' ' ,-> ; : HENRY M. STANLEY. THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF STANLEY AND OTHER AFRICAN EXPLORERS. Comprising all the late and really great achievements won in the exploration of the vast unknown region of equatorial Africa ; chief among which are the finding of the lost Livingstone by Stanley, the explorations of the great lakes, the wonderful experiences of Sir Samuel W. Baker, in his re- markable expedition, with a small army, under royal authority, to the Central Lake Region by way of the Nile ; the discoveries of Lieut. Cameron in his memorable overland journey across the entire continent from east to west ; and the crowning triumph of all, won by the daring and intrepid Stanley, in facing a thousand perils by savages, cataracts, disease, wild beasts and starvation, but by an almost superhuman heroism, forcing his way down the dark river 2500 miles, and solving the great mystery by proving Living- stone's Lualaba verily the headwaters of the mighty C O NGhO. And thus opening a grand highway from the west coast to the heart and treasures of one of the most populous and productive continents of the globe. The story of these wonderful adventures and brilliant achievements from first to last is fully set forth. The whole having been carefully prepared. By Hon. J. T. HEADLEY, Author of "Napoleon and his Marshals," " Washington and his Generals," "Sherman and his Campaigns," " Farragut and our Naval Commanders,'" "Sacred Mountains," "Life of General Grant,'" etc., etc. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. PUBLISHED BY HUBBARD BROS., PHILADELPHIA, PA.; SPRINGFIELD, MASS.; CHICAGO, ILL. ; CINCINNATI, OHIO: N. D. THOMPSON