sN UTRACY> IRWIN^ STOKER * yesterday morning n. -a - . p - of the s^lSSi-*-- 1 * 1 of Lancaster, jj e was born in Cotton, the first mincer o^ ^ ha d therefore just ' Lancaster, in Angus ^, , ^ Bogton entered upon h f ^j^entice in the count- ^P. and entered as an ton.where he remained a few J"*'* 11 ' taste a nd his pursuits to one more "jjj f * m0 n e y-broker. better suited to his I lents, ^^^ foresig ht and dis- possessing great s ' C ' ly ' accumu i ate d a very large criminating judgment, < ^ ^ ^ ban king bouse of fortune, and became 1 ^ coun try. His prosperity the very first standing n c acco rdance enabled him to dtatriDute .^^V^ U0 8p aring w \th his ^^^^'.^.^stuutions, religious, lit band. Numerous P UD ' indebted to his lib- erary, and charitable, us meut . onfed the Boston erality ; among w^chmay^ usRtts ^^ , Athenjeum and t of the Be nev- annual contribution to VV ^^ of Churches was, we^D^ ^^ ^ ivate munificence, of which ^r^-^^r^^; and affectionate. Hew ^^ a studen t in Har- former wife, a so v ft was a constant nevert W as known Princes We cannot . " whose stainless rt g than! all must obey. /?<2 9. 7 CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY IN THE LIBRARY OF JOHN E. THAYER COMPILED BY EVELYN THAYER AND VIRGINIA KEYES BOSTON PRIVATELY PRINTED CATALOGUE ABBOTT, CHARLES CONRAD. The birds about us. By Charles Conrad Abbott . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1895. xi, 9-288 pp. illus., 24 pi. (incl. front.) ABBOTT, CHARLES CONRAD. The Carolina Wren; a year of its life. By Charles C. Abbott, M.D. [1884.] pp. 21-25. 23 cm< (From the American Natural- ist, Jan., 1884.) ABBOTT, CHARLES CONRAD. Clear skies and cloudy. By Charles C. Abbott, M.D. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899. 316 pp. front.; illus. with photographs. iS 031 ' ABBOTT, FRANCES MATILDA. Birds and flowers about Concord, New Hampshire. By Frances M. Abbott . . . Concord, N. H., Rumford Printing Company, 1906. xxi pp., II., 140 pp., II. IS ' ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Printed for the Academy, 1859-1903-04. 36 vols. Dated 1858-1903. col. pis. maps and illus. 24- ADAMS, HENRY GARDINER. Hummingbirds, described and illustrated. By H. G. Adams . . . With eight coloured plates. London, Groombridge & Sons. [1856.] 2 pp. i., 144 pp. illus., 8 col. pi. (incl. front.) JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION ADAMS, HENRY GARDINER. Nests and eggs of familiar birds, described and illus. with an account of the haunts and habits of the feathered architects, and their times and modes of building. By H. G. Adams. Illus. with 1 6 col. pi. London, Groombridge & Sons, 1871. 238 pp. front, col. col. pi. IQ *' ADAMS, HENRY GARDINER. The smaller Brit- ish birds, with descriptions of their nests, eggs, habits, etc. By H. G. and H. B. Adams, illustrated with col- oured plates of birds and eggs. London, Gibbing, 1894. i y 2 5 2 PP- 3 2 col. pi. front. 27 cm> ADAMSON, CHARLES MURRAY. Another book of scraps principally relating to natural history, with 37 lithograph illus. from pen and ink sketches of wild birds. By Charles Murray Adamson. Adam Reid . . . 1882. 56 pp. 36 illus. I2^x28 cm - AGASSIZ, LOUIS. A journey in Brazil. By Prof, and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1868. xix, 540 pp. front, illus. 22| cm< AGASSIZ, LOUIS. Principles of zoology : touching the structure, development, distribution and natural arrangement of the races of animals, living and extinct. With numerous illus. . . . Part I. Comparative physi- ology. By Louis Agassiz and Augustus A. Gould. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1848. xix, 216 pp. front, illus. 2O cm - AGASSIZ, LOUIS. Thayer Expedition. Scientific results of a journey in Brazil. By Louis Agassiz. Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. By Ch. Fred. Hartt, with illus. and maps. Boston, Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870. xxiii, 620 pp. front, illus. maps. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY ALBERT, FREDERICO. Contribuciones al estudio de aves Chileans. For Frederico Albert. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1898-1901. pp. 160-580. 24 cm - ALB IN, ELEAZAR. A natural history of birds. Illus. with 101 copper pis. curiously engraved from the life. Pub. by the author, Eleazar Albin, and carefully colour'd by his daughter and self from the originals, drawn from the live birds. London, 1731-58. 3 vols. 101 col. pi. 30^ ALBIN, ELEAZAR. A natural history of birds. Illustrated with . . . copper plates, curiously engraven from the life. And exactly colour'd by the author, Eleazar Albin. To which are added notes and observa- tions by W. Derham . . . London. Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, 1738. 3 vols. 306 col. pi. 2^x2^ cm - Title-pages of vols. 1-2 read: ... In two vols. Vol. 3 has title: A natural history of birds . . . Published by the author Eleazar Albin, and carefully colour'd by his daugh- ter and himself . . . vol. n (i.e. vol. in). Vols. 1-2 were published in 1838. ALEXANDER EXPEDITION TO ALASKA, 1907-1909. University of California publication in Zoology, 1909-11. Berkeley, The University Press. 3 vols. 27 cm - Contents: I. Birds and mammals of the 1907 Alexan- der expedition to southeastern Alaska . . . Introduction. J. Grinnell, etc. . . . (Illus.) 2. Birds of the 1908 Alexander Alaska expedition. With note on the avifaunal relationships of the Prince William Sound district. By Joseph Grinnell. 3. Birds and mammals of the 1909 Alexander Alaska expedition. By Harry S. Swarth. (Map.) ALPHERAKY, SERGIUS. The geese of Europe and Asia, being the description of most of the old world JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION species by Sergius Alph6raky . . . with twenty-four coloured plates by F. W. Frohawk . . . and frontis- piece by Dr. P. P. Sushkin. London, R. Ward, Ltd., 1905. ix, 198 pp., n. col. front. 24 col. pi. ALLEN, GLOVER MORRILL. A list of the birds of New Hampshire. By Glover M. Allen . . . Manches- ter, N. H., Nature Study Press, 1903. 2 pp. I., [2^-222 PP. ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH. The Masked Bob-white (Colinus ridgwayi) of Arizona and its allies. By J. A. Allen. [1886.] pp. 273-290. i col. pi. 23 cm - (American Mus. of Nat. Hist. Bulletin no. 7.) ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH. Notes of an ornithological reconnoissance of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyom- ing and Utah. By J. A. Allen, July, 1872. Cambridge, University Press. Printed by Welch, Bigelow & Co. ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH. Notice of some Venezuelan birds collected by Mrs. H. H. Smith. On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. H. H. Smith. Notes on a collection of birds from Quito, Ecuador. List of birds collected in Bolivia by Dr. H. H. Rusby, with field notes by the collector. On Cyclorhis vividis (Vieill) and its near allies, with remarks on other species of the genus Cyclorhis. Descriptions of new species of South American birds with remarks on various other little known species. On the Maximillian types of South American birds in the American Museum of Natural History ... By J. A. Allen, [n. d. n. pub.] v. p. 24 cm - ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH. Ornithological notes from the west. By J. A. Allen. I. Notes on the birds of Kansas. II. Notes on the birds of Colorado, pp. 263- 404. 22^ cm - BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH. The types of the North American genera of birds. By J. A. Allen. Author's edition extracted from Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural Hist. Vol. xvm, Art. xvi, pp. 274-384. New York, April 15, 1907. AMERICAN NATURALIST. A popular illus- trated magazine of natural history, 1868-1898, vols. 1-33. Boston, 1868-1898. 33 vols. illus. 24 cm> Vols. 1-9, pub. Salem, Mass. Vols. 10-11, Boston. Vols. 12- 31, Philadelphia. Vol. 32, Boston. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. The code of nomenclature and check-list of North Ameri- can birds. Adopted by the American Ornithologists' Union. Being the report of the committee of the union on classification and nomenclature. New York, Amer- ican Ornithologists' Union, 1886. iv, 392 pp. 32 cm< First edition. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. Check-list of North American birds prepared by a committee of the American Ornithologists' Union. New York, A.O.U. 1895, 1910. 2 vols. 2d and 3d editions. 2d edition, xi, 372 pp. 23| cm- 3d edition (revised), 430 pp. front, (map). 24 cm- ANDERSON, CHARLES JOHN. Notes on the birds of Damaraland and the adjacent countries of south-west Africa. By the late Charles John Anderson. Arranged and edited by John Henry Gurney, with some additional notes by the editor, and an introduc- tory chapter containing a sketch of the author's life; abridged from the original published in Sweden. Lon- don, John van Voorst, 1872. xlviii, 394 pp. front, (map). 3 pi. 23 ANDRE, E. A naturalist in the Guianas. By Eugene Andre. With a preface by Dr. J. Scott Keltic, with 34 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION illus. and a map. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1904. xiv, 310 pp. front. port. 34 illus. map. ANTHONY, ALFRED WEBSTER. Birds of San Pedro Martir, Lower California. By A. W. Anthony. pp. 228-247. 23 cm - APGAR, AUSTIN CRAIG. Pocket key of the birds of the northern United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. By Austin C. Apgar . . . Trenton, N. J., J. L. Murphy, 1893. I p. I., [s]-63 pp. i^ "- ARCHITECTURE OF BIRDS, THE. Boston, Lilly & Wait and Carter & Hendee . . . 1831. xvii, 390 pp. illus. in text. ly 011 ' [Library of Entertaining Knowledge.] ASTLEY, HUBERT DELAVAL. My birds in freedom and captivity. By the Rev. Hubert D. Astley. . . . New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. ; London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1901. xvi, 254 pp. illus. (incl. pi.) 23 cm - ATKINSON, JOHN. A compendium of the orni- thology of Great Britain, with a reference to the anatomy and physiology of birds. By John Atkinson. . . . London. Printed for Hurst, Robinson & Co., 1820. vi [ix]-xii, 232 pp. 23' ATKINSON, JOHN. A compendium of the orni- thology of Great Britain, with a reference to the anatomy and physiology of birds. By John Atkinson. London, Hurst, Robinson & Co., 1820. xii, 232 pp. ATKINSON, JOHN CHRISTOPHER. British birds' eggs and nests, popularly described. By Rev. J. C. Atkinson . . . With coloured illustrations by W. S. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Coleman. London, New York, Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1861. viii, 182 pp. 12 col. pi., fold. tab. in pocket. ATTWATER, H. P. List of birds observed in the vicinity of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. By H. P. Attwater. July, 1892. 230-345 pp. 24" .cm. AUDEBERT, J. B. Histoire naturelle et gnrale des Colibris, Oiseaux-mouches, Jacamars Promerops. By J. B. Audebert et L. P. Vieillot. Paris, Desray, 1802. 2 vols. pi. 34 cm> (Title-page of vol. 2: Histoire naturelle et generate des Grimpereaux et des Oiseaux de paradis.) AUDOUIN, JEAN VICTOR. Audouin's explica- tion sommaire des planches d'oiseaux de 1'Egypte et de la Syrie publiees par Jules-Cesar Savigny. Edited by Alfred Newton . . . London, . . . 1883. vii, 139 pp., 303-456 pp. 22 an - [The Willughby Society.] AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Audubon and his journals. By Maria R. Audubon, with zoological and other notes by Elliot Coues . . . New York, C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. 2 vols. front., illus., 13 pi., 19 port., 12 facsim. 23 cm> AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Audubon MSS. 31 pp. 44 cm< (Containing a letter from M. R. and Flor- ence Audubon, an article on the Wild Turkey, and the Red Phalarope.) AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Audubon's story of his youth. Introduction by Maria R. Audubon. 267- 289 pp. illus. 24| cm - AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. [Journal kept by J. J. Audubon while on a journey through the eastern states JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION and a part of Canada to solicit subscriptions for his "Birds of America," 1840-42.] 100 pp. 24^ cm - (MS. has never been published.) AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. [Autograph manu- script journal or diary, beginning Oct. 12, 1820, and continuing with slight gaps (a few leaves having been cutout) to December 31, 1821.] 201 pp. I illus. 33x2O cm> (This is apparently the first of Audubon's regular and systematic journals.) AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. The birds of America, from drawings made during a residence of upwards of 25 years in the United States and its territories. By John James Audubon . . . Prospectus. 2 pp. 28^ cm * AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. The birds of America ; from original drawings. By John James Audubon . . . London. Pub. by the author, 1827-38. 4 vols. 435 col. Engr. t.-p. Imprint dates: vol. I, 1827-30; vol. 2, 1831-34; vol. 3, 1 834-35; vol. 4, 1835-38. Plate LXIV drawn from nature by Lucy Audubon. Plates i-n, vi-vn, engr. by W. H. Lizars; retouched by R. Havell, Jr. ; pl. vm-ix engr. by W. H. Lizars; pl. m-v, ci-cv, cvin, ex, engr., printed and coloured by R. Havell, Jr.; pl. x-c, cvi-cvn, cix-cxn-ccccxxxv, engr., printed and coloured by R. Havell. Plates n, vii, dated 1829; pl. cvi-cx, cxn-cxv, dated 1831; pl. CXXXI-CXL., CXLIII-CLV, dated 1832; pl. CLVI- CLXXVII, CLXXIX-CLXXXII, CLXxxiv-CLXxv, dated 1833; pl. CLXXXVI-CXCVII, cxcix, ccn-ccxxxv, dated 1834; pl. CCXXXVI-CCLXXXV, CCLXXXVII, ccLxxxix-ccxc, dated 1835; pl. CCLXXXVI, CCLXXXVIII, ccxci-cccL, dated 1836; pl. CCCLI-CCCC, dated 1837; pl. cccci-ccccxxxv, dated 1838. 8 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Plate CCLX marked "CCXL." Originally issued in 87 pts. "The plates were published without any text, to avoid the necessity of furnishing copies gratis to the public libraries in England, agreeably to the law of copyright." Sabin, A dictionary of books relating to America, vol. I, P- SIS- Text to accompany the plates was published in 5 vols. rl. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1831-39, under title, "Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America . . ." Later editions, of text and plates combined, with alterations, were published in 7 and 8 vols., rl. 8vo, under title, "The birds of America, from drawings in the United States and their territories." AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. The birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their territories. New York: J. J. Audubon; Philadelphia, J. B. Chevalier, 1840-44. 7 vols. col. pi. 4. Vols. 6-7: New York, Philadelphia, J. J. Audubon, 1843-44. Original edition. AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Letter of John James Audubon describing Harlan's Hawk. 2 pp. MSS. 32 cm- AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. The life of John James Audubon the naturalist; ed. by his widow, with an introduction by Jas. Grant Wilson. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1869. 2 pp. I., x, [n 1-443 pp. front, port. 2O cm< AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. Ornithological bio- graphy, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, accompanied by descrip- tions of the objects represented in the work entitled "The birds of America," and interspersed with deline- ations of American scenery and manners. By John James Audubon. Edinburgh, Black, 1831-39. 28| cm< JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION 5 vols. vol. 1-2, Adam Black; vols. 3-4-5, Adam and Charles Black [ . . . printers]. Appendix in vol. 5 with illus. in text. AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. A synopsis of the birds of North America. By John James Audubon . . . Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1839. xii, 359, [i] p. AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. The quadrupeds of North America. By John James Audubon and the Rev. John Bachman, D.D., etc. New York. Published by V. G. Audubon, 1849-54. 3 vols. 155 col. pi. 27 cm. AUDUBON, JOHN WOODHOUSE. Audubon's western journal, 1840-1850. Being the MS. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland jour- ney through Mexico and Arizona to the gold-fields of California. By John W. Audubon, with biographical memoir by his daughter, Maria R. Audubon . . . with folded map, port, and drawings. Cleveland, The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1906. 249 pp. front, port, illus. 25 -cm. BACHMAN, C. L. John Bachman ... the pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Charleston. Charles- ton, S. C., Walker, Evans and Cogswell Co., 1888. 436pp. port. BAIKIE, W. B. Historia naturalis orcadensis. Zool- ogy, Part i (all published), being a catalogue of the mammalia and birds hitherto observed in the Orkney Is. By W. B. Baikie and Robert Heddle. Edinburgh, J. & W. Paterson, 1848. 104 pp. 22| cm< BAILEY, FLORENCE AUGUSTA MERRIAM. Birds of village and field. A bird book for beginners. 10 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY By Florence A. Merriam. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. xlix, 406 pp. front., illus. and pi. I9 cm ' BAILEY, FLORENCE AUGUSTA MERRIAM. Handbook of birds of the Western United States including the great plains, great basin, Pacific slope, lower Rio Grande Valley. By Florence Merriam Bailey; with thirty- three full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. . . . 3d ed., rev. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1908. xc, 514 pp. front., illus., plates, map. ig^' BAILEY, HENRY BALCH. Forest and Stream bird notes. An. index and summary of all the orni- thological matter contained in "Forest and Stream," vols. i-xn. Compiled by H. B. Bailey. New York, Forest and Stream Pub. Co., 1881. 195 pp. 23 cm> BAILY, WILLIAM L. Our own birds; a familiar natural history of the birds of the United States. By William L. Baily. Rev. and ed. by Edward D. Cope . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1869, 1878. x, 11-265 PP- incl. front., illus., plates. iS 001 ' 2 edi- tions. 1869-1878. BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. The birds of North America; the descriptions of species, based chiefly on the collections in the Museum of the Smith- sonian Institution. By Spencer F. Baird . . . with the co-operation of John Cassin . . . and George N. Lawrence. . . . With an atlas of one hundred plates . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1860. 3 pp. I., [iii]-lvi, 1005 pp. and atlas of 100 col. pi. 3O cm - BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. Birds of the boundary. By Spencer Fullerton Baird . . . with ii JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION notes by the naturalists of the survey. 32 pp. 25 col. pi. 29 cm - BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. Birds of the Pacific Railway. By Spencer F. Baird . . . with the co-operation of John Cassin and George N. Lawrence. v. p. 30 col. pi. 29 cm - (U.S. War Dept. explora- tions and surveys for a railroad route . . . Wash., 1858.) BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. A history of North American birds. By S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. Land birds, illustrated by 36 plates and 593 woodcuts. . . . Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1875. 3 vols. illus., plates. 28 C >cm. BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. A history of North American birds. By S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. Land birds, illustrated by 64 plates and 593 woodcuts . . . Boston, Little, Brown & Co., I 95- 3 vols. illus., plates. 26 C :cm. BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. The published writings of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1843-1882. By George Brown 1 Goode. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1883. xvi, 377 pp. 22| cm - BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. Review of American birds, in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. By S. F. Baird. Part I, North and Middle America. Washington, Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1864. iv, 450 pp. 24 an ' Original edition. BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. Review of American birds, in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864-1872. 478 pp. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. 23"' 12 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON. ... The water birds of North America. By S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. Issued in continuation of the publications of the Geological Survey of California. J. D. Whitney, state geologist. Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1884. 2 vols., illus. 28 cm - BAKER, FRANK COLLINS. Notes on the food of birds. By F. C. Baker. [1889.] pp. 266-270. 23 cm - BAKER, T. B. L. An ornithological index, arranged according to the synopsis avium of Mr. Vigors. By T. B. L. Baker. London, . . . 1835. vii, 187 pp. BANGS, OUTRAM. Birds and mammals from Honduras. By Outram Bangs. Cambridge, Mass. Printed for the Museum, July, 1903. pp. 141-159. BANGS, OUTRAM. The Cuban Crab Hawk, Urubitinga gundlachii (Cabanis). By Outram Bangs, [1905.] pp. 307-309- 24 .cm. BANGS, OUTRAM. Notes on birds from Costa Rica and Chiriqui, with descriptions of new forms and new records for Costa Rica. By Outram Bangs, 1906. pp. IO2-II2. BANGS, OUTRAM. On a collection of birds from western Costa Rica. By Outram Bangs, 1907. ("The Auk," vol. xxiv, no. 3, pp. 287-312.) 24 cm< BANGS, OUTRAM. On the Wood Rails, genus Aramides, occurring north of Panama. By Outram Bangs. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1907. pp. 177-187. 13 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION BANGS, OUTRAM. Birds of the Isle of Pines. By Outram Bangs and W. R. Zappey. Boston, U.S.A., Ginn & Co., 1905. pp. 179-215. illus. with photo- graphs and maps in text. 24 cm> BANGS, OUTRAM. The vertebrata of Gorgona Island, Colombia. Introduction, Mammalia. By Outram Bangs. Physical aspect and climate, Fauna. By Wilmot W. Brown, Jr. Aves. By John E. Thayer and Outram Bangs. . . . Reptilia, amphibia. By Thomas Barbour. Cambridge, Mass. Printed for the Museum, June, 1905. pp. 88-102. 33| cm> BARLOW, CHESTER. The story of the Faral- lones. Text by C. Barlow, arranged and published by H. R. Taylor, editor of "The Nidologist " . . . Alameda, Cal., 1897, un-p., illus. with photographs. I3xi8 cm - BARROWS, ANNA. Eggs; facts and fancies about them. Compiled by Anna Barrows. Boston, D. Lothrop Co., 1890. 159 pp. front., illus. i8| cm< BARROWS, WALTER BRADFORD. Economic ornithology. By Walter B. Barrows. 193-200 pp. 22| cm - n. d., no pub. BARROWS, WALTER BRADFORD. The Eng- lish Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America, especially in its relations to agriculture. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, by Walter B. Barrows. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889. 405 pp. map. 23 m< BARROWS, WALTER, BRADFORD. Michigan bird life. A list of all bird species known to occur in the state, together with an outline of their classifica- 14 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY tion and an account of the life history of each species, with special reference to its relation to agriculture. With 70 full-page plates and 152 text figures. By Walter Bradford Barrows, xiv, 822 pp. 70 pi. 152 illus. 24 .cm. BARTON, BENJAMIN SMITH. Barton's frag- ments of the natural history of Pennsylvania. Edited by Osbert Salvin . . . London, 1883. xviii, 24 pp. 29 cm> [The Willughby Society.] BARTRAM, JOHN. An account of East Florida, with a journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, botanist to His Majesty for the Floridas; upon a jour- ney from St. Augustine up the river St. John's. Lon- don, W. Nicoll & G. Woodfall, 1766. xxii, 90 pp. 2O cm - Introduction by Wm. Stork. BARTRAM, JOHN. A journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, botanist to His Majesty for the Floridas, upon a journey from St. Augustine up the river St. John's. With explanatory notes; n. d. viii, 70pp. 20 cm> The introduction to the Journal is signed by Wm. Stork, M.D. First edition. BARTRAM, JOHN. Observations on the inhabit- ants, climate, soil, rivers, productions, animals,, and other matters worthy of notice, made by Mr. John Bartram in his travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego, and the Lake Ontario, in Canada, to which is annex'd a curious account of the cataracts at Niagra. By Mr. Peter Kalm, a Swedish gentleman who travelled there. London, Whiston and B. White, 1751. viii, 94 pp. folding pi. I9 cm - BARTRAM, JOHN TAVENIER. The cage birds of Bermuda; their management in confinement, breed- 15 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION ing, rearing, feeding, etc. By John Tavenier Bartram. St. George's, Bermuda, 1879. ii, 56 pp. 2i cm< BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy and the country of the Chactaws ; containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, together with observations on the manners of the Indians. Embel- lished with copper plates. Philadelphia, James and Johnson, 1791. xxxiv, 522 pp. front., pi. 2O cm> BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws, containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, together with observations on the manners of the Indians. Embel- lished with copper plates. By William Bartram. Dublin, J. Moore, W. Jones, R. M'Allister and J. Rice, 1793. xxiv, 520 pp. front., illus. 2i cm ' BATES, FRANK AMASA. The game birds of North America; a descriptive check-list. By Frank A. Bates . . . Boston, B. Whidden, 1896. n8pp. front., illus. BATES, HENRY WALTER. The naturalist on the river Amazon. A record of adventures, habits of ani- mals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspect of nature under the equator during eleven years of travel. By Henry Walter Bates. With memoir of the author by Ed. Cloud. Reprint of the unabridged edi- tion, with map and numerous illus. London, John Murray, 1892. Ixxxix, 259 pp. front., port. 24 16 , cm. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY , BAZIN, EUGENE. Scenes de la nature dans les Etats-Unis et le nord de l'Am6rique. Ouvrage traduit d'Audubon, par Eugene Bazin. Paris, P. Bertrand, 1857. 2 vols. 22 cm j- BEAL, FOSTER ELLENBORQUGH LAS- CELLES. The Blue Jay and its food. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Yearbook, 1896. Washington, 1897. pp. 197-206. illus.) 23 .cm. BEAL, FOSTER ELLENBOROUGH LAS- CELLES. The Crow Blackbirds and their food. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Yearbook, 1894. Washing- ton, 1895. pp. 233-248. illus.) 23 ,cm. BEAL, FOSTER ELLENBOROUGH LAS- CELLES. Food of the Bobolink, Blackbirds, and Crackles. By F. E. L. Beal . . . Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1900. 77 pp. front, map, illus. 23 cm - BEAL, FOSTER ELLENBOROUGH LAS- CELLES. How birds affect the orchard. By F. E. L. Beal . . . [Washington, 1901?] [16] pp. 22^ cm< BECHSTEIN, JOHANN MATTHAUS. Cage and chamber-birds; their natural history, habits, food, dis- eases, management, and modes of capture. Tr. from the German of J. M. Bechstein, M.D. With consider- able additions on structure, migration, and economy, comp. from various sources by H. G. Adams. Incor- porating the whole of Sweet's British Warblers . . . London, H. G. Bohn, 1853. xvi, 500 pp. illus. 38 (i.e. 31) col. pi. (incl. front.). BECKHAM, CHARLES WICKLIFFE. Observa- tions on the birds of southwestern Texas. (In U.S. 17 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION National Museum, Proceedings, 1887, pp. 633-696.) BEDDARD, FRANK E. Animal coloration; an account of the principal facts and theories relating to the colours and marking of animals. By Frank E. Beddard. With 4 col. pis. ; and woodcuts in the text. London, Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. vii, 288 pp. col. front, and 3 col. pi. illus. in text. 22^' BEDDARD, FRANK E. The structure and classi- fication of birds. By Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.R.S. Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, and Bombay, 1898. xv, 548 pp. 252 illus. in text. 23 cm< BEEBE, CHARLES WILLIAM. The bird, its form and function. By C. William Beebe . . . with over three hundred and seventy illustrations, chiefly photographed from life by the author. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1906. x, 496 pp. front., illus. 23 ,cm. BEEBE, CHARLES WILLIAM. Two bird-lovers in Mexico. By C. William Beebe . . . illustrated with photographs from life taken by the author. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1905. xiii, 407, [i] pp., II. front., illus. 2i| cm - BEEBE, CHARLES WILLIAM. The Swans. By C. William Beebe; reprinted from the loth annual report of the N.Y. Zoological Society. New York, 1906. 26 pp. illus. BEECHEY, FREDERICK WILLIAM. A voyage of discovery towards the North Pole, performed in H.M. ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command 18 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY of Capt. David Buchan, R.N., 1818; to which is added a summary of all the early attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the Pole. By Capt. F. W. Beechey. Pub- lished by authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. London, Richard Bently, 1843. ix, 351 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - BEECHEY, FREDERICK WILLIAM. The Zool- ogy of Capt. Beechey's voyage; compiled from the collections and notes made by Capt. Beechey, the officers and naturalists of the expedition, during a voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits performed by His Majesty's ship Blossom, under command of Capt. F. W. Beechey, in the years 1825, '26, '27, and '28. By J. Richardson [Mammalia], N. A. Vigors [Ornithology], E. T. Bennett (etc.). Illus. with up- wards of 50 finely col. pi. by Sowerby. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1839. xii, 180 pp. col. pis. BELDING, LYMAN. Land birds of the Pacific district. By Lyman Belding. San Francisco, Cali- fornia academy of sciences, 1890. 2 pp., I., 274 pp. BENDIRE, CHARLES. The Cowbirds. By Maj. Charles Bendire. 589-590 pp. 2 pi. 22^ cm< BENDIRE, CHARLES. The Cowbirds. By Charles Bendire. The Common Crow of the United States, by Walter B. Barrows and E. A. Schwarz. General report: Walter B. Barrows. Report on Insect food: E. A. Schwarz. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895. v. p. illus., front. 24 cm> BENDIRE, CHARLES. Description of the nest and eggs of the California black-capped Gnat-catcher (Polioptila californica, Brewster). By Capt. Chas. 19 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Bendire. Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory. By Capt. Chas. Bendire (1887). pp. 549-558. 23 cm> n. t.-p. BENDIRE, CHARLES ____ Life histories of North American birds, from the Parrots to the Crackles, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. By Charles Bendire . . . with seven lithographic plates. Washington, The Smithsonian Institution, 1895. ix, 518 pp. 7 col. pi. 3i cm ' BENDIRE, CHARLES. Life histories of North American birds, with special reference to their breed- ing habits and. eggs, with twelve lithographic plates. By Charles Bendire. Captain of U.S. Army (retired). Washington, Government Printing Office, 1892. viii, 446 pp. 12 col. pi. BENDIRE, CHARLES. Report on the section of birds' eggs in the U.S. Nat. Mus. for the years end- ing June 30, 1886, '87, '88, '89, '90, '92. . By Chas. Bendire. v. p. 22^ cm> BENDIRE, CHARLES. Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory. By Capt. Chas. Bendire, U.S.A. (1887.) 551-558 pp. 2 pi. 22 cm> BENNETTS, W. J. Notes on the food of the Ruffed Grouse. By W. J. Bennetts. 1900. 10 pp. 23' n. t.-p. BENT, ARTHUR CLEVELAND. A new sub- species of Ptarmigan from the Aleutian Islands. By A. C. Bent. City of Washington. Published by the Smithsonian Institution, Jan. 6, 1912. 2 pp. 24| cm< 20 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BENT, ARTHUR CLEVELAND. Notes on birds observed during a brief visit to the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea in 191 1. By A. C. Bent. City of Wash- ington, 1912, Smithsonian Institution. 29 pp. 25 cm- BERENS, S. L. The "Fram" expedition: Nansen in the frozen world . . . and his journey across Northern Greenland with Lieut. R. E. Peary, U.S.N., arranged and edited by S. L. Berens. Followed by a brief history of the principal earlier Arctic explorations from the 5th century to the Peary expedition. . . . By John E. Read. Philadelphia, Pa., A. J. Holman & Co., 1897.. viii, 53 1 PP- front., port., illus. ; t.-p. in red and blk. BERTHOUD, HENRY. Stories of bird life : a book of facts and anecdotes, illustrative of the habits and intelligence of the feathered tribes. By Henry Ber- thoud. With 100 illus. London, T. Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh, and New York, 1875. xii, 320 pp. front. 100 illus. iS^- BEWICK, THOMAS. A general history of quad- rupeds. The figures engraved on wood. By Thomas Bewick. The fifth edition. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Printed by Edward Walker, for T. Bewick and S. Hodgson, 1807. x, 525 pp. illus. 22 cm - BEWICK, THOMAS. A general history of quad- rupeds. The figures engraved on wood. By Thomas Bewick. London, B. Quaritch, 1885. xi, 526 pp. 26 cm - Vol. 3 of Memorial edition. BEWICK, THOMAS. A history of British birds. The figures engraved on wood. By T. Bewick . . . and a supplement, with additional figures. Newcastle. Printed by Edward Walker for T. Bewick; sold by him, 21 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION and E. Charnley, Newcastle; and Longman & Co., London, 1821. 2 vols. illus. 22 cm< BEWICK, THOMAS. A history of British birds. By Thomas Bewick. Newcastle : Printed by Edw. Walker, Pilgrim St., for T. Bewick, . . . 1826. 2 vols. illus. 23 cm - This was the last edition superintended by T. Bewick, who died in 1828. BEWICK, THOMAS. A history of British birds. By Thomas Bewick . . . Newcastle. Printed by J. Blackwell & Co., for R. E. Bewick; sold by him, Long- man & Co., London, 1847. 2 vols. illus. 23 cm< BEWICK, THOMAS. A history of British birds. London, B. Quaritch, 1885. 2 vols. illus. 76 cm - Half-title: Memorial edition of Thomas Bewick's work. Vols. 1-2. Limited ed. of 750 numbered copies. Letterpress: Vol. I, by R. Beilby, rev. by T. Bewick; vol. 2, by H. Cotes. Memorial edition numbered copies 83 and 89. BEWICK, THOMAS. A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. Embellished by numerous wood engravings, designed and engraved by the author for a work on British fishes and never before published. Newcastle-on-Tyne, London, . . . 1862. xix, 344 pp. front., vignette illus. in appendix. 24"' BEWICK, THOMAS. A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. Embellished by numerous wood engravings designed by the author for a work on British fishes. A new edition prefaced and annotated by Austin Dobson. London, B. Quaritch, 1887. xxviii, 343 PP. 26- Vol. 5 in set of Bewick works, memorial edition. 2 copies numbered 83 and 89. 22 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BIGELOW, HENRY B. On hybrids between the Mallard (Anas boschas) and certain other ducks. By Henry B. Bigelow, 1907. ("The Auk," vol. 24, 1907, PP. 383-388.) 2 4 cm ' ' Autograph copy. BIGLAND, JOHN. A natural history of birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects by John Bigland. Illus. by 12 col. pi. engraved mostly from original drawings. Philadelphia. Pub. by John Grigs, 1828. x, 179 pp. 12 col. pi. ; front, col. ; also 1st t.-p. Two copies. 1828- 1832. Later bound under title of "History of Birds, etc." Date on col. t.-p. 1828, and on next p. 1832. Very little difference in two editions. BIRTWELL, FRANCIS J. Observations on color- changes in the genus Buteo, apparently due to aptoso- chromatism. By Francis J. Birtwell, 1903. 14 pp. BIRTWELL, FRANCIS J. The occurrence of Aptosochromatism in Passerina cyanea. By F. J. Birtwell, 1900. (From "Science," vol. n, n. s., no. 769, pp. 291-299.) 22 cm< BLAAUW, F. E. A monograph of the Cranes. By F. E. Blaauw. Illus. by 22 col. pi. ... by Heinrich Leutemann and J. G. Keulemans. Leiden and London, E. J. Brill, R. H. Porter, 1897. viii, 64 pp. 18 col. pi. 4 gcm. BLACKBURN, MRS. HUGH. Birds drawn from nature. By Mrs. Hugh Blackburn. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh, 1862. 23 pi. with preface and index. 38 cm> BLACKWELDER, ELIOT. Research in China. In three volumes and atlas. . . . Part two. Petro- graphy and Zoology, by Eliot Blackwelder. Syllabary 23 - JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION of Chinese sounds, by Fredrich Hirth. Washington, D. C., 1907. iv, 357-528, xvii-xxiv pp. illus. and col. pis. 30 BLAKISTON, T. W. Amended list of the birds of Japan, according to geographical distribution, with notes concerning additions and corrections since Jan., 1882. By T. W. Blakiston . . . London, Taylor & Francis, Jan., 1884. 68 pp. 22 cm> BLANCHAN, NELTJE. Bird neighbors. An intro- ductory acquaintance with 150 birds commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and woods about our homes. By Neltje Blanchan. With introduction by John Burroughs, and 50 col. pi. New York, Doubleday & McClure Co., 1897. viii, 234 pp. front. 50 col. pi. 26| cm ' BLANCHAN, NELTJE. Birds that hunt and are hunted. Life histories of 170 birds of prey, game birds and water fowl. By Neltje Blanchan. With introduc- tion by G. O. Shields (Coquina), and 48 col. pi. New York, Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898. xii, 359 pp. front, and 48 col. pi. 26| cm< BLANCHAN, NELTJE. How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neighbours. By Neltje Blanchan. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. 224 pp. front., illus. with photographs. 22 cm> BLYTH, EDWARD. Analytic descriptions of the groups of birds composing the order Insessores Hetero- genes. No. I. Rollers, Bee-eaters, and Kingfishers: Todies, and Jacamars. No. 2. Systematic analysis of the series. Characters of the series. Character of the Motmots. Art. II. Outline of a new arrangement of Insessorial birds. By Edward Blyth, 1838. v. p. 22 cm - BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BLYTH, EDWARD. The natural history of the Cranes. A monograph by the late Edward Blyth. Greatly enlarged, and reprinted, with numerous illus. by W. B. Tegetmeier . . . Horace Cox and R. H. Porter, 1881. vi, 91 pp. front., illus. and pis. 26 cm - BODDAERT, PETER. Table des planches enlu- mineez d'histoire naturelle de M. d'Aubenton. Avec les denominations de M.M. de Buffon, Brisson . . . Par M. Boddaert . . . a Utrecht, 1783. 58 pp. 24^- [Added title-page: Reprint of Boddaert's Table des planches enlumineez d'histoire naturelle. Edited by W. B. Tegetmeier. London, 1874.] BOLTON, JAMES. Harmonia ruralis ; or, An essay towards a natural history of British song birds; illus. with figures, the size of life, of the birds, male and female, in their most natural attitudes; their nest and eggs, food, favorite plants, shrubs, trees, etc., faithfully drawn, engraved, and colored after nature. London, 1824. 2 vols. front., col. pi. ^ cm ' BOLTON, JAMES. Harmonia ruralis; or, an essay towards a natural history of British song birds: illus- trated with figures the size of life, of the birds, male and female, in their most natural attitudes, their nests and eggs. By James Bolton. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1845. 2 vols. [vol. 2 wanting] ; col. pi. 3i cm- BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. An account of four species of Stormy Petrels. By Charles Bonaparte. 6 pp. 2 pi. 22 cm- BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. American ornithology ; or, The natural history of birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. With figures drawn, engraved, and coloured, from 25 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION nature. By Charles Lucien Bonaparte . . . Phila- delphia, Carey, Lea & Carey, 1825-33. 4 vols. 27 col. pi. 38x30 cm - * Vol. 4 published by Carey & Lea. BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Con- spectus generum avium. Auctore Carolo Luciano Bonaparte. Lugduni Batavorum, apud E. J. Brill, 1850, 1857. 2 vols. bound in one. 25 cm< BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Coup d'ceil sur Tordre des Pigeons. Par S.A. Mon- seigneur le Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte. (From Comptes rendus des seances de I'Academie des Sciences. Paris, 1855. vols. 39 and 40, 1854-55.) 59 pp. BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. The genera of North American birds and a synopsis of the species found within the territory of the United States. By Charles Lucien Bonaparte, extracted from the annals of the Lyceum of natural history of New York. New York, J. Seymour, 1828. 451 pp. 22| cm - BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Monographic des Loxiens. Par Ch. L. Bonaparte et H. Schlegel. Ouvrage accompagne de 54 planches colores, lithographies d'apres les dessins de M. Badeker et autres naturalistes. Leiden et Diisseldorf, Arnz et cie., 1850. xvii, 55 pp. 54 col. pi. 3i cm * Two copies. BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Note sur les oiseaux des lies Marquises et particuliere- ment sur le genre nouveau Serresius, Par S. A. Mon- seigneur le Prince Bonaparte. (From Academic des Sciences, comptes rendus, vol. 41.) 30 pp. 26 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Notes to the paper entitled Description of ten species of South American birds. By Charles Lucien Bona- parte. July 12, 1825. 137-140 pp. 22 cm< BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Ob- servations on the nomenclature of Wilson's Orni- thology. By Charles Lucien Bonaparte, Philadelphia, . . . Anthony Finley, 1826. un-p. 23 cm> BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. On a new species of Duck, described by Wilson as the same with the Anas fuligula of Europe. By Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Read April 6, 1824. 8 pp. 23 cm - BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUpIEN, Prince. Specchio comparative delle ornitologie di Roma e di Filadelfia di C. L. Bonaparte . . . Estratto dal No. xxxm. Del nuovo giornale de' letterati. Pisa, Delia tipografia Nistri, 1827. xvi-8o pp. 22| cm> BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Sup- plemento allo specchio comparative delle ornitologie di Roma e di Filadelfia di Carlo Luciano Bonaparte . . . Pisa, . . . 1832. 15 pp. 2i ( r cm. BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Tableau des oiseaux de proie. Par S.A. le Prince C. L. Bonaparte, 1854. 16 pp. 22 cm< BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Tableau des oiseaux-mouches. Par le Prince C. L. Bonaparte. (Extrait de la Revue et Magazine de Zoologie, no. 5, 1854.) I2 PP- 22<:m ' BONAPARTE, CHARLES LUCIEN, Prince. Tableaux synoptiques de 1'ordre des Herons. Par S.A. 27 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Monseigneur Charles Lucien Prince Bonaparte. (From Academic des Sciences, Compte rendus, Paris, 1855. Vol. 40.) 8 pp. BOOTH, E. T. Catalogue of the cases of birds in the Dyke Road Museum, Brighton. Giving a few descriptive notes, and the localities in which the speci- mens were found. By E. T. Booth. Second edition, 1896. Brighton, King, Thorne & Stace, 1896. x, 217 pp. front. & photographs. 2i cm> BORASTON, JOHN MACLAIR. Birds by land and sea, the record of a year's work with field-glass and camera. By John Maclair Boraston. Illustrated by photographs taken direct from nature by the author. John Lane, London and New York, 1905. xiv, 282 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Journal containing papers and communications read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1834-1837. Published by their direction. Vol. I, Hilliard, Gray & Co., 1837. 563 pp. 20 pi. (some col.), map. 22 cm> BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Proceedings, vols. 1-29, 1841-1900. Boston, 1844- 1900. 29 vols., illus. 22^ cm> BOURNS, FRANK S. Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage scientific expedition to the Philippine Islands. By Frank S. Bourns and Dean C. Worcester. Minneapolis. Printed for the Academy, Dec. 8, 1894. 64 pp. 29 N cm. BOWDITCH, HAROLD. A list of Bermudian birds seen during July and August, 1903. By Harold Bowditch. (From the "American Naturalist," vol. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY xxxvm, no. 451, 1904, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 555- 563.) 23*- BRADFORD, CHARLES. The wild fowlers, or, Sporting scenes and characters of the great lagoon. By Charles Bradford. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York . . . London, 1901. 175 pp. front., illus. I9 cm - BREE, CHARLES ROBERT. A history of the birds of Europe not observed in the British Isles. By C. R. Bree . . . London, Groombridge & Sons, 1866. 4 vols., col. pi. 25 cm- BREE, CHARLES ROBERT. A history of the birds of Europe, not observed in the British Isles. By Charles Robert Bree . . . London, George Bell & Sons, 1875-76. 5 vols., col. front., col. plates. 25 cm> Second edition enlarged. BREHM, ALFRED EDMUND. Bird-life, being a history of the bird, its structure, and habits, together with sketches of 50 different species. By Dr. A. E. Brehm. Translated from the German by H. M. Labouchere and W. Jesse . . . illus. with 10 col. pi. by J. G. Keulemans. London, John van Voorst, 1874. xxvi, 898 pp. front. 10 col. pi. 25^ cm> BREHM, ALFRED EDMUND. La vie des ani- maux, illustre description populaire du regne animal. Par A. E. Brehm; Edition franchise, revue par Z. Genre. Les Oiseaux . . . Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, n. d. 2 vols. front., illus. [full page and in text]. BREMER, THOMAS M. North American oology, being an account of the habits and geographical dis- tribution of the birds of North America during their breeding season ; with figures and descriptions of their 29 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION eggs. By Thomas M. Bremer, M.D. Part I. Washing- to i. Published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1857. New York, D. Appleton & Co. viii., 132 pp., col. pi. 33 cm ' BRENCHLEY, JULIUS L. Jottings during the cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865. By Julius L. Brenchley. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1873. xxviii, 487 pp. front, illus. and col. pis. 26 cm - BREWSTER, WILLIAM. Bird migration. (Nut- tall Ornithological Club. Memoirs, no. I.) Cambridge, Mass., 1886. 22 pp. 27 cm - BREWSTER, WILLIAM. The birds of the Cam- bridge region of Mass. By William Brewster. With 4 pi. and 3 maps. Cambridge . . . 1906. 426 pp. front., port., 4 pi., 3 maps. 28| cm> Autograph copy. BREWSTER, WILLIAM. . . . Birds of the cape region of Lower California. By William Brewster . . . Cambridge, Mass., 1902. I p., I., 241, [i] p., fold. map. BREWSTER, WILLIAM. Descriptions of seven supposed new North American birds. By William Brewster, 1891. 10 pp. 23 cm> BREWSTER, WILLIAM. Descriptions of the first plumage in various species of North American birds. By William Brewster. 39 pp. BREWSTER, WILLIAM. On the occurrence, in Massachusetts of certain rare or interesting birds. By 30 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY William Brewster, 1901. ("The Auk," vol. 18, pp. 135- I37-) 23^ BRISSON, A. D. Ornithologie ou m6thode conte- nant la division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, especes et leurs vari6ts. A laquelle on a joint une description exacte de chaque espece, avec les citations des auteurs qui en ont trait, les noms qu'ils leur ont donnas, ceux que leur ont donn6s les diflferentes nations, et les noms vulgaires. Par M. Brisson . . . Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce. A Paris . . . 1760. 6 vols., text. 26f cm> I vol. pi. 261 pi. 27 cm 'x33 cm - BRISSOT, DE WARVILLE, J. P. New travels in the United States of America, including the commerce of America with Europe, particularly with France and Great Britain; in 2 vols. By the late J. P. Brissot de Warville. London, for J. S. Jordan, 1787. 2 vols. 23 cm - vol. 2, second ed. front., port. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. . . . Published under the inspection of the Cymmrodorion Society, instituted for promoting useful charities, and the knowledge of nature, among the descendants of the ancient Britons. Illustrated with 107 copper plates. London, J. & J. March, . . . 1766. 162 pp. 160 col. pi. 58 cm * Contents: Class I, Quadrupeds; II, Birds. BROINOWSKI, GRACIUS J. The birds of Aus- tralia, comprising 300 full-page illus., with a descrip- tive account of the life and characteristic habits of over 700 species. By Gracius J. Broinowski . . . Charles Stuart & Co., Melbourne, 1890-91. 6 vols. bound in 3. 300 col. pi. BROOKS, CHARLES. Elementary course of nat- ural history, being an introduction to zoology : intended JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION for the college and parlor. Elements of ornithology. By Charles Brooks. Boston, James Munroe . . . New York, C. S. Francis & Co., 1847. i-xxxv, 324 pp. illus. in text and 25 pi. i8| cm - BROWN, PETER. New illustrations of zoology, containing 50 coloured plates of new curious and non- descript birds, with a few quadrupeds, reptiles and insects. . . . London. Printed for B. White, 1776. (In Edwards, G., "A natural history of uncommon birds," vol. 4.) 136 pp. 50 col. pi. 29 BROWN, PIERRE. Nouvelles illustrations de zoologie, contenant cinquante planches enluminees d'oiseaux curieux et qui non 6tes jamais descrits, et quelques de quadrupedes, de reptiles et d'insectes, avec de courtes descriptions systmatiques. Par Pierre Brown. A Londres. Imprint^ pour B. White, 1776. 136 pp., col. illus. 29 cm - In English and French. Bound with vol. 4 of Edwards, " Gleanings of natural history." BROWN, THOMAS, Captain. Illustrations of the American ornithology of Alexander Wilson and Chas. Lucien Bonaparte, with the addition of numerous recently discovered species and representative of the whole sylva of North America. By Capt. Thomas Brown. Edinburgh, London, 1835. iii pp. 124 col. pi. 55 cm> Two copies, one copy with background left uncolored. Extremely rare. BROWN, THOMAS, Captain. Illustrations of the game birds of North America, chiefly the size of nature. By Capt. Thomas Brown. Edinburgh, Lon- don, 1834. 15 col. pi. 37 cm> No text 32 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY BROWN, THOMAS, Captain. Illustrations of the genera of birds, embracing their generic characters; with sketches of their habits. By Capt. Thomas Brown. London, Edinburgh, 1846. Part I. col. pi. BROWN, THOMAS, Captain. The taxidermist's manual ; or, The art of collecting, preparing, and pre- serving objects of natural history . . . By Capt. Thomas Brown . . . London, Edinburgh, and Dub- lin, A. Fullarton & Co. xii, 150 pp. illus., 6 pi. i8 cm> BROWN, THOMAS, Captain. The zoologist's text- book, embracing the characters of the classes, orders, and genera of almost the whole animal kingdom, . . . By Capt. Thomas Brown ... in two volumes. Illus. by 107 engravings on steel. Glasgow, 1833. 2 vols., illus. i8 cm - BRUNER, LAWRENCE. The birds of Nebraska. By Lawrence Bruner. Lincoln, Neb., 1896. 297 pp. front., port., illus. (Nebraska State Horticultural Society, Annual report, 1896.) BRYAN, WILLIAM ALANSON. Some birds of Molokai. By Alanson Bryan. Honolulu, H. I., Bishop Museum Press, 1908. (Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 133-176.) front., map, illus. BRYANT, HENRY. A list of birds seen at the Ba- hamas from Jan. 20 to May 14, 1859. With descriptions of new or little known species. By Henry Bryant. 1861. 32 pp. 2i| cm - BRYANT, WALTER E. A catalogue of the birds of Lower California, Mexico. By Walter E. Bryant. 33 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION [Cal. Academy of Science.] Dec. 17, 1889. 238-320 pp. BRYANT, WALTER E. Additions to the orni- thology of Guadalupe Island. By Walter E. Bryant. 269-318 pp. 24 cm> BUFFON, GEORGE LOUIS LE CLERC, COMTE DE. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. ... A Paris, de 1'imprimerie royale, 1770-74. 3 vols. text = v. I, xxii, 313 pp. vol. 3, 3382 pp. 3 vols. pi., 432 col. pi. 32 m - Under title " Ornithologie," designed by Martinet and colored by hand. All 6 vols. bound by D6rome in fine old red morocco, extra gilt, edges gilt. BUFFON, GEORGE LOUIS LE CLERC, COMTE DE. A natural history, general and particular; con- taining the history and theory of the earth, a general history of man, the brute creation, vegetables and minerals. By George Louis Le Clerc, Count of Buffon. Translated by Wm. Smellie. A new edition ... to which is added A history of birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects, . . . By Henry Augustus Chambers. London, Thomas Kelly & Co., 1860. 2 vols., col. pi. 28| cm - BUFFON, GEORGE LOUIS LE CLERC, COMTE DE. A natural history of the globe, of man, of beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects and plants; from the writ- ings of Buffon, Cuvier, Lacepede, and other eminent naturalists, edited by John Wright. A new edition . . . with 500 engravings. Boston. Published by Gray & Brown, 1851. 5 vols. 500 engravings. I7 m ' BULLER, WALTER LAWRY. Notes on the orni- thology of New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller. 1877. 84 pp. i pi. 2 3 c cm - 34 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY DULLER, WALTER LAWRY. . . . Manual of the birds of New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller. Pub- lished by command. New Zealand, . . . Geo. Dids- bury, . . . 1882. ix, 107 pp. front., illus., and pi. BULLER, WALTER LAWRY. A history of the birds of New Zealand. By Walter Lawry Buller. Lon- don, John van Voorst, 1873. xxiii, 384 pp., col. pi., front, (not col.), si ' Second edition. London, pub. by the author, . . . 1888. 2 vols. col. pi. and illus. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Central Park, N. Y. Printed for the Museum, 1881-1901. 14 vols., pi. and woodcuts. 24 cm - BUREAU, LOUIS. De la mue du bee et des orna- ments palpebraux du Macareaux Arctique, Fratercula arctica. Apres la saison des amours. Par le docteur Louis Bureau, 1877. 2 editions. 21 pp. 2 pi. (iv. and v.) 25 cm> 610-616 pp. illus. in text. 22^ cm< BUREAU, LOUIS. Recherches sur la mue du bee des oiseaux de la famille des Mormonids. Par le docteur Louis Bureau. . . . (Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 1879.) Paris, F. Savy, 1879. 68 pp. 6 col. pi., map. 25 .cm. BURROUGHS, JOHN. The writings of John Bur- roughs. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. . . . 1904-1908. 15 vols. 2 fronts, (i col.), full page illus. 28 cm * BUTLER, AMOS W. The birds of Indiana. A descriptive catalogue of the birds that have been 35 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION observed within the state, with an account of their habits. By Amos W. Butler. Indianapolis, 1898. 515- II 87 pp. 23 cm - BUTLER, AMOS. Some notes concerning the Even- ing Grosbeak. By Amos Butler, un-p., n. d. 8 pp. BUTLER, ARTHUR G. Birds' eggs of the British Isles. Collated by Arthur G. Butler. With 24 coloured plates (illus. 475 specimens) from drawings by F. W. Frohawk. London, L. Upcott Gill . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. front, (col.), 24 col. pi., vii, 105 pp. 29 cm * BUTLER, ARTHUR G. British birds with their nests and eggs. . . . Illus. by F. W. Frohawk. Brumby & Clarke, Ltd. n. d. 6 vols., col. pi. and other pi. 28 cm - BUTLER, ARTHUR G. Foreign finches in cap- tivity. By Arthur G. Butler. . . . Illus. with 60 pi. by F. W. Frohawk, F.E.S. ; coloured by hand. London, L. Reeve & Co. viii, 332 pp. col. front. 60 col. pi. 33 cm> CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Pro- ceedings. 2d series. San Francisco, 1889-1896. 5 vols. maps. 24^ cm - CALL, RICHARD ELLSWORTH. The life and writings of Rafinesque, prepared for the Filson Club and read at its meeting Monday, April 2, 1824. By Richard Ellsworth Call. Louisville, Kentucky, John P. Morton & Co., 1895. xii, 227 pp. front., port. 30- CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD JAMES. Nests and eggs of Australian birds, including the geographical 36 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY distribution of the species and popular observations thereon. By Archibald James Campbell . . . With map, 28 coloured plates and 131 photographic illustrations. Sheffield. Printed for the author by Pawson& Brailsford, 1901. xi, 1102 pp. port., pi. (partly col.), map. 26| cm * CAMPBELL, ARTHUR JAMES. Nests and eggs of the Honey-eaters or meliphagous birds of Australia. By A. J. Campbell. Read before the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Jan., 1898. 76pp. 22 cm - CAPEN, ELWIN A. Oology of New England, a description of the eggs, nests and breeding habits of the birds known to breed in New England: with colored illustrations of their eggs. By Elwin A. Capen. Boston, 1886. n6pp. 34 cm - CARRIKER, M. A., JR. An annotated list of the birds of Costa Rica, including Cocos Island. By M. A. Carriker, Jr., 1910. pp. 314-915. map (at end). 24^- (Reprinted from Annals of the Carnegie Museum, vol. VI, nos. 2-4, 1910.) CARVER, JONATHAN. Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766 and 1768. By John Carver, Esq. . . . Illustrated with copper plates. London. Printed for the author; and sold by J. Walter . . . 1778. xvi, 17-543 pp. front. 3 illus. map. 22 cm< CARVER, JONATHAN. Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver, Esq. . . . Illustrated with copper plates, coloured. The third edition. To which is added some account of the author and a copious index. London: 1781. xvi, 543 pp. 2 maps, pi. (col.). 2i| cm - 37 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION CASSELL'S NATURAL HISTORY. The feathered tribes. New York, Alexander Montgomery, 1854. lv > 632 pp. illus. 29 CASSIN, JOHN. Birds, n. p., n. d., pp. 172-206, col. pi. xiv-xxvm. 29 cm - Contents : Order i, Raptores. Order n, Incessores. Order in, Rasores. Order iv, Grallatores. Order v, Natatores. CASSIN, JOHN. Birds. ByJ. Cassin. 171-206 pp. col. pi. xiv-xxvm. 28| cm> no t.-p., n. d. CASSIN, JOHN. Birds: A. Birds collected in Japan. B. Birds collected in China, the Loo Choo Islands, the Islands of Singapore and Ceylon, and on the coast of California, n. p., n. d. 218-248 pp. 6 pi. (col.). 29 cm - CASSIN, JOHN. Descriptions of new species of birds of the genera Selenidera, Gould, and Numida, Linnaeus; and of a new genus and species of Rasoria bird in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. By John Cassin. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, v. p. col. pi. 34l cm - CASSIN, JOHN. Illustrations of the birds of Cali- fornia, Texas, Oregon, and British and Russian America. 30 pp. 5 col. pi. CASSIN, JOHN. Descriptions of owls, presumed to be new species, in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. By John Cassin. Description of a new rapacious bird, in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1847). By John Cassin. pp. 57-59, and 21-23. 5 col. Pi. M- 38 * BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY CASSIN, JOHN. Illustrations of the birds of Cali- fornia, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Intended to contain descriptions and figures of all North American birds not given by former American authors, and a general synopsis of North American ornithology. By John Cassin . . . 1853 to 1855. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1856. viii, 298 pp. 50 col. pi. (incl. front.). 27 cm> . . . Same, 1862. CASSIN, JOHN. Mammalogy and ornithology . . . with folio atlas. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1858. (U.S. Exploring Expedition . . . 1838-1842.) viii, 466 pp. pi. illus. 32| cm - atlas. 56"' CASSIN, JOHN. Sketch of the birds composing the genera Vireo, Viellot, and Vireosylvia, Bonaparte, with a list of the previously known and descriptions of three new species. By John Cassin (Feb. 25, 1851). Descriptions of new species of birds of the genera Galbula and Bucco, Brisson, . . . 1851. Notes on N. A. Falconidae, with descriptions of new species, Feb. 6. 1855. Descriptions and notes on birds in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- adelphia and in the Nat. Mus. Washington, Oct., 1856. Catalogue of the Caprimulgidse in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Nov. 1851. An examination of the birds of the genus Chrysomitris of the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Hirundinidae in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. By John Cassin, July, 1853. v. p. 4 col. pi. 23 cm> (Proceedings Academy of Natural Science.) CATESBY, MARK. The natural history of Caro- lina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands: containing 39 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION the figures of birds, insects, fishes, serpents, and plants; descriptions in English and French. To which is prefixed a new and correct map of the coun- tries with observations on their natural state, inhab- itants and productions. By the late Mark Catesby . . . London, Benjamin White, 1771. 2 vols., col. pi., front, in vol. I, map. 53| cm ' CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds. By Frank M. Chapman. . . . With seventy-five full-page plates and numerous text drawings by Ernest Seton Thomp- son. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1897. xii, 269 pp. front., illus. CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds. By Frank M. Chapman . . . Illustrated by Ernest Seton Thomp- son . . . with seventy-five full-page plates in colors. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1898. xvi, 195 pp. illus., 75 col. pi. 22| cm> CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Bird studies with a camera ; with introductory chapters on the out- fit and methods of the bird photographer. By Frank M. Chapman . . . With over one hundred photo- graphs from nature, by the author. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1900. xiv, 218 pp. front., illus. I9| cm> CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Camps and cruises of an ornithologist. By Frank M. Chapman . . . With 250 photographs from nature, by the author. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1908. xvi, 432 pp. col. front., illus., col. pi. 23| cm * CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Color key to North American birds. By Frank M. Chapman . . . 40 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY with upward of 800 drawings by Chester A. Reed, B.S. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1903. vi, 312 pp. col. front, illus. (partly col.). 23 cm> CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. The economic value of birds to the state. By Frank M. Chapman. Albany, J. B. Lyon Co., 1903. 66 pp. 12 col. pi. 28 cm - CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Handbook of birds of eastern North America, with keys to the species and descriptions of their plumages, nests, and eggs, their distribution and migrations and a brief account of their haunts and habits . . . By Frank M. Chap- man, with full-page pi. in colors and black and white, and upwards of 150 cuts in the text. Fifth edition. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1898. xiv, 431 pp. front, (col.), illus. i8 cnu CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Handbook of birds of eastern North America, with introductory chapters on the study of birds in nature. By Frank M. Chapman . . . with full-page plates in colors and black and white, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and text- cuts, by Tappan Adney and Ernest Thompson Seton. Revised edition. New York and London, D. Appleton and Company, 1912. xxix, 530 pp. col. front. 24 pi. (incl. front.) i some col. i8 cm< CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. Visitors' guide to the local collection of birds in the American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York City. With an annotated list of the birds known to occur within 50 miles of New York City. By Frank M. Chapman, New York, 1894. 100 pp. front, illus. 22 cm - CHAPMAN, FRANK MICHLER. The warblers of North America. By Frank M. Chapman, with JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION cooperation of other ornithologists; with twenty-four full-page colored plates, illustrating every species, from drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall, and half-tones of nests and eggs. New York, D. Appleton & Company, 1907. 3 pp. I., v-ix, 306 pp. 8 pi., 24 col. pi. (incl. front.). 2& m ' CHERRIE, GEORGE K. Notes on Costa Rican birds. By George K. Cherrie. (Proceedings National Museum, 1891.) v. p. 22 cm> CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Transac- tions. Chicago. Published by the Academy, 1867 1869. Vol. i. illus. and pi. (some col.). 29 cm> CLARK, AUSTIN HOBART. Eighteen new species and one new genus from Eastern Asia and the Aleutian Islands. By Austin H. Clark. (U.S. National Museum Proceedings, vol. 32, 1907, pp. 467-475.) 24 cm> CLARK, AUSTIN HOBART. Report on a col- lection of birds made by Pierre Louis Jouy in Korea. By Austin H. Clark. (U.S. Nat. Mus. Proceedings, vol. 38, 1910, pp. 147-176.) 24^ cm - CLARK, AUSTIN HOBART. The birds collected and observed during the cruise of the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross in the North Pacific ocean, and in the Bering, Okhotsk, Japan, and eastern seas, from April to Dec., 1906. By Austin Hobart Clark. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910. (Proc. of the U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, pp. 25-74. 1910.) CLECKLEY, M. T. In the haunts of the Swain- son's Warbler. With notes on migration, food, song, description of bird, its nest and eggs, etc. Illustrated by photographs of nests and eggs, by Dr. M. T. Cleckley. Augusta, Georgia. 6 pp. illus. 24 cm- 42 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY COATES, HENRY. Audubon, the American orni- thologist. By Henry Coates/ 8 pp. 22 cm - (. . . Proc. of the Perthshire Society of Nat. Sci., 1894 . . . vol. II, pp. xxiv-xxix.) Private copy with autograph letter to Mrs. Elliott Coues. COMSTOCK, J. L. Natural history of birds; with engravings, on a new plan, exhibiting their compara- tive size: adapted to the capacities of youth: with authentic anecdotes, illustrating their habits and char- acters; together with reflections, moral and religious, designed for Sabbath school libraries, families, and common schools. By J. L. Comstock, M.D. Hartford. Published by D. F. Robinson & Co., 1830. 216 pp. front. I9 cm ' COMTE, ACHILLE. Keepsake d'histoire naturelle description des oiseaux suivie d'un exposd de 1'art de les preparer et de les conserver. Classification de Cuvier . . . texte de Buffon. Revis, r6duit et pr6ced d'une introduction par M. Achille Comte . . . Paris, Bazonge-Pigoreau, n. d. xxiii, 512 pp. front. 38 col. _] ,,/rian. pi. 2O 2 CONDOR, continuation of the bulletin of the Cooper ornithological club of California. A bi-monthly magazine of Pacific coast ornithology. 1899. 14 vols. illus. 25| cm> Vol. i, pub. under title of Bulletin of the Cooper O. C. of Cal., at Santa Clara, Cal. Vols. 2, 3, 4, pub. at Santa Clara, Cal. Vols. 5 and 6, Palo Alto, Cal. Vol. 7, no t.-p. Vol. 8, Santa Clara, Cal. Vol. 9, no t.-p. Vols. 10 and n, Hollywood, Cal. COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. The birds of Colorado. By W. W. Cooke . . . Fort Collins, Colo- rado, March, 1897. The Smith Brooks Printing Co., 43 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Denver. 143 pp. 22 cm> (State Agr. College . . . Bul- letin no. 37.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. The birds of Colorado. A second appendix to bulletin no. 37. By W. W. Cooke. Pub. by the Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Col., 1900. pp. 180-239. 23 cm - (The Agr. Exp. Station of the Agr. College of Col., Bulletin 57.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. . . . Distri- bution and migration of North American warblers. By Wells W. Cooke . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 142 pp. 23 cm - (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Biological Survey. Bulletin 18.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. . . . Distri- bution and migration of North American ducks, geese, and swans. By Wells W. Cooke . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 90 pp. 23 cm- (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Biological Survey. Bulletin 26.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. Distribution and migration of North American shore birds. By Wells W. Cooke. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910. 100 pp. 4 pi. 23 cm> (U.S. Dept. of Agri- culture, Biological Survey. Bulletin no. 35.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. The migratory movements of birds in relation to the weather. By Wells W. Cooke. pp. 379-390. Map [in text], 23| cm- (U.S. Department of Agriculture Yearbook, 1910.) COOKE, WELLS WOODBRIDGE. Some new facts about the migration of birds. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Yearbook, 1903, pp. 371-386. illus. 23 cm> Washington, 1904.) 44 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY COOPER, J. G. Geological survey of California. J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Ornithology, vol. I, Land birds. Edited by S. F. Baird from the mss. and notes of J. G. Cooper. Published by authority of the Legislature, 1870. xi, 592 pp. illus. in text. COOPER, J. W. Game fowls, their origin and his- tory, with a description of the breeds, strains and crosses. The American and English modes of feeding, training, and heeling; how to breed and cross, ... with a description and treatment of all diseases inci- dent to game fowls. By J. W. Cooper. Standard edi- tion. . . . Dr. J. W. Cooper, West Chester, Pa. (1869). 304 pp. 23 ,cm. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. Beautiful and curi- ous birds of the world. By Charles B. Cory . . . Bos- ton, Mass. Pub. by the author, 1883. col. plates. 69x54""- 2 pi. for each bird; col. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. The birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the nineteenth meridian . . . Key to the families and species. By Charles B. Cory . . . Special edition printed for the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, 111. Chicago, 1899. 2 vols. illus. 24 cm> CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. The birds of Haiti and San Domingo. By Charles B. Cory. Estes & Lauriat, Boston, U.S.A., 1885. 198 pp. front, (map.), col. pis. 30 cm> CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. ... The birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. By Charles B. Cory . . . Chi- cago, 1909. 764 pp. illus. 24^ cm - (Field Museum of Natural History, Publication 131. Zoological series, vol. ix.) Autograph copy. 45 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. Birds of the Bahama Islands; containing many birds new to the Islands, and a number of undescribed winter plumages of North American species. By Charles B. Cory, illus. Boston. Pub. by author, 1880. 250 pp. front., illus. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. Birds of the Bahama Islands; containing many birds new to the islands, and a number of winter plumages of North American species. By Charles B. Cory . . . Boston, Riverside edition, Estes & Lauriat, 1890. 250 pp. col. front., 7 col. pi. 27^x2 i| cm< CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. ... The birds of the Leeward Islands, Caribbean Sea. By Charles B. Cory . . . Chicago, 1909. I pi. I., pp. 193-255. front. (map). 24| cm - (Field Museum of Natural History, Publication no. 137. Ornithological series, vol. I, no. 5.) CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. How to know the ducks, geese and swans of North America, all the species being grouped according to size and color. By Charles B. Cory . '. . Boston, 1897. 95 pp. front., illus. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. How to know the shore birds (Limicolse) of North America (south of Greenland and Alaska), all the species being grouped according to size and color. By Charles B. Cory . . . Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1897. 89 pp. front., illus. 23x18 jcm. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. Hunting and fish- ing in Florida, including a key to water birds known to occur in the state. By Charles B. Cory . . . Second edition. Estes & Lauriat, Boston, 1896. 304 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - 46 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. A list of the birds of the West Indies, including the Bahama Islands and the Greater and Lesser Antilles, excepting the Islands of Tobago and Trinidad. By Charles B. Cory. Revised edition. Estes & Lauriat, Boston, 1886. 34 pp. 31 cm. CORY, CHARLES BARNEY. A naturalist in the Magdalen Islands; giving a description of the islands and list of the birds taken there, with other ornitho- logical notes. By Charles B. Cory. Illustrated from sketches by the author. Boston, 1878. iv pp., II., [7]- 93 pp. front., illus., pi. 20x17' COUES, ELLIOTT. American ornithological bibli- ography. List of the faunal publications relating to North American ornithology. By Dr. Elliott Coues. 4 vols. 22^ cm - vol. 4 British ornithology. (Bull. of the U.S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of the Territories.) COUES, ELLIOTT. Avifauna Columbiana: being a list of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia, with the times of arrival and departure of such as are non-resident, and brief notices of habits, etc. . . . Second edition revised to date and . . . rewritten. By Elliott Coues . . . and D. Webster Prentiss . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1883. 133 pp. front., illus. 23- (U.S. Na- tional Museum, Bulletin no. 26.) COUES, ELLIOTT. . . . Birds of the Colorado valley . . . scientific and popular information con- cerning North American ornithology. By Elliott Coues. Part first: Passeres to Laniidae, bibliographical appen- dix, seventy illustrations. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1878. xvi, 807 pp. 22| cm - (Depart- ment of the Interior. United States Geographical Sur- vey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. n.) 47 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION COUES, ELLIOTT. . . . Birds of the northwest: a handbook of the ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its tributaries. By Elliott Coues . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1874. xi, 791 pp. 23| cm> (U.S. Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. 3.) COUES, ELLIOTT. Check list of North American birds. By Elliott Coues. Salem (Mass.), Naturalists' Agency, 1873. 15 pp. 24.%' Consists of t.-p. and 7 leaves printed and numbered on recto only. COUES, ELLIOTT. Field-notes on birds observed in Dakota and Montana along the forty-ninth parallel during the seasons of 1873 and 1874. By Elliott Coues. PP- 545-661. 23 cm - COUES, ELLIOTT. Field ornithology. Compris- ing a manual of instruction for procuring, preparing and preserving birds ; and a check list of North Ameri- can birds. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S.A. Salem, Nat- uralists' Agency; New York, Dodd & Mead, 1874. iv, 116, 137 pp. 23 cm - COUES, ELLIOTT. Key to North American birds, containing a concise account of every species of living and fossil bird at present known from the continent north of the Mexican and United States boundary. Illustrated by 6 steel plates and upwards of 250 wood- cuts. By Elliott Coues. Salem, Naturalists' Agency ; New York, Boston, 1872. 361 pp. illus. 29 cm< COUES, ELLIOTT. Key to the North American birds, containing a concise account of every species of living and fossil bird at present known from the conti- nent north of the Mexican and United States boundary, 48 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY inclusive of Greenland and Lower California. With which are incorporated general ornithology: An out- line of the structure and classification of birds; and field ornithology: A manual of collecting, preparing and preserving birds. The fifth edition . . .in two vols. By Elliott Coues. . . . Profusely illus. Boston, Dana Estes & Co., 1903. 2 vols., paged continuously. 24 cm> Vol. i, xii, 535 pp. front, col., 353 fig. and port. Vol. 2, vi, 537-H52 pp. fig. 354-747. COUES, ELLIOTT. List of faunal publications re- lating to British birds. (U.S. Nat. Museum Proceed- ings, vol. 20, pp. 359-482.) 22 cm - COUES, ELLIOTT. On the present status of Passer domesticus in America, with special reference to the western states and territories. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S.A. pp. 175-193- COUES, ELLIOTT. The expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike to the headwaters of the Mississippi river, through Louisiana Territory and in New Spain during the years 1805-6-7. New edition ... By Elliott Coues, ... in three volumes. New York, F. P. Harper, 1895. 3 vols. 26| cm - Vol. I, front, port., memoir of author Mississippi voyage. Vol. 2, Arkansas, Mexico. Vol. 3, map and index. COUES, ELLIOTT. Progress of American orni- thology. 1871. pp. 364-373. 23"' (From the "Amer- ican Naturalist," August, 1871.) COUES, ELLIOTT. Natural history. List of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia, with the times of arrival and departure of such as are non- residents, and brief notices of habits, etc. By Elliott Coues and D. Webster Prentiss. 400-421 pp. 22| cm> No t.-p., n. d. 49 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION CRAIG, HUGH. The animal kingdom, based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists Audubon, Wallace, Brehm, Wood and others. Edited by Hugh Craig, with 64 full-page illus. Accurately and beauti- fully executed in colors and tints. New York, Johnson & Bailey [1897]. 2 vols., 64 col. pi. 26 C -cm. CRAWFURD, OSWALD. A year of sport and nat- ural history, shooting, hunting, coursing, falconry, and fishing, with chapters on birds of prey, the nidifica- tion of birds and the habits of British wild birds and animals. Edited by Oswald Crawfurd, with numerous illustrations . . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1895. 331 pp. front. 29 cm - CRAWSHAY, RICHARD. The birds of Tierra del Fuego. By Richard Crawshay . . . London, B. Quaritch, 1907. xl, 158 pp. illus., 23 pi. (incl. front.), 21 col. pi., map. 29 cm - " Three hundred copies of this work have been printed, of which this is no. 85." CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT O. Notes on the nat- ural history of the Strait of Magellan and west coast of Patagonia, made during the voyage of H.M.S. Nassau in the years 1866-69, inclusive. By Robert O. Cunningham. With map and illus. Edinburgh, 1871. 517 pp. front., illus. 2l cm ' CURRIE, ROLLA P. A new Bird of Paradise. By Rolla P. Currie. Descriptions of three new birds from Lower Siam. By Charles W. Richmond, M.D. A flightless Auk, Mancalla californiensis, from the Miocene of California. By Frederic A. Lucas. De- scription of a new bird of the genus Dendrornis. By Charles Richmond, M.D. v. p. 23 50 ,cm. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY CUVIER, GEORGES LEOPOLD, BARON. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier, with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed. By Edward Griffith and others. London, Whittaker, Treacher & Co., 1827- 1834. 1 5 vols. and index, col. pi. 25 cm - CUVIER, GEORGES LEOPOLD, BARON. The animal kingdom, arranged in conformity with its organization. By Baron Cuvier. Translated from the French and abridged for the use of schools, etc., by H. M. Murtrie . . . New York, G.& C. &H. Carvill, 1832. vi, 532 pp. 22$ cm - DARWIN, CHARLES. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, during the years 1832-1836 . . . Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin . . . Part n. Mam- malia. London, Smith, Elder and Co. . . . 1839. v, 97 pp. 32^' Letter from Charles Darwin to Richard Owen in front of volume. DARWIN, CHARLES. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under command of Captain Fitzroy, during the years 1832 to 1836. Published with the approval of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. Edited and superintended by Charles Dar- win. London. Published by Elder & Co. . . . 1840- I 843- 5 parts in 3 vols. Illustrated with many plates. 32 cm. DAVENPORT, CHARLES B. Inheritance in 'Ca- naries. By Charles Davenport. Washington, D.C. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1908. 26 pp. 3 col. pi. 26 cm - JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION DAVID, ARMAND, ABBE. Journal d'un voyage dans le centre de la Chine et dans le Thibet oriental, avec Catalogue des oiseaux nouveaux ou incomplete- ment connus, par J. Verreaux; et Remarques sur 1'Ibis Sinensis, par E. Oustalet. 248 pp. 10 col. pi. 33^' (Nouvelles Archives du Museum. Bulletin, vol. 7.) DAVID ARMAND, ABBfi. Les oiseaux de la Chine. Par M. 1'Abbe Armand David et M. E. Oustalet. Avec un atlas de 124 planches, dessindes et lithographies. Par M. Arnoul, et colorizes au pinceau. Paris, G. Masson, 1877. 2 vols., text and atlas. DAVIDSON, R. O. A new theory of the flight of birds. By R. O. Davidson. Washington, D.C., Henry Polkinhorn, 1858. 28 pp. illus. 2l| cm - DAVIE, OLIVER. Methods in the art of taxidermy. By Oliver Davie ... 90 full-page engravings chiefly drawn by Theodore Jasper . . . the whole containing 500 figures, clearly illustrating the modes of procedure in the art, together with examples of characteristic forms and altitudes of various species of the animal kingdom, including reproductions from photographs of actual work by American taxidermists. Columbus, Hann & Adair; London, H. T. Booth, 1894. xiv, 150, vii, xiii pp. 27 cm * DAVIE, OLIVER. Nests and eggs of North Ameri- can birds. By Oliver Davie. 4th ed., rev. and augm. Introduction by J. Parker Norris. Illustrations by Theodore Jasper . . . and W. Otto Emerson. Col- umbus [O.], Hann & Adair, 1889. 5 pp. I., 455, xii pp. 13 pi. (incl. front.). 23 cm - The first edition was published in 1885 under title: An egg check list of North American birds. 52 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY DAVIE, OLIVER. Nests and eggs of North Ameri- can birds. By Oliver Davie. The fifth edition revised, augmented and illustrated. Part n. Ornithological and oological collecting. (The preparation of skin, nests and eggs for the cabinet.) Columbus, The Lon- don Press, 1898. 509, 18, xvi, pp. front., ill. in text. DAVIE, OLIVER. Reveries and recollections of a naturalist. By Oliver Davie . . . with illus. Colum- bus, 1898. 106 pp. front. 23^ cm * Edition de luxe. DAVIS, C. H. Narrative of the North polar expedi- tion U.S. Ship Polaris, Capt. C. F. Hall commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson ... by Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S. Naval "Ob- servatory, 1876. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1876. 696 pp. illus. 26| cm - DAWSON, WILLIAM LEON. The birds of Ohio; a complete scientific and popular description of the 320 species of birds found in the state. By William Leon Dawson . . . with introduction and analytical keys by Lynds Jones . . . Illustrated by 80 plates in color-photography and more than 200 original half- tones, showing the favorite haunts of the birds, flock- ing, feeding, nesting, etc., from photographs taken by the author and others . . . Columbus, The Wheaton Publishing Co., 1903. xlvii, 674 pp., incl. front., illus. 27 cm - "Original edition, limited to one thousand copies." This copy not numbered. DAWSON, WILLIAM LEON. The birds of Wash- ington ; a complete scientific and popular account of the 372 species of birds found in the state. By William 53 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Leon Dawson . . . assisted by John Hooper Bowles. Seattle, The Occidental Publishing Co., 1909. 2 vols. front., illus., plates (partly col.). 33 cm- Paged contin- uously; Vol. I, 4 pp., I., iii-xvii pp., II., 458 pp.; vol. 2, 3 pp. I., iii pp., n., [4591-997 PP- "Of this work in all 'its editions 1250 copies have been printed and the plates destroyed." 15 additional plates by Allan Brooks. Patron's edition. DEARBORN, NED. A preliminary list of the birds of Belknap and Merrimac Counties, New Hampshire, with notes. By Ned Dearborn. Presented to the fac- ulty of the N.H. College of Agr. and the Mechanic Arts as a thesis for the degree of M.S., June, 1898. Durham, N.H., College, 1898. 34 pp. 22 cm - DEATH VALLEY EXPEDITION. A biological survey of parts of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. Part n . . . Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1893. 402 pp. front., illus., 14 pi., 5 maps. 23' (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of orni- thology and mammology. North American fauna no. 7.) Part I, not published (1908). DE KAY, JAMES E. Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna, comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state of New York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appro- priate illustrations. By James E. De Kay. Part n. Birds. Albany, Printed by Carroll & Cook, 1844. xii, 380 pp. 141 col. pi. DELABARRE, E. B. Report of the Brown- Harvard Expedition to Nachrak, Labrador, in the year 1900. By E. B. Delabarre. 1902. pp. 65-212. illus., front., map. 24 cm> (Bulletin of the Geo. Society of Phil., vol. in, no. 4.) 54 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY DELATTRE, M. A. Notes ornithologiques sur les collections rapportees en 1853, par M. A. Delattre, et classification parallelique des passereaux chanteurs, par Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Paris, Mallet-Bache- lier, . . . 1854. 95 pp. ~ DELAWARE VALLEY ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Abstract of the proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia (1890- 1901). v. p. 23 cm - DELAWARE VALLEY CLUB OF PHILADEL- PHIA. Proceedings, 1901-10. 3 vols., illus., maps. 25 m< DESCOURTILZ, J. T. See p. 187. PESFONTAINES, REN LOUICHE. Desfon- taines's m6moire sur quelques nouvelles especes d'oiseaux des c6tes de Barbaric. Edited by Alfred Newton . . . London, 1880. iv, pp. 496-505. pi. x-xvi. 26 cm - [The Willughby Society.] DESMAREST, ANSELME-GAETAN. Histoire naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins et des Todiers. Par Anselme-Gaetan Desmarest; avec figures impri- mis en couleur, d'apres les dessins de Mile. Pauline de Courcelles, 61&ve de Barraband. Paris, 1805. 136 pp. 27 col. pi. 52 cm - DESMAREST, ANSELME-GAETAN. Histoire naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins et des Todiers. Par Anselme-Gaetan Desmarest; avec figures impri- mis en couleur, d'apres les dessins de Mile. Pauline de Courcelles, 61eve de Barraband. Paris, Garnery, . . . Delacheuss6e, . . . 1805. 8 pp. and descriptive text to plates. 2 plates of each bird, I col. 58 cm- DES MURS, O. Iconographie ornithologique. Nouveau recueil general de planches peintes d'oiseaux, 55 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION pour servir de suite et de complement aux planches enluminees de Buffon. Edition en folio et en 4, de rimprimerie royale, 1770, et aux planches coloriees de Mm. Temminck et Laugier de Chartrouse, m6mes formats, accompagn d'un texte raisonne, critique et descriptif. Publi6 par O. Des Murs. A Paris, Fried- rich Klincksiech, 1849. 72 col. pi. 46 cm - DES MURS, O. Oiseaux. Paris, Bertrand, 1855. 98pp. 2i| cm- (Expedition dans les parties centrales de 1'Amerique du Sud . . . sous la direc- tion du Comte Francis de Castelnau. Zoologie.) DEWAR, DOUGLAS. Bombay ducks; an account of some of the every-day birds and beasts found in a naturalist's Eldorado. By Douglas Dewar; with nu- merous illustrations from photographs of living birds, by Captain F. D. S. Fayrer, I. M.S. London, New York, J. Lane, 1906. xii, 304 pp. front., plates. 23 cm> DEWAR, DOUGLAS. Indian birds; being a key to the common birds of the plains of India. By Douglas Dewar. London, John Lane; New York, John Lane Co., 1910. 228 pp. 20 cm - DIONNE, CHARLES EUSfiBE. Les oiseaux de la province de Quebec. Par C. E. Dionne . . . Quebec, Dussault & Proulx, 1906. 414 pp. n. illus., 8 pi. (incl. front.). 24 , cm. DIONNE, CHARLES EUSfiBE. Les oiseaux du Canada. Par C. E. Dionne . . . Quebec, P. G. Delisle, 1883. xliii, 284 pp., n. illus. I9 cm> Title vignette. DIXON, CHARLES. Among the birds in northern shires. By Charles Dixon. With col. front, and 40 56 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY other illus., by Charles Whymper. Blackie and Son, Ltd., London, Glasgow, and Dublin, 1900. x, 303 pp., col. front. 40 illus. 23 .cm. DIXON, CHARLES. Annals of bird life. A year- book of British ornithology. By Charles Dixon, with illus. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1890. viii, 352 pp. front., illus. 2i cm ' DIXON, CHARLES. The birds of our rambles, a companion for the country. By Charles Dixon . . . with illus. by A. T. Elwes. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1891. x, 449 pp. front., illus. 2i cm- DIXON, CHARLES. Curiosities of bird life; an account of the sexual adornments, wonderful display, strange sounds, sweet songs, curious nests, protective and recognitory colours, and extraordinary habits of birds. By Charles Dixon . . . London, G. Redway, 1897. 2 pp. I., [vii]-xii, 322 pp. 2o| cm - DIXON, CHARLES. The game birds and wild fowl of the British Islands, being a handbook for the natu- ralist and sportsman. By Charles Dixon. With illus. by A. T. Elwes, coloured. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1895. xv, 468 pp. front., col. illus. 23 cm< DIXON, CHARLES. Jottings about birds. By Charles Dixon. With coloured frontispiece by J. Smit. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1893. iv, 239 pp. front., col. 2i cm< DIXON, CHARLES. Lost and vanishing birds; being a record of some remarkable extinct species and a plea for some threatened forms. By Charles Dixon . . . with ten plates, by Charles Whymper. London, J. Macqueen, 1898. 295 [i] pp. 10 pi. (incl. front.). 57 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION DIXON, CHARLES. The nests and eggs of British birds, when and where to find them; being a hand- book to the oology of the British Islands. By Charles Dixon . . . London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1893. xii, 371 pp. 2i m - DIXON, CHARLES. Our rarer birds; being studies in ornithology and oology. By Charles Dixon; with 70 illus. by Charles Whymper and a frontispiece by J. G. Keulemans. London, Richard Bentley & Son, 1888. xiv, 378 pp. front., 70 illus. 23 cm< DIXON, CHARLES. Rural bird life; being essays on ornithology, with instructions for preserving objects relating to that science. By Charles Dixon; with 45 illus. and a preface, by Elliott Coues. Boston, Estes & Lauriat (1880). xvi, 374 pp. front., illus. 2O cm - DIXON, CHARLES. Rural bird life; being essays on ornithology, with instructions for preserving objects relating to that science. By Charles Dixon; with a frontispiece in colours, and numerous illus. engraved on wood, by G. Pearson. Second edition. London. Longman, Green & Co., 1882. xiv, 374 pp. front., illus. 19 ,.cm. DIXON, CHARLES. Stray feathers from many birds; being leaves from a naturalist's notebook. By Charles Dixon . . . with numerous illus. by Charles Whymper. London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1890. viii, 231 pp. front., illus. 23 cm< DIXON, GEORGE. A voyage round the world; but more particularly to the North-West coast of America: performed in 1785-1788 in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon ... By Capt. George Dixon. London, Geo. Goulding, 1789. xxix, 360, 48 pp. maps and illus. 28 cm> 58 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY DOAN, WILLIAM D. Birds of West Virginia. (In West Virginia Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 3, Dec., 1888, pp. 47-88.) DONOVAN, E. The natural history of British birds; or a selection of the most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds which inhabit this country: the descriptions from the Systema naturae of Linnaeus; with general observations, either original or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornitholo- gists; and illustrated figures. . . . By E. Donovan. In 5 vols. London . . . 1799. 5 vols., col. pi. 24 cm ' DONOVAN, E. The naturalist's repository, or monthly miscellany of exotic natural history: consist- ing of elegantly coloured plates with appropriate scientific and general descriptions of the most curious, scarce, and beautiful productions of nature that have been recently discovered in various parts of the world. . . . The whole composed according to the latest im- provements in the various departments of the sciences, and forming collectively a truly valuable compendium of the most important discoveries of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, shells, marine productions, and every other interesting object of natural history, the produce of foreign climates. By E. Donovan, Lon- don . . . 1823-1827. 5 vols., col. pi. 24 cm - D'ORBIGNY, ALCIDES. Historia fisica politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba. Por D. Ramon de la Sagra. Aves por M. Alcides D'Orbigny. . . . Paris. En la libreria de Arthus Bertrand, 1839. 220 pp. 31 col. pi. 40 cm - DRESSER, HENRY EELES. Eggs of the birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palaearctic area. By H. E. Dresser. London, 59 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION published by the author (by special permission) at the office of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds . . . 1910. 2 vols. 1 06 pi. 3i| cm> Vol. i, letterpress; vol. 2, plates. Contains autograph letter from author in vol. I. DRESSER, HENRY EELES. A history of the birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palaearctic region. By H. E. Dresser . . . London, The Author, 1871-1881. 8 vols., col. plates. 34 cm Each volume has also special title-page, illus. Issued in parts: pts. 1-13, prepared in collaboration with R. B. Sharpe. DRESSER, HENRY EELES. A manual of pate- arctic birds. By H. E. Dresser . . . London, The author, 1902-03. 2 vols. front, (i col.) 23^ cm ' Paged continuously; pt. I: vii, [7] 498 pp., li; pt. II: [7] 499- 922 pp. DRESSER, HENRY EELES. A monograph of the Coraciidse, or the family of the Rollers. By H. E. Dresser. Pub. by the author at Topelyffe Grange*; Farnborough, R.S.O., Kent, 1893. in pp. 27 col. pi. 40 cm - DRESSER, HENRY EELES. A monograph of the Meropida^, or family of the Bee-eaters. By H. E. Dresser. London. Published by the author . . . 1884-1886. xix, 144 pp., col. pi. DRESSER, HENRY EELES. On certain species of Aquila. By H. E. Dresser (1873). Monograph of the Genus Saxicola. By W. T. Blanford and H. E. Dresser [etc.] . . . n. d. v. p. 4 col. pi. 23 cm> 60 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY DUGMORE, A. RADCLYFFE. Bird homes. The nests, eggs and breeding habits of the land birds breed- ing in the eastern United States, with hints on the rearing and photographing of young birds. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore. Illus. with photographs from nature, by the author. New York, Doubleday & McClure Co., 1900. xvi, 183 pp. pi. front., illus. (some col.). 26 cm - DUGMORE, A. RADCLYFFE. Camera adven- tures in the African wilds; being an account of a four months' expedition in British East Africa, for the pur- pose of securing photographs of the game from life. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore, with 140 photographs from life, by the author. New York. Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910. xix, 233 pp. front., many photographs. DUNCAN, T. C. Ostrich farming in America. By J. C. Duncan, M.D., Ph.D. (1888). Pp. 685-702, front, and illus. 22| cm ' (Report on ostrich farming, U.S. Dept. of Agr., 1888.) DURY, CHARLES. Papers on the destruction of native birds. By Chas. Dury. From Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Nat. Hist., 1886. No t.-p., 179- 224 pp. 22 cm> DUTCHER, BASIL HICKS. Bird notes from Little Gull Island, Suffolk Co., N.Y. By Basil Hicks Dutcher. Bird notes from Long Island, New York. By William Dutcher. 126-139 pp. 2 4 m ' (From "The Auk," vol. vi, no. 2, April, 1889.) DUTCHER, WILLIAM. A contribution to the life history of the Herring Gull (Larus Argentatus) in the United States. By William Dutcher and William L. Bailey, pp. 418-431, pi. xxi and xxn. 22| cm - (From "The Auk," vol. xx, Oct., 1903.) 6l JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION DWIGHT, JONATHAN, JR. Index to the bulle- tin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, volumes i-vm, 1876-1883, and its continuation "The Auk," volumes l-xvii, 1884-1900. Compiled by a committee of the American Ornithologists' Union, edited by Jonathan Dwight, Jr., M.D. New York, 1907. viii, 426 pp. 24' cm. DWIGHT, JONATHAN, JR. The Ipswich spar- row (Ammodramus princeps Maynard) and its sum- mer home. By Jonathan Dwight, Jr. With a colored plate. Cambridge, Mass. Pub. by the Club, August, i895- 5 6 pp., col. front. 27- (Memoirs of the Nut- tall Ornithological Club, no. n.) DWIGHT, JONATHAN, JR. The sequence of plumages and moults of the Passerine birds of New York. By Jonathan Dwight, Jr. (March, 1899.) pp. 73-360. 7 pi. 24 cm ,' No t.-p. EATON, ELON HOWARD. Birds of New York. By Elon Howard Eaton. Albany, Univ. of the State of New York, 1910. 501 pp., 42 col. pi. so ' (New York State Museum, Memoir 12.) ECKSTORM, MRS. FANNIE (HARDY). The woodpeckers. By Fannie Hardy Eckstorm . . . Bos- ton and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1901. 4 pp. i., 131, [i] p. col. front., illus., col. plates. EDWARDS, GEORGE. A discourse on the emi- gration of British birds; or this question at last solved: Whence came the stork . . . containing a curious, particular and circumstantial account of the respective retreats of all those birds of passage, . . . also a copi- ous, entertaining, and satisfactory relation of winter birds of passage ... By a naturalist. London, J. Walker, 1795. xv, 64 pp. 2i| cm> 62 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY EDWARDS, GEORGE. A natural history of un- common birds and some other rare and undescribed animals, quadrupeds, reptiles, fishes, insects, etc.; exhibited in 362 copper plates from designs copied immediately from nature and curiously coloured after life, with a full and accurate description of each figure : to which is added a brief and general idea of drawing and painting in water-colours, with instructions for etching on copper with aqua-fortis; likewise some thoughts on the passage of birds and additions to many of the subjects described in this work: in 7 parts. Lon- don. Printed for the author at the College of Physi- cians [1743-1746]. so ' Paged con- tinuously. Added t.-p. for vol. I and t.-p. for vols. 2-4 read, with minor changes: A natural history of birds, most of which have not been figur'd or described. t.-p. for vols. 5-7 reads: Gleanings of natural history . . . ; t.-p. also given in French and the text in French and English. Same. t.-p. of vol. I. gives 210 plates, and 4 parts. Same as copy 2. Bound in 4 vols. Vol. 4 contains Illustrations of Natural History, by Peter Brown. EDWARDS, GEORGE. Verzameling van Uit- landsche en Zeldzaame Vogelen, benevens eenige vreemde dieren en Plantgewassen : in 't Engelsch naauwkeurig beschreeven en naar 't leven met Kleuren afgebeeld, door G. Edwards en M. Catesby: Vervol- gens, ten opzigt van de Plaaten merkelyk verbeterd, in 't Hoogduitsch uitgeven door . . . M. Houttuyn, Amsterdam, Jan Christiaan, Sepp. 1752-1781. 3 vols. 100 col. pi. 43 cm - Issued in 10 parts. Very rare. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained by the expedition into 63 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Somaliland. By D. G. Elliot, C. B. Cory, Curator of Dept. Chicago, U.S.A., Feb., 1897. (East Africa collection of birds.) 29-67 pp. 25 cm> ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. The gallinaceous game birds of North America, including the partridges, grouse, ptarmigan, and wild turkeys ... by Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . with forty-six plates. London, Suckling & Co., 1897. xviii, 220 pp., n. 46 pi. (incl. front.), col. chart. 2i cm * ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Bucerotidse, or family of the Hornbills. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . [London.] Published for the sub- scribers by the author [printed by Taylor and Francis], 1882. xxxii, [117] pp. 59 (i.e., 60) pi. (partly col.). 39 cm Originally issued in 10 pts., 1877-82. "Anorrhinus austeni" (pi. 44), mentioned in contents, is not figured, as no specimens are obtainable. Original edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Paradiseidse, or Birds of Paradise. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . [London.] For the subscribers, by the author, 1873. xxxii, [90] pp. 37 col. pi. The descriptive text accompanying the plates is sepa- rately paged (1-3 pages to each plate). Single pages are unnumbered. Hand-colored plates. The first plate is not colored. Original edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Phasianidae, or family of the Pheasants. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . New York, The author, 1872. 2 vols. 8 1 pi. (79 col.). 61**' Issued in six parts, 1870-72. The rarest and finest of all Elliot's ornithological works. Original edition. 64 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Pittidse, or family of Ant Thrushes. By Daniel Giraud . . . New York, D. Appleton& Co., 1863. 99 (2) pp. front., col. pi. SSI 00 ' Original edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Pittidae, or family of Ant Thrushes. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . London, Bernard Quaritch, 15 Picca- dilly, W., 1893-1895. 99 (2) pp. 50 col. pi. 55 cm< Plates, with preface, introduction, and descriptive text. Original edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. A monograph of the Tetraoninae, or family of the Grouse. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . New York, The author, 1865. 10 pp. i., [40] pp. 27 col. pi. 6o cm ' Published in five parts, 1864-65. Each plate accompa- nied by from one to three pages of descriptive letterpress. Original edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. North American shore birds; a history of the snipes, sandpipers, plovers and their allies, inhabiting the beaches and marshes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the prairies and the shores of the inland lakes and rivers of the North American continent . . . By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . With seventy-four plates. New York, F. P. Harper, 1895. xvi, 17-268 pp., illus., 71 pi. (incl. front.). 2i cm - First edition. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. 1 The wild fowl of the United States and British possessions; or, The Swan, Geese, Ducks, and Mergansers of North America . . . By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . with sixty-three plates. 1 See page 187. 65 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION New York, F. P. Harper, 1898. xxii, 19-316 pp. front, port., 63 pi. 2i cm - First edition. ELROD, M. J. Birds in their relation to agriculture. The wealth of Montana as shown by statistics. By Morton J. Elrod. University of Montana, Missoula, Mont. 1904. pp. 173-190 and 197-208. 8 pi. 22^ cm - (Reprint from 2d Annual Report, Mont. State Board of Farmers' Institutes.) ESSEX INSTITUTE. Bulletin. Salem, Mass., Essex Institute Press, 1870-98. 15 vols., illus. 22| crt - EVANS, ARTHUR HUMBLE. Birds. By A. H. Evans . . . London, New York, Macmillan and Co., limited, 1900. xvi, 635 pp. front, (fold, map), illus. 23S (Half-title : The Cambridge natural history, ed. by S. F. Harmer . . . and A. E. Shipley . . . vol. ix.) EVANS, ARTHUR HUMBLE. Turner on birds: a short history of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle, first published by Dr. William Turner, 1544. Edited, with introduction, translation, notes and appendix, by A. H. Evans, M.A. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1903. xviii, 223 pp. 23 cm- Latin on left-hand page, English on right. EYTON, THOMAS CAMPBELL. A history of the rarer British birds. By T. C. Eyton . . . London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman [etc.], 1836. vi pp., H., 101 pp., illus. 22 cm - Title vignette. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Parts 1-7. (Bos- ton Society of Natural History. Occasional Papers, vol. 7.) Boston, 1904-1906. n. p. 66 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY FAXON, WALTER. Brewster's Warbler. By Walter Faxon. With one plate. Cambridge, U.S.A. Printed for the Museum, Jan., 1911. Pp. 57-78. I col. pi. 32 cm - [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. XL, no. 2.] FAXON, WALTER. The birds of Berkshire County, Mass. By Walter Faxon and Ralph Hoffman. 60 pp. FINLEY, WILLIAM LOVELL. American birds, studied and photographed from life. By William Lovell Finley; illustrated from photographs, by Her- man T. Bohlman and the author. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. xvi, 256 pp. front., 47 pi. FINN, FRANK. Ornithological and other oddities. By Frank Finn . . . late deputy superintendent of the Indian Museum, Calcutta; with fifty-six illustrations reproduced from photographs. London, New York, J. Lane Company, 1907. xvi pp., n., 294 pp., n. front., plates. 23 ,cm. FINSCH, OTTO. Die Papageien, Monographisch Bearbeitet. Von Dr. Otto Finsch. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1867-68. 3 vols., illus., col. pi., map. 24 .cm. FISHER, ALBERT KENRICK. The economic value of predaceous birds and mammals. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Yearbook, 1908, pp. 187-194, pi. i-ni. 23 cm - Washington, 1909.) FISHER, ALBERT KENRICK. . . . Hawks and Owls from the standpoint of the farmer. By A. K. Fisher . . . Washington, 1895. [18] pp., illus., plates. 22| cm " 67 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION FISHER, ALBERT KENRICK. The Hawks and Owls 'of the United States in their relation to agri- culture, prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam ... by A. K. Fisher . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893. 210 pp. 25 col. pi. FISHER, ALBERT KENRICK. Two vanishing game birds the Woodcock and the Wood Duck. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Yearbook, 1901, pp. 447- 458. illus., pi. LXIII-LXIV. 23 cm< Washington, 1902.) FISHER, WALTER KENRICK. A new Procel- sterna from the Leeward Islands, Hawaiian Group. By Walter K. Fisher. (U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 26, PP. 559-5630 23 cm ' -FISHER, WALTER KENRICK. Birds of Lay- san and the Leeward Islands, Hawaiian Group. By Walter K. Fisher. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903. 39 pp. 10 pi. 28| cm ' FLAGG, WILSON. A year with the birds; or, The birds and seasons of New England. By Wilson Flagg . . . Boston, Estes and Lauriat, 1881. 2 pp. I., iv, 324 pp. 19^' Portions of the work originally published in 1875 under title: The birds and seasons of New England. FLAGG, WILSON. The birds and seasons of New England. By Wilson Flagg, with illus. Boston, James R. Osgood and Co., 1875. vi,457pp. front., illus. 2i cm- FORBES, HENRY O. A naturalist's wanderings in the eastern archipelago. A narrative of travel and exploration from 1878-1883. By Henry O. Forbes. 68 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY With numerous illus. from the author's sketches and descriptions, by Mr. John B. Gibbs. New York, Harper & Bros., 1885. xix, 536 pp. front, (col.), illus. and maps. 23 cm- FORBES, S. A. The food of birds. By S. A. Forbes, 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., pp. 120-176. 22 cm - FORBES, S. A. An ornithological cross-section of Illinois in autumn. (Bulletin of the Illinois State Lab- oratory of Nat. Hist., vol. VH, 1907, pp. 305-335.) 26' cm. FORBUSH, EDWARD HOWE. The destruction of birds by the elements in 1903-04. Special report by Edward Howe Forbush, Wareham, Mass, front., illus. 223 m ' (Prepared under the direction of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture, pp. 429-543.) FORBUSH, EDWARD HOWE. A history of the game birds, wild fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and adjacent states ... By Edward Howe Forbush . . . Illustrated with drawings by W. I. Beecroft and the author and photographs by Herbert K. Job and others. Issued by the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. By authority of the Legislature, 1912. xvi, 622 pp. col. front., 36 pi., illus. in text. FORBUSH, EDWARD HOWE. Special report on the decrease of certain birds, and its causes, with sug- gestions for bird protection. By Edward Howe For- bush. pp. 430-543; front., I illus. 22^ cm ' (Prepared under the direction of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture.) FORBUSH, EDWARD HOWE. Statutory bird protection in Massachusetts. By Edward Howe For- bush, 1907. 14 pp. 23 cm< (Printed from the Sept., 1907, bulletin of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture.) 69 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION FORBUSH, EDWARD HOWE. Useful birds and their protection, containing brief descriptions of the more common and useful species of Massachusetts, with accounts of their food habits and a chapter on the means of attracting and protecting birds. By Edward Howe Forbush. Illustrated by the author, C. A. Lyford, C. A. Reed and others. Published under direction of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture by authority of the Legislature, xx, 457 pp. front., illus. FOREST AND STREAM. Pictures from "Forest and Stream." Thirty- two proof impressions selected from the " Forest and Stream." New York, Forest and Stream Publishing Company, 1901. FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. An account of the birds sent from Hudson's Bay; with observations relative to the natural history; and Latin descriptions of some of the most uncommon. By J. R. Forster. 53 pp. 22 cm> [The Willughby Society, vol. LXII.] FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. Forster's Ani- mals of Hudson's Bay. Edited by Philip Lutley Sclater, . . . London, 1882. iv, 53 pp. 22f cm - [The Willughby Society.] FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. Forster's Cata- logue of the animals of North America, or Faunula Americana. Edited by Philip Lutley Sclater . . . London, 1882. iv, 43 pp. I pi. 23 cm> [The Willughby Society.] FORSTER, JOHN REINHQLD. Indian Zoology, second edition. London. Printed by Henry Hughs for Robert Faulder, 1790. viii, 161 pp. 16 pi. 26 cm - 70 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY FORSTER, THOMAS. Observations of the natural history of the Swallow tribe ; with collateral statement of facts relative to their migration and to their brumal torpidity, and a copious table of reference to authors. Illustrated by figures of 5 species, engraved on wood by Willis. To which is added a general catalogue of British birds. By Thomas Forster. London . . . 1817. xiv, 97 pp. illus. FOSTER, L. S. A consideration of some ornitho- logical literature, with extracts from current criticism. I, 1876 to 1883. n, 1884 to 1893. By L. S. Foster. 53 PP- FOWLER, WILLIAM WARDE. Summer studies of birds and books. By W. Warde Fowler . . . Lon- don and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1895. x, 288 pp., incl. illus., pi. FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-22. By John Franklin, Capt. . . . Third edition. Two vols. London, John Murray . . . 1824. 2 vols., maps. 22 cm> FREILIGRATH, F. Epistel an Audubon nebst einer Antwort aus Amerika au Freiligrath (De Angmarset). Philadelphia, 1844. 1 6 pp. I4| cm> FREMONT, JOHN C. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842 and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843- 44. By Brevet-Captain J. C. Fremont . . . Washing- ton, Gales and Seaton, 1845. 693 pp., pi., maps. 24 cm< Original edition printed by order of the U.S. Senate. FROHAWK, F. W., Artist. Weaver birds. Plates (partly col.), with descriptive text. v. p. 26 cm- Not.-p., n. d. Name of author not given. 71 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION GADOW, HANS. Through Southern Mexico; being an account of the travels of a naturalist. By Hans Gadow. With over 160 full-page and other illus. and maps. London, Witherby & Co.; New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. xvi, 527 pp. front., 160 full- page and other illus. GAMBEL, WILLIAM. Remarks on the birds observed in Upper California, with descriptions of new species. By William Gambel. pp. 25-26. 2 col. pi. 33 cm " GATKE, HEINRICH. Heligoland as an ornitho- logical observatory ; the result of fifty years' experience. By Heinrich Gatke . . . tr. by R. Rosenstock . . . Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1895. x pp., n., 599 pp. front., illus., port. GENTRY, THOMAS GEORGE. Life-histories of the birds of eastern Pennsylvania. By Thomas G. Gentry . . . Philadelphia. Pub. by the author, 1876- 77. 2 vols. 2o| cm- Vol. 2 has imprint: Salem, Mass., The Naturalists' Agency, 1877. GENTRY, THOMAS GEORGE. Nests and eggs of birds of the United States ... By Thomas G. Gentry . . . Philadelphia, J. A. Wagenseller, 1882. x, 300 pp. front, port., I. (i.e. 54) col. pi. GENTRY, THOMAS GEORGE. The House- Sparrow at home and abroad, with some concluding remarks upon its usefulness, and copious references to the literature of the subject. By Thomas G. Gentry. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelinger. 1878. l-vi, 128 pp. front. 23' GERARDIN, SfeBASTIEN. Tableau 61ementaire d'ornithologie 1'histoire naturelle des oiseaux que Ton 72 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY rencontre communement en France . . . Par Sebas- tien Gerardin. Paris, G e Dufour et E. d'Ocagne . . . 1822. 2 Vols. 22 cm> GERARDIN, S&BASTIEN. Recueil de planches du tableau 616mentaire d'ornithologie, ou histoire naturelle des oiseaux que Ton rencontre commune- ment en France: Prec6d6 d'un trait6 sur la maniere naturelle, . . . Par Sebastien Gerardin (DeMirecourt). Paris, G. Dufour et E. d'Ocagne. Amsterdam, G. Dufour et Compagnie, 1822. 144 pp. 41 pi. 30"- GERINI, GIOVANNI. Storia naturale deliguccelli trattata con metodo e adornata de figure intagliate in Rame e miniate al naturale. . . . Firenze, 1767-1776. 5 vols., t.-p. in Italian and Latin. 599 col. pi. GIBBS, MORRIS. Annotated list of the birds of Michigan. By Dr. Morris Gibbs. 1879. pp. 481-497. 22 cm< (U.S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin.) GIEBEL, C. G. The saurus Ornithologiae. Reper- torium der gesammten Ornithologischen literatur und Nomenclator Sammtlicher gattungen und arten der vogel nebst synonymen und geographischer verbrei- tung. Von Dr. C. G. Giebel. Leipzig, 1872-1877. 6 vols. 25 cm - GILLISS, J. M. The U.S. naval astronomical expe- dition to the Southern hemisphere during the years 1849-50-51-52, Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, superintendent. Chile: its geography, climate, [etc.]. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliss. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1855. 2 vols. illus. and maps, so *' GIRAUD, JACOB P., JR. The birds of Long Island. By J. P. Giraud, Jr. New York, Wiley & Putnam, 1844. xxi, 397 pp., col. pi. 73 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION GIRAUD, JACOB P., JR. A description of 16 new species of N.A. birds, described in the annals of the New York Lyceum of Nat. Hist. By Jacob P. Giraud, Jr., collected in Texas, 1838. New York, Geo. F. Nesbitt, 1841. col. pi. with des. text. 45 -cm. GMELIN, JO. FRID. Caroli a Linn6 equitis aurati de stella polari, . . . Systema Natufae per regna tria naturae, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. Cura Jo. Frid. Gmelin, Lepsiae, Georg. Emanuel. Beer, 1788. 7 vols. 22| cm - Vol. I, 7 pts. vol. n, 2 pts. vol. HI, i pt. GODMAN, FREDERICK DU CANE. A mono- graph of the Petrels (order Tubinares). By Frederick du Cane Godman. . . . With hand-colored plates, by J. G. Keulemans. Witherby & Co., London, 1907- 1910. 2 vols. (2 parts), 381 pp. 103 col. pi. 34 Paged continuously. GODMAN, FREDERICK DU CANE. Natural history of the Azores, or, Western Islands. By Fred- erick du Cane Godman. London, John van Voorst, 1870. v, 358 pp. front, map. 23 ,cm. GODMAN, JOHN D. American natural history. By John D. Godman. Second edition. Philadelphia, Key & Michkie, 1831. 3 vols. 22| cm> GODMAN, JOHN D. Rambles of a naturalist. By John D. Godman, M.D., to which are added reminis- cences of a voyage to India, by Reynell Coates, M.D. Philadelphia, Thomas T. Ash, Key and Biddle, 1833. 151 pp. 18"*' GOLDI, EMIL AUGUST. Against the destruction of White Herons and Red Ibises on the lower Amazon, 74 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY especially on the island of Maraj6. Two memorials presented in 1895 and 1896 to His Excellency the governor of the state of Para and the Legislature. By Prof. Dr. Emil A. Goldi . . . Second ed. Tr. from the Portuguese into English. by Mr. Wm. H. Clifford. Para, Brazil, 1904. Second edition. 20 pp. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. A history of the earth and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith, with numerous notes from the works of the most distin- guished British and foreign naturalists. Blackie & Son . . . London, 1855. 2 vols. front, ports., illus. and pi. 24| cm> 2 t.-p., I col. GOODE, GEORGE BROWN. Bibliography of the published writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, F.R.S., Secretary of the Zoological Society of London. Pre- pared under the direction of G. Brown Goode. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1896. xix, 135 pp. front, port. 2& m ' GOSS, N. S. History of the birds of Kansas. By N. S. Goss. Illustrating 529 birds. Topeka, Kansas, Geo. W. Crane & Co., 1891. 692 pp. 35 pi. 26 cm> GOSS, N. S. A revised catalogue of the birds of Kansas, with descriptive notes of the nests and eggs of the birds known to breed in the state. By N. S. Goss . . . Topeka, Kansas, publishing house of T. D. Thacher, State Printer, 1886. iv, 76 pp. 24 cm - GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. The birds of Jamaica. By Philip Henry Gosse ; assisted by Richard Hill, Esq., of Spanish-town. London, J. van Voorst, 1847. x, 447, [i] pp. I9f m Plates were issued in 4, 1849, with title: Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica. 75 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. The Canadian natur- alist. A series of conversations on the natural history of lower Canada. By P. H. Gosse. Illus. by forty-four engravings. London, John van Voorst, 1840. xii, 372 pp. 44 engravings. 2O cm< GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. Evenings at the micro- scope; or, Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life. By Philip Henry Gosse. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1896. xii, 480 pp., illus. 2O cm - GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. Letters from Alabama (U.S.), chiefly relating to natural history. By Philip Henry Gosse. London, Morgan & Chase, 1859. xii, 306 pp. illus. in text. i8 c jcm. GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. A naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast. By Philip Henry Gosse. London, John van Voorst, 1853. xvi, 451 pp. front. 28 pi. (some col.). 2O cm< GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. By Philip Henry Gosse, assisted by Richard Hill. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, 1851. xxiv, 508 pp. front., 6 col. pi. 2O cm- GOULD, AUGUSTUS A. Report of the inverte- brata of Massachusetts comprising the Mollusca, Crus- tacea, Annelida and Radiata, published agreeably to an order of the legislature by the commissioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state. Cam- bridge, 1841. xiii, 373 pp. 213 fig. on 15 pi. 23 cm - GOULD, JOHN. The birds of Asia. By John Gould . . . London. Printed by Taylor and Francis, pub. by the author, 1850-83. 7 vols. 530 col. pi. 56| cm> Completed after the author's death by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Each plate accompanied by leaf with descriptive letterpress. 76 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY GOULD, JOHN. The birds of Europe. By John Gould . . . London. Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837. 5 vols. 449 col. pi. 56"*- Issued in parts, 1832-37. Plates drawn from life and on stone by J. and E. Gould and E. Lear. Each plate accompanied by leaf with descriptive letterpress. GOULD, JOHN. The birds of Great Britain. By John Gould, F.R.S., etc. . . . London. Printed by Taylor and Francis, pub. by the author, 1873. 5 vols., col. pi. 56| cm> 376 pi. (colored by hand), with introduc- tion and accompanying letterpress; issued in 25 parts, 1862-73. GOULD, JOHN. The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands, including many new species recently discovered in Australia. By John Gould. Completed after the author's death by R. Bowdler Sharpe. London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1875-88. 5 vols., col. pi. 56| cm> GOULD, JOHN. A century of birds from the Him- alaya Mountains. By John Gould. London, 1832. 56 cm< Two copies, each 80 col. pi. I without text and mss. list of pi. 2 pi. with descriptive text. PI. drawn from nature by E. Gould. This is the first of Gould's great folio of birds and is the scarcest of them. GOULD, JOHN. An introduction to the birds of Australia. By John Gould. London. Printed for the author by Richard and John E. Taylor . . . 1848. viii, 134 pp. 22| cm - GOULD, JOHN. Handbook to the birds of Aus- tralia. By John Gould. In two volumes. London. Published by the author . . . 1865. 2 vols. 25| cm< 77 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION GOULD, JOHN. An introduction to the birds of Great Britain. By John Gould. London. Printed for the author by Taylor and Francis . . . 1873. iv, 135 pp. 22 cm - GOULD, JOHN. An introduction to the Trochilidae or family of Hummingbirds. By John Gould. London. Printed for the author by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, 1861. iv, 216 pp. 23 m - GOULD, JOHN. A monograph of the Odonto- phorinae, or Partridges of America. By John Gould . . . London. Published by the author, 1850. 4 pp., I., [ii]-23 pp. 33 I. 32 col. pi. 56^- A few of the leaves are printed on both sides. GOULD, JOHN. Monograph of the Pittidae. By John Gould . . . Part I . . . London. Pub. by the author, 1880. Cover-title, 10, I., 10 col. pi. 57 cm- No more published. "The illustrations are principally taken from the author's works on the 'Birds of Asia,' 'Australia,' and 'New Guinea.'" Each plate accompanied by leaf with descriptive letterpress. GOULD, JOHN. A monograph of the Ramphas- tidae, or family of Toucans. By John Gould . . . Lon- don. Published by the author, 1854. 3 PP- x - [9l~ 2 6 pp. 54 i. 52 pi. (51 col.). 56| cm ' A few of the leaves are printed on both sides. GOULD, JOHN. A monograph of the Trochilidae, or family of Hummingbirds. By John Gould . . . London, The author, 1861. 5 vols. 360 col. pi. 56 cm> Plates with preface, introduction, and accompanying letterpress. Originally issued in 25 parts, 1849-61. Supplement. Completed after the author's death by R. Bowdler Sharpe . . . London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1887. I vol., col. pi. and descriptive text. 56 cm - 78 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY GOULD, JOHN. A monograph of the Trogonidze, or family of Trogons. By John Gould. Second ed. London. Printed by Taylor and Francis . . . pub- lished by the author . . . 1875. xx pp. 46 pi. with descriptive text. 56| cm ' GOULD, JOHN. A synopsis of the birds of Aus- tralia, and the adjacent islands. By John Gould . . . London. Published by the author, 1837-38. 4 vols. (4 parts), col. pi. 30- GRAHAME, JAMES. The birds of Scotland, with other poems. By James Grahame. Philadelphia. Pub. by S. F. Bradford, 1807. 103 pp. I9 cm - GRANT, JOHN B. Our common birds and how to know them. By John B. Grant; with sixty-four plates. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1891. 216 pp., incl. pi. I4X20 cm ' GRANT, W. R. OGILVIE. Bird notes. Second list of the birds collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Archipelago [London, March 6, 1887]. On the genus Platalea, with a description of a new species from New Guinea. From the "Ibis," Jan., 1889. On the genus Turnix. ["Ibis "for Oct., 1889]. Notes on Turnix beccarii, Salvador! (July, 1890). Notes on some birds obtained at Madeira, Deserta Grange, and Porto Santo (Oct., 1890). On some new Francolins and a new Hornbill discovered by Mr. F. J. Jackson in East Africa (Jan., 1891). ... A short review of the Francolins belonging to the gen- era Francolinus and Pternistes (Jan., 1892). On the Gallinaceous genera Bambusicola and Arboricola (July, 1892). Notes on Pigeons collected by Mr. A. H. Everett in Mantanani and Banguey, off the North- west coast of Borneo (Oct., 1888), etc. v. p., illus., col. pi. 23 cm - 79 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION GRANT, W. R. OGILVE. A hand-book to the game birds. By W. R. Ogilve Grant. London, Edward Lloyd, limited, 1896-97. 2 vols., col. front., illus. 42 col. pi. i8 cm> GRAVES, GEORGE. British ornithology: being the history with a coloured representation of every known species of British birds. By George Graves. London. Printed for the author. Sherwood, Neeley & Jones, 1811-13. 2 vols., col. pi. 22| cm> First edition (scarce). GRAVES, GEORGE. British ornithology: being the history with a coloured representation of every known species of British birds. By George Graves, assisted by several eminent ornithologists. London . . . Sherwood, Neeley and Jones, 1811-21. 3 vols., col. pi. 25 cm - GRAVES, GEORGE. The naturalist's pocket- book, or, tourist's companion : being a brief introduc- tion to the different branches of natural history, with approved methods for collecting and preserving the various productions of nature. By George Graves . . . London. Printed by W. and S. Graves. . . . in, 335. front, (col.). 22 cm - GRAVES, GEORGE. Ovarium britannicum; being a correct delineation of the eggs of such birds as are .natives of, or domesticated in, Great Britain. By George Graves. London. Printed for the author, and sold by Sherwood, Neeley & Jones [etc.], 1816. vi pp., col. front., 14 col. pi. 23"' GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. Catalogue of British birds in the collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray. London. Printed by order of the trustees, 1863. xii, 247 pp. 23 cm - 80 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. Fasciculus of the birds of China. By G. R. Gray, 1871. (With 12 hand- coloured plates by Wm. Swainson.) 8 pp. 12 col. pi. 33"*' GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. The genera of birds: comprising their generic characters, a notice of the habits of the genus, and an extensive list of species referred to their several genera. By George Robert Gray . . . Illustrated by David William Mitchell . . . 1844-49. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Long- man, 1849. 3 vols., 334 pi. (partly fold., 185 col.), incl. front. 38^' Originally issued in parts, 1844-49. GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. Hand-list of genera and species of birds, distinguishing those contained in the British Museum. By G. R. Gray. London, 1869- 1871. 3 vols., 3 parts. 22^ cm - GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. A List of the genera of birds, with their synonyma and an indication of the typical species of each genus. By George Robert Gray. Second edition . . . London . . . Richard & John E. Taylor, 1841. xii, 115 pp. GRAY, ROBERT. The birds of the west of Scot- land, including the outer Hebrides, with occasional records of the occurrence of the rarer species through- out Scotland generally. By Robert Gray. Glasgow, Thomas Murray & Son, 1871. x, 520 pp. front., illus. GREELY, ADOLPHUS W. International polar expedition. Report on the proceedings of the United States expedition to Lady Franklin Bay. Grinnell Land. By Adolphus W. Greely, . . . Washington, 81 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Government Printing Office, 1888. 2 vols. illus., pi., maps, charts. 30***' GREELY, ADOLPHUS W. Three years of Arctic service; an account of the Lady Franklin Bay expedi- tion of 1881-84 and the attainment of the farthest north. By Adolphus W. Greely. With over 100 illus. made from photographs taken by the party, and origi- nal drawings, and with the official maps and charts. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886. 2 vols. front., illus., maps. 24 cm> GREENE, WILLIAM THOMAS. Birds I have kept in years gone by, with original anecdotes and full directions for keeping them successfully. By W. T. Greene. London, L. Upcott Gill, 1885. viii, 198 pp., col. front, if- GREENE, WILLIAM THOMAS. Birds of the British Empire. By W. T. Greene. London, The Im- perial Press, ltd., 1898. 360 pp., illus. 23 cm> GREENE, WILLIAM THOMAS. Parrots in cap- tivity. By W. T. Greene . . . with notes on several species by the Hon. and Rev. F. G. Dutton . . . Lon- don, G. Bell and Sons, 1884-87. 3 vols. col. front., col. plates. GREW, NEHEMJAH. Catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham College, made by Nehemjah Grew, M.D. . . . Whereunto is subjoined the comparative anatomy of stomach and guts, by the same author. London. Printed by W. Rawlins, for the author, 1681. 43 pp., 31 pi. 32- GRIEVE, SYMINGTON. The Great Auk, or Garefowl (Alca impennis, Linn.), its history, archae- 82 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY ology, and remains. By Symington Grieve . . . Lon- don, T. C. Jack [etc., etc.], 1885. x pp., n., 141 pp., n., 58 pp., incl. front., illus. 3 pi. (2 col.), fold. map. 29 cm> Two copies, same edition, but one has 3 pi. (2 col.), while the other has no pis. GRIEVE, SYMINGTON. Supplementary note on the Great Auk, or Garefowl (Alca impennis, Linn.). By Mr. Symington Grieve (read March 24, 1897). pp. 237-340. 5 pi., front, port. 22 cm> GRINNELL, GEORGE BIRD. American duck shooting. By George Bird Grinnell . . . with 58 port, of North American swans, geese and ducks, by Edwin Shepard, and numerous vignettes in the text, by Wil- mont Townsend. New York, Forest & Stream Pub. Co. [1901]. 623 pp. front., illus. 22 cm> GRINNELL, JOSEPH. Birds of the 1908 Alex- ander Alaska expedition, with a note on the avifaunal relationships of the Prince William Sound district. By Joseph Grinnell. Berkeley, The University Press, 1910. pp. 361-428. 27^ cm> (Univ. of Cal. Publications in Zoology.) GRINNELL, JOSEPH. Check list of California birds. By Joseph Grinnell. Santa Clara, Cal. Pub. by the Club, 1902. (Pacific coast avifauna no. 3.) 98 pp. 2 maps. GRINNELL, JOSEPH. The Biota of the San Bernardino Mountains. By Joseph Grinnell. Berke- ley, The University Press. 170 pp. 24 pi. (i col. map). 27 cm- (Univ. of Cal. Publications in Zoology, vol. 5.) GRINNELL, JOSEPH. Early summer birds in Yosemite Valley. By Joseph Grinnell. n. d., n. p. 83 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION 23?"*' (Sierra Club Bull., vol. 8, June, 1911, pp. 118- 124.) GRINNELL, JOSEPH. A systematic list of the birds of California. By Joseph Grinnell . . . Holly- wood, Cal., The Club, 1912. (Cooper Ornithological Club. Pacific coast avifauna, no. 8.) GRINNELL, JOSEPH. . . Three new Song Spar- rows from California. By Joseph Grinnell. Berkeley, The University Press, 1909. Pp. [2651-269. 27 cm< (University of California Publications in Zoology, vol. 5 no - 3-) GRUNDTRIG, F. L. On the birds of Shiocton in Bovina, Outagamie Co., Wisconsin, 1881-83. By F. L. Grundtrig. (From the Transactions of the Wis. Acad. of Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. x, pp. 74-158.) Map. GUILLEMARD, F. H. H. The cruise of the Mar- chesa to Kamschatka and New Guinea, with notices of Formosa, Liu-Kiu, and various islands of the Malay Archipelago. By F. H. H. Guillemard. With maps and numerous woodcuts ... In 2 vols. London, John Murray, 1886. 2 vols., illus. 22| cm - GURNEY, JOHN HENRY. A descriptive cata- logue of the Raptorial birds in the Norfolk and Nor- wich Museum. Compiled and arranged by John Henry Gurney. Part one: containing Serpentariidae, Poly- boridce, Vulturidae. London, John van Voorst, 1864. 90pp. 28 cm> GURNEY, JOHN HENRY. On a Raptorial bird transmitted by Mr. Andersson from Damaraland. By J. H. Gurney. 1865. pp. 117-118, col. pi. 84 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY GURNEY, JOHN HENRY. Rambles of a natural- ist in Egypt and other countries, with an analysis of the claims of certain foreign birds to be considered. British and other ornithological notes. By J. H. Gur- ney, Jr. London, Jarrold & Sons, vi, 307 pp., no date. HAGERUP, ANDREAS T. The birds of Green- land. By Andreas T. Hagerup. Tr. from the Danish by Frimann B. Arngrimson. Ed. by Montague Cham- berlain. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1891. viii, [9]-62 pp. 24| cm ' HARBAUGH, HENRY. The birds of the Bible. By the Rev. H. Harbaugh . . . Philadelphia, Lind- say & Balkiston, 1854. I p., I., xi, 13-300 pp. col. front., 10 col. pi. 26 cm< Added t.-p., illus. in colors. HARGITT, EDWARD. Notes on Woodpeckers. No. i. On the Piculets of the Old World; No. 2. The Genus lyngipicus; No. 4. The Woodpeckers of the Ethiopian region; No. 8. On the Genus Hermicercus. No. 9. On the Genus Micropternus. [London, 1885.] v. p. 23 cm - HARRIMAN ALASKA EXPEDITION. Alaska. . . . New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1901. 2 vols. fronts., illus. 26| cm - HARRIS, HENRY E. Essays and photographs. Some birds of the Canary Islands and South Africa. By Henry E. Harris. 29 illus. London, R. H. Porter . . . 1901. xiv, 212 pp. front., 92 illus. HARRISON, ALFRED H. In search of a Polar continent, 1905-07. By Alfred H. Harrison. With illustrations and a map. London, Edward Arnold . . . 1908. xx, 292 pp. front., map, illus. 23 cm - 85 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION HARTING, JAMES EDMUND. The birds of Middlesex. A contribution to the natural history of the county. By James Edmund Harting. London, John van Voorst, 1866. xvi, 284 pp. front. I9 cm * HARTING, JAMES EDMUND. The birds of Shakespeare critically examined, explained, and illus- trated. By James Edmund Harting . . . London, John van Voorst, 1871. xxii, 321 pp. front. 23 cm - HARTING, JAMES EDMUND. A hand-book of British birds, showing the distribution of the resident and migratory species in the British Islands, with an index to the records of the rarer visitants. By J. E. Harting. New and revised edition. With 35 col. pi., carefully reproduced from original drawings by the late Prof. Schlegel, London. London. John C. Nimmo, 1901. xxxi, 520 pp. front, (col.), col. pi. 23 cm- Title-page in red and black. HARTING, JAMES EDMUND. Hints on shore shooting; with a chapter on skinning and preserving birds. By James Edmund Harting. London, John van Voorst, 1871. 88 pp. front. I9 cm - HARTING, JAMES EDMUND. Our summer migrants. An account of the migratory birds which pass the summer in the British Islands. By J. E. Harting . . . 2d ed. Illustrated from designs by Thomas Bewick. London, Bickers and Son, 1877. x, 336 pp., illus. 22 cm - HARTT, CH. FRED. Thayer Expedition. Scien- tific results of a journey in Brazil by Louis Agassiz . . . Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. By Ch. Fred Hartt, with illus. and maps. Boston, Fields, Osgood and Co., 1870. xxiii, 620 pp. front., illus., maps. 86 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY HARVARD COLLEGE. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bulletin. Cambridge. Welch, Bigelow& Co., University Press, July, 1876. pp. 350-375; illus. in text. 23| cm - Contents: Exploration of Lake Titacaca. By Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman. List of mammals and birds. By J. A. Allen, with field notes by Mr. Garman. Crustacea. By Walter Faxon. HARVIE-BROWN, JOHN ALEXANDER. The Capercailzie in Scotland. By J. A. Harvie-Brown. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1879. xv, 155 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - HARVIE-BROWN, JOHN ALEXANDER. Trav- els of a naturalist in northern Europe; Norway, 1871, Archangel, 1872, Petchora, 1875. By J. A. Harvie-Brown . . . with coloured plates and other illustrations and 4 maps . . . London, T. Unwin, 1905. 2 vols. front., illus., plates (partly col.), incl. ports., fold. maps. 23 cm ' Paged continuously. HARVIE-BROWN, JOHN ALEXANDER. A vertebrate fauna of Scotland. By J. A. Harvie-Brown. Tay Basin and Strathmore, by J. A. Harvie-Brown. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1906. Ixxxvi, 377 pp. illus., map. 23 cm- 2d t.-p., no illus. HATCH, P. L. . . . Notes on the birds of Minnesota. By Dr. P. L. Hatch . . . June, 1892. Minneapolis, Harrison & Smith, 1892. 487 pp. 24 cm - (The geologi- cal and natural history survey of Minnesota. First report of the State Zoologist. . . .) HAWKESWORTH, JOHN. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present Maj- esty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemi- 87 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION sphere, and successively performed by Com. Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour; drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several com- manders, and from the papers of Joseph Banks. By John Hawkesworth. In 3 volumes, illus. with cuts, charts, .maps. London, W. Strahan & T. Cadell . . . 1773- 3 vols. illus. so ' HAWKS, FRANCIS L. Narrative of the expedi- tion of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, . . . yrs. 1852, '53, and '54, under command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U.S.N. Compiled from the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request and under his supervision. By Francis L. Hawks. With numerous illus. Wash- ington, Beverly Tucker, Senate Printer, 1856. 3 vols. illus. so - HAYES, WILLIAM. Portraits of rare and curious birds, with their descriptions, from the menagery of Osterly Park, in the county of Middlesex. By W. Hayes and family. London. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., . . . 1794. 101 pp. col. pi. and front. 29 cm< HAYES, WILLIAM. Portraits of rare and curious birds, with their descriptions, from the menagery of Osterly park, in the county of Middlesex. By W. Hayes and family. London. Published for the author by R. Faulder . . . 1794-99. 2 vols. 100 col. pi. 30x24- and i vol., col. front., col. pi. 3ix25 cm< Paged continuously; vol. I, 3 pp. I, 50 pp.; vol. 2: 2 pp. I, 51-101 pp. Dedication of vol. 2 dated ist Jan., 1800. HEADLEY, FREDERICK WEBB. The structure and life of birds. By F, W. Headley . . . With seventy-eight illustrations. London and New York, 88 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Macmillan and Co., 1895. xx, 214 pp., incl. front., illus. 2i cm - HEALY, CAPT. M. A. Report of the cruise of the Revenue Marine Steamer Corwin in the Arctic ocean in the year 1885. By Capt. M. A. Healy. Washington . . . 1887. 102 pp. front, (folding map) ; illus. and maps, so ' HENSHAW, HENRY WETHERBEE. Birds of the Hawaiian Islands; being a complete list of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions, with notes on their habits. By H. W. Henshaw. Honolulu, H.I., T. G. Thrum, 1902. 1+6, [2] pp., pi. 22 cm< HENSHAW, HENRY WETHERBEE Report upon the ornithological collections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, during the years 1871, 1872, 1873 and 1874. By H. W. Henshaw. 34 cm - (U.S. Geog. Survey . . . Report, vol. 5, 1875, pp. 131-50?; 15 HERDMAN, W. A. The first report upon the fauna of Liverpool Bay and the neighboring seas. Written by the members of the Liverpool Marine Biology commit- tee, and edited by W. A. Herdman, With 10 pi. and 2 maps. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1886. 372 pp. 10 pi., map. 23 cm - HERRICK, FRANCIS HOBART. The home life of wild birds; a new method of the study and photo- graphy of birds. By Francis Hobart Herrick. With 141 original illustrations from nature, by the author. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. xix, 148 pp., incl. illus., pi. 27 cm> HEWITSON, WILLIAM C. British oology; being illustrations of the eggs of British birds, with figures 89 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION of each species, as far as practicable, drawn and col- oured from nature : accompanied by descriptions of the materials and situation of their nests, and number of eggs. By William C. Hewitson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Published for the author, n. d. 2 vols., XXVI-CLXIX HEWITSON, WILLIAM C. British oology; being illustrations of the eggs of British birds, with figures of each species, as far as practicable, drawn and col- oured from nature : accompanied by descriptions of the materials and situation of their nest, number of eggs, etc. By William C. Hewitson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Published for the author, n. d. 3 vols. 169 col. pi. HIRST, HENRY B. The book of cage birds. By Henry B. Hirst. Third edition. Philadelphia, Bernard Duke, 1843. 278 pp. 20 cm - HITCHCOCK, EDWARD. Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts, in four parts . . . illus. by numerous woodcuts and an atlas of plates. By Edward Hitchcock. Amherst, J. S. & C. Adams, 1833. x 7 PP- 4 P ts -> illus. 23 ,cm. HOFFMANN, RALPH. A guide to the birds of New England and eastern New York; containing a key for each season and short descriptions of over two hundred and fifty species, with particular reference to their appearance in the field. By Ralph Hoffmann . . . with four full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and nearly one hundred cuts in the text. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1904. xiii, 357 [i] p., illus., 4 pi. (incl. front.). HOLDEN, GEORGE H. Canaries and caged birds: the food, care, breeding, diseases and treatment of all 90 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY house birds. Birds for pleasure and for profit. By George H. Holden. Third edition. Pub. by George H. Holden. New York and Boston, Mass. (1895). 3O9* v. p. front., illus. 26f cm ' HOLMES, EZEKIEL. Birds injurious to agricul- ture. By Ezekiel Holmes. M.D., of Winthrop, Maine. No date. 110-160 pp., pi. XV-XLVI. 22| cm> HORNADAY, WILLIAM T. The American natural history ; a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America. By William T. Hornaday; illus. by 227 original drawings by Beard, etc. 116 photographs . . . and numerous charts and maps. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1904. xxv, 449 pp. front.; 227 drawings; 116 photographs. 25 cm * HORNADAY, WILLIAM T. Camp-fires on desert and lava. By William T. Hornaday. Photographically illus. by Dr. Daniel T. MacDougal, Mr. John M. Phillips, and the author; with two new and original maps by Mr. Godfrey Sykes . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. xix, 366 pp. front, (colored photograph); illus. with photographs (some colored). HORR, MRS. ELLA L. Birds of Worcester County. Published by Worcester Natural History Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1911. Prouty-Dodge Print- ing Co. . . . Worcester, Mass. 28 pp. 22^ cm ' HORSBRUGH, BOYD. Game birds and water fowl of South Africa. By Major Boyd Horsbrugh. With coloured plates by Sergeant C. G. Davies. London, Whitby & Co., 1912. xii, 159 pp. 65 col. pi. 26 cm - Published in four parts. 91 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION HORSFIELD, THOMAS. Zoological researches in Java and the neighboring islands. By Thomas Hors- field. London. Printed for Kingsbury, Parbury & Allen, 1824. Unpaged; pi., some col. 30 cm> HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. The birds of Rhode Island. By Reginald Heber Howe, Jr., . . and Edward Sturtevant . . . [n. p.] 1899. mpp. front., 5 pi. 24f cm - HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. The birds of Massachusetts. By Reginald Heber Howe, Jr., and Glover Morrill Allen. Published by subscription. Cambridge, Mass., 1901. 154 pp. 24f cm - Copy no. 90. HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. " Every bird " ; a guide to the identification of the birds of woodland, beach and ocean. With one hundred and twenty-four line illustrations by the author, Reginald Heber Howe, Jr. ... Boston, B.Whidden, 1896. vii, 192 pp. illus. HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. On the birds' highway . . . Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., 1899. xv, 175 pp. illus. HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. Notes on Rhode Island ornithology, edited by Reginald Heber Howe, Jr. Bristol, Rhode Island, 1900-03. 3 vols. in I, with supplement, v. p. 24' HOWE, REGINALD HEBER, JR. A review of Prof. George H. Perkins's A preliminary list of the birds found in Vermont. (In Contributions to North American ornithology, vol. 2, 1902, pp. 5-23.) 92 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY HOWELL, ARTHUR HOLMES. . . . Birds of Arkansas. By Arthur H. Howell . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1911. 100 pp., illus., 7 pi. (incl. "front. ; fold. map). 2$**' (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Biological Survey, Bulletin 38.) HOWITT, MARY. Birds and their nests. By Mary Howitt. With 23 full-page illus. by Harrison Weir. New York, George Routledge and Sons. Lon- don, S. W. Partridge & Co.; n. d. iv, 124 pp. illus. in text and 23 full-page ilhis. 2i| cm< Vignette on t.-p. HUDSON, W. H. Birds in a village. By W. H. Hudson. London, Chapman & Hall, 1903; Philadel- phia, J. B. Lippincott Co. 232 pp.; t.-p. in red and black. 2i cm - HUDSON, W.H. British birds. By W. H. Hudson. With a chapter on structure and classification by Frank E. Beddard; with 8 col. pi. from original draw- ings by A. Thornburn, and 8 pi. and 100 figs, in black and white, from original drawings, by G. E. Lodge, and 3 illus. from photographs from nature, by R. B. Lodge. London and New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. xxii, 363 pp. front., illus. (some col.). 2i cm> HUDSON, W. H. The naturalist in La Plata. By W. H. Hudson. Illustrated by J. Smit. London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1903. ix, 394 pp. front., illus. 22 cm - HUGHES, GRIFFITH. The natural history of Barbados. In ten books. By the Rev. Mr. Griffith Hughes. London, 1750. vii, 314 pp. illus., map. 4i cm ' HUME, ALLAN OCTAVIAN. Stray feathers; a journal of ornithology for India and its dependencies. Edited by Allan O. Hume, 1873-99. Calcutta, London. 93 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION 12 vols., maps. Vols. I and 2, 23 cm> Vols. 2-12, 26 cm- Vol. 12, Index by Chas. Chubb. HUME, ALLAN OCTAVIAN. The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon. Hume and Marshall, Calcutta. Published by Allan O. Hume and C. H. T. Marshall, 1878-80. 3 vols., col. pi. 26 cm> HUNTINGTON, DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Our feathered game; a handbook of the North American game birds. By Dwight W. Huntington; with eight full-page shooting scenes in color and one hundred and thirty-five bird portraits. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. xii pp. n., 396 pp., II., col. front., 36 pi. (7 col.). 2Qi cm - IBIS, (THE), a magazine of general ornithology. Edited by Philip Lutley Sclater. With a large number of fine col. pi. by Keulemans and others. London, Triibner Co. and Van Voorst and R. H. Porter, 1859- date. 57 vols.; 9 series; illus. 23 cm- Complete set. INGERSOLL, ERNEST. Birds'-nesting : a hand- book of instruction in gathering and preserving the nests and eggs of birds for the purposes of study. By Ernest Ingersoll. Boston, Bradlee Whidden, 1895. xi pp., ii., no pp. 2i cm> INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CON- GRESS. Proceedings of the fourth International Orni- thological Congress, London, June, 1905; forming vol. 14 of theOrnis;ed. . . . by E. J. O. Hartertand J. L. Bonhote. London, Dulau, 1907. 696 pp.; pi.; illus. INTERNATIONAL POLAR EXPEDITION. Re- port of the International Polar expedition to Point 94 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Barrow, Alaska, in response to the resolution of the House of Representatives of Dec. n, 1884. Washing- ton . . . 1885. 695 pp. front., pi. (partly col.). 3<> cm * IRBY, L. HOWARD. The ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar. By Lieut.-Col. L. Howard Irby. London, R. H. Porter, 1875. 236 pp. front. I map. IRBY, L. HOWARD. The ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar. By Lieut.-Col. L. Howard Irby. Second edition. . . . With an appendix containing a list of the Lepidoptera of the neighbourhood. London, R. H. Porter, . . . 1895. 326 pp. front, (col.); col. pis. and maps. 3O cm> JACOBS, J. WARREN. Gleanings from nature. No. i, Oological abnormalities. By J. Warren Jacobs . . . Waynesburg, Pa., 1898. No 2, Eggs of Native Pennsylvanian birds. A world's fair collection, owned and exhibited by J. Warren Jacobs, Waynesburg, Pa. . . . Waynesburg, Pa., 1895. 36, 10 pp., illus.22 cm> JAMESON, ROBERT. American ornithology; or the natural history of the birds of the United States. By Alexander Wilson, and Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Edited by Robert Jameson, Esq. . . . in four volumes. Edinburgh, 1831. 4 vols. front, port, in vol. I. i6 cm> JAPANISCHE VOGELSTUDIEN . . . K. K. Osterr. Handels-Museum, Wien, 1895. 12 col. pi. 47 cm - no text. JARDINE, SIR WILLIAM. Illustrations of orni- thology. By Sir William Jardine and Prideaux John Selby . . . Edinburgh, Daniel Lizars . . . n. d. 3 vols. 151 col. pi. 37 cm- Text unpaged. 95 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION JARDINE, SIR WILLIAM. Illustrations of orni- thology. By Sir William Jardine . . . and Prideaux John Selby . . . Edinburgh, Daniel Lizars, n. d. 2 vols. no col. pi. ^i^' Text unpaged. JARDINE, SIR WILLIAM. Illustrations of orni- thology. By Sir William Jardine . . . and Prideaux John Selby, Esq. . . . Edinburgh, W. H. Lizars . . . [i826?-35] 3 vols. 151 pi. (partly col.). 3i cm - Text unpaged. Copy with pi. in two states; each subject in colors and in black. JASPER, THEODORE. Ornithology; or, The science of bird's. From the text of Dr. Brehm, with two hundred and twelve illustrations by Theodore Jasper. Columbus, Ohio, Jacob H. Studer & Co., 1878. 156 pp. front., pi. A-D, 1-37. 38| cm - JENNINGS, JAMES. Ornithologia, or, The bird: a poem in two parts ; with an introduction to their nat- ural history: and copious notes by James Jennings. London. Printed for the author, and published by Poole & Edwards, 1828. xxix, 468, 4 pp. front. JERDON, T. C. Illustrations of Indian ornithology, containing fifty figures of new unfigured and interest- ing species of birds, chiefly from the south of India. By T. C. Jerdon. Madras, P. R. Hunt, 1847. 50 col. pi. with descriptive text. 24 cm> JERDON, T. C. The birds of India, being a natural history of all the birds known to inhabit continental India: with descriptions of the species, genera, families, tribes, and orders, and a brief notice of such families as are not found in India, making it a manual of orni- thology specially adapted for India. By T. C. Jerdon . . . Calcutta, 1862-64. 3 vo ^ s - 2 4 96 .cm. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY JOB, HERBERT KEIGHTLEY. Among the water-fowl; observations, adventure, photography. A popular narrative account of the water-fowl as found in the northern and middle states and lower Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains. By Herbert K. Job, profusely illustrated by photographs from nature, mostly by the author. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. xxi, 224 pp. front., illus. 22 cm * JOB, HERBERT KEIGHTLEY. The sport of bird- study: a book for young or active people. By Herbert Keightley Job . . . profusely illustrated with photo- graphs from life by the author. New York, The Outing Publishing Company, 1908. xiii pp., 284, iv pp., II. front., 75 pi. 22 cm - JOB, HERBERT KEIGHTLEY. Wild wings; adventures of a camera-hunter among the larger wild birds of North America on sea and land. By Herbert Keightley Job, . . . with an introductory letter by Theodore Roosevelt; with one hundred and sixty illus- trations after photographs from life by the author. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Company [1905]. xxivpp., II., (2), 341 [i] pp., incl. illus., plates, front. 22 cm - JOHNS, C. A. British birds in their haunts. By the Rev. C. A. Johns, with illustrations on wood drawn by Wolf , engraved by Whymper. London, 1862. xxxii, 626 pp. ; illus. 2O cm> JONES, HOWARD. Illustrations of the nests and eggs of birds of Ohio, with text. Illustrations by Mrs. N. E. Jones. Text by Howard Jones . . . Circleville, O., 1886. 3 vols. 68 col. pi. 44|x40 cm> Paged continuously; vol. I, xxxviii, 41-96 pp.; vol. 2, 97-184 pp.; vol. 3, 185-329 pp. Issued in pts.; pt. I 97 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION published in 1879. The work of illustration was begun by Miss Genevieve Estelle Jones and Miss Eliza J. Shulze. JONES, J. MATTHEW. Contributions to the natural history of the Bermudas. Edited by J. Matthew Jones and George Brown Goode. Washing- ton, 1884. (Bulletin of the U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 25.) xxiii, 353 pp. JONES, THOMAS RYMER. Cassell's book of birds, from the text of Dr. Brehm. By Thomas Rymer Jones ; with upwards of four hundred engravings, and a series of coloured plates. In four volumes. London, Cassell, Fetter and Galpin; and New York. 27| cm> front, in vols. I, 3 and 4, illus. JONES, THOMAS RYMER. The natural history of birds: a popular introduction to ornithology. By Thomas Rymer Jones . . . with 220 illus. London, Frederick Ware & Co., . . . New York, Scribner, Welford and Armstrong, xx, 452 pp. front., 220 illus. JOSSELYN, JOHN. New England's rarities dis- covered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country. By John Josselyn. With an introduc- tion and notes, by Edward Tuckerman. Boston, William Veazie, 1864. viii, 169 pp. 26 cm> JOURNAL OF THE STRAITS BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Published half- yearly. Singapore, Government Printing Office, 1884. Ornithological notes made in the Straits settlement and in the western states of the Malay Peninsula, v. p. JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. . . . Birds of a Maryland farm. A local study of economic orni- 98 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY thology. By Sylvester D. Judd . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 116 pp. illus., 17 pi. 2 3 C ,cm. JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. . . . The Bob- white and other Quails of the United States in their economic relations. By Sylvester D. Judd . . . Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 66 pp. illus., 2 pi. (incl. col. front.). 23 cm - JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. The economic value of the Bob-white. Washington, 1904. PI. xvi. JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. The food of nest- ling birds. Washington, 1901. 23 cm> JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. Four common birds of the farm and garden. Washington, 1896. illus. JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. ... The Grouse and Wild Turkeys of the United States, and their economic value. By Sylvester D. Judd . . . Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 55 pp. 2 pi. (incl. col. front.). 23"' JUDD, SYLVESTER DWIGHT. ... The rela- tion of Sparrows to agriculture. By Sylvester D. Judd . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1901. 98 pp. illus., 4 pi. (incl. front.). 23 cm> JUKES, J. BEETE. Narrative of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly, commanded by Capt. F. P. Blackwood in Torres strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the eastern archipelago, during the years 1842-1846: together with an excursion into the interior 99 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION of the eastern part of Java. By J. Beete Jukes. In two volumes. London, T. &W. Boone, 1847. 2vols. front., illus. 23 cm< KAEDING, HENRY B. Birds from the west coast of Lower California and adjacent islands. By Henry B. Kaeding. pp. 105-138. 27 cm> (Reprinted from "The Condor," vol. 8, 1905, no. 4-5.) KANE, ELISHA KENT. Arctic explorations; the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. By Elisha Kent Kane. Illus. by upwards of 300 engravings from sketches by the author . . . Philadelphia, Childs & Peterson . . . 1856. 2 vols. front, port. ; illus. 23 cm< KAUP, Dr. A monograph of the Falconidse accord- ing to nature systematically arranged. By Dr. Kaup. Darmstadt, 1847. 159 pp. and t.-p. illus. in text. Original mss. KEARTON, RICHARD. Birds' nests, eggs and egg-collecting. By R. Kearton. Illus. with 22 col. pi. . . . Revised and enlarged. London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne, Cassell & Co., Ltd. [1896]. 96 pp. col. front., col. pi. 2O cm - KEARTON, RICHARD. British birds' nests; how, where and when to find and identify them. By R. Kearton, with an introduction by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Illus. from photographs by C. Kearton. . . . London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne, Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1898. xx, 368pp. front. ; illus. from photographs. 24 cm ' KEARTON, RICHARD. With nature and a cam- era; being the adventures and observations of a field naturalist and an animal photographer. By Richard 100 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Kearton . . . illustrated by 180 pictures from photo- graphs by Cherry Kearton. Popular ed. London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne, Cassell and Com- pany, Limited, 1898. xiv, 368 pp., incl. front., illus. 22 cm ' KEELER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. Bird notes afield ; a series of essays on the birds of California. By Charles A. Keeler. San Francisco, D. P. Elder and M. Shepard, 1899. vii, 352 [i] pp., II. cm. KEELER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. Evolution of the colors of North American land birds. By Charles A. Keeler. San Francisco, Cal. Acad. of Sci., Jan., 1893. xii, 361 pp. 19 pi. (col.). 24 cm> KEELY, ROBERT N. In Arctic seas. The voyage of the " Kite " with the Peary expedition, together with a transcript of the Log of the "Kite" by Robert N. Keely, Jr. . . . and G. G. Davis. Illus. by maps, port., and photographic views. Philadelphia, Rufus C. Hartranft, 1893. vii, 524 pp. front., illus., map. 23 cm< KELLS, WILLIAM L. Nesting of some Canadian Warblers. (Black-throated Green, July, 1903. Bay- breasted, Dec., 1902. Chestnut-sided, Jan., 1902.) Two Warblers new to Canada, March, 1901. Cory's Least Bittern. By Wm. L. Kells. June, 1901. v. p. 23 cm - ("The Ottawa Naturalist.") KERMODE, FRANCIS. Catalogue of British Columbia birds. Victoria, B.C., Richard Wolfenden, 1904. 69 pp. 22 cm> KERMODE, FRANCIS. Provincial museum of natural history and ethnology. Victoria, British Columbia. Printed by authority of the legislative 101 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION assembly, Victoria, B.C., . . . 1909. 92 pp. front.; illus. with photographs. KEYES, CHARLES R. Preliminary annotated catalogue of the birds of Iowa. By Charles R. Keyes and H. S. Williams. 49 pp. 22 cm - KEYSER, LEANDER SYLVESTER. Birds of the Rockies. By Leander S. Keyser . . . with eight full- page plates (four in color) by Louis Agassiz Fuertes; many illustrations in the text by Bruce Horsfall, and eight views of localities from photographs ; with a com- plete check-list of Colorado birds. Chicago, A. C. McClurgandCo., 1902. I p., i.,xiv, [2] pp., IL, 19-355 pp., n. 8 pi. (4 col., incl. front.). 22| cm> KIDDER, D. P. The nest and the eggs; revised by the editor D. P. Kidder. New York. Pub. by G. Lane & C. B. Tibbett . . . 1844. 1-37 and 1-38 pp. illus. in text. 2 t.-p. vignettes, is ' KING, F. H. Economic relations of Wisconsin birds. By F. H. King. Fall River, Wis., 1882. pp. 422-610. 26 cm> illus. in text. n. t.-p. KINGSLEY, JOHN STERLING. The standard natural history. Edited by John Sterling Kingsley. Boston, S. E. Cassino&Co., 1885. 6vols. illus. 26 cm - KIRBY, MARY. Beautiful birds in far-off lands: their haunts and homes. By Mary and Elizabeth Kirby. London, Edinburgh, and New York, T. Nelson and Sons, 1872. viii, 269 pp. col. front, and pi. I9 cm ' KLOSS, C. BODEN. In the Andamans and Nico- bars. The narrative of a cruise in the schooner "Ter- rapin," with notices of the Islands, their fauna, eth- 102 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY nology, etc. By C. Boden Kloss . . . With maps and illustrations. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. ; London, John Murray, 1903. xvi, 373 pp. front., illus., and map. 24 cm< KNIGHT, ORA WILLIS. The birds of Maine; with key to and description of the various species known to occur or to have occurred in the state; an account of their distribution and migration, showing their relative abundance in the various counties of the state as well as other regions, and contributions to their life histories. By Ora Willis Knight . . . Bangor, Me., C. H. Glass & Co., 1908. xvii, [191-693 pp. front, (map), plates. 24 cm< Autograph copy. KNIGHT, ORA WILLIS. A list of the birds of Maine, showing their distribution by counties and their status in each county. Prepared under the auspices of the United Ornithologists of Maine. By Ora Willis Knight. Augusta, Kennebec Journal Print, 1897. 184 pp. 22| cm> (Bulletin no. 3, The University of Maine Dept. of Nat. His.) KNIGHT, WILBUR CLINTON. ... The birds of Wyoming. By Wilbur C. Knight . . . Laramie, 1902. I p., I., 174 pp. illus., pi. 2i| cm> (University of Wyoming Agricultural College Department.) KNOBEL, EDWARD. Field key to the land birds . . . Boston, B.Whidden, 1899. 3 pp. I., 55 pp. illus. pi. I9 cm - KNOWLTON, FRANK HALL. . . . Birds of the world; a popular account. By Frank H. Knowlton . . . with a chapter on the anatomy of birds, by Fred- eric A. Lucas; the whole ed. by Robert Ridgway . . 103 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION with 1 6 colored plates and 236 illustrations. New York, H. Holt and Company, 1909. xiii, 873 pp. illus., plates (16 col., incl. front.). 26 cm- KNOX, A. E. Game birds and wild fowl: their friends and their foes. By A. E. Knox. London, John van Voorst, 1850. x, 264 pp. illus. KNOX, A. E. Ornithological rambles in Sussex; with a systematic catalogue of the birds of that county, and remarks on their local distribution. By A. E. Knox. Second edition. London, John van Voorst, 1850. x, 254 pp. front. 3 pi. I9 cm- KONINGSBERGER, J. C. . . . De vogels van Java en hunne oeconomische beteekenis, door Dr. J. C. Koningsberger . . . Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1901. 60 plates. 26 cm> (Mededeelingen uit 'S Lands planten- tuin. L: Mededeelingen uitgaande van het Departe- ment van landbouw, no. 7.) KRIDER, JOHN. Forty years' notes of a field ornithologist. By John Krider . . . giving a descrip- tion of all birds killed and prepared by him. Philadel- phia, Press of J. H. Weston, 1879. 2 pp., I., xi, 84 pp. KUMLIEN, LUDWIG. ... The birds of Wiscon- sin. By L. Kumlien and N. Hollister. Pub. with the co-operation of the board of trustees of the Milwaukee Public Museum. Milwaukee, Wis., Keogh Press, 1903. iv, 143 pp. front., plates. 22^ cm - (Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, vol. 3.) KUMLIEN, LUDWIG. Contributions to the nat- ural history of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78. By Ludwig 104 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Kumlien. Washington Government Printing Office, 1879- 177 PP- 2 4 cm - LANGE, DIETRICH. Our native birds; how to protect them and attract them to our homes . . . New York and London, The Macmillan Co., 1899. ix pp., II., 162 pp. 19*- LANGILLE, J. HIBBERT. Our birds in their haunts ; a popular treatise on the birds of eastern North America. By Rev. J. Hibbert Langille. New York, Orange Judd Co., 1892. 630 pp. front., illus. 2i cm - LANGLEY, SAMUEL PIERPONT. The greatest flying creature. By S. P. Langley, introducing a paper on the Pterodactyl Ornithostoma, by F. A. Lucas. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. pp. 649-659; pi. i- vn. LANTZ, D. E. List of birds collected by Col. N. S. Goss in Mexico and Central America. From the col- lector's notes; compiled by D. E. Lantz, 1897. A review of Kansas ornithology. By D. E. Lantz, 1897. pp. 218-278. 23 cm ' LATHAM, JOHN. A general history of birds. By John Latham . . . Winchester [Eng.]. Printed by Jacob and Johnson, for the author; sold in London by G. and W. B. Whittaker [etc.], 1821-28. 10 vols. 184 (i.e., 193) col. pi. LAUDER, SIR THOMAS DICK. Parrots. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder and Capt. Thomas Brown; the engravings by Joseph B. Kidd, Esq. Edinburgh, 1833. (Miscellany of natural history, vol. I.) x, 107 pp. front, port. 36 pi. col. i8 c jcm. 105 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION LAWRENCE, GEORGE NEWBOLD. Birds of southwestern Mexico. Collected by Francis E. Sum- ichrast for the U.S. Nat. Mus. Prepared by George N. Lawrence. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1875. 56 pp. 22 cmt LAWRENCE, GEORGE NEWBOLD. Birds of southwestern Mexico. Collected by Francis E. Sum- ichrast for the U.S. Nat. Mus. Prepared by George N. Lawrence. Washington, 1875. 141 pp. I col. pi. 22 cm ' LAWRENCE, GEORGE NEWBOLD. Descrip- tions of three new species of Humming-birds of the genera Heliomaster, Amazilia, and Mellisuga, 1860. Descriptions of six new species of birds of the fami- lies Charadridae, Trochilidae, and Caprimulgidae, 1862. Descriptions of new species of birds of the genera Myiarchus and Phlogopsis, 1860. v. p. 22 cm> LAWRENCE, GEORGE NEWBOLD. Notes on some Cuban birds, with descriptions of new species. By George N. Lawrence, 1860. pp. 247-275. 22| cm< LAWRENCE, GEORGE NEWBOLD. The pub- lished writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844- 1891. By L. S. Foster. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1892. xi, 124 pp. front, port. 24 cm> LAYARD, EDGAR LEOPOLD. The birds of South Africa. A descriptive catalogue of all the known species occurring south of the 28th parallel of south latitude. By Edgar Leopold Layard. Cape Town, London, 1867. xvi, 382, xxi pp. front. 22 cm< LAYARD, EDGAR LEOPOLD. The birds of South Africa. By Edgar Leopold Layard. New edi- 106 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY tion, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. London, Bernard Quaritch, 1875-84. xvii, 880 pp. 12 col. pi. 26 cm - LEACH, WILLIAM ELFORD. Leach's system- atic catalogue of the specimens of the indigenous mammalia and birds in the British Museum. Edited by Osbert Salvin. London, 1882. 42 pp. 23 cm< LEACH, WILLIAM ELFORD. The zoological miscellany: . . . being descriptions of new or inter- esting animals. By William Elford Leach. Illustrated with coloured figures drawn from nature, by R. P. Nodder. London, 1814-17. 1st copy, 3 vols. in I (text) ; vol. 2, plates. 25 cm> 2nd copy, 3 vols. col. pi. LEAR, EDWARD. Illustrations of the family of Psittacidse, or Parrots : the greater part of them species hitherto unfigured, containing 42 lithographic plates drawn from life on stone, by Edward Lear, A.L.S. London, E. Lear, 1832. 42 pi. (col.). 56 cm- First edition; no text. LECHNER, A. A. VAN PELT. "Oologia Neer- landica." Eggs of birds breeding in the Netherlands. By A. A. van Pelt Lechner. With colored plates made direct from specimens in the author's collection. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1911. 4 vols. 25| cm - LEGGE, W. VINCENT. A history of the birds of Ceylon. By Captain W. Vincent Legge. London. Pub. by the author, 1880. xlvi, I., 237 pp. 33 col. pi. not num. front., map. 32 cm - LE MAOUT, EMM. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux suivant la classification de I. G. Saint-Hilaire, avec 1'indication de leur mceurs, etc. . . . Par M. Emm 107 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Le Maout. Paris, L. Curmer, 1853. xlviii, 425 pp. front., illus. 2f m - LEMBEYE, JUAN. Aves de la isla de Cuba. For Juan Lembeye. Habana, 1850. Facsimile edition. 136 pp. 20 col. pi. (pi. 15 not col.). 30 cm> LE MOINE, SIR JAMES MACPHERSON. Orni- thologie du Canada, d'apres la nomenclature de Baird. Par J. M.LeMoine. . . . Quebec, J.T. Brousseau, 1861. 2 vols. in I. i6| cm- Autograph copy. LfiOTAUD, A. Oiseaux de Tile de la Trinidad (Antilles). Par A. Leotaud . . . Ouvrage publi par souscription nationale. Port D'Espagne, Chronicle Pub. Office, 1866. xx, 560, iv pp. 26 cm - LESSON, REN PRIMEVlfiRE. Histoire natu- relle des oiseaux de Paradis et des Epimaques. Ouvrage orne de planches. . . . Par R. P. Lesson. Paris, Arthus Bertrand [1835]. vii, 248 pp. col. pi. 23| cm - LESSON, RENfi PRIMEVlfeRE. Histoire natu- relle des Oiseaux-mouches. Ouvrage orn de planches dessinees et gravees par les meilleurs artistes . . . Par R. P. Lesson. Paris, Bertrand [1829-30]. xlvi, 223 pp. 85 col. pi. 24 cm - LESSON, RENE PRIMEVI&RE. Histoire natu- relle des Colibris, suivie d'un supplement a 1'histoire naturelle des Oiseaux-mouches; ouvrage orn6 de planches dessines et gravies par les meilleurs artistes . . . Par R. P. Lesson. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1830-31. x, 160 pp. 39 col. pi. 24' LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique. Par Francois Levaillant . . . 108 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Paris, Delachauss6e, 1805-08. 6 vols. 300 col. pi. - Vol. 3, Paris, Gide fils, 1824. LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique. Par Francois Levaillant. Paris (vols. i, 2, and 3), J. J. Fuchs; (vols. 4, 5, and 6), Delachausse, 1799-1808. 6 vols., col. pi. 24 cm- Second edition. LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de Paradis et dies Rolliers, suivie de celle des Toucans et des Barbus. Par Francois Levaillant. Paris, Denn6 . . . Perlet . . . 1806. 2 vols., col. pi. LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Histoire naturelle des Perroquets. Par Francois Levaillant. Paris, Levrault, 1801-38. 3 vols., col. pi. 53 , cm. LEVAILLANT, FRANf OIS. Histoire naturelle des Promerops, et des Gu^ piers. Par Francois Levail- lant ; faisant suite a celle des oiseaux de Paradis, par la m6me, tome troisieme. Paris, Denn le Jeune, 1807. 52pp. SSs " 1 ' This is vol. 3 of the Oiseaux de Paradis. LEVAILLANT, FRANf OIS. Histoire naturelle d'une part6e d'oiseaux nouveaux et rares de I'Am&rique et des Indes. Par Francois Levaillant. Paris, 1801, t.-p., Hi, 112 pp. 49 pi. and 49 col. pi. 53 cm- vol. I. LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Second voyage dans I'interieurde 1'Afrique, parle Capde Bonne- Esperancee dans les ann6es 1783, '84 et '85. Par F. Levaillant. Paris, H. J. Jansen et Comp e . 3 vols., illus. 2o| cm - LEVAILLANT, FRANCOIS. Voyage de M. Le- vaillant dans 1'interieur de 1'Afrique, par le Cap de 109 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Bonne Esprance, dans les annees 1780-1785. Paris, Leroy . . . 1790. 2 vols., illus. 2o| cm> LEWIN, JOHN WILLIAM. The birds of Great Britain, systematically arranged, accurately engraved, and printed from nature; with descriptions, including the natural history of each bird . . . The figures en- graved from the subjects themselves, by the author, J.W. Lewin . . . and painted under his immediate di- rection ; in eight volumes. London, 1797-1801. 8 vols. in 4. front., pi. 30' In French and English. LEWIN, JOHN WILLIAM. A natural history of the birds of New South Wales, collected, engraved and faithfully painted after nature. By John William Lewin. London, J. H. Bohn, 1822. 26 pp. 26 col. pi. front. 38 cm - Same. New edition. London, Bohn, 1838. LEWIN, JOHN WILLIAM. Natural history of the birds of New South Wales, collected, engraved and faithfully painted after nature. By John William Lewin. New and improved edition, to which is added a list of the synonymes of each species . . . London, Henry G. Bohn, 1838. 26 col. pi., with descriptive text. 39 cm< LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION, 1804-1806. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedi- tion, 1804-1806. Printed from the original Mss . . . together with Mss. material of Lewis and Clark from other sources . . . Now for the first time published in full and exactly as written. Edited, with intro. notes, and index. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1904-05. 7 vols. and an atlas; illus. and port. 25 cm * no BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY LICHTENSTEIN, ANTON AUGUST HEIN- RICH. Lichtenstein's catalogus rerum naturalium rarissimarum. Edited by F. du Cane Godman. Lon- don, 1882. iv, 60 pp. 26| cm> [The Willughby Society.] LILFORD, THOMAS L. P., 4th Baron. Lord Lilford on birds, being a collection of informal and unpublished writings by the late Pres. of the British Ornithologists' Union, with contributed papers upon falconry and other hunting, his favorite sport. Edited by Aubyn Trevor-Battye, and illustrated by A. Thorn- burn. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1903. xvii, 312 pp. illus., front. 26 cm> LILFORD, THOMAS L. P., 4th Baron. Col- oured figures of the birds of the British Islands. Issued by Lord Lilford. London, R. H. Porter . . . 1885-97. 7 vols., col. pi. 26| cm - Vol. I, front, port., A. Thorn- burn, illustrator. LILFORD, THOMAS L. P., 4th Baron. Notes on the birds of Northamptonshire and neighbourhood. By Lord Lilford. Illustrated by Messrs. A. Thornburn and G. E. Lodge, and a map. London, R. H. Porter, 1895. 2 vols., illus. and pis. 26| cm< LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Trans- actions, vol. i, 1882. New York, Foster, 1882. 4 port. LINSLEY, JAMES H. Catalogue of the birds of Connecticut, arranged according to their natural families; prepared for the Yale Natural History So- ciety ... (in "Amer. Journal of Arts and Sciences," vol. 44, April, 1843, pp. 249-274). 22| cm< LITTELL, CLARENCE GUY. Birds of Winona Lake. By Clarence Guy Littell. (Indiana Univ. Bul- iii JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION letin, vol. I, Nov., 1903, no. 4, Bloomington, Ind., pp. 41-66.) Plates. I9 cm< LLOYD, LLEWELYN. The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway; together with an account of the seals and salt-water fishes of those countries . . . By L. Lloyd . . . London, Frederick Warren & Co., 1867. xx, 599 pp. illus., 52 pi. (48 col., incl. front.). 26 cm - LOOMIS, LEVERETT MILLS. California water birds. Vicinity of Monterey in autumn. By Leverett M. Loomis. With one plate. Issued Feb. 12, 1900. (Cal. Academy of Science, Third series, Proceedings, pp. 277-322, 349-363, 1900.) San Francisco. Pub. by the Academy, 1900. v. p. 24^ cm - LORD, JOHN KEAST. The naturalist in Van- couver Island and British Columbia. By John Keast Lord. In two volumes. London, Richard Bentley, 1866. 2 vols., front., illus. 2i cm- LORD, WILLIAM ROGERS. A first book upon the birds of Oregon and Washington. A pocket guide and pupil's assistant; a study of the more common land birds and a few of the shore and water birds of these states. By William Rogers Lord. Revised and enlarged edition, 1902 ... Portland, Oregon. 304, iv pp. front. 15 photographs. i6 cm< LOUCKS, W. E. Life history and distribution of the Prothonotary Warbler in Illinois. By W. E. Loucks. Peoria, 111. 25 pp. 22| cm< LUCAS, FREDERIC A. Animals of the past. By Frederic A. Lucas . . . illustrated. New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1901. xx, 258 pp. front., 41 illus. 112 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY LUCAS, FREDERIC A. The expedition to Funk Island, with observations upon the history and anat- omy of the Great Auk, 1888. Animals recently ex- tinct or threatened with extinction as represented in the collections of the U.S. National Museum, 1889. Ex- plorations in Newfoundland and Labrador after bones of the Great Auk, 1889. Weapons and wings of birds, 1893. v. p. illus., maps. 22 cm - LUCAS, FREDERIC A. The tongues of birds. By Frederic A. Lucas. (From the report of the U.S. Nat. Mus. 1895, pp. 1001-1019 with 2 pi.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1897. 23 cm - LUCAS, FREDERIC A. The tongues of Wood- peckers. By F. A. Lucas. Washington, 1895. 35~39 pp. 3 pi. 22 cm> LYDEKKER, RICHARD. The new natural his- tory . . . with a preface by Joel A. Allen. New York, Merrill and Baker, n. d. 6 vols., illus., pi. 27 cm - Vol. 3 [Birds], bound in 3 parts. McATEE, WALDO LEE. ... The Horned Larks and their relation to agriculture. By W. L. McAtee . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 37 pp. illus., 2 pi. (incl. front.). 23 cm - McATEE, WALDO LEE. Woodpeckers in relation to trees and wood products. By W. L. McAtee. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office. 99 pp. front, col., 12 pi. (incl. front., 2 col.), illus. 23 cm< McCHESNEY, CHARLES E. Notes on the birds of Fort Sisseton, Dakota Territory. By Chas. E. McChesney. . . . Dec. 25, 1878. pp. 71-103. 23 m> JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION M'CLINTOCK, F. L. A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. By Captain M'Clintock . . . London, John Murray, 1860. xxvii, 406 pp. front., illus., 2 maps (in pocket and at end). 23 cm> MAcGILLIVRAY, JOHN. Narrative of the voy- age of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Capt. Owen Stanley, during the years 1849-1850, in- cluding discoveries and surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago, etc.; to which is added the account of Mr. E. B. Kennedy's expedition for the exploration of the Cape York peninsula. By John MacGillivray ... in two volumes. London, T. & W. Boone, 1852. 2 vols. front., illus. 23 cm - MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. Descriptions of the Rapacious birds of Great Britain. Edinburgh, London, Dublin, MacLachlan & Stewart, 1836. 482 pp. illus. in text. 2o cm> MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. A history of Brit- ish birds, indigenous and migratory: including their organization, habits, and relations; remarks on classi- fication and nomenclature ; an account of the principal organs of birds, and observations relative to practical ornithology . . . By William MacGillivray . . . Lon- don. Printed for Scott, Webster & Geary, 1837-52. 5 vols. illus., 29 pi. 22' Vols. 4-5 published by W. S. Orr & Co. MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. A history of Brit- ish birds, indigenous and migratory: including their organization, habits, and relations; remarks on classi- fication and nomenclature, an account of the principal organs of birds, and observations relative to practi- cal ornithology, illus. by numerous engravings. By 114 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY William MacGillivray. London, William S. Orr & Co. . . . 1852. 2 vols. illus. 23 cm - MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. Life of MacGillivray . . . ornithologist; professor of natural history, Marischal College and university, Aberdeen. By William MacGillivray. With scientific apprecia- tion, by J. Arthur Thomson. With illustrations. Lon- don, John Murray, 1910. xiii, 222 pp., front., illus. 23 cm. MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. The natural his- tory of Deeside and Braemar. By the late William MacGillivray. Edited by Edwin Lankester. London. Printed for private circulation, 1855. xx, 507 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - MCGREGOR, RICHARD c. A hand-list of the birds of the Philippine Islands. By Richard C. McGregor and Dean C. Worcester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. 123 pp. 26| cm> McGREGOR, RICHARD C. A manual of Philip- pine birds. By Richard C. McGregor. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. 2 vols. McILWRAITH, THOMAS. The birds of Ontario; being a concise account of every species of bird known to have been found in Ontario, with a description of their nests and eggs and instructions for collecting birds and preparing and preserving skins; also direc- tions how to form a collection of eggs. By Thomas Mcllwraith . . . 2d ed., enl. and rev. to date . . . Toronto, W. Briggs, 1894. ix, [n]~426 pp. front. port., illus. MAcLEARY, W. S. Remarks on the comparative anatomy of certain birds of Cuba, with a view to their JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION respective places in the system of nature or their rela- tions with other animals. By W. S. MacLeary. (Lin- nean Society. Transactions, vol. xvi, 1826-27, 46 pp.) MACOUN, JOHN. Catalogue of Canadian birds. By John Macoun. Ottawa, 1900-04. 3vols. (3 parts). MACOUN, JOHN. Catalogue of Canadian birds. By John Macoun and James M. Macoun. Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau, 1909. viii, 761, xviii pp. MACPHERSON, H. A. The Pheasant. Natural history. By the Rev. H. A. Macpherson. Shooting. By A. J. Stuart- Wortley. Cookery. By Alexander Innes Shand. With illus. by A. Thorburn. London and New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. vi, 265 pp. front., 9 pi. 20' MACPHERSON, H. B. The home-life of a Golden Eagle. Photographed and described by H. B. Macpher- son, with 32 mounted plates. London, Witherby & Co. 45 PP.. 31 pl. 26 :cm. MAINE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Jour- nal of the Maine ornithological society: a quarterly journal of Maine ornithology, 1899-1906. 8 vols. in 4. Vols. 4-8, illus. 23| cm - MALHERBE, ALFRED. Monographic des Pici- des, ou histoire naturelle des Picids, Picuminds, Yun- cines ou Torcols ; comprenant, dans la premiere partie, 1'origine mythologique, les mceurs, les migrations, Tanatomie, la physiologic, etc. ; dans la deuxime par- tie, la synonymic, la description en latin et en frangais, 116 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY 1'histoire de chaque espece, ainsi qu'un dictionnaire alphabetique et synonomique latin de toutes les especes. Par Alf. Malherbe . . . Metz, Typ. de J. Verronnais, 1861-62. 4 vols. illus., 121 (i.e., 123) col. _i r .lcm. P* 542 MANTON, WALTER PORTER. Taxidermy with- out a teacher: comprising a complete manual of in- struction for preparing and preserving birds, animals, and fishes ... By Walter P. Manton. Illustrated. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham, 1882. 3 pp., I., [9]-56 pp. illus. is""' MANUALOF THE PRACTICAL NATURALIST: or, Directions for collecting, preparing, and preserving subjects of natural history. Boston, Lilly & Wait, and Carter, Hendee and Babcock, 1831. xxiv, 25-214 pp. front. iS "' MARK, EDWARD LAURENS. The Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda biological station for research. By E. L. Mark. With 16 pi. (From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. 54, 1905. Cambridge, Mass.) 31 pp., 16 pi. MARRINER, GEORGE R. The Kea: a New Zea- land problem, including a full description of this very interesting bird, its habitat and ways, together with a discussion of the theories advanced to explain its sheep-killing propensities. By George R. Marriner . . . Marriner Bros. & Co., Christchurch, New Zea- land, 1908. 151 pp., incl. front., illus., port., map. MARSH, OTHNIEL CHARLES. Odontornithes: A monograph on the extinct toothed birds of North 117 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION America; with 34 pi. and 40 woodcuts. By Othniel Charles Marsh . . . Washington . . . 1880. xv, 201 pp., 34 pi., 40 woodcuts. MARSHALL, C. H. T. A monograph of the Capi- tonidae or Scansorial Barbets. By C. H. T. Marshall and G. F. L. Marshall. The plates drawn and litho- graphed by J. G. Keulemans. London. Published by the authors, 1870-71. xli pp., col. pi. with descriptive text, not numbered. 33' MARTIN, M. Voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides or Western Isles of Scotland . . . By M. Martin. Fourth ed. London, Daniel Brown and Lockyer Davis, 1753. 79 pp. 2i cm - MARTIN, WILLIAM CHARLES LINNAEUS. A general history of Humming-birds, or the Trochilidae: with especial reference to the collection of J. Gould . . . now exhibiting in the gardens of the Zoological Society of London. By W. C. L. Martin . . . London, H. G. Bohn, 1852. vii pp. n., 232 pp., col. front., 14 (i.e., 15) col. pi. I7 cm - MASSACHUSETTS ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE STATE. Report of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of the State. Boston, Dutton & Wentworth, 1838. 107 pp. 24 cm> . MATHEWS, FERDINAND SCHUYLER. Field book of wild birds and their music ; a description of the character and music of birds, intended to assist in the identification of species common in the eastern United States. By F. Schuyler Mathews . . . with numerous reproductions of water-color and pen-and-ink studies of birds, and complete musical notations of bird songs, by the author. New York [etc.], G. P. Putnam's Sons, 118 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY 1904. xxxv, 262 pp., col. front., 52 pi. (partly col.). i8xio| cm - MAYER, ALFRED M. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. Edited by Alfred M. Mayer. New York, The Century Co. [1883]. 2 vols. front., illus. 28 cm * MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. An atlas of plates for the Directory to the. Birds of Eastern North America. West Newton, Mass., C. J. Maynard, 1905. 40 hand-col, pi. by author; pi. with descriptive text. MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Bahama Fruit Finch. (In his Illustrations and descriptions of the birds of the Bahamas. Boston, Maynard, 1895.) 2 pp., 2 col. pi. 59 cm - MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. The birds of Eastern North America: with original descriptions of all the species which occur east of the Mississippi River between the Arctic Circle and the Gulf of Mexico, with full notes upon their habits, etc. By C. J. Maynard, containing . . . plates drawn on stone by the author. Newtonville, Mass., C. J. Maynard & Co., 1879. col. plates. 32 cm> Complete in 16 parts, with 32 plates. In some issues the plates are uncolored. Published in i vol. by Alden & Hazen, Boston, 1882 [1881]. Bound as vol. II, "Birds of Florida"; bound as vol. i of this book. MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. The birds of Eastern North America; with original descriptions of all the species which occur east of the Mississippi River, between the Arctic Circle and the Gulf of Mexico, 119 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION with full notes upon their habits, etc. By C. J. May- nard . . . Rev. ed. Newtonville, Mass., C. J. May- nard & Co., 1896. iv, 721 pp. 40 pi. (col., incl. front.), 122 illustrations (some col.). 35 011 ' MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. The birds of Florida: containing original descriptions of upwards of two hundred and fifty species, with notes upon their habits, etc. By C. J. Maynard. With . . . plates drawn and colored from nature, by Helen S. Farley . . . Salem, Naturalists' Agency, 1872. col. plates. Parts i-rv have title: The birds of Florida, with the water and game birds of eastern North America . . . New- tonville, Mass., C. J. Maynard & Co., 1878. Bound as vol. I of "Birds of Eastern N. A." MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. A catalogue of the birds of Coos County, N. H., and Oxford County, Maine, with annotations relative to the breeding hab- its, migration, etc. By C. J. Maynard; with notes by Wm. Brewster. 1871. (Bost. Soc. of Natural History, Proceedings, vol. 14, Oct. 18, 1871.) 30 pp. 22 cm> MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Contribu- tions to science. By C. J. Maynard. Newtonville, Mass., 1894-96. Vols. II and HI., illus. 23' MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Directory to the birds of Eastern North America, illus. with many woodcuts and twenty plates drawn and engraved by the author. By Charles J. Maynard. West Newton, Mass., C. J. Maynard, 1907. 317 pp. front. 23 pi. and many woodcuts. i6 cm ' Three copies, slightly different. Second copy, 23 hand- drawn pi. extra. Third copy, 23 hand-colored pi. extra. 120 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Directory to the birds of Eastern North America, illus. with many woodcuts and 20 pi. drawn and engraved by the author, Charles J. Maynard. West Newton, Mass., C. J. Maynard, 1905. 144 pp. front., illus. iG 001 - MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Eggs of North American birds. By Chas. J. Maynard. Illus- trated with ten hand-colored plates. Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 1890. iv, 159 pp. 10 col. pi. (incl. front.). 23 cm - MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Handbook of the Sparrows, Finches, etc., of New England. By C. J. Maynard. Illustrated. Newtonville, C.J. May- nard, 1896. vii pp., II., 94 pp. illus., 21 pi. (17 col.). MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Manual of taxidermy for amateurs. A complete guide in collect- ing and preserving birds and animals. By C. J. May- nard . . . New ed. New York, Forest and Stream Pub. Co. [1901]. viii, iii-xvi, 115, [9] pp. illus. MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. The natu- ralist's guide in collecting and preserving objects of natural history, with a complete catalogue of the birds of the eastern Massachusetts. By C. J. Maynard. With illustrations by E. L. Weeks. Boston, Fields, Osgood & Co., 1871. ix, 170 pp. front., illus. 20 cm< MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Nature studies in schools, conducted by C. J. Maynard. Vol.i, 1899, West Newton, Mass., C. J. Maynard. 274 pp. illus. and 10 col. pi. 23^ cm - MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. Records of walks and talks with nature, conducted by C. J. May- 121 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION nard. Vol. I, 1908, West Newton, Mass. 181 pp. illus. in text. 13 pi. (some col.). i8 cm - MAYNARD, CHARLES JOHNSON. The War- blers of New England. By C. J. Maynard . . . West Newton, C. J. Maynard, 1905. 3 pp., I., 138 pp. col. front., illus., 12 col. pi. 24 cm> Each plate accompanied by guard sheet with description. PI. i-vi each accompanied by a duplicate pi. uncolored. "This copy is hand-colored by C. J. Maynard, no. 19." MEARN, EDGAR A. Descriptions of a new species and three new sub-species of birds from Ari- zona. (From "The Auk," vol. vii, no. 3, July, 1890.) A study of the Sparrow Hawks (subgenus tinnun- culus) of America, with especial reference to the con- tinental species (Falco sparverius, Linn.). (From "The Auk," vol. IX, no. 3, July, 1892.) v. p. MEINERTZHAGEN, DAN. Bird life in an Arctic spring. The diaries of Dan Meinertzhagen and R. P. Hornby. London, R. H. Porter, 1899. iii, 150, iii pp. front, port., illus. and 27 pi. 2O cm - MERRIAM, CLINTON HART. Report of the ornithologists and mammalogists. (U.S. Dep't of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy, Report, 1889, pp. 363-536.) illus., col. pi. 22| cm - MERRIAM, CLINTON HART. A review of the birds of Connecticut, with remarks on their habits. By C.HartMerriam. June, 1877. xii,242pp. 2 col. pi. 24 cm - MERRIAM, CLINTON HART. The summer birds of western Maryland. By C. Hart Merriam and 122 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Edward A. Preble. (Special publication from Alle- gany Co. report.) The Johns Hopkins Press, Balti- more, Nov., 1900. pp. 292-397. 27- MERSHON, W. B. The Passenger Pigeon. By W. B. Mershon. New York, The Outing Publishing Com- pany, 1907. xii, ii., 225 pp. col. front., 7 pi. (i col.), facsim. MERZBACHER, GOTTFRIED. The central Tian-Shan mountains, 1902-03. By Gottfried Merz- bacher. Published under the authority of the Royal Geographical Society. New York, E. P. Dutton and Co., 1905. ix, 294 pp. front., photographs. 23 cm ' MEYER, H. L. Coloured illustrations of British birds and their eggs. By H. L. Meyer. London, G. W. Nickerson, 1842-50. 7 vols. col. pi. 22 cm- Vols. 3-8, printed by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. MEYER, H. L. Illustrations of British birds. By H. L. Meyer. London, Longman & Co. 4 vols., col. pi., no text, n. d. 27 cm> Vol. i, Land birds, 77 pi. (col.). Vol. n, Land birds, 76 pi. (col.). Vol. HI, Water birds, 82 pi. (col.). Vol. rv, Water birds, 81 pi. (col.). MICHAUX, FRANf OIS ANDRfi. Travels to the westward of the Allegany Mountains in the states of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, in the year 1802. Containing account relative to the present state of agriculture, and the natural products of those districts; together with particulars of the commercial relations which subsist between those states, and those to the eastward of the mountains, and of Lower Louisiana. By F. A. Michaux . . . Translated from the French. 123 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION London, Richard Phillips, 1805. 96 pp., front, (map). First English edition. 2i| cm ' Contains interesting accounts of the Wild Turkeys and other birds. MICHELET, JULES. The bird. By Jules Miche- let; with 210 illustrations by Giacomelli. London, New York [etc.], T. Nelson and Sons, 1869. x pp., II., [13]- 340 pp., incl. illus., plates. 24f cm - MICHENER, E. Insectivorous birds of Chester Co., Pa. Agricultural Ornithology. By E. Michener, M.D. Avondale, Pa. pp. 2.87-307. 22 cm - MICHIGAN BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture of the state of Michigan from July I, 1892, to June 30, 1893. By authority. Lansing, R. Smith & Co. . . . 1894. 516 pp. illus. in text. 24 cm - MICHIGAN ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Bul- letin, vols. 1-6, Jan., i897~June, 1905. Grand Rapids and Detroit, Mich., 1897-1905. No more published. Vols. 1-3 were published at Grand Rapids: vols. 4-6, at Detroit. MIDDENDORFF, A. T. Einleitung, Klimatologie, Geognosie, Botanik . . . Theil I. St. Petersburg, 1848. (Reise in den Aussersten norden und osten Sibiriens, Band I.) 256 pp., 26 pi., some col. si ' MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE. British Diving Ducks. By J. G. Millais; vol. I, with thirty- two plates (twenty- two of which are coloured), by Archibald Thorburn, O. Murray Dixon, H. Gronvold, and the author. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, Bombay, and Calcutta, 1913. vii, 141 pp. col. front., 42 cm> This copy is no. 18. 124 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE. Game birds and shoot- ing-sketches ; illustrating the habits, modes of capture, stages of plumage, and the hybrids and varieties which occur amongst them. By John Guille Millais. London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1892. xii, 72 pp., pi. (some col.) and illus. 4Ox32 cm< MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE. The natural history of British game birds. By J. G. Millais. With 18 col. pi., 17 photogravures, and 2 other illus., by Archibald Thorburn and J. G. Millais. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, Bombay, and Calcutta, 1909. xi, 142 pp. col. front., col. pi. 42 cm - Title-page in red and black. Only 550 copies of this book have been printed. This copy is No. 87. MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE. Tne natural history of the British surface-feeding ducks. By J. G. Millais; with 6 photogravures, 41 col. pi. and 25 other illus. Longmans, Green & Co., London, New York, and Bombay, 1902. xiv, 107 pp. front, col., col. pi. and illus. 25 cm - Only 600 copies of this edition have been printed. This copy is no. 100. MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE. The wildfowler in Scotland. By John Guille Millais . . . Longmans, Green & Co., London, New York, and Bombay, 1901. xv, 167 pp. front., 8 photogravures, pi., 2 col. 50 illus. from author's drawing and from photographs. 3I cm. First edition. MILLER, CHARLES W, An experiment in coloni- zation of the House Martin. By Charles W. Miller. Shawnee-on- Delaware, Pa., Jan., 1909. 12 pp. 2 pi. 23 cm - (Bulletin no. I, The Worthington Society for the study of bird life.) 125 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION MILLER, OLIVE THORNE. The second book of birds. Bird families. By Olive Thorne Miller. With 8 col. pi. from designs, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and 16 other full-page illus. Boston and New York, Hough ton, Mifflin & Co., The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1903. viii, 209 pp. front, (col.), pi. (col.), illus. 20 cm ' MILNE, JOHN. Relics of the Great Auk on Funk Island. By John Milne. [Reprinted from "The Field" of March 27 and April 3 and 10, 1875.] 16 pp. front. 2I cm. MINOT, HENRY DAVIS. The land-birds and game-birds of New England; with descriptions of the birds, their nests and eggs, their habits and notes . . . By H. D. MinoJ . . . Salem, Mass., Naturalists' Agency; Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1877. xy i> 456 pp. front., illus. 23| cm< First edition. MINOT, HENRY DAVIS. The land-birds and game-birds of New England, with descriptions of the birds, their nests and eggs, their habits and notes . . . illustrations. By H. D. Minot. Second edition, ed. by William Brewster . . . Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1895. xxiv pp., II., 492 pp. front, port., illus. 22| cm - MIVART, ST. GEORGE. A monograph of the Lories, or Brush-tongued Parrots, composing the family Lariidae. By St. George Mivart; . . . London, R. H. Porter, 7 Princes Street, Cavendish Square, W., 1896. liii, [193] pp. 61 col. pi., 3 maps. 34 cm> MONTAGU, GEORGE. A dictionary of British birds. Reprinted from Montagu's ornithological dictionary, and incorporating the additional species 126 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY described by Selby; Yarrell, in all three editions, and in natural-history journals. Comp. and ed. by Edward Newman . . . London, J. van Voorst, 1866. xxiv, 399, [ij PP. 22r m " MONTAGU, GEORGE. Ornithological dictionary of British birds. By Colonel G. Montagu, F.L.S. 2d ed. With a plan of study, and many new articles and original observations. By James Rennie . . . London, Hurst, Chance & Co., 1831. I p., I., Ix pp., II., 592 pp. illus. 2i| cm - Marquis of Lome copy. MORRIS, BEVERLEY R. British game birds and water fowl. By Beverley R. Morris . . . illustrated with sixty colored plates. London, Groombridge & Sons, 1855. iv, 252 pp. col. front., 60 col. pi. ^i^- MORRIS, BEVERLEY R. British game birds and wild fowl. By Beverley R. Morris. Fourth edition, revised and corrected, W. B. Tegetmeier. With 60 large pi., coloured by hand. In two vols. London, John C. Nimmo, 1895. 2 vols. 60 col. pi. 28 cm< MORRIS, FRANCIS ORPEN. A history of Brit- ish birds. By the Rev. F. O. Morris . .. . London, Groombridge & Sons, n. d. 8 vols. front, (col.), col. pi. I 9 cm - MORRIS, FRANCIS ORPEN. A history of Brit- ish birds. By the Rev. F. O. Morris . . . London, Geo. Bell & Sons, 1870. 6 vols., col. front., 352 col. pi. 26 cm ' First published in 1851-57. Second edition. MORRIS, FRANCIS ORPEN. A natural history of the nests and eggs of British birds. By the Rev. 127 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION F. O. Morris, R.A. London, George Bell & Sons, 1875. 3 vols. front., 332 pi. 26 cm - Second edition. MORRIS, ROBERT O. The birds of Springfield and vicinity. By Robert O. Morris. Springfield, Mass. Published by Henry R. Johnson, 1901. 54 pp. front, (map). 22 cm - MORSE, ALBERT PITTS. Annotated list of birds of Wellesley and vicinity; comprising the land-birds and most of the inland water-fowl of eastern Massa- chusetts. By Albert Pitts Morse . . . Wellesley, Mass. Pub. by the author, 1897. 56 pp. front. i6| cm - MOSELEY, H. N. Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger," being an account of various observa- tions made during the voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger" round the world, in the years 1872-76, under the com- mand of Sir G. S. Nares . . . and Capt. F. T. Thomp- son. By H. N. Moseley. With a map, 2 col. pi. and numerous woodcuts. London, 1879. xvi, 606 pp. map, 2 col. pi. and woodcuts, front. 23 cm * MOSLEY, S. L. A history of British birds, their nests and eggs, with hand-coloured figures of every species and variety. By S. L. Mosley, with text revised by a Fellow of the Zoological Society. Hud- dersfield, 1884-87. 2 vols. col. pi. 22| cm - MUDIE, ROBERT. The feathered tribes of the British Islands. By Robert Mudie . . . 2d ed. Lon- don, Whittaker & Co., 1835. 2 vols. col. front., illus., col. plates. I9| cm - Engr. title-page, with vignette in colors. MUDIE, ROBERT. The feathered tribes of the British Islands. By Robert Mudie. Fourth edition, 128 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY revised by W. C. L. Martin. Illus. with 28 pi. con- taining 52 figs, of birds, and 7 pi. of eggs. In 2 vols. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1854. 2 vols., front., illus. and pi. I9 cm - Two title-pages, the first with vignette. MULSANT, E. Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux- mouches ou Colibris, constituant la famille des Tro- chilides. Par E. Mulsant et feu Eduard Veneaux, Lyon. Geneve-Bale, H. Georg, 1874-77. 4 vols. and supplement, col. pi. in each vol. 57 col. pi. in sup. (no text). 34 cm - NANSEN, DR. FRITDJOF. Farthest North, being the record of a voyage of exploration of the ship "Fram," 1893-96, and of a 15 months' sleigh journey. By Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen. New York, Harper & Bros., 1897. 2 vols. front., illus., i6col. pi., map. 25 cm - NARBROUGH, SIR JOHN. An account of sev- eral late voyages to the South-sea by the command of King Charles the second . . . II. Capt. J. Tasman's discoveries on the coast of the South Terra Incognita. in. Capt. J. Wood's attempt to discover a north east passage to China, iv. F. Marten's Observations made in Greenland, and Northern Countries . . . London, D. Brown . . . 1711. xxiv, 191, 223 pp. map. 2O cm> NASH, CHARLES W. The birds of Ontario in relation to agriculture. By Charles W. Nash, Toronto. Published by the Ontario Dept. of Agr. Toronto, Warwick Bro's & Rutter, 1898. 32 pp. 32 full-page illus. 25""- NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS; containing a variety of facts selected from several writers, and 129 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION intended for the amusement and instruction of chil- dren. With copper plates. In six parts. London, J. Johnson, 1791. 3 vols. (6 pts.). col. pi. 18 jcm. NAUMANN. Iconographie d'oiseaux d'Europe et de leurs ceufs. Edition francais de 413 pi. col., destinees a .servir d'atlas a I'ornithologie europeene de Degland et Gerbe . . . Par A. Bourier. Paris, A. Hermann & Fils, 1910. 3 vols. col. pi. 4O cm- NEHRLING, HENRY. Our nature birds of song and beauty, being a complete history of all the song- birds, Flycatchers, Hummingbirds, Swifts, Goatsuck- ers, Woodpeckers, Kingfishers, Trogons, Cuckoos, and Parrots of North America. By Henry Nehrling . . . With thirty-six colored plates after water-color paint- ings by Prof. Robert Ridgway . . . Prof. A. Goering . . . and Gustav Muetzel . . . Milwaukee, G. Brum- der, 1893-. 2 vols. 5 col. pi. NELSON, EDWARD W. Report upon the natural history collections made in Alaska between the years 1877 and 1 88 1, by Edward W. Nelson. Edited by Henry W. Henshaw. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1887. 337 pp. 12 col. pi. so ' NELSON, EDWARD W. A revision of the North American mainland species of Myiarchus. By E. W. Nelson. (Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. xvu, 1904, pp. 21-50.) 22| cm> NELSON, HARRY LEVERETT. Bird-songs about Worcester. By Harry Leverett Nelson. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1889. 2 pp., I., 131 pp. jgcm. NEW JERSEY. State Museum. Annual report of the New Jersey State Museum including a list of the 130 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY birds of New Jersey, with a description of each and illustrations and the law protecting birds, etc., 1903. Camden, N. J., Chas. Sinnickson & Sons Co., 1904. PP- front., pi., some col. NEWTON, ALFRED. A dictionary of birds. By Alfred Newton, assisted by Hans Gadow, with contri- butions from Richard Lydekker . . . Charles S. Roy . . . and Robert W. Shufeldt . . . London, A. and C. Black, 1893-96. 2 pp., L., xii, 124, 1088 pp. illus., fold. map. 23 cm> NEW YORK. Commissioners of fisheries, game and forests. Annual reports of the commissioners of fish- eries, game and forests of the state of New York, 1895- 99. 5 vols. col. pi., illus. so *- NIDOLOGIST. Published monthly, with illustra- tions. Vols. 1-4, 1893-97. Alameda, CaL, 1893-97. 4 vols., illus. 25| cm - No more published. NORDENSKIOLD, A. E. The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, with a historical review of previous journeys along the North Coast of the old world. By A. E. Nordenskiold. Tr. by Alex. Leslie. With 5 steel portraits, numerous maps and illus. In 2 vols. London, Macmillan and Co., 1881. 2 vols. maps and illus. 24 cm * NORTH, A. J. Descriptive catalogue of the nest and eggs of birds found breeding, in Australia and Tasmania. By A. J. North. Printed by order of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, Dr. E. P. Ram- say, Curator. Sidney, F. W. White . . . 1889. vii, 416 pp. 21 pi. NORTH AMERICAN FAUNA, Oct., 1889, to date. Vols. i to date. Washington, 1889 to date. 2^ cm ' JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION NORTON, ARTHUR H. Birds of the Bowdoin College expedition to Labrador in 1891. By Arthur H. Norton. (From the Proceedings of the Portland Soci- ety of Natural History, vol. n, art. VIH, pp. 139-158.) Portland, Me., May 20, 1901. NORTON, CHARLES ELIOT. The poet Gray as a naturalist, with selections from his notes on the Systema naturae of Linnaeus, and facsimiles of some of his drawings. By Charles Eliot Norton. Boston, Charles E. Goodspeed, 1903. 67 pp. illus. on separate sheets. 22| cm - Limited edition of 500 copies of this book was printed on hand-made paper by D. B. Updike. Boston, Nov., 1903. This is copy no. 55. NOURSE, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones . . . With a brief notice of the Antarctic cruise under Lieut. Wilkes, 1840, and of the locations and objects of the U.S. signal service Arctic observers. Prepared chiefly from official sources. By Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S.N. Third edition. Boston, B. B. Russell (1884). 624 pp. front., illus. 23' NOURSE, J. E. Narrative of the second Arctic expedition made by Chas. F. Hall : his voyage to Re- pulse Bay, sledge journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King William's Land, and residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-69. Edited under the orders of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, by Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S.N. . . . Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1879. 1,644 pp. front, port., illus., maps. 27 .cm. NUTTALL, THOMAS. A manual of the ornithol- ogy of the United States and of Canada. By Thomas Nuttall . . . The land birds. Cambridge, Hilliard and 132 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Brown, 1832. Two copies [i in 2 vols. rare, interleaved with notes by former owner, Mr. James Brown]. Same. Cambridge, Milliard and Brown, 1832. i p., I., [v]-vi, 683 pp. illus. 20 cm> Same. 2d ed., with additions. Boston, Milliard, Gray and Company, 1840. viii, 832 pp., illus. 2O cm< NUTTALL, THOMAS. A popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States and Canada, based on Nuttall's Manual. By Montague Chamber- lain . . . Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1891. 2 vols. col. front., illus. 2o| cm * Title vignette. "This work is practically an edition of 'A manual of the ornithology of the United States and Canada,' written by Thomas Nuttall." Pref. Contents: Vol. I. The land birds. Vol. 2. Game and water birds. NUTTALL, THOMAS. A manual of the orni- thology of the United States and of Canada. By Thomas Nuttall . . . The water birds. Boston, Hilliard, Gray and Company, 1834. vii, 627 pp. illus. 20 cm> Two copies in different binding to go with "Land Birds" (1832 and 1840). Third copy, rare, interleaved with notes by former owner, Mr. James Brown, in 2 vols. NUTTALL, THOMAS. A popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States and Canada . . . 1891. A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America. By Thomas Nuttall. 2d rev. and annotated ed. By Montague Chamberlain. With additions and one hundred and ten illustrations in colors . . . Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1896. 2 vols. illus. 20 col. pi. (incl. front.). 2i cm - Title vignette. Contents: Vol. I. The land birds. Vol. 2. Game and water birds. 133 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. Bulle- tin, a quarterly journal of ornithology. Editor, J. A. Allen, associate editors, S. F. Baird and Elliot Coues. Cambridge, Mass., published by the club, 1876-83, vols. 1-8. (8 vols. bound in 4.) 4 vols. pi. (some col.). GATES, EUGENE WILLIAM. Catalogue of the collection of birds' eggs in the British Museum . . . By Eugene W. Oates. London, by order of the Trus- tees, 1901-05. 4 vols. col. pi. 23 c cm< OATES, EUGENE WILLIAM. A handbook to the birds of British Burmah, including those found in the adjoining state of Karennee. By Eugene W. Oates. London, R. H. Porter . . . and Messrs. Dulau & Co., 1883. 2 vols. 26 cm - First edition. OATES, EUGENE WILLIAM. The nests and eggs of Indian birds. By Allan O. Hume. Second edition. Edited by Eugene William Oates. London, R. H. Porter, 1889-90. 3 vols. 4 portraits in each vol. 24 cm - OBERHOLSER, HARRY C. The mammals and summer birds of western North Carolina. By Harry C. Oberholser. Biltmore,' N. C., 1905. 8 pp., unp. 22| cm< OBERHOLSER, HARRY C. Notes on birds from the Cameroons district, West Africa. A list of the birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in Central Asia, 1900. Notes on some birds from Santa Barbara Islands, Cal., 1900. Catalogue of a collection of birds from Madagascar, 1900. A review of the Larks of the genus Otocoris, 1902. A revision of the Great Horned Owls (American), 1904. A review of the Wrens of the genus Troglodytes, 1904. Washington, 134 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Government Printing Office, v. p. illus., maps. 24 cm> (Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Nat. Mus.) OBERHOLSER, HARRY C. Notes on some birds from Santa Barbara Islands, Cal. By Harry C. Ober- holser. pp. 229-234. OLDYS, HENRY. . . . Pheasant raising in the United States. By Henry Oldys . . . With a chapter on diseases of pheasants, by George Byron Morse . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910. 40 pp. illus. 23 cm - OLPHE-GALLIARD, LfiON. Contributions a la faune ornithologique de 1'Europe occidentale. . . . Par Leon Olphe-Galliard. Bayonne, 1884-86. Nos. 1-40 in 5 vols. 22| cm - OOLOGIST, a monthly publication devoted to oology, ornithology and taxidermy. Vol. I to date, 1894 to date. Gaines, N. Y., and Albion, N. Y., 1894 to date, illus. 22 cm - Vols. 1-26 were published in Gaines, N. Y. Vols. 27 to date were published in Albion, N. Y. ORD, GEORGE. Observations on two species of the genus Gracula of Latham. By George Ord. Read, May 19, 1818. pp. 253-260. 22 cm * ORD, GEORGE. Sketch of the life of Alexander Wilson, author of American ornithology. By George Ord. Philadelphia. Pub. by Harrison Hall, 1828. cxcix pp. 25 cm< ORD, GEORGE. Supplement to the American ornithology of Alexander Wilson, containing a sketch of the author's life, with a selection from his letters; 135 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION some remarks upon his writings and a history of those birds which were intended to compose part of his 9th vol. Illus. with pi. engraved from Wilson's original drawings. By George Ord. Philadelphia, 1825. ccxxiii, 298 pp. 3 col. pi. 36 cm> ORNITHOLOGIST AND OOLOGIST: Birds, their nests and eggs; established, 1875. Vols. 5-18, 1879-93. 14 vols. 255 cm> vols. 5-6, 22^ cm- OSGOOD, WILFRED H. A biological reconnais- sance of the base of the Alaska peninsula. By Wilfred H. Osgood. Prepared under the direction of Dr. C. Hart Merriam. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 86 pp. 6 pi., 2 maps. OSPREY, an illustrated monthly magazine of pop- ular ornithology. Vols. 1-6, 1897-1902, New York, 1897-1902. 6 vols. illus. 25 cm> Vol. i. Ed. by W. A. Johnson and Elliot Coues, Gales- burg, 111. Vol. 2. Ed. by W. A. Johnson and Elliot Coues, New York. Complete set. OWEN, J. A. The wild-fowl and sea-fowl of Great Britain, by a son of the marshes. Edited by J. A. Owen, with illus. by Bryan Hook. London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1895. 326 pp. front., illus. 23 cm - OWEN, RICHARD. Memoirs of the extinct wing- less birds of New Zealand ; with an appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland and Mauritius, and Rodriguez. By Richard Owen. London, John van Voorst, 1879. 2 vols. 33^ cm ' Vol. i. Text, front. Vol. 2. Plates. 118 pi., 2 pi. in Appendix; 3 pi. in supplement. Geological map of New Zealand. 136 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA. Cooper ornitho- logical club of California, vols. 1-5, 1900-09. Santa Clara, California. Published by the club, 1900-09. 5 vols. map. PACKARD, ALPHEUS SPRING. Labrador coast. A journal of two summer cruises to that region; with notes on its early discovery, on the Eskimo, etc. . . . By Alpheus Spring Packard. With maps and illus. New York, Hodges; London, Kegan Paul, 1891. 513 pp. front., illus., maps. 23 cm ' PAINE, HARRIET E. Bird songs of New England. By Harriet E. Paine. Boston, A. Williams & Co., 1882. 28 pp. ; t.-p. in black and red. 22 cm< PALMEN, J. A. Contribution to the knowledge of the bird-fauna of the Siberian coasts of the Polar Sea, according to observations and collections by the Vega Expedition. Compiled by J. A. Palmen. Translated by P. Aug. Hoist. Mss. 547 pp. PALMEN, J. A. Report on the migration of birds. By J. A. Palmen. From the Smithsonian report for 1892. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893. PP. 375-396. map. 22| cm - PALMER, FRANK H. Insect-eating birds. By Frank H. Palmer. Boxford, Mass. (1872). pp. 203- 216. illus. PALMER, THEODORE SHERMAN. . . . Leg- islation for the protection of birds other than game birds. By T. S. Palmer . . . Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1900. 94 pp. front., illus., maps. 23 cm. PALMER, THEODORE SHERMAN. Progress of game protection in 1908. By T. S. Palmer. Washing- 137 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION ton, Government Printing Office, 1909. pp. 580-590. PALMER, THEODORE SHERMAN. A review of economic ornithology in the United States. Washing- ton, 1900. (In U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Yearbook, 1899, pp. 259-292. pi. vi- viii. 23 cm> .) PALMER, WILLIAM. The avifauna of the Pribilof Islands. By William Palmer. (1890?) pp. 355-431. pi. XXXVIH-XLI. 28| cm - no date, no t.-p. PARKER, W. KITCHEN. On the morphology of a reptilian bird, Opisthocomus cristatus. By W. K. Parker, 1890. 43-85 pp. pk vii-x. 3$**' PARKER W. KITCHEN. On the morphology of the Gallinaceae. By W. Kitchen Parker. (Lihnean Society of Londpn. Transactions, 2d ser., Zoology, vol. 5, pt. 6, pp. 213-244, pi. 22-25.) 32 m ' PARKHURST, HOWARD ELMORE. The birds' calendar. By H. E. Parkhurst . . . New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1894. viii, 351 pp. front., 23 pi. 1 8^' PARKHURST, HOWARD ELMORE. Song birds and water fowl. By H. E. Parkhurst . . . New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. viii, 286 pp. 18 pi. (incl. front.), diagr. i8| cm - PARKIN, THOMAS. The Great Auk, a record of sales of birds and eggs by public auction in Great Britain, 1806-1910. With historical and descriptive notes and five plates. Extra paper to part 6 of vol. I, Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist. By Thomas Parkin. Hastings, Burfield & Pennells, 1911. 36 pp. 5pl. 22 cm - Autograph copy. 138 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY PARLEY'S ORNITHOLOGY. A book of orni- thology for youth, embracing descriptions of the most interesting and remarkable birds in all countries,with particular notices of American birds ; illus. by numer- ous engravings. Boston, William Hyde and Co., 1832. x, 322 pp. illus. in text, front. i6| cm- PEALE, TITIAN R. Original Mss. journal of the expedition to the south to collect birds for the con- tinuation of American Ornithology, for which Prince Charles Bonaparte advanced the money to defray expenses. Complete journal from Nov., 1824, to April, 1825. 71 pp. i6 cm - PEARSON, THOMAS GILBERT. Stories of bird life. By T. Gilbert Pearson . . . with illustrations by and under the supervision of John L. Ridgway. Rich- mond, Va., B. F. Johnson Pub. Co., 1901. 236 pp., incl. iilus., pi., col. front. I9 cm * PEARY, ROBERT E. The north pole; its dis- covery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arc- tic club. By Robert E. Peary. With an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt, and a foreword by Gilbert H. Grosvenor, with full-page illus. ... in black and white from photographs . . . map in colors by Gil- bert H. Grosvenor. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1910. xxxii, 373 pp. front., col. illus., map. PENARD, FREDERICK PAUL. De vogels van Guyana (Suriname, Cayenne en Demerara). Door Frederick Paul Penard en Arthur Philip Penard. Paramaribo, F. P. Penard [1908]. 2 vols. illus. 25 cm - PENNANT, THOMAS. Arctic zoology. London. Printed by Henry Hughes, 1784-85. 2 vols. 26 cm< 139 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION PENNANT, THOMAS. British zoology. Fourth edition. London. Printed for Benj. White, 1776-77. 4 vols. illus. 24 m * PENNANT, THOMAS. History of quadrupeds. Third edition. London, B. & J. White, 1793. 2 vols. illus. 24 cm - PENNANT, THOMAS. Indian zoology. Second edition. London. Printed by Henry Hughes for Robert Faulder, 1790. viii, 161 pp. illus. 29 cm- PENNANT, THOMAS. Introduction to the Arctic zoology. Second edition. London, Robert Faulder, 1792. 3 vols. illus., front. 24 cm< PENNANT, THOMAS. A tour in Scotland; 1769. Third edition. Warrington, London, Chester, 1774. 3 vols. illus. 24 .cm. PENNANT, THOMAS. A tour in Wales. London. Printed for Benjamin White. 1781-84. 2 vols. illus. 24' vol. 2, printed by Henry Hughes. PETTIGREW, JAMES BELL. On the mechanical appliances by which flight is attained in the animal kingdom. By James Bell Pettigrew, M.D., Edin., . . . communicated by Prof. Huxley. Read June 6 and 20, 1867. pp. 197-277. pi. xn-xv. so 010 - PIKE, OLIVER. Adventures in bird-land. By Oliver Pike. Containing 4 photogravures, and 90 photographs, taken directly from nature by the author, together with a col. pi. and 100 pen sketches from nature, by E. Richmond Paton. London, The Reli- gious Tract Society . . . 1907. xvi, 198 pp. illus. and pi. 23 cm - 140 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY PIKE, WARBURTON. The barren grounds of Northern Canada. By Warburton Pike. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. ix, 300 pp. 2 maps. 22 cm ' PISONIS, GULIELMI. Historia naturalis Bra- siliae, auspicio et beneficio. . . . Gulielmi Pisonis, M.D., et George Marcgravi de Liebstad. . . . Amstelodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1648. 293 pp. illus. 40 POPE, ALEXANDER. Upland game birds and water fowl of the United States. By A. Pope. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1878. 20 pp., I., 20 1. 20 col. pi. 71x57 .cm. PORTER, ROSE. A charm of birds chosen and arranged. By Rose Porter. New York. E. R. Herrick & Co. [1897]. 206 pp. 19 J "- PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL. A voyage round the world; but more particularly to the northwest coast of America, performed in 1785-88 in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. Embellished with 20 copper plates. . . . By Captain Nathaniel Portlock. London, . . . 1789. xii, 384, xl pp. front, port., illus. and maps. 30 POYNTING, FRANK. Eggs of British birds, with an account of their breeding-habits: Limicolae. With 54 coloured plates. By Frank Poynting. London, R. H. Porter, 1895-96. viii pp. 54 col. pi. with descrip- tive text. 30**' PREVOST, FLORENT. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux exotiques. Par Florent Pr6vost et L. Le- maire, avec 80 planches reprsentant 200 sujets. Paris, F. Savy. 156, xii pp. 80 col. pi. 2 pi. 25 cm< 141 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION PRICHARD, H. HESKETH. Through the heart of Patagonia. By H. Hesketh Prichard. With illus. from drawings in colors and black and white, by J. G. Millais, F.Z.S., and from photographs. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1902. xvi, 346 pp. front., col. illus. 27 ,cm. PROTECTION OF BIRDS AND GAME. Di- rectory of officials and organizations concerned with the protection of birds and game, 1907. 16 pp. RAFINESQUE, CONSTANTINE SMALTZ. Can- vas-back Duck and its food. Extracts of a letter from Mr. C. S. Rafinesque to Dr. Mitchell, dated Philadel- phia, Sept. 7, 1804. pp. 208. no t.-p. RAINE, WALTER. Bird-nesting in north-west Canada by Walter Raine. Illus. Toronto, Hunter, Rose & Co., 1 892. vii, 197 pp. 2 illus. and pi. (col.). 23 cm- RAMBERT, EUGENE. Les oiseaux dans la nature. Description pittoresque des oiseaux utiles. Par Eugene Rambert et Leo Paul Robert. Ouvrage publi sous la direction de M. D. Lebet. 60 planches en couleurs, 50 gravures sur bois hors texte, et 122 gravures dans la texte d'aprs les aquarelles et les dessins de Lo Paul Robert. Paris, D. Lebet. front., 60 col. pi. 50 full-page illus. 122 illus. in text; text not numbered ; t.-p. in red and black. 4i cm- n. d. RAY, P. H. Report of the international polar expe- dition to Point Barrow, Alaska, in response to the resolution of the House of Representatives of Decem- ber n, 1884. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1885. 695 pp. front. 12 full-page illus. 5 pi. 30"' REED, CHESTER ALBERT. American orni- thology, for the home and school. Edited by C. Albert 142 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Reed. Worcester, Mass., Charles K. Reed, Pub., 1901- 06. 6vols. illus. 22^ m - REED, CHESTER ALBERT. North American birds' eggs. By Chester A. Reed . . . illustrating the eggs of nearly every species of North American birds. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1904. 5 pp., ! 356 pp. col. front., illus. 23 c cm - REED, CHARLES S. Ornitologia economica utili- dad de las especies Chilenas del sub-orden Striges. Por Carlos S. Reed. pp. 13-19. illus. 24 cm - (Estracto del "Boletin de la Sociedad Agricola del Sur," vol. 5, num. 19.) REED, CHARLES S. Zoolojia Chilena. Las aves de la provincia de Concepcion y algunas noticias acerca de su relacion con la agricultura. Por Carlos S. Reed . . . Santiago de Chile, 1904. 62pp.; t.-p. vignette, illus. 24 cm - REID, SAVILE G. The birds of the Bermudas. By Savile G. Reid . . . Printed in "The Zoologist" for October and November, 1877, and now reprinted by permission. Hamilton, Bermuda. Printed at the Royal Gazette Office, 1883. 43 [2] pp. 2O cm> REPORT on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the "Southern Cross." London. Printed by order of the Trustees; sold by Longmans & Co. . . . 1902. ix, 344 pp. 53 pi. (some col.). 25 cm - REPORTS on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Mass. Pub. agreeably to an order of the Legislature by the commissioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state. Boston, Dutton & Wentworth, 1839. xii, 426 pp., pi. 25 cm> 143 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION RHOADS, SAMUEL N. Birds. By Samuel N. Rhoads. (In Contributions to the zoology of Tennes- see, no. 2, 1895, pp. 463-501.) 23 C ,cm. RHODE ISLAND. Commissioners of birds. A check-list of Rhode Island nesting birds, with data; n. p., 1908. 21 pp. illus. 24 cm - RICH, WALTER HERBERT. Feathered game of the northeast. By Walter H. Rich; with illustrations by the author. New York, T. Y. Crowell & Co. [1907]. xvi, 432 pp. col. front., 85 pi. 24 cm - RICHARDSON, SIR JOHN. Fauna Boreali- Americana; or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America, containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected by the late northern expe- ditions under command of Capt. Sir John Franklin, R.N. By John Richardson, assisted by William Swainson and the Rev. William Kirby. London, 1829- 37. 4 vols. pi. (col. pi. in vols. 2, 3, and 4). 29 cm * RICHARDSON, SIR JOHN. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Herald, under the command of Capt. Henry Kellett . . . during the years 1845-51. Pub- lished under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Edited by Prof. Edward Forbes. By Sir John Richardson. London, Lovell Reeve, 1854. 171 pp. 33 pi. 34 cm< RICHMOND, CHARLES W. Birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott on the coast and islands of north- west Sumatra. By Charles W. Richmond. Washing- ton, Government Printing Office, 1903. pp. 485-524. RICHMOND, CHARLES W. Partial list of birds collected at Alta Mira, Mexico, by Mr. Frank B. Arm- 144 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY strong. By Charles W. Richmond. Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott in Mada- gascar, with descriptions of three species. By Charles W. Richmond. Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott in Eastern Turkestan, the Thian-shan Mts. and Tagdumbash Pamir, Central Asia, with notes on some of the species. By C. W. Richmond, 1895. Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W, L. Abbott in Kashmir, Baltistan and Ladak, with notes on some of the species, and a de- scription of a new species of Cyancula. By Charles W. Richmond, 1895. 627-632, 677-694, 569-591. 45*- 503 pp. 24 cm RICHMOND, CHARLES W. List of generic terms proposed for birds during the years 1890 to 1900, inclusive, to which are added names omitted by Water- house in his " Index Generum Avium." By Charles W. Richmond. ' Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 663-729 pp. 23 cm< (Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Nat. Mus.) RIDGWAY, ROBERT. The birds of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America from the Arctic lands to the Isthmus of Panama, the West Indies and other Islands of the Caribbean Sea, and the Galapagos Archipelago. By Robert Ridgway. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1901-07. 5 vols. 22 cm - RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago. By Robert Ridgway. (U.S. Nat. Mu- seum. Proceedings, vol. 19, pp. 459-670.) illus. 2 pi. 25 cm. RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Catalogue of the birds ascertained to occur in Illinois. By Robert Ridgway. 145 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION [Jan., 1874.] (Lyceum of Natural History, N.Y., vol. 10, 1874, pp. 364-394-) 24 cm ' RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Directions for collecting birds. By Robert Ridgway. Part A of Bulletin of the U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 39. Washington, 1891. 27 pp. 23 cm - RIDGWAY, ROBERT. The Humming-birds. By Robert Ridgway. (U.S. National Museum, 1890, pp. 253-383.) 46 pi. 22f cm - RIDGWAY, ROBERT. A manual of North Ameri- can birds. By Robert Ridgway. Illus. by 464 outline drawings of the generic characters. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. xiii, 653 pp. front, port., 124 RIDGWAY, ROBERT. The ornithology of Illinois. Published by authority of the State Legislature, Spring- field, Illinois, 1889-95. 2 vols., pl. 27 cm - (Natural his- tory survey of Illinois, parts 1-2.) RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Ornithology. U.S. geo- logical exploration of the fortieth parallel. Clarence King, geologist-in-charge. . . . ill. by 24 pl. Washing- ton, Government Printing Office, 1877. 669 pp. 24 pl. 30 cm. RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Outlines of a natural arrangement of the Falconidae. By Robert Ridgway. Washington, Government Printing Office, June, 1875. 7pp. pl.xi-xvm. 23 011 ' RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Revision of nomenclature of certain North American birds. By Robert Ridgway, 1880. i6pp. 24 cm - RIDGWAY, ROBERT. I. Studies of the American Falconidae. By Robert Ridgway. II. Ornithology 146 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY of Guadeloupe Island. By Robert Ridgway. 92-195 pp. 2 pi. 22 cm> (Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of the Territories.) RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Studies of the American Herodiones. Part I. Synopsis of the American genera of Ardeidae and Ciconiidae, including descriptions of three new genera, and a monograph of the American species of the genus Ardae, Linn. By Robert Ridgway. no t.-p. v. p. 23 cm> RIDGWAY, ROBERT. A winter with the birds of Costa Rica. By Robert Ridgway. With photographs by the author. [Reprinted from "The Condor," vol. vu, no. 6, Nov., 1905.] pp. 151-160. illus. 27"- RIDGWAY, ROBERT. Color standards and color nomenclature. By Robert Ridgway. With fifty-three colored plates and eleven hundred and fifteen named colors. Washington, 1912. in, 43 pp. 23^ cm> Autograph copy. RIKER, CLARENCE B. A list of birds observed at Santarem, Brazil. By Clarence B. Riker. With annotations by Frank M. Chapman, 1890. pp. 131- 164. 22 cm - RILEY, C. V. The insectivorous habits of the Eng- lish Sparrow. By C. V. Riley, Ph.D. Author's edition. (1887?) 22 pp. 22 cm> RILEY, JAMES. Remarks on Sidi Hamet's notices of the interior parts of Africa, as published by the American sea-captain James Riley in his narrative of the loss of the American Brig Commerce, etc. Pre- sented to the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks. By Jacob Graberg of Herriso: . . . Mss. 25 pp. 147 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION RIVES, WILLIAM C. A catalogue of the birds of the Virginias. By Wm. C. Rives. Newport, R.I., T. T. Pitman, Oct., 1890. 100 pp. maps. 23 cm - ROBINSON, ROWLAND E. In New England fields and woods. By Rowland E. Robinson. Boston and New York, Hough ton, Mifflin & Co. . . . 1896. viii, 287 pp. i8 c cmt ROBINSON, WIRT. An annotated list of birds collected in the vicinity of La Quaiva, Venezuela. By Wirt Robinson and Charles W. Richmond. Washing- ton, Government Printing Office, 1901. pp. 163-175. ROBINSON, WIRT. A flying trip to the tropics. A record of an ornithological visit to the United States of Colombia, South America, and to the island of Curasao, West Indies, in the year 1892. Cambridge, The Riverside Press, 1895. x, 194 pp. col. front., illus., col. pi., port., maps. 8. ROOD, MRS. E. IRENE, Ed. Papers presented to the World's Congress on Ornithology. Edited by Mrs. E. Irene Rood . . . under the direction of Dr. Elliott Coues. Chicago, Charles H. Sergei Co., 1896. 208 pp. 25 .cm. ROOSEVELT, ROBERT B. The game-birds of the coasts and lakes of the northern states of America. A full account of the sporting along our sea-shores and in- land waters, with a comparison of the merits of breech- loaders and muzzle-loaders. By Robert B. Roosevelt. New York, Carleton, 1869. vi, 336 pp. 19 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. African game trails. An account of the African wanderings of an American 148 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY hunter-naturalist. By Theodore Roosevelt. With more than 200 illus. from photographs by Kermit Roosevelt and other members of the expedition, and from drawings by Philip R. Goodwin. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. xiii, 583 pp. front., illus. 25 cm - ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Hunting trips of a ranchman. Sketches of sport on the northern cattle plains. By Theodore Roosevelt. Illus. by A. B. Frost, R. Swain Gifford, J. C. Beard, Fannie E. Gifford, Henry Sandham. London, Kegan Paul, 1886. xvi, 347 pp. front., illus. 24 cm> ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. The wilderness hunter; an account of the big game of the United States and its chase with horse, hound, and rifle. By Theo- dore Roosevelt. G. P. Putnam's Sons, xv, 472 pp. 22 illus. and front. 29 cm> Limited edition. Copy no. 165. ROSS, ALEXANDER MILTON. The birds of Canada: with descriptions of their plumage, habits, food, song, nests, eggs, times of arrival and departure. By Alexander Milton Ross . . . 2d ed. Toronto, Rowsell and Hutchison, 1872. xvi, 152 pp. illus. ROTHSCHILD, WALTER. The Avifauna of Lay- san and the neighboring islands: with a complete his- tory to date of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions. By the Hon. Walter Rothschild.* Illus. with colored and black plates, by Messrs. Keulemansand Frohawk: . . . London, R. H. Porter, 1893-1900. xx, xiv, 320 pp. col. front., col. pi., illus. 38 cm - ROTHSCHILD, WALTER. Extinct birds. An attempt to write in one volume a short account of 149 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION those birds which have become extinct in historical times that is, within the last 600 or 700 years. To which are added a few which still exist, but are on the verge of extinction. By the Hon. Walter Rothschild. With 45 col. pi. embracing 63 subjects, and other illus. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1907. xxix, 244 pp. 42 col. Pi- 39 C ROTHSCHILD, WALTER. Novitates zoologies. A journal of zoology in connection with the Tring Museum, edited by the Hon. Walter Rothschild, Ernest Hartert, and Dr. K. Jordan. Printed by Hazell, Matsen & Viney, Ltd., London and Aylesbury, 1894-1908. 14 vols. illus. with col. pi. 29 cm - ROWLEY, GEORGE DAWSON. Ornithological miscellany. Edited by George Dawson Rowley. Lon- don, Triibner and Co., . . . 1876-78. 3 vols. illus., col. pi., front. 34 cm - ROWLEY, JOHN. The art of taxidermy. By John Rowley . . . Illus. with 20 full-page pi. and 59 draw- ings in text. New-York, D. Appleton & Co., 1898. xi, 244 pp. front, (col.), illus. RUDOLF, crown prince of Austria. Notes on sport and ornithology. By his imperial and royal highness the late crown prince Rudolf of Austria. Tr. with the author's permission, by C. G. Danford. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1889. vii, 648 pp. front. 23 cm. RUSS, KARL. The speaking Parrots: a scientific manual. By Dr. Karl Russ . . . Translated by Leonora Schultze, and revised by Dr. Karl Russ. London, L. Upcott Gill, 1884. viii, 296pp. col. front., col. pi. 2o| cm> 150 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SAINT-PIERRE, JAMES HENRY B. DE. Stud- ies of nature; translated from the French of James Henry Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. In three volumes. London, Lee & Hurst . . . 1798. 3vols. 2i cm - vol. I, front. SALERNE, M. L'histoire naturelle, eclaircie dans une de ses parties principales, 1'ornithologie, qui traite des oiseaux de terre, de mer et de riviere, tant de nos climats que des pays etrangers . . . Par M. Salerne . . . enrichi de 31 figures dessines d'apres nature. Paris, Debure, 1767. xii, 463 pp. 31 col. pi., incl. front, (col.). SALVADORI, TOMMASO. Intorno alia Porzana Moluccana Wall, ed alia Gallinula Ruficrissa Gould. Nota di Tommaso Salvador! . . . 1879. Nuova specie del genere Gacticus Vieillot, 1874. Intorno al genere Cymborhynchus vigors 1874. Intorno ad una specie poco nota del genere Cyclopsittacus . . . 1882. Intorno ad alcuni uccelli di Costa Rica. v. p. SALVIN, FRANCIS HENRY. Falconry in the British Isles. By Francis Henry Salvin and William Brodrick. London, John van Voorst, 1855. vi, 147 pp. 24 col. pi. 30- SALVIN, OSBERT. Central and South American birds. 3 vols. col. pi. 22 cm - SALVIN, OSBERT. Notes on birds from British Guiana. By Osbert Salvin and F. D. Goodman. Notes on birds obtained by Mr. Henry Whitely in British Guiana. By Osbert Salvin. v. p. 6 col. pi. no date, no t.-p. 23 cm> JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Among the birds: a series of sketches for young folks, illustrating the domestic life of our feathered friends. By Edward A. Samuels . . . Boston, Nichols and Noyes, 1868. viii, 223 pp. front., illus. 18 >cm. SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. The birds of New England. By Edward A. Samuels. Boston, Noyes, Holmes and Company, 1870. front., 591 pp. illus. and 8 col. pi. 24 cm< SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. The birds of New England and adjacent states . . . with illus. of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs. By Edward A. Samuels. With an appendix con- taining supplementary notes. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, Noyes, Holmes & Co., 1875. vii, 591 pp. front., col. illus. and 8 col. pi. 24 cm< SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Oology of some of the land birds of New England, as a means of identifying injurious or beneficial species. By E. A. Samuels, Boston, Mass. pp. 386-430. 22 cm> no t.-p. SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Ornithology and oology of New England: containing full descrip- tions of the birds of New England, and adjoining states and provinces, arranged by a long-approved classi- fication and nomenclature; together with a complete history of their habits, times of arrival and departure, their distribution, food, song, time of breeding, and a careful and accurate description of their nests and eggs ; with illustrations of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs. By Edward A. Samuels . . . Boston, Nichols and Noyes, 1867. vii, 583 pp. front., illus., plates. 24 cm - 152 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Our north- ern and eastern birds. Containing descriptions of the birds of the northern and eastern states and British provinces, together with a history of their habits, times of arrival and departure, etc., with illus. of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs. By Edward A. Samuels. With a suppl. from Holder's "American Fauna." New York, 1883. vii, 600 pp. front., illus. 26 cm> SAMUELS, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. With rod and gun in New England and the maritime provinces. By Edward A. Samuels . . . with valuable supple- mentary chapter. . . . Samuels & Kimball, Boston, 1897. 540 pp. illus. with photograph and portrait, front. SANDYS, EDWYN. Upland game birds. By Edwyn Sandys and T. S. Van Dyke. Illus. by L. A. Fuertes, A. B. Frost . . . New York, The Macmillan Co. ;' London, Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1902. vii, 429 pp. front., illus. 24 , cm. SAUNDERS, HOWARD. An illustrated manual of British birds. By Howard Saunders. With 384 illus. and 3 col. maps. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1899. x i> 776 pp. illus. SAXBY, HENRY L. The birds of Shetland. With observations on their habits, migration, and occasional appearance. By the late Henry L. Saxby; edited by his brother Stephen H. Saxby . . . Edinburgh, Mac- Jachlan & Stewart; London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1874. xv, 398 pp. front. 8 pi. (incl. front.). 2& m - SCHAANNING, H. THO. L. Ostfinmarkens fu- glefauna. Ornithologiske meddellelser vedrorende trak- 153 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION terne om Varangerf jorden specielt Sydvarangers fauna i aarene 1900-1906. A. and H. Tho. L. Schaanning, 1907. 97 pp. 23 m - Autograph copy. SCHAEFFER, DIACOBUS CHRISTIANUS. Museum ornithologicum exhibens envmerationem et descriptionem avium quas nova prorsus ratione sibi paratas in museo suo asservat Diacobus Christianus Schaeffer . . . Ratisbonae, 1789. 72 pp. 52 pi. (col.). SCHLEGEL, H. De vogels van Nederlandsch Indie, beschreven en afgebeeld door H. Schlegel . . . Leiden, E. J. Brill; Amsterdam, G. L. Funke. n. d. 68 pp. 50 col. pi. 32| cm ' (Title-page in French and Dutch. Text in French and Dutch.) SCHLEGEL, H. Kritische Ubersicht der Euro- paischen Vogel. Von Dr. H. Schlegel. Leiden, Leip- zig, Paris, 1844. cxxxv, n6pp. 25 cm> (Text in German and French.) SCHLEGEL, H. Natuurlijke Historie van Neder- land. De Dieren van Nederland. Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman, 1860. Ixxi, 132 pp. 18 Tafereel and 17 Plaat. 23 cm ' SCHLEGEL, H. Natuurlijke Historie van Neder- land. De Dieren van Nederland. Gewervelde dieren door Prof. H. Schlegel. Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman, 1861. vii, i34- 26 3 PP- pl- 18-35 (col.). 23 cm - SCHOEDLER, FRIEDRICH. The book of nature: an elementary introduction to the sciences of physics, astronomy, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, and physiology. By Friedrich Schoedler. 154 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY 2d edition. Trans, from the 6th Ger. ed. by Henry Medlock. London and Glasgow, Richard Griffin & Co., 1854. 7, 608 pp. illus. 2i cm> SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY. Argentine orni- thology. A descriptive catalogue of the birds of the Argentine Republic. By P. L. Sclater . . . With notes on their habits by W. H. Hudson . . . London, R. H. Porter, 1888. 2 vols. illus. 20 col. pi. 26 cm - SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY. Catalogue of a collection of American birds belonging to Philip Lutley Sclater. London, N. Trubner & Co., 1862. xiv, 338 pp. 20 COI. pi. 22| cm ' SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY. A monograph of the birds forming the Tanagrine genus Calliste; illus. by a col. pi. of all the known species. By Philip Lutley Sclater . . . London, John van Voorst, 1857. xvii, 104 pp. 23 m - SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY. A monograph of the Jacamars and Puff-birds, or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae. By P. L. Sclater . . . London. Published for the author by R. H. Porter . . . (1882). Hi, 171 pp. 55 col. pi. 33^' SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY. Report on the birds. (Zoology, vol. 2, part. viii. In Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. . . .) Published by order of Her Majesty's Government . . . London, Longmans & Co. ; John Murray, etc. . . . 1881. 166 pp. 30 col. pl- 32T' SCLATER, -WILLIAM LUTLEY. A history of the birds of Colorado. By William Lutley Sclater . . . 155 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION With 17 pi. and a map. Witherby & Co., London, 1912. xxiv, 576 pp. front, port., 17 pi. 23 cm> SCOPOLI, GIOVANNI ANTONIO. Scopoli's oral- thological papers, from his Delicise Florae et Faunae Insubricae. (Ticini: 1786-1788.) Edited by Alfred Newton . . . London, 1882. iv, 20 pp. 26 cm> [The Willughby Society.] SCOTT, CAPT. ROBERT F. The voyage of the "Discovery." By Capt. Robert F. Scott. With 260 full-page and small illus. by Dr. E. A. Wilson and other members of the expedition. Photogravure front. 12 col. pi. on facsimile from Dr. Wilson's sketches, pan- oramas, and maps. In two volumes. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons; London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1905. 2 vols. front., illus., maps. 25 cm - SCOTT, WILLIAM EARLE DODGE. Bird stud- ies; an account of the land birds of eastern North America. By William E. D. Scott. With illustrations from original photographs. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. I p., I., 363 pp. front., illus. 26 cm - SEEBOHM, HENRY. The birds of Siberia; a record of a naturalist's visits to the valleys of the Petchora and Venesei. By Henry Seebohm. With map and illustrations. London, John Murray, 1901. xix, 512 pp. illus. SEEBOHM, HENRY. Coloured figures of the eggs of British birds, with descriptive notices by Henry Seebohm . . . edited (after the author's death) by R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. Sheffield, Pawson and Brailsford, 1896. xxiv, 304 pp. front.- port., 59 col. pi. 26 cm - 156 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SEEBOHM, HENRY. Contributions to the orni- thology of Siberia. By Henry Seebohm, etc. . . . v. p. 23 cm - ("The Ibis." Fourth series, no. ix, Jan., 1879.) SEEBOHM, HENRY. The geographical distribu- tion of the family Charadriidae, or the Plovers, Sand- pipers, Snipes, and their allies. By Henry Seebohm . . . London [etc.], H. Sotheran & Co. [1888]. xxix, 524 pp. front., illus., col. pi. 33x27 cm> SEEBOHM, HENRY. A history of British birds, with coloured illustrations of their eggs. By Henry Seebohm. London . . . R. H. Porter, and Dulau & Co., 1883-85. 3 vols. text; I vol. pi. 26 cm - SEEBOHM, HENRY. A monograph of the Tur- didae, or family of Thrushes. By the late Henry See- bohm . . . Ed. and completed (after the author's death) by R. Bowdler Sharpe . . . London, H. Sotheran & Co., 1902. 2 vols. front, port., 149 col. pi. 39x3i cm> SEEBOHM, HENRY. On the birds observed by Dr. Bunge on his recent visit to Great Liakoff Island. By Henry Seebohm. On Merula torquata and its geographical races. . . . and other papers, v. p. illus. SEEBOHM, HENRY. Siberia in Europe: a visit to the valley of the Petchora, in North-east Russia; with descriptions of the natural history, migration of birds, etc. By Henry Seebohm, with map and illus. London, John Murray, 1880. xv, 311 pp. map. illus. 2I cm. SEEBOHM, HENRY. Siberia in Asia: a visit to the valley of the Yenesay in east Siberia. With descrip- 157 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION tions of the natural history, migration of birds, etc. By Henry Seebohm. With map and illus. London, John Murray, 1882. xviii, 304 pp. map. illus. 2i cm< SEEMANN, BERTHOLD. Narrative of the voy- age of H.M.S. Herald during the years 1845-51, under command of Capt. Henry Kellett; being a circum- navigation of the globe, and three cruises to the Arctic regions in search of Sir John Franklin. By Berthold Seemann. In two volumes. London, Reeve & Co., 1853. front, (col.), illus. 22 cm> SELBY, PRIDEAUX JOHN. Illustrations of British ornithology. By Prideaux John Selby . . . Edinburgh. Printed for the proprietor, and pub. by W. H. Lizars . . . 1833. 2 vols. 228 pi. (224 col.). SELIGMANN, JOHANN MICHAEL. Sammlung verschiedener auslanischer und seltener vogel worin- nen ein jeder dererselben nicht nur auf das genaueste beschrieben sondern auch in einer richtigen und sauber illuminerten. Abbildung vorgestellet wird von Johann Michael Seligmann. Niirnberg gedruckt ben Johann Joseph Fleischmann, 1749-1776. 9 vols. 4l cm> SENNETT, GEORGE B. Notes on the ornithol- ogy of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observa- tions made during the season of 1877. By George B. Sennett, of Erie, Pa. Edited, with annotations, by Dr. Elliott Coues (1878). 311 pp. 24 cm> SENNETT, GEORGE B. Further notes on the ornithology of the lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observations made during the spring of 1878. By George B. Sennett. Edited, with annotations, by Dr. Elliott Coues. [Meadville, Pa., May 30, 1879.] pp. 371-440. 2 3 cm ' 158 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SENNETT, GEORGE B. Further notes on the ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas. (U.S. Geol. and Geog. Survey, Bulletin v. v, no. 3, pp. 331-590.) SHACKLETON, SIR ERNEST H. The heart of the Antarctic ; being the story of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907-1909. By E. H. Shackleton. With an introduction, by H. Robert Mill . . .an account of the first journey to the South Magnetic Pole, by Prof. T. W. Edgenorth David. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1909. 2 vols. front., illus. 26 cm - SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. An analytical index to the works of the late John Gould. By R. Bowdler Sharpe . . . With biographical memoir and portrait. London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1893. xlviii, 375 pp. front, port. 30 SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. Birds in nature. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. With 39 col. pi. and other illus. by P. Robert. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, Ltd., 1888. 78 pp. front, (col.), col. pi., illus. 32 cm> Edition limited to 300 copies, of which this is no. 136. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. A hand-book of the birds of Great Britain. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Lon- don, W. H. Allen & Co., Ltd., 1894-97. 4 vols. col. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. A hand-book to the birds of Great Britain. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Lon- don, Edward Lloyd, Limited, 1896-97. 4 vols. col. front., illus., 124 col. pl. i8 c >cm. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. A hand-list of the gen- era and species of birds [nomenclator avium turn fossil- 159 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION ium turn viventium]. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. London, by order of the Trustees, 1899-1909. 5 vols. 23 cm> SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. A monograph of the Alcedinidae: or family of Kingfishers. By R. B. Sharpe. London. Pub. by the author, 1868-71. Ixxi pp. and descriptive text. 120 col. pi. 30*' SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. Monograph of the Para- diseidae, or Birds of Paradise, and Phlonorhynchidae, or Bower-birds. By R. Bowdler Sharpe ... In two volumes. London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1891-98. 2 vols. col. pi. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. On birds collected by Prof. J. B. Steere in the Philippine Archipelago. By R. B. Sharpe . . . Read Nov. 16, 1876. 307-355 pp. pi. XLVI-LIV. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. Sketch-book of British birds. By R. Bowdler Sharpe . . . With coloured illustrations by A. F. and C. Lydon. London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge . . . 1898. xx, 255 pp. col. front., col. illus. in text. SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. Bulletin of the British Ornithological Club. Edited by R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. Vol. iv. Avium generum index alphabeticus. London, R. H. Porter, April, 1899. 31 pp. 23 cm< SHARPE, R. BOWDLER. A monograph of the Hirundinidae, or family of Swallows. By R. Bowdler Sharpe and Claude W. Wyatt. London, Henry Sotheran & Co., 1885-94. 2 V I S - c l- P^ an d maps. SHAW, GEORGE. Cimela physica. Figures of rare and curious quadrupeds, birds, etc., together with 160 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY several of the most elegant plants. Engraved and coloured from the subjects themselves. By John Frederick Miller. With descriptions by George Shaw. London. Printed by T. Bensley . . . 1796. 106 pp. front, (col.). 60 col. pi. 55 cm * SHAW, GEORGE. General zoology or systematic natural history by George Shaw, with plates from the first authorities and most select specimens, engraved principally by Mrs. Griffith. London. Printed for G. Kearsley, 1809-26. [Aves.] Vols. vn-xrv [each vol. in 2 parts], illus. 22 cm> Vols. ix-xrv, Pt. i, by James Francis Stephens. Vol. xiv, Pt. 2, Index. SHELLEY, GEORGE ERNEST. A handbook to the birds of Egypt. By G. E. Shelley. London, John van Voorst, 1872. viii, 342 pp. front, (col.), col. pi. 26 cm ' SHELLEY, GEORGE ERNEST. A monograph of the Nectariniidae, or family of Sun-birds. By Captain G. E. Shelley . . . London. Published by the author, 1876-80. cviii, 393 [i] p. 12 1 pi. 34| cm - Originally published in 12 parts, July 28, i876-Feb- ruary, 1880. SHEPPARD, EDWIN. Birds of Virginia. Edwin Sheppard. 56 watercolors, hand-painted. 22 cm> x3O cm< SHORT, ERNEST H. Birds of western New York. With notes. Ernest H. Short. Second edition, 1896. Frank H. Lattin, Pub., Albion, N. Y. 20 pp. 22 cm - SHRINER, CHARLES ANTHONY. The birds of New Jersey. Comp. by Charles A. Shriner, state fish and game protector. By authority of the fish and game 161 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION commission of the state of New Jersey. [Paterson, N. J.] Printed for the Commission, 1896. 16 pp., n., 17-212 pp. illus., plates. SHUFELDT, R. W. Comparative oology of North American birds. By R. W. Shufeldt. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1894. SHUFELDT, R. W. Observations upon the habits of Micropus melanoleucus, with critical notes on its plumage and external character. By R. W. Shufeldt, 1886. pp. 151-158. I pi. 22 cm - no t.-p. SHUFELDT, R. W. The myology of the Raven. A guide to the study of the muscular system in birds. By R. W. Shufeldt. London and New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1890. xix, 343 pp. illus. 23 cm> SIEBOLD, PH. FR. DE. Fauna Japonica sive descriptio animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui summum in India Batava Imperium tenent, fuscepto Annis 1823-1830 collegit, notis observationibus et adumberationibus illustravit Ph. Fr. de Siebold conjunctis studies C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel pro vertebratis atque W. De Haan pro invertebratis elaborata. Regis auspiciis edita Lugduni Batavorum, 1833. Amstelodami, apud J. Muller et Co. 4 vols. 4ix32 cm - SIERRA CLUB BULLETIN. Into the heart of Cataract Canon, Grand Canon of Arizona. By William A. Brewer. My trip to King's river Canon. By Dr. Joseph Le Conte. Conifers of the Pacific slope ; how to distinguish them. By John G. Lemmon. Birds of the High Mts. By Vernon L. Kellogg, etc., 1902. pp. 77-176. front., illus. 24 m - 162 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SLATER, HENRY H. Manual of the birds of Ice- land. By Henry H. Slater. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1901. xxiii, 150 pp. front., illus. 2 maps. 20 cm. SMITH, ANDREW. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa, consisting chiefly of figures and de- scriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, in the years 1834, '35 and '36. ... by Andrew Smith . . . London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1849. 5 vols. col. pi. 32 C cm. SMITH, ANDREW. Sir Andrew Smith's miscel- laneous ornithological papers. Edited by Osbert Salvin. London, 1880. vi, 127 pp. 26 cm - [The Wil- lughby Society.] SMITHWICK, J. W. P. Ornithology of North Carolina. A list of the birds of North Carolina, with notes of each species. Issued by the N.C. Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, N. C. Bulletin no. 144, October 30, 1897. 198-227 pp. map (inserted). 22 cm> SPRING AND SUMMER IN LAPLAND. By an old Bushman . . . 2d ed., with coloured plates. Lon- don, Groombridge and Sons, 1871. viii, 407 pp. col. front, and pi. 2o| cm - STANLEY, EDWARD. A familiar history of birds. By the late Edward Stanley . . . New edition. 163 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1880. xii, 420 pp. illus. I9 cm> STARK, J. Elements of natural history, adapted to the present state of the science, containing the generic characters of nearly the whole animal kingdom, and descriptions of the principal species. By John Stark, F.R.S.E. With illus., engravings. Wm. Blackwood, Edinburgh; T. Cadell, London, 1828. 2 vols. 23 cm - Vol. i. Vertebrata. Vol. 2. Invertebrata. STEARNS, WINFRID ALDEN. Bird life in Labrador. By Winfrid A. Stearns. [Amherst, Mass., 1886.] viii, 100 pp. I illus. 24 .cm. STEARNS, WINFRID ALDEN. A manual of orni- thology. B^ Winfrid A. Stearns. Being a prelimi- nary study of the classes, orders, families, sub-families, with an enumeration of the genera and principal spe- cies of the birds of North America, together with a brief synopsis of the special features of general orni- thology. Designed for the student and all lovers of the most fascinating branch of science . . . 1895, Atlanta, Ga. 162 pp. 23| cm - STEARNS, WINFRID ALDEN. New England bird life, being a manual of ornithology. Revised and edited from the manuscript of Winfrid A. Stearns . . . by Elliott Coues . . . Second edition. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, Charles T. Dillingham, 1887. 2 vols. 2o| cm> STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. ... The birds of the Kuril Islands. By Leonhard Stejneger . . . Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1898. (U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. 21, pp. 269-296.) 24 164 .cm. BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. Notes on a collection of birds made by Mr. Harry V. Henson in the island of Yezo, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. [1892-93.] 289-769 pp. i pi. Remarks on the systematic arrangement of the American Turdidae. By L. Stejneger. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Feb. 13, 1883, pp. 449-484.) STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. Description of Ral- lus jouyi, with remarks on Rallus striatus and Rallus gularis. By Leonhard Stejneger. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1886. 361-480 pp.) On the use of trinominals in American Ornithology. Leonhard Stejneger. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, 1884. 67-82 pp.) STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. On the status of the Gray Shrike, collected by Capt. Blakiston, Yezo, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. xvi, no. 931. 217-218 pp.) STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. On the Wheatears (Saxicola) occurring in North America. By Leonhard Stejneger . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1901. pp. 473-481. 33"*' STEJNEGER, LEONHARD. Results of ornitho- logical explorations in Commander Islands and in Kamtschatka. By Leonhard Stejneger. With nine plates. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1885. 382pp. STERLAND, W. J. The birds of Sherwood Forest. With notes of their habits, nesting, migrations, etc., being a contribution to the natural history of the country. By W. J. Sterland. With 4 illus. by the author. London, L. Reeve & Co., 1869. ix, 244 pp. front, (col.), 4 pi. (incl. front.). 2O cm> 165 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION ST. JOHN, MRS. HORACE. Audubon, the natu- ralist of the new world, his discoveries and adventures. By Mrs. Horace St. John. Revised and corrected, with additions, and illus. with engravings, by J. W. Orr. . . . . New York, C. S. Francis & Co., 1856. xxiv, 311 pp. front. 2 t.-p. illus. l8 m ' ST. JOHN, MRS. HORACE. Life of Audubon, the naturalist of the new world. His adventures and dis- coveries. By Mrs. Horace St. John. Revised and corrected, with additions, and illustrated with engrav- ings by J. W. Orr, from original designs. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. xxiv, 311 pp. fr )i illus. 19^- STONE, WITMER. Methods of recording and utilizing bird-migration data. By Witmer Stone. (From the Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, April, 1908, pp. 128-156.) STONE, WITMER. Report on the birds and mam- mals collected by The Mcllhenny Expedition to Pt. Barrow, Alaska. By Witmer Stone. (1900.) pp. 4-49. STONE, WITMER. Report of the committee on the protection of North American birds for the year 1900. pp. 68-104. 22^ cm * STONHAM, CHARLES. The birds of the British Islands. By Charles Stonham. With illustrations by Lilian M. Medland. In twenty parts. London, E. Grant Richards. May, I9o6-July, 1911. 20 vols. 318 pi. 24"- Vol. 20, scientific index. 1 66 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY STREETS, THOMAS H. Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California, made in connection with the United States North Pacific surveying expedition, 1873-75. By Thos. H. Streets. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1877. 172 pp. 22 cm< STRICKLAND, HUGH EDWIN. The Dodo and its kindred; or, The history, affinities, and osteology of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other extinct birds of the Islands Mauritius, Rodriguez and Bourbon. By H. E. Strickland and A. G. Melville. London, Reeve, Ben- ham & Reeve, 1848. 32 cm> Part I. col. front., 65 pp., 9 woodcuts, 4 pi. [facsim., index, front.]. Part 2, 65-141 pp. pi. v-xv. Part 2 con- tains appendix and list of pi. STRICKLAND, HUGH EDWIN. Ornithological synonyms. By the late Hugh Edwin Strickland . . . Ed. by Mrs. Hugh E. Strickland and Sir W. Jardine . . . Vol. I. Accipitres. London, J. van Voorst, 1855. xlvi, 222 pp. 23 cm< No more published. STUDER, JACOB H. The birds of North America. One hundred and nineteen artistic colored plates representing the different species and varieties drawn and colored from nature . . . Jacob H. Studer, editor and proprietor. New York, U.S.A. Published under the auspices of the Natural Science Association of America, 1895. i6[i82J pp. and index. Title-page in red and black, front, port. 1 19 pi. SUNDEVALL, CARL J. Ett forsok att bestamma de af Aristoteles Omtalade Djurarterna af Carl J. Sundevall ... P. A. Norstedt & Soner. Stockholm, 1862. 148 pp. 29| cm - 167 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION SURFACE, H. A. The economic value of our native birds. . . . By H. A. Surface. . . . Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1903. Birds around the farm. By H. A. Surface, v. p. 23 cm< (Penn. Dept. of Agr. The Zoolog- ical Quarterly Bulletin. Vol. I, no. I, May 15, 1903.) SWAINSON, WILLIAM. The natural history of the birds of Western Africa. By William Swainson. . . . Edinburgh, 1837. 2 vols. illus. col. pi., wood- cuts and front, port. IS "' SWAINSON, WILLIAM. A selection of the birds of Brazil and Mexico. The drawings by William Swainson. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1841. 4 pp. 83 col. pi. 25 cm - SWAINSON, WILLIAM. Fauna Boreali-Ameri- cana ; or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America: . . . Part second. The Birds. By William Swainson and John Richardson . . . illus. by numer- ous plates and woodcuts. . . . London, John Murray, 1831. Ixvi, 523 pp. col. pi. 30"- SWANN, H. K. The birds of London. By H. K. Swann. London, Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. xv, 136 pp. I7 cm> SWARTH, HARRY S. Birds and mammals of the 1909 Alexander Alaska expedition. By Harry S. Swarth. Berkeley, Cal., The University Press. 172 pp. map. 6 pi. 27 cm> SWARTH, HARRY S. Report on a collection of birds and mammals from Vancouver Island. By Harry S. Swarth. University of California Press, Berkeley. [Feb. 13, 1912.] 116 pp. 4 pi. [pi. i, map]. 27^ cm< 168 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY SWAYSLAND, W. Familiar wild birds. By W. Swaysland. Illus. by A. Thorburn and others . . . with col. pi. Cassell & Co., Ltd. London, n. d. 2 vols. 1st and 3d series, front., col. pi., illus. SWINHOE, ROBERT. Catalogue of the mam- mals of China (south of the river Yangtsze) and of the Islands of Formosa. By Robert Swinhoe (etc.), 1870. The natural history of Hainan. By R. Swinhoe . . . London, Horace Cox (1870). v. p. col. pi. 2i5 cm> Autographic letter from R. Swinhoe to H. M. Tris- tram. TACZANOWSKI, DR. L. Faune ornithologique de la Siberie orientale. Par le Dr. L. Taczanowski. Avec une biographic par Jean Stolzmann . . . et un por. phototypique ex6cut6 par M. G. Clasen aux frais de M. le Comte Xavier Branicki. St. Petersbourg, 1893. front., port. 34"- TAYLOR, WALTER P. Field notes on amphibi- ans, reptiles and birds of Northern Humboldt County, Nevada. With a discussion of some of the faunal features of the region. By Walter P. Taylor, Univer- sity of California Press, Berkeley, 1912. pp. 319-425, pi. 7-12. 27^ cm - (Univ. of Cal. Publications in Zoology, vol. 7, no. 10.) TEGETMEIER, W. B. Pigeons: their structure, varieties, habits, and management. By W. B. Teget- meier. With col. representations of the different varie- ties, drawn from life by Harrison Weir. London, 1868. 190 pp. col. illus. 24 cmt TEMMINCK, COENRAAD JACOB. Nouveau recueil de planches colorizes d'oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complement aux planches enluminees de 169 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Buff on, Edition in folio et in 4 de rimprimerie royale, 1770; pub. par C. J. Temminck . . . et le baron M. Laugier de Chartreuse . . . d'apres les dessins de Huet et Prdtre . . . Paris, F. G. Levrault, [i82o]-38. 5 vols. col. pi. 37 cm ' TENNENT, SIR JAMES EMERSON. Ceylon; an account of the island, physical, historical, and topo- graphical, with notices of its natural history, antiqui- ties and productions. By Sir James Emerson Tennent. Illus. by maps, plans and drawings. Fifth edition thoroughly revised. London, Longman, Green, Long- man & Roberts, 1860. 2 vols. illus., maps. 23 cm- THAYER, GERALD H. Concealing-coloration in the animal kingdom; an exposition of the laws of dis- guise through color and pattern: being a summary of Abbott H. Thayer's discoveries. By Gerald H. Thayer. Illus. by Abbott H. Thayer, Gerald H. Thayer, Richard S. Meryman and others, and with photographs. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1909. xix, 260 pp. 16 col. pi. (incl. front.), 139 figs. 28| cm> THOMPSON, ERNEST E. The birds of Manitoba. By Ernest E. Thompson, of Toronto, Canada. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1891. pp. 457- 643, pi. xxxvin. 24 cm - (Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. xin.) THOMPSON, WILLIAM. The natural history of Ireland. Birds . . . By Wm. Thompson. London, Reeve, Benham, Reeve, 1849-51. 3 vols. 23 cm> THOMPSON, ZADOCK. History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical, in three parts, with an appendix, 1853. By Zadock Thompson. Burlington. Pub. by the author . . . 1853. v. p. front., map., illus. in text. 24 cm - 170 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY THOMSON, A. LANDBOROUGH. Britain's birds and their nests : described by A. Landborough Thomson ; illus. with 132 drawings in colour. By George Rankin. London, W. & R. Chambers, Ltd., 1910. xxviii, 340 pp. front, (col.), col. pi. 26 cm> THOMSON, SIR C. WYVILLE. Report of the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, under command of Capt. George S. Nares and Capt. Frank Turle Thomson . . . Zoology. Vol. n, Part vm. Report on Birds. Pub- lished by order of Her Majesty's Government. Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office and sold by Longmans & Co. . . . 1881. front, (col.), 25 col. pi., i66pp. TODD, W. E. CLYDE. A contribution to the orni- thology of the Bahama Islands. By W. E. Clyde Todd andW.W. Worthington, 1911. 24| cm - (Reprinted from Carnegie Museum Annals, vol. 7, 1911, nos. 3-4.) TORREY, BRADFORD. Birds in the bush. By Bradford Torrey. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Com- pany, 1885. 3 pp. I., 300 pp. IS ' TORREY, BRADFORD. The foot-path way. By Bradford Torrey . . . 2d ed. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892, 1893. 2 pp., I., 245 pp. i8 c >cm. TORREY, BRADFORD. A rambler's lease. By Bradford Torrey . . . Boston and New York, Hough- ton, Miffiin and Company, 1892. iv pp., n., 222 pp. jgcm. TORREY, BRADFORD. Spring notes from Ten- nessee. By Bradford Torrey . . . Boston and New 171 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION York, Hough ton, Mifflin and Company, 1896. 2 pp. I., 223 pp. i8 c >cm. TORREY, BRADFORD. A world of green hills; observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge. By Bradford Torrey. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. 285 pp. 18 }cm. TOWNSEND, CHARLES H. Field-notes on the mammals, birds and reptiles of northern California. By Charles H. Townsend. 1887. pp. 159-241. I pi. 23 cm> (Proceedings of the U.S. Nat. Mus.) TOWNSEND, CHARLES WENDELL. Birds of Essex Co., Mass. By Charles Wendell Townsend . . . Cambridge, Mass. Pub. by the club, 1905. 352 pp. front, and maps. 28| cm - (Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club.) TOWNSEND, JOHN K. Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc., with a scientific appendix. By John K. Townsend. Phila- delphia, Henry Perkins . . . 1839. viii~3$2 pp. 24' cm. TOWNSEND, JOHN K. Ornithology of the United States. The descriptive part, by J. K. Townsend. The drawings from nature. Philadelphia. Pub. by J. B. Chevalier, 1839. 12 pp. 4 col. pi. 27| cm - Two copies. Extremely rare. TRISTRAM, H. B. Field study in ornithology. By H. B. Tristram. 22^ cm< no t.-p. (From "The Zoolo- gist," London, Oct., 1893, vol. xvm, pp. 361-386, and "Nature," Sept. 21, 1893, vol. XLVIII, p. 490.) TRISTRAM, H. B. The survey of western Pales- tine. The fauna and flora of Palestine. By H. B. Tris- 172 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY tram. Pub. by the committee of the Palestine explo- ration fund. London, 1884. xxii, 455 pp. front, (col.), 30 cm * TUNSTALL, MARMADUKE. Tunstall's orni- thologia Britannica. Edited by Alfred Newton . . . London, 1880. iv, 4 pp. 23^ cm< [The Willughby Society.] TURNBULL, WILLIAM PATERSON. Birds of East Lothian and a portion of the adjoining counties, from memorandums made between 1845-1850. By W. P. Turnbull . . . Phila., C. Sherman, Son & Co., n. d. 15, vii-48 pp. illus. 24 cm> TURNBULL, WILLIAM PATERSON. The birds of East Lothian and a portion of the adjoining coun- ties. By William P. Turnbull. Glasgow. Printed for private circulation, 1867. vii, 48 pp. front, (col.), illus. 26 cm - TURNBULL, WILLIAM PATERSON. The birds of east Pennsylvania and New Jersey. By William P. Turnbull . . . Glasgow. Printed for private circula- tion, 1869. x, [7]-62 pp. illus. 25 cm> " The impression has been limited to one hundred and fifty copies 8vo, and 4to." TURNBULL, WILLIAM PATERSON. The birds of east Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. By William P. Turnbull . . . Philadelphia, H. Grambo & Co., 1869. vii, [i], [51-50 pp. 22^ cm - TURNBULL, WILLIAM PATERSON. The game birds of East Lothian and a portion of the adjoining counties. Glasgow. Printed for private circulation, 1867. 48 pp. col. front, illus. 33 cm - One of 50 large-paper copies. 173 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION TURNER, LUCIEN M. Contributions to the natural history of Alaska, results of investigations made chiefly in the Yukon district and the Aleutian Islands; conducted under the auspices of the signal service, United States Army, extending from May, 1874, to August, 1 88 1 ; prepared under the direction of Brig, and Bvt. Maj.-Gen. W. B. Hazen, chief signal service officer of the army. By L. M. Turner. Wash- ington, 1886. 226 pp. 10 col. pi. 30 cm> TWEEDDALE, ARTHUR, Ninth Marquess of. A list of birds known to inhabit the Island of Celebes. By Arthur, Viscount Walden. (Zoological Society of London, Transactions, vol. vin, pt. 2, 1871, pp. 23- 118.) London. Printed for the Society . . . 1872. TWEEDDALE, ARTHUR, Ninth Marquess of. A list of the birds known to inhabit the Philippine Archi- pelago. By Arthur, Viscount Walden . . . (Zoo- logical Society of London, Transactions, 1875, vol. ix, pt. 2, pp. 125-254.) London. Printed for the Society . . . 1875. col. pi., map. 32^ cm - TWEEDDALE, ARTHUR, Ninth Marquess of. The ornithological works of Arthur, ninth Marquis of Tweeddale . . . Reprinted from the originals, by the desire of his widow. Edited and revised by his nephew, Robert G. Wardlaw Ramsay . . . together with a biographical sketch of the author, by William Howard Russell. For private circulation. London, Taylor & Francis, 1881. Ixiv, 760 pp. front, port., no illus. TYAS, ROBERT. Beautiful birds described. Edited from the manuscript of John Cotton, F.Z.S. By the Rev. Robert Tyas, B.A. With 36 illus. in color, by 174 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY James Andrews . . . London, Houlston & Wright, 1868. 2 vols. front, (col.), col. pi. ly 00 - UNDERWOOD, CECILIO F. Avifauna Costarri- quefia (edici6n especial). Lista revisada conforme a las ultimas publicaciones por C. F. Underwood, Taxider- mista del Museo, 1899. San Jos, Costa Rica, A. C. Tip. Nacional, 1899. (Museo Nacional de Costa Rica.) i6pp. 27 cm> UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bul- letin, 1876-77, nos. l-io. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1876-77. v. p. 45 pi. 23 cm> UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Publications in Zoology. Berkeley, The University Press, 1909. v. p. USSHER, RICHARD J. The birds of Ireland; an account of the distribution, migration and habits of birds as observed in Ireland, with all additions to the Irish list by Richard J. Ussher and Robert Warren, including an introduction and tables showing the dis- tribution of birds in the breeding season. With colored plate, maps, and other illustrations. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1900. xxxi, 419 pp. col. front., illus., maps. 22 1 - VAN DYKE, THEODORE STRONG. Game birds at home. By Theodore S. Van Dyke . . . New York, Fords, Howard, and Hulbert, 1895. 219 pp. 18^' VENNOR, HENRY G. Our birds of prey, or the Eagles, Hawks, and Owls of Canada. By Henry G. Vennor . . . With 30 photographic illustrations, by Wm. Notman. Montreal. Published by Dawson Brothers, 1876. viii, 154 pp. front, [pi. xvin], 50 illus. 2 8 cm - 175 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION VERNER, WILLOUGHBY. My life among the wild birds in Spain. By Captain Willoughby Verner. London, John Bale, Sons &Danielsson, Ltd. . . , 1909. xvi, 468 pp. front., illus., one folding. 24 cm< VERRILL, G. E. Notes on the fauna of the Island of Dominica. With lists of the species obtained and observed by A. G. and G. E. Verrill, with 3 pi. by G. E. Verrill. (Transactions of the Conn. Academy, vol. vm, 1892, p. 315.) 44 pp. 3 pi. 24 C i cm. VIEILLOT, LOUIS PIERRE. Vieillot's analyse d'une nouvelle ornithologie elementaire. Edited by Howard Saunders. London, 1883. 70 pp. 22^ cm - [The Willughby Society.] VIEILLOT, LOUIS PIERRE. La galerie des oiseaux. Par L. P. Vieillot . . . et par M. P. Oudart . . . Paris, Carpentier-Mericourt, 1834. 2 vols. 358 pi. (3 fold.). 25|x22 cm - Text by Vieillot; plates by Oudart. First published, Paris, 1820-26, under title: Galerie des oiseaux du cabinet d'histoire naturelle du jardin du roi. WAGLER, JOHANN GEORG. Wagler's six ornithological memoirs from the "Isis." Edited by P. L. Sclater . . . London, 1884. iv, 137 pp. 26 cm> [The Willughby Society.] WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. By Alfred Russel Wallace. London, Macmillan & Co., 1898. xvii, 515 pp. front., illus. 20 cm ' WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. My life; a record of events and opinions. By Alfred Russel Wallace 176 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY . . . With facsimile letters, illustrations and portraits. Two volumes. New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1905. 2 vols. front., illus. 25 cm> THE WARBLER. A magazine of North American ornithology. Floral Park, N. Y. . . . John Lewis Childs, Editor. Vols. 1-4, 1903-06. Floral Park, N. Y., 1903-06. 4 vols. pi. (some col.). 27 cm> No more published. WARREN, B. H. Report on the birds of Pennsyl- vania, with special reference to the food-habits, based on over 3,000 stomach examinations. By H. B. Warren. Illus. with 50 pi. Harrisburg, 1888. xii, 260 pp. Col. pi. and illus. WARREN, B. H. Report on the birds of Pennsyl- vania, with special reference to the food-habits, based on over four thousand stomach examinations. By B. H. Warren, M.D. Second edition, revised and aug- mented. Illus. by 100 pi. Published by authority of the commonwealth. Harrisburg, E. K. Myers, state printer, 1890. xiv, 434 pp. col. pi. (pi. I not col.). WARREN, JOHN C. Remarks on some fossil im- pressions in the sandstone rocks of Conn. River. By John C. Warren. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1854. 2 4 cm ' WATERTON, CHARLES. Wanderings in South America, the northwest of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, and 1824. By Charles Waterton. Including a memoir of the author, by Norman Moose, M.D. With illus. and brief intro- duction by C. L. Bull. New York, Sturgis & Walton Co., 1909. xxvi, 338 pp. front. 15 illus. 2i| cm> 177 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION WATSON, JOHN. Ornithology in relation to agri- culture and horticulture, by various writers. Edited by John Watson. London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1893. 220 pp. no illus. 2O cm * WAYNE, ARTHUR TREZEVANT . . . Birds of South Carolina. By Arthur Trezevant Wayne . . . With an introduction by the editor. Charleston, S. C., The Daggett Printing Co., 1910. xxi, 254 pp., n. fold, map. 24^ cm< Autograph copy. WEBBER, C. W. Wild scenes and song-birds. By C. W. Webber. New York, Leavitt and Allen, 1858. x, 347 pp. col. front. 24 .cm. WEED, CLARENCE MOORES. The feeding habits of the Chipping Sparrow. By Clarence M. Weed. A study of the autumn food of the Myrtle Warbler. By Clarence M. Weed and Ned Dearborn. The winter food of the Chickadee. By Clarence M. Weed, 1898. v. p. illus. 22^ cm - (N.H. College Agr. Experiment Station, Durham.) WHEATON, J. M. Report on the birds of Ohio. By J. M. Wheaton. Columbus, Ohio, Nov., 1879. pp. 190-628. 24 .cm. WHEELOCK, MRS. IRENE GROSVENOR. Birds of California ; an introduction to more than three hundred common birds of the state and adjacent islands, with a supplementary list of rare migrants, accidental visitants, and hypothetical subspecies. By Irene Grosvenor Wheelock . . . With ten full-page plates and seventy-eight drawings in the text, by Bruce Horsfall. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1904. xxviii, 578 pp. col. front., illus. (incl. map), 9 pi. 178 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY WHEELOCK, MRS. IRENE GROSVENOR. Nestlings of forest and marsh. By Irene Grosvenor Wheelock. With twelve full-page photogravures and many illustrations in the text from original photo- graphs from nature, by Harry B. Wheelock. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1902. 257 pp., n, front., illus., pi. i 9 r m - WHITE, GILBERT. Natural history and antiqui- ties of Selborne. By Gilbert White. With notes by Frank Buckland. A chapter on antiquities, by Lord Selborne, and new letters. Illus. by P. H. Delamotte. London, Macmillan & Co., 1875. xxx, 591 pp. map, illus. 23 cm - WHITEHEAD, JOHN. Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. By John Whitehead. With coloured plates and illustrations. London, Gurney & Jackson . . . 1893. x, 317 pp. col. pi. and illus. 36| cm ' WHITLOCK, F. B. The birds of Derbyshire, with map and 6 illustrations. By F. B. Whitlock. Anno- tated, with numerous additions, by A. S. Hutchinson. London, Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. . . . 1893. vi, 339 pp. front, (map), illus. 22| cm - WHITLOCK, F. B. The migration of birds; a con- sideration of Herr Gatke's views. By F. B. Whitlock . . . London, R. H. Porter, 1897. vi, 140 pp. WHITNEY, CASPAR. Jungle trails and jungle people; travel, adventure and observation in the far east. By Caspar Whitney. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905. xv, 310 pp. front., photographs and full-page illus. WHYMPER, CHARLES. Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley. By Charles Whym- 179 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION per. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1909. 221 pp. front, (col.), col. illus. WIDMANN, OTTO. Preliminary catalogue of the birds of Missouri. (Academy of Science, St. Louis, vol. 17, 1907, no. i.) 288 pp. 24 cm - WILLCOX, MARY ALICE. Pocket guide to the common land birds of New England. By M. A. Will- cox . . . Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1895. xii, 158 pp. Cover- title: The common land birds of New England. WILLIAMS, C. Child's natural history of birds. By C. Williams. Philadelphia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, n. d. vi-i9i pp. front., illus. 8 cm< WILLIS, JOHN R. List of birds of Nova Scotia. Compiled from notes by Lieut. Blakiston, R.A., and Lieut. Bland, R.E., made in 1852-55. By Prof. J. R. Willis, of Halifax. List of birds of Bermuda. By Lieut. Bland, R.E.; communicated by John R. Willis. 280-289 PP- 22| cm - WILLUGHBY, FRANCIS. De Middleton in agro Warwicensi, armigeri, e regia societate. Ornitholo- giae: libri tres, in quibus aves omnes hactenus cog- nitae in methodum naturis suis convenientem redactae accurate describuntur, descriptiones iconibus elegantis- simis et vivarum avium simillimis, aeri incisis illus- trantur. Totum opus recognovit, digessit, supplevit Joannes Raius: sumptus in chalcographos fecit illus- triss. D. Emma Willughby, vidua. Londini, impensis Joannis Martyn, Regiae Societatis typographi, ad insigne campanae in Caemeterio D. Pauli, 1676. 307 pp. 77 pi. 3 8 cm - 1 80 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY WILLUGHBY, FRANCIS. The ornithology of Francis Willughby, of Middleton, in the County of Warwick, Eng., Fellow of the Royal Society: in three books, wherein all the birds hitherto known being reduced into a method suitable to their natures are accurately described ... to which are added three considerable discourses ... by John Ray. London. Fruited ... for John Martyn . . . 1678. 10 pp. 441 pp., 6 pp. 78 pl- 37 cm - WILSON, ALEXANDER. American ornithology; or, The natural history of the birds of the United States. Illus. with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature. By Alexander Wilson, with a sketch of the author's life by George Ord. In three vols. Collins & Co., New York; Harri- son Hall, Philadelphia, 1828-29. 3 vols. 24^"- WILSON, ALEXANDER. American ornithology; or, The natural history of the birds of the United States. By Alexander Wilson. Plates engraved and coloured from original drawings taken from nature. New York, Philadelphia, 1829. 76 col. pl. 1st copy, 39 cm - 2d, 46 cm - WILSON, ALEXANDER. American ornithology; or, The natural history of birds of the United States. By Alexander Wilson ; with a continuation by Charles Lucien Bonaparte, . . . the illustrative notes,, and life of Wilson, by Sir William Jardine. In three volumes. 1832, Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot, London, . . . Edinburgh. 3 vols. front., pl. 22| cm< WILSON, ALEXANDER. American ornithology, or, The natural history of the birds of the United States; illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings from nature. By Alexander 181 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Wilson and Charles Lucien Bonaparte. With a sketch of the life of Wilson by George Ord, and a classification of the genera and species of American birds, by Spencer F. Baird. . Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1871. 3 vols. and folio atlas containing 103 pi. (pi. I wanting). 26| cm ' WILSON, ALEXANDER. American ornithology; or, The natural history of the birds of the United States: illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature. By Alex- ander Wilson. Philadelphia, 1880. 9 vols. 76 col. pi. 35' WILSON, ALEXANDER. The foresters: a poem descriptive of a pedestrian journey to the Falls of Niagara in the autumn of 1804. By the author of "American ornithology." Newtown (Penn.), July, 1818. 106 pp. i8| cm - (Front, and port, of author loose.) WILSON, ALEXANDER. The poems and literary prose of Alexander Wilson, the American ornithologist, for the first time fully collected and compared with the original and early editions, mss., etc. With memorial introduction, essay, notes, illus. and glossary, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1876. 2 vols. illus. WILSON, ALEXANDER. Wilson's American ornithology, with notes by Jardine : to which is added a synopsis of American birds, including those described by Bonaparte, Audubon, Nuttall, and Richardson. By T. M. Brewer. Boston, Otis, Broaders and Com- pany, 1840. viii, 746 pp. front. 2 t.-p., illus., pi. 20 cm - WILSON, ALEXANDER. Wilson's American orni- thology, with notes by Jardine: to which is added a 182 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY synopsis of American birds, including those described by Bonaparte, Audubon, Nuttall, and Richardson. By T. M. Brewer. New York, Charles L. Cornish, 1854. viii, 746 pp. col. t,-p. and front., illus. (some col.). 23 cm - WILSON, EDWARD A. Vertebrata aves. By Edward A. Wilson. With thirteen plates. British Museum, 1907. xiv, 121 pp. I illus. 13 col. pi. 32 cm- (Reprinted from National Antarctic Expedition, Nat- ural History, vol. II.) Autograph copy. WILSON, JAMES. Illustrations of zoology, being representations of new, rare, or remarkable subjects of the animal kingdom, drawn and coloured after nature, with historical and descriptive details. By James Wilson. William Blackwood, Edinburgh and London, 1831. ii, 4 pp. col. pi. 4l m ' Extremely rare. WILSON, JAMES. The rod and the gun; being two treatises on angling and shooting. By James Wilson, and by the author of the "Oakleigh Shooting Code." New edition. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, North Bridge, 1844. vii, 460 pp. front., ill. WILSON, SCOTT B. Aves Hawaiienses: The birds of the Sandwich Islands. By Scott B. Wilson, assisted by A. H. Evans. London, R. H. Porter, 1890-99. xxv, 257 pp. col. pi. and other pi. 33' WILSON BULLETIN. Vols. 5 to date, 1895 to date. Oberlin, Ohio, 1895 to date. WINTLE, ERNEST D. The birds of Montreal. By Ernest D. Wintle, . . . Montreal, W. Dysdale & 183 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION Co., 1896. xiv, 281 pp. front, [map], 2 full-page illus. 23 cm< WITCHELL, CHARLES A. The evolution of bird- song, with observations on the influence of heredity and limitations. By Charles A. Witchell . . . London, A. and C. Black, 1896. x, 253 pp. I9| cm> WOOD, JOHN G., REV. The new illustrated natural history. By the Rev. J. G. Wood. With de- signs by Wolf . . . engraved by the Bros. Dalziel. George Routledge & Sons, London, . . . New York, . . . n. d. 795 pp. fllus. 26 cm - WOOD, NEVILLE. The ornithologist's text-book; being reviews of ornithological works; with an appen- dix containing discussions on various topics of interest. By Neville Wood, Esq. London, John W. Parker, 1836. 232 pp. I9 cm - WOOD, T. W. Curiosities of ornithology. With beautifully col. illus. from drawings by T. W. Wood and other eminent artists. London, Groombridge & Sons. 64 pp. front, (col.), col. illus., n. d. (about 1765). 22 cm - WOODCOCK, A. R. Annotated list of the birds of Oregon. A. R. Woodcock. Oregon Agricultural College Printing Office, 1902. 17 pp. 22^ cm> (Oregon Agric. Exper. Station. Bulletin no. 38, Jan., 1902.) WOODRUFF, FRANK MORLEY. The birds of the Chicago area. By Frank Morley Woodruff. (Chi- cago Academy of Sciences, Natural History Survey, Bulletin no. 6.) 221 pp. u pi. 24| cm> WRIGHT, HORACE WINSLOW. Birds of the Public Garden. A study in migration. By Horace 184 BOOKS ON ORNITHOLOGY Winslow Wright. With an introduction by Bradford Torrey, and illus. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. xiii, 238 pp. front., illus. 1 8 )cm. WRIGHT, MABEL OSGOOD. Birdcraft. A field book of two hundred song, game, and water birds. By Mabel Osgood Wright. With full-page plates contain- ing 128 birds in the natural colours, and other illustra- tions. New York and London, Macmillan & Co., 1895. xvi, 317 pp. 14 col. pi. 2i cm< WURDEMAN, GUSTAVUS. Letter relative to the obtaining of specimens of Flamingoes and other birds from South Florida. By the late Gustavus Wurdeman. Indian Key, Fla., Aug. 27, 1857. 426-430 pp. 22| c , 1cm. WYATT, CLAUDE W. British birds: being col- oured illustrations of all the species of Passerine birds resident in the British Isles, with some notes in refer- ence to their plumage. By Claude W. Wyatt. London, William Westley & Son, 1894-99. 2 vols. col. pi. 34 cm " WYATT, THOMAS. A synopsis of natural history: embracing the natural history of animals, with human and general animal physiology, botany, vegetable physiology, and geology. Translated from the latest French edition of C. Lemmonier, with additions from the works of Cuvier, Dumaril, Lacepede . . . By Thomas Wyatt. Illus. by pi. Philadelphia, Thomas Wardle, 1839. 141 pp. 49 pi. front. 25 .cm. XANTUS, JOHN. Descriptions of supposed new species of birds, from Cape .St. Lucas, Lower Cal. By John Xantus. Notes on a collection of birds, made by John Xantus, Esq., at Cape St. Lucas, Lower Cal. f and now in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institu- 185 JOHN E. THAYER COLLECTION tion. .By S. F. Baird, 1859. v. p. 2o, cm - (Proc. of the Academy of Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia, Nov., 1859.) YARRELL, WILLIAM. A history of British birds. By William Yarrell . . . Illustrated by 520 wood- engravings . . . London, J. van Voorst, 1845. Second edition. 3 vols. illus. 22 cm> Title vignettes. YARRELL, WILLIAM. A history of British birds. By William Yarrell. Fourth edition, in 4 vols., illus. by 564 wood-engravings. London, John van Voorst, 1871-85. 4 vols. Vols. I and 2, revised and enlarged by Alfred Newton. Vols. 3 and 4, revised and enlarged by Howard Saunders. illus. 23 ,cm. YARRELL, WILLIAM. On a new species of wild swan, taken in England and hitherto confounded with the Hooper. By William Yarrell, Esq., F.L.S. Read Jan. 19, 1830. 445-454 PP- 2 pi. 28 jcm. YARRELL, WILLIAM. On the organs of voice in birds. By William Yarrell, Esq., F.L.S. Read June 2 and 6, 1829. 302-321 pp. 5 pi. 28 cm< ZOE. A biological journal, vols. 1-4, 1890-94. San Francisco, California, 1890-94. 25 cm< No more published. 186 ADDENDA DESCOURTILZ, J. T. Ornithologie bresilienne ou Histoire des oiseaux du Br6sil, remarquables par leur plumage, leur chant ou leurs habitudes par le Docteur J. T. Descourtilz. Rio de Janeiro. Thomas Reeves, 1852. 42 pp. 48 pi. 63 , cm. ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD. The new and here- tofore unfigured species of the birds of North America. By Daniel Giraud Elliot . . . New York. Published by the author, 1866-1869. 2 v. v. I, xxxiii, 31 pp. 29 pi. v. 2. 43 pi. ;bf liiliergibc press PRINTED BY H. O HOUGHTON * CO. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. U. S. A. ^\<^>^>*X \*r FOR REFERENCE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM CAT. NO. 23 Oil A 001 125331 7