LIBRARV OF THK University of California. Received ^AtcZ^^, , iSg^. Accession No. Q *5' l^ 4/^ . Cla&s No. «w nwC ^[ffi i^^M ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^p ^gg I^^S ^^ S^ i^a ^^S ^» Oj ^^ ^^^Ks h:c^ n S^O •; ■^f,''}\Sf^ <: ^-»0^ '^^x^^T'^ The Greater New York Charter. ^ Of THl ^ [UKIVBRSITT] Submitted to the Legislature of the State of New York, on February 20, J 897, by the Commission appointed pursuant to Chapter 488 of the Laws of 1896. CSV-^x. a £> 4«1 ^J C IS h >> «>• o >H ,Q , • >> •H *• +J ^ •P r- G ■s s 5 4J (D IT Jh W u C^ o CO "3 CO to 2 ■P J. •H 1— -1 s ^ ■43 & cd :d 1^ >» p S CU Ch H cS >. W o <-M o s ^ •k ri A. 3 •H C/1 CO z ^ h o OS >^ b U p '1 c: «tH G) P *- «J iz; ^ •H cd ;cj j: Ti^ "5 (D o rH to +j CO CD t^ Z 1 55 •H H «k •H •H CO 4J s 1 00 Oh O >. B^ ^1 M iH fS O H g 'd Cd M ^H C> •H 0) B^ H o ^ s a 4-> < < § +J U cd »-> c ♦H CO c >> G) PQ W ^ p6 iH 'd •H i-» 0) e •H o •H CO r-* 4-> Of) ^ I 4J p^ fl^ •;:? CJ ^t (d D- i jt t=> •H •H 00 14 s O CO >> Jh CO .H . TRACY, Pre PINNEY, Sec UJ 4A U (D (0 •H g _ 5 -' 1a ui 2 o ^ Of THX^^. fUSI7BRSIT7l to corrupt, to mislead, and to form pernicious com- binations in large than in small legislative bodies. It is not nearly as large as the average legislative bodies in this country dealing with people less numerous and subjects not more important. The experience of other countries is almost uniform to this eflfect. The present Common Council of the City of London consists of 232 members ; County Council of London is composed of 238 members ; the Common Council of Manchester, 104 ; of Glasgow, 78 ; of Liverpool, 64 ; of Paris, 80; of Berlin, 126 ; and of Vienna, 138. The charter has been constructed upon the principle that it is expedient to give to the city all the powers necessary to conduct its own affairs. The Commission has accordingly conferred upon the Muncipal Assembly legislative authority over all the usual subjects of municipal jurisdiction. The extent and variety of its powers, as well as its size, mark the Commission's sense of its dignity and importance. With a view of self-development, the Commission has intrusted the new city with power to establish ferries ; to build bridges over and tunnels under all waters within its domain ; to build docks and improve the harbor of the entire city ; to construct parks, school-houses and public buildings ; to open streets and extend them ; to provide water ; and also the means of secur- ing easy, cheap and rapid communication by ferry and railways between all parts of the great metropolis. The city, as the Commission has constituted it, has within itself all the elements and powers of normal growth and development, making it unnecessary to have habitual recourse, as hitherto, to the legislature of the State for additional powers — a serious evil, and, in the past, the source of much abuse. These powers — XI? great, varied, and even complex, as they necessarily are — will, when scrutinized, be seen to be no greater than the city requires and to be always legislative in their character. They are such as the municipalities of England and of Europe, as well as of this country, constantly exercise. This does not mean that under the proposed charter the city can change the structure of its own govern- ment. Whatever powers it will have it will receive as a grant from the State to enjoy in the form that they are given, and the State alone can modify the grant. Neither does it mean that the city can do what it will in every possible direction. It is tied up in many ways by old laws that are continued, because they have been justified by experience. But it does mean that the city is believed to be equipped with power to decide for itself what it will do within the well-recognized range of ordinary municipal activity. But, while the charter thus confers upon the Munici- pal Assembly powers adequate to the present wants and to the future development of the city, it interposes, in accordance with established American polity, a variety of checks and safeguards against their abuse, similar in their nature and purpose to the constitutional limitations upon the Congress of the United States and the legislatures of the several States. No people can enjoy a large degree of liberty and the necessary powers of government in which that liberty consists, without such powers being liable to abuse. It is the duty of the legislator not to withhold the neces- sary power, but sedulously to safeguard its exercise. To provide such safeguards has been the subject of anxious consideration on the part of the Com- mission. The legislative experience of New York XV and other cities, and of the several States — indeed, of all popular bodies — shows that a main source of abuse is hasty or ill-advised action, especially as respects the power to dispose of franchises and those powers which involve the raising and expenditure of money, the crea- tion of debt and the consequent levy of taxes and the placing of other financial burdens upon the people. It is a marked feature of the charter now pre- sented that it differentiates the powers relating to franchises, the creation of debt, the expenditures of money, the laying of taxes and assessments — these being the only powers liable to serious abuse — from the ordinary powers of the munici- pality embracing the countless subjects requiring municipal regulation. The former class of powers the Commission has protected against abuse by special and appropriate safeguards — safeguards which are in some respects unique, and which will in its judgment prove eflfective. Thus, as to franchises and their dis- position, the charter proposes a radical change of the highest importance and value. The streets of the city belong of right to the whole people. Their use for the public benefit and their control in the public interest ought never to be permanently parted with in favor of any private interests whatever. The charter, therefore, declares that they are inalienable, and that no rights therein shall hereafter be granted by the Municipal Assembly except upon the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and then only for limited periods, and upon provision being made for periodical revaluations. Hereafter, therefore, no disposition of franchises, even for such limited periods, can be made by the Municipal Assembly without the concurrent action XVI of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. This Board is a body conservative in its nature and familiar with the extent of the city's debt, with its revenues, with its wants, and with the amount that can be reasonably raised by taxation ; and under the charter no considerable debt can be incurred by the Municipal Assembly without the sanction of this Board. When the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment concur in sanctioning any work which involves the expenditure of large sums of money, the charter further interposes for the public protection the Mayor's power of veto. It is the judg- ment of the Commission that the power of creating debt, especially debt payable in the distant future, the power of disposing of franchises, and the levying of taxes and assessments should have this triple safeguard. Any expenditure that can pass these successive ordeals is probably deserving ; and, if it cannot pass them, in view of the publicity with which the proposed expendi- ture will thus necessarily be attended, the presumption is strong that it ought to fail. Similar protective principles are applied to the water front and waters constituting the harbor of New York. The charter recognizes the harbor as the parent of the city's present greatness and of her commercial supremacy now and in the future. The charter pro- posed gives to the city, subject to vested private rights, which have been carefully protected, the control of the entire water front, and of lands under water everywhere within the city, so far as necessary to secure and develop the commerce, foreign and domestic, of the city, and provides that its rights in and to its wharves, docks and other adjuncts of commerce, and all property held or acquired for that ^purpose, XVII shall be and remain inalienable, and be disposed of only by way of lease for limited periods upon periodical re-valuations. The Municipal Assembly, through its representatives, is the organ of the people in the various Boroughs and in every part of the city. It is made its duty to see that the laws and ordinances of the city are faithfully observed by all departments and officers. To this end, the Commission has given the Municipal Assembly, by joint resolution, the power to make inquest into, and within the carefully defined limitations of the charter exercise supervision over, all the departments and officers of the city, a most useful and necessary function, oper- ating as a salutary check on secret abuses, mal -adminis- tration, and oppressive and illegal exercise of authority. Board of Public Improvements. In respect of the large and costly range of public works comprised in the general term " local or public improvements " the Charter provides in one respect a different and more appropriate but equally effective check. It creates a Board of Public Improvements, referred to below, which has jurisdiction over the bridges, streets, avenues, the water and sewer systems, and the like, of the city. It is clear that such works ought to be primarily determined by expert authority, so that they may be developed upon a fixed plan and designed and constructed in accordance with the highest attainable scientific skill. The Charter there- fore provides in general that the initiative in such im- provements shall be taken by the Board of Public Im- provements, requiring, however, that works of great paagnitude and cost shall have also the approval of xvni the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and of a three-fourtlis vote of the people's representatives in the Municipal Assembly, with a veto power in the Mayor, and with power in five-sixths of all of the Municipal Assembly to override the Mayor's veto. These proyisions, requiring respectively the sanction of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and of the Board of Public Improvements and the sanction of the Municipal Assembly, and subjecting the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly relating to them to the veto power of the Mayor unless overridden by a five- sixths vote, will, in the judgment of the Commission, while giving the city the necessary power of develop- ment, render it substantially safe from serious abuse. The essential features of the Board of Public Im- provements are (1) a President of the Board with power to enforce harmonious action upon all the Departments represented in the Board that do public work ; (2) the responsibility of each Department represented in it for the work to be done by the Department ; (3) the in- itiative in matters relating to public improvements, which, in general, is lodged therein. The Board of Pub- lic Improvements proposed in the charter consists of the President of the Board to be appointed by the Mayor, of the Commissioners of the six departments having charge of the six great branches of public work in the city, also to be appointed by the Mayor, and ex-ojicio of the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Corporation Counsel, and the President of the Borough. The Mayor, the Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel have been added to the Board of Public Improvements in order to devolve upon that body not only the functions that are given to the corresponding Board in the City of St. Louis, where experience has demonstrated its value xrx and efficiency, but also the functions that have been com- mitted in New York heretofore to the Board of Street Openings. The presence of these great officers of the city, however, upon the Board of Public Improvements can hardly fail to be an advantage to the Board when acting upon the important questions that arise in con- nection with all public work that is carried on upon a large scale. The other member of the Board of Public Im- provements in the proposed charter is the President of each Borough. For administrative purposes, the city has been divided into the five subdivisions into which the territory of the city divides itself by follow- ing natural lines, and these are called, in the proposed charter. Boroughs. These Boroughs are named Man- hattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. To those familiar with the territory the names are suf- ficiently descriptive. The President of a Borough is an officer elected by the people of a Borough (1) to take the initiative in connection with all local improvements that are to be paid for by assessment for benefits ; and (2) to represent the Borough on the Board of Public Improvements. In the latter Board, the President of the Borough has a vote as to all questions affecting his own borough. The Board of Public Improvements thus consists of eleven members. This Board is one of the chief constructive provisions of the charter, and has been carefully thought out in its constitution and powers. It is large enough to bring together men of different outlook and different ways of thinking, so as to secure intelligent and thorough discussion. It has in its membership the heads of the departments that must carry on all city work, and can therefore command the advice and the technical information of the experts in all of these departments. The city at large is represented by its two great elective oflBcers, the Mayor and the Comptroller, who will bring to the deliberations of the Board the general point of view, while every locality is ensured a hearing and a voice by the presence on the Board of the President of the Borough. Finally, the Corporation Counsel is a mem- ber of the Board to advise it upon all legal questions that may arise. The Commission is sanguine that this feature of the charter will justify itself as thoroughly as the Board of Estimate and Apportionment has justified itself during the past twenty years. Such protective provisions, in respect of the debt creating and borrowing powers of the City, are neither anomalous nor unnecessary. The cost of public im- provements in the municipalities of this country, per- manent in their nature and too great to be borne out of current taxation, is generally met by the issue of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness payable in 20 or 30 years, or other long periods of time. Safeguards against Excessive Indebtedness. The temptation to create present debt and to throw the burdens of it on the future is very great, and it is universally recognized that such power must be con- ferred under necessary limitations ; the common limita- tions in this country being a constitutional restriction on the total aggregate indebtedness that may be created, (which is generally much smaller than the ten per cent, limitation in the Constitution of New York), and often the sanction also of a popular vote. Even these have not always proved effectual against the creation of improvident or extravagant indebtedness. In England ZZI municipalities must submit to the Home Office or other central authority in London for examination and sanc- tion every project which requires the like borrowing of money. This check on ill-advised improvements works well in that country, although it is a check which is extrinsic to the municipality, and one that is imposed upon the power of the electors and of the municipality itself. On a similar principle, and for the same purposes, we have devised and imposed checks upon the debt-creating power of the Greater City by requiring the sanction, respectively, of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and of the Board of Public Improvements, and by subjecting ordinances creatiDg a debt to the Mayor's power of veto. The Constitutional limitation in this State is too large to be, in itself, an adequate restriction, and the local conditions in the Greater City are not such as to make it appropriate, in many instances, at least, to submit to the people of the whole city the ques- tion whether a given improvement, for example, an additional bridge over the East Biver, or other like improvement, should be constructed or made. It seems to the Commission that the checks and safeguards contained in the charter against the creation of improvident or excessive indebtedness are specially appropriate to the circumstances and condi- tions of the Greater City, giving it freedom of action to initiate aU needful permanent and expensive im- provements, provided they have the approval of the Boards above mentioned and the sanction of the Mayor. YYTT Assumption of Indebtedness. The Commission has provided as a necessary result of consolidation, for the assumption by the enlarged city of all the valid debts of every locality. This ap- peared to it to be mandatory by the terms of the law under which it is acting. As the city inherits all of the powers, franchises, rights and property of the munic- ipal and public corporations to be consolidated, it must necessarily assume their just obligations and liabilities. It would be impossible to secure a uniform rate of taxa- tion throughout the territory of Greater New York, within a generation, by any other course. It would be impossible, in any real sense, to unify the city if in the matter of taxation all parts of it were to be treated on a different basis, as distinct entities ; and it is not to be forgotten that anything that helps any part of the city after consolidation takes place, tends to relieve the burden of taxation in every other part. Careful provision is made in the Charter to secure equality of valuations and of taxation throughout the entire City and in its every part. Police Department. In organizing the Police Department the Commis- sion encountered a subject upon which it was found that unanimity was impossible. Two different systems of police organization were in existence in the cities to be consolidated. In New York there was a Police Board of four members, and this Board was charged with the duties of a Board of Elections. At the head of the Police Department in Brooklyn was a single Commissioner, the Board of Elections being a distinct XXIII and independent organization consisting of four members. The Police Chapter as finally adopted contains these provisions : (1) All applicants for admission to the force must pass a civil service examination, and new members must be selected from those candidates who are graded highest by the Civil Service Commission after such examination. (2) Promotions from the lower to the higher grades must be made on grounds of seniority, of merit and of excellence, as shown by competitive examinations. (3) " No promotion, ex- cept in case of a vacancy in the office of Chief of Police, shall be made unless the same is recommended by the Chief of Police in writing, stating his reasons for such recommendation." (4) To prevent a dead- lock, " in case of the rejection of any recommenda- tion for promotion the Chief of Police shall submit another name within three days, and shall continue so to do until such vacancy is filled." (5) The action of the Board upon these recommendations is by a ma- jority vote. (6) The Chief of Police may be retired and thus removed from office by the unanimous vote of four Commissioners, or by a majority vote ap- proved by the Mayor. It will thus be seen that the Police Department under the new charter is organized upon principles quite difi'erent from anything that has heretofore pre- vailed either in New York or Brooklyn. Consolidation of Police Forces. The charter provides for the consolidation into a single force of all the police forces of the tenitory to be consolidated, and also of all the Park police and of XXIV the police of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. The advantages to be gained by such a consolidation of police forces are apparent. Some objection has been made that the duties of the Park police are so different from those of the regular police as to make consolidation of the force in their case unwise. The Commission, in this respect, has acted upon the plan that has worked well in connection with the Sanitary Squad, a body of police assigned to duty under the orders of the Health Department. That is to say, while the parks will be policed by members of the police force assigned to duty therein, such members, while so assigned, will be subject to the orders of the Park Commissioners as fully as the Park police now. By this arrangement the Commission thinks that it has secured in police matters, even as regards the Parks, the advantages of both systems. Salaries in Police and Fire Departments. Another aspect of the financial problem has pre- sented itself, to the great perplexity of the Commis- sion, in connection with the salaries of the uniformed forces of the Police and Fire Departments. It is cer- tainly just that when men are liable to duty, either as policemen or firemen, in any part of the great city, they should receive the same rate of pay. On the other hand, the question whether the pay ought to be immediately unified has seemed to the Commission a somewhat different one. In amalgamating into a single force the police forces of the various cities to be consolidated, and also the park police of the various cities and the bridge police, it is clear that amalgama- tion in anything more than a nominal sense must be a XXV matter of time. The police forces so to be consolidated are likely for a time to continue to serve, for the most part, where they now are, and under conditions that hare hitherto prevailed. In the meanwhile, it has seemed to the Commission a real hardship to Greater New York, before it has realized any of the benefits of consolidation, immediately to fix the salaries of the police and fire forces all over the consolidated territory at the high figures that now prevail in the present city of New York, which are based very largely, it is to be presumed, upon the greater cost of living on Manhattan Island. It has seemed to the Commission, therefore, that it is, on the whole, just to all concerned to place the members of the various police and fire forces to be consolidated with the present New York police and fire forces, in a position to secure at once a yearly increase of pay, and entire uniformity of pay within three years. It is proper to point out that the park police of the present city of New York are dealt with by the Commission in precisely the same way as the other police forces to be consolidated into the police force of the greater city. In the meanwhile, provision has been made for the initial appointment to the police and fire forces of Greater New York, after January Ist, 1898, at a salary of $800 instead of $1,000, the minimum rate of pay at the present time in the City of New York. Protection of Looal Interests. Manifestly one of the most difficult problems that the Commission has had to meet has been to determine to what extent and how the interests of the different locali- ties in the great city could be adequately provided for ■without exposing the city, on the one hand, to grave XXVI financial danger by reason of extravagant demands of suburban localities, and without depriving these locali- ties, on the other hand, of the advantages reasonably to be expected from consolidation. The Commission is of opinion that the President of each Borough, sitting as he does in the Board of Public Improvements, will be an important factor in the successful working out of the problem. The Boards of Local Improvements consist of the President of the Borough and of the members of the Municipal Assembly residing within any given Sena- torial District, the Senatorial District having been chosen as the unit for the consideration of improve- ments to be paid for by assessment for benefits. These Local Boards give the neighborhood, as such, a voice by which it can speak in relation to matters of local concern, and especially as to what are technically known as local improvements ; that is to say, improve- ments to be paid for by assessment for benefits. The procedure in regard to improvements to be paid for by assessment for benefits has been settled after public hearings and full discussion and deliberate con- sideration. The locality has the opportunity to ex- press its wishes in the matter through its Local Board, presided over by the President of the Borough. The judgment of the Board of Public Improvements, on which the city at large, as well as each locality, is represented, is relied upon to protect the public inter- est, and to prevent the credit of the city from being placed at the service of speculators and contractors. In the scheme adopted, local improvements are to be aided by the credit and means of the city, and the city cannot wholly surrender the control thereof. The procedure adopted is simple, and involves no delay xxvn other than that which is essential for the thorough investigation by the Board of Public Improvements of each proposition. Care has been taken to protect all maps that have finally been adopted for any part of the city, from ill- considered change. The duty of mapping parts of the city that are not yet mapped has been devolved upon the President of the Board of Public Improvements in connection with the Commissioner of Sewers. This arrangement has been chosen because it was deemed undesirable to build up special machinery in each borough for this purpose. Again, it was held to be essential that the oflBcer originally making the maps should be in a position to command the complete co-operation of the Department of Sewers, inas- much as the drainage system adopted is, to a considerable extent, the determining factor as to the lines and grades of streets and high- ways. On the other hand, the President of the Borough as a member of the Board of Public Improve- ments, will be associated with this work only less closely than if he had it directly in his own charge. It is possible that the President of the Board of Public Improvements may improperly disregard the views of the locality ; but so it is possible that a headstrong President of a Borough might do the same thing. In the meanwhile, such action is not to be anticipated in either case. It is rather to be assumed that, in a board composed as the Board of Public Improvements will be composed, every new section of the city will be mapped sagaciously and in the public interest. The Board of Public Improvements and also the Municipal Assembly, with the approval of the Mayor, are given power to call for the completion of any map by a date XX vm to be fixed, so as to put an end to unreasonable delay. By these provisions the Commission thinks it has met successfully and equitably the requirements of the problem to be dealt with. It has been impossible for the Commission to accept the proposition that was so strongly urged from one locality, that every borough should elect its own Commissioner of Public Works, who should have control over and be responsible for public work of all kind within the limits of the Borough. Whatever may be the advantages of this proposition, it is not consolidation ; it is rather disin- tegration. Such a plan would make the greater city furnish the money to each locality for whatever work it wanted to do, and would leave the locality free handed to do it in its own way. It would deprive all parts of the city of anything like unity of develop- ment, and would, in effect, destroy whatever ad- vantage is to be expected from consolidation in the direction of ski] led oversight and control. The Commission has been obliged to assume it as a fundamental proposition from which it has departed in no instance that the control of all public work of every kind should proceed from the centre, and that it should be executed by the agents of the city as distinguished from the agents of the locality. The scheme in the charter whereby the city aids with its credit and money the making of local improve- ments by issuing its bonds and raising, in the first instance, the amount needful for such works, and relying for reimbursement upon afterwards collecting assessments for benefits, is a provision of extreme liberality on the part of the city towards the localities. Such a power was regarded by some of the members XXIX of the Commission as liable to lead to excessive in- debtedness on tbe part of the city, and they urged that no such improvements be made unless one- third, or some other proportion, of the cost should be raised in advance by the property interested. The Commission decided upon the scheme outlined whereby the en- larged city will extend its aid, but under the safeguards provided in the Charter. In dealing with interests so comprehensive and so important as those that are affected by the proposition to consolidate into a single city the three cities and the other territory that are to become a part of Greater New York, it is not surprising that opinion in the Commission, as well as outside of it, should have been sharply divided upon some points. Notwith- standing these divisions of opinion, the Commission are at one in recommending to the Legislature the adoption of the charter as submitted. Concluding Observations. The Commission, as it has studied the problem com- mitted to it for solution, has become more and more sen- sible of the gravity of it. It appears to the Commission inevitable that there should be more or less inconven- ience and possibly some confusion for a time, resulting from the substitution of a new government for so many other and different forms of administration throughout the consolidated territory. Village governments, town governments, city governments and county governments are alike called upon .to give place to a city government to come into being on a fixed date. There are no ofl&cers in existence competent to make a budget for the enlarged city, nor to lay a tax for its benefit, as such, in advance of its constitution. The Commission has provided that the different parts of the territory to be consolidated shall raise their tax for 1898 pre- cisely as though consolidation were not to take place ; and the Charter equips the enlarged City with authority to make good deficiencies and to readjust in 1899 any inequality of contribution that may be incident to the abnormal condition prevailing in 1898. But, while the Commission is aware that some confusion may be in- evitable in connection with a reorganization of govern- ment so far-reaching, it is nevertheless prepared to say, without dissent on the part of any member, that it believes consolidation can safely be undertaken under the provisions of the proposed Charter and the special Acts supplemental thereto. The Commission does not assume that it has been able to anticipate every contingency, nor, with all its care, that it has been able altogether to avoid omissions, repetitions and mistakes ; but it does be- lieve, after everything has been said, that the Charter contains a system of government for the consolidated city that may safely be put into operation with the as- surance that it will quickly adjust itself to the city's needs. The Commission is glad to be able to add that its study of the problem has left it more firmly con- vinced than ever that the large and permanent interests of all the communities involved will be advanced by uniting them in the City of New York. Consolidation cannot do otherwise than facilitate the spread of popu- lation. To the extent that it does this, it will increase the number of citizens who can own their own homes and will multiply still more largely the number of those who can hope to do so. In the long run, the government XXXI of the city and tbe government of the State must both be benefited by such a result. Manhattan Island is to-day the business centre of a Greater New York of not less than three millions of people. There are those now living who may see it the business centre of a popula- tion twice as large. In the meanwhile, by unit- ing into one city the settlements (within the city limits) that line the shores of the Sound, the East River and the Bay, so far as they are included in the State of New York, the City of New York secures an opportunity to command the development of commer- cial facilities throughout the length and breadth of its magnificent water front, which probably could not be had in any other way. The Commissioners unite in recommending the Greater New York Charter to the favorable considera- tion of the legislature. B. F. Tracy President W. L. Strong Mayor F. W. WuRSTEB Mayor P. J. Gleason Mayor John F, Dillon Wm. C. DeWitt Thos. F. Gilroy Silas B. Ddtcher Seth Low Harrison S. Moore Stewart L. Woodford Campbell W. Adams State Engineer and Siu'veyor T. E. Hancock Attorney-General Geo. M. Pinney Jr. Secretary. Dated New York, February 18th, 1897. XXXII [UiriVBRSIITl THE GREATER NEW YORK CHARTER. AN ACT To unite into one municipality under the cor- porate name of The City of New York, the various communities lying in and about New York Harbor, including the City and County of New York, the City of Brooklyn and the County of Kings, the County of Richmond, and part of the County of Queens, and to provide for the government thereof. T/ie people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : CHAPTER I. BOUNDARIES, BOROUGHS, POWERS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. The City of New York ; corporations consolidated; territory ; short title of this Act. Section 1. All the municipal and public corporations and parts of municipal and public corporations, including cities, villages, towns and school districts, but not including counties, within the following territory, to wit : The County of Kings, the County of Richmond, the city of Long Island City, the towns of Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica, and that part of the town of Hempstead, in the County of Queens* 1 which is westerly of a straight line drawn from the southeast. erly point of the town of Flushing through the middle of the channel between Rockaway Beach and Shelter Island, in the County of Queens, to the Atlantic Ocean, are hereby annexed to, united and consolidated with the municipal corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to be hereafter called "The City of New York;" and the boundaries, jurisdictions and powers of the said City of New York herein constituted, are for all purposes of local administration and government, hereby declared to be co-extensive with the territory above described ; and the said City of New York is hereby declared to be the successor corpora- tion in law and in fact of all the municipal and public corpora- tions united and consolidated as aforesaid with all their lawful rights and powers and subject to all their lawful obligations without diminution or enlargement except as herein otherwise specially provided ; and all of the duties and powers of the several municipal and public corporations united and consoli- dated as aforesaid into The City of New York are hereby de- volved upon the Municipal Assembly of said City of New York so far as the same are applicable to said City and not herein otherwise specially provided, to be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Act. This Act may be cited by the short title of "The Greater New York Charter." Division into Boroughs. Sec. 2. The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, is hereby divided into five Boroughs to be designated respectively: Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond ; the boundaries whereof shall be as follows : First. The Borough of Manhattan shall consist of all that portion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, known as Manhattan Island, Nuttin or Governor's Island, Bedloe's Island, Bucking or Ellis Island, the Oyster Islands, and also Blackwell's Island, Randall's Island and Ward's Island in the East or Harlem Rivers. Second. The Borough of The Bronx shall consist of all that portion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, lying northerly or easterly of the Borough of Manhattan, between the Hudson River and the East River or Long Island Sound, including the several islands belonging to the Municipal Cor- poration heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York, not included in the Borough of Manhattan. Third. The Borough of Brooklyn shall consist of that portion of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, hitherto known as the City of Brooklyn. Fourth. The Borough of Queens shall consist of that portion of Queens County included in The City of New York, as hereby constituted. Fifth. The Borough of Richmond shall consist of the territory known as Richmond County. Name ; poivers and rights of the corporation; seal. Sec. 3. The name of the corporation constituted by this Act shall be ''The City of New York," and the same shall by that name, be a body politic and corporate in fact andi in law with power to contract and to be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to have a common seal and to have perpetual suc- cession, with all of the rights, properties, interests, claims, demands, grants, powers, privileges and jurisdictions held by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and held by each of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, other than counties, by this Act united and consolidated with the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, except so far as modified or repealed by the provisions of this Act. Local Government ; Municipal Assembly ; liabilities of corporations consolidated. Sec. 4. For all purposes the local administration and gov- ernment of the people and property within the territory hereby 3 comprised within The City of New York shall be in and be exer- cised by the corporation aforesaid ; and the Municipal Assembly, as in this Act constituted, subject to the conditions and provis- ions of this Act, shall exercise all the powers vested in the corporation of The City of New York by this Act or other- wise, save as in this Act is otherwise specially provided. AH valid and lawful charges and liabilities now existing against any of the municipal or public corporations, or parts thereof, which by this Act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, including the County of Kings and the County of Rich- mond, or which may hereafter arise or accrue against such municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, including the said Counties of Kings and Richmond, which but for this Act would be valid and lawful charges or liabilities against the same, shall be deemed and taken to be like charges against or liabilities of the said City of New York, and shall accordingly be defrayed and answered unto by it to the same extent, and no further, than the said several constituent corporations would have been bound if this Act had not been passed. All bonds, stocks, contracts and obligations of the said municipal and public cor- porations, including the County of Kings and the County of Richmond, and such proportion of the debt of the County of Queens and of the Town of Hempstead as shall be ascertained as hereinafter prescribed, which now exist as legal obligations, shall be deemed like obligations of The City of New York, and all such obligations as are authorized or required to be here- after issued or entered into, shall be issued or entered into by and in the name of the corporation of The City of New York. Laws relating to the creation and payment of debts to remain in force ; common debt ; taxation. Sec. 5. All laws, or parts of laws, heretofore passed creating any debt or debts of the municipal and public corporations united and consolidated as aforesaid, or for the payment of such debts, or respecting the same, as well as every such law respecting the debts of the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, shall remain in full force and effect, except that the same shall be 4 carried out by the corporation hereby constituted, to wit : The City of New York, and under such name and in such form and manner as may be suitable to the administration of said corpora- tion ; and all the pledges, taxes, assessments, sinking funds, and other revenues and securities provided by law for the pay- ment of the debts of the municipal and public corporations aforesaid, shall be in good faith enforced, maintained and carried out by the corporation of The City of New York. All the valid debts of the municipal and public corporations mentioned in the first section of this Act, including the County of Kings and the County of Richmond and the proportion of the debt of the County of Queens and of the Town of Hempstead aforesaid, and the valid debts of the towns, incorporated villages, and school districts herein united and consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York into The City of New York, as well as the debts of the latter corporation, shall be the common debt of The City of New York, as hereby consti- tuted. So far as resort to taxation is authorized or nec- essary to pay such debts, such taxation shall extend equally throughout the territory of the corporation herein consti- tuted, except that all assessments for benefits, heretofore laid or provided to be laid for the payment of any portion of such debts, or to reimburse any of the said municipal and public corporations which created such debt, in respect thereof, shall be preserved and enforced, it being the intent hereof that the obligations and liability of The City of New York, as the successor of municipalities and public corporations consol- idated into it, shall be the same as, and not otherwise or greater than, the respective obligations and liabilities of the several constituent corporations, and that The City of New York shall succeed to all of their rights as well as to their obligations and liabilities in respect thereof, except as herein otherwise specially provided. Effect where only a part of a Corporation is annexed. Sec. 6. Where part only of the territory of a municipal or public corporation is embraced by this Act within the limits of 5 The City of New York, as herein constituted, the respective rights, duties and HabiUties of the said City and of the municipal or public corporations part of whose territory is so annexed to the said City, shall be as in this Act provided. If any case shall arise for which this Act does not make provision, or full and ade- quate provision arising out of such annexation, or out of the consolidation herein provided for, the Municipal Assembly may by ordinance make provision for such case, or for its equitable determination, so far as concerns The City of New York. Same subject. Creation of debt. Sec. 7. No municipal or public corporation, part of whose territory is annexed to The City of New York, shall hereafter create any debt which shall bind property within The City of New York, nor shall such municipal or public corporation levy any tax or assessment upon property within The City of New York, as herein constituted. Transfer of property; Counties not to become indebted. Sec. 8. In consideration of the foregoing provisions where- by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, assumes as aforesaid the valid debts, obligations and liabilities of the municipal and public corporations including the counties, towns, incorporated villages and school districts as afore- said, and to carry out the scheme and purpose of this Act, all of the public buildings, institutions, public parks, water works and property of every character and description, whether of a public or private nature, heretofore owned and con- trolled by any of the said municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, hereby consolidated into The City of New York, including any and all such property owned by the County of New York, the County of Kings, and the County of Richmond, wherever situated, and by the County of Queens situated in that portion thereof, which is included within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and all the right, title and interest of the said municipal and public corporations and counties as aforesaid, or any of them, in and to such property, are hereby vested in The City of New' York and divested out of 6 the said corporations and counties, and the poM er of said muni- cipal and public corporations and of the said counties of New York, Kings and Richmond to become indebted, shall cease upon the consummation and taking effect of the consolidation herein provided for. There is excepted from the provisions of this section the court house and county buildings in the County of Queens situated within the limits of The City of New York, as hereby constituted. Former funds ; payable to The City of New York. Sec. 9. All funds and moneys which, on the first day of January, 1898, shall be held by or be payable to the Receiver of Taxes or to the County Treasurer of the County of Rich- mond, or to any officer of any of the municipal and public corporations, or parts of municipal and public corporations, hereby consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, as well as all funds and moneys then held by or payable to any officer of said last named corporation, shall be deemed to be held by and be payable to the corporation of The City of New York, constituted by this Act, solely as the funds and moneys of said corporation, and upon the day aforesaid shall be delivered to the officer of said corpora- tion entitled by this Act to hold and control the same. Expenses of the City for the year 1898. Sec. 10. In the year 1897 it shall be the duty of the proper authorities of the various municipal and public corporations con- solidated by this Act into The City of New York, to prepare a jbudget for the year 1898, as required by existing law, and to levy taxes for the year 1898 in 1897, as required by existing law, as though such municipal and public corporations were not to be consolidated into The City of New York ; and in so far as such taxes shall remain uncollected on the first day of January, 1898, they shall become valid liens due to the Cor- poration by this Act constituted, and shall be collected by it through the appropriate officers of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, pursuant in all respects to the 7 laws under which said taxes were levied and were to be collected. On and after January first, 1898, the funds received by the Chamberlain of The City of New York, under this Act, and the proceeds of revenue bonds issued in anticipa- tion of the taxes for 1898 in the City of New York, as consti- tuted prior to the passage of this Act, and the proceeds of the tax levy therein of 1898, may be used for the expenses of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, in such manner as the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for that year may determine ; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to apportion the said funds to the various city departments as created by this Act, so that such funds shall be used as nearly as may be, for the objects for which they were raised. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, dur- ing the year 1898, shall have power to direct the issue of rev- enue bonds of The City of New York, to be redeemed out of the tax to be paid in 1899, for such purposes and in such amounts as may be necessary to provide for the efficient conduct of the city in all its departments, during 1898, provided that the sums so raised in 1898 shall be subject to be raised by taxation upon the various Boroughs on the basis elsewhere provided in this Act. Expense of public schools for the year 1898. Sec. 11. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall, out of the residue of the various funds raised for the support of the public schools of the different parts of the city during the year 1898, constitute from and after July first, 1898, the Special School Fund and the General School Fund for the year 1898, so that the schools of the city may begin in the autumn of 1898 to be conducted upon the basis of this division of funds, and in general, upon the system hereinafter prescribed in this Act. Up to July first, 1898, the school money shall be spent as raised, for all school purposes, by the various School Boards respectively. It shall be the duty of the Board of Edu- cation as constituted under this Act, to make all appointments therein provided for, and to adopt the necessary by-laws at such time and in such manner, that the new system for the administra- tion of the public schools of the city as provided by this Act, shall go into full effect on July first, 1898. 8 CHAPTER II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Legislative poxver ; where vested. Sec. 17. The legislative power of The City of New York shall be vested in two houses to be known, respectively, as the Council and Board of Aldermen to be together styled "The Municipal Assembly of The City of New York." Council; number of ; president ; quorum; salaries. Sec. 18. The Council shall consist of twenty-nine members, one of whom shall be its President. The President shall be chosen on a general ticket by the qualified voters of the City, at the same time and for the same term as herein prescribed for the Mayor. He shall be known as the President of the Council, and shall, except as herein provided, possess all the rights, privileges and powers, and perform the duties .now conferred or imposed by law upon the President of the Board of Aldermen of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. A majority of all the members elected to the Council shall con- stitute a quorum. The salary of the President of the Council shall be five thousand dollars a year. The salary of the other members of the Council shall be one thousand five hundred dollars a year. Council, hoxv chosen ; Council Districts. Sec. 19. The remaining twenty-eight members of the Coun- cil shall be chosen at the same election in the manner following: The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, is hereby divided into ten Council Districts bounded and described as follows, to wit : 9 First. All that part of the City of New York, as hereto- fore constituted, comprising the present First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth, Fourteenth and Sixteenth Assembly Districts. Second. All that part of the City of New York, as here- tofore constituted, comprising the present Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth, Twenty- fifth and Twenty-seventh Assembly Districts. Third. All that part of the City of New York, as hereto- fore constituted, comprising the present Eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth, Thirtieth, Thirty-second, and Thirty-third Assembly Districts. Fourth. All that part of the City of New York, as here- tofore constituted, comprising the present Nineteenth, Twenty- first, Twenty-third, Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first Assembly Districts, and that part of the Thirty-fourth Assembly District lying south of the Harlem River. Fifth. All that part of the City of New York, as heretofore constituted, comprising that part of the present Thirty-fourth Assembly District lying north and east of the Harlem River and the whole of the Thirty-fifth Assembly District, together with the district known as the Annexed District of said City, being all that part of the City of New York lying north and east of the Harlem River. Sixth. All that part of the former City of Brooklyn, com- prising the present Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-first, Twenty- twenty-fifth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Wards of said City. Seventh. All that part of the former City of Brooklyn, com- prising the present Seventh, Ninth, Twentieth, Twenty- second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty- ninth and Thirty-second Wards of said City. Eighth. All that part of the former City of Brooklyn, com- prising the present First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, 10 Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first Wards of said City. Ninth. That part of Queens County included in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act. Tenth. The County of Richmond. From each of the first eight of the said Council Districts there shall be elected three members of the Council. From that part of the County of Queens included within The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, comprising the Ninth of said Council Districts, there shall be elected two members of the Council : one of said members shall be elected from those parts of said County heretofore known as Long Island City and the town of Newtown ; and the other of said members shall r-o elected from those parts of said County heretofore known as the towns of Jamaica and Flushing and that part of the town of Hempstead included within The City of New York, as hereby constituted. From the County of Richmond, comprising the Tenth of the said Council Districts, there shall be elected two members of the Council. Term, of office of members of the Council. Sec. 20. The term of office of each member of the Council shall commence on the first Monday of January, after his elec- tion, and shall continue for four years thereafter, and until his successor shall be elected and has qualified. The President and members of the Council shall be elected at the general election in the year 1897, and every four years thereafter. Mayor ^ an ex-officio raeniber of the Council. Sec. 21. Every ex-Mayor of The City of New York, as con- stituted by this Act, shall, so long as he remains a resident of said city, be entitled to a seat in the Council and to participate in its discussions, but he shall not be entitled to a vote. 11 Time of meeting of Council. Sec. 22. The first meeting of said Council in each year shall be held on the first Monday of January, at noon. When President of Council to act as Mayor ; powers ; temporary Chairman of Council. Sec. 23. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of Mayor, or whenever by reason of sickness or absence from the city the Mayor shall be prevented from attending to the duties of his office, the President of the Council shall act as Mayor, and pos- sess all the rights and powers of Mayor during such disability or absence. In case of a vacancy he shall so act until noon of the first Monday of January succeeding the election at which the Mayor's successor shall be chosen ; and at the next general election, at which Municipal officers shall be elected, which shall take place more than thirty days after the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, a successor shall be chosen, who shall hold for the unexpired term. It shall not be lawful for the President of the Council, when acting as Mayor in conse- quence of the sickness or absence from the city of the Mayor, to exercise any power of appointment to or removal from office, unless such sickness or absence of the Mayor shall have continued ten days ; or to sign, approve or disapprove any ordinance or resolution, unless such sickness or absence shall have continued at least nine days. The Council shall elect a vice-chairman to preside over the meetings, who shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the President of the Council, when said President is sick, absent or under suspension, or while the President of the Council is acting as Mayor, or when a va- cancy occurs in said office, and who shall, during such time, be a member of every board of which the President of said Council is a member by virtue of his office. Board of Aldermen, how constituted; tertn of office; vacancies, how filled; salary. Sec. 24. The Board of Aldermen shall be elected at the general election in the year 1897, and every two years thereafter, and shall consist of one member elected from 12 each of the Assembly districts within the territory of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, or as such Assembly districts may hereafter be changed by law; pro- vided, however, that in the County of Queens, until otherwise provided by law, one member of said Board of Aldermen shall be elected from those parts of said County heretofore known as Long Island City and the town of Newtown ; and one member shall be elected from those parts of said County heretofore known as the towns of Jamaica and Flushing and that part of the town of Hempstead included within The City of New York, as hereby constituted ; and provided, further, that one member of the Board of Aldermen shall be elected from those parts of the first and second Assembly Districts of Westchester County, in- cluded in the Borough of The Bronx. The term of office of each Alderman shall commence on the first Monday of January, after his election, and shall continue for two years thereafter and until his successor shall be elected and has qualified. Any va- cancy which may occur in the Council or the Board of Aldermen shall be filled by election, by either of said bodies respectively, by a majority of all the members elected thereto ; and the person so elected to fill any such vacancy shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term. The salary of members of the Board of Aldermen shall be one thousand dollars a year. Board of A Idermen ; quorum . Sec. 25. A majority of all the members elected to the Board of Aldermen shall constitute a quorum. Each head of an administrative department of the city shall be entitled to a seat in said Board, and shall whenever practicable attend the meetings of the Board, and shall have the right to participate in its discussions, but shall not have the right to vote. If an administrative department is composed of more than one member, the president or presiding officer of such department shall be entitled to such seat. Id.; hotv president elected and removed. Sec. 26. The Board of Aldermen shall, at its first meet- ing, which shall b^ at noon on the first Monday of Januarv 13 after each Aldermanic election, by the affirmative vote of a majority of those present and constituting a quorum, choose a President from its own members, by a call of the names of the members of the Board, upon which call each member shall announce his choice, and when once chosen, such Presi- dent can be removed before the expiration of his term as Alder- man, when his term as President shall expire, only by a vote taken by a call of ayes and noes, of four-fifths of all the mem- bers elected to the Board. Council and Board of Aldermen; Sergeant-at-Arms ; rules; journal ; sittifigs ; expulsion of members. Sec. 27. The Council and the Board of Aldermen may each elect a Sergeant-at-Arms and such assistants as are needful to the orderly conduct of their meetings, provided, however, that no expenditures for salaries of such Sergeant-at- Arms and such assistants shall exceed the amount appro- priated therefor in the annual budget. Each of said bodies shall determine the rules of its own proceedings; shall each be the judge of the election returns and qualifications of its own members, subject, however, to review by certiorari of any court of competent jurisdiction; shall each keep a journal of its proceedings ; shall each sit with open doors ; shall each have authority to compel the attendance of absent members, and to punish its members for disorderly behaviour; and to expel any member with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected to such body. Every member so expelled shall thereby forfeit all his rights and powers, subject, however, to judicial review on certiorari. City clerk ; appoiyitment , term, duties ; papers certified by him to be evidence. Sec. 28. The Council shall, at the first meeting, appoint a Clerk, who shall perform such duties as may be prescribed for him. The clerk so appointed shall also be the City Clerk, and hold his office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and have qualified, unless removed for cause. The 14 City Clerk shall have charge of all the papers and documents of the city, except such as are by law committed to the keeping of the several departments or of other ofificers, and shall keep the record of the proceedings of the Municipal Assembly. He shall engross all the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly in a book to be provided for that purpose, with proper indices, which book shall be deemed a public record of such ordinances, and each ordinance shall be attested by said Clerk. Copies of all papers duly filed in his ofifice, and transcripts thereof, and of the records of proceedings of the Municipal Assembly, and copies of the laws and ordinances of said city, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all courts and places of the matters therein contained. Said clerk shall appoint a Clerk for the Board of Aldermen, who, apart from his service during the meetings pf said Board of Aldermen, shall be in all things subject to his direction and control. Said clerk may be removed on charges by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Council, subject, however, to judicial review on certiorari. City Clerk ; proceedings of Municipal Assembly. Sec. 29. Immediately after the adjournment of each meet- ing of the Municipal Assembly, it shall be the duty of the clerk to prepare a brief abstract, omitting all technical and formal details, of all resolutions and ordinances introduced or passed, and of all recommendations of committees, and of all final proceedings, as well as full copies of all messages from the Mayor and all reports of departments or ofificers. He shall at once transmit the same to the person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record to be published therein. Certain ordinances and resolutions, how passed and approved ; ayes and noes published. Sec. 30. No ordinance or resolution providing for or con- templating the alienation or disposition of any property of the City, the granting of a franchise, terminating the lease of any property or franchise belonging to the City, or the making of any specific improvement, or the appropriati^^^Qr;-?e^^nditure 15 of public moneys, or authorizing the incurring of any expense, or the taxing or assessing of property in the City, shall pass the Council or Board of Aldermen at the same session at which it is first offered, unless by unanimous consent ; and the same shall not be finally passed or adopted by the Municipal Assembly until at least five days after such abstract of its provisions shall have been published, as provided in section 29. No such ordinance or -resolution shall be approved by the Mayor until three days after such abstract shall have been so published after its passage ; but if an abstract of any resolution or ordinance shall have been once published after its introduction, it shall not thereafter be necessary to publish the same again, but only to refer to the date and page of the former in the City Record, and to state the amendments, if any, made thereto. In all cases the ayes and noes upon the final pas- sage of such resolution or ordinance shall be taken, recorded and published. Records open for inspection ; other duties of clerk ; sickness. Sec. 31. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep open for inspection at all reasonable times, the records and minutes of the proceedings of the Municipal Assembly. He shall keep the seal of the city, and his signature shall be necessary to all leases by the city of its property, and to all grants and other documents, as under existing laws. In the absence of said Clerk by sickness or otherwise, his first Deputy shall be vested with and possessed of all the rights and powers, and be charged with all the duties by this section or by law or ordinance im- posed upon said Clerk. Id.; records and papers delivered to and kept by the clerk; clerks in Boroughs. Sec. 32. All the muniments, records, patents, deeds, minutes, writings and papers belonging to the Mayor, Alder- men and Commonalty of the City of New York, now in the custody of the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen thereof, shall be delivered to and be kept by the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall be the :rustodian of all like muniments, records, patents, 16 deeds, minutes, writings, and other papers belonging to any of the municipal and public corporations by this Act united and con- solidated into The City of New York, and shall have power to appoint a clerk in each of the Boroughs constituted by this Act, who shall have charge of the same, subject to the direction and control of said City Clerk, and of the Municipal Assembly. Id.; salary and deputies. Sec. 33. The salary of the City Clerk shall be seven thou- sand dollars a year, and he may appoint such Deputies or clerks as are necessary to the discharge of his duties, provided that the aggregate salaries of such deputies and clerks, including the salary of the City Clerk, shall not exceed in any one year he sum appropriated therefor in the annual budget. Licenses to auctioneers. Sec. 34. The City Clerk shall have authority to grant licenses to any person engaged in and carrying on the business and occupation of auctioneer, or desiring to be so engaged, on such person filing a- bond, approved by him, with two good sureties in the penal sum of two thousand dollars. The Presi- dent of the Council, on complaint of any person having been defrauded by any auctioneer, or by the clerk, agent or assignee of such auctioneer, doing business in said city, is authorized and directed to take testimony under oath relating thereto ; and if the charge shall, in his opinion, be sustained, he shall revoke the license granted to him and direct the bonds to be forfeited. Municipal Assembly ; journal ; ayes and noes. Sec. 35. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and the ayes and noes of the members on any question shall, at the desire of any two members, be taken and entered therein. The ayes and noes shall be called and recorded on the final passage of any ordinance. Id.; no member eligible to any city office. Sec. 36. No member of the Municipal Assembly shall during the term for which he is elected, be eligible or be 17 appointed to any other office under the city,, nor shall any member of said Assembly, while such, be a contractor with or an employee of the city, or of either branch of the said Assem- bly in any capacity whatever. Id.; meetings. Sec. 87. The stated and occasional meetings of the Munici- pal Assembly and its proceedings and business shall be regulated by its own resolutions and rules, provided, however, that at least one stated meeting shall be held each month, except, in the discretion of the Municipal Assembly, in August and Sep- tember. The Mayor may at any time call a special meeting of the Municipal Assembly. He shall call such meeting when a requisition for that purpose, signed by nine members of the Board of Aldermen and three members of the Council, has been presented to him. Three days before any special meeting of the Municipal Assembly is held, notice of the time of the intended meeting and of the business proposed to be transacted, signed by the Mayor, shall be published in the City Record, and the City Clerk shall cause a copy of such notice to be left or sent by post at the usual place of abode or of business of each member of the Municipal Assembly ; but want of service of a notice upon any member shall not affect the validity of a meeting. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than that specified in the notice relating thereto. Id.; style of ordinances. Sec. 38. The style of ordinances shall be: ^'■Be it ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York, as follows ".• Id.; vote required to pass ordinances and resolutions. Sec. 39. Every legislative act of the Municipal Assembly shall be by ordinance or resolution. No ordinance or resolution shall be passed except by a vote of a majority of all the mem- bers elected to each house. In case any ordinance or resolution involves the expenditure of money, the creation of a debt, or the grant of a franchise, the votes of three-fourths of all the 18 members elected to each house shall be necessary to its passage. No money shall be expended for any celebration, procession, funeral ceremony, reception, or entertainment of any kind or on any occasion, unless by the votes of four-fifths of all the members elected to each house. No additional allowance beyond the legal claim which shall exist under any contract with the corporation, or with any department or officer thereof, or for any services on its account or in its employment, shall ever be passed by the Municipal Assembly, except by the unanimous vote of both houses thereof; and in all cases the provisions of any such contract shall determine the amount of any claim thereunder or in con- nection therewith, against the said corporation, or the value of any such services. Mayor s veto. Sec. 40. Every ordinance or resolution shall, before it takes effect, be presented, duly certified, to the Mayor for his approval. The Mayor shall return such ordinance or resolu- tion to the house in which it originated, within ten days after receiving it, or at the next meeting of the house after the expira- tion of said ten days, unless such ordinance or resolution be one of those mentioned in section 30 of this Act, in which case the Mayor shall return said ordinance or resolution to the house in which it originated within ten days after the abstract of its provisions or a reference thereto shall have been published in the City Record as provided in said section 30, or at the next meeting of the house after the expiration of said ten days. If he approve it, he shall sign it. If he disapprove it, he shall specify his objections thereto in writing. If he do not return it with such disapproval within the time above specified, it shall take effect as if he had approved it. In case of disap- proval, the objections of the Mayor shall be entered at large on the journal of the house, and the house shall, after ten days, and within fifteen days after such ordinance or resolution shall have been returned to it, proceed to reconsider and vote upon the same. If the same shall, on reconsideration, be again passed by the votes of at least two-thirds of all the members elected to each 19 house, it shall take effect ; provided that in case the ordinance or resolution involves the expenditure of money, the creation of a debt, the laying of an assessment, or the grant of a franchise it shall require a vote of five-sixths of all the members of each house to pass it over the Mayor's veto. If the ordi- nance or resolution shall fail to receive upon the first vote upon such reconsideration such number of afhrmative votes in either house, it shall be deemed finally lost. In all cases the vote shall be taken by ayes and noes, and the names of the persons voting for or against its passage on such reconsideration shall be entered in the journal of the house. In case an ordinance or resolution shall embrace more than one distinct subject, the Mayor may approve the provisions relating to one or more subjects, and disapprove the others. In such case those he shall approve shall become effective, and those which he shall not approve shall be reconsidered by the house, and shall only become effective if again passed, as above provided. Ordinances to remain in force. Sec. 41. The ordinances now in force respectively in the City of New York, the City of Brooklyn, Long Island City, and the other municipal and public corporations and parts thereof hereby consolidated with the City of New York, are, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this Act, hereby continued in full force and effect within the former limits of said respective cities and municipal and public corporations, or parts thereof, subject to modification, amendment or repeal by the Muni- cipal Assembly of The City of New York. Such ordinances may be enforced by and in the name of " The City of New York." Power to acquire additional water works. Sec. 42. The Municipal Assembly is authorized, m accord- ance with the provisions of this Act, to construct, establish and maintain, or to acquire by purchase or condemnation and maintain in all parts of the city, additional water works to sup- ply the city or any part thereof and its inhabitants with water, and to provide for the distribution and sale to the inhabitants of 20 the city of such water, and fix the terms thereof, and acquire and hold property, real and personal, within and beyond the limits of the city for said purposes. The Municipal Assembly may pass appropriate ordinances, not inconsistent with law, with this Act or with any vested rights of existing companies or cor- porations, to enforce the provisions of this section and to carry out its purposes. Id.: to restrict height of buildings. Sec. 43. The Municipal Assembly is authorized by or- dinance to regulate and restrict the height of buildings to be hereafter erected in the city. When any ordinance on that subject is introduced, the Municipal Assembly shall provide for public hearings in reference thereto, before it or before appropriate committees; and no ordinance restricting the height of buildings shall be passed unless it is approved before- hand by the Board of Public Improvements by a resolution or vote of a majority of all of the members of such Board entered on its minutes or record, and unless it shall be passed by a majority of all the members elected to each house of the Muni- cipal Assembly, the vote being taken by ayes and noes. Power to appoint special committees. Sec. 44. The Municipal Assembly shall have power and it shall be its duty to see to the faithful execution of the laws and ordinances of the city; and the Municipal Assembly may, by joint resolution, appoint from time to time a special committee to inquire whether the laws and ordinances of the city relat- ing to any subject or to any department of the city govern- ment are being faithfully observed, and the duties of the officers of such department or of any officer of the city are be- ing faithfully discharged, also to examine and report whether there are any unnecessary, inefficient or unfit employees, any excessive salaries or compensations paid, and generally in re- spect of any and all matters which will conduce to the orderly and economical administration of the affairs of the city govern- ment or any department thereof. Such committee shall have access to the books and records of the city or of any depart- ment or officer thereof. 21 Franchises for street railways ; ferries. Sec. 45. The Municipal Assembly is authorized to grant from time to time to any corporation thereunto duly authorized, the franchise or right to construct and operate railways in, upon, over, under, and along streets, avenues, parkways or highways of the city, but no such grant shall be made except upon the limita- tions and conditions of this Act elsewhere provided in respect of the grant by the Municipal Assembly of franchises and rights in the streets, avenues, parkways and highways of Sth city. And further, to the end that cheap, easy and convenient intercourse may be had between all parts of the city, the City of New York, as hereby constituted, shall have full and ex- clusive power to establish, and full power to enjoy by leasing the same or otherwise, and to maintain and regulate ferries over all streams and waterways within or adjoining the limits of the said city. The Municipal Assembly may pass appropriate ordinances not inconsistent with law or with this Act, or with the vested rights of existing companies or corporations, to enforce the provisions of this section and to carry out its purposes. Nothing in this Act contained is intended to repeal or affect the provisions of the Rapid Transit Acts applicable to the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, or any municipality herein united therewith or territory embraced therein, or to repeal or affect the existing general laws of the State in respect to street surface railroads. Municipal Assembly ; powers and duties of former boards. Sec. 46. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, all the powers and duties conferred or charged upon the Common Council of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, or the Board of Aldermen thereof, or upon the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn or of Long Island City, or upon any Board, body or officer of any of the muni- cipal and public corporations or parts thereof, hereby consoli- dated with the City of New York, as heretofore known and bound- ed, shall be exercised and performed by the Municipal Assembly 22 of Th« City of New York, as hereby constituted, subject, never- theless, to the power of approval or disapproval by the Mayor of said city as provided in this Act. Id. : police, health, park, fire and building regulations. Sec. 47. The Municipal Assembly shall have power to make, establish, alter, modify, amend and repeal all ordinances, rules, police, health, park, fire and building regulations, not contrary to the laws of the State, or the United States, as they may deem necessary to carry into effect the powers con- ferred upon The City of New York by this Act, or by any other law of the State, or by grant ; and such as it may deem neces- sary and proper for the good government, order and protection of persons and property, and for the preservation of the public health, peace and prosperity of said City, and its inhabitants, except so far as the legislative power respectingthe Health, Police, Park, Fire and Building Departments shall be conferred upon said Departments respectively by the provisions of this Act, and except that any modification of the existing rules, regulations and ordinances affecting any of the departments and all ordinances to be passed to govern the Board of Public Improvements or any of the Departments thereof, must origin- ate with the Department concerned, or with said Board, and must be adopted or rejected by the Municipal Assembly with- out amendment. Id.; further powers ; bonds for specified public improvements. Sec. 48. The Municipal Assembly shall have power to provide by ordinance for the acquisition, construction, or estab- lishment of markets ; for the acquisition and construction of parks, parkways, boulevards and driveways ; for the building of bridges, and the establishment of ferries over, and of tunnels under any stream or waterway within or adjoining the limits of the city; for the building of docks, wharves, or piers, and for acquiring land by purchase or condemnation for said purpo- ses ; for acquiring, or constructing public buildings, including school houses and sites therefor for the use of the city ; for the 23 repaying of streets ; and for any of the foregoing purposes, may create loans and authorize the issue of bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, to pay for the same, payable at such times, and in such manner, and at such rates of interest as it may by ordinance prescribe ; but no bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall be issued under the authority of this sec- tion, unless the proposition for creating such debt, shall first be approved by a resolution or vote of a majority of all of the members of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, entered on the minutes or record of such Board ; and provided further, that in the case of the issue of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness for the repaving of streets, the vote of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment must be unanimous. Id.; make ordinances and regulations for certain purposes. Sec. 49. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Mu- nicipal Assembly shall have power within said City to make, establish, publish and modify, amend or repeal ordinances, rules, regulations and by-laws not inconsistent with this Act, or with the Constitution or the laws of the United States, or of this State, for the following purposes : 1. In relation to the inspection and sealing of weights and measures, and the keeping in use of proper weights and measures by vendors ; and may by ordinance regulate the duties and fees or salary of the inspectors of weights and measures and of the sealers of weights and measures, and may impose such penalties for using weights and measures and scale-beams which shall not have been inspected and sealed in conformity to the ordinances, and to provide for the appointment of such inspectors and sealers by the Mayor as to them shall seem proper. They may assign a particular district of the said City for each of said inspectors and likewise for each of the sealers of weights and measures, and may confine them in the performance of their duties to such districts respectively. 2. In relation to the inspection, weighing and meas- uring of fire-wood, coal, hay and straw and the cartage of the same. 24 3. To regulate the use of streets, highways, roads» public places and sidewalks by foot passengers, animals, vehicles, cars, motors and locomotives, and to prevent en- croachments upon and obstructions to the same, and to authorize and require their removal by the proper depart- ment ; but they shall have no power to authorize the plac- ing or continuing of any encroachment or obstruction upon any street or sidewalk, except the temporary occu- pation thereof, during the erection or repairing of a build- ing on a lot opposite the same, nor shall they permit the erection of booths and stands within stoop lines, except for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, fruits and soda water, and with the consent in such cases of the owner of the premises. 4. To regulate by general ordinance, the opening of street surfaces for purposes authorized by law, subject to such restrictions as have already been prescribed by statute. 5. To regulate the numbering of the houses and lots in the streets and avenues and the naming of the streets, avenues and public places; but it shall not be lawful to number or re-number any houses or to change the name of any street, avenue or public place, save between the first day of December of any year and the first day of May next ensuing. 6. To regulate and prevent the throwing or depos- iting of ashes, offal, dirt or garbage in the streets and subject to the other provisions of this Act to regulate the cleaning of the streets, avenues, sidewalks and gut- ters and removing of ice and snow from them. 7. To regulate the use of the streets and sidewalks, for signs, sign-posts, awnings, awning posts, horse troughs, urinals, telegraph posts and other purposes. 8. To provide for and regulate street pavements, cross-walks, curb-stones, gutter stones, sidewalks and to provide for regulating, grading, flagging, curbing, gutter- 25 ing, and subject to the provisions of this Act, lighting streets, roads, places and avenues. 9. To regulate public cries, advertising noises, steam whistles and ringing bells in the streets. 10. In relation to street vagrants, beggars and men- dicants. 11. In relation to the use of guns, pistols, fire-arms, fire-crackers, fire-works and detonating works of all de- scription within the City. 12. In relation to intoxication, fighting and quarrel- ing in the streets. 13. In relation to places of public amusement. 14. In relation to exhibiting banners, placards, or flags in or across the streets, or from houses or other buildings. 15. In relation to the erection, maintenance and re- pair of public fountains for the use of man and animals, at convenient points along the streets and avenues and publiclplaces. 16. .;". In relation to the exhibition of advertisements or hand-bills along the streets, avenues or public places. 17. In relation to the construction, repair and use of vaults, cisterns, areas, hydrants, sewers and pumps. 18. In relation to partition fences and walls. 19. In relation to the construction, repair, care and use of markets. 20. In relation to the licensing and business of pub- lic cartmen, truckmen, hackmen, cabmen, expressmen, cardrivers and boatmen, pawn-brokers, junk dealers, keepers of intelligence offices, dealers in second-hand articles, hawkers, peddlers, vendors and the keeping of dogs, menageries, circuses, common shows and scalp- ers in coal freights, bone boiling, fat rendering and 26 other noxious businesses, and to fixing the license, if any, therefor. All licenses created therefor shall be according to an established form, and shall be regularly numbered and duly registered, as shall be prescribed by the Municipal Assembly, provided however, that all laws heretofore passed in respect to the avo- cations above named within the City, shall remain in full force and effect, to the exclusion of any power granted by this provision so far as their terms shall re- quire. 21. The Municipal Assembly shall also fix the an- nual license fee, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars, for each street or horse car daily operated or used in that portion of the City heretofore known as the City of Brooklyn. Every railroad company operating or using such cars, shall, on or before the first day of June in each year, certify to the City Clerk the average number of cars daily operated and used by said company, which certifi- cate shall be verified by the oath of one of the managing officers of said company, and every such railroad com- pany shall, on or before the first day of July in each year, pay to the Chamberlain of The City of New York, the license fees so established for the average number of cars so operated and used by said company. The said license fees shall be taken in full satisfaction for the use of the streets or avenues, but the same shall not release said company from any obligations required by law to keep such streets and avenues or any part thereof, in repair, which said obligations and the contracts, laws or ordinances, creating and enforcing the same, are hereby continued in full force and operation. But nothing in this subdivision contained shall be construed to release any railroad company in The City of New York, as con- stituted by this Act, from any duty or obligation existing at the time this Act takes effect by virtue of any law, ordinance or contract. 22. To the more effectual suppression of vice or im 27 morality, and the preserving of peace and good order in said City. 23. For the licensing and otherwise regulating the use of dirt carts. 24. For the preservation and protection of all or any of the works connected with the supplying of the City of New York with pure and wholesome water. 25. To regulate the fees for searches and certificates, to be charged by the collector of assessments and arrears. 26. To make such regulations in reference to the running of stages, omnibuses, trucks and cars as may be necessary for the convenient use and the accommodation of the streets, piers, wharves and stations, and whenever in shipping or receiving goods, wares or other merchan- dise at any of the shipping lines, by steamboat, canal- boat, sailing vessels, railroad, or from or to any ware- house during the specified hours for receipt or delivery of freight, a truckman is unreasonably detained over thirty minutes by reason of said steamboat, canal-boat, sailing vessel, railroad company or warehouse not employing sufificient help for prompt receipt or delivery of freight, or by reason of the failure to use all of the facilities at their disposal for the prompt receipt and delivery of freight, to regulate the amount said truckman shall be entitled to be paid, which amount shall not be less than the sum of one dollar per hour for every hour which he is so unreasonably detained, which amount shall be paid to said truckman by the company, corporation or person causing such delay. 27. To regulate the rates of fare to be taken by owners or drivers of hackney coaches or carriages ; such owners shall pay an annual license fee to be determined by the Municipal Assembly. 28. The Municipal Assembly may authorize the es- 28 tablishment, operation or extension of any right for the running of omnibuses or stages, and may terminate or alter such authority comformably to the statutes appli- cable thereto. 29. To regulate swimming and bathing in the waters of, or bounding the City, and to establish and maintain in the City such public baths and public comfort stations as they may deem necessary, and to establish suitable rules and regulations for the management of the same. 30. To prohibit and suppress all gaming-houses and places for gaming in the said City. 31. To enlarge or extend from time to time the limits of the fire districts of the City, and to establish additional fire districts, and from time to time to extend the same. Id.; foregoing enumeration of powers not restrictive : general power. Sec. 50. The foregoing or other enumeration of powers in this Act shall not be held to limit the legislative power of the Municipal Assembly which, in addition thereto, may exercise all of the powers vested in The City of New York by this Act, or otherwise, by proper ordinances, rules, regulations and by-laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, or with the con- stitution or laws of the United States or of this State; and, subject to such limitations, may from time to time ordain and pass all such ordinances, rules, regulations and by-laws as to the said Municipal Assembly may seem meet for the good rule and government of the City, and to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Act or of other laws rela- ting to the said City, and may provide for the enforcement of the same by such fines, penalties, forfeitures and impris- onment as may by ordinance or by-law be prescribed. Id.; licenses to second-hand dealers ; penalty for violating ordi- nance. Sec. 51. Every dealer in second-hand articles and scalper in coal freights shall pay for a license a sum to be determined 29 by the Municipal Assembly, not exceeding five hundred dollars. Dealers in second-hand articles and scalpers in coal freights may be required to give security to the City with one or more suffi- cient surety or sureties, in a sum not exceeding ten thousand dol- lars conditioned for the observance of the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly. No greater penalty than one hundred dollars shall be imposed by an ordinance as the penalty of the violation of any ordinance by any dealer in second-hand articles or scalper in coal freights. Id.; designating common jails. Sec. 52. The Municipal Assembly may, by ordinance from time to time, by a vote of two-thirds of the members of each house, and the approval of the Mayor, designate any building or buildings within the City to be the common jails of said City for all the purposes for which common jails may by law be used, and such building or buildings so designated, shall be such com- mon jails until changed by a like ordinance by the Municipal Assembly. Id.; assignment of places for holding courts of general and special sessions and magistrates' or police courts. Sec. 53. The Municipal Assembly, by resolution or ordi- nance, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, may assign such place in said City as may to it seem most conducive to the public convenience, for the holding of the courts of General and Special Sessions, and upon the application of the Board of City Magistrates, may designate additional places for the holding of magistrates' or police courts and jail delivery to be held in and for the City; notice of any change of the places of holding such courts shall, before the same takes effect, be published in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, for a period of not less than four weeks. Said pub- lication shall be made under the direction of the City Clerk. Id.; assignment of places for holding Municipal Courts. Sec. 54. The Municipal Assembly may assign the places where the several Municipal Courts shall be held, within their respective districts, except as otherwise provided by law. 30 Id.; security to be required from certain officers. Sec. 55. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Assembly where no provision has been made by law in respect thereto, to provide for the accountability of all officers and other persons, save as herein otherwise provided, to whom the receipt or ex- penditure of the funds of the city shall be entrusted, by re- quiring from them sufficient security for the performance of their duties of trust, which security shall be annually renewed ; but the security first taken shall remain in force until new se- curity shall be given. Id.; prescribe salaries of officers. Sec. 56. The salaries of all officers whose offices may be created by the Municipal Assembly for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Act, shall, subject to the other provisions of this Act, be prescribed by ordinance or resolu- tion. The Municipal Assembly shall have power, upon the recommendation of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to fix the salary of any officer or person whose compensation is paid out of the city treasury, irrespective of the amount fixed by this Act, except that no change shall be made in the salary of an elected officer or head of a department during the term for which he was elected or appointed. Id.; publication of code of ordinances. Sec. 57. The ordinances of the Municipal Assembly shall, as far as practicable, be reduced to a code and published. Id.; Commissioners of Deeds ; appointment, oath, term; clerk there- for. Sec. 58. The Board of Aldermen is hereby authorized and is empowered to appoint Commissioners of Deeds from time to time, who shall hold their offices for two years from the date of their appointment ; such appointment shall not require the concurrence of the Council nor the approval of the Mayor, and hereafter, at the time of subscribing or filing the oath of office, the City Clerk shall collect from each person appointed a Com- 31 missioner of Deeds the sum of five dollars, and he shall not administer or file said oath unless said fee has been paid. All fees collected by the City Clerk under and by virtue of this Act, except as hereinafter provided, shall be accounted for and paid over monthly into the treasury of the city. The City Clerk shall appoint an officer, to be known as Commissioner of Deeds Clerk, whose duties shall be to enter the names of Commissioners of Deeds appointed, in^;a book kept for that purpose, make out certificates of appointment and to discharge such other duties as the City Clerk may des- ignate. Said Commissioner of Deeds Clerk shall receive a salary at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly. Any person hereafter appointed to the office of Commis- sioner of Deeds in and for The City of New York by the Board of Aldermen, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of said office and within thirty days after such appointment, shall take and subscribe before the Commissioner of Deeds Clerk, in the office of the City Clerk, the following oath of office : That the applicant is a citizen of the United States and of the State of New York, and a resident of The City of New York ; that he will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Commissioner of Deeds. AnyjCommissioner of Deeds who may remove from the City of New York during his term of office is hereby re- quired to notify the City Clerk of such removal. The term of office of every Commissioner of Deeds who, on the first day of May, 1898, shall be holding over after a term of two years, shall then cease. Municipal Assembly; Trustees of public property. Sec. 59. The Municipal Assembly and the several mem- bers thereof and all officers and employees of the City are hereby declared Trustees of the property, funds and effects of said city respectively, so far as such property, funds and effects are or may be committed to their management or control, and every person residing in said city, when 32 authorized to pay taxes therein, and who shall pay taxes therein is hereby declared to be a cestui que trust in respect to the said property, funds and effects, respectively; and any co-trustees, or any cestui que trust, shall be entitled, as against said trustees, and in regard to said property, funds and effects, to all the rights and privileges provided by law for any co-trustee, or cestui que trust to prosecute and maintain any action to prevent waste and injury to any property, funds and estate held in trust. Such trustees are hereby made subject to all the duties and responsibilities imposed by law on trustees, and such duties and responsibilities may be enforced by the City or by any co-trustee or cestui que trust aforesaid. Municipal Assembly; violations of law by members of: Sec. 60. Any member of the Municipal Assembly who shall knowingly and wilfully disregard any provision of law ap- plicable to the members of said Assembly, or who shall vote for any contract in violation of law or any appropriation unauthor- ized by law or in excess of the amount authorized by law, or for any illegal or injurious disposition of corporate property, rights or franchises, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to the punishment and penalties prescribed therefor; and every member voting in favor thereof shall be individually liable to refund the amount to the city at the suit of any citizen and taxpayer. 38 CHAPTER III. FRANCHISES AND GRANTS OF LAND UNDER WATER. Title 1. Franchises. 2. Grants of Land Under Water. Title 1. franchises. Inalienable rights of the City to its properties. Section 71. The rights of the city in and to its waterfront, ferries, wharf property, land under water, public landings, wharves, docks streets, avenues, parks, and all other public places are hereby declared to be inalienable. Franchises to be granted by ordinance. Sec. 72. Every grant of or relating to a franchise of any character to any person or corporation must, unless otherwise provided in this Act, be by ordinance. Limits and conditions to grants of franchises. Sec. 73. After the approval of this Act no franchise or right to use the streets, avenues, parkways or highways of the city shall be granted by the Municipal Assembly to any person or cor- poration for a longer period than twenty-five years, but such grant may at the option of the city provide for giving to the grantee the right on a fair revaluation or revaluations to renewals not exceed- ing in the aggregate twenty-five years. Such grant, and any con- tract in pursuance thereof, may provide that upon the termination of the franchise or right granted by the Municipal Assembly the plant, as well as the property of the grantee in the streets, avenues, parkways and highways with its appurtenances, shall 34 . thereupon be and become the property of the city without further or other compensation to the grantee ; or such grant and contract may provide that upon such termination there shall be a fair valuation of the plant and property which shall be and become the property of the city on the termination of the grant on paying the grantee^such valuation. If by virtue of the grant or contract the plant and property are to become the city's, without money payment therefor, the city shall have the option either to take and operate the said property on its own account, or to renew the said grant for not exceeding twenty years upon a fair revaluation, or to lease the same to others for a term not exceed- ing twenty years. If the original grant shall provide that the city shall make payment for the plant and property, such payment shall be at a fair valuation of the same as property excluding any value derived from the franchise ; and if the city shall make pay- ment for such plant and property it shall in that event operate the plant and property on its own account for at least five years, after which it may determine either to continue such operation on its own account, or to lease the said plant and property and the right to use the streets and public places in connection therewith for limited periods, in the same or similar manner as it leases its ferries and docks. Every grant shall make adequate provision, by way of forfeiture of the grant or otherwise, to secure efficiency of public service at reasonable rates, and the maintenance of the property in good condition throughout the full term of the grant. The grant or contract shall also specify the mode of determining the valuations and revaluations therein provided for. Proceedings prior to grant of franchise. Sec. 74. Before any grant of the franchise or right to use any street, avenue, parkway or highway shall be made, the pro- posed specific grant embodied in the form of an ordinance with all of the terms and conditions, including the provisions as to rates, fares and charges, shall be published at least twenty days in the City Record and at least twice in two daily newspapers published in the city to be designated by the Mayor at the expense of the proposed grantee. Such ordinance shall on its introduction and first reading be referred by the Municipal Assembly to the Board 35 of Estimate and Apportionment, who shall make inquiry as to the money value of the franchise or privilege proposed to be granted and the adequacy of the compensation proposed to be paid therefor, and no grant thereof by the Municipal Assembly shall be made except on terms approved by vote or resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, entered on the minutes or record of such Board, and every ordinance containing or mak- ing such grant shall require the concurrence of three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the Municipal Assem- bly as shown by the ayes and noes there recorded and the ap- proval of the Mayor, and thirty days at least shall intervene between the introduction and final passage of any such ordi- nance. It shall require a vote of five-sixths of all the members elected to each branch of the Municipal Assembly to pass such ordinance over the Mayor's veto. This Act shall apply to any renewal or extension of the grant or leasing of the property to the same grantee or to others. Municipal Assembly to pass ordinances. Sec. 75. The Municipal Assembly may from time to time pass appropriate ordinances, not inconsistent with the Constitu- tion and Laws of the State, to carry the provisions of this title into effect, but shall not part with the right and duty at all times to exercise in the interest of the public, full municipal sup- erintendence, regulation and control in respect of all matters connected with such grant, and not inconsistent with the terms thereof. City may dispose of buildings not required for public use. Sec. 76. Nothing in this title contained shall prevent the city from disposing of any building or parcel of land no longer needed for public use, provided such disposition shall be approved by the Sinking Fund Commissioners, and shall be at public sale, and be provided for by ordinance. Acts not applicable to grants under this title. Sec. 77. Section 93 of chapter 565 of the laws of 1890 and any Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, shall have no application to grants made under and pursuant to this title. 36 Title 2. grants of lands and franchises to city in aid of commerce. Grants of lands under water. Sec. 83. To the end that The City of New York, as herein constituted, may be enabled to make needful provisions for the navigation, intercourse and commerce of the city and adequately to develop and secure the same now and in the future, the said city shall have the control as herein and in this Act provided, of the water front of the entire city, subject, however, to the rights of private owners of property, and also power to establish, construct, acquire, own, maintain and enjoy all ferries, pubhc wharves, docks, piers, bulkheads, basins, slips, streets, approaches and spaces, and all other public structures, adjuncts and facilities neces- sary or proper for the navigation, intercourse and commerce, foreign and domestic, of the city. To these ends, in addition to all other grants, there is hereby granted in fee to the said City of New York, as herein constituted, in all the public streams, rivers, sounds, bays and waters of all descriptions at any and all places within said city or adjoining the limits of said city as herein constituted, all and singular the property, estate, right, title and interest of the people of the State of New York, in, to, of, and concerning such lands and soil covered by water, as are embraced within the projected boundary lines of any street intersecting the shore line, and which street is in public use or which may be hereafter opened for public use, extending from high water mark out into said streams, rivers, sounds, bays and waters so far (any limits in existing grants to the contrary) as the said city shall now or at any time hereafter in the opinion of its Municipal Assembly, or Department of Docks and Ferries require the same for ferries, public wharves, docks, piers, bulkheads, basins, slips, or other public structures, adjuncts and facilities for navigation and com- merce, including the right for such purposes to reclaim such lands from said waters, and including also all riparian rights, and all rents, issues and profits of the premises herein granted. The 37 Commissioners of the Land Office shall from time to time, convey or patent the lands herein granted to the city for said purposes as and whenever required by the Board of Docks. Property and franchises inalienable. Sec. 84. The property, franchises and rights hereby granted and the works and structures hereby authorized are not the sub- ject of sale but shall be held by the city in perpetuity. But this shall not prevent the city from leasing the same for limited peri- ods of time, in the same manner as it leases other like property. Private rights protected. Sec. 85. This grant shall not impair or affect any existing valid private rights, or the existing riparian rights of owners of private property, or the lawful rights of private owners of docks, piers and other structures in the said city or any part thereof. Patenting of lands under water by Commissioners of the Land Office. Sec, 86. After the approval of this Act no patent of soil or land under water within The City of New York, as herein consti- tuted, shall be made except to the City of New York or to the riparian proprietor. If the Board of Docks with the approval of ^ they^ M ^ mioipal Agiaombly by ordinan ee, shall project a plan or ft^it^c^ plans for the construction of docks between street intersections // as aforesaid, and desire a grant of land under water for that pur- pose, they shall make application therefor to the Commissioners of the Land Ofifice who thereupon shall give notice to the ripar- ian proprietor before taking action in the matter and shall make such grant to the city for the purposes specified in section 83. Such grant, however, shall be subject to all the rights of the riparian proprietor, and before the city shall construct such public wharves or other structures in front of the land of such riparian pro- prietor, the city shall make just compensation to such proprietor for the value of all the riparian rights. If the Commissioners shall make a grant to the riparian proprietor it shall be con- fined to soil or land under water in front of the land of such 38 riparian proprietor. If application be made to the Commission- ers of the Land Ofifice by the riparian proprietor for a grant of soil or land under water within The City of New York, as herein constituted, said Commissioners shall give notice thereof to the Board of Docks of the city, which shall examine into such application and determine whether the granting of the same will conflict with the rights of the city under this Act or be other- wise injurious to the public interests of the said city, and shall report their conclusions to said Commissioners who shall insert such terms and conditions in the grant recommended by the Board of Docks as will protect the public interests of the city in respect to navigation and commerce. The validity of any such grant or patent may be judicially determined in an action brought by and in the name of the city. Power of Municipal Assembly. Sec. 87. The Municipal Assembly may from time to time pass appropriate ordinances to carry the provisions hereof into effect, not inconsistent with law or this Act. Repealing provision . Sec. 88. All Acts and parts of Acts, so far as the ^ame are inconsistent with this-Aet are hereby repealed. [p^i^a^t. J 81) CHAPTER IV. THE EXECUTIVE. Mayor : Executive power in and election of: salary. Sec. 94. The executive power of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, shall be vested in the Mayor and the ofificers of the departments. The Mayor shall be the [chief executive officer of the City ; he shall be elected at the general election in the year 1897, and every four years thereafter, and shall hold his office for the term of four years commencing at noon on the first day of January after his election. He shall be ineligible for the next term after the termination of his office. The salary of the Mayor shall be fifteen thousand dollars a year. Mayor s power of removal. Sec. 95. At any time within six months after the com- mencement of his term of office the Mayor, elected for a full term, may, whenever in his judgment the public interests shall so require, remove from office any public officer holding office by appointment from the Mayor, except members of Boards of Education and School Boards, and except also judicial officers for whose removal other provision is made by the constitution. After the expiration of said period of six months, any such public officer may be removed by the Mayor for cause upon charges preferred and after opportunity to be heard, subject, however, before such removal shall take effect to the approval of the Governor expressed in writing. Administrative Departments. Sec. 96. There shall be the following administrative de- partments in said City: 40 Department of Finance Law Department. Police Department. Represented in the Board of Public Improvements : 1. Department of Water Supply. 2. Department of Highways. 3. Department of Street Cleaning. 4. Department of Sewers. 5. Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. 6. Department of Bridges. Department of Parks. Department of Buildings. Department of Public Charities. Department of Correction. Fire Department. Department of Docks and Ferries. Department of Taxes and Assessments. Department of Education. Department of Health. Department of Finance ; Comptroller. Sec. 97. The head of the Department of Finance shall be called the Comptroller of The City of New York. He shall be elected at the general election in the year 1897, and every four years thereafter, and shall hold his office for the term of four years, commencing at noon on the first day of January after his election. 41 The Comptroller may be removed from office by the Gov- ernor in the same manner as sheriffs, except that the Governor may direct the inquiry required by law, to be conducted by the Attorney General, and after charges have been received by the Governor, he may, pending the investigation, suspend the Comptroller for a period not exceeding thirty days. In case of a vacancy in the office of Comptroller, it shall be filled by the Mayor, and the person appointed to fill such va- cancy shall hold office until noon of the first day of January succeeding the election at which a successor shall be elected. At the next general election at which municipal officers shall be elected, which shall take place more than thirty days after the oc- currence of a vacancy in the office of Comptroller, a successor shall be chosen who shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. Law Department ; Corporation Counsel. Sec. 98. The head of the Law Department shall be called the Corporation Counsel, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for four years and until his successor shall be ap- pointed and has qualified. Police Department ; Police Board. Sec. 99. The head of the Police Department shall be called the Police Board. Said Board shall consist of four members to be known as Police Commissioners of The City of New York who shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for four years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the Commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for one, two, three and four years respectively, as designated by the Mayor. Board of Public Improvements and Departments represented therein. Sec. 100. The head of the Board of Public Improvements shall be the President of said Board. He shall be appointed by 42 the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. 1. The head of the Department of Water Supply shall be called the Commissioner of Water Supply. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his sue cessor shall be appointed and has qualified. 2. The head of the Department of Highways shall be called the Commissioner of Highways. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. 3. The head of the Department of Street Cleaning shall be called the Commissioner of Street Cleaning. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his suc- cessor shall be appointed and has qualified. 4. The head of the Department of Sewers shall be called the Commissioner of Sewers. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified, 5. The head of the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting, and Supplies shall be called the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting, and Supplies. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. 6. The head of the Department of Bridges shall be called the Commissioner of Bridges. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. 43 Department of Parks ; Park Board. Sec. 101. The head of the Department of Parks shall be called the Park Board. Said Board shall consist of three members who shall be known as Commissioners of Parks. They shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for six years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have quali- fied, except that the Commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years, respec- tively, as designated by the Mayor. Departme7it of Buildings. Sec. 102. The head of the Department of Buildings shall be called the Board of Buildings. Said Board shall consist of three members to be known as Commissioners of Buildings. They shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for the term of six years, and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and . have qualified, except that the Commissioners first appointed shall^ unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years respectively, as designated by the Mayor. Department of Public Charities ; Board of Public Charities. Sec. 103. The head of the Department of Public Charities shall be called the Board of Public Charities. Said Board shall consist of three members to be known as Commissioners of Public Charities of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for six years, and until their successors shall respec- tively be appointed and have qualified, except that the Com- missioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years, respectively, as designated by the Mayor. Departmetit of Correction ; Commissioner of. Sec. 104. The head of the Department of Correction shall be called The Commissioner of Correction. He shall be 44 (TJII7BESITT] appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold his office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. Fire Department ; the Fire Commissioner . Sec. 105. The head of the Fire Department shall be called The Fire Commissioner. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. Department of Docks and Ferries : Board of Docks. Sec. 106. The head of the Department of Docks and Fer- ries shall be called the Board of Docks. Said Board shall consist of three members, who shall be known as Commissioners of Docks; and who shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for six years, and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have qualified, except that the Commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years, respectively, as desig- nated by the Mayor. Department of Taxes and Assessments ; Board of Taxes and Assessments. Sec. 107. The head of the Department of Taxes and Assess- ments shall be called the Board of Taxes and Assessments. Said board shall consist of a President, who shall be so desig- nated in his appointment, and four other members, one of whom at least shall be a person learned in the law, who shall be called Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments. The President, unless sooner removed, shall hold his office for the term of six years, and until his successor shall be appointed and has qualified. The other Commissioners shall, unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices for the term of four years. The Com- missioners first appointed under this Act shall, unless sooner removed, hold office by designation of the Mayor for terms of one, two, three and four years respectively. The Commissioners 45 thereafter appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for the term of four years, and until their successors shall respec- tively be appointed and have qualified. Department of Education. Sec. 108. The head of the Department of Education shall be called the Board of Education. Said Board shall consist of nineteen members, and shall be composed as follows ; of the Chairman of the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and ten other members elected by said School Board ; of the Chairman of the School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn and five other members elected by said School Board ; and of the Chairman of the School Boards of the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, respectively. The members of said Board of Education shall hold ofifice for one year, and until their successors shall respectively be chosen and have qualified. Department of Health; Board of Health. Sec. 109. The head of the Department of Health shall be called the Board of Health. Said Board shall consist of the President of the Police Board, the Health Ofificer of the Port, aud three officers appointed by the Mayor, to be called Health Commissioners, two of whom shall have been practicing physi cians for not less than ten years preceding their respective appoint- ments. The Health Commissioner, who is not a physician, shall be the President of the Board and shall be so designated in his appointment. The Health Commissioners shall, unless sooner removed, respectively hold their offices for six years and until their successors shall respectively be appointed and have quali- fied, except that the Commissioners first appointed shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for two, four and six years respectively, as designated by the Mayor. 46 CHAPTER V. THE MAYOR. Mayor : Duties of Section. 115. It shall be the duty of the Mayor: 1. To communicate to the Municipal Assembly, at least once in each year, a general statement of the finances, government, and improvements of the City. 2. To recommend to the Municipal Assembly all such measures as he shall deem expedient. 3. To keep himself informed of the doings of the several departments. 4. To be vigilant and active in causing the ordi- nances of the City, and laws of the State to be executed and enforced, and for that purpose he may call together for consultation and co-operation any or all of the heads of departments. 5. And generally to perform all such duties as may be prescribed for him by this Act, the city ordinances and the laws of the State. Id. a magistrate. Sec. 116. The Mayor is a magistrate. . Id. may appoint clerks, etc. Sec. 117. The Mayor may appoint such clerks and sub- ordinates as he may require to aid him in the discharge of his official duties, and shall render to the Municipal Assembly, every three months, an account of the expenses and receipts of his office, and therein shall state, in detail, the amounts paid and agreed to be paid by him, for salaries to such clerks and 47 subordinates respectively, and the general nature of their duties, which account and report shall be published in the City Record. The aggregate expenses incurred by him for such purposes shall not exceed, in any one year, the sum appropri- ated therefor. Id. to appoint lieads of departments. Terms of latter. Sec. 118. The Mayor shall appoint the heads of depart- ments and all Commissioners, except as otherwise provided in this Act. He shall also appoint all members of any Board or Commission authorized to superintend the erection or repair of any building belonging to or to be paid for by the city, whether named in any law or appointed by any local authority, and also a Commissioner of Jurors for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, Inspec- tors of Weights and Measures, and as many Sealers of Weights and Measures as may by ordinance be prescribed, and also the members of any other local board and all other officers not elected by the people, whose appointment is not excepted or otherwise provided for. Every head of department and person in this section named, shall, subject to the power of removal herein provided, hold his office for such term as is provided by this Act, or otherwise, and in each case until a person is duly appointed, and has qualified, in his place. The terms of office of all such heads of departments and persons, shall, as to those first appointed, commence at noon on the first day of January 1898, and thereafter at noon on the first day of January in the year in which the terms of office of their predecessors expire, except that any person who shall be appointed in pursuance of this section to fill any vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of his predecessor. Id. to appoint Commissioners of Accounts. Sec. 119. The Mayor shall appoint and remove at pleasure two persons who shall be Commissioners of Accounts. It shall be their duty, once in three months, to make an examination of the receipts and disbursements in the offices of the Comptroller and Chamberlain, in connection with those of all the depart- 48 ments and officers making returns thereto, and report to the Mayor a detailed and classified statement of the financial con- dition of the city as shown by such examinations. They shall also make such special examinations of the accounts and meth- ods of the departments and offices of the City and of the Counties of New York, Richmond and Kings, as the Mayor may from time to time direct, and such other examinations as the said Commissioners may deem for the best interests of the city, and report to the Mayor and the Municipal Assembly the results thereof. For the purpose of ascertaining facts in connection with these examinations they shall have full power to compel the attendance of witnesses, to administer oaths and to examine such persons as they may deem necessary. Such Commissioners shall each be paid the sum of five thousand dollars a year. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly shall annually appropriate a sum sufficient to pay the salaries of said Commissioners, and in the discretion of said Board and Municipal Assembly a sum sufficient to enable them to employ the necessary assistance to carry out the provisions of this Act. Id. Proclamation as to holding Courts in case of Pestilence, etc. Sec. 120. The Mayor, or, in case of his absence, or other dis- ability, the President of the Council, by proclamation, may direct that the next ensuing term of any Court, other than the Court of Appeals, appointed to be held in that City shall be held in any building within The City of New York, other than the building where the same is regularly to be held, if, in his opinion, war, pesti- lence, or other public calamity, or the danger thereof, or the de- struction or injury of the building, or the want of suitable accom- modation, renders it necessary that some other place be selected. The proclamation must be published in two or more daily news- papers, published in The City of New York. Id. Police Power as to pawnbrokers. Sec. 121. The Mayor shall possess the power conferred upon the Chief, Deputy Chiefs, Inspectors and Captains of Police by section 317 of this Act. 4» Id, Removal by Governor. Sec. 122. The Mayor may be removed from office by the Governor in the same manner as Sheriffs, except that the Gov- ernor may direct the inquiry provided by law to be conducted by the Attorney General ; and after the charges have been re- ceived by the Governor, he may, pending the investigation, sus- pend the Mayor for a period not exceeding thirty days. Municipal Civil Service : Mayor to appoint Commissioners. Sec. 123. The Mayor shall appoint three or more suitable persons as Commissioners to prescribe and amend, subject to his approval, and to enforce regulations for appoint- ments to, and promotions in, the civil service thereof, and for classifications and examinations therein, and for the registration and selection of laborers for employment therein, in pursuance of the Constitution of this State. Said Commissioners shall receive no compensation. Regulations. Sec. 124. Such regulations shall, among other things, provide 1. For the classification of the offices, places and em- ployments in the Civil Service of the said city. 2. For examinations, wherever practicable, to ascer- tain the fitness of applicants for appointment to the Civil Service of said city. All examinations shall be public. No question in any examination under the rules established as aforesaid shall relate to political or religious opinions or affiliations, and no appointment or selection to or removal from an office or employment within the scope of the rules established as aforesaid, shall be in any manner affected or influenced by such opinions or affiliations. Such examinations shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the relative capacity and fit- ness of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed. Such exam- 50 inations, save in the case of applicants for employment as laborers, shall be open, competitive examinations, ex- cept where, after due efforts by previous public advertise- ment or other effort in case of extraordinary emergency, competition is found not to be practicable. The exam- ination of applicants for employment as laborers shall relate to their capacity for labor, their habits as to industry and sobriety, and the number of persons dependent upon them for support. 3. For the filling of vacancies in the offices, places and employments in the public service which are subject to competitive examination by selection from among those graded highest as the result of such examination, provided, however, that soldiers and sailors honorably discharged from the army and navy of the United States in the late civil war, who are citizens and residents of this State, shall be entitled to preference in appointment and promo- tion from any list from which an appointment or promo- tion is to be made, without regard to their standing on such list. 4. For a period of probation before an appointment or employment is made permanent. 5. For promotions in oiBce on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service, and upon such examination as may be for the good of the public service. Authority and duty of Cofnmissioners. Sec. 125. The persons so appointed or employed shall be known as Municipal Civil Service Commissioners, and within the amount appropriated therefor, they shall have authority to employ a Secretary, Examiners, and such other subordinates as may be necessary. It shall be the duty of such persons to make reports from time to time to the State Civil Service Commission, whenever said Commission may request, of the manner in which the Civil Service law, and the rules and regulations thereunder, have been and are administered, and 61 the results of their administration in such city, and of such other matters as said Commission may require, and annually on or before the tenth day of January to make such a report to said Commission ; and it shall be the duty of said State Commission in its annual report to set out either these reports, or a sufificient abstract or summary thereof, to give full and clear information as to their contents. It shall be the duty of all persons in the ofificial service of said city to conform to and comply with said regulations, and any modifications thereof made pursuant to the authority of this section or said rules, and to aid and facilitate in all reasonable and proper ways the enforcement of said regulations and rules and any modifications thereof, and the holding of all examina- tions which may be required under the authority of this section or said rules. Until the appointment of a Municipal Civil Ser- vice Commission under this Act in said city, the Municipal Civil Service Commissioners now in existence in any part of the terri- tory of said city shall continue in ofifice, and the civil service rules now in force therein shall continue to be in force until the adoption of new rules hereunder. The authority by this section conferred shall not be so exercised as to take from any police- man or fireman any right or benefit now conferred by law or by this Act, or existing under any lawful regulation of the de- partment in which he serves. Proper provision shall be made in the annual budget for all the expenses of the Municipal Civil Service Commissioners. Warrants for payment of salary ; when not to be issued. Sec. 126. Any officer of said city whose duty it is to sign or countersign warrants, shall not draw, sign or issue, or authorize the drawing, signing or issuing of any warrant on the Chamberlain or other disbursing officer of the city for the payment of salary to any person in its service whose appointment has not been made in pursuance of this chapter and the rules in force there- under, provided, however, that this section shall not apply to persons now in office who are by this Act continued in office, or transferred in service. 52 Veterans. Sec. 1 27. All veterans either of the Army or Navy or the Vol- unteer Fire Departments, now in the service of either of the munic- ipal and public corporations hereby consolidated, who are now entitled by law to serve during good behavior, or who cannot under existing law be removed except for cause, shall, so far as is consist- ent with economy and with the needs and requirements of the service, be retained in like positions and under the same condi- tions by the corporation constituted by this Act, to serve under such titles and in such way as the head of the appropriate de- partment or the Mayor may direct. Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Sec. 128. There shall be a Bureau of Municipal Statistics of The City of New York, for the purpose of collecting, keep- ing and publishing, as hereinafter or otherwise provided by law, such statistical data relating to the City, as shall be deemed of utility or interest to the City Government or its citizens. Bureau. How Constituted. Sec. 129. The Bureau of Municipal Statistics shall consist of a Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics, of a Municipal Statistical Commission, and of such assistants to the Chief of the Bureau, as may be found necessary for properly carrying on the work of the Bureau. Chief of Bureau to be appointed by the Mayor. Sec. 130. The Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of four years, and shall, unless sooner removed, hold office until his successor shall be appointed and have duly qualified. He shall be ex-officio a mem- ber and the Chairman of the Municipal Statistical Commission. Municipal Statistical Commission. How Constituted. Sec. 131. The Municipal Statistical Commission shall con- sist of not less than three, nor more than six members, exclusive of the Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Such mem- 53 bers shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall be residents of the City. They shall be appointed with special reference to their qualifications to give expert advice upon statistical sub- jects. Their term of office shall be six years; but the members of the Commission first appointed shall by lot divide themselves into three classes, so that one third shall retire at the end of two years, one third at the end of four years, and one third at the end of six years. The successors to such original Commissioners shall be appointed for the term of six years. Meetings of Commission. Quorum. Sec 132. The Municipal Statistical Commission shall meet at such times as may be convenient, but at least once in each month. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Place of Meeting. Sec. 133. It shall be the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to provide suitable offices, furniture, and appli- ances for the use of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Compensatio7i of Chief of Bureau and his Assistants, and of the Commission. Sec. 134. The Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics shall receive an annual salary of $3,500. He shall appoint his assistants, and shall fix their salaries with the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The members of the Municipal Statistical Commission shall receive no compensation. Powers and Duties of the Commission. Sec. 135. The Municipal Statistical Commission shall make such rules and by-laws as may be necessary for the regulation of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics not in conflict with this Act, or with any law of this State or of the United States, and shall direct the general work of the Bureau of Municipal Statis- tics. The Commission shall devise and carry out plans for the 54 collection and publication by the Bureau of Municipal Statistics of such statistical data relating to The City of New York as it may deem advisable to publish. The head of each Department of the City shall, upon a request from the Commission made through the Mayor, and approved by him, transmit to the Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics for use by the Commission, upon such blanks as may be provided, or in such other manner as may be deemed convenient by the Commission, such statistical data relating to the work of such Department as the Commission may call for. Powers and Duties of Chief of Bureau. Sec. 136. The Chief of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics shall have charge of the execution of the plans outlined by the Statistical Commission, and shall, under the direction of the Commission, attend to the collection, tabulation and publica- tion of reports directed to be published by the Commission. Publication of Statistics. Sec. 137. The Bureau of Municipal Statistics shall publish annually, with the approval of the Board of Estimate and Ap- portionment, a volume to be known as the " Municipal Statis- tics of The City of New York for the year ." In this volume the Statistical Commission shall publish, in so far as it may deem advisable, the results attending the work of the vari- ous departments of the City Government for the preceding cal- endar year, and such other statistical information and facts re- lating to The City of New York or its inhabitants as it may deem of general public interest. Such publication shall contain statistics relating to births, marriages, deaths ; to the sanitary condition of the City ; to the supervision of the water supply, parks, streets, pavements, sewers, and buildings of the City ; to the occurrence of fires ; to the administration of Charities and Corrections ; to the administration of the Police Department ; to the Judiciary and its various departments and branches; to crime; to the business and proceedings of the Criminal Courts and ofificers of the City ; to the operation of the license laws ; 66 to the children attending school and to the public schools, to the work of the Department of Education, and to the popula- tion of the City of school age ; to franchises granted to corpor ations, and whether they shall have been put in use or not ; to municipal revenues and expenditures; to the administration of the various City departments having charge of the expenditure of City moneys; to the administration of the Tax Department, and to the wealth and indebtedness of the City ; and also a general statement of the Legislative enactments relating to the government of The City of New York. Limitation of expense of maintainin'^ the Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Sec. 138. The expenses of such publications, and all other expenses of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics, shall be included in the annual budget. The total expense of maintaining the Bureau of Municipal Statistics, including salaries, shall not ex- ceed in any one year the sum of ten thousand dollars, unless otherwise provided by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment and the Municipal Assembly. 56 CHAPTER VI. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Title 1. The Comptroller. Title 2. The Bonds and Obligations of the City. Title 3. The Chamberlain. Title 4. The Sinking Funds. Title 5. Appropriations and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Title 6. Levying Taxes. Title 1. THE COMPTROLLER. General duties : Settlement of claims. Assent to certain contracts required. Election. Salary. Sec. 149. The finance department shall have control of the fiscal concerns of the corporation. All accounts rendered to or kept in the other departments shall be subject to the inspection and revision of the officers of this department. It shall pre- scribe the forms of keeping and rendering all city accounts, and, except as herein otherwise provided, the manner in which all salaries shall be drawn, and the mode by which all creditors, officers and employees of the corporation shall be paid. All pay- ments by or on behalf of the corporation, except as otherwise specially provided, shall be made through the proper disbursing officer of the department of finance, on vouchers to be filed in said department, by means of warrants drawn on the Chamber- lain by the Comptroller, and countersigned by the Mayor. The 57 Comptroller may require any person presenting for settlement an account or claim for any cause whatever, against the corpora- *-ion, to be sworn before him touching such account or claim, and when so sworn, to answer orally as to any facts relative to the justness of such account or claim. Wilfull false swearing be- fore him is perjury, and punishable as such. He shall settle and adjust all claims in favor of or against the corporation, and all accounts in which the corporation is concerned as debtor or creditor; but in adjusting and settling such claims, he shall, as far as practicable, be governed by the rules of law and principles of equity which prevail in courts of justice. The power hereby given to settle and adjust such claims shall not be construed to give such settlement and adjustment the binding effect of a judgment or decree, nor to authorize the Comptroller to dispute the amount of any salary established by or under the authority of any officer or department authorized to establish the same, nor to question the due performance of his duties by such officer, except when necessary to prevent fraud. The Comptroller shall not reduce the rate of interest upon any taxes or assessments be- low the amount fixed by law. No contract hereafter made, the expense of the execution of which is not by law or ordinance, in whole or in part, to be paid by assessments upon the property benefited, shall be binding or of any force, unless the Comptrol- ler shall indorse thereon his certificate that there remains unex- pended and unapplied, as herein provided, a balance of the ap- propriation or fund applicable thereto, sufficient to pay the estimated expense of executing such contract, as certified by the officer making the same. But this provision shall not ap- ply to work done, or supplies furnished, not involving the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, unless the same is required by law to be done by contract at public letting. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to make such indorsement upon every such contract so presented to him, if there remains unapplied and unexpended such amount so specified by the officer making the contract, and to thereafter hold and retain such sum to pay the expense incurred until the said contract shall be fully performed. And such indorsement 58 shall be sufficient evidence of such appropriation or fund in any action. The Comptroller shall furnish to each head of departrnent, weekly, a statement of the unexpended balances of the appropriation for his department. Wages and salaries, except as otherwise provided in this Act, may be paid upon pay-rolls, upon which each person named thereon shall separately receipt for the amount paid to such person, and in every case of payment upon a pay-roll, the warrant for the aggregate amount of wages and salaries included therein may be made payable to the superintendent, foreman or other officer designa- ted for the purpose. The Comptroller shall enter into, upon behalf of The City of New York, any lease authorized by the Commissioners of the sinking fund of property leased to the city. The assent of the Comptroller shall be necessary to all agree- ments hereafter entered into by any city officer or department for the acquisition by purchase of any real estate or easement therein, when such an agreement involves an obligation to pay or an expenditure of any money on behalf of the city, and in any proceedings that may hereafter be had to acquire real estate or hereditaments for or on behalf of the corporation of The City of New York, before an award shall be confirmed, imposing an obligation upon the city^to pay any moneys, the Comptroller shall have thirty days' notice in writing, stating before whom and at what time such proceeding will take place. The Comptroller of The City of New York shall be elected and shall hold office as provided in this Act, and he shall receive an annual salary of ten thousand dollars. To appoint Deputy Comptroller . Sec. 150. The Comptroller shall appoint, and for cause to be stated in writing and published in the City Record, at pleasure remove, a Deputy Comptroller. The said Deputy Comptroller shall, in addition to his other powers, possess every power and perform all and every duty belonging to the office of Comptroller, whenever the said Comptroller shall, for reasons to be stated to the Mayor in writing by due written authority, and during a period of time not extending beyond three months, nor beyond his term of office, and to be specified in such authority, 59 designate and authorize the said Deputy Comptroller to pos- sess the power and perform the duty aforesaid, and such designa- tion and authority shall be duly filed in and remain of record in the Department of Finance and in the Mayor's ofifice. The said Deputy Comptroller shall possess the like authority in case of the disability of the Comptroller, upon the like designation of the Mayor, which shall be filed and remain of record as afore- said ; but such authority, derived from a designation from the Comptroller or the Mayor, may at any time be terminated in the same manner as it was created. Bureaus of the Finance Department. Sec. 151. There shall be five bureaus in this Department. 1. A bureau for the collection of revenue accruing from rents and interests on bonds and mortgages, and revenue arising from the use or sale of property belong- ing to or managed by the city, and the management of the markets, the stalls or stands in which shall be rented on permits, to be issued by the Comptroller, all of such per- mits heretofore or to be hereafter issued to be revocable by the Comptroller for good and sufificient cause, and not otherwise, which shall be known as the Bureau for the Collection of City Revenue and of Markets. The chief officer of such bureau shall be called the Collector of City Revenue and the Superintendent of Markets. 2. A bureau for the collection of taxes, the chief officer of which shall be called, the Receiver of Taxes. He shall receive a salary at the rate of five thousand dollars per annum. 3. A bureau for the collection of assessments, and of such taxes, assessments and water rents as are in arrears, the chief officer of which shall be called the Collector of Assessments and Arrears. He shall receive a salary at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum. 4. An auditing bureau, which under the supervision of the Comptroller shall audit, revise and settle all ac- 60 counts in which the city is concerned, as debtor or creditor, and the chief officers whereof shall be called Auditors of Accounts, to be appointed or removed, as shall be also deputy auditors, at the pleasure of the Comptroller. The number of said Auditors and Deputy Auditors,as well as their salaries,shall be such as the Comp- troller shall from time to time fix and determine. During the absence of either or any or all of said auditors of accounts, from illness or other cause, said deputy audi- tors or any or either of them shall, when and to the extent he or they may be authorized so to do in writing by the Comptroller, perform the duties and exercise the powers of either or of any or of all of the said auditors of accounts. The said auditing bureau shall keep an account of each claim for and against the corporation, and of the sums allowed upon each, and certify the same to the Comptroller, with the reasons for the allowance. The Comptroller may detail any of such Auditors and Deputy Auditors as he may deem proper to the borough hall of the Borough of Brooklyn, to the borough hall of the Borough of The Bronx, to the borough hall of the Borough of Queens, and to the borough hall of the Borough of Richmond, in addition to such as may be in the chief office of the Comptroller in the Borough of Manhattan. All such accounts arising from local improvements within the Borough of Brooklyn may be audited, revised and settled by the Auditor or the Auditors of Accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the Comptroller in the borough hall of the Borough of Brooklyn. All such accounts arising from local im- provements within the Borough of Queens may be audited, revised and settled by the Auditor or Auditors of Accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the Comptroller in the borough hall of the Borough of Queens. All such accounts arising from local improvements within the Borough of Richmond may be audited, revised and settled by the Auditor or Auditors of Accounts so detailed as aforesaid by the Comptroller in the borough hall of the 61 Borough of Richmond. And all such accounts arising from local improvements within the Boroughs of Manhat- tan and The Bronx may be audited, revised and settled by any of the Auditors of Accounts in the chief office of the Comptroller in the Borough of Manhattan, or, so far as the Borough of The Bronx is concerned, in the office to be located in the borough hall of the Borough of The Bronx, and the Auditors of Accounts may have such clerks and assistants, examiners, engineers, inspectors and employees as the Comptroller may deem necessary and proper, to be appointed by the Comptroller. The num- ber of said appointees, and their salaries, shall be fixed and determined from time to time by the Comptroller. 5. A bureau for the reception and safe keeping of all moneys paid into the Treasury of the City, and for the payment of money on warrants drawn by the Comp- troller and countersigned by the Mayor, the chief officer of which shall be called the Chamberlain. Appointment and bond of Receiver of taxes and Collector of assess- ments and arrears. Sec. 152. The Comptroller shall appoint the Receiver of taxes and the Collector of assessments and arrears. The Receiver of taxes and the Collector of assessments and arrears before entering upon the duties of their offices shall each enter into a bond to the City of New York to be approved by the Chamberlain and Comptroller in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, which bond shall be conditioned for |the faithful performance of the duties of the office by the officer giving such bond. Every such bond shall be a lien on all the real estate held jointly and severally by the said Receiver or the said Collector executing the same, as the case may be, or any surety thereto within any of the counties embraced in the City of New York at the time of the filing thereof, unless there be named and described in or on any such bond, real estate in one or more of such counties equal in value to the amount of said bond and owned by a surety, in which case the said bond shall be 'a 62 lien on such real estate so described and upon all the real estate of the said Receiver or Collector as the case may be, and no other, and shall continue to be such lien until the condition together with all costs and charges which may accrue by the prosecution thereof shall be fully satisfied, not to exceed however the period of ten years after the expiration of the term of the officer who has given such bond, unless an action thereon has been commenced and shall then be pending. Renewal of Bond. Sec. 153. If at any time during the continuance in ofifice of the said Receiver of taxes or of any of the Deputy Receivers of taxes or of the Collector of assessments and arrears or of any of the Deputy Collectors of assessments and arrears the Comptroller shall deem any surety of them or either of them to be insufficient, he may require the said Re- ceiver or any Deputy Receiver, or Collector or any Deputy Col- lector to enter into a new bond to be approved in like man- ner as herein prescribed, within such time as said Comptroller may direct, not being less than ten days after requiring such new bond to be given ; and in case of the neglect or refusal of any such officer to furnish such bond within the time so directed, the Comptroller may declare his office vacant. Accounts of Receiver and Collector and their Deputies to be examined. Sec. 154. Upon the expiration of the term of office of the Re- ceiver of Taxes or of any Deputy Receiver or of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears or of any Deputy Collector, and within one year thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to exam- ine the accounts of such Receiver or Collector or Deputy, and if found correct to cause a certificate to that effect to be filed with the bond of such officer, and such certificate so filed shall be a full discharge and satisfaction of the conditions of such bond and the lien or liens thereby created. And if at any time dur- ing his continuance in office any such Receiver, Collector, or Deputy Receiver, or Deputy Collector shall execute and file with the Comptroller a new bond in the sam2 form and penalty and 63 approved as provided in section 152, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to examine and adjust the accounts of such Receiver or Collector or Deputy, to the date of such filing, and, if found correct, to cause a certificate to that effect to be filed with the bond or bonds previously filed by such officer, and such cer- tificate so filed shall be the full discharge and satisfaction of the condition of such prior bond or bonds and of the lien or liens thereby created. Receiver of Taxes and Collector of Assessments and Arrears ; where to keep offices. Sec, 155, The Receiver of Taxes and the Collector of Assess- ments and Arrears shall each have his chief office in the Borough of Manhattan at such places as shall be, from time to time, by ordinance of the Municipal Assembly designated for that purpose. Each of them shall also have an office in the Borough of Brook- lyn, in the Borough of The Bronx, in the Borough of Queens and in the Borough of Richmond, at such places in said Boroughs as shall be designated by the Municipal Assembly. Receivers of Taxes and Collector of Assessments and Arrears may appoint Deputies. Sec, 156. The Receiver of Taxes and the Collector of Assess- ments and Arrears may each appoint the requisite number of Dep- uty Tax Receivers and of Deputy Collectors of assessments and arrears respectively. Each of them shall take from each Deputy so appointed by him a bond, in such penal sum and with such sureties as may be approved by him and by the Comptroller and Cham- berlain, which bond shall run to the Receiver or the Collector, as the case may be, the City of New York and to whom it may concern, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such Deputy, The Receiver of Taxes, and his sure- ties, shall be liable for the acts and defaults of the Deputy Receiv- ers so appointed and the Collector of assessments and arrears, and his sureties, shall be liable for the acts and defaults of the Deputy Collectors. Each bond taken in pursuance of the provisions of this section shall be filed with the Comptroller, Each Deputy 64 Receiver of taxes shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties of the Receiver of taxes in respect to the collection and receipt of taxes, and each Deputy Collector of assessments and arrears shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties of the Collector of assessments and arrears in respect to the collection of assessments and arrears. The Deputy Receiver of taxes and Deputy Collectors of assessments and arrears shall receive annual salaries to be fixed by the Comptroller in his discretion, within the limits of the appropriation made therefor. Where Taxes, Assessments and Arrears due and payable. Sec. 157. Taxes, assessments and arrears due upon property within the Borough of Manhattan, shall be payable and receiv- able at the main offices of the Receiver of taxes and of the Collector of assessments and arrears respectively, in said Borough. Taxes, assessments and arrears due upon property situated in every other Borough shall be payable at the offices of said Receiver of taxes or Collector of assessments and arrears respectively, in the Borough in which said property is situated. Bond of Receiver and Collector to be filed. Sec. 158. The bonds given by the Receiver of Taxes and the Collector of assessments and arrears as hereinbefore pro- vided shall be filed and remain in the ofifice of the Comptroller, and true copies thereof, certified by the Comptroller, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of each of the Counties wholly or partly embraced within the City of New York and shall be pub- lic records. In case a certificate of the adjustment of the accounts of any Receiver or Collector be made as hereinbefore provided, a true copy thereof, certified by the Comptroller, shall be filed in each of the offices in which a copy of the bond of said Re- ceiver or Collector shall have been filed. Assessment lists to be filed. Sec. 159. There shall be kept in the office of the Comptroller a full and complete record, in detail, of all lists of assessments confirmed, whether by the Supreme Court, or the Board of 65 Revision or the Board of Assessors, with the date of confirma- tion and the date of entry under such record, which record shall be open to inspection during office hours, and the same shall be received as presumptive evidence of the facts therein contained. An assessment shall become a lien upon thejreal estate affected thereby, immediately upon its entry in the said record. If any such assessment list affects property situated in any Borough, other than the Borough of Manhattan, a copy of such list shall forthwith be transmitted to and filed in the office of the Collector of assessments and arrears in the Borough in which is situated the property so affected. Comptroller to appoint clerks and assistants. Sec. 160. The Comptroller shall appoint as many clerks and assistants to the Receiver of Taxes and the Collector of Assess- ments and Arrears as may be necessary, and shall designate the Boroughs in which they shall respectively perform their duties, and shall, within the limits of the appropriation therefor, fix their salaries. Publicatioti of Financial Statement. Sec. 161. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to publish in the City Record and corporation newspapers, two months before the election of municipal officers, a full and detailed statement of the receipts and the expenditures of the corporation during the two years ending on the first day of the month in which said publication is made, and the cash balance or surplus; and in every such statement the different sources of city revenue, and the amount received from each, the several appropriations made, the objects for which the same were made, and the amount of moneys expended under each, the money borrowed on the credit of the corporation, the au- thority under which each loan was made, and the terms on which the same was obtained, shall be clearly and particularly specified. Application of certain moneys. Sec. 162. It shall be lawful for the Comptroller to apply 66 the moneys accruing for interest on the sales of lands in said city for unpaid taxes, assessments and Croton water rents, or so much thereof as shall be required, to the account or fund desig- nated '* lands purchased for taxes and assessments," such moneys to be used for purchases by the corporation at such sales. Dedication of certain lands for markets. Sec. 163. The lands in the ninth ward of that part of the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, bounded on the north by Bloomfield street, on the south by Gansevoort street, on the east by West street and Tenth avenue, and on the west by Thirteenth avenue, being a portion of the lands hereto- fore set apart by law for use as a market-place, are hereby dedi- cated to market purposes, and shall be used and occupied as such in the manner that may be designated and prescribed by the commissioners of the sinking fund, who shall have full power and authority in respect thereto. Said commissioners of the sinking fund may, in their discretion, lease said lands to be used for public market purposes for such term of years, with such covenants, and for such annual rental, as in their judg- ment shall be for the best interests of the city, or may prepare the same for use as a public market. The block of ground in said ward bounded on the north by Little Twelfth street, on the south by Gansevoort street, on the east by Washington street, and on the west by West street and Tenth avenue, is hereby declared to be a public market-place, and subject to the pro- visions of section 205 of this Act, shall be kept for the exclusive use of farmers and market gardeners. The Department of Finance shall have sole charge and control of said public market-place and of the wagons employed in the business of selling farm and garden produce in said city, and shall have power to make suitable regulations concerning fees, the hours during which the said business shall be conducted, and the general management of the same. 67 Title 2. THE BONDS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. Corporate stock of The City of New York. How issued. Pro" visions as to bonded indebtedness. Sec. 169. All bonds issued by The City of New York on and after January 1st, 1898, in pursuance of laws already passed or which may hereafter be passed, or in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, excepting assessment bonds and revenue bonds, shall be known as "Corporate Stock of The City of New York." For the redemption and payment of said corporate stock and the interest thereon, the faith and credit of The City of New York shall be and is hereby pledged. Such corporate stock shall be in such form as may be designated by the Comptroller, and shall be signed by the said Comptroller and the Mayor of The City of New York, and sealed with the common seal of The City of New York, and attested by the City Clerk. Such corporate stock shall be in coupon form in sums not less than five hun- dred dollars each share, or shall be registered, and shall be con- ditioned to be paid in gold coin, or in the legal currency of the United States, at the option of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, and shall be made redeemable at a period of not less than ten, nor more than fifty years from the date thereof ; provided, however, that such stock when issued to provide for the supply of water shall always be issued in the manner provided by section 10 of Article VIII, of the Constitution of the State of New York. Such corpor- ate stock and all assessment bonds and revenue bonds, as well as all bonds hereafter to be issued by The City of New York by virtue of this Act or of any other Act, whether general or special, shall be free and exempt from all taxation, except for state purposes. The interest on such corporate stock and on all other bonds of the corporation, except revenue bonds, shall not exceed four per centum per annum, and shall be made payable quarterly, or semi-annually, in The City of New York, or at such other place as may be fixed by the said Comptroller at 68 the time of issue of said stock or bonds ; provided, however, that the interest on revenue bonds, issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes may be made payable at the date of the maturity thereof. Corporate Stock of The City of New York issued in pur- suance of laws already passed or which may be hereafter passed, or in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, shall be, unless otherwise provided by this Act, issued by the Comptroller only to the extent to which he may be thereunto authorized by resolution of the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment adopted by vote as provided for in this Act; provided, however, that wherever by existing provisions of law, or by the provisions of this Act, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund may be specifically author- ized to provide for the issue of stocks or bonds, said authoriza- tion of the Comptroller shall be made by said Commissioners instead of the said Municipal Assembly and said Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment, and provided, further, that whenever the amount of stocks or bonds required to be issued in pursuance of any law for any one purpose in any year shall not exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, the Comptroller may issue such bonds when thereunto authorized by the vote of a majority of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Issue of Stock or Bonds by The City of New York to take the place of bonds authorized to be issued by laws enacted prior to Janu- ary 1st, 1898. Sec. 170. Whenever, and to the extent to which, it may be lawful for the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, which by this Act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, to issue for public purposes bonds pursuant to laws enacted prior to January 1st, 1898, it shall be lawful for The City of New York, as hereby constituted, to issue corporate stock as herein provided for the same purposes; provided, however, that the amount so to be issued shall not in any one case exceed the balance remaining unissued of the amount limited to be issued pursuant to the authority of said laws. In similar instances 69 assessment bonds and revenue bonds of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, may likewise be so issued, subject to the same limitations as to the amount thereof. Bonds to be issued in sums of ten dollars or any multiple thereof. Sec. 171. Whenever it shall be lawful to issue any bonds of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, the same, when issued in registered form, may be issued in denominations of ten dollars or any multiple thereof. Preference shall, as far as practicable, and without pecuniary disadvantage to the said City of New York, be given to applicants for the smallest amounts and smallest denominations of said bonds in issuing the same. Registration of stocks and bonds. Sec. 172. All stocks and bonds heretofore lawfully issued by any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, which have heretofore been annexed to or consolidated with the corpora- tion known as the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, or which by this Act are made part of the corpor- ation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, for the payment of the principal and interest of which the City of New York is liable, may be registered and must be recorded by the owners thereof in the Comptroller's office in said City, and shall be transferable at the pleasure of the holder, either in person or by attorney, only upon the books of the corporation in said office, and subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Comptroller may prescribe ; such registry and transfer to be endorsed thereon by the Comptroller. Whenever such stocks or bonds have been issued in coupon form, and whenever hereafter corporate stock of The City of New York may be so issued, it shall be the privilege of the holders thereof at any time, subject to such rules and regulations to convert the same into registered stock or bonds, and the Comptroller is hereby authorized to issue registered stock or bonds therefor in the manner and form in which the same would have been conditioned if originally issued in registered form. The interest on all such stocks and bonds when so registered shall, as the same becomes due and payable, 70 be paid in like manner as upon other registered stock and bonds of The City of New York; and whenever any such stocks or bonds have coupons attached, the Comptroller shall, upon registration thereof, have authority to detach all coupons therefrom, and shall thereupon endorse the fact of such registra- tion, with a reference to this section. Fund for street and park openings. Sec. 173. The fund heretofore established and accumulated in the treasury of the corporation known as the Mayor, Alder- men and Commonalty of the City of New York, entitled the "Fund for Street and Park Openings," shall be continued in the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted. The said fund for street and park openings shall consist of : 1. Whatever cash balance in said fund may upon Janu- any 1st, 1898, be on deposit in the treasury of the cor- poration known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the City of New York. 2. Whatever cash balances there may be on January 1st, 1898, in the treasuries or standing to the credit of the several municipal or public corporations or parts thereof which by this Act are made part of the corpora- tion of The City of New York, and which said cash bal- ances may be applicable to the payment of damages awarded by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- ment in reports heretofore confirmed or hereafter to be confirmed in proceedings taken to open any street, road, avenue, boulevard, public square or place, park or park-way, or to acquire title to land required for any bridge, tunnel or approach thereto, and all the costs and expenses of such proceedings heretofore or hereafter taxed. 3. Such sums as may be raised by taxation in The City of New York, and the proceeds of such bonds as may be issued as by this Act provided to meet the expense, in whole or in part, of any of the objects and purposes in the preceding subdivision of this section specified. 71 4. All moneys hereafter collected by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, for or on account of assess- ments made and confirm.ed and hereafter to be made and confirmed for opening any street, road, avenue, boulevard, public square or place, park or parkway, or for acquiring title to land required for any bridge, tunnel or approach thereto, wholly or partly within the limits of the several municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, which by this Act, are made part of the corporation of The City of New York. Damages, etc., to be paid from said fund. Sec. 174. From the said fund for street and park openings, and not otherwise, shall be paid all damages awarded by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in reports hereafter or heretofore confirmed in proceedings taken to open any street, road, avenue, boulevard, public square or place, park or park- way, or to acquire title to land required for any bridge, tunnel, or approach thereto in The City of New York, as hereby consti- tuted, and all the costs and expenses of such proceedings heretofore or hereafter taxed. The person or persons to whom awards shall be made in such proceedings, wherein reports are or have been confirmed, and the person or persons in whose favor costs and expenses may be or have been taxed, shall not have an action at law against The City of New York for such awards, costs or expenses, but may require the officers of said City to raise, as hereafter provided, the money necessary to enable the Comptroller to pay such awards, costs and expenses from the said fund, and thereafter compel the payment of such damages, costs and expenses from such fund. Whenever the amount of the damages awarded in any report, together with the costs of the Commissioners and the charges and expenses, shall exceed the balance remaining in said fund after deducting all outstanding claims against said balance, the Comptroller is authorized to raise by the issue and sale of revenue bonds such amounts as shall be necessary to pay such damages, costs and expenses; provided, however, that in each and every case in which by virtue of any existing statute or any statute hereaftei 72 enacted, or by virtue of any act or resolution heretofore or here- after adopted by any Board or body pursuant to any statute, the whole or any portion of the awards made in any proceeding, and of the costs and expenses thereof, are payable out of the fund for street and park openings and are not to be assessed upon the property benefited, but are to be borne and paid by The City of New York, the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment may, in its discretion, by a majority vote, direct that the amount so to be borne and paid by said City of New York shall be raised by the issue and sale of corporate stock of The City of New York, and the Comptroller shall thereupon issue and sell said stock at such times and in such amounts as may be neces- sary, and shall pay the proceeds thereof into said fund for street and park openings. Replenishment of said fund. Sec, 175. The Corporation Counsel shall furnish to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment in each year, at the time of making the estimate for the ensuing year, a list of all reports confirmed for the twelve preceding months with a statement of the amount of awards and costs taxed in each proceed- ing. The Comptroller shall at the same time furnish to the said Board, statements of the amount of such awards and costs already paid, and of the amounts due for awards and costs payable from the said fund and still unpaid, and of the amounts of revenue bonds then outstanding, issued in pursuance of the last preceding section, and of the balance in the treasury to the credit of the said fund. The Municipal Assembly and the said Board shall thereupon include in the annual budget for the ensuing year a sum suffic- ient, with such balance, to pay all claims for the awards and costs in all proceedings in which reports shall have been prior to that time confirmed, and which awards shall not then have been paid, and also a sum sufficient to pay and discharge the revenue bonds then outstanding and issued in pursuance of the last pre- ceding section. Payment of assessments imposed upon The City of New York. Sec. 176. It shall be the duty of and lawful for the Comp- 73 . , v':'.:--;"^:;f <:.,., -SITTl troller when thereto authorized by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to issue such amounts of the corporate stock of The City of New York as shall be necessary to provide the funds to enable said Comptroller to pay any and all assessments and expenses imposed, or that may hereafter be imposed upon The City of New York, by reason of the laying out, opening, regulat- ing and grading or improving any and all streets, roads, avenues, public parks, squares or places, and out of the proceeds of said stock to pay such assessments and expenses. Disposition of moneys received from certain assessments. Sec. 177. The moneys collected upon the assessments laid by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, appointed in pursuance of sections 670 to 678 inclusive of Chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, as amended, shall be applied toward the payment of the fund or stock authorized by Section 140 of Chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, or to the payment of said awards and expenses, if received before the issue of said fund or stock. Expenses relating to the water supply : How to he met. Sec. 178. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller, and he is hereby authorized and directed when thereto authorized by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment, on requisition of the Commissioner of Water Supply, to raise, from time to time, on the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York, amounts of money sufficient to pay the sums which may be necessary from time to time to be paid for the acquisition of any real estate, or for the extinguishment of any right, title, or interest therein to be acquired or extinguished under the provisions of the laws relating to the supply of water to the city, together with all expenses necessarily incurred in surveying, locating and acquiring title to such real estate, or extinguishing claim for damages thereto ; and also all such sums as, from time to time, may be found necessary for the construction of aque ducts, reservoirs, dams, sluices, canals and appurtenances; and 74 all such payments shall be made by the Comptroller on the certifi- cate of the Commissioner of Water Supply ; provided, however, that the amount so raised shall not in any one year exceed the limitations which, by law, may be or may have been imposed as to the amount of expenditure to be made therefor. Bonds for drains. Sec. 179. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller, when thereto authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to issue assessment bonds in behalf of The City of New York, to an amount sufficient to raise the sum necessary to pay any damages that may from time to time be awarded to the owners of lands for the right of way required for drains and for the expense of plans and surveys and the fees of commissioners. The proceeds of such bonds shall be paid into the Street Improvement Fund, from which fund payments as aforesaid shall be made, and assessments collected on account thereof shall be paid into said Street Improvement Fund. Expenses of the Department of Docks and Ferries : How met. Sec. 180. The Comptroller shall, from time to time, when directed by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, issue corpor- ate stock of The City of New York for the purpose of raising the money necessary to carry out the provisions of Title 1 of chapter XVI of this Act, relating to the Department of Docks and Ferries, its powers and duties. Not more than three million dol- lars of such stock shall be issued in any one year; provided, how- ever, that there may also be issued an additional amount of such stock, equal to the balance remaining unissued of the amount of Dock Bonds authorized to be issued by the provisions of chapter 246 of the Laws of 1896. The moneys received from sales of such stocks shall be deposited in the treasury of the city and shall be drawn out and paid by the Comptroller of said city for the several objects and purposes provided in said title, relating to the said department, its powers and duties, upon the requisi- tion of the Board of Docks countersigned by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. The expenses and compensation of said 75 Board, its rents, the compensation of its appointees, the purchase money and damages awarded upon the acquisition of private property, the payments under the contracts author- ized in said title and for work performed under the same, and all other expenses and disbursements necessarily incurred in carrying out the said provisions of said title in keeping, main- taining, repairing, building and rebuilding the wharves belong- ing to the said corporation, in dredging and cleaning slips, shall be paid out of said moneys in the manner above provided. Assessment bonds. Sec. 181. It shall be lawful for the Comptroller, when authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to issue assessment bonds, at not less than par, for such periods as said Comptroller may determine, not exceeding ten years, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent, per annum, to provide the means necessary to pay all expenses incurred or to be incurred on account of regulating and paving streets, building sewers, and all other work ordered to be done by contract, by virtue of ordinances which may be hereafter passed by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, the expense whereof is to be collected by assessment from the property benefited by said work or works, or on account of any local improvement or other public work hereto- fore made or performed, or that shall hereafter be made or per- formed under and by virtue of the authority of any law in all cases in which the said expense is to be paid in whole or in part by assessment upon the property benefited. No moneys shall be paid out of the proceeds of said bonds on account of any contract hereinbefore referred to, until a copy of said contract has been filed with the Comptroller of said city by the head of the depart- ment or board having such work in charge, and also a certifi- cate in writing from the head of such department or Board, stating that a payment is due, and the amount of such payment. On work contracted for subsequent to May seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, or hereafter contracted for, no interest shall be charged on the monthly or other intermediate payments 76 to any contractor, and thirty per centum, and no more, shall be reserved from the amount or value of work specified and certified from time to time to the Comptroller of said city, by the proper ofificer, to have been done by any contractor ; and such reserved thirty per centum shall be paid to such contractor on or before the expiration of thirty days from the completion and acceptance of the work. The fund heretofore created by the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, known as the "Street Improvement Fund," shall be continued, and into such fund shall be paid the proceeds of the sale of assessment bonds as by this section authorized, and of such bonds as may by other provisions of law be authorized to be issued for similar purposes within the territory of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and for the payment of the expense of which the said City may in the first instance become liable, as well as the cash balances of assessments already collected, or to be hereafter collected, on account of similar contracts duly entered into by the proper authorities of the several municipal or public corporations, or parts thereof, which by this Act are consolidated with the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York. Proposals for bonds and stock hereafter issued or purchased. Sec. 182. Whenever any bonds or stocks shall be hereafter issued, other than revenue bonds, or such bonds and stocks as may be purchased for investment by the Commissioners of the Sink- ing Fund, the Comptroller shall invite proposals therefor by pub- lic advertisement, for not less than ten days, and shall award the same to the highest bidder or bidders therefor ; provided that no proposals for bonds or stocks shall be accepted for less than the par value of the same ; and said proposals shall be only pub- licly opened by the Comptroller, in the presence of the Com- missioners of the Sinking Fund, or such of them as shall attend. Every bidder, as a condition precedent to the reception or con- sideration of his proposal, shall deposit with the Comptroller a certified check, drawn to the order of said Comptroller upon one of the state or national banks of the said city, or a sum of 77 money; such check or money to accompany the proposal to an amount to be fixed by the Comptroller not exceeding two and one half per centum of the amount of the proposal. Within three days after the decision as to who is or are the highest bidder or bidders, the Comptroller shall return all deposits made to the persons mak- ing the same, except the deposit made by the highest bidder or bid- ders, and if the said highest bidder or bidders shall refuse or neglect, within five days after service of written notice of the award to him or them, to pay to the City Chamberlain the amount of the stocks or bonds awarded to him or them at their par value, to- gether with the premium thereon, less the amount deposited by him or them, the amount or amounts of deposit thus made shall be forfeited to and retained by said city as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall thereafter be paid into the sinking fund of The City of New York for the redemp- tion of the city debt. Expenses of restoring street pavements ; how met. Sec. 183. The moneys which the Comptroller is authorized to pay pursuant to the provisions of section 525 of this Act shall be obtained by him from time to time, as may be necessary, by the sale of assessment bonds as provided by section 181 of this Act. The money collected pursuant to the provisions of said section 525 shall be set apart, when collected, as a trust fund, and applied to the redemption of the principal and interest of said bonds. Redemption of certain bonds payable from collection of assessments. Sec. 184. If at any time hereafter the amount in the treas- ury of the city derived from collections of assessments shall be insufficient to meet and pay, when they become due and pay- able, any bonds issued by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, or any bonds heretofore issued by any of the munici- pal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consolidated into The City of New York, for expenditures incurred on public improvements, payable in whole or in part from assess- ments, then it shall be lawful for the Comptroller, when 7S hereto authorized by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to issue corporate stock of The City of New York for an amount sufficient to pay the bonds so falling due as aforesaid ; or the Comptroller may in his discretion, for such purpose, issue assessment bonds in the manner provided by section 181 of this Act. Deficiencies in collections of arrears of assessments ; how met. Sec. 185. The Comptroller is hereby authorized to issue from time to time assessment bonds in the manner provided by section 181 of this Act, to provide such amounts as may be required to meet the deficiencies caused by delay in collecting arrears of assessments ; the aggregate amount so issued not to exceed at any time the aggregate amount of said arrears then outstanding. Bonds for State Taxes. Sec. 186. For the purpose of enabling The City of New York to make payment of the quota of state taxes which may be imposed upon, and chargeable to, the said City and the Coun- ties wholly comprised therein, and the part of Queens County included in said City, at the same time or times that other counties of this state are or may be required to make pay- ment by law, the Comptroller is hereby authorized and required, unless the money for the payment of the same shall have been otherwise provided, to issue revenue bonds for such amounts as may from time to time become necessary to meet such quota of the state taxes, and from the proceeds thereof, to pay to the State Treasurer the amount of taxes which the Comptroller of the State shall have apportioned according to law, and which may be required to be paid in pursuance of such apportionment to the State by The City of New York and said counties and said part of Queens County, at such times. Revenue bonds ; special funds. m Sec. 187. The Comptroller is authorized to borrow, from time to time, on the credit of the corporation, in anticipation of its revenues, and not to exceed in amount the amount of such revenues, such sums as may be necessary to meet expenditures 79 under the appropriations for each current year. Such amounts shall be obtained by the issue of revenue bonds, which shall be redeemed out of the proceeds of the tax levy in anticipation of the collection of which such bonds were issued. Whenever the Comptroller may be authorized by the provis- ions of this Act, or by laws heretofore or hereafter enacted, to issue revenue bonds for purposes other than to meet expen- ditures under the appropriations for each current year, such revenue bonds shall be redeemed out of the tax levy for the year next succeeding the year of their issue, and the neces- sary appropriation therefor shall be made by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment in the budget for such year. Such last mentioned bonds may be designated and known as " Special Revenue Bonds". Cash balances of Special Funds in the treasuries or to the credit of the several municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, hereby consolidated with the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the City of New York shall be transferred by the Comp- troller to like Special Funds of The City of New York where such exist ; and such Special Funds shall thereupon be liable for payments which would otherwise have been made out of the funds so transferred. Where no similar funds exist in the treasury or to the credit of The City of New York, such Special Fund shall be, so far as practicable, administered in the same manner as they would have been administered, if this Act had not been passed. Whenever, within two years after the passage of this Act, it shall appear that the charges and liabilities of any such Special Fund exceed the available assets thereof, it shall be lawful for the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, upon the written request of the Comptroller, to authorize the issue of revenue bonds or assessment bonds or corporate stock of The City of New York, for the purpose of supplying such deficiency. Special Revenue Bonds. Sec. 188. The Comptroller is authorized to issue special revenue bonds to provide the means necessary to make payments for the following purposes : 80 1. The expenses necessarily incurred in condemning unsafe buildings as provided by section 511 of Chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882. 2. Amounts audited by the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment pursuant to section 231 of this Act. 3. Such amounts as may be necessary to pay judgments recovered against the corporation. 4. The amount appropriated in pursuance of section 236 of this Act in those cases in which the appropriations are made after the final passage of the annual appropriation and the certification to the Municipal Assembly of the amount to be raised. 5. The amount necessary to defray the expense of supply- ing water meters as authorized by section 475 of this Act. 6. To provide for deficiencies in the fund for street and park openings as provided in section 174 of this Act. 7. To provide for the payment of claims, charges, expenses and appropriations which have been or may be hereafter by law specifi- cally imposed upon The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and the several counties wholly included within its limits by the Legislature, and for which no other provision for payment has been made. 8. To provide for the payment of expenses authorized by the concurrent vote of all the members of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment upon a joint resolution requesting such authorization, adopted by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the Municipal Assem- bly of New York City ; provided, however, that the amount thus issued shall not in any one year exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 9. To meet and pay the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of sections 1177 and 1178 of this Act. 81 Title 3. the chamberlain. How appointed. Bond. Sec. 194. The Chamberlain shall be appointed in the same manner as heads of departments, and shall hold his office for four years, unless sooner removed, as herein provided. He shall, within ten days after receiving notice of his appoint- ment and before he enters upon his office, give a bond to the people of the State of New York in the sum of three hundred thou- sand dollars, with not less than four sufficient sureties to be approved by the Comptroller, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office and all trusts imposed on him by law in virtue of his office. Such bond shall be deemed to extend to the faithful execution of the duties of the office until a new appointment shall be made and confirmed, and the person so appointed enters upon the performance of his duties. In case of any official misconduct or default on the part of such Chamber- lain, or his subordinates, an action upon such bond may be begun and prosecuted to judgment by the Attorney General, or by the City, which shall, after first paying therefrom the expenses of the litigation, cause the proceeds of such judgment to be distributed as shall be lawful and equitable among the persons and objects injured or defrauded by such official misconduct or default of said Chamberlain, or any of his subordinates. Duties. Accounts of to he examined by Commissioners of Accounts. Sec. 195. Said Chamberlain shall exhibit to the Municipal Assembly, at its first meeting in the month succeeding that in which he enters upon the execution of his office, an exact state- ment of the balance in the treasury to the credit of the city, with a summary of the receipts and payments of the treasury during the preceding year, and since the last preceding report required by law, if more than a year shall have elapsed since such report He shall receive all moneys which shall from time to time be paid into the treasury of the city. He shall deposit all moneys which shall come into his hands on account of the city on the 82 day of the receipt thereof, or on the business day next succeed- ing, in such banks and trust companies as shall have been designated as deposit banks in pursuance of the next section ; but no amount shall be on deposit at any one time in any one bank or trust company exceeding one-half of the amount of the capital and net surplus of such bank or trust company. The money so deposited shall be placed to the account of the Chamber- lain, and he shall keep a bankbook, in which shall be entered his accounts of deposit in, and moneys drawn from the banks and trust companies in which the deposits shall be made. The said banks and trust companies shall, respectively, transmit to the Comp- troller a weekly statement of the moneys which shall be received and paid by them on account of the city treasury. The Chamber- lain shall pay all warrants drawn on the treasury by the Comp- troller and countersigned by the Mayor, or the chief clerk of the Mayor when empowered by the Mayor in writing so to do, and no moneys shall be paid out of the treasury ex- cept on tnc */arrant of the Comptroller so countersigned. No such warrant shall be signed by the Comptroller or coun tersigned by the Mayor, except upon vouchers for the ex- penditure of the amount named therein, examined and allowed by an Auditor of Accounts, approved by the Comptroller, and filed in the Department of Finance, except in the case of judgments, in which case a transcript thereof shall be filed, nor except such warrant shall be authorized by law or by ordi- nance, and shall refer to the law or ordinance, and to the appro- priation under and from which it is drawn. The Chamberlain shall not draw any moneys of the City treasury from said banks or trust companies unless by checks subjoined and attached to such warrants and subscribed by him as Chamberlain and no moneys shall be paid by either of the said banks or trust com- panies on account of the treasury except upon such checks. The Chamberlain shall exhibit his bank book to the Comptroller on the first Tuesday of every month, and oftenerwhen required. The accounts of the Chamberlain shall be annually closed on the last day of November, and shall be examined in the month of December in each year by the Commissioners of Accounts. Such commissioners shall examine the accounts and vouchers of 83 all moneys received into and paid out of the city treasury during the year ending on the last day of November next preceding such examination, and shall certify and report to the Mayor and Municipal Assembly in the following month of January the amount of moneys received into the treasury during such year, the amount of moneys paid out during the same period by virtue of warrants drawn on the treasury by the Comptroller, the amount of moneys received by the Chamberlain who shall be in office at the time of such examination, if he entered upon the execution of his duties since the last preceding report, the bal- ance in the treasury on the last day of November preceding such examination, the amount of moneys borrowed for or on the credit of the city during such year, and the amount of the bonds of the city issued during such year, with the purposes for which and the authority under which such bonds were issued. Such Commis- sioners shall also compare the warrants drawn by the Comp- troller on the treasury during the year ending on the last day of November preceding such examination, with the several laws and ordinances under which the same shall purport to have been drawn, and shall in like manner certify and report whether the Comptroller had power to draw such warrants ; and if any shall be found which, in their opinion, he had no power to draw, they shall specify the same in their report, with their reasons for such opinion. Public Moneys ; where to be deposited. Salary of Chamberlain. Sec. 196. The said Chamberlain and Mayor and Comptroller shall, by a majority vote, by written notice to the Comptroller, designate the banks or trust companies in which all moneys of The City of New York shall be deposited, and may, by like notice in writing, from time to time change the banks and trust companies thus designated ; but no such bank or trust company shall be designated unless its officers shall agree to pay into the city treasury interest on the daily balances at a rate to be fixed by the Mayor and Chamberlain and the said Comptroller of The City of New York, by a majority vote, which rate shall be so fixed quarterly, on the first days of February, May, August and November in each year, according to the current rate of interest 84 upon like balances deposited in banks and trust companies in the City of New York by private persons and corporations. The said Chamberlain shall keep books showing the receipts of moneys from all sources, and designating the sources of the same, and also showing the amounts paid from time to time on account of the several appropriations, and no warrants shall be paid on account of any appropriation after the amount authorized to be raised for that specific purpose shall have been expended. The said Chamberlain shall once in each week report in writing to the Mayor and to the Comptroller all moneys received by him, the amount of all warrants paid by him since his last report, and the amount remaining to the credit of the city. The Chamberlain shall receive the sum of twelve thousand dollars annually, and no more, for his services as Chamberlain of said city, and as County Treasurer of the County of New York, in lieu of all salary and of all interest, fees, commissions and emoluments ; and all such interest, fees, commissions and emolu- ments shall be accounted for and paid over by him to the city treasury, except that the commissions or compensation provided by law, and received by him for receiving and paying over the state taxes, and all interest which accrue on deposits shall be paid by him to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. He may appoint and remove at pleasure. Deputy Chamberlains, and such clerks and assistants as may be necessary, whose salaries, together with all the expenses of his office, shall be paid by The City of New York when fixed by him and approved by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Certain Sections of Code of Civil Procedure respecting moneys patd into Court, applicable . Sec. 197. Each provision of title three of chapter eight of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to a County Treasurer, applies to the Chamberlain, with respect to money paid into court, in an action triable in The City of New York, as here- by constituted, or with respect to money, or a bond, mortgage, or other security, or public stock, representing money paid into 85 court, except where special provision, with respect to the same, is otherwise made by, law. Fees. Sec. 198. The Chamberlain is entitled, for the services specified in this section, to collect for, and on behalf of the City the following fees: For receiving money paid into the court, one-half of one per centum upon the sum so received. For paying out the same, one-half of one per centum upon the sum so paid out. For investing money, pursuant to the direction of the court, one-half of one per centum upon the sum invested, not exceeding two hundred dollars, and one- quarter of one per centum upon the excess over two hundred dollars. For receiving the interest upon an investment, and paying the same to the person entitled thereto, one-half of one per centum upon the interest so received and paid. All of said fees when collected by said Chamberlain shall be paid by him into the city treasury as provided in section 196 of this Act. Title 4. the sinking fund. Cotnmissioners of the Sinking Fund : How Constituted. Sec. 204. There shall be a Board of Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, composed of the Mayor, Comptroller, Chamber- lain, President of the Council, and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Alderman, with all the powers and duties now assigned, designated and reposed by law or ordinance in the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York, as heretofore constituted, of the City of Brooklyn and of Long Island City, or the officers entrusted with similar powers and duties in any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, hereby consolidated with the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, except as otherwise provided by this Act. The said Board shall administer each of the said 80 several sinking funds, and perform, carry out and exercise the several trusts, powers, ^obligations and duties relating thereto, in the same manner as the same would have been administered, performed, carried out and exercised if this Act had not been passed, except as otherwise provided in this Act. The assets and accounts of each of said sinking funds shall, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, be kept separate and distinct, and the same shall in all respects be administered as in- dependent trusts, subject to and governed by the several pro- visions of law or ordinance heretofore relating thereto, with the intent and purpose of preserving inviolate the rights of holders of bonds and stocks heretofore issued by any of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof hereby made part of The City of New York, including the counties of Kings and Richmond. Powers. Sec. 205. The said Board shall, except as in this Act other- wise specifically provided, have power to sell or lease for the highest marketable price or rental at public auction or by sealed bids, and always after public advertisement and appraisal under the direction of said board, any city property except parks, wharves and piers and land under water, but not for a term longer than ten years nor for a renewal for a longer period than ten years. But if said property be market property, excepting the market between sixteenth and seventeenth streets east of Avenue C, the market in Gouverneur Slip and the market in Old Slip, it shall not be sold or leased unless under a condition that the purchaser or lessee thereof shall maintain said market property as and for the purposes of a public market for at least ten years from and after such sale or lease, and under due ordinances of the • Municipal Assem- bly or the Department of Health or under stipulations in the deed of sale or lease, unless otherwise ordered by the Com- missioners of the Sinking Fund and the Municipal Assembly. The proceeds of said ^sale or leasing shall on receipt thereof, after paying necessary charges, be immediately paid to the 87 credit of the sinking fund of The City of New York for the redemption of the city debt. The provisions of existing laws or ordinances relative to the investment of moneys and assets of the several sinking funds hereby made subject to the control of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, as hereby constituted, in bonds, stocks or obliga- tions of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consolidated into The City of New York, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, shall hereafter apply to investment thereof in the bonds and stock of the corporation of The City of New York, issued on and after January 1, 1898, provided, however, that such bonds or stocks shall not thereupon or thereafter be canceled, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, but the same shall upon thejr maturity be paid off, liquidated or discharged in the same manner as they would be if held by private creditors. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund in their discretion, and they are hereby empowered in such discretion, to cancel from time to time, but not before maturity, bonds and stocks of any of the municipal and public corpora- tions or parts thereof forming part of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and of the Counties of Kings and Richmond, which may be held by any of said sinking funds on December 31st, 1897, providing said bonds and stocks are by law redeemable from the sinking funds in which the same are held. It shall also be lawful for the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund in their discretion, and they are hereby empowered in such discretion, to cancel from time to time, but not before maturity, any portion of the indebt- edness of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, incurred on or after January 1, 1898, which may be held by them in the "Sinking Fund of The City of New York," as hereinafter constituted, and which may by law be redeemable from said Sinking Fund as herein or elsewhere provided, and all such similar indebtedness incurred to provide for the supply of water, which maybe held by them and redeemable from "The Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York " as hereinafter con- stituted. 88 The funds to be known as the " Sinking Fund of The City of New York" and the " Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York," as hereinafter constituted, shall be administered by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in like manner as provided by the ordinance of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, approved by the Mayor, February 22nd, 1844, so far as the same may be applicable ; provided, however, that nothing contained in said ordinance shall affect or alter the composition of the Board of Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, as by this Act constituted. The Sinking Fund of The City of New York. Sec. 206. There shall be created a fund to be known as the "Sinking Fund of The City of New York," which shall have for its purposes the liquidation of the principal of the debt of the corporation of The City of New York incurred on or after Janu- ary 1st, 1898, as to which no provision for the payment thereof otherwise than from taxation is made, and excepting revenue bonds and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of Article VIII, of the constitution of the State of New York. For the redemption of such debt out of said sinking fund there shall be annually included in the budget and paid into the sinking fund of The City of New York herein created, an amount to be estimated and certified by the Comptroller, and to be by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment inserted in the budget for each year, which with the accumulations of interest thereon shall be sufficient to meet and discharge such bonds or stock by the time the same shall be payable. Whenever the bonds and stocks outstanding on December 31st, 1897, and being charges or liens on any of the sinking funds hereby made subject to the control of the commissioners of the sinking fund, shall in respect to any such sinking fund be wholly discharged, liquidated or canceled, it shall thereupon be lawful for the commissioners of the sinking fund to cancel such bonds of the corporation of The City of New York issued on or after January 1st, 1898, as may be held by such sinking fund, 89 and the revenues of such sinking fund when thus relieved of such liens or charges shall thereupon and thereafter be paid into the Sinking Fund of The City of New York, as herein created. When- ever such payments shall be made, the Comptroller in making the certificate to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment by this section required shall take into account the amount thereof, and deduct the same from the estimated amount to be included in each year's budget as herein provided. Sinking Funds for redemption purposes to be continued. Sec. 207. The fund known as "The sinking fund of the City of New York for the redemption of the city debt," and the fund known as "The sinking fund of the city of Brooklyn," and the like funds of each and every of the municipial or public corporations or parts thereof by this Act consolidated with the corporation known as "the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York," including the Counties of Kings and Rich- mond, shall be continued, and the funds, moneys, revenues and assets heretofore pledged and appropriated to each of said funds shall continue to be and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated thereto severally and respectively in the same manner as though this Act had not been passed, until such time as the bonds, stocks and obligations outstanding on December 31st, 1807, and redeemable therefrom, shall have been respect- ively cancelled, liquidated, discharged and redeemed. Wherever, by existing laws or ordinances, the duty is imposed upon boards or officers of the several municipal or public corporations or parts thereof hereby consolidated with the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, to raise by taxa- tion, annually or otherwise, amounts of money for sinking fund purposes, or for the redemption of or payment of interest on bonded indebtedness, for which The City of New York, as hereby constituted, is by this Act made liable, it shall be the duty of the proper officers of the said. The City of New York, in like manner to raise such amounts by taxation upon the estates, real and personal subject to taxation in said city. 90 Sinking funds created pursuant to constitutional requirements ; Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York. Sec. 208. There shall be created a fund to be known as the " Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York, " which shall have for its purpose the liquidation of the principal of the debt incurred by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, on or after January 1st, 1898 for the supply of water as provided by Section 10 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of New York. The funds known as the "Sinking Fund No. 2 of The City of New York, "the "Water Sinking Fund of the City of Brooklyn" and the Sinking Funds of each and every municipal and public cor- poration or part thereof hereby made part of the corporation of The City of New York, including the Counties of Kings and Richmond, created pursuant to the requirements of the Constitu- tional Amendment adopted November 4th, 1884, or of section 10 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of New York, shall be continued, and the funds, moneys, revenues and assets heretofore pledged and appropriated to each of said funds shall, except as herein otherwise specially provided, continue to be severally and respectively so pledged and appropriated. It shall, however, be the duty of the Comptroller of The City of New York, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, to cause an examination to be made as to the condition of said Funds, and if it appears to him, and he shall so certify to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, that said funds or any of them have been managed, invested and administered in the manner required by the provisions of the Constitution of the State of New York as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by concurrent vote, to authorize and direct the amalgamation of said fund or funds with the Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York, as hereby constituted. Sinking funds for the payment of interest. Sec. 209. The fund known as the "Sinking Fund of the City of New York for the payment of the interest accruing and 91 to accrue upon the stocks of said city until the same be fully and finally redeemed " shall be continued, and after providing for the interest on the bonds and stocks now payable therefrom as provided by law, shall form a fund which shall be transferred to the " Sinking Fund of The City of New York for the Redemp- tion of the City Debt " ; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall authorize the payment from said fund of any interest which may accrue on bonds to be issued by the cor- poration of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, after January first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. Like funds in any of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof which by this Act are made part of the corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, including the counties of Kings and Richmond, shall likewise be continued, and any surplus that may remain therein after fully satisfying all claims, liens or charges that may exist against such funds pur- suant to law or ordinance shall, unless otherwise provided by law, be transferred to the " Sinking Fund of The City of New York," as herein constituted. Disposition of certain moneys received for local improvements. Sec. 210. All moneys now in the treasury of the corpora- tion known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York heretofore collected and received in payment or on account of assessments made and confirmed for local improvements in said city, and all moneys which shall here- after be collected and received in payment or on account of assessments made and confirmed, or which may be made and confirmed, for local improvements in said city completed prior to June third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, shall be paid into the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt, and the same is hereby, in addition to the revenues and moneys aforesaid, pledged and appropriated to said sinking fund for the payment of the bonds and stocks of said city, to be paid and redeemed therefrom as herein provided. Funds and revenues pledged to redemption of city debt. Sec. 211. Between the city and its creditors, holders of its 92 bonds and stocks as aforesaid, including the bonds and stocks of the municipal or public corporations or parts thereof consolidated with the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York, as well as those of the latter corporation and of the counties of Kings and Richmond, there shall be and there is hereby declared to be a contract that the funds and revenues of the city, including all the corporations last stated and said counties of Kings and Richmond, and the funds to be collected from assessments pursuant to any law by this chapter pledged to the Sinking Fund for the redemption of the city debt, shall be accumulated and applied only to the purposes of the said several sinking funds as prescribed by law, until all of said debt redeemable therefrom is fully redeemed and paid as herein provided. Sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt not to be alienated or impaired. Sec. 212. Nothing in this chapter contained shall be held to require or authorize the Commissioners of the sinking fund to use or apply any part or portion of the accumulations in said sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt or the revenues of said fund in any manner whatever, whereby the security of said fund for the payment of the bonds and stocks of the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for which said fund is now pledged by law, and which are a charge on said fund, shall be alienated or impaired, and the said bonds and stocks so secured by law are hereby declared to constitute a preferred charge on said sinking fund until the same are fully and finally paid and redeemed. Commissioners may call in bonded debt. Consolidated stock of The City of New York : Lien of, on sinking fund for the redemp- tion of the city debt. Sec. 213. The Commissioners of the sinking fund are hereby authorized and empowered to call in, pay, and redeem any por- tion of the bonded debt constituting a charge upon the treasury of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, other than 93 revenue bonds, issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes, when they may deem it to be advantageous for the interest of the city so to do, and for this purpose the said commissioners of the sinking fund, are hereby empowered to authorize, by a concur- rent vote, and direct the Comptroller to issue and seizor exchange therefor at not less than par, corporate stock of said city, in the manner herein provided ; and upon the payment and redemption of any portion of said bonded debt, the certificates thereof shall be cancelled by said commissioners. The "consolidated stock" of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, issued pursuant to the provisions of section 176 of Chapter 410, of the Laws of 1882, after fully providing for the preferred bonds and stocks of said City, as in the preceding section specified, shall form a charge upon the said "sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt," and any part of the bonded debt of said corporation falling due and not exchanged for or redeemed from the proceeds of said consolidated stock as in said section provided, may be paid from said sinking fund for the redemption of the said city debt, provided such payment shall not in any way impair the preferred claims thereon as in the preceding section specified, and provided also, th e Commissioners of the sinking fund shall deem it to be for the best interests of the City that such payment shall be so made. Preferred bonds and stocks to be paid from the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt. Sec. 214. From the said sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt shall be paid and redeemed all preferred bonds and stocks of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, as by this title authorized. Disposition of certain assessments for local improvements. Sec. 215. The assessments made for local improvements prior to the ninth day of June, eighteen hundred and eighty, by the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, including assessments for improvements contracted for or authorized by said corporation, prior to jsaid 94 date, shall, when collected, be paid over to the Commissioners of the sinking fund, and applied by them in accordance with law. Alteration of rates prohibited. Sec. 216. It shall not be lawful for The City of New York to make or cause to be made, any alteration of rates or charges affecting any item or source of the revenues of any of the sink- ing funds of said city, or of the general fund which may tend to a diminution of the receipts from such source of revenue, or either of them, and all the revenues of said corporation not by law otherwise specifically appropriated, shall, when received into the City Treasury, be credited to the general fund. Applications for leases for public purposes. Statement by Comp- troller. Sec. 217. All applications to lease any real estate for the pur- poses of The City of New York, including the premises required in accordance with law for armories and drill-rooms and places of deposit for the safe-keeping of arms, uniforms, equipments, accoutrements, and camp equipage of the national guard, must be presented to and passed upon by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of said city. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller, after due inquiry to be made by him, to present to the said Commissioners a statement in writing of the facts relating to any real estate proposed to be leased, the purposes for which such lease is required by the city, with his opinion, and the reasons therefor, as to the fair and reasonable rent of said premises. The said Commissioners, upon such report and upon such further inquiry as they in their discretion may make, may authorize a lease of such premises as shall be specified in their resolution, at the rent therein set forth, for a period not ex- ceeding five years, but such lease shall not be authorized except at a fair and reasonable rent, and unless the commissioners are satisfied and shall so express that it would be for the interests of the city that a lease of the premises for the purposes specified should be made. Without the consent of the said commissioners the premises leased shall not be used during the period of the lease for purposes other than specified in said resolution. If 95 the city shall, prior to the making of the lease, have entered upon the possession of the property, the lease may be made to commence as of the date when the occupation commenced. Cession of certain lands to Federal Government to i^nprove Harlem River. Sec. 218. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, or the Municipal Assembly, are authorized to cede, grant, and convey to the United States, upon such terms, and for such consider- ation as may be agreed upon by and between said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, or said Municipal Assembly, and the United States, all the estate, right, title and interest of the City of New York in and to any part of the land required for the channel to con- nect the waters of the Harlem River with the Hudson River, ic accordance with the plans for the improvement of the Harlem River, prepared under the direction of the Secretary of War. Wheneverany part of said land shall have been ceded by said Com- missioners of the Sinking Fund, or said Municipal Assembly, pursuant to the authority hereby given, it shall be the duty of said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund or a majority of them, to give a certificate under their hands, that the same has been ceded, pursuant to the provisions of this section ; and upon the production of such certificate, and upon proof of due compliance, on the part of the United States, with the terms of cession, it shall be the duty of the Mayor of said city, and the City Clerk, in the name and on behalf of the City of New York, to execute a proper conveyance of such lands under their hands and the seal of said city. Certain duties of Commissioners relative to docks, piers, etc. Sec. 219. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall per- form the duties and possess the powers with reference to docks, piers, and slips, stated in chapter XVI of this Act. Sale of public lands at auction. Sec. 220. The Commissioners of the sinking fund are author- ized upon the application of the Board ofj Education duly 90 authorized and certified, to sell at public auction at such times and on such terms as they may deem most advantageous for the public interest, any land or lands and the buildings thereon, owned by the City of New York, occupied or reserved for school purposes, and no longer required therefor, provided, however, that no property shall be disposed of for a less sum than the same may be appraised by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, or a majority of them, at a meeting to be held and on an appraise- ment made within two months prior to the date of the sale ; and at least thirty days' notice of such sale, including a description of the property to be sold, shall be published in the City Record. The money received in payment for the said lands and buildings shall be paid into the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt, if the property thus sold was acquired prior to January 1, 1898, and if acquired subsequent thereto, into the Sinking Fund of the City of New York. Title 5. APPROPRIATIONS AND THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. Hcnv constituted: duties: the annual budget. Sec. 226. The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, Presi- dent of the Council, and the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments shall constitute the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment. The first meeting of said Board in every year shall be called by notice from the Mayor, personally served upon the mem- bers of said Board. Subsequent meetings sihall be called as the said Board shall direct. At such meetings the Mayor shall preside, and one of the number shall act as secretary. The said Board shall an- nually, between the first day of October and the first day of Novem- ber, meet, and by the affirmative vote of all the members make a budget of the amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of conducting the public business of The City of New York, as con- 97 stituted iby this Act, for the then next ensuing year. Such budget shall be prepared in such detail as to the aggregate sum and the items thereof allowed to each department, bureau, office, board, or com- mission as the said Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall deem advisable. In order to enable said Board to make such budget, the heads of departments, bureaus, offices, boards, and commis- sions shall, at least thirty days before the said budget is hereby re- quired to be made, send to the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment an estimate in writing, herein called a departmental estimate, of the amount of expenditure, specifying in detail the objects there- of, required in their respective departments, bureaus, offices, boards, and commissions, including a statement of each of the salaries of their officers, clerks, employees, and subordinates. Duplicates of these departmental estimates and statements shall be sent at the same time to the Municipal Assembly. Before finally determining upon the budget, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall fix such sufficient time or times as may be necessary to allow the taxpayers of said City to be heard in regard thereto, and the said Board shall attend at the time or times so appointed for such hearing. After such budget is made by the Board of Estimate and App>ortionment, it shall be signed by all the members thereof, and submitted by said Board within ten days to the Municipal Assembly, whereupon a spe- cial joint meeting of the two houses constituting the Municipal Assembly shall be called to consider such budget, and the same shall simultaneously be published in the City Record. The Presi- dent of the Council shall preside at such joint meeting, and it shall be the duty of said two houses to consider and investigate care- fully the said budget ; but such consideration and investigation shall not continue beyond fifteen days. The Municipal Assem- bly, by a majority vote by all the members elected thereto, may reduce the said several amounts fixed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, except such amounts as are now or may hereafter be fixed by law, and except such amounts as may be inserted by the said Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the payment of state taxes and payment of interest and principal of the city debt, but the Municipal Assembly may not increase 98 such amounts nor insert any new items. Such action of the Municipal Assembly on reducing any item or amount fixed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall be subject to the veto power of the Mayor as elsewhere provided in this Act, and unless such veto is over-ridden by a five-sixths vote of the joint Assembly, the item or amount as fixed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall stand as part of the budget. After the final estimate is made in accordance herewith, it shall be signed by the President of the Council and the mem- bers of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and when so signed the said several sums shall be and become appropriated to the several purposes and departments therein named. The said estimate shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller and pub- lished in the City Record and corporation newspapers. Payment of City's obligations to be provided for. Sec. 227. It shall be the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, from time to time, to provide for the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds and other obligations of the City, or for which the City is liable, and also to provide for the payment to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of any sums directed bj special laws to be paid to said Commissioners on account of such bonds or obligations and in anticipation of their maturity, and to provide for the raising of the money therefor, in aiccordance with iuch special laws and the laws under which such bonds and obliga- tions were issued or created. Duties when accumulations in sinking fund are insufficient. Sec. 228. Whenever and as often as the Commissioners of the Sinbing Fund shall certify to the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment that the accumulations in any sinking fund will not be sufficient to meet the payment of any bonds or stocks falling due in the next following calendar year redeemable therefrom it shall be the duty ol said Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and it is hereby re- quired, to include in the annual budget for such year, to be raised by tax on the estates, real and personal, in said City, subject to tax- ation, such an amount to be applied to the payment of said bonds 99 or stocks as shall be certified by said Commissioners, and the amount so included in said estimate shall be paid into said sinking fund and applied as in this section specified. Certain City bonds and stocks. Annual provisions to meet payment of. Sec. 229. For the payment of all bonds and stocks of the May or» Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York issued after June third, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and for the payment of all bonds and stocks hereafter issued by The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and for which no provision for the payment thereof, otherwise than from taxation, is made, except rev- enue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes there shall annually be set apart or paid over to the Commissioners of the Sink- ing Fund as hereinafter directed, and invested by them in the manner provided by law, a sum sufficient with the accumulation of interest tihereon to meet and discharge the amount of said bonds or stocks by the time the same shall be payable, as the same shall be estimated and certified by the Comptroller. The said annual sum so to be set apart or paid over and invested, except so far as it relates to bonds and stocks issued on or after January first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, shall, until other provision therefor may be hereafter made by law, be set apart out of the surplus income, revenues and ac- cumulations of the Sinking Fund for the redemption of the City debt as now established by law, after fully providing for the pay- ment of the stocks and bonds of said City now outstanding, and which by sections 212 and 213 of this Act are declared to be and are made preferred claims upon said Sinking Fund, and also for the payment of such other bonds and stocks of said City as by said section 213 of this Act are authorized to be paid from said Sinking Fund. Whenever, and as often as the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall certify to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment that the said surplus revenues of said Sink- ing Fund will in the opinion of said Commissioners be less than the amount by this section required to be set apart or paid over to said Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid, and certifying the amount of such deficiency, it shall be the duty of said Board of Estimate 100 and Apportionment, and the Municipal Assembly, to include in the annual budg^et for the year next ensuing to be raised by tax on the estates real and personal in said City subject to taxation, the amount of the deficiency certified as aforesaid, and this amount so raised by tax shall be paid to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund on the first day of November of the year in which the same shall be levied. Items to be included in annual estimate. Sec. 230. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall an- nually include in its final estimate the following sums, which shall annually be raised and appropriated: First. — Such sum in any year, as shall be included in the esti- mate of the Department of Highways, to be expended in repav- ing or resurfacing such streets, roads, avenues, and public places in the said City as shall be certified to the Municipal Assembly by the Commissioner of Highways as required to be repaved for the safety, health, or convenience of the public, and as said Assem- bly, shall by ordinance or resolution direct. Second. — Such sum as said Board may deem necessary in the in- terest of the City, to be expended by the Commissioner of Water Supply when thereto authorized by the Municipal Assembly, ac- cording to law, in extending and enlarging the distribution of water through the City. Third. — All necessary sum or sums of money for the purpose of paying the expense incurred by any coroner, in accordance with law, in employing scientific experts, engineers and toxicologists. Fourth. — The amount fixed by said Board for clerk hire and contingent and incidental expenses of the offices of Commission- ers of Jurors, but not exceeding the amount fixed by law. Fifth. — A sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars to be paid to the trustees of the Seventh Regiment armory building, as an equiv- alent and in lieu of the rental of an armory for said regiment, to be applied to the preservation, maintenance and improvement of said armory building,'as provided in chapter 518 of the Laws of 1893, said sum to be paid in the month of January in each year. 101 Sixth. — The sum or sums authorized to be expended in accord- ance with law for the purchasing and leasing of lands and the erec- tion or leasing of buildings for armories and drill-rooms. Seventh. — The amount necessary for the maintenance of the buildings, instruments and equipments of 1. The Meteorological and Astronomical Observatory. 2. The American Museum of Natural History, not ex- ceeding ninety-five thousand dollars. 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, not exceeding ninety-five thousand dollars. Eighth. — Such sum, not exceeding seventy-five thousand dol- lars, as is included in the departmental estimates submitted to it by the Department of Public Charities, to be applied to the relief of poor adult blind persons. Ninth. — The sum of ten thousand dollars to the credit of the Department of Health to be known as the tenement house fund, to be expended by the Board of Health. Tenth. — Such sum as is necessary to pay the expenses of the reg- istration and revision of registration required by law, and of all elections held in said City during the year. Eleventh, — Such sum as may be necessary to pay the compen- sation payable according to law to justices of the Supreme Court from judicial Departments, other than the first judicial district, who hold court in the first judicial Department. Twelfth, — Such sum as may be necessary to pay the salaries of county officers within the counties of New York, Kings and Richmond, and likewise all other expenses within said counties and each of them which are county as distinguished from City charges and expenses. Thirteenth. — The amount necessary for the suipport of the night medical service ; but in no case shall the sum so appropriated exceed three thousand dollars for any one year, unless otherwise pro- vided by said Board and the Municipal Assembly. Fourteenth. — To pay the proportion of expense chargeable to 102 the City for the building, maintenance, and repair of the public bridges, which are now built, or which may hereafter be built, between the city of New York, as hitherto existing and the adja- cent municipal corporations. Fifteenth. — The amount necessary to pay the expense of pro- curing and preparing surveys and maps for Commissioners of Esti- mate and Assessments, appointed in any proceeding to open any street, avenue, or public park or place. Sixteenth. — The sum necessary to pay the salaries of the janitors of the district courts. Seventeenth. — Such sum as is necessary for defraying the ex- penses incurred in carrying out the provisions of sections 1093, 1094, and 1095, of Chapter 410, of the Laws of 1882. Eighteentih. — Such sum as may be necessary to pay the ex- penses of the Magistrates' courts and the Board of City Magis- trates incurred in accordance with law. Nineteenth. — Such sum as may be necessary to provide for the compilation and publication of the registry of voters. Twentieth. — Such sum as may be required by the trustees of the College of the City of New York, pursuant to section 1131 of this Act. Twenty-first. — Such sum as may be required by the trustees of the Normal College, in the City of New York, pursuant to the provisions of section 1142 of this Act. Twenty-second. — The sums necessary, in the discretion of said Board, to make the following described payments, namely: 1. To the American Female Guardian Society for the mainten- ance of each girl under the age of fourteen and each boy under the age of ten years, committed to such society by any magistrate in the City of New York, the sum of two dollars per week for each and every week until such child is discharged or removed from the insti- tution of such society. And also the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, to be applied to the support of the industrial schools and other charitable work of the said society. 103 2. To the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children the >um of thirty thousand dollars for the uses and pur- poses of said society. 3. To the New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the support of ever}'^ crippled child received and retained in their hospital for one y^r, and a proportionate sum for a shorter period, 4. To the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, twen- ty-five dollars for each homeless or needy mother who received care and attendance in lying-in wards of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, for such care and obstetric attendance, and the further sum of eighteen dollars per month, and proportionately for any fraction of a month, for each mother thus domiciled and at- tended at the birth of her child, and for each homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant who resides at said infirmary at the request of or by permission of its officers, and wet-nurses her own infant, provided such residence shall exceed the period of two months, but the said monthly allowance of eighteen dollars shall not be paid for a longer period than one year for any mother so re- maining continuously. And to the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, twenty-five dollars for each needy mother who has received care and obstetric attendance at her home, or in the lying-in wards of the said hospital,' for such care and obstretric at- tendance, and the further sum of eighteen dollars per month and pro- portionately for each fraction of a month for each mother attended at the birth of her child and domiciled at such hospital, but not for a longer period than one year, and also for each homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant who resides at said hospital at the re- quest of or by permission of its officers and wet-nurses her own in- fant, provided such residence shall exceed the period of two months. But such sums to the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women shall not exceed eight thousand dollars in the aggregate in any one year. 5. To the Children's Fold of the City of New York, the sum of 104 two dollars per week for each and every orphan, half-v^rphan and destitute child received and supported by said institution, tihe ex- pense of whose support is not paid by private parties, 6. To the New York Institution for the Blind, fifty dollars for each State pupil sent to and received in said institution from said City, whose parents or guardians shall, in the opinion of the Su- perintendent of Public Instruction, be unable to furnish them with suitable clothing, to be by it applied to furnishing such pupils with suitable clothing while in said institution. 7. To the Children's Aid Society, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the usies and purposes of said society. And also the sum of thir- ty thousand dollars to be applied to the care and education in the industrial schools of said City, of destitute children not attending the common sdhools in the City of New York. And also the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be applied to the support of the boys' and girls' lodging houses, of the said society. To St. John's Guild, of the City of New York, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be applied to 'the maintenance and operation of its hospitals, to the support of its other charitable work and to the general uses and purposes of said society, and to the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children in the City of New York, the sum of five thousand dollars to be applied to the sup- port of its charitable work. 8. To the Foundling Asylum of the Sisters of Charity and to the Babies' Hospital of the City of New York, respectively, at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day for each and every foundling or infant receiv»ed and maintained by them. And also for each and every homeless and needy mother with a nursing infant, who shall reside at the asylum, or at said hospital, by request of its officers, and nurse her own infant, the sum of eighteen dollars per month. To the ba- bies' wards of the Post-Graduate Hospital in the City of New York, at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day for each and every infant received and cared for therein. 9. To the Nursiery and Childs' Hospital, the sum of five dollars per week for every destitute woman admitted into its lying-in wards, 105 according to the time cf the said woman's continuing under the care of the said institution, and the further sum of ten dollars per month for each and every child born in the institution or supported and maintained by said institution, whenever it may be necessary or ex- pedient to place said child in the country, or for want of room in the institution to find accommodation for it elsewhere ; and also the sum of ten dollars per month for all children received and retained in the Nursery and Child's Hospital, in the City of New York, and in like proportion for any fraction of a year for each and every destitute child which may be supported and maintained in said institution. To the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, for board, nursing and medical or surgical aid and attendance, one dollar per day for each needy and charity patient who occupied a bed in said hospital and who receives such care, support and maintenance ; such payments not to exceed in the aggregate thirty thousand dollars per annum. To the New York Homeopathic College and Hospital, for board, nursing and medical or surgical aid and attendance, one dol- lar per day for each needy and charity patient who occupies a bed in the Flower Surgical Hospital, belonging to said New York Homeo- pathic College and Hospital, and who receives such care, support and maintenance; such payment not to exceed in the aggregate twelve thousand dollars per annum. 10. To the New York Infant Asylum, a sum of money at the rate of thirty-eight cents per day, in monthly payments, for each and every child received and maintained by said asylum; a further sum of twenty-five dollars for each homeless or needy mother who receives care and attendance in the lying-in wards of the asylum ; the further sum of eighteen dollars per month, and proportionately for any fraction of a month, for each homeless or needy mother who is dom- iciled in the asylum and attended at the birth of her child, and re- sides at the asylum by the request of its officers, and wet-nurses her own infant; and for each other homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant who resides at the asylum by the request of its offi- cers and wet-nurses her own infant ; provided, however, that in each case such lesidence must exceed t!he period of two months, and that 106 said monthly allowance shall not be paid for a longer period than for one year for any mother so remaining. 11. To the Shepherd's Fold of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the State of New York, the sum of five thousand dollars, to be ap- plied to the purposes and objects of said corporation. 12. To the New York Catholic Protectory, yearly, the sum of one hundred and ten tiollars per capita, on the average number of persons annually maintained in its institutions; the average number of persons thus maintained shall be ascertained by the examination and testimony, under oath of the president or secretary of said so- ciety. 13. To the Hebrew Benevolent Society, of the City of New York, one hundred and ten dollars per annum and proportionately for any fraction of a year, and to the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, of New York, one hundred and four dollars per annum and propor- tionately for any fraction of a year for each orphan, half-orphan, and indigent child comihitted or entrusted to its care in pursuance of the provisions of law. 14. To the New York Juvenile Asylum, one hundred and ten dollars per annum, and proportionately for any fraction of a year, for each child, which, by virtue and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter three hundred and thirty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, as amended by laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter forty-three, laws of eighteen hundred and sixty- three, chapter ninety-four, and laws of eighteen hundred and sixty- six, chapter two 'hundred and forty-five, shall be entrusted or com- mitted to the said asylum, and shall be supported and instructed therein. 15. To the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd, monthly payments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female, between the ages of fourteen and twenty- one, committed to it by any magistrate in accordance with chapter 107 four hundred and nine, of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty- seven. V 16, To the Magdalen Female Benevolent Asylum and Home for Fallen Women, monthly payments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female, between the ages of four- teen and twenty-one years, committed to it by any magistrate, in accordance with said last mentioned law. 17. To the Protestant Episcopal House of Mercy, monthly pay- ments at the rate of one hundred and ten dollars per annum for each female, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one years, committed to it by any magistrate in accordance with said last mentioned law. 18. To tihe Five Points House of Industry, the sum of fifty-two dollars per year for each and every orphan, half-^orphan, and destitute child, not exceeding two hundred children in any one year, received and supported by said institution for each year, the expense of w^hose support is not paid by private parties, and in the same proportion for the part of a year. 19. To the Association for Befriending Children and Young Girls, a per capita allowance of one dollar a week for each female by it rescued, supported, instructed, and trained to useful employ- ment, 20. To the Peabody Home for Aged and Indigent Women, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum for each and every woman therein over sixty-five years of age received and supported by said institution, not exceeding, however, the sum of five thousand dollars in any one year, and to the Sloan Maternity Hospital in the City of New York, the sum of five dollars per week .for every desti- tute woman admitted into its lying-in ward, according to the time of the said woman continuing under the care of the said institution, and the further sum of ten dollars per month for each and every child born in the institution or supported and maintained by said institu- tion, but such sums shall not exceed eight thousand dollars in any 108 5^'^'~0f THIS [igiriVBItSITT] one year. And to the New York Female Asylum for lying-in wo- men, twenty-five dollars for eadi homeless and needy mother who has received care and attention in the lying-in ward of the asylum, for such care and obstetric attendance, but such sums shall not ex- ceed eight thousand dollars in any one year. 21. To the Mothers' and Babies Hospital, fifteen dollars for each homeless and needy mother w!ho has received care and atten- tion in the lying-in ward of the hospital, for such care and obstetric attendance, not to exceed three hundred patients in any one year. 22. Such other sum or sums as are, or may be by law directed to be raised and paid for charitable purposes or to private or incor- porated societies, associations, asylums, hospitals, corporations, in- stitutions, protectories, home or schools. 23. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment are^ hereby authorized in their discretion to include in their annual state- ments and estimates the following specified sums of money for the respective purposes herein stated, namely: Four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Hospital (formerly City Hospital); four thousand dollars to be paid to tht Long Island College Hospital; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Homcepathic Hospital ; fifteen hundred dol- lars to be paid to the Brooklyn Central Dispensary ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn City Dispensary ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eclectic Dispensary ; fifteen hun- dred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Homoeopathic Dispensary; five thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eastern District Dispensary and Hospital (formerly the Williamsburgh Dispensary) ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Long Island College Dis- pensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Gates Avenue Homoeopathic Dispensary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Nursery and Infants' Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Eastern District Homoeopathic Dispen- sary (formerly the Williamsburgh Homoeopathic Dispensary) ; twen- ty-five hundre'd dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Maternity (for- 109 marly Brooklyn Lying-in Asylum); twenty-five hundred dollars Co be paid to the Eye and Ear Hospital of the City of Brooklyn; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Southern Dispensary and Hos- pital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Orthopedic Dispen- sary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Peter's Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Saint Peter's Dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Atlantic Avenue Dispensary; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's Dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Diet Dispensary ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Saint Catherine's Dispensary; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Catharine's Hospital ; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Helping Hand Society of Brooklyn; one thousand dollars to be paid to the Sheltering Arms Nursery of Brooklyn; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Home for Consumptives ; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Memorial Hospital for Women and Children; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's General Hospital of the City of Brooklyn ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Central Hom- oeopathic Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Memorial Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to th% Bushwick and East Brooklyn Dispensary; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Dispensary of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saint Mary's Hospital of the City of Brooklyn; four thousand dol- lars to be paid to the Methodist Episcopal Hospital of the City of Brooklyn; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's Fe- male Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Lutheran Hospital Association of the City of New York and vicinity; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Throat Hospital; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Bedford Dispensary and Hospital; six thousand dollars in the statement and estimate in the year eight- een hundred and ninety-six and four thousand dollars in each year thereafter to be paid to the Saint Martha's Sanitarium and Dispens- ary ; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Central Throat Hospital and Polyclinic Dispensary; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Long Island Throat Hospital and Eye Infirmary (formerly the Long 110 Island Throat and Lung Hospital and People's Dispensary Associa- tion) ; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital; two thousand and five hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Home for Aged Colored People; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Saint Mary's Maternity and Infants' Home; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Memorial Training School for Nurses ; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Church Charity Foundation of Long Island for its hospital; twenty- five hundred dollars to be paid to the Home of Saint Giles the Crip- ple ; three thousand dollars to be paid to the Bushwick Hospital ; four thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Society for the preven- tion of Cruelty to Children ; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Training School and Home for Young Girls ; fifteen hun- dred dollars to be paid to the dispensary of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital; twenty-five hundred dollars to b< paid to the Low Maternity; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Hospital Dispensary; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Society for the Aid of Friendlest Women and Children; two thousand dollars to be paid to the Stoat Maternity of Brooklyn; fifteen liundred dollars to be paid to Saint Phoebe's Mission ; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Orphan Asylum Society of the City of Brooklyn; four thousand dollars in the statement and estimate in the year eighteen hundred and ninety- six, and two thousand five hundred dollars in each year thereafter to be paid to the Industrial Home for the Blind; one thousand dol- lars to be paid to the Homoeopathic Hospital Association of Brook- lyn; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children; fifteen hun- dred dollars to be paid to the Industrial Home School Association of Brooklyn, Eastern District; twenty-five hundred dollars to be paid to the Maternity of the Long Island College Hospital; fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the Twenty-sixth Ward Homoeopathic Dispensary; such several sums of money to be paid to the several institutions in consideration of their contracting to render and ren- dering medical and surgical aid and treatment to the poor of the County of Kings who may apply to them therefor; such contract to 111 be in writing, executed on behalf of the City by the said Mayor and Comptroller, and also by the executive officers of said association* respectively, and to be approved by the Counsel to the Corporation of said City, to be filed annually on or before the thirty-first day of May, in the office of the Clerk of said City. 24. Any other sum or sums which may heretofore have been duly authorized by law to be paid by tax within The City of New York, or any part thereof, as constituted by this Act, for the education and support of the blind, the deaf and dumb and juve- nile delinquents, and for the care, support, maintenance and secular education of inmates of orphan asylums, protectories, homes for dependent children or correctional institutions, or to charitable, eleemosynary, correctional and reformatory institutions wholly or partly under private control for care, support and maintenance, as in such law specified. The final estimate shall specify each institu- tion by its corporate name and the sum to be paid thereto, with a reference to the laws authorizing the appropriation; and the Comp- troller is authorized to pay the sum to such institution upon its ap- pearing to his satisfaction in such manner as he shall prescribe that the exdenditure thereof by the institution is lawfnl and proper. Board of Estimate and Apportionment to audit charges against City for costs, etc. Sec. 231. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is here- by autliorized to audit and allow, as charges against the City, the reasonable costs, counsel fees and expenses paid or incurred, or which shall hereafter be paid or incurred by any commissioner, city magistrate or police justice who shall have been a successful party in any proceedings or trial to remove him from office, or who shall bring or defend any action or proceeding, in which the question as to his title to office is in any way presented, or involved, or in which it is sought to convict him, or to review or prohibit any such re- moval or to obtain possession of his office, or by any commissioner for the proper presentation and justification of his official conduct before any body or tribunal lawfully investigating the same, and not 112 officially recommending his removal from office. The Board of Es- timate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be included in the budget for the year following such audit, an amount sufficient to pay the revenue bonds directed to be issued by the said Comp- troller pursuant to section 188 of this Act, with all interest due or to become due thereon. Deficiencies: how provided for. Sec. 232. The amount raised by assessment, pursuant to the provisions of chapter one hundred and ninety-'one, of the laws of eigthteen hundred and eighty, shall be collected and paid into the City treasury, and applied toward the payment of revenue bonds issued under said chapter. If any deficiency shall arise from any cause, and a sufficient amount shall not be realized from such assessment to pay fifty thousand dollars of the revenue bonds issued pursuant to said chapter, with the interest thereon, such deficiency shall be provided for by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment and the Municipal Assembly, by including the same in the annual appropriation first made, after the amount of such deficiency, if any, shall be ascertained. Salaries of certain officers. Sec. 233. The salaries of all officers paid from the City treasury not embraced in any department shall be fixed by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment, unless otherwise provided by law or by this Act. List of persons and salaries not within a department. Sec. 234. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall file with the final estimate during the month of December in each year a schedule of the names of all persons not within a department employed under the City government, the designation of their offices and employment, respectively, and the salaries and compen- sation fixed for each, which said schedule shall be published in the City Record. 113 Issue of certain stock and bonds authorized ; Tra7isfers of appropri- ations. Sec. 235. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment may at any time, as occasion may require, by the affirmative vote of three members, autihorize the issue of any stocks or bonds for the purpose of withdrawing, or taking up at maturity any stocks or bonds outstanding; but the said bonds or their proceeds shall be applied exclusively to the payment, purchase, and extinction of such maturing bonds in such manner that the aggregate of the stocks or bonds of said City outstanding shall not be increased thereby for a longer period than is necessary in effecting said change. The said Board of Estimate and Aipportionxnent may, from time to time, on the application of the head of any department, authorize the transfer, from one bureau or purpose to another in the same department, of any sum theretofore appropriated for the purpose of such department or bureau. Appropriation for prevention of contagious diseases. Sec. 236. For the prevention of dangers from contagious or infectious diseases found to exist in any part of the City, or for the care of persons exposed to danger from contagious or infectious diseases, the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment may appropriate to the use of the Health Department money in excess of the annual estimate and appropriation for any year to the amount that shall be declared necessary for such purpose by resolution of the Board of Health; not, however, to exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of eighty thousand dollars in excess of such annual appropri- ation, and if any sum or sums of money shall be so appropriated by said Municipal Assembly and said Board of Estimate and Ap- portionment in any year prior to the date of the certificate of the Comptroller to the Municipal Assembly of the aggregate amount of the budget for such year, the amount thereof shall be added to such final estimate, and included in the tax levy in sutch year. 114 Board of Estimate may transfer excess of appropriations. Sec. 237. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall, have the power at any time to transfer any appropriation for any year which may be found, by the head of the department for which such appropriation shall have been made, to be in excess of the amount required or deemed to be necessary for the purposes or ob- jects thereof, to such other purposes or objects for which the ap- propriations in such year are insufficient, or such as may require the same. But nothing in the power thus conferred shall authorize the transfer by said Board of an appropriation made for any object or purpose, in one year, to any purpose or object, whether an ap- propriation has been made therefor or otherwise, in any subse- quent year. And any balance of appropriations remaining unex- pended ait the close of any fiscal year, after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable therefrom, and also any balance to the credit of any account of moneys which have been or may hereafter be paid into the treasury of tihe City, under existing laws, appro- priated or authorized to be expended for any specific purpose, and which the said Board of Estimate and Apportionment may deter- mine not to be necessary, or to be in excess of the amount required therefor, may, at any time, but not less than sixty days after the ex- piration of the year for which such appropriations are made, or sixty days after the expiration of the year during which the moneys aforesaid were paid into the treasury of the City, after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable from such appropriations, or whiVli the Comptroller shall certify should be paid from said moneys paid into the treasury, as aforesaid, be transferred by the Comptroller, with the approval of tihe said Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to the general fund of the City, and applied to the reduction of taxation. The approval by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the certificate of the Comptroller, as afore- said, shall be an appropriation of the amounts therein stated to the object or purposes in said certificate specified. Appropriations out of excise moneys to Home for Girls. Sec. 238. There may be paid annually, out of the excise 115 moneys of the City of New York, to the Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls, in said City, the sum of one hundred and fifty dol- lars, for the support of every fallen amd friendless girl received and supported by said corporation in their Home for Fallen and Friend- less Girls for the year for which such payment shall be made, and a proportional sum for a shorter period in the same year. Street sweeping contracts to he approved by Board. Sec. 239. The terms and conditions of all contracts for streets sweeping and cleaning, or for the collection of ashes and garbage, shall, before they are entered into, be approved by the Board of Es- timate and Apportionment. Excise moneys: how appropriated. Sec. 240. Said Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized, from time to time, in sums according to its discretion, by resolution of said Board, to appropriate from excise moneys obtained from either local or state boards or officers, for taxes or licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, to such benevolent or charitable institutions in said City which shall gratuitously aid, sup- port or assist the poor thereof, as may seem to said Board deserving or proper, but no such resolutions shall be valid unless adopted by a majority vote of all the members of said Board; and the Comp- troller shall draw 'his warrants in favor of such institutions respec- tively mentioned in such resolutions, according to the tenor there- of, and the Chamberlain shall pay such -warrants out of the said moneys received for licenses. The term "poor," as used in this section, shall only include persons who would otherwise become a charge upon said City, as foundlings, Wph'SLns, or such prostituted or fallen women or juvenile delinquents a^'«i% be committed to or cared for gratuitously, in or by any reforrifiitory institution, pro- tectory, or juvenile asylum, persons who SSt^ supported, relieved, or cared for gratuitously, in or by any charitable institution for the care or relief of the ruptured or crippled, the cure of hip or spinal diseases, tihe sick, or the destitute, friendless, or infirm, including 116 children of volunteers who died in the late Civil War, and the care and instruction of idiots, the deaf and dumb, the blind and the in- sane. No payments shall be made, in pursuance of this section, except as a per capita allowance for the poor and destitute persons actually supported, treated, cared for, or educated in the institu- tions referred to in this section, except in the case of the American Female Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless, the Chil- dren's Aid Society, and the Shepherd's Fold of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, which shall severally receive only the same amounts as provided by other provisions of law. The said Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment is also authorized, from time to time, and in sums according to its discretion, to appropriate, by resolution of said Board, all moneys derived from penalties and fines, recovered, pursuant to sections 1473, 1481 and 1482 of this Act, and all moneys from licenses, provided for in chapter twenty-two, title two of this Act, to whatever benevolent or charitable institutions may seem to such Board deserving or proper ; but no such resolu- tion shall be valid unless adopted by vote of a majority of said Board ; and the Comptroller of said City is hereby authorized and dirccced to draw his warrants in favor of tlie corporatloiis, socie- ties, or charitable institutions, respectively mentioned in such resolution according to the tenor thereof ; and the Chamberlain of said City shall pay such warrants out of the said moneys re- ceived for such penalties, fines and licences. Appropriations for contesting office to he made for prevailing party only. Sec. 241. No appropriation or payment for the contesting of the office of Mayor, or any seat in the Municipal Assembly, or Dffice in any department, or the office of any officer whose salary is paid from the City treasury, shall be made to any but the prevailing party. Nor shall any such appropriations or payment be made to such prevailing party except upon the written certificate of the chief officer of the Law Department, and of the Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division of the first department of the Supreme Court certifying who is such prevailing party, and the value of 117 the services rendered in the case. In case an officer or clerk is ordered to be examined, in pursuance of law, the Corporation Counsel shall assign some one from his department as counsel for the officer or clerk making the application. Title 6. LEVYING TAXES. Comptroller's duties. ^ Sec. 247. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller of said The City of New York to prepare and submit to the Municipal As- sembly, at least four weeks before their annual meeting, for the purpose of imposing the annual taxes, a statement, setting forth the amounts by law authorized to be raised by tax in that year, on account of the Corporation of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, or for City purposes within said City, and also an estimate of the probable amount of receipts by the City Treasury during the then current year, from all the sources of revenue of said general fund, including surplus revenues from the sinking fund, available in accordance with law, other than the surplus revenues of the sinking fund, for the pay- ment of the City debt, and the said Mtmicipal Assembly are hereby authorized and directed to deduct the total amount of such esti- mated receipts from the aggregate amount of all the various sums which, by law, t!hey are required to ofder, and cause to be raised by tax in said year, for the purposes aforesaid, and to cause to be raised, by tax ondy, the balance of said aggregate amount, after making such deduction. Deficiencies: limits of: levies for. Sec. 248. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Assembly to include, in lany and every ordinance or resolution passed by them, 118 imposing and levying taxes for any purpose or purposes authorized by law, such sum, in addition to the aggregate amount required for such purposes, as they shall deem necessary, not exceeding three per cent, of said aggregate amount, to provide for deficiencies in the actual product of the amount imposed and levied therefore. Aggregate amount apportioned to be certified to Municipal Assembly and raised. Sec. 249. The aggregate amount estimated by the Municipal Assembly and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in the an- nual budget, shall be certified by the Comptroller to the Municipal Assembly; and it shall be the duty of said Municipal Assembly, injoint session of both houses, and they are hereby empowered and directed annually to cause to be raised, according to law, and col- lected by tax upon the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation within the City of New York, the amount so certified, as aforesaid. 119 CHAPTER VII. LAW DEPARTMENT. Corporation Counsel to be the head of the Law Department; duties, salary. Section 255. There shall be a Law Department of The City of New York, the head whereof shall be called the Corporation Counsel, who shall be the attorney and counsel for the City of New York, the Mayor, the Municipal Assembly and each and every officer, board and department of said city. The salary of the Corporation Counsel shall be fifteen thousand dollars a year. The Corporation Counsel shall have charge and conduct of all the law business of the Corporation and its departments and boards and of all law business in which The City of New York is interested. He shall have charge and conduct of the legal proceedings necessary in opening, widening, altering and closing streets, and in acquiring real estate or interests therein for the City by condemnation proceedings, and the preparation of all leases, deeds, contracts, bonds and other legal papers of the City, or of, or connected with any department, board or officer thereof, and he shall approve as to form all such con- tracts, leases, deeds, bonds and other legal papers. He shall be the legal adviser of the Mayor, the Municipal Assembly and the various departments, boards and officers and it shall be his duty to furnish to the Mayor, the Municipal Assembly and to every department, board and officer of the City all such advice and legal assistance as counsel and attorney in or out of court as may be required by them or either of them, and for that purpose the Corporation Counsel may assign an assistant or assistants to any department that he shall deem to need the same. No officer board, or department of the City, unless it be herein otherwise 120 especially provided, shall have or employ any attorney or coun- sel. The Corporation Counsel shall have the right to institute actions in law or equity, and any proceedings provided by the Code of Civil Procedure or by law in any court, local, state, or national, to maintain, defend and establish^the rights, interests, revenues, property, privileges, franchises or demands of the City or of any part or portion thereof, or of the people thereof, or to collect any money, debts, fines or penalties or to enforce the laws and ordinances. He shall be a member of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and of the Board of Public Improvements. Corporation CounseV s Power of Appointment. Sec. 256. The Corporation Counsel may appoint, and at pleas- ure remove, as many assistants to the Corporation Counsel as are necessary to the discharge of the duties of the Law Department, and he may appoint and at pleasure remove such clerks, assistants, and subordinates as are requisite to the discharge of the business of the department, giving to his appointees such titles or designa- tions as he may deem appropriate to their services, respectively. He shall fix and regulate the salaries and compensation of all of his appointees within the limits of the appropriation for his depart- ment. Any Assistant Corporation Counsel shall, in addition to his other powers, possess every power and perform all and every duty belonging to the office of the Corporation Counsel, or so much of such duties as the Corporation Counsel shall deem it necessary to delegate whenever so empowered by said Corporation Counsel by written authority, designating therein a period of time, not extending beyond three months, nor beyond the term of office of said Corporation Counsel, during which such power and authority may be exercised ; such designation and authority must be duly filed and remain on record in the Law Department, and may be revoked at any time. Branch Offices. Sec. 257. In addition to the main office of the Corporation Counsel, which shall be located in the Borough of Manhattan, he shall have an office in the Borough of Brooklyn, and, in his dis- cretion, may maintain an office in the Borough of The Bronx, the 121 Borough of Queens and the Borough of Richmond, or either of them. Bureaus. Sec. 258. The Corporation Counsel may establish such'bureaus for divisions of service in the Law Department as he may judge most conducive to the efficient discharge of duty. There shall be a bureau in the Law Department to be known as the "Bureau of Street* Openings." It shall have charge under the direction of the Corporation Counsel of such legal proceedings to open, widen, alter or close streets and parks, and to acquire title to or extin- guish interests in real estate therefor, and of all such other pro- ceedings involving awards for damages or assessments for benefit to lands, tenements and hereditaments as may be assigned to it by the Corporation Counsel. The Corporation Counsel shall appoint and remove, at will, the head of said bureau and all other employees thereof, and shall regulate their salaries and com- pensation. The assistants to the Corporation Counsel assigned to such bureau, shall conduct in his behalf, and subject to his direction and control, all legal proceedings so assigned, and may also act as clerks to the Commissioners of Estimate or the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in all such pro- ceedings. Such bureau shall furnish to the Commissioners of Estimate or the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in each proceeding, suitable offices and all the assistance which they may require in preparing their preliminary abstracts of Estimate or of Estimate and Assessment, and their iinal reports for presentation to the Supreme Court for confirmation. The compensation of the head of said bureau and of all other employees thereof, and all the legal costs, charges, expenses and disbursements incurred by said bureau on account of such proceedings, shall be divided proportionately, as nearly as practicable, to the services rendered or expense incurred in each of the said proceedings, and shall be included [in the assessment for benefit to be imposed by the Commissioners of Estimate or the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in each proceeding as part of the costs, charges and expenses thereof, after the same shall have been taxed by the court in 122 the manner now provided by law for the taxation of such costs, charges, expenses and disbursements; but the compensation of the employees of said bureau and the necessary charges, expenses and disbursements thereof, shall be chargeable to and shall be paid monthly, in the first instance by the Comptroller of The City of New York, out of the fund known as "the Fund for Street and Park Openings," created by chapter one hundred and seventy- three of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, upon pay rolls and vouchers duly certified by the Corporation Counsel. The assistant clerks or other appointees, of this bureau, engaged in the transaction of business or duties pertaining to the Borough of Brooklyn, may have their office in the Borough Hall or public building of the Borough of Brooklyn, and if, in the judg- ment of the Corporation Counsel it be convenient and advisable, such of the assistants, clerks or other appointees of this bureau as may be engaged in the transaction of business pertaining to the Borough of The Bronx, the Borough of Rich- mond or the Borough of Queens, may likewise have an office in either of said Boroughs. Bureau for Recovery of Penalties. Sec. 259. There shall be a bureau in the Law Department for the recovery of penalties for the violation of any law or muni- cipal ordinance, to be called the "Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties." All actions for such recovery shall be brought in the name of The City of New York, and not in that of any de- partment, except where otherwise provided by this Act. The As- sistant Corporation Counsel assigned to this bureau in the main office, or in the branch office located in any Borough, shall not receive for his own use any fees or emoluments in addition to his salary, and he shall pay into the city treasury all costs and commis- sions received by him from any source whatever ; such payments shall be made monthly, and shall be accompanied by a sworn statement in such form as the Comptroller shall prescribe. Such statement, with a detailed list of costs, commissions, fines and pen- alties collected, shall be published in the "City Record" monthly. 123 All fines or moneys, from whatsoever source, received by the head of this bureau, shall be paid into the treasury of the City, except as otherwise specially provided by law. Bureau for Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes. Sec. 260. There shall be a bureau in the Law Department for the collection of arrears of personal taxes to be called the "Bureau for the Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes." The Assistant Corporation Counsel assigned to this bureau shall give a bond to The City of New York, with one or more sureties, to be approved by Comptroller and Corporation Counsel, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of the office and the payment over of all taxes collected by him, which shall be filed in the Comptroller's Office, and he and his bondsman or bondsmen shall be responsible to the corporation therefor. Presentation of Claims to be Pleaded. Sec. 261. No action or special proceeding, for any cause what- ever, shall be prosecuted or maintained against The City of New York, unless it shall appear by and as an allegation in the com- plaint or necessary moving papers that at least thirty days have elapsed since the demand, claim or claims upon which such action or special proceeding is founded were presented to the Comp- troller of said City for adjustment, and that he has neglected or refused to make an adjustment or payment thereof for thirty days after such presentment. If the plaintiff recovers judgment in his action or special proceeding he shall recover full taxable costs without regard to the amount of the judgment. Jurisdiction of Actions Against the City. Sec. 262. The Supreme Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all actions or special proceedings wherein The City of New York is made a party defendant. And all such actions shall be tried in that County wholly or partly embraced within The City of New York in which the cause of action arose, or in the County of New York, subject to the power of the Court to change the place of trial in the cases provided by law. 124 Service of Process. Sec. 263. All process and papers for the commencement of actions and legal proceedings against The City of New York shall be served either upon the Mayor, the Comptroller or the Cor- poration Counsel. Issuance of Execution. Sec. 264. No execution shall be issued upon any judgment recovered against The City of New York until after ten days' notice, in writing, of the recovery of such judgment shall have been given to the Comptroller. 125 CHAPTER VIII. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Police Board. Commissioners. Salary. Section 270. The head of the Police Department shall be called the Police Board. Said Board shall consist of four per- sons, to be known as Police Commissioners of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall hold their respective offices as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. No more than two of said Commissioners shall, when either of them is appointed, belong to the same political party, or be of the same political opinion on state and national politics. The salary of each of said Police Commissioners shall be five thousand dollars a year. Police Board. Authority. Bureau of Elections. Sec. 271. The said Police Board shall have cognizance and control of the government, administration, disposition and dis- cipline of the said Police Department, and of the police force of said department, and it shall also have cognizance and control of the Bureau of Elections hereinafter mentioned, and said Bureau of Elections shall be a part of said Police Department. Id.; To make and enforce rules and regulations. Sec. 272. The said Police Board shall make, adopt and en- force such rules, orders and regulations, and do all such other acts as may be reasonably necessary to effect a prompt and efficient exercise of all powers conferred by law, and the per- formance of all duties imposed by lawjupon the said Board or the said Department, or upon any part of or person in said depart- ment. But said Board shall do no act which is contrary to or inconsistent with this Act. 126 Boards and offices abolished and forces consolidated. Sec. 273. Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, the Police Department, the Board of Police and the offices of the Police Commissioners of The City of New York, pro- vided for by The New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, and the Acts amendatory thereof, the office of Commissioner of Police and Excise of the City of Brooklyn, the Board of Police Commissioners for Long Island City and the Board of Commis- sioners of Police for the County of Richmond are hereby abol- ished. The respective police forces and Departments heretofore existing in the said cities and the said county, including the Park Police of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, and the Park Police of the City of Brooklyn, and the police force of the Brooklyn Bridge are hereby consolidated into one Department and force to be constituted, controlled and administered as provided in this chapter. Police Department ; Powers and authority transferred to. Sec. 274. All the rights, powers, authority, duties and obligations, immediately heretofore by law vested in or imposed upon the Police Departments, or either of the Boards or Com- missioners mentioned in the last above section, shall forth- with by force of and as an effect of this chapter be trans- ferred to and continue in the Police Department created by this Act except in so far as the same shall be contrary to or in- consistent with the provisions of this chapter. All the rights, powers, authority duties and obligations relative to, or connected with the appointment, control or cognizance of any police force immediately heretofore by law vested in or imposed upon the Commissioners of Public Parks in the City of New York, the Department of Parks of the City of Brooklyn, and the Board of Trustees of the Brooklyn Bridge, shall forthwith, by force of, and as an effect of this chapter be transferred to and con- tinued in the Police Department created by this Act, except in so far as the same shall be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. 127 Property to vest in The City of New York and be managed by Police Department. Sec. 275. All moneys, funds and property, and all rights and title to and interest in, and possession of and control over and all rights to the use and possession of any moneys, funds or property, which when this Act takes effect, shall be vested in, held or exercised by the department, or either of the Boards or Commissioners, mentioned in section 273 of this Act, or which shall then be applicable to, or used for the purposes of, or in the maintenance of, or in connection with the functions or duties of either of the respec- tive police forces appointed by the Commissioners of Public Parks in the City of New York, the Department of Parks of the City of Brooklyn, or the said Trustees of the Brooklyn Bridge, .shall forthwith by force of and as an effect of this chapter, be and become vested in The City of New York, and the same shall be held, exercised, managed, controlled, used and applied by, and under the direction of the Police Department created by this Act until it is otherwise lawfully provided. No such money, funds or property shall however be used for or applied to any purpose different in kind from that for or to which the same might theretofore have been lawfully used or applied, until such different use or application shall first have been lawfully authorized. Police Force ; Composition. Sec. 276. Until otherwise provided by the Municipal Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Police Board, the police force in the Police Department created by this chapter, shall consist of the following members, to wit : A Chief of Police ; five Deputy Chiefs of Police ; ten Inspect- ors of Police; captains of police, not exceeding in num- ber one to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen, except in the rural portion of the city ; sergeants of police, not exceeding four in number to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen ; roundsmen, not exceeding four in number to each fifty patrolmen ; detective sergeants to the number authorized 128 by law ; doormen of police, not exceeding two in number to each fifty of the total number of patrolmen ; surgeons of police, not exceeding forty in number, one of whom shall be chief surgeon, and patrolmen to the number of six thousand three hundred and eighty-two. Id.; Members of former forces in New York City transferred. Sec. 277. The members of the Police force of The City of New York, and the members of the Police force appointed by the Commissioners of Public Parks in said City, as said forces are provided for by sections 265 and 690 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, and by the statutes amendatory of and supplementary to said sections, who shall be such members of said forces respectively when this Act takes effect, shall be members of the Police force specified in section 276 of this Act. The employees of the telegraph force of the Police Department, of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York who are in office when this Act takes effect, shall take the same rank in the Police force specified in section 276 of this Act, as the telegraph force of the Police Department of the City of Brooklyn has under existing laws ; provided, however, that until otherwise ordered by the Police Board, the Super- intendent of Telegraph of the Police force of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York shall be Superintendent of Telegraph for the Police force speci- fied in said section 276 of this Act ; and the Deputy Super- intendent of Telegraph of the Police force of said, the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, shall be Deputy Superintendent of Telegraph in the central office in the Borough of Manhattan ; and the Superintendent of Telegraph of the Police force of the City of Brooklyn shall be Superintendent of Police Telegraph for the Borough of Brooklyn. Id.; Members of former forces in Brooklyn transferred. Sec. 278. The Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of police, and each inspector, captain, sergeant, detective- sergeant, roundsman, patrolman, doorman, bridge-keeper, police surgeon, superintendent of telegraph, and telegraph operator, 12y who is, when this Act takes effect, in, of, or attached to the Police force of the City of Brooklyn, or the Police force appointed by the Department of Parks of said City, or the Police force appointed by the Board of Trustees of the New York and Brook- lyn Bridge, pursuant to section 8 of Chapter 300 of the Laws of 1875, and the Acts amendatory thereof, or supplementary thereto, shall be members of the Police force specified in section 276 of this Act. Id.; Members of former force in Long Island City transferred. Sec. 279. The lawfully appoiiited captain, sergeant and patrolmen of the police force of Long Island City, who shall be such when this chapter takes effect, shall be members of the police force, specified in section 276 of this Act. Id.; Members of former force in Richmond County transferred. Sec. 280. The captain and each sergeant, roundsman and patrolman of the police force of the County of Richmond, or of any town or village in that part of the County of Queens in- cluded in The City of New York, as hereby constituted, shall be members of the police force specified in section 276 of this Act. Police Board; Authority over members transfer ed by preceding sections. Rank of transferred members. Sec. 281. The Police Board created by this Act shall have the same powers, control and authority over the members of the police force, transferred thereto by sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act, and over their tenure of such membership and removal therefrom, as the said Board shall have over the members of said force, appointed thereto by said Board, and especially, except as otherwise provided by this chapter, to fix and assign the rank, title, duties, powers and place of service of said transferred members. Until by said Board otherwise pro- vided the rank, title, duties, powers and place of service of said transferred members shall be the same as they were in the police force to which they belonged before this Act took effect. 130 Id.; Authority over employees of former boards. Duties and sal- aries of such employees. Sec. 282. All clerks, matrons, secretaries, and other sub- ordinates, assistants and employees attached to, or in the service of the Department or either of the Boards or Commissioners specified in section 273 of this Act, until it shall be otherwise provided by the Police Board created by this Act, shall perform like services and duties and receive therefor the same salaries or compensation as they performed and received respec- tively prior to this Act taking effect. But such clerks, matrons, secretaries, and other subordinates, assistants and employees, their services, duties, salaries or compensation, tenure of and removal from their positions or employment shall in all respects be subject to the control and authority of the Police Board created by this Act. Id.; Power to appoint and remove members and employees — Salaries and fines. Sec. 283. Subject to the powers by this Act conferred on the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, and to such other provisions of this Act as may limit their power in the premises, the Police Board created by this Act shall have power to appoint and to remove the members of the police force specified in section 276 of this Act, and also such clerks, police matrons, secretaries, and other sub- ordinates, assistants and employees as may be reasonably necessary to the proper performance of the duties and exe- cution of the powers and functions of the Police Department created by this Act or of any of the component parts there- of, and to prescribe their respective ranks, duties and compensa- tion. The salary or compensation of any of such members of the said police force as are specified in sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act, as the same is lawfully fixed at the time this chapter takes effect and immediately prior thereto, shall not be decreased. The salary or compensation of members of the police force shall be subject to all fines, penalties, forfeitures and deductions lawfully imposed for cause. 131 Police Force. Qualifications of members. Publishing names and residence of applicants and appointees. Sec. 284. No person shall ever be appointed or reappointed to membership in the police force or continue to hold mem- bership therein, who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has ever been convicted of felony, or who cannot read and write understandingly in the English language, or who shall not have resided within the State one year next preceding his appointment, but skilled officers of experience may be appointed for detective duty who have not resided as herein required. No person shall be appointed patrolman who shall be at the date of such appointment over thirty years of age ; nor shall any person who shall have been a mem- ber of the force and have resigned, or have been dismissed there- from, be reappointed, except upon the concurring vote of all the members comprising the Board to be taken by ayes and noes, ^ d recorded in the minutes. The name, residence and occupation of each applicant for appointment or reappointment to any position in the Police Department, as well as the name, residence and occupation of each person appointed to any position, shall be published, and such publication shall, in every instance, be made, on the Saturday next succeeding such application, or appointment, in the City Record. Id.; Warrant of appointtnent. Oath. Sec. 285. Every member of the police force shall have issued to him, by the Police Department, a proper warrant of appoint- ment, signed by the President of the Police Board and Chief Clerk or First Deputy Clerk of said department or of the Police Board, which warrant shall contain the date of his appointment and his rank. Each member of the police force shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath of office and subscribe the same before any officer of the Police Depart- ment who is empowered to administer an oath. Id. ; Chief of Police — First appointment. Sec. 286. The Chief of Police first appointed under this Chapter shall be selected from one of the following named 132 members transferred to the police force by sections 277 and 278 of this Act, to wit : The Chief of Police, the Superintendent of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police and the Deputy Superintend- ent of Police, Id.; Other officers — First appointments. Sec. 287. In making the first appointments of the other members of the police force specified in section 276 of this Act, whose appointment may be necessary to make up tjie full mem- bership of said force provided for by said section, three of the Deputy Chiefs shall be selected from the Chief of Police, the Sup- erintendent of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police and the Deputy Superintendent of Police transferred by sections 277 and 278 of this Act, 'and two from the Inspectors of the respective police forces transferred by sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act ; Inspectors of Police shall be selected from, first, the Police In- spectors, and second, from the Captains of Police transferred as aforesaid ; the Captains of Police shall be selected from, first, the Captains, and second, from the Sergeants of the respective police forces transferred by sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act ; Sergeants of Police shall be selected from, first, the Sergeants, and second from the Detective Sergeants and Roundsmen of the re- spective police forces transferred, by sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act. Id.; Promotions. Sec. 288. Promotions of officers and members of the police 'force shall be made by the Police Board, as provided in section 304 of this Act, on grounds of seniority, meri- torious police service and superior capacity ; and shall be as follows: Sergeants of Police shall be selected from among Patrolmen assigned to duty as Roundsmen, as provided in section 292 of this Act ; Captains from among the Ser- geants; Inspectors from among Captains; Deputy Chiefs of Police from among Inspectors and Captains; and Chief of Police from among Deputy Chiefs, Inspectors and Captains, but no promotion shall be made, except in the case of a vacancy in 133 the office of Chief of Police, unless the same is recommended by the Chief of Police in writing, stating his reason for such recom- mendation. In case of the rejection of any recommendation for promotion, the Chief of Police shall submit another name within three days, and shall continue so to [do until the vacancy is filled. Id.; Increase of. Sec. 289. The Police Board is authorized to increase the police force by adding to the number of patrolmen from time to time,gprovided the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly shall have previously made an appro- priation for that express purpose, such increase not to exceed one hundred and fifty in any one year. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly may include in the annual budget from year to year, and the Comptroller shall certify, as required by law, to the Municipal Assembly, and the Municipal Assembly shall include in the annual tax- levy an amount sufficient to provide for the compensation of the additional patrolmen authorized to be appointed pursuant to the provisions of this section. Id.; Central Office Bureau of Detectives. Sec. 290. The Police Board shall maintain a bureau which shall be called the Central Office Bureau of Detectives, and shaU select and appoint to perform detective duty therein as many patrolmen as said board may, from time to time, determine to be necessary to make that bureau efficient. The patrolmen so selected and appointed shall be called detective sergeants, and shall be assigned to duty in that bureau, and while performing such detective duty shall be vested with the same authority and be entitled to receive and be paid the same salary as ser- geants of police under this chapter ; but the Police Board may by order, reduce to the grade of patrolmen, and transfer such detective sergeants or any of them to perform patrol or other police duty, and when so transferred they shall only be entitled to receive and be paid the same rate of compensation as 134 ordinary patrolmen of the police force under this chapter. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the Police Board to appoint any additional patrolmen in place of said detective sergeants. The headquarters of said Central Office Bureau of Detectives shall beat the Police Headquarters in the Borough of Manhattan, and a branch office thereof shall be maintained at the Police Headquarters in the Borough of Brooklyn, and other branch offices thereof may be maintained at the police headquarters in each of the other Boroughs into which The City of New York is divided by this Act. No member of Department to be interested in other office. Sec. 291. Any Police Commissioner, or any member of the police foKie, who shall, after qualifying in office, accept any ad- ditional place of public trust, or civil emolument, or who shall during his term of office be publicly nominated for any office elective by the people, and shall not, within ten days succeeding the same, publicly decline the said nomination, shall be in either case deemed thereby to have resigned his commission and to have vacated his office, and all votes cast at any election for any person holding the office of Police Commissioner, or within thirty days after he shall have resigned such office, shall be void. Chief of Police. Duties and Powers. Sec. 292. The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the police force. He shall be chargeable with and re- sponsible for the execution of all laws and the rules and regula- tions of the department. He shall assign to duty the officers and members of the police force, and shall have power to change such assignments from time to time, whenever, in his judgment, the exigencies of the service may require such change ; pro- / vided, however, that permanent assignments of patrolmen to 'mJu^ ii'Uj roundsmen shall be made by the Police Board on the recommen- (f dation of the Chief of Police, and in case of the rejection of any such assignment recommended by the Chief of Police, he shall within three days submit another name and continue so to do until a permanent assignment is made. He shall have 1 35 power to suspend without pay, pending the trial of charges, any member of the police force; provided, however, that no such suspension shall be continued for a period of more than ten days without affirmative action to that effect by the Police Board. If any member of the police force so suspended shall not be convicted by the Police Board of the charges so preferred, he shall be entitled to full pay from the date of suspension, notwithstanding such charges and sus- pension. Said Chief of Police may grant leaves of absence to members of the force for a period not exceeding five days. He shall report to the Police Board all changes or assignments of officers and all leaves of absence granted. Id.; Absence or disability of. Sec. 293. In case of the absence or disability of the Chief of Police, a Deputy Chief of Police designated by the Police Board, or in case no Deputy Chief is so designated, then a Deputy Chief of Police designated by the Chief of Police shall discharge all the duties of Chief of Police ; or in case each Deputy Chief of Police be absent or disabled, or, for any good cause, is not available for such designation, then the duties of Chief of Police shall be performed by one of the Inspectors of Police to be designated by the Police Board. Police Surgeons. Duties and districts. Sec. 294. The duties of the Police Surgeons, and the extent and bounds of their districts, shall be assigned, from time to time, by the rules and regulations of the Police Board. The Police Board may, if requested by the Department of Health, employ their surgeons to aid the sanitary inspectors in the dis- charge of their duties, under such regulations and orders as the Police Board may make and issue. Police Board. President and Treasurer. Sec. 295. The Police Board shall appoint and remove at pleasure one of their number as the President and another of 136 their number as Treasurer of said Board, and prescribe for and assign to them respectively as President and Treasurer such powers and duties as may be consistent with law. Id.; Duties of Treasurer. Bond. Deputy Treasurer. Sec. 296. The Treasurer of said board shall be the fiscal officer thereof, and chief purchasing agent of the department, and shall, by check and voucher, duly disburse by order of the said Police Board, all moneys belonging to the Police Department or police fund, and shall deposit the same, when paid to him, in a bank or banks or trust company designated by said Police Board. The treasurer shall, within tweaty days after he shall have received notice of his appointment, and before he shall enter upon the execution of the duties of his office, execute a bond in not less than the sum of twenty thousand dollars, to the City of New York, with two sufficient sureties, who shall each justify in the sum of not less than twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that he will well and faith- fully in all things perform and execute the office of treasurer during his continuance in office, said bond to be approved by the Comptroller and filed in his office. The said treasurer shall have power, as soon as may be after he takes upon himself the execution of his office, to appoint, by and with the consent of the Police Board, some proper person deputy treasurer, to hold office during the pleasure of the treasurer, and as often as a vacancy shall occur in the office of such deputy treasurer, or he shall become incapable of executing the same, another shall, in like manner, be appointed in his place. In case of the absence, inability or disability of the treasurer to perform his duties, the said deputy treasurer shall have full powers to perform all the duties of the treasurer during such absence, inability or disability. The treasurer shall be responsible for all the acts of the deputy treasurer, and any default or malfeasance in the office of such deputy treasurer shall be deemed to be a breach of the con- dition in the bond given by said treasurer who appointed him, as herein provided. 137 Id.; To pay salaries and discharge obligations of departmeiit. Sec. 297. The Police Board through its Treasurer, and in pursuance of orders, rules and regulations of the Police Board, shall pay all salaries and wages to officers and me^nbers of the Police Department and force, as established by and in pur- suance of law, and all bills, claims and obligations lawfully incurred by or by authority of said Police Department ; and the Comptroller shall pay over to the Treasurer of the Police Board on the requisition of the Police Board, the total amount annually estimated, levied, raised, and appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Police Department and force, from time to time, and in such sums as shall be required (not exceeding one-twelfth part of said total annual amount in any one month), and the treasurer of the Police Board, if required by the Comptroller, shall transmit to the Department of Finance, each month, duplicate vouchers for the payment of all sums of money made on account of the Police Department during each month. The Police Board shall procure and pay for all printing, books, blanks, paper, and other articles of stationery required for the administration and business of the department and each bureau thereof. Id,; Copy of minutes when evidence. Sec. 298. A copy of the minutes of the Police Board, or of any part of said minutes, or of any order or resolution of said Board, or of the rules and regulations established by said Board, or any or either of them, when certified by the President of said Board and the Chief Clerk, or First Deputy Clerk of said Board or of said Police Department, may be given in evidence upon any trial, investigation, hearing or proceeding in any court, or before any Tribunal, Commissioner or Commissioners, or Board, with the same force and effect as the original. Salaries of officers and members of the force. Sec. 299. Except as otherwise provided in sections 283 and 290 of this Act, the annual salaries and compensation of the officers and members of the police force shall be as follows, to wit : of the Chief of Police, six thousand dollars : of each Deputy 138 Chief of Police, five thousand dollars; of each Inspector of Police, three thousand^ five hundred dollars ; of each Captain of Police, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; of each Police Surgeon, three thousand dollars; of each Sergeant of Police, two thousand dollars; of each doorman, one thousand dollars ; of each roundsman, one thousand five hundred dollars ; and the grade and pay or compensation of patrol- men or policemen shall be as follows, to wit : All such members who are patrolmen and who shall have served five years ^or up- wards on said force, shall be members of the first grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than five years and more than four years and six months, shall be members of the second grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than four years and six months, and more than four years, shall be members of the third grade. All such mem- bers who shall have served on such force for less than four years and more than three years, shall be members of the fourth grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than three years and more than two years, shall be members of the fifth grade. All such members who shall have served on such force for less than two years and more than one year, shall be members of the sixth grade. And all persons appointed patrolmen on or after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be members of the seventh grade. Whenever any member of the seventh grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the sixth grade. Whene\er any member of the sixth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the fifth grade. Whenever any member of the fifth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the fourth grade. Whenever any member of the fourth grade shall have done service therein for one year, he shall be advanced to the third grade. When- ever any member of the third grade shall have done service therein for six months, he shall be advanced to the second grade. And any member of said force who shall have served six months in the second grade, shall become a mem^ber of the first grade. But no such patrolman shall be so advanced as aforesaid, except 139 after examination and approval by the Police Board of hi records, efficiency, and conduct. The annual pay or compensation of the members of the police force who are patrolmen, as aforesaid, shall be as follows; For members of the first grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand four hundred dollars each ; for members of the second grade, at the rate of not less than one * thousand three hundred and fifty dollars each ; for members of the third grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each : for members of the fourth grade, at the rate of not less than one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars each : for members of the fifth grade, at the rate of not 'less than one thousand dollars each; for members of the sixth grade, at the rate of not less than nine hundred dollars each ; for members of the seventh grade, at the rate of not less than eight hundred dollars each. The pay or compensation aforesaid shall be paid monthly to each person entitled thereto, subject to such deductions for or on account of lost time, sickness, disabil- ity, absence, fines, or forfeitures, as the Police Department may, by rules and regulations, from time to time prescribe or adopt. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed to change in any way the salaries or grading, present or prospective, of the patrolmen or policemen who are or become members of the New York Police force prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. All other patrolmen or policemen of the various police forces consolidated into a single force by the provisions of this Act, shall belong, so far as pay or compensation is concerned, to the grade indicated by the pay or compensation which they are res- pectively receiving on January first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight. But nothing in this section contained shall be construed to affect in any other way the rights and privileges secured under the provisions of this Act to the members of the various police forces consolidated into a single force by this Act. The date for the eligibility of any member of the forces trans- ferred to the consolidated force by sections 277, 278, 279 and 280 of this Act for advancement to the next grade, shall be the day of the year on which he was originally appointed to the force 140 from which he was transferred ; and any member of the forces so transferred not a member of the New York police force prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, whose salary falls between two grades, shall receive the salary of and be assigned to the grade next above the salary he is receiving at the time of transfer. Salaries of all officers in the forces so transferred, other than officers in the New York police prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be equalized on the same basis. If the difference in pay is not more than fifty dollars, the pay shall be equalized at once. If the difference is more than fifty dollars, the pay shall be made uniform within three years by equal annual additions. Police Board. Rules, etc. , for government and discipline of Polia Department and Police Force. Dismissals. Sec. 300. The Police Board is authorized and empowered to make, adopt and enforce rules, orders and regulations for the gov- ernment, discipline, administration and disposition of the Police Department and Police Force and the members thereof. It shall have power and is authorized to adopt rules and regula- tions for the examination, hearing, investigation and determina- tion of charges made or preferred against any member or mem- bers of the said police force, but no member or members of the police force except as otherwise provided in this Chapter shall be fined, reprimanded, removed, suspended or dismissed from the police force until written charges shall have been made or preferred against him or them, nor until such charges have been examined, heard and investigated before one or more members of said Board, upon such reasonable notice to the member or members charged, and in such manner of procedure, practice, examination and investigation as the said Board may, by rules and regula- tions, from time to time prescribe. Such rules and regula- tions shall, as nearly as may be, provide that where a charge is preferred against any member of the police force, the investiga- tion of such charge and the taking of testimony with reference thereto shall be at Police H eadquarters in the Borough within which the accused member was serving at the time the charge 131 was preferred. In all cases where the offence charged is punish- able by fine, the case may be fully and finally disposed of by one Commissioner. Any member of the police force who may hereafter become insane or of unsound mind, so as to be'unable or unfit to perform full police service or duty, may be removed and dismissed from the police force by the Board. ^The Police Board may, by a unanimous vote of the Board, or by a vote of a majority of its members with the approval of the Mayor, retire the Chief of Police or any Deputy Chief. Police Commissioners, etc., may issue subpoenas. Who may administer oaths. Sec. 301. Either of the Police Commissioners shall have power to issue subpoenas attested in the name of the President of the Police Board, and to exact and compel obedience to any order, subpoena or mandate issued by them, and to that end may insti- tute and prosecute any proceedings or action authorized^by law in such cases. They or either of them may in proper cases} issue subpoenas duces tecum. Said Board may devise, make and issue process and forms of proceedings to carry into effect any powers or jurisdiction possessed by them. Each of the Police Com- missioners, the Chief of Police, each Deputy-Chief of Police, the Chief Clerk and First Deputy-Clerk of said Police Board or Police Department are hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations in the usual or appro- priate forms, to any person in any matter 'or proceedings authorized as aforesaid, and in all matters pertaining to the Police Department or the duties of any officer or other person in matters of or connected with said Department and to administer oaths of oflfice which may be taken or required in the administration or affairs of said Department, and to take and administer oaths and affirmations, in the usual or appro- priate forms, in taking any affidavit or deposition which may be necessary or required by law or by any order, rule, or regulation of the Police Board, for or in connection with the official [pur- poses, affairs, powers, duties or proceedings of said Police Department, or of said Police Board, or of any Police Com- missioner, or member of the policejforce.'or any official purpose 142 lawfully authorized by said Board. Any person making a com- plaint that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed may be required to make oath or afifirmation thereto, and for this pur- pose a Police Commissioner, the Chief of Police, the Deputy Chiefs of Police, the Chief Clerk, or Deputy Clerks of the Police Department or Police Board, the Inspectors, Captains and Ser- geants of police shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations. Police Board. Punishments by. Limitation of suits for reinstatements, etc. Sec, 302. The Police Board shall have power, in its dis- cretion, on conviction by it or by any court or officer of competent jurisdiction, of a member of the force of any criminal offence,' or neglect of duty, violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or absence without leave, or any conduct injurious to the public peace or wel- fare, or immoral conduct, or conduct unbecoming an officer, or any breach of discipline, to punish the offending party by reprimand, forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, suspension, without pay during such suspension, or by dismissal from the force; but no more than thirty days' pay or salary shall be forfeited or deducted for any offense. All such for- feitures shall be paid forthwith to the Treasurer of the Depart- ment to the account of the police pension fund. The Police Board is also authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to deduct and withhold pay, salary or compensation from any mem- ber or members of the police force, for or on account of absence for any cause without leave, lost time, sickness or other disability, physical or mental ; provided, however, that the pay, salary or compensation so deducted and withheld shall not, ex- cept in case of absence without leave, exceed one-half thereof for the period of such absence, any act or law to the contrary notwithstanding; and said Police Board is authorized and em- powered from time to time to make and prescribe rules and regu- lations to carry into effect and enforce the provisions of this section. No action, suit or proceeding, either at law or in equity, shall be commenced or maintained against the Police Department, or any member thereof, or against the Police 143 Board, Police Commissioners or either of them, or against The City of New York by any member or officer, or former member or officer of or belonging to the police force or de- partment of said city to recover or compel the payment of any salary, pay, money or compensation for or on account of any service or duty, or to recover any salary, compensation or moneys, or any part thereof forfeited, deducted or withheld for any cause, or to restore or reinstate to the police force or depart- ment any member or officer thereof, unless such action, suit or proceeding shall be commenced within two years after the cause of action shall have accrued ; provided that causes of action or proceedings which shall have heretofore accrued may be begun or brought within six years after the same shall have accrued and within two years after the passage of this Act ; but nothing jn this section contained shall be construed or held to extend the time in which causes of action or proceedings which shall have heretofore accrued must be brought. Police Force. Resignations and absences on leave. Sec. 303. No member of the police force, under penalty of forfeiting the salary or pay which may be due him, shall withdraw or resign, except by permission of the Police Board. Absence, without leave, of any member of the police force for five consecutive days shall be deemed and held to be a resigna- tion, and the member so absent shall, at the expiration of said period cease to be a member of the police force and be dismissed therefrom without notice. No leave of absence exceeding twenty days in any one year shall hereafter be granted or allowed to any member of the police force, except upon the condition that such member shall waive and release not less than one-half of all salary, pay or compensation and claim thereto, or any part thereof, during such absence. Id.; Regulations of Civil Service Commissioners. Sec. 304. The Civil Service Commissioners shall prescribe such regulations for the admission of persons into the police force and into the service of the Police; Department as may best promote the efficiency thereof, and ascertain the fitness 144 of candidates in respect to character, knowledge and ability for the police force. The regulations so to be prescribed shall, among other things, be in furtherance of the following provis- ions 1. For open, competitive examinations for testing the fitness of applicants for the police force. Such examina- tions shall be practical in their character, and, so far as may be, shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the relative capacity and fitness of the persons examined to discharge the duties of that service into which they seek to be appointed. 2. All oflficeg, places and employment so arranged or to be arranged in classes shall be filled by selection from among those graded highest as the result of said com- petitive examinations ; provided, however, that the said Board shall not be required to appoint from, but may in their discretion, ignore those who have heretofore been reported or decided to be eligible for appointment. 3. There shall be a period of probation before any absolute appointment or employment in the police force. 4. Promotions from the lower grades to the higher grades shall be on the basis of seniority, of merit and of excellence, as shown by competitive examination. The Police Board shall transmit to the Civil Service Commis- sion, the record of each candidate for promotion. 5. There shall be non-competitive examination where, after due efforts by previous public advertisement or otherwise, competition may be found not to be practic- able. Police Board. Rewards to informers. Sec. 305. The Police Board shall have authority to offer rewards to induce all classes of persons to give information which shall lead to the detection, arrest and conviction of per- sons guilty of homicides, arson, or receiving stolen goods, know- ing them to be stolen ; and to pay such rewards to such persons 145 as shall give such information. But no such reward shall be offered unless there be an unexpended appropriation therefor made by the Board of Estimate^ and Apportionment, which shall make the necessary appropriation for such purpose. Police Force. Gratuities and political contributions forbidden. May be permitted to retain rewards. Sec. 306. No member of the police force or employee of the police department shall, under any pretense whatsoever, share in, for his own benefit, any present, fee, gift or emolu- ment for police services, or for services of the Police Depart- ment or any member thereof, additional to his regular salary, pay or compensation. The Police Board, for merit- orious and extraordinary services rendered by any member of the police force in due discharge of his duty, may permit such member of the police force to retain for his own benefit any reward or present, or some part thereof, tendered him therefor; and it shall be cause for removal from the police force for any member thereof to receive any such reward or present without notice thereof to the Police Board. Upon receiving said notice, the Police Board may either order the said member to retain the same, or shall dispose of it for the benefit of the police pension fund. No person in the police force shall be permitted to contribute any moneys di- rectly or indirectly, to any political fund, or to join or be or become a member of any political club or association or any club or association intended to affect legislation ^for or on behalf of the Police Department or any member thereof, or to contribute any funds for such purpose. Id.; Detail of policemen at polls. Sec. 307. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to detail, or to cause to be detailed on election day, at least two patrolmen at each election poll. It shall be the duty of the police |]force, or any member thereof, to prevent any booth, or box, or structure for the distribution of tickets at any election from being erected or maintained within one hundred and fifty feet 146 of any polling place within the city, and summarily to remove any such booth, box or structure, or to close and prevent the use thereof. Id.; Special patrolmeji ; when may be appointed. Military assistance. Sec. 308. The Police Board may, upon an emergency or apprehension of riot, tumult, mob, insurrection, pesti- lence or invasion, appoint as many special patrolmen without pay from among the citizens as it may deem desirable. The Mayor, or, in case of his failure so to do, the Governor may demand the assistance of the militia of the State within the city, or of any brigade, regiment or company thereof, by order in writing served upon the command- ing officer of any brigade and such commanding officer shall obey such order. Special patrolmen, appointed in pursu- ance of law, may be dismissed by order of the Police Board ; and while acting as such special patrolmen shall possess the powers, perform the duties, and be subject to the orders, rules and regulations of the Police Department in the same manner as regular patrolmen. Every such special patrolman shall wear a badge, to be prescribed and furnished by the Police Board. No transfer, detail or assignment to special duty of any member of the police force, except in cases authorized or required by law, shall hereafter be made or continued, except for police reasons and in the interests of police service ; provided, however, that the Chief of Police may, whenever the exigencies of the case require it, make detail to special duty for a period not exceeding three days, at the expiration of which the mem- ber or members so detailed shall report for duty to the officer of the command from which the detail was made. The Police Board, whenever expedient, may on the applica- tion of any person or persons, corporation or corporations, showing the necessity therefor, detail regular patrolmen of the police force, or appoint and swear any number of special patrolmen to do special duty at any place in The City of New York upon the person or persons, corporation or corporations by whom the application shall be made, paying, in advance, such regular or special patrolmen for their services, and upon such 147 regular or special patrolmen, in consideration of their appoint- ment, signing an agreement in writing releasing and waiving all claim whatever against the Police Department and The City of New York for pay, salary or compensation for their services and for all expenses connected therewith; regular patrolmen so detailed shall be paid at the same rate as provided for patrolmen in this Act; but the regular or special patrolmen so appointed shall be subject to the orders of the Chief of Police and shall obey the rules and regulations of the Police Department and conform to its general discipline and to such special regulations as may be made and shall wear such dress or emblems as the department may direct, and shall during the term of their hold- ing appointment possess all the powers and discharge all the duties of the police force, applicable to regular patrolmen. The special patrolmen so appointed may be removed at any time by the Police Board without assigning cause therefor, and nothing in this section contained shall be construed to constitute such special patrolmen members of the police force, or to entitle them to the privilege of the regular members of the force, or to receive any salary, pay, compensation or moneys whatever from the said Police Department or The City of New York, or to share in the police pension fund. Police Board. Detail persons to attend Courts. Sec. 309. It shall be the duty of the Police; Board, to cause some intelligent and experienced person connected with the police force to attend at the courts of the city in cases where there is need of such assistance, who shall, to such extent as the rules of the Board of Magistrates may reasonably require, aid in bringing the facts before the magistrates in proceedings pending in such police courts. Police Department to co-operate with Department of Health. Sec. 310. It shall be the duty of the Police Department (and of its officers and men, as said Police Board ^ shall direct) to promptly advise the Department of Health of all threatened danger to human life and health, and of all matters thought to demand its attention, and to regularly report to said 148 Department of Health all violations of its rules and ordinances, and of the health laws, and all useful sanitary information. Said Department, shall, so far as practicable and appropriate, co-op- erate for the promotion of the public health and the safety of human life in said city. It shall be the duty of said Police De- partment, by and through its proper officers, agents and men, to faithfully and at the proper time enforce and execute the sani- tary rules and regulations, and the orders of said Department of Health (made pursuant to the power of said Department of Health), upon the same being received in writing and duly au- thenticated as said Department of Health may direct. Said Police Department is authorized to employ and use the appro- priate persons and means, and to make the necessary expend- itures for the execution and enforcement of said rules, orders, and regulations, and such expenditures, so far as the same may not be refunded or compensated by the means herein elsewhere provided, shall be paid as the other expenses of said Department of Health are paid. In and about the exe- cution of any order of the Department of Health, or of the Police Department made pursuant thereto, police officers and policemen shall have as ample power and authority as when obeying any order of or law applicable to the Police Depart- ment, or as if acting under a special warrant of a justice or judge, duly issued ; but for their conduct they shall be responsible to the Police Department and not to the Department of Health. The Department of Health may, with the consent of the Police De- partment, impose any portion of the duties of subordinates in said department upon subordinates in the police department. Police Force. Arrests for violation of health laws. Sec. 311. Any member of the police force may arrest without warrant any person who shall, in view of such member, violate, or do, or be engaged in doing or committing in said city, any act or thing forbidden by Chapter XIX of this Act, or by any law or by any ordinance the authority to enact which is given by this Act or any other Statute or who shall, in such presence, resist or be engaged in resisting the lawful enforcement of any such law or ordinance or any official order made pursuant to any Statute of 149 fairiviEs: this State. And any person so arrested shall thereafter be treated, disposed of and punished as any other person duly arrested for a misdemeanor unless other provision "is made for the case by law. Id. : Detail of officers and men to assist Department of Health. Sec. 312. The Police Board, upon the requisition of the Board of Health, shall detail to the service of the said Depart- ment of Health for the purpose of the enforcement of the pro- visions of the sanitary code, and of the acts relating to|tenement and lodging houses, not less than fifty nor more than one hundred suitable oflficers and men of experience of at least five years' service in the police force, provided that the Department of Health shall pay monthly to the Police Department a sum equal to the pay of all officers and men so detailed. At least thirty of the officers and men so detailed shall be employed exclusively in the enforcement of the laws relating to tenement and lodging houses. These officers and men shall belong to the sanitary company of police, and shall report to the Board of Health. The Board of Health may report back to the Police Department for punishment any member of said company guilty of any breach of orders or discipline, or of neglecting his duty, and thereupon the Police Board shall detail another officer or man in his place, and the discipline of the said members of the sanitary company shall be in the jurisdiction of the Police Department, but at any time the Board of Health may object to any member of said sanitary company on the ground of inefficiency, and thereupon another officer or man shall be detailed in his place. Id.; Detail of officers and men to assist the Department of Public Parks. Sec. 313. The Police Board, upon the requisition of either of the Commissioners of Parks, shall from time to time detail to the service of the Department of Parks in the Borough or Bor- oughs under the charge of such Commissioner, for the enforce- ment of the park ordinances and for the maintenance of good order in the parks, so many suitable officers and men as in the judgment of the Police Department are necessary. Such officers and men shall continue to be in all respects an integral part of 150 the Police force of the city and shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the support of the Police Department. These officers and men shall constitute the Park Police so long as their detail lasts, and shall report to the Park Commissioner in charge of the parks in which they serve. Each Commissioner of Parks may report back to the Police Department for punishment any member of said Park Police force guilty of any breach of orders or discipline, or of neglecting his duty, and thereupon the Police Department may detail another officer or man in his place : and the discipline of the said members of the Park Police shall be in the jurisdiction of the Police Department, but at any time either Commissioner of Parks may object to the inefficiency of any mem- ber of said Park Police serving in any park under his charge and thereupon another officer or man may be detailed in his place. Id.: Detail of officers and men to assist the Department of Bridges. Sec. 314. The Police Board, upon the requisition of the Commissioner of Bridges shall from time to time detail to the service of the Department of Bridges for the enforcement of the ordinances regulating travel over any of the bridges and for the maintenance of good order thereon, so many suitable officers and men as in the judgment of the Police Department are neces- sary. Such officers and men shall continue to be in all respects an integral part of the Police force of the city and shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the support of the Police Department. These officers and men shall constitute the Bridge Police so long as their detail lasts, and shall report to the Commis- sioner of Bridges. The Commissioner of Bridges may report back to the Police Department for punishment any member of said Bridge Police force guilty of any breach of orders or discipline, or of neglecting his duty, and thereupon the Police Department may detail another officer or man in his place ; and the discipline of the said members of the Bridge Police shall be in the jurisdic- tion of the Police Department, but at any time the Commissioner of Bridges may object to the inefficiency of any member of said Bridge Police and thereupon another officer or man may be detailed in his place. 151 Id.; Duties of. Sec, 315. It is hereby made the duty of the Police Depart- ment and force, at all times of day and night, and the members of such force are hereby thereunto empowered, to especially preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders, sup- press riots, mobs and insurrections, disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblages, and assemblages which obstruct the free passage of public streets, sidewalks, parks and places ; protect the rights of persons and property, guard the public health, preserve order at elections and all public meetings and assemblages ; regulate the movement of teams and vehicles in streets, bridges, squares, parks ^nd public places, and remove all nuisances in the public streets, parks and highways ; arrest all street mendicants and beggars ; provide proper police attendance at fires ; assist, advise, and pro- tect emigrants, strangers and travelers in public streets, at steam- boat and ship landings, and at railroad stations ; carefully observe and inspect all places of public amusement, all places of business having excise or other licenses to carry on any business ; all houses of ill-fame or prostitution, and houses where common prostitutes resort or reside ; all lottery ofifices, policy shops, and places where lottery tickets or lottery policies are sold or offered for sale ; all gambling houses, cock-pits, rat-pits, and public common dance- Jiouses, and to repress and restrain all unlawful and disorderly conduct or practices therein ; enforce and prevent the violation of all laws and ordinances in force in said city ; and for these purposes, to arrest all persons guilty of violating any law or ordi- nance for the suppression or punishment of crimes or offenses. Id.; General powers over certain trades. Sec. 316. The Chief of Police and each Deputy Chief of Police, and each Inspector in his district, and each Captain .of Police within his precinct, shall possess powers of general police supervision and inspection over all licensed or unlicensed pawnbrokers, venders, junk-shop keepers, junk-boatmen, cart- men, dealers in second-hand merchandise, intelligence-office keepers, and auctioneers, within the said city; and in the exercise of said supervision, may from time to time em- 152 power members of the police force to fulfill such special duties in the aforesaid premises as may be from time to time ordained by the Police Board, The said Chief of Police and each Deputy Chief of Police, and each Inspector in his district and each Captain within his precinct, may, by author- ity in writing, empower any member of the police force, whenever such member shall be in search of property feloniously obtained, or in search of suspected offenders, or evidence to convict any person charged with crime, to examine the books of any pawnbroker, or his business premises, or the business premises of any licensed vender, or licensed junk-shop keeper, or dealer in second-hand merchandise, or intelligence-office keeper, or auctioneer, or boat of any junk-boatman. Kny such member of the police, when thereto authorized in writing, by the said Chief, shall be author- ized to examine property alleged to be pawned, pledged, deposi- ted, lost or stolen, in whosesoever possession said property may be ; but no such property shall be taken from the possessor thereof without due process or authority of law. Id.; May examine pawnbrokers^ books. Sec. 317. The Chief of Police, Deputy Chiefs of Police, Inspec- tors of Police, and Captains of Police and persons acting by their, or by either of their orders, shall have power to examine the books of any pawnbroker, his clerk or clerks, if they deem it necessary, when in search of stolen property, and any person having in his possession a pawbroker's ticket shall, when accompanied by a policeman, or by an order from the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police, or Inspector of Police, or Captain of Police, be allowed to examine the property purporting to be pawned by said ticket ; but no property shall be removed from the possession of any pawnbroker without the process of law required by the exist- ing laws of this state, or the laws and ordinances of the city regu- lating pawnbrokers. A refusal or neglect to comply in any respect with the provisions of this section, on the part of any pawn- broker, his clerk or clerks, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and punishable as such. Id.; Suppression of gaming and other houses. Sec. 318. If any member of the police force, or if any two 153 or more householders shall report in writing, under his or their signature, to the Chief of Police or to a Deputy Chief of Police, that there are good grounds ( and stating the same ) for believ- ing any house, room or premises within the said city to be kept or used as a common gambling house, common gaming room, or common gaming premises, for therein playing for wagers of money at any game of chance, or to be kept or used for lewd and obscene purposes or amusements, or the deposit or sale of lottery tickets or lottery policies, it shall be lawful for the Chief of Police or a Deputy Chief of Police, to authorize, in writing, any member or members of the police force to enter the same, who may forthwith arrest all persons there found offending against law, but nciie others; and seize all implements of gam- ing, or lottery tickets, or lottery policies, and convey any person so arrested before a magistrate, and bring the articles so seized to the office of the property clerk. It shall be the duty of the said Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police to cause such arrested person to be rigorously prosecuted, and such articles seized to be destroyed, as the orders, rules, and regulations of the Police Board shall direct. Rules and regulations as to navigable waters within the City limits. Sec. 319. It shall be the duty of the Board to provide and enforce proper rules and regulations for the safety of passengers on excursion steamers, yachts, and all craft taking part in regattas or races, whether as observers or participants, in the navigable waters embraced within the corporate limits of the City and to preserve the public peace and prevent undue inter- ference with, or interruption of such regattas and races. Such rules and regulations when so adopted shall be duly published in the public newspapers and any wilfull violation of the same by any person shall subject the offender to the penalties of a misdemeanor and if the holder of a license from the City to a forfeiture thereof. Police Board. To furnish station houses, etc. , and fix bojindaries of pre- cincts. Headquarters. Sec. 320. The PoHce Board shall from time to time with 154 the authority of the Municipal Assembly, establish, provide and furnish stations and station houses, or sub-stations and sub- station houses, at least one to each precinct, for the accommo- dation thereat of members of the police force, and as places of temporary detention for persons arrested and property taken within the precinct ; and shall also provide and furnish such business accommodations, apparatus and articles, and provide for the care thereof, as shall be necessary for the department of police and the transaction of the business of the depart- ment. The said Police Board is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish horses and wagons, to be known as patrol wagons, which said horses and wagons shall be under the custody, control and care of said Police Department, for the exclusive use thereof. The Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment and the Municipal Assembly are directed to appropri- ate a suflficient sum of money in each and every year, for the purpose of furnishing such horses, wagons and apparatus con- nected therewith, and the maintenance thereof, and for the other purposes authorized by this section. The number and boundaries of the precincts shall be fixed by the Police Board. There shall be one headquarters or central station, established and located by said Police Board in each Borough into which The City of New York is divided by this Act. A Deputy Chief of Police shall be assigned to duty by the Police Board at Police Headquarters in the Borough of Brooklyn, and, in the discretion of the Police Board, a Deputy Chief of Police may be assigned to duty at Police Headquarters in each of the other Boroughs. The said Police Board shall apply to and use for the purposes mentioned in this section, the property and premises which shall come into their possession, or under their control, by virtue of section 275 of this Act, so far as suitable for the purpose in their judgment, and available therefor. Id.; To provide accommodations for detention of witnesses. Sec. 321. The Police Board shall, where not otherwise pro- vided by law, and as authorized by the Municipal Assembly, provide suitable accommodations and supplies for the deten- tion of witnesses who are unable to furnish security for their 155 appearance in criminal proceedings, other than children actual- ly or apparently under the age of sixteen years, to be called the house for the detention of witnesses ; and such accommo- dation shall be in premises other than those employed for the confinement of persons charged with crime, fraud or disorderly conduct. And it shall be the duty of all magistrates, when com- mitting witnesses in default of bail, to commit them to such house for detention of witnesses. The Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment and the Municipal Assembly, shall in each and every year appropriate a sufficient sum of money to defray the ex- penses authorized by this section. And said Police Board shall apply to and use for such purposes the property and premises which shall come into their possession or under their control by section 275 of this Act, so far as the same may be available, and, in their judgment, suitable therefor. Id.; To provide lodgings for vagrants, etc. Sec. 322. It shall be the duty of said Police Board and it is hereby empowered to provide for the lodging of vagrants and indigent persons so far as such duty is not by law imposed on some other department of The City of New York. Id.; May maintain and operate telegraph and telephone lines, and use same in assisting Department of Health. Sec. 323. The Police Board shall have power to erect, operate, supply and maintain, under the general laws of the state relating to telegraphs, all such lines of telegraph and tele- phone to and between such places in the city as for the purposes and business of the police the Board shall deem necessary. The Police Board may procure all instruments, fixtures, property and materials for the purpose above mentioned, and control the same, but the cost thereof shall be chargeable to general expenses of police. The Police Board is hereby permitted to use the said telegraph and telephone lines to aid it in facilitating the operations of the Department of Health, and when so used, the expense thereof shall be charged to the saidj Department of Health. 156 Id.; May use boats ; establish mounted patrol, sell old property, etc. Sec. 324. In the performance of police service in any precinct or precincts, comprising waters of the harbor, the PoHce Board may procure and use and employ such row- boats, steamboats, and boats propelled by other power as shall be deemed necessary and proper. In rural or sparsely inhabited precincts it may estabhsh a mounted patrol and procure and use and employ so many horses and equipments as shall be requisite for the purpose ; and it shall procure and cause to be used teams and vehicles to transport prisoners, sup- plies and property, whenever the use of teams and vehicles for such purposes shall be proper and tend to preserve the public peace and decency. The Police Board may sell and dis- pose of, in accordance with law, any personal property owned or used in the department, whenever such property shall have become old and unfit and shall not be required for service, and it shall have authority to detail and employ patrolmen in any duty or service, other than patrol duty, which may be necessary and proper to enable the department to exercise the powers and per- form the duties and business imposed and required by law. Applications for medical attendance. Registered physicians. Sec. 325. Upon the application of any person residing within the precinct, it shall be the duty of the captain or other ofificer at the desk to register in a book kept open for that purpose, the name and address of any person desiring or need- ing medical attendance, with the name or address of the person making such application, and without delay to select and notify of such application one from the list of physicians who have registered in said precinct as thereby pledging them- selves to respond to any call for medical attendance, and who have been certified by the registrar of vital statistics of the Department of Health as being in good and regular standing. It shall be the duty of the captain or other officer at the desk, in the absence of any expressed preference by the applicant, to select and notify, from the list of physicians thus registered, the name of the physician residing nearest to the residence of the said patient in whose behalf application is made. 157 Compensation of registered physician. Certificate, etc. Sec. 326. It shall be the duty of the captain, sergeant, or other officer at the desk, in such police precinct as before speci- fied, upon registry of any application as described in the pre- ceding section, immediately to detail an officer whose duty it shall be to call upon such physician without delay, and to con- duct him to the residence of the patient, also to verify by personal inspection or inquiry, the name and address of such patient as registered by his superior officer. Every officer thus detailed as messenger shall be furnished with a blank certificate, upon which the name and address of the physician responding to the call, the name and address of the patient attended, and the date and hour of the visit shall be written by him after he has conducted the physician to the patient's residence and verified the genuineness of the application. Such certificate shall be signed by him and given to the physician, and shall specify upon its face that the physician therein named is entitled to the sum of three dollars from the public funds, upon presenta- tion thereof to the proper officer, and endorsement thereof in writing of the name of the captain of the precinct. But it shall be the duty of the physician making such visit to present such certificate to the patient or his or her agent or attendant, and to request payment of the said sum specified ; and in case of such payment being made, said physician shall surrender such certifi- cate to the person or persons making it, and it shall cease to be a claim upon the public treasury. In default of the immediate payment of the said fee specified in the said certificate, by the patient or his or her agent or at- tendant, it shall be the duty of the captain of the police precinct in which the visit was made, to endorse it with his name ; and thus endorsed it shall be the duty of the cashier of the Department of Health to pay at sight the fee afore- said, and to enter the payment in a book provided for that purpose, and take up the certificate. And all certifi- cates thus redeemed shall be valid debts to the amount therein named, against the patients therein named, or their guardians, which the said Department may order collected by due process of law, provided that no prosecution shall be 158 instituted in cases where it is satisfactorily shown that the patient is without sufficient means for the payment thereof. Physician to report to Department of Health. Sec. 327. It shall be the duty of every physician thus called to the medical assistance of any person within the police precinct in which he is registered, to transmit to the registrar of the Department of Health, within twenty-four hours after the call shall have been answered, a full and accurate statistical exhibit of the case, specifying therein the age and sex and the employment, profession or business of the patient, the nature of the disease, the hour of the attack, when practicable, the date and the police precinct and ward in which the case occurred ; the same shall be signed with the full name and address of the physician rendering it, but the name and address of the patient shall always be omitted. And it shall be the duty of the Depart- ment of Health to provide all physicians thus registered for night service with appropriate blanks for the said purpose, upon their application therefor. Nearest physician to be called. Penalty for refusal to attend. Sec. 328. Any policeman who shall be detailed as messen- ger, according to the provisions hereinbefore specified, shall, in the absence of preference expressed in the application, call the physician nearest and most convenient to the patient's residence, or in the absence or refusal from any cause of the latter, the physician next nearest, and so on. And there shall be no delay or waiting for such physician to return ; and any of the force neglecting to comply with this provision shall be subject to trial and fine, or dismissal from service, by the Police Board, in the same manner as for other offenses cognizable by the said body. And any physician thus registering who shall twice refuse or neglect, without reasonable excuse, to answer a call made according to the provisions of the three preceding sections, shall be subject to have his name erased from the list, upon proper evidence thereof, submitted to an executive officer, who shall 169 be appointed by the registrar of vital statistics of the Depart- ment of Health, and shall be under his immediate supervision. List of re^stered physicians to be posted. Sec. 329. The Captains of the several police precincts shall cause the names and addresses of such physicians as have been duly certified by the registrar of vital statistics to be plainly and legibly written or printed on a bulletin provided for that pur- pose, which bulletin shall be placed at a convenient point near the captain's desk, and kept open to the inspection of all per- sons within the precinct desiring to see the same. They may, if in their judgment it shall be necessary to the public conven- ience, cause the bulletins of physicians herein specified to be posted in the hotels and district telegraph offices within their respective precincts, but any applicant applying at such hotels or telegraph offices, or desiring the services of any messenger other than a member of the police force detailed for that pur- pose, shall employ such messenger at his own expense, and shall be liable for any expenses incurred in communicating with the police precinct. Hours of service of registered physicians. Sec. 330. The period during which the aforesaid physicians shall be held subject to call shall be between the hours of ten in the evening and seven in the morning, from October first to March thirty-first, inclusive, and between the hours of eleven in the evening and six in the morning, from April first to Septem- ber thirtieth, inclusive. Stolen Property. Property Clerk; Employment of and duties. Sec. 331. The Police Board shall employ some person as clerk, who shall be designated property clerk, to take charge of all property alleged to be stolen or embezzled, and which may be brought into the police office, and all property taken from the person of a prisoner, and all property or money alleged or sup- posed to have been feloniously obtained, or which shall be lost or abandoned, and which shall be taken into the custody of any member of the police force or criminal court in The City of New /ork, or which shall come into the custody of any magistrate or 160 officer, shall be, by such member or magistrate, or by order of said court, given into the custody of and kept by the said property clerk. All such property and money shall be described and registered by said property clerk in a book kept for that pur- pose, which shall contain the name of the owner or claimant if ascertained, the place where found, the name of the person from whom taken, with the general circumstances, the date of its re- ceipt, the name of the officer recovering the same, a description thereof, the names of all claimants thereto, and any final dispo- sition of such property or money. The said Police Board may prescribe regulations in regard to the duties of the clerk so designated, and require and take security for the faithful performance of the duties imposed by this section, but all animals strayed, lost or stolen, which shall come into the possession of the said property clerk shall by him be transferred and sent to the public pound, in said city, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Id.; Return of property to person accused. Sec. 332. Whenever property or money taken from any person arrested shall be alleged to have been felon- iously obtained, or to be the proceeds of crime, and brought, with all ascertained claimants thereof, and the person arrested, before some magistrate for adjudication, and the magistrate shall be then and there satisfied from evidence that the person arrested is innocent of the offense alleged, and that the property right- fully belongs to him, then said magistrate may thereupon, in writing, order such property or money to be returned, and the property clerk, if he have it, to deliver such property or money to the accused person himself, and not to any attorney, agent, or clerk of said accused person. Id.; Claim to by another person. Sec. 833. If any claim to the ownership of such property or money shall be made on oath before the magistrate, by or in behalf of any other persons than the person arrested, and the said accused person shall be held for trial or examination, such 161 property or money shall remain in the custody of the prop- erty clerk until the discharge or conviction of the person accused and until lawfully disposed of. Uncldfimed, lost, stolen, etc. , property, to be registered and advertised. Sec. 334. All property or money taken on suspicion of having been feloniously obtained, or of being the proceeds of crime, and for which there is no other claimant than the person from whom such property was taken, and all lost property com- ing into the possession of any member of the said police force, and all property and money taken from pawnbrokers as the proceeds of crime, or by any such member from persons sup- posed to be insane, intoxicated or otherwise incapable of taking care of themselves, shall be transmitted, as soon as practicable, to the property clerk, to be registered and advertised in the City Record for the benefit of all persons interested, and for the information of the public, as to the amount and disposition of the property so taken into custody by the police. Id.; To be sold if unclaimed. Sec. 335. If the property stolen or embezzled be not claimed by the owner, before the expiration of six months from the conviction of a person for stealing or embezzling it, the officer having it in his custody must, on payment of the neces- sary expenses incurred in its preservation, deliver the same to the property clerk. The property so delivered to said property clerk, and all such other property, securities, moneys, things, or choses in action, that shall remain in the custody of the property clerk for the period of six months without any lawful claimant thereto, after having been advertised in the City Record for the period of ten days, may be sold at public auction in a suitable room to be designated for such purpose, and the proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the police pension fund. No property shall be delivered to the property clerk or at the central office of the Police Department, except as provided by law. Stolen property desired as evidence in criminal court. Sec. 336. If any property or money placed in the 162 custody of the property clerk shall be desired as evidence in any police or other criminal court, such property shall be delivered to any officer who shall present an order to that effect from such court. Such property, however, shall not be retained in said court, but shall be returned to such property clerk to be dis- posed of according to the previous provisions of this chapter. Police Force. Arrests without warrant. Sec. 337. The several members of the police force shall have power and authority to immediately arrest, without war- rant, and to take into custody, any person who shall commit, or threaten, or attempt to commit, in the presence of such mem- ber, or within his view, any breach of the peace or offense directly prohibited by Act of the Legislature, or by any ordi- nance made by lawful authority. The members of the police force shall possess in The City of New York and in every part of this State, all the common law and statutory powers of con- stables, except for the service of civil jprocess, and any warrant for search or arrest, issued by any Magistrate of this State, may be executed, in any part thereof, by any member of the police force, and all the provisions of Sections 7, 8 and 9 of Chapter 2, Title 2, Part 4 of the Revised Statutes, in relation to the giving and taking of bail, shall apply to this chapter. Id.; Returns of Arrests. Accused to be taken before Magistrate. Sec. 338. In every case of arrest by any member of the police force, the same shall be made known immediately to the superior on duty in the precinct wherein the arrest was made, by the person making the same ; and it shall be the duty of the said superior, within twenty-four hours after such notice, to make written return thereof, according to the rules and regulations of the Police Department, with the name of the party arrested, the alleged offense, the time and place of arrest, and the place of detention. Each member of the police force, under the penalty of ten days' fine, or dismissal from the force, at the discretion of the Police Board shall, immediately upon an arrest, convey in person the offender before the nearest sitting magistrate, that he may be dealt with according to law. If the arrest 163 is made during the hours that the magistrate does not regularly hold court, or if the magistrate is not holding court, such offender may be detained in a station house, or precinct thereof, until the next regular public sitting of the magistrate, and no longer, and shall then be conveyed without delay before the magistrate, to be dealt with according to law. And it shall bej^the duty of the said Police Board, from time to time, to provide suitable rules and regulations to prevent the undue detention of persons arrested, which rules and regulations shall be as operative and binding as if herein specially enacted, subject, however, to the order of the court committing the person arrested. Penalty for personating policeman, atidfor willful neglect of police. Sec. 339. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by im- prisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year, nor exceeding two years, or by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, for any member of the police force to wilfully neglect to make any arrest for an offense against the law of the state, or any ordinance in force in The City of New York, or for any person not a member of the police force to falsely represent himself as being such a member, with a fraudulent de- sign upon persons or property, or upon any day or time to have, use, wear or display, without specific authority from the Police Department, any uniform, shield, buttons, wreaths, numbers or other insignia or emblems in any wise resembling such as are worn by members of the police force; and the said Police Department is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to prescribe the uniform, shields, emblems, insignia and weapons to be worn, displayed and used, and to regulate the wearing, display and use thereof, by any and all persons, except- ing marshals and the sheriff, his undersheriff and deputies authorized under the laws of this state, to make arrests for any cause in The City of New York. Misdemeanor for persons not members of Police Force to serve criminal process. Sec. 340. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person not being a regular member of the police established in any city of 164 this state, or a member of the police force of The City of New York, or a constable of this state, or a police constable, or assistant police constable, or United States marshal, or other peace officer of this State, or a sheriff, or one of the usual gen- eral deputies of any sheriff of this state, to serve any criminal process within the said city. Exetnption from military and jury duty, and civil process. Sec. 341. No person holding office under this Department shall be liable to military or jury duty, and no officer or patrol- man while actually on duty shall be liable to arrest on civil pro- cess, or to service of subpoena from civil courts. Steam boilers. Inspection of. Not to be operated without certificate. Sec. 342. Every owner, agent or lessee of a steam boiler or boilers in use in The City of New York shall annually, and at such convenient times and in such manner and in such form as may, by rules and regulations to be made therefor by the Police Board, be provided, report to the said Department the location of each steam boiler or boilers, and thereupon, and as soon thereafter as practicable, the sanitary company or such member or members thereof as may be competent for the duty herein described, and may be detailed for such duty by the Police Board shall proceed to inspect such steam boilers, and all apparatus and appliances connected therewith ; but no person shall be detailed for such duty except he be a practical engineer, and the strength and security of each boiler shall be tested by atmos- pheric and hydrostatic pressure and the strength and security of each boiler or boilers so tested shall have, under the control of said sanitary company, such attachments, apparatus and appliances as may be necessary for the limitation of pres- sure, locked and secured in like manner as may be from time to time adopted by the United States inspectors of steam boilers or the Secretary of the Treasury, acording to act of Congress, passed July twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and they shall limit the pressure of steam to be applied to or upon such boiler, certifying each inspection and such limit of pres- sure to the owner of the boiler inspected, and also to the engi- 165 neer in charge of same, and no greater amount of steam or pressure thanj^that certified in the case of any boiler shall be applied thereto. In limiting the amount of pressure, wherever the boiler under test will bear the same, the limit desired by the owner of the boiler shall bej^the] one certified. Every owner, agent or lessee of a steam boiler or boilers in use in The City of New York shall, for the inspection and testing of such or each of such boilers, asjprovided for in this Act, and upon receiving from the Police Department a certificate setting forth the location of the boiler inspected, the date of such inspection, the persons by whom the inspection was made, and the limit of steam pressure which shall be applied to or upon such boiler or each of such boilers, pay annually to the Treasurer of the Police Department for each boiler, for the use of the Police Pension Fund, the sum of two dollars, such certificate to continue in force for one year from the granting thereof when it shall expire, unless sooner re- voked or suspended. Such certificate may be renewed upon the payment of a like sum and like conditions, to be applied to a like purpose. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, corporation or cor- porations, to have used or operated within The City of New York any steam boiler or boilers except for heating purposes and for railway locomotives, without having first had such boiler or boilers inspected or tested and procured for such boiler or each of such boilers so used or operated the certificate herein pro- vided for. The Superintendent and Inspectors of Boilers, in the employ of the Police Department, in the City of Brooklyn, and the Boiler Inspectors in Long Island City, shall continue to dis- charge the duties heretofore devolved upon them, subject, how- ever, to removal for cause, or when they are no longer needed. Id.; No person to use, or act as engineer for, without certificate. Sec. 343. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to operate or use any steam boiler to generate steam except for railway locomotive engines, and for heating purposes in private dwellings, and boilers carrying not over ten pounds of steam and 166 not over ten horse-power, or to act as engineer for such purposes n The City of NeM^ York without having a certificate of qualifi- cation therefor from practical engineers detailed as such by the Police Department, such certificate to be countersigned by the officer in command of the sanitary company of the Police De- partment of The City of New York and to continue in force one year, unless sooner revoked or suspended. Such certificate may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Police Board upon the report of any two practical engineers, detailed as provided in this section, stating the grounds upon which such certificate should be revoked or suspended. Where such certifi- cate shall have been revoked, as provided in this section, a like certificate shall not in any case be issued to the same person within six months from the date of the revocation of the former certificate held by such person. Id.; Record of inspections to be kept. Sec. 344. A correct record in proper form shall be kept and preserved of all inspections of steam boilers made under the direction of the Police Board, and of the amount of steam or pressure allowed in each case, and in cases where any steam boiler or the^apparatus or appliances connected therewith shall be deemed bySthe department, after inspection, to be inse- cure or dangerous, the department may prescribe such changes and alterations as may render such boilers, apparatus and appli- ances secure and devoid of danger. And in the mean time, and until such changes and alterations are made and such appli- ances attached, such], boiler, apparatus and appliances may be taken under the control of the Police Department and all per- sons prevented from using'the same, and in cases deemed neces- sary, the appliances, '^apparatus or attachment for the limitation of pressure may be taken under the control of the said Police Department. Id.; Over-pressure forbidden. Owner neglecting to report boiler. Sec. 345. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to apply or cause to be applied to any steam boiler a higher pres- sure of steam than that limited for the same in accordance with 167 the provisions of this chapter and any person violating the pro- visions of the last preceding section shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. In case any owner of any steam boiler in the said city shall fail or omit to have the same reported for inspection, as provided by law, such boiler may be taken under the control of the Police Department and all persons prevented from using the same until it can be satisfactorily tested, as hereinbefore provided for, and the owner shall, in such case, be charged with the expense of so testing it. Police Board. Licenses for public exhibitions. Sec. 346. The Police Board is authorized to grant licenses for public exhibitions, in the manner and on the conditions pro- vided in Title 2 of Chapter XXII of this Act. Id.; Licenses to emigrant boarding-houses. Bond. Sec. 347. The Police Board is authorized to grant licenses to persons keeping houses for the purpose of boarding emigrant passengers. But before granting any such license, said board shall require from such person or persons a bond satisfactory to it, with one or more sureties in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the good behavior of such person or persons, and the proper conduct of all agents and runners in his or their employ. The Police Board may revoke any license for cause. The person or persons receiving such license shall pay the sum of ten dollars a year for each license. Id.; Licenses to bookers of emigrant passengers. Sec. 348. The Police Board is authorized to grant licenses to persons exercising the vocation of booking emigrant passen- gers, or taking money for their inland fare, or for the trans- portation of their baggage. The persons receiving such licenses shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars a year for each license. Id.; Licenses to runners. Bonds. Sec. 349. The Police Board may issue licenses authorizing the person or persons to whom the same are issued, upon any 168 street, public highway, dock or pier, or in any park or square, in The City of New York, or upon any water adjacent thereto, over which said City has jurisdiction, to solicit patronage for any hotel, or inn, or passengers or patronage for any steamer, steam- boat, ship, vessel or railroad, or for any person or corporation selling or offering for sale passage tickets, or contracting or offering to contract for passage in any such steamer, steamboat, ship, vessel or railroad. Such license shall be for the period of one year from the date thereof, and every person receiving such a license shall pay the sum of twenty dollars therefor to the Police Board, and shall also give to said Board a bond, with two good and sufficient sureties in the penalty of three hundred dollars, conditioned for his good behavior, and the faithful observance by him of the provisions of this section. It shall be lawful for said Board, upon an application made prior to the expiration of said license to renew and continue the same from year to year, provided that the applicant therefor continues in all respects qualified, as herein provided, to hold such license, and the said applicant shall, upon receiving such renewal, pay into the City Treasury the further sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents per annum as a renewal fee. Licenses and renewals may be revoked at any time by the said Board for any cause satisfactory to it, such cause to be stated in writing to the person so removed at the time of the notice of his removal. No person shall receive any license under the pro- visions of this section who is not a citizen of the United States and a person of good general character; such fact to be proved to the satisfaction of the Police Board. Said Board shall render to the Comptroller of said City quarterly accounts of all moneys received by it under the provisions of this section, and the amount so received shall be paid over by said Board into the City Treasury. Id.; Special Patrolman for District Telegraph companies. Sec. 350. The Police Board is hereby authorized, in addition to the police force now authorized by law, to appoint a number of persons, not exceeding two hundred, who may be designated by any company which may be operating a system of 169 signalling by telegraph to a central office for police assistance, to act as special patrolmen in connection with such telegraphic system. And the persons so appointed shall, in and about such service, have all the powers possessed by the members of the regular force, except as this may be limited by the regu- lations of the Police Board, and they shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Police Department. No person shall be appointed as such special patrolman who does not pos- sess the qualifications which may be required by the Police Board for such special service ; and the persons so appointed shall be subject, in case of emergency, to do duty as a part of the regular police force. The Police Board shall have power to revoke any such appointment or appointments at any time, and every person so appointed shall wear a badge and uni- form, to be furnished by such company, and approved by the Police Department. Such uniform shall be designated at the time of the first appointment under this section, and shall be the permanent uniform to be worn by said special police. The pay of such special patrolmen and all expenses connected with their service shall be wholly paid by such company or companies, and no expense or liability shall at any time be incurred or paid by the Police Department for, or by reason of, the services of the persons so as aforesaid appointed. Police Pension Fund. Police Board trustees of. Powers over. Sec. 351. The Police Board shall be the Trustees of the Police Petision Fund hereinafter mentioned. The Treasurer of said Board shall be treasurer of the pension fund. He shall, before entering upon his duties as treasurer thereof, execute and deliver to said Board, a bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars, to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York, and conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, and that he shall pay over and account for all moneys and property which shall come to his hands as such treasurer. Such trustees shall have charge of and administer said funds, and from time to time invest the same, or any part thereof, as they shall deem most beneficial to said fund, and they are empowered to make all neces- sary contracts and take all necessary and proper actions and pro- 170 ceedings in the premises, and to make payments from such fund of pensions granted in pursuance of this Act, and also pensions now charged on said fund or any part thereof by or under existing laws, and said trustees shall be the legal successors of the trustee or trustees of the police life insurance fund, and of any police pension fund heretofore existing within The City of New York as constituted by this Act, including the pension fund of the Park Police of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, and the pension fund of the Park Police of the City of Brooklyn. The said trustees may, and they are authorized and empowered, from time to time to establish such rules and regulations for the disposition, investment, preservation and administration of the police pension fund as they may deem best. They shall report in detail to the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York, annually, in the month of January, the condition of the police pension fund and the items of receipts and disbursements on account of the same. No payments whatever shall be allowed or made by said trustees from said fund as reward, gratuity or compensation to any person for salary or services rendered, to or for said trustees, except payment of legal expenses. Id. ; Funds to be paid trustees. Exemption from execution and process. False swearing in pension claims. Sec. 352. The said police pension funds existing in said City of New York as constituted by this Act, or in any part thereof when this Act takes effect, and all moneys, bonds, investments, securities, revenues and incomes thereof, or belonging thereto, in whose hands soever or wherever the same may be, shall be paid over and delivered on demand to the said trustees of the Pension Fund as constituted by this Act. The moneys, secur- ities and effects of the police pension fund, and all pensions granted and payable from said fund shall be and are exempt from execution and from all process and proceedings to enjoin and recover the same by or on behalf of any creditor or person having or asserting any claims against, or debt or liability of, any pensioner of said fund. Every person who knowingly or wilfully in any wise procures the making or presentation of any 171 false or fraudulent affidavit or affirmation concerning any claim for pension or payment thereof shall in every such case forfeit a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by and in the name of the said Trustees, and, when recovered, to be paid over to and thereupon become a part of the said police pension fund. Any person who shall wilfully swear falsely in any oath or affirmation in obtaining or procuring any pension or payment thereof, under the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of perjury. Td. : Of what it consists. Sec. 353. The said police pension fund shall consist of: 1. The capital, interest, income, dividends, cash, deposits, securities and credits formerly belonging to the police life insurance fund, and any police pension fund, existing as aforesaid with the addition thereto, from time to time, of 2. All forfeitures imposed by the Police Depart- ment from time to time, upon or against any member or members of the police force ; and of 3. All rewards, fees, gifts, testimonials and emolu- ments that may be presented, paid or given to any mem- ber of the police force on account of police services, except such as have been or shall be allowed by the Police Department to be retained by the said members, and also all gifts or bequests which may be made to the said pension fund, or to the said Police Board as trustees thereof. 4. All lost, abandoned, unclaimed, or stolen money remaining in the possession of the property clerk of the police department for the space of one year, and for which there shall be no lawful claimant, and all moneys arising from the sale by said property clerk of unclaimed, abandoned, lost or stolen property, and all moneys realized, derived or received from the sale of any con- demned, unfit or unserviceable property belonging to or 172 in the possession or under the control of the Police Department ; and of 5. All moneys, pay, compensation or salary, or any part thereof, forfeited, deducted or withheld from any member or members of the police force on account of absence for any cause, lost time, sickness or other disabil- ity, physical or mental, to be paid monthly by the Trea- surer of the Police Board to the Police Pension Fund. 6. All moneys derived or received from any licenses or certificates granted or given under section 340 of this Act. 7. Any sum out of or share of excise moneys de- rived from the granting of licenses or permission to sell strong or spirituous liquors, ale, wine or beer, or out of or of any moneys paid for taxes upon the business of trafificking in or selling or dealing in strong or spirituous liquors, ale, wine or beer, which by law was, at the time of the taking effect of this Act, applicable to or appro- priated to any police pension fund then existing within the limits of the said City of New York, and such sum or share shall be paid in equal quarterly instalments by the Comptroller of the City of New York, or other person or officer having the legal custody thereof, to the Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund without any action or au- thority of or from any other official body or officer. 8. All moneys received or derived from the grant- ing or issuing of permits to carry pistols in said city, and no permit shall be granted or issued to any person except upon the payment of two dollars and fifty cents in advance to the Chief of Police, nor shall any such per- mit continue in force for more than one year, when another may be issued from year to year, upon the payment of a like sum. The Chief of Police is author- ized to grant and issue permits for such purpose in proper cases, upon the payment of the ^ sum aforesaid, and all such moneys shall be paid over to the treas- urer of the police pension fund. 173 9. All moneys derived or received from the granting or issuing the permits, or the giving of permission to give masked balls, entertainments or parties, or either of them, in The City of New York, No masquerade or fancy-dress ball, or other entertainment, shall be held, given or permitted in The City of New York, except upon condition that a license fee therefor of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars shall first be paid to the Police Department who are authorized to demand and receive the same for the benefit of the police pension fund. 10. A sum of money equal to but not greater than two per centum of the monthly pay, salary or compensation of each member of the police force, which sum shall be deducted monthly by the Treasurer of the Police Board from the pay, salary, or compensation of each and every member of the police force and the said Treasurer of said Board is hereby authorized, empow- ered and directed to deduct the said sum of money as aforesaid and forthwith to pay the same to the treasurer of the trustees of the police pension fund. 11. Any and all other moneys and funds which, but for the passage of this Act, would have been part of or applicable to any police pension fund at the time this Act takes effect or thereafter within the limits of The City of New York as constituted by this Act. 12. And any and all unexpended balances of appro- priation or amounts estimated, levied, raised or ap- propriated for the payment of salaries or compensation of members of the police force within said City of New York remaining unexpended or unapplied after allowing all claims payable therefrom. And the Police Board may, and it is hereby authorized to pay over to the police pension fund such unexpended balances or any part thereof, at any time after the expiration of the year for which the same were made and appropriated, and 174 after allowing sufficient to satisfy all claims payable therefrom as aforesaid. 13. In case the amount derived from the different sources mentioned and included in this section shall not be sufficient at any time to enable the police department to pay in full the pensions which have been or which may hereafter be granted, it shall be the duty of the Police Department each year at the time of making up the de- partmental estimate, to prepare a full and detailed state- ment of the assets of said police pension fund and the amount which is required to pay in full all such pensions and to present the same to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment together with a statement of the amount of money required to enable the said board to pay the said pensions in full. It shall be the duty of said Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal As- sembly to make an appropriation sufficient to provide for such deficiency and the amount so appropriated shall be included in the tax levy, and the Comptroller shall pay over the money to the Treasurer of the Police pension fund. 14. And the said Police Board, as Trustees of the Police Pension Fund, is hereby authorized and empow- ered to take and hold, as trustees of such fund, any and all gifts or bequests which may be made to such fund. Id.; Pensions classified. Sec. 354. The Police Board shall have power, in its discretion, to retire and dismiss from membership in the said police force, and thereupon to grant pensions to, as hereinafter provided, any member of the police force of said city who shall have become disabled, physically or mentally, or superannuated by age so as to be unfit for police duty, and to widows and or- phans of such members to be paid from the police pension fund to the trustees thereof, as follows : 1. To the widow of any member of any police force within the limits of said city, who shall have been killed 176 while in the actual performance of duty, or shall have died from the effects of any injury received whilst in the actual discharge of such duty, or who has died, or who shall hereafter die after ten years of service in any police force within the limits of The City of New York, or who shall have been retired upon a pension, if there be no child or children under eighteen years of age of any such mem- ber, the sum of not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum ; but if there be any such child or children of such member under the age aforesaid, then the said sum may be divided between such widow, child or children in such proportions and in such manner as the said trustee may direct ; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not be applicable to the widow, child or children of any member of any police force within the limits of said City who shall have been killed or died prior to the taking effect of this Act, unless such widow, child or children would have been entitled to a pension under the laws in force at that time ; and provided further that in no event shall such widow, child or children receive a greater pen- sion than she, it or they would have been entitled to under the laws in force immediately prior to the taking effect of this Act. 2. Subject to the like limitations, to any child or children under eighteen years of age of such member killed or dying as aforesaid, or pensioner as aforesaid, but leaving no widow, or, if a widow, then after her death to such child or children being yet under eighteen years of age, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum. 3. Subject to the likel imitations, to any such mem- ber of any such police force who, whilst in the actual per- formance of duty and by reason of the performance of such duty, and without fault or misconduct on his part, shall have become permanently disabled, physically or mentally so as to be unfitted to perform full police duty, a sum not to exceed one-half nor less than one-fourth of his rate of compensation per annum. 176 4. To any such member of the said police force who shall, after ten years,and less than twenty-five years' mem- bership in any such police force, become superannuated by age, permanently insane or mentally incapacitated, or disabled physically or mentally so as to be unfitted or unable to perform full police duty by reason of such disability or disease contracted without misconduct on his part, a sum not to exceed one-half nor less than one-fourth of his rate of compensation per annum. Id.; When meinbers of force entitled to pension. Amount and duration. Sec. 355. Any member of the police force being of the age of fifty-five years who has or shall have performed duty on any such police force as aforesaid for a period of twenty years or upwards, upon his own application in writing may, or upon a certificate of so many of the police surgeons as the Police Board may require showing that a member of whatever age who has served twenty years is permanently disabled, physically or mentally, so as to be unfit for duty, shall, by order of the Police Board, be relieved and dismissed from said force and ser- vice and placed on the roll of the police pension fund, and awarded and granted to be paid from said pension fund an annual pension during his lifetime of a sum not less than one-half of the full salary or compensation of such member so retired ; and any member of the police force who has, or shall have performed duty on any such force aforesaid, for a period of twenty-five years or upwards, being of the age of fifty-five years, or any member of any such police force who is an honorably discharged soldier or sailor from the army and navy of the United States in the late civil war, who shall have reached the age of sixty years, or any such soldier or sailor who has performed duty on any such force for a period of twenty years, upon his own application in writing, provided there are no charges against him pending, must be re- lieved and dismissed from said force and service by the Depart- ment and placed on the roll of the police pension fund and awarded and granted, to be paid from said pension fund, an an- nual pension during his lifetime of the sum of not less than one- 177 half of the full salary or compensation of such member so retired ; and the said Department may in like manner relieve and dismiss from the service and place on the roll of the police pension fund, and grant and award a pension to any member of said force other than an honorably discharged soldier or sailor of the Mexican or late civil war who shall have reached the age of sixty years. The said Police Department shall award and grant pensions to the chief of police of three thousand dollars ; to each deputy chief of police, twenty-five hundred dollars ; to each inspector, seventeen hundred and fifty dollars ; to each captain of the police, thirteen hundred and seventy-five dollars, and to each sergeant and de- tective sergeant of police hereafter relieved and dismissed from said force and service and placed on the roll of the pension fund, as hereinbefore provided, the sum of one thousand dollars per annum hereafter. Pensions granted under this section shall be for the natural life of the pensioner, and shall not be revoked, repealed or dimin- ished. In case any member shall have voluntarily left any such police force, and entered into the United States service, and served in the war of the rebellion, in the army or navy, and re- ceived an honorable discharge, and afterwards shall have been reinstated or reappointed in the police force, the time of his ser- vice in the army or navy shall be considered as continuous ser- vice in the police force. Pensions may, in the discretion of the said Police Department be continued and paid to the widows and children, or, if no widow, to the child or children while under the age of eighteen years of any member of the police force to whom pensions shall have been granted, provided, however, that such pension to such widows or children, as the case may be, shall, in no instance, exceed six hundred dollars per annum, and the same may, in the discretion of the said Board, be, from time to time, and at any time diminished, modified or revoked ; provided however, that no member of either of the police forces by this Act con- solidated, having a right to retire upon a pension at the time this Act takes effect, shall be deprived of such right by reason of his remaining upon the police force, or of anything in this Act contained. 178 In determining the terms of service of any member of the police force, service in the municipal and metropolitan force, and subsequently in the police force of the City of New York, as heretofore constituted, or in any police force within the limits of The City of New York as hereby constituted, and thereafter in the police force created by this Act, shall be counted and held to be service in the police force of The City of New York for all the purposes of this chapter. Id.; When certain pensions terminate. Equalizing existing pensions. Sec. 356. Pensions to widows shall terminate when the widow shall re-marry, and pensions to children shall terminate whenever the children shall respectively marry or arrive at the age of eighteen years. The Police Board may, in its discre- tion, order any pension granted, or any part thereof, to cease, or be diminished, except those pensions as to which it is otherwise provided in this Act, and as therein provided ; but in all such cases the said Police Board shall file with the trustees of the police pension fund a written statement of the causes which determined the Police Board in ordering any- pension so to cease or be diminished ; and nothing herein, or in any other act contained, shall render the granting of any pension obliga- tory on the Police Board or chargeable as a matter of right upon said police pension fund, except as herein provided. All exist- ing pensions lawfully granted, payable out of the police life insurance fund, or any police pension fund of which the Police Board are made Trustees by this chapter, and not lawfully revoked, are continued and shall be paid out of the police pen- sion fund in pursuance of the limitations and provisions of this Chapter. Id.; Certificate of disability. Department may make rules. Sec. 357. No member of the police force shall be granted, awarded, or paid a pension on account of physical or mental disability or disease, unless a certificate of so many of the police surgeons as the Police Board may require, which shall set forth the cause, nature and extent of the disability, disease or injury of such member, shall be filed in the Department. And no 179 member shall be retired upon pension or be pensioned, nor shall any pension be awarded, granted or paid except as provided in this Chapter, any other law to the contrary notwithstanding. The said Police Department is authorized and empowered to make and adopt all such rules, orders and regulations as are or may be necessary to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Act as to pensions. £ lections ; Powers transferred to Police Board. Board and offices abolished. Sec. 358. All the rights, powers, authority, duties and obligations immediately heretofore by law vested in or imposed upon the Board of Elections of the City of Brooklyn, or upon the Commissioners or either of them comprising such Board, or upon the Police Commissioners of the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the City of New York, with respect to elections, shall forthwith by force of and as an effect of this Chapter be trans- ferred to and continue in and upon the Police Board created by this Act, except in so far as the same shall be contrary to or in- consistent with the provisions of the election law and of this Chapter. The Board of Elections of the City of Brooklyn and the tenure or term of office of the Commissioners comprising such Board and each of them are hereby abolished. General Bureau of Elections. Control of. Branches. Sec. 359. There shall be in the Police Department created by this Chapter a Bureau to be known and designated as the General Bureau of Elections of The City of New York, which shall be located at Police Headquarters in the Borough of Manhattan. Branches of said General Bureau shall be established as follows : one in the Borough of The Bronx; one in the Borough of Brooklyn ; one in the Borough of Richmond ; and one in the Borough of Queens. Said Police Board shall have cognizance and control of said General Bureau of Elections, and of the branches thereof, and of the officers, employees, affairs and administration of said General Bureau and its branches. Id.; Management. Superintendent. Sec. 360. The affairs of said General Bureau of Elections 180 and of said branches thereof under and subject to such rules, regulations and orders as may, from time to time, be made by said Police Board, not inconsistent with the provisions of the election law or of this Chapter, shall be managed, conducted and carried on by a person chosen and appointed by said Police Board who shall be known as the Superintendent of Elections of The City of New York ; and such other officers, clerks, assistants and employees as may be selected or appointed as hereinafter provided. Id.; Appointment of Chiefs of Branches and assistants. Salaries of assistants. Detailing members of Police Force. Sec. 361. Said Police Board shall also provide and appoint for each of the said branch bureaus a chief of such branch bureau and such clerks, or other assistants, and furnish such accommodations and supplies for the conduct and admin- istration of said General Bureau and its branches, and their du- ties and affairs as may be reasonably necessary, and shall fix the grade, rank, duties and salaries of such clerks and other assistants. Said Police Board shall pay said salaries in equal monthly instalments. Said Police Board shall detail to said General Bureau and its branches such patrolmen and other mem- bers of the Police force as may be necessary from time to time for the faithful performance by said General Bureau and its branches of their functions and duties. Id.; Officers terms and salaries. Removals. Sec. 362. The said Superintendent of Elections shall hold his office for five years, and shall receive a salary of six thousand dollars a year. The chiefs of the branch bureaus of elections of the Boroughs of Kings, Richmond, The Bronx and Queens shall receive such salaries respectively as shall be fixed by the Po- lice Board, not to exceed the sum of four thousand dollars a year for the Chief of the Branch Bureau of Elections in the Borough of Brooklyn, fifteen hundred dollars a year in the Borough of The Bronx, and fifteen hundred dollars a year in each of the Boroughs of Richmond and Queens. Such salaries shall be paid 181 by the Police Board in equal monthly instalments. Said Super- intendent of elections and chiefs of branch bureaus shall each be removable at any time by the Police Board for cause. Id.; Employees continued in service. Sec. 363. Until said Police Board shall otherwise provide, the clerks, assistant clerks, and other employees attached to or in the service of the Board of Elections of the City of Brook- lyn when this chapter takes effect shall continue in the service and employment of the said General Bureau of Elections or said branches thereof, and they shall have the same salaries and perform the same duties as heretofore. But said Police Board shall have the power to fix the salaries, duties, and rank of such clerks, assistant clerks, and other employees. Idii Appropriation for expenses of. " Sec. 364. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly shall annually include in its final estimate and in its appropriations for the Police Department each year, such sums as may be necessary to pay the expenses of said General Bureau of Elections and branches thereof, including salaries and compensations of the said superintendent of elections, and the chiefs of the branch bureaus thereof, and of all other clerks and assistants therein. The sums so included in the said estimate shall also be included in the yearly tax levy upon the estates, real and personal, in the said city of New York. Id.; Superintendent the chief executive officer. Annual report. Sec. 365. The superintendent of elections shall be the chief executive ofificer of the General Bureau of Elections and be charge- able with and responsible for the execution of the provisions of the election law and the rules and regulations of the Police Board relating to said General Bureau or any of its branches. He shall render to the Police Board in each year a statement of the opera- tions and expenses of the General Bureau of Elections and the branches thereof, together with an estimate of the expenses \ 182 thereof for the ensuing year, and such recommendations in ref- erence to the election law and the rules and regulations of the Police Board relating to the election bureau and as to elections as to him may seem advisable. Id.; Chiefs of branches. Duties. Location of offices. Sec. 366. The chief of a branch bureau of elections shall per- form such duties as now are or which may hereafter be prescribed by the election law, and the rules and regulations of the Police Board. He shall be subject to the orders and directions of the superintendent of elections under the rules and regulations of the said board, and his ofifice shall be located at the Police Head- quarters in the Borough in which he is appointed to serve. Id.; Election expenses a charge against the city. Sec. 367. The legal compensation of all inspectors of elec- tion, poll clerks and ballot clerks, the expenses of registration and revision of registration required by law, and of the compilation and publication of the registry of electors, of all necessary notices^ posters, maps, advertisements, registers, books, blanks and station- ary, rent and cost of fitting up, warming, lighting, cleaning and safe keeping of all places of registration, revision of registration and polling places, and of all supplies of every kind and nature for and all other necessary expenses of all elections in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, or any territory included therein shall be a charge against The City of New York, and shall, upon proper certificates and vouchers, be paid in the same manner as by law is provided for the payment of the other expenses of and charges against the said city. And the sums necessary for the purposes and pay- ment specified in this section shall, by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly, fee included in the annual budget each year, and such sums shall also be included in the yearly tax levy upon the estates, real and per- sonal, in The City of New York. Id.; Existing records and property transferred to, custody of. Sec. 368. All books documents, papers, records, and elec- tion appliances or appurtenances held or used by or under the 183 I control of the Board of Elections of the City of Brooklyn, or the Board of Police Commissioners of The City of New York, or the Bureau of Elections in said city, or other officers having cogni- zance of the conduct of elections in The City of New York as constituted by this Act shall be transferred to the care, custody and control of the General Bureau of Elections created by this chapter, but shall be in such care, custody and control, subject to the orders of the Police Board. Id.; Superintendent to destroy registers of electors, etc. Sec. 369. The Superintendent of the General Bureau of Elections under the direction of the Police Board in The City of New York is hereby authorized and directed not less than two years after each election, to sell or destroy all registers of electors, statements of canvass and tally sheets ; provided that two copies of the register of electors for each election district to be selected by the Superintendent of the General Bureau of Elections, shall be excepted and preserved from such sale or destruction. ^.; Application of preceding section. Sec. 370. The provisions of section 367 of this Act shall apply to and include the material and records of former elections which may at any time be in the custody of said General Bureau of Elections or branches thereof, but shall not at any time apply to nor include any material or records of any election as to which any proceeding may at any time be pending in any court, and such material or records shall remain on file and be preserved. Disposition of proceeds of sales. Sec. 371. All moneys realized by sales under this Chapter shall be ^paid over to the Chamberlain of The City of New York, toithe credit of the General Fund of said city. 184 CHAPTER IX. BOROUGH OFFICERS, LOCAL BOARDS AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Title 1. Borough Officers. 2. Local Boards. 3. Local Improvements. Title 1. BOROUGH officers. President: qualifications, term, election, salary. Section 382. There shall be a President of each Borough, who must be a resident thereof at the time of his election and remain a resident thereof throughout his term of office. The President and his successors shall be elected by the electors of the Borough at all the elections whereat the Mayors of The City of New York are respectively to be elected. The President shall hold his office for a term of four years commencing at noon on the first day of January next after his election. The salary of the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, of The Bronx and of Brooklyn, respectively, shall be five thousand dollars a year, and the salary of the Presidents of the Boroughs of Queens and of Richmond, respectively, shall be three thousand dollars a year. A President of a Borough may be removed by the Mayor on charges, subject to the approval of the Governor of the State of New York. Any vacancy in the office of President caused by re- moval from the Borough, or otherwise, shall be filled for the unex- pired term by an election to such vacancy made by a majority vote of all of the members of the Municipal Assembly then in office rep- 185 ^esenting said Borough, and in case of any such vacancy it shall be the duty of the Mayor forthwith to call such members in session for such an election and to preside thereat ; but he shall not vote unless his vote be necessary to decide the election. In case of the disability of any President of the Borough caused by pro- tracted illness there shall be elected in the same manner as for a vacancy, a President of the Borough pro tempore, who shall act until the President is able to perforra the duties of his office. President: Powers and duties. Sec. 383. A President of a Borough shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Local Board of every Dis- trict of Local Improvements in his Borough, and Chair- man thereof, entitled to preside at its meetings and to vote as any other member, but he shall not have the power of veto. He shall have an office in such hall or public building of the Borough as the Municipal Assembly may by resolution direct. He shall have power to appoint a Secretary and other assist- ants and clerks, if provision be made therefor by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly, and, within the proper appropriation, to fix their salaries. The said Secretary, assistants and clerks shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. President to call meetings of Local Board. Sec. 384. A President of the Borough shall call all meetings of the various Local Boards of the Borough, and shall give such notice thereof to the members as the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly may require. And he shall certify all resolutions, proceedings and determinations of the Local Boards of the Districts of Local Improvements in his Borough. Halls or buildings to be located in each Borough. Sec. 885. There may be when prescribed by this Act a Hall or Public Building or Buildings in each Borough, at which may be stationed deputies of such of the various administrative de- partments of the City Government, as may be authorized by the Board of Public Improvements, for the greater convenience of 186 the people of the City in the discharge of the duties thereof, provided such deputies or divisions shall be in all things as much a part of each department respectively, and as fully under the head thereof, as if the administrative force of said depart- ment were seated wholly in one building. Title 2. local boards. Districts of Local Improvements. Sec. 390. For the purposes of local improvements the terri- tory of The City of New York is hereby divided into certain Dis- tricts of Local Improvements. The districts so constituted shall be named or numbered or otherwise distinguished by the Muni- cipal Assembly. As first constituted by this Act there shall be twenty-two Districts of Local Improvements which shall together comprise all of the territory by^this Act consolidated into The City of New York. The territory in each of the Senatorial Districts of the State of New York, situated in whole or in part within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, as such Dis- tricts are divided by the Constitution of the State of New York in force January the first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and to the extent that they are within the limits of said city, and as therein bounded and described, shall constitute a separate District of local improvements, that shall be bounded and described in the same terms as is the same territory when contained in a Senatorial District, as aforesaid. The Municipal Assembly shall, whenever necessary, supplement and complete the description of the boundaries of any District. The Local Board how constituted, jurisdiction. Sec. 391. There shall be in each and every district of local improvements a Board of Local Improvements to be known and described as " The Local Board," to be entrusted with the powers 187 by this Act prescribed. The jurisdiction of each Local Board shall be confined to the district for which it is constituted, and to those subjects or matters the costs and expenses whereof are in whole or in part a charge upon the people or property of the district or a part thereof, except so far as by this Act jurisdiction may other- wise be given over matters of local administration within such district. Each Local Board shall consist of the President of the Borough wherein the district is situated, by virtue of his office, and of each member of the Municipal Assembly, who is a resident of such Local Improvement District, by virtue of his office and during his term as such member. Removal from the district shall vacate their offices as members of the said Local Board. The members of a Local Board shall serve as such members without compensation. If any proposed local improvement specified in section 393 of this Act shall embrace the territory or affect the property of more than one district of local improvements, the members of the Local Boards of all the Districts so affected shall, for all proceedings in the matter of such improvement, constitute the Local Board for the purposes thereof, and its proceedings shall in all respects conform to the provisions of this Act that regulate the proceedings of any other Local Board. Id.: Procedure. Sec. 392. The action of a Local Board shall be by resolution, subject to the procedure governing resolutions passed by the Municipal Assembly and conformably thereto save that they need not be submitted to the Mayor of The City of New York for his approval. Id.: Powers. Sec. 393. A Local Board, subject to the restrictions provided by this Act, shall have power in all cases where the cost of the improvement is to be met in whole or in part by assessments upon the property benefited, to recommend that proceedings be initiated to open, close, extend, widen, grade, pave, regrade, repave and repair the streets, avenues and public places, and to construct lateral sewers within the district ; to flag or reflag, curb or recurb the sidewalks, and to relay cross-walks on such streets 188 #'V' ■- --'' ■♦^ fUFIVlESITT] and avenues ; to set or to reset street lampsT^Jftk=*ep^Wvide signs designating the names of the streets. A Local Board shall have power to hear complaints of nuisances in streets or avenues, or against disorderly houses, drinking saloons conducted without observance of the licenses therefor, gambling houses or any other places or congregations violative of good order or of the laws of this State, or other matters or things concerning the peace, comfort, order and good government respecting any neighbor- hood within the district, or concerning the condition of the poor within the district, and to pass such resolutions concerning the same as may not be inconsistent with the powers of the Municipal Assembly or of the respective administrative departments of The City of New York, and to aid such Municipal Assembly and Departments in the discharge of their duties respecting the good government of the said district. Id.: Meetings: Secretary: Quorum, Sec. 394. Meetings of each Local Board shall be held at the Main Hall or Public Building of the Borough. It shall be the duty of the President to call such meetings whenever in his opinion the public business shall require, or whenever he shall receive the written request of any three members of a Local Board. The Secretary of the President of the Borough shall act as the Secretary of each Local Board, in the Borough, without additional compensation. He shall keep a record of all resolu- tions, proceedings and determinations of each Local Board, and shall file the same in the ofifice of the President of the Borough, and he shall discharge such other duties as may be prescribed by this Act, or by the Municipal Assembly, or by the President of the Borough, or by a Local Board. The President of a Local Board and one other member thereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting duly called. 189 Title 3. local improvements. President: Duty on receipt of petition. Sec. 400. When a petition for a local improvement within the jurisdiction of a Local Board has been received by the President of the Borough, it shall be his duty to appoint a time for a meeting of the proper Local Board, not more than fifteen days thereafter, at which meeting such petition will by him be submitted to the said Local Board, and he shall thereupon cause a notice to be published in the "City Record," that such petition has been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and of the place where there will be a meeting of the Local Board at which such petition will be submitted by him, to said board, which time shall not be less than ten days after the publication of the notice. Local Board, proceedings after petition. Sec. 401. The Local Board, after the submission of such petition and consideration of the same, may then, as the petition shall ask, recommend that proceedings be initiated to open, to close, to extend, to widen, to regulate, to grade, to curb, to gutter, to flag, and to pave streets, to lay crosswalks, and to con- struct lateral sewers within its district, and generally for such other improvements in and about such streets within its district as the public wants and convenience of the district shall require. Id. : To transmit resolution: further procedure; expenses to be a lien. Sec, 402. If the Local Board shall by resolution decide to recommend that proceedings be initiated for a local improvement within its jurisdiction, it shall thereupon, forthwith, transmit a copy of such resolution to the Board of Public Improvements. Said board shall promptly consider such resolution, and if, in its opinion, the work proposed ought to be proceeded with, it shall take such steps in regard thereto as are in this Act provided in the cases where public works are proposed and initiated by said Board of Public Improvements. The expense of all such 190 improvements shall be assessed and be a lien on the property- benefited thereby in proportion to the amount of said benefit, and in no case shall extend beyond the limits of said district. Local Boards, power to flag sidewalks, etc. Sec. 403. A Local Board shall have the power to cause the flagging or reflagging of sidewalks, laying or relaying of cross- walks, fencing vacant lots, digging down lots or filling in sunken lots within its district, by resolution approved by the Board of Public Improvements. When such public work or improve- ment shall have been duly authorized, the Board of Public Im- provements shall direct the proper department to proceed forthwith in the execution thereof, as in cases where public works are proposed and initiated by said Board of Public Improve- ments. Construction of this title. Sec. 404. Nothing in this title contained shall be construed to in any way limit the power of the Board of Public Improve- ments or of the Municipal Assembly, or of the Board of Public Improvements and the Municipal Assembly conjointly, in authorizing any public improvement, nor shall anything herein contained be construed to authorize any local Board to incur any expenditures other than as authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 191 CHAPTER X. THE BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Title 1. Board of Public Improvements. 2. Map or Plan of The City of New York ; Map of Sewer System and Sewer Districts. 3. General Provisions relating to Departments. 4. Department of Water Supply. 5. Department of Highways. 6. Department of Street Cleaning. 7. Department of Sewers. 8. Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Sup- plies. 9. Department of Bridges. Title 1. board of public improvements. Board of Public Improvements; how constituted. Sec. 410. There shall be in The City of New York a Board of Public Improvements, to consist of the President of said Board, the Mayor, the Corporation Counsel, the Comptroller, the Com- missioner of Water Supply, the Commissioner of Highways, the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, the Commissioner of Bridges, and the Presidents of the several Boroughs, by virtue of their respective offices. The Mayor, the Corporation Counsel, the Comptroller, and the Presidents of the 192 several Boroughs shall not be counted as members of the Board for the purpose of ascertaining if a quorum be present. No President of a Borough shall have a vote in said Board except upon matters relating exclusively to the Borough of which he is President. Id. President; salary; powers. Sec. 411. The President of the Board of Public Improve- ments shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold his office, as provided in chapter IV of this Act. His salary shall be eight thousand dollars a year. He shall be a member of the Board of Revision of Assessments. The said President shall have power to designate one of the members of said Board as Vice-President. The President or in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of said Board, shall certify all proceedings thereof, except as otherwise provided, and shall cause all reports required by said Board to be made from the departments without, delay. The President shall have power, in all cases of difference in the said Board concerning the disposition of any public work, to assign such work to one or more of the departments for execu- tion ; and in case there shall arise any disagreement between the different departments represented on said Board, other than the Department of Finance and the Law Department, or between con- tractors respectively undertaking work pursuant to contracts let by the different departments, the President shall decide such mat- ter and his decision shall be final until and unless such decision shall be reversed by the Board of Public Improvements. In case of the inability of the President to decide any of such matters by reason of sickness, or absence from the city, for a period not less than three days, the Mayor shall have power to decide the same. The President shall have the power to vote, but his approval shall not be necessary for the validity of any resolution of the said Board. Id. Secretary; office; meetings; quorum, etc. Sec. 412. The President of said Board shall have power to 193 appoint and remove a Secretary of the Board and such other clerks as may be necessary. The Secretary shall attend its meetings, keep and preserve a record of its proceedings, and perform such other clerical duties as the Board or the President may from time to time direct. The salary of the Secretary and of all clerks, within the proper appropriation, shall be fixed and regulated by said Board. The Municipal Assembly shall make provision for an office and a meeting-room, in the Borough of Manhattan, for said Board of Public Improvements. The said Board shall meet, once a week at least, for the consideration of public business, and the President of the Board may call meetings of the said Board whenever he may deem it necessary. A majority of the members of the Board who, as heretofore provided, are to be counted for the purpose of ascertaining if a quorum be present, shall form a quorum for the transaction of business, but final action shall not be had in any matter specially concerning the department of any Commissioner not in attendance, unless such matter has thereto- fore been made a special order of the day. The said Board shall from time to time furnish to the Municipal Assembly such information and data as may be required of it, or as it may deem proper or necessary to impart, and shall make an annual report to the Mayor. Authorizing Public Improvements. Sec. 413. Except as herein otherwise provided, any public ■work or improvement within the cognizance and control of any one or more of the Departments of the Commissioners who con- stitute the Board of Public Improvements, that may be the sub- ject of a contract, must first be duly authorized and approved by a resolution of the Board of Public Improvements and an ordi- nance or resolution of the Municipal Assembly. But no public work or improvement, involving an assessment for benefit, shall be so authorized until there has been presented to the Board of Pub- lic Improvements an estimate in writing, in such detail as the Board may direct, of the cost of the proposed work or improvement, and a statement of the assessed value, according to the last preceding 194 tax roll, of the real estate included within the probable area of assess- ment. Any ordinance or resolution of the Municipal) Assembly- approving any public work or improvement shall be subject to the power of the Mayor over resolutions or ordinances of the Mun- icipal Assembly, which ordinance or resolution, together with a statement of the final disposition thereof, duly certified by the City Clerk, shall be transmitted to the Board of Public Improvements. When a public work or improvement shall have been duly authorized, as aforesaid, then, but not until then, it shall be lawful for the proper department to proceed in the execution thereof, in accordance with the provisions and subject to the limitations of this Act. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring on the Board of Public Improvements any of the exclusive powers vested by law in of the said Com- missioners in his department concerning the details of any work or improvement. Municipal Assembly; restriction on powers of. Sec. 414. It shall not be lawful for the Municipal Assembly to enter directly into contract for any public work or im- provement whatsoever. When proposals to enter upon public work of any character falling within the jurisdiction of the various departments repre- sented in the Board of Public Improvements originate in the Municipal Assembly, before an ordinance or resolution authori- zing the same or providing money therefor shall be adopted, a report must be had from the Board of Public Improvements as to the desirability thereof. Said Board shall report in as much detail as possible, and shall submit an approximate, and, when- ever practicable, a detailed estimate of cost. If the report of the Board of Public Improvements be favorable to the project, an ordinance or resolution authorizing the same may be passed in the usual manner : but, if the report of the Board of Public Improvements be unfavorable, an ordinance or resolution authori- zing the project shall be passed only by a vote of five-sixths of both houses of the Municipal Assembly, and be approved by the Mayor. 195 Board of Public Improvements ; power with respect to certain subjects. Sec. 415. The Board of Public Improvements, shall have power over the following subjects : (1) The adoption of a map or plan for any part of the City of New York for which no final map or plan has been adopted. (2) Acquiring title for the use of the public to land required for parks, streets, approaches to bridges and tunnels, sites or lands above or under water for bridges or tunnels. (3) Acquiring title for the use of the public to lands or easements therein, required for sewers, as provided in title 7 of this chapter. (4) The approval of plans for the sewerage and drain- age of the City of New York, devised and prepared by the President of said Board and the Commissioner of Sewers. (5) The construction, repairing and cleansing of sewers and underground drains. (6) Repairs and renewal of pavements and readjusting the grade of streets in connection therewith. (7) Water rents, superintendence of water supply of private water companies, contracts for water supply with private companies or other municipalities. (8) Any public work for which the money has been provided either in the tax levy or by the issue of bonds. But in the ordinance authorizing the issue of bonds for the repaving of streets, the Municipal Assembly may designate the Borough or Boroughs in which the money obtained from the sale of such bonds shall be expended. To prepare ordinances y etc. Sec. 416. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Im- 196 y^^^lJ~vements to prepare and to recommend to the Municipal Assembly all ordinances and resolutions regulating the following matters (1) The laying of water pipes and the making of all attachments thereto, and also the extending, construct- ing and repairing of the water works. (2) The regulating, grading, curbing, guttering, flag- ging and paving of streets, the laying of crosswalks, the constructing, reconstructing and repairing of streets and the making of all excavations therein for public purposes, and also prescribing the width of sidewalks, and regula- ting the manner of constructing and laying the same. (3) Encroachments upon and obstructions in the city streets, and authorizing and requiring their removal. (4) The use of the streets and sidewalks for signs, sign-posts, awnings, awning-posts, horse-troughs, urinals, telegraph-posts and other purposes. (5) The exhibition of advertisements or handbills along the streets. (6) The construction, repair and use of vaults, cis- terns, areas, hydrants and pumps. (7) The construction and repair of public markets. (8) The preservation and protection of all or any of the works connected with the supplying of the City of New York with pure and wholesome water. (9) The cleaning and sprinkling of streets, and the using of streets and sidewalks in building operations, and for all other temporary or business purposes. (10) The laying of gas pipes and electric wires under- ground, steam pipes, pneumatic tubes and the like, and the lighting of all public thoroughfares, places, bridges and buildings, the inspecting and testing of gas or electricity employed for light, heating and power, gas- meters, electric-meters, electric wires, the use and trans- 197 mission of electricity for all purposes in, upon, across, over and under all streets and public buildings, and the opening of street surfaces for the business of manufac- turing, using and selling electricity, gas, steam, or for the surface of pneumatic tubes, (11) The erecting, extending and repairing of public buildings, other than school-houses, almshouses, peni- tentiaries, and the police and fire station-houses. (12) The rates of fare on the railroad of the New- York and Brooklyn Bridge, and upon the roadways thereof, and upon any other bridge or bridges and the roadways thereof, where a fare is, or may be authorized by law, and for the safety of travel upon any and all of the bridges within the territory of the City and not included within any of the public parks thereof. (13) The making of all contracts for public work or supplies, and agreements in relation thereto by which the City shall be liable to pay money ; and such ordinances among other matters must provide, that the award, if any, must be made to the lowest bidder, unless the Board of Public Improvements, by the vote of a majority of its members, of whom the Mayor and the Comptroller shall be two, shall determine that it is for the public interest that a bid other than the lowest should be accepted, and that no contract shall be made until the Comptroller certifies thereon that the necessary funds are provided and applicable thereto. Public Improvement: further procedure. Sec. 417. All proposed City ordinances regulating the public work specified in section 416 of this Act must from time to time be adopted or prepared by said Board of Public Improvements, and when approved by said Board, such proposed ordinances duly certified shall be submitted to the Municipal Assembly. And the Municipal Assembly shall, without power of amendment, take such ordinance or 198 ordinances into consideration, and shall either enact or reject the same, and if rejected, it or they shall be returned to the Board of Public Improvements for further considera- tion. So far as may be possible in the first instance, and so far as the public business may permit, the ordinances regulating the matters provided for in section 416 of this Act shall be submitted to the Municipal Assembly so as to afford an entire rule of municipal action upon each of the different subjects in said section described and specified. Board of Public Improvements; power to prescribe rides, etc. Sec. 418. The Board of Public Improvements may prescribe rules, regulations or plans for the regulating, grading, paving, curbing and guttering of streets, avenues, roads and public places other than parks, and for the laying of crosswalks and sidewalks throughout the city. Contracts for work or supplies. Sec. 419. All contracts to be made or let for work to be done or supplies to be furnished, except as in this Act otherwise provided, and all sales of personal property in the custody of the several departments or bureaus, shall be made by the appropriate heads of departments under such regulations as shall be established by ordinance or resolution of the Municipal Assembly. Whenever any work is necessary to be done to com- plete or perfect a particular job, or any supply is needful fo^ any particular purpose, which work and job is to be undertaken or supply furnished for the City of New York, and the several parts of the said work or supply shall, together, involve the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, the same shall be by contract, under such regulations concerning it as shall be established by ordinance or resolution of the Municipal Assem- bly, excepting such works now in progress as are authorized by law or ordinance to be done otherwise than by contract and, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of three-fourths of the members elected to the Municipal Assembly ; and all contracts shall be entered into by the appropriate heads of 199 departments, and shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be founded on sealed bids or proposals, made in compliance with public notice, duly advertised in the "City Record," and the corporation newspapers, said notice to be published at least ten days; if the head of a department shall not deem it for the interests of the City to reject all bids, he shall, without the consent or approval of any other department or officer of the City government, award the contract to the lowest bidder, unless the Board of Public Improvements by the vote of a majority of its members, of whom the Mayor and the Comptroller shall be two, shall determine that it is for the public interest that a bid other than the lowest should be accepted ; the terms of such contract shall be settled by the Corporation Counsel as an act of preliminary specification to the bid or proposal. The bidder whose bid is accepted shall give security for the faithful per- formance of his contract in the manner prescribed and required by ordinance ; and the adequacy and sufficiency of this security shall, in addition to the justification and acknowledgment, be approved by the Comptroller. All bids or proposals shall be publicly opened by the officer or officers advertising for the same and in the presence of the Comptroller, but the opening of the bids shall not be postponed if the Comptroller shall, after due notice, fail to attend. If the lowest bidder shall neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his bid or proposal, or if he accepts but does not execute the contract and give the proper security, it shall be readvertised and relet as above provided. In case any work shall be abandoned by any contractor, it shall be readvertised and relet by the head of the appropriate depart- ment in the manner in this section provided. No bid shall be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City. Every contract, when made and entered into, as before provided for, shall be executed in duplicate, and shall be filed in the Department of Finance ; together with a copy of the resolution or ordinance of the Municipal Assembly, or of the resolu- tion of the Board of Public Improvements, or copies of both, 200 as the case may be, authorizing said work ; such copies shall be so filed within five days after the contract shall have been duly executed by the contractor: a receipt for each payment, made on account of or in satisfaction of the same, shall be indorsed on the said contract by the party receiving the warrant, which warrant shall be only given to the person interested in such contract, or his authorized representative. No expenditure for work or supplies involving an amount for which no contract is required shall be made, except the necessity therefor be certi- fied to by the head of the appropriate department, and the ex- penditure has been duly authorized and appropriated. Proposals to be advertised ; deposit to accompany bid. Sec. 420. Whenever proposals for furnishing suppHes or doing work are invited by advertisement by any department or officer, such department or. officer is authorized and directed to require, as a condition precedent to the reception or consider- ation of any proposal, the deposit with such department or officer of a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the said city, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or of money; such checks or money to accompany the proposal, to an amount not less than three nor more than five percent, of the amount of the bond required by the department or officer for the faithful performance of the work proposed to be done or supplies to be furnished. Within three days after the decision as to whom the contract is to be awarded, the Comptroller shall return all the deposits made to the persons making the same, except the deposit made by the bidder whose bid has been accepted ; and if the said bidder whose bid has been accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five days after due notice that the contract has been awarded, to execute the same, the amount of deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the said City as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall be paid into the Sinking Fund of the City, but if the said bidder shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit shall be returned to him. Certifiicate of completion to be filed. Sec. 421. It shall be the duty of each of the Commissioners 201 mentioned in section 410, of this Act, having in charge any work, within five days after the acceptance of such work, to file with the Comptroller a final certificate of the completion and accept- ance thereof, signed by the Chief Engineer|or head of his de- partment. The filing of such certificate shall be presumptive evidence that such work has been completed according to con- tract. It shall also be the duty of such Commissioner, in the case of work to be paid for in whole or in part by assessment for benefit, when such work shall have been completed and accepted, and all the]]expenses thereof which may be legally assessed shall have been ascertained, to execute a certificate of the total amount of all the cost and expenses which shall have been actually incurred by the City of New York on account of such work and forward the same to the Board of Assessors in accordance with section 946 of this Act. Accompanying said certificate shall be a copy of the resolution or ordinance of the Municipal Assembly, or of the resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, or copies of both, as the case may be, authorizing such work to be done, and also a copy of any resolution or ordinance, if any such has been passed, determining that any proportion of the cost and expense of such work shall be borne by the City of New York. The Board of Assessors shall, upon receiving such certificate, assess upon the property benefited, in the manner authorized by law, the amount of the certificate, or such proportions thereof, as is authorized by law. The proceedings relative to levying, confirming and collecting any such assessments shall be in ac- cordance with the provisions of chapter XVII of this Act. Power to assess for Local Improvements. Sec. 422. In all cases where the Board of Public Improve- ments or the Municipal Assembly or the Board of Public Im- provements and the Municipal Assembly together, with or without the concurrence or approval of any other Board or ofificer, are authorized to determine that a local 'improvement is to be made, the said Board or the said Municipal Assembly, or both as the case may be, shall determine whether any, and if any, what proportion, of the cost and expense thereof shall be 202 borne and paid by the City of New York, and the remainder of such cost and expense shall be assessed upon the property deem- ed to be benefited thereby ; and the assessment shall be laid and confirmed and collected in accordance with the provisions of chapter XVII of this Act. The words " local improvement " as used in this section shall be construed to mean with respect to each Borough of the City of New York any work the payment of which was, prior to the passage of this Act, provided for, by the laws in force in such Borough, in whole or in part, by assessment upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby or the owners thereof, other than assessments which are confirmed by a court of record. Comptroller to pay contractors. Sec. 423. When a contract for a public improvement shall have been entered into and a certified copy thereof shall have been filed with the Comptroller, in conformity with section 419 of this Act, said Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the contractor or his assigns, from time to time as the work progresses, seventy per centum of the estimated value of the work actually done under said contract, until the same shall have been completed. The estimate of the value of any such work shall be signed by the Surveyor and also by the Chief Engineer of the department having the matter in charge, and upon the final completion of any contract, and the filing of the final certificate of completion, the Comptroller shall, within thirty days thereafter, or within thirty days after the expiration of the time within which, according to the terms of the contract, the City has to accept such work, pay to the contractor or his assigns, the balance of the amount due under said contract, provided, however, that the Municipal Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Board of Public Improvements, may authorize contracts for asphalt or other pavements to be made, with a guaranty upon the part of the contractor for one or more years, with a provision for the retention of a percentage of the amount to be paid, which shall be paid within thirty days after the expiration of the guaranty, upon the filing of a certificate signed by the Chief Engineer of the department 203 having the matter in charge that the terms of the contract have been complied with. The payments to be made by the Comp- troller pursuant to this section shall be made out of the " Street Improvement Fund," if the cost and expense of said work are to be assessed in whole or in part upon property deemed to be benefited thereby. The amounts collected from any and all assessments for local inprovements paid for out of such fund, together with all defaults and interest on the same, are to be paid into said fund. It shall be the duty of, and lawful for the Comptroller, when thereto authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to create and issue such additional amounts of the corporate stock of the City of New York as shall be necessary to provide for the cost and expense of such work, or such part thereof as is to be borne and paid by the City of New York ; and the pro- ceeds of the sale of such stock shall be paid into the Street Improvement Fund. Municipal Assembly ; further restrictions. Sec. 424. It shall not be lawful for the Municipal Assembly to release any contractor with the city or with any of the depart- ments, boards, bureaus or officers thereof, from any fine or pen- alty incurred under his contract, save upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Public Improvements. And it shall not be lawful for the Municipal Assembly to extend the time for the performance of any such contract save upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Public Improve- ments. Board of Public Improvements ; further powers. Sec. 425. The Board of Public Improvements is authorized and empowered, in its discretion, on the application, in writing, of the Head of the Fire Department, to grant the said Depart- ment location for apparatus houses in said Department on any of the public property, streets or slips under the control and care of one or more of the Commissioners who constitute said Board ; provided that the same are so located and constructed as in the judgment of the said Board will not disfigure or mar the 204 appearance of the same, nor interfere with the purpose of travel or public recreation, and if placed upon any street, avenue or slip, which shall not reduce the width of the same between the curbs for the purpose of travel at the place of such location to less than thirty feet on each side of said building. Board of Public Improvements; general powers. Sec. 426. The said Board of Public Improvements shall exercise such powers and perform such duties with respect to the whole territory embraced within The City of New York, as consti- tuted by this Act, as were heretofore vested in the Board of Street Opening and Improvements of the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York, with respect to the territory included within that municipality, except so far as the same have been otherwise specifically and expressly conferred by this Act. And the said Board of Public Improvements shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are vested in or cast upon it by any of the pro- visions of this Act, or that may in accordance with the law be devolved upon it by the Municipal Assembly, Title 2. THE MAP OR PLAN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ESTABLISHING OF GRADES, CHANGES THEREIN, MAP OF SEWER SYSTEM, AND SEWER DISTRICTS. The m.ap of the City of New York. Section 432. The map or plan of the territory lying within the Borough of Manhattan, as heretofore laid out, adopted and established by the municipal authorities of the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and the map or plan of that part of the territory lying within the Borough of The Bronx, laid out by the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards pursuant to chapter 545 of the Laws of 1890, and the acts 205 amendatory thereof, as heretofore duly laid out, adopted and estab- lished by such Commissioner, with the concurrence and approval of the Board of Street Opening and Improvements pursuant to law, and the map or plan of so much of the territory laying within the Borough of Brooklyn, for which a permanent map or plan has been adopted, as heretofore duly laid out, adopted and established by the proper municipal authorities, and the map or plan of so much of the territory lying within the Borough of Queens, for which a permanent map or plan has been adopted by the proper municipal authorities of Long Island City, as so laid out, adopted and established, showing the parks, streets, bridges and tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, as heretofore laid out, adopted and established pursuant to law, and the maps and profiles included in or accompanying the same, showing the grades of such streets duly fixed, adopted and established, shall constitute the map or plan of the City of New York to the extent and so far as they cover the territory lying within the said city, and as such is hereby laid out, adopted, established and confirmed, is to be deemed final and conclusive with respect to the location, width and grades of the streets shown thereon, so far as such location, width and grades have been heretofore duly adopted, except as herein otherwise provided. Map to be completed. Sec. 433. It shall be the duty of the President of the Board of Public Improvements, subject to the limitations hereinafter provided, to prepare a map of so much of the territory embraced within the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, of which a map or plan has not heretofore been finally established and adopted, as set forth in section 432 of this Act, locating and laying out all parks, streets, bridges, tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, and indicating the width and grades of all such streets so located and laid out. Whenever and as often as the President of the Board of Public Improvements shall have completed the map of a part of the terri- tory aforesaid, he shall report the same together with the surveys, maps and profiles, showing the parks^streets, bridges,tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, located and laid out by him, 206 and the grades thereof, to the Board of Public Improvements, for its concurrence and approval, subject, nevertheless, to such correc- tions or modifications as in the judgment of the majority of said Board may be advisable ; and the said Board thereafter shall cause such map or plan, and such profiles, as finally adopted by it, to be certified by the President and Secretary of said Board, and filed as follows : One copy thereof in the ofifice in which conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the territory shown upon such map is located ; one copy thereof in the ofifice of the Corporation Counsel, and one copy thereof in the office of the Board of Public Improvements. Such map and pro- files, when so adopted and filed, shall become a part of the map or plan of the City of New York, and shall be deemed to be final and conclusive with respect to the location, width and grades of the streets shown thereon, and the same shall not be subject to any further change or modification except as provided in section 436 of this Act; provided, however, that the Board of Public Improvements, within three months after the opening of a street, shall have the power to alter the grade of such street, and to alter the grades of intersecting streets, so far as it may be necessary to conform the same to the new grades of the street opened. President may be required to complete map. Sec. 434. The Board of Public Improvements, or the Munici- pal Assembly, with the approval of the Mayor, may at any time require the President of the Board of Public Improvements to complete the map or plan of the whole or of a part of the terri- tory for which the map or plan shall not at such time have been finally established and adopted, as specified in sections 432 and 433 of this Act, and to report the same to the Board of Public Improvements, within a fixed and specified time. Grades established by user. Sec. 435. Whenever any street in the City of New York shall have been used as such for upwards of twenty years without hav- ing the grade thereof established by law, the level or surface of such street as so used shall be deemed to be and to have been the grade thereof. 207 Authority to change the map or plan of the city or to change grades. Sec. 436. The Board of Public Improvements is authorized and empowered, whenever and as often as it may deem it for the public interest so to do, to initiate a change in the map or plan of the City of New York, so as to lay out new streets, bridges, tunnels, approaches to bridges and tunnels and parks, and to widen, straighten, extend, alter and close existing streets, and to change the grade of existing streets shown upon such map or plan, by publishing notice of its proposed action for ten days, in the "City Record" and the corporation newspapers, and giving an opportunity for all persons interested in such change to be heard, at a time and place to be specified in such notice, such time to be not less than ten days after the first publication of such notice. After the due publication of such notice, and after hearing protests and objections, if any there be, against the proposed change, if the said Board shall favor such change, notwithstanding such protests and objections, it shall transmit its resolution to that effect to the Municipal As- sembly, together with the objections, if any, which have been made in writing, and filed with it, and a statement of its reasons for such determination. If both houses of the Municipal Assembly concur in such reso- lution passed by the Board of Public Improvements, by pass- ing an ordinance adopting and approving the same by a two-thirds vote, and the same receives the approval of the Mayor, such change in the map or plan of the City of New York, or in the grade of any street or streets shown thereon, shall be deemed to have been made. The Board of Public Improvements is authorized and em- powered without the concurrence of the Municipal Assembly, but with the approval of the Mayor, to change the grades of bridges, tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, and the location of approaches to bridges and tunnels. 208 Maps of City to be kept in office of Corporation Counsel and office of Board of Public Improvements ; maps showing changes where filed. Sec. 437. The map or plan of the City of New York or a certi- fied copy thereof, showing the streets and parks within The City of New York as constituted by this Act, shall be kept, one copy thereof in the office of the Corporation Counsel and one copy thereof in the office of the Board of Public Improvements. Whenever the map or plan of the City of New York, as heretofore laid out, adopted, established and confirmed by this Act, or as hereafter laid out, adopted and established pur- suant to this Act, shall be changed, and whenever the grade of any street shown thereon shall be changed, the Board of Public Improvements shall forthwith cause the maps and profiles, show- ing such change in the map or plan of the City of New York, or in the grade of a street or streets shown thereon, to be certified by the Secretary of said Board and filed as follows : one copy thereof in the office in which the conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the territory shown upon said copy is located ; one copy thereof in the office of the Corporation Counsel, and one copy thereof in the office of the Board of Public Improvements. Drainage and sewer system, to be completed. Sec. 438. It shall be the duty of the said President of the Board of Public Improvements, together with the Com- missioner of Sewers, and subject to the approval of the Board of Public Improvements, to devise and prepare, so far as the same has not already been done, a plan for the proper sewerage and drainage of the whole of said city, for the purpose of thoroughly draining and carrying off water and other matter proper to be carried off by sewers. The said Commissioner shall, so far as the same has not already been done, and subject to the like approval, lay out the said city into as many sewerage dis- tricts as he may deem necessary for the aforesaid purpose, and shall also determine and show, on suitable maps or plans, the location, course, size and grade of each sewer and drain proposed for each of said districts, and the proposed alterations and 209 improvements in existing sewers, and shall also determine and show, on said maps or plans, the contemplated depth of said sewers and drains below the present surface, and also below the established grades of the streets and avenues in each of said districts, and such other particulars as may be necessary for the purpose of exhibiting a complete plan of the proposed sewerage therein. Drainage plan to be filed. Sec. 439. Upon the completion of the map or plan for the drainage of any sewerage district and its approval by the Board of Public Improvements, such map or plan shall be the perma- nent plan for the secverage of such district; subject, however, to such subsequent modifications as may, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Sewers and the Board of Public Improvements, become necessary in consequence of alterations made in the loca- tion or grade of any street or part thereof in said district, or for other reasons. Copies of such complete map or plan and of the maps showing modifications therein shall be certified by the Pre- sident and Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements and shall be filed as follows : one copy thereof in the office in which conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the territory shown upon said map is located ; one copy thereof in the office of the Corporation Counsel, and one copy thereof in the office of the Board of Public Improvements. All sewers to be in accordance with general plan. ^ Sec. 440. It shall not be lawful hereafter to construct any sewer or drain in the city unless such sewer or drain shall be in accordance with the general plan, approved by the Board of Public Improvements as aforesaid, for the sewerage of the parti- cular district in which such sewer or drain is proposed to be constructed. Raising of grade for drainage. Sec. 441. Whenever the Commissioner of Sewers shall report to the Board of Public Improvements that it is necessary to raise the grade of any street or streets for the proper sewerage of the 210 sewer district in which such street or streets, or parts of Streets, are situated, the said Board is hereby authorized and empowered to change the grade of such street or streets, or parts of streets, so far as shall be necessary for the proper drainage thereof. Power to mark boundaries and to make surveys. Sec. 442. The President of the Board of Public Improve- ments shall have power to mark any boundary line or lines of the Municipal Corporation constituted by this Act and known as The City of New York, as said boundary line or lines is or are deter- mined in and by this Act, so as to distinguish and define the boundaries of said city, the boundaries of the Boroughs thereof, and any other boundary line or lines determined in and by this Act, by such monuments as may be authorized by resolution of the Board of Public Improvements. He shall upon the request of the Board of Public Improvements, of the Municipal Assem- bly, of a Local Board of Commissioners of Estimate or of Com- missioners of Estimate and Assessments, furnish surveys, dia- grams or other information as may enable them to fully discharge the duties imposed upon them by this Act relative to street and park improvements. It shall be lawful for the President of the Board of Public Improvements, and all persons acting under his authority, to enter in the day time into and upon any lands, tene- ments and hereditaments and waters which he shall deem neces- sary to be surveyed, used or converted for the laying out, survey- ing and monumenting of parks, streets, bridges, tunnels, and approaches to bridges and tunnels, in The City of New York, or for marking any boundary line or lines. President to appoint surveyor, appropriations to be made for maps etc. Sec. 443. The President of the Board of Public Improve- ments shall have power to appoint a surveyor or engineer who shall have the custody of the maps filed in the office of the Board of Public Improvements and to fix his salary within the proper appropriation. There shall be made in the final estimate each year such provisions or appropriations as may be necessary for the preparation and making of maps, plans and profiles, and for 211 the setting of monuments, and the President of the Board of Public Improvements shall be authorized, within the limits of such provision or appropriation, to employ such engineers, survey- ors, clerks and assistants as may in his judgment be necessary for any part of such work. Board may detail employees to assist President. Sec. 444. The Board of Public Improvements may, from time to time, and for so long a time as may be necessary, detail such employees from any department as they may deem neces- sary, to assist the President of the Board of Public Improve- ments in carrying out the duties imposed upon him by this Act. Title 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENTS OF WATER SUPPLY, HIGHWAYS, STREET CLEANING, SEWERS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, LIGHTING AND SUPPLIES, AND BRIDGES. Heads of departments. Section 450. Each of the Commissioners hereinafter pro- vided for in this chapter shall in all respects administer his de- partment in conformity with the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly relating thereto, and each shall be vested with the sole executive power in his department, and be subject to the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City for the conduct and the work of his department. Bratiches ; where located. Sec. 451. The main office of each of the departments herein- after mentioned in this chapter shall be located in the Borough of Manhattan, unless the Board of Public Improvements shall otherwise determine. Branch offices of all or any of said departments may be 212 located within such other of the Boroughs as may be deemed advisable by the Commissioner of such department, subject, however, to the approval of the Board of Public Im- provements ; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and of the Municipal Assembly to make proper provision therefor. Deputies. Sec. 452. The Commissioner at the head of each of said de- partments may appoint one or more Deputy Commissioners, one of whom shall be located at the main office of such department, and there may be a Deputy in each Borough in which is located a branch office of such department, or the same Deputy may have charge of more than one Borough, as the Commissioner appointing such Deputy may deem advisable. A Deputy Commissioner located at a branch office shall, under the direction and control of the Commissioner appoint- ing him, have charge of the office work of his department in the Borough or Boroughs for which the office was established, and of the execution of all work devolved upon his depart- ment therein. The Commissioner at the head of each of said departments may designate one or more of said Deputies, who shall, in addition to his other powers, possess every power and per- form all and every duty belonging to the office of such Com- missioner, so far as specified in such designation, whenever so empowered by such Commissioner by written authority, des- ignating therein a period of time, not extending beyond a period of three months nor beyond the term of office of such Commissioner, during which such power and duty may be exercised, and such designation and authority shall be duly filed in and remain of record in said department, but may be revoked at any time. A Deputy Commissioner so desig- nated shall possess the like authority in case of absence or disability of such Commissioner. Engineers. Sec. 453. The Commissioner at the head of each of said de- partments, excepting the Department of Street Cleaning, shall 213 appoint a Chief Engineer of his department, with power to appoint, remove, and detail a staff of Assistant Engineers. If the Commissioner of any department and the Board of Public Improvements deem it advisable that more than one Chief Engineer be appointed for such department, such Commissioner shall appoint such additional Chief Engineer or Chief Engineers, each with power to appoint and remove, at pleasure, and detail a staff of Assistant Engineers. All Chief Engineers and Assistant Engineers appointed by them respec- tively, must be civil engineers of at least ten years' experience. An Engineer located at a branch office of his department in any Borough may be appointed a Deputy Commissioner for the Borough or Boroughs to which he is assigned. An Assist- ant Engineer who has been appointed a Deputy Commissioner may be designated as the Engineer for the Borough in which he acts as deputy. Any Engineer may be designated by such title as shall properly describe his principal duties in the judg- ment of the head of his department. Chief Engineer s duties. Sec. 454. Each Chief Engineer shall perform such duties as may be required of him by this Act by the Commissioner at the head of his department or by his Deputy in the Borough in which such Engineer shall be located. Consulting Engineers. Sec. 455. The Commissioner of Water Supply, the Commis- sioner of Highways, and the Commissioner of Sewers, shall each appoint, without definite term, when thereto authorized by the Board of Public Improvements, a Consulting Engineer to their respective departments, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to the work performed by the department in which he is appointed and who shall have had at least fifteen years' exper- ience as a civil engineer. The Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies shall appoint (each without definite term) when thereto author- ized by the Board of Public Improvements, a Consulting Engineer of Lighting and Electricity to his department, who shall be an expert in all matters relating to lighting and electricity, and 214 whose training shall also have included instruction in the capacity of civil engineer, and a Consulting Engineer of Public Buildings to his department, who shall be an expert in the mat- ter of construction, repair and maintenance of public buildings, and a Consulting Architect to his department, who shall be an architect of recognized scientific and artistic standing of not less than fifteen years' experience. The Commissioner of Bridges shall at any time appoint, with- out definite term, when thereto authorized by the Board of Public Improvements, a Consulting Engineer, who shall be a recognized expert in bridge construction, and who shall have had not less than fifteen years' experience as a civil engineer. Commissioners ; powers to appoint and fix salaries. Sec. 456. The Commissioner at the head of each of said de- partments shall have power to appoint such clerks and subordi- nates as may, in his judgment, be necessary in his main oi^ce, and may fix and regulate their salaries, within the limits of the appropriation duly made therefor. A Deputy Commissioner in charge of a branch office of a department shall, subject to the approval of the head of his department, appoint such clerks and subordinates of his depart- ment, in and for his Borough, as may in his judgment be neces- sary, and fix and regulate their salaries, within the limits of the appropriation duly made therefor. Id: other duties. Sec. 457. The Commissioner at the head of each of said departments shall prepare and execute all contracts author- ized by the Board of Public Improvements, or by said Board and the Municipal Assembly for his department, and shall make and cause to be made all surveys, maps, plans, estimates and drawings of all works relating to his depart- ment, and shall preserve the same in the main office of the department, and shall make an annual report of the business and transactions of his department to the Mayor. Id. : To organize bureaus. Sec. 458. The C^ )mmissioner at the head of each of said de- 215 partments may organize such bureaus as he shall from time to time deem necessary to the proper discharge of the duties of his department ; he shall locate a branch of each of the bureaus so organized, in the public hall or building of the Bor- ough of Brooklyn, for the discharge (jf all of the duties of the department devolved upon such bureau or bureaus, so far as such duties pertain to the Borough of Brooklyn ; and he may from time to time locate a branch of any or all bureaus so or- ganized by him in any of the (jther Boroughs of the city for the discharge of the duties devolved upon such bureau or bureaus, so far as such duties pertain to the Boroughs wherein such branch or branches may be respectively located. Commissioners : power to appoint, etc. Sec. 459. If the Commissioners of two or more departments named in this chapter shall at any time determine that the duties of the Chief Engineer or the Deputy Commissioner in each of said two or more departments in and for any Bor- ough can be adequately performed by one and the same per- son, then it shall be lawful for said Commissioners, each acting in his department, to appoint the same individ- ual as Chief Engineer or Deputy Commissioner, or both, of such departments for any of said Boroughs ; such ap- pointment as Chief Engineer may be revoked by the proper Commi<5sioner or Commissioners, respectively, as to all but one department, whenever the Board of Public Improvements shall so authorize ; and the Board of Public Improvements shall also then determine and decide for which Department the said person shall remain and shall be Chief Engineer. Transfer of employees from Borough to Borough and frjm depart- ment to department. Sec. 460. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to limit in any way the power of the Commissioner at the het^d of any one of the departments named in this chapter to transfer any employee or employees from the office of his de- partment located in one Borough to the office of his depart ment in any other Borough. It shall be lawful for the Board of Public Improvements to transfer employees of one of the departments named in 216 this chapter to another of said departments, provided that in each case the heads of the departments affected shall consent to and request such transfer. Transfer of appropriations. Sec. 461. No appropriation specifically appropriated to be used in one Borough shall be transferred for expenditure in any other Borough except by the unanimous vote of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment ; but if any public work within the cognizance and control of any one of said Commissioners must be executed in more than one Borough he may, in his dis- cretion, direct that said work shall be done through the joint forces of his department in the Boroughs affected, or he may execute such work with the force of his central office. Definition of word *^ street." Sec. 462. Whenever the word " street," or the plural there- of, occurs in this chapter, it shall be deemed to include all that is included by the term " street, avenue, road, alley, lane, high- way, boulevard, concourse, public square and public place," or the plurals thereof, respectively. Title 4. department of water supply. Commissioner of Water Supply ; Appointment ; Salary. Sec. 468 The Head of the Department of Water Supply shall be called the Commissioner of Water Supply. He shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold office as provided in Chapter IV of thij Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. Id.: Jurisdiction. Sec. 469. The Commissioner of Water Supply shall have cognizance and control : (1) Of all structures and property connected with the supply and distribution of water for public use, except 217 where the same shall be owned by private corporations, including all fire and drinking hydrants and all water meters. (2) Of maintaining the quality of the water supply, and of the investigation for, and the construction of all work necessary to deliver the proper and required quan- tity of water with ample reserve for contingencies and future demands. (3) Of the collection of the revenues from the sale or use of water from the public water supply. (4) Of the enforcing of the regulations concerning the use of water, and of recommending to the Board of Public Improvements proposed ordinances relating to any of the matters within the province of his department. Id.: Power when more than o?ie Borough involved. Sec. 470. If any of the public work within the cognizance and control of the said Commissioner of Water Supply must be executed entirely outside of the city limits, he may direct that such work be done by any of his force of any Borough as may seem to him most advantageous. Id.: Restriction on power to contract. Sec. 471. It shall not be lawful for the Commissioner of Water Supply to enter into any contract whatever with any person or cor- poration engaged in the business of supplying or selling water for private or public use and consumption, unless, preliminary to the execution of the contract, the assent of the Board of Public Im- provements after submission to it of the proposed contract in all its details, shall be given by resolution to the execution of such contract as submitted, and it shall not be lawful for the said City of New York or for any department thereof, to make any contract touching or concerning the public water supply, and especially the increase thereof, with any person or corporation whatsoe^ver, save in accordance with the provisions and require- 218 ments of this Act, which said provisions and requirements are here- by declared to estabHsh the exclusive rule for the making of such contracts. Id. : Power to determine source of water supply, condemnation pro- ceedings, etc. Sec. 472. The Commissioner of Water Supply, with the approval of the Board of Public Improvements, shall have power throughout the State of New York to select and to de- termine all sources of water supply that may be needed for the supply of the public water works of said city, and for the supply and distribution of water in said city. Any sources of water so selected and determined by him shall be deemed necessary for the public use of The City of New York, and thereupon, with the approval of the Board of Public Improvements and of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, together with the authority of the Municipal Assembly expressed by its resolution or ordinance, it shall be lawful for the City of New York to acquire by condemna- tion any real estate or any interest therein that may be necessary in order to acquire the sole and exclusive property in such source or sources of water supply, and to wholly extinguish the water rights of any other person or corporation therein, with the right to lay, re- lay, repair and maintain conduits and water pipes with the connec- tions and fixtures on the lands of others, the right to intercept and to direct the flow of waters from the lands of riparian own- ers, and from persons owning or interested in any water, and the right to prevent the flow or drainage of noxious or impure matters from the lands of others into its reservoirs or sources of supply, provided that he shall not have power to acquire or to extinguish the property rights of any person or corpora- tion in or to any water rights that, at the time of the initia- tion of proceedings for condemnation, were in whole or in part devoted to the supply of the water works of the people of any other city, town or village of the state, or to the supply and distribution of water to the people thereof, or to take or use the water from any of the canals of the state, any canal reservoirs, or waters used exclusively as feeders for canals, or from any of the streams acquired by the state for supplying the canals with 219 water. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel to take the necessary legal proceedings, as provided in this Act, for such improvement, upon the request in writing of the said Commissioner of Water Supply, In the ascertainment of the compensation for any property or property rights so acquired, such compensation shall be based upon the actual values of the property or the interest acquired therein at the time of its taking, and there shall not be taken into consideration any prospective or speculative value, based upon the possible, probable or actual future use of such property, or property rights, if the same had not been acquired by the said city of New York for the public use. The Commissioner of Water Supply is hereby authorized to examine into the sources of water supply of any private com- panies supplying The City of New York or any portion thereof or its inhabitants with water, to see that the same is wholesome and the supply is adequate, and to establish such rules and regu- lations in respect thereof as are reasonable and necessary for the convenience of the public and the citizens ; and the Board of Pub- lic Improvements may exercise superintendence, regulation and control in respect of the supply of water by such water compan- ies, including rates, fares and charges to be made therefor, except that such rates, fares and charges, shall not, without the consent of the grantee, be reduced by the Board of Public Im- provements beyond what is just and reasonable ; and in case of a controversy, the question of what is just and reasonable shall be finally determined as a judicial question on its merits by a court of competent jurisdiction. Municipal Assembly; power to fix rents, etc., for ivater supply. Sec. 473. The Municipal Assembly shall hereafter have all power, on recommendation of the Board of Public Improvements, to fix and to establish a uniform scale of rents, and charges for sup- plying water by The City of New York which shall be apportioned to dififerent classes of buildings in said city in reference to their dimensions, values, exposures to fires, ordinary uses for dwell- ings, stores, shops, private stables and other common purposes, number of familes or occupants, or consumption of water, as 220 near as may be practicable, and modify, alter, amend and in- crease such scale from time to time, and to extend it to other descriptions of buildings and establishments. All extra charges for water shall be deemed to be included in the regular rents, which shall become a charge and lien upon the buildings upon which they are respectively imposed, and if not paid, shall be returned as arrears to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears. Such regular rents, including the extra charges above mentioned, shall be collected from the owners or occupants of all such buildings, respectively, which shall be situated upon lots adjoining any street or avenue in said city in which the distributing water pipes are or may be laid, and from which they can be supplied with water. Said rents, including the extra charges aforesaid, shall become a charge and lien upon such houses and lots, respectively, as here- in provided, but no charge whatever, shall be made against any building in which a water meter may have been, or shall be placed as provided in this Act. In all such cases the charge for water shall be determined only by the quantity of water actually used as shown by said meters. Commissioner, power to contract for water supply for the Twenty' fourth Ward; duty in relation to. Sec. 474. The Commissioner of Water Supply is authorized, on behalf of The City of New York, with the preliminary consent of the Board of Public Improvements and of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to contract from time to time with the City of Yonkers, or the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Yonkers, for a supply of wholesome water for the Twenty-fourth ward and other parts of the Borough of The Bronx, from the water works, or water belonging to them or under their charge and control, for such time, in such quantities, and at such places as may be agreed upon by them. The said Commissioner of Water Supply is authorized and directed to pro- cure, purchase and lay, provide and make ready for use, from time to time, so many mains and pipes and other means and appliances, and erect so many hydrants as may be necessary and sufficient to distribute and supply the water so procured under 221 contract with the City of Yonkers to and through said Twenty- fourth ward, or such part of it as may require or be in need of the same, and which cannot be, or in his judgment ought not to be supplied from the Croton Water Works, and to purchase, pro- vide, do, and perform all things necessary or proper to enable the said Twenty-fourth ward, or said part, and the inhabitants thereof, to obtain and have an abundant supply of water at all times, and for such purpose, in case of necessity or convenience, to arrange and agree with the owner of lands in said ward for an irrevocable license or permission to enter upon, lay, repair, keep in order, protect, and maintain mains, pipes, conduits and hydrants in, through and upon said lands. The Municipal Assembly is authorized to fix, and from time to time to alter, on the recommendation of the Board of Public Improvements, special rates or charges for water supplied to any house or building, or to any other erection or structure, in said Twenty- fourth ward, including washers and hydrants, and to make such arrangements and rules as may be proper to ascertain the quantity of water used therein, or by means thereof, and such rates and charges shall be a lien until paid upon the lands upon which such house, building, or other erection or structure may stand or be situated, and shall be collectable at the same time and in the same manner, including sales for unpaid taxes, as the ordinary tax imposed on the same lands. Meters. Sec. 475. The Commissioner of Water Supply is author- ized, in his discretion, to cause water meters, the pattern and price of which shall be approved by the Board of Public Improvements, to be placed in all stores, workshops, hotels, manufactories, office buildings, public edifices, at wharves, ferry-houses, stables, and in all places in which water is furnished for business consumption, so that all water so furnished therein or thereat may be measured and known by the said department, and for the purpose of ascertain- ing the ratable portion which consumers of water should pay for the water therein or thereat received and used. There- after, as shall be determined by the Commissioner of Water 222 Supply, the said Department shall make out all bills and charges for water furnished by them to each and every consumer as aforesaid, to whose consumption a meter as aforesaid is affixed in ratable proportion to the water consumed, as ascertained by the meter on his or her premises or places occupied or used as aforesaid. All expenses of meters, their connections and set- ting, water-rates and other lawful charges for the supply of water shall be a lien upon the premises where such water is sup- plied as now provided by law. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to remit or prevent the due collection of arrearages or charges for water consumption heretofore incurred, nor interfere with the proper liens therefor, nor of charges, or rates, or liens hereafter to be incurred for water consumption in any dwelling house, building, or place which may not contain one of the meters aforesaid. The moneys collected for expen- ses of meters, their connections and settings, shall bs applied by the Commissioner of Water Supply to the payment of expenses incurred in procuring, connecting and setting said meters. Additional charge for non-payment of rents. Sec. 476. The annual rents which are not paid to the De- partment of Water Supply before the first day of August in each year shall be subject to an additional charge of five per cent., and those rates not paid before the first day of November in each year shall be subject to a further additional charge of ten per cent. No valve, etc. to be used with royalty. Sec. 477. No patent hydrant, valve or stopcock shall be used by the Department of Water Supply unless the patentee or owner of said patent shall allow the use of the patent by said Department without royalty. • Printed notice of rules and regulations. Sec. 478. The rules and restrictions for the use of the water printed on each permit shall be notice to the water takers, and shall authorize the exaction and recovery by process 223 of law of any penalties which may be imposed in addition to cutting off the use of the water for any violations of the rules, and this section shall be printed on such permits. Commissioners, duty in regard to sources of water supply and property of Department. Sec. 479. The Commissioner of Water Supply is charged with the preservation of all lakes and all waters from which a water supply is drawn by the city, with the preservation of the banks of and of any river or other body of water from which the water supply is drawn, from injury or nuisance, and with the execution of such measures as may be necessary to preserve and increase the quantity of water and keep it pure and whole- some and free from contamination and pollution, with the management, preservation and repairs of the dams, gates, aqueducts, bridges, water towers, reservoirs, mains, pipes, pipeyard, and property of every description belonging to the water works, and shall have the construction of such new works and the purchase and laying down of such mains and pipes as may be authorized in accordance with law. The Department of Water Supply shall be responsible for the supply of water and the good order and security of all the water works, for the exactness and durability of the structures which may be erected, and for the daily work to be performed and for the sufficiency of the supply in the pipeyards to meet every casualty, and for the fidelity, care, and attention of all persons employed by the department in watching the works, and in making constructions and repairs. Assessment on lands used as reservoirs, etc. Sec, 480. The lands heretofore taken or to be taken for storage, reservoirs, or for other constructions necessary for the introduction and maintenance of a sufficient supply of water in the City, or for the purpose of preventing contamination or pollution, shall be assessed and taxed in the Counties in which they are or may be located, in the manner prescribed by law, at the value of the lands, exclusive of the aqueducts, and the con- struction and works necessary for its purposes, provided that the 224 assessed value of the said lands shall not exceed the assessed value of the lands in the immediate neighborhood thereof. Certain acts misdemeanors. Sec. 481. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any lake, pond or stream, or in any aqueduct from or through which any part of the water supply of The City of New York shall be drawn, or either of the reservoirs, any dead animal or other offensive mat- ter, or anything whatever. Any person offending against the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Such fine not to exceed the sum of one hundred dollars, arid such imprisonment not to exceed a period of three months. Such imprisonment to be in the jail of the county in which the offense shall have been committed. Id. : Continued. Sec. 482. If any person shall wilfully do or cause to be done any act whereby any work, materials, or property whatever, erected or used or hereafter to be erected or used within the City or elsewhere, by the said city, or by any person acting under their authority, for the purpose of procuring or keeping a supply of water, shall in any manner be injured or shall erect or place any nuisance on the banks of any river, lake or stream from which the water supply of said city shall be drawn, or shall throw anything into the aqueduct, or into any reservoir or pipe, such person, on conviction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. Duty of Commissioner of Water Supply. Sec. 483. The Commissioner of Water Supply is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to carry out the provisions of this Act, in the manner hereinafter provided, for the purpose of maintaining, preserving and increasing the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of the City, and for the purpose of preventing or removing contamination or pollution of any supply 225 or source or sources of supply of water heretofore acquired by or on behalf of said city, and for the purpose of preventing the contamination or pollution of any river, water course, lake, pond, stream or reservoir hereafter acquired for the purpose of supplying said city with water. To take proceedings to acquire title. Sec. 484. In all cases where the Commissioner of Water Supply shall hereafter enter upon, acquire, take or use, or shall deem it necessary to enter upon, acquire, take or use any " real estate," as the term real estate is defined by this Act, for the purpose of maintaining, preserving or increasing the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of said city, or for the pur- pose of preventing the contamination or pollution of the same, as hereinbefore set forth, the said Commissioner is authorized, for and in behalf, and in the name of The City of New York, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, to acquire all rights, titles and interests in and to such real estate, by whomsoever the same may be held, enjoyed or claimed, and to pay for and extinguish all claims or damages on account of such rights, titles or interests, or growing out of such taking or using. Definition of '■^Real Estate." Sec. 485. The term "real estate" as used in this Act shall be construed to signify and embrace all uplands, lands under water, the water of any lake, pond or stream, all water rights or privileges, and any and all easements and hereditaments, corporeal or incorpo- real, and every estate, interest and right, legal and equitable, in lands or water, or any privilege or easement thereunder, includ- ing terms for years, and liens thereon by way of judgment, mortgages or otherwise, and also all claims for damage to such real estate. It shall also be construed to include all real estate (as the term is above defined) heretofore or hereafter acquired or used for railroad, highway or other public purpose, providing the persons or corporations owning such real estate, or claiming interests therein, shall be allowed the perpetual use, for such purposes, of the same or of such other real estate to be acquired for the purposes of this Act as will afford practicable route or 226 location for such railroad, highway or other public purpose, and in the case of a railroad commensurate with and adapted to its needs; and provided, also, that such persons or corporations shall, not, directly or indirectly, be subject to expense, loss or damage by reason of changing such route or location, but that such expense, loss or damage shall be borne by the City. In case any real estate so acquired or used for public purposes is sought to be taken or affected for the purposes of this Act, there shall be designated upon the maps referred to in this Act, and there shall be described in the petition referred to, such portion of the other real estate shown on said maps and described in said petition as it is proposed to substitute in place of the real estate then used for such railroad, highway or other public pur- poses. The Supreme Court, at the Special Term to which said petition is presented, or at such other Special Term as the con- sideration thereof may be noticed or adjourned to, shall either approve the substituted route or place or refer the same back to the said Commissioner for alteration or amendment, and may refer the same back, with such directions or suggestions as the said Court may deem advisable, and as often as necessary, and until the said Commissioner shall determine such substituted route or place as may be approved by the Court ; an appeal from any order made by said Court at Special Term, under the provisions of this section, may be taken by any person or cor- poration interested in and aggrieved thereby, to the Appellate Division of the Judicial Department in which the real estate is situated, and shall be heard as a non-enumerated motion. The Commissioners of Appraisal herein referred to, in determining the compensation to be made to the persons or corporations owning such real estate, or claiming interest therein, shall include in the amount of such compensation such sum^as shall be sufficient to defray the expenses of making such change of route and loca- tion and of building said railroad or highway. The said Com- missioners of Appraisal shall suggest in their report, and the Court, in the order confirming such report, shall determine, sub- ject to review by the said Appellate Division, what reasonable time after payment of the awards to said persons or corporations shall be sufficient within which to complete the work of making 227 such change, and the said City of New York or the Commis- sioner of Water Supply thereof shall not be entitled to take possession or interfere with the use, for the aforesaid purposes, of such real estate, before the expiration of such time. This time may be subsequently extended by the Court (subject to review as aforesaid) upon sufficient cause shown. After the expiration of the time so determined or extended no use shall be made of said real estate which shall cause pollution to the water in said reservoir, or the construction of said reservoir, or interfere with its flow. Commissioner to prepare maps. Sec. 486. Whenever in the opinion of said Commissioner it is necessary to acquire any such real estate (as the term "real estate" is herein defined) for any of the purposes hereinbefore set forth, or for the purpose of extinguishing any right, title or interest thereto or therein, the said Commissioner, for and on behalf of the City of New York, shall prepare a map or maps of the real estate which in his opinion it is necessary to acquire for the purposes hereinbefore set forth, and shall submit the same to the Board of Public Improvements for approval. The said Board may adopt, modify or reject such maps in whole or in part, and may require others to be made instead thereof. A copy of the map or maps so prepared, with a certificate of the adoption there- of, signed by the Commissioner and the President of the Board of Public Improvements, shall be filed in the office of said Com- missioner and be open to public inspection, and shall be the map or maps of the real estate to be acquired, subject to such changes or modifications as the said Commissioner may from time to time deem necessary for the more efficient carrying out of the provi- sions of this act. And the said Board of Public Improvements, prior to the final adoption of such map or maps, shall afford to all persons interested a full opportunity to be heard respecting such map or maps and the acquisition of the real estate shown thereon, and shall give public notice of such hearing, by publish- ing a notice, once in each week, for three successive weeks in the "City Record," and the corporation newspapers, and in two papers published in the County or Counties in which the real 228 estate to be acquired or affected is situated, and in two daily- papers in the City of New York. At such hearing or hearings testimony may be produced by the parties appearing before him, in such manner as said Board may determine, and the President of said Board is hereby authorized to administer oaths and issue subpoenas in any such proceeding pending before him. Power to enter upon lands for the purpose of making maps. Sec. 487. The said Commissioner, his agents, engineers, surveyors, and such other persons as may be necessary to ena- ble him to perform his duties under this Act, are hereby author- ized to enter upon real estate, as the term real estate is defined in this Act, and any land or water on or contiguous to the line, course, site or track of any pond, lake, stream, reservoir, dam, aqueduct, culverts, sluices, canals, bridges, tunnels, pumping works, blow-offs, shafts and other appurtenances, for the purpose of making surveys or examinations and preparing and posting the notices required by this Act. Details of maps. Sec, 488. After the final adoption of said map or maps the said Commissioner shall prepare six similar maps or plans of the proposed site of any dam, reservoir, acqueduct, sluice culvert, canal, pumping works, bridges, tunnels, blow-offs, ventilating shafts, and other necessary appurtenances for the proper com- pletion of the work so proposed by him. Upon these maps there shall be laid out and numbered the various parcels of real estate, on, over or through which the same are to be constructed and maintained, or which may be necessary for the prosecution of the work authorized by this Act. On said maps the natural and artificial division lines existing on the surface of the soil at the time of the survey shall be delineated, and there shall be plainly indicated thereon of which parcels the fee or other interest is to be acquired. The said maps may be made and filed in sections. One or more sections may be determined before the maps of the whole construction are completed. The proceedings hereinafter authorized may, in like manner be taken separately, in reference 229 to one or more of such sections, before the maps of the whole are filed. The work upon one or more of such sections may be begun before the maps of the remaining sections are filed. The map or maps when adopted by the said Commissioner and Board of Public Improvements shall be by said Commissioner trans- mitted to the Corporation Counsel, with a certificate of ap proval written thereon and signed by the said Commissioner and the President of the Board of Public Improvements. Maps to be filed. Sec. 489. The Corporation Counsel shall cause one of said maps to be filed in the office of the Clerk of each County in which any real estate laid out on said maps shall be located, except that in any County in which there may be a Register's office, the said map shall be filed therein, instead of with the County Clerk. The fourth, fifth and sixth maps shall be dis- posed of in the manner indicated in section 495 of this Act. Corporation Counsel to conduct proceedings. Sec. 490. After the said maps shall have been filed, as pro- vided for in the last section, the Corporation Counsel for and on behalf of the City of New York, shall, upon first giving the notice required in the next section of this Title apply to the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof to be held in the judicial district in which the real estate to be acquired or affected is situated, for the appointment of Commis- sioners of Appraisal. Upon such application he shall present to the Court a petition, signed and verified by the said Commis- sioner, according to the practice of said Court, setting forth the action theretofore taken by said Commissioner and Board of Public Improvement, and the filing of said map and praying for the appointment of such Commissioners. Such petition shall contain a general description of all the real estate to, in, or over which any title, interest, right or easement is sought to be acquired for the said City for the purposes of this Act, each par- cel being more particularly described by a reference to the number of said parcel, as given on said map ; and the title, 230 interest or easement sought to be acquired to, in, or over such parcel, whether a fee or otherwise, shall be stated in the petition. Notice to be given. Sec. 491. The Corporation Counsel shall give notice in the "City Record," and corporation newspapers, and in two public newspapers published in the City of New York, and in two public newspapers published in each other County in which any real estate laid out on said maps may be located, of his intention to make application to the said Court for the appointment of such Commissioners of Appraisal, which notice shall specify the time and place of such application, shall briefly state the object of the application, and shall describe the real estate sought to be taken or affected. A statement of the boundaries of the real estate to be acquired or affected, with separate enumerations of the numbers of the parcels to be taken, in fee, and of the numbers of the parcels in which any interest or easement is to be acquired, with a reference to the date and place of filing the said map shall be sufificient description of the real estate sought to be so taken or situated. Such notice shall be so published, once in each week, in each of the said newspapers, for six weeks immediately previous to the presentation of such petition ; and the Corporation Counsel shall, in addition to the said advertisements, cause copies of the same, in hand-bills, to be posted in at least twenty conspicuous places in the vicinity of the real estate so to be taken or affected, at least six weeks prior to said application. Motions for appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal. Sec. 492. At the time and place mentioned in said notice, unless the said Court shall adjourn said application to a subse- quent day, and in that event, at the time to which the same may be adjourned, the Court, upon due proof to its satisfaction of the publication and posting aforesaid, and upon filing the said petition, shall make an order for the appointment of three disinterested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the County of New York, one of whom shall reside in the County in 231 which the real estate acquired or affected is situated, and one of whom shall reside in the County in which the said real estate shall be situated, or in an adjoining County, as Commissioners of Appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to the owners and all persons interested in the real estate laid down on said maps, as proposed to be taken or affected for the purposes indicated in this Act. Such order shall fix the time and place for the first meeting of the Commissioners. Commissioners to take and file oath. Sec. 493. The said Commissioners shall take and subscribe the oath required by the twelfth article of the Constitution, and shall forthwith file the same in the office of the Clerk of the County in which the real estate to be acquired or affected is sit- uated, and shall file certified copies of said oath in the office of the Register and County Clerk of the County of New York. City to become seized of real estate. Sec. 494. On filing the oath of the Commissioners of Ap- praisal, in the manner provided by the last section, the said City of New York shall be and become seized, in fee, of all those parcels of real estate which are shown on the said map herein- before referred to, of which it has been determined by the said Commissioner, that the fee shall be acquired and shall be en- titled to take and hold such interest in the parcels of land in which it has been determined that the fee shall not be acquired, as has been shown on said map and described in said petition, and may immediately, upon the filing of such oaths and such certified copies, or at any time or times thereafter, take posses- sion of the lands shown on said map, or any part or parts thereof, without any suit or proceeding at law for that purpose. Proceedings of Commissioners. Sec. 495. Any one of said Commissioners of Appraisal may issue subpoenas and administer oaths to witnesses ; and they, or any one of them, in the absence of the others, may adjourn the proceedings from time to time, in their discretion, but they shall continue to meet, from time to time, as may be necessary to 282 hear, consider and determine upon all claims which may be pre- sented to them under this Act. In case of death, resignation, refusal, neglect or inability to serve, of any Commissioner or Commissioners of Appraisal, the Corporation Counsel shall, upon due notice to be given by advertisement in the news- papers designated in this Act ten days prior to such applica- tion, apply to the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, for the appointment of one or more Commissioners to fill the vacancy or vacancies so occasioned. Whenever the Commis- sioners meet, except by appointment of the Court, or pursuant to adjournment, they shall cause reasonable notice to be given to the attorneys for such parties who have appeared. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of Appraisal to procure from the Corporation Counsel the fourth, fifth and sixth copies of the maps provided for in this Act. They shall view the real estate laid down on said maps, and shall hear the proofs and allegations of any owner, lessee or other person in any way entitled to, or interested in said estate, or any part or parcel thereof, and also such proofs and allega- tions as may be offered on behalf of the City of New York. They, or a majority of them, shall also determine the height to which the waters of any lake, pond or natural stream concerning which such proceedings were instituted may be raised and the point to which such waters may be drawn down by the City of New York, such determination to be made before any award of damages shall be made on account of such proposed raising or depressing of such waters, and they shall also determine what sum shall be paid to the general or special guardian or com- mittee of an infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, and to the attorney appointed by the Court to attend to the interests of any unknown owner or party in interest, or to the attorney or guardian of any party in interest whose interests are unknown or the interest of any person or persons not in being. They shall reduce the testimony, if any, taken before them, to writing, and after the testimony is closed, they, or a majority of them, all having considered the same, and having an opportunity to be present, shall, without unnecessary delay, ascertain and deter- 233 mine the just compensation which ought justly to be made by the City of New York to the owners, or the persons interested in the real estate sought to be acquired or affected by said pro- ceedings. The said Commissioners of Appraisal shall make reports of their proceedings to the Supreme Court, as in the next section provided, with the minutes of the testimony taken by them, if any, and they shall be entitled to the payments here- inafter provided for their services and expenses, to be paid from the fund herein provided. Commissioners to prepare report. Sec. 496. The said Commissioners shall prepare a report, and a true copy or copies thereof, as may be required, to which shall be respectively annexed the fourth and fifth copies, and, if re- quired, the sixth copy of the maps referred to in this Act. The said report shall contain a brief description of the several parcels of real estate so taken or affected, with a reference to the map as showing the location and boundaries of each parcel ; a statement of the sum estimated and determined upon by them as a just com- pensation to be made by the City to the owners of or persons entitled to or interested in each parcel so taken or affected, and a statement of the respective owners of or persons entitled thereto or interested therein ; but in all and each and every case and cases, where the owners and parties interested, or their respective estates or interests are unknown, or not fully known, to the Com- missioners of Appraisal, it shall be sufficient for them to set forth and state, in general terms, the respective sums to be allowed and paid to the owners of and parties interested therein generally, without specifying the names or estates or interests of such owners or parties interested, or any or either of them. They shall also recommend such sums as shall seem to them proper to be allowed to the parties or attorneys appearing before them, as costs, counsel fees, expenses and disbursements, including reasonable compensation for witnesses. Report to be filed. Sec. 497. Said report signed by said Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the 234 County in which the real estate is situated. The Commissioners of Appraisal shall notify the Corporation Counsel as soon as the said report is filed. Notice of motion to confirm report. Sec. 498. The Corporation Counsel, or, in case of his neglect to do so within ten days after receiving notice of such filing, then any person interested in the proceedings, shall give notice that the said report will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, at a time and place to be specified in said notice. The said notice shall contain a statement of the time and place of the filing of the report, and shall be published in each of the newspapers referred to in sec- tion 491 of this Act, once in each week, for at least four weeks immediately prior to the presentation of said report for confir- mation. Confirmation of report. Sec. 499. The application for the confirmation of the report shall be made to the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof, held in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated. Upon the hearing of the application for the confirmation thereof, the said Court shall confirm such report, and make an order, con taining a recital of the substance of the proceedings in the matter of the appraisal, with a general description of the real estate appraised, and for which compensation is to be made ; and shall also direct to whom the money is to be paid, or in what Trust Company it shall be deposited by the Comptroller of the City of New York. Such report, when so confirmed, shall (except in the case of an appeal, as provided in section 505 of this Act) be final and conclusive as well upon the said City of New York as upon the owners and all persons interested in or entitled to said real estate ; and also upon all other persons whomsoever. Payment of azvards. Sec. 500. The said City of New York shall, within four calendar months after the making and entry of the order con- 235 firming the report of the Commissioners of Appraisal, pay to the respective owners and bodies, politic or corporate, mentioned or referred to in said report, in whose favor any sum or sums of money shall be estimated and reported by said Commissioners, the respective sum or sums so estimated and reported in their favor respectively, with lawful interest thereon, from the date of filing the oath of said Commissioners and certified copies thereof, as by this Act required. And in case of neglect or default in the payment of the same within the time aforesaid, the respective person or persons, or bodies, politic or corporate, in whose favor the same shall be so reported, his, her, or their executors, administrators, legal representatives or successors, at any time or times, after application first made by him, her, or them, to the Comptroller of the City of New York for payment thereof, may sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest, as aforesaid, and the costs of suit in any proper form of action against the said City of New York in any Court having cogni- zance thereof, and in which it shall be sufficient to declare generally for so much money due to the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein by virtue of this Act, for real estate taken or affected for the purposes herein mentioned, and the report and order confirming report of said Commissioners, with proof of the right and title of the plaintiff or plaintiffs to the sum or sums demanded sht.ll be conclusive evidence in such suit or action, and entitle plaintiff to judgment therein. Sum awarded to be deposited in certain cases. Sec. 501. Whenever the owner or owners, person or persons interested in any real estate taken or affected in such proceedings, or in whose favor any such sum or sums or compensation shall be so reported, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, of unsound mind, or absent from the State of New York, and also in all cases where the name or names of the owner or owners, person or persons interested in any such real estate shall not be set forth or mentioned in the said report, or where the said owner or owners, person or persons, being named therein cannot, upon diligent inquiry, be found, or where there are adverse or conflict- ing claims to the money awarded as compensation, it shall be 236 lawful for the said City of New York to pay the sum or sums mentioned in the said report, payable, or that would be coming to such owner or owners, person or persons respectively, with interest aforesaid, into such Trust Company as the Court may, in the order of confirmation, direct, to the credit of such owner or owners, person or persons, and such payment shall be as valid and effectual, in all respects, as if made to the said owner or owners, person or persons interested therein respectively them- selves, according to their just rights; and provided, also, that in all and each and every such case and cases where any such sum or sums, or compensation, reported by the Commissioners in favor of any person or persons, or party or parties, whatso- ever, whether named or not named in the said report, shall be paid to any person or persons, or party or parties, whomsoever, when the same shall of right belong and ought to have been paid to some other person or persons, or party or parties, it shall be lawful for the person or persons, or party or parties to whom the same ought to have been paid, to sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest and costs of suits, as so much money had and received to his, her or their use, by the person or per- sons, party or parties respectively to whom the same shall have been so paid. IV/io may present claim before Commissioner. Sec. 502. Every owner or person in any way interested in any " real estate taken, affected or entered upon and used and occupied for the purposes contemplated by this Act, and any owner or person interested in real estate contiguous thereto, and which is affected by the acquisition, use or occupation of the real estate shown on said map, whether such contiguous real estate is shown on the maps or not, if he or they intend to make claim for compensation for such taking, entering upon, using or occupying, shall, within one year after the appointment of the Commissioners of Appraisal, exhibit to the said Commissioners a statement of claim, and shall thereupon be entitled to offer testimony and to be heard before them touching such claim, and the compensation proper to be made, and to have a determination made by such Commissioners of Appraisal as to the amount of such compensa- 237 tion. Every person, corporation, or body politic, neglecting or refusing to present such claim within said time shall be deemed to have surrendered his, her or its title or interest in such real estate, or his, her or its claim for damages thereto, except so far as they may be entitled, as such owner or person interested, •to the whole or a part of the sum of money awarded by the Commissioners of Appraisal as a just compensation for taking, using and occupying, or as damages for affecting the real estate owned by said person, corporation, or body politic. City protected by payment. Sec. 503. Payment of the compensation awarded by said Commissioners of Appraisal to the person or persons, corporation, or body politic named in their report (if not infants or persons of unsound mind) shall, in the absence of notice to City of New York of other claimants to such award, protect the said City of New York. Separate reports may be made. Sec. 504. Said Commissioners of Appraisal may, in their dis- cretion, take up any specified claim or claims, and finally ascer- tain and determine the compensation to be made thereon, and make a separate report with reference thereto, annexing to said report a copy of so much of the maps as displays the parcel or parcels so reported on. Such report shall, as to the claims therein specified, be the report required in this act, and the sub- sequent action with reference thereto shall be had in the same manner as though no other claim was embraced in said proceed- ing, which, however, shall continue as to all claims upon which no such determination and report is made. Proceedings in case of an Appeal. Sec. 505. Within twenty days after the making, entry and service of the order confirming the report of the Commissioners of Appraisal, as provided for in this Act, of which notice may, as to the parties who have not appeared before the Commissioners, be given in the manner provided in this Act, either party may appeal by notice, in writing, to the Appellate Division of the 238 Supreme Court of the judicial department in which the real es- tate described in said petition and shown on said map is situated. Such appeal shall be heard, on due notice thereof being given, according to the rules and practice of the said Court, and pend- ing such appeal the Comptroller of the City of New York shall deposit in such Trust Company as the Court shall direct, the amount of the award, with interest to the date of such deposit, and the funds so deposited shall remain with the Trust Company, subject to the further order of the Court. On the hearing of such appeal the Court may direct a new appraisal and determina- tion by the same or new Commissioners, in its discretion, and either party, if aggrieved, may take a further appeal, which shall be heard and determined by the Court of Appeals. In the case of a new appraisal the second report shall be final and conclusive on all parties and persons interested. If the amount of compen- sation to be made by the said city is increased by the second report, the difference shall be paid by the Comptroller of the City of New York to the parties entitled to the same, or shall be deposited, as the Court may direct ; and if the amount is dimin- ished, the difference shall be refunded to the said City of New York by the Trust Company. But the taking of an appeal by any person or persons shall not operate to stay the proceedings under this Act, providing such award and interest have been de- posited. Such appeal shall be heard upon the evidence taken and proceedings had before such Commissioners. How defects may be remedied. Sec. 506. The Supreme Court of the judicial district in which the real estate is situated shall have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any of the special proceedings auth- orized by this Act as may be necessary, or to cause other prop- erty to be included therein, and to direct such further notices to be given to any party in interest, as it deems proper, and also to appoint other Commissioners in place of any who shall die or refuse or neglect to serve, or be incapable of serving, or be re- moved. And the said Court may, at any time, remove any of said Commissioners of Appraisal who, in their judgment, shall be incapable of serving, or who shall, for any reason in their judg- 239 ment, be an unfit person to serve as such Commissioner. The cause of such removal shall be specified in the order making the same. If, in any particular, it shall, at any time, be found necessary to amend any pleading, or proceeding, or to supply any defect therein, arising in the course of any special proceed- ing authorized by this Act, the same may be amended or sup-^ plied in such manner as shall be directed by the Supreme Court, which is hereby authorized to make such amendment or correc- tion. Agreements with owners of real estate. Sec. 507. The said Commissioners, subject to the approval of the Board of Public Improvements, may agree with the owners or persons interested in any real estate laid down on said maps as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owners or persons interested for the taking or using and occupy- ing such real estate. And in case any such real estate shall be owned, occupied or enjoyed by the people of this State, or by any County, town or school district within this State, such rights, titles, interests or properties may be paid for upon agree- ment respectively with the Commissioners of the Land Office, who shall act for the people of the State, with a chairman and a majority in numbers of the Board of Supervisors of any County, who shall act for such County, and with the Supervisor and Com- missioners of Highways in any town, who shall act for such town, and with the trustees of any school district, who shall act for such district, and with the President and a majority of the Board of Trustees of any incorporated village. The Commissioners of the Land Office shall have power to grant to the said city any real estate belonging to the people of this State which may be re- quired for the purposes indicated in this Act, on such terms as may be agreed on between them and the said Commissioners; and if any real estate of any County, town, or school district is required by such city for the purpose of this Act, the majority of the Board of Supervisors, acting for such County, or the Super- visors of any such town, with the Commissioners of Highways therein, acting for such town, or the Trustees of any school dis- trict, acting for such district, or the President and majority of 240 Trustees of any incorporated village, may grant or surrender such real estate for such compensation as may be agreed upon •between such officers respectively and the said Commissioners. Compensation and Expenses of Commissioners. Sec. 508. The Commissioners of Appraisal, appointed in pur- suance of this Act, shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of ten dollars per day for each day upon which the said Commissioners shall meet and be actually and necessarily em- ployed in the performance of the duties imposed upon them by this Act. They may employ the necessary clerks and stenographers. The Corporation Counsel shall, either in person or by such counsel as he shall designate for the purpose, appear for and pro- tect the interests of the City in all such proceedings in Court and before the Commissioners. The fees of the Commissioners, and the salaries and compensation of their employees, and their neces- sary traveling expenses, and all other necessary expenses in and about the special proceedings provided by this Act, to be had for acquiring title or extinguishing claims for damages to real estate, and such allowances for counsel fees, expenses and witness fees as may be recommended by the Commissioners and ordered paid by order of the Court, shall be paid by the Comptroller of the City of New York, out of the funds hereinafter provided, when they have been taxed before a Justice of the Supreme Court in the judicial district in which the real estate is situated, upon five days' notice to the Corporation Counsel. Issue of bonds. Sec. 509. The Comptroller of the City of New York is hereby authorized and directed to raise, from time to time, on bonds of said City, in addition to the amounts which he is now authorized to raise for such purposes, such sums of money as shall be suffi- cient to pay for any real estate, or for the extinguishment of any right, title, or interest therein acquired, and all damages appraised to persons interested therein, together with all ex- penses necessarily incurred in acquiring title to such real estate, or in extinguishing claims for damages thereto, and for all other expenditures herein authorized. 241 ^IFO Description of bonds. Sec. 510. The bonds to be issued by the Comptroller of the City of New York in pursuance of this title shall be called "Corporate stock of the City of New York," and shall be issued in the manner hereinbefore provided for the issue of Corporate stock, subject, however, to the limitations of the State Consti- tution. And the Municipal Assembly of said city is hereby authorized and directed to raise, from time to time, by tax upon the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation in the City of New York, the sum or sums of money which may be required to pay the interest on said bonds and to redeem them at maturity. Jurisdiction of State Board of Health. Sec. 511. Any lake or reservoir constructed or maintained under the provisions of this Act shall be subject to such sani- tary regulations as the State Board of Health shall prescribe. Highways and Bridges. Sec. 512. The City of New York is hereby required to build and construct such highways and bridges as may be made neces- sary by the construction of any reservoir in the Counties of West- chester, Putnam, Queens or Suffolk under this Act, and to repair and forever maintain such additional bridges as may be made necessary by the construction of such reservoir or reservoirs. Account of Expenditure to be filed in Comptroller's office. Sec. 513. The said Commissioner of Water Supply shall, in every calendar month, file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of New York an account of all expenditures made by him, or under his authority, and of all liabilities incurred by him, during the preceding month, and an abstract of each such account shall be published in the City Record. Limit within which Lake Mahopac may not be drawn down. Sec. 514. Nothing herein contained shall authorize or em- power or permit any water in excess of the ordinary flow thereof to be drawn from Lake Mahopac, in the Town of Carmel, Put- 242 nam County, between the first days of March and September in any year. Present proceedings to be continued. Sec. 515. All proceedings pending at the time this Act takes effect for the acquisition of title to or the extinguishment of rights in real estate for any of the purposes in this title specified, shall be continued and prosecuted to a conclusion according to the respective provisions of law under which said proceedings may have been begun, and as to all such proceedings this Act shall not be deemed applicable. Id. Corporations authorized to use grounds under streets^ etc. Sec. 516. All persons acting under the authority of the city of New York shall have the right to use the ground or soil under any street, highway or road within this State for the pur- pose of introducing water into the city of New York, on con- dition that they shall cause the surface of said street, highways or roads to be restored to its original state, and all damages done thereto shall be repaired. Devolution of powers of former boards. Sec. 517. For all the purposes of this Act all of the rights, powers, privileges, duties and obligations, heretofore created by law or otherwise, of the City of Brooklyn, or of any of its De- partments or officers respecting the water works of said City are, so far as they are consistent with the provisions of this Act, hereby vested in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and as matter of administration devolved upon the Com- missioner of Water Supply of The City of New York to be by him exercised in accordance with the provisions, directions and limitations of this Act, and all of the rights, powers, privileges, du- ties and obligations of Long Island City, or of any or either of its Departments or officers, or of any town, village or dis- trict in any of the territory hereby annexed to the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and by this Act consolidated into one 243 city, in respect to any of the public water works or the pubHc water system, or the public water supply thereof ; the sale and distribution of the same, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and for the purpose of administration are hereby devolved upon the said Commissioner of Water Supply of The City of New York to be by him executed pursuant to the provisions, directions and limitations of this Act. Sec. 518. Nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed or construed to repeal, or in any wise affect chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, entitled ' 'An Act to provide new reservoirs, dams and a new aqueduct with the appurtenances thereto for the pur- pose of supplying the City of New York with an increased supply of pure and wholesome water," or the several acts amendatory thereof, but the said Act and its amendments shall remain in full force and effect, provided that the Commissioners therein specified, shall not hereafter begin the construction of any new work, except such as may be properly and necessarily ap- purtenant to work, the construction of which has been begun before the date upon which this Act takes effect. The term of office of the Commission appointed and existing under the afore- said Act shall cease and determine on the first day of January, 1901, and thereupon all papers, documents and records in pos- session of the Aqueduct Commission shall be delivered to the Commissioner of Water Supply, who shall continue and com- plete, in the manner provided by this Act, all work of every kind and description whatsoever left uncompleted by the said Commission. Title 5. department of highways. Commissioner of Highways ; appointme?it , terfn, salary.' Sec. 523. The head of the Department of Highways shall be called the Commissioner of Highways. He shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold ofifice as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. 244 Id.: Jurisdiction. Sec. 524. The Commissioner of Highways shall have cog- nizance and control : (1) Of regulating, grading, curbing, flagging and guttering of streets and laying crosswalks. (2) Of constructing and repairing public roads. (3) Of paving, repaving, resurfacing, and repairing of all streets, and of the relaying of all pavements removed for any cause. (4) Of the laying or relaying of surface railroad tracks in any public street or road, of the form of rail used, or character of foundation, and the method of construction, and of the restoration of the pavement or surface after such work. (5) Of the filling of sunken lots, fencing of vacant lots, digging down lots, and of licensing vaults under side- walks. (6) Of recommending to the Board of Public Improve- ments, ordinances relating to any of the matters within the province of his department. He snail make an annual report of the business and transactions of his department to the Mayor. Permit from. Departme7tt of Highways necessary for removals of pavements, etc. ; procedure in case of pavemeuts relaid, etc. Sec. 525. No removal of the pavement or disturbance of the surface of any street for the purpose of constructing vaults or lateral ways, digging cellars, laying foundations of buildings or other structures, making sewer connections, or repairing sewers or pipes, of laying down gas and water pipes, steam pipes and electric wires, or introducing the same into buildings, or for any purpose whatever, shall be made until a permit is first had from the Department of Highways; and whenever any portion of the pavement in any street or avenue in said City shall have been removed for any of these purposes, and such pavement shall not be relaid in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner, the said Commissioner may cause a notice, in writing, to be served upon 246 the person or corporation by whom the same was removed ; or if such removal was for the purpose of making connection between any house or lot, or any sewer or pipes in the street, or for con- structing vaults, or otherwise improving any house or lot, upon the owner or occupant of such house or lot requiring such per- son or corporation, or the owner or occupant of such house or lot, to have such pavement properly relaid within five days after service of such notice. Such notice may be served upon the owner or occupant of a house or lot by leaving the same with any person of adult age upon said premises or posting the same there- upon ; in case such pavement, or portion thereof, shall not be relaid to the satisfaction of said Commissioner within |,the time specified in such notice, it shall be lawful, and authority is hereby given to said Commissioner, to have such pavement, or the portion thereof which shall have been so unsatisfactorily laid, put in proper order and repair, in such manner as the Commissioner may deem best, on account of the person or corporation by whom such pavement was removed, or of the owner of the premises for whose benefit such removal was made. Upon the costs of such work being certified to the Comptroller of the City of New York by the said Commissioner, with a description of the lot or premises to improve which such removal was made, said Comptroller shall pay the same, and the amount so paid shall become a lien and charge upon the premises so described, and, on being certified by the Comptroller to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, may be collected in the same manner that arrears and water rates are collected under the direction of such Collector of As- sessments and Arrears. But nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit said Commissioner from demanding, before issuing said permit, and as a condition thereof, the deposit of such sum of money, or other security, as in his judgment may be necessary to pay the cost of properly relaying the pavement so removed, together with the expense of the inspection thereof. The office of Commissioner of Street Im,provements in the 23d and 2Ji,th Wards abolished ; devolution of powers. Sec. 526. The office of Commissioner of Street Improve- ments of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the 246 City of New York, created by Chapter five hundred and forty- five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby abolished, and all the powers, privileges and duties of the said Commissioner of Street Improvements for the said Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth Wards, which in any way relate to the regulating, grading, regrading, curbing, flagging, and guttering of streets, laying of crosswalks, the constructing and repairing of public roads, paving, repairing and repaving of all streets and the relaying of all pavements removed for any cause, of the filling of sunken lots, are hereby, so far as the same are consistent with the requirements of this Act, devolved upon the Commissioner of Highways of The City of New York, and are to be exercised and performed by him according to the pro- visions of this Act. Devolution of powers of former boards. Sec. 527. All powers and duties conferred upon the corpor- ation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the City of New York, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as the City of Brook, lyn, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corpora- tion known as Long Island City, or upon any Board or Officer thereof, and upon any other Municipal Corporation, Town or Village, within the County of Richmond, or within so much of the territory of the County of Queens as is by this Act annexed to the Municipal Corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and consolidated into the Municipality known as The City of New York, in any way relating to the regulating, grading, regrading, curbing, flagging, and guttering of streets, the laying of crosswalks, the constructing and repairment of public roads, paving, repaving and repairing of all streets, and the relaying of all pavements removed for any cause, the filling of sunken lots, and all matters directly related thereto are hereby vested in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and as matter of administration devolved upon the Commissioner of Highways, and by him are to be executed pursuant to the provisions, directions and limita- tions of this Act. 247 Title 6. department of street cleaning. Comtnissioner , appointment, tertn and salary. Section 533. The Head'of the Department of Street Cleaning shall be called the Commissioner of Street Cleaning. He shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. Id.: Jurisdiction. Sec. 534. The Commissioner of Street Cleaning shall have cognizance and control : (1) Of the sweeping and cleaning of the streets of the city, and of the removal, or other disposition as often as the public health and the use of the streets may require, of ashes, street sweepings, garbage, and other light refuse and rubbish, and of the removal of snow and ice from leading thoroughfares and from such other streets as may be found practicable. (2) Of the removal of incumbrances. (3) Of the issue of permits to builders and others to use the streets, but not to open them, (4) Of the framing of regulations controlling the use of sidewalks and gutters by abutting owners and occu- pants for the disposition of sweepings, refuse, garbage or light rubbish, which, when so framed, and approved by the Board of Public Improvements and the Municipal Assembly shall be published in like manner as city ordi- nances, and shall be enforced by the Police Department in the same manner and to the same extent as such ordinances. Sec. 535. The term streets as used in this Title shall not be deemed to include such macadamized streets as are within any park or are under the control or management of the Department 248 of Parks, nor such wharves, piers and bulkheads or slips and parts of streets and places as are by law committed to the custody and control of the Department of Docks and Ferries. Street Cleaning Department; Members of; Clerical and Uniformed Forces, Sec. 536. The members of the department of street clean ing shall be divided into two general classes, to be designated respectively, the clerical force and the uniformed force. The clerical force shall consist of a chief clerk, medical examiners not exceeding three in number, and such and so many clerks and messengers as the Commissioner of street cleaning shall deem necessary ; but the aggregate salaries of the said clerical force shall not exceed in any year the amount appropriated therefor by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The uniformed force shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning and shall consist of one general superintendent, one assistant super intendent, one superintendent of stables, one superintendent of final disposition, one assistant superintendent of final disposition district superintendents not exceeding twenty-one in number; time collectors, not exceeding eight in number ; section foremen, not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five in number; dump inspec tors, not exceeding forty-three in number; assistant dump inspectors, not exceeding forty-three in number; tug and scow inspectors, not exceeding twenty-five in number; sweepers, not exceeding thirty-one hundred in number; dump boardmen, not exceeding forty-three in number; drivers, not exceeding six- teen hundred in number; stable foremen, not exceeding twenty-one in number; assistant stable foremen, not exceed- ing twenty-one in number; hostlers, not exceeding one hundred and forty-six in number ; a master mechanic and such and so many mechanics and helpers as may be necessary ; but the aggregate sal aries of such mechanics and helpers shall not exceed in any year the amount appropriated therefor by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and the Municipal Assembly. The Commissioner of Street Cleaning shall have power and is hereby authorized to increase the said uniformed force, from time to time, by adding to the number of sweepers, drivers and hostlers, provided the 249 Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and the Municipal Assembly shall have previously made an appropriation for the purpose of permitting such increase. The annual sal- aries and compensations of the members of the uniformed force of the Department of Street Cleaning shall be fixed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and shall not exceed the following: Of the general superintendent, three thousand dollars; of the assistant superintendent, two thous- and five hundred dollars; of the superintendent of stables, two thousand dollars ; of the master mechanic, one thous- and eight hundred dollars; of the superintendent of final disposition, two thousand dollars ; of the assistant superintendent of final disposition, one thousand five hundred dollars ; of the dis- trict superintendents, one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; of the time collectors, one thousand two hundred dollars each ; of the section foremen, one thousand dollars each ; of the dump inspectors, one thousand dollars each ; of the assistant dump in- spectors, nine hundred dollars each ; of the tug and scow in- spectors, one thousand dollars each ; of the dump boardmen, seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; of the sweepers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; of the drivers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; of the stable foremen, one thousand two hundred dollars each ; of the assistant stable foremen, nine hundred dollars each ; of the hostlers, seven hundred and twenty dollars each. Hostlers may receive extra pay for Sundays if an appropriation therefor is made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The members of the Department of Street Cleaning shall be employed at all such times and dur- ing such hours and upon such duties as the Commissioner of Street Cleaning shall direct for the purpose of an effective performance of the work devolving upon the said department. In case of a snow fall or other emergency, the Commissioner of Street Cleaning or the deputy commissioner may hire and em- ploy temporarily such and so many men, carts and horses as shall be rendered necessary by such emergency, forthwith report- ing such action with the full particulars thereof to the Mayor, but no man, cart or horse, shall be so hired or employed for a longer period than three days, except that any person registered or eligible 250 to appointment as a driver, or as a sweeper, may be temporarily- employed at any time as an extra driver or sweeper to fill the place of a driver or sweeper who is suspended or temporarily absent from duty from any cause. The rate of compensation of such extra drivers or sweepers shall be two dollars per day, and the driver or sweeper whose place is so filled shall not receive any compensation for the time during which he is so absent from duty or his place is so filled, unless such injury or illness was contracted in the service of the Department. The services of any person employed, and of carts and horses hired pursuant to this section, shall be paid for in full and directly by the Depart- ment of Street Cleaning, at such times as may be prescribed by such department ; and they, and each of them, shall be employed and hired directly by the Department of Street Cleaning and not through contractors or other persons, unless the Commissioner him- self shall determine that this requirement must for proper action in a particular instance be dispensed with. Nothing herein contained shall affect any existing contracts made with or by the Department of Street Cleaning in regard to the cleaning of Broadway below Fourteenth street in said city or the renewal thereof, if deemed best by the Commissioner of said department. Id. Removal of members of clerical and uniformed forces. Sec. 537. No member of the clerical force of the Depart- ment of Street Cleaning shall be removed until he has been informed of the cause of 'the proposed removal and has been allowed an opportunity of making an explanation and in every case of removal the true grounds thereof shall be entered upon the records of the department. The Commissioner of Street cleaning shall have power, in his discretion, on evidence satis- factory to him that a member of the uniformed force has been guilty of any legal or criminal offence or neglect of duty, viola- tion of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, or conduct injurious to the public peace or welfare, or immoral conduct, or any breach of disci- pline, to punish the offending party by forfeiting or withhold- ing pay for a specified time, suspension without pay during such suspension for a period not exceeding thirty days, or 251 by dismissal from the force, but no more than thirty days' pay or salary shall be forfeited or deducted for any offense. The said commissioner is also authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to deduct and withhold pay, salary or compensation from any member or members of the force for and on account of absence for any cause without leave. All fines imposed and pay deducted or withheld under the provisions of this section, shall be retained by the Comptroller to the credit of the appor tionment for the Department of Street Cleaning, and shall be applicable, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, to any of the purposes of said department as if originally appropriated therefor. Absence without leave of any member of the uniformed force for five consecutive days shall be deemed and held to be a resignation, and the member so absent shall at the expiration of said period cease to be a mem- ber of said force and may be dismissed therefrom without notice. No leave of absence exceeding twenty days in any one year shall be granted or allowed to any member of the uniformed force, except upon condition that such member shall waive or release not less than one-half of all salary, pay or compensation and claim thereto or any part thereof during such absence. The said Commissioner of Street Cleaning is hereby authorized and empowered, from time to time to make, adopt, enforce rules, orders and regulations conformable to the provisions of this act for the government, administration, discipline and dis- position of the said department and of the members thereof, and to prescribe and define the duties of each member. When and as soon as a member of the uniformed force has been fined, suspended, or dismissed the true cause for such fine, suspension or dismissal shall be entered in writing in a book to be kept for that purpose by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, which book shall be a public record. A copy of the rules and regula- tions or of any or either of them of the said commissioner adopted by him may, when certified by him or by his deputy be given in evidence upon any trial, investigation, hearing or pro- ceeding in any court or before any tribunal, commissioner or commissioners, board or competent body, with the same force and effect as the original. 252 Members of Department not liable to military or jury duty. Sec. 538. No person holding any office or position under the Department of Street Cleaning shall be liable to military or jury duty. Division of streets into districts; allotment of sweepers. Sec. 539. All the paved avenues, streets, lanes, alleys and places in said city which the department of Street Cleaning is by this Act charged with the duty of cleaning, shall be cleaned and kept cleaned by hand labor, and for that purpose each sweeper shall provide himself with such tools and implements as the Commissioner of Street Cleaning shall prescribe, and to each sweeper shall be allotted a fixed area of street surface according to the character of the locality ; of which allotment a record shall be kept in the Department of Street Cleaning, and shall be a public record, but nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to prevent the Commissioner of Street Cleaning from causing the labor of the sweepers to be supplemented by the use of sweeping-machines in such streets and avenues as to him may seem proper. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Street Cleaning to divide the city into a suitable number of districts, not exceeding twenty-one, each of which shall be under the charge and supervision of a district superintendent who shall be directly responsible to the general superintendent, and also to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning for the cleanliness of his district. Each of said districts shall be by said Commissioner subdivided into sections in charge of foremen responsible to the district superintendent, as well as to the general superintendent, and to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning for the cleanliness of his section. It shall be the duty of said Commissioner of Street Cleaning to make such allotment and designation of the area to be covered, and the duties to be performed by the uniformed force, that each member thereof, except the general superinten- dent and his assistant shall have one particular district or section in which to perform all the work to which he is allotted. But nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Commissioner of Street Cleaning from transferring, at his discre- 253 tion, members of the uniformed force, from one district or section to another, nor from temporarily employing all or any number of said uniformed force in a particular street or streets, section or sections. Department of Docks; to keep wharves, etc. , clean. Sec. 540. The Department of Docks shall have power and authority and it is Hereby made its duty to cause the wharves, piers, bulkheads, heads of slips, and portions of any streets and places by law committed to the custody and control of said Department of Docks, to be thoroughly cleaned, and kept clean at all times ; and to remove from said wharves, piers, bulk- heads, heads of slips and portions of streets, and to dispose of all sweepings, ashes and garbage. And for the purpose of dis- posing of the sweepings and other refuse removed by said Department of Docks, the said Department of Docks shall have the right and is hereby authorized to use concurrently with the said Department of Street Cleaning, such dumping boards, slips and piers as may be assigned to and set apart for the use of said Department of Street Cleaning, and all contracts made by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning under this Act for the removal of ashes and garbage and sweepings shall provide for the removal of such ashes, garbage, and sweepings, as may be required to be removed by said Department of Docks. Commissioner of Street Cleaning; power to obtain plant, sup- plies, etc. Sec. 541. The said Commissioner of Street Cleaning shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to purchase or hire from time to time for his use as such Commissioner, at current prices, such and so many horses, carts, steam tugs, scows, boats, ves sels, machines, tools and other property as may be required for the economical and effectual performance of his aforesaid duty or to contract for the construction of any such tugs, scows boats, vessels, carts, machines, tools or other property; or for the sweeping of streets and the removal of street sweepings by machine and also to contract for the cremation, utilization or burn ing of street sweepings, refuse and garbage ; or for the melting oi 254 removal of snow upon or from any streets or avenues or parts thereof; the title to property so purchased or constructed shall be in the City of New York. All such hiring, or purchases, or contracts, however, exceeding one thousand dollars in amount at any one hiring or purchase, shall be let by contract to the lowest bidder therefor, founded on sealed bids or proposals made in compliance with public notice^^advertised in the City Record ; such notice to be published at least ten days prior to the opening of such proposals or bids. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent said Commissioner, whenever it shall be necessary, to hire such boats, steam tugs, scows, vessels, machines, tools or other property for a day or trip, and for suc- cessive days or trips, without advertising or contract founded on sealed proposals or bids, at compensation by the day or trip, notwithstanding the aggregate compensation for such successive days or trips may exceed said sum of one thousand dollars. The said Commissioner is hereby authorized, whenever and as often as, in his opinion, the public interests shall require, to reject all bids or proposals received in answer to any such advertisement, and to re-advertise for bids and pro- posals as hereinafter provided. Whenever the said Com- missioner shall deem it necessary, he shall and is hereby author- ized to sell, at public auction, any plant, material, horses, carts, scows or other property, used in any way in connection with the work of cleaning streets ; but before any such sale shall be made a notice thereof stating the time and place of sale shall be published in the City Record and corporation newspapers for at least ten days immediately preceding such sale, and the proceeds arising from such sale, after deducting the necessary expenses thereof, shall be paid into the city treasury to the credit of the general fund for the reduction of taxation. The said Commis- sioner is hereby authorized, with the consent and approval of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, to hire or lease suit- able and sufficient offices for the transaction of the business under his charge, and also such stables and other buildings or parts of buildings or plots of ground as may, from time to time, be necessary. All carts used by said department of street clean- ing shall be of such size, form and construction as to pre- 255 vent escape during transit of dust, or of any refuse carried therein. Piers, docks t slips, etc , for use of department. Sec. 542. The department, bureau or city officer, author ity or authorities, which shall from time to time have the man- agement and control of the public docks, piers and slips of the city, shall designate and set apart for the use of said Commis- sioner suitable and sufficient slips, piers, and berths in slips, locat- ed as the said Commissioner may require, and such as shall be convenient and necessary for his use in executing the duty here- by imposed upon him, excepting slips, docks and piers on the East River set apart for the use of canal boats. The said Com- missioner may, with the approval, in writing, of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, lease piers, slips or wharves for the necessary purposes of the duties by this chapter conferred, whenever suitable piers, slips or wharves owned by or under the control of the city cannot be obtained or are not set apart and designated as in this section provided. Uniform, Badges, etc. , of Uniformed Force. Sec. 543. The Commissioner of street cleaning is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to prescribe distinctive uniforms, badges and insignia to be worn and displayed by the several members of the uniformed force of said department and to prescribe and enforce penalties for the failure to wear and ex- hibit the same by any member of said force while engaged in the work of the department. Special Contracts for Disposition of Sweepings, Ashes, Garbage, etc. Sec. 544. Said Commissioner shall have power to enter into contracts with responsible persons and parties for the final disposition, for periods not exceeding five years, of all or any part of the said street sweepings, ashes, or garbage, and such other light refuse or rubbish when collected ; pro vided always that such contract shall be approved both as to terms and conditions by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- 256 ment. All contracts shall be entered into on behalf of the city by the Commissioner with adequate security. He shall adver- tise for proposals in such newspapers in the city as he may desig- nate, not exceeding three in number, for ten days, to perform the work in such form and manner and on such terms and con- ditions as he may prescribe. Such proposals may be for the per- formance of all or such part or portion of the work as he shall require. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent banking incorporation in the city, payable to the order of the Comptroller for five per cent, of the amount for which the work bid for is proposed in any one year to be per- formed. From the proposals so received he may select the bid or bids, the acceptance of which will, in his judgment, best se- cure the efificient performance of the work, or he may reject any or all of said bids. On the acceptance of any bid by him, the checks of the unaccepted bidders shall be returned to them, and upon the execution of the contract the check of the accepted bidder shall be returned to him. The surety or sureties upon all contracts hereby authorized shall be approved by the Comptrol- ler, and all contracts and bonds securing the same shall be ap- proved as to form by the counsel to the corporation. Proceedings for removal of Trucks, etc. from Streets, regulated. Sec. 545. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Street Cleaning to remove, or cause to be removed, all unharnessed trucks, carts, wagons and vehicles of any description, found in any public street or place, and also all boxes, barrels, bales of merchandize and other movable property found upon any public street, or place, not including, hov/ever, any portion of marginal street, or place, or wharf, which, by the pro- vision of any law or statute, is committed to the custody and control of the Department of Docks. The said Commissioner of Street Cleaning is hereby authorized, with the consent and ap- proval of the board of sinking fund commissioners, to lease a suitable yard or yards to which the trucks, carts, wagons and vehicles, boxes, bales, barrels and other things, removed under the authority of this section, shall be taken, and the said Com- missioner shall, from time to time, as often as he shall deem ne- 257 cessary, sell, or cause to be sold, as hereinafter provided at pub- lic auction, at such yard or yards, the said trucks, carts, wagons, vehicles, boxes, barrels, and other things so removed. When- ever the said Commissioner or deputy commissioner shall have removed or caused to be removed any such trucks, carts, wagons, vehicles, boxes, barrels, bales or other things, and shall deem it necessary to sell them, and before making the sale thereof, he shall file with a justice of the Municipal court of the City of Nfew York, a written petition, verified by oath, setting forth the facts which bring the case within this section, toijether with a brief description of each of the trucks, carts, wagons, vehicles, boxes, barrels or other things so removed in his custody and possession as Street Cleaning Commissioner at the time of filing such petition, stating either the name of the owner or that his name is not known to the said petitioners, and cannot be ascer- tained with reasonable diligence, and praying for a final order, directing the sale of the property so seized and removed, and the application of the proceeds thereof as herein prescribed ; and, upon the presentation of said petition the justice must issue a precept under his hand, directed to the persons whose names appear in the said petition as owners, if stated in the petition, or if not so stated, directed generally to all persons having any interest in the property so seized and removed, and briefly reciting in substance the other facts stated in the peti- tion, and requiring the person or persons to whom the precept is directed to show cause before a justice at a time and place specified therein, not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the issuing of the precept, why the prayer of the petitioa :should not be granted. The said precept shall be served by posting a copy thereof in at least two public and coaspicuoas places in said city, one of which shall be tl\e ofifice of the said Commissioner of Street Cleaning, and the second of which shall be the yard to which the property shall have been removed, and a copy of which precept shall be so posted within three days after the precept shall have been issued ; and a brief abstract of said precept shall be published in the City Record and corporation newspapers within five days after the issue, and not later than three days before the return :258 day mentioned in the precept. At the time and place when the precept is returnable, the said Commissioner or deputy commissioner must furnish proof of the service of said precept as herein prescribed, and any person named in the petition and precept or otherwise, having an interest in the property seized, may appear on the return day of the said precept and make him- self a party to the proceeding by filing a written answer, sub- scribed by him or his attorney, and verified by the oath of the person subscribing it, denying absolutely, or upon information and belief, one or more material allegations in the petition, and setting forth his interest in the property seized. The subsequent proceedings before the justice shall be the same as in an action in the Municipal Court where an issue of fact has been joined, and if the decision of the justice is in favor of the petitioner, the justice must make a final order, the same as though no appear- ance or trial were had, except to recite the appearance and trial before him. If no person appears and answers, the justice shall make a final order, directed to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, commanding him to sell, at public auction, ail of the property seized and described in the petition, at the yard to which said property was removed, for the best price which he can obtain therefor. Before making any such sale, the said Commissioner or deputy commissioner shall give public notice in the City Record and corporation papers, as by this Act prescribed, not later than three days before the day of such sale, and such notice of sale shall specify the time and place of such sale, and shall contain a general description of the prop- erty to be sold, but no particular description of any article shall be contained therein. The sale shall be made at the time and place specified in said notice of sale by the Cofnmissioner or Deputy Commissioner, or by an auctioneer designated for such sale by said Commissioner. Immediately after such sale, the Commissioner of Street Clean- ing shall pay to the Comptroller the proceeds of such condemna- tion and sale, and shall, at the same time, transmit to the Comptroller an itemized statement of the articles sold, with the price received for each article and a certificate of the costs and expenses incurred by the said Commissioner in making such con- 259 demnation and sales. The Ccmptroller shall credit and add to the appropriation for the Department of Street Cleaning from the proceeds of such sale the amount of said costs and expenses of such condemnation and sales, as hereinbefore provided, and, in addition thereto, such an amount for each incumbrance seized or taken, condemned and sold as hereinbefore provided, not to exceed ten dollars, as may be estimated and fixed by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning as necessary to pay the cost of seizing, removing and keeping or storing such incum- brances ; and the remainder of the moneys realized from such sale shall be paid, without interest, to the lawful owners of the several articles sold. Any payment to a person apparently entitled thereto, under the provisions of this section, shall be a good defense to the city against any other person claiming to be entitled to such payment, but if the person to whom such payment is made be not in fact entitled thereto, it shall be lawful for the person or persons to whom the same ought to have been paid to recover the same with inter- est and costs of suit as so much money had and received to his, her or their use by the person or persons to whom the same shall have been paid. The owner of any truck, cart, wagon, vehicle, box, barrel, bale or other thing removed from any public street or place under the provisions of this section, may redeem his property at any time after its removal upon payment to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning of such sum as he may fix, not to exceed ten dollars for each article redeemed. The sum thus paid shall be immediately transmitted to the Comptroller, and by him added and credited to the appropriation for the Depart- ment of Street Cleaning, under the provisions of this Act, and may be used by the Commissioner for any of the purposes of said department, as if originally included in the appropriation thereof, by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to authorize the summary re- moval of materials for any public work or improvement in course of construction. 260 Limitation of amount of expense for street cleaning. Bonds to be iss2ied by Comptroller for purchase of plant. Sec. 546. In no case, except as in this section provided, shall the amount expended by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning exceed the amount appropriated for the said depart- ment by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly, but, for the more effectual carrying out of the provisions of this Act, the said Commissioner of Street Cleaning may, with the approval of the Board of Public Improve- ments and of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pur- chase or construct stock or plant, including houses, dumping boards or places or buildings or structures necessary for any purpose pertaining to the business of the department, of dur- able character intended to be used for a term of years, to be paid for by the issue and sale of bonds, and the Comptroller shall issue such bonds as may be necessary for such purpose. Such bonds shall be of such amount and to run for such term as may be determined by said Comptroller, by and with the authority of the Municipal Assembly, not less than ten nor more than fifty years, and shall bear interest not exceeding four per cent, per annum and shall not be sold at less than the par value thereof. If the necessary cost of removing snow or ice from the streets and avenues shall, in any one year, exceed the amount appropriated therefor, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment may authorize such additional expenditure as may be required for the removal of such snow or ice to be paid out of any unexpended balance of the appropriation made for the purposes of said department ; and the Comptroller shall raise the amount of such additional expenditure by the issue and sale of revenue bonds, and shall place the amount so raised to the credit of the Department of Street Cleaning, to supply the amount of the deficiency occasioned by such additional ex- penditure. Dei'olution of powers of former boards. Sec. 547. All the powers and duties conferred upon the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- 261 monalty of the City of New York, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as the City of Brooklyn, or upon any board or officer thereof, or upon the corporation known as Long Island City, or upon any board or officer thereof, and upon any other municipal corporation, town or village, within the County of Richmond, or within so much of the territory of the County of Queens as is by this Act annexed to the municipal corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and consolidated into the municipality known as The City of New York, relating in any way to the sweeping and the cleaning of the streets, avenues, highways, boulevards, squares, lanes, alleys and other public places of the city, and of the removal, or other disposition as often as the public health and the use of the streets may require, of ashes, street sweepings, garbage and other light refuse and rubbish, and of the removal of snow and ice from leading thoroughfares and from such other streets as may be found practicable ; of the removal of encumbrances ; of the issue of permits to builders and others to use the streets, avenues, highways, boulevards, squares and public places, but not to open them ; of the framing of regulations controlling the use of sidewalks and gutters by abutting owners and occupants for the disposition of sweepings, refuse, garbage or light rubbish, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and as matters of administration devolved upon the Commissioner of Street Clean- ing of said city, to be by him executed pursuant to the powers, provisions and limitations of this Act. 269 Title 7. department of sewers. Commissioner of Sewers ; appointment ; salary. Section 555. The head of the Department of Sewers shall be called the Commissioner of Sewers. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, and hold office as provided in chapter IV. of this Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. Id.; jurisdiction and duties ; salary. Sec. 556. The Commissioner of Sewers shall have cogni- zance and control of all subjects relating to the public sewers and drainage of the city, and shall initiate the making of all plans for the drainage of the city, except as otherwise speci- fically provided in title 2 of this chapter. He shall have charge of the construction of all sewers in accordance with said plans. He shall prepare and execute all contracts and specifications relating to the sewers for submission to the Board of Public Improvements, and shall supervise all worl^ done under such contracts. He shall have in charge the man- agement, care and maintenance of the sewer and drainage system of the city, and the licensing of all cisterns and cess- pools. Overflow sewers may be constructed. Sec. 557. Any overflow sewers which may be deemed nec- essary for the relief of any main sewers now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in said city, may be dis- charged into the waters adjacent to said city, or into the Gow- anus canal, or any other canal or inlet in said city, at such points as in its judgment may be most convenient. Canals to be kept free from obstructions. Sec. 558. It shall be the duty of the City of New York to keep any canal free from any obstructions that may be occasioned by 263 the reason of the emptying of said overflow sewers into it, and for that purpose the Department of Sewers of said city is au- thorized and directed to dredge the same from time to time. Commissioner ; power to construct temporary sewers, expenses of same. Sec. 559. Whenever it shall become necessary to construct a sewer or drain for the purpose of preventing damage to prop- erty or to abate a nuisance, and it shall become impracticable to proceed immediately to the construction of the same in ac- cordance with any plan already adopted, pursuant to title 2 of this chapter, on the approval of the Board of Public Improve- ments, the said Commissioner shall have power to construct a temporary sewer or drain in such manner as to avoid such damage or to abate such nuisance, and the cost of such tempor- ary sewer or drain shiJl be assessed upon the property drain- ing into the same and benefited thereby. And such assess- ments shall be enforced, levied and collected in the manner provided in chapter XVII. of this Act. Permits for construction of private sewers ; procedure. Becomes property of City zvhen paid for by, etc. Sec. 560. A permit for the construction of sewers in the streets of said city by private property owners shall only be granted upon the parties proposing to construct such sewer first filing with the Commissioner of Sewers, plans and specifi- cations of such proposed sewer, conforming to the general plan for the construction of public sewers in said city, on file in the office of the Board of Public Improvements and a duplicate copy of the contract for the construction of such sewer, show, ing the cost of the construction thereof, together with a satis- factory guarantee to said Commissioner for the payment of the necessary expense of the said Department of Sewers, in the supervision of the construction of said sewer. And upon approval of such plans, specifications and contracts, by the Commissioner of Sewers and the Board of Public Improve- ments the said Commissioner shall issue his permit for the 264 construction of such proposed sewer and shall forthwith request the Board of Assessors to apportion the cost of the construction of said sewer according to actual benefit between the several parcels of property abutting on each side of that part of the street through which said sewer shall be constructed. The said Board of Assessors shall as soon as practicable report such apportionment of such cost the said Commissioner of Sewers. Said Commissioner shall grant permits for connection with said sewer, to be constructed as aforesaid, only to such owners or occupants of the property abutting on that part of such street through which said sewer shall be constructed as shall produce to said Commissioner of Sewers satisfactory proof of the payment by him or them to the parties who constructed and paid for such sewer, of the amount of the proportionate part of the cost of the construction of said sewer apportioned as aforesaid to the property sought to be connected with said sewer, and no permit shall be issued for, nor shall any con- nection be allowed with said sewer, nor with any sewer here- tofore constructed by the owners of the abutting property by private contract from any abutting property until the pro- portionate part of the expense of the construction of such sewer shall have been paid to the parties entitled thereto by the owners of such abutting property, and satisfactory proof thereof m ade to said Commissioner of Sewers. And when constructed, except for the purpose of supervis- ion, maintenance and use by The City of New York in connec- tion with its public sewer system, said sewer shall be deemed the private property of the persons who shall have paid for its construction until the owners of all the property abutting on that part of the street or avenue in which said sewer shall be laid, shall have paid their several shares of the cost of the con- struction of said sewer, but when the same shall have been fully paid for by all the owners of abutting property, then the same shall be the property of The City of New York, and deemed to have been fully dedicated to said city. Id.; Pozvcr to acquire lands for seivers. Sec. 5f)l. The City of New York is authorized to acquire title for the use of the public to all or any of the lands and 265 premises required for sewers, or to easements therein for that purpose, whether the same be above or below high- water mark or under water. The Board of Public Improvements, at the request of the Commissioner of Sewers, is authorized to direct the same to be done. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel, when requested in writing by the Board of Public Improvements, immediately to institute a proceeding to acquire title for the use of the public to the lands and premises or easements therein, required for the building of sewers or drains, in the same manner that is provided by this Act for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of opening streets. The expenses incurred in the acquisition of such lands and premises, with the buildings and improvements thereon, so far as the same shall be taken in such a proceeding, shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Act relating to the opening of streets upon all the property deemed by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment appointed in such proceeding to be benefited by the acquisition of such lands for such purpose, and upon the owners thereof or persons interest- ed therein. Proposals and contracts for sewerage work. Sec. 562. The Commissioner of Sewers, upon the completion of the plan of sewerage of any district, upon the filing of copies thereof, as required by title 2 of this chapter, or as soon there- after as may be deemed convenient and necessary, shall, with the approval of the Board of Public Improvements, cause printed specifications to be made in accordance with said plan of the work proposed to be done in said district, and shall there- upon invite proposals in the manner now required by law, and shall contract for the whole or any part of the work in said district. Commissioner authorized to purchase supplier.. Sec. 563 In order to provide for the more effectual and economical construction of sewers,the Commissioner of Sewers, 266 with the approval of the Board of Public Improvements, may contract in pursuance of law for such materials used in the con- struction of sewers and in such quantities as he may deem proper ; and it shall be the duty of the Comptroller out of the appropriate fund or from the proceeds of assessment bonds authorized to be issued, upon the requisition of said com- missioner, to pay for such materials, and the expenses for engfineers, surveyors, inspectors or other persons employed by authority of said commissioner in the construction of sewers. Penalty for injury to sewers. Sec. 564. All provisions of law creating civil and criminal liabilities from wrongs and injuries done to the water works of the City of New York, and providing remedies for the redress thereof, and the prosecution and punishment of persons com- mitting the same, shall apply in like manner and extent to wrongs and injuries done to sewers in the said city. Devolution of Powers of the Commissioner of Street Improvements in the 2^d and 2^th Wards. Sec. 565. All the powers, privileges and duties of the Com- missioner of Street Improvements in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York as heretofore constituted, which in any way relate to the public sewers and drainage of the said Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, and to the construction, repair and cleansing of sewers and underground drains, and of the licensing of the cisterns and cesspools therein, and of all matters in any way relating to the construction, maintenance and care of the sewer system and drainage of said wards, are hereby vested in The City of New York, as hereby constituted, and as matter of administration devolved upon the Commissioner of Sewers of The City of New York to be by him executed in accordance with the pro- visions, directions and limitations of this Act. Devolution of powers of former Boards. Sec. 566. All powers and duties heretofore conferred 2G7 upon the City of New York as heretofore known and bounded, or any of the Officers thereof, or upon the City of Brooklyn, or any of the Officers thereof, or upon Long Island City or any of the Officers thereof, or upon any Board of Public Officers acting within any of the territory of the County of Richmond, or within that part of the territory of the County of Queens, hereby annexed by this Act to the Corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and by this Act consolidated into one municipal corporation, which in any way relate to the public sewers and drainage of the said Cities, Municipal Cor- porations, Towns or Territory, and to the construction, repair and cleansing of sewers and underground drains and of the licensing of cisterns and cesspools therein and to all matters in any way concerning the construction and care of the sewer system and drainage thereof, so far as such powers and duties are consistent with and conformable to the provisions of this Act, are hereby vested in The City of New York, and as mat- ter of administration devolved upon the Commissioner of Sewers of New York, to be by him executed in accordance with the provisions, directions and limitations of this Act. Title 8. The Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. Commissioner ; appointment^ term^ salary. Sec. 572. The head of the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies shall be called the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. He shall be ap- pointed by the Mayor and hold office as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hun- dred dollars a year. 268 Id.: Jjirisdiciion. Sec. 573. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies shall have cognizance and control of (i) the construction, repairs, cleaning and maintenance of Public Buildings, except School-houses, Alms-houses, Peniten- tiaries and the like, and Fire and Police Station Houses. (2) Of the making and performance of contracts when duly authorized in accord with the provisions of this Act, and for the execution of the same in the matter of furnishing the City, or any part thereof, with gas, electricity or any other illuminant ; of the selecting, locating and removing and chang- ing of lights for the use of the city; of the inspecting and test- ing of gas and electricity used f )r light, heating and power purposes, gas meters, electric meters, electric wires and of all lights furnished to said City; an 1 of the use and transmission of gas, electricity, pneumatic power and steam for all purposes in, upon, across, over and under all streets, roads, avenues, parks, public places and public buildings ; of the construction of electric mains, conduits, conductors, and subways in any such streets, roads, avenues, parks and public places, and the granting of the permission to open streets, when approved by the Department of Highways, and to open the same for the purpose of carrying on therein the business of transmitting, conducting, using and selling electricity, steam, or for the ser- vice of pneumatic tubes. (3) Of the care and cleaning of all offices eased or occupied for public uses. (4) Of the location, care, management and maintenance of the public baths. (5) Of the location, erection, establishment and maintenance of public urinals. (6) Of the purchase of fuel, furniture, utensils, books, station- ery and other articles needed for the public offices, which are 269 to be furnished Upon the receipt of a written requisition signed by the head of the Department or office in which the same is required, and by the principal officer in charge of the sub- division. The said Commissioner shall prepare all contracts relating to his Department for submission to the Board of Public Improvements. Consulting Engineer ; duties. Sec. 574. The Consulting Engineer of Lighting and Electric- ity shall, when requested by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, examine problems arising from the use of gas and electricity and steam affecting public interests in said City from time to time, and shall report thereon to the said Commissioner from time to time as he may be required. He shall recommend to the said Commis- sioner proposed ordinances for the use and control of gas and electricity and steam, which the said Commissioner may submit to the Board of Public Improvements ; and he shall perform such other duties as the said Commissioner may from time to time require. Commissioner ; to cause tests to be made, etc. Sec. 575. The said Commissioner shall cause tests to be made of all gas used for lighting, heating and power purposes, shall cause inspections to be made of gas and electric lights fur- nished to the City, and of gas meters and electric meters and electric wiring, as such tests may be provided for by the proper appropriation ; the said Commissioner shall cause tests to be made of all meters in use in said City for measuring or ascertaining the quantity of gas or electricity or steam fur- nished by any corporation or person in said City within one year after this Act shall take effect ; and thereafter no corpor- ation or person shall furnish or put in use any gas or electric or steam meter which shall not have been inspected, ap- proved and sealed by the inspectors, and every such cor- poration or person shall provide and keep in or upon their premises a suitable and proper apparatus to be ap- proved and sealed by the inspector for testing and proving 270 accuracy of meters furnished for use by them. Whenever a meter shall be inspected the inspector shall attach thereto some seal, stamp or mark, with the inspector's name, the date of his inspection, and whether or not the meter is accurate. Meters in use shall be re-inspected and tested on the written request of the consumer, or of the company, in the presence of the consumer, if desired. If any such meter on being so tested shall be found defective or inaccurate to the prejudice or injury of the consumer, the necessary removal, inspection, correction and replacing of such meter shall be without expense to the consumer ; but in all other cases, except where the change is beneficial to the Company, he shall pay the reasonable expense of such inspection, and the re-inspection shall be stamped on the meter. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring to be sealed, electrolytic or other electric meters, which in their construction or use are not susceptible of being sealed, nor the apparatus employed in taking the usual periodic readings therefrom ; but all such meters shall, in all other respects, be tested and stamped in the manner provided herein for other meters ; and every corpora- tion using such electrolytic or other meters shall at all times admit the inspectors of meters at its meter department and reading rooms, and permit the inspection by him of all meters and of all the processes, methods and operations of measuring electric current consumed by it. Latvs repealed. Sec. 576. The provisions of sections 62, 6^ and 64 of chapter 40 ol the General Laws, known as the Transportation Cor- porations Law, are hereby repealed in so far as they affect ihe inspection of gas meters and electric meters within the City of New York. Interest in manufacture of gas, etc., and certain acts by officers, etc. ^ of department prohibited. Sec. 577. No officer, agent or employee of the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies shall in any way, directly or indirectly, be interested, pecuniarily, in the manu- 271 facture or sale of gas, or of electricity or steam, or of gas or electric or steam meters, or of any article or commodity used by gas or electric companies, or used for any purpose for the consumption of gas or of electricity, or steam, or in or with a gas or electric or steam company, and no such officer, agent or employee shall give certificates or written opinions to a maker or vendor of any such article or commodity. Inspection of illuminating gas ; tests. Sec. 578. The illuminating gas of every company shall be inspected at least twice a year, and may be inspected as frequently as the Commissioner may think best^ but not oftener than once a week. The gas shall be tested for illuminating power by means of a disc photometer, or other approved apparatus, and during such test shall be burned from a burner best adapted to it, which is at the same time suitable for domestic use, and at as near the rate of five feet per hour as is practicable. When the gas of any such company shall be found on three consecutive inspections to be of an illuminating power less than twenty sperm candles of six to a pound, and burning at the rate of one hundred and twenty grains of spermaceti per hour, tested at such place as the said Com- missioner shall specify by a burner consuming five cubic feet of gas per hour, and shall not comply with the reasonable and proper standard of purity as fixed by said Commissioner, a fine of one hundred dollars shall be paid by such company to the city. Commissioner to submit proposed ordinances relative to wires, etc. Sec. 579. The said Commissioner shall from time to time submit for the consideration of the Board of Public Improve- ments such proposed ordinances in regard to electric wires, appliances and currents for furnishing light, heat or power when introduced into or placed in any building in said city. Such proposed ordinances shall prescribe the method of con- struction, operation, location, arrangement, insulation and use of such wires, appliances and currents, as said Commissioner 272 shall from time to time deem necessary for the protection of life and property. Inspector of electric wirhig ; qualifications ; all ivires to be in- spected ; rules, notices, etc.; penalty for violation. Sec. 580. Any inspector of electric wiring appointed in the department shall have a technical and practical knowledge of the construction and operation of electrical lines and appli- ances. After this Act takes effect, the Commissioner shall cause to be inspected all such wires, currents and appliances that may be introduced into or placed in any building in said city, and the said commissioner shall furnish a certificate of such inspection t(3 any person or corporation applying there- for. All notices of the violation of any of the provisions of this section, or of any ordinances relating to said department, or any regulations, rules or orders made thereunder relating to electrical wires, currents or appliances, shall be issued and served in the manner provided in this act for the service of notices. The violation of any of the provisions of this section or of any of the said ordinances or any rules or regulations thereunder shall be deemed to be a violation of the provisions of the Department of Buildings of said city, and shall subject the person or corporation committing the same to the penalties prescribed herein for such violations. Removal of electric wires. Sec. 581. Whenever in the opinion of the Board of Public Improvements, it shall be practicable to remove the electrical conductors above ground in any street, avenue, highway or public place of that part of the City of New York which lies within the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, after the grade of said street; avenue or highway shall have been finally determined and established, and to place the same underground, the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Light- ing and Supplies, shall notify the owners or operators of the electrical conductors above ground that such electrical conductors must be removed within a certain time to be 273 fixed by said Commissioner, which time shall be sufficient for such removal, and in the case of a corporation duly author- ized to lay and operate electrical conductors underground in such street, avenue, highway or public place, sufficient also for the proper laying of conductors underground in place of those removed. All electrical conductors authorized to be placed underground, shall be placed underground under and in accord- ance with the provisions of chapter seven hundred and sixteen of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, chapter two hundred and thirty -one of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety -one, chapter two hundred and sixty- three of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety- two, and the laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Whenever application shall be made to said Commissioner of Public Buildings, Ligliting and Supplies, for permission to place underground electrical conductors in any street, avenue highway or public place of that part of the City of New York which lies within the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, the subways therefore shall, if such permission be granted, be constructed or provided, and such electrical conductors placed underground under and in accordance with said laws. But such permission shall be granted only in accordance with the provisions of said laws. Underground electrical conductors. Sec. 582. Whenever the said Board of Public Improve- ments shall deem it desirable and practicable, after hear- ing all parties interested, that the electrical conductors in any street, avenue, highway or public place of the City of New York, lying within the Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, be placed underground, the said Com- missioner shall notify the owners or operators of the electrical conductors above ground in any such street, avenue, highway or public place, that said electrical conductors shall be placed underground within a certain time to be fixed by the said Commissioner, which said time shall be sufficient for the proper construction of underground conduits or other channels in said street, avenue, highway or public place. Whenever any duly 274 authorized company operating or intending to operate electrical conductors in any street, avenue, highway or public place in that part of the City of New York which lies within the Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, shall desire to place its conductors or any of them underground, it shall be obligatory upon such company to file with the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, a map or maps made to a scale, showing the streets or avenues or other high- ways or public places, which are desired to be used for such purpose, and giving the general location, dimensions and course of the underground conduit desired to be constructed. Before any such conduit shall be constructed it shall be necessary to obtain the approval by said Commissioner of said plan of con- struction so proposed by such company, and said Commissioner shall have power to require that the work of removal and of constructing every such system of underground conductors shall be done according to such plan so approved. Id.: Procedure when Board of Public Improvements determines upoUi Sec. 583. Whenever the Commissioner of Public Building's. Lighting and Supplies, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, shall notify the owners or operators of any electrical conductors in the City of New York, that said conductors shall be removed or placed under- ground within a certain time, the time within which said electrical conductors shall be placed underground shall be fixed by the said Commissioner, giving all persons or corpora- tions owning or operating such electrical conductors, an oppor- tunity to be heard on the question of the time necessary to place said conductors underground, and after hearing the Engineer of Lighting and Electricity, and such other ex- pert opinion as the said Commissioner may think advisable. Said owners or operators of electrical conductors above ground in such street or locality shall be required to remove all of said poles, wires or other electrical conductors and sup- porting fixtures or other devises from any such street or locality within thirty days after the expiration of the time so fixed by said Commissioner. 275 Id.: Permit necessary to take tip pavement, etc. Board of Public Improvement to determine method of extensio7i. Municipal Assembly may enact ordinances regulating use, etc. Sec. 584. It shall be unlawful, after the passage of this Act, for any person or corporation to take up the pavement of any of the streets and parks of said city, or to excavate for the purpose of laying underground any electrical con- ductors, or to construct subways, unless permission in writ- ing therefor shall have been first obtained from the said Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, endorsed by the Commissioner of Highways. And except with a like permission therefor no electrical conductors, poles, wires or other electrical devices or fixtures shall be con- structed, erected, strung, laid or maintained above or below the surface of any street, avenue, highway or other public place, in any part of said city. And the said Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies shall determine whether any extension of the existing electrical conductors of any person or corporation in said city shall be by means of overhead or underground conductors. And the Municipal Assembly may establish, and may from time to time enact ordinances regu- lating all the construction, maintenance, use and management of the electrical conductors, poles and fixtures above ground, the conduits and subways therefor constructed underground, and for regulating the number and location of overhead lines» The four preceding sections to be police regulations. Sec. 585. The provisions of the four preceding sections of this Act are made police regulations in and for the City of New York, and in case the several owners of said poles, wires or other electrical conductors, fixtures, and devices shall not cause them to be removed from such streets or localities as required by said Commissioner or by the determination of the Board of Public Improvements, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the ordinances as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the same to be removed from said streets, roads, avenues, lanes, parks and public places. 276 Former boards to turn over maps, etc., to Commissioner. Sec. 586. The Board of Electrical Control in and for the City of New York and the Mayor and Commissioner of City Works of the City of Brooklyn, acting as Commissioners of Electrical Subways of the City of Brooklyn, are hereby re- quired and directed to turn over and deliver to the Commis- sioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, within thirty days after this Act shall take effect, all maps, plans, models, books and papers relating to the construction and location of electrical conductors, conduits or subways filed with or com- municated to said Commissioner, and all official records and papers of every kind in their possession. Separate contracts for lighting each Borough ; duty of Commis^ sioner. Sec. 587. The Commissioner of Lighting and Electricity under and in conformity to the ordinance regulating contracts shall prepare the terms and specifications under which con- tracts shall be made for lighting the streets, public buildings and parks of said city. Separate contracts shall be made for such lighting in each of the boroughs of The City of New York, or in such subdivisions of the city as may appear to the Board of Public Improvements and the Municipal Assembly to be for the best interests of said city. The number, kind and location of lights to be furnished under each of said contracts shall be determined and prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. Such bids shall be prepared and advertised for, and such contracts shall be exe- cuted in the manner prescribed for herein as to other contracts entered into by said city or the departments thereof. Contracts shall be made for the term of one year and shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, unless the Board of Public Improvements by a vote of a majority of its members, of whom the Mayor and Comptroller shall be two, shall deter- mine that it is for the public interest that a bid other than the lowest should be accepted. Contracts made for a given Borough or district shall include all lights of a given kind used 277 by said city in said borough or district then ordered or there- after to be ordered by said Commissioner during the term of said contract. But no bid shall be entertained unless the said Commissioner shall be satisfied that the party or parties bid- ding are possessed of sufficient plant to carry out the provis- ions of the contract. Deiiolution of powers of former boards. Sec. 588. All powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Coin nonalty of the City of New York, or upon any of the officers, or any Board thereof, or upon the Board of Electrical Control in and for the City of New York, or upon the corpor- ation known as the City of Brooklyn, or upon any of the offi- cers or any Board thereof, or upon any Board of Commis- sioners of Electrical Subways therein, or upon the corporation known as Long Island City, or upon any of the officer?, or any Board thereof, or upon any other municipal corporation, town or village, or any Board of Public Officers existing or acting within the territory of the County of Richmond, or within so much ol the territory of the County of Queens as is by this Act annexed to the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, so far as such powers and duties in any way relate to the construction^ repairs, cleaning and maintenance of public buildings, includ- ing markets, except school houses, alms houses, penitentiaries and the like, and fire and police station houses, and to furnish- ing the city, or any part thereof, with gas, electricity, or any other illuminant, or of steam ; the selecting, locating and re- moving and changing of lights for the use of the city ; the inspecting and testing of gas and electricity used for lights heating and power purposes, gas meters, electric meters, elec- tric wires and of all lights furnished to said city ; and the use and transmission of electricity for all purposes in, upon, across^ over and under all streets, roads, avenues, parks, public places and public buildings ; the construction of electric mains, con- duits, conductors and subways in any such streets, roads^ avenues, parks, and public places and the granting of the per- 278 mission to open streets, and lo open same for the purpose of carrying on therein tiie business of using and selling electricity or steam, or for the service of pneumatic tubes, the care of all offices leased or occupied for public uses ; the location, care, management and maintenance of the public baths ; the loca- tion, erection, establishment and maintenance of public urinals ; the purchase of fuel, furniture, utensils, books, stationary, and other articles needed for the public offices, so far as such powers are consistent with and conformable to the provisions of this Act, are hereby conferred and imposed upon the City of New York as constituted by this Act, and as a matter of administration are devolved upon the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, to be by him exercised, per- formed and executed according to the provisions, directions and limitations of this Act. Title 9. Department of Bridges. Commissioner, appointment, term and salary. Sec. 594. The Head of the Department of Bridges shall be called the Commissioner of Bridges. He shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold office as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. Id.: jurisdiction. Sec. 595. The Commissioner of Bridges shall have cogniz- ance and control — (i) Of the management and maintenance of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. ii79 (2) Of the operation of the railroad on the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. (3) Of the collection of fares and of tolls on the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. (4) Of the construction, repair, maintenance and manage- ment of all other bridges, that may at any time hereafter be constructed in whole or in part at the expense of the City of New York, or that may be acquired by said city. (5) Of the construction, repair and maintenance of all other bridges that are or may be in whole or in part a public charge, not included in public parks, within the territory of The City of New York, except the East River Bridge, authorized by Chapter 789, Laws of 1895. Id : To 7nake daily report to Comptroller. Sec. 596. The said Commissioner shall keep accurate ac- counts of all moneys received or collected by his Department for fares,tolls, and any other purpose, in such form as the Comp- troller of the City or the Ordinances of the Municipal Assemb- ly shall require, and he shall pay over the same daily to the Chamberlain and make a daily report of the same to the Comp- troller. Persons not affected by passage of this Act ; exceptions. Sec. 597. The engineers, officers and subordinates, with the exception of the attorneys and counsel, of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge in office or employment at the time of the passage of this Act and heretofore appointed by the Trustees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge shall not be affected by the passage of this Act so far as their positions are con- cerned, but shall continue to hold such places and positions under the Commissioner of Bridges, subject to the provisions of this Act. The New York and Brooklyn Bridge, a public liighway. Sec. 598. The New York and Brooklyn Bridge is hereby de- 280 clared to be a public highway for the purpose of rendering travel between the Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn certain and safe at all times, subject to such tolls and prudential and police regulations as the Municipal Assembly shall adopt and pre- scribe ; provided, however, that the passageway of the bridge now set apart for foot passengers shall remain free and open to all pedestrians coming or going at all times. Concurrent jurisdiction in Boroughs of Nezv York and Brooklyn over crimes, etc., committed on the said bridge. Sec. 599. Concurrent jurisdiction shall be possessed by all Courts located in the Borough of Manhattan, and b}' all Courts located in the Borough of Brooklyn, and by the judicial and administrative offices of the City of New York, over all crimes and ofTences, committed upon said Bridge and upon any other bridge that may hereafter be erected between the two Boroughs. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioner of Bridges, and he hereby is authorized to execute the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly, relative to said Bridges and to have in immediate charge, the control and disposition of such members of the Police Force of the City of New York, as may be assigned for duty in his Department. Certain acts declared to be misdemeanors, penalties for. Sec. 600. Any person wilfully doing any injury to any of said bridges or any of their appurtenances, shall forfeit and pay to the said City of New York three times the amount of such injury, and shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, and to imprisonment not exceeding six months, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Devolution of power of former boards, etc. Sec. 601. Upon the appointment of the Commissioner of Bridges, the respective offices of the Trustees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge shall be and they hereby are declared 281 abolished and all the powers and duties vested in and devolved upon said Trustees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge by any law or statute shall, so far as they are consistent with and conformable to the provisions of this Act, be devolved upon the Commissioner of Bridges of the City of New York and upon the Municipal Assembly, and they shall in all respects exercise such duties and perform such powers, subject, how- ever, to the provisions, directions and limitations of this Act. 282 CHAPTER XL ■ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Title 1. The Parks of the City. 2. The Art Commission. Title 1. the parks. Administrative Jurisdiction ; Board; President ; Salaries; Branch Offices. Section 607. The head of the Department of Parks shall be called the Park Board. Said Board shall consist of three mem- bers who shall be known as Commissioners of Parks of the City of New York. They shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. One of said Commissioners shall be the President of the Board, and shall be so designated by the Mayor. In appoint- ing such Commissioners, the Mayor shall specify the Borough or Boroughs in which they are respectively to have administra- tive jurisdiction, to wit: one in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond ; one in the Borough of The Bronx ; and one in the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The principal office of the Department of Parks shall be in the Borough of Manhattan. There shall be branch offices in the Boroughs of Brooklyn and The Bronx, and a branch office may be established in the Borough of Queens, or the Borough of Richmond, in the dis- cretion of the Board. At any time when requested so to do by said Board, the Mayor may make a new specification of the Borough or Boroughs in which said Commissioners are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction. The salary of each of said Commissioners shall be five thousand dollars a year. 283 Title to Park's, Squares and Public Places. Sec. 608. The title to each and all of the parks, parkways, squares and public places comprised within and belonging to the corporation heretofore known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York, or the corporation heretofore known as the City of Brooklyn, or the corporation heretofore known as Long Island City, or the County of Kings, or the County of Richmond, or which are owned by the County of Queens and are comprised within that portion of said county which is included in the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, or belonging to any of the sub-divisions of said coun- ties, is hereby vested in the City of New York, as hereby constituted. Gifts of Real and Personal Property. Sec. 609. Real and personal property may be granted, de- vised, bequeathed, or conveyed to the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, for the purposes of the improvement or ornamentation of the parks, squares or public places in said city, or for the establishment or maintenance, within the limits of any such park, square or public place, of museums, zoological, botanical, or other gardens, collections of natural history', ob- servatories, or works of art, upon such trusts and conditions as may be prescribed by the grantors or donors thereof, and be accepted by the Department ; and all property so devised, granted, bequeathed, or conveyed, and the rents, issues, profits, and income and increase thereof shall be subject to the manage- ment, direction and control of the Commissioner for the Borough or Boroughs in which the same is situated or to which it ap- pertains, and except such surplus animals and duplicate speci- mens as the Park Board may deem it judicious to dispose of by sale or otherwise, the same shall be forever properly protected, preserved, and arranged for public use and enjoyment, subject to such rules and regulations as the Park Board may prescribe. The said Board shall hereafter, with its annual report, make a statement of the condition of all the gifts, devises and bequests of the previous year, and of the names of the persons making the same. 284 General Powers of the Board; Ordinances. Sec. 610. The Park Board shall by a vote of a majority of its members have power to establish general rules and regulations for the administration of the Department, which rules and regu- lations so far as practicable shall be uniform in all the Boroughs. Said Board shall have power to appoint a secretary, and, within the limit of its appropriation, to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the Department. The Board shall also have power by a vote of a majority of its members to enact ordinances for the government and protection of all parks, parkways, squares and public places within the City, and the same shall at all subject to all such ordinances as to the use and occupation thereof and in respect to any erections or encumbrances thereon. Any person violating any of such ordinances shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction before a City Magistrate be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in default of payment of such fine by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. Landscape Architect ; Appointment and Duties. Sec. 611. The Board shall also appoint without definite term a landscape architect, skilled and expert, whose assent shall be requisite to all plans and works or changes thereof re- specting the conformation, development or ornamentation of any of the parks, squares, or public places of the City, to the end that the same may be uniform and symmetrical at all times. It shall be the duty of such architect, from time to time, to pre- pare and submit to the Board, or to any Commissioner, as he may deem proper, or as he may be requested by said Board or by any Commissioner, plans for works or changes thereof respect- ing the parks, parkways, squares or public places of the City. The salary of said architect shall be fixed by the Board within the proper appropriation. General Powers of Commissioners as to the management of Parks. Sec. 612. Subject to such general rules and regulations as shall 285 be established by the Board, each Commissioner shall have charge of the management and be responsible for the care of all such parks, parkways, squares and public places as are situated in the Bor- ough or Boroughs over which he has jurisdiction, and of the streets and avenues immediately adjoining the same ; but such jurisdic- tion shall not extend to nor include the buildings which are now or may hereafter be erected in such parks, squares or public places for governmental purposes, other than those of the Depart- ment of Parks. It shall be the duty of each Commissioner, subject to such general rules and regulations and in conformity therewith, to maintain the beauty and utility of all such parks, squares and public places as are situated within his jurisdiction, and to institute and execute all measures for the improvement thereof for ornamental purposes and for the beneficial uses of the people of the City. Subject to the general rules and regu- lations established by the Board, each Commissioner shall have power to determine the line or curb and the surface construction of all streets and avenues lying within a distance of three hun- dred and fifty feet from the outer boundaries of any park, square or public place in his jurisdiction ; and he shall also have power to plant trees and to construct, erect and establish seats, drink- ing fountains, statues and works of art, when he may deem it tasteful or appropriate so to do, on any part of the public streets and avenues within such environment, subject to the pro- visions of Title Two of this Chapter, and to determine when and where new lamps or lighting appliances shall be placed and lighted. Maintenance and Management of Buildings in Parks. Sec. 613. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond to maintain the meteorological and astronomical observatory, the Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park, the Aquarium in Battery Place, and such other build- ings as now are or may hereafter be erected in such parks or in any other park, square or public place under his juris- diction by authority of the Municipal Assembly. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Brooklyn 286 and Queens to maintain the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and such other buildings as now are or may hereafter be erected in any park, square or public place under his juris- diction by authority of the Municipal Assembly, It shall be the duty of the Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx to maintain the New York Botanical Garden and the buildings appurtenant thereto, and such other institutions or buildings as may be established or erected in any park, square or public place in his jurisdiction by authority of the Municipal Assembly. It shall be the duty of the several Commissioners to provide the necessary instruments, furniture and equipments for the several buildings and institutions within their respective jurisdictions, and, with the authority of the Municipal Assembly, to develop and improve the same, and to erect additional buildings ; but the maintenance of all such buildings and institutions shall be sub- ject to the provisions of the Acts incorporating said institutions, or either of them, and the Acts amendatory thereof, and to the powers of said corporations thereunder, and of the boards by such Acts created or provided for ; and shall also be subject to and in conformity with such contracts and agreements as have hereto- fore been made with such institutions respectively, and are in force and effect when this Act takes effect, or as may be hereafter made by the authority of the Municipal Assembly, and no moneys shall be expended for such purposes unless an appropria- tion therefor has been made by the Board of Estimate and Ap- portionment and the Municipal Assembly. Out of the moneys annually appropriated for the maintenance of parks each Com- missioner may apply such sum as shall be fixed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the keeping, preservation and exhibition of the collections placed or contained in buildings or institutions now situated or hereafter erected in the parks, squares or public places under the jurisdiction of such Commissioner. Appointment of subordinate officers. Sec. 614. Each Commissioner shall have power to ap- point such superintendents, engineers, subordinates, clerks and assistants as may be necessary for the efficient performance of the duties of ttie Department respecting the parks, squares 387 and public places within his jurisdiction, and as may be author- ized by the Municipal Assembly and provided for by the proper appropriation. He shall, subject to the approval of the Board, fix the salaries of his appointees within the limits of such appro- priation. Each Commissioner shall also have power to employ all of the mechanics, agents or laborers needed or required for the work of the Department in the parks, squares and public places in his jurisdiction within the limits of the proper appro- priation, and to arrange and classify the various appointees and employees in such manner and under such titles or designations as the Board may prescribe. Each Commissioner shall have in immediate charge the control and disposition of such members of the Police Force of the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, as may be assigned for duty in the parks, squares or public places subject to his jurisdiction. Permits to buildings for fire apparatus. Sec. 615, Each Commissioner is hereby authorized in his discretion, on the application in writing of the Fire Commissioner, to permit a building or buildings for fire apparatus to be placed in any of the parks, squares or public places situated within the jurisdiction of such Commissioner of Parks, provided the same are so located and constructed as, in the judgment of the Com- missioner granting such permission, will not disfigure or encum- ber the same, or interfere with the purposes of public use and recreation, but will tend to the protection of the public and their property. General Powers of Commissioners under Former Acts. Sec. 616. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond shall in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties and shall be sub- ject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, or the Department of Parks in said city, or the Commissioners of Parks, or in any other board, body or officer therein or thereof, or in any com- 288 mission, commissioner, body, board or officer in or for the County of Richmond, so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern or affect the control, care, management, government, extension, maintenance or administrative jurisdic- tion of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond or either of them at the time this Act takes effect or which may thereafter be opened or established therein, so far as the same are not in- consistent with this Act. The Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx shall, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the aforesaid powers, rights, duties and shall be sub- ject to all the aforesaid obligations so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern or affect the care, management, control, government, extension, maintenance or administrative jurisdiction of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within the Borough of The Bronx at the time this Act takes effect, or which may thereafter be opened or established therein, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this Act. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens shall in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly con- ferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties and shall be subject to all the obli- gations heretofore vested in or conferred upon, or required of the corporation known as the City of Brooklyn, or the Department of Parks in and for said city, or the Commissioners of Parks, or any commission, commissioner, body, board or officer of said city or of the County of Kings, or in any commissioner, body, board or officer in or for that portion of the County of Queens which is included in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern or affect the control, care, management, government, extension, maintenance or administrative jurisdiction of the parks, squares and other public places situated or lying within the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, or either of them, at the time this Act takes effect or which may be thereafter opened or established therein, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this Act. 289 Accounts; Annual Estimates; Expenditures. Sec. 617. Each Commissioner shall keep accurate and de- tailed accounts, in a form approved by the Commissioners of Accounts, of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended, and shall prepare itemized monthly state- ments of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the Comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office. Each Commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year prepare an itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal year and present the same to the Board. The three estimates so prepared, as revised by the Board, shall together constitute the annual estimate of the Department of Parks, and shall be submitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment within the time prescribed by this Act for the submission of estimates for the several Depart- ments of the City. No Commissioner shall incur any expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated therefor; nor shall he expend any money so appropriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated. The Com.mis- sioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond shall annually include in his estimate of the amount necessary for the maintenance of the Parks, the sums now authorized by law for the maintenance of the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, not exceeding, however, ninety-five thousand dollars per annum for each of the said Museums. It shall be the duty of the Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment and of the Municipal Assembly to provide in the annual budget the proportionate part of the appropriation for the Department of Parks applicable to the administration of the Department in each Borough of the City, Borough by Borough. Advertisements for Supplies. Sec. 618. The Board shall from time to time as may be necessary, advertise in the City Record and corporation news- 290 papers for not less than ten days, for proposals for such articles and supplies as shall be necessary to be used in the parks, squares and public places of the City, and shall award contracts for the same to the lowest bidders who shall give adequate security for the faithful performance of such contracts, excepting such perish- able articles as may be excepted by the rules and regulations of the Board. In case of an emergency each Commissioner may purchase articles immediately required without calling for com- petition at an expense not exceeding one thousand dollars during any one month. Battery Place; Boat Landings. Sec. 619. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond shall have power and control over all that por- tion of Battery Place lying south of the line of the south side of Pier No. 1, North River, and west of the easterly line of West street, extended in a southerly direction, and also over the waters of the North River and soil under the waters thereof, in front of said portion of Battery Place, and to the extent of two hundred feet westerly from the westerly end of said Battery Place ; and it shall be lawful for such Commissioner to erect, construct and maintain on said part of Battery Place, and over or on the lands under water before mentioned, suitable buildings, docks, piers, or basins for the accommodation of small boats that may be engaged in the business of attending on shipping lying in the said river, or the bay or harbor of New York, and also to make, prescribe and enforce, from time to time, such rules and regulations, for the use and enjoyment of the same, as to the Commissioner shall seem meet and proper for the public interest. Such Commissioner may also prescribe and enforce like rules and ordinances for the control and government of all small boats frequenting or using the water basin at the south end of the Battery. Harlem River Improvement. Sec. 620. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond to continue and com- plete every and all plan or plans, work or construction, respect- 291 ing the improvement of Harlem River, heretofore devolved upon the Department of Public Parks of the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, by Chapter five hundred and thirty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and by all acts or parts of acts amendatory thereof, so far as the same remain to be contin- ued and completed according to the provisions of that act or its amendments. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sec. 621. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhat- tan and Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to continue the contract with the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the occu- pation by it of the buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of the Central Park east of the old receiving reservoir, and bounded on the west by the drive, on the east by the Fifth avenue, on the south by a continuation of Eightieth street, and on the north by a continuation of Eighty-fifth street, and for transferring thereto, and establishing, and maintaining therein its museum, library, and collections, and carrying out the objects and purposes of the said Museum of Art. American Museum of Natural History. Sec. 622. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhat- tan and Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to continue the contract with the American Museum of Natural History for the occupation by it of the building erected, or to be erected, on that portion of the Central Park formerly known as Manhattan Square, and for establishing and maintaining therein its museums library and collections, and carrying out the objects and pur- poses of said Museum. New York Public Library. Sec. 623. Whenever, pursuant to lawful authority, the land at present occupied by the reservoir at Fifth Avenue and For- tieth and Forty-second Streets shall be made a public park, and the removal of said reservoir shall have been duly authorized and directed, the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and 292 ^ Richmond is hereby authorized and directed to make and enter into a contract with the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, a corporation duly organized under the laws of this State, for the use and occupation of said land, or of any part thereof, by the said corporation and its successors, for establishing and maintaining thereon a free public library and reading room, and for carrying out the objects and purposes of said corporation in accordance with the provisions of the agreement of consolidation between the trustees of the Astor Library, of the Lenox Library and of the Tilden Trust, and the several acts incorporating the said several corporations ; and said contract may provide that such use and occupation shall continue so long as the said the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, or its successors, shall maintain such free public library and reading room upon said land. Brooklyn Institute of A rts and Sciences. Sec. 624. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens is hereby authorized and directed to continue the contract and lease with the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, for the occupation by it of park lands and of a building or buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of Prospect Park bounded by the Eastern Parkway on the north, Washing- ton Avenue on the east, a line parallel to Old President street, and one hundred feet south of the southerly line of said street, on the south, and on the west by the easterly line of land reserved for the Prospect Hill Reservoir, and in continuation thereof, for establishing and maintaining therein its museum, library, and collections. For carrying out the plans and purposes of said Institute and for the maintenance of said museum build- ing or buildings, and for the keeping, preservation and exhibi- tion of collections placed therein, a sum not less than twenty thousand dollars shall be appropriated annually by the said City of New York, as constituted by this Act. New York Botakical Garden. Sec. 625. The Commissioner for the Borough of The*' Bronx is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the exist- 293 ing contract made by and between the Department of Parks of the corporation heretofore known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York and the Board of Man- agers of the corporation known as the New York Botanical Garden pursuant to the provisions of chapter two hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one,' entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a botanic garden and museum and arboretum in Bronx Park in the City of New York and to incorporate The New York Botanical Gar- den for carrying on the same", as amended by Chapter one hun •• dred and three of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- four, which contract provides for the allotting and setting apart for the uses of said garden of two hundred and fifty acres of land or less in the northern part of Bronx Park as shown upon a certain map thereof numbered five hundred and sixty-eight, and signed by Messrs. Vaux and Parsons, and filed with the former Department of Public Parks of the corporation known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. New York Zoological Garden. Sec. 626. The Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx i& hereby authorized and directed to carry out the contract made by and between the Department of Public Parks and the Sinking Fund Commissioners of the corporation heretofore known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York^ with the Board of Managers of the corporation known as The New York Zoological Society, pursuant to the provisions of chapter four hundred and thirty-five of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An Act to incorporate The New York Zoological Society and to provide for the establish- ment of a zoological garden in the City of New York" if such a contract shall have been entered into prior to the passage of this act. If no such contract shall have been entered into by the said Department of Parks and the said Sinking Fund Com- missioners prior to the passage of this Act, then and in that case the said Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx, with the consent and approval of the Sinking Fund Commissioners of The 294 City of New York, as constituted by this Act, is hereby author- ized to enter into a contract in behalf of The City of New York with said New York Zoological Society allotting and setting apart for the use of said Society, a tract of land in Bronx Park in said Borough of The Bronx upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by the said Commissioner and said Sinking Fund Commissioners. Military Encampments and Evolutions ; Public Fairs. Sec. 627. No military encampment, parade, drill, review, or other military evolution, or exercise, shall be held or performed in any park, or in any part thereof ; nor shall any military com- pany, regiment, or other military body, enter or move in mili- tary order within any park without permit from the Commis- sioner within whose jurisdiction such park is situated. No mili- tary officer shall have authority to order, direct, or hold any such parade, drill, review, or other evolutions or exercise, or encamp- ment within said park, except in case of riot, insurrection, re^ beilion, or war, without such permit. It shall not be lawful to grant, use or occupy, for the purposes of a public fair or exhibi- tion, any portion of any park, square or public place. Title 2. art commission. Art Commission; how co7istituted. Sec. 633. There shall be an Art Commission for the City of New York composed as follows: 1. The Mayor of The City of New York. -^ 2. The President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 3. The President of the New York Public Library ) — (Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations). 4. The President of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. ) 295 Ex Officio, One painter, one sculptor and one architect, all residents of The City of New York ; and three other residents of said City, none of whom shall be a painter, sculptor or architect or member of any other profession in the Fine Arts. All of the six last mentioned shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list, of not less than three times the number to be appointed, proposed by the Fine Arts Federation of New York. In all matters of which such Commission takes cognizance pertaining to work under the special charge of a Commissioner or Department, the Commissioner having such special charge shall act as a member of the Commission. Members of Commission ; how chosen ; vacancies. Sec. 634. The painter, sculptor and architect, members of the Commission, shall choose by lot one, two and three year terms of office ; the three other appointed members of the Commission shall also choose by lot one, two and three year terms of office, and the appointment of their successors, after the expiration of the first year of this Commission, shall be for a term of three years. All appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term. In case any vacancy shall occur in the Commission, by reason of death, resignation, incapacity, refusal to serve, or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment, as pro- vided in section 633 of this Act. In case the Fine Arts Federation shall fail to present a list of nominees as aforesaid within three months from the time when any appointment is to be made, the Mayor shall appoint without such nomina- tion. Officers. Sec. 635. The Commission shall serve without compensation as such, and shall elect a President, Vice-President and Secre- tary from its own members, whose terms of office shall be for one year and until their successors are elected and have qualified. The Commission shall have power to adopt its own rules of procedure. Five Commissioners shall constitute a quorum. 296 Offices to be provided ; expenses, how met. Sec. 636. Suitable offices shall be provided for the Com- mission by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the City and the amount of the same shall be fixed annually by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly. All works of art to be submitted to and approved by the Commission. Sec. 637. Hereafter no work of art shall become the prop- erty of the City of New York, by purchase, gift or otherwise, unless such work of art, or a design of the same, together with a statement of the proposed location of such work of art, shall first have been submitted to and approved by the Commission ; nor shall such work of art until so approved be erected or placed in or upon, or allowed to extend over or upon any street, avenue, square common, park, municipal building, or other public place belonging to the city. The Commission may when they deem proper also require a complete model of the proposed work of art to be submitted. The term " work of art " as used in this title shall apply to and include all paint- ings, mural decorations, stained glass, statues, bas reliefs or other sculptures ; monuments, fountains, arches, or other structures of a permanent character intended for ornament or commemora- tion. No existing work of art in the possession of the City shall be removed, re-located or altered in any way without the similar approval of the Commission, except as provided in section six hundred and thirty-nine of this Act. When so requested by the Mayor or the Municipal Assembly the Commission shall act in a similar capacity, with similar powers, in respect of the designs of municipal buildings, bridges, approaches, gates, fences, lamps or other structures erected or to be erected upon land belonging to the City, and in respect of the lines, grades and plotting of public ways and grounds, and in respect of arches, bridges, structures and approaches which are the property of any corporation or private individual, and which shall extend over or upon any street, avenue, highway, park or public place belonging to the City. But this section shall not be construed as intended to impair the power of the Park 297 Board to refuse its consent to the erection or acceptance of public monuments or memorials or other works of art of any sort within any park, square or public place in the city. Time for "fecision limited. Sec. 638. If the Commission shall fail to decide upon any matter submitted to it within sixty days after such submission, its decision shall be deemed unnecessary. Removal or re-location of works of art ; duty of Commission. Sec. 639. In case the immediate removal or re-location of any existing work of art shall be deemed necessary by the Mayor, the Commission shall within forty-eight hours after notice from him approve or disapprove of such removal or re-location, and in case of their failure so to act within forty-eight hours after the receipt of such notice, they shall be deemed to have approved of the same. 29« Chapter XII. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Appointment of Commissioners; qualifications; jurisdiction; salaries. Sec. 644. The head of the Department of Buildings shall be called the Board of Buildina:s. Said Board shall consist of three members to be known as Commissioners of Buildings. They shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided in Chapter IV. of this Act. Each of said Commissioners shall be a competent architect or builder of at least ten years' experience. One of said Commis- sioners shall be the President of the Board, and shall be so de- signated by the Mayor. In appointing such Commissioners the Mayor shall specify the Borough or Boroughs in which they are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit: one in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx ; one in the Borough of Brooklyn ; and one in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond. The principal office of the Department of Build- ings shall be in the Borough of Manhattan. There shall be a branch office in the Borough of Brooklyn, and a branch office may be established in any of the other Boroughs, in the discretion of the Board. The salary of the Commissioner of Buildings for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and the salary of the Commissioner of Buildings for the Borough of Brooklyn, shall in each case be seven thousand dollars a year. The salary of the Commissioner of Buildings for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall be Three thousand five hundred dollars a year. Rules and regulations. Sec. 645. The Board shall have the power, by a vote of a majority of its members, to establish general rules and 299 regulations for the administration of the Department, and such other rules and regulations as were authorized by law at the time of the passage of this Act to be established by the Superintendent of Buildings in the City of New York, or by the Commissioner of the Department of Build- ings in the City of Brooklyn, as said cities were formerly constituted. Such rules and regulations shall, so far as prac- ticable, be uniform in all the Boroughs, but the Board shall have power, from time to time, to . amend or repeal such rules and regulations when in the opinion of a majority of the Commissioners it shall seem necessary or desirable. The Board shall also have power to appoint a Sec- retary, and within the limits of its appropriation to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the Department. General powers of Commissioners under existing laws. Sec. 646. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shall within such Boroughs, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the Department of Buildings or the Superintendent of Buildings in the City of New York as heretofore constituted, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this Act. The Commissioner for the Borough of Brooklyn shall within such Borough, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the powers, rights and duties, and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of the Department of Buildings or the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings in the City of Brooklyn as heretofore constituted, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this Act. The Com- missioner for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall within such Boroughs respectively, in addition to the powers, rights and duties expressly conferred or imposed upon him by this Act, possess and exercise all the 300 powers, rights and duties and shall be subject to all the obligations heretofore vested in, conferred upon or required of any department, commission, board or officer of Long Island City as heretofore constituted, or of any town or village as heretofore constituted which is comprised within that portion of the County of Queens included in the City of New York as constituted by this Act, or which is vested in, conferred upon or required of any department, commission, board or officer of any town or village in the County of Richmond as heretofore constituted, so far as such powers, rights, duties and obligations concern, affect or relate to the construction, alteration or removal of any building or structure erected or to be erected within said Boroughs or either of them, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this Act. Continuation and repeal of existing laws; Building Code. Sec. 647. The several acts in effect at the time of the passage of this Act concerning, affecting, or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures in any of the municipal and public corporations included within The City of New York as constituted by this Act are hereby con- tinued in full force and effect in such municipal and public corporations respectively, except in so far as the same are incon- sistent with or are modified by this Act ; provided, however, that the Municipal Assembly shall have power to establish and from time to time to amend a code of ordinances, to be known as the " Building Code," providing for all matters concerning, affecting, or relating to the construction, altera- tion, or removal of buildings or structures erected or to be erected in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and for the purpose of preparing such code to appoint and employ a commission of experts ; and provided further that upon the establishment of such code the several acts first above mentioned shall cease to have any force or effect, and are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not take effect until such "Building Code" shall be established by the Municipal Assembly as herein provided. The provisions of such " Building Code " shall be in conform- 301 ity with and be subject to all general laws of the State concern- ing, affecting, or relating to buildings, or classes of buildings, or other structures. Duties of Commissionexs; appointment and removal of subordinates^ Sec. 648. Each Commissioner shall, within the Borough of Boroughs in which he is appointed to exercise administrative jurisdiction, have charge of the administration of, and it shall be his duty, subject to and in accordance with the general rules and regulations established by the Board, to enforce such rules and regulations and the provisions of this Chapter and of such ordinances as may be established by the Municipal Assembly and of the laws relating to the construction, altera- tion or removal of buildings or other structures erected or to be erected within such Borough or Boroughs. Each Commis- sioner within the limits of his appropriation shall have power to appoint and at pleasure to remove subordinate officers, as follows : such Superintendents of Buildings, and such In- spectors of Buildings, Engineers, Clerks, Messengers, Assistants and other subordinates as in his judgment may be necessary and proper to carry out and enforce such rules and regu- lations and ordinances and the provisions of said laws and of this Chapter within the Borough or Boroughs under his jurisdiction. The Superintendents of Buildings shall each be a competent architect, engineer or builder of at least ten years' practice. The Inspectors shall be competent men, either architects, engineers, masons, carpenters, plumbers or iron workers, who shall have served at least five years as such. It shall not be lawful for any officer or employee in the Depart- ment to be engaged in conducting or carrying on business as an architect, civil engineer, carpenter, plumber, iron- worker, mason or builder while holding office in the Department. Each Commissioner shall have power to designate in writing one of the Superintendents of Buildings or any of the Inspectors so appointed by him to act on any survey authorized by law, or to perform such other duties as the said Commissioner may direct. Each Commissioner may designate a Superintendent of Buildings, who, during the absence or inability of such Commissioner, shall possess all the powers and perform all the 302 duties of such Commissioner. Any employee, for any neglect of duty, or omission to properly perform his duty, for violation of rules, or neglect or disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, may be punished by the Commissioner appointing him by forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, or by suspension from duty with or without pay ; but this provision shall not be deemed to abridge the right of said Commissioner to remove or dismiss any Inspector of Buildings or other subordinate appointed by him or by any predecessor in office from the service of the Depart- ment at any time in his discretion. Decisions of Commissioners ; appeals. Sec. 649. Each Commissioner shall have power and it shall be his duty, subject to the provisions of law and the ordinances of the Municipal Assembly and the general rules and regu- lations established by the Board, to pass upon any ques- tion relative to the mode, manner of construction or ma- terials to be used in the erection or alteration of any build- ing or other structure erected or to be erected within the Borough or Boroughs under his jurisdiction which is included within the provisions of this Chapter or of any existing law applicable to such Borough or Boroughs relating to the con- struction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures, and to require that such mode, manner of construction, or materials shall conform to the true intent and meaning of the several provisions of this Chapter and ot the laws and ordinances aforesaid and the rules and regulations established by the Board. Whenever a Commissioner to whom such question has been submitted shall reject or refuse to approve the mode, manner of construction or materials proposed to be followed or used in the erection or alteration of any such building or structure, or when it is claimed that the rules and regulations of the Board or the provisions of law or of said ordinances do not apply or that an equally good and more desirable form of construction can be employed in any specific case, the owner of such build- ing or structure, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal from the decision of such Commissioner to the Board in any case where the amount involved by such decision shall exceed 303 the sum of one thousand dollars ; provided, however, that in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx such appeal shall be taken to the Board of Examiners, established by Chapter four hundred and fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five and the several acts amendatory thereof or sup- plemental thereto. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shall be ex-officio a member and the Chairman of said Board of Examiners. The other mem- bers of said Board of Examiners shall be the persons mentioned and described in section thirty-one of said Chapter four hundred and fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five. The appeal authorized by this section may be taken within ten days from the entry of a decision upon the records of the Com- missioner by filing with the Commissioner rendering such decision and with the Secretary of the Board established by this Act or with the Clerk of the Board of Examiners, as the case may be, a notice of appeal stating specifically the questions which the appellant desires to have passed upon by the Board of Buildings or by the Board of Examiners, as the case may be, and by filing with the Secretary of the Board of Buildings or the Clerk of the Board of Examiners, as the case may be, copies of all papers required by law or by the rules and regu- lations of the Board of Buildings to be submitted to the Com- missioner upon an application for a building permit, and the Board of Buildings or the Board of Examiners, as the case may be, shall thereafter fix a day within a reasonable time for the hearing of such appeal, and upon such hearing the appellant may be represented either in person or by his agent or attor- ney. The decision of the Board of Buildings or the Board of Examiners, as the case may be, upon such appeal, shall be rendered without unnecessary delay and such decision shall be final. Power to vary the provisions of law. Sec. 650. Each Commissioner shall have power with the ap- proval of the Board to vary or modify any rule or regu- lation of the Board or the provisions of this Chapter or of any existing law or ordinance relating to the construction, alteration or removal of any building or structure erected 304 or to be erected within his jurisdiction upon an application to him therefor in writing by the owner of such building- or structure, or his duly authorized agent, where there are prac- tical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter ot the law, so that the spirit of the law shall be observed and public safety secured and substantial justice done ; but no such variation or modification shall be granted or allowed except by vote of a majority of the Board. Where such application has been filed with a Commissioner the owner of such building or structure or his duly authorized agent shall have the right to present a petition to such Commissioner and the Board setting forth the grounds for the desired variation or modi- fication, and raiy appear before said Board and be heard. The Board shall fix a date within a reasonable time for a hearing upon such application and shall as soon as prac- ticable render a decision thereon, which decision shall be final. The particulars of each such application and of the decision of the Board thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Board, and if the application is granted a certi- ficate therefor shall be issued by the Commissioner to whom the application is made and shall be countersigned by the Secretary of the Board. Accounts; annual estimates ; expenditures. Sec. 651. Each Commissioner shall keep accurate and de- tailed accounts, in a form approved by the Commissioners of Accounts of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended, and shall prepare itemized monthly state- ments of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the Comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office. Each Commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year prepare an itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal year and present the same to the Board. The three estimates so prepared as revised by the Board shall together constitute the annual esti- mate of the Department of Buildings, and shall be submitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment within the time 306 prescribed by this Act for the submission of estimates for the several departments of the city. No Commissioner shall incur any expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appro- priated therefor ; nor shall he expend any money so appropri- ated for any purpose other than that for which it was appro- priated. Record of applications. Sec. 652. Each Commissioner shall keep a record of all ap- plications presented to him concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures. Such record shall include the date of the filing of each such application ; the name and address of the applicant ; the name and address of the owner of the land on which the structure mentioned in such application is situated; the names and addresses of the architect and builder employed thereon; a designation of the premises by street number, or otherwise sufficient to identify the same; a statement of the nature and proposed use of such structure ; and a brief statement of the nature of the application, together with a memorandum of the decision of the Commissioner upon such application and the date of the rendition of such decision. The books contain- ing such records are hereby declared to be public records, and shaU be open to inspection at all reasonable times. 306 CHAPTER XIII. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. Jurisdiction: Salary. Sec. 658. The head of the Department of Public Charities shall be called the Board of Public Charities. Said Board shall consist of three Commissioners, who shall be designated Com- missioners of Public Charities of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold their respective offices, as provided in Chapter IV of this Act. One of said Commis- sioners shall be the President of said Board, and shall be so desig- nated by the Mayor. In appointing such Commissioners the Mayor shall specify the Borough or Boroughs in which they are respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit : one in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx : one in the Bor- oughs of Brooklyn and Queens ; one in the Borough of Rich- mond. The salary of the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and of the Commissioner for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens shall in each case be seven , thousand five hundred dollars a year. The salary of the Com- missioner for the Borough of Richmond shall be two thousand five hundred dollars a year. The principal office of the Depart- ment shall be in the Borough of Manhattan. There shall be a branch office in each of the other Boroughs. Rules and regulations ; subordinate officers. Sec. 659. The said Board shall by a vote of a majority of its members have power to establish general rules and regulations for the administration of the Department and the government of the institutions under the jurisdiction of said several Commissioners, except the institutions specified in section 661 of this Act, and such general rules and regulations shall be so far as practicable 307 uniform in all the Boroughs. Subject to such general rules and regulations each Commissioner shall have jurisdiction over the several classes of public institutions hereinafter specified which are situated or may hereafter be established within the Borough or Boroughs for which he is appointed. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and the Commis- sioner of the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, shall each have power to appoint and at pleasure to remove a deputy. Each deputy so appointed shall during the absence or disability of the Commissioner appointing him possess all the powers and per- form all the duties of such Commissioner, except the powers conferred by sections 661 and 664 of this Act. Whenever such absence or disability shall continue for five days, or in the judg- ment of the Mayor it is necessary, either of the other Commis- sioners may be designated by him to exercise such powers. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assem- bly may from time to time provide for additional deputies in the last named Boroughs and also for a deputy in the Borough of Richmond. Any deputy to serve in the Borough of Richmond shall be appointed by the Commissioner having administrative jurisdiction therein, and shall be subject to removal at his pleasure. Each of the Commissioners, within the limits of his appropriation, shall have power to appoint and at pleasure to remove such subordinate officers and assistants as may be neces- sary for the efificient performance of his duties as such Commis- sioner. The Board shall have power to appoint a secretary, and, within the limit of its appropriation, to appoint such subordinate officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the office of the Department. Public institutions under tJu jurisdiction of the Commissioners. Sec. 660. Each Commissioner shall have jurisdiction over and it shall be his duty to take charge of and to establish and enforce rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the general rules and regulations established by the Board, for the government of the following described classes of public institutions situated within the Borough or Boroughs for which he is appointed, viz. ; all hospitals, asylums, almshouses and other institutions belonging 308 to or hereafter acquired or established by the City of New York, which are or shall be devoted to the care of the feeble minded, the sick, the infirm and the destitute ; except hospital wards attached to penitentiaries and to other prisons and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Correction ; and except such hospitals as are or may hereafter be established and conducted by the Department of Health pursuant to law ; and except the House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents and the House of Detention for Witnesses; and except the island known as Ward's Island and the buildings and improvements thereon, and the equipment, fixtures and furniture of the asylums for the insane on said island during the continuance of the lease thereof heretofore made by the City of New York to the State of New York. Such buildings and grounds on Blackwell's Island as are now used for the care of the insane pursuant to the provisions of chapter two of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- six shall, when the insane shall have been removed therefrom, be under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public Char- ities for the Boroughs of Manhattan ana The Bronx. The buildings and grounds, together with the equipments, fixtures and furniture of the buildings now leased to the State by the County of Kings for the care of the insane, shall, when said lease expires, be under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public Charities for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Payments to Private Institutions. Sec. 661. No payment shall be made by the City of New York to any charitable, eleemosynary or reformatory institution wholly or partly under private control, for the care, support, sec- ular education, or maintenance of any child surrendered to such institution, or committed to, received or retained therein in ac- -cordance with sections 664, 665, 666 and 667 of this Act, except upon the certificate of the Commissioner having adminis- trative jurisdiction that such child has been received and is retained by such institution pursuant to the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Charities. Moneys paid by the City of New York to any such institution for the care, support, secular 309 education or maintenance of its inmates shall not be expended for any other purpose. Whenever the Commissioner shall decide, after reasonable notice to the institution and a hearing, that any such child as aforesaid who is received and retained in such in- stitution is not a proper charge against the public, and notice of such decision in writing is given by him to such institution, there- upon all right on the part of said institution to recieve compen- sation from the city for the further retention of the child shall cease. He shall file in the office of the Department in the Borough within which the institution is situated, a statement of the reasons for his decision and of the facts upon which it is founded, and shall furnish a copy to the institution where the child is detained. His decision may be reviewed on certiorari by the Supreme Court. Powers of Commissioners as to destitute and other persons. Sec. 662. The Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx shall within said Boroughs have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposition of insane, feeble- minded, sick, infirm, and destitute persons which the Commis- sioners of Public Charities of the corporation known as The. Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York had at the time of the taking effect of this Act, and shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this Act. The Commis- sioner for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens shall withirk said Boroughs have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposition of such persons which the Board of Charities and Correction of the City of Brooklyn and County of Kings as formerly constituted, or the Superintendent or Overseers of the Poor of the County of Queens had at the time of the pas- sage of this Act, and shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in so far as the same are inconsistent with or are modified by this Act. The Commissioner for the Borough of Richmond shall within said Borough have all the authority concerning the care, custody and disposition of such persons which the Sup- 310 erintendent and Overseers of the Poor in the County of Rich- mond had at the time of the taking effect of this Act, and shall be subject to the same obligations and discharge the same duties in respect to such persons, except in so far as the same are in- consistent with or are modified by this Act. The said several Commissioners shall be the Overseers of the Poor of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act. No Commissioner shall have power to dispense any form of oiit-door relief except as expressly provided in this chapter; but each Commissioner shall have power to pay for the cost of the removal or transportation of any person who may come under his charge whenever in his judgment t'le City will thereby be relieved from an unnecessary or improper charge. Each Commissioner in his Borough or Boroughs shall make pro- vision for the temporary care of vagrant and indigent persons, and shall provide for an investigation into the circumstances of all such persons, and shall cause every person who is found upon investi- gation to be a vagrant, to be brought before a magistrate pur- suant to law. The Board of Estimate and Apportionmenttand the Municipal Assembly shall in each year appropriate such sum as in their judgment may be necessary to carry out the pro- visions of this section. Classification and Instruction of Inmates. Sec. 663. It shall bje the duty of each Commissioner to cause all the inmates of public institutions under his charge to be classified so far as practicable. Destitute children shall be kept apart from criminal children, so that youthful and less hardened inmates shall not be rendered more depraved by association with and the evil example of older and more hardened inmates. Each Commissioner may establish and maintain in the public institu- tions under his charge such schools or classes for the instruction and training of inmates as may be authorized by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly. Powers of Commissioners as to destitute and other children. Sec. 664. Each Commissioner shall have power to commit, to indenture, place out, discharge, or transfer any child who 311 may be in his custody, whenever in his judgment it shall be for the best interests of such child so to do, and he and his success- ors in office shall have power to revoke and cancel any such indenture or agreement, and to make contracts for the main- tenance of any such child in accordance with the general rules and regulations of the Board ; but in indenturing, placing out, transferring or committing any such child such Commissioner shall, when practicable, indenture or place out such child with an individual of the like religious faith as the parents of such child, or transfer or commit such child to an institution governed by persons of the same religious faith. In respect to such minors so committed to or otherwise placed under his charge each Com- missioner shall within his Borough or Boroughs have such addi- tional powers as are at the time of the taking effect of this Act vested by law in the corresponding officers of the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, of the corporation known as the City of Brooklyn, and of the counties of Kings, Richmond and Queens, mentioned in section 662 of this Act. Notice of commitment of children. Sec. 665. Whenever any child actually or apparently under the age of sixteen years, is brought before any court or magistrate in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, pursuant to section eight hundred and eighty-eight of the Code of Criminal Procedure, or is found destitute of means of support, the magis- trate presiding or before whom such child is brought shall there- upon fix a day not more than three days distant for the hearing and final disposition of the charge against said child, and shall, at the same time, in addition to such other notices as may be required by law, give notice, in writing, of such arrest to the Commissioner of Public Charities of the Borough in which said arrest is made, and to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children if there shall be one incorporated in the Borough, which notice shall state the name of the child, its age, either actual or apparent, its sex, color, birthplace, residence, father's name, mother's name, parents' religion and parents' occupation, each, if known ; the specific charge upon which the arrest is 312 made; the name of the ofricer making the arrest, and the name and address of the compiainhig witness, if any there be. And such court or magistrate may temporarily commit such child to the custody and care of an institution to which said court or magistrate is authorized by law to make final commitment. Children committed as public charges : investigation. Sec. 666. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner so noti- fied to investigate forthwith the charge against such child. The Commissioner may appear either by clerk or by counsel on all hearings in such proceeding, and shall on or before the final hear- ing therein, file with the court or magistrate a statement in writ- ing of such fact or facts as in the opinion of the Commissioner render it proper or improper that such child should be supported as a pubHc charge at the expense of the City; and such written statement of fact or facts when so filed shall be preserved with and form a part of the record of the proceedings instituted by the arrest of such child. Omission or failure to file such state- ment shall not be ground for delaying the final decision. Term of commitment of children: discharge. Sec. 667. The term of commitment of each child committed in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, under any of the provisions of sections 664, 665 and 666 of this Act, shall be until such child shall attain the age of sixteen years, or until it shall be duly indentured or placed out as an apprentice by the institution to which it shall have been committed, or until it shall be given over in adoption by said institution to some suitable person, or until otherwise discharged. Each in- stitution, mentioned in section 661 of this Act, shall file with the Commissioner on or before July 1st, 1898, a list of all the children therein referred to in sections 661, 664, 665 and 666 of this Act, which list shall contain the names and residence of the parents and guardians of the children as far as known. Every three months thereafter each such institution shall file a similar list of all such children received, discharged or otherwise disposed of in the interval. 313 Saving clause as to certain existing laws. Sec. 668. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections shall be construed to alter or affect any provision of chapter one hun- dred and seventy-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty- five, or of chapter four hundred and thirty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, or of chapter three hundred and fifty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-six. Record of inmates of institutions. Sec. 669. It shall be the duty of each Commissioner to keep and preserve a proper record of all persons who shall come under his care or custody and of the disposition made of such persons, with full particulars as to the name, age, sex, color and nativity of each, and in case of minors the names and residence of parents and their religious faith so far as ascertained, and the religious faith and residence of the person or families with whom or of the persons in charge of the institution in which they are placed, together with copies of any instrument of indenture or agree- ment executed by such Commissioner. Temporary care in accident cases. Sec. 670. Any person injured or taken sick on the streets or in any public place within said city, who may not be safely re- moved to his or her home, may be sent to and shall be received in any public hospital within said city, for temporary care and treatment, irrespective of his or her place of residence. Temporary care of the insane. Sec. 671. Each Commissioner shall provide and maintain suitable rooms or wards for the reception, medical examination and temporary care of persons alleged to be insane. Alteration and repair of buildings. Sec. 672. Each Commissioner, subject to the approval of the Board, whenever the increase of inmates in or the proper care and government of the public institutions or establishments under his jurisdiction shall in his judgment render it necessary or ex- pedient, shall have power to enlarge or alter the buildings occu- 314 pied by such institutions or establishnaents or any of them; and shall also have power to make all needful repairs to build- ings and property under his control, provided that an appro- priation has been made therefor. Potter s Field. Sec. 673. Each Commissioner, except the Commissioner of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, shall have charge of the Potter's Field or Fields situated in the Borough or Boroughs for which he is appointed, and each and every Com- missioner shall, when the necessity therefor shall arise, have power to lay out a Potter's Field or other public burial place for the poor and strangers, within the Borough or Boroughs for which he is appointed, and from time to time to enclose and extend the same, to make enclosures therein and to build vaults therein, and to provide all necessary labor therefor and for inter- ments therein. Accounts; annual estimates ; expenditures. Sec. 674. Each Commissioner shall keep accurate and de- tailed accounts, in a form approved by the Comptroller, of all moneys received and expended by him, the sources from which they are received and the purposes for which they are expended, and shall prepare itemized monthly statements of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the Comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office. Each Commissioner shall, on or before the first day of September in each year prepare an itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal year and present the same to the Board. The three estimates so prepared as revised by the Board shall together constitute the annual estimate of the Department of Public Charities, and shall be submitted to ^he Board of Estimate and Apportionment within the time prescribed by this Act for the submission of estimates for the several Departments of the City. No Commissioner shall incur any expense for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated therefor; nor shall he expend any money so ap- 315 propriated for any purpose other than that for which it was appropriated. Advertisements for supplies. Sec. 675. The Board shall from time to time as may be necessary advertise in the C2/v7?^^t in said year 1898 the balance so caused to be raised by tax sihall be raised exclusively from property within the limits of the corporation heretofore known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York; but it is further provided that in case it shall transpire that the amount levied or collected from any Borough outside of the present City of New York, and available to the uses of the City, as constituted by this Act, for the year 1898, shall be more or less than its due proportion of the expenses for the year 1898 of the City as constituted by this Act, such excess or de- ficit shall be equalized and adjusted in the Budget of the following year; to the end that each Borough shall bear its fair proportion of the expenditures of the City for the year 1898. The Municipal Assembly shall have full power, by appropriate ordinances, to en- 433 force this provision, and is hereby invested with power to make such equalization and adjustment by different rates of taxation, or other- wise, in the several Boroughs, to the end that taking the years 1898 and 1899, together, each Borough shall pay its proper pro- portion of the general expenses of the City for both years. How County charges and expenses in New York, Kings and Richmond Counties and that part of Queens County within the City are to be paid. Sec. 902. In the statement submitted by the Comptroller to the Municipal Assembly as above provided in this chapter, he shall each year include and state specifically the sum or sums necessary to be raised to pay during the current year the salaries of the County officers and fhe other County charges and expenses in the Counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond, respectively, and the sum or sums which should be paid for like purposes by that part of Queens County included within the City ; and the Municipal Assembly is hereby authorized and directed to levy upon and collect from the taxable property within each of said Counties and part of County, respectively, the sum or sums so necessary to be raised to pay the salaries of County officers and other County charges and expenses of such County or part of county ; to the end that each of said Counties and said part of Queens County shall ultimately bear and pay all expenses neces- sary to be incurred within the County or part of County for County as distinguished from City purposes. Permits for buildings, etc.: copies of to be sent to the Department of Taxes and Assessments. Sec. 903. Whenever any permit shall be granted by the proper officer of the city government as created by this Act for the erection of any building, pier or bulkhead within said city, a copy of such permit shall be within five days after its issue furnished by the officer gfranting the same to the Department of Taxes and Assessments. Exemptions. Sec. 904. The exemption from taxation of every building for 434 public worship, and every school house or other seminary of lea.rn- ing under the provisions of subdivision 3, of section 4, title i, chapter XIII. of Part First of the Revised Statutes or amendments there- of, shall not apply to any such building or premises within the limits of the City of New York, as defined by this Act, unless the same shall be exclusively used for such purpose, and be exclusively the property of a religious society. Exemptions, continued. Sec. 905. Nothing in this chapter shall effect any existing and valid exemptions from taxation hertofore created by law respect- ing any property, real or personal, within the limits of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act. Certiorari to review final determination of the Department. Sec. 906. A certiorari to review or correct on the merits any final determination of the Board of Taxes and Assessments shall be allowed by the Supreme Court or any justice thereof directed to the Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments on the verified petition of the party aggrieved, but only on the grounds which must be specified in such petition, that the assessment is illegal, and giv- ing the particulars of the alleged illegality, or is erroneous by reason of over valuation, or in case of real estate, that the same is er- roneous by reason of inequality in that the assessment has been made at a higher proportionate valuation than the assessment of other real estate on the tax rolls of the City for the same year, specifying the instances in which such inequality exists, and the extent thereof, and stating that he is or will be injured thereby. When assessment rolls to be made and delivered to the Municipal Assembly. Sec. 907. Beginning with the first day of May in each year the Board of Taxes and Assessmenis shall cause to be prepared from the books of Annual Record of assessed valuations of real and personal estate in the several offices of the Department: of Taxes and Assess- ments in the several Boroughs, assessment rolls for each of said several Boroughs, and shall, as soon as such rolls are completed, annex to each of said rolls their certificates 4S5 vaS^ Of THB -r^ FOHIVBRSIIT] that the same is correct in accordance with the entries in said several books of record. The rolls so certified must, on the first Monday of July in each year be delivered by the Board of Taxes and Assess- mesits to the Municipal Assembly, which shall meet at noon on that iay at the City Hall, or usual place of meeting, in the Borough of Manhattan, for the purpose of receiving the same, and for the purpose of performing such other duties in relation thereto as are prescribed by law ; except that whenever said first Monday in July shall fall on a legal holiday, said rolls shall be delivered by said Board of Taxes and Assessments on the next succeeding day thereafter to the Municipal Assembly, which shall meet at noon on such next succeeding day, at the place and in the man- ner and for the purposes hereinafter specified. Meaning of the words " Board of Taxes and Assessments " in this cJiapter. Majority Clause. ■ Sec. 908. Whenever any act is required or authorized to be done or anv determination or decision made by the Board of Taxes and Assessments, or any other body or Board, then in the absence of express provision to the contrary, any such act, if done, or any such determination or decision, if made by a majority of the body or Board shall, within the meaning of this Act be held to be the act, determination or decision of the body or Board. Assessment rolls to remain in custody of Municipal Assembly. Sec. 909. The tax or assessment rolls, when finally submitted to the Municipal Assembly on the first Monday of July in each year, shall remain in the custody of said Assembly, but the Presi- dent of the Council may, by written permission, permit access to them, and he is hereby, in the name of the Municipal Assembly and as its act, authorized and directed to cause to be properly esti- mated and computed the taxes annually imposed, and cause the same to be properly set down or extended in the several assessment rolls or tax books, as required by the next section. It shall also be the duty of said president to cause the items of said taxes to be care- fully added, and to set down the amount of the same therein; and 436 the duty of said President to cause the items of said taxes to be carefully added, and to set down the amount of the same therein ; and when completed to deliver the tax books relating to real estate to the collector of assessments and arrears, in order that the unpaid water rents of each preceding year may be entered therein. After such completion of the assessment rolls or tax books it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to procure the proper warrants authorizing and requiring the re- ceiver of taxes to collect the several sums therein mentioned ac- cording to law, and such warrants need be signed only by the Presi- dent of the Council and the President of the Board of Aldermen and countersigned by the City Clerk, and immediately thereafter the President of the Council shall deliver the said assessment rolls, with the warrants aforesaid annexed thereto, to the receiver of taxes, at the same time notifying the Comptroller of the amount of taxes in each book, in order that he may cause the proper sum to be charged to the receiver for collection. Id. : duties of Municipal Assembly respecting. Sec. 910. At such annual meeting the Municipal Assembly must make such alterations in the description of real property belonging to non-residents as may be necessary to render such descriptions conformable to the provisions of law; and if such alterations cannot be made, they must expunge the descriptions of such real property, and the assessment thereon from the assessment rolls. They must also estimate and set down in a fifth column, to be prepared for that purpose in the assessment rolls, opposite to the several sums set down as the valuation of real and personal property, the respective sums, in dollars and cents, to be paid as a tax thereon, rejecting the fractions of a cent. They must also add up and set down the aggregate valuations of the real and personal property in the several Boroughs as corrected by them ; and must transmit to the Comp- troller of this State by mail a certificate of such aggregate valuations, showing separately the aggregate amount of the real and personal property in each Borough, as corrected by the Municipal Assembly. 437 Corrected roll to be delivered to Receiver of Taxes. Sec. 911. They must also cause the assessment rolls of each Borough, when corrected according to law, and finally completed, or a fair copy thereof, to be delivered to the receiver of taxes in and for the city on or before the first day of September thereafter, with the proper warrant or warrants annexed, signed by the Presi- dent of the Council and the President of the Board of Aldermen and countersigned by the City Clerk, directing and requiring him to collect from' the several persons named in the assessment rolls the several sums mentioned in the last column of such roll, opposite to their respective names, and to pay the same from time to time, when so collected, to the Chamberlain of the city. Penalty for Municipal Assembly's neglect. Sec. 912. If the Municipal Assembly shall wilfully refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties required of them by the two preceding sections, each member so refusing or neglecting shall forfeit to the City of New York the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered in a civil action; and shall also be punishable for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit his office. Where taxes due and payable. Sec. 913. The receiver of taxes upon receiving the assessment rolls and warrants shall immediately cause the assessment rolls and warrants for each of the several Boroughs wherein he shall, under the designation of the Municipal Assembly, have an office, to be delivered at and filed in such office, and shall thereafter proceed to collect and receive said taxes from the several individuals and corporations assessed in the said assessment rolls in the manner here- after prescribed. Receiver of taxes to give public notice. Sec. 914. The receiver of taxes shall, immediately after he shall have received the assessment rolls, give public notice in the City Record and the corporation newspapers and in such newspaper or newspapers published in the several Boroughs as may be des- 438 ignated by the Board of City Record, or in default of any news- paper being published in any Borough, in such newspaper or newspapers having a general circulation in such Borough as the Board of City Record shall direct, that said assessment rolls have been delivered to him and that all taxes are then due and pay- able at his office in the said respective Boroughs, and that in case of payment on or before the first day of November there- after the persons so paying shall be entitled to the benefits mentioned in the next section. Rebate for prompt payment. Sec. 915. If any person who shall be assessed in any of the said assessment rolls shall pay the amount of his taxes on or before the first day of November, succeeding the delivery of the said assess- ment rolls and warrants to the said receiver, it shall be the duty of the receiver or any of his deputies to receive the same, and to deduct therefrom interest, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, between the day of such payment and the first day of December then next succeeding. Interest on unpaid taxes. Sec. 916. If any such tax shall remain unpaid on the said first day of December, it shall be the duty of the receiver of taxes to charge, receive, and collect upon such tax so remain- ing unpaid on that day, in addition to the amount of such tax, one per centum on the amount thereof, and to charge, receive, and collect upon such tax so remaining unpaid on the first day ot Jan- uary thereafter, interest upon the amount thereof, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from the day on which said assessment rolls and warrants shall have been delivered to the receiver of taxes to the date of payment; and such increase or percentage shall be paid over and accounted for by such receiver from time to time, as a parti of the tax collected by him. Id.: continued. Sec. 917. It shall be the duty of the said receiver, in person or by his deputies, to charge, collect, and receive upon all taxes re- 439 maiming unpaid on and after the said first day of January, in- terest at a rate of seven per cent, per annum, to be calculated from the day on which the said assessment rolls and warrants shall have been delivered to the receiver^ Duty of receiver where taxes remain unpaid on the -first of November following the delivery of assessments and warrants. Sec. 918. If any taxes of any year shall remain unpaid on the first day of November next after the assessments and warrants to collect such taxes have been delivered to the receiver of taxes at hit office in the Borough of Manhattan, it shall be the duty of the re- ceiver to give notice by advertisement for at least ten days in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, and in such daily paper having a general circulation in any Borough as the Board of City Record shall designate, that unless the same shall be paid to him at his office on or before the first day of December in any such year, he will immediately thereafter proceed to collect such unpaid taxes as provided herein. Public notice to be given by receiver after December ist in each year. Sec. 919. The receiver of taxes shall immediately after the first day of December, in each year, give public notice in the City Rec- ord, and the corporation newspapers, and in such daily paper having a general circulation in any Borough as the Board of City Record may designate, at least ten days, notifying all persons or corporations who have omitted to pay their taxes to pay the same to him at his office in the Borough of Manhattan, or to his several deputies in the several Boroughs. Undivided parts of taxes: payment of. Sec. 920. If a sum of money in gross has been or shall be taxed upon any lands or premises, any person or persons claiming any divided or undivided part thereof may pay such part of the sum of money so taxed, also of the interest and charges due or charged thereon, as the said Comptroller may deem to be just and equitable; and the remainder of the sum of money so taxed, together with the interest and charges, shall be a lien upon the residue of the land and 440 premises only, which residue may be sold to satisfy the residue of such tax, interest, or charges, in the same manner as though the residue of said tax had been imposed upon the residue of said lands or premises. Corporations: tax for, how collected. Sec. 921. The said receiver of taxes shall proceed in enforc- ing the collection and payment of taxes against corporations or associations, and their officers and directors, or trustees, in the same manner as against individuals ; such taxes shall be paid out of the funds of the company and shall be ratably deducted from the dividends of those stockholders whose stock was taxed, or shall be charged upon such stock, if no dividends be after- ward declared. Daily statement of taxes received to be rendered to Chamberlain. Sec. 922. The receiver of taxes shall enter into suitable books, to be kept by him for that purpose, the sums received by him for taxes, and at the expiration of the office hours for each day, and before three o'clock thereof, shall render a statement of the same to the Chamberlain and at the same time on each day pay over to said Chamberlain the amount received on such day; he shall also thereupon receive from the said Chamberlain a voucher for the payment of such sums, which he shall forthwith, on the same day, exhibit to the Comptroller of the said city. But the duty by this section imposed may, in respect to the Borough of Brook- lyn, be discharged by the deputy receiver of taxes and the deputy Chamberlain located in the Borough of Brooklyn, and likewise by similar deputy officers for the Borough of The Bronx, the Borough of Queens, and the Borough of Richmond. Receiver's account of taxes received: how to be kept. Sec. 923. It shall be the duty of the receiver, and of deputy re- ceivers, from time to time to enter in a column, to be made for that purppse, upon the assessment rolls in his possession, opposite to the names of the persons mentioned therein, and who shall pay their tax, as aforesaid, to the receiver of taxes, personally or by 441 deputy, the fact of such payment, the amount thereof, and the day when paid, and to enter into suitable books, to be kept for that purpose, on each day such payment, and the names of the parties re- spectively on whose account the same were paid; and at the ex- piration of the office hours, and on the same day, he shall furnish to the Comptroller of the said city, personally or by deputy, a de- tailed statement of such sums of the Borough for which received, and the names of the parties respectively on whose account the same have been paid, which shall be filed by the said Comptroller in his office. The Comptroller shall, on each day, immediately after receiving from said receiver or deputy the statement, compare the same with a voucher furnished to him by the Chamberlain for the payment thereof to the Chamberlain, and if the aggregate amounts thereof shall correspond, shall credit the said receiver of taxes in his book with such amount. Penalty for failure to report to Chamberlain. Sec. 924. If the receiver of taxes, or any deputy receiver shall on any day, omit or neglect to furnish to the Chamberlain or to the Comptroller, respectively, the statements and vouchers required by law, or to make the daily payments hereinbefore prescribed, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller forthwith to suspend from office the party delinquent. In case of such suspension, the Comp- troller shall appoint a suitable person to perform the duties of the officer so suspended, who shall continue to act as such officer, with all the powers conferred upon him by this title, until the parties suspended shall be restored, or another person shall have been ap- pointed. On making such temporary appointment, the Comptroller shall be required to take from the party so appointed a bond, with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Chamberlain, and filed with the said Comptroller, in such penal sum as the said Chamber- lain may deem just, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office during the continuance of the person so ap- pointed therein; and all the provisions of this title prescribing the duties of the receiver of taxes, and the deputy receiver, shall apply to the person or persons so appointed in their stead by the Comptroller. 442 Provision in case of sickness. Sec. 925. In case of inability of the receiver to perform the duties of his office by reason of sickness or absence from the city, the Comptroller shall designate some suitable person to per- form the duties of his office during such inability or absence, and shall, in his discretion, take from such person a bond, with suffi- cient sureties, in the manner prescribed in the preceding section. Collection of unpaid personal tax by distress and sale. Sec. 926. It shall be lawful for the said receiver, if any tax for personal property and the interest thereon, as hereinbefore pro- vided, shall remain unpaid on the fifteenth day of the month of January, succeeding the receipt by him of the rolls, to issue his warrant under his hand and seal directed to any marshal com- manding him to levy the said tax, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the day of the delivering of the assessment rolls and warrants to the said receiver to the time when the same shall be paid by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person against whom the said warrant shall be issued, or of any goods and chattels in his or her possession, wheresoever the same shall be found within the said city, and to pay the same to the said receiver, and return such warrant within thirty days after the date thereof. For the purposes of this section the jurisdiction of the marshal is co-extensive with The City of New York. The Comp- troller of The City of New York, however, may from time to time as may be necessary to insure prompt collection of said tax, extend or renew such warrant, but no single extension or renewal thereof shall in any event exceed sixty days. Id. : may add costs of distress and sale. Sec. 927. In all cases where the said receiver shall'proceed by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of any person for the payment of any tax due and payable, it shall be lawful for him to authorize and empower the officer making such distress and sale to collect, in addition to the tax and the interest thereon, the costs of such distress and sale, which costs shall be in addition to any dis- 443 bursements five cents for every dollar collected to the amount of one hundred dollars, and two and one-half cents for every dollar collected over one hundred dollars. Id. : sale to be advertised. Sec. 928..|^The marshal to whom a warrant for the collection of any tax is issued shall give public notice at the time and place of sale of any property distrained by virtue thereof, and of the prop- erty to be sold, at least six days previous to the sale, by advertise- ments to be posted up in at least three public places in the ward where such sale shall be made. The sale shall be by public auction. Id. : disposition of surplus. Sec.]929. If the property distrained shall be sold for more than the amount of the tax, the surplus shall be returned to the person in whose possession such property was when the distress was made, if no claim be made to such surplus or any other person. If any other person shall claim such surplus, on the ground that the prop- erty sold belonged to him, and such claim be admitted by the person for whose tax the same was distrained, the surplus shall be paid to such ov.-ner; but if si:ch claim be contested by the person for whose tax the property was distrained, the surplus moneys shall be retained by the said marshal until the rights of the parties shall be judicially determined. Enforcing payment of personal taxes; fine may be imposed. Sec. 930. In case of the refusal or neglect of any person to pay any tax imposed on him for personal property, if there be no goods or chattels in his possession upon which the same may be levied by distress and sale according to law, and if the value of the property assessed shall be the sum of one thousand dollars, the said re- ceiver, if he has reason to believe that the person taxed has debts, credits, choses in action, or other personal property not taxed else- where in this State, and upon which the levy cannot be made ac- cording to law, may thereupon, in his discretion, make application to the Supreme Court, within one year from the date of the return 444 of the warrant by the marshal, to enforce the payment of such tax. The Court may impose a fine for the misconduct men- tioned in this section, sufficient in amount for the payment of the tax assessed, and ten dollars, costs of motion, together with ex- penses of the proceedings authorized by this title, to enforce such payment or to punish such misconduct ; and the amount of such tax shall be paid out of such fine to the said receiver, who shall pay over the same in like manner as the tax was required to be paid; and costs and expenses of such proceedings shall be paid out of such fine to the sai^ receiver who made the application to enforce the payment of the tax. Id.: order to prosecute: when operates as assignment of bond. Sec. 931. Whenever any bond taken under the proceedings re- ferred to in the last preceding section shall be ordered to be prose- cuted, such order shall operate as an assignment of the bond to the said receiver, who shall be authorized to prosecute the same in any court of record, in his name as such receiver, as the assignee of the officer to whom the bond was given, in the same manner as in other actions on bonds with conditions to perform covenants other than for the payment of money ; and the measure of damages in such action shall be the extent of such tax, and the costs and ex- penses of the proceedings to enforce the payment thereof, and shall be applied and paid in like manner as the fine mentioned in the next preceding section is therein directed to be applied and paid, and in all such actions, if the plaintiff recovers, he shall recover all costs against the defendant. Id.: cases to be sent to Corporation Counsel. Sec. 932. It shall be the duty of the receiver of taxes to send or cause to be sent to the Corporation Counsel, monthly, all cases of personal taxes embraced in the assessment rolls, when the assessment is one thousand dollars or more, and upon which a warrant to any of the marshals of said city has been issued and unsatisfied for a period of sixty days, or returned unsatisfied in whole or part, and of all other cases of personal taxes, except in those cases where the Comptroller 445 may extend the warrant, when application to any court may be made for the collection of the tax, and the said Counsel is authorized to make requisitions upon the said receeiver for all such cases. Id. : duties of Corporation counsel. Sec. 933. The Corporation Counsel shall be charged with the prosecution of all suits or proceedings, in any court having jurisdic- tion, for the collection of all cases of personal taxes sent to him by the receiver of taxes, or where, by any law of this State, any suit or proceeding may be instituted by such receiver, or any marshal acting under a tax warrant, in any court for the collection of any tax or personal property, and shall, subject to such control, act as counsel to the receiver of taxes, and to any marshal acting under the warrant of said receiver in the collection of any tax for personal property. Court to dismiss proceedings if satisfied that taxes on personal prop- erty cannot be paid. Sec. 934. The court in which any proceeding may be com- menced to enforce the payment of any tax for personal property, may dismiss the proceedings absolutely without costs, or con- ditionally, upon the payment of costs, or may, on the facts, in its discretion, dismiss such proceedings on the payment of such part of the tax and costs as shall be just, in any case where it shall be satisfied that the person or persons taxed are unable, for want of property, or other reason, to pay any tax. In cases where any proceedings shall be dismissed under this section, on payment of a portion of the tax, a copy of the order of the court shall be filed with the re- ceiver of taxes, and a note of the contents of such order entered upon the assessment roll, and it shall be the duty of said Counsel to report all cases dismissed on account of the inability of the per- son to pay the tax to the Commissioner of Taxes and Assess- ments, annually, on the thirty-first day of December in each year; and said commissioner is hereby authorized to strike the names of all such persons from the assessment rolls for the succeeding year. Counsel to keep register, etc. Sec. 935. The Corporation Counsel shall keep, in proper books to be provided by the corporation of said city for that purpoce, a 446 register of all actions oi proceedings prosecuted, and upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation thereof or removal therefrom, the Corporation Counsel shall deliver to ihis successor in office all books and papers in his hands belonging to his office, or delivered to him by the receiver of taxes, or any marshal of said city, and in any way connected with his office, or any business pertaining thereto. The said counsel or any marshal shall pay over, under oath, to the receiver of taxes of said city, monthly, or oftener if required, all taxes collected by him. Receiver; when may sue for personal taxes. Sec. 936. Any tax duly imposed for personal property upon any person or corporation in the City of New York, which shall remain unpaid and in arrears on the fifteenth day of January suc- ceeding the year in which it shall have been imposed, may be recovered with interests and costs, by the receiver of taxes of said city in the name of the City, in an action in any court of record in this State. Unpaid Taxes and Assessmejtts, levied prior to January 1st, 1898 : Special Provision. Sec. 937. All taxes and assessments, levied before the first day of January, 1898, by lawful authority, in any of the mun- icipal and public corporations hereby consolidated, including the Counties of Kings and of Richmond, and that part of the County of Queens included within The City of New York, as hereby con- stituted, and which shall remain due and unpaid on said first day of January, 1898, shall become and be due and payable to and collectable by said city, and all tax and assessment lists in the possession of any officer of any of said municipal and public corporations and counties, on the 31st day of December, 1897, shall be transmitted to and deposited with the Comptroller on or immediately after the first day of January, 1898, and the Comptroller shall thereupon transmit the same to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, for collection by suit, or under and pursuant to the laws in force when the said taxes were levied, or in force when this Act takes effect. 447 Title 2. assessments for local improvements other than those confirmed by a court of record. Assessment — Term How Construed. Section 942. The word assessment, wherever used in this title and in the next succeeding one, shall be construed to mean an assessment for any local improvement wb.ich may be law- fully confirmed in any other manner than by a Court of Record. Mayor to Appoint a Board of Assessors ; salary; subordinates. Sec. 943. The Mayor shall appoint five persons, who shall constitute the Board of Assessors. The salary of each mem- ber of said Board shall be three thousand dollars a year. The said Board shall be charged with the duty of making all assessments, other than those required by law to be confirmed by a Court of Record, for local improvements for which assessments may be legally imposed in any part of The City of New York as hereby constituted. The said Board shall appoint a secretary and such clerks and subordinates as may be necessary, and shall fix their salaries, not exceeding in the aggregate the appropriation made for such purpose in the final estimate. The secretary, clerks and subordinates of the Board of Assessors of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, shall be and act as secretary, clerks and subordinates of the Board of Assessors herein provided for until and unless they shall be removed or superseded by the last-mentioned Board of Assessors. The Board of Revision of Assessments. Sec. 944. The Comptroller, Corporation Counsel and Presi- dent of the Board of Public Improvements shall constitute the Board of Revision of Assessments. The said Board, or a majority thereof, shall have and perform all the powers and duties rela- tive to the revision, correction and confirmation of assessments specified in the various laws and ordinances relating to assess- ments in any part of TheCity of New York, as hereby constituted, 448 other than assessments made by Commissioners appointed by a Court of ^Record, and other than those confirmed by the Board of Assessors; said Board shall have power to consider, on the merits, all objections made to any such assessment, and to sub- poena and examine witnesses in relation thereto, and to confirm said assessment, or to refer the same back to the Board of Assessors for revisal and correction in such respects as it may determine. The revision of such assessments shall be made without delay, so that unless the same are referred back for revisal and correction they shall be confirmed within thirty days from the time they shall, respectively, be presented for confirmation, and if not so confirmed or referred back they shall be deemed to be confirmed at the expiration of thirty days from the time they shall be, respectively, so presented for confirmation. All such assessments, immediately upon confirmation, shall be transmitted to the Comptroller for entry and collection. Powers of the two Boards. Sec. 945. In addition to the powers herein specifically con- ferred upon the Board of Assessors and the Board of Revision, the said Boards shall have and exercise, as to the whole terri- tory embraced in The City of New York, each and every power and authority conferred upon and exercised by the Board of Assessors, and the Board of Revision and Correction of As- sessments, respectively, of the corporation heretofore known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. Certificates on which Assessments are Made. Sec. 946. All assessments shall be made by the Board of As- sessors on the following ceitificates, to wit: 1. The officer or head of the Board or Department charged with the execution of the work in question, shall certify to the Board ot Assessors the total amount of all the expenses which shall have been actually incurred by The City of New York oti account thereof. 2. The Comptroller shall certify to the Board of Assessors the amount of the interest, at the legal rate, upon the several 449 instalments advanced or payments made on account of such work, from the time of such payment or advance, by the City, to a day sixty days after the date of such certificate. There- after the Board of Assessors shall assess upon the property benefited, in the manner authorized by law, the aggregate amount of such certificates, or such proportion thereof as is authorized by law, and the said Board shall not in any way be enjoined, restrained, hindered or delayed in the performance of this duty, provided that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to affect the powers of the Board of Revis- ion of Assessments. Assessment not to exceed one -half the valuation. Sec. 947. The Assessors shall in no case assess any house or lot, improved or unimproved lands, more than one-half the fair value of such house, lot, improved or unimproved lands. Assessment for repaving : when forbidden. Sec. 948. Unless it shall be petitioned for by a majority of the owners of the property (who shall also be the owners of a majority of the front feet), on the line of the proposed improve- ment, no assessment shall be imposed for the paving of any street,"or any portion thereof, which has been once paved, and the expense thereof_jpaid by_the^owners of the adjoining pro{>- erty. This section, however, shall apply only to the streets within the territory of the corporation formerly known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. How property shall be described by the Assessors. Sec. 949. In all cases the Assessors shall describe in the as- sessment the property assessed by the same ward or block numbers, or other designations as shall be used to designate the said property on theltax books of The City of New York. They shall also describe the houses and lots assessed by their street numbers, if any. The Assessors shall also state the name of the owner or owners and occupant or occupants, if they be known to the Assessors, and it shall be their duty to ascertain, as far as may be, by inquiry'from the Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments or others, such ownership and 450 occupation, and such Commissioners shall afford the requisite information. Notice of completion of assesssments to be given. Sec. 950. It shall be the duty of the Board of Assessors, when it has completed any proposed assessment, to give notice of the fact and that it is proposed to lay the same to the owner or owners; such notice shall be published daily in the "City Record" and the corporation newspapers, for at least ten days suc- cessively. The notice shall describe the limits within which it is proposed to lay the said assessment, and shall contain a request for all persons whose interests may be affected thereby, and who may be opposed to the same, to present their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Assessors within thirty days from the date of such notice, and specifying a time and place after the expiration of the said thirty days when and where the said objections will be heard and testimony received in reference thereto if after hearing and examining such objections and testimony, the assess- ors shall not deem it proper to alter their assessment, or having altered it there shall still be objections to the same, it shall be their duty to present such objections with the proposed assess- ment to the Board of Revision of Assessments. If no objections shall be received, or if the Board of Assess- ors shall alter the assessment so as to satisfy the objectors, said Board shall forthwith declare the said assessment confirmed, and shall transmit the same to the Comptroller] for entry and collection. An assessment so confirmed shall be of the same force and effect as if confirmed by the Board of Revision. Award of damages for changes of grade ; liability in such cases. Sec. 951. All cases where a change of grade of any street or avenue has been made prior to the taking effect of this Act, shall, as to the liability to make compensation for damages caused by such change of grade, be governed by the laws in force at the time such change of grade was made. After the taking effect of this Act there shall be no liability to abutting owners for originally establishing a grade ; nor any liability for changing a grade once established by lawful authority, except where the owner^of the abutting property has subse- 451 quently to such establishment of grade built upon or otherwise mproved the property in conformity with such established grade, and such grade is changed after such buildings or improvements have been made. In such cases damages occa- sioned by such change of grade to such buildings and improve- ments shall be ascertained and assessed in connection with and as a part of the expenses of grading or otherwise improving the street or avenue in conformity with the grade as changed. A grade shall be deemed established by lawful authority within the meaning of this section where it was originally adopted b)" the action of the public authorities, or where the street or avenue has been used by the public as of right for twenty years and been improved by the public authority at the expense of the public or of the abutting owners. All laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. In case the grade of any such street shall be changed, and the same shall have been regulated and graded according ta the new grade, after the certificate of the cost of such regu- lating and grading shall have been received by the Board of Assessors, it shall be the duty of the said Board to cause to be published in the "City Record" and the corporation newspapers, for at least ten days successively, a notice which shall contain a request for all persons claim- ing to have been injured by the said change of grade to present, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, their claims, specifying a place where and a time when the said Board will receive evidence and testimony of the nature and extent of such injury. After hearing and considering the said testimony and evidence the Board of Assessors shall make such awards for such loss and damage, if any, as it may deem proper. The amount of the said awards shall be included in the assessment for the regulating and grading of the street in question, as a part of the expense thereof, and the said award, and the proceedings of the Assessors in relation thereto, shall be subject to review by the Board of Revision of Assessments. Foregoing Section — How Construed. Sec. 952. The foregoing section shall not be construed to 452 authorize the making of an award for loss or damage caused by change of grade in any case in which an award could not legally be made under laws existing immediately previous to the pas- sage of this Act, and affecting any part of the territory of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New York nor shall it be construed to affect the powers of any commission acting under any laws of this State. Awards — When to be paid ; Action for Default. Sec. 953. The City of New York shall, within four months after confirmation of any assessment, including awards made in pursuance of the last section but one, pay to the respective par- ties entitled thereto the amount of such awards, and in case of its neglect or failure to pay the same at the expiration of the said period,and after demand, it shall be lawful for the persons entitled to the same to sue for and recover the amount of their awards. In case any such award or compensation shall be paid to any person not entitled thereto, when the same ought to have been paid to some other person, it shall be lawful for the person to whom the same ought to have been paid to sue for and recover the same with interest and costs, as so much money had and received to his use by the person or persons respect- ively to whom the same shall have been so paid ; provided that when the name or names of the owner or owners, party or parties, are not set forth in the report of the Assessors, or where the said owners, parties or persons -respectively being named therein shall be insane, a married woman, under the age of twenty-one years, or absent from the city, or after diligent search cannot be found, or their title to receive such awards disputed, it shall be lawful for The City of New York to pay the sum mentioned in said report, or that would be coming to such owners, parties nnd persons respectively, to the Chamber- lain, to be secured, disposed of and invested as the Supreme •Court shall direct, and such payments shall be as valid and effectual in all respects as if made to the said owners, parties and persons respectively themselves, according to their just rights, if they had been known age, single women and of sound mind. Assessments for deepening water in docks, etc. Sec. 954. The expense of conforming to any order or direc- 453 tion made in accordance with section 832 of this Act, or of car- rying the same into effect, shall be estimated and assessed by the Board of Assessors upon or among the owner or owners of any or every wharf, pier, dock, bulk-head, piece of land, water- right, or privilege, near or adjacent to which any such water may be deepened, and which may in any manner be benefited thereby, in proportion, as nearly as may be, to the advantage which each shall be deemed to acquire. Every such estimate and assessment, after confirmation, shall be binding and conclu- sive upon the owners thereby assessed respectively, and shall be a lien or charge upon the property or premises in respect to which the same may have been made. Title 3. VACATING AND MODIFYING ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS OTHER THAN THOSE CONFIRMED BY A COURT OF RECORD. Remedies limited. Section 958. No suit or action in the nature of a bill in equity or otherwise shall be commenced for the vacation of any assessment in said city, or to remove a cloud upon title; but owners of property shall be confined to their remedies in such cases to the proceedings under this title. Petition to the Supreme Court in case of fraud or substantial error. Sec, 959. If in the proceedings relative to any assessment or as- sessments for local improvements, or in the proceedings to collect the same, any fraud or substantial error shall be alleged to have been committed, the party aggrieved thereby may apply to a Jus- tice of the Supreme Court in special term or in vacation, who shall thereupon, upon due notice to the Corporation Counsel, pro- ceed forthwith to hear the proofs and allegations of the parties. If, upon such hearing, it shall appear that the alleged fraud or substan- tial error, other than such errors as are specified in the next section, 454 has been committed as provided in this title, the said assessment shall be vacated or modified, and the lien created thereby, or by any subsequent proceedings, shall cease. If, upon such hearing, it shall appear that, by reason of any alleged irregularity, the expense of any local improvement has been unlawfully increased, the judge may order that such assessment upon the lands of said aggrieved party be modified by deducting therefrom such sum, as is in the same proportion to sudh assessment as is the whole amount of such un- lawful increase to the whole amount of the expense of such local im- provement. Any order that may be made by a Justice under authority of this section shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County in which the lands are situated, and after the filing of a certified copy thereof with the officer having charge of the assessment, it shall be his duty to cancel or re- duce the assessment as required by the order, or do any other act required thereby. Assessments not to be set aside for certain irregularities and technicali- ties. Sec. 960. No assessment heretofore made or imposed, or which shall hereafter be made or imposed for any local improve- ment or other public work, already completed or now being made or performed, or which shall hereafter be made, done, or performed, shall hereafter be vacated or set aside for or by reason of any omission to advertise, or irregularity in advertising any ordi- nance, resolution, notice, or other proceeding relative to, or auth- orizing the improvement or work for which such assessment shall have been made or imposed, or for proposals to do the work, or for or by reason of the omission of any officer to perform any duty im- posed upon him, or for or by reason of any defect in the authority of any department or officer upon whose action the assessment shall be in any manner or to any extent dependent, or for or by reason of any omission to comply with or carry out any detail of any law or or- dinance, or for or by reason of any irregularity or technicality, ex- cept only in cases in which fraud shall be shown and in case of an assesssment for repaving any street or public place, upon prop- erty for which an assessment has once been paid for paving the same 455 street or public place ; and all property in said city benefited by any improvement or other public work already completed, or now being made or performed, and hereafter made, done, or performed, except as aforesaid, shall be liable to assessment for such improvement or work, and all assessments for any such improvement or other pub- lic work shall be valid and binding notwithstanding any such omis- sion, irregularity, defect in authority, or technicality. No assess- ment shall be vacated by reason of fraud or irregularity in the proceedings to collect the same by sale of the assessed premises ; but, upon proof of such fraud or irregularity, such sale shall be set aside and the respective rights and liabilities of the assessed person and of the City of New York shall become and be the same as if such sale had not been made. All claims may be embraced in one proceeding. Sec. 961 . Any person applying for relief, under the provisions of this title, may embrace in one proceeding any or all assessments for local improvements in which he is interested. Power of court to vacate or reduce assessments limited and qualified. Sec. 962. No court shall vacate or reduce any assessment in fact or apparent, whether void or voidable, on any property for any local improvement, otherwise than to reduce any such assessment to the extent that the same may be shown by parties complaining thereof to have been in fact increased in dollars and cents by reason of fraud or substantial error ; and in no event shall that proportion of any such assessment, which is equivar lent to the fair value or fair cost of any actual local improve- ment, with interest at the rate of three per centum per annum from the date of confirmation to the date of the final order of reduction, and seven per centum thereafter, be disturbed for any cause. The provisions of this section shall apply to actions to recover money paiid for assessments, and the amount recovered sihall be limited to the excess over the fair value or fair cost of the improvement. 456 When proceeding to vacate, etc., to be brought. Sec. 963. All proceedings to vacate or reduce assessments in the City of New York must be brought within one year after the confirmation thereof. jRe-assessment. Sec. 964. Any lands which may be discharged from any lien for an assessment for any local improvement maybe again assessed, in the manner provided by law, for such amount as would have been justly chargeable if fraud or irregularity had not been committed; and the amount so assessed shall be a lien on said lands until paid, and shall be collectable in the manner provided by law for the col- lection of assessments, but all proceedings to make a new assess- ment shall be at the expense of the City. Title 4. OPENING STREETS AND PARKS. Authority to open streets. Sec. 970. The City of New York is authorized to acquire title for the use of the public to all or any of the lands required for streets, parks, approaches to bridges and tunnels, sites or lands above or under water for bridges and tunnels, and sites or lands above or under water, for all improvements of the navi- gation of waters within or separating portions of the City of New York, or of the water fronts of the City of New York, or part or parts thereof, heretofore duly laid out upon the map or plan of the City ot New York, of the City of Brooklyn, of Long Island City or of any of the territory by this Act con- solidated with the City of New York, or hereafter duly laid out upon the map or plan of The City of New York, as herein con- stituted, and to cause the same to be opened. The Board of 457 Public Improvements is authorized to direct the same to be done whenever and as often as it shall deem it for the public interests so to do. The lands, tenements and hereditaments that may be required for such purposes may be taken therefor, and compensation and recompense made to the parties and persons, if any such there shall be, to whom the loss and damage thereby shall be deemed to exceed the benefit and advantage thereof, for the excess of the damage over and above the value of said benefit. The City of New York is authorized to make application, or to cause application to be made, to the Supreme Court of this State in the first or second Judicial Departments, as the case may be, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment to ascertain and determine the compensation and recompense which should justly be made to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tene- ments, hereditaments and premises proposed to be taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, and to assess the cost of such improvement, of such proportion thereof as the Board of Public Improvements directs, upon such parties and persons, lands and tenements as may be deemed to be benefited thereby. Streets or portions thereof which are continuations of each other in the same general direction may be embraced in the same proceeding. The moneys collected tipon the assessment of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- ment shall be paid into the city treasury. The damages awarded by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment sliall become due and payable immediately upon the confirmation of the report of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment. Removal of buildings. Sec. 971. The Board of Public Improvements may permit any building which shall be either partly or wholly included within the limits of any such street, or park laid out in the said City, and so to be opened as aforesaid, to remain unremoved for such time or times as they shall think proper. 458 Columbia College, St. John's College and University of the City of New York: streets not to be opened through grounds of. Sec. 972. It shall be unlawful to open any streets through the grounds belonging to the corporation of St, John's College, in ifts actual occupation at what was formerly known as Fordham, or through or upon any part of the land and premises now owned by the University of the City of New York, extending from Sed*g- wick avenue to Aqueduct avenue, in the City of New York, and lying immediately south of and adjacent to One Hundred and Eighty-first street, sometimes called University avenue, so long as the same shall be owned or occupied for educational purposes by the said university; provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to interfere with the opening of One Hundred and Eighty-first street, between Andrews avenue and Aqueduct avenue, at any time hereafter, and provided that the said University of the City of New York shall dedicate without claim or reward for damages all of the land required for East One Hundred and Eighty-first street, between Andrews avenue and Aqueduct avenue. No street from One Hundred and Sixteenth street to One Hundred and Twentieth street, or from Amsterdam avenue to the Boulevard shall at any time be opened through the grounds of Columbia College, so long as such grounds are owned or occupied for educational purposes. Application for the appointment of commissioners. Sec. 973. Whenever the opening of any street shall have been duly authorized and directed, as provided in this Act, it shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel immediately to institute a proceed- ing to acquire title for the use of the public to the land required for such street, and upon due notice by advertisement duly pub- lished in the " City Record " and the corporation newspapers for ten days, and by causing copie;^ of the same in hand- bills to be posted for the same space of time in three con- spicuous places adjacent to the property to be affected by the in- tended improvement, to make application to the Supreme Court, 459 in the appropriate department thereof within the City, and in the manner appropriate to proceedings for the appointment of commis- sioners of estimate and assessment, indicating in such application the land required for that purpose by reference to the maps on file in his office. Upon such an application it shall be lawful for the said court to nominate and appoint three discreet and disinterested persons, being citizens of the United States, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding, for the performance of the duties in this chapter mentioned. The Corporation Counsel may nominate three discreet and disinterested persons to said court, of whom it may designate one 'who may be appointed. Any person who may be interested in the property which will be affected by the in- tended improvement, which interest for this purpose shall be de- cided by his own affidavit stating the nature and extent of such in- terest, may present to the court the name of one or more persons whose names shall form a list out of which, if a majority in in- terest of the persons so interested shall agree upon the name of one person, that person may be appointed; but if a majority shall not agree upon one person, then the court may appoint one person out of the names on such list, after which the said court may appoint a third person out of the names so presented by the Corporation Counsel and by the parties interested; all of which persons so named shall be subject to the right of challenge on the ground of inter- est, incapacity or disqualification to be exercised by the Corporation Counsel or by any person having an interest in the said proceed- ings; and if any of them be rejected for good cause, or refuse to serve, then another may be nominated in his stead by the same party. Amendment of defects. Sec. 974. Said court shall have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any special proceeding authorized by this ■title, that may be necessary, or to cause property to be affected thereby to be excluded, or other property to be included therein by amendment, upon ten days' notice published and posted as afore- said, and to direct such further notices to be given to any party in 460 interest as it deems proper, and also to appoint other commissioners in place of any who shall die, or refuse, or neglect to serve, or be incapable of serving, or be removed. If, in any particu- lar, it shall, at any time be found necessary to amend any peH- tion, pleading, proceeding or order, or to supply any defect therein, arising in the course of any special proceeding author- ized by this title, the same may be amended or supplied in such manner as shall be directed by the Supreme Court, which is hereby authorized to make such amendment or corrections. Vacancies among commissioners: how filled. Sec. 975. Incase of the death, resignation, refusal to act, or fail- ure to qualify within ten days after his appointment of any such Com- missioner of Estimate and Assessment, to be appointed under and by virtue of this title, for any such aforesaid purpose, it shall and may be lawful for the court aforesaid, or of any of the justices thereof, on the application of the City, on notice only to any person interested who may have appeared on the prior application, as often as such event shall happen, to appoint a discreet and disinterested person, being a citizen of the United States, in the place and stead of such commis- sioner so dying, resigning, refusing to act, or failing to qualify, and the surviving or acting commissioners, as the case may be, shall have power to proceed in the execution of the duties of their appointment, until a successor of the commissioner so dying, resigning, or refus- ing to act, or failing to qualify, shall be appointed. Two commissioners may act. Sec. 976. In all and of the appointment of commis- sioners by the court aforesaid, for any of the purposes aforesaid, it shall be competent and lawful for any two of such said commissioners so to be appointed, to proceed to and execute and perform the trusts and duties of their said appointment, and their acts shall be as valid and effectual as the acts of all the commissioners so to be appointed for such said purpose if they had acted therein would have been. In all cases the acts, decisions, and proceedings of the major part of such 461 of the commissioners to be appointed for any of the purposes afore- said as shall be acting in the premises, shall always be as binding, valid and effectual as if the said commissioners named and appointed for such purpose had all concurred and joined therein. Oath of commissioners. Sec. 977. Commissioners when they are appointed and before they enter upon the performance of the duties of their appointment, snail severally take and subscribe before some person authorized by law to administer oaths, the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will suppKDrt the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of commissioner accordmg to the best of my ability." Such oath or affirmation shall D€ filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the order ap- pointing the said cominiissioners has been entered. Commissioners to view and give notice of their appointment. Sec. 978. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners when appointed in a proceeding, to view the lands, tenements and premises to be thereby acquired, and lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises adjacent thereto, if they shall deem such view to be neces- sary or useful. They shall cause to be published in the "City Record" notice of their appointment, containing a brief statement of the purposes for which they have been appointed, and requiring all parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening, extending, enlarging, straightening, altering or otherwise improving the said street or park affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, to present the same to them duly verified, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claimants may desire, within twenty days after the date of such notice, and stating a time and place after the expiration of said twenty days when the said parties and persons shall be heard in relation thereto by the said commissioners. At the time and place fixed by said notice, or 462 at any such further or other times and places as the said commis- sioners may appoint, the said commissioners shall hear such owners and examine the proof of such claimant or claimants, or such ad- ditional proof and allegations as may then be oflfered by such owners, or on behalf of the City of New York. Certain Pozvers of Commissioners. Sec. 979. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment duly appointed in proceedings authorized by this title to administer oaths. And the said commissioners may, as a condition for the opening of a default, require the party applying therefor to pay the fees of the commissioners, and the clerical expenses of the commissioners, for the additional meeting or meet- ings of the commissioners made necessary by the fault of such par- ty. They shall reduce any testimony taken before them to writing. They may cause such maps or diagrams to be prepared, if they deem the same necessary, as will enable or assist them to hear and de- termine the claims or interests of the said owners and persons inter- ested. From the surveys and maps furnished to or prepared by them and such other information as the said commissioners shall possess or obtain, they shall cause diagrams to be prepared which shall dis- tinctly indicate, by separate numbers, the names of the owners of or the claimants to the respective plots or parcels of land to be taken or assessed by such proceeding, and which shall also specify, in figures, with sufficient accuracy, the dimensions and bounds of each said tracts or parcels. The said commissioners, before the completion of their esti- mate and assessments, may obtain from the City of New York a profile or plan, if they shall deem the same useful, showing the in- tended regulation of the street, or part of a street, with regard to the opening of which they have been appointed, as to the elevation or depression thereof, after the same shall be opened, extended, enlarged, straightened, altered, or otherwise improved, as the case may be; and also profiles or plans, if they shall deem the same useful, showing the intended regulation of the adjacent street 463 or streets, as to the elevation or depression thereof, after such im- provement. The said commissioners may require any board, department, or officer of the City of New York to furnish to them such surveys and maps as may be required by them. Commissioners to ascertain damages and benefit. Sec. 980. After hearing such testimony and considering such proofs as may be offered, the commissioners, or a major- ity of them, all having considered the same, or having had an oppor- tunity to be present, shall, without unnecessary delay, ascertain and estimate the compensation which ought justly to be made by the City of New York to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises so required for the improvement; and make a just and equitable estimate and assessment also of the value of the benefit and advantage of such improvement to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in- terested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises not re- quired for the said improvement, and prepare an abstract of their estimate and assessment. They shall not, in making their estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said improvement, be confined to any definite limit, but shall and hereby are authorized to extend such estimate and assessment to any and all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as they may deem to be benefited by the improvement, and which they may judge expedient to include in their report in the premises. The Board of Public Improvements may in any case determine whether any, and, if any, what proportion of the cost and expense thereof shall be borne and paid by the City of New York, and the re- mainder of such cost and expense shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby. The said commissioners shall in no case assess any house, lot, improved or unimproved lands, more than one-half the \alue of such house, lot, improved or unimproved land, as valued by them. It shall be lawful for the said commissioners, if they shall deem it just 464 and equitable under the circumstances to do so, but not otherwise, to assess any part, not exceeding one-third part of the estimated value of any building or buildings taken in the proceeding, but not of any other improvement, upon the City of New York. If the said commissioners of estimate and assessment shall judge that any in- tended regulation will injure any building or buildings not required to be taken for the purpose of opening, extending, enlarging, straightening, altering, or improving such street or part of a street, they shall proceed to make, together with the other esti- mates and assessments required by law to be made by them, a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage which will accrue, by and in consequence of such intended regulation, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons, respectively, en- titled unto or interested in the said building or buildings so to be injured by the said intended regulation; and the sums or estimates of compensation and recompense for such loss and damage shall be included by the said commissioners in their report and included in the assessment for benefit. Abstract of estimate and assessment to be deposited. Sec. 981. The said commissioners shall deposit in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department their said abstract of their estimate and assessment at least thirty days before their report shalf be presented to the court for confirmation, which abstract shall be accompanied by copies of the diagrams used by them and which shall refer to the numbers thereby indicated, and state the several sums respectively estimated for or assessed upon each of said parcels with the name or names, claimant or claimants, so far as ascertained by said commissioners. They shall also deposit all the affidavits and proofs used by them in making theirreport. Theyshall also publish a notice for fifteen days in the '' City Record" and in the corpora- tion newspapers, and when authorized pursuant to this Act, in not more than one newspaper published in the Borough in which the property is located, stating their intention to present theirreport for confirmation to the said court at a time and place to be specified in said notice, and that all persons interested in such proceedings, or 465 in any of the lands affected thereby, having objections thereto, shall file the same, in writing, duly verified, with said commissioners with- in twenty days after the first publication of said notice, and that the said commissioners will hear parties so objecting at a place and at a time after the expiration of said twenty days, to be specified in sai'd notice. Similar notice for at least ten days shall be given of any new, supplemental or amended abstract. At the time and place named in said notice the said commissioners shall hear the person or persons who have objected to the said abstract, and who may then and there appear, and shall have power to adjourn from time to time until all such persons shall be fully heard. Amendment of abstract. Sec. 982. It shall not be lawful for Commissioner of Estimate and Assessment to alter or amend any abstract or report, or supple- mental or amended abstract or report, after the same shall have been deposited for inspection as required by law, by increasing the amount of any assessment for benefit, or diminishing any award for damage, unless the person or persons, party or parties, affected by such in- crease or diminution shall have had notice thereof and an opportunity of being heard before said commissioners before their report shall be presented to the court for confirmation. Witness: how compelled to testify. Sec. 983. Upon the application of any person or persons whose rights may be affected by the said estimate or assessment, veri- fied by the oath or affirmation of such applicant or his agent, that any witness, residing or being in the City of New York, whose affidavit to verify or oppose any objection to the said estimate or assessment is material or necessary to such party, refuses voluntarily to appear before any officer authorized to take such affidavit, to testify or affirm to such matter as he may know, touching such ob- jection, any one of the said commissioners of estimate and assess- ment in the proceeding may issue a subpoena, under his hand, re- quiring such witness to appear and testify to such matters as he 466 may know touching the said estimate or assessment, at such time and place as the said commissioner may designate in such subpoena. And every person, who, being served with such subpoena, shall, without reasonable cause, refuse or neglect to appear, or appearing, shall refuse to answer, under oath or affirmation, touching the mat- ters aforesaid, shall forfeit to the party injured one hundred dollars; and may also be committed to prison by any justice of the Supreme Court upon application duly made on behalf of the commissioner who issued such subpoena, there to remain, without bail and without the liberties of the jail, until he shall submit to answer, under oath or affirmation as aforesaid. The testimony of such witness when given shall be reduced to writing in the presence of and be sworn or affirmed to before such commissioner. Commissioners to present report to court. Sec. 984. After considering the objections, if any, and making any correction or alteration of their estimate or assessment, which said commissioners, or any two of them shall find to be just and proper, the said commissioners shall file the said report, signed by them or a majority of them, in the office of the clerk of the county where the lands are situated at least five days before the time mentioned in said notice for the pre- sentation of said report to the court for confirmation, or the date to which the same shall have been duly adjourned. The said com- missioners, or any person interested in said proceeding, shall noti^ the Corporation Counsel and all persons who have filed their objec- tions as aforesaid, or who have theretofore appeared as soon as the said report shaill have been filed. The Corporation Counsel may present the same for confirmation, or in case of his neglect or refusal, any person interested in the lands taken or required for said im- provement may present the same, upon notice to the Corporation Counsel. Report: what to contain. Sec. 985. The report of the commissioners shall consist of the diagram hereinbefore referred to, duly corrected, when necessary, 467 with a tabular abstract of the estimate and assessment, with any corrections or alterations thereof by said commissioners, showing fully and separately to the said court the amount of loss and damage, and of benefit and advantage to each and every owner, lessee, party and person entitled or interested in any lands, tenements, heredita- ments, or premises aflfected by the improvement. In said report the commissioners who shall make the same shall set forth the names of the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons entitled unto or interested in the said lands, tenements, hereditaments, and prem- ises mentioned in the said report, and each and every part and parcel thereof, as far forth as the same shall be ascertained by them, and an apt and sufficient designation or description of the respective lots or |>arcels of land and other tenements, hereditaments and premises that may be required for the purpose of opening such street or park, or part thereof so to be opened, or laying out and form- ing or extending and enlarging or otherwise improving such street or park so to be laid out and formed, or so to be extended, enlarged or otherwise improved, as the case may be, and also of the said re- spective lots or parcels of land and other tenements, hereditaments and premises not included within, but deemed to be benefited by the same, and so assessed by the said commissioners for the said benefit as aforesaid. It shall refer to the number of the tracts and parcels indicated by said diagrams, and state the several sums respectively estimated for or assessed upon each of said tracts or parcels, with the name or names of the owners or claimants of each, if ascertained by said commissioners. Whenever the said commissioners shall be unable to ascertain with sufficient certainty the name of any owner of any parcel of said lands, they shall indicate such parcel upon the diagram embracing it, as belonging to unknown owners. It shall not be necessary in said repyort to describe any of the said tracts or parcels by metes and bounds, but only by reference to the said dia- grams. It shall also set forth the several and respective sums esti- mated and assessed as and for the compensation and recompense, or the allowance to be made for the loss and damage, or for the bene- fit, as the case may be, of the respective owners of the fee or inherit- 468 ance of such lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises respec- tively, and for the loss and damage, or for the benefit, as the ca&e may be, of the respective owners of the leasehold estates or other interests therein separately; but in all, and each and every case and cases where the owners and parties interested, or their respective estates and interests are unknown, or not fully known to the said commissioners, it shall be sufficient for them to estimate and assess, and to set forth and state in their said report, in general terms, the respective sums to be allowed and paid to or by the owners and pro- prietors generally of such said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises, and parties interested therein for the loss and damage, or for the benefit and advantage, as the case may be, to such owners, proprietors, and parties interested in respect of the whole estate and interest of whomsover may be entitled to, unto or interested in the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises respectively, by and in consequence of the said operation and improvement of open- ing, laying out, and forming or extending, enlarging or otherwise improving tlhe said street or park or section thereof so to be opened or so to be laid out and formed or extended, enlarged, or otherwise improved, as the case may be, without specifying the names of the estates or interests of such owners and proprietors and parties interested, or of any or either of them. Said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment may, in their discretion, or when required by the Board of Public Improvements make up and file a preliminary abstract of their estimate of damages, separate and apart from their estimate of assessments for benefit, embracing either the entire lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises to be acquired or successive sections or parcels there- of, and ascertain and estimate the compensation to be made thereon and make a separate report with reference thereto. Such separate or partial report shall be made in the same form and manner, and such proceedings shall be had in respect thereto, as in respect to th^ report of the commissioners relative to the entire lands taken and assessed as herein provided for, except that the final or last separate report shall contain the assessment for benefit. 469 [ Proceedings upon presentation of report for confirmation. Sec. 986. The application for the confirmation of the report shall be made to the Supreme Court, at a term thereof held within The City of New York as constituted by this Act, and in the Judicial Department within which the lands are situated. Upon the coming in of the said report, signed by the said commissioners, or any two of them, and upon the hearing of the application for the confirmation thereof, if title to said lands shall not have been theretofore vested in the City of New York, or if said lands are not being condemned for a pubHc park, parkway, public square or place, and if persons who ap- pear by the said report to be interested, either iby assessment for benefit or award for damages, to the amount of a majority in amount of the whole assessments and awards, shall appear and object to fur- ther proceedings upon the said report, the court shall order the pro- ceeding to be discontinued; otherwise the said court shall by rule or order, after hearing any matter which may be alleged against the same, either confirm the said report in whole, or in part, or refer the same, or a part thereof, to the said commissioners for revisal and correction, or to new commissioners, to be appointed by the said court to reconsider the subject matter thereof, and the said commis- sioners to whom the said report or part thereof shall be so referred shall return the same report or such part thereof, corrected and re- vised, or a new report to be made by them in the premises to the said court without unnecessary delay ; and the same on being so returned shall be confirmed or again '•eferred by the said court in manner aforesaid, as right and justice shall require, and so from time to time until a report Shall be made or re- turned in the premises, which the said court shall wholly confirm, and such report, when so confirmed by the said court, shall, unless set aside or reversed on appeal, be final and conclusive, as well upon the City of New York as upon the owners, lessees, persons, and parties interested and entitled unto the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises mentioned in the said report ; and also upon all other persons whomsoever. 470 Duplicate copies of report to be filed. Sec. 987. Duplicate copies of said report signed by the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall be filed by the Corporation Counsel of said City, one in the office of the Comptroller, and the other in the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court, where the order confirmmg said report is entered. Appeals. Sec. 988. The City of New York or any party or person affected by the said proceeding and aggrieved by the said report when confirmed as aforesaid, may appeal to the Ap- pellate Division of the said court. Such appeal shall be taken and heard in the manner provided by the code of Civil Procedure and the rules and practice of the said court in rela- tion to appeals in special proceedings, and such appeal shall be heard and determined by such Appellate Division upon the merits both as to matters of law and fact. But the taking of an appeal by any person or persons shall not operate to stay the proceeding's under this Act, except as to the particular parcel of real estate with which the appeal is concerned ; and the order confirming the said re- port shall be deemed to be final and conclusive upon all parties and persons affected thereby who have not appealed. Such appeals shall be heard upon the evidence taken before the said commis- sioners, or such part or portion thereof as the court at special term may certify, or the parties to said appeal may agree upon as sufficient to present the merits of the questions in respect to which such ap- peal shall be had, and on affidavits as to irregularities which have been presented to the court at special term upon the coming in of such report of said commissioners. When an order confirming a re- port shal'l be reversed upon appeal, the commissioners to whom such report shall be referred for amendment, correction, or revisal, shall have power to make such additional assessment as may be necessary. Appeal to Court of Appeals authorized. Sec. 989. An appeal to the Court of Appeals may be taken 471 by the city or any person or party interested in the said proceed- ing and aggrieved by the order of the Appellate Division. Such appeal may be taken within sixty days, and heard in the manner provided by the Code of Civil Procedure and the rules and practice of the Court of Appeals, in relation to appeals in special proceedings. The Court of Appeals may affirm or reverse the order appealed from, and may m;ike such order or direction as shall be appropriate to the case, whether for a rehearing of the same before the Commissioners, or for final confirmation of the report or otherwise. If the report is con- firmed, the Court of Appeals shall enter a final order in the proceedings which shall be binding upon all persons having any interest in the property or franchises condemned, and directing that compensation be made, pursuant to the determination of the Commissioners, and the city shall thereupon be entitled to take and hold forever the property and franchises condemned for the public use. Payment of the compensation into the court to the credit of any person or corporation mentioned in said order, in case tender thereof shall have been refused by such person or corporation, shall be deemed a payment within the provisions of this Act. Vesting of title. Sec. 990. Should the Board of Public Improvements at any time deem it for the public interest that the title to the lands and premises required for any street or park heretofore or hereafter laid out, widened, altered, extended, or otherwise improved, should be acquired by the City of New York at a fixed or spec- ified time, the said Board of Public Improvements may direct, by resolution, where no buildings are upon such lands, that upon the date of the filing of the oath of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, as provided for in this chapter, or upon a specified date thereafter, and where there are buildings upon such lands, that upon a date not less than six months from the date of the filing of said oath, the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of any such street or park, shall be vested in the City of New York. Thereafter, when the said Commissioners shall 472 have taken and filed said oath, upon the date of such fihng or upon such subsequent date as may be specified where no build- ings are upon such lands, and where there are buildings upon such lands upon the date specified by said Board of Public Improve- ments, either before or after the filing of such oath, the same being not less than six months from the date of said filing, the City of New York shall become and be seized in fee of said lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the said resolution mentioned, that shall or may be so required as aforesaid, the same to be held, appropriated, con- verted, and used to and for such purpose accordingly, in like manner as are other public streets and parks, respectively, in the said City. In such cases interest at the legal rate upon the sum or sums to which the owners, lessees, parties or persons are justly entitled upon the date of the vesting of title in the City of New York, as aforesaid, from said date to the date of the report of the com- missioners shall be allowed by the Commissioners as a part of the compensation to which such owners, lessees, parties, or persons are entitled. In all other cases, title, as aforesaid, shall vest in the City of New York upKjn the confirmation by the court of the report of the Commissioners. Upon the vesting of title the City of New York, or any person or persons acting under its authority, may im- mediately, or at any time thereafter, take possession of the same, or any part or parts thereof, without any suit or proceeding at law for that purpose. The title acquired by the City of New York to lands and prem- ises required for a street, shall be in trust, that the same be appro- priated and kept open for, or as part of a public street, forever, in like manner as the other streets in the City are and of right ought to be. The title acquired by the City of New York to lands and premises acquired for a park shall be a fee simple absolute. Within what time proceedings to be completed: removal of commis- sioners. Sec. 991. The commissioners appointed in pursuance of this title shall complete said proceedings on their part within six months from the time of their appointment, unless further time be allowed 473 by the Supreme Court. At least five days' notice of the application for such extension shall be given by the Corporation Counsel to all persons who have appeared in said proceedings, and have special- ly requested that notice of any such application be served upon them. Upon such application, the court shall have power to make such order in the premises in respect to the time and manner of completing the report of said commissioners, and in respect to the taking and submission of tihe proofs of the parties interested, as will enable or require the commissioners to complete said proceeding on their part with reasonable dispatch; and if it shall appear that the said proceeding has been delayed by reason of the inattention, neglect or refusal of said commissioners, or any of them, to act or attend, or of the failure of a majority of them to agree upon a report, the court may remove the commissioner or commis- sioners so neglecting or refusing, or the commissioners fail- ing to agree, and appoint a suitable person or persons in his or their place. And the said court may, at any time, remove any of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who, in its judg- ment, shall be incapable of serving, or who shall, for any reason. >" its judgment, be an unfit person to serve as such commissioner. The cause of such removal shall be specified in the order making the same. Owners may convey to the City. Sec. 992. The owners of land and of all the estate therein em- braced within the lines of any street laid down and shown on the map or plan of the City of New York, and comprising all the land within said lines in an entire block in extent, may, without compensation, and at their own expense, convey all their right, title, and interest therein, providing the same shall be free from in- cumbrances inconsistent with the title to be acquired by the City, to the City of New York, and upon the delivery of such convey- ances to the Corporation Counsel of said City, with the money neces- sary to record such conveyances, and affidavits made by all such owners to the effect that the persons making them, are the owners 474 of the estates in such lands so conveyed by them, respectively, and stating- their interests, and that such estates in such lands are free of all incumbrances, except as aforesaid, together with abstracts of title and complete searches, if desired by such Corporation Counsel, it shall be the duty of such Corporation Counsel to examine such conveyances and papers, and if such titles shall not be rejected for good cause, by such CorjxDration Counsel, he shall cause the said conveyances to be recorded in the ofBce in which conveyances of real estate are recorded in' the county in which such lands are located, within sixty days after their delivery to him., and file them with the comptroller of such City, and thereupon the City of New York shall become vested with the title to said lands to the same effect and extent as if they had been acquired by a proceeding taken for the opening of that portion of said street; after the making and acceptance of such conveyances, no proceedings to open the lands so conveyed shall be taken or maintained, nor shall the lands fronting on that portion of the street so con- veyed, and extending to the center of the block on either side of such portion of said street so conveyed, be chargeable with any portion of the expenses of opening the residue or any portion of the residue of such street, except the due and fair propor- tion of the awards that may be made for buildings as aforesaid. Subdivision of plots. Sec. 998. If, at any time after the filing of the maps showing the laying out of streets by proper municipal authority, the owner or owners of any plot of land bounded on all sides by streets, and not laid out as and for a public square, place or park, shall desire to subdivide such plot and give public right of way into or through such plot, he, she, or they may submit two sets of maps, plans, or surveys of such plot and of such proposed right of way, showing the width, which shall not be less than thirty feet, and the location, extent, and direction of the same, and the proposed grade therefor, to thelBoard of Pub- lic Improvements, for approval ; and if the same shall be approved 475 and the owner or owners aforesaid shall immediately thereafter con- vey in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel, the title to the land required for such right of way, free and clear from all incumbrances, to the City of New York in trust as and for a public street, the same shall from that time be and become an opened public street, the same as if it had been laid out and opened as other streets are or ought to be ; and the maps, plans, or surveys thereof, and of the grades therefor, aforesaid, shall immediately thereafter be certified by the city clerk, and one set thereof shall be filed in and remain of record in the office in which convey- ances of real estate are recorded in the county in which such land is located, and the other set thereof in the office of the Corpora- tion Counsel of said City. City may agree with owners. Sec. 994. It shall be lawful for the City at any time or times, either before or after the appointment of commissioners in the premises, for any of the purposes aforesaid, to agree with the own- ers, lessees, parties, or persons entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, that either will be benefited by, or may be required for the purpose of, making the operation and improvement intended to be made, or with any or with either of such owners or other parties interested therein, for and about the cession of the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises required of him, her, or them, respectively, for the purpose of making such said intended operation and improvement, and for and about the com- pensation and recompense to be made to him, her, or them, for the same, or for and about the allowance, or sum or sums to be allowed and paid by such owners and parties, respectively, or by any, or eithei, of them, for the benefit and advantage of the street or park or section thereof so to be opened, or laid out and formed, or the extension, enlargement, or other improvement of the street or park so to be extended, enlarged, or otherwise improved, to him, iher, or them, over and above the value of the lands, tenements, heredita- ments, and premises, that may be required if any lands, tenements, 476 hereditaments or premises shall be required of nim, her, or them, for the purpose of opening, laying out, and forming or extending, enlarging, or otherwise improving the same, and in case of any such agreement or agreements, with part only of the said owners and parties entitled unto and interested in the said knds, tenements, hereditaments, and premises so required for the purpose of making any such operation and improvement as afore- said, or to be benefited thereby, the same shall be valid and binding upon the parties thereto, and the said commissioners shall, never- theless, enter upon and make or proceed with their said estimate ri-d assessment, and make report to the said court, as to the residue of the said lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises required for the said purpose of making such said operation and improve- ment, or to be benefited thereby, concerning which the owners thereof and parties interested therein shall not agree; and the said re- port, when confirmed, shall be of like force and effect in regard to the matters comprised therein, as if no such agreement as to the part of the premises had been made. City entitled to compensation and liable to assessment. Sec. 995. If any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or premises belonging to the City of New York, or wherein it may be interested, shall be required for any of the purposes aforesaid, or shall be benefited by any such operation and improvement as hereinbefore mentioned, the City shall be entitled to compensation and recom- pense for the loss and damage it may sustain, and shall be bound to allow and pay for the benefit and advantage it may be deemed to acquire thereby, in like manner as other owners and proprietors of lands and premises required for the purpose of making the said operation and improvement, or deemed to be benefited thereby; and it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, and they are hereby directed in such, each and every case, to estimate and assess upon the principles, and in the manner herein aforesaid; and to report the sum or sums which, in their opinion, ought to be allowed and paid to or by the City for the said 477 loss and damage, or for the said benefit or advantage, as the case may be, to the City, by and in consequence of such said operation and improvement of opening the said street or park, or section there- of so to be opened, or laying out, or forming, or extending, enlarg- ing, or otherwise improving the same, so to be laid out and formed, or extended, enlarged or otherwise improved, as the case may be. It shall not, however, be lawful to lay or impose any assessment what- ever on any public park, square, or place, or street, road or avenue, but all such assessments which may be properly payable by the City shall be assessed against it in a gross sum in each and every of such proceedings. Contracts of landlord and tenant: how affected. Sec. 996. In all cases where the whole of any lot or parcel of land or other premises, under lease or other contract, shall be taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, by virtue of this title, all the cove- nants, contracts, and engagements between landlord and tenant, or any other contracting parties, touching the same, or any part there- of, shall, upon the vesting of the title in the City of New York, cease and determine and be absolutely discharged ; and in all cases where part only of any lot or parcel of land, or other premises, so under lease or other contract, shall be so taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, all contracts and engagements respecting the same shall, upon such vesting of title, cease, determine and be absolutely dis- charged as to the part thereof so taken, but shall remain valid and obligatory as to the residue thereof, and the rents, considera- tions and payments reserved or payable, and to be paid, for or in respect to the same, shall be so apportioned as that the part thereof justly and equitably payable, or that ought to be paid, for such said residue thereof, and no more shall be demanded or paid, or re- coverable, for or in respect of the same. • Corporation Counsel to represent interests of City before Commis- sioners, and provide clerks a?id offices: expenses. Sec. 997. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel 478 to furnish the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who may be appointed in any proceeding to open, widen, extend, alter, or close any street, park or parkway in said City, such necessary clerks and other employees, and to provide such suit- able offices as they may require to enable them to fully and satisfactorily discharge the duties imposed upon them by this chapter; the Corporation Counsel shall, either in person or by such assistant or counsel as he shall designate for the purpose, ap- pear for and protect the interests of the City in all proceedings in court and before the commissioners. All expenses for searcher's or surveyor's fees, and such other necessary expenses and dis- bursements which the City of New York shall incur under the pro- visions of this section shall be paid by the comptroller out of the fund for street and park openings, provided for by existing laws, and shall be borne and reimbursed and paid to the City of New York by the parties and persons interested and entitled, as owners or otherwise, unto and in the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises deemed to be benefited thereby, and the same shall be in- cluded in and taxed by the court, upon due proof of the services rendered, and disbursements charged as part of the necessary costs and expenses of the said proceedings; but such expenses and dis- bursements shall not be included in the assessments for benefit until after they have been taxed before a justice of the Supreme Court, in the appropriate department. Other costs and charges. Sec. 998. Except as hereinbefore otherwise provided, no costs or charges of the said commissioners or others shall be paid or al- lowed for any service performed under this title, unless the same shall be taxed by the said court after notice given as provided in the following section. Upon such taxation, due proof of the nature and extent of the services rendered and disbursements charged shall be furnished, and no unnecessary cost or charges shall be al- lowed. Each of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment shall receive six dollars for each day upon which the said commis- sioners shall meet and be actually and necessarily employed in the 479 performance of the duties imposed upon them by this Act. All such costs, fees, and expenses or disbursements, which by law are re- quired to be taxed as in this chapter provided, shall be stated in detail in the bill of costs and charges and expenses, and shall be accompanied by such proof of the reasonableness and necessity thereof, as is now required by law and the practice of the said court upon taxation of costs and disbursements in other special proceed- ings or actions in said court; provided, however, that in any pro- ceeding of an unusually difficult or extraordinary character, the said court, may, upon tSxing said costs or expenses, make such additional allowances to the said commissioners as may to it ap- pear just and equitable, upon such proof as may be submitted of the nature and extent of the services rendered by said commis- sioners. Taxation of costs. Sec. 999. A bill of said costs, charges, and expenses shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county m which the order ap- pointing the isaid commissioners has been entered, at least ten days before the same shall be presented for taxation. There shall be an- nexed a statement of the aimounts, if any, previously taxed, to whom the same were payable, and the date of such taxation. A notice of at least ten days shall be published in the "City Record," and the corporation newspapers, and served upon the Corporation Counsel, of the time and place of taxing said costs, charges, and expenses, which shall be there- upon taxed by a justice of the Supreme Court, or a referee under his spvecial order, and before the report of said commission- ers shall be presented for confirmation. On said final taxation there may be a retaxation of any bill previously taxed in the same pro- ceeding, if sufficient reason therefor be made to appear. Discontinuance of proceedings. Sec. 1000. The Board of Public Improvements is authorized and empowered to discontinue any and all legal proceedings taken 480 for opening, widening, straightening, extending altering, or closing streets or parks, or parts thereof, at any time before title to the lands and premises to be thereby acquired shall have vested in the City of New York, if, in its opinion, the public interest requires such discontinuance, and with power to cause new pro- ceedings to be taken in such cases for the appointment of new commissioners. Damages for land taken: when to be paid. Sec. 1001. All damages awarded by the Commissioners of Esti- mate and Assessments with interest thereon from the date of said report, and all costs or expenses which may be taxed, shall be paid by the City of New York to the respective persons and bodies politic or corporate mentioned or referred to in said report, or in whose favor such costs or expenses shall be taxed. Interest shall cease to run on sums awarded as damages six months after the date of the confirma- tion of said report unless within that time demand therefor be made upon the Comptroller. Said damages, costs, and expenses shall be paid from the fund for street and park openings provided for in this Act, and by existing laws. The person or persons to whom awards shall be made in such proceedings, and the person or persons in whose favor costs and expenses may be taxed, shall not have an action at law against the City of New York for such awards, costs, or expenses, but the court in which said proceedings have been had, upon the application of any such person or persons, in case of the failure of the Comp- troller of said City to pay the same within thirty days after demand therefor, shall require and direct the Comptroller to pay said awards, costs, and expenses from the said fund, and enforce said order or mandate in the same manner as other orders and mandates of said court are enforced. Provided, however, that whenever the amount of damages awarded in any report, together with the costs of the commissioners, shall exceed the balance remaining in said fund after deducting all outstanding claims against said balance, the comptroller shall and he is hereby authorized to raise, by the issue and sale of revenue bonds, such amounts as shall be necessary to 481 pay such damages, costs, and expenses, and said court, upon the application of any person or persons in whose favor, or to whom awards shall be made in such proceeding, and the person or per- sons in whose favor costs and expenses may be taxed, may require or direct the Comptroller to raise the money necessary to enable him to pay such awards, costs and expenses, and from such fund to pay the same, except that when any sum or sums shall in said re- port be made to unknown owners, the Supreme Court shall, upon the application of said City of New York, or of any person entitled to, or claiming to be interested in the lands, tenements, or here- ditaments for which said awards have been made, or any part there- of, either direct the same to be retained by the Comptroller, or to be paid into the Supreme Court, until the title thereto, or of the re- spective estates and interests of all parties therein shall be deter- mined by said court, and upon such application, the said court may take the proof and testimony of the claimant or claimants, or parties interested in the lands for which said awards have been made, or re- fer the matter to a referee idt- such purpose. Moneys of persons under disability: how disposed of: moneys paid to wrong person. Sec. 1002. Whenever the owners and proprietors of any such lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises so to be taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, or the party or parties, person or persons interested therein, or any, or either of them, the said owners, pro- prietors, parties or persons in whose favor any such sum or sums, or compensation shall be so reported, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, non compos mentis, femme covert, or absent from the City of New York, and also in all cases where the name or names of the owner or owners, parties or persons entitled unto or inter- ested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or premises that may be so taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall not be set for£h or mentioned in the said report, or where the said owners, parties, or persons, respectively, being named therein, cannot upon dili- gent inquiry be found, it shall be lawful for the City to pay the sum or sums mentioned in the said report, payable, or that would be 482 coming to such owners, proprietors, parties, and persons, respect- ively, into the said Supreme Court, to be secured, disposed of, and improved as the said court shall direct, and such payment shall be as valid and effectual, in all respects, as if made to the said owners, proprietors, parties, and persons, respectively, themselves, accord- ing- to their just rights, as if they had been known and had all been present, of full age, discovert, and compos mentis; and, provided also, that in all, and each, and every case and cases, where any such sum or sums, or compensations, so to be reported by the safd commissioners in favor of any person or persons, or party or par- ties whatsoever, whether named or not named in the said report, shall be paid to any person or persons, or party or parties whom- soever, when the same shall of right belong, and ought to have been paid, to some other person or persons, or party or parties, it shall be lawful for the person or persons, or party or parties, to whom the same ought to have been paid, to sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest and costs of suit, as so much money had and re- ceived to his, her, or their use, by the person or persons, party or parties, respectively, to whom the same shall have been so paid. Sums to be equally and proportionately assessed. Sec. 1003. All moneys paid under the provisions of this title by the City, except such part thereof as the Board of. Public Improvements shall direct to be borne and paid by the City of New York, shall be assessed equally and proportionately, as far as the same may be practicable, upon the lands and premises benefited by the improvement, and shall be a lien and charge thereon, and shall be applied, levied and collected in the man- ner provided by law for the assessment, levy, and collection of similar expenses and disbursements for the reimbursement of the city treasury. Sums assessed to be Kens. Sec. 1004. The respective sums or assessments so to be assessed and reported by the said Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- ment, as and for the allowance to be made by the parties and per- sons, respectively, in the said report mentioned or referred to, and in- tended as owners and proprietors of, or parties interested in, lands and premises deemed to be benefited, for the benefit and advan- tage of the street or park or section thereof, or of the ex- tension, enlargement, or other improvement of the street or park mentioned in the said report, shall be a lien or charge on the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, in the said report of the said commissioners mentioned, or upon the estate and interests of the respective owners, lessees, and parties interested in such said lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises for or on account of which the said respective suths shall be so assessed by the said com- missioners upon the said respective owners and proprietors thereof, or parties interested therein. The owners, proprietors and parties interested therein, and also the occupants, and each and every of them, shall, moreover, be respectively liable to pay on demand the respective sum or sums or assessments mentioned in the said report of the commissioners, at which the respective lands, tene- ments, hereditaments and premises so owned or occupied by him, her, or them, or wherein he, she, or they are so interested, or at which the owners and proprietors thereof shall be so assessed, to such person or persons as the city shall appoint to receive the same. The said respective sums or assessments, with interest as in this Act provided, may be recovered with all costs and charges by the City from and against the parties assessed, or the owner or owners of the respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises whereon or in respect of which the same may be assessed, or set forth in the said report of the commissioners, or from or against any or either of the said parties or owners, without joining any other Of others of them, the said parties or owners therein, by action; provided, that nothing herein contained shall affect any agreement between landlord and tenant, or any other contracting parties re- specting the payment of any such assessment or charges, but they shall be answerable to each other in the same manner as if the pro- visions in this title contained concerning the same had never been made; and if any money so to be assessed, be paid by or collected 484 or recovered from any person or persons when by agreement or by law the same ought to have been borne and paid by some otHer person or persons, it shall be lawful for the person or persons paying the same, or from whom the same shall be recovered, by suit or otherwise, to sue for and recover the money so paid by or recovered from him or them, with interest and costs, as so much money paid for the use of the person or persons who ought to have paid the same, and the said report of the commissioners, with proof of payment, shall be conclusive evidence in such suit. Comptroller to publish notice of confirmation of assessment, etc. Sec. 1005. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to give public notice, by advertisement, for at least ten days, in the "City Record" and the corporation newspapers, immediately after the confirmation of any assessment for a street or park opening, that the same has been confirmed, specifying the title of such assess- ment, the date of its confirmation by the Supreme Court, and also the date of entry in the record of titles of assessment kept in the bureau for the collection of assessments and of arrears of taxes and assessments, and of water rents, notifying all persons, owners of property affected by any such assessment, that, unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of any such assessment, interest shall thereafter be collected thereon as pro- vided in the following section ; and all provisions of law or ordinance requiring any other or different notice of assessments and interest thereon are repealed. Interest to be charged if not paid in sixty days. Sec. 1006. If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said rec- ord of titles and assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest thereon, at the rate of seven per centum per annum ; to be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of payment. 485 Interest limited to excess in certain cases. Sec. 1007. Whenever an estimate and assessment for loss and damage, and for benefit and advantage shall be made by the com- missioners of estimate and assessment relative to the same person or persons, no interest shall be demanded from such person or per- sons upon the amount assessed for benefit and advantage, except on the excess of the amount he is to pay over and above the amount he is to receive for or in consequence of any intervening time be- tween the period fixed for the receipt of the amount of benefit and advantage and the payments of the amount of loss and damage. Notices in proceedings to open streets: how published. Sec. 1008. Any notice now required, or hereafter to be required, by law to be published in any proceeding for the opening, ex- tending, widening or altering any street or park in said city, shall hereafter be published in the "City Record," and the corporation newspapers. Whenever handbills now or hereafter may be required by law to be posted in any such proceeding, they shall be posted or affixed with paste or other adhesive substance in three conspicuous places upon or near the lands to be taken in such proceeding, and proof of such posting shall be sufficient evidence without further proof of said notice having remained posted during the whole of the period required by law. Sec. 1009. Nothing contained in title 3 of this chapter re- lating to the vacating and reduction of assessments shall apply to assessments made pursuant to this Title. Sec. 1010. Whenever the word "street," or the plural thereof, oc- curs in this chapter it shall be deemed to include all that is included by the terms, ** street, avenue, road, alley, lane, high- way, boulevard, concourse, public square and public place," or the plurals thereof, respectively. Sec. 1011. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel, within ten days after the entry of an order appointing commis- 486 sioners in a proceeding authorized by this Title, to file a copy of such order in the office of the Register or County Clerk of the County in which the land to be acquired is located. There shall be endorsed upon such copy order a reference to the section and block or the sections and blocks on the land map of such county which include the land to be taken by such proceeding or abut thereon. The Register or County Clerk with whom such copy order shall be filed shall index in the index of conveyances on each block so endorsed on said copy order a statement giving the title of said proceeding and the date of the entry of said order. Title 5. sales of lands for taxes, assessments an*d water rates. When taxes and %vater rents to be liens on lands assessed. Sec. 1017. All taxes and all assessments for local improvements and all water rents, and the interest and charges thereon, which may, in the City of New York, as by this Act constituted, hereafter be laid or may have heretofore been laid, upon any real estate now in said City, shall continue to be, until paid, a lien thereon, and shall be preferred in payment to all other charges. No assessments for any local improvement shall be deemed to be fully confirmed, so as to be due and be a lien upon the property included in the assess- ment, until the title thereof, with the date of confirmation shall be entered with the date of such entry, in a record of the titles of assess- ments confirmed, to be kept in the office of the collector of assessments and arrears. Comptroller to publish notice of confirmation of assessments. Sec. 1018. It shall be the duty of the Comptrollerto give public notice, by advertisement, for at least ten days, in the City Record and the corporation newspapers, duly designated for any Borough, in which the property is situated, immediately after the confirma- 487 tion of any assessment, for a local improvement, that the same has been confirmed, specifying the title of such assessment, and the date of its confirmation, and also the date of entry in the record of titles of assessments kept in the office for the collection of assessments and of arrears of taxes and assessments, and of water rents, notifying all persons, owners of property aflfected by any such assessments, that unless the amount assessed for bene- fit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of any such assessment, interest shall be there- after collected thereon as provided in the following section; and all provisions of law or ordinance requiring any different or other notice of assessments and interest thereon, are hereby repealed. Interest to be charged if assessment unpaid for sixty days. Sec. 1019. If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof on the said record of titles of assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer au- thorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of payment. Sec. 1020. Interest shall hereafter be charged and collected at the rate of seven per centum per annum on all arrears of taxes and assessments returned to the collector of assessments and arrears from the time they become due until the date of payment, or in case a sale has taken place, as provided in section 1027, until the date of the certificate mentioned in said section, and on the rents and charges for water from the time the taxes become due, to which they may be added as required by section 1025, until the same date respectively. Apportionment of assessment. Sec. 1021. If a sum of money in gross has been or shall be as- sessed for local improvements upon any lands or premises in the City of New York, any person or persons claiming any divided or undivided part thereof may pay such part of the sums of money so 488 assessed,also of the interest and charges due or chargfed thereon, as the Comptroller may deem to be just and equitable; and the remain- der of the sum of money so assessed, together with the interest and charges, shall be a lien upon the residue of the land and premises only, which residue may be sold in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, to satisfy the residue of such assessment, interest, or charges, in the same manner as though the residue of said assess- ment had been imposed upon the residue of said land or premises. Commissioner of Water Supply to separate account for each ward : penalty for wasting water. Sec. 1022. The Commissioner of Water Supplyshall, annually, at the time the tax levy in each year is confirmed by the Municipal Assembly, cause to be prepared and transmitted to the col- lector of assessments and arrears a separate account for each ward of all lots on which the water rents for that year, including the extra charges to be included in said rents, as provided by this Act, may remain unpaid, with the amount due on each lot, and shall, at the same time, notify the Comptroller of the aggre- gate amount of such water rents so returned, and shall thereafter receive, no payment on account of the same, but may, neverthe- less, certify to the collector of assessments and arrears any overcharges, which shall, upon said certificate, be remitted by the collector of assessments and arrears at any time before settle- ment. The said Commissioner of Water Supply is hereby authorized to prescribe a penalty, not exceeding the sum of five dollars for each offense, for permitting water to be wasted, and for any violation of such reasonable rules as he may from time to time prescribe for the prevention of the waste of water; such fines shall be added to the water rents. Receiver of taxes to return arrears to the collector. Sec. 1023. The receiver of taxes shall, on the first day of June, in each year, make a return to the collector of assessments and arrears, of all taxes on real estate and of water rates and rents, which] j^have been added thereto, remaining unpaid, and shall notify the Comptroller of the 489 aggregate amount of arrears so returned, and balance on his books the accounts of the arrears so returned, by charging the amount thereof to the said collector, and shall thereafter receive no pay- ments on account of arrears so returned, but may nevertheless cer- tify to the collector of assessments and arrears any errors, which shall, upon such certificate, be corrected by the said collector any time before settlement. Water rents to he provided for in assessment rolls. Sec. 1024. There shall be ruled in the yearly assessment rolls of each ward a column headed "water rents" in which immediately after the confirmation of such assessment rolls, the collector of assess- ments and arrears shall cause to be entered opposite the ward and block numbers of the property on which the said arrears may be due, the amounts due for "water rents," as transmitted to him by the Commissioner of Water Supply, in accordance with the law, and the same shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner with the taxes to which they shall be added. Arrears likewise to he provided for. Sec. 1025. There shall be ruled in the yearly assessment rolls of the taxes In each ward, a column headed "arrears," in which the collector of assessments and arrears shall, annually, before any taxes for the year are collected, cause to be entered the word "arrears" or "sold," according as the fact maybe, opposite to the ward, lot, town and map numbers on which any arrears of taxes, or of taxes with the water rent added, shall be due, or on which any assessment shall remain unpaid which was due or confirmed thirteen months prior to the first of June, then last past, or which may have been sold for assessments, taxes, or water rents, and yet be redeemable. Bills for taxes to show arrears. Sec. 1026. There shall be ruled a column for "arrears" in every bill rendered for taxes for lots on which said arrears or assessments, or taxes with water rents added, may be due as aforesaid, or may have been sold and yet be redeem- able, in which shall be written opposite the entry of the ward, 490 lot, town and map number of said lot, "arrears" or "sold according as the fact may be ; and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the receiver of taxes to cause a record to be kept of the ward and block numbers of all lots so noted in said bill as in ar- rears, or sold, when said bills are presented for settlement, and at the bottom of said bill shall be printed: "the columns for arrears in- dicate lots sold for arrears, or to be sold therefor; arrears to be paid and lots redeemed at the office of the collector of assess- ments and arrears." Sales of lands for taxes and assessments: proceedings. S3i:c. 1027. Whenever any tax on lands or tenements, or any assessments on lands or tenements for local improve- ments, shall remain unpaid for the term of three years from the time the same shall have been confirmed, and also when- ever any rents for water in said city shall have been due and unpaid for the term of four years from the time the same shall have been due, it shall and may be lawful, for the collector of assessment and arrears, under the direction of the Comptroller, to advertise the said lands and tenements or any of them for sale, and by such advertisement the owner or owners of such lands and tene- ments respectively shall be required to pay the amount of such tax, assessment, or water rents so remaining unpaid, together with the interest thereon ait the rate of se7>en per cent, per annum to the time of payment, with the charges of such notice and advertisement, to the said collector, and notice shall be given by such advertisement tliat if default shall be made in such payment such lands and tene- ments will be sold at public auction at a day and place therein to be specified, for the lowest term of years ait which any person or per- sons shall offer to take the same in consideration of advancing the said tax, assessment, or water rents, as the case may be, and the in- terest thereon as aforesaid to the time of sale, and the charges of the above mentioned notices and advertisement and all other costs and charges accrued thereon; and if, notwithstanding such riotice, the owner or owners shall refuse or neglect to pay such tax, assessment, or water rents, with the interest as aforesaid, and 491 the charges attending such notice and advertisement, then it shall and may be lawful for the said collector under the direction of the said Comptroller, to cause such lands and tenements to be sold at public auction for a term of years, for the purpose and in the manner expressed in the said advertisement, and such sale shall be made on the day and at the place for that purpose mentioned in the said advertisement, and shall be continued from time to time, if necessary, until all the lands and tenements so advertised shall be sold ; and the said collector shall give to the purchaser or pur chasers of any such lands and tenements a certificate of sale, in writ- ing, describing the lands and tenements so purchased, the term of years for which the same shall have been sold, the sura paid therefor, and the time when the purchaser will be entitled to a lease of the said lands and tenements. But no houses or lots, or improved or unimproved lands, in the City of New York, shall be hereafter sold or leased at pub- lic auction for the non-payment of any tax, assessment, or water rents which may be due thereon, unless notice of such sale shall have been published once in each week successively for three months im the City Record and the corporation newspapers, which adver tisement shall contain, appended to said notice, a particular and detailed statement of the property to be sold for taxes, assess- ments or water rents ; or the said detailed statement and descrip tion, instead of being published in the City Record and the cor- poration newspapers, shall, at the option of the said Comptroller, be printed in a pamphlet, in which case copies of the pamphlet shall be deposited in the ofifice of the said collector, and shall be delivered to any person applying therefor. And the notice pro- vided for in this section to be given of the sale of houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands shall also state that the de- tailed statement of the taxes, assessments, or water rents, and the ownership of the property taxes assessed, and on which the water rents are unpaid, is published in the City Record and the cor- poration newspapers, or in a pamphlet, as the case may be, and that copies of the pamphlet are deposited in the ofifice of the said collector, and will be delivered to any person applying for 492 the same. No other notice or demand of the tax, assessment, or water rent shall be required to authorize the sale of any lands and tenements as hereinbefore provided. Contiguous lots to be advertised as one parcel. Sec. 1028. In advertising houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands to be sold for the non-payment of taxes and assessments, or water rents, it shall be the duty of the collector of assessments and arrears to advertise all the houses and lots or other lands lying contiguous to each other and belonging to the same owner in one parcel, unless otherwise requested by such owner, but he may sell separately the said houses and lots as the same may have been assessed. Postponement of sales. Sec. 1029. It shall be lawful for the Comptroller to suspend or postpone any sale or sales of lands and tenements or any portion thereof which shall have been advertised for sale, to any time not exceeding fifteen months from the day specified in any such adver- tisement. All sales which shall be so postponed or suspended shall be made without further advertisement, other than a general notice of such postponement to be published in the City Record and the Corporation newspapers. Sa/es for taxes and assessments to be conducted by the collector of Assessments and Arrears : provision for repayment of purchase money when the sale is vacated. Sec. 1030. The collector of assessments and arrears or his as- sistant shall conduct the sales hereinabove provided to be made, and no auctioneer other than said collector or his assistant shall be employed to make such sale, and no auctioneer's fees shall be charged thereon. Certificates or sale shall be made and delivered to the purchaser without charge. In case any sale shall be vacated or cancelled, the purchaser, his legal representative or assign, shall be repaid the amount paid by him at such sale, with interest thereon from the time of such payment. 493 Corporation may bid in property. Sec. 1031. It shall be lawful for the collector of assessments and arrears, at any sale of lands and tenements in the City of New York, for taxes, assessments, or water rents, to bid in, for the City of New York, every lot and premises so put up for sale for which no person shall offer to bid, and certificates of such sales shall be made by the said collector to the City of New York, in the form and manner prescribed for individuals. All such purchases shall be subject to the same rights of redemption as purchases by individuals ; and if the lands and tenements sold shall not be redeemed, or shall not have been assigned, the Comptroller of the City shall execute a lease therefor to the City of New York, with the same effect as in cases of leases to individuals in this title provided. Id.: how assigned. Sec. 1032. It shall be the duty of said collector, in all cases of purchases of lands and tenements by the City of New York for taxes, assessments, or water rents, to assign any and all such purchases to any person who shall at any time within one year from the time when such purchases were made, offer to take the same, upon his or her paying to the said collector of assessments and arrears, for the use of the City, the purchase money, with seven per cent, interest thereon. The person so receiving the assignment shall be entitled, upon the redemption of the prop- erty, to receive the amount so paid by him or her in the City with interest from the time of such payment at the rate and in the same manner as if he or she had purchased the property at a sale for taxes, assessments or water rents. Certificates where consolidated municipality has bid in property. Sec. 1033. In cases where lands within the boundaries of any of the municipal corporations or pants of municipal corporations by this Act consolidated with the corporation known as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, have been sold for taxes and assessments and the title upon such sales has pa'>sed to either of said municipal corporations or parts of muni- 494 cipal corporations, such title is hereby transferred to and vested in the Corporation of The City of New York as con- stituted by this Act; and said corporation shall have all the rights, privileges, and property of its predecessor in said title and the same powers and privileges in respect to the enforcement of the same or the sale or lease thereof, and the Comptroller of the City shall con- trol the same in all respects, as by statute in such cases already made and provided. Redemption of lands purchased by Corporation. Sec. 1034. In all cases of lands and tenements purchased by the City of New York for taxes, assessments, or water rents, in which the same shall not have been assigned, any person claiming title to such lands and tenements, or any other person, may redeem the same in like manner and to the same effect as in cases of indi- vidual purchases, by paying, in the manner provided by law, for the use of the said City, the purchase money with seven per cent, interest thereon, together with any and all expenses which shall have accrued since the sale ; and in all cases where lands and tenements shall be conveyed to the said City pursuant to the provisions of this title, it shall be the duty of the said collector in the name of the said City, to cause notices to be served in the manner in this title provided. Corporation to take possession of unclaimed lands. Sec. 1035. It shall be lawful for the City of New York, and it is hereby authorized and empowered, to take peaceable possession of, or sue for and recover, and to hold, occupy, and enjoy all lots or pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying, and being in the City which have or w'hich may be sold for a term of time for the pay- ment of any taxes or assessments in the said City, after the expira- tion of the term from w^hich the samie may have been or shall be so sold, provided the rightful owner of the same shall not then claim possession of the same, and to have, hold, and occupy the same un- til the rightful owner shall claim possession of the same, and shall pay all sums which may be due thereon for taxes, assessments, and 495 also the value of the improvements which may be made, or erected upon the same by the City of New York, over and above all the rents, issues, and profits which may be received by the City of New York for or on account of the rents, is- sues, and profits of any such premises; provided always, that the City of New York shall not be entitled to demand any sum of money for any such improvements, unless it shall have caused to be published, in the City Record and the corporation newspapers for at least three months previous to the making of such improvements, a notification to the owners of the said lots, to appear and take possession of their said premises ; and, furth- er, that in no case shall the owners of the said premises be compelled to pay for any such improvements a sum exceeding two-thirds of the value of their said lots of land. The City shall account for and pay over to the rightful owner of any such lots of land all the rents, issues, and profits which the City of New York may receive on ac- count of such premises over and above the amount of all taxes and assessments due for or on account of the said premises, and over and above the value of all such improvements thereon as shall be made after the notification mentioned in this section, and as shall not ex- ceed two-^;hirds of the value of said lots of land. Mortgagees to be notified of sale before the time to redeem expires. Sec. 1036, In cases of sales of real estate for the non-pay- ment of taxes or assessments, it shall be the duty of the collector of assessments and arrears, sixty days before the time limited by law for the redemption of any real estate from the effect of such sales, to cause notice to be given to all mortgagees of the real estate so sold, their assignees or personal representaitives, and to all owners, lessees, or persons other- wise interested, or their legal representatives, who shall at any time, at least one month before the time for the giving of such notice, have filed in the ofifice of the Register or County Clerk of the County in which said real estate is situated a memorandum of such mortgage and of such real estate, containing a brief ab- stract, designating the property, with the street number, if there be any, or such definite description or diagram as will enable the 496 said collector of assessments and arrears to designate the said premises upon the City maps, and the name and residence of such mortgage, assignee, or personal representive, and such owner, lessee, or person represented. How such notice shall be given. Sec. 1037. Such notice shall be given by putting into the post office in the City of New York, directed to such mortgagees, as- signees, or personal representatives, at their places of residence, if known to the collector of assessments and arrears, and such owners, lessees, or persons otherwise interested, a printed list describing all the property sold for taxes and remaining unredeemed. Such description shall name the street or avenue on which the property may be situate, the side of the street or avenue, and between what streets or avenues, with the map or si reel numbers of the property, and in whose name assessed^ together with the term of years and amount for which the same shall have been sold, and the day or days on which the time limited for the redemption of the property will expire, with a notice that unless the property shall be redeemed on or by such days^ by the payment of the sums for which the same were sold, with all interest and expenses allowed by law, that leases will be given to the pur- chasers, in accordance with the statute in such case made and pro- vided. . , - Amdavit of service. Sec. 1038. An affidavit of the service of such notice as is re- quired in the two preceding sections, before any officer authorized to take affidavits to be read in a court of record, and filed in the office of the said Register or County Clerk or a certified copy- thereof under the signature of such Register or County Clerk, shall be evidence of the fact of such notice. Register to record memoranda. Sec. 1039. It shall be the duty of the said Register or County Clerk to keep in his office a book, alphabetically ar- ranged, for the registering of all such memoranda as aforesaid^ which book shall be open to the inspection of any person desir- 497 ing to examine the same, without charge. The said Register or County Clerk shall be entitled to receive twenty-five cents for registering the memorandum of each mortgage, as above pro- vided. Mortgagee's right to redeem. Sec. 1040. Such mortgagees or their assignees or personal rep- resentatives, and such owners, lessees, or persons otherwise inter- ested, or their legal representatives, shall be entitled to redeem the property sold from the efifect of such sale, at any time within two years from the date of such sale, and such mortgagees, assignees, or personal representatives shall have a lien on the property for the amount paid, with the interest which may thereafter accrue thereon, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, in like manner as if the same had been included in such mortgage. Notice of expiration of time to redeem to he published: lease to he exe- cuted to purchaser on default to redeem. Sec. 1041. The collector of assessments and arrears under direction of the Comptroller of the City, shall cause an ad- vertisement to be published at least twice in each week, for six weeks successively in the City Record and the cor- poration newspapers, in such form as he shall deem best calculated to give notice of such sale, that unless the lands and tenements sold be redeemed by a certain day, they will be conveyed to the purchaser. If the person or persons claim- ing title to the said lands and tenements, or some other persons, shall not, within two years from the date of the before mentioned certifi- cate, pay to the said collector, for the use of the purchaser or purchasers, his, her, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the sum mentioned in such certificate, together with the interest thereon, at the rate of fourteen per centum per annum, from the date of such certificate, the said Comptroller, in the name of the City of New York, at the expiration of the said two years, shall exe- cute to tTie purchaser or purchasers, his, her, or their heirs, exec- utors, administrators, or assigns, a lease, under the common seal of 498 the City, of the lands and tenements so sold for such term of years as the same shall have been sold, and the execution thereof shall be witnessed by the said collector. At the time of receiving the lease the purchaser shall pay the sum of two dollars and fifty cents to the said collector for the expense of drawing said lease, and also the expense of advertising the notice to redeem ; and all such leases executed by the said Comptroller and witnessed by the said collec- tor shall be presumptive evidence that the sale and all proceedings prior thereto, from and including the assessments on said lands and tenements, for taxes or assessments or water rents, and all notices required by law to be given previous to the expiration of the two years allowed to redeem, were regular and according to the provi- sions of the statute in such cases made and provided ; and such pur- chaser or purchasers, his, her, or their heirs, executors, administra- tors, or assigns, shall, in virtue thereof and of this title, lawfully hold and enjoy the said lands and tenements in said lease mentioned for his, her, or their own proper use against the owner or owners thereof, and all claiming under him, her, or them, until such pur- chaser's term therein shall be fully complete and ended ; and the said purchaser or purchasers, his , her, or their heirs, executors, admin- istrators, or assigns, shall be at liberty to remove all the buildings or miajterials which he, she, or they shall erect or place thereon during the said term, within one month after the exipration of the said term, but leaving tHe lands and tenements, with the streets fronting the same, in the order required by the regulations of the Municipal Assembly; provided that such lease shall not be executed and delivered until the expiration of six months after the publica- tion of the notice last herein above mentioned. Redeeming a portion of lands sold. Sec. 1042. In all cases where pieces or parcels of land shall have been sold for taxes, assessments or water rents, and any person shall claim to redeem any portion of the same within the time limited for redemption, he shall be permitted to do so on pay- ing the apportionment of the tax, assessment or water rents for which the property was sold, together with the interest on the same, 499 and an equitable proportion of the expense, the apportionment to be made by the Comptroller. Sale of lands actually occupied: notice to be served. Sec. 1043. Whenever any lands or tenements sold for taxes, assessments, or water rents, and conveyed, as in this title provided, shall, at the time of conveyance, be in the actual occupancy of any person, the grantee to whom the same shall have been conveyed, or the person claiming under him, shall serve a written notice on the person occupying such lands or tenements, and in all cases on the person owning the property so conveyed, whether the property be in occupancy or not, provided such owner resides in the City of New York, or in any adjoining county; in case the owner does not reside in the City of New York, or in an adjoining county, said no- tice shall be sent to his or her post-office address by mail. All such notices shall state in substance the sale and conveyance, the person to whom made, and the amount of consideration money mentioned in the conveyance, with the addition of forty-two per centum on such amount as the said lands or tenements were struck off for at the time of the sale, and the further addition of the sum paid for the lease and advertisement; and stating, also, that unless such consid- eration money, and the said forty-two per centum, together with the sum paid for the lease and advertisements, shall be paid to said collector of assessments and arrears, for the benefit of the gran- tees, within six months after the service of such notice, the said conveyance will become absolute, and the owner, occupant, and all others interested in the lands or tenements be barred from all right and title thereto during the term of years for which such lands or tenements shall have been conveyed. And no conveyance made in pursuance of this title shall be recorded until the expiration of such notice, and the evidence of the service of such notice shall be recorded with such conveyance. Id.: mode of service. Sec. 1044. Such notice shall be served personally or by leaving the same at the dwelling house of the occupant and of the person 500 owning the property conveyed, with any person of suitable age and discretion belonging to his or her family, and the name of the person on whom served shall be stated in the affidavit of service hereinafter mentioned if the same can be ascertained, and if served by mail, shall state tjhe time when the same was mailed. Id. : affidavit thereof. Sec. 1045. In every such case the grantee, or the person claim- ing under him, in order to complete his title to the land conveyed, shall file with the said collector of assessments and arrears an affidavit of some person residing in the City of New York, who shall be certified as credible by the officer before whom such affidavit shall be taken, that such notice was duly served, specifying the time of service, the mode and manner of service and a copy of such notice shall be attached thereto. Certificate of the Comptroller: effect thereof. Sec. 1046. If the said Comptroller shall be satisfied by such affi- davit that tfie notice has been duly served, and if the moneys re- quired to be paid for the redemption of such lands or tene;ments shall not have been paid as hereinbefore provided, he shall, under his hand and seal, certify to the fact, and the conveyance shall thereupon be- come absolute, and the owner and all others interested in the lands or tenements shall be barred of all right thereto during the term of years for which the same (shall have been conveyed. Owner or occupant: when may redeem. Sec. 1047. The owner, occupant, or any other person may, at any time within ftihe six months named in such notice, redeem the said lands and tenements by paying isuch purchase money, with the addition of forty-two per cent, thereon, and the amount that shall have been paid for the lease, and every such redemption shall be as effectual as if made before the conveyance of the lands or tenements sold. Rate of interest: how to he calculated. Sec. 1048. The rate of interest allowed by law to the purchaser 501 at the time of redemption on the amount of the purchase money shall be reduced to fourteen per cent, per annum; but no interest shall be calculated on a less portion of time than one-quarter of a year; and in all cases where the property shall be redeemed during any fractional part of a year, the interest shall be calculated so as to include the quarter in which suOh redemption shall be made, the time to be computed from the day of sale. Certificate of redemption to be furnished. Sec. 1049. Upon such redemption, as provided for in the two preceding sections, the said collector of assessments and arrears shall give to the person redeeming, a certificate under his hand and seal, stating the payment, the year in which the sale was made, and showing what land such payment is intended to redeem, and such certificate shall be evidence of such redemption. Lost certificate; delivery of lease in case of. Sec 1050. Whenever any certificate given by the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, as in this title provided, of lands sold shall be lost, the said Comptroller may receive evidence of such loss, and on satisfactory proof of the fact may execute and deliver a lease to such person or persons who shall appear entitled thereto of the lands and tenements described in the certificate, and may also, in his discretion, require a bond of indemnity to the City of New York. Each certificate shall be registered in the record of sales to be kept in the bureau of said Collector of Assessments and Arrears, and no transfer of such certificate shall be valid until registered in said book. Bills of Arrears of taxes and assessments to be furnished when requested. Sec. 1051. The Collector of Assessments and Arrears, upon the requisition of any person, shall furnish a bill of all arrears of taxes, and of taxes with the * 'water rents" added on any lot or lots due prior to the first of June, then last passed ; and of assessments which shall have been due twelve months or over, including the amount necessary to redeem it or them, if it or they have been sold for any arrears of assessments, taxes or water rents and be yet redeemable ; and upon the payment of 502 the said bill (which shall be called a "bill of arrears of assessments, taxes and water rents and for redemption") his receipt thereon, countersigned by the Comptroller, shall be conclusive evidence of such payment. The Comptroller shall cause to be kept a duplicate account of amounts so collected, and the certificate of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, countersigned by the Comptroller, that there are no such Hens on said lot or lots, shall forever free the said lot or lots from all liens of taxes, or for taxes with water rates added, or for rents of water added to the taxes prior to the first of June then last passed, and for all assess- ments due thirteen months or over, prior to the date of the said receipt or certificate, and from all liens in consequence of sales for assessments, taxes, or water rents, or for all of them, when the time allowed by law for redemption had not expired at the date or time of said payment or certificate. Id. : fees for searches. Sec. 1052. Fees for the searches to be paid into the City treasury shall be included in the bills mentioned in the preced- ing section, and also charges for certificates, which shall be given by said Collector of Assessments and Arrears, respecting lots on which there may be no arrears when searches are required ; the said fees to be regulated by ordinance of the Municipal Assembly. Complete record of sales to be kept. Sec. 1053. There shall be kept in the office of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears a record of all sales made for taxes, assessments, and water rents, which record shall show the amount of the tax, the assessment, and the water rents, a description of the premises sold, the date of the sale, the name of the person to whom sold, the term of years for which such property was sold, time of the delivery of the lease, to whom delivered, and when the same shall expire. Affidavits of publication of necessary notices to be preserved. Sec. 1054. It shall be the duty of the Collector of Assess- ments and Arrears to procure, preserve and register in his office, affidavits of the publication of all the notices by this title required to be published, and such affidavits shall be presumptive proof of such publication in all the courts of this State. 503 CHAPTER XVIII. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Title I. The Public Schools and their Management. Title 2. The College of The City of New York. Title 3. The Normal College. Title 4. General Provisions. Title i. the public schools and their management. Board of Education and School Boards : property under their care and control : in what name suits brought. Section 1055. The title to all property, real and personal, now or that may hereafter be acquired for school or educational purposes, except the State Normal School at Jamaica, and also the title to all property, real and personal, purchased for school or educational purposes with any school moneys, whether derived from the issue of bonds, or raised by taxation in The City of New York, shall be vested in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, but shall be under the care and control of the Board of Education and of the School Boards of the various Boroughs, as provided in this Act, for the pur- poses of public education. Suits in relation to such property shall be brought in the name of the said Board of Education. The said City of New York shall have power to take and hold any property, real or personal, devised or bequeathed or trans- mitted to it for the purposes of education in said City ; but such property shall be under the care and control of the Board of Education and of the School Boards of the various Boroughs, as provided by this Act, for the purposes of public education in said City. 504 School age of children. Sec. 1056. The schools of the said City under the manage- ment and control of the Board of Education and of the several School Boards established by this Act, shall be free to all per- sons over five and under twenty-one years of age residing in said City, but under such regulations not in conflict with the general school law of the State, as the Board of Education or the respective School Boards shall prescribe ; and where kin- dergarten schools are established under the provisions of this Act, they shall, in like manner, be free to children not less than four years of age residing in said City. Board of Education : succeeds to trusts of Public School Society. Sec. 1057. All the trusts held by or vested in the Public School Society of the City of New York, as organized and exist- ing previous to its several acts, in compliance with the pro- visions of an Act entitled, " An Act Relative to Common Schools in the City of New York," passed the 4th day of June, one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-three, which have not been con- veyed by the said society, and all the rights, powers and duties of the said society, which yet remained therein, shall continue and be vested in the Board of Education of the City of New York, which board is, and shall be held to be the lawful succes- sors of said society in the execution of every trust. Board of Education and School Boards : succeed to duties and powers of former boards, etc. Sec. 1058. Subject to the provisions of this Act, and so far as is consistent therewith, the Board of Education of The City of New York, as created by the terms and provisions of this Act, and the School Boards of the various Boroughs, as created by the terms and provisions of this Act, shall respectively be sub- ject to all the duties, possess all the rights and exercise all the powers now respectively held by the Boards of Education, Commissioners of Education and School Trustees existing at the time of the passage of this Act, in and for the City of New York, the City of Brooklyn, or Long Island City, or the school districts of the County of Richmond, and the school districts 505 of that part of the County of Queens, by this Act consolidated into The City of New York, and such duties shall be deemed under this section to be devolved upon the said Board of Education or the School Boards in the same manner as similar duties are devolved upon the said Board of Education or the School Boards of the Boroughs, by this Act. Money to conduct schools to be raised by taxation after 1898. Sec. 1059. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York may, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and in each and every year thereafter, raise and collect by tax, on the estates, real and personal, liable to taxation in said City, such sum of money as may be necessary to provide for the conduct of the schools as called for by the budget adopted by the said Board and the said Assembly pursuant to the provisions of this Act ; but nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to limit or restrict the power of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment and the Municipal Assembly, to tix in their discretion, and in such detail as they may deem expedient, the amounts to be allowed to said Board of Education in the annual tax levy. Special attd General School Funds : all motleys to be received by Board of Education . Sec. 1060. All moneys raised for educational purposes in the City of New York shall be raised in two funds, to be known as the Special School Fund and the General School Fund, respectively. The Special School Fund shall consist of all moneys raised for the purchase of school sites, for the erection and repairs of buildings, for the purchase and the leasing of educational and school buildings ; for the purchase of all school supplies, for the maintenance of the Nautical School, and for the administrative purposes of the Board of Education. And it shall be the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and of the Municipal Assembly to indicate in the budget in raising the Special School Fund the respective amounts thereof which shall be available for use within the 506 jurisdiction of each of the School Boards. The General School Fund shall be raised in bulk, and for the City at large, and shall contain and embrace all items for educational purposes not comprised in the Special School Fund. The said Board of Education shall have power to take and to receive, and shall take and receive all moneys appropriated or available for educational purposes in The City of New York. School Board, how constituted : vacancies : members to hold no other office except^ etc. Sec. 1061. There shall be the following School Boards in The City of New York : (1). A School Board for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, to be composed of twenty-one members. The Board of Education of the City of New York, as constituted prior to the passage of this Act, shall be the School Board in and for the said Boroughs, and the members of said Board of Education shall serve out, as members of the School Board, the terms for which they were respectively appointed as mem- bers of the Board of Education of the City of New York. Their powers, duties and functions as a Board of Education shall cease and determine, and their powers, duties and func- tions as a School Board under this Act shall commence on the first day of February, 1898. (2). A School Board for the Borough of Brooklyn, to be composed of forty-five members. The Board of Education of the City of Brooklyn shall be the School Board in and for the Borough of Brooklyn, and the members of said Board of Edu- cation shall serve out, as members of the School Board, the terms for which they were respectively appointed as members of the Board of Education of the City of Brooklyn. Their powers, duties and functions as a Board of Education shall cease and determine, and their powers, duties and functions as a School Board under this Act shall commence on the first day of February, 1898. The Mayor shall appoint successors to the members of the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx 507 and of the School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn as their terms shall respectively expire. (3). A School Board for the Borough of Queens and a School Board for the Borough of Richmond, each to be com- posed of nine members, to be appointed as follows : On the third Wednesday in January, 1898, the Mayor shall appoint for each of the said Boroughs, nine persons to constitute the School Board in the said Boroughs respectively ; three of whom shall be appointed for one year, three for two years, and three for three years, and their terms of office shall be desig- nated in their letters of appointment. They shall take office, and their terms shall commence on the first day of February succeeding their appointment. As their terms respectively expire, the Mayor shall appoint their successors for a full term of three years. The powers, duties and functions of the Board of Education of Long Island City, and of all other Boards of Education within the territory by this Act consolidated into The City of New York, and of the Trustees of common schools for the school districts included in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, shall cease and determine, and their offices shall be abolished on the first day of February, 1898 ; and the jurisdic- tion and powers of School Commissioners within the territory of The City of New York as constituted by this Act, shall cease at the same time. The term of office of all members of the School Boards, save as in this section otherwise provided, shall be three years. The members of each School Board shall be appointed from the residents of the respective Boroughs in which they are to serve. Vacancies in said Board, caused by death, resignation, removal from the Borough, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term. Members of the School Boards shall hold no office of emolument under the city, county, state, or national government, except the offices of Notary Public, or Commissioner of Deeds, or offices in the National Guard. Board of Education : how constituted ; President ; vacancies ; inembers to serve without pay. Sec. 1062. There shall be in The City of New York as con- 508 stituted by this Act, a Board of Education, which shall have the management and control of the public schools and of the public school system of the city, subject only to the general statutes of the State relating to public schools and public school instruc- tion, and to the provisions of this Act. The Board of Educa- tion of The City of New York, shall consist of nineteen mem- bers', and shall be composed as follows : of the chairman of each of the School Boards provided for by the last preceding section, by virtue of his office, and of ten delegates elected by the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and of five delegates elected by the School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn, to be chosen from the membership of said School Boards, respectively. The members of the Board of Education so elected shall serve for one year and until their successors are chosen. On the third Monday of February, in the year 1898 and in every year thereafter, the said Board of Education shall organize by electing one of its members as President of the Board, who shall preside at its meetings, and shall have the same power to vote thereat as any other mem- ber, but who shall not have the power of veto. Any vacancy in the office of members of the Board of Education, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled for the unex- pired term in the same manner as the officer whose office is vacated was chosen or elected. Members of the Board of Education and of the several School Boards shall serve with- out pay. Id.: to possess powers and privileges of a corporation. Sec. 1063. For the purposes of this Chapter, the Board of Education of the City of New York shall possess the powers and privileges of a corporation. Id.: to be Representative of school system : To require and revise estimates frofn School Boards. To submit estimate for entire school system. Sec. 1064. The Board of Education shall represent the schools and the school system of the City of New York before the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and before the Municipal As- 509 sembly in all matters of appropriations in the budget of the City ifor educational purposes, and in all other matters, and shall, in general, be the representative of the school system of the City in its entirety. The said board shall require from each School Board estimates in detail of the moneys needed for the administration of the Department of Education in its Borough, and it shall be the duty of each School Board, when- ever required by the Board of Education, to transmit such estimates to the said Board. The Board of Education shall, thereupon, restate, rearrange, revise, and verify such estimates so as to form an estimate for the entire school system ot the City, which it shall submit, properly divided into items under the General School Fund and the Special School Fund, to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its action. Id. : administers special fund : apportions general fund and files record with Comptroller. Sec. 1065. The Special School Fund shall be administered by the Board of Education. The General School Fund shall be administered by the respective School Boards and shall be apportioned by the Board of Education among the different School Boards of the City as follows : (1.) A distributive quota to each School Board of $ioo for every qualified teacher, or for successive qualified teachers who shall have actually taught in the schools under the charge of the Board during a term of not less than thirty-two weeks of five successive days each, inclusive of legal holidays. (2.) The remainder of such General School Fund shall be ap- portioned among the said School Boards by the said Board of Education in proportion to the aggregate number of days of attendance of the pupils resident in the Boroughs under their charge, between the ages of five and eighteen years, at their respective schools, during the last preceding school year, and also of such pupils resident therein over four years of age, as shall, during the last preceding school year, have attended any kindergarten schools established under the direction of the School Boards, or any of them, pursuant to the provisions of this Act. The aggregate number of days in attendance of the 510 pupils is to be ascertained from the records thereof kept by the teachers, as hereinafter prescribed, by adding together the whole number of days oi attendance of each and every such pupil in the schools under the charge of the respective School Boards. The Board of Education shall file a record of their apportionment of the General School Fund and of all appro- priations from the Special School Fund, with the Comptroller. Id.: may direct Comptroller to withhold certain appropriations. Sec. 1066. The Board of Education shall have power to direct the Comptroller to withhold from any School Board any part of the moneys apportioned to it upon the basis of the number of teachers employed in any school under its charge, whenever the City Superintendent of Schools shall report in writing to said Board of Education that the pro- visions of the State School Laws, or of this chapter, or of the by-laws of the Board of Education in any way relating to such school or to its teachers, are not being complied with ; and when thereafter the City Superintendent shall report in writing to the Board of Education that the provisions of the State School Laws, or of this chapter, or of the by-laws of the Board of Education, are being satisfactorily complied with in said school, it shall be the duty of the Board of Education to direct the Comproller to place at the disposal of the School Board concerned, the school moneys so withheld. Id.: to use and control certain premises. Housing the School Board of the Borough of Manhattan and the other Boroughs. Sec. 1067. The Board of Education shall have power to use and to control the premises known as the Hall of the Board of Education, at the corner of Grand and Elm Streets in the Borough of Manhattan, and any other buildings to be occu- pied for like purposes therein, and to make all the repairs, alterations and additions in and to the said building or build- ings which the Board of Education may authorize and deem advisable. And it shall be its duty to make provision for housing the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx in such building or in any other building which 611 may be so occupied b}'^ the Board of Education. The Board of Education of The City of New York shall provide a meet- ing-room, and such other headquarters, offices, and rooms, as they may deem advisable within the Boroughs of The City of New York, for the administration of the powers and duties of the School Boards of the other Boroughs. Id.: to dispose of personal property. Disposition of proceeds. Sec. 1068. The Board of Education shall have power, in the name of The City of New York and for said city, to dispose of such personal property used in the schools or other build- ings under the charge of said Board, as the School Board of the Borough concerned shall by resolution certify is no longer required for use therein, and all moneys realized by the sale thereof shall be paid into the city treasury and shall at once be appropriated by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to the Special School Fund of the Board of Education for use in the Borough in which the property sold was situated. Board of Education : to appoint certain officers, clerks, etc., and fix their salaries. Sec. 1069. The said Board of Education shall have power to appoint a secretary of the board, a superintendent of school buildings, who shall be an architect of experience and good standing, and whose term of office shall be for six years; a superintendent of school suppHes, whose term of office shall be for six years; a city superintendent of schools for the term of six years and one or more auditors, as may be necessary in the judgment of the Board, upon whose certificate accounts against the said board, or charges upon either the Special or General School Fund may be paid when countersigned b)'- the proper officers, as the by-laws of the said Board of Education, with the approval of the Comptroller of the City, may direct. The said board may appoint a chief clerk and such other officers, clerks, or subordinates as it may deem necessary for its administrative duties, and as are pro- vided for by the proper appropriation. The city superintend- ent of schools, the secretary of the board, the superintendent of school buildings, the superintendent of school supplies, the 512 auditor or auditors, and any other officers, clerks or subordi- nates of the board, may, any or either of them, be removed for cause at any time by a vote of three-fourths of all of the members of the Board of Education. The said board shall fix -and regu- late within the proper appropriation the salaries or compen- sation of the secretary of said board ; of the superintendent of school buildings ; of the superintendent of supplies ; of the auditor or auditors; of the city superintendent of schools; of members of the board of examiners, and of any other officers, clerks or subordinates, and it may fill any vacancies in such offices or positions. Id.: power to enact by-laws^ rules and regulations. Sec 1070. The Board of Education shall have power, subject to the provisions of law and ol this Act, to enact by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper execution of all duties devolved upon the board, its members and committees ; for the trans- action of all business pertaining to the same ; for defining the duties of the city superintendent of schools, the superinten- dent of school buildings, the superintendent of school supplies, of its auditor or auditors, its clerks and subordinates ; for reg- ulating the manner of making disbursements from any of the funds apportioned to any Borough for school purposes, for the proper execution of all powers vested in it by law, and for the promotion of the welfare and best interests of the public schools and public school system of the City in the matters committed to its care. Id.: secretary: duties: secretary and chief clerk may administer oaths. Sec. 1071. The secretary of the Board of Education shall have charge of the rooms, books, papers, and documents of the board, and shall, in addition to his duties as secretary of the board, perform such other duties as may be required by its members or committees. The secretary and the chief clerk of said board are authorized to administer oaths and take affidavits in all matters appertaining to the schools in the City of New York, and for that purpose shall possess all the powers of a 513 commissioner of deeds, but shall not be entitled to any of the fees or emoluments thereof. Id.: provide for bureaus^ etc., in Boroughs. Sec. 1072. The Board of Education shall make provision for the organization in the various Boroughs of such bureaus as they may deem necessary in the departments of the Superin- tendents of School Buildings and of School Supplies, and shall make such provision by its by-laws as will enable each School Board to secure prompt and efficient service for the planning and erection of new buildings for school purposes, and for the alteration and repair of existing buildings, and for the regulation of the purchase and distribution of school books and supplies, and for the preservation of all school records. Superintendent of school buildings : oath and security by: subject to regulations of board: vacancy in office. Sec. 1073. The superintendent of school buildings shall take and subscribe before the secretary or the chief clerk of the Board of Education, the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this State, and give such security for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his office as the Board of Education may direct; and the department under his charge shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Board may establish, one of which shall prohibit the performance by him of an}- work, on any other 2CCOuat, similar to that performed under the regulations so established, except for the College of the City of New York and the Normal College of the City of New York, and like institutions in the Department of Education. Any vacancy in the said office of superintendent of school buildings shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. Id.: deputy in each Borough. Plans for school buildings. Sec. 1074. The superintendent of school buildings may appoint a deputy superintendent for each of the Boroughs, who shall be an architect or engineer of good standing, and, with the authority of the Board of Education, he may empower a 514 deputy superintendent in his place and stead to execute all the duties of superintendent and such other duties as the Board of Education may, by regulation, prescribe. All plans for new school buildings, for additions to school buildings, and for structural changes in old buildings, shall be passed upon, and must be approved by the superintendent of school buildings, who shall then submit such plans to the School Board of the Borough wherein such buildings are to be erected or such addi- tions or changes are to be made, who shall thereupon transmit such plans with such suggestions, in writing, as they may see fit to make, to the Board of Education, whose action thereon shall be final. Id,: Appointment and removal of janitors. Sec. 1075. Janitors shall be appointed by the School Board on the nomination of the superintendent of school buildings. All such nominations shall be from a preferred list of duly qualified persons certified to and on file in the office of superin- tendent of school buildings. Janitors may be removed by the School Board on complaint of the principal of the school, the superintendent of school buildings, or a member of the School Board. Board of Education: purchase of a?td regulations regarding" supplies. Sec. 1076. The Board of Education shall provide for the pur- chase of all books, apparatus, stationery, and other things neces- sary and expedient to enable the schools of the city to be prop- erly and successfully conducted. It shall cause to be furnished all necessary supplies, and shall make regulations for the fur- nishing thereof to the schools in the several Boroughs, and for the accounting for the same by the several School Boards. The Board of Education shall have power to enact by-laws and resolutions for the government of the superintendent of supplies, which by-laws and resolutions shall provide that all supplies, as far as possible, shall be obtained by contract, for which proposals shall be advertised for a period of at least two weeks. 515 Id. : advertising for contracts: security for performance. Sec. 1077. The Board of Education shall have power by its by-laws to prescribe the period of all advertising for contracts to be entered into by or in behalf of the said board, the rules which are to determine the acceptance or rejection of all bids given for any work, labor, or materials advertised for, and the security to be required to insure the performance of such con- tract. Superintendent of supplies : oath and security by : subject to regu- lations of board: vacancy : deputy superintendents and subordinates : depots of supplies. Sec. 1078. The superintendent of school supplies shall take and subscribe before the secretary or the clerk of the Board of Education the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this State, and shall give such security for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as the Board of Education maydirect ; and the department under his charge shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the board may establish. Any vacancy in the said office of superintendent of school supplies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The superintendent of school supplies may appoint such deputy superintendents and such other subordinates as the by-laws of the Board of Educa- tion may authorize and he may, with the authority of said board, empower a deputy superintendent in his place and stead to execute all the duties of the superintendent, and such other duties as the Board of Education ma}'^ by regulation prescribe. He shall establish such depots of supplies in any of the Boroughs as may be authorized by the Board of Education. City superintendent of schools : rights and duties. Sec. 1079. The city superintendent of schools shall have the right of visitation and inquiry in all of the schools of The City of New York as constituted under this Act, and he shall report to the Board of Education on the educational system of the city, and upon the condition of any and of all the schools thereof, but he shall have no right of interference with the actual conduct of any school in The City of New York. He shall 516 have a seat in the Board of Education, and the right to speak on all matters before the board, but not to vote. Id. : further duties : annual report : clerks of main office. Sec. 1080. The city superintendent of schools, so often as he can consistently with his other duties, shall visit the schools of the City as he shall see fit, and inquire into their courses of instruction, management, and discipline, and shall advise and encourage the pupils, and teachers, and officers thereof ; sub- ject to the by-laws of the Board of Education, he shall pre- scribe suitable registers, blanks, forms and regulations for the making of all reports, and for conducting all necessary busi- ness connected with the school system not devolved upon the borough superintendent by this Act, and he shall cause the same, with such information and instructions as he shall deem conducive to the proper organization and government of the schools, and the due execution of their duties by school officers, to be transmitted to the officers or persons entrusted with the execution of the same. He shall submit to the Board of Edu- cation an annual report containing a statement of the condi- tion of the schools of the City, and all such matters relating to his office and such plans and suggestions for the improvement of the schools in the school system, and for the advancement of public instruction in The City of New York as he shall deem expedient, and as the by-laws of the Board of Education may direct. He may appoint such clerks as he may deem neces- sary, and as are authorized by the Board of Education, but the compensation of such clerks shall not exceed in the aggre- gate the appropriated provision therefor. He shall assign his clerks to their various duties, and may suspend or discharge them for cause, but in such case, the clerks shall have a right of appeal to the Board of Education. He shall report as often as the Board of Education shall direct upon any matter, or matters, entrusted to his charge, in such detail as shall be required of him. He shall maintain his main office in the Borough of Manhattan, and in such building as the Board of Education shall direct. He shall have power, at any time, to call together all of the borough superintendents and associate superintendents for consulta— 517 tion. It shall further be his duty to report any case of gross misconduct, insubordination, neglect of duty, or general in- efficiency on the part of any borough superintendent or associ- ate superintendent first to the School Board of the Borough concerned, and, failing of remedy, then to the Board of Edu- cation. Board of Examiners : teachers licenses, etc. Sec. 1081. A Board of Examiners is hereby constituted, whose duty it shall be to examine all applicants requiring to be li- censed in and for The City of New York, and to issue to those who pass the required tests of character, scholarship and gen- eral fitness, such licenses as they are found entitled to receive. Such Board of Examiners shall consist of the City Superin- tendent of Schools, together with four persons appointed by the Board of Education upon the nomination of the City Superin- tendent. The terms of the first four examiners so appointed shall be one, two, three and four years, respectively, and as their terms respectively expire, their successors shall be ap- pointed for a full term of four years, which shall thereafter be the full and regular term of office of said examiners. They shall be paid such compensation for services actually rendered as the Board of Education shall prescribe. To be eligible to appointment as an examiner, an applicant must possess some one of the following qualifications, to wit : («) A degree or diploma of graduation from a college or uni- versity recognized by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, together with at least five years' successful experience in teaching since graduation, {b) A State certi- ficate obtained as the result of an examination held since 1875, together with at least ten )'ears' successful experience in teach- ing, {c) The highest certificate for a principal or superintend- ent in force when this Act takes effect by any city included in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, together with at least ten years' successful experience in teaching. No Borough Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, principal or teacher in the City of New York shall be allowed to serve on the Board of Examiners. Each School Board, on the recommendation of the Borough 518 Board of Superintendents, shall designate, subject to the re- quirements of the State School Laws in force when this Act takes effect or that may thereafter be enacted, the kinds or grades of licenses to teach which may or shal! be used in the Borough or Boroughs under its charge, together with the academic and professional qualifications required for each kind or grade of license, and shall certif}'^ the same to the City Superintendent of Schools. Each School Board, on the recommendation of the Borough Superintendents, shall also designate, subject to the like limita- tions, and shall certify in like manner, the academical and pro- fesssional qualifications required for service in the Boroughs under its charge of principals, branch principals, supervisors, heads of departments, assistants and all other members of the teaching staff. The Board of Education, on the recommendation of the City Superintendent, shall designate, subject to the requirements of the State School Laws in force when this Act takes effect or that may thereafter be enacted, the minimum requirements to pre- vail throughout the city for all officers to be appointed to any supervising or teaching position under any School Board. The Board of Examiners shall hold such examinations as the City Superintendent may prescribe, and shall prepare all neces- sary eligible lists. The City Superintendent shall transmit to each School Board the eligible lists that are available tor use within its jurisdiction. All licenses shall be issued in the name of the City Superin- tendent of Schools and shall state on their face in what Borough or Boroughs they are valid. Graduates of colleges and universities recognized by the Regents of the University of the Slate of New York, who have pursued for not less than one year pedagogical courses there- in ; graduates of schools and colleges for the training of teachers, approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction ; and teachers holding a State certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction since the year 1875, or holding a college graduate's certificate issued by the same authority, may be exempted, in whole or in part, from such examination at the discretion of the City Superintendent. The names of those to whom licenses have been granted, 519 including those exempted from examination and those duly licensed in the several Boroughs prior to the date on which this Act takes effect, shall be entered by the City Superinten- dent upon lists to be filed in his office, a separate list being made for each grade or kind of license for which the Board of Edu- cation shall b}^ its by-laws make provision ; and such lists shall always be open to the inspection of the members of the Board of Education, the members of the School Boards, the Borough Superintendents, the Associate Superintendents, the Inspectors, and the Principals of Schools. Except as Superintendent or Associate Superintendent, as Supervisor or director of a special branch, as principal of or teacher in a training school or high school, no person shall be appointed to any educational position whose name does not appear upon the proper list. No person shall teach in any public school in the City who has not such license, except as herein otherwise pro- vided, nor shall any unlicensed teacher have any claim for salary. Licenses to teach shall be issued by the City Superin- tendent of Schools for a period of one year, which may be renewed without examination in case the work of the holder is satisfactor}' to the Borough Superintendent for two succes- sive )'ears. At the close of the third year of continuous, suc- cessful service, the City Superintendent may make the license permanent. Authority to revoke any permanent license for cause shall be vested in the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Id.: school officers not to be interested in contracts: removal of . Sec. 1082. The Board of Education shall have power to remove from office any school officer who shall have been directly or indirectly interested in the furnishing of any sup- plies or materials, or in the doing of any work or labor, or in the sale or leasing of any real estate, or in any proposal, agree- ment or contract for any of these purposes, in any case in which the price or consideration is to be paid, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, out of any school moneys, or who shall have received, from any source whatever, any commission or compensation in connection with any of the matters aforesaid; and any school officer who shall violate the preceding provisions 620 of this section shall bs deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one thousand dollars or imprisonment in the city prison not exceeding one year, or both, and shall also be ineligible to any school office. The provisions of this section shall not apply to authors of school books used in any of the public schools JDecause of any interest they may have as authors in such books. Id. : public school teacJiers retirement fund. Sec. 1083. The Board of Education is hereby given the gen- eral care and management of the Public School Teacher's Re- tirement Fund created by this Act. The Comptroller of The City of New York shall hold any money belonging to said fund, and by the direction of said Board of Education shall in- vest and pay out the same. The Board of Education shall have charge of and administer said Public School Teacher's Retirement Fund as it shall deem most beneficial to said fund, and is empowered to make all necessary contracts and take all necessary and proper action and proceedings in the premises, and to make payments from said fund of annuities granted in pursuance of this Act ; and shall, from time to time, establish such rules and regulations for the administration of said fund as it may deem best ; which rules and regulations shall care- fully preserve all rights inhering in the teachers of The City of New York as constituted prior to the passage of this Act. And the Comptroller of The City of New York shall report in detail to the Board of Education of The City of New York, annually, in the month of January, the con- dition of said fund, and the items of the receipts and disbursements on account of the same. The Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund herein provided for shall consist of the following, with the interest and income thereof : (i) All money, pay, compensation, or salary, or any part thereof, for- feited, deducted or withheld from any teacher or teachers for and on account of absence from duty from any cause. The secretary of the Board of Education shall certify monthly to the Comptroller the amounts so deducted from the salaries of teachers during the preceding month. (2) All moneys re- 521 ceived from donations, legacies, gifts, bequests or otherwise, for and on account of said fund. (3) All such other methods of increment as may be duly and legally devised for the in- crease of said fund. On and after the passage of this Act the Board of Education shall, by amending its by-laws relating to the excuse of absence of teachers with pay, so provide that the aggregate of the several sums deducted or forfeited on account of absence from duty shall be fully adequate to meet the demands made upon the Public School Teachers' Retire- ment Fund for the payment of annuities as herein provided. Said Board of Education shall have power, by a two-thirds vote of all its members, and after a recommendation to that effect shall have been made by the City Superintendent of Schools, stating that the teacher is mentally or physically in- capacitated for the performance of duty, to retire any female teacher of the public schools, including special teachers in the same, who shall have taught therein during a period aggregating thirty years, and to retire any male teacher of said schools who shall have taught therein during a period aggregating thirty-five years. The Board of Education may also, at its discretion, retire such teachers upon their own ap- plication, after the like period of service. Any teacher so re- tired shall thereafter be entitled to receive as an annuity one-half the annual salary paid to said teacher at the date of said retire- ment, not to exceed, however, in any case the sum of one thou- sand dollars per annum. The said board is hereby given the power to use both the principal and the income of said fund, and to manage, accumulate and otherwise control the same as said board shall provide by its by-lav/s, and to pay the annui- ties hereinbefore mentioned, and it shall have power, from time to time, to reduce the amount of annuities of all benefici- aries of said fund, provided only that such reduction shall be at the same rate per centum. None of the provisions of this section shall apply, however, to any teacher in any school in the Borough of Brooklyn, who is entitled to any benefit under the fund mentioned in section 11 19 of this Act until after his removal from said Borough. When a teacher is transferred to the Borough of Brooklyn, a sum equal to one per cent, of the amount paid to such teacher during said 522 teacher's service in The City of New York as constituted prior to the passage of this Act, since the date on which the Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund of Brooklyn was created, shall be paid into the said Brooklyn Retirement Fund and inure to the teacher's benefit in that fund under the rules gov- erning the same. Id.: annual report to State Superint evident of Public Instruction. Sec. 1084. The Board of Education shall, between the first day of August and the 30th day of September in each year, make and transmit to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction a report in writing for the State school year ending on the next preceding 31st day of July, which report shall be in such form and shall state such facts as the State Superin- tendent and the School Laws of the State shall require. Id.: annual report to mayor : other reports to mayor. Sec. 1085. The Board of Education shall, between the first day of August and the 30th day of November in each year, make and transmit to the Mayor of The City of New York a report in writing, bearing date on the 31st day of July next pre- ceding, stating the whole number of schools within their jurisdiction, specially designating the schools for colored chil- dren ; the schools or societies from which reports shall have been made to the Board of Education, within the time limited for that purpose ; the length of time such school shall have been kept open ; the amount of public money apportioned or appropiated to said school or society, the number taught in each school, the whole amount of money drawn from the City Chamberlain for the purposes of public education during the year ending at the date of their report, distinguishing the amount received from the General Fund of the State and from all other sources ; the manner in which such moneys shall have been expended ; and such other information as the Mayor may from time to time require in relation to common school education in The City of New York. The Board of Education shall make such other reports to the Mayor as he may call for, and at such times as he shall require. 523 Continuation of yearly contracts with teachers in territory consoli- dated. Sec. 1086. All yearly school contracts by and between the local school authorities of any school district whose territory is so annexed and consolidated by this Act and the teachers in such district, as such yearly contracts exist at the time when this Act shall take effect, shall in all respects continue until the expiration of the yearly term named therein, and shall be so continued by the Board of Education of The City of New York, through the proper school board. Removals by mayor for neglect or misconduct after hearing. Sec. 1087. Any member of the Board of Education, of a Borough School Board, or any inspector of common schools in The City of New York, may be removed by the Mayor of said city, upon proof either of official misconduct in office, or negligence of official duties, or of conduct in any manner con- nected with his official duties, or otherwise, which tends to dis- credit his office, or the school system, or for mental or physical inabilit}' to perform his duties as member or inspector, but before such removal of said member or inspector he shall re- ceive due and timely notice in writing of the charges, and a copy thereof, and shall be entitled to a hearing on like notice before the Mayor, and to the assistance of counsel on said hearing. Oath of appointees to school office. Sec. 1088. Every person appointed to a school office in said city or in any Borough thereof, shall before entering upon the duties of his office, and within fifteen days of the time of being notified of his appointment to fill a vacancy, take and subscribe before the secretary or the clerk of the Board of Education, the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State, and the school office as to which any person shall omit to take the oath within the time, and in the manner above prescribed, shall be vacant at and from the expiration of the fifteen days. Id. : organization : secretary and employees : duties and bond of secretary. Sec. 1089. The School Board in each of the Boroughs shall 524 organize on the second Wednesday of February next ensuing after the appointment of its members, and choose a president from its own members, and elect its delegates, if any, to the Board of Education, and shall, from time to time, as may be necessary, appoint and remove subject to the provisions of this chapter, a secretary and such clerks, subordinates, and employees as may be required for the administrative duties of the Board, and as may be authorized by this chapter or by the Board of Education of The City of New York, and be pro- vided for by the proper appropriation. The Secretary shall discharge such financial duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Education and the Comptroller of The City of New York, and he shall give a bond in such amount and in such form to The City of New York, as the Board of Education of said City, with the approval of the Comptroller, may by its by-law or resolution require. Id. : powers and duties. Sec. 1090. Each School Board, subject to the direction and control of thfe Board of Education and in accord with the by- laws of the Board of Education, shall have the safe keeping of all the premises and other property used for or belonging to the schools in the Borough. A School Board shall have power to choose and to determine the sites for all school build- ings, and for additions thereto, within its jurisdiction, and it shall be its duty to transmit from time to time such determina- tions to the Board of Education, by resolutions which shall be certified and transmitted in accordance with the by-laws thereof. Each School Board shall have power to adopt by-laws regu- lating the exercise of all powers and duties vested in it by law, which by-laws, however, shall not conflict with the by-laws of the Board of Education which that Board may be authorized by law to adopt in the premises, nor with the provisions of this chapter. And the said School Board shall have power to provide by such by-laws for the government and management of the Schools in the Borough, for defining the duties and regulating the exercise of the powers of its members and committees and of all school officers, the Borough Superintend- 525 ent and associate superintendents, principals or teachers, clerks, assistants and employees, and for the regulation of all disbursements from the General School Fund in the Borough, and for the promotion and welfare and best interest of all mat- ters committed to it concerning the Public Schools and the Public School System of the City in said Borough. Id. : power to fix salaries Sec. 1091. Each School Board shall have power to adopt by-laws fixing the salaries of the Borough and Associate Super- intendents, of principals and branch principals, and of all other members of the supervising and teaching staff, and such salaries shall be regulated b)'' merit, by the grade of class taught, by the length of service, or by the experience in teaching of the in- cumbent in charge, or by such a combination of these con- siderations as the School Board may deem proper. Said salaries need not be uniform throughout all the several Boroughs, nor in any two of them, nor throughout any one Borough. The salaries fixed and established and duly payable in the different schools of the territory hereby consolidated as these salaries were on the first day of January, 1898, shall be and remain the salaries in the schools of the several Boroughs hereby constituted, until the same shall be changed or modified as provided for in this section. Id.: duties of secretary: chief clerk and secretary may administer oaths. Sec. 1092. The Secretary of a School Board shall have charge of the rooms, books, papers and documents of the Board, and shall, in addition to his duties as Secretary of the Board, per- form such other duties as may be required of him by its mem- bers or committees. The Secretary and the chief clerk of a School Board are hereby authorized to administer oaths and take affidavits in all matters pertaining to the Schools of The City of New York in their Borough, and for that purpose shall possess all the powers of a Commissioner of Deeds, but shall not be entitled to any fees or emoluments thereof. Id.: Power to establish kindergartens, etc. Sec. 1093. A School Board shall have power, to establish 526 kindergartens, manual training schools, trades schools and truant schools. Id.: Power to establish evening schools, etc.: may establish, discon- tinue and consolidate schools in Boroughs. Sec. 1094. A School Board shall have power to establish and to conduct evening schools and schools for colored pupils, and to regulate such schools, and shall have power to establish new schools, to discontinue any school, or to consolidate schools in its Borough, and to maintain free lectures for workingmen and working worn en. Id.: Power to establish special classes for persons who cannot use the English language readily. Sec. 1095. A School Board shall have power to provide special classes, whose sessions shall be held at such times in the day or evening as said Board may determine, for the purpose of giving instruction in the English language to persons who cannot use that language readily and whose avocations are such as to prevent their attending the grammar, primary, or even- ing schools. Id.: Power to establish high schools.^ etc. Sec. 1096. A School Board shall have power to provide one or more high schools and training schools or classes for teachers in the Borough or Boroughs under its charge, as it may, from time to time, determine, and as the appropriations may permit, and all training schools and all high schools here- tofore established and maintained by the public school author- ities and registered as high schools by the Regents of the State of New York, shall be maintained in full efficiency. The said training schools or classes shall be under the control of the Board of Education and of the City Superintendent of Schools to the extent that may be necessary to secure compliance with chap- ter one thousand and thirt3'-one of the laws of eighteen hun- dred and nine-five. The said high schools shall be so organized as to furnish the benefit of further education to pupils of both sexes who shall have finished the grammar school course, and 527 to other residents of school age equally prepared, and the said School Board shall have power to make, from time to time, for the said high schools all needful rules and regulations, and to prescribe conditions on which pupils shall be received and in- structed therein and discharged therefrom. Id.: Pozuer to create school inspection districts, discretionary. Mayor appoints inspectors. Terms, organization^ etc., of inspectors. Sec. 109T. A School Board in its discretion may divide the Borough or Boroughs under its charge into as many school inspection districts as it may deem necessary, which districts must be contiguous and, as near as may be,. of equal popula- tion ; and at once upon the making of such districts it shall file maps of the same, duly authenticated by the Chairman of the School Board, in the office of the Mayor of The City of New York. School inspection districts existing in any of the Boroughs at the time this Act takes effecti shall continue as such until changed under the provisions of this section ; and all Inspect- ors of Common Schools who have been duly appointed to serve therein shall serve out the terms for which they were respec- tively appointed and their successors shall be appointed by the Mayor as their terms respectively expire, for the like period of five years. If any School Board, pursuant to the powers conferred upon it by this chapter, shall have divided or re-divided its ter- ritory into school inspection districts, then the Mayor shall, within sixty days thereafter, appoint in and for each of the school inspection districts of the Boroughs so divided, five in- spectors of common schools, to hold office respectively as may be designated in their letters of appointment, for one, two, three, four and five years from the first day of October next following their appointments. Upon the expiration of their respective terms the Mayor shall appoint their successors for the full term of five years. Subject to the conditions of contiguity and equality of popula- tion as hereinbefore prescribed, each School Board shall have power every five years, if it shall have once divided its terri- 528 tory into inspection districts, again to divide it into such dis- tricts and to make changes in existing districts, or in their number ; and if such number of districts be increased, the Mayor shall forthwith appoint, in the same manner and with like effect as herein provided, as many additional Inspectors of Common Schools as may be necessary to afford five Inspectors in each district. Such additional Inspectors shall be subject to the same by-laws and regulations as govern the other Inspec- tors in the same Borough, and shall perform the same duties. All Inspectors of Common Schools shall serve without pay, and shall be residents of the districts in and for which they are appointed. Any vacancy in the office of Inspector of Common Schools caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term. The inspectors, appointed for the respective districts in any Borough shall. organize in every year on the second Monday of October, by the election of two of their members as chairman and secretary respectively ; and they shall meet as often as may be necessary for the efficient performance of the duties imposed upon them.. Duties of inspectors of conwion schools. Sec. 1098. The duties of the inspectors of common schools are stated and fixed to be as follows, and not otherwise : In their respective districts, they shall visit and inspect at least once in every quarter, all the schools in the district, in respect to punctual and regular attendance of the pupils and teachers,, the number and fidelity of the teachers, the studies, progress^ order and discipline of the pupils ; the cleanliness, safety, warming, ventilation and comfort of school premises ; and whether or not the provisions of the school laws in respect to the teaching of sectarian doctrines or the use of sectarian books have been violated, and shall call the attention of the Board of Education, or of the proper School Board of the Borough, as the case may be, without delay, to every matter requiring official action. Every inspector shall, on or before the first day of January, April, July, and October of each year, make a written report to the proper School Board in respect to the condition of the schools, the efficiency of teachers, and wants of the district, especially in regard to schools and school premises. 529 School Boards m Boroughs to cause accounts and records to be made and kept. Sec. 1099. The School Boards shall cause to be kept, in con- formity with the by-laws of the Board of Education, accurate accounts of all moneys received and paid for or on account of the schools in its Borough, and it shall not be lawful to expend any money received for use from one of the School Funds for purposes provided for in the other School Fund, but all expenditures must be made conformable to the purposes for which said funds were levied, collected, ap- portioned and distributed, and said Board shall cause a state- ment to be entered in said accounts in conformity with said by-laws, of the movable property belonging to each school. The Board of Education shall provide the proper book or books, in form as required by said by-laws, and shall cause the class teachers under the direction and supervision of the principal teacher of each school and department to enter the names, ages and residences of the scholars attending the school, the name of the parent or guardian of each pupil and the days on which the scholars shall have attended respectively, and the aggregate attendance of each scholar during the year, and also the day upon which the school shall have been visited by the City Superintendent or by the Borough Superintendent, or by associate superintendents, or by members of the Board of Edu- cation, or by members of the School Board, or by the inspec- tors of schools, if such there be in the Borough, or by any of them, which entry shall be verified by such oath or affirmation of principal teacher in such school or department as may be prescribed by the Board of Education. The School Board shall preserve these books as the property of the school, and such books shall at all times be open to access by members of the Board of Education, by members of the School Boards and by the City Superintendent, or by any Borough Superin- tendent, or associate superintendent, or any inspector of schools, if such there be in the Borough. Id.: to provide for payment of salaries to principals and teachers and for disbursements. Sec. 1100. A School Board in and for its own Borough or Boroughs and subject to the by-laws of the Board of Educa- 530 tion of The City of New York shall, by its by-law, provide for the payment of the salaries of all principals and teachers of the various schools under its charge ; and for all disburse- ments chargeable to the General School Fund apportioned to it for educational purposes therein. Id. : Ann ual and other reports. Sec. 1101. Each School Board shall make an annual report to the Board of Education of such matters as the Board of Edu- cation may, by its by-laws or regulations, require, and it shall be the duty of any School Board to report to the Board of Education from time to time upon any subject that the Board of Education may by its resolution require. Id. : Power to appoint and remove Borough Superintendents and Associate Superintendents of Schools. Qualifications. Sec. 1102. A School Board shall have power, by a vote of a majority of its members in office, to appoint a Borough Superintendent of Schools for six years. It shall have power to appoint for a like term not more than one Asso- ciate Borough Superintendent of Schools for the first seven hundred teachers in the schools under its charge, and not more than one additional Associate Borough Superin- tendent for every additional three hundred and fifty teachers, or fractional number thereof greater than one-half ; provided, however, that there shall be, in any event, two Associate Borough Superintendents in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, respectively. The Board of Education shall have power from time to time to modify the basis of the number of teachers upon which the Borough School Boards may appoint Associate Superinten- dents ; and if the said Board of Education shall at any time so change this basis, the respective School Boards shall have power to appoint such number of Associate Superintendents as may be provided for by the terms of such new basis. The Superintendent of Schools appointed by a School Board shall be known as the Borough Superintendent, and the Asso- ciate Superintendents appointed by a School Board shall be known as Associate Superintendents. Any Borough Superinten- 531 dent or any Associate Superintendent may be removed for cause at any time by a three-fourths vote of all of the members appointed to the School Board by which he was appointed. No person shall be eligible for election as City Superinten- dent, Boroug-h Superintendent, or Associate Superintendent who has not one of the following qualifications : {a) Gradua- tion from a College or University recognized by the University of the State of New York, together with at least five years of successful experience in teaching or in supervision since graduation ; (d) Ten years' successful experience as Superin- tendent, Supervising Principal, or Teacher in a graded school. J(/. : Appointment and resignation of principals and teachers. Sec. 1103. Principals shall be appointed by the School Boards in their respective Boroughs on the nomination of the Board of Borough Superintendents. Principals, branch prin- cipals, supervisors, heads of departments, teachers, assistants and all other members of the teaching staff, shall be appointed by the School Boards on the like nomination. Teachers shall be promoted or transferred from one class to another by the School Board, or in accordance with its by-laws, on the nomi- nation of the Borough Board of Superintendents. For all purposes affecting the appointment, promotion, or transfer of the teachers in any school, the principal of such school shall have a seat in the Borough Board of Superintendents, with a vote on all propositions affecting his school. The system or mode of nomination in this section provided for shall not be held to deprive any School Board that has been a Board of Education, of the right to appoint, to pro- mote, and to transfer principals, teachers and other members of the teaching staff without such nomination, in any Borough in which, at the time this Act takes effect, said Board of Education enjoys such right of appointment without nomina- tion by superintendents, until the same shall have been adopted by the School Board of such Borough. The nominations thus provided for must be made from the list of properly certificated principals and teachers and other persons eligible for service in the schools of the Borough in the positions to be filled. The time within which said School 632 Board shall finally act upon said nominations, either by ap- pointing such principal or teacher or other officer or by reject- ing such nominations, is hereby fixed at forty days from the date of the first regular meeting of the School Board next after the filing of such recommendation in the office of the Secretary of the Board. The failure on the part of a School Board to confirm or to reject a nomination within the time prescribed herein shall be held as equivalent to the appoint- ment of the principal or teacher nominated. In case of a failure or of repeated failures to appoint, other names shall be sub- mitted to the School Board for its consideration within two weeks after each failure, until an appointment is made. Resignations of Borough Superintendents and of Associate Superintendents shall be made to the School Board. Resigna- tions of principals and teachers, and of all other members of the teaching staff, shall be made to the Borough Super- intendent. Id.: Changing grades of schools and classes. Fixing standard of qualification for principals and teachers. Sec. 1104. A School Board shall have power to change the grades of all schools and of all classes of any high school or other school under its charge upon the written recommenda- tion of the Borough Board of Superintendents, and upon the same recommendation to adopt and modify courses of study therefor. A School Board shall also have power to fix a standard of qualification as a necessary requirement for the service of all principals and teachers in the high schools and schools of the Borough, which requirement may be higher, but not lower than the minimum qualifications established by the Board of Education of The City of New York. Id. : By-laws governing transfers of principals and teachers. Sec. 1105. A School Board shall have power to make by-laws governing all transfers of principals or of teachers from one school to another school in its Borough, and relative to the reception of any teacher transferred from one Borough to another Borough. 533 Id. : Transfer of tinemployed principals or teachers. Sec 1106. A School Board shall have power upon the written recommendation of the Borough Superintendent to transfer principals or teachers who may be unemployed by reason of the closing or discontinuance of any school, to any other school in the Borough where a vacancy may exist. Id. : Board of Superintendents of the Boroughs ; how duties regu- lated. Sec. 1107. A Borough Superintendent and the Associate Superintendents therein shall constitute the Board of Superin- tendents for the Borough, to be known as the Borough Board of Superintendents. A School Board in and for its Borough shall have power to pass by-laws regulating the duties of its Borough Superintendent, of its Associate Superintendents and of the Board of Superintendents for the Borough. The Bor- ough Superintendent shall preside over the Board of Superin- tendents of the Borough, and all communications from the Board shall be made in his name unless in an}^ special case he may otherwise elect. General duties of Borough Superintendents and Associate Superin- tendents. Sec. 1108. The Borough Superintendents and the Associate Superintendents shall visit every school in their respective Boroughs, and shall inquire into all matters relating to the government, courses of study, methods of teaching, discipline and conduct of such schools, and the condition of the school houses and of the schools generally, and shall examine classes when necessary. The Borough Superintendents shall report the results of such inspections and examinations to the School Board and to the City Superintendent, who shall transmit such parts of said reports as he may consider necessary or proper to the Board of Education of The City of New York, and they shall also report to the City Superintendent at such times, con- cerning such matters, and in such form as said Superintendent shall require. It shall further be the duty of the Borough Superintendent, and of each Associate Superintendent, through 534 him, to report to the School Board of the Borough any case of gross misconduct, neglect of duty, or general inefficiency on the part of any principal or teacher or other member of the educational staff within his jurisdiction. Borough Board of Superintentents. Lists of principals, etc., to be kept by. Where principals report. Sec. 1109. The Borough Board of Superintendents shall keep a list of all principals and other teachers in the service of the Board of Education in the said Borough or Boroughs, with the dates of their appointment, the grades and classes taught by them, the results of all inspections and examinations, and of their standing as regards regularity and punctuality in attendance. Such lists shall be open to the inspection of teachers (as to their own records only), of members of the Board of Education, of the members of the School Board and of principals. Principals shall report to the Borough Super- intendent at such times upon such matters and in such form as he may require. Id.: Promotion of pupils : transfer of teachers by City Superintend- ent of Schools : preferment where schools are consolidated or discontinued. Sec. 1110. Each Borough Board of Superintendents shall establish for the schools under their charge rules and regula- tions for the promotion of pupils from grade to grade, from school to school, for graduation from all grades of schools, and for the transfer of pupils from one school to another. With the consent of the teacher and of the principal and the School Board concerned, the City Superintendent of Schools shall have power to transfer a teacher from a school in one Borough to a school in another Borough, provided that the teacher possess the qualifications to teach in the Borough to which said teacher is to be transferred, as such qualifications are prescribed both by the Board of Education and by the School Board of the Borough concerned. All such transfers shall be reported forthwith to the School Boards of the Boroughs in which the schools affected are situated. 535 In case of the consolidation of schools or of the discontinu- ance of any school, principals and teachers of good standing, who thereby ma}'^ be deprived of employment, shall be pre- ferred in appointments to be made in any of the schools of the Borough. Id.: Recommendations of a7id requisitions for text books and scho- lastic supplies. Sec. 1111. The Borough Board of Superintendents may recommend to the School Board text books, apparatus and other scholastic supplies required in the schools of the Bor- ough, which, when approved or modified by the School Board, shall upon its requisition, or upon the requisition of the Bor- ough Superintendent, made in conformity with its b3'-laws, be supplied by the Board of Education. Requisitions may be made by principals under regulations to be approved by the School Board, and the same must be approved by the Bor- ough Superintendent. Miscellaneous provisions as to powers and duties of Borough Super- intendent, Borough Board of Superintendents, and principals. Sec. 1112. Subject to the by-laws of the School Board, the Borough Superintendent, or other appropriate officer, shall assign to their duties such special teachers in drawing, music, physical culture, manual training, sewing, cooking, kinder- garten work, or other special branches, as the School Board of the Borough may appoint ; and such teachers shall be responsible to the principal of each school to which they are assigned for the performance of their duties therein, and shall report to him and also to the Borough Superintendent as these officers may respectively require, unless otherwise ordered by the School Board. Id.: Qualifications for special branches. Sec. 1113. A Borough Superintendent shall have a seat in the School Board of his Borough with the right to speak on all matters before the Board, but not to vote. Subject to the approval of the Borough Board of Superintendents and as the 536 by-laws of such Board may prescribe, the principal of each school shall direct the methods of teaching in all classes under his charge except that the School Board may adopt by-laws to govern in the case of special classes. The Board of Borough Superintendents shall have the power from time to time to issue syllabuses of the topics in the various branches taught which shall be regarded as the minimum amount of work re- quired in such branches. The Borough Superintendent of the Boroughs of Queens and of Richmond respectively is hereby authorized, with the approval of the School Board of the respective Boroughs, to designate certain principals as supervising principals to aid the Board of Superintendents in their work of supervision. No person shall be eligible for election as supervisor of a special branch, as music, drawing, kindergarten, etc., who is not {a) a graduate of a high school or of an institu- tion of equal or higher scholastic rank ; and {b) a graduate from a course of professional training of at least one year in the special branch that he is to supervise or teach ; and {c) a teacher of that special branch with at least three years of successful experience. Charges against principal and teachers and others ; proceedings thereon. Sec. 1114. A member of a School Board, a Borough Super- intendent, or an Associate Superintendent may prefer charges to the School Board against a principal, a branch principal, a supervisor, a head of department, or any other officer exercis- ing supervising powers in the schools under their charge, or against a teacher in any of the schools under their charge, for gross misconduct, insubordination, neglect of duty, or general inefficiency. Pending trial, the School Board may suspend said principal or teacher or other officer, with or without pay, and appoint a substitute in his place. In accordance with by-laws to be passed by the School Board, the principal of any school shall have the like power to suspend a teacher in his school, and shall forthwith report such suspension to the Borough Superintendent, who shall immediately report it to the School Board. Pending action 537 by the School Board, the Borough Superintendent m'ay ap- point a substitute in the place of any teacher so suspended. The School Board, on receiving notice of charges under the provisions of either of the foregoing paragraphs, shall im- mediately proceed to try and determine the case, either in the Board or by a committee of its body, and shall fix the fine, penalty, or punishment, if any, that should be imposed for the offence ; and such fine, penalty, or punishment shall consist of a fine, in suspension for a fixed time without pay, or in dismis- sal. The report of any committee holding such trial shall be subject to final action by the Board, which may reject, con- firm, or modify the conclusions of the Committee, and the de- cision of the Board shall be final, except as as to matters in relation to which, under the general school laws of the State, an appeal may be taken to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. In case the principal or other of- ficer or teacher is acquitted, he shall be restored to his position with full pay for the period of suspension. In all trials authorized by this chapter, all testimony taken shall be under oath, which the President of the Board or Chairman of the Committee conducting the trial is hereby authorized to administer, and the Supreme Court shall have power, upon the application of such President or Chairman, to compel any witness who may be summoned, to appear and testify before said Board or Committee. Powers of investigation. Sec. 1115. TheBoard of Education or any School Board may investigate, of its own motion or otherwise, either in the Board or by a committee of its own body, any subject of which it has cognizance or over which it has legal control, including the conduct of any of its members or employees ; and for the pur- pose of such investigation, such Board or its President, or Committee and its Chairman, shall have and may exercise all the powers which a School Board has or may exercise in the case of a trial under Section 1 1 14 of this Act. Any action or determination of a Committee appointed under the provisions of this section shall be subject to approval or reversal by the Board appointing it, which may also modify the determina- 538 tion of the Committee in such way as the Board shall deem proper and just, and the judgment of the Board thereon shall be final. Borough Superintendent. Enforcing compulsory education latv. Nominatifig, assigning, suspending and discharging clerks. Sec, J 116. The Borough Superintendent shall enforce the compulsory education law, and shall nominate attendance officers to the School Board, and shall direct such officers in their duties. He may suspend or discharge any such officer for cause, but such officer shall have the right of appeal to the School Board. He shall nominate to the School Board such clerks as may be required in his office and as may be author- ized by the School Board, and he shall assign them to their various duties. He may suspend or discharge them for cause, but in such case the clerks shall have the right of appeal to the School Board. Continuation in office of all employees under the public school system of any part of the territory consolidated. Sec. 1117. All Superintendents, Assistant or Associate Su- perintendents, and all principals, teachers and other members of the educational staff in the public school system of any part of The City of New York as constituted by this Act, shall continue to hold their respective positions and to be entitled to such compensation as is now provided or may hereafter be provided by the various School Boards, subject to the limita- tions of this Act and to re-assignment or to removal for cause, as may be provided by law. On the first day of February, 1898, the City Superintendent of Schools in the City of New York as constituted prior to the passage of this Act, shall be and become the Superintendent of Schools of the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx ; and the Assistant Superintendents of the City of New York as then constituted, shall be and be- come Associate Superintendents of the Boroughs of Manhat- tan and The Bronx ; the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the City of Brooklyn as constituted prior to the passage of this Act, shall be and become the Superintendent of Schools of the Borough of Brooklyn; and the Associate Superintendents of 539 the City of Brooklyn as then constituted, shall become Asso- ciate Superintendents of the Borough of Brooklyn. The duties of all of these officers, on and after February ist, 1898, shall be entirely defined and limited by the provisions of this Act. All persons transferred by this section to the service of the consolidated city who hold office for definite terms, shall be transferred for the remainder of their respective terms only. School money appropriation by the State to the public schools of the city. Sec. 1118. Whenever the clerk of the city shall receive notice from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the amount of moneys apportioned to The City of New York for the support and encouragement of common schools therein, he shall immediately lay the same before the municipal assembly of said city ; and the Chamberlain of the said city shall apply for and receive the school moneys apportioned to the said city as soon as the same becomes payable, and place the same in the city treasury. School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn to control and administer the Public School Teachers ^ Retirement Fund created by Chap- ter 6.56, Laws of 1895. Composition of fund. Retirement and pensions of Teachers. Sec. 1119. The School Board of the Borough of Brooklyn is hereby given the full care and management of the Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, created by chapter six hundred and fifty-six of the Laws of 1895. When a teacher is transferred to another Borough having a Teachers' Retirement Fund, his or her contribution may be paid into the said fund and inure to the teacher's benefit in that fund under the rules governing the same. 640 Title 2. the college of the city of new york. To continue as a separate corporation. Sec. 1127. The College of the City of New York, shall con- tinue to be a separate and distinct organization and body corpo- rate, and as such shall have the powers and privileges of a college, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of this State, and be subject to the provisions of the said statutes relative to colleges, and to the visita- tion of Regents of the University, in like manner with the other colleges of the State. Trustees. Sec. 1128. The members of the Board of Education of the City of New York, togetherwith the president of the college, shall be ex- ofiicio the Trustees of the said college, and shall have and possess the powers conferred upon, and be subject to the duties required of the trustees of colleges by the Revised Statutes. The president of the college shall be a member of the executive committee of the said trustees for its care, government, and management. Laws applicable. Sec. 1129. All Acts of the Legislature, which were in force on March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, in regard to the Free Academy, and to its control, management, support, and affairs, not since modified or repealed, and which are not incon- sistent with the provisions of this Act, and all laws in force at the time this Act takes effect relative to the College of the City of New York not inconsistent with this Act are hereby declared to be applicable to the said college. Participation in State literature and other funds. Sec. 1130. The College of the City of New York shall be en- titled to participate in the distribution of the income of the literature and other funds in the same manner and upon the same conditions a« the other colleges of the State, and the Regents of the University of the State of New York shall pay annually to the Comptroller 541 of the City of New York, as trustee for said college, the distributive share of the said funds to which the said College of the City of New York shall, by law, be entitled, and which shall be applied and expended for library books for the said college. Duty of trustees to report. Sec. 1131. It shall be the duty of the Trustees of said col- lege, annually on or before the first day of September, to report to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment such sum, not exceeding one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars in any one year, as they may require for the payment of the salaries of the professors and officers of said college; for obtaining and fumis'hing scientific apparatus, books for the students and all other necessary supplies therefor; for repairing and altering the college buildings ; and for the support, maintenance, and general expenses of said college; and the said board of Estimate and Ap- portiomnent and the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York are herby autihorized and directed in ^ch and every year to raise and collect by tax on the estate, real and personal, liable to tax- ation in said City, such sum of money, not exceeding the amount aforesaid, as miay be reported to them by said trustees ; the amount so to be raised and collected to be in addition to the sums required for the purposes of common schools in the City of New York under the Act entitled "An Act to amend, consolidate, and re- duce to one Act the several Acts of the State of New York relative to the common schools of the City of New York," passed July third, 1851, and the several Acts amendatory thereto. Upon the recommendation of the Trustees, the Board of Estimate and Apjxirtionment and the Municipal Assembly may increase, from time to time, the amount annually to be raised in the tax levy for the maintenance of the College of the City of New York. Instruction to be furnished gratuitously: degrees and diplomas. Sec. 1132. The Board of Education, as Trustees of said college, shall continue to furnish, through the College of 542 the City of New York, the benefit of education, gratuitously, to boys who have been pupils in the common schools of the City, and to all other male students who are actual residents of said City, and who are qualified to pass the required examination for admission to said college. And the Trustees, upon the recommendation of the faculty of the said col- lege, may grant the usual degrees and diplomas in the arts to such persons as shall have completed a full course of study in the said college. Reports by Trustees to he furnished. Sec. 1133. The Trustees of the College of the City of New York shall make and transmit, annually, on or before the first day of February in each year, to the Municipal Assembly, and also to the Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, a report, dated on the thirty-first day of December next preceding, which report shall state the names and ages of all the pupils instructed in sudh college during the preceding year, and the time that each was so instructed, specifying which of them have completed a full course of study therein, and whidh have received degrees, medals, and other special testimonials, a particular state- ment of the studies pursued by each pupil since the last preceding report, together with the books such student shall have studied, in whole or in part, and if in part, what portion; an account or estimate of the library, philosophical and chemical apparatus, and mathe- matical or other scientific instruments belonging to such college; the names of the instructors employed in said college, and the com- pensation paid to each; what amount of moneys the Board of Ed- ucation received during the year for the purposes of such college, and from what sources, specifying how much from each, and the particular manner, and the specific purposes for which such moneys have been expended; and such other information in relation to edu- cation in the said college, and the measures of the Board of Trus- tees in the management thereof, as the Municipal Assembly, or the Regents of the University of the State of New York may, from time to time, require. ^ fuiriVBESITT] '^Mfht^ Title 3. the normal college. The Normal College of The City of New York, a corporation and college. Sec. 1139. The Normal College of the City of New York is hereby declared to be a separate and distinct organization and body corporate, and as such shall have the power and privileges of a col- lege pursuant to the revised statutes of this State, and be subject to the provisions of the said statutes relative to colleges, and to the visitation of theRegentsof the University, in like manner with the other colleges of the State. Id. : Trustees, powers and duties of trustees. Sec. 1140. The members of the Board of Education of the City of New York, together with the president of the Normal Col- lege shall be ex-officio the trustees of said college, and shall have and possess the powers conferred upon and be subject to the duties required of the trustees of colleges by the revised statutes. The president of the college shall be a member of the executive commit- tee of the said trustees for its care, government and management. Id. : Laws applicable to. Participation in State literature and other funds. Sec. 1141. All acts of the Legislature now in force with regard to the said Normal College, its control, management, support and affairs, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby declared to be appHcable to said college. The Normal College of the City of New York shall be entitled to participate in the distri- bution of the income of the literature, and other funds of the State in the same manner, and upon the same conditions as the other col- leges of the State, and the Regents of the University of the State of New York, shall pay annually to the Comptroller of the City of New York, as trustee for said college, the distributive share of the said funds to which the said Normal College of the City of New York shall by law be entitled, and which shall be applied and ex- pended for library books for said college. 544 Id. : Trustees to report annually the amount required to pay salaries, etc. Such amount to be raised by taxation. Municipal Assembly may increase amount named herein. Sec. 1142. It shall be the duty of the Trustees of said col- lege annually on or before the fifteenth day of October to report to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment such sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in any one year, as they may require for the payment of the salaries of the professors and officers of the said college, for obtain- ing and furnishing scientific apparatus, books for the students and all other necessary suppHes therefor, for repairing and altering the college buildings, and for the support, maintenance and general ex- penses of said college; and the said Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment, and the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York are hereby authorized and directed, in each and every year to raise and collect by tax on the estate, real and personal, liable to taxation in said city and county, such sum of money, not exceeding the amount aforesaid, as may be reported to them by said trustees, the amount so to be raised and collected to be in addition to the sums required for the purposes of comimon schools in the City of New York, under the act entitled "An act to amend, consolidate and reduce to one act the several acts of the State of New York, relative to common schools of the City of New York", passed July third, eighteen hun- dred and fifty-one, and the several acts amendatory thereto. Upon the recommendation of the Trustees, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Municipal Assembly may increase from timie to time the amount annually to be raised in the tax levy for the maintenance of the Normal College. Id.: Instruction to be furnished gratuitously. Degrees and diplomas. Sec. 1143. The said Board of Education as trustees of said col- lege shall continue to furnish through the Normal College of the City of New York, the benefit of education gratuitously to girls who have been pupils in the common schools of The City of New York as constituted by this Act, for a period of time to be regulated 545 .. . .-•; by the Board of Trustees of said college, and to all other girls who are actual residents of said city, and who are qualified to pass the required exanimation for admission to said college ; and the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the faculty of the said college, may grant the usual degrees and diplomas in the arts to such persons as shall have completed a full course of study in the said college. The said Board of Trustees shall give normal instruc- tion in manual training for the purpose of preparing teachers of manual training for the common school. Id.: Annual report of trustees. Sec. 1144. The Trustees of the Normal College of the City of New York shall make and transmit annually, on or before the first day of February in each year, to the Muni- cipal Assembly and also to the secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, a report, dated on the last secular day of December, next preceding, which report shall state the names and ages of all the pupils instructed in said college during the preceding year, and the time that each was so instructed, specifying which of them have com- pleted a full course of study therein, and which have received de- grees, medals and other special testimonials; a particular statement of the studies pursued by each pupil since the last preceding report together with the books such student shall have studied, in whole or in part, and if in part, what portions ; an account or estimate of the library, philosophical and chemical apparatus and mathematical or other scientific instruments belonging to said college; the names of the instructors employed in said college and the compensation paid to each; what amount of moneys the Board of Trustees received during the year for the purposes of said college, and from what source, specifying how much from each, and the particular manner and the specific purposes for which such moneys have been ex- pended, and such other information in relation to education in the said college, and the measures of the Board of Trustees in the management thereof, as the Board of Education or the Regents of the University of the State of New York may from time to time require. 546 Id.: Money appropriated for to be expended when required by trustees. Contracts by trustees. Sec. 1145. The moneys apportioned to the Board of Education of said City of New York by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment and MunicipalAssembly for the payment of the salaries of the professors and officers of said college, for obtaiining and furnishing scientific apparatus, books for the students and all other necessary supplies therefor, for repairing and altering the college buildings, and for the support, maintenance and general expenses of said col- lege, shall be expended for said Normal College when required by the Trustees of the Normal Collegeof the City of New York, with the same right, power and authority as if the said college were under the control of the Board of Education of the City of New York. All contracts entered into, or liabilities incurred by said trustees in- volving the expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, except agreements for the payment of salaries, shall be entered into and in- curred in the manner and subject to the restrictions and limitations provided as to other expenditures of public moneys as provided for in this Act. Title 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Religious sects and dogmatic books excluded: Bible retained. Sec. 1151. No school shall be entitled to or receive any por tion of the school moneys in which the religious doctrines or ten- ets of any particular Christian or other religious sect shall be taught, inculcated, or practised, or in which any book or books, containing compositions favorable or prejudicial to the particular doctrines or tenets of any particidar Christian or other religious sect shall be used, or which sihall teach the doctrines or tenets of any other religious sect, or which shall refuse to permit the visits and examinations provided for in this chapter. But 547 nothing herein contained shall authorize the Board of Education or the School Board of any Borough to exclude the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment, or any selections there- from, from any of the schools provided for by this chapter; but it shall not be competent for the said Board of Education to decide what version, if any, of the Holy Scriptures, without note or com- ment, shall be used in any of the schools; provided that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to violate the rights of conscience, as secured by the Constitution of this State and of the United States. Certain private schools authorised to participate in common school fund. Sec. 1152. The school established and maintained by the Five Points House of Industry, in the City of New York, the school es- tablished and maintained by the Ladies' Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the institution in Park street, near the place usually called the Five Points, in the said City, and the industrial schools established and maintained under the charge of the Children's Aid Society, in the City of New York, shall par- ticipate through the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhat- tan and The Bronx, in the distribution of the common school fund in the same manner and degree as the common schools in The City of New York, and shall be subject to the same regu- lations and restrictions as are now by law imposed on the com- mon schools of New York. Id.: to report as to moneys and attendance. Sec. 1153. The Board of Education shall require from the offi- cers conducting schools by appointment of the Board, and from the trustees, managers, or directors of the corporate schools entitled to participate in the apportionment of school moneys, a report in all respects similar to that heretofore required in the City of New York from the trustees of each ward. And in making the apportion- ment among the several schools, no share shall be allotted to any school or society from which no sufficient annual report shall have respects similar to that formerly required in the City of New York as constituted prior to the passage of this Act from the trustees of each ward. And in making the apportionment among the several schools, no share shall be allotted by any School Board to any school or society from which no sufficient annual report shall have been received, for the year ending on the last day of June immediately preceding the apportionment. Certain additional private schools authorized to participate in school funds. Sec. 1154. The New York Orphan Asylum School, the Ro- man Catholic Orphan Asylum School, the schools of the two half orphan asylums, the school of the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, in the City of New York, the schoo for the Leake and Watt's Orphans' House, the school c-'nnected with the Alms House of said City, the school of the Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans, the schools of the American Female Guardian Society, the school established and maintained by the New York Juvenile Asylum, by the New York Infant Asylum, by the Nursery and Child's Hospital, including the country branch thereof; the orphan asylums and industrial schools as existing in the City of Brooklyn at the time of the passage of this Act, and the several schools and branches thereof, the schools organized under the act entitled " An Act to extend to the City and County of New York the provisions of the gen- eral Act in relation to common schools, passed April eleven, eighteen hundred and forty-two," or an Act to amend the same passed April eighteen, eighteen hundred and forty-three, or an Act entitled " An Act more effectually to provide for common school education in the City and County of New York, passed May seventh, eighteen hundred and fourty-four," or any of the acts amending the same, and such schools as may be organized under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the gen- eral supervision of the Board of Education, and shall be entitled, through the proper School Boards, to participate in the appor- tionment of the school moneys, as provided for in this chapter, but they shall be under the immediate direction of their respective Trustees, Managers and Directors, as herein provided. 549 Id. : accidental omission to report. Sec. 1155. Whenever an appointment of the public money shall not be made to any school, in consequence of any accidental omission to make any report required by law, or to comply with any o*ber regulation or provision of law, the Board of Education may, in its discretion, direct an apportionment to be made to such school, according to the equitable circimistances of the case, to be paid out of the public money on hand, or if the same shall have been distributed out of the public money to be received in a succeeding year. Id.: Trustees of such schools may convey to Corporation and become merged. Sec. 1156. The trustees, managers, and directors of any of the corporate schools entitled to participate in the apportionment of the school moneys, may, at any time, convey their school-houses and sites to the Corporation of the City of New York, and transfer any of their schools to the Board of Education, on the terms and in the manner to be agreed upon and prescribed by the Board of Education, so as either to merge the said schools in the public schools or adopt them as public schools ; and the same shall then be public schools, subject to all the rules, duties, and liabilities, and enjoy the same rights as if they had been originally estab- lished as public schools. Nautical school to be established. Sec. 1157. The Board of Education is authorized and directed to provide and maintain a nautical school in said City, for the edu- cation and training of pupils in the science and practice of naviga- tion; to fumisb accommodations for said school, and make all needful rules and regulations therefor, and for the number and compensation of instructors and others employed therein; to pre- scribe tbe government and discipline thereof, and the terms and conditions upon which pupils shall be received and instructed there- in, and discharged therefrom, and provide in all things for the good 550 management of said nautical school. And said Board shall have power to purchase the books, apparatus, stationery, and other things necessary or expedient to enable said school to be properly and successfully conducted, and may cause the said school or the pupils, or part of the pupils, thereof to go on board vessels in the harbor of New York, and take cruises in or from said 'harbor for the purpose of obtaining a practical knowledge in navigation and of the duties of mariners. And the said Board are hereby author- ized to apply to the United States Government for the requisite use of vessels and supplies for the purpose above mentioned. Nautical school; management of. Sec. 1158. The said Board of Education shall appoint annually at least three of their number who shall, subject to the control, supervision, and approbation of the Board, constitute an executive committee, for the care, government, and management of sucK nautical school, under rules and regulations so prescribed, and whose duty it shall be, among other things, to recommend the rules and regulations which they deem necessary and proper for such school. Id.: Chamber of Commerce to appoint committee to serve as council. Sec. 1159. The Chamber of Commerce of New York is author- ized to provide for and appoint a committee of its members to serve as a council of the nautical school, whose duty it shall be, as far as may be, to advise and co-operate with the Board of Education in the establishment and management of such school, and from time to time to visit and examine the same, and to communicate in respect thereof, with the Board of Education, or such executive committee thereof, and to make reports to the Chamber of Com- merce which may transmit to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction such reports, or any thereof, or an abstract of the same, with such recommendations as may be deemed advisable. 551 ..^ Id.: expenses. Sec. 1160. After the establishment and organization of the said school, the expenses thereof, and of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, sihall be defrayed from the moneys raised by law for the support of common schools in the City of Ne York. New York Instihition for the Blind. Sec. 1161. The Board of Education is hereby authorized and required to distribute to the Managers of the New York Institution for the Blind a ratable proportion of the said school fund to every blind pupil in said Institution, without regard to age. 562 CHAPTER XIX. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Title 1. Powers and Duties of the Department, its Officers and Administration. 2. Marriages, Births and Deaths. 3. Duties of Physicians and Others. 4. Legal Proceedings and Punishment for Disobedience of Orders and Ordinances. 5. Reimbursement of Expenses. 6. Abatement by Suit. j 7. Tenement and Lodging Houses. 8. Pension Fund. Title 1. orgamzation, administration, authority, duties and powers of department. The Board of Health the head of the Department of Health. Section 1167. The head of the Department of Health shall be called the Board of Health. Said board shall consist of the President of the Board of Police, the Health Officer of the Port, and three officers called Commissioners of Health, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall hold their respective offices, as provided in Chapter IV of this Act as designated by the Mayor. Authority, duty and powers of the Board of Health. Sec. 1168. The authority, duty, and powers of the Depart- ment of Health shall extend over The City of New York, and the waters adjacent thereto, within the jurisdiction of said City, 553 and over the waters of the bay within the quarantine limits as established by law, but shall not be held to interfere with the powers and duties of the commissioners of quarantine or the health officer of the port. It shall be the duty of the Depart- ment of Health to make an annual report to the Mayor of The City of New York, of all the operations of the department for the previous year. The Mayor may at any time call for a fuller report, or for a report upon any portion of the work of said De- partment, whenever he may deem it to be for the public good so to do. All the authority, duty and powers heretofore conferred or en- joined upon the Health Departments, Boards of Health, health and sanitary officers in any of the municipal and public corporations or parts thereof, in any of the territory now within or here- after to become a part of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and within the jurisdiction of said city, by chapter seventy-four of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the several Acts amendatory thereof, and by any other subsequent laws of this State, and upon the several officers and members of said boards, by the laws constituting and appointing all such depart- ments, boards of health, and sanitary officers and members of said boards, by the laws constituting and appointing all such depart- ments, boards of health, and sanitary officers, and giving and grant- ing to them, or any of them, duties and powers not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby conferred upon and vested in and enjoined upon, and shall hereafter be exclusively exercised in the City of New York by the Department of Health, and Board of Health, created by this Act, and by the officers of said Board of Health and the said Department of Health, and the same are to be exercised in the manner specified in said chapter seventy-four of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the several Acts amendatory thereof, and by any other subsequent laws of the State relative to health and sanitary matters, and the prevention of pesti- lence and disease in said City of New York, or in any part there- of, and in conformity with the provisions of this Act. JDuty of Board as to enforcement of laws. Information. Sec. 1169. It shall be the duty of said Board of Health to aid 554 the enforcement of, and so far as practicable, to enforce all laws of this State, applicable in said district, to the preservation of human life, or to the care, promotion, or protection of health; and said board may exercise the authority given by said laws to enable it to discharge the duty hereby imposed ; and this section is intended to include all laws relative to cleanliness, and to the use or sale of poisonous, un- wholesome, deleterious, or adulterated drugs, medicine or food, and the necessary sanitary supervision of the purity and wholesomeness of the water supply and the sources thereof for the City of New York. And said board is authorized to require reports and information at such times and of such facts, and generally of such nature and extent, rela- tive to the saiety of life and promotion of health as its by-laws or rules may provide, from all public dispensaries, hospitals, asylums, in- firmaries, prisons and schools, and from the managers, principals and officers thereof; and from all other public institutions, their officers and managers, and from the proprietors, managers, lessees, and oc- cupants of all theatres and other places of public resort or amusement in said district; but such reports and information shall only be re- quired concerning matters, or particulars, in respect of which, it may, in its opinion, need information, for the better discharge of its duties in said City of New York and every part thereof. It is hereby made the duty of the officers, institutions, and persons so called on, or referred to, to promptly give such information and make such reports verbally or in writing as may be required by said board. ' ■ ] ]\ The Board of Health shall use all reasonable means for ascertain- ing the existence and cause of disease or peril to life or health, and for averting the same, throughout said City, and shall promptly cause all proper information in possession of said board to be sent to the local health authorities of any city, village, or town in this State which may request the same, and shall add thereto such useful suggestions as the exoerience of said board may supply. It shall be the duty of said board, so far as it may be able, without serious expense, to gather and preserve such information and facts relating to death, disease and health, from other parts 555 of this State, but especially in said City, as may be useful in the discharge of its duties, and contribute to the promotion of health, or the security of life in the State of New York. It shall be the duty of said board to give all information that may be reasonably requested concerning any threatened danger to the public health, to the Health Officer of the Port of New York, and to the Commissioners of Quarantine of said port; who shall give the like information to said board; and said board, and said officers and Quarantine Commissioners shall, so far as legal and prac- ticable, co-operate together to prevent the spread of disease, and for the protection of life and the promotion of health, within the sphere of their respective duties. Said board may grant bills of health to masters of vessels certifying to the condition of the city in respect of health. Hospitals. Sec. 1170. Said board may remove or cause to be removed to proper place, to be by it designated, any person sick with a any contagious, pestilential, or infectious disease; shall have ex- clusive charge and control of the hospitals for the treatment of such cases ; and shall have power to provide and pay for the use of proper places to which to remove such persons as well as to designate such places. The Board of Health is authorized and empowered to erect, establish, maintain, and furnish, upon North Brothers Island and in such other places within the City of New York as are now used for such purposes, buildings and hospitals for the care and treat- ment of persons sick with contagious diseases, and shall have the ex- clusive charge and control of the said buildings and hospitals. It shall have power to take possession of, and occupy for temporary hospitals, any building or buildings in the said City, during the preva- lence of an epidemic, if in the judgment of the board the same may be required, and shall pay for private property so taken a just copi- pensation for the same. Said board may cause proper care and attendance to be given to persons sick or removed, when it shall be made to appear to the said board that any such person is so poor as to be unable to procure for himself such care and attendance, 656 or that the public health requires special medical care and attend- ance. The Board of Health may send to such place as it may direct, all aliens and other persons in the city, not residents thereof, who shall be sick of any infectious, pestilential, or contagious disease. The expense of the support of such aliens or other persons shall be defrayed by the corporation of the City of New York, unless such aliens or other persons shall be entitled to support from the Commissioners of Emigration. No person shall remove any person sick with infectious, contagious or pestilential disease from any vessel or other place in said City without a written permit from the Board of Health. Repairs of building. Sec. 1171. Thepowersof theBoardof Healthshallbeconstrued to include the ordering- and enforcing in the same manner as other orders are provided to be enforced, the repairs of buildings, houses, and other structures ; the regulation and control of all public markets (so far as relates to the cleanliness, ventilation, and drainapfe thereof, and to the prevention of the sale, or offering for sale, of improper articles therein) ; the removal of any obstruction, matter, or thing in or upon the public streets, sidewalks, or places which shall be in its opinion liable to lead to results dangerous to life or health; the pre- vention of accidents by which life or health may be endangered ; and generally the abating of uMi nuisances. It is hereby expressly de- clared that the said Board of Health shall have and possess full and complete power with reference to the ventilation, drainage, and clean- liness of the stands or stalls in or around all markets, and said board shall have in said City all common-law rights to abate any nuisance without suit, which can or does in thi^ State belong to any person whatever. Sanitary code. Sec. 1172. The Sanitary Code adopted and declared as such at the meeting of the Board of Health of the Health Depart- ment of The City of New York, held in the city as formerly constituted and bounded on the second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, as amended in 557 accordance with law, is hereby declared to be binding and in force in the City constituted by this Act, and shall continue to be so binding and in force, except as the same may, from time to time, be revised, altered, amended or annulled by the Board of Health as herein provided. And it shall be the duty of said board, immediately upon organization under this Act, to cause to be conformed to this title the Sanitary Code of Ordinances, adopted by the existing Department of Health, and the depart- ments and Boards of Health existing in the several parts of the City of New York before the passage of this Act, which shall be called the " Sanitary Code." Said Board of Health is hereby authorized and empowered from time to time, to add to or to alter, amend or annul any part of the said Sanitary Code, and may therein publish additional provisions for the security of life and health in The City of New York, and distribute appropriate powers and duties to the members and employees of the Depart- ment of Health, not inconsistent with the constitution or laws of this State. The Board of Health may embrace therein all matters and subjects to which, and so far as, the power and authority of said Department of Health extends, not limiting their application to the subject of health only. But no such revision, alteration or amendment shall take effect or be bind- ing or in force, until the same has been published once a week for two successive weeks in the City Record. The publication of additional provisions in, and of, additional ordinances of the Sanitary Code once a week for two successive weeks in the City Record shall be sufficient, and render any further publication of the same in any other newspaper unnecessary. Any violation of said code or its amendments shall be treated and punished as a misdemeanor, and the offender shall also be liable to pay a penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the Department of Health of The City of "New York, before any justice or tribunal in said city, having jurisdiction of civil actions; and all such justices and tribunals shall take juris- diction of such action. Copies of the record of the proceedings of said board, of its rules, regulations, ordinances, by-laws, and books and papers constituting part of its archives, and the Sanitary Code, now or 558 hereafter in force in said city, and the ordinances of the Sani- tary Code added thereto and adopted by said Board of Health, when authenticated by its secretary, or secretary /r^ tern., shall be presumptive evidence, and the authentication taken as pre- sumptively correct in any court of justice, or judicial proceeding, when they may be relevant to the point or matter in contro- versy, of the facts, statements, and recitals, therein contained. Judicial notice of seal and presumptions. Sec. 1173. The actions, proceedings, authority, and orders of said Board of Health shall at all times be regarded as in their nature judicial, and be treated as prima facie just and legal. All meet- ings of said Board shall in every suit and proceeding be taken to have been duly called and regularly held, and all orders and pro- ceedings to have been duly authorized, unless the contrary be proved. All courts shall take judicial notice of the seal of said board and of the signature of its secretary and chief clerk. Seal. Sec. 1174. The Board of Health may design and adopt a seal, and use tiie same in the authentication of its orders and proceedings, commissioning its officers and agents, and otherwise, as the rules of the Board may provide. Said Board may enact such by-laws, rules and regulations as it may deem advisable, in harmony with the provisions and purposes of this chapter, and not inconsistent with the constitution or laws of this State, for the regulation of the action of said board, its ofhcers and agents, in the discharge of its and their duties, and from time to time may alter, annul or amend the same. Publication of reports and statistics. Sec. 1175. The Board of Health may establish as it shall deem wise, and to promote the public good and public service, reasonable regulations as to the publicity of any of the papers, files, reports, records and proceedings of the Department of Health ; and may publish such information as may, in its opinion, be useful, concerning births, deaths, marriages, sickness, and 559 the general sanitary conditions of said City, or any matter, place or thing therein. Said department shall prepare and keep the statistics of tenements and lodging-houses, and make semi-annual reports upon the same, and transmit such statistics to the State Board of Health. Proceedings relative to dangerous buildings, vessels^ places and things. Sec. 1176. Whenever any building, erection, excavation, prem- ises, business pursuit, matter or thing, or the sewerage, drainage or ventilation thereof, in said City, shall, in the opinion of said board, whether as a whole or in any particular, be in a condition or in effect dangerous to life or health, said board may take and file among its records what it shall regard as sufficient proof to author- ize its declaration that the same, to the extent it may specify, is a pub- lic nuisance, or dangerous to life or health; and said board may thereupon enter in its records the same as a nuisance, and order the . * same to be removed, abated, suspended, altered, or otherwise im- proved or purified, as said order shall specify; and if any party served with such order (or intended to be according to this chapter), shall, before its execution is commenced, or within three days after such service or attempted service, apply to said Board, or the presi- dent thereof, to have said order or its execution stayed or modified, it shall then be the duty of said board to temporarily suspend or modify said order or the execution thereof, save in cases of immi- nent danger from impending pestilence, when said board may exer- cise extraordinary powers, as herein elsewhere specified, and to give such party or parties together, as the case in the opinion of the board may require, a reasonable and fair opportunity to be heard before said board and to present facts and proofs, according to the rules or directions of said Board, against said declaration and the execution of said order, or in favor of its modification, according to the regulations of the Board ; and the Board shall enter in its min- utes such facts and proofs as it may receive and its proceedings on such hearing, and any other proof it may take ; and thereafter may rescind, modify or reaffirm its said declaration and order, and re- quire execution of said original, or of a new or modified order 560 to be made, in such form and effect as it may finally determine. Said Board may order or cause any excavation, erection, vehicle, vessel, water-craft, room, building, place, sewer, pipe, passage, premises, ground, matter, or thing, in said city or adjacent waters, regarded by said board as in a condition dangerous or detri- mental to life or health, to be purified, cleaned, disinfected, altered, or improved; and may also order any substance, matter, or thing, being or left in any street, alley, water, excavation, building, erec- tion, place or grounds (whether such place, where the same may be public or private), and which said Board may regard as dan- gerous or detrimental to life or health, to be speedily removed to some proper place; and may designate or provide a place to which the same shall be removed, when no such adequate or proper pilace, in the judgment of said board, is already provided. If said order is not complied with, or as far complied with as said Board of Health may regard as reasonable, within five days after such service or attempted servicq or within any shorter time, which, in case of pestilence, the Board of Health may have desig- nated, or is not thereafter speedily and fully executed, then any such order may be executed as herein elsewhere provided in regard to any of the orders of said Board. And if personal service of anyaforesaid order cannot be made under this section by reason of absence from said district, or inability to find one or more of the owners, occupants, lessees, or tenants of the subject matter to which said order relates, or one or more of the persons whose duty it was to have done what is therein required to be done, as the case may render just and proper in the opinion of said Board ; to be shown by the official certificates of the officer having such order to serve, then service may be made through the mail, or by a copy left at the residence or place of business of the person sought to be served, with a person of suitable age and discretion, and the expenses attending the execution of any and all such orders respectively shall be a sev- eral and joint personal charge against each of the owners or part owners, and each of the lessees and occupants of the building, business, place, property, matter or thing to which said order re- lates, and in respect of which said expenses were incurred ; and also 561 against every person or body who was by law or contract bound to do that in relation to such business, place, street, property, matter, or thing, which said order requires, and said expenses shall also be a lien on all rent, compensation due, or to grow due, for the use of any place, room, building, premises, matter, or thing, to which said order relates, and in respect of which, said expenses were in- curred; and also, a lien on all compensation due or to grow due for the cleaning of any street, place, ground, or thing, or for the cleansing or removal of any matter, thing, or place, the failure to do which by the party bound so to do, or the doing of the same in whole or in part by order of said board, was the cause or occa- sion of any such order or expense. Said Board of Health, its as- signee, or the party who has, under its order or that of the Police Board, acting thereunder, incurred said expense, or has rendered service for which payment is due, and as the rules of said Board of Health may provide, may institute and maintain a suit against any one herein declared liable for expenses as aforesaid, or against any person, firm, or corporation, owing, or who may owe, such rent or compensation, and may recover the expenses so incurred under any order aforesaid. And only one or more of such parties liable or interested may be made parties to such action as the board may elect; but the parties made responsible as aforesaid for such expenses shall be liable to contribute, or to make payment as between themselves, in respect of such expenses and of any sum recovered for such expenses or compensation, or by any party paid on account thereof, according to the legal or equitable obligation existing between them, Extraordinary expenditures. Sec. 1177. The Department of Health may use, in compensation of special inspectors, physicians, and nurses, and for supplies and contingencies, such sum, not exceeding in the aggregate eighty thousand dollars, in excess of the annual appropriation, as may be at any time appropriated by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the prevention of danger from contagious or infectious diseases found to exist in said City, or for the care of persons exposed to danger from contagious or infectious diseases. 562 Declaration of imminent peril. Sec. 1178. In the presence of great and imminent peril to the public health by reason of impending pestilence, it shall be the duty of the Boardof Health, havingfirsttakenand filed among itsrecords what it shall regard as sufficient proof to authorize its declarationof such peril, and having duly entered the same in its records, to take such measures, and to do and order, and cause to be done, such acts and make such expenditures (beyond those duly estimated for or pro- vided) for the preservation of the public health (though not herein elsewhere or otherwise authorized) as it may in good faith declare the public safety and health demand, and the Mayor shall in writ- ing approve. But the exercise of this extraordinary power shall also, so far as it involves such excessive expenditures, require the written consent of at least three members of the Board of Health, and the approval as aforesaid of the Mayor. And such peril shall not be deemed to exist except when, and for such period of time, as the Board of Health and Mayor shall declare. Bureaus. Sec. 1179. There shall be two bureaus in the Department of Health. The chief officer of one bureau shall be called the "sani- tary superintendent," who, at the time of his appointment, shall have been, for at least ten years, a practising physician, and for three years a resident of the City of New York, and he shall be the chief execu- tive officerof said Department. The chief officer of the second bu- reau shall be called the "registrar of records;" and in said bureau shall be recorded, without fees, every birth, marriage, and death, and all inquisitions of coroners, which shall occur, or be taken within the City of New York. But in cases of inquests, where the jury shall find that the death was caused by negligence or malicious injury, only a copy of the record need be filed in said bureau. Offices and expenses. Sec. 1180. The Board of Health may fit up and furnish such offices and such branch offices in each and every Borough 563 provided for the Department of Health in accordance with law, as the convenience of the Department, its officers, agents, and employees, and the prudent and proper discharge of the duties of the Department may require; and may, subject to the other provisions of this Act, make such other incidental and additional expenditures, having due regard to economy, as the purposes and provisions of this chapter, and the dangers to life and public health may justify or require; and may provide that any fail- ure of any officer, agent, or employee of the Department to duly fulfil his engagemets or discharge his duty shall cause a forfeiture of the whole, or any less portion of the salary or compensation of such officer, agent, or employee, as the rules or practice of the Depart- ment may provide. Borough offices to be maintained. Sec. 1181. The Board of Health shall establish and maintain in the Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Richmond, offices wherein the business and duties of the Depart- ment of Health shall be performed and discharged under its rules, regulation and control. To this end the Board of Health shall ap- point assistant sanitary superintendents, and assistant registrars of records, one of each of such officers to be assigned to each of the five Borough offices above mentioned, and so many of the other officers, clerks, inspectors and subordinates allowed, pursuant to this chapter, as may be necessary to conduct and transact the business of the Health Department, in each of the said Boroughs. In such Borough offices, the Board of Health shall preserve the records, files, reports and papers be- longing and pertaining to theBoroughsinwhichtheofficeislocated. In the general office of the Health Department in the Borough of Manhattan, shall also be preserved and kept, both for record and the use of the Board of Health, the archives of the Department of Health, and all the records, books, reports, files and papers belonging and pertaining to the general administration of the Health Depart- ment, and the business and transactions of the Board of Health, as well as those which belong to, and have special reference to, the business and transactions, and the discharge of the duties and 564 powers of the Health Department in the Borough of Manhattan. The Board of Health may likewise establish such other additional offices as it shall deem necessary for the proper discharge of the duties and powers of the Health Department in the several Bor- oughs, with such force as may be essential thereto throughout the City as constituted by this Act, but shall always maintain its chief office in the Borough of Manhattan. Delegation of powers. Sec. 1182. The Board of Health may from time to time dele- gate any portion of its powers to the sanitary superintendent or an assistant sanitary superintendent, to be exercised by such delegate for the time and in the manner, and to the extent specified in such delegation in writing. Provided, however, that this section shall not be construed in restraint of the general power of the Board of Health to discharge its duties through any and all of its ap- pointees. The Department of Health shall have a secretary, who shall subject to the direction of the Board of Health, keep and authenticate the acts, records, papers and proceedings of the De- partment of Health, preserve its books and papers, conduct its correspondence, and aid generally in accomplishing the purposes of this chapter. The Board of Health may designate a clerk to be the Chief Clerk of the Department, and a clerk in each of the offices of the five Boroughs above mentioned, to be an Assistant Chief Clerk, who may perform such duties of the Secretary as shall be assigned to him ; and papers certified by such Chief Clerk or by an Assistant Chief Clerk shall be of the same effect as evidence and otherwise as if certified by the Secretary. Duty of Sanitary Superintendents. Sec. 1183. It shall be the duty of the sanitary superintendent and the assistant sanitary superintendents, as each may be directed, to execute, or cause to be executed, the orders of said Depart- ment of Health' and generally, according to instructions, to exercise a practical supervision in respect to the inspectors, agents, and persons other than the secretary, and Health Com- 565 missioners, and as to the members of the police force, who may exercise any authority under this chapter; and said officers shall devote their services to the aforesaid purposes, as the Board of Health may, from time to time direct. Each such superintendent shall make reports weekly, or oftener, if directed by the Board of Health, in writing, stating generally his own action and that of his subordinates, and the condition of the public health in said City, or any portion thereof, and any causes endangering life or health which have come to his knowledge during that period. Reports of, and inspection. Sec 1184. The sanitary superintendent, the assistant sanitary superintendents, the sanitary inspectors and the officers of said department may visit all sick persons, who shall be reported to the Department of Health as sick of any contagious, pestilential, or in- fectious disease and report to the Department of Health, in writ- ing, his or their opinion of their sickness. He, or they, shall visit and inspect all vessels coming to the wharves, landing places, or shores of said City, or within three hundred yards thereof, which are suspected of having on board any infectious or contagious disease, or likely to communicate the disease to the inhabitants of said City, and all stores and places within said City, which are suspected to contain putrid or unsound provisions or other articles likely to communicate disease to the inhabitants, and make and sign a report in writing, stating the vessel, stores, places, and articles so inspected by him or them, and the nature, state, and situation thereof, and his or their opinion in relation thereto, as to the probability of disease being communicated by or from the same, and file such report in the chief office of the Department of Health. Sanitary Inspectors. Sec. 1185. The Board or Health shall appoint and commission at least fifty sanitary inspectors, and shall have power to appoint twenty additional sanitary inspectors, if it deems that number nec- essary, and from time to time to prescribe the duties and salaries of each of said inspectors, and the place of their performance, and 566 of all other persons exercising any authority under said depart- ment, except as herein specially provided ; but thirty of such inspec- tors shall be physicians of skill and of practical professional experi- ence in said City. The additional sanitary inspectors heretofore duly appointed and commissioned, either in New York City, or in the City of Brooklyn, may be included among the sanitary in- spectors mentioned in this section, and may continue to act as such without re-appointment, but nothing herein contained shall curtail any of the powers vested in the Department of Health by this Act, and the number of sanitary inspectors for whom provision is made in this section shall be exclusive of the special inspectors for whom provision is made in section 1186 and elsewhere in this Act. All of the said inspectors shall have such practical knowledge of scien- tific or sanitary matters as qualify them for the duties of their office. Each of such inspectors shall once in each week, make a written report to said department, stating what duties he has performed, and where he has performed them, and also such facts as have come to his knowledge connected with the purposes of this chapter as are by him deemed worthy of the attention of said department, or such as its regulations may require of him; which reports, with the other reports herein elsewhere mentioned, shall be filed among the records of the said department. Sanitary engineering service. Sec. 1186. The Board of Health may, fiom time to time engage a suitable person or persons to render sanitary engineering service, and to make or supervise practical and scientific sanitary investigations and examinations in the City requiring engineering skill, and to prepare plans and reports relative thereto. Badges. Sec. 1187. The Board of Health may provide a badge of metal with a suitable inscription thereon, and direct and require it to be worn, in a position to be designated, by any person or officer under the authority of said department, at such times and under such cir- cumstances as the rules and by-laws of said department shall direct. 607 Examinations and surveys. Sec. 1188. The members of the Board of Health, the Health Commissioners, the sanitary superintendent, the assistant sanitary superintendents, and any of the sanitary inspectors, and such other officer or person as may, at any time, be, by said Board of Health authorized, may, without fee or hindrance, enter, examine, and sur- vey all grounds, erections, vehicles, structures, apartments, build- ings, and every part thereof, and places in the City, in- cluding vessels of all kinds in the waters, and all cellars, sewers, passages and excavations of every sort, and inspect the safety and sanitary condition, and make plans, drawings, and de- scriptions thereof, according to the order or regulations, of said de- partment. Said department may make and publish a report of the sanitary condition, and the result of the inspection of any place, mat- ter, or thing in the City, so inspected, or otherwise, as aforesaid, so far as, in the opinion of the Board of Health, such publication may be useful. Proofs and affidavits. Sec. 1189. Proofs, affidavits, and examinations as to any matter under this chapter may be taken by or before the Board of Health or other person, as the Board of Health shall authorize; and Com- missioners of Health, the secretary, the sanitary superintendent, as- sistant sanitary superintendents, and any member of said depart- ment shall, severally, have authority to administer oaths in such matters, and any person guilty of wilfully answering or testifying falsely therein shall incur all the pains and penalties of perjury. Registrar of records. Sec. 1190. The Board of Health shall appoint a registrar of records, and five assistant registrars of records, of whom one shall be placed and have his office, in each of the Borough offices of the Health Department, and there discharge the duties and powers of the registrar of records, so far as the same shall have been com- mitted to him by the Board of Health, or the registrar of records, but always subject to the direction and control of the Board of Health. 568 Id.: and payment for night medical service. Sec. 1191. It shall be the duty of the registrar of records and each assistant registrar of records, in his Borough, and where his office is located, to ascertain and report to each captain of the police whether any physician who applies for registry, as willing to re- spond to any call for medical attendance, as provided in this Act, is in good and regular standing, and to transmit to such captain a certificate thereof. It shall be the duty of the Department of Health to pay at sight the fee of three dollars certified to be due any physician, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and to enter such payment in a book provided for that purpose, and to take up the certificate, issued therefor. Suits and service of papers. Sec. 1992. Said Board of Health may sue or be used in and by the proper name of "The Department of Health of the City of the proper name of " The Health Department of the City of New York," and not in or by the name of the members of said board, or any of them; and service of all process in suits and proceedings against or affecting said Board, and other papers may be made upon the president of said board, or upon its secretary, and not otherwise ; except that, according to usual practice in other suits, papers in suit to which said Board of Health is a party may be served on the Corporation Counsel or such assistant as may be assigned by him to the Health Department. Attorney, Sec. 1193. The Corporation Counsel shall assign such as- sistant counsel as may be needful to the Department of Health, as provided in chapter VII. of this Act. Salaries. Sec. 1194. The annual salaries to be paid to persons herein named, aud appointed to the several specified positions, shall, from and after their entrance upon their duties, be as follows, and such salaries shall be in full for all services rendered by them to the city or county in any capacity whatever: 569 To the president of the Board of Health, seven thousand five hundred dollars. To the Commissioners, other than the president, six thousand dollars each. To the sanitary superintendent, six thousand dollars. To the secretary, five thousand dollars. To the assistant sanitary superintendents, each three thousand five hundred dollars. To the registrar of records, four thousand dollars. To the assistant registrars of records, each three thousand dollars. To the Chief Clerk of the Department of Health, three thou- sand dollars ; and to the other'clerks and employees regularly em- ployed in the service of the Department the salaries, from time to time, fixed and prescribed for them and their offices respec- tively, by the Board of Health. Id. : and no fees. Sec. 1195. No salary or compensation shall be paid to, or^fees demanded by, or expenses ordered to be incurred by any officer, department, or agent, or in respect to any service, expenditure, or employment under the authority of any health law, ordinance, regu- lation, or appointment in said City, unless such salary, expendi- ture, employment, fees or expense shall be authorized by the De- partment of Health. No municipal body, or other authority, shall create any office or employ any officer or agent, |[^or incur any expense under any health laws or ordinances, or in respect of any matter concerning which said Health Department is by this chap- ter given control or jurisdiction. No personal liability. Sec. 1196. No member, officer, or agents of said Depart- ment of Health, and no person or persons other than the De- partment of Health or the City itself shall be used or held to liability, for any act done or omitted by either person aforesaid, in good faith, and with ordinary][discretion, on behalf of or under said Department, or pursuant to its regulations, ordinances, or health laws. And any person whose property may 670 have been unjustly or illegally destroyed or injured, pursuant to any order, regulation, or ordinance, or action of said Department of Health or its officers, for which no personal liability may exist, as aforesaid, may maintain a proper action against the City for the re- covery of the proper compensation or damage. Every such suit must be brought within six months after the cause of action arose, and the recovery shall be limited to the damages suffered. Orders of the board. Sec. 1197. The Board of Health, if it shall consider the public health or interests so to require, may execute orders through its own officers or agents, and means to be engaged by the Board of Health. Whatever expenses said Board of Health may lawfully and properly incur in the execution of any order, resolution or judgment aforesaid, or in executing, or in connection with its own orders, made in good faith, or in and about the discharge, in good faith, of its duties, or in satisfying any liability or judgment it may have in good faith incurred or suflfered by reason of its acts, done in good faith, as aforesaid, or in satisfying any claim against its officers or subordinates, arising from their acts in the discharge, in good faith, of their respective duties, shall, so far as established, be paid out of the fund or other moneys of the Department of Health. Execution may be compelled. Sec. 1198. All orders duly made by any of the Departments of Health, or Boards of Health, or health and sanitary authorities or officers, to which said department succeeded, and by their terms or necessary legal effect, to be executed in the City of New York, may be executed, and the execution thereof compelled, and the execution of such of them as are partly executed may be com- pelled by the Department of Health; and the said orders may be severally rescinded or modified by said department, with like effect, as could have been done by the department. Board of Health, or sanitary authority existing at the time the said orders were severally made. The said department may discharge all liens upon real estate in the City of New York, created by any Board of Health 671 or sanitary authorities above mentioned, or created in proceedings instituted by the MetropoHtan Board of Health, or the Department of Health, which succeeded thereto, in the same manner and for the same causes that, by laws existing January first, eighteen hun- dred and seventy, they could be discharged by the Metropolitan Board of Health. Right of inspection. Sec. 1199. It is hereby made the duty of all departments, officers, and agents, having the control, charge or custody of any public structure, work, ground, or erection, or of any plan, de- scription, outline, drawing or charts thereof, or relating thereto, made, kept, or controlled under any public authority, to permit and facilitate the examination and inspection, and the making of copies of the same by any officer or person, thereto, by said De- partment of Health authorized. Complaint book. Sec. 1200. The Board of Health shall cause to be kept a gen- eral complaint book, or several such books, in which may be en- tered by any person, in good faith, any complaints of a sanitary nature which such person thinks may be useful, with the name and residence of the complainant, and may give the names of the person or persons complained of, and the date of the entry of the com- plaint, and such suggestions of any remedy as may in good faith be thought appropriate, and said books shall be open to all reason- able public examination, regulated in all respects as said board may deem proper, and for the public service and the Board of Health shall cause the facts in regard to such complaints to be investigated, and the appropriate remedy to be applied. Duties of owners, lessees and occupants Sec. 1201. It is hereby declared to be the duty of every owner and part owner and person interested, and of every lessee, tenant, and occupant of, or in any place, water, ground, room, stall, apart- ment, building, erection, vessel, vehicle, matter, and thing in said City, and of every person conducting or interested in business there- 572 in, or thereat, and of every person who has undertaken to clean any place, ground, or street therein, and of every person, public officer, and department having charge of any ground, place, building, or erection therein, to keep, place, and preserve the same and every part, and the sewerage, drainage, and ventilation thereof in such condition, and to conduct the same in such manner, that it shall not be a nuisance, or be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Police department assistance. Sec. 1202. It shall be the duty of the Police Department, and of its officers and men, as said department shall direct, to promptly advise the Department of Health of all threatening dangers to hu- man life or health, and of all matters thought to demand its atten- tion, and to regularly report to said Board of Health all violations of its rules, and of sanitary ordinances, and of the health laws, and all useful sanitaryinformation. And said last named departmentsshall, as far as practicable and appropriate, co-operate forthepromotionof the public health, and the safety of human life, in the city. And it shall be the duty of the Police Department and the Police Board, by and through its proper officers, agents and men, to faithfully, and at the proper time, enforce and execute the sanitary rules and regula- tions, and the orders of said Board of Health, made pursuant to tHe power of said Board of Health, upon the same being received in writing and duly authenticated, as said Board of Health may direct. And said Police Board is authorized to employ appropriate per- sons and means, and to make the necessary and appropriate expendi- tures, for the execution and enforcement of said rules, orders, and regulations; and such expenditures, so far as the same may not be refunded or compensated by the means herein elsewhere provided, shall be paid as the other expenses of said Board of Health are paid. And in and about the execution of any order of the Board of Health or of the Police Board, made pursuant thereto, police officers and policemen shall have as ample power and authority, as when obey- ing any order of or law applicable to the Police Board, or as if acting under a special warrant of a justice or judge, duly issued, but for their conduct shall be responsible to the Police Board and not to the Board of Health. 573 Coroner's returns. Sec. 1203. The Department of Health may from time to time fix and define the time of making, and the form of returns and re- ports to be made to said department by the coroners of the City of New York, in all cases of post-mortem inquests, or viewing of dead bodies held by them or any of them; and the said coroners are hereby required to conform to the directions of said department in the premises, and it shall be the duty of every coroner at once, and before holding any inquest, upon being called upon to hold an inquest as aforesaid, or notified thereof, to immediately transmit and cause to be delivered to the secretary of said Department of Health written notice of the fact of such call, in which shall be stated every particular then known to said coroner as to said call, the body, the place where it is, and the reported cause of death. If at any time said department, or the sanitary superin- tendent, shall deem the protection of the public health to demand, it may, so soon as the coroner's jury or physician may have viewed the dead body, and an autopsy thereof shall have been made, provided the coroner deems the same necessary, order the im- mediate burial of any dead body, or if he or it deems that the public health demands an immediate removal of said body from the place of death to another place for inquest, may likewise at any time order said removal, and shall have power to cause said orders to be obeyed and executed. Removal of dead bodies. Sec. 1204. It shall be the duty of the Department of Health to grant a permit for the removal of the body of any deceased person from the City, which has not been buried, upon receiving a certifi- cate of the death of said person, made in accordance with its rules. It may grant a permit for the removal of the remains of any person interred within the City to a place without the same, on the appli- cation of a relative or friend of such person, when there shall ap- pear to be no just objection to the same. Remoxml of night soil and offal. Sec. 1205. The Board of Health shall have full and exclusive power and authority over the removal of night soil, and in the 574 removal of dead animals, offal, night soil, blood, bones, tainted or impure meats, and other refuse matter from said City. It is hereby charged with the duty of causing the removal of the same daily, or as often as may be necessary, and of keeping the said City clean from all matter of nuisance of a similar kind. The department, bureau, or City officer of authority or authorities who shall from time to time have the management and control of the public docks, piers, and slips in said City, may, with the consent of the Commis- sioners of the Sinking Fund, designate and set apart for the use of the Department of Health of said City, suitable and sufficient slips, docks, piers and berths in slips, located as the said Department of Health may require, and such as should be convenient and neces- sary for its use in executing the duty hereby imposed upon said Department of Health, excepting the slips, docks, and piers on the East river set apart for the use of canal boats. Contracts for do , do., do. Sec. 1206. The Board of Health is authorized to make con- tracts with any responsible person or persons for the removal of said offal, dead animals, night soil, and other refuse matter from the City of New York, and to require and receive security in such form and amount as the said board may approve, for the faithful performance by the person or persons aforesaid, to whom such contracts may by the said Board of Health, be in its discretion, awarded, of all and each of the provisions of such contracts on his or their part. The place or places of reception and deposit of, and to which such offal, dead animals, night soil, and other refuse matter may be conveyed, may, from time to time be designated, and may be ordered changed by the Board of Health. As to rags, hides and skins. Sec. 1207. No rags, hides or skms, arriving in the port of New York, shall be deposited in any part of the City within which the Department of Health shall have prohibited the packing or un- packing of salted provisions, and all such articles brought into the City contrary to the above provisions may be seized and sold by the 575 Board of Health. The Department of Health may, however, permit sound hides and skins to be brought into any part of the City, in small quantities, and for the purpose of immediate manu- facture, but not otherwise. Unsound cotton. Sec. 1208. It shall be the duty ofithe master and owner of every vessel that shall have brought cotton into the City, between the first day of May and the first day of November in any year, and of the owner and consignee of such cotton, if upon examination it shall appear damaged, or otherwise unsound, to make an immediate report thereof to the Board of Health. Every master, or owner, or consignee refusing or neglecting to perform the duties so enjoined, shall, for each oflfense, forfeit to the Board of Health the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered in a civil action by said board. Unsound articles ^ or deposited contrary to orders. Sec. 1209. All salted, smoked, preserved or pickled provis- ions, and all hides, skins and cotton that may be kept or deposited in those parts of the City wherein the Board of Health shall pro- hibit the keeping, preparation, packing or repacking thereof, at the time or times when such prohibition shall be made, shall be reported forthwith, by the owner or person having charge thereof, to the Health Department, that the same may be examined, and, if neces- sary, destroyed or removed. If such articles, when ordered by the Board of Health to be removed or destroyed, shall not be forth- with removed and the order obeyed by the owner or person having charge thereof, the sanitary superintendent shall cause them to be removed to some safe place, there to remain at the risk of the owner, or, if so ordered, may destroy the same. Putrid cargoes may be destroyed. Sec. 1210. The Board of Health, when it shall judge it necessary, may cause any cargo, or part of cargo, or any matter, or any thing within the City that may be putrid or otherwise dangerous to the public health, to be destroyed or removed; such removal, when ordered, shall be to the place of deposit of ofTal, dead animals, 576 and refuse matter, or such other place as the Board of Health shall direct; such removal or destruction shall be made at the expense of the owner or owners of the property so removed or destroyed, and the same may be recovered from such owner or owners, in an action at law, by said Board of Health. Penalties for disobedience . Sec. 1211. Every person who shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the preceding sections, or of the Board of Health pursuant thereto, in relation to provisions, putrid, and other offen- sive articles therein mentioned, shall be considered guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, on conviction, shall be subject to fine and imprison- ment, or both, at the discretion of the court. Such fine shall not ex- ceed one thousand dollars, and such imprisonment shall not exceed two years. Offensive trades. Sec. 1212. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, in corporated or unincorporated, to carry on, establish, prosecute, or continue, within the City of New York, the occupation, or trade, or business of bone boiling, bone burning, bone grinding, horse skinning, cow skinning, or skinning of dead animals, or the boiling of offal, and any such establishment or establishments, or place of such business existing within said City, shall be forthwith removed out of said City, and such trade, occupation, or business shall be forthwith abated and discontinued, provided that nothing in this sec- tion contained shall apply to the slaughtering or dressing of animals for sale in said City. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to ascertain whether any such trade or business is carried on, or con- tinued, or established, within the limits aforesaid, and to make and cause an order to be served, in the same manner as other orders of said department are made and served, directing the discontinuance of said trade or business, and the removal of all offensive or unwhole- some materials or things appertaining to said trade or business. 577 Filling in lands. Sec. 1213. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, in corporated or unincorporated, to fill in any land under or above water, within the limits of the City of New York, or on any of the islands situated within said limits and under the jurisdiction of said City, or any portion thereof, with garbage, dead animals, decaying matter, or any offensive and unwholsome material, or with dirt, ashes, or other refuse, when mixed with such garbage, dead animals, or portions thereof, decaying matter, or offensive and unwholesome material. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on cxjnvic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. The Board of Health is hereby empowered to institute prosecutions and suits for penalties for the violation of the provisions of this section and this Act. Yards and cellars. Sec. 1214. The Board of Health shall have full power and authority to make such by-laws and ordinances as said Board shall, from time to time, deem necessary and proper, for the filling, drain- ing, and regulating of any grounds, yards, or cellars, within the City, that may be sunken, damp or unwholesome, or which it may deem proper to fill, drain, raise, lower, or regulate; and also, for causing all such lots of ground in the City adjoining the Hudson River, or the East River, or Long Island Sound, as it may, from time to time, think proper, to be filled with wholesome earth or other solid materials, so far into the said rivers respectively as said board shall, from time to time, deem expedient for promoting the health of the said City; and for filling or altering or amending all sinks and privies within the said City, and for directing the mode of construct- ing them in future, and for causing subterraneous drains to be made from the same, when said board may think it necessary. Drainage and maps. Sec. 1215. Whenever in the opinion of the Board of Health the protection of the public health requires the drainage of any lands in 578 the City, by means other than sewers, the said Board may make an order describing the location of such lands, and directing the proper drainage thereof, and construction of drains therefor, by the commissioner or commissioners of the department of said City hav- ing jurisdiction to construct sewers in that part of City where such drainage is so required. The Board of Health shall thereupon cause a map to be made, whereon shall be shown the location of such proposed drains, and the lands required for the construction thereof. Such order shall be entered at length in the records of such Department of Health, aud such map shall be filed in said department ; a copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the register of The City of New York. The Board of Health shall cause another copy of said map, together with a copy of such order, to be delivered to the commissioner or commissioners of the department of said City, who shall, by such order be required to construct such drains, and the said commissioner or commis- sioners of said department with whom a copy of the said map and order shall be so filed, shall immediately thereafter have the power, and said department is hereby directed to make and adopt proper and suitable plans for the construction of such drains. Acquisition of rii^hts in lands. Sec. 1216. It shall be the duty of such department, upon the receipt of such map and order, and immediately after it has made and adopted suitable plans for such drains, through theCorporation Counsel to said City, to take immediate and proper proceedings for the acquirement of a right of way over, under, or through the lands shown upon said map to be necessary for such drains, and it shall be the duty of such Corporation Counsel immediately to take such proceedings and conduct them to a speedy determination. Id.: proceedings therein. Sec. 1217. The right of way over, under or through the lands so required for such drains shall be taken and acquired in the man- ner required by law for acquiring title to lands in said City to be used as public streets. Provided, however, that the time or times 579 provided in such law for the giving or publication of any notice shall for the purposes of this section, be reduced one-half, and the time for the sitting of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- ment to hear objections to their report is, for the purposes of this Act, hereby made two days in the place of ten days. Any maps, plans or surveys, that may be required for the use of the Commis- sioners of Estimate and Assessment to be appointed in such pro- ceeding, shall be furnished by the department charged with the con- struction of the drains and shall be prepared and made by surveyors in the regular and stated employment of such department; neither the expense of such surveys, nor any other expenses other than the fees of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, attending the proceeding, and their necessary disbursements for clerical ser- vices in carrying out the provisions of this section, which clerical expenses shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and also for advertising, printing, or posting and notices required by law, and for any other necessary incidental expense a sum, not exceeding one hundred dollars, shall be included in the assessment that may be made by such Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- ment. The Corporation Counsel shall not be entitled to any com- pensation for services to be rendered by him in such proceeding other than his stated salary. The commissioners shall each be entitled to receive the following rates as compensation for their services in full: Where the drain to be constructed is five hundred feet or under in length, the sum of twenty-five dollars; where the drain exceeds five hundred feet in length, twenty-five dollars, and in addition thereto five cents per foot for each running foot of drain in excess of five hundred feet, but the compensation of each com- missioner shall in no case exceed two hundred and fifty dollars. Id.: confirmition of report of commissioners, constrtictioti and taxation. Sec. 1218. Upon the confirmation of the report of the Com- missioners of Estimate and Assessment by the court, the commis- sioner of the department in said City having the charge of the con- struction of such drains, as herein proposed, shall have the power, and he is hereby directed to immediately make and construct said 580 drains. The necessary cost of such drains, together with necessary expenses of levying the assessment therefor, shall be levied, assessed and collected, as provided by section 179 of this Act. Measures to prevent the spread of disease. Sec. 1219. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health : 1. To cause any avenue, street, alley, or other passage whatever to be fenced up or otherwise inclose^ if it shall deem the public safety requires it, and to adopt suitable measures for preventing all persons from going to any part of the City so inclosed. 2. To forbid all communication with the house or family infected with any contagious, infectious, or pestilential dis- ease except by means of physicians, nurses, or messengers to carry the necessary advice, medicines, and provisions to the afflicted. 3. To adopt such means for preventing all communica- tion between any part of the City infected with a disease of a pestilential, infectious, or contagious character and all other parts of the City, as shall be prompt and effectual. Id. : proclamation. Sec. 1220. The Board of Health may issue a proclamation declaring any place where there shall be reason to believe a pes- tilential, contagious or infectious disease actually exists, to be an infected place within the meaning of the Health Laws of this State. Such proclamation shall fix the period when it shall cease to have effect ; but such period, if the said board shall judge the public health to require it, may from time to time be extended by the Board of Health, and notice of such extension shall be published in one or more of the newspapers of this City. The Board of Health may in its discretion prohibit or regulate the internal intercourse by land or water between the City of New York and such infected place; and may direct that all persons who shall come into the Gty contrary to its prohibition or regulations, shall be apprehended 581 and conveyed to the vessel or place whence they last came; or, if sick, that they be conveyed to such place as the said board shall direct. After such proclamation shall have been issued, all vessels arriving in the port of New York from such infected place shall be subject to a quarantine of at least thirty days or until the period when such proclamation shall cease to have effect as provided by the last preceding section, and shall, together with their officers, crews, passengers, and cargoes, be subject to all the provisions, regulations, and penalties in relation to vessels subject to quaran- tine. Vessels removed. Sec. 1221. The Board of Health shall also possess and may exercise the following powers: 1, By order to direct any vessel lying at a place within three hundred yards of any wharf, landing place, or shore of said City, and from which said board shall deem it probable that any infectious or contagious disease may be brought into said city, or communi- cated to the inhabitants thereof, to be removed to the distance of at least three hundred yards from any wharf, landing place, or shore of said City, within six hours after a copy of such order, certified by the secretary of said department, shall be delivered to the per- son or persons having command of such vessel, or to the master, owner or consignee thereof; and every such person or persons, master, owner, or consignee to whom such copy of such order shztll be delivered shall forthwith comply with the same. 2. By order to direct to be removed to a place to be designated by the Board of Health, all things within the City, which, in its opinion, shall be infected in any manner likely to communicate disease to the inhabitants. Violation of orders, punishment for. Sec. 1222. Every person who shall violate, or neglect, or re- fuse to comply with any provision contained in any of the preceding sections, or in the orders made by the Board of Health, in pursu- ance thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on 582 conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both; and all such fines when collected shall be paid to the Comptroller. Any violation of the Sanitary Code shall be treated and punished as a misdemeanor, and the offender shall also be liable to pay a penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the Department of Health of the City of New York. Separate receptacles for ashes and garbage. J Sec. 1 223. The Board of Health shall cause to be enforced the provisions of the Sanitary Code requirmg that separate receptacles be provided for ashes and rubbish, and for garbage and liquid sub- stances, and forbidding that they be placed or kept in the same receptacle, and requiring the streets and sidewalks to be kept free from incumbrance by such receptacles, except at such times as may be designated by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, for the col- lection of their contents ; and for the violation of any of the said pro- visions of said code, both the owners and occupants of all houses in the City shall be severally responsible and subject to the penalties and prosecutions imposed by said code, and all other provisions of said code and of the City ordinances relative to the cleanliness of the streets; and the Board of Health is empowered to in- stitute prosecutions and suits for penalties for the violation of any such provisions. Service of orders. Sec. 51224. Service of any order of said Board of Health shall be deemed sufficient, if made upon a principal person interested in or upon a principal officer charged with duty in respect of the business, property, matter, or thing, or the nuisance or abuse to which said order relates; or upon a person, officer, or department, or one of the department who may be most interested in or aflfected by its execution. If said order relate to any building or the drain- age, sewerage, cleaning, purification, or ventilation thereof, or of any lot or ground on or in which such building stands, used for, or intended to be rented as, the residence or lodging-place of several 583 persons, or as a tenement-house or lodging-house, service of such order on the agent of am^ person or persons for the renting of such building, lot, or ground, or for the collecting of the rent thereof, or of the parts thereof to which said order may relate, shall be of the same effect and validity as due service made upon the principal of such agent, and upon the owners, lessees, tenants, occupants of such buildings, or parts thereof, or of the subject-matter to which such order relates. Vaccination. Sec. 1225, For the purpose of more effectuallypreventing the spread of smallpox by the thorough and systematic vaccination of all unvaccinated persons, and for the relief of persons suffering with diphtheria and other infectious diseases, residing in said City, the Board of Health is hereby empowered to continue or or- ganize a corps of vaccinators and of physicians, within and subject to the control of the Bureau of Sanitary Inspection, to ap- point the necessary officers, keep suitable records, collect and pre- serve pure vaccine lymp or virus, and produce diphtheria anti- toxine and other antitoxines, and add to the Sanitary Code such ad- ditional provisions as will most effectually secure the end in view. Said Board of Health may take measures, and supply agents and offer inducements and facilities for general and gratuitous vac- cination, disinfection, and for the use of diphtheria antitoxine, and other antitoxines, and may afford relief to and among the poor of said City as in its opinion the protection of the public health may require. Sale of lymph and antitoxine. Sec. 1226. Wheneverthe amount of vaccine lymph, orviruscol- lected by the said corps, or of diphtheria antitoxine, and other anti- toxines produced, shall exceed the amount required in the proper performance of its duties, the said Board of Health may authorize the sale of such surplus lymph or virus, and diphtheria antitoxine, and other antitoxines at reasonable rates, to be fixed by the Board of Health. The avails of such lymph or virus, and 584 diphtheria antitoxine, and other antitoxines, shall be accounted for and paid to the Chamberlain, and shall be set apart and constitute distinct funds, to be known respectively as "the fund for gratuitous vaccination," and "the antitoxine fund," and they shall be subject to the requisition of the Board of Health for the purposes named in the preceding section. Driving and si lughtering cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves regulated. Sec. 1227. It shall not be lawful to drive any cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves through the streets or avenues of The City of New York, or any of them, except at such times and in such manner as provided in the Sanitary Code, or as the Board of Health may, by ordinance, prescribe, nor shall it be lawful to slaughter any cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves in The City of New York, excepting in buildings located upon the water front, and so constructed as to receive all stock delivered thereat from boats, cars or transports and to secure the proper care and disposition of all parts of the slaughtered animals upon the premises or the immediate removal thereof by means of boats and under the provisions of the Sani- tary Code and the authority and regulations of the Department of Health. The Board of Health may revoke or suspend the permit of any one who shall conduct said business of slaughter- ing cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves in violation of law and the rules and regulations of the Department of Health. No fat, hides, hoofs, or entrails, or other refuse parts of slaughtered animals shall be transported in said streets except under and pursuant to the terms of a permit in writing from the Board of Health ; nor shall any buildings be erected or converted into or used] as a slaughter house until the plans thereof have been duly submitted to the Board of Health, and approved in writing by the said Board. Extension of proclamation period. Sec. 1228. Whenever it shall appear to the Board of Health that any of the provisions of this title, limited in their operations to a certain period of the year, or designated periods of time, ought to be extended, the said Board of Health shall issue its proclama- 585 tion extending such provisions to such a time as shall be deter- mined on, and such provisions shall thereupon be extended accord- ingly and with the like efifect as if the periods mentioned in such proclamation, had been originally herein enacted. If it shall appear to the Board of Health while such proclamation is still in force, that the necessity of extending the period therein named has ceased, the Board of Health, by a new proclamation declaring that fact, may revoke the proclamation issued pursuant to this section, which shall then cease to have effect. Definitions. i Sec. 1229. The word nuisance, as used in this act, shall be held to embrace public nuisance, as known at common law, or in equity jurisprudence ; and it is further enacted thatwhateveris dangerous to human life or detrimental to health; whatever building or erec- tion, or part or cellar thereof, is overcrowded with oc- cupants, or is not provided with adequate ingress and egress to and from the same, or the apartments thereof, or is not sufficiently supported, ventilated, sewered, drained, cleaned or lighted, in reference to their or its intended or actual use; and whatever renders the air, or human food or drink, unwholesome, are also, severally in contemplation of this Act, nuisances; and all such nuisances are hereby declared illegal; and each and all persons and corporations who created or contributed thereto, or who may support, continue or maintain or retain them, or any of them, shall be jointly and severally liable for, or toward, the expense of the abatement and remedying of the same ; but as between themselves, any such persons and corporations, may enforce contribution or collect expenses, according to any legal or equitable relations ex- isting between them; but nothing herein contained shall annul or de- feat any common law liability or responsibility in respect of nuis- ances. Whenever the words "place, matter, or thing," or either two of said words, are used in this Act, or in titles one, four and five of this chapter, they shall, unless the sense plainly requires a diflferent construction, be construed to include whatever is embraced in the enumeration with which they are connected. 586 Title 2. marriages, births and deaths. Persons solemenizing marriages to keep a registry. Sec. 1236. It shall be the duty of the clergymen/magistrates, and other persons who perform the marriage ceremony in the City of New York, to keep a registry of the marriages celebrated by them, which shall contain, as near as the same can be ascertained, the name and surname of the parties married; the residence, age, and condition of each; whether single or widowed. Births to be reported. Sec. 1237. It shall be the duty, of the parents of any child born in said City (and if there be no parent alive that has made such re- port, then of the next of kin of such child born), and of every per- son present at such birth, within ten days after such birth, to report to the Department of Health in writing, so far as known, the date, Borough, and street number of said birth, and the sex and color of such child born, and the names of the parents. It shall also be the duty of physicians and professional midwives to keep a registry of the several births in which they have assisted professionally, which shall contain, as near as the same can be ascertained, the time of such birth, name, sex, and color of the child, the names and resi- dence of parents, and to report the same Avithin ten days to the Department of Health. Deaths to be reported. Sec. 1238. It shall be the duty of the next of kin of any person deceased, and of each person being with such deceased person at his or her death, and of the persons occupying or living in any^house or premises in or on which any person may die, to report, in writ- ing, to the Department of Health, within five days after such death, the age, color, nativity, last occupation, and cause of death of such deceased person, and the Borough and street, the place of such person's death, and last residence. Physicians who have attended deceased persons in their last illness shall, in the certificate of the decease of such persons, specify, as near as the same can be ascer- 587 tained, the name and surname, age, occupation, term of residence in said City, place of nativity, condition of life ; whether single, mar- ried, widow, or widower; color, last place of residence, and direct and indirect cause of death of such deceased persons, and the cor- oners of the City, in such cases as an inquest may have been held, shall, in their certificates, conform to the requirements of this section. Penalty for failure to report marriages and births to the Department of Health. Sec. 1239. For every omission of any person to make and keep the registry of marriages and births required by the preceding sec- tions, and for every omission to report a written copy of the same to said Department of Health, within ten days after any birth or marriage provided to be registered, and for every omission to make the report of any death, birth, or marriage, the person guilty of such omission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and, in addition thereto, the offender shall also be liable to pay a fine of one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered in the name of the Department of Health, of the City of New York, before any jus- tice or tribunal in said City having jurisdiction of civil actions. But no person shall be liable for such fine, or subject to arrest and imprisonment for not making the report herein re- quired, if an excuse is presented to the Board of Health for such omission, which the said board shall decide to be sufficient, in which event the said Board of Health is hereby empowered to excuse the said omission. Record of Births, marriages and deaths. Sec. 1240. The Department of Health shall keep a record of the births, marriages, and deaths reported to it; the births shall be numbered and recorded in the order in which they are received by it; and the record of births shall state, in separate columns, the place 9nd date of birth, the name, sex, and color of the child, the names and residence of the parents, as fully as they have been re- ceived, and the time when the record was made. The marriages 588 shall be numbered and recorded in the order in which they are re- ceived by the department; and the record thereof shall state, in separate columns, the date of marriage, name, residence, and offi- cial station, if any, of the persons, by whom married, the names and surnames of the parties, age, the color and condition of each; whether single or widowed, and the time when the record was made. The deaths shall be likewise numbered and recorded; and the record thereof shall state, in separate columns, as far as the same is reported, the date of decease, name and surname, condition, whether single, married or widowed, age, place of birth, place of death, occupation, names of the parents when an infant without name ; disease, direct or indirect cause of death, color, and last place of residence of such deceased person, and the time when the record was made. Said department shall perform all the duties of this section imposed, as a part of its regular duties, and no fees shall be demanded or received by reason thereof. Registration of births not previously recorded. Sec. 1241. Thebirthsof the children of actual residents of the City of New York, which may have occurred during the temporary absence of the parents of such children from the City of New York, and the births of children which failed to be recorded through the neglect of the physician or other medical attendant present at such birth, may be recorded in the Bureau of Records of the Health Department of said City, in a special book, to be kept for such purpose, upon the application in such behalf by the parents or guardians of such children. Such application shall be made to the Board of Health, and shall be accompanied by a certificate of the physician or midwife attending professionally at such birth ; and personally cognizant thereof, together with the affi- davit of at least two citizens, certifying to their knowledge of the facts, and that the physician or midwife making such certi- cate of birth is a reputable person in good standing in the com- munity in which he or she may reside. No change or alteration shall, at any time, be made in any of the records of the said Bureau of Records in said City, without proof satisfactory to and upon the approval of the said Board of Health. Transcripts of 589 any record in said Bureau of Records may be given, |in the^dis- cretion of the Department of Health, to a parent or the next of kin of any person ■ authorized to apply for the same, but no transcripts of false or fraudulent returns made to the said bureau, nor of the entries thereof, shall be given : and they shall be canceled upon due proof of the facts to the Department of Health. Transcripts of these records when required shall be on such forms as the Board of Health may prescribe, and for them the usual fees for copies of Records may be received. Title 3. duties of physicians and others. Report of pestilential, infectious and contagious aiseases. DeatJu. Section 1247. It shall be the duty of each and every prac- tising physician in the City of New York : 1. Whenever required by the Department of Health to report to said department, at such times, in such forms as said department ■ may prescribe, the number of persons attacked with any pestilen- tial, contagious, infectious disease attended by such physi- cian for the twenty-four hours next preceding, stating the name of such patient and the name and place where he shall then be; and the number of persons attended by such physician, who shall have died in said City, during the twenty-four hours next preceding such report, of any such pestilential, contagious or infectious disease. 2. To report, in writing, to the said Department every patient he shall have laboring under any pestilential, contagious, or infec- tious disease, and within twenty-four hours after he shall ascertain or suspect the nature of the disease. 3. To report to the said Department when required by it, the death of any of his patients who shall have died of disease within twenty-four hours thereafter, and to state in such report the specific name and type of such disease. 590 Affidavit may be required. Sec. 1248. The Department of Health may require of any physician not less than three hours after service of a demand thereof upon him, an affidavit, stating therein whether he has or has not any patient, who, in his opinion, shall then be sick of a pestilential, contagious, or infectious disease, and if he has any such patient, to state in such affidavit his or her name, and the house or place in said City where he or she shall then be, and the nature or name of such disease, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Penalty for failing to report. Sec. 1249. Every practising physician who shall refuse or neg- lect to perform the duties enjoined on him by the foregoing section shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall also forfeit for each offense the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by the Department of Health. It shall be the duty of each visiting, hospital, and consulting physician, to make an immediate report to the Department of Health of the name of every practising physician by whom he shall have reason to believe the provisions of said section have been violated; and if such physi- cian shall neglect or refuse to perform his duty, the department shall order him to be suspended from any office he may hold, and he shall, moreover, be liable to such further penalty and to such prosecution for his violation of this law and of his duty as the Board of Health shall determine. Boarding and lodging-house keepers may be required to report ^ Sec. 1250. Every person keeping a boarding or lodging-house in the City, shall, whenever required by the Department of Health, report, in writing, to the department the name of every person who shall be sick in his house within twelve hours after each case of sickness shall have occurred. Masters^ few York, and shall have all the powers and jurisdiction and be subject to all the duties and requirements hereinafter prescribed for Justices of said Municipal Courts. Election of successors. 2. The successors of the Justices mentioned in the first subdivision of this section shall be elected by the electors of 641 the districts for which said Justices were elected or ap- pointed respectively, as described and renumbered in sec- tions 1359, 1360 and 1 361 of this Act, at the general elec- tion to be held in the year at the end of which the terms of said Justices shall expire. Id. When terms expire in iSgy. 3. There shall be elected at the general election to be held on the first Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven as many Justices of said Municipal Court as there shall be Justices of the said District Courts in the City of New York or Justices of the Peace of the said first, second and third districts in the City of Brookl3"n whose terms expire at the end of year 1897. Such Justices shall be elected by the electors of the districts for which such Justices whose terms expire in 1897 were elected or ap- pointed, as described and renumbered in sections 1359, 1360 and 1 361 of this Act. Additional Justices. 4. On or before the twentieth day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and ninety-eight, the Mayor of the City of New York shall appoint seven additional Justices of said Municipal Court, two of whom shall be residents of the fourth and fifth districts of the Borough of Brooklyn, three of whom shall be residents of the first, second and third districts of the Borough of Queens, and two of whom shall be residents of the first and second districts of the Borough of Richmond, respectively. The Justices so appointed shall hold office till the 31st day of December, 1899, ^nd their successors shall be elected at the general election to be held in the year 1899, and shall be residents of the same districts as the Justices appointed pursuant to this subdivision. Qualifications, &c., of Justices. Sec. 1353. No one shall hereafter be eligible to the office of Justice of the said Municipal Court unless he be a resident 642 and elector in the district for which he shall be elected or appointed and has been an attorney and counsellor-at-law of the State of New York for at least five years. None of said Justices shall engage in any other business or profession or hold any other public office or act as Referee, but each of such Justices shall devote his whole time and capacity, so far as the public interest demands, to the duties of his office ; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to the Justices of said Court mentioned in sub- division one of section 1352 of this Act. Oath. Sec. 1354. The Justices elected or appointed pursuant to this Act shall, before entering upon their duties, take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, and file the same with the City Clerk. Salary. Sec. 1355. The salary of each of said Justices, except those appointed or elected from the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, shall be six thousand dollars a year, to be paid in equal monthly installments by the proper officers of said city, and the salary of each of said Justices appointed or elected for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond shall be five thousand dollars a year, to be paid in the same manner. Terms. Sec. 1356. The terms of said Justices to be elected pur- suant to this title shall be ten years. Vacancies. Sec. 1357. Vacancies occurring in the office of Justice of said Court shall be filled at the next ensuing general election for the unexpired term commencing on the first day of January next after said election ; and the Mayor of the City shall appoint some proper person to fill such vacancy in the interim within twenty days after the same occurs. 643 Districts. Sec. 1358. The several Boroughs composing the City of New York are hereby divided into districts, in each of which sessions of said Municipal Court shall be held, as specified in the next five sections. Borough of the Bronx. Sec. 1359. In the Borough of the Bronx there shall be two districts, as follows : 1. The first district embracing the territory described in Chapter 934 of the Laws of 1895. 2. The second district embracing the remainder of said Borough. Borough of Manhattan. Sec. 1360. In the Borough of Manhattan [there shall be eleven districts, as follows : 1. The First District embraces the Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards of said Borough of Manhattan, and all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway and White- hall street, including Nuttin or Governor's Island, Bedloe's Island, Bucking or Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands. 2. The Second embraces the Second, Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall street. 3. The Third District embraces the Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. 4. The Fourth District embraces the Tenth and Seven- teenth Wards. 5. The Fifth District embraces the Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth Wards. 6. The Sixth District embraces the Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards. 7. The Seventh District embraces the Nineteenth Ward. 644 8. The Eighth District embraces the Sixteenth and Twen- tieth Wards. 9. The Ninth District embraces the Twelfth Ward, ex- cept that portion thereof which lies west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue and of the Harlem River north of the terminus of Lenox avenue. 10. The Tenth District embraces the Twenty-second Ward and all that portion of the Twelfth Ward which is bounded on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the south by the centre line of Eighty- sixth street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue and on the west by the North River. 11. The Eleventh District embraces that portion of the Twelfth Ward which lies north of the centre line of West One Hundred and Tenth street and west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue and of the Harlem River north of the terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Borough of Brooklyn. Sec. 1 361. In the Borough of Brooklyn there shall be five districts, as follows : 1. The First District embraces the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards. 2. The Second District embraces the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Wards. 3. The Third District embraces the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Wards. 4. The Fourth District embraces the Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty- eighth Wards. 5. The Fifth District embraces the Twenty-ninth, Thir- tieth, Thirty-first and Thirty-second Wards. Borough of Queens. Sec. 1362. In the Borough of Queens there shall be three districts, as follows : 645 1. The First District embraces Ward One of said Bor- ough. 2. The Second District embraces Wards Two and Three of said Borough. 3. The Third District embraces Wards Four and Five of said Borough. Borough of Richmond. Sec. 1363. In the Borough of Richmond there shall be two districts, as follows : 1. The First District embraces Wards One and Three of said Borough. 2. The Second District embraces Wards Two, Four and Five of said Borough. Jurisdiction. Sec. 1364. Except as provided in the next section the said Municipal Court has jurisdiction in the following civil ac- tions and proceedings, including an action against a domestic corporation or a foreign corporation having an office in the City of New York : 1. An action to recover damages upon or for breach of contract, express or implied, other than a promise to marry, where the sum claimed does not exceed five hun- dred dollars. 2. An action to recover damages for a personal injury or an injury to property, excepting, however, actions to re- cover damages for an assault, battery, malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, libel, slander, criminal conversation, seduction, or loss of society of a husband or wife, where the sum claimed does not exceed five hundred dollars. 3. An action for a fine or penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, including an action to recover a penalty given by the Charter of the City of New York or any by- law or ordinance thereof or by any statute of the State. 4. An action upon a bond conditioned for the payment of money where the sum claimed to be due does not exceed 646 five hundred dollars, the judgment to be rendered for the sum actually due. Where the sum secured by the bond is to be paid in installments an action may be brought for each installment as it becomes due. 5. An action upon a surety bond or undertaking taken in said court or in any District Court of the City of New York or by any justice of the peace. 6. An action upon a judgment rendered in said court or in a district court of the City of New York or in a Justices' Court, or in the Municipal Court of the City of Rochester, or in the Municipal Court of the City of Syracuse, or in the Municipal Court of the City of Buffalo. 7. An action to recover one or more chattels with or without damages for the taking, withholding or detention thereof where the value of the chattel or of all the chattels as stated in the affidavit made on the part of the plaintiff does not exceed five hundred dollars, subject to the qualifica- tions specified in Sections 1689, 1690, 1691 and 1692 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 8. An action in behalf of the People of the State brought by the direction of a Commissioner of Public Charities or of an Overseer of the Poor upon a bastardy or abandon- ment bond in a case where it is prescribed by law that such an action can be maintained in said Municipal Court of the City of New York or in any court not being a court of record. 9. An action to recover damages for an escape from the jail liberties as provided by Chapter two. Title two, Articles four and five of the Code of Civil Procedure, where the sum claimed does not exceed one hundred dollars. 10. An action upon the bond of a Marshal of the City of New York in a case where it is prescribed by a special statutory provision that such an action can be maintained in a District Court or in said Municipal Court. 11. An action for damages for fraud or deceit in the sale, purchase or exchange of personal property where the dam- ages claimed do not exceed five^hundred dollars.^ 647 12. A summary proceeding under Title two of Chapter seventeen of the Code of Civil Procedure to recover pos- session of real property which, or a portion of which, is situated within the district wherein the application for such recovery is made. 13. To render judgment upon the confession of the de- fendant or defendants as prescribed in Title six of Chapter nineteen of the Code of Civil Procedure where the sum con- fessed does not exceed five hundred dollars. 14. Other civil actions or proceedings of which district courts in the City of New York or Justices of the Peace shall have jurisdiction on the 31st day of December, 1897, except such as shall be expressly excluded by this Act. Id. continued. Sec. 1365. The said Municipal Court cannot take cog- nizance of any civil action in either of the following cases : 1. Where the title to real property comes in question as prescribed in Title third of Chapter nineteen of the Code of Civil Procedure, and Sections 2951 to 2958 of said Code, both inclusive, apply to an action brought in said court; and in an action brought in said court the surety upon the defendant's undertaking is liable in the case specified in Section 2952 of said Code to any amount for which judg- ment might have been rendered by said Court if the an- swer and undertaking had not been delivered. The pro- visions of § 1349 of Chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882 shall govern in such cases. 2. Where the action is brought against an executor or administrator as such and the amount claimed is in excess of fifty dollars. 3. Where the action is against The City of New York as hereby constituted. 4. Where, in a matter of account, the sum total of the ac- counts of both parties, proved to the satisfaction of the Court, exceeds one thousand dollars. 648 Removal. Sec. 1366. In an action specified in the last section but one, excepting Subdivisions Eight and Ten, where the damages claimed or the value of the chattel or all the chattels claimed, as stated in the complaint, exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars, the defendant may, after issue is joined and before an adjournment has been granted upon his application, apply to the Justice holding court in the district in which the action is brought for an order removing the action, and if it be m the Second District of the Borough of the Bronx or in any district of the Borough of Manhattan to the City Court of the City of New York, if in any other district into the County Court of the county wherein the district is situated, if the said County Court has jurisdiction of such action, otherwise into the Supreme Court in such county. Such an order must be granted upon the defendant's filing^ with the Clerk an undertaking in a sum fixed by the Justice not exceeding twice the amount of the^damages claimed or twice the value of the chattel or of all the chattels claimed, as stated in the complaint, with one or more sureties, to the effect that the defendant will pay to the plaintiff the amount of any judgment that may be recovered against him in the court to which such action shall be so removed. From the time of grantmg the order the City Court or County Court or Supreme Court, as the case may be, has cognizance of the action, and the Clerk of the District must forthwith deliver to the Clerk of such Court to which the action shall be re- moved all process, pleadings and other papers in the action and certified copies of all minutes, entries and orders re- lating thereto, which must be filed, entered, or recorded as the case requires in the latter's office. Appeals. Sec. 1367. I. An appeal from a judgment rendered in the Municipal Court of the City of New York may be taken to the Supreme Court in the cases and in the manner prescribed in Articles First and Second of Title Eight of Chapter Nineteen of the Code of Civil Procedure. Such appeal shall be heard in such manner and by such Justice or Jus- 649 tices as the Appellate Division ot the Supreme Court in the Judicial Department embracing the district wherein the ac- tion is brought shall direct. The appellate court may re- verse, affirm or modify the judgment appealed from, and where a judgment is reversed, may order a new trial in the Municipal Court in the district in which the action was brought. Where a judgment is modified or a new trial is, ordered costs shall be in the discretion of the Appellate Court. 2, in all cases of ?appeal from the decision of the said Municipal Court, where a transcript of the stenographer's minutes of testimony on the trial becomes a necessary part of the Justice's return, the stenographer's fees for making such transcript shall be at the rate of five cents for every hundred words and be paid in the first instance by the ap- pellant and afterwards taxable by him as a disbursement on the appeal. Process. Sec. 1368. The Municipal Court in any district shall have power to send its process and other mandates in an action or special proceeding of which it has jurisdiction into any district or part of the City of New York for service or ex- ecution and to enforce obedience thereto, and such pro- cess and mandates may be served in any district or part of the City of New York, as constituted by this Act. Procedure, &c. Sec. 1 369. In so far as the same are consistent with this act, all provisions of law relating to the procedure and organ- ization, the summons, precept, attachment, arrest, subpoena or other process, service and execution of the same, time, appearances, parties, attorneys, practice, proceedings, pleadings, amendments, adjournment, defaults, judgments, transcripts, docketing, executions, offers, fees, costs, dis- bursements, joint debtors, depositions, taking testimony by commission and de bene esse, guardians ad litem, trials, jurors and drawing of jurors, and all matters incidental to the same, the powers and duties of Justices and Clerks and other employees in District Courts in the 650 City of New York which shall be in force on the 31st day of December, 1897, shall apply to and control and govern the same in the said Municipal Court and the branches thereof in each district, except that a Marshal of the City of New York cannot appear or act on behalf of either or any party in an action or proceeding in said Municipal Court. Sections Eight to Fourteen, inclusive of the Code of Civil Procedure, excepting Subdivision Seven of said Section Fourteen, are hereby made applicable to and shall govern said Municipal Court. But in all cases where in any statute relating to said District Courts the power and authority of said Courts is limited to the City and County of New York, or to persons residing in or who are about to leave the City and County of New York, the power and authority of said Municipal Court is extended to the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and to all persons residing in or who are about to leave said City of New York, as so constituted, except as in this chapter otherwise expressly provided. In an action specified in section 1364 of this Act (except subdivisions eight and ten) where the damages or the value of the chattels as claimed in the complaint, exceed one hundred dollars, if, at the time of joining an issue of fact the defendant demand a trial by a jury of twelve men, the Justice shall order such a jury to be summoned to try the same, and the proceed- ings and fees shall be the same as are prescribed in Section one thousand three hundred and seventy-three of Chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882. Actions, in what District brought. Sec. 1370. An action or proceeding of which this Court has jurisdiction must be brought : 1. In a district in which either the plaintiff or defendant or one of the plaintiffs or one of the defendants resides, un- less all the plaintiffs or all the defendants reside out of the City of New York, in which case the action or proceeding may be brought in said court in any district. 2. If the defendant be a corporation created by law, in a district in which the plaintiff or either of the plaintiffs re- 651 sides, or in which (if it be a corporation) it transacts its general business or keeps an office or has an agency estab- lished for the transaction of business or is established by law, except the Corporation of the City of New York, which may sue in any district, except as in the' next section pro- vided. 3. By plaintiffs not residing in the City of New York, in the district in which the defendant or one of the defendants resides, and against a defendant or defendants not residing in said city, in the district in which the plaintiff or one of the plaintiffs resides ; but where all the parties reside out of said city the action may be brought in any district. No person who shall have a place in said city for the regular transaction of business shall be deemed a non-resident under the provisions of this title. 4. If the district in which the action or proceeding is brought is not the proper district, the action may, notwith- standing, be tried therein, unless the action is transferred to the proper district before trial upon the demand of the de- fendant made upon or before the joinder of issue in writing or in open court, followed by the consent of the plaintiff, given in like manner, or the order of the Court. The demand must specify the district to which the defendant requires the action to be transferred. The Court must make such order when the district in which the action or proceeding is brought is not the proper district, as specified in this sec- tion or the next one if such demand be made. Id. When brought by the Corporation. 5. All actions by or on behalf of The City of New York to recover a penalty or fine for a violation of any cor- poration ordinance, when the amount of such penalty or fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars, must be brought in the district in which the violation of such ordinance happened or occurred, and the Justice holding Court in the same judicial district may direct any of the City Marshals to collect the payment and make returns in the same manner as now provided by law. And all actions to recover a penalty or fine for a violation of any provision 652 of the Sanitary Code adopted by the Board of Health or of any regulation of the Fire Commissioner or laws which either said Board or Commissioner is authorized, empowered and especially charged to enforce, where the amount of such penalty or fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars, must be brought in the district in which such violation happened or occurred. Where held. Sec. 1371. The said Municipal Court shall be held in each of the aforesaid districts by a Justice of said Court as here- inafter specified, at the places provided by the Municipal Assembly, and in accordance with law, at such hours in every judicial day or so often as the Board of Justices of the Municipal Court shall direct, and must continue in session so long as the public interest requires ; and it shall be the duty of the Municipal Assembly within thirty days after the 31st day of December, 1897, to provide a suitable place for the holding of said court in each of said districts, pro- vided that more than one place for holding such court may be provided at any time after this Act takes effect in any dis- trict, if the said Board of Justices shall certify that the public convenience requires such additional number of places. Seals. Sec. 1372. The said Court in each district shall have official seals furnished at the expense of the City, on which shall be engraved the arms of the State of New York and the words " Municipal Court of New York, Borough of Manhattan " (or whatever the Borough may be), " First District " (or whatever the district may be), but nothing herein contained shall authorize such Court to issue certificates of naturaliza- tion. ^ Clerks and Assistant Clerks. Sec. 1373. There shall be in and for each district a clerk of said Court and in each district in the Boroughs of Man- hattan, Brooklyn, and of The Bronx, an assistant clerk, 658 who shall be appointed by the Justice elected or appointed from said district as hereinbefore provided, and shall hold office for the term of six years from the date of ap- pointment ; and before entering upon his duties each such clerk or assistant clerk' shall file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of New York a bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty and the due accounting for and payment of all money by him received or with him deposited in any action as such clerk or assistant clerk, to be approved by the said Comptroller to be endorsed thereon. Each such clerk and assistant clerk shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum (except in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, wherein the salary of the clerk shall be two thousand dollars per annum), to be paid in equal monthly installments ; and neither said clerks nor assistant clerks nor other employees of said courts shall receive any fee or compensation whatever for their own use for any services performed by them by virtue of their offices other than their salaries ; and the duties of such clerks and assistant clerks shall be the same as those now imposed by law upon the clerks and assistant clerks of the District Courts in the City of New York. No such clerk, assistant clerk or other employee of such courts shall hold any other office or be interested in any other business, except as permitted by the next section, but shall give their whole time to their respective duties and shall reside in the Borough in which the district for which they are appointed respectively is situated. For any breach of said bond the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court or any Justice of the Supreme Court in the judicial department wherein the district for which such clerk or assistant clerk is appointed is situated, may order the same to be prosecuted in the name of any person damaged by such breach. The clerks, as- sistant clerks, stenographers, interpreters and attendants of the District Courts in the City of New York and of the Justices' Courts of First, Second and Third Districts oi the City of Brooklyn, who shall office on the first day of January, 1S98, shall continue until the expiration of their respective terms, in the like capacities as officers of the said 654 Municipal Court. Each Justice upon appointing a clerk or assistant clerk shall make duplicate certificates of such appointments, stating the term of the appointment and when it will expire, and one of such duplicates shall be filed by him in the office of the City Clerk, and the other with the Secretary of the Board of Justices pro- vided for in the next section. The said Justices shall in like manner on or before the 30th day of January, 1898, also appoint the officers necessary to attend the Court in each district, not exceeding two, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars, and a stenographer in and for each district at an annual salary of two thousand dollars, and in and for each district in the Borough of Manhattan an in- terpreter at an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars. Each of said attendants, stenographers and interpreters shall be appointed for two years or to fill the residue of an unex- pired term. The said Justices may remove any of said at- tendants, stenographers or interpreters, provided that before removal such officers shall have notice of the cause of their proposed removal and an opportunity to make an explana- tion ; and the reasons for any removal shall be briefly en- tered on such minutes. Board of Justices. Sec. 1374. On and after the first day ot January, 1898, the Justices of said Court shall constitute the Board of Justices of the Municipal Court and discharge the functions thereof. They may elect a president from their own number and at pleasure remove him and elect a successor. All meetings of said Board shall be public and all proceedings shall be recorded in its books of minutes by its secretary and shall be preserved. Such Board may designate a clerk of said Court for one of said districts to act as secretary of said Board, and from time to time substitute another and fix a reasonable compensation to be paid for such service. Such Board shall establish public rules relative to its meetings, which as far as possible shall be held at regular times, to the keeping and preservation of its minutes and the appoint- ment of clerks, assistant clerks and other appointees, and to 666 the public inspection of its minutes under the care of the secretary at reasonable times. Board to make Rules. Sec. 1375. Said Board of Justices shall adopt, and from time to time may amend or add to rules relating to the following- subjects : 1. As to the Justices who shall hold sessions of said Muni- cipal Court in each of said districts at times and places to be specified in said rules and to provide for a rotation of the Justices holding the same, provided that the Justices elected or appointed for any Borough shall hold court in said borough; but if a vacancy exists, or the illness or other in- ability of any Justice assigned to hold court prevents his attendance, any other Justice of said court may hold the same. And if, at any time before or after the commence- ment of the trial, it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Justice that he is a necessary witness on the trial of the cause, or otherwise disqualified to try the same, he shall by an order entered in the cause order the same and the papers in the same to be transferred to an adjoining district, or ad- journed to such time as his successor in holding court in said district according to such rules for rotation, may be holding said court as justice may require. Such rules re- specting rotation and the designation of justices, shall be made on or before the 25th day of January, 1898, and shall be published in the City Record, and one newspaper pub- lished in each Borough at least once before the first day of February. 2. As to the hours at which said courts shall be opened on each day and what oflficers shall be in attendance. 3. As to the order of business and manner of its dis- charge. 4. As to the manner in which the clerks and assistant clerks shall perform their duties, the manner of keeping records and papers, the collection and disposition of moneys and keeping accounts of the same. 5. As to the maintenance of order in and about the courts and offices thereof. 656 Concurrence of majority. Sec. 1376. The concurrence of a majority of all the mem- bers of said board shall be necessary to adopt any resolu- tion thereof. Rules of Supreme Court applicable. Sec. 1377. The rules and regulations of the Supreme Court, as they may be from time to time, shall apply to the Municipal Court so far as the same can be made applicable. Clerks to administer oaths. Sec. 1378. The clerks and assistant clerks of the said Muni- cipal Court are authorized to administer oaths in the City of New York in the same manner and with the like effect as clerks of courts of record. Justices to administer oaths, &c. Sec. 1379. The Justices of said Municipal Court may in the City of New York, by virtue of their office, administer oaths, take depositions and acknowledgments and certify the same in the manner and with like effect as Justices of courts of record. Sections 914 to 917, inclusive, and Section 3319 of the Code of Civil Procedure apply to the Justices of^said Court. Access to Court Houses. Sec. 1380. The Justices of said Court shall have on and after the first day of February, 1898, the like access and possession of the court houses that theretofore were enjoyed by the Justices of the district courts and Justices of the Peace in the territory included within The City of New York as constituted by this Act ; and it shall be the duty of the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York and its several officers charged with duties in that behalf to supply and pay for whatever may be necessary for the transaction of the business of said Municipal Court and the Justices thereof, and to supply all proper accommo- dations, books, stationery and furniture, and to pay all salaries, compensations and expenses and disbursements 657 herein authorized, and the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment shall annually include in its final estimate such sums as may be necessary to pay the same. Delivery of papers, &c. Sec. 1 38 1. On the first day of February, 1898, it shall be the duty of the District Court Justices and Justices of the Peace whose powers and jurisdiction shall have been ter- minated by the provisions of this Act, or of any act abolish- ing towns within the territory embraced in the City of New York as hereby constituted, or otherwise, and of the clerks and assistant clerks, deputy clerks or other officers of said District Courts or Justices* Courts to deliver to the Justices of the said Municipal Court all papers, documents and records pertaining to their office. Disposition of causes pending in district courts, &c. Sec. 1382. No action or proceeding which shall be pend- ing at midnight, on the 31st day of January, 1898, in any Dis- trict Court or Justices' Court within the territory included within the City of New York as constituted by this Act, shall abate by reason of the passage of this Act; but all such actions and proceedings so pending, shall be continued thereafter in said Municipal Court ; and the said District Courts and Justices' Courts existing on said 31st day of January, 1898, shall have power to adjourn any action or proceeding then pending before them or either of them to the first day of February following, or to some day there- after when the same shall be conthiued before the Muni- cipal Court in the district wherein such District Court or Justices' Court shall be situated or held ; and all papers, documents and records relating to such actions or proceed- ings shall be transmitted and delivered to the Justices designated to hold Court in said districts respectively. Removal. Sec. 1383. The Justices of said Court and the clerks and assistant clerks thereof may be removed for cause after due 658 notice, and an opportunity of being heard by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the judicial district wherein the district for which said Justices were elected or appointed, or wherein the district for which such clerks or assistant clerks were appointed, is situated. Justices of District Courts, &c., to act till Feb. /, i8g8. Sec. 1384. Until midnight of said thirty-first day of Janu- ary, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the District Courts and Justices' Courts, and the Justices, Clerks, Assistant Clerks, Attendants, Stenographers, Interpreters and other employees thereof, in any and all portions of the territory in- cluded within The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, shall continue to perform all the duties and exercise all the powers which may be by law imposed on or vested in them on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and^ninety-seven. Title 3. inferior courts of criminal jurisdiction.] Division of city for such purpose. Section 1390. For the purposes of administration of crim- inal justice the City of New York, as hereby constituted, is divided into two divisions as follows : The first division embraces the Boroughs of The Bronx and of Manhattan ; the second division embraces the Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. Special Sessions in first division continued. Sec. 1 391. The Court of Special Sessions of the City and County of New York now existing is continued with the same powers, duties and jurisdiction as it shall have by law on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hun- 659 dred and ninety-seven, except as herein otherwise provided, and shall be known as the Court of Special Sessions of the first division of the City of New York, and the justices of said court, and the clerks, deputy clerks, and other em- ployees thereof then in office, shall continue to hold their offices until the expiration of their respective terms. Their successors shall be appointed in the same manner and have the same salary, powers and duties as are provided by Chapter 6oi of the Laws of 1895. City Magistrates in first division continued. Sec. 1392. The City Magistrates in the City of New York appointed pursuant to Chapter six hundred and one of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five or of any act amending the same in office when this act takes effect shall continue to hold office until the expiration of their respective terms, and shall be known as the City Magistrates of the first division of the City of New York, and they and their successors shall be residents of said first division. They shall each receive during their re- spective terms of office the salaries which they were receiving at the time this Act takes effect. Their suc- cessors shall be appointed in the same manner and have the same powers and duties as are provided by said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895, and shall each receive a salary of six thousand dollars a year. The clerks, clerks' as- sistants, and other appointees of said magistrates and their courts in office when this act takes effect shall continue therein until the expiration of their respective terms. The Board of City Magistrates constituted by said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895 shall contmue and shall be known as the Board of Magistrates of the First Division of the City of New York. Said Magistrates and said Board of Magistrates and said clerks, assist- ants and other appointees shall continue to have and exer- cise the same powers, jurisdiction, functions and duties within said first division as they or any of them shall have by law upon the thirty-first day of December, 1897, except as herein otherwise provided. 660 Police Justices abolished. Sec. 1393. From and after midnight of the thirty-first day of January, 1898, the office of police justice in any part of the territory embraced within the second division of the City of New York, as defined in section 1390 of this Act and the Court of Special Sessions in the City of Brooklyn, is and are abolished, and all authority, power, duty and jurisdiction then vested in such police justices, and in the courts held by them, and in the clerks, deputy clerks, police clerks and all other officers and employees of said justices or courts shall cease and determine, except as hereinafter provided. City Magistrates in second division. Sec. 1394. From and after midnight of said thirty -first day of January, 1898, there shall be in the said second division of the City of New York eleven City Magistrates, with the jurisdiction and powers hereinafter prescribed. The Police Justices in the former City of Brooklyn in office on the thirty- first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, shall continue in office for the residue of their re- spective terms, but shall be known as City Magistrates of the second division of the City of New York, and have the powers and duties hereinafter prescribed for City Magis- trates and no other. On or before the twentieth day of January, 1898, the Mayor of the City of New York shall appoint five additional city magistrates, three of whom shall be residents and electors of the Borough of Queens, and two of whom shall be residents and electors of the Borough of Richmond, all of whose terms shall commence on the first day of February, 1898. The terms of one of said magistrates so appointed for each of said Boroughs of Queens and Rich- mond shall expire on the thirty-first day of December, 1905, and the terms of the remainder of the magistrates so ap- pointed for Queens and Richmond shall expire on the thirty- first day of December, 1907. The successors of said mag- istrates shall at all times thereafter be appointed by the Mayor of said city, and shall be residents and electors of the borough from which said magistrates whom they shall be appointed to succeed were appointed, and shall hold office for ten years. Upon the happening ot any va- 661 cancy in said office, whether by expiration of a term or tor any other cause, the Mayor shall appoint some proper person to fill such vacancy within thirty days after the same occurs ; and in case such vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of a term, the person appointed to fill the same shall be ap- pointed for the unexpired residue of the term. Salary, &c. Sec. 1395. The salary of each of saidjjCity Magistrates in said second division shall be six thousand dollars a year, to be paid in equal monthly instalments, except that the said Magistrates appointed for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, respectively, shall each receive a salary of five thousand dollars a year; and provided further that the Police Justices of the former City of Brooklyn, who become City Magistrates pursuant to section 1394 of this Act, shall con- tinue to receive, during their respective terms of office, the salaries which they were respectively receiving at the time this Act takes effect. Upon making an appointment of an officer pursuant to this title the Mayor shall make three written certificates thereof, each of which shall state the title of the office, the Borough from which such officer is appointed, and the term for which the appointment is made. One of such certificates he shall deliver to the person appointed and of the others he shall cause one to be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and one to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the county in which is situated the Borough from which such person is appointed. Powers. Sec. 1396. The said magistrates appointed or continued in office pursuant to this title, shall have and exercise within the said second division such powers as are conferred by law upon the City Magistrates in the City of New York, by Chapter six hundred and one of the Laws of 1895, and the acts amending the same, except as herein otherwise provided. 662 Board of Magistrates. Sec. 1397. The said magistrates appointed and continued in office pursuant to section 1394 of this Act shall constitute the Board of City Magistrates of the Second Division of the City of New York, and said board shall have the same powers, duties, and functions as are specified in Sec- tions four, five, six and seven of said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895, except as herein otherwise provided. Magistrate to be in constant attinaance. Sec. 1398. A City Magistrate shall be in constant attend- ance in each of the City Magistrate's Courts between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon on every day except Sundays and legal holi- days, but including election day ; and the rules for rotation ot magistrates to be made as provided in Subdivision one of Section five of said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895 shall not require the magistrates appointed in said second division to hold Court in any other Borough than that for which he was appointed ; provided, however, that if a vacancy exists or the illness, absence or other inability of any magistrate assigned to hold any City Magistrate's Court in either division prevents his holding the same, any other City Magistrate in the City of New York may hold such Court. Transfer of charges. Sec. 1399. The provisions of Section nine of said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895, as amended by Chapter 908 of the Laws ot 1895, shall apply to all of said City Magistrates, and to all charges and complaints brought before any of the said magistrates appointed pursuant to this title. Clerks and employees. Sec. 1400. All the provisions of said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895, relating to the appointment of police clerks, their terms of office, compensation, bonds, powers and duties, the removal of the same, and relating to the appointment, compensation, terms, removal and duties of clerk's assistants, stenographers, interpreters and other necessary attendants 663 (not exceeding two for each Court), shall apply to and gov- ern the same matters in the said second division ; provided that no such clerk or other officer or employee appointed by said Board of City Magistrates of said second division shall hold any other office or be interested in any other business, but shall give their whole time to their respective duties, and shall reside in the Borough for the City Magis- trate s Court in which they shall be appointed respectively ; and the number of such clerks to be so appointed for said second division shall be eleven. Justices of Special Sessions appointed. Sec. 1401. On or before the twentieth day of January, 1898, the Mayor of said City of New York shall appoint five jus- tices of the Court of Special Sessions of the Second Division of the City of New York provided for by this title, who shall hold office until the thirty-first day of December, 1899, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907, and 1909, respectively. Vacancies. Sec. 1402. Any vacancy in said office shall be filled by the Mayoi of said city by appointment within thirty days after its occurrence. Tf such vacancy occur otherwise than by ex- piration of a term the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the justice whom he succeeds. If the vacancy occur by the expiration of a term, the person appointed to succeed the justice whose term has expired shall hold office for the term of ten years. The salary of the justices of the Court of Special Sessions in the second division shall be six thousand dollars a year, to be paid in equal monthly instalments. Qualifications. Sec. 1403. The persons eligible to be appointed justices of the Court of Special Sessions and city magistrates in the second division must possess the same qualifications and be subject to the same regulations and requirements as are prescribed for such justices and magistrates respectively in 664 Section twenty-five of said Chapter six hundred and one of the Laws of 1895. No person shall be appointed to the office of justice of the Court of Special Sessions or city magistrate unless he shall be a resident of the division of said city for which he shall be appointed. Clerks. Sec. 1404. All the provisions of said Chapter six hundred and one of the Laws of 1895 respecting the appointment of a clerk and deputy, stenographer, interpreter and other officers, their salaries, terms of office, removal and duties shall apply to the Court of Sessions in said second division, except that the term of office of such clerk, deputy clerk and other officers shall commence on the first day of February, 1898 ; the terms of such clerk and deputy clerk shall be for five years respectively, and the salary of said clerk shall be three thousand dollars a year, payable in equal monthly instalments. Said clerk and deputy clerk shall be residents of the said second division. The justices of said Court of Special Sessions in the second division of the City of New York shall also appoint a clerk of said court for each of the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, each of whom shall hold office for five years from the first day of February, 1898, and receive a salary of two thousand dollars, payable in equal monthly instalments. The said justices may also appoint such officers and attendants for said court in the said Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, including stenographers and interpreters as may be neces- sary for the due transaction of the business of said court, and fix and alter their salaries ; subject to the power of re- duction thereof given to the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment. All the provisions of said act respecting the re- moval and duties of such officers respectively shall apply to the officers appointed as herein provided. Court of Special Sessions : how held. Sec. 1405. The Court of Special Sessions of either of said divisions of the City of New York must be held by three of the justices of said court, and any order, determination or judg 665 mcnt of two of said justices shall be the order, determination or judgment of the court. Said court shall sit in every month of the year in said first division and in each of said Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond. yurisdiction. Sec. 1406. The said Courts of Special Sessions shall have jurisdiction as follows : I. Except as otherwise provided in this title, the said Courts of Special Sessions of the City of New York shall have in the first instance exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all charges of misdemeanors committed within the City of New York, except charges of libel. Provided, however, that the same shall be tried in the county wherein such misdemeanors are charged to have been committed. The said courts shall, however, be divested of jurisdic- tion to proceed with the hearing and determination of any charge of misdemeanor in either of the following cases : First: If, before the commencement of the trial in said court of any person accused of a misdemeanor, a grand jury shall present an indictment against the same person for the same offence ; or Second ; If, before the commencement of any such trial, a Justice of the Supreme Court in the Judicial Department where such trial would be had ; or, if the charge be triable in the County of New York, the Recorder of the City of New York or a Judge authorized to hold a Court of Gen- eral Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of New York ; or, if the charge be triable in another county, a County Judge of such county shall certify that it is reasonable that such charge shall be prosecuted by in- dictment. No such certificate shall be made upon the application of a defendant, without at least two days notice to the District Attorney, but pending the de- termination of the application therefor, any Justice or Judge authorized to make such certificate may order that all proceedings in the Court of Special Sessions, except to admit to bail, be stayed for a period or for successive 666 periods, which shall not in all exceed ten days. Upon the service of said order upon the Clerk of the said Court of Special Sessions in the County wherein the charge is triable, all proceedings thereon in said Court,. except to admit the defendant to bail, shall be stayed until the expiration of the time specified in said order. Upon the filing of the certificate aforesaid with the Clerk of the said Court of Special Sessions,, in the County wherein the charge is triable, all fur- ther proceedings thereon by said Court of Special Sessions shall be stayed, and the said Clerk shall within five days thereafter make a return of all proceedings had in the said* Court of Special Sessions relating to such charge and transmit such return and all papers relating to such charge,, together with said certificate and any undertaking given- by the defendant to the District Attorney of the County wherein the misdemeanor charged is alleged to have been committed. The said District Attorney shall without de- lay present the said charge to the Grand Jury of said County. Remission of fines. 2. They shall have jurisdiction at the request of a defend- ant to remit a fine imposed by them and in place of such fine to substitute in its discretion imprisonment. Bastardy proceedings, 3. They shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first in- stance of all proceedings respecting bastards within the City of New York and the jurisdiction conferred by Sections 83S to 860 inclusive of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall be- exclusively exercised within said city by said Courts. The- application specified in Section 840 of said Code of Criminal Procedure shall be made to the Court of Special Sessions ir> the county wherein a bastard is born or where the womaa pregnant of a bastard likely to be born],is. Application of existing laws, 4. The said court and its justices shall have and exercise all the powers and jurisdiction not inconsistent with this 667 act which on the thirty-first day of December, 1897, shall by law be vested in the court or justices of Special Sessions in the City and County of New York and in the police courts, police justices and Courts of Special Sessions in any part of the territory embraced in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, excepting that conferred upon police justices of the City of Brooklyn by Section 2234 of the Code of Civil Procedure ; and the same jurisdiction and powers in all matters relating to the administration of the criminal law not inconsistent with this Act which on said 31st day of December, 1897, shall by law be vested in justices of the peace in any part of said territory. Practice. Sec. 1407. On and after the first day of February, 1898, all sections of the Code of Criminal Procedure consistent with this act regulating and controlling the practice and pro- cedure of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace in the City and County of New York shall apply, as far as may be, to the practice and procedure in the said Courts of Special Sessions, and shall regulate and control the practice and procedure of said courts in so far as their jurisdiction and organization will permit. All trials in said Courts of Special Sessions provided for by this title shall be without a jury. yustices to be magistrates. Sec. 1408. The justices of said Courts of Special Sessions are magistrates, and shall have and exercise all the jurisdic- tion and powers not inconsistent with this Act which are by law conferred upon magistrates. Adoption of rules. Sec. 1409. The justices of said Courts of Special Sessions shall meet and adopt, and may from time to time amend or add to rules relating to the following subjects : 1. Regulating the procedure and practice of said courts. 2. Prescribing the duties of the clerks and other officers and attendants of said courts. 668 Regulation of time, etc. Sec. 1410. The justices of said Courts of Special Sessions of said first and second divisions of the City of New York respectively shall meet and adopt and may from time to time amend or add to rules relating- to the following sub- jects : 1. Establishing the times and places at which said court shall be held within each of said divisions respectively. 2. Assigning the justices to hold said courts from time to time, but if any justice assigned to sit in said court at any time shall be absent any other justice of the Court of Spe- cial Sessions in the City of New York may sit in his place and stead. Sec. 141 1. It shall be the duty of the District Attorney of each of the Counties of New York and Kings to attend in person or by his assistant at all sessions of said Courts of Special Sessions within his county. Appeals from city magistrates. Sec. 1412. All provisions of law conferring the right of ap- peal and prescribing the procedure on appeal to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace in the City and County of New York from any judgment or other determination of a police justice, including a judgment of commitment under section two hundred and ninety-one of the Penal Code, or of any court held by a pohce justice, shall apply to and regulate all appeals from any judgment or other order or determina- tion of a city magistrate in the County of New York, and the right of Appeal to said Court of General Sessions from such judgment or other order or determination of such city magistrate in the County of New York is hereby con- tinued ; and the like appeal is hereby granted and conferred from the judgment, order or other determination of a city magistrate elsewhere within the City of New York to the County Court of the county where the same is made. Appeals from special sessions. Sec. 141 3. The provisions of Section 20 of Chapter 601 of 669 the Laws of 1895 respecting appeals from a judgment or de- termination of the Court of Special Sessions in the City and County of New York shall continue and appl)^ to appeals from the Courts of Special Sessions in the City of New York, as constituted by this Act. Delivery of papers, etc. Sec. 1414. On the first day of February, 1898, it shall be the duty of the police justices, justices of the peace and otheroffi- cers whose powers and jurisdiction shall have been termi- nated by any of the provisions of this Act or of any Act abol- ishing towns and villages within the territory embraced within The City of New York, as hereby constituted, or otherwise, to deliver over to the city magistrates appointed pursuant to this title all papers, documents and records of their courts appertaining to their offices, and in like manner to deliver over to the justices of the Court of Special Sessions appointed pursuant to this act all papers, documents and records pertaining to the Court of Special Sessions. Possession of court houses. Sec. 141 5. The city magistrates and justices of the Court of Special Sessions appointed or continuing in office pursuant to this title shall have on and after said first day of February, 1895, the like access and possession in respect to the court houses or other places provided for the proceedings of police justices within said city, as hereby constituted, as were theretofore enjoyed by the police justices in the territory embraced within said city, as so constituted. And it shall be the duty of The City of New York and its several officers charged with duties in that be- half to supply and pay for whatever may be necessary for the transaction of business of the said city magistrates and Courts of Special Sessions and the justices thereof, and to supply all proper court houses and accommodations, books, stationery and furniture, and to pay all salaries, compensa- tions, expenses and disbursements herein authorized or authorized by said Chapter 601 of the Laws of 1895 ; and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall annually 670 include in its final estimate such sums as may be necessary to pay such salaries, compensations, expenses and disburse- ments. Pending actions. Sec. 1416. No criminal action or other proceeding which shall be pending in any Court of Special Sessions or any pro- ceeding respecting bastards which shall be pending before a police justice or a justice or justices of the peace within the territory embraced in the City of New York, as constituted by this Act, at midnight on the thirty-first day of January, 1898, shall abate or be anywise affected by the pass- age of this title, and all such actions or other proceed- ings so pending shall thereafter be continued before the Court of Special Sessions, as provided for by this title. And any Court of Special Sessions or justice of the peace before whom any such action or proceeding shall be pend- ing at said time shall have power to adjourn the same to the first day of February or some day thereafter, when the same shall be continued before the Court of Special Sessions, as herein provided for. Designation of Magistrates. Sec. 141 7. The Mayor of the City of New York shall, on or before the twenty-fifth day of January, 1898, designate in respect to all actions and proceedings which shall be pend- ing at midnight on the said thirty-first day of January, 1898, before each of the police justices and justices of the peace in the territory embraced within the said second d ivis- ion of the City of New York, which of the magistrates ap- pointed by him, pursuant to this Act, shall thereafter have jurisdiction thereof, and the same shall be thereafter trans- ferred to and continued before the several magistrates so designated respectively. Such designation shall be pub- lished by the Mayor for three days prior to the first day of February, 1898, in the City Record^ and at least once in a newspaper published in each Borough; within said second division. 671 y us t ices to Act. Sec. 141 8. Until midnight of said thirty-first day of Janu- ary, 1898, the several police justices and justices of the peace within the territory included within said second division shall continue to exercise all the authority, power, jurisdic- tion and duties given and imposed upon them by law on the thirty-first day of December, 1897. Title 4. the marshals. Sec. 1424. The Marshals in the City of New York as heretofore known and bounded, and the Marshals and Con- stables in the cities of Brooklyn and Long Island City, and in the several towns mentioned in Section i of Chapter I of this Act, in office at the time this Act shall take effect, shall continue to hold such offices and perform the duties thereof until midnight of the thirty-first day ot January, one thou- sand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and said terms ot office shall then expire, except those of the Marshals in the late City of New York and the Marshals in the late City of Brooklyn, who shall continue to be Marshals of The City of New York, as hereby constituted, till the expiration of their respective terms. Sec. 1425. On or before the twentieth day of January, 1898, the Mayor of the City of New York shall appoint ten Marshals in the manner provided in the next section, who shall hold their respective offices for six years; and there shall be appointed in like manner every sixth year hereafter the same number of Marshals for the like terms. Any person appointed after the commencement of the term, as herein prescribed, shall hold only until the expiration of the term and until a successor is duly appointed and qualified. Sec. 1426. Six of said Marshals so to be appointed shall be 672 residents of the Borough of Queens, and four residents of the boroughs of Richmond ; and said Marshals shall be assigned by the Mayor to such duty within the Boroughs wherein they reside respectively as is or may be provided by law. Sec. 1427. On the expiration of the terms of said Marshals of The City of New York mentioned in the last clause of section 1424 of this Act, the said Mayor shall appoint their successors for terms of six years respectively. Sec. 1428. In so far as consistent with this Act, the provi- sions of law relating to the bonds, duties, powers and fees of Marshals, and all other matters concerning Marshals in the City of New York in force on the thirty-first day of De- cember, 1897, shall apply to the Marshals appointed or continued in office pursuant to this Title, provided, how- ever, that the bonds of said Marshals so appointed pur- suant to this Title shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and that in the prosecution of the official bonds of all Marshals, application for leave to prosecute the same shall be made to a Justice of the Supreme Court at Cham- bers in the judicial department wherein the Borough for which such Marshal shall have been appointed is situated, and such leave shall not be granted unless it appears that a transcript of the judgment against such Marshal has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the county within which such Borough is situated, and such Justice may order such bond to be prosecuted in the Municipal Court of the City of New York, or in the City Court of the City of New York if such Borough be within the County of New York or in the County Court of the county wherein such Borough lies, if in any other county. Sec. 1429. The Mayor may remove any Marshal, after giving him an opportunity to be heard, upon charges in writing preferred against such Marshal, and filed with the Mayor. 'V^ Of THl'*^^ 673 CHAPTER XXI. THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS AND INTERESTS THEREIN FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. Procedure for acquirement of lands and interests therein. Section 1435. Whenever the City of New York, or any of the departments, including the Department of Education, or boards of the said City Government, shall be authorized by law to acquire title to real estate or any tenements, hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal rights in the same, for any public use or purpose by condemnation, the proceeding for that purpose shall be taken and conducted in the manner prescribed in this title, except as provided in section 1448 of this Act. Maps to be prepared. Entry on premises for examination thereof. Sec. 1436. When any such lands have been selected, and the said department or board has determined to take proceedings for the acquisition of the same, said department or board shall cause two similar surveys, maps or plans thereof to be prepared, one of which shall be filed in the office of the said department or board, and the other of which shall be filed in the office of the Register or County Clerk of the County in which the lands are situated ; and it shall be lawful for the duly authorized agents of the said department or board, and all persons acting under its authority, and by its direction, to enter, in the day- time, into and upon any and all lands, tenements and heredita- ments which it shall be necessary to enter into and upon for the purpose of making such surveys, maps or plans or for the purpose of making such soundings or borings as the said department or board may deem necessary. Appointment and duties of Commissioners of Estimate. Sec. 1437. When the said maps, surveys or plans have been filed as hereinbefore provided, the said department or board of 6Y4 the said city acting by and through the Corporation Counsel of said city, is hereby authorized to make application to a Special Term of the Supreme Court, in and for the Judicial District in which said lands are situated, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate, and the said Court shall there- upon name three discreet and disinterested persons, being residents of the City of New York, as such Commissioners of Estimate, for the purpose of performing the duties herein- after mentioned. Ten days' notice of such application, Sun- days and holidays excluded, shall be published in the " City Record," and the corporation newspapers, and also at the option of the Corporation Counsel in other newspapers, not exceeding three in number, published in said City of New York. Upon the appointment of said Commissioners they shall severally take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, before some officer au- thorized to administer oaths, in the form required by section one of article thirteen of the Constitution of this State, which oaths shall be forthwith filed in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court in the Judicial District in which said lands are situated. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners, after having viewed the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises required for public uses and purposes, as above set forth, to make a just and equitable estimate of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said lands, tene- ments, hereditaments and premises, and to make report thereof to the said Supreme Court with due diligence. Reports of Commissioners of Estimate. Presentation thereof to the Court. When title to vest in City. Sec. 1438. In each and all and every case when the owners, or parties interested, or their respective estates and interests are unknown, or not fully known, to the said Commissioners, it shall be sufficient for them to estimate and set forth and state in their said reports, in general terms, the respective sums to be allowed and paid to the owners and proorietors generally of such lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises and parties in- terested therein, for the loss and damage to such owners, pro- prietors and parties interested in respect of the whole estate 675 and interest of whomsoever may be entitled unto or interested in said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises respec- tively, by and in consequence of the taking of the same, as herein provided, without specifying the names of the estate or interests of such owners, proprietors, and parties interested, or either. of them, and upon the coming in of the said report, signed by the said Commissioners, or a mnjority of them, the said Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof held in and forthe Judicial District as aforesaid, shall, by order, upon application of the said Cit}'^, or the said department or board of the Government thereof conducting said proceeding, after hearing any matter which may be alleged against the same, either confirm said re- port in whole or in part or refer the same back to the same Commissioners lor revisal and correction, or to new Com- missioners, to be appointed by the said Court, to reconsider the subject matter thereof, and the said Commissioners to whom the said report shall be so referred shall return the said report, corrected and revised, or a new report, to be made by them, as aforesaid, in the premises, to the said Court, without unnecessary delay, and the same on being so returned shall be confirmed or again referred by the said Court, as justice shall require, and such report when confirmed by said Court, in whole or in part, shall be final and conclusive, as well upon the said city and the said department or board as upon the owners, lessees, persons and parties interested in and entitled to the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises mentioned in said report, and also upon all other persons whomsoever. And on the final confirmation of said report, the said City of New York, except as hereinafter provided, shall become and be seized, in fee simple absolute, of the lands included in said report, the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and for the purposes for which the same shall be acquired accord- ingly. And thereupon the said City, acting by and through the department or board instituting and having charge of said proceeding, shall immediately take possession of the same, without any suit or proceedings at law for that purpose, and all leases and other contracts in regard to the said lands so taken, or any part thereof, and all covenants, contracts or en- gagements between landlords and tenants, or any other con- 676 tracting parties, shall, upon the confirmation of such reports respectively, cease and determine and be absolutely discharged according: to law. 'b When title may be vested by resolution. Sec. 1439. Should the department or board of the said City Government instituting the said proceeding deem it for the public interest that the title to the lands and premises, or any interest therein, required for any public improvement or for any public purpose and acquired hereunder, should be acquired by The City of New York at a fixed or specified time, the said department or board may direct, by reso- lution passed before the application to the Court for the ap- pointment of Commissioners of Estimate, made under section 1437 of this Act, and which said resolution shall be recited in the petition for the appointment of such Commissioners, that at a date four months after the filing of the oaths of said Commissioners, the title to any piece or parcel of land, or to any interest therein, to be taken or acquired in the said pro- ceeding, shall vest in The City of New York. At the expiration of said four months from the filing of said oaths, the said City of New York shall become and be seized in fee of said lands, tenements and hereditaments and all interests therein in said resolution mentioned, that shall or may be acquired as afore- said, the same to be held appropriated, converted and used to and for the purposes for which the said proceeding is instituted. In such cases interest at the legal rate upon the sum or sums to which the owners, lessees, parties or persons interested in the said real estate or interests therein are justly entitled upon the date of the vesting of title in The City of New York, as aforesaid, from said date to the date of the payment of the award made to such owners, lessees, parties or persons in interest shall be paid as hereinafter set forth. And at the expiration of the said four months and upon the vesting of said title, the said city, acting by and through the said depart- ment or board conducting said proceeding, shall immediately take possession of the lands included in the same and the interests thereby afiected, without any suit or proceeding at law for that purpose. And all leases and other contracts in 677 regard to said lands so taken, or any part thereof, and all covenants, contracts or engagements between landlords and tenants or any other contracting parties shall, upon the vesting of said title, respectively cease and determine and be dis- charged according to law. Notice of deposit and presentation of report ; payment of awards with interest. Sec. 1440. The said Commissioners of Estimate, at least four- teen days before they present their report to the Supreme Court, shall deposit a true report or transcript of such esti- mate in the office of the department or board conducting such proceeding, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern, and shall give daily notice by advertisement in the " City Record" and the corporation newspapers, and also, at the option of the Corporation Counsel, in other newspapers, not exceeding three in number, published in said City of New York, for ten days, Sundays and holidays excluded, after depositing such report, of the said deposit thereof in said office, and for the day on which the said report will be presented to said Court, and any person or per- sons whose rights may be affected thereby, and who may object to the same, or any part thereof, may, within ten days after the first publication of such notice, set forth their objections to the same in writing to the said Commissioners, who shall, after hearing the parties so objecting, thereupon re- consider their said estimate and assessment, or the part or parts thereof so objected to, and in case the same shall appear to them to require correction, but not otherwise, they shall and may correct the same accordingly. The said City of New York shall, within two calendar months after the confirmation of the said report, pay to the parties entitled thereto the re- spective sum or sums so estimated and reported in their favor respectively, with lawful interest from the date of the confirma- tion of the report of said Commissioners, or if title to said lands shall have vested in the city under section 1438 of this Act, from the date of said vesting ; and in default thereof said persons or parties respectively, his, her, or their respective heirs, execu- tors, administrators, successors or assigns, may, at any time or 678 times after application first made, by him, her, or them to the Comptroller of The City of New York for payment thereof, sue for and recover the same with lawful interest, as aforesaid, and the costs of suit* Owners unknown, infafiis, or of unsound mind. Sec. 1441. Whenever the owners and proprietors of any lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises to be taken for any of the purposes aforesaid, or the party or parties, person or per- sons interested therein, or any or either of them, the said own- ers, proprietors, parties or persons, in whose favor any such sum or sums or compensation shall be so reported, shall be un- der the age of twenty-one years, non compos mentis, or absent from The City of New York ; and also in all cases where the name or names of the owner or owners, parties or persons en- titled unto or interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments or premises that may be so taken for any of the purposes afore- said, shall not be set forth or mentioned in said report ; or when the said owners, parties or persons respectively, being named therein, cannot, upon diligent inquiry, be found, it shall be law- ful for the said City of New York to pay the sum or sums mentioned in the report as payable, or that would be coming to such owners, proprietors, parties and persons respectively, into the Supreme Court, to be secured, disposed of, improved and paid out, as the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, in said Judicial District, shall direct ; and such pay- ment shall be as valid and effectual in all respects as if made to the said owners, proprietors, parties and per- sons respectively, themselves, according to their just rights, if they had been known, and had all been present, of full age^ compos mentis ; and provided, also, that in all and each and every case or cases, where any such sum or sums or compen- sation, so to be reported by said Commissioners in favor of any person or persons, party or parties whatsoever, whether named or not named in said report, shall be paid to any per- son or persons, party or parties whatsoever, when the same shall of right belong to and ought to have been paid to some other person or persons, party or parties, it shall be lawful for the person or persons, party or parties to whom the said sum 679 or sums ought to have been paid, to sue for and recover the same, with lawful interest and costs of suit, as so much money had and received to his, her or their use, by the person or per- sons, party or parties, respectively, to whom the same shall have been so paid. Payment of the compensation awarded by said Commissioners of Estimate to the persons named in their report (if not infants or persons of unsound mind) shall, in the absence of notice to the Comptroller of The City of New York of adverse claims thereto, protect said city. The said Com- missioners of Estimate shall include and set forth in their report the names of the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons entitled unto or interested in said report, and each and every part and parcel thereof, as far forth as the same shall be ascertained by them, and add a designation and description of such respective lands and parcels of land aforesaid, and also the several respective sums estimated as and for the compen- sation and recompense or allowance to be made for the loss and damage of the respective owners of the fee or inheritance of such lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises respec- tively, and for the loss and damage of the respective owners of the leasehold estate, or their interest therein, separately. And the said Commissioners shall also include in said report the amount of their fees and all costs and disbursements for expenses of surve3^s, maps and other things. Appeal. Sec. 1442. Within twenty days after notice of the confirma- tion ot the report of the Commissioners as provided for in section 1438 of this Act, any party interested and deeming himself or themselves aggrieved may appeal by notice in writing to the other party, to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in said Judicial District from the ap- praisal and report of the Commissioners. Such appeal shall be heard on due notice thereof, being given according to the rules and practice of said court. On the hearing of such appeal, the court may direct a new appraisal and determination of any question passed upon, by the same or new Commissioners, in its discretion, but from any determination of the Special Term, an 680 appeal may be taken upon the merits to the said Appellate Division of said court and from any determination of the said Appellate Division any party, if aggrieved, may take an appeal to the Court of Appeals, but only as to a question affecting the principle of the assessment of damages by the said Commis- sioners. In the case of a new appraisal the second report shall be filed and notice thereof given, and such review upon appeal or otherwise be had as in the case of an original report, and so from time to time until a report shall be presented which the said Court at Special Term shall finally affirm, and shall be affirmed upon appeal, should any appeal be taken. But the taking of an appeal by any person or persons shall not operate to stay the proceedings under this title except as to the particu- lar parcel of real estate with which the said appeal is con- cerned. Such appeal shall he heard upon the evidence taken before such Commissioners, and any affidavits as to irregulari- ties. Removal, etc., of Commissioners of Estimate. Sec. 1443. In case of death, resignation, insanity, disquali- fication, refusal or neglect to act, or removal of 'any such Commissioner of Estimate appointed as in this chapter pro- vided, it shall and may be lawful for the Court afore- said, at a special term thereof, held in the Judicial District as aforesaid, on the application of the department or board of the said City of New York, conducting said proceed- ing, as often as such event may happen, to appoint a dis- creet and disinterested person, being a resident of the said City of New York in the place and stead of such Commis- sioner so dying, resigning, becoming insane or disqualified, refusing or neglecting to act, or removed, and the surviving Commissioners, as the case may be, shall have full power to proceed in the execution of the duties of their appointment until the successor of the Commissioner so dying, becoming insane, resigning, being disqualified, neglecting or refusing to act, or removed, shall be appointed.^ Ten days' notice of said application shall be given to all parties who have appeared in the proceeding. 681 Poivers of Commissioners and of a fnajority thereof ; fees, expenses. Sec. 1444. In each and every case of the appointment of Commissioners under this act, it shall be competent and lawful for any two of such Commissioners, so appointed as aforesaid, to proceed to and execute and perform the trusts and duties of their said appointment, and their acts shall be as valid and effectual as the acts of all the Commissioners if they had acted together would have been ; and further, in all cases, the acts, proceedings and decisions of a major part of such of the Com- missioners as shall be acting in the premises, shall be as valid, binding and effectual as if the said Commissioners named and appointed for such purposes had all concurred and joined therein. In the said proceedings, any of the said Commis- sioners of Estimate may issue subpoenas and administer oaths to witnesses. The Commissioners appointed under and by virtue of this title, who shall enter upon the duties of their appointment, shall each be entitled to receive such compensa- tion as shall be awarded by the Court, upon the confirmation of their respective reports, not exceeding ten dollars for each day upon which they shall meet and be actually and neces- sarily employed in the performance of their duties as Commis- sioners, besides all reasonable expenses, to be taxed and al- lowed by said Court for maps, surveys, clerk hire, and other necessary expenses and disbursements, and the same shall be included in, considered and paid as part of the expenses of acquiring the lands or interests therein for the acquirement of which the said proceeding is instituted. Am,endments of defects. Sec. 1445. The Special Term of the Supreme Court, in the Judicial District, as aforesaid, shall have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any of the special proceed- ings authorized by this title that may be necessary, or to permit any person having an interest therein, to be made a party there- to, or to relieve from any default, mistake or irregularity, or to direct such further notices to be given to any party in interest as it deems proper. And the said Court may, at any time, remove any of said Commissioners of Estimate who, in 682 its judgment, shall be incapable of serving, or who shall, for any reason in its judgment, be an unfit person to serve as Com- missioner. The cause of such removal shall be specified in the order making the same. If in any particular it shall at any time be found necessary to amend any pleading, proceeding, or to supply any defect therein arising in the course of any special proceeding authorized by this Act, the same may be amended or supplied in such a manner as shall be directed by the said Special Term of the Supreme Court, which is hereby authorized to make such amendment or correction. Corporation Counsel to appear and protect interests of the City. Sec. 1446. The Corporation Counsel shall, either in person, or by such counsel as he shall designate for the purpose, appear for and protect the interests of the City in all such proceedings in Court and before the Commissioners of Estimate. Source of payment of awards and expenses. Sec. 1447. The amounts of theawards made in a proceeding brought under this title for the value of lands and interests therein taken hereunder, shall be paid out of the fund created by the act authorizing the acquirement of the said lands or interests therein, and the money for the payment thereof, together with the fees of the Commisioners of Estimate, the compensation of such necessary clerks or assistants as they may employ, and all other necessary expenses in and about the special proceeding instituted under this title, including the fees of counsel employed by the Corporation Counsel in the proceeding, and all other reasonable expenses incurred by said Corporation Counsel in the conduct of said proceeding, shall be also paid out of the said fund so provided. Such fees and expenses shall not be paid until they have been taxed at a Special Term of the Supreme Court in the Judicial District as aforesaid, upon five days' notice to the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York. Upon such taxation due proof of the nature and extent of the services rendered and dis- bursements charged shall be furnished, and no unnecessary costs or charges shall be allowed. All such costs, fees and ex- 683 penses or disbursements to be taxed, as aforesaid, shall be stated in detail in the bill of costs and charges and expenses, and shall be accompanied by such proof of the reasonableness and necessity thereof, as is now required by law and the prac- tice of the said Court upon taxation of costs and disburse- ments in other special proceedings or actions in said Court. W/iai proceedings excepted from provisions of this title. Sec. 1448. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any proceedings for the purpose of opening any streets, avenues, or public places, parks or parkways, or to any proceedings for the improvement of or in connection with the water supply of The City of New York, or for the acquisition of wharf property for the irhprovement of the water-front of said city, or to any proceedings, of any nature, instituted prior to the time of the taking effect of this title, and such pro- ceeding shall be conducted in all respects as if this title had not been passed. C84 CHAPTER XXII. GENERAL STATUTES. Title 1. The Streets. 2. Amusements. 3. Birds. 4. Commercial Paper During Epidemic. 5. Pharmacists and Druggists. 6. Board of City Record. 7. General Provisions. 8. Coroners. Title 1. the streets. Municipal Assembly to regulate driving, etc. Section 1454. The Municipal Assembly is hereby authorized and empowered to pass ordinances regulating the rate of speed at which horses shall be driven or ridden, and at which vehicles shall be propelled through any street, within The City of New York, and to pass ordinances regulating the use of the streets, in said City, by foot-passengers, vehicles and animals. Any person violating any ordinance so passed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof by any magistrate, either upon confession of the party or competent testimony, may be fined for such offence any sum fixed by such ordinance as a penalty not exceeding ten dollars, and in default of pay- ment of such fine, may be committed to prison by such magis- trate until the same be paid ; but such imprisonment shall not exceed ten days. Until the Municipal Assembly shall pass ordi- 685 nances regulating the matters which by this title it is author- ized to regulate, the laws and ordinances now applicable to such matters in the different parts of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, shall continue and remain in full force and effect. Law of the road. Sec. 1455. In all cases of persons meeting each other in any street in The City of New York, in carriages, wagons, carts, bicycles tricycles or sleighs, each person so meeting shall go to that side of the street on his right, so as to enable the carriages, wagons, carts, bicycles, tricycles or sleighs so meeting to pass each other, under the penalty of five dollars for every offence, to be recovered by an action, with costs of suit, in any court having cognizance thereof, by any person suing for the same. The proprietor of the carriage, wagon, cart, bicycle, tricycle or sleigh, neglecting or refus- ing to turn to the right, as above directed, shall be considered, if present at the time of such meeting, as the person committing the said offence, and if absent, then the driver of such carriage, wagon, cart or sleigh, or the rider of such bicycle or tricycle shall be so considered. Rubbish, nails, etc., not to be thrown in the streets. Sec. 1456. No person or persons shall throw, cast or lay, or direct, suffer, or permit any servant, agent, or employee to throw, cast or lay any ashes, offal, vegetables, garbage, dross, cinders, shells, straw, shavings, paper, dirt, filth or rubbish of any kind whatever, in any street in The City of New York. The wilful violation of any of the foregoing provisions of this section shall be and is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars, or by imprisonment for a term of not less than one, nor more than five days. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than five dol- lars for the first offence nor more than ten dollars for the second offence, and for the third offence not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than three nor more than thirty days, or by both such fine and im- 686 prisonment, for any person being the owner or the agent, or the employee of the owner of any truck, cart, wagon, or other vehic- les, or of any box, barrel, bale of merchandise, or other movable property, to leave, or suffer or permit to be left, such truck, cart, wagon or other vehicles unharnessed upon any public street within The City of New York ; or, except upon such portion of any marginal street or wharf or place as, by the provisions of this Act, is committed to the custody and control of the Board of Docks, to leave, or suffer or permit to be kept, any such barrel, box, bale, or other property, or to erect or cause to be erected, any shed, building or other obstruction upon any such public street ; but a truck, cart, wagon or vehicle for which a permit shall have been issued under the provisions of this Act, may lawfully occupy, between the hours of six o'clock in the evening and seven o'clock in the morning, and on Sun- days and legal holidays, but at no other time, and in such case only so long as said permit remains in force under the pro- visions of this Act, the particular portion of any street designated and described in said permit, and also except that in case of an accident to a truck, cart, wagon or other vehicle, the owner or driver of said truck, cart, wagon or other vehicle, if it be disabled by such accident, shall be allowed a reason- able time, not exceeding three hours, to remove it. Every person who shall wilfully throw, expose, or place, or who shall wilfully cause, or procure to be thrown, exposed, or placed, in or upon any street in The City of New York, open for the passage of animals, any nails, pieces of metal, glass, or other substance or thing which might maim, wound, lame, cut, or otherwise injure any animal, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. Every person who shall wilfully throw, expose or place, or who shall cause or procure to be thrown, exposed or placed in or upon any street in The City of New York, open for the passage of animals, except upon the curves, crossings, or switches of railroad tracks, any salt, or saltpeter, for the purpose of dissolving any snow or ice which may have fallen or been deposited thereon, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 687 Processions and parades; regulations concerning. Sec. 1457. All processions or parades occupying or marching upon any street, to the exclusion or interruption of other citizens in their individual right and use thereof (excepting the National Guard and the Police and Fire Departments, and Associations of Veteran Soldiers) are forbidden unless written notice of the object, time and route of such procession or parade be given by the chief officer thereof, not less than six hours, previous to its forming or marching, to the police authorities of the city, and it may be lawful for said police authorities to designate to such procession or parade how much of the street in width it can occupy, with especial reference to crowded thoroughfares through which said procession may move; and, when so designated, the chief officer of said procession or parade shall be responsible that the designation is obeyed ; and it shall be the duty of the police authorities to furnish such escort as may be necessary to protect persons and property and maintain the public peace and order. All processions or parades on Sunday, in any street of the city, excepting only funeral processions engaged in the actual burial of the dead, and processions to and from any place of worship in connection with a religious service there celebrated, are forbidden ; and in no such excepted case shall there be any music, fireworks, discharge of cannon or fire-arms, or other disturbing noise ; provided that in any military or Grand Army of the Republic funeral, music may be played w^hile escorting the body to and from such places, but such music shall not be played within one block of any place of worship where worship is being celebrated. Every person wilfully violating any provision of this section or any ordinance passed by the Municipal Assembly pursuant to the last preceding section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable with a fine not exceeding $20 or imprisonment not exceeding $10 or both at the discretion of the court. Stages and omnibusses; consent of property owfters necessary before franchise granted. Sec. 1458. No stage or omnibus route, or authority to run 688 stages or omnibuses in The City of New York, shall here- after be granted by the Municipal Assembly, unless a major- ity of the owners of property upon the streets, in or upon which any such route or privilege is to be operated, shall, before the Municipal Assembly act on the subject, first consent in writing thereto. Id.: Application to Mayor, etc., before route established. Sec. 1459. Before any route for the running of omnibuses or stages shall be established or allowed to be operated in said city, except as provided in Section fourteen hundred and seventy- one of this Act, the application therefor shall be made in writing to the Mayor of said city, specifying the route pro- posed to be established and the number of stages or omni- buses proposed to be run thereon ; and unless the said Mayor shall communicate such application to the Municipal Assembly with his approval thereof, and said Municipal Assem- bly after receiving such communication and approval shall vote in favor thereof by a majority vote of each house, no such route shall be established or operated ; and upon such favorable action such route may be established and operated accordingly, and the ownership thereof may be transferred. Id. : Stage route to be disposed of like other franchises. Sec. 1460. Any stage route or privilege hereafter granted by the Municipal Assembly shall be disposed of in the manner provided by law for the disposition of the franchises of said city. Id. : Not to be run except in conformity with preceding sections. Sec. 1461. It shall not be lawful to run stages or omnibuses in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, except in conformity with the preceding sections. Wilfully breaking street lamps, etc. Sec. 1462. If any person shall wilfully break, take down or carry away any glass-lamp hung or fixed in any of the streets of 689 The City of New York ; or extinguish the lights therein, or be aiding or abetting in the same, or shall wilfully break or deface any glass, window, porch, knocker, or other fixture in the said city, and shall be convicted thereof before the recorder, or before any city magistrate, either by the confession of the party or by the oath of one or more credible witness or wit- nesses, he or she shall, for every such offence, pay a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Upon refusal of payment of such fine, it shall and may be lawful for such re- corder or justice, before whom such conviction shall take place, to commit such offender to the penitentiary, there to remain until such fine and costs are paid ; but not longer than for the space of two months, and if any such offense shall be com- mitted by any apprentice or servant, such forfeiture shall be paid by his or her master or mistress, or in default thereof, such apprentice or servant shall be committed to such penitentiary in manner aforesaid. Id, : detaining offender until name ascertained. Sec. 1463. It shall and may be lawful to and for any sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, or member of the police force, who shall see any person commit any of the mischiefs or trespasses aforesaid, if such person or persons shall be unknown to such sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, or member of the police force, to seize, secure, and detain such offender so unknown to him as aforesaid, until he can discover the name of such offender, or until the next morning (if the offence shall be committed in the night-time and the offender shall refuse to discover his or her name) when such offender shall be brought before the Recorder or one of the police justices or city magistrates, who on conviction of such offender shall proceed against him or her in the manner hereinbefore directed ; and further, in case any person shall com- mit any or either of the offences aforesaid in the presence of such sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, or member of the police force, then every such sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, or member of the police force shall forthwith give information thereof to such Recorder or either of the police justices or city magistrates, in order that such offender may be convicted thereof and punished. 690 Id.: preceding sections no bar to suit by person injured. Sec. 1464. Neither the two preceding sections, nor anything therein contained, shall bar or preclude any person or persons from recovering his, her or their damages against any other person or persons who shall be guilty of any of the mischiefs or trespasses aforesaid, but the same may be recovered in the same manner as if they had never been passed. Id. : informer relieved of penalty^ etc. Sec. 1465. If two or more persons shall have been jointly concerned in committing any of the offences aforesaid, and one or more of them (not being before informed against) shall, within the space of one month after the offence committed, inform against any or all the other or others concerned£in the same offence so as to convict him, her or them, the person so informing shall not be liable to the payment of the fine herein- before mentioned. Definition of " street."" Sec. 1466. Whenever the word ''street" or the plural there- of occurs in this Chapter, it shall be deemed to include, unless otherwise expressly stated, all that is included by the terms ''street, avenue, road, alley, lane, highway, boulevard, con- course, public square and public place," or the plurals thereof respectively. Title 2. amusements. Public exhibitions to be licensed. Sec. 1472. It shall not be lawful to exhibit to the public in any building, garden or grounds, concert room or other place or room within The City of New York, any interlude, tragedy, com- 691 edy, opera, ballet, play, farce, minstrelsy or dancing, or any other entertainment of the stage, or any part or parts therein, or any equestrian, circus, or dramatic performance, or any per- formance of jugglers, or rope dancing, or acrobats, until a license for the place of such exhibition for such purpose shall have been first had and obtained, as hereinafter provided. Police Department grants license. Fee. Penalty for neglect to obtain license. Sec. 1473. The Police Department is hereby authorized and empowered to grant such license, to continue in force until the first day of May next ensuing the grant thereof, on receiving for each license so granted, and before the issuing thereof, the sum of five hundred dollars ; and every manager or proprietor of any such exhibition or performance who shall neglect to take out such license, or consent, or cause, or allow any such exhibition or performance, or any single one of them without such license, and every person aiding in such exhibition, and every owner or lessee of any building, part of a building, garden, grounds, concert room or other room or place, who shall lease or let the same for the purpose of any such exhibition or performance, or assent that the same be used for any such pur- pose, except as permitted by such license, and without such license having been previously obtained and then in force if the same shall be used for such purpose, shall be subject to a penalty of $100 for every such exhibition or perform- ance, which penalty shall be prosecuted, sued for and recov- ered in the name of The City of New York, and shall be paid to the chamberlain of The City of New York, to be paid into the treasury of said City. Id. : Commutation of license fee. Sec. 1474. The said Police Department is hereby author- ized to grant licenses for said exhibitions or performances for any term less than one year, and in any case where such license is for a term of three months or less, the said Police Depart- ment is hereby authorized to commute for a sum less than 692 $500, but in no case less than $250 for a theater, or $150 for a circus, concert room, or other building or place whatsoever. Id.; Fees to be paid over to Comptroller. Sec. 1475. Upon granting every such license authorized by this title, the said Police Department shall receive from the person to whom the same shall be granted the amount payable for said license, as above provided, which amounts as respectively received by it shall 6e paid over to the Comptrol- ler of The City of New York, to be paid into the treasury of said city. Revocation of license. Sec. 1476. Any license provided for by the preceding sections may be revoked and annulled by any judge or justice of any court of record in said city upon proof of a violation of any of the provisions of this title ; such proof shall be taken before such judge or justice, upon notice of not less than two days to show cause why such license should not be revoked; said judge or justice shall hear the proofs and allegations in the case, and determine the same summarily ; and no appeal shall be taken from such determination ; and any person whose license shall have been revoked or annulled shall not thereafter be entitled to a license under the provisions of said sections ; on any ex- amination before an officer, pursuant to a notice to show cause as aforesaid, the accused party may be a witness in his own behalf. Penalty for violating provisions of this title. Sec. 1477. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections fourteen hundred and seventy-two and fourteen hundred and seventy-three of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprison- ment in the penitentiary for a term not less than three months nor more than one year, or by a fine not less than $100 nor more than $500, or by both such* fine and imprisonment. 693 Police, etc., to arrest offenders. Sec. 1478. It shall be the duty of every sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, and of every member of the police force to enter, at any time, said places of amusement and to arrest and convey any person or persons violating any provisions of sec- tions fourteen hundred and seventy-two and fourteen hun- dred and seventy-three of this Act, forthwith, before any City Magistrate or Recorder having jurisdiction in said city, there to be dealt with according to law. Corporation Counsel may enjoin exhibitions without license. Sec. 1479. In case any person shall open or advertise to open any theatre, circus or building, garden or ground, concert room or other place for any such exhibition or performance in said city, referred to in section fourteen hundred and seventy-two of this Act without first having obtained a license therefor, as pro- vided for by section fourteen hundred and seventy-three of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to apply to the Supreme Court, or any justice thereof, for an injunction to restrain the opening thereof until he shall have complied with the requisites of said section in obtaining such license and also with such order as to costs as such court or justice may deem just and proper to make ; which injunction may be allowed upon a complaint to be in the name of The City of New York in the same manner as injunctions are now usually allowed by the practice of said court. Any injunc- tion allowed under this section may be served by posting the same upon the outer door of the theatre or circus or building wherein such exhibitions may be proposed to be held, or if the same shall be in a garden or grounds, then by posting the same at, or on or near the entrance way to any such place or exhibition ; and in case of any proceeding against the man- ager or proprietor of any such theatre, circus, or building, or garden or grounds, as aforesaid, it shall not be necessary to prove the personal service of the injunction, but the service hereinbefore provided shall be deemed and held sufficient. 694 Preceding sections not applicable to certain performances. Sec. 1480. The provisions and requirements of sections fourteen hundred and seventy-two to fourteen hundred and seventy-nine of this Act, inclusive, shall not be held to apply to any building, hall, room or rooms, in which only private theatricals, tableaus and other exhibitions for charitable and religious purposes are given, nor to the manager or managers of exhibitions given by amateurs for the benefit of any church, mission, parish or Sunday-school, or for any other charitable or religious purpose, nor shall the same be held to apply to the masonic temple in New York, or the trustees of the masonic hall and asylum fund, so long as the revenues of said temple shall continue to be applied to the use of the masonic hall and asylum, or other charitable purpose, nor to the educational alliance, or to the directors or officers of said society as such with respect to any building which [shall in whole or in part be owned or leased by said society, while so owned or leased, so long as the revenue thereof shall continue to be applied to the support of said society and to the religious, charitable, social, educational, or literary purposes of said society. Exhibitions on Sunday prohibited. Sec. 1481. It shall not be lawful to exhibit, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, to the public, in any building, garden, grounds, concert room, or other room or place within The City of New York, any interlude, tragedy, comedy, opera, ballet, play, farce, negro minstrelsy, negro or other dancing, or any other entertainment of the stage, or any part or parts therein, or any equestrian, circus, or dramatic performance, or any performance of jugglers, acrobats, or rope dancing. Any person offending against the provisions of this section, and every person aiding in such exhibitions by adver- tisements, or otherwise, and every owner or lessee of any building, part of a building, ground, garden, or concert room, or other room or place, who shall lease or let out the same for the purpose of any such exhibition or performance, or assent that the same be used for any such purpose, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in addition to punishment therefor provided 695 by law, shall be subject to a penalty of five hundred dollars which penalty the Corporation Counsel of said city is hereby authorized in the name of The City of New York to prosecute, sue for and recover ; in addition to which every such exhibition or perform- ance shall of itself forfeit, vacate and annul and render void and of no effect any license which shall have been previously obtained by any manager, proprietor, owner or lessee consenting to, causing, or allowing, or letting any part of a building, for the purpose of any such exhibition or performance. Minors under fourteen unaccompanied by adult not to be admitted to theatres at night. Sec. 1482. It shall not be lawful for any owner, lessee, manager, agent, orofficerof any theater in The City of New York to admit to any theatrical exhibition held in the evening, any minor under the age of fourteen years, unless such minor is accompanied by, and is in the care of some adult person. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $100, or imprisonment for a term not less than ten nor more than ninety days for each offence. All moneys recovered under the provisions of this section, for fines, shall be paid over to the comptroller of said city, to be paid into the treasury of said city. Prohibition of sale of spirituous liquors and employment of female waiters. Sec. 1483. It shall not be lawful to sell or furnish any wine, beer, or strong or spirituous liquors, to any person in the auditorium or lobbies of any place of exhibition or performance mentioned in sec- tion one thousand four hundred and seventy-two of this Act, or in any apartment connected therewith by any door, window, or other aperture, except that the Police Department may, in its discretion, and subject to such regulations and restrictions as it may determine, permit the same to be sold or furnished while concerts, consistingof vocal or instrumental music only, are being given in a place duly licensed by it as hereinbefore provided. Such permission shall only be operative so long as it shall be lawful under the laws of 696 this state to sell or furnish wine, beer, or strong or spirituous liquors at such place, and may be revoked at any time by the Police Department. It shall not be lawful to employ or furnish or permit or assent to the employment or attendance of any female to wait on, or attend in any manner, or furnish refreshments to the audience or spectators or any of them, at any of the exhibitions or performances mentioned in said section, or at any other place of public amusement in The City of New York. The provisions of this Act shall not be construed to interfere with the right of any incorporated or other society, organized and maintained for the cultivation of vocal or instrumental music, to exercise and practice the same in good faith for themselves only, and not for the observation and entertainment of the public ; nor shall the use or occupation by any such society for the purposes aforesaid of any hall or room connected with any place wherein by the laws of this state it is lawful to sell wine, beer, or strong or spiritous liquors be construed to make such place a place of public amusement within the provisions of this Act, Violation of preceding section annuls license. Sec. 1484. No license shall be granted for any exhibition or performance given in violation of the preceding section, and any and every exhibition or performance at which any of the pro- visions of the said section shall be violated, shall of itself vacate and annul and render void and of no effect any license which shall have been previously obtained by any manager, proprietor, owner or lessee consenting to, causing or allowing or letting any part of a building for the purpose of such exhibition and per- formance. Violation of any provision of the two preceding sections a misde- meanor. Sec. 1485. Any person violating any of the provisions of the two preceding sections, or epiploying, or assenting to the employment or attendance of any person contrary to the pro- 697 visions of said sections, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not less than three months nor more than one year, or by a fine not less than $100J nor more than $500, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Police, etc., to enter places of amusement and arrest offenders. Sec. 1486. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable and of every member of the police force to enter at any time said places of amusement, and to arrest and convey any person or persons violating any provision of the three pre- ceding sections, forthwith, before any city magistrate or recorder having jurisdiction in said city, there to be dealt with according to law. Doors and exits to be conspicuously numbered. Diagrams to be printed on programmes. Sec. 1487. The owner, lessee, manager, or other person or persons, having charge or control of any theater shall cause each and every door and means of exit, to be used in case of fire or panic, to be conspicuously numbered, so as to be visible to the audience, by whom the same may be used, and shall have or cause to be printed in conspicuous type a plan or diagram, and explanation, showing each of said exits thereon, and referring to the numbers aforesaid, and the same shall be printed in conspic- uous type, as aforesaid, on the programme or bill of the play. Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or fail to comply therewith, or any requirement thereof, shall severally, for each and every violation and non- compliance, respectively forfeit and pay a penalty in the sum of $50 ; to be sued for and recovered in the same manner as violations of the building laws in The City of New York are now sued for and recovered pursuant to the provisions of this Act. 698 Title 3. BIRDS. Killing or selling certain birds prohibited. Sec. 1493. No person shall kill, wound, trap, net, snare, catch with bird lime, or with any similar substance or drug, or in any other manner capture or sell, expose for sale, or transport during the months of April, May, June, July, August, Septem- ber or October, in any year any bird of song, or any linnet, blue- bird, yellow-hammer, yellow-bird, thrush, woodpecker, cat-bird, pewee, swallow, martin, blue-jay, oriole, kildee, snow-bird, grass-bird, grosbeak, phoebe-bird, humming-bird, blackbird, wren, excepting birds bred in a cage or imported from Europe or the southern United States. No person shall kill or expose for sale, or have in his possession after the same has been killed^ any robin, meadow-lark or starling, between the first day of January and the fifteenth day of October, save only when such birds are killed on the premises of the persons killing, and while they are destroying fruit. This section shall not apply to any person who shall kill any bird for the purpose of studying its habits or history, or having the same stuffed and set up as a specimen. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in the county jail or penitentiary, of not less than five or more than thirty days, and shall also be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered with costs, by any person suing therefor in his own name. In all actions for the recovery of penalties under, this section, one-half of the recovery shall belong to the plaintiff, and the remainder shall be paid to the chamberlain. 699 Title 4. commercial paper during epidemic. Persons, etc. , iji infected district may have names, etc. , registered by City Clerk. Sec. 1499. Whenever the Board of Health shall, by public notice, designate any portion or district of The City of New York as being the seat of any infectious or contagious disease, and declare communication with such portion or district dangerous, or shall prohibit such communication, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk during the continuance of such disease in such district, to provide and keep in his office a book for the purpose of reg- istering, in alphabetical order, the names, firms, and places of business of any inhabitant of the city who shall desire such registry to be made. Id.: must register place at which commercial paper to be presented. Sec. 1500. It shall be the duty of all persons and firms usually resident or doing business within such infected district to register, in the book so provided by the said City Clerk, their names or firms, with the place or places out of such infected district, but within The City of New York to which they may have removed the transaction of their business, or to which they may desire any notices to be sent or served, or any notes, drafts, or bills to be presented for acceptance or for payment. The sum of twenty-five cents may be claimed and received by the said clerk for every such registry; but the book in which the same shall be entered shall be, at all times during office hours, open to public examination, free of all charges. Commercial paper may he presented at place designated. Sec. 1501. During the continuance of any such disease in such infected district, all drafts, notes, and bills, which by law are required to be presented for acceptanee or for payment, may be presented for such purpose at the place so desig- nated in such registry, and all notices of non-acceptance 700 and non-payment of any note, draft or bill, or of protest, for such non-acceptance or non-payment, may be served by leaving the same at the place so designated. On failure to register ^ commercial paper may be presented to City Clerk, Sec. 1502. In case any person or firm usually resident or doing business within such infected district shall neglect to make and cause to be entered in the book so provided, the registry herein required, all notes, drafts, or bills which by law are re- quired to be presented to such person or firm for acceptance or for payment, may be presented to the said City Clerk during the continuance of such disease, at any time during office hours, and demand of acceptance or payment thereof may be made of the said clerk, to the same purpose and with the same effect as if the same had been presented, and acceptance or payment demanded of such person or firm at their usual place of doing business. On failure to register, notice of protest, etc. , may be served by leav- ing at post office. Sec. 1503. In case of the omission to make the registry herein required, all notices of the non-acceptance or non- payment of any note, draft, or bill, or of protest for such non- acceptance or non-payment, may be served on any person or firm usually resident or doing business within such infected district, by leaving the same at one of the post-offices for the said city, which service shall be as valid and effectual as if the notices had been served personally on such person or one of such firm at his or their usual place of doing business. When epidemic deemed to have subsided. Sec. 1504. Whenever proclamation shall be made by the Board of Health or other proper authority of the city, that an infectious or contagious disease in any such infected district has subsided, it shall be deemed to have subsided, for all purposes contemplated in this title. 701 Title 5. pharmacists and druggists. Registered pharmacists only to conduct pharmcay, except, etc. Sec. 1610. It shall be unlawful for any person unless a regis- tered pharmacist within the meaning of this title to open or conduct any pharmacy or store for retailing, dispensing or compounding medicines or poisons in The City of New York as constituted by this Act, except as hereinafter provided ; provided that the widow or legal representative of a deceased person who was a registered pharmacist within the meaning of this title may continue the business of such deceased phar- macist, provided that the actual retailing, dispensing or com- pounding of medicines or poisons be only by a person who is a registered pharmacist within the meaning of this title. Id.: qualifications of registered pharmacists. Sec. 1511. Any person, in order to be registered, shall be either a graduate in pharmacy or a licentiate in pharmacy or a graduate having a diploma from some legally constituted medical college or society. But a license as a pharmacist granted any person after the examination by any Board of Pharmacy legally created under the laws of this State shall entitle such person to a license or certificate of registration from the Board of Pharmacy created by this title, upon pre- senting to said Board his license and complying with the formal requirements of the laws. Any person who, at the time this Act takes effect, shall be entitled by law to open or con- duct any pharmacy or store for retailing, dispensing or com- pounding medicines or poisons in any part of the territory included in The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, shall be entitled hereafter to open or conduct any such phar- macy or store in said City and to be registered by the Board of Pharmacy created by this title. Graduates and licentiates defined. Sec. 1512. Graduates of Pharmacy within the meaning of this title shall be those persons who have had at least four 702 years experience in stores where prescriptions of medical practitioners have been compounded, and who have obtained a diploma from any College of Pharmacy within the United States, or from some authorized foreign institution or examin- ing board ; And licentiates in Pharmacy shall be those persons who have had at least four years experience in stores where prescriptions of medical practitioners are compounded, and who shall have passed an examination either before the Board for the examination of and licensing druggists and prescrip- tion clerks in the City of New York, as heretofore existing, estabhshed by an Act passed March twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, or before the Board of Pharmacy in the City of New York, as heretofore existing, or before the Board of Pharmacy of the County of Kings or before the Board of Pharmacy created by this title, for The City of New York as constituted by this Act, or such foreign Pharmacists as shall present satisfactory credentials or certi- ficates of their competency and qualifications to the said last mentioned Board of Pharmacy. Junior assistants or apprentices in Pharmacy shall not be permitted to prepare physicians' pre- scriptions until they have become graduates or licentiates in Pharmacy. Board of Pharmacy : election, duties. Sec. 1513. The members of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, shall, on the first Monday of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and on the same day every third year thereafter, at a special meeting held for that purpose, elect five competent pharmacists, three of whom shall be graduates of some legally constituted medical^coUege, and the remaining two graduates of some legally constituted col- lege of pharmacy of The City of New York, as constituted by this Act, and who shall form and be known as the Board of Pharmacy. The members of this Board shall, within thirty days after their election as aforesaid, individually take and subscribe before the Clerk of The City of New York, an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties prescribed for them by this title. They shall hold office for the term of three years and until their successors are duly elected and have 703 qualified ; and in case of any vacancy, the trustees of the Col- lege of Pharoflacy shall fill the same from two or more nominees elected at a special meeting of the College of Pharmacy. The said Board shall organize for the transaction of business by electing from their own number, for the whole term, a president and secretary. The Board shall meet at least once every three months and three members shall constitute a quorum. The duties of the said Board shall be to transact all business pertaining to the legal regulation of the practice of pharmacy in The City of New York, and to examine and reg- ister pharmacists. Any pharmacist applying for examination shall pay to the secretary a fee of five dollars, and should he pass such examination satisfactorily he shall be furnished with a certificate as to his competency and qualification, signed by the said Board of Pharmacy. Books for registration of pharmacists, etc. Sec. 1514:. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a book of registration at some convenient place, of which due notice shall be given through the public press, in which book shall be entered, under the supervision of the said Board, the names and places of business of all persons coming under the provi- sions of this title. It shall be the duty of all such persons to appear before the said Board of Pharmacy, and the fee for the registration of pharmacists shall not exceed two dollars, and for assistants shall not exceed one dollar. The secretary shall give receipts for all moneys received by him, and pay over the same to the treasurer of the College of Pharmacy aforesaid, taking his receipt therefor, which moneys shall be used for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Board of Pharmacy, and any surplus shall be for the benefit of the College of Pharmacy. The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the Board, and shall be paid out of the registration fees. Pharmacists responsible for quality of drugs, etc., sold, patent medicines, adulteration, etc. Sec. 1515. Every registered pharmacist shall be held re- sponsible for the quality of all drugs, chemicals, and medicines he may sell or dispense, with the exception of those sold in the 704 original packages of the manufacturer, and also those known as " patent medicines," and should he knowingly, intentionally, and fraudulently adulterate, or cause to be adulterated, such drugs, chemicals, or medical preparations, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be lia- ble to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in ad- dition thereto, his name shall be stricken from the register. Poisons ; retailing of. Sec. 1516. It shall be unlawful for any person to retail any poisons enumerated in schedules A and B, as follows, to wit : Schedule A. Arsenic and its preparations, corrosive sublimate, white pre- cipitate, red precipitate, biniodide of mercury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, strychnia, and all other poison- ous vegetable alkaloids and their salts, essential oil of bitter almonds, opium and its preparations, except paregoric and other preparations of opium containing less than two grains to the ounce. Schedule B. Aconite, belladonna, colchicum, conium, nux vomica, hen- bane, savin, ergot, cottonroot, cantharides, creosote, digitalis, and their pharmaceutical preparations, croton oil, chloroform, chloral hydrate, sulphate of zinc, mineral acids, carbolic acid and oxalic acid, without distinctly labeling the bottle, box, vessel, or paper in which the said poison is contained, and also the outside wrapper or cover with the name of the article, the word " Poison," and the name and place of the seller ; nor shall it be lawful for any person to sell or deliver any poisons enu- merated in schedules A and B, unless upon due inquiry it be found that the purchaser is aware of its poisonous character, and represents that it is to be used for a legitimate purpose. Nor shall it be lawful for any registered pharmacist to sell any poisons included in schedule A, without, before delivering the same to the purchaser, causing an entry to be made in a book 705 kept for that purpose, stating the date of sale, the name and address of the purchaser, the name and quality of the poison sold, the purpose for which it is represented by the purchaser to be required, and the name of the dispenser ; such book to be always open for inspection by the proper authorities, and to be preserved for reference for at least five years. The pro- visions of this section shall not apply to the dispensing of poisons, in not unusual quantities or doses, upon the prescrip- tions of practitioners of medicine. Applicatio7i of preceding sections to practitioners of medicine and tvholesale dealers. Sec. 1517. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections of this title shall apply to or interfere with the business of any practitioner of medicine who does not keep open shop for the retailing of medicines and poisons, nor with the business of wholesale dealers, but the preceding section, and the penalties for its violation, shall apply to such persons. Fraudiilent registration, permitting unlicensed person to compound medicines. Sec. 1518. Any person who shall attempt to procure regis- tration for himself, or for any other person, under this title, by making or causing to be made any false representation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon con- viction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hun- dred dollars. Any registered pharmacist who shall permit the compounding and dispensing of prescriptions of medical prac- titioners in his store or place of business, by any person or persons not registered, or any person not registered who shall keep open shop for the retailing or dispensing of medicines and poisons, or who shall fraudulently represent himself to be registered, or any registered pharmacist or dealer in medicines who shall fail to comply with the regulations and provisions of this title, in relation to the retailing and dispensing of poisons, shall, for every such offense, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars. T06 Penalties to be paid to College of Pharmacy. Sec. 1619. Each and every penalty recovered under this title shall be paid to the trustees of the College of Pharmacy, and shall form and be known as the library fund of said College of Pharmacy, and shall be expended for the purchase of books for the library of said college. Boards of pharmacy abolished. Sec. 1520. The Board of Pharmacy of the County of Kings and the Board of Pharmacy in the City of New York as heretofore existing, are both hereby abolished. Title 6. a board of city record. City Record, Board of; publication and contents; newspapers to be designated in which corporate notices to be advertised. Sec. 1526. There shall be published daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the City Record. And said City Record, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present City of Brooklyn, shall be the only papers to be included within the term corpora- tion newspapers as the same is used anywhere in this Act. The Mayor, Corporation Counsel and Comptroller shall constitute the Board of City Record. Said Board by a majority vote shall appoint a proper person, together with such assistants as may be required, to supervise the preparation and publication of the same, and they shall also fix the rates of compensation of said supervisor and his assistants. All the expenses con- nected with its publication and distribution, except the salary of the person appointed to supervise the same, and the salaries of his assistants, shall be covered by a contract for printing, to be made in the same manner as other contracts. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment shall provide for all the neces- sary expenses of conducting the said City Record. There 707 shall be inserted in said City Record nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized. The contract for the publication of the City Record shall provide for furnishing, free of charge, to The City of New York, not more than two thousand copies thereof, also for a gratuitous distribution to every newspaper regularly printed in The City of New York, when it shall apply for the same, of two copies and to every public library or public institution in said city which shall apply for the same, of one copy. Copies of the same shall be sold by the supervisor at a price to be fixed by the officers mak- ing the contract, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid over to the city. All advertising required to be done for the City, except as in this Act, otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted, at the public expense, only in the City Record, and a publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring pub- lication of such matters or notices ; but there may be inserted in two morning and two evening and two weekly papers pub- lished in the English language and in one newspaper published in the German language, all in said city, to be designated, at any time, by said Board of City Record, brief advertisements calling attention to any contracts intended to be awarded or bonds to be sold and referring for full information to said City Record ; said designation of such newspapers to con- tinue in effect until another or different designation shall be made by said Board. Where such notices and advertisements respect matters occurring within the Borough of Brooklyn, they shall also be published in such newspapers as are now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the city of Brooklyn, the rates of payment therefor not to exceed the com- pensation now paid to said newspapers for like advertise- ments in the city of Brooklyn or County of Kings. In case, however, of the sale of bonds or stocks of said city or of any real estate belonging to the city, such advertisements may be also inserted in such other newspapers published in said city as said Board may determine in the case of each sale. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the publication elsewhere of any advertisement required by law ; provided, however, that no such publication shall be made unless the same is author- 708 ized by a concurrent vote of the members of said Board. No money shall be paid from the city treasury, and no action shall be maintained or judgment obtained against The City of New- York, as constituted by this Act, for any advertising done after April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, except such as is herein authorized or such as at the time this Act takes effect is a lawful charge against a municipal or public cor- poration,or partthereof.hereby consolidated with the Mayor, Al- dermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. The copies of the City Record furnished to the city shall be distributed to the several departments and officers, and to such persons and in such manner as the Board of City Record shall direct. The Comp- troller shall cause a continuous series of the City Record to be bound, as completed quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon, in the office of the register of deeds of the county of New York, in the county clerk's office of said county and in the office of the city clerk, and copies of the contents of any part of the same, certified by such register, county clerk, or city clerk, shall be received in judicial proceedings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof. t:^ prescribed by law, be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, to be sued for and recovered by the Mayor or board making the appointment in a court of record, for the use and benefit of the treasury of such city. Any election officer who, being removed for cause^ shall fail upon demand to deliver over to his successor the regis- ter of electors, or any tally sheets, book, paper, memorandum or document relating to the election in his possession, so far as he has made it, shall be liable to a like penalty to be recovered in a like manner for the benefit of such city. All persons appointed and serving as election officers on each of the days of registra- tion and of election and of canvass of the votes in cities of the first class shall be exempt from jury duty for one year from the date of the general election at which they serve. Sec. 6. Section eighteen of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : 763 Payment of election expenses. §18. The expense of providing polling places, voting booths, supplies therefor, guard-rails and other furniture of the polling place, and distance markers, and the compensation of the elec- tion officers in each election district, shall be a charge upon the town or city in which such election district is situated, except that such expenses incurred for the purpose of conducting a village election, not held at the same time as a general election, shall be a charge upon the village. The expense of printing and delivering the official ballots, sample ballots and cards of instruction, poll books, tally sheets, return sheets for inspectors and ballot clerks, and distance markers to be used at a town meeting, city or village elections not held at the same time as a general election, and of printing the list of nominations therefor shall be a charge upon the town, city or village in which the election is held. The expense of printing and delivering the official ballots, sample ballots and cards of instruction, poll books, tally sheets, return sheets for inspectors and ballot clerks, and distance markers to be used in any county, except such counties or portions thereof as are included within The City of New York, at any other election, if no town meeting, city or village election be held at the same time therewith, and of printing the lists of nominations therefor, shall be a charge upon such county. The expense of printing and delivering the official ballots, sample ballots and cards of instruction, poll books, tally sheets, return sheets for inspectors and ballot clerks and distance markers, to be used in any such county at any such other election, and of printing the lists of nominations therefor, if the town meeting, city or village election be held in such county at the same time therewith, shall be apportioned by the county clerk between such town, city or village and such county, in the proportion of the number of candidates for town, city or village officers on such ballots, respectively, to the whole number of candidates thereon, and the amount of such expense so apportioned to each such municipality shall be a charge thereon. All expenses relating to or connected with elections lawfully in- curred by the Police Board of The City of New York, shall be a 764 charge on such city, and after being audited by the proper officer, shall be paid by the Comptroller of said city upon the certificate of such board. The County Clerk of each county, not salaried, shall be paid by such county a reasonable compensation for his services in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, to be fixed by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or the Board acting as such Board of Supervisors. The Town Clerk of each town shall be paid by such town a reasonable compensation for his services in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, to be fixed by the other members of the Town Board of the town. Ballot clerks, and persons acting as such, shall receive the same compensation for their attendance at an election, as inspectors of election for the election, and be paid in like manner. Poll clerks shall receive the same compensation for their attendance at an election and canvass of the votes as inspectors of election and shall be paid in like manner. An inspector of election, except in The City of New York, lawfully required to file papers in the county clerk's office, shall, unless he resides in the city or town in which such office is situated, be entitled to receive as compensation there- for five dollars, and also four cents a mile for every mile actually and necessarily traveled between his residence and such County Clerk's office in going to and returning from such office. In cities of the first class, the persons appointed and serving as inspectors of election shall receive five dollars for the hours fixed by law for each day of registration, and of revision of registration for a special election, and five dollars for the hours fixed by law for the election, and five dollars for the canvass and return of the votes. The poll clerks in such city shall each receive the same compen- sation as inspectors for the election and for the canvass of the votes, and the ballot clerks shall receive five dollars each. Such officers shall be paid by the Comptrollers of the respective cities upon the certificate of the Board appointing them. Sec. 7. Section nineteen of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Delivery of election laws to clerks, boards a?id election officers. §19. The secretary of state shall at least sixty days before each general election held after this Act takes effect cause to be 765 prepared a compilation of all the laws relating to elections in cities, towns, and villages then in force with annotations and explanatory- notes and blank forms, properly indexed, and shall procure the same to be printed wherever he deems it desirable for the best interests of the State, and transmit to the County Clerk of each county, except New York, Kings and Richmond Counties, and to the Superintendent of Elections located in the Borough of Man- hattan and to the Chief of the branch bureau of elections in each other Borough of The City of New York a sufficient number of copies thereof to furnish one such copy to the County Clerk and to said Superintendent and to each of said Chiefs of bureaus of elections and one to each town, village and city clerk and to each election officer in such county and said Boroughs, together with such number of extra copies as may in his judgment be necessary to replace lost or mutilated copies before delivery thereof to elec- tion officers. The County Clerk of each county, except those counties the whole of which are included within The City of New York, shall forthwith transmit one of such copies to each of such officers in such county, and not in The City of New York, and said Superintendent and the chief of each branch bureau of elec- tions in the Boroughs of The City of New York shall forthwith transmit one of such copies to each such officer in his Borough. Each copy so received by each such officer shall belong to the office of the person receiving it. Every incumbent of the office shall preserve such copy during his term of office, and upon the expiration of his term or removal from office deliver it to his successor. Sec. 8. Subdivision three of section thirty-two of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Subdivision 3. In cities of the first-class, the board of in- spectors of each election district shall, immediately after the close of each day of registration, make and complete one list of all persons enrolled in their respective districts, in the numerical order of the street numbers thereof which list shall be signed and certified by the board of inspectors. Such list shall be deliv- ered by the chairman of the board of inspectors to the police captain of the precinct in which the election district is located, or an officer thereof, who shall forthwith deliver the same, if in 766 The City of New York, to the Superintendent of Elections as to each Election District in the Borough of Manhattan, and to the Chief of the branch Bureau of Elections of each other Borough in which the Election District is located, and if in the city of Buffalo, to the City Clerk. The Police Board of The City of New York and the City Clerk of Buffalo shall, as soon as possible after the delivery of such lists and before the day of election, print in pamphlet form for each Assembly Dis- trict or Ward within such respective cities not less than fifty times as many copies of said lists as there are Election Districts in such Assembly District or Ward, so that each Assembly District or Ward pamphlet shall contain the lists of the several Election Districts in such Assembly District or Ward. Upon the written application of the Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee of the County Committee of any political party entitled to a separate column upon the official ballot to be voted in such city at the election for which the registration is made, the said Police Board and said City Clerk shall respectively deliver to such Chairman five copies of each Assembly District or Ward pamphlets for each Election District within such Assembly District or Ward in such County. Two pamphlets containing the lists of the registered persons in the Election Districts within his precinct shall be furnished to each police captain in such cities and it shall be the duty of such police captains to cause an investigation of each name registered therein to be made and to report to his commanding officer any case of false registration found in his precinct. The remaining pamphlets so printed shall be distributed in the discretion of the said Police Board and said City Clerk who shall have respectively the power to charge for each pamph- let a sum not exceeding ten cents a copy and any moneys result- ing from the sale thereof shall be paid to the Comptroller of the city for the benefit of*'the treasury of such city. Such lists shall be made and printed as near as may be in the following form, to wit : GRAND STREET. Residence number, or other designation. Name of voter. 14. Smith, John M. 15. Jones, Charles M. 767 Sec. 9. Subdivision two of section thirty-five of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Subdivision 2. The register of electors made by the chair- man of the board of inspectors shall be, and shall be known, as the public copy of registration. Such public copy shall be left in a prominent position in the place of registration from the first day of registration until election day, and shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection and for making copies there- of. Each other inspector shall carefully preserve his register of electors and shall be responsible therefor, until the close of the canvass of the votes on election day, except as hereinafter pro- vided for in cities of the first class. At the close of each day of registration, the inspectors shall draw a line in ink immediately below the name of the elector last entered upon each page of each such register. Upon the succeeding day of registration, they shall enter the names of electors in the alphabetical order of the first letter of the surname below the line so drawn upon the proper page after the close of the previous day of registration. Upon the close of the last day of registration, the inspectors shall again carefully compare all the books of registration, to see that they are identical as to their contents, and (after making and completing the separate list of the electors in cities of the first class, as provided in subdivision three of section thirty-two of the election law), shall certify as a board in the proper place provided therefor upon each such register that such register is a true and correct register of the persons enrolled by them in such district for the next ensuing election, and shall state the whole number of such persons so enrolled. In cities of the first class, at the close of the last day of registration, the chairman of the board of inspectors shall take from an inspector of opposite political faith from himself, the register of electors made by such inspector and shall file the same on the Monday after the last day of registration, if in The City of New York with the chief of the bureau of elections of the Borough in which the election district is located, and if in the city of Buffalo with the City Clerk. Such register so filed, shall be a part of the records 768 of the offices in which it is filed. The two other inspectors of opposite political faith from each other sha-ll each retain their respective registers of electors for use on d^ection day. All registers of electors shall at all reasonable h®urs be accessible for public examinations and making copies thereof, and no charge of any kind shall be made for such examination or for any elector making a copy thereof. In cities of the first class the public copy of registration shall be used, if necessary, on election day by the inspector whose register was filed as herein provided by said chairman. Any person who shall alter, mutilate, destroy or remove from the place of registration the public copy of such registration, shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be punished upon conviction thereof by imprisonment in a state prison for not less than two nor more than five years, unless otherwise provided by law. If, in cities of the first class, the board of in- spectors shall meet on the second Saturday before the election for the purpose of revising and correcting the register of electors in pursuance of an order of the Supreme Court, a justice thereof or a county judge, as provided in section thirty-one of the elec- tion law, the inspectors shall certify forthwith to the officer with whom the copy of the register is filed, the change or changes made upon such register in pursuance of such order. At any revision of registration for an election other than a gen- eral election, the quadruplicate register of electors for the last preceding general election shall be furnished to the inspectors of election by the officer or board having the custody thereof, and the inspectors shall certify to the officer or board in cities of the first class with whom the registers are filed, the changes, ad- ditions or alterations made in such registers for such election. In the cities of the first class at the close of the canvass of the votes of any election, or within twenty-four hours thereafter the two copies of the register of electors used by the inspectors and the public copy thereof shall be filed respectively with the chief of the Bureau of Elections in the Borough of The City of New York, in which the election district is located, and with the City Clerk of Buffalo. In all election districts other than in cities of the first class, one copy of the register used on election day by the inspectors shall within twenty-four hours after the close of 769 the election be filed in the office of the Town or City Clerk of the town or city in which such election district is, and the other copies with the County Clerk, Such register of electors shall be carefully preserved for use at any election which may be ordered or held in either of such counties or cities, respectively, prior to the next ensuing general election, at which they may be re- quired. Sec. 10. Subdivision one of section thirty-six of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Delivery of blank books for registration, certificates and instruct- ions. §36. Subdivision 1. The secretary of state shall purchase wherever he deems it desirable for the best interests of the state, a suitable number of blank books for register of elec- tors, with blank certificates and brief instructions for register- ing the names of electors therein, in the forms respectively provided in subdivisions one and two of section thirty-two of the election law, at least four of such books for each Board of Inspectors in the state, and such number of extra copies thereof as in his judgment may be necessary for each county or city to replace lost or damaged registers before delivery to the inspectors. Such register of electors shall have the leaves thereof indexed with the letters of the alphabet, be- ginning with the letter "A" for the first leaf, and so on. He shall transmit such registers, certificates and instructions to the County Clerk of each county, except those counties the whole of which are included within The City of New York; to each such CountyClerk a sufficientnumberthereof forthe useof theBoards of Inspectorswithin his countyand not within The City of New York, and to the Superintendent of Elections of The City of New York, located in the Borough of Manhattan, and to the chief of thebranch bureau of elections in each other Borough within The City of New York a sufficient number thereof for the use of each Board of In- spectors within said respective boroughs at least twenty days prior to the first day of registration for a general election in each year. The County Clerk shall deliver such books to the town clerks of each town, and to the city clerk of each city in such county, by mail or 770 otherwise, at least five days prior to the first day of registration, and such town clerks and city clerks, and the said Superintendent and Chiefs of Bureaus of Elections in the City of New York shall deliver such books to the inspectors of said Boroughs, respectively, before the hour set for registering the names of electors on the first day of registration. On the last day of registration, the Police Board of The City of New York, and the city clerk of Buffalo shall furnish to each Board of Inspectors in their respective cities, blanks for the list of electors provided for in subdivision three of section thirty-two of the election law. Sec. 11. Section fifty-eight of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Places of filing certificates of nomination. §58. Certificates of nomination of candidates for office to be filled by the electors of the entire State, or of any division or district greater than a county, shall be filed with the sec- retary of state, except that each certificate of nomination of a candidate for member of assembly for the assembly district composing the counties of Fulton and Hamilton, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of Fulton county, and a copy thereof certified by the county clerk of Fulton county, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of Hamilton county, so long as the said counties constitute one assembly district, and except that certificates of nomination of candi- dates for offices to be filled only by the electors or a portion of the electors of The City of New York shall be filed with the Police Board of The City of New York, in the office of the Superintendent of Elections. Certificates of nomination of candidates for offices to be filled only by the votes of electors, part of whom are of New York City, and part of whom are of a county not wholly within The City of New York, shall be filed with the Clerk of such county in the office of the Superintendent of Elections and with the Police Board of said city. Certificates of nomination of candidates for offices of any other city, or for officers of a village or town to be 771 elected at a different time from a general election, shall be filed with the clerk of such city, village or town, respectively. All other certificates of nomination shall be filed with the clerk of the county in which the candidates so nominated are to be voted for. All certificates and corrected certificates of nomination, all objections to such certificates and all declination of nominations are hereby declared to be public records ; and it shall be the duty of every officer or board to exhibit without delay, every such paper or papers to any person who shall request to see the same. It shall also be the duty of each such officer or board to keep a book a^hich shall be open to public inspection, in which shall be cor- rectly recorded the names of all candidates nominated by cer- tificates filed in the office of such officer or board, or certified thereto, the title of the office for which any such nomination is made, the political or other name and emblem of the political party or independent body making such nomination ; and in which shall also be stated all declinations of nominations or ob- jections to nominations, and the time of filing each of the said papers. Sec. 12. Section fifty-nine of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : The times of filing certificates of nomination, §59. The different certificates of nomination shall be filed within the following periods before the election for which the nominations are made to wit : Those required to be filed with the secretary of state, if party nominations, at least thirty and not more than forty days ; if independent nominations, at least twenty-five and not more than forty days ; those required to be filed with a county clerk, or the Police Board of The City of New York, or with the city clerk of any other city, if party nominations, at least twenty-five and not more than thirty-five days ; if independent nominations, at least twenty, and not more than thirty-five days ; those required to be filed with a town or village clerk, if party nominations, at least fifteen and not more than twenty days ; if independent nominations, at least ten and not more than twenty days. In case of a special election ordered by the governor under the provisions of section four of the elec- 772 tion law, the certificates of nominations for the office or offices to be filled at such special election shall be filed with the proper officer or board not less than fifteen days before such special election. Sec. 13. Section sixty of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Certification of nominations by Secretary of State. §60. The secretary of state shall, fourteen days before the election, certify to the county clerk of each county, except those counties the whole of which are within The City of New York, aijd to the Police Board of The City of New York, the name, residence and place of business, if any, of each candidate nomi- nated in any certificate so filed for whom the electors of any such county or said city, respectively, may vote, the title of the office for which he is nominated, the party or other political name specified in such certificate, and the emblem or device chosen to represent and distinguish the candidates of the political party or independent body making such nominations. Sec. 14. Section sixty-one of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Publication of nominations, §61. At least six days before an election to fill any public office, the county clerk of each county, except those counties which are wholly within The City of New York, shall cause to be pub- lished in not less than two or more than four newspapers within such county, a list of all nominations of candidates for offices to be filled at such election, certified to such clerk by the secretary of state, or filed in the office of such clerk. The Police Board of The City of New York shall, within the same time before an election to fill any public office, cause to be pub- lished in not less than two, nor more than four newspapers pub- lished in each county wholly or partly within such city a list of the nominations of candidates for offices to be voted for at such election in such counties respectively, which were certified to such Board by the Secretary of State, or filed in the office of 773 such Board. Such publication shall contain the name and residence, and if in a city, the street number of the residence and place of business, if any, and the party or other designation of each candidate, the office for which he was nominated, speci- fying the political division in which he is to be voted for, and a fac-simile of the emblems or devices selected and designated as prescribed by the fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh sections of this Act, to represent and distinguish the can- didates of the several political parties or independent bodies. The city clerk of each city, except New York, and the police board in said city, shall at least six days before an election of city officers thereof, held at a different time from a general election, cause like publication to be made as to candidates for offices to be filled at such city election in a like number of newspapers pub- lished in said city. One of such publications shall be made in a newspaper which advocates the principles of the political party that, at the last preceding election for governor, cast the largest number of votes in the State for such office ; and another of such publications shall be made in a newspaper which advocates the principles of the political party that at the last preceding elec- tion for governor cast the next largest number of votes in the State for such office. The clerk or board, in selecting the papers for such publications, shall select those which, according to the best information he can obtain, have a large circulation within such county or city. In making additional publications, the clerk or board shall keep in view the object of giving informa- tion, so far as possible, to the voters of all political parties ; and in no event shall additional publications be made in two news- papers representing the same political party. The clerk or board shall make such publication twice in each newspaper so selected in a county or city in which daily newspapers are pub- lished ; but if there be no daily newspaper published within the county, one publication only shall be made in each of such newspapers. Should the county clerk find it impracticable to make the publication six days before election day in counties where no daily newspaper is printed, he shall make the same at the earliest possible day thereafter, and before the election. 774 Sec. 15. Section sixty-two of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Lists for town clerks and aldermen, §62. The county clerk of each county, except those counties which are wholly within The City of New York, shall at least six days before election day, send to the town clerk of each town, and to an alderman of each ward in any city in the county, at least five and not more than ten printed lists for each election district in such town or ward, containing the name and residence, and if in a city, the street number of residence, and place of business, if any, and the party or other designation, and also a fac-simile of the emblem or device of each political party, or independent body nominating candidates to be voted for by the electors of the respective towns and wards. Such lists shall, at least three days before the day of election be conspicuously posted by such town clerk or alderman in one or more public places in each elec- tion district of such town or ward, one of which shall be at each polling place. Sec. 16. Section sixty-four of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Declination of nomination. §64. The name of a person nominated for any office shall not be printed on the official ballot if he notifies the officer with whom the original certificate of his nomination is filed, in a writing signed by him and duly acknowledged, that he declines the nomination, or if nominated by more than one political party, or independent body, the name of a person so nominated shall not be printed on the ticket of a party or independent body whose nomination he shall in like manner decline. If the decli- nation be of a party nomination filed with the Secretary of State, such notification shall be given at least twenty-five days, and if an independent nomination, at least twenty days before the election. If the declination be of a party nomination filed with a County Clerk or the Police Board of The City of New York, or with the City Clerk of any other city, such 775 notification shall be given at least twenty days, and if of an in- dependent nomination, at least eighteen days before the election. If the declination be of a party nomination filed with a town or village clerk, such notification shall be given at least ten days, and if of an independent nomination, at least seven days before the election. The officer to whom such notification is given, shall forthwith inform by mail or otherwise, the committee, if any, appointed on the face of such certificate as permitted by sections fifty-six and fifty-seven of this Act, and otherwise one or more persons whose names are attached to such certificate, that the nomination conferred by such certificate has been declined, and if such declination be filed with the Secretary of State, such officer shall also give immediate notice by mail or otherwise, that such nomination has been declined, to the several Cownty Clerks or other officers, authorized by law to prepare official ballots for election districts affected by such declination. Sec. 17. Subdivision one of section sixty-six of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Filling vacancies in nonmiations, and correction of certificate. §66, Subdivision 1 . If a nomination is duly declined, or a can- didate regularly nominated dies before election day, or is found to be disqualified to hold the office for v/hich he is nominated, or it any certificate of nomination is found to be defective but not wholly void, the committee appointed on the face of such cer- tificate of nomination, as permitted by sections fifty-six and fifty-seven of this Act, may make a new nomination to fill the vacancy so created, or may supply such defect, as the case may be, by making and filing with the proper officer a certificate setting forth the cause of the vacancy or the nature of the defect, the name of the new candidate, the title of the office for which he is nominated, the name of the original candidate, the name of the political party or other nominating body which was in- scribed on the original certificate, and such further information as is required to be given by an original certificate of nomination : except that where a certificate is filed pursuant to this section to fill a vacancy it shall not be lawful to select a new emblem or 776 device, but the emblem or device chosen to represent or dis- tinguish the candidate nominated by the original certificate shall be used to represent and distinguish the candidate nom- inated, as provided by this section. The certificate so made shall be subscribed and acknowledged by a majority of the members of the committee, and the members of the committee subscribing the same shall make oath before the ofificer or officers before whom they shall severally acknowledge the exe- cution of the said certificate that the matters therein stated are true to the best of their information and belief. Except in a case as provided for in subdivision two of this section, the said certificate shall be filed in the office in which the original cer- tificate was filed, at least six days before the election, if filed in the ofifice of a town or village clerk ; at least fifteen days before the election if filed with the County Clerk or the Police Board of The City of New York, or the City Clerk of any other city ; and at least fifteen days if filed with the Secretary of State, and upon being so filed shall have the same force and effect as an original certificate of nomination. When such certificate is filed with the Secretary of State, he shall, in certifying the nomination to the various county clerks and other officers, insert the name of the person who has been nominated as prescribed by this section, instead of that of the candidate nominated by the orig- inal certificate, or, if he has already sent forward his certificate, he shall forthwith certify to the proper clerks and other officer, the name of the person nominated as prescribed by this section, and such other facts as are required to be stated in a certificate filed pursuant to this section. When no nomination shall have been originally made by a political party, or by an independent body for an office, or where a vacancy shall exist, it shall not be lawful for any committee of such party or independent body au- thorized to make nominations, or to fill vacancies, to nominate or substitute the name of a candidate of another party, or inde- pendent body for such office ; it being the intention of this Act that when a candidate of one party is nominated and placed on the ticket of another party or independent body, such nomination must be made at the time and in the manner provided for making original nominations by such party or independent body. 777 Sec. 18. Section eighty-six of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Officers providing ballots and stationery. §86. The clerk of each county, except those counties the whole of which are within The City of New York, shall pro- vide the requisite number of official aid sample ballots, cards of instruction, two poll-books, distance markers, two tally sheets, inspectors* and ballot clerks* return sheets (three of each kind, and one of each to be marked "original"), pens, penholders, ink, pencils having black lead, blotting paper, sealing wax and such other articles of stationery as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the election, and the canvass of the votes, for each election district in such county and not within The City of New York, for each election to be held thereat, except that when town meetings, city or village elections and elections for school officers are not held at the same time as a general election the clerk of such town, city or village, respectively, shall pro- vide such official and sample ballots and stationery for such elec- tion or town meeting. And the Police Board of The City of New York shall provide such articles for each election to be held in said city. Each officer or board charged with the duty of providing official ballots for any polling place, shall have sample ballots and official ballots provided, and in the possession of such officer or board, and open to public inspection as follows : The sample ballots five days before the election, and the official bal- lots four days before the election for which they are prepared, unless prepared for a village election or town meeting held at a different time from a general election, in which case the official ballot shall be so printed and in possession at least one day, and the sample ballots at least two days before such election or town meeting. During the times within which the same are open for inspection as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the officer or board charged by law with the duty of preparing the same, to deliver a sample ballot of the kind to be voted in his district to each qualified elector who shall apply therefor, so that each elector who may desire the same may obtain a sample ballot, similar except as regards color and the number on the stub, to the offi- 778 [UFIVBRSIITT cial ballot to be voted at the polling place at which he is entitled to vote. Sec. 19. Section eighty-seven of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Distribution of ballots and stationery. §87. The county clerk of each county except those coun- ties which are wholly within The City of New York, shall deliver at his ofifice to each town or city clerk in such county, except in New York City, on the Saturday before the election at which they may be voted, the official and sample ballots, cards of instructions and other stationery required to be provided for each polling place in such town or city for such election. It is hereby made the duty of each such town or city clerk to call at the office of such county clerk at such time and receive such ballots and stationery. In The City of New York the board required to provide such ballots and stationery shall cause them to be delivered to the Board of Inspectors of each election dis- trict at least one-half hour before the opening of the polls on each day of election. Each kind of official ballots shall be arranged in a package in the consecutive order of the num- bers printed on the stubs thereof, beginning with number one. All official and sample ballots provided for such election shall be in separate sealed packages, clearly marked on the outside thereof with the number and kind of ballots contained therein and indorsed with the designation of the election district for which they were prepared. The instruction cards and other sta- tionery provided for each election district shall also be enclosed in a sealed package or packages with a label on the outside thereof showing the contents of each such package. Each such town and city clerk receiving such packages shall cause all such packages so received and marked for any election district to be delivered unopened and with the seals thereof unbroken to the inspectors of election of such election district one-half hour before the opening of the polls of such election therein. The inspectors of election receiving such packages shall give to such town or city clerk, or board, delivering such packages a receipt 779 therefor specifying the number and kind of packages received by them, which receipt shall be filed in the office of such clerk or board. Town, city and village clerks required to provide the same for town meetings, city and village elections held at differ- ent times from a general election, and the board of The City of New York required to provide the same for elections held therein, respectively, shall in like manner, deliver to the inspectors or presiding officers of the election at each polling place at which such meetings and elections are held, respectively, the official ballots, sample ballots, instruction cards and other stationery required for such election or town meeting, respectively, in like sealed packages marked on the outside in like manner, and shall take and file receipts therefor in like manner in their respective offices. Sec. 20. Section one hundred and thirteen of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Delivery and filing of papers relating to the election. §113. Subdivision 1. If the election be other than an elec- tion of town, city, village or school officers, held at a different time from a general election, the chairman of the board of inspectors of each election district, except in The City of New York, shall forth- with, upon the completion of such certified original statement of the result, deliver one certified copy thereof to the supervisor of the town in which the election, if outside of a city, is situated, and if in a city, to one of the supervisors of said city. If there be no super- visor, or he be absent or unable to attend the meeting of the county board of canvassers, such certified copy shall be forthwith delivered to an assessor of such town or city. One certified copy of such original statement of the result of the canvass, the poll- books of such election, and one of the tally sheets, shall be forthwith filed by such inspectors, or by one of them deputed for that purpose, with the town clerk of such town, or the city clerk of 57Hj RECD LD J-iX3/;9:3 b^n^^^^ REC * D LP MAR 25 1959 LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311sl0)476 General Library University of California B^ Berkeley !pf^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ 21 c[ ¥*if ^^ ^^^ i^S j^^^ i>C^ ^^ ^^ K^^ ^^^ p 4^^B 0^ S^^l ^ 1^^^ m p BpgCH)^^ 8^^^ m l^s ■ ^^ B ^Sa H V ^ jgf^p? fiSS ss 1^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ 1^^ ^^^^ l^^s ^ |jj»j^^9 ^^ j^^ ^^^ l^^r ^ ^^ ^^fc »§« 1^^^ sks ^ 1^^ ^