Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/firstrepublicinaOObrowrich ' /////a/M. THE FIRST REPUBLIC m AMERICA AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF THIS NATION, WRITTEN FROM THE RECORDS THEN (1624) CONCEALED BY THE COUNCIL, RATHER THAN FROM THE HISTORIES THEN LICENSED BY THE CROWN BY ALEXANDER BROWN, D.C.L. AUTHOE OF "the GENESIS OF THE UNITED STATES" AND " THE CABELLS AND THEIB KIN " BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY m:i)e MitjersfiDe presfsf^ Cambriuge MDCCCXCVm ^K^^ 7i-ofy COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY ALEXANDER BROWN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE The scene of the happy republic which Sir Thomas More describes in his " Utopia " is laid in an island said to have been recently discovered in America. The learned Budseus and others accepted More's description as a genu- ine history, but it was only a dream. The Utopia which Sir Edwin Sandys and other advanced statesmen designed was a reality, but it has had no genuine history. It has been said that " the history of every nation begins with myth. . . . When the age of reflection arrives and the nation begins to speculate on its origin, it has no more recollection of what happened in its infancy than a man has of what happened to him in his cradle, and in the absence of records has been disposed to accept for itself a mythical foundation and founder." When our age of reflection arrived " Smith's history was almost the only source from which we derived any knowledge of the in- fancy of our State;" and it came to be regarded as the standard authority on our foundation and its author as our founder. It was my original intention to consider fully in the text of this work each one of the numerous questions involved in " the John Smith controversy," but so much depends upon the point from which we look that I became convinced that so long as any one looked from the John Smith stand- point he would retain the John Smith views regardless of other evidences, and that if he should conclude to take the right view he would then see correctly without any aid from others. Therefore I decided to avoid the need- less controversies in the text and to devote it especially to an account of the origin of this nation from the point of iv PREFACE view (the authentic records, etc.) of those on whom the enterprise was dependent, which I believe to be the right view for the historian to take ; because it is the point from which the history of their enterprise can be clearly seen, fully appreciated, and fairly presented. Their acts and the motives which inspired them cannot really be seen at all through the thick veil thrown over them by their oppo- nents for the special purpose of obscuring them. But my reasons for opposing the John Smith views have been so frequently misunderstood as to make some personal explana- tion on my part necessary, and therefore I shall give them here, in the preface, so fully that no one need misunder- stand my motive in this matter hereafter. Although my tasks in life have not always been along literary lines, I have been a student of history ever since I was a child, and Captain John Smith was the hero of my childhood ; but after reaching manhood, as I continued my studies, I was obliged to abandon one idea after another which I had derived from Smith's history, until I was finally obliged to relinquish my faith in him, and I then became convinced that there was certainly something wrong with our earliest history. The hearing of my right ear having been destroyed by the concussion from the explosion of General B. F. But- ler's powder-boat in December, 1864, near Fort Fisher, N. C, where I was a soldier in the Confederate service, and my left ear having been injured by the same shock, I finally became so deaf as to be cut off from my former business pursuits, and I then determined to try to locate this his- toric wrong, and to right it if I could. With this object I searched for evidence wheresoever there seemed a prospect of finding any. I have collected a great deal, and it is really not me but this evidence which is opposing the Smith views. I believe that the maxim, " under no circumstances are we justified in defending an injurious story which we do PREFACE V not know to be true" is an especially good maxim in matters of history, where truth and justice are necessary for X historic uses. Smith's story is beneficial to himself, but it is injurious to others ; and, however true parts of it may be, it conveys an untrue and trivial idea of the great move- ment of which it pretends to be a history, j As I am a Vir- ginian, I am naturally anxious to take our earliest history out of the narrow, inaccurate ruts into which it was put by the " historian," and to place it on the broad foundation where it rightly belongs. As I am a citizen of this re- public, I wish to show the fallacy of the claims and pre- tensions of Captain John Smith, because they are incorrect, unjust, and ungenerous; and to give the correct view of our foundation, because it is honorable to our founders and to us. But in this matter I am not " moved by personal animosity towards Smith," and I am not '' working under influences which are unfriendly to Virginia." I bear Cap- tain Smith no malice. I regret exceedingly that any one who had been an official in Virginia should afterwards have been guilty of imposing a story as " history " which has made it necessary to expose the false ideas conveyed thereby. That this necessity exists, and that the issues involve the true basis of our foundation, is certain. I. The historic issue is between John Smith, the author, in England, and the managers of the movement on whom the enterprise was dependent in England and in Virginia. II. The personal issue is between John Smith, the actor, in Virginia, and the other councilors during his time here and the committees of the company in England for the rewarding of men on their merits, whose business it was to decide such matters at that time. III. The question is. Does Captain John Smithes his- tory convey a correct idea of this movement f That is to say, Was the colony founded by Smith under the form of government designed by King James I., and did everything go to ruin " after the alteration," under the popular char- vi PREFACE ters, as stated in Smith's history ? Or was Smith a vain adventurer, and the king's form of government an incentive to faction, and was the colony founded by the managers under the popular charters, and established on the broad principles designed by Sir Edwin Sandys (whom James I. regarded as his greatest enemy), as appears from the au- thentic records ? We are a great nation. We ought to have a fair idea of our first foundation, and the whole fabric of our earliest history is involved in these questions between those who wrote, or licensed, the history as then published, and those who really made the history as then performed. These important historic questions can only be properly consid- ered on their own merits in the view of the influences then obtaining, unobscured by resorting to special, personal, or sectional appeals to present influences ; for the case is not a matter for present political or religious sway ; it is beyond the authority of any one now living North or South. The issue is between the records of the Virginia Company, then concealed by the Privy Council, and the history of John Smith, then licensed by the crown. It must be tested by the results which have followed the acceptation of the con- temporary history, and decided (as all historic questions must be), after a full and fair consideration of the evi- dences for both sides, by the impartial judge on the bench, not by the advocate pleading for the prisoner at the bar. I. In considering the historic issue, we must note, in the first place, the fact that, whatever " the defailements " of the managers were, they finally succeeded, and no one can know what would have been the result if the enter- prise had really depended on Smith (or other critics), and if it had been carried on under their views and manage- ment. Therefore this issue is virtually a matter of Opinion vs. Fact, and history has to deal with the actual facts and not with opinions, whether reasonable or unreasonable. In the next place, as the prime object of history is to state facts, to be impartial, the prime necessity for an historian PREFACE vii to be personally disinterested in his story does not admit of any doubt. The acceptation of Smith's history, as a standard historical authority, would not only be a reflec- tion on our national foundation, but also on the prime foundation of history itself. If such works should be so accepted, history would not only be worthless as an author- ity but it would be positively harmful, for unworthy men would be apt to occupy the places of honor belonging to the deserving. Such works have been so often accepted as to cause many to regard all history as a lie. Hence we should not be justified in thus accepting this story, even if there were no counter-evidences at all; but there are counter-evidences which prove not only that it is partisan, but that the supports or propositions on which Smith rests his claims and criticisms are erroneous or misleading. The climate was not healthy ; the Indians were not tracta- ble ; the commodities found during 1607-1609 were not satisfactory ; tobacco was not the bane, but really the pre- server and support of the colony; and the charters were not changed to the detriment, but for the betterment of the colony. In brief, the real cause of " the defailements " was not in the managing of the business as stated by Smith, and the colony was not brought to a good state of forwardness under the king's form of government by Smith. It is true that he did not ask for the alteration of the charter ; that the new charter of 1609 was granted without his consent, and that he afterwards used these facts to serve him a good turn in England ; but all things did not go to ruin owing to the changes in the charters, form of government, etc., and so continue until the enterprise was resumed by the crown, as asserted in Smith's pubHcations. It is not only that the account is partisan and the supports defective, but the story itself, taken as a whole, is erroneous or misleading. His account of the state to which the colony had attained under the crown (1607-1609) is exaggerated and inaccurate, the errors being chiefly of commission ; and he conveys a meagre, incorrect, unjust, and ungener- viii PREFACE ous idea of the enterprise under the company (1609-1624), omitting, traducing, or obscuring, insomuch that he con- ceals the facts, and really conveys no idea of the most worthy acts and the very broadminded motives which in- spired the managers in England and in Virginia under the popular charters. Finally, if he had been qualified to write and had really written an accurate account — such a his- tory as we now need to have — of this popular movement he would not have been permitted to publish it at that time. The fact that he " linked his name romantically with that of a woman " has fascinated many ; but what gave his story its greatest strength was the fact that he linked his fame historically with that of the ''Kings royall Maiestie^ The royal question became, during 1622-1624, the controlling issue to which other questions were subordi- nate and subservient. It furnished the real support on which Captain Smith's claims rested, and I believe it to be of greater historic importance than any other issue in- volved in " the John Smith controversy." I During the contention between the crown and the Com- mons, King James I., under the guidance of his Privy Council and the royal party, and, it was said, under the influence of Gondomar, the Spanish minister, became con- vinced that the Virginia courts were " a seminary of sedi- tion," and determined to annul the popular rights of the Virginia Company and to resume the government of the colony himself. In the spring of 1623 he appointed a royal commission to look into the affairs of this company and colony, and agreeably to the king's wishes they made a report (to justify him in doing what he had made up his mind to do) to the purport that " much better effect had been produced under the King's charter and Instructions of 1606, than had been by the alteration thereof in 1609, into so popular a course," etc. Virginia was the first of the free colonies of England ; but it was founded in the days when many believed in the divine right of kings, and when " no English history es " were to be printed without PREFACE IX the sanction of the Privy Council ; and the accounts pub- lished under the royal license (in conformity with the royal wish) represent that the colony had been brought to a good state of forwardness under the royal charter and the king's form of government (" without one ray of popular rights "), and that all went to wrack after the alteration in the government, etc. On the other side, the authentic manuscript records, as well as the evidence (still preserved) which was submitted to the royal commissioners, really prove that the colony did not prosper under the crown ; but that it was finally established under the popular char- ters, which kindled the rays of popular rights that are now shining for us. II. My reasons for giving due consideration to the view of the other councilors in Virginia and of the commit- tees in England, in the personal issue, are as follows : In the first place, I beheve that they were as capable of judg- ing Smith as he was of judging them. Then as his view in this issue is really dependent on his history, it has no more virtue than his view in the historic issue ; therefore I oppose it for the same, as well as for other reasons, namely : (The historian has virtually absorbed his history, devoting it to his own acts and opinions ; and to the exclusion of the acts of others, he is really " the only man " in his story. Consequently those who take his view, seeing only one man, must lose sight of, and fail to have due consideration for, the rest ; and as a result of the acceptance of his views we have been taught to believe not only that " the Colony of Virginia was founded by Captain John Smith," but also that he was " the father of New England," and " the prime actor in settling the first English colonies in Amer- ica ; " that " what Sir Francis Drake was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, that was Captain John Smith in the reign of her successor ; " that he was " the only man in Vir- ginia," " the rest of the Council there being notoriously incompetent ; " that he was " the only one in England who had a thoroughly practical understanding of the true PREFACE method for settling Virginia," " the managers in England not understanding the business at all/' etc. There is no stronger illustration of the maxim, " I. care not who fights the battles so I write the dispatches."J All of these opin- ions, laudatory of Smith and condemnatory of his peers, are fully sustained by Smith's publications (dispatches). But he was largely a dispatch writer, "a paper tiger." As a matter of fact. Captain John Smith did not contribute enough in money to entitle him to full rights as an adven- turer. He did not remain in Virginia long enough to acquire full rights as a planter, and his services were not deemed sufficient by the committees of the company to justify them in rewarding him on his merits. He did not bring the colonists to Virginia. He landed there himself as a prisoner; was a prisoner at a time when he asserts that he was saving the colony from abandonment, etc. ; was sent back to England as a prisoner " to answer some mis- demeanors," and was not only not in the active service of the Virginia Company under which the colony was finally established, but was opposed to the popular charters under which the enterprise was being managed by the greatest business men and most advanced statesmen then in Eng- land. He not only was not " the founder of the Com- monwealth of Virginia," but was opposed to the basis on which it was founded. I do not doubt that Smith was a brave man, but he was not the only one in Virginia. I believe that every man who had the courage to cross the Atlantic in the frail barks of those days was necessarily a brave man. Although the evidence is so " mixed " as to render it impossible to say exactly what his deserts were, I beheve that he was deserv- ing of some praise for some things which he did in Vir- ginia ; but he was not " the only man in Virginia," and he was not more worthy than those who remained in Virginia devoting their lives to the enterprise. It is evident that Percy, West, Martin, Archer, Ratcliffe, and others who were in Virginia with him, whose opinions are certainly PREFACE xi entitled to our respect, thought that he did more harm than good as an actor in Virginia ; but whatever his ser- vices — whether he went or was sent from Virginia — the important fact remains that he never returned there, and that if every one else had done exactly as he did, there would have remained no colonists in Virginia, but moun- tains of books in England conveying incorrect ideas, and filled with a mass of vanity, " excellent criticism " and " good advice," amounting really to nothing. He was not a hero nor a saint ; he was not the founder of Virginia, nor the father of New England. Inspired by his controlling trait, vanity, he provided for his present and future fame by catering to the ideas of the king ; by fur- nishing his own eulogies in the various tracts and books published by himself, and in the notes, etc., supplied by him to others ; and by leaving (in his will) £20 (more than twice as much as his contribution — £9 — to Virginia), to be disbursed in his own funeral expenses. He would really have been more deserving of our respect if he had been guiltless of doing some of these things, yet he has been regarded as "the only man in Virginia" because he was the only man who did these things. " Vanity of vanities all is vanity." Very many more modest and more worthy men lie unhonored and unknown beneath the sacred soil of the Old Dominion. Before 1631, when Smith was buried in St. Sepulchre's Church in London, more than three thousand English had died in the colony of Virginia, among them being many as honorable people as any in our annals. No stone marks the grave and no epitaph pre- serves the memory of a single one of them (male or female), and some of them are not even fairly treated in our first history. Yet there is really more reason for honoring them than there would have been if they had devoted themselves to publishing volumes in their own praise, or in criticism of others. It is useless to attempt to obscure the fact. Our first history, founded on the vanity of King James and of Captain John Smith, is a shame, and we cannot mend XU PREFACE the matter by canonizing its author, or by defending its errors. We must correct its wrongs and render justice to our real founders. Even the final resting-places of Captain Gabriel Archer, who first proposed to have a parliament in Virginia, and afterwards protested against the royal form of government for Virginia ; of the members of the first Council who gave their lives in and to Virginia; of the first Protestant ministers who gave their lives to the cause of Christ in the colony ; of Sir George Yeardley, who in- augurated the popular form of government in the present United States, and of the members of the first House of Burgesses in America, are not known. And this is practi- cally a picture of the personal issue in our earliest history. " We have Hstened to the song of the siren," and as a result the historic fate of the real founders of the nation is a national disgrace. Our histories have conferred the honors on " the enemies " of our founders : " the spotless man " who attacked their characters and opposed their patriotic motives, and " the noble King " of the Powhatan Indians who attacked their persons. This is not only true of the men, but of the women also. Although Pocahontas was not an enemy, I believe there were many English women in the colony deserving of as much praise as has been lavished on the Indian princess, and notwithstanding their historic fate, I am as certain that there were minister- ing angels and heroines among the Anglo-Saxon women who aided in founding this republic, as I am that there was sickness, famine, war, and death in the colony. The fate of the birthplace of the nation illustrates the effect of " the song " on the historic issue. The personal issue is not so important as the historic issue ; but look on this picture and on that, and it will be seen that we have " sold our birthright for a mess of pottage." III. An analysis of the work will show that Captain John Smith, in his history, has not given a correct idea (history) of this movement and of these men, \We have PREFACE xili not the original documents from which it is said that his account of the colony under the crown (1607-1609) was compiled, and we do not know what they really contained (although circumstances lead us to believe them to have been as favorable to royal ideas as possible) ; but as pub- lished, the narrative goeth where Smith goes, and lieth where Smith lies ; it tells little of what was going on even at Jamestown, unless Smith was there ; it makes the condition of the colony under the royal form of government to appear more favorable than it was ; but it is devoted to selfish per- sonal matters rather than to history. We have, however, most of the originals from which he compiled for 1610- 1623, and these prove his manner of compiling to have been frequently misleading and unreliable. \ Captain John Smith may not have been as much of an impostor as George Psalmanazar; he was not so well indorsed ; but if he was guilty of an imposture he was an impostor, and in many respects his history is manifestly an imposition ; and as he is the only one who can really be taken hold of as the responsible authority for that work, he is to that extent personally responsible for its faults. Whether as compiler, editor, or author, its faults are to that extent his faults. And the motive of this history is self-condemnatory ; for it is certainly more disposed to eulo- gise or defend the author and to blame or defame others than to give fair ideas. It is not really necessary to prove the falsity of any particular statement. A book without a single untrue statement may, by omitting facts or by giving them in a misleading way, convey just as false an idea as if every assertion were inaccurate. And there are many true statements in Smith's story ; many worthy expressions, as there are in other books of the same character whose authors were clever enough to make the vehicle in which they were carrying their own goods as strong, as plausible, as worthy of belief, as they coidd ; but it contains many inaccurate statements, and so far from conveying the true historic idea of our foundation and of our founders it really UNIVERSITY )/ X XIV PREFACE obscures the truth so shrewdly as frequently to make the real history very difficult of apprehension. The historian has constantly to leave the regular flow of the narrative for the purpose of removing some obstruction from the chan- nel ; to quote at length from numerous old documents which sometimes make dull reading ; to go into disagree- able controversies or into tiresome explanation, in order to right the wrongs which have been done by Smith's history. It is now certain that Smith gave a very ungenerous and incorrect idea of this great movement, yet it will be very hard to correct entirely the historic wrongs which have been caused by the acceptation of his story in the past, because of the human disposition to uphold past opinions at all hazards. That is to say, it is only necessary to go into the controversy because the " history " was a contemporary publication which came to be almost the only available account of the infancy of our State, and which we have been taught to regard as a standard authority from genera- tion to generation. HTet the very fact that it was a contem- porary publication i^ prima facie evidence that it was not a genuine history of this enterprise. Even when there is no censorship over the press contem- porary publications are apt to have some other motive than the making public of the unvarnished facts fully and fairly on all points. It is not in the nature of man to write con- temporary history. " Time, the nurse and breeder of all good," has to smooth out partisan influences of all sorts before history can be written. And although there is, in Virginia especially, a very strong conservatism in dealing with matters of history and tradition, there is no reason why Smith's history, like all such contemporary publica- tions, should not yield to the truth brought to light by time. The tree must be judged by its fruit, and it is now manifest that owing to a reliance on Smith's history, y^?^ 7nen in any age have been more overrated than Captain John Smith ; no event in modern times more ungener- ously considered than the founding of this nation, and PREFACE XV i no men more unjustly treated in history than those who \ really accomplished that task. ] Of course a great deal depends on the standpoint from 1 which the subject is viewed. To some those who protested ] against the king's form of government in 1608-1609 were \ patriots ; to others they were rebels. " Hinc illae lachrymse." j The London Company of 1609-1624, to which Smith's \ history is especially unjust, had been a cradle of civil and \ reHgious liberty ; in it were fostered the ideas which were \ the germ of the commonwealth of England and the genesis • of the United States. But when Smith's history was pub- lished in 1624, many regarded the company as a " seminary " of sedition." f The royal officials in England, and even in ; Virginia, it seems, soon began to obliterate the evidence of \ the truth as to our earliest history so far as they could. ' Even the copies of the portions of the company's records \ which were first made use of by Stith in 1746 had to be \ preserved by stealth.^ It is believed that the original rec- \/ \ ords of the acts, plans, and purposes of the company were \ all destroyed in 1624, or soon after. However this may be, \ it is certain that they were not used by any historian, and it is equally certain that the publication of a genuine his- \ tory of this patriotic movement would not have been per- 1 mitted by the Privy Council, because it was even then busy i burying in every way the popular ideas and acts of " the ; late Virginia Company." The author of such a book would i have been held guilty of leze majesty, and the book would \ have been burned by the order of " the High Commission. '^ The history of the origin of this nation must now be writ- ' ten from the authentic records of the company which were ; then suppressed by the Council, rather than from the histo- \ ries of writers then licensed by the crown. It is not possi- \ ble to write a correct account of this grand movement, or to i render justice to those who carried it forward to final sue- ] cess in England and in Virginia, without impeaching Cap- -\ ^ They revealed to the public for Smith's story continued to obstruct \ the first time much real history ; but the vision. 1 XVI PREFACE tain John Smith. ( Some historians have been disposed to accept the personal views when favorable to Smith, and , to reject them when unfavorable to others; while other his- ^y/ torians reject his favorable views of himself and accept his N unfavorable criticisms. We cannot accept and reject evi- dence at will. To reject is to impeach, and each party thus impeaches his evidence as much as those who do not rely upon it either when favorable to himself or when unfavora- ble to others.) Some historians, while apparently indorsing his history, kave really devoted themselves to supplying his omissions, correcting his errors, and altering sundry ideas conveyed by him, — that is, to impeaching his history. The truth is that the events were in accordance with the universal harmony of things. Our origin as a nation is perfectly legitimate ; we are by birth republican or demo- cratic, and not monarchical ; and as we are no longer under the crown, there is no longer any reason why we should yield our national birthright to the royal prerogative, or sacrifice our founders to the vanity of Captain John Smith. The main question is not whether Smith was saved by Poca- hontas, but whether our earliest history can be saved from the incorrect and unjust ideas conveyed by Smith and for- merly accepted by our historians. In order to see the facts it is necessary to look from the correct standpoint, because the same evidence will convey different ideas when looked at from different points of view. The real issue in the so- called John Smith controversy is between Captain John Smith and the ideas conveyed by his publications on the one side, and the managers of this movement and the ideas which really inspired them on the other. The found- ing of this country was one of the most important and noblest enterprises in the annals of the world. No move- ment was ever conducted by men more competent, or in- spired by grander ideas ; and no men ever had greater difficulties to overcome. But, owing to circumstances then obtaining, no event ever had a more incorrect or a more trivial history, or a more incompetent and unfair historian. PREFACE Xvil " A vainglorious fellow/' as Percy called him, devoting himself especially to " sounding his trumpet as the hypo- crites do/' he " appropriated to himself many deserts which he never performed, and stuffed his relations with many falsities and malicious detractions of others." The true idea of our foundation cannot be seen from the John Smith point of view, because he was opposed to it, and does not give it. The licensed historian had served under the crown only; he had been removed from his official position by the managers of the company ; he was not disposed to deal fairly with them, and he really obscures the popular ideas and acts of that company as fully to the satisfaction of the royal censors (who wished to obliterate them from the page of history) as if the story was published for that very pur- pose. The real history of the enterprise can be fairly seen only from the point of view (the authentic records) of those on whom it was dependent. From this standpoint it will be seen that this nation had its origin under the inspiration of the grandest progressive ideas, the spreading of the English race and religion, commerce, and commonwealth, and the planting of civil and religious Hberty in the new world. And the fact that the numerous grave obstacles which had to be met were finally overcome must be con- clusive evidence to every unbiased mind that the movement was well managed by competent men under Divine Provi- dence ; for otherwise, as the reading of the following account in the text will show, it must have resulted in failure. ( Much of the record is still missing. The narrative of events in England and in Virginia is still incomplete. This is especially the case with Virginia. We frequently do not know what was going on in the colony, — at Jamestown, at the meetings with Powhatan, or in the battles with Ope- chancanough. And much of the contemporary evidence, besides that already mentioned, both in manuscript and in print, as to material and immaterial matters, is of a more or less partisan, unreliable character ; but there is sufficient XViii PREFACE evidence of a reliable character to take most matters of real importance out of the controversial column and to establish them as historic facts. J Those things which may still be subject to controversy have generally little other than a mere personal consequence. The broad outline of the movement already stands out above the fading clouds, dis- tinct and clear. The period which gave birth to this nation was one of the most remarkable transition periods in Eng- lish history, in which men of affairs were just as active in making the advance in their spheres as men of letters were in theirs ; and a brief review of this movement will show that it was the most important event of that period. In the beginning many engaged in the enterprise inspired with the hope of finding a ready way to the South Sea, mines of gold, or other " present profit ; " and it was for- tunate that such hopes obtained to support the movement in its infancy. It was also fortunate that as these hopes were dispelled self-seeking men generally " withdrew them- selves ; " because the diplomatic and other conditions which surrounded the enterprise from the first soon became such as to make it essential to final success that the enterprise should be under the guidance of broad-minded, reliable men of commanding influence, inspired by the earnest de- sire to promote the future good of their country and of their posterity regardless of themselves.^ The movement soon became one of the most important factors in the poHtics of that period, not only in England and America, but also in Spain, France, and the Nether- lands ; not only in the contest then going on between Protestantism and Romanism, but also in the contest then beginning between the crown and the Commons ; and the foreign, national, and diplomatic issues involved received the earnest attention of the prime ministers as well as of the most celebrated statesmen and diplomats of England. The popular charters and other legal instruments of the London Company for Virginia were drafted by Sir Edwin 1 See The Genesis of the United States, vol. ii. pp. 775, 776. PREFACE xix Sandys (a statesman of " the greatest parts and knowledge in England"), assisted by other lawyers and politicians among the progressive thinkers of that transition period, who also designed a popular form of government for the colony, and these documents formed the original basis for civil and religious liberty in the new world. The colony was established under the business manage- ment of Sir Thomas Smythe and other leading men of affairs of that day, who were then spreading the power of the Anglo-Saxon to the uttermost parts of the known world. The necessary means for carrying on the enterprise were contributed by " a greater union of Nobles and Commons than ever concurred in the Kingdom to such an undertak- ing ; " the voyages were under the command of old sailors who had learned the Atlantic in the days of Elizabeth ; the colony was under the government of old soldiers trained up in the Netherlands; and the planters were largely of the restless, pushing material of which the pathfinders of the world have ever been made. It is true that parties were finally formed in the company and colony, but such parties are the natural offspring of a popular form of government, and this is a wise dispensa- tion ; for without the safeguard to the public weal which is afforded by one party (the " outs ") keeping constant watch over the other (the "ins"), a popular government would soon become the worst sort of monopoly. There- fore, even though party spirit may sometimes have run too strong then, as it sometimes does now, it should be viewed leniently. And it should also be remembered that many papers were compiled for party and not for historical pur- poses. The enterprise was a new venture, largely experimental, and had also to be carried forward in the face of great dif&culties of almost every kind, with diplomacy, with dis- cretion, and at great expense; but all things were as well ordered as human foresight permitted at that time. The managers were not able to change the ocean currents and ;<. XX PREFACE the fevers of the tropics, nor the climate of Virginia. Man did not then command the steam and the Hghtning. Quinine was unknown. Many things could only be re- vealed, regulated, and overcome by time. All things were in the power of God alone, and " the hand of God " was frequently " heavy upon them." But they finally estab- lished the colony, and placed the destiny of our country in the hands of the Anglo-Saxon. Then they inaugurated civil and religious liberty in America. They instituted pop- ular government at Jamestown, and sent over the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth. It was the influences originated by and under the popular charters of the Virginia Company of London which first shaped the destinies of the new nation in the new world which has become the greatest nation in the whole world. Whatever may be the opinions of any of us on subsequent issues, all of us should wish to see justice done the real founders of this nation, " whose greatness of mind enabled them to perceive, amidst the losses, difficulties, disappoint- ments, and expenses of a beginning colony, the great ad- vantages to be derived therefrom in the future by their country; and preferring the interest of posterity to their own, to pursue the undertaking regardless of all difficul- ties, in spite of the mahgnity and narrow wisdom of the world." ^ The divine command to honor those who produced us that our days may be long in the land is as applicable to a nation as it is to man. The most important period in an existence is that of its beginning; and it is most desirable for us to have the historic facts regarding our origin as a nation. Captain John Smith claimed that the American colonies were " pigs of his sow," and he devoted many years to presenting his side of the case in various ways, with much shrewdness, turning to his advantage sundry circumstances and occasions. His history was licensed by the crown ; it ^ Edmund Burke. PREFACE xxi has been available from the first ; we have been taught to believe it to be the standard authority on the English col- onization of America, and those who may still wish to look from the John Smith standpoint will find many histories in every library to meet their views. But the company records concealed by the Privy Council have never been available to the pubhc. No one has ever published an account of this movement based on the authentic evidences of those on whom the enterprise was really dependent in England and in America. The object of this work is to supply this national historic deficiency ; to render justice to them ; to give the real ways by which they managed to carry the movement to final success; the real difficulties which they had to overcome ; the real motives which in- spired them ; the real history of their enterprise ; so that those who wish to have a correct and fair idea of the first foundation and of the real founders of this repubHc may have at least one history to meet their views. It is a mistake to think, as some do, that " the matter is one of especial historic importance to Virginia only, and the responsibility for the historic conditions must be laid on Virginians alone." This broad historic question is not a sectional matter at all. The fact that Smith's history has been so long accepted as " the standard authority on the English colonization of America " is a national disgrace. Captain John Smith was not the founder of Virginia, nor the father of New England. The men for whom I ask justice " had farther designs than making a tobacco planta- tion " in Virginia. They secured a lot in the new world for a new nation ; settled colonies both in New England and in Virginia, and originated the first republic in America, under charters of 1609 and 1612, which made possible all that has come after them. Standing on the broad founda- tion shaped by them " we are now a great nation," and all citizens of the United States have the same interest in their popular charters which they have in our declaration of final independence of 1776, as based on them. It is as xxii PREFACE much a national duty to protect from authors under the crown the history of the first planting, under these charters, of the seed of this republic, as it is to defend from Tory writers the history of the final gathering in our Revolu- tion of the matured fruit of that seed. This duty falls alike on the North and on the South ; on those who wore the blue and on those who wore the gray ; on the daugh- ters as well as on the sons of our various patriotic, histor- ical and genealogical societies. And all patriotic citizens should take as much pride in being of " founders kin " as is taken in tracing from the Roll of Battle Abbey. I have now given many of the real reasons which have influenced me in this historic matter, and the text of this book will prove each reason to be a valid one. Of course, I cannot expect those who continue to look from the John Smith standpoint to be able to see my position sufficiently clearly to fully appreciate it ; but I trust that others will. I know very well that I have not written the account of our real founders as well as it should have been done ; but I have done my best, and I hope that the fate of my work is safe in the hands of the posterity for which they labored. In preparing to write this book I made a careful chro- nological and general index of all the evidences in the premises that I could find written between 1605 and 1657, with a few by contemporaries, but of later publication. The volume has been written from these indices, and every statement in it is based on these evidences, and not on the writings of any more modern authors. As to some state- ments I have only one authority ; as to others there are many. Sometimes the several references to the same item agree fairly well ; at other times they are contradictory. In such cases I have followed the evidences which I regarded as the most reliable, avoiding controversial evidences, for controversy is not history, and we cannot accept a mooted question as an historical fact ; rejecting ex parte evidences and unfriendly criticisms; frequently confining myself to the words of the original documents ; always trying simply PREFACE xxiii to state the facts and to let them speak for themselves. Evidences since found have made many things clearer to me than they were when I pubHshed " The Genesis " in 1890. The account might have been made more interest- ing (and the book more popular, it may be) if written " like to a ship, that cutteth the cable, and putteth to Sea ; " but, like the ship, it is more valuable when restrained to its moorings. We read romance for pleasure, and we wish it to amuse us whether it is correct or not ; but we read his- tory for information, and it must give the facts even if they are dry. The more interesting an incorrect history, the more harmful it is. I always wish to give as much information as I can in as few words as possible ; but, in order to carry out my object, it is sometimes necessary to go into details, and to give much original matter which, save for its value in the premises, would not make inter- esting reading. I have tried to repeat no more of what I have already given in " The Genesis " than was necessary. I only attempt to give the leading remaining original ref- erences to matters pertaining to divinity, laws, and medi- cine. I do not attempt to discuss or to explain them fully, as the ministers, lawyers, and doctors can do this better than I, and as they will be more interested in clearing up their professional matters for themselves. In order to make the collection of original matter for 1605-1616 as complete as possible, I have inserted in this volume sundry papers discovered since 1890. The docu- ments written during 1617-1627, and now available, are too numerous to be given completely ; but I have used them freely in compiling this account, and hope some day to be able to preserve the scattered evidences for that period, as I have already done for 1605-1616 in " The Genesis of the United States " and in this book. A document written at that time in London on March 16, 1612 (present style), would have been dated by an Englishman, March 6, 1611; by a Spaniard, March 16, 1612; by a Dutchman, March -^q, ^^{h The different THE FIRST REPUBLIC IN AMERICA UNDER THE CROWN I ENGLAND, JULY, 1605— JULY, 1607 ROBERT CECIL, EARL OF SALISBURY, PRIME MINISTER The idea that the dangerous and increasing power of Spain and Rome in America should be checked had been growing in England ever since the arrival there in 1565 of the Huguenots who escaped massacre by the Spaniards in Florida. The spark kindled by the betrayal of Hawkins, Drake, and others at Vera Cruz in September, 1568, never went out. " The wings of man's life are plumed with the feathers of death," but the great ideas of Gilbert, Ralegh, Walsingham, Sidney, and others did not die. Private and public enterprises for " annoyinge the Kinge of Spaine " in America continued to be sent out from time to time ; some- times " under pretense of letters patent to discover and inhabit " the country, and sometimes openly to destroy or to make " prizal of the shipping of Spain." From 1585 to 1603 there was actual war, and the efforts — to colonize America — of Walsingham, Gilbert, Ralegh, Sidney, Car- leill, Grenville, Hakluyt, Smythe, Lane, White, and others were finally stopped by this war. After the conclusion of the treaty of peace (1604-1605) between England and Spain, " the then only enemy of our nation and religion," it was determined by many in England to take advantage of " this opportunity," " commended by the English politicians," for carrying out Sir Philip Sidney's scheme " to check the 2 UNDER THE CROWN dangerous and increasing power of Spain and Rome in the New World by planting English Protestant settlements there which would increase untill they extended from ocean to ocean." This enterprise was necessarily a national one. The country selected by the English was claimed as a part of the Spanish Indies by Spain, a power with forces and re- sources both in Europe and in America, and with her claim supported by the interest of the great opposing religion ; and England could secure real possession thereof only by consent, by diplomacy, or by breaking the treaty and re- sorting to war. The recently discovered Spanish and other papers are of peculiar value because they introduce a new and most important factor, making it necessary to read all previously discovered evidences by a new light which changes the whole aspect of the case. Our earliest history has been constructed of imperfect and defective material, and therefore it is necessary to rebuild it, because it is of the first importance for all things to rest on a true and solid foundation. Virginia was the mother of the English colonies in Amer- ica, and the city of London was the mother of Virginia. London was the heart and old father Thames the great artery of England. Feeling to the full the great impor- tance and the many difficulties of the work which I have set out to do, it seems good to me that I should try to make the great artery of our mother country — " My great example ... Though deep yet clear ; though gentle, yet not dull ; Strong without rage ; without o'erflowing full." On June 25, 1605, the treaty of peace between Spain and England was signed by Philip III. at Valladolid, his oath to the same being taken by Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham. After some delay incidental to the festivi- ties and bull-fights with which he was entertained on the occasion (an account of which was written by Cervantes), Howard returned to England with the ratified treaty ; ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 — JULY, 1607 3 and although it had to be handled with nice diplomacy by the statesmen of England in the subsequent controversies with Spain regarding the colonies, it was this peace which made possible the permanent settlement of the English across the Atlantic battle-ground in the far distant land of Virginia. On July 28, 1605, Captain George Weymouth returned to Plymouth, England, from a voyage to America, " which accident," says Sir Ferdinando Gorges, " must be acknow- ledged as the means under God of putting on foot and giv- ing life to our plantations." Captain Weymouth at once entered upon plans for American colonization and commerce with William Parker, Thomas Love, and others of Plymouth, and afterwards formed a more definite agreement with Sir John Zouche of Codnor. Others were moving in the same direction, and these advocates of the American movement soon found that they would have to meet opposition both at home and abroad. As early as October 12, 1605, Sir Arthur Chiches- ter wrote from Ireland to Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, " that it was absurd folly to run over the world in search of colonies in Virginia or Guiana, whilst Ireland was lying desolate." Soon after this Zuniga, the Spanish minister at London, protested against the enterprise to the Privy Council, and on March 16, 1606, he wrote to Philip III. of Spain giving him warning.^ Early in 1606 Thomas and Edward Hayes wrote the fol- lowing important letter (which I believe has never been printed in full before) to Cecil : — " Pardon us (Eight honourable) that we presume to move this project presented herewith unto you, so remote from the course of your great AfPayres as America is from Eng- land wherein our presumption (we confess) may be taxed of 1 Most of the documents referred will be found in The Genesis of the to in this book between 1606 and 1616 United States. 4 UNDER THE CROWN unadvised rashnes. Bicause the wayght of this our home state lyeth already so much upon you, that to press you unto more may be thought importunitie, or rather in us a want o£ judgment. But the propertie of virtue and true honour is to put no limits unto the doing of good, in which the farther that mortal men can procede, the nearer they aproach unto God. And you whom God hath extraordina- rily indued and made compleat in all abilities which may extend to the advancement of most high and honest causes, will not (we are perswaded) take any such motion to be impertinent to you, but well deserving to be patronised by one so honourable a personage as yourself : the same reach- ing and aspiring to the chief est good that man can pro- pound. " But forasmuch as so great a business as for planting of Christianitie amongst heathens can never be duly effected by private meanes, in which course some of us have many yeares past ventred both lyfe and substance without fruite : we have devised another way without offence to publike or private, whereby the cause may be compleatly sett forward, supported, and seconded, until! it be grown to such perfec- tion that it may stand of itself, and give large recompence to all co-assistants. Which meanes requireth the consent of Parliament, whereunto a motion is drawn by us, and a hrief discourse of inducements also, for satisfaction of son- dry objections which have been made heretofore — seeming fytt to leave as little scruple as may be in mens mynds and consciences, whose furtherance must be requyred in the House — somme coppies whereof we intend to deliver amongst diverse our friends members of the same. " Nevertheles before we procede, we thought it our dutie fyrst to acquaynt your Lordship therewith, without whose grace and honorable advice we desyre not to do anything. For which consideration we hombly present your Honour with the fyrst view of our projects, which we hope after your accustomed manner you will voutsaf e to accept. " Being in this and all services ever devoted unto you, ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 ~ JULY, 1607 5 and so rest, attending your honours pleasure as we shall understand by this deliverer, " Your Ho" most bounden, " Tho«. Hayes, " Edward Hayes." Captain Edward Hayes had " ventred both ly£e and sub- stance " in Gilbert's voyage to our northern coast in 1583. Neither the '' motion,'' nor " hrief discourse of induce- ments,'' to Parliament are now on file with the letter ; but I am satisfied that the document headed " Keasons for rais- ing a fund/' and given in " The Genesis of the United States," pp. 36-42, is a copy of one of these papers. The second session of the first Parliament of James I. began November yg, 1605, — the day of the celebrated Gunpowder Plot treason. On November 19, Parliament was adjourned to January 31, 1606. On their reassem- bling a bill was at once passed making November y\ (" Gun- powder Plot day") "a day of thanksgiving forever," which bill remained in force over two hundred and fifty years. The session, which continued to June 6 (N. S.), was largely devoted to measures and acts in the interest of England, at that time in favor of the reformed religion and against the Church of Kome. It was during this period of excitement, and under the same influences, that the na- tional movement for securing a lot or portion in the New World for the English race and religion was taking defi- nite shape in England. And although it was not deemed best for the colonial charters and official papers to be publicly confirmed by Parliament at this time, many of the ideas found in the parliamentary acts were embodied in the said charters, etc., for the plantations, and the movement was personally indorsed by many members of that body. Exactly when the movement to plant pubHc colonies in America took definite shape I do not know, but among the most influential men in putting it on foot were Rob- ert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury ; Sir John Popham, lord chief 6 UNDER THE CROWN justice ; Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton ; and Sir Ferdinando Gorges. The petition for the first charter was ^ signed by Sir Thomas Gates (who had been selected as a land officer in the Drake-Sidney voyage to America, 1585- 86), Sir George Somers, a member of Parliament (who had served under Ralegh, and who had commanded several victorious voyages to the West Indies in the time of war with Spain), Rev. Richard Hakluyt (who had previously taken such deep interest in the colonial enterprises of Walsingham, Sidney, and Ralegh), Captain Edward-Maria Wingfield (who had served in the Low Country war against Spain), Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham, all of whom had seen service as sea captains in American waters in the time of Elizabeth. The first draft for the proposed first Virginia charter, annexed to the petition for the same, was probably drawn by Sir John Popham. It met with the royal favor and the charter was granted by James I. The warrant to prepare ^t was issued by the secretary of state (Robert Cecil) ; it was prepared by the attorney-general (Sir Edward Coke) and the solicitor-general (Sir John Dodderidge) ; and on April 1^, 1606, it was passed under the great seal by the lord chancellor (Sir Thomas Egerton). It was a general charter claiming for the crown of Eng- land the whole of North America between 34° and 45° north latitude, commonly called Virginia. It professed as a leading preamble or motive " the furtherance of so noble a work " " as the planting of Christianity amongst hea- thens." Two companies — one for planting a colony in South Virginia, the other for planting a colony in North Virginia — were both incorporated by this one charter. The first colony was authorized to locate their plantation " in some fit and convenient place " between 34° and 41° north latitude, and when so settled the charter then granted them fifty miles north and fifty miles south of said settlement as well as one hundred miles to sea and one hundred miles within the land. And the second colony was authorized ENGLAND, JULY, 1605— JULY, 1607 '7 to locate their plantation between 38° and 45° north lati- tude, and were granted like bounds of land on like terms, "provided, however, that the colonies should not plant within one hundred miles of each other." This clause has frequently been a cause of comment; but as one colony- was to extend fifty miles north of their seat, and the other fifty miles south of theirs, the proviso was necessary to prevent a possible conflict of bounds between the two colo- nies. About 2,000,000 square miles of land were claimed by the crown, of which only 20,000 square miles were granted (and upon conditions) to both colonies. The whole of this Virginia, including the said very limited grants to the two colonies, was placed under the manage- ment of one and the same Koyal Council of Virginia ; " all of whom were appointed by the King ; and to be increased, altered or changed at the King's pleasure and this Council nominated the councellors of the colonies," who were to govern according to such laws, ordinances, and instructions as should be given by the king. The document was a royal charter containing " not one ray of popular rights," although it granted sundry privileges to the companies. They could search for mines ; coin money ; invite and carry over adventurers ; repel intruders. Duties payable by cer- tain persons for trading to the colonies were to the use of the colonies for twenty- one years, then to the king ; certain articles were free of duty for seven years ; inhabitants and their children to have privileges of British subjects ; pen- alty for carrying goods, etc., destined for the colonies to any other places; robberies, etc., to be punished ; and finally lands granted by the colonial authorities, " to be holden of lis [the crown], our heirs, and successors, as of our manor of East-Greenwich in the county of Kent, in free and com- mon soccage only, and not in capite," and lands passed by these patents were assured by the patentees. The charter is a very important document; but as a charter for colonization it was mainly experimental, and as experience revealed its imperfections they were corrected 8 UNDER THE CROWN by subsequent charters. It remained, however, the royal charter, the basis of England's claim to America between 34° and 45° north latitude. Although not so stated in the charter, the secretary of state (Robert Cecil) was the patron of the southern colony, and the lord chief justice of England (Sir John Popham) was the patron of the northern colony. Purchas, while referring to this charter, says that " he also had copies of both the Articles and Instructions two dayes after dated [Jf April 1606], signed, and sealed, with the Privie Scale for the government of the plantation." I have found no copy of these original articles ; but at the request of Sir Ferdinando Gorges and others they were finally canceled or revised, and reissued. Sir John Popham had at once interested the citizens of Plymouth in the plantation of a colony in the northern parts of America ; but on May 20, 1606, " Waltere Ma- thewe deputy mayor of Plymouth and his bretherin of the city council," wrote to Cecil, by Captain Thomas Love, pro- testing against certain conditions of the articles, and on the same day Sir Ferdinando Gorges wrote to the same per- son ^ to the same purport, begging Cecil to use his favor and wisdom in their behalf. The special objection seems to have been with those originally chosen to be of his Majesty's Council. " And indeed," writes Gorges, '' when yt was once bruted that soe many Cittizens and Tradesmen weare made councillors to his highnes for the disposing of theire afaires that on theire private chardg undertooke the enterprize, all the gentlemen that before weare willing to be lardge adventurers presentlie withdrew themselves and by noe meanes will have to doe therein." It is to be in- ferred that the citizens of Plymouth found the reHef asked for through the honorable favor of Cecil, as Sir John Pop- ham, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, with divers other worshipful 1 For the Gorges documents, see Sir A. M. Boston. The Prince Society Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Publication, 1890. Maine. By James Phinney Baxter, 1 ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 — JULY, 1607 9 knights, gentlemen and merchants of the west country, on August 22, 1606, sent forth from Plymouth M. Henry Challons in the Richard, of Plymouth, on the voyage in- tended for the North Plantation of Virginia. In this ship, of about fifty-five tons burden, there went twenty-nine Eng- lishmen and two of the five savages (Manedo and Assa- comoit) which were brought into England by Weymouth the year before out of the north parts of Virginia. And two months after " it pleased the Noble Good Chief e Justice, Sir John Popham, Knight, to send out another shippe, wherein Captayne Thomas Hanham went com- mander, and Martin Prinne [Pring] of Bristow, master, with all necessary supplies, for the seconding of Captayne Challons and his people." While these things were being done in the west of Eng- land, sundry citizens of London were preparing a well appointed expedition for the southern colony of Virginia. On November 30, 1606, James I. issued his Articles, Instructions, and Orders for the government of the two several colonies. This is a remarkable document, written by King James, who always had an high idea of his own acts, and it came to pass that this act had an important influence on our early history, as first published. In this instrument he appoints his first King's Council of Vir- ginia (34° to 45° north latitude), namely. Sir William Wade, lieutenant of the Tower of London (" son of Armi- gell Wade, the British Columbus ; " a statesman, diplomat, and M. P.), Sir Thomas Smythe (one of those to whom Ralegh assigned his interest in Virginia in March, 1589 ; M. P., etc.). Sir Walter Cope (statesman and M. P.), Sir George Moore (statesman and M. P.), Sir Francis Pop- ham (son of Sir John Popham, M. P., etc.). Sir Ferdinando Gorges (governor of the forts of Plymouth, etc.). Sir John Trevor (M. P., etc.). Sir Henry Montague (recorder of the city of London, M. P., etc.). Sir Wm. Romney (governor of the East India Company), John Dodderidge, Esq. (so- licitor-general, M. P., etc.), Thomas Warr, Esq. ("coun- 10 UNDER THE CROWN ciler-att-law/' a grandson of Sir John Popham), John Eldred of London (merchant, a director of the East India Company), Thomas James of Bristol (merchant, M. P., etc.), and James Bagge of Plymouth (merchant, M. P., etc.). I take it for granted that these men are not the " Tradesmen " alluded to by Gorges in his letter to Cecil (May J^, 1606), as " well knowen to have noe manner of understanding what belongeth thereunto [the management of the enterprise] more than ordinarie." This Council had power and authority (but it was " at the royal pleasure, in the royal name and under the royal power and authority in all things ") over the country of Virginia and the colonies. They appointed the several councils for the several colonies who were under their direction, but as laid down in the peculiar form of government designed for the colonies by King James in the said remarkable document : — "^ Copy of the Oath for the King^s Counsel of Virginia, " You shall sweare to be a true and faithfuU servant unto the King's majesty as one of his counsel for Virginia. You shall in all things to be moved, treated and debated in that counsel concerning Virginia or any the territories of America between the Degrees of 34 and 45 from the Equi- noctial line northward, or the trades thereof, faithfully and truely Declare your mind and opinion according to your heart and conscience. And of all matters of great impor- tance or difficulty before you resolve thereupon you shall make his Ma**®^ Privy Counsel acquainted therewith and fol- low their Direction therein. And shall keep secret all mat- ters committed and revealed to you concerning the same, and that shall be treated secretly in that [the Privy] Coun- sel or this Counsel of Virginia [until such time as by the consent of them] or the more part of them publication shall be made thereof. " You shall to the uttermost bear faith and alleagiance to the Kings ma"® his heirs and lawfull successors, and shall assist and defend all jurisdictions preheminences and au- ENGLAND, JULY, 1605— jyiy IdQti: "^ ] 11 cal iforh)L thorities granted unto his Ma"® and annextunto tne crown, be it by Act of Parliament or otherwise, against all forrain Princes, persons, Prelates or Potentates whatsoever, and generally in all things you shall do as a faithfull and true servant and subject ought to Do. So help you God and the holy contents of this Book." On December J§, 1606, when the expedition to southern Virginia was nearly ready to sail, his Majesty's Council for Virginia issued their orders and directions for the passage by sea, and after their arrival and landing there, and their " Instructions given by way of Advice " to the colonists. But few details relative to the preparations for this voy- age have been preserved. Wingfield (in June, 1608), in defending himself from the charge that " he combyned with the Spanniards to the distruction of the Collony ; that he was an Atheist, because he carryed not a Bible with him," replies, "I confesse I have alwayes admyred any noble vertue and prowesse, as well in the Spanniards, as in other nations ; but naturally I have alwayes distrusted and disliked their neighborhoode. I sorted many bookes in my house, to be sent up to me at my goeing to Virginia ; amongst them a Bible. They were sent me up in a trunk to London, with divers fruite, conserves and preserves, which I did sett in M^ Crofts his house in RatcHff. In my being at Virginia, I did understand my trunk was thear broken up, much lost, my sweetmeates eaten at his table, some of my bookes, which I missed, to be scene in his hands ; and whether amongst them my Bible was so ymbeasiled ; or whether mislayed by my servants, and not sent me, I knowe not as yet." The personal part of this passage may be explained by the fact that Mr. Richard Crofts was one of the first planters, and Wingfield had had a squabble with him in Virginia over a copper kettle. It would be interesting to know what books were carried to Virginia in this first voy- age. In this same line of defense, Wingfield also says : " For v/ 12 UNDER THE CROWN my first worke (which was to make a right choice of a spir- itual! pastor), I appeale to the remembrance of my Lord of Caunterbury his Grace [Richard Bancroft], who gave me very gracious audience in my request. And the World Knoweth whome I tooke with me [Rev. Robert Hunt] ; truly, in my opinion, a man not any waie to be touched with the rebellious humors of a papist Spirit, nor blemished with ye least suspition of a factius scismatick, whereof I had a speciall care." There was an effort made to prevent papists and separatists from going ; but the only religious oath required of the colonists under the first form of gov- ernment (November, 1606) was the new oath of allegiance passed at the second session of the first parliament of James I., which oath did not necessarily exclude English Catholics from the colony, as there was a difference of opinion among them as to the lawfulness of taking it, and some Catholics went to Virginia while under the first charter. Fuller, in his ^' Church History of Britain," says the Pope issued two briefs against this oath, " prohibiting all Catholics to take it, etc. Notwithstanding all which the oath was generally taken by Catholics without any scruple or regret." Continuing, he says : " In the Pens tilting at Pens " about its lawfulness, " King James undertook the Pope himself, the wearer of three against the wearer of a triple crown (an even match) effectually confuting his Briefs," etc. On Saturday, December f^, 1606, the first expedition sent out for " the First Colony in Virginia " sailed from London, under the sole charge and command for the voyage of Captain Christopher Newport, in three vessels, namely : " The good ship called the Sarah Constant (Captain New- port, Admiral), and the ship called the Goodspeed (Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold, vice-admiral), with a pinnace called the Discovery (Captain John Ratcliffe)." Statements differ as to the number of people in the expedition ; but the Ad- vice of the King's Council (which is the of&cial statement) places the number of emigrants at " six score " (120). There were also about forty or fifty sailors. ENGLAND, JULY, 1605— JULY, 1607 13 It is probable that Drayton, who was a friend to Sir Thomas Smythe, wrote his " Ode to the Virginian Voy- age " at this time. It seems well to note here that in 1606 most of the citi- zens of London lived within the walls on the north side of the Thames. I find the population variously estimated at from " about 160,000 " to " more than 300,000." I believe the latter figure to be nearly correct. From 1603 to 1611 the city suffered under a visitation of the plague. "From March to December 1603 there died 37,294, whereof of the Plague 30,561. From Thursday Dec. 29, 1605 to Thursday, Jan'y 4*^ 1607 (five days after the sailing of Newport), there were buried in London 7,920, whereof of the plague 2,124." It was thought that the plague was caused by the large surplus population which had accumulated in England, and one of the objects of colonization was the distribution of this surplus to the advantage of the mother country. January 24, 1607, Zuniga wrote to Philip III., telling him, as well as he had been able to find out, about the colo- nization plans of the English. From the first the movement had to meet opposition, dis- asters, and troubles of all sorts. In November, 1606, Cap- tain Challons, vessel, and crew were taken by the Spaniards in the West Indies ; among others. Master Daniel Tucker, the cape-merchant of the expedition, was taken to the river of Bordeaux, where he arrived January 12, 1607. After entering there sundry complaints against the Spaniards, he returned to Sir Ferdinando Gorges in England, who wrote at once to Cecil (February 14) about the affair, inclosing " The Kelation of Daniell Tucker." The capture of " Cha- lens " became a matter of state and diplomatic consequence. There is a great deal in print and much still remaining in manuscript relative thereto, but it is only to my present purpose to give an outline of the controversy. Within a few days Chief Justice Popham received a let- ter from Nevill Davis (dated Seville, February 4, 1607) ; 14 UNDER THE CROWN and Cecil a letter from Sir Charles Cornwallis (of February 6), the English ambassador at the court of Spain, relative to the Challons (Challines, Chalonour, etc.) affair. This mat- ter, with others of a like character, was brought before Parliament. On March 8 (N. S.), Sir Thomas Lowe, one of the members for London, laid the grievances before the House of Commons. The petition addressed " to the King's most excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the rest of this honourable Court," complained : first, " of the wrongs in fact," secondly, " of the wrongs in law," and thirdly, the petitioners desired the remedy by " letters of marque " to the value of their loss under the authority of the statute in that kind issued in the time of Henry V. Two days thereafter the petition was referred to a com- mittee who were to look into the matter and make their re- port thereon. In the Cecil papers there is a memorandum, " concerning the ship taken at sea going to Virginia," in the handwriting of Levinus Munck, one of Cecil's secreta- ries, in which the bearing of this case on the treaty of 1605 is considered (see hereafter). On March 19, 1607, " James, by the grace of God, &c." issued an Ordinance and Constitution enlarging the number of the King's Council of Virginia, " and augmenting their authority, for the better directing and ordering of such things as shall concerne the two several Colonies." The additional councilors were : Sir Thomas Challoner, Sir Henry Nevil, Sir Fulke Grevil, Sir John Scott, Sir Robert Mansfield, Sir Oliver Cromwell, Sir Morrise Berkeley, Sir Edward Michelbourne, Sir Thomas Holcroft, Sir Thomas Smith (clerk of our Privy Council), Sir Robert Kelligrew, Sir Herbert Croft, Sir George Coppin, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Thomas Roe, Sir Anthony Palmer, Sir Edward Hunger- ford, Sir John Mallet, Sir John Gilbert, Sir Thomas Freake, Sir Richard Hawkins, Sir Bartholomew Mitchell, Edward Seamour, Esq., Bernard Greenville, Esq., Edward Rogers, Esq., and Matthew Sutcliffe, Doctor of Divinity. Like those ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 -JULY, 1607 15 first appointed, many of these were then members of Par- liament and had seen service in the late war with Spain. Late in March, Gorges received by the hands of Nicholas Himes (Hines or Hawes), master of the Richard, of Ply- mouth, who had made his escape from Spain, letters from Mr. Challons (Chalinge), to which he repHed on the 23d. On March 8, the king of Spain wrote to Zuniga, and on the 14th Philip III. held a consultation with his council as to the steps which should be taken to prevent the Eng- lish from settling colonies in North America. The king's letter, and the report of his council, probably reached his ambassador in London late in March or early in April. About the same time Hanham and Pring returned to England from North Virginia. Sir Ferdinando Gorges, writing many years after, says Pring " brought with him the most exact discovery of that coast that ever came to my hands since ; and indeed he was the best able to perform it of any I have met withal to this present ; which with his relation of the country, wrought such an impression in the lord chief justice and us all that were his associates, that, notwithstanding our first disaster [Challons'] we set up our resolution to follow it with effect." Their second ex- pedition for settling the second or northern colony was at once organized. On April 11, the following oath was administered : " You shall swear to be a true and faithfuU servant unto the King's majesty as one of the Counsel for the Second Colony to be planted by virtue of his Majesties Letters Patents in America, and therein faithfully and truely Declare your mind and opinion according to your heart and conscience and shall Keep secret all matters com- mitted and revealed to you concerning the same, or which shall be treated secretly in that counsel, until such time as by the consent of them or the more part of them, publica- tion shall be thereof made. And of all matters of great importance that may concern that Colony you shall, accord- ing to your Skill and Knowledge Deal circumspectly agree- able to his Majesties Letters patents and Directions in that 16 UNDER THE CROWN behalf, and shall with your fellow counsellors make his Majesties Privy Counsel or his Counsel for Virginia ac- quainted therewith, and thereupon shall to your Power observe and Keep such further Directions as his Majesty, his Privy Counsel, or his Counsel for Virginia, shall give unto you therein. You shall also to your uttermost bear faith and alleagiaunce " [and so on, as in " the oath for the King's Counsel," p. 10.] " In witness we have hereunto subscribed our names and set the seal belonging to this second Counsel of Virginia, upon the said first day of April in the year of the Eeign of our Soverain Lord James by the Grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith to the fifth, and of Scotland the fortieth." The signatures are not preserved in the copy (of the original) in the manuscript volume of Virginia Re- cords in the Law Library of Congress ; but the councilors were Captains George Popham, Ralegh Gilbert, Edward Harlie (Harlow, etc.), Robert Davis (Davies), Ellis Best, James Davis (Davies), and Master Gome Carew, with the Rev. Richard Seymour as secretary or recorder. On the 17th, Gorges sent letters to Cecil and to the Privy Council, by his lieutenant. Captain John Barlee, relative to his colonial enterprises and official duties. On the 30th, Zuniga again reported to Philip III. Early in May the Spanish Council of the Indies and Board of War examined into and consulted about the acts and plans of the English for planting colonies in the Spanish Indies, and reports thereon were soon received in England from Sir Charles Cornwallis. On May 21, the committee on Spanish wrongs, appointed by the House of Commons on March 10, were at last ready with their report, and Sir Edwyn Sandys was ordered to make it " on Wednesday next ; " on which day Sandys made the report, which states, among other things, that " Tucker had thirteen sentences of restitution, but never could get execution." " A letter in Nature of a complaint of these wrongs from his Majesties Legier Am- bassador in Spaine to the Council of Spain was delivered ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 — JULY, 1607 IT in by the Eeporter and read in the House." It was decided that the matter should be further debated and concluded on Saturday next. After the debate was concluded (May 26) a motion was made that a message should be sent to the House of Lords for a conference. " Sent by Sir Edwin Sandys. The answer returned by him. That their Lord- ships thought the Matter very weighty, and rare both for matter and manner ; that they would consider of it, and touching the conference desired, would send word by their own Messengers." On June 10, Captain George Popham made his will and wrote a farewell letter to Cecil. On the same day, " a fly- boat called The Gift of God, George Popham, commander, and a good ship, called The Mary and John of London, wherein Ralegh Gilbert commanded," sailed from Plymouth to plant an English colony in North Virginia. Ten days thereafter Sir John Popham, the lord chief justice, and chief patron of the enterprise, died suddenly. June 25, the House of Lords, ready for the conference on Spanish wrongs, proposed that it should take place on that afternoon, with the committee, which was agreed to. Dur- ing this conference the Earls of Salisbury and of North- ampton made speeches, which were reported, on June 27, by Sir Francis Bacon to the House of Commons : — The Earl of Salisbury (secretary of state) divided " the wrongs in fact " into three : first, the trade to Spain, sec- ond, the trade to the West Indies, and third, the trade to the Levant. As to the trade to the West Indies, Bacon reported his speech as follows : — " For the trade to the [West] Indies his Lordship did discover unto us the state of it to be thus : The policy of Spain doth keep that Treasury of theirs under such lock and key, as both confederates, yea and subjects, are ex- cluded of trade into those countries ; insomuch as the French king, who hath reason to stand upon equal terms with Spain, yet nevertheless is by express capitulation de- barred. The subjects of Portugal, whom the state of Spain 18 UNDER THE CROWN hath studied by all means to content, are likewise debarred ; such a vigilant dragon is there that keepeth this golden fleece. Yet nevertheless such was his Majesty's magna- nimity in the debate and conclusion of the last treaty [1604-5], as he would never condescend to any article, im- porting the exclusion of his subjects from that trade : as a prince that would not acknowledge that any such right could grow to the crown of Spain by the donative of the Pope, whose authority he disclaimeth ; or by the title of a dispersed and punctual occupation of certain territories in the name of the rest ; but stood firm to reserve that point in full question to further times and occations. So as it is left by the treaty in suspense neither debarred nor permitted. The tenderness and point of honour whereof was such, as they that went thither must run their own peril. Nay further his Lordship affirmed that if yet at this time his Majesty would descend to a course of intreaty for the release of the arrests in those parts, and so confess an exclusion, and quit the point of honour his Majesty mought have them [the English prisoners in Spain] forth- with released. And yet his Lordship added, that the of- fences and scandals of some had made this point worse than it was ; in regard that this very last voyage to Virginia, intended for trade and plantation where the Spaniard hath no people nor possession, is already become infamed for piracy : Witness Bingley, who first insinuating his purpose to be an actor in that worthy action of enlarging trades and plantation, is become a pirate, and hath been so pur- sued as his ship is taken in Ireland, though his person is not yet in hold." ^ For convenience of comparison with his speech, I will insert here Cecil's memoranda (already mentioned), made some three months before his speech, concerning Challons' " ship taken at sea going to Virginia." " It seemeth by the journal of the Treaty, that the ad- venturers into any partes of the [West] Indias, should be ^ I have no other account of this voyage of Bingley's. ENGLAND, JULY, 1605 — JULY, 1607 19 leaft unto the perell which they should incurr thereby. Hereupon groweth this question, what is to be done with the Marryners that are taken in Spaine (being 18 or 20 in number), as they were goeing from the West partes of England to a discovery into Virginia ; and what course is to be taken with the Spanish ship dryven into Bourdeaux, which ship was a principal actor in taking the English ship. First it must be considered, that although it is dis- puteable, whether Virginia be part of the Indias though it be situate upon the same continent of the West Indies ; yet for avoiding of the occasion thereby to fall into the generall question of the Indias and our trading thereinto, it might be advised that it were better to leave these pri- soners to their fortune, then by bringing it in question to stirr up some greater inconveniences that might ensue of it. '' Secondly, if it be alleadged that they went but to a place formerly discovered by us, and never possessed by Spaine, it may be answered that this allegation altereth not the state of the question but only the forme, whether wee may trade into any partes of the Indias that are not pos- sessed by Spaine which point was then at the handling of the treaty directly denyed by the Spanish Commissioners. All which considered, it may be more aptly stood upon, that these prisoners having not yet offended (unless it be an offense, to be in those seas, which by the law of nations ought to be free quad namgationem), but were only going, towards a place, which is yet disputable whether it be al- lowable or not by the treaty, that in regard thereof, how- soever it may not seeme unjust to have stayd them and diverted them from their journey; yet it seemes to be unjust so rigourously to punish them for it, as to committ their bodys to prison, and to take away their goodes. And therefore it may be concluded (under humble correction) that his Majesty may write in their favour, upon the termes aforesaid, to the King of Spaine, or to his Ambassador there : and may geve order to his Ambassador in France, 20 UNDER THE CROWN to insist to demand Justice against the Spanish ship at Bourdeaux that tooke and robbed our men at sea, as Pyrats doe."^ The controversy over the petition, these prisoners, the English settling in territory claimed by Spain, the terms of the treaty, and over other national questions involved, continued to be carried on before the councils of England and of Spain. The affair may have been conducted in a dilatory manner, but it was done with diplomacy. And, however men may differ in opinion as to the manner and the diplomacy, the important fact remains that the issue over America was fully made in this Parliament between the Anglo-Saxon and the Spaniard, and it goes without saying that the Anglo-Saxon would continue the contest in one way or another, as seemed best to him, until he won the victory and secured a lot or portion in the New World for himself and his heirs. July 14, the ambassadors of the Low Countries (Dutch), the " silent " allies of England in this movement, arrived in London and were well received on all sides, " insomuch that the Spanish ambassador is ready to burst to see them so graced." Challons wrote from prison in Spain on June 26, and again on July 13 to Sir John Popham, which letters reached England and have been preserved. July 30, the Spanish ambassador in England made his regular report to the King of Spain regarding the Virginia design, in which he tells of the death of Chief Justice Pop- ham, " who was the man who most desired it and was best able to aid it," and Zuniga hoped that his death would put an end to the enterprise. But other Anglo-Saxons stood ready to step into his shoes. Destiny was shaping the great movement from the first, and men were only incidents therein. ^ See, also, Limits of " The Spanish which may have been written prior to possessions" (Genesis^ pp. 669-675), December, 1609. II VIRGINIA,! DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 CAPTAIN EBWABB-MAEIA WINGFIELD, PBESIDENT OF THE KING'S COUNCIL When making a study of the early voyages to our shores, it is necessary to consider the prevailing winds and the ocean currents/ because the saihng-vessels of those days were dependent on them in these voyages. It will also be interesting to note the ocean outposts, Iceland, the Azores, the Canaries, and the Cape Verde Islands, with respect to the various parts of America. A vessel lying off the west coast of Iceland would naturally drift southwestward, and the Northmen are said to have made voyages to our north- ern coast at a very early date by this route. Drift from our southern coasts, carried by the Gulf Stream current via the Azores, would tell the dwellers there as plainly as " a man on horseback pointing to the west " could, that there were lands in that direction. And the current and trade- winds off the west coasts of the Canaries and the Cape Verde Islands would naturally carry a vessel to those west- ern lands within about thirty days. Columbus sailed by this route and returned to tell the tale. And it is more than probable that vessels with people from the Mediter- ranean shore had been carried to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico long before the time of Columbus, never to return to Europe again. On Saturday, December 30, 1606, the first expedition ^ I use " Virginia " instead of tion of America which we are consid- " America" for the head of the ering. American chapters, because that was ^ See Maury's Charts and the U. S. the name then used for the por- Pilot Charts of the North Atlantic. 22 UNDER THE CROWN sent out for " The First Colony in Virginia " sailed from London in three vessels, namely, the Sarah Constant, Captain Christopher Newport ; the Goodspeed, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold ; and the Discovery, Captain John Rateliffe. There has been some confusion as to the names of the ships. I have given the names as they were given to the ships by his Majesty's Council for Virginia, in their official orders for the voyage, that is, the official and there- fore correct names. Captain Christopher Newport had the ^sole charge and command of the voyage. If he died at sea, the masters of the vessels were to carry them to the coast of Virginia. January 15, 1607, they anchored in the Downs ; " but the winds continued contrarie so long, that we were forced to stay there sometime, where we suffered great storms, but by the skillfulness of the Captain we suffered no great loss or danger." They left the coast of England about the 18th of February. On the 22d they saw " a blazing star " (a comet, an ill omen), and soon after there was a storm. They reached the southwest part of the Great Canaries late in February or early in March. Here they remained several days taking on wood and water, and then sailed for Virginia via the West Indies. About March 21, there were rumors of a mutiny by Stephen Galthropp, Captain John Smith, and others, of which we have no de- tailed account ; but we know that Newport had ample au- thority in such matters at sea. Smith tells us that he was restrained as a prisoner (unjustly) on account of this mutiny until June 20. The vessels anchored at the island of Dominico, April 3, where the emigrants remained until the 5th ; on the 6th they viewed the celebrated " boiling spring " in Guadeloupe, and that night landed on the Isle of Me vis, where Newport spent six days " to wood and water and refresh his men." When they reached Mona on April 17, the water, taken on at Mevis, " did smell so vildly " that they were obliged to throw it out and refill the casks on this island. April 20 they set sail and " disimboged out of the West Indies," VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 23 through " the Mona passage " (still used), sailing northerly for Virginia. As a matter of fact, from the anchoring at Dominico to the sailing from Mona was about seventeen days; but during this time they had sailed over 600 miles toward Virginia, and had spent the greater portion of their time while on shore in taking on water or doing other necessary things. There was no really unnecessary delay. May 1 there was a vehement tempest, which carried the captain beyond his reckoning so that they had " to tackle back," sounding their way, on May 2, 3, 4, and 5} On Sunday, ^^^ " about f oure a clocke in the morning we descried the land of Virginia : the same day wee entred into the Bay of Chesapioc directly without any let or hin- derance ; there wee landed and discovered a little way, but wee could finde nothing worth the speaking of, but faire meadowes and goodly tall trees, with such fresh-waters run- ning through the woods, as I was almost ravished at the first sight thereof." There can be little doubt but that their first act on landing, the day being Sunday, was to have the services of their church and to render their thanks to Almighty God. The voyage from the Downs to Cape Finistere is de- pendent on a favorable wind, which frequently has to be waited for. This was the only unreliable part of the route selected by Newport ; but under favorable circumstances it might be sailed over in ten days. The ocean routes to America 7iorth of the Sargasso Sea, '^ that vast and track- less waste, so long unexplored by the hardiest sailors," had to be sailed " in the windes eye, and the set of the current, a thing almost impossible " for the saiHng-vessels of those days. From off the cape the route south of the Sargasso Sea was a natural one. There is a current, and a fairly constant wind, toward the Canary Islands, southward of which ships enter the regular trade-wind belt, in which the winds and currents are stronger near the centre, through ^ So the vessels were not driven into the bay by this storm, the following four days being calm. 24 UNDER THE CROWN which a sailing vessel will be carried from the Canaries to the West Indies in from twenty to thirty days, and thence through the Mona passage, or the Florida passage, via the Gulf Stream to Virginia in from fifteen to twenty days. The longest way around is sometimes the nearest way to our destination. It is the same route by which the same vessels, under competent commanders, would now sail. It is neither old nor new, because it is eternal. It is God's route, made by Him, by which both Christopher Columbus (the bearer of the religion of Kome) and Christopher New- port (the bearer of the religion of England) brought their ships to these shores. The parallels between these expe- ditions are interesting. Both commanders bore the same name, which means " bearing Christ," an object of both. Both commanded three ships, came the same route, and connected with both there is an indefinite account of a mutiny at sea. At night, on May 6, when the English were going aboard, the Indians made an attack on them, wounding Captain Gabriel Archer and Matthew Morton. That night the box containing the " several instruments close sealed " was opened, and the orders read, in which Bartholomew Gos- nold, Edward Maria Wingfield, Christopher Newport, John Smith, John Ratcliffe, John Martin, and George Kendall were named to be " His Majesties Council for the first colony in Virginia." We have the orders of his Majesty's Council for Virginia for the voyage and at their landing, and also their instructions for the colony after landing ; but the order appointing his Majesty's Council for the first colony in Virginia has not been found. As this council's authority did not begin until they had landed in America, to prevent a possible conflict of authority between the offi- cers of the voyage and the land officers, the order was not to be known (opened) until its legal efficacy began. This plan had been found to be a necessary precaution against a conflict of authority by the East India and Russia com- panies, and doubtless the idea had been derived from those companies. ^ VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 25 May 7, they began to build up their shallop. They ate some oysters in Lynnhaven Bay "which were very large and delicate in taste." May 8, they launched the shallop, and Captain New- port and some gentlemen went in her, and discovered up the bay, under the advice given to them by His Majesty's Council. Entering James River (which they named for their king) on the south side, they were disappointed in finding the water so shallow as to put them out of all hopes for getting any higher with their ships ; but towards night they rowed over to a point of land, where they found an excellent channel, which put them " in good Comfort. Therefore they named that point of Land, Cape Comfort." May 9, they set up a cross at Chesupioc Bay, claiming the land for the crown of England, and named that place Cape Henry, for Henry, Prince of Wales, a patron of the voyage. May 10, they brought their ships into the river at Cape Comfort, and Newport, causing the shallop to be manned, rowed to the shore. " Leaving ten men as centinel at the river's mouth," they went to Kecoughtan, and so on from day to day along up " King James, his river, looking for a suitable seating place ; " the ships following after the shal- lop with the tide, and Newport sometimes going back to them for the night. -^ May 14, they came to the region where they finally selected their " seating place." May 18, they were viewing the localities about the mouth of the Appomattox River. May 22, on their way back to the ships, they discovered a point of land, which they called Archer's Hope, and " if it had not beene disliked, because the ship could not ride neare the shore, we had settled there to all the colonies contentment," There was some contention here between the advocates of this site and that of the future James- town ; but the latter site was finally decided upon. May if. The ships came up — on the evening tide, I suppose — to the place selected for their seating place in X 26 UNDER THE CROWN the Paspiha country, some eight miles from Archer's Hope, " where our ships do lie so near the shore that they are moored to the trees in six fathom water." May II, " we landed all our men which were set to work about the fortifications, and others some to watch and ward, as it was convenient." " After much and weary search (with their Barge coast- ing still before, as Virgil writeth ^Eneas did, arriving in the region of Italy called Latium, upon the bankes of the River Tyber) in the country of a Warawance called Wowinchapuncka (a ditionary to Powhatan) within this faire River of Paspiheigh, which we have called the King's River, they selected an extended plaine and spot of earth, which thrust out into the depth and middest of the chan- nell, making a Kinde of Chersonesus or Peninsula. The Trumpets sounding, the Admiral strooke saile, and before the same, the rest of the Fleet came to an ancor, and here to loose no farther time, the colony dis-imbarked, and every man brought his particular store and furniture, together with the generall provision ashore : for the safety of which, as like-wise for their own security, ease and better accom- modating, a certaine canton and quantity, of that little halfe Island of ground was measured, which they began to f ortifie, and thereon in the name of God to raise a Fortresse, with the ablest and speediest meanes they could." They named their town, or fort, in honor of their king, James-town or James-fort. It was located " on the north side of King James, his river, as is London upon the River of Thames." It seems quite certain that Newport landed here May i*^, from his shallop, while on his exploring voyage up the river, and that the actual landing of the colony was on May 2T. The custom of celebrating May ys is probably due to Smith's history. This history, which uses the old style date, states that Newport left Jamestown, June 15, when we know that the correct date was June 22, and that its dates are frequently wrong and not as safe to be relied VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 27 on as Percy's. But it does not really differ from Percy on this point. It simply says, " Untill the 13 of May they sought a place to plant in, then [i. e. after that'] the coun- \ / cell was sworne [H*^]? M. Wingfield was chosen President, r^ & an oration made, whie Captaine Smith was not admitted to the Councell as the rest." * The oath taken by " his Majesties Counsel for the first Colony to Virginia " is somewhat similar to that taken by the King's Council of Virginia, which appointed them, and the seals for these two royal councils were also much alike. It was ordained under the king's form of government that his Council in Virginia " shall by the major part of them, choose one of the same councel, not being the minister of God's word, to be president of the same Councel and to continue in that office, by the space of one whole year, unless he shall in the meantime dye or be removed from that office ; and we do further hereby establish and ordain, that it shall be lawful for the major part of the Councel, upon any just cause, to remove the President, or any other of that Councel, from being either President, or any of that Councel." This clause was one of the objections to the king's form of government. It destroyed the authority of the president, who was really a creation and a creature of " the Major part," an object for them to lay the blame on when affairs did not go smoothly ; and while the authority was really in the hands of the majority there was no sta- bility about it whatever. It was a faction-breeding form of government throughout, and it continued to breed fac- tions so long as it remained in force in Virginia. The necessity for changing it must have been soon evident to the managers. A stable and strong government was at first essential to the final success of the movement. On the other hand, the orders of the King's Council of Virginia (the managers) for the voyage and their advice for the colony after landing are, considering all things, excellent. The first night after their landing, about midnight, some savages came prying at them. The evil eye of the Indian, 28 UNDER THE CROWN although sometimes pretending friendship, kept the English constantly within its sight, looking for any opportunity to do them harm, for many years. May 28, the werowance of Paspiha came himself with one hundred armed savages ; he made great signs to the English to lay their arms away ; but they would not trust him so far. The Indians, who are by nature cunning, were not ignorant of the danger from European arms. They told the French in Florida in 1565 : " Our women are afraid when they see the matches of your guns burning. Put them out, and they will bring the corn faster." On the 30th the same werowance sent forty of his men with a deer as a present, and " they faine would have layne in the Fort all night ; " but the English would not trust them. May 31, leaving the rest at Jamestown, building, for- tifying, preparing ground and sowing corn, etc., Newport took George Percy, Gabriel Archer, John Smith, John Brooks, and Thomas Wotton, gentlemen ; Francis Nelson, John Colson, Robert Tyndall, and Mathew Fytch, mariners ; and Jonas Poole, Robert Markham, John Crookdeck, Oliver Brown, and ten other sailors, and went with them in his shallop to discover up the river as advised to do by the King's Council for Virginia. This expedition is generally called " one of Captain Smith's exploring expeditions ; " but Smith was still restrained as a prisoner, being under the charge of Newport. They reached a low meadow point about thirteen miles from Jamestown, that night, which they called Wynauk. The next day they passed up some sixteen miles to an islet which they called Turkey Island (Turkey Island Bend). Here an Indian, with pen and ink given him by Archer or Tyndall, laid out the whole river, so far as passage was for boats. " A great distance of, were the mountains Quirauk [the Blue Ridge], as he named them ; beyond which, by his relation is that which we expected," that is, the South Sea. They rested that night at a place about twenty-two miles farther up the river, which they called " Poore Cottage " or " Port Cot- VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 29 tage." June 2, they feasted with the werowance Arahatec, in the country Arahatecoh, at a place they called Arahatec's Joy. At all their meetings since their landing at Kecough- tan, the Indians had always danced for them and taken tobacco with them. " They were so ravisht with the ad- mirable sweetnesse of the streame, and with the pleasant land trending along on either side, that their joy exceeded, and with great admiration they praised God." They were in every way delighted with the river. Percy wrote, " if this river, which we have found, had been discovered in the time of Warre with Spaine, it would have been a commodi- tie to our Eealme and a great annoyance to our enemies." Some ten miles above Arahatec's Joy they came to " the second islet in the river [Drewry's Island], over against which, on Popham side, on a high hill, is the habitatyon of the great Kyng Pawatah, which they called Pawatah's Tower." The English called the north side of the river " Popham Side," for Chief Justice Popham, the patron of the northern colony ; and the south side of the river " Salisbury Side," for the Earl of Salisbury, the prime min- ister of England and patron of the southern colony. Some three miles above the islet they came to an overfall of water, which the Indians called Paquachowng, long known to the colonists as " The Falles," and to us as the site of Rich- mond, the head of tidewater. June 3 (Whit Sunday), they " feasted King Pawatah giving him beer, aqua vite and sack to drink. After dinner Captain Newport, upon one of the little ilets at the mouth of The Falls, set up a crosse with this inscription : Iacobus, Rex, 1607, and his owne name belowe." At the erecting thereof, they prayed for their King and for their own prosperous success in this his ac- tion, and then proclaimed his Majesty king of the country " withe a greate showte." That night they returned to Arahatec's Joy, where they found the king suffering from the effects of their " hot drinks ; " but he was all right the next morning. Here, and elsewhere, Newport and Tyndall took observations for the latitude of the place, and notes 30 UNDER THE CROWN for a " draughte of our River." The accounts of their personal experiences on the voyage down the river are very interesting. They contain Httle of historic importance, however, save the accounts of the acts of the Indians, their ornaments of copper, pearl, etc. They reached Jamestow^n on June 6, where they learned what follows : " After the departure of Newport's expedition, on May 31st, the In- dians seldom frequented the fort save by one or two, now and then, practising upon opportunity in the absence of a part of the colonists ; on the day before their return [the Indians evidently knew when they would return, having been kept posted by runners] there came above two hun- dred Indians with their King, and gave a very furious as- sault to the fort ; endangering their overthrow, had not the ship's ordinance, as well as the small shot of the colonists, daunted them. They came up allmost into the fort ; shot through the tents ; appeared in this skirmish (which en- dured hot about an hour) a very valiant people. They killed a boy and wounded eleven men (whereof one died after) ; yet perceived they not this hurt in us. We killed dyvers of them ; but one wee sawe them tugg of on their backs, and how many hurt we knowe not. A little after, they made a huge noise in the woods ; which our men sur- mised was at the burying of their slayne men." During the skirmish " The Counsell stood in Front, in mayntayn- ing the forte, and four out of the five present w^ere wounded, [Gosnold, Ratcliffe, Martin, and Kendall] and our Presi- dent, Mr. Wingfield (who shewed himself a valiant gentle- man), had an arrow shott cleane through his bearde, yet escaped hurte." June 6, Newport caused his seamen to aid the emigrants in completing their fortifications. June 7, " we laboured pallozadoing our Forte." The In- dians were still lurking about ; on the 8th they killed one of the English dogs; on Sunday, the 10th, they shot Mr. Eustace Clovell (who afterwards died of his hurt). Rev. Mr. Hunt had been reading the service and preach- VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 31 ing a sermon every Sunday. May 10, on account of the delay caused by the alarm of the Indians, the day was far spent when their divine service was ended. And the minis- ter asked the president if it were his pleasure to have a ser- mon, and Wingfield replied that " the men were weary and hungry, and if it pleased him, we would spare him till some other time." In after-times, when Wingfield's religion was called in question, he was blamed for not having a sermon as well as the service, every Sunday. In his reply he makes the above explanation, and adds that " he never failed to take such notes in writing of Mr. Hunt's sermons as his capacity could comprehend." The last advice given the colonists by the King's Coun- cil for Virginia was : — " Lastly and chiefly the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind for the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God the Giver of all Goodness, for every plantation which our Hea- venly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out." We find nothing at variance with this until the factions began. After that the narratives are frequently fiUed with bickerings, belitthngs, criticisms, faultfindings, etc. I have no doubt but that the first services of the Church of Eng- land, both at Cape Henry and at Jamestown, were held under the canopy of heaven. After that they may have been held under a sail until the chapel was built. But I do not be- lieve that it was " an old rotten sail," for these men had just come up from the sea in ships, they had seen the power of God, and were filled with reverence and respect for his gospel, and the best they had was none too good for its observance. The conversion of the savages was their prin- cipal end, and their first object was to preach the gospel among them, and baptize them into the Christian religion.^ The Indians continued to hover around the fort. The English continued to work on their fortification, to make clapboards and to set corn. June 16, the company peti- 1 See, also. The Genesis of the United States, p. 67. 32 UNDER THE CROWN tioned the Council for reformation of sundry inconvenient courses. June 20, after an appeal from Newport, the petition was granted, and the whole company confirmed a faithful love one to another, and in their hearts sub- scribed an obedience to our superiors. " Capt. Smith was this day sworne one of the Counsell, who was elected in England." The next day the " Articles and orders for gentlemen and soldiers [which had been petitioned for] were read upon the Court of Garde, and content was in the quarter." June 23, Matthew Fitch, mariner, was wounded by the Indians. Monday, June 2 1 • " We had built and finished our fort, which was triangle-wise, having three bulwarks at every corner like a half moone, and four or five pieces of artillerie mounted in them, we had made ourselves sufficiently strong for these savages. We had also, sowne most of our corn." The side of the fort facing the river and landing was 420 feet long, the other two sides 300 feet each. The bulwarks were for from three to five guns each. In the market-place was the "Corps du Gard," the chapel and storehouse. The houses faced the paHsades, with a street between. June 26, two savages on Salisbury side of the river tried to lead Captain Newport into an ambuscade. July 1, Sunday, " wee had a Comunyon. Capt. New- port dyned ashore with our dyet and invyted many of us to supper as a farewell." Among the commodities carried to England at this time, it seems, was a small sample of real gold, and a barrel of " Fool's-gold." Captain John Martin was held respon- sible for this mistake. He was a son of Sir Richard Martin, a goldsmith and master of the mint of England. He had had some practical experience in matters of this kind, but it seems that he was mistaken in whole, or in part, as to the mineral sent over. As to no other mineral have the reports of real experts been so often incorrect, the one way or the VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606— 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 33 other. When the reports of the South African gold-fields reached the Rothschilds, they sent an authority of the high- est class there, and he reported to his principals that there was no gold in the region. Martin's error was not so bad as that. He had been selected as one of the officers in the celebrated Drake-Sidney voyage to America (1585), and had been with Gosnold on our northern coast at " Martin's (or Martha's) Vinyard." Newport carried with him to England the first report of " His Majesties Counsel for the first Colony to Virginia to His Majesties Counsel for Virginia in England " ; the first " Relatyon of the Discovery " up James River ; the first descriptions of the river, of the country and of the people ; letters from Robert Tyndall to Prince Henry, George Percy to Mr. Warner, a Dutchman to John Pory, William Brew- ster to the Earl of Salisbury, etc. ; Tyndall's " dearnall of our voyage " and " draughte of our River." I am now inclined to think that Tyndall's " dearnall of our voyage " is really " the Relatyon of the voyage up James River." The following has never been printed before : — William Brewster to the Earl of Salisbury. '' Sir — it had byne my duty to have wroot the whoole jornye unto you, & so I would have done had not this our evar renowned Captayne, Captayne Newport, have come himselfe unto you, whoe will so justly and truly declare, better than I cane, all this his discoverye. This is all I will saye to you, that suche a Baye, a Ryvar, and a land, did nevar the eye of man behould ; and at the head of the Ryvar, which is 160 myles longe ar Rokes & mountaynes, that prommyseth Infynyt Treasure, but our Forces be yet too weake, to make further discovery : Nowe is the King's Majesty offered, the most statlye, Riche Kingdom in the woorld, nevar posseste by anye Christian prynce ; be you one meanes amonge manye to further our secondinge, to conquer this land, as well as you were a meanes, to further the discovery of it : and you, yet maye lyve to see Ingland, 34 UNDER THE CROWN moore Riche & Renowned, then anye Kingdom, in all Euroopa — " [The rest of the letter is cut off. I infer that the por- tion cut off contained information which Cecil did not wish made public] Cecil papers, 124-17 — . Indorsed, " A part of a Letter of William Brewster, gent, from Virginia." The first " Relatyon of the Discovery " up James River is not reprinted in " The Genesis of the United States ; " but I have made liberal use of it in compiling this chapter. Descriptions printed years after the country had been thor- oughly discovered are naturally more complete ; but the actual first impressions are more interesting, therefore I will reprint the first " description of the now-discovered river and country of Virginia ; with the liklyhood of ensuing riches, by England's aid and industry." " This river (we have named our King's River) extends itself a hundred and sixty miles into the main land, between The King's two fertile and fragrant banks, two miles, a mile, ^^®^* and, where it is least, a quarter of a mile broad ; navigable for shipping of three hundred tuns, a hundred and fifty miles ; the rest deep enough for small vessells of six foot draught. It ebbs and flows four foot even to the An over- skirt of au ovcrf all : where the water falls downe *^' from huge great rocks, making in the fall five or six severall iletts, very fit for the building of water-mills thereon. Beyond this not two days' journey, it hath two branches, which come through a high, stoney country from certain huge mountains called Quirauk [the Blue Ridge] ; beyond which needs no relation (this from the overfall was the report and description of a faithfull fellow, who I dare well trust upon good reasons). From these mountains Quirauk come two less rivers [the James and the Rivanna], which run into this great one ; but whether deep enough for ships or no, I yet understand not. There be many small rivers or brooks, which unlade themselves into this VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 35 main river at several mouths ; which veins divide the sav- age Kingdoms in many places, and yield pleasant Many small seats in all the country over by moistening the "^®''^" fruitfull mould. The main river abounds with sturgeon — very large, and excellent good ; having also, at the mouth of every brook and in every creek, both store and exceeding good fish of divers kinds ; and in the large sounds near the sea are multitudes of Multitudes fish, banks of oysters, and many great crabbs, ^*^^- rather better in taste than ours ; one able to suffise four men. And within sight of land, into the sea, we expect at [the right] time of the year to have a good fish- ing for cod ; as both at our first entering we might perceive by palpable conjecture, seeing the cod follow the ship, yea, bite at the . . . ; as also out of my own ex- perience, not far of to the northward, the fishing I found in my first voyage to Virginia. " This land lieth low at the mouth of the river, and is sandy ground, all over besett with fair pine-trees ; rj^^ j^^^,^ but a little up the river it is reasonable high ; description. and, the further we go (till we come to the over- Lowland. fall) it still riseth increasing. It is generally re- Full of plenished with wood of all kinds, and that the fairest, yea, and best, that ever any of us (traveller or work- man) ever saw ; being fit for any use whatsoever, — as ships, houses, planks, pales, boards, masts, wainscott, clap- board, for pikes or else what. " The soil is more fertile than can be well expressed. It is altogether aromatical, giving a spicy taste to the roots of all trees, plants, and hearbs ; of itself a black, a fruitfull fat, sandy mould, somewhat slimy in touch, and ^° ' sweet in savour ; under which, about a yard, is in most places a red clay fit for brick ; in other, gravel stones and rocks. It hath, in diverse places, fuller's earth, and such as comes out of Turky, called Terra sigillata [ochre]. It pro- duceth, of one corn, of that country wheat, sometimes two or three stems or stalks, on which grow ears above a span 36 UNDER THE CROWN long, beset with corns, at the least three hundred upon an ear ; for the most part, five, six and seven hundred. [In- dian corn was a marvel to many of the EngUsh, it was so different from their wheat.] The beans and peas of this country have a great increase also : it yields two crops a year. Being tempered, and time taken, I hould it nature's nurse to all vegetables ; for, I assure myself, no known con- tinent brings forth any vendible necessaries which this, by planting, will not afford. For testimony in part, this we find by proof : from the West Indies we brought a certain delicious fruit, called a^^ma ; which the Spaniard, by all art possible, could never procure to grow in any place but in his natural site. This we rudely and carelessly set in our mould, which fostereth it, and keeps it green ; and to what issue it may come, I know not. Our West-Indy plants of orenges and cotten-trees thrive well ; likewise the potatoes, pumpions, and melons. All our garden-seeds that were caref uUy sown prosper well ; yet we only digged the ground half a . . . deep, threw in the seeds at randome, carelessly, and scarce racked it. " It naturally yields mulberry-trees, cherry-trees, vines abundance, goosberys, strawberys, hurtleberys, respesses . [raspberries], ground nuts, scarretts, the root this land Called Sigilla christi, certain sweet thin-shelled bringeth^ nuts, ccrtaiu ground apples a pleasant fruit and forth. many other unknown. So the thing we crave is hooVLY^ some skillfull men to husband, set, plant, and Profit by dress vines, sugar-canes, olives, rapes, hemp, flax, licoris, pruins, currants, raisons, and all such things as the north tropick of the world affords -, also saf- fran, woad, hoppes, and such like. " The comodities of this country, what they are i7i esse, is not much to be regarded ; the inhabitants having no The country commcrcc with any nation, no respect of profit; comodities. j^gi^i^er is there scarce that we call meum et tuum among them, save onely the Kings know their own terri- tories, and the people their several gardens. Yet this, for VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 37 the present, by the consent of all our seamen : merely our fishing for sturgeon cannot be less worth than a thou- sand pounds a year, leaving herring and cod as ., .T, . Sturgeon. possibihties. " Of clapboard and wainscot (if ships will but fetch it) we may make as much as England can vent. We can send (if we be frends with the savages, or be able to force them) two, three, four, or five thousand pounds a year Terra sigii- of the earth called Terra sigillata ; saxafrage, g*^* what store we please ; tobacco, after a year or Tobacco. two, five thousand pounds a year. We have (as we sup- pose) rich dyes, if they prove vendible, worth more Dyes, than yet is nominated ; we have excellent furs, in ^""«- some places of the country great store ; we can make pitch, rozen and turpentine. There is a Turpentine. gum which bleedeth from a kind of maple (the a maple bark being cut), not much unlike a balsam both ^^^' in scent and vertue ; apothecary-drugs of diverse sorts, some known to be of good estimation, some strange, of Wisaean whose vertue the savages report wonders. We biood-wort, can, by our industry and plantation of comodious poisoned ^ merchandize, make oils, wines, soap-ashes, wood- ^°^^^- ashes ; extract from mineral-earth, iron, copper, ^.^'^^ &c. We have a good fishing for muskles, with Soap-ashes. reasonable mother-of-pearl ; and, if the pearl we iron, have seen in the Kinpfs' ears and about their necks ^*^pp®^- Pearl- come from these shells, we know the banks. muskeiis. " To conclude, I know not what can be expected from a comonwealth that either this land affords not, or may soon yield.'' "A Brief Description of the People." " There is a King in this land called Great Pawatah, under whose dominions are at least twenty severall King- domes, yet each king is potent as a prince in his own terri- tory. These have their subjects at so quick command, as a beck brings obedience, even to the restitucon of stolen 38 UNDER THE CROWN goods ; which by their natural inclination, they are loth to leave. They go all naked, save their privities ; yet, in cool weather, they wear deer-skins, with the hair on, loose. Some have leather stockings up to their twists, and sandalls on their feet. Their hair is black generally, which they wear long on the left side, tyed up on a knott ; about which knott the Kings and best among them have a kind of coronett of deer's hair colored red. Some have chains of long, linckt copper about their necks, and some chains of pearl. The comon sort stick long f ethers in this knott. I found not a gray eye among them all. Their skin is tawny; not so borne, but with dying and painting them- selves, in which they delight greatly. The women are hke the men, only this difference, — their hair groweth long all over their heads, save dipt somewhat short afore. These do all the labour, and the men hunt and go at their plea- sure. They live comonly by the waterside, in Httle cottages made of canes and reeds, covered with the bark of trees. They dwell, as I guess, by families of kindred and alliance, some forty or fifty in a hatto or small village ; which towns are not past a mile or half a mile asunder in most places. They live upon sodden wheat, beans, and peas, for the most part ; also they kill deer, take fish in their weares, and kill fowl abundance. They eat often, and that liberally. They are proper, lusty, straight men ; very strong ; run exceed- ing swiftly. Their fight is always in the wood, with bow and arrows, and a short wooden sword. The celerity they use in skirmish is admirable. The King directs the battle, and is always in front. Their manner of entertainment is upon mats on the ground, under some tree, where they set themselves, alone, in the midest of the mat ; and two mats on each side, on which their people sit : then, right against him (making a square form) sat we always. When they come to their mat, they have an usher goes before them ; and the rest, as he sits down, give a long shout. The people steal anything comes near them ; yea, are so prac- tized in this art, that looking in our face, they would with VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 39 their foot, between their toes, convey a chisell, knife, percer, or any indifferent light thing ; which, having once con- veyed, they hold it an injury to take the same from them. They are naturally given to treachery, howbeit, we could not find it in our travel up the river, but rather a most kind and loving people. They sacrifice tobacco to the sun, a fair picture, or a harmf uU thing, — as a sword or [snap- haunce-] piece ; also they sprinkle some into the water in the morning before they wash. They have many wives ; to whom, as near I could perceive, they keep constant. The great King, Pawatah, had most wives. These they abide not to be touched before their face. The great dis- ease reigns in the men generally, full fraught with noodes, botches, and palpable appearances in their foreheads. We found above a hundred. The women are very cleanly in making their bread and prepareing meat. I found they account after death to go into another world, pointing east- ward to the element ; and, when they saw us at prayer, they observed us with great silence and respect, especially those to whom I had imparted the meaning of our rever- ence. " To conclude, they are a witty and ingenious people, apt both to understand and speak our language. So that I hope in God, as he hath miraculously preserved us hither from all dangers both of sea and land and their fury, so he will make us authors of his holy will in converting them to our true Christian faith, by his own inspiring grace and knowledge of his deity." Monday ^^^, in the morning Captain Newport in the Admiral (the Sarah Constant) departed from James Port for England — " for whose good passage and safe return they made many prayers to their Almighty God." The Goodspeed also returned at this time. The Discovery, a pinnace of about twenty tons, was left in the colony. This bark was too small to carry more than twenty-five with pro- vision for the voyage. Yet the King's Council of Virginia had instructed the Council in Virginia : ^^ You must take 40 UNDER THE CROWN order to draw up the pinnace, that is left with you, under the fort, and take her sails and anchors ashore, all but a small kedge to ride by, least some ill disposed persons slip away in her." Captain Newport left one hundred and four persons in Virginia, and promised to return with supplies for them in November. An Indian came to Jamestown on July 5, from the Great Powhatan, whom the colonists now heard of definitely for the first time, offering them an Indian peace. This was the chief of the Powhatan Indians, whose name was " Wa- hunsenacawh." He dwelt some ten miles from Jamestown on the present Putin (Poetan) Bay of York River. The name of the " wyroance " who lived near " Captain New- port's Falls " (who was under this great Powhatan, and whom the colonists afterwards called "the Little Powhatan"), is not certainly known, but it was probably " Mohominge." About July 13, " divers of our men fell sick," and dur* ing the sickly season of July, August, and September, all were sick and over fifty died. This must have been a great shock to the emigrants, who had at first thought the climate so healthy. The true state of the case, although it was not at first acknowledged, must have been suspected by many from this first experience. It was certainly known to the managers within the course of a few years, and they were obliged, in the interest of the enterprise, to conceal the fact, to shoulder blame which they did not deserve, and to smooth the trouble over in various ways, while their enforced silence gave to others, for personal or other rea- sons, an opportunity to attribute the death rate either to some fault of their management in England, of the sailors en route and in Virginia, or of the planters themselves. The number of newcomers to die during " the seasoning period," as wiU be seen in the following pages, was some- times more than sixty in one hundred, sometimes less ; and, although at times we have no definite record, we have suf- ficient to enable us to know that this figure was not far VIRGINIA, DECEMBER, 1606 — 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1607 41 from the average death rate among newcomers until after the land was somewhat cleared and drained. Of course the number of those who had become " seasoned " (as they called it) or acclimated was constantly increasing. And although for manifest reasons this class contended "that no place hath a more pleasant ayre then Virginia/' the fact was, as Hagthorpe replied, " And so may that same ayre seem fresh to the senses wherein we draw the pesti- lence/' etc. In order to do justice to our founders we must look at the real difficulties just as these then confronted them in England, en route, and in Virginia, in Spain, in France, etc. They cannot be fairly judged on partial accounts, or mere personal and partisan criticisms, whatever the motive. The difficulty in Virginia was not the climate only. The wary, cunning savages were there within their native wilds and woods. They were apt to pretend an especial friendship when plotting an especial mischief, and no one at all famil- iar with the Indian character can read the numerous con- temporary accounts without being convinced that they were really the enemies of the Enghsh from the first — continu- ing to hamper them in almost every way, and to kiU them at every favorable opportunity. To contend against a peo- ple who have always lived in savage freedom, and who enjoy strength and vigor amid the deadly miasma which killed the English like a shot, was not mere child's play. The difficulties which had to be met and overcome in Europe, in America, and at sea, cannot be overestimated ; and those who devoted their lives to meeting these diffi- culties, until the task was accomplished, cannot be honored too much by their posterity. September 1, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold died, and after this the dissensions and factions began, which con- tinued as a difficulty so long as the king's form of govern- ment remained in force in the colony. In the beginning of the contentions. Captain George Kendall was removed from the council by the other councilors and put in prison. 42 UNDER THE CKOWN September 7, Thomas Studley, the cape-merchant (or cap-merchant — the head merchant — of the colony for procuring provisions, etc., and venting commodities), died, "and shortly after it pleased God (in our extremity) to move the Indians to bring us halfe ripe corn, to refresh us." All accounts agree that for some reason the Indians did daily relieve them for some weeks with corn and flesh. The supplies brought from England had been nearly ex- hausted ; the colonists had been too sick to attend to their gardens properly, and this act of the Indians was regarded as a divine providence at that time. All of the council, who were well enough to do so, traded with the Indians, and Captain John Smith, who was now acting as cape-mer- chant, was especially active. What was the real motive for the kindly acts of the Indians may not be certainly known ; but it probably boded the Httle colony a future harm. ni ENGLAND, AUGUST, 1607 — APRIL, 1608 ROBERT CECIL, EARL OF SALISBURY, PRIME MINISTER Captain Newport arrived at Plymouth on his way from Virginia on Wednesday, August 8, 1607, and at once wrote to Cecil making his first report to him. On Friday follow- ing he sailed from Plymouth for London. Gorges wrote to Cecil on August 17, telling him of Newport's good report of South Virginia, and urging the necessity for the colony there to be royally seconded with all the haste possible. He then thanks Cecil for his care for the release of the prisoners in Spain, and the rest of his letter relates to them. Newport sailed up the Thames on or about August 18 ; he brought with him the first documents written by Anglo- Saxons on the banks of James River in America ; he made a favorable report of the country to the King's Council of Virginia, and Sir Walter Cope, a member of that council, at once wrote the Earl of Salisbury : — " Right honorable my good Lorde — If we maye beleve ether in words or letters, we are falne upon a lande that promises more then the lande of Promisse. Insteed of mylke we fynde pearle — and golde insteede of honye. Thus they say, thus they wryte — but experyence the wysest Scoole- mistress must leade your Lordship, whose wysedom teaches to be of slow beleffe. Upon thys Tryall I presume you will buylde. Ther is but a barrell full of the earth, but ther semes a Kingdome full of the oare. You shall not be fedd by handfuUs or hatfuUs, after the Tower measure. But the Elsabeth Jonas & the Tryumpe & all the ships of honor may here have their bellyes full — 44 UNDER THE CROWN for in all their f ortyfycations, after two turfs of earth — This sparine or oare apearethe on every parte as a solid body, a Treasure endlesse proportioned by God acordinge to that Sufferaignes harte that rewards everyone & knows not how to say naye. " I could wyshe your Lordship were at the tryall and if it shall be as the proverb says aureos pollicere monies. Then that his Majestie may undertake the honor of it and proportion our shares as in your wysedoms may be thought fit. — If not, that your word and presence may comfort the poor citizen of London who with a little help would adventure much more in this most hopef ull dyscoverye — Sir Thomas ^^^^ hereby the waye give me leave to inform Smith, ther you, that there be 50 citizens who have allredy says this 'is subscribcd to adventure 500£ a peece in a pre- presuraes it scut voyagc to the East Indyes. I am verily per- S:^con. swaded that upon your Lordships mediation, in indi^V^^"* his Majesties name, these adventurs may easily Virginia. bc couvcrtcd to this specdv supply, which mip-ht A word of ,, , p ,. ,T . ,• 1 11 thanks for wcll stay lor his Majesties leasure and better diligence*^ mcaus, but that in the mouth of this Ryvere ther were well jg ^ place SO fortvfved by nature, that if the DBstowed in A J J J ? your Lord- Spaniard, who will starte upon this alarum, re- ships next ^ ^ • ^ i p rvM ••! letters.— covcr this place beiore us, ihys action is utterly seek^thL^of ovcrthrowuc, and I am credibly informed that one themselves. (])ap|;ain HazcU, who upou Lauicr's information, was lately before you in Whitehall Garden, hath gotten away Captaine Waymouth, a man best experienced in those coasts, and they are as far as Deale Castle outward in ther way towards Spayne. I pray God they may be stayed least we repent ther going too late. — " To prove ther is gold, your Lordship's eyes I hope shall witness — To prove ther is pearl ther King of Pamont came with a cheyne of pearl about his neck — burnt thorow with great holes and spoiled for want of the art to bore them, and shewed them shells from whence they were taken. Pohatan another of ther Kings came stately marching with ENGLAND, AUGUST, 1607 — APRIL, 1608 45 a great pay re of buck's homes fastened to his forhead, not knowing what esteme we make of men so marked. For the rest I humbly leave your Lordship to Captaine Ne^v^ort, whose honesty and good deserts I have known many years." The following are postscripts to the letter : — " The people used our men well untill they found they began to plant and fortefy — Then they fell to skirmishing & kylled 3 of our people." " We showed the experyenc made [the assay made by Captain John Martin in Virginia ?] to one Beale, an excel- lent tryer of minerals, who says the trial was ignorantly made, the earth not half tried — for if it had it would have turned black and the gold run together in the bottom. That this holds 1200'^ in the Tonn. That ther is more in the pot, and he verily thinks it will yeald 2,000" at the least in the Tonn," say $45,000 present values. *^ By Salisbury shoare, you must pass to James Towne." " Ther is clapbord come fit, as I hear, to make wainscot. If your Lordship praye Captaine Newport to have the choyse, it will save you half in half." " One of ther Kings sick with drinking our aqua vite, thought himself poisoned. Newport told him by signes that the next day he showld be well, and he was so : And telling his countrymen thereof they came a pace, olde men & old women, upon every belliach to him to know when they showld be well." The letter is addressed " To the Right honorable the Earl of Salisbury hys Ma*®^ Princypall Secretary." The king was then in Southamptonshire on his western progress. On August 22, he was at Beaulieu the seat of Henry, Earl of Southampton. On the same day Zuniga wrote to the King of Spain telling him what he had been able to find out regarding the voyage. They (the English) had had it reported to him that they were " not over well pleased with the country," etc. On the same day Sir Walter Cope wrote as follows to the Earl of Salisbury : — >TOclamation or Patent that might {as heretofore) he procured to their prejudice, the same heing once passed under the seal and confirmed hy Act of the Parliament,^' Samuel Wrote, Esq., said that the change in the title from " The Treasurer and Company " to " The Governor and Company " might cause confusion in lawsuits, etc. ; but the new charter was gener- ally well approved of by those present. " Because the northern colony had to their territories given the name of New England, Sandys thought fit that theirs did still retain the name of Virginia, for by this means all Virginia should be theirs." And the Virginia court desired that the lords might be entreated on the behalf of the company to procure the king's warrant to the solicitor-general to make the new charter ready for his Majesty's signature and " to hasten the dispatch thereof with some expedition." The Virginia Council then wrote a letter to the king, " humbly entreating his Majesty's most gracious favour to renew their Patent, and that the same might be also con- firmed by Act of Parliament, the hetter to strengthen the plantation in general hy engaging of the whole state in the interest and support of the action'^ It will be seen that the motives assigned to the company and to the crown, for having the new patent confirmed by Act of ParHament, were not the same. This letter was delivered to James I. by James Hay, Vis- count Doncaster, " and it pleased his Majesty to signify his gracious pleasure to Attorney-General Coventry for draw- ing up the same." To which end. Sir Edwin Sandys, Ed- ward Herbert, Esq., and Mr. John Ferrar, presented " the draught of the new charter " to Coventry and explained it to him. The attorney-general found objections at once ; he said that " their new incorporation differing in name from the old did thereby imply two distinct corporations, and was not warrantable in law unless they surrendered their for- mer charter sJ^ This matter, however, he thought might be amended by himself. " But, Mr. Attorney General said, that he must have a special warrant to that effect from his Majesty, before he could insert those new clauses and addi- tions, which they had made, into a new charter." Therefore a petition was drawn to be presented to his Majesty asking for this special warrant, and on April 22 Sir Edwin Sandys told the Virginia court " that Lord Don- caster was pleased to undertake to present this petition unto his Majesty, and to solicit for answer touching their re- quest." Mr. John Smith of Nibley had had trouble about his plantation of Berkeley Hundred, in Virginia, and " re- quested this Virginia court to have authority inserted in the new patent which would enable the Quarter-Courts in Eng- land to punish the Governor of Virginia by fine or other- wise, if the ill-merit of his government should so deserve ! But he was told that this could not be done, because the charter would have much ado to pass, with such a clause, the House of Parliament." It was moved at the Virginia court of March 4, 1621, that his Majesty or " the House of Parliament " should be 398 UNDER THE COMPANY petitioned against the great loss to the plantations sustained by the late proclamation and the grant of the sole importa- tion of tobacco to certain patentees (Sir Thomas Roe and others). " The court therefore agreed to prefer a petition in the name of the Company of Virginia to the lower House of Parliament, and therein to complain of the former griev- ances . . . whereof they doubted not but they should find the redress as of many other Monopolies of like nature which the lower House had called into question, and by his Majesty's gracious permission intended utterly to extin- guish." Sir Francis Wyatt, Mr. George Sandys, and Mr. John Ferrar were appointed to draft the petition. The Commons committees for the business of the mono- polies were Sir Dudley Digges, Sir Thomas Crew, Sir Ed- ward Coke, Mr. Hineage Finch, Mr. William Hakewell, and Sir Edwin Sandys. The country people were complaining of the great scar- city of money and the low prices for farm products, attri- buting these things largely to these monopolies ; while the politicians of England were definitely dividing into the court party and the country, or " patriot," party. This finally developed into a revolution. These parties had really been evolving for many years. After the rupture between the Earl of Warwick and Sir Edwin Sandys the three company parties became concentrated into two, which may be called the Sandys party and the Smythe party. In the subsequent controversies the Smythe party affiliated with or catered to the national court party, and the Sandys party with the national "patriots," or country or Commons party. At the Virginia court, on April 22, " Sir Edwin Sandys moved that in regard Mr. Edward Bennet, a citizen, had so well deserved of this Company by a treatise which he made " touching " the inconveniency that the importation of tobacco out of Spain had brought into this land, and by his often attendance upon the committees of the lower House of Commons about the same (who were well inclined to ENGLAND, JULY 8, 1620 -MAY 12, 1621 399 afford their best assistance for prohibiting the bringing in of Spanish tobacco), that therefore he might have the favour to be admitted a free member of the Company," which was at once done. Bennet's treatise, which had been used before the com- mittees, has been preserved. It is quite long, but very interesting. In it he says : " The Chiefe Spring from whence the mayne Current of Treasure flowing into all Christendome, hath his originall, is in the Indies [Amer- ica], & by the Spanish government is forced to set first into Spaine." When we consider the immense amount of gold and silver found by the Spaniards in their American possessions, the hopes of the Virginia Company for the like in their possessions will seem most natural. Bennet ex- plains the decay of trade and the scarcity of silver in Eng- land by the fact that the English merchants, instead of receiving bullion for their merchandise in Spain, now traded it for some 400,000 weight of tobacco, which they brought into the kingdom. " In so much that the Spanish say, when they see all our goods landed — all that will he paid in smoak,^' He goes on to show that England had thus failed to import at least a million pounds of bullion since his Majesty's reign, which was greatly to be regretted, " for money is the soule and sinews of trade, and a well governed trade, the true fountain of treasure." " The good then that we have done to Spaine by buying our Tobacco from them, hath caused them since the year 1598 to inhabite the territories of Caracoes, Cumanagotta, Trinidado, Oranoque, & now at last all Maracabo, for in those days (I was an eye witnesse to it) their people went thither more unwilling then ours now go to Virginia & the Summer Islands, (yet the King gave them leave to carry & recarry all things Custome free :) but now the case is altered, for if they would give leave to as many to go as would, they would soon leave few enough in Spaine." And the importing of Spanish tobacco had also hurt England in " that it hath altogether hindered that planta- 400 UNDER THE COMPANY tion in Virginia which in short time might yeeld his Maies- tie as much or more profit, then the aforesaid places do to the King of Spaine besides the general good it would bring to all this Common Wealth, cannot be imagined, for if his Majestic graunt this one Priveledge to them [the prohibiting the importation of Spanish tobacco] and suffer it only to be brought from Virginia and Somers Islands, the lucre of gain by Tobacco, will draw thither more inhabitants in one year then the Company have done with all their care and charge ever since the plantation, and let them once be drawne thither, they will quickly find better commodities then Tobacco." Bennet had long been a dealer in tobacco, and was familiar with the weed. He says : " If any alledge that those countries yeldes not so good tobacco as the Span- ish Indies, I answere there is some as good Tobacco brought from Virginia and the Summer Islands, as the first Tobaccos were that we had out of Spaine. And no doubt, but as they discovering further into the Land, found better grounds for Tobacco : So will our people do also as they go further. To conclude Shut the gates of entrance of To- bacco, and you open the Gate for the entrance of Treasure : but open the gate for the entrance of Tobacco and you shut the gate for the entrance of Treasure." When the House of Commons met (after the recess) on April 27, Sir Edwin Sandys, from the sub-committee, de- livered to the grand committee, " Five Heads of the Decay of Trade." The third of these was, " The Importation of Spanish Tobacco — and the remedy was : To supply to- bacco out of Virginia and the Somer Islands, and to pro- hibit all other tobacco," etc. The next day Lord Cavendish called " the Business for foreign tobacco," etc., up for debate. Sir Edward Coke said " that this pointeth directly at Vir- ginia, that no commodity can be banished, but by Act of Parliament — would have Virginia have the tobacco ; but would not consent to have the subject hindered from plant- ing it here. ENGLAND, JULY 8, 1620 — MAY 12, 1621 401 " Sir Edwin Sandys, concurreth for that ; but to have the Resolution of the House forbidding of Foreign Tobacco. " Sir Geo. Moore — concordat. " Sir Edwin Sandys — That all the Kings subjects may freely trade thither, and without licence of the Company. " Sir Wm. Strowde — To banish Tobacco generally and to allow Virginia, but a certain time for it. " Mr. Gary. To banish tobacco generally and help Vir- ginia by some other means. " Sir J. Perrott. Not to banish all Tobacco in respect of Va. and S. I. — To give them some time — ■ else, over- throweth the Plantations. " Mr. SoUicitor [Heath]. Loveth England better than Va. A great hurt to all the state of our Kingdom. To contri- bute rather to Virginia otherwise. " Sir D. Digges. Wisheth tobacco of Va. prove good etc. '' Mr Towerson. Except we banish all tobacco — Span- ish tobacco will be brought in as plentifully as now. " Sir Eich. Worsly. To banish all. " Sir Ed. Sackvyle. Not to banish all, till order for sup- ply of Virginia — else all people there undone. " Mr Ferrar. Fit to banish all ? Yet now 4,000 Eng- lish there who have no other means, as yet, to live on. " Sir George Moore : — To divide The Question : — " I. Whether to banish Foreign. " II. For our own Dominions. " Sir Guy Palmes. To banish all. " Mr Pymme — Fit to banish all. " Sir H. Poole. Against all in generall. To Pull it up by the Roots — To help Virginia otherwise. " Sir J. Horsey. Thought not to speak of this vile weed — When he first a Parliament man this vile Weed not known — Thousands have died of this vile Weed. — Abhorreth it the more, because the King disliketh it — Prohibited to be used in Alehouses — No good ground for Va. to banish all. 402 UNDER THE COMPANY " Sir Tho. Jermyn — Loveth tobacco as ill as any, if ill tobacco — To put the 1'*^ Question — and defer the 2''^ to a Committee to consider what time fit to be given Vir- ginia. " Sir Edw. Cecill — The Question now is whether one question or two. " Sir Francis Goodwyn, accordant. " Sir Jo. Jephson, accordant. The Va. Co. never heard. — Wine and Drink hurt many ; yet to banish it will Kill here. " Mr John Smyth. Hath his Interest in Va. and S. I. The Company restraineth the cultivation of tobacco by all means it can. To give it sometime, else we overthrow the Plantations. Virginia and S, /., holden of East Green- wich. " Mr. Raynscrofte — Fit to draw a Bill and not to go to Question 'till then. " M*" Alf ord. That, for foreign Tobacco thought of and reported : This for all not. — We read a Bill thrice. " Upon Question — Importation of all foreign tobacco thought fit to be barred. No one negative." This was the resolution Sir Edwin Sandys had asked for. Sir Edw. Peyton, on " a petition from two Captains, Planters in Va: — Raphe Hamor and Wm. Tucker," it seems, had drafted " An Act for Restraint of the inordi- nate use of tobacco," which he had reported to the grand committee ; but Sir Edward Coke, in his report, forgot it, and it was not called up for debate until May 3. Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir Dudley Digges, Sir George Manners, Mr. Drake, Mr. Delbridge, etc., spoke on the question (in which the Lady De la Warr was interested), and a committee was appointed to look into the matter for the relief of these men ; " to meet tomorrow in the afternoon in the Star Chamber, with power to send for the patentees and to see the Patent." This was the patent to Sir Thomas Roe and others for the sole importation, etc., of tobacco. The report ENGLAND, JULY 8, 1620 — MAY 12, 1621 403 in the Commons journals is brief and indefinite ; but after the report of the committee the question again came up for debate on May 13. (See hereafter.) The " patriots " in the Virginia Company asserted that the court party encouraged the New England movement in order to divide and weaken the power of those who were advancing the popular movement in the Virginia courts. The opposition of the Virginia Company as a body was not to the New England charter as a whole. The especial cause of the division was " the fishing clause/' the Sandys party joining with the Commons in opposing, while the Smythe party aided the crown in upholding this clause. And the contention grew until the Cape Cod fishery case became an important factor in the contest then going on " between the two most important powers [the crown and the Com- mons] known to the English constitution/' — the ques- tion in the case being whether the colonial settlements were the demesnes of the crown (king and his Privy Council), lying beyond the jurisdiction of the state (Parliament) or not? Members of the Virginia Company were on both sides. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and the managers of their side had silenced the opposition of the Virginia Company as a body, secured the cooperation of many of them, and, catering to the crown, made themselves solid with the king and his Privy Council. But the advocates of free fishing told Gorges that " howsoever he had sped before the Lords [Privy Council] he should hear more of it the next Parliament." And soon after the session began the matter was brought before the committees, with Gorges and others before them. They requested Gorges to produce the patent ; but he said (for aught he knew) it was still in the crown office, and made a very diplomatic reply to their queries. When Parliament reassembled after the recess, on April 27, there was reported and read " An Act for the maintenance and increase of shipping and navigation, and for the freer liberty of fishing and fishing voyages to be made and performed in and upon the seas, sea coasts, 404 UNDER THE COMPANY and places of Newfoundland, Virginia and New England, and other the seas, sea coasts, and parts of America." The purport of this act was, " that the free right of engaging in fishery tends greatly to the increase of the number of ships and mariners, but of late an attempt had been made to interfere with this freedom. All British subjects to have free right of fishing on the shores of America, and to select their places for curing fish according to priority of arrival, with liberty to take wood for fuel and repairs." The act came up for consideration on May 5, and Sir Edwin Sandys (of the Virginia Company, but also M. P. for Sandwich) opened the debate with a speech in favor of the bill. He said " That some have gotten a grant from the King — a grant of the land in Virginia, which they called I^ew England, Two colonies first in Virginia — Northern and Southern. The last hath proceeded with £100,000 [= $2,500,000?] charge; the Northern not: Now desired to proceed : which called now New England — That this fishing twice a year, far better than that of Newfoundland — That the Company of Virginia, by the Deceit of the Masters of ships sent about 7, or 8 years [1613-1614] sithence lost £6000. — That the Northern Colony have got a sole fishing there, — yea, excluding the Company of Virginia — The King being made acquainted with it, stayed the Delivery of the Patent — That the Col- ony of Virginia desireth no appropriation of this fishing to them — This will bring £100,000 per annum hither in coin," etc. He ended by moving " for a free liberty for all the King's subjects for fishing there." Secretary Calvert (also a member of the Virginia Com- pany) replied opposing the bill, on the ground " that he never would strain the King's prerogative against the good of the commonwealth," etc. It was further debated by Mr. Glanvyle, Mr. Neale, Mr. Chidleigh, Mr. Guy, Mr. Brook, etc. In the replies to the crown party Mr. Brook made the point " that we [the Parliament] may make Laws here for Virginia ; " and Sir ENGLAND, JULY 8, 1620 — MAY 12, 1621 405 Edwin Sandys " that Virginia was holden of the Manor of East Greenwich'' The bill was committed to Sir Edwin Sandys, and " a full hearing advertized to all Burgesses of London, York, and the Port Towns, who might wish to testify, on that day seven-night in the Exchequer Chamber." Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges was at the meeting, the matter was again postponed, and the question was not settled by the third Parliament. When James I. suggested to the Virginia court of May 27, 1620, several men, one of whom was to be chosen treasurer, the earls of Pembroke and Southampton asserted in the court that it was " the beginning of a move against the companies just freedome. of election granted by Letters Patents." When Sir John Danvers, a few weeks after, asked the Earl of Southampton "whether he would be pleased to own the place, if the Company chose him Treas- urer ? " the earl answered : " I know the King will be angry at it, but so the expectation of this pious and glo- rious work may be encouraged let the Company do with me what they please." The private understanding with the earl was that Sandys should continue in control " in pro- secuting still those wayes which might give satisfaction to the undertakers." Since the earl's election (July 8, 1620), Sandys and himself, " with other co-incident officers," had been advancing " the work intended in a way which was generally acceptable to the patriot party. . . . The publick asserting of those rights and immunities granted under the Great Seal of England much raised the spirits and increased the numbers of those that made preparation for the planta- tion. ... As it seemed almost to promise as well as to invite a great part of the Nation to withdraw themselves from an oppressing unto a more free government estab- lishing in Virginia, whither great store of shipping was engaged and even in readiness." These ships were to be sent under Sir Francis Wyatt, the first governor chosen by the Southampton-Sandys administration, who was also to 406 UNDER THE COMPANY carry over the more matured plans of Sir Edwin Sandys for establishing the new nation. But the court party dur- ing the same time was obstructing '' the work intended " by the " patriots," thereby causing delay, and " the great store of shipping " engaged and ready to sail for Virginia in the spring " could not be despatched for many months." At the preparative court of May 10, " five shares were given Mr Newland for his extraordinary pains in taking care of shipping our people in ye Abigail, and two shares were given Mr. Bonnell in consideration of his pains in procur- ing the French from Languedock for ye Company, now in Virginia." These shares were confirmed at the following quarter court. " Thomas Colby allowed one Bill of adven- ture of £12 10s, and one personall share due to his brother Edmond Colby, deceased ; Francis Carter transferred 5 shares — 2 to Sir Henry Rainsford, 1 to Mr. Craddock, 1 to Mr. Palmer and one to Mr. John Hart ; Lott Peere passed two shares to Mr. Barber, and Mr. Downes passed three shares to Mr. John Smith." The quarter court of the Easter term met on May 12, and the first term of the Earl of Southampton as treasurer of the company then ended. IV VIEGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NO VEMBER 28, 1621 SIB GEOBGE YEABDLEY, GOVEBNOB In November^ 1620, Governor Yeardley sent a vessel to the Bermudas for fruits, etc., but "by the ignorance of the pilot " it failed to find the islands. In December the Temperance came in, according to some accounts " from New f oundland," to others " from Canada," — terms frequently then applied by Virginians to the pre- sent New England coast ; and it is probable that this ship brought first the news to Virginia that the Mayflower, Captain Thomas Jones, with John Clark as pilot, after long beating at sea, had arrived at Cape Cod in November, and that the emigrants had finally determined to land there. Bradford says : " Partly by ye discontented & mutinous speeches that some of the Strangers [those who were not Pilgrims ?] amongst them had let fall — That when they came a shore they would use their owne libertie ; for none had power to command them, the patent they had being for Virginia, and not for New England, which belonged to an other goverment, with which ye Virginia Company had nothing to doe. And partly that such an acte by them done (this their condition considered) might be as firme as any patent, and in some respects more sure." ^ Therefore, on November 21, they made " the Mayflower compact," in which they framed for themselves in North Virginia the same privileges of government granted them by the popu- lar charters and constitution of South Virginia, under which they had been sent to that colony. They landed at Ply- mouth Eock on " Forefathers' Day," December 21, 1620. 1 Bradford's History. 408 UNDER THE COMPANY The emigrants were not all " Pilgrims ; " some were from Essex, London, and other places in England. William Molines, his wife and children (Joseph and Priseilla), are said to have been Huguenots ; Christopher Martin, '' the governor in the Mayflower," was a member of the Virginia Company, and owned lands on James River, purchased from Captain George Percy and others ; Stephen Hopkins was an old planter of Virginia, etc. Although civil and religious liberty was planted in America under the inspiration of the liberal ideas then budding in England, which were largely derived from an admiration impressed on the minds of English students for the form of government established for Geneva by Calvin and the Reformers, the accomplishment of these " pop- ular " ideas was due to the popular charters of the Virginia Company of London, drafted by Sir Edwin Sandys, " a church of England man " and a son of one of the heads of that church. For it was under these charters that the seed was planted both in South and in North Virginia. Sufficient honor rightly belongs to the Pilgrim Fathers to make it unnecessary to take for them any honor which rightly belongs to others ; and, after giving all due credit to all others, it must be confessed that civil and religious liberty in the new world owe their first debt to broad- minded churchmen, and to the liberality of the Church of England, which was also the great factor in holding Amer- ica for the Anglo-Saxon against the Church of Rome. November 13, 1620, Governor Yeardley granted Bartolo- mew Hoskins (Haskins, Hopkins?) 100 acres of land on the Back River, in the corporation of Elizabeth City, for his personal adventure. December 15, the governor granted to Richard Pace 400 acres as his dividend, called " Pace's Paines," in the corporation of James City, over the river from Jamestown, and 100 acres to Francis Chapman as his dividend. December 29, Captain George Thorpe wrote from Southampton Hundred in Virginia : " To the Right worthy VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NOVEMBER 28, 1621 409 my verie Lovinge Frend Jolin Smith Esquier att North nybley, give these/' and sent the letter by Thomas Par- tridge. He excuses the comparative brevity of the letter by saying, "Wee being nowe in the business of examin- ing witnesses concerning Captain Argall wherein wee sit comonly till mid night ; " will "write more by the next ship, against which time he hopes Captain Woodleefe's tobacco will be ready ; and says that the country is very healthy." He was " persuaded that more do die here of the disease of their minds than of their body . . . and by not knowing they shall [have to] drink water here." When " Mr Russell the chimist " was trying to introduce sassafras tea into Virginia as an artificial wine, in July, 1620, it was stated that " there is in Virginia and is like to be shortly 3,000 people. And the greatest want they complayne of is good drinke, wine beinge too dear, and barley chargeable, which though it should there be so wen, it were hard in that Coun- try, being so hot, to make malt of it, or if they had malt to make good beer." But Thorpe now writes that "they had found a way to make a good drink from Indian corn, which he prefered to good English beer." Was this the begin- ning of old Virginia corn whiskey ? The qualities of corn in that kind had been long known. Gongalo Ximines, of New Granada, who died in 1546, wrote that " maize steeped in water, boiled, and afterwards fermented makes a very strong liquor." The Bona Nova, of 200 tons, Captain John Hudleston, with 120 persons, and the Elizabeth, of 40 tons, with 20 persons, left England not long before the Mayflower, and, like that ship, were carried past Virginia by the current to the north. The Elizabeth went to " Newfoundland " and remained there till the spring of 1621, when she sailed for Virginia.^ The Bona Nova beat her way back to Virginia as soon as she could, and arrived there in the win- ter of 1620-21, probably in January. " She brought notice to the governor and Council of the great suppHes of all ^ Did not Edward Leister come to Virginia from New England on this ship ? 410 UNDER THE COMPANY sorts intended to be sent in the spring, with orders for fit preparation to be made before-hand, as well for the receiv- ing, as for the disposing and employing of them, both for the public, and their own private benefit." This information was contained in " A Declaration of the Supplies intended to be sent to Virginia, in this yeare 1620. By his Maies- ties Counseil for Virginia. 18. Julii 1620." ^ The ship also brought news of the propositions for advancing the planta- tion made at the Virginia court on July 17 ; of the steps then taken for framing suitable laws for government and magistracy for their better guidance, etc. The Council also sent written instructions concerning the planting of mul- berry-trees, and making fit rooms for the silkworms. They had formerly required the governor of Virginia to revenge the murder of the ten English by the Chickahominies, which Argall had left unavenged ; but the governor doubting the wisdom of this, they now " leave it to your [the gover- nor's] judgement upon mature deliberation with ye whole body of the Councell so to proceed therein as that justice being satisfyed for that barbarous crueltye may be other- wise left to the disturbance of the peace of the Colonye. But touching the other matters of Capt. Argall we alter nothing from our first resolutions. . . . But some alteration seemeth to have been wrought in you who promising to dispatch all that business at the former return of the Bona Nova have not so much as sent them one line or word con- cerning him," etc. This public letter was written in August, 1620, and signed by " Ed. Sheffeild, Lion. Cran- feild, Ed. Saudis, Jno Davers, Xpo. Brook, Tho. Gibbs, Jno Farrar, Ro. Smyth, Tho. Shepheard." The ship also brought the commissions of the recently appointed Councilors of State in Virginia : George Thorpe, Thomas Newce, John Pountis, William Tracy, David Mid- dleton, Mr. Blewit of the iron-works, and Mr. Thomas Harwood, the chief of Martin's Hundred. Captain Thomas Newce, who came in this ship, was re- 1 Reprinted in Force, iii., no. 5, pp. 13-17. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NOVEMBER 28, 1621 411 garded by the Council in England as " a choice man." He was sent to take general charge of all " the Company's land and tenants in Virginia whatsoever, and for his entertain- ment [wages] it was ordered that he and such as shall succeed him in that place shall have 1,200 acres of land set out belonging to that office : 600 acres at Kiquotan (now called Elizabeth City), 400 at Charles City, 100 at Henrico, 100 at James City, and for the manuring [cultivation] of this land shall have forty tenants to be placed thereupon — whereof twenty to be sent presently, and the other twenty in the two springs ensuing." It was also ordered that " Mr. John Porey, the Secretary, and his successors in that place, should have 500 acres of land belonging to that office and twenty tenants to be planted thereupon, and the Secretary there from henceforward should receive no fees for himself, and the fees to be paid his clerk for writing and other charges to be rated by the court." The intent of the Great Charter of 1619 ^^ to ease all the Inhabitants of Virginia forever of all taxes and public burthens as much as may be," by laying out public lands to be worked by tenants on shares, — the wages of the officials to be paid out of said shares, — was not so Utopian as at first it might seem. At one end land was abundant in Virginia ; at the other, England was filled with people vainly seeking employment ; the two ends met in the colony, and the idea would have answered a doubly good purpose for some years, save for the fact that the class of people necessarily sent as tenants to these lands seems to have been physically incapable of resisting the climate, and, notwithstanding the faithful use of all known remedies and preventatives, but few of them survived " the seasoning." They had to go through the purge, and only the fittest survived. " The Virginia Court of July 22 1620, in England, in reply to the petition of John Wood, who had resolved to inhabit in Virginia, to grant him eight shares in Elizabeth river, for eight shares of land formerly granted unto him, 412 UNDER THE COMPANY because thereon is timber fitting for his turn, and water sufficient to launch such ships as shall be there built for the use and service of the company, agreed to recommend the consideration of the premises to the Governor and Council of Virginia to deal therein as they shall think fit." Mr. Wood probably arrived on the Bona Nova with the pur- pose of establishing a shipbuilding yard, possibly near the present site of Norfolk. Owing to the continual depredations of English pirates in the West Indies, and to the report that England was pre- paring to assist the Palatinate against Spain, "the Vice- Roy of New Spaine caused ships and men to be made ready, some 6.000 souldiers, which were to meete as many more men and shippes at the Havana, to cut off our coun- trymen in Virginia ; and they were upon their march to S. John de Uloa, the Port Towne for Mexico, when a coun- termand came from the King of Spain to stay them." This was going on late in 1620, and early in 1621. We have few particulars, but it is certain that the agencies of New Spain were constantly used against the settlement of the English in the new world. January 31, 1621, Sir George Yeardley, George Thorpe, Thomas Newce, Nathaniel Poole, Samuel Maycock, John Pory (secretary), John Rolfe, and John Pountis wrote to the Earl of Southampton, the Council and Company for Virginia in London, inclosing a petition to the king against " his Late Proclamation against the Importation of Tobacco into England," ending, " Maie it therefore please your Maj- estic out of your princelie compassion (since we are assured that you tender the lives and wellfare of your Subjects beyond thousands of gould and silver, and your Royall word rati- fied by your great Scale, farr above both,) either to revoke that proclamation and so restore us to our ancient liberty or otherwise to send for us all home and not to suffer the Heathen to triumph over us and to saye Where is now theire God. So shall we all," etc. These documents were sent to England by the Temperance, which left Virginia early in February. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NO VEMBER 28, 1621 413 William Ewins' ship, the Supply, of Bristol (eighty tons), Captain Tobias Felgate, which left England with fifty per- sons, on October 5, 1620, arrived at " Berkeley," February 8, 1621, and received the following certificate : — " These are to certifie the Right hon^^® Right worshipfull, and others of the Counsell and Company for this First South- ern Colony of Virginia, that there arrived at Barklay in the same country, for the account of that Society and the plan- tation of the said hundred, upon the 29*^ of January 1620 [0. S.] these fifty persons under written, vizt : — William Tracy Esq^ ; Mary Tracy his wife ; Thomas Tracy their Sonne; Joice Tracy their daughter; Frances Gre?2[v?]ell, Elizabeth Webbe, Alice Heskins, Isabell Gifford, Arnold Oldsworth Esq^ Robert Pawlett, divine; Thomas Kemys gent ; Robert Long, gent ; John Holmden, gent ; Richard Ferriby, gent ; George Keene, gent ; Nicholas Combe gent ; William Finche, Margaret his wife and Frances their daughter ; John Gibbes ; Robert Baker ; John Howlett the elder, John and William Howlett his sonnes ; Walter Pros- ser ; Giles Carter ; George Hall ; John Baily ; Thomas Baugh ; Gabriel Holland ; Richard Holland ; Giles Wil- kins ; Giles Broadway ; Richard Dutton ; Richard Milton ; Joane Cooper [or Coopy], Antony Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper ; Philip Vrange [Orange, Strange ?] ; John Page and Francys his wife ; John Linzey ; Roger Linzey ; James Jelfe ; Richard RoUes, Jane his wife and Benedict Rolles their sonne ; Alexander Broadway ; Arthur Kemis, gent. " (Signed) George Yeardley. Jo: PoRY, Sect." It had long been the custom for the governor of Vir- ginia to give a certificate to each ship on her arrival ; but only a very few of these official records have been pre- served. This ship brought the revocation of the former commission to Captain Woodliffe, and a new commission to George Thorpe and William Tracy to be governors of 414 UNDER THE COMPANY Berkeley Town and Hundred in Virginia ; a letter of gen- eral advice and instruction on Virginian affairs, from Eichard Berkeley and John Smith, addressed to George Thorpe, and carried over by William Tracy ; a copy of the orders and constitution of the Council of the Virginia Com- pany for the better governing of the affairs of the company, etc. Among those who came over at this time was Rev. Robert Paulett, with whom the proprietors had agreed to be their preacher, physician, and surgeon at Berkeley. The Supply left Virginia soon after April 3, 1621, " with 2,000 lbs of Tobacco on account of Mr. Thorpe, Captain Powell, Mr Tracy and Mr. Basse. 1.500 lbs of Mr Basse on his own account. " 600 lbs of Mr. Thorpe on his own account. " About 400 lbs of Capt. Martin ditto " 400 lbs of John Sabine " 200 " of Richard Godf ree " " And the following passengers — Capt. [John] Martin ^ and his man ; M"" Basse, M^ Yate, Nicholas Combe and John Sabine. ^ The following warrant of the gov- ernor and Council is worth preserv- ing : — "Whereas Capt. John Martin of Martin Brandon Esquire at his late departure from hence for England did leave in the custody of Lieut. Edmund Saunders seventeen head of cattle (vid^). Seaven milche Kine, one Bull, three two-yearlings, three yearlings and three sucking calves — which cat- tle remain in controversie between him the said Capt. John Martin, and Mr John Bargrave of Patrick's bourne in Kent Esquire. Being well persuaded of ye integritie and honestie of the said Lieut. Edmunde Saunders and finding him to be the fittest man for that purpose, we hereby approve and consigne to him the custodie of the said Cattle either till the said Capt John Martin return into Virginia, or till the said controversie be ended be- tween him and the said John Bar- grave. " In witness whereof we have to these presents sett our handes. " Given at James Cyttie May ye [13] 1621. " George Yardley. " George Thorpe. Nath Powle. « Tho: Nuce Jo. PoRY, Seer." Captain Martin had left his affairs at Martin's Brandon in charge of Saun- ders, whose house was about a mile from Martin's residence. This war- rant and the fact that Saunders was killed in the massacre of 1622, and the cattle said to have been carried off by the Indians, furnished the basis of Martin's seventh demand in his suit against Yeardley in December, 1624- January, 1625. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NOVEMBER 28, 1621 415 " The freight on 5.100 lbs tobacco @ Sd per Ik £63.15.00. " 6 passengers @ £6 36. £99. 15. 00." The ship also carried letters from Tracy and Thorpe to their associates. Within less than a month after her de- parture William Tracy died. In March, 1620, there were, by the census, 887 people living in Virginia ; of these about 700 had passed through the seasonino; and had become acclimated. Between that date and March, 1621, ten ships had arrived in Virginia (principally in the spring and summer of 1620) which left England with 1051 emigrants. In March, 1621, there were, by the census, only 843 English living in Virginia. That is, of 1938 people (about 700 acclimated and 1238 new- comers) 1095 had died en route and in Virginia. As the death rate among the acclimated was comparatively small, it is probable that over 80 out of 100 newcomers had died within twelve months, showing that the summer of 1620 was one of the most disastrous periods in the history of the colony. The Margaret and John, of 150 tons, left England early in January, with eighty-five emigrants for Virginia. At Guadeloupe she took on six Frenchmen, " and then they were in all (including the crew) 103 souls with women and children." When off Mevis, where they wished to water, " being the common trade way both for English and Dutch," on March 30, 1621, they fell in with two large ships, " pre- tending to be Hollanders," but as soon as these ships had gained a fair position, and after some parley, they took in their Holland flag, advanced the Spanish colors, and opened fire on the " small and not very well provided English Shipp. Who parforce was constreyned to enter into this conflict," " which continued 5 or 6 houres most desperate." The English finally beat off both Spanish ships, after kilhng their captain and making " their skuppers run with blood," and " couloring the sea in their quarter." The burden of 416 UNDER THE COMPANY the largest Spanish ship was 300 tons, with 22 pieces of brass ; of the other, 200 tons, having 16 pieces of brass. The English ship had eight cast-iron pieces and one small faulcon. They lost eight slain outright : Doctor Bo- hun, Mr. Thomas Dodmister (or Demeter), Thomas Read, William Garrett, Thomas Vernam (salt -man), Gabriel Peyes, David Fathering, and Ralph Phillips. Two died after, — Francis Annis, gent., and Edward Nubery, sailor, — and some twenty wounded, yet cured ; among these were the captain, James Chester; William Bird, gent.; Alex- ander Boventon, gent. ; William Bannington, gent. ; John Watkins, Philip Darwin, Robert Lector, Anthony Browne, gent. ; Mr. Howe, gent. ; William Joyce, quartermaster ; William Lucas, carpenter's mate ; John Robbins, steward ; three Frenchmen, and three sailors. The other officers of the ship were Griffen Parnell, master ; John Langle, and Humphrey Sherbrook, master's mates ; James Jerland, sur- geon ; Thomas Charn, " pilot for the West Indies ; " Mr. John Mines, the captain's son-in-law, and Thomas Hother- sall, interpreter. This sea fight was quite an event, and the English were evidently proud of their part in it. A long account of it was printed in London in 1621, which Purchas made use of in his " Pilgrimes," and Smith in his " History of Vir- ginia." In the same year an account was printed by George Deseler, at Amsterdam, and " Tho: Hothersall late zitysone and groser of London being an / witness and interpreter in this exployte," also wrote an account which is still in manuscript. The ship arrived in Virginia in April. Dr. Lawrence Bohun, who was killed, was not only a large patentee of lands in Virginia, but had recently been appointed physician-general for the company in Virginia, "unto which place there was allotted 500 acres of land and twenty tenants, to be placed thereon at the Company's charge." The company had sent by the ship good store of silkworms' seed obtained out of France, Italy, and Spain, under the charge of a servant of Mr. Jasper Stallenge, VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NOVEMBER 28, 1621 417 "who had these five years together been brought up in tending of the king's silkworms under his said master, whereby he was become very skillful in breeding of the worms and in winding of their silk, and was also a good gardener," whom they had employed to serve them in Vir- ginia for three years, where he was also to teach others. But it seems that " the silk worms' seed miscarried " in the fight. The Duty and the Bona Nova returned to England in the spring of 1621 with tobacco. The Duty was sent to Flushing to sell the tobacco there, and the Bona Nova to Middelburgh for the same purpose, Mr. Arthur Swayne, a merchant of London, being the factor for the Virginia Company in each instance. Governor Yeardley's tobacco was sent under the charge of his nephew. Ensign Rossing- ham, who sold it for him in Holland. Some of the tobacco carried by the Duty was to pay for the fifty boys, which cost the company £500, and for which the planters repaid them in sixty-six weight of tobacco at 3s per pound, rating it at <£10 a boy ; " which tobacco, being sold by the com- pany, they could hardly reach to £5 the boy," and the planters were afterwards required to make up the differ- ence. The Bona Nova carried divers letters, and one general letter from the Council of Virginia directed to the com- pany in England, telling them that some staple commodities, as vines, began to be planted ; that they had confirmed a peace and league with the Indian king, " whereby not only a great trade and commerce with them hereafter for corn and other commodities is like to ensue, and good means also for converting them to Christianity and to draw them to live among our people, but fit occasions likewise of further discoveries up into the country, both for the find- ing of the south seas and certain mines, yet will undoubt- edly conduce to the great honour and enlargement of the general plantation in a short time." The relations of the three several voyages made the last 418 UNDER THE COMPANY summer by Marmaduke Rayner^ Ensign Savage, and Mr. Dermer were also sent by this ship. One of the " divers letters " was written by George Thorpe. " He testified to the plentiful coming up of the cotton seed/' etc. " Attri- buted the illsuccess of things to the not seeking of God's glory in converting the Natives, which he said were peace- able and wanted but meanes. No man can justly say that this country is not capable of all those good things that you [the Virginia Company] in your wisedomes, with great charge, have projected, both for her wealth and honour, and also all other good things that the most opulent parts of Christendome do afford, neither are we hopeless that this country may also yield things of better value than any those." Another letter was from Rev. Jonas Stockton (who had but recently arrived in Virginia on this same ship), in which he says " that he found no probability by fair meanes alone to draw the savages to goodnesse, and if Mars and Minerva went hand in hand, they would effect more good in one houre, then these verball Mercurians in their lives : and till their Priests and Ancients have their throats cut, there is no hope to bring them to conversion." The letter was to Master Whitaker, probably a relative of the late Rev. Alexander Whitaker. This was the old idea of 1609, for the " old soldiers trained up in the Nether- lands, to square and prepare them to our Preachers hands;" and of Rev. Alexander Whitaker, who also drew the line on their priests ; but Dale evidently drew no lines ; nei- ther did Gates ; and I doubt if Yeardley, left to his own judgment, would have done so. The idea of the old com- manders had been to clear them out from the river region. Yeardley was still captain of Southampton Hundred as well as governor of Virginia, and resided for at least a part of the time at his mansion-house (on the north side of James River, about two miles above the present Sandy Point) in that hundred. A few records remain of the courts held at Bermuda Hundred, Jamestown, and South- ampton Hundred ; also some warrants, some grants and VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620 — NOVEMBER 28, 1621 419 deeds for land by the governor and Council ; but there has been very little preserved relative to events in Vir- ginia during this year. The General Assembly may have met, but I have found no record of it. The Abigail (350 tons), the ship of Mr. Bland, Mr. Wiseman, etc., under Captain Samuel Each, which left England in February with 230 people, probably arrived in June. The letter from the Council in England to the governor of Virginia, sent by this ship, was written by Sir Edwin Sandys ; Captain Eoger Smith and Captain Madi- son returned to Virginia in her ; the company in England had " confirmed their old patent to Sir Richard Wors- ley, Nath^ Basse, John Hobson, Anthony Olevan, Richard Wiseman, Robert Newland, Robert Gyver, and Wm Wellis, associates and fellow-adventurers with Capt. Christopher Lawne deceased, with all manner of privileges therein con- tained and that the said plantation shall from henceforth be called the Isle of Wight's plantation, provided that the heirs of the said Christopher Lawne be no way prejudiced thereby ; and in regard of the late mortality of the per- sons transported heretofore by the said Captain Lawne, the Court hath likewise given them till midsummer 1625, to make up their number of the said persons mentioned in their former patents." The ship brought some emigrants to this plantation, some tenants for the company's lands, etc. ; it also brought the news that Sir Francis Wyatt had been chosen governor to succeed Yeardley ; copies of " the printed book of instructions for making fit rooms for silk worms," of the broadside of November 25, 1620, etc., for distribution in Virginia, etc. This broadside ends : " Of all which our hopes are now greater than ever, it having pleased the Divine power to blesse our late endevours with so extraordinary successe, as well in the safe and speedy passage of our Ships, as in the healthinesse and contented- nesse of the people transported in them." While Captain Samuel Each, of the Abigail, was in Vir- ginia, he '^ made tryal of those banks that lye out in James 420 UNDER THE COMPANY river near Blunt Point, and found that a block-house or fort might be erected upon them, which would altogether forbid the passage of ships any higher." The company, in November, 1620, agreed to pay Thomas Wood for every cow of our English breed transported by " him or his agents safe and sound to Virginia £11, and for every she goat £3 10s, upon certificate at his return from the governor there," and possibly he shipped some kine to Virginia in one of " the two ships out of Ireland," which went to the colony this year ; but I have found no particulars of the voyages. Mr. John Ferrar sent his ship, the EUinor, of 30 tons, from England, in May, 1621, with ten emigrants, to Vir- ginia, Captain William Tucker and Henry Gates being his factors thereon, with whom he had some suit in settlino:. The large supplies intended to be sent in the spring did not leave England until the fall. Owing to the favorable reports of the abundance of corn on the eastern shore and of the thriftiness of the Indians, made by Captain John Martin and Ensign Savage in 1619, a trade was opened and continued with those eastern In- dians. In 1621 Governor Yeardley laid out some of the company's land on the eastern shore. Captain John Wil- cocks had located his dividend at a place called " Aco- mack," and in the fall of 1621 Mr. John Pory located the secretary's land adjoining thereto, the better to secure and assist each other, and settled ten men thereon as tenants. The company also planted one hundred tenants thereon, according to the records in England, which are generally exaggerated in such matters. Pory says that '^ having taken a muster of the companies tenants; he went with Estinien Moll, a Frenchman, to Smith's lies, where was our salt-house, to find a convenient place to make salt in ; not far of we found a more convenient place and so re- turned to Jamestown." This was probably in September, 1621. Pory wrote a narrative of this, and of several sub- sequent voyages of his, to the Earl of Southampton, which VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1620— NOVEMBER 28, 1621 421 was used by several contemporary writers and others of later dates, and which it seems was printed, but I have failed to find a copy. At a court held in 1635 in Northampton (Accomac) County, Virginia, it is recorded : " Forasmuch as Henry Williams did make it appear that he had lived on his land 20 years, and did much service for the country, it was certi- fied to the governor and Council," etc. At a court held in 1643 in the same county, " a deed for land was recorded, granted by Sir John Harvey on Feby 20*^ 1639 to Henry Williams because he was an ancient planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale as evidenced by a grant to him from The Treasurer and Company in 1618." Williams came to Vir- ginia on the Treasurer in 1615, and may have settled at Dale's Gift, near Cape Charles, in that year, but I doubt if he meant that he had resided on the eastern shore for twenty consecutive years. In 1625 he was living on his land in the corporation of Charles City. I doubt if the settlement at Dale's Gift was permanent (continuous). I am inclined to think that Ensign Thomas Savage was the first permanent settler on the eastern shore of Virginia, but the data are very meagre. At a court held in 1668 in the same county : " About Esquire Yardley's and John Savage's land — The deposition of Wm. Jones aged 59, sayeth. That ' being at the house of the late Col Robins about 35 years since (when Laughing King came annually to visit him in the Spring) was desired by Col. Robins to ask the said King, whose land such a neck of land was? He replied, that he had given that neck-of-land from Wis- saponson Creek to Hungars Creek to Sir George Yardley, and the south side of Wissaponson to his son Thomas New- port [that is, Thomas Savage].'" The date of this gift was probably in 1621 ; but Savage's interest on the eastern shore probably began prior to 1619. ENGLAND, FROM EASTER COURT, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 EENBY, EAEL OF SOUTHAMPTON, TBEASUREB ; MR. JOHN FEBEAR, DEPUTY-TREASURER At the Easter court the old officers generally were re- elected ; but as " Mr Briggs [one of the auditors] was now gone to Oxford to abyde Mr Gibbs was chosen in his place." Two shares were confirmed to Mr. Bonnell for his pains in procuring the Frenchmen now in Virginia from Languedoc for the company. Mr. George Sandys was elected to be treasurer in Virginia, and Captain William Newce, marshal. Each of them was then elected to the Council in England and to the Council of State in Virginia, and to each office (treasurer and marshal in Virginia) was allotted 1500 acres of land and 50 tenants. Mr. Oldsworth, who had been a justice of the peace in England, was added to the Council of State in Virginia. In regard of the extraordinary well deservings of Sir Edwin Sandys, he was given twenty shares. Captain John Smith petitioned the court for some reward for the services which, " as he allegeth," he performed in Virginia, and was referred to the committees appointed for rewarding of men upon merits. Captain Matthew Somers was granted a patent for a particular plantation, on which he proposed to plant 100 persons. Mr. Richard Norwood, being recommended by Captain Daniel Tucker, was chosen for a surveyor in Virginia. " Shares given upon merit, not to be sold or transferred." May 13, in the House of Commons, the tobacco question (Roe's patent, etc.) was again debated. On the 26th, " Sir Edwin Sandys reported the Bill for Tobacco. The commit- tee hath yielded to give the Patentees to the 1** of October ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621— JUNE 1, 1622 423 for restraint of importation of Tobacco foreign, &c. Lib- erty given to set tobacco in England to be used by the planter — not for sale. That they have already erected in Virginia 3. or 4. Iron Works which cost the Company £4,000. No better Iron in the world. And hopes of as good silk to be made there as in Persia, because the best mulberry trees grow there. " The Bill with the Amendments, twice read." The governor and Council in Virginia had sent by the Temper- ance, about February 1, 1621, a petition to the king against this patent. The date of its arrival in England I do not know ; but it was not presented ; and the reason afterwards assigned for this was that before it was received Parliament had given the plantation liberty to bring in their tobacco. At the Trinity term quarter court, June 23, Mr. Christo- pher Davison was chosen to succeed Pory as secretary, and was also appointed to the Council of State in Virginia. The several cities and towns, and the companies of London, were to be requested " to plant the lands due them in Vir- ginia with people, a full account of the whole transac- tions of the lotteries to be made off and presented to the king." Captain William Claiborne was agreed with to go to Virginia as surveyor. Mr. Edmond Hakluyt (son of Rev. Richard Hakluyt) passed two shares to John Moore. Am- brose Wood received four shares as heir to his brother Thomas Wood, deceased, and one share more for the ad- venture of his person. Joice Lodge was allowed one share and fifty acres for a personal. On May 10 Sir Edwin Sandys had submitted a proposi- tion to the lower house of Parliament " to send away a great number of our poor people into Virginia, at the com- mon charge of the parishes where they live, which offer was accepted of that house with a very great and grateful applause. Whereupon the Virginia court of June 23""^ agreed a bill should be drawn to that effect against the next session of Parliament, and entreated Sir Dudley Diggs, Sir Edwin Sandys, and Sir John Danvers, to take some 424 UNDER THE COMPAXY pains in the drawing of the said bill." Three days after this Sandys was arrested, and I cannot find that the bill was presented. On May 16, 1621 (four days after the meeting in the Exchequer chamber), the Mayflower returned to England, and the New England Company learned that the Pilgrims and other Mayflower emigrants, sent to South Virginia under authority derived from the popular charters, had been landed within their bounds. These colonists had no grant from that company authorizing them to settle there, and the company acknowledged this fact by issuing what is known as " the First Plymouth Patent," on June 11, 1621, to the same John Pierce to whom the Virginia Company had granted the patent (with which they sailed) in Feb- ruary, 1620. Between the departure and the return of the Mayflower, the two colonization companies had become, under their agreement of November, 1620, mutually inter- ested in protecting these fisheries from interlopers; and whether the landing of the Pilgrims in New England was by policy or by providence, the Virginia Company, as a body, must have been more disposed to aid than to oppose the transaction ; for the actual settling of a plantation within the bounds of the grant was necessary to secure the title, and to strengthen their case against interlopers. In the official report of the ships sent out by the Virginia Company in 1620, the Mayflower is included ; but I have found no actual protest in their records against the land- ing of ships and emigrants in New England. Sandys, who was mainly instrumental in sending them to Virginia, may have done so ; but he was soon put in the toils and debarred from proceeding in these matters. The captain, Thomas Jones, and the pilot, John Clarke, remained in the employment of the Virginia Company. They did not oppose, so far as I can find, the granting of the first Plymouth patent in lieu of their patent to Pierce. Of the five known signers to this patent, Warwick and Sheffield were then members of the Virginia Council. Gorges I ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 425 himself was a member of both companies ; and Collingwood, "the " clerke/* who attested the instrument, was really then the secretary of the Virginia Company. The Virginia court did not even revoke the original Pierce patent, but soon after his Plymouth patent was sent to New England they gave him the option of using his Virginia patent in Virginia if he wished to do so. The colonization companies were coming to an accord, but the contest as to jurisdiction between the crown and the Commons continued. During the vacation of Parlia- ment and two days after the arrest of Sandys (the champion of the Commons), on June 28, the Privy Council again took the Cape Cod fishery case in hand, confirmed the orders of Lenox and Arundell of March 26, and of the Council Board of July 31, 1620, and further ordered " that both the Southern and Northern Colonies should have freedom of the shore for drying of their fish, and to have wood for their necessary uses, by the assignment of the governors at reasonable rates. Lastly that the patent of the Northern Plantation shall be renewed according to the premises, and those of the Southern Plantation to have a sight thereof before it be engrossed. Aiid the former pa- tent to he delivered into the hands of the patentees,'^ The crown was now showing its hand 5 Sandys, who had ap- pealed to the Commons, had been arrested, the proposed new Virginia patent had been suppressed, and Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges and his party, who had appealed to the crown, were at last to have their patent delivered to them. And this was probably done on that day, June 28, 1621. The Fortune, the first ship sent out under this patent,, was at once made ready, and finally sailed from England early in August, carrying emigrants and the first patent to the colony at Plymouth, which Weston wrote to Carver was " the best we could do, better than your former, and with less Hmitation." This Plymouth patent enabled the Pilgrims to remain in New England. It conveyed to them the first legal right to make a settlement there. 426 UNDER THE COMPANY The Virginia court of July 20 gave Captain Isaac Mad- ison two shares ; Mrs. Christopher Newport, the widow of "our Captaine/' thirty-five shares (being the largest number of shares given any one), and Thomas Webb was allowed three shares. At the Virginia court, July 26, Dr. John Potts, upon the recommendation of Dr. Gulstone, was chosen to succeed Dr. Bohun as " physician generall " to the company in Virginia. Having been informed of the deaths of Dr. Bohun, Mr. Oldsworth, and Mr. Tracy, of the Council of State in Virginia, the court now appointed, in their places, " Dr. John Potts, Mf Leech, Rev. Mr Paulett and Captain Roger Smith, to be as provisional counsellors till they may receive confirmation at the next quarter court, and their names be inserted in the commissions." Rev. Francis Bol- ton had previously agreed to go as minister, and at this court the Rev. Hawte Wyatt, a brother to the governor, en- tered into a like agreement. Sir Thomas Roe and others had farmed the importation of tobacco, which, as we have seen, met with so much op- position, at j£15,500. At the end of their first year they determined to surrender their contract. On July 31, 1621, Buckingham wrote to Lord Treasurer Cranfield : " The King's rent of £15,500 for tobacco, is in danger to be lost, or at best to decline much, and all the money spent about the plantations of Virginia and Burmoothes will be lost, if there be not some present course taken to restrain the planting of tobacco, here in England." The contract was finally given to Mr. Jacob, but at a less sum. The great preparations which the company had been making for sending their new governor to Virginia were now completed. The court of August 3 signed and sealed duplicates of the following : Commissions to the governor (Wyatt), to the treasurer (George Sandys), to the secretary (Davison), and to Mr. John Pountis to be vice-admiral of Virginia, as also the instructions to each of them. " An ordinance and constitution of The Treasurer, Council and ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 427 Company in England for a Council of State and General Assembly in Virginia/' was also signed ; but this was pro- bably the same as the original ordinance of November 28, 1619, with the names of the present governor and Council of State inserted. At this court Mr. Anthony Withers was admitted, and Francis Carter passed one share to Row- land Truelove and one to Tobias Cooper. At a general court on August 4 the company's letter to the colonial authorities in Virginia was signed. Cap- tain William Norton and others entered into an agreement to set up a glass-furnace within three months after their arrival, and to be ready to sail in fourteen days. On August 6 there was a meeting of the magazine adven- turers ; present, Mr. Alderman Johnson, Sir John Wolsten- holme, Mr. Deputy Ferrar, Mr. Wroth, Mr. Wrote, Mr. Gibbs, and many others. Sir Francis Wyatt sailed, within a day or so after, in the George, with another ship, proba- bly the Charles, in consort. In July, 1621, Jesse de Forest, in behalf of certain Wal- loons and French residing in the Netherlands, who were desirous to go into Virginia, presented a petition to Sir Dudley Carleton, the ambassador of Great Britain at the Hague, which he inclosed in a letter of July 29 to Secre- tary Calvert, expressing himself as favoring the project. He also wrote at the same time to Sir Dudley Digges, of the Virginia Council : " Here are in these countries sixty famihes and upwards, men of all trades and conditions, Walloons and French, all of the Reformed Religion, who desire to go into Virginia, and to this purpose have em- ployed one unto me with their demands and signatures, which I now send into England to Mr. Secretary Calvert, to acquaint his Majesty therewith ; and if his Majesty like thereof, these men will send one expressly into England to treat with our Virginia Company, to which they may surely be of singular use, if some equal conditions may be found out for their transport thither." Secretary Calvert referred the petition to his Majesty's 428 UNDER THE COMPANY Council for Virginia, who sent in their reply signed by John Ferrar, deputy, August 21. This petition came in at a bad time, in the long vacation, and just after large and expensive supplies had been sent to Virginia. It was at once sent by Calvert to Carleton, inclosed in a letter in which he writes : " I moved his Majesty concerning the overture made by the Walloons for planting in Virginia, and he was pleased to refer the proposition unto the Coun- cil of Virginia ; and from them he has this ansAver [which he sends to Carleton], subscribed by the Deputy of the Company, and as they like the answer, they may resolve to proceed or desist." Late in August the committee of the company sent a letter to the authorities in Virginia by the Marmaduke, in which they write : " We have received from his Majesty a Petition exhibiting unto him by certain Frenchmen and Walloons desires to inhabit in Virginia : We have considered of these propositions and have returned them so fine an answer as we consider they will resolve to go, they wilbe 60 families, consisting of about 300 persons, you may expect them coming about the next spring. We hope they wilbe a great strength to the Colony." On September 21 the committee again wrote to Virginia, and sent the letter by the Warwick, which sailed in consort with the Tiger. At the Virginia court of November 3 commissions were granted to the Bona Nova, Discovery, God's Helpe, and Elizabeth, to go first to Virginia, and then to make fishing voyages. Kev. Mr. Patrick Copland was admitted, and three shares given him. November 9, there was a meeting of the committee; present, Mr. Deputy Ferrar, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Wrote, Mr. Ayers, Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, and Mr. Roberts. They re- ported to the court the next day. They were now again having trouble with the king about tobacco. At the court Mr Deputy exhorted the Company not to be discouraged for he hoped that God had still a hand in the protection of Virginia, who turned all things for the best, when divers ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621— JUNE 1, 1622 429 other projects, formerly in their first appearance, seemed to tend to the very destruction of the plantation, and there- fore hoped that having put their hands to the plough they would not now look back and be weary of well doing, for the action itself was such as he knew no man, but con- fessed it most Christian, honorable and glorious, and of high consequence to this Commonwealth. And though they might seem to have cast their bread upon the waters, yet after many days he doubted not but they should find it again to their great Comfort. The rather in regard their Lordships [the Privy Council] professed to wish the pros- perity of the Plantation, from whom we may not despair of help or redress upon further information. That albeit the Company's stock being well nigh exhausted, was able to do but little this present year for sending of people to Virginia, yet it pleased God to stir up so many worthy minds for the advancement of this noble action, as there was no less — within the space of these six months — than twenty sail, with those that were already gone, and that would after Christmas, set out for the plantation, whereby above one thousand persons will be transported, whereof near nine hundred went upon private men's charges." Anthony Gosnold, Jr., was allowed two shares for £25 adventured, and one share for his personal adventure ; but touching the merit of his person he was referred to the committee appointed for rewarding of men upon their good deservings. The court recommended the translation and printing (to be sent into Virginia) of the treatise on the making of silk, etc., written by " Mr. Bonnell the French- |man master of the Kings' Silk-works at Oatland. One [thousand acres allotted to a School; Anthony Gosnold [allowed three shares — He passed one to Kobert Gosnold and one to Roger Castle." November 17, an unknown person agreed to contribute forty shilhngs annually for a sermon to be preached before the Virginia Company in Michaelmas term, and desired that Rev. John Davenport might preach the first sermon. 430 UNDER THE COMPANY At the Virginia court of November 24, Mr. Churchill Moore (or Moone) transferred eight shares : four to Charles Cratford (or Crafford), Esq., two to Richard Chetle (or Chedle), Esq., and two to William Wheat, Esq. ; Francis Carter passed one share each to the following : Robert Che- tonly, gent. ; James Woodcott, Rev. George Butler, Isaac Gold, John Karby, Thomas Wilson, and George Cornish. The court agreed to have the annual sermon on that even- ing, and after the sermon it was also agreed to sup together. Was this the first Thanksgiving sermon and supper ? The Michaelmas quarter court, December 1, gave two shares to Mr. Waterhouse ; confirmed the lands to such adventurers as transported Captain Norton and his people for setting up a glass-furnace in Virginia ; confirmed John Pountis as vice-admiral in Virginia for three years from date, and allotted 300 acres of land and twelve tenants to that office ; sealed nine patents to adventurers and planters for 1200 persons to be transported to Virginia ; commis- sioned the Bona Nova, the Hopewell, the Garland, and the Discovery to go first to Virginia, and after for a fishing voyage ; and approved five subscription rolls : first, for setting up a glass-furnace in Virginia, <£500 ; second, for a magazine for provisions of apparel and other necessaries for the colony, £1800; third, for sending of maids to Vir- ginia to be made wives, which the planters there did very much desire, £800 ; fourth, for the trade for furs in Dela- ware and Hudson rivers, etc., £900; and fifth, for the building of pinnaces, boats, and dwelling-houses for the use of the planters, ...(?). The subscribers to these rolls were to receive their ratable share of profits according to their adventure. The company wrote a letter to the authorities in Vir- ginia on December 6, and sent it by the Discovery ; an- other letter, of December 15, was sent by the Bona Nova and Hopewell, which sailed in consort. On May 19, 1621, the Earl of Southampton had suc- ceeded Sir Thomas Smythe as governor of the Somers ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 431 Islands Company, and the administration of that company was now in the hands of the Sandys party. Under the tobacco contract with Sir Thomas Roe and others (1620- 21,) the Virginia and Somers Islands companies were per- mitted to bring only 55,000 pounds of tobacco into England, and therefore the Somers Islands Company was permitted to bring in the whole amount, and Virginia had set up a trade in the Netherlands for Virginia tobacco at Middel- burgh. On October 22, 1621, the Privy Council sent a message to the Virginia Company, " that it was complained unto that board that the Company had set up a trade at Amsterdam and brought thither all their commodities from Virginia." The court of October 25 replied " that they never sent any commodities to Amsterdam, but for such tobacco as came from Virginia this year they had carried it to Middle- brough, being restrained by the King's proclamation and order from that table from bringing any into this King- dom this year." " And touching their Lordships pro- position of bringing all commodities into England," they replied at length, at the court of October 27, " that it was impossible to do this, and to be required thereto would be a great inconvenience and hindrance to the Plantation," etc., concluding, " 8, and Lastly, it is not in our power to conclude this great business, wherein above a thousand adventurers here in England and almost four thousand inhabitants in Virginia have their interest. " For the rest, they humbly beseech your Lordships to believe that they afPect no foreign trades with any neigh- bour more than in case of necessity and for the better sustaining and advancement of the Colony ; but shall always endeavour such a mutual trade between England and Virginia as shall stand with the honour and benefit of both ; and so humbly desire your Lordships to conceive of them. That they chiefly aim at God's glory, the good of this Kingdom, the advancement of his Majesty's honour, and speedy increase of his Highness' s profit and revenue. 432 UNDER THE COMPANY "For whicli ends they have, out of their own private states (besides their labour and time), expended above one hundred thousand pounds, without return of profit or of any part of the principal itself to any one of the adven- turers to their knowledge, and yet doubt not, but by God's blessing, his Majesty's accustomed gracious favour, and your Lordships honourable furtherance, in short time to bring this great work to a good perfection." When this answer was presented to the Privy Council they rephed " that they did not intend the Company should give answer touching the bringing in all their commodities, but only that of tobacco, whereby the King's last year's revenue might be still upheld. And therefore required the Company on Wednesday next to return their answer, whether they would bring in all their tobacco to England or none at all, or otherwise to accommodate the business with Mr Jacob." October 29, some of the company had a conference with Mr. Jacob (who had taken the tobacco contract for the year), who advised them to bring in their tobacco ; but they reached no definite conclusion. November 1, the com- mittee held a consultation over the matter, and on the 3d the court approved the humble answer of the Virginia Com- pany to the Privy Council, touching the bringing in or not bringing in of all their tobacco from Virginia into Eng- land ; which was presented to the Lords that afternoon in the name of the company. " They beseech the Privy Coun- cil for free liberty to bring into England, or not to bring in, their tobacco according as they shall find it most advan- tageous and beneficial unto the plantation." But if this was not satisfactory, " altho' to their own very great preju- dice, they will for this year restrain themselves and forbear to bring in any tobacco at all from Virginia this year ensu- ing." But their lordships " termed it an undutiful answer, and commanded them on their perils to bring in all their tobacco." Against which " Deputy Ferrar and the rest alledged all the reasons that were so often in the court dis- ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 433 cussed, of impossibility, inconveniency, and the supposed overthrow of the plantation." The Privy Council at once issued their " order against carrying the products of Vir- ginia to Foreign Countries before landing in England and his Majesty's customs paid therefor." But after the coun- i ter arguments the order was respited for four months, " which time being expired to be duly kept," etc. It was signed by the lord archbishop of Canterbury (Abbot), : Lord Keeper Williams, Lord Treasurer Cranfield, Lord Pre- \ sident Montague, Lord Carew, Mr. Treasurer Edmondes, I Mr. Secretary Calvert, Master of the Rolls Caesar, and Sir i Richard Weston. ] Sir Edwin Sandys afterwards said " that he had often i debated this proposition in private with the Lord Treasurer, ■ unto whom the impossibility of bringing all in was appar- i ently shewed in respect the commodities in Virginia had > three several sorts of owners, viz : — Eirst, the Company ; I secondly, particular Hundreds belonging to adventurers in , i/ England ; thirdly, private planters residing in Virginia. I Over which two latter sorts the Company had no power at all to restrain them by law, and divers of them having ships ; of their own, it was not in the Company's power to prevent ; them to carry their goods whither they please. But yet he | told the Lord Treasurer that such a moderate and fair ) course might be taken as to induce them all willingly to : bring in their commodities, namely : if his Majesty would be so graciously pleased as to afford them the like privi- leges and favour as the King of Spain did to his Colonies in the West Indies, viz*' : that what commodities the plan- ; tations shall be able to serve this Kingdom with may be ! prohibited from being brought in from foreign parts. [San- ; dys, a free-trader in some things, was as to others a pro- i tectionist.] Without such a qualification he said his opin- ■'. ion was the bringing in of all commodities was a proposition ; extremely prejudicial to the plantations." i The report of the conduct of the tobacco, etc., case with \ the Privy Council was read to the Michaelmas quarter court 1 434 UNDER THE COMPANY (December 1) and approved. The court was not hopeful of securing the demands from the crown, but thought that the Parliament (the Commons) might happily effect some- thing which might ease the company of that care and labor. A choice and large committee of thirty-one members of the company (being members of Parliament and merchants mostly) was appointed by this court to manage this busi- ness, and, under their care, the order of November 3, 1621, lay dormant until March, 1623. December 14, 1621, Lord Treasurer Cranfield wrote to Buckingham : " I have agreed with the farmers of tobacco for this year, for £8,000, and have told them to bring in but 60,000 lbs, and have left the Virginia and Bour- moothes, free to bring in without restraint, and his Majesty to have the benefit of the impost. . . . This is £2,000 more than could be gotten by the Lords at Hampton Court. . . . The Virginia and Burmoothes Company have no rea- son to complain, there being no restraint, but they left to free trade." It is curious to note that many of the same questions which have agitated our great republic in our day, also prevailed in the embryo republic of our founders nearly 300 years ago, — free trade, protection, monopolies, free elections, tobacco taxes, the negro, etc. On December 29 (the day on which James I. adjourned Parliament), at a Virginia court, Francis Carter passed two shares to Robert Hall and one share to Richard Delbridge. The petition for the new Virginia charter (see p. 397) was duly presented to the king by Doncaster, and the mat- ter was considered by the Privy Council ; but I have found no evidence that the warrant asked for was ever sent by the king or his Council to the attorney-general, or that the charter was ever presented to ParHament for confirmation. The particulars are meagre, but it seems more than probable that " those new clauses," which Sandys wished to make " secure " by having them confirmed by Act of Parliament, were among the causes of coming troubles. ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 435 On June 14, the king prorogued the Parliament to No- vember 30. On June 26 (during recess) the Earl of South- ampton, Sir Edwin Sandys, and John Selden were arrested. It is said that " the studies of the last two were presently searched for Parliament notes and papers." July 10, it was reported that " a proclamation was to be made to let the people know that Sandys is not restrained for his ser- vice in Parliament, but for other personal matters." The party was released on July 28, 1621. During the imprisonment of Southampton and Sandys the affairs of the Virginia courts were under the charge of Sir John Danvers, aided by the two Ferrar brothers. Early in September, Gorges and the other managers of the fishing case, who placed their hopes on the crown, will- ingly consented for the king to grant away the northeast- ern portion of their New England patent, and, on Septem- ber 20, James I. granted to Sir William Alexander the patent for Nova Scotia (New Scotland) to be held of the Crown of Scotland, "the King's own dear native land." October 8, the Privy Council sent an official letter to the mayors of the port towns relative to encroachments on cer- tain clauses in the New England charter ; requiring them to conform to the ordinances which had been estabHshed under the authority of his Majesty's letters patent, and ending with : " Neverthelesse it is hereby intended and soe ordered, that the agreement made by order of this Board between them of New England and Virginia shall in all re- spects be duly observed by either partie." The colonies were thus mutually interested in keeping off the outside " free fisher." In 1622, Captain Francis West, of Virginia, was commissioned by the Council of New England to expel interlopers from these fisheries, and the fishing vessels sent from the settled colony in Virginia constantly carried needed supplies to the early planters of New England. On November 6, the Privy Council wrote to Gorges and others, giving them authority for ordering the fishing fleet. And under the authority thus given them by the crown, 436 UNDER THE COMPANY they soon after stayed some ships which were ready to go forth. But the turn of the Commons was now at hand. Parliament reassembled on November 30, and Mr. Mal- lory soon rose in the House and said that he " misseth Sir Edwin Sandys. Moveth we may know what is become of him," On the same day, Mr. Glanvyle (M. P. for Tavistock) " moveth to speed the Bill of fishing upon the coasts of America; the rather because Sir Per. Gorges hath exe- cuted a Patent sithence the Recess [the patent to Pierce and others sent by the Fortune]. And hath by Letters from the Lords of the Council stayed the ships ready to go forth/' etc. The question was debated by Mr. Neale, Sir Warwick Heale (of the New England Council), Sir Edward Coke, and Sir Thomas Wentworth. It was ordered that the patent should be brought to the committee for griev- ances upon Friday, December 4, etc. ; but the patent, which had now been dehvered to Gorges by order of the crown, was not brought, so the matter was again continued. Sir Edwin Sandys being still absent, on December 11, " Sir Peter Hayman and Sir James Mallory were appointed by the House of Commons to go into Kent, and see what state he is in, and if he is sick, indeed, to return his answer, whether he were committed and examined about anything done in Parliament, or about any parliamentary Business." Sir George Moore said : " Unworthy to live, that would betray the Privileges of this House. This our principal Freedom. Never, in all his Time, Knew greater care to pre- serve their Liberties than this Assembly." The causes for these arrests may not be certainly known. The Parliament was assured by Calvert that " neither San- dys nor Selden had been imprisoned for any Parliament matter." What answer was returned by Sandys from Kent I do not know. In Peckard's " Ferrar " it is stated dis- tinctly that " the matter was the Virginia business ; " that " Gondomar and the King had now agreed upon the de- struction of the Virginia Company ; " that Sandys " had ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 437 taken Selden's opinion upon the words of the [new] char- ter, and his direction how to oppose the underminers of it to the best advantage." Arthur Wodenoth's account is to the same effect ; that they " were committed close pris- oners upon private assumed suggestions, which struck some terrour into most undertakers for Virginia." It was also asserted that Sandys was " opposed to monarchicall govern- ment in general, and designed to make a free popular State in Virginia." I have tried in vain to find the text of this most impor- tant " proposed new charter for Virginia." I could not find a trace of it in the records of the attorney-general, solicitor- general. Privy Council or anywhere else in England. The impression on my mind is that the contest over it was of the gravest character and of the greatest consequence. Every vestige of it seems to have been obliterated from the public records of England more effectually even than the page soon after torn from the Commons journal by the hands of the king. So far as I have been able to find out, it was never permitted really to reach Parliament. Circum- stances indicate that this charter which the Virginia Com- pany proposed to make secure by having it confirmed by act of the power then disposed to oppose a too arbitrary " monarchicall government," was even more popular than the charter of 1612. And that it was at least one of the causes of the aforesaid arrests is rendered still more prob- able by the fact that the result of the arrest of Sandys was the suppression of this charter. The effort to have the in- creasingly popular ideas of Sandys confirmed by Parhament must have been very displeasing to James I. It was also asserted that " Sandys was arrested for hav- ing spoken in Parliament in defence of the Liberty of the subject." The New England Charter was a Parliament matter. It had been objected to because it monopolized the trade of the New England coasts and the fishing in the sea. For these reasons Sandys had opposed it, because he felt it to be "his duty to protect the rights of the 438 UNDER THE COMPANY subject against the encroachments of the crown." His remonstrance against the king's conduct towards his first Parhament (1604-1611) shows that he had adopted the principles of liberty at an early age. Mr. John Selden was not then a member of Parliament, and I do not know that he had taken any part in the controversy over the New England Charter ; but in the fall of 1622, Alderman John- son and himself assisted that company in drafting their new grand patent. On December 28, the clause in the New England Patent against free fishing was again being considered. On the same day the king sent the noted letter, which was an- swered "by the dim candle-light in the gloom of that December afternoon " by the memorable protestation, as- serting " That the Liberties, Franchises, Privileges and Jurisdictions of Parliament are the ancient and undoubted birthright and inheritance of the subjects of England, that the affairs of the King and the State, of the defence of the realm, and of the Church of England, the making of laws, the redress of grievances, are proper subjects of debate in Parliament ; that in handling such business every member of the House hath — and of right ought to have, /reefiom of speech, and that every member hath like freedom from all impeachment, imprisonme7it, and molestation, except by the ceiisure of the House itself J^ One of the last acts of this House of Commons, on the last day of its sitting (December 29) was to " Request Mr. Treasurer [Cranfield] to influence the King to suspend the Patent of Sir Ferd. Gorges, which restrains fishing on the coasts of New England." The king adjourned the House on that day, and finally dissolved it at the instiga- tion of Gondomar. For the next two years the crown (the king and Council) ruled the realm, and the two colonial companies ruled the fishing at Cape Cod as well as they could. January 9, 1622 (N. S.), James I. went to Whitehall, sent for the journals of the House, and, in the presence of ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 439 the Privy Council and of the judges, tore out with his own hands the page on which the protestation of the Commons was written. Gondomar regarded this open breach between the crown and the Commons as " the best thing that has happened in the interests of Spain and the CathoHc religion since Luther began to preach heresy a hundred years ago." It was during this session of Parliament, in connection with the consideration of the proposed new Virginia charter to be confirmed by Parliament (as a protection against the whims of the king), the arrest of Sandys, etc., that James I., under the guidance of his Privy Council (or a part of them) and the royal party, and, it was said, under the influence of Gondomar (being now convinced that the Virginia courts were "a Seminary of Sedition"), deter- mined to annul the popular rights of the Virginia Company as soon as he could find a fair pretext for doing so. Mr. John Ferrar, in the Life of his brother Nicholas, which was left in manuscript, because it could not have been published at that time, refers to these matters. He says that " the Marquis of Hamilton and the Earl of Pembroke solemnly af&rmed to the Earl of Southampton, that they heard Gon- domar say to the King : ' That it was time for him to look to the Virginia Courts which were kept at the Ferrars' house, where too many of his Nobility and Gentry resorted to accompany the popular Lord Southampton, and the dangerous Sandys. That though they might have a fair pretence for their meetings, yet he would find in the end that Court would prove a seminary for a seditious Parlia- ment. That they were deep politicians, and had farther designs than a Tobacco plantation. That their proceedings in the issue might cause, if not timely prevented, occasions of difference between his Majesty, and his Master the King of Spain. For he had heard rumours, that once being become numerous, they intended to step beyond their limits ; and for aught he knew they might visit his master's mines. Adding, that he had occasion of late to have a conference with the managers concerning a ship laden with 440 UNDER THE COMPANY Silver, which was cast away [this conference was in Feb- ruary, 1622, about the Sancto Antonio, a Spanish ship, wrecked on the Bermudas] ; and that he found them subtle men, men of high courage, men who no way regarded either his master [the king of Spain] or their own master [the king of England].' These lords, therefore, then advised Lord Southampton [the treasurer of the Virginia Company] to be upon his guard," etc. It was soon reported in London that " one of the de- mands of the King of Spain in view of the proposed alli- ance between Prince Charles and his daughter was that James I. should surrender unto Spain, Virginia and the Bermudas and altogether quit the West Indies ; " that is, America. It may be that Gondomar, in prejudicing James I. against the Virginia courts, was trying to make it the easier for the king to surrender his American colonies; but the so long continued bartering about " the Spanish match " seems to have had nothing more than diplomatic results. Gondomar' s connection with the controversy between the crown and the Commons during the last Parliament was his culminating act in England. He finally left for Spain in May, 1622, never to return to England again. Each party in the Virginia Company was now accusing the other of being under Spanish influence, and some members of each party may have been ; but how far either party, as a party, was justified in using ^^ Spanish influ- ence " as a weapon against the other is open to the ques- tion. In the course of time, circumstances and occasions produced changes in the parties themselves, and the evi- dence is not sufficient to enable us to draw the party lines clearly at all times, if at all ; but there had been for several 1 years two parties within the company contending for the control of the company, of the tobacco trade, etc., and it came to pass (then as now) that each party was willing to \ use any weapon likely to aid in defeating the other. Prior \ to 1618 the managers of the enterprise seem to have ; I ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621— JUNE 1, 1622 441 received the support of both national parties and to have bent their undivided efforts toward the success of the movement ; but James I. had no faith in Sandys, whom he regarded as " a crafty man with an ambitious design," and he granted the Sandys party no favors. He only made a pretence of suppressing the New England charter and of granting a new patent to the Virginia Company to be con- firmed by Act of Parliament. Owing to the king's oppo- sition and " to the inquisition of the Privy Council many Lords and others of all ranks of the more timorous nature fell from the true sense and justice of the work chiefly intendedy^ and these dissatisfied and ex-members of the company were now forming a party which finally aided the court party in having the enterprise resumed by the crown. On February 7, 1622, Mr. Balmford was given two shares; and Mr. Evans passed two shares to Thomas Newton. In February, 1620, " Dust and Ashes " contributed £550 for establishing a school for the education and conversion of the Indians in Virginia. On February 7, 1622, he wrote to the company to know what had been done in the matter, and promising £450 more for the same purpose under cer- tain conditions. The Virginia court of February 9, 1622, replied that, after serious deliberation over several proposi- tions, it was finally concluded (in the spring of 1620), as best to employ " the said money together with a much larger sum out of the Southampton Hundred Society's purse toward the furnishing out of Captain Bluet and his Company, being eighty able, very suf&cient workmen, with all manner of pro- visions for setting up of an iron-work in Virginia, whereof the profits accruing were ordered in a ratable proportion to be employed for the educating of thirty of the infidels' children in Christian religion, as the donor had required ; to which end they writ very effectual letters unto Sir George Yeardley, then Governor of Virginia, and Captain also of Southampton plantation, commending the work," etc. 442 UNDER THE COMPANY " But Captain Bluet, dying soon after his arrival, was a great setting back of the iron- work; but a fresh supply had been sent thereto, and they hoped that the gentleman would finally receive good satisfaction." Sir Edwin Sandys wished that the gentleman would make himself known, so that there might be a meeting between him or his friends and the Southampton Hundred Society, that, all things being fully debated, some constant course might be resolved on and pursued to the perfecting of this most pious work. Late in 1618, Captain Martin Pring, of the Royal James, joined his fleet to Sir Thomas Dale's fleet in the East Indies, the whole being under Dale's chief command. At Dale's death, on August 19, 1619, at Masulipatam, Pring succeeded him in command. While his ship, the Royal James, was at the Cape of Good Hope, on the return to England, her chaplain, the Rev. Patrick Copland (whom Dale had interested in Virginia while they were serving together in the East Indies), gathered from the gentlemen and mariners in the said ship the sum of .£70 8s 6d towards the building of a free school in Virginia. The ship reached the Downs, September 28, 1621, and Lon- don soon after. For his services in this matter, and for his letter to the same purport to diverse factories in the East Indies, the Virginia court, of November 3, admitted Mr. Copland a free brother of the Virginia Company. At a meeting of the committee on November 9, it was decided to use the money in the building of a school rather than a church; that the school should be called the East India School, and located in the corporation of Charles City. An unknown person contributed £30 to make the £70 an even £100. The Virginia court the next day ratified the acts | of the committee, and the quarter court of December 1 confirmed them. The money was then paid to the Earl of Southampton, the treasurer, and the court added 1000 acres of land in Virginia to the said free school. At the next quarter court, February 9, 1622, a " person, not willing as yet to be knowne," sent £25 in gold " to helpe i: h ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621— JUNE 1, 1622 443 forward the East Indie Schoole ; " and " the gentlemen and mariners that lately came home from the East Indies in the two ships called the Hart and Roe-Backe, being at the Cape of Good Hope, homeward bound, gave towards the building of the aforesaid Free-schoole in Virginia the summe of £66 13s 4c?/' making a total of £192 Is lOd ($4800?). I suppose these sums to have been given as thank-offerings for having safely rounded the Cape. The Virginia court of March 23, 1622, agreed with Mr. Dike for the usher's place in the East India free school intended at Charles City, in Virginia ; and if he proved to be com- petent he was to be confirmed in the place of the master of the said school, and allowed one hundred acres of land as his own proper inheritance, the company to furnish books for the school, for which he was to be accountable, and for the children, for which their parents were to be answerable. Mr. Dike did not go, and the company had afterwards to make other arrangements. The Virginia court of December 29, 1621, took into their consideration Mr. John Brinsley's *' Consolation for our Grammar Schooles," especially designed '^ for the more speedie attaining of our English tongue" by people of such rude countries as Ireland, Wales, Virginia, and the Somers Islands. Sir John Wolstenholme, and others of Martin's Hundred society, proposing to send a large supply to Virginia, a court was called on February 1, 1622, to advance their ob- ject ; and the quarter court of the 9th renewed their patent according to that already given to Southampton Hundred. At the Somers Islands court on February 16, a committee was appointed to manage the matter of the land which the Virginia Company proposed giving them, " in consideration of the great defect of the quantity of Land in the Sum- mer-Islands." ^ ^ It so happened that they failed to the Crown to grant them the northern secure this land; and in July, 1639, the neck of Virginia, in consideration of Somers Islands Company petitioned the premises ; but this also failed. 444 UNDER THE COMPANY February 22, 1622, the mayor of Plymouth wrote to the lord treasurer, requesting fulfillment of his promise " that they may not be interrupted by Sir Ferdinando Gorges in their fishery for Virginia, the western ports having little employment for the people but in shipping." At the court of February 9, Captain John Martin, of Virginia, presented a petition signed by the earls of Pem- broke, Warwick, Leicester, Montgomery, and Sheffield, Sir Robert Mansell, Sir Thomas Smythe, Captain Francis West, William St. John, Robert Johnson, Samuel Argall, and William Canning, asking the court to confirm Martin's old patent unto him. The reply was made at the court of March 23, " refusing to do this, but saying that if he would surrender his old patent, a new one would be given him of all his land with as large and ample priviledges as any other hath, which favour all but himself had most willingly accepted of." After the Sandys administration came in all the old patents had been called in and altered to suit the views of the new officials ; but Martin continued to refuse to submit to this. At the Virginia court, February 23, 1622, Sir John Wol- stenholme passed three shares to John Harrison ; Sir Ed- mond Harwell three shares to Mr. Francis Harwell ; Mr. John Clarke admitted, and two shares given him ; Francis Carter passed two shares to Francis Goodwin, and one to Oliver Mordon (or Morton) ; to Mr. Thomas Bulkeley two shares in the right of Sir Richard Bulkeley; and Mrs. Elizabeth Berkeley was allowed five and one half shares of £12 10s per share. At the court of March 9, Hildebrand Pruson passed one share to Thomas Pemble; Edward Faucett three to Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, and Mr. Scott three to Mr. Patrick Cop- land. . At the court of March 23, Captain Thomas Each was ad- mitted, and five shares given him ; Joane Read was allowed one hundred acres, due to her father, deceased ; Francis Carter passed one share to Philip Wood, and six shares of ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 445 Mr. Hamor's to Thomas Melling, and Captain Hamor passed two shares to Henry Hutchinson. At the court of March 30, John Dennis was admitted. At the court of April 6, Sir Anthony Pell and his lady passed two shares to William Savill ; Edmond Brudenell two shares to Francis, his son ; Thomas Melling two shares to Mr. Kobert Jefferyes, and Francis Carter passed nine shares, as follows : three to Mr. Paulsted, two to George Mole, gent., two to John Bowater, one to Richard Stevens, and one to Mr. Richard Markham. The company had at first chosen Richard Norwood to go as a surveyor to Virginia, but afterward determined to send him as an engineer to fortify that colony as he had done the Bermudas. On April 8, 1622, the earls of Pem- broke and of Warwick, William Lord Cavendish, Sir E. Sackville, William Lord Paget, Sir Edwin Sandys, Lord Brooke, and Sir Nathaniel Rich, of his Majesty's Council for Virginia, wrote to Sir Dudley Carleton : " Forasmuch as Richard Norwood who presents this letter hath ap- proved himself to be a man skilful as well in setting out the forms of towns & fortifications as also in framing of sundry useful and necessary engines, they have therefore thought fit and the rather for his faithful and able service to the Virginia Company heretofore^ to employ him as an engineer in that Plantation. Nevertheless, knowing the Netherlands to afford store of ingenious inventions of that kind, they have determined before his going that he shall spend some few weeks in those parts thereby to improve that quality of his for the better performance of the ser- vice he hath undertaken. And they entreat Carleton to further him with passports and letters of favour for his more easy passage, and more free access to view such works as may serve for his instruction." From this letter it seems that he had previously done faithful service in Virginia, as we know that he had done in the Bermudas, and proba- bly of the same kind. He may have gone to Virginia with Argall in 1617, but I have not the particulars. T^ OF THB 'r UNIVERSITY 446 UNDER THE COMPANY Captain John Bargrave, like many others, had lost by his personal ventures to Virginia. In the summer of 1618 he brought suit against the officers of the company to re- cover his losses from them ; and they entered a counter suit against him to recover his debt due the company. The case went through the Virginia courts; then into chancery; and, in 1621, Bargrave presented to the committees for grievances of the lower house of Parliament, " the humble petition in the behalf of himself, the absent Planters in Virginia, &• all other adventurers that shall adventure their estates under a government ruled by voyces, where the Governor being corrupt the greatest joint stocke may by practize & faction & so dispose of the government as they may by the means of the instruments thereof monopolize the whole profit that shall arise out of the said adventure into a few private hands," etc. To this petition Sir Thomas Smythe and Alderman Johnson replied in November, 1621 : " Letting pass all paine and Impertinent matter — to the first point material — That Sir Tho : Smith hath framed a tirannical government imposed upon the people in Virginia. " Sir Tho : Smith saith that the comissions given by him as Treasurer and the rest of his Majesties Councell for Vir- ginia, unto Sir Tho. Gates and other the governors sent to Virginia were never otherwise, but expreslie to rule and govern as near as may be according to the laws of Eng- land as by the said Comissions ready to be shewed may apeare. But if any of those printed lawes and articles to which the said Bargrave referreth may seem too severe as upon pain of death to be observed, howsoever being rightly weighed they are justifiable by the laws of England. Yet they were not framed by Sir Tho : Smith as is most un- truly aledged, but by those worthy governors in Virginia, as the very title and printed preface to the book itself sets down. Which laws and Articles Sir Tho: Smith was so far from framing or making them as in a letter written to Capt. Martin one of the first planters and an especial man at that time in Virginia, that he signified his dislike in the ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621— JUNE 1, 1622 447 strickness thereof, fearing it would discourage men from going to the plantation. Yet all the said Governors, viz^ : — the Lord La Warr and Sir Tho : Dale deceased as also Sir Thomas Gates and Capt. Argall, now living and ready to witness did see such a necessity that the said laws should be made and published in some cases ad terrorem and in some to be truly executed," etc. The answer goes on to deny every one of Bargrave's statements. " The books of laws was not directed to be printed by Sir Thomas Smith alone but by sundry of his Majesties Councell for Virginia whereof many are very honorable Lords and Knights, and of this honorable House — That Bargrave did not plant the first private plantation in Va. ; or lose «£3.000 in one voyage there," etc. Then they made countercharges against Bar- grave : That his deputies unfurnished the colony of neces- sary provisions and furnished the Indians with arms by way of trade, etc., as Captain Argall was ready to testify ; that he owed the Company <£500, and had set up this suit in chancery to keep from paying it, etc. " They certify that Sir Tho: Smith and Alderman Johnson had devoted many year's paines for the good of Virginia with their own dis- burstments and great engagements even to this day in the greatest disasters of that plantation, many years before Bargrave's name was known in that work as is ready to be witnessed against him, and those by whom he is animated, to this complaint ; and they pray this honorable committee to determine some way for correcting this corse and easing this their greevance which may be any man's case to be so abused if it be suffered without punishment." The case in chancery had been set for November 20, 1621 ; Smythe and Johnson had their " counsell feed and allthings ready for a hearing," when Bargrave succeeded in obtaining a new day in the next term, and they were protesting against " his dilatorye course " to the grievance committee of Par- liament, which adjourned so soon after that it is prob- able no steps were taken by the House. But in March, 1622, the case was tried by Lord Keeper Williams, Mr. 448 UNDER THE COMPANY Justice Jones, Sir Robert Rich, and Sir Edward Leech, who, finding it matter of state, referred the petitioner (Bargrave) to the Privy Council. In the articles presented to the Privy Council, Bargrave tells them that " the popu- lar government here by voices founded on a joynt stock will (if it be not prevented) lay ye foundation of ye planta- tion in such factions and disordered matter that will make it uncapeable of that form which must hould it to Eng- land, . . . although there hath been of late good laws made to prevent it, and that the government bee now in good hands, yet nothing but the altering of the forme can do it. ... I humblie intreate your Lordships aid in ye obtaining of a Comission from his Majestic for the examining restifying and ordering of the said govern- ment ; That thereby your petitioner may be releaved, the publique wrongs redressed and such a forme settled that doing right to all parties interested in the plantation it may fix the government of Virginia in a dependency on the crowne of England,'' In his letter to the Privy Council, written, it seems, some days after his articles, he tells them that he had " endeavoured to frame a forme of government, to tye Virginia in a dependence on our Crowne of Eng- land'' In his opposition to the popular form of govern- ment under the Virginia charters, he was as anxious to bring about this dependence as our Revolutionary fore- fathers were to dissolve it, and to restore the popular ideas. He refers the Privy Council to his five treatises, which the Virginia courts of March 4, April 22, and June 23, 1621, had considered. He had now succeeded in making his case a matter of state, and on April 22, 1622, the Privy Council ordered the treasurer and Council of Virginia to make answer to his petition and articles with all convenient expedition. After the reports of Dermer's discovery of "the furr trade in Hudson's river " reached England, it seems that both the New England and Virginia companies made pre- parations to take advantage thereof. " Capt. Sam^ Argall ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 M9 with many English planters were preparing to go and settle on Manahata river, when the news reached England that the Dutch had intruded. Whereupon Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and others, made complain to James I.," and on December 25, 1621, the Privy Council issued an order against the Dutch trading to New England, and wrote to Sir Dudley Carleton to protest unto the States General in his Majesty's name against the settlement and trade of the Hollanders in his American possessions. On February 9, 1622, Carleton presented to the States General a memorial of additional complaints against the trade, etc., of their people in the precincts of Virginia. And, on February 15, he reported to the Privy Council, that the Hollanders had a fur trade there ; but he could not learn of any colony either already planted there by these people, or so much as intended. " And I have this further reason to believe there is none, because within these few months divers inhabitants of this country to a considerable num- ber of families have been suitors unto me, to procure them a place of habitation amongst his Majesty's subjects in those parts ; which by his Majesty's order was made known to the Directors of the [Virginia] plantation, and if these country men were in any such way themselves, there is small appearance they would desire to mingle with stran- gers and be subject to their government." Nevertheless he had submitted the matter to the States General, and " when I shall receive their answer I will not fail to adver- tise your Lordships." Prior to this, Carleton had written to Mr. Secretary Calvert on the same subject, who replied, on February 17, that he remembered about the business of the Walloons, but " did not remember you had any direction to treat with the States concerning the new plan- tation of the Hollanders in Virginia." Yet Calvert's name is signed to the Privy Council's letter of December 25, 1621. Carleton again applied to the States for an answer to his proposition relating to Virginia, and, on March 16, they requested Burgomaster Pauw to write to the part- 450 UNDER THE COMPANY ners in the trade to the island of New Netherland for the desired information. Three days after this Carle ton wrote to Calvert that " as yet he had no answer to the complaint, but they have the business in hand before the States in Holland which are now assembled." April 27, 1622, the States passed a resolution on Carleton's communication to the effect that it should " be examined, too^ether with what has been pubKshed in print at Amsterdam on this subject." Sir Ferdinando Gorges says that the final reply of the States was to the effect, " that they knew of no such thing [as a settlement on the Hudson], if there were any, it was without their authority, and that they onely had enacted the [West India] company for the affaires of the West- Indies." The States had frequently authorized ships to trade between Virginia and New France (40° and 45° north latitude), which they called New Netherland, and the Dutch West India Company (chartered June 3, 1621) was now being organized. It is probable that the replies to Carle- ton were purposely dilatory. Before the reply to the Wal- loons (of August 21, 1621) from the Virginia Company in England was received in Holland the Dutch West India Company was making ready for permanent business, and the Walloons soon appealed to that company, probably because they did not " desire to mingle with strangers." On April 21, 1622, the company made a favorable report " relative to the FamiHes to be conveyed to the West In- dies ; " that is, America. On August 27, Jesse de Forrest, the leader of the Walloons, who now wished to emigrate to the Dutch claim in America, was commissioned by the States of Holland " to enroll colonists and their families " for this purpose, and in 1623 they settled New Amsterdam (New York). At the Virginia courts of March 9 and 23, and of April 6 and 13, good news from Virginia was read to the com- pany : of the safe arrival of Sir Francis Wyatt ; of the good progress of all things there ; of the safe return of the Marmaduke, the George, the Warwick, etc. Whereupon ENGLAND, MAY 12, 1621 — JUNE 1, 1622 451 " it was resolved* that a sermon should be preached to ex- press the company's thankfulness unto God for this His great and extraordinary blessing [the arrival of nine ships in Virginia during November and December, and the safe landing of 800 persons, which were sent from England and Ireland]. To which end the court entreated Mr. Copland, being present, to take the pains to preach the said sermon." And it was decided to have it preached in Bow Church, on Wednesday, the 27th of April. It was afterwards post- poned for a day, and delivered on April 28, from the text, Psalm cvii. 22-30 : " And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing. They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep," etc. It was entered for publica- tion at Stationers' Hall, May 28, under the title of " Vir- ginia's God be thanked." Was this the second thanks- giving sermon ? The court of May 18 appointed Mr. Bland, Mr. Casewell, Mr. George Smith, and Mr. Mellinge to dispose of the company's tobacco brought home in the George. It was to be sold in England. They proposed employing Rev. Robert Staples to go as a minister to Virginia, if he gave good testimony of his sufficiency by a sermon which was to be preached before them at St. Scythe's Church. They agreed with Captain Samuel Each of the Abigail for an- other voyage to Virginia, to take Lady Wyatt there, and to erect a fort on a bar near Blunt Point in James River. In reply to the request of Lord President Montague of the Privy Council in behalf of a kinsman of his now going to Virginia, the court ordered a letter to be written to the governor of Virginia in his favor. At the Virginia court. May 13, Henry Wolstenholme passed three shares to John Wolstenholme ; Francis Carter, two shares to George Brookes, and Ambrose Wood two shares to Nathaniel Etherington or Eldrington. At the court of May 18, Clement Wilmer passed two 452 UNDER THE COMPANY shares to George Wilmer, and Francis Carter one share to Henry Wentworth. I have an idea that the shares were passed by Francis Carter in his official capacity. Possibly they had been forfeited by former owners after paying for them in part. At a preparative court, May 30, Lord De la Warr and the lady, his mother, passed five personal shares to John Parkhurst; Sir Henry Mainwaring passed five shares to his brother, Thomas Mainwaring, Esq., of the Inner Tem- ple ; Sir Samuel Sandys, one share to his son, Sir Edwin Sandys; William Felgate, citizen and skinner of London, one share to his brother, Tobias Felgate of Katcliffe, mari- ner ; Philip Jacobson, one share to his younger brother, James ; and Francis Carter passed one share to " Mr. Thomas Addison of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Mid- dlesex, Esq." " Pharao Flinton, a surgeon, petitioning for restoring the land given him by Sir Geo. Yeardley then governor, in reward of his services, which he says has been since taken away by Roger Smith. It was ordered that he should have ground elsewhere." The Easter quarter court, the end of the Earl of South- ampton's second term, fell on June 1, 1622. VI VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NO VEMBER 28, 1622 SIB FBANCIS WYATTS FIBST YEAB AS GOVEBNOB Sir Francis Wyatt was the first, and, it so happened, the only governor sent to the colony in Virginia by any other administration of the company in England than that of Sir Thomas Smythe. He was sent out as well equipped in every way as possible, the of&cials in England feeling confident that he would faithfully carry out their ideas; and their sincere thanks for the knowledge of the safe arrival of his fleet in Virginia can be very readily under- stood and fully appreciated. At least four of these ships arrived before Sir George Yeardley's term as governor had expired ; namely, the George, the Marmaduke, the Charles (of 120 tons, left England with 80 persons, some brass pieces, etc.), and the Temperance (80 tons, with 50 persons). Sir William Newce, marshal, and Mr. Michael Lapworth, arrived in one of these ships. Governor-elect Wyatt arrived on the George (180 tons, Mr. Wiseman's ship, William Ewens, master, with 120 per- sons), by which ship the Council in England sent to Governor Yeardley a letter dated August 4, 1621, telling him that "they had sent Sir Francis Wyatt to be the future governor ; Mr. George Sandys to be the Treasurer in Va. [an official which had been asked for by the General Assembly of August, 1619] ; Mr. Christopher Davison to be Secretary ; ^ Rev. Mr. Hawte Wyatt to be preacher to the governor's tenants ; Rev. Mr. Bolton for Ehzabeth City 1 Son of Secretary William Davi- brothers, Francis and Walter, were son, the friend of Elder Brewster, poets, and he was a poet himself. He entered Gray's Inn in 1597. His 454 UNDER THE COMPANY to inhabit with Capt. Tho. Newce ; D! John Potts for the Physition's place with two Chirurgions and a chest of Phisicke and Chirurgery; Mr Wm Claiborne to be sur- veyor (first to set out the public lands [3000-acre tracts], next lands belonging to public officials or places [1500- acre tracts], next particular Plantations, and then that of private persons — these last to pay him 6 shillings per day) ; Mr John Pountis to be Vice-Admirall in Virginia." They urge him to aid Mr John Berkeley and his son Maurice about the iron-works; the Dutchmen about the saw-mills ; " exceedingly approve the course in taking in of Indian families into the homes of the colonists, as being a great means to reduce that nation to civility, and to the imbracing of our Christian religion;" thank Mr. Thorpe for his letters and his " endeavours upon those staple comodities of wine and silk;" thank Captain Thomas Newce for his past services and add 300 acres to make the allotment of 1500 acres for his office ; tell of their determination to send a ship to trade for furs in Hudson and De la Warr rivers ; urge the building of guest-houses; commend and reward Lieutenant Whitaker for building one the last year ; beg him to assist Captain William Norton in erecting glass-works. "Hoping you will not fail in the least, but deliver up to your successor Sir Francis Wyatt, or in case he dye to such a one as by the Counsell in Virginia shall be chosen at the expiration of your comission, the comand of the Colony in good and flourishing estate, and much better in condition than when you found it," etc. Signed by the Earl of Southampton, Mr. Deputy Ferrar, Sir Edwin Sandys, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Gulstone, Dr. Winston, Mr. Nicholas Fer- rar, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Wrote, and Mr. Wroth. The Marmaduke (100 tons, Marmaduke Rayner, captain, John Dennis, master, with 80 persons) also brought a letter to the authorities in Virginia, dated August 31, 1621, " sent by Mr. Leech, duplicates of their last letter, of the Instructions and commissions ; sent by this ship one widow and eleven maids for wives, at the expences of the Earl of VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 455 Southampton and others — every man that marries one to give 120 lbs of best leafe Tobacco for her, and in case any of them dye [before marriage] that proportion must be advanced to make it up to upon those that survive, they not to be married to servants, but only to such freemen or ten- ants as have means to maintain them ; " urges the officials to be as fathers to them and make " their condition so much better as multitudes may be allured thereby to come unto you ; " commend to their care " Capt. Wm. Norton and his Italians, who go by this ship ; also twelve lustie youths for Martin's Hundred." As in all their letters they urge the finding of other staple commodities than tobacco. They send copies of the letters and agreements with Mr. Gookin about cattle, and tell of their hopes to send some families of Walloons the next spring. Signed by Lord Sheffield, Sir John Danvers, Mr. Samuel Wrote, Mr. John Ferrar, Dr. Thomas Winston, Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, and Mr. Thomas Sheperd. Sir George Yeardley's term expired November 28, 1621, and Sir Francis Wyatt succeeded him on that day. Among the documents brought from England by him were his own commission and the commissions of the sundry recently appointed officials ; a copy of a treatise of the plantation business, etc. (said to have been written by George Ruggle), recommended to the councilors to study ; instructions to the governor and the Council of State in Virginia, con- sisting of forty-seven articles, and signed by the Earl of Southampton, Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir John Danvers, and others of the Council ; an ordinance and constitution of the treasurer. Council, and company in England for a Council of State and General Assembly, dated August 3, 1621. (The original was of November 28, 1618.) The Coun- cil of State inserted were : Sir Francis Wyatt, governor ; Captain Francis West, Sir George Yeardley, Sir William Newce (marshal of Virginia), Mr. George Sandys (trea- surer), Mr. George Thorpe (deputy of the college). Captain Thomas Newce (deputy for the company), Mr. Paulett, Mr. 456 UNDER THE COMPANY Leech, Captain Nathaniel Powell, Mr. Christopher Davi- son (the secretary), Dr. Potts (the physician to the com- pany in Virginia), Mr. Eoger Smith, Mr. John Berkeley, Mr. John Kolfe, Mr. Ralph Hamor, Mr. John Pountis, Mr. Michael Lapworth, Mr. Harwood, and Mr. Samuel Maycock. Monthly courts had been instituted by Yeardley in 1619 under the civil law ordinance of 1618. In addition to the old ordinance, it was now appointed that the Council of State in Virginia " should assemble four times a year, to hold quarterly sessions [courts] for one whole week, to assist the Governor, as well in matter of Council as of State, and in all causes of importance, as also for redress of general and particular grievances." These first quarterly colony courts in Virginia were held in winter, spring, sum- mer, and fall terms, as the quarterly company courts in England, but they did not meet on the same dates, and they continued in session longer. A few of the early records of these courts have been preserved for us, and these are now being printed in " The Virginia Historical Magazine," in order to preserve them for our posterity. The copy of the old ordinance now preserved at Long- leat. County Wilts, England, has the following contem- porary marginal note in explanation of its last clause : " After the settlement of the countrie noe Appeales to be made from the Assembly nor noe orders shall bind the said colony, unlesse they shall be ratyfyed & confirmed by the General Assembly." The last humble suit of the first General Assembly (1619) had been that the Council and company would be pleased to make good their promise set down in this clause, so soon as they shall find it conve- nient. At the Virginia court in London, on November 14, 1620, Sir Edwin Sandys urged the necessity for suppressing the inordinate excessive planting of tobacco, and the substitu- tion therefor of other commodities, and suggested that a committee of merchants might be appointed to set good I VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NO VEMBER 28, 1622 457 prices on such other commodities as the country might pro- duce. On November 25, Mr. Deputy Ferrar presented to the Earl of Southampton the list rated particularly by the committee at such prices ^^ as they are now sold at here in England." They were requested to again revise the list and to make it more favorable to the planters in Virginia. This was done from time to time, and the list was finally published as a broadside, copies of which were brought over to Virginia by Wyatt, as well as of the various other recent publications of the company. The Hst is more ex- tended than that of 1610 ; ^ but it does not give the price for tobacco, sassafras, or maize. Iron was £10 the ton ; hemp, 10s to 22s the hundred ; flax, 20s to 30s the hun- dred ; cotton wool, eightpence the pound ; hard pitch, 6s the hundred ; tar, 5s the hundred ; turpentine, 12s the hundred ; rosin, 5s the hundred ; masts for shipping, 10s to £3 a piece; pot-ashes, 12s to 14s the hundred; soap- ashes, 6s to 8s the hundred ; clapboards, watered, 30s the hundred ; pipe-staves, £4 the thousand ; sumac, 7s the hun- dred, "whereof great plenty in Virginia and good quan- tity will be vented in England ; " sables, 8s to 20s a pair ; other skins, 3s to 5s each ; luzernes, 2s to 10s each ; martens, the best, 4s ; wild-cats, 18d ; fox-skins, 6d ; musk- rat skins, 2s a dozen, " and the cods of them will serve for good perfumes ; " beaver skins new in season, 7s each ; old skins, 6s the pound, etc. Many of the instructions to the governor and Council are repeated in the official letters. The first article was to the effect that in religion they were to conform to the dis- cipline of the Church of England as near as may be ; that laws were to be administered to all as near as could be to the forms and Constitution of England, and that the people should be kept in due obedience to the king of England. Sir Edwin Sandys, on July 17, 1620, when considering the new laws, orders, and constitutions which they were about to prepare for Virginia, "put the Va. Council in 1 The Genesis of the United States, pp. 384r-386. 4:58 UNDER THE COMPANY mind of one principal part of their duty and oath, to have care, by wise and politic constitutions, to hold the colony in assuredness of firm and perpetual loyalty to his Majesty and this crown, which caution, in regard of the far distance of that place, I hold to be necessary." Under the popular charters drafted by him, every emigrant to the colony was required to take the oath of allegiance and supremacy. Yet, notwithstanding these things thus purposely given to the public, and although himself and the other managers of the enterprise were of the Church of England, the idea that the colony would finally drift away from England if allowed to continue under the popular charters, had been growing since 1612. This idea was now being seriously considered by the Privy Council, and becoming a factor in the poHtics both of the crown and of the Commons. For although Sandys was of the Church of England and a lover of his country, he also favored toleration, and was an advocate of civil and religious liberty ; and although these ships brought these articles, signed by him, they also brought to Virginia the news of his recent arrest and the various reports of the reasons therefor. Governor Wyatt at once called a General Assembly, which met early in December (N. S.). The complete records have not been found, but it was chiefly devoted to carrying out the instructions recently received from England ; en- couraging the cultivation of other commodities than tobacco ; prescribing rules for planting mulberry-trees, for prevent- ing those growing from destruction, and for making silk ; for planting vines and making wine, etc. James I., who thought that the growing of tobacco was a mismanagement, was then taking an especial personal interest in the making of silk and wine in Virginia. He felt confident that they would become most valuable commodities to the colony. The Assembly also authorized the building of an inn at Jamestown for the better entertainment of newcomers. In November, 1620, the company had agreed to pay Mr. Daniel Gookin (Goggin, Cockin, Cockayne, etc.) and Mr. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 459 Thomas Wood "to transport from Ireland to Virginia, after the rate of £11, the heifer of the EngHsh breed, and she goats at .£3 10s a piece." In July, 1621, Mr. Gookin de- sired that the words of the agreement might be more clearly explained. This the company did ; and, according to his request in his letter, they agreed that he should have a patent for a particular plantation as large as that granted to Sir William Newce. On December 2, 1621, " he landed in Virginia wholy uppon his owne adventure " forty young cattle well and safely, and fifty men, besides some thirty other passengers. " According to their desire the Governor seated them at New Porte Newce, and he conceived great hope if this Irish plantation prospered that from Ireland great multitude of people wilbe like to come hither." Captain Thomas Newce, Sir William Newce, and Mr. Daniel Gookin came to Virginia from Newce's Town, county Cork, Ireland ; but they were natives of England ; I suppose, though, that some of those brought over by them were Irish. The Newce brothers proposed bringing over great numbers and forming a settlement. They had located in the corporation of Elizabeth City, evidently at a place called by them " New Porte ^ Newce," where Gookin joined them, and kept up the plantation after they died. Gookin came in the Flying Hart, of which ship Cornelius Johnson, a Dutchman of Home, in Holland, was master. This ship was probably the Flying Horse, of Flushing, which was in Virginia in 1615. The Warwick (160 tons, with 100 persons, under Cap- tain Guy, with the magazine of £2000, under Mr. Ed. Blany) arrived in Virginia December 20, 1621, bringing a letter from the Council in England, dated September 21, 1621, of instructions about various things ; " an extraordi- nary choice lot of thirty-eight maids for wives ; " additional supplies of people for Martin's Hundred (which had been ^ I have always found this name the last name, however, is spelled spelled " New porte " in original doc- " Newce," " Newse," " Nuce," etc. uments ; but in prints and copies it See The Genesis of the United States, is sometimes given as " Newport^ ; " p. 956. 460 UNDER THE COMPANY reorganized), to be at first quartered there in Wolsten- holmes Town, under the oversight of Mr. Kichard Keane. They also sent Rev. Thomas White (his passage to be paid by his parish, and " as for bookes, we doubt not but you will be able to supply them out of the libraries of so many that have died") ; Mr. Miles Pirkett (to make salt); "in case Mr Blaney dye, we desire Mr Pountis in particular to take care of his business." Signed by Edward Hawley, John Wolstenholme, Dr. Gulstone, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Win- ston, John Ferrar, Nicholas Ferrar, Robert Smith, Thomas Gibbs, and Thomas Sheaperd. The above three celebrated doctors were now the special councilors with reference to the health of the colony. The poet Drayton, in England, possibly sent his poem to his brother poet, George Sandys, in Virginia, about this time, which ends : — « Yet I should like it well to be the first, Whose numbers hence into Virginia flew, So, noble Sandys for this time, adieu." In October, Lieutenant Marmaduke Perkinson, Mr. John Pory, Ensign Savage, and others, made a voyage in the Great Bay, and then up the Potomac. During this voyage " they saw a China Boxe at one of the Kings houses ; " and the Indians led them to believe that the South Sea was only about one hundred and fifty miles westward from the Falls of the Potomac ; which agreed with the ideas of Mr. Henry Briggs, the famous mathematician. Pory read the account of Adam and Eve from the Bible to the Indian king ; who was impressed with the story, and said he was like Adam in one thing, for he never had but one wife at once. They then returned to " the laughing king " on the eastern shore, who had taken a great fancy to Savage, and who remained ever after friendly to the English. He de- scribed the eastern shore to the EngHsh, telling them of the abundance of fish and fowl. They are said to have left, settled very happily, near a hundred English, with hope of a good trade for furs there to be had. From VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 461 thence was brought by Lieutenant Perkinson some of the earth called terra lemnia (there to be had in great abun- dance) as good as that of Turkey. Pory returned to Jamestown after the government had been rendered to Sir Francis Wyatt, and found that he had been succeeded as secretary by Davison, who thus fell heir to the secretary's land and tenants on the eastern shore. The Concord, a barque of Barnstable belonging to Mr. Delbridge, reached Virginia late in December, bringing from the Bermudas letters from Governor Nathaniel Butler to Governor Wyatt and to ex-Governor Yeardley, with " two large cedar chests wherein were fitted all such kindes and sortes of the country plants and fruits, as their Hand had as figgs, pomegranates, oranges, lemons, plantanes, sugar canes, potatoes, and cassada rootes, papawes, red- pepper, the pritle peare, and the like," — one chest for the governor and the other for the ex-governor. The Tiger (of 40 tons. Captain Nicholas Elford, with 40 persons, including several maids for wives), which left England in consort with the Warwick, was driven by ill weather so far as the North Cape, fell into the hands of Turks on her way, who took most of her supplies, and all of her serviceable sails, tackling, anchors, etc. ; but it pleased God to deliver her, by a strange accident, out of their power so as she escaped that danger, and arrived safely in Virginia, Copland, in his sermon, says, " with all her people, two English boys only excepted, for which the Turkes gave them two others, a French youth, and an Irish — Was not here the presence of God printed, as it were, in Folio, on Royall Crowne paper, and Capitall Let- ters ? " She arrived in January, 1622, prior to the depar- ture of the George. Courts were now held at convenient places, and at regular times in the four corporations. It seems probable that the quarter session courts of the governor and Council were held (for a time at least) one in each of the four corporations for their convenience. Registers of the acts 4-62 UNDER THE COMPANY of these quarter sessions were kept, and copies sent to England; only a few abstracts have been preserved, and I have found no adequate material for the early history of the courts under the company ; but from 1626 the material is more ample. The George, loaded chiefly wdth tobacco, left Virginia for England in January, 1622, with sundry letters to peo- ple in England (including one from Mr. Arundell to John Smith of Nibley, regarding the richness of the country round the river Chickahominy, etc.), and a general letter from the governor and Council to the company, telling them of the safe arrival of the Warwick ; of the meeting of the General Assembly ; asking them to continue send- ing silkworm seed, all sorts of vines, all sorts of English grain, wheat, barley, oats, etc. ; peas of all kinds, there being a general want of seeds of all sorts, " the wheat ^rs^ brought hither from the French Colony [by Argall in 1613] being of a small and bad kind ; " advises that ships be sent in the autumn and by the northern course ; "thanks for the magazine; well liked of here that you have left the price of Tobacco at liberty since that it is of such an uncertain value by reason of the great difference thereof ; " has disposed of the maids ; Mr. Harwood says, " the people of Martin's Hundred lovingly receive new comers ; " " thanks for Rev. Mr. Thomas White," and asks for more clergymen ; " men skillful in the art of fortifica- tions much needed for locating the chief city of this King- dom, if they shall find James City a place not fit or proper for that purpose ; " Mr. Thorpe had been sent with messages and presents to certain Indian kings who had received him kindly, and " Apochankano gave him very good hope of their entertaining of some of our families to live amongst them, and of their sending to co-habit with us [this had been urged by the Council as a special means of convert- ing them], and did confirm a former promise of sending one to be our guide beyond the Falles to certain mines ; " Thorpe was favorably impressed with the Indian ideas of -: VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 463 religion; all the councilors sworn, save Mr. Leach (who failed to go to Virginia) and Mr. Paulett (there being two of the name in Virginia, it was not certain which one was named in the commission) ; the business of the lands and tenants belonging to the governor's, the treasurer's, and the physician's places; "the Secretary's tenants were the last year placed at Achamack," but this was thought to be too far from James City ; " Sir George Yeardley hath already built a wind -mill and Mr. Treasurer Sandys is about the erecting of a water mill ; " Mr. John Berkeley and the treasurer would make a special report about the iron-works ; Mr. Maurice Berkeley and Miles Pirkett were erecting a salt-work; "a large contribution has been un- derwritten for the Inne at Jamestown, and carpenters, brickmakers and bricklayers are needed ; " the treasurer would report of the proceeding of Captain Norton and the Italians about the glass-works; such of the Council "as had read the Treatise [by Ruggles] commended to them were very much distasted for the bitternes of the lan- guage ; " " shall give their best endeavors in chusing for the Earl of Pembroke and his associates the most comodi- ous seat that may be ; " " the arrival of a ship from Mr. Gookin out of Ireland;" shipwrights needed; "send herein a project of Capt Newce's which had been approved by the General Assembly," etc. In February, Mr. Pory and others traveled southward to the river Chawanock (the Chowan, N. C), some sixty miles by land, " passing through great forests of pines, very fit for masts, and for pitch and tar, and came into a most fruitful country, blessed with abundance of corn, reaped twice a year, where also they understood of a copper mine within ten days march towards the setting of the sun, and met with the silk-grass there growing, of which kinds and cot- ton wool, all the Cambaya and Bengala stufPs, are made in the East Indies." The Seaflower (140 tons, with 120 persons, including Captain Ealph Hamor, Rev. William Bennet, some of Mr. 464 UNDER THE COMPANY George Harrison's servants, etc.) arrived in February. The company had formerly bestowed 32 shares of land in Vir- ginia upon Captain Christopher Newport in reward of his service ; the Virginia court of July 20, 1621, gave his widow three shares for having previously sent six men to Virginia at her own charge, and ordered Sir Francis Wyatt and the Council to set out the land, and Captain Hamor was now to see this done according to Mrs. Newport's desire. Having set out the various West India fruits and plants received by the Concord, the governor now sent a barque to the Bermudas laden with aqua vitse, sack, oil, and bricks ; in exchange whereof she desired plants and herbs of all sorts, potatoes, ducks, turkeys, and limestone. Letters were also sent to Governor Butler, thanking him for the former supplies and asking for an enlarged quantity in the like kinds. In March, 1621, there were 843 English in Virginia, of whom about 750 were acclimated. Between that date and March, 1622, seventeen ships arrived in Virginia, which left England with 1580 persons. In March, 1622, there were by the census 1240 EngHsh hving in Virginia. Of 2423 people (about 750 acclimated and 1673 newcomers) 1183 had died en route and in Virginia, showing that the death rate among the newcomers had been almost as great in the summer of 1621 as in that of 1620, probably equally as great, because of the 1240 living, about 400 had recently arrived and had not yet gone through the seasoning. The Marmaduke and the Warwick left Virginia some time in February ; the Concord about the middle of March, with letters from Governor Wyatt, ex-Governor Yeardley, Mr. Treasurer Sandys,^ Mr. John Berkeley, the French vignerons, and others, all giving the most glowing accounts of the progress of affairs in Virginia. " There was no longer any danger after their landing, either through wars, ^ Sandys is said to have written a morphoses at Jamestown during the part of his translation of Ovid's Meta- winter of 1621-1622. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NO VEMBER 28, 1622 465 or famine^ or want of convenient lodging and looking to, through which many miscarried heretofore^ for blessed be God, there was a happy league of peace soundly concluded and faithfully kept, between the English and the Natives ; and the people being all free-hearted and open-handed to all public good works had contributed between .£1500 and £2000 for erecting a faire Inne in James City for receiving and harbouring new comers. The company were assured that the Iron, Glass, and Salt-works would be brought to perfection within the year ; that sufficient grain of all sorts would be raised, ' both for ourselves and for truck with the Natives ; ' restraint of the quantity of Tobacco, and amend- ment of it in the quality, learned by time and experience ; the recently planted West Indian fruits and plants, at the time of their said letters, began to prosper very well ; as also their Indico-seeds, for the true care whereof there is lately caused a Treatise to be written. Mr John Berkley and Mr George Sandys state that the ' Falling creek was so fitting for the purpose of the Iron-works, as if Nature had applied herself to the wish and direction of the work- ,men.' The French vine-men write that no country in the world was more proper for Vines, Silke, Rice, Olives, and other Fruits than Virginia is — ' some of the cuttings of vines planted at Michaelmas would bear grapes this Spring,' " etc. In 1621, " the King of the Eastern shore Indians had told the English that at the ceremony on the taking up of Powhatan's bones many great numbers of Indians were as- sembled at which time Opochankano had made a general plot to set upon every plantation of the colony.^ Where- upon Sir George Yeardley, then governor, went in person to every plantation, took a muster of all men, arms, etc., and commanded that strict watch and ward should be kept everywhere. But Opochankano earnestly denying the plot and the English finding no proof of it, gradually came to 1 This assemblage probably contained Indians from a distance, as well as those of Virginia. 466 UNDER THE COMPANY a feeling of security." However, in the latter part of Yeard- ley's government, Nenemachanew, with other Indians, killed several of the Enghsh, and was finally killed by the Eng- lish. Opechaneanough, it seems, pretended not to be satis- fied that the Indians had killed the English, and wished to have their bodies examined " that it might appear that Ne- nemachanew had no hand in their deaths." The accounts of these incidents are not clear, but it seems the incidental parleying continued until after Wyatt's term began, when, about the middle of March, he sent a messenger to Opechan- eanough, who returned him with the answer " that he held the peace concluded so firm as the sky should sooner fall than it dissolve ; " and this set the minds of the English at ease. The words of the peace had been stamped in brass, and, at Opechancanough's request, fix:ed on one of his noted oaks. Master George Thorpe, who had taken so much interest in all the Indians, was taking especial pains with this king, " who had formerly dwelt in a hut made with poles and covered with mats after their wild manner," to civilize him. " Thorpe first, built him a fair house, in which he took much joy, especially in his lock and key. Having thus, as he thought, gained his good graces, Thorpe then tried to convert him to the knowledge of God and our religion — so as he gave him fair hearing and good answer. And both he and his people, for the daily courtesies of this good gentleman, did promise such outward love and respect unto him, as nothing could seem more." The Indians kept up this dissimulation to the last ; " some of them were even sitting down at breakfast with our people at their tables ; when at eight of the clock on that fatal Friday morning ^f 1622, (save where the Enghsh had been notified the night before) for 140 miles up and down the river on both sides, they fell upon the English and basely and barbarously murthered them, not sparing age or sex, man, woman or child — being at their several works, in their houses, and in their fields, planting corn and to- bacco, gardening, making brick, building, sawing and other VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 467 kinds of husbandry ; so sudden in their cruel execution, that few or none discerned the weapon or blow that brought them to destruction." ^ The exact number killed may not be certainly known. Soon after the Seaflower reached England the company published a list of 347 ; but it was almost necessary to make the list as small as possible at that time. Six of the Council were killed, but the list contains only the names of Mr. George Thorpe, Captain Nathaniel Powell, Mr. John Berkeley, and Mr. Samuel Maycock. The other two must have been Mr. John Rolf e ^ and Mr. Michael Lapworth, as they certainly died about this time, and the rest of the Coun- cil can be accounted for. Richard Frethorne stated that 118 were killed at Martin's Hundred ; but the list gives only 78. The company afterwards placed the number at " about 400," and Edward HHl at " 400 and odd.." It was a most severe blow to the colony in almost every way, but chiefly owing to the fact that so many of those killed were old planters, who had become acclimated, and thus were the mainstay of the colony. " These had already selected their dividends [located their claims] about in chosen rich spots, and thought now to reap the benefit of their long travels, under their own vine and fig tree." The corporation of Henrico and that part of Charles City above the Appomattox was literally wiped out for the time ; that is, in Dale's chosen " place of resistance," from which he drove the Indians nearly ten years before, the people were killed or driven away, and their houses burnt. At Falling Creek everything possible was destroyed and the tools of the iron-works thrown into the river. The settlers of the old Bermuda City and Hundred, the first free farmers, were nearly all killed. The settlements below, down to Upper ^ I have no evidence that the Span- ^ jj^ ^^s a citizen of Bermuda iards had anything to do with this Hundred, and the names of those massacre ; but it seems to have been killed there are not in the incomplete planned by a master mind, and evi- printed list, dently a vast number were engaged in it. 468 UNDER THE COMPANY Chippoak Creek, suffered almost as severely. Among thos^ killed at Captain Samuel Maycock's dividend near Flower- dieu Hundred was Edward Lister, who came over in the Mayflower, and was one of the signers of the " Compact." Comparatively few were killed in the corporation of James City. Chan CO, an Indian converted to Christianity, and be- longing to Captain William Perry, but then living with Mr. Richard Pace, at Pace's Paines, rose out of his bed at night and revealed it to Pace, " who had used him as a son." Upon this discovery, after securing his house, Pace rowed over the river, before day, to James City, and gave notice thereof to the governor, who had the news spread to such other plantations as was possible for a timely intelligence to be given ; and but few, if any, were killed within a cir- cuit of about five miles from Jamestown. But at Martin's Hundred, about seven miles away in the lower end of the present county near Keith's Creek, and over the river from Mulberry Island, at the plantations of Mr. Thomas Pierce and Mr. Edward Bennet (Isle of Wight), many were killed. But few were killed lower down the river, or on the eastern shore, which was attributed to the action of " the Laughing King, who could not be induced to join in (and so by con- sequence kept the remote coast Indians out of) the general combination against the English, which otherwise might have been the complete ruin of the colony." Save for this, and the revelation of Chanco, it was afterwards thought " that the slaughter would have been universal." " That God had put it into the heart of this converted Indian to reveal the conspiracy, by which meanes James- town and many Colonists were preserved from their trech- eries, was regarded as the most exquisite incident in the life of the Colony." " For though three hundred and more of ours died by many of these Pagan Infidels, yet thousands of ours were saved by the meanes of one of them alone which was made a Christian ; Blessed be God forever, whose mercy endureth forever ; Blessed be God whose mercy is above his Justice, and farre above all his workes : VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 469 Who wrought his deliverance whereby their Soules escaped even as a Bird out of the Snare of the Fowler." ^ It was said in Virginia, " The dayly feare that possest them, that in time we by our growing continually upon them, would dispossess them of this Country, as they had been formerly of the West Indies by the Spaniards, pro- duced this bloody Act." They not only killed the people, but, after the usual In- dian manner, mutilated them, burnt their houses, drove off their stock, and took what they could not destroy, includ- ing some pieces and ammunition. It was reported '' that their King caused the most of the gun-powder by him sur- prised, to be sown, to draw therefrom the like increase, as of his maize in Harvest next." ^ Towards evening Sir George Yeardley went in his ship up the river to Flowerdieu Hundred, trying to save such people " as might have lyen wounded " at the different plantations. At the time of the massacre there were three or four English ships in James River, and one (the Elizabeth) in the next river (the Pamunkey). And three more. came in within twenty-four days after, namely, the Hopewell (sixty tons, Thomas Smith, master, with twenty persons), the Bona Nova (200 tons, John Huddleston, master, with fifty per- sons), and the Discovery (sixty tons, Thomas Jones, captain, ^ This was published by Water- booke " to Queen Anne (which is an- house in August, 1622. In the fol- other incorrect summary of his ser- lowing October, in the second edition vices in Virginia) which he says he of his New England Trials^ Captain writ in 1616. This also contains a John Smith, in his usual incorrect sum- reference to the incident ; but the mary of what he had done in Virginia, writing of this letter at that time has inserted : " Yet God made Pocahontas also been questioned. I cannot see the King's daughter the meanes to that these personal questions are of deliver me : and thereby taught me any great consequence to any one to know their trecheries to preserve save Smith. We should not allow the rest." This is the first reference them longer to obscure matters of to the much discussed Pocahontas in- real historic importance, cident in any of Smith's publications. * Smith also makes use of this idea In his General History of 1624, he in- in his account of the Pocahontas inci- serted " an abstract " of "a little dent in his history. 470 UNDER THE COMPANY with twenty persons). All three of these ships were com- missioned to go from Virginia on a trading voyage to the Delaware and Hudson rivers, and on a fishing voyage to New England. Both of the last ships brought letters from the Council in England. The Discovery belonged to the adventurers of Southampton Hundred, who were sending her on a special fur-trading voyage to Hudson Kiver. A delay in obtaining silkworm seed had caused her to stay in England much longer than had been intended. She did not leave until December ; but the governor was urged to hasten her departure from Virginia. And by the Bona Nova, which left England ten days later, the Council wrote : " We hear two Dutchmen double manned are gone to trade for furs in the selfsame places. Make haste and dispatch Captain Thomas Jones that he may be before them and furnish him as we before desired with the brass pieces sent in the Charles," etc. The letters tell what they were doing in England, and what they wished done in Virginia. They sent various sorts of seed and fruit trees, also pigeons, conies, peacocks, mastiffs, beehives, silkworm seed, etc. But when they arrived in Virginia all was confusion, out of which the governor and Council were then trying to bring order. It was determined to hold James City, Paspaheigh, the various plantations over the river opposite James City, Kecoughtan, New Port Newce, Southampton Hundred, Flowerdieu Hundred, Sherley Hundred, and the plantation of Mr. Samuel Jourdan. All others were to be abandoned, and the remaining cattle, as far as possible, to be gathered together on Jamestown Island as the most secure place for them. The cattle from Berkeley Hundred were carried by Mr. Kemish, the overseer, to Jordan's Journey. Of the thirty-eight emigrants sent in the Margaret, to Berkeley, only five were surviving in Virginia ; of the forty-nine sent in the Supply twenty-four were Uving. The dispersed planters were gathered to the reserved centres as rapidly as possible. The commission for remov- ing the people from Henrico and Coxendale was issued VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1622 471 April to. These places being impaled and protected by the river, the inhabitants had been able to defend them- selves bravely against the savage hordes, and thus at each place some were preserved from the general slaughter. Order having been restored in some degree, the Seaflower was dispatched to England, about May 22, with letters from the governor and Council, Mr. George Sandys, Mr. George Harrison, and others, telling of the great massacre. Mr. Daniel Gookin and others went over at the same time to give in person the unwelcome news. How, " whilst all their affairs were full of success, and such intercourse of familiarity, as if the Indians and themselves had been of one Nation, those treacherous Natives, after five years peace, by a general combination in one day plotted to subvert their whole colony, and at one instant of time, though our severall plantations were an hundred and forty miles up one river on both sides." The governor and Council, in their letter, tell what they had done, what they proposed to do, and what they wished the company to do for them. They think of concentrat- ing at some place more easily fortified than Jamestown ; they want an engineer, arms, and provisions. " All which being speedily done. The plantation will suddenly be in a far more safer, happy, and florishinge estate than ever it was before." Extremes meet. There are two great incentives to ad- vancement, — the reward brought by success, and the de- termination aroused by disaster. And, sustained by the motives which inspired them, it was the John Bull in our founders which carried the movement forward from the first, in spite of every calamity, and despite of all opposi- tion. The Discovery and the Bona Nova were sent out on their trading and fishing voyages as soon as possible. In May or June, Captain John Huddleston, on the last-named ship, sent his boat ashore with a letter to his good friends at Plymouth, New England, telling them of such a blow in 472 UNDER THE COMPANY South Virginia, ^^that 400 persons large will not make good our losses/' and warning them to be on their guard. The colony there was then pinched by famine, and Captain Huddleston gave them such assistance as he could, " or some had starved." John Pory left Virginia on the Dis- covery, which ship was also on the New England coast in the following summer and fall. The barque sent to the Bermudas in March returned to Virginia in June, deeply laden with the native commodities of the islands ; with limestone, 20,000 pounds of potatoes, ducks, turkeys, conies, cassada roots, etc., ^^all which being a great rehef to the plantation." The massacre, the sub- sequent changes, the preparations for a war with the In- dians, all tending to an abandonment or neglect of crops, had caused a slender harvest, especially as these things had happened during the planting season. The Elizabeth, under Captain Spelman (with Captain Ralegh Crashaw and others), was trading with the Indians first in the Pamunkey and after in the Potomac. Accounts differ as to which river the barque was in at the time of the massacre, but none were killed, and in June the barque was in the Potomac, where Captain Hamor, with a ship and pin- nace, joined them. While in this river, on June 27, Hamor made an agreement with the king of Potomac against Ope- chancanough, " their and our enemy." " He also slew divers of the Necochincos [Anacostines ?] that sought to circumvent him by treacherie." When the English were ready to make the general attack on the Indians, Sir George Yeardley was given the chief command. ** Boald worthy Sir George Yardly commander cheife was made Cause fourteene yeares, and more he hath within this Country staid. Against the King Opukingunow against this savage foe Did he with many an English heart for just revenge thus goe." Mr. Treasurer George Sandys fell upon the " Tappaha- tonaks," opposite Jamestown, in several expeditions. Sir George Yeardley fell upon the Wyanokes ; Captain William VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621 — NOVEMBER 28, 1623 473 Powell upon the Chickahominies, and Captain John West upon the Tanx-Powhatans. All of these expeditions were up James River. Powell, it seems, also went against the " Apummactokes." Everywhere the Indians fled at the approach o£ the English, who killed only a few of them, but burnt their towns, destroyed their weirs, etc., and took their corn. Edward Waters and his wife, who had been made prisoners by the Nansemonds, escaped to Kecoughtan. It was learned that Opechancanough had twenty other Eng- lish still prisoners on the Pamunkey, and " Captain Madison was sent unto him about them ; but he returned an insolent answer to the governor's message, and did some dishonor to the king's [James I.] picture." It was resolved by the governor and Council, at the end of August, to make war upon Opechancanough with 500 men, " hoping by God's help, this winter to clear the coun- try of him, and so settle the colony in a far better estate than it was before ; and thus the massacre will result in the speedy advancement of the colony, and much to the benefit of all those who shall hereafter come thither." June 30, " a commission was given to Sir George Yeard- ley to go and search for a convenient settlement at the Eastern shore, because of the unfitness of this river to secure against foreign and domestic enemies." They also wished to find a more healthy locality. The sickly season was now coming on, and men were dying daily. The ministers said this was brought on them by their sins. The governor issued proclamations, to make them better, against drunkenness, swearing, stealing, and " engrossing of commodities." The Bona Venture, of 50 tons, with 10 persons, and the Gift of God, with 100 persons, left England in April, and arrived in Virginia probably in July, 1622. But I have found no evidence that the following three ships, which left England in the spring of 1622, ever reached Virginia : the Godspeed, 150 tons, with 100 persons ; the Prime Rose, 80 tons, with 60 persons ; and the White Lion, 180 tons, with 40 persons and 40 cattle ; and their 474 UNDER THE COMPANY fate is unknown to me ; but it probably lies concealed, with other tragedies of American colonization, within the bosom of the Atlantic. Thomas Weston's ship, the Charity, of 80 tons, Rey- nolds, master, left England in April, with 30 persons, for Virginia ; reached New England probably in June, and Virginia in July or August ; landed her passengers, and then returned to New England. The Sparrow, another of Weston's ships, came to Virginia about the same time, where, it is said, " both she and her fish were sold." The trade between the colonies of Virginia, New England, and the Bermudas was thenceforward of growing consequence. The Furtherance, of 180 tons, Mr. Sampson, master, with 80 persons, which left England in June, 1622, before the news of the massacre arrived, and reached Virginia in the fall of 1622, bringing a general letter from the Council in England ; " Capt Thomas Barwick with 25 shipwrights for buildings, boats, pinnaces etc, to which enterprise at least 1200 acres of land was to be allotted ; Leonard Hudson, a carpenter, and five apprentices for erecting the East India Free School, of which the Colony was allowed to select the schoolmaster or usher ; Rev. Wm Leate was sent as a min- ister. ... It was Rev. Mr. Robert Paulett whom the Court chose to be of the Council in Virginia. The Adventurers of Martin Hundred desire that Mr Harwood might be spared from that office, their business requiring his pre- sence continually." Sir George Yeardley returned from his plantation on the eastern shore in August. In September the Indians killed four men in Elizabeth City, and carried off some of Mr. Edward Hill's cattle. Some of the Anacostan Indians revealed to Captain Madison the intended treachery of the Potomacs ; wherefore he made an attack on them, killing some, and taking others prisoners he carried them to James- town. The slender harvest had constrained the English to attempt trading with the more remote savages, and Hamor was a second time employed to the Potomacs ; but VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1621— NOVEMBER 28, 1622 475 they '' likewise proved our most treacherous enemies, cun- ningly circumventing and cruelly murdering such as were employed abroad to get relief from them." And Hamor slew more of them. In the fall an expedition was sent out under the command of Sir George Yeardley against the savages down the river. He drove out the Nansemonds and Warraskoyacks, burnt their houses, and took their corn. Reembarking he went over to Kecoughtan, and then up the Pamunkey, landing at Chescheack, then going on to the chief seat of Sassapen and Opechancanough, where they served those Indians as they had the Nansemonds, and returned with the corn to Jamestown. The English wearing heavy armor, and the In- dians being fleet of foot, but few were killed. However, the armor protected the English from the Indian arrows. The neighboring Indians being now apparently driven away, some of the English were disposed to return to their former plantations ; but the sickness was still prevailing. George Sandys said that " a party going to seat at one of the deserted townes of the King of Apomatuckes, were so deminished by death and weakened by sickness before they could get thither that they were fain to give it over." Captain Nathaniel Butler, late governor of the Bermudas, arrived in Virginia on Mr. Bennett's barque about Novem- ber 20, 1622. His term as governor had expired, and according to some accounts he left the island in a legal way ; others say otherwise. There had been differences between him and the company, and it was stated that he and others in the island had determined to petition the king and Privy Council " for altering the government of the Company as being anti-monarchical and for the reducing it into the hands of a few principal persons," and that in going to Virginia he had the same object in view. His cedar chests of fruits and plants had not been for- gotten, and " at James Town he was kindly entertained by Sir Francis Wyatt the governor," vv^hose first year came to an end a few days after his arrival. vn ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622— APRIL, 1623 HENRY, EABL OF SOUTHAMPTON, TREASURER; MR. NICHOLAS FERRAR, DEP UTY- TREA S URER At the Easter court, June 1, 1622, " after other things had been ordered, as the court were proceeding after their accustomed manner to the election of officers for this pre- sent year, according to the direction of his Majesty's letters- patent, Mr Alderman Hamersly rose up and said that himself and Mr. Bell were both commanded by Mr. Secretary Cal- vert to deliver a message in his Majesty's name to this court — namely, to signify that although it was not his Majesty's desire to infringe their liberty of free election^ yet it would be pleasing unto him if they made choice for Treasurer and Deputy of one each from the following list. For Treasurer — Sir John Wolstenholme, M"" William Rus- sell, Mr. Cletherow, Mr. Morrice Abbot, Mr Hansford. For Deputy — Mr Leate, Mr Robert Of tly, Mr. Bateman, Mr. StHes, Mr Abdy." "Which messages being a full remonstrance of his Majesty's well-wishing unto the plantation, and of his gra- cious meaning not to infringe the priviledge of the Com- pany and the liberty of their free election [?], was received with great joy and contentment [?] of the whole court — and thereupon proceeding to the election of their Trea- surer." Mr. Cletheroe and Mr. Hansford were selected to stand for it from the king's list, and the Earl of South- ampton was named by the company. The election being by ballot, Southampton received 117 balls (and was elected), Mr. Cletheroe 13, and Mr. Hansford 7. For deputy, Mr. Leat and Mr. Bateman were selected from ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 477 the king's list, and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar was named by the company. Mr. Ferrar received 103 balls (and was elected), Mr. Bateman 10, and Mr. Leat 8. Mr. Edward Bennett was chosen an auditor in the place of Mr. Cranmer, who had removed from London. The other old officials were reelected. The lord bishop of London,^ Mr. Bing, Mr. Jermyn, and Mr. Bernard were added to his Majesty's Council for the company. Rev. Doctor John Donne (or Dunn), dean of St. Pauls, (Rev.?) Doctor Sunnibanck, (Rev.?) Mr. Leech, Rev. Samuel Purchas (chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury), Mr. Damport (probably Rev. John Daven- port), Mr. William Clarke, Mr. Thomas Barwick, and Mr. John Whitson, alderman of Bristol, were admitted into the company. Elias Roberts passed one share to his son Elias. Mr. John Ferrar, the retiring deputy, was rewarded for his three years' service in that office by having twenty shares of old adventure given him. " The Lords Cavendish, Padgett, and Houghton were re- quested by the Court to present their most humble thanks to his Majesty for his gracious remembrance and good wishes to their affairs, out of which he was pleased to re- commend certain persons for Treasurer and Deputy, if they so thought fit, hut without any infringement of their lib- erty of free election, and they were further requested to testify unto his Majesty the great reverence [?] wherewith his message was received and how in conformity thereunto, although they had formerly, according to their custom in their preparative court, nominated the Earl of Southamp- ton for Treasurer, yet out of the persons recommended by his Majesty they had chose four, who had most voices, and put them in election with two nominated by the Company, upon whom the places were conferred with the unanimous consent of the Company, having found the plantation to ^ Rev. George Mountaine. The bishop of London, the Rev. John King church affairs in Virginia being under had also been of this Council until his the especial supervision of the lord death in 1621. 478 UNDER THE COMPANY prosper every one of these three last years, more than in ten before, and found more to have been done with ten- thousand pounds than formerly with four-score thousand, and they conceive that in regard the staple commodities of iron, silk, wine, salt, etc., are now in establishing and per- fecting, as also that the government of that country is to be confirmed, that sufficiency for direction would not so much advance the plantation, as the variableness of instruc- tions, proceeding from different conceptions, would preju- dice the business." On June 8, Lord Cavendish was chosen governor of the Somers Islands Company, and Captain John Bernard com- missioned to succeed Captain Nathaniel Butler as governor of the islands. Butler was of the Smythe party, while Cavendish and Bernard were of the Sandys party, which party was now in control of the courts of both companies, and was determined to remove " the former governors sent in the time of Sir Thomas Smith's government either to Virginia or the Bermudas, altho' according to the vogue of State they were supported by some Lords and other mem- bers of the Company, by Sir Thomas Smith and his friends, with the Spanniolized faction of the Privy Council and the King's Bed-chamber." Yeardley soon came to an accord with the Sandys party, but Butler remained in opposition. When the committee presented the message from the Virginia court of June 1 to James I., "the King flung himself away in a furious passion," but Prince Charles acted as a peacemaker. On June 15, Lord Cavendish acquainted the court with his Majesty's answer unto their message ; " but his Majesty seemeth not well satisfied that out of so large a number by him recommended they had not made any choice, his Majesty conceiving that merchants were fittest for the government of that plantation, in respect of their skill and abilities in raising of staple commodities, and instancing Sir Thomas Smith, in whose time many staple commodities were set up, which were now laid down and only tobacco followed. To which his Lordship made answer ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 479 that in this point, as likewise in many other particulars touching the Company and their proceedings, his Majesty had been much misinformed. The following of tobacco only, and the neglecting of staple commodities have been the fruits of Sir Thomas Smith's and Alderman Johnson's time ; but on the contrary, it hath been laboured ever since with all industry, care and diligence to erect iron-mills, plant vineyards, nourish silk and other like, of some whereof they hoped shortly to give his Majesty very good proof, and that since the time of Sir Thomas Smith the colony had grown to almost as many thousand people as he had left hundreds ; good increase had been also of the cattle, and that with ten thousand pounds' expence there had been more performed for the advancement of the plantation than by Sir Thomas Smith with four-score thousand." It is necessary, in order to give a complete idea of the case, for me to quote at length from these court records, and other evidences of like character ; but the reader will find a fairly correct and more impartial statement of the actual condition of affairs in Virginia at the different times in the Virginia chapters. The Furtherance sailed for Virginia on June 20, 1622. In April, 1622, the Privy Council had ordered the trea- surer and Council for Virginia to send them a reply to Bar- grave's petition, etc., regarding a change in their form of government. On June 8, the company of&cials obtained from Bargrave a statement to the effect that "he had reference to the form used by Sir Thomas Smyth, that things were now going on better," etc., and the next day they enclosed this statement with their reply to the Privy Council. On the other hand, Bargrave himself sent to the Privy Council an explanation which places a different color on his statement. He tells the lords " that being pressed by the Council for Virginia to answer the last part of his Articles, he was willing to avow this present government to be in good hands ; but to justify the form for ye progression of ye Plantation he would not do it although he was much 480 UNDER THE COMPANY urged thereunto." After presenting again this matter of state he goes on to petition to have the case between himself and the old officials of the Virginia Company heard by ref- erees. The Privy Council granted his request on June 26, and appointed Viscount Grandison, Lord Brook, Sir Julius Caesar, and Sir Edward Conway as referees. But on the next day James I. wrote to his Council that the case had been heard by the lord keeper and decided by him with as much favor on the behalf of Bargrave as in equity and conscience the cause would bear, and " seeing this inces- sant importunity of the plaintif e seems to have no other end than to blemish the reputation of Sir Thomas Smyth which hitherto we acknowledge he hath ever held with us to be an honest discrete and well deserving man both to us and ye Commonwealth. Our pleasure is, that unless you find other reason to the contrary not known to us, you entertain the complaint no longer at the Table, but to dis- miss it as a matter allready fully determined." Mr. Thomas Melling was an acknowledged partner of Bargrave ; but others of much influence were evidently interested in the matter. In politics Bargrave was of the royal party, but in his suit he joined hands with the Sandys party against Sir Thomas Smythe in his own personal interest. At the Virginia court, June 29, James Wortham passed one share to a person whose name is now illegible, and Francis Carter passed three shares, — one to Thomas Wain- wright and two to Robert Smith. Sir Nicholas Lower, whose brothers had been large adventurers long ago, was now resolved to adventure himself. " Mr John Cuffe was the Companies Cashier." This court was almost entirely occupied in answering the petitions or complaints of Captain John Martin, Captain Robert Hazenell, Captain Matthew Somers, Adam Dixon, William Kempe, and others. In the replies the court was disposed to shift these claimants on " Sir George Yeardley," who they state " was chosen Gov- ernor of Virginia in the time of Sir Thomas Smith and by his consent." The present managers in England evidently did ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 481 not feel that the enterprise was entirely under their control until Yeardley and Pory were succeeded by of&cers chosen by themselves. Still, after all, " man proposes but God disposes." Within less than two weeks after the meeting of this court the Seaflower returned from Virginia with the unwelcome news of the great massacre of the English by the Indians. It was kept as quiet as possible, and the exact date of the arrival of the ship is unknown to me ; but she left Virginia after May 22, and reached England prior to July 13, on which day the Trinity quarter court met, and " Sir Edward Sackville was entreated to acquaint the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council with the massacre of the English Colony in Virginia by the Indians there, and with the present necessity of arms and people to make a reparation," etc. Aside from this, the court went through the regular routine as if nothing had happened. This court (July 13) gave order that a receipt should be sealed for £41 16s, which the gentlemen and mariners had given to the East India Company to be employed in laying the foundation of a church in Virginia. Captain Martin Pring (of the Royal James) was made a freeman of the com- pany, and two shares of land were given him. The same was done by Mr. Thomas Kerridge, the commander of the East India ship that last came home. Mr. Robert Careles, who had lived twenty years in the West Indies and sixteen years in the East Indies, was admitted, and one share given him. Rev. Mr. Patrick Copland was chosen to be rector of the intended college in Virginia, and Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir John Danvers, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. John Ferrar, Mr. R. Smith, Mr. Wrote, and Mr. Barber were appointed the committee for the college for this present year. Mrs. Mary Tue, daughter of Hugh Crouch, heir and executor of Lieu- tenant Richard Crouch, assigned 150 acres to Mr. Daniel Gookin (who had returned in the Seaflower), and 100 acres to Samuel Jordan, then in Virginia. Rev. Mr. Pemberton (who intended to go to Virginia) and Rev. Mr. Lawne, or Launce (who always remembered Virginia in his prayers), 482 UNDER THE COMPANY and Rev. Mr. Samuel Seaward, of Oxford, bachelor of divinity, were admitted into the company without charge, and the court agreed "to recommend Rev. Mr. Hopkins unto the governor of Virginia, upon the good comendation that Mr. Edward Allen hath given of him being desirous to go over at his own charge." Having thus strengthened themselves with the church, the court now strengthened themselves with the state by adding to his Majesty's Coun- cil for the company the Lord Marquis Hamilton, Sir Ed- ward Conway, of the Privy Council, Sir Henry Mildmay, master of the jewel-house, Sir Thomas Coventry, attorney- general. Sir Edward Barkham, lord mayor of London, Mr. Heneage Finch, i^ecorder of London, and Dr. John Dunn, dean of Paul's. Sundry patents to adventurers (one of whom was Edward Palmer of the Middle Temple) and planters were confirmed. It was noted that the adventures of " M"^ Robert Stout £50 ; John Stout £25, and Mr John JoUes £25, had been omitted in the printed book." Mr. Swaine (or Swann), master of the Hart, and Mr. Browne, master of the Robucke (recently returned from the East Indies), were admitted into the Virginia Company, and one share given each ; Francis Carter passed sixteen shares to Edward Palmer of the Middle Temple, and one share to Mr. Edward Butler. " 40 shares had been previously as- signed by the Lady De La Warr to Francis Carter." This will account in part for Carter's transfers. " Thomas Read passed over (under his hand and seal) one hundred acres of land in Virginia, scituate in Coxendale, over against the Island of Henricus, some part thereof being called by the name of Mount My Lady, unto Edward Hurd, of London, citizen and iron monger, which one hundred acres were granted unto him by Sir George Yeardley, then Governor of Virginia, and under the Colony's seal, in regard of his eight years' good service in that Country." " On July 15 it was agreed by the New England com- pany that M^ Gookyn shall be admitted in ye new Grants upon payment of his Adventure." I suppose that the ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 483 massacre in Virginia may have turned him toward New England. In the spring of 1622, Lord Treasurer Cranfield pro- posed to Sir Edwin Sandys that the government should contract directly with the Virginia and Somers Islands companies for the sole importation of tobacco, in prefer- ence to the collectors of the customs, Abraham and John Jacob, who then held the contract. " It is a misfortune (saies he) not to be avoided, that whilst the Plantations in their present infancy have their whole subsistence by the trade of tobacco, the King's necessities should cast him upon all and any ways for advancement of his revenue . . . and when the Virginia and Summer Islands Company offer to plead their freedom [from duty] in the case, the Lawyers say, it is a poisonous drug which the King might justifie to banish or burn, and not to be accounted as a staple or national commodity, in which case it was in the King's power to do his pleasure in any sort concerning the same. But to comply for the advantage of the plantations the companies might, and should if they pleased, have the sole importation to them and in their managing for £20,000 per annum." After consultation with Sir Arthur Ingram, and further debate with the lord treasurer, Sir Edwin Sandys submitted the question to the Virginia court of June 15, 1622. Committees were then appointed by both companies to treat and consider the matter of this contract. These committees reported to an extraordinary court, held for that purpose, on July 9, and the matter was fully dis- cussed. It was again considered at the preparative court of July 11, and the " Propositions were finally agreed on by the Treasurer and Company for Virginia in a Great and General Quarter Court, held on Wednesday, the 13*^ of July, 1622, touching a contract to be made with his Maj- esty for the sole importation of tobacco, which propositions they desire may be ratified by the Right Honourable, the Lord High Treasurer of England." The contract was to begin at Michaelmas, 1622, and continue for the space of 484 UNDER THE COMPANY seven years then next ensuing. The Somers Islands court of July 20 suggested some alterations, and the Virginia court of July 27 appointed a committee to meet and advise about the drawing up of the patent touching the said con- tract with his Majesty; to attend the attorney-general about the same, as representatives of the companies. At the Virginia court of July 27, " Capt Thomas Jones of the Discovery now employed in Virginia was admitted and made a freeman of the Company." Francis Carter passed one share to John Hitch; Richard Ball (or Bull) passed one share to Ralph Bateman, and one to John Budge; and William Fleet passed three shares to his daughter, Katherine Fleet. Mr. William Phetiplace had paid Sir Thomas Smith £10 on September 19, 1607, which was short of a full share ; but as he was an ancient adven- turer, a full share of 100 acres of land in Virginia was allowed to him by this court. When the news of the massacre reached England, the company was busy with large preparations for the coming year, and it was at first a most severe shock ; but it soon aroused the determination of the company and excited the sympathy of the friends of the colony to such an extent that all things were carried forward promptly and very vigorously. " Sir Edward Sackville, after delivering the message to the Privy Council in re the massacre, entreated their lord- ships' mediation to his Majesty in their said suit, which they were pleased to perform. His Majesty was graciously pleased to promise them assistance, and demanded what the Company desired. It was answered, munition and people, whereby they might be enabled to take a just revenge of these treacherous Indians, and to recover what they had now lost, as also to secure themselves against the like, or any foreign enemy that should offer to assault them ; where- upon it pleased his Majesty to promise them such arms out of the Tower as was desired." The officers of the Tower then reported what arms they had on hand. On July 27, ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 485 Sir Edward Sackville made his report to the Company. They soon after made a note of such of these arms as they wanted, which was presented to the Privy Council on Au- gust 8, 1622, who at once issued their order to " the Lord High Treasurer of England who calling unto him some of the officers of the ordnance shall advise what sorts and pro- portion of the said arms are fit to be delivered for the use afore said and thereupon give order for delivering the same accordingly." This order was issued on the same day to Sir John Cope, the king's master of the armory, " to deliver 100 brigantines, 40 plate coats, 400 shirts and coats of mail, 2,000 skulls of iron, 1,000 halberds, and brown bills ; and 50 murdering pieces. Besides pistols, daggers, etc." These things were then held to be " altogether unfit and of no use for modern service but very serviceable against that naked people." They also asked for the loan of twenty barrels of powder, which the king let them have to be repaid in January, 1623. Exactly when the news first reached the public I do not know. On July 22, Mr. Thomas Locke wrote to Rev. Jo- seph Mead : " I had most forgotten [to tell you] that all our people, in all places should, on March 22 [0. S.] at eight in the morning, under pretence of friendship, have been murdered by the natives ; and had been, had not an Indian boy the night before discovered it to his master, who, all night, sent about to give notice ; yet, in Martin's hundred, too far off to have notice, almost all were slain, as namely, 329." And, on July 23, Chamberlain wrote to Carleton about it. On July 29, " The Court of Common Council of London taking into consideration the great loss which Virginia had lately sustained by the barbarous cruelty of the savage people there (who if their design had not been discovered had endangered the utter ruin and subversion of the whole plantation) did with one heart and voice express their read- iness to cherish and assist so noble and pious a work and did give £500 towards the furnishing, apparelling and 486 UNDER THE COMPANY transporting of 100 persons from the age of 12 years and upwards." Sir Edward Barkham, lord mayor. Sir Thomas Bennett, etc. (the committee of December 28, 1619), were appointed, under the same conditions, committees for the better ordering, dispatch, and effecting of the said business. On August 2, Sir Edward Barkham, the lord mayor, issued his precept to the church- wardens, etc., for levying the £500. The parish of St. Christopher's paid £3 18s 6d of this sum. The James, of 120 tons, was sent to Virginia by the company, and the Truelove, of 46 tons, by private adven- turers, about August 12. These were the first ships sent after hearing of the massacre ; they carried emigrants, sup- plies, letters, etc. Before the news of the massacre, in making the prepara- tions for the coming year, the company had published a broadside, called : — (I.) " The Inconveniences that have happened to some persons which have trans-ported themselves from England to Virginia, without provisions necessary to sustain themselves, hath greatly hindred the Progress of that noble Planta- tion : For prevention of the like disorders hereafter, that no man suffer, either through ignorance or misinformation ; it is thought requisite to publish this short declaration : wherein is contained a particular of such necessaries, as either private families or single persons shall have cause to furnish themselves with, for their better support at their first landing in Virginia ; whereby also greater numbers may receive in part, directions how to provide themselves." The list gives the necessary articles of " Apparell, Victuall, Armes, Tooles and Household Implements, and the cost of each, amounting to the sum of £12 10 shillings each per- son, which with the cost of passage £6 and the freight £1 10s makes a total of £20. If the number of people be greater. Nets, hookes, lines, and a tent, as also some Kine must be added." And this " is the usual proportion that the Virginia Company do bestow upon their Tenants which they send. Whosoever transports himself or any other at ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622— APRIL, 1623 487 his own charge unto Virginia, shall for each person so trans- ported before Midsummer 1625, have to him and his heires forever fifty acres of land upon a first, and fifty acres upon a second division." This published list contained the " necessaries " only. Mr. William Webb, the husband of the Company, advised those who were able to do so to carry over, also, some butter, cheese, beef-suet and beer. People of more ample means of course carried whatever they wanted for their use. (II.) The hope for a ready way to the South Sea had been revived by Mr. Henry Briggs, the celebrated mathe- matician, in " A Treatise of the Northwest Passage to the South Sea, through the continent of Virginia and by Fre- tum Hudson." On August 31, there was entered for publication at Sta- tioners' Hall : — " A Declaration of the State of the Colony and afPaires in Virginia. With A H elation of the barbarous massacre in the time of peace and league, treacherously executed by the native infidels upon the English, the 22 of March last. Together with the names of those that were then massa- cred ; that their lawf uU heyres, by this notice given, may take order for the inheriting of their lands and estates in Virginia. And (II.) A Treatise annexed, written by that learned mathematician, Mr. Henry Briggs, of the North- west passage to the South Sea through the continent of Virginia and by Fretum Hudson. Also a Commemora- tion of such worthy Benefactors as have contributed their Christian Charitie towards the advancement of the Colony. And a JVote of the charges [^ The Inconveniences ' etc., the broadside (I.) abovesaid] of necessary provisions fit for every man that intends to go to Virginia. Published by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by G. Eld, for Robert Mylbourne and are to be sold at his shop, at the great South doore of Pauls, 1622." The Declaration was collected, by Edward Waterhouse, 4:88 UNDER THE COMPANY out of the letters sent to the Virginia Company by the governor and other gentlemen of quaHty there, and from " the relation of some of those that were beholders of that tragedie/' who returned in " the Sea-Flower, the ship that brought us this unwelcome news." The book was soon issued. Kev. Joseph Mead wrote to Sir Martin Stuteville from Christ College, September 24, 1622, about it ; and adds, " they took some of our ordnance, and some barrels of gunpowder, which Opocohontas [sic], the King, caused to be sown, expecting a large crop of gunpowder in the summer, thinking it would have grown." The object of the work was to correct erroneous ideas and to encourage the enterprise. " No generous Spirit will forbear to go on for this accident that hath hapned to the Plantation, but proceed rather chearfuUy in this honorable Enterprise, since the discovery of their bruitish falsehood will prove (as shall appear by this Treatise following) many ways advantageable to us, and make this forewarning a forewarning forever to prevent a greater mischief." On September 21, a license was granted Kobert Myl- bourne to publish " A poeme on the late massacre in Vir- ginia ; " but I have never seen a copy. James I. had long been the especial advocate of the making of silk and wine in Virginia. He caused his ser- vant, John Bonnel, a Frenchman, to prepare "A Treatise on the Art of making silk, with directions for making of lodgings, and the breeding, nourishing and ordering of silkworms and for the planting of Mulbery trees, and all other things belonging to the Silk- Art. Together with instructions how to plant and dress Vines and to make Wine, and how to dry Raisins, Figs, and other Fruits, and to set olives, oranges. Lemons, Pomegranates, Almonds and many other fruits etc. set forth for the benefit of the two renowned and most hopefull sisters Virginia, and the Sum- mer-Islands." At the beginning was the king's letter (of July, 1622) to the treasurer. Council, and company, com- manding the present setting up of silk-works and planting ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 489 of vines in Virginia, in preference to the cultivation of tobacco, and their letter of September 15, 1622, " to the Governor and Councell of State in Virginia for the strict execution of his Majesties Royall commands herein." At the end of the book is " A conclusion, with sundry pro- fitable remonstrances to the Colonies," which may have been written by the king himself. While the company was not willing to yield their freedom of election to the king, the managers seem to have entered heartily into his ideas relative to silk and wine. They determined to send good store of Bonnel's books to Virginia, " to every Master of a family one," for encouraging all to undertake these commo- dities. The Southampton, Captain James Chester, sailed in September, and the Abigail, Captain Samuel Each, in Octo- ber, with emigrants, suppHes, arms, etc., for Virginia. Sir Dudley Carleton wrote from the Hague to Secretary Calvert on September 17, 1622 : " There are three of Count Mansf eld's eldest Captains dead there [at the camp of Schenken Schanz, to the east of Nymegen] in the space of three days. ... Sir Thomas Gates, an ancient honest gentleman of our Nation, a Captain of foot," was one of them. Gates had been in service on the continent since the fall of 1620, and, although he did not die in Virginia, he died in the active service of his country. The Privy Council having ordered a revision of the patent for New England, the Council for that colony on July 22, 1622, desired Sir Henry Spelman (the historian, and father of Captain Henry Spelman, who was killed in Virginia on April 6, 1623) to take " some paynes therewith and afterwards solicit the Attorney." November 1, Dr. Barnaby Gooch, Sir Robert Mansell, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Sir Samuel Argall, and Captain Thomas Love of the New England Council, consulted Mr. John Selden and Mr. (Alderman) Robert Johnson concerning the heads of the new grand patent. From a subsequent order it appears that they also wished to have " our new pattent " con- firmed by Parliament. In reply to a petition of the Coun- 490 UNDER THE COMPANY cil for the affairs of New England, which was presented to the Privy Council on November 2, 1622, an order was given to Mr. Attorney-General Coventry to prepare a pro- clamation '^ fitt for his Majesty's signature, prohibiting all persons to resort unto the coasts of New England con- trarie to his Majesties said Eoyall grant." This proclama- tion, prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America, was signed by the king on November 16. Two days thereafter the New England Council agreed " that there shall be a commission granted to Captain Fran- cis West to go to New England captain of the ship called the Plantation and admiral for that coast. And that a patent be granted to Captain Thomas Squibb, to be aiding and assisting to the admiral." Sir Ferdinando Gorges was desired to draw up the instructions for Captain West. November 29, the New England Council order, " that Capt Squibb have a commission for the John and Francis of London to go a fishing as Mr. Champernoun hath. Dec 2°!^ That Capt. Squibb's commission for aiding & assist- ing of ye Admirall and for discovery and takeing possession of Mount Mansell for Sir Robert Mansell's use bee forth- with sealed. Dec lO*'*' Capt. West's commission is this day sealed. The Virginia Court had on Nov. 2".^ commissioned Mr. Newland's ship called the Plantation to make a voyage to Virginia, and on Dec 7^^ they also commissioned the John and Francis to go to Virginia and then for a fishing voyage." These entries show that the New England Coun- cil and Virginia courts were acting in accord. At the Virginia court of October 2, a letter from Cap- tain Ralph Hamor in Virginia was read. Rev. John Donne, the dean of St. Paul's, was selected to deliver the annual sermon before the company. And Mr. Casewell, Mr. Mell- ing, Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Rider were chosen to be stew- ards for providing and ordering of the annual supper thereafter. The sermon was delivered in St. Michael's Church, Cornhill, on Wednesday, November 23, upon the eighth verse of the first chapter of the Acts of the Apos- ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 491 ties. It was entered for publication on December 8, and three days after Dr. Donne wrote to Sir Thomas Roe, giving him " particulars of the sermons which Roe has had preached before the King and the Virginia Company." Thus it seems that Roe was the man who paid forty shil- lings per annum for these sermons. The supper, held after the sermon, was spread in Merchant-tailors' Hall. It was a grand affair, between three and four hundred being present, at a cost of three shilhngs (=$3.50) a man. At the court of November 16, Mr. John Ferrar passed one share to Mr. Edmund Hun ; Sir Henry Rich and his lady, four shares to Mr. Henry Piercy (or Pierry); and Henry Reynolds, two to William Vesy. Mr. George Ruggle (who had been one of the advisers of the managers of the enterprise for the last three years, and had written sundry treatises for the benefit of the plan- tation, in particular the one so highly commended by Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the government of Virginia) died on November 29, leaving by vnll £100 for the educa- tion of infidels' (Indian) children. In August, John Paulett, then Lord St. John of Basing, afterwards the celebrated Marquis of Winchester, gave the Virginia Company fifty coats of mail, and the Michaelmas quarter court (November 30) gave him ten shares of land and adventure in Virginia, and elected him a member of his Majesty's Council for the company. December 14, Mr. Nicholas Ferrar passed two shares to Mr. George Mordent, and Henry Lord La Warr and the Lady Cicily two to Mr. Nicholas Downes. Captain John Martin had refused to yield the privileges granted to him in his original patent for Martin's Brandon in Virginia ; but the managers of the company had vir- tually annulled it for the time being, at least, by with- holding it, etc. He had been in England since the summer of 1621, trying to make a satisfactory settlement. On December 19, 1622, he wrote to his brother-in-law. Sir Julius Caesar [of the Privy Council], asking, " That your 492 UNDER THE COMPANY honor would be pleased to order that my old patent may be brought in, and delivered to your honor's hands." The letter is indorsed by Sir Julius Csesar, " From my brother Martin touching the question between the Virginia Company and him." Martin was evidently anxious to have the matter settled. On December 25, he drew up for Sir Julius Csesar two papers ; the first, giving his idea of " the manner how Virginia, if his Majesty and his Council and Company agree, may be made a Koyall plantation, for God's glory his Majesty's and Royall Progeny's ever hap- piness and the companies exceeding good, and all this land shall receive daily profit thereby." It is indorsed, " The manner how to make a Royall Plantation — It seemeth not improbable." It presents a crude idea of the shire system which was afterwards adopted in Virginia. The Rev. E. D. Neill, D. D., published this paper in the Mac- alester College contributions, but the transposition of a page in the imprint has destroyed the sense of the docu- ment. The second paper gives Martin's idea of " The Manner ho we to bring the Indians into subjection without an utter exterpation of them. Together with the reasons why it is not fitting utterly to make an exterpation of the Savages yett." And his ideas " for avoiding any future danger in our Colony that may grow." He regarded Ope- chancanough and the tribes under him, between the James and the Potomac, as the principal enemies of the English. They were also at enmity with the Monecans to the north- west, and the Potomacs and other nations to the northward ; and in friendship vdth the eastern shore, and with the tribes south of James River. In January, 1623, Sir Edward Conway succeeded Sir Robert Naunton as one of the secretaries of state. The plan for allotting land and tenants to the offices in Virginia would have been more satisfactory if the people could first have been acclimated, and might have been finally economical ; but under the circumstances its intro- duction proved too heavy an expense for the company's V» OF THB 't)^^ "IVERSITY J ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRII^ ^W^^ \(\>l^^ purse. " About 120 tenants were now due to the various officers in Virginia. To send them as the managers were ^ in equity and justice obHged to do ' would cost at the first penny ^£2400, etc. It was found to be hard to en- force the bargains made in England with those who had been sent to Virginia. . . . Besides, the Company was in debt to the under officers and others in England, to the French vignerons and others in Virginia, and they had but little in hand. The various plans for public works had been prostrated by the massacre . . . and they could not be fairly resumed until the Indians were in subjection, which would take time," etc. At the court of October 17, some hot words passed between Mr. Samuel Wrote, the spokesman for his party, and the managers, about this state of affairs. These questions and the proposed contract for the sole importation of tobacco (over which there was still controversy) were now occupying a great part of the time of the courts. Under the contract for tobacco as outlined at the court of December 14, " which in all the most ma- terial points followed the judgment of the House of Com- mons in the late Parliament," the salaries of the various officers for the management thereof amounted to about £2000. It was urged by the opposing party that this was extravagant ; that the company was in no condition to per- mit extravagance ; that £600 was ample. Sir Edwin San- dys was slated for director, with a salary of £500, and John Ferrar for treasurer, with a salary of £400. It was con- tended that there was no need for a director at all, and that £100 was enough pay for the treasurer. In the de- bate Mr. Wrote was very outspoken. It was reopened at the court of December 21, and Mr. Wrote was then si- lenced by suspension from the Council. The condition of affairs in Virginia being unknown, the managers had been meeting the attacks with some caution. About Christ- mas several ships returned from Virginia with encouraging reports, and they then became aggressive. In January, 1623, the courts took up again the wording of Mr. Wrote's 494 UNDER THE COMPANY speech of December, and met his charges more boldly from court to court. On February 12, " the contract between the Lord Treasurer of England on the behalf of His Maj- esty and the Virginia Company touching the Importation of Tobacco/' was read by the Privy Council and allowed by the board. But the dispute over the salaries and other questions at issue went on in the Virginia courts. At the preparative court of February 13, Sir Henry Mildmay told the company " that his Majesty had lately taken notice of these differences, as a hinderance to other main business of special consequence unto the plantation, and that his Majesty understands that divers adventurers have been discouraged from going on, and wonders that so many are willing to give over their shares." At the quarter court of February 15, Sir Henry Mildmay told the court that the king " wished that verbal differences may be left and the business of the plantation go on." Sir Edward Sack- ville indorsed this, adding that " his Majesty invites us to forsake words and fall to actions, and at last to end to talk and begin to do, which would most advance his service and confer the greatest benefit unto the colony unto which he wished all happiness." But the managers seem to have been " wholly strangers to that wary circumspection which is commonly dignified by the name of prudence," in deal- ing with James I. After hearing the king's messages, they went on with their discussions. They excluded Mr. Wrote from the Council forever, and disfranchised him from the company as an unworthy member. The court then went to business ; added Lord Maynard, Lord De la Warr, Lord General [I could not make out this name]. Sir Lawrence Hide, and Colonel Ogle to his Majesty's Council for the company ; commissioned several vessels to go first to Vir- ginia, and then to make fishing voyages, and " upon the motion of Mr. Wm. Constable and Mr. Arthur Swaine a commission was given Mr. Reynolds, master of the William and John, to go a fishing solely for the relief of the Col- ony," etc. ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622 — APRIL, 1623 495 The court of February 22 again took up the contro- versy over the contract, the salaries, the monopoly of to- bacco, etc. ; and these contentions continued to occupy a great portion of the time of the subsequent Virginia and Somers Islands courts. February 28, the governor (Lord Cavendish) and com- pany of the Somers Islands presented charges to the Privy Council against Captain Nathaniel Butler for leaving the islands and going to Virginia. The news from Virginia, as given out to the public, continued to be encouraging ; but " they were really having very hard times in the Colony." On March 10, 1623, a friend in London wrote to Rev. Joseph Mead : " Yesterday came good news from Virginia, that the colony well sub- sists again ; hath driven Opochanknogh far off, slain many of his men, in revenge of his last year's treacherous mur- dering of three hundred and forty of ours, and have got much corn from them." On March 14, 1623, the Privy Council renewed their order of November 3, 1621, requiring the Virginia Com- pany first to land all merchandise from Virginia in Eng- land, and pay his Majesty's customs thereon, before sending it into foreign parts for sale. They order that the ships very lately returned laden with tobacco, " conveyed into foreign parts without ever landing here," must be brought back upon penalties, and that the officials of the company must prevent the like fault hereafter. This order had been issued after hearing the statements of both parties at the Council Board. Lord Treasurer Cranfield was then on the side of the companies, with whom he had contracted. He told the court how the plantation had almost miraculously advanced under the management of Sir Edwin Sandys; that the sending of some ships from the plantations to Holland was none of the company's act, but of particular adventurers to whom the ships and goods belonged. But the answer was not satisfactory to the major part of the Council^ and they issued the order aforesaid. The subse- 496 UNDER THE COMPANY quent Virginia courts in March were largely devoted to " the answer of the Companies for Virginia and the Somer Islands to the Right Honourable the Lords and others of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, touching their Lordships' proposition and command for the importing of Tobacco and all other merchandize from the said plan- tations into England." On March 29, after a long discus- sion, Lord Cavendish, Sir Edward Sackville, Sir John Dan- vers. Colonel Ogle, Sir Robert Killigrew, three deputies (John and Nicholas Ferrar, of the Virginia Company, and Gabriel Barber, of the Somers Islands Company), and Mr. White, or any four of them, were appointed to draw up a remonstrance of their said humble proposition and petition to the lords of the Privy Council, and to present the same unto their lordships in the name of the company. The paper was drawn, and afterwards (on March 30) presented by Lord Cavendish to the Privy Council. Sir Nathaniel Rich made answer thereto, and then presented, in a long paper, " Sundry Reasons against the contract and joynt stocke for the Virginia and Summer Islands Tobacco and against the monopoly of Tobacco." After hearing both sides, the Council determined to submit the matter to the king. Lord Cavendish made his report to the Virginia court on April 3. The lord treasurer wrote to the officers and farmers of the customs, and to Abraham and John Jacob, the collectors, that the contract was intended for the benefit of the colonies; but it had been decided by the Privy Council as rather prejudicial to them, and the tobacco was, therefore, to be delivered to the several pro- prietors thereof. The amounts which were to be paid to the king, the salaries, which had been increased to about £2500 per annum, and every other charge, was really to come out of the tobacco, — that is, out of the planters. As the size of the crop was an unknown quantity, the con- tractors would naturally protect themselves at the expense of the planters. The contract was not a fair one, but it was about as fair as those which went before and those ENGLAND, JUNE 1, 1622— APRIL, 1623 497 which came after. From the first, tobacco has been be- tween the upper and nether millstone, and as much tax has always been ground out of it as possible. I have never used tobacco, and I am not prejudiced in its favor, but history demands the truth, and " the weed " was a corner- stone of our foundation. By will dated January 10 and proven April 4, 1623, William Whitehead of London, gentleman, bequeathed a sum of money toward a school or church to be erected in Martin's Hundred, Virginia. At the court of February 13, 1623, Francis Carter passed thirty shares : one to Christopher Vivian of London, cloth- worker ; fourteen to " Mr. Edward Palmer of the Middle Temple, London Esq. ; " one to Mr. Thomas Morse, haber- dasher ; one to James Carter, mariner ; one to Mr. Thomas Latham of London, gentleman; eleven to Mr. Edward Palmer, Esq., and one to Richard Norwood, gentleman ; Sir William Twisden passed three shares to his son. Sir Roger Twisden ; William Burnham passed one bill of ad- venture of <£12 10s, and one personal share to James Fotheringill ; Colonel John Ogle was admitted, and Mr. Melling wished a committee to find out whether or no the book of laws was published by the authority of the com- pany. On the motion of Sir John Brooke, a new patent was granted to Captain John Martin, according to the pro- mise of the Earl of Southampton, " with as ample privileges as had been granted to his lordship, or any other ancient adventurer, and that his shares of land mentioned in his former patent, or which shall become due for transportation of persons at his charge, may be laid out in Martin's Bran- don, of which he was formerly possessed." On February 14, the Earl of Southampton passed two shares to Mr. George Garrett; Mr. John Ferrar passed one share to Sir Robert Harley, and one to Sllias Souther- ton. On February 15, Sir Humphrey Handford passed one share to Sir Timothy Thornehill. 498 UNDER THE COMPANY March 1, Mr. Melling passed two shares to Mr. Boothby ; and Mr. Gideon Delaune, two to his son. March 4, " Sir John Trevor ye father passed two shares to Sir John ye sonne ; " Mr. Viner, one share to Mr. Francis Bickly and one to Mr. Robert Alden ; and Mr. John Ferrar, one to Mathias Caldicott, Esq. March 17, Sir Edwin Sandys passed five shares to his son Henry ; Mr. John Budge, one to Mr. Middleton ; and Mr. WiUiam Janson, two to Mr. Rich. Biggs. April 12, Sir Walter Ralegh's son admitted ; Mr. Webb passed one share each to John Gibbens, James Gibbens, and Lawrence Williams. The James returned from Virginia in the first part of April, and the letter received by her from the governor and Council of Virginia was read at the court of April 12. Captain Nathaniel Butler probably returned on this ship. At this court. Captain Martin accepted the new patent that was offered him by the company, and was authorized by the court to bring suit in Virginia against Sir George Yeardley for wrongs which he charged Yeardley with having done him in the time of his government (1619-1621). I t VIII VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 SIB FBANCIS WYATT, GOVEBNOR Mr. Truelove and his associates were not discouraged by the massacre ; but determined to uphold their settle- ment in Virginia. They sent their bark, the Truelove, of London, of about forty-six tons, James Carter, master, from England, in August, 1622, with supplies for their plan- tation. She sailed in consort with the James, of 120 tons, which carried the first letters of advice and direction from the Council in England to the governor and Council of Virginia relating to the late massacre and other impor- tant business. These ships reached Virginia in November or December, 1622. In their letter (written by Nicholas Ferrar) the Council are disposed to blame the officers for not taking precautions against the Indians, and accuse them of being " in parte instruments of contriving it." They also urge the colonists to redress " those two enor- mous excesses of apparell and drinkeing, the crie whereof cannot but have gone up to Heaven. ... In the strength of those faults undoubtedly, and the neglect of Divine wor- shipp, have the Indians prevailed, more than in your weak- ness." They urge that " an humble reconciliation be made with the Devine Master, by future conformitie unto His most just and holie lawes," ^ and that " they apply their labors especially to the setting up of staple comodities." They tell of the ^^ King's disposition to grant the Companies the sole importation of Tobacco, and to give them certain ^ Nicholas Ferrar, who wrote many " Arminian Nunnery," at Little Gid- of the letters from the company to ding, in Huntingdonshire, the colony, afterwards established the 500 UNDER THE COMPANY arms ; " of the various preparations which they were making for the advancement of the colony. They say that " it is absolutely nessary for the good of the Colony to replant Henerico, The Colledge-lands, the Iron Works, Charles Cittie and Martin's Hundred." The last-named they leave " to the adventurers for that Hundred ; but the Governor and Council must speedily restore the rest. The college affairs were to be placed under the management of M'' George Sandys, and the Iron Works under M'' Maurice Berkley." " As for the Brick-makers they are to be held to their contract formerly made with Mr. Thorpe, so that when the opportunity shall be for the erecting of the fabricke of the Colledge the materialls be not wanting." Instructions were sent as to the company's lands and ten- ants. Extermination of the Indians was urged and rewards were offered for their taking ; and *^ if any can take Opa- chancano himself, he shall have a great and singular reward from us. As for those Indians whom God used as instru- ments of reveahng and preventing the totaU ruine of you all, we think a good respect and recompense due unto them, which by a good and carefull education of them may best be expressed and satisfied, whereby they may be made capable of further benefits and favors." The Southampton, Captain James Chester, which left England in September, arrived in Virginia in December. About the middle of December, Captain Nathaniel But- ler went up the river from Jamestown in his barque, and, meeting with Captain William PoweU going against the Chickahominies, they joined forces and dispersed the In- dians, taking their corn and destroying their towns. The Success, of Barnstable, belonging to Mr. Delbridge, left the Bermudas about December 16, and arrived in Vir- ginia about Christmas. She brought " sutes of aparell, some frise [frieze] and other commodities" to be left in Virginia with Delphebus Canne for trade. The Abigail, Captain Samuel Each, arrived from England about the same time, with Lady Wyatt, wife of the governor; with the VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 501 arms which had been given to the colony by the king and by Lord St. John of Basing ; with forty barrels of powder ; the king's letters, and Mr. Bonnel's books, etc., in re silk, wine, etc. ; petitions, etc., relative to the estates of those killed in the massacre ; letters from the company, etc. Since May, the managers in England had been contracting with Captain Each, of this ship, for the building of a block- house or fort on the banks in James River, near Blunt Point, to control the channel of the river (on the shoals called " Tindall's shouldes " in his map of 1608), near the present "Point of Shoals light." Mr. John Ferrar had borrowed £320 of Lady Rumney and Mr. Thomas Melling for furnishing out this expedition ; but a desperate " dis- ease originated on board [caused, it was said, by Duppa's bad beer], and most of the workmen [including the cap- tain] died en route or soon after landing." The company's letter to the governor and Council in Virginia, sent by this ship, had been ordered by the Virginia court of October 17. It states that " the late calamities that have bef alne do much grieve but no whit daunt us, for we see no danger but rather advantage to be made thereby ... as we cannot but think the seeding of this blood will be the Seed of the Plantation, for the addition of price hath much endeared the purchase." A sharp revenge on the Indians is advised. " The Arms given by the King should be made the beginning of a Publique Armorie to the Gen- erall Colony, as a perpetual testimony of his Majesty's royal bounty and favour." General directions, instructions, etc., are given to Governor Wyatt and Council, " to be watchful, maintain discipline, plant corn, raise staple commodities," etc. Always expecting an attack from some of the con- stantly passing Spanish fleets, " they thought it necessary above all things to secure the river from suddaine Invasion by Shipping," ^ and, with this object in view, " they now 1 I have not found the dispatches be sure that Olivarez was kept fully to Philip IV. from his ambassadors informed regarding affairs in Virginia, in London at this time, but we may the massacre, etc. 502 UNDER THE COMPANY send Capt Each to build a fort in the river above Blunt Point to command the passage ; the adventurers of Martin's and Southampton hundred had ordered their officers to aid in building this Fort; the Company's tobacco and the joynt- stock tobacco for Glass, Furr, Maids, and shipwright rolls was to be sent home in the Abigail. Instructions relative to the magazine under Mr. Edward Blany [Blaine] ; debts due the Company for the youths sent in the Duty and other debts to be collected by Mr George Sandys, their Treasurer ; Sassafras, wanted," etc. The governor was to permit no one to leave the colony who was in debt to the company " until the said debt was paid." The James, the Truelove, and the Hopewell, returned for England early in February. The last-named ship car- ried a great part of the magazine tobacco by order (as Mr. Blany affirmed) out of England, although the governor wanted the tobacco to go by the Abigail, as the company requested, under the contract with Captain Samuel Each. All of these ships carried letters to England. The letter from the governor and Council of Virginia (written by George Sandys) to the London Company of January fj, 162f , sent by the James, begins : " We cannot but acknowledge God's great goodness that after those last great disasters hath stirred up the harte of his most excel- lent Majesty to bestow upon us so Royall a present of Armes & munition which we resolve to imploy to ye honor of our Countrey and revenge of his subjects bloud for which munition and his gratious intention of supplying us with people we beseech you to present our most humble thanks to his sacred Majesty," etc. They go on to tell what re- venge they have already taken upon the Indians. " And now is Capt. Tucker in the River of Rapahanock to take revenge upon them as Confederates with Apochankeno. . . . [But] they are an enemy not suddenlie to be destroyed with the sworde by reason of their swyftness of foote, and advantages of the woode, to which upon all our assaults they retyre. But by the way of starving and all other VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622— AUGUST, 1623 503 meanes that we can possibly devise we will constantly pur- sue their extirpation. By computation, and confession of the Indians themselves, we have slayne more of them this yeere, than hath been slayne before since ye begininge of ye Colonic. " Whereas in the beginning of your Letters by the Truelove you pass so heavie a censure upon us as if we alone were guiltie, [but] you may be pleased to consider, what instructions you have formerly given us, to wynn the Indians to us by a kind entertayning them in our howses, and, if it were possible, to co-habit with us, and how impos- sible it is for any watch and ward to secure us against se- cret enemies that live promiscuouslie amongst us, and are harbored in our bosomes, all Histories and your owne dis- course may sufficyentlie informe you," etc. " The removall to the Eastern shore was only a thing in dispute ; they had since determined to remain at James citty, having carefully repaired the decays and invited all men to build there," " which proceeded cheerfully on, till your letters dyspers- inge men againe wherein we submit our judgments to your Commands." "Mr Barkley and Mr Southerne regard it as impossible to proceed with the Iron works. The Coun- cil wished to assault Apochancono himselfe, for which 300 men were thought necessary and not above 180 could be levied in The Colony, whereof 80 at least were only service- able for carrying of corn." Much of the letter relates to business matters, — ingrossing, sassafras, silk-grass, silkworm seed, vines, glass-works, etc. They seemed to have honestly tried to raise other commodities ; but tobacco remained the mainstay of the plantation. George Harrison's letter of February 3, to his brother John, was also sent by the James. (He called the ship the Little James. Could this have been the ship of that name then en route for New England ?) It relates chiefly to business matters (especially tobacco matters) between his brother, Mr. Bennett, and himself ; but he says, " since the Massacre there is far more dead than was by it slayn, and 504 UNDER THE COMPANY now at this time a great many sick, with no hopes of life. This present day died Capt. Powell that was gunner of James citty under the generall. Of all the whole number of servants we brought in the Sea Flower [1621-1622] there is not left above ten." He urges his brother to send good wines, butter, cheese, sugar, soap, and good " sini- ment waters " to trade in Virginia, assuring him " for £50 a <£100," and then to send his ship back to England on a fishing voyage via the northern fisheries. He mentions a former letter sent to his brother by the Conqueror (of which ship I have no other record), and that Mr. Bennett had a brother living in Virginia. Mr. George Sandys sent a private letter (written a few days later than Mr. Harrison's) to Mr. Ferrar, by the Hope- well, from which I extract the following : — " Worthy Sir : Be this my excuse that I in particular write not to ye generally \_generality ? — the treasurer, Council, and company, — that is, the public]. I have no- thing wherewith to paUiat their humors, who I too well per- ceave will both judge and condemn whatsoever succeeds not to their desires without either inquiry of the truth or necessity of our actions. But we whom the hand of heaven hath humbled profess the inability of ye best Counsell & indeavors that are not supported by ye divine assistance neither have their aspertions much troubled us that are con- firmed with innocency and habituall patience." He goes on to tell of the arrival of Sir William Newce in October, 1621, of his early death, and of the disposition of his few surviving servants, to Captain Wilcocks, Captain Roger Smyth, Captain WilHam Tucker, Captain Crashaw, etc. " I am afraid there be little tobacco left which the maga- zine hath not receaved . . . 60,000 waight being the most that this year's crop hath produced. As for ye Duty Boyes they think much to be brought to a backe reconinge : since they paid as much as was demaunded for them & re- ceaved acquitances. Yet Sir George Yardley will pay the over plus for those which he reserved to himself ; the like VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 505 offer was made by Capt. [Wm.] Powell (who is now with God) but that they are not able at this time to discharge it. Sir George complaines not without cause, who I believe hath lost this year two thirds of his estate. And to give him his dew he hath behaved himself very nobly in ye ser- vice of ye Country to his great expenses. But what I can I will do & send you the accomptes by the Abigail. '' The shipwrights hath fay led with ye rest in this gen- erall decay : Wherein if you blame us, you must blame the hand of God that hath taken away Capt Barwick, etc. The ill success of ye glass works is all most a' quail unto this. . . . The summer coming on Capt Norton dyed with aU save one of his servants. The Itahans fell extremely sick yet recovered ; but I conceave they would gladly make I the work to appear unfeasable, that they might by that means be dismissed for England. The fier hath now beene six weekes in ye furnace and yet nothing effected. They claim that the sand will not run <& now I am sending up ye river to provide them better if it be to be had, &c. The silkworm seed that came in these last shipps are well con- ditioned for the most part. . . . Many vines planted the last year, but they came to nothing out of ye trouble of ye times, or want of art, or perhaps ye badnes of ye cuttings etc. We have taken an-other order that every plantation impale two acres of grounds and imploy the sole labor of two men in the business [making vineyards] for ye term of 7 years . . . and they are to build a house of two storyes, well seiled, for silkworms, by this meanes I hope this work will go really forward. ... I have hired a ship to carry ye CoUedge men to their plantation, which is now under sayle I pray God it succeed well, but I like not this stragelinge & if all had beene of my minde, I would rather have dis- obayed your commands. . . . Such a pestilent fever rageth this winter amongst us : never knowne before in Virginia, by the infected people that came over in ye Abigail, who were poisened with stinkeinge beer all falling sick & many dying, every where dispersing the contagion, and the fore- 506 UNDER THE COMPANY running Summer hath been also deadly unto us." He tells " of his heart-breakings to see the ill success of their affayeres/' etc. It " remaines that some things I should write of Virginia whereof (be not offended that I speake ye truth) you know but little, & wee not much more, but this I must defer until a time of more leasure . . . but with-all advise you that you adventure not too much in joynt stockes, nor in those projects which sure fayle by ye death of ye commander & principall workemen, for ye life of one in every faculty is not to be relied upon ; such is ye state of this Country. As for our other crosses, &c, I had rather others should screech them, then that they should proceede from my pen, but both you and me must submit ourselves to ye judgments of God, to whose protection I commend you & rest — Yours most assured, G. S." Captain Nathaniel Butler left Virginia about this time, and, I believe, on board the James. We must consider the actual condition in which he really found Virginia in the winter of 1622-1623 ; the losses which had been sus- tained by the massacre in the spring of 1622, by the sickness of the summer and fall, and the pestilence from the Abigail in the winter, with short crops, and a war waging with the Indians. He may well have felt that it was time for something to be done — some change to be made, — for some one to " screech the crosses." And, under the circumstances, we could scarcely expect a very different report from the one which he made to the king (in. ; see p. 518). While it was not strictly fair in some things, and may not have been strictly true in others, it is not much worse in many things than the letters sent from Virginia to the company in England at this time. It was by this same token that the usual spring census of 1623 was not made public ; but it seems certain that over 1300 people died en route, or were killed or died in Virginia between February, 1622, and February, 1623 ; and that Butler really left, as was claimed, but few, if any, more English in Virginia than were there at the end of Sir Thomas Smythe's administration in November, 1619. VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 507 Almost all things naturally appear at a disadvantage in the desolate winter season. Copies of many letters sent from Virginia in February, March, and April, 1623, have been preserved. Some of them convey a worse impression than Butler's Unmasking (III. ; see p. 518) ; but as the spring opened the general tone became more hopeful. While stating the desperate estate of the colony, they show a growing determination to go forward with their work at all hazards, to plant a full crop, and to fall on the Indians in the autumn. They had reached the conclusion that it was necessary to exterminate the Indians before the English could occupy the country with any safety or satisfaction, and this had now become the leading object. " On the Sunday before Shrovetyde the English had a combat with the Indians, and took two of them aHve, who reported that 15 of the English were still held as prisoners." Other accounts said that " they had killed all the male prisoners and only preserved the females." The Seaflower left England late in 1622, or early in 1623, with supplies for Virginia ; stopping at the Bermu- das she caught on fire in some way, and was burnt up about March 28. The people in Virginia had learned that this ship had been sent with provisions for their relief, and from March to July they were looking daily over the waters most anxiously, but in vain, for a sight of her sails. The hopes of the famishing plantation were centred on her; and almost every letter expressed an earnest desire for her early arrival. The Tiger, which had been commissioned in England to trade with the Indians in Virginia for corn, "being set forth with the pinnace of Vice -Admiral Pountis, under Captain Spilman, a warie man well acquainted with their treacheries — having been at their betraying of Capt. John Eatcliffe — and the best linguist of the Indian tongue in the country. They went up the Potomac to trade with the Anacostan Indians [near the present site of Washington city] with whom Spilman was acquainted. Where landing 508 UNDER THE COMPANY with his men in armour the Indian King asked why he came to trade so armed ? And becoming convinced of the sincerity of the Indians, the next day April 6*^, some 26 Enghsh coming ashore disarmed thinking to trade were all cut of by the Indians/' being taken by " some surprise not a piece discharged." Captain Spelman and nineteen others were killed ; Captain Henry Fleet and the rest taken prisoners. The Indians took the pinnace of Pountis, a shallop, and a small boat, and then attempted to take the Tiger, but the four or five sailors and some few landmen aboard " whiffed up sayles and went faster then theyr Canowes." As an illustration of the differences in the evi- dences, the number of canoes in the attack is variously stated at from " 10 canoes " to " about 200 canoes, with above 1000 Indians." The Tiger returned empty to New Port Newce, about April 12, " so that if the Seaflower come not quickly on, there will hardly be found a preserva- tion against famine." Since April, 1622, the English had been killing the Indians wherever they could, and they had been doing the like by the English. How many they had killed in all I do not know ; but after this surprise of Spelman, Governor Wyatt wrote to Mr. Ferrar, " Indeed aU trade with them must be forborne, and without doubt either we must cleere them or they us out of the Country." Their attack on the Tiger was the subject of much talk and uneasiness in the colony, for hitherto " they had alwayes much feared a ship," and it had always been regarded by the English as a sure refuge. In the fall of 1622, Captain Francis West, being then in England, presented a petition to King James, signed by himself, William Claybourne, John Brewer, Kobert Sweet, and William Capps, " on the behalf of themselves and the rest of your poore distressed subjects of the Virginia Plan- tation," stating their grievances, and that the " Plantation will presently sink and become of no use at all unless your Majestie out of your gratious and loyall care of all your VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 509 subjects and of all the parts of your dominions wilbee gra- tiously pleased to take them into your immediate care and protection ; to make the tobacco your own commoditie ; to take a convenient proportion yearly from the colony at a reasonable price — Whereof your Majestic may make an assured gaine, and the Planters have means to subsist for the present & to apply themselves for the future to plant some real commoditie there to which that Country is apt and fitt/' etc. The king gave them a favorable answer, and wrote to the governor of Virginia on the subject. His letter has not been found, but it was probably brought to Virginia by Captain Francis West, who arrived in the spring on the John and Francis, which according to the Virginia records came via " Canada ; " but evidently this should be by " New England." The ship belonged to Sir Robert Mansfield, and while it had been commissioned in England by both companies, a special object of the voyage was the taking possession of " Mount Mansell " (now known as " Mount Desert ") for the owner of the ship. On April 9, Francis West, John Potts, Samuel Mathews, Roger Smyth,^ WilHam Claybourne, and William Tucker wrote to Henry Viscount Mandeville, the lord president of the Privy Council in England, relative to the king's said letter to the governor of Virginia, " signifying his pleasure to take the commodity of tobacco to his own use, and requiring that we should here contract with the Burgesses of ye sev- erall plantations for the same on his behalfe, together with instructions to that purpose from the Attorney generall, whereunto may it please your lordship in all humbleness of duty, we have returned our answer (as we were required by our Petitions) and declaration sent in these ships, hum- bly shewing unto his highness, the great prejudice that this colony hath receaved by divers contracts made wholy without our consent or privity, &c. But since all former contracts are dissolved & that his Majestic hath ben pleased ^ Mr. Neill was mistaken in think- ley. They were nearly of the same ing him a son of John Smith of Nib- age. 510 UNDER THE COMPANY to extend his princely care for the establishment of this Colony, which without the supportation of his Eoyall hand must necessarily sinke — we have regayned new hopes to our dispayring minds in assured confidence that all factions silenced, and the private intentions of others prevented — our just petitions will receive a favourable admittance & hearing." And they implore his lordship, who had " here- tofore been the greatest means to overthrow the former contracts, so now again to continue his protection," etc. I have not found their " answer and declaration " to the king ; but they reached the Royal Commission in England before the following July, and were probably sent by the Abigail, with the numerous letters written in April, 1623. Mr. George Sandys, in his letters to his brothers. Sir Samuel and Sir Myles Sandys, of April 9, criticises the management of his brother Sir Edwin and others severely. " But I pray God their contemplations do not so overswaye our experience that all in the end come to nothing : who thinke every thing done as soon as conceived (how unfea- sable soever) and so highten their proceedings that it is impossible for our Actions to go along with their reports." "But men that are ambitious to bee counted wise will rather justifie then acknowledge their errors, and impute the fault to the execution when it is indeed in the project." He tells them of many past trials in the colony : " The Governor and the Councellors, themselves were constrayned to watch nightly by turns." " Extreme hath been the mortalitie of this year, which I am afraid hath doubled the number of those which were massacred ; yet with our small and sicklie forces we have discomforted the Indians 'round about us, burnt their houses, gathered their corn and slain not a few ; though they are as swift as Roebucks, like violent lightening they are gone as soon as perceived, and not to be destroyed but by surprize or famine. They now begin to desire a peace and after the restitution of their [English] prisoners, for whose sakes we seem to be inclinable thereunto, we will trie if we can make them as VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 511 secure as we were [at the time of the Massacre], that we may follow their example in destroying them." The governor and Council's letter of April 13, to the treasurer and Council in England, relates the coming of Chan CO (" who had lived much amongst the English, and by revealing the plot to divers saved their lives") and Camohan (" an Actor in the massacre at Martin's Hun- dred "), as messengers from the great king suing for peace, " that they might be suffered to plant at Pamunky and their former seats, which if they might peaceably do, they would send home our people (being about twenty) whom they saved alive since the Massacre, and would suffer us to plant quietly also in all places." The English sent Chanco back, but retained Camohan, whom they afterwards executed for his part taken in the massacre. Within a week after Chanco' s return, he came back with Mrs. Boyse (the chief of the prisoners) " apparelled like an Indian Queen, which they desired we should take notice, of." The other prison- ers were not returned, they saidj because of some threaten- ing speeches made by Robert Poole. " If they send home our people and grow secure upon this Treaty we shall have the better advantage both to surprise them and cut down their corn by knowing where they plant ; which otherwise they will plant in such corners as it will not be possible for us to find out." The letter goes on to tell of business matters, etc. ; the death " of Capt W°^ Newce (Apl ir^) ; the return of as many to their Plantations as have desired the same ; Duppa's beer ; the petitions regarding the estates of those killed by the Indians ; the death of Captain Each ; the place selected by him a mere oyster bank, ' a false loose ground ; ' but Capt. Roger Smyth observing that a fort upon the shore would as fully command the channell, they intend out of hand to fall upon that work, as soon as possible," etc. This letter is very considerate of the man- agers in England ; but Governor Wyatt, in a letter of April 14, to his father, criticises them as severely as Mr. George Sandys, concluding his remarks : " I often wish 512 UNDER THE COMPANY little Mr. Farrar here, that to his zeale he would add know- ledge of this Country. I have made bould to trouble you with thus much, because if by occasion you be with them you may perhaps here us bitterlie censured and your au- thoritie may demand reason for it — which I know they cannot give without dissembling our condition and num- hers here" The Margaret and John, accounted a loss ship, after a long and tedious passage, arrived about April 14, having been much distressed for want of sufficient provisions. " Which caused 9 or 10 of our passengers to leave the ship and stay in the West Indies, or St Vincents. 20 dyed and all sick except 3 or 4." Richard Norwood, the engineer, came in on her. A day or so after Mr. Gookin's ship, the Providence, with John Clarke as pilot, arrived at New Port Newce with forty men for him and thirty passengers besides. Which ship had also been long out and suffered extremely in her passage. " Of all Mr Gookin's men which he sent out the last year we found but seven — the rest being all killed by the Indians, and his plantation ready to fall to decay." After the arrival of these ships the colonists appealed " to God to send us some ships with provisions," April 24, Edward Hill wrote letters from Elizabeth City to his brother, Mr. John HiU, mercer in Lombard Street, and to his father-in-law, Mr. Richard Boyle in Blackfriars, telling that he had lost " last year, by reason of the Indians £100 worth of cattle and I fear this wilbe as bad ; for this is the worst year here that ever I saw like to be." On the same day Secretary Davison wrote to Mr. John Ferrar promising " to send him by the next ship a perfect cata- logue of the names of all the people that dyed or were slayne by the Indyans since the massacre & of all that re- main alive." And Mr. P. Arundell writes about a squabble over mulberry leaves between the chief men of Captain Whitaker and of Mr. Anthony Bonal (Bonnell), etc. Mr. Christopher Best writes to Dr. John Woodall of the death VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 513 of many of his young cattle ; and adds, " some freemen went into the woods to kill a deer and shot your calf ; but they are consigned to serve the colony seven years for it." Dr. William Rowlsley wrote to his brother ; " The country is fullie determyned this summer to set mainly upon the Indians, which if it please God to prosper we shall have again a plentifuU countrey, but in the mean time we shall want if our friends in England do not stand to us." To illustrate the high prices then obtaining in Virginia he says he had given ten shillings for a hen, and eighteen pounds for a cow, etc. The officials in Virginia and in England each blamed the other for the disasters ; but, as matter of fact, no one was to blame for the greatest misfortunes. The massacre could not be foreseen, and no specific for the malaria was known. I cannot diagnose the disease brought in by the Abigail and the Margaret and John ; but from John Baldwin's statement it must have been a pestilence. It was so rapid that mortification began to take place almost before death. To use his words : " They die hke sheep with the rots, and rot above ground." Yellow fever committed great havoc among the emigrants to Virginia at different times, and a similar disease prevailed among the Indians of Mas- sachusetts during 1616-1622 ; but I doubt if this pestilence was yellow fever. Dr. William Rowlsley says that the sick- ness was as fatal among the kine and swine as among the people ; but he ventures no opinion about it, as to whether it was the same sickness which attacked man and beast, or otherwise. Other letter-writers at this time were Thomas NichoUs to Sir John Wolstenholme ; Richard Frethorne to his father, and to Mr. Robert Bateman ; Peter Arundell to Thomas Wheatley, William Canning, and John Ferrar ; Lady Wyatt to her sister Sandys, and to her mother ; Richard Norwood to his father, and to "Mr. Marshall at the signe of ye Tobacco Rowle in Tower street London ; " William Hobart to his father ; Thomas Best to his brother ; Delphebus 514 UNDER THE COMPANY Canne to Mr. Lawrence Ley^ merchant, and to Mr. John Delbridge ; Henry Brigg to his brother " Thomas Brigg, merchant at ye Custome House Key," relative to his bad treatment by his master Mr. Atkins ; George Sandys to Samuel Wrote, John Ferrar, and John Tradescant ; Wil- liam Capps to Dr. Thomas Winston, Mr. John Ferrar, etc. May 21, a commission was given Captain Koger Smith, who had lived twelve or thirteen years in the wars in the Low Countries, to build a fort at Warraskoyack upon " the shore where we might as well command shipping, as from the oyster banks of Capt Each, and with all have a strong plantation the grounds being rich and good. The place selected is naturally almost intrenched about with deep ditches which by the grace of God shall not want our utter- most endeavours in the finishing. We shall want great ordnance, whole culvering & demi-culvering at the least. And if God shall prosper us we shall frame a platforme hereafter & sincke it on the opposite flat [Tindall's Shoals] large enough to containe 5 or 6 pieces & thereby make the passage more unpassable for an enemy." The New Netherland, under Captain Cornelis Jacobsen May, landed the Walloons at the mouth of the Hudson River in May, 1623. They had formerly proposed coming to Virginia, and their destiny was still under the same star. In May, the governor again sent Chanco back to the great king to explain the threatening speeches of Robert Poole, " suffering him to carry certain bonds from the friends of the prisoners," and asking the king to return the rest of them home. About the last of May, Istan, the great king, sent Sir Francis Wyatt word that " if he would send up some Englishmen to tell them that they might plant their corn securely, he would deliver all the rest of the captive English he had, and would also deliver his bro- ther Opachancano (who was the author of the massacre) into the hands of the English either alive or dead." Early in June, Captain William Tucker with twelve others were sent " in a shalope under colour to make peace with them." VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 28, 1622 — AUGUST, 1623 515 On June 1, they came to Pamunkej, the chief seat of Ope- chancanough, and a great many Indians came to the river- side to speak with them ; " and were in talke first to have home our Enghsh people, which the Indians granted and sent for them presently to cause them to go in the shalope to goe home, which they did — seven of them. Our Eng- lish seeing a fit oportunitie (after they had accomphshed their desire) there was a watch word given — when they shot and killed some 40 Indians including 3 of the chiefest, whereof one of them was Apachaniken [Opechancanough], the commander of all the other Indians." It was then said that " he had come to his ends by means more suitable to his deserts, than perhaps agreeing with Christian simplici- tie." On June 24, the governor and Council wrotQ to the Earl of Southampton : " We have, by a successful strata- gem, not only regained our people, but cut ofE some Kings and divers of the greatest commanders of the enemy, among whom we are assured Opachankano is one, it being impos- sible for him to escape, the design being chiefly upon his person and that happily exposed to the greatest danger." (But " the old fellow was not dead yet.") They state that " the Fort goeth cheerfully on ; " that " it was proposed to run a pale from Martin's Hundred to Chescack, as it would win the forest and make the land below between the rivers inaccessible to the savages." They desire to know " whether we shall make prize of such Dutch and French as we shall find to trade with the savages within our limits." Governor Wyatt in his previous letter of April 17, to John Ferrar, had told him that " the Margarett and John lighted in the company of a Dutch ship, who said he would come hither. I should be glad to know what is to be done in such cases." He also said the people in Virginia were so hard to manage that he advised " some commission for a Marshall Court, at least ad terrorem, with what limitations you shall please for case of life, it may do much good." The construction of the fort (opposite Point of Shoals light) was soon interrupted by " the usual summer sickness 516 UNDER THE COMPANY among the new comers " — those not acclimated — and by the scarcity of provisions. In the spring a barque was sent to the Bermudas for fruit, etc. ; but I have no account of the voyage. A barque ar- rived from Canada (New England ?) in June and returned again about July 12. Delphebus Canne sent a letter by her to Mr. John Delbridge telHng him of the sale of his fish, etc. The land was still destitute of food, and they were still looking over the ocean in vain for the Seaflower ; but "there was Hkely to be a great crop this year for thanks be unto God we have hither-to had good and seasonable weather for the fruits of the earth." They were "then looking for 3 ships from Newfoundland and 3 from Canada [New England ?] so we will be well stored with fish." One of these ships, the Furtherance, left Canada for Virginia probably in June " with above 40,000 of that fish which is little inferior to Lyng, for the supply of the colony, which fish is not less worth then £600," and ar- rived in July. The Samuel, the Ambrose, and other ships also arrived in Virginia about this time. The governor issued commissions to several to go against the Indians, — to Captain William Pierce (who had been appointed captain of the governor's guard on June 8), the lieutenant of James City, to go against the Chicka- hominies; Captain Samuel Matthews against the Tanx Powhatans ; Captain Nathaniel West against the Appomat- tox and Tanx Wyanokes ; and Captain William Tucker, commander of Kecoughtan and the lower parts, against the Nansemonds and Warraskoyacks ; and all of these com- manders fell upon the Indians on the same day, August 2, 1623. A week after Captain Isaac Madison marched against the Great Wyanokes, and Captain Tucker went the second time against the Nansemonds. In each of these expeditions " they slaughtered the Indians, cut down their corn, burnt the houses which they had re-edified ; and had so served the rest if that time of our greatest scarcity had not constrained us to desist. But as soon as our corn is ripe we shall set upon them again." IX ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 EENBY, EABL OF SOUTHAMPTON, TREASUEER; NICHOLAS FERRAR, DEP UTY- TREAS URER The news of " the fatall blow of the Massaker" in Vir- ginia had tended to moderate the claims of the administra- tion somewhat, but the good reports brought by the ships which arrived about Christmas, 1622, had put them on the aggressive again, and early in 1623 (I.) " A Declaration of the present state of Virginia comparatively with what had been done in former times " was drawn up by the order of the Earl of Southampton. Comparisons are apt to be odious, and, when they are unjust, we cannot expect those to whom they are unjust to receive them with silence. For "silence gives consent." When the matter of this declaration became known. Alderman Johnson and others, who had the management " in former times," drew up (11.) " A Petition to the King," asking him " to appoint a com- petent commission under the great seal of England to consider the case and to report the true state of the planta- tion at the end of Sir T. Smythe's government and since." The first part of this paper as entered in the Ferrar copy of the company records ^ is not exactly as in the ori- ginal, which is as follows : " Most gracious Sovereygne — Amongst the manie memorable workes of your Majesties Gracious Reigne that of the English Plantation in the parts of America called Virginia is not the least, the be- ginninge of which enterprise beinge the first forrayn Colo- nic planted by our Nation, accompanied with so great a charge to furnish shipps and men & to make yearlie more 1 See Neill's Virginia Company of London, p. 387. 518 UNDER THE COMPANY supplies, without any present hope o£ retribution, was suf- fitient at the first views and computation thereof to have daunted & discouraged the most resolute & forward Ad- venturers. But by Gods assistance and your Majesties gra- cious encouragement with our discreet & mild Treasurer, [Sir Thomas Smythe] first nominated and appointed by your Majestic, under whose government all sorts of men were in such kinde & friendlie manner invited to engage themselves that notwithstanding many difficulties that great action, which otherwise had perished in the birth, not only took life and being, but proceeded in a most hopeful and comfortable course for many years together, with unity & love amongst ourselves, and quiet entertaynment with those Salvage Indiens by which means sundry of those infidels & some of eminent sort were converted to Christian reHgion. Staple comodyties began to be raysed and imported into this Kingdom," etc. Before any action was taken on this petition Captain Nathaniel Butler returned from Virginia, and the king com- manded him to write his (III.) " Declaration of the present state of Virginia," which was afterwards called " The Un- masking of Virginia." The king was considering II. and III. on April 20, at which time the matter was brought to the attention of the managers of the company, and two days thereafter (on Easter eve) an extraordinary court was held for the purpose of taking steps to meet the issue which had now been definitely made. They determined to present (IV.) " A Counter Petition to his Majesty " asking to have the case submitted to his Privy Council. " And the Lord Cavendish presented to the court two several writings, which being revised it was determined to have delivered to the king." They were (I.) " A Declaration," etc., formerly written, and (V.) " ^ A Relation of the late proceedings of the Virginia and Somer Islands Companies,' in answer to some importations laid upon them, together with the dis- covery of the grounds of such unjust objections and a remedy proposed for the better avoyding the like incon- ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 519 veniencies hereafter." "Which discourse his Lordship said himself had drawn up for satisfaction of some very noble personages." The paper gives a brief review of sundry events (from his lordship's standpoint) from the troubles over the Treasurer, in 1619, to date. In matters relative to government the Sandys party papers are the strongest ; but the fact is more apt to be appreciated now than then. When dealing with matters of business the papers of Smythe's party are more practical, and I have found them generally the more correct. The management of the business portion of the enterprise under that party was evidently the most businesslike. However, the history of the movement during either administration cannot be based on such evidences as the opponent parties were now furnishing. In IV. Cavendish replies to the allegation that " the government as it now stands is Democratical and tumultuous, and therefore fit to be altered and reduced to the hands of some few persons." He says, "It is true that, according to your Majestys institutions in their let- ters-patents, the government hath some shew of a demo- cratic form, which is in this case the most just, and most profitable, and the most apt means to work the ends and effects desired by your Majesty for the benefit, wealth, and increase of those plantations, by which the profit of your Majesty, the adventurer, and planter will rise together." That same evening Captain Butler wrote to Sir Nathan- iel Rich that the court had brought up again " my Lord of Warwick in the point of the Treasurer," and suggested that the Earl should be " hasted in his return from Rocheforde." The documents I., IV., and V. were presented to the king on Monday, April 24, by the committee appointed for the purpose, — Lord Cavendish, Lord De la War, Sir John Brooke, Colonel Ogle, and Sir Edward Sackville. Some of the opponent party being present led to a discussion, in which Sir Edward Sackville is said to have " carried him- self so malapertly, that the King was fain to take him down soundly and roundly ; but, by means of the Lord Treasurer, he made his peace the next day." 520 UNDER THE COMPANY The king, in reply to the petitions of each party, referred the case to his Privy Council, which met on April 27 and issued the following orders: " Their Lordships having this day by order from his Majesty heard at large the Lord Cavendish with others representing the body both of the Virginia and Sommer Islands Companies, and divers particular adventurers & others who had complayned to his Majesty of some griev- ances, and having considered the allegations and answers on both parts, did order according to his Majesty^s plea- sure in that behalf e that there shalbe a commission under the great seal of England directed unto certain persons of Knowledge and sinceritye, who shalbe thereby authorized to examine by oath or otherwise by all lawf ull meanes and ways to make enquiry into the true estate of the Plan- tations of Virginia and the Somers Islands & incidents thereunto belonginge from the very beginning of those Plantations unto the present tyme. As also, what moneyes have hereto-fore been Collected for those Plantations, by whome and how they were procured — As also in what manner those moneyes have been spent. And after the expense of so great sums of money what the Estate and Conditions are of those plantations now at this present ; to enquire and search into all abuses and grievances concern- ing the former particulars and of all wrongs and injuryes done to any adventurers or planters and the grounds and causes thereof, and to propound after what sort the same may be better managed. Also to enquire who they be that prey upon the inhabitants and planters, selling and barter- ing commodities or victualls at excessive & unjust rates : whether the magazine or private men and at what price everie commoditie is sould. "And to the end there may be no discouragement amongst those who are now in Virginia and the Somers Islands by reason of Advertizement that may proceed from any factions humours or persons. Their Lordships did liliewise further order that no particuler letters shallbe sent ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 521 by any man for or about any other matter or intelligence than his private business. That such letters as are written already to any other effect shalbe taken back. And if any be sent notwithstanding this order, the sending thereof shalbe taken as a contempt and infringing of their order. And they who shall send the same shall stand lyable to such punishment as they shalbe found to deserve. " Lastly their Lordships did order that the said Com- panies shall write Generall Letters to those who are now in Virginia & Somers Islands to exhorte and admonish them to live togeather in Concord & unitie, and to employ their endeavours jointly for the publique good of the Planta- tions. To which purpose it was also ordered that two let- ters of like tenor [one to each colony] should be written from the Board." Lord Cavendish caused a Virginia court to be held that evening, " to consider of the letters to be written to both the plantations," and the other orders and instructions of the Privy Council. April 28, Middlesex wrote to Conway that " the Privy Council had agreed on Sir William Jones, Sir Nicolas Fortescue, Sir Henry Bourchier, Sir Henry Spiller, Sir Francis Gofton, Sir Richard Sutton and Sir William Pitt, or any four of them, as Commissioners ; a commission was to be presently awarded to them, an order therefor having already been given to Mr. Attorney General, and as soon as it was properly returned the case would be looked into so that they may have some true grounds to work upouy^ etc. That is, in plain English, the royal commissioners were appointed for the purpose of finding some reason for justifying the king in doing what he had made up his mind (prior to March, 1622) to do. At the Virginia court, on the 28th, the general letter to the Council of State in Virginia was read and approved, and the committee was instructed to submit it to the Privy Council on the next afternoon, who returned it for revision in some particulars. 522 UNDER THE COMPANY On the 29th, Chamberlain wrote to Carleton : " There is a great faction fallen out in the Virginia Company. The heads on the one side are, the Earl of Southampton, the Lord Cavendish, Sir Edward Sackville, Sir John Ogle, Sir Edwin Sandys, with divers others of meaner quality. On the other side are, the Earl of Warwick, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Nathaniel Rich, Sir Henry Mildmay, Alderman John- son, and many more." The number of the opponent party was stated by the administration party to be only 26. It is true that only from 20 to 26 of this party attended the courts at all regularly; but these seem to have done so more as attorneys and reporters than with the object of controlling actions. Owing to the non-action of so many members of the company, a correct estimate as to the numerical strength of the parties cannot be formed; but between 80 and 100 were certainly in active opposition to the administration party, and about 700 others were in the opposition, in so far as that they had ceased to attend the courts. It seems certain that the opposition might have defeated the administration in the coming elections had they wished to do so ; but many of the company who were not personally interested, or especially interested, in estab- lishing the new form of government in America, now desired to shift the responsibility of the enterprise to broader shoulders. The company had carried on the work as long as it well could, or afford to, as matters then stood, and most of the members now wished the king, while protecting their property rights acquired under the com- pany, to take the colony under the crown, as, it was stated, : the ultimate intention and object had been from the be- j ginning. The company was not intended to control the fifth kingdom longer than diplomacy made advisable. It i had now fulfilled its mission, and in doing this, under the | divine providence, had laid the foundation for a republic i both in North and South Virginia. Then was not the time to build thereon, but when that time did come the foundation then laid was ready for the building. ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 523 At the Virginia court, May 3, Johnson's Petition (II.) and Butler's Unmasking (III.) were read to the court, and steps were taken for preparing full repHes to both. On the same day Secretary Conway wrote to the lord treasurer to hasten the commission for Virginia, and the next day the lord treasurer replied that the draft of the Virginia com- mission was ready to be submitted to the Council. The company was now holding courts almost daily, tak- ing depositions, delivering discourses, etc. At the court of May 10, Mr. Scott passed three shares to " Mr. Thomas Culpepper of ye Middle Temple London Esq." Nicholas Ferrar, the deputy, read several of the aforesaid discourses, etc., out to the assembly ; and the opposition at once peti- tioned the Privy Council "to make inquiry touching certain matters of unjust accusation and contention read by Nicholas Ferrar " at this meeting. They submitted that " such mat- ters should have been laid before the commissioners and not the public." The general letter to the governor and Council in Vir- ginia from the Privy Council in England was ready on May 10, and the one from the treasurer and company was ready two days thereafter. Both were sent to Virginia by the Bonny Bess. The Virginia court of April 22 had appointed " Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir Edward Harwood, Mr. John Smyth (of Nibley), Mr. White, Mr. Berblock, Mr. Withers, Mr. Cope- land, and Two Deputies [John and Nicholas Ferrar]," a committee for perfecting the various writings which they intended to submit in their case to the king and Privy Council. And this committee had been supervising these things all along. On May 17, a very full court being assembled, I., II., III., IV., and V. were again read. Then the company's answer to Alderman Johnson's Petition (II.) was read, viz. (VI.) " An Answer to a Petition delivered to his Majesty by Alderman Johnson in the name of sundry adventurers and planters of Virginia and Somer Islands Plantations." This was directed especially at Sir Thomas Smythe and Alderman Johnson. 524 UNDER THE COMPANY VII. Then '' The answers of divers planters that have long lived in Virginia, as also of sundry mariners and other persons that have often been at Virginia, unto a paper enti- tled [in.] : ' The unmasked face of our Colony in Virginia as it was in the Winter of the Year 1622.' " Butler's paper contained more truth than it was then advisable to make public ; but the paper was not fair, and neither were the answers thereto. They attempted to make the faults of the paper greater than they were. VIII. Then " the attestation of Severn and Lowe, how they were drawn by Captain Butler to subscribe to his information." IX. Then the company's "A True answer to a writing of Information presented to his Majesty by Capt Nathaniel Butler " (III.). X. Then " A Declaration made by the Council for Virginia and principal assistants for the Somer Islands of their judgments touching one original great cause of the dissentions in the Companies and present oppositions." This was a reopening of the old Warwick-Argall "Treas- urer" controversy. XI. The last paper was " A second petition to the King^s most excellent Majesty, which Sir Edward Sack- ville was earnestly desired by the Court to present to his Majesty for hastening the commission," etc. These papers seem to have been written diplomatically more to draw attention to the earlier administration by an attack on it, than to give the actual present state of Vir- ginia, which was really the question at that time. At this court Sir John Culpepper passed a share to Mr. Freake of the Middle Temple, gent. May 18, Conway wrote to Sir Edward Sackville concern- ing the petition (XI.), which he was appointed to deliver to " his Majestic on the behalf of the Virginia Companie," acquainting him with his Majesty's pleasure therein, and sending it to him by his page. On the same day Conway wrote to Mr. Secretary Calvert to " hasten the passing ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 525 under the great Seales of the Commission concerninge the Virginia Company and see that the Commissioners do like- wise expedite the business ; " endorsed, " sent by Mr. Ches- terman at midnight." The commission was sealed and signed the next day (May 19). giving the commissioners full power to carry out the orders of the king and Privy Council to send for persons, papers, etc., to consider the evidences fully, " whereby the Truth in the Premises may the more playnely appeare." Several days after the Virginia court of May 17, ^^the Earl of Warwick and the principal persons Adventurers in the Plantations of Virginia and the Summer Islands made complaint to the Privy Council that whereas both they and the Virginia Company were directed to attend the Commis- sioners (authorized under ye great Seal of England for the handling of matters importing those Plantations, the par- ticulars whereof appear at large in the Commission itself) to the end they should inform the said Commissioners of such abuses and grievances either in point of government, misimployment of money or ye like, whereof either side mought have any just cause of complaint. With express charge and command nevertheless from the Privy Council that in the preparing of the information each party should go directly to the matter and avoid all bitterness and sharpness of stile, or other impertinent provocation tend- ing rather to revive and kindle former heats and distrac- tions, between the said two parties, then anyway conducting [conducing ?] to the work and service intended." " That notwithstanding their Lordships commands so given, those of the Virginia Company have contrived & sett down in writing, and caused publiquely to be read a long and im- pertinent Declaration [X.] consisting for the most part of bitter and unnecessary invectives and aspertions upon ye person of the Earl of Warwick^ and others whom they stiled his Instruments and Agents." The Privy Council ^ His suit against Captain Edward Brewster was before the High Court of Admiralty about this time. 526 UNDER THE COMPANY (present : the lord archbishop of Canterbury (Abbott), Lord Keeper Williams, Lord Treasurer Cranfield, Lord President Montague, Lord Steward Stuart, the Marquis of Hamilton, Lord Chamberlain Herbert, Lord Carew, Lord Brooke, Mr. Treasurer Edmonds, Mr. Comptroller Suckling, Mr. Secretary Calvert, Mr. Chancellor Weston, and Master of the Rolls Caesar), considering this complaint on May 23, " caused forthwith the said writing itself together with such persons as were nominated to have a chief hand in the pen- ning thereof to be brought before the Board : and having at large perused the said writing containing five or six sheets of paper, & likewise taken examination of the per- sons themselves, when called before them, and finding the said writing to be for the most part such as was complained of, and that the persons who were chief actors in the indit- ing and penning thereof were the Lord Cavendish, Sir Edwin Sandys, Nicholas Farrer, and John Farrer — have thought fit and accordingly ordered that they four should be forthwith restrained of their liberty and consigned to their severall lodgings or Houses (as persons guilty of a contempt against the direction and commands of this Table), where they are to remain untill his Majesty or this Board shall give further order." The Easter court, the time for the annual elections, fell this year on May 24. The king had previously recom- mended to the company the following Hst from which they were to elect their treasurer and deputy : '' Sir John Mer- rick, Mr Martin Bond, Mr Nicholas Leate, Alderman Ham- mersley, Mr. Humfry Slany, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Robert Smyth, Mr. Ditchfield, Mr. Wolstenholme, Mr Edwards, Mr. Dike, and Mr Edward Bennett ; " but after consultation with his Privy Council on the 23d, " it was thought best that the election of new officers should be absolutely put off and none chosen at all until the next court." Early on the next morning (24th) Mr. Secretary Calvert wrote to the aforesaid effect to the Earl of Southampton, and when the court met it was agreed that the old officers should continue in their [ ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 527 places until the next quarter court. The business accounts of Sir Edwin Sandys and of the Ferrars were justified by this court and they were given their quietus est, Thomas, Lord Bruce (created Earl of Elgin in 1633) was admitted into the company and added to the Council for the company, as were also Sir Humphrey May (chancellor of the duchy), Mr. White, and Mr. Tomlyns. Peter Humble passed ten shares to John Burgh, and Mr. Bland one to Mr. Kobert Edwards. The court appointed Sir Edward Sackville, Sir Robert Kilhgrew, and Sir John Danvers to go before the commissioners on the next day and to present for their consideration several of the papers which had been read to the court of May 17. Certain books of the company had been sent to the Privy Council for their inspection on May 3, and this court (May 24) states that " the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council had sequestered all the court-books out of the Company's hands." May 25, the commissioners require the company "to bring before us to the guest-house, next adjoining to St Andrew's church in Holborn, upon Saturday next [27th], all and singular such letters-patents, proclamations, commis- sions, warrants, records, orders, books, accompts, entries and all other notes and writings remaining in your or any of your custody concerning the plantations in Virginia or the Somer Islands, or concerning the several Companies." The order is " to Edward CoUingwood, Secretary to the Com- pany of Virginia and to the clerks and officers," etc. Upon receiving this order the Virginia court of May 27 "ap- pointed the committee hereafter named or any three of them, with the Secretary, to attend the commissioners from time to time with the letters-patents, & books of accompts, which were by them required to be brought ; and at every rising of the commissioners to bring back the original let- ters-patents, leaving there with them the copies of the said letters-patents, which they hoped would content the com- missioners. As for the accompts, the commissioners were to be desired in the Company's name that they would respite 528 UNDER THE COMPANY the delivery until the accomptant might take copies of them, when together with the other things, they should be deliv- ered unto them. " The committees are these : Sir Robert Killegrew, Sir John Danvers, Mr Herbert, Mr. Tomlyns, Mr. White, Mr. Withers, Mr Bland, Mr. Barber, and Mr. Berblock." This committee was also to request the commissioners for the speedy examination of their " Declaration " (X.), as it was very important for the company to have the services of John and Nicholas Ferrar at this juncture, as they were most versed in the business of these latter years. They were released prior to June 3. Thanks to the foresight of Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, an im- portant portion of the evidence for the administration party has been preserved as it was, after thorough revision by their committees, perfected and presented to the commis- sion. Much of this has been published and incorporated into our histories. On the other hand, the documents that I have from the other party are, for the most part, in- complete drafts, which had been roughly drawn by Sir Nathaniel Rich, Sir Thomas Wroth, Alderman Robert Johnson, and others, and submitted to the committees of their party, who advised thereon, and then made notes for corrections, alterations, etc. ; but the revised papers, as com- pleted and presented to the royal commissioners, have gone the way of the other original records. Therefore, in con- sidering the case between the two parties in the company it must be borne in mind that the evidences are not yet on an equal footing ; but as very little of the evidence for this party has been published, and as the history of the first administration has been based largely on the evidence fur- nished by their opponents, it would be an act of justice to publish these papers, imperfect as they generally are, and this will be done some day. The party in opposition sent to the commission replies to each one of the administration party papers, I., IV. -XI. I should like to give them in full, but they are too long, and ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 529 I have made use of much of the material contained in them from time to time in this book. They are generally busi- nesslike in views presented (and their chief opposition was to the business management of the Sandys-Ferrar party), and correct in statements made, but they are party papers, like those to which they were repHes, and like the evidence on which their party has been judged. But the history of the administration of no party can be based solely on evi- dence furnished by an opponent party, however agreeable it might be to that party to have it so ; it is necessary, in order to arrive at the facts, to consider the evidence for all parties engaged in the enterprise. The following important document was presented to the commissioners by Sir Nathaniel Kich (one of the attorneys for the opposition) about the 1st of June : — " This day being friday the 16 of May [0. S.] 1623 between the hours of 11 and 12 a clock in the forenoone Captaine Bargrave came to me to shew me a paper which he had drawne concerning the present government of Vir- ginia, which I onlie read and delivered to him againe and he and myself being then all alone in the great Chamber of my Lord of Warwick's house he tould me that he was af rayd to discover somethinge which he knew of Sir Edwin Sandys his proceeding in those businesses, both because he was so upheld privately in his courses as also that he had the strength of the Court ^ to countenance him in all things, and had so carryed the business that he would be sure to hide all his owne ill actions under the name of the Companye : Besyde he tould me that by his long acquaintance with him & his wayes he was induced verilie to beleave that there was not any man in the world that carried a more mali- tious heart to the Government of a Mbnarchie than Sir Edwin Sandys did. For Capt. Bargrave had heard him say That if our God from heaven did constitute and direct a forme of Government it was that of Geneva. And he hath oft tymes reprehended Capt. Bargrave that in some ^ That is, the Virginia court. 530 UNDER THE COMPANY written tractates of his, and in his discourses he seames to dislike the Constitution and frame of the present Govern- ment of Virginia as that which inclined unto, if not directly being a 'po'pular Government, He telling Capt. Bargrave that his intent was to erect a free state in Virginia, and other words to that purpose. And to that intent (he, Capt. Bargrave, affirmed to me) Sir Edwin Sandys moved my Lord of Canterburye to give leave to the Brownists and Separat- ists of England to goe thither. For which my Lord grace of Canterburye sayed to Bargrave that he should never like well of Sir E. Sandys, those Brownists by their doc- trine clayming a liberty & disagreeing to the government of monarchies.^ And the said Capt. Bargrave Hkewise affirms that if the Charter which by Sir Ed. Sandys his meanes was sent into Virginia (in which is a clause (as he sayes) that they shall have no Government putt upon them hut by their owne consents), and his other proceedings in those businesses of the Plantations (especially such as concerne government) were looked into it would be found that he aymed at nothing more than to make a free popular state there, and himself e and his assured freinds to be the leaders of them. With much to this effect, declaring in my apprehension a miraculous ill affection in Sir Edwin Sandys to their happier frame of Monarchic." [Endorsed] " A note which I partly [presently ?] tooke of Capt. Bargrave's discourse to me concerning Sir E. Sandys, 16 [26 N. S.] of May 1623." John Ferrar says, in his memoir of his brother Nicho- las, that " the [Privy] Council finding that the Company were still resolved not to part with their patent, or with the liberty which they thereby had to govern their own affairs, now took a more severe, and not less unjust course. They confined Lord Southampton to his house, that he might not come to the Virginia Courts, of which he was the legal ^ See p. 265. Sandys wished to public authority of the archbishop, have the Pilgrims tolerated by the and this was refused. ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBEK, 1623 531 Governor. But this only made the company more resolute in their own just defence. They then ordered Sir Edwyn Sandys into a similar confinement. But this step in no degree abated the resolution of the Company. Then the Lords^ under the influence of Gondomar, strongly pressed the Company to give up their patent. The Marquis of Hamilton and the Earl of Pembroke informed Lord South- ampton and Sir Edwyn Sandys of these proceedings, say- ing, That Nicholas Ferrar, though now left as it were alone, was too hard for all his opposers. But continued they, your enemies will prevail at last ; for let the Company do what they can, in open defiance of Honour, and Justice, it is absolutely determined at all events to take away your patent." John Ferrar's account is very valuable if taken with a due grain of allowance. It is naturally partial to his brother Nicholas, and not perfectly fair to his oppo- nents. Unfortunately, it seldom gives dates, and having been written some years after, evidently largely from mem- ory, it is sometimes badly mixed as to dates and the relative positions of events. However, it is not always evident whether Peckard is giving Ferrar's words or his own, and it may be that Peckard is more to blame than Ferrar for the mixed state of portions of the book.^ The Privy Council did not call for the surrender of the charter until the fall of 1623. Mr. Nicholas Ferrar was the acting head of the Virginia Company from June, 1623, to the spring of 1624. Although Sandys and Southamp- ton were confined to their houses, or not permitted to come to the Virginia courts, Ferrar had access to them. And they gave him all the assistance in their power, as did also the Marquis of Hamilton, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Dorset, the Earl of Devon, Lord Paget, Lord Caven- dish, Sir Humphrey May, Sir Robert Killigrew (probably the Earl of Carlisle), and many others. " But all to no pur- pose," says John Ferrar ; " for the King, notwithstanding ^ Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Nicholas Ferrar. By P. Peckard, D. D. Cam- bridge, 1790. 532 UNDER THE COMPANY his royal word and honor pledged to the contrary, notwith- standing the grant under the Great Seal of England, not- withstanding all that should bind the conscience, and direct the conduct of an honest man, was now determined with all his force to make the last assault, and give the death blow to this, as yet, prosperous and thriving Company." On June 1, 1623, the Privy Council issued the following order : " Their Lordships being this day informed that not- withstanding their former commands and directions that all Charters, Books, (and by name the blurred Book or Books) Letters, Petitions, Lists of names and Provisions, Invoyces of Goods, and all other writing whatsoever, and Transcripts of them, belonging to them, or anywise import- ing the Plantation of Virginia and the Summer Islands, should be forthwith brought in to the Clerk of the Council to the end they might be delivered to the Commissioners for the said Plantations — That nevertheless divers of them ^ and by name the Blurred Book or Books, are still con- cealed and kept back; which neglect towards the Com- mands of this Board, their Lordships finding just cause to reprove, have thought fit hereby streightly to will & require both the said Companies and in particular the officers of the same, that they cause all the said charters, Books &c above mentioned to be forthwith delivered in to the said Commissioners, and that the Clerk of ye Council do like- wise deliver in unto them, such of the said Books &c as are in their custody — Of all which each party may have free use in such sort as to ye Commissioners shall seem good. And that all Boxes & Packages of Letters which hereafter shall be brought over from Virginia or ye Summer Islands during this Commission shall be first and immediately delivered to ye Commissioners by them to be broken open, perused or otherwise disposed [of] as they shall find cause." ^ 1 It may be that Nicholas Ferrar ^ In a copy of the Company Re- had already commenced the copying cords, in the Library of Congress at of these records. Washington, it is stated that some of ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 533 At the Virginia court of June 3, the king's letter of May 28 to the company was read, which the court con- strued as being prohibitory to the continuance of the meet- ings of the company ; and it was agreed that they would keep no more courts until they understood his Majesty's gracious pleasure concerning two points therein contained. Lord Paget, Sir Edward Sackville, and Mr. John Ferrar were appointed to draw up a petition to the king on these points, which Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy (Sir H. May), Mr. White, Mr. George Scott, Mr. Zouch, and Mr. Bennett delivered to the king the next day. It was a long argu- ment rather than a petition. It was submitted by the king to Mr. Alderman Johnson and Sir Nathaniel Rich. John- son said that " they pretended a nice and htteraU interpre- tation of his Majesty's letter ; that it did not need alteration but only explanation." Rich drafted a reply, which was submitted to the king, and embodied in the second royal letter of June 14, which was read to the Virginia court of June 19, and was satisfactory. The court hereupon, to express their thankfulness to his Majesty for so gracious an answer, sent a letter to the king to that purport. On June 19, Mr. Burgh passed one share to Mr. Anthony Withers; Henry, Lord De la Warr, passed three shares to Colonel John Ogle, and Mr. Downes two shares to Mr. Richard Winckfield (or Wingfield). As the company was now anxious to have " friends at court," this was probably Richard Wingfield, esquire of the body to James I., or his nephew of the same name, son of Sir Robert of Upton. The God's Gift (Gift of God?) left England about this time, carrying above 46 hogsheads of peas, meal, and oat- meal, etc. She went via the Bermudas, and carried letters for that colony as well as for Virginia. Soon after this ship sailed, the Abigail arrived in England from Virginia (about June 27) with a large package of over fifty letters from the ofiicials and others, which the royal commissioners the original documents, letters-patent, tions, and remained there. Where etc., were transmitted to the planta- are they now ? 534: UNDER THE COMPANY took in hand, "broke open and perused." They made extracts from many of them, which they submitted to the Virginia court on July 11 following. These letters are said " to have made a map of the Colony's misery." On July 3, it was proposed to the lord treasurer " that some Commissioners should be sent into Virginia, and that the present managers of the affairs of the Plantation should be dismissed from all further meddling with it, should there be a certificate from these Commissioners that lives and money had been negligently cast away there ; and that the old adventurers should be invited to subscribe anew, and that none should have a voice in the Court save those who would underwrite <£20 per annum for four years." At the Trinity quarter court on July 5, 1623, Mr. Dep- uty Ferrar acquainted the court that he " had received a letter from his Majesty, sent unto him by a servant of Mr. Secretary Calvert's, with which letter having acquainted the Council for Virginia, they thought fit it should be first read before they proceeded to any other business ; " where- upon the letter was opened and read, a copy of which is here given ; — " James R. : — " Right trusty and well beloved, we greet you well : for- asmuch as we have appointed a commission to examine the present state of the Virginia plantation, with sundry other things and matters appertaining thereunto, and that we expect within these few days to have some accompt made us of their labours in that service, understanding that to- morrow, . . . you intend to hold a court for the said Com- pany, our will and pleasure is that you forbear the election of any officers until to-morrow fortnight at the soonest, but to let those that be already remain as they are in the meantime. July 4^^ 1623." It was directed " To our right trusty and well beloved — The Treasurer, Council and Company of Virginia." After ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 535 the letter was read^ the court, being of opinion that their officers could only be chosen in quarter courts, it was re- solved, "in obedience to his Majesty's letter to forbear their election, and to continue all their officers till the next quar- ter court," which would not be until November 29 follow- ing. The court then granted to the Earl of Southampton his quietus est for his " three years' accompts," and to Mr. Deputy Ferrar for the past year's account. Mr. Scott, Mr. Bland, Mr. Wheatley, and Mr. Berblock were added to his Majesty's Council for the Virginia Company. And the following patents were drawn up and approved : " To Mr. John Zouch ; Mr. Edmund and John Prinn ; Mr. Clement Dilke, and Mr. John Proctor, each of them undertaking to transport 100 persons with sufficient necessaries and pro- visions for cultivating their own land." Conway, in a letter to Calvert, written on July 5, ex- presses the hope that he has dispatched the affairs given him in charge, and that the Virginia business will be attended to. The commission had been examining the letters, etc., sent from Virginia in February, March, and April by sundry ships, as well as those persons who re- turned in the ships. They made extracts from these letters and evidences, which they sent to the king and to the Privy Council. Conway wrote to Calvert, on July 10, that the king wished the Privy Council to sit daily on the Virginia business until it was concluded. Secretary Calvert wrote to Deputy Ferrar that he with some others of the Virginia Company must attend the Privy Council at Whitehall, on the 10th, which they did. " Their Lordships told them that they had been informed by the private letters that came by the last ships from Virginia that his Majesty's subjects there were in a very great want and like to perish there, an abstract of which letters the Commissioners had presented unto them, which they caused to be read at the board ; and thereupon commanded Deputy Farrar to call a Virginia Court the next day, and acquaint it with the report of the said letters by reading the abstracts unto them— 536 UNDER THE COMPANY whereby, having informed themselves of the miserable estate of the Colony, they may consider how to send pre- sent supplies unto them, and to return an answer to the Privy Council." The Virginia court was called, and after the abstracts had been read, and after a serious consultation how to raise a supply, the following was written : — " The humble aunswere of the Virginia Companie being assembled in a general Court held the 1st [11th, N. S.] of July 1623. To The Eight honorable the Lords of his Md^ most Honorable Privy Councill, " The Company having taken your Lordships commands into consideration, of speedie sending of supplies of vietuall and provisions to Virginia, doe find that not only divers Hundreds wilbe supplied by their perticuler Adventurers, but also sundrie perticuler persons from their friends. " And for a generall supplie they have had propositions of underwriting a large Magazine, but many difficulties arising herein they were not able to come to any conclusion this present day, the Court beinge verie thynn through the shortness of the warning and doe therefore humblie desire respite untill Friday [14th] next to consider and advise thereof that a large and full court may be assembled and the rest of the Adventurers acquainted therewith. " But whereas there are divers persons indebted unto the Company upon subscriptions, which moneyes are long due and amount to a verie great sum, if it might please your Lordships that some speedie course might be taken to cause those that are so indebted to pay in their said sums there would be a verie valuable sum raised equally for the present as future occasions, which they humblie submit to your Lordships most honorable consideration." On the same day Calvert wrote to Conway : " The Lords wonder at His Majesty's reproofs for being absent from Council, having attended diligently on the Virginia busi- ness." The next day (July 12) Lord President Mandeville ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 537 wrote to Conway : " That his Majesty may see we have not been idle every day this week the Lords have sat in Coun- eill and a very fine Table. The Virginia Company on Monday last were charged to call their company to-gether to acquaint them with the Letters we showed them that make a Map of the Colony's misery and on Tuesday to bring us a resolute answer what money they had in stock and what present course they would take for the releeving of the colony there. For releeved they must be and that presently. And for this time hy the aid of the Company here. Tuesday in the afternoon they returned [their answer and were given until the 14th for their final answer]. I have here sent a copy of a letter from Mr George Sandys to John Farrar of April 8 [18, N. S.] 1623 from Virginia. Some of the Company alledging to us as that his letters to the Company had reported to them no such miseries & necessities of the Colony. But his Majesty shall see how honestly and discreetly he writes and corre- spondently to the other letters/' etc. At the Virginia court on Friday, July 14, Mr. Deputy Ferrar said " that he had present their answer to the Privy Council on July 11*^ ; but their Lordships seemed not to be well satisfied, and required the company's present reso- lution, and willed them to consider and bring them a defi- nite answer this day." He then told the company what had been done in the premises, and presented two rolls. I. " Voluntary supplies of particular societies or Hun- dreds, and private adventurers to he sent to their own people in Virginia/' etc. : Richard Stephens, <£300 ; Rich- ard Tatom, £30 ; John Hart, £50 ; WilHam Fellgate, £50 ; John Cuff, £60 ; Robert Godson, £80 ; Morris Thompson and Company, £70 ; Edmond Hacket, £60 ; James Car- ter, £60 ; Roland Truelove and Company, £400 ; John Procter, £50 ; " I, John Smyth Avill supply my servants now in Virginia in Berkley Hundreth and such others as this next August I send over to encrease them to the sum of at least £100;" William Ewen, £100; Marmaduke 538 UNDER THE COMPANY Raynor, £50; Robert Edwards and John Bland, £100; " Mr. George Scot, Mr. Gabriel Barber, Mr. Copelande and Mr. Caswell promise and undertake to send supplies to Martin Hundreth the sume of £100;" James Gibbons, £100 ; (illegible) £40 ; the total amount being £1800. II. "The second Roll to he sent hy way of Joynt StocJce in Meale : " Richard, Earl of Dorset, £100 ; William, Lord Cavendish, £100 ; Sir Edward Sackville, £77 ; Sir Edwin Sandys, £40; Sir Robert Killigrew, £40; Richard Tom- lins, £20 ; John and Nicholas Ferrar, £100 ; Gabriel Bar- ber, £100 ; Anthony Wyther, £20 ; William CasweU, £20 ; Thomas Viner, £30; Richard Baynam, £20; Richard Widows, £20, and Richard Stephens, £30. Total, £717. Sir Edward Sackville then presented a third roll in open court, and requested that those who opposed the company would underwrite thereon something towards this general supply intended. Mr. Caswell was chosen for treasurer for the magazine to be sent to Virginia for relief of the com- pany's tenants. The court determined to draw up a short Declaration to be presented to the Privy Council, " to shew that the fault of this supposed want in the Colony is not to be imputed to the present government of the Company here in England." In the afternoon Lord Cavendish, with the deputy and many others of the company, presented the two rolls to the Privy Council at Whitehall. Present: lord archbishop of Canterbury, lord treasurer, lord president, lord privy seal, lord steward. Lord Marquis of Hamilton, earl marshal, lord chamberlain. Earl of Carlisle, Lord Viscount Grandison, Lord Brook, Lord Chichester, Mr. Treasurer Edmonds, Mr. Comptroller Suckling, Mr Secretary Calvert, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the master of the rolls. After reading the rolls and hearing the statements of Caven- dish and Ferrar, " Their Lordships finding it necessary for the supply of so general a want and the preventing of so imminent a danger, that there should be a common and general contribution made by all those who are any ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 539 way interested in that business, Ordered that the names of the whole Company, as well of those who have shares as of those who have had ; and the several shares and Adven- tures shall be certified to the Board on Monday [ITth] next in the afternoon ; and that every man shall contribute to the present Kelief proportionally according to their shares, not restraining any man's farther liberality to give what more he pleaseth. " And to the end that the desire of private gain may not cross His Majesties Eoyall Intention and the Honorable care taken by the Board for ye Rehef of His Majesties sub- jects there ; their Lordships did expressly order & command that when the meal and other provision of victuals are brought thither they shall be sold at reasonable prices." The lord president, Mandeville (Montague), of the Privy Council wrote to Conway : " I did not think to have found the Company so forward in yealding to this, but it came quite willingly from them which makes me think they are willing to hold their government, that are so ready in theyre contributions. They have also yealded to restore Mr. Wrote to be again of the Company and Council as he was. The points of mis government on both sides are [have been] formally presented before the Commissioners. This you may be pleased to let his Majesty know. . . . What we do on the 17*^ you shall hereafter hear." On which day the representatives of the company showed the Privy Council the difficulties in the way of carrying out their commands, and " upon further weighing of those reasons, then deliv- ered against this course, their Lordships in fine were pleased to leave it to the Company to order the same by a general consent," etc., and the Virginia court of July 19 took the matter in hand, opened several rolls for subscriptions, etc. The Privy Council had not only been considering the matter of supplies for Virginia, but also a plan for better- ing the government in Virginia, as well as the treatment of the request of the king contained in his letter of July 4 by the Virginia court of July 5. Conway wrote to Middle- 540 UNDER THE COMPANY sex on July 13, " thanking him, in his majesty's name, for his efforts by strict examination to find whether the Vir- ginia Company were so bound by their laws, etc, as that they could not put off the election in form as was required by his Majesty's letter, or whether that putting off as they have done were not the pretext to colour a wilful! breach of his Majesty's commandment. Further his Majesty's pleasure is that you give order to Mr. Attorney Generall by a judicious inspection into the foundation and limita- tions of the comission and their carriage and behaviour in it, to enquire whether in like extremitie that they use to his Majesty, their comission [charter] he not voyd^ On the 15th, Conway wrote to Lord President Mandeville that his Majesty wished to know the mind of the Privy Coun- cil on this question, and the next day Mandeville replied : " Concerning the deferring their election to a Quarter Court, and not for a fortnight's time as his Majesty's letter directed. We have been dilligent to find out, but perceive they have good colour to excuse contempt because their Letters Patents limites the choise of their principal officers to be at a Quarter Court." Captain John Smith tells us in his history that he wrote "A brief e relation " to the " Commissioners for the refor- mation of Virginia," and that " out of these observations it pleased " them " to desire my answer to these seven Ques- tions," etc. The motive of the " Relation " and of the " Answers " was to glorify Smith ; to link his fame his- torically with the royal idea ; to show that he alone (not- withstanding the bad management of others) had brought the colony to " so good a forwardness " under the king's form of government ; that nothing but disaster had be- fallen the colony under the popular charters ; and that the king ought to resume the government of the colony.^ It is an epitome of Smith's history. I have found no other record of the incident. The commissioners having examined the records of the 1 See Arber's edition of Smith's Works, pp. 610-620. ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 541 company in England, as well as their clerk, their messenger, and the keeper of the house in which they held their meet- ings ; the letters, etc., from Virginia, and having received statements from both parties, issued several orders, certifi- cates, and reports prior to July 26. The abstracts, forms and copies of these which remain indicate that their decisions were more favorable to the Smythe than to the Sandys party. In their report on the recent state of the colony they had been more influenced by the letters that came into their hands, which were brought home in the last ships from Vir- ginia, than by such evidences as Butler's Unmasking, etc. ; as to which, however, these letters were rather confirmatory. Their certificate to the king was to the efPect " that his sub- jects and people sent to inhabit there and to plant themselves in that country, were most of them by God's visitation, sick- nes of body, famine, and by massacres of them by the native savages of the land, dead and deceased, and those that were Hving of them lived in miserable and lamentable necessity and want ; but the Country, for anything appered to the said commissioners to the contrary, they conceived to be fruitfuU and healthfuU, after our People had been sometime there ; and that if industrie were used it would produce many staple and good commodities, though as yet the sixteen years government now past had yielded few or none ; and that this neglect they conceived, must fall on the Governors and Company here, who had power to direct the Plantations there, and that the said Plantations are of great importance, and would, as they hoped, remain a lasting Monument of his Majesty's most gracious and happy government to all posterity, if the same were prose- cuted to those ends for which they were first undertaken. " And to that purpose, that if his Majesties first Grant of April 10 [20, N. S.] 1606, and his Majesty's most prudent and princely Instructions [November, 1606] given in the beginning of the plantation for the direction of the affairs thereof, by thirteen councellors in Virginia, and as many in England, all nominated hy his Majesty, had been 542 UNDER THE COMPANY pursued, much better effects had been produced, than had been by the alteration thereof, into so pop)ular a course, and amongst so many hands as then it was, which had caused much contention and confusion." Wodenoth says that " when a noble person asked Judge Jones of the com- mission, how he that was sworn to the laws, durst own proceedings in that nature, his answer was openly, — There was one law of the land, but another law of the King's commissions J' In brief, their reports, as they were intended to do, increased the king's determination, " out of his great wisdom and depth of judgment, to resume the government, and to reduce that popular [repub- hcan] form so as to make it agree with the monarchial form which was held in the rest of his Roy all Monarchic." It was simply the justification asked for by the king. The " neglect " was not due to the form of government. The severe death-rate among newcomers continued after the government was resumed by the crown. The parties in the company had become very bitter. It was said that " they are grown so violent as Guelfs and Gebellines were not more animated one against the other." On July 26, at the Somers Islands court, while considering the reports of the commissioners, especially their order re- garding the Somers Islands of July 18, " Sir Edwin Sandys fell foul upon the Earl of Warwick. The Lord Cavendish seconded Sandys, and the Earl told the Lord, by his favour, he believed he lied." The challenge passed and was ac- cepted, the duel to take place on the Continent. July 29, the Privy Council ordered all ports of the kingdom to be watched so that they might not cross the Channel, and Cavendish was arrested in Essex or Sussex ; but the Earl of Warwick in the disguise of a merchant got safely over, and was stayed at Ghent. Some days after this " the Earls of Essex and Warwick, feasted the Queen of Bohemia (Princess Elizabeth) in the English house at Delft, and the queen, the next day after, was delivered of her fifth son." Lord President Mandeville sent the king, on July 12, ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 543 such " Rules for Bettering the government in Virginia hereafter " as were thought advisable by the Privy Council, and at the same time some "Notes offered by my Lord Chichester." July 15^ Conway acknowledges their receipt ; thanks Mandeville on behalf of the king for his careful at- tention to the businesses at the Council table. " And how well his Majestic likes of the accounts you have given him. He will take a time to consider of the Rules set down by the Lords, and the Notes offered by my Lord of Chichester. And his Majesty would be well pleased to hear how the Companie for Virginia will be provided to furnish and put in execution those Rules for better government." The next day Mandeville replied, " We are not yet gone so far with them as to know how they will be able or willing to put in execution those Rules for better government that his Majesty shall think good to sett them." The Privy Council (twelve being present at the council- board) issued the following order on August 1 : '' Whereas his Majesty being graciously pleased to take into his royall care the State of the Plantation of Virginia and of the government thereof referred the same to the deliberation of their Lordships, who having considered thereof did accord- ingly make Report unto His Ma"®. " It is thought meet and ordered that the Lord Viscount Grandison, the Lord Carew and the Lord Chichester shall take the [Rules and] Notes hereto adjoined into particular consideration and out of them frame and set downe in writ- ing such orders as they conceive to be fittest for the regu- lating of all things in Virginia and for the ordering of the government — and to present them [to the king and his Privy Council] to be received and advised on." The Rules suggested for bettering the government in Virginia were : — " 1. Forts to be erected in places healthfull and best for safety and defence. " 2. Guest houses to be built for harboring sick men and receiving strangers. 544 UNDER THE COMPANY '' 3. Townes & places for habitation to be seated near adjoyning, that they may be a strength to one another and the strongest and fertile and wholesomest places to be chosen. " 4. Ships, Pinaces & Barges to be maintained at the comon charge and to be employed for trade, defence, and disco very es to the use of the publique. " 5. Provisions for necessary food to be cared for before matters of profit. " 6. The men to be devided into three parts, — " I. Some to be employed in publique workes, as build- ing of store-houses for victuals. Places of strength, and such like. " IT. Some in planting of corn, rootes & other fruit. " III. And some to be for strength & discoveryes — and all that are thus employed for PubHc works to be main- tained upon the public purse. " 7. None of the Natives to be taught to shoot in guns, or suffered to have any pieces, nor to be allowed to dwell in places between us and the Sea Coasts. " 8. Men of experience in government and able men of service, to be sent thither, and some that best know that country to be used for Comanders therein. " 9. Churches & Schools to be erected in fit places of best access. " 10. The King's Majesty or his Privy Council to be made acquainted with all matters of great importance con- cerning that Plantation — And their directions to be fol- lowed. " By former Letters Patents, the Councell here for Vir- ginia were but few^ and all were appointed by the King : and to be increased, altered or changed at the King's plea- sure — and this Council nominated the Councillors of the Colonys and directed them as they thought good. Now these Councillors are made eligible by the Company out of the Adventurers. But their number should not be so great — and their Adventures should be greater that are chosen Councillors." ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 545 I have not the Notes of Lord Chichester ; but the fol- lowing " Answer to ye propositions made by the Eight Honorable ye Lord Chichester for ye better setting of the plantation in Virginia " will give an idea as to what they were : — " 1. The places antientlie best fortified were the Cities of Henrico and Charles which are now utterlie demolished by the Indians. And the fortifications about James Citie & Elizabeth Citie have been suffered by the Colony of late to grow to such decay that they are become of no strength or use. So that as to the first point the truth is That at this tyme there are no places fortified for defence or safetie for ye Access of shipping from the Sea and Boats upon the River. " 2. There are diverse small plantations all seated upon the river sides accessible by Boats, and before most of them ships of above 200 tons may ride. But ye plantations are far asunder their houses stand scattered one from another, and are onlie made of wood, few or none of them being framed houses, etc. " 3. The Cities of Henrico & Charles stood upon high ground. The Cliffs being steep but of a clay mould, the air good and wholesome. And good quantitie of cleared grounds ; but all the land generallie is overgrown with great timber trees, so that there is little land fit for present culture but what by industry is cleared of ye wood either by the English or the Indians. " 4. The fortifications antientlie used were by Trench and Pallizado and diverse blockhouses made of great tim- ber — built upon passages and for securing the Pallizados. " 5. The Lands where the towns are seated do not for ought is known afford stone for building nor limestone for mortar. But there are good store of shells about Elizabeth Citie which will make very good lime and may by water be easilie transported to the several plantations. " 6. In most places and particularlie about Henrico & Charles citie the Sods are very good to f ortifie with all — 546 UNDER THE COMPANY especiallie if they be cut in the sedgie ground which is so full of roots that it binds the earth close and keeps it from falling in pieces. "7. It is very necessarie to raise new works. " 8. There is good store of earth fit to make brick almost in every place. And heretofore many Bricks hath been made in the conn trie. " 9. This is a very good direction. And it would exceed- inglie both strengthen and beautifie the plantation if some convenient number of houses were built together of Brick and enclosed with a Brick wall that might deserve the name of a Towne : one of these at Henrico (which is the fittest place of all) and another at the place now called Charles Cittie. " The 10^ ir^ & 12*^ are so good and full directions as nothing can be added unto them, but only to be wished they were put in execution. " 13. It is most fit for his Majesty to appoint the cheif Governor, and if such Governor die then the Council there by pluralitie of voice to elect one to succeed him untill his Majesty's will be known either for confirming him that shalbe so chosen or for appointing some other. " 14. Those things may (if so it seem good to his Maj- esty) be left to the care of the Governor and Council here. " The number of Counsillors here which his Majesty designes to be but 13 in all is feared will prove to be too few as experience shewed in the beginning of the planta- tion. There should be at least 25, to be continued and altered at the King's pleasure. It is most requisite (if so it seem good to his Majesty) that a Commission he sent forthwith to discover the true estate of the j^lcintation in Virginia/' etc. On August 2, Lord Cavendish and others reported to the Privy Council that the first two subscription rolls had been compHed with, some of the provisions having been already sent by the Truelove and the Hopewell, the rest to be sent at once by the George, the Marmaduke, and the Jacob. ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 547 On August 5, Conway wrote to Mandeville that the king desired to know what was being done in the Virginia busi- ness. Two days thereafter Mandeville replied : " That number which count themselves as the Company are re- quired to send there relief presently and to give up an account what be the provisions that they do send that it may appear to be a fit proportion for their necessaries. Also Mr Attorney General is required to look into all their former patents and what is returned [reported] by the last Commission that his Majesty may upon just grounds de- termine [annul] the former [charter] and pass another as his Majesty shall think fit. And for preparation to a new and better form of government I have delivered to my Lord Grandison, my Lord Carew and my Lord Chichester the three Lords appointed by his Majesty, All those Notes and Directions given by his Majesty — The Rules set down by my Lords of the [Privy] Council for strength- ening and governing of that place and the return that the commissioners lately made by which they may frame and advise suggestions fit to be presented to his Majesty." The lords appointed to make suggestions to the king, and to aid him in framing his proposed new royal gov- ernment for Virginia, had been instrumental in forming the royal government for Ireland, each of them having been interested in the plantation of Ulster. George, Lord Carew of Clopton, had served as president of Munster; Oliver St. John, Viscount Grandison, had served as lord deputy of Ireland ; and Arthur, Lord Chichester, had held the same office. On August 10, James I. received the following letter from his attorney-general and solicitor-general : — " May it please your most excellent Ma*'® Wee received a signification of your Majesties pleasure from the Lords of your most honorable Privy Council touching points which concerne the Virginia Company. " The one [was to see that the company complied with 548 UNDER THE COMPANY their promises to the Council about sending supplies to Vir- ginia and to tell them they would fail to do so at their peril. The deputy had sent them a statement, showing that the Truelove had sailed with <£536 worth of provisions, and that the George would sail on the 14th with about £1500 worth more.] " The other to take into our considerations the severall Letters Patents granted to that Company and the Reports concerning the same lately made hy your Majesties com- missioners and thereupon certifie our opinions to your Majesty concerning the Resuming of that government, [They had diligently complied and conceived that] your Majestic, if you so please may justly resume that govern- ment and order and dispose of it in such other manner as in your wisdom you shall find best for the good of the plantation. " But for the manner, because the resuming of the 'priv- ileges in a legal course must he the work of time — and the distress of your Majesties subjects in that Colony (as seemeth by the Commissioners certificates) doth necessarily require more expedition. [They suggest that the king, as in the case of the Merchant Adventurers, should by his royal proclamation command the forbearance of the exe- cution of their letters patent, etc.] And that then if the Company shall not upon consideration of their own weak- ness voluntarily yield up their privileges there may he a legal proceeding against them for calling in the same [by law]. " But seeing it is your good pleasure not to avoyd the private interests of any of your subjects which have been Adventurers either in person or purse — We conceive and humbly offer it also to your Majesty's judgment that for avoyding the inconveniences which may ensue hy suspen- sion of the present government until a hetter he resolved on it will he fit that your Majestic first determine of that way which you shall think best to establish for the gov- ernment of that Colony before you publish your intention ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 549 hy proclamation or otherwise. And then at the same instant your subjects may have knowledge both of the ne- cessity of this alteration and of your grace to the adven- turers in settling and upholding their private interests. " All which we do most humbly submit to your own good pleasure and princely direction. " Your Majesties most humble servants — " Thomas Coventrye. " Ro. Heath." On August 16, Middlesex, in his letter to Conway refer- ring to the above, says that " the King will now see his power to resume the government of the Virginia Company and resettling it for the public good — but suggests, as most of the Privy Council are out of town, that the Vir- ginia Company should be allowed to go on quietly until after the Council meets about a month hence." Conway replied on the 18th, accepting the suggestion. The Virginia court of August 16 issued commissions to the following ships ; the George, for transporting of pas- sengers only ; the Hopewell (John Hart, master), the Jacob, the Marmaduke, and the Great Hopewell (John Prynn, owner and master) for Virginia, and then for fishing voyages. The Hopewell was then ready to depart, and a general letter was prepared to be sent by her. These ships were to take the promised suppKes to Virginia. The George and Hopewell left about the same time. The Marmaduke left about the last of September (after the 26th), the Great Hopewell in October, and the Jacob in November. After the long vacation, on October 12, Conway wrote to Lord President Mandeville that " the King now wished him to proceed especially with the Virginia business and give him account thereof." The next day Mandeville re- plied : '' I have made no delaye in the pursuite of those businesses the King commanded and as by your letter I perceive he expects accompt of. " This day I went to London and some of the Lords 550 UNDER THE COMPANY met there, we having appointed the deputy of the Vir- ginia Company there to be. But he came not, so as I have despatched another messenger to fetch him ; for they say he is ten miles beyond Cambridge, and without this deputy, now in the absence of the Governor [the Earl of Southampton, who, as well as Sir Edwin Sandys, was then confined by order of the king], none of that Company will take anything upon them. Monday next [16th] in the morning the Lords have appointed to meet upon this busi- ness, and I have given warning that the Company is not to faile their attendance." Deputy Ferrar again failed to meet the Privy Council on October 16 ; but, with some others of the company, he was present at Whitehall on the 18th, "when their Lordships first demanded an accompt of him whether the supplies of meal and other things (according to the under- writing formerly presented by them) were sent to Virginia for relief of their great necessities and distress." He re- plied " that he conceived that all things promised by the Company to their Lordships had been performed with a very large advantage." " Afterward their Lordships propounded unto him some other very weighty propositions," which he requested might be drawn into an order of that board. This order is as follows : — " Whitehall, the 18*^ October, 1623 — Present : — Lord Keeper, Lord President, Lord Viscount Grandison, Lord Oarew, Lord Chichester,^ Mr. Secretary Calvert, and the Master of the Rolls. — This day the Deputy and divers of the adventurers and Company of Virginia were called be- fore this Board, unto whom their Lordships declared that his Majesty having taken into his princely consideration the distressed estate of that Colony, occasioned as it seemeth by miscarriage of the government in that Company, which ^ These three — Grandison, Carew, drafting the form of government now and Chichester — had been the special proposed to the company in lieu of committee who had aided the king in their popular form. ENGLAND, APRIL - NOVEMBER, 1623 551 cannot be well remedyed but by reducing the government into the hands of a fewer number of Governours near to those that were in the First Patent of that plantation, but especially to be provided that the interests of all adventurers and private persons whatsoever shall be preserved and con- tinued as they are, hath therefore resolved by a new Char- ter to appoint a Governor and twelve assistants, residents here in England, unto whom shall be committed the gov- ernment of that Colony and Company, which Governor and his assistants his Majesty will be pleased to nominate and make choice of the first time ; and afterwards the election of the Governor to be in this manner, viz* : — The assist- ants to present the names of three to his Majesty of whom his Majesty will be pleased to nominate one to be Governor. And the assistants to be chosen by the greater part of the Governor's assistants for the time being ; the names of them to be chosen being first presented to his Majesty or to this Board, to be allowed or disallowed by his Majesty. And the Governor and six of the assistants to be thus changed once in two years. And his Majesty is pleased that there shall be resident in Virginia a Governor and twelve assistants, to be nominated by the Governor and assistants here resident, they presenting their names to his Majesty or this Board, that his Majesty may allow or dis- allow of the same. And as the Governor and assistants resident in Virginia shall have dependance and relation with the Governor and assistants resident here, so the Governor and assistants here shall have relation and dependance on this Board^ whereby all matters of importance may he directed hy his Majesty [and his Privy Council] at this Board, And that in the same charter his Majesty pur- poseth to make the like grants as well of lands as of fran- chises and other benefits and things as were granted in the former charters, with declaration that for the settling and establishing of private interests of all men this new Com- pany shall confirm or newly grant unto them the like in- terest as they enjoy by grant, order or allowance of the former Company. 552 UNDER THE COMPANY " And therefore the said Deputy and other of the said Company were by their Lordships required to assemble a court on Wednesday [25th] next therein to resolve whether the Company will be content to submit and surrender their former Charters and accept of a new Charter, with the alterations above mentioned, and to return their Answer with all expedition to this Board, his Majesty being deter- mined, in default of such submission, to proceed for the recaUing of the said former charters in such sort as shall be just." On the same day the Privy Council ordered Sir William Jones and the other commissioners to resume and continue the examination of the state of the plantations. The order of the Privy Council was read to the Virginia court on October 25 and fully debated. Only eight of those present were willing to surrender their charter as re- quested ; and the following answer was resolved on : " The Company for Virginia, being assembled according to your Lordships command, and having understood your Lordships order containing a proposition for the giving up of their Charters, conceive it in divers respects to be of such great weight and consequence as by special limitation of their Letters-patents is restrained only to the determination of a quarter-court. Wherefore as also in regard there was not assembled above one hundred and twenty persons, whereas, besides the new Adventurers and Planters in Virginia (which all are equally interessed), his Majesty's Letters- patents are granted to above one thousand persons of higher and inferior rank by their particular names, and, also, unto threescore Companies of the City of London and other cor- porate towns therein mentioned. The Company then assem- bled most humbly beseech your Lordships to give them respite until the next quarter-court the 29*^ of November, which is the soonest time the said letters-patents gives them power to make further answer therein, and against which more general summons shall be given." This answer was presented to the Privy Council on Octo- ENGLAND, APRIL — NO VEMBER, 1623 553 ber 27, by Nicholas Ferrar and others. Peckard (pp. 121- 126) gives an abstract of Ferrar's appeal to the Council at this time, which was along the same lines as " the answer of the company." Being called to the upper end of the council-table he addressed himself with all humility to the lords, asking them whether either in law or equity a por- tion of the company could give up the patent without the previous consent of all the rest of the members, adven- turers and planters, " who were all included in the grant, and who all upon the encouragement, and promised protec- tion of the King, under the Great Seal of England, and the pledge of his royal word and honour, adventured their es- tates, and many of them even their lives in this the greatest and most honourable undertaking in which England had ever been engaged." He represented also the great good which, in numberless sources of wealth and strength, would by means of this corporation, and through the encourage- ment of their care, by the blessing of God, shortly accrue to this nation. He contended that the twentieth part of no company could legally deliver up the liberties and privi- leges, the rights, and the property of the other nineteen parts, and this "was what the Company now assembled, must refuse as a thing unjust, and not feasible for them to do." The answer of the company and the speech of Ferrar were received with favor by the Earl of Pembroke and the Marquis of Hamilton ; but the majority of the lords [Council] were ill pleased with them, considering their object to be " merely dilatory," and immediately is- sued a peremptory order to the company to meet on the 30th in the afternoon and " to deliver a final answer." In Mandeville's report of this to Conway, he says that he had explained " that his Majestic intended to change only the frame of the government for the good of the people, but to have every private man's interests preserved and to be secured if defective. Their answer was so ill pleasing to my Lords that with reproof we have sent them back and peremptorily prefixed unto them to bring us a direct answer 554: UNDER THE COMPANY on Monday next, when if they shall not offer the yealding up of that Patent then Mr Attorney-General is directed to take a course for revoking of it." On the 29th, Conway thanks Mandeville in behalf of the king for attending to the affairs of the Virginia Company. At the Virginia court of October 30 the question of sur- rendering their charters was again submitted and there was " a very hot debate " thereon between Thomas Keightley (one of the auditors of the company) and William Canning. After voting, the following answer was drawn up in pre- sence of the court, and, being read, was generally approved and ordered to be delivered to the Privy Council in the name of the company : " The Company of Virginia being assembled the 30'^ of October, according to your Lordships' command, and the Deputy having put to the question your Lordships' proposition in the direct words that your Lord- ships commanded, there were only nine hands for the deliv- ering up of the Charters, and all the rest (being about three-score more) were of a contrary opinion." The records give the names of sixty of those present and add, " with divers others to the number of 70." " Of the nyne that held up their hands to surrender the Patent these were observed — Sir Sam Argall, Sir Thomas Wroth [the only knights present; no peers were present], Captaine Jo: Martin, Mr Canning, Mr. Woodall, Martin [Martian ?] the Armeanian, and Molasco the Polander — doubtf uU whither they [the last two] ought to have voice. The other two that held up their hands are not certainly known." They were Edward Palavicine and William Mease, as shown by the depositions in the case of Keightley vs. Canning, which also show that Captain John Smith was present, and (as his books also show) favored yielding the charter ; but he had no voice, as he was no longer a planter, and the £9 paid in by him was short of a full share as an adventurer. The answer, with explanations, was at once presented to the Privy Council, whereupon they issued the following, which explains itself : — ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 555 " At Whitehall, the 30*^ of October, 1623 — Present : — Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Keeper, Lord Trea- surer, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Earl Marshall, Lord Viscount Grandison, Lord Chichester, Mr. Secretary Cal- vert, and the Master of the Rolls. Whereas their Lord- ships were this day informed that there is a great discour- agement amongst many adventurers of the plantation in Virginia, by reason of the intended reforming and change of the Government ; whereupon they are fearful to prose- cute their adventures so as it may concern some stop of those ships that are now ready freighted and bound for that Country ; although their Lordships marvell that any should be so far mistaken, considering the declarations which have been made at the Board viva voce, as also by an Act of Coun- cil and otherwise. Yet for the better satisfying of those who either through error of mistaking, or through the un- true suggestion of others, have conceived any such fear or discouragement, their Lordships do hereby think fit again to declare that there is no other intention than meerly and only the reforming and change of the present govern- ment, whereof his Majesty has seen so many bad effects as will be to the endangering of the whole plantation, if it continue as it is. Nevertheless, forasmuch as concerneth the private interest of any man, his Majesty's royal care is such that no man shall receive any prejudice, but shall have his estate wholly and fully conserved, and if in anything they be defective better to be secured, so as they need not apprehend any such fears or other inconvenience, but con- trariwise, cheerfully to proceed. It is therefore ordered by their Lordships, and thought fit to be published to the Company, that it is his Majesty's absolute command that the ships which were intended to be sent at this time to Virginia and are in some readiness to go, be sent away with all speed for the relief of those that be there, and the good of that plantation, and this to be presently done with- out stop or delay." This order was read in the Virginia court which met 556 UNDER THE COMPANY November 1, and the court ordered that public notice of this his Majesty's pleasure should be given accordingly to all such masters and owners of ships as were known to have any ships preparing to go to Virginia. On November 3, the Privy Council appointed Captain John Harvey, John Pory, Abraham Peirsey, and Samuel Matthews, gentlemen, to be sent as their commissioners to Virginia, to make particular and diligent inquiry concern- ing the present state of the colony. Pory was especially commissioned to publish throughout Virginia the orders from the Privy Council of July 14, October 18 and 30. This Council also wrote a letter to the governor and Coun- cil in Virginia requiring them to yield to the commissioners their best aid upon all occasions. These commissioners were all interested in Virginia. Cap- tain John Harvey bought three shares in Virginia from WilHam Lytton, Esq., on November 23, 1620, and had pre- viously been to the colony. He was captain and probably owner of the Southampton, a ship commissioned by the court of July 19, 1623, to carry passengers and goods to Virginia. She sailed from England in November, with Harvey, Pory, and thirty emigrants for Virginia. Although the present governing party in the Virginia Company was opposed by the king and a majority of his Privy Council, it had some friends in the Council, and very many among the Commons. It was necessary for the king to proceed with discretion, and the object of the royal com- mission in Virginia, as had been with the royal commission in England, was to find additional cause to justify the king in his determination to resume the government of the colony. The royal commissioners in England had made a search- ing inquiry into the management of the movement from the first. They heard and read the charges and counter- charges (made in person and in writing) of each party. They found that some disasters might have been prevented if the officials had had a foreknowledge ; that other disas- ENGLAND, APRIL — NOVEMBER, 1623 557 ters could not have been prevented by any knowledge of those days ; and others could not have been prevented by any knowledge as yet revealed to man. But there was no real culpable mismanagement of any great consequence proven against either administration of the company, and no evil consequences for which the popular form of gov- ernment could really be held responsible. "Many days and weeks of the inquisition or persecution discovered no unworthinesse against them, or any other of their consorts." In 1609 the managers of the movement had condemned the king's form of government as being a principal cause of the troubles in Virginia during 1607-1609. The king was naturally easily convinced that the popular government had caused the troubles since 1609, and that his form must have been wrongly condemned. The idea that the colony had been brought to a good state of forwardness under his government ("without one ray of popular rights") — the good effects of which had been subsequently destroyed by the popular government^ — conformed to the king's wishes ; but it was a mere pretext to justify him in his determination to resume the government of the colony and company. The authentic manuscript records, as well as the evidence (still preserved) which was submitted to this commission, really prove that the colony did not prosper under the crown, but that it was finally established under the popu- lar charters, which kindled the rays of popular rights that are now shining for us. ^ The popular form of government subsequent events will show that the had been instituted in Virginia during popular ideas continued to obtain in the administration of Sir Thomas the minds of members of both parties. Smythe. The parties in the company While Sir John Danvers, the right- had originated in disputes over busi- hand man of Sir Edwin Sandys, was ness matters, auditing accounts, the one of the regicides, it was Sir magazine, the tobacco contracts, etc., Thomas Wroth, a leader of the oppo- and not in opposition to the popular sition party in the company, who charters. It came to pass that some made the celebrated motion in Parlia- members of the opposition party, in ment ** to lay the King [Charles I.] order to accomplish their object, were by, and to settle the Kingdom without finally willing to surrender the char- him," and the Earl of Warwick him- ters to the crown ; but a review of self became " a Parliament man." 558 UNDER THE COMPANY There were so many members of the Virginia Company that there must have been various ideas prevailing among them ; but from the first many of the foremost managers had been inspired by an earnest desire " to estabhsh a more free government in Virginia." The Smythe adminis- tration did not exclude any Protestant body from the new nation which they were planting in the new world, and the Sandys party wishing especially to lay the foundation on the basis of civil and religious liberty were evidently anxious to welcome all Protestants. Roman Catholics, however, were excluded not only because the chief man- agers of the movement were of the Church of England, but also because the Church of Rome was naturally antago- nistic to the free government of the reformers, which was the model of Sir Edwin Sandys. The reformed religion required a reformation of governments, and reformers were protesting against the old oppressive forms of government as well as of religion. The issue is still existing, and the victory of the one side will be the defeat of the other. "Was our foundation laid sufficiently broad to bear both parties, and strong enough to resist the full shock of the contest? If not, what will be the result of our Arma- geddon ? VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 SIE FBANCIS WYATT, GOVEBNOB On September 10 the governor issued a proclamation warning Virginians " to be careful of the Indian's Treach- erj." The Bonny Bess, of ninety tons, belonging to Mr. Ga- briel Barber, left England in May with sixty persons and arrived in September with supplies for the colony, for Berkeley plantation, etc. ; letters from the Privy Council of England " counciling that peace and harmony among themselves which becometh the undertakers of such an action, the subjects of such a King and the possessors of our Religion ; " and from the company in England to the governor and Council in Virginia, with no allusions to the divisions in the company, mainly devoted to business mat- ters, and telling them that the tobacco contract made last summer by the company had been dissolved, and that the king was now proposing to grant " a sole importation of tobacco to the two plantations (Va. and S. I.), with an ex- ception only of 40,000 weight of ye best Spanish tobacco to be yearly brought in." This letter had been submitted to the Privy Council and was signed by members of both parties in the company. Anthony Hilton, in a letter to his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hilton, says that after landing in Virginia the ship was to go on to explore Hudson River. And " if we there find any strangers as Hollanders, or others which is thought this year do adventure there, we are to give them fight, and spoil and sink them down into the sea, which to do we are well provided with a lusty ship 560 UNDER THE COMPANY (90 tons), stout seamen, and great ordnance. I pray God prosper us therein." John Ferrar said that his brother Nicholas was accused before the Privy Council with having " drawn up and sent to the Governor and plantation of Virginia certain danger- ous instructions, and inflammatory letters of advice, direct- ing them how they should conduct themselves in standing to their patent, and exhorting them that they should never give their consent to let it be delivered up." Ferrar does not give the date, and it is not certain whether his brother was accused of sending these things by the Bonny Bess, or by the Southampton, which did not arrive until the follow- ing March ; but it is certain that notwithstanding the fact that the Privy Council warned all parties that no know- ledge of the controversy and divisions in the company should be sent to the colony by any one, as it might breed a bad effect in the plantation, this ship brought privately a full account of it from the Sandys party in England, including a copy of (III.) Butler's " Unmasking," at which the officials in Virginia were much offended. Owing to their natural resentment at this unmasking, to the changed condition in Virginia from the want of the fall of 1622 to the plenty of the fall of 1623, and to other causes, the letters between the officials in Virginia and the managers in England now came to a bettei' accord. As soon as the knowledge of the great want in Virginia became known in England steps were at once taken to sup- ply the colonists. The George, a ship of 180 tons, sailed about August 14, with 241 hogsheads of victuals and other necessary provisions, shipped by divers private adventurers, namely : — " Mr Cheasley sendeth provisions Mr Edmond Hacketh « Mr Perry " Mr Prichard « Mr Felgate & Mr Tatum " Tons HhdB. 1| 6 2 8 2J 9 3f 15 ^ 29 Tons Hhdi. n 5 5i 21 i 2 7f 29 2h 9 7 28 4 16 3 12 2i 11 2i 9 2 2 8 5 20 VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 561 Morrice Thompson sendeth provisions Mr Richard Stevens " Mr George Swinhowe " Mr James Gibbons " Mr White " Mr Covell sendeth provisions of ) Meal, Butter, Cheese, &c J Mr Wentworth sendeth Mr NichoUs " Mr Edmond Barker " Mr Douse " Mr Pierce " Mr John PoUington " Mr Wm. Ewens " " As for ye 70 planters & passengers they are not counted in this number, they carrying besides large provisions for themselves & ye people they carry with them. There is also carried for the magazine £200 worth of meal — so that the suppHes sent by this ship are worth about .£1500." These supplies reached Virginia in October, " when the fruits of their Hort-yards, Gardens, and early crops were beginning to serve them." The Hopewell, of 60 tons, John Hart, master and " Cape merchant for the meal," commissioned to go to Virginia, and then to fish, left England in August, 1623, with 15 emigrants, about £500 worth of meal and other provisions, and with a general letter from the company to the gov- ernor, and arrived late in the same year. The letter ^ says : " Touching the Comission we have nothing, the proceedings therein not having yet come to any conclusion that we know of. [They had made their report to the king in July ; but it was not to be made public until the meeting of the Privy Council in the fall.] We dont doubt but it will conduce to the advancement of the plantation accord- ing to the Royal intention of his Majesty declared in the 1 Randolph MSS., p. 173, in Virginia Historical Society Library. 562 UNDER THE COMPANY institution thereof. We are deeply touched with the mor- tahty, scarcity and uncomf ortableness among you of which we had notice from the Lords of the Privy Council [who had intercepted the letters, etc.] For .the relief of scarcity his Majesty was very solicitous whereupon we got up a subscription of <£700 to be sent in meal (other commodities you have even to a superfluity) ; for which meal we expect a just retribution. Tobacco clears here but 20*^ per pound which we desire all may know that we may be freed from the unjust taxations of oppressions in selling meal in Vir- ginia at 30 shilHngs per Bushel — that is 10 lbs tobacco, and we are certain our meal cost us 12 shillings per Bushel. We desire your care in seeing us paid as soon as possible. For our former supplies we are £2.000 sterling behind which is a great discouragement. The adventurers of the Maids desire our recommendation to you of that business desiring their pay. The Fur adventurers by the wickedness of the Captain and Mariners are quite overthrown. We desire your especial care in the Glass and Shipwrights (which last business was the most expensive we ever under- took) and to make us quick retribution. Except you fall upon other comodities than Tobacco you may not expect a subsistence. We hope you have got a good entrance into Silk and Vines, and we expect some returns — or it will be a discredit to us and to you and give room to the maligners of the Plantation. Encourage the Frenchmen to stay, if not forever, at least 'till they have taught our people their skill in silk and vines. Nine men sent to make Iron by a Bloomery are to be assisted by private persons who shall have shares, or by the Company's tenants ; seat them at Martin's Hundred or some more commodious place, and choose a director for them. The passengers had been more but for a disparagement of the plantation, therefore take good care of these. We approve of driving away your enemies by a lawful and just pohcy. Send no more Sassafras. Proceed on the Fort. Don't think it long e'er we send tenants for the Governor's and Treasurer's lands ; VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 563 it is difficult to do but hope to accomplish it next Spring. Let the profits of the tenants belonging to Capt Thomas Nuce's place be given to his virtuous widow this year/' etc. " Given in a great and General Court held for Vir- ginia August 16, 1623, and ordered to be sent in the name of the Company to the Governor and Council of State in Virginia." The planters in Virginia constantly complained of the prices for commodities fixed by the company. As to Mr. Hart, they said that he charged for a bushel of meal nine pounds of tobacco, for which their price was three shillings per pound, — that is, twenty-seven shilhngs per bushel, when it cost in England less than seven shillings. The company replied : " Tobacco only worth 18d pr lb. and meal cost, including freight etc. over 13^ per bushel," etc. Late in March, 1623, Captain Samuel Jordan, of " Jor- dan's Journey," died. Three or four days thereafter, the Rev. Grivell Pooley came to see Captain Isaac Madison touch- ing a match with Mrs. Jordan, and entreated Madison to move the matter to her. " At first Madison was unwilling to medle in any such business, but being urged finally con- sented. And broached the subject to Mrs Jordan, who replied that she would as willingly have M'' Pooley as any other, but she would not marry any man until she was delivered." This was all that a man in his mind ought to have asked ; but Pooley could not wait, and soon went to see her himself. He reported to Captain Madison that he had contracted himself unto her, and desired Madison to go with him and be a witness to it. Madison went with him, and when " M'' Pooley desired a dram, Mrs Jordan desired her servant to fetch it ; but Pooley said he would have it of her fetching or not at all. Then she went into a room ; Madison and Pooley followed her ; and when Mr. Pooley was come to her he told her he should contract him- self unto her — and spake these words — * I Grivell Pooley take thee Sysley, to my wedded wife, to have & to hold, till death us do part, and thereto, I plight thee my troth.' 564 UNDER THE COMPANY Then (holding her by the hand) he spake these words, ' I Sysley take thee Grivell to my wedded husband to have and to hold till death us do part.' But Madison heard not her say any of those words, nor that M'' Pooley asked her whether she did consent to those words ; then M"" Pooley and she dranke each to other, and he kissed her, and spake these words, ' I am thine and thou art mine, till death us separate.' Mrs Jordan then desired that it might not be revealed that she did so soon bestow her love after her husband's death, whereupon M'' Pooley protested before God that he would not reveal it till she thought the time fitting." He failed to keep his promise, however, and told of his good luck. Mrs. Jordan resented this, then con- tracted herself to Mr. William Ferrar (the brother of the deputy-treasurers, John and Nicholas Ferrar), before the governor and Council, disavowing the former contract and affirming the latter. On June 14, Mr, Pooley " called her into court," and instituted against her the first breach of promise suit in English America. The case came up before " the Council of State " (the court) : Governor Wyatt, Sir George Yeardley, Mr. George Sandys, Koger Smith, Ralph Hamor, and Mr. John Pountis. They were unable to de- cide, however, and continued it to November 27, when Mrs. Mary Madison and her servant John Harris were ex- amined before the governor and Secretary Davison. Neither of these witnesses was present at the supposed contracting, but both had heard Mrs. Jordan say that " Mr. Pooley might have fared the better had he not revealed it." " The Council in Virginia (not knowing how to decide so nice a difference, our devines not taking upon them pressily to determine whether it bee a formal and legall contract) referred the case to the Company in England desiring the resolution of the civil Lawyers thereon and a speedy return thereof." And to prevent the like in the future the court issued the following proclamation : " Whereas, to the great contempt of the majesty of God and ill example to others, certain women within this Colony have, of late, contrary to VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 565 the laws ecclesiastical of the realm of England, contracted themselves to two several men at one time, whereby much trouble doth grow between parties, and the Governor and Council of State much disquieted: To prevent the like offense to others, it is by the Governor and Council or- dered in Court that every minister give notice in his church, to his parishioners, that what man or woman soever shall use any words or speech tending to the contract of mar- riage though not right and legal, yet may so entangle and breed struggle in their consciences, shall for the third offense undergo either corporal punishment, or the punishment by fine, or otherwise, according to the guilt of the persons so offending." Captain Francis West, as I have stated, arrived in Vir- ginia prior to April 9, 1623, and in May or June went to the northward, under the commission from the New Eng- land Council, to expel interlopers from New England w^aters ; " but he could do no good of them, for they were too strong for him, and he found the fishermen to be stubborn fel- lows. ... So they went from hence to Virginia." He left Virginia again in July, and arrived in New England in August. " In September the same ship and company being discharged by him at Damarins Cove came to New Plym- outh, where upon our earnest inquiry after the state of Virginia since that bloody slaughter committed by the In- dians upon our friends and countrymen, the whole ship's company agreed that upon all occasion they chased the In- dians to and fro, insomuch as they sued daily unto the English for peace, who for the present would not admit of any, that Sir George Early [ Yeardley] was at that present employed upon service against them." Edward Winslow sailed from New Plymouth on the Ann, September 20, 1623. At the Virginia court of November 22, 1623, "M' Deputy acquainted the court with the good news sent from Virginia by the ships lately returned from New England (where a pinnace from Virginia arrived before they came away and brought divers particular letters that do import 566 UNDER THE COMPANY thus much, namely, that the Colony in Virginia have re- covered health ; that they were in hopes to have a plentiful harvest of corn and tobacco ; that Oppochanchano is slain and, as some affirm 150 of his great men, and that our English were then going out again to pursue the rest of them and to destroy their corn)." Deputy Ferrar also told the court of the letters from Virginia, brought by these ships via New England, which were in the hands of the commissioners. The letters from the governor and Council in Virginia to the Earl of Southampton, of June 24, and from D. Canne to John Delbridge, of July 12, have been preserved. The New England records show that the Ann, of 140 tons, left England in May ; arrived in New England in July, and returned September 20. The Vir- ginia records show that the Ann, of 40 tons, left Eng- land in May, with 25 persons, for Virginia, and arrived there in August. I suppose these references to be to the same ship, and that the difference in the tonnage is an error of one record or the other. There was a more or less constant intercourse between Virginia and New England ; but the records are incomplete, and as the Virginians per- sisted in caUing " New England" " Canada," there is some confusion. Captain Robert Gorges, who had been sent as lieutenant- general of New England ; Captain Francis West, admiral ; Christopher Levett, governor of Plymouth ; David Thomp- son, and two of the colony of New Plymouth, who had been made councilors, met at Piscataqua (where David Thomp- son had recently planted a colony) in October, 1623, took their oaths, and, it is said, organized a government for New England for the first time. The Rev. William Morrell, of the Church of England, was commissioned to superintend the estabhshment of that church throughout New England. Captain Gorges' ship, the Katharine, having some passen- gers for Virginia, sailed there in November or December, 1623, and it is possible that Captain Francis West returned on her, as he was in Virginia in January, 1624. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 567 Rev. Francis Bolton was the minister on the eastern shore^ and on December 1, when Governor Wyatt was on the following expedition, he issued an order to Captain William Epes, the commander of that plantation, requiring him to collect for the minister's salary ten pounds of tobacco and one bushel of corn from every planter and tradesman above the age of sixteen and ahve at the gathering of the crops, throughout all the plantations on the eastern shore. I take these to be the usual (tax or tithe) rates at that time. " November 28*^ 1623. The Governor being going to settle a trade with the Savages in the Bay comissionates the Council to execute all his Authorities." " As soon as our corn was ripe the Governor set forward to the river of Potomack to settle the trade with our friends and to revenge the treachery of the Pascoticons [Anacos- tans] and their associatts being the greatest people in those parts of Virginia, who had cutt off Capt. Spillman and Mr Pountis his Pinnace : in which expedition, he put many to the sword, and burnt their houses with a marveilous quan- tity of corn carried by them so far into the woods that it was not possible to bring it to our boats. The maine rea- son that invited the Governor unto that river was an agree- ment made the last year by Mr. Treasurer Sandys with the Potomacks our auncient Allies (of whom great numbers were murthered by those nations) not only to assist us in that revenge, but to accompany us and be our guides in a war against the Pamunkes, which would have been very advan- tageous to us ; but the unseasonableness of the weather had detained the expedition so long that the necessities of the country enforced the Governor to leave his chiefe intention for Pamunkie. It is no small difficulty to maintain a war with people dependant on their own labors for their sup- port ; the chief time of doing the enemy most spoil being at our busiest season. And whereas we are advised by you [the Virginia Company in England] to observe rules of jus- tice with these barbarous and perfidious enemyes ; we hold 568 UNDER THE COMPANY nothing unjust (except breach of faith) that may tend to their ruine. Stratagems were ever allowed against all ene- mies ; but with these neither faire warre nor good quarter is ever to be held. Nor is there other hope of theire subver- sion, whoever may informe you to the contrary." The general letter from Virginia does not mention the act ; but a ship leaving Virginia about this time carried the news to England that the English (upon a treaty with the na- tives for peace and good quarter) had poisoned a great many of them. Dr. John Potts was said to have been the chief actor in it and was very much blamed in England therefor. The following three ships arrived not long before Febru- ary, 1624:— The WilHam and John, fifty tons, commissioned to go to Virginia in February, 1623, went via Flushing in the spring, taking " victual to the value of <£500 " for trade, and six emigrants. She left England before the open rup- ture in the company. The God's Gift, eighty tons, Mr. Bennet's ship, Mr. Clare, master, left England in June, with twelve emigrants, after the open rupture (but before the return of the Abi- gail), with about forty-six hogsheads of pease, meal, and oatmeal, going via the Somers Islands. The Truelove, forty-six tons, James Carter, master, com- missioned to go to Virginia, then a fishing voyage, left England in July, with twenty-five emigrants, after the re- turn of the Abigail with the news of the scarcity in Vir- ginia, taking about 100 hogsheads of provisions, valued at £536, for the plantation of the Truelove society, and for the colony. Owing to various delays, these ships did not reach Vir- ginia until after harvest, and they found the colony well suppHed with provisions, " but very skant of powder and shot." Secretary Christopher Davison died between December 1, 1623, and February, 1624. Edward Sharpless, who had been his clerk, became acting secretary. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 569 The officials in Virginia, taking Johnson's Petition and Butler's Unmasking (copies of which had been sent to them from England) as reflections upon themselves, re- sented those papers as bitterly as the officials in England had done, and ever since the arrival of the Bonny Bess in September, 1623, they had been preparing their answers to them, " taking the matter in hand in their general courts, and afterwards in their General Assembly J^ The governor issued warrants for summoning a General Assembly on February 5. Three days thereafter the gov- ernor and Council of Virginia wrote a general letter to the Virginia Company telling them of affairs in Virginia ; of the wars with the Indians ; they blame the " pestered con- dition " of the ships for the deaths of the newcomers, " the ould planters considering the accidents living as long here as in most parts of England ; " they urge the company to diminish the planting of tobacco by paying the colonist eight shillings a bushel for corn ; they had " at all times bent their endeavours to the furthering of those staple com- modities, which you have given us in charge," — iron- works, vines, silk, glass-works, shipwrights, etc. They thank the king for " his gracious intention of restreyning the sole importation of Tobacco to the two Colonies," and for the meal. " And we hope notwithstanding the mallice of our virulent traducers, to approve ourselves in our ac- tions not unworthie the continuance of his favor." They also thank the Privy Council for their care. They handle Captain Nathaniel Butler without gloves, " but we will re- fer his unmasking of Virginia to a particular unmasking of him by the General Assembly, in as much as concerns the Countrie, and by ourselves in the slanders that concerne our government." They state that the General Assembly " has been already summoned." " When we wrote in June 1623, the colony was then truly in health ; but soon after the general sickness came on, great numbers fell down in many places, and we were obliged to discontinue the work on the fort ; but hope that the General Assembly will take steps to proceed therein. 570 ' UNDER THE COMPANY " Thus referring other things to our next letter which shall be written after the General Assembly; beseeching God to free both you and us from the malice of our adver- saries, and to give his blessing to our endeavours and suf- ferings." " Francis Wyatt. " Francis West. " George Yeardley. "George Sandys. "John Pott. "Roger Smith." " On Feb'y 12*^ Governor Wyatt wrote a letter to the company briefly relating the manner of proceeding against the Savages in divers places and by what commanders the service was performed; and hopeth that in the General Assembly now called in Virginia some good order will be taken to maintain an army for securing of the whole Colony." " On Feby 26*^ two Burgesses were elected out of every plantation by the major part of voices." On the same day " A List of the Living in Virginia," ^ and of those " who died there between April 1623 and Feb'y 1624," was taken. Copies of these lists, of the general letters of Feb- ruary 8 and 9, of Wyatt' s letter of February 12, of the papers in Pooley's case, etc., were now sent to England by the George. The planters, John Boyle, Richard Brewster, Henry Wentworth, William Perry (who carried an Indian boy with him), William Best, and others, went over at the same time with complaints against the officials in Virginia, which they presented to the king about April 18. The General Assembly met about February 29, and at once undertook their answers to (II.) Alderman Johnson's Petition and (III.) Butler's Unmasking, and completed and signed them on ^""^^^^[q^^' The answers to both were addressed to the king : — ^ This list contains the names of tains a good many names of those who about 1170 emigrants ; but the num- were dead. There were certainly less ber is evidently exaggerated. Thirty- than 1100 emigrants then living in the four names are repeated, and it con- colony. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 571 (A) " The Answer of the General Assembly in Vir- ginia to the Declaration of the state of the colony [IL] in the twelve years of Sir Thomas Smythe's government, ex- hibited by Alderman Johnson and others (generally called ' The Tragical Relation ')/' is signed by Francis Wyatt, George Sandys, Samuel Matthews, Clement Dilke, J. Poun- tis, Jabez Whitaker, Luke Boys, John Pott, Edward Blay- ney (or Blaine), John Utie, Thomas Morlet (or Marloe), Nicolas Marlier (or Martian), John Chewe, Richard Stephens, John Wilcocks, and John Southerne, who " affirmed it to be true ; " and by Francis West, William Peirce, WiUiam Tucker, George Yeardley, Samuel Sharpe, Ralph Hamor, Henry Watkins, Isaac Madison, Richard Biggs, Richard Kingsmill, Nathaniel Causey, John Pollington, Robert Adams, Gabriel Holland, and Ralegh Crashawe, " eye wit- nesses or resident within in the country when every particu- lar written was effected." Total, 31 signatures. (B) The answer to ''an Information presented unto your Majestic [HI.] by Captaine Nathaniel Butler, intituled ' The Unmasking of Virginia,' " has 34 signatures, the same as the above, save that John Southerne fails to sign, while it contains the additional signatures of Roger Smith, Nathaniel Bass, Isaac Chaplain, and Thomas Harries. It must be noted that I am giving these names from the copies of these papers sent to England. I infer from Stith's " History of Virginia " (pages 304-312) and NeHl's " Virginia Company " (page 411), that Francis West and George Yeardley did not sign " The Tragical Relation," while Roger Smith did, the total signatures being 30. And the different copies of the papers themselves differ in many words and sentences. Three days after these answers were signed the South- ampton, 180 tons, arrived (on March 4) with a commission to Captain John Harvey, John Pory, Abraham Peirsey, and Samuel Matthews (John Jefferson was also named in the commission ; but he was probably the " Captain Jefferson," then on the Great Hopewell, which had not arrived in Vir- 572 UNDER THE COMPANY ginia), " to make an exact information of the present state of the Plantation in divers points." Harvey and Pory found men's " mynds fully possessed." " They were met in a Generall Assembly, the first fruites whereof, were most bitter invectives in the highest pitche of spleen and detraction against the twelve yeares govern- ment of Sir Thomas Smith and in answer to Mr. Alderman Jonson and Captain Butler." On March 5, Harvey delivered to the General Assembly the letter and order from the Privy Council of November 3, 1623. And Pory "published" therein, according to the orders given him, the orders ^ of the Privy Council of July 14 (relative to suppHes for Virginia), of October 18 (to surrendering their charter, the king's resuming the govern- ment, etc.), and of October 30 (to changing the present form of government, etc.). While there could be no reasonable objection to the commissioners obtaining exact information, these last two orders read by Pory (who was the first speaker of the first General Assembly) were ant- agonistic to the form of government to the judgment and consideration of which they were now presented. They contained no provision for a House of Burgesses nor a Gen- eral Assembly. The voice of the people was not heard in them. The popular charters were to be surrendered, and the whole government ("the Governor and his Assistants") was to be at the disposal of the king. They must have been more objectionable to the General Assembly than the papers which they had just answered ; but circumstances made it necessary for them to be very wary in their replies. They determined to ignore the commissioners and to ad- dress themselves in reply directly to the king and to his Privy Council. Their Petition (C) to the king and Letter to the Privy Council (D) were ready on March 10. The Petition (C) is outlined in Stith's " History of Virginia " (pages 312, 313). There were 29 signers, and there was ^ These important orders will be found given in full in the English chapters of this book. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623— MAY, 1624 573 inclosed therein "J. Brief e Declaration [E] of the Planta- tion of Virginia during the first twelve yeares, when Sir Thomas Smith was governor of the Companie, & downe to this present Tyme. By the Ancient Planters now remain- ing alive in Virginia." This Declaration (E) is not signed; but it is indorsed '' Read in General Assembly and fully approved." ^ Their Letter to the Privy Council (D) is also extracted from by Stith (pages 313-315). They write, " We have in due submission to your Lordships published your orders sent over by Mr. Pory, whereby we understand his Majesties intention in changing the Government of this Colony : we are ignorant of the dangers and ruynes that might have befallen us by the continuance of the former/' etc. They " humbhe desire that the Governors that are sent over may not have absolute authority. We desire that the Governor may be restrayned as formerly to the consent of his Coun- sell, which tytle we desire may be retayned to the honor of this Plantation and not converted to the name of his As- sistants," " But above all we humbly in treat your Lordships that we may retaine the Lihertie of our Generall Assemhlie, than which nothing can more conduce to our satisfaction or the publique utilitie." There are 30 signatures to this letter, including Samuel Matthews. He had signed the two answers of March 1 before receiving his commission ; but this noble letter is the only one of these papers signed by him after he became a commissioner. Having waited a week after publishing the orders in the General Assembly, without hearing from them thereon, on March 12 the commissioners (Harvey, Pory, Peirsey, and Matthews) wrote " to the Right worp" S"" Francis Wyatt, Knight, governor & Capt Generall of Virginia and to the Right Worp^^ and others of the Generall Assemblie," call- ing their attention to the long delay, and inclosing a form ^ Senate Document (extra). Colonial Records of Virginia. Richmond, 1874. pp. 69-83. 574 UNDER THE COMPANY to be subscribed by the General Assembly, submitting themselves to the " King's princely pleasure of revoking the ould Pattents and of vouchsafeing his Majesties new Letters pattents " for instituting another " forme of Gov- ernment, whereby his worke may be upheld and better prosper in time to come." On the same day Captain John Harvey, of the commis- sion, asked the General Assembly for answers to the " four propositions which will be referred to hereafter." The governor, Council, and General Assembly replied at once to the letter from the commissioners (returning " the form to be subscribed unsigned "), and saying : " We have presented our humblest thanks [C and E] to his sacred Majestie for his gracious and tender care over us and have returned our answers [D] (in due submission) to their Lordships Letters and Orders. " When our consent to the surrender of the Pattents, shalbe required, will be the most proper time to make reply : in the mean time wee conceive his Majesties inten- tion of changing the government hath proceeded from much misinformation, which we hope may be allowed upon our more faithful declarations. " Since we conceive not how this last proposition [for surrendering their patent, etc.] hath had ground from any instructions which we have yet seen. We desire that before the General Assemblie be disolved (which will be to-mor- row) you will shew us the depth of your Authority : or otherwise to sett it downe under your hands that you have no further Commission or Instructions, which may concern us as you have already professed." To this letter the commissioners replied, the next day, as follows : — " Yesterday at the delivery of our papers, we acknow- ledged that we had neither Commission nor Instructions to move [you] to subscribe to that forme of subscription and thankfulnes to his Majestie which then we presented. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 575 Neither can so much as a shadow of any such thing be col- lected out of our Letter, or motion therein enclosed. What we propounded was out of our discretion by way of Coun- sell for the good of this Plantation ; not precipitate nor sudden, but proper to the time, occasion and Company. And the marke aimed at, was no less than his Majesties favor upon our persons and common cause to be obteyned by obedience and thankfulness. Now as there needed neither Commission nor instruction for us to propound the practice of so eminent a duty, so it is lawfull and free for us being free men and Planters to offer to the Generall Assemblie any reasonable motion thought of even of farr less consequence. And therefore had you not been content to have given us an answer you might have seemed to us discontent or discourteous. " Neither upon this occasion have you reason to search into the depth of our Authority (seeing our yesterdays motion dependeth not nor needs to depend upon our parti- cular Commission) much less to urge us to set down any- thing under our hands. " Nor can we profess that we have no further Commis- sion which may concern you, than that we have already put in execution for our Commission yet unperformed concern- eth you in your persons, servants, come. Cattle, Arms, houses, etc. " Nor need you suspect that we will attempt anything to the wrong of any man, or which we cannot very well an- swer, so we rest — " The same as formerly, "John Harvey " James Citty " John Pory " March ^^ 162f " Abraham Persey " Samuell Mathewes." The Assembly made no written reply to this. What is given as their reply by Stith (page 318) was written the day before. But before being dissolved, to enable the com- 576 UNDER THE COMPANY missioners to take a view of the exact state of the colony, the Assembly ordered that the several plantations should transport them from plantation to plantation, as they should desire. (F) Their answers to Harvey's four propositions were as follows : — " 1. What places in the country are best or most proper to he fortified or mainteyned against Indians , or other enemies that may come hy Sea f ^ " Pointe Comfort is of most use but great charge and difficultie. Warriscoyake where the fortification was in- tended more effectual to secure the places above it. From Wyanoke Marish upwards there are divers places which may peremptorily command Shippinge or Boates. The best against the Indians, and most of use for the future increase of plentie, is the runninge of a pale from Martin's Hundred to Cheskacke, which is not above five miles ; and planting upon both Kivers. The river of Pamunkey beinge also more defensible against a forrein enymie. " 2. How the Colony now stands in respect of the Sav- ages f " The termes betwixt us and them are irreconciHable : the charge of draweinge [driving?] them awaye which would reduce us to a better estate then we were in before the Massacre is so great as it is too weighty for us to sup- port, though hitherto we have done whatsoever was possi- ble for our means and numbers to effect. An enemy from whom there is no spoil to be expected ; the advantage of the woods and nimbleness of their heels prevents execution : the harmes that they do us is by ambushes and sudden in- cursions, where they see their advantages, we never since the massacre having lost one man in any expedition against them. The inconveniencies that we receive from them are of farre more consequence ; we have not the safe range of the Country for increase of Cattle, Swyne, etc. ; nor for the game and fowle which the country affords in great ^ A war with Spain was threatened. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 577 plentye ; besides our duties to watch and warde to secure ourselves and labor are as hard and chargeable as if the enemy were at all tymes present. " 3. What hopes may truly and really be conceived of / this Plantation f " We hould it to be one of the goodlyest partes of the Earth, aboundinge with navigable Rivers (full of variety of fish and fowl) falling from high and steep mountains which by the general relation of the Indians are rich with mines of Gold, Silver and Copper. Another Sea lyeing within sixe days jorney beyond them into which other Rivers descende. The soyle fruitfull and apt to produce the best sorts of Commodities — replenished with many trees for severall uses, gummes, dyes, earths and simples of ad- mirable virtue. Vines and Mulberry trees growing wilde in great quantities, the woods full of deer, Turkies, and other beasts and birds for more particular relation we refer you to the Reportes ^ of Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir Thomas Dale made unto the Company, conceiving those praises no way hyperbolical, nor any Country more worthie of a Prince's care and supportance. " 4. Which he the directest means to attain to these hopes f " The way to attain to these hopes : is to have a run- ninge [army ? ^] continually a f oote to keep the Indians from setting on any place that is neere us — to send over numbers of people to arrive here about the Prime of Win- ter with provisions of Cattle and with full provisions for themselves for at least a year, in the mean time they to fall only upon the planting of Vines and Mulberry trees — and to send men over that are expert in those faculties, to plant gardens and orchards, and such things as are useful for the sustenance of man's life — to raise the price of tobacco by the sole importation, and reducing the customs to the Rate of the Letters Pattents. And when the Country shalbe blessed with plenty of such provisions, and multitude of ^ These Reports have not been found. ^ The word is not legible. 578 UNDER THE COMPANY people — then to proceede in the discovery of the Wealth of the Mountains and Comodities of the Seas that are credi- bly reported to be beyond them. " A care must be had that ships come not over pestered, and that they may be well used at sea with that plenty and goodnes of dyet as is promised in England but seldom per- formed ; that when they first come they fall to building of good and convenient houses, and bring men over for that purpose : that for the first year they only endeavour themselves to the planting of corn, to the making qf gar- dens, to the choosing and inclosing of fit places for their Cattle, and to the planting only of so much tobacco as may serve to sustain them in necessary clothing for the succeed- ing year. A proportion of Mault they should also bring over to make themselves beer, that the sudden drinking of water ^ cause not too great alteration in their bodyes : that they should imploye themselves to the planting of English graine, that thereby we may have the hopes of two harvests [wheat in the summer and corn in the fall]. And that such numbers may be seated together as may be able to secure themselves, and to make good such a part of the Country as they may have free and secure range for the sustenance and increase of their Cattle. This done we do not doubt but in convenient tyme to purchase to his Majes- tie a rich and flourishinge Kingdome." Signed by Gov- ernor Wyatt and thirty others. On March 12, Wyatt wrote that he would dissolve the General Assembly on the next day ; but as (G) the Laws and Orders concluded on were not signed until March 15, it was probably dissolved on that day. These laws are printed in Hening's " Statutes at Large ... of Virginia," ^ and they speak well for their makers. They reached Eng- land too late for ratification by the courts of the Virginia Company, but most of them were again passed by subse- quent general assembhes. One of the most important ^ It should be noted that in those days the Eng^lish seldom drank water ; their drink being ale, beer, etc. ^ Vol. i. pp. 121-129. VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 579 articles is the " 8*^ That the Governor shall not lay any taxes or impositions upon the Colony, their lands or como- dities, other way than by the authority of the General As- sembly, to be levyed and imployed as the said Assembly shall appoynt." The 22d of March (0. S.), the anniversary of the mas- sacre, was to be observed as a holiday. " The old planters that were here before or came in at the last coming of Sir Thomas Gates they and their pos- terity " were to be granted certain privileges.^ The 35th and last article was as follows : " That Mr. John Pountis, counsellor of State, going to England (being willing by our intreatie to accept of that imployment,) to solicite the. general cause of the Country to his Majesty and the [Privy] Counsell — towards the charges of which voyage, the country consente to pay for every male head above sixteen years of age then living, which have been here a year, four pounds of the best merchantable tobacco, in leafe, at or before the last of October next." The copy (G) sent to England is signed by Francis Wyatt, governor, Francis West, George Yeardley, George Sandys, John Pott, Roger Smith, Ralph Hamor, and John Pountis, of the Council of State, and the following members of the House of Burgesses : — From the Incorporation of Henrico : for the College Plantation, Thomas Morlett and Gabriel Holland. From the Incorporation of Charles City: for the Neck of Land, Luke Boys and Thomas Harris ; West and Sher- low Hundred, Isaac Madison and Richard Biggs ; Jordan's Journey, Nathaniel Causey ; Chaplain's Choice, Isaac Chap- lain ; Westover, Samuel Sharpe. From the Incorporation of James City : Jamestown, Wm. Pierce, Clement Dilke, Richard Stephens, Edw. Blay- ney (or Blaine), and John Southerne ; James Island, Rob- ^ This Act was reenacted by gen- thus officially and repeatedly acknow- eral assemblies in 1632, 1643, 1658, ledged to be the founders of the new and 1662. These " old planters " were commonwealth. 580 UNDER THE COMPANY ert Adams ; the Neck of Land, Richard Kingsmill ; " Ye Plantations over against James Citty," Edward Grindon (the other burgess from this plantation, Samuel Matthews, one of the commissioners, did not sign these articles) ; Hog Island, John Utie and John Chew; Warraskoyack, John Pollington ; Basse's Choice, Nathaniel Basse (in some of the copies this name is written Basset). From the Incorporation of Elizabeth City : for Eliza- beth City, Wm. Tucker and Nicholas Martian (Martieu, Marlier, etc.) ; Elizabeth City beyond Hampton River, Jabez Whitaker and Ralegh (or Rawley) Crashaw. From the Eastern Shore : John Wilcocks and Henry Watkins. It seems, from Hening, that the paper preserved in the colony was not signed by Isaac Madison, Samuel Sharpe, or Edward Grindon. The seven documents gotten up by this General Assembly are signed by 36 different persons, all of whom, save Matthews, signed the aforesaid (G) Laws, Orders, or Articles, and 21 of whom signed all six of the signed documents, — the whole number being composed of the governor, 7 members of the Council, and 28 members of the House of Burgesses. But, if as stated, " two bur- gesses were elected out of every plantation," not all of them were signers, for there were no signers from some plantations, and only one from others. This fact, and the embassy of Richard Brewster, William Perry, and others to England, is an evidence that Harvey was correct in stating that there were two parties in the colony. There are many noble sentiments in these papers sent from the Assembly of Virginia to the crown in England, but several of them are marred by an attack on the former administration. They are not unfavorable to Yeardley, who was the only former governor among the signers ; but if there was any just cause for blame in the premises, many of the signers were really as culpable as the officials in England, and the questions at issue pertained to the pre- sent and future of the colony rather than the past. Since I VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623— MAY, 1624 581 July, 1623, it had been settled by " the powers that be " that the government of the colony and company should be resumed by the king; and the chief questions, so far as the crown was concerned, were (1) as to the present condi- tion of the plantation ; (2) as to whether the colony would yield up their charter willingly; and (3) as to the terms of the proposed new charter. The following ships arrived in Virginia in the spring of 1624 : the Return, 40 tons ; the Due Return, of Lynn, 60 to 80 tons, captain and owner, E. Tutchin, who died, leaving the charge of the vessel to his brother Simon Tuchin, or Tutchin ; the Jacob, 80 tons, John Fells, mas- ter; the Great Hopewell, 120 tons, John Prynn, owner and master (reached St. Christopher's, in the West Indies, in February) ; the Marmaduke, 80 to 100 tons, John Dennis, master (left England in September, 1623, with 30 emigrants, came by the West Indies, the usual route, and arrived in Virginia probably late in March). These ships all had victuals, etc., for the colonists or for trade ; and they were all commissioned to make a voyage to Virginia, and thence a fishing voyage to " Canada" (New England). Mr. John Harrison, at the custom-house, sent his brother George Harrison in Virginia four menservants by the Mar- maduke (one of whom remained in the West Indies), and an invoice of goods, etc., amounting to over .£100, includ- ing meal, oatmeal, pease, cheese, suet, etc., vinegar, oil, aqua vitse, etc. (no coffee nor tea, as they had not come into general use) ; sugar, cloves, mace, ginger, pepper, cin- namon, nuts, etc. ; felling-axes, handsaws, hatchets, augers, "chissells," hammers, bills, drawing-knives, broad hoes, nar- row hoes, nails, etc. ; canvas and kersey suits, Monmouth caps, shirts, bands, and shoes for servants, Irish stockings, knit stockings, boots, shoes, " hats and bands," bands, cuffs, Holland cloth, etc. ; armors, swords, powder, " hail shott," pistol and goose shot, etc. ; " one long fowling peece of five f oote and half e in the barrell — marked with an Iron on the end with G. H. : two short gunns of four foote and 582 UNDER THE COMPANY an halfe marked in the same manner and with the same mark, all three in list cases." " For books purchased for himself £1 14s. Od^ When these goods arrived at Jamestown, George Harri- son was sick at his plantation near Martin's Brandon, " yet at length he recovered some strength and coming from his plantation to James cittie [to see about his goods], there was some words of discontent past between him and Mr. Richard Stephens [merchant], with some blowes. 8 or 10 days after Mr Harrison sent a challenge to Stephens to meet him in a place, which was made mention of, and there, they meeting to-gether it so fell out that Mr Harrison received a cut in the leg which did somewhat grieve him and 14 days after he departed this life. Being hurt in the field there was a crowners quest went upon him. The Doctor and Chirgions did open his bodie upon the Juries request and they found it very fowle. They did affirm that he could not have lived long and that he dyed not of the hurt which he had received. For it was but a small cut between the garter and his knee." By his will he made Mr. George Menefie his " overseer," and his brother, John Harrison, his executor. Late in April and early in May, the Furtherance and two other ships left Virginia for England. Mr. John Poun- tis left, on the Furtherance, about April 27, taking with him a general letter from the governor and Council in Vir- ginia to the company in England ; copies of the seven doc- uments ^ prepared by the General Assembly (March 1-15, A-G) ; duplicates of several documents previously sent by the George, etc. John Pory sailed a week later, with the reports from the commission in Virginia for the commission in England, and the Lady Wyatt returned with him. His reports were given in to the commission, and, I suppose, have all been ^ There were three sets of these Privy Council, sent by Pory. As will papers : one, retained for the colony ; be seen hereafter, the Pountis set has one, sent to the company by Pountis ; been preserved, and the other, " attained unto " for the VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER, 1623 — MAY, 1624 583 lost with the rest. But he carried a letter from Captain John Harvey (who remained in Virginia to carry out more fully the commission) to Sir Nathaniel Rich, which has been preserved. Harvey writes : ^^ I and my friends ap- pointed have done our utmost endeavors for searching out the truth in answer to those commands which the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Counsell were pleased to send unto us : and do find the persons here to be more in number and provisions of victualls to be more plentiful than we expected, after the massacre and so great a mortality both of men and cattle. But there is great want of Ammunition, and divers solitary plantations too slenderly peopled to avoyd the vigilancy of so subtile and nimble an enemie, whereby and by the stupid securitie of our nation, it is to be feared that in summer time when the corn and weeds are growne high, there will be much mischief done, as the Attempts of the Indians in these two months of March and April, {a head- roll whereof sent to their Lordships,^ Mr Pory will shew you) do shrewdly prognosticate. Otherwise were the In- dians driven of from infesting our people and cattle, as with no great forces in 2 or 3 yeares they might be, then the Plantation with good Government would undoubtedly flourish. [He goes on to tell of the various acts (A-G) of the Assembly.] The copies wherof we have attained unto for your and their Lordships better information, and we doe hope they will come to your hands before the de- livery of the Originalls by M"" Pountes, the messenger of the General Assembhe. . . . Longer I need not trouble your patience through the hand of so understanding and well-furnisht a messenger. In this countrye I remain till my ship's return from Canada [New England coast], after which time, if God keep me alive, having been wintered and summered here, you shall know my opinion of the place to the full. So desiring to be remembered in all humble manner to my most honorable good Lord the Earl of Warwick, I rest." ^ This was delivered to the Privy Council, and has not been found. 584: UNDER THE COMPANY After Pory's departure, it leaked out that he had " at- tained unto " copies of the documents (sent by Pountis) from the acting secretary, Edward Sharpless. It was a question if the commissioners were not entitled to copies of these documents ; but for this Sharpless was tried by a court on May 20, "and sentenced to stand in the Pillory, and there to have his Ears nailed to it, and cut off." And he was only " set in the Pillorie, and lost a piece of one of his ears, though his sentence was to loose them both." The governor and Council afterwards wrote to the company to inform them of these things, but the company had been discontinued when their letter reached England, and it came to the hands of the king, when " his Majestic became highlie incensed against them for punishing Sharpless." John Sotherne succeeded Sharpless as acting secretary. The report of the royal commission in Virginia sent by Pory has not been found, but from notes found among the papers of Sir Nathaniel Kich it seems that it concluded : " Out of all which by the blessing of Almighty God may his Majesty's wisdom extract such conclusions as will enable him to bring the colony in a few years to the flourishing estate of a Kingdom which will yield his Royal Majestic both honour and revenue." Under the company the colony had come to be regarded as a commonwealth^ and in after years Virginia was sometimes called " the old common- wealth." XI ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623— JUNE, 1624 HENRY, EABL OF SOUTHAMPTON, TREASUBEB; NICHOLAS FEBBAB, DEPUTY-TBEASUBEB November 11, 1623, the royal commissioners for Vir- ginia issued the following warrant : " The right honorable the Lords of his Majesty's Privie Council having referred sundry petitions to us concerning Virginia for examination whereof we shall have necessary use of the wrytings that remayne in a truncke locked up under the custody of some one of the Clerkes of the Coun- cil — We therefore desyre the now Clerk of the Council waiting that the said trunk and key thereof may be de- livered to this messenger attending for this busynes, to the end we may return answer of the said petitions to their honorable Lordships. " Hy : Spiller " Fras : Gofton. " WiLLM Pitt. " Rd : Sutton." "Henry Bourgehier." Among these petitions were those of Molasco the Po- lander, the widow Smalley, etc. The Virginia Company had virtually refused to surrender their charters voluntarily, and the case had been placed in the hands of Attorney-General Coventry, who prepared a quo warranto against the company, the tenor of which was to know by what warrant (authority) they claimed to be a company, and to have and use those liberties and privileges which are related in the said quo warranto, etc. On Tuesday, November 22, Mr. Deputy Ferrar acquainted 586 UNDER THE COMPANY the Virginia court that since Monday last (14th or 21st?) himseH and divers members of the company had been served process out of the King's Bench, by virtue of a quo waV' rcmto ; of which Ferrar presented two copies in court, the one in Latin and the other in EngUsh. Whereupon the company desired that the one in English might be read. Which being done, " the Company conceiving and ac- knowledging this manner of proceeding to be fair and with much favour [?] from his Majesty, desired the defendants named in the instrument to take especial care of the busi- ness as being the Company's cause, although presented by particular names, their charter being called in question, they conceive was therefore to be pleaded." " The employing of attorneys, etc., to be left to the choice and care of the said defendants, and the charge of the suit to be borne out of the Company's general stock." The members of the company who were willing to surrender the charter protested " against contesting with the King about the gov- ernment," against this suit, and against this manner of meeting the expense thereof. On November 29, the Michaelmas quarter court of the Virginia Company met. As the quo warranto course had been taken, the majority of the court judged it too late for them to act on the former proposition touching the surren- dering of their charters, and therefore they took no direct vote thereon. But they ordered that the proceedings " of the former Courts touching the not surrendering up of their charters should be ratify ed and confirmed ; that the grand committee, formerly appointed should direct all matters requisite and appertaining to the suit ; " and Deputy Nich- olas Ferrar was authorized " to summon them at all times or such part of them as he should think meet." During the debate, Samuel Wrote, Esq., offered to the consideration of the company : " First, whether their said charters did not contain some things derogating from the King^s prerogative ; secondly, whether upon a strict exami- nation there might not be found matter sufficient to shew ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 587 wherein they had made a forfeiture ; and, lastly, whether, if they should stand out in suit with the King, they were able, without his gracious favour and assistance, to subsist and make good that great action of upholding and ad- vancing the plantations." To this it was replied " that the Company did not doubt but on a full and right in- formation of their proceedings his Majesty would be pleased to let them have his gracious favour in more ample manner than ever." As a matter of fact their only hope was in Parliament, and they were looking forward to that. "A motion was likewise made that the Lords of the Council might be humbly petitioned by the Company for restoring their books and writings," and this was done. The election of officers was again put off to the next quar- ter court. The letter from the governor and Council in Virginia, of June 24, was read. Twenty shares of land, old adventure, in Virginia were confirmed by the court to the Earl of Southampton ; the same to Sir Edwin Sandys, and the same to Mr. John Ferrar. A commission was sealed to William Peirce, master of the Return, of 100 tons, bound for Virginia. The records give the names of 78 of those present. On December 1, the Privy Council issued the following order : " The Board being made acquainted by Mr Attor- ney Generall that whereas a Quo Warranto was issued out of the King-'s Bench against the Company of Virginia for the questioning of their charters and thereupon a rule given for the said Company to make their answers by Christmas Eve next. And that the said Company pretend they can- not make perfect answer thereunto without the sight and use of all their Books and writings as have been by them formerly delivered into the hands of his Majesties Commis- sioners appointed for the examination of the business con- cerning the Virginia and Somer Islands Companyes. ^' Their Lordships having considered thereof did think fit and accordingly order that all the foresaid Books and Writings whether remayning in the hands of the Commis- 588 UNDER THE COMPANY sioners or elsewhere shalbe forthwith delivered hy Inven- torie unto the said Company." Those who were willing to surrender the charters " ac- cording to his Majesty's express will and pleasure " were not willing that the charge of defending them against the quo warranto should be borne by the public stock of the company ; they petitioned the Privy Council accordingly. On December 18, their petition was read at the board, and it was " ordered that all they who are questioned in the said Quo Warranto shall make their defence at their own particular charge without any help, or dispensing any part of the public stock in that case. And that such as are willing to surrender shall be discharged from all contribu- tion towards the expense of the said suit, both in their per- sons and their goods." I have not found the record of this quo warranto suit in the King's Bench. King James had regarded the colo- nial movement with peculiar favor from the first. He was regarded (and was evidently proud of being so regarded) as the founder of the English colonies. He had encour- aged those engaged in establishing them by granting them his letters patent, and from time to time the especial lands, liberties, privileges, and powers which they asked for. But the plantation in Virginia had now become an established colony, — his fifth kingdom of constantly increasing impor- tance. It was not to be supposed that he would longer allow this " Nursery of Parliamentary spirits, obnoxious to monarchicall government," this republican community rest- ing solely on his own warrant, to triumph (if he could pre- vent it) in a suit involving his royal prerogative, in the capital of his kingdom, to breed dissatisfaction with the form of government which obtained in the rest of his royal monarchy. The result of the suit between the company a,nd the crown was a foregone conclusion from the first. Many felt that their personal and property rights and the future of the colony were more secure under the crown than under" the company which derived its own rights only ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 589 from the crown. More than two thirds of the company had ceased to attend the Virginia courts. But many mem- bers of the party prosecuting the suit were men of advanced ideas in the matter of self-government, — civil and reli- gious liberty, — anxious to put them into execution by founding a new nation based thereon ; and they were will- ing to defend their rights before " the King's bench/' for even if they failed to win their suit they would thus plant their ideas the more firmly in the public mind, where they w^ould continue to grow until they bore fruit. Early in January, 1624, a ship arrived from Virginia with the news that the English there had poisoned a great many Indians, for which they were very much blamed. And the Privy Council ordered the company "to seize upon all the letters, as well public as private, that come in the said ship," and to bring them unopened to the Council board. During the controversy in the Virginia courts (October 30) over the surrendering of the company charters, William Canning and Thomas Keightley had a hot debate. Can- ning " was in favor of giving in the Charter, and not to contest with the King about the Government ; " while Keightley was said to have stated in the debate " that it was neither just nor honest to deliver up the Patent," and " that the Court could not either by Law or conscience consent to the delivery up of their Patent." The debate then became personal, " Kightley foretelling what would be the opinion of the Court. Canning told him he was no God. K. replied : If I were a God, I would punish you for I know what you are. C. then called him Knave, and said I will punish you. And on the morrow meeting him on the Exchange did there call him Knave, and did both thrust and violently strike him." For which Keightley brought an action against him for .£500, and had him arrested. Canning then appealed to the Privy Council, and on December 18, 1623, the Council referred the mat- ter to Attorney-General Coventry, who reported thereon 590 UNDER THE COMPANY on January 18, 1624. The witnesses for Canning were Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Samuel Argall, Edward Palavicine, John Woodall, Rev. WilHam Mease, Captain John Smith, and Albertus Molasco. Those for Keightley were Nicholas Buekeridge, John Sparrow, Edmund Hackett, Thomas Sheppard, John Strange, George Clarke, Robert Edwards, John Cuffe, and Wilham Watson. Each man's witnesses were of his own party, and in their evidence each party contradicted the other flatly. Owing to " this strange contradiction of so manie witnesses directing their testimonies to one perticuler time & place," Coventry was not able to certify to the Privy Council " what was the truth touching the pointe." And, to add to his confusion, Keightley took particular exception to all of Canning's witnesses, save Sir Samuel Argall and Edward Palavicine, while Canning took exception to all of Keightley's save Mr. Sheppard. In order to get Sandys (who had been confined to his house) entirely out of his way, the king, in December, 1623, determined to send him as one of a special commission to Ireland; but a Parliament having been decided on, and Sandys being elected a member from Kent,^ it was deemed unwise not to allow him to remain in England to take his seat. Late in 1623 or early in 1624 Sir Thomas Smythe was '' confirmed governor of the Somers Islands Company by the King's letter." This being regarded as " a usurpa- tion," the matter was brought before the Virginia court of January 24, and after much dispute between Mr. Anthony Withers of the Sandys party and Mr. Richard Edwards of the Smythe party, " it was by divers held unfit to meddle with any new proposition, hut to reserve all to the Parlia- ment noio at hand^ And they at once began to outhne ^ The tenure of villanage, so fre- one to avoid the objection of bondage quent in the olden time in other parts to say that his father was born in of England, was utterly unknown in Kent." A man of Kent and men of Kent, the bodies of all Kentish per- Kent are old English proverbs for a sons being of free condition, " inso- free man and brave men, much that it is holden sufficient for ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 591 their line of defense. " A motion was made and referred to the consideration of the grand committee, to think on some cause for moving his Majesty's commissioners that they would please to certify and make some report to the Lords of the Council, what they have done in the several businesses brought before them by the Virginia Company and their opposers, that it may appear to what heads and issue they have brought the same, assuring themselves that thereby the fairness and justice of the Company's proceed- ings would be manifest to all the world." The grand com- mittee was also requested to move the commissioners to make Sir Thomas Smythe " shew sufficienter cause than by his answer he had done for their claims against his ac- compts," etc. At the preparative court, on February 12, Captain John Martin (the differences between the company and him be- ing now well composed) received from the court a letter commending him to the governor and Council in Virginia and requesting them to aid him in his suits against Sir George Yeardley. On the previous 29th of December, Martin had received a similar indorsation and recommenda- tion from the Privy Council. At the quarter court, on February 14, the records give the names of seventy-six of those who were present ; but there were no peers nor knights among them. The court granted his quietus est to Deputy Nicholas Ferrar for his accounts, and gave him, his heirs, and assigns forever, twenty shares of land, old adventure, in Virginia. The re- quests of January 24 to the grand committee were repeated by this court. The commissioners had really made private or secret reports to the Privy Council repeatedly. Prince Charles and the Duke of Buckingham returned from Spain in October, 1623, having failed to consummate the Spanish match. The Parliament which had been sum- moned for February 22, 1624, was put off till the 26th, and then postponed for three days (on account of the death of the king's old friend and kinsman, the Duke of Lenox), 592 UNDER THE COMPANY when it met. Ambassadors were sent to England from the Netherlands, in February, to obtain the cooperation of Eng- land in upholding the Dutch West India Company, and resisting the fleet of fifty ships which Spain was providing for the purpose of crushing the company in its infancy, and to consider what aid should be promised from the Netherlands in case England went to war with Spain. It was proposed to form an EngHsh association for the West Indies either in coalition with or independent of the Dutch West India Company. It was reported in England that the Spaniards would at once attack the Bermudas. Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, in his speech before Parliament, " com- mended the proposed Association for the West Indies and wished to have it regulated and established hy Act of Par- liament. He said that what made the King of Spain so powerful? It was his Mines in the West Indies, which minister fuel to feed his vast ambitious desire of Universall Monarchy, and they should endeavour to cut him up at the root, and supplant him in the West Indies." Bacon's notes for a speech " concerning a war with Spain " were prepared at this time. And in his " Considera- tions touching a war with Spain," he says that " the great- ness of Spain is built upon four pillars. 1. A veteran army. 2. A profession of the Catholics in all parts. 3. The Treasure of the [West] Indies. 4. The strait alliance of the House of Austria, which is possessed of the Empire." Attorney-General Heath prepared a memorandum for the king on the subject, in which he states that " the West Indies have been for many years the support of the House of Austria & thence hath the f ewell been taken that hath set this part of Europe on fire." He advises his Majesty to interpose himself openly or underhand. " The first of these ways seemeth to be less safe, both because the times are not so seasonable for great undertakings and a stander by cannot well judge howe your Majesty's afPaires stand in conjuncture with Spain." " The second way " was in line with the diplomacy of the time. " If some of experience ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 593 & quality & well fitted for such an enterprise, quasi aliud agentes will either enterprise somewhat of themselves — or else shall offer themselves to join with the Hollanders, to join their forces & take their fortunes with them. If it take not success it is done of their own heads — it is but the attempt of private gentlemen — the state suffers no loss — no disreputation. If it take success, they are your sub- jects — they do it for your service — they will lay all at your Majesty's feet and interest your Majesty therein. So may you share with the Hollanders your neighbours in their treasure & trade," etc. This same idea had obtained in the colonial movement. James I. declared war against Spain on March 20. The Earl of Southampton, the treasurer of the Virginia Com- pany, was released from confinement, and received an ap- pointment as colonel (of troops to be sent [abroad] to Hol- land) prior to April 18, and was commissioned before May 17. On May 1, ten of the most distinguished soldiers of the period were appointed by James I. as his council of war, namely : Oliver Lord Viscount Grandison,^ George Lord Carew,^ Fulke Lord Brooke, Arthur Lord Chichester,^ Sir Edward Conway, Sir Edward Cecil, Sir Horace Vere, Sir Kobert ManseU, Sir John Ogle, and Sir Thomas Button. Edward Nicholas wrote from London, on March 22, to John Nicholas, " that a ship had recently arrived from Vir- ginia, which reported the welfare of the people, but that they were still at enmity with the Natives." From March 28 to April 30 inclusive Parhament was not in session. John Boyle, Richard Brewster, Henry Wentworth, Wil- liam Perry, William Best, and other planters lately come from Virginia, presented a petition to the king in behalf of themselves " and others the poor planters in Virginia," asking him for the encouragement of the planters, and ^ Grandison, Carew, and Chiches- formulating his proposed royal gov- ter composed the committee formerly ernment for Virginia, selected by James I. to aid him in 594 UNDER THE COMPANY because of the recent calamities, to excuse them from pay- ing custom and import dues on their tobacco. Among their reasons why this should be done, they give "the many impositions and levies now made and laid upon them for the support of the Company in England. From whence heretofore they were wont to receive relief." On April 18, the king referred this petition to the lord treasurer and the chancellor of the exchequer, and on the 24th they referred it to the Virginia Company for their answer. On the 26th the planters delivered the petition to Deputy Nicholas Ferrar. He asked them to set down their grievances in writing. He had another conference with them the next day, and at the Virginia court of May 4 the petition was referred to th^ court for answer. It was fully reviewed, and "the unjustness of the complaint of the planters did much grieve the Company, that where they deserved thanks for their charity they should be com- plained of for oppression." One of the specific charges of the planters was that the provisions sent over the last year for their relief by his Majesty's command had been sold to them at excessive rates. The court denied this. About ninety were present at this court, including three peers (Southampton, Cavendish, and Paget) and four knights (Edwin Sandys, John Danvers, Lawrence Hyde, and John Trevor). The papers in the breach of promise suit of Pooley vs. Jordan were submitted to the court, and, being read, Mr. Purchas was entreated to confer with some civilians about it, and advise what answer was fit to bo returned in such a case. At the preparative court of May 6, " Sydrac Soan (and Martha his sister) brother to Joseph Soan, deceased claimed that his said brother had paid Sir Thomas Smith an adven- ture of £37. 10'." "Garret Weston brother to Francis Weston " is mentioned as holding interests in Virginia. At the quarter court, on May 8, " the three shares that Captain John Bernard drew in his life time in Martin's Hundred, as they are figured out in ye generall Mapp of ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 595 that societie/^ were passed to others as requested by Mr. Caswell. Not one of the public or private maps which were preserved in "the Company's chests of evidences" has been found. The Virginia court of January 24 had resolved "to reserve all to the Parliament now at hand." There were no Virginia courts held between February 14 and May 4, owing to " this busy time of Parliament ; " ^ but " those who call themselves the Virginia Company " were not idle. They were laying their groundwork and preparing their case for submission to the court, for which they had re- served all. Sir Edwin Sandys and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar were both members of Parliament, and the rising stars, Prince Charles and the Duke of Buckingham, had no more faithful assistants in their controversies arising out of " the Spanish Match " than they were. On April 25, the charges against the lord treasurer were laid before the peers by Coke and Sandys. On May 3, a petition from Bargrave and others against Sir Thomas Smythe was presented to " the Grand Committee for grievances," of which Sandys was a member. On May 4, the petition that the Council of Virginia had drawn up to be presented " to the Honor- able House of Commons assembled in Parliament" was read by Mr. Deputy Ferrar to the Virginia court, and, after some debate, indorsed. " And the court entreated Mr. Deputy and those other of the Council that are also members of the Honorable House of Parliament would please, in the Company's name, to present the said petition to the House of Commons and prosecute the matters therein contained with all expedition." This petition — after reciting the objects for " estabHsh- ing the first plantation of the reformed religion in Amer- ica," and showing the many advantages ^ arising and likely 1 During this time the George, with ^ Among these was " the inestima- the list of living, in Virginia, Febru- ble advantage that would be gained to ary, 1624, the general letters of Feb- this State of England in time of war, ruary 8 and 12, the planters, etc., ar- both for the easy assaulting of the rived from Virginia. Spaniard's West Indies from those 596 UNDER THE COMPANY to arise from the colony — states that disorders have arisen by the evil practice of some, " increased and upheld by strong hand, as doth threaten ruin and destruction to this excellent work of God, and His Majesty, if remedies be not timely applied." And, therefore, as the petitioners were not able " to be their own physicians without higher assist- ance," and "for the discharge of the trust reposed in them, they now presented to this present Parliament this child of the Kingdom [Virginia], exposed as in the wil- derness to extreme danger and as it were fainting and labouring for life. And they pray that the House would hear from such of the Virginia Council as are members of the House, the grievances [which they state ' had either their original or strength from the now Lord Treasurer out of his private and most unjust ends '] of the Colony and Company, and grant th^m redress." The petition was presented to the House of Commons on the morning of May 6, 1624, by Mr. Deputy Ferrar. After some opposition a committee was appointed to hear the case " in the Star-chamber upon the next Wednesday [May 8] in the afternoon, where all of the Company that are members of Parliament are allowed free speech at ye Committee but not deciding voyces." In the preparative Virginia court held that afternoon, Mr. Ferrar reported this state of the petition to the court. Steps were then taken for the election of officers by the fol- lowing quarter court ; and a contribution was made toward the expense of the education of an Indian boy brought from Virginia by Mr. William Perry. At the quarter court. May 8, there were over 100 present, but only 79 voted. The Earl of Southampton and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar were reelected as treasurer and deputy respectively. The usual number of auditors, committees, and other officers were chosen. As the term of Sir Francis parts, and for the relieving of all attaining (at least for the puhlick of ships and men-of-war that should go their country and prosperity^ a most on reprisals," etc. beneficial retribution for all their ex- The petitioners did not doubt " of pense and pains." ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 597 Wyatt would expire in the following November, he was now reelected to serve as governor in Virginia for three years longer. The court then took up the matter of the general narra- tion of their grievances which was to be made that after- noon before the committee of the lower house of ParHa- ment (the Commons). These were divided under four heads : — I. " The matter of Tobacco and all the grievances therein." To be presented to the committee by Mr. Deputy Ferrar, M. P. for Lymington. II. " The business of the Contract for the sole importing of Tobacco." By Sir Edwin Sandys, M. P. for Kent. m. " The proceedings of the Commissioners." By Lord Cavendish, M. P. for Derby. IV. " The passages since." By Sir John Danvers, M. P. for Newport. That afternoon they made their relations before the com- mittee. " They layd the great load upon the Lord Trea- surer [Cranfield] : charged the Commissioners, appointed by the King to hear and report the cause, with extreme partiality — and brought charges against Sir Nathaniel Rich [M. P. for Harwick]. They spared not the Count of Gondomar and his successors, who they said had in charge to use their uttermost endeavour for the destruction of the said Company and their plantation." The whole afternoon was taken up in reading their relations, and the matter was to come up for farther consideration on the next day. May 9, before the case was taken up, " the Speaker of the House of Commons delivered and read a letter which he had received from the King, conqerning the Virginia Petition whereupon by general resolution it was with drawn." The letter was written the day before at Windsor, " sig- nifying to our House of Commons not to trouble them- selves with this petition as their doing so could produce nothing but a further increase Schisme and factions in the 598 UNDER THE COMPANY Company, which were in settlement by himself and his Privy Council." ^ " As for those businesses of Virginia and the Barmudoes, ourself have taken them to heart, and will make it our own work to settle the quiet, and wellfare of the plantations, and will be ready to do anything that may be for the real benefit and advancement of them. This we thought good to intimate to our House of Commons, not out of favour respect, or mediation of any party, but of our own Princely love, and regard to our House of Com- mons, And we earnestly desire to remove all occasion, that might disturb the peace of it, or hinder you from your more great, and weighty occasions, and assure ourself our House of Commons will take in good part and correspond with us herein, as they have done in all things else during this Session." This incident was viewed differently by parties looking from different standpoints. Sir Isaac Wake wrote, " our schisme caused by ye Virginians is quieted with his Majes- ties letter, which was received with an universal applause,'^ Sir Francis Nether sole says : " This was assented to &y a general silence, but not without some soft mutterings that by this meanes and example my Lord Treasurer's [Cranfield] business or any other might be taken out of the Parliament." John Chamberlain wrote to Carleton : " The King wrote a letter yesterday to the lower house, to rid them of a thornie business touching Virginia and the Summer Islands which was like enough to have bred much faction and distraction among them, being followed on both sides with much eagerness and animositie ; which to pre- vent the King hath resumed and reserved the whole cause to his own hearing, which is the best course could have been taken, and no doubt most pleasing to the major part." From the first all colonial matters of importance had to be submitted to the Privy Council for their decision, and all along that Council had had a general supervision over everything pertaining to the colonies; therefore the Sandys ^ See Peekard's Ferrar, p. 152. ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 599 party must have known that their cause was then almost hopeless. Their appeal to the Commons was really an appeal to the wrong court, but there was no other hope for the popular charters and form of government. The House itself, in now yielding to the king, tacitly admitted that " his colonies were the demesnes of the Crown lying beyond the jurisdiction of the State." The Sandys party had managed their case as well as they could, using as levers the case of Prince Charles and Buck- ingham against the lord treasurer, the evil influence of Gon- domar, etc. ; but as their suit was really against the crown, and their hopes had been dependent on the Commons, they must have now felt that their cause was hopeless ; yet they were not willing to surrender their charters volun- tarily. They were contending for a principle and for the future. They were impressing their plans on the present for the good of their posterity. The Cape Cod fishery case had been considered by this Parliament during the first session on March 5, 6, 9, 25, 26, and 27, and second session May 3, 13, 14, 29, 30 ; June 1, 3, and 4. The act which .finally passed the House of Commons was sent up to the House of Lords ; but the Lords' journal shows no further proceedings thereon, and the crown continued to control the matter. Parliament sat for the last time on June 7, and was then prorogued from time to time until the death of James I. On May 30, Solicitor-General Heath wrote to Sir Robert Harley, '^ requesting him to take opinions on a Bill to be proposed in Parliament for prohibiting the import of Span- ish tobacco, by which £100,000 a year is lost to the King^ dom. It can be done without breach of the Treaty, the King has promised it to the Virginia Company, and it will increase his revenue <£50,000 per annum." On June 3, the House of Commons authorized Sir Edwin Sandys and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar to draw a bill against the importation of Spanish tobacco. The price of Virginia tobacco was falling and steps were being taken to protect it. Sir Peter 600 UNDER THE COMPANY Courteen wrote to John Harrison from Middelburgh, the capital of Zealand, "about the sale of Virginia tobacco, which is at as low a stand as ever was and like to come lower. Desires Harrison to procure patent upon some of the Company's name for Capt. John Powell to have leave to trade into the plantation of Virginia." Harrison re- plied, on June 26, that he had moved the Virginia Com- pany in the matter, but could not " prevail, in regard they are afraid that Capt. Powell should go to the West Indies." About June 12, three ships returned from Virginia after a very speedy passage, bringing " the Lady Wyatt, great with chHd ; " the documents sent by the hands of Mr. John Pountis, from the General Assembly in Virginia to the company; and the reports sent by the hands of Mr. John Pory, from the commission in Virginia to the com- missioners in England. At the preparative court on June 17, Mr. Deputy Nicholas Ferrar acquainted the company with the good news brought from Virginia by these ships, and the court took steps for supplying Sir Francis Wyatt and Mr. George Sandys with tenants, etc. The deputy also acquainted the court that although the general business of the company preferred in their peti- tion had not proceeded in Parliament, yet the particular of tobacco by the exceeding great care and wisdom of Sir Edwin Sandys, assisted by the Lord Cavendish and other very worthy members of the company, had a very happy issue. Steps were to be taken by the company to second the House in the matter of tobacco ; but the House did not meet again. Wednesday, June 19, was the Trinity quarter court day of the Virginia Company ; but if the company met — or ever met in court again — I have no record of the meeting. Mr. John Pountis had died on the voyage just off the coast of England (his will was recorded June 28), and on June 24, Mr. Chancellor Weston wrote to Sir Thomas Merrie, clerk of the Green Cloth (the cousin and executor ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 — JUNE, 1624 601 of Pountis), as follows : " It is not unknown that at the death of your Cousin who was imployed in the Virginia business, there were remayning in his hands divers Letters and papers of importance concerning those affairs which may be verie useful and therefore fit to be preserved in safety. And because his Majestic is informed that those papers are either in your custodie or where you may have the command of them. His pleasure and Commandement is that such of these papers as remayne with you — you keep safely and carefully against such time as use may be made of them. And if you know where anie of them are in the Custodie of others you are to call for them and cause them to be put in Hke safetie that none of them are want- ing when there shalbe occasion to use them. This is the charge Sir Thomas Merrie." The seven original documents, together with sundry other papers (copies of those sent by the George, etc.), were thus preserved by " Sir Thomas Merrie," and have since passed into the hands of the state ; but curiously enough they have become badly scattered in the state paper office (Lon- don). The Answers to Johnson (A) and Butler (B) are on file under February, 1623 ; while the Petition to the King (C) and Brief Declaration (E) are placed under July, 1624, thus making seventeen months' difference in the dates of the documents, when really there was not seventeen days. I have found no reply to any of these documents (A — G), unless the reports (1625) of the royal commission in Vir- ginia, known as " Harvey's reports," be so considered. Circumstances soon made any other reply unnecessary. John Pory, soon after his arrival, probably as early as June 13, gave in the reports (1624) of the royal commis- sioners in Virginia, and the attested copies, which they had " attained unto," of the Assembly papers (A — G) to the Privy Council and the royal commissioners in England. During Trinity Term the quo warranto came up in the court of the King's Bench by which " the Virginia Patent was overthrown," on June 26, 1624, the last day of the 602 UNDER THE COMPANY term. Wodenoth says, in regard to these quo loarranto proceedings : " Notwithstanding it was more than presumed by some that the most rightful! contest in a legal way would be fruitless, yet the company by vote and order thereupon entertained counsell of the best lawyers they could get and resolved to spend the remaining part of their stock and cash to plead their cause to a due issue ; when also some good number of unknown persons sent in money, plate, and jewels to animate and assist so just a defence as this Company's right and interest ; whilst many could not but conceive and fear the example might be most pernicious in other cases.^ Yet, nevertheless, a judgment was declared by the Lord Chief Justice Ley against the company and their charter only upon a failure or mistake in pleading, which destroyed the hopes of all that looked in a just and righteous way towards that pious and public work of plantations." James I. had had the matter decided to suit himself and the royal party. The decision was more satisfactory to the Smythe party than the Sandys party, but it was regardless of the rights of either party in the company under the popular charters. John Ferrar ^ gives a very brief and unsatisfactory ac- count of the proceeding in the quo warranto case, and of Attorney-General Coventry's " great plea " (which he be- littles) upon which sentence was given. " That the Patent, or Charter of the company of English merchants trading to Virginia, and pretending to exercise a power and authority over his Majesty's good subjects there, should be thence- forth null and void." Ferrar says, " The king was at the bottom of this whole proceeding, which from beginning to end was a despotic violation of honour and of justice ; which proved him to be a man void of every laudable principle of action ; a man who in all his exertions made himself the scorn of those who were not in his power, and the detestation of those who were ; a man whose head was indeed encircled with the 1 See Nethersole's letter on p. 698. ^ Peckard's Ferrary pp. 144-147. ENGLAND, NOVEMBER, 1623 -JUNE, 1624 603 Regal Diadem, but never surely was Head more unworthy or unfit to wear it." To this Peckard has added in a note, " He became the public jest, and object of ridicule to all the states of Europe." Ferrar and Peckard evidently had a very different opin- ion of the king from that held by Purchas,^ Crashawe, and others. Each side went to extremes. James I. was a human being, and it was as natural for him to wish to resume the government as it was for the company officials to wish to retain it. I have not been able to find the records of the court of the King's Bench at this time, and therefore I am not able to give the authentic particulars of the case ; but although the charter was condemned by Chief Justice Ley, and although the king " resumed the government," it seems that the charter was not really vacated upon the records of the Office of the Rolls, and owing to the early death of James I. it is certain that the new charter, which was in- tended to supersede it, was not issued. The judgment of the King's Bench against the charter was not entered until about 1632, when it was done at the instance of Lord Baltimore ; but in the beginning of the Parliament of 1640, the opponents to Baltimore's patent for Maryland took out the Virginia patent again under the Broad Seal of Eng- land, and thus it really continued, and continues, as the basis of our rights to our lands and our laws. A manifest destiny has shaped our end from the first. A Note on the Records of the Virginia Company of London. John Ferrar says that " about a year before the dissolu- tion of the Company [June, 1623 ?], Mr Nicholas Ferrar [suspecting that the company records would finally be con- cealed or destroyed] procured an expert clerk fairly to copy ^ " He is beyond comparison com- Princes of this Realme ... a Salo- pared with others, a meere transcend- mon indeed." Purchas his Pilgrimes^ ent ; beyond all his Predecessors, vol. iv., p. 1971. 604 UNDER THE COMPANY out all the court books, and all other writings belonging to them, and caused them all to be carefully collated with the originals, and afterward attested upon oath by the examiners to be true copies. The transcribing of which cost him out of his own pocket above £50 : but this he thought one of the best services he could do the company." He afterwards carried them to their late worthy governor the Earl of Southampton, who accepted them as a rich treasure, being evidences that concerned his honor .^ Mr. Ferrar does not give the date of presentation, but from other sources it seems that it must have been between June 29 and July 6, 1624. Two of these books (copied for Ferrar) are now in the library of Congress. They contain the acts of the general courts, as mentioned on page 338 ; but the records of the court of May 30, 1620, and of the beginning of the quarter court of June 1, 1622, are wanting. The one, from May 8, 1619, to July 13, 1622, and attested on February 7, 1624, contains 354 pages and about 200,000 words. The other, from July 27, 1622, to June 17, 1624, and attested on June 29, 1624, contains 387 pages and about 230,000 words. These are not copies of " all the court books and all other writings " belonging to the company. The copying of them probably cost less than £25 ; and if all records were trans- scribed there still remains a hope that the rest of these copies may yet be found somewhere. Those which have been preserved are of the greatest historic value, and those which are still missing were evidently of equal value. 1 Peckard's Ferrar, pp. 15S-156, and 166. XII VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 SIE FBANCIS WYATT, GOVEBNOH The Virginia land patent books from June, 1624 (with some references to earlier dates), to the present time, have been preserved. Their value to the historian of Virginia cannot be overestimated. The grants to adventurers and planters during the formative period prior to 1619 had been issued under the charters of 1609 and 1612, and the orders, etc., as printed in " Nova Britannia ; " but they were not many, for the country itself was then only in chrysalis, developing golden opportunities for the future. The grants under the company, which since 1619 had been issued mainly under the rules of " the Great Charter," ended in February, 1625. Owing to the alteration of the form of government, the end of the company, the death of James I., and the confusions incidental to these things, it was nearly two years before the issuing of land grants under the crown began, and then they were continued on very nearly the same lines as under the company ; but the title was more directly from the crown .^ ^ The form of a land grant under Courte, by the Treasurer, Counseil and " the Great Charter," 1619-1625, in- Company of Adventurers and Planters elusive : — for this Southerne Colony of Virginia " By the Governor and Captaine Gen- (according to the authority granted eral of Virginia. — them by his Majestic under his great **To all to whom these presents Scale) and by them dated at London the shall come, greeting in our Lord God eighteenth [O. S.] day of November everlasting. Knowe ye that I * 1618 and directed to myself and the Knight, Governor and Captaine Gene- Council of Estate here resident doe rail of Virginia by virtue of the Great with the approbation and consent of Charter of Orders and lawes concluded the same Counseil, who are joined in on in a great and Generall Quarter commission with mee give and graunt * The name of the governor. 606 UNDER THE COMPANY The thirty-second article, in the laws sent to England by Pountis was : " That at the beginning of July next the inhabitants of every corporation shall fall upon their ad- joy ning Salvages, as we did the last year — Those that to * Lis first generall divi- dent to be augmented and doubled by the company to him his said heires etc, when he or they shall once sufficiently have planted and peopled the same . . . acres of land situate f To have and hold the said . . . with the appurtenances, and with his due share of all mines and mineralls there- in contained, and with all priviledges of hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling, and others — within the precincts and upon the borders of the same land to the sole and proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said for- ever. In as large and ample manner to all intents and purposes as is ex- pressed in the said Great Charter, or by consequence may justly be collected out of the same or out of his Majesties Letters Patents whereon it is grounded. " Yeilding and paying to the said Treasurer, Counsiel and Company and to their successours forever. Yearly at the feast of St Michaell the Archangel, for every fiftie acres of his said divi- dend the free rent of one shilling. . . . " In witness whereof I have to these presents sett my hande and the great Scale of the Colony. Given at . . . the . . . day of ... in the yeares of the raigne of our Soveraigne . . . viz. of England, etc. the ... of Scotland the . . . and in the . . . year of this plantation." The following is the general form of a land grant under the Crown, 1627- 1775 : — " X hy the Grace of God of Great Britairiy France^ and Ireland King Defender of the Faith, Sfc. " To ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come Greeting — Know ye that for divers good causes § With all woods underwoods swamps, marshes, Lowgrounds, meadows, Feed- ings &c. his due share of all veins, mines and Quarries as well discovered as not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said . . . acres of Land, and the Rivers, Waters and water courses therein con- tained together with the Privileges of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing Fowling and all other Profits Comodities and Hereditaments whatsoever to the same or any part thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining. To HAVE HOLD Possess and Enjoy the said || To be held of us our Heirs and suc- cessors as of our Mannor of East Greemoich in the County of Kent in Free and common soccage and not in Capite or hy Knights service.^ "Yielding and Paying unto us our Heirs and successors for every fifty acres of Land and so proportion- ably for a lesser or greater Quantity than fifty acres the Fee Rent of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch An- gel. . . . "Witness our Trusty and welbe- loved governor and com- mander in chief of our said Colony, &c." * Name of grantee, etc., and considerations. t Bounds of grant. X The name of the sovereign. § Given here the considerations, name of grantee, bounds of grant. II Premises, etc. IT The letters patents to the company conveyed the same title. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 607 shall be hurte upon service to be cured at the publique charge ; in case any be lamed to be maintained by the country according to his person and quality/' — that is, to be pensioned. These midsummer wars were for the purpose of starving out the Indians by destroying their crops at too late a day for replantation. Governor Wyatt in person commanded an expedition which is thus described in their general letter of December 12, 1624 : " It hath pleased God this year to give us a great victory over the Otiotan and the Pamunkeys, with their Confederates, by a handfuU being in all not above 60 fighting men — whereof 24 were em- ployed only in the cutting down of Corne. Yet the Indians shewed what they could do, having mainteyned fight two days to-gether ; and much thereof in the open field. The young men being beaten up by the elder, many slain, and as much corn cut down as by the estima- tion of men of good judgment was sufficient to have sus- tained four thousand men for a twelvemonth ; Who were [finally] so discouraged, that they gave over fighting, and dismayed stood most ruefully looking on whilst their corn was being cut down. And had we been well furnished with powder, the governor would have proceeded further to Matepony river, by which he had hazarded the starving of all those nations. " In this expedition sixteen of the EngHsh were hurte our first and second day, whereby nine of the best shot were made unserviceable for that time, yet never a man slain ; nor none miscarried of those hurtes ; since when they have not greatly troubled us, nor interrupted our labours. " The Indians were never known to shew so great reso- lution, either encouraged by the paucitie of ours, or their more great numbers, there being of the Pamunkeys eight hundred bowmen besides divers nations that came to assist them. Fighting not only for safeguards of their houses and such a huge quantity of corn, but for their expecta- 608 UNDER THE COMPANY tions with the rest of the Salvages which we now hope they have lost. That depending much upon the success of the action, ye Pamunkies having made great brag of what they would do among ye northern nations ; of whom the King of Potaxone sent an Indian unto us expresslie to be an eye witness of the event. "If our store of powder had been answerable to our intentions & readines we had gone upon our neighbouring Indians, although we understand that they have quitted their former Plantations by the harsh visits which they received from us the former Summer. And as we conceave did much rely upon relief from the Pamunkeys, who there- fore planted the greater quantitie. . . . " This summer God be thanked, the Colony hath very well stood to health, which assureth us that the mortalitie of former years is to be imputed to other accidents." The chief reason for the comparatively low death rate of the summer of 1624 was the small number of newcomers to go through the seasoning. After the return from the wars. Governor Wyatt granted a good deal of land to various patentees, and many lots in Jamestown, and " the New-towne in James Citty," all of which were properly surveyed and laid off by William Clay- borne. " Capt John Harvey Esquire," one of the commis- sioners, was granted 62 acres of land in " the New Town," near the lots of Captain Ralph Hamor of the Council, George Menefie, Richard Stephens, and John Chew, mer- chants. During Harvey's (or Harvie's) stay in the colony he devoted himself to obtaining answers to several questions given him to that purpose. Of these, one was : " What was the cause of the Massacre, and who first taught the Indians the use of Fire Arms ? " I have not the details of these examinations ; but as to this question Mr. Stith ^ says " that in a Court held the ir^ of November, 1624, Robert Poole and Edward Grindon, gentlemen, ancient planters ' History of Virginiaf p. 142. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 609 and Inhabitants of the country, appear, and declare, upon oath, their Knowledge of the matter. Their depositions entirely clear Mr. Yeardley, and shew him to have been very cautious and careful in that point ; and they throw the whole blame upon Captain Smith, Sir Thomas Dale, and some other inferior officers and private persons." This fall the colonists were in good spirits after so many disasters. " And among so many of his benefits, God had sent them a plentifuU harvest of corne, and the indus- trious were well stored with other provisions so great that excepting the number of men the colony hath worne out the Scarrs of the Massacre. An if in anything it come short, in many things it exceedeth the former conditions." ^ In the summer of 1624, Captain John Martin arrived in Virginia in the Swan, of 30 tons, via New England, with Mr. Thomas Weston, the owner of the pinnace, and others. This Mr. Weston had been interested in the Mayflower emigrants, and was associated with Mr. John Pierce in his patent in Virginia, and afterwards in the first Plymouth patent ; his ships had been trading with Virginia since 1621, and he afterwards owned land in Virginia and Mary- land. Captain Martin brought with him the order of the Privy Council in England of December 29, 1623, recom- mending him to the " more than ordinary respect " of the governor and Council in Virginia; and also the letter of the earls of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lords Cavendish and Paget ; Sirs Robert Killegrew, John Danvers, and Humphrey May; Mr. John White, the lawyer, and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, the deputy, which had been indorsed by the Virginia court in England of February 12, 1624, espe- cially commending to the care of the governor and Council in Virginia a suit " for divers wrongs " which Martin pro- posed bringing against Sir George Yeardley in Virginia. The governor and Council in their general letter of De- cember 12, 1624, acknowledged the receipt of the aforesaid order and letter ; evidently resented them, and thought 1 Extract from general letter. 610 UNDER THE COMPANY that Martin ^ had httle deserved them at their hands ; but, notwithstanding, they promised their best assistance to the accommodation of his business. In the letter they urge the company to send them some powder as soon as possible, and conclude : — "Thus humbly desiring your former favours and fer- vency in the support of this action and the settinge of our Estate, much shaken by rumours, which have bred a gen- erall irresolution amonge us, we humbly take our leaves and remain Att your Commands. " Francis Wyatt. " Francis West. " George Yeardley. "George Sandys. "John Pott. " Roger Smyth. " Raphe Hamor." " Symon Tuchin master of the Due Return, having been ' banished out of Ireland,' was reported as strongly affected to Popery, and the Governor and Council in Virginia sent him as a prisoner (in January, 1625) to the Company in England, to take such order therein as shall seem best to their graver judgments, as he was regarded as a person dangerous to the Colony in case he should become Pylott to a forreign Enemy." On February 14, the governor and Council in Virginia wrote a letter to the Earl of Southampton and others in England, inclosing certain depositions which had been taken in the cases of Captain John Martin against Sir George Yeardley, as also for the cattle in question between Martin and Captain John Bargrave, etc. When Captain John Harvey left Virginia in February or March, 1625, he carried with him reports from the planta- tions, and replies to sundry questions, which give a fairly approximate idea as to the condition of the colony. The questions were : — 1 On his arrival in Virginia he had instituted a suit of " nine demands " against Sir George Yeardley and others. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 611 " 1. How many several plantations there be — Public and Private?" The replies to this were not sufficiently complete, and the Privy Council repeated the question on May 25, 1625. " 2. What people men weomen and children be in each Plantation? 3. What houses ? 4. What Cattle, etc. ? 5. What corn, etc. ? 6. What fortifications ? 7. What arms, etc. ? 8. What boats, etc. ? " And the following general questions, to which Harvey made the following answers : — " 9. What present relation the State of the Colony hath to England f Theire generall desire is to be immediately un- der the government and protection of his Majestic. OnHe some fewe imployed by the late Company feare by the change of government theire losse of imployment and so desire to be still under the Company. " 10. What present relation the State of the Colony hath to the Salvages f They are ingaged in a mortall warre and fleshed in each others bloud, of which the Causes have been the late massacre on the Salvages parte, and on the parte of the Englishe a later attempt of poyson- ing Opochancano and others. I conceive that by the dis- persion of the Plantations the Savage hath the advantage in this warre, and that by theire suddaine assaultes They do us more harm than we do them by our set voyages. " 11. Remedies against the daunger from the salvages and meanes to advance the Plantation f " In his reply, Harvey adopts, as his advice, many ideas which had been previously expressed by Sir Thomas Dale and others, as well as the present ideas of the king. He says : " For the future advancement of the Plantation there must be an established form of government settled amoungst them there, and another here in England; both managed by such men as may be subject & answerable in their perticu- lar persons for all their proceedinges to his Majestie and the Lords of his Majesties Privy CouncilJ' He does not make a favorable report of the management since May, 612 UNDER THE COMPANY 1619. He says, " Of all the puhlique stocke which within these last six yeares hath been disbursed there remains no pubHque work, as guest house, bridge, store-house, muni- tion-house, pubHque granary, fortification. Church or the like. The whole remainder being a few tenants at halves whose times are near expired." He concludes, " There is not a countrey in the same climate throughout the whole world that gives better hopes of benefit than Virginia if it be well undertaken and diligently followed." Less than 1100 emigrants were living in Virginia in Feb- ruary, 1624. About fifteen ships, which left England with about 260 emigrants, arrived in Virginia between that date and February, 1625, at which time 1095 English emigrants were living in the colony. Less than 266 having died en route and in the colony during the previous twelve months, the following is an approximately fair statement : There were living in Virginia, in November, 1619, about 900 Eng- lish, of whom about one half were acclimated. There were sent to Virginia, during 1619-1624, about 4894 emigrants. Of these forty-five, in the Garland, went to the Bermudas and remained there, and 100, in the Mayflower, went to North Virginia and remained there, the rest, being 4749, either reached Virginia or died en route, which, with the 900 of November, 1619, make a total of 5649, of whom only 1095 were then living in Virginia ; thus showing that be- tween November, 1619, and February, 1625, there had died en route or in Virginia, or had returned to England, 4554. It is doubtful if as many as 154 returned to remain in England. Of the living, over 300 came in before Novem- ber, 1619. Of 107 children born in Virginia, the father, or mother, or both father and mother, of over eighty came before November, 1619. About 900 Virginians had be- come acclimated and were in condition to " be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it." Of the old planters that were here before the going away of Sir Thomas Dale the following were still hving in Virginia at this time : — VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624— MARCH, 1625 613 Of those sent under the royal charter in 1606-1608: Nathaniel Causey, John Dods, David Ellis, Captain Thomas Graves, Anne Laydon, John Laydon, Captain John Martin (the only member of the original Council then living in Virginia), Thomas Savage, Richard Taylor, Captain Francis West, and probably a few others. Ralegh Crashaw was living in 1624, and he was probably still living, but absent ; Ensign William Spence is recorded as " lost " in 1623, but he may have been living in captivity. Of those sent under the company charters in 1609-1615 : William Askew, Robert Aston, Henry and Thomas Bag- well, William Bailey, Hugh Baldwin, Michael Batt, Lieu- tenant Edward Berkeley, Theophilus Beriston, Richard Biggs, Walter Blake, John Blow (Blower, etc.), Richard Bolton, Reynold Booth, Thomas Bouldin, Thomas Cage, William Capps, Thomasine Causey, John Carter, Joan Chandler, Isaac Chaplain, Francis and Thomas Chapman, Josiah Chard, John Clay, Phetiplace Close, Joseph Cobb, Susan Collins, Henry Coltman, Joan Croker, John Downe- man, Elizabeth Dunthorne, John Ellison, Robert Fisher, Joan and Pharao Flinton, John Flood, Thomas Garnet, Thomas Godby, George Grave, Robert Greenleafe, Edward Grindon, John Gundrie, John Hall, Ralph Hamor, Thomas Harris, John Hatton, Hugh Haward (Haiward or Howard), Gabriel and Rebecca Holland, Oliver Jenkins, John John- son, Elizabeth Jones, Cicely Jordan, William Julian, Rich- ard Kingsmill, Thomas Lane, John Lightfoot, Robert Lince (Lynch ?), Albiano Lupo, Francis Mason, WilHam Morgan, Alexander Mountney, Robert Paramour, Robert Partin, William Perry, Joan and William Pierce, Robert Poole, Jr., John Powell, John and William Price, Miles Prickett, John Proctor, James Robeson, Christopher and Robert Salford, Walter Scott, Samuel and William Sharpe, James Sleigh, Joan and John Smith, William Spencer, Thomas Stepney, John Stone, Thomas Sully, John Taylor, Captain William Tucker, Henry Turner, John and Susan Vigo, William Vincent, Edward Waters, Thomas Watts, Amyte Wayne, 614 UNDER THE COMPANY Michael Wilcocks, Henry Williams, Thomas Willoughby, Sir George and Lady Temperance Yeardley, and others. These were all entitled to land under the Great Charter of November 28, 1618. The Anne arrived in Virginia soon after March 6, 1625, with the royal commission of September 5, 1624, authoriz- ing Sir Francis Wyatt to be the royal governor, and Fran- cis West, Sir George Yeardley, George Sandys, Roger Smith, Ralph Hamor, John Martin, John Harvey, Samuel Matthews, Abraham Peirsey, Isaac Madison and William Claiborne to be the King's Council in Virginia, to govern the colony temporarily " until some other constant and set- tled course could be resolved upon and established by the King." There was nothing in the commission to encourage the hope for a continuance of popular rights. There was no provision for a House of Burgesses nor General Assembly. The king had now resumed the government of the colony. Captain John Smith, at the end of one of his summaries ^ of how much he had done and how little had been done by his " successors," says that the company " broke, not mak- ing any account, nor giving satisfaction to the Lords, Planters, Adventurers, nor any ; whose noble intents had referred the managing of this intricate businesse to a few that lost not by it. So that his Majesty recalled their com- mission ; and by more just cause, than they perswaded King James to call in ours [in 1609], which were the first beginners, without our knowledge or consent, disposing of us and all our indevours at their pleasures." I have given the motive for, and manner of the altering of the charters (in 1609), which was really for the best and was honorably done on the petition of sundry planters as well as adven- turers. The summary is an imposture. Those planters who did not remain in the colony, those adventurers who did not secure a full share by paying for it, and those subscribers who failed to pay their subscrip- tions in full, under the articles of the company, had for- 1 Arber's edition of Smith's Works, pp. 927-931. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624— MARCH, 1625 615 felted their claims against the company, as they had failed to comply with their part of the contract. But those who secured full shares by continuing in the Virginia services, or by paying for them in cash, and those who paid the full amount of their subscriptions, either sold their shares or received their lands in Virginia, or the not doing so was their own fault ; for they were legally entitled to these lands, both under the company and under the crown. Smith says the Virginia Company in carrying out " their owne conceits consumed more than £200.000, and neere eight thousand men's lives." He attributed this result to " want of good order and government." It is true that the enterprise had cost much money and many lives ; but many a battle in a bad cause has cost more and accomplished less for the betterment of mankind. The government designed by the company was the crowning glory of the colony. The simple facts are that the London Company for Vir- ginia secured a fifth kingdom for England and planted in the new world the germs of civil and religious liberty for the glory of their posterity ; that the king, in resuming the government, took for the crown the emoluments which were then accruing to the company as the result of their long and patient labors so freely bestowed with their time and money ; and that " the historian " robbed them of their good name. More than 120 years ago our forefathers revolted against the crown and resumed the popular rights granted to them under the company. It is time for their posterity to remove the ungenerous covering with which " the historian," under the royal prerogative, concealed the broad foundation on which the nation was established. As I have said in the preface. Smith's " history " is de- voted to lauding himself ; to magnifying the work accom- plished in his time, by him, under the crown, 1606-1609, and to obscuring or belittling the work done by the com- pany, 1609-1624 ; that is, to presenting a view agreeable to many at that time, but contrary to the facts. The fol- lowing statement gives the idea, in the premises, conveyed by the most reliable evidences. 616 UNDER THE COMPANY State of the Colony m Virginia when it was received BY THE Company from the Crown, in 1609. The Government, Form, Monarchical or Aristocratic. Officials, " Capt John Smith sole governor [president of the King's Council in Virginia], who would admit no Assistants." No written laws, and much confusion. The General Condition of the Colony, Between 70 and 130 EngHsh, probably " about 80/' liv- ing precariously, some at Jamestown, others near the oyster banks below, and some among the savages. No landown- ers; no ministers. No provisions save about seven acres of growing corn. The colony being in a general state of necessity and distress, for which, however, I consider no human being responsible. State of the Colony in Virginia ^ when it was returned BY THE Company to the Crown, in 1625. The Government Form, Popular, Republican, or Democratic. Officials, Sir Francis Wyatt, governor, with Francis West, Sir George Yeardley, George Sandys, Ralph Hamor, Roger Smith, Dr. John Pott, and John Pountis, as his Council. The governor and Council, constituting the Coun- cil of State, elected by the company (adventurers). The House of Burgesses, consisting of two burgesses out of every town, hundred, or other particular plantation, freely elected by the inhabitants (planters). The Council of State and the House of Burgesses constituting the General As- semhly (representing the adventurers and planters), by 1 In this summary, for cogent rea- forgotten that New England had also sons, I have confined myself to the heen settled in 1620, under the corn- status of Virginia ; but it must not be pany charters of 1609 and 1612. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624— MARCH, 1625 617 which proper laws were properly executed, as well as by regular quarterly courts and monthly courts. The General Condition of the Colony, I. The Corporation of Henrico, Public lands. 3000 acres of company and 1500 acres of common land; 10,000 acres for the university and 1000 acres for the college. Private lands. Prior to April, 1622, there had been granted to some 23 proprietors about 2800 acres ; but as a result of the massacre this corporation was almost de- populated in 1625, the only inhabitants then being on the college lands. With the exception of Francis Weston (or Wilton) and Edward Hobson, the landowners of Hen- rico were either dead or living elsewhere. John Peterson (or Patterson) and Thomas Sheffield had been killed by the Indians ; Anthony Edwards, Nathaniel Norton, Thomas Tracy, Peter Neumart, Thomas Morgan, Robert Ackland, John Grifiin, Thomas Read, and Thomas Tyndall were probably dead. The following were living : John Proctor, William Perry (then in England), and Phettiplace Close, " over the river from Jamestown ; " John BiUiard (or Vil- liard), Richard Bolton, and John Laydon, in " Elizabeth City ; " John Price, in " the Neck of Land Charles City ; " Lieutenant Edward Berkeley, on " Hog Island," and John Blower (Blow, or Blore, who had surrendered his patent on "Falling Creek" to the use of the iron-works), on " the Eastern Shore." It had been hoped that the western bounds of Henrico might be the great South Sea ; but the Indians made it unsafe for the extension of the settlements to the westward, and thus the corporation became so small that at some time between 1625 and 1629 the bounds were extended down the river so as to include the upper part of Charles City, " the Neck of Land " and " the Curls of the river " below, making the dividing line as it was when the counties were formed in 1634. 618 UNDER THE COMPANY Inhabitants, 18 free, 3 servants/ and 1 child born in Virginia. Total, 22. Houses, 10 dwelling-houses. Cattle, swine, etc. One hog belonging to Lieutenant Thomas Osborne. The Indians had the rest. Corn and other provisions, 51 barrels of corn, 6J bushels of pease and beans, and 1800 fish, wet and dry. Fortifications, None. Arms and ammunition, 21 snaphaunce pieces, 6 swords, 13 armors, 9J pounds powder, and 52 pounds lead. Boats and harks. One (return probably incomplete). II. The Corporation of Charles City, Public lands, 3000 acres of company and 1500 acres of common land ; 500 acres " uppon the Easterly side of Chapokes creek," belonging to the treasurer's place, and 100,000 acres belonging to Southampton Hundred (from Tanx Wyanoke to the mouth of the Chickahominy River), which had been virtually abandoned since the massacre, the few remaining tenants having removed to Hog Island. Private lands. There had been granted to some 70 proprietors about 20,000 acres of land. Owing to deaths and many changes this is only an approximate estimate ; but the list is as complete as Captain Claiborne " could then attain unto." After the massacre, in 1622, many entitled to lands were probably in doubt as to where best to settle, as they did not locate their land until 1627-1629, after the colony had passed to the crown. It seems that all the grants then in Charles City had been made before 1624. After the massacre, that part of this corporation above the mouth of the Appomattox (which was after- wards added to Henrico), like Henrico, was almost depopu- lated, and " the Neck of Land " was the only plantation or settlement reported therein in February, 1625. The following persons, or their heirs, then owned lands in the ^ " A servant of *' then meant in " the service of ; " it had not as menial a meaning as now. Servant and service might be of a high character. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 619 bounds of Sir Thomas Dale's chosen place of resistance. lAving : William Vincent, Richard Taylor, Joshua Chard, John Dodds, William Sharpe, and Thomas Cage, then liv- ing in " the Neck of Land ; " Robert Partin, Richard Biggs, Henry Bagwell, and William Bailey, living "at West and Sherley Hundred; " Thomas Douse and Francis Mason, in " Elizabeth City ; " Isaac Chaplain, at " Chaplain's Choice ; " Nathaniel Causey, at " Jordan's Jorney ; " John Carter and Thomas Swinhow, " the Maine ; " Theophilus Beriston, in " Jamestown ; " and Thomas Hobson, " over the river from Jamestown." Dead, or probably dead: Samuel Jarratt (killed, 1622), George Grimes (d. 1623), George Cawcott, Thomas Rosse (or Rose), John Owley, James Usher, Wil- liam Cradock, John Harris, Captain Isaac Madison (d. 1624), John Dade, Simon Fortescue, John Writters (Wit- ters, or Withers), Lieutenant Richard Crouch, John Carr, and Robert Bourne (or Browne). " At Westover." Captain Francis West. "Uppon Apmatucke River," probably below that river on the south side of James River. William Farrar, living at " Jordan's Jorney ; " Charles Magnor, Samuel Sharpe, Humphrey Kent, and Mr. Abraham Peirsey, living in " Percy's Hundred ; " Henry Milward, killed in 1622 ; Rich- ard Simons, Arthur Antony, William Sizemoure, and Wil- liam Douglas, possibly dead. " In the Territory of great Weyonoke." Living : Wil- liam Bailey, in " West and Sherley Hundred ; " William Jarret (or Garret), at " Percy's Hundred ; " Temperance Bailey (?), at " Jordan's Jorney ; " and Isaac Chaplain, at " Chaplain's Choice." Dead : Samuel Jordan (1623), and Captain John Woodliffe (?) ; killed by Indians : Christo- pher Harding (1623), Richard Pratt (1622), and Captain Nathaniel Powell (1622). " Mr. Samuel Maicocks Divident." He had been killed by Indians in 1622. " Tanks Wayonoke over against Persey's hundred," 2200 acres belonging to Sir George Yeardley. 620 UNDER THE COMPANY " Capt. Spillman's Divident." He had been killed by In- dians in 1623. "Martin Brandon, belonging to Gaptaine John Martin by Patent out of England." He was then living in Eliza- beth City. The other landowners here were George Har- rison and Capt. Samuel Each, both then dead. Inhabitants, 119 free, 84 servants, 26 children, and 7 negroes. Total, 236. Houses, 68 dwellings. (Mr. Abraham Peirsey, one of the commissioners, making a complete return for his hun- dred, 12 dwellings, 3 storehouses, 4 tobacco-houses, and 1 windmill.) Cattle, 149 swine, 140 kine and 884 poultry. (The only corporation making a poultry return, and this one only in part. Nathaniel Causey owned " 50 Poultrie ; " no one else reported over 40.) Corn. 451 barrels of corn; 94 bushels of peas and beans ; 4650 fish, wet and dry ; 1 hogshead English wheat, 5 bushels English meal (flour), 5 bushels meal and 3 bush- els oatmeal. Fortifications, One fort " at Chaplain's choice." Arms, 169 snaphaunce pieces ; 6 pistols and petronells ; 49 swords, besides " dagers " and " hangers ; " 158 ar- mors (coats of mail, — of steel, — of plate, quilted coats, buff coats, jackets and headpieces) ; 11 barrels and 182|^ pounds powder, and 2060 pounds lead. Boats, Keport incomplete. III. The Corporation of James City, Public lands, 3000 acres of company and 1500 acres of common land; 3000 acres laid out for the place of the governor (planted), in which were some small parcels, granted by Sir Thomas Dale and Sir Samuel Argall (planted). These lands were in " Pasbeheys " on the north side of the river, below the mouth of the Chickahominy Kiver. The names of the owners of the " small parcels " are not given, but they were among the earliest land- VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 621 owners in Virginia. There were also glebe lands in each corporation. Private lands. There were many parcels of land granted on Jamestown Island and lots in the town — to Dr. John Pott, Kalph Hamor, Roger Smith, Richard Stephens, Rich- ard Tree, Sir Francis Wyatt, Sir George Yeardley, Capt. John Harvey, William Spencer, John Chew, John Lightf oot, Thomas Passmore, Mary Holland, Thomas Sully, George Menefie, William Pierce, Edward Blaney (or Blaine), Abra- ham Peirsey, John Southerne, Thomas Alnutt, Peter Long- man, John Borrows, Rev. Richard Buck (dead), John Jack- son, John Jefferson, and others. In addition to these there had been granted to about seventy proprietors about 40,000 acres of land. With the exception of thirteen grants, the rest were probably issued prior to 1624. These were as follows : — In " The Territory of Tappahannuck over against James Cittie." Living : John Dodds at " the Neck of Land in Charles City ; " John Burrows at " Burrows Hill ; " Richard Pace, Francis Chapman and Thomas Gates at "Pace's Paines ; " Capt. Samuell Matthews on his dividend ; John Baynham in " Elizabeth city ; " Mr. George Sandys (pat- ented in 1624) and Edward Grin don in Jamestown, and Ensigne John Utie (patented on Chippoake's creek in 1624) on Hog Island. Dead^ Capt. Wm. Powell (1624) and Robert Evers (1624) ; killed by Indians, John Rolfe (1622). Dead or absent, Capt. John Hurlestone (Hurdston, etc.) of the Bona Nova, and WilHam Ewins owner of the Supply. In " Hog Island." Living : Mary Baily at " West and Sherley Hundred ; " Captain Ralph Ham or on " Hog Is- land." The remainder of " Southampton Hundred in Hog I. planted." At " Archer's Hope." Living : Captain Roger Smith, Captain WilHam Claiborne, John Johnson (patented in 1624), George Sandys (patented 1624) and John Jefferson in Jamestown ; Richard Kingsmill " at the Neck of land in James Citty \ " Richard Brewster then in England. Lost : 622 UNDER THE COMPANY Ensign William Spence (in 1623). Dead: Joakim An- drews (in 1624) and John Grubb ; killed by Indians (1622) : John Fowler, William Fairfax, and Kichard Sta- ples. The George Perry who owned 100 acres here may be George Percy then in England. In ^^ Martin's Hundred," the names of the landowners are not given. '' Near Mulberry Island." Nathaniel Huatt (Hurt or Hall) probably dead ; Mr. John Rolf e killed, and Captain William Pierce then living on his lands there. ^^At Warrasquoake Plantation contayning downewards from Hog Island fourteen miles by the River side *in which are these Pattents." Living : John Carter, in " The Maine;" Adam Dixon at " Pasbahaghs ; " John PoUington at " Warrasquoake ; " Captain Nathaniel Basse at " Basse's choice;" Anthony Barkham at "Mulberry I.," and Thomas Powell on the " Eastern Shore." Dead or absent : Chris- topher Daniel, John Berry, Thomas Winter, and Giles Jones. " At Blunt Point." Living : Gilbert Peppet, John Baynham ^ (or Burnham), " Thomas Hothersall ^ of Pas- behay," Cornelius May, Percival Ibbison (or Ibotson, or Iverson) and Edward Waters ^ in Elizabeth City ; Captain Samuel Matthews " over the river from Jamestown ; " Wil- liam Claiborne and Richard Tree at Jamestown ; Ralph Hamor at "Hog Island." Dead or absent: Francis Gif- ford, Richard Craven, and Richard Domelaw. " Below Blunt Point." Patents prior to June, 1624, to Captain John Hurlestone of the Bona Nova, Robert Hutchins or Hutchinson, John Southerne of Jamestown, and Sir Francis Wyatt. Patents in 1624 to Morris Thom- son of Jamestown ; John Salford, Pharao Flinton, William Bentley and Thomas Godby of Elizabeth City, and Lieu- tenant Giles AUington who was probably then in England. Inhabitants, 204 free, 226 servants, 35 children and 10 negroes. Total, 475. 1 Patented in 1624. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 623 Houses, 78 dwellings. Jamestown reports 22 dwell- ings, 1 church, 1 merchant's store, and 3 storehouses. Also, " 1 Large Court of Guard." " Over the water " reports 18 dwellings, 5 stores, 4 tobacco-houses, 1 stone house and 1 silk-house. Cattle, 353 swine, 286 kine, 239 goats and kids ; 1 horse and 1 mare, belonging to, or in the custody of, the governor. Corn, 691 barrels corn ; 4 hogsheads (1 hogshead = 9 bushels) and 52|^ bushels pease and beans ; 1 hogshead, 1 barrel and 34,758 fish, wet and dry ; 1 hogshead English meal; 71 hogsheads, 2 barrels and 12 bushels Virginia meal ; 1 hogshead and 9 bushels oatmeal ; butter, cheese, oil, vinegar, etc. ; bacon flitches, etc., biscuit, etc. Fortifications, Four forts are reported as being in the plantations across the river from Jamestown. Arms, 350 snaphaunce pieces, 46 matchlocks, 20 pistols and petronells, 186 swords ; 318 armors of sundry sorts ; 7 corslets ; 6 runnets and 10 pounds match ; 341 pounds powder, and 2521 pounds lead. At Jamestown, " 4 pieces of ordnance mounted ; 16 Quilted Coats ) 77 Coats of Male, the rest dispersed in the countrie." ^oats. Report incomplete. lY. TJie Corporation of Elizabeth City, Public lands, 3000 acres of company and 1500 acres of common land, vdth the several glebe lands. The com- pany and common lands were on the eastern side of South- ampton (now Hampton) river. Private lands. There were over thirty-five landowners to whom over 12,000 acres of land had been granted. Six- teen of these grants had been issued by Governor Wyatt between June^ 1624, cind January, 1625 ; these were {on the north side of James River) to John Taylor, John Powell, Captain William Tucker, Robert Salford, John Bush, Lieutenant Lupo, Elizabeth Lupo, Thomas Spilman, Mr. William Claiborne, Thomas Bouldin, Mary Bouldin, 624 UNDER THE COMPANY Peter Arundell, Bartholomew Hoskins and Rawley Cro- shaw (or Crashaw) ; {on the south side of James River), to John Sipsey (Sibsey, Sibley, Sidley ?) and Lieutenant John Cheesman or Chisman. These men were all living in Feb- ruary, 1625. Patents prior to 1624 {on the north side of the river) : Daniel Gookin and others at New Port Newce 1300 acres planted ; Kev. Mr. Keith, Richard Boulton, John Salford, Miles Pricket, William Julian, Alexander Mountney, William Cole, William Brooks als Morgan, Eliza Donthorne, Wilham Gany, William Capps, and John Gundy (or Gunnery, or Gundrie) all living ; and Edward Hill who died in 1624, and William Landsdell who was probably dead ; {on the south side) : the old landowners were Thomas Willoughby (who also owned lands on the north side about two miles within the mouth of Pamunkey River), John Downman and Captain William Tucker then living in " Elizabeth City ; " Thomas Chapman, living at " Jordan's Jorney ; " and Thomas Breewood, who had been killed by the Indians in 1622. Inhabitants, 235 free, 157 servants, 43 children, 2 In- dians and 6 negroes. Total 443. Houses, 99 dwellings and 21 storehouses. Cattle, 22 swine, 74 kine, and 79 goats. Corn, 793 barrels of corn (1 barrel =: 5 bushels) ; 4 hogsheads and 13 bushels pease and beans ; 17,200 fish, wet and dry ; 4J hogsheads and 2 barrels meal, and 1 barrel oatmeal. Fortifications, No report. Arms, 408 snaphaunce pieces ; 11 matchlocks ; 41 pistols and petronells ; 187 swords and several rapiers ; 144 armors of sundry sorts ; 11 corslets and 1 target ; 324 pounds powder, and 5979 pounds lead. Boats, Reports incomplete. V. The Eastern Shore over the Bay, Public lands. The company's and the secretary's ten- ants were there seated on the respective lands ; but it had VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624— MARCH, 1625 625 not been laid out (surveyed) for them as in the other four corporations. Private lands. John Blower (Blow, or Blore), 150 acres " on old plantation creek ; " " Ensign Thomas Savage his Divident/' he was then Hving there ; Sir George Yeardley, at Hunger's, 3700 acres of land by order of court, and " certaine others had planted there but no patents had yet been granted them." Inhabitants. 32 free, 17 servants and 2 children. Total 51. Houses. 20 dwelUngs and 17 stores. The settlers in V Elizabeth city beyond Hampton Eiver," and on " the Eastern Shore " report almost as many stores as dwellings. They may have been traders with the Indians. Cattle, Two hogs only reported, and they belonged to Captain William Epes. Corn. 245 barrels ; no other provisions reported. Fortifications. One fort reported. Arms. 34 snaphaunce pieces ; 1 pistol ; 3 swords ; 28 armors ; 155 pounds powder and 646 pounds shot. Boats. Report not complete. The following may be given as samples of the private reports. Sir Francis Wyatt " on the plantation at Pasbehaighs " reports " 14 bbls corn, 2000 fish, 8 snaphance Peices, 2 matchlocks, 4 Armours, 1 Jack Coat, 2 Coats of mail, 1 steel coat, 1 corslett, 2 good head pieces, 10 lbs powder and 60 lbs shott [no report as to number of houses, boats, etc.]." At his residence in Jamestown he reports, " 10 bbls corn, 4000 fish, 20 lbs powder, 180 lbs lead and shot, 6 snaphaunce pieces, 6 armors, and 6 swords ; 6 cows, 1 Bull, 3 yearlings and calves, 1 horse, 6 breeding sowes, 14 young swine ; 1 dwelling house and 1 store." Sir George Teardley reports as having in Jamestown and on his plantation, " 20 bbls corn, 12 bushels peas and beans, 50 neat cattell [the largest owner ; the next was 626 UNDER THE COMPANY Abraham Peirsey, who reported 27], 40 swine [the largest owner ; the next was Edward Blaney, who reported 29], 8 goats and 3 kids, 20 lbs. powder, 100 lbs. lead, 30 snap- hance pieces [George Sandys reported the same number; Edward Blaney 29 ; Captain William Tucker 24 ; Captain William Pierce 24 ; Captain Samuel Matthews 18], 40 Swords [Captain William Pierce reported 30, and Abraham Peirsey 22 ; no one else returned over 20], 10 Armours, 5 houses, A Barque of 40 tun 7 men belonging to her, A shallop of 4 tunn and a skiffe." Mr, George Sandys, the Treasurer, reports " 100 bar- rels corn [this is the largest quantity of corn reported by any one plantation; the next is 70 barrels by Abraham Peirsey, and the next Q>5 barrels by Captain William Epes], 20 pounds powder, 300 pounds lead and shott, 30 snap- haunce pieces, 1 piece of ordnance, 30 Armours, steel coats & coats of mail [Captain Samuel Matthews reported 24, Edward Blaney 17, WilHam Epes 16] ; 20 swords ; 9 goats and 6 kids ; 2 swine ; 2 dwelling houses, 2 stores with other cabbens, 1 house framed for silkworms, 1 Garden of an acre & a half, 1 vineyard of 2 acres, and 1 large fort." At his own plantation there were " 1 large fort palled in, 1 piece of ordnance mounted, 1 dwelling house and 4 other houses." The houses were generally of wood ; but Zachary Cripps, who lived over the river from Jamestown, reports " 1 stone house," the only one reported. The dwelling-houses in the various plantations are frequently reported as being " within palhsadoes." There were at least four John Smiths living in the col- ony, one of them being an old planter in good circum- stances, having 12 barrels corn, 1400 fish, 1 pound powder, 30 pounds shot, 1 snaphaunce piece, 2 matchlocks, 1 ar- mor, 1 coat of steel, 2 coats of mail, 1 swine and 2 houses. As the reports do not give the number of acres of land in the various " dividents," it may not be known who was the largest landowner in Virginia. Tobacco was then, as VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624— MARCH, 1625 627 now, " the money crop " of Virginia ; but as it is not in- cluded in the report I do not know who was the largest owner of that commodity. I infer, however, that Sir George Yeardley was the richest man in the country. Sir Francis Wyatt and Mr. George Sandys had control of as much as officials, but not as individuals. Summary, Public lands. The lands for the company, colony, church, university, college, and free school. (With the ex- ception of the glebe lands, which continued to belong to the church, and the governor's lands, which I think con- tinued to belong to that office, the public lands passed to the crown and were afterwards parceled out and granted by patents as other lands.) Private lands. About 200 owners of about 80,000 acres of land. But the company had issued many patents to many societies and hundreds, the records of which were kept privately ; and I have not sufficient data to enable me to give the status of these " particular private Plantations and Hundreds," such as "Chaplain's Choice," and "Jor- dan's Jorney," Southampton, and Martin's Hundred. See note, p. 628. Inhabitants, Free, 432 males and 176 females ; ser- vants, 441 males and 46 females ; total, 1095 emigrants ; 107 children, making 1202 English. 2 Indians ; 11 negro men, 10 women and 2 children = 23 negroes. Grand total, 1227. Houses, The reports were not complete (not at all so save as to dwellings) ; " but they were sufficient for the people that are now there, the fabricke whereof they have much amended within these last two years." Cattle, Tame swine about 526 ; cattle about 500 ; goats and kids about 300 ; 1 horse and 1 mare. Corn, 2237 barrels = 11,185 bushels for man and beast ; " no more than sufficient to bring the year about," but they intended trading for corn with the savages in 628 UNDER THE COMPANY the bay. The reports as to the other victuals were only partial. Fortifications-. " They have none sufficient against a stronger enemy than the savages and against them only houses impaled." Arms, 982 snaphaunce pieces, 57 matchlocks, 68 pistols and petronels ; 431 swords,, besides rapiers, daggers, hang- ers, etc. ; 661 armors of the several kinds, besides corslets, targets, etc. ; IJ barrels and 1012 pounds powder, and 9758 pounds lead, shot, etc. " Of arms offensive they had sufficient; defensive not half enough, and were in great want of powder, but of lead to make small shot they had enough for the present." " They had 33 pieces of ordi- nance, whereof about ten mounted; 26 murtherers and Bases, with several fauconetts and chambers." The report only pretends to be complete as to " pieces," armours, pow- der and lead. Many plantations made no report on side arms, pistols, swords, etc. Boats, " They were reasonably well provided with boats ; " but many plantations did not give them in, and only 38 boats, 2 shallops, 1 barque, 1 skiff and 1 " canow " are reported. Note, The private societies and hundreds must also be considered in this summary. I have given an outline, in Part I., of those patented before 1619. The following list of those granted during 1619-1624 is given in the order of sealing. All of the patentees had " divers partners with them whose names and several shares " have not been pre- served, and it may be that some of the patents stood on the Virginia records in the name of one of these partners. Sealed between May^ 1619, and July, 1620, 1, Southampton Hundred ; 2, Robert Heath, recorder of London ; 3, '' Master Wincoppe ; " 4, " Master Tracie ; " 5, Doctor Bohun ; 6, " Master John Pierce ; " 7, John Del- bridge ; 8, John Poyntz or Pountis ; 9, John (and his son Maurice) Berkeley; 10, John Bargrave; and 11, John Ward. VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 629 Sealed between July, 1620, and May, 1621, 12, William Herbert Earl of Pembroke ; 13, Sir Richard Worsley ; 14, Sir Richard (and his son Thomas) Bulkeley ; 15, Sir William Mounson ; 16, Sir William Newce ; and 17, Ralph Hamor. Sealed between May, 1621, and June, 1622. 18, Lady Dale ; 19, Sir Dudley Digges ; 20, Sir John Bourchier; 21, Rowland Truelove, Francis Waterhouse, John Elkington, Tobias Cooper, James Berket, Richard Perry, Thomas Waterhouse, John Lake or Leake, Thomas Owen or Owens, John Cocks or Cocke, William White, Tobias Johnson, and Lawrence Leigh ; 22, " John Crowe of Newton, in the county of Wexford, in Ireland Esquire ; " 23, Edward Rider ; 24, Simon Leake ; 25, Daniel Gookin ; 26, Edward, Richard, and Robert Bennett, Thomas and Richard Wiseman, and Thomas Ayres; 27, Joseph Le- minge (?) ; 28, " Sir Charles North of Wakringham, in the county of Nottingham ; " 29, Sir George Yeardley ; 30, Thomas Leveson or Lauson ; 31, William Weldon ; 32, " Henry Southey of Rimpton, in Somersetshire ; " 33, Mar- tin's Hundred ; 34, Robert Moston or Moulston ; 35, Ed- ward Wynne ; 36, Henry Pelham ; 37, Daniel Tucker ; 38, Sir Bowyer Worsley ; 39, Francis Harwell \ and 40, " Sir John Brook als Cobham." Sealed between July, 1622, and May, 1623, 41, Lady Berkeley ; 42, " Thomas Addison of Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlesex Esquire ; " 43, Edward Johnson ; 44, Edward Palmer of the Middle Temple ; 45, William Felgate ; 46, Francis Peeke or Pecke ; 47, John Harvey ; 48, John Pemberton ; 49, William Rowsley ; 50, Christopher Hillary ; 51, " James Stewart (or Stuart) of Buchan in Scotland, Esquire ; " 52, " Thomas Graves of Dublin in the Realm of Ireland, gent. ; " 53, Samuel Mat- thews ; 54, " Christopher Levett of Sherburne in the county of Dorset, gent. ; " 55, John Palmer; 5Q, " William Dilke of Clements Inn ; " 57, Francis Baldwin ; 58, James Hab- erly(?); 59, Arthur Levellis (?) ; 60, John Martin; 61, " Mr. Roper, Mr. Fitz Jeffreys and others ; " 62, Francis 630 UNDER THE COMPANY Harwell ; 63, Thomas Moore ; 64, Eichard Norwood ; 65, Edward Hurd; 66, John FiUs or Fields; 67, John Blyth; and 68, John (son of Captain Christopher) Newport. Sealed after May, 1623, 69, John Zouch ; 70, Clement Dilke ; 71, John Proctor ; and 72, " John Prynn of London marchant." All of the foregoing patentees " together with their asso- ciates undertook to transport great multitudes of people and cattle to Virginia;" but they were much interrupted in carrying out their contracts by the conduct of the crown after 1622. Some of the patentees were adventurers, others were planters. Several received, during 1616-1624, more than one patent. It must be noted that the foregoing statement and sum- mary has been compiled almost entirely (1) from the reports of the royal commissioners, who were not disposed to make the state of the colony more favorable than it was, and (2) from incomplete data, the reports being only fairly com- plete as to people, lands, cattle, swine, corn, fish, arms and ammunition. Other things are sometimes mentioned, but as to them the report is evidently very incomplete. It must also be remembered that a great part of the cattle, horses, hogs, goats, etc., had been destroyed by the Indians during the massacres of 1622 and since. The Church of England was the church of the colony ; but there was " liberty of religion," some of the emigrants being nonconformists, and some of the ministers were " In- dependents." No report, however, as to the condition of the church in Virginia at this time has been found, and this is especially to be regretted. The early ecclesiastical history of the colony is probably even more incomplete than the secular. The scattered references collected before me are too meagre to justify me in attempting a sketch of the state of the church in Virginia in 1625. I am quite sure, however, that there were churches, or chapels, in each of the four great boroughs, and on the eastern shore ; and also in several of the hundreds and private plantations. In the reports the ministers are not designated by their title, VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — MARCH, 1625 631 " Reverend " or " Rev./' and therefore I do not know how many there were living in 1625, but among them were the Reverends Francis Bolton, George Keith, Greville Pooley, David Sands or Sandys, Jonas Stockton, Hawte Wyatt, and others. The Rev. Robert Hunt seems to have been the only minister sent out under the crown ; but it seems certain that each one of the large expeditions sent out by the company carried one or more ministers, and equally certain that even the names of some of them have not been pre- served. Rev. Richard Buck is the only name preserved of those who came in the fleet of 1609. The name of Lord De la Warr's minister, who came in 1610, is not known. Rev. Alexander Whitaker and the Rev. Mr. Pool (or Pow- ell) came with Dale in 1611 ; the Rev. Mr. Glover with Gates in the same year ; and Rev. William Mease and Wil- liam Wickham probably came at the same time. Rev. George Keith probably came with Argall in 1617. The list preserved of those who came with the large emigrations of 1618-1623 is evidently very incomplete. In 1618, Rev. Thomas Bargrave ; 1619, Rev. Robert Paulett ; 1620, Rev. David Sands or Sandys ; 1621, Revs. William Ben- nett, Francis Bolton, Jonas Stockton, Thomas White, and Hawte Wyatt; 1622, Revs. William Leate or Leake and Greville Pooley, and probably Rev. Mr. Hopkins and Rev. Mr. Pemberton ; and in 1623, Rev. Mr. Fen ton. Rev. Henry Jacob, the founder of the first Independent church in Lon- don, and probably Rev. Robert Staples, and many more now unknown. The history preserved little of the devoted acts and services of any of them in the colony ; yet nearly all of them gave their lives to the enterprise and were among the first martyrs to the cause of Christ in this coun- try. Although I have not found sufficient evidence to enable one to write a particular account of the state of the churches and of the acts of the clergy in Virginia, all evi- dences as yet found show that the church and her minis- ters were held in great reverence both by the officials and the people of the colony. That the ministers performed 632 UNDER THE COMPANY their duties during the trials which constantly confronted them cannot be doubted. They crossed the Atlantic for that purpose. Although we have not all of the particulars, we know that the first university, the first college, the first schools, both for the English and the Indians, and the first hos- pitals, charitable institutions, etc., in this country were embraced in the designs of the company. And notwith- standing that these enterprises had to contend against the usual disasters, the managers continued to prosecute them with their usual perseverance until their whole proceedings were put a stop to by the interference of James I. This prevented them from being carried forward to full or final success ; but the facts reveal the motives of the managers in these premises, and must have left a favorable impress on the colony. The desire to educate the natives in order to make good citizens and Christians of them was weak- ened by the massacre of 1622, but the motive was a most laudable one, and the desire to carry it out with the friendly Indians continued to obtain in the company. In brief, although the king put a stop to their proceed- ings even before many of their plans were fully developed, and the Privy Council succeeded in obscuring many of the objects, ideas, and accomplishments of the company by licensing incorrect histories and by conceaHng or de- stroying most of their records, sufficient evidence has now been found to show that the planting of the first republic in America under the popular charters, drafted by Sir Edwin Sandys, was in every way a most interesting — and to us the most important — event in our annals. When the colony was resumed by the crown " the present Estate of Virginia was but small," yet it was sufficient for its des- tined purpose. The managers of the company in England and in America had planted colonies in North and South Virginia, and in so doing, under the authority derived by them from their charters, had laid the true foundation of the new nation in the new world, upon which it has grown to be the greatest nation in the whole world. KESUMED BY THE CROWN CONCLUSION ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA, JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 JAMES J., JUNE 26, IGU — ^PHIL 6, 1625; CHARLES I., APBIL 6, 1625 — FEBRUARY, 1627 After the decision in the quo warranto case it was reported that the late administration of the Virginia Com- pany proposed pursuing " a rule or ruin poKcy/' and on July 2, James I. wrote them this letter : " You have op- posed our course for reforming the abuses of the plantation. You have complained of my commissioners and of those that have informed both me and them whereby these abuses might be redrest. . . . And that nothing but your own ways are grown plausible. We have for the present thought fit to let you know that we will expect a strict account of you if the work do perish under your hands. And there- fore require you so to proceed in the quiet & orderly man- agement of those affairs and make seasonable supplyes for the releaf of the Colony before winter, that we may not have hereafter more cause added to the former to let you feel the effects of our just displeasure." The reformation then intended (or so pretended) was that the company should be for the trade, but should not have the government of the colony, " the popularnes " of the company's government being especially displeasing to his Majesty. On July 4, the lord president of the Privy Council issued the following order : " His Majestic did this day declare His pleasure in the presence of their Lordships — That whereas, the Charters of the late Corporation of Virginia were this last Term upon a Quo Warranto brought 634 RESUMED BY THE CROWN by Mr. Attorney General in the King's Bench overthrown — His Majestie was resolved to renew a charter [to the company] with the former priviledges, and with amendment of such Imperfections as concern ye Government of ye Plantation and Colony, and that His Majesties gracious Intentions is that all possible care & Industry be used as well in the framing of the said Charter as in giving other provident & good directions for the government & preser- vation of the said Colony : — " And therefore His Majesty order & appoint, with the advice of the Board. The Lord President Montague, Lord Pagett, Lord Chichester, Mr Treasurer Edmonds, Mr Comp- troller Suckling, bothe ye Principall Secretarys of State [Conway and Calvert], Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer Weston, M"" Chancellor of the Duchy May, Mr Attorney Gen^ Coventry, Mr. Sohcitor Gen^ Heath, Sir Robert Killi- grew. Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Francis Gofton, Sir John Wol- stenholme and Alderman Johnson, or any six of them, whereof two to be of His Majesty's Privy Council, to as- semble and meet together as often as they shall think fit, and to confer, consult of, resolve and expedite all affairs and necessary expedients concerning the well settling of the said Colony of Virginia, and to take care and give order for the direction and government thereof, and from time to time to certify their proceedings & doings concerning the same to His Majesty, or this Board for further direction therein, untill His Majesty shall take other order." On July 6, the commission appointed to advise upon a fit patent to be given to the Company of Virginia for set- tling the affairs of Virginia ordered " Mr. Farrar, Deputy for the late company of Va. to bring in all the Patents, Books of accounts, together with the Invoyces concern- ing the late Corporation of Virginia, and the lists of the people there — to the council chamber to be there kept by the Keeper of the Council chest till further order should be given." And at the same time they also ordered " that all the Stocks, Arreages, etc, due upon Accompts allowed or JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 635 not allowed, merchandise, profits of lands, and other emol- uments whatsoever belonging to the publique of the late corporation of Virginia into whose hands soever they shall come, shalbe reserved and accompted for to his Majestie and to the Commissioners appointed by him, for the use of the corporation which his Majesty intendeth of newe to erect for the Plantation of Virginia." These emoluments reverted to the crown ; the new corporation was not formed. The king had now virtually taken to himself the result of the labors and expenditures of the company ; and, as a cli- max to the misfortunes of that great corporation, on July 22, Captain John Smith, who had favored the royal form of government, who had opposed the granting of their char- ters, criticised their management of the business, and jus- tified the king in resuming the government, was Hcensed to pubhsh the history of their enterprise, which had been written from his standpoint. After Smith's return from Virginia in 1609, he became a servant to Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, who had not taken an active part in the colonial movement, and he aided Smith in having his Oxford tract published in 1612- 1613. Seymour died in 1621 ; his widow married the Duke of Lenox, who died in February, 1624, and she was the patroness of the general history. She was then aspiring to the hand of the king, and it was through her hands that Smith's history was presented to his Royal Majesty.^ It is a principle of the Constitution of Great Britain that " the king can do no wrong," and history in the past has been, in a large degree, what kings and potentates have done, frequently written to their order, always subject to their revision and to the sanction of their Privy Council. James I. regarded Sir Edwin Sandys as his " greatest enemy," and said " he could hardly think well of whomsoever was his friend." Certainly no real history of this popular move- ment could have been licensed at that time, when it was necessary for the king and his Council, in order to justify 1 This presentation copy is still preserved. 636 RESUMED BY THE CROWN the recent decision of the royal commission and the court of the King's Bench, as well as their own acts in the pre- mises; to require that " the history " should suppress the truth of history, and conform to the royal ideas before it could be licensed. And the Hcensed historians were Cap- tain John Smith, who had served in Virginia only under the crown, and the Rev. Samuel Purchas, the chaplain of Archbishop Abbot, who was the head of the Privy Council, for which the historians were vii-tually spokesmen. If their books had been objectionable to James I. (who had just silenced the House of Commons itself in an effort to get at the truth of this same matter) they could not have been licensed ; if they had been published privately they would have been burned, as were the books of Sir Edwin Sandys. Thus it will be seen that it was and it is largely a matter of " under which king." The same elements that insure to a "history" of this movement the support of those who look from the standpoint of the crown, condemn it as such to those who look from the point of view of the company. It is needless to go into endless controversies. Laying aside old prejudices, we must decide for ourselves which is the right view for us to take. Although it came to pass that Smith's book became almost the only source from which we have derived knowledge of the infancy of our State, it was probably Purchas rather than Smith whom James I. regarded as the historian of the colonial movements. In the dedication of the last edition (1626) of his " Pilgrimage " to King Charles, Purchas writes : " Your Royall Father (of ever blessed memorie, the King of learned and Learnings kings) manifested so much favour [to the former editions of the book], as to make it Ordinarie of his Bedchamber ; where upon occasion of those later Volumes [the four volumes of ' Pilgrimes '] then pre- sented, he questioned the difference, and professed freely that he had read this worke sex^en times, giving thereof a present testimonie in his learned discourse and censure. No lesse did hee promise touching the Pilgrimes, which JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 637 he made his Nightly taske, till God called him by fatall sicknesse to a better Pilgrimage and of a more enduring Kingdome ; even the last day in which that Sunne yeelded his present rayes to this citie, sending an Honourable messenger with a favourable message of his gentle appro- bation and incouragement. Such a testimonie is a King of Testimonies, and no lesse reward to the Author, then Commendation of the Worke to his worthy Heire, and to all English Readers J^ James I. had permitted his picture to be engraved on the title-page of Smith's history, and it may be supposed that he also made the copy presented to him by the hand of the grand duchess " ordinarie of his Bedchamber/' and indorsed it " with a favorable message " by the fair messenger ; for although Purchas gives a more generous view at certain periods of the enterprise, and is more pronounced in giving honors to James I. than is Smith, the general idea conveyed by both works is nearly the same. In fact, there was evidently some literary connec- tion, as Purchas depended on notes supplied by Smith for a large portion of his account of the American colonies. The primate of all England (to whom Purchas was chap- lain, and to whom he dedicated the first edition of his " Pil- grimage") and other ministers at that time regarding James I. as " the Defender of the Faith," naturally opposed all encroachments upon his royal prerogative, and thus were mainly instrumental in obscuring the acts of those broad- minded churchmen who planted civil and rehgious liberty in America. On July 25, James I. added forty new members to ihe originally appointed commissioners (of July 4) and gave them a regular commission for regulating Virginia affairs, in which he reviews his own course in the premises; his royal charter and instructions, etc., of 1606 ; the company charters of 1609 and 1612 ; the commission of May, 1623, and their report of July, 1623, advising him to resume the government, etc. ; the refusal of the treasurer and com- pany to surrender their charters 5 his resort to a quo war^ 638 RESUMED BY THE CROWN ranto, and his resolution to issue a new charter, etc. ; in which and in other Virginia matters the said commission was to advise and assist him. This commission was also ordered to take into their hands and to keep all of the company records; "all Bookes, Orders, Letters, Advices, and other Writings and thinges in any wise concerning the said Colony and Plantation, in whose handes soever the same be, requiring all persons to deliver the same to you . . . willing and requiring you to be dilligent and attendante in the execution of the same." ^ About thirty members of this commission met at Sir Thomas Smythe's house on July 26, and appointed Henry Fotherby, clerk, and Thomas Newton, beadle, to the com- mission. It was ordered that the commission should meet at Sir Thomas Smythe's house every Thursday in the afternoon at two. All the charters, books, and other writings, the seals of the company, etc., were " to be forthwith brought to this place and left here in the custodie of the Gierke for this commission." Among the things to be considered were : — " 1. What course is fittest to settle the government there ? " 2. What supplies are necessary, etc. ? " 3. What is fit to be done for their defence, etc. ? " 4. What comodities can be raised there for the present and what for the future." It was deemed " absolute necessetye for the present main- taining of the plantation by their tobacco, as the only pre- sent means for their subsistence that all foreign tobaccos should be excluded from the English market." " And it is further ordered that no ship shall go from hence to Virginia (whereof 2 or 3 are already in prepara- tion) untill a resolution be taken for settling the bjisiness there, lest the Report of the dissolution of the former gov- ernment might breed a confusion there, before the settling of a newe." ^ See Hazard's Historical CoUectionSf vol. i. pp. 183-188. JUNE, 1624— FEBRUARY, 1627 639 They met again the next day, and continued to meet every Thursday or oftener. They soon determined, in order to prevent such distractions and confusions in Vir- ginia as might happen by various rumors and reports, that the king ought " to send a like commission to Virginia appointing and authorising such other discreet persons re- siding in the parts of Virginia as his Majesty should think fit to be his present Council for the ordering, managing, and governing of the affairs of that Colonie and Planta- tion and of the Persons there already inhabiting, until some other constant and settled course be resolved upon and established by his Majestic." This special " like commission to Virginia " as first drawn was to Sir Francis Wyatt, Francis West, Esq., Sir George Yeardley, George Sandys, Roger Smith, Ralph Hamor, John Potts, John Martin, John Harvey, Samuel Matthews, Abra- ham Peirsey,^ Isaac Madison and William Claiborne, " Gov- ernor and 12 Assistants," that is, " thirteene councellors in Virginia," as in the original royal commission of 1606; but before it was signed by the king on September 5, the name of " Mr Pottes " was left out at the request of the Earl of Warwick (whom " the king had especially en- trusted in the Va. business "), because " he was the poy- soner of the salvages thear." In this Virginia commission, as in the former English commission, the king reviews his own course in the premises, — the granting of his royal charter and giving of his royal orders in 1606 ; the com- pany charters ; the commission and their report ; his deter- mination to resume the government. The governor and Council were to conduct the colony under such instructions as " such of you, as have been heretofore of our Councell there, have received, or according to such instructions as you shall hereafter receave from Us, or our Commissioners here to that purpose or intent." The commission was to continue only during the royal pleasure.^ The document ^ Harvey, Matthews, and Peirsey ^ See Hazard's flwtoncaZ Co^^cc^uww, had been members of the royal com- i. pp. 189-192. mission of 1623-1624, in Virginia. 640 RESUMED BY THE CROWN was at once sent to Virginia ^by " the good ship called the Anne of London," James Carter, master. Mr. George Wyatt, the father of Sir Francis Wyatt, died shortly after this, and, on September 28, the king granted Sir Francis liberty to return to England for his own private business, and appointed Sir George Yeardley to be governor in his stead, and on his death John Harvey, or, failing him, any one of the Council there chosen by the majority. The royal commission in England continued their inves- tigations in the interest of the new royal charter, etc. ; but under divine Providence delayed making their final report until they had received Harvey's final report from Virginia, and so it happened that " both the commission, and the renewing of the Royal charter expired by reason of the King's death which then suddenly ensued." James I. died April 6, 1625, and was succeeded by Charles I., who, in the place of the former royal commis- sion, soon appointed a committee of his Privy Councilors, called " The Lords Commissioners for the affairs of Vir- ginia," to whom Captain John Harvey, having recently arrived from Virginia, delivered his " Declaration of the State of Virginia at my comminge from thence in Febru- ary last," 1621. Lord Carew and Sir Edward Conway were appointed a special committee to consider that part concerning the se- curity of places and persons, the erection of forts and maintaining of forces. On May 9, Sir Edward Conway wrote to Sir Thomas Smythe asking him "to send such persons. Maps, relations and papers,^ which may be with you and of use to us in our proceedings." Charles I. (unhke James I.) was on especially friendly terms with Sir Edwin Sandys and Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, who, as we have seen, took his part against Middlesex after his return from Spain, in the controversies in the last Par- 1 The documents probably had ref- had already been stored away in the erence to the time prior to the year Privy Council chest. 1619 ; the regular company records JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 641 liament of James I. ; and the Privy Council of Charles I. soon turned aside the Smythe party, at least to a certain extent, and called the Sandys party into consultation and asked them for their opinion relative to what had been the two leading bones of contention. " The first, our opinion touching the best forme of Gov- ernment to be here established for ye affaires of Virginia. "The second, an offer to be made for such a contract touching tobacco with his Majestic as might both uphold his former Revenue and not be grievous to the Planta- tions." To these questions they replied between April 25 and May 5, 1625, in a long document indorsed as " The Dis- cours of the Old Company of Virginia," in which the whole field is gone over from the point of view of that party. " The second " was really the chief cause of the rupture between the Smythe and Sandys parties in the company, but it is not necessary to consider it farther in this book. The reply to " the first " was to the purport that his Maj- esty should not have a new charter and a new company, but that he should reinstate the old company. It is a very strong party paper, and consequently very unjust to the first administration (Sir Thomas Smythe's) of the company. After receiving this " Discours," the reports from his Privy Council board, and from the special committees, on May 23, Charles I. issued his " Proclamation for settHng the Plantation of Virginia ; " which is in part a reply to the " Discours." He was more friendly to the company, and especially to the Sandys party, than James I. had been for some time previous to his death ; but he also was now de- termined " to resume the government," or rather was fully resolved that " there should be one uniform course of gov- ernment in and through all our whole Monarchic. That the Government of the Colony of Virginia shall immedi- ately depend upon our Selfe, and not be committed to any Company, or Corporation, to whom it may be proper to trust Matters of Trade and Commerce, but cannot be fit 642 RESUMED BY THE CROWN or safe to communicate the ordering of State Affairs be they of never so mean consequence," etc. He had come to " the same Judgment that our said Father was of, for the Government of that Colony of Virginia/' and he intended having a Royal Council in England and another in Vir- ginia, etc. ; but " he did not intend to impeach the inter- est of any Adventurer or Planter in Virginia." James I. had resolved against the popular government in Virginia. Charles I. had now apparently done likewise ; but the seed had been planted in America ; it had germinated ; the seed- ling was growing, and was going to continue to grow until it bore fruit. May 25, the Privy Council wrote to Virginia for a more complete list of all the titles and estates of land, public and private, in Virginia, than had been returned by Harvey. June-August, the first Parhament of Charles I. was in session. September 14, Sir Thomas Smythe died. . The Anne returned from Virginia about October 12, with a letter from the governor and Council in Virginia — dated James City, June 25, 1625, and directed to the Privy Council in England ; together with " the petition of the Governor Counsell and Colony of Virginia assem- bled together. To the King's most excellent Majestic " — which was sent by Sir George Yeardley ; who was to prefer in person the said petition and sundry relations to the king's most gracious survey. Owing to the death of Mr. John Pountis, who had previously been sent to prosecute their suit before the king, and to the fact that some of the same persons of whom they had complained were joined in " the Kings commission for governing of the affairs of Virginia," they thought that their former petition and relations were never presented to his Majesty, and therefore they appealed to him again. (They had received copies of his English commission of July 25, and the originals of his Virginia commission of September 5, and of the license for Wyatt's return of September 28, 1624.) Their petition ends : " We JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 643 humblle therefore beseech your Majestie to affoard a gra- cious hearing to the said Sir George Yeardley, and to refer the examination of our cause to the Right Honourable William Lord Paget, Sir Richard Weston, Knight, chan- cellor of the Exchequer, Sir Humphrey May, Knight, chan- cellor of the Dutchie, and Sir Robert Killegrew, Knight (they being appointed Commissioners by your Majestie for the affaires of Virginia) to make report thereof to your Majestie." With the exception of Weston, they had all been active members of the party of Sir Edwin Sandys. This petition was to James I., it not then being known in Virginia that he was dead. On October 14, a day or so after his arrival in England, Sir George Yeardley sent a petition to Charles I. about the Virginia business, and asked that he might attend upon the Privy Council " and declare unto them the estate that the said Colony now remaineth in whereupon such further order may be taken, not only for the present, but also for the future preservation and subsistance of the same, as ip your Majestie shall be thought most meet." Of the divers heads whereon he was to move the lords of the Privy Council the following are among the most im- portant, and from these it will be seen that the popular seed had already germinated in Virginia. " 2. The encouragement of the people there by the se- curity of their estates, in granting a New Patent to con- firm all their dividends of Land with all such priviledges as formerly they enjoyed and with more ample as their Lord- ships shall think meet, and for the full assurance thereof to have it confirmed hy act of Parliament^ else they will think it may be revoked as the former." " 8. To avoide the oppression of Governors there ; that their liberty of Generall Assemhlyes may be continued and confirmed, and that they may have a voice in election of of&cers as in other corporations." On October 24, the Privy Council wrote a long letter to the governor and Council in Virginia as to what they were 644 RESUMED BY THE CROWN doing, and intended to do, for the colony. " And whereas his Majestie is graciously pleased to authorise Sir Francis Wyatt knight to be the governor there, and such as are now employed for his Majesties Counsell there to have authoritie to continue the same employment during his Ma- jesties pleasure. His Majesties farther pleasure it is that all judgments, decrees, and all important actions be given, determined and undertaken by the advise and voices of the greater part. And that all be done in his Majesties name who out of his princely care of the good of the Colony doth take all the country and people into his royall protection and governments^' etc. The Privy Council wrote another letter on November 3, declaring to the colony " that the King's pleasure was to preserve every man's particular right, and the Planters to enjoy their former priviledges ; with addition of other requisite immunities ; encouraging, also, the Planter to discoveries both by sea and land ; and to perfect the Trade of Furs." Which letters were taken to Virginia by the Virgin, of Southampton (possibly the first ship sent under Charles I.) ; and, according to their lord- ships' commands, were, upon the arrival of the ship, pub- lished in Virginia. Late in February, 1626, the Flying Hart, of Flushing, returned from Virginia with a letter from the governor and Council there, dated " James Cittie 13 Jany 1626," and addressed to " The Lords commissioners for affairs of Vir- ginia." They state that the ship had been " set out by Mr Arthur Swaine & William Constable adventurers of the Company," and had arrived on December 25 last, with no commission for the ship " nor any letters or directions at all to guide our proceedings ; " but " notwithstanding these irregularities the substance of the news they bring is soe joy full and welcome, as after many discomforts and per- plexities, hath revived the hearts of all men — Namely that it hath pleased God, to place in ye Royall Throne our gra- cious Soveraigne King Charles (whose happy Raigne, God of his Mercy long continue over us). Who not only in JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 645 piety, justice and wisdome, treads in the steps of his Royall father of famous memory, but also in his affection and favour to this hopeful! Colony, not only by continuing the favors formerly graunted but by adding to & enlarging them and taking the care thereof amidst the multiplicitie of his great affairs into his more near and special considera- tion which gives us assured hope that our humble petitions formerlie exhibited shall [now] have a favourable admit- tance, and such order taken therein as may best conduce to the advancement of the Plantation," etc. It is probable that many in Virginia really rejoiced at the death of James I. and the succession of Charles I. In the letter they tell a good deal about what was going on in Virginia. "Captain [Thomas] Jones had arrived about the middle of July last in a Spanish friggott, which he had taken in the West Indies under the Commission of the States, as he pretended, graunted to Capt. [John] Pow- ell, from whose consortship he separated himself, and put in here for reliefe," and died soon after. The governor states that his private estate will oblige him to return to England as soon as possible ; that he had been enforced for want of advice and a new commission to proceed according to " ye former," and " We humbly desire that our continuing the same forme and course of our proceedings, may be inter- preted as done out of necessity least the Colony (in the interim) should suffer for want of due order and Govern- ment." March 14, 1626, Charles I., "being forced by many other urgent occasions (in respect of our late access unto the crown) to continue the same means that was formerly thought jit for the maintenance of the said Colony and plantation, until we should find some more convenyent means upon mature advice, to give more ample Directons for the same, and reposing assured Trust and confidence in the Understanding, Care, Fidelitie experience, and cir- cumspection of " them, appointed Sir George Yeardley to be his present governor, and John Harvey, Francis West, 646 RESUMED BY THE CROWN George Sandys, John Pott, Koger Smith, Ralph Hamor, Samuel Matthews, Abraham Peirsey, William Claiborne, William Tucker, Jabez Whitaker, Edward Blaney, and William Ferrar his present Council in Virginia (with very much the same powers as previously granted in the royal commissions since 1624), and " William Claiborne to be our Secretarie of State, of and for the said Colony and Plantation of Virginia." There had been no secretary of state in Virginia since the death of Christopher Davison. Claiborne was the first to hold that office under the crown. In the case of Yeardley's death, John Harvey was to succeed him. If Harvey then died. West succeeded him. In the Council the majority ruled. April 29, the king and his Privy Council issued instruc- tions to the new governor of Virginia, who sailed shortly thereafter on board the Anne in consort with the James. The Virgin, of Southampton, had arrived in Virginia on April 2, with letters from the Privy Council of November 3, 1625, which were gratifying to the officials in Virginia, and on April 16, the governor and Council sent their reply by the returning ship : " Thanking his Majestie for his gratious pleasure that those complained of should have no hand in the government either in Virginia or in England ; suggesting that the ordering of affairs in Virginia should be left to the Governor and Council, with the advise (in speciall cases) of the General Assembly" etc. On May 27, the governor and Council again wrote to the Privy Council, in which letter they attribute the slow growth of the plantation to the government being divided between England and Virginia, and again suggest that cer- tain colonial affairs should " be whoUie at the disposal of the Governor, Counsell and General Assembly in Vir- ginia" This letter with " The Titles and Estate of the several owners of Lands and other perticulars required " by the Privy Council were taken to England by Sir Francis Wyatt, who probably sailed before the arrival of Yeardley, leaving Captain Francis West as acting governor. This, JUNE, 1624 — FEBRUARY, 1627 647 however, is based on circumstantial evidence only. I do not know exactly when Wyatt left or Yeardley arrived. Sir George Yeardley left England in May, with permis- sion to stop in the Bermudas if he deemed it advisable to do so, and arrived in Virginia prior to October 19, 1626, with the royal commissions and instructions which finally completed the transfer of the colony from the company to the crown. He was present at the fall term of the quarter court held in James City, October 19-25, 1626. In Feb- ruary, 1627, he was issuing the first grants to lands under the crown. The last under the company were issued by Wyatt, in February, 1625. Sir George Yeardley was buried on November 23, 1627, and Captain Francis West was elected on the next day to succeed him.^ Sir Francis Wyatt, the governor, maintained the original popular form of government so far as possible during the period of transfer, — from February, 1625, to the arrival of Yeardley in 1626, — and for this he is deserving of all praise. " The General Assembly," under the original form, consisted of the governor. Council, and House of Bur- gesses ; but the burgesses (the popular feature) could not be legally elected during this period, as the authority for doing so had been canceled. However, Governor Wyatt, his Council, and the leading citizens (probably selected or elected for the purpose) held conventions, or informal meetings, to consider important matters, under the title — as used in the documents issued by them — of " The Gov- ernor, Council, and Colony of Virginia assembled to-gether,^' 1 It will have been seen that in of his estate in Virginia and else- many respects none occupied a more where ; he mentions his 'now wife,' prominent position among our found- Jane daughter of Sir Henry Davye ers than Yeardley and West. It is [Davyes or Davis ?], and his son (by not to my present purpose to add to a former wife) Francis, then under The Genesis biographies ; but I wish age." He returned to Virginia in to give here a correction and addition 1630, and probably died there. His to that of Captain Francis West. He will was proven at London, on May 8, wrote his will on December 27, 1629, 1634. while he was in England, " disposing 64:8 RESUMED BY THE CROWN which was evidently as " popular " a body as " the General Assembly." After the transfer, Yeardley also maintained the original idea as far as possible, leading matters being considered in the original quarter courts held in January, April, July, and October, at Jamestown ; but there was no " General Assembly." Finally, however, in the fall of 1627, Charles I., in reply to the repeated memorials, petitions, letters, etc., from Virginia yielded his consent to the continuance of the House of Burgesses, and soon after sent his written instructions to that effect to the officials in Virginia, by William Capps, who arrived at Jamestown on March 4, 1628. A few days after this. Governor West ordered the first election of burgesses under the crown, and summoned " the General Assembly " to meet at Jamestown on March 20, " to consult and advice concerning the several parts and points of his Majestic' s Letter and to answer the same in every particular." This body met on time, and, after a due consideration of this matter, on April 5, " The hum- ble answere of the Governor, and Councell, togeather with the Burgesses of the several plantations assembled in Vir- ginia, unto his Majestic' s letter concerning our tobacco and other commodities," was signed by Governor West, five of the Council, and thirty-one burgesses. The government of the colony by the company had now come to an end, but under Divine Providence the most de- sirable portion of the form of government designed by the company for the colony remained in force under the admin- istration of the old Founders, and they " remained sedulous and united towards the right ends declared." RESUME From the beginning, James I. had taken great interest in the colonial movement. It was his ambition to make the American colonies " the monuments of his reign." It was natural for him to wish to resume their government himseK, and to have them estabHshed by his histories on the foundation designed by himself rather than on a foun- dation which had supplanted his, — which he regarded as an encroachment on his royal prerogative, and as having been designed by "his greatest enemy" in "a seminary of sedition." Although we cannot know what would have been the result if James I. had lived to formulate his new charter and new form of government for the colony, and to put them into operation, we can rest assured that he would not have permitted any of the popular ideas of the form of government originated by Sir Edwin Sandys to remain in force, as Charles I., under the divine Providence which was shaping our end, finally to a large extent did do. It is true that Charles I. took the government from the com- pany in England; but he finally continued virtually the same form. The governor. Council, treasurer, secretary of state, etc., " the Council of State " in Virginia, formerly elected by the company in England, were continued, but were appointed by the crown. The House of Burgesses, the magistrates, and other officers previously chosen in Vir- ginia, were continued (with some changes, chiefly as to the mode of paying salaries ^), and continued to be elected as ^ The public lands which were in- may be," reverted to the crown, and tended to be instrumental "in easing salaries were paid out of sundry taxes, the inhabitants of all taxes as much as ^ 650 Rl!SUME formerly by the people. And "the General Assembly," as previously constituted under the company, was continued under the crown. Thus again, as from time to time from the beginning, we see the manifest destiny that was shaping our end. Some have dated the origin of the republican idea in Virginia from the Stamp Act of 1765 ; others from the changing of the capital in 1748; others from Bacon's re- bellion in 1676, and others from the first General Assem- bly in 1619. But the seed was really sown by the petitions from the planters in Virginia and by the reports from Vir- ginia made in 1608 by Archer, Martin, Newport, RadclifE^ and others, which caused the managers of the enterprise in England to condemn " the King's faction producing form of government," and to procure in lieu of the royal charter of 1606 the popular charters of 1609 and 1612, which finally afforded Sir Edwin Sandys and other progres- sive thinkers the opportunity for developing their liberal ideas of government in a new nation in the new world. " Sometimes a grain of mustard-seed proves a great tree." The popular charters enabled them to plant the seed, and enabled the seed to germinate. The seedling, after being fostered in England under the superior ideas of the ad- vanced statesmen of that transition period, continued to grow into the political system of the new nation until our forefathers could rest under its shade, and under its expanding branches the sons of the cavahers learned to defend the liberties of the subject from the encroachments of the crown. The House of Burgesses at once appealed to the minds of our people, and, as their chosen representative, became the main stem of this growing tree of liberty. It furnished the stamina which removed the royal governor. Sir John Harvey, and elected John West in his place. It was the nursery presided over by " Bacon the Rebel " for a brief term when the tree was young. It was the " seminary of sedition " in which the voices of Henry and other patriots RESUME 651 were heard appealing more and more boldly for "American freedom." It was the university from which " Washington the Rebel " went forth to take the government of the col- onies from the crown, to restore it to the people, and to " found a free popular state there ; " which was the object of Sir Edwin Sandys ^ when drafting the popular charters and when sending " our Magna Charta " and the May- flower to our shores ; when planting the seed that James I. wished to destroy, " which has risen and cleft the soil and grown a mass of spanless bulk, and lays on every side a thousand arms and rushes to the sun." Our founders were mortals, and their acts have remained obscured in the histories of their action, but the principles which sustained them were immortal ; and although James I. eliminated from the page of contemporary history the record of the inspirations which shaped the ends of this movement, these great principles in the onward march of man could not be eliminated from the page of time. They were beyond the control of kings. Our patriotic fore- fathers, against the protest of the crown of Great Britain, and of the party in America still holding to the royal views, over a hundred years ago indorsed the method for settling America designed by our real founders. And to- day as a republic we rest on the foundation of civil and religious liberty shaped by those who managed the business, " after the alteration," under the popular charters of 1609 and 1612. Hence, we are now citizens of a free " popular 1 It is interesting to note the con- New England Historical and Genealogi- nections between the Sandys and cal Register^ 1891, p. 69. The fact that Washington families. Robert Sandys, Washington descended from Nicholas a nephew of Sir Edwin Sandys, mar- Martian, who signed all of the docu- ried Alice, daughter of Mr. Lawrence ments (A-G) sent from Virginia in Washington, of Sulgrave, and aunt to 1624 by John Pountis or Poyntz, is Colonel John Washington, the emi- also of especial interest. He signed grant ancestor of " the father of his his name Nicolas MarLier, and I be- country." And Samuel Sandys, a lieve him to have been Nicolas de la grand-nephew of Sir Edwin, married Marlier, one of the Walloons who had the widow of the celebrated Colonel proposed going to Virginia in 1621, Henry Washington. See The Genesis although his name is generally written of the United States, p. 996, and The Martian in the Virginia records. 652 RESUME state/' with our histories no longer under the censorship of a Privy Council, and our consciences no longer subser- vient to the royal prerogative. Our history should now be based on the authentic records of the company, which were then suppressed by the Council, rather than on the accounts of writers then licensed by the crown. The nation should no longer rest on the mythical foun- dation of a mythical founder under the crown, who pub- lished the dispatches in his own interest, but on the broad basis on which it was really originated by the broad- minded " managers of the business " under the company, who in the interest of posterity planted the first republic in America, which was the genesis of the United States. And we should never sing our national hymn without due reverence for the Divine Providence which guided them, or without thanking them in our hearts. " My country ! *t is of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died ! Land of the pilgrims' pride I From every mountain side Let freedom ring 1 ** Our fathers' God ! to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing : Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King I '* INDEX INDEX The names of persons and places are indexed in alphabetical order, as are subjects generally ; but scattered items pertaining to various subjects are collected together under proper comprehensive headings, which are arranged alphabetically. See Agriculture, Armor, Arms, Building, Charters, Commodities, Corporations, Courts, Emigrants, Evidences, Fauna, Firstj Fish, Flora, Fortifications, Free, French, Government, Indians, Lands, Law, Liberty, Manufacture, Medicine, Mines, New England, Politics, Popular, Public, Religion, Ships, Spanish, Suits, Tobacco, Virginia. * Brief sketches of these will be found in TAe Genesis of the United States. Abandonment of Virginia, 127, 140, 159, 170, 182, 185, 189, 196, 198, 200, 202. Abbot, *George, archbishop, member of Privy CouncU, 180, 248, 256, 265, 271, 342, 386, 433, 477, 526, 530, 538, 555, 636, 637; Jeffrey, 172; *Maurice, 268, 274, 334, 339, 363, 366, 382, 476. Abdy, *Anthony, 268, 334, 339, 382, 476. Ackland, Robert, 617. Aceomac, 421; "Achamaek," 463; " Acomaek," 420. Acts of the General Assembly, 361, 364, 365 ; of ParKament, 393, 394. Adams, Captain , 92, 134, 138-140, 144, 149-151, 160, 185, 189, 202 ; Rob- ert, 571, 580. Addison, Thomas, 452, 629. Adventurers, 79, 159, 182, 235, 250, 350, 366, 369, 614, 615 ; see Virginia Com- pany. iElford, Alfred, etc., see Elfrith. Agriculture, pertaining to, 226, 466, 626, etc. ; bread crops, 205 ; clearing ground, 374 ; crops, 472, 474, 561, 566 ; drought, 283; gardens, 446, 561, 578, 626 ; hay, 278; hortyards, 561 ; husbandmen, 284, 342 ; husbandry, 277, 374 ; plant- ing corn and tobacco, 226, 466 ; plant- ing silk-grass, 373 ; ploughs, 260, 277, 284, 311 ; soil of Virginia, 35, 284, 577 ; tilling ground, 373 ; vineyards, 479, 626 ; working in their fields, 446 ; see Commodities ; Corn ; Emigrants ; Farm- ers ; Fauna ; Flora ; Harvests ; Hun- dreds ; Lands (public, etc. ) ; Negroes ; Plantations ; Tobacco ; Vines, etc. Aiken's Swamp, 322. Alas, M. de las, 88. Alcmena, 221. Alden, Robert, 498. Alexander, *Sir William, 435. Alford, Mr. , 402. Algemoune Fort", 108, 113, 116, 126, 133- 136, 139, 149, 150, 152, 155, 158, 190. Algiers, 363, 367. Algonquins, 194. Allen, *Edward, 482. Allington, *Giles, 622. All Saints Bay, 88. Alnut, Thomas, 621. Alonso (Indian), 88, 89, 111-113. Amadis de Gaul, 67. America, passim^ 1-3, 21-23, 166, 292, 399, 404, 440. Ammunition, see under Arms. Amsterdam, 271, 380, 416, 431, 450. Anacostan Indians, 474, 507, 508, 567; Anacostines, 472. Andrews, Captain, 297, 298; Joakim, 622 ; Mr. , 386. Anglo-Saxon, xii, xix, xx, 20, 51, 143, etc. Animals, see Fauna. Annis, Francis, 416. Anthony (Antony), Arthur, 619 ; *Dp. Francis, 251, 339, 382, 386, 454, 460. Apaehisco, 204 ; Apachaniken, 515 ; Apochankano, 502, 503 ; see Opochan- kano, etc. Apamu-tiku, 194, 195 ; Apamutica, 194 ; Apomatucke, 619 ; Apomatuckes, 475 ; Appamatuck, 136 ; Appomattox, 25, 172, 194, 195, 209, 210, 226, 313, 467, 516, 618 ; Apummactokes, 473. Apsley, Sir Allen, 178. Arahatec, 29 ; Arahatecoh, 29 ; Arrahat- tock, 308, 314; Arsahattocks, 151. Archbishops of Canterbury, see Richard Bancroft and George Abbot ; of York, see Edwin Sandys and Tobias Matthew. Archer, *Captain Gabriel, x, xii, 23, 28, 53-56, 58, 62, 67, 71, 73, 74, 92, 94-96, 108, 113, 118, 119, 353, 650 ; John, 353. Archer's Hope, 25, 26, 287, 621. 656 INDEX Argall, *John, 245 ; *Sanmel, 60, 83, 86, 91, 94, 96, 98, 105, 118, 127, 128, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 146, 172-176, 178, 179, 189-195, 197, 199, 202-204, 206, 213, 214, 217, 222, 224, 229, 233, 239, 243-245, 247, 249, 251, 253-260, 267, 272, 273, 277-288, 298, 300, 305, 309, 310, 312, 317, 323, 324, 331, 333-337, 339-341, 351, 358, 359, 362, 363, 368, 384, 391, 392, 409, 410, 444, 445, 447, 448, 462, 489, 524, 554, 590, 620, 631. Argall's Gift, 308, 314, 323; town, 256, 287. " Ariel," 114, 115. Armenian, Martin the, 654. Armitage, Samuel, 274. Armor, defensive, 171, 172, 618, 620, 623- 626, 628 ; brigantines, 485 ; buff coats, 172, 620 ; coats of mail, 172, 485, 491, 620, 623, 625, 626 ; of steel, 172, 620, 625, 626 ; of plate, 485, 620 ; corselets, 172, 623-625, 628; headpieces, 172, 620, 625; jackets, 172, 620, 625; quilted coats, 171, 172, 620,623 ; shirts ' of mail, 171, 172, 485 ; skulls of iron, 485 ; targets, 172, 624. Armorers, 172. Arms, pertaining to : Offensive, 276, 282, 471, 475, 481, 484-486, 489, 500-502, 611, 618, 620, 623-625, 628. Artillery for the forts, 172, 276; bases, 628; brass pieces, 453, 469 ; chambers, 628 ; culverins, 200; demi-culverins, 299, 514 ; whole-culverins, 514 ; fauconets, 628; great ordnance, 514; minions, 299; murtherers, 628; murdering pieces, 485 ; ordnance, 623, 626, 628. Powder-arms, 172 ; fowling - pieces, 308, 581, 582 ; muskets, 172 ; match- locks, 172, 623-625; petronek, 172, 620, 623, 624 ; pistols, 172, 485, 620, 623-625 ; snaphaunce-pieces, 172, 281, 618, 620, 623-626, 628. Side-arms, 172; brown bills, 485; daggers, 172, 485, 620, 628 ; halberds, 485 ; hangers, 172, 620, 628 ; rapiers, 172, 624, 628 ; swords, 172, 618, 620, 623-626, 628. Ammunition, 276, 278, 281, 282 ; muni- tion, 484 ; lead, 618, 620, 623-626, 628 ; match, 623, 624; powder, 281, 469, 485, 501, 502, 568, 606, 610, 618, 620, 623-626, 628 ; shot, 568, 625, 626, 628. Armstrong, Archy, 273. Arostequi, 161. Arundel 1, Earl of, see Thomas Howard. Arundell, John, 252 ; *Peter, 100, 252, 355, 462, 512, 513, 624; *Thomas, Lord, 65, 79, 125. Askew, William, 613. Assacomoit, 9. Aston, Robert, 613. Atkins, Mr. , 514. Atkinson, *Richard, 63. Atlantic, 3, 143, 146, 474. Attorney-Generals, see E. Coke (1606) ; H. Hobart (1606-1613) ; F. Bacon (1613- 1617) ; H. Yelverton (1617-1620) ; T. Coventry (1621-1624). Aucher (Archer), *Sir Anthony, 162, 245. Auditors, 268, 333-335, 339, 342, 350, 382, 422, 477. Austin, Ambrose, 386. Austria, House of, 592. Axacan, 88. Ayers, Mr., 428. Ayres, Thomas, 629. Azores, 21, 128, 138, 281, 282, 284, 325. Back river, 408. Bacon, *Sir Francis, 17, 66, 67, 165, 215, 268, 387, 389, 390, 393, 592 ; Henry, 269, 298 ; Sir Nathaniel, 129. Bacon's rebellion, 650. Baffin, *William, 221. Bagge, *James, 10, 382. Bagwell, Henry, 613, 619; Thomas, 613. Bahama channel, 87 ; islands, 92, 370. Bailey (Bayley, etc.), John, 413 ; Mary, 621 ; Temperance, 619 ; WiUiam, 374, 613, 619. Baker, *Sir Richard, 282 ; Robert, 413. Baldwin, Francis, 271 ; Hugh, 613 ; John, 513. Ball, *Richard, 484. Balloting box, 306, 315, 356. Balmford, or Bamford, Mr., 365, 441. Baltimore, Lord, see George Calvert. Bancroft, George, 328; *Richard, arch- bishop, 12. Bank of England, 275. Bannington, William, 416. Barber, Gabriel, 244, 263, 334, 406, 481, 496, 528, 537, 538, 559. Bargrave, Rev. Dr., 288; Dorcas, 250; ♦George, 250, 267, 299, 308, 309 ; *John, 250, 253, 259, 267, 268, 288, 291, 306, 308, 328, 336, 362, 364, 365, 369, 386, 414, 446-448, 479, 480, 529, 530, 595, 610, 628 ; *Rev. Thomas, 288, 631. Barkeley, see Berkeley. Barker, Edmond, 561 ; Robert, 394. Barkham, Anthony, 622; *Sir Edward, 482, 486. Barlie, Captain John, 16, 48. Barnstable, 863, 377, 461, 500. Barrett, *William, 366. Bartle, *Peter, 350. Barwick, Captain Thomas, 474, 477, 505. Basse, Nathaniel, 288, 414, 419, 571, 580, 622. Basse's choice, 580, 622. Bateman, Ralph, 484 ; *Robert, 274, 351, 476, 477, 513. Batt, Michael, 613. Baugh, Thomas, 413. Baynham, John, 621, 622. Baynum, Richard, 383, 538. Beale, the refiner, 45, 46. Beaufort (S. C), 88. Bedford, Earl of, see Edward BusselL INDEX 657 Beheathland, Captain Robert, 392. BeU, *Robert, 476. Benn, Sir Anthony, 273. Bennet, David, 369; Edward, 396, 398- 402, 468, 475, 477, 490, 508, 526, 533, 629 ; Edward's brother, 504 ; Nicholas, 116 ; Richard, 629 ; Robert, 629 ; Sir Thomas, 273, 351 ; Rev. Wm., 463, 631. Bentley, WiUiam, 622. Berbloek, WiUiam, 252, 265, 333, 352, 364, 523, 528, 535. Beriston, Theophilus, 613, 619. Berkeley, *Edward, 613, 617 ; EUzabeth, 444 ; John, 365, 454, 456, 463^65, 467, 628 ; Lady, 396, 629 ; *Sir Maurice, 14, 142 ; Maurice, 454, 463, 500, 503, 628; ♦Richard, 297, 300, 345, 371, 388, 414. Berkeley, Hundred, 297, 345, 355, 364, 371-374, 397, 413, 414, 470, 536; plan- tation, 345, 559 ; town, 345, 414. Berket, James, 629. Bermuda city, 194, 204, 205, 209, 210, 228, 238, 240, 255, 258, 467; farmers, 194, 205, 210 ; Hundred, 194, 210, 227, 238, 240, 258, 260, 278, 314, 418, 467. Bermudas, or Somers Islands, 69, 86, 95, 97, 114, 116, 132, 135, 139, 141, 153, 160, 163, 168, 171, 177, 180, 182, 185, 187-189, 196-200, 202, 217, 220, 231, 236, 270, 276, 291, 325, 326, 333, 341, 360, 370, 391, 407, 426, 440, 445, 461, 464, 472, 474, 475, 478, 500, 507, 516, 533, 592, 598, 647. Bernard, *Capt. John, 333, 477, 478, 594. Berry, John, 622. Best, Christopher, 512 ; Ellis, 16 ; Thomas, 513 ; William, 570, 593. Biard, P., 145, 178, 191-193, 212, 213. Bickley, Francis, 498. Biddolph, Anthony, 369. Big-gs, Richard, 498, 571, 579, 613, 619. Bill, John, 394. BUliard, John, 617. Bills of adventure, 103, 104, 245, etc. ; see Land shares. Bing, William, 477. Bingham, Captain, 386. Bingley, Captain, 18. Biondi, 184. Birchett (see Berket), Richard, 374. Bird, William, 416. Bishops (The), 248, 335, 384; see Lord Bishop. Blackall, John, 245. Blackfriars, 202, 512. Blackwell, Francis, 271, 272, 285. Blair, Rev. James (1692), 213. Blake, Walter, 613. Blanchard, John, 371. Bland, *John, 273, 419, 451, 527, 528, 535, 537; Richard, 338. Blayney, (yr Blaine, Edward, 459, 460, 502, 571,579,621,625,646. Blockhouses, 132, 138, 150, 209, 211, 226, 257, 420. Blore, Blow, err Blower, John, 613, 617, 627. Blue Ridge, 28, 34, 58, 69. Blunt, Humfrey, 133. Blunt Point, 133, 420, 451, 501, 502, 622. Bluett, or Blewitt, Captain, 382, 410, 441, 442. Blythe, John, 630. Boats, etc., 611, 618, 620, 623-625, 628. Bohemia, Queen of, 542. Bohun, *Dr. Lawrence, 132, 137, 336, 354, 391, 392, 416, 426, 628. Boiling, Robert, of Chellowe, 247. Bolton, Rev. Francis, 426, 453, 567, 631; Richard, 613, 617,624; William, 271. Bond, *Martin, 526. Bonnell, Bonoel, etc., Anthony, 512; John, 488, 489 ; Mr., 406, 422, 429, 501. Books, 11, 460, 582. Booth, Reynold, 132, 613. Boothby, Mr., 498 ; Richard, 336. Bordeaux, 13, 19, 20. Boroughs, or minor corporations, 377-379, 579, 580 ; see Corporations ; House of Burgesses, under Government ; Lands, divisions of, etc. Borrows, see Burrows. Bouldin, Mary, 623 ; Thomas, 375, 613, 628. Boulton, see Bolton. Bourchier, Sir Henry, 521, 585 ; *Sir John, 629. Bourne, Robert, 619. Boventon, Alexander, 416. Bowater, John, 445. Bow Church, 451. Bowyer's Bay, 309. Box, Henry, 369. Boyle, John, 570, 593; Richard, 512. Boys, John, 314, 318; Luke, 308, 571, 579 ; Mrs., 511. Braems, Jacob, 297, 298. Brandon, see Martin's Brandon. Breewood, Thomas, 624. Brett, Captain, 334 ; James, 267. Brewer, John, 508. Brewster, *Captain Edward, 127, 128, 131, 135, 136, 150, 280, 282, 283, 334-337, 339, 390, 525 ; Richard, 570, 580, 593, 621 ; William, 33, 34, 335 ; WiUiam the PUgrim Father, 262-264, 283, 300, 335, 341, 453. Briars, Jeffery, 116. Brick, see Manufactures. BrideweU, 296, 346. Bridgewater, 316. Briggs, *Henry, of Oxford, 198, 333, 382, 422, 460, 487 ; Henry, of Virginia, 514 ; Robert, 362 ; Thomas, 514. Bristol, 9, 10, 345, 370, 371, 373, 477. British Museum, 162. Broadsides, see Evidences. Broadway, Alexander, 413 ; Giles, 413. Brochero, Don Diego, 181. 658 INDEX Brook, or Brooks, ^Christopher, 187,216, 343, 346, 363, 364, 367, 385, 404, 410; George, 451 ; *Sir John, 395, 497, 519, 629 ; John, 28 ; WiUiam, 624. Brooke, Lord, see F. Greville. Browne, Anthony, 364, 416 ; master, 132 ; Mr., 482 ; Oliver, 28 ; Robert, 339, 619. Bruce, Thomas, Lord, 527. Brudenell, *Edinond and Francis, 445. Buchan, 629. Buck, Mara, 158; *Rev. Richard, 116, 117, 129, 158, 204, 229, 316, 621, 631. Buckeridge, Nicholas, 336, 590. Buckler, Andrew, 105. BuUding, pertaining to, 226, 373, 374, 430, 466, 474, 611, 618, 620, 623-627 ; arti- ficers, 128, 260 ; bricklayers, 342, 463 ; bridges to land goods on, 254, 255 ; car- penters, 342, 468 ; dwelling-houses, 618, 620, 623-626 ; governor's house, 323 ; house for silk, 623 ; house for silk- worms, 626 ; merchant stores, 623 ; Opechaneanough's house, 466; saw- mills, 454 ; sawing, 466 ; stone, store, and tobacco houses, 620, 623, 624 ; water and wind mills, 463, 620 ; see Boats ; Churches ; College ; Fortifications ; Manufacture ; Medicine ; Schools ; Ship- building; etc. Buisseaux, Sieur de, 217. Bulkeley, *Sir Richard, 393, 444, 629 ; Thomas, 444, 620. Bull {see Ball), Richard, 484. Bureau of Ethnology, 112. Burgesses, see House of Burgesses, under Government, the Company's form of. Burgh, or Brough, *John, 527, 533. Burnham, John, 622 ; William, 497. Burras (Burrows), Anne, 70. Burrows, John, 621. " Burrows Hill," 621. Burton, Christopher, 371. Butler, Edward, 482 ; Rev. George, 430 ; *Captaux Nathaniel, 337, 359, 368, 461, 464, 475, 478, 495, 498, 500, 506, 507, 518, 519, 528, 524, 541, 560, 569-572. Button, *Sir Thomas, 165, 198, 593. Caesar, *Sir Julius, master of the rolls, 438, 480, 491, 492, 526, 538, 550, 555. CsBsar's Commentaries, 67. Cage, John, 350 ; Thomas, 613, 619. Caldicott, Matthias, 498. "Caliban," 116. California, 257. Calvert, *George, secretaty of state, 299, 345, 388, 403, 427, 428, 433, 436, 449, 450, 476, 489, 524, 526, 534-536, 538, 550, 555, 634 ; Lord Baltimore (1632), 603. Calvin, reformer, 408. Cambridge (Eng.), 260, 273, 317, 550. Camohan (Indian), 511. Canada, 199, 282, 290, 297, 309, 407, 509, 516, 566, 581, 583 ; river of, 60, 164. Canaries (Islands), 21-24, 83, 86, 92, 149, 164. Candle, to sell by the, 299. Canne, Delphebus, 500, 514, 516, 566. Canning, *William, 168, 274, 333, 384, 444, 513, 554, 589, 590. Canterbury, 222, 275, 288, 386, 530. " Capa Howasicke," 58. Cape Charles, 132, 135, 175, 229, 379, 421; Cod, 135, 349, 379, 385, 387, 403, 407, 425, 438, 599 ; Comfort, 25, 128 ; Engano, 90 ; Fear, 90, 110 ; Finis- t^re, 23 ; of Good Hope, 442, 443 ; Hat- teras, 90 ; Henry, 25, 31, 59, 90, 128, 132 ; La Warre, 135 ; Race, 376 ; San Roman, 87, 90, 110, 112; Trafalgar, 90. Cape Verde Islands, 21. Cape-merchant, 42, 239, 279, 290, 311. Capps, William, 314, 318, 508, 514, 613, 624, 648. " Caracoes," 399. Cardenas, Diego de, 88. Careless, Robert, 481. Carew, *George, Lord, 52, 104, 115, 234, 433, 526, 543, 547, 650, 593, 640; Gome (?), 16. Carey (Carew, Gary), Mr., 401 ; *Sir Phi- Up, 369. Carleill, *Captain Christopher, 1. Carleton, *Sir Dudley, 47, 121, 161, 181, 184, 187, 196, 198, 214, 216, 234, 247, 262, 264, 266, 290, 294, 326, 356, 427, 428, 445, 449, 450, 485, 489, 522, 598. Caron, *Sir Noel de, 144, 145, 198. Carr, John, 619 ; *Robert, Earl of Somer- set, 232. Cartaya, J. R. de, 88. Carter, Christopher, 116; Francis, 333, 382, 383, 406, 427, 430, 434, 444, 445, 451, 452, 480, 482, 484, 497; Giles, 413; James, 497, 499, 536, 568,640; John, 613, 619, 622. Cartwright, *Abraham, 366. Carver, John, 252, 262-264, 272, 425. Casson, George, 54. Castle, Roger, 429. Castle (Spain), 87. Caswell, Richard, 333, 391, 451, 490, 537, 538, 595. Causey, Nathaniel, 571, 579, 613, 619, 620 ; Thomasine, 613. Cavell, Mr., 561 ; Matthew, 348. Cavendish, *William, Earl of Devonshire, 244, 365 ; *William Lord, 348, 367, 400, 445, 477, 478, 495, 496, 518-522, 526, 531, 538, 542, 546, 594, 597, 600, 609 ; confinement of, 526. Cayagua Bay, 88, 110. Cecil, *Sir Edward, 160, 162, 356, 386, 402, 593 ; *Robert, Earl of Salisbury, secretary of state, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16-19, 29, 33, 34, 43-52, 62, 76, 84, 105, 123, 128, 132, 145, 148, 151, 15.3-155, 159, 161-165, 170, 177, 180 ; *Thoma.s, INDEX 659 Earl of Exeter, 73 ; *Wmiam, Earl of Salisbury, 334. Census of Virginia, 55, 58, 68, 71, 97, 109, 129, 138, 153, 229, 277, 285, 308, 309, 328, 329, 375, 381, 415, 464, 506, 570, 611-627. Cervantes, 2. Chaderton or Chatterton, *Dr. Lawrence, 245. Challons, Chalinge, Challoner, etc.. Cap- tain Henry, 9, 13, 15, 18-20, 51 ; his crew, 63. Chaloner, Francis, 369; Mr., 366; *Sir Thomas, 14. Chamberlaine, *John, 47, 121, 161, 179, 196, 214, 216, 234, 247, 264, 266, 282, 290, 294, 356, 485, 522, 598 ; Mr., 390. Chambers, *George, 333, 386. Champernoun, Mr., 490. Chancellors of the Exchequer, see J. Csesar (1606-1614) ; F. Greville (1614-1621) ; R. Weston (1621-1624) ; of the Duchy of Lancaster, H. May (1618-1624). Chanco, an Indian, 468, 511, 514. Chandler, Joan, 132, 613. Chaplain, Isaac, 571, 579, 613, 619. Chaplain's Choice, 579, 619, 620, 627. Chapman, Francis, 408, 613, 621 ; Thomas, 613, 624. Chard, Josiah or Joshua, 613, 619. Charing Cross, 292. Charles City, 210, 238, 240, 254, 308,313, 314, 322, 371, 373, 377, 411, 421, 442, 443, 467, 500, 545, 546, 579, 617-620. Charles Hundred, 238, 253, 308. Charleston (S. C), 88, 110. Cham, Thomas, 416. Charters : the royal charter of 1Q06, 6-8, 178,349,360, 380, 389, 613, 650; the protests against and alteration of, v, vii, xii, 67, 74-76, etc., 263, 614 ; the popular charter of 1609, 74-76, 84-87, 93, 99, 117, 118, 163-167, 178, 184, 186, 215, 217, 232, 233, 249, 251, 263, 329, 332, 384, 603, 613, 614, 637, 639; the popular charter of 1613, 139, 141, 147, 148, 163, 165-167, 171, 178, 184, 186, 215, 217, 249, 251, 263, 329, 384, 613, 616, 637, 639 ; the popular char- ter of 1621, to be confirmed by Act of Parliament, 390, 391, 393, 394, 396, 397, 425, 434-439, 441 ; the company not willing to infringe their charter rights, 354, 366, 367, etc.; popular charters to be declared void, 436, 439, 448, 475, 479, 521, 531, 532, 540-542, 547-549, 551, etc. ; the crown requests the company to surrender their popular charters, 550, 552, 572-575, 581 ; the company declines to do so, 552-554, 585, 586, 589, 599, 637,639 ; the plant- ers exhorted not to surrender, 560 ; the company determine to defend their charter rights, 586-588 ; the suit : the company vs. the crown, 585-591, 595- 599, 601, 602, 633, 637, 638 ; popular charters " overthrown," 601, 602, 633, 634 ; James I. resumes the government, designing a new charter, etc., 603, 633- 635, 638-641, 649; Charles I., peti- tioned to for a new patent to be con- firmed by Act of Parliament, and to grant liberty of General Assemblies in Virginia, 643 ; see Government ; Magna Charta. Chawanock River, 463. Cheasley, Mr., 560. Chechohomynies (River), Check-a-homa- nies (Indians), see Chickahominy. Chedle, Richard, 430. Cheeke, *Sir Thomas, 337. Cheeseman, John, 624. Chemes-Ford, 48. Chesapioc Bay, 23, 25 ; Chesapeake, 60, 90, 91, 131, 135, 375. Cheskacke, 576; Chescack, 515; Chea- cheack, 475. Chester, James, 416, 489, 500 ; Wm., 300. Chesterman, Mr., 525. Chetle, Richard, 430. Chetonly, Robert, 430. Chew, John, 571, 580, 608, 621. Chichester, *Arthur, Lord, 3, 538, 543, 545, 547, 550, 555, 593, 634. Chicohominie, Chicahominy, Chickaho- miny, etc.. River, 54, 204, 256, 313, 323, 462, 618, 620; Chickahominies, Chi- quohomini, etc., Indians, 204, 239, 410, 473, 500, 516. China, 164; box, 460. Chippoke, Chippoak Creek, 256, 468, 621. Chisman, John, 624. Chowan River, 463. Christ's College, 273, 488. Church of England, see England; of Rome, see Rome ; of Virginia, 278, 285, 320, 477, 481, 630-632; at Henrico, 209, 308 ; at Jamestown, 129, 150,254, 308, 315, 623. Cinque Ports, 267. City Point, 210, 322. Claiborne, or Clayboume, WiUiam, 147, 423, 454, 508, 509, 608, 614, 618, 621- 623, 639, 646. Clark, or Clarke, Edward, 364 ; George, 369, 590; *John, 149, 152-154, 161, 163, 186, 234, 407, 424, 444, 512; Katharine, 350 ; William, 477. Clay, James, 371 ; John, 613. Clement, William, 371. Clement's Inn, 629. Clerk of the Council, 532. Cletheroe, *Christopher, 476. Climate of Virginia, vii, xx, 40, 41, 106, 142-144, 236, 248, 249, 255, 409, 411 ; sickness, see under Medicine. Clinton, *Henry, 2d Earl of Lincoln, 52 ; Theophilus, 4th Earl, 336. Clopton, Joyce, 115. Clopton Estate, 115, 547. 660 INDEX Close, Phetiplace, 613, 617. Clovell, Eustace, 30. Coat of arms for Virginia, 345, 346. Cob, or Cobb, , 136 ; Joseph, 613. Cobham, Sir John, 629. Cockayne, *Sir William, 348, 366. Cocke, or Cocks, John, 629. Codrin^on, *Simon, 233, 235. Coke, Mr., of Wedgnock, 83; *Sir Ed- ward, 6, 398, 402, 436, 595. Colby, *Edmond, 406 ; Thomas, 406. Cole, John, 371 ; WilHam, 371, 624. Coles, Edward, 211. College in Virginia, 279, 294, 322, 335, 336, 339, 342, 344, 345, 350, 363, 370, 376, 378, 481, 500, 505; lands, 319, 322, 336, 345, 347, 370, 376, 378, 505, 617, 627 ; plantation, 579. Collett, John, 365 ; Thomas, 365. Collingwood, Edward, 382, 425, 527. Collins, Susan, 613. Coltman, Henry, 240, 613. Colson, John, 28. Columljus, *Christopher, 21, 24. Combe, Nicholas, 413, 414; Thomas, 365. Comet, 22, 293, 296. Commissions in Virginia, 257, 287, 426, 455, 646, 647 ; for dividing lands, 235, 243 ; for establishing the popular form of government, 293 ; to justify the king in resuming the government, 534, 546, 556, 571-584, 601, 608, 609, 630, 636 ; to govern Virginia during the royal pleasure, 614, 639, 642. Commissions in England to justify the king in resuming the government, viii, ix, 510, 517, 520, 521, 523, 525, 527, 529, 530, 532, 535, 540-542, 547, 548, 552, 556, 557, 561, 591, 597, 601, 636, 637, 639 ; to aid the king after he had resumed the government, 634, 635, 637- 640, 643. Commodities of Virgmia, 36, 37, 68, 123, 196, 207, 208, 2.33, 241, 288, 290, 297, 311, 320, 346, 378, 379, 384, 417, 433, 454, 457, 458, 472, 478, 479, 569, 577, 578 ; black-walnut, 133 ; clapboard, 45, 133, 457; cotton -wool, 457; cotton seed, 418; hides, 256, 257, 277-279; hemp, 279, 457; licorice, 395; masts, 157, 457, 463 ; pitch and tar, 379, 457, 463; puccoon, 255; skins, 226, 227; raisins, 488 ; terra lemnia, 461 ; tim- bers, 35, 153, 379; wainscot, 35, 37, 45 ; woods of all kinds, 35 ; see Agri- culture ; Fauna; Fish; Flora; Furs; Manufacture; Mines; Sassafras; To- bacco; etc. Commonwealth of England, xv, 332; of Virginia, x, xi, 83, 280, 312, 579, 584. Communion plate, 285, 286, 344, 345, 370 ; " comunyon," 32. Comptroller of the Household, see E. Wot- ton (1606-1614); T. Edmonds (1617- 1618) ; H. Carey (1618-1621) ; J. Suck- ling (1621). Constable, William, 494, 644. " Constant adventurers," 106. Controversy, needless, iii, xxi, 74, 636, 650-652. Conway, Sir Edward, secretary of state, 480, 482, 492, 521, 523, 524, 535-537, 539, 540, 543, 547, 549, 553, 554, 593, 634, 640. Cooper (Coopy ?), Anthony, Elizabeth, and Jone, 413 ; Samuel and Thomas, 371 ; Tobias, 427, 629. Cope, Sir John, 485 ; *Sir Walter, 9, 43- 45, 46, 104, 120. Copeland, Mr., 523, 537. Copland, Rev. Patrick, 428, 442, 444, 451, 461, 481. Coppin, *Sir George, 14, 104, 142. Corbe, Juan, 90, 109, 110. Cork (Ireland), 459. Com (Indian corn, maize, Indian or Vir- ginia wheat), 112, 113, 150, 173, 174, 191, 203, 205, 209, 226-228, 232, 240, 241, 253, 254, 257, 260, 261, 278, 281, 297, 299, 308, 310-312, 320, 372, 374, 409, 417, 420, 463, 475, 566, 567, 569, 578, 607, 609, 618, 620, 623-626. Cornhill, 490. Cornish, Ellis, 309 ; George, 430. Comwallis, *Sir Charles, 14, 16. Corporations, Incorporations, or General Boroughs, 194, 205, 254, 287, 313, 318, 319, 321, 322, 324, 385, 386, 467, 468, 579, 580 ; see Henrico (the city of) ; Bermuda City, or Charles City ; James City ; Kicowtan, or Elizabeth City ; and the Eastern Shore ; see, also^ Boroughs ; Government; Lands; etc. Costa, Antonio de, 234. Cottington, *Sir Francis, 148, 234. Cotton, *Sir Robert, 232. Courteen, Sir Peter, 326, 599, 600; Wil- liam, 326. Courts : Admiralty, 256, 282, 283, 525 ; Common Council of London, 273-275, 348, 351, 485, 486 ; East India Com- pany, 269, 299, 300; King's Bench, 586-588, 601-603, 634, 635; martial, 283, 515; Northampton (1635, etc.), 421 ; Somers Islands Company, 334, 391 ; Virginia Company, in England, under the popular charters, viii, xv, 141, 160, 163, 166, 170, 178, 182, 185, 187, 188, 199, 200, 216, 217, 220, 223, 225, 231-233, 235, 237, 243, 245, 251, 252, 263-269, 271, 273, 277, 289, 290, 292, 293, 295-297, 299-301, 306, 319, 333-369, 382-406, 411, 422^52, 456, 476-498, 517-558, 563, 565, 566, 585- 600, 609 (*' a seminary for a seditious parliament," 237 ; " a seminary of sedi- tion," viii, XV, 439, 649, 650) ; Virginia quarterly, 456, 461, 564, 565, 569, 608, 617, 647, 648; monthly, 324, 418, 456, INDEX 661 461, 617 ; see Government ; Laws ; Vir- ginia Company. «Doventry, *Sir Thomas, 387, 397, 482, 490, 521, 540, 547-549, 554, 585, 587, 589, 590, 602, 634. Coyse, Charles, 371. Cowes, The, 127, 159. Coxendale, 209, 308, 314, 322, 375, 470, 482. Cradock, or Craddoek, Mr., 406 ; William, 229, 258, 619. Crafford, Charles, 430. Crakenthorpe, Rev. Richard, 80. Cranfield, LioneU, Earl of Middlesex, lord treasurer, etc., 272, 292, 410, 426, 433, 434, 438, 444, 483, 485, 494, 495, 519, 521, 523, 526, 534, 538-540, 549, 555, 594, 595, 597, 598, 640. Cranmer, Archbishop, 262; George, 262; William, 262, 336, 348, 364, 367, 382, 386, 477. Crashaw, *Ralegh, 472, 504, 571, 580, 613, 624 ; *Rev. William, 123, 155, 162, 183, 186, 603. Cratford, Charles, 430. Craven, Richard, 622. Crew, *Sir Randolph, 216; Sir Thomas, 398. Cripps, Zachary, 626. Croatan (?), 110. Croft, or Crofts, Sir Henry, 366; *Sir Herbert, 14 ; Richard, 11. Croker, Joan, 613. Cromwell, *Sir Oliver, 14. Crookdeck, John, 28. Croshaw, see Crashaw. Crosse, Edward, 271. Cross, set up, 25, 29, 193. Crouch, see Crudge. Crowe, *John, 629 ; Mr., 271. Crown, The, viii, xvii, xviii, xxii, 1-71, 118, 147, 216, 220, 630-652 ; see Poli- tics. Crudge, or Crouch, Hugh, 481 ; Richard, 259, 481, 619. Cuba, 145, 152. Cuff, John, 365, 480, 536, 590. Cullimore, Mabell, Lady, 245. Culpeper, *Sir John, 524 ; *Thomas, 523. " Cumanagotta," 399. Curia of James River, 172, 194, 195, 617. Currents of the ocean, xix, 21, 23, 83, 86, 110 ; see Ships. Cushman, R., 252, 262, 300, 334. " Custom House Key," The, 514. Dade, John, 619 ; Mr., 261. Dale, *Lady, 145, 291, 300, 629; *Sir Thomas, 123, 124, 136-138, 140, 142, 144, 145, 149-151, 153-158, 160, 162, 172, 173. 175, 179, 189-195, 198, 200, 202-205,* 208, 210-213, 218, 224-226, 228-230, 233-240, 242, 246-248, 255, 262, 299, 300, 312, 313, 318, 323, 324, 327, 330, 344, 347, 379, 395, 418, 421, 442, 447, 577, 609, 611, 612, 620, 631 ; his man, 246. Dale's Gift, 228^, 229, 421. Dale's place of resistance, 210, 467, 619. Damarin's (Dameron's ?) Cove, 565. Dameron, Captain John, 309, 351, 375. Damport, see Davenport. Dancing Point, 309. Daniel, Christopher, 622. Danvers (Davers), *Sir John, 244, 267, 268, 272, 285, 331-333, 335, 339, 340, 343, 346, 348, 352, 358, 362-364, 367, 382, 385, 387, 405, 410, 423, 435, 455, 481, 496, 527, 528, 557, 594, 597, 609 ; Lord, 365. Dare, Virginia, 113. DameUy, *Daniel, 333. Dartmouth, 105, 178. Darwin, Philip, 416. Dates, old and new style, xxiii, xxiy. Davers, see Danvers. Davies (Davis, Davys, etc.), Henry, 362; Sir Henry, 647 ; *Captain James, 16, 52, 63, 64, 77, 92, 108, 116, 126, 128, 149, 150, 152, 158, 209, 228, 230 ; Nevil, 13, 51; Captain Robert, 16, 51, 92, 108; Thomas, 314; Thomas, 371. Davison, Christopher, 423, 426, 453, 456, 461, 512, 564, 568,646; Francis, 453; Walter, 453 ; WUliam, 262, 453. Davye, Sir Henry, 647. Dawkes, Henry, 63 ; Joane, 386. Delaue, *Gideon, and his son, 498. De la Warr, Lord, see Henry and Thomaa W^est. Delaware Bay, 135 ; River, 380, 430, 454, 470. Delbridge, *John, 347, 349, 388, 390, 402, 461, 500, 514, 516, 566, 628; Richard, 433. Delft, 542. Demeter, Thomas, 416. Dennis, John, 445, 454, 581. Denton, Thomas, 371. Deptford, 297. Derby (Eng.), 597. Dermer, Thomas, 328, 364, 372, 375, 379, 380, 418, 448. Descamacu (Indian), 88. Deseler, George, 416. D'Evereux, *Robert, 2d Earl of Essex, 85, 125 ; 3d Earl, 542. Devils, The Island of, 114, 140, 180, 200. Devonshire, Earl of, 365, 531 ; see Caven- dish. DeVries, Captain, 376. Dichfield or Ditchfield, *Edward, 333, 526. Digby, Sir John, 124, 161, 163, 164, 170, 177, 180-182, 185-187, 197-199, 234, 358. Digges, *Sir Dudley, 164, 168, 178, 220, 221, 244, 256, 295, 339, 356, 386, 398, 401, 402, 423, 427, 629. 662 INDEX Digges, his Hundred, 194. Dike, or Dyke, Mr., 442 ; *Jolm, 526. Dilke, Clement, 585, 571, 579, 630; WH- Ham, 629. Diseases contracted in London, the plague, cholera, etc. ; en route^ scurvy, bloody flux, pestilence from ships, the fevers of the tropics, calenture or yel- low fever, etc. ; in Virginia, from the Indians, the malaria of summer and fall, etc., 106, 137, 143, 188, 381, 501, 505, etc. ; see Medicine. Dixon, Adam, 480, 622. Doctors, xxiii, 120, 381, 382, 460, 582 ; special order for the preservation of health, 361, 366, 377, 380, 381; see Medicine. Doderidge, *Sir John, 6, 9. Dodmister, Thomas, 416. Dods, John, 613, 619, 621. Dogi (Doeg ?), Indians, 112. Domelaw, Richard, 622. Dominico, W. I., 22, 23, 149. Doncaster, Lord, see James Hay. Donne, George, 56; *Dr. John, dean of Paul's, 114, 477, 482, 490, 491. Donthome, or Dunthome, Elizabeth, 613, 624. Dorchester, Viscount, see Dudley Carle- ton. Dorsett, *Earl of, 365, 382, 531, 538, see Sackville, Richard. Douglas, William, 619. Douse, see Dowse. Dover (Eng.), 222, 298 ; Road, 179. Dovercourt-cum-Harwich, 273. Downes, Mr., 406, 533; Nicholas, 491; Richard, 275. Downman, John, 613, 614. Downs (Eng.), 22, 23, 163, 200, 442. Dowse, or Douse, Mr., 561 ; Thomas, 241, 314, 318, 619. Doxe, 89, 119. Drake, *Sir Francis, ix, 1, 6, 65, 88, 164, 178 ; Mr., 402. Drakes, T., 272, 273. Draxe, Rev. T., 273. Drayton, *Michael, 13, 460. Drewry's Island, 29. Dublin, Ireland, 629. Duels in Virginia, 309, 582. Duncombe, *Edward, 215. Dunthome, see Donthome. Dusge-owa, 112. " Dust and Ashes," 286, 354, 355, 441. Dutch, 33, 48, 65, 241, 440, 454, 459, 515 ; ambassadors, 124, 592 ; charter (of 1614), 200; East India Company, 124; gaps, 208, 210; governor, 193, 194 ; settlement, 449, 450 ; West India Company, 193 (?), 450, 592 ; see Hol- land ; Netherlands. Dutton, John, 359 ; Richard, 413. " Duty Boys," 375, 417, 502, 504. Duty Free Term, etc., see Free of duty. Each, Captain Samuel, 419, 451, 4S9, 500-502, 620; Thomas (Samuel ?) 444. Eames, Mr. W., 272. Earl Marshal, see T. Howard (Arundell). Earle, Christopher, 364; Martin, 336; *Sir Walter, 364. Earley (see Yeardley), *Sir George, 565. Eason, Bermudas, 116 ; Edward, 116. Eastern shore of Virginia, 176, 288, 313, 420, 421, 460, 461, 468, 473, 474, 503, 567, 580, 617, 622, 624, 625 ; Indians, 465, 492. East Greenwich (E.), 7, 402, 405 ; Indies, 106, 249, 270, 292, 295, 299, 300, 442, 443, 463, 481, 482 ; India Company, 9, 10, 24, 43, 44, 48, 200, 220, 282, 242, 353, 481 ; India free school in Virginia, 442,^443, 474. Ecija, Captain, 87, 88, 110, 111. Eclipses, 164. Edicts of the governor, 278. Edmonds, or Edmunds, Sir Clement, 362 ; Master, 358, 376; *Sir Thomas, 181, 182, 185, 187, 198, 199, 220, 438, 526, 538, 634. Education, see College ; Indians ; Schools ; University. Edwards, Anthony, 257, 617 ; *Richard, 526, 590 ; Robert, 527, 537, 590. Efforts to colonize, 242. Egerton, *Sir Thomas, 6, 165, 187. Eld, G., 487. Eldred, *John, 10 ; *Walter, 362. Eldrington, Nathaniel, 451. Elections in the company, annual, 243, 251, 306, 384, 882-884, 422, 476, 587, 596, 597 ; deferred by order of James L, 526, 527, 535, 540. Elections in the colony, of the first House of Burgesses, 312-315 ; of the second, 570, 580 ; of the third, being the first under the crown, 648 ; Polanders to be enfranchised, 844 ; Indians, also, after conversion and education, 354, 855 ; see Balloting box. Elford, Captain Nicholas, 461. Elfrith (Alfred, etc.), *Captain Daniel, 267, 282, 284, 358, 559. Elgin, Earl of, see Bruce. Elizabeth, Princess, see Elizabeth Stuart. Elizabeth, Queen, see Elizabeth Tudor. Elizabeth City, 877, 408, 411, 458, 459, 474, 512, 545, 580, 617, 619-624 ;^ be- yond Hampton River, 580, 625 ; river, 813,411. Elkington, John, 629. Ellis, David, 613. Ellison, John, 613. Emigrants, 68, 69, 78, 128, 147, 149, 156, 184, 204, 220, 223, 224, 227-229, 246, 256, 266, 320, 342, 377-381, 405, 486, 489, 558, 611, 612, 618, 620, 622, 624, 625, 627 ; sent by order of James I., 246, 249, 296, 346, 348, 351, 375; sent by the city of London, 273-275, 290, INDEX 663 334, 346, 348, 351-354, 391, 485, 486 ; their inspiration the forming of " a more free government " in the new world, 85, 115, 223, 405, 632, 648-652 ; see Government; Lands; Law; Lib- erty ; Manufacture ; Medicine ; Politics ; Keligion; Virginia. Emmanuel I., Charles, 267. Emry, Thomas, 54. Engineers, 29, 327, 356, 445, 462, 471 ; see Surveyors. England, 1-20, 43-52, 62-67, 73-85, 100-107, 120-125, 140-148, 159-170, 177-188, 196-201, 214-223, 231-237, 242-252, 262-277, 279-282, 284-286, 290-308, 310-317, 324, 325, 333-369, 382-406, 412, 422-452, 458-460, 462, 476-498, 517-558, 585-604, 633-652 ; Church of, 2, 5, 31, 80, 187, 250, 378, 408, 457, 458, 558, 566, 630-632 ; con- stitution of, 457. Englebert, Mr., 386. English claim, 178 ; colonies, 152 ; settle- ment, 109-112; soldiers, 204; com- plaints, 220; court, 269; flax, 320; race and religion, 5, etc. Epes, William, 309, 567, 625, 626. Epes' Island, 322. Espinosa, Juan de, 88. Essex (Eng.), 272, 273, 408, 542. Essex, Earl of, see Devereux. Essington, *William, 333, 339, 384. Establishing the colony, 253, 262. Etherington, Nathaniel, 451. Euring, WiUiam, 272. Evans, Master, 288 ; Mr., 441 ; Owen, 291; see Ewins. Evers (Euers ?), Robert, 621. Evidences, iv, vi, ix, xiv-xix, xxi-xxiii; accounts of Argall's northern voyages, 213, 214; "Advice on Tobacco," 231 ; Anderson, 268; Archer's description of Virginia, 34-39, and letter, 94; Baker, 282 ; Bancroft MSS., 328 ; Baxter's "Gorges," 8; Bennet on To- bacco, 398-400; Beverley, 328, 375; bills of adventure, 245, 252 ; Birch's " Life of H. P. of W.," 124 ; Bradford, 262, 271, 407; broadsides, 100-104, 120, 144, 163, 167, 168, 185, 245, 366, 377-381, 387, 457, 486, etc. ; Brinsley, 443 ; Burke, xx ; Camden, 282 ; Cecil papers, 3-5, 43-49, 51, etc. ; certificates, 371, 413 ; Chalmers, 177 ; circular let- ters, 80, 147, 214, 222, 248, etc. ; Com- mons journals, 122, 215, 400, etc. ; declarations (several), 120, 121, 134, 142, 200, 214, 222, 233, etc. ; " Defense of Trade," 220; De la Warr's report, 159 ; Dexter's list, 272 ; " Discourse of the old Virginia Company." 641 ; " Dis- covery of the Barmudas," 142 ; docu- ments, see infra ; French Mercury, 182 ; Force's reprints, 78, 126, 134, 154, 168, 337, 369; Fuller, 12, 270; Gardiner, 244 ; Gazette letters, see Chamberlain* Carleton, Pory, etc. ; " Genesis of United States," for evidences (1606- 1616), 3, 5, 20, 82, 84, 85, etc. ; " Good Newes," 171, 186 ; " Good Speed," 82 ; Hagthorpe, 41 ; Hamor, 205, 219 ; Han- bury, 265 ; Hazard, 638, 639 ; Hening, 328, 578, 580 ; Heylin, 250 ; Hothersall and others, 416 ; Howe, 266 ; see In- structions ; instruments, 24 ; invoice, 580; Lederer, 112; Longleat MSS., 456 ; lord mayor's precept, 214 ; " Lost Flocke," 142 ; Macalester College, 492 ; " Magazine of American History," 338 ; maps, etc., 30, 70, 110, 135, 146, 147, 594, 595, 640 ; Martin, 492 ; Massachu- setts Historical Collections, 327 ; Maury, 21 ; " Narrative and Critical History," 252; "New England Register," 296, 651 ; Neill, 215, 333, 393, 492, 509, 517, 571 ; " New Life," 157, 168, 184 ; New York Historical Collections, 328; "Nova Britannia," 78, 82, 100, 101, 104, 121 ; "Nova Francia," 100; orders, etc., 319, 321, 337, 361, 366, 377-381; ordi- nance, etc., 426, 427, 455, 456 ; Peek- ard's " Ferrar," 436, 531, 555, 598, 602- 604; Percy, 94-96; "Plain Descrip- tion," 186; "Planter's Plea," 134; Purchas, 184, 187, etc.; Randolph MSS., 316, 561 ; Ratcliffe, 96 ; reports of Gates and Dale, 577; Rolfe, 226, 230, 236 ; see Sermons ; Shakespeare, 114-116; Smith's "True Relation," 59, 62, 63, Ms Oxford Tract, 59, 60, 184, 186, 635 ; "New England Trials," 469, History, see infra ; Spelman, 95 ; Stith, XV, 240, 310, 571-573, 575, 608 ; "Trade's Increase," 220; Treatise on " Indico " and silk manufacture, 465, 488 ; Virginia Historical Collections, 63, 317, 338, 455, 561 ; Virginia land patents, 605; "Virginia Richly Valued," 81 ; Virginia laws,162 ; Waterhouse, 486-488; White, 58; Wodenoth, 331; Yate, 374. Documents, letters, reports, etc., sent to Virginia (probably by every ship, see Ships), 24, 83, 84, 87, 93, 117, 139, 145, 148, 171, 188, 198, 202, 272, 278, 279, 285, 305, 362, 372, 409, 410, 413, 414, 419, 427, 428, 430, 441, 453, 454, 4.59, 460, 470, 471, 486, 499, 501, 520, 521, 523, 533, 559-561, 609; ditto, sent from Virginia (probably by every ship, see Ships), 33, 34, 43, 58, 59, 62, 67, 68, 73, 74, 94, 98, 99, 105, 106, 109, 120, 125, 134, 138-140, 144, 149, 151, 154, 155, 157-161, 171, 180, 189, 190, 196, 197, 202, 212, 217, 218, 225, 272, 279, 280, 283, 284, 305, 311, 325, 327, 339, 342, 355, 356, 361-364, 371-374, 408, 409, 412, 415, 417, 418, 462, 464, 474, 488, 490, 495, 498, 502-507, 510- 514, 533-535, 537, 560, 562, 565-570, 664: INDEX 577, 583, 587, 589, 595, 600, 609, 610, 642-646; letters /row James I., 248, 335, 384, 489, 533, 597, 598 ; to James I., 387, 389, 396, 397 ; letters in re the PU- ffrims, 262, etc. ; orders (special) from the Privy Coimcil, 520, 521, 526, 532, 538, 539, 543, 550-552, 555, 556, 572- 574, 587-589, 609, 633 (see Privy Coun- cil) ; proclamations, 352, etc. ; petitions to James I., xii, 67, 74, 75, 118, 141, 165 {see Charters, 1609, 1612), 508, 510, 593, 594, 650 ; to Parliament, 594, 595 ; to Charles I., 642-648; party papers, written in England: I, 5)7, 519, 523 ; II, 517, 518, 520, 523; III, 506, 507, 518, 523, 560 ; IV, 518-520, 523 ; V, 518, 519, 523 ; VI, 523 ; VII, 524, 527 ; VIII, 524 ; IX, 524 ; X, 524, 525, 527 ; XI, 524, 525, 527 ; answers, protests, etc., 523, 525, 528, 529, 536; ditto, written in Virginia: A, 569-571, 573 ; B, 569-571, 573 ; C, 572, 574 ; D, 572- 574 ; E, 134, 213, 224, 238, 573, 574 ; F, 576-578; G, 578-580; A-G, (1st) retained in the colony, 582, 651 ; A-G, (2d) sent by Pory, 582-584, 600, 601 ; A-G, (3d) sent by Pountis, 579, 582, 600, 601, 651 ; letters, etc., before the General Assembly, 572-575 ; sundry documents sent by Pory and Pountis (1624), 582-584; Harvey's reports (1625), 601, 610-612, 630, 640; reports of commissions in England, and in Virginia, 561, 591, 597; 582-584, 600, 601 , 630 ; records of sundry courts in England, 274, 275, 283, 351, 437, 603, etc.; in Virginia, 240, 375, 418, 421, 461, 462, etc. ; records of the company and colony, originals generally missing, iv, vi, ix, XV, xvii, xxi, 141, 147, 160, 194, 199, 216, 217, 220, 223, 231-234, 241, 243, 244, 251, 252, 254, 263-266, 269, 271, 283, 296, 297, 330, 331, 333, 337- 339, 367, 375, 380, 395, 458, 566, 590, 603, 604, 634, 638, 640 {see Courts, Government, etc.) ; the Privy Council concealed (locked up, suppressed, and probably destroyed) the records, vi, xv, xxi, 147, 337-339, 395, 527, 528, 532, 541, 585, 587, 588, 603, 604, 632, 634, 635, 638 ; and then the crown licensed the history which we have been taught to regard as the standard authority on the English colonization of America, vi, viii, XV, 632, 635-637 ; Smith's his- tory, iii-xxii, 26, 56, 59, 60, 66-71, 93, 96, 98, 118, 121, 239, 240, 246, 247, 284, 311, 321, 325, 326, 416, 469, 540, 615, 635-637 ; Smith's works (Arber's edi- tion), 254, 310, 540, 614; see British Museum ; Law Library of Congress ; Lenox Library, and Library of Con- Foreign documents, 147 ; see France ; Netherlands; Spain (Ecija, Gondomar, Lerma, Molina, Pereda, Philip III., Spanish couucils, Ulloa, Velasco, Ybarra, Zuniga, F. and P.). Ewins, Wniiam, 288 (?), 388, 413, 453, 536, 561, 621. Exchange, The, 589. Exchequer Chamber, 405, 424. Exeter, Earl of, see Thomas Cecil. Fairfax, Mr., 281 ; William, 622. Faldoe, Wniiam H., 128, 136, 137. Falling Creek, 465, 466, 617. Falles (Captain Newport's), of James River, 29, 34, 40, 58, 63, 69, 70, 95, 112, 136, 150, 151, 154, 156, 164, 322, 462 ; of the Potomac, 460. Falmouth, 55, 92. Farmers, 205, 209, 210, 227-229, 253. Faucett, Edward, 444. Fauna, sent to Virginia, 149, 150, 153, 156, 205, 229, 254, 256, 258, 276, 278, 279, 284, 312, 323, 346, 353, 376, 378, 384, 414, 420, 455, 459, 470, 479, 576- 578, 611, 618, 620, 623-627 ; of Vir- ginia, 35, 36, 54, 155, 174, 205, 206, 208, 225, 226, 229, 255, 256, 260, 278, 460, 576, 577, 625. Fearne, *Sir John, 201. Felgate, Tobias, 371, 388, 413, 452 ; *WU- liam, 452, 536, 560, 629. Fells, John, 581, 630. Fennor, John, 298. Fenton, Rev. Mr., 631. Ferrar, *John (deputy, 333-475), 338, 337, 339, 341, 343, 348, 363, 364, 382, 383, 386, 397, 398, 410, 420, 427, 428, 432, 435, 439, 454, 456, 457, 460, 477, 481, 491, 493, 496-498, 501, 512-515, 523, 526-528,530,531,533, 537, 538, 560, 564, 587, 602-604 ; Mr., 401, 504, 508, 512; *Nicholaa, Sr., 364; *Nicholas, Jr. ^deputy, 476-632), 272, 300, 336, 428," 435, 439, 444, 454, 455, 460, 477, 491, 496, 499, 517, 523, 526-528, 530- 532, 534, 535, 537, 538, 550, 552, 553, 560, 564-566, 585, 586, 594-597, 599, 600, 603, 609, 634, 640 ; *William, 564, 619, 646. Ferrar's House, 343, 344, 439. Ferrar's, or Farrar's, Island, 157, 208, 313. Ferriby, Richard, 413. Fields (see Fells), m- Fills, 630. Finch, Frances, 413 ; Heneage, 398, 482 ; Margaret, 413 ; William, 413. First : expedition, 21 ; act on first land- ing, 23 ; landing at Jamestown, 26 ; church services, 31 ; object, 31 ; docu- ments sent from, 33, 43 ; descriptions of country and people, 34-39 ; supplies to Virginia, 50 ; signer, 52 ; proposed Parliament, 56 ; published account, 63 ; petitions against a royal form of gov- ernment, 67, 74, 75, 118, 329; explora- tion above the falls, 69 ; marriage, 70 ; INDEX 665 gentlewoman, 70; popular charter of the company, 74, 75 ; news in Virginia of the new charter, 86 ; fleet sent under the new charter, 92, 97, 98 ; fort at Old Point Comfort, 108 ; fruit of the first Eng-lish Protestant marriage, 113 ; re- public in America, 119 (see 85 et seq. ) ; American patriots, 118; published laws, 12(3 ; written laws, 131 ; news of the tempest in England, 140 ; Virginia courts, 141 ; crop of tobacco, 174, 196 ; criticism of the company managers through the press, 184 ; fruit of the English Church, etc., 203, 247; mar- riage of an English gentleman to an Indian princess, 204 ; named in the patent, 225 ; by his wisdom laid a foun- dation, 225 ; definite exportation of tobacco, 231 ; share of land in Virginia, 233-235; magazine ship, 235, 238; Brandon, one of the first private plan- tations (owned by a planter), patented, 236 ; private hundred (owned by ad- venturers), 256 ; curing of tobacco on lines, 257, 240 ; commissioned secretary of state, 295 ; educated Indian, 296 ; free election, 314, 315 ; General As- sembly and organization of a popular form of government, 313-324 ; grants of land by a governor, 323; "West- over " located, 324 ; official news in Virginia of the change in the adminis- tration of the company, 328 ; General Assembly record, 327, 328, 356 ; ship sent under the new administration, 345 ; ship sent to Berkeley, 345 ; settlers of Berkeley, 371 ; governor of the Sandys- Southampton administration, 405 ; debt of civil and religious liberty due to broad-minded members of the Church of England, 408 ; Plymouth patent, 424 ; ship sent under New England charter, 425 ; legal right to the Pilgrims for settlement, 425 ; thanksgiving sermon and supper, 429, 430 ; breach of promise suit, 564 ; plantation of the Reformed religion in America, 595 ; Independent church in London, 631 ; martyrs to the cause of Christ, xii, 631 ; college for the education of the Indians and Eng- lish, 632; free schools for the educa- tion of the natives, 632 ; hospitals and charitable institutions, 632 ; ship sent under Charles I., 644 ; royal secre- tary of state, 646 ; election of Bur- gresses and General Assembly under the crown, 648 ; see Manufacture. Fish, 25, 35, 37, 54, 94, 135, 173, 175, 176, 179, 205, 206, 226, 379, 460, 516, 577, 618, 620, 623-625. Fisheries, northern, 391, 423, 435, 436, 565. Fishing, 138, 139, 175, 225, 229, 282,297, 310, 328, 384, 385, 435 ; business, 376, 387-390 ; at Cape Cod, 347, 349, 350, 360, 365, 385, 387, 388, 403, 425, 435, 599 ; clause, 403 ; company at the North, 253, 296, 384, 385; grounds, 224; monopoly, 388, 437, 490; for pearls, 20, 44, etc.; tackle, 282; see under Free. Fishing voyages, 175, 176, 346, 350, 360, 365, 403, 428, 430, 435, 436, 444, 471, 490, 494, 504, 549, 561, 568, 581 ; see Ships. Fisher, Robert, 613. Fitch, or Fytch, *Matthew, 28, 32, 92, 97. Fitz Jeffreys, Mr., 629. Fleet, Captain Henry, 508; Katharine, 484 ; *William, 484. Flinton, Joan, 613; Dr. Pharao, 452, 613, 622. Flood, John, 240, 241, 613. Flora of Virginia, and sent to Virginia from England, the Bermudas, etc., 35- 37, 58, 133, 183, 184, 205-208, 225-228, 230, 233, 255, 260, 276, 320, 409, 461, 462, 464, 465, 469, 470, 488, 533, 561, 568, 577, 620 ; see Corn ; Sassafras ; Silk- grass ; Tobacco ; Vines, etc. Flores, or Flory, Captain, 191, 213, 217. Florida, 1, 28, 64, 81, 82, 87, 90, 91, 111, 144, 152, 178, 181, 211. Flowerdieu Hundred, 314, 322, 468-470. Floyd, Rev. John, 183, 184, 186. Flushing, 224, 231, 326, 387, 417, 459, 568. Fluvanna River, 69. Fogg, Raphe, 390. Food, see Provisions. " Forefathers' Day," 407. Foreign invasion, 210, 211. Forest, Jesse de, 427, 450 ; Mrs., 70. Fortifications, 276, 327, 356, 461, 471, 576, 611, 618, 620, 623-625, 628 ; bulwark, 211; "corps du gard," 32, 278, 623; earthworks, 276 ; fortifying the col- ony, 226, 386 ; impaling, 210, 225, 226 ; land batteries, 210; pallisadoes, 30, 130, 254, 278,626; platform for ord- nance, 211; stockades, 226, etc. Forts, 30, 308, 420, 620, 623, 625, 626, 640 ; Charity, 209; Charles, 134-136, 149, 150, 153, 211 ; Elizabeth, 209 ; Henry, 134-136, 149, 150, 153, 211; Hope in Faith, 209 ; Mt. Malada, 209 ; Monroe, 108; Patience, 209; Powhatan, 322; on Tyndall's shoals, 451, 501, 502, 511, 514; at Warraskoyack, 511, 514, 515, 562, 569 ; see Algemoune Fort ; Arms ; Blockhouses ; Dutch gaps ; Jamestown. Fortescue, Sir N., 521 ; Simon, 619. Foster, Thomas, 359. Fotherby, *Henry, 264, 293, 333, 382, 638. Fotheringill, James, 497. Foundation, our national, v, vi, ix, x, xii, xiii, xv-xxii, xxiv, 74, 75, 78, 83, 85, 99, 223, 329-332, 622, 558, 589, 615, 666 INDEX 632, 648-652 ; a mythical, iii, 652 ; see Charters ; Government ; Lands ; Laws ; Liberty ; Managers ; Religion ; Virginia Company. " Four mile tree," 287. Fowler, John, 622. Fox, Richard, 274. Foxton, Elias, 364. France, xviii, 147, 180, 190-192, 197-199, 214, 217, 220, 416 ; Lilies of, 193. Francke, Arthur and William, 356. Franco, Pedro Diaz, 88. Freake, Mr., 524 ; *Su- Thomas, 14, 84. Free air of America, 56, 67, 332. Free, of customs period, 299 ; of duty, 84, 167,263,268,299; elections, 312, 313, 315, 366-368, 383, 384, 405, 434, 476- 478, 616, 643 ; fishing, 349, 388, 403- 405, 425, 435, 438, 444; laws, 312; plantation, 298 ; popular state, 251, 530, 651 ; posterity, 74 ; speech, 438 ; trade, 69, 101, 215, 250, 258, 259, 298, 311, 432, 434; "Freedom's holy light," 652 ; see Liberty. French, 128, 133, 198, 213, 217, 219, 257, 379, 406, 415, 416, 420, 422, 427-429, 461, 488, 515, 562:; in Florida, 28, 87, 90, 109, 181 ; ambassador, 217 ; claims, 191-193; company, 215; complaints, 220 ; colony, 172, 176, 197, 198, 462 ; prisoners at Jamestown, 191-195, 204 ; settlement, 145, 192 ; vignerons, 464, 465 ; see France. Frethorne, Richard, 467, 513. Frobisher, Richard, 116. Fuller, *Nicholas, 122. Furs, 226, 241, 297, 379, 380, 457, 502, 562, 644. Galthropp, Steven, 22. Gany, William, 624. Garcia, Corporal, 88. Garnet, Thomas, 613. Garrett, George, 497 ; Samuel, 619 ; Wil- liam, 416, 619. Gates, Henry, 420 ; Thomas, 621 ; *Sir Thomas, 6, 52, 62, 64, 76, 77, 84, 85, 92, 95, 100, 102, 105, 108, 114, 115, 117, 118, 126-131, 133, 134, 138, 140, 142, 145, 148, 149, 156-159, 162, 168, 171- 173, 175, 179, 182, 189, 192, 194, 202, 203, 207, 210, 212, 214, 225, 229, 242, 264, 323, 330, 343, 344, .347, 356, 360, 361, 364, 368, 369, 386, 392, 396, 418, 446, 447, 489, 577, 579, 631; his daughters, 156, 157 ; his wife, 156, 157, 162. " Gebellines," 542. Geneva, Genevan principles, 250, 251, 262, 310, 408, 529. Georgia, 112; Indians, 211. Ghent, 542. Gibbins, Gibbons, James, 498, 538, 561 ; John, 498. Gibbs, Edmond, 362; John, 314, 413; Thomas, Jr., 362; *Thomas, Sr., 267, 347, 362-364, 367, 410, 422, 427, 428, 454, 460, 481, 526. Gifford, IsabeU, 413; Francis, 622; PhiHp, 369. Gilbert, *Sir Humphrey, 1, 76 ; *Sir John, 14, 66, 77 ; *Ralegh, 6, 16, 17. Giles, or Gyles, *Sir Edward, 394. Girone, Don F. de, 64. Glanville, *Mr. [Francis], 404, 436. Glass, 502, 562 ; glass-furnace, 427, 430 ; glass-house, 132 ; glass-works, 454, 463, 465, 503, 505, 569 ; see Manufactures. Gloucester Point, 58. Glover, *Rev. Mr., 631. Godby, Thomas, 613, 622. Godfry, or Godfree, Richard, 371, 414. Godson, or Goodson, Robert, 536. Godwin, see Goodwin. Gofton, Sir Francis, 521, 585, 634. Gold, Isaac, 430. Gold mines, etc., xviii, 32, 33, 43-47, 57, 59, 63, 65, 69, 106, 136, 153, 188, 196, 270, 399, 577 ; belt of Virgmia, 69 ; see Mines. Goldsmith, Samuel, 274. Goldstone, see Gulston. *Gondomar, Count de, viii, 188, 196-198, 200, 204, 211, 212, 218, 220, 224, 234, 236, 237, 243, 269, 270, 276, 300, 361, 436, 438-440, 531, 597, 599. Gonzales, Andres, 88 ; Vineente, 88, 91. Gooch, Dr. Bamaby, 489. Goodwin, Francis, 444 ; *Sir Francis, 401. Gookin (Goggin, Cockin, Cockayne, etc.), Daniel, 455, 458, 459, 463, 471, 624, 629. Gore, John, 274, 351; *Robert, 333; *William, 274, .351. Gorges, *Sir Ferdinando, 3, 6, 8-10, 13, 15, 16, 43, 48, 51, 52, 292, 309, 349, 360-363, 380, 388-390, 403-405, 424, 425, 435, 436, 438, 444, 449, 450, 489, 490 ; Captain Robert, 566. Gosnold, *Anthony, Sr., 70 ; Anthony, Jr., 429 ; *Captain Bartholomew, 12, 22, 30, 33, 41, 55, 118, 135 ; Robert, 429. Gouge, *Rev. William, 202, 212. Gourgaing (Gooking ?), Edward, 314. Government of the colony under the crown (1607-1609), designed by James I., monarchical, v, vi-ix, xii, xiii, xv, 9-119 {see, also, 127, 187, 236, 329, 332, 405, 557, 558, 637, 639) ; the petition from Virginia against this government was the germ of popular rights in America, xii, 67, 74, 75, etc. ; " Sove- raigne rule in Virginia." 95, 96, 616; transfer period (1609-1610), 97-117. Presidents of the King's Council in Virginia: E.-M. Wingfield, 21-42; J. Ratcliffe, 53-61 ; J. Smith, 68-71, SQ, 93-96 ; during the transfer period, G. Percy, 97-99, 108-117. (Jovernment of the colony under the OF THB ^^y~ UNIVERSITY INDEX "^*^iJ?^i.lFORmL 667 company, v, vi, xii, xix, xx; while planting the colony (1610-1615), the form was advisedly a strong one, 117, 127-230. Governors in Virginia during this period: T. Gates, 117-119, 126- 128, 156-158, 171-176, 189-195, 202, 203; T. West (De la Warr), 128-138; G. Percy, 138, 139, 149 ; T. Dale, 149- 156, 203-213, 224-230. The object had been to plant a more free government in the new world than then obtained at home (85), and while establishing the colony (1615-1618) the managers were designing such a form, 223, 230-289; see 241-243, 249-251, 266, etc.; also, 115, 117, 127, 557. The governors in Virginia during this period were : G. Yeardley, 230, 238-241; S. Argall, 253-261, 277-287 ; N. Powell, 287-289. Establishing the new form of govern- ment (1618-1622) in Virginia, 266, 281, 290-466. Owing to the massacre and to the fact that James I. and others in England were protesting against the popular government being established in America, from April, 1622, to Febru- ary, 1625, was a period of interruption in Virginia, 466-614. Governors in Vir- ginia during these periods : G. Yeard- ley, 308-332, 370-381, 407-421; F. Wyatt, 453-475, 499-516, 559-584, 605- 614. James I. had determined (in Feb- ruary, 1622) to resume the government of Virginia, and was arranging a pre- text for doing so, viii, 186, 439, 448, 475, 479, 510, 521, 531, 532, 534, 540- 542, 547-549, 551, 555, 556, 561, 571- 584 ; see Commissions in England and in Virginia to justify the king in re- suming the government. Government of the colony resumed by the crown, vii, viii, 603, 605, 611, 614, 615, 637, 639,^ 641, 642, 644, 650. James I., designing a permanent royal government for Virginia, with aid of former royal commissioners for Ire- land, 539, 541, 543-553, 555, 572-581, 593, 614, 633-635, 638-640, 649. The transfer period was February, 1625- February, 1627, and owing to the death of James L, the actual transfer fortu- nately took place under Charles I., 614-632, 639-648. Governors in Vir- ginia, during this period : F. Wyatt, 614-632, 639-645, 647; G. Yeardley, 645-648 ; F. West, 648 ; and so far as they could they held the government of the colony "to the right ends de- clared," 85, 99, 223, 237, 441, 648, 649, 651. Government of the colony and company, historic questions relative to " the alter- ation thereof into so popular a course," v-xx, 71, 73-85, 98, 99, 115, 186, 237, 439, 519, 521, 529, 530, 540-542, 547, 548, 550, 554-558, 589, 598, 599, 614, 615, 632, 635, 639, 647-652. Government, the company's form of, some references thereto from the different points of view of the patriot and court parties : v-ix, xv-xxii, 85, 223, 237, 309, 310, 313, 318, 329, 330, 332, 384, 385, 387, 405, 408, 437, 439, 448, 475, 478, 519, 529, 530, 539, 542, 557, 558, 588, 589, 599, 615, 616, 633-635, 637, 639, 642, 648-650. Outline: two supreme councils, 293, 309 ; I. Council of State, 293, 309, 310, 315, 323, 324, 382, 410, 417, 422, 423, 426, 427, 455, 456, 463, 464, 467, 474, 521, 563-565, 667, 572, 609, 610, 616, 649; II. General Assem- bly, 56, 70, 166, 293, 309, 312-324, 361, 364, 365, 375, 377, 385, 419, 427, 453, 455, 456, 458, 462, 569-581, 614, 616, 643, 646-650 ; House of Burgesses, xii, 263, 309, 312-315, 570-581, 614, 616, 647-651; "assembled together" (con- ventions ?), 642, 647, 648 ; constitution, etc., 384-386, 410, 426, 427, 455, 456, 624, 629; temporary government of private plantations, 354, 371, 372, 407; fees, wages, etc., 376, 411, etc. See Charters ; Corporations; Courts; Crown ; Elections ; Emigrants ; Evidence ; Foun- dation ; Free ; Geneva ; Instructions ; In- dependence ; Lands ; Laws ; Liberty ; Magna Charta; Managers; Pensions; Politics ; Popular ; Virginia. Grandison, Viscount, see Oliver St. John. Grave, or Graves, George, 613 ; *Thomas, 314, 318, 613, 629. Gravesend, 55, 247, 249, 253. Gray, *John, 383; *Robert, 82. Gray's Inn, 453. Great Bay, 460 ; Weyonoke, 619 ; Wya- nokes, 516 ; Yarmouth, 222. Great Charter, see Magna Charta. Green, *Mr. [Lawrence], 386. Greenland, 198, 199. Greenleafe, Robert, 613. Greenway, Richard, 369. Greenwich (East), 7, 402, 405. Gregory XIIL, Pope, 110. Grenville (Greenville, etc.), *Bemard, 14; Frances, 413 ; *Sir Richard, 1. Gresham College, 198. Greville, *Foulke, Lord Brooke, 14, 263, 264, 445, 480, 526, 538, 593. Griffin, J., 617. Grimes, or Grymes, George, 619. Grimsditeh, Thomas, 359. Grindon, Edward, 239, 580, 608, 613, 621. Grocers' company, 124, 168, 213. Grubb, John, 622. Guadeloupe, 22, 415. " Guamuyhurta," 109. Guandape, 89. " Guano," 111 ; " Guatan," 110 ; " Guelfs," 542. Guercheville, *Madame, 178, 191, 219. 668 INDEX Guiana, 3, 48, 121. Guinea, 289, 292. Gulf Stream, 21, 24, 87, 92, 111, 154, 261. Gulston, *Dr. Theodore, 246, 339, 342, 350, 382, 426, 454, 460. Gundrie, or Gunnery, John, 613, 624. Gunpowder Plot, 5, 180. Guy, Captain, 459 ; Mr., 404. Gyver, Robert, 419. Haberly, James, 629. Hackett, Edmond, 364, 536, 560, 590. Hague, The, 145, 234, 247, 294, 356, 427, 489. Hailstorm of 1618 in Virginia, 278. Haiward or Hay ward, Hugh, 613. Hakewell, *WiUiam, 398. Hakluyt, Edmond, 423; *Rev. Richard, 1, 6, 73, 81, 82, 243, 423. HaU, George, 413 ; John, 613 ; Robert, 433. Halliday, William, 273, 351. Halsey, or Haulsey, John, 251, 369. Hamersley, *Hugh, 366, 476, 526. Hamilton, Marquis of, 439, 482, 526, 531, 538, 553. Hamond, Susan, 362. Hamor, *Ralph, Sr., 445; *Ralph, Jr., 132, 157, 191, 203, 205-211, 213, 219, 225, 226, 228, 243-245, 247, 253, 256, 310, 402, 445, 456, 463, 464, 472, 474, 475, 490, 564, 571, 579, 608, 610, 613, 614, 616, 621, 622, 629, 639, 646; Thomas, 245. Hampton, Walter, 371. Hampton, Court, 48, 50, 434 ; river, 135, 309, 323, 580, 623. Handford, or Hansford, *Sir Humphrey, 334, 339, 382, 476, 497. Hanham, *Thomas, 6, 9, 15. Harber, Edward, 350. Harding, Christopher, 619. Harecutious (?), Mr., 346. Hariot, *Thomas, 73. Harley, *Captain Edward, 16, 148; Sir Robert, 497, 599 ; see Hawley. Harper, *Mr. [John], 369. Harris, John, 564, 619; Thomas, 365; 571, 579, 613. Harrison, *Edward, 390; Ensign, 310; *George, 464, 471, 503, 504, 581, 582, 620; *John, 444, 503, 581, 582, 600. Harrison's Landing, 371. Hart, *Sir Eustace, 267 ; John, 406, 536, 549, 561, 563. Harvests, 327, 472, 474, 566, 568, 578. Harvey, Captain, afterwards Sir John, 56, 390, 421, 556, 571-576, 580, 583, 608, 610-^12, 614, 621, 629, 639, 640, 645, 646, 650 ; Sir Sebastian, 296. Harwell, Sir Edmond, 444 ; Francis, 444, 629, 630. Harwich, 273, 597. Harwood, or Horwood, *Sir Edward, 295, 301, 340, 344, 523 ; Thomas, 382, 410, 455, 462, 474. Hassard, John, 122. Hastings, *Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, 382. Hatton, John, 613. Havana, 145, 152, 163, 182, 412. Hawes (Himes, etc.), Nicholas, 15, 190. Hawkins, *Sir John, 1, 178 ; *Sir Rich- ard, 14, 239. Hawley, Edward, 460 ; see Harley. Hay, *James, Lord Doncaster, etc., 295, 367, 393, 397, 434, 531, 538. Hayes, *Captain Edward and Thomas, 3-5. Hayman, Sir Peter, 436. Hazell, Captain, 44. Hazenell, Captain Robert, 480. Heale; *Sir Warwick, 292, 436. Heath, *Sir Robert, 347, 354, 363,385, 401, 547, 592, 599, 628, 634. Helicott, Thomas, 257. Henrico, Henerico, Henricus, etc., 150, 151, 154-157, 171, 175, 194, 208, 209, 228, 238, 240, 254, 308, 313, 314, 319, 322, 336, 377, 411, 467, 470, 500, 545, 546, 579, 617, 618; Island, 375, 482. Henry, Prince of Wales, see Henry Stuart. *Henry IV., the Great, of France, 192, 198. Henry V. of England, 14. Henry, Patrick, 650, 651. " Herauldes, the college of," 84. Herbert, *Edward (attorney) 351, 362, 365, 367, 383, 385, 397, 528 ; *Philip, Earl of Montgomery, 115, 247, 444, 609 ; *WiUiam, Earl of Pembroke, 104, 115, 244, 405, 439, 444, 445, 463, 526, 531, 538, 553, 609, 629. "Hercules," 221. Hertford, Eaijl of, see Edward Seymour. Heskias, or Haskins, Alice, 413. Hext, Sir Edward, 292. Hickford, Henry, 369. Hide, or Hyde, *Sir Lawrence, 367, 494, 594. High Wycombe, 222. Hill, Edward, 467, 474, 512, 624; John, 512 Hillary, Christopher, 629. Hills, D., 351. Hillsboro' (N. C), 211. Hilton, Anthony and Elizabeth, 559. Himes (Hawes, etc.), Nicholas, 15, 190. Hitch, John, 484. Hitchman, William, 116. Hobart, *Sir Henry, 165 ; William, 513. Hobson, Edward, 617 ; John, 619 ; *Capt. Nicholas, 148 ; Thomas, 240, 241, 619. Hodges, *John, 274 ; *Thomas, 362. Hodgson, John, 336. Hog Island, 70, 127, 287, 374, 580, 617, 618, 621, 622. Holborn (Eng.), 527. INDEX 669 Hole, *William, 146, 346. Holecroft, *Captain Thomas, 100, 131, 136 ; *Sir Thomas, 14, 122. Holland, Gabriel, 413, 571, 579, 613; Mary, 621; Rebecca, 613; Richard, 413. Holland, 64, 124, 156, 200, 208, 218, 226, 235, 327, 362, 387, 417, 449, 450, 459, 495, 593 ; see States General. Hollanders, 295, 380, 415, 449, 559, 593. HoUock, Jarrett, 241. Hollo way, John, 356. Holmden, John, 413. Holy City, 108. Hope, John, 353. Hopkins, Eliezer, 224; Rev. Mr., 482, 631 ; Stephen, 116, 408. Home, 380, 459. Horsey, Sir J., 401. Horton, Mistress, 116. Horwood, or Harwood, Sir Edward, 295, 301 ; see Harwood. Hoskins, Bartholomew, 408, 624. Hothersall, Thomas, 416, 622. Houghton, Lord, *John Holies, 382, 477. House of Austria, 592 ; of Burgesses, see Government ; of Commons, viii, xviii, 14, 16, 17, 122, 215, 216, 398, 400. 422-424, 434-441, 493, 556, 595-600, 636 ; of Lords, 17, 215, 216, 599 ; see Parliament ; Politics. Howard, *Charles (Lord Admiral), 2, 263, 267, 277 ; *Henry (Northampton), 17, 180; Hugh, 613; *Theophilus, 115; *Thomas (Arundell), 293, 360-362, 365, 389, 425, 538, 555 ; ^Thomas (Suf- folk), 50, 263. Howe, Mr., 416. Howlett, John, 413 ; William, 413. Huatt, Nathaniel, 622. Hudleston, Huddleston, Hurlestone, Hurdston, etc., Capt. John, 409, 469, 471 472 621 622. Hudson, Henry' 59,' 64, 65, 92, 105, 124, 132, 164, 193, 255; Leonard, 474; Robert, 271. Hudson Bay, 165, 198, 487; river, 105, 193, 380, 430, 448, 450, 454, 470, 514, 559. Huguenots, 1, 28, 87, 90, 109, 408 ; see French ; Walloons. Humble, *Peter, 527. Hun (?), Edmund, 491. Hundreds, 250, 256, 257, 291, 309, 314, 327, 377, 433, 627, 628. Hungary, 65. Himgerford, *Sir Edward, 14. Hungers, or Hungars, Creek, 421, 625. Hunt, *Rev. Robert, 12, 30, 31, 57, 70, 631 ; Thomas, 200. Huntingdon, Earl of, see Henry Hastings. Hurd, Edward, 482, 630; John, 371. Hurt, Nathaniel, 622. Hutchins, Robert, 622, Hutchinson, Henry, 445 ; Robert, 622. Ibbison, or Ibotson, Percival, 622. Iceland, 21. Incorporations, see Corporations. Independence, our, xxi, 75, 166, 448. Indians, vii, 24, 27-32, 40, 42, 53-57, 59, 60, 69, 110, 137, 144, etc, ; attack by, 30, 45; belief of, 293, 294; bowmen, 204 ; break the peace, 281 ; description of, 37-39 ; families, 454 ; guides, 205 ; hostages, 173; kings, 460, 462, 508; massacre, 466-475 ; missions. 111, 112 ; peace with, 173, 175, 192, 204, 205, 212, 213, 226, 238, 243, 417, 465, 471 ; plot the massacre, 465 ; poisoned, 568, 569 ; princess saves a captive, 57, 82 ; trade with, 297, 320, 372, 567 ; " trained to shoot in guns," 239, 278 ; wars with, 30, 45, 94, 95, 97, 105, 109, 112, 113, 131, 133, 136, 239, 464-469, 471-475, 484, 499, 510-516, 565-570, 576, 577, 583, 589 ; to be brought into subjection, 492, 493; to be exterminated, 500- 503, 507, 508, 562, 606-608, 611; wheat, see Corn. Indians, conversion of, 4, 6, 175, 203, 212, 248, 272, 275, 286, 320, 322, 335, 354- 356, 364, 374, 417, 418, 441, 442, 454, 462, 466, 632 ; churches for, 248, 275, 286; converts, Chanco, Pocahontas, 203, 468, 469, and two not named in 1625, 624 ; education of, 230, 233, 234, 246, 248, 297, 320, 322, 335, 441, 442, 491, 500, 570, 596, 632 ; after conver- sion and education to be enfranchised, 354, 355 ; see College and Schools ; Re- ligion. Industries inaugnrated, see Manufac- tures. Ingram, *Sir Arthur, 483. Inner Temple, 451. Instructions, 251, 266, 293, 317, 318, 320, 455, 457, 459, 647. Ipswich (Eng.), 146. Irby, *Anthony, 367. Ireland, 3, 66, 162, 184, 236, 348, 420, 443, 451, 459, 463, 547, 590, 610, 629. Irish, 125, 459, 461 ; pirates, 105 ; planta- tion, 459. Iron, .36, 37, 106, 123, 133, 379, 423, 457, 478, 479, 562; bloomery, 562; mills, 479; works, 361, 379, 423, 441, 442, 454, 463, 465, 467, 500, 503, 569. Isle of Wight county, 313; plantation, 419, 468. Istan, the great king, 514. Italians, 455, 463, 505. Italy, 181, 416. Itopatin {see Istan), 280. Iverson, Percival, 622. Jacatra, 299. Jackson, John, 314, 318, 621. Jacob, Abraham, 483, 496 ; Rev. Henry, 631; John, 483, 496; Mr., 343, 348, 350, 426, 432. 670 INDEX Jacobopolis, 48 ; see Jamestown. Jacobson, James and Philip, 452. Jamaica, 164. James, *Thomas, 10. James I., see James Stuart. James City, 254, 286, 308, 313, 314, 321, 322, 370, 371, 374, 377, 408, 411, 414, 462, 463, 468, 470, 503, 516, 545, 579, 582, 620-623, 647. James Fort, 32, 48. James, or Jamestown Island, 470, 579, 621. James Port, 39. James River, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 69, 70, 77, 92, 112, 151, 194, 195, 203, 209, 210, 226, 236, 256, 267, 313, 314, 371, 372, 408, 418, 451, 473, 492, 501, 619, 623. Jamestown, xiii, xx, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 40, 45, 47, 54-61, 68, 69, 71, 89, 90, 95, 97, 105, 108-113, 116, 117, 127-139, 142, 150-158, 175, 191, 192, 203, 207- 211, 224-229, 238, 254-257, 278-287, 308-315, 323, 373, 375, 408, 418, 420, 458, 463-465, 468, 471-475, 500, 579, 582, 608, 619-626, 648. Janson, William, 498. Japazus, 372. Jarratt, Samuel and William, 619. Jefferson, Captain, 571 ; John, 314, 318, 571, 621. Jefferyes, or Jeffrys, George, 122 ; Ro- bert, 445. Jelfe, James, 413. Jenkins, Oliver, 613. Jephson, Sir J., 402. Jerland, Dr. James, 416. Jermyne, Mr., 477 ; PhUip, 369, 385 ; *Sir Thomas, 402. Jerusalem, 108. Jesuits, 111, 145, 176, 178, 183, 191-193, 195, 197, 198, 204, 214, 217, 219. Johnson, or Jonson, *Ben, 247 ; Cornelius, 459; *Edward, 624; John, 335, 370; 613, 621 ; *Robert, 78, 124, 168, 169, 243, 259, 267, 272, 274, 280, 293, 299, 301, 305, 306, 342, 343, 366, 384, 427, 438, 444, 446, 447, 479, 489, 517, 518, 522, 523, 528, 533, 569-572, 634; *Thomas, 274 ; Tobias, 629. Joint, or Common, Stock, 79, 103, 104, 231-233, 237, 238, 240, 243, 244, 268, 278, 291, 296, 297, 324. JoUes, John, 482. Jones, Elizabeth, 613; Giles, 622; Sir Henry, 350 ; John, 371 ; Capt. Thomas, 353, 363, 407, 424, 469, 470, 484, 645 ; William, 421 ; Sir WilHam, 259, 448, 521, 542, 552. Jones' Neck, 313. Jopassus, or Japazus, 137, 372. Jordan, or Jourdan, Cicely, 563, 564, 594, 613; *Samuel, 314, 318, 470, 481, 563, 564, 619 ; S. (?), 186. "Jordan's Journey," 470, 563, 579, 619, 624, 627 ; river, 88-90, 110, 112. Joyce, William, 416. Juan, Father Francis (from the monastery of Guadalupe in Spain), 111. Julian, William, 132, 613, 624. "Jupiter," 221. Kainta, 134. Keane, Richard, 460. Kecoughtan, 25, 29, 53, 60, 133, 135, 153, 211, 309, 323, 470, 473, 475, 516; " Keeketan," 370 ; Kequoughtan, 228, 229 ; see Kiceowtan. Keene, George, 413. Keightley, *Thomas, 333, 339, 351, 352, 362, 367, 382, 554, 589, 590. Keith, Rev. George, 624, 631. Keith's Creek, 468. Kemish, or Kemys, Arthur, 413; Mr., 470 ; Thomas, 413. Kempe, William, 480. Kemps, an Indian, 137. KendaU, *Captain George, 24, 30, 41, 53, 55, 118; Miles, 359,391. Kent, Humphrey, 619. Kent (Eng.), 334, 436, 590, 597. Kenwan Marsh, 322. KeiTidge, Thomas, 481. Keschiacks (Cheskackes, etc.), 225; Kis- kaiek, 154. Kiceowtan, 254, 258, 314, 319, 377; Ki- coughton, 308 ; Kiquotan, 411 ; see Kecoughtan. KiUigrew, *Sir Robert, 14, 496, 527,528, 531, 538, 609, 634, 643. Killingbeck, Mr., 281. King, Captain, 92; *Rev. John, 185,246, 303, 366, 477 ; Mr., 364 King and Queen of France, 220. King George County, 174; James his river, 26; Patowomeck, 174; Pow- atah, 29. "King.rood"(Eng.), 370. King's Bed-chamber, 478, 636; Bench, 291, 292, 586-589, 601-603, 634, 635. Kingsmill, Richard, 132, 571, 580, 613, 621. Kirby, Captain, 359, 370 ; Edward, 386 ; John, 430. Kirkham, R., 366. " Kitchin's plot," 211. Lafuente, Fr. Diego de, 276, 358. Lake, John, 624 ; *Sir Thomas, 187, 299. Lakes, the great, 60 ; " some Lacke," 54. Lamb, John and Richard, 369. Lambert, Mr., 257, 260. Lampkin, John, 283. Lands, dividing the, 233, 235, 243, 246, 254 ; grants, patents, etc., 249, 250, 280, 289, 297, 305, 318-320, 324, 354, 356, 365, 379, 390, 391, 408, 418, 419, 421, 430, 443, 444, 535, 605, 606, 608, 611, 615, 617-625, 627-630, 647 (illegal (?) grants, 280, 319, 323) ; shares, etc., on bills of adventure, on adventure of the INDEX 671 person, and upon merit, 244, 245, 252, 273, 2U2, 2U5, 296, 299, 800, 307, 318, 319, 334, 336, 339, 342, 344-346, 348, 350, 351, 353, 355, 356, 360-366, 368, 369, 374, 375, 382, 383, 386, 390, 393, 406, 411, 422-430, 434, 441, 444, 445, 451, 452, 464, 477, 480-484, 487, 491, 497, 498, 523, 524, 527, 533, 587, 591, 594, 615 ; hundreds were owned by the adventurers, plantations by the plant- ers, 433 ; towns, 308, 314 ; see Hun- dreds, Plantations, etc. Lands, public, 225, 253, 318, 319, 378, 411, 454, 492, 500, 562, 611, 617, 618, 620, 623, 624, 627, 635, 636; com- pany's, 319, 321-323, 346,370, 378, 379, 411, 419, 420, 454, 563, 617, 618, 620, 623, 624, 627, 649; common, 319, 321- 324, 336, 345, 454, 617, 618, 620, 623, 627 ; glebe, 209, 319, 321-323, 356, 378, 621, 623, 627. Attached to : g-overnor's office, 319, 321-323, 346, 463, 562, 600, 620, 627; secretary's, 365, 411, 420, 461,463, 624; treasurer's, 319, 422, 463, 562, 600, 618; marshal's, 422; physician-general's place, 391, 416, 463 ; vice-admiral's place, 430. Lands for the encouragement of educa- tion : coUege, 319, 322, 336, 345, 347, 370, 376, 378, 505, 617, 627 ; schools, 429, 442, 443, 627; university, 322, 617, 627 ; see Managers. Lands for the encouragement of manufac- tures : glass-furnace, 430 ; shipbuilding plant, 474 ; see Iron ; Manufactures. LandsdeU, William, 624. Land's End, 145, 149. Lane, *Captain Ralph, 1 ; Thomas, 613. Lang, Rev. Mr., 367. Langle, John, 416. Languedoc, 406, 422. Lapworth, Michael, 453, 456, 467. Latham, Thomas, 497. Latitude, observations of, 29. " Laughing King," 421, 460, 468. Launce, Rev. Mr., 481. La Warr, Lord, see Henry and Thomas West. Law and Laws, relative to, xxiii, 126, 130, 131, 154, 155, 162, 251, 257, 283, 310,317-321, 385, 386, 457, 458, 564; 565, 578, 579 ; of government and magistracy, 327, 363, 364, 385, 410; of private plantations, 354 ; extracted from those of England, 385, from the company charters, etc., 385, from cor- porations, etc., 385 ; martial laws, 154 ; see Government ; Managers. Law Library of Congress, 16, 316. Lawly, Sir Edward, 364. Lawne, Christopher, 288, 314, 318, 419 ; Rev. Mr., 481. Lawne's Creek, 288 ; Hundred, 291 ; plantation, 314. Lawrence, John, 369. Lawson, *Captain Thomas, 131, 150,629. Laydon, Alice, 158 ; Anne, 613 ; John, 70, 113, 114, 158, 374, 613, 617; Vir- ginia, 113. Leake, or Leate, John, 629 ; *Nicholas, 274,476, 477, 526; Simon, 629; Rev. Wm., 474, 631. Lector, Robert, 416. Lee, Leigh, or Ley, *Hugh, 148, 161 ; Sir James, 122, 602, 603; Lawrence, 514, 629 ; Mr., 71 ; WiUiam, 63. Leech, Sir Edward, 259, 448 ; Mr., 426, 454, 456, 463, 477. Leicester, Earl of, see Robert Sidney. Leicester (Eng.), 269. Leigh, see Lee. Leister, or Lister, Edward, 409, 468. Leman, Sir John, 273, 351. Leminge (?), Joseph, 629. Lemos, *Count, 52. Lenox, Duke of, see Ludovic Stuart. Lenox Library (N. Y.), 100, 272. Lerma, *Duke of, 144, 161, 269. Letters of Marque, 14. Letters, see Evidences. Levellis, Arthur, 629. Leveson, Thomas, 629. Levet, Christopher, 566, 629. Lewis, Richard, 116. Ley, see Lee. Leyden, 252, 262, 266, 271, 272, 300, 341, 354. Liberties of Parliament, 436, 438, 439. Liberty, 75, 166, 237, 251, 650 ; civil and religious, xv, xvii, xix, xx, 251', 262, 387, 408, 458, 558, 589, 615, 637, 651 ; of free election, 476-478 ; of General As- sembly, 573, 643, 648, to govern their own affairs, 530, 589, 643 (consented to in part, 648, 650) ; principles of, 438 ; of religion, 265, 630; of the subject, 437, 438, 650; land of, 652; see Gov- ernment of the Company. Libraries, of Congress, 338, 532, 604 ; of Mr. Hunt, 57 ; " of so many that have died," 460 ; see Books. Lightfoot, John, 613, 621. Lince, Robert, 613. Lincoln, Earl of, see Henry and Theophi- lus Clinton. Lincoln's Inn, 346, 452, 629. Linsell, Augustine, 365. Linzey, or Lindesey, John, Roger, 613. Lisbon, 148, 152, 182. Lisle, Viscount, see Robert Sidney. Lister, see Leister. Litton, &r Lytton, *-William, 390. Little Gidding, 499. Lizard, The (Eng.), 253. Lloyd, David, 390. Locke, Thomas, 485. Lodge, Joice, 423. Lombard Street, 512. London, 2, 3, 9-13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 26, 43, 55, 62-64, 73, 80, 83, 100, 127, etc.; 672 INDEX city companies, 80, 103, 144, 213, 423; merchants, 201, 221, 222. Long, Robert, 413. Longman, Peter, 621. Lord Admiral (Charles Howard), 263, 267, 277. Lord Bishop of London, 185, 246, 300, 350, 356, 363, 366, 386, 477 ; see Revs. John King- and George Mountaine. Lords commissioners for the affairs of Virginia, 640, 644. Lords : High Chancellors or Keepers, see T. Egerton (1606-1617); F. Bacon (1617-1621) ; J. Williams (1621-1624). High treasurers, see T. SackvUle (1606-1608); R. Cecil (1608-1612); James I. (1612-1614) ; T. Howard (Suf- folk) (1614-1620) ; H. Montague (1620- 1621) ; L. Cranfield (1621-1624). Pre- sident of the Privy Council, see H. Montague (1621-1624). Privy Seal, see R. Cecil (1606-1608); H. Howard (1608-1614) ; R. Carr (1614-1616) ; E. Somerset (1616-1624). Steward, see L. Stuart (1615-1624). Chamberlain, see T. Howard (Suffolk) (1606-1614) ; R. Carr (1614, 1615); W. Herbert (Pembroke) (1615-1624). Chief Jus- tices of the Court of King's Bench, see J. Popham (1606, 1607) ; T. Fleming (1607-1613) ; E. Coke (1613-1616) ; H. Montague (1616-1621) ; J. Ley (1621- 1624). Chief Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, see E. Anderson (1606, 1607) ; E. Coke (1607-1613) ; H. Hobart (1613-1624). Lotteries, 163, 165, 167, 168, 179, 182, 185, 187, 200, 201, 214, 218, 222, 232, 244, 245, 248, 269, 296, 334, 342, 350, 384, 394, 395, 423. Lottery books, 214, 223. Louis XHL, of France, 178. Love, Captain Thomas, 3, 8, 489. Lovelace, *Sir William, 245. Low Countries, 6, 20, 52, 125, 163, 295, 325, 514 ; see Holland ; Netherlands. Lowe, Sir Thomas, 14, 273, 351. Lower, Sir Nicholas and *his brothers, 480. Lucas, William, 416. Lukin, *Edward, 295, 296. Lupo, Albiano, (yr Aliano, 362, 613 ; Lieu- tenant, 623 ; Elizabeth, 623. Luther, reformer, 439. Lymbrye, Francis, 148, 152, 204,212,230. Lyme (Eng.), 113, 124. Lymington (Eng.), 597. Lynch, Robert, 613. Lynn (Eng.), 581. Lynnhaven Bay, 25. Machumps, or Matchumps, 70. Macoek, see Maycock. Maddocks, Thomas, 390. Madison, *Captain Isaac, 55, 146, 258, 373, 419, 426, 473, 474, 516, 563, 564, 571, 579, 580, 614, 619, 639 ; Mary, 564. Madrid, 148, 160, 161, 163, 164, 170, 177, 180,186,197,216, 217. azine, the (company's store), 228, 235, 239, 272, 278, 279, 290, 291, 320, 342, 343, 346, 351, 379, 430, 462, 502, 538, 561. Magna Charta, 266, 293, 308, 317-321, 324, 329, 411, 605, 614, 651. Magnel, Francis, 125. Magnor, or Maggner, Charles, 619; Mr., 284. Maids for wives, 291, 292, 346, 376, 430, 454, 459, 461, 462,-502, 562. Maine (New England), 191. Maine, the (land near Jamestown), 308, 619, 622. Mainwaring (Mannering, etc.),*Sir Henry, 361, 367, 451 ; Henry, 365 ; PhiUp, 293 ; Thomas, 451. Maize, Virginia wheat, 299 ; see Com. MaUet, *Sir John, 14. Mallory, Sir James, 436. Man, Joseph, 299. " Managers of the business," v-viii, x, xii, xiii, xvi-xxii, 41, 71, 73-79, 85, 98, 105-107, 115, 120, 121, 141-143, 168, 169, 173, 182, 184, 190, 200, 201, 210, 219, 221, 222, 225, 2.33, 236, 237, 241- 244, 249-252, 259, 263, 265, 279, 280, 284, 307, 329-332, 381, 556-558, 614, 615, 632, 647-652 ; see Commissions in Virginia for dividing lands, and for establishing a popular form of govern- ment ; Courts of the Colony and Com- pany of Virginia ; Government of the colony and company under the popular charters, the Governors and their coun- cil, the Council of State, General Assembly, House of Burgesses, and other officials of the colony in Virginia, and the Treasurers, Deputies, commit- tees, and other officials of the company in England. " The real ways by which they man- aged to carry the movement to final success : " By diplomacy, by appealing to Parliament, by arousing the English race and religion in opposition to " the ambitious growing " of Spain, by indu- cing James I. to grant them new char- ters which enabled them to alter the king's form of government and to offer a more free government, lands, liberty, etc., in the New World and by devoting their time, money, and lives to the suc- cess of their enterprise, xix-xxi, 13, 17-20, 41, 71, 73, 76, 79, 85, 106, 107, 115, 120, 121, 141-143, 165-170, 173, 185, 189, 200, etc. " The real motive which inspired them," briefly stated, was the desire to benefit their country by spreading the commonwealth and commerce of Eng- INDEX 673 laud, and their posterity by establish- ing- " a more free government " for the new nation which they were planting in the New World, xxi, 13, 49, 74, 75, 78, 80, 85, 121, 223, 237, 242, 249, 441, 632, 648, etc. " The real difficulties which they had to overcome : " Dangers of the passage by sea, see under Ships; un- wholesomeness of the climate, see under Medicine ; the opposition of the In- dians, see under Indians ; of Spain who claimed the country, see Philip III., Spain, Spanish ; of the Church of Rome which upheld the Bulls of the Pope that granted the country to Spain, see under Rome ; of France on account of the removal of the Jesuits from New England, see France, French, Jesuits ; the great disappointment aris- ing after the hopes of finding mines, the South Sea, and other "present profit " had vanished which fostered the fault-finding of planters under the crown who had abandoned Virginia, and furnished a pretext to adventurers for refusing to pay their dues ; etc., xvii-xxi, 41, 106, 121, 142, 143, 169, 177, 180, 182, 184-187, 189, 200, 202, etc. The real cause of the contemporary " def ailement " was the growing oppo- sition of the Court Party to their pop- ular plans, which caused the crown to deprive them of the reward for their labor and of the honors due them for having planted the first republic in America ; but under Divine Provi- dence their posterity is now enjoying the fruits of their labor, and we will render them the honors due ; see under Politics. See also, Charters ; Evi- dences ; Government ; Lands ; Law ; Liberty ; Manufacture ; Religion ; Trade ; Virginia Company, etc. Manahata River, 449. Manedo, 9. Manhatas Isle, 193. Manners, Sir George, 402. Mansf eld, Count, 489. Mansfield, *Sir Robert, 14, 158, 160, 172, 292, 440, 444, 489, 509, 593. Manufactures, pertaining to our first, 68, 228 ; blacksmiths, 342 ; brickmakers, 342, 463, 500 ; makmg brick, 157, 466, 546 ; making indigo, 465 ; making ship stores, 68, 228 ; mechanics, 320 ; saw- mills, 454 ; silk-houses, 623 ; silk- worm houses, 626 ; smiths, 342 ; water- mills, 463 ; wind-mills, 463, 620 ; see Building ; Commodities ; Glass-mak- ing ; Iron-making ; Land grants for the encouragement of manufactures ; Salt- making ; Shipbuilding ; Silk-making ; Wine-making. ^See also, " Cavyare ; " Oils ; Potashes ; Soap-ashes ; Tobacco ; Wainscot ; Wood ashes ; etc. Mapscock (Maycock ?) Creek, 322. " Maracabo," 399. Markham, Richard, 445; Robert, 28; Valentine, 333. Mark Lane, 275. Marlier, Nyccolas de la (after naturaliza- tion, Niccolas MarUer), 571, 580, 651. Marloe, or Morlett, Thomas, 571, 579. Marshall, Mr., 513. Martha's or Martin's Vineyard, 33. Martian, see Marlier. Martin, the Armenian, 554. Martin, *Christopher, 245, 365, 408 ; Dor- cas, 250 ; *Captam John, x, 24, 30, 32, 33, 45, 46, 53, 54, 59, 62, 67, 73, 74, 92, 94-97, 107, 118, 127, 131, 208, 230, 235, 236, 240, 241, 243, 244, 250, 253, 256, 258, 259, 261, 288, 308-310, 313, 316, 369, 372, 414, 420, 444, 446, 480, 491, 492, 497, 498, 554, 591, 609, 610, 613, 614, 620, 629, 639, 650 ; *Sir Richard, 32, 46 ; *Richard, Esq., 142, 216, 276. Martin's Brandon, patent for, etc., 236, 256, 258, 288, 308, 309, 314, 316, 317, 372, 414, 491, 492, 496-498, 582, 620. Martin's Hundred, 276, 285, 286, 291, 314, 344, 355, 382, 410, 443, 455, 459, 462, 467, 468, 474, 485, 497, 500, 502, 511, 515, 538, 562, 576, 594, 622, 627, 629. Martin's patent for free trade, 267, 320, 444. Martin's or Martha's Vineyard, 33. Maryland, 609 ; patent, 603. "Masks," 185. Mason, Francis, 613, 619. Massachusetts, 513; Historical Society, 327. Massacres by Indians, 240, 466-475, 481, 484-488, 493, 499, 506, 508, 513, 517, 541, 565, 576, 608, 609, 617-624, 630, 632. Masters : Of the Horse, see E. Somerset (1606-1616); G. ViUiers (1616-1624). Of the Jewels, see H. Carey (1606- 1618) ; A. Mildmay (1618-1620) ; H. Mndmay (1620-1624). Of the Ord- nance, see George Lord Carew (1608- 1624). Of the Rolls, see E. Lord Bruce (1606-1610) ; E. Philips (1610- 1614) ; J. Casar (1614-1624). Of the Wards, see R. Cecil (1606-1612) ; Sir G. Carew (1612) ; W. Cope (1612- 1614); W. Knollys (1614-1619); L. Cranfield (1619-1621). Masterson, Captain Edward, 386 ; Captain Lawrence, 360 ; Thomas, 365. Masulipatam, 442. Matchumps, 69. Matepony River, 607. Mathew, *Tobias, archbishop of York, 100, 248, 350 ; Walter, 8. Matoaka, 203, 246, 248 ; see Pocahontas. Matthews, or Mathews, Captain Samuel, 674 INDEX ^^^•^ 509, 516, 556, 571, 573-575, 580, 614, 622, 626, 629, 639, 646 ; " his divident," 621. Maury's Charts, 21. May, Cornelia Jacobsen, 375, 514 ; Corne- lius, 622; *Sir Humphrey, 527, 531, 533, 609, 634, 643. Maycock, Macock, or Maicoek, Samuel, 260, 310, 317, 412, 456, 467, 468, 619 ; his dividend, 619. Mayflower compact, 407, 468 ; erai^ants, 263, 424, 468, 609 ; see under Ships. Maynard, *Lord William, 494. McGuire, Francis, 58, 59. Mead, Rev. Joseph, 485, 488, 495. Mease, *Rev. Wm., 132, 229, 554, 590, 631. Medicine, pertaining to medical treat- ment, etc., 381 ; apothecaries, 327 ; bloody flux, 282 ; " ehirgions," 582 ; chirurgeous, 454 ; death-rate, 40, 41 ; drinks, 29, 45, 395, 409, 501, 511, 578; drugs and simples, 577 ; guest-houses, 377, 378, 454 ; hospitals, 157, 377, 378 ; inn at Jamestown, 458, 463, 465 ; Lem- nian earth, 137, 461 ; pestilence, 113, 513 ; plague, or cholera, 13, 83, 92, 97, 98, 105, 131 ; physicians, 327, 391 ; qui- nine, XX, 143 ; remedies, 137 ; scurvy, 137 ; " seasoning," 256, 464 ; surgeon of the treasurer, 212 ; yellow fever, or calenture, xx, 92, 97, 105, 134 ; see Census ; Diseases ; Doctors ; Mortality ; Lands for the physician - general's places ; Sickly Season ; Sickness. Phy- sician-generals in Virginia, see Drs. Bohun and Potts ; medical advisers in England, see Drs. Anthony Gulstone, Winston, and Woodall. Mediterranean Sea, 21. Meeting-places of the courts of the Vir- ginia Company; see Cecil, T. (Exeter House) ; Southampton House ; Rich, R. ( " My Lord of Warwick's " ) ; and the houses of the Ferrars, Sir Edwin Sandys, and Sir Thomas Smythe. Melling, Thomas, 351, 365, 445, 451, 480, 490, 497, 498, 501. Menefie, George, 582, 608, 621. Merchant tailors, 213 ; Hall, 491. Merchants, 201, 221, 222. Merrick, *Sir John, 526. Merry, or Merrie, *Sir Thomas, 600, 601. Meverell, Francis, 271. Mevis (West Indies), 22, 138, 261, 415. Mexico, 412 ; Gulf of, 21. Michelbome, *Sir Edward, 14. Middelburg, 326, 327, 387, 391, 417, 431, 600. Middle Temple, 482, 523, 524, 629. Middleton, David, 382, 410; Mr., 498; *Sir Thomas, 214. Midhurst (Eng.), 391. Mildmay, *Sir Henry, 482, 494, 522. the Polander, 174, 189, 190, 212, 218, 224, Milford Haven, 193. Military discipline, 386 ; see Arms, etc. ; Fortifications, etc. Millan, Sergeant, 88. Milton, Richard, 413. Milward, Henry, 619. Mines, John, 416. Mines and minerals, 35-37, 59-61, 65, 70, 103, 123, 128, 136, 137, 151, 153, 173, 196, 417, 461, 462, 577, 578; copper, 30, 106, 463, 577; "fool's gold," 32; mines of Spain in America, 592; see Gold ; Iron ; Silver. Miranda, Maria de, 88, 89, 110. Mitchell, *Sir Bartholomew, 14. Mockett, *Rev. Dr. Richard, 189, 202, 212. Mohominge, 40. Molasco, Albertus, 590; 554, 585. Mole, George, 445. Molina, *Diego de, 152, 196, 197, 202, 204, 211, 230, 233, 234, 269. Molines, Joseph, Priscilla, William, 408. MoU, Estinien, 420. Molton, Thomas, 371. Mona Island, 22, 23 ; passage, 23. Monacans, Monecans, etc., 112, 492. Money scarce, 398. Monopolies, 386-388, 398, 402, 403, 434. Monson, *Sir Thomas, 232; *Sir Wil- liam, 146, 232, 629. Montague, *Sir Henry, 9, 433, 451, 509, 526, 536, 538, 539, 542, 543, 547, 549, 550, 553-555, 633, 634. Montmorencie, *Henry de, 198. Monts, Sieur de, 193. Moone, Captain, 92. Moone, or Moore, Churchill, 430. Mooney, James, 112. Moore, or More, *Sir George, 9, 122, 401, 436 ; *John, 161 ; 423 ; *Richard, 168 ; Thomas, 630 ; Sir Thomas, iii. Moorish thieves, 219. Mordon, or Morton, Oliver, 444. Morer, *Riehard, 333. Moreton, or Morton, Matthew, 24 ; Rich- ard, 390 ; *Rev. Dr. Thomas, 80. Morgan, Edward, 368; Thomas, 617; WUliam, 613, 624. Morlett, Thomas, 571, 579. Morrell, Rev. William, 566. Morrison, *Sir Richard, 105. Morse, Thomas, 497. Mortality, 256, 260, 372, 377, 380, 381, 419, 562 ; see Siclbiess. Morton, see Moreton. Moston, Robert, 629. Motte, Sieur de la, 191, 202, 214. Moulson, Thomas, 351. Moulston, Robert, 629. Mounson, see Monson. Mountaine, *Rev. Dr. George, 477. Mount Desert, 191, 192, 509; Joy, 108; INDEX 675 Malady, or My Lady, 209, 375, 482 ; ManseU, 490, 509. Mountney, Alexander, 613, 624. Moy-umpes, King of, 255. Mulberry Island, 127, 128, 468, 622; trees, 320, 374, 410, 423, 458, 488, 577. Muneke, *Levinus, 14, 48. Munster, 547. Muscovy (yr Eussia Company, 198, 199. Mutiny at sea, 22, 24. Mylbourne, Robert, 487, 488. Namontack, 58, 69. Nanamack, 134. Nansemond, 94, 97, 151, 173, 473. Nansemonds, 475, 516. Natives, 279 ; see Indians. Naunton, Sir Robert, 264, 265, 353, 492. Navigation to be set up in Virginia, 362, 373, 379 ; vide ArgaU's services in 1612-1614. Neale, Mr., 404, 436. " Near Mulberry Island," 622. "Neck of Land" in Charles City, 194, 313, 579, 617-619, 621 ; in James City, 580, 621. Neeochincos, 472. Negroes, 219, 249, 288, 289, 292, 325- 327, 359, 360, 368, 391, 434. Nelme, Christopher, 371. Nelson, *Franeis, 28, 50, 55, 59, 62, 63, 73, 92, 95, 165 ; Port Nelson, 198. Nenemachanew, 466. Nether Hundred, 194, 209. Netherlands, xviii, xix, 62, 82, 100, 124, 144, 147, 198, 202, 262, 326, 356, 360, 418, 427, 431, 445, 592 ; see HoUand ; States General. Nethersole, Sir Francis, 598. Neumart, Peter, 617. Neville, *Sir Henry, 14. New Amsterdam, 450. Newberie, Edward, 416. New Castle (Eng.), 249. Newce, or Newse, Thomas, 382, 410-412, 414, 454, 455, 459, 463, 563; Mrs. Thomas, 563 ; *Sir WiUiam, 422, 463, 455, 459, 504, 511, 629; Newce's Town w Port, 459 ; see New Port Newce. New England (Nova Albion, " Canada," North Virginia, etc.), ix, xi, xxi, 135, 172, 194, 219, 224, 253, 257, 282, 287, 290, 296, 309, 310, 313, 360, 361, 368, 388-390, 396, 403, 404, 407-409, 424, 425, 435-438, 441, 448, 449, 470-472, 474, 482, 483, 490, 503, 509, 516, 565, 566, 581, 583, 609, 616; charter or patent of 1620, 360, 361, 380, 387-390, 403, 404, 425, 436-438, 441, 455, 489 ; to be renewed, 390, 438 ; preparing a new charter, 489 ; see Cape Cod ; Fish- ing ; North Virginia. Newfoundland. 53, 124, 261, 311, 313, 347, 376, 404, 407, 409, 516. New France (Nova Francia), 82, 100, 145, 192, 450 ; Granada, 409. Newland, Nowland, or Noland, Robert, 406, 419, 490. New Market, 293, 294, 296. New nation, 107, 115, etc. New Netherland, 450. New Plymouth, 565, 566. Newport, *Captain Christopher, 12, 13, 22-26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43-48, 50, 53-59, 61-63, 68-70, 73-77, 84, 86, 92, 101, 102, 114, 116, 118, 131, 133, 134, 140, 142, 143, 149, 150, 157, 162, 173, 178, 331, 348, 376, 426, 464, 630, 650; Mrs. Christopher, 376, 426, 464 ; John, 348, 630 ; Thomas {see Savage), 421 ; Newport's Point, 58 ; Newport (Eng.), 145, 148, 178, 597. New Port Newce or Newse, 459, 470, 508, 512, 624. New Scotland (Nova Scotia), 435; Spain, 412. Newton, *Thomas, 293, 441, 638. New Towne in James City, 608. New World, 2, 5, 107, 112, etc. New York, 273, 450 ; Historical Society, 328. Nicholas, Edward and John, 593. Nicholls, Mr., 561 ; Thomas, 513. Norfolk (Virginia), 412. Norincott, 'i'Thoraas, 271. North, Sir Charles, 629. Northampton County, 421. Northampton, Earl of, see Henry How- ard. North Cape, 461. North Carolina, 90, 114, 211, 463. Northern Neck of Virginia, 443. Northmen, 21. North Virginia, see Virginia, North. Northwest Passage, 124, 164, 165, 177, 178, 198, 487. Norton, Nathaniel, 617 ; Captain William, 427, 430, 454, 455, 463, 505. Norwich (Eng.), 269. Norwood, *Richard, 147, 422, 445, 497, 512, 513, 630. Nottingham, Earl of, see Charles Howard. Nova Albion (New England), 164. Nova Britannia (New Britain), 78, 82, 100, 101, 104, 121. Nova Francia (New France), 100. Nova Scotia (New Scotland), 435. Nymegen, 489. Oaths, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 340, 342, 347. Oatland (Eng.), 429. Objects, 13, 49, 78, 80, 121, 242, 441, 632. Ocanahoen, Occaneechi, 211. Occoquan, 88, 90. Officers in Virginia, 227-229, 323, 324, 426, 453, 454. Office of the Rolls, 603. Offley, or Oftly, *Robert, 476. 676 INDEX Ogle, *Sir John, 494, 496, 497, 519, 522, 533, 593. Old Plantation Creek, 625. Old Port Comfort, see Point Comfort. Oldsworth, Arnold, 413 ; Mr., 422, 426 ; Robert, 345. Olevan, Anthony, 419. Olivarez, 501. Opecharicanough, Opochancano, etc., xvii, 255, 260, 279-281, 312, 417, 462, 465, 466, 472, 473, 475, 492, 495, 500, 502, 503, 514, 515, 566 ; " Opocohontas," 488 ; " Apachisco " (?), 204. Orange, Philip, 413. " Oranoque," 399. Orders, 319, 321, 337, 361, 366. Ordinance and Constitution, 426, 427, 455, 456. Ortiz, John, 81, 82. Osborne, Humphrey, 371 ; Thomas, 618. Otiotan (Istan ?), 607. " Over the river from Jamestown," 468, 580, 617, 619, 621, 622. Ovid's Metamorphoses, 464. Owen, or Owens, Thomas, 629. Owley, John, 619. Oxford (Eng.), 383, 422, 482. Oyster Banks, 71, 616. Pace, Richard, 408, 468, 621. " Pace's Paines," 408, 469, 621. Pacific Ocean, 106 ; see South Sea. " Padre Maestro," 276, 300. Page, Frances and John, 413. Paget, *William, Lord, 244, 294, 348, 445, 477, 531, 533, 594, 609, 634, 643. Paine, Henry, ll6. Painter, or Paynter, Rowland, 371. Palatinate, 412. Palatyne, Frederic, Prince, 185, 186, 388. Palavicine, Edward, 361, 554, 590 ; To- bias, 383. Palmer, *Sir Anthony, 14 ; Edward, 482, 497, 629; 497; John, 629; Mr., 406; *WiUiam, 333. Palmes, *Sir Guy, 401. Pamont, King of, 44. Pamunkey River, 113, 469, 472, 473, 475, 511, 515, 576, 624. Pamimkeys, Pamaunkes, etc., 58, 70, 203, 567, 607, 608. Paquachowng, 29. Paramour, Robert, 613. Paris (France), 181, 185, 187, 198, 199, 220. Parker, *William, 3, 6; William, 371. Parkhurst, John, 452. Parkinson, see Perkinson. Parliament, 291, 317, 330, 375; (1604- 1611) 4-6, 11, 12, 14-17, 20, 75, 122, 123; (1614) 200, 215, 216; (1621- 1622) 388, 391, 394, 39&-405, 422-425, 434-441, 446, 447, 489, 493; (1624- 1625) 587, 590-596, 599; (1625) 642; (1640) 603. Parliament suggested in Virginia, xii, 55, 56, 67. Parnell, Griffen, 416. Particular Plantations, 377-379, 422, 454, 459. Parties, see Politics. Partin, Robert, 613, 619. Partridge, Thomas, 409. Pasbahaghs, Pasbeheys, Paspahayes, Pas. piha, etc., 26, 28, 138, 308, 323, 470, 620, 622, 625. Pascoticons, 567. Pasmore, or Passmore, Thomas, 283, 621. Pasptanzie, or Pastancy, 137, 173, 174. Past Politics, see Politics. Patche, Thomas and William, 371. Patents, see under Lands. Pathering, David, 416. Patowomeck, 174, 255 ; see Potomac. Patterson, J., 617. Paulet, or Pawlett, John, 491 ; Rev. Ro- bert, 413, 414, 426, 455, 463, 474, 631 ; *Thomas, 314, 318. Paul's, see St. Paul's. Paulson, *Riehard, 271, 386. Paulsteed, Mr., 445. Pauw, Burgomaster, 449. Pavington, Sir Francis, 369. Pawatah, the great, 29, 37. Pawatah's Tower, 29. Payne, John, 350 ; see Paine. Paynter, Edward, 371 ; see Painter. Pearce, see Pierce. Pecke, Francis, 629. Pedee River, 112. Peere, Lott, 200, 244, 406. Peirce, see Pierce. Peirsey, *Abraham, 239, 279, 311, 325, 342, 346, 556, 571, 573-575, 614, 619- 621, 626, 639, 646 ; see Percy. Pelham, Henry, 629. Pell, Sir Anthony and Lady, 445. Pemberton, John, 629; Rev. Mr., 481, 331. Pemble, Thomas, 444. Pembroke, Earl of, see William Herbert. Pembroke River, 173, 174. Peniston, Anthony, 331. Pensions for the injured in the wars, 607. Peppett, Gilbert, 308, 622. Percy, *Captain George, x, xvii, 27-29, 33, 48, 58, 69, 94-96, 98, 99, 108, 116- 118, 126, 131, 1.36-139, 149, 150, 155, 158, 179, 190, 211, 330, 365, 408, 622 ; *Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 155 ; William de, 108. Percy's or Persey's Hundred, 619. Pereda, Don Caspar de, 145, 152. Perez, M. Antonio, 152, 158. Periods : crucial, 106 ; of non-responsi- bility, 117; "the darkest hour," 173, 180. Perkins, Francis, 58 ; Rev. William, 370. Perkinson, Marmaduke, 460, 461. Perrot, *Sir James, 401. INDEX 677 Perry, George, 622; Henry, 491; Mr., 491 ; Richard, 629 ; Captain William, 468, 570, 580, 593, 596, 613, 617 ; his Indian boy, 570. Persons, Elizabeth, 115. Peterson, J., 617. Pett, Master, 92. Peyes, Gabriel, 416. Peyton, Sir Edward, 402. Phetiplace, William, 484. *Philip III. of Spain, 2, 3, 15, 15-20, 45, 48, 50, 52, 62-65, 79-81, 83, 87,91, 105, 111, 120, 121, 123-125, 141-146, 148, 152, 160-163, 167, 170, 177-181, 185- 189, 196-200, 218, 220, 234, 236, 243, 269, 276, 311, 341, 357 ; urged to re- move the English from his possessions in America, 48, 50-52, 64, 80, 81, 124, 142, 146, 170, 177-184, 187, 197, 218, 269,270; see Spain. Philip IV. of Spain, 501. Philips, Ralph, 416. Philpot Lane, 248, 306, 343. Pierce (Pearse, Peirse, etc.), Henry, 371 ; Jane, 132 ; Joan, 613 ; John, 354, 355, 368, 424 ; Mr., 561 ; Thomas, 316, 371, 468 ; Captain William, 132, 516, 571, 579, 587, 613, 621, 622, 626. Pierce's Patent, 424, 425, 436, 609, 628. Piercy (Percy or Perry ?), Henry, 491. Piersy, Piercy, etc., see Peirsey. Pilgrim Fathers, xx, 252, 262-266, 271- 273, 283, 300, 335, 341, 342, 354, 355, 368, 387, 407, 408, 424, 425, 430. Pilgrims of the Cross, 108. Pirkett, Miles, 460, 463, 613, 624 ; see Prickett. Piscataqua, 566. Pitt, Sir William, 521, 585. Plant, Humphrey, 371. Plantation, of John Ferrar, 341. Plantation, to make good the, 266, 281 ; see under Government (the company's). Plantations, 308, 377-379 ; see Particular Plantations ; Private Plantations ; Hun- dreds; Lands. Planters, xix, 79, 229, 235, 243, 249, 250, 254, 563, 579, 614, 615, 650. Plymouth (Eng.), 3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 43, 51, 52, 84, 247, 287, 361, 444. Plymouth Patent, 424, 425, 436, 609; Plantation, 262, 471, 472, 565, 566; Rock, 407. *Pocahontas (Pokahuntis, etc.), xii, xvi, 56, 57, 174, 175, 190, 191, 196,203,204, 208, 212, 234, 246, 247, 260, 469 ; see Matoaka ; John Rolf e ; Rebecca Rolfe ; Powhatan. Pochins, 133. Poetan Bay, 57, 58. Pohatan, 44, 246, 247; Pohetan, 234; see Powhatan. Point Comfort, 57, 108, 116, 132-135, 149- 152, 154, 155, 160, 172-175, 189, 190, 206, 211, 253, 276 ; see Cape Comfort. Point of Shoals, 501, 515. Polander, Molasco the, 554, 585. Polities, Politicians, etc., pertaining to, xviii, 1, 3, 85, 223, 288, 301, 331, 332, 398, 439, 458, 598. Parties, 272, 280, 288, 289, 384, 398, 528,590: — National, 307, 441. I. The Commons, country, or Patriot Party, 85, 107, 125, 223, 237, 289, 307, 332, 361, 369, 398, 403, 405, 406, 425, 434, 436, 439, 440, 458. II. The Court, Crown, Royal, or " Span- ish " Party, the growing opposition of, to the popular plans of the Patriot Party, viii, 74, 107, 121, 169, 184, 186, 187, 198, 202, 223, 237, 249, 284, 289, 306, 307, 332, 361, 398, 403, 406, 425, 434, 435, 438-441, 458, 478, 480, 540, 556-558, 602, 635. Company and colony parties, xix, 244, 268, 280, 289, 301, 305, 307, 313, 315, 329, 330, 398, 440, 557, 580, 586, 596. (a) The Lords, 280, 289, 305, 312, 315, 321, 326; (b) The Merchants, 280, 289, 305, 315, 336, 384; (c) The Auditors, 289, 306. (A) The Smythe Party, 398, 403, 478, 480, 493, 522, 528, 529, 541, 542, 557, 590, 591, 602, 641. (B) The Sandys Party, 297, 315, 398, 403, 431, 441, 478, 480, 493, 522, 528, 529, 541, 542, 556-558, 560, 589-591, 599, 602, 641, 643. Republicans, 330; Demo- crats, 330 ; Monopolists, 280, 298 ; Free- traders, 298. Party controversies, 517-560, 597; evidences, 288, 528, 529, 590; see Crown ; Government ; House of Com- mons ; Laws ; Managers ; Monopolies ; Parliament. PoUard, William, 369. Pollington (Polentine, etc.), John, 314, 561, 571, 580, j622. Poole (Powell ?), *Sir Henry, 401 ; *Jonas, 28 ; Rev. Mr., 149, 150, 631 ; Robert, 240, 312, 321, 511, 514, 608, 613. Pooley, Rev. Greville, 563, 564, 570, 594, 631. Pope, The, 12, 18, 110, 183. Popham, *Sir Francis, 9 ; *Captain George, 6, 16, 17, 64, 66 ; *Sir John, 5, 6, 8-10, 13, 17, 20, 29, 65, 66, 77, 170. Popular Charters (1609 and 1612), v, vi, viii-x, xii, xviii, xx, 74, 85, 118, 121, 223, 263, 289, 408, 424, 458, 572, 599, 602, 632-634, 650, 651; government, 74, 75, etc. ; ideas, xvi, xvii, 58, 408 ; poHcy, 263 ; rights, ix, 7, 85, 99, 223, 439, 557, 615 ; see Free ; Government ; Liberty, etc. Port, or Poore, Cottage, 28. Port Nelson, 198. Port Royal, 145, 193. Porter, Mr., 369. Porto Rico, 149. Portsmouth (Eng.), 83, 159, 196, 224, 231. 678 INDEX Portugal, 17, 163, 181, 292. Pory, *John, 33, 48, 282, 290, 294, 295, 310, 313, 316, 317, 320, 327, 356, 365, 371, 411-414, 420, 423, 460, 461, 463, 472, 481, 556, 571-575, 582-584, 600, 601. Potaxone, King of, 608. Potomac Indians, 137, 372, 472, 474, 492, 567; river, 59, 60, 137, 173-175, 255, 460, 472, 492, 567. Potter, Henry, 257. Potts, or Pott, Dr. Jolin, 426, 454, 456, 509, 568, 570, 571, 579, 610, 616, 621, 639, 646. Pountis, or Poyntz, John, 253, 295, 296, 312, 365, 382, 384, 410, 426, 430, 454, 456, 460, 564, 571, 579, 582-584, 600, 601, 616, 628, 642. Powell (Powle, Poole, etc.). Captain, 354, 414 ; Ensign, 137, 138 ; Captain John, 256, 277, 326, 368, 370, 600, 645 ; John, 613, 623 ; Rev. Mr., 631 ; Captain *Na- thaniel, 61, 146, 257, 277, 287-289, 310, 317,412,414, 456, 467, 619; Thomas, 115 ; 622 ; Captain *William, 257, 314, 318, 472, 473, 500, 504, 505, 621. Powhatan (Pohetan, Poetan, etc.) Indians, 40, 44, 203, 261. Powhatans, the king of the, xii, xvii, 26, 40, 44, 54, 55, 57, 58, 63, 68, 101, 133, 174, 175, 204, 205, 208, 234, 246, 247, 255, 260, 261, 280, 465 ; his brothers, 255, 280 {see Opochancanough, Otiotan, Istan, Itopatin, Sassapen) ; his daugh- ter, 212 ; his father, 204 ; his river, 203 ; see Wahunsenacawh, 40. Poyntz, John, see Pountis. Pratt, Richard, 619. Prerogative, the King's, xvi, 249, 251, 586, 652. Presidents of the King's Council in Vir- ginia, see E. M. Wingfield ; J. Ratcliffe ; J. Smith ; G. Percy. Price, Rev. Daniel, 80, 100; John, 613, 617; William, 613. Prices of commodities, 557, 563, 569 ; low, 398 ; of wives, 455 ; see Tobacco. Prichard, Mr., 560. Prickett, see Pirkett. Primates of all England, see Archbishops of Canterbury. Prime Ministers, see Secretaries of State. Prin (Pring, etc.), Edmund, 535 ; John, 535, 549, 581, 630 ; Captain *Martin, 9, 15,442,481; see Prynn. Prisoners at Jamestown, 191, 192, 204. Private, adventurers, 253, 486 ; planta- tions, 250, 254, 275, 276, 308, 314, 319, 327, 354, 371, 372, 379, 407, 429, 433, 454, 627, 628; see Lands, division of; trading voyages, see Ships. Privy Council of James I., vi, viii, ix, xv, xxi, 3, 10, 14, 16, 20, 50, 51, 84, 119, 147, 151, 161, 185, 199, 200, 214, 217, 218, 222, 234, 248, 26a-266, 296, 344, 340, 341, 350, 353, 377-360, 367, 368, 386-390, 403, 425, 429-439, 448-451, 458, 478-485, 489-491, 494-496. 518- 527, 530-532, 535-556, 559-562, 569, 572-574, 579, 582, 583, 585, 587-591, 598-601, 609, 611, 632-636, 640, 652; of Charles I., 640-&44. Proclamations by the Governor in Vir- ginia, 254, 255, 258, 287, 473, 564. Proctor, John, 535, 536, 613, 617, 630. ^ Proposition for advancing the plantation (colony), 384, 410; see Government. " Prospero," 114. Prosser, Walter, 413. Protection, 434; protectionists, see Poli- tics. Protestant, 2 ; ministers, 183, 184. Protestantism, xviii, 112, 175, 558; see Church ; Religion. Providence shaping our national destiny, xvii, XX, 20, 42, 74, 75, 85, 99, 106, 115, 143, 169, 173, 237, 263, 514, 603, 648- 652. Provisions, 58, 282, 283, 471, 577; see Supplies ; Victuals, etc. Pruson, or Spruson, *Hildebrand, 444. Prynn, see Prin. Psalmanazar, George, xiii. Public burthens, taxes, etc., 321, 411. Public estate, 253, 254, 309, 346, 433 ; taken by the Crown, 635, 636; see Fauna sent to Virginia, Lands, Ser- vants, Tenants, etc., belonging to the Public and the Company. Public lettei-s from Virginia, see Archer, Ratcliffe, G. Percy, Strachey, Rolfe, Pory, G. Sandys, Davison ; to Virginia, see T. Smythe, R. Johnson, J. and N. Ferrar, E. Sandys ; see also under Evi- dences. Public works interrupted by the mas- sacre and by James I., 493, 632. Puckering, *Sir Thomas, 216, 217. Purchas, *Rev. Samuel, 8, 56, 115, 119, 184, 187, 198, 203, 239, 246, 247, 282, 364, 372, 416, 477, 594, 603, 636, 637; his Pilgrimage and his Pilgrimes, 636, 637. Putin Bay, see Poetan. Puttock, Lieutenant, 138. Pymme, Mr. (M. P.), 401. Pyott, *Richard, 274, 351. Queen's Creek, 322. Quentin, *Father, 191, 192. Quirank Mountains, 28, 34. Quixos, 109. Quo Warranto suit, 585-589, 601, 602, 633, 637, 638. Ragged Island, 94. Rainsford, *Sir Henry, 269, 365, 368,406. Ralegh, *Sir Walter, 1, 6, 9, 48, 105, 121, 144, 261, 269, 291, 357, 395, 396 ; his son, 498. INDEX 679 Ramsden, *Mr8. Millicent, 342. Ramusius, Baptista, 164. Ranger of the Forest, 258. Rappahannock (Pembroke) River, 173, 174. Ratcliffe, ^Captain John, x, 12, 22, 24, 30, 53, 54, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 108, 109, 112, 113, 118, 507, 650. RatcUffe (Eng.), 11, 452. Ravens, Henry, 115. Ravenscrofte (Raynscrofte), *Wm., 402. Rawlins, Noadiah, 351. Rayner, Marmaduke, 264, 326, 362, 373, 379, 418, 454, 536, 537. Read, James, 53 ; Joane, 444 : Thomas, 375, 416, 482, 617. Reading (Eng.), 222. " Reasons for raising a fund," 5. Recorder of Virginia, 53. Records, see Evidences. Reed, Edward, 83. " Register of Councell Causes," 234. Religion, pertaining to, xxiii, 175, 246, 386 ; Brownists, 530 ; clergymen, 462 ; divines, 120 ; Dort, synod of, 291 ; inde- pendents, 630, 631 ; Luther, 439 ; min- isters, xii, 183, 184, 256, 327, 342, 349, 350, 356, 375, 378, 426, 453, 473, 630- 632 (their salaries, 567) ; Nonconform- ists, 116, 271, 272, 630 ; parishes in Vir- ginia, 254, 287, 460; parsonage, 209; planting of Christianitv, 4, 6, 31, 248 ; Puritan, 193 ; Reformation, 5, 250, 427, 558, 597 ; Separatists, 530 ; seven arti- cles of the church of Leyden, 252, 272 ; see Church ; Communion ; Cross, set up ; England, Church of ; Geneva ; Hugue- nots; Indians, conversion of; Lands, glebe ; Liberty ; Pilgrims ; Protest- antism ; Rome, Church of ; Sermons ; Walloons. Republican idea, origin of, 650 ; see Gov- ernment; Politics; Petitions. Revolutionary (1776) forefathers, xxii, 448. Reynolds, *Henry, 146, 491 ; *Humphrey, 360 ; Mr., 390, 474, 494. Rich, *Sir Henry and Lady, 491 ; Lady Isabella, 294 ; *Sir Nathaniel, 299, 301, 337-341, 343, 348, 351, 352, 356-359, 363, 445, 496, 519, 522, 528-530, 533, 583, 584, 597; *Robert (author), 142, 190; Sir Robert (Judge), 259, 448; *Sir Robert (afterwards Lord Rich and Earl of Warwick), 236, 267, 273, 279, 280, 282, 284, 287-289, 292, 294, 297, 299, 305, 310-313, 315, 326, 337- 343, 348, 353, 357-359, 363, 368, 398, 424, 444, 445, 519, 522, 524, 525, 529, 542, 557, 583, 639. Richardson, Sir Thomaa, 393. Richmond (Virginia), 29. Rider, Edward, 629 ; Mr., 490. " Right ends declared," 85, 223, 237, 648 ; see Objects. Rio Jordan, 88-90, 110, 112. Risely, Thomas, 369. . Rivanna River, 33, 69, 70. Roanoke, or Ronoque, Colony, 54, 65, 88, 90 ; Island, 114, 379, 391. Roberts, *Elia8, Sr., 245, 351, 477 ; Eliaa, Jr., 477; Mr., 428. Robeson, James, 613. Robins, or Robbins, Colonel, 421; John, 416. Robinson (a clerk), 292 ; John, 54 ; Rev. John, 262-264, 341 ; *Mary, 275, 286. Rochdale Hundred, 194, 210. Rocheford, 519. " Rock Hall," 209. Rodolph II., 65. Rodriquez, Domingo, 88 ; Juan, 88, 109. Roe, *Sir Thomas, 14, 49, 104, 121, 234, 355, 362, 366, 385-387, 389, 398, 402, 426, 431, 491. Rogers, *Edward, 14. Rolfe, Bermuda, 116; Jane, 132; John, 116, 132, 173, 190, 196, 203-205, 208, 224, 225, 230, 233-236, 243, 246, 247, 253, 258, 260, 279, 280, 310, 317, 326, 412, 456, 467, 621, 622 ; Rebecca, 203, 224, 230, 233, 246, 247 {see Pocahontas) ; Thomas, 224, 230, 246, 260, 279. Rolles, Benedict, Jane, Richard, 413. Roman Empire, 65. Rome, Church of, xviii, 1, 2, 5, 18, 111- 113, 180, 183, 186, 189, 270, 408, 439, 558, 592 ; members of, 12, 58, 65, 79, 88, 111, 112, 175, 211, 212, 269, 558; see French ; Jesuits ; the Pope ; Spain. Romney, *Sir William, 9 ; Lady, 501. Roper, Mr., 629. Rossawick, 70. Rosse, or Rose, Thomas, 619. Rossingham, Ensign Edmimd, 310, 313-* 315, 318, 376, 417. Rothschilds, 33. Rowe, see Roe. Rowland, Henry, 390. Rowsley, Dr. William, 513, 629; his brother, 513. Royal Commissions, 646, 647 {see Com- missions) ; Court, 223 {see Courts) ; Government, 9 {see Government) ; Instructions, 646,647 {see Instructions). " Ruben," 241. Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, 592. Ruggle, or Ruggles, Geoi^e, 455, 463, 491. Rumney, see Romney. Russell, *Edward, Earl of Bedford, 295 ; Sir Francis, 122; Mr., "the chimist," 395, 409 ; William, 113; *Sir William, 476. Sabine, John, 414. Sackville, *Sir Edward, 367, 382, 386, 401, 445, 481, 484, 485, 494, 496, 519, 522, 524, 527, 533, 538; Richard, see Earl of Dorsett. 680 INDEX Sagadahoc River, 135. St. John, Lieutenant, 308 ; Lord, of Bas- ing, 501 ; Oliver, Viscount Grandison, 342, 480, 538, 543, 547, 550, 555, 593 ; *Sir William, 444. Saint, St., and S. : Andrew's Church, 527 ; Augustine, 87, 88, 91, 109, 111, 112, 152; Christopher's Island, 581, Parish, 275, 486; Croix, 193; Dionis Church, 248; George, red cross of, 203, 204; George's Fort, 63, 77 ; James' Day, 91, 110; " John de Uloa," 412 ; Lawrence River, 178 ; Mary's Church in Virginia, 275, 286; Michael's Church, 490; Olave, 275; Paul's Cross, 300, 363; Paul's Church, 179, 232, 363, 477; Sithe's Lane, 343 ; Sythe's Church, 451 ; Vincent's Island, 512. Salford, Christopher, 613; John, 622, 624 ; Robert, 613, 623. Salisbury, Earls of, see Robert and Wil- liam Cecil. Salisbury side of James River, 29, 45. Salisbury (Eng.), 244. Salmon, John, 282, 359 ; Mr., 299. Salt, 176, 193, 284, 379, 460, 478 ; house, 420 ; works, 253, 327, 379, 463, 465. Saltingstone, *Sir Samuel, 265. Sampson, Mr., 474. Sands, see Sandys. Sandwich, 147, 167, 298. Sandy Point, 418. Sandys (Sands, etc.), Anne, 393 ; Rev. David, 631; *Sir Edwin, see infra; Edwin, archbishop of York, 250, 262 ; Edwin, son of Sir Samuel, 452 ; *George, 393, 398, 422, 426, 453, 455, 460, 463- 465, 471, 472, 475, 500, 502-504, 510, 511, 514, 536, 564, 567, 570, 571, 579, 600, 610, 614, 616, 621, 626, 627, 639, 646; *Henry, 498; Sir Myles, 510; Robert and Samuel, 651 ; *Sir Samuel, 252,393,394,452,510. Sandys, *Sir Edwin, iii, vi, rviii, xix, 14, 16, 17, 74, 75, 122, 147, 148, 166, 167, 225, 242-244, 249-252, 262-268, 289, 292, 293, 301, 306-309, 315, 328, 329, 334-369, 372, 381-390, 394-410, 419, 422-425, 433-442, 445, 454-457, 481, 483, 491, 493, 495, 498, 510, 522, 523, 526-531, 538, 542, 557, 558, 587, 594, 595, 597, 599, 600, 632, 635, 636, 640, 649-651 ; his administration as treas- urer or governor, 333-381 ; as assistant to, 242-332, 382-632 ; his first arrest, 424, 425, 435, 436, 458; second, 526; third, 531, 550-590; his house, 336, 346, 353. Sanford, Thomas, 371. Santa Elena, 88. Santee Indians, 90. Santiago, Juan de, 88, 91. Santo Domingo, 55. Sargasso Sea, 23. Sasenticum, 133. Sassafras, 153, 259, 278, 298, 346, 395, 457, 502, 503, 562 ; tea, 395, 409 ; see Flora. Sassapen, 475. Saunders, Edmund, 414. Saussaye, Captain, 191, 214, 217. Savage, John, 421; *Thomas, 58, 205, 288, 379, 418, 420, 421, 460, 613 ; his dividend, 625. Savage Islands (West Indies), 370. Saville, WnUam, 445. Savoy, Duke of, 267, 284, 285. Scamafissi, Count, 267. Scheuken Schans, 489. Schools, 248, 429, 441-443, 474, 497 ; see Indians, education of ; School Lands. Scotland, 248, 249, 252, 435, 629. Scott, *Anthony, 129, 132 ; *George, 523, 533, 535, 537 ; Mr., 444 ; *Sir John, 14 ; Rev. Thomas, 269 ; Walter, 613. Scottsville (Virginia), 70. Scrivener, *Matthew, 55, 57, 61, 69, 70, 87, 93, 118. Scrooby Manor, 252. " Sea (the) to all as free as the air," 388; free to both companies, 349; fight with Spanish ships, 415, 416; meawes, or mells, 116. " Seating Place," 25. Seaward, Isaac, 350 ; Rev. Samuel, 482. Secretaries of State : see R. Cecil (1606- 1612) ; James I. (1612-1614) ; R. Win- wood (1614-1617); T. Lake (1616- 1619); R. Naunton (1618-1622); G. Calvert (1619-1624) ; E. Conway (1623- 1024). Seed, mustard, 394; the, xxii, 99, 332, 408, 501, 650, 651. Selden, *John, 329, 385, 435-437, 489. Sermons, annual, 429, 430, 490, 491 ; at Jamestown, 31 ; thanksgiving, 300, , 451 ; see Religion. Servants, 258, 311, 312, 320, 323, 346, 348, 351, 464, 581, 618, 620, 622, 624, 625. Seville, 13, 180-182. Seymour, Attorney-General in 1692, 213 ; Edward, Earl of Hertford, 146, 635; *Edward, 14 ; Rev. Richard, 16. Shacley, *WiUiam, 342. Shakespeare, *William, 115, 134. Shares, see Lands. Sharpe, John, 211, 229; Samuel, 314, 318, 571, 579, 580, 613, 619 ; WiUiam, 613, 619. Sharpless, Edward, 568, 584. Shawe, William, 376. Sheffield, *Edmund, Lord, 115, 216, 244, 294, 367, 410, 424, 444, 455 ; Thomas, 617. Shelley, *Walter, 314, 318. Shepard (Shepherd, etc.), Thomas, 336, 382, 410, 455, 460, 590. Sherbrook, Humphrey, 416. Sherife, Richard, Sr. and Jr., 371. INDEX 681 Sherley, Henry, 266 ; *Sip Thomas, 266. Sherley Hundred, 308, 314, 322, 470. Shipman, W., 201. Shipbuilding in Virginia, 153, 176, 328 ; 412, 474; carpenters, 260; wrights, 463, 474, 502, 505, 562, 569. Ships, pertaining to, making voyages to and from the colonies, etc. : Abigail, 406, 419, 451, 489, 500-502, 505, 506, 510, 513, 533, 568 ; " an adviso," 154, 160, 189; Ambrose, 516; Ann, 565, 566, 614, 640, 642, 646 ; Argall's ships, 86; Argall's northern voyages, 202, 214, 217 ; Asuncion de Christo, 87, 88 ; " Bark of Adviso," 115 ; barque to Som- ers Islands, 471, 516 ; barque from Can- ada, 516 ; Bennett's ships, 475, 568 ; Bingley's vovage, 18 ; Blessing, 92, 109, 127, 134, 140, 200 ; Bona Nova, 328, 335, 342, 344, 366, 368, 370, 372, 375, 387, 409, 410, 412, 417, 428, 430, 469- 471, 621, 622 ; Bona Venture, 364, 377, 391, 473 ; Bonny Bess, 523, 559, 560, 569; Butler's barque, 500; canowes, 288 ; carvell, Spanish, 152-154 ; carvell, English, 156; catch, 92, 97; Charity, 474 ; Charles, 427, 453, 470 ; Concord, 461, 464 ; Conqueror, 504 ; Dainty, 125, 136, 144 ; Dale's ships, 145, 156 ; De la Warr, 127, 132, 138 ; Deliverance, 116, 127, 155; Dermer's bark, 375; Dia- mond, 92, 109 ; Diana, 308, 309, 325, 327, 355, 356; Discovery, 12, 22, 39, 53, 127, 137 ; 124 ; 428, 430, 469-472, 484; Due Return, 581, 610; Dutch man-of-war, 325-327, 359, 367 ; Dutch ships, 380, 470, 515; Duty, 351, 375, 417 ; East India ships, ^61, 442, 443, 481, 482; Edwin, 231, 250, 253, 256, 258-260, 267, 299, 308, 328; EUinor, 287, 299, 300, 334, 420; Elizabeth, 149, 154, 160, 162, 185, 188-191, 196- 199, 202, 208, 214, 218, 387, 409, 428, 469, 471 ; English ships, 156, 157, 162, 163, 167, 170, 171, 180, 185, 210, 258, 263, 290, 296-299, 327, 334, 380, 451, 535, 556, 589, 593, 638; Falcon, 92, 109, 353, 376 ; fishing voyages, see Fishing ; fleets, 54, 85, 92, 97, 98, 105, 106, 110, 118, 120, 127, 156, 182 ; Fly- ing Hart, or Flving Horse, of Flushing, 224, 231, 459, 644 ; Flushing man-of- war, 324, 326, 327, 356, 362, 373 ; For- tune, 425, 436 ; Francis Bona Venture, see Bona Venture ; French ships, 145, 148, 191, 192, 195, 217 ; Furtherance, 474, 479, 516, 582 ; Garland, 341, 359, 430, 612 ; George, 247, 252-256, 268, 272, 277-280, 285, 292, 308, 311, 313, 361, 372, 427, 450, 451, 453, 461, 462, 546, 548, 549, 560, 570, 582, 595, 601 ; Gift of God, 17, 52, 276, 285, 286, 311, 339, 344, 473, 533 ; God's Gift, 533, 568; God's Helpe, 428; Godspeed, 473 ; Goodspeed, 12, 22, 39 ; Gooking's ship, 512 ; Gorges' pinnacey 309 ; Gor- ges' ship, 566 ; Grace of God, 145, 148, 178 ; Great HopeweU, 549, 571, 581 ; Half Moon, 92, 105; Hanham and Pring, 9, 15 ; Harley and Hobson, 164 ; Hercules, 128, 134, 138-140, 144, 149, 160 ; HopeweU, 256, 277, 430, 469, 502, 504, 546, 549, 561 ; Hunt and Smith, 200; from Ireland, 420; Jacob, 546, 549, 581 ; James {or Little James ?), 486, 498, 499, 503, 506, 646 ; John and Francis, 50, 55, 158, 160, 172, 180, 220, 224, 231, 490, 509 ; Jonathan (Brother Jonathan ?) 349, 376 ; Joseph, 391 ; Katharine, 566 ; Lawne's ship, 288, 299, 323 ; Lion, 92, 109 ; Little James, see James ; London Merchant, 352, 363, 376, 391 ; Madre de Dios, 178 ; maga- zine ships, 259-261, 268, 271, 277, 285, 311, 342; Margaret, 345; Margaret and John, 391, 415, 416, 512, 513, 515 ; Marmaduke, 428, 450, 453, 454, 464, 546, 549, 581 ; Martha, 187, 197 ; Mary and John, 17, 51 ; Mary and Margaret, 63, 68, 70 ; Mary Margaret, 311, 364, 370, 371, 374, 470; Marygold, 311; Mayflower, 387, 407-409, 424, 468, 612, 651 ; Muscovy fleet, 187 ; from New- foundland, 516; Neptune, 281-284; New Netherland, 514 ; North Virginia ships, 63, 64, 66 ; open boat from Som- ers Islands, 236; "passage by sea," xix., 23, 73, 98, 106, 142, 143, 159, 253 ; Patience, 116, 127, 160 ; Phoenix, 50, 55, 59, 62 ; pirates, 20, 105, 256, 326, 358, 367, 368,~^370, 412 ; Planta- tion, 490 ; Plough, 168, 180 ; Pountis his ship, 295, 299, 312, 323 ; 507, 508, 567 ; Primrose, 473 ; Pring and Han- ham, 9, 15 ; private trading voyages, 290, 297, 299, 327, 328; Prosperous, 149, 155, 161, 312; Providence, 52; Return, 581, 587 ; Richard, 9, 51 ; St. Anthony, 440; Sampson, 288, 298, 310, 312, 328; Samuel, 516; Sarah, 156, 164, 171, 173, 180 ; Sarah Constant, 12, 22, 39, 171 ; Sea Adventure, 92, 94, 97, 109, 114 ; Sea Flower, 463, 467, 471, 481, 488, 504, 507, 508, 516 ; shallops, 25, 626 ; Silver Falcon, 297-299 ; Smith and Hunt, 200 ; Somers Islands pin- nace, 257 ; Southampton, 489, 500, 556, 560; Spanish fleets, 51, 87, 111, 154, 155, 180, 181, 184-187, 501 ; Span- ish ships, 20, 87, 88, 148, 152-156, 160, 161, 181, 217, 267, 300, 325, 412, 415, 416, 440, 645 ; Sparrow, 474 ; Star, 149, 155, 157, 162; Success, 500; Supply, 388, 413, 414, 470, 621; Susan, 235, 238, 256 ; Swallow, 92, 109, 124, 125 ; Swan of Barnstaple, 156, 363, 376, 391 ; Swan (Weston's), 609 ; Temperance, 407, 412, 423, 453 ; Tiger, 428, 461, 507, 508; Treasurer, 172, 174, 175, 178, 190-193, 203, 204, 212, 213, 217, 682 INDEX 218, 222, 224, 229, 233, 267, 282-285, 300, 311, 312, 324-327, 334, 339, 355- 360, 362, 368, 370, 391, 421, 519, 524 ; Trial, 156, 158, 179, 182, 312, 324, 353, 376; Truelove, 486, 499, 502, 503, 546, 548,568; Unity, 92, 109; Virgin, 644, 646 ; Virginia, 64, 84, 92, 108, 112, 113, 126-128, 153, 156 ; Warwick, 359, 428, 450, 459, 461, 462, 464 ; West Indian . voyages, 270 ; White Lion, 473 ; Wil- liam and John, 494, 568 ; William and Thomas, 271, 272, 285, 311, 334, 342 ; see Boats ; Currents of the ocean ; Gulf- stream ; Maury's charts. Shortridge, JefPery, 113. Shrewsbury, Earl of, see Gilbert Talbot. Sibley, Sidley, or Sidney, John, 624. Sickly season, 40, 60, 86, 129, 132, 138, 154, 188, 239, 288, 289, 473, 475. Sickness, 62, 92, 97, 98, 105, 108, 113, 134, 136, 137, 142, 14.3, 155, 213, 256, 260, 281, 321, 327-329, 377, 380- 382, 411, 419, 503-506, 610, 513, 515, 516, 541, 569, 612; see Census; Dis- Sidney, *Sir Philip, 1, 6, 115; *Robert, Viscount Lisle and Earl of Leicester, 104 115 444. Silk, 208, 379, 423, 429, 454, 458, 465, 478, 479, 488, 489, 501, 562, 569 ; flax, 320 ; grass, 208, 373, 379, 463, 503; works, 429. Silk-worms, 202, 208, 255, 410, 416, 417, 419, 488 ; seed, 416, 462, 469, 603, 505 ; see Mulberry trees. Silver, 106, 136, 188, 269, 270, 399, 440, 577. Simons, Richard, 619. Siouan tribes, 70, 112. Sipsey, John, 624. Sizemoure, Martha, 241 ; William, 619. Skore, Symon, 136. Slany, *Humphrey, 360, 526. Slaughter, Rev. PhiHp, 285. Sleigh, James, 613. Smaley, Captain, 228 ; widow, 585. Smith, *George, 333, 451; Joan, 613; John of Virginia (four), 613, 626; *John of Nibley, 297, 300, 345, 354, 355, 371-374, 388, 391, 395, 397, 402, 406, 409, 414, 462, 609, 623, 536 ; *Cap- tain John, iii-xvii, xx-xxii, 22, 24, 27, 28, 32, 42, 53-57, 59-63, 68-71, 87, 93- 99, 105, 108, 109, 118, 119, 121, 146, 147, 200, 240, 246, 247, 280, 325, 395, 422, 469, 640, 654, 590, 609, 614- 616, 635, 636 (his publications, see under Evidences) ; *Robert, 382, 385, 410, 460, 480, 481, 526; *Captain Roger, 373, 392, 419, 426, 452, 456, 504, 509, 511, 514, 564, 610, 614, 616, 621, 639, 646; *Sir Thomas (clerk of the Council), 14 ; Captain Tho- mas, 469 ; *Sir William, 300 ; William, 369. Smith or Smythe, *Sir Thomas, xix, 1, 9, 13, 44, 46-48, 62, 73, 76, 85, 104, 120, 137, 142, 160, 162, 163, 168, 169, 171, 173, 189, 215, 219, 221, 222, 231, 235, 242-244, 248, 249, 251, 255, 259, 267- 269, 272, 276, 280, 284, 289, 292, 294- 297, 299, 305-307, 310, 315, 328, 329, 3.34-337, 342, 343, 350, 359, 365-368, 381, 382, 384, 430, 444, 446, 447, 453, 478-480, 484, 506, 517, 518, 522, 523, 557, 558, 570-573, 579, 590, 591, 594, 595, 634, 638, 640-642 ; his administra- tion of the company, 73-332, 289, 307, 328-332, 384, 453, 478, 606, 641 ; his house, 343, 362, 384, 638; see Bar- grave. Smith's or Smythe's Hundred, 256, 276, 286, 291, 314, 350, 355, 356, 365, 373; Island, 173, 205, 379, 420. Smithsonian Institution, 112. Soane, * Joseph and Martha, 594; Sid- rake, 264, 594. Solicitor generals, see J. Doderidge (1606- 1607) ; F. Bacon (1607-1613) ; H. Yel- verton (161.3-1617) ; T. Coventry (1617- 1621) ; R. Heath (1621-1624). Somers, *Sir George, 6, 76, 84, 92, 102, 114, 116, 122, 131, 132, 135, 160, 163, 173, 178, 331, 395; *Matthew, 92, 160, 422, 480. Somers Islands Company, 200, 231, 256, 277, 300, 326, 334, 348, 352, 359, 368, 387, 390, 391, 399-402, 431, 434, 443, 478, 488, 620, 627, 532, 568; see Ber- mudas. Somerset, *Edward, Earl of Worcester, 538, 555. Somerset, Earl of, see Robert Carr. Somersetshire, 291, 292. Southampton, Earl of, see H. Wriothesley. Southampton House, 343, 349, 367 ; Hun- dred, 286, 365, 385, 408, 418, 441-443, 470, 502, 618, 621, 627, 628 ; river, 135, 136, 149, 309, 323, 623. _ ^ Southampton-Sandys administration, 382- 632. South Carolina, 88, 89, 110, 112. Southern Tribes, 113. Southerne, John, 503, 571, 579, 584, 621, 622. Southerton, Elias, 497. Southey, Henry, 629. South Sea (the Pacific Ocean), xviii, 28, 57-62, 70, 92, 106, 153, 165, 187, 196, 417, 460, 487, 577, 617. Spain, Infanta of, 191, 440; kings of, 412, 433, 489, 440 {see Philip III. and IV.) ; power of, 592 ; queen of, 161. Spain and Spaniards, xviii, 1-3, 6, 11, 13-20, 29, 36, 43, 44, 47, 48, 51, 62, 63-65, 75, 82, 86-88, 90, 91, 109-113, 124, 125, 144-148, 152-166, 161, 163, 164, 177, 178, 180-183, 186-187, 189, 198, 199, 204, 216, 231-234, 237, 243, 244, 267, 270, 276, 284, 288, 291, 292, INDEX 683 295, 325, 356-358, 360, 367, 388, 398- 400, 412, 416, 439, 440, 467, 469, 576, 591-593, 595, 640. Spanish agents in England, 334, 357, 359 ; (see " Padre Maestro," and Ulloa) ; am- bassadors, 121, 170, 232, 277, 501 (see Gondonaar, Velasco, and Zuiiiga) ; Ar- mada, 88, 184; cargo, 325; consulta- tions, 177 ; Council of " Haziendo," 181 ; Council of State, 15, 16, 20, 50-52, 58, 68, 144, 187, 197, 269; Council or Board of War, 16, 52, 144, 161, 197; i Council of the West Indies, 199; Do- minions, 285 (see Florida, Mexico, New Spain, West Indies, etc.) ; expeditions to Virginia, see Ecija, and Molina ; fleets, see under Ships ; hides, prizes, etc., 256, 257, 279 (see Argall, the ship Treasurer, Captain John Powell, Tucker, etc.) ; Indies, 2, 16 (see Dominions) ; in- fluence, 180, 440; invasion, 184, 185, 194, 501 ; marriages, 64, 124, 144, 591, 595 ; mines, 439, 592 ; naval service, 186 ; party in England, 306 (see under Politics, etc.) ; prison, 51 ; prisoners at Jamestown, 155, 156, 161-163, 186- 188, 191, 192, 196, 204, 211 ; reputa- tion, 49, 357 ; Roman Catholic missions, 111, 112, 211 ; Secretary of State, 181, 198; settlements in America, 111, 154, 211 (see Dominions) ; ships, see under Ships ; soldiers, 88 ; spies, see Spies ; tobacco, 343, 344, 398-402, 599 (see Tobacco) ; Varinas, 344 ; West Indies, see West Indies; "wrongs," 16, 17; war, 592, 593, 595. Sparkes, Robert, 173. Sparrow, John, 590 ; *Stephen, 353. Speaker of the House of Commons, 597. Spelman (Spillman, etc.), *Captain Henry, 95, 137, 160, 282, 312, 321, 472, 489, 507, 508, 567; Sir Henry, 489; Thomas, 623. Spelman's (Captain Henry) divident, 620. Spence, William, 314, 318, 613, 622. Spencer or Spenser, William, 613, 621. Spies, for England, 186 ; for Spain, 160, 163, 167. 177, 212, 218. Spiller, Sir Henry, 521, 585. Spinola, 388. Squibb, Captain Thomas, 490. Stacy, Master, 136, 245 ; Robert, 314. Staffordshire, 379. Stallinge, Captain Edward, 286, 309 ; Jas- per, 416 ; *William, 84. Stamp Act, 650. Staples, Richard, 622 ; Rev. Robert, 451, 631. Star Chamber, 402, 596. Staresmore, Sabin, 264, 272. "Starving time," 118. States General of Holland, 144, 145, 200, 218, 449, 450, 645. Stationers' Company, 214 ; Hall, 120, 142, 160, 162, 186, 451. Stephens, or Stevens, Richard, 445, 536, 538, 561, 571, 579, 582, 608, 621. Stepney, John, 120 ; Thomas, 613. Steward, *Augustine, 350. Stewart, James, 629. Stiles, Mr., 476. Stock, see Joint stock. Stockton, Rev. Jonas, 418, 631. Stokes, or Stoaks, Mr., 309. Stone, John, 613 ; William, 351, 371. Stoneman, John, 51. Store, see Magazine. Story, Judge, 330. Stout, John and Robert, 482. Strachey, *William, 69, 80, 114, 116, 117, 128-131, 134, 150, 151, 155, 157, 162, 178. Strange, John, 336, 590 ; Philip, 413. Strode (Strowde, etc.), *Sir William, 401. Stuart, *Queen Anne, 64, 246, 247, 300, 469; *Prince Charles, 135, 210, 238, 291, 360, 440, 478, 591, 595, 599, Charles I., 56, 70, 273, 331, 557, 636, 640-649 ; *Princess Elizabeth, 179, 181, 185, 186, 377, 542 ; *Prince Henry, 25, 33, 124, 135, 151, 155, 157, 164, 178, 182, 189,200,212, 237, 238 ; *James I., see infra ; James, of Virginia, 629 ; *Ludovic, Duke of Lenox, 361, 362, 365, 389, 425, 526, 538, 591, 635; *Frances, Duchess of Lenox, 635, 637. Stuart, *King James I., v, vi, viii, xi, 74, 75, 85, 97, 102, 124, 139, 141, 162, 165, 171, 177-182, 185-188, 196-201, 205, 215-237, 247-252, 262, 265, 270, 273, 280, 292-296, 300, 316, 331, 334, 335, 346, 348, 351, 352, 364, 367-369, 383, 384, 387-389, 393, 394, 397, 401-405, 412, 423, 426-428, 431-441, 449, 458, 476-484, 488-492, 494, 496, 508-510, 517-520, 523-526, 531-535, 539-544, 547, 549, 551-556, 561, 562, 570, 572, 574, 579, 581, 584, 586-594, 596-599, 602, 603, 605, 641-643, 651 ; his admin- istrations, 1-72, 632-640 ; his picture in Virginia, 473 (when was it presented to the Indian King ?). Stubbins, Thomas, 369. Stubbs, Mr., 390. Studley, *Thomas, 42. Sturgeon's Point, 256. Sturton, Robert, 245. Stuteville, *Sir Martin, 488. Subscribers, 147, 148 ; see Adventurers. Subscription rolls, 141, 165, 537-539, 546, 548-550, 562. Suckling, *Sir John, 526, 538, 634. Suffolk, Earl of, see Thomas Howard. Suffolk (Eng.), 222. Suits : Breach of promise, 563, 564, 571, 594 ; Canning v. Keightley, 589, 590 ; Prince Charles v. The Lord Treasurer, 595, 597-599 ; Company v. Delinquents, 187 ; Martin v. Yeardley, 591, 609, 610 ; see Argall-Treasurer- Warwick ; Bar- 684 INDEX grave v. Smythe ; Company v. The Crown, under Charter rights and Quo Warranto ; Subject v. The Crown, under the Cape Cod fishery case. Sully, Thomas, 613, 621. Sunnibanck, Doctor, 477. Supplies, 183, 184, 277, 283,409,420,462, 486, 487, 499, 533, 537-539, 546, 548- 550, 559-563, 568, 569, 618, 620, 623, 624 ; see Commodities ; Corn ; Provi- sions; Victuals. Surry County, Virginia, 313. Surveyors, 146, 147, 235, 243, 319, 320, 422, 423, 445, 454 ; see Engineers. Susquehanna River, 60. Sussex (Eng.), 379, 542. Sutcliffe, *Rev. Dr. Matthew, 14. Sutton, Sir Richard, 521, 585. Swaine, or Swayne, Arthur, 369, 417, 494, 644; Mr., 482; Thomas, William, 369. Swann, Mr., 482. Sweet, Robert, 508. Swift, *Ensigne James, 116, 173, 354, 392. Swinhowe, *George, 561 ; Thomas, 619. Switzerland, 250. Swye, J., 345. Symonds, *Rev. William, 80, 82, 83, 123. Tackonekintaco, 135. Talbot, *Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, 100. Tanks, or Tanx, Powhatans, 473, 516; Wayonoke, 256, 322, 618, 619 ; Wya- nokes, 516. Tappahannocks, 287, 621. Tappahatonaks, 472. Tatum, Richard, 536, 560. Tavemer, *John, 264, 300, 336. Tavistock, 436. Taxes, 318, 320, 321, 411, 567, 579 ; see Tithes. Taylor, John, 371, 613, 623; Richard, 613, 619. Tempests, 23, 92, 109, 110, 114-116, 142, 278, 281 ; " The Tempest," 161. Tenants, 283, 320, 323, 336, 345, 346, 356, 370, 376, 378, 379, 391, 411, 416, 419, 420, 422, 461, 463, 486, 492, 493, 500, 562, 600. Tew, or Tue, Mary, 259, 481. Thame Park, 383. Thames, The, 2, 13, 26, 43, 83, 267, etc. Thanksgiving, see Sermons. Thet, *Father Gilbert du, 191. Thompson, Captain, 349, 376; David, 566 ; Maurice, 536, 561, 622. Thornebury, John, 365. Thornehill, Sir Timothy, 497. Thorpe, *George, 297, 343, 345, 363, 371, 372, 374, 376, 382, 388, 408, 410, 412- 415, 418, 454, 455, 462, 466, 467, 500. Throckmorton, Elizabeth, Lady Dale, 145 ; Sir Thomas, 145 ; *Sir William, 297, 300, 345, 364, 371, 372. Tides, 116 ; tide-water Virginia, 249. Tilbury Fort, 353. Tindall, see Tyndall. TindaU's Shoals, 420, 501, 514. Tithes of corn and tobacco, 567, 579. Tobacco, the first commodity found to re- pay the expense of cultivation and transportation, vii, 29, 185, 196, 201, 215, 220, 232, 234, 235, 241, 244, 260, 261, 263, 268, 297-299, 321, 346, 374, 378, 409, 478, 479, 569, 578, 597, 599, 600, 626, 627, 638, 641, 648; business, 428, 431-434, 455-458, 462, 465, 466, 483, 489, 503, 509 ; customs, duties, etc., 335, 343, 344, 348, 350, 352, 364, 365, 395, 496, 577, 594, 597 ; farming the impost offered to the company, 352, 354 ; contract with Roe and others (1620-1621), 386, 387, 398, 402, 403, 412, 422, 423, 426, 431 ; contract with Jacobs (1621-1622), 426, 434 ; contract with the Virginia and Somers Islands companies (1622-1629), 483, 484, 493- 497, 499, 509, 510, opposed by the Smythe party and dissolved by the crown, 496, 559, and the sole importa- tion of, offered the companies, 559, 569, 577, 597, 599, 600, 641; planting in England, 351, 352, 400-402, 426; the business before Parliament, 400-402, 422, 423, 597, 599, 600 ; free liberty asked for the trade, 395, 432, 434; crop of (1612), 173, 174, 190, 196, 208 (sent to England by the Elizabeth ?) ; (1613), 192, 207, 208 (by the Treasurer and Elizabeth?) ; (1614), 207, 213, 224, 228, 231 (by the John and Francis and Flying Hart?); (1615), 228, 229, 230, 233 (the Treasurer) ; (1616), 226, 238, 239, 240, 255 (the Susan and George) ; (1617), 253, 254, 257, 259, 260, 263, 267, 268, 272, 278 (the Edwin, George, and Neptune) ; (1618), 278, 279, 281, 284, 311, 343 (the WiUiam and Thomas); (1619), 311, 320, 361 (the design to cultivate tobacco with negro labor was probably first put into execution in the summer of 1619, 249, 288, 289, 325, 326) ; (1620), sent to Holland, 387, 391, 414, 417, 431 ; (1621), 395, 432, 434, 451, 462 ; (1622) owing to the massacre a short crop, sent to Holland, 495, 502, 504 ; (1623) a good crop, 516, 566 ; plan- tation, xxi, 439 ; prices, 228, 254, 255, 268, 279, 320, 321, 343, 344, 351, 562, 563, 577 (sold by the candle, 299, 351) ; taxes, 434; tobacco-houses, 620, 623; trade for fish, 376 ; see John Rolf e. Tobacco, Rennet's Treatise on, 398-400. Tobacco-pipe monopoly, 273. Tobacco Point (Virginia), 322. " Tobacco, (The) Rowle " (London), 513. Tolere Creek, 70. Tomakin, 255 ; Tomacomo, 246. Tomkins, Humphrey, 353. TomHns, *Richard, 527, 528, 538. INDEX 685 Too's Point, 58. Torphet, Stephen, 371. Tower, The, 291, 484. Towerson, Mr., 401 ; *Wmiam, 274, 351. Tracy, Joiee and Mary, 413 ; Thomas, 413, 617 ; *William, 354, 364, 382,388, 410, 413-415, 426. Tracy's Patent, 628. Trade, Trading, 75, 320, 504, 609, 627, 628 ; to Amsterdam, 431 ; Eastern shore, 288, 420, 460, 625 ; fur, 377, 380, 430, 448-450, 454, 470, 471 (with Indians and in Delaware and Hudson rivers) ; fish, see Fish, New England, and New- foundland; West Indies, 14, 18, 19,85; see Tobacco ; Treaty. Tradescant, *John, 245, 514. Treasurer, the roving voyage of the ship, 284, 285, 300, 311, 324-327, 333, 339- 341, 356-360, 367, 368, 391. Treasurers of the royal household : see W. KnoUys (1606-1614) ; E. Lord Wootton (1614-1618) ; T. Edmonds (1618-1624). Treaty with Spain, 1, 2, 17, 18, 51, 80, 599. Tree, Richard, 621, 622. Trench, 545 ; see Dutch gaps. Trevor, *Sir John, 9, 498, 594. Trinidad, 147, 399. Truelove, Rowland, 427, 499, 536, 629. Truelove Society Plantation, 499, 568. Tubman, Samuel, 264. Tuchin, or Tutehin, E., 581 ; Simon, 581, 610. Tucker, *Captain Daniel, 13, 16, 77, 132, 256, 257, 300, 333, 390, 392, 422, 629 ; *John, 336 ; *William, 245, 309, 314, 318, 402, 420, 502, 504, 509, 514, 516, 571, 580, 613, 623, 624, 626, 646. Tudor, *Queen Elizabeth, ix, xix, 6, 76, 178, 262. Tu© s€€ Tgw* Tufton, *Sir Nicholas, 268, 367- Turkey Island, 28 ; Bend, 194, 209. Turkey, 461 ; Turks, 65, 461. Turner, Henry, 613 ; *William, 191, 192, 213, 218. Tusearoras, 112. Twine, John, 316. Twisden, Sir Roger, 497 ; *Sir William, 497. Tyndall, or TindaU, *Robert, 28, 29, 33, 57, 60, 83, 93, 132, 146, 147 ; Thomas, 617. Tyndall's charts of James River, of York River and along the bank of Virginia, 30, 57, 58, 64, 93, 132; Point, 58; shoals, 420, 501, 514. Ucita, daughter of an Indian king, 82. Ulloa, Julian Sanchez de, 276, 358. Ulster, Ireland, 547. United Provinces of Holland, 100. United States of America, xv, 74, 99, 652. Unknown persons, 344, 354, 429, 442, 602. Upper Chippoak Creek, 468. Upper Hundred, 194. Usher, James, 619. Utie, John, 571, 580, 621. Utrecht, 269. Uttamatomakin, 246, 247. Velasco, Don *Alonso de, 124, 125, 141, 144, 146-148, 160-163, 167, 173, 177, 179, 181, 185-190, 196, 197, 218. Venice, gentleman of, 175, 189, 196. Vere, *Sir'Horatio, 386, 593. Vernam, Thomas, 416. Vesey, William, 491. Viceroy of New Spain, 412. Victuals, 310, 581 ; see Provisions ; Sup- plies ; etc. Vigo, John and Susan, 613. Villa Flores, see Zufiiga. VUledieu, 108. *Villeroy, 199, 220. " Villiaco," 47. Villiard, John, 617. Villiers, *George, Duke of Buckingham, 247, 368, 426, 434, 591, 595, 599. Vincent, WiUiam, 613, 619. Viner, or Vyner, Thomas, 369, 498, 538. Vines, grape, 133, 320, 374, 379, 417, 458, 462, 465, 488, 503, 505, 562, 569, 577; vignerons, 406, 422, 464, 465; vineyards, 479 ; see Bonnell ; Wines. Virginia (34°-45° north latitude) under the Crown, 1-71 ; His Majesty's Council for, 7-12, 14, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31, 33, 39, 43, 47, 48, 49, 52, 55, 68, 73, 83, 105, 120, 162, 166, 245, 252, 349,350; the Second or Northern Colony and Com- pany, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15-17, 51, 52, 63-66, 77, 84, 108, 135, 145, 148, 164, 176, 191, 192, 194, 197, 199, 200, 217, 239, 347, 349, 360-362, 365, 372, 375, 376, 380, 387, 407, 408, 424, 425, 522, 632 (the King's Council in, 15-17) ; the First or Southern Colony and Company, 6, 7, 9-12, 38, 21-42, 50, 52-61, 64,68-71, 86-99, 108-119, 127 ; the King's Coun- cil in the Colony, v, ix-xii, 24, 27, 30, 33, 53-55, 58, 59, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 87, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 118, 119 ; see Charter of 1606. For the Northern Colony under their new charter see under New England. Virginia (34°-40° north latitude) as man- aged by The London Company under their special charters of 1609 and 1612, 77, 117, 126-139, 140, 149-159, 171- 176, 189-195, 202-213, 218, 224-230, 238-241, 253-255, 260, 272, 273, 276- 289, 291-301, 305, 308-338, 344-346, 348, 349, 351, 352, 355, 356, 359-361, 365, 368-383, 387-391, 394, 396, 399- 427, 431, 434, 435, 440, 443, 445, 446, 686 INDEX 450, 453-475, 478-482, 486, 488, 493, 499-516, 520, 522, 527, 532, 534, 549, 559-584, 594, 598, 605-632; the gov- ernor's council in, 126, 131, 132, 139, 149, 150, 157, 166, 192; descriptions of, 34-37, 140, 152, 171, 205, 374, 418, 612 ; bay of, 152 ; see Commissions ; Courts ; Elections ; Government ; Lands ; Laws ; Managers ; etc. Virginia, the London Company of, x, xv, xvii-xx, 65, 73-85, 100, 131, 199, 212, 213, 215, 220, 237, 250, 252, 259, 260, 349, 361, 362, 365, 380, 388, 396, 403, 427, 448, 615, 631-633, 635, 636, 648, 651, 652; His Majesty's Council for, 80, 132, 134, 136, 139, 142, 144, 145, 147, 151, 154, 157, 160, 166, 199, 217, 222, 279, 280, 287, 294, 311, 321, 337, 340, 342, 343, 347, 362, 365, 382, 392, 393, 422, 457, 458, 477, 479, 482, 491, 494, 527, 534, 535 ; committees of the Company, v, ix, x, 154, 160, 333, 428 ; duties of the officers, 301-305; see Adventurers ; Auditors ; Charters of the Company; Courts of the Compa- ny ; Elections of the Company ; Govern- ment under the Company; Managers, etc. Virginia (34°-40P north latitude), the charters of the company overthrown, the management of the colony is re- sumed by the Crown, 633-648; see Commission to aid the King ; Lords Commissioners for the affairs of Vir- ginia. Virginia, gifts to, 349 ; see Rev. Thomas Bargrave ; N. Ferrar, Sr, ; Mary Rob- inson ; T. Roe ; G. Ruggles ; School (the East India), contributors to ; Un- known persons ; and W. Whitehead. " Virginiola," see Bermudas. Vivian, Christopher, 497. Voyages, 6, 18, 21, 33, etc. ; see Ships. Voyages, the three, for discovery and trade, 379, 380, 417, 418. Vyner, see Viner. Wade, Armigil, 9; *Sir William, 9, 52, 104. Wahunsenacawh, 40. Wainwright, Thomas, 480. Wake, Sir Isaac, 598. Waldo, *Captain Richard, 68-70, 87, 118. Wales, 352, 443. Waller, Ensign, 137; William, 368; see WoUer. Walloons, 427, 428, 449, 450, 455, 514, 651. Walsingham, *Sir Francis, 1, 6. Want, John, 116. Ward, Captain John, 268, 288, 299, 310, 312, 314, 315, 318, 365, 372, 628. Ward's Creek, 288 ; Plantation, 314-317, Wariscoyacks, 225. Warner, Mr., 33, 48. Warow h Comaco, see Werocomoco. Warr, *Thomas, 9. Warrants, 248, 258, 263, 267, 395. Warraskoyacks (etc.), Indians, 225, 475, 516. Warrasquoke, etc., 136, 288, 514, 576, 580, 622. Warwick, Earl of, see Robert Rich. Warwick County (Va.), 313. Warwickshire (Eng.), 379. Washer, Ensign, 314. Washington, Alice, George, Henry, and John, 651. Washington, D. C, 338, 507, 508, 532. Waterhouse, *David, 273 ; *Edward, 469, 487 ; Francis, 629; Mr., 430; Thomas, 629. Waters, *Edward, 257, 473, 613, 622; Mrs., 473 ; Robert, 116. Waterson, Master, 120. Watkins, David, 252; Henry, 571,580; John, 416. Watson, *William, 369, 590. Watts, *Sir John, 65 ; Thomas, 613. Wayne, Amyte, 613. Weanoke, see Weyonoke, etc., 319. Webb, Captain, 92, 173 ; Elizabeth, 413 ; ♦Captain George, 131, 211, 229 ; Mr., 498 ; *Thomas, 426 ; WilUam, 333, 382, 487. " Webbes and Prices designe," 158. Welby, *William, 167. Weld, *Sir Humphrey, 80, 113. Weldon, William, 342, 629. Wells, William, 419. Wenman, *Sir Ferdinando, 128, 131, 382, 393 ; his daughter, 382 ; Sir Francis, 393 ; *Sir Thomas and Sir Richard, 383. Wentworth, Henry, 452, 570, 593 ; Mr., 561 ; ^Sir Thomas, 436. Weroscoick, 133 ; see Warrasquoake. Werowocomoco, 57, 58, 113. West, Lady Cicely De la Warr, 247, 282, 291, 364, 368, 402, 452, 482, 491 ; ♦Cap- tain Francis, x, 69, 94, 95, 97, 108, 112, 113, 118, 124, 125, 211, 229, 230, 257, 310, 317, 324, 373, 392, 435, 444, 455, 490, 508, 509, 565, 566, 570, 571, 579, 610, 613, 614, 616, 619, 639, 645-648; Francis, Jr., 647 ; Henry, Lord De la Warr, 324, 369, 373, 452, 491, 494, 519, 533 ; Jane, 383 ; 647 ; *Captain John, 56, 473, 650 ; *Captain Nathaniel, 257, 616 ; *Sir Thomas, Lord Governor and Captain-General of Virginia, 76, 77, 84, 85, 100, 102, 104-106, 120, 121, 123, 126-132, 134-141, 150, 156, 159, 160, 162, 170, 182, 183, 190, 202, 211, 242, 247, 251, 257, 260, 263-265, 267, 272, 277, 281-283, 285, 290, 293, 297, 305, 315, 317, 324, 339, 344, 373, 382, 392, 396, 447, 631 ; *Captain William, 136. INDEX 687 West and Sherley Hundred, 194, 228, 229, 373, 579, 619, 621 ; see Sherley. Westham, 58. Western Islands, see Azores. West Indies, 6, 13, 17-19,' 22, 24, 36, 52, 59, 73, 85-87, 111, 149, 156, 162, 163, 178, 204, 226, 256,-270, 284, 285, 289, 292, 300, 311, 324, 325, 334, 339, 356, 358, 370, 412, 416, 433, 440, 450, 464, 469, 481, 512, 581, 592, 595, 600, 645. Westminster, 291, 395. Weston, Francis, 594, 617 ; *Garret, 594 ; Sir Richard (chancellor), 433, 526, 538, 594, 600, 634, 643 ; Thomas, 354, 368, 425, 474, 609. Westover, 324, 373, 579, 619. Weymouth, *Captain George, 3, 9, 44, 47, 135. Weynman, see Wenman. Weynok, 322 ; see Great ; Tanks ; Wey- onoke. Wheat, WiUiam, 430. Wheatley, *Thomas, 333, 513, 535. Whitaker, *Rev. Alexander, 149, 151j 155, 171, 186, 202, 209, 212, 228, 240, 241, 247, 256, 260, 277, 418, 631 ; his sister, 277 ; Captain, 512 ; Jabez, 571, 580, 646; Lieutenant, 454; Master, 418 ; Rev. Dr. William, 228. Whiteombe, Mr., 369. White, George, 257 ; *Captain John, 1 ; *John (" the puritan " attorney), 496, 523, 527, 528, 533, 561, 609; Rev. Thomas, 460, 462, 631 ; William, 629. Whitehall, 248, 296, 438, 535, 550. Whitehead, William, 497. Whitner, Francis, 336. Whitson, *John (alderman), 477. Whittingham, Thomas, 115. Wickham, Rev. William, 228, 256, 260, 310, 317, 631. Widows, *Richard, 538. Widows for wives, 454. Wiffin, *David, 264, 273. Wilcocks, Captain John, 420, 504, 571, 580 ; Michael, 614. Wilde, Robert, 131 ; see Weld. WUkins, Giles, 413. William and Mary College, 213. "VV^illiam the Conqueror, 108. Williams, Henry, 421, 614 ; John (Lord Keeper), 259, 433, 447, 480, 526, 530, 555 ; John (goldsmith), 274, 351 ; Law- rence, 498. Willoughby, Thomas, 614, 624. Wilmer, *Clement, 451 ; *George, 452. Wilson, *Thoraas, 161 ; Thomas, 430. Wilton, Francis, 617. Wiltz (Eng.), 456. Winchester, 291. Wincop, John, 336 ; his patent, 336, 337, 341, 628. Windham, Hugh, 336. Winds, 21-23, 83, 86, 110, 116. Windsor, 597. Wine, 454, 458, 478, 479, 488, 489, 501. Wingfield, *Captain Edward Maria, 6, 11, 24, 27, 30, 53, 55, 56, 58, 62, 73. 74, 99, 118 ; Richard and Sir Robert, 533. Winne, see Wynne. Winslow, Edward, 565. Winston, or Wynston, *Dr. Thomas, 336, 351, 355, 358, 368, 382, 454, 455, 460, 514 ; WilHam, 333. Winter, Thomas, 622. Winter (1607-1608), 57, 113; (1609- 1610), 112, 113. Win wood, *Sir Ralph, 145, 161, 201, 214, 219, 220, 233, 252, 264. Winyah Bay (S. C), 89. Wiseman, Mr., 333, 419, 453; Richard, 288, 419, 629 ; Thomas, 629. Wissaponson Creek, 421. Witherall, Thomas, 369. Withers (Wither, W^ *Anthony, 427, 523, 528, 533, 538j 590; John, 619. Witters, John, 619. Wives, 346, 349, 376, 430, 454, 459, 461. Wodenoth, *Arthiir, 125, 307, 331, 361, 437, 542, 602 ; Will, 331. " Wodestreete Compter," 272. WoUer, or WooUer, *Edward, 263; see Waller. Wolstenholme, *Henry, 451 ; *Sir John, 221, 244, 259, 264, 265, 268, 272, 275, 276, 286, 301, 306, 339, 342-344, 355, 427, 443, 444, 451, 460, 476, 513, 634; Mr., 526. Wolstenholme's town in Virginia, 460. Wood, Ambrose, 423, 451 ; Captain, 92 ; John, 412; Philip, 444 ; *Thomas, 420, 423, 459. WoodaU, *Dr. John, 137, 219, 512, 554, 590. Woodcott, James, 430. Woodliffe, *Captain John, 345, 371-374, 409, 413, 619. Woolwich, 84. Worcester, Earl of, see Edward Somerset. Worsley, *Sir Bowyer, 629 ; *Sir Richard, 401, 419, 629. Wortham, James, 480. Wotton, Thomas, 28. Wowinchapuncka, 26. Wriothesley, *Henry, Earl of Southamp- ton, 6, 45, 65, 104, 115, 125, 135, 161, 216, 244, 267, 294, 334, 340, 343, 349, 359, 367, 369, 382, 383, 386, 387, 389- 391, 393, 405, 406, 412, 420, 430, 435, 439, 440, 442, 452, 454, 455, 457, 476, 477, 497, 515, 517, 522, 526, 530, 531, 535, 550, 566, 587, 593, 594, 596, 604, 610; his arrest, 455; his confinement to his house, 530, 531, 550, 593; his administration, 382-632 ; see Sir Ed- win Sandys ; Southampton Hundred ; etc. Writters, John, 619. Wrolf e, Thomas, 247 ; see Rolf e. 688 INDEX Wrote, *Samuel, 360, 364, 382, 385, 396, 427, 428, 454, 455, 481, 493, 494, 514, 539,586. Wrothe, *John, 244, 268, 333, 335, 339, 342, 343, 348, 382, 385, 427, 454; *Sir Thomas, 343, 364, 528, 554, 557, 590. Wyanoke Marish, 576. Wyanokes, 472, 516 ; see Weynoke, etc. Wyatt, Sir Francis, 251, 293, 317, 390, 393, 398, 419, 426, 427, 450, 453-475, 499-516, 559-584, 596, 597, 600, 605- 632, 639, 640, 642, 646, 647 ; his father (George), 511, 640 ; Rev. Hawte, 426, 453, 631; Lady, 393, 451, 500, 513, 582, 600. Wyke-Regis, 105. Wynauk, 28 ; see Wyanoke, etc. Wynne, or Winne, Edward, 629; *Capt. Peter, 68-71, 87, 115, 118. Xacan, 88, 90. Ximines, Gongalo, 409. Yate, Ferdinand, 371, 374, 414. Ybarra, Pedro de, 64, 87, 111. Yeardley (Yardley, etc.),E8quire (Argall), 421 ; *Captain, afterwards Sir George, xii, 127, 131, 136, 210, 228, 230, 238- 241, 251, 253, 254, 259, 266, 272, 280, 284, 286-288, 290. 292-294, 296, 297, 305, 308-332, 334, 339, 345, 347, 354, 362-364, 370-381, 392, 393, 407-421, 441, 452-456, 461, 463-466, 469, 472- 475, 478, 480-482, 498, 504, 505, 564, 565, 570, 571, 579, 580, 591, 609, 610, 614, 616, 619, 621, 625-627, 629, 639, 640, 642, 643, 64.5-648 ; Lady Temper- ance, 281, 286, 294, 295, 370, 614. Yelverton, H., 350. Yoa, the village of. 111. York (Eng.), 405. York River, Virginia, 40, 57, 203. Zealand, 600. Zouch, *Sir Edward, 346, 348, 375 ; *Ed- ward. Lord, 263, 267, 268, 297, 298, 361 ; *Sir John, 3 ; *John, 533, 535, 630. Zufliga, F. de S. Y., 88, 89, 91. Zufiiga, *Don Pedro de, 3, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 45, 48, 50-52, 62-65, 76, 79-81, 105, 120, 121, 123, 170, 177, 179-182. ^ 14 DAY USE «BTOKN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. NOV 21 'see^^-a^J-irrGiw -^^^s^m^^um. ~—Jfl}L.j2_u,^_ rp'd circ. APR 2 5 1984 BB& Cn. JUN DEC 1 5 1981 DfC 7 '66-10 PM LOAN DEiFT ui/ 21A-60m-7,'66 (G4427sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley ^C 58272 ' ■■■' ' '^S,^^^^ <^0''5S4475o •4iirt'n.