/>-> r luH Final Report of the Library Association 'Technical and Commercial Libraries Committee APPENDIX A CLASS LIST OF CURRENT SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES OF THE LITERATURE OF SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCE THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CAXTON HALL, WESTMINSTER S.W. I 6 November, 1917 Price : One Shilling Final Report of the Library Association Technical and Commercial Libraries Committee APPENDIX A CLASS LIST OK CURRENT SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES OF THE LITERATURE OF SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCE THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CAXTON HALL, WESTMINSTER S.W. I 6 November, 1917 't,.. I us KEY TO CLASSIFICATION. Agriculture, S. Anatomy, QM. Anthropology, GN. Artificial (Imitation) Substances, TP 995. Astronomy, QB. Bacteriology, QR. Bibliography, National, AC. — Universal, AA-AB. Book Selection Technology, T. Brewing, TP 570. Ceramics, TP 785. Chemical Technology, TP., Chemistry, QD. — Analytical, QD 70. — Physical, QD 450. Coal Mining, TN 80a. Economics. HB. Education, L. Electrical Engineering, TK. Engineering, TA. Entomology, QL. Eugenics, HQ. Factory Organisation, TA. Gas Manufacture, TP 700. Geography, G. Geology, QE. Glass Making, TP 845. Indexes [to Periodicals], AI. Iron and Steel, TS 300. Labour, HD Law, K. Legislation, KZ. Leather Manufacture, TS 940. Lighting, Artificial, TP 700. Medicine, R. Metallography, TN 690. Metallurgy, TN 600. — Iron, TS 300. Microscopy, QH 201. Military Science, U. Mineral Industries, TN. Municipal Administration, HD. Papermaking. TS 1080. Pathology, Plant, SB 509. Periodirads, Indexes, AI. — Union Lists, AA. Philosophical Instruments, Q 184. Photography, TR. Physical Chemistry, QD 450. Physics, QC. Physiology, Animal, QP. Plant Pathology, SB 509. Press Directories, AC 50. Public Documents, AD. Radioactivity, QC 47.5. Radiotelegraphy, TK 570. Science. Q. Scientific Instruments, Q 184. — Management, TA. Technology, T. Textiles, TS 1500. Waste Utilization, TP 995. Wireless Telegraphy, TK 570. S9Riat< Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/classlistofcurreOOIibrrich GLASS LIST OF CURRENT SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES LITERATURE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND COMMERCE N.B. — The List represents the minimum bibliographical equipment of a library professing to specialize in any of the following departments of knowledge. It is a selection from the " Class Catalogue of Current Serial Digests, etc.," issued by the Library Association in 19 12, revised and extended. The classification is that of the Library of Congress, ex- cept that Z Bibliography has been transferred to A. As a rule German periodicals have been included only where no suitable substitute in another language could be found. AA. — Universal Bibliography. Union Lists of Periodicals. As there is no printed Union List of Periodicals of the United Kingdom, infor- mation must besought in (i) the lisU prefixed to the Subject Indexes. 1800-1900, published by the Royal Society (B.J. Q) ; (ii) the local Union Lists published by Manchester (1898); Cambridge (1906-1914), and Oxford (1913) ; (iii) the catalogues of periodicals published by various institutions, e.g. the British Museum; Royal Society; London University ; Patent Office, etc. Where these sources fail, application should be made to the Keeper of the Printed Books, British Museum, for the desired information. AB. — Universal Bibliography. Library Catalogues. British Museum. Subject Index of the Modem Works added to the Library. Ed. G. K. Fortescue. Vol. 1-3, 1881-1900. Continued quinquennially, 1901-5 (1906); 1906-10 (191 1). Imp. 8vo. In progress. The work is supplementary to " The Catalogue of Printed Books" for the period covered by the two publications. Patent Office Library. Subject Lists. (List free on Application.) 6d. each. These are valuable for the earlier literatiu-e and for their analytical references to foreign periodicals. Supplementary information to date in specified headings in these lists can be obtained on application to the Librarian of the Patent Office. 5 6 CLASS LIST OF CURRENT AC. — National Bibliographies. Foreign. Hinrichs (weekly, half yearly, and quinquennially) for books in the German language, Lorenz and " La Bibliographic de la France " for French books and the " American Catalogue " and the " Cumula- tive Book Index " for American books are the three most important foreign bibliographies. Sets of the above publications are expen- sive and difificult to procure. For more detailed information con- sult R. A. Peddie's "National Bibliographies" (Grafton, 191 2). AC 50. — Press Directories. United Kingdom. Willing, is. Mitchell, 2s. France. Le Soudier (H.). Catalogue-Tarif des Joumaux Publics k Paris. Parts ( ) Germany and Austria- Hungary. Deutscher Zeitschriften-Katalog. Leipzig^ Schulze & Co. i mk. Switzerland. Annuaire de I'Association de la Presse Suisse. Zurich, O. Fiissli. 8 mks. United States and Canada. Severance (H. O.). A Guide to the Current Periodicals and Serials of t^e United States and Canada. 3rd ed. 1914. A7in Arbor, G. Wahr. % 2*50. Only the latest issues of these publications are, as a rule, required in practice. AD. — Public Documents. See also KZ Legislation. Stationery Office, (i) List of Parliamentary Publications ; (ii) List of Official Publications. London. Issued Monthly, with Quarterly and Annual Consolidations. N.B. — The literature of Public Documents is, as a rule, not included in the National Bibliographies. United States. Superintendent of Documents. Catalogue of the Public Documents of Congress and of all Departments of the Government of the United States. Washington, Govt. Printing Office. Known as the " Comprehensive Index". Eleven volumes have been published to June, 1913 (1915). The work is in " dictionary " catalogue form, and is a valuable source of reference on all questions of trade, economics, science, and technology. Monthly Catalogue (The). The United States Public Documents. Also issued by the Superintendent of Documents. Forms a continuation to the above work. AI. — Indexes. See also T Technology. Athenaeum Subject Index to Periodicals. Issued at the request of the Council of the Library Association. 191 5, etc. Athenaeum Office, Breams Buildings. £2 los. Indexes over 500 periodicals, a large number of which are scientific or techno- logical in character. The articles indexed are obtainable by subscribers on loan. The Annual Volumes are preceded by a series of Class Lists which are sold at prices ranging from 6d. to 5s. each. Q. — Geography. Bibliographie Geographique annuelle. Paris, Colin. 10 fr. Geographical Record. Formerly the Bulletin of the American Geogra- phical Society. JVew York, Broadway, 1 56th Street. Includes classified abstracts of current geographical papers, raaj^s, and book reviews. SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES 7 HB. — Economics. American Economic Review, published by American Economic Association Cambridge^ Mass. Quarterly, $1-25. Contains full annotated bibliography of articles on economics, classified under main headings. HD. — Economics of Production (For Scientific Management. See TA Engineering). Bulletin of the International Labour Office. (Monthly.) Woolwich^ Pioneer Press. 8 s. yearly. Ccntai.is text of new labour laws in all countries, summaries of various de- crees, and the war emergency legislation of the belligerent countries, generally with text. HD. — Municipal Administration. Special Libraries. Indianapolis^ Special Libraries Association. $2.00. Deals with the progress of technical, professional, and business libraries. Each number contains a special bibliography. A set of the publication is in the L.A. Library at the London School of Economics. HF. — Commerce. Business Digest. (Weekly, with Quarterly consolidated volume, entitled " Current Business Encyclopaedia ".) New York, Cumulative Digest Corporation. $15; weekly or quarterly alone, $10. HQ. — Eugenics. Eugenics Review. Published Quarterly by the Eugenics Education Society, Kingsway House. Kingsway, W.C. is. net. Conuins digest of English and foreign f>eriodical literature, usually arranged under subject headings suggested by the articles. K. — Law. Index to Legal Periodicals and Law Library Journal. Athenaeum Office, Breams Buildings, W.C. £1 yearly. Sets vol 1-8, 1908-15. £6 5s., carriage free. Indexes about 80 professional journals, British and American. KZ. — Legislation. Society of Comparative Legislation Journal. (Quarterly.) J. Murray. 5s. net. Apart from its original papers on CorajDarative and International Law, the journal is valuable for its digest of British and Foreign Legislation issued under the title of " Revie.v of Legislation " and separately indexed. In no other publication can the progress of legislation in a given country be so readily ascertained. New Statesman. Blue Book supplement. Issued three or four times a year, and containing complete annotated litt of British parliamentary publications, in classified order. 8 CLASS LIST OF CURRENT L. — Education. United States. Bureau of Education. [Annual] Bibliography of Educa- tion. Superintendent of Documents. 20 cents. The Bureau also publishes a " Monthly record of current educational publica- tions ". Q. — Science. Royal Society of London. Subject Index to the Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800- 1900. Vol. I. Pure Mathematics (1908). 2. Mechanics (1909). 3. Physics. Part i. Generalities, Heat, Light, Sound (19 12). 2. Electricity and Magnetism (19 14). Valuable chiefly for historical research. It was proposed to publish Subject Indexes for each of the seventeen schedules of the International Catalogue. It is now doubtful whether the original proposals will be carried out. Union Lists of Periodicals showing the principal libraries in the United Kingdom in which sets of a given publi- cation can be consulted are prefixed to each volume. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Published for the Inter- national Council by the Royal Society of London. London, Harrison. Published annually in seventeen sections at £18 the set. The sections arranged in the order of the Library of Congress classification are : — G Geography. QD Chemistry. QK Botany. GN Anthropology. /"Geology." QL Zoology. QA Mathematics. QE-! Mineralogy. QM Anatomy. QB Astronomy. (^PalasontoJogy. QP Physiology. ("Mechanics. QH Biology. QR Bacteriology. QCX Physics. (^Meteorology. Each of these sections is sold separately. This work comprises the scientific literature — text-books, dissertations, and periodicals— of the world. The first annual issue deals with the literature of 1901. It forms an annual continuation of the author and subject " Catalogue of Scientific Papers," in course of publication by the Royal Society ; of which thirteen volumes of the Author Catalogue have been issued for 1800- 83 ; and of which 1884-1900 is now nearly completed. Q 184. — Philosophical Instruments. Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. (With supplement Deutsche Mechan- iker-Zeitung.) (Monthly.) Berli7i, Springer. 24 mks. Publishes full " Referate ". QC— Physics. Science Abstracts. A. Physics. (Monthly.) London, Spon. is. 6d, per number. Subscription to A and B. Electrical Engineering, 30s. Very full abstracts, with occasional illustrations, issued by the InstitiUion of Electrical Engineers in association with the Physical Society of London, and with the co-operation of the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and the Assoziazione Elettrotecnica Italiana. QC 475. — Radioactivity. Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitat und Elektronik. (Four parts yearly.) Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 20 mks. SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES 9 QD Chemistry. — See also TP Chemical Technology. American Chemical Society. Chemical abstracts. (Fortnightly.) The Society. $6. Illustrated abstracts classified under thirty headings. These abstracts cover a wider technological field than that of the European chemical societies. They include abstracts of the patents of the leading industrial countries. Chemical Society of London. Journal (transactions and abstracts). London, Gumey & Jackson. 40s. Monthly. Abstracts form two volumes yearly. QD 70. — Analytical Chemistry. Analyst. The organ of the Society of Public Analysts. (M.) Simpkiny Marshall. 2s. Contains full abstracts of the papers published in other journals. QC. Transactions of the Optical Society. 39 Victoria Street, S.W., i . I ncludes abstracts. QD 450.— Physical Chemistry. Zeitachrift fiir Physikalische Chemie. Leipzig, Engelmann. 22 mks. per vol. Original papers published in German language. QE.— Geology. Geologpical Literature added to the Geological Society's Library. . . . Geological Society, Burlington House. 2S. Annual. Consists of a list of the journals and other publications received by the Society, with an analytical author and subject index thereto. Libraries should acquire sets of this publication. QH 201. — Microscopy. Royal Microscopical Society. Journal (Bi-Monthly). 20 Hanover Square, W. 6s. per part. Publishes an annual summary of current researches relating to Zoology, Botany (principally invertebrata and cryptogamia), Microscopy, etc, Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und fiir mikroskopische Technik. Leipzig, Hirzel. 20 mks. Publishes full abstracts and bibliography. QL. — Entomology. Review of Applied Entomology. Series A, Agricultural. Series B, Medical and Veterinary. Issued by the Imperial Bureau of Ento- mology. 89 Queen's Gate, S.W. 12s. ; or A, 8s. and B, 5s. yearly. QP. — Physiology : Animal. Physiological Abstracts. Issued by the Physiological Society (Great Britain and Ireland) and the American Physiological Society. Lewis & Co. 35s. Begins with the literature of 1916. lo CLASS LIST OF CURRENT QR. — Bacteriology. Abstracts of Bacteriology. Bi-monthly, Cambridge, University Press. 23s, Published by the Society of American Bacteriologists. Intended to replace the " Central blatt " for English readers. R. — Medicine. Index Medicus. A monthly classified record of the current medical liter- ature of the world. Second series. Washington, Carnegie Institution, etc, $8 -60. S. — Agriculture. Agricultural Index. New York, Wilson Co. $8. Indexes 158 agricultural journals and bulletins. Experiment Station Record. (Monthly.) 2 vols, yearly, Washington, Govt. Printing Office. $1-50 each vol. Consists of classed abstracts of all U.S. Experiment Stations with some foreign material. Excellent author and subject indexes. Taking price into consideration, this is the cheapest and be^st resume of the progress of agricultural science published. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. J. Murray. los, yearly. Includes abstracts on tropical agriculture and the commercial utilization of the natural products of British Dependencies. SB 509.— Plant Pathology. Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten. Stuttgart, Ulmer, 20 mks, T. — Technology: Book Selection. Technical Book Review Index. Vol. i, No, 4, July, 191 7, etc, Pittsburg, Carnegie Library, The first three numbers were issued in the Monthly Bulletin of the Carnegie Library. In view of the growing importance of American Technological literature the work is likely to be of great value for book selection, T. — Technology: Periodical Indexes. Association de Documentation Bibliographique, Scientifique, Industrielle et Commerciale. Bulletin. (5 Nos. yearly.) 82, Rue Taitbout, Paris. (Subscription on application.) The Bulletin contains classified references to technical articles in periodicals and bibliographies with other useful information. No. 59 60 contains an Index to 1911-15. Industrial Arts Index, New York, H, W. Wilson Co. Subscription on application. Indexes about seventy technical periodicals, mostly American. TA. — Engineering. Engineering Index. Annual, New York, Engineering Magazine Co, los. Descriptive entries indicating length of article, classified alphabetically under eight main divisions. About 200 publications analysed. Compiled from the monthly numbers of "Industrial Management" (formerly the "Engineering Magazine"). This work supplements " The Athenaeum Subject Index " which so far as possible co- ordinates its work with that of the above publication. SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES ii TA. — Engineering {continued). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. (Monthly.) The Society, 29 West 39th Street, New York. $4. " Review of Engineering Periodicals." Consists of illustrated abstracts. This is followed by a classified list of " Selected titles of Engineering Articles ". Cassier's Engineering Monthly. Gassier Go, 12s. Includes Cassier's Engineering abstracts. These are not cumulative or indexed at the end of the year. They include the subject of ' ' Scientific Mar^igement ". TK. — Electrical Engineering. Science Abstracts. B, Electrical Engineering. (Monthly.) London, Spon. is. 6d. per number. See above QC Physics. TK 570. — Wireless Telegraphy. Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony (The). Wireless Press Ltd., Museum House. 3s, 6d. net. Useful reference woik for the Laws and Regulations, Stations, Patents, and general development of Wireless Communication. TN. — Mineral Industries. Mineral Industry : its statistics, technology, and trade. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co. I5. Covers the whole of the useful metals and minerals, and includes general metal- lurgical processes. Chapters often contain excellent bibliographies. Indispensable in any library where mining or metallurgical information is required. Mining World. Chicago, Mining World Go. %Z- Indexes of current literature (half-yearly). A consolidation of the weekly issues in the Mining World. A price is quoted against the articles indexed. The publication is remarkable for the completeness with which it covers its specific field. TN 600.— Metallurgy. Institute of Metals. Journal (two vols, yearly). Westminster, Gaxton House, ^i is. Section 2 in these volumes consists of abstracts of p.ipers relating to the Non- ferrous Metals and Alloys. Metal Industry. (Weekly.) London, 33 Bedford Street, W.G. 4d. net. Since August, 1912, has published a bibliographical section entitled " Recent Literature relating to Non-ferrous Metals ". Quotes price for articles indexed. Revue de Mdtallurgie. Tome i, M^moires ; Tome i, bis Extraits. Paris, Dunod & Pinat. 40 frs. The extracts form an annual volume of about 800 pages, fully illustrated. TN 690. — Metallography. Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Metallographie. (4-5 Nos. yearly.) Leipzig, Bomtraeger. Original papers in the languages of the originals. 12 CLASS LIST OF CURRENT TN 802. — Coal^Mining. Colliery Guardian. (Weekly.) London, 30-31 Furnival Street, E.C. 5d. per number. From 4 April, 1911, has published a " monthly list of recent coal literature". TP. — Chemical Technology. Chemiker-Zeitung. (Tri-weekly.) Coethen, the Journal. 5 mks. quarterly. Weekly supplement, " Chemisch-Technisches Repertorium ". JConsists of short classified al^tracts of papers and German patents. Society of Chemical Industry. Journal (fortnightly). London, Vacher. 36s. " Journal and Patent Literature." Publishes under twenty-four classes abstracts of all articles and patents relating to industrial chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports of the progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. i, 19 16. London, Harrison. To members, 2s. 6d. ; non-members, 5s. net. Contains reports on fifteen classes of chemical technology, with numerous refer- ences to original articles. TP 570. — Brewing. Institute of Brewing Journal, containing the transactions of the various sections, together with abstracts of papers published in other journals, etc. (Monthly.) London, Harrison. 5s. per number. TP 700. — Gas Manufacture, Artificial Lighting, etc. Gas Age. (Formerly " Progressive Age".) (Fortnightly.) New York, 52 Vanderbelt Avenue, .$3. " Current Gas Literature." Alphabetical subject indexes published on the 16th of each month and reprinted in the following issue in the advertisements for cutting up and pasting on cards. American Gas Institute. New York, 25 West 39th Street. $5. Abstracts. Has published since 1908 on separate slips (5x8 ins.) for filing in class order (108 classes) abstracts of papers and patents relating to the gas industry. TP 785. — Clay and Silicate Industries (Ceramics). English Ceramic Society : Transactions. Stoke-on-Trent. £1 los. Abstracts classified under eleven headings includes Glass, Cements, and Refractory materials. TP 845.— Glass Making. Society of Glass Technology Journal. (Quarterly.) Sheffield, Dr. W. E. S. Turner, ^i is. Contains classified abstracts from January, 1915. SERIAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES 13 TP 995. — Waste Utilization and Artificial (Imitation) Sub- stances. Kunst-Stoife. (Fortnightly.) Munich. 13 mks. half-yearly. Contains valuable original papers and digests of patents for the manufacture of artificial compounds. Waste Trade World. (Weekly.) London. 6s. 6d. yearly. TR. — Photography. Jahrbach fur Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik. (Eder.) Halle a 5"., Knapp. Bound in linen, 9-50 mks. Besides original contributions the work contains a series of annual reports of the progress of Photography, Process Work, and Cinematography, fully supported by refer- ences to the literature of each year. It also contains German and Austrian patent and book list«. TS 300. — Iron and Steel, Metallurgy. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal (2 vols, yearly). London., Spon. i6s. each vol. Each vol. has a section, " Notes on the Progress of the Home and Foreign Iron and Steel Industries," consisting of classified abstracts of recent f aj ers. Stahl und Eisen. (Weekly.) Dusse!dorf, Verl. Stahleisen m. b. H. 15 mks. half-yearly. Useftil for German practice and patents. TS 940. — Leather Manufacture. Society of Leather Trades Chemists. Journal. University, Leeds. £\ 4s. Anglo-French successor to the " Collegium ". Contains abstracts of original paper and patent specifications. TS 1080. — Papermaking:. Papermakers' Monthly Journal. London, M. Singer & Co. 6d. each number. Commenced in April, 1912, " The Bibliography of Current Paper Trade Litera- ture," prepared by the International Institute of Technical Bibliography. TS 1300.— Textiles. Textile Institute. Journal. Manchester, 16 St Mary's Parsonage. £2 2s. 1915 volume contained a valuable c'assified list of articles and patents. This has been discontinued, but it is hoped to reinstate it in the journal at some future date. U. — Military Science. International Military Digest. A monthly cyclopsedia of current military progress. Athenaeum Office, Breams Buildings. Monthly indexes, with quarterly and annual cumulations, £1 ; monthly issues only, i2S. ; quarterly and annual issues only, 12s. A valuable source of information on the European War and professional topics. ABERDEEN: THE UNIVERSITY PRESS VD ! 1 228 O I 398103 UNIVERSrrV OF CAUFORMA UBRARV