THE PRINCIPLE B BY GEO. L. DILLMAN V V THE PRINCIPLE THE PRINCIPLE SAN FRANCISCO: A. M. ROBERTSON MCMXXII BRUCE BROUGH, PRINTER: SAN FRANCISCO FOREWORD Somebody, probably Bacon, who has been blamed with many things, including Shake- speare, said "Principles are reached by in- duction" Some may be. It is also submitted that they may arrive another way. The induc- tion method is not in accord with the story of Newton, the apple and the Law of Gravity. Accident and inspiration may at times be credited. Principles must stand the test of induction. Any fact in contradiction will upset any alleged principle. "The Principle" here formulated did not arrive as a result of con- sistent study. It came out of a clear sky. This is its genesis: When I was a young man, I had charge of a division of railroad construction. There was a dispute with a bridge contractor. Some extra work was necessary. If it were my fault, it should be estimated and paid for. If it were his fault, he should do it at his own expense. So far as "The Principle" is concerned, it makes 941292 no difference which was right. He appealed to my superior, who came and looked into the matter, told me that my other work would take all my time and that he would send another engineer to take charge of that bridging. In a day or so the bridge engineer came with the usual letter. The last paragraph, how- ever, said, "This does not relieve you of any responsibility for that bridging." I slept over the letter, put the new man to work in the morning, as one of my crew. He had charge of the bridging, under my direction. That was not what the resident engineer had intended, nor what the bridge engineer had understood. It was what I interpreted the letter to mean. The viewpoint does affect the reason. The matter was passed up to the resident who again came down, hot-foot, to settle the thing. My reply to his question was to call his attention to the last paragraph of his letter, adding, " You can't saddle me with responsi- bility and deny me authority to execute it. If you take from me all authority, you must relieve me of responsibility. 1 ' The idea then expressed, with no premedi- tation, has grown into this formulation. It was good then. Its importance increased (to my understanding) for years. Now I know it is the most important item of knowledge so far formulated by and for the human brute. Its presentation has been intermittent, one interruption being the World War. It has been so well received by well known executives of the World that it is now known to be true en- tirely aside from my own consciousness. "The Principle" will not be copyrighted. I thank the many friends who have allowed me to quote them. Geo. L. Dillman. San Francisco, June 1922. THE PRINCIPLE Authority and Responsibility should lie together. A^EW understand this. Others partially understand it. To some it is so patent that the words seem synonymous. Yet they are perfectly antithetic. Its im- portance lies in: 1. Its universality, applying to every act or failure to act, of every individual, every community of individuals, up to nations and combinations of nations. 2. Its practicability, requiring no con- census of opinion to operate it. Each indi- vidual will operate it to the extent he under- stands it. 3. Its simplicity, being much simpler ]6 //}'!; JHE PRINCIPLE than these or any words in which it can be expressed. 4. Its infallibility. Every accordance is right. Every right act is in accord. Every violation is wrong. Every mistake, error, sin or crime is a violation. Every accordance is rewarded. Every violation is punished. Bacon says, "Words in all languages are commonly false or inadequate marks or signs of things and by no means convey just and perfect notions." This is a perfect no- tion. That reader and writer may be en rapport, these definitions are in order: Authority is the right to do something. The abstract right without the means of performance is null. So to the right must be added the means of performance. The means are various, according to cir- cumstances. Tools, strength, money, repu- tation, organization, courage, are some of them. The potency of any means of perfor- mance is enhanced by knowledge of how to use them. Without knowledge, authority is often unused, misused, perverted. So authority is complete when the right to act and the means of performance are THE PRINCIPLE IJ joined to a knowledge of when, where and how to use them. Authority is naturally desirable. We all want to own things, to control things, to use things, to do things. An overwhelming majority of the human race wants to boss the job, no matter what it is. Each and every one of these things is right and proper when the authority of ownership, control, use, performance, is accompanied by the corresponding responsibility of possession, use, action. Otherwise they are wrong. Au- thority includes all that is desirable. There is nothing anyone naturally wants that is not some form of authority. Responsibility is also of various kinds, physical, moral, financial, etc. Whatever its intimate nature, its general nature is a load to be shouldered, a burden to be borne. Responsibility is naturally undesirable. It is sometimes shirked. Passing-the-buck is a common human activity. But it is the price of authority. It must be paid or penalty follows. The necessary relation of authority and responsibility is what this is about. It is called "The Principle." 1 8 THE PRINCIPLE Authority and responsibility should lie together. Every act in accordance spells advance, success. Every act in violation spells failure, trouble. Since there is only one way to be right and many to be wrong, examples of violation are more common than examples of accordance. Bacon says, "In the raising of axioms, negative in- stances have the greater weight." Take a man driving a horse. 1. Horse properly hitched. Man in con- trol. Knows how to drive. Safe trip. Author- ity and responsibility with man. 2. Same man, same horse. Man drunk, lines break or, in some manner, man loses control. Docile horse. Goes home. Avoids collisions. Safe trip. Authority and respon- sibility with horse. 3. Same man, same horse, same loss of control. Horse gets scared, runs away. Au- thority with horse. Responsibility scat- tered, with the man, passing vehicles, pedestrians. 4. Same man, same horse, same loss of con- trol, passenger. Passenger recovers control. Authority and responsibility with passenger. THE PRINCIPLE 19 5. Guest gets rattled, grabs lines, neither controls nor allows driver to. Disaster. And so on, with an infinite number of variations. We are the drivers. We are the horses driven. We are passengers. We are passers-by. We are cognizant of our abili- ties. We are ignorant. We shoulder our responsibilities, sometimes help others. We butt in. We shirk. We pass the buck. We let others butt in to our affairs. There is no trouble possible that does not come from some violation of "The Princi- ple." Generally it comes direct and promptly to the violator. It always reaches him finally. Violation is all that provokes righteous anger. We are angry when it affects us and ours. We despise the violator when it affects others. "The Principle" is a true yardstick to measure the meanness or greatness of men, singly and collectively, past and present, dead and alive. It measures us all. It is the one thing that will justify ourselves to our own souls. We can't dodge it. Nobody can. Since men are judged by their perfor- mances, "The Principle" is also a perfect 2O THE PRINCIPLE measure of the greatness or meanness of all acts or failures to act. Every clause of every treaty or edict or declaration or con- stitution or statute since the dawn of his- tory can be measured by it, has been right or wrong as it accorded with or violated it. As one reads history and biography, "The Principle" is in evidence in each inci- dent, each character; advance and success in accordance always; trouble and failure in violation, just as certainly. "The Principle" is put into operation by these three don'ts, which cover every case of contact and conduct: 1. Don't butt in. Butting in is excercising some form of authority when you do not shoulder the corresponding responsibility. If the responsibility lies elsewhere or you are unable or unwilling to shoulder it, don't butt in. 2. Don't shirk. Carry your natural or acquired responsibilities. Shirking your share of a joint load puts extra burden on your associates, at times to the breaking point. Don't overload yourself. Don't have to call for help. You may not get it. The THE PRINCIPLE 21 attempt to accept responsibilities beyond one's ability to execute them causes suicides and fills our asylums. Don't pass the buck. Don't shirk. 3. Don't let anybody butt into your af- fairs. This sounds warlike. It is warlike. It is the only justification for war. It's a per- fect justification. The individual or the or- ganization or the nation that violates this "don't" deserves the slavery that ensues. If the butter-in is stopped at the beginning, there is no resentment on his part. If it is allowed to continue a little, the idea of vested rights gets into his mind and it is harder to stop. If it is allowed to continue, it becomes a divine right. That was Ger- many's case. The German people were for the Government, not the Government for the people. The line between one's own business and the affairs of others is usually very plain. There are cases where it is not so plain but it is always there. The most important pur- pose of education is to enable one to dis- cern it, that 'The Principle" may be prop- erly applied. 22 THE PRINCIPLE "The Principle" is a Natural Law. To the extent we know natural laws, we are educated. To the extent we are in accord with Natural Laws, we are successful. To the extent we violate Natural Laws, we are failures. Natural Laws never change. Our perceptions change. Our knowledge in- creases but Nature's Laws are fixed. "The Principle" is a wonderful rule of conduct. To-do-or-not-to-do is an every day question with everybody, often many times a day. The facts examined in the light of "The Principle" will give the right answer every time. Without it there is often much doubt. With it, we make no experi- ments, take no chances, run no risks. Any- thing that puts authority and responsibility together is right. Anything that separates them is wrong. There is no other right, no other wrong. The statements made are so broad it hardly seems they can all be true. They are true, every one. Truth never clashes with other truth. Truth clashes with error and errors with each other but no two truths are ever contradictory or inconsistent. THE PRINCIPLE 2J Contradiction is proof that supposed truth is not entirely so. Another thing. Truth may exist without our perceiving it. If you can see "The Principle," it is yours. Don't take another's say-so for it. That would be a violation of "The Principle" itself. Magna Charta, the Edict of Nantes, the Declaration of Independence, the Consti- tution of the United States, are applica- tions of "The Principle." Some of the amendments of the last are violations. Taxation without representation was a violation. We seceded from England largely on that account. If we had been given representation, we might be a Colony of Great Britain today. Our secession un- doubtedly helped other British colonies to get representation, or their own parlia- ments. All the sins of commission consist of butting in, wielding authority without re- sponsibility. All the sins of omission are shirking, refusing to wield authority when it should be done. AH the sins of slavery, or submission, are letting some one else butt in to our affairs. 24 THE PRINCIPLE This is a big thing. All principles are big things. That's what principle means. Its application is co-extensive with human activity. It invades the physical world. The effect of posting or trussing an arch hurts it as an arch. The attempt to make a dam tight in more than one place weakens the dam, sometimes to destruction. Load- ing a bridge beyond its capacity, steam in a boiler beyond the strength of its joints, current through a wire beyond its capacity to carry juice, tension in a rod beyond its strength, are all violations of "The Prin- ciple," therefore failures. Strength or ca- pacity is authority. Load is responsibility. To the individual, "The Principle" is a safe guide in all performances. A Natural law is higher than a man-made law. It is more important that it be obeyed. Man-made laws change. Natural laws are permanent. One may escape detection or, on detection, avoid punishment for a breach of man-made law. No such immunity exists for violation of Natural laws. So the fiction that ignor- ance of the law is no excuse has a founda- tion jieeper than is*generally considered. THE PRINCIPLE 25 To parents and children "The Principle" is most important. When parents are in accord, each shouldering their own and recognizing the other's responsibilities, con- ceding authority for their execution, the happiest family is the result. We are not far removed from barbarism. Civilization is a thin veneer. It was almost rubbed off in the World War. In family affairs fre- quently one or the other wants to be boss. Sometimes both do. When the question is settled, if the dominant one carries the responsibilities and the other concedes such dominance, the result is still a very happy combination. When either butts in to the other's affairs or shirks their own responsi- bilities, the result is friction, trouble, un- happiness, divorce. In the case of children, growth from in- fancy needs "The Principle" at every step. Authority may be given as fast and as far as responsibility is felt, but never faster. The youth given liberty, tools, horses, au- tomobiles, money, beyond his feeling of responsibility for each of those things, is awfully handicapped in life. "The curse of 26 THE PRINCIPLE wealth" and "The blessings of poverty" are proverbs arising from ability and inability respectively, to violate "The Principle." Volumes could be written on applica- tions of "The Principle" to politics. A very common trouble is our way of campaigning. When the elected one comes to office with no strings on him, the best results ensue with that officer. By pre-election promises, party or personal fealty, the officer has ob- tained only the responsibility of office, hav- ing ceded the authority for the sake of election. Then the Civil Service Board compel him to work with tools of their, not his, selection. The result is less then good. He fails, partly or wholly, as a result of conditions. One who understands "The Principle" will not accept office under those conditions. That is the main reason why inferior minds clamor for office and men of better intelligence refuse to stand for elec- tion. The recall is for the elected one, or political oblivion or both. If he makes his promises good, he ruins his future. If he repudiates them, his past is vulnerable. The man best fitted to administer an office THE PRINCIPLE 27 is often entirely unfitted to obtain it. The people suffer and they should. They curse politics and it is their own fault. They should not require or allow pre-election promises. The man who knows exactly what he is going to do in any future case is generally a liar anyway. If there is any one thing the lay mind can understand it is that our Constitution contemplated three branches of govern- ment, with some checks between, generally acting independently, with defined author- ity in each case. Whether that is the best may be a matter of opinion, but that intent is the fact. These are the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial. The President, largely through patronage, has affected Congress. This began under Jackson and has increased until it is now fairly complete. The President either dic- tates legislation or is consulted about it prior to enactment. So the laws of Congress are the President's ideas instead of the mind of Congress. The President is butting in to the extent of such control. It is a change in form of Government, a leaning 28 THE PRINCIPLE toward autocracy. It makes no difference what the President's name is. It is the biggest graft in our whole system. Graft of money is insignificant by contrast. Ordi- nary graft is to gain power. This is graft of power itself. It is weilding power without responsibility. Congress is shirking. The Constitution gave it authority to do specific things. Passing the buck to the President is as bad as the President's butting in. Congress should not do the first nor allow the second. President and Congress are not immune from Natural laws. They are punished for violation, same as others. Violation by both is the reason for their being called "Dicta- tor" and "Rubber stamp" respectively. The serious thing is that the country suffers. Organization is the welding of parts into units. Its purpose is to develop strength by concerted action. A battering ram is organi- zation. Organizations are battering rams. Their keynote is subordination. Every part must be subordinate. The ultimate superior must be subordinate to the purposes of the organization. THE PRINCIPLE 29 There is no difference in principle be- tween civil, military, political, business or other organizations. That is, the same ideas make for success or failure. There is a differ- ence in the penalties paid for failures. Discipline is the habit of subordination. It exists willingly, thro' appreciation of the necessities of the case; or forcibly, thro' fear of punishment. The latter is the Prussian variety. The efficiency of an organization is directly related to its discipline. Insubordi- nation in any degree is akin to a balky mule. The rest of the team has to pull the mule as well as the rest of the load. Sometimes they get stuck. "The Principle" teaches all there is to organization, discipline, efficiency. Super- iors should have ability and be given au- thority. They must be considerate and shoulder responsibility. Subordinates are guided by the same rules. There are de- grees of subordination. They must not butt in to superiors' affairs. They must initiate subordinate moves and carry on. This brings up the Initiative of the Sub- ordinate. Some years ago, Captain (now 3O THE PRINCIPLE Admiral) Sims made a talk on this subject to the Naval Militia of Philadelphia. After expurgation by Mr. Daniels, it was pub- lished. That was applied to military organi- zations. It applies to all organizations. The efficiency of any organization de- pends largely on the initiative of the sub- ordinate. The purpose, the movement of the moment, general directions, should proceed from the head down. All details that can be left to subordinates should be so left. It relieves the head, encourages the subordinate, develops esprit de corps, gets things done, done right, done promptly. Heads of affairs frequently say they have no one in their organization to succeed them. The fault is theirs. They have never allowed their subordinates any latitude. They have attended to unnecessary details themselves. The result is bad, for the sub- ordinates, themselves, the organization. The only way to learn how to do anything is to do it. Like other things, initiative can be over- done. When it applies to any but subordi- nate moves to the known end, it is insub- THE PRINCIPLE JI ordination and may be as disastrous as direct disobedience of orders. Ethics is defined as the basic principles of right action. "The Principle" covers them all. Morality has reference to mental attitude rather than performance. There can be nothing immoral if "The Principle" is fol- lowed. Everything immoral is violation. Law and its administration are not en- tirely satisfactory in any country. Statutes are sometimes wrong. Judicial findings sometimes do wrong. The influence of pull is frequent. Since nothing is permanently settled till it is settled right, laws are con- stantly changing. Nobody in the trial of a case is interested in abstract justice. The parties and their attorneys are after a verdict. They are fre- quently not particular how they get it. The witnesses are generally partial. The alleged experts, no matter how unbiased they start, are as partial as the attorneys, once their opinion is formed. The presiding officer should be and generally is neutral. He is so hedged about with rules of evi- 32 THE PRINCIPLE dence, precedents, court procedures, cus- toms, that his concern largely, sometimes wholly, is to avoid error, subsequent rever- sal and its consequences in reputation. Every item in the unsatisfactory state of the law is a direct violation of "The Prin- ciple." Partial interest, self interest, local interest, pull, compromise, expediency, sophistry, politics, delay, all are violations. Justice would be vastly improved if "The Principle" were a guide in the enactment of laws and in the rulings and findings of courts. Religion is many things to many people. They all teach right living here, proper con- duct in this life. There is not much agree- ment about our origin. That is beyond change, so it is interesting as throwing some light on the hereafter. There is little agree- ment, except hope, about the hereafter. There is quite general agreement that good conduct here will be rewarded there, if there is any "there." Heaven and hell may be here or here- after. If here, acts in accord with "The Principle" are rewarded here, every day, THE PRINCIPLE 33 visibly. Acts in violation are punished. If hereafter, as a universal rule of conduct, it teaches right living here and the reward hoped for hereafter, or vice versa, as the case may be. "I intend to use your gospel as oppor- tunity offers. Responsibility is a big thought. Recognition of it and the conse- cration that follows is all that is vital in any religion." Chas. A. Murdock, S. F. 1917. Philosophy is a compound of eternal veri- ties, with their applications. The first philosophers sought the base of things. Some found air, some earth, some water, some fire. Another school found ideas, logic, mathematics, religion. Bacon discarded all earlier philosophies, accused Aristotle of confounding philos- ophy with logic, Plato of mixing it with religion, others of other faults, and founded a philosophy of works, to be reached by a contemplation of Nature. German writers have written at length on what they call philosophy but have de- veloped nothing new. Their discussions 34 THE PRINCIPLE have descended to wrangling over defini- tions. As an eternal verity, as a basis of things, as a perfect idea, as resulting in works, as a Natural law, "The Principle" is truly philosophic, no matter what school is followed. "The Principle" guides thought, there- fore action. Minds are increased in strength by it. Interest in all literature, history, biography, fiction, the daily news, current discussions, humor, is increased by it. A lecturer on psychology said that 'The Principle" was the best expression of practical or applied psychology ever form- ulated. Maybe it is. It is a foundation of every other branch of learning, why not include psychology. Any man who knows his business is educated, whether he can read and write or not. If he sticks to his business, he suc- ceeds. Schooling is of less importance in education than is usually credited. School- ing alone is never education. When one tries to operate beyond their ability, they fail or, if they succeed, the success is acci- THE PRINCIPLE 35 dental. There are so many ways to be wrong to each one way to be right, these accidents are remarkable. Judgment teaches you what to do. It is born with us. Skill teaches you how to do. It is acquired by practice. "The Principle" teaches you when to do. It can be learned right here. It is not taught in the schools either by precept or practice. Yet it is the veritable trunk of the tree of knowledge. Labor is the most respectable thing in the World. It seems about the only thing that is intrinsically respectable. The greatest satisfaction comes from some construction with our own hands, without help. The man with the hoe is to be envied, not despised. Why is he despised? Because he despises himself. He is envious. He is ambitious. He enters into political combinations that get laws passed exempting him from opera- tion of general laws, outlawing himself by statute. He joins unions. They decree various things, who may work, who may learn how to work, who may employ, who may not. The whole World seems to be 36 THE PRINCIPLE making rules for the other fellow, not for themselves. Unions fall in line. All such things violate "The Principle." What's the answer? Follow "The Prin- ciple." Organize if you want to. Strike if it's to your advantage. Apply the three don'ts. Don't butt in. Don't shirk. Don't let any one butt into your business. And especially don't agree beforehand to let others butt into your affairs. That means don't promise to follow some other fellow till you know where he is heading. A Natural law is higher than any statute. Statute law, through fear of political re* prisals, has exempted labor unions from prosecution and legal penalty for certain acts. They cannot avoid the penalty for the breach of Nature's law, irresponsible authority. When they know and apply "The Principle," they will gain the respect they deserve, their own and others. Capital is the surplus product of labor. It is available until wasted, sometimes for generations after its accumulation. It is stored power, one form of authority. When used with a feeling of responsibility, it is THE PRINCIPLE 37 good. When used without such feeling, it is bad. The wrong lies in its irresponsible use. A lot is said about the conflict of capital and labor. Examination shows no conflict. Irresponsible performances of either arouse antagonisms of the other. The careless observer has come to think the conflict natural and unavoidable. It is absolutely avoidable by applying "The Principle." The Commonwealth Club of California had an evening to discuss Capital and Labor. The Committee changed the sub- ject to Employer and Employe, making three parties interested, employer, em- ploye and the public. The proponent of Capital or Employer stated that he disagreed with the Commit- tee. He did not think the public were to be considered and made his talk from that viewpoint. The proponent of Labor or Employe recited that Capital, being the product of Labor, Labor was going after its own. He assumed that labor and labor-unions were synonymous. 38 THE PRINCIPLE Neither of these men was called down. One said "The public be damned." The other proposed highway robbery. Yet the Commonwealth Club is made up of men of good intentions. Some years ago a rich man called in one of his railroad presidents, proposed a cer- tain thing, giving instruction that it be done. The president demurred. "Can't I do as I please with my own?" "Not entirely. This is a public utility. It must render service. Your proposal would deteriorate service and make me liable for breach of laws regulating service." "Will you do it?" "I will not." "Then resign." In a few years the aforesaid rich man lost control of that railroad, also of all other railroads in which he was interested. He is in no sense a railroad man, which had been his ambition and the ambition of his father, from whom he had inherited great wealth and railroad prestige. The wrong of capital is getting into ir- responsible hands. The wrong done by THE PRINCIPLE 39 such capital is not a good reason but is somewhat an excuse for the wrongs of labor. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" is bad practice. Two wrongs never made a right. Observance of "The Principle" will avoid all such conflicts. Employment, a job and a salary, are always in request. Unemployment is not solved by any Country. At times, it is very serious. No work, no pay. No money, no food. Employment is one form of acquired authority. The employe who shoulders his responsibilities, makes good, is con- tinued longest in employment and hired first after unemployment. When the other way, he is first fired and last hired. What brings steadiest employment, big- gest pay? It isn't brains, or strength, or knowledge. It is dependability. Physique, brains and knowledge are desirable, but reliability is the real thing. Dependability, reliability, are entirely indicated by "The Principle." The questions are: Can and will he shoulder the responsibil- ity of place? 4<3 THE PRINCIPLE Can and will he prove dependable? Will he take pride in his work? These exact questions may not be asked but they are in the mind of every employer of labor, whether the employe be the man with the hoe or a railroad president. The Panama Canal is a wonderful example of violation, then partial accord, finally full accord with "The Principle." First, Wallace tried to shoulder the re- sponsibility of performance under a Com- mission in Washington. He wasn't a member of the Commission at the start. He didn't get far. Then Stevens undertook the same re- sponsibility. He was a member of the . Commission, had more authority than Wallace, but his Commission had its office and president in Washington. Stevens made some progress. Then a set of con- ditions arose under which Stevens felt that his authority was not commensurate with his responsibility. He severed his connec- tion with the work, not before he had things going well. So much was this the case that Colonel Goethals said once when patted on THE PRINCIPLE 4! the back "I was preceded by a man who understood transportation. My progress is somewhat due to Stevens' plan for the removal and disposal of the material of Culebra cut." Then the responsibility was taken by Goethals, with full authority. He was Chief Engineer. He was President of the Commission. The rest of the Commission were largely his subordinates. The result was the most successful construction or- ganization in the history of the human race. Wallace and Stevens were sacrificed to the education of Washington. They failed, not from lack of ability but from lack of authority. Goethals or anyone else would have failed from the same cause. Goethals understood "The Principle." He didn't attempt to shoulder the responsibility till he had sufficient authority. The writer was Chief Engineer for a railroad company, the Treasurer being, say Brown. Brown was also the manager of a bank, the depositary of the company. Brown sent word that the appropriate thing would be for me to keep my personal 42 THE PRINCIPLE account with his bank. The reply was that I was working for the railroad for so much per, that when the "per" arrived, it was mine to handle as I saw fit. Brown wanted to send one of my assist- ants off for a month on some private work, asking one day when it would be convenient for him to go. The reply was that it would never be convenient, that he was needed where he was, that if he went, he would be replaced permanently. Brown asked why a certain firm was not patronized. After investigation, the reply was that we could do better. Brown issued an order that all bills in excess of five dollars should not be paid in the field but be sent to his office for pay- ment. I called Brown's attention to the fact that this would hamper the work. His reply was that the order had been issued after consultation with the President and it must be obeyed. This correspondence was bundled up and sent to the President with about this letter: "Despite Mr. Brown's statement to the contrary, I do not believe that you are issuing your orders THE PRINCIPLE 43 over his signature. If I am mistaken, you may replace me as soon as convenient. I am personally countermanding the order in cases where obedience will hamper the work." The order was countermanded. When the purchase of right of way began, Brown sent word that he had some men he wanted put on that work. The reply was "If you will be entirely responsible for the integrity and ability of these men, they will be put to work at once. If I am to be in any way responsible, you may submit their names and qualifications." Brown's last meddling act was to return some bills asking that the necessity for the purchases be written across their face. The reply was "These bills seem regular. They have the O. K. of the engineer who made the expense. They have the approval of the resident engineer in charge of that di- vision. They have been further approved in my office and have been sent to your office for payment. As for the necessity, it is none of your business in any way, shape or manner." Brown was sent to the penitentiary for 44 THE PRINCIPLE embezzlement. If he had been allowed to butt into my affairs, I might have been smirched. As it was, I had sustained intimate business relations with a rascal for two years, with never a chance to lose a cent or a particle of reputation, by applying "The Principle." Application is always good. It is wholly worth while. The writer had a chance to apply "The Principle" in organizing troops for France in 1918. He talked it directly. He showed its application in every day affairs. The usual formula with new officers was "We have commissions and uniforms. They make us look like officers but do not make us so. Our commissions give us the right to make ourselves officers if we have the ability. Your business is to develop the efficiency of the enlisted man. To the extent you do it, you are officers. To the extent you fail to do it, you are not officers, no matter what your commissions say. My principal business is to see that you do it. This is the general problem. Let's go to it. If doubts arise as to details, come and see me. That's what I'm here for." THE PRINCIPLE 45 Similar instruction to non-coms had a visible effect in esprit de corps. That battalion went to France in a good humor, worked eleven hours a day for months without a murmur and their barracks were the show barracks of Camp Montoir. One young man volunteered for service in North Russia after the armistice. In June, 1919, he wrote me a chatty letter from a box car alongside Lake Onega, tell- ing of his work, the Country, the people, and added "I want to keep in touch with you. I specially want to thank you for "The Principle." It has kept me out of most of the trouble I have rubbed against and gotten me out of the rest of it." The officers liked it. The men liked it. Its application makes a good organization. It effects the best kind of discipline. There are two ways to spoil a man, abusing him and coddling him. Fair treatment de- velops him and nothing else does. "The Principle" teaches what fairness is in every case, in every detail of every case. Business is getting production to the consumer. It is a necessary activity, a 46 THE PRINCIPLE little overdone, according to some. It in- cludes banking, transportation, storage, advertising, wholesaling, jobbing, retailing, with their thousands of details. When business serves, it is good. When business makes others serve it, it is bad. Each kind can be accurately judged by "The Principle." Value is a word much used in business. It doesn't mean anything. AH value is a matter of opinion. There is no part of value that is anything else. Yet the term is used in business as though it were a matter of ascertainable fact. This is one of the fictions of business. There are others. This is written, not to point out a particular reform but to advertise "The Principle," by which all reforms can be effected. In a business, there is always a nominal head. If this is also an actual head, pos- sessing the means (knowledge, initiative, funds, judgment; in other words, authority) the result is success. Every trouble comes of somebody's butting in or shirking. Both crimes are sometimes committed by the THE PRINCIPLE 47 same act. The owners butt in and inter- fere with the management; the manager butts in, interferes with details, withholds authority where he expects responsibility; departments clash; subordinates fail to obey orders; a thousand and one things go wrong. On proper analysis, every one of the troubles, partial failures, complete failures, can be traced to some violation of "The Principle/' The Navy League was organized to arouse the Country to our need of a larger Navy. When that was done, its original purpose was fulfilled. So far, so good. Organizing for a desirable and legal purpose is always good. Some dropped out at this stage of the performance. There was still a large paying membership. With no chance for a membership expression, the purpose was changed. It was to do other things, to knit for the sailors, to publish a paper. Its head started to butt into the affairs of the Secretary of the Navy. The paper published a statement reflecting on the Secretary of the Navy, that was never proven, on the alleged say-so of someone 48 THE PRINCIPLE that was never named. Look at all that violation of "The Principle." Mr. Daniels has been charged with many things about which I know little or nothing. If his every other act was wrong, resistance in this case was right. The President of the League had the welfare of the Navy at heart. He may have intended to benefit the Navy and the Country by his action. His method was wrong, to himself, to the Navy League, to the Secretary, to the Navy, to the Country. He had violated 'The Principle." The Constitution of the United Sates started out with well defined authorities. The Legislature was to do specific things in specific ways. So with the Executive and Judicial departments. State Constitutions were generally in accord, but have lately varied considerably from that of the United States. The main divergences lie in enacting what should have been statutes as constitutional pro- visions. So we have various ideas existing in various degrees, as laws, some of which violate "The Principle." THE PRINCIPLE 49 Civil Service is one of them. It started as a cure for "Turn the rascals out" or "To the victors belong the spoils." The disease was not very serious. The cure is many times worse. We are cursed and hampered by Civil Service Commissions in National, State, Municipal, affairs. They dictate who may be employed and examine dis- missals, sometimes ordering re-instate- ments. Their legal authority is great, their assumptions greater. In no single case is Civil Service a move toward effi- ciency or economy. In every case it hampers and is expensive. In no case is any responsibility shouldered for the au- thority wielded. Commissions generally are wrong. Here is cited specifically the Interstate Com- merce Commission, the California Railroad Commission, all other California Commis- sions, even to the Commission to regulate Commissions, the Board of Control. Every large railroad company in the United States, every considerable public service corporation in the State of Cali- fornia has a department for the sole purpose 5O THE PRINCIPLE of appearing for those corporations before the Commissions regulating them. The result is extra cost with no benefit. In- creasing the tax eaters at the expense of the tax payers is bad political economy. "The Principle" is violated in this way. Commissions are given irresponsible au- thority by the law creating them. Such authority relieves the corporations of re- sponsibility. In the mix-up, Commissions are greedy for power, corporations are greedy for profits and the public pay, the bills. The Initiative and the Referendum, to be intelligently administered, requires every voter to study every law, every detail of every law, so enacted. The consequence is that they are not intelligently administered, do not add to efficiency, complicate voting, confuse the people, make expense with no benefit. We employ legislators to make laws, pay them for it, then do it ourselves. And so we get the privilege of voting on the California Water and Power Act, choosing between Socialism and the inefficiency of our Railroad Commission. THE PRINCIPLE 5! The Recall of elected officials relieves every one of them from responsibility. The recall of Judicial decisions spells anarchy. That has not yet been accomplished but is threatened. It is entirely in line with the other political fads. It is just as logical as Civil Service, Regulative Commissions as they are administered, the Initiative or the Referendum. These things are all per- fectly measured by "The Principle." "The Principle" has had a great many approvals, by men of the present, men of the recent past and men long gone. It has been practiced more than preached. Care- ful search will show that it has also been preached, many, many times. "Every one shall die for his own iniquity. Every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge." Jeremiah,31,30. "He that thinks of the greatness of his place more than the duty of his place shall soon commit misprisons." Sir Francis Bacon. "Let us stand to our authority or let us lose it." Coriolanus. "Thus can the demi-god authority make 52 THE PRINCIPLE us pay down for our offense, by weight. The words of heaven, on whom it will, it will; on whom it will not, so. Yet still 'tis just." Measure for Measure. "Stay, where's your commission, Lord? Words cannot carry authority so weighty." Henry VIII. "I have told him Lepidus was grown too cruel; that he his high authority abused." Antony and Cleopatra. "My duty will I boast of, nothing else." "My duty pricks me on to utter that which else no worldly good should draw from me." Two Gentlemen from Verona. "I should not urge thy duty past thy might." Julius Caesar. "But 'twas a maxim he had often tried, that right was right and there would he abide." The Squire and the Priest. "The path of duty was the way to glory." Tennyson. "Because right is right, to follow right were wisdom in the scorn of consequence." Tennyson in Fatima. "A sense of duty pursues us ever. It is omnipresent like the Deity. If we take to THE PRINCIPLE 53 ourselves the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, duty performed or duty violated is still with us, for our happiness or our misery." Daniel Webster. "He who through force of will or of thought is great and overlooks thousands, has the responsibility of overlooking." Emerson. "Men seek to be great; they would have offices, wealth, power, fame. They think that to be great is to get only one side of Nature the sweet, without the other side the bitter." Emerson. "Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith dare to do our duty as we understand it." Lincoln. "When an end is legal and obligatory, all the indispensable means to that end are also legal and obligatory." Lincoln. "If the British Government in any way approach you directly or indirectly with propositions which assume or contemplate an appeal to the President on the subject of our internal affairs, whether it seem to imply a purpose to dictate or to mediate or 54 THE PRINCIPLE to advise, or merely to solicit or persuade, you will answer that you are forbidden to debate, to hear or in any way to receive, entertain or transmit any communication of the kind." Lincoln, to our Ambassador to England. "To act in absolute freedom and at the same time to realize that responsibility is the price of freedom, is salvation." Elbert Hubbard. "A corporation, no more than an indi- vidual, can be bound hand and foot and yet be active and give good service." Theo. N. Vail, 1915. "There is a tendency on the part of Bureau officers to reach out for more power, even if they do not assume author- ity which the law does not give them." John W. Weeks, 1915. " The Principle' is undoubtedly violated by many of our present day practices, both social and political. It is well for us to be jarred into thinking whether each item of the established order is in fact the right and true practice." Harry M. Wright, Master in Chancery, U. S. Court, S. F. THE PRINCIPLE 55 "You have put the matter in a very interesting way." Max Thelen, San Fran- cisco. "Hope you will spread the truth of 'The Principle' far and wide." Harry F.Atwood, Lecturer, Chicago, 1921. "I have been following 'The Principle* for the last thirty-five years, discovering it like yourself early in life, since when I have insisted on putting it into operation in everything I have undertaken." Geo. W. Goethals, 1916. " 'The Principle' is indeed a corner-stone to an orderly condition of society and can- not be too strongly emphasized." Dr.F.W. Durand, Stanford University, 1916. "Thank you for your address on respon- sibility and authority, which I have read with much interest and with which I fully agree." Jas. K. Lynch, Gov. Fed. Res. Bank, S. F., 1917. "I have been an upholder of 'The Prin- ciple' for many years, but, until I read your paper, I was not aware that it was so far- reaching." Wm. Kent, Mechanical En- gineer, 1917. 56 THE PRINCIPLE "I cannot imagine any success unless power goes with responsibility. It is the principle upon which I have always acted and am acting now." Admiral W. S. Sims, 1918. "I believe every word of it and have practiced The Principle' for years. It may be of interest to you to know that the affairs of the Pacific Fleet are administered in accordance with The Principle' set forth in your article." Admiral Hugh Rodman, 1919. ' The Principle' is so pithy and so worth while that I would like to reprint it for free distribution." Alfred Bickford, Ex. Sec. Assoc. Industries of Seattle, 1921. : The Principle' has many applications in my profession of medicine and surgery, As you say, it applies to all activities." Admiral McCormick, M. C, U. S. N. 1921. "I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Principle.' Thank you." Admiral H. B. Wilson, U. S. N., 1921. " The Principle' is really a big thing and I see its applicability very often. I use it lots of times, giving you more or less THE PRINCIPLE 57 credit." Alex. T. Vogelsang, Ex-Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Washington, 1921. A great many common every day expres- sions are partial statements of "The Prin- ciple," such as: "Mind your own business." "Noblesse oblige." "Don't bite off more than you can chew/' "Don't butt in." "Quit rocking the boat." "Look out for deep water." EIGHT HUNDRED COPIES OF "THE PRINCIPLE" HAVE BEEN PRINTED, OF WHICH FIVE HUNDRED ARE FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION BY THE AUTHOR 941292 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY