newmilns, which Burns " treated as an invitation to Edinburgh." 102 1. Buchan (Earl of) Essays on the life and writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the poet Thomson. London. 1792. [8vo.] David Stuart Erskine, eleventh Earl of Buchan, "patron" of Bums. 1022. Carmichael (Miss Rebekah) Poems. Edinburgh. 1790. [8vo.] Miss Carmichael — the "poetess" to whom Burns presented Fergusson's Poems (No. 1182). The five hundred subscribers to the volume include "Mr. Robert Burns, 2 copies." (367) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1023. Creech (William) Edinburgh fugitive pieces. Edinburgh. 1815. [8vo.] Creech — Burns's publisher. — " My worthy Bookseller is a strange multiform character. His ruling passions of the left-hand kind are — extreme vanity and something of the more harmless modi- fications of selfishness." — Burns, in his second Common-place Book. 1024. Dalrymple (William) Family worship explained and recom- mended. Kilmarnock: printed by J. Wilson. 1787. [8vo.] "D'rymple mild" of "The Kirk's Alarm." 1024A. Dun (John) Sermons, in two volumes. Kilmarnock. 1790. [8vo.] The appendix to vol. i contains a " Deel's answer to his verra friend, R. Burns," from Ebenezer Picken's Poems. 1025. Goldie (John) Conclusive evidences against atheism, in vindication of a first cause. Kilmarnock. 1808. [8vo.] " GouDiE, terror o' the Whigs, Dread o' black coats and rev'rend wigs ! " Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1026, Grant (David) Sermons, doctrinal and practical. Air: John and Peter Wilson. I793- [i2mo.] Grant was " priest of Ochiltree " and figures as " Davie Bluster " (" Davie Rant ") in " The Kirk's Alarm." With autograph "Willm. Peebles" on title. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1027. Grose (Francis) The olio : being a collection of essays, dialogues, letters, biographical sketches, [etc.] Second edition. London. 1796. [8vo.] Grose — on whose " peregrinations through Scotland " Burns wrote the stanzas beginning — " Hear, Land o' Cakes, and brither Scots Frae Maidenkirk to Johnie Groat's." ( 368 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1028. Halbert (William) The practical figurer ; or, an improved system of arithmetic. Paisley. 1789. [8vo.] The list of subscribers includes "Robert Burns of Parnassus." Lent by Alexander Macdonald. 1029. Lapraik (John) Poems on several occasions. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. 1788. [8vo.] The " worthy, facetious old fellow of Muirkirk " to whom Burns addressed three " epistles " in verse. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 1030. Little (Janet) The Scotch milkmaid. Poetical works. Air : printed by John & Peter Wilson. 1792. [8vo.] Burns's name appears in the list of subscribers to this work, which contains " On a visit to Mr. Burns " and " An epistle to Mr. Robert Burns." 1031. M'Gill (William) A practical essay on the death of Jesus Christ. Edinburgh. 1786. [8vo.] The work on behalf of whose author Burns wrote "The Kirk's Alarm." M'Gill figures as " Doctor Mac " in the satire. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1032. Mackinlay (James) Select sermons. Kilmarnock. 1843. [i2mo.] The " Great Mackinlay " of " Tam Samson's Elegy." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1032A. Morison (David) Poems. Montrose. 1790. [8vo.] Contains "The deil's reply to Robert Burns" — another of the many " replies." With the Ballochmyle bookplate. 1033. Murdoch (John) Dictionary of distinctions. London. 181 1. [8vo.] Murdoch — Burns's tutor. (369) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1034. Peebles (William) The great things which the Lord hath done for this nation, illustrated and improved. In two sermons. To which is subjoined an ode to liberty. Kilmarnock: J. Wilson. 1788. [8vo.] "Poet Willie" of "The Kirk's Alarm." The volume is open to show the line in the " Ode to Liberty " which excited the ridicule of the country-side : "And bound in Liberty's endearing chain." Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1035. The metrical miscellany, consisting chiefly of poems hitherto unpublished. London. 1802. [8vo.] This work was edited by Maria Riddel, who contributed eighteen pieces to it. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1036. Russel (John) The reasons of our Lord's agony in the garden, and the influence of just views of them on universal holiness, in a sermon. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. 1787. [8vo.] Russel — " wordy Russel " of " The Twa Herds." Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1037. Scot (Mrs. Elizabeth) Alonzo and Cora, with other original poems. London 1801. [8vo.] Contains "The guidwife of Waukhope-house \i.e., Mrs. Scot] to Robert Burns"; with Burns's "answer," beginning — " I mind it weel, in early date. When I was beardless, young and blate. An' first could thresh the barn." Lent by George Set on Veitch. 1038. Sillar (David) Poems. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson. 1789- [8vo.] The author was "Davie, a Brother-Poet, Lover, Ploughman and Fiddler." Prefixed to the work is Burns's second "Epistle to Davie." The poems include an " Epistle to R. Burns." ^ ( 370 ) BOOKS Lent by John W. Eraser. 1038A. Skinner (John) Amusements of leisure hours : poetical pieces. Edinburgh. 1809. [i2mo.] Skinner — author of " Tullochgorum " and correspondent of Bums. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1039. Smellie (William) The philosophy of natural history. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1790 [-1799]. [4to.] "Shrewd Willie Smellie" — Burns's Edinburgh printer. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1039A. Tait (Alexander) Poems and songs. [? Paisley,] Printed for, and sold by the author only. 1790. [i2mo.] Contains " B — rns in his infancy " ; " B — rns in Lochly " ; and other pieces. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1040. Turnbull (Gavin) Poetical essays. Glasgow. 1788. [8vo.] TuRNBtJLL: poet, comedian and acquaintance of Burns. Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1 04 1. Plain sense. A novel. In three volumes. Third edition. London. 1799. [i2mo.] This work has been ascribed to Lucy Johnston, who inspired "0. wat ye wha's in yon toun ? " A portrait of the lady is inserted as frontispiece to the first volume. On title of each volume is autograph of her husband, " Richd. Alexr. Oswald." With the Auchincruive bookplate. E-WORKS RELATING TO THE LAND OF BURNS. CASE No. 3. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1042. Hill (David O.) Catalogue of the Burns gallery: a series of [72] paintings. Edinburgh. [1840.] [i2mo.] (371) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1043. Bradley (Edward) Cuthbert Bede. A tour in tartan-land. London. 1863. [8vo.] Chap. 12 — "The true story of Burns and his Highland Mary." Lent by Miss Mary Barr. 1044. Carruthers (Robert) The highland note-book ; or, sketches and anecdotes. Edinburgh. 1843. [i2mo.] Contains " A ramble among the scenery of Burns." Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1045. Grinstead (Thomas P.) Relics of genius : visits to the last homes of poets, painters and players, with biographical sketches. With illustrations. London. 1859. [i2mo.] Includes " Dumfries." Lent by George Gray. 1046. Grose (Francis) The antiquities of Scotland. In two volumes. London. i789[-i79i]. [Fol.] Burns "was Hving in Ellisland when Captain Grose, on his pere- grinations through Scotland, staid some time at Carse House in the neighbourhood, with Captain Robert Riddel of Glenriddel. . . . Robert requested of Captain Grose, when he should come to Ayrshire, that he would make a drawing of Alloway Kirk, as it was the burial-place of his father. . . . ; and added, by way of encouragement, that it was the scene of many a good story of witches and apparitions, of which he knew the captain was very fond. The captain agreed to the request, provided the poet would furnish a witch - story, to be printed along with it. ' Tam o' Shanter ' was produced on this occasion, and was first published in Grose's Antiquities of Scotland." — Gilbert Burns. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1047. Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Our old home. In two volumes. London. 1863. [i2mo.] Contains "Some of the haunts of Burns." 1048. Howitt (William) Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. In two volumes. London. 1847. [8vo.] Vol. I includes "Land of Burns." (372) y ^CWV A J .^< H«/^J^ \}KJLr^. ,4 V Ll / 1 jMW.. was tBOOKSy ^^^< / ^it^u f^td/^^ r^^'* f^&i lltr, !^ >6i^t^'^H^-^^^ ^c^ fi*t^*vt^/n<. I ^cM<"'>'<' >^ >'tA.W ^; BOOKS Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1049. M'Dowall (William) Memorials of St. Michael's, the old parish churchyard of Dumfries. Edinburgh. 1876. [i2mo.] Lent by the Author. 1050. Sulley (Philip) Robert Burns and Dumfries, 1796- 1896. Dumfries. 1896. [8vo.] Lent by James Falconer. 105 1. Paterson (James) Contemporaries of Burns, and the more recent poets of Ayrshire, with selections from their writings. Edinburgh. 1840. [8vo.] CASE No. 4. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1052. Hill (David O.), Wilson (John) and Chambers (Robert) The land of Burns : a series of landscapes and portraits illustrative of the life and writings of the Scottish poet. With descriptive letterpress. [In five divisions.] Glasgow. i838[-i84o]. [Pol] Lent by Mrs. Bums Thomas. 1053. Adamson (Archibald R.) Rambles through the land of Burns. Kilmarnock. 1879. [i2mo.] Lent by James Falconer. 1054. Ainslie (Hew) Pilgrimage to the land of Burns. Deptford. 1822. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1055. New edition. Paisley. 1892. [8vo.] Lent by David Bryce & Son, Publishers. 1056. Carrick (J. C.) Story of Robert Burns and the land of Burns. Glasgow. [1896.] [48mo.] ( 373 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1057. Douglas (William Scott) " In Ayrshire." A descriptive picture of the county of Ayr. Part first : Cunninghame. Kilmarnock. 1874. [i2mo,] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1058. Guide to the Glasgow and Ayrshire Railway ; to Ayr and its environs ; and to the land of Burns. Ayr. 1 84 1. [i2mo.] 1059. Kinnear (Geo. H.) History of Glenbervie, [the fatherland of Burns.] Montrose. 1895. [ismo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1060. Longmuir (John) A run through the land of Burns and the covenanters. Aberdeen. 1872. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1061. Paterson (James) Reminiscences of "auld Ayr.". Edinburgh. 1864. [i2mo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1062. Scottish tourist's portable guide to the land of Burns. Edinburgh. 1848. [i2mo.] Lent by John Murison. 1063. Storer (James) and Greig (John) Views in North Britain, illustrative of the works of Robert Burns. Accompanied with descriptions and a sketch of the poet's life. London. 1805. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1064. New edition. London, 181 1. [410.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1065. Tweed's Tourist's guide to the land of Burns and the south of Scotland. Glasgow. [8vo.] (374) BOOKS Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1066. Veitch (Major) Pilgrimage to the shrine of Burns during the Festival; [etc.] Edinburgh. 1846. [8vo.] 1067. Ward and Lock's (late Shaw's) Illustrated guide to, and popular history of, the land of Burns. London. [i2mo.} Lent by the Author. 1068. Hewat (Kirkwood) A little Scottish world, as revealed in the annals of an ancient Ayrshire parish [Monkton and Prestwick]. Kilmarnock. [1894.] [i2mo.] Chap. 10 — "Robert Burns and the parish." CASE NO. 5. F-WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE WRITINGS AND THE LAND OF BURNS. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 1069. Illustrations of the poems of Robert Burns, engraved from designs by T. Stothard, R.A. ; and a portrait of Dr. Currie, from an original picture by H. Hone. The whole engraved by R. H. Cromek. London. 18 14. [La. 8vo.] Proofs of illustrations issued in 1823 with the Gilbert Bums edition. Copy on large-paper. Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1070. Copy on small-paper. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 07 1. A series of twelve illustrations of the poems of Robert Burns, engraved on steel by John Shury. From original paintings by William Kidd. London. 1832. [La. 8vo.] 1072. Landscape illustrations to the first complete and uniform edition of the Life and Works of Robert Burns. With original descriptions by Allan Cunningham. London. 1835. [8vo.] (375) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns. 1073. Copy on large-paper. i834[-i835]. [Sm. fol,] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1074. Illustrations of the life and works of Robert Burns. London. 1837. [8vo.] Re-issue of No. 1072, but without letterpress descriptions. Lent by R. Graham. 1075. Illustrations to Tarn o' Shanter. By R. C. Lucas, sculptor. 1 841. [Obi. fol] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1076. Another copy. Lent by John Wilson. 1077. Illustrations to the Works of Robert Burns. From original drawings by Alex. Nasmyth, Sam Bough, Wm. E. Lockhart, Clark Stanton. Engraved by William Forrest and Robert Anderson. Edinburgh. 1880. [Fol.] "Artist's proofs before letters" of illustrations to "Library Edition." Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 1078. Fifteen engravings to illustrate the Works of Robert Burns. Engraved by William Forrest and Robert Anderson, from original paintings by Alexander Nasmyth, Sam Bough and W. E. Lockhart. Edinburgh. Proofs before letters. [Sm. fol.] 1079. Illustrations of Robert Burns' Works. Etchings by William B. Scott. Proofs before lettering. Never before pub- lished. Edinburgh. 1885. [Fol.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1080. Illustrations of the poems of Robert Burns, by Thomas Bewick. Alnwick. 1896. [La. 8vo.] Reprints, from original blocks, of illustrations to the Alnwick Burns. (376) BOOKS CASE NO. 6. G-MISCELLANEOUS. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1081. Annual Burns chronicle and club directory. Nos. 1-5. Kilmarnock. i892[-i896]. [8vo.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1082. Ross (John D.) editor. Burnsiana, a collection of literary odds and ends relating to Robert Burns. Vols. 1-5. Paisley. i892[-i895]. [4to.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1083. Bright (Henry A.) editor. Some account of the Glenriddell MSS. of Burns's poems ; with several poems never before published. Liverpool. 1874. [Sm. 4to.] Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns. 1084. Burnes (William) Manual of religious belief Kilmarnock. 1875. [8vo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1084A. Another copy. Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 1085. Cuthbertson (John) Complete glossary to the poetry and prose of Robert Burns. With upwards of three thousand illustrations from English authors. Paisley. 1886. [8vo.] Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 1086. Gibson (James) The Burns calendar : a manual of Burnsiana. Kilmarnock. 1874. [4to.] Lent by Dr. Patterson. 1087. Ingram (John) editor. Anecdotes of Burns. Glasgow. 1893. [8vo.] Lent by Barty M'Farlane. 1088. Mackenzie (Allan) History of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, No. 2. Edinburgh. 1888. [410.] Contains notes regarding the alleged election and installation of Burns as poet-laureate of Lodge. (377) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by J. MacNaught Campbell. 1089. Peacock (Hugh C.) and Mackenzie (Allan) Robert Burns poet-laureate of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning. [Statement of] facts substantiating his election and inauguration. Edinburgh. 1894. [4tOi] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1090. Officer (William) and others. Burns poet-laureate of Canon- gate Kilwinning — a myth. Edinburgh. [1892.] [i2mo.] Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 09 1. Marshall (James) A winter with Robert Burns, being annals of his patrons and associates in Edinburgh during the year 1786-7, and details of his inauguration as poet- laureate of the Can: Kil : Edinburgh. 1846. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1092. Reid (J. B.) Complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. Glasgow. 1889. [La. 8vo.] Lent by the Mitchell Library. 1093. Ross (John D.) editor. The Burns scrap book. New York. 1893. [i2mo.] Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1094. Stirling (James Hutchison) Burns in drama, together with Saved leaves. Edinburgh. 1878. [i2mo.] Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1095. Gibson (James) Bibliography of Robert Burns. Kilmarnock. 1 88 1. [8vo.] 1096. Bibliotheca Burnsiana. Life and works of Burns : title pages and imprints of the various editions in the private library of James M'Kie, Kilmarnock. 1866. [8vo.2 1097. Catalogue of the M'Kie Burnsiana library, Kilmarnock. 1883. [lamo.] (378) GALLERY No. Ill CASES IN CENTRE OF ROOM. BINDINGS. CASE NO. 1. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1098. Selected poems of Robert Burns. London. 1891. [Svo.] Undyed morocco, super-extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; morocco doublures ; flies of same material ; mitred back ; single gold line on sides. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Robert M. Mann. 1099. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Berwick. 1801. [i2mo.] Green morocco, super-extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; decorated with crosses and stars alternately ; sides powdered ; open centre. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by William Weir of Kildonan. 1 100. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1793. [8vo.] Red morocco, extra; doublures and flies of same material. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. I Lent by Andrew Gibson. \ 1 10 1. Poems and songs by Robert Burns. London. 1858, \ ■ [Sm. 4to.] Blue morocco, super-extra; gilt edges; decorated with a Derome border, worked in dotted lines and inlaid in various colours. Bound by Holloway. (379) k THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1102. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. Belfast. 1806. [i2mo.] Morocco, Sweeting's red; powdered with thistles; gilt edges. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 1 103. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added, Scots Poems, selected from the Works of Robert Ferguson [j-zV]. New- York. 1788. [8vo.] Spanish morocco, flecked colours, super -extra; gilt edges. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lejit by William Weir. 1 104. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. [Names omitted in text written in blank spaces by the poet] Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] French red morocco, super-extra; gilt edges; decorated in Clovis Eve style, that is, a geometrical design interlaced with laurel leaves, compartments of design filled with dotted-line work in style of Le Gascon. Morocco doublure and flies, with fire- proof case of the same material. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Robert Meldrum. 1 105. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Dark red morocco, extra; gilt top; back and sides decorated with scroll pattern. Bound by Zaehnsdorf Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 106. Amelia; by Henry Fielding. In four volumes. London. 1752. [i2mo.J White morocco; arms on sides; ends of undyed silk, powdered with thistles and fleurs-de-lis. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 107. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Alnwick. 1808. [lamo.] Morocco, Sweeting's red; gilt top. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. (380) BOOKS Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 1 08. Selected poems of Robert Burns. London. 1891. [8vo.] Green morocco, super-extra; gilt top; decorated with border of thistles, relieved by dotted work; centre panel open. Bound by Rividre. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 109. Life of Robert Burns; by Robert Heron. Edinburgh. 1797. [8vo.] Spanish morocco ; lion and single gold line on sides ; gilt edges ; ends of old Italian paper. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Andrew Gibson. 1 1 10. Poems, songs and letters, being the complete works of Robert Burns. London. 1868. [i2mo.] Crimson morocco. Bound by Tuckett. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. nil. Poetical works of James Thomson. In two volumes. Glasgow : Foulis. 1 784. [Fol] With arms of lender on boards. Re-backed by Zaehnsdorf. 1 1 12. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Red morocco ; sides inlaid with Persian brocade ; ends of Persian brocade ; arms stamped on sheet of vellum inserted. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 1 1 3. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. London. 1787. [8vo.] In fire-proof case of red morocco, made by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1114. Collection of chap-books. Vol. i. 1750-1812. [i2mo.] Dark-blue morocco, super-extra ; gilt edges ; boards powdered with thistles ; doublures and flies of light-blue morocco, with owner's arms and monogram surrounded with thistles and fleurs-de-lis. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. (381 ) k THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 1 15. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Alnwick. 1808. [i2mo.] Red morocco, extra; scroll back; sides bordered with lines of gold. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Professor Cheine. 1 1 16. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. Kilmarnock. 1786. [8vo.] Green morocco, super-extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; original design, with dotted-line work, after manner of Le Gascon. Bound by Riviere. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 17. Travels into several remote nations of the world; by Lemuel Gulliver [Jonathan Swift]. Part i. London. 1726. [i2mo.] Blue-green morocco ; lions on sides ; thistles at corners ; ends of olive- green morocco; arms on doublure; monogram powdered round with thistles. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Williatn Weir. 1 1 18. Poems by Robert Fergusson. Part 2. Edinburgh. 1779. [i2mo.] Tree-calf, with floriated border on boards. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 19. The poetry of Robert Burns. Vol. i. Edinburgh. 1896. [8vo.] Red morocco, super-extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; decorated with lions on boards ; bordered with scroll ornament of geometrical design ; square-panelled back, with monogram, etc. ; doublure and fly powdered with thistles ; arms of lender on fly. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 1 20. Four books of Scottish ballads. Edinburgh. 1828. [8vo.] Calf; single gold line and lion on boards; arms of lender on fly. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. ( 382 ) BOOKS Lent by William Weir. 1 121. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Green morocco, super-extra ; gilt top ; decorated with outer border of thistles and centre panel of thistles and lilies powdered alternately ; relieved by gold-dotted work ; doublure powdered with crosses. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 122. The Jolly Beggars, a cantata. By Robert Burns. Glasgow. [i2mo.] In pouch case of Spanish morocco, bordered with gold lines. Pouch of old Italian paper. Made by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 23. A choice collection of Scots poems. [In three parts.] Edinburgh. I709[-I7i3]. [i2mo.] Brown morocco ; square back ; arms of lender on sides ; edges gilt on the rough. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 1 24. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. London. 1787. [8vo.] With autograph and bookplate of Right Hon. VV. E. Gladstone. Brown morocco, super-extra ; gilt top ; decorated with geometrical pattern after Grolier style. Bound by V. D. Heuvel, The Hague. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1124A. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Dublin. 1787. [i2mo.] Calf; square back. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1124B. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Dublin. 1787. [i2mo.] Spanish flecked morocco. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. (383) THE BURNS EXHIBITION CASE No. 2. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 25. History of Tom Jones; by Henry Fielding. In six volumes. London. 1749. [i2mo.] Unstained morocco ; arms on sides ; thistles on back ; title inlaid blue morocco ; ends of Tussore silk ; lion on doublure ; monogram on fly. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 1 26. Tarn o' Shanter and Souter Johnny, a poem, by Robert Burns. Illustrated by Thomas Landseer. London. 1830. [8vo.] Plush calf; arms stamped on sides; ends of old marbled paper. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by Robert M. Mann. 1 127. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. Glasgow. 1826. [i2mo.] Calf; gilt edges. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 28. Poems by Robert Fergusson. Edinburgh. 1773. [i2mo.] Red morocco; arms stamped on sides, surrounded with powdered thistles ; ends of yellow vellum ; double monogram, with border of thistles. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by George G. Napier. 1 129. Poems by Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 181 1. [La. 8vo.] Old straight-grained red morocco, gilt edges ; decorated with border and centre panel worked in blind; panel relieved with corners in gold, in Roger Payne style. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 1 30. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. London. 1830. [i2mo.] Light-green morocco. Back lettered "Robert Burns," in gold, "I [II]", and "1830" (at tail); and tooled in gold with profile daisy and trefoil leaves. Front side arranged in five upright ( 384) BOOKS rectangular panels, with rectangular margin all round. Rect- angular margin filled in all round with the words — "That I for poor auld Scotland's sake Some useful plan or beuk could make Or sing a sang at least" in gold. Rectangular panels 2 and 4 lettered in Roman numerals, in gold, with year of Burns centenary and year of Burns's death respectively, letter above letter. Panels 1, 3 and 5 tooled in gold, with profile daisy and trefoil leaves. Reverse side same as front side, except (i) words round margins are omitted, and (2) years of Burns's death and birth are substituted for years of centenary and death. Inside margins of leather decorated with trefoil leaves and lined in gold ; edges rough gilt ; tight flat back ; sewn throughout with silk, and round the bands. Bound by Cobden Sanderson. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 131. Antiquities of Scotland; by Francis Grose. In two volumes. London. 1 797. [4to.] Tree calf; arms (square) stamped on sides; lion on back; ends of marbled paper. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1132. Poems on various subjects; by Robert Fergusson. Third edition. Edinburgh. 1785. [i2mo.] Dark-green morocco, plain, with gold lines on edges of boards. Lettered on back in gold : " Poems by Robert Fergusson " ; "1785" (at tail). Inside margins of leather decorated with lily and leaves in gold, and gold lines ; edges rough gilt ; tight square back ; sewn throughout with silk, and round the bands. Bound by Cobden Sanderson. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1133. Collection of chap-books. Vol. 2. 1750-1812. [i2mo.] Dark-blue morocco, super-extra ; gilt edges ; boards powdered with thistles; doublures and flies of light-blue .morocco, with owner's arms and monogram surrounded with thistles and fleurs-de-lis. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. First chap in this volume : The horn-fair garland. Containing six excellent new songs: has the following entry on title in autograph of the Poet: "Robert Burns aught this book and nother." ( 385 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by A. D. Brogan. 1 1 34. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. London. 1879. [i2mo.] Olive-green morocco, super-extra ; gilt edges ; decorated to geometrical design, inlaid in colours, the pattern interlaced with laurel leaves : elaborate example of inlaid work. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 135. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. Kilmarnock. 1786. [Reprint, 1886.] [8vo.] Dark-brown morocco, super-extra ; gilt top ; decorated with full gilt back, thistle shown in each panel ; sides decorated with three lines and thistles at corners. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 1 36. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1793. [8vo.] Red morocco ; arms stamped on sides ; ends of red Japanese paper. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 137. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. London. 1787. [8vo.] Red morocco ; arms on sides ; thistles at corners and on back ; ends of marbled paper ; lion stamped on Japanese-paper fiy. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 138. Poems by Allan Ramsay. Edinburgh. 1721. [4to.] Tree calf ; arms stamped on sides ; thistles, horses' heads and mono- gram on back ; ends of brown silk. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by T. Glen Arthur. 1 1 39. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Red morocco, super-extra ; gilt top ; inside of board decorated with owner's arms worked in gold. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. ( 386) BOOKS Lent by Robert M. Mann. 1 140. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1793. [8vo.] Crimson morocco, extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; flat back ; block letters. Bound by Cobden Sanderson. Lent by W. Craibc Angus. 1 141. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Alnwick. 1808. [i2mo.] Blue morocco ; back panelled, and sides bordered, with gold ; gilt top. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1 142. Songs of Robert Burns. London. 1831. [48mo.] Brown morocco, extra ; gilt edges. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 143. Poems and songs of Robert Burns. Alnwick. 1828. [i8mo.] Tree calf, gilt top. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 144. Poems. By Robert Burns. Glasgow. 1801. [i2mo.] Spanish flecked morocco ; gilt edges ; boards bordered with gold line. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 145. Travels into several remote nations of the world; by Lemuel Gulliver [Jonathan Swift]. Part 4. London. 1726. [i2mo.] See No. 1117. Showing doublure and fly. Lent by Robert M. Mann. 1 146. Poems by David Sillar. Kilmarnock. 1789. [8vo.] Blue morocco, super-extra ; edges gilt on the rough ; decorated with Lewis back and single-line work. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 147. Poetical works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Alnwick. 181 1. [i2mo.] Brown morocco ; edges gilt on the rough ; boards bordered with gold line. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. (387) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 148. Letters Addressed to Clarinda and others. By Robert Burns. London. 1812. [i2mo.] Morocco : gilt top ; four lines bordering boards. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by R. T. Hamilton Bruce. 1 149. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. Glasgow. 1802. [i8mo.] Tree calf, gilt edges. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1 1 50. Select Scotlsh songs, ancient and modern. In two volumes. London. 18 10. [i2mo.] Brown morocco ; lions on sides ; thistles at corners ; ends of red Japanese paper; arms stamped on Japanese-paper fly. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lent by A. J. Kirkpatrick. 1150A. Poems by David Sillar. Kilmarnock. 1789. [8vo.] Tree calf. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1150B. Burns centenary poems. Glasgow. 1859. [Sm. 4to.] Half-bound in blue-green morocco, by Zaehnsdorf. BOOKS WITH INSCRIPTIONS AND AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. CASE No, 3. Le7it by W. Craibe Angus. 1 151. Entire works of Robert Burns. London. 1833. [i8mo.] With autograph " Christina G. Rossetti " on fly. 1 1 52. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. Alnwick. 1808. [i2mo.] With autograph "William Morris, Sept. 3rd, 1892" on title. 1 153. Ode for the centenary of the death of Burns; by William Watson. London. 1895. [ismo.] Presentation copy — one of "Twenty copies printed for private circulation only " — from author, with inscription on title. (388) f { I ^ ■ •- "urn tok^f^irpiificZ/^iaiii^y/.^ r -y-^t. ^^1 1212 (BOOKS) V . ^ IV] -', ,/ ./ ' .-^ /..^ 1 ,7 \f.' imc\^ // // / \:'Y\ Vv'i'^i i^t/^ M,-:j BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 154. Works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. Glasgow. 1834. [lamo.] With autograph " Wm. Scott Douglas " on title. 1 155. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. Alnwick. 1808. [i2mo.] With autograph "George Meredith, 1891 " on title. 1 1 56. Solomon's ethics; by William Dalrymple. Air. 1799. [i2mo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from author to " Mrs. Doctor Mcknight." 1 157. Poetical works of William Wordsworth. Vol. i. London. 1846. [i2mo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from author to his wife. 1 158. Poems & songs of Robert Burns. Air. 1819. [lamo.] With autograph "Harriet Beecher Stowe, Aug. 1889" on title. 1 1 59. North American Review, November 1886. [8vo.] [Containing " Robert Burns as poet and person"; by Walt Whitman.] Presentation copy from Whitman, with his autograph underneath portrait. 1 1 60. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] With autograph "Robert Browning, April 27, '89" on title. 1 161. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Edinburgh. 1801. [32010.] With autograph "Henry Edward, Card. Manning, March i8, 1891" on title of each volume. 1 162. Poems by Robert Fergusson. Edinburgh. 1773. [i2mo.] From library of James, [14th] Earl of Glencairn, with his bookplate. (389) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 163. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. London. 1804. [i2mo.] Thomas Campbell's copy, with his bookplate and autograph on fly. 1 164. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. London. 1839. [i2mo.] With quotation (on fly) in holograph of John G. Whittier. 1165. Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, by Robert Burns. Vol. I. Berwick. 1801. [ismo.] With quotation (on fly) in holograph of Andrew Lang. 1 166. Poetical works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. Alnwick. 181 2. [i2mo.] With autograph "A. C. Swinburne" on fly. 1 167. The Jolly Beggars, a cantata. By Robert Burns. Glasgow. [i2mo.] With autograph " Robert Louis Stevenson " on title. 1 1 68. The distinction between words esteemed synonymous in the English language pointed out, and the proper choice of them determined ; by John Trusler. Second edition. London. 1783. [i2mo.] With autograph (on title) of Robert Heron. 1 169. Life of Robert Burns; by John Stuart Blackie. London. 1888. [8vo.] Presentation copy from author, with manuscript poem (signed) on fly. 1 170. Works of Robert Burns. Vol. i. London. 1834. [i2mo.] With quotation (on fly) in holograph of Oliver Wendell Holmes. ( 390 ) BOOKS Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1 171. Liverpool testimonials to the departed genius of Robert Burns, the Scottish bard. Liverpool. [1796.] [i2mo.] With jottings anent the names of five of the subscribers (including his father, his younger brother and Mr. W. Ewart) in autograph of Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. CASE NO. 4. Lent by James Robb. 1 172. Lives of the English poets; by Samuel Johnson. Vol. i. London. 1781. [8vo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from Alexander Cunningham to Burns. At page 345, where Johnson terms Hampden "Zealot of Rebellion,'' Burns has written — " For shame ! Let folly and knavery freedom oppose : 'Tis suicide, Genius, to mix with her foes." Lent by James Walker. 1 173. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, by Robert Burns. Kilmarnock. 1786. [8vo.] Copy which belonged to Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop. With copies of several of Burns's poetical and prose pieces added, in her holograph, at end of volume. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns. 1173A. Psalms of David, in metre. Glasgow. 1773. [i2mo.] From the Poet's library. Lent by W. Craibe Angus. 1174. Poetical works of William Meston. Sixth edition. Edinburgh. 1767. [i2mo.] With autograph " Robt. Burns, 1788" on title; note by Peter Cunningham; autograph "Allan Cunningham, Dalswinton, 1804." Lent by Sir Cliarles Tennant, Bart. 1 175. Letters concerning the religion essential to man. Translated from the French [of Marie Huber]. Glasgow. 1761. [i2mo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from Bums to John Tennant of Glenconner. (391 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Lent by Mrs. Burns Thomas. 1 1 76. True representation of the proceedings of the kingdome of Scotland, since the late pacification. [Bound with other pamphlets.] i64o[-i7oi]. [Sm. 410.] From the Poet's library — authenticated by his eldest son. Lent by J. Sinton. 1 177. Letters of Junius. London. 1783. [i2mo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from Robert Ainslie, senior, to Burns. With autograph of latter (on title). Lent by Adam Wood. 1178. Poems by a lady [?Miss Helena Craik of Arbigland]. [4to.J In manuscript ; from library of Riddel of Gienriddel. With quotation (from one of his own poems) in Burns's hand. Lent by Mrs. J. G. Burns. 1179. [Holy Bible. Edinburgh : printed by Alexander Kincaid. MDCCLXII.] [4to.] The " big ha' - Bible " — now slightly imperfect — of " The Cotter's Saturday Night." With the Barnes family-register, in the hand- writing, chiefly, of the Poet's father. Lent by IV. Craibe Angus. 1 180. Works of Laurence Sterne. Vol. 6. Dublin. 1779. [i2mo.] Copy which belonged to Burns, containing numerous marginalia in his hand. 1 181. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh. 1787. [8vo.] Lord Byron's copy : with a " B," surmounted by a coronet, on front board. Lent by the Earl of Rosebery. 1 182. Poems on various subjects; by Robert Fergusson. Second edition. Edinburgh. 1782. [i2mo.] Presentation copy, with inscription, from Burns to " Miss R. Carmichael, Poetess." With Burns's autograph on title, and seven lines on Fergusson (above and beneath frontispiece portrait) in his hand. At end of volume, also, are several poems in holograph of the Poet. (392 ) J0^*^J^ ^ygfy # ^^if^w:^ O-U'^^'^ ? t I , fiiyi^ f 'ir y >» .fVy 't ^v^ / c^^. _^^ /4 ^y ;,'-*»v f ./: X' rM/-/*/ af.w' t{A}{/r\J m. La. Svo. 75 1864 Edinburgh J. Nichol Poetical works : >. Svo. 98 (446) CHRONOLOGICAL LIST Date. Place. Publisher. Brief title. Vols. Siie. No. in Catalogue. 1864 London Bell and Daldy Poems I i8mo. 415 1864 London Bell and Daldy Songs I i8mo. 416 1864 London C. Griffin and Co. Ballads and Songs i 1 2 mo. 499 1865 Boston Little, Brown and Co. Poetical Works 3 8vo. 755 1865 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works i La. 8vo. 104 1865 (ilasgow J. Cameron Poetical works i i8mo. 211 1865 Glasgow J. Cameron Songs and ballads i i8mo. 212 1865 Halifax Milner and Sowerby Complete works i i2mo. 401 1865 Hildburghausen Bibliographisch. Instituts Lieder und Balladen 2 8vo. 851 1865 London Bell and Daldy Poems I i8mo. 417 1865 London Macmillan and Co. Poetical works 2 i2mo. 531 1865 Paris J. Tardieu Poesies imit^es i 8vo. 843 1866 Edinburgh J. Nichol Poetical works i 8vo. 99 1866 Halifax Milner and Sowerby Poetical works i i8mo. 384 1866 London Bell and Daldy Poetical works 3 8vo. 418 1866 London Bell and Daldy Songs I i8mo. 419 1866 London C. Griffin and Co. Comp. poet, works i La. 8vo. 500 1866 London Routledge Poetical works i i6mo. 566 1866 New York 0. S. Felt Complete Works i La. 8vo. 778 1867 Glasgow J. Cameron Comp. poet, works i i2mo. 213 1867 Glasgow W. Collins, Sons and Co. Complete works 2 La. 8vo. 224 1867 Glasgow D. Wilson Life and works 2 4to. 284 1867 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Poems [Reprint] i 8vo. 288-90 1867 London Routledge Poems and songs i 4to. 567 1867 London Routledge Poetical Works i 8vo. 587 1867 New York J. Miller Poetical Works 2 i8mo. 785 1868 Edinburgh Nimmo Poems and songs i Sm. 4to. 100 1868 Edinburgh Nimmo Poetical works 2 8vo. 128 1868 Halifax W. Nicholson and Sons Poetical works i i8mo. 406 1868 London Bell and Daldy Poems I 1 8mo. 420 1868 London Bell and Daldy Songs I i8mo. 421 1868 London J. Dicks Poetical works i i2mo. 490 1868 London Macmillan and Co. Poems, songs, [etc.] i i2mo. 526 1869 Berlin R. Oppenheim Lieder und Balladen i i2mo. 852 1869 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works i La. 8vo. i°5 1869 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Poems [Edin. eds.] i 8vo. 296 1869 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Poems [Posthumous] i 8vo. 297 1869 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Songs I 8vo. 298 1869 London Routledge Poetical Works i 8vo. S67A 1869 New York D. Appleton and Co. Comp. poet, works i i2mo. 771 1870 Glasgow R. Forrester Complete Works i La. 8vo. 231 1870 Glasgow W. R. M'Phun and Son Works 2 Tfl, 8vo. 265 1870 Glasgow T. Murray and Son Poetical works i i6mo. 274 1870 Glasgow D. Wilson Life and works 2 4to. 285 1870 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Poems [Reprint] i 8vo. 291-4 (447) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Date. Place. Publisher. Brief title. Vols. Size. No. in Catalogue. 1870 London Bell and Daldy Poetical works 3 i2mo. 422 1870 London J. Dicks Poetical works i 1 2 mo. 491 1870 Winterthur Bleuler-Hausheer and Co. Lieder i i2mo. 855 1871 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. prose works i 1 2 mo. 135 1871 Glasgow M. Ogle and Co. Select songs i i2mo. 271 1871 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Comp. poet, works 2 i2mo. 299 1872 Boston Lee and Shepard Poetical \\'orks i i2mo. 753 1872 Edinburgh [?W. Paterson] Common place book i 8vo. I 66 a 1872 Stockholm Klemmings Antiquariat Nagra Dikter i 8vo. 872 1873 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. prose works i i2mo. 136 1873 London Macmillan and Co. Poems, songs, [etc.] i 1 2 mo. 527 1874 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works i 1 2 mo. 116 1874 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works i La. 8vo. 106 1874 Glasgow Blackie and Son Works 2 La. 8vo. 194 1874 Glasgow W. R. M'Phun and Son Works 2 La. 8vo. 266 1874 Rouen E. Cagniard Burns traduit i 8vo. 844 1875 Edinburgh Nimmo Poems and songs i Sm. 4to. lOI 1875 Edinburgh Nimmo Poetical works i i8mo. 129 187s London Bell and Daldy Poetical works 3 i2mo. 423 1875 London Macmillan and Co. Poems, songs, [etc.] i i2mo. 528 1876 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works i i2mo. "7 1876 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. prose works i i2mo. 137 1876 Kilmarnock M'Kie and Drennan Comp. poet, works 2 i2mo. 300 1876 London S. Low and Co. Memorials i 1 2 mo. 310 1876 London Rivingtons Poems selected i i2mo. 536 1877 Berlin R. Oppenheim Lieder und Balladen i 1 2 mo. 853 1877 Boston J. R. Osgood and Co. Poetical ^^'orks 3 i2mo. 7S6 1877 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works i i2mo. 117A-8 1877 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works i La. 8vo. 107 1877 Glasgow Blackie and Son Works 2 La. 8vo. 19s 1877 Kilmarnock M'Kie and Drennan Poems I 8vo. 308 1877-9 Edinburgh W. Paterson Works 6 La. 8vo. 160 1878 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works i 12 mo. 119 1878 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. prose works i i2mo. 138 1878 Edinburgh Nimmo Poetical works i i8mo. 129A 1879 London Macmillan and Co. Poetical works 2 i2mo. 532 1881 Glasgow D. Wilson Life and Works 2 4to. 286 1881 London W. Kent and Co. Poems 2 32mo. 522 1882 Boston Houghton, Mifflin and Co. Poetical Works i i2mo. 75° 1882 London G. Bell and Sons Poems I i8mo. 430 1883 London Macmillan and Co. Poetical works 2 i2mo. 533 1883 London Routledge Poetical works i 8vo. 569 1884 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works i 1 2 mo. 120 1884 London Macmillan and Co. Poems, songs, [etc.] i 1 2 mo. 529 1884 New York J. W. Lovell Co. Poetical Works i 8vo. 783 { 448) CHRONOLOGICAL LIST Date. Place. Publisher. Brief title. Vols. Size. No. in Catalogue. 1885 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works I La. 8vo. 108 1885 London Routledge Poetical works I 8vo. 570 1885 London W. Scott Poetical works 2 i6mo. 593 1886 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works I La. 8vo. 109 1886 Edinburgh W. Paterson Poetical works 3 La. 8vo. 164 1886 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Comp. poet, works 2 i2mo. 301 1886 Kilmarnock J. M'Kie Poems [Reprint] I 8vo. 295 1886 Philadelphia Gebbie and Co. Complete Works 6 La. 8vo. 801-2 1887 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I i2mo. 121 1887 Glasgow R. Graham Choice selection I i8mo. 238 1887 Glasgow C. L. Wright Poetical Works I i2mo. 287 1887 Leipzig P. Reclam, jun. Lieder und Balladen I i8mo. 856 1887 London Macmillan and Co. Poetical works 2 i2mo. 534 1887 London W. Scott Letters I 1 2 mo. 599-600 1887 London W. Scott Poetical works 2 i6mo. 594 1887 London Sonnenschein Comp. poet, works 2 8vo. 302 1887 New York F. A. Stokes Poetical Works I La. 8vo. 787 1888 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I i2mo. 122 i888 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works I La. 8vo. no 1888 Edinburgh Nimmo Poems and songs I Sm. 4to. 102 1888 Glasgow Blackie and Son Works 5 8vo. 196 1888 Glasgow Maclaren and Sons Poetical Works I Sm. 4to. 264 1888 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I 8vo. 659 1889 Kilmarnock D. Brown and Co. Burns manuscripts I 1 2 mo. 309 1889 Leipzig P. Reclam, jun. Lieder und Balladen I i8mo. 857 1889 Leipzig 0. Spamer Gedichte I i2mo. 859 1889 Newcastle G. Handyside Poetical Works I 8vo. 69s 1889 Oxford Clarendon Press Selected poems I Bvo. 706 1890 Bremen Heinsius Nachfolger Gedichte 1 8vo. 861 1890 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I 1 2 mo. 123 1890 Glasgow Blackie and Son Works 5 8vo. 197 1890 Kilmarnock D. Brown and Co. Comp. poet, works 2 i2mo. 304 1890 London Routledge Poetical works r 8vo. 578 1890 London Sonnenschein Comp. poet, works 2 8vo. 303 1891 Edinburgh W. and R. Chambers Life and works 4 8vo. 36 1891 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I 1 2 mo. 124 1891 Kilmarnock D. Brown and Co. Comp. poet, works 2 1 2 mo. 305 1891 London Macmillan and Co. Poems, songs, [etc.] I 1 2 mo. 530 1891 London [Edin .] W. Paterson and Co. Works , 6 La. 8vo. 165 1891 London Paul, Trench, Triibner Selected poems I i2mo. 545 1891 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I i2mo. 666 1892 Boston A. Corbett Burns in English I 8vo. 83s 1892 Budapest Franklin-Tdrsulat Koltemdnyei I 8vo. 867 1892 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I 1 2 mo. 125 1892 Edinburgh Nimmo Complete works I La. 8vo. 111-2 ( 449) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Date. Place. Publisher. Brief title. Vols. Size. No. in Catalogue. 1892 Glasgow W. Corbett Burns in English I 8vo. 228 1892 London J. M. Dent and Co. Poetical Works 3 i2mo. 486 1892 London [Edin .] W. Paterson and Co. Poetical \Vorks 3 1 2 mo. 166 1892 London T. Fisher Unwin Love-Songs I i2mo. 63s 1892 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I 8vo. 660 1892 New York T. Y. Crowell and Co. Selected poems I i8mo. 777 1893 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I i2mo. 126 1893 Edinburgh J. Thin Poetical Works 3 i2mo. 182 1893 Kilmarnock D. Brown and Co. Comp. poet, works 2 i2mo. 306 1893 Leipzig 0. Spamer Gedichte I i2mo. 860 1893 London G. Bell and Sons Poetical works 3 i2mo. 431 1893 London H. Frowde Poetical Works I 8vo. 495 1893 London Routledge Poetical works I 8vo. 582 1893 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I 8vo. 661 1893 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I i2mo. 654; 69 1893 Modena E. Sarasino Poesie 1 1 2 mo. 868 1893 Paris Hachette et Cie Vie et oeuvres 2 La. 8vo. 837 1894 Glasgow D. Bryce and Son Poetical works I 48mo. 198 1894 Glasgow D. Bryce and Son Poetical works I 48mo. 202 1894 Glasgow D. Bryce and Son Songs I 48mo. 204 1894 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I i2mo. 655 ; 62 1895 Edinburgh Nimmo Comp. poet, works I 1 2 mo. 127 1895 Edinburgh J. Thin Works 6 La. 8vo. 183 189s London " Review of Reviews" office Selected poems I 1 2 mo. 559-60 1895 London Routledge Poetical works I 8vo. 571 1895 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I i2mo. 657 1896 Belfast M. Ward and Co. Selected poems I i2mo. 734 1896 Edinburgh W. and R. Chambers Life and works 4 8vo. 37 1896 Edinburgh T. C. and E. C. Jack Poetry 4 8vo. 77 1896 Edinburgh J. Thin Poems and songs 3 1 2 mo. 184 1896 Glasgow D. Bryce and Son Poetical Works I 8vo. 199 1896 Kilmarnock D. Brown and Co. Poetical works I izmo. 307 1896 London BHss, Sands and Foster Poetical works I 8vo. 433 1896 London Paul, Trench, Triibner Selected poems I 1 2 mo. 549 1896 London Routledge Poetical works I 8vo, 572 1896 London F. Warne and Co. Poetical works I 8vo. 658 1896 London C. Wilson Poems, Epistles, [etc.] 2 i2mo. 680 (450 ) INDEX OF WRITERS ON ROBERT BURNS: INXLUDING HIS EDITORS, TRANSLATORS, BIOGRAPHERS, CRITICS, ETC. Abbreviations: — Aw^. = biographer ; ed.=editoT ; />-o»j.= translator. Adams (Francis) 1366. Adams (James) 920. Adams (William H. Davenport) 962. Adamson (Archibald R.) 1053. Aiken (Peter Freeland) 310. Ainslie (Hew) 1054-5. Aird (Thomas) 1002. Aitken (George A.) it'og. and ed., 431. Alexander (William Lindsay) 1387. Anderson (George) 1369. Angellier (Augusta) biog. and trans., 837. Annandale (Charles) ed., 196-7. Baisch (Otto) trans., 865-6. Ballantyne (James) 1354. Banks (G. Linnasus) 1367. Bartsch (Karl) trans., 851, 862, 864. Beard (John R.) 1379. Bede (Cuthbert). See Bradley (Edward) Begg (Robert Burns) 918-9. Bell (Alexander M.) biog. and ed., 563. Blackie (John Stuart) biog., 602, 916. Bradley (Edward) 1043. Bright (Henry A.) 1083. Brooke (Stopford A.) 953. Brooks (Shirley) 1356. Brougham (Henry, Lord) 1357. Bruce (Wallace) 975, 985. Burnes (James) 906. Bumes (William) 1084. Burns (Gilbert) ed., 464, 75-6A, 441, 631. 766. 786. Byron (Lord) 7S-6a, 631. Campbell (Thomas) 938, 75-6A, 631, 986. Caralis [C. Preetzmann] trans., 832-3. Carlyle (Thomas) 939-42, 75-6A, 196-7, 499. 631. 749- Carrick (J. C.) 1056. Carruthers (Robert) 1044. Chalmers (Alexander) biog. and ed., 454- Chambers (Robert) biog. and ed., 25-38 75-6A, 631, 889, 1052. Chisholm (D.) 1376. Clarke (Charles Cowden) ed., 98-9, 128, 466. Combe (George) 1361. Corbett (Alexander) trans., 228, 835. Corrodi (August) trans., 855. Cort (Frans de) trans., 836. Cowper (William) 75-6A, 631. Cox (Robert) looi, 1360. Craig (Isa) 987, 1362, 1386. Craig (R.) 1358. Crerar (Duncan MacG.) 988. Cromek (Robert H.) ed., 455-8, 453, 75-6A, 241, 631, 790. Cruikshank (George) 1236, 1275, 1305. Cunningham (Allan) biog. and ed., 475-6, 75-6A, 479-84. 631, 637A-39B, 748, 762, 794-6, 803, 874, 876, 902-5, 1072-4. Cunningham (J.) 1393. (451 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Currie (James) biog. and ed., 443-53, i, 2, i6, 22, 23A, 24, 57-8, 66, 74-6A, 83-4, 89, 91-2, 140, 170-1, 173, 190-3, 213, 241, 249-51, 335, 337-8, 340-1, 367, 388-405, 408, 410, 425-9, 464, 508-18A, 536-7, 588-92, 630-1, 687-9A, 766, 768, 771, 779-81, 786, 794-8, 888-9. Cuthbertson (John) 1085. Dalzel (Andrew) 1233. Dawson (William J.) 976. Delta. See Moir (David Macbeth) Demouceaux (Louis) trans., 843. Deveron (D.) 1384. Dole (Nathan Haskell) biog. and ed., 777- Douglas (Sir George) ed., 635. Douglas (William Scott) ed., 160-6, 182-4, 299-307, 898-9, 1057. Dove (Patrick Edward) 1355. Drummond (Robert Blackley) 1394. Dykes (Thomas) 1015. Ettrick Shepherd. See Hogg (James) Evans (Sebastian) 1375. Fawside (John) ed., 433. Ferguson (John Clark) 1378. Finlay (John) 1369. Fitzgerald (Percy) 1006. G. (M. L.) 1374. Gairdner (M. S.) 967. Gardner (John) 1294. Gerbel (Nk. V.) biog. and trans., 871. Gerhard (W.) biog. and trans., 846. Gertrude. See Simpson (Mrs. J. B.) Gibson (James) 1086, 1095. Gilfillan (George) biog. and ed., 97-9, 257, 770, 951, 1004. Gleig (George) 933. Gordon (Sheriff) 1381. Gould (James) 1414-5. Greig (John) 1063-4. Grinstead (Thomas P.) 1045. Grose (Francis) 1046. Gunnyon (William) biog. and ed., 104-27, 681. Hall (John) 1281. Halleck (Fitz-Greene) 989. Hannay (James) 949. Hawthorne (Nathaniel) 1047. Hay (John) 969. Hazlitt (William) 937, 75-6A, 631. Heintze (Heinrich Julius) biog. and trans., 847-8. Henians (Felicia D. B.) 984. Henderson (Thomas F.) ed., 77, 79. Henley (William Ernest) biog. and ed., 77, 79- Hepburn (Thomas N.) biog., 923. Heron (Robert) biog., 885-6. Hewat (Kirkwood) 1068. Higgins (J. C.) biog, 917, 921. Hill (David O.) 1042. Hogg (James) ed., 232-7, 75-6A, 272, 631. Howard (Alfred) ed., 629. Howitt (William) 1048. Hutchinson (Thomas) 968. Ingersoll (Robert G.) 990. Ingram (John) 1087. Ingram (John H.) 900. Jack (William) 1009. Jacks (William) 830. Jameson (Mrs. Anna) 901. Jeffrey (Francis, Lord) 929, 75-6A, 631. Jolly (William) biog., 914. Kaufmann (Philipp) trans., 845. Kent (Charles) biog. and ed., 569-83. Kingsley (Charles) 1003. Kinnear (Geo. H.) 1059. Landseer (Thomas) 131 1-2, 1272, 75-6A, 631. Lang (Andrew) biog., 545-9, 966. Langford (J. A.) 1391. Lauderdale (John) 1309. Laun (Adolf) trans., 852-4. Lee (George A. B.) 1396. Le Gallienne (Richard) ed., 734. Legerlotz (Gustav) trans., 859-60. Leighton (Alexander) trans., 869. Li^vay (J6zsef) trans., 867. Lockhart (John Gibson) biog., 891-900, 75-6A, 196-7, 631, 766, 786. (462 ) INDEX OF WRITERS Longfellow (Henry W.) 991, 10 13. Longmuir (John) 1060. Lover (Samuel) 1371. Lowell (James Russell) 992. Lucas (R. C.) illustrator, [075. McDowall (William) Inog., 909, 1049. Mackay (Charles) 993, 1012. Mackellar (G. D.) 910. Mackenzie (Allan) 1088-9. Mackenzie (Henry) 926-7. M'Kie (James) 1096-7. M'Lehose (W. C.) ed., 825-9. M'Naught (Duncan) reviser, 307. Macphail (Myles) 1382. Macpherson (John and Angus) eds., 7 3 A, 207. 507. 601. Madden (Richard R.) 961. Madelaine (Richard de la) trans., 844. Manson (James A.) biog. and ed., 680. Marshall ( ) biog., 881. Marshall (James) 1091. Massey (Gerald) 994, 1363. Miller (Hugh) 954-5. Minto (William) 978. Moir (David Macbeth) 995, 1002. Mont (Pol de) trans., 834. Montgomery (James) 931. Montgomery (W. H.) 1350. Motherwell (WiUiam) biog. and ed., 232-7, 75-6.A, 272, 631. Munro (Archibald) 924. Murdoch (Alexander G.) 996. Nichol (John) biog., 911, 915, 184. Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris) biog. and ed., 551-2. Officer (William) 1090. Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret O. W.) 964, 1007. Ortensi (Ulisse) trans., 868. Park (Andrew) 1240A, 1364. Park (Thomas) ed., 603-5. Paterson (James) 1051, 1061. Paul (Hamilton) biog., 7. Peacock (Hugh C.) 1089. Peebles (William) 960. Pertz (Georg) trans., 849. Peterkin (Alexander) biog., 934-5, 83-4^ 781. Prinzhorn (Wilhelmine) ed. [trans.\ 863. Ramsay (Allan) 880. Reed (Henry) 952. Raid (J. B.) 1092. Rhys (Ernest) ed., 487. Riddel (Maria) biog., 883. Roberts (John S.) ed., 114 et seq. Robertson (James Logie) ed., 599-600, 706, 973, 979. Robertson (John Forbes) 1385. Rogers (Charles) 912, 917, 950. Rosebery (Earl of) 1189. Ross (John D.) 922, 982-3, 1082, 1093. Rossetti (William Michael) biog. and ed., 226-7, 239-40, 503, 538-40, 640, 641-53- Ruete (Edmund) trans., 861. Russell (A. P.) 965. Scott (A. J.) 1377. Scott (Sir Walter) 930, 75-6A, 631. Scott (William Bell) illustrator, 1079. Service (John) 957. Setoun (Gabriel). See Hepburn (Thomas N.) Shairp (John Campbell) biog., 913, 956, 963- Sibbald (James) 925. Silbergleit (L. G.) trans., 856-8. Sime (David) 1014. Simpson (Mrs. J. B.) ed., 265-6. Sinton (John) 980. Skipsey (Joseph) biog., 593-8. Slddek (Jos. V.) trans., 831. Small (William) 1240^. Smith (.\lexander) biog. and ed., 531-4, 526-30, 775-6, 787- Sneddon (David) ed., 309. Stenhouse (William) 141 2-3. Stephens (George) 1395. Stevenson (Robert Louis) 958-9, loii. Stewart (Dugald) 766, 786. Stirling (James Hutchison) 1094. Storer (James) 1063-4. (453) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Stothard (Thomas) illustrator, 1069, 464. SuUey (Philip) 1050. Swinburne (Algernon Charles) 997. Tait (Alexander) 1039A. Tannahill (Robert) 998. Taylor (William) 998A. Thomson (James) 974. Todd (A. B.) 1359. Tomlinson (John) 945. Traeger (Albert) biog., 849. Trovato (Ben). See Lover (Samuel) Tutin (J. R.) biog. and ed., 505. Tyler (Samuel) 943-4. V. (B.) See Thomson (James) Veitch (Major) 1066. Waddell (Peter Hately) biog. and ed., 284-6, 1368. Wagner (Adolphus) biog. and ed., 874. Wailly (Leon de) trans., 838-42. Walker (Hugh) 977. Walker (Josiah) biog, 86, 887. Wallace (William) reviser, 37, 467, 981. Walsh (Walter) 1016. Ward (Thomas Humphry) 957. Watson (William) 999, 1153. Webster (Alexander) 971-2. Whamond (Alexander) trans., 870. White (James) biog., 907-8. Whitman (Walt) 970, 1159. Willmott (Robert Aris) biog. and ed., 564-6, 568, 584-7, 501-2, 750-1, 753. Wilson (John) 946-8, 75-6A, 190-7, 631, 1052. Winterfeld (A. v.) trans., 850. Wordsworth (William) 936, 1000, 75-6A, 631. ( 454 ) INDEX OF BOOKBINDERS REPRESENTED AT THE BURNS EXHIBITION. Heuvel (V. D.) 1124. HoUoway: iioi. Riviere: no8, 11 16. Sanderson (J. T. Cobden) 1130, 1132, 1 140. Tuckett: 11 10. Zaehnsdorf: 1098-1100, 1 102-7, 'io9> nn-5, 1117-23, 1124A-8, 1131, 1 133-9, ii4i-5°B- ( 455 ) ^ . — *- T([S}.^ ^7r\y ^l/joor^')NV< 6o^v^^^iAjif\^.--^t(^ > /; Z l M" LAMBS COLLECTION^ GALLERY No. V WORKS RELATING TO ROBERT BURNS from the LIBRARY OF A. C. LAMB, F.S.A.SCOT., DUNDEE. CENTRE CASE. 1. Holograph Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Cleghorn, Saughton Mills, dated Ellisland, 23rd July, 1790, with Elegy on Captain Matthew Henderson (128 lines). First Fair Copy. 8 pp. 4to. Letter finishing with — "Let me know how you like the foregoing. My best compliments to Mrs. Cleghorn and family. I am, ever most truly, My dear Sir, Yours, robt. burns." 2. Holograph Letter from Robert Burns to Peter Hill, Book- seller, Edinburgh, enclosing £6 is., and authorising him to pay ;^5 los. to Mr. Robert Burn, Architect, Edinburgh, " for erecting the stone over poor Fergusson." Dated at Dumfries, 5th February, 1792, 2 pp. 4to. 3. Letter. Dated Dumfries, December 6th, 1853, and signed " Robert Burns, eldest son of the Poet." ( 467 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Carlyle, Thomas. Letter written by Thomas Carlyle to Mr. Allan Cunningham in acknowledgment of a copy of his work on Robert Burns. Dated Chelsea, 23rd April, 1835. 3 pp. Size 7^ in. x ^y^ in. Holograph Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Cleghorn, dated Ellisland, near Dumfries, 23rd January, 1789, with Lines written in Friar's Carse Hermitage in 1788 {32 lines), beginning with — 2 pp. Foolscap. " Thou whom chance many hither lead Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these maxims on thy soul." 6. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, and sold by William Creech, m.dcc.lxxxvii. 8vo. Size 9 in. x 55/^ in. XLVIII. — 368 pp. Uncut. At page 263 the words " stinking ware " instead of " skinking ware." Nasmyth's Portrait, engraved by Beugo. 7. Another copy. (Same as No. 6). Gilt top. 8vo. Size 8^ in. x 5^ in. Uncut. Bound in crimson morocco by Bedford. At page 263 the words "skinking ware" occur. 8. Another copy. 8vo. Size 8^^ in. x 514; in. Presentation copy from Robert Burns to William Nicol, High School, Edinburgh. Bound in inlaid calf by Scott of Edinburgh. " To Mr. Nicol as a small but sincere mark of gratitude and friendship. " The Aut/ior." 9. Another Copy. (Same as No. 7.) 8vo. Size 2>% in. x 5 in. MSS. additions and corrections by Robert Chambers. The signature of W. er-" R. Chambers on fly-leaf. ( 458 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 10. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Kilmarnock : Printed by John Wilson. m.dcc.lxxxvi. 8vo. Size 9 in. X 6 in. 240 pp. " The simple Bard, unbroke by rules of art. He pours the wild effusions of the heart : And if inspir'd, 'tis Nature's pow'rs inspire ; Her's all the melting thrill, and her's the kindling fire." — Anonymous. First Kilmarnock Edition. In the original paper covers as issued. Uncut. Last pages uncut up. Enclosed in crimson morocco case. 11. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. The Third Edition. London : Printed for A. Strachan ; T. Cadell in the Strand ; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, M.DCc.LXXXvii. 8vo. Size gin. x 5^ in. xlviii. — 372 pp. Bound in crimson morocco by Bedford. Uncut. Gilt top. From Strawberry Hill Collection. 12. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, with his Life. En- gravings on wood by Bew^ick, from Designs by Thurston. Two volumes. ' Alnwick : Printed by Wm. Davidson. 1 808. i2mo. Size 62/^ in. x 3^ in. Vol. I. 297 pp. Vol. II. 320 pp. Glossary, 26 pp. Bound in crimson morocco. 13. A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages. Illustrated by Plates. By James Small, Plough and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder Mount, now at Rosebank, near Foord, Midlothian. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, and sold by W. Creech and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, and T. Cadell, London, m.dcc.lxxxiv. 8vo. This copy belonged to Robert Burns, and contains his autograph on title page. Allan Cunningham, in 1834, writes thus — "His (Burns) copy of Small's Treatise on Ploughs is now before me. Not one remark appears on the margins ; but on the title page is written, 'Robert Burns, Poet.'" Inserted is a holograph letter by Burns : — " Mr. Scott, " Give the gentleman who delivers you this, Mr. Richmond, my Small on Ploughs. "ROBERT BURNS." " Saturday morn." (459) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 14. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns; In two volumes. The Second Edition, considerably enlarged. Edinburgh : Printed for T. Cadell, London, and William Creech, Edinburgh, m.dcc.xciii. i2mo. Size 7^ in. x 4)^ in. Vol. I., xii. — 237 pp. — Vol. II., 283 pp. Presentation Copy. To John M'Murdo, Esquire, Drumlanrig, from Robert Burns, the Poet. "To John M'Murdo, Esquire, Drumlanrig. " Will Mr. M'Murdo do me the favor to accept of these volumes ; a trifling but sincere mark of the very high respect I bear for his worth as a man, his manners as a gentleman, and his kindness as a friend. However inferior now, or after- wards, I may rank as a Poet ; one honest virtue, to which few Poets can pretend, I trust I shall ever claim as mine: — to no man, whatever his station in life, or his power to serve me, have I ever paid a compliment at the expense of truth. The Author." Copy of verses written on a pane of glass in Mr. M'Murdo's house by Burns. Photograph Portrait of Burns, after Nasmyth. 15. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added several other pieces not contained in any former edition of his Poems, and a Life of the Author. Glasgow : Printed and sold by Chapman & Lang, Booksellers and Stationers, Trongate. 1801. i2mo. Size /in. X4i^in. xii. — 360 pp. Portrait of Mackenzie. Folding plate of " House in which Burns was born." Drawn by W. Score. Aquatinted by R. Scott. 10. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. A New Edition, which includes all the Poems and Songs in that printed at Edinburgh in 1787, under the Author's own inspection. London : Published by A. Cleugh, No. 14 Ratcliffe Highway; and sold by the principal book- sellers. 1803. J. Findlay, Printer, Arbroath. Post Svo. Size dy^ in. x 3^ in. viii. — 225 pp. Portrait by Anderson, Perth. A copy without portrait, uncut, in original covers. Size 6Vs in. x 4^4^ in. { 460 ) ' !/r {sAi^x- : — ^f -' '>M[t--4^^f^.-fi^>V i 1: t^?ct^^# /^^c^ ii^eUi ^^); \^^<^''\ 2 ( M" LAMBS COLLECTION) THE LAMB COLLECTION 17. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, including the Pieces published in his Correspondence and Reliques, with his Songs and Fragments. To which are prefixed a History of the Poems by his Brother, Gilbert Burns, and a Sketch of his Life. In two volumes. London : Printed for John Bumpus, Holborn : Walker & Co., Paternoster Row, &c. 1822. i2mo. Size 6^ in. x 4 in. Vol. I., XXX. — 268 pp. Vol., II. xn. — 262 pp. Portrait engraved by Freeman. Bound in full Russia. 1 8. The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. With a Life of the Author, containing a variety of particulars drawn from sources inaccessible to former biographers. To which is subjoined an Appendix, consisting of a Panegyrical Ode, and a demonstration of Burns's superiority to every other Poet as a writer of songs. By the Rev. Hamilton Paul, Minister of Broughton, Glenholm and Kilbucks. Ayr : Printed by Wilson, M'Cormick & Carnie. 1819. i2mo. Size 7^ in. X 4^ in. XLViii. — 312 pp. Portrait of Burns. Wedgewood. Vignette of Burns's Monument, Ayr, on sub-title. 19. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. Cork : Printed by A. Edwards, Book- seller and Stationer, Castle Street. 1804. Post 8vo. Size 7j^ in. x 4)^ in. Vol. I., X. — 374 pp. Vol. II. 94 pp. Two volumes bound in one. 20. Poems Ascribed to Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Bard. Not contained in any edition of his works hitherto published. Glasgow: Printed by Chapman & Lang for Thomas Stewart, Bookseller and Stationer. 1801. 8vo. Size 8^in. xsj^in. 94 pp. ( 461 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 2 1. Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. London : Published by John Sharpe, Duke Street, Picca- dilly. M.DCCC.XXIV. i2mo. Size 6^ in. x 4^ in. viii. — 264 pp. Uncut. Extra title, "My Mary's Asleep," after F. Stothart, R.A. ; engraved by \V. Finden. Printed by C Whittington, Chiswick. 22. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. London : Published by John Sharpe, Duke Street, Picca- dilly. M.DCCC.XXIV. i2mo. Size 6J^ in. x 4^/^ in. xii. — 256 pp. Printed by C. Whittington, Chiswick. Uncut. Extra title, " The wily mother sees the conscious flame, sparkle in Jenny's e'e," after R. Westall, R.A. ; engraved by W. Finden. 23. The Works of Robert Burns, including his Letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed Poems, with an Essay on his Life, Genius, and Character. In four vols. London r Printed for the Editor by Richards & Co., Grocers' Hall Court, Poultry. 1821. i2mo. Size 51^ in. x 354! in. Vol. I. X.— 244 pp. Vol. II. 260 pp. Vol. III. 248 pp. Vol. IV. 272 pp. Portrait engraved by M. N. Bate. Four volumes bound in two. 24. The Edinburgh Advertiser. Printed for James Donaldson, and sold at his Printing House, Castlehill. In one volume. 1787. April 13th. Creech's Advertisement of Burns' First Edinburgh Edition of Poems. 1787. April 17th. Poem — "Man was made to Mourn." Prologue written for Mr. Woods, Comedian, Edinburgh Theatre Royal. 1788. November 25th. Notice of Burns living in Retirement at his Farm. 1796. July 22nd. Notice of death of the celebrated Robert Burns. 1796. July 26th. Notice of Burns' funeral. "The remains of Mr. Robert Burns were interred on Monday, with military honours." 1796. August 30th. Poem by the late Robert Burns — "On Seeing a Wounded Hare." 1796. October 4th. Poem by the late Robert Burns, "On the Birth of a Posthumous Child." ( 462 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 25. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, as edited by James Currie, M.D. A ^ New Fldition with many additional pieces, and a Life of the Author. In two volumes. Dundee : Printed and published by D. Hill, and sold by William Livengstone, Bookseller, Dundee. .m.dccc.xxxiv. 24mo. Size 5^ in. x 3 in. Vol. I. Lxxvi. — 216 pp. Vol. II. xu. — 288 pp. Engravings and Vignettes by W. & D. Li/ars, Edinburgh. 26. Poems and Songs. By Robert Burns. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. London: Bell & Daldy, 186 Fleet Street; Edinburgh: J. Menzies. 1858. Small 4to. Size 8^ in. x 6^ in. xvi. — 272 pp. Printed by Richard Clay, Broad Street Hill, London. 27. Points of Humour. Illustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank. London : Publi.shed by C. Baldwyn, New- gate Street. 1823. 8vo. Point V. — "The Jolly Beggars; or, Love and Liberty." A cantata by Robert Burns. 20-25 pp. 28. Facsimile of a letter of Robert Burns, addressed to "Mr. Robert Ainslie, Writer, care of Mr. Ainslie, Bookseller, Newtown, Edinburgh. Mr. B . 23rd August, 1788." Dated Mauchline, 23rd August, 1788. 4 pp. 4to. Size 9 J^ in. X 7^ in. 29. Facsimile of a Letter of Robert Burns, addressed to Gavin Hamilton, Esq. In the collection of Joseph Mayer, F.S.A., Liverpool. 1859. The letter is dated "Edinburgh, 7th December, 1786." 2 pp. Folio. Size i3i<^ in. x 8^ in. 30. Facsimile of Burns' celebrated Poem of the Cotter's Saturday Night. From the original manuscript. The property of the Irvine Burns Club. Irvine : Published by Maxwell Dick. M.DCCC.XL. Size 13^^ in. x 8^ in. 6 pp., and yellow covers. (463) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 31. "Tarn o' Shanter." Lithographic facsimile. 32. Facsimile of a Letter of Robert Burns, addressed to " Mr. John Beugo, Engraver, Princes Street, Edinburgh." Dated Ellisland, near Dumfries, September 9th, 1788^ 4 pp. 4to. Size 9 in. x 73^ in. ■^2>- Facsimile of Burns's celebrated Poem, entitled " The Jolly Beggars," from the Original Manuscript. Glasgow : James Lumsden & Son. Edinburgh : W. & A. K. Johnston. 1838. 410. 8 pp. 16 pages of facsimile. 34. Poems on several occasions. By John Lapraik. Kilmarnock :. Printed by John Wilson, m.dccclxxxviii. 8vo. 35. The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid. Air : Printed by John & Peter Wilson, m.dcc.xcii. 8vo. In original paper covers, uncut. " On a Visit to Mr. Burns." 111-112 pp. " An Epistle to Mr. Robert Burns." 160-163 PP- Burns's name appears amongst list of subscribers as " Mr. Robert Bums, Dumfries." 36. Poems. By David Sillar. Kilmarnock : Printed by John Wilson. M.DCC.Lxxxix. 8vo. " Nor will the best some hints refuse : The narrow soul, that least brings forth. To an advice the rarest bows ; Which the extensive mind allows, Being conscious of its genuine worth, Fears no eclipse; nor with dark pride declines, A ray of light, that far inferior shines." — Ramsay. " An Epistle to Burns." 53-56 pp. In original boards, uncut up throughout. 2,']. Poems. By Miss Carmichael. Edinburgh : Printed by the Author, and sold by Peter Hill. 1790. 8vo. Robert Burns subscribed for two copies. ( 464 ) =* mr^ '^t^ =**iC5S*^ iSa 'SS.IC i^fj— -►■»->- ►->->■-> ■» >■> >■ >■ > >■ > ■► ►•>-►•■>->■ >■>->■.>■.►.-»■.>->>>■>■► > >.-_^^^^ I P O E M S. i CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT, | B T- ROBERT BURNS. .•<.. < <.<-<<-<^-«..<.<.^..4..<..<_,..<_<_<^..<^^,.-,..,.^.^.<.^_4..<_4.., y THE Simple Bard, unbroke tyrulet of Art, r He pours the WiU t:£ifiou of tfi« heart : t And if infpir'd, 't!s>;;niii'i punnl^ja^itT ■ t Hcr't all the mrlting tliriU, and her'« tlic kindling^flfr. J t Anonymous. y I KILMARNOCK: PRINTED SY JOHN WlLSOj«. THE LAMB COLLECTION 38. Poetical Essays. By Gavin Turnbull. Glasgow : Printed by- David Niven. m.dcc.lxxxviii. 8vo. " At Fame or Wealth let other bards aspire, And praise the Great, or charm the Venal Fair ; Teach me, ye Muses, to awake the string Sacred to grief, and pleasing to Melancholy." — Anon. 39. Poems, chiefly composed from Recent Events. By Mr. Nisbet. Edinburgh, m.dcc.lxxx. Svo. Burns's Contemporary. 40. Poems on various subjects. By Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Edinburgh. 1803. 8vo. Remarks on the character of Burns, 256-260 pp. On the death of Burns, 261-265 pp. Addressed to Mrs. Dunlop of Dunlop on reading Burns's letter to that lady, 266-270 pp. 41. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Andrew Shirrefs, A.M. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author by D. Willison, and sold by W. Creech and P. Hill, Edinburgh, &c. M.DCCXC. Svo. Portrait by Beugo. Uncut. Burns met Shirrefs in Aberdeen. 42. The Caledonian Musical Museum ; or. Complete Vocal Library of the Best Scotch Songs, Ancient and Modern. Embel- lished with a Portrait and facsimile of the handwriting of Burns, and containing upwards of Two Hundred Songs of that immortal Bard. The whole edited by his Son. London: Printed for J. Dick, 55 Cheswell Street; and sold by all the Booksellers. Vol. L 1809. Vol. II. 18 10. i2mo. Vol. I. — 294 pp. Vol. II. — 288 pp. E. Blackadder, Printer, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, London. 43. Poems on several occasions. By George Campbell. Kilmar- nock : Printed by John Wilson, m.dcc.lxxxvii. i2mo. 132 pp. (Printed at the same press as the First Edition of Burns's Poems.) (465) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 44. Poems on several occasions. By Thomas Blacklock, Student of Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh : Printed by Hamilton, Balfour & Neill. m.dcc.liv. Svo. XVI. — 181 pp. Dr. Blacklock is best remembered in connection with the letter which he wrote to Burns on the eve of his departure for the West Indies. He died in 1791. 45. Blind Harry's Metrical History of Sir William Wallace. Perth : Printed for R. Morrison, jun., for R. Morison & Son, Booksellers, Perth. M.ncc.xc. 3 vols. i8mo. Copy which belonged to Burns (his name appears in the list of subscribers) containing his autograph on title page of Volume I. 46. Amusements of Leisure Hours ; or. Poetical Pieces, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By the late Reverend John Skinner, at Longside, Aberdeenshire. To which is prefixed a Sketch of the Author's Life, with some remarks on Scottish Poetry. Edinburgh : Printed by John Moir, Royal Bank Close ; and sold by Stuart Cheyne, Edinburgh, &c. 1 809. An early wish (I mind its power) I had, and to my latest hour It still shall heave my breast ; That I for poor auld Scotland's sake. Some useful plan, or beuk could make, Or sing a sang at least." — Bums. Burns, Poem to. Last lines — " I'll aye be fond of Robbie Burns While I can sign John Skinner." Two letters by Burns, &c. i2mo. 144 pp. 47. A Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns. Containing anecdotes of the Bard, and of the characters he immortalized, with numerous pieces of Poetry, original and collected. Dept- ford : Printed for the author by W. Brown, and sold by Sherwood, Neely & Jones, Paternoster Row, London. 1822. i2mo. 274 pp. Copy that belonged to Alexander Laing of Brechin, the Poet. (466) THE LAMB COLLECTION 48. The Caledonian Songster : a Selection of Choice Songs from Burns, Ramsay, &c., with an elegant Engraving. Edin- burgh : Printed for the Booksellers. 1803. Printed by J. Finlay, Arbroath. i6mo. Nasmyth's Portrait. Engraved by R. Scott. 49. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life, and a Glossary. Edinburgh : Printed for VV. Anderson, Stirling, by .A.bernethy & Walker. 1807. i6mo. Size 5^ in. x 3jt^ in. xii. — 228—22 pp. Portrait. 50. The British Anthology, or Poetical Library. Vol. VI I L, Burns. London : Published by John Sharp, Duke Street, Piccadilly. 1825. Printed by Thomas Davidson, White- friars. 24mo. Four Illustrations. Burns— Part I. Songs; II. "The Cottar's Saturday Night," &c.; III. "Tarn o' Shanter," &c.; IV. "Hallowe'en," &c. 51. Poems. By Robert Burns. With his Life and Character. In two volumes. Embellished with beautiful engravings. Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co., Fountain Well, High Street. 1801. i8mo. Size 5^/^ in. x 3^ in. Vol. I. XLIV. — 180 pp. Vol. II. 238 pp. Nasmyth Portrait. Engravings by R. Scott from drawings by A. Carse. 52. The Poetical Works of the late Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life. A New Edition, containing many excellent pieces of the Author's that never made their appearance in the Copyright Edition. Newcastle-on-Tyne : Printed by M. Angus & Son, and sold by them and all the Booksellers in Town and Country. 1802. 1 2mo. Size 6% in. x 4 in. xliv. — 45 1 pp. Portrait of Burns by J. A. Kidd, and Vignette on title page. 53. Darley. George : Letter written by, to Allan Cunningham, relating to his Life of Burns. Dated 23rd April, 1835. 27 Upper Eaton Street. 4 pp. 4to. Size gin. x 7^ in. ( 467 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 54. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by James Robertson, and Denholm & Dick. 1802. 2 vols. 32mo. Size 4 in. x 2^ in. Vol. I. 234 pp. Vol. II. 185 pp. Glossary, 32 pp. Portrait of Burns. Engraved by W. Archibald. Miniature of Burns. 55. English Review (The), or an Abstract of English and Foreign Literature for the Year. m.dcc.lxxxvii. Volume IX. London : Printed for J. Murray, No. 32 Fleet Street. M.DCC.LXXX.VII. 8vO. Review on '• Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect." By Robert Burns. Kilmarnock: Wilson. 1786. 5s. 89-93 PP- 8vo. 56. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edinburgh. Pub- lished by Oliver and Boyd. 1807. i6mo. Size 45^ in. X 2j^ in. 260 pp. " Upon her cloot she coost a hitch, An' owre she warsl'd in the ditch." Portrait. Frontispiece, J. Archer. Engraving, " Poor Mailie," on title. Another Copy, only 226 pages, smaller type. Size ^Yz in. x 2^/^ in. 57. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. A New Edition, considerably enlarged. Edinburgh : Printed for T. Cadell, jun., and W. Davies, London ; and William Creech, Edinburgh, m.dcc.xcviii. i6mo. Size 714! in. x 43^ in. Vol. I. XII. — 237 pp. Vol. II. — 287 pp. Nasmyth Portrait of Burns. CASE No. 2. 58. Brace's Address, Highland Mary. Stirling : Printed by C. Randall. 1805. (468) THE LAMB COLLECTION 59. John Anderson, My Jo. Glasgow : Published and sold, whole- sale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19 Saltmarket. 182-,. 60. Elegiac Stanzas, applicable to the Untimely Death of the Celebrated Poet, Robert Burns ; to which are added Verses on Time and on the Shortness of Life. Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid. 8 pp. Monody on the Death of Robert Burns ; to which are prefixed Observations on his Character and Genius. Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid. 8 pp. Verses to the Memory of Robert Burns, with an Account of his Interment at Dumfries, on Monday, the 25th of July, 1796; also his Epitaph, written by himself Glasgow: Printed for and sold by Brash & Reid. 8 pp. In one vol. (1796.) 61. Morceaux Choisis De Burns, Po^te ficossais. Traduits par M.M. James Aytoun et J. B. Mesnard. Paris : Ferra Jeune, Libraire, Rue des Grands - Augustins, No. 23. 1826. Size 4^ in. X 3^ in. 100 pp. 62. Lieder Von Robert Burns. Uebertragen von Georg Pertz, mit einer biographischen skizze von Albert Traeger, und dem Portrait von Burns. Leipzig und Heidelberg : T. F. Winter, sche Verlagshandlung. 1859. 24mo. Size 6 in. x 4 in. lvi. — 92 pp. Portrait — Robert Burns, Poet. Engraved by Alex. Alboth. 63. Robert Burns's Lieder und Balladen, fiir Deutsche Leser, ausgewahlt und frei bearbeitet. Von L. G. Silbergleit, Leipzig. Druck und Verlag von Phillipp Reclam, jun. 1875. Size 5^ in. x 3^ in. Universal Bibliothick, No. 184. 2 Silber gr. (469 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 64. Letters addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. Never before published. Glasgow : Printed by Niven, Napier & Khull for T. Stewart and A. Macgoun, Bookseller. 1802. 32mo. Size 56/^ in. x 31^ in. IV. — 48 pp. 65. Letters Addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns. A New Edition. Belfast: Printed for L. Rae. 1814. i2mo. Size y}4 in. X 4^ in. 48 pp. Uncut. 66. Letters Addressed to Clarinda, &c. By Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. A New Edition. Belfast : Printed for Archer & Ward and D. Simms. 1806. r2mo. Size 7^ in. x 4^ in. 58 pp. In original paper boards. Uncut. 67. An Address to the Deil. By Robert Burns. With Ex- planatory Notes. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood, after designs by Thomas Landseer. London : William Kidd, 6 Old Bond Street, i6mo. Size 7^ in. x 4^ in. 24 pp. Printed by C. Whittingham, London. On Cover. London : Orlando Hodgson, 10 Cloth Fair, West Smithfield. Three Shillings and Sixpence. Eleven first-rate engravings on wood. 68. Phrenological Development of Robert Burns, from a Cast of his Skull, moulded at Dumfries, the 31st day of March, 1834 ; with remarks by George Combe. Engraved and published by W. & A. K. Johnston, Edinburgh, 30th April, 1834. Reprinted, January, 1859. 8vo. 8 pp. Blue covers. 69. " Tarn o' Shanter " : a Musical Farce, in two acts, as per- formed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. By Henry R. Addison, &c. The Music composed and selected by T. Cook. London : Published by W. Kenneth, at his Dramatic Repository, corner of Bow Street, Covent Garden. 1834. 8vo. 30 pp. Price One Shilling. (470 THE LAMB COLLECTION 70. Address delivered at the Burns Festival, celebrated at Dundee, on Tuesday, 25th January, 1859. By Alexander Stewart Logan, Sheriff of Forfarshire. 4to. 28 pp. Privately printed. 71. The Principal Songs of Robert Burns, translated into Mediaeval Latin verse, with the Scottish version collated. By Alex- ander Leighton. Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo, St. David Street. London : Houlston & Wright, Paternoster Row. M.uccc.Lxii. Size 7^ in. x 5^ in. iii pp. 72. Poesies Completes de Robert Burns. Traduites de I'Ecossais, par M. L^on de Wailly, avec une Introduction du meme. Paris : Charpentier, Editeur, 29 Rue de Seine, Saint Germain. 1843. i2mo. Size 7J^ in. x 4^ in. xii. — 356 pp. In original paper covers, bound in full blue morocco. "jl. Bums. Traduit de I'Ecossais, avec Preface, par Richard de la Madelaine. Frontispiece grav6 a I'eau-forte par Jules Adeline. 1874. Imprime a Rouen, par E. Cagnaird. (L'eau-forte tiree par A Salmon, de Paris.) Size 8 in. x ^y% in. xlii. -f- 96 pp. 74. My Bonnie Mary. It was upon a Lammas Night. Yestreen I had a pint o' wine. There's nought but care on ev'ry hand, Ye Banks and Braes. Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers. 75. Last May a Braw Wooer. Green Grow the Rashes, O ! Stirling: Printed by W. Macnie. 1826. 76. My Love is like a red, red rose. Glasgow : Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by R. Hutchison, Bookseller, 19 Saltmarket. 1823. ']']. John Anderson, My Jo. It was upon a Lammas Night. The Banks of Doon. Glasgow : Printed for the Booksellers. 1828. (471 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 78. A Garland of New Songs. Highland Mary. The Banks of Doon. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh Market. 79. An Unco Mournfu' Tale ; to which is added " The Antiquarian." By Robert Burns. Glasgow : Printed for and sold by Stewart & Meekle, Booksellers, Trongate. 1796. i6mo. Size 6^ in. x 4 in. 8 pp. 80. Burnomania : The Celebrity of Robert Burns, considered in a Discourse addressed to all real Christians of every denomination ; to which are added Epistles in Verse respecting Peter Pindar, Burns, &c. Edinburgh : Printed by G. Caw for J. Ogle, Parliament Square, &c. 181 1. 1 2 mo. 98 pp. 81. Burns. By Thomas Carlyle. London : Chapman & Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1854. 82. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life, and a Glossary. Edinburgh : Printed for A. Constable & Co., &c. Printed by F. Ray, Dundee. 1807. i6mo. Size 6 in. X3^ in. xii. — 274 pp. 83. Poems by Robert Burns. With his Life and Character. Dundee: Printed by F. Ray, High Street. 1802. i2mo. Size 5j^in. X3^in. xxiv. — 227 pp. Another Copy in paper covers, as issued. Size 5^ in. x 33^ in. After page 216, the Glossary printed in italics. 84. The Halfpenny Lyre. Published daily, and sold wholesale and retail by R. W, Hume, Bookseller, Leith. Price One Halfpenny. 8vo. Printed on one side only. 1843. No. 27 — Portrait of Burns. Words and Music of Songs— " Highland Mary;" "Mary's Dream." No. 28— Engraving of three men seated at a table drinking. Words and Music — "Auld Langsyne." No. II— "My Nannie O;" "The Braes o' Ballochmyle." No. 67 — Illustration of Burns's Epistle to J. Lapraik. Words and Music — " I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen." And many others with Illustration, Music, and Words. (472) THE LAMB COLLECTION 85. A Memoir of the Life of the late Robert Burns. Written by R. Heron. Edinburgh : Printed for T. Brown, North Bridge Street. 1797. 8vo. 56 pages. 86. Burns. Trinity College Church versus The Burns Monument. By the Editor of The Witness. Edinburgh : Shepherd & Elliot, 15 Princes Street, and all Booksellers, m.dccc.lvi. i6mo. 16 pp. Reprinted from T/u Witness of Sth March, 1856. 87. Programme of the Burns Festival, 25th January, 1859. Corn Exchange Hall, Dundee. Burns Centenary, Dundee. Programme, Words of the Songs, &c. i2mo. 12 pp. 88. Tam O'Shanter: a Tale; to which are added Observations on the Statues of Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny. Now exhibiting. 1829. 8vo. Two figures of the Ufe-size, and executed in a kind of granite. They are the work of James Thorn, a native of Ayrshire, twenty-six years of age. 89. Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny : a Poem. By Robert Burns. Illustrated by Thomas Landseer. London : Marsh & Miller, Oxford Street. 1830. Price Two Shillings. i6mo. Size 7 J/^ in. x 4^ in. 16 pages and cover. 90. The Songs of Burns. With a Biographical Preface, Notes, and Glossary. London : Printed for William Clark, 60 Paternoster Row. m.dcc.xxxiv. 48mo. Size 3^ in. x ijk in. 184 pp. In original cloth covers. "The songs of Burns are like to transmit his name to all future generations." Printed by Barwick, St. Mary Axe, London. Portrait of Burns. 91. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Pearl Edition. Glas- gow : David Bryce & Son. (n.d.) Size iy% in. x 2^ in. 512 pp. (473) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 92. The Works of Robert Burns. A New Edition. Edinburgh : Printed by and for Oliver & Boyd, Netherbow. 1809. 24mo. Size 3^^ in. x 2^ in. 214 pp. Engraved Frontispiece — ■" Hallowe'en." 93. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd. 1807. i6mo. Size 4^ in. x 2^ in. 260 pp. " Upon her cloot she coost a hitch, An' owre she warsl'd in the ditch." Portrait. Frontispiece, J. Archer. Engraving, " Poor Mailie," on title. CASE NO. 3. 94. The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for October ; 1808 — January 1809. To be continued Quarterly. Vol. XIII. Eldinburgh : Printed by D. Willison, Craig's Close, for Archibald Constable & Co., Edinburgh. 1809. 8vo. Art. I. : Reliques of Robert Burns. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. (Review of this work.) 249-276 pp. 95. The Edinburgh Review, December 1828. No. xcvi. Article I. The Life of Robert Burns, by J. G. Lockhart, LL.B., Edinburgh, 1828. (Review of this work.) pp. 267-312. 96. Tait's Magazine. 1844. Volume XL The Burns Festival at Ayr, September, 1844. pp. 545-553- 97. The Rescue of Robert Burns. February 1759. A Centenary Poem. By George Stephen, Esq., Professor of Old English, and of the English Language and Literature in the University of Cheapinghaven, Denmark. Cheapinghaven : Michaelson & Tillge (C. G. Inversens, Boghandel) ; London : John Russell Smith. (1859.) 8vo. Size 91^ in. x 6^ in. 22 pp. 98. Hortatio ad Fratres : Elegiac Stanzas in Memory of Burns, and other Poems, by George Anson Byron Lee. Second Edition. London : Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 25 Pater- noster Row. Brighton: R. Folthorp. 1859. Small 4to. 24 pp. Blue covers. (474) THE LAMB COLLECTION 99. Sanct Mungo's Centenary Tribute to Scotland's Bard. By C. R. Brown. Specially composed for the great National Festival at Glasgow. The first projected in commemoration of Robert Burns's hundredth anniversary. Second Edition. Glasgow : Thomas Murray & Son ; London : J. F. Hope. 1859. Small 4to. 16 pp. Grey covers. icx). The Burns Festival. Prize Poem recited at the Crystal Palace, January 25, 1859. London : Bradbury & Evans, II Bouverie Street. 1859. 4to. 8 pp. lOi. Crystal Palace. Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Robert Burns, Jany. 25th, 1859. The Prize Poem written in honour of the occasion, words of song to be sung, and account of the relics. London : Bradbury & Evans, 1 1 Bouverie Street. 1859. 4to. 8 pp. 102. Robert Burns : an Address delivered at the Anniversary of St. Andrew's Society of Albany, N.Y., November 30th, 1888, by the Chaplain, Rev. William S. Smart, D.D. The Press Co., Printers, Albany, N.Y. 1888. 8vo. 12 pp. Statue of Burns, and Burns's Crest and Motto. 103. The Historical Sketch of the Burns Statue: M'Pherson Legacy to the City of Albany. Erected in Washington Park, September 30th, 1 888. Albany : Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers. 1889. 8vo. 68 pp. Photograph of Statue and Invitation Card. Unveiling of the Statue of Robert Bums. 104. The New Albany. Brandow Printers' Company, Publishers. Vol. I.— Albany, N.Y. July 1891. No. 2. The Bums Statue Number, with Portraits of Mary M'Pherson, Peter Kinnear, Charles Calverley, &c. i6mo. 64 pp. 105. Burns Centenary : Are such Honours due to the Ayrshire Bard .'' Fourth Thousand. Glasgow : Printed for the Author, and sold by all Booksellers. 1859. Price One Penny. 8vo. 16 pp. ( 476 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 1 06. The Alloway Centenary Festival : an Ode. Written expressly for, and recited at, the above Festival in " Burns's Cottage," on the 25th January, 1859. By Robert Storey. London: John Hearne, 81 Strand. 1859. Svo. 8 pp. Printed by J. Davy & Sons, 137 Long Acre. Price Sixpence. 107. Burns (The) Centenary, Crystal Palace. A Rejected Ode. Second Edition. London : Printed and Published by Marchant, Singer & Co., Ingram Court, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 1859. Price One Penny. 8vo. 8 pp. 108. Burns : a Birthday Ode. A Free Translation from the Greek. Scene : Temple of Apollo on Mount Parnassus. Dramatis Personse : The Sacred Nine. Kilmarnock : Printed by Jas. M'Kie, Portland Street, m.dccc.lix. Svo. 8 pp. Written by James Reid, Nurseryman, Kilmarnock. 109. Burns : an Essay for the Working-Classes of Scotland. Part I.^ — His Influence as a Moral Teacher and Social Reformer. By a Member of the Literary Institute. Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart. m.dccclxxii. Svo. 32 pp. no. Burns's Vision of the Future: a Centenary Poem. By Myles Macphail. 25th January, 1859. Second Edition. Edin- burgh : Myles Macphail, 1 1 South St. David Street. Price Threepence. Svo. 8 pp. Blue covers. 111. To the Memory of Burns: Centenary Ode by Andrew Park, Author of " Silent Love ; " " Songs of all Seasons," &c. Glasgow: Thomas Murray & Son. 1859. Small 4to. 16 pp. 112. Tait's Magazine for 1843. Volume X. "Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda." (Review.) Part I. pp. 749-764. Volume XI. 1844. Part II. pp. 28-35. Burns and Byron, pp. 622-623. Volume X. 1844. ( 476 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 113. North British Review, November 1851. "Bums and his School." pp. 79-96. 114. Burns. A Visit to Mr. Smellie's Printing Office, foot of the Anchor Close. 8vo. 8 pp. Taken from a Periodical Publication, March, 1844. 115. The Songs of Robert Burns. Dumfries: Printed and pub- lished by D. Halliday. m.dccclii. Post 8vo. Size 6^ in. x 4^ in. 64 pp. Vignette of Burns on title-page and outside cover. 116. Monumental Bust of Burns in Westminster Abbey. 1885. Invitation Card to Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin to the unveiling. 117. Ayr. Young's Guide to Ayr and the Land of Burns, with illustrations of the principal places of interest. Price Sixpence. Published by Young Brothers, Engravers, Lithographers, and Printers, Glasgow. Second 16 pp. 118. Ayr, New Guide to, and the Land of Burns. Ayr: Printed and published by Henry & Grant, 41 Newmarket Street. Price Sixpence. r6mo. 47 pp. 119. Guide to Relics of the Poet, in Museum of Burns Monument, Edinburgh. Burns Monument, Regent Road. Open from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. in Winter, and in Summer from 8 a.m. to 7 P.M. Admission 2d. W. B. F"airgrieve, 17A Regent Street, Portobello, Edinburgh. 120. Robert Burns Anniversary Poem, 1889. Written for and delivered at Coupar-Angus Burns Club Anniversary Festi- val, held in the Railway Hotel, 25th January, 1889, by J. F. Calder. i6mo. 4 pp. (477) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 12 1. Robert Burns: an Anniversary Sketch. By Euphemia Gourlay Hutcheson. Dundee: John Leng & Co. 1893. i6mo. 8 pp. For private circulation. 75 copies printed. 12 2. Historical Sketch of the Dundee Burns Club. By Mr. Alex. M' Donald, President. Dundee : William Kidd, Whitehall Street. 1889. Frontispiece — Burns Monument, Dundee. Portrait of the late Mr. Frank Henderson, M.P. 123. Proceedings at the Unveiling of the Burns Statue in Dundee. Price 2d. Reprinted from Dundee Advertiser, October 18, 1880. Burns Statue engraved on paper cover. '-^^ 1 24. Burns's Pistols : a Paper on the Subject of. Read at a Meeting of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries, on Tuesday, the 19th day of April, 1859, by The Right Rev. Bishop Gillis. Edinburgh : Printed by Macpherson & Syme, 1 2 St. David Street, m.dccc.lix. 8vo. 44 pp. and an errata. Pink covers. 125. Lights and Shadows; or, Episodes in Life of Robert Burns. A Dramatic Sketch. By F. J. Duncan. Dundee : James P. Mathew & Co., 17 Cowgate. 1879. i6mo. 32 pp. Coloured paper covers. CASE NO. 4. 126. The Letters of Robert Burns, chronologically arranged; comprehending the whole of Dr. Curries Collection, and the most valuable portion of Cromek's Reliques. Glasgow : Printed for Richard Griffin & Co., 64 Hutcheson Street. M.DCCCXxvm. i6mo. Size 654; in. x 4^ in. 376 pp. Portrait of Burns, engraved by W. & A. K. Johnston. Greenock : Printed at the Columbian Press. (478) THE LAMB COLLECTION 127. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. With a complete Glossary and Life of the Author. London : Printed by W. Lewis, St. John's Square, for W. Lewis & Co., 9 Old Fish Street, Doctor's Commons, and may be had of all Booksellers. 1816. i2mo. Size 6^ in. x 4^ in. Vol. I. VIII. — 199 pp. Vol. II. VII. — 165 pp. Uncut. Portrait of Bums engraved by Mackenzie. Vignette and Illustrations by C. Muss and W. H. Brooke. Engraved by J. Wallis. 128. The Songs and Ballads of Robert Burns, including Ten never before published, with a Preliminary Discourse and Illustrative Prefaces. London : Printed for William Clark, 52 Paternoster Row. 1823. i6mo. Size 6J^ in. x 4^ in. 320 pp. Uncut. Original paper boards. Portrait of Burns, engraved by M. N. Bate. 129. The Works of Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life, and a Criticism on his Writings ; to which are prefixed some Observations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry, as edited by J as. Currie, M.D. A New Edition, with additional pieces, in four volumes. Montrose : Printed by Smith & Hill, and sold by the Booksellers of London and Edinburgh. 18 16. i2mo. Size 7^/^ in. x 4%! in. Vol. I. Life. XII. — 316 pp. Vol. II. Letters, xix. — 300 pp. Vol. III. Poems and Glossary. xix. — 376 pp. Vol. IV. Correspondence, xxiv. — 359 pp. 130. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With a Memoir of the Author's Life, and a Glossary. Newcastle : Published by W. & T. Fordyce. m.dccc.xli. i6mo. Size 5 in. x 3 in. 351 pp. Portrait of Burns sitting beside the plough, by Stewart. Engraved by Lizars ; and Vignette on title. 131. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, including the Pieces published in his Correspondence and Reliques, with Songs and Fragments ; to which is prefixed a Sketch of his Life. (479) THE BURNS EXHIBITION In three volumes. London : Printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; and A. Constable & Co., &c., &c. 1823. Post 8vo. Size 6^ in. x 4 in. Vol. I. xLviii. — 229 pp. Vol. II. XI. — 256 pp. Vol. III. IX. — 197 pp. Engraved frontispiece in each volume. Vol. I. — " Hallowe'en," by C. R. Leslie, engraved by E. Finden. Vol. II. — "Lament of Mary, Queen of Scots," by C. R. Leslie, engraved by C. Heath. Vol. III. — "Last May a Braw Wooer," by C. R. Leslie, engraved by C. Rolls. 132. Poems by Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life, and Miscellaneous Remarks on his Writings ; containing also many Poems and Letters not printed in Dr. Curries Edition. In two volumes. Edinburgh : Printed for the Trustees of the late James Morrison by John Moir, Royal Bank Close. 181 1. 8vo. Size 10 in. x 6i/^ in. Vol. I. cxxx. — 320 pp. Vol. II. VIII. — 337 pp. Glossary, 27 pp. Original paper covers. Uncut. New Edition, with engravings. (Price, 31S. 6d., bds.) 133. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. In two volumes. By Robert Burns. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author. Berwick : Printed by H. Richardson for J. Taylor, Bookseller. 1801. i2mo. Size 6^ in. x 3^ in. " The simple bard, unbroke by rules of art. Pours forth the wild effusions of the heart: And if inspir'd, 'tis Nature's powers inspire ; Her's all the melting thrill, her's all the kindling fire." All the Poems and Songs that were in the Edition printed at Edin- burgh in 1787, as in these two volumes. Vol. I. 243 pp. Vol. II. 262 pp. Vignette Portrait of Burns. Two volumes bound in one. 134. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, complete, with a Sketch of his Life and Remarks on the general character of the Scottish Peasantry. Edinburgh : Published by Robert Martin, Brown's Lane, m.dccc.xlvii. i2mo. Size 654! in. x 4^ in. xxi. — 366 pp. Portrait of Burns surrounded by Scotch thistles. (Printed by Nelson & Wilkie, Edinburgh.) ( 480 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 135. The Entire Works of Robert Burns. With an Account of his Life, and a Criticism on his Writings ; to which are prefixed some Observations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry, by James Currie, M.D. The four volumes complete in one, with an enlarged and corrected Glossary. Edinburgh : Alexander Gunn, ^'j South Bridge. 136. Kilmarnock Popular Eidition. The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Arranged in the order of their earliest publication. Volume First. Embracing all the pieces published during his lifetime, with a Memoir of the Poet, on a plan now first adopted, and new Annotations, Intro- ductory Notices, &c. Written expressly for the present work by William Scott Douglas. Volume Second. Con- taining the Posthumous Pieces, with new Annotations, &c. Kilmarnock: James M'Kie. 1871. i2mo. Size 7^ in. x 4^ in. Vol I. xcvi. — 407 pp. Vol. II. XXII. — 478 pp. 137. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. In two volumes. Chiswick : From the Press of C. Whittingham, College House. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry; T. Tegg, Cheapslde; A. K. Newman & Co., Leadenhall Street, London ; J. Sutherland, Edinburgh ; and Richard Grifiin & Co., Glasgow, 1821. i6mo. Size 5 in. x 3^ in. Vol. I. XXVIII.— 212 pp. Vol. II. XII. — 228 pp. Engraved title pages. 138. The Works of Robert Burns; including his Letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed Poems. With an Essay on his Life, Genius, and Character. Complete in one volume. London : Printed for William Clark, 60 Paternoster Row. 1831. i6mo. Size 6^ in. x 4 in. 480 pp. Barwick, Printer, White Lion Street, Norton Folgate, London. 139. Dove's English Classics. The Life of Robert Burns. By Dr. Currie. With his Correspondence and Fragments. London : (481 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Printed by J. F. Dove ; and sold by all the Booksellers In England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1826. 24mo. 548 pp. Frontispiece and Vignette, by H. Corbould. Engraved by C. Heath. 140. Poems by Robert Burns. With his Life and Character. Dundee: Printed by F. Ray, High Street. 1802. i2mo. Size 5^inX3^in. xxiv. — ^227 pp. CASE NO. 5. 141. Robert Burns in other Tongues: a Critical Review of the Translations of the Songs and Poems of Robert Burns. By William Jacks, author of a Translation of " Nathan the Wise," &c. Glasgow : James MacLehose & Sons, Publishers to the University. 1896. [All rights reserved.] i6mo. XX. — 560 pp. Fifteen portraits. Poems in sixteen different languages. 142. Burns. Complete Glossary to the Poetry and Prose of Robert Burns, with upwards of three thousand illustrations from English authors. By John Cuthbertson. Alexander Gardner, Paisley; and 12 Paternoster Row, London. 1886. i6mo. VI. — 464 pp. 143. The Laird's Lykewake, and other Poems. By Alexander G. Murdoch, author of " Lilts on the Doric Lyre." With an Introductory Preface by Rev. George Gilfillan, Dundee. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Edinburgh and Glasgow : John Menzies & Co. 1877. (Printed by John Leng & Co., Dundee Advertiser Office). i6mo. Robert Burns (an Anniversary Tribute). 1877. 1 17-1 18 pp. The Burns Statue, George Square, Glasgow. 133-134 PP- 144. In the Valhalla, and other Poems. By James Young Geddes, author of "The New Jerusalem;" "The Spectre Clock of Alyth," &c. Dundee : John Leng & Co., Bank Street. 1 89 1. i6mo. The Memory of Burns — Lines read at the Alyth Burns Club Anni- versary Concert, January 25th, 1890; also lines read on January 26th, 1891. 43-52 pp. ( 482 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 145. Hame-Spun Lays and Lyrics, being Poems, Songs, and Incidental Rhymes in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Ford. Glasgow: James M'Geachy, 93 Union Street. 1878. i6mo. 160 pp. " I am nae Poet, in a sense ; But just a rhymer, like by chance, And hae to learning nae pretence. Yet what's the matter? Whene'er my muse does on me chance I jingle at her." — Burns. (Printed by John Leng & Co., Dundee Advertiser Office). "Rabbie Burns." Written on 11 6th Anniversary of the Poet's birth. 143-145 pp. 146. Burnsiana. Extraordinary Men: their Boyhood and Early Life. By William Russell, Esq. With numerous portraits and illustrative engravings. Second Edition. London : Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House, Strand. 1854. Svo. Biographical sketch of Robert Burns with portrait. 161 -177 pp. 147. Ayr. Reminiscences of " Auld Ayr." Edinburgh: James Stillie. 1864. Post Svo. 102 pp. "Low, in a sandy valley spread. An ancient borough rear'd her head." — The Vision. 148. Orcadian Sketches, Legendary, and Lyrical Pieces. By David Vedder, author of "The Covenanter's Communion." Edinburgh : William Tait, 78 Princes Street ; Longman & Co., London ; Atkinson & Co., Glasgow, m.dccc.xxxii. Printed by D, Hill, Dundee. i2mo. 228 pp. The Anniversary of Robert Burns. "To the Harp of Burns." 76-87 pp. "Song for the Anniversary of Burns." 178-179 pp. "Stanzas, written on a blank leaf of Lockhart's Life of Burns." 214-216 pp. 149. A Winter with Robert Burns; being Annals of his Patrons and Associates in Edinburgh during the year 1786-7, and details of his Inauguration as Poet Laureate of the Can. Kil. Edinburgh : Printed by Peter Brown, James' Square. M.DCC.XLVi. i6mo. VI. — 173 pp. ( 483 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 150. Poems by the People; being one hundred and thirty pieces selected from four hundred and twenty entered in com- petition for twelve prizes offered by the Publishers of The Peoples Journal. Christmas, 1868. Edinburgh: John Menzies & Co. Dundee : Mrs. Littlejohn. Aberdeen : William Lindsay. Cupar Fife : Alexander Westwood. Printed at The People s Jotirnal Office, m.dccc.xlix. (1849 should be 1869.) Poem by John James Christie — "Rabbie Burns." 18-19 PP- 151. Crosby's the Caledonian Musical Repository: A Choice Selec- tion of esteemed Scottish Songs. Adapted for the Voice, Violin, and German Flute. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd, Caledonian Press, Netherbow. 181 1. i6mo. 286 pp. Engraved frontispiece and vignette by E. Mitchell. Printed for B. Crosby & Co., Stationers' Court, London. 152. The Scottish Songs. Collected and illustrated by Robert Chambers, author of "Traditions of Edinburgh," "The Picture of Scotland," &c. In two volumes. Edinburgh : Printed by Ballantyne & Co. for William Tait, 78 Princes Street, m.dccc.xxix. Burns : Many of his Songs. 153. Views in North Britain Illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns. Accompanied with Description and a Sketch of the Poet's Life, by James Storer and John Greig. London : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. 181 1. 4to. " Rear high thy bleak majestic hills." 154. The Contemporaries of Burns, and the more recent Poets of Ayrshire, with Selections from their Writings. Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder to Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Adam Square, Edinburgh, m.dccc.xl. 8vo. 416 pp. Appendix, 24 pp. ( 484) THE LAMB COLLECTION 155. The Contemporaries of Burns, and the more recent Poets of Ayrshire, with Selections from their Writings. Published by Hugh Paton, Adam Square, Edinburgh ; and sold by W. S. Orr & Co., Paternoster Row ; and Smith, Elder, & Co., 65 Cornhill, London, m.dcccxl. 8vo. 416 pp. Appendix, 24 pp. 156. Life of Robert Burns. By J. G. Lockhart, LL.B. Edin- burgh: Published by Constable & Co., 19 Waterloo Place, and Hurst, Chance, & Co., London. Printed by Ballantyne & Co., Edinburgh. 1828. 8vo. vi. — 446 pp. 157. Reliques of Robert Burns, consisting chiefly of Original Letters, Poems, and Critical Observations on Scottish Songs. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. London : Printed by J. M'Creery for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand. 1 808. 8vo. Size 9 in. X 53^ in. xxiv. — 453 pp. " Ordain'd to fire th' adoring sons of earth With every charm of wisdom and of worth; Or, warm with Fancy's energy, to glow, And rival all but Shakespeare's name below." — Pleasures of Hope. 158. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Wilson. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, and sold by A. Con- stable & Co., High Street, and F. Pillans, 13 Hanover Street. 1822. Elegy on the death of Bums, 15-18 pp. 159. Burns: Reprint and Facsimile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition. Printed at Kilmarnock in 1867, by James M'Kie. Agents for England, Willis & Sotheran. 8vo. Size 9 in. x 55^ in. 240 pp. Limited to 600 copies, being the extent of the original issue. 160. Burns : Reprint and Facsimile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition. American Edition. Printed at Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1870, by James M'Kie, for J, Campbell, Toronto. 8vo. Size 9 in, x 5f^ in. 240 pp. (485) THE BURNS EXHIBITION i6i. Burns: Reprint First Edinburgh Edition of Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Printed at Kilmarnock in 1869, by James M'Kie. 8vo. Size 9 in, x 5^ in. xlviii. — 244 pp. Limited to 600 copies. Nasmyth's Portrait of Burns, engraved by Beugo. 162. Burns Reprint: Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Kilmarnock: Printed by James M'Kie. M.DCCC.LXIX. Limited to 600 copies, being the extent of the Facsimile. 163. Burns : Reprint Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. (Posthumous Poems.) Printed at Kilmar- nock in 1869 by James M'Kie. 8vo. Size 9 in. x 50 in. xii. — 370 pp. Limited to 600 copies. 164. The Bibliography of Robert Burns, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes and Sketches of Burns Clubs, Monu- ments, and Statues. Kilmarnock : Printed by James M'Kie, 2 King Street, m.dccc.lxxxi. Edition limited to 600 copies. — 340 pp. 165. Bibliotheca Burnsiana : Life and Works of Burns. Title Pages and Imprints of the various Editions in the Private Library of James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, prior to date 1866. Kilmarnock: James M'Kie, Printer, 2 King Street. M.DCCC.LXVI. Two in one volume, as issued. Portrait of James M'Kie. 8vo. ist Part, 134 pp.— 1866. 2nd Part, 44 pp. — 1867. 166.. Robert Burns's Common -place Book. Printed from the original manuscript in the possession of John Adam, Esq., Greenock. Edinburgh: Privately printed. 1872, 8vo. Size 9 in. x 50 in. viii. — 54 pp. ( 486 ) THE LAMB COLLECTION 167. The Curious Book. Edinburgh : Printed by John Pillans for John Thomson, Edinburgh ; and Baldwin, Craddock & Joy, London. 1826. 8vo. "Last Moments of Robert Burns. By A. Cunningham." 296-304 pp. 168. Poems, Lectures, and Miscellanies. By Adam B. Todd. Edinburgh: John Forsyth, Guthrie Street. 1876. i2mo. "The Memory of Burns," and Two Lectures — "Robert Burns." 31-80 pp. 169. Songs of Labour and Domestic Life ; with Rhymes for Little Readers. By Alexander Smart, author of " Rambling Rhymes." Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo, 2 St. David Street. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. m.dccc.lx. i6mo. VIII. — 279 pp. "A Tribute to the Memory of Burns. Recited by the author at the Public Dinner in the Guild Hall, Montrose, in Celebration of the First Centenary of the Poet's Natal Day." 108- 116 pp. Centenary Song. 11 6- 119 pp. 170. The Dundee Recorder; being an Epitome of whatever is curious, extraordinary, or interesting in Nature and Art, and an exhaustless Magazine, &c. Dundee : Printed by D. Hill, Courier Office, Nethergate, for James Miller, Hilltown. M.DCcc.xxxi. i2mo. 11. — 272 pp. Robert Burns and Lord Byron. 98-111 pp. 171. Life of Robert Burns. By J. G. Lockhart. Third Edition corrected. Edinburgh : Printed for Constable & Co. ; and Hurst, Chance & Co., London. 1830. i6mo. 328 pp. 172, Isobel Burns (Mrs. Begg). A Memory by her Grandson. 1 89 1. Printed privately for family circulation. [Impression limited to 150 copies.] This copy 131 of the impression, signed R. Burns Begg. Geo. Waterston & Sons, Printers, Edinburgh. 82 pp. (487) THE BURNS EXHIBITION 173. Views in North Britain Illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns. Accompanied with Descriptions, and a Sketch of the Poet's Life, by James Storer and John Greig. London : Printed by J. Swan, 76 Fleet Street ; and published by Vernor & Hood, Poultry ; James Storer and John Greig, Engravers, Chapel Street, Pentonville. 1805. Imperial 8vo. Size 9^ in. x 6 in. " Rear high thy bleak majestic hills ; Thy shelter'd valleys proudly spread; And Scotia, pour thy thousand rills. And wave thy heaths with blossoms red." 174. The Burns Centenary Poems. A collection of fifty of the best out of many hundreds written on occasion of the centenary celebration, including the six recommended for publication by the judges at the Crystal Palace competition ; many of the highly commended, and several prize poems. Selected and edited by George Anderson and John Finlay. Glasgow : Thomas Murray & Son. Edinburgh : John Menzies. London : Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co. Dublin : M'Glashan & Gill, m.dccc.lix. 8vo. xvi. — 264 pp. 175. Robert Burns, as a Poet and as a Man. By Samuel Tyler. Dublin: Published by James M'Glashan, 21 D'Olier Street. M.DCcc.xLix. i6mo. 302 pp. Portrait of Burns resting on the plough as a frontispiece. Autograph of Colonel J. G. Burns, dated 23rd February, 1852. 176. Round Burns's Grave: The Paeans and Dirges of many Bards. Gathered together by John D. Ross. Paisley : Alexander Gardner. 1891. i6mo. 182 pp. 177. Poems and Lyrics. By Robert Nicoll. 1835. Printed at the Advertiser Office, Dundee. Edinburgh, William Tait. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Dublin, John Gumming. 46 pp. "Finds tongues in trees — books in the running brooks — Sermons in stones — and good in everything." — As You Like It. "Stanzas on the Birthday of Burns." (488) INDEX OF LENDERS. Adam, Alex. Maxwell, Friarsfield, Lanark, 1079. Adam, David, 40 Elderslie Street, Glasgow. Books — 171. Adam, Lord, 34 Moray Place, Edinburgh, 47- Adam, Robert B., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A., per Hew Morrison, Public Library, Edinburgh, 1038- 1043. Adamson, John, of Craigadam, Brook- lands, Crocketford, Dumfries, 1025, 1063. Agnew, John, 152 Duke Street, Glasgow, 516. Aikman, George, A.R.S.A., 10 Forth Street, Edinburgh, 196A, 448. Aird, David, Kilmarnock, 802. Airdrie Burns Club, Airdrie, 238A. Alexander Brothers, 88 Renfield Street, Glasgow, 153. Alexander, J. B., Cardonald, 154. Allan, Andrew, 9 Grantly Gardens, Shaw- lands, Glasgow, 188, 195. Allan, Hugh, 79 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 145, 216. Allan, Miss H. A., 74 Bedford Street, Glasgow, 794. Allan, Ugolin, 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 204. Alston, T. Montgomerie, M.D., Airdrie. Books — 280. Anderson, Daniel, British Linen Bank, Dunoon, 1286. Anderson, Mrs. E. E., 185 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Books — 1240D. Anderson, John, 66 Kelvingrove Street, Glasgow, 249. Anderson, Robert, 30 St. Mary Street, Edinburgh, 613. Andrew, John, jun., Bentfield, Monkton, Ayrshire, 187, 275, 366, 578, 594. Andrews, S. (T. Andrews & Son), Cardiff, 234> 237- Angus, W. Craibe, 81 Renfield Street, Glasgow, 2S2B, 350, 547, 5S4A, 563B, 582, 614, 797, 898, 916A, 1 103, 1 104. Books— \, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, II, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 21A, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 43. 47> 48, 49. 5°. 51. 52. 53. 5^. 57. 58. 59. 63, 65, 66, 73, 73A, 74, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97. 98, 99. loi. 104. 107, 108, IIS, 116, 117, 117A, 119, 125, 128, 130, 131. 134. 135. 136. 137. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146, 147, 149. 151. 152, 153. 154. i57i 158. 159. 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 179, 182, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195. 197. 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 221, 222, 224, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237. 238, 241, 242, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 291, 293. 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, (489) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Angus, W. Craibe — continued. 302, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310, 321, l^Z, 325. 328, 329. 333. 335. 336, 337. 340, 341. 343. 344. 345. 346, 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 355. 356, 359. 364, 365. 366, 367, 368, 369, 371. 372, 374. 377. 379. 382, 383. 386, 387, 389, 390, 392, 393, 395. 396. 397. 398, 399. 4oo, 401, 402, 403, 407, 408, 409, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 434, 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 44°. 44i. 442, 443. 444. 446. 448, 449. 45°. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 45^. 457. 458. 459. 460, 461, 463, 464, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 474, 476, 477. 478, 480, 482, 484, 485, 487, 488, 490, 492, 493, 496, 497, 498, 499. 50°. 5°5. 506, 507, 508, 509, 510. 512, 513, 514. 516, 517, 518, 519. 520, 521, 522, 525, 528, 529, 530. 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537. 538. 540. 541. 542, 545, 547, 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 557. 558, 560, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567A, 584, 585, 586, 588, 589, 590, 591. 592. 593. 594. 596, 598, 599. 600, 601, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 610, 611, 613, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 630A, 632, 633, 634, 635. 636, 637, 637A, 664, 667, 675, 676, 677, 679, 680, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 706, 707, 708, 709, 711, 714, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 725. 726, 727. 728, 729A, 731, 734, 735. 740. 741. 742, 743. 745. 746, 747. 748, 749. 75°. 75'. 752, 753. 755, 756. 757. 760, 762, 763, 767, 768, 769, 774, 775, 782, 783, 784, 786, 787, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795. 797. 799. 800, 801, 804, 808, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, Angus, W. Craibe — continued. 816, 820, 821, 827, 828, 829, 834, 835, 837, 839, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 854, 855, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869, 873, 874, 87s, 876, 877, 881, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 892, 893, 89s, 897, 898, 900. 9°i. 903. 9°4. 907. 908, 9°9. 913. 915. 918, 926, 927, 928, 935. 936, 938, 943. 944, 945, 946, 948, 949, 950, 953, 956, 957, 959, 964. 965. 969. 97°. 971, 972, 973, 974. 975. 985. 987. 989. 990. 992, 993. 994. 995. 996, 998, 999, 1000, looi, 1004, 1013, 1015, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1024A, 1025, 1027, 1028, 1030, 1031, 1032A, 1033, 1034, 1036, 1039, 1042, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1052, 1057, 1061, 1064, 1069, 1071, 1072, 1074, 1081, 1084A, 1094, 1098, 1107, 1122, 1124, 1124B, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1147, 1148, 1151, 1152, "53, 1154. 1155. 1156, 1157, "58, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1174, 1180, 1181, 1192, 1195, 1 196, 1 198, 1200, 1208, 1225A, 1228, 1229, 1234, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1247, 1252, 1253, 1255, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1273, 1274, 1276, 1278, 1279, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1291, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1298, 1304, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1313, 1315. 1319. 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1333. 1334. 1335. 1337, 1342, 1343, 1345. 1349. 1353. 1354. 135s. 1356, 1358, 1359. 1360, 1361, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1373. 1374, 1375. 1376, 1377. 1378, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1387, 1389. 139°. 1391. 1394, 1395. 1396, 1405, 1406, 1409, 1412, 1413, 1454, ( 490 ) INDEX OF LENDERS Angus, W. Craibe — continued. 1457. 1458, i4S9» 1460B, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1472, 1473. Annan & Sons, T. & R., 230 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 467. Arbroath Museum, 1030, 1053. Arnot, Mrs., 383 St. George's Road, Glasgow, 57, 640, 746, 747. Arnott, J. G. M'Lellan, Fernlea, Dum- fries, 109, 758. Arrol, Sir William, LL.D., M.P., Seafield, Ayr, 93. Arthur, Thomas Glen, Carrick House, Ayr, 952, 1113, 1114. Books — 282, 1 139. Auld, Captain John, Bane's Crescent, Ayr, 86, 104. Ayrshire Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, ion, 1012. Baird, Mrs., 1196, 1253. Baird, Mrs. Alexander, Church Street, Dunoon, 693. Baird, Rev. Wilson, U.P. Manse, Mauch- line, 844. Barbour, James, Architect, Dumfries, 520. Barclay, Mrs. E., Broxburn. Books — 52. Barr, Miss Mary. Books — 1044. Barr, Mrs. James, 53 Hamilton Drive, Hillhead, Glasgow, 402, 756, 953, 1300. Barr, Mrs. James, RockcliSFe, Bridge of Weir. Books — 190. Bayley & Ferguson, 54 Queen Street, Glasgow, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267. Beattie, ^Villiam, 3 Broompark Circus, Glasgow. Books — 1205. Begg, Gilbert Burns, Park Cottage, Motherwell, 522. Begg, Robert Bums, Kinross, 42, 87, 313. 352. 954, 99'. 993> 996. 1048, 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316, 1317. 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324. 1325, 1326. 1327. 1328. Bell, Miss A. C, West Side, Kilmalcolm. Books— i,Ji,%, 455. Bell, Sir James, Bart., 7 Marlborough Terrace, Glasgow, 974. Bennet, George, Eldon Lane, Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1007. Bennet, Miss S. P., Florafield, Kelso, 1018. Bennett, Robert J., 50 Gordon Street, Glasgow. Books— ^2, 217, 353, 48s, 610, 677. 828, 1399. Birbeck, Robert, Birmingham. Books — 52. Bishop, John, 89 Leslie Street, PoUok- shields, Glasgow, 667, 705A. Books — 1204. Black, A. M., 140 Cathcart Street, Paisley Road, Glasgow, 587, 1028. Black, Andrew, R.S.W., 69 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 163, 174. Black, John, 60 Albert Drive, Glasgow, 114, 115. Books — 427. Blackie & Son, Limited, 17 Stanhope Street, Glasgow, 268. Blackie, J. Robertson, 121. Blackie, Robert, The Representatives of .the late, 75, 417, 463, 599. Blackie, W. G., LL.D., i Belhaven Terrace, Glasgow, 904. Bliss, Sands & Co., Publishers, London. Books— i,-i-i. Bonnar, Thomas, 58 George Street, Edin- burgh, 556, 560. Bowker, A., & Son, 27 Renshaw Street, Liverpool, 36, 1081. Boyd, Miss Alice, Penkill Castle, Girvan, 327. 330. 331. 33a. 333. 334, 335. 336. 337. 371- Bradshaw, J. Champion, 40 Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, 152. • (491 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Brekenridge, Fergus, 104 Berkeley Street, Glasgow, 616. Brogan, Anthony, 71 Cambridge Drive, Kelvinside, Glasgow, 484. Books — 1 1 34. Brown, D., 18 Balcarres Street, Edinburgh. Books— ?>?>o. Brown, Kellock, 138 Wellington Street, Glasgow, 969, 975. Brown, Mrs., Greyfriars Hall, Dumfries, 46, 698, 867, 871. Brown, R. Bennett, Bendarroch, Gare- lochhead. Books — 1300. Brown, Robert Burns, 11 Woodstock Place, Kilmarnock, 341, 342, 343, 344, 494. 678, 929. Brown, Simon, 319 Cathcart Road, Govan- hill, Glasgow, 909, 923, 1285, 1309. Brown, Wm. Fulton, R.S.W., 183 West George Street, Glasgow, 162. Browne, John, c/o A. D. Dean, 50 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, 906. Bruce, Mrs. John, Inverallan, Helens- burgh, 804. Bruce, R. T. Hamilton, The Grange, Dornoch. Books — 1 102, 1 106, 1 109, nil, 1112, 1114, 1117, 1119, 1120, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1131, 1133, 1136, 1137. 1138, 1145. 1149, "5°. 1199- Bryce & Son, David, 133 West Campbell Street, Glasgow. Books — -198, 199, 200, 205, 1056. Bryce, William Moir, Blackford Road, Edinburgh, 1205. Brydall, Robert, 8 Newton Terrace, Glas- gow, 168. Buchan, Mrs. J. A., 13 Willowbank Crescent, Glasgow, 636. Buchanan, George H. G., 75 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, 956. Burgess, Wallace G., Longstow Villas, Longstow Road, Market Drayton, 917. Burman, Dr. Clark, Alnwick. Books— III, 360, 1292, 1339, 1348, 1353- Burness, Charles Stewart, Glenbervie, 2 Lancaster Road, Stroud Green, London, 1235. Burness, Robert, Stonehaven, 1232, 1233, 1263, 1291, 1292, 1297. Burnett, J. C, Monboddo, Fordoun, 102. Burns, Mrs. J. G., Knockmaroon Lodge, Dublin, 464, 500, 566, 598, 602, 739, 740, 831, 833, 834, 836, 850, 1 1 17, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1 138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147. 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, "54. "55. 1156. "57, 1158, 1159. 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1 184, 1 185, 1 186, 1187, 1 188. Books — i\i„ 315, 332, 447, 714, 1073, 1084, 1173A, 1 1 79, 1 186, 1235A. Burns, Mrs. Robert, Beechwood Lodge, Stiriing, 704, 773, 842, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946. Burns, Robert, i Nith Place, Dumfries, 869. Burns, William, Post Office, Larkhall, 303. Cairney, Adam J., 243. Cairns, Hugh, 36 Dundee Street, Back Bay, Boston, U.S.A., 231. Calder, James, 116 Westburn Road, Aberdeen, 712. Callaghan, John, Ayr. Books — 1392. Calvert, E. Sherwood, R. S. W., in Douglas Street, Glasgow, 159, 170. Cameron, Richard, i St David Street, Edinburgh, 95, 480. ( 492 ) INDEX OF LENDERS Campbell, J. MacNaught, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, 311, 321, 445, 446, 453. 456. 479. 479a. 521. 639. 670. 673, 684, 763, 766, 810, 817, 902, 925. Books— i, 4, 7, II, 24, 48, 51, 97, 102, 105, 139, 143, 149, 152, 162, 168, 190, 214, 217, 238, 241, 284, 290, 299, 300, 340, 408, 441, 446, 451. 453. 455. 459. 461, 462, 470, 475. 481, 501. 509. 522, 525. 541, 551. 562, 577, 609, 610, 624, 626, 637A, 677, 688, 689A, 700, 717, 761, 770, 819, 841, 858, 902, 967, 968, 1078, 1079, 1085, 1089, 1275. Campbell, M. M'G., 87 Barrowfield Place, Glasgow. Books— 1^, 86, 237, 257. Campbell, N., 5 Uundas Street, Glasgow, 688. Books — 42. Campbell, W., 12 Binnie Place, Monteith Row, Glasgow. Books— a,%, 443, 455, 458, 626, 700. Canterbury Caledonian Society, New Zealand, 1049. Carfrae, Robert, George Street, Edin- burgh, 1099. Carmichael, Robert, 2 Royal Terrace, Crossbill, Glasgow, 244, 548. Cathcart, Misses, Auchendrane, Ayr, 90. Chambers, C. E. S., Edinburgh, 531. Chambers, W. & R., Edinburgh, 372, 373, 374. 375. 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391. Books— la, 36, 37, 38. Chambers' Institute, Peebles, 581, 759, 811. Charters, R. J., Spring Vale, Jedburgh, 95a. Cheine, Professor, 26 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. Books — II 16. Christie, J. E., 81 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 15s, 167, 177, 215. Clark, James, 79 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 142, 197. Clark, W. M., Arbroath. Books — 146. Cleghorn, John, Millspinner, Dundee, 1260. Cleland, A. B. Dick-, 28 Coates Gardens, Edinburgh. Books — 1418. Coats, W. A., Skelmorlie Castle. Books — 42, 316, 626. Cochran, Miss, Laighmuir, Dunlop, 717. Coltart, Mrs., High Street, Dumfries, 933, 957- Corstorphine Burns Club, 930. Coventry, R. M. G., R.S.W., 176 Bath Street, Glasgow, 164. Cowan, Hugh, St. Leonard's, Ayr, 11. Cowan, Mrs. Robert, Mauchline, 703. Cowan, Robert, 1298. Crabbe, Mrs., Mylnefield Feus, Inver- gowrie, 26. Crawford, Susan F., A.R.P.E., 183 West George Street, Glasgow, 181. Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, 899, 1016, 1021, 1029, 1052. Cruickshank, R. A., Ardbeg, Kilmun, 214, 217. CuUen, J. W. F., Stuckievoulich, Tarbet, Lochlomond, 122. Books — 51. Gumming, Gordon, 86 Waddell Street, Glasgow, 248. Gumming, Thomas, Dumfries, 910. Currer, Robert, 18 Belmont Gardens, Hillhead, Glasgow, loia. Currie, Miss Agnes, 465 Grosvenor Buildings, Maniston Street, Poplar, London, E., 768. Dalgleish, Mrs., 1308. Dalglish, William, 26 Renfield Street, Glasgow, 158, 222. Dalhousie, The Right Honourable the Earl of, 1 102. (493) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Dalzell, J. B., AUanpark, Larkhall, 773. Books — 1233. Dalziel, Mrs., Greenbrae House, Dumfries, 369. 393, 394. 395. 474. 50S. S^. 604, 672, 719, 1283, 1308, 1310. Books — 1 40 1. Dariing, John, Flora Villa, 75 Vandyke Street, Sefton Park, Liverpool, 935, 936- Davey, Samuel, Alfriston, Dingwall Avenue, Croydon, 1116. Davidson, Alexander, 36 Saunders Road, Plumstead, Kent, 928, 955. Davidson, James, Aberdeen. Books — 1 2 14. Davidson, John, Woodside Lodge, Beith. Books — 14 1 9. Davidson, Miss, 34 Scotland Street, Edin- burgh, 770. Davidson, Peter Wylie, 31 Wilton Street, Glasgow, 686. Davidson, Thomas, "Yet-holm," Green- croft Gardens, West Hampstead, London, 151. Denholm, William Munro, 179 Hill Street, Glasgow, 527, 529. Devlin, J. W., Bowbank, Milton, Carlisle, 830, 852. Dewar, T. W., Linhouse, West Calder, 708, 828. Dick, David C, la West Maitland Street, Edinburgh, 102a. Dick, John, of Craigengelt, 12 Danube Street, Edinburgh. Books — 9, 60. Dickie, James, Solicitor, Irvine, 16, 828a. Dickie, Rev. William, Lynwood, Partick- hill, Glasgow, 597, 762. Dickie, William, Brocklee, Clarkston. Books — 823. Dobie, George, Tigh-an-eas, Carding Mill Bay, Oban, 1195. Dobson, H. J., R.S.W., 2 Aldermanbury, Bradford, 208. Docharty, A. Brownlie, Ru'glen, by May bole, Ayrshire, 175. Dougall, Dr. John, 493 Shields Road, Glasgow, 1067. Douglas, Mrs. W. S., 16 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh, 423. Downie, Patrick, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 174a, 226. Duff, T. L., 468 Great Western Road, Hillhead, Glasgow, 870. Dumfries Burns Club, 38, 1007c. Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge, Dumfries. Books — 1 22 1. Dunbar, Mrs. Langlands, Dumfries, 715, 716, 744, 752. Dunbar, William, 461. Dundee Burns Club, 949. Books — -I22ia, I22lb. Dunlop, George, "Standard," Kilmar- nock, 227, 280, 442, 1112. Dunlop, Mrs., Ellerslie Tower, Ealing, London, W. Books — 120SA. Dunlop, Thomas, 27 Kelvinside Terrace, South, Glasgow, 689, 785. Dunn, James M., London. Books- — ^ 1 334a. Dunn, Mrs. John, 34 St. Andrew's Street, Castle Douglas, 286, 491, 711. Dunoon, Burgh of. Books — II. Eadie, Archibald, Ashbank, 174 Niths- dale Drive, Pollokshields, Glasgow, 606. Eadie, John, Paisley, 107. Edinburgh, Corporation of, 792, 1056, 1060, 1062, 1076, 1090. Edinburgh Public Library, 1089. Edinburgh, University of, 1087, 1088. Edington, George Henry, M.D., 14 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, 11 94. Edmiston, John, 41 West Nile Street, Glasgow, 304. Edward, Alfred S., R.B.A., Hogarth Club, 36 Dover Street, Piccadilly, London, W., 149, 2n. Eglinton, The Right Hon. the Earl of, 85. (494 ) INDEX OF LENDERS Elliot, Andrew, 3z8a, 328b. Ewart, Lavens M., Belfast. Books— ^l\, 713, 714, 717, 724, 733, 812. Ewing, James A., 20 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, 1 00 1. Falconer, James, Nethergate, Dundee. Books — 4, 17, 26, 81, 91, 92, 158, 171. 193. 257, 280, 335, 392, 448, 452, 456, 475, 510, 639A, 828, 894, 1051, 1054, 1372. Falconer, Robert, Buchanan Street, Glas- gow. Books — 445. Ferguson, Sir James, Bart., Spitalhaugh, West Linton, Peeblesshire, 778, 1078. Ferguson, Mrs., 22 E. Preston Street, Edinburgh, 714, 73°. 73 1. 9' 9- Fergusson, Captain Cutlar, Craigdarroch, Moniaive, 140. Fidler, Gideon, Taffont Magna, near Salisbury, Wilts, 193, 194, 201. Findlater, William, Dublin. Books — i2o6a. Findlay, J. R., 3 Rothesay Terrace, Edin- burgh, 735, 736, 926, 1083. Findlay, Thomas, 140 Main Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow, 570. Finlayson, F., Kirkcudbright, 518, 1046, 1058, 1069, 1070, 1071. Fisher, Edward F., 28 Buckland Crescent, South Hampstead, London, N.W., 238. Fisher, Mrs., Park Villa, Dunoon, 241. Fisher, R. Mackenzie, Flowerbank, Ayr, 618, 632, 650, 732, 819, 837, 838, 964. Fleming, John, Roselea, Kelvinside Gar- dens, Glasgow, 674, 675, 676, 679. Ford, Thomas J., Hill Crescent, West- wood Park, Forest Hill, London, S.E., 174b. Foulds, John, L.D.S., 461 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 710. Eraser, John W., 168 West George Street, Glasgow, 1275. Books — 103 8a. Eraser, Melville, 31 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, 77. Frazer, Dr. William, 20 Harcourt Square, Dublin, 1033. Books— 12,1, 737, 738, 741, 1353. Freeman, W. W., 145 West Nile Street. Books — 929. Fullerton, John, Merksworth, Paisley, 683. Fulton, David, R.S.W., 183 West George Street, Glasgow, 203. Books — 459. Fy£fe, Andrew, M.D., The Shrubbery, Hayes, Middlesex, 1266. Gall, William, 135 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, 541. Gardner, John, 10 Brunswick Place, Bradford, 84. Gibb, Elias, 13 Montgomerie Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow, 1002. Gibb, Mrs. Hugh, Mauchline, 625. Gibson, Andrew, Cliftonville Avenue, Belfast, 469, 472, 543, 555, 577, 611, 612, 733, 748, 755, 805, 827, 900. Books — 10, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 54, 55, 60, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 85, 88, 90, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107, 109, no. III, 112, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129A, 130, 132, 133, 135, 137, 138, 148, 153, 15s, 156, 163, i66a, 170, 176, 185, 200, 213, 216, 218, 225, 227, 229, 230, 232, 238, 239, 240, 242, 246, 250, 255, 258, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 276, 278, 287, 324, 326, 363, 364, 366, 368, 371, 376, 376A, 378, 380, 381, 384, 388, 388A, 389, 390, 390A, 391, 392, 393, 395, 396, 399, 400, 401, 404, 405, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 429, 430, 436, 437, 438, 440, 441, 442, 4S3> 456, 459, ( 495 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Gibson, Andrew — continued. 461, 462, 463, 468, 471, 474, 483, 484, 485, 486, 488, 493, 495, 496, 499> 500A, 502, 503, 504, 507, 509, 516, 519, 522, 523, 536, 537, 539, S40, 555, 558, S59> 566, 567, 568, 569. 570, 57i> 572. 573. 574. 575. 576, 578, 579. 580, 581, 582, 583, 586, 587, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597. 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 605, 606, 609, 610, 613, 616, 617, 618, 624, 627, 629, 630A, 631, 632, 634, 637A, 638, 639, 639B, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 675, 681, 682, 683, 687, 688, 689A, 693, 704, 70s, 707, 709. 710, 713, 714, 715. 717. 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 725, 726, 727. 728, 730, 731, 732, 734, 735, 736, 739. 740, 741, 742, 743. 744, 745. 759. 778, 787, 793, 802, 812, 813, 818, 819, 820, 843, 849, 854, 858, 861, 868, 877, 899, 905, 906, 917, 919. 921. 922, 942, 947, 982, 983. 105s, 1060, 1083, 1092, 1095, 1096, 1097, iioi, mo, 1220, 1275, 1280, 1290, 1296, 1312, 1316, 1317, 1325. 1336, 1338. 1344, 1346. 1350. 1352. 1353, 1357. 1362, 1379, 1453. Gibson, William, 2 Crown Terrace, Glasgow, 51. Gladstone, Miss, Fasque, Fettercairn, 1097. Glasgow & South- Western Railway Com- pany, 73. Glasgow, Corporation of, 14, 73a, 132, 1034, 1065. Glasgow Mauchline Society. Books — 330, 1242. Glasgow, University of, 1003. Graham, Rev. Henry Grey, Bothkennar, Dowanhill Gardens, Glasgow, 59, 421, 1189. Graham, R., 13 Queen Elizabeth's Walk, Stoke Newington, London, N. Books — 1075, 1 241. Grahame, R. B. Cunningham, 799. Grand Lodge of Scotland, George Street, Edinburgh, i, 662, 663. Grant, John, George IV. Bridge, Edin- burgh. Books — 1 217. Grant, John King, of the "Northern Ensign," Wick, 803. Gray, George, 72 Hutcheson Street, Glasgow, 63, 66, 1014, 1036, 1057, 1237. 1255, 1261, 1262, 1265, 1274, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1282. Books— ^, 1 1, 42, 46, 53, 60, 87, 144. 145. 161, 187, 217, 220, 279, 281, 283, 317, 353, 358, 442, 443, 462, 732, 739, 1046, 1243, 1244, 1246, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1277, 1301, 1302, 1306, 1314, 1332, 1386, 1402A, 1407, 1460. Greenock Burns Club, 273, 284, 287, 288, 292, 293, 295, 296, 316, 325, 326, 329, 367, 658, 824, 1268. Books — 361, 1222. Greenshields, J. J., Kerse, Lesmahagow, 1019, 1026, 103s, 1044. Books — 311. Grimmond, William, 271 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 5, 589. Guy, Robert, The Wern, Pollokshaws, 133a. Haig, J. Hermiston, 134 Bath Street, Glasgow, 205. Hand, William J., 24 Crown Court, Russell Street, London, W.C., 427. Hardie, Charles Martin, R.S.A., Lyndoch House, Bedford Road, Edinburgh, 29. 58- Hargreaves, John, 4 Victoria Street, Liverpool. Books — 1398. Harkness, Miss, Pier Road, Dunoon, 564. ( 496) INDEX OF LENDERS Hastie, William, 78 Finnart Street, Greenock, 692. Hay, George, R.S.A., Ravelston Terrace, Edinburgh, 64. Hay, James, 41 Charlotte Square, Edin- burgh, 213. Hay, T. Marjoribanks, R.S.W., 4 1 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, 220, 224. Henderson, Henry W., 4 Gliddon Road, West Kensington, London, 6. Hennedy, David, Whitehall, Bothwell, 50, loi, 123. Hewat, Rev. Kirkwood, Free Church Manse, Prestwick, 317, 568. Books — 1 068. Hewison, Miss, Ritusdale Row, Thornhill, Dumfries, 874. Hewison, Rev. J. King, The Manse, Rothesay, 951, 707, 875. Higgins, Rev. J. C, The Manse, Tar- bolton, 951, 1259. Highet, John, Langlands, Troon, Ayrshire. Books — 86, 169, 637A. Hinshelwood, James, 3 Findlay Street, Glasgow, 72, 615, 630, 631, 912. Hislop, Andrew, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 141, 165. Hodge, John, 71 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh, 12. Hogg, James, Clydesdale Bank, Bellshill. Books — 42, 50. Holms, John, M.D., Paisley, 17. Hope, Captain John, R.N., St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright, 690. Hopkins, Hugh C, 17 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 298. Books — 1272, 131 1, 1402, 1460A. Hunt, Thomas, R.S.W., 227 West George Street, Glasgow, 221, 229. Hutchinson, Mrs. Burns, 3 Berkeley Street, Cheltenham, 8, 22, 49, 52, 78a. Books — 1 193, 1 2 10. Hutchison, Robert, 478 New City Road, 1073. Hutchison, Robert Gemmel, R.S.W., 4 Melville Place, Edinburgh, 157. Inglis, John, 98 Montrose Street, Glasgow, 274, 477. 478. 567- Irvine, John R., Junior Conservative Club, Glasgow, 1303. Irvine Burns Club, iioo. Irving, Miss Jean A., 19 Pitt Street, Edinburgh. Books — 1 187. Izett, James, 132 Renfrew Street, Glasgow. Books — 235. Jack, T. C. & E. C, Publishers, Cause- wayside, Edinburgh, 451, 473. Books — 77, 78, 79, 80. Jacks, William, D.L., 23 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow, 981. Books— '^lo, 831, 832, 833, 834^ 836, 841, 844, 850, 852, 85s, 858, 859, 861, 862, 865, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872. Jameson, Dr., c/o Major White, Bur- lington Hotel, Cork Street, London, 971. Jamieson, J. S., 344 Dumbarton Road, Partick, Glasgow, 559. Jamieson, R., Cortachy, Kirriemuir, 452. Kelly, James, Glebe Street, Kilmarnock, 661. Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, 645, 822. Kennedy, Neil, 39 Hamilton Drive, Hill- head, Glasgow, 35a. Kerr, Hugh, 23 Bromley Street, Stepney, London, E., 788, 854, 857, 879, 881, 882, 934, 948. Kidd, Miss Eliz. Books— \\i%. Kilmarnock Burns Club, 48, 53, 54, 488, 619, 648, 666, 669, 723, 727, 743, 749. 75°. 772, 849, 876, 958, 1075, 1092, 1093. Books — 12 18, 1223. Kilmarnock Burns Monument Museum, 32, 39, 252, 407, 454, 468, 558, 565, 579. 601, 83s, 843, 858, 972, 973, 976, 1008, 1013, 1061. (497) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Kilmarnock Burns Monument Museum. Books — 18, 22, 62, 81, 15s, 174, 175, 178, 181, 251, 275, 292, 300, 306, 338, 388. 515. 614, 684, 685, 723, 764, 779, 788. Kilmarnock, Corporation of, 61, 75a, 89, 98a, 306, 913. Kirkcudbright Museum, Committee of, 738. Kirkpatrick, Andrew J., 5 Park Terrace, Glasgow, 252a, 776, 781, 1206. Books — 5, 86, 168, 184, 232, 281, 296, 297, 298, 299, 358, 446, 472, 488, 516, 525, 548, 552, 562, 607, 625, 632, 675, 736, 817, 826, 847, 849, 850, 854, 856, 910, 1091, 1 108, 1113, HIS, 1124A, 1130, 1132, 1135, 1142, 1150A, 1150B, 1286, 1305,1415, 1456. Kirsop, John, 15 Westbourne Terrace, Glasgow, 561. Laigh Kirk Session, Kilmarnock, 34. Laing, Miss, Mount Park, Gourock, 118. Lamb, A. C, Dundee, 31, 242, 245, 246, 291. 310. 3961 506, 507, 508, 509, 514, 515. 591- Books— V\^. 457-88. Lambie, Rev. James, 3 Viewforth Street, Dundee. Books^^\22'] . Landess, Robert, 6 Annfield Place, Paisley, 137. Lang, William, 79 Queen Street, Glasgow 257- Books — 1393. Latto, W. D., " People's Journal " Office, Dundee, 1287. Law, David, R.P.E., 9 Regent's Park Terrace, London, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 189, 196. Law, William, Honresfield, Littleborough, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1257. Books — 1254, 1404. Lawrie, Miss Louisa, The Moss, Killearn, 493- Lawson, Andrew, 41 English Street, Dumfries, 721, 809, 813, 825, 847, 848. Lawson, John, 175 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 198. Lawson, Matthew, Post Office, Dum- barton, 682. Lawson, Wilfred, 41 English Street, Dumfries, 269. Leighton, John, F.S.A., "Ormonde," Regent's Park, London, N.W., 240,. 247. Leith Burns Club, 351. Leng, Sir John, M.P., Dundee, 1256. Lindsay, H., Leith, 415. Little, James, 159 Hope Street, Glasgow, 1074. Lochhead, J., Glen Cottage, Campsie Glen, 144, 171, Lockhart, W. E., R.S.A., 16 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London, 176, 212. Logan, David, Paisley, 56. Logan, Mrs. J. M'K., Main Street, Largs, 695- Low, Andrew G., Marine Cottage, Broughty Ferry, 43, 67, 82, 789. Lowe, Charles, 13 Priory Road, Chis- wick, 691. Lund, Niels M., 118 Southampton Row, Russell Street, London, W.C, 230. Lyon, H. Thomson, 57 Onslow Square, London, S.W., 70. Lyon, James P., Greenfield Street, Alloa, 656, 878. Lytton, Henry A., 4 Stirling Terrace, Ealing Park, London, 347, 348, 349. Mains, James A., 542. Manderson, Mrs. J. T., Inchture, 960. Mann, Robert M., 5 Linwood Terrace, Glasgow. Books — 739, 1099, 1 1 27, 1 140, 1 146. Marshall, Alexander, Mauchline, 623, 624, 760, 798, 905, 962, ( 498 ) INDEX OF LENDERS Martin, Sir Theodore, K.C.B., Brynty- silio, near Llangollen, 562. Maxwell, C. C, 12 Rosewood Terrace, Dundee, 519, 1193, 1198, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1240, 1241, 1244, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251. Maxwell, Hamilton, R.S.VV., 8 St. James' Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow, 178, 184. Maxwell, Sir John Stirling, Bart., of Pollok, M.P., PoUokshaws, 634. Meldrum, Robert, 87 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Books — 626, 1 105, 1403. Melville, Thos., Craigmore, 54 Middleton Road, Woodgreen, London, 79. Menzies, Thomas, F.E.LS., 211 Crown Street, Glasgow, 573. Books — 427. Miller, Mrs. Robert, i Lilybank Terrace, W., Glasgow, 859. Miller, Peter James, East High Street, CrieflF, 1304. Milligan, Gordon, 270, 271, 272. Mitchell, J. O., LL.D., 7 Huntly Gardens, Glasgow, 462, 475, 476. Mitchell, Mrs., Dumfries, 626. Mitchell Library, 21 Miller Street, Glas- gow, 492, 600, 751, 791, 793, 806, 807, 814, 818, 1242, 1271, 1284, 1290, 1311. Books — 15, 16, I 7 A, 23A, 60A, 72A, 76, 76A, 89, 96, 100, 103, 105, 114, 118, 129, 161, 165, 191, 196, 216, 228, 229A, 234, 244, 245, 260, 264, 265, 272, 274A, 294, 303, 322, 339, 375. 394> 406, 411, 420, 421, 432, 433> 450. 465. 466, 467A, 481, 491, 511, 526, 543, 549, 556, 567, 623, 640A, 674, 678, 692, 729, 754, 766, 771, 772, 777, 780, 785, 798, 803, 806, 807, 822, 831, 845, 852, 853. 863, 879, 911, 930, 931, 932, 934. 937. 939. 95 1. 95^. 954. 958, 962, 963, 966, 976, 977, 978, 979, 991, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, loio, loii, 1012, 1014, 1018, Mitchell Library — continued. 1032, 1037, 1039A, 1041, 1043, 1049. 1062, 1090, 1093, 1 2 16, 1240A, 1240B, 1297, 1371, 1388, 1411, 1414. Moffat, G. S. Books — 518a. Monro, Robert, Ibrox. Books — 1197. Montford, Paul R., 8 Winders Road, Battersea, London, 1005. Montgomerie, R., New Street, Dairy, 71. Moore, Rev. Hamilton, of Loudon, Machrihanish, by Campbeltown, 896. Morgan, John, Aberdeen. Books — 7, 1 2 19. Morgan, John B., 51 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh, 664. Morison Brothers, 52 Renfield Street, Glasgow, 1020. Books — 920. Morris, James A., Savoy Croft, Ayr, 438, 617. 895. 920. Morrison, Alfred, 16 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W., 1329, 1330, 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1335. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1340. 1341. 1342. 1343- Morrison, Richard, 31 Cowgate, Dundee, 40, 646, 884. Morton, John, 13 India Street, Glasgow. Books — 1225. Morton, T. Corsan, 136 Wellington Street, Glasgow, 156. Morton, Thomas, 7 White Street, Partick, Glasgow, 210. Muir, James, 40 Breadalbane Street, Glasgow, 24. Books — 407. Muir, John, F.S.A.Scot., 14 Apsley Place, Glasgow, 927. Muir, John, 210 Duke Street, Glasgow. Books — 281 Munro, Archibald, 18 Minto Street, Edin- burgh, 620, 702, 820, 1055, 1 190, 1191, 1231, 1258. Books — 42, 924, 1 2 13. ( 499 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Munro, Robert, i8 Clifford Street, Govan, 218. Munster, A. M., Belfast, 1236. Murchie, Mrs., Burns Tavern, Tarbolton, 643, 868, 1 192. Murchland, Charles, 668, 742, 800, 812, 816. Murdoch, George, 81 Alexandra Park Street, Glasgow, 277, 279. Murdoch, J. Barclay, Capelrig, Newton Mearns, 1050, 1051. Books— \\, 61, 185, 25s, 456, 470. 525. 562, 691, 1194A, 1256, 1257. 1353- Murison, John, 27 Wingate Road, London, W., 769, 994. Books~2T, 34, 237, 410, 442, 463. 473. 485, 497. 525. 545. 546. 551. 552, 609, 610, 629, 632, 635, 734, 891, 896, 940, 988, 1063. Murphie, Miss, Cresswell House, Dum- fries, 113, 117, 130. Murray, J. G., A.R.E., 5 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 191. Murray, John, 50 Albemarle Street, I^ondon, W., 517. MacArthur, Rev. A., 4 Heathfield Terrace, Springburn, Glasgow. Books — 341. Macaulay, Mrs., Sandbank House, Partick, Glasgow, 908. McCubbin, Alexander, Randolph Road, Stirling, 264. M'Culloch, Hugh, 47 Cedar Street, Glasgow, 447. M'Dermid, Mrs., 8 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, 96a. M'Diarmid, D., 28 Crookston Street, Glasgow. Books — 10 1 7. Macdonald, Alexander, 9 Montgomerie Crescent, Glasgow. Books — 223, 318, 1029, 1455. M'Donald, James, 22 Eaglesham Street, Govan Road, Glasgow, 10 10. Macdonald, Malcolm, 3 Leven Street, Pollokshields, Glasgow, 289, 290, 322, 839, 1239, 1254, 1264, 1294. MacDougall, Miss, 166 Great George Street, Hillhead, Glasgow, 1197. Macdougall, Norman M., 132 Bath Street, Glasgow, 199. McEwan, Misses, 724. MacFadzean, James, Glasgow. Books — 1215. M'Farlane, Barty, 7 Evelyn Terrace, Perth. Books — 7, 12, 42, 52, 80, i66a, 217, 282, 289, 295, 353, 473, 610, 626, 704, 825, 933, 1088, 1383, 1400. MacGeorge, Bernard B., 24 George Square, Glasgow, 705, 1245, 1246, 1247. Books — 142 1, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425. 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437. 1438, 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442, 1443. 1444. 1445. 1446, 1447. 1448, 1449. 1450, 1451. 1452- M'Ghee, Patrick, 13 Old Sneddon, Paisley, 891, 892, 947. M'Guire, Charles, 3 Albany Place, Glasgow, 138. M'llvean, Walter, 6 Levenford Terrace, Dumbarton, 495, 535, 590, 633, 720, 725, 726, 737, 741, 1015, 1288, 1296, 1302. M'Innes, W., 2 Greenlaw Avenue, Paisley. Books — 8, 9. Mackay, Adam, Ellis Street, Kilmarnock, 131- Mackay, Provost David, Portland House, Kilmarnock, 33, loiu, 133, 411. Books — 42, 632. M'Kendrick, Mrs. John, Carlton Terrace, Glasgow, 863. Mackenzie, James, J. P. Books — 38. Mackenzie, James G. Books — 42. Mackenzie, Mrs., 208 Allison Street, Crossbill, Glasgow, 408, 765. ( 600) INDEX OF LENDERS Mackenzie, T., 8 South Portland Street, Glasgow, 865, 924, 995. M'Kie, Bruce, 15 VVoodside Quadrant, Glasgow. Books— %%2. M'Kie, Thomas, i Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, 129. Mackirdy, W. A. Scott, Birkwood, Les- mahagow, 30. Books — 7, 42. M'Kissock, William, Plough Inn, High Street, Ayr, 9, 903, 963. Maclauchlan, John, London Gardens, London, 1017. MacLean, Mrs., 141 Church Street, Chelsea, London, 979. Maclure, R., 145 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 78. Macmath, William, 16 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh, 370, 397, 400, 404, 405, 406, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, 416, 418, 420, 426, 430, 431, 433, 435, 436, 437. 439. 441. 443. 489. 49o, 496, 497, 498, 499. 501. 502. 503. 504, 510, 512, 523, 524, 528, 530, 533. 534, 538. 546, 550. 55". 553. 554, 569, 572. 574, 583. 584. 588, 592. S95> 603, 608, 610, 612. Macmillan, Alexander. Books — II, 412. Macmillan, George A., Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London, 1094. M'Millan, John, 79 Queen Elizabeth's Walk, Stoke Newington, London, N., 116, 399. 783. 893. 894- Books— ^l, 149, 188, 2 1 6a, 453, 470, 551, 612, 637A, 916, 998A, 1410. M'Murtrie, G. B., Alloa. Books — 31, 299. M'Naught, D., The Schoolhouse, Kil- maurs, 338, 340. Books— \A„ 307, 1235. M'Naughton, Mrs., The Manse, Cars- phaim, 297, 312. Macphail, Alexander W., 33 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh, 429, 434. M'Pherson, Colin, Braefoot, Carnoustie, 68, 801. M'Queen, David, Mauchline, 647. Books — 331. M'Quhae, Mrs., 7 Queen's Place, Dum- fries, 718, 829, 1307. MacWhirter, J., R.A., i Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, London, 173. Napier. George G., 9 Woodside Place, Glasgow, 69, 83, 96, 125, 251, 353, 359. 403. 483- Books — 1 1 29, 1 185. National Portrait Gallery, London, 15. Neilson, James D., Old Cathie, Winch- burgh, 832. Neilson, Mrs., Montrose Villa, Craigmore. Books — 261. Nelson, W., Trustees of the late. Friar's Carse, 557, 754. 1031. io4S. 1066. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, Edinburgh. Books — 923. O'Neill, James, Belfast. Books — 699, 714, 718, 1231. Orchar, J. J., Broughty Ferry. Books — 320. Orr, Robert, 8 Great Western Terrace, 915- Orr, William Orr, Kain, Lochwinnoch. Books — 443. Oswald, James Gordon, of Scotstoun, 968. Paisley Bums Club, 637, 652, 654, 823, 877, 890, 1077, 1082. Books — 1223a, 1223b. Parker, J. C, 40 Hope Street, Glasgow, 982, 984. Parker, James, 5 Whitehill Gardens, Glas- gow, 305, 657, 745. Paterson, Alexander Craig, Springhall, Rutherglen. Books — 319. Paterson, Alexander N., M.A., A.R.I.P.A., 136 Wellington Street, Glasgow, 209. (501 ) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Paterson, James, A.R.S.A., Killniess, Moniaive, 200. Paterson, John, Royal Bank House, Mary- hill, Glasgow, 706, 706a. Paterson, R. P., of Montgomerie, 629. Paton, Allan Park, Greenock. Books — 626. Paton, Mrs., Camphill House, Glasgow, 281. Patrick, J. Cochran, the Hon., Woodside, Beith, 821. Patterson, Alexander, M.U., 22 India Street, Glasgow, 4, 80, 278, 424, 532, 582, 607, 680, 780, 853, 885. Books— iz, 14, 17, 51, 52, 81, loi, 140, 143, 147, 150, 153, 155, 158, 169, 180, 206, 209, 211, 212, 217, 230, 244, 256, 268, 273, 288, 308, 321. 322. 334, 341. 342, 353> 354, 365. 368, 370, 371, 373, 385, 417, 434, 437, 438, 463, 464, 471, 479, 484, 485, 488, 489, 492, 494, 524, 525, 527, 543, 544, 558, 561, 57°, 594, 605, 613, 615, 685, 686, 696, 710, 712, 714, 722, 736, 745, 758, 765, 773, 776, 781, 796, 80s, 824, 840, 842, 844, 846, 875, 886, 914, 925, 941, 955, 961, 984, 1016, 1026, 1035, 1C40, 1058, 1059, 1065, 1076, 1080, 1082, 1087, 1215A, 1251, 1066, 1067, 1070, 1261, 1281, 1299, i3°3, 1327, 1341, 1347, 1351, 1353, 1397, 1408. Philips, Robert, 15 Westbourne Gardens, Glasgow, 328. Phillip, Colin B., 2 Spencer Street, Victoria Street, London, S.W., 169. Picken, James, Howard Street, Kilmar- nock, 21, 92, 860. Pollock, William, 6 Albany Place, Charing Cross, Glasgow, 1084. Pomeroy, F. W., i Went worth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea, London, S.W., 978. Porteous, James, 21 Marshall Street, Edinburgh, 23, 35, 99, 136, 641, 642, 757, 988, 1009, 1024, 1068. Porter, Robert, 56 Upper Kelly Street, Greenock, 537. Provan, James, 40 West Nile Street, Glasgow, 1080, 1 1 99. Books — 1226. Quick & Laing, 5 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, 183, 192. Ramsay, William, Ballochmyle Cottage, Mauchline, 65. Rankin, A., Powlett House, Taunton, 796, 897. Raynor, A., 4 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W., 931. Reed, David, 2 Pembroke Place, Edin- burgh, 81, 425, 432, 466, 485, 486, 540, 545- Reid, Mrs., Auchterarder House, Auchter- arder, 124. Reid, Robert, 87 Knight Street, Belfast, 232. Rennie, Mrs. A. W., Earl Grey Street, Mauchline, 609, 1230, 1270. Rennie, William E., 1 1 Hamilton Crescent, Partick, Glasgow, 1054. Richmond, Andrew, 69 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 161. Ritchie, James, Jun., 119 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 605. Robb, James, 8 Carlton Place, Glasgow, 120. Robb, James, Haddington. Books — 1 172. Robertson, R. Gardner, Morningside, Kilmarnock, 3. Robertson, Wm. Forbes, 132 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 41. Robinson, John, 258 Woodstock Road, Belfast, 585. Rollo, Mrs. M. S., St. James' Parsonage, Springburn, Glasgow, 302. Ronald, William, 415 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, iiiA, 846. Rose, H. S., 76. Rosebery Burns Club, Glasgow. Books — 981, 1 189. (502) INDEX OF LENDERS Rosebery, The Right Hon. the Earl of, K.G., K.T., Dalmeny, near Edin- burgh, 27, 80A, 563, 563A, 1007A, 1007B, 1091, iioi, 1105, 1 106, 1 107, 1 108. Books—-], 40A, 313, 717, 809, 838, 1 103, 1 182, 1 184, 1185A, 1 194, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1209,1212, 1420B, 1452A. Ross, James, 5 Royal Crescent, Crossbill, Glasgow, 549. Ross, R. G., 183 West George Street, Glasgow, 62. Rowand, Michael, 320. Rowat, Robert, Paisley. Books — 150A. Rowatt, D., 65 South John Street, Liver- pool, 23 1 A. Roy, W. Gilchrist, 1007D. Royal Caledonian Hunt, Edinburgh. Books — 4 1 . Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 108. Rupprecht, J. Fritz, North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, 301, 309. Russell, David, 2 Park Road Cottage, Ardrossan, 364, 487. St. James's Lodge, Tarbolton, 728, 729, 1032, 1059. Books — 1420. Salmond, J. B., 9 Hillend Road, Arbroath. Books — 609, 6 10. Scarbrough, F. W., St. John Studio, Cromwell Place, Ayr, 143, 223. Scott, H. D. Colvill-, I Wellington Cham- bers, Buckingham Gate, London, 786, 866, 950, 1072. Books — 141 7. Scott, The Hon. J. C. Maxwell, The Abbassich, Wimbledon, 1109. Selkirk, J. R. S. Hunter-, LL.D., Daleville House, Carluke, 37, 55, 88, 91, 103, 106, 112, 127, 128, 239, 294, 455, 525, 621, 622, 627, 628, 660, 671, 701, 864, 880, 883, 886, 887, 888, 889, 965, 1000, 1276, 1277. Books — 1225B. Sharp, Miss Margaret, 326 New City Road, Glasgow, III, 135, 307, 784. Sharp, Robert, Wardknowe, Sunnyside, Paisley, 761. Sharpe, J., 7 Spittal Street, Edinburgh, 1027. Shaw, A. G., Wellington House, Ayr, 119. Shepherd, James, Rossend Castle, Burnt- island, 918, 970, 980. Shirlaw, David, 3 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 235, 236. Short, Frank, 190. Sinclair, Mrs. Thomson, Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227. Sinton, J., Eastfield, Musselburgh, 1037. Books — 426, 1177. Sinton, John, 39 Cavendish Place, Carlisle. Books — 980. Skene, Alex., i Regent Quay, Aberdeen, 1234- Skelly, George, Alnwick. Books— ii-j, 359, 1340. Skirving, Alex., LA., Chestnut Cottage, Langside, Glasgow, 282, 300, 308, 314. 315. 365. 422, 450, 481, 536, 539. 552. 571, 580, 771, 774, 840, 85s. 937. 967. 985. 997. 998, 1269. Books — 19, 214, 1005. Sloan, Miss, Enderby, Helensburgh, 60, 513, 526. Smart, John, R.S.A., R.S.W., 13 Brunswick Street, Hillside, Edinburgh, 166. Smith, Alexander, 45 Millbrae Road, Langside, Glasgow, 285. Smith, D. S., Paisley, 13. Smith, Gregory, Bankston, North Queens- ferry, 1 1 15. Smith, J. Parker, M.P., Jordanhill, 1047. Smith, R. J., 173 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 687. Smith, Robert, Baljaffray, Bearsden, 907. Smith, W. Thomas, 345. (503) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Smith, Walter, 43 Gibson Street, Hill- head. Books — 509, 828. Smith, William, Box Manufacturer, Mauch- line, 959. Sneddon, Captain David, Dean Cottage, Kilmarnock, 94, 97, 638, 681, 753, 779. 790, 815, 826, 1289, 1301, 1305- Books — •841, 851, 1318. Somerville, J. W., Westbank, Helens- burgh, 228. Somerville, William, 24 Balmore Street, Possilpark, Glasgow, 777. Spence, J. D., 7 West Sackville Street, Dublin. Books — 140. Sproat, Thomas, 104 W. Graham Street, Glasgow, 1252. Stephen, John, i Forth Place, Methil, Fife, 932. Stevenson, D. W., R.S.A., The Dean Studio, Edinburgh, 990. Stevenson, R. Macaulay, Robinsfield, by Milngavie, 160, 206, 914. Stevenson, Mrs. R. Macaulay, Robins- field, by Milngavie, 596. Stevenson, W. Grant, R.S.A., 34 Hay- market Terrace, Edinburgh, 977, 983. 989. 992- Stewart, C. E., 22 Kensington Gardens Square, London, W., 1238. Stewart, Miss, 41 Keir Street, Pollok- shields. Books — 214. Stewart, W. Burns, 212 St. "Vincent Street, Glasgow, 444. Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library, 48 Miller Street, Glasgow. Books — 986, 997. Stock, Elliot, Fern Lodge, Millfield Lane, Highgate Rise, London, 901, 921. Strathern, A. S., 28 Albert Drive, Cross- hill, Glasgow, no. Stuart, Miss Gibb, Mossgiel, Kilmalcolm, 139- SuUey, Philip, Bank Street, Dumfries, 635' 653. 872, 1022. Books— \o^o. Sunderland, Museum of, 1085. Symington, A. J., i Landore Terrace, Langside, Glasgow, 767, 1299. Swan, Mrs. Books — 1420A. Tawse, G., Blandford Street, Sunderland, 734- Taylor, James, 78 Sandgate Street, Ayr, 911, 922. Taylor, Wm., L.D.S., 290 Duke Street, Glasgow, 7. Telfer, James, Rocklea, Helensburgh, 299. Tennant, Sir Charles, Bart., The Glen, Innerleithen, 2, 10, 19, 20, 28, 44, 659, 1 1 10. Books — 1 175. Tennant, James, 7 Hillend Gardens, Hyndland Road, Glasgow, 694, 1228, 1229. Books — 1 23 1 A. Tennyson, Lord. Books — 1 201. Thin, James, 55 South Bridge, Edinburgh, 354. 355. 356, 357. 358. 360, 361, 362, 363, 449, 482. Books — 183. Thomas, Mrs. Burns, Martinetown, Killi- nick, Co. Wexford, 18, 250, 323, 339, 346, 368, 392. 398. 401. 457. 458, 459. 460, 697, 700, 795, 808, 841, 1086, 1207, 1281, 1293. Books — 27, 284, 299, 327, 464, 508, 544, 912, 1053, 1086, 1176, 1 183, 1202, 1230, 1232, 1240C, 1265. Thompson, George. Books — 1275A. Thomson, James, 1076 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, 74, 1267. Thomson, Miss, Planetrees, Largs, 787. Thomson, Mrs., Trustees of the late, 845- (504) INDEX OF LENDERS Thomson Brothers, George Street, Edin- burgh, 419, 428, 465, 470. Books — 1416, 1420C. Thornycroft, Helen, 2A Melbury Road, Kensington, London, W., 148, 150, 225. Todd, A. B., Breezyhill, Cumnock, 722, 851- Tristram, Rev. Canon, The College, Durham, 1098 a. TuUis, David, Glencairn, Burnside, Rutherglen, 98, 961. Turner, Miss, 4 Ballantine Drive, Ayr, 440. Valentine, Mrs., Girvan, 696. Veitch, George Seton, Friarshill, Paisley, nil. Books — 312, 1038. Walker, James, Limefield, West Calder. Books — II 73. Walker, Miss, 45 Cecil Street, Hillhead, Glasgow, 856, 861. Walkinshaw, A., 1 1 Alexandra Park Street, Glasgow, 999. Wallace, Campbell, 416 Crown Street, Glasgow, 644, 649, 665. ^Vallace, Mrs. Janet, 747A. Wallace, John, 11 Melbourne Place, Edinburgh, 146, 147. Watson, Sir John, Bart., of Earnock, Hamilton, 100, 966. Books — Page 436. Waugh, John. Books— 0,2, 48, 320A, 353. Weir, Mrs., 673.^. Weir, Robert, Cidhmor, Motherwell, 713- Weir, William, Kildonan House, Barrhill, Ayrshire. Books — iioo, 1104, rii8, 1121, 1 190, 1 191, 1211. AVhite, Thomas, 7 Gordon Street, Glas- gow, 586. Whiteinch, E. C, 1152 Dimibarton Road, Glasgow. Books — 82. Whittet, T. S., 9 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, 134- Wilkie, Hugh, 181 Duke Street, Glasgow, 685. Wilkinson, William J., Bond Street, Dews- bury, 699. Wilson, James, Cragdale, Merchiston Avenue, Edinburgh, 126, 655, 862, 1295, 1306. Wilson, General James Grant, 15 East Seventy-Fourth Street, New York. Books— ^?,%. Wilson, James R., Sanquhar. Books — 1224. Wilson, John, County of Gloucester Bank, Cheltenham, 576. Books — 1077. Wilson, Miss, 52^^ Canning Street, Glas- gow, 233. Wilson, P. Macgregor, R.S.W., Kil- creggan, 202, Wilson, Rev. Canon S. Kinner, 53 Albany Street, Edinburgh, 593. Wilson, Thomas, Glentane Cottage, West Kilbride. Books— i^?>. Wingate, Mrs. David, 1272, 1273. Wise, Thomas J., 15 St. George's Road; Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, London, N.W., 1243. Wood, Adam, Troon, 1023, 1064. Books — 1 1 78. Wood, J. Maxwell, M.B., 55 Irish Street, Dumfries, 709. Woolnoth, Charles N., R.S.W., 3 Kelvin- grove Terrace, Glasgow, 172. Wordie, John, 49 West Nile Street, Glasgow, 324. Wright & Greig, Ltd., 8 Cadogan Street, Glasgow, 873. Wylie, James, 102 Cathcart Street, Glasgow, 544. Wyper, J. C, R.S.AV., 79 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 207, 219. (505) THE BURNS EXHIBITION Yates, Rev. S. A. Thompson, 43 Philli- more Gardens, Kensington, London, W., 45- Young, George B., 13 Kew Terrace, Glasgow, 66a. Young, J., J. Young & Co., Greenock, 677. Young, J., Moffat, 764. Young, John Reid, Garial, Dunoon, 782. Young, The Right Honourable Lord, 28 Moray Place, Edinburgh, 25, 105. Young, William, R.S.W., 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow, 276, 283, 318, 319 47i> 575- Ciasgaw : Prinlcil by William Hodge &• Com f any. ¥