BX 5551 V24 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES T^alor Beneficiortim Kcclefiaflicorum in H IBER N lA: OR THE FIRS T-F R U I T S Of all the Ecclesiastical Benefices I N T H E Kingdom oilR ELAND^ As taxed in the King's Books ; W I T H A N ACCOUNT SHEWING How this Royal Fund vefted in Trustees, hath hitherto been difpofed of. B V B L I N Printed for EdwaRjd Exshaw, Bookfeiler on CGrk-Ilill, M,DCC,XLL THE 6X Publifher to the Reader. AS a Book intituled, Valor Beneficiorum Ecdcfiaflicoriim in Anglia i^ IVallia, was printed in 1680, for the Ufe of the Clergy in Ertglarid and fViiks *, it may not be ufelefs to publifh like wife the Taxations of all the Ecclefiaflical Benefices in this Kingdom. It in the following Tr^^, the Names of fome Rectories and Vicarages be found to differ from the modern way of Spelling them •, it is a Fault, which could not be avoided in printing a true Co-py of the antient Names, as well as the Valua- tions afHxed to them : And the Reader may be allured that the following Account is auihentick^ being faithfully tranfcribed and compared with the original Record of the Excheq.uer in the Chief Remembrancer* s Office. The Sterling Money is diftinguifhed all along from the IrijJj : and in reducing Iri/b Money to Sterlings you do no more than fubftra^t one fourth part from the IriJJj to make it Sterling -, thus 20 J. Irifh make but 15 j. Sterling. There are a few taxations fet down to fome Livings here, which are not charged in the King's Books -, but thefe may be eafily diftinguifhed, being enclofed within thele Marks ( ) and are found in a Manufcript Copy of the Firft- Fruits in the Library of Trinity 'College^ Dublin •, except two Valuations^'^h^Kh have been certified from the Ofice of the Auditor General. As to the Acfs of Parliament concerning the Firft' Fruits., they may be eafily known from the Abridgment of the Ecclefiaflical Statutes. And inftead of reciting them in this place, we (hall add for the Satisfadion of the Reader., a Continuation of his Grace the Lord Archbifhop of Tuam\ Account •, fhewing how th;,^ Fund of Firff- Fruits fettled in the Hands of Truftees by the Royal Bounty of Queen Anne, and confirmed by ^^ of Parliament in the Reign ot his kte Majefty King George, hath been hitherto applyed i ''> i ''^ ( iv ) applyed to the good Ufes for which it was given. And here we ought not to forget, that the right reverend Bench of Bi/hops in 1726, for the further Encouragement of the fame pious De- fign, finding the ?doney arifing from this Fund^ infufficient to anfwer tht Neceffities o^ the Cburch,(m feveiai Parts of this King- dcjn,Vs'h.^iQ Refidentiary Houfes and Glehes were wanting) have very liberally augmented the fame,out of their private Bounty by Sub- fcription, which was alfo much increafed by the generous Con- tributions of the Clergy. If the Reader deiires to be informed of the Nature of Firft- Fruits and Twentieth Parts ; it may fuffice to know, that as the Law Hood in the former pa;t of the Reign of Queen Anne, every Arch-Bifliop, Bidiop, Dean, Arch- Deacon, Dignitary, Prebendary, Redor and Vicar, at his firft coming into fuch his Ecclefiaftical Promotion or Benefice refpedively, was obliged within a certain time, to pay to the Crown one Year's value of fuch his Promotion or Benefice, not according to the real Worth of it at that time, but according to a "Taxation long before made and lying upon Record •, faving only and excepting fuch Rec- tories that do not exceed 5/. and Vicarages that do not exceed 6/. 1 3 J. 4 J. according to the i^\di Taxation % and this Year's Value fo to be paid, v/as called by the name of Firft-Fruits, Moreover, every fuch Promotion and Benefice ftood lyable to ^tte yearly Payment of one twentieth part of what it was valued ■ at in the above-mentioned Taxation, excepting only the firft Year of Incumbency, for v/hich the Firil-Fruits were fuppofed to be paid °, and this yearly Payment v/as ufually called by no other Name but the twentieth Parts. Queen Anne taking into her P-incely Confideration, the low Condition of this poor Church of Ireland, the Smallnefs of the Maintenance which, in m,any Parts thereof, is left for the Paro. chial-Clergy, together v/ith the Difnculty or rather Impoffibility of their refiding upon their refpedive Cures for want of Glebes •, and the ruinous State of mofl of the Parifh Churches, in the Country-Parifiics, which the Inhabitants, by reafon of their Poverty, are not able (generally fpeaking) to rebuild ; was pica- fed by her Letters Patents, bearing date the feventh day of Fe- llO Iriiary^ in the tenth Year of her Reign, for herfclf and her Suc- ceffors, to give and grant unto certain Truftees, in the faid Letters Patents named or mentioned, all and all manner of Firft-Fruits^ payable out of all Eccleiiauical Promotions and Benefices ; a Sum amounting (V) amounting to 400 1, per annum, or thereabouts ; to be applied by them, as they fhall find to be mod expedient, in building and re- pairing of Churches, the purchafing of Glebes where they are wanting, and of Impropriations, wherever the Benefice is not fufficient for the liberal Maintenance of the Clergyman having Cure of Souls. And by other Letters Parents of the fame Date, fhe was alfo pleafed, for herfelf and her Succeffors, for ever to releafe and for- give the yearly twentieth Parts, to the Payment of which, the Arch-Bifhops, Bifhops and Clergy were before lyable -, a Fund that amounted to the Sum of 561 /. os. S d. ^q. or thereabouts one Year with another, as it has been computed. Both which Letters Patents are ratified and confirmed by an y^^ of Parlia^ ment made in the fecond Year of his late Majefty King George. And in the tenth Year of the fame Reign, an A6c pafTed for conftituting the Trufiees, a Body Politick and Corporate, by the Name of the Trujlees and Commijftoners of the Firft-Fruits, &c. from the 25th of March 1724. For the better and more regular Management of the Fund of Firft-Fruits, in purfuance of the pious Dtfign of the Donation, the Truflees found it neceffary to appoint three ftandingOfBccrs; which was done in May 171 2, and are flill continued. The principal one was a Treafurer, whofe Bufinefs it fhould bg^ to receive the Money from time to time, to be paid in by the '' Clerk of the Firft-Fruits, and to difburie the fame according to the Orders and Diredions of the Board ; as alfo to treat with the feveral Perfons who at any time fhould be willing to fell Impro- priate Tythcs, or Land for a Giebe, and 10 advife with Lawyers about the Validity of their refpcdive Titles, and proper Draughts of Deeds of Conveyance to bs perfected by them, according to their feveral Circumllances ; and generally to have a prudent In- fpeclion over every thing of that Nature ; that no Purchafe might be made but at a reafonable Rate, and upon a fure Foun- dation. Which Office was freely undertaken by the Right Hon. Marmaduke Coghill, Elq; till his Deceafe, being one of the Truf- tees, without any other Profit or Emolument to himfelf, but only the Satisfaftion of beftowing his Care and Pains in fo good a Work :and this Ofice is uiil executed by a viod excellent Prelate^ upon the fame Foot. The next Officer was that of a Secretary, at 40/. per ayinumy whole Bufinefs it ihould be to keep a RegiHer of all the Orders of the ( vi ) the Board and Refolutions of Committees,which from time to time fhould be made ; and to be under the Direftion of the Board, and alfo of the Treafurer-, to attend upon Lawyers with their Fees ; to employ Clerks for the EngroiTmcnt ot Deeds -, to compare the Deeds when fo engroffed -, to lay out fuch Money as the Trea- jurer fliould dired for Stationary- ware or any other contingent Charges ; and once a Year to make up an Account with the Clerk of the Firft- Fruit s^ through whofe Hands the whole Fund mufl neceffarily pafs. The third Officer which was thought neceffary to be eflablifh- cd, was that of a Meffenger, at lo I. per annum^ to fummon the Truftees to the Board, or to a Committee, and there to give due Attendance for the doing of what is ufually incumbent upon an Officer of that fort. In 1725, feveral Rules were made for regulating the Difpofal of this Fund^ which were afterwards partly altered, and the fol- lowing ones were made the Handing Orders of this Board. By the Truftees for the Difpofal of Firft-Fruits, Friday May 3^, 172B. TRUSTEES prefent Lord Primate. Ld. Ap. of Dublin. Ld. A p. of CaJbelL Ld. Ap. of Tuam. Ld. Bp. of Meath. Kildare, Ferns. Rapho, Ld. Bp. of Clogher. Ld. Bp. of Limerick. ■Kilmore. ■Derry. ^Dromore, ■Killalla. 'Elphin, -Cloyne. ■Clonfert, Ld. Ch. Jufl. Reynolds. Ld. Ch. Bar. Dalton. Dr. Marm. Coghill. Mr. Sollicitor General. Mr. Serjeant Dixon. Dr. James Coghill. Rules to he ohferved in augmenting poor Livings. L r|-^HA T when any propofal fhall be made, for the Aug- mentation of any Benefice, the Bifhop fhall be defired to certify the Value of fuch Benefice •, and whether any, and what Benefice has ufually been held with it, and for what reafon they are, .or ought to be feparated j if fome other Benefice commonly went ( vii) went wkh it •, as alfo whether it is, or may probably foon be in the Bifhop's power, to give it fome Afliftance, without troubling the Truftees about it, II. That no Living be augmented without aprofpedof pro- curing Perfonal Refidence upon it. III. That where any Perfon applies for Encouragement, to build a Parfonage-Houfe, he fhall at the fame time, get the Bi- Ihop to certify his Approbation, the Quantity of the Glebe, and what fort of Houfe and Improvements are defigned. IV. That the Sum be not anticipated, but upon extraordinary Occafions to be approved of by nine of this Board. V. That whenever the Fund is out of Debt, notice be given to the feveral Arch-Bilhops and Bifhops. VI. That no more than loo/. be given by the Trudees for the purchafe of any one Glebe, except where a convenient Pur- chafe offers, and the Truftees by keeping the Glebe in their Hands, can in a reafonable time reimburfe the Money advanced above loo/. without taking any Intereft. VII. That no more than 150/. be given by the Truftees for the Purchafe of any Tythes, except where a convenient Purchafe offers, and the Truftees by keeping the Tythes in their Hands, can in a reafonable time be reimburfed the Money advanced above 150/. without taking any Intereft. VIII. That no Glebe be purchafed for any Living exceeding 200/. per annum. IX. That no Tythes be purchafed for any Living exceeding 100/. p9r annu?n. X. That an Encouragement not exceeding 100/. may be given towards building a Parfonage Houfe, where there is a con- venient Glebe, and where the Living doth not exceed 100 /. per annum. XI. That a Sum not exceeding 50/. may be given, towards reducing part of a Fee Farm- Rent of a Glebe, to be granted where the Living doth not exceed 100/. per annum, XII. That for the Value of any Living, the Bifhop's Certifi- cate fhall be depended upon. XIII. That no Glebe be purchafed, or AfTiftance given to- wards reducing a Fee-Farm Rent, without fufHcient caTe being taken that a Parfonage-Houfe be built on fgch Glebe. XIV, That ( VIII ) XIV. That ccsteris paribus, the augmenting a Benefice with greater Cure, be preferred to the augmenting one with Jefs Cure ; and the procuring a Glebe be preferred to the buying of Tythes. XV. That where feveral Propofals are thought in themfelves reafonable, fuch Propofals fhall be firft accepted, where any Per- fons offer to advance a Sum equal to, or greater than what the Truftees give. XVI. That thefe Rules fhall not be altered, unlefs by a Board of Seventeen of the Truftees at leaft •, and that a Copy of thefe Rules be given to every one of the Truftees of this Board. The PROG RE SS which the Truftees have already made in purchafing Glebes^ Impropriate Tythes^ and afiifting poor Vicars in building Houfes^ may be feen at one View in the followino- Tables. Glebes purchafed In what Diocefe /. Coft s. , d. 1 Tartaraghan Armagh 235 4 6 2 Dundalk Do. 196 10 3 Naas Kildare 160 4 Laracor Meath 203 5 Rathmolian Do. 243 6 Drakefton Do. 300 7 Killeah Raphoe 196 7 8 8 Dyfert-Gallen Leighlin 250 9 Donoghm.ore Dublia 200 lo Caftle M^Adam Do. 300 II Monaghan Clogher 283 10 12 Wexford St. Patrick's Ch. Ferns 285 10 5 13 Magownry Cloyne 240 14 Foxford Killala 100 15 Kil M^Shalgan Do. 90 16 Inchyholohan OfTory 160 j:fTA3^^ 7 f)iki ( IX ) Tythes piirchafed. /;/ what Biocefe, Cofi: -^ L 5. J. I Temple Patrick Connor 711 15 8 J Raghiin Do. 400 3 Newtown Meath 211 3 7 4 Kilbeggan Do. 1000 / 5 Moyglare Do. 256 9 10 6 Drumfany Do. 300 7 Tullamore Do. 400 8 Rafharkan Armagh 503 H 9 Killoquin ICO ' 10 Kilbride-Glyn Ferns 420 II White Church-Glyn Do. 622 12 Killerry, i^c. Ardagh 481 •0 13 Bally moniftra, i^c. Down J 50 a 14 Rathmolin °- y. sop p ^^^3^ .'3 * Gkh' €Iehf-Houfes huilt. 1 Aghrim 2 Magownry 2 Macromy 4 Rathmolidn 5 Kilmeflan o Ardmorifta 7 Killalon % Julianfton 9 Killowan 1 o Dyfcrt Genny J I Ardrpoy 1 2 Annaduff I 3 Moftrym 14 Killerry, ,S:c. '5 Dromneiiagiian 1 6 Bellcarra 17 Durragh iSKells 19 RofconneU 20 Kilmanigh 21 Kilbecan 22 Inchyholohan 23 Liflerling 24 Grehan 25 Ergiltruagh 26 Taulaght 27 Kilfalaghan 28 Dunganilovvn 29 Hollywood 30 Swords 31 MagheradroU 32 Sea-Patrick 33 Aghafkra 34 Clane 35 Laccagh 36 Magowry 37 Donoghadee 38 Cumber 39 Kilcanenagh 40 Kildallom 41 Denn 42 Gaftleraghan 43 Kiltallagh 44 Dryfhan \% Donnegal (X) /// nxjhat Diecefe Sums granted. L s. d Clonfert 100 00 c Cloyne Do. SO 60 00 c 00 c Meath 50 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Derry Do. 50 100 00 c 00 c Connor 100 00 c Ardagh Do. 100 100 00 c 00 c Do. 100 00 c Tuam 100 00 c Do. Offory 40 100 00 c 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 < Do. 100 00 ( Emiy 70 00 ( Clogher Dublin 100 100 00 ( 00 < Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 c Do. 100 00 ( Do. 100 00 c Dromore 60 00 c Do. 100 00 c Elphin Kildare 100 100 00 ( 00 < Do. 100 00 ( Calhell 100 op < Down 5° 00 Do. 100 GO Rofs 50 00 Kilmore 100 00 Do. 100 00 < Do. 100 oa Ardfert 100 00 Aghado 100 06 Kapho ^ l«0 oq^ ^\^t^i9o ( xi ) Authentick Rules and DireBions to be obfer^ed in all Ap- plications for the U?iion and Divifwn oj Paripoes, and for removing the Scite of Parijb-Churches by AB of Council, WH E R E an Union fliall be piopofed to be made of two or more Parifhes, or Parts of Parifhesj or of a Benefice with Cure, to a Dignity or Prebend without a Cure ; or of a Be- nefice without a Cure, to a Dignity or Prebend with Cure ; the Parties praying fuch Union, are to produce and lay before the Counci], or a Committee of Council appointed for that purpofe. I. The Advice and Approbation of the Arch-Bifhop of th€ Province, and Bifhop of the Diocefs, certified under their refpec - tive Hands, and Archiepifcopal and Epifcopal Seals •, in which Certificates they are to fet forth the Grounds and Reafuns of their faid Advice i and the Arch-Bifhop or Bifhop of the Diocefs is to certify the refpedive yearly Value of the feveral Benefices, Parifhes, and Parts of Parifhes, propofed to be united, and whe- ther the feveral Inhabitants will be better accomodated by fuch Union, and in what refpeds. Ke is likewife to certify the Dif- tance of the moft remote Part of the Union propofed, from that Church which is to be the Parifh-Church of the faid Union. And laftly, he is to fignify whether any of the Pariflies, or Parts of Parifhes, prayed to be united, are part of any Union hereto- fore made, purfuant to an Adt of the 14th and 15th of King Charles II. for the real Union and Divifion of Parifnes \ and if fo, vv'hether fuch united Parifh-Church be more than three Coun- try Miles, didantfrom feme Part of fuch united Pariflv, or whe- ther It lies in a City, or Town Corporate ^ or be too little for th© Proteflant Inhabitants. II. The Confent of the refpeftive Patrons, and Incumbents of every fuch Benefice, Dignity, and Parifh, the whole or any Part whereof is to be united, certified under their refpedlive Plandsand Seals, attefled by two credible WitnefTes \ Proof whereof mwft be made upon Oath, before the Council or Committee as afore- faid, by one of the fubfcribing WitnefTes, or by fonie other cre- dible Perfon, who faw the Certificates of the faid Confents per- feded. I'll. If in any one or more Parifhes propofed to be united, there is an Appropriate or Impropriate Reflory, with a Vicarage b 2 endowed •, ( xii) endowed 5 or if the whole Parifh to be united, is Appropriated, or Impropriated, and no Vicarage endowed (the Cure thereof being fupported by a Stipend or Sallary) in every fuch Cafe^ a joint Return muft be made, by the mutual Confent of all Parties concerned, of the refpe6live yearly Value of every fuch Appro- priate, or Impropriate RecStory, or Parifh -, that the rateable Share or Proportion, which the faid Appropriators or Impro- priators are to pay refpedively, toward the Repair of the Chan- cel, or Support of the Cure of fuch united Church, or Benefice, may be finally fettled and adjudcd. IV. Where one entire Parifli is to be divided into two or rnore (befides the Confents afore- mentioned) there muft be Proof made upon Oath,before the Council, of the refpedlive yearly Value of the new to be erefted Parifhes, and of their Diftance, in the remoteft Parts, from the refpedlive Parifh- Churches, to be ap- pointed for each of them. V. Where there are diftind Patrons of the feveral Benefices, or Parifhes propofed to be united \ in order to fettle their feveral Turns of Prefentation, it will be proper to make a joint Return of the refpedive Value of the faid feveral Parifhes and Benefices^ by the mutual Agreement of all the faid Patrons, certified under their Hands and Seals, and to be proved as mentioned in the fe^ cond Article. Where the Scite of a Parifli- Church is to be changed, and a new one eredled in a more convenient Place, the Parties defiring the fame, are to produce before the Council, or a Committee ap- pointed for that Purpofe as aforefaid. L The Advice and Approbation of the Arch Bidiop and Bi- fliop, wiuh the Grounds and Reafons of their Advice to be cer- tified, as before directed in the firft Article. II. The Confent of the Patron to be certified and approved, as before mentioned in the fecond Article. III. The Confent of the Proprietor of the Ground, whereon fuch new Church is to be eredted, to be proved by exhibiting the original Deed, whereby the faid Ground is conveyed for that pur- pofe ; which Deed muft be proved by the Oath of one of the fubfcribing Vv itneiles, or ibme other credible Perfon who faw the fame perfected. ^ IV. The ( xiii ) IV. The Confent oF the Incumbent, Church- Wardens, and major Part of the Proteilant Inhabitants, in Veftry afTembled, teftified by their Petition to the chief Governor or chitrf Gover- nors and Council, which Petition muft: be figned by the faid In- cumbent, Church- Wardens, and Inhabitants ; and Notice muft be given of the faid Veftry, and the Defign of calhng the fame, two Sundays fuccefTively, in the Parifh-Church, if there be one 5 and if there be no Church, the hi<:e Notice muft be pofted up in the next Market Town, fourteen Days before , the Meeting there- of-, of which Signing and Notice fo given. Proof muit be made upon Oath before the Council, or the Committee by them ap- pointed, by one or more credible Witnefs or WitnefTes. V. The Confent of the Proprietors (or major Part of them) of the Lands within fuch Parifh, teftified in Hke manner, by their Petition to the chief Governor or chief Governors and Council, figned by them or their Agents duly authorifed ; of which Signing and the Perfons fo Signing, or the major Part of the Proprietors of the Lands within fuch Parifh, Proof muft be made upon Oath, before the faid Council or Committee, by one or more credible Witnefs or WitnefTes. Some Literal Errors having efcaped the Compofer^ the Reader is defired to corred them with his Pen. The Numeral Errors are thefe fxTl'lowing. - - ERRATA. Page I. CoL r. Line 27 pro- 20 o o kge 200 Page g Cdrir- Line 30 p-o 20 16 4 kge 20 6 4 Page 10 Gvl. I Line 37 pro 10 10 o lege 10 o 10 Page 12 Cvi;: 2 Line ^g pro ^ o o lege 802 Page 13 Col. I Lines 28 and ^2 pro 6 3 4 lege 6 13 Page 1 6 Col. i Line 8 pro 012 4 lege 013 4 Page 23 CoL 2 Line 2S pro s ii o lege s 1 o / y ( xiv ) Tabula Dioecefium* \ji^.i Ploecefis Achaden. feu Achoary-/- ^ >— Pag. 16 O ^ — Alladen. feu Killala 4- - — ■ ibid. iA^c — — — Ardach. 4= - — — — ,^'^yL Ardfert. r f — — . Armach. 4- — ■ - — .— ■ Caffe]. ^ — _ Clochor. J. —- ^ — : ■Clonen. feu Cloyn -f -Clonferc. f ■ — -^ ■Connor. ^ — •Corcag. feu Corke J. -Darens feu Kildare f- •Deren. feu Derry + ■Diomor. 4^ ■Duacen. feu Kilmacduaclx ■Dublin, f — ■Dunen. feu Down f — -Elphin. -I-' -Fernen. -^ -Imelac. feu Emiy ^ — •Kilmor. 4= -Laonen. feu Killaloe -Leighlin. -^ - -Limeric. -Lifmor. ,|- -Miden. feu Meath -^ ■OfTorien. r ■Rapoten. y^f^ Raphoe f •Rofien. 4- -Tuamen. ./. •Watertord. f ( o Dicrcefis Armachana. Extenta & Taxatio DigJiitatum & Beneficiorum Spiritu-- alium in Dioceji prcsdiBd faBa per Georg. Miden, S? Fran. Aungier CommiJJionaros Regis Jacob i primi i^mo anno Regni. Archiepifcopiis Armach. ita taxatur ultra omnia onera G? reprijas. M\ NER. Termon- \ feighan j Dromifkin •■ ^Kilmoone Eniskeene — Turlogh Donoghmore in 7 Com. Dunen. f ' — -^ Ardcra ■Donoghmore in 7 Com. Tyron. ) •- Armachan. Duo tertiae Manerii Nobb^r R. impropriata de Ath- boy in Com. Miden Caflrum & Terrae de Cancefton Priorat. St.Andreje.vuIgo le Black Abbey MeiTuagium cum Gar dine in Villa de Drogheda Prolicua Spiritual. Jurif- } didl, Archiepifcopr.t. 3 23 18 .J ;;| H 5 10 o 10 98 70 40 5 10 In toto o o o o o o o o o o (Archiepif. taxat. alibi, \ 30 Hen. VJII. I ' Decanatus Armach. Archidiaconatus Armach. Redoria de Donoghmore ' — Dromglafs ~— Clonfeakle ^3 17 35 2 20 6 16 •Termonmagnorkei 3 •Aghalow 9 o — Carinteale — Erylekerogh — Killyfhell — 'Ballynclogg — Clomvvennoe alias Clonnoe — Donoghenrie — Arbooe — -Derrybrochifhe alias Kilnaman — -TullaKeilcen — Ardtragh — 'Derrylowran — Killdrefs — Dyfertereagh — Lefl'an — Diferlhin — ^Taulnght — 'Ballyderry 20 10 10 5 6 6 13 3 6 6 5 13 5 5 3 3 o 13 6 13 £3 o 6 o o 6 6 o o o o o o o o o o o Redoria ( 2 ) d. Redloria de Mayheryfelta •— Atdmagh ■ Creggan — — — Levallylieglifhe Dromcrec "KilliTiore -Loghgi.iy 3 25 18 13 18 18 20 /. s. d. Dernoofe 20 •7'ynan 20 -Kilciony 6 •Kilfieve 20 ■Tavvnatelee 20 •Mullabncke 10 All Sterling. HcEc Beneficia fequentia in Com. Lud. lia ah antiqno ta^antur^ R. de Bewley V. de Termonfeakin V. de Donleire V. de Donany. R. de Monfieildflon All Ijiili money. I V. de A'Jonfeildfton o R. de Derver V. de Dundalke 1 R. de Killincoule o All Sterling. 5 H 4t 4 19 9 7 10 3! 5 II 9 Taxatio de antiquo fa5la per Commijfionanos 'Domini Regis Hen- rici VI li. anno regni fid o^omo. R. de Clonemore 2213 4 R. de Rathe 5 4 H R. de Carricke 411 4 V. de Moylare 5 4 i R.de Killyncoule 790 R, de Derver 614 o v. de Athird 10 10 4 , Dromcar 5 ^^ o M— Dromyn 9 14 10 » — Clonkin i 7 2 I — Kyldymocke i i i — « — — Stabanon 16 8 7 Dromyskin 11 92 Cantuar. Sti. Georgii de ) ^ „ Athiid ■ — St. Katherinae, ibid. P. de Knockfergus 1 Cant. B. Marise de Athird ' San^s Crucis, ibid. ' Sti. Johannis, ibid. de Stabannon Preb. de Dunben al Kilkirley ^ Kene R. de Heynellon V. de Cariingford Cant. B. Marise de Dundalke S. Katherinas, ibid. S. Trinitatis, ibid. Ail liini. 13 o o 6 13 6 6 o 6 13 6 13 6 Dicecefis C L O C H O R E N S I S. Extent a Cs? Taxatio Digmlalum & Bencfidonim Spirit ualium in T)i(^cejA prc^dlfid^ facfa I'^mo Jacobi primi. Epifcopatus Clochorenfis ita taxatur. Ib Comitatu Monaghan 140 o o Abbatia Clochorenfis i" 7 j g ^ q — Tyron. 18 00 Com. Tyion, j •=-" -Donegal 174 © © ■ 35© o o Decanatus i 3 ) Decanatus Clochor. Archidiaconatus Canceliariatus ^, Praecentoriatus p R. & V. de Dirrefaylan ' Ennibmacfaugh — Bohoge ' — — ^Deveniihe ■ — Mayherniecrofs ' Cleen i (he *— — Mayhericul- } money J V. de Carne V. de Rofiirhin f R. & V, de Derrevroske , V. de Drommelly R. & V. de Aghnilurgher V. de Aghaveighe ' R. de Clogher R. de Doner a ve /. s. 2 O 26 13 .3 6 >3 6 20 o 6 13 10 10 I 10 13 4 13 6 6 13 I 6 26 13 10 o R. R. R. V. R. V, V. R V, V. V. V. V. V. R. V. V. de Killskerry . da Dromore de TeJonnagh de Raveckmalis, fi^-^'i^i } Mnn^.ghan \ , de Tahellen . d8 Erglecrough , de Dunnngh de Mucknoe . de Dunnemayne . de Aghenamul.en . de Carrickmaycrofs . de Killeny . de Miskane , de Mayhericlonye de Killmore da Tollcarberd de Drumfnates^ All Sterling. s. »3 o o o o 13 o o o o o 6 o o o 6 8 Dicecens M I D E N S I S. Extent a i^ Taxatio, 31 Hen. VIII. faoia ^ "Taxata, Epifcopatus Miden. 373 12 Archidiaconatus Miden. 100 o Decanatus de Duleek R. de Admulghen 21 15 V. de Ballmagarve V. de Tymole V. de Mora V. de Lecknowe, alias Pierftown Landy R. de Rathfeigh 12 o\ R. de Ki!mo:is o V. de S.amolkn V. de Kilkervan 6 V. de Ardcath 6 V. de Nany 4 V. de Cionenalvvoy o R. de Kentiiton V. de VovXQ R. de Baliyg-;rte o R. de Paynelton 13 9 H 13 3 7 6 16 5 o o 16 10 12 6 ,3 8 3 22 2 4 o 3 o o 4 Decanatus de Rathtouth. V.de Rathtouthe 3 17 8 V. de Rathbeghan V. deTr.vett 5 12 8 R. de Kilbruc V. de Donboyne 21 94 Decanatus de S k r y n e. 5 17 o 3 7 i^ Vicaria de Moyclare 4 3 7t Rde A^iier 6 17 8 Kiimore J 13 7 Vde Galtr/in 1354 — <— Knowkmarke 4 17 B 2 .CM. Skryne 6 18 Athlomnejs Athlomney Dowctiflon Danefton Tabelagh alias Taberaght 2 10 ( 4 ) d. o 4 o Killen R. de Rapirfton V. de Kilmeflan R. de Trouble/ R. de Dunfany. 9 o 6 10 3 17 3 7 4 9 o o o o 8 Decanatusde T r y m. V. de Athboy V. de Killowan y. de Laracor 23 14 2' R. de Lefcartan 960 609 V. de Rathmelean 5^2 o 609 R. de Rathmore. 17 12 o Decanatus de S l a n e. R. de Slane R. de Nobbir V. de Kilpatrick R. de Drakefton V. de Donamore V. de Rathkenny R. de Dromconragh V. de Syddan R. deMoynaltie R. de Newton R. de Crufton V. de Donapatrick 24 29 5 10 9 10 21 8 R. de Kilbery R. de Stacallan R. de Gernonllon R. de Killary R. de Stokeflon R. de Kowthc R. de Dunmowc V. de Killary Decanatus de K e l l y s. V. de Mcyaghir V. de Girlie R. de Kilskir. 8 5 6 3 4 10 7 16 18 10 H 20 9 6 7 18 3 10 800 8 16 o [7 15 o Decanatus de C l o n a r d V.de Clonard R. de Caftlericard R. de Killagh. 12 18 6 o 4 19 R. de Ratluvere V. de Rath were. Decanatus' de M o l i n g a r. V. de Molingar V. de Rathconnyll R. de Killagh, «^«j Kil- weliagh R. de Lynn R. de Moieskyr R. de Karryk ^5 16 »9 10 2 10 R. de Clonfadforan R. de Kilbridepilatc V de Porterarigan R. de Moltefarnan V. de Delvyn R. de Taghmone (5 ) Decanatus de F U R E. ;. s. d. /. , f. d. V. de Faghly 5 ^3 o V. de Loghcrewe 4 5 4 R.deKillaloe, ^z//'«jKil-7 V. de Mayne 6 »7 lailow ?■ I 1 lO u R. deMoylaghe 7 5 V. de Rathgarth 5 2 4 R. de Caftlccorre 3 6 8 V. de Diamore 2 9 II Decanatus deLouGHSEuoiE. R* de Loghfeudie i6 o o V. de Stahalmocke 2 3 4 R. de Dyfarde 5 4 5 R. deKilbryde-beftane 2 R. de Rathconnartie 13 15 R. de Newton in Fertullagh 2 5 4 V. de Rathregan 2 13 4 R. de Dyfertale 2 V. de CulmoUen 1000 V. de Ardnurcher, alias }• R.deTrym 65 6 8 Ballynurcher R. de Loghbracan 600 R. de Amory 2 R. de Clonegell 10 All Irifh Money Taxatio quorundajn Beneficiorum faEia per Rev. in Chrifto Patrem Danielem Daren. Epifcopum 6f alios CGmmiffwnarioSy 28 Eliz. i^ retornat. in Scaccarium eodem Anno. V. de Fyrcall R. de Killadory 20 o o V. de Killadory 1 8 o o V. de Kilcloneierte. All Sterling. 900 700 DiceceHs D U N E N S I S. Extensa ^ Taxatio &c. facfa 15 Jac. I. Epifcopatus Dunenfis Decanatus Dunenfis Archidiaconatus Cancellariatus Przeccntcriatus 15 o o Praeb. S. Andrew 3 6 8 Prsb. de Taiballown 800 Prceb. de Dunfporte : o o o V, de Baliy 200 All Sterling. 26 6 4 800 300 400 Dioecefis CONNORENSIS. Taxatio faCla fuit per eofdem Commijpouarios Epifcopatus Connorenfis 25 00 Cancellariatus 20 Decanatus I Thefaurariatus 1368 Archidiaconatus 30 Piseb. de Connor 120 Piaecentoriatus 30 Prsb. de Magherfherkan 800 Vi^h, ( 6 ) /. s. J. /. Sj d. Trxh. de KellRaige 20 Donnemaught 10 Prseb. de Carnecallle 13 6 8 Gortfaule I 6 V.deMylton 2 ~ Ballemania 10 » Culfertrin 2 — ^-- Bil'erobertc 10 -^ Singington I — — Dawagh 10 — — Romoan 2 • Carnegrame 10 ■ '■ — Loughgule 2 Raiighlins I 6 8 ■ Skerries 2 Silfwodden I 10 -^ Temaghcrcmay I Bnllinderry I ShankiU 5 — — Maghrenegall I . Templepatrick Maghrcnemcfke 10 R. de Laide lo ■ — — Camlin 10 ' Culraine 26 Annaghgaldanagh I 10 — — Carrickfergus 8 — — Lanavvay 3 V. de Infula 5 . Clonal ine 6 8 • Ballenalmagh I Defert 6 8 — — Coole I — — Lambegg I 10 Dumeene 4 R. de Erngall 6 8 — — Drumale 4 V. de Carnemf w I Q I 6 8 — -- Kilmskenctt 6 8 R. de Ballemartin 2 10 Killsgh, ^//iaj Kiloe 3 V, de Ballwaker 2 10 Capella deMylorke 7 2 All Sterling. Dicecefis D E R E N S I S. Exteiita ^ Taxatio &c. fa^a 15 Jac. I. Epifcopatus Derenfi tarn in Tcmpoia bus, quam in Spii tualibustaxat.us ad Decanatus Deicnfis R. de Diumchoze — — Ballydaigh ■ Aghlowe I -Tavvlaghtard -Tawkighfiniegan -Boyvevie -Banaghcarr -Connubarr 250 50 8 10 13 13 8 20 (Archidiaconatusd; R. de Killoyne R. de Agherdowy — Diiertoghill ■Argill >Maylieray Dunboe20 10 10 xo o o o o c 6 6 o o o o o o o o ■ Bally nefcreene '1 oilaghacreely Killcrenaghan ■Difertmardn V. de Killrecgh R. de Camus & Macofkin R. de Killelaghey R. de Termor.anny R. de Baliinercuiline R. five V. de Fathyn R. de Clonemanye R. de Donaghclantey R &V. deClonkay ' Cooledogh ' — — Movaileare R. de Diferceyney R. &iV. de Donaghmore • Cionley R. deDrumraght 5 10 3 6 I 13 3 3 6 13 12 10 13 10 20 ? 20 20 10 i-^Lambfeyll ■Lambfeyll . Bodoney Cappagh Teraghnmingaa Ardliragh /. lo lO 13 6 30 ( 7 ) ' Urney 1 3 6 Donaheedy 20 o Legh Patrick 16 o • Camui in Com. Tyron 3 6 All Sterling. • Dioecefis RAPOTENSIS. Taxatio Diocefis Raporenfis &c. fa5fa 15 Jacob! I. Epifcopatas Rapot. Decanatus Rapot. R. & V. de Tabohine •Raghniohie •Aghnifhe ■Conceali •Killmacrean -Tullaferne 'Moyvagh londevodogge Prseb. de Ckudecolcath ' Inver alias In- vernayle ■ ■Killemerd 200 3^ 33 18 10 16 6 10 5 20 13 10 o o o o o o 6 o o o 13 R. & V. de Tullaghbigia 10 ' ^Ragmanterdoyne 4 Eniignile i^ 'Aghaninfhon 6 •— Gartan 3 — — Killaughty 6 — '—Keaelbei^g 'Kilkaragh Giencollumkill Templscrone V. de Dromhanee EcCicfia Kiilibarrin Ail Sterling. o o o o o o 6 o o o o lO Dloeccfis KILMORENSIS. ^axatio Epifcopatus Kilmorenfis ^c, fa£ia 15 Jacob! I. Terrse inCom. Cavsn 6:^ o Fermanagh 5 o ' — Leytrim 20 o • — Longford 8 10 ' •— Rofcommon i o ■ — Wellmidd. o 10 Summa tctalisKilm.&Ard. 100 o Decanatus Kilmor.confiftens de R. de Keydie, vaioris 6 o V. de Ki'niore, vaioris 8 o V. de BailyiKempIe, vaioris 6 o Extendi. ar in toto ad R. & V. de Hanaa, alias 1 Belturbet 3 V.de Druml3ghan, alias 1 Bolgaji J R. & V. de Cafleterra V. de PCildallon Kilfhandra Drunge & Terra Killifherdimin R & V. de Dengoone V. de Taaragh iVIoybolge " & BalH- •iVIallagh V. de Urney taxatur ad 60 cl:iuphi]ip,a//^j Tern plecally Dirn A.naghgelue ■I 30 20 5 '5 15 10 16 4 4 Kildomfertan ( s ) . ^Klldomfertan 8 o o R. de Knochtyde 2 I 3 6 8 V. de Turgan 4 o Killaffer 6 13 o R. de CalUeraghen 2 I lO o o V. de Tcmplepurt ■ 3 6 R. de Kilcann 4 o o All Sterling. DicEcefis ARDACHANENSIS. Externa ^ Taxatiofa^a fuit 2?>mo Eliz. Epifcopatus Ardach. Decanatus ibid. Archidiaconatus, ibid. V. de Granardc - Strode — — Roufe ■ Clonebronie — — 7emplemichell ■■■■ Clonegofhe "——— Bally cormake 1 1 H 2 H 4 4 4 4 4 -Clonedarrell -Killoe -Killefs -Moydowe -Killacomveck -Aghrye - Rathreaghe ~ Kilglafs -Tcffyne All Sterling. In Bicec. Kilmore, exUb. Vifit, in BiUiotheca Trin. Col. Dub. (V. de Urny R. dc Moybologe, alias 7 Killinker 3 V. de Dromlane In DicEC. Ardach, Ktlbrome Aghery All Irifh o o o o Dioecefis DROMORENSIS. Extenta ^ laxatio fa5fafmt i5mmo Jac. I. Epifcopatus Dromorenfis in temporalibus unacum Rec- toria de Killbrone, quai cxtenditurat 40 /. Itcrl Sc Rett, de Maghedrale, quas valet 40 s. fferl. Sc Mene decims de Knockaguerrin quas \ii\etper annum 20 s. fieri. Extenditur ad Dccanatus Droinor. confif- tensde Red. & Vic. de Aghadeftick vd. 4/. fterl. & deR. & V. de St. Pa- trike, v.-L 4/. iterl. & de R. k V de Drombaily- Tome, v?.L 3 /. lOi. & de R. & V. de Tullaliih, val. o o 2/. 10 J. &detribus Lu- minaries, quae val. 40 s. ikrl & fic valet in toto Archidiaconatus Dromor. unacum R. & V. dc Do- naclona, val. 3 /. 10 s. fterl. R.&V. deSeagoe, val. 4/. R. & V. de Magherawley, val. 50/. fterl. Extenditur in toto £d Camas iaratus Dromor. tax- tuY unacum R. & V. de Magheralin,val. 5 /-fterl. & R. & V. deAnaghilt, val. c /. fterl, l^i toto 16 o 10 1000 CanceU (9 ) 4 Cancellariatus Dromor. u- Drommarraghe, val. 5/. nacum R. & V. de Clan- fieri. R.&V.de Shank- dallane, val. 6/. llerl. hill, val. 6/. fieri. &R. R. de Drumgath, val. & V. de Garvagh excep- 40/. fter). In loto 8 tis decimis novem Villa- ThefaurariatusDromor.con- rum' ibidem, quae funt fiftens de R. & V. de menfales Epifcopatus,val. Dromore, val. 1 /. llerl. 3/. In coto 14 6 R. & V. de Anaclowan, val. 5 /. fieri. & V. de V. de Clowniih I 10 Drumgath,val. zoj.flerl. Dromgnollane I 10 In toto 16 Donaghmore I 6 8 Fi2eh. de Drommarraghe, ^Killbroney 1 confiftens de R. ScY. de All Sterling. Dioeccfis DUBLINIENSIS. Extenta & Taxatio fa^ta i^omo Hen. VIII. lis 06*1 ' e in > Archiepifcopat. Dublin. 5 Decanar. S. Paricii, ibid, i Pr^ecentoriatus Cancellariatus Thefaurariatus Archidiaconat. Dub. Archidiacon. Glandelach Prseb. de Kilmatalwey Swerds — — Yago . S. Andoeni — Clonmethan — — Tymothan Ca fi rocknock ' Malahidert Tipper Monmahenock " Howth Rathmichael — Wicklovv «— Maynouth •= — Tafiagard ■Donlavan 34- 15 45 5 51 12 50 5 68 3 42 15 34 9 13 6 32 14 10 16 7 9 23 6 10 o 20 #6 18 f o 16 10 11 15 24 16 8 I 10 o 23 2 10 1 12 6 — unius por&ionis de \ Tipperkevin J — terius portionis, &c. r— Stagonyll 5 6 4 o ' 13 2\ O 8 o 4 8 o 8 o 8 10 8 o 4 o o 1 1 10 I o 3 unius portionis Dunomore O.Tiaile J ' •— alterius portionis, &c. v. de Swerds — — Cowlock ■ S.Katherin^einvico 1 Thomas ftreet, Dublin 3 R. de Cloghrane V. de Donabate Luskeex parte Prajcen. —ex purte Thefaur. R. de Baldongan V. de Balrothery V. de Balicaddau Cufios S. Stephani Dublin V. de Hollywood ' Bilmadin • — Killalaghan - — — Gareftown 300 300 23 6 8 5 I S 18 lb o ■Taulagh 8 R. de Dames 8 S. Petri de Mcnte Q V. de Lucan V. de Caftroknock o R. de Hollywood 4 V. de Hollywood 10 7 14 H 3 1 1 4 6 7 4 5 8 I I 4 13 4 7 8 o 6 4 19 10 12 4 o 6 5 12 1 1 ^3 4- IcS 6 1 1 1 1 o 6 16 6 13 V. ds V. de Rath more E, de Ufee -^ DeJgeny V. de Newcaille Bree R. de Dromokey & Callle Adam V. de Wicklow K. de Incheboyne — — Silbernan in patria de O'Birnes -Infula ibidem V. de Larabryne ' ■■ — Straff?, n Kildroght — — -Triulcdeimot R.dcNichLlllovvn Norragh V. de Norrar-h R. de Timolinbegge /. lO o 24 3 13 2 17 5 5 12 9 20 13 9 ( 10 13 4 6 8 o 6 o 12 o 13 o 6 V. de Kilta . Killolsn * Fountiftovvn . - . ■- Calionellown — — — «Tenghdo AH Irifh Decanatus Ecclefi^ S. Tii- nitads Dub. vocat.Chriil Church taxatus 25° Nov. 1400 Jicobi I. ultra om- nia onefa& reprifas Taxatio c^terorum Benefi- ciorum fb.da fuit 21 Ju- nii I 3 mo Jac. I. PrsceBtoriat. Cancellariat. Thefaurariatus Prseb. S. Michaelis — — S. Michani — ■ — S, Johannis All StejliBg. 70 o 18 22 12 6 24 10 7 12 1 1 3 1 1 ^3 4 Dioecefis DARENSIS. Extcnta ^ Taxatio jaUa tempore Regis Hen. VIIL 69 I 15 20 2 o o 40 Epifcopatus de KiJdare Decanacns ibidem Archidiaconatus ibidem ■Praeb. dc Bally fonan ■■ Dorxsda — — — — — Lalyaghmore — Donmorkill ' Rathangan Ecclefia Cathed. de Kildare 49 Culled. S. Magdalenas, ibid. V. de Kilcock — Balrayne . Carne ■ Ratbej ny • Kerogh . Kill Ley i Clonefhanboo R. de Don m cry V. de Bondymgiflon V. de Clane 4 8 3 3 10 6 4 5 4 6 10 10 3 4 o ^3 6 o 6 4 3 4 I rts lo 13 4 o o 19 8 R. de Pollardftown o i R. de Lyons 6 V. de Maynan 6 — — Donada i Donys^/V^j Down- inges — — — Deficullen R. de Walterilown V. de Lackagh R. de Kiibrackan Ballyfax — — Carnalwey Calloneftovvn -. Ty meghoo — — Naas ~ Donnen Rathangan . Knawenllown — Kilmage »— Balimallolk ■» Caftkcarbery R. de 7 o o 6 o 4 H 1 6 10 8 478 12 6 8 2 16 8 1150 302 26 13 4 Thomaitcwa ( II ) i. R. de Thomadown 5 V. de KilloiT/ 7 V. de Bali y fas 7 Cantuaria B Maris in le ) ^ Naas 3 R d3 Henriellown 6 V. de Henriellown 2 V. de Cloncurry 4 R. deNorny 4 V. de Norny i V. dc Ough rard 6 R. deKilcIonfert 12 R.de H^yn flown 6 All Irilh. Taxatio aliorumBeneJiciorum 28 Eiiz. R.deKill?.dory 18 V. de KilUdory 9 ^. 10 7 9r R. de Grcghan V. de Caille- Peter, <7//V?i Dromcowley V. de K;Iclonf.-r!: 7 o R. de Rathurome, alias 1 g q Ratheromcyne J laxatio fatla 14 Jac J. P;sbend. de Gefnell 26 1 3 V.deGeHiell ultra omnes > ^^ alloc. ^'. deduclicnes J ' R. de Williamltown, u'l- \ ^ ^ tra, &c. 3 R. de Pry mult, ultra &c. 44 Cafile Peter ultra &c. 20 V. de Ballynekill ultra &c. 1^ A-rdea uitra &c. 10 — Oregan ultra &c i 2 All Sterling. o o 6 DicEcefis OSSORIENSIS. Extenta Cy Taxalio fa5fa 2^mo Henrici VIII. per Walterum Cowley ^ Jacobum White Ccmmijfionarios^ viz. Epifcopatus 100 Marks Decana:us Eccl. S. K.a- 7 nici de Kilkenny 3 Prscentoriatus, ibidem Cancellariatus Thefaurariatus Archidiaconatus Collegium spud Kilkenny Collegium five R.de Gau- ) ran 3 Prebend, de Killmanaghe ■ 'Moyne 26 13 4 10 1 1 1 1 26 26 26 6 ■Aghcowre •Ki:la\vre •Blackrathe ■I'aftoffen ■Clawnemonery R. de Callan V. de Callan Gauran Dongarvan R..de Kildery R. Sli. Martini 7 4 4 40 13 13 6 7 10 o o o 13 V. de Dunfert V. de Kikranyn R. de Jnchywolcghan V.de Tuiiyghanbroge Kilimanagh — — Cailledvvogh R.d3 Glaifhcroe Rathbe-igh — ^-Cvvylcrahin V. de Kilmakears Comer -Dylbrt Mukully Mcthell Caftkilown Dunmore R.ds Rofconyil V. de Tipperbrogan . Kiiiaghy Kiilkei.ny R. de Cloghmantagh Kilruia 10 10 13 6 5 10 4 10 9 3 10 4 6 6 6 n 20 2 2 2 • 10 O o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 13 13 o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4 4 o C z K.d$ ( 12 ) R. de Aghboy alias A^gvo 20 V. ibidem 10 V. de Forallan 6 K. de Bondell 5 " — '- Temple nichol 4 •-■ -Killdellygly 2 ■ — — Durrowe vel Durrwa 6 ""^ Eyrke 8 • Kiiemoy vel Kildermey 2 V. de Gerypond 6 V. de Knocktoffre 8 R. de Aghbillyr 6 V. de BoIJaghe 6 *~ — Kiltoyckyghan 3 • -Downky 6 — Elyt 2 R. de Kilmaboy 6 y. ibidem 4 J. o o o o o o o o o o o 13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4 o o o o o o V. de Pornefiully V. de Rathkeran K.de Brllytarfue V. de Polrwayn V. de Fydowne R. de Clou more R. de Beawley V. de Kilpecjck & Killaha -Rosbaicon & Shanboghe 3 Kil<:ol!om R. de Lifteriing Kiimokcnoke Kilwayn Sc Kilbride V. de Rowre R. de Kilnedymock R. de Delay All Irilh. 5. o 6 o o 6 10 o o 6 o o o 6 6 9 o Dioecefis FERNENSIS. Extenta ^ 7'axatio, fa5fafuit i()mo Hen. VIII, Epifcopatus 108 13 4 V. de Rathmacknee 13 6 8 Decanatus 3 3 6 8 R. ejufdem 1 1 13 4 Prascentoriatus 1 4 18 8 R. de Roffe 12 9 4 Canceilariatas 32 1 1 8 V. ejufdem 10 Thefaurr.riatus 32 14 8 Capella Sslvatoris de Rofle I Archidiaconatus 1 4 9 R. de Kilmanan 16 Praib. de Ferhard 1 2 5 8 V. ejufdem 8 •- -Whitchurch 4 V. de Thacomlhan 7 7 i-) 1 [ \ V. de JV^aglas 7 9 2 •— — Kilcowme & Kilroan 28 4 4 R. de KilUowran 26 II • — CoulilufF 10 5 R. de Roaare 39 9 • Clone 3 6 8 V. ejufdem 16 • — Crofpa trick 2 Eccl. 4e Killalan 4 V. de Carne Capella S. Clementis II 3 lyelenane 3'° P 9 13 4 Tamon 28 19 7 R. de le Ifland 10 , FiltnfTr /-> r\ V. de Kilrowan R. de Tamghagher 7 26 6 8 Ecclefia B. Marias de Wex- } , ford 3 ^ yj 1 1 4 13 4 V. de Kilturke 8 5 4 V. ejufdem 1 5 3 8 V. de Killmore 8 •t V. Ecclefias S. Patricii de ) Wexford 5 ^° R. de Kilgorvan 2 5 V. de Kilcowan 4 18 4 y. de Rathafpoke 7 6 8 V. de Coulftuft 2 '7 Malrancan ( 13 ) /. /. ./. V. de Malrancan IF 9 3 R. de Kilkevan *; >7 9 V. de Banno s 8 o R. de Ambroftown 3 4 o Donawne 2 o o Ludcgan Horeton 6 2 13 o 4 o BallybrafT.lI V. de Clonmene 5 4 o o o o V. de Hoke 7 o o R. de Old Roffe 12 17 9 V. ejufdem 7 o o R. de Kilialog 3 3 6 8 7 o o 8 4 • ^Ballychan Capella de Tillaraght Eccl. de Killefke 3 I o 4 o 4 I 2 R dc Raen I O o V. de Ballybalden o i8 R. de Ballyvolle R. de Kilpatrick V. de Takillen o I I s. 8 16 4 R. de Ballyhalknan R.de Ardekenryc I I V. de Innefcortie 2 1 1 4 R. de Kilvannagh R. de Kilcormock O 2 10 3 2 Eccl. Leproforum juxta 7 Wexford J I R. de Malrancan i6 V. de Killagge Commendator.de Kilclogan Eccl. de Doncormock ^3 33 30 6 6 ^7 6 8 8 S- Mich, juxta Wexf. 2 S. Johan . juxta Wex. de Rofcarlen 16 15 6 8 Capella S. Mich, quae vo- 1 catur libera Capella 3 ^ Commendat.de Bally kyock 3 All Irilh 6 8 Dlc^cefis LEIGH LINENSIS. Ex tent a & Tax at to de antiqno fa5fa iS tax at a. Epifcopatus Decanatus Prascentoriatus Cancellariatus Thefaurariatus Archidiaconatus Praeb. de lUand • -TuUaghmaghma ■ Hahoid V. de Carlagh R. de Hurclene V. de Ramore V. de TuUdghfellym R. de Temple Peter V. de Challillon 50 S 3 5 2 6 I 2 2 6 5 o 6 o 6 o 'I o ^3 'I 6 o 13 o Ballyellen -Thomolinge Kyltenan -Clonagne -Lurner ■Barraghe R. de Mifill V. ejufdem V. de Ballon R. de Bailyenecarge R. de Bally caroghe V. de Hacha Dunlekeney Leguftye Powerllon All Irifh. 4 o 5 6 o 13 o 13 4 o o 13 /« Lex'ia Anglice §ueen*s County, V. de Galyn ' ■ Cioneheya o o 6 8 -Clonekeynagh •Ballyroyne 368 2 13 4 Difertdcnys -Difertdenys •Killcolmabane -Borres -Straboo -Skenkyll -Kiltale ■Moyhanna -Noyhvvayle -Themoke -Tymghoo Taxatio parcelled Dicsc, 3 o o 13 6 o 13 o o 13 ( 14 Bally^jquil'ian Rathafpucke R. de Killabane V. ejufdem R. de Kil.'ofien V. ejufdem R. de S!ete V. de Cloydagh All Jrilh 1 6 O !0 4 o 2 O 2 13 I 6 o 13 o 13 prced, jacentis in -prced. Comitatu^ fa5fa i%mo Eliz. R. de Dyfarte Eynnys — EurrcfTe . KilteJyc — -Clonenaghe *Strabbe prope Shy an ^^ — Ballyrone •— — Kilcolmanbane — Fonftone/i-aj Ballin- tobber 20 6 20 Noghwall 20 I^ — — Cionkyne 20 2^ V. ejufdem 10 18 10 Prc-eb. de Teckaline 3 10 2 V. de Ballintobber 5 I 10 \" All Sterling, Dicecefis CASSELENSIS. Extenta ^ Taxatio frMa fuit per Walter urv) Cowley ^f? Jacobum White Commtjfjionarios^ 2^mo Hen. VIII. US ^^ Archlepifcopatus 66 13 Decanatus 1 2 o Prascentoriatiis 6 Cancellariatus 6 Thefaurariatus i o Archidiaconatus 1 2 Pra^b. de Mollaghynnon i o • 'Killbresgh 5 . Kiihrdry 6 "Finnor vel Fynns 8 ■Croghan Eccl. de KncckgrafFon V. de Cloghir — — Ballyfhiggan » Ballydon •— Tuilaghmean Eccl. dc Kilconnyll 3 10 2 2 o I z 13 13 o o o 6 o o o o 13 13 10 o 13 V. de Nayreth Villacalfe ' -CoHman . Fid-^ert • Rathgwole ->, Cowlagh Pepper ton ■ Mogawry Moyefhell __ Kilimsnnon Dyfertkerane ■ Clonyn • Cronnllon Demelloge — ^ KillofcuU — Kilhierath ■=—— Killmoian o 13 o 13 o 13 6 o o 13 13 6 6 2 13 10 2 13 1 6 1 6 JCillcount V. de Killcount . C^lLthamery Doubfeith Inchyamly . Fethmoine ■ Barnenely — Drom "— — Loghmoid — — Mannabrath • Adnythe -— Corketenneth — Killeclewe ( 15 ) o o 13 o o 6 o 6 13 13 6 o /. -Clomoie o -Ballinfin vel Ballufin o •Matheme vs;lMathcyne3 -Rathellca — Syan — .. ^Eolye Kilbeacan — — Killnefear Garry — Killdanale ■ Ballynowre — Skornan All Irifh J^. a. 13 13 6 + 4 8 10 10 10 10 6 6 a 8 Dioecefis IMELACENSIS. Extenta & laxatio facfa fuit per Arth. Hyde i^ Fulc. Mounfloe v'lrtut^ Commijjionh datcc i Jun. idmo Eliz. /S^^ ^ Epifcopatus Decanatus Prsecentoriatus Archidiaconatus Pr2Eb.de Yfirlorayfe V. ejufdem V. de Carriginliflie — Caherelly Luddenbegge Wylleilovvn 'Any KiUfillan Cahircorny — — Moretown — Bally narde «/i«j Ca- hirfolTorge Greane — Cluenbonnge 26 3 2 13 2 13 5 I 5 I I r 8 o I I 6 I I I \ \ Eccl. de Lifcormonick Redl. integra V. de Kiltelly i R. de Naharlowe 10 V. ejufdem 5 V. de Tipperary i Toghcluggin \ Ulence 2 Solkhoyde 5 Capella de Lyfinvilly 2 V. de Corrigin i Eccl.deBryvvyle Reft. integra6 V. de Shronell \ Eccl. de Clonpett i V. de Newcaltlc 1 R. de Make i V. de Emiey 5 All Sterling. I o I I I I I I I I II I I I Dioecefis LIMERICENSIS. 7axatio & Extenta faUla fuit per Franc-ifcum Epifc ^ alios Commijjionarios 2 Od. c^ino Car. I. Limeric. Epifcopatus Decinatus Prscentoriatus Cancellariatus 13 6 8 1600 Ilcrl. 40 o o Thefaurariatus 13 6 8 Archidiaconatus 800 Prasb. de Tullaghbrake 300 12 o o »• _ ^__" EiF>-ii 300 Pisb. ( I6 ) Prsb. de Croyer 3 ° iCyllydy 2 o i S. Monchiny 2 13 Ardokanny 2 o ' ' Ballycayen fieri. 2 i ■ .1 Donaghmore 2 o •Dyferthe — — Kilbecan V. de Browry • Mongarte •— — Kilmocloria »- ^- Kyllyfyne •— — Sangole Clonefarre — — Kilftannei . Cloneache ■Emlaghdrenye •— — Kylldyma -S. Monchyny Eccl. de Kyllfelly > ■ I ■ Berry gill ion ■ ■ Kilbride major Kilbride minor Drommen F— — Athenefe Kyllian 1 Athletriche Rathkahell Killelaghe Killaghillian Novo Callro ■ Gary I Molccnriaghe •— — -Gunelkidmi ■ Dowdonell ■. Lifmacdiry >' ■ Kyllcormayne — — Cormothe All Ifilh, excepto Epifcopatu & Pr^b. de Ballycayen o 13 « '3 13 1 o o 10 o 13 o 13 o 10 o 13 13 6 3 0168 1 6 1 6 o 13 o 13 o 13 2 O o 13 o 10 2 O 2 O o 13 13 1 O 2 O O O O O O O V. de Kilkydy — Kilmure Feodamore — Knockomohide Collegium de Killmallock — — — — Limeric R. Integra de Owrgare R. Sti. Lawrentii V. de Donaghmor^ S. Michaelis Crecoragh — Dermacowe Bally tankard — Glanogra ^ — — Droghetarfney Dunaman Ardcanny Clonecreaghe Clonelty Killady Killfargus -— Kilfchinan Kilmahaloge Ardpatrick Adare Effin Eccl. de Clonecoure R. de Capellruffell R. & V. de Mahowna R. de Rathronan V. de Alkeaton Dromdeely — — Donmoylan — Kilbroderan . Kilcolman Caftlerobertgore Loghill — . — Kilmoylan All Sterling. Dioecefis A R D F ERT E N S 1 S. Taxatio fa^a incerto tempore. !2 I 2 5 2 13 21 6 o o o 2 2 I ] I o O ] 2 O I ] 2 O O I 6 o 4 4 o 10 o 5 o 5 5 5 5 1 2 o lO o 7 o 10 o 10 o 10 o 7 o 10 o 10 o 7 o 10 o 10 o 7 Epifcopatus Pccanatus Archidiaconatus Cantarariatus 12 13 4 Canceliariatus 200 300 Thefaurariatus 200 ^00 Archidiaconatus de Athedo i 10 « All Sterling, ( 17 ) Dicecefis WATERFORDENSIS. Extenta U Taxaliofa^a fuii per Wdkerum Cowley ^ Jacobum White Commijfwnarios, i^vio Hen. Vlll. Epifcopatus Decanatus Pra^cenroriatus Cancclliriatus Thefaurariatus Archidiaconatus Prseb. de Killronan -Corbally RofsdufF Bally nekill S. Patricii de Wa- tcrford — Ballygunner Cap. Decani infra Eccl. S. Trinic. de Waterford Cap. S. Jacobi in difti Ec- clefia Penilar. de Monnemontre Foylinge R.de Ballmakill /. 72 20 9 10 10 6 o o o o H H o 2 o o o o o 10 18 6 13 o 7 18 V. de Killmedan 5 . ^-Ki'ifli & Rathmoland 4 Pv. de Dongarvan (60 V. ejufdem 30 V. de Dyfert 3 ■ Killmolleran 5 ' — Jnfula Brike 2 — — Eellatrynn 3 Killbarmedin 7 Dunhill 7 Novo Cafiro 3 Clonegan 3 ■ Gillcaghe 3 Finvvaghe 2 Roffcmyr 8 — '- Fywys 3 Killroffinte 9 Stradbslly 12 All Iriih o o o o o o 6 10 6 6 o o 9 9 o I 2 o o o) o o o o o 8 8 o o o 8 9-" 8 ^* 4 8 £;c ^'^/^^ taxatione in Bihliotheca Col. S.Trin. Dub. (V. de Kilmolayte 916 3 Sefkyunan Gap. de Kilrufhe 446 Motalpe Prseb. de Modiiiige 3 13 6 Killaryde Gioge 216 o V. de Mothtll Killg bbenet 4 10 o Dioectfis L I S M O R E N S I S. 4 10 o 4 II 9 2 14 6) I 13 4 Kxtenta ^ 1 ax alio facia fu'it per Arth. Hyde i^ Fulc. Monnfloc virtute Co?nmifficm5 data: 3377^(7 Eliz. Epifcopat. unit, cum Wa- ? terford 1382 f Decanatus Liimor. 13 o Prseceatoriatus 10 o Cancellariatus 10 o Thefa'jrariatus 6 o ArchidiacQnatii* 6 o o o o o o D (^inqucE Vic^iric'e Chorales 20 Prasb. de Tull::ghartoa 5 — -~- ■DoR-ighmore 5 -Kilbarmedyn 6 — Dyiert& Kiitygan 3 Ojiancta Kill '-Mcdelegy Pr»b ( i8 ) Praeb. de Kilgobcned — Cla flmore "——Mora ■ Oghete ra g h — -Moriiiown alias 1 Ballymonekerick J V. de Remogonaghe * Alba C.pella •— — Aglis ■ Killfhella > - ■ ■ Athmeare •— — Clonethe ■' l^loy CO i I upe f*— — Dyfeit & Kilmul- vemcn * " Clonegan •— "Novo Cadro ^— Rof.hudu- * ■ ■ Killioiianda taxed by order of the Court of Exchequer in Hiiiary term 1(568 -Strabally -Ardmore lo 6 5 6 3 lO 6 lO 6 6 3 lO o o 2 O O lO — Donaghmore — Kilfhronagh — Rathronan — Clonmell — Kilallane — KilcafTe — M or Here Tuburaghny - — ^Carrige — -Kilmurry — Kilfielhan — Shanrahen 1 ibard — Newdans -. — Deiegrath — Aidfyiiane - — Tuilaghirton CarrickmagrifFsn — . — CrefFe parva Dongarvan taxed by order of the Court of Exchequer in Hillary term 1 668 All Sterlings 5 lO 6 8 6 6 6 5 lO lO 3 5 5 6 3 5 5 22 10 Dicecefis COR CA GEN SIS. Exteata & Taxalio fact a 31 (^ ^^mo Eliz. Epilccpatas per Certif.CiO tionem Audixris Se > (40 nesalis 3 Btccnatas Prasctnioriatus Cancellariatas Thefauiiriauis Archidiacoratus rra:b. de / idey Clerriggc •— |KilIonil!ie^7//<^^J■ ) Killemuliy j — Kilibritten jj . f^i- , ijiore ■ i n i iky i ne ' ■ K.) lineglorie 2 —- KiJrifiibL% gimullan 6 Qt^aiuor Vicarii Choral. ) , dii Ccrke 3 13 o 5 o R. de Rynonrane — -Leighmony Rynione V. ejufdem R. de Kiilgobfesn -— — Templetryney — — -Rathclaryne Iniflionan V. ejufdem R. d^3 Kncckevilky V. ejufdem V. de Kinfaile Kinneagh - — -Fanlobliihe R. de S hand en V. ejufdem V. de Athenowne 4 9 4 6 3 3 16 .4 3 16. 8 5 6 8 2 10 4 2 IP 3 • I 10 1 10 3 3 10 I 10 R. dt infda ( 19 ) ;. R. de Infula parva V. ejafdem V. ds Ballybodan ■Canboye Rincarran Eccl. de Rathwony Morit ghmolan R. de S. Trin. CivicatiiCcrke V. ejufdem Eccl. S. Michaelis . .Killlhenan &:Cap. ej'jfdem V. de Killmowe Carmagihy KiUmocommcge Htcl. de Killcoan Ec. Integra de Ragherlaghen . — -Templeulk Texaffi — — — — Dovvnedcrovve o o o lO o lO o i6 o o V. ds Clarine Leighmony o o o o } 3 o o 'Daughey Dizeit Seliigye R. de Drinagh V. ejufdem V. de Skull -Killcrogan > Darrus R. de Clathoranths V. ejufdem V. de Lifle Clery RofTsbegg Bullaford Powlepluck Clowne edy Killbrogan — Browne Killbonane Movid Una Re<51. V. ejufdem V. de Jnfhykilagh Killmiciiell All 6'terling. I o o o o 6 lO 6 o o o 6 5 I lO O lO I I I o o o o 8 o 8 o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o DiceceHs R O S S E N S I S. Extenta ^ Taxatio, faufafuit 31 £ff '^'^mo Eliz. EpIfcopnusperCertifica- 1 i R. de Kilmolada 3 tionem Audiioris Ge- > neraiis J (10 0) Eccl.de Corofl^nhare alias ' Bally mony \ 3 Decanatus 3 2 Eccl. de Kylmyne I 5 Prscsntoriatus 2 R. de Tullaghe 2 Cancellariatus 2 Temple O MaHs 2 Thefaurariatus 6 8 Eccl. de Kylmeg-ofls I 6 8 Archidiaco.iatiJS 3 10 V. de Tymiag y 4 Praeb. de Infula I 13 4 R. de Donaghmore I • .Dromdaleige I V. ibid. V. de Temp'ekyn^ar.c I 4 3 V. de Lc'fleye 6 •- Dyiert 2 Ra he 6 13 4 Ilylegarve 3 — Killconcnaghe 5 3 4 . Arde z Cruarye «//«jTempk •\' r\ r\ Caftrorena I 10 0, Malis \J vj Kilfarr.a 3 Kilkeran 2 Una Rec. in iMyfas 3 ■ Infula I 13 4 V. ibid. 6 6 8 -Tullaghe 2 R. de Craghghe 2 10 Q D z V. ds Crag^: bht ( 20 ) ;. s. ^. /. J r. ^. V. (7e Craghghe 2 lO o V. ibid. 4 O o V. de Tullighe 2 O o R. de Kllkateren o 6 8 Una Rec. de Kilcowe O lO o V. ibid. o 6 8 V. ibid. 1 O o y. de Kiltafky I o ® V. de Aghadawne 6 o o R, de Glanbarigkane 6 o V.deCIeere 3 o o V. ibid. 6 o K. dc Kylcanyne 4 2 o All Sterling. Dioecefis CLONENSIS. Extent a ^ Tax alio fa^ a fuit 32 & '2,'^mo Eliz. Epifcopatus 10 10 ( Guardianatus Villae hi ^, , ColIegiideYoughalir°°^^'^^^' Archidiaconatus Clon. Decanatus Prascentoriatiis Cancellariatus Thefaurariatus Praib. de Glannore •Ballyhowlye -Donaghmore -Cowill -Coulleny -Subulter -Lackyti -Browfen •Inyfkarry -r-. Kylmodonnogh Quatuor Vicarii Chorales R. & V, de Brygowne V. de Clonmell - — -Capelia Roberd . Ballycloghye ^Jias Lavan r Kilbryne . Ballymarter — ^Cahirulcan . Bcllaghathy« — — -Carrigtowell ,««— Tcmplebodan alias ©lonmcyrc Kilcoufiey Eccl. de Garrybove • Beghaware 'V. de Kiimaghan 5 o o 6 o o 6 o o 2 10 o 10 10 8 o 2 10 4 o '3 13 1 2 o 1 o I o 10 1 o 1 5 o 6 o 13 2 o o 10 4 P 2 o 5 10 V. de Bellygory R. de Mcnfhye V. ibid, o V. de Aghadda o ■ Corckebegge o — — Roflillane 8 V. Capellse de Rathe o Eccl de Caltro Chory o Cap. de Inifhinebacky 8 V. de Kilbrydane o R. de Siteskan o V. ibid, o R. de Aghrajen o V. ibid, o Eccl. de Bellaghe o — Dongory o R. de Iniilicuilen o Eccl. de Cionrcre 4 V. de Rathgogane o ' — Bailaghany o i^ Friskethe o R. de Sandrome V. ibid. V. de Kilbolane o V. de T> rilcbfhe o R. de Balijvorane 8 V. ibid. 4 Eccl. de Kilniaclcmync o V. de Dromodony Caftlemayne • Liskarrol o ■ Browfen o Brt-goghe o R. de ICilkoikyrane o V. ibid. 10 o 10 10 o 10 o o © 10 6 13 3 o I 10 3 o I o I o 5 5 3 o I 10 o 13 7 6 13 lO o o 10 13 10 o 10 o o o 10 © o o o o o o o o o 8 4 o o o o o o o o 4 8 4 o o o o 4 o o o o o o o R. de Let«r (21 ) K. de Leter V. ibid. R. de Dryfhant V. ibid. V. de Clonefartif Roskryne Kilftiane Grekenaughe . Garotten •Downag'ngihie . .Cknherkyn ■Mathoha Agahbolighe R. de Aghmaghe V. ibid. V. dc Clondreth© • Bally vornie J. 6 6 6 6 lO lO lO »3 o 6 6 o o o o 10 o d. Kilcolman Kilmodonoghc R. de Killgullane V. ibid. V. de Marfiiallftovvn — Clondullane Carrighonane Caille Lyons Wallilown Caftletovvn Nohanne — — Carrigleimlery R. de Rothcormock V. ibid. V. de Knockmoryne R. de Mogyley V. ibid. All Sterling. s. o o o o o o lO /. 2 3 6 6 6 6 5 5 12 6 o 6 o 6 lo lO lO lO lO o o Dicecefis LAONENSIS. Hcsc Extent a (^ "Taxatio partim facia fuit ^mo Car. I. pr Rowland Delahoide i£ alios Commijfiofiarios . Eplfcopatas Decanatus Prscentoriatus Cancellariatus Thefaurariatus Archidiaconatus Praeb. de Clonydagad.Vafta • '- — -Tomgreny — — — Rathblanage " — Enifcathie ■Loghcayne ' & R. de Dyfert .Tullo — Clondagad Rec. de Ogafliina — -Tradeny • — — Ki'mafei boy Dromclyiie alias o 6 6 o o 3 6 (o lO 5 o I 6 4 3 2 3 o o o o O lO 3 o 6 o Ogormocke — Killinboy — Rath — ' — '— Kilkedy ■ !— Obloyde o o 8 o) o 8 o o o o o o o o ■ Rofcrey ■Birra ■Moydriney "Moyffe Vic. de Clonruihe Iriihecaltragh • ^Cailleconnell Quyn Clonee — Duree -Kilmurrey alias Duffkeyne Thomfynlagha • Killmalyra •Kylcomery 7 o 6 o 5 o 6 13 o 6 o 6 2 o o 10 o 13 o 6 068 ■Cionlo^han •Bonraity -Clon:dagnrd -Kilfcdan -Killafiii -Killmurrey -Killamory -Killiierifgh o 10 o 5 o 13 5 1 8 o 10 o 6 068 10 o 068 1 o o Moartagh ( 22 ) Vic. de Moartagh mm Killbanyhoyne ■Killardagh -Killyferby -Killmakadowen -Dromciift a/ias Ocormock R. & V.de Kiilanora V. do Rathblansge ►^ Killeneboy . Kilkidye Killeneawgh •— — — Mowfey Kneagh — — Killbarrayne ■ Ardcromy —■ ■ Bally rgarry • Uskean '— — B u rre fa key n — — Fynough — — Moy d riny . Oghill ■ Burgeffebog^ Rolcrey Burrehin — — Dowcorrchin R. &V.de Finglaffye V. de Ttmplenohorry R. & V. cie Kilcomyn V. de Soyanrone R. & V. deKillmurrey /. s. d. o lO o 13 4 o 10 o 13 4 o 10 I R.de J o 13 4 1 13 13 1 o I o o 10 o 10 6 o 6 5 10 o 13 o 10 o 13 2 O O 8 o o o o o o 4 4 o o o o o o o 8 o o 4 o o o /. V. de Etagli o V. de Birra 3 R. & V. deKilterlana i R. & V. deKynity 2 V. de Rofmacrovve o R. de ICilcIonfcrt Mulwore o Fynagh 3 '- Durragh 3 V. de Aglynecloghrar.e i V. de BallyloghacDgn 1 R. de Eannr^giicayne 3 Y. de Killanfo'A'lagh o — Cloneleagh i Kilfinaghta i — K^lteeleigh i Kiilokennedica i Kilhioe 2 ^ — Kiiluran o — Ogor.oka 2 ^ Moy no o KilLinanleigh i — Kilbraghtas 1 -Tullo 3 • Terrs plemalie o ■ Irficronane 3 ' Dilerte 4 «^ Finagh o Kilchrift I Kiliidifarte 2 ■- Killmihill i Ail Sterl-ng. J. 13 o o o 10 ^3 o o o o o :o o o o o o 15 o 15 o o o 15 o o 5 o o o 4 o o o o 4 o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Dioecefis TUAMENSIS. Extent a ^ Ta^calio jaota fuit ^^^mo Eliz. Archiepifcopatus Decanatus Archidiaconatus taxat. &c 1629 Prsepofitura Tuam. Prseb. de Leckaghe »— — Kilmeamnore ■Kcallcbegge \ 50 6 .^ Taxfaxon alias 7 Templegaije J ■ !.. Kylveylan ■Kylvyen ■Baila Quinque Stipendiarii infra 7 Ecclefiam Tuam. R. de Athenrye V. eJLifdem R. de Dunmore V. ejufdem V. de Myllaghe KilloTcoba Bailakillye J 13 o 2 o o 13 o o Killareyraa \ V. de Killareyran • Kilveylan — — Leckaghe « Kilmacrean — ,. .Belleclare ' Killourre Decanatns de Ann?.coyne 1 a/ias Enaghdune J" Quatuor Stipendiarii, ibid. V. de Bally ntogher R. de KikuUagh V. ejufdem V. de Kilbrenam Kflveyen Crofboyan •— raghekynney R. de M^yo V. ejufdem V. de Killnieanmore •Kiilmeanhegge — Klicomm Conga B'^lIenecalU R. de Ballenrobe V. ejufdem I I 13 o 10 15 5 13 10 6 o o o 13 10 r J 5 o ( 2 J. o 8 8 o o o 3 ) y. de Enyfhboffen Kno'rkvale — — — Kylmayre R. de Aghgoyr ex parte 7 /. Archidiaconi Tuam V. de Aghgoyr V. de Barry ihow'e R. de Clancuan V. ejufdem V. de Coran Belaghey ne Borrow feera R. de Mcnula ' Ballenegarry -Killareyran ■ -Corkemore Bailencal'a de Ki;ikeryn de Cry forty re de RoiTi -BaUendown* Im^ghyn - Morrjflie de Ovvle X. ^. 10 o 6 8 10 a 10 o o o 10 10 io o 6 o o o o 6 6 6 6 6 o All Sterling. o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o 8 8 8 8 8 o) Dlcscefis E L P H I N E N S I S. Extenta ^ Ta:^no Car. I. Epifcopatus Decanstus Archidiaconatus Sacrifta Clonfert. Monafierii O'Gor- iTiSgan "^ de Clontufkerte SaciiHa de Mcnaller. 24 12 4 2 Aghryci de} o Prsb. de ICilconnell 3 o Drcght I g .Kilcuan i o . Kiltefgill I "- diioe Praeb. de 7 Fen nor 5 •—- Bally tovylter o Xiilafpickmoylan o 5, I o I o' I 10 15 o 6 8 Praeb- Prab. de Annagcalla V. de Droghte, Downe- noght & Fahye . .Milethe . .Kilmaccona . Kilcuan . Tyrnefgayre Leckmolaffe KillRymor Kilgarrell — Creaghe ^ KilcUine , .Kilconn£ll -Foynaghe . Ballymawerdc .Kyllincolle . Killovan .— — Clankenkeryll Tenaghe Duneyre Ballenkill* R. de Duneyre V. de Kiltefsill ( ^S s. d. o o o o 5 lO lO 6 o 6 10 lO 10 o lO 6 6 6 o 6 17 6 13 ■ ■ 'I >.. Ley trim — — Kilcoute Killrycall R. de Lcghereagh V. ejufdem V. de Killendynaa — — Kiltormer Kilcowan Legeirke Killuan Killeynaore R. de Aghryme ■ Kiklune V. de Kilcarban 8 R. Integra de Killmonology 8 V. de DrunkifFe, alias 8 Drunkight o — .« KiJltullagh 8 Ki]]gerrill, alms 8 Kilkerinn 8 ICilloran 4 ' Teigevickennell o All Sterling. /. o o o 18 3 2 o 2 I Dicecefis DUACENSIS. Extenta £ff Tamtio fa5fa fu'it i^mo Eliz. Epifcopatus M 6 8 Decanatus 2 Archidiaconatus 4 Praepofitura Duac. 2 Cantarariatus I 6 8 Thefaurariatus \ 6 8 Praeb. de Dyfertkelley I 12 M u — Kynmarra I — — Crofcornan 1 1 8 6 d R. de Kiltomys 6 '^ I 10 V. ejufdem c i^ y. ae KUleny« Q 3 4 •Kynmarraa •Dorrcffe •Fynevara -Dronnickowe ■Stradballye -Killeyle -Killeneheyne -Ardrahyn Dyfertkellyc -Killeynan . Kilcryrte -Killogiilyne -Killora -Kilcolgan -Kiltomys AH Starling. } 12 6 13 o o o 6 o o 10 o 6 13 5 o 5 o 13 o o 15 o 8 o 13 o 10 15 1 o o 13 10 1 6 Di(3sce(ic ( 26 ) Dloecefis ALLADENSIS. Extenta & Taxaiio fa5fafuit 2Smo E\iz.& ^mo Car. J. n Epifcopatus Decanatus ArcbidiaconatUs Praepofitura Alladenfis Prseb. de Kilneharpy — — — Killanley R. de Skryne V. ejuidem R. de Caftle Connor V. ejufdem V. de Bellafegyre . Bellanaglys i^ Kilbelada m ■ Aidaghe I Crofmolyne /. si d. 23 6 8 400 I 13 4 6 o o o o o o o i6 8 o 13 4 o 13 o 6 o 13 -Killyan -Rareghe -Dunyne -Kilbride -Lekan -Rafrannor -Kilcomyn -Imlaghiftiell -Kilglaffe -Dromard •Killmacfallaghan >Corcaghe /. s. d, o 10 o 068 068 o 10 o 13 o 13 o 10 13 1 o 4 R. de Tyrawley 8 V. de Eaikagh 4 AH Sterling. Dioecefis ACHADENSIS/^« ACHONRY. Extenta K 'Taxatio, fa^a fuit iSmo Eliz. Cs? ^mo Car. L Epifcopatus lO Killaraght 3 Decanatus I 2 Piaeporitura ibidem 6 8 — Imulcaddye 3 8 Archidiaconatus ibid. cum I 4 /-\ /-» % Vicariade Kilrovvryn — — Kilmorchowe 1 8 V. de Kilvardeda 4 — — Clonoghill 8 10 R. de Cowlaven 6 8 Kilkfye 2 V. ejufdem 3 8 -. Strade 4 R. de Slewloa 10 KiUodan ? " Bovvcowley 2 8 4 R. vocat. inter duos amnes 3 8 — Templemarrye S R. de Killowran 13 4 — Kilcolman 3 All Sterling. Pr (Blendes prccd, Dioc. ita taxatce funt ^mo OLlob. ^mo Car. \.per Rog. Jones Militem ^ alios Commijfionarm . Pfjeb. dc Killaraght 6 •— Killoran o *»- ■ ' Donghorne o * '" ' j*:^ -TrcmoyBflJt'gigl), o •Killfry V. de Kilmdeige All Sterling. o o 2 o FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles n C P C?K?'??*f^^*' DUE on the last date stamped below. D ■ U R L AM 7-4 4-9 JUL 3 1985 PM 9- to Form L9-Series 4 U BX 5551 V2k