THE THEEMAL MEASUKEMENT OF ENERGY. 3LonUon: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBKIDGE UNIVEKSITY PKESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MAKIA LANE. 50, WELLINGTON STREET ILetpjtfl: F. A. BROCKHAUS. gorfe: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. E. SEYMOUR HALE. [All Rights reserved.] THE THEEMAL MEASUREMENT OF ENERGY. LECTURES DELIVERED AT THE PHILOSOPHICAL HALL, LEEDS BY E. H. GRIFFITHS, M.A., F.R.S. FELLOW OF SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1901 CambriUge : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PEEFACE. following Lectures were delivered in Leeds, during the Spring of this year, at the request of the Technical Instruction Committee of the West Riding County Council. At the close of the course I received, from those who had attended it, a request that the lectures should be published ; this request was subsequently repeated in a letter from the Secretary of the Technical Committee. I therefore now give the lectures (with a few trifling exceptions) in the form in which they were delivered. It did not appear possible in such a course, and if possible I should not have considered it advisable, to enter on any detailed criticism of all the various deter- minations of the heat equivalent; suffice it to say, the selection of examples was in no sense arbitrary. Some reference to the educational aspects of the subject are, I hope, justified by the fact that the greater portion of my hearers were teachers of science. It is natural that an audience should criticise its lecturer ; but the reversal of the process may appear to 360480 vi Preface be almost an impertinence. Nevertheless, I will venture to record some of the impressions I received during my visits to Yorkshire. Informal classes were held at the close of each lecture, and from the experience thus gained, as well as from a study of the large number of letters forwarded to me during the course, I was in some degree able to appreciate the keenness and ability which were the characteristics of those with whom it was my good fortune thus to come into contact. The reflection that hundreds of such teachers should have been willing to sacrifice their Saturday afternoons to the study of certain physical measurements which did not even possess the charm of novelty, may somewhat lighten the gloomy prospect sketched for us by those who hold pessimistic views as to the future of Intermediate Scientific Education in this country. I take this opportunity of thanking Mr F. H. Neville "and Mr W. C. D. Whetham, not only for their assistance in the revision of the proof-sheets, but also for many valuable suggestions and criticisms. E. H. GRIFFITHS. SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, May, 1901. CONTENTS. LECTURE I. Introductory Kemarks. Importance of accuracy in Physical Measure- ments. Brief Historical Survey. Newton. Rumford. Davy. Mayer. Condition of our Knowledge in 1840. Importance of Joule's Work. Energy of a System. Examples of the Transformation of Energy by the agency of Friction, Percussion, Compression, Expansion, Electric Current, Electrical Separation, Movement of Conductors in a Magnetic Field, Sound Waves, Eadiant Energy, and Chemical Action. pp. 1 25. LECTURE II. Relation between Potential and Kinetic Energy. The C.G.S. System. Meaning of the phrase " The Mechanical Equivalent." Experi- mental difficulties involved in (a) the Measurement of Work ; (b) the Measurement of Quantities of Heat. Primary and Secondary Heat Units. Meaning of a Scale of Temperature. Distinction between a Scale and the True Scale. Garnet's Cycle. All Reversible Engines equally efficient. An Absolute Temperature Scale. The Gas Thermo- meter. Mercury and Platinum Thermometers. A Simple Form of Heat-Engine. pp. 26 53. LECTURE III. Table of Values obtained by different observers. Direct and Indirect Methods of Measurement. Principles which should guide us when making a selection. Brief descriptions of the Methods of Joule, Hirn, Rowland, Reynolds and Moorby, Griffiths, Schuster and Gannon, Callendar and Barnes. Table of Results. pp. 54 94. viii Contents LECTURE IV. Distinction between Capacity for Heat and Specific Heat of Water. Changes in S 8.2. Lecture III 85 9 cm. in diameter and 4 cm. deep, whose weight was approximately 64 grammes. An experiment lasted ten minutes, during which about 0'56 grammes of silver were deposited, and the temperature of the water was raised about 2'2 C. All experiments were performed in the neighbourhood of 19'6. The final result is the mean of six experiments which agree closely with each other. The result of their investigation gives Capacity for heat of water at 19'1C. on nitrogen scale = 4'1905 x 10 7 ergs. These experiments were conducted with the skill and accuracy which we necessarily associate with the name of Prof. Schuster; "Nevertheless," (I here again quote Prof. Ames) " there are several criticisms which may be offered to this research. There was only one voltameter used throughout, and none of the conditions were varied. The radiation corrections were most carefully considered, but no details are given of the stirring or of any correction for it. Griffiths in his investigation insists strongly on the need of thorough, not to say violent, stirring. "These facts make the final result uncertain to an extent which it is difficult to estimate, but which probably is not large. If, as seems probable from the work of Kahle and Patterson and Guthe, the electro-equivalent of silver is 0-001119 instead of O'OOlllS, Schuster and Gannon's value for the specific heat at 191 becomes 4'189 x 10 7 ; and, if a consequent error of one part in a thousand is made in the assumed value of the E.M.F. of their Clark cell, the corrected result is 4185 x 10 7 ." It is also necessary to remember that Schuster and 86 Measurement of Energy Gannon did not trace the value of the secondary unit over any appreciable range of temperature, all their observations being confined to a rise of about 2' 2 C. in the neighbourhood of 19 C. I now wish to call your attention to the most recent enquiry of all, viz. that of Prof. CALLENDAR and Dr BARNES. The main object of the investigation was not to determine the capacity for heat of water at any particular temperature; but to trace the variations in the capacity for heat with the temperature. A brief summary of the work was published in 1899, and in 1900 Dr Barnes presented to the Royal Society a full Report (not yet published) 1 , together with an account of the revision of the work conducted by him, in which certain corrections were made for the eddies in the water and the effects of contained air. I extract the following description of the apparatus from the summary by Prof. Callendar 2 : "The general principle of the method, and the construction of the apparatus, will be readily understood by reference to the diagram of the Steady-flow Electric Calorimeter given in Fig. 14. A steady current of water flowing through a fine tube, is heated by a steady electric current through a central conductor of platinum. The steady difference of temperature between the inflowing and outflowing water is observed by means of a differential pair of platinum thermometers at either end. The bulbs 1 An abstract will be found in Proc. Roy. Soc. 1900. 2 B.A. Report, Dover, 1899. Lecture III 87 of these thermometers are surrounded by thick copper tubes, which by their conductivity serve at once to equalise the temperature, and to prevent the generation of heat by the current in the immediate neighbourhood >f LOW TUBE AMD CENTRAL CONDUCTOR^- __ [ ^] |[c j INFLOW. GLASS VACUUM JACKET. OUTFLOW Fig. 14. Diagram of Steady-flow Electric Calorimeter. of the bulbs of the thermometers. The leads CO serve for the introduction of the current, and the leads PP> which are carefully insulated, for the measurement of the difference of potential on the central conductor. The flow tube is constructed of glass, and is sealed at either end, at some distance beyond the bulbs of the thermo- meters, into a glass vacuum jacket, the function of which is to diminish as much as possible the external loss of heat. The whole is enclosed in an external copper jacket (not shown in the figure), containing water in rapid circulation at a constant temperature maintained by means of a very delicate electric regulator. " Neglecting small corrections, the general equation of the method may be stated in the following form : ECt = JMdO + H. " The difference of potential E on the central conductor is measured in terms of the Clark cell by means of a very accurately calibrated potentiometer, which serves also to measure the current C by the observation of the difference of potential on a standard resistance R included in the circuit. 88 Measurement of Energy " The Clark cells chiefly employed in this work were of the hermetically sealed type described by the authors in the Proc. Roy. Soc. October 1897. They were kept immersed in a regulated water-bath at 15 C., and have maintained their relative differences constant to one or two parts in 100,000 for the last two years. "The standard resistance R consists of four bare platinum silver wires in parallel wound on mica frames and immersed in oil at a constant temperature. The coils were annealed at a red heat after winding on the mica, and are not appreciably heated by the passage of the currents employed in the work. CUrk ceils. r E torn 1epc -\y n 1 p^i*/ ? ^fen il f ( Stendssd sonVd.rley tentiomeCer. CaLori meter. lililili resistance. Accumulators. ffheosCa. Fig. 15. Diagram of the electrical connections. " The time of flow t of the mass of water, M, was generally about fifteen to twenty minutes, and was recorded automatically on an electric chronograph reading Lecture III 89 to '01 seconds, on which the seconds were marked by a standard clock. " The letter / stands for the number of joules in one calorie at a temperature which is the mean of the range, dO, through which the water is heated. " The mass of water, M, was generally a quantity of the order of 500 grammes. After passing through a cooler, it was collected and weighed in a tared flask in such a manner as to obviate all possible loss by evaporation. "The range of temperature, dO, was generally from 8 to 10 in the series of experiments on the variation of J, but other ranges were tried for the purpose of testing the theory of the method and the application of small corrections. The thermometers were read to the ten- thousandth part of a degree, and the difference was probably in all cases accurate to *001 C. This order of accuracy could not possibly have been attained with mercury thermometers under the conditions of the experiment. "The external loss of heat, H, was very small and regular, owing to the perfection and constancy of the vacuum attainable in the sealed glass jacket. It was determined and eliminated by adjusting the electric current so as to secure the same rise of temperature dO, for widely different values of the water-flow. " The great advantage of the steady-flow method as compared with the more common method in which a constant mass of water at a uniform temperature is heated in a calorimeter, the temperature of which is changing continuously, is that in the steady-flow method 90 Measurement of Energy there is practically no change of temperature in any part of the apparatus during the experiment. There is no correction required for the thermal capacity of the calorimeter ; the external heat loss is more regular and certain, and there is no question of lag of the thermometers. Another incidental advantage of great importance is that the steadiness of the conditions permits the attainment of the highest degree 'of accuracy in the instrumental readings. Fig. 16. Diagram of the arrangements for controlling the rate of flow of water. " In work of this nature it is recognised as being of the utmost importance to be able to detect and eliminate constant errors by varying the conditions of the experiment through as wide a range as possible. In addition to varying the electric current, the water-flow, and the range of temperature, it was possible, with comparatively little trouble, to alter the form and resistance of the central conductor, and to change the glass calorimeter for one with a different degree of vacuum, or a different bore for the flow tube. In all six different calorimeters were employed, and the agreement of the results on reduction Lecture III 91 afforded a very satisfactory test of the accuracy of the method." I am conscious of one difficulty regarding the expression of the results obtained by Callendar and Barnes, viz. the reduction of their numbers to the hydrogen scale, for, until the publication of the full paper, I am unable to give details regarding the standardisation of their pla- tinum thermometers. As the method adopted was that published by Callendar and Griffiths in 1891 \ the thermometric scale is that of the constant pressure air- thermometer. Now, it is probable that over the range to 100 C., this scale closely corresponds with that of the nitrogen thermometer, a conclusion verified to a certain extent by experiment. In Table IV. (infra) the numbers under Col. 1 are the values of /, as given by Dr Barnes in the abstract 2 in which he gives an account of the further experiments conducted by him subsequently to the joint work by Professor Callendar and himself. Under Col. 2 will be found the numbers I obtain by the conversion of Dr Barnes' values from the nitrogen to the hydrogen scale. For the purposes of this reduction I have used the Tables given by M. Chappuis 3 , our leading authority on this matter. 1 Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A. 1891. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc. Nov. 1900. 3 M6moires du Bureau International. Etudes sur le Thermometre a Gat, p. 119. 92 Measurement of Energy TABLE IY. Col. I Col. II Temperature (Air scale) (H scale) 5 4-2105 x 10 7 4-2130 x 10 7 10 4-1979 4-1999 15 4-1895 4-1912 20 4-1838 4-1851 25 4-1801 4-1805 30 4-1780 4-1780 35 4-1773 4-1774 40 4-1773 4-1769 45 4-1782 41776 50 4-1798 4-1785 55 4-1819 4-1806 60 4-1845 4-1828 65 4-1870 41854 70 4-1898 4-1881 75 4-1925 4-1912 80 4-1954 4-1946 85 4-1982 4-1979 90 4-2010 4-2014 95 4-2036 4-2050 Mean 4-1888 4-1887 On a later occasion I shall have to make further use of this Table. At present, for the purposes of comparison, we only require Callendar and Barnes' value on the nitrogen scale at 20, i.e. 4184 x 10 7 ergs. A summary of the results obtained by those observers, whose experiments we have examined, is given in the following Table. Lecture III 93 TABLE V. Capacity Jor Heat of Water per 1 of the N thermometer. Name Method Standards Kesults Temperature Joule ... Mechanical 4-173 xlO 7 16-5 Eowland - /4-194 J4-186 J4-180 <4-176 10 15 20 25 Reynolds ^ and [ 5) 4-1833 mean calorie Moorby J Griffiths Electrical Clark cell x (4-198 15 5' 1 = 1-4342 1 International | ohm 4-192 4-187 20 25 Schuster E. C. t Clark cell v and Gannon = 1-4340 1 El. Ch. E of f 4-1905 19-1 Ag. = 0-001118) Callendar E. C. t Clark cell /4-198 10 and = 1-4342 J4-190 15 Barnes Ag. = 0-001 118 14-184 U-181 20 25 The discrepancy between the values given in the above Table is, in reality, much less than would appear from a casual inspection. Before any real comparisons can be made, we must come to some conclusion regarding the variation in the capacity for heat of water, and when arriving at a decision on this matter we must also consider some evidence we possess which is independent of any determinations based upon the transformation of energy. 94 Measurement of Energy To-day I have devoted the greater portion of the time at our disposal to the consideration of experimental details and numerical values. In justification I will confess to holding the opinion that some teachers, in their anxiety to impart results, pay too little attention to the methods by which those results are obtained. A healthy scepticism, rather than a habit of comfortable belief, should, it appears to me, be cultivated by the seeker after natural knowledge. Text-books are not in- spired, and teachers, above all, should learn to weigh the evidence and arrive at independent conclusions. We cannot rightly appreciate the authority of any natural law unless we have studied the experimental evidence upon which that law is based. LECTURE IV. Distinction between Capacity for Heat and Specific Heat of Water. Changes in