z m m 70 r 832 .5 QsPs r m o -4 7) O 1 n o BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Pioneer Electric Power Co, OGDEN, UTAH. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT FOE A MASONRY DAM AND OCXORER, 1800. OGDEN, UTAH". HESTMARK & WILCOX, PRINTERS ANU BINDERS. ADVERTISEMENT OFFICE OF THE PIONEER ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, OGDEN, UTAH. |PrOpOSal9 Will be received at this office until November llitli, IXOli, and then publicly opened, for furnishing all material and labjr required in tlie construction of a masonry dam and spillway about 40!) feet long and 60 feet high, to be built across the Ogden Jiivur in Ogden Canyon, Utah, about six miles from the city of Ogden. Bids are requested osed to be interested. The bidder must satisfy The Pioneer Electric Power Comjwny of his ability to furnish the materials and of his skill to perform the work for which he bids. Transfers of contracts, or of interests in contracts, will not be permitted, without the written consent of the Chief Engineer. It is to be clearly understood that tlie prices bid are to cover all expenses of every kind that may be incurred in the construction and completion of the work in accordance with the specifications and plans, and such modifications of them as may be made. All blank spaces in the proposal must be filled in. but no change shall be made in the phraseology of the proposal, or addi- tions to the items. Any one signing a proposal as agent of another, or others, must file with it legal evidence of his authority to do so. A contract will not be awarded to a corporation until it shall have furnished satisfactory evidence of its legal capacity to enter into the same. X<> advantage shall be taken of anv error or omission in the O accompanying specifications, as full information will be given upon application. The envelope containing proposal must be sealed and endorsed "Proposal for Building Dam in Ogden Canyon" and addressed to "C. K. Bannister. Chief Engineer of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, Ogden. Utah." Bidders, before submitting propagate, must make a careful and thorough examination in person of the Darn site and satisfy them- selves as to character of material to be moved and facilities for ob- taining materials used in construction. Each bid is to be accompanied by a certified check for Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, payable to the Treasurer of The Pio- neer Electric Power Company, said check to be returned to the bid- der unless he fail to execute the contract, should it be awarded to him. A bond for Fifty Thousand (50,000.00) Dollars will be re- quired for the faithful performance of the contract, the sureties on the same to be satisfactory to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of said Company. The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to appear at this office, witli the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the contract within ten days (including Sunday) from the date of notification of such award: and in case of failure or neglect to do so. he or they will be consider as having abandoned it. and the check accompany- ing the proposal shall be forfeited to The Pioneer Electric Power Company. Plans can he seen and forms of proposal and contract obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Ogden, Utah. The Pioneer Electric Power Company reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in the bids re- ceived. A copy of the advertisement, Instructions to Bidders and Spec- ifications will be attached to the contract and form a part of it. The successful bidder shall at once upon the award of the con- tract, furnish The Pioneer Electric Power Company the address to which mail or telegraphic communications to him should be sent. For the purpose of comparison of bids, the following quantities will be used: PLAN A. All Masonry Dam. MASONKY Rubble masonry, dam 37, '200 cu. yds. " overflow weir 1,700 " " 38,900 cu. yds. Cut stone masonry, coping 115 " " " " " overflow weir 500 " (515 " Total masonry 39,515 EXCAVATION Earth excavation (with slopes I to I) 33,700 Bock excavation (sides of canyon ) 2,350 Iron fence 826 lin. ft. Waste channel Eock excavation 10,000 PLAN B. Concrete with Arches and j-inch Steel Plate Facing. 6 MASONRY Concrete dam: 6 piers 2 abutments 18,500 cu. yds. arches (complete) 7,500 " " 20,000 cu. yds. overflow weir, J,700 " " Total concrete, 27,700 cu. yds. Cut stone masonry, coping, 115 cu. yds. " " " overflow weir, 500 " " 615 " " Total masonry, 28,315 cu. yds. Steel Plate Face, 350,000 Ibs. EXCAVATION Earth excavation, top 14 ft., (with slopes 1 to 1), 14.830 cu. yds Earth excavation, in vertical trenches, 12,720 " " 27,550 cu. yds. Eock excavation, (sides of canyon), 2,350 " " Iron Fence, 820 lin. feet. Waste channel, rock excavation, 10,000 cu. yds. PLAN C. Concrete Piers with Steel Face. MASONRY Concrete, 7 piers and 2 abutments, 21,732 cu. yds. concrete toe. 3,196 " " arch roadway, 480 " " Total in dam, 25,40N cu. yds. Overflow weir. 1,700 " " Total concrete, 27,108 " " Cut stone masonry coping, 115 en. yds. overflow weir, 500 " " Total cut stone masonry, Total masonry. Steel Plate Face : steel plates, butt straps and rivets, anchorage at abutments. anchorage at piers and toe, Steel in roadway: I beams in roadway, buckle plates. Total steel, EXCAVATION Earth excavation, top 14 ft., slopes 1 to 1, Earth excavation, in vertical trenches, Total earth excavation, Bock excavation. Iron fence, Waste channel, rock excavation. 615 27,723 " " 686,103 Ibs. 113,245 " 10.692 " 38,612 " 23,760 " 872,412 Ibs. 15,000 cu. yds. 10,500 " " 25,500 cu. yds. 2,850 " " 820 lin. feet. 10,000 cu. yds. . . PROPOSAL, . . (pioneer Electric (power Company -FOR- BUILDING A MASONRY DAM AND SPILLWAY ACROSS THE OGDEN RIVER IN OGDEN CANYON. UTAH. The undersigned hereby declare that he ha carefully ex- amined the annexed Instructions to Bidders. Form of Contract, and Specifications, and the drawings therein referred to, and made an inspection of the sites of the proposed dam a'ld spillway, and will provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, and will do all the work and furnish all the ma-' terials called for by said Contract and Specifications, and the plans and drawings therein referred to. subject to all the conditions and requirements thereof and of your Instructions to Bidders, copies of all of which are hereto attached and, so far as they relate to this proposal, are made a part of it, and subject to the requirements un- der them of the Engineer, for the following sums, to-wit: PLAN A. ALL MASONRY DAM. (a) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the dam, slopes one to one including all timber necessary for shoring and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinafter specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the exca- vation not occupied by the masonry, the sum of dollars. $ ...... per cu. yd. 9 (b) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (c) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of .dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (d ) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for tlie waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars. $ , per cu. yd. (e) For the rubble masonry in the dam and overflow weir, to comprise all the masonry (excepting only such cut dimension stone mnsonvy MS mav be ordered for copings, etc., and such concrete masonry and neat cement as may be required for lev- ing up the bedrock and joining it to the dam (as hereinafter specified, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (f ) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four bv volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of _. dollars, $ , j>er cu. yd. (or) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, three and five by volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of.... ...dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat when ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of ... dollars, $ per bbl. (j) For cut dimension stone masonry laid in Portland cement mortar, as hereinafter specified, to be used for copings and the crest of the overflow weir, etc., the sum of ...dollars, $ , per cu. yd. 10 (k) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, rivitecl up in place, the sum of..: dollars, $ , per lin. ft. (1) For all extra work done by the written order of the Engi- neer, its actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as deter- mined bv the Engineer, plus fifteen per cent, of said cost. PLAN B. DAM WITH PIERS AND CONCRETE AKCHES. (a) For earth excavation with sloping sides, slopes 1 to 1. re- quired for the foundation of the dam, including all timber necessary for shoring and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping, as hereinafter specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the excava- tion not occupied by the masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, $ _ , per cu. yd. (b) For earth excavation in vertical trenches, required for the foundation of the dam. including all timber necessary for shor- ing and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinafter specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the excei- vation not occupied by masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, S , per cu. yd. (c) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of ..dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (d) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars. $ , per cu. yd. (e) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the \vtiste water O from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of .... dollars, s . per cu. yd. 11 (f) For concrete in place,- made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four by volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of : .dollars, J.... _, per cu. yd. (g) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportion of one, three and five by volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of _ dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat where ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of dollars, $ _ , per bbl. (j ) For steel plate work for the facing, including butt straps, angle irons and angle bracing, riveted in place, including field rivets, the sum of dollars, $ , per pound of finished material. (k) For cut dimension stone masonry, laid in Portland cement mortar, as hereinafter specified, to be used for copings, the crest of the overflow weir, etc., the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (1) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, riveted up in place, the sum of dollars, $ ... _ , per lin. ft. (m) For all extra work done by the written order of the Eujji- - / * neer, its actv.MJ reasonable cost to the Contractor, as determined by the Engineer, plus fifteen per cent of said cost. PLAN C. COMBINATION DAM WITH CONCRETE PIERS AND A STEEL PLATE FACING. (a) For earth excavation with sloping sides, slopes 1 to 1, re- quired for the foundation of the dam. including all timber necessary for shoring andbrwcing, and all labor and material 12 necessary for pumping, as hereinafter specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the exca- vation not occupied by the masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (b) For earth excavation in vertical trenches, required for the foundation of the dam, including all timber necessary for shor- ing and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pump- ing and draining, as hereinafter, specified, and including the refilling with approved material of nil spaces in the excavation not occupied by masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (c) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of ... dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (d) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and iii making a channel for the waste water from O the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (e) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars. $ per cu. yd. (f) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four by volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (g) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken ston }, in the proportions of one, three and five by volume, as hereinafter specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat where ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of _ dollars, $ , per bbl. 13 (j) For steel plate work for the faciug, including butt straps, angle irons, I beams, buckle plates and angle bracing, riveted in place, including field rivets, the sum of dollars, Sk , per pound, of finished material. (k) For cut dimension stone masonry, laid in Portland cement mortar, as hereinafter specified, to be used for copings, the the crest of overflow weir, etc., the sum of dollars, $ ._.., per cu. yd. (1) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, riveted up in place, the sum of dollars, $. , per lin. ft. (m) For all extra work done by written order of the Engineer, the actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as determined by the Engineer, plus fifteen per cent, of said cost. Accompanying this Proposal is a certified check for Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, which it is agreed shall become the property of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, if, in case this Proposal shall be accepted by the Board of Directors of said Company, in whole, or in such part as will include the building of a masonry dam and spillway, the undersigned shall fail to execute a contract with said Company under the condi- tions of this Pro|K)sal within the time provided for in the In- struction to Bidders, otherwise said check shall IK? returned to the undersigned. No stockholder of the Company and no person in any of fice or employment of the Company is directly or indirectly in- terested in this Proposal, nor in any contract which may be made under it; nor in any expected profits to arise therefrom, and this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person bidding for the same work. If the contract is awarded to the undersigned, the work shall be commenced within fifteen days after the contract is signed; and the work shall be fully completed on or before the 14 day of 189 and time and punctuality shall constitute an essential part of this agreement. For each and every day that the work shall remain un- finished from and after the date herein fixed for its completion. The Pioneer Electric Power Company may deduct and retain out of the money which may be due or become due to the un- dersigned, under this agreement, the sum of Fifty Dollars, ($50.00), as liquidated damages that the said Company will suf- fer by reason of the failure of the undersigned to complete the work within the time agreed. (SIGNATURE) Names of Members of Firm. If corporation, sign by President and Secietary and affix seal of Company. pioneer Electric (power Company CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDING A MASONBY DAM AND SPILLWAY ACROSS THE OGDEN EIVER, IN OGDEN CANYON, UTAH. t, Made and concluded this day of _ , in the year A. D. one thousand, eight hundred and ninety , between The Pioneer Electric Power Company, a corporation of the State of Utah, by its President and Secre- tary, of the first part, and of... in the State of of the second part, WITNESSETH: A. That for and in consideration of payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the penalty expressed in the bond bearing even date with these presents and hereunto an- nexed, the said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part to commence the work herein required ment ^ ^ e c ^ one within fifteen days after the signing of this con- of Work, tract, and to proceed with the work in such order and at such times, points, and seasons, and with such force as may, from time to time, be directed by the Engineer, and at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials called for by this agreement, in the manner and un- der the conditions hereinafter specified. 16 And the said party of the second part hereby agrees to complete all the work called for under this agreement, in all parts and requirements and in full conformity with the plans and specifications, on or before the _ day of!_ , one thousand eight hundred and ninety , provided, however, that the party of the first part shall have the right at its discretion to extend the time for said completion of the work. It is further agreed that the permitting of said party of the second part to go on and finish said work after the time specified for its completion shall not operate as a waiver of any of the rights of said party of the first part under this contract. of Work. Referee. B. To prevent all disputes and litigation, it is further agreed by and between the parties to this contract, that the Chief En- gineer of The Pioneer Electric Power Company (meaning thereby the individual at any time holding the position or act- ing in the capacity of the Chief Engineer of The Pioneer Elec- tric Power Company) shall be referee in all cases to determine the. amount or the quantity of the work which is to be paid for under this contract, and to decide all questions which may arise relative to the fulfillment of this contract on the part of the Contractor, and his estimates and decisions shall be final and conclusive; also the said Chief Engineer, by himself, or by assistants or inspectors acting for him. shall inspect the work to be done under this agreement, to see that the same is done strictly in accordance with the requirements of the specifica- tions herein set forth. C. The parties further agree that wherever the words defined below are used in this contract, they shall be understood to have the meanings herein given. The term "Company" shall mean The Pioneer Electric Company. Power Company, or any committee duly authorized by its board of directors to represent said Company in the execution of the work covered by this contract. The word ''Engineer." when not further qualified, shall Engineer, mean the said Chief Engineer of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, or his properly authorized agents, limited to the particular duties intrusted to them. 17 The word Contractor'" shall mean the person or persons, Contractor, copartnership or corporation, who have entered into this con- tract as party of the second part, or his or their legal repre- sentatives. It is further agreed that the quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished, as given in the accompanying Instructions to Bidders, are only for the purpose of comparing the bids offered for the work under the contract on a uniform basis; and it i.s hereby agreed that The Pioneer Electric Power Company expressly reserves the right to increase or diminish the above mentioned quantities, or any of them, as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer. The plans and specifications are intended to be explanatory of each other: but should any discrepancy appear or any mis- understanding arise as to the import of anything contained in either, the parties hereto further agree that the explanation and decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding to the Contractor; and all directions and explanations required, al- luded to, or necessary to. complete any of the provisions of this Plans. contract and specifications and give them due effect, shall be given by the said Engineer. Corrections of errors or omis- sions in drawings or specifications may be made by the said Engineer, when such corrections are necessary for the proper fulfillment of the intention of such drawings or specifications, the effect of such corrections to date from the time that the said Engineer gives due notice thereof to said Contractor. F. It is further agreed that the Engineer may make alterations in the line, grade, plan, form/position, dimensions or material of the work herein contemplated, or of any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of construction. If such alterations diminish the quantity of. work to be done, they shall not constitute a claim for damages, or for anticipated profits Alterations. on tue work that may be dispensed with; if they increase the amount of work, such increase shall be paid for according to the quantity actually done, and at the price established for such work under this contract; or. in case there is no price estab- lished, it shall be paid for at its actual reasonable cost, plus fifteen per cent, of said cost. 18 G. The drawings referred to iu these specifications are eight in number, signed by the Chief Engineer , and dated Plans. They show the location of the work and its general character. Dining the progress of the work, such working plans will be furnished from time to time by the Engineer as he may deem necessary. Test pits and borings have been made to ascertain the position of the bedrock at the site of the work and the charac- ter of the materials overlying it: should the character, location and extent of the various materials be found to differ from what is indicated by the test pits and borings, the Contractor shall have no claim on that account, and it is expressly understood that the Company does not warrant the indications of the tests, as noted on the plans, to be correct. The dam is to be erected across the Ogden River Valley, at a point about eight hundred feet below the mouth of Wheeler Canyon. It will be about three hundred and forty feet long, sixty feet high above the river bed, with thirty or forty feet of foundations. Its foundations will be carried down to solid rock and into solid rock to such a depth as may be determined by the Engineer- On the right or north bank of the river, a spillway or overflow weir of masonry will be built, approximately at right angles to the axis of the main dam and about one hundred and fifty feet in length: Its crest will be eight feet below the top of the main dam. There will be a channel connected with it, following the contour of the side hill, by means of which the water flowing over the spillway will be conducted to the bed of the river below. This channel will, as far as possible, be excavated iu the bedrock. Bids are requested on three distinct Plans, called in these specifications and in the drawings accompanying them Plans A, B and C respectively. General PLAN A. ALL MASONRY DAM. This plan provides for a masonry dam of the usual form and construction, as shown on Sheets I. II and Till. 19 The entire dam and spillway are to be built throughout of uu-. coursed, broken range rubble masonry, built of quarry stone of regular sizes and shapes, laid with full beds and joints in Portland cement mortar. The faces of the dam will be built of the same class of masonry as the central portion, but the best stones and those of the most regular form must be selected for the face and the joints must be closer. Both faces must be carefully pointed with Portland cement mortar. A stone coping, fifteen inches thick and three feet wide, shall be laid in cement mortar on either side of the roadway for the entire length of the dam and shall support the iron hand railing. Cut dimension stone will be used only for these copings on the top of the dam and for the crest of the overflow weir, or in such other places as may be designated by the Engineer. PLAN B. DAM WITH CONCRETE PIEKS AND ARCHES, As Shown ou Sheets III, IV. V and VIII. This form of dam is to be built of concrete masonry, but the up-stream face will be enclosed with a thin steel plate cov- ering, bolted to the concrete to prevent abrasion and the perco- lation of water. There will be in all six separate piers and two abutments, joined together by circular concrete arches, both on the up- stream face and on the top of the piers. The piers will be sixteen feet in thickness aud the clear spans ;5'2 feet. The extrados of the arches which support the water pressure is to be cylindrical, the external radius being everywhere equal to 25 feet. The thickness of the arches shall be (> feet for the upper (50 feet of the dam (that is, down to el- evation 4795). It shall be 7 feet for the next 20 feet in height (that is. to elevation 4775 ). and 8 feet from the last given ele- vation to the bedrock. 20 The interior surfaces of the different sections will have radii of 19, 18 and 17 feet respectively. The arches and piers shall be built of concrete, mixed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter specified for con- crete and for cement. The exact proportions of ingredients used will vary in the different parts. In general, the propor- tions will be one part of cement, two parts of sand, and four parts of broken stone for all arches and for that part of the piers which is within two feet of the exterior surface; also for all concrete deposited under water. In the rest of the work, the proportion will be one part of cement, to three parts of sand and five parts of broken stone. The concrete shall be carefully rammed in forms or molds of proper shape. For the upper faces of the arches and piers, the steel plates, properly braced, shall serve as molds. The roadway arches shall be semi-circular, the radius of the intrados being 10 feet and the thickness of the arch rings 3 feet. They shall be 16 feet in length at the springing and shall be extended to make a proper joint with the arches of the up-stream face and shall be absolutely continuous with the lat- ter. The spandrel spaces above the roadway arches and the piers shall be filled with concrete to the level of the roadvvav. A stone coping 15 inches thick and 8 feet wide shall be laid in cement mortar on either side of the roadway for the entire length of the dam and shall support the iron hand railing. The steel plate facing shall be everywhere j of an inch in thickness. It shall cover the entire up-stream face of the dam. Steel Plates fitting closely to the concrete of the piers and arches, to which it will be bolted by short bolts, as indicated in the plans. The steel plates in front of the arches shall be rolled to form a segment of a circle. The radius will be 25 feet, the versed sine 8 feet, 9 inches, and the actual length of each segment, measured on the arc, 43 feet, 2 inches. The flat plates forming the facing of the piers shall be 10i feet long, making a lap joint with the curved plates. All con- nections between the plates shall be riveted lap splices for both the horizontal and vertical joints. 21 There shall be at every joint a single row of three-quarter inch rivets spaced three inches apart. They shall be carefully driven, the heads being closely pressed down with special reference to the exclusion of water. The edges of the plates on the upper surface shall be calked, preferably by suitable machinery, so that the entire sheeting shall be strictly water-tight under the greatest hydraulic pressure prevailing. The edges of all plates must be, in the opinion of the Engineer, sufficiently smooth to allow of sufficient calking. Whenever this is not the case, they must be planed off to a smooth surface. The plates covering the arched surface shall be as large as practicable so as to have the least number of joints. A vertical joint shall be made on the line that the arch springs from the pier, the flat plate being bent to the proper angle to make a lap joint with the curved plate. The holes for the rivets shall be laid out with templets and shall be punched carefully so as to make an accurate fit, but they need not be reamed. The quality of steel for the plates and rivets is given here- after under the heading "Requirements for Steel Plates and Rivets.'' The surface of the plate facing which is to come in con- tact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned before the con- crete is deposited, but shall not be painted. The outer surface must be cleaned and then coated with two coats of Paraffine P. & B. paint. All paint of improper composition or badly applied, or applied upon surfaces which have not been properly cleaned, or where the surface has been abraded, shall be thoroughly- scraped off and such surfaces repainted, as may be directed by the Engineer. Painting shall be begun and continued as fast as the riveting and calking will permit. The method of procedure in building this form of dam f w *'^ ( ' e l )(J11( l 1 )011 circumstances, an( l particularly upon the Procedure, amount of ground water encountered. The Contractor will ordinarily be allowed to adopt those methods which will con- duce to the greatest economy consistent with good work. Some suggestions, are, however, hereinafter given under the 22 beading "Plan C." for his benefit in making a proposal, which appear to indicate the most practicable methods of 'putting in that portion of the dam which will be below the level of the ground water. PLAN C. DAM WITH COXCKETE PIEI;S AND A STEEL PLATE FACING. As Shown on Sheets VI, VII and VIII. This form of dam will be built entirely of concrete mason- ry and curved steel plates joined by rivets. The abutments at both ends of the dam will be built of concrete. Between the abutments and connecting with them, the upper face of the dam will consist of steel plates supported by concrete piers, piers being 11 feet (> inches thick and clear span between the piers '23 feet. The piers will be connected together at the top l>y concrete arches supporting part of the roadway. The lower "2") feet of the steel plate face will be imbedded in a wall of con- crete 15 feet thick and 'l~i feet high. The concrete in the abut ments, toe-wall, arches, and two feet of thickness of piers along the steel plates, shall be composed of Portland cement con- crete, in the proportions of one of cement, two of sand, and four of broken stone. These proportions shall alto be used wherever concrete is deposited under water, and within two feet of anv contact with iron work. Other portions of the concrete will be mixed in the proportion of one, three and five, unless otherwise directed. The bedrock shall be thoroughly cleaned and all cracks shall be filled with grout immediately- preceding the depositing of the concrete. The steel plate face is designed for sheets 8 feet 10 inches wide (including lap) but sheets may be made of any width to suit the manufacturer. Length of sheets for the span plate is *2Ti feet and for the pier plate 18 feet (> inches. Assuming twelve plates in the vertical height, the thickuess of plates numbering from the top will be as follows: Plates Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and (>, $ inch: Nos. 7 and 8. 7- It) inch: Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12, A inch. All horizontal splices will be lap joints with a single row of rivets, 3-inch pitch. Vertical joints of plates Nos. 1. '1. ''> and 4 will be lap joints, two rows of rivets. 34 inches pitch in 23 each row. Plate No. 5 same as above, but the pitch shall be 3 inches in each row. All rivets in plates Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive shall be steel, | of an inch in diameter. All rivets m plates Nos (i to 12 inclusive will be steel, of an inch in diameter. Vertical joints in plate No. (5 will be lap splice, two rows of rivets, 3 1 inch pitch in each row. In plate No. 7 lap joints, two rows of rivets, 2^ inch pitch in each row. All vertical joints in plates Nos. 8 to 12 inclusive will be made with double butt straps 10 by inches in section, with two rows of rivets on each side of the joint. 31 inch pitch in each row. All joints must be calked as far as possible by machine, so as to be absolutely tight under the maximum hydraulic pres- sure, and edges of plates and butt straps must be planed to a bevel to facilitate calking. Edges of plates not calked need not be planed. No coating must be put on the plates until after calking and riveting is done, and every precaution must be taken to keep the plates free from rust and dirt. All plates to be in contact with concrete must be thoroughly cleaned before the concrete is deposited. Oilier surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and then coated with two coats of Paraffine P. & B. paint. All paint of improper composition or badly applied, or applied upon surfaces which have not been properly cleaned, or where the surfaces have been abraded, shall be thoroughly scraped off and such surfaces repainted, as may be directed by the Engineer. Painting shall be commenced and prosecuted as fast as the riveting and calking will permit. The Engineer may decide, in lieu of paint, to put a ce- ment coating to a height of 25 feet above the top of the toe- wall. The method of procedure in building the dam will de- pend upon ability to control subterranean water. It is proposed first that an excavation shall be made of the whole site of the darn to as low elevation as it can be carried without the use of sheet piling. After this is done, a sheet pile cofferdam shall be sunk to bedrock for one of the piers in the middle of the river, to be designated by the Engineer. This shall be pumped out and the bedrock thoroughly exam- ined, and such excavation made into it as may be directed. 24 The steel plate for tlie back of this pier shall be put in place and concrete deposited in the excavation so made and carried to such a height as the Engineer may direct. If, upon the investigation of this pier site, such a course is deemed practicable, the steel face imbedded in the toe-wall shall be put in place for its entire length and brought above the surface of the water. The steel plate for the entire width of the dam shall then be put in place and thereafter kept above the top of the concrete. The construction of the remaining piers can then follow. If the above course is not deemed practicable, it is the in- tention to put in a cofferdam for each pier separately, and to carry them up to the elevation of the top of the toe-wall, im- bedding the.steel plate in concrete in each pier, but leaving the end for riveting clear by approved form of wooden protec- tion. From the top of the toe-wall, the steel plate shall be carried up continuously, riveting of each course being done be- fore concrete is deposited against it. Subsequently, cofferdam excavation shall be made between the piers for placing the steel plate and portion of the toe- wall in each span. If practi- cable, concrete will be laid in dry excavation, but it may be decided to lay it under water. The Contractor will ordinarily be allowed to adopt those methods which will conduce to the greatest economy consistent with good work, the above sugges- tions being made for his benefit in making Proposal. The toe-wall being designed to exclude the water below the steel plate, if crevices are discovered which would defeat this, they shall be followed out above the dam, as directed, and stopped by excavation and concreting, as may be directed. Work The different parts of the work to be done under the con- To Be Done t,. ac t may be divided as follows: (a) Making necessary excavations in both earth and rock for stripping the site of the dam and preparing the foundations. (b) Cleaning off the bottom of the foundations, filling up crevices and irregularities in the bottom, in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. (c) Doing all pumping and other temporary work necessary to keep the excavation clear of water, and taking care of the water in the river according to such methods and by such ap- pliances as may be approved by the Engineer. (d) Constructing all the masonry and steel work in the dam and waste weir. (e) Refilling those portions of the excavations not occupied with masonry with earth excavated, or such other material as may be selected for that purpose. If) Doing all necessary rock and earth excavation and masonry and concrete work necessary for the construction of a spillway and overflow channel for carrying the surplus water to the bed of the river. (S) I" general, doing all work necessary for the entire con- struction of the dam and spillway, and delivering the whole structure to the Company in a completed condition, with the masonry all pointed, with the dam ready to be put into service, in accordance with the plans and these specifications. It is, moreover, agreed and understood, that the prices for the different classes of work, as hereinafter stated (Clause Q) shall constitute full payment for the work covered by the specifications and summarized in the paragraphs last preceding. Must Con- ^ work during its progress and on its completion must form to conform truly to the lines, grades and levels to be determined Lines and an ,l given hereafter by the Engineer, and must be fully in accordance with the plans and directions which shall be given by him from time to time, subject to such modifications and Evcess of additions as said Engineer shall deem necessary during the Work or prosecution of the work ; and in no case will any work which Material mny ^ e j, er f ( >,.,,,,] or anv materials which may be furnished in Must be Ordered in ( ' X( ' ess ot tlle requirements of this contract, or of the plans, or Writing, of the specifications, be estimated and paid for. unless such excess shall have been ordered in writing by the Engineer, as herein set forth. METHOD OF PROSECUTING WORK. Order and ^ s far ils ( '" llsistl '" t "'it' 1 the work, the order and method Method, of prosecuting the same will be left to the discretion of the Contractor, with whom the responsibility of such order and method shall rest; provided, however, that the Engineer shall at all times have the right to prescribe and control such order and methods with a view to safety, rapidity and economy in the execution of the work. PROTECTIVE WORKS. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage done to the work bv water, whether from negligence or any other cause, during the whole period of time covered by his contract. He shall do all work needed to protect his work from water; he shall erect all temporary dams, cofferdams, sheet piling, flumes, and other devices, and shall do all necessary draining and pumping. Such damage as may be caused is to be re- paired by him. without cost to the Company. The cost of furnishing the necessary appliances, of work- ing them, and of pumping and draining, shall be included in the prices bid for the various kinds of work. EXCAVATION. Excavation will be paid for at five (5) different prices, Excavation for the dam. when made with sloping sides, shall be measured in accordance with slopes and base given 1>\ the Engineer, and will be paid for per cubic yard at the prices hereinafter given (Clause Q. item a). Earth excavation for the dam. when made in vertical trench, will be paid for per cubic yard at the prices hereinafter given (Clause Q, item b). The rock excavation for the dam will be paid for per cubic yard at the prices hereinafter given ( Clause Q. item c). The earth excavation and rock excavation for the founda- tion of the overflow weir and for the waste water way channel will be paid for per cubic yard at the prices hereinafter given (Clause Q, items d and e). Earth 27 The prices stipulated for earth excavation shall cover the work of removing, handling, and transporting to spoil banks and for refilling of all earth, loam, clay, sand, gravel, quick- sand, mud, muck, hardpan, cemented material, stones, boulders Excavation ot less than one cubic yard in volume, wood, and of anv other objects or substances found below the existing surface of the ground, except rock, as specified below. The excavation shall be made in accordance with the lines and grades established by the Engineer, and the prices paid for earth excavation shall include all sheeting, bracing, and shoring required for supporting the sides of the excavation. They shall also include all pumping, ditching, and draining, and the disposal of the excavated material in sjxjil banks, which shall be located at such points as may be designated by the Engineer, and also for refilling such portions of the excava- tion as are not occupied by the masonry. The excavation shall be made with sloping sides or in vertical trenches, as may be deemed best by the Engineer at different stages of the work. The depth at which the sloping excavations are to be abandoned and the vertical trenches are to be begun will depend on the character of the materials encountered, and cannot be fixed in advance. In any case, the shores and bracing must be so disposed as to enable a careful inspection of the rock bottom to be made, and so as to interfere as little as possible with the laying of the masonry. The work to be done under this head consists of all the earth work necessary for refilling that part of the foundation pits not occupied by the stone work of the dam and waste weir. The material necessary for refilling shall be selected material, taken from dumps formed during the process of excavation. The Engineer shall decide upon the quality and Refilling. character of the earth to be used at various places for re- filling, and it must be selected and placwl in accordance with his orders. Care must be taken in refilling to fill all portions of the foundation, so that no vacant spaces may remain. The price for refilling shall be included in the price paid for earth excavation. 28 Kock excavation is to include the excavation of all solid rock. that. is. of all material which, in the opinion . of the En- Rock giiieer, cannot be removed by picking, and boulders of one Excavation cu lji ( . yard or more in size. It shall be measured in excavation to the lines determined by the Engineer and estimated for payment in accordance with these lines only. In preparing the foundations, the rock shall be excavated on the bottom and sides of the valley to such depths and widths as may be necessary to secure a proper bonding and connection of the masonry to the rock, in accordance with the directions of the Engineer. It may be roughly shaped in the form of trenches or steps, if required by the Engineer. All excavation of rock for the foundation of the dam on Must Not the bottom and sides of the valley is to be made with black Use High p l)W der. and not with high explosives. Black powder may be ordered used exclusively for rock excavation where the Engi- neer may so designate. Preparing After excnvating all materials from the surface of the bed- Founda- rock, the bedrock shall be excavated to the depth of one foot, tions. O[ . more) if necessary, to obtain rock of such character as will afford a good, firm foundation. Across the dam site and parallel to its front face, trenches shall be e-cavated to the depth of two feet or more, and the toe of the dam shall be placed not less than two feet below the natural surface of the bedrock. These trenches need not be perfectly straight, but shall be excavated so as to form an ir- regular surface throughout the area of the foundation, to re- ceive the bottom of the foundation walls and to resist the slid- ing of the whole structure upon the natural bedrock surface. After the natural rock surface is exposed and all loose rock is removed, by picking or otherwise, from the surface, the whole area of the surface is to be scrubbed clean with wire brooms and washed with streams from a hose, to disclose any seams or fissures that may exist. If ordered by the Engineer, such seams or fissures, if found, shall be followed out by exca- vation until they entirely disappear, and said excavation shall be filled with concrete made of one part Portland cement and two parts sand and four parts broken stone: said concrete to be 29 thoroughly compacted by ramming until the water flushes to the surface, and allowed to set thoroughly before walking over or any work is done upon it. After the natu ral surface of the rock is prepared to receive the foundation, grout shall be thoroughly worked into all seams and fissures just before depositing the mortar, and not enough in advance of the mortar to enable it to set independently. In such excavations of the natural rock as above described are to be laid the foundations of the dam, such foundations to be well bonded and laid in Portland cement mortar, as herein specified against the shoulder of the natural rock. MASONRY. All masonry, except where otherwise specified, shall be laid in Portland cement mortar, and shall be built of the forms and dimensions shown on the plans, or as directed by the En- v the Engineer shall be strictly followed. All beds and joints Cement must be entirely filled with mortar or concrete, as the case Mortar. ma ^, j^ an( j ^ e wor k j u n \\ cases must be well and thoroughly bonded. Care must be taken that no water shall interfere with the proper laying of the masonry in any of its parts. All means Contractor required to prevent water from interfering with the work, even ast r to the extent of furnishing and permanently placing pipes for to Prevent conducting water away from points where it might cause in- Water in- jury to the work, must be provided by the Contractor at his terfenng ()wn ex r )ense _ Under no circumstances will masonry, except with work concrete masonry, be allowed to be laid in water. No masonry is to be built between the 15th day of De- cember and the loth day of March, nor in freezing weather, except by permission of the Engineer. All fresh masonry, if allowed to be built in freezing weather, must, be covered and Masonr protected in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer and, during During hot weather, all newly built masonry shall be kept wet by Hot or Cold sprinkling water on it with a sprinkling pot until it shall be- Weather. come } }lm \ enough to prevent its drying and cracking and, if thought necessary by the Engineer, canvas coverings must be provided. No Con- structive Measure- ment of Masonry Allowed. Dimension Stone Masonry. Rubble Masonry. All masonry shall be built according to tlie plans and in- structions furnished by the Engineer, and will be estimated and paid for by the cubic yard of twenty-seven cubic feet, com- puting only the actual volume thereof. No constructive or conventional measurement will be allowed, any local rule or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. The Contractor will be required to furnish the materials for and to construct all masonry in all places where masonry may be required by the Engineer for the proper completion of the work contemplated. Masonry will be classified as follows: Dimension stone masonry, rubble masonry and concrete masonry. f V * Dimension stone masonry will be used only, if ordered by the Engineer, for the parapet walls and copings of the main dam and for the steps or crest of the overflow weir. It shall be built of selected sandstone, limestone or granite, of uniform appearance and acceptable to the Engineer. The stones shall be cut to exact dimensions, and all angles and arrises shall be true, well defined and sharp. All beds, builds and joints are to be dressed, for the full deptli of the stone, to surfaces allowing of ' inch joints at most. The face of the stones shall be rock faced, or rough pointed, or hammer dressed, at the option of the Engineer. The exposed surfaces of the cut stones are generally to be prepared with rock face. The inside surfaces are generally to be rough pointed. The tops of the copings, bridge seats, etc., will generally be ham- mer dressed. Rubble masonry will be used for all parls of the all masonry dam (Plan A), except where dimension stone is dis- tinctly specified, or in the foundation, where concrete may be used at the option of the Engineer. Rubble masonry shall be laid without any attempt at reg- ular courses. The stones shall be hard, sound, durable, of good size and form, and free from dust. dirt, or other improper sub- stance, and from loose seams or other defects. They must have roughly rectangular forms and all irregular projections and feather edges must be hammered off before the stones are set. The beds must be good for materials of this class and must present such even surfaces that, when lowering a stone on the surface prepared to receive it, there may be no doubt that the mortar will fill all spaces. Care must be taken to select the 31 largest and best stones for the face work and to use the smaller ones for filling the span -s and interstices. Each stone shall be laid on its natural bed in a thick, swimming bed of mortar, and thoroughly settled down in its place. Stones must be laid so as to break joints with each other, both horizontally and verti- cally, so as to insure the greatest bond and strength. After all spaces and interstices are completely filled witli mortar, fragments of stones, or spalls, shall be hammered into them. Care must be taken to prevent the formation of large pockets of mortar alone, and to place stones of appropriate size and shape in all spaces of considerable magnitude on exposed faces of walls. The quality of the beds is to regulate, to a large extent, the size of the stones used, as the difficulty of forming a good bed joint increases with the size of the stones. Various sizes must be used and regular coursing must be avoided, in order to obtain vertical as well as horizontal bond- ing. The sizes of the stones used will vary also with the char- acter of the quarries, but, especially in the places where the Sizes. thickness of the masonry is great, a considerable proportion of lanje stones is to be used. O Generally the largest stones are not to measure more than twenty cubic feet, and they are to be used in the proportion of about twenty-five per cent of the whole, and they must be omitted partially or entirely if their beds are not satisfactory. It is expected that one-quarter of the stones used will be of such size that two men can handle them. The balance to be composed of intermediate sizes. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the size and character of the stones shall admit of it. the joints (except the beds), in- stead of being rilled with mortar may. at his request or on his approval, be filled with concrete made as hereinafter specified, with the exception that the component materials shall be mixed in the proportion of one part of cement to three parts of small stone or gravel, of such size as the Engineer shall direct, and thoroughly rammed, care being taken to use a moderate amount of water only which must be brought to the surface by ramming, such filling of joints with concrete to leave no vacancies and to Facing. be thoroughly made. If concrete is so used, the spaces left be- tween the stones should not be less thnu six inches, in order that proper ramming can be obtained. No extra compensation shall be paid to the Contractor for the use of such concrete, the cost of which is to be included in the price herein stipulated for the masonry in connection with which it is used. The faces of the all masonry dam ( Plan A ) shall be built of rubble masonry laid, in general, in the same manner as the cen- tral portion, so as to produce, as far as possible, a homogene- ous mass. The soundest and best shaped stones shall, how- ever, be selected for this work and shall be laid in such a manner as to break joints and make the best possible face. All joints for a depth of two inches shall, if necessary, be raked out clean and shall then be carefully pointed with Portland cement mortar, mixed with sharp sand in the proportion of one part of cement to two parts of sand. Great care shall be taken, espe- cially in the up-stream face, to produce a face impervious to the passage of water. The cost of this face stone and of the pointing shall be included in the cost of dam masonry, as hereinafter stated, (Clause Q, item f). Concrete masonry will be used in the all masonry dam (Plan A) to fill up irregularities in the bedrock foundation and in joining the masonry to the rock at the ends of the dam and also, at the option or with the approval of the Engineer, in place of mortar and spalls in the heart of the dam. For joining the foundation to the bedrock and in such other places as he may deem proper, the Engineer may. at his discretion, order the use of neat cement, in place of concrete or mortar. This shall be paid for per barrel of four hundred pounds at the price hereinafter stated. (Clause Q, items h and j). Concrete masonry in Plans B and C will be used in all parts of the structure, excepting the coping of the dam, the Plans B&C crest and steps of the waste weir, where cut dimension stone may be used, wherever ordered by the Engineer. All concrete shall be made of Portland cement, sand and broken stone, of the quality hereinafter specified. There shall be two grades of concrete, paid for at different prices (Clause Q, items f and g). The proportions of the mixture by volume Concrete Masonry (Plan A). 33 be, one part of cement to two of sand and four parts of broken stone in the richer grade; and one part of cement, to three parts of sand and five parts of broken stone in the poorer grade. The grade of cement to be used in any given part of the work will be determined by the Engineer. In computing the amount of cement used in a given mixture, it shall be measured as packed in barrels, the cubic contents of a standard barrel of Portland cement weighing four hundred pounds being taken as equal to one-eighth of a cubic yard. The volume of the sand and broken stone shall be meas- ured when loose! v packed in boxes or barrows of any conven- ient standard size. A stronger mixture will be used in some parts and a weaker mixture in others, the average amount of cement used to be, as nearly as may be, as above stated. In the lower and thicker portions of the piers and abut- ments, the Contractor will also be j>ermitted to embed in the concrete a considerable portion of larger stones, not to exceed about ten cubic feet in volume. These stones shall be of proper shapes, they shall be thoroughly wet before being used and shall be so laid as to be entirely enclosed by concrete on all their surfaces. There shall be at least twelve inches of con- crete between any two adjacent stones. The proportion of stones to be embedded and their size and shape shall be at all times subject to the approval of the Engineer. The method of making all concrete shall be the following: The sand and cement shall first be properly mixed together dry, then formed into mortar by adding a proper dose of clean water and again thoroughly mixed, whereupon the ballast, properly moistened, shall be quickly added and mixed with the mortar, either in an approved machine, or by rapidly turn- ing over the mass with the proper tools upon a suitable plat- form twice or more times, as the Engineer may direct. The resulting concrete shall be free from surplus water, but thor- oughly moistened throughout, and the voids between stones shall be completely filled with mortar in excess. As soon as the mixing is completed, the concrete must be deposited rapidly Admixture in the place where it is required and thoroughly rammed and with Mortar p OU1K ] e( ] 7 j n a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, until th water flushes to the surface and all the spaces are entirely Concrete Laid in Water. Surface of Concrete Work. filled with morta''. Should voids afterwards be discovered, the defective work is to be removed and the spaces refilled with suitable material at the Contractor's expense Any concrete mixed aud left standing so as to take an initial set shall not be used in the work. In no case shall mortar or concrete that has been left standing over night be used. Care must be taken against too severe or long continued pounding, thereby forcing the broken stone to the bottom of the layer, or disturbing the incipient set of concrete. In all cases, the concrete must be al- lowed to set for a sufficient time after being deposited in place, before walking over or working upon its surface is permitted. The time thus required shall be determined by the Engineer. In case it is necessary to lay concrete in water, the mate- rial shall not fall from any height, but shall be deposited in a compact mass in the allotted place by the use of such appli- ances as will be approved by the Engineer. In building the concrete piers and arches ( Plans B and C) great care shall be taken to obtain a thoroughly sound and uni- form grade of concrete in each part of the work. The molds shall be securely and strongly built of plank at least two inches in thickness and they must be thoroughly secured in every di- rection by bracing, so as to insure the correct shape aud posi- tion of the concrete work. The plank used shall be tongued and grooved, with a smooth surface on the inner side of the mold, and tightly fitted together, so as to leave very small joints aud as finished a surface as possible. If necessary, to prevent adhesion, the inner surfaces of the molds shall be painted with a thin coat of crude black oil. The outer surfaces of the concrete work must be smooth and perfect, showing as few large stones and marks of the mold as possible. Plastering of the finished wall will not be required unless the above result should not be obtained during the filling of the molds. To insure this, a portion of the mortar used in making each batch of concrete shall be retained and used, without the addition of broken stone, for those portions of the work nearest the face. In doing this, the mortar shall be piled up for each layer in a triangular heap close to the molds, thus making a bond with the central portion of the work. After the molds are filled, they shall not be removed for at least three 35 days, or longer if necessary, and the concrete shall be sprinkled and kept wet, as long as may be deemed necessary by the En- gineer, to prevent cracking. The broken stone for concrete shall consist of fragments of durable stone, broken so as to measure no more than two inches in any direction. All this material shall be free from Broken dust, dirt, clay, or other improper substance and, when re- Stone, quired by the Engineer, it shall be washed before being mixed with cement mortar. Any material under J of an inch in diameter, unless required by the Engineer to be screened out, shall be counted as so much additional sand and the volume of sand reduced proportionately. Sand shall be clean, coarse, and silicious; it must be screened and washed, if required by the Engineer, and must be subject to his approval as to fineness and other qualities. CEMENT. In. the construction of the dam and in all other w y ork con- nected with it, Portland cement is to be used, which must be of a superior quality. It shall be well packed in strong bar- rels of standard size, so as to be reasonably secure from air. Vigorous and continuous tests will be made of all cements to be used. Samples may be taken from each and every barrel and a failure of one-tenth of the samples tested ruav be suf- ficient cause for the rejection of all barrels in the same lot from which the samples have been taken. Tensile ^ e standard test use ^ will be the testing for tensile Tests. strength of standard briquettes of i/m/ cement, one inch square at their least section. All cement to be accepted must conform to both of the following tests: When left one hour in the air and the balance of 24 hours in water of a temperature of about 60 degrees, the briquette shall stand a tensile stress of at least 100 Ibs. per sq. in. before breaking. When left 24 hours in the air and six days in water of a temperature of about (iO degrees, the briquette shall stand a tensile stress of at least 300 Ibs per sq. in. 86 The degree of fineness shall be such that at least 85 per cent, shall pass through a standard No. 100 sieve, (10,000 meshes to the square inch). A cement that cracks or checks when made into thin cakes, or that begins to set in less than twenty minutes, shall not be accepted. It must also test and act to the satisfaction of the Engi- neer when mixed with sand, and will be subject to constant in- spection. If other than the tensile, tests ordinarily made seem necessary to the Engineer, he shall have the privilege of con- ducting the same and, if the cement fails to pass any of them to his satisfaction, it shall be rejected. No charge shall be made for samples of cement taken for such tests. The Con- tractor shall at all times keep in store, at some convenient Cement point in tha vicinity of the work, a sufficient quantity of ce- ment to allow ample time for the tests to be made, without de- lay in the work of construction. It shall also be stored in a tight building and each cask must be raised above the ground bv blocking, or otherwise. As soon as notified of the arrival of the cement, the Engineer will cause to be made such tests as, in his judgment, may be uecessarv. If any cement is found of improper quality, it shall be branded, and must be imme- diately removed from the work. PLANS B AND C. STEEL. The treatment and manufacture of the steel plates and Steel Plat s r * ve * s use d in the facing of this form of dam shall conform in andRivets. all respects to the following requirements and to the detailed drawings to be furnished for this work. REQUIREMENTS FOR STEEL PLATES AND RIVETS. The steel shall be of the class termed "soft medium'' and shall be made by the open hearth process, either the basic pro- cess or the acid process, as the Engineer may determine. If made oy the basic process, the percentage of phosphorus shall not exceed .04 and of sulphur not be greater than .04: if made by the acid process, it shall not contain more than .07 per cent, of phosphorus and not more than .04 of sulphur. The per- centage of manganese shall not be greater than .60 per cent. Each sheet shall be uniformly homogeneous in quality, and Chemical Analyses. Physical Tests. should n reasonable doubt exist as to the quality or uniformity of the steel furnished, the Engineer may order additional tests before acceptance. A sufficient number of chemical analyses of each heat or melt, to determine the quality of the steel, shall be made by the manufacturer without expense to the Company, and proper- ly certified copies of the final analyses of the finished material, giving percentages of carbon, phosphorus, manganese and sulphur, sliall be furnished to the Engineer of the Power Com- pany, or his representative, as the work progresses. Physical tests to determine the tensile strength, elastic limit, softness and ductility of the material of each heat or melt shall also be made at the expense of the Contractor by an experienced Inspector, whose services shall be satisfactory to the Chief Engineer of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, and who shall keep a complete record of all analyses and tests identifying each by its respective melt number. Such record shall be open to inspection of the Engineer at any and all times. For the purpose of identification, the heats or melts shall be numbered consecutively and the corresponding number stamped upon each plate or sheet produced therefrom. A lack of sufficient identification may be cause for rejection of an en- tire heat or melt. Test pieces shall be furnished from at least twenty per- cent, of the finished material of each melt, but at least two test pieces shall be made from every melt. The plates or sheets Furnished, from which test pieces are taken shall be selected at random by the Inspector, and each piece shall be numbered with the corresponding melt number. Tensile test pieces shall be at least sixteen inches long and shall have, for a length of eight inches, a uniform planed edge . sectional area of at least one-half square inch, the width in no case to be less than the thickness of the piece. Bending test pieces to be twelve inches long and to have a width not less than four times the thickness, with edges planed smooth. Heat Numbers. Punching test pieces shall be 1-] than ten inches long. inches wide and not less o o 38 Results of Tests. Drifting test pieces shall be three inches wide and not less than five inches long. Test pieces as above shall give results as follows: Ulti- mate strength, 55,000 pounds to 65,000 pounds. Elastic limit, not less than one-half ultimate strength. Elongation, not less than 24 per cent, in eight inches. Reduction of area at frac- ture, at least 48 per cent. All fractures shall be fine, silky and free from crystalline appearance, or from indications of injurious treatment or in- sufficient working. Bending test pieces shall bend double under the hammer, cold, without signs of cracking. In punching test pieces, a row of eight holes. of an inch in diameter and 1^ inches between centers shall be punched without any cracks. In drifting test pieces, not less than two holes, ^ of an inch in diameter, spaced two inches between centers, shall be punched and then enlarged by blows from a sledge hammer upon a di if ting pin until said holes are 1^ inches in diameter, without showing signs of failure or cracking on the inside of the hole or edge of the plate. Punching and drifting tests to be made cold. The plates must also admit of cold hammering or scarfing to a fine edge at the laps without cracking, and the test pieces must furthermore withstand such quenching, forging and other rests as may satisfy the Inspector as to the temper, soundness and fitness for use of the material. Any failure of test pieces, taken at random as aforesaid, Failure of to conform to the above requirements may. at the discretion of Test Pieces the Engineer or Inspector, cause the rejection of the entire product of the heat or melt from which such pieces are taken. All finished material shall be free from laminations, cracks, blisters, scale or cinder sjx)ts. and have clean edges and good surface free from bends. The plates shall be fully up to the required thickness at all points. Any plate whose thickness of Plates, at any point may be found less than the required thickness by- more than 1-100 of an inch shall be rejected without appeal. Plates varying more than five per cent, from the weights per 39 square foot given in the table below, will be rejected and no allowance will be made for weights more than five per cent, in excess of the standard weights required. TABLE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS. THICKNESS OF PLATE. WEIGHT PER SQUARE FOOT. 3-8 inch. 15.3 pounds. 7-1(5 " 17.86 1-2 " 20.40 " 9-16 " 22.96 5-8 " 25.50 11-16. " 28.06 The plates shall be rolled as flat as good mill practice will permit and each plate shall be cut to the dimensions required. A variation of more than one-fourth of an inch from the dimeii- Variationin sions required on either length or width of plate will not be Dimensions permitted and in no case shall they be scant of the required dimensions. All material shall be finished in a first-class, workmanlike manner. The Engineer of the Power Company, or his representa- tive, shall have the right at all times to inspect the process of manufacture and testing of any and all plates, and may have, Additional in his discretion, an additional number of test pieces, not more Test Pieces ^| lau one-fourth of the whole, prepared as above from such melts as he may designate, for testing under his own super- vision, at the expense of the Power Company. It is understood and agreed that any plate that shows any defect during the process of punching, bending, or riveting shall be rejected, notwithstanding that Ihe same may previous- ly have 'been satisfactorily tested. Rivets shall be made of a good grade of soft steel and shall have a tensile strength between the limits of 56,000 pounds and 64.000 pounds per square inch, with an elastic limit not less than 36,000 pounds and shearing strength not less than seventy-two per cent, of the ultimate strength. 40 Physical tests shall be made by the Inspector to determine the elongation and area at the point of fracture. In an ordinary Rivets. t es t piece, as described above, the elongation shall be not less than twenty-seven per cent., and the reduction of area at point of fracture not less than fifty-four per cent. The material shall also be of such quality as will stand bending double and flat, before and after heating to a light yellow heat and quenching in cold water, without sign of fracture on the convex surface of the bend. All rivet material not conforming to the above requirements shall be rejected. All plates and rivets must be free from rust and kept un- der cover from the time of manufacture of the plates. At the factory, the plates must be loaded under cover upon suitably covered cars. They must be delivered under cover at their be kept free from rust, destination and must be kept under roof and cover until ready for shipment, and in no way exposed to the weather or mois- ture. In case of accidental rusting, the rust must be removed from the plates before placing them in the structure for which they are intended. STEEL OE IKON FENCE. On both sides of the roadway on top of the dam, for its ompany ell |j re length, an ornamental wrought iron or steel fence shall may substi- tute parapet ^ )e built by the Contractor, but the Company reserves the right walls for to substitute parapet walls or any other means for protection iron fence. Q f roa( ] w ay. as may be decided by the Engineer. Plans for this fence shall be furnished by the Engineer. The fence will hare well braced posts, securely fastened to the coping, placed about eight feet between centres, with a close lattice work placed between the posts. The weight of the fence, including posts, will be about fifty pounds per lineal foot. It shall be painted two coats of an approved white lead paint. The fence will be paid for per lineal foot at the price hereinafter stated, Clause Q, item (1). 41 GENEEAL CONDITIONS. The Contractor, before commencing his work, shall appoint an agent, resident within the city of Ogclen, who shall be his legal representative and shall be authorized to receive notices Legal Rep- an j estimates from the Company or its Engineer and to trans- act, daring the absence of the Contractor, any business in con- nection with the contract that may require prompt and im- mediate attention. In case the Company should, by legal injunction, or for Suspension au ) other reason, be compelled to suspend, or terminate before or termina- completion, the whole or any portion of its work, payment will tionofwork \ }e made' at contract prices for all work performed and for all >r materials shipped or delivered, but no claim for damages will be allowed or paid on account of siich suspension or termina- tion of work, or for prospective profits on uncompleted work. The Contractor shall employ competent mechanics for every species of mechanic's work. If any person employed by Incompetent^'^ Contractor on the work shall appear to the Engineer to be employees incompetent, disorderly, disobedient, or offensive, he shall be discharged, discharged immediately on the requisition of the Engineer, and such person shall not be again employed on the work. Any materials condemned or rejected by the Engineer, or removing his representatives, may be branded, or otherwise marked and rejected shall, on demand, be at once removed to a satisfactory distance material. from the work. Any unfaithful or imperfect work that may be discovered before the final acceptance of the whole work, shall be correct- Inspection e( l immediately, and any unsatisfactory material delivered shall of work does be rejected on the requirement of the Engineer, uotwithstand- not relieve j ^j ia j. ^ mav i iave been previously overlooked by the In"- of his spector. The inspection of the work shall not relieve the Con- obligation, tractor of any of his obligations to perform sound work, as herein prescribed ; and all work of whatever kind which, dur- ing its progress and before its final acceptance, may become damaged from any cause, shall be removed and be replaced by good satisfactory work, at the expense of the Contractor. 42 If found necessary, the Contractor shall erect and main- Fences for * a ' n f elK 'es along the roadways and around the grounds occu- protection of pi e( | \ } y hj m . These fences must be of such character as to be prevention sufficient, in the opinion of the Engineer, for the prevention of of accident. acc i ( ] en t f o people driving along the highway, or for the pro- tection of property. The Contractor shall give all necessary facilities to em- ployees of the Bear River Irrigation & Ogden Water Works to give Company for performing work which may be adjoining his facilities to own . a ] so t o The Pioneer Electric Power Company, or its em- employees, ployees, and to other contractors, for performing any and all work which the said Company may have in hand. Whenever the Contractor is not present on any part f the work where it may be deemed necessary to give directions, or- Orders * given fore- ders may be given by the Engineer or his agent to the super- be^beyed. intenderit or foreman who may have charge of the particular work in question, and such orders shall be ebeyed. All lines and grades are to be given by the Engineer, who may change them from time to time wherever, in his judgment, a change may be necessary, and such lines ami grades must be Contractor * * ' must pre- carefully observed by the Contractor. Stakes and marks given and benches U J the Engineer must be carefully preserved by the Contrac- tor, and the Contractor must give the Engineer all necessary assistance and facilities for establishing benches, etc., and for making measurements. Local and I" a U ^ the operations connected with the work herein State laws specified, all laws or regulations of the State of Utah and the must be ..... complied County of Weber controlling or limiting in any way the actions of those engaged on the works, or affecting the methods of to protect doing the work shall be complied with and the Contractor shall hfe and provide such precautions as may be necessary to protect life property and property. After the completion of the work, the Contractor is to re- Temporary move a ]j temporary structures built by him and all surplus structures * and materi- materials of all kinds from the site of the work, and to leave removed the grounds about the work in neat condition, in such manner as may be directed by the Engineer. H. The Contractor agrees that he will give his personal atten- tion to the fulfillment of this contract; and that he will not sublet the aforesaid work, but will keep the same under his tlng control, and that he will not assign, by power of attorney or otherwise, any portion of the said work, unless by and with the previous consent of the Chief Engineer of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, to be signified by endorsement on this agree- ment. I. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary scaffolding, ways, and all necessary means and conveniences, for the proper Ways and transfer of the material to its proper place and for its erection. means. ^ m ] j{ is also to be understood that the Company shall not be held responsible for the care or protection of any materials or parts of the work until its final acceptance. J. It is agreed that the Engineer, or his authorized agents and assistants, shall at all times have access to the work during Access to j^ s p rO g r ess, and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining that the work being done is in accord- ance with the requirements and intention of this contract. K. Should it be found desirable by the Company to make alterations in the form or character of any of the work, the Company may order such alterations to be made, defining them in writing and in drawings, and they shall be made accordinj!:- Alterations of Work '7 '> provided, that in ease such changes increase the cost of the work, the Contractor shall lie fairly remunerated; and, in case they shall diminish the cost of the work, a proper deduction from the contract price shall be made; the amount to be paid or deducted to be decided by the Engineer. L. The Contractor hereby agrees that he will do such extra work as may be required by the Engineer for the proper con- struction and completion of the whole work herein contem- plated : that he will make no claims for extra work unless it shall have been done in obedience to a written order from the said Engineer, or his duly authorized agent; that all claims for Extra work. extra work done in any month shall be hied in writing with the Engineer before the second day of the following month; and that, failing to file such claims within the time required, all right for pay for such extra work shall be forfeited. The price 44 to be paid for all extra work done shall be its actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as determined by the Engineer, plus fifteen per cent, of said cost. M. The Contractor is to use such appliances for the perform- ance of all the operations connected with the work embraced under this contract as will secure a satisfactory quality of work and a rate of progress which, in the opinion of the Engi- neer, will secure the completion of the work within the time herein specified. If. at any time before the commencement or Appliances, during the progress of the work, such appliances appear to the Engineer to be inefficient or inappropriate for securing the quality of work required or the said rate of progress, he may order the Contractor to increase their efficiency or to improve their character, and the Contractor must conform to such or- der; but the failure of the Engineer to demand such increase of efficiency or improvement shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to secure the quality of work and the rate of progress established in these specifications. N. The Contractor further agrees that, if the work to be done under this contract shall be abandoned by him, or if at any time the Engineer shall be of the opinion, and shall so certify in writing to the board of directors of the Company, that the said work is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed, or that violations of * ne sa *^ Contractor is wilfully violating any of the conditions agreement or agreements of this contract, or is not executing said contract in good faith, or fails to show such progress in the execution of the work as will give reasonable grounds for anticipating its completion within the required time, the Company shall have power to notify the Contractor to discontinue all work, or any part thereof, under this contract; and thereupon the said Contractor shall cease to continue said work, or such part thereof as the Engineer may designate; and the said Company shall thereupon have the right at its discretion to contract with other parties for the delivery or completion of all or any part of the work left uncompleted by the Contractor, or for the cor- rection of the whole or any part of said work. And, in case the expense so incurred by the Company is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor shall be entitled to receive the difference; and in case such ex pense shall exceed the last said sum, then the Contractor shall, 45 O. Claims Against Contractor for material or labor. P. Contractor agrees to indemnify the Company. on demand, pay the amount of such excess to the Company, on notice from the Company of such excess so due; hut such ex- cess to be paid by the Contractor shall not exceed the amount of the security for the performance of this contract. The Contractor agrees, in consideration of the premises, that no liens of material men, workmen, or other persons shall be made or filed against any of the premises or property of the Company by any person or persons furnishing material for or engaged upon the work of said dam or its appurtenances, and all material used in the construction of said dam shall be free and clear of any and all claims or liens of manufacturers, or material men or laborers, when the same is placed upon the grounds and premises of the Company, and so soon as such material for the use and construction of said dam is placed upon the grounds of the Company for use in the construction thereof, or any of its appurtenances, the title to such property and material shall at once vest in the Company, subject to the right of the Contractor to receive his fair compensation under this contract therefor. The said Contractor further agrees that the Company may, if it deem it expedient so to do, retain out of any amount due the Contractor sums sufficient to cover any unpaid claims of mechanics or laborers for work or labor performed under this contract, or for material entering into the work, either di- rectly or indirectly ; provided, that notice in writing of such claims, signed by the claimants, shall have been previously filed in the office of the Engineer. The said Contractor further agrees that he will indemnifv and save harmless the Company from all claims against said Company, under the laws of the State of Utah, with reference to liens on buildings and lands, for labor done and materials furnished under this contract, and shall furnish the Company with satisfactory evidence, when called for by them, that all persons who have done work or furnished materials under this contract, for which the Company may become liable, and all claims from private corporations, or individuals, for damage of any kind caused by the construction of said work, have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured; and in case such evidence is not furnished, an amount necessary and sufficient to meet the claims of the persons or corporations aforesaid, shall be 40 retained from any moneys due, or that may become due the said Contractor under this contract, until the liabilities afore- said shall be fully discharged or satisfactorily secured. The Contractor further agrees that he will indemnify and save harmless the Company from all suits or actions, of every name and description, brought agaiust the Company for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons, by or from the said Contractor, his servants or agents, in the construction of said work, or by or in consequence of any negligence in guarding the same, or anv improper materials used in its construction, or by or on account of any act or omission of the Contractor or his agents; and the said Contractor further agrees that so much of the money due him under and by virtue of this agreement as shall be con- sidered necessary by the Engineer, may be retained by the Company until all such suits or claims for damages as afore said shall have been settled, and evidence to that effect fur- nished to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Q. And the Contractor further agrees to receive the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all the materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also, for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or frotn the action of the elements, or from any unforseen obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the same, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also, for all ex- pense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or dis- continuance of said work, as herein specified, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications, and the requirements of the Engineer under them, to-wit: PLAN A. ALL MASONRY DAM. (a) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the dam, slopes 1 to 1, including all timber necessary for shor- ing and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinbefore specified, and includ- 47 ing the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the ex- cavation not occupied by the masonry, the sum of dollars, $ __.., per cu. yd. (b) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (c) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of ....dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (d) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars. , per cu. yd. (e) For the rubble masonry in the dam and overflow weir, to comprise all the masonry (excepting only such cut dimension stone masonry as may be ordered for copings, etc., and such concrete masonry and neat cement as may be required for leveling up the bedrock and joining it to the dam) as herein- before specified, arid all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (f ) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four by volume, as hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of _ dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (g) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, three and five by volume, as hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars. $ , per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat when ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of _ _ dollars, $ , per bbl. 48 (j) For cut dimension stone masonry laid in Portland cement mortar, as hereinbefore specified, to be used for copings add the crest of the overflow weir, etc., the sum of.... dollars, $ . , per cu. yd. (k) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, riveted up in place, the sum of * dollars, $ per lin. ft. (1) For all extra work done by the written order of the Engi- neer, its actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as determined by the Engineer, plus fifteen jx-r cent of said cost. PLAN B. DAM WITH PIERS AND CONCRETE ARCHES. (a) For earth excavation with sloping sides, slopes 1 to 1, required for the foundation of the dam, including all timber necessary for shoring and bracing, iind all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinbefore specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the excavation not occupied by the masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (b) For earth excavation in vertical trenches, required for the foundation of the dam, including all timber necessary for shor- ing and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pump- ing and draining, as hereinbefore specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the excavation not occupied by masonry and steel the sum of. dollars, $ . per cu. yd. (c) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ . per cu. yd. (d) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $... , per cu. yd. 49 (e) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (f ) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four by volume, as hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $.. per cu. yd. (g) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, three and five by volume, as hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat where ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of dollars, $ , {>er cu. yd. (]) For steel plate work for the facing, including butt straps, angle irons and angle bracing, riveted in place, including field rivets, the sum of _ dollars, $ , per pound of finished material. (k) For cut dimension stone masonry, laid in Portland cement mortar, as hereinbefore specified, to be used for copings, the crest of the overflow weir, etc., the sum of... _ dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (1) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, riveted up in place, the sum of dollars, $ , per lin. ft. (m) For all extra work done by the written order of the Engi- neer, its actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as deter- mined by the Engineer, plus fifteen per cent, of said cost. 50 PLAN C. COMBINATION DAM WITH CONCRETE PIERS AND A STEEL PLATE FACING. (a) For earth excavation with sloping sides, slopes 1 to 1, required for the foundation of the daru, including all timber necessary for shoring and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinbefore specified, and including the refilling with approved material of all spaces in the excavation not occupied by the masonry and steel, the sum of _ .dollars, $ . per cu. yd. (b) For earth excavation in vertical trenches, required for the foundation of the dam, including all timber necessary for -shor- ing and bracing, and all labor and material necessary for pumping and draining, as hereinbefore specified, and including the refilling with improved material of all spaces in the exca- vation not occupied by masonry and steel, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (c) For the rock excavation required for the foundation and sides of the dam, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (d) For the earth excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of - dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (e) For the rock excavation required for the foundation of the overflow weir and in making a channel for the waste water from the overflow weir, and all work incidental thereto, the sum of dollars, , per cu. yd. (f) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, two and four by volume, fis hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ per cu. yd. 51 (g) For concrete in place, made with Portland cement, sand and broken stone, in the proportions of one, three and five by volume, as hereinbefore specified, together with all work inci- dental thereto, the sum of dollars, $ , per cu. yd. (h) For Portland cement, to be used neat where ordered by the Engineer, per barrel of four hundred pounds, the sum of dollars, $ , per bbl. (j) For steel plate work for the facing, including butt straps, angle irons. I beams, buckle plates and angle bracing, riveted in place, including field rivets, the sum of... ., $ , per pound of finished material. (k) For cut dimension stone masonry, laid in Portland ce- ment mortar, as hereinbefore specified, to be used for copings, the crest of the overflow weir, etc., the sum of .dollars, $.... , per en. yd. (1) For ornamental wrought iron or steel railing, four feet high, for roadway, riveted up in place, the sum of.. _ ...dollars, $ , per liu. ft. (in) For all extra work done by written order of the Engi- neer, the actual reasonable cost to the Contractor, as deter- mined by the Engineer, pins fifteen per cent, of said cost. . R. And it is further agreed that payment for the work em- braced in this contract shall be made in the following manner: A payment will be made, on or about the loth day of each month, of eighty-five per cent, of the value of the work com- pleted in place by the Contractor on the last day of the previous Method and 1 > conditions month, as estimated by the Engineer; provided, however, that of payment. th e making of such payment may be deferred from month to month when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the value of work done since the last estimate for payment is less than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars. S. Contract to be in triplicate. Bond. T. U. The said Contractor further agrees that he shall not be entitled to demand or receive final and full payment, for any one of the aforesaid classes of work or materials, until the whole work described in this contract and specifications shall have been fully completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and the said Engineer shall have given his certificate to that effect; whereupon the Company will, within sixty days after such completion and the delivery of such certificate, pay the said Contractor the whole amount of money accruing to the said Contractor under this contract, except such sum or sums as may be lawfully retained by said Company under this con- tract: provided, that nothing herein contained be construed to affect the right hereby reserved of the said Company to reject the whole or any portion of the aforesaid class of work, sho,uld the said certificate be found or known to be inconsistent with the terms of this agreement, or otherwise improperly given. The parties hereto further agree that this contract shall be in writing or in printed form, and executed in triplicate, one of which triplicates shall be kept by the Engineer, one to be delivered to the Treasurer of the Company, and one to the Contractor; that this contract shall be utterly void as to the Company if any person holding any office in said Company is either directly or indirectly interested therein. And the said Contractor further agrees that he will execute a bond in the sum of Fifty Thousand ($00,000.00) Dollars, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of The Pioneer Electric Power Company, to keep and perform well and truly all the terms and conditions of this contract on his part to be kept and performed, and to indemnify and save harmless the said Company, as herein stipulated. And it is also to be understood and agreed that, in case of any alterations, so much of this agreement as is not necessarily affected by such alterations shall remain in force upon the par- ties hereto. And the said Contractor hereby further agrees that the payment of the final amount due under this contract and the adjustment and payment of the bills rendered for work done 53 in accordance with any alterations of the same, shall release the Company from any and all claims or liability on account of work performed under this contract, or any alteration thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these pres- ents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. SIGNATURE WITNESS TO SIGNATURE: If Corporation, sign by President and Secretary and affix seal of Co.